CORI UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Cornell University Library F 127 .T6G28 Historical oazetteer of Tloaa County, Ne 3 1924 024 792 420 Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. PART FIRST. HISTORICAL ;azetteer -OF- Tioga County, New York, 1785-1888. COMPILED AND EDITED -BY- W. B. GAY, JF SIMILAE works for RUTLAND, ADDISON, CHITTENDEN, FRANKLIN^ 'ND ISLE, LAMOILLE, ORLEANS, WINDSOR, ESSEX, CALEDONIA, AND WINDHAM COUNTIES, IN VERMONT, BERKSHIRE AND HAMPSHIRE COUNTIES, IN MASSACHUSETTS, AND CHESHIRE, AND GRAFTON COUN^ TIES, IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. MANBNT OFPIOB SYRAOUSB, N. Y. that hath much to do, will do something wrong, and of that wrong must suffer the^ ;nces ; and if it w«re possible that he should always act rightly, yet when such num- to judge of his conduct, the bad will censure and obstruct him by malevolenc^jflnol sometimes by mistake." — Samuel Johnson. PUBLISHED BY W. B. GAY & CO., Syracuse, N. Y. The Syra-Ottse Journal Oompaht, printers and binders. SYRAOnSB, H. T. INTRODUCTION. In presenting to the public the " Historical Gazetteer and Directory" of Tioga county, we desire to return our sincere thanks to all who have kindly aided in obtaining the information it contains, and rendered it possible to present it in the brief space of time in which it is essential such works, should be com- pleted. Especially are our thanks due to the editors and man- agers of the county papers for the uniform kindness they have evinced in calling public attention to our efforts, and for ,essential aid in furnishing material for the work. We have also found valuable aid in the following: Judge Avery's "Susquehanna Valley" papers; Everts' " History of Four Counties; " French's "Gazetteer of New York;" Child's "Gazetteer of Broome and Tioga Counties ; " Wilkinson's " Annals of Binghamton ; " Hon. W. F. Warner's " Centennial History ; " and in various pamphlets and manuscripts, while those who have aided us by extended per- sonal effort we have credited in the pages where their work occurs. That errors have occurred in so great a number of names is/ probable, and that names have been omitted which should have been inserted is quite certain. We can only say that we have exercised more than ordinary diligence and care in this difficult and complicated feature of book-making. Of such as feel aggrieved in consequence of errors or omissions, we beg pardon, and ask the indulgence of the reader in noting such as have been observed in the subsequent reading of the proofs and which are found cor- rected in the Errata. 4 INTRODUCTION. It was designed to give a brief account of all the churcli and other societies in the county, but owing in some cases to the neg- ligence of those who were able to give the necessary information, and in others to the inability of any one to do so, we have been obliged to omit special notices of a few. We would suggest that our patrons observe and become famil- iar with the explanations at the commencement of the Directory on page 3, Part Second. The names it embraces, and the inform- ation connected therewith, were obtained by actual canvass, and are as correct and reliable as the judgment of those from whom they were solicited renders possible. Each agent is furnished with a map of the town he is expected to canvass, and he is required to pass over every road and call at every dwelling and place of business in the town in order to obtain the facts from the individuals coheerned, whenever possible. The margins have been left broad to enable anyone to note changes opposite the names. While thanking our patrons and friends generally for the cor- diality with which our efforts have been seconded, we leave the work to secure that favor which earnest endeavor ever wins from a discriminating public, hoping taey will bear in mind, should errors be noted, that " he who expects a perfect work to see, expects what ne'er was, is, nor yet shall be." W. B. GAY. M. F. ROBERTS. GAZETTEER OF DUTY, NEW YOIIK. *CHAPTER I. ' ' Tribes of the solemn League ! from ancient seats Swept by the whites hke autumn leaves away, Faint are your records of heroic feats And few the traces of your former sway. " — HosMER.f Aborigines, Origin and Antiquity of — The Carantouannais — The Onnon-tiogas — The Iroquois — Indian Wars — Land Titles— Indian: Village at Owego — Tioga Point — Sir William Johnson's Expedi- tion — The Revolution — Sullivan's Expedition — Close of Indian" Dominion. ETHNOLOGY has no more inviting and, yet more difficult field of inquiry thap that pertaining to the origin and his- tory of those aboriginal races, which for unknown ages; prior to the advent of the European, had occupied, and swayed the destinies of the American continent. A^ puzzle to the scholar and antiquary for nearly four centuries, and giving rise to various theories which have generally proved far more ingenious than convincing ; nevertheless it has been by no means a fruitless * Prepared by Prof. James Riker, of Waveriy, member of the historical societies ■ of New York, Long Island, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the N. E. Hist, and Gen. Soe. , and N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Soc, ; and author of Annals of Newtown, History of Harlem, St. Bartholomew, If/^, Capt. Van Arsdale and Evacuation Day, lySj, etc. f These lines, which head a chapter of the late Judge Charles P. Avery's, The Susque- hanna Valley, (page 244, St. Nicholas magazine), are from a poem by Col. William Howe 'IpHyler Hosmer, who married a sister of Judge Avery. He was born at Avon, N. Y. . in 1815, and was well known as the " Bard of Avon." a* TIOGA COUNTY. study. By the reflex light of Indian tradition and history, and the concurrent testimony of the mounds, defensive works, war weapons, domestic utensils, tumuh, and other surviving relics of those races, we read, in faint but pathetic outline, the strange story of nations once numerous and powerful, but long since dis- possessed or exterminated. A statement of some general conclusions arrived at by eminent students of Indian archeology will be found to have a bearing upon the special inquiry before us. Wilson, in his work entitled Prehistoric Man, concurring in an opinion advanced long before his time, observes : " Some analogies confirm the probability of a portion of the North American stock having entered the conti- nent from Asia by Behring's straits or the Aleutian islands, atid more probably by the latter than the former." But Morgan, in his Indian Migrations, emphasizes this opinion, by cogent argu- ments, which tend to prove that the aboriginal peopling of North America began at the northwest coast and spread by degrees southward and eastward, till, in process of time, the remotest portions of the continent were occupied. That this race was of Tartar origin, many analogies and evidences seem to prove, — ■"physical considerations, and the types of man in northeastern Asia point to this section of Asia as the source, and to the Aleu- tian islands as the probable avenue, of this antecedent migration." But again, " the systems of consanguinity and affinity of several Asiatic stocks agree with that of the American aborigines." This remarkable fact bears with equal force upon the original identity of the North American tribes, affording, says Morgan, " the strong- est evidence yet obtained of the unity of origin of the Indian nations within the region we have defined." And this is further strengthened by the uniform agreement in the structure of their languages, and their stage of development, — though the lan- guages themselves form many dialects, of which the Algonquin and the Iroquois are taken as the two principal representative groups. The multiplication of tribes, the differences of dialect and loca- tion, the division and subdivision into the roving Indians, who subsisted by fishing, hunting and war, and the village tribes whose maintenance was chiefly from agriculture, were but the results of time, and the struggle for supremacy inseparable from the barbaric state. The former of these two classes were neces- sarily the more numerous and warlike, the latter more advanced in the knowledge of useful arts. From a variety of considera- TIOGA COUNTY. tions we may conclude that for ages before its discovery by Columbus, the American continent was the scene of sanguinary wars, a perpetual and fierce struggle for the mastery, which could only result in the subjugation, expulsion, or extinction of the weaker, and in the temporary elevation of the stronger race. A natural result was to render these nations unstable in their possessions, which were theirs only so long as they could hold them per force of numbers and arms. It has been argued with much probability, that the Indians found in central New York, when first known to Europeans, were only the successors of other peoples -of more ancient date, and farther advanced than they in the arts ■of civilized life. But at what era, or by what agency, the more -cultured race had befen made to succumb to the ruder tribes sub- sequently found here, is unknown to history. It is this reign of barbarism, and deadly strife for supremacy, which at once confronts us upon our earliest introduction to this immediate locality, whose history we are now considering. At the dawn of the sixteenth century, it was within the domain of a tribe of savages, whom Champlain, * with his imperfect knowl- •edge of this people, denominates the Carantouannais, and which, (from its French suffix, would mean, the people of Carantouan ; 'but we strongly suspect the term to be nothing else than an .attempt at the name Susquehanna. They were reputed to be a very warlike clan, and able to keep at bay the numerous foes who dwelt around them, though, accord- ing to Champlain, they composed but three villages. These were quite distant from each other, along the Susquehanna and Chemung rivers, but were all fortified towns. The principal one, their chief stronghold, occupied that singular eminence near Waverly, familiarly known as " Spanish Hill." Another of these towns was located, according to a reliable authority, fat the north- ■ern angle of the junction of Sugar creek with the Susquehanna river, in the borough of North Towanda ; the third town, prob- ably, being the well known work on the south side of the Che- mung river, near Elmira. They thus commanded the stretch of ■country now comprising the three adjoining counties, — Tioga and Chemung, and Bradford, in Pennsylvania. Their principal seat, before mentioned, bore the Indian name of Onnon-tioga, sig- *Les Voyages de la Nouvelle France, Paris, 1632. See extracts, translated, in Documen- ■iarji History of New York, vol. 3, p. I. ■j-Gen. John S. Clark, of Auburn, N. Y., to whom we are indebted for having first indicated the sites occupied by these Indian villages. See Waverly Advocate, May 17, 1878. 8 TIOGA COUNTY. nifying the village on the hill between the rivers; the intervale below, where Athens is now situated, being simply called Tioga, — pronounced te-yoge-gah, — and meaning between the rivers, or at the forks. These three villages, says Champlain, lay in the midst of more than twenty others, against which they waged war. Among- these he no doubt includes the Iroquois, who were hostile to the Onnon-tiogas, from whom their nearest castles were only about thirty miles distant. To the northward of the Qnnon-tiogas was a large country, then famous tor " the deer and beaver hunting," — its limits the shores of Lake Ontario, but reaching westward to the Genesee river, and eastward down the Mohawk. Here lay the scattered! castles and settlements of the Iroquois, otherwise called the Five Nations, who at no remote period anterior to this date, had been driven from the northern side of the lake and the north bank of the St. Lawrence, by the then more warlike Adirondacks, of Canada, a branch of the Algonquin race. The Iroquois, with their congeners, the Hurons, Eries, Susque- hannas, etc., were marked by language and personal traits sufifi- cient to distinguish them from the numerous other tribes classed under the generic term of Algonquins ; but it has been ably argued that they too were of Tartar or Asiatic extraction.. The rough handling they had received from the Adirondacks produced a mortal enmity, and wrought a marvelous change in the Iroquois, who by giving themselves to a regular course of training, 'from being simple cornplanters, became brave and ex- pert wariors. Supplied with firearms, through their traffic with the Dutch traders on the Hudson, the skill they acquired in the use of this new weapon, soon made them more than a match for their enemies, and wholly diverted them to war and conquest. Among the first to feel the weight of their arms were the adja- cent Shaouonons (whom Schoolcraft makes the same as the Shawnees), within whose limits, as would appear, they had tres- passed when they fled thither from the Adirondacks. These were no insignificailt foe, — so warlike, haughty and cruel, that the Dutch called them Satanas ! Victory, however, turned in favor of the invincible Iroquois, who drove the Satanas from their lands,, and forced them to retire westward, save a portion of the tribe which submitted to the conquerors and became tributary. This conquest, which datfed about the year 1620, extended the area of the Iroquois country (beginning with the Onondagas), to a dis- tance of "sixty miles" southward from Lake Ontario, and west- TIOGA COUNTY. 9 ward to Niagara..* Fired by success, the Iroquois, and especi- ally the Mohawks, thirsted to avenge themselves upon the Adi- rondacks, and in a series of encounters the latter were finally van- quished and almost annihilated. The Mohawks also subdued the Mohicans, on the upper Hudson, subsequently completing their subjugation by pursuing them down that river nearly to Manhattan, and destroying their castles at Wickquaskeek, in West- chester. Meanwhile the other four tribes, — the Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga and Seneca, — turned their arms, in 1653, against a tribe occupying the southeastern boader of Lake Erie, and hence called the Eries, or otherwise (from Erie which signifies fa{), the Cat Indians. This name is given by the Canadians to the Shawnees, and which favors the belief that the Eries were no other than the expelled Satanas, still unsubdued, antt whom the relentless Iroquois were bound to extirpate. Two years com- pleted -this conquest ; and it would appear that it was immediately followed by the final war upon, and overthrow of the Onnon- tiogas, seated as before stated, upon the Susquehanna and Che- mung rivers. If the Onnon-tiogas were of Algonquin stock, it would account for the enmity the Iroquois had shown toward this tribe for at least a half century ; but if they were Susquehannas, as we think they were, and who, according to Morgan, were congener to the Iroquois,-then we probably find the reason for this hostility in a family feud ; and what wars have been more bitter and more deadly than those waged between kindred ? However, it happened that Champlain, governor of Canada, unwisely took up the quarrel of the Adirondacks with the Iroquois, as early as 1609. Entering the Mohawk country, by way of the Sorel river, he met and defeated a party of Mohawks, on the bank of Lake Cham- plain, who fled in dismay at the discharge of muskets, it being their first introduction to this deadly weapon, afterwards made so efficient in their hands. Six years later (1615), Champlain, with a force of French, Adirondacks and Hurons, made a descent by way of Lake Ontario, upon the castle of the Onondagas. The invaders had an offer from the Onnon-tiogas to assist them with five hundred of their wariors, and when Champlain was ready, he dispatched messengers to inform that distant tribe that he had *By referring to a map of the state, it will be seen that this conquest must have reached a line nearly identical with the northern limits of the southern tier of counties. At that date, therefore, Tioga county was not yet a part of the Iroquois country. See a deed in " Doc. Hist, of N. v., I : 773. 10 TIOGA COUNTY. begun his march, so they might meet at the same time before the enemy's fort. The party, consisting of twelve of the most reso- lute Indians and a French interpeter named Stephen Brule, pro- ceeded in canoes across the lake and reached Onnon-tioga by a circuitous route, which they took for fear of being intercepted by the Chouatouarouon, or otherwise the Cayugas. The Onnon- tiogas gave them a warm greeting, entertaining them with feast- ing and dancing, as was their custom. But so much time was thus wasted, that the reinforcement did not reach the fort until two days after Champlain had abandoned the siege. The party therefore returned to Onnon-tioga, accompanied by Brule, who spent the winter with them, and in visiting neighboring tribes j during, which he descended the Susquehanna to the sea, return- ing again to his new-made friends, the Onnon-tiogas, and of all which he afterwards gave Champlain a full account. He described the castle at Onnon-tioga as situate'd in a beautiful and rich country, in a commanding position, well fortified by earthworks and pallisades, after tlie manner of the Hurons, and containing more than eight hundred warriors. This attempt of the Onnon-tiogas to aid the Adi'rondacks against the Iroquois only aroused the latter to new acts of hos- tility, and the former were soon after assailed by a party of Mohawks and their Mohican allies, who had descended the north branch of the Susquehanna, and with whom were, several adven- turous Dutchmen from the trading post on the Hudson. But the assailants were repulsed, and three Dutchmen were taken prison-, ers. The Onnon-tiogas, never having seen any of this nation, took them for Frenchmen, and therefore spared their lives, and con- veyed them to the coast, by the Susquehanna and Delaware rivers, where falling in with a Dutch explorer, Capt. Hendrick- sen, he procured their ransom. It only remained for the Iroquois to effectually arm himself with the resistless musket, in order to deal the final blow to the hated Onnon-tiogas. Of the details of this tragic event, history is silent. It is only intimated that they " were conquered and incorporated with the Five Nations." Doubtless they were driven from their position with slaughter, and their strong works demolished, of which some of the debris was visible long after this section was settled by the whites, and parts of the earthworks being even yet plainly traceable.* It may be inferred that the •Spanish Hill. — The earliest mention of this name I have found, is in Gordon's Gazetteer, 1836, though his predecessor Stafford, in 1813, speaks of the hill, as from 100 to TIOGA COUNTY. n Onondagas and Cayugas were the chief instruments in their sub- jugation, as these two tribes, a little later, claim the land along the Susquehanna ; saying that it belongs to them alone, and that " the other three nations, viz : the Senecas, Oneidas and Maquaas, have nothing to do with it." Flushed with victory, the Iroquois led their devastating war parties down the Susquehanna, scattering the nations on its banks, till in 1676, their conquests here culminated in the overthrow of the Andastes, a part of the Susquehannas, and then "the sole enemies remaining on their hands," and by the destruction of their castles. The neighboring Delawares had also submitted to the conquerors, being stripped of all rights in their lands, forbid- den to use arms, and reduced to the condition of "women." Subsequently, however, their " uncles," the Six Natioiffe, assigned them a home at Tioga, " and lighted a council fire there." But we have no need longer to follow the fierce Iroquois in the bloody war-path, which was kept well trodden till their insatiate greed of conquest had subjugated the most distant tribes ; it is enough for our purpose to have shown in what manner this sec- tion of country whose history we are reviewing, came to pass under their iron domination. Another contest now opened, bl6odless but obstinate, waged to settle the question, which of the English colonies should reap no feet high, "and which correspondents describe as apparently a work of art." But in neither of his two editions does Stafford give its name ; an omission calculated to cast doubt upon its supposed antiquity. Yet w'ith a knowledge of the fact that Spanish adven- turers, in the sixteenth century, explored many parts of our countr)' in search of gold, and actually pushed their search to the shores o Lake Ontario, one can scarcely resist the conviction that the name of Spanish Hill has some association with those old gold seekers. Gordon states that at that date (1836), on the summit of the hill were "vestiges of fortifica- tions, displaying much skill in the art of defense, having regular intrenchments, which per- fectly commanded the bend of the river." .A.nd, says Hon. W. F. Warner, "this breastwork is still easily and distinctly traceable around the entire brow of the hill, even now, after fifty years of cultivation of the surface. It was of considerable height before the plateau was denuded of its trees, and must have been a formidable work. Well defined remains of an inner fortifica- tion may also be seen at the center of the hill, extending from the steeper part on the east side, to the steeper part on the west side. " General Clark finds by actual survey ' ' that the area enclosed by the embankment contains about ten acres. " At the west side of the hill, upon a plateau near its base, are also remains of an Indian burying ground. ' ' That a frightful contest took place at or near Spanish Hill," says Mr. Warner, " is more than prob- able ; * ^ it is also a well established fact, that the Indians had a superstitious fear about the hill, so strong that they would not go upon it. So sanguinary a contest, while it would have added to the glory and courage of the Iroquois, still would have left in the savage mind a horror of the spot where so many of their braves had fallen. " Mr. Warner here refers to a supposed battle between the savages and Spaniards, and whence the hill may have taken its name. But leaving the derivation of the name out of the question, as too uncer- tain ; would not the slaughter by the Iroquois of their own kinsmen, the Onnon-tiogas, better account for that peculiar dread, which, we are told, the sight of the hill always, inspired in the Indians ? We suggest this with much deference to our esteemed townsman, whose views upon our local antiquities are not to be lightly set aside. 12 TIOGA COUNTY. the most advantage from the Iroquois conquests ; New York and Pennsylvania were the chief contestants. It was argued that if the latter province got control of the Susquehanna river, she would also control the trade with the Iroquois, and divert it from Albany to Philadelphia. As the fur trade was a mine of wealth to the Albanians, and told upon the prosperity of the whole province, it was of great consequence to secure it. New York had greatly the advantage from the length of time she had enjoyed this trade; and from having kept unbroken the '-'cove- nants of friendship " made with the Iroquois tribes, as early as 1623, when Albany was first colonized. The Cayugas, who with the Onondagas claimed the conquered lands on the Susquehanna, were at first willing and urgent to have some white men settle upon that river, for their greater convenience in trading ; but the Albanians, for obvious reasons, brought every influence to bear to prevent it, and were successful. In the year 1679, the Cayugas and Onondagas, in virtue of their sole ownership, pro- ceeded to make over these conquered lands to the government of New York ; and four years later, while William Haig, agent for Penn, was at Albany, trying to effect a purchase of those lands, these tribes formally ratified "the gift and conveyance" to New York, by an instrument dated September 26, 1683. It included all the conquered country upon the Susquehanna, as far down as the Washinta, or Falls, and therefore covered the present Tioga county.* The Indians " accepted in full satisfac- tion : a half piece of duffels cloth ; two blankets ; two guns; three kettles ; four coats ; fifty pounds of lead ; twenty-five pounds of powder." To which was added the promise: "the Governor will compensate you therefor, when occasion permits." The effect of this transfer was to exclude white settlers from this region of country, and to extend over it, for another full century, the long dismal night of aboriginal barbarism. Very little is known of the Indian history of Tioga county during this period. On the, Susquehanna, which skirts or intersects its southern tier of townships, and at that time served as a great highway for Indian travel, was the only known Indian town and planting grounds within the county limits, — Owegy, or Owego ; * Morgan, in the League of the Iroquois, a high authority, places this county within the territoritv of the Cayugas and Onondagas. Next eastward of the latter were the Tusca- 1 roras, a tribe expelled from South Carolina in 1712, and received by the Iroquois who thence became the Six Nations. The Onondagas gave the Tuscaro'ras a part of their country. TIOGA COUNTY. 1 3 while the interior was a primeval wild of stately forest, and reserved as hunting grounds, where the ingenious beaver built his dam thwart purling stream, and the bear, wolf and panther, the timid elk and deer, roamed freely at will. In the nature of the case, its history, what there was of it, could deal only in exploits of the hunter, the march and counter-march of savage hordes, and in deeds of carnage and cruelty, which, if known, would be only too painful to recite. Tioga Point, occupied by Delawares, was a famous stopping- place for the Indians when on their expeditions; from it radiated their well-beaten trails, east, west, north and south, to the remot- est tribes and localities. The occupation of the Point by the Delawares, dated from 1742. There lived and ruled their king, Tiedescung, a shrewd and influential chief, who in ifss> during the French war, incited his Indians to bloody raids upon the English settlements. After two years he made peace, when he removed his seat to Wyoming. The same year other bands of hostiles, formed about Tioga, fell upon the frontier settlements of Orange and Ulster counties. In 1763, war was renewed by a fearful massacre, committed by the Delawares at Wyoming. Early the next year. Sir William Johnson, Indian agent on the Mohawk, sent two hundred Oneidas and Tuscaroras to chastise them, and who, on February 26th, surprised a large party on their way to attack our settlements, led by a son of King Tiedes- eung, the noted Captain Bull, whose hatred of the whites was intense, and had led him to do them great injury. Bull and iorty of his men were taken prisoners. Thereupon the wares fled from the Susquehanna and its vicinity, escaping up the Chemung to the country of the Genesees, a sub-tribe of the Senecas, by whom they had been encouraged to take up the hatchet. Another party sent out by Johnson, followed in the wake of the fugitives, and destroyed the villages Coshocton and Canisteo. They also burnt three towns and four villages on and near the Susquehanna river, with quantities of corn. Peace again followed. But the first notes of the Revolution was a signal for the upris- ing of the Six Nations, whose tribes, save only the Oneidas and Tuscaroras, espoused the British cause. In the spring of 1777, a large body of these, numbering about seven hundred warriors, assembled in camp near Owego,* ready to strike a blow at the *At this date Owego was a large Indian village of about twenty houses. It was burnt Augflst 19, 1779, with its iields of standing corn, by order of General Clinton, on his way 14 TIOGA COUNTY. unprotected settlements, on the advance of an expected British force up the Hudson ; but upon the approach of St. Leger from the north, these Indians went to his assistance, which was fol- lowed by a repulse at Oriskany, and at Fort Schuyler, by an inglorious flight. These hostile tribes, now found it safe to retreat westward to the Seneca country and the British post at Niagara. From this quarter came all the aggressive movements of the Indians against our frontier settlements during that war. It was by way of the Chemung and Susquehanna that the infamous John Butler, with his Indians and Tories (embarking on floats and rafts at Tioga Point), proceeded in 1778 to the fearful massacre at Wyoming. The noted chief, Joseph Brant, to whom many of the horrors of that period are justly attributed, did not participate in the Wyoming tragedy, being then on an expedition to burn Springfield at the head of Otsego lake ; but he took part, the same season, in the ruthless massacre at Cherry Valley. In the interim since the affair at Wyoming, Colonel Hartley, of the Continental forces, ascended the Susquehanna, as tar as Tioga Point, where he burnt the Indian village of about twenty houses, having also destroyed Queen Esther's castle, which stood a little below, on the west side of the Susquehanna, and was the seat of that noted squaw chieftain. By the same route, the Chemung and Susquehanna, the Indians and rangers, under Br^nt and Butler, proceeded in 1779, to the bloody battle of Minisink. Brant met and joined this expedition as he was returning from the ravage of Fantin-kill, in Ulster county. The speedy retribution visited upon these murderous bands, by General Sullivan's forces, the same year, when they were signally defeated at Newtown, and their country devas- tated, is too well known to require any further notice here. It was a blow from which the Indians never recovered, though petty depredations, by small parties from Niagara, who passed. this way to reach the white settlements, were kept up till the close of the war. The very next year Brant came through here,, with some sixty of his warriors, destined for Schoharie. Cross- ing the Susquehanna at Tioga Point, on rafts, he detached eleven Indians on the trail to Minisink, to secure prisoners or scalps, which latter, at Niagara, would bring them eight dollars apiece. down the river to join Sullivan. The Indians had deserted it on his approach. ' ' This is the Indian town that Sergeant Hunter was carried to, who was taken 10th November last [1778] below Cherry Valley, on this same river, as he was returning with his Scout " Sullivan's Indian Expedition, • p. 202. TIOGA COUNTY. 1 5 Brant, when within thirty miles of the fort at Schoharie, sur- prised a party who had gone out under Captain Alex. Harper, to scout, and also to make maple sugar. Three of these were killed in the tirst onslaught, and the rest taken prisoners ; their lives being spared only through the finesse of Captain Harper,, who was personally known to Brant. With his captives Brant returned to Tioga Point and had gone a little way up the Che- mung, when the whooping of his Indians was suddenly answered by the startling death yell! It proceeded from some of the party who had gone to Minisink. They had succeeded in tak- ing five white men, and had brought them as far as. the east side of the Susquehanna, opposite Tioga Point, when, during the night; the anxious prisoners managed to loosen their bands, and to dispatch nine of the sleeping Indians, with their o\^n toma- hawks. The other two, one of whom was badly wounded, fled, crossed the river, and were resting near Chemung, when Brant's party came up. On hearing what had happened, the infuriated Indians were for killing their prisoners at once ; when strangely enough, the unhurt survivor of the Minisink party, who was a chief, and had known the prisoners at Schoharie, interposed and saved their lives. They were then taken on to Niagara. With the close of the war, in 1783, which put an end, not only to these atrocities, but to Indian dominion in this fair region, and opened it to civilization, we must conclude this summary of its aboriginal history. Much has been said laudatory of the Iroquois; writers have been fascinated with the genius ol their confederacy, the wis- dom and eloquence of their counsellors, and the extent of their dominion. But let calm reason prevail. • They are worthy of as much admiration as an Alexander, or a Napoleon, ambitious, rapacious conquerors, who waded through seas of blood to the acquisition of spoils, territory, power and glory. An occasional instance of justice or humanity will not suffice to hide from view the savage butcheries which mainly fill up the Indian annals. That, as human, they were not devoid of generous instincts, none will deny, and a consideration of their better characteristics, curious customs and home life, might have relieved in some degree the dark picture here presented ; but as the Indian tribes differed but little in- these respects, it has been deemed unneces- sary to repeat, in this brief essay, details already familiar to most readers. l6 ' TIOGA COUNTY. CHAPTER II. The Boston Purchase*— Coxe's Manor — Township of Hambden FORMED^GOSPEL TRACTS — NeW TowN ErECTED IN MONTGOMERY County —W ATKINS AND Flint Purchase. NO MAN of the present generation had a better opportunity to study the history of this region than the late Judge Charles P. Avery, of Owego, and no man was better quali- fied to write it. In i8S3 he published a series of articles, under the general title of The Susquehanna Valley, in the St. Nicholas^ a liter- ary magazine published monthly at Owego. So few copies of this magazine are now known to exist, and so few of our readers can have access to them, that for their benefit we quote a few para- graphs from the number for December, 1853, pages 297-303. " Soon after the close of the revolutionary war, Massachusetts claimed, under her original charter from the crown, a large body of land lying within the limits of the State of New York. In the final disposition of this claim, by award of arbitrators in 1786, that state became the owner, subject, of course to the Indian title, of several millions of acres lying in the western part of our state, and also 230,400 acres upon the Susquehanna river, lying between the Chenango river and the Owego creek, then called a river, and embracing in extent, very nearly the westerly half of the county of Broome, and the easterly half of the county of Tioga, as the boundaries of these two counties now are. " That claim of Massachusetts forms a link, not an unimportant one, in the chain of interesting events which mark the early his- tory ot our state. By reason of its general interest a brief space may therefore be devoted profitably to a statement of the grounds upon which it was based ; and inasmuch as its history will serve to elucidate some important facts directly connected with the pioneer opening of this portion of the Susquehanna valley, a cur- sory examination of its historical features seems peculiarly adapted to our ' Gleanings.' " In the year 1606 a grant of land lying chiefly within the pres-' ent limits of the United States was made by James I., king of England. It comprised in width upon the Atlantic sea-board, all the land between the fortieth and forty-eighth degrees, north lati- tude, and extending in a belt of that width, westerly from sea to ♦Prepared by D. Williams Patterson, genealogist, o£ Newark Valley, whose extensive 1 researches into the history of the settlement and growth of this section have brought him a knowledge of the subject equalled by that of none other. TIOGA COUNTY. 1 7 sea. It was known as the Plymouth Grant, for the reason that it was made to persons many of whom lived in Plymouth, England. " The Crown gave to the great Plymouth council, as it was called, which was incorporated in the year 1620, the rieht to transfer any portions of this land, comprised within those degrees of latitude, in such parcels or quantities as the council might deem best. Accordingly, in the year 1628, the Massachusetts Bay grant was made in due form, the boundaries of which were the Merrimac on the north, the Charles river on the south, ' and in that width running west from the Atlantic ocean to the South sea on the west part.' This was confirmed as a charter by Charles I., in the 3'ear 1629. " Next in order came the Connecticut grant of 1630, which was like the preceding one, part and parcel of the Plymouth grant, and, like it, its easterly and westerly limits were 'the two seas. ' This was renewed and confirmed by Charles IL, in 1662, ?i^ith the usual charter to establish a government, make laws, etc. The southeast corner of the State of New York, lying within the north and south lines of this grant was never claimed to have been included within it ; for that portion of our state at the time it was originally made by the Plymouth council, as well as at the time when it was confirmed, was possessed and owned by the Dutch. " It may be mentioned in this connection, that the grant made afterward, (in 1681), by Charles II. to William Penn, of the terri- tory included within the limits of Pennsylvania conflicted with this previously granted and confirmed Connecticut charter, out of which conflicting claims that long train of troublesome and bloody affairs eminated at Wyoming, known as the Yankee and Pennamite feud, commencing before and resumed after the revolutionary war, between the settlers holding under those respective titles. " Our New York charter dates in 1664, having been given by Charles II. to his brother the Duke of York and Albany, in honor of whom, after the surrender of the island of Manhattan by the Dutch, to the English, the city of New York, before that called New Amsterdam, took its present name. Soon afterward, upon the reduction of Fort Orange, where Albany is now situated, that place received its present name, also in honor of the Duke. " At the close of the revolutionary struggle Massachusetts for- mally interposed her claim, under her royal charter of 1628, which was dated, as will be observed, prior to the one confirmed to the Duke of York, and insisted upon her legal right to a belt of land lying in the state of New York, comprised within the northern and southern bounds of her original grant, extending across the State of New York, and, by its terms from ' sea to sea.' " The state of New York resisted the claim, but both parties were too patriotic to make it the cause of civil strife. The blood of their sons had scarcely yet grown cold which had been profus- TIOGA COUNTY. €ly shed upon a common altar. They peaceably petitioned con- gress for the appointment of commissioners to examine the res- pective claims and make a final arbitrament which, it was agreed, should be binding upon both. " Ten commissioners* were appointed, pursuant to the petition, in whom the parties in difference had the utmost confidence, for they were men of established integrity, and known ability, and the two states appeared before them, by their agents and counsel, at Hartford, in November, 1786. Their award was, in substance, that New York should cede to Massachusets the right of pre- emption of the soil from the native Indians, and all other estate, except government, sovereignty, and jurisdiction, to a large body of land lying in the western part of our state, containing more than three millions of acres, and also to 230,400 acres lying, as before stated, upon the Susquehanna, and particularly described in the award as follows : ' To be located to the northward of and adjoining to the lands granted respectively to Daniel Coxe and Robert Lettice Hooper, and their respective associates, and between the rivers Owego, and Chenango.' " Confining our attention to the body of land embraced within these two streams, as more intimately connected with the general object of this series of articles, it is seen that, over it, the award secured to New York exclusive jurisdictional rights, incident to sovereignty, while it gave tc^ Massachusetts the right of negotia- tion with, and purchase from our Indian predecessors — the origi- nal lords of the soil. " It was also provided by the award that Massachusetts should have the right to hold treaties with the Indians on the lands, and with such armed force, as might be deemed necessary for the more effectual holding of any treaty or conference ; also that a copy of the proceedings of every treaty and of every grant from Massachusetts to any individual should be recorded in the office •of the Secretary of the State of New York, within six months after such treaty or grant. " The Indians having been always viewed and treated as an independent power, although living within our borders, and, after the revolutionary war, as helpless as tenants at sufferance, still no negotiation or agreement with them, as a nation, would have been deemed valid, unless approved by the President and Senate ■of the United States — the treaty making power. Their approval was an indispensable pre-requisite, and, as a power, delegated by the states under the National Constitution, paramount to all clainis on the part of the states of Massachusetts or New York, under their colonial charters or otherwise. "The body of land lying between the Owego creek and the Chenango river, being the. 230,400 acres awarded to Massachus- " * They were John Lowell, James SulHvanJ Theophilus Parsons, Rufus King, James Duane, Robert R. Livingston, Robert Yates, Tohh"* flU.irins'. Melaricthon Smith, and Egbert Benson." TIOGA COUNTY. 19 etts and since known and designated as the Boston Purchase or Ten Townships, was granted by that state to Samuel Brown, of Stockbridge, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, and his associates. Nearly all of the grantees resided at the time of the purchase in that county, and many of them in that town. The title was con- veyed by resolution of the legislature of that state, and approved by the Governor, November 7, 1787. Among other things it states the purchase price to have been 3,333 Spanish milled dol- lars, payable ip two years and subject to a deduction of the sum necessarily paid by the grantees to the natives in extinguishment of their claim. It recites also that Samuel Brown and three other grantees, viz. : Elijah Brown, Orringh Stoddard, and Joseph Raymond, on behalf of the company had purchased, on "the 22d day of June preceding, the right of the natives, and fully extinguished their claims. " Another fact is gleaned from this documentary evidence of historical interest to those now living upon the McMaster Half- Township, on which the village and a portion of the town of Owego is situated. The resolution recites that James McMaster was found in possession of a part of the tract, by the four gentle- men above named, at the time of their negotiation and treaty with the Indians, and that to quiet his claims Samuel Brown had entered into a contract to convey to him that half-township,, the bounds of which, as set forth in the legislative resolve, will be hereafter given. It is scarcely necessary to say that it was part and parcel of the body of lan'd to which the Massachusetts pur- chasers were then seeking to get the title. McMaster, by the help of Amos Draper, an enterprising trader and a man of great influence with the natives, had already ingratiated himself to such an extent with them that he was found at this time, as it appears, in actual possession, and unless conciliated by Brown and his friends, those two gentlemen, by their already great and increas- ing influence might at the least embarrass, if they did not inter- pose an effectual barrier to the consummation of any treaty with or cession of land from the Indians. Their claims to a portion of the land were certainly equitable on the score of priority, and feeling this they were not backward in using the superior advant- age which the'ir familiar footing with the natives gave them. The other party, it is true, could offer more gold, and the strong arm of government was on their side, but Indian fidelity was equal to the test, and the covenant-chain with McMaster and Draper was kept bright. " A fact substantiating this good faith on the part of the natives "and tallying well with the provision in favor of McMaster in the legislative resolve has been handed down by tradition, fiaving received it from two independent sources, the writer thinks it authentic and of sufficient interest to be repeated. The account is that four gentlemen, acting on behalf of the Massa- chusetts purchasers, iTiet the Indians in council at the mouth of the O-le-out, near Unadi!la, where, for reasons not satisfactorily 20 TIOGA COUNTY. known, nothing final took place. They next met them at Nanti- coke, at which place negotiations were started with them from day to day, but were as often broken off, and sometimes abruptly concluded. This occurred for several days in succession, until the fact became known that the want of success was attributable to the opposition of McMaster and Draper, who had brought to bear their powerful influence with the natives and who, but for an ultimate compliance with their terms by Brown and others, would thus have effectually prevented an extinguishment at this time of the Indian title. Another council was called at a place a shoi"t distance above Binghamton, the Massachusetts purchas- ers hoping by the removal to escape the embarrassment experi- enced at Nanticoke, which was more immediately within the sphere of the influence of their rivals ; but the new council was opened with no better prospect of success, until a compromise of the conflicting interests .was effected by a contract entered into by Samuel Brown, for himself, and on behalf of his associ- ates, with McMaster, which provided that in case the authorities of Massachusetts should make a grant of the land in question to their company, there should be assured to James McMaster eighteen square miles of land, now known as the McMaster Half-Township, on which Owego stands, to be bounded as fol- lows : ' South by the north line of a patent made to Daniel R. Coxe and associates ; west on Owego river [now Owego creek] to extend up said river [creek] from said Une six miles and east- ward from said river [creek] three miles ; the east line to be straight, and to be so run as to make the above mentioned quantity of land, and to be as nearly parallel as may be to the general course of said river [creek].' " After the execution of this contract, negotiations were renewed under more favorable auspices. A treaty was con- cluded and a formal cession of the 230,400 acres was then made, and the Indian title extinguished ; James Dean superintending throughout the whole of the negotiation as the representative and agent of Massachusetts. "Evidence of the treaty having been duly adduced, that state formally granted to Brown and his associates that body of land, with the exception of the McMaster Half-Township, which was conveyed to Brown alone, in order that he might perform his contract with James McMaster more conveniently, and convey the title directly to him in pursuance of its terms. This was accordingly done, and the latter has been since known as the patentee of that half-township, although he received his title from Samuel Brown, to whom the letters patent were directly issued, and who was, in strictness, the sole original patentee of that, as he and his associates were of the whole body of land since known as the Boston Purchase, or Ten Townships." The first step toward the division of the lands held in common by the sixty proprietors, was the survey of three townships on TIOGA COUNTY. 21 the south part of the tract — the Chenango on the east, in which the lots were numbered as high as 222 ; the Nanticoke township next, in which were 181 lots; and the Owego township on the west. In the Chenango township were two men already in possession, who were not members of the company, and who did not partici- pate in the drawing. An amicable arrangement was made with them by which each had a good farm. These were Joshua Whit- ney, who had lot No. 37, containing about four hundred acres, at the southeast corner of the tract next to the Chenango river, and Thomas Reichardt, (commonly pronounced Record, now angli^ cised into Richards) who had lot No. 207, containing about two hundred acres, lying partly on the south side of the Susquehanna river. The west line of the Chenango township crossed the Sus- quehanna river, just west of Stoddard's Island. The Nanticoke ^ township extended west from that line to within about seven and a half miles of the west line of the Ten Townships, and ninteen of its lots are now included in the town of Owego. After the townships of Chenango and Nanticoke were surveyed into lots, the sixty associates partitioned the land among them- selves, and the legislature of the state of New York by an act passed 3d March, 1789, confirmed to the associates, in severalty, the land as they had divided it. The list as given in that act, is, perhaps, the only complete list extant of the original sixty asso- ciates. The follo\ving alphabetical list has a number prefixed to each name to indicate its place in the original list : Brown Stephen, Brown William, Chapman John, 8. Ashley Moses, 5. Bement Asa, 6. Bement Asa, Jr., 25. Bingham Anna, 7. Bishop Elkanah, 36. Bishop Nathanial, 9. Blin Elisha, 53. Bradley Asahel, 52. Bradley Elisha, 54. Bradley Josiah, 45. Brown Beulah, 2. Brown Elijah, 35. Brown John, I. Brown Samuel, 44. Brown Samuel, Jr. 41- 18. 48. 46. 27. S8. 26. 10. 47- 37- 14. Coleman Dudley, Cone Ashbel, Cook Ebenezer, Cook Philip, Crocker Ezekiel, Curtis Elnathan, Curtis Isaac, D wight Henry Williams, 39. -Eagleston Azariah, 49. Edwards Jonathan, 43. Ingersol Jonathan, 30. Jenks Isaac, 22 TIOGA COUNTY, 20. Larnard Simon, 12. Lusk Elizabeth, 31. Mason Ebenezer, 60. Morell John, 42. Nash Stephen, 38. New hall Allen, 33. Parks War ham, 50. Parsons Elihu, 51. Parsons Eliphalet, 24. Parsons Jacob, 57. Partridge Oliver, Jr., 22. Patterson Amos, 13. Pepoon Silas, 15. Pierson Benjamin, 16. Pierson Jeremiah H., 17. Pierson Joseph, 32. Pierson Josiah G., 21. Pierson Nathan, ■23. Pixley David, 4. Raymond Joseph, 59. Rockwell Abner, 56. Sergeant Erastus, ti. Seymour Ira, 3. Stoddard Orringh, 19. Strong Ashbel, 40. Thompson Thaddeus, 29. Walker Caleb, 28. Walker William, 34. Williams Ebenezer, 55, Woodbridge Jonathan. The Owego township was surveyed in two parts, the East Half-Township, and the West Half-Township, which last accor- ding to an agreement made, was deeded by Samuel Brown, of Stockbridge, 17 Dec, 1787, to James McMaster, of Mohawk, The deed, for 11,520 acres, was witnessed! by^Walter Sabin, and proved by his testimony in Tioga county, 3 July, 1792, and recorded. Since this deed was given the West Half-Township has been properly known as " McMasters Half-Township ;" but through ignorance his name has also been quite commonly applied to the "East Half-Township of the Boston Purchase." James McMaster, of Mohawk District, Montgomery county, N. Y., by a deed of 4 Feb., 1788, conveyed to Amos Draper, of Choco- nut, lots 16 and 19 of 100 acres each, and lots 30, 32, 52 and 56, of 143 acres each, of his Half-Township, and describes them as sur- veyed by Walter Sabin. The East Halt-Township was divided into sixty lots, and was partitioned among the proprietors by^deed, with map, 12 May,. 1790, at the same time as the Grand Division. Six hundred lots were then laid out, in thirty courses of twenty lots each, for a great division, or, as it has always since been, called, "The Grand Division of the Boston Purchase." These lots, and the sixty in the East Half-Township, were distributed) among the proprietors, by a deed, accompanied by a map, dated 12 May, 1790. The list of proprietors who signed this deed of partition differs very much from the list who shared in the first two- townships, from two causes: first,"some of the associates had sold their rights in the undivided lands ; and secondly, a considerable: TIOGA COUNTY. Z? number had authorized Samuel Brown to act for them in draw- ing the lots, which he did, and afterward conveyed their share by deed. As a result of these causes, only thirty-seven names are in this deed ; and of this number, at least twelve are not named in the former list. So that seventy-two names appear as pro- prietors, in the two lists. The parties to this deed were as fol- lows: I. 2. 3. 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- ID. II. 12. 13- 14. IS- 16. 17- 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23- 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31- 32. 33- Samuel Brown, Esq., Stockbridge, Mass. Charles Stone, yeoman, Asa Bement, Jr., blacksmith, Josiah Ball, cordwainer, Elkanah Bishop, husbandman, Timothy Jearoms [Jerome], carpenter, Moses Ashjey, Esq., Henry Williams Dwight, Esq., David Pixley, gentleman, Anna Bingham, widow, Isaac Curtis, miller, Timothy Edwards, Esq., Theodore Sedgwick, Esq., Elisha Blin, inn keeper. Great Barrington, Mass. Ezekiel Crocker, gentleman, Richmond, Mass. Benjamin Pierson, gentleman, Nathan Pierson, gentleman, Josiah G. Pierson, gentleman, Ebenezer Williams, gentleman, William Bartlett, blacksmith, Nathaniel Bishop, Esq., Joseph Pierson, joiner, New York City. Ashbel Strong, Esq., Pittsfield, Mass. Francis Plumer, gentleman, Israel Williams, gentleman, William Billings, Esq., Hatfield, Conway, Mass. Mass. Ashbel Cone, blacksmith, West Stockbridge, Mass. William Walker, Esq., Lenox, Mass. Caleb Walker, gentleman, " " Azariah Egleston, gentleman, " Theodore Thompson, physician, " Job Northrop, yeoman, " " Levi Tumbling,* yeoman, Lee, Mass. * In other records "Thomling" and " Tomling." 24 TIOGA COUNTY. 34. Samuel Arnold, yeoman, Canaan, N. Y. 35. Ebenezer Mason, gentleman, Spencer, Mass. 36. Allen Newhall, gentleman, New Haven, Conn. 37. Jonathan Edwards, clerk, " " Of the six hundred lots in the Grand Division, one hundred and fifteen are in Newark Valley ; sixty-eight in Berkshire ; ninety- three in Richford ; two in the southeast corner of Dryden, Tompkins county ; eighteen in Cortland county ; and the remain- der in Broome county. North of the Grand Division the proprietors surveyed a tier of seventy lots, known as the " long lots," the title to which was never confirmed by the state, and the proprietors lost the land, although the state acknowledged their right by giving to the soldiers an equivalent for the deficiency, in the military tract ; and the Surveyor General, in his published map, calls it " North Tier Boston Ten-Townships." The first eight of these "long lots " are in Dryden, and the other sixty-two are in Cortland county. There was but one royal grant of lands to individuals direct (other than the Massachusetts charter) in the territory of the county, and that was for a tract of 29,812 acres, lying in the pres- ent southerly half of the town of Owego and a portion of Nichols. This tract was patented to Daniel, William, and Rebecca Coxe, and John Tabor Kemp and Grace (Coxe), his wife, January 15, 1775, and has since been known as Coxe's Manor, or Patent. It was a portion of 100,000 acres patented to them in consideration of the surrender of their rights in a ^' province called Carolana, consisting of a territory on the coast of Georgia and the Carolinas, together with the islands of Veanis and Bahama, and all other islands off that coast, between the 31st and 36th degrees of north latitude, as granted by Charles I. October 30, 1629, to Sir Robert Heath, and from him devised to the present grantees through their father." To these grantors 47,000 acres were granted in Oneida and 23,000 acres elsewhere (in Otsego or Delaware counties). The petition for this grant was filed October 31, 1774, and described the tract as being in the county "of Tryon, and as " beginning at a place called Owegg, on the Susquehanna river, and runs along the northern boundary of Pennsylvania." On January 4, 1775, a return of survey was made for the parties named in the patent, which described the tract as beginning "opposite the mouth of Owegy creek." TIOGA COUNTY. 25 The portion of the present town of Owego south of the Sus- quehanna, .and the town of Nichols, was called the township of Hambden. The lands in the township, aside from Coxe's Manor, were sold as follows : to Robert Morris, several tracts in O wego ; Alexander Macomb, 6,930 acres in Owego and Vestal, February IS. i;;8S. vol. xliii., p. 123, Land Papers, New York; Nicholas Fish, 7,040 acres in Owego, and 6,400 acres in township seven of the tract purchased of the Oneidas and Tuscaroras, in Owego and Nichols, vol. xliii, pp. 84 and 85, Land Papers; William Butler, return of survey for 3,000 acres in Nichols, adjoining Coxe's Patent on the west, January 12, 1775, vol. xxxv., p. 14; John Reid, similar return for 3,000 acres adjoining Butler on the west, January 12, 1775, yol. xxxv., p. 15; Richard Robert Crowe, similar return January 20, 1775, for 2,000 lying between Reid's- tract and the Susquehanna, which bounds it on the west, voL xxxv., p. 23, Land Papers. On the loth of November, 1784, Rebecca, John D., and Tench Coxe filed a caveat in the land-office protesting against the grant- ing by the state of any certificates of location, warrents of sur- vey, or letters patent for lands west of the Delaware river,, bounded south by Pennsylvania, until the claim of said protest- ors, or their assigns, to a tract of 29,812 acres of land, on the east bank of the Susquehanna, was lawfully and fully recognized. The claims of the Coxe heirs were confirmed subsequently, and the tract, as surveyed in 1806-7, was found to contain 30,900 acres. Gospel and literature tracts were also set off in Owego town- ship, comprising about three square miles, adjoining Coxe's Manor on the north. Colonel Nichols subsequently acquired a large tract of land in the towns of Owego and Nichols. In 1788, on March 22, the legislature erected a new town* in Montgomery county, the boundary line beginning at the inter- section of , the pre-emption line of Massachusetts with the Penn- sylvania State line, and running due north from the point of intersection along the pre-emption line to the distance of two miles north of Tioga river ; thence in a direct line at right angles to the pre-emption line east to the Owego river (West Owego), to intersect said river at a distance of four miles on a straight line from the; confluence thereof with the Susquehanna ; then down, the Owego and Susquehanna to the Pennsylvania line ; and * Gheijiung. 26 TIOGA COUNTY. thence along said line to the place of beginning. This tract, which covers the present town of Barton and the greater por- tion of Tioga, in Tioga county, and the towns of Southport, Elmira, Ashland, Baldwin, and Chemung, and a portion of Big Plats, Horseheads, Erin and Van Etten, in Chemung county, had teen settled by a number of persons, who could not agree upon a proper division of their locations, and the act creating the town appointed John Cantine, James Clinton, and John Hathorn com- missioners to inquire into and settle the disputes which had arisen .among the settlers concerning their possessions, and to assign and allot lands to the claimants who were actually settled on the lands, or who. had made improvements, intending to settle. The allotments were to be not less than loo, nor more than i,ooo acres each, and also provided that the lands were to be settled within three months after the state acquired the Indian title. The lands were bought at one shilling and sixpence per acre. These commissioners proceeded under their authority to suryey and plot the town, and February 28, 1789, the legislature confirmed their report, and authorized the commissioner of the land-ofiBce to patent the lands to the parties named on the map submitted by the commissioners of the town, and extended the time of set- tlement to one year after the state had acquired the Indian title. Certificates of location were issued by the commissioners, which were assignable, and thus parties acquired large tracts, which were patented to them under One patent. On August 4, 1791, John W. Watkins, a lawyer in New York city, and Royal W. Flint, and certain associates, applied to the Commissioners of the Land-Office for the ungranted lands lying east of the Massachusetts pre-emption, west of the Owego creek, south of the Military Tract, and north of the town of Chemung, as then laid out, — estimated to contain 363,000 acres, — for which they agreed to pay the price of three shillings and fourpence per acre. (Vol. xi.. Land Papers, p. 141.) The proposition was accepted, and the tract surveyed, and a return made April 7, 1794, and a patent issued June 25, 1794, to John W. Watkins who subsequently conveyed to his associates, as their interests indicated. The lands were described in the patent as follows : " Beginning at the northwest corner of the township of Che- mung, as originally surveyed and laid out, on the east bounds of the lands ceded by this State to the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, and running along the line run for the north bounds of said township of Chemung south 87° 40' east, 2,857 chains to TIOGA COUNTY. 27 Owego creek, being the west bounds of a tract of 230,400 acres, also ceded by this State to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; thence up along same bounds northerly to the township of Dryden, being one of the townships of the tract set apart for the troops of this state .lately serving in the army of the United States; thence along the south bounds of the townships of Dryden, Ulysses, and Hector, and the same continued west 2,786 chains to the line run for the east bounds of the said first above- mentioned ceded lands, which line is commonly called the pre- emption line; then along the same a true south course 1,220 chains to place of beginning." This tract includes the present towns of- Spencer and Candor. *CHAPTERIII. First Settlement — Character of the Settlers — Growth of Popula- tion — Organization — Original Boundaries — Curtailment of Terri- tory — Present Boundaries — Topography— G^iology — Streams — Soil — Agricultural Statistics — Agricultural Societies. IN the previous chapter we have stated the manner in which the original titles to the land within the present limits of the county were obtained. Upon the " Boston Purchase," where the village of Owego now is,|the first white settlement was made ; but as this fact is set forth in detail in connection with our history of that town, it is not necessary to repeat the story here. Several causes operated to bring settlers to the County of Tioga from several localities. The army of Gen. James Sullivan, which passed through the valley in the summer of 1779, was composed of officers and soldiers from New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachu- setts and New York. The officers of the expedition were astonished at the advance the Iroquois had made in agriculture. A letter of Gen. James Clinton states that the corn was "the finest he had ever seen." Another officer states that there were ears of corn that measured twenty-two inches in length. The broad valleys of the Susquehanna, Chenango and Chemung, with their rich fields of corn, and orchards of apple trees, must have presented to the soldiers an inviting and attractive appearance, *In this chapter, and in some others,"we quote, extensively from the writings of Hon. William F. Warner, of Waverly. We hereby acknowledge our obligation to him for all. 28 TIOGA COUNTY. as contrasted with the sandy soil of New Jersey, and the rocks and harder soil of Connecticut and Massachusetts. Upon re- turning to their homes ,at the close of the war, in 1783, these soldiers carried their reports of the territory they had traversed to friends and neighbors in their several states. We have seen that Massachusetts claimed the territory which forms the County of Tioga, and, as early as 1787, made a grant which, not being disputed as was the case with grants of the territory of Wyom- ing, many settlers in the Wyoming valley abandoned their possessions, and came to this county to find new homes ;' and Tioga thus gained some of her very best citizens among the early settlers from that locality. These coming mainly from Massa- chusetts and Connecticut, brought with them the general characteristics of the people of those states. Among them were men and women of culture and refinement, who exerted a power- ful influence in restraining others who might have been inclined tOj^acts of lawlessness. In general, this body of pioneers was composed of entire families; and th^ good order maintained was greatly owing to the presence of the noble wives, mothers and sisters of the pioneers, and who, while sharing in the hardships and privations incident to a pioneer life, presented examples of piety, virtue and true womanly heroism. Scantily furnished with domestic utensils and implements of husbandry, a spirit of liberality and mutual assistance was fostered. Many had for years suffered the fatigues and hardships of service in the army, and came empty handed, but with stout hearts, to carve for themselves a home in the new settlement. The exigencies of a pioneer life are always severe, but frugal means lead to frugal habits ; common necessities unite a community in a common brotherhood. Doubtless there were many incidents in the lives of these early settlers of generosity and bravery, but where all were brave and generous so little notice was taken of such deeds that no record of them was thought to be necessary, nor is there record of a single act of violence. The record of these settlements, their growth and progress, is given in the histories of the several towns, further on in this work; the growth of the county as a whole may be seen by the following, showing the population for several periods since 1800, viz: 1800,6,862; 1810,7,899; 1820, 14,716; 1825, 19,951; 1830, 27,690; 1835, 33-999; 1840, 20,527; 1845, 22,456; 1850, 24,880; 1855, 26,962; i860, 28,748; 1865, 30,572; 1870, 33,178; 1875, 32,915; 1880, 32,673. __^ TIOGA COUNTY. 29 The county was legally organized under its present name* by an act of the legislature passed February 16, 1791. It was carved out of territory previously embraced within the limits of Mont- gomery county, which had been called before and during the revolutionary war, down to the year 1784, Tryon county, in honor of one of the late colonial governors, who, unfortunately, proved himself throughout the national struggle an uncompromising enemy to the American cause. By reason of this his name had become so unpalatable to the people of the state that it was no longer applied to the county ; and by legislative enactment in that year (1784) the name of Montgomery was substituted, in honor of the Irish soldier, General Montgomery, who fell during his gallent attack on Quebec at an early period of the war. At the date of its organization, Tioga county ernbraced not only its present limits, but also the counties of Chemung, Broome and Chenango. Its boundaries were Otsego county on the east ; the Military Tract and Herkimer county on the north ; Ontario on the west — out of which Steuben was erected in 1796; and the Pennsylvania line on the south. Its towns, commencing at its westerly limit, were Newtown, Chemung, Owego, none of whose territory was then where it now is, but all of it lay west of the Owego creek, and then embraced what are now Tioga, Candor, Spencer, Barton and Nichols, in Tioga county, and Caroline, Danby and Newfield, in Tompkins county ; next easterly to Owego creek was Union, which included within its limits what are now Owego, Newark, Berkshire and Richford, in Tioga county. Union, Vestal, Lisle, etc., in Broome county, artd the westerly portion of what is now Chenango county ; next easterly was Chenango; and next easterly and northerly was Jericho, which covered territory then lying in the easterly part of what is now Chenango county. Thus it is seen that the six old towns, Newtown, Chemung, Owego, Union, Chenango and Jericho, then covered territory which the fifty-two towns of Chemung, Tioga, Broome and Chenango counties, and three towns, Caroline, *The name of the county is derived from that of the river that once flowed through its western portion, now the county of Chemung. Morgan, is his "League of the Iroquois," gives the derivation and signification of the word as follows: "The various tribes of the Confederacy had a different pronunciation for the word. In the Oneida dialect it was Te-ah-o-ge; in the Mohawk, Te-yo-ge-ga; in the Cayuga, Da-a-o-ga; and ir( the Seneca, Da-ya-o-geh; but all meant 'at the forks.' In the text of the work quoted it is written Ta-ya-o-ga. On Guy Johnson's map of 1771 it is written Ti-a-o-ga. The eloquent Red Jacket pronounced it T&h-hiho-gah, discarding the suffix 'Point,' which has been , universally added when applied to the locality known now as Athens, Pa. He said the Indian word carried the full meaning, — 'the point of land at the confluence of the two streams,' or 'the meeting of the waters.' " 30 TIOGA COUNTY. Danby and Newfield, in Tompkins county now cover, fifty-five in all. The first loss sustained by Tioga in the organization of other counties was in 1798, when the northeasterly corner of her ancient domain, and a strip from the westerly part of Herkimer, were taken to make up the then county of Chenango, which, in its turn was found large enough, in 1806, to admit of the erection ■of Madison county out of its northern half. Next in the order •of time, 1806, was the organization of Broome county, taken from Tioga, and named in honor of the then Lieutenant Governor. It ■embraced, originally, the old towns of Chenango, etc., and territory forming Owego, Newark, Berkshire and Richford. The next change was in 1822, when the territory now included within the towns of Owego, Newark, Berkshire and Richford was taken from Broome and re-annexed to Tioga, and the towns of Caroline, Danby and Newfield were taken from Tioga and added to Tompkins. By the same legislature Tioga county was •divided into two jury districts, Owego and Elmira becoming half-shire towns. This latter act proved to be but a preliminary step to the subsequent establishment of Chemung county, result- ing, in 1836, in a complete severance of the connection and mutuality of interests. This leaves the county of which we write as it is to-day, with an area of about 542 square miles, bounded north by Tompkins and' Cortland counties, east by Broome county, south by the Pennsylvania line, and west by Chemung county. It is divided into nine towns, as follows: Barton, Berkshire, Candor, Newark Valley, Nichols, Owego, Richford, Spencer and Tioga. The surface of the country is broken by the prolongation of the Alleghany mountains, which enter in a series of ridges northerly through the territory, and attain a nearly uniform elevation of 1,200 to 1,400 feet above tide. These rido-es are severed diagonally by the valley of the Susquehanna, and are separated by numerous lateral valleys, which extend in a north and south direction, and give a great variety of feature to the ■surface. The width of these valleys varies from a few rods to a mile, and sometimes more. They are frequently defined by steep acclivities, which rise from 250 to 400 feet, the summits of which are broad and rolling, and afford excellent land for dairy purposes. The rocks of the county belong to the Chemung and Catskill groups. All the rocks cropping out on the surface north of the Susquehanna, and those underlying the south of it, may be TIOGA COUNTY. 3 1 classed with the Chemung group, and those crossing the hills south of the river with the Catskill group. There are no impor- tant minerals; a deep drift consisting of sand, gravel and clay lies in the valleys and covers the adjoining hills. This deposit near East Waverly is eighty feet deep, and a wide beltol it seems to extend north in aii almost unbroken line from that place to Cayuga lake. The principal streams are Susquehanna river and Owego> Catatonk, Cayuta, Pipe, Wapasening and Apalachin creeks, with their branches. These streams have generally rapid currents, and furnish valuable water-power. Their valleys, in their upper courses, are generally narrow, but expand as they approach the Susquehanna into broad and beautiful level in- tervals. * The soil in the valleys is a deep, rich, gravelly loam, with an occasional intermixture of clay and sand. The land in- the Sus- quehanna valley is especially noted for its fertility. The uplands are gravelly and sandy, and produce an abundance of grass, which renders the land valuable for grazing and dairy purposes. Since the removal of the most valuable timber, th'e inhabitants are mainly occupied in agricultural pursuits. The dairies of the county are becoming noted for their excellence in the principal markets, and are rapidly increasing in their productiveness. The county's agricultural resources may be estimated from the fol- lowing figures, taken from the census report of 1880: The county then had 3,401 farms, representing 2435175 acres of improved land, and were valued at $10,949,806.00. Upon these farms were raised 8,397 bushels of barley; 129,131 bushels of buckwheat; 313,087 bushels of Indian corn.; 652,918 bushels of OElts; 9,236 bushels of rye; 83,367 bushels of wheat; 436,317 bushels of potatoes; 2,200 pounds of hops, and orchard products to the value of $25,342.00. Its live stock enumerated 7,482 horses; 77 mules; 534 working oxen; 17,794 milch cows, and 11,620 other cattle; 21,914 sheep and 8,253 swine. From this stock was pj-oduced 89,780 pounds of wool; 310,133 gallons of milk; 2,150,885 pounds of butter, and 24,712 pounds of cheese. The Tioga County Agricultural Society was organized in 1819. The only account of it extant is in the American Journal, a newspaper published at Ithaca by Ebnezer Mack, and now known as the Ithaca Journal. That paper gives an account of a meeting of the society at the house of Andrew Purdy, in Spencer, 32 TIOGA COUNTY. on Wednesday, November lo, 1819, together with the by-law which were signed by Thomas Maxwell, secretary. On March 28, 1837, the society was reincorporated by act ( the legislature. James Purapelly, Anson Camp, Ezra Canfieh Francis Armstrong, Stephen. Strong, Henry McCormick, Ii Clizbe, John Coryell, Erastus Goodrich, Asa Wolverton, Ii Woodford, Russell Gridley, Henry Miller, George Fishe Stephen Wells, Jr., Ezekiel Rich, David Williams, Horatio Co lins, Joseph T. Waldo, Abram Hotchkiss, Otis Lincoln, Nichoh Schoonover, Samuel Mills, Isaac Shepard and William Plat " and such persons as might thereafter be associated with them were made a body corporatfe by the name ot the Tioga Count Agricultural Society. The act was to continue in force twent years, and the society was empowered to hold and convey rei estate not exceeding in value $5,000.00. Thomas Farrington Wc chosen president of the society. The first fair was held in Oct( ber, 1841, on land owned by James Pumpelly, at the northwe; corner of Main and McMaster streets, in Owego. Annual fail were held for six successive years. The last one, in 1846, was failure, owing to some dissatisfaction because one exhibitor wh owned some very fine horses had received all the best premium: The society was re-organized July 21, 1855, at a meeting hel in the old village hall, in Owego, and articles of incorporatio were subsequently filed in the office of the Secretary of Stati Harvey Coryell, of Nichols, was chosen president, Williai Smyth, secretary, and Thomas I. Chatfield, treasurer. The fin fair of the re-organized society was held October 23 and 24. Tl live stock and farming machinery were exhibited on the lot ; the southeast corner of Main and William streets, and the fruit domestic articles, etc., in the village hall. The next year the fa was held in the same places, but in 1857, a piece of ground owne by George W. HoUenback, corner of Division and Front street in the eastern part of the village, was leased for five years, at yearly rental of $100.00. The ground was surrounded by a hi^ board fence, a race-track was constructed, and fairs were he there until 1864. In 1862, there was some dissatisfaction becau all premiums amounting to $3.00 and over were paid in silve plated ware. In 1864, the location of the grounds was change The society leased and fenced in thirteen acres of land on the J. Beers farm, just north of the village line, located on the nor side of the highway leading from tjie old Ithaca and Owe| turnpike to Leach's Mills. In 1865, horse racing was madt TlUCiA (JUUMTY. 33 prominent feature of the fair. This, together with the the pay- ing of premiums to farmers iix silver-plated ware, increased the dissatisfaction to such an extent that the fairs of the two follow- ing years were failures. An attempt to rq-organize the society was made in 1871. A public meeting was held at the court-house on the i8th of Octo- ber. Thomas I. Chatfield was elected president of the society, William Smyth, corresponding secretary, George Worthington, recording secretary, and Stephen S. Truman, treasurer. Nothing further was done, and no attempt was made to hold a fair. Another and more successful attempt to re-organize the society was made August ip, 1872, when another meeting was held at the court-house. At a subsequent meeting, held on the 24th of the same month, the society was re-qrganized by the Election of Herbert Richardson, of Newark Valley, president, William Smyth, of Owego, secretary, and George Truman,, of Owego, treasurer. The first fair of the re-organized society was held on the Owego Driving Park, September 16, 17 and 18, 1873, and successful annual fairs have been held on the same grounds ever since. The following is a list of the presidents of the society since its organization: — Thomas Farrington, Owego, 1841-42; Charles F. Johnson, Tioga, 1843-46; Harvey Coryell, Nichols, 1855; Louis P. Legg, Berkshire, 1856; Chester Randall, Rich- ford, 1857; W. R. Shoemaker, Nichols, 1858; William Ellis, Parton, 1859; John McQuigg, Spencer, i860; David Taylor, Tioga, 1861-62; George Woodford, Candor, 1863; Louis P. Legg, Berkshire, 1864; Samuel B. Smith, Nichols, 1865 ; John L. Taylor, Owego, 1866-68; Thomas 1. Chatfield, Owego, 1871 ; Herbert Richardson, Newark Valley, 1872-73 ; Frederick W. Richardson, Newark Valley, 1874-75; John. S. Giles, Owego> 1876; William -H. Armstr^g, Newark Valley, 1877-80; George J. Nelson, Tioga, 188 1 ; Frederic C. Lowman, Nichols, 1882; John Smith, Jr., Owego, 1883 ; W. Hulse Shaw, Tioga, 1884-87. From 1855 to 1861, inclusive, William Smyth was secretary of the society. John L.Taylor was secretary in 1862 and 1863; Thomas L Chatfield, in 1864 and 1865, and William H. Corey, in 1866, 1867 and 1868. Mr. Smyth was again- secretary in 1871 and 1872, and his son, William A. Smyth, succeeded him, hold- ing the office from J873 to 1876, inclusive. Since the latter year, LeRoy W. Kingman has been secretary of the society. Thomas L Chatfield was treasurer from 1855 to 1861, inclusive. Dwight L Bloodgood was treasurer from 1862 to 1868, inclusive. 34 TIOGA COUNTY. Stephen S. Truman held the office in 1872, and George Truman in 1873. Mr. Chatfield was again treasurer from 1873 to 1876, inclusive. A. Chase Thompson was treasurer from 1877 to 1880^ inclusive. His successor, James M. Hastings, is the present treasurer. The Northern Tioga Agricultural Society was not organized, as might be supposed, in opposition to the county society whose fairs are held at Owego, but rather to occupy territory which did not seem to be reached by the county organization. In the summer of 1880, the Newark Valley Farmer's Club decided to take the initiatory steps towards holding a local fair or farmer's exhibition ; and a. temporary organization was formed for that purpose, with the following officers: D. M. Sturtevant» president; D. H. Miller, James Borthwick, vice-presidents; Charles L. Noble, secretary ; Egbert Bement, treasurer ; F. W^ Richardson, general superintendent; L. S. Burch, marshal. The exhibition was held on the grounds now occupied by the society, at Newark Valley, September 15 and 16, 1880. No admission fee was charged and no premiums paid ; but so great was the enthusiasm shown and so large was the exhibit made, that it was at once apparent that ample material was at hand for a successful society. A few weeks later the Farmer's Club issued a call to the farmers and business men of Northern Tioga, and a meeting was held in Elwell Hall, Newark Valley, November 23,. 1880, which resulted in the organizing of a society to be known as the Northern Tioga Agricultural Society, and a few days- later the articles of incorporation were filed in the clerk's office of Tioga county and in the office of the secretary of state, and the so ciety entered upon its legal existence. The officers for the first year were as follows: L. S. Burch, president; Theodore Mayor, C. F. Curtis, vice-presidents ; Charles L. Noble, secretary;. J. R. Hankins, treasurer ; J. R. Ford, E. F. Johnson, C. H. Randall, F. G. Bushnell,D. M. Sturtevant, W. T.Shaw, William Elwell, L. D. McCulbugh and F. W. Richardson, directors. The grounds now occupied by the society, taken from the farms of Ichabod Ford and Edwin P. Smith, were at once leased, and the following summer a half-mile track was graded, suitable build- ings were erected, and on the 4th, 5th and 6th of October, 1881, the first annual fair of the society was held. The result was all that could have been desired, both in point of attendance and exhibits, and from that time to thepresent, each annual exhibition has shown a marked improvement over its predecessors the TIOGA COUNTY. 35 entries rising gradually from 1,068 in 1881, to 2,012 in 1887,. while the cash receipts show a corresponding increase. Constant improvements have been made both in the grounds and the premium list, until the Northern Tioga Agricultural Society fairly ranks as one of the best managed and most prosperous, organizations of its kind in Southern New York. *CHAPTER IV. Administration of the Law — Early Courts — Changes ^^nd Estab- lishment OF New Courts — County Buildings — Judiciary and Civil. List. AT the time of the organization of the county (1791), the- various courts of law, from those of a general jurisdiction to those of a specific and limited jurisdiction, had already been instituted and organized throughout the state, either by derivation from the common law, or by the constitution and the various enactments of the legislature. With a very few except- ions of courts since abolished, the courts of law of that time have continued until the present writing with powers and jurisdictions- of so kindred a nature that they are easily identified. There has- been very little change in the essential nature of those powers and jurisdictions, or even in the number and grades of the various courts since. There have been made, however, great changes in the executive scheme and machinery of these courts. These changes are simply those of the natural growth and develop- ment of the administrat on of law, equity and justice ; and they" may be easily traced through the history of the constitutional and statute laws of the state. The paramount court of the state was the court for the trial of impeacliments and for the correction of errors. It was pro- vided for by the first constitution of the state, 1777, and was established by an act of legislature in 1784. It was composed of the president of the state senate, senators, chancellor, and judges of the supreme court, or the major part of them. As a court ifor the trial of impeachments, it had power to impeach all *Prepared by S. Jay Ohart, of Owego. 36 TIOGA COUNTY. public officers of the state " for mal and corrupt conduct in their respective offices." Two-third noajority of the members present was necessary in order to successfully impeach. This cour^ still continues, with some modifications. It is now composed of the president of the state senate, senators or the major part of them, and the judges of the court of appeals, or the major part of them. Since it was first established, in 1784, this court has been deprived of much of the jurisdiction orginally conferred upon it, by the adoption of new state constitutions and by the various amendments thereto, and by numerous enactments of the state legislature. As a court for the correction of errors, this was a species of appellate court of last resort, and had power to redress and. correct all errors happening in the court of chancery, the supreme court, the court of probates and the court of admiralty. This branch of the court continued until the adoption of the new state constitution, which went into effect January i, 1847. It was supplanted under provisions of the constitution of 1847, by the court of appeals, although it is a noteworthy feature that the new constitution of 1847 made no direct abolition of this court; but it was practically disposed of by that instrument by abolish- ing the offices of chancellor and justices of the supreme court, who in part made up the court for the trial of impeachments and for the correction of errors. The new state constitution of 1847 provided for the institution of the court of appeals, consisting of eight judges, and the court was subsequently organized under provisions of enactment of the legislature, and is still in existence. The judges thereof are elected by popular vote, and since the adoption of the judiciary article to the state constitution, November 2, 1869, the court has been composed of a chief justice and six associate justices and the tenure of office is for a term of fourteen years. Its sessions are held in the city of Albany. It is an appellate court of last resort in the state, having general jurisdiction in law, equity and justice. There was another court already organized at the time of the erection of the county, known as the court of exchequer. It was a court having jurisdiction of fines, forfeitures and amercia- ments. It was abolished by the repealing acts of 1828, in antici- pation of the revised statutes of the state which went into effect January i, 1830. The court of chancery was another court already in existence TIOGA COUNTY, 37 and fully organized, to the jurisdiction of which the county of Tioga was subject upon its erection. This court had jurisdiction bf general equity jurisprudence. The executive officer of the court, originally under the provisions of the constitution of 1777, was a sole chancellor, appointed by the governor of the state with the advice and consent of the council of appointment. His tenure of office was during good behavior, or until he arrived at the age of sixty years. Subsequently, when the revised statutes went into effect, January i, 1830, provision was made for the appointment of vice-chancellors, one for each of the eight judicial circuits. The duties of the vice-chancellors were anal- agous to those of the circuit justices of the supreme court. The court of chancery continued until the first Monday of July, 1847, when it was abolished under the provisions of the new state constitution, which went into effect January i, 1847. This constitution provided for a supreme court, with general juris- diction in law and equity ; and since its adoption the history of equity jurisprudence is identical with that of the supreme court. The supreme court of judicature was also already fully organ- ized, having general jurisdiction of civil matters. Originally it consisted of three members, a chief justice and twO associ- ates, who were appointed by the governor of the state with the advice and consent of the council of appointment. Their tenure of office was during good behavior, or until each should attain the age of sixty years. Afterward the number of associate judges was increased to thre'e, and subsequently to four. The terms of the court were held at the state capitol, and the justices of the court continued to be appointed until June 7, 1847, when, under the provisions of the new constitution, they became elective by popular vote, and they have since continued to be so chosen. An act of the State legislature of 1786, however, authorized the trial of issues in the supreme court to be held in the county where the causes arise, and established circuit courts to be held in the vacations of the court at least once a year in each county of the state, by the justices or some one of them. The act of 1791, creating Tioga county, however, provided that it should not be the duty of the justices of the supreme court to hold a circuit court once in every year in Tioga county, unless in their judgment they should deem it proper and necessary. An act of February 10, 1797, nevertheless, appointed the circuit of Tioga county to be held on the tenth day after the second Tuesday in May, yearly. The state was at this time 4* 38 TIOGA COUNTY. divided into foiir judicial districts, and the county of Tioga was included in the "western district," so-called. April 17, 1823. an act was passed dividing the state into eight circuit districts, corresponding with the eight senatorial districts in extent of territory. Under this arrangement Tioga county was in the sixth circuit district. February 22, 1788, the state legislature by enactment estab- lished courts of oyer and terminer, having general criminal jurisdiction, and directed that the justices of the supreme court,- or either of them, together with the judges and assistant judges of the courts of common pleas of each county of the state, or any three or more of them, should constitute the court. The terms of oyer and terminer were also authorized to be held in the respective counties at the times when the justices of the supreme court should be holding the circuit court in such county. The supreme court, the circuit court thereof, and the court of oyer and terminer having been thus established throughout the state prior to the erection of Tioga county, the county became subject to the jurisdictions 'thereof from the time of its organiza- tion. These courts have continued in existence until the present time. It will be interesting, nevertheless, to notice some changes which were made in the executive arrangement of these courts from time to time. The revised statutes of the state which went into effect January I, 1830, provided for the construction of the supreme court to consist of a chief justice and two associates, and divided the state into eight circuit court districts, also made provision for eight additional circuit court justices, one for each district. These circuit court districts were made to correspond to the eight senatorial districts. The county of Tioga was annexed to the sixth judicial district, and has remained in that district down to date. This scheme was continued, with some modifications until the adoption of the new state constitution, which went into effect January i, 1847. Out of this new constitution, the amend- ments thereto, and the subsequent acts of the state legislature, has grown our present elaborate arrangement of the supreme court, circuit courts thereof, and courts of oyer and terminer the systematic executive arrangement of which elicits the admi- ration of the world of jurisprudence. They consist of so-called " departments," of which there are five in the state. Terms of circuit courts and courts of oyer and terminer are held in the various counties by a sole circuit justice. Under the present TIOGA COUNTY. 39 arrangement the office of justice of the supreme court is elective,, and the tenure thereof has been, since the adoption of the judiciary article to the state constitution, November 2, 1869, for a term of fourteen years. The county of Tioga, under the present judicial arrangement, is in the fourth department and in the sixth judicial district, which has five justices, two of theno. general term justices and three of them circuit justices. Courts of comnion pleas, having limited civil jurisdiction, and Courts of general sessions or general sessions of the peace, having limited criminal jurisdiction within the respective counties of the state, had also been provided for by the state constitution and by various acts of the state legislature before the erection of the county ; but they were especially provided for by |he act of February, 1791, creating the county. This act provided that there should be two terms of said courts held in the county each year. The first terms thereof were directed to be held on the fourth Tuesdays of June and January of every year, at the house of George Hornwell, in Chemung (now in Chemung county). These courts originally were composed of a first judge,, three associate judges and four assistant judges. Three of these were necessary to be en bane to constitute the court, one of which three was required to be either the first judge or one of the associate justices. In 181 8, the offices of assistant judges were abolished by an act of legislature, and the revised statutes of 1830 provided for a first judge and four judges of the county courts of each county. These species of courts continued with some modifications until the adoption of the new state constitution of 1847. That instrument provided for one county judge in each county, except the county of New York, who alone held the county court, which was thus made to supplant the court of common pleas. He also, together with two justices of the peace; called justices for sessions, holds the court of sessions, having limited criminal jurisdiction within the county which in turn, since January i, 1847, has supplanted the court of general sessions or general sessions of the peace. Under the original system the first judge, the three associate judges and the four assistant judges were appointed by the governor of the state with the advice and consent of the council of appointment. The tenure of office of the first judge was during good behavior, or until he attained the age of sixty years; and commissions of appointment to the judges of the county courts (other than the first judge), etc.. were reauired to be made^ by the constitution of 1777, once 40 TIOGA COUNTY. at least in every three years. With this exception the duration of the term of said officers was during the pleasure of the council of appointment. In 1830, the revised statutes authorized the nomination and appointment of the judges (a first judge and four assistant judges) of county courts by the governor of the state, with the consent of the state senate, and their tenure of office was for a term of five years, subject to removal for cause ; and by the new state constitution of 1847, the office of sole county judge was made elective by popular vote and the tenure of office was for a term of four years. This term was by the adoption of the judiciary article to the state constitution November 2, 1869^ changed to six years' duration, which is the present tenure of the office. Justices for sessions, sitting with the county judge, con- stituting the court of sessions, are elected annually by popular vote and are required to be acting justices of the peace. Courts of probate, or what are now known as surrogate's courts, had also already been instituted throughout the various counties of the state, prior to 1791, by common law jurisdiction and by an act of legislature passed February 20, 1787, and by legislative acts subsequent thereto. These courts had original general juris- diction of the probate of wills, administration of decedents' estates, and of all controversies relating thereto. The original statute of 1787, provided for the appointment of a sole surrogate in and for each county by the governor of the state and the council of appointment, to serve during the pleasure- of said council. The revised statutes of -1830 authorized the nomination and appointment of surrogates by the governor of the state, with the consent of the state senate, and fixed the tenure of their office at a term of four years. Surrogates in and for each respec- tive county continued to be appointed, with some subsequent modifications and conditions, until the new state constitution of 1847; and by that instrument the office of surrogate was con- solidated with that of county judge, and since that time the office of surrogate in Tioga county is identical with that of county judge, as to manner of election and as to tenure of office. It is needless to add that this species of court is still extant in Tioga county, having the same general jurisdiction. Courts of justice's of the peace, having specific and limited jurisdiction of petty civil controversies, and courts of general sessions of the peace, held by justices of the peace, having juris- diction of petty crimes and misdemeanors, were also inaugurated throughout the various counties of the state at the time of the TIOGA COUNTY. 41 organization of the, county ; and they are still continued, having- nearly the same general jurisdiction as they had when the county was first created. Courts held by justices of the peace, exercising jurisdiction of petty crimes and misdemeanors, are now denominated as courts of special sessions. Justices of the peace were originally appointed by the governor of the state and the council of appointment under provision of the constitution of 1777; and their tenure of office was during the pleasure of the council of appointment, except that it was required that commis- sions of appointment should be issued at least once in three years. Justices of the peace continued to be appointed until the amendment to the state constitution, ratified in November, 1826, and since that time they have been chosen by the electors within the various towns of the state. The tenure of office is now for a term of four years. The act of the state legislature of 1791, creating the county of Tioga, provided that, until other provisions be made in the premises, the courts of said county should be held at the house of George Hornwell, in Chemung, and directed that a court- house and jail in the county should be erected at such place as the judges and justices and supervisors, or the major part of them, should direct and appoint. July 12, 1791, the justices and supervisors of the county met and selected a site for the new court-house and jail. The site selected was east of the Nanti- coke creek, now in the village of Chenango, a small settlement on the west side of the Chenango river in the town of Union. A petition was made to the state legislature by the judges, justices and supervisors of the county, for authority to raise a sum of money sufficient to build such buildings. In pursuance thereof, an act was passed by the legislature on February 18, I792> authorizing the levying and collection of three hundred pounds, with an additional sum of nine pence on the pound for collecting the same, for building a court-house and jail, and authorizing the appointment of three commissioners by . the supervisors and judges of the court of common pleas on the first Tuesday in May, 1792, to superintend the building of the new court-house ^nd jail upon the site selected July 12, 1791. The same act authorized the courts of said county to be held at the house of Nehemiah Spalding, situate near Nanticoke creek aforesaid, after the end of the term of said court to be held on the fourth Tuesday of June, 1792, until the new court-house should be built and fit for the reception of the court. In conformity with the 42 TIOGA COUNTY. provisions of this act the court-house and jail were erected in ■1793- There sprung up at once intense local jealousies and strifes among the inhabitants of the county, as to the permanent location -of the new county buildings. There appears to have been a muraerous sprinkling of inhabitants in the vicinity of what are now the cities of Elmira and Binghamton, and the chief struggle •as to the location of the county seat of the new county was between those two localities. And thus early in our history was ■engendered a strife for local dorainancy, which has continued ainabating until the present day. The Chemung inhabitants secured a temporary domiiiancy by the act of February, 1791 ; and the Nanticoke inhabitants wrested it from them by the act of February, 1792. But their victory was not an exclusive one, for the inhabitants of Chemung immediately set to work and constructed a building for a jail, at Newtown Point, so-called, in the town of Chemung, and January 14, 1793, secured the passage of an act of legislature recognizing the same as the jail of the county, "until further legislative provisions in the prem- ises ;" and also authorizing the holding of the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the place, in said county from and after April i, 1793, on the first Tuesday in May, October and February, of every year, alternately at the house of Joshua Whitney, at Chenango, in the town of Union, and at the said new- jail building at Newtown Point, in the town of Chemung, and directed the adjournment of said courts at the end of the January term of 1793, to the first Tuesday of May, 1793, to lae held in this new jail building at Newtown Point. This dual arrange- ment threw some confusion into other official departments of the county, and there appears to have been a struggle to have the dual arrangement carried throughout all of those official depart- ments, and doubts at once arose as to the power and authority to do this, particularly among the new loan officers. Once more the legislature was appealed to, and March 25, 1794, an. act with a pj-eamble reciting this state of affairs was passed, authorizing , and requiring the new loan officers to hold the new loan office in the towns of Union and Newtown, alternately, at or near the places of holding said courts, and directing that the next meeting of the said new loan .officers be held in the town of Union, afore- said. March 17, 1795, the good people of the Nanticoke vicinity secured the passage of an act directing that the sheriff of Tioga TIOGA COUNTY. 43 county, from and after May i, 1795, compute and receive mileage fees from Nanticoke bridge, in the town of Union, and from no other place. The location of Chenango Village, in which the new court- house and jail had been erected, in 1793, was changed to Che- nango Point (now city of Binghamton) in 1799, but the citizens of that vicinity were still persistent to maintain local supremacy, and the contention seems to have continued until 1801. March 31, 1801, the state legislature enacted that the judges and assistant justices in the County of Tioga, at the next term of their court, commencing on the first Tuesday in May, 1801, divide the county into two jury districts, " as nearly equal as may be convenient ;" and authorized the holding of the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace at the court-house '*about to be erected at Chenango Point, m. the town of Chenango, instead of the house of Joshua Whitney, in the town of Union, and at the court-house at Newtown alternately." March 5, 1794, Onondaga county was formed, March 15, 1798, Chenango county was formed and March 28, 1806, Broome county was formed, all taken from Tioga county and embracing all of the territory east of Owego creek. The act of March 28, 1806, directed. the holding of the courts for Broome county in the court-house then erected in Chenango, and for, the county of Tioga at the court-house in the town of Newtown, and the pro- visions for two jury districts in the county of Tioga was abolished. Meantime a large settlement had grown up at Spencer. The court-house at Newtown was a rude affair, constructed of logs and covered with clap-boards, situate approximately, upon the present corner of Church and Sullivan streets, in the city of Elmira. That new county buildings would soon have to be con- structed in Tioga county was manifest. What is now the town of Owego was known as the town of Tioga, and had been set off into the new county of Broome in 1806. Directly upon the formation of this new county of Broome, Spencer began to con- test with the Newtown community for the location of the antici- pated new county buildings, and for local supreraacj'. The name of the town Newtown was changed to Elmira, by act of legisla- ture April 6, 1808, so it will be proper hereafter to speak of the locality as Elmira. Spencer was then sometimes known as '•' Pumpkin Hook ;" but nothing daunted, she wrested from Elmira the sway of local dominancy and secured the location of the new county, buildings there. February 17, 1810, an act was passed by 44 TIOGA COUNTY. the legislature appointing Nathaniel Locke, Anson Carey and Samuel Campbell, "commissioners to locate a new court-house site." In the winter of 1811, these commissioners removed the county seat from Elmira to Spencer. By the same act, Joshua Ferris, Isaac Swartout and Samuel Westbrook were appointed to superintend the erection of the new building. September 28, 1 8 10, two acres of land, situate in Spencer, were purchased of Andrew Purdy out of his farm, for the price of $20.00. The new building was situate upon the corner where Messrs. Emmons Bros' store" now^ is. This new court-house was built by Mr. Purdy, on contract, under the personal superintendence of Samuel Westbrook, and cost $5,595.60. It was a wooden build- ing, two stories high. On the ground floor were four appart- ments, one of which was used for a prison for criminals, another for the imprisonment of debtors, the other two for the jailers apartments. The second story contained the court-room proper and two jury-rooms. The strife was still rife between the Elmira and Spencer local- ities for dominancy, and the Elmira community still persisted in maintaining a species of independence. Accordingly, June 8, 1812, Tioga county was again divided into jury districts, the eastern and the western ; and the courts of the county were held at Elmira and Spencer alternately. In January, 182 1, the court- house in Spencer was destroyed by fire. It was occupied at the time by the jailor, John J. French, a revolutionary soldier. He was the father of three daughters, who occupied the jury-rooms in the second story for their appartments. The fire which des- troyed the building broke out at mid-night, in these rooms. They claimed that it originated in the chimney, but many were un- charitable enough to assert their belief that the jailor's girls set the building on fire at the instigation of certain persons who were desirous of having the county seat removed to Elmira. The legislature, March 31, 1821, passed an act directing the next courts to be held where the sheriff of the county should designate, and the first court of common pleas so held was to designate where the next term should be held, and so on from term to term, till a new court-house should be erected. It was also made lawful to confine the prisoners in the Tompkins county jail, or in the jail at Elmira. A temporary court-house, one story high, was erected about twenty or thirty rods west of the old one. It adjoined a school- house, the latter being used during sessions of the court, a door TIOGA COUNTY. 45 having been cut between the buildings in order to give access from one to the other. The buildings were used for court purposes until the spring of 1822. The temporary court-house was removed fifteen or twenty rods west of its original location, to where it now stands, between George Rosecrance's wagon shop and Seth O. Sabin's blacksmith shop, where it is used to store lumber in. In the meantime, the legislature, by act of April 12, 1813, revised the division of the state into towns, and exchanged the names of the towns of Owego and Tioga one for the other, as they are now denominated. And by an act passed March 22, 1.822, the towns of Berkshire, and Owego, then including the new towns of Richford and Newark Valley also in the county of Broome, were annexed to the county of Tioga ; th^ county as reconstructed was divided into two jury districts ; and the act authorized the construction of new court-houses and jails in both Elmira and Owego. The two jury districts were designated the eastern and western. The eastern district comprised the towns of Tioga, Spencer, Danby, Caroline, Candor, Berkshire and Owego. The western district comprised the towns of Cayuta; Catharine, Chenango and Elmira. This act made it the duty of the board of supervisors at their annual meeting in October, 1822, to levy a tax of $4,000.00 and, in 1823, an additional tax of $2,000.00, to pay for the construction of new buildings, on con- dition that $2,000.00 additional be raised by voluntary subscript- ions and paid in, and that lots for building sites should be con- veyed free of expense to the county. Three commissioners were appointed to take charge of the construction of each of the court-houses. John R. Drake, Gen. Anson Camp and Charles Pumpelly were nominated the commissioners to build the one in Owego. This act dividing the county into two jury districts also direc- ted the courts for the eastern district to be held at the hotel of Erastus S. Marsh, which was situate upon the site of the present Ahrwa-ga House in Owego, until the new court-house should be erected. ' And the courts for the western jury district continued to be held at Elmira, until March 29, 1836, when it was made into an independent county and denominated Chemung county, by an act of the legislature. February 28, 1799, the trustees of the Owego settlement ac- quired a considerable tract of land of James McMaster for a village park. In pursuance of the act of March 22, 1822, requir- 46 TIOGA COUNTY. ing that a lot for a building site for the new court-house and jail in Owego should be conveyed free of expense to the county, a further legislative act was passed April 17, 1822, authorizing the trustees of the village of Owego with the consent of the inhabi- tants of said village, to convey to the supervisors such parts of the lands originally conveyed by James McMaster and Rachel, his wife, to the trustees of the inhabitants of the Owego settle- ment as may be necessary to be occupied for the use of a court- house and jail to be erected in said village. Thereupon a meet- ing of the free holders and inhabitants of the village of Owego was held at Marsh's tavern, on the 12th day of October, and assent and authority given to the trustees of the public grounds in said village to deed to the supervisors of the county so much of the public grounds as they might "deem necessary to erect a court-house, and other necessary buildings upon as appendages to the court-house." The trustees of Owego settlement accord- ingly, on October 29, 1822, deeded to the supervisors of the county the ground on the corner of Main and Court streets, in Owego village, upon which are now situate the new sherifi's residence and jail, the old county clerk's office and the old jail building. The court-house was built by contract, Ralph Manning of Berkshire, constructing the cellar and Seth Bacon, of Candor, the slriicture. The work was completed in 1823. It fronted on Court street and had a hall running through its centre from east to west. On the north side of the hall were a sheriff's living room and an office. On the south side were two jail rooms and a kitchen. The stairs leading to the court-room proper, occupy- ing the whole upper floor, were at the east end of the building- At a special meeting of the board of supervisors, held March 3, 185 1, it was decided to build a new sheriff's residence and jail. It was first proposed to build the new jail between the court- house and the old county clerk's office. The ground was then occupied by a fire engine house, which had been built there by the village in 1843, by permission of the supervisors. The plan was afterward changed, and it was decided to build east of the court-house. The village trustees were requested to remove the engine house, as the rear part occupied a portion of the ground needed for the jail. But they did not feel authorized to remove it or relinquish the right of the village to the ground without first obtaining an expression of the inhabitants. The matter was decided at a public meeting of the citizens of the village held on the 20th of March, 185 1, when the trustees were directed to TIOGA COUNTY. 47 remove the building before the first of April. On the day follow- ing that of the citizens' meeting, the supervisors directed the county treasurer to loan $6,000.00 to be expended in building the nevir sheriff's residence and jail. The jail was to be built of brick, lined with two-inch oak planks, with one-half inch iron spiked to the bond timbers and confined at the top and bottom by bars of iron two and one-half by three and one-half inches, placed horizontally, bolted to the bond timbers. It was built by J. Conklin, of Elmira. The sheriff's residence still stands, being the small brick structure on Main street east of the new sheriff's residence and jail, and occupied by the telephone company and others for offices. The old jail portion of the building was sold in 1884 to A. H. Keeler for $125.00 and torn down by him. In the summer of 1852 the court-house was repaired and re- modeld by John Gorman and Chauncey Hungerford, at an expense of $1,500.00. The judges bench and bar, which had been at the west end of the court-room, were removed to the east end, and additional stairs were built at the west end of the buildmg. A •bupola, in which was afterwards, in 1855, placed, a bell, was built upon the roof at the west end of the court-house, and various other changes were made. This court-house was sold to A. H. Keeler and torn down by him, in 1877, after the brick court-house in the park had been completed. ' September 2, 1868, at the Tioga county oyer and terminer, the grand jury of the county indicted the court-house and jail of the county and " presented the Tioga county court-house as unsuitable and inconvenient for the transaction of the legal business of the county, and presented the Tioga county jail as insecure and in- convenient for the confinement of persons charged with crime ;" and " recommended that immediate action be taken by the proper authorities for the building of a new court-houseand jail as soon as practical." November 23, 1869, the board of supervisors passed a resolu- tion to appoint a committee of three to procure plans, specifica- tions and estimates for a new court-house, and to report at the next annual meeting of the board ; and Messrs. John A. Nichols, of Spencer, John H. Deming, of Richford, and Frederick O. Cable, of Owego, were appointed such, committee, and made their report to the board November 17, 1870. On December i, 1870, a resolution was passed by the board of supervisors to pro- ceed with as little delay as practical to erect a new court-house and a new jail for the county, and a committee of three, consist- 48 TIOGA COUNTY. ing of Messrs. John. H. Deming, of Richford, John J. Taylor and Daniel M. Pitcher, of Ow^ego, was appointed to obtain plans and estimates of builders or architects of the expense thereof. This committee reported at a special meeting of the board of supervisors held on December 28, 1870, and recommended the public square in the village of Owego for a site. On the 9th of January, 1871, a meeting of the citizens of Owego Village was held and consent given to convey the public square to the supervisors for a court-house site, which site was adopted by the supervisors at a special meeting held January 12, 1871, but no other building except the court-house was to be erected thereon. The state legislature passed an act authorizing the board of trustees of Owego village to convey the public park to the supervisors for a court-house site, January 20, 1871, which was done by deed bearing date Februarj' 14, 1871. The present elaborate court-house was thereupon constructed, in 1871-73, in pursuance of the plans and specifications of Miles F. Howes, a resident architect of Owego village, by Messrs. A. H. Keeler and Jonathan S. Houk, contractors at the contract price of $55,700.00. The plans were altered, however, subsequently, to the letting of the contract and important changes made. The structure was completed in 1873, and on November 26, 1873, accepted by the board of supervisors at a total cost of construct- ing and fitting of $65,318.90. The building of a new jail was for the time being abandoned, but the board of supervisors in annual session, November 23, 1 88 1 , resolved to build a new jail, either on the bank of the river or on the site of the jail above referred to ; and on December 6, the site on the corner of Main and Court streets, upon which the old court-house of 1823 had been built, was selected. At a special meeting of the board, held April 17, 1882, the plans for a new jail and sheriff's residence were finally adopted, and the contract for constructing the same was awarded to John F. Corchran, ot Owego, and the contract for the iron work was awarded to the Owego Iron Works, and the finishing and the plumbing to E. H. Cook & Co., of Elmira, and May 18, 1882, the board passed an act authorizing the borrowing of $20,000.00 on the bonds of the county of Tioga for the purpose of building a new sheriff's resi- dence and jail. The new structure was erected in 1882-83, i^^ pursuance of the foregoing plans and specifications. The sheriff's residence is built of brick and joined to it is the jail proper, built of solid stone masonery. The completed structure TIOGA COUNTY. ' 49 was accepted at a special meeting of the board of supervisors, held March 30, 1883, at a total cost of erecting, fitting with steam- heating, water and gas fixtures, grading grounds, etc., of $22,- 739- 13. An act of the state legislature, passed April 3, 1798, provided for the recording of deeds and conveyances made and executed after the first day of February, 1799, in Tioga county, among others, in the clerk's office of the county, in books to be pro- vided by the clerk of the county for that purpose. The county clerk's office was kept in Newtown from the time of the erection of the county, in 1791, until 1804. There was no specific county building used for a clerk's office at this era.' The office was usually kept at the residence of the incumbent. March 20, 1804, t!he legislature, reciting a preamble that " sundry inhabitants of the county of Tioga had by their petition represented to the legislature that many inconveniences arise," enacted that from and after July i, 1804, "the office of clerk of Tioga county should be kept in a central situation in said county, not more than three miles from the village of Owego, on the north side of the river Susquehanna." The clerk of the county at that time was Matthew Carpenter, of Newtown. Accordingly, in pur- suance of the provisions of the enactment, Mr. Carpenter, in July, 1804, opened an office in Owego (then Tioga) and placed the same in charge of Samuel Avery, whom he appointed deputy county clerk, July 4, 1804. The exact place where Mr. Avery kept his office it is now impossible to determine, after an exhaustive effort we have been unable to identify it for surety. It is conjectured that he probably had desk room in the law office of his brother, John H. Avery, who was a lawyer, and had his office in a build- ing on the bank of the Susquehanna river, on Front street, near the present residence of Dr. C. L. Stiles. Subsequently, Samuel Avery removed from Owego to Nanticoke, and thereupon, August 3, 1805, Mr. Carpenter appointed James Pumpelly, of Tioga (now Owego), as deputy county clerk of the county. Mr. Pumpelly moved the office to his land office, on Front street, where the building stood until a few years ago when it was moved back from the street, where it is still standing. Dr. William Jones, who was a cousin of Mrs. James Pumpelly, was also ap- pointed deputy county clerk of the county, to act in the absence of James Pumpelly, January 11, 1806*. The clerk's office re- *The official appointments of Samuel Avery, James Pumpelly, and William- Jones, as deputy county clerks of' Tioga county, by Matthew Carpenter, are to be found recorded in 50 TIOGA COUNTY. mained in the old Pumpelly land office building until the town of Owego (then Tioga) was set off into Broome county, March 28, 1806. TJpon the foot of this, the office of the clerk of the county was removed back to Newtown, in pursuance of an act of the legislature of April 7, 1806, requiring that the "clerk of Jioga county should keep his office in the Village of Newtown, any law to the contrary notwithstanding," where it remained until re- moved to Spencer, in pursuance of an act of the legislature passed March 12, 1813, which required that the clerk's office of the county should be kept " within two miles of the new court- house in the town of Spencer." The first distinctive county clerk's office buildin£ was built in Spencer, in 18 1 8. It was constructed of brick, at a cost of $1,139.00 and stood a short distance south of the court-house. The builder was Andrew Purdy, of whom the land upon which it stood had been purchased, and the commissioners appointed to superintend its construction were Abel Hart, of Candor, and Judge Henry Miller and Joshua Ferris, of Spencer. After the building was completed the supervisors refused to pay Mr. Purdy the entire amount of his claim, which subsequent proceedings showed to be a fair and just one. An application was made to the legislature, which passed an act April 12, 1822, appointing Richard Townley, Richard Smith and Luther Gere commission- ers to audit Mr. Purdy's claims, which were subsequently allowed by them in full. After the destruction of the court-house in Spencer, in January, 1821, an act was passed by the legislature^ April 15, 1823, repealing the act requiring the Tioga county clerk's office to be kept in Spencer. The same act appointed Parlee E. Howe, of the County of Onondaga, Henry Towar, of Ontario county, and Charles Kellogg, of Cayuga county, " a committee to determine a proper site for a county clerk's office in Tioga county, said site to be within one mile of one of the court-houses in the county," and the clerk was required to re- move his office to the place so designated within thirty days. The office was removed to Owego from Spencer in July, 1823, in conformity to the decision of these commissioners. The building in which it was kept was a small one-story structure on the bank of the Susquehanna river, on the south side of Front street, about twenty feet east of the present residence of Mr. William A. King. The basement of the building was occupied by the late Stephen the Tioga county clerk's office, in Deed Book No. 6, at pages 25 and 328, and Deed Book No. 7, page 72, respectively. TIOGA COUNTY. 5 1 B. Leonard, deceased, as a printing office, where he publisheid the Owego Gazette. The clerk of Tioga county at this time was Thomas Maxwell, who resided in Elmira. Upon the removal of the office to Owego, it was placed in charge of Major Horatio Ross, whom Maxwell appointed deputy county clerk. April 10, 1824, the legislature of the state passed an act author- izing the supervisors to dispose of the old clerk's office in Spencer, built in 1818, and April 21, 1825, the legislature passed another act which appointed Joseph Berry, Elizur Talcott and John Ripley, all of Owego, commissioners " to cause to be erected a suitable and sufficient fire-proof building for a clerk's office in the village of Owego," and authorized them to receive the monies realized from the sale of the clerk's office in Spencer,j)ursuant to the act of April 10, 1824. It also directed the supervisors at their next annual meeting to cause a tax to be levied not exceed- ing $1,000.00 nor less than $800.00 including the amount received from the sale of the Spencer clerk's office, to be expended in building the new clerk's office. The Spencer clerk's office was sold to Andrew Purdy, April 53, 1825, for $210.00, and the board of supervisors at their annual meeting in November, 1825, directed that it be applied to the use of the commissioners for building a fire-proof clerk's office at Owego, and that an additional sum of $600.00 be levied and raised by tax on the towns of the eastern jury district for the purpose of erecting a fire-proof clerk's office in the village of Owego, making in all $810.00. The office was built by Abner Beers, near the south-west cor- ner of the court-house lot, on Court street, in 1825, and cost $792.00. A committee of three, Messrs. Samuel Barager, of Can- dor, William H. Moore, of Berkshire, and William A. Ely, of Owego, appointed to settle the accounts of the commissioners, reported to the board of supervisors that the new clerk's office was completed and that there remained unexpended the sum of $18.00, at the annual meeting of the board in November, 1826. The new building was one story high, with brick floors, and 18x28 feet insize. Its height was twelve feet. It contained two rooms with four windows and the shutters were of wood, cased with sheet iron. It was as near fire-proof as could be made. This clerk's office, as the county grew in population and its business increased, became too small for the purposes intended, and, in 1854, it was deemed necessary to build a new one. In the fall of that year the supervisors resblved to build a new one at an expense of $2,000.06 and appointed Harvey Coryell, of Nichols, 52 TIOGA COUNTY. Samuel Mills, of Barton, and Josiah Rich, of Candor, to procure plans, etc. In April, 1855, the old clerk's office was torn down, and during the same year the brick one now occupied by the Owego Free Library, on Court street, was erected on its site. The mason work was done under the supervision of Thomas Ireland, and the carpenter work by Almerin S. Waring. The cost was $2,200.00. Mr. Waring made a poor job of it, in order to make his contract as profitable as possible to himself, and was conse- quently obliged to make several alterations to the interior before the supervisors would accept and pay for it. While the building was being constructed, the grand-jury room, in the northwest corner of the old court-house, was occupied as the clerk's office, the documents and records of the county being removed thereto. The clerk's office was kept in the brick structure on Court street, from 1855 until the completion and acceptance of the new court-house, in 1873. Rooms for a clerk's office had been con- structed and fitted up in the southeast corner of the new court- house, into which the clerks office was moved in the winter and spring of 1874, where it has since been kept.* Judiciary and civil list. Justice of the Supreme Court. John M. Parker, i859-67f Surrogates. John Mersereau, 1791 Balthazar De Haert, 1798 William Woodruff, 1802 William Jenkins 1805 Caleb Baker, .1806 Robert Lawrence 1808 Isaac S. Boardman, . ...... 1820 Robert Lawrence, 1821 Charles Baker, 1825 William Maxwell, 1829 Thomas Farrington, 1835 Nathaniel W. Davis 1840 Alansan Munger, 1844 First Judges. Abram Miller 1791 John Patterson, 1798 John Miller 1807 Emanuel Coryell, 1810 Oamaliel H. Barstow 1818 Silas Hopkins, 1823 Latham A. Burrows, 1825 Grant B. Baldwin, 1828 John R. Drake, 1833 Stephen Strong 1838 Alanson Munger, 1843. *The compiler of this chapter desires to express his acknowledgements to Mr. LeRoy W. Kingman for valuable assistance rendered him; and also for the liberty of selecting material from historial sketches prepared by Mr. Kingman and published in the Owepo Gazette, of August 2, g, and i6, 1883. * tDate of Elections. TIOGA COUNTY. S3 County- Judges and Surrogates. Charles F- Avery, ..... 1847-55 Stephen Strong,, 1856-59 Thomas Farrington,. ... 1860-71 Charles A. Clark,, Charles E. Parker, . 1872-83 1884-89 Special Judges and Surrogates. Charles A. Munger, . Alanson Munger, . . . William F. Warner, . . Alanson Munger, Charles A. Munger,.. Adolphus G. Allen,.. . James B. Caryl, .1853-55 1856-58 1859-61 I 862-64 1865-67 1868-70 1871 J. Newton Dexter, . . Jacob B. Floyd J. Newton Dexter, . D. Wellington Allen, Adolphus G. Allen,. Judge F. Shoemakei;, ,1872-74 1875-77 .1878-80 .1881-83 . 1884-86. .1887-89 Judges of Common Pleas and Sessions. Joshua Mersereau, John Miller, Elijah Buck, Emanuel Coryell, Caleb Baker, Phineas C^tlin, Lewis Beers, Joseph Speed, Henry Wells, August Boyer, John Cantine, Joshua Ferris, Noah Goodrich, Stephen Beers, Thomas Floyd, William Jenkins, Jacob Willsey, Henry Miller, Benjamin Jennings, John Konkle, Thomais Floyd, John Robinson, Joel Smith, J. Talcott Waldo; Thomas Yates,-- ■ j-1798 I8I4 I8I6 1820 1' I-I82I I J Latham Burrows, David Williams, John H. Knapp, John McConnell, : Darius Bently, J. Talcott Waldo, John G. McDowell, John R. Drake, Joseph L. Darling, Elijah Shoemaker, George Fisher, J. Westlake, Ira Clizbee, Samuel Barager, Elisha P. Higbee, Arthur Yates, Clark Hyatt, Assistant Justices. ibio J. John Cantine, Benjamin Wynkoop, Elijah S. Hinman, Justices of Sessions. Gamaliel H. Barstow, Samuel Barager, i, 1 848-, •49 1836 1816 1850 54 TIOGA COUNTY. J. Talcott Waldo, Israel S. Hoyt, J. Talcott Waldo, Sylvester Knapp, Oliver A. Barstow, Samuel Barager, Gaylord Willsey, Aug. T. Garey, Robert B. Miller, } Samuel Barager, j Nathaniel F. Mo&re, John L. Howell, Nathaniel F. Moore, Thomas Yates, Edwin H. Schoonover, Aug. T. Garey, Robert B. Miller, Lorain Curtis, Robert B. Miller, Samuel Barager, Samuel C. Bidwell, Samuel Barager, Horace C. Hubbard, Samuel Barager, William E Gee^ Luther B. West, Lorain Curtis, Samuel Barager, Oscar Glezen, John H. Yont2, Samuel C. Bidwell, William F. Belden, Herbert Richardson, John H. Yontz, Herbert Richardson", William F. Belden, p85i 1852 1853 1854 1855-56 j- IS57 [1858 }i859 i i860 ■ i86[ I 1862 1 1863 } 1864 }i865 I 1866 1 1867 I 1868 1869 Samuel C. Bidwell, John H. Yontz, Luther B. West, H. H. Bidwell, Luther B. West, George Cooper, Luther B. West, Daniel B. Nash, Anson M. Kimball, John C. Parmelee, Daniel B. Nash^ John C. Parmelee, Gershotn A. Clark, Robert B Miller, Chas. F. Curtis, Robert B. Miller. Daniel B. Nash, Jmritrs Collins, Gershom A. Clark, Charles F. Curtis, John C. Parmelee, Daniel B. Nash, Ira Hoyt, George H. Grafft, William B. Georgia, Noah Goodrich, John C. Parmelee, Ira Hoyt, Ira Hoyt, Noah Goodrich, Ira M. Howell, Ira Hoyt, Junius Collins, Ira M. Howell. District Attorneys. \ 1870 |i87i I 1872- [ 1873 [1874. [1875 I 1876- 87^. f [- 1878. 1879- 1880 1881 Vi 882 [ 1883. 1 1884. 1 1885-86- 1887- William Stuart, 1 796 Vincent Matthews, 1813 John L. Tillinghast, 1818 William Maxwell, 1822 Eleazar Dana, 1823 Aaron Konkle, 1826 Andrew K. Gregg 1835 Stephen Strong, 1836 Ezra S. Sweet, 1838 John J. Taylor, 1841 George S. Camp, 1843 Stephen Strong, 1844. Ezra S. Sweet, 1847 Alanson Manger, 1850- Benjamin F. Tracy, 1853 Delos O. Hancock 1859- Isaac S. Catlin, 1865 Delos O. Hancock, 1867 Eugene B. Gere 1870- Lyman Settle, 1873 Howard J. Mead, 1880 John G. Sears, ,1886 TIOGA COUNTY. 55 County Clerks. Trhomas Nicholson 1791-92 Matthew Carpenter, .1792-1817 Thomas Maxwell, 1817-28 Green M. Tuthill 1829-34 David Wallis, 1835-43 Moses Stevens, 1844-52 LeRoy W. Kingman,, . , 1853^58 Thomas C. Piatt, 1859-61- Horace A. Brooks, 1862-73 John J. VanKleek 1874-76 John C. Gray 1877-82 John J. VanKleeck 1883-88 Sheriffs. -James McMaster, 1791 Joseph Hinchman, 1795 Edward Edwards 1799 Guy Maxwell, 1800 John Can tine 1804 William Woodruff, 1805 William Jenkins, 1806 Jonathan Piatt 1810 Miles Forman, 181 1 Jonathan Piatt 1813 Miles Forman, 1 8 1 5 Elijah S. Hinman, 18 1.9 Henry Wells 1819 Miles Forman, 182 1 William Jenkins, 1822 E. Shoemaker, 1825 Henry McCormick,. 1828 Lyman Covell 1 83 1 John Jackson, 1834 Prentice Ransom, 1837 Robert L. Fleming, 1840 Charles R. Barstow, 1843 John J. Sackett, 1846 Nathan H. WoodfA-d 1849 Robbins D. Willard 1852 Samuel Mills, 1855 Daniel L. Jenks, ; 1858 Frank L. Jones,. i860 Barney M. Stebbins i860 Hiram W. Shoemaker,. . , , 1861 Joseph B. Upham, 1864 Barney M. Stebbips, 1864 Lewis W. Truesdeil, 1866 Thomas F. Pearl ... 1869 Charles C. Brooks, 1872 William H. Rightmire, 1875 Timothy Robertson, 1878 Burr J. Davis, 1881 Charles Rodman, 1884 County Treasurers. Jonathan Fitch 1793 Orringh Stoddart, ... ,..1795 David Pixley, 1798 Samuel Tinkham, 1803 Joshua Ferris, 1804-36 John Carmichael, 1837 Daniel Armstrong, 1843 Franklin Slosson, 1846 William P. Stone, 1847 Charles Piatt 1848 Frankhn Slosson, 185 1 Ezra S, Buckbee, 1854 Gordon G. Manning, i860 John B. Brush, .,1863 Eli W, Stone 1872 Charles F. Parmele, i88i TIOGA COUNTY. CHAPTER V. Internal IMPROVEME^fTs — Turnpikes — Navigation of the Susquehanna Early Mail Routes^-Cayuga and Susquehanna Railroad^New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad — Southern Cenrral Railroad — Geneva, Ithaca and Sayre Railroad— Elmira, Cortland AND Northern Railroad — Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. THE internal improvements of our state were commenced at the close of the last century, and were a stupendous under- taking. More than half of the state was in forest. To nake passable roads through an almost unbroken wilderness, over ugged mountains, and to bridge swift and broad streams, •equired indomitable energy and an unshaken faith in the future rrowth and prosperity of the state. We cannot withhold our idmiration of the wisdom of those men upon whom devolved the iuty of shaping legislation upon this subject. The plan adopted ■vas that of granting charters to. companies for the construction )f turnpikes in all parts of the state. The first act affecting the county of Tioga was the appointment of commissioners, in 1797, .0 lay out a turnpike from " Kaatskill Landing," on the Hudson, ;o the town of Catharines, in Tioga (now Tompkins) county. The completion of this work led subsequently to the construc- ;ion, by citizens of Owego and Ithaca, of the Owego and Ithaca Turnpike, and, as early as 18 16, Tioga county appears to have lad connection with all the great thoroughfares of the state. The next step in the matter of internal improvements was the construction of canals. The Hudson and Erie was opened for traffic, in 1825,10 the great advantage. of the state at large, but with very little direct benefit to the people of Tioga county, indeed it rather retarded the growth and prosperity of the county. We return for a moment to the period of the construc- tion of the Ithaca and Owego Turnpike. The opening of this avenue gave an outlet from the north, through the county, to Owego upon the Susquehanna, and a very considerable traffic in salt, plaster, flour and. grain was carried on to supply the markets in Pennsylvania and Maryland. A circumstance connected with the construction of this turnpike is perhaps of sufficient interest TIOGA COUNTY. 57 to be noticed. A contest arose between the owners of the two rival taverns on Front street, the Bates tavern and the Frainklin, as to the terminus of the road at Owego. The present McMaster street was the original highwav leading northward from the village. Each of the owners of these public houses, strove to secure the terminus at his inn. The contest was sharp and even bitter. The proprietors of the turnpike finally compromised the maiter by fixing the terminus of the road at the intersection of North avenue with Main street, about midway between the rival taverns. Large store-houses were built at Owego, and for many years this was the principal source of supply of the above mentioned articles for a large territory. The traffic became so large, in fact, that in 1824 an effort was made to navigate the Susquehanna by steamboat, but which was not only a failure but caused a serious disaster by the explosion of its boiler. The river furnished means of transportation by canoes and the Durham boat, propelled by the use of setting- poles, and later, by a modern "ark," which, like the ephemeron, had but a brief existence, terminating with a single voyage down the Susquehanna. By means of these Dur- ham boats and airks an extensive traffic was maintained. The citizens of the county, not willi_ng to -be left behind in the growing prosperity of the state, with commendable energy obtained a charter, in 1828, for a railroad from Ithaca to Owego, which was opened for use in 1834, the cars being propelled by horse- power, making a line of communication with Cayuga lake and the Erie canal. Direct communication with the city of New York was accomplished by the extension of the Erie railroad to Owego in the month of June, 1849. A, second effort was iaiade, about 1835, to navigate the Susque- hanna by steam-power. The Susquehanna Steamboat and Naviga- tion company was formed, which procured the construction of a stern-wheel boat. This novel attempt at river navigation alsoi proved unsuccessful. It served to illustrate, however, the enter- prise of the commercial men of that period, and their desire to keep abiteast with the internal improvements going forward in other portions of the state. . At the first session of the Vlth Congress of the United States, 1799-1800, a mail-route was established f-romthe Hudson, byway of Kaatskill, Harpersfield, Oleout, Unadilla and Windsor, in New York, to Tioga Point (Athens), Pa. The same act provided for a mail-route from Wilkesbarre, by way of Wyalusing, Tioga $8 TIOGA COUNTY. Point, Newtown (Elmira), Painted Post and Bath, to Canandaigua. It is difficult to conceive how a mail could have been conveyed over these routes, where there were neither roads nor bridges. For fifteen years, however, the pioneer "had been dependent upon private hands, and chance waj's and means for receiving by letter or verbal communication, intelligence from distant friends. A postoffice was established at Owego, with Stephen Mack as post- master, about 1803. In 1814 the mail was carried between Chenango Point and Tioga Point in a one-horse wagon. This was continued until 1816, when Conrad Peter commenced carry- ing the mail between Owego and Newburg, on the Hudson, in a wagon drawn by four horses. Nine years later (1825), Stephen B. Leonard established a line of coaches running twice a week between Owego and Bath, Steuben county. Subsequently Lewis Manning and his son, Chester J. Manning, of Owego, Major Morgan, of Chenango Point, Cooley and Maxwell, of Newtown (Elmira), and John McOee, of Bath, became the proprietors of the great Southern Tier Mail and Passenger Coach Line, between Newburgh and Bath, which became a daily line and was con- tinued until the opening of the New York and Erie railroad, in 1849. Thus the first fifty years of this century were a period in which were made three marked advances in the mail service : first, from the irregular and chance service, to one at intervals of two weeks ; second, a mail twice each week, and improving to a daily delivery ; third, the present mail service by railroad, beginning in 1849. The changes wrought in the facilities for travel, commerce, transportation of the mails, and by the invention of the telegraph, all within the past forty-five years, are as marvelous as any of the thousand-and-one tales of the "Arabian Nights" Entertainment." As an illustration of the magnitude of these changes let it be noted that towns distant from each other twenty miles by coach have practically been rendered but two miles apart bv the intro- duction of the railroad. The Cayuga and Susquehanna Railroad was the second rail- road chartered in this state. It was incorporated January 28, 1828, with a capital stock of $150,000.00 and authorized to con- struct a road from Ithaca to Owego. No attempt, however, was made to construct the road until the building of the Chemung canal from Elmira to Watkins. The successful accomplishment of this project was regarded by the citizens of Ithaca and Owego as detrimental to the interests of their towns, and a movement TIOGA COUNTY. 59 ■was Started by Simeon DeWitt, then a resident of Ithaca, and •others to build the road. In March 1832, the capital stock was increased to $300,000.00 and the road was opened in April, 1834. In the following month the capital stock was increased to $450,- ■000.00 and in April, 1838, the legislature authorized a loan to the company of $250,000.00 taking a lien upon the road and its -appurtenances. The "panic" of 1837 crippled the company ; it failed to pay the interest to the state, and on May 20, 1842, the •comptroller sold it at auction to Archibald Mclntire and others. The road as originally constructed was twent)'-nine miles in length, with two inclined planes ascending from Ithaca.. The first of these was 1,733)^ feet long, with 405 feet rise, and the second was 2,125 f^et in length, with a rise of one foot in twenty- one. The total elevation in eight miles was 602 feSt above its southern terminus at Ithac^< It was Operated on the first plane by a stationary steant-efigine, while horses were used as the •motive-power on the balance of the road. After passing into the hands of Mr. Mclntire,. the inclined planes were replaced by others of lesser grade, traversing the mountain in a zigzag man- ner, and locomotives superseded the horse-power and stationary -engine. The main line of the road is now 34.61 miles in length, and the total track mileage is 40.61. The road is leased to the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company, and is •operated by them as the Cayuga division. . The New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad company was incorporated as the New York and Erie Railroad company, April 24, 1832. In 1861 it was re-organized as the Erie Railway company, which organization was continued until 1878, when it was again re-organized, this time as the New York, Lake Erie and Western. The first section of this road was opened for traffic from Piermont to Goshen, in 1841 ; from Goshen to Mid- ■dletown in June, 1843 ; to Port Jervis in January, 1848 ; to Bing- hamton in December, 1848; to Elmira in October, 1849; to Corn- ing in January 1850 ; and through to Dunkirk, the then western terminus. May 14, 185 1. The opening of the road brought a wealthy and comparatively isolated section of the state in com- munication with the sea-board, and soon became the outlet for a large Western traffic. Although the " Erie," as it is familiarly known, has had a checkered career, it has ever been regarded as one of the representative railways of the United States. The road crosses the towns of Owego, Tioga, and Barton, in Tioga county. 6o TIOGA COUNTY". The Southern Central Railroad company was incorporated irt September, 1865, as the Lake Ontario, Aubtfrn & New York railroad, but subsequently its present corporate title was substi- tuted. The company as originally organized was authorized to construct a road from Fair Haven, on Lake Ontario, to Athens, near the Pennsylvania state line. Twenty-five miles of the road were opened in 1869; forty-three in 1870; twenty-seven in 1871 ; and the remaining twenty-two miles in the winter of 1871-72. The Southern Central railway is 117 miles in length. It crosses the towns of Richford, Berkshire, Newark Valley, Owego, Tioga and Barton, in. Tioga county. On January i, 1887, the road was leased to the L. V. R. R. Co. for a period of 975. years. The Geneva, Ithaca and Sayre Railroad Company is successor to the Geneva, Ithaca and Athens Railroad Company, which was formed by a consolidation, May 25, 1874, of the Ithaca and Athens and the Geneva and Ithaca Railroad Companies. The former was opened in 1871, the latter in 1874. Having defaulted in payment ot interest, the G. I. & A. R. R. was placed in the hands of a receiver, March 24, 1875, and re-organized under its' present name, October 2, 1876. On April 5, 1879, the Cayuga Southern Railroad, by an act of the legislature, was consolidated with the G. I. & S. R. R. Co., and now forms a part of its line. The former road was organized as the Cayuga Lake Railroad in 1867; opened May i, 1873; sold under foreclosure July 26, 1877, and re-organized. The G. I. & S. R. R. enters the southwestern part of the county, and after passing through a part of Barton, enters -Chemung county, to appear in Tioga county again, pass- ing through the town of Spencer. , > The Elmira, Cortland and Northern Railroad Company is a re-organization, March 7, 1884, of the Utica, Ithaca and Elmira Railroad Company. That company was constituted by a con. solidation of the Ithaca and Cortland, and Utica, Horseheads and Elmira Railroad Companies, the former of which was organized July 31, 1869, and the latter April 2, 1870. It traverses the towns of Spencer and Candor, in Tioga county. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, as it passes through Tioga county, traversing the towns of Owego and Nichols, was originally built as the New York, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. In October, 1882, it was leased to the Dela- ware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company, thus extend- ing that company's line through to Buffalo. TIOGA county'. 6e CHAPTER VI. Newspapers of Owego— Of Waverly— Of Newark Valley— Of Spencer — ^Of Candor. THE first newspaper published in this part' of the State of New York was The American Constellation. It was estab- lished November 23, 1800, arid was dated at " Union, Tioga County, N. Y.," although it was really printed at Chenanga village, a small settlement on the Chenango river, about one mile above the present city of Binghamton. Mr. Cruger after- ward removed his printing office to Owego. The name of the paper was changed in August, 1803, to The American Farmer, SlXv^^ some time afterward Stephen Mack became its publisher. In the winter of 1813. Stephen B. Leonard purchased a one-half interest in the paper. June 15, 1814, after the death of Judge Mack, Mr. Leonard changed the name of the paper to The Owego Gazette, which name it still bears. In October, 1827, Jonas B. Shurtleff became Mr. Leonard's partner. This partnership continued, two- years, when Mr. Shurtleff withdrew from the firm. John J. C. Cantine was Mr. Leonard's partner from 1833 to 1835. In the- fall of the latter year the establishment was sold to Shurtleff & Bull. In July 1836, Mr. Shurtleff purchased his partner's inter- est and continued the publication of the paper until February,. 1839, when Edward P. Marble became the proprietor. In December, 1841, the paper passed into the hands of Charles C. T^homas, and Alanson Munger became its editor. July 15, 1842, Thomas Woods succeeded Mr. Thomas as proprietor of the paper, and Gideon O. Chase became the editor. In January, 1843, Hiram A. Beebe purchased the paper, subject to a chattle mortgage of $400, which had been given by Mr. Marble. At this time the division of the Democratic party into "Hunkers"" and "Barnburners" occurred. The leaders of the "Barnburners"' induced Mr. Woods to foreclose the mortgage, and the establish- ment was sold to Mr. Woods. Mr. Beebe at once secured a new press and material and opened a new office. The result was that two papers called The Owego Gazette were published at the same time. A suit brought to collect payment for certain 62 TIOGA COUNTY. legal advertising, resulted in a decision in favor of Mr. Beebe, the court holding that the sale of the Gazette printing office on a mortgage foreclosure did not include the good will or the name of the paper. Mr. Woods was accordingly compelled to discon- tinue the publication of his paper. Mr. Beebe sold the Gazette to Thomas Pearsall, in July, 1845, who sold it to David Wallis .& Son, in March, 1846. The next year Mr. Beebe repurchased the paper. In August, 1871, he sold a one-half interest in the establishment to LeRoy W. Kingman. In September, 1880, the latter became sole proprietor. The. Gazette has always been Democratic in politics. On the 2d of September, 1828, Stephen S. Chatterton com- menced the publication of the Owe^o Free Press, and- supported John Quincy Adams, the Republican (or Whig) candidate for President. Gen. Jackson, the Democratic candidate, was elected and after the election the publication of the paper was discon- tinued. The organ of the old Whig party, the Owego Advertiser, was -established in Owego, in 1836, and its first number was issued March 25th. In June, 1853, the establishment was sold to a stock company, composed of William Smyth and eleven other persons, .and the office was leased for one year to Powell & Barnes. At the same time the name of the paper was changed to the Southern Tier Times. Mr. Smyth purchased the interests of the other stockholders, in June, 1854. June 7, 1855, he changed the name to Owego Times. In 1872, Mr. Smyth took his son, Wm. A. .Smyth, into partnership, and the paper has since been published by Wm. Smyth & Son. Since the formation of the Republican party the Times has been its organ. The division of the Democratic party in this state into two factions, one of which was known as the " Free Soil" Democrats, resulted in the establishment of a "Free Soil" newspaper in •Owego. It was called The Tioga Freeman. Its editor was Gideon. O. Chase, it was owned by a stock company, and John Dow was the publisher. Its first number was issued May 2, 1848. In September, 1849, the office was destroyed by fire and its publi- cation was discontinued. In April, 1853, Chas. P. Avery, Thomas C. Piatt, Chas. A. Munger, and others, issued the first number of a monthly mag- azine called St. Nicholas. It was published one year. It con- tained among other things a series of papers entitled "The Susque- TIOGA COUNTY. 63 hanna Valley,'' written by Judge Avery, and which have been che foundation of all early history of Tioga county. August 23, 1855, Ahdrew H. Calhoun issued the first number •of the Owego American^ the organ of the American, or "Know- Nothing" party. Its business offiqe was in Owego, but the paper was printed on the press of The American Citizen at Ithaca. Mr. Calhoun was the " Know-Nothing " candidate for State Senator and was defeated. At the conclusion of the campaign the publi- <:ation of the paper was discontinued. In 1870, Charles H. Keeler, the proprietor of a job printing office, commenced the publication of a small advertising sheet, for free circulation, known as ' the Reporter. It was enlarged and called the Tioga County Record, March 18, 1871. August 3, 1885, the paper was sold to C. S. Scott and is pow published as a daily and weekly, by Messrs.- Scott & Watros. The defection of a large number of the prominent men of the Republican party, known as Liberal Republicans, resulted in the establishment of an organ in Owego. It was called The Ahwaga Chief, and its first number was issued February 23, 1872. Its last number was published November i, 1872, with the close of the Presidential campaign. The publication of The Workingntan, the organ of the Green- backers, was commenced in Owego, November 1, 1877, by two printers, Webster & Graves. It died a natural death with its issue of February 28, 1879. Benjamin B. F. Graves commenced the publication of a news- paper in the interest of Temperance on the i8th of January, 1879. It '^^^ entitled The Family Journal and Temperance Advo- cate, and was published but five weeks. Another Temperance organ, The Resolute, was published the same year. Its first number was dated April 12, 1879. Its -editors were G. M. Jordan and G. W. Tyson. It expired with its thirty-fourth issue, November 8, 1879. The Owego Blade, a Republican newspaper was established' January i, 1880. by McCormick & Young. It afterward became the property of Eugene B. Gere, who published it/ until April, 1887, when it was discontinued. The first number of the Owego Press, a monthly newspaper ■devoted to educational matters, was issued by C. R. Burnette, in September, 1886, and expired with its twelfth issue, August, 1887. ■ Daily Journalism in Owego. — The first attempt to establish a daily newspaper in Owego was made in 1838, by Mr. Calhoun, 64 TIOGA COUNTY. publisher o{ the Owego Advertiser. Its first number was issuetf October i8th, in that year. It was published but a few weeks^ The next attempt to establish a daily journal was made by Mr. Beebe, in 1855, the first number appearing- on the i8th day of October. It was discontinued on the 6th of the following- December. The Dai/y Gazette was revived May 27, 1861, at the commence- ment of the civil war. It was not properly sustained by the public and its publication was discontinued in the following- October. Backed by neither capital nor brains, the first number of the Daily Owegoan appeared October 7, 1879. ^^ was published by Dorsey B. Gibson. It struggled along until the 4th of the follow- ing August, when it ceased to exist. The Owego Daily Blade was established by E. B. Gere, and its first number was issued November 4, 1882. With" its issue dated April 23, 1887, its publication was discontinued. The daily edition of the Record, previously mentioned, was started December 20, 1886, by Messrs. Scott & Watros, its present publishers. Waverly Newspapers. — The Waverly Luminary was established by Thomas Messenger, October 3, 185 1. The office of the paper was on the second floor of the Spialding block, and here under Messenger, " Brick " Pomeroy took his first lessons in " the art preservative of arts," and, it is said, at an early age developed those traits of character which have since made him so well known. The Luminary had a brief existence of about ten months, F. H. Baldwin soon after purchased the office and material, and, September 17, 1852, published the initial number of the Waverly Advocate. M. H. Bailey succeeded him in 1853, publishing the paper for a few months, when, in 1854, F. H. Baldwin and William Folleys purchased the paper, and continued the publication until i860, when O. H. P. Kinney succeeded to Mr. Bald win's interest. PoUeys & Kinney continued as publishers till 1883, during which year both died, the former in June and the latter in September. G. D. Genung, who for about a year previous to Mr. Kinney's ^death had edited the Advocate, continued its publication, for the administrators of the estates, G. F. Wellar and J. G. Kinney, until the following April, when legal questions regarding the set- tlement of the estates of the deceased publishers arose that resulted in the closing of the office. Soon after this, J. C. Shear purchased the Kinney interest in the business ; and, July 15, 1884,. TIOGA COUNTY. 65 E. M. Fenner purchased the paper and resumed its publica- .tion. January i, 1885; Mr. Fenner's father beqame nominally associated with him in the publication of the Advocate, under the -firm name of E. M. Fenner & Co., and G. D. Genung was again engaged as manager and editor of the paper, a position which he .has filled to the present time. February ist., E, M. Fennerretired from the concern, and June 1.5th it was sold to Messrs. Wellar & .Shear, who continued the publication until November i, 1885, when they sold to its present proprietor, E. L. .Vincent, a talented -newspaper man. The paper has been increased to a nine-column folio, new type, presses, etc., have been added, and it is now the leading paper published in the place, and ranks with the lore- .most country newspapers of the day. It is Republican in, politics, liberal and enterprising, and under the present Aianagement more prosperous than ever before in its history. The Waver ly Enterprise, was established October 15, 1867, by .Prank T. Scudder, a young man of much ability. It first appeared as a four-column monthly folio, 12x18 inches, then as a •semi-monthly of 18x24 inches, and thus continued for about three years, when it was changed to a five-column folio, and published as a weekly. It. was enlarged from time to time until, in 1873, it was an eight-column folio, and one of the most prosperous news- papers in the county. Mr. Scudder's health failing, he sold a half interest, in 1874, to P. C. Van The partnership -continued about six months, when Mr. Van Gelder purchased Mr. Scudder's remaining interest, and then sold a half interest to Amos Roberts. Shortly after, Mr. Van Gelder leased his inter- .-est to J. A. Fraser, and the business was continued; until October 7, 1876, by Roberts & Fraser, at which date the office was entirely destroyed by fire. The subscription list and good-will of, the -office were then purchased by James B. Bray, who was, formerly foreman of the office, but was at that tiaie conducling a job -office of his own, and the paper was revived under its present tif;le. The Waverly Free Press. Mr. Bray, who had been in failing .health for many years, soon found that the added responsibility was undermining his remaining strength, and in December, 1877, be sold the pffice to Cyrus Marsh, who continued in the office but two weeks, when Mr. Bray assumed control again, and has .since continued as editor and proprietor.. The office has always been prosperous, especially so under the management of its . founder and the present .proprietor. The paper is especially -devoted to local news and .home interests, and is fearless in all 66 TIOGA COUNTY. matters pertaining to the public interests. It has always been Independent Republican in politics, but never extremely partisap. The Waver ly and Athens Democrat, a seven-column folio, was established by David P. Shutts, in the winter of 1867-68, and was continued by him about one year, when he formed a partnership with S. C. Clizbe; but the partnership existed but a few months, when Mr. Clizbe retired, and Mr. Shutts continued the paper until 1870, when it suspended. The material was purchased by PoUeys & Kinney, then proprietors of the Waverly Advocate. Mr. Charles Rogers was the political editor of the Democrat. The Waverly Review was established by Ira L. Wales, during the summer of 1875. It was a seven column folio, Democratic in politics, and from the first had a precarious existence. Two attempts were made to establish a daily paper, but neither suc- ceeded beyond a few months, and in April, 1882, Mr. Wales closed his office here, and moved the material to Binghamton. The Waverly Tribune, an eight page weekly, was established in 1882, by W. H. Noble and A. G. Reynolds, under the firm name of Noble & Reynolds. The first number appeared April 27, and three numbers were issued by this firm, when Mr. Reynolds sold his interest to A. C. Noble, a brother of the senior partner. Since that time the paper has been conducted by these brothers, under the firm name of Noble & Noble. From the outset the Tribune has met with success, the office having grown from a small job office to one of the best equipped in the county. The paper is non partisan. Newark Valley Newspaper. — The Tioga County Herald was estab- lished March 4, 1876, by G. M. Jordan, now a resident of San Antonia, Florida, and George Riley, Jr., now one of the proprie- tors of the Press, at Ottumwa, Iowa. In May of the same year Mr. Riley disposed of his interest in the business to H. A. LeBarron. Messrs. Jordan and LeBarron conducted the paper until August 25, 1877, when Charles L. Noble purchased the interest of Mr. LeBarron. On January i, 1878, Mr. Noble be- came sole proprietor, and conducted the paper until January I, 1884, when G. E. Purple became a member of the firm, and since that time the paper has been published by Noble and Purple. Spencer Newspapers. — The first attempt at publishing a ne\ys- paper in Spencer was made in 1874. In the spring of that year, Otho Hedges, a young man who probably possessed more enter- prise than capital, took up his residence in the village and began the publication of the Spencer News. The first number had four TIOGA COUNTY. ' 6j pages, about 9x12 inches. In a few weeks the paper assumed somewhat larger proportions; but struggled along with a small circulation. Toward the close of the summer, an enlargement was made to four six-cohimn pages, with a " patent " outside, and the News made quite a pretentious appearance ; but this sudden expansion seemed to be in excess of the elasticity of the editorial funds, and a financial explosion took place in the fall of that year. No further effort at journalism was made in Spencer until the summer of 1878, when the Spencer Herald was started by Pride t&Foote, on the 22d of August, an independent journal which is maintained to the present. In the fall of 1878 Mr. Pride retired from the concern, and Foote continued the publication to the summer of 1880, when it was purchased by J. LeRoy Nixon,, who enlarged the paper from seven columns to eigl?t, and soon thereafter to nine ; but finding this size too expensive for profit^ dropped back to eight columns, its present size. On January i, 1887, the office was purchased by its present owners, P. C. Van Gelder & Son, who put in steam-power, and other facilities,, dressed the paper in new type, and changed its form from foui" to eight pages. The paper has a large local circulation; and a liberal local advertising patronage. Candor Newspapers. — The first venture in journalism in Candor was made in 1867, by Clizbe & Mandeville, who issued the Candor Press for a time, and sold it to Benjamin Graves, who continued its publication under the name of the Candor Free Press for some time, and then discontinued it. In 1872, Wales & Cameron issued the Candor Review, Ira S. Wales succeeding: and in 1873 the office was burned, and the publication of the paper discontinued. The Independent, the next in order, was established by T. H. Pride^ October 14, 1876, and was continued until a recent date, since which time the village has been without a paper. CHAPTER VII. War of the Rebellion — First Meeting of County Commissioners — SuBskQUENT Meetings — Appropriations — Statement of Total Ex- penditures. IN a work so brief in its scope as this Gazetteer, it would be folly to attempt a detailed history of the various regiments and companies made up wholly or in part by Tioga county men, who served in the late rebellion. In our remarks on this ■68 TIOGA COUNTY. _ \ [ [ subject, then, we will, confine ourselves tQ the action of the county- supervisors during the war period. The first meeting of the board for war purposes was held April 27, 1861. It vvas called by the. clerk, by request of seven supervisors, and Watson L. Hoskins was chosen chairman and Franklin Slosson, clerk. Six thousand dollars were appropriated for relief of soldiers' families, and a committee .appointed to negotiate a loan for, that amount on the faith of the county. The ■disbursement of the funds was placed in the hapds of the super- visors of the respective towns, with authority., to draw on the treasureir for such amounts as were needed. The resolution passed unanimously. At the annual meeting in November an additional sum was appropriated to the. volunteer aid fund, At a special meeting held July 29, 1862, Charles C, Thomas, chair- man, and Watson L. Hoskins, clerk, the board voted to raise ^3,920.00 to pay a bounty of $10.00 each, to 392 men to fill the quota ot the county, and also $1,500.00 to pay the expenses ol procuring. the enlistment of the sapie. On August 20, the same year, $4,840.00 were appropriated to pay the same bounty to 484 men, then required to fill the quota of the county, under the call of the president. Supervisors Pratt, of Barton, Deming, ot Rich- iord, and Thomas, of Owego, were the disbursing committee. The clerk having enlisted, Thomas C. Piatt wag elected to fill the vacancy. The treasurer reported in November, 1862, the pay- ment of $7,317.00 for relief of soldiers' families, of which $817.00 were refunded by the state, and for bounties $7,420.00, expenses .$1,134.00, and interest $298.34 — total, under bounty resolutions, $8,852.34. On December 17, 1863, at a special meeting, a bounty. of $300.00 was offered to volunteers under the call of November, 1863, requiring'427 men to fill. the quota of the county. Bonds to the amount of $130,000.00 were authorized to be issued, payable $40,- 000.00 on the first day of February, 1865 and 1866, and $25,000.00 on the same day in 1867 and 1868, provided so much funds were needed. The amount paid for each town was to be charged against the same, and collected of the town by tax. On February 5, 1864, the board voted to continue the bounty of $300.00 for men enlisting under the call of January, 1864, and changed the time of payment of the $20,000.00 February I, 1866 and 1867, and the balance in 1868.. On February 25 the bounty was voted to be. paid to 286 men already enlisted and credited. TIOGA COUNTY. 69 On July 26, 1864, the treasurer had paid 702 volunteers, and had issued bonds to the amount of $210,600.00. A bounty was then voted of $300.00 per man for volunteers, under the call for 500, 000 men, and a vote was had making the bonds already issued a general county charge, to be assessed at large upon the county. Other bonds were voted, $40*000.00 to be paid February i, 1869, and the balance February i, 1870, with interest at seven percent, and for an amount sufficient to pay for men to fill the quota, which wa,s subsequently found to be 327, and $98,100.00 of bonds were issued. At the annual meeting of November, 1864, the sum of $2,660.00 was voted to pay recruiting agents $10.00 per man for recruits. $63,564.00 were raised, by tax on the several towns, for bounties paid this same year. On December 30, 1864, the bounty of $300.00 was ^ntinued to volunteers enlisting to fill the quotas, and on January 24, 1865, a bounty of $300.00 for one year and $600.00 for three years was offered to volunteers enlisting for the respective terms, and bonds voted to be paid, one-half in one year and the balance in two years. On March i, 1865, the bounty to one-year volunteers was increased to $450.00 and bonds for same made payable February I, 1866. On May 10, bonds for $5,100.00 for expenses were issued, payable February i, 1866. At the annual meeting, the county treasurer was authorized tore-issue bonds falling due February i, 1866, to the amount of $125,000.00 and to pay the towns $3,355.00 for bounties paid by them respectively. A claim made by Broome county for volunteers furnished, and credited to Tioga, was com- promised by the payment of $3,000.00. The total amount of appropriations for war purposes by the county authorities was as follows: Under the orders of 1861 for relief of volunteers and their families $ 13,079.00 Under calls of 1863 and 1864 for 700,000 men, 702 volunteers at $300 210,600.60 Under the call for 500,000 men 1864, 362 men ; 97,800.00 Under the call of 1865 • 128,550.00 Total bounties and relief $450,029.00 Expenses 13,978.00 Interest paid on bonds 102,302.00 Total payments by the county $566,309.00 From this amount is to be deducted the amount refunded by the state under the general bounty law, viz., cash $ 49,100.00 Revenue 7 per cent, bonds.... ; Interest paid to the county on the latter 18,076.00 Total from state - • • $277,176.00 Net amount paid by county ■ • $289, 133.00 Besides this, the towns paid heavy amounts for bounties, in addition to the county bounty. The last county bond for war purposes was paid in 1870. *6 GAZETTEER OF TOWNS. BARTON* lies in the southwestern corner of the countyr and is bounded north by Spencer and a small portion of the county line, east by Tioga and Nichols, south by the state line, and west by the county of Chemung. It has an area of 32,686 acres, of which about 28,000 acres are improved land. It was taken from Tioga and formed into a separate township by an act of the legislature passed March 23, 1824. It has been the scene of tragic events — its early record rises to the romance of history, and is traced by a competent hand in the first chapter of this work. The original titles to the soil, how obtained, etc., is detailed in chapter two. To these chapters we refer the reader. Topography. — The surface of the town is generally hilly, though a small portion of level land lies along the southern border. The highlands on the west rise abruptly from the valley of Cayuta. creek,t and are divided into two ridges by the valley of Ellis creek. Their summits are broad and rolling, and to some extent covered with forests. The principal water-courses are the Cayuta, Ellis, and Buttson creeks. They flow in a southerly direction, and empty into the Susquehanna, which forms the south part of the east border, dividing the town from Nichols. The Chemung river forms a very small portion of the west border of the south part. The soil is a rich alluvium in the valleys, and a sandy and gravelly loam upon the hills. A sulphur spring is found on Ellis creek, near the center of the town. The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in agricultural pursuits, stock-raising and dairying being' the specialties. Origin of the Name of Barton. — In 1849, Prof. Chauncey A. Goodrich published what he styled A Revised and Enlarged * For this sketch we are largely indebted to Hon. William Fiske Warner, and city editor George D. Genung, of Waverly. f Locally, this stream is known as Shepard's creek. TOWN OF BARTON. 71 Edition of Noah Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. In this work the word " Barton " is defined as follows : " Saxon, (berc-ton, Bar- ley town.) The demain lands of a manor; the manor itself, and sometimes the out-houses." He gives as authorities, Johnson and Blount. In 1656, Thomas Blount, of England, published a Dic- tionary of Hard Words. In 1754, about a century later, Samuel Johnson published his celebrated dictionary, in which he follows Blount as to the origin and meaning of this word. As we see, about a century later, Noah Webster publishes his dictionary, giving the same origin and meaning of the word, and Johnson and Blount as authorities. The first constitution of the state of New York was adopted April 20, 1777. Up to this period, and until the yf ar 1813, the law pertaining to personal and real property was the same as it was m England, and many of the original owners of land granted by patent by the state, made arrangement for the formation of " manors," whereby, as in England, large landed property might be held and perpetuated in families. Some of the well-known families of this state owned large manors "upon the Hudson river, such as the Livingston Manor, Radcliff Manor, and others. Upon a map of the county of Tioga, published by the Surveyor- General of the state of New York, in 1829, showing the original survey and numbers of lots, there appear two large lots in the plot of Coxe's Patent. These large lots appear, by this old map, to be reserved, and the word " manor" is printed upon them. Upon the same map appears lot No. 175, in the town of Barton, bounded on the west by Cayuta creek, and extending eastward about four miles, and one and one-half miles in width. Undoubtedly this large lot was intended by the origmal patentee to be reserved as a manor, and we will suppose that being familiar with the quaint old Saxon word, he placed the word " Barton " upon the survey of the land that was filed in the proper office in Albany. A town frequently derives its name from that of some prom- inent individual resident, or the owner of a large amount of its territory. For example, the town of Nichols derived its name from Nichols, the patentee of a large portion of the land in that town, but who never resided there. No prominent person by the name of Barton ever lived or owned property in Barton. It is a reasonable conjecture, therefore, that when the project of form- ing a new town from Tioga was conceived, surveys and original maps were consulted for proper boundaries. Upon making such 72 TOWN OF BARTON. examination, probably, this word '"Barton" was found upon one of the maps, and hence the name of the town became Barton. In this connection it should be stated that the ambitious pro- jects of the original patentees for reserving large landed estates for their families, and perpetuating them, were forever defeated by the legislature of the state, in 1813, by a law forbidding the creation of such estates, and providing that land could only be devised for the benefit of two lives in being, and twenty-one years beyond two such lives. It would appear that the word " barton " is used by modern writers in a much more restricted sense than formerly attached. For example, Thomas Hardy, one of the most careful writers of England, in a recent work, revives this almost obsolete word in the following sentence : " Now his nearest way led him through the dairy barton," — a yard or appurtenance of a dairy farip, as is evident from the context. But this is only one of many instances in which words have lost their original meaning. Spanish Hill. — This interesting elevation, though just without the town's limits, must be noticed in the history of Barton. Span- ish hill is situated in the immediate vicinity of Waverly, in the township of Athens, Pa. This hill is one of the notable features of the valley. A range of hills stretches from the Chemung river along the north side of Waverly for the distance of a mile and more, to Cayuta creek; Spanish hill lies south of the west end of this range, and is about five hundred yards east of the Chemung river. Its east, south and west sides are quite abrupt and form nearly three-fourths of a circle, rising to the height of one hun- dred and twenty-five feet above the river. The top is nearly level, and embraces about twelve acres. The broken hillocks lying adjacant to the north suggest the idea that at some period thev formed a part of this hill, and that Spanish hill had then the form of a cone, and that by some titanic labor the cone had been cut away and the earth carelessly thrown in uneven masses to the north side, leaving a level plane one hundred and twenty-five feet in elevation above the surrounding plane below. An examination of the stones upon the top of the hill quickly dispells this supposition, as it is at once observed that these stones contain shells, and that the surface of this hill once formed the bed of the sea, and the hill therefore was formed by natural causes and not by the hand of man. Spanish hill is a beautiful object, and visable from all parts ■of the triangular valley. But why is it called Spanish hill? Like the origin of the name of the town of Barton, the answer to this TOWN OF BARTON. 73 question is only speculative, and yet the following theory is so plausable as almost to force conviction as to the genuine origin of the name; and being so plausable it is deemed of sufficient im- portance to entitle it to a place in a work of this character. The discovery of this continent by Columbus, in 1492, necessa- rily created a great excitement in Spain, then one of the most powerful nations of the world. Her naval power was superior to all others, and England had trembled by reason of the powerful naval force that had been sent by Spain threatening to crush the kingdom. After the discovery, the Spanish government sent many expeditions to make further discoveries and conquests. Cortez, Pizzaro and other Spanish leaders carried the Spanish flag to Central America, Mexico and Peru, bringing back rich spoils from these conquered lands. De Soto, in 1541, conducted one of these notable expeditions through Florida and made the discovery of the Mississippi. These were expeditions sent by the government of Spain. But the intense interest caused by these regular expe- ditions sent out for legitimate purposes, led to the organization of private and irregular expeditions, organized for the purpose of plunder and the search for gold and silver, that in their character were not unlike pirates. It is supposed that a band of this char- acter, composed of about two hundred, sailed from Spain about the time De Soto landed in Florida, in the year 1541. This band made their way further north and entered the bay of Chesapeake. They were armed to the teeth, and were provided with all imple- ments needful for mining purposes. The idea prevailed that all the rivers of the new continent led to rich mines of gold and silver. The discovery of gold along the streams of California, in 1849, gives a fair illustration of the wild excitement that prevailed in Spain in the year 1540, about three centuries earlier. This band of two hundred anchored their vessel in the Chesapeake Bay, arid leaving it in the care of a portion of the crew, made their way up the Susquehanna. Above the rapids, below Harrisburgh, they made suitable boats for the conveyance of their provisions, camp and mining tools. At this period the Five Nations of Indians occupying the territory, that now forms the State of New York, had been, formed as a confederacy, and dominated all the tribes as far south as the gulf, of Mexico. They had become enraged by reason of the Spanish treatment of their tributary tribes in- habiting Florida, and kept a watchful eye upon all the movements of the Spanish expeditions, large and small, regular and irregular. Of this powerful confederacy the Spaniards appear to have been 74 TOWN OF BARTON. wholly ignorant. The moment, however, this marauding band of 200 Spaniards landed in Chesapeake Bay, a fast runner carried the information to the chiefs of the Five Nations at the head waters of the Susquehanna. The southern border of these five tribes was at Tioga Point (Athens), four miles south from Spanish hill, and at the confluence of the Susquehanna and Tioga (Che- mung) rivers. The confederate Indians watching the approaching Spaniards, prepared to meet them somewhere in the vicinity of Spanish hill. The pirates, finding that an armed force was assem- bled to contest their invasion, sought this prominent hill for shel- ter. It is supposed that the Five Nations were able to oppose this marauding band by not less than five thousand warriors, poorly armed with bow and hatchet, formidable weapons in warfare against Indians, but of small account against the weapons used by Spaniards. Ignorance, of course, existed upon both sides as to the arms to be used. The Spanish band could not remain long in their fortified position. Food and water would soon become exhausted, and they resolved to cut their way out. The multitude of Indians assembled knew these marauders as *' Espanas," at this time a name hateful to them bv reason of the cruelties practiced upon their tributary tribes in Florida and Georgia. Armed as this band was, with weapons of warfare unknown and superior to those of the Indians, it was not un- reasonable to suppose they might cut their way through, but the vast superiority of the Indian force more than balanced the inequality of arms, and not a Spaniard was spared. The slaugh- ter of the Indians, however, was frightful. Probably not less than one, or perhaps two thousand fell. So frightful was the slaughter that the hill was called the " Espana," and the early pioneer reports that the Indians found remaining in the locality had a dread of the hill, and could never be induced to ascend it, a tradition existing among them that a powerful spirit inhabited the hill, fatal to an)"^ Indian who should venture to ascend it. Con- firming this theory is the fact that in the year 1865, a flood in the Susquehanna, greater than had been known by any one living upon its banks, tore away a bank on the border of a meadow that had been undisturbed from the earliest period — then nearly a century — and exposed a rude boat, thirty feet in length by four feet in breadth, and three feet in height, formed by crude planks cut by broad-axes, and fastened by wooden pins. In short, exactly such a boat as would have been constructed by a maraud- TOWN OF BARTON. 75 ing band for transportation of necessaries, such as indicated by this Spanish force. The writer* was informed by James Hanna, a pioneer of the valley, in 1816, and a notable hunter, that he found a bayonet with Spanish inscriptions, at the base of Spanish hill, but that his sons caused the bayonet to be made into a spear ior fishing, and so the valuable testimonial was lost. The intelligent reader will receive the foregoing theory at its just value, and until a better theory is found, this must remain unquestioned. Settlement and Growth. — The first to settle in the town of Bar- Ion and make for themselves and their posterity homes among the giant pines that thickly covered its valleys, were Ebenezer Ellis and Stephen Mills, who, in 1791, settled near liie mouth of Ellis creek. Ebenezer Ellis came from Fort)^ Fort, near Wyoming, in 1787, making his way up the Susquehanna in a canoe. He first located in the present town of Nichols, upon what is known as the old ^'Samuel Walker" farm. He remained there until 1791, when he came into Barton. His cause for the move and again making a clearing in the forest, we are unable to explain. Here he first ■settled upon the farm afterwards owned by John Hanna, with whom he subsequently traded for a farm at the mouth of Ellis •creek, making the exchange for the purpose of gaining control •of the water privilege and building a saw-mill. This exchange was made not long after the settlement, and most historic accounts have erroneously stated that upon this latter farm he made the first settlement. He had thirteen children, among whom were ''\Samuel, Jesse, Cornie, Abigail, William and Alexander. The latter was the first white male child born in the town. He mar- ried Betsey Saunders, by whom he had twelve children, viz.: Ira D., Char les B ., Zeno W., who died in infancy, Solon S., who •died at the age of four years, Nancy, Sarah, wife of Robert ' Fitzgerald, Christopher S., Nelson A.; Lewis B., Cyrus, Char- lotte M., wife of Nathan Saunders, and Hiram. William married Lydia, daughter of Israel Seeley, of Orange county, N, Y., by whom he had thirteen children, viz.: William, Fanny, who died in infancy, John, of Geneva, 111., Sela, of EUistown, Amanda, wife of Charles Pemberton, Sally, wife of Henry Swartwood, of Kansas, Ransom, Lydia, Charlotte, wife of James Parker, and Elizabeth. Two others died in infancy. Charles B. married *Hon. W. F. Warner, of Waverly. 76 TOWN OF BARTON. Elizabeth Maria, daughter of Robert Curtis, by whom he has two children, viz.: J. Addison, and F. Leontine. J. Addison married Alice, daughter of George Edgcomb. Gilbert S., son of Sela, married Amanda, daughter of Robert Curtis, by whom he has had three children, viz.: Harvey W., who died in infancy, Arthur C, and Eddie M., who died in infancy. Stephen Mills, originally from Connecticut, also first located in Nichols, moving to Barton about the same time as Mr. Ellis. He was a revolutionary soldier, and became a pensioner under the act of 1832. His son Lewis married Elizabeth, daughter of John Hanna, by whom he had three children : Miama, widow of Syl- vanus Wright, William G., of this town, and John, of Athens, Pa. William G., married Susan, daughter of John O. ShakeUon, by whom he has had eierht children, viz.: Charles, Ehzabeth (Mrs. Cornelius Case), Charlotte (Mrs. Spencer Brougham), Augusta (Mrs. Thurlow Gale), Wilson, Theodore, Adolphus and Anna. About this time also(i79i) Benjamin Aikens settled where the village of Barton now is. He owned a tract of goo acres, of which Gilbert Smith afterwards became the purchaser. These pioneers were joined by John Hanna, Ezekiel Williams, Luke Saunders, Samuel Ellis, and James Swartwood, all of whom were here previous to 1795. John Hanna was born in Scotland, and when a boy came to- this country, working his passage as a servant to the captain of the vessel in which he sailed. He landed at Philadelphia, and soon made his way up to Nescopeck Falls, Pa. Here he subsequent- ly engaged in the distillery business, losing heavily owing to the depreciation in value of Continental money. Here also he married Margaret McCuUoch, who came from the same town in Scotland as himself, though they were not acquainted with each other there. After his business failure at Nescopeck Falls, he came to this- town, and purchased a farm at the mouth of Ellis creek. He sub- sequently purchased of Peter C. Lorillard, of New York city, a thousand acres of land in the locality known as " EUistown,'' the original deed of which .is now in the possession of Mr. J. E. Hal- let, of Waverly. It is told that at stated periods he used to ga on horseback to New York with gold in a saddle-bag to make pay- ments on his land. Their first habitation here was a log house, which had only an earth floor, and there being no saw-mill he wa& obliged to split planks from pine logs and hew them smooth for flooring. He had no threshing floor, so was obliged to keep his- TOWN OF BARTON. ■ ^^ grain until winter and thresh it on the ice of a little pond on his premises. For salt he had to travel to Horseheads, following an Indian trail and returning with only half a bushel at a time, which he :was expected to share with his neighbors. During the cold summer of 1816, people were for months without bread, and sub- sisted chiefly on "greens," made from various herbs and plants. Mr. Hanna cut rye while it was yet in the milk, dried it on sticks laid across a kettle of live coals, and in this way succeeded in pre- paring for mill half a bushel of grain. When it returned to them and they had made their first bread from it. their neighbors were invited in to feast on the "luxury." Mr. Hanna's first loca- tion he did not occupy long, as he had an opportunity to ex- change with Ebenezer Ellis as we have stated, who owned the farm just north of the one now owned and occupiecfby John G. Hill. Mr. Hanna's barn was the first frame building ever raised in the town, and in it convened the first Methodist quarterly meet- ing held here. His sturdy Scotch qualities made him invaluable in those early times, and the noble qualities of his heart were evinced in the acts of his daily life. His home for many years was the stopping place of itinerant preachers, and, until a more convenient place was provided, people for many miles round met at his house for public worship. Mr. Hanna was also a veteran of the revolution. He died at the great age of 102 years. Mr. and Mrs. Hanna were the parents of nine children, as follows : John, Nancy, wife of John Swartwood, and afterward the wife of John Shoemaker, Jane, wife of Joseph Swain, of Chemung, William, Margaret, wife of Elisha Hill, Betsey, wife of Lewis Mills, George, Sally, wife of Squire Whitaker, and Martha wife of Joseph G. Wilkinson. William married hrst a Miss Saunders. His second wife was Jane, daughter of Isaac Raymond, by whom he had eight children, viz. : William, Edward, Stella, wife of Thaddeus Ellis, George, Adelbert, Frederick, Maud, wife of Arthur Fitch, of Arkansas, and Emmet, who died at the age of nine years. George married Stella, daughter of Jonathan Catlin, of Tiog^,, by whom he has one child, Earl, born September 13, 1882. John, Jr., married Deborah, daughter of John Hyatt, by whom he had four children, viz. : Mary, wife of William T. Ellis, Sally, wife of David C. Lyons, of Wisconsin, Julia, wife of D. B. Horton, of Owego, and Ira, of this town. The latter married Martha A., daughter of Daniel Park, of Nichols, by whom he had four children, viz, : Charles F., of Barton, Sarah, Leonora and Ida L. Leonora married J. E. Merritt, of Athens, Pa., and has four 78 TOWN OF BARTON. children, — Lena, Orrin, Ray and Ralph. Charles F. married Hattie, daug^hter of Lewis Crotsley, of Barton, by whom he has four children, born as follows : Celia, November i8, 1873 ; Louis, July 20, 1S76; Homer, June 12, 1879 ; and Myra, May 7, 1885. Luke Saunders came from Connecticut. He married Sarah Dewey, by whom he had eight children, viz.: Sarah, wife of Beriah Lewis, Parish, Jabez, Nathan, Betsey, wife of Alexander Ellis, Christopher, Nancy, wife of William Hanna, and Robert. Parish married Barbara, daughter of Ebenezer Ellis, by whom he had five children, viz.: Lucinda, widow of Thomas F. John- son, Hiram, deceased, John, Benjamin and William. James Swartwood came from Delaware. He had a family of nine children, viz.: Mary, wife of Isaac Shoemaker, Martha, wife of Benjamin Smith, Sarah, wife of Joseph Langford, Katie, wife of Baskia Jones, Benjamin, James, Jacob, John and Eben- ezer. Benjamin married Catherine, daughter of Ezekiel Williams, by whom he had nine children, namely, James, Ezekiel, Martha, wife of Luther Goodenow, John, Benjamin, Harriet, wife of Robert Light, Lydia, wife of Adam VanAtta, William and Mary. Ezekiel married Margaret A. VanAtta, by whom he has had two children, Nancy, widow of John Harding, and John M., who died in his twenty-second year. In 1796 John Shepard purchased of General Thomas, of West- chester county, one thousand acres of land, at five dollars per acre, extending along the state line, from Shepard's creek at Factoryville, near the fifty-ninth mile-stone, to the sixtieth mile- stone; thence across the north end of Spanish hill, to the Chemung river, and from the " narrows " across the mountain beyond Shep- ard's creek ; thence down the state line again. This embraced the present villages of Waverly and Factoryville, and many fine localities back of these villages. Large portions of this territory are still retained in ^he possession of the Shepard family. Among the early settlers on Cayuta creek were Charles Bing- ham, Layton Newell, Lyon C. Hedges, Philip Crans, Justus Lyons, John Manh'art, and Moses alnd Elisha Leonard. These families were principally from New England, and were among the most industrious and worthy people of the town, and many of their descendants now reside in that valley, particularly at " Lockwood," which long bore the name of " Bingham's Mills," in honor of this pioneer family. Among the early settlers of Barton village, other than those already mentioned, were William Bensley, George W. Buttson, TOWN OF BARTON. 79 who early built a saw-mill upon the stream which bears his name, John Hyatt, Eliphalet Barden, Benajah Mundy, Samuel Mundy, Peter Barnes, Peter Hoffman and Selah Payne. Wilham Bensley came, originally, from Smithfield, Wayne (now Pike) county. Pa. He removed to this town May lO; 1803, and settled on the farm now owned by John Park, on the river road, about one mile west of Barton village. This place was retained in the Bensley family for upwards of eighty years, it having first been owned by John Bensley, brother of William. William Bensley married Mary, daughter of Isaac Bunnell, by whom he had nine children, viz.: Gershom, John, Daniel, Henry, Eleanor (Mrs. Richard Shoemaker), Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles B. Smith), Anna, who died in infancy, Mary A. (Mrs. James Brink), and Sarah (Mrs. Daniel Van Gorder). Mr. Bensley was a weaver by trade, but followed, to a considerable extent, lumbering and farming. Henry married Betsey Brink, by whom he had six children, three of whom arrived at maturity, viz.: Mary, wife of Frank Kelley, of Athens, Pa., John, of Nichols, and Archibald, ■deceased. John married Lucy Wrigley, by whom he has had six children, viz.: Henry, deceased, Leora, wife of James Davi- son, Frederick, Arthur and John, Jr, Daniel married Lucina P. Felt, of Potter county. Pa., by whom he had four children, viz.: Elliott L., who lives on the homestead, Charles and Daniel, who died in infancy, and Bertha L. Elliott L. married Mary E., daughter of John Westfall, of Chemung, by whom he has two children, Gertie, born October 8, 1880, and Nellie, born Decem- ber I, 1884. Charles Bingham left the Wyoming Valley at the time of the Indian massacre there, and with his family was obliged to steal his way by night, in Durham boats, in order to escape the sav- ages. In their first settlement they were so troubled by Indians that he returned to Wilkesbarre. The year following, he came again and settled near Spanish hill. Here they were afflicted with small-pox and lost one or two children. They then removed north, up,Shepard's creek about six miles, and settled on the farm now owned by E. Van Buren. The great inducement for him to settle there was the growth of maple trees in that vicinity, maple sugar being about the only thing then marketable. His sons were John, Ebenezer, Jonathan and Charles, Jr. His daughters were Anna, who married a Mr. Drake, Margurite, who married a Mr. Hedges, and Sarah, who married a Mr. Sanford. , Charles, Jr., built a mill at Lockwood, upon the site where the Bingham 8o TOWN OF BARTON. Brothers mills now are, and it was among the first in this section built on Shepard's creek. He married Anna M., daughter of David Davis, by whom he had six children, viz. : Mary J., wife of Bernard Campbell, of St. Croix county Wis., Jefferson, of Wa- verly, Ann E., wife of Rev. La Fayette Ketchum, of Owego, George W. and Edmund J., of Lockwood, and David T., deceased; George W. married Mary A. Inhoff, of Marietta, Pa., by whom he has had ten children, viz. : Jessie D., Fred, Helen and Mary (twins) who died in infancy, Clara, Joseph, Robert, deceased, Mary A., George and Harry. Edmund J. married Libbie K. Baldwin, of Chemung,, by whom he has five children, Addie L., James B., Marion, Arthur and Laura A. David Davis settled first in the Catskill region, afterward in Greene, Chenango county. His son Samuel H. married Minerva Barnes, of this town, by whom he had two children, viz.: Mary M. and Hannah A., the latter the wife of Eugene Van Buren, who resides on the homestead. Their children are Lena T. and Pearl. Samuel Davis was a blacksmith by trade, but was also engaged in lumbering and farming. Sutherland Tallmadge came from Schaghticoke, Schoharie county, N. Y., very early in the history of this county and set- tled on the farm now owned by Mr. Elliot, and occupied by Tallmadge Hulett. His brother Franklin settled on the farm now owned by James Sliter. The locality is still known as Tallmadge hill. Charles B. Smith, son of Jonas, was born in Sheshequin, Pa., in 1814. His mother died when he was but four years of age, and he came to this town to live with the Bensley family. He married Elizabeth, daughter of William Bensley, by whom he had one son, Rushton. The latter married first, Ellen Bunnell, bv whom he has one child, lone, wife of Lewis Mills, of Sayre. His pres- ent wife is Katie, daughter of H. V. Kinner, of South Waverly. Elisha Hill was born in Connecticut, May 4, 1793. About 18 18 he came from Plainfield, or Hartford, Conn., to Bradford county, Pa., with all his possessions tied in a pack which he carried across his shoulder. He remained there two years, when he returned to Connecticut, and brought back with him his brother Caleb. In 1821 he removed to this town and located on the farm now owned and occupied by his son, John G. He was a soldier irxUie^ar of 1812, and served at Black Rock and other points. He married Margaret, daughter of John Hanna, who was born December 16, 1798, and by whom he had iwe- children, born as follows : John la TOWN OF BARTON. 8 1 Griffin, September 17, 182 1 ; Philomela, wife of Alanson Welton, of Factoryville, May 7, 1823; Sarah, February 26, 1826; Hannah, July 28, 1828 ; Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Park, of Nichols, Sep- tember, 26, 1831 ; and Tabitha J., wife ot Montgomery Mead, of Waverly, August 26, 1837. John G. married Elizabeth, daughter of David Boardman Cure of this town. Elisha Hill died Sep- tember 20, 1864, and Mrs. Hill died September 4, 1880. Caleb Hill married Eunice Durphy, of Smithfield, Pa., by whom he had live children, viz. : Erastus, a member of the legislature of the state of Missouri; Polly, wife of Davis, deceased ; Alonzo, a physician of Maiden, Mo., Hon. David B., the, present gover- nor of the state of New York, and Sarah, deceased. Salmon Johnson was born in Vermont, near Lake Champlain, and at an early day came to this town, locating at "^Ulstown." His son, Thomas Floyd, married Lucinda, daughter of Parish and Barbara (Ellis) Saunders, by whom he had five children who arrived at maturity, viz.: Barbara (Mrs. William Weller), D. Jane (Mrs. Edward Tozer), Sarah (Mrs. Oscar F. Burke), Cyrus, and Emma L,, (Mrs. Charles Parker). Salmon Johnson moved to the state of Ohio,' where he died. Peter Bogart, or " Van de Bogart," as the name was originally written, came from Princetown, now in Schenectady county, N. Y., about the beginning of the present century, and settled in Tompkins county, between Ithaca and Newfield, on the farm now known as the Crawford farm, and in 1825 removed to this town, and located on the farm now owned by Cornelius Harding. He married, first, Betsey Hunter, and they had children as follows : Michael, Catherine (Mrs. Joseph Joyce), John, Eva (Mrs. Jesse Bailey), Joseph, Mindred, Betsey (Mrs". Casper Lampman), Folly (Mrs. Samuel Ford), Jane (Mrs. Edward Sherwood), Fanny (Mrs. David Johnson) James, and two or three who died in infancy. He married second, Maria, daughter of Samuel Gray, of Tomp- kins county,. by whom he had thirteen children, viz.: Sarah (Mrs. E. Foster), Jeremiah, Peter, Caroline (Mrs. Henry Lounsberry), Charles, who died at the age of twenty-five, William; Samuel, Loury, David, who died in infancy, George W., and Emma (Mrs. Andrew Nevin), of Boston, Mass. George W., married Amelia, daughter of Daniel Rogers, of Barton, by whom he has one son, G. Frederick. James married Lucinda, daughter of Robert Curtis, by whom he has had three children, viz.: Leonora (Mrs. John W. Morgan), Henry M., of Waverly, and Robert C, who died in October, 1878. John married Ruth, daughter of Nathaniel 82 TOWN OF BARTON. Bailey, of Tompkins county, by whom he had nine children, viz.: Peter V., Charlotte (Mrs. Alanson Williams), Nathaniel, Elijah, who died at the age of four years, James, Joseph, John, and Ira J., who died at the age of five years. Peter V., married first, Matilda Williams, by whom he had one child, Merritt Delos. His present wife was Sarah A. Dailey, by whom he has had two chil- dren, Olive, who died at the age of nine years, and Orpha Eve- line, wife of Guy V. Spear, who has two children, born as fol- lows : Anna, February i8, 1882, and Clyde, December 28, 1883. Mr. P. V. Bogart has dealt largely in real estate, having owned at one time eight hundred acres. He has been engaged princi- pally in lumbering and farming. Peter Bogart, Sr., died Novem- ber 16, 1857, aged ninety-three years. Abial F. Hill came from Deer Park, Orange county, N. Y.; in 1814, and located on the farm now owned by Ira Hill, on the Shepard's creek road. He married Francis Burns, by whom he had seven children, viz.: Anna Jane, (Mrs. Thomas Shelp), S. Maria (Mrs. Freeman Shelp), deceased, Mary A., (Mrs. Ira G. Hill), Mahala, second wife of Freeman Shelp, Charles M., de- ceased, Adaline, wife of Joseph Quackenbush, deceased, and Arminda, widow of Stephen Clearwater. Freeman Shelp came from Montrose, Pa., very early in the history of Tioga county, and was engaged in driving stage from Towanda, Pa., to Ithaca. By his second wife, S. Mahala, daugh- ter of Abial Hill, he had three children, viz.: Charles F., of Waverly, Francis M. (Mrs. Charles Hill), deceased, and Belle A. The latter married A. T. Andre, of Lockwood, and has one son. Freeman J. Joseph Bartron came from Meshoppen, Pa., and settled in Nichols, an the bank of the Susquehanna, at a place called Smith's Mills, where he worked, being by trade a mill-wright. He re- moved to this town in 1821, and cleared the farm now owned by his son Joseph. He built the first saw-mill on Butts.on creek, for Gilbert Smith. The mill was located about where the Erie rail- road now crosses the creek. He married Betsey Place, who bore him eight children, viz.: James, Eliza (Mrs. Morris Walker), Anna (Mrs. Jonathan Rolf), Moses, Delila, widow of Daniel Graves, Chloe (Mrs. Elijah VanGorder), Joseph, and John P. Joseph married Harriet, daughter of Gporge W. Johnson, who bore him nine children. I George W. Johnson came from Ithaca, N. Y., and located in this town. He married Betsey Severn, by whom he had thirteen TOWN OF BARTON. »3 children, vi2 : Abram, John, Charles, Amyette, Jane, Matilda^ Elvira, Julius, Harriet, Washington, Josiah, James, and Cynthia, John married Jane, daughter of James Garrett, of Tioga. Eliphalet Barden was born in Connecticut, and after his mar- riage came to Greene, Chenango county, N, Y., and in 1821 removed to this town, and settled on the farm now owned by Francis Giltner. He married Miriam Priest, by whom he had eight children, two only of whom are livmg, Freelove, wife of N. W. Schoonover, and Zalmon, who resides on road 39. The latter married Mary A., daughter of William Todd, of Tioga, and they have had four children, viz.: Charles E., of Tonawanda, N. Y., Freelove L., wife of William Holt, of Tioga, William M., who died at the age of eight years, and Mary E., wife "of Frank Harding, of this town. ♦ John Parker settled in Ellistown, at an early date. He mar- ried Lizzie Ellis, by whom he had seven children, viz.: Fred- erick, Henry, Clark, James, Hiram, Caroline, and Abby. James married Charlotte, daughter of William Ellis, who bore him eight children — Frances, Albenia, Genervy, Charles, Mattie, Christina, Mack, and Hermeone. John W. Van'Atta was born November i, 1782, and came from Rockburg, Warren county, N. J., about 1827, and located on the farm now owned by A. J. Van Atta, on road 52. He married Elizabeth Albright, who was born August 16, 1787, and by whom he had eleven children, born as follows: Peter, July 28, 1810; Margaret, November 21, 1811; Adam, November t8, 1813 ; William, February i, 1816; Benjamin, June 6, 1818 ; Caroline, June 19, 1821 ; Sarah, July 15, 1823 ; Isaac, July 22, 1826; Aza- riah J., December 15, 1827 ; and Rebecca M., December 11, 1832. Peter married Fanny J., daughter of Reuben Harding, by whom he had two sons,, Oscar H., and Clarence, of this town. Peter and Benjamin were musicians in the old state militia. Shaler ShLpman was born in Connecticut, April 21, 1800, and came to this town in 1829, settling first on the farm now owned by P. G. Schuyler, arid then removed to the one now occupied by Adam Albright, where he resided until his death. He built two saw-mills, and was engaged in lumbering and farm- ing during most of his life. That section of the town, about the geographical center, is commonly called Shipman Hollow. He married first, Melinda Speer, by whom he had ten children, born as follows: Prosper, March 2. 1829; Lucy A., October 11, 1830; . Abram, Septembfr 27, 1832; Rachel, June 10, 1834; Philip H., 84 TOWN OF BARTON. March 5, 1836; Stephen, April 27, 1838; Susan M", March 25, 1840; Rufus T., October 23, 1841; George W., September 25, 1844; and Harvey D., August 21, 1847. His seccftid wife, Bar- bara (Bowman) Hunt, bore him four children, viz.: Perlie E., January 24, 1868; Shaler B., January 26, 1869; Orrilla M., January 4, 1871 ; Ada M., August 8, 1876. Mr. Shipman died December 24, 1878. Rufus T. Shipman enlisted October i, 1861, in Co. H, loth N. Y. Cavalry, and served until August 14, 1862. when he re-enlisted in Co. B, 6th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, and served until September 14, 1865. He married Frances, daugh- ter of Asa Doty, who has borne him three children — Ella A., born November 2, 1866, died August 5, 1874; Isaac D., born March 29, 1873 ; and Cleveland, born March 8, 1885, died March 24, 1885. James N. Harding, son of Charles, was born near Montgom- er}', Orange county, N. Y., and in 1833 came to this town and located on Tallmadge Hill, upon the farm now occupied by his son, C. N. Harding. He married Susan Tenne^', and reared five children, viz.: Gilbert, Horace T., Clara, Charles E., and Cor- nelius N. Horace T. married Ehzabeth, daughter of Jacob Swain, of Chemung, by whom he has had eight children, viz.: C. Willis,. Theodore M., Fred, Charley, Bert, Mamie, Arthur, and Ella, who was born October 7, 1878. C. Willis married Nel- lie, daughter of H. Burt, and has two daughters, Grace and Ethel. Theodore M., married Nettie, daughter of George Edg- comb, and has one child, Marion. Charles E. married Julia E., daughter of Galaliel Bowdish, of Montgomery county, N. Y., and has had four children, viz.: James O., Robert E., Charles L., and George A. John Harding, son of Reuben, came with his parents from the town of Minisink, Orange county, N. Y., when he was about six years of age. He married Nancy, daughter of Ezekiel Swartwood, rearing two children, Amelia H., wife of Rev. F. P. Doty, of Thompson, Pa., and Frank, who resides on the homestead. The latter married M. Ella, daughter of Zalmon Barden, of this town. Reuben Harding settled on Tallmadge Hill, on the farm now oc- cupied by Elliott Harding. James Madison Sliter, son of Peter, was born in Coeymans, Albany county, N. Y., September 11, 1815. When three years of age his parents removed to Guilford, Chenango county, where they remained two years, and then removed to Bainbridge, N.Y., where he resided until November i, 1834, when he came to this TOWN OF BARTON. 85 town and has since resided here. He purchased first some tim- ber property and afterward the farm now owned by Orson Dick- erson. On April 30, 1839, he married Elizabeth A., daughter of Rev. Henry Ball, a Baptist minister of this town. In 1842 he re- moved to his present home. They had born to them nine chil- dren, — S. Emily, Jefferson B., of Athens, Pa., inventer of the Bonner scroll wagon-spring, Clarissa, Alice, wife of Harrison Lewis, Anna, wife of Frank W. Phillips, of Waverly, Estell, Julia, Katie, wife of Marshall Brown, and Eveline G., wife of Amos Harding. Mrs. Sliter died June 10, 1886. David Boardman Cure came from Hector, Schuyler county, N. Y., about 183s, and located on Hector Hill, upon the farm now owned by John Brewster, where he purchased one hundred and fifty acres of land. He married, first, Achsa Hubbell, by whom he had three children, Jackson, Adliza and Phidelia. His second wife was Maria Shipman, by whom he had seven children, viz.: Elizabeth, David E., Sarah, Amos, James, Franklin E. and Delphine. Sheldon Morgan, son of Theodore, a Quaker, of Horseheads, N.Y., married Abigail, daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Stephens) Warner. They had ten children born to them, viz.: Francis, November 22, 1833, died December 6, 1835 ; Charles H., of Wells- borough, Pa.; George B., of Waverly; William W., who was killed at the battle of Lookout Mountain, May i, 1864; Frances A., born October 17, 1843, and died April 27, 1866; Theodore T., August 7, 1846, served four years in the Union army, was for nine months a prisoner in Andersonville, died February 3, 1874; John W., a member of Co. I, 109th N. Y. Vols., now of Waverly, born Janu- ary 27, 1849 ; Joseph S., February 11, 1852, of East Waverly, and Calvin P., May 15, 1855, now of Parsons, Kas. John W. married Nora W., daughter of James Bogart of the town of Barton. Frederick S. Morgan, a member of Co. H., 109th N. Y. Vols., en- listed August 3, 1863, and was mustered out July 21,1865; was wounded in the battle of Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864. He mar- ried Emma R., daughter of Enos Genung, March 23, 1871, and by whom he has three children. Bertha D., Howard and Harry G. Daniel J. Lum, son of Lyman, was born in New Berlin, N. Y., May 26, 1821, and in 1840 came to Factoryville, where he re- mained about six months and then removed to Tioga Center, where he engaged in lumbering and farming for about twenty years. He returned to Factoryville in 1874, and from thence removed to Waverly, where he has since resided. He married 86 TOWN OF BARTON. Orpha W., daughter ot Rev. Henry Primrose, September 3, 1845. Four children were born to them : William Durella, October 19, 1846, died in Harewood Hospital, Washington, D. C, June 13-, 1864; Mary T.. October 14, 1848 ; Henry E., September 25, 18.53, died June 15, 1878; and Mattie Captola, June 27, i860. Mr. Lum enlisted December 21, 1863, in Co. A, 14th Heavy Artillery, N. Y. Vols., and also on the same date his son William Durella enlisted in the same regiment and company, but was afterward transferred to the 6th N. Y. Heavy Reserves. Mary T. married Melvin J. Baker, February 4, 1871, and there have been born to- them three children, — Ola Corrinne, April 21, 1875, died April 13, 1879; Myron Elmer, February 6, 1877, died April 18, 1879; and Edwin Durella, born September 29, 1880. John Solomon came from Orange county, N. Y., about 1840, and located on West Hill, upon the farm owned by Mr. Kennedy. He married Phoebe Valentine, by whom he had six children— Maria, John V., George, Sarah, WiUiam, and Catheriue Louise. John V. married Ann Amelia, daughter of B. O. Van Cleft, by whom he has one daughter, Carrie, wife of Horace Steward. Jacob Andre, son of George, came from Sussexshire, England, when he was eighteen years of age, and settled first in Delaware county, where he married Deborah, daughter of Sterling Hub- bell, of Delhi. In 1844 he came to this town and settled on the farm now owned by George Georgia, which he cleared. His children were Isaac, of Factory ville ; Jacob N., of Montrose, Pa.; William, deceased ; A. T., of Lockwood ; George, of Factory- ville ; John H., of this town ; Newton, deceased; and Angehne, wife of Charles Smith, of Waverly. Lewis Mulock, son of William and Rebecca (Seybolt) Mulock, was born in Mount Hope, N. Y., November 11, 1808. He mar- ried Mary, daughter of Peter Corwin, in 1832. About 1850 he came into this county and located on Tallmadge Hill, where he engaged in farming for several years. His children are Theo- dore, now of Athens, Pa.; Albert; Angeline, wife of Jacob Cole- man ; Gabriel, of Waverly ; Mary A., wife of Rev. A. B. Scutt Coe, of Lancaster, Pa.; and Corwin, of Waverly. For the pur- pose of securing for his children superior educational advantages, Mr. Mulock removed to Waverly when his family was youno-, and has since resided there. He has been a justice of the peace here two terms of four years each. Thomas B. Hunt was born in Cooperstown, N. Y., October 23, 1830, came to this town in 1851, and afterward purchased a farm TOWN OF BARTON. ^/ in Smithboro. He married Barbara, daughter of Absalom Bow- man, by whom he had two children: Sanford E., born Septem- ~Ber 13, 1857, died in 1859, and William W., of this town, born December 17, i860. Allen LaMont, son of David, was born in Schoharie county, N. Y., June 22, 1825, and at an early age came to Tioga Center, where he was engaged in lumbering during his early years. In 1860 he came to Waverly and purchased a farm on the Shepard's creek road, engaging also in the produce business in Waverly village, during the latter years of his life in partnership with S. D. Barnum. He married Mary, daughter of Amos Canfieid^ of Tioga, by whom he had two daughters, Grace and Ellen. He died February 28, 1884. Jacob D. Besemer, son of James, was born in Caroline, N. Y.,. in 1820. He married Harriet, daughter of Daniel Vorrhis, by whom he had five children, viz.: Kate, wife of William Frisbie; Daniel V.; James, and George of this town; and Annie, wife of S. Hubbell, deceased. Mr. Besemer came to this town and located on the farm now owned by his son Daniel V. The latter married Delphine A. Hubbell, by whom he has two children — Gracie J., born December 11, 1878, and Reed V., born August 11,1881. Dr. Ezra Cantield, son of Amos, was born on the homestead in Smithboro, February 13, 1854. He received his early education, there and at Waverly and Binghamton. He entered the office of Dr. O. A. Jakway, of Breesport, N. Y., and that of his brother,. Dr. Enos Canfield, of VanEttenville. He graduated from the Medical University of New York City in 1879. His first location was at VanEttenville, where he remained until 1882, when he came to.Lockwood, where he has since practiced. He married Emma, daughter of Bishop Kline, of AUentown, Pa., in 1874. The comparative growth of the town may be seen by the fol- lowing citation of the census reports for the several enumerations .since its organization: 1825, 585; 1830,972; 1835, 1,496; 1845, 2,847; 1850,3,522; 1855,3.842; 1860,4,234; 1865, 4,077; 1870, 5,087: 1875, 5,944; 1880, 5,825. Initial Events.— ^benezGT Ellis built the first house, harvested, the first crops, and his son Alexander was the first white child born here. The old brick church in Factoryville, now occupied by the Old School Baptist Society, was the first brick building erected. Elias Walker built the first tavern. The first postoffice was established at Factoryville, in 1812, and Isaac Shepard was 88 TOWN OF BARTON. the first postmaster. Deacon Ephraim Strong was the firsi teacher. He was a gentleman of culture, and, in addition tc teaching his own large family taught the children of his neigh- bors in his own house. The Emery Chapel (Methodist Episcopal^ at EUistown was the first church edifice erected. Ebenezer and Samuel Ellis built the first saw-mill, on Ellis creek. George Walker, Sr., erected the first grist-mill, in 1800, on Cayuta creek, at Factoryville. Josiah Crocker and John Shepard built a full- ing-mill on Cayuta creek, near the state line, in 1808, and Isaac and Job Shepard erected a woolen-mill near it, in 18 10. Dr. Prentice, from Connecticut, was the first physician, William ■Giles the first lawyer, and Rev. Valentine Cook the first preacher. Organization. — The first town meeting was held at the house of Gilbert Smith, April 27, 1824, when the following officers were elected : Gilbert Smith, supervisor ; John Crotsley, town clerk ; Jonathan Batnes, A. H. Schuyler, and William Hanna, assessors ; William Crans, Frederick Parker, and John Giltner, commission- ers of highways; John Parker, constable and collector; John Hanna, jr., and Seeley Finch, overseers of the poor; Gilbert Smith, Eliphalet Barden, and Nathaniel Potter, commissioners of common schools ; James Birch, Ely Foster, Joseph Tallmadge, Samuel Mills, and Jonathan Barnes, inspectors of schools ; George W. Johnson, Abraham Smith, and Joseph Tallmadge, fence-view- ers ; John Hyatt and Joel Sawyer, poundmasters. BUSINESS CENTERS. Waverly Village. — This village, one of the most important business centers in this section, and, next to Owego, the largest village in the county, has had a phenomenally rapid growth and prosperous business career ; for it is practically only since the completion of the Erie railroad, in 1849, that it has sprung into importance. Situated upon the east bank of the Chemung river, in the ex- treme southeastern corner of the county, surrounded by a delight- ful region of hill and valley, Waverly's location is extremely pleasant. While viewing its busy streets, its rows of business blocks, its manufactories, fine residences, and pleasantly shaded avenues, it is difficult to conceive that its site only a few years since was a cultivated farming region. But such is in reality the case. Among the early settlers and principal owners of what is now TOWN OF BARTON. 89 the village site, was Isaac Shepard, whose father, in 1796, as pre- viously stated, bought 1,000 acres of land, at $S.ob per acre, em- bracing the sites of both Waverly and East Waverly, and much valuable territory north and south of these villages. In 18 19 Deacon Ephraim Strong purchased 153 acres of this tract, a strip- nearly 100 rods wide, extending northward nearly through the center of the present village. The first house here was built by Mr. Strong, probably in that year, although it has been stated that it was built in 18 10. It was located near the site of Dr. Frederick M. Snook's residence, and apple trees now standing on Mr. Snook's place were planted by the deacon in those early days. In i82rthe Chemung turnpike (Chemung street) was laid out^ and in 1825 Isaac Shepard built the pioneer hotel of the place. - It stood on the site of the present Charles Shepard residence, on West Chemung street. In the following decade the number of settlers was greatly augmented. Owen Spalding, with his brother Amos, came in 1831. The latter occupied a small log house near the site of the present residence of Mrs. Harriet Tan- nery, until 1833, when he built what now constitutes the rear part of J. Dubois' house, opposite C. E. Merriam's residence, and moved into it. Owen Spalding occupied a plank-house on the present site of Dr. Snook's residence. This was probably the house built by Deacon Strong. In 1833 Mr. Spalding built a house on the site now occupied by Hon. R. A. Elmer's residence. This house was afterward removed to the southwest corner of Cherpung street and Pennsylvania avenue, where it now stands, and where Mr. Spalding died. In March, 1833, Joseph Hallet, Sr., came up from Orange county, and purchased of Valentine Hill, 100 acres of land near the present residence of J. E. Hallet, and extending northward from Chemung street, for which he paid $1,100.00. He was accompanied by his sons Gilbert H. and Joseph E. The latter settled upon the above mentioned farm, his house standing upon what is now Fulton street, between the present residences of Mrs. Fritcher and E. G. Tracy. At that time there were but fifteen buildings in the place, namely : one hotel, one distillery, one blacksmith shop, one log dwelling, one plank dwelling, six small frame dwellings, and four barns. These were Isaac Shepard's hotel, Jacob Newkirk's distillery and dwelling, Thomas Hill's house, and another small house, all near the Shepard residence ; the dwelling of Elder Jackson, a Baptist minister, whose house go TOWN OF BARTON. stood just west of the present residence of W. F. Inman, and the Elder's blacksmith shop, which stood where now stands the Slaughter residence ; Amos Spalding's house, and Owen. Spald- ing's plank house, and the log house into which Gilbert Hallet moved, and O. Spalding's, Jackson's, Newkirk's, and Shepard's barns, the latter the large red barn now standing on Pine street, the only remaining land-mark of those early days. Gilbert Hallet moved into the log house vacated by Amos Spal- ding, and the following year built and removed into a house that stood where now stands H. L. Sto well's brick house. In the next year, 1835, he purchased Elder Jackson's house above referred to, together with forty-five acres of land, paying therefor $r,ooo,oo. This place and the one hundred acres bought by Joseph Hallet were purchased by Jackson and Hill, respectively, of Isaac Shep- ard. Three years prior to this time, Elder Jackson, who was very anxious to return to Orange county, had ofierered the place to Jesse Kirk for $500.00. The land lay south of Chemung street, the east line passing near E. J. Campbell's residence, southward through Slaughter & Van Atta's and E. G. Tracy's drug stores to the 6oth mile stone, thence west along the state line to the center of Dry brook, thence north, following the center of Dry brook to Chemung street, and west along Chemung street to the place of beginning, comprising what is now the business portion of the village. At this time Harris Murray lived in a small wooden house where ''Murray's stone house" now stands, in South Waverly, and Mr. Murray offered to sell to Mr. Hallet one hundred acres there for $1,000.00. These sales illustrate how lightly the land in this valley was valued at that time. While these settlments were being made along the Chemung road, other pioneers were pushing on beyond and locating on the hill northwest of the village, now called " West Hill." This portion of the Susquehanna valley had been the scene of many forest fires, lighted either intentionally or carelessly by hunters, and had been so frequently burned over that but little save second growth pines remained, and this is said to have been the reason why many of the early pioneers refused to locate here, they thinking that land that would produce naught but "scrub pines " was of Httle valpe, and accordingly pushed on to the high- lands beyond, beheving that the heavy growth of timber there indicated a fertile and productive soil. Among those who settled there first, probably during the years TOWN OF BARTON. 9I 1830-35. Piere Hyatt, Paris and Robert Sanders, David Carmi- chael, Jonathan Robins, G. W. Plummer,, Jacob Swain, Nathan Slawson, and Steven Van Derlip ; after these came Daniel Blizard, David Mandeville, Sr., Peter and Lewis Quick, S. T. Van Derlip, W. A. Lane, Jesse Kirk and others. Of these we believe none are now living and but few of their decendants remain on the old homesteads. Between the years 1837 and 1850 the number of settlers in the village increased rapidly, among the new comers being Captain Benjamin H. Davis, F. H. Baldwin, H. M. and W. E. Moore, Richard A. Elmer, Sr., and his sons Howard and Richard A., Jr., Jacob Reel, E. J. Brooks, J. A. Corwin, Sylvester Gibbons, R. O. Crandall, the first physician, Peter Wentz, the, first justice, George Beebe, the first lawyer, and many others. • The street running from Charles Sawyer's residfcnce on Che- mung street to the hotel at East Waverly, was laid out in 1835, and in 1843 Pennsylvania avenue was laid out south as far as the present residence of Levi Curtis, and in the same year Waverly street was opened down as far as the present Aplin residence. On the avenue Charles Howard built a house where Levi Curtis' residence now stands, Isaac Drake built one on the site of the Mrs. Bucklin residence, Milo Hulet built one where H. S. Butts' residence now stands, and Frank Sutton one on the corner of Penn- sylvania avenue and Park Place. The latter was torn down by Mr. Elmer, a iew years since. In 1842 G. H. Hallet and Andrew Price built a foundry on the northwest corner of Chemung and Waverly streets, where A. I. Decker's residence now stands. A short time afterwards Daniel Moore opened a cabinet shop in the second floor of this building. Later the foundry was changed into a hotel and bore the name of the Clarmont House. In 1843 J- E. Hallet built a house on Waverly street, for one of the employes of the foundry. This was the first house on the street. In the same year Edward Brigham built a hotel on the present site of the M. E. church, and Robert Shackelton built a store and dwelling house combined where now stands the Metho- dist parsonage. The first store was kept by Alva Jarvis, or " Squire Jarvis " as he was called, in the spring of 1841, in a wooden building between the sites of the present residences of Mrs. Fritcher and A. I. Decker. In the following fall G. H. Hallet opened a store just west of H. L. Stowell's present residence. gZ TOWN OF BARTON. In 1843 was begun the construction of the the Erie railroad, an event that proved a great impetus to the growth of the ham-" let, an impetus whose force is not yet expended. There were then here probly two or three hundred inhabitants. Poor manage- ment and other causes combined to retard the progress of work on the new railroad, and it was was not until 1849 ^^^^ ^^^ i"02d was completed. In the mean time Waverly Village was steadily growing. About the time the railroad was completed, Broad street was laid out, and cross-streets connecting Broad and Chemung streets quickly followed. Houses sprang up like magic on every side, and on Broad street there was a strife to see who should erect the first buildings and be the earliest to embark in business. The railroad passed through lands owned by Owen Spalding. Captain Davis and Isaac Shepard, and each gave the right of way- A part of the land given by Captain Davis was that on which the Erie buildings are now situated. The depot was built and opened about the time of the completion of the road, and was the first building in that part of the village. Mr. Ely was the first station agent, but was soon succeeded by J. S. Smith. While the depot was in process of erection, William Peck erected a small build- ing on the bank, a little west of where now stands the Warford House, and opened a saloon. Afterwards the building was en- larged, a basement built, to which the saloon was removed, and a general store opened on the ground floor. In 1855 or 1856, the building was again enlarged and converted into a hotel. It was first known as the Waverly House, and later as the Courtney House. During the year 1849, ^ little after Peck opened his saloon. Captain Davis built and opened a saloon and boarding- house between the Waverly House and the present site of the Warford House. A year or so later this building was enlarged to nearly double its original size, and opened as a hotel. It was afterward sold to Stephen Bennet, who for several years prior to this time, had been engaged in blacksmithing on West Chemung street. In the fall of 1856, Cyrus Warford bought the house, and in 1857 it was burnt down. The property was uninsured, and was a total loss to Mr. Warford. While the hotels were being built, several stores werein course of construction on Broad street, and in November William Gib- bons opened a store. Amos Spalding had erected a large wooden block on the site of the present brick block, and in this Hiram Moore opened a store about Christmas, and nearly the same time TOWN OF BARTON. 93 T. J. Brooks opened the thifd store, and John A. Corbin the fourth store, the last three being in the Spalding Block. Follow- ing these, others were opened in quick succession. Isaac Shep- ard erected the Shepard Block, corner of Clark and Broad streets, and in the store now occupied by G. B. Witter, opened a dry goods store, while in the room now occupied by Gerould & Co., Charles Shepard and J. I. Reeve opened a hardware store and tin shop. In 1850 Hiram Moore built a foundry near the present site of Slawson's furniture store. This was afterwards changed into a saloon, and later into a hotel, and bore the name of the Central House. In this year John Hard opened a jewelry store, the first in the place. It was located where now stands Row- land's liquor store. With these buildings springing up so rapidly on Broad street, the parties who had opened stores on Chemung street discovered that they must get " down town " if they would secure a share of the business, and accordingly moved, not their goods alone, but their buildings also. Chamber's furniture store, that stood near the present site of W. F. Inman's residence, was moved to the cor- ner of Broad and Clark streets, and is now occupied by J. H. Hern as a grocery. George Hanna purchased G. H. Hallet's store, and moved it down near the present site of the Van Velsor Block, where it was occupied by Hiram Payne as a furniture store. Cyrus Warford had a store on the present site of Mrs. Orange's residence, and this he moved down and it is now oc- cupied by Nelson's harness store. In 1852, B. P. Snyder built the hotel for many years afterward known as the Snyder House, now called the Hotel Warford. In 1855 Cyrus Warford purchased the house, and still owns it, although he retired from its management in 1873. The name Wavefly was not officially applied to the village until the year 1854. Until about 1840 or 1845, the little settle- ment on Chemung street was called " Villemont," a name given it by Isaac Shepard. After this the village was called by this name, " Waverley," " Loder," etc., to distinguish it from Factory- ville, until the final organization, in 1854. For several years after this even, the name was spelled " Waverley." Application for ineorporation was made December 12, 1853, and the question was put to a vote of the- citizens on the 18th of January following, which resulted in 114 votes for and forty-four against. The name Waverly was given at the suggestion of Mr. J. E. Halletj by whom it was borrowed from the immortal works of Sir 94 TOWN OF BARTON. _j,j ^ Walter Scott. Several other names were proposed, among which were " Shepardsville," " Dayisville," and " Loder," the latter being in honor of Benjamin Loder, vice-president of the then recently completed railway. The first election of village officers was held, March 27, 1854, at which the following officers were elected, viz: Francis H. Baldwin, William Gibson, Hiram M. Moore, Peter Dunning, and Alva Jarvis, trustees ; Squire Whit- aker, John L. Sawyer, and B. H. Davis, assessors; William P. Owen, collector; Owen Spalding, treasurer; P. V. Bennett, cleric ; Morris B. Royall, Absalom Bowman, and W. A. Brooks, street commissioners; David E. Howell, poundmaster. . Captain Davis was the first postmaster, and received his ap- pointment in 1849, from President Fillmore. He kept the office for a short time in Cyrus Warford's store,, and afterwards in a small building adjoining " Squire " Jarvis' store on the west. This building he afterward moved down tp near the present site of the Commercial Hotel. In 1852 the Captain built the " Davis Block," the brick building now known as the Exchange Block, and re- moved the postoffice into it, in the store now occupied by H. M. Ferguson & Co. In 1852 the Democrats elected their first Presi- dent, Franklin Pierce, and on the principle that " to the victors belong the spoils," he appointed Squire Jarvis, a Democrat, to the position of postmaster, an office he held until 1861, when Abraham Lincoln appointed William PoUeys to succeed him. BIOGRAPAICAL. Dr. William E. Johnson was born near Port Jervis, N. Y., October 17, 1837; was educated in the common schools, prepared for college at Neversink academy, and graduated at the Albany Medical college, December 31, 1859. In 1862 he was made ex- amining surgeon of the twenty-sixth senatorial district, at Bing- hamton, to examine recruits, and soon after received a commis- sion as first assistant surgeon of the 109th N. Y. Vols.; was sub- sequently promoted to surgeon of the same, then to brigade surgeon 3d Division 9th Corps, and then became one of the chiefs of the operating staff of the 3d Division. After the close of the war, in. 1,865, the Doctor came to Waverly and established him- self in practice here, where he has since resided, being prom- inently identified with the growth and business progress of the place, serving it in many ways. The Doctor married Mattie M. Fuller, of Scranton, Pa., May i, 1873, and has no children. The Doctor is ,surgeon-in- chief of the Robert Packer Hospital. '■/? TOWN OF BARTON. 95 Richard Allison Elmer was born in Sussex county, New Jersey, August 28, 1808. He was the eldest son of Micah Allison Elmer, and grandson of Dr. William Elmer, of Goshen, and Richard Allison, of Wawayanda, Orange county, N. Y., and great grand- son of Dr. Nathaniel Elmer, of Florida, and General William Allison, of Goshen, N. Y. He was a descendant of Edward Elmer, who came to America with the company of persons com- prising the church of the Rev. Thomas Hooker, in 1632, and settled with the rest of Hooker's company, in Hartford, Conn., in 1636, and was one of the original proprietors of the city. At an early age he was thrown upon his own resources, and there was added to his responsibilities the care and education of his younger brothers and sisters. While engaged in farming and kindred pursuits, under his guidance, one brother entered col- lege, and subsequently became a clergyman ; the other was en- gaged in business. His attention was early called Westward, and he became interested in Western lands. In November, 1850, he settled in Waverly, having been induced by his brother, the Rev. Nathaniel Elmer, then Presbyterian clergyman at Waverly, to give up his intention to locate in the West. He was largely interested in matters pertaining to the growth of the town, and, while he was a person of unobtrusive manners and quiet force, he was always identified with its schools and churches, and mat- ters pertaining to the advancement of the morals, and the gov- ernment of its citizens. He died comparatively young, August 8, 1867. He was married September 11, 1832, to Charlotte Bailey (daughter of Colonel Jonathan Bailey, of Wawayanda). She died September 6, 1883, leaving four children: Howard, Mary, Richard A., and Antoinette Elmer. Rev. Nathaniel Elmer, brother of Richard Allison Elmer, mentioned above, was born in Sussex county, New Jersey, Janu- ary 3[, 1816. He was graduated at Union College, New York, in 1840, and was ordained a minister of the Presbyterian church, October 24, 1844. He established the first Presbyterian church at Waverly, and was its first pastor, which position he held nine years. He was married to Mary Post, in May, 1849, ^nd died at Middletown, July 11, 1884, leaving one daughter, Elizabeth. ^ Howard Elmer was born in Wawayanda, Orange county, N. Y., 'August 2, 1833, the eldest son of Richard Allison and Charlotte . (Bailey) Elmer. He was prepared for college at the Ridgebury and Goshen academies, but delicate health prevented the con- tinuance of his course. Soon after coming to Waverly with hi§ 96 TOWN OF BARTON. father, in 1850, a lad of seventeen, he entered the Waverly Bank, after which he was engaged by the Chemung Canal Bank and the First National Bank of Elmira. In 1864 he organized the First National Bank of Waverly, and was until 1868 its cashier, after which he became its president, which position he has con- tinued to hold. Having great faith in the value of the geo- graphical advantages of the valley in which Waverly is situated, in 1870 he associated with himself the late Charles L. Anthony, of New York, and the late James Fritcher, and Richard A. Elmer, his brother, of Waverly, and purchased the several tracts of land, nearly one thousand acres, now embraced by Sayre and its surroundings. The panic of 1873 and consequent depreciation of values, for a time checked the growth of the proposed town considerably, but he did not swerve from his course, and with an absolute faith in its future prosperity he built the town of Sayre, which to-day has a population of three thousand, and monthly pays off over eight hundred men. Upon the death of Mr. Anthony, he induced the Packer family, E. P. Wilbur, and Robert Lockhart, of South Bethlehem, Pa., to assume the Anthony interest, and it resulted in centering at Sayre the great shops of the Pennsylvania & New York, and the Lehigh Valley railroads, which are prominent factors in the prosperity of Waverly and Athens. Through his encouragement the Cayuta Wheel and Foundry, and the Sayre Pipe Foundry were built. He also built the Sayre apd Athens waterworks. He is president and active manager of the Sayre Land Company, the Sayre Water Company, the Sayre Pipe Foundry Company, the Cayuta Wheel & Foundry Company, and the Sayre Steam Forge Company. Mr. Elmer is also a director of the Pennsylvania & New York Railroad Company, the Geneva, Ithaca & Sayre Railroad Company, and treasurer of the Buffalo & Geneva Railroad Company. During the years 1875 and 1876 he was receiver of the Ithaca & Athens, and Geneva & Ithaca railroads. He has always refrained from holding any public office. He married, in October, 1865, Miss Sarah P. Perkins, daughter of the late George A. Perkins, of Athens, Pa. Richard Allison Elmer* is a son of the late Richard Allison Elmer, of Waverly, and Charlotte (Bailey) Elmer. He was born in Wavvayando, Orange county, N. Y., June 16, 1842, and is the ♦This sketch of Mr. Elmer was contributed, at our solicitation, by Mr. Charles Nordhoff of the New York fferald. TOWN OF BARTON. 96^ second in a family of four, Howard Elmer being his elder brother. His family removed to Waverly in 1850, and have remained established there ever since. He was educated at the Waverly High School, and subsequently at Hamilton College, from which he was graduated in 1864. He intended to practice law, and pur- sued his studies for that purpose, and was admitted to the bar, but in 1867 the death of his father led him to abandon this plan of life, and he joined his brother, Howard Elmer, who was then president of the First National Bank of Waverly, became cash- ier of that bank, and the two succeeded to their father's business. He remained cashier of the First National Bank for twelve years, during which time, by his energy and business abilit5^, he so de- veloped the position about him that his firm became one of the largest investors of private trusts in the state of New York. In 1B70, he joined his brother Howard, Mr. Charles L. Antho- ny, of New York city, and Mr. James Fritcher, in the purchase of a tract of land in Pennsylvania, near Waverly, which now bears the name of Sayre, and has become a great manufacturing and railroad center, where large bodies of men are employed. He still retains his original interest at Sayre, and besides being a director of the First National Bank, is director of the Sayre Land Company, the Sayre Water Company, the Cayuta Wheel Foundry Company, the Sayre Pipe Foundry Company, and the Sayre Steam Forge Company. Busied with these and other enterprises, which gave full occupation to his energies, Mr. Elmer, though he took always a prominent part in political as well as local and charitable movements, never sought political office. His name was prominently mentioned in the Republicjvn state convention, in 1879, ^f"" *-he place of state treasurer, as be- ing in consonance with his business pursuits. In 1881, on the accession of President Garfield, the urgent pub- lic demand for trenchant and long needed reform in the post- office department led General Garfield to look around for a citi- zen of mbre than common courage, energy and business capac- ity to fill the place of second assistant postmaster general, in which bureau of the department the required reforms were to be made. Without Mr.'s knowledge, several gentlemen, prominent and influential with the President and the new admin- istration, recommended him as the fittest man within their knowledge for this place, and able to do the required and very difficult work of reform. The President determined to nomi- 96^ TOWN or BARTON; nate him, and it was only when this was decided upon that Mr. Elmer was told of what was proposed. He had but a day to consider the question of accepting the position, and with his re- luctant consent his name was sent to the senate. He was con- firmed May 5, 1881, and soon after removed to Washington, and assumed his new duties. The affairs of the po^toffice department, particularly of that part under the control of the second assistant postmaster general, known as the star route and steamboat service, had fallen into such disorder under the previous administration as to become one of the gravest public scandals in the history of the govern- ment ; attracting the attention of the whole country, and being exposed and denounced by the journals of both parties, as well as in congressional committees and debates. All demands for efforts at reform had been successfully resisted, and President Garfield on entering the presidency, felt that a thorough extirpation of the gross maladministration and waste in this part of the public service was absolutely necessary to the success and good fame of his ad- ministration. He promised his unfaltering support to Mr. Elmer, 3nd thus encouraged, the work was begun. Mr. Elmer found himself strongly opposed by those who had in various ways prof- ited by the corruption and maladministration, many of them men of influence, and supported by others prominent in the country. Almost entirely unknown to the circle of political leaders in Washington, and unfamiliar with the Department and with the Capitol, Mr. Elmer steadfastly pursued the work of reform he had undertaken. Overcoming all obstacles placed in his way, and the very great difficulties which necessarily met him at every step of an extremely intricate business, he, in three years of arduous and unceasing labor, completed the reform he had under- taken. This done, he resigned his place in February, 1884, to attend to his neglected private interests. On resigning, he received the well merited thanks of President Arthur, and of the head of the Post Office Department. His course and his success had already won the approval of the country, which saw with surprise and satis- faction the substitution of economy, honesty and efficiency in that branch of the service which had long been notorious for the most scandalous abuses. ,A brief statement of the results he achieved shows their value and importance. In the .first year of his service he saved the Treasury $[,778,000. In the second and following years these savings amounted to over $2,000,000 per annum. Against the efforts of one of the most powerful combinations the country has known, he restored order and economy to the carrying of the Star Route and other mails, and without stinting the service the sayings he enforced and brought about were so great as to make the Post Office Department self-supporting for the first time in thirty years. This encouraged Congress to agree to TOWN OF BARTON. 56* Tiis recommendation to lower the letterxate from three cents to two cents. The press of the country freely expressed its satisfaction with Mr. Elmer's conspicuous' success in one of the most diflficult works of administrative reform ever undertaken. The New York Herald sdiid editorially of him, in July, 1882, in a compari- :Son of his work with that of his predecessor: " The saving Mr. Elmer has effected on the Star Route service alone, is more than enough to make the whole postal service self- supporting. That is what the public gains by the labors of an honest man, and it enables the Postmaster General to say, that for the year ending July 1, 1883, the Post Office Department will not only be self-supporting, but will have a surplus of one and a ;half million dollars. Such reductions in the cost of the service, without impairing its efficiency, tell their own st6ry. They reflect the greatest credit on Mr. Elmer, as also on Postmaster 'General Howe, without whose strong and constant support Mr. Elmer would not have been able to carry out the reforms he has made in a service which had become corrupt, demoralized, and inefficient." In June of the following year, the New York Herald, discus- sing the condition of the postal service, praised " Mr. Elmer's extraordinary adipinistrative capacity, courage and, honesty," and said, " As to Mr. Elmer, the Second Assistant General, it was his task when he came into office to reform the Star Route service, and weed out of it the extravagance and corruption which had filled it under his predecessor. Mr. Elmer did this, and he .deserves the thanks of the country for doing it admirably. In the first year of his service he made a saving of over one-half of the amount spent the previous year ; in the second year he effected still greater savings, and he did this in such a manner •that no complaints were made of insufficient service." Shortly after retiring to private life, Mr. Elmer organized in the City of New York the American Surety Company, of which he became and remains president. Soon after he had established this organization, he fell ill from long-continued and severe labor, .and suffered for nearly two years from the results of too great and prolonged a strain. He did not, however, give up work, and his care and skill have made his corporation the largest and most successful of its kind in the world. In the spring of 1887, on the application of the Surrogate of New York,. Judge Noah Davis, acting as appointed referee, took -testira.ony, at great length, to examine into the soundness of the plan on which the American Surety Company carried on its busi- ness, and the responsibility of its guarantees, both in regard to individuals and trusts. In. his official report to the Surrogate, Judge Davis went at length into the manner in which the Com- jjany does its work, and his conclusions were : 96* TOWN OF BARTON. "The capital of the Company remains wholly unimpaired. The reserved fund and the net surplus show that the business of the Company has been, during its short term of existence, both prosperous and profitable. " The business of the Company is strictly confined to Fidelity Insurance, and the evidence shows that it engages in no other business. It divides this business into two classes, which it calls Judicial and Fidelity. The former embraces all the business per- taining to Courts of every kind, and includes undertakings or bonds in appeals, on attachments and other process in suit, bonds of guardians, of administrators, executors, trustees, receivers, and all other obligations of sureties in courts of law, equity and probate, which involve the fideHty of appointees, except public officers. The second class includes bonds and guarantees of the fidelity of employees of corporations and persons whose relations to their employers are fiduciary in any pecuniary sense, except also public officers. The judicial business has been conducted in eleven different States of the United States, but chiefly in New York and Pennsylvania." As to the Fidelity branch of the business, Judge Davis said: " Thus far the business has proved itself to be a safe and profit- able form of insurance, and the experience of this Company has justified the policy of the statute which authorizes the organiza- tion of such corporations. The conclusions which the Referee has reached from the examination of this case are, that the American Surety Company has not only satisfactorily justified in respect of its qualifications to become surety in this particular matter, but has shown that as surety in judicial proceedings, it presents a sys- tem of securit}^ worthy of the confidence of the Court, and of the public, and largely superior to that which can be offered by indi- vidual sureties. " The management of the affairs of the Company bv its officers has been most creditable to their capacity and integrity." On this report the Surrogate made an order June i, 1887, that, "The American Surety Company be accepted as surety on the bond of Ana de Rivas Hqrques given in the above entitled matter, or upon any new bond that she may be required to give in this proceedings." Mr. Elmer is a director of the Wabash railroad, the Atlantic & Danville railroad, the Phoenix Fire Insurance Company, and several New York and New England corporations. In 1883 he became interested in several Mexican properties, and out of this relation grew the International Company of Mexico, of which he was one of the founders and the treasurer and to whose success he has largely contributed. Mr. Elmer married June 16, 1870, Miss Sarah Foster France, daughter of the late J. Foster France, of Middletown, New York', and has three sons, Robert France Elmer, Richard Allison Elmer Jr., the third of his name, and Charles Howard Elmer. TOWN OF BARTON. 97 John L. Sawyer, born in Orange county, N. Y., in 181 1, came to Barton in 1833, engaging in farming and lumbering. After the construction of the Erie railroad, in 1849, he removed to Waverly village, where he was long and prominently identified with the village's growth and prosperity, and where he resided until his death, in 1871. For many years he represented the town in the board of supervisors. Mr. Sawyer married Julia Smith, of Orange county, who bore him two children, Henry M. and J. Theodore. The former, born in 1832, married Maria, daughter of Senator Nathan Bristol, of Waverly, in 1856, and died two years later without issue. J. Theodore was born in Barton in 1834. He was educated at the district schools and Goshen Academy, and engaged with his father in the lumber business in Waverly and Canada. For a time he cftnducted a private bank, and in 1874 organized the Citizens Bank of Wav- erly, of which he is president. He represented his town two years in the board of supervisors, and in 1878 and 1879 the county of Tioga in the state legislature. In 1872 Mr. Sawyer married Alice Lyman, of Goshen, Conn., and has one child, Ellen, born in 1874. Moses Lyman who was born in Goshen, Conn., a son of Moses and Mary A. (Hadley) Lyman, August 20, 1836; was educated at Goshen Academy and Brown University ; began the lumber business at Windsor Locks, Conn., and Mclndoes Falls, Vt., in 1859, where he remained till 1862. He then enlisted in the 15th Vt. Vols., as 1st Lieutenant of Co. F. In 1865, he came to Waverly and established a lumber business here under the firm name of Jennings & Lyman, and has since been a resident of the village. In 1872 he built the car-wheel foundry at the present village of Saj're, acting as treasurer of the company till he sold out his interest in 1884. Mr. Lyman is now identified with the Salisbury Iron interests of Connecticut, and is Eastern sales agent for the Shelby Iron Co., of Alabama, owns the Waverly Toy Works, and is president of the Lyman Bank, of Sanford, Fla., established in 1882., Mr. Lyman married Miss Ellen A. Douglass, of Mauch Chunk, Pa., who bore him two children, Moses and Isabel, and died in August, 187 1. In March, 1883, he married Miss Sarah H. Beebe, daughter of P. S. Beebe, of Litchfield, Conn. Henry G. Merriam, of the firm of Merriam Bros., was born in Goshen, N. Y„ March 5, 1837. He was educated at the Farmer's Hall Academy, of Goshen, and graduated iat Brown (R. I.) Univer- 98 TOWN OF BARTON. sity, in 1857, and from 1861 to 1865 was principal of Leicester Acaderay, Mass. He then came to Waverly and established the hardware business which he has since conducted as senior part- ner. Mr. Merriam married Fanny W. White, of Worcester, Mass., in 1867, and has two children, Harry E. and Grace M. Mr. Merriam was the first president of the board of education here, and has held the office eleven years. Judge Ferris Shoemaker is the fifth son of Richard Shoemaker, who was a son of Benjamin, a son of Daniel, the original settler of that name in the town of Nichols, and was born June 22, 1838, in Athens township, Pa. Later in the same year his parents moved to Susquehanna county, Pa. Here he grew to manhood and made it his home until he moved to Waverly, in 1873. He was educated at Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., and at the Normal School, Montrose, Pa. Prior to 1861 he engaged in teaching for several years, but soon after the war broke out he enlisted in the U. S. Marine Corps, and served four years and three months, returning home in the spring of 1866. The follow- ing fall he was elected register of wills, etc., of Susquehanna county. This office he filled three years, and in February, 1870, was appointed prothonotary by Governor John W. Geary, to fill vacancy caused by the death of W. F. Simrell. While perform- ing the duties of these offices he found time to pursue the study of law in the office of Hon. W. H. Jessup, of Montrose, and in the spring of 1871 was admitted to practice in all the courts of the county. He was afterwards admitted to the bar in Bradford and Wyoming counties,' and after coming to Waverly, in 1873, was admitted to practice in the supreme court of New York. For the past fourteen years he has been in constant practice in both states. At the general election of 1886 Mr. Shoemaker was elected special county judge, on the Republican ticket. He married -Gertrude S. Sweet, of Montrose, Pa., September i, 1869, and has had five children, all of whom except one are living, viz.: Richard S., Tila N., Mabel and Max Albrecht, residing with their parents. Jacob B. Floyd was born in Chemung, N. Y., April 26, 1839. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, in the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, of Lima, N. Y., and the Wyoming Seminary, of Kingston, Pa., taking a college preparatory course. He began the study of law at the Albany Law school, graduating in 1871. He immediately began practice at Waverly, and has been in practice here ever since. He has held the office of special TOWN OF BARTON. 99 county judge, was a member of the state assembly in 1882, and held other minor offices. Mr. Floyd married Matilda H. Snyder, of Scranton, Pa., August 14, 1861, and has had three children, only one of" whom, a daughter, Florence, a graduate of Wellesly college, is living. Adolphus G. Allen, son of Samuel and Miranda (Sheffield) Allen, was born at Troy, Pa., November 30, 1830. His studies were begun in the common schools, and he prepared for college in the Troy academy ; but left off ideas of the classics for law, beginning-study with General James Nj'e, at Hamilton, N. Y., and completed them with Goodwin & Mitchel, of the same place, and was admitted to the bar at the general term at Binghamton, January, 1853. The next spring he was. admitted to the Brad- ford county bar, and immediately moved to Factoryville, and in the spring of 1854 located in Waverly, where he now is. He has held the office of town clerk, trustee of the village, been special county judge two terms, and was a member of the state legislature in 1886. Judge Allen married Sarah S. Walker, of Factoryville, in March, 1853, and has two children, D. Welling- ton, a practicing attorney of Waverly, born June 18, 1854, and Kate, wife of Clarence C. Campbell, born January i, i860. William Polleys was born in Maiden, Mass., August 18, 1816, and when about ten years of age removed with his parents to Bi-adford county, Pa. When about eighteen years of age, he entered the office of the Elmira Republican, as an apprentice. After mastering the trade, he remained in the office until 1840, when he and Alva S. Carter purchased the paper, and continued the publication until 1845, when they sold their interest, and the name was changed to the Elmira Advertiser. In 1854 Mr. Polleys removed to Waverly, and entered into partnership with F. H. Baldwin, in the publication of the Advocate, then but recently changed in name from the Waverly Luminary, and continued one of its publishers up to the time of his death. July 17, 1861, Mr. Polievs was appointed postmaster by President Lincoln, and for fourteen years following held that position, when he voluntarily retired. From early manhood Mr. Polleys took an active interest in politics, and until the demise of the Whig party, belonged to that organization, but on its dissolution, he united with the Re- publicans, and much of the strength and success of their party in Tioga county can be traced to his energy, perseverance and untiring work. For his friends and the success of his party, no sacrifice was too great. He took an active interest in all public lOO TOWN OF BARTON. enterprises, and in everything that was calculated to advance the interests of the village. He died suddenly June 26, 1883. Richard D. VanDeuzer came from Orange county, N. Y., to Waverly, in 1852, when there were but four or five hundred inhab- itants in the village, and has been connected with public enter- prises here ever since. He built the Waverly steam ffouring-mill, and conducted it until it wa,s,destroyed by fire. He built also, a planing-mill in Waverly, and a steam saw-mill on Shepard's creek. The former was twice destroyed by fire. Previous to his con- nection with manufacturing projects, he was engaged in merchan- tile pursuits, and conducted the first coal-yard in Waverlv. He was one of the incorporators of the old Waverly Bank, also of the First National Bank, and was the first president of the latter institution, which office he held seven years. He was one of the first stock-holders, and helped organize the G. I. & S. R. R. company, and in connection with John Sawyer, secured the right of way from the village to Dean's creek, a distance of seven miles, for one dollar. Mr. Van Deuzer was president of the village cor- poration at the opening of the Lehigh Valley R. R.,and in honor of the occasion a banquet was given at the Snyder House, at which he presided. Mr. Van Deuzer married Harriet Everson. by whom he had five children, viz.: Fanny, wife of W. H. W.Jones, Howard C, Mamie C, Annie L., and Richard D., Jr. Howard C. mar- ried Kittie Towne, of Rockford, III. Gurdon G. Manning, was born in Berkshire, N. Y., December 30, 1825. He was educated in the common schools, and attended the Owego academy. He then taught school several years, went to Owego as a clerk for Truman, Stone & Buckbee, where he re- mained six years. In 1856 he went into the dry goods-'business with C. E. Schoonmaker. In the latter part of i860 he was elected county treasurer, and sold his interest to his partner, and in 1861 removed to Factory ville, where he entered the mercantile trade again, in company with Silas Fordham, In 1876 he removed to Waverly village, and since January, 1886, has held the office of justice of the peace. Mr. Manning married Sarah A. Adams, October 23, 185 1, and has had born to him three children, viz.: Lucius R., a banker of Tacoma, W. T., Charles E., an assistant engineer in the U. S. Navy, and Jennie S., wife of James P. Nevins, of this town. ' Ambrose P. Eaton was born in the old town of Union, now Chenango, Broome county, N. Y., June 4, 1826. He was edu- cated in the public schools of his native town, studied law with TOWN OF BARTON. lOI Hon. Charles E. Parker, of Owejgo, was admitted to practice at Bingiiamton, in 1868, and has been in practice in Tioga county since. Mr. Eaton married Mary H., daughter of Calvin John- son, March 13, 185 1, and has one child, Mary E., wife of James A. Roberts, of Tioga. Mr. Eaton's home is in Smithboro, though Kis office is located in Waverly. |, William Fiske Warner, one of Waverly's lawyers, has been '' prominently identified with the later growth of the village, and is widely known as a writer and student of local historv. In Owego, his former home, we print a biographical sketch of this gentleman. Benjamin Genung was an early settler in this vicinity. Jean Guenon, one of the exiled Hugenots who took refuge ig Holland, ' set sail from Amsterdam, April 2, 1657, in the ship " Draetvat," Captain John Bestevaer, and came directly to New Amsterdam (New York). The next year he settled at Flushing, L. I., where he acquired some land, and remained until his death, in 1714. His wife was Grietie; or Margaret Sneden, of Harlem, whom he^ married August 30, 1660, and who survived him about thirteen years. They left besides daughters, two sons, John, born in 1669, and Jeremiah, born in 1671. From these it is believed, have de- cended the entire, and now widely scattered family of Genung, in this country. Beniamin Genung, a soldier of the revolution, settled in New JerseyT'and at an early day came to Dryden, Tompkins county," when that county formed a part of Tioga. 'He had six children, — Barnabas, Aaron, Rachel, Philo, Peron and Timothy. Barnabas married Susan Johnson, by whom he had twelve children who arrived at maturity — Lydia, Nathaniel, Abram, Harrison, Ann, Rebecca, Sally, Enos, George, Merilda and Barnabas. Abram married Martha, daughter, of James R. Dye, by whom he has two sons, John Franklin and George Fred- erick (twins), the former professor of rhetoric in Amherst college, the latter professor of Greek, Latin and political econo- my in Benedict Institute, Columbia, S. C. Enos H. was born February 26, 1825, and has lived principally in Tioga county since 1852. He married Sarepta, daughter of George Earsley, of Caroline, N. Y., April 7, 1850', and by whom he has six children, viz.: Emma (Mrs. Fred Morgan), George D., the well known journalist of this village, Dell (Mrs. George Gardner), Priscilla (Mrs. George Stevens), Luella (Mrs. William Ewen) and Reuben E. Mrs. Genung died Septeniber 18, 1882. Salmon A., son of Nathaniel, was born January 27, 1841, married Mary E., daughter I02 TOWN OF BARTON. of Asa Dot}', of Towanda, Pa., September 21, 1861, and is now a resident of Waverly. George D. Genung married Mary A. VanDerlip, a daughter of S. T. VanDerlip, of Waverly, June 16, 1876. Three children have been born to them, Arthur, deceased, G. Leyl and M. Lucille. Squire Whitaker was born in Deckertown, N. J., June r, 1808, and came with his parents to this town in 18 16. He walked the entire distance, which in those days was not considered a re- markable feat, and assisted in driving a cow. In 1832 he mar- ried Sally, daughter of John Hanna, and for about two years re- sided in EUistown. They afterward moved to the farm on Tall- madge Hill now owned by his son Lewis, then an unbroken forest. He set up a temporary house on crotched sticks, which the family occupied while his log-house was building. He subsequently . built a framed house, which was burned, 'and his neighbors kindly aided him to re-build, and in nine days had his house ready for occupancy. Their children were Horace, Jane (Mrs. D. D. Knapp), Pheobe (Mrs. Hatfield Hallett), Lewis, James, William and Frank (Mrs. Wilbur Finch). Lewis man-ied Frances, daughter of James Parker. In 1849, the family removed to Wa- verly and took up their home at the homestead in Chemung street, ' where Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker continued to reside to the time of their death. Mrs. Whitaker died about fifteen years ago, and Mr. Whitaker on May 15, 1887. He was appointed captain of the state militia by Governor Marcy. In 1844 Tioga county of- fered a banner to the town that would bring to Owego the larg- est delegation in favor of Polk and Dallas. Mr. Whitaker was at the head of the greatest number, and took the prize. Banking Institutions. — The Waverly Bank was organized in 1855, with John C. Adams, president, and George H. Fairchild, cashier. The business was at first opened in the northwest room of the Snyder House, and a year or two later, upon the comple- tion of the bank building corner of Broad and Loder street, re- moved into it. In about 1865 it was changed to a National bank, and in 1871 was moved into the building now occupied by the Citi- zens Bank. About the first of April, 1872, a private bank was opened in the same building, H. T. Herrick,president; George Herrick, cashier; H. T. Sawyer, teller. They also held the same positions in the National Bank, and within a month after the organization of the private bank, the National went into the hands of a receiver. J. S. Thurston, of Elmira, was the first receiver appointed, and at TOWN OF BARTON. 103 the end of a month he resigned and was succeeded by J.T. Sawyer, who served for about three months and resigned. J. B. Floyd was then appointed and closed up the business. In May of the follow- ing year, 1873, the HerrickBank also suspended, and J. T. Saw- yer and R. A, Elmer were elected assignees and effected a settle- ment of the business. The First National Bank was organized February 13, 1864, with a capital of $50,000.00. Its first officers were R. D. Van Deuzer, president ; R. A. Elmer.vice-president ; H. Elmer, cashier. In February, 1884, their charter was extended twenty years. The present officers are Howard Elmer, president; N. S. Johnson, vice-president; F. E. Lyford, cashier. The Citizens Bank was incorporated under the banking laws of the state of New York, June 18, 1874, and commenced business on the first of July following, with a capital of $50,000.00. The first officers were J. T. Sawyer, president ; M. Lyman, cashier. The present officers are J. T. Sawyer, president ; S. W. Slaugh- ter, vice-president ; F. A. Sawyer, cashier. Gas Light Company. — The Waverly Gas Light Company was organized January 7, 1873, with a capital of $50,000.00, and the works Were completed August 15th of the same year. They were constructed by Deily & Fowler, engineers of Philadelphia, and cost the company $50,000.00. The village wasfirst lighted with gas July 24, 1873. The first officers of the company were William F. Warner, president ; Frederick W. Warner, secretary ; E. W. Warner, treasurer. William F. Warner is still president, and Henry G. Merriam., secretary and treasurer. Waverly Library and Museum. — A library and museum was opened on Park avenue, June 10, 1885, due mainly to the efforts of Prof. Riker, seconded by the generous co-operation of the citi- zens. The library contains some 2,500 volumes and 1,000 pam- phlets, and has a circulating and a reference department, the latter embracing many rare and valuable works. It is made free to the public, excepting the circulating department, for the use and increase pf which an annual fee is charged. It has worked well and given great satisfaction in the short period of its exis- tence. Factoryville. — The name " Factory ville " was originally ap- plied to all the territory now included in both Waverly and East Waverly, and took its origin from the number of factories and mills erected along Shepard's creek in the early part of the cen- tury. The village is pleasantly located, but its prosperity de- 8* I04 TOWN OF BARTON. parted when, in 1849, the completion of the Erie railroad caused Waverly to spring up on its western border, and while the latter has advanced rapidly in population and in commercial and man- ufacturing interests, the former has made but ver\' slight pro- gress. The village now contains one church (Old School Bap- tist), three stores, two hotels, one tannery, one steam saw-mill, wagon shops, blacksmith shops, etc., a fine school building, belong- ing to the graded school system of Waverly and East Wa- verly, and has about 500 inhabitants. Waverly in her growth has pushed out in all directions, but particularly towards Factory- ville, until now the two unite and practically constitute one vil- lage, the name Factory ville even locally having given way to "East Waverly," and doubtless within a few years both will be comprised within the corporate limits of Waverly, and " Factory- ville '' will exist only in memory and in history. A survey of Factory ville was made in 18 19, b}' Major Flower, John She.pard owned the land on which the village is now located, and he divided it into large lots, and sold them to Thomas Wil- cox and Moses and Elisha Larnard, who divided them into village lots, which were sold, and neat and comfortable buildings were erected upon them, some of which are now standing. The post- office was established here in 1812, with Isaac Shepard as post- master. The office was first located in the woolen mill, and later in Mr. Shepard's store on the Owego road (Chemung street). The establishment of mail and stage lines over the newlv con- structed turnpike, made the "tavern" a necessity, and in 1824 one was erected by Isaac Shepard, on the lot where now stands the C. H. Shepard residence, and a few years later John Shackel- ton, Sr., built a tavern and stage-house at East Waverly. At a very early date in the history of the town, mills and fac- tories were erected here. In the year 1800 George Walker built a grist-mill, and in 1808-09 John Shepard, of Milltown, and Josiab Crocker, then recently removed from Lee, Mass., erected a full- ing-mill, carding-machines and saw-mill. Later, Isaac and Job Shepard, sons ot John Shepard, the former the father of Charles and William Shepard, erected a woolen factory, which was after- wards bought and enlarged by Alexander Brooks, an uncle of C. C. Brooks. This building was destroyed by fire in 1853. It was rebuilt by Mr. Brooks' sons, William and Gilbert, as an agri- cultural implement factory. It was afterwards again destroyed by fire, and rebuilt in part by William Brooks. In 1863 C. C. Brooks bought a half interest in the concern of William Brooks TOWN OF BARTON, I05 and they enlarged the buildings, added a foundry, machine-shops, etc. In 1870 Messrs. Brooks sold the establishment to A. B, Phillips, who again converted it into a tannery. In 1879 A. I. Decker purchased the property, and in August, 1882, the build- ings were again destroyed by fire. Mr. Decker at once cam- menced rebuilding, and in January, 1883, was again ready for business. About the year 1824 Jerry Adams built a tannery near the state line, and later he sold the industry to one Norris, who in 1834 sold to Luther Stone, father of William and James Stone. In 1842 Mr. Stone removed the building and put up a much larger and better one. In i860 this was burned down, but was rebuilt the same year. In 1866 Luther Stone died and his sons continued the business until 1868, when James sold his interest to J. A. Per- kins, and two years 'later William also sold to Mr. Perkins, and the latter continued the business for several years. In 1883 the Sayre Butter Package Co. leased the building, which for a few years preceding this time had been unused, and now it is the scene of this important industry. Barton is a post village situated near the southeast corner of the town of Barton, on the north bank of the Susquehanna river, and is a way-station on the N. Y. L. E. & W. railroad. It con- tains one church (M. E.), one school-house, One hotel, two gen- eral stores, one feed and saw-mill, and, about two hundred inhab- itants. Of the early settlers in this vicinity we have already spoken. The village is about five miles from Waverly. Reniff is a post village situated near the northwest corner of the town. The postoffice was established here in March, 1881, with Willis E. Gillett postmaster, who has continued in office to the present time. The village contains a school-house, saw, plan- ing, shingle, and feed-mills, creamery, general store, blacksmith- shop, and about a dozen dwellings. The patrons of the post- office are about 200. The mills are owned by W. E. Gillett, as is also the store and blacksmith-shop, and he owns a half interest in the creamery. Mr. Gillett is. largely engaged in farming, and employs upwards of thirty men. Although comparatively a young man, he has shown remarkable enterprise and energy in establish- ing and maintaining most ot the business interests of the place, and Reniff owes almost its entire existence to him. LOCKWOOD is a post village situated on the western border of the town, about seven miles north of Waverly, on Shepard's creek, and is a station on the G. I. & S. R. R. The postoffice was iq6 town of barton. established in 1869, as Bingham's Mills, with G. W. Bingham postmaster. The name was afterwards changed to Lockwood. The population is about 200. The village has one church (M. E.), a school- house, custom and flouring-mill, two saw and planing- mills, two blacksmith-shops, two turning, scroll-sawing, and wagon-shops, one hotel, two general stores, and one grocery and meat market. It is exceedingly bright for a place of its size, and is remarkable for its industry and thrift. North Barton postofSce is located in the northern part of the town, near the head-waters of Ellis creek. Halsey Valley is a post village extending from the town of Tioga partially over into the northeastern corner of Barton town- ship. A description of it may be found in the history of Tioga. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. The Novelty Furniture Works of Waverly were established by Hall & Cummings, in 1873, in South Waverly. In 1876 the works were removed to Athens, Pa., where, under the present firm of Hall & Lyon, the business prospered and grew until it ranked among the largest and most successful in the state of Pennsylvania. In June, 1884, the works were completely de- stroyed by fire. The people of Waverly, wisely realizing the im- portance of manufacturing as an element of growth and prosper- ity, made a very liberal proposition to Messrs. Hall & Lyon to re-build their works in their beautiful and thriving village. The proffer being accepted, the works were re-buUt, on a much enlarged basis, and were ready for operation in the autumn of 1884. At the present time the works consist of three main brick buildings, besides a brick boiler and furnace house, and a large dry-kiln capable of thoroughly kiln-drying three million feet of lumber annually. For convenience of arrangement, thorough equipment and facility for receiving the raw materials and ship- ping the finished product, these works are not surpassed by any similar institution in the whole country. Now more than 72,000 feet of floor space is utilized, and constant employment is afforded to 125 workmen, with a promise of constant growth and expansion in the near future. Messrs. Hall & Lyon now maintain a large sales room in Philadelphia, and their product finds market also throughout New England, New York, and Pennsylvania. D. H. Eaton & Son's Refrigerator, Butter and Oyster Pail Manu- factory was established in July, 1885, by the above firm who are TOWN OF BARTON. lOJ the patentees. The pail is made of tin, with a jacket of sheet or galvanized iron so fitted as to allow a free circulation of air be- tween the pail and jacket ; the latter being perforated at the top and bottom. There are sizes for holding five, ten, fifteen, twenty and fifty pounds of butter. By thorough tests if has been proved of surpassing coldness for the transmission of butter, and they may be returned to the shipper and ,re-used many times. The works are situated in East Waverly, on Main street, under the supervision of the firm. The Sayre Butter Package Company was established by Richard D. Van Deuzer, who secured the patent in July, 1882, and who erected the buildings and put in the machinery necessary for their manufacture. In October of the same year he entered into partnership with James A. Clark, which, partnership was con- tinued until 1884. The factory is situated on Main street, in East Waverly, and is run by both steam and water-power. They make the first tin butter package with wooden jackets and covers ever manufactured in this section, and Mr. Van Deuzer was the first to introduce them into New York, Pennsylvania, New Jer- sey and the New England states. The tub is made of tin with an elm jacket, bottom and top hoops and wooden cover. There are three sizes made, holding twenty, thirty and fifty pounds. There are thirty-five hands employed, and the capacity is 1,000 pack- ages in ten hours. The present proprietors are R. D. & H. C, Van Deuzer, of Waverly, and F. T. Page, of Athens, Pa. This firm has recently added the manufacture of baskets of all varieties, made of staves and splints, and the entire management is under the supervision of R. D. Van Deuzer. The Decker Tannery, located at Factoryville, has already been spoken of in connection with the sketch of that village. The tannery gives employment to twenty-five hands, and has the capacity for turning out 50,000 sides of leather per annum. C. M. Crandall's Toy Manufactory, on Broad street, was estab- lished here by him in 1885. He came from Montrose, Pa., where he had carried on the business a number of years. He manu- factures about $40,000.00 worth of toys per year, employing fifty hands. His goods consist of a vast number of ingenious me- chanical toys, all of which are invented and manufactured by himself. The production is disposed of entirely to New York jobbers, orders for a single style of toy often amounting to several thousand dollars. John C. Shear's Grist and Flduring-MUl, On Broad street, was I08 TOWN OF BARTON. built by Weaver & Shear, in 1878. Since 1882 the mill has been owned and operated by Mr. Shear. It is operated by steam- power, has four runs of stones, one set of rolls, four brakes, and other modern machinery to correspond. Mr. Shear employs four men, and grinds about 200 bushels of grain per day, with the capacity for turning out 450. He does principally custom work; James Lemons Foundry and Machine Shop, on Broad street, was originally established by him in 1850. He located on Broad street then, about where Clark's hardware store now is, his being' the third building erected on the street. Mr. Lemon continued in business at this point until 1856, when he sold to H. M. Moore, and moved to about what is now No. 150 Broad street. About twenty years ago he located at the site he now occupies. He manufactures plows, stoves, plow and agricultural fixtures, etc. The Reniff Mills were built by Isaac Barnes and George Newell, upwards of fifty years ago. The present mill was built about forty years ago, but has been enlarged and extensively improved by the present owner, Willis E. Gillett. Its capacity for saw- ing and planing is 2,000,000 feet per annum. There is also a feed and shingle-mill in connection. The Gillett & Decker Creamery was established in the spring of 1887, by W. E. Gillett and A. 1. Decker. It is situated at Reniff, is run by a six horse-power engine, and is equipped with all the most improved machinery known to the manufacture of butter. It runs this year about 175 gallons of milk per day. The Cayuta Creamery was established in 1883, ^^ Barton Center, and was known as the " Barton Center Creamery." In the win- ter of 1887 it was removed to East Waverly, near the Geneva & Sayre R. R. depot. Its capacity is for 1,000 cows, employs five men, and runs delivery wagons for supplying private families with milk products. It was established by F. A. Schuyler, and was run by him until the spring of 1887, when H. T. Harding entered into partnership with him, and it is now run under the firm name of Schuyler & Harding. The Lockwood Flour and Custom Feed-Mill was established in 1853, by Charles Bingham, and is now run by Bingham Brothers. It is situated in the village of Lockwood, on Shepard's creek. It is run by steam and water-power, has four runs of stones, and good facilities for grinding buckwheat. Its capacity is about 200 bushels in ten hours. The Lockwood Saw, Planing, and Lath Mills, are run by the Bing- ham Brothers. The present mills were built by Bingham, Lyons TOWN OF BARTON. I09 & Co., in 1879. They are situated on Shepard's creek, are run by a forty horsei-power engine, and have the capacity for 10,000 feet of lumber per day. The head sawyer is J. A. Stever. A. V. C. Vail &■ Co.'s Steam Saw and Planinfr-Mill is situated at Lockwood village, near the G. I. & S. R. R. It was removed there from road- 2, in 1880. Its capacity is 5,000 feet per day. A. Brook's Turning ond Scroll-Sauuing Works, at Lockwood, are fitted with a four horse-power engine, a variety of circular and scroll saws and lathes, and all equipments necessary to do the finest wprk in that line. A specialty is made of the manufacture of church seats, where a variety of styles and patterns may be seen. The business was established in 1880. C. H. Coleman's Turning, Scroll-Sawing, Wagon and^Blacksmith Shops are situated near Bingham's mills, in Lockwood. The works are run by an eight horse-power engine, have a planer, yarious saws, etc., also facilities for doing all kinds of repairing at short notice. C. F. Hannds Circular Saw-Mill is situated on Ellis creek, about one mile from the River road, and is run by steam-power. It was built by the present proprietor in November, 1884. Its capacity is from 5,000 to 8,000 feet in ten hours. The first mill on this site was built by Foster, Newland & Smith, about T859. CHURCHES. The Tioga and Barton Baptist Church. — After the. Revolution, ■when immigration began to set in from the Eastern states, the Congregational denomination of Connecticut sent out the Rev. Seth Williston as a missionary, and we find him holding religious services iu diSerent places in the county as early as 1795. The earliest religious organization formed in the county was "on Feb- ruary 20, 1796. Several families from Bedford, Mass., settled along the river between Tioga Center and Smithboro, calling their settlement " New Bedford." Among them was a Baptist minister, tJie Rev. David Jayne. Assisted by a deputation from the Baptist church at Chemung (now Wellsburg), a church was organized, comprising nine members, and styled the " Baptist Church at New Bedford," Rev. D. Jayne being the first minis- ter, and so continued for fourteen years. Subsequently, as the settlement extended further north, a portion of the society formed a new organization at Tioga center, and the old society became established near Halsey Valley, and took a new name, calling no TOWN OF BARTON. itself " The Tioga and Barton Baptist Church." In 1848 they constructed a new church edifice, at a cost of $800.00, which will seat 300 persons. The society now has fifty members, with Rev. Franklin J. Salmon, pastor. The First Presbyterian Church of Waverly, located on Pennsyl- vania avenue, was organized with twenty-two members, June &, 1847, by the Revs. Thurston, Carr and Bacchus, a committee from the Chemung presbytery. They erected a church edifice in 1849, enlarged it in i860, and in 1886 the society erected at a cost of $30,000 a handsome brick church of a modern style of architecture. It will seat 600 persons, has large parlors, pastors study, etc., in the rear of the anditorium, over which is the large Sunday school room. Rev. Nathaniel Elmer was the first pastor. Rev. John L. Taylor is the present pastor. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Waverly, located on Waverly street corner Chemung, was first organized as a class at Factory- ville, in 1828, with five members, namely : Elisha Tozer (leader), Rachel Tozer,Philena Tozer, JoshuaWilcox, and King Elwell. The first church edifice was erected in Factory ville in 1840, and dedi- cated the same year by Rev. Horace Agard, pastor. The trus- tees were Jacob H. Russell, Alpheus H. Tozer, and Gilbert H. Hallett; presiding elder, George Harmon. The society sold the church building to the Baptist society of Waverly, who took it down and erected their present commodious house of worship. The Methodist society removed to Waverly and built a frame church edifice, which was dedicated in March, 1864, by Bishop Janes. It was destroyed by fire in 1865. The present substan- tial and attractive brick building was erected, and dedicated in 1867, by Rev. Hiram Mattison, D. D. Rev. James O. Woodruff is the present pastor. The First Baptist Church, located on Park avenue, corner of Tioga street, was originally organized at Ulster, Bradford county. Pa., June 24, 1824, at the house of Joseph Smith. Elder Levi Baldwin, from Smithfield, Dea. Asa Hacket, F. Perkins, Eliphalet Barden, and Selah Finch, from Chemung Baptist church, Tioga county, N. Y., and Isaac Cooley, formed the council. Deacon Asa Hacket was chosen moderater, and Levi Baldwin, clerk. The following named persons, sixteen in number, composed the original organization : Elder Thomas Bebe and Betsey Bebe, his- wile, Joseph Smith and his wife, Euphenia Smith, Lockwood D. Smith, Alexander Hibbard and his wife Polly Hibbard, Abel J. Gerold and Nancy Gerold, his wife, Cornelius Quick and his wife. TOWN OF BARTON. Ill Margaret, Sisters Simons, Holcomb, Weriotand Lucretia Norton, It was first styled the " Athens and Ulster Baptist Church," and meetings were held at Athens, Ulster and Milltown. The name was changed Mirch lo, 1832, to the " Athens and Chemung Bap- tist Church," and again, on May 14, 1836, to " Factoryville Baptist Church." Finally, in 1865, it was established at Waverly. The society have a neat and commodious church edifice, which will comfortably seat 500 persons. The present pastor is Rev. Daniel H. Cooper. The Chemung Old School Baptist Church, located at Factoryville, was organized January 7, 1846, with nine members, as follows: Moses Slawson, David Proudfoot, Henry Rowland, Nathan Carey, , Mary Carey, Fanny Carey, Betsey A. Slawson, Map Slawson and SafaR" Rowland. They met for worship in the houses of mem- bers and in the school-house until 1864, when the brick church erected by the New School Society, about 1830, was purchased by them at a cost of .$1,100.00. The building will seat about 250 persons. Elder M. W. Vail is the present pastor. The Grace Episcopal Church, located on Park avenue corner of Tioga street, was organized December 28, 1853. The certificate of organization is signed by Rev. George Watson, the rector of St. Paul's church, of Owego, Levi Gardner, Arthur Yates, Thomas Yales and A. P. Spalding. The society has a very tasty church building, erected about 1855. The first rector was Rev. Horatio Gray. The present rector is Rev. George Bowen. The Church of Christ, located on Providence street, was organ- ized July 8, 1877, with seven members, and a Sabbath school with twenty-one teachers and scholars was established at the same time. St. James Roman Catholic Church is located on Chemung street corner of Clark. The first Roman Catholic church erected in Waverly was built in 1852. The lot whereon the building stood on Erie street, was deeded gratis to the Rt. Rev. John Timon, first bishop of Buffalo, by the late Owen Spalding, who also gave the lots for all the protestant churches first erected in Waverly. The affairs of the parish were attended to by Rt. Rev. James T. Mc Manus, the present Vicar General of the diocese of Rochester. The pastor's residence was in Owego, as there were not enough Catholics in Waverly to support a pastor. The parish, priest of. Owego was the only one in Tioga county. The money to build the first church was collected by the late John Sliney. The seating capacity was about three hundred, but at the time the 112 TOWN OF BARTON. church was built and for several years after, the building was too large for all the Catholics of Smithboro. Barton, Chemung and Waverly. The present house of worship is a handsome, como- dious edifice, with elegant memorial windows of stained glass, given by the members of the congregation. The lot is finely laid out. The pastoral residence, an elegant house, stands on the northwest corner of the lot. This building was erected about twenty years after the first church was built. The lot was pur- chased by the late John Sliney, and held in trust for the congre- gation for years, until they were able to build thereon. The first resident pastor was Rev. James Brady, now located at Arcade, Wyoming county. The present pastor is Rev. Edward McShane. The North Barton Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in 1869, with eig^iteen members. The church was erected in 1870, at a cost of $1,500.00. The first pastor was Rev. William H. Gavitt. The present pastor is Rev. Ziba Evans. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Barton Village was organized about 1805, at the house of Peter Barnes. Benjamin Aikens, Peter Barnes and his wife, Gilbert Smith, his sister Betsey Smith, and Samuel Mundy were among the earliest members. Peter Hofiman, Selah Payne, and Daniel Bensley joined soon after. For many years the society was supplied • by circuit preachers, who, traveling long distances, were able to hold meet- ings but once in lour weeks. Rev. Timothy Lee and Rev. Hor- ace Agard are mentioned as among the earliest circuit preachers. Benjamin Aikens was the first local preacher. The society held the first camp-meeting in the county, at Smithboro, in 1807, and their regular meetings were held in private houses, the woods, and the school-house, until 1836, when the present church edifice was completed, costing $1,100.00. It has sittings for about 400 persons. Rev. William H. Pearne was the first resident pastor, and Rev. Luther Peck is the present one. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Lockwood was organized at an early date, the society first holding services in private houses, often at Charles Bingham's residence. In 1854 a church building was erected, which gave place to the present structure in 1886. It will seat 250 persons and is valued at $4,000.00. The society now has sixty members, with Rev. Ziba Evans, pastor. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Ellistown is an old building, but we have been unable to collect any reliable data from which to compile a sketch. The society has now no organization there. TpWN Of BERKSHIRE. II3 BERKSHIRE lies in the riortiieastern part of the county, and is bounded on the north by Richford, east by the County line, south by Newark Valley, and west by Caroline knd Candor, containing an area of about 17,443 acres, 12,474 acres of which is improved land. The surface of the town is pleasingly diversified by lofty hills and fertile valleys, the former attaining a mean elevation of rom 1,200 to 1,400 feet. East and West Owego creeks, with their tributaries, form the water courses of the township, the former entering on the north, near the center, flowing a southerly direction through the town ; the latter forms the dividing line on the west between Berkshire and the towns of Caroline and Candor. The soil of this territory is principally clay — in the valley of East creek yellow ^loam, with clay underlying ; on the east, gravelly loam. The valleys and west hills were timbered with beech, maple, and iron-wood, the east hills with pine and hemlock. Settlement. — The stor^' of the "Boston Purchase," or "Boston Ten Townships," we have already detailed in chapter two. It devolved upon some of the proprietors therein named to found the township of Berkshire, a town that takes its name from the region of the famous Berkshire Hills of Massachusetts, and which it, indeed, in physical contour, greatly resembles. From these pioneers of the Puritan East, also, seems to have fallen upon their descendants of to-day, and to them is due, much of the prosper- ity, the integrity, character and intelligence for which the citizens of Berkshire are so justly celebrated. Nowhere have the man- ners of a people, their customs, their high sense of duty, their strict observance of the Sabbath, their love for the church and the school 'followed the line of descent more closely than in the township of Berkshire. These pioneers came not empty-handed nor empty-headed, for aside from their native New England thrift they were possessed of some means and had availed them- selves of a fair opportunity in the school-room. Until 1808 the locality was known as " Brown's Settlement," after the pioneer family of that name. Brown's Settlement, then, was begun on the first day of April, 1791, by five men who left Stockbridge, Mass., on February 23d, spending thirty-seven days on the way, and bringing their tools and provisions on two 'sleds, drawn by ox-teams. These pioneers were Isaac and Abra- ham Brown, brothers, Daniel Ball, Elisha Wilson, and John Car- penter, the latter coming as the hired man of the Browns. Two 114 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. Other men, Messrs. Dean and Norton, came in the party as far as Choconut, now Union, where they remained. Thus in brief is the story of the pioneer settlement of the town of which we write. Of these early ones and many who followed them we will speak, under the head of EARLY HOUSEHOLDS OF BERKSHIRE.* Isaac Brown, b at Stockbridge, Mass., 25 Oct., 1766, second son of Capt. Abraham and Beulah (Patterson) Brown, came to Brown's Settlement with the pioneer party in 1.791, leaving Stock- bridge, 23 Feb. and reaching their destination i April. He probably worked with his brother, Abraham, till 1793, when he began to make a clearing for his own home. He married with Clarissa Ball, who was born in Stockbridge, 14 Nov., 1775, daughter of Josiah and Esther (Ward) Ball, and settled in a log house on the east side of the road on the south half of lot 305, a little south of where the railway crosses the road. Here he had just fairly started a pleasant home, when he died, 10 April, 1797, the first adult to die in the settlement. His widow died 12 Feb., 1844. Their children were : I. Brown, a daughter, died in infancy. II. Isaac Brown, b 4 Oct., 1797, six months after his father's- death, was bi;ought up by his grandmother, Beulah Brown, and married, 5 July, 1820, with Eleanor Branch, daughter of Levi and Electa (Lyman) Branch. She was born in Richmond, Mass., 29 Nov., 1796, and died 4 July, 1867. He died at Newark Valley. They had a family of ten children, several of whom are yet living. Josiah Ball, b at Watertown, Mass., 16 Dec, 1742, son of John and Lydia (Perry) Ball, a shoemaker, m 26 Feb., 1768, with Esther Ward, who was born in Worcester, Mass., 7 March, 1750-51, daughter of Major Daniel and Mary (Coggin) Ward. They settled in Stockbridge, Mass., and of their thirteen children all were born there but the youngest. In June, 1794, they came to Berkshire, and settled on lot 337, where their son-in-law, Luke B. Winship, dwelt for many years after them. He died 26 July, 1 8 10. She died 9 M.arch, 1836. For some years he had an extra log house, which, in the season for moving, he kept to accommo- date those settlers who needed a temporary shelter while pre- * Extracts from an unfinished work, in tnanuscript, entitled, Folk Book of the Boston Purchase, by D. Williams Patterson, of Newark Valley. TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. ' II5 paring their houses. At other times it was used for a school- house, or for his shoe shop. Children : I. William, died when two years old. II. Daniel, b 27 Dec, 1769. III. William, b 18 Oct., 1771. IV. Stephen, b 29 Jan., 1774. V. Clarissa, b 14 Nov., 1775, m Isaac Brown. VI. Samuel, b 13 l^ov. 1777. VII. Henry, b 21 Nov., 1779. VIII. Josiah, b 28 Jan., 1782. IX. Isaac, b 27 Dec, 1783. X. Electa, b 9 June, 1788, d 6 Sept., 1869. XI. Charles,, b 4 Sept., 179O, d 9 Jan., 18 14. XII. Cynthia, b 24 April, 1793-, m with Luke Bates Winship. YIII. Mary, b in July, 1801, and died when eighteen months old, about II or 12 Jan., 1803. The mother was over fifty years old when this child was born. Daniel Ball, b at Stockbridge, Mass., 27 Dec, 1769, son of Josiah and Esther (Ward) Ball, has been called one of the pio- neers of Berkshire. He came here as one of the pioneer party of five who began the work in Brown's Settlement, i April, 1791, but did not work in the present limits of Berkshire toward clear- ing a home for himself or his father. He returned to Stockbridge in the fall, probably before his comrades did, and married at Lenox, Mass., 31 Oct., 1791, with Lucia Wells, daughter of Col. William Wells, of Lenox. In June, 1794, he returned to Berk- shire with his father's family, bringing his wife and daughter, and settled in a log house on lot 336, near the present home of Charles S. Manning. They moved, about 1820, to Victor, N. Y., and thence to Michigan, where they died ; he about 1833 ; she about 1840. They had ten children: I. Ann, b at Stockbridge, in 1792. II. William Wells, b in Berkshire, 8 Sept., 1794, the first white child born within the limits of the town , married in February, 1820, with Harriet Cook, daughter of Ebenezer Cook, Esq., and was living in Dec, 1820, where James Cross now lives. He afterward bought the farm of Abraham Brown, where his son Rodney A. Ball now lives, in Newark Valley,, and died there 15 Jan., 1880. •III. Horatio. IV. Henry. V. Hester. VI. Sophia. VII. Chester. VIII. Calvin. IX. Davis. X. Myron. William Ball, b at Stockbridge, Mass., 18 Oct., i77i,a cloth- Il6 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. dresser, m with Phebe Bement, daughter of Asa and Ruth (Neal) Bement, and settled in Berkshire about 1794. They afterward moved to Tioga, and thence to Victor, N. Y., where they died; she about 23 April, 1847 ; he some years earlier. It is supposed that he built the first cloth-dressing works in Berkshire. Hfe left there before Dec, 1820. Their children were: I. George. II. William, a physician, settled in Victor, N. Y. 'III. Asa. IV. James. V. Albert. VI. Mary. VII. Charles, a physician, b in Tioga,N. Y., ig July, 1824, set- tled in Victor. VIII. Phebe. , Stephen Ball, born in Stockbridge, Mass., 29 Jan., 1774, son of Josiah and Esther (Ward) Ball, is entitled to rank among the leaders in the settlement of Berkshire. He came in 1793, when nineteen years old, to prepare a home for his father's family, on lot 336, on which he cut the first tree. Here he made a clearing, built a log house, raised a little corn, and perhaps a few potatoes^ turnips and beans, made some provision for keeping a cow, and, in the fall, spwed a piece of wheat, and returned to Stockbridge. In February, 1794, he came again, bringing with him a cow, and lived alone till his father's family came, in June, 1794, and only on Sundays meeting his nearest neighbors, Isaac Brown and Daniel Gleazen. He married, in 1801, with Polly Leonard, daughter of Capt. Asa and Olive (Churchill) Leonard, and settled on the northeast corner of lot 337, where the hotel is now kept. Here they spent most of the remainder of their lives. She died 3 Oct., 1850, and he died 19 Feb., 1857. Their children were : — I. OHve Leonard, b 2 Nov., 1801, m with Robert Akins. II. Mary,b 12 May, 1803, died 21 March, 1815. III. Harriet, b 19 Tuly, 1805, m with Aaron P. Belcher. IV. Eliza Ann, b 7 Oct., 1807, m with Charles Brown. V. Richard Leonard, b 9 June, 1809, died 21 May, 1848. VI. James Ward, b 24 May, i8n, m with Sypha Matson, and settled at Ottawa, 111. VII. Caroline, b 14 May, 1813, m with Carlisle P. Johnson. VIII. Levi, b26 March, 1815, m 28 Oct., i84i,with Betsey Ann Royce, and lives on the line between lots 385 and 416. - IX. Anson, big March, 1817, m 5 Jan., 1848, with Caroline- Moore, and died at Berkshire, 27 April, 1884. ~ X. Asa, b 26 April, 1819, m 15 Oct., 1845, with Esther Maria Manning, who died 15 May, 1887. He resides in Berkshire, a deacon of the Congregational church. TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. 11/ XI. Mary Sophia, b 2 Feb.,, 1821, m with Dr. Edward H. Eldredge. XII. Robert Henry, b 5 Feb., 182-3, m 19 Dec, 1850, with Maria Henrietta Conklin, and lives in Berkshire. XIII. Frances Calista, b 2 Jan., 1825. m with George Clark Royce, and d 21 Oct., 1853. Samuel Ball, b at Stockbridge, Mass., 13 Nov., 1777, son of Josiah and Esther (Ward) Ball, came to Berkshire in 1794, m about 1803, with Jerusha Slosson, They dwelt at one time on lot 103, in Newark Valley, but in 1818 sold to Ezekiel Rich, re- turned to Berkshire village, and thence to the west border of the town, and settled on the east side of the road, opposite the house of Phineas Case, on southwest quarter of lot 380, and was living there in Dec, 1820. Afterward they went to Lawi-enc^ville, Pa., where they died ; he, 12 Sept., 1 841; she, 5 February, 1870, aged ninety-six years. Children were : I. Nancy, b 18 May, 1805, m with Joseph Weaver. II. Lodema Farnham, b6 May, 1806, m with Charles Frederick Akins. III. Frederick William, b 6 June, 1808, d 9 April, 1835. IV. Adeline, b i April., 181 1, m with her cousin Clark Slosson. V. Bail, b 7 Dec, 1813, died young. VI. Cynthia Winship, b 10 March, 1818, m with Amasa Daily, and second with her cousin, Ezbon Slosson. , Henry Ball, b 21 Nov. 1779, married with Sarah Judd Moore, daughter of Henry Moore, and settled in Berkshire. He bought for fifty dollars, the old house of Dr. Joseph Waldo, 23 May, 1808, and moved it up to the place where his sons after ward, lived, on the west side of the road, near the northeast corner of lot 337, second house below the hotel. He died 22 Sept., 1837 '• she died 7 June, 1856. Their children- were : I. Henrietta, b 14 Oct., 181 1, died 16 Sept,, 1862, according to her gravestone, " aged 49 years and 1 1 months," which is a year too little, if the date is correct. II. Gilson, b 29 Dec, 1812, married, with Rhoda Ann Johnson, and was killed by a falling tree, 4 March, 1871. III. Sophronia, b 1814, died 14 April, 1824, aged nine years. IV. Franklin, b.25 Sept., 1816, m. 29 March, i8S9, with Marga- ret Meagher, and died at Newark Valley. V. Eliza, b 7 June, 1819, died 19 Nov., 1840. VI. Martin Henry, died unmarried, 28 July, 1875. VII. Susan Sophronia, died in Berkshire,, unmarried. Il8 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. VIII. Alvah Moore, resides in Berkshire on his father's home- stead. Josiah Bali, b 28 Jan., 1782, was an excellent school-teacher, and a maker of wooden pumps. He married with Luc}' Leon- ard, and settled in Berkshire village, where they died ; she 5 Oct., 1856 ; he 23 Oct., 1862. Children : I. Emily, b 12 Aug., 1804, m with Horatio Collins. II. Sabrina, b 18 Dec, 1806. m with Addison Collins. III. Julia, m with Dwight Waldo, and died 20 Jan., 1843. IV. Mary, m with John Waldo, and settled at Portage,, N. Y., where she died 13 May, 1887. Isaac Bali, son of Josiah, came to Berkshire with his parents in June, 1794; m 20 Oct., 1808, with Cassandra Johnson. They set- tled on the east side of the road, on lot 336, where Charles O- Lynch now lives, and died there ; he 20 Nov., 1856; she, 19 Sept., 1858. Their children were : I. Francis Augustus, b 17 Aug, 1809, d 14 April, 1819. n. Abigail, b 15 Jan., 181 1, m with Nathaniel Bishop Collins. III. Plandon Halsey, b 20 May, 1813. IV. Eunice, b 17 Nov., 1815. V. Margery, b 23 June, 1818, m with Theodore Leonard. VI. John, b 31 July, 1820, married with Mary Ann Ralyea, daughter of Dene and Mercy (Bradley) Ralyea, of Union, N. Y. VII. Francis, b 14 April, 1824. IX. Jay, b 10 May, 1827. Joseph Gleazen lived in Stockbridge, Mass., till after his sons came to Brown's Settlement, after which he and his wife came to live with them, but never had a separate household in Berkshire. He died 9 March, 1816, aged seventy-five years. During the last years of her life she was not of 'sound mind. They had children, perhaps not in the following order: I. Daniel, m with Rebecca Barnes. II. Jesse, m with Mercy Adsel. III. Caleb, had three wives, and lived at Richford. IV. Sarah, m with Doud, and second, 21 Oct,, 1802, with Nathan Ide. V. Joseph, b about 1772, m with Lovice Bailey. VI. Ebenezer Ede, a tailor, m with Susanna Scott, who came to Berkshire with the family of Noah Lyman, and in Dec, 1820, they dwelt in Berkshire, on the west side of the way, a little below where Nathaniel Bishop Collins afterward built his brick house, and after that he moved to, Newark Valley, and died there TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. II9 in the old Lincoln tavern house. His wife, born 25 July, 1784, married (2d) 5 March, 1832, with Samuel Gleazen, his brother, and died in Richford, 5 Feb., 1853. VII. Samuel, b in Stockbridge, Mass., 4 April, 1783, was brought up by Silas Pepoon, Esq. He came to Berkshire later than his brothers, and settled in Richford. Daniel Gleazen came to Brown's Settlement, probably, in the spring of 1794. He was a son of Joseph Gleazen, of Stockbridge, Mass. Tradition says that he first settled on the Southeast quar- ter of lot 377, on the hill road, but afterward built a brick house on the road that lies in the hollow. He niarried at Berkshire, 26 Jan., 1805, with Miss Rebecca Barnes. They had seven chil- dren : I. Luke. II. Eli, b perhaps about 2 June, 1S08. III. Ruth. IV. Rebecca, b perhaps about 3 Dec, 1813. V. Joseph. ■ VI. William, b perhaps about 15 March, 1820. VII. Barnes, b perhaps about 12 Feb., 1822. Jesse Gleazen, brother of Daniel, probably came at the same time. He joined the church in Stockbridge, Mass., in 1790, was dismissed 2 Oct.,' 1803, to the church about to be formed at Tioga, N. Y., of which he was a constituent member, and con- tinued a member till 3 Oct., 1813. He married at Berkshire, 29 Oct., 18—, with "Miss Mercy Adzdil," as John Brown, Esq., recorded it ; but the name may have been Adsel, or Hadsel. Their children were: I. Sarah, bap 20 Nov., 1803. II. -James Adsel, bap 20 Nov., 1803. III. Mercy, bap 4 April, r8o5. IV. Betsey Ruth, b 22 May. 1810, bap 2 Sept., 1810. V. Huldah Ann, b 2 March, 1813. Joseph Gleazen, Jr., was born in Stockbridge, Mass., about 1772, son of Joseph Gleazen. The date of his advent to Berk- shire is not known, but he probably came with his brothers. He was taxed for highway work three days in 1798, and married 16 May, 1803^ with Lovice Bailey, (or " Vicey," as John Brown recorded the name) sister of Levi Bailey: He hrst settled on West Owego creek, west of the road, on the southwest quarter of lot 380, where Eleazer Lyman and his son, Daniel Lyman, afterward lived, just north of where the towns of Candor and Caroline corner together on the creek. In April, 1820, he left this place and settled in a log house on the southeast quarter of lot 342, on Berkshire Hill. Afterward they moved to Newark 9* I20 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. Valley, and died there; he 21 Sept., 1849, '"^ his 77th year; she 15 Oct., 1850, in her 65th year. Their children were : I. Silas Pepoon. II. Emeline, d 3 July, 1863, aged 54. III. Sabrina.^~ IV. George Densmore, b 27 Feb., 18 14, resides in Newark Val- ley; m with Mary Ann Benton. V. Lavina. VI. Julia. AVII. Semantha, m with Amasa Day Durfee. *= /ConsiderTL-awrence was born at Canaan, Conn., 8 Feb., 1777; mil Sept., 1796, with Wealthy Peck, who was born 27 Oct., 1775. His name appears in John Brown's book 24 May, 1797, and he was taxed for work on highways, three days in 1798, and his name was in the tax list of 1802. He dwelt on the southwest quarter of lot 338, where Charles Backus Ford has since lived. He died 20 Feb., 1857, and his obituary notice said that he " came to Berkshire sixty-one years ago," which indicates 1796 as the year in which he came. He probably spent the summer before his marriage in preparing his home. Their children were : I. Maria, b 30 Aug., 1797, m with Thomas Langdon, of Berk- shire. II. Isaac Peck, b 8 Feb., 1799, m 20 Jan., i8^r, with Catharine Cole. III. Miles Lewis, b 6 Nov., 1800, m 26 March, 1834, with Syl- via C. Foote and settled in Berkshire. IV. William, b 14 Feb., 1803, m 14 Sept., 1840, with Laura Woodruff. V. Betsey, b 27 Aug., 1804, m 25 Dec. 1821, with Gamaliel Whiting. VI. Josiah, b 14 Sept., 1806, m with Martha Baird. John Brown, b at Stockbridge, 18 July, 1765, eldest son of Captain Abraham and Beulah (Patterson) Brown, came to Brown's Settlement in Feb. 1796. He settled on lot 296, and built a saw-mill there. He married 20 Feb., 1800, with Mehitable Wilson, daughter of Elijah and Mary (Curtis) Wilson, of Stock- bridge, where she was born, 19 Dec, 1768. He was one of of the first justices of the peace in the town of Tioga, and was supervisor of that town for four years. He was also supervisor of the new town of Berkshire, in 1808 and 1809, and in Oct., 1809, was appointed a judge of Broome county court of common pleas, which office he held at his death, 14 Oct., 1813. She survived till 3 Aug., 1857. Their children were: i.\jv\n wr j3i:ii.\j\.oxi.xi\x:'. I. John, b 14 Feb., 1801, a surveyor, mill-wright, and farmer, died unmarried 12 Nov., 1869. II. Mary Wilson, b i Aug., 1802, unmarried. III. Francis Henry, b 6 March 1804, died unmarried. IV. Charles, b 11 Oct., 1805, married 6 Oct., 1835, with Eliza Ann Ball, daughter of Stephen and Polly (Leonard) Ball, and died 28 March, 1869. V. Juliana, b 5 July, 1807, died 19 Nov., 1869. VI. Frances Cornelia, b 19 March, 1809, unmarried. Asa Leonard, b 30, Jan., 1759, son of Abiel Leonard, of Con- necticut, married 11 Oct., 1781, with Olive Churchill, who was born in Stockbridge, Mass., 20 Feb., 1764, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Curtis) Churchill. They dwelt in Stockbridge, and afterward in West Stockbridge, and started in*Feb., 1793, with the Slossons, to settle in Berkshire ; but on reaching Cho- conut, now Union, N. Y.,th"ey stopped on account of her health, and stajed with her brother, Asahel Churchill, till the next win- ter, and then retuned to Massachusetts. Early in the year 1797, they made another trial, and reached Berkshire, where they spent the rest of their lives. He died 24 March, 1836; she died 21 Aug., 1844. Their children were : I. Polly, b II Feb., 1783, married with Stephen Ball. II. Solomon, b 23 Nov. 1784. III. Lucy, b 3 Jan., 1787, m with Josiah Ball, Jr. IV. Anna, b 16 Sept., 1788, m with Henry Griffin. V. Levi, b 5 July 1790, m with Lucia Avery, and d 16 July, 1862. VI. Nancy, b 26 April, 1792, m with Isaac Hitchcock. VII. Louis Gigette, b 30 July, 1794, m 28 Feb., 1821, with Han- nah Royce, and died at . Berkshire, i Nov. 1830. She was still living there in 1887. VIII. Henry, b 14 Aug.', 1797, at Berkshire, m with Julia White, and settled at Ithaca, N. Y., where he died 7 March, 1863. IX. George W., b 5 April, 1799, d 23 April, 1799, X. Sabrina, b 28 Aug., 1800, d 22 Nov. 1809. XI. Amanda, b 6 Aug., 1802, m with John Brush Royce. XII. Chester, b 9 Oct., 1805, m 12 Oct. 1826, with Susan Maria Wilson; settled at Newark Valley, where he died 25 Nov., 1841, qnd she died at Owego. XIII. Leonard, a son, b S June, 1807, d 29 June, 1807. Solomon Leonard, son of Asa Leonard, came to Berkshire with his father, and on reaching his majority became a partner with him in the business of tanning and currying. He married 30 122 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. Jan., 1813, with Nancy Ann Waldo, and settled on the south side of Leonard street, where their son, Joseph Waldo Leonard, now lives. She died 18 Sept., 1865; he died 24 March, 1866. Their children were : L Jane, b i Nov., 1813, m 23 July, 1839, with Wm. C. Churchill, and died 23 May, 185 1. n. Theodore, b 13 Feb., 1815, ra 15 June, 1842; with Margery Ball. in. Frederick William, b 8 Oct., 1816. IV. Mary Elizabeth, b 14 July, 1818, m 6 Oct., 1845, with Charles Mills, of Little Falls, N. Y., who died 3 May, 1849; ^nd she m (2nd) II Nov., 1850, with Melancthon Rogers. V. Joseph Waldo, b 27 May, 1820, m 12 Oct., 1852, with Mary Ann Campfield, and resides on his father's homestead. VI. Henry Griffin, b 27 March, 1822, m 12 Feb., 1850, with Catharine Campfield. VII. Edwin Dwight, b 25 Feb., 1824. VIII. Frances, b 25 July, 1826, m with Dr. Frederick A. Waldo, of Cincinatti, Ohio. IX. Nancy Bliss, b 1 1 April, 1828, m with George Clark Royce, X. George Franklin, b 15 Nov., 1829, m 17 Nov., 1850, with Eunice Patch. XI. Jerome, b 17 Aug., 1830, m i Oct., 1862, with Araminta Boyer. Ebenezer Cook, b at Stockbridge, Mass., about 1772, married there 3 April, 1793, with Elizabeth Churchill, who was born there 8 Sept., 1774, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Curtis) Churchill. He came to Berkshire early in 1797, in company with his brother-in-law, Asa Leonard, and they began business as tanners and curriers under the name of Leonard & Cook, and according to the custom of that day made shoes also. He settled first in a small log house which stood near where Joseph Waldo Leonard dwelt in 1881, then built a shop on the corner opposite the brick meeting-house, where the brick house now stands; and just north of that, a small framed house, into which he moved his family 25 April, 1804. In this house he died 17 March, 18 12. He served for several terms as justice of the peace, was always dignified with the title " 'Squire," and was univers- ally respected, although he followed too diligently the fashion of the times. His widow was named in the census of Dec, 1820, and died 23 June, 1825. Their children were: I. Harriet, b 22 Oct., 1793, m with William Wells Ball. TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. 1 23 II. Aurilla, b about Oct., 1795, m with Denis Corsaw ; Clarissa, b about June 1798, d I March, 1815. III. Charles West, b i Feb., 1800, m 7 Oct., 1823, with Amy Royce, settled in Richford, and moved in 1834 to Chicago, 111., where she died 24 Aug., 1835; ^"d he married a second wife, and died ig May, 1845. IV. Abigail West, b about 1802, d when eighteen months old. V. Abigail West, b 26 April, 1804, m with James Hobart Ford. VI. Henry William, b in 1806, d 3 Aug., 1825, aged 19. years. VII. George West, b 9 Dec, 1808, drowned 15 June, 1810. VIII. George Churchill, b 10 March, 1811, m 10 Nov., 1834, with Lucy Maria Williams, and settled at Newark Valle}' ; removed about 1844 to Chicago, 111., where he died. Azel Hovey was born 13 Aug., 1741, old style, perhaps, at Lebanon, Conn., m with Jemima Phelps, who was born at Leba- non 4 April, 1745. It is said that they dwelt in New London, Conn., for many years, but their records have not been found there. They came to Berkshire, either with or soon after their son Azel, and lived with him while he dwelt in Berkshire. They afterward went to Newark Valley and were cared for by their son David Hovey. He died 17 June, 1818, in an old I6g house that stood on the west side of the road nearly opposite the house in which George Dohs now lives. His death was from pleurisy, occasioned by working in the water during a freshet. She died at the house of her son-in-law, John Harmon, 14 July, 1829. Tra- dition says: "They had eleven children." We have the names of nine, viz.: I. Azel. II. Abigail, m with William Dudley. III. Jemima, b about 1775, m with John Harmon. IV. Eunice, rn with Asahel Hatch, of Richmond, Mass. V. Jedediah, settled in Hartford, Conn. VT. Abel. VII. Nathan, was. living in Berkshire in 181 2. VIII. Zeruiah, died unmarried. IX. David. Azel Hovey, b at New London, Conn., about 1763, eldest child of Azel and Jemima (Phelps) Hovey, married with Lucy Rock- well, daughter of Abner and Deborah Rockwell, and came to Berkshire as early as the beginning of 1798, and in that year was assessed to work five and a half days on the highway. He set- tled on the east side of the creek, on the north half of lot 385, near where the old road crossed, the creek. He sold this place to Capt. Henry Griffin, and then lived on the place previously owned by his brother-in-law, William Dudley, and this he sold to 124 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. Barnabas Manning. The3' afterward lived in Union, now Maine, N. Y., and then in Newark Valley, where he died 14 Sept., 1838, in his seventy-fifth year, on the place now owned by Clark Wal- worth. Their children were: I. Julia Rockwell, m with Harlow King. II. Eliza, b at Berkshire, 11 April, 1798, m with David Coun- cilman. III. George, settled at Belvidere, 111. IV. Azel, died at Rochester, N. Y., unmarried. V. Hannah, b at Berkshire, 8 Aug., 1802, m with Allen Watkins, and died 9 May, 1886, at Belvidere, III. VI. Clarinda, m with Newell Watkins. VII. Jedediah, died young. VIII. Calvin, m with Mary Wheeler, and settled at Belvidere, 111. IX. Lucy Ann, m with Leander King, of Belvidere, 111. X. Sabrina, went to Belvidere, 111. XI. Henry, went to Belvidere, 111. XII. William, was sheriff at Belvidere, 111. XIII. Amanda, went to Belvidere, 111. Jeremiah Campbell, a blacksmith, lived on the east side of the road, in the north part of lot 416, close to the present north line of Berkshire. He married at Stockbridge, Mass., 2 Jan., 1792, with EHzabeth Rockwell. He was taxed to work on the high- ways, in 1793, three days, and was also in the lax-list of 1802. He still lived in the same place when the census of Dec, 1820, was taken, and moved, a few years later, to Binghamton, N. Y. Among his children was Rachel Campbell, who married with Silas Warren Bradley. Ephraim Cook was taxed to work three and a half days on the highways, in 1798, and his name was on the tax-list of 1802. His dwelling place at that time has not been ascertained, but later he lived within the present bounds of Richford, on the south part of lot 460, at the angle of the road where Lyman Jewett now lives. He was living as lately as October, 1813, but the date of his death, which was caused by the bite of a rabid dog, has not been found. He was a farmer, and came, it is said, from Preston, Conn. His children were : I. Polly, II. Althea. III. Harvey, m with Clarissa Smith. IV. Phila, (perhaps Philena). Josiah Howe was assessed to work three days on the highways in 1798, and his name was on the tax-list of 1802. He had a child born 8 July, 1808, and another 17 August, 1813, names unknown. TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. lag" Benjamin Olney was assessed to work three days on the high- ways, in Berkshire, in 1798. Josiah Seeley was assessed to work three days on the highways in 1798. David Williams, b at Richmond, Mass., 3 May, 1775, m there I July, 1798, with Jerusha Pierson, who was born at Sag Harbor, L. I., daughter of Zachariah and Sarah (Sanford) Pierson, who afterward settled in Richmond. They came to Berkshire in June, 1800, and settled on the northwest quarter of lot 345, where his son George now lives. He built a saw-mill and a grist-mill, and the sites are still occupied in the village. His wife died of con- sumption 2 April, 1807, aged thirty-two years and six months. He married (2d) 25 Dec, 181 1, with Samantha Collins. He died 17 April, 1867, aged nearly ninety-two yearsT Judge Avery, in 1854, said of him : " The discharge of many important official duties and trusts has devolved upon Judge Williams in the course of his long and use- ful career. He served upon the Bench of the Court of Common Pleas of Broome county, as one of the Associate Judges, from the year 181 5 down to the time when his town was given back to Tioga, in 1822, and with the exception of one year, he held the position continuously, from the, first date of his service until 1826 ; having been transferred to the Bench of the Tioga Com- mon Pleas, by. appointment, after the change of boundaries. For three years, while his town was within the limits of Broome, and for six years after it had been surrendered to Tioga, he was its Supervisor, and for many years, commencing at an early date, he discharged the duties of many minor offices, with exactness, good judgment, and ability. "In 1827 and 1831, Judge Williams represented his county in the Legislature, and from the various posts which he has been called upon to hll, he has always retired with the increased re- gard and respect of his constituents. " Methodical in his habit of thought, firm in his adherence to what he has deemed rules of right, and of uncompromising integ- rity, he will leave to those who are to follow him, an example of moral worth, and an impressive illustration of what may be achieved by fixed purpose, steady effort and well regulated Hfe." His. children were : I. Lucinda, b 3 May, 1805, ni 22 July, 1829, with Alfred John Piggatt Evans, of Binghamton. II. John Chamberlin, b 16 March, 1818, m with Emily Win- ship, who died i March, 1853, and (2d) 30 Oct., 1855, with Susan Elizabeth Goodrich, and now lives at Farmerville, in Covert N. Y. III. George, b 31 May, 1829, m 27 Feb., 1851, with Louisa Janette Barnes, and resides on his father's homestead. ■126 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. Ransom Williams, born in Richmond, 9 March, 1778, brother of David Williams, came to Berkshire about the same time. He married 13 Dec, 1801, with Olive Collins, of Richmond, who was b 29 Feb., 1780, daughter of Dan and Amy (Bristol) Collins. They settled on the south half of lot 345, on the west side of the road, nearly opposite the street which leads to the railway station. He was a very worthy, useful, and intelligent man, much interested in the cultivation of vocal music, and his home was always the seat of a generous hospitality. They died without children; he 17 June, 1839; she 31 Jan., 1845. Heman Williams, b at Richmond, Mass., 9 Jan., 1788, (brother of David and Ransom) came to Berkshire, perhaps some years later than they, and was accidentally killed 17 Sept., 18 16, while raising a bridge, near the residence of Col. John B. Royce. Judge Nathaniel Bishop, of Richmond, wrote to his daughter, Mrs. Lucy Bement, on Sunday 6 Oct., 18 16: " I have felt unable, since the news of Heman Williams's terrible death, to visit his father, but shall improve the first time that I can prudently do it, for I feel a, painful sympathy for him.'' Miss Wealthy Collins should be named in connection with the household of Ransom Williams, of which she was an honored member for many years. She was a sister of Mrs. Olive Williams. She left Richmond 15 Nov., 1803, and was two weeks on the road to Berkshire. She married, 25 June, 1835, with Judge Calvin McKnight, of Watertown, N. Y. He died at Guilford, Conn., 25 Nov., 1855, aged seventy-two years and three months. She died at Newark Valley, 12 Jan., 1869, aged eighty-two years and nine months. Her retentive memory yielded many interesting traditions of the early settlers. She was born at Richmond, Mass., 3 April, 1786. The second marriage recorded by the Hon. John Brown was. of " Mr. George Vicory to Miss Susana Paine," in Dec, 1800. If at any time they dwelt in Berkshire they soon removed to Caro- line N. Y., and settled on the N. M. Toby farm. He wrote his name Vickery. Edward Paine lived in Berkshire, or its vicinity, as early as Sept., 1802, and had a brother here who, it is supposed was Thomas Paine, who, with his wife bought goods of Joseph Waldo, 2d., as early as 16 June, to be paid for in "cash or tow cloth." Their home has not been ascertained. Artemas Ward, b at Charlton, Mass., 23 April, I7S7. son of Benjamin and Mary (Oaks) Ward, m with Hannah Perry, of TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. 12/ Sturbridge, Mass., and dwelt at Charlton till after two of their children, and. possibly more, were born, "then rennoved to the state of New York." (See the Ward Genealogy, pp. 53 and 96). He was a hatter, and before the 4th of July, 1800, had settled on the east side of the road, opposite where Dea. Asa Ball now lives, on seventy-five acres of land, in the west part of lot 336, which he soon afterward sold, with a log house thereon, to Wil- liam Dudley. He then mOved to the northwest quarter of lot 265, now in Newark Valley, and built a small house just where the railway now lies,. as the road then was nearly twenty rods further east than it is now, and his house was on the west side of the road. This place he sold, as early as 1808, to the Rev.. Jere- miah Osborn, who added to the small house then on i^ the house of two stories which James Williams afterward moved to its present site; west of the present road, where Dwight Waldo afterward lived. He then lived for a time in Bement and Wil- son's mill-house, after which he returned to Massachusetts with his family, and settled near Spencer, perhaps at Charlton. It has been impossible to find a full account of his children, as follows : I. Ly'dia, b at Charlton, Mass., 4 Nov., 1789. II. Ruth, b at Charlton, Mass., 24 March, 1791. III. Daniel. IV. Delia. V. Ward, who was deformed by spinal disease ; and this may have been the child who died 20 Aug., 1807. VI. JWard, b 31 Aug., 1808. Elijah H. Saltmarsh began to board with John Brown, 15 April, 1800. He kept a little store just below the Isaac Brown house, and made potash on the bank of the creek just west of where Mr. Brown's widow and children have lived. Among Mr. Brown's charges was one, 10 June, 1800, for boarding Mr. Moore, Ball, and others. As he was not in the tax- list for 1802, he prob- ably made a short stay in town, and probabl)- was never a house- holder there. John Saltmarsh appears in John Brown's book, 4 Dec, 1800, and brought a suit against " Jincks Angell, and B. Andrus," in Aug., 1801. '•-'' William Gardner came from Connecticut about 1800. At one time he attended the grist-mill of Bement & Wilson, in Newark Valley, and he sometimes extracted teeth. He m with Polly Gas- ton, and settled on the north side of the road, on the northeast quarterof lot 419, where he died in June, 1816. She joined the church at Newark Valley, 6 July, 1817, was dismissed 12 Jan., 128 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. 1823, with several others, and two days later, was one of the con- stituent members of the church at Richford. She died at the house of her son William, 11 Sept., 1848. Their children were: I. William. II. Polly, m with Jacob Burghardt. III. Achsah, m with John Rees Burghardt. IV. Miriam, m with Ransom Rich, and second with Edward Newton Chapman. V. John Gaston, VI. Lucy Butler. - Joseph Waldo was born at Windham, Conn., 5 Oct., 1755, son of Zacheus and Talitha (Kingsbury) Waldo ; was a physician and surgeon, served in that capacity for some time in the revolution- ary war; married 17 July, 1788, with Ann Bliss, who was born in Springfield, Mass., in April, 1769. She was familiarly known as Nancy. They dwelt for a few years in West Stockbridge, Mass., then moved to Richmond, Mass., where he joined the Congre- gational church, in Aug., 1794. He afterward moved to Lisle, N. Y., and thence, in October, 1800, to Berkshire, where he settled on the south 173 acres of lot 304, which he bought 8 Nov., 1802, and built thereon, in 1806, an elegant house for the time, in which he spent the remainder of his life. He dwelt previously on the west side of the road, a little south of where the school-house now stands, in a small framed house, which he sold for fi^ty dol- lars, 23 May, 1808, to Henry Ball, who moved it up to Berkshire village. He was, for many years, the only physician in the val- ley, north of Owego, and had a very large practice. He was one of the founders of the "First Church in Tioga," 17 Nov., 1803, and was dismissed 5 July, 1833, to become one of the constituent members of the Congregational church in Berkshire. He en- joyed in a remarkable degree, the esteem and confidence of the community. She died 14 Sept., 1836. He died 13 Feb., 1840. Their children were : I. Mary, b 10 March, 1790, m with Joseph Waldo, 2d. II. Nancy Ann, b at West Stockbridge, Mass., 10 Dec. 1791, m with Solomon Leonard. / III. Joseph Talcott, b at Richmond, Mass., 28 Aug., 1794, a physician and surgeon, m in Jan., 1827, with Maria Belcher, who died 23 Feb., 1830, and he m (2d), 19 Sept., 1833, with Hannah B. Belcher, and d in Berkshire, 4 March, 1857. . Nathaniel Ford, b 30 March, 1768, son of James and Rachel (Backus) Ford, married 23 April, 1795, with Caroline Rees, who was born 24 Jan., 1777. They settled in Richmond, Mass., and joined the church there in Jan., 1796. They came to Berkshire TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. 1 29 in February, 1801, and settled on the north half of lot 304, on the same spot now occupied by Mr. Ball. They were constituent members of the First Church of Tioga 17 Nov., 1803, and he was elected its first deacon 4 April, 1805. They were dismissed 21 June, 1833, and were among the founders of the Congregational Church of Berkshire. He died 22 March, 1858, aged ninety years; she died 23 June, 1859. "Their lives and examples are their best eulogies." Their children were: I. Caroline, b at Richmond, Mass., i May, 1796, m with Wil- liam Henry Moore. II. Nancy, b at Richmond, Mass., 21 Aug., 1797, m with Eldad Post. III. Maria, b at Richmond, Mass., 23 July, 1800, difd at Cata- tonk, N. Y., unmarried, 10 June, 1861. IV". Rachel, b at Berkshire, 5 June, 1803, died in LenOx, Mass. V. Lucinda, b at Berkshire, 27 Aug., 1805, m with Harris Jewett, and died at Catatonk, N. Y., in July, 1868. VI. James Hobart, ,b at Berkshire, 26 Sept., 1807, m 29 April, 183s, with Abigail Weeks Cook.P' lie died 29 May, 1854, without children, and she died at Chicago, 111., 24 Nov., 1874, and was buried in Berkshire. VII. Nathaniel, b at Berkshire, 11 Sept., 1809, died 4 Dec, 1 809. VIII. Katharine, bat Berkshire, 30 March, 1812, m with Dr. Levi Farr, of Greene, N. Y., and m (2nd) with William Anner, of Harlem, and afterward lived at Binghamton, N. Y. Col. Absalom Ford, b 8 Dec, 1760, elder brother of Dea. l^jTathaniel Ford, dwelt also in Berkshire. He died 11 Feb., 1845, aged eighty-four years. His wife, Zeriah, died ,19 March, 1826, aged sixty-nine years. They were probably not here earlier than 1820. William Dudley was probably in Berkshire as early as 1801. His name is in the tax list for 1802. He bought of Artemas Ward severity-five acres of land in the south third of lot 336, and settled in a log house, near the west end of the lot, on the west bank of the creek, directly east of where Dea. Asa Ball now lives. He afterward built a small framed house opposite where Dea. Asa Ball now lives. His first wife was Abigail Hovey, daughter of Azel and Jemima (Phelps) Hovey. Some people have thought that she died in Connecticut, but Mrs. Jerusha (Harmon) Watson, who was her niece, testified that she died in Berkshire, and was the first woman who was buried in the I30 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. Brown cemetery. He went back to Connecticut, and married a second wife, whose name has not been found. His name appears in John Brown's account book 13 Dec, 1805, and about that time he left home with a drove of mules, and died away from home, The council that ordained the Rev. Jeremiah Osborn, the first pastor of the First Church in Tioga, now Newark Valley, met at the house of the Widow Dudley 18 Feb., 1806, and she returned to Connecticut between that time and April, 1806. The children of William and Abigail (Hovey) Dudley were: I. Ruth, who kept her father's house after the death of her mother, till his second marriage, after which she taught school. n. Doddridge, settled in the Genesee county. HI. Alanson. IV. Chester, went South with his father to drive mules, , and died away from home, about the same time that his father died. Joseph Freeman was brought up in Richmond, Mass., by Vine Branch, his father having died before his birth. He married with Eunice Gaston, daughter of John and Miriam (Northrop) Gaston, of Richmond, and came to Berkshire early in 1802, but owned no land till 1814, when he bought a small place west of where Joseph Talcott Leonard lived in i88i. He had, in the meantime, spent one year in Sullivan, Madison Co., N. Y. He hung himself in July, 1832, while in a delirious state. She died at Covert, N. Y. Their children, were : I. Eunice Maria, died unmarried. II. Rufus Branch, died in Illinois about 1847. III. Gilbert Gaston, b 23 Apg., 1808, and lives at Berkshire with his daughter, Mrs. William T. Shaw. IV. Lucy Ann, baptized at Newark Valley, 24 Dec, 1828, ro with Elmon Daniels, and died at Trumansburgh, N. Y. V. Henry Barnes, b at Sullivan, N. Y., about 1812, was living at Gait, 111., in 1877. VI. Harriet Elizabeth, b at Berkshire, m with Willis D. Hor- ton, of Covert, N. Y., and died there. VII. Ruth Matilda, b at Berkshire, died there when about two years old. Nathan Ide married at Berkshire, 21 Oct., 1802, with Mrs. Sally Doud. She was a daughter of Joseph Gleazen. One of their children was born 4 Feb., 1810. Mr. Ide died before Dec, 1820, at which time his widow was living on lot 380, just south of the house of Eleazer Lyman. Daniel Carpenter was born at Stockbridge, Mass., Z,^^^.,^??^^^ TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. 131 son of Abner and Lydia, (Brown) Carpenter ; was in Berkshire as early as April, 1803, and possibly a year earlier, and settled near the centre of lot 302, which his deceased brother, John Car- penter, had selected for his home. He went back to Massachu- setts, and married at Becket, 10 March, 1807, with Ruth Snow, ■daughter of Levi and Lydia (Rudd) Snow. He came again to Berkshire that spring alone, and she joined him in October, 1807. He died on this farm 2 June, 1855. His children were: I. Lydia, b 22 Dec, 1807, m with Alexander Maples. n. Mary, b 21 Sept., 1810, m with Fowler Haight. HL Sylvia, b 6 Aug., 1812, m with Thomas Goldsmith Haight. IV. Martha, b 9 March, 1815, m with Gideon Sipley. V. John.b 5 Jan., 1818, m with Amanda Masten, and settled at East Maine, N. Y. * VI. Abner Dewey, b 18 Aug., 1820, went to St. Louis, Mo., in 1844, and has not been heard from since 1847. VIL Caroline, b i Feb., 1823, m with Edward Herrick, of Can- dor, N. Y. Vin. Daniel D., b 20 Nov., 1825, died 9 Dec, 1846. IX. Andrew Jackson, b 5 Nov., 1828, m with Jerusha Cortright and settled in Michigan. X. Edward Snow, b 15 Aug., 1831, m with Climeha Ann Haw- iey, and lives in Ithaca . N.Y. XI. George, b 19 May, 1834, m with Louisa Freeman; and m (2d) Frances Scott. He settled on his father's homestead. Samuel Collins, b at Guilford, Conn., 11 Aug., 1768, son of Samuel and (Cook) Collins, m 22 Oct., 1793, with Betse y Bishop, who was born at Guilford, 4_Sept^iJ[2Z4. daughter of Nathaniel and Ruth (Bartlett) Bishop. They came to Berkshire in 1805, and settled on the north part of lot 376, where Mrs. Albert Collins now lives. He built his new home in 1808. He died 4 July, 1840, of consumption, after having repeatedly foretold that he should die on that day. She died i Aug., 1864, aged nearly ninety years. Children : I. . Semanthe, b at the old Collins homestead in North Guilford, Conn., 7 Sept., 1794, m with Hon. David Williams. II. Addison, .b at Lenox, Mass., 29 March 1796, m with Sabrina Ball, moved to Rochester, N. Y., where he practiced law ; went thence to Hadley, Will Co., 111., where he died 27 March, 1867. III. Horatio, b at Lenox, Mass., 2 July, 1799, m with Emily Ball. IV. Eliza, b at Lenox, Mass., 25 Jan. 1804, m with Theodore Hart, a merchant of Virgil, N. Y., and removed to Canandaigua. 132 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. V. Nathaniel Bishop, b at Berkshire, 8 July, 1806, m with Abby Ball, and (2d) with Candace Harrington, and died in Berk- shire. VI. Frederick, b 29 June, 1812, m with Nancy Mason White, and settled in Hadley, 111. VII. Albert, b 16 July, 1816, m with Mary Ann Rightmire, daughter of James Rightmire, and died in Berkshire, on the homestead of his father. Noah Lyman, b at Durham, Conn., about Dec, 1773, son of Noah and Eleanor Lyman, married 12 Nov., 179S, with Lucy Bishop, daughter of Nathaniel and Ruth (Bartlett) Bishop, of Richmond. She was born at Guilford, Conn., 4 Sept., 177 4. They dwelt in Richmond till the beginning of 1805, when they came to Berkshire, and settled in a log house on the south part of lot 416, of which he owned one hundred acres. This house stood about two rods west of the site afterward occupied by the Brookside Seminary. The following letter, which she wrote in this house, gives such a lively description of the pleasures of her humble home in the wilderness, and such a feeling account of the interest which the settlers felt in the welfare and pleasure of each other, as to make it exceedingly valuable to the reader of the present time : Tioga, Feb. 14th, 1807. " Dear Parents : I have this minute put my three children to bed, and you would suppose the}' were in good health, if you knew hqw merry they are. Nancy acts like a dunce, and the other two laugh at it — anything if they are but pleasant. I wish )'Ou could see the inside of my cottage this evening, it looks quite agreeable, a charming fire, the corners full of wood, a clean hearth, and, to complete the picture, the great Black Dog that Den loves so well is asleep on the floor. We have had a good visit from Brother Nat. and Major Hyde, with their wives ; they staid three days and we were all together most of the time, and I do not know when we have spent our time more agreeably. We' have also had a visit from Judge Patterson and his wife. You know our manner of visiting, when a friend comes the whole circle is formed, the news soon spread, invitations were sent and in a short time the whole band were at Mr. W's, [Ransom Williams.] " Esqr. Patterson came himself and carry* us down in his sleigh. Betsey [herjwiiLSislsr, Mrs. ColUns] is complaining of the Rheu- matism this winter and is quite lame part of the time, but not so as to prevent her doing more than 3 well woman should. Susa [Susanna Scott] is still with her. My own health has been better and I began' to think that I should soon be well, but the last week has convinced me that it is the same crazy frame yet, it is no disap- TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. I33 pointment, I have not the promise of g^ood health a moment, nor do I wish it, unless it is His will, who has. the power to give it, if best for me. I hope however that I am not wholly unthankful, that I am for the most of the time pretty comfortable and able to take care of my family. "Our friend Jerusha [the wife of David Williams, who died 2 April, 1807,] is descending the hill. She is evidently in a con- firmed consumption.- I do not know what she thinks herself. Her husband is not willing any person should tell her the danger she is in for fear of depressing her spirits — mistaken tenderness I think, and unfriendly kindness tho' well meant; how is it possible that any person can see so near a friend going down to the Grave without warning them of, the great change "th^t awaits them? Will the shock be greater now than at the hour of death ? We should not be surprised if she should not live a month, and yet nobody has ever said one word to her with regard to her future state. I asked her husband if he knew her thots respecting her situation, he said he did not, but that he evaded the question when she enquired of him whether he thot she would ever get well. I told him I knew it was a painful task, but it might be the source of great consolation hereafter — he made no reply, and I said no more, but my mind was not at ease. What if poor Beriah . [the writer's brother, Beriah Bishop, who died 17 Aug. 1805, of consumption] had been neglected, how should we have felt? I cannot think but Mr. Williams will soon alter his sentiments, I hope he will. " It is likely Mrs. Griffing is released from her sufferings and at rest, poor woman, she has lived a life of sorrow. Give our love to our good friends at Richmond, and believe us your affec- tionate children LucY Lyman." " Mother Hovey sends her best I^ove with many thanks for the fruit." Superscribed, "Nathaniel, Bishop, Esqr., Richnaond." He sold his farm in Berkshire about .1814, to Asahel Royce, and moved to Rawson Hollow, where he died 18 Feb., 1815. His last work had been to make a coffin for one of his neighbors, who had died of the same disease, pleurisy, which seemed then to be epidemic in that place. She married (2d) with Asa Bement. The children of Noah and Lucy (Bishop) Lyman were: I. Dennis, b at Richmond, Mass., 2 Feb., 1797, died 4 Aug., 1824, unmarried. n. Ruth Bartlett, b at Richmond, Mass., 26 July, 1799, m with William B. Bement. in. Nancy Bishop, b at Richmond, Mass., 23 Jan., 1802, m with Sylvester Blair, of Cortland Village, N. Y.; and (2d) with John Judson, of Columbus, Warren Co., Penn., where she died. 134 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. IV. Lavina, b at Richmond, Mass., 25 Oct., 1804, died at Berk- shire, 2 Aug., 1806. V. Henry, b at Berkshire, 23 or 25 Feb., 1811, m 11 Jan., 1837, with Laura Thurston, who still lives in Newark Valley; and died at Harford, N. Y., 17 Sept., 1843. VI. George, b at Berkshire, 14 Oct., 1813, resides at New Albany, Ind., a hearty, genial, pleasant man who is admired bv all. Capt. Heman Smith lived in Berkshire county, Mass., at one time in Stockbridge, at another in Lenox. He probably came to Berkshire in 1805, as it is known that he was here in January, 1806, where his name appears on John Brown's account book. He settled on the farm now occupied by his great-grandson, Ar- thur E. Smith.on lot 418, and died there about July, 1812. His first wife was Miriam Moody, who died in Massachusetts. His second wife was Lucy Taylor, who also died in Massachusetts. He married (3d) with Almira Messenger, daughter of Martin and Margaret (Woodruff) Messenger. Capt. Smith's children were : I. Miriam, (by first marriage) m with" Clothier, of Sara- toga, N. Y. II. Samuel (by second marriage). III. Lucy, m Nathaniel Johnson. , ' IV. Mercy, m with Daniel Clark, of Danby, N. Y. V. Sarah. VI. Polly, m with Alden Baker, of Berkshire. VII. Heman, m with Clarissa Goodale. VIII. Lydia, m with Clothier, a brother of Miriam Smith's husband. IX. Clarissa, (by third marriage) m with Harry Cook, of Berkshire, son of Ephraim Cook. X. Eunice, b at Lenox, Mass., 16 April, 1800, came to Berk- shire, with her parents, about 1805, and in 1806 was taken into the family of Dr. Joseph Waldo, of Berkshire, and dwelt there till her marriage with Ezekiel Dewey, and still lives in Berk- shire, her good memory having furnislied the evidence of many historical facts. XI. Horace, went South. XII. Dolly, m with Thomas Curran, and settled in Caroline, near Slaterville, N. Y. Henry Griffin, born at Guilford, Conn., about 1780, son of Joseph and Jemima (Vaill) Griffin, a master mariner, came to Berkshire about 1804, or 1805, and settled on the north half of lot 385, which he bought of Azel Hovey. He built on it a small TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. 1 35 framed house, which Deodatus Royce moved across the road to make room for his brick house, and afterward made- a wagon house of it. He m about 1808, with Anna Leonard, and after: the war of 1812, finding his life in the woods distasteful, he moved his family, to N^ew YorK city, and resumed seafaring.. He died on a voyage between San Domingo and Porto Rico, under circumstance^ which led his friends to believe that he was mur-/ dered. Her father brought her and her children back to his own house. She . afterward went to dwell with her .son, at Wood-' stock, 111., where she died 23 Nov., 1850. Their children were : I. Julia Ann Colt, b 2 May, 1809, m with Elijah Wilson, of Newark Valley. n. George Henry, b 23 March, 1812, m with Mary Butler, of Manlius, N. Y., and settled at Woodstock, 111., where he died in 1872. III. Franklin, b 20 Sept., 1814, m Miss :. Thompson, of Crystal Lane, 111., went to Colorado, and died, therein 1879. IV. Amanda Leonard, b in New York city, 20 Sept., 1817, m with Dwight. . , Osmyn Griffin, brother of Henry, came. to Berkshire with him, and afterward went to Canada, where he died. John Griffin, brother of Henry and Osmyn, came with them to Berkshire, and remained two or three years, then returned to: Richmond, Mass., became a Methodist, and married i Oct., 1808, with Lydia Redfield. He afterwards preached for man}' years in the M. E. church. He returned to Berkshire . after his mar- riage, and the first three of his twelve children-^re born here. Peleg Randall was in Berkshire, as early as April, 1803. Peleg Randal "of Tioga," bought 120 acres of the south part of lot 418, in 1805, for $360.00, of Levi Chapin and Jerusha, his wife; of Wethersfield, Conn. He settled on the west part of his farm, on the southwest side of the road to Rawson Hollow, opposite the road which now leads north into the town of Richford. He was born 9 May, 1775, and married with Eunice Kimball, who was born in April, 1771, and and died 22 March, 1856, aged eighty-i four years, and eleven months. He died 26 March, 1856. Their children were : I. Eunice, m with Nathaniel Boyer, and moved to Ovid, N. Y. II. Chester, m with Ann Eliza Whitaker, who was born about 7 July, 1810, and died 30 Dec, 1843, at the birth of her first child, who was buried with her ; and he married (2d) with Hannah. Smith, daughter of Samuel and Theodosia (Dewey) Smith. 10* 136 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. III. Nathan Peleg, settled at East Troy, Wis. IV. David Kimball, died 2 Oct., 1839, aged 29 years and nine months. Joseph Belcher, b at Preston, Conn., 25 June, 1764, m 2 March,. 1786, with Lucy Hall, who was born in 1767, daughter of Capt. John and Jemima (Bell) Hall. Her father, then of Castleton, Vt, was killed by the British, 6 July, 1777, the day before the battle of Hubbardton. They dwelt on his father's homestead in Pres- ton, till the latter part of June, 1805, then moved,- passing through Albany 4 July, 1805, reaching Berkshire a few days later, and settled' on the north half of lot 297, where they died ; she 9 Sept., 1812, aged forty-five years ; he, 5 Jan., 1819. Their children were : I. Lydia, b 2 Aug., 1786, m with Alexander Gaston. II. Jonathan, b 8 Feb., 1788, m in 1808, with Betsey Bement, and settled in Newark Valley, where they died ; she, 12 June, 1845 ; he, 7 Jan., 1853. III. Abigail, b 31 Jan., 1790, m with Daniel Gilbert. IV. Lucy, b 28 Dec, 1891, m with John W. Bessac. V. Joseph, b 10 Jan., 1794. VI. Frederick, b 2 or 21 May, 1798, m 3 Jan., 1821, with Rebecca Short Brown. They dwelt in Richford till 1844, then moved to Woodstock, 111. VII. Elijah, b 5 June, 1800, settled in Newark Valley, where he died II Dec, 1879, having survived three wives. VIII. Maria, b 15 July, 1802, m with Dr. Joseph Talcott Waldo. IX. Esther, b 8 Aug., 1804, died at Berkshire, 26 July, 1820. X. Betsey, b 10 Oct., 1806, m with Orlando Warren, of New York, and still Hving, July, 1887. XI. Susan, b 13 June, 1808, d 10 Feb., 1829. XII. Harriet, b 2 Sept., 1812, m with Clark Waldo. Elijah Belcher, b at Preston, Conn., 18 March, 1772, son of Moses and Esther (Rudd) Belcher, m with Lydia Clark, daughter of Pharez and Olive (Jewett) Clark, of Preston. They dwelt for some years at Cherry Valley, N. Y., and she died there. He ra (2d) with Eliza Putnam, daughter of the Rev. Aaron Putnam, of Pomfret, Conn. In July_, 1805, they settled in Berkshire, on lot 297, about fifty rods west of the road, and midway between his brother, Joseph Belcher, and his brother-in-law, John W. Bessac- She died suddenly, 31 Oct., 1807, in her forty-third year. He married 3d with Lydia Burbank, daughter of Timothy and Han- TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. 1 37 nah (Ripley) Burbank, and sister of Col. Christopher Burbank, of Newark Valley. He died 20 Sept., 1849, aged T] years. His widow died 28 Sept., 1850, aged sixty-seven years. There is no doubt that his name should have been in the census of Dec, 1820, instead of Jonathan Belcher, which was a clerical error. His children were two by the first wife, two by the second, and one by the third, viz : I. Olive, married with Dr. David N. Richards, and m (2d) with John Fish, of Augusta, N. Y. II. Lydia Clark, m 25 Feb., 1821, with Daniel Phillips.. III. Moses, settled and died at Cherry Valley, N. Y. IV. Aaron Putnam, m with Harriet Ball. V. Hannah Burbank, b 19 March, 1813, m with JDr. Joseph Talcott Waldo. Samtiel Hutchinson, b in Hebron, Cdnn., 8 Nov., 1769, m 4 Nov., 1795, with Abigail Brainerd, and dwelt in Canaan, N. Y., till 1805 or 1806,' then moved to Berkshire, where he built a log house on the west side of the road, just above the bridge, oppo- site the brick house which Col. John B. Royce has occupied for nearly sixty years. After a few years he moved over the East hills, and settled in the valley of the Wilson creek, near the home of his wife's father and brother, and both died there ; she, 18 April, 1843, he, 17 Sept., 1854. Their children were: I. Harvey, b 13 Oct., 1797, m in 1830 with Sarah Torry. II. Irena, b 24 Aug., 1799, m with John Clark. III. Orlando, b 25 July, 1801, d in Berkshire 5 May, 183 1. IV. • Polly, b 18 Dec, 1803, m 10 Jan., 1838, with Jedediah Leathe Robinson, who died in Richford, N. Y., 28 Aug., 1842, and she m (2nd) 8 Oct., 1843, with his brother, Thomas Ams- dell Robinson. V. Williams, b in Berkshire, 17 April, 1806, m 24 Dec, 183S, with Rhoda Maria Benton, who was b in Lenox, Mass., 7 Feb., 1810, daughter of Erastus and Elizabeth (Paul) Benton. VI: Orrin, b 20 Oct., 1808, d 5 March, 1828. VII. Layinia, b 21 Nov., 1810, m with John Hobart Pringle. VIII. John, b 8 Aug., 1814, m with Alzina Heath, and settled at Richford. Samuel Johnson, b at Preston, Conn., 27 Oct., 1757, son of Joseph and Abigail (Belcher) Johnson, m there 215 Oct., 1781, with Eunice Park, who was born there 20 Aug., 1763, daughter of Moses and Sarah (Brewster) Park. They dwelt at Preston till after the birth of their eldest child, then at New Marlborough, 138 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. Mass., till 1803, and at West Stockbridge, Mass.. till April, 1806, when, with three of his children, Cassandra, Sally and Elijah, he came to Brown's Settlement. His wife and other children left West Stockbridge on Wednesday, 13 June, 1806, two days after " the great eclipse." They dwelt one year in the small framed house which William Dudley's widow had just vacated. In the spring of 1807 he moved to Newark Valley, having bought of Isaac Rawson the place where Egbert Bement now lives, in which he dwelt till 181 5, when he bought of Jonas Muzzy a farm of fifty-five acres, on the south part of lot 58, on which they died; she, 2 Jan., 1833 ; he, i Sept., 1845, ii^ his eighty-eighth year. Their children were : I. Abigail, b 5 Jan., 1784, digd 2 Jan., 1785. II. Cassandi-a, b 17 Nov.,n88^ m with Isaac Ball. III. Abigail, b 17 May, 1788, m with Spencer Spaulding. IV. Sally, b 29 July, 1790, m with Chester Goodale. V. Eunice, b 12 June, 1792, m with Moses Spaulding. VI. Elijah, b 15 June, 1794, m 10 Jan., 1818, with Lucina Hooper, who was born at West Stockbridge, 17 May, 1798, daughter of Capt. Elisha and Ruth (Newell) Hooper. They dwelt for many yearsat Flemingville, then moved to Flint, Mich., where he died6 Sept., 1847. She married (2nd) with Dea. William B. Bement, and returned to Newark Valley. VII. Cinderella, b i Sept., 1796, married 24 Dec, 1817, with Solomon Jones. VIII. Nancy, b 31 July, 1798, m with Harvey Rich. IX. Moses Park, b 6 Aug., 1802, died unmarried at the home- stead of his father probably i June, 1875, as he was found dead in his bed the next morning. John Gregory, b at Danbury, Conn., about 1765, m with Rachel Benedict, daughter of Josiah and Sarah Benedict, of Danbury, where she was born about 1767. They settled in Lenox, Mass., as early as 1791, and moved to Berkshire in the spring of 1806, arriving there on Friday, 9 May, 1806. They settled on the south half of lot 385, and built the house which has since been occupied by Horatio Collins and his son, Junius Collins. Here they died ; she, 30 Dec, 1838, aged seventy-one years ; he, 14 Dec, 1849, aged eighty-four years. They were buried at Rich- ford, and his grave-stone calls him "John Gregory the 4th," which probably indicates that his father, grandfather and great- grandfather each bore the name of John. [See the Benedict Genealogy, p. 287.J Their children were : TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. 139 I. Henry, b at Lenox, Mass. , 15 July, 1791, a salesman, mar- ried 10 Feb., i8i8, with Abigail Huntington, and settled in Ithaca, N. Y., where they died; he, in May, 1824, aged thirty- three years, she, 26 April; 1880, after a widowhood of nearly fifty-six years. II. Electa, b at Lenox, INlass., 21 March, 1793. III. Lucy, b at Lenox, Mass., in 179S, died at Berkshire in February, 1865, aged seventy-one years, buried at Richford. IV. Eli Benedict, b at Lenox, Mass., 20 Oct., 1797, a trader, died at Berkshire, unmarried, in March, 1845', aged forty-eight years, and was buried in Richford. V. Eliza Ann, b at Lenox, Mass., dwelt in Berkshire till the death of her brother, Eli B., and after that with her aister-in-Iaw, and nephew, in Ithaca, N. Y. Ichabod Brainard was born in Haddam, Conn., 19 Aug., 1749; m in Richmond, Mass., in 1770, with Susanna Williams, who was born in Colchester, Conn., 28 Sept., (old style), 1751, daugh- ter of John and Abigail (Crocker) Williams. He served in the war of the revolution. They settled in Canaan, N. Y-, and on a Sunday in the latter part of June, 1773, they went to- church, and returning, found their house and all it contained entirely consumed by fire. In 1807 they came to Berkshire, and settled on lot 348-373, in the valley of Wilson creek, arriving at their new home on the eighteenth of June. She died there 8 April, 1813. He died at Cortlandville, N. Y., 20 Aug., 1833. Their children were : I. Abigail, b 8 June, 1771, m with Samuel Hutchinson. II. Alice, b 26 April, 1773, d 26 Sept., 1797. III. Susanna, b 15 April, 1775, d 16 Aug., 1797. IV. James, b 5 June, 1777, m 26 Jan. ,1803, with Abigail Welch, and died in Caroline, N. Y., 17 Oct., 1856, and she d at Wells- borough, Pa., 25 July, 1861. V. Clarissa, b 21 March, 1780, died in Berkshire. VI. Williams, b in 1783, died in 1787. VII. Ichabod, b 4 Feb., 1785, m 4 Feb., 1805, with OrphaCdok, who was born in Colebrook, Conn., and they dwelt in Berkshire, in the same place with his father, settling there at the same time, and afterward moved to Cooperstown, N. Y., and he had chil- dren, I. Edward, b 13 Sept., 1807. 2. Jared, b 23 June, 1809. 3. Lewis Nash, b II Jan., 1812. 4. William Henry, b 30 Jan., 1816, all in Bferkshire. VIII. David Williams, b 28 May, 1787, m 10 Aug., 181 1, at I40 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. Lisle, N. Y., with Laura Parsons, and they dwelt for five years at Lisle, then settled at Cortlandville, N. Y., where they died, she 26 Dec, 1836, he 9 Oct., 1848. IX. Lydia, b 20 Aug., 1789, died in Berkshire, unmarried. X. Jireh, b 10 Aug., 1792, died 15 Nov., 1793. Isaac Goodale, b in Amherst, Mass., 16 Nov., 1755, son of Isaac and Ellen Goodale, m at Northampton, Mass,, 26 Aug., 1779, with Jemima Warner. They dwelt in Northampton and West- hampton till about 1797, and at Pittsfield, Mass., till 1808, then settled on Berkshire hill, on lot 378, at the angle of the road on the place now owned by Henry Payne, where she died 29 April, 1 8 19, aged 62 years. He m (2d) with Sally (Whitney) Cobb, widow of Elijah William Cobb, and daughter of Asa Whitney. She was b about 1770, and died at Berkshire 13 June, 1825, aged 60 years, according to her grave-stone ; but her age was proba- bly four or five years less than that. He m (3d) with Electa An- drews, who died in Richford, at the house of Joseph Belcher. He died on his farm at Berkshire, 23 Nov., 1834, aged 79 years. His children were : I. Isaac, b at Northampton, Mass., i Oct., 1780, was living in Richford in Dec, 1820, and afterward settled in Michigan. II. Huldah, born at Westhampton, Mass., 26 March, 1782, m with Samuel Smith, of Berkshire, and died there 5 July, 181 1. III. Susanna, b 26 July, 1784, m with Moses Stanley. IV. Eli, b 17 April, 1786, died in Ohio. V. Chester, b 7 Dec, 1787, m with Sally, daughter of Sam- uel Johnson, settled on his father's homestead, and moved about 1842 to Genesee, Mich. VI. Electa, b 22 Jan., 1790, m with John Ay res. VII. Clarissa, b 19 April, 1792, m with Heman Smith, and, after his death, with Nathaniel Johnson. VIII. Spencer, b 20 July, 1794, m with Mary Gorsline, and dwelt for some years in Newark Valley, afterward near Buffalo, N. Y., where he died. IX. Moses, b 2 Aug., 1796, settled in Michigan. X. Naomi, b 4 Aug., 1793, at Pittsfield, Mass., and two years later, on the death of her aunt, her name was changed to Abigail Goodale. She m with Asa Curtis, of Maine, N. Y., and (2d) with Stephen Butler. XI. Maria, name changed to Sally, b 8 Jan., 1801, m with Eber Johnson, of Richford, and settled in Michigan. TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. I4I XII. William Warner, b i Dec., 1801, settled in Missouri. He m with Rachel Goodale. Capt. Bill Torry and his household came from Durham, Greene ■county, N. Y. It is said that he was a soldier of the revolution- ary war. He dwelt for some years in the log house which Noah Lyman built, about two rods west of where the Brookside Semi- nary afterward stood. In 1820 he lived on lot 224, where Capt. Edward N. Chapman afterward lived, in Newark Valley. He went back to Berkshire and lived where Dr. J. Talcott Waldo built his new house. It is remembered that the neighbors " made a bee " one winter and drew about forty loads of green wood for him. At night he said, " Well, now ! you have brought me a great lot of green wood, and I wish you would go to the creek and catch a load of suckers for me to kindle it with ; " and after that he bought his wood. He was born in Durham, Conn., 6 Oct., 1 761, baptized there, 28 Feb., 1762, son of Sarah Torry, who owned the covenant at Durham, 6 Aug., 1758, and afterward mar- ried with Samuel Wilkinson. She moved, with her son, to Dur- ham, N. Y., and died there. He married with Mehitabel Bald- win, of Durham, Conn. They came to Berkshire 13 May, 1808, and for a few months dwelt in a log house just above where Sam- uel Collins was then building his new house, then tnoved to the large log house (where Nathaniel Bishop Collins afterward built his brick house) which Samuel Collins had first occupied on com- ing to town. He died in Berkshire, 15 April, 1852, in his 91st year. Their children were : I. Samuel, b in Durham, Conn., 15 Aug., 1787, m 11 Dec, 1816, with Sarah Durfee, who died 25 Aug., 1870. II. Delie, b about 1789, died i May, 1830, aged 40 years. III. Rhoda, b about 1791, died 3 Jan., 1854, in her 63d year, IV. William, b about 1793, died at Romulus, N. Y., 7 June, 1852, and his wife, Lois, died 10 June, 1838, in her 37th year. V. John, b about 1795, m with Sophia Ann Collins, who was born 23 July, 1797, built the house opposite the M. E. church, and died there 28 Aug., 1880, in his 86th year, without children. VI. Sarah Wilkinson, b S June, 1797, ra with Harvey Hutchin- son, and died 8 June, 1886, aged 89 years and 3 days. VII. Seth Baldwin, died in Michigan. VIII. Patty Brown, b about 1801, died in Berkshire, 31 May, 1 8 10, aged 9 years. IX. Betsey Baldwin, b at Durham, N. ,Y., 4'Aug., 1804, now resides in Berkshire. 142 -TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. Samiiel Torry lived on a farm on Strong brook, directly west of that of Luke B. Winship and Henry M. Ball. His wife joined the church in Stockbridge, Mass., in 1807, and at Newark Valley, € July, 1817. He joined the church at Newark Valley, 3 April, 183 1, and they were dismissed 5 July, 1833, to the new church at Berkshire. Their children were: I. Julia, bap. 11 March, i8i8. II. Delia, bap. 2 Jan., 1820, m with Asa Witter. III. Elizabeth Baldwin, b 20 Dec, 1820, bap. i July, 1821. IV. John, bap. 6 Oct., 1822. V. David Baldwin, bap. 3 Aug., 1828. ■ Seth Akins, b at Durham, Conn., 25 July, 1762, and baiptized the same day, son of Robert and Sarah Akins, was a mariner, served in the war of the revolution, was wounded and captured on a vessel, confined for some time in a prison-ship in New York harbor, and carried to his grave the scars made by the bayonets of the enemy. For his services he received a pension in the latter years of his life. A fracture of the leg, unskillfully treated, left it an inch shorter than the other. He married 8 May, 1786, with Content Rossiter, who died 17 May, 1789. He married (2d) 26 Sept., 1790, with Sarah Griswold, who died in Berkshire, 15 Aug., 1843. ^6 dwelt for a time in Berkshire county. Mass:, afterwards in Durham, Greene county, N. Y., and early in the present cen- tury came to the west part of Berkshire, and finally settled in a log house east of the road, a little north of where the cheese fac- tory now stands, on the north half of lot 380, where Stephen H, Boyer now owns. In 1 8 1 2 he built a framed house near the south- west corner of Mr. Boyer's orchard, and dwelt there till about 1833, when they went to live on a part of the same farm, with his- son, Lyman P. Akins, at whose house he died 6 Sept., 1837. His sea-chest, more than a hundred years old, is carefully kept by one of his grandsons. His children were: I. Sarah, b 13 Dec, 1786, died 9 Jan., 1787. IL Seth Warner, b 7 July, 1791, died at Berkshire, 15 Aug.,. 1825, unmarried. III. Content, b 29 March, 1793, was commonly called Tenty, married with Aaron Livermore, and died in Michigan, about 1868. IV. Lyman Parmalee, b 3 March, 1795, married in 1821, with Betsey, daughter of Eleazer Lyman. He was several times super- visor ot Berkshire, and twenty-four years in succession justice of the peace. He died without children, 15 Dec, 1884, sixty-three years after marriage; His widow still lives on the Akins home- TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. I45 stead. They provided a good home' for several children of other people. V. Sally, b 19 March, [797, d 6 Oct., 1798. Vr. Robert, b 19 June, 1799, married about 1827, with Olive Leonard Ball, who died at Berkshire, 29 March, 1867, in her 66tb year. He died at Sheldrake, N. Y., in March, 1885. VII. William Henry, b in Berkshire county, Mass., i March, 1804, married in May, 1827, with Eliza, daughter of Daniel Sur- dam, of Richfbrd. She died at Berkshire, 18 Jan., 1839. He married (2d) with Catharine House, of Dryden, N. Y., who is still living. He was a wheelwright, having learned his trade of Enoch S. Williams, of Newark Valley, and became a prolific inventor, Bomfe of his devices proving to be of importance and «alue, as the table and feeding devices for sewing machines, now in universal use, arid the permutation lock for safes and bank vaults. He died at Ovid, N. Y., 3 Jan., 1877. ■ VIII. Charles Frederick, b 26 Marfch, 1807, married 10 Dec, 183b, with Lodema Farnham Ball, who died 12 June, 1838, at Berkshire. He ma:rried (2d) with Lucy Semantha Dewey. He died in Berkshire, 17 June, 1842, and his widow married (2d) with John Rightmire, of Caroline, N. Y., and died 18 Jan.', 1854. Elijah William Cobb, b at Canaan, Conn., 24 Sept., 1765, son of Elijah and Amy (Lawrence) Cobb, lii at Salisbury, C6nn., 17 or 27 Feb , 1786, with Sally Whitney, who was. born in' Cannan, Conn., about 1776, daughter of Asa Whitney, by his first wife. They dwelt in Canaan till 1802, then moved to Lendx, Mass., and thence, a few years later to Berkshire, settling on the farm now owned by Erasmus Legg, a mile east of Speedsville, where he died 12 Aug., 1815, aged 53 years, according to his, grave stone, which makes the age two years too great. She m (2d) with Isaac Goodale. Elijah Cobb's children were : I. Joshua Whitney, b Nov., 1786, m in June, 1816, with Susan Doty, and died at. Elsie, Mich., 2 May, 1851. II. Permeha, b 18 or 20 Jan., 1791, m with Isaiah Gridley Barker, and died at Henrietta, N. Y., 11 Feb., 1830. III. Charilla Matilda, b 5 Nov., by town record, or 6' Dec, 1793, by family record, m with John Burnett, of Hampton, Conn., and died in Utica, N. Y., in Feb., 1864. IV. Daniel Johtis, b 18 Oct., (or Nov.) 1793, m with Charles Hoyt, and died in Darisville, Mich., 13 Nov., 1857. V. Lydia Edmunds, b 19 March, 1798, m with Thoinas Davis, in 1815, and died at Dryden, N. Y., 22 Oct., 1860. ' 144 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. VI. Lyman, b i8 Sept., 1800, a teacher, m 7 April, 1822, with Harriet Chambers, of Caroline, N. Y., and died at Colesburgh, Penn., 20 Oct., 1864; was author of several school-books, which had a short run, as the)"^ were in opposition to the innovations which Noah Webster was making in the English language. VII. Nancy, b at Lenox, Mass., 19 Oct., 1B02, mat the house of Dea. Elijah Curtis, in Newark Valley, 19 Jan., 1826, with Asahel Jewett, and died at Richford, 27 June, 1836. VIII. Sarah Whitney, b at Lenox, Mass., 13 Nov., 1804, m with Thomas Preshow, and died at Colesburgh, Penn., in Feb., 1869. Barnabas Manning, b at Scotland, in Windham, Conn.. 14 Sept., 1769, son of Andrew and (Seabury) Manning, married 20 Dec, 1792, with Estherr Belcher, who was born at Preston, Conn., 31 March, 1770, daughter of Moses and Esther (Rudd) Belcher. They came to Brown's Settlement about 1810 or 181 1, and he bought seventy-five acres of land east of the road on the sooth side of lot 336, which had been owned by William Dudley ; and of Daniel Ball, seventy-five acres west of the road on the south side of lot 337 ; and of James Robbins, one hundred acres on the south part of lot 335, so that his farm of 250 acres extended the whole length of the three lots. He built the house on the west side of the road, where his son-in-law, Asa Ball, now dwells. His wife died 30 June, 1819, without children. He married (2d) 17 Feb., 1820, with Phebe Lincoln, who was born at Western, now Warren, Mass., 7 Aug., 1791, daughter of Thomas and Lucy (Holbrook) Lincoln. He died 11 Feb., 1856, in his 87th year. She died 4 Dec. 1872. Their children were : I. Esther Maria, b 11 March, 182 1, m with Asa Ball, and died .15 May, 1887. II. Charles Seabury, b 25 Sept., 1822, m at Union, N. Y., 11 Oct., 1848, with Mary Jane Gray, who was born at Binghamton, N. Y., 21 April, 1826, daughter of Arthur and Ann (Van Nanre) Gray. She died 26 March, 1887. III. Jane, b 17 Feb., 1824, m with Luther Andrews. He died 7 Jan,, 1887. IV. Eliza, b 7 May, 1828, m 23 June, 1852, with George Henry Akins, and lives at Ovid, N. Y. V. Catharine Lincoln, b 2 Feb., 1831, m with George Andrews, who died 19 March, 1876. She died 8 Jan., 1881, without children. Asahel Royce, b at Lanesborough, Mass., 7 May, 1771. son of TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. I45 Adonijah and Amy (Brush) Royce, m 22 Jan., 1792, with Sally Betsey Clark, who was born at Lanesborough, 29 June, 1772. About 1801 they moved to Richmond, Mass., where she joined the church, in April, 1808. They left Richmond 5 Feb., 1814, for Berkshire, and settled on the north half of lot 385, where his sonDeodatus afterward built his brick house. He also bought one hundred acres of Noah Lyman, on the south half of lot 416, on which he built the house now occupied by his grandson, J. Tal- cott Leonard, it having been moved to its present site, when he sold the grounds, in 1846, to the Rev. William Bradford, as a site for Brookside Seminary. In this house they settled about 18 18, and died there; he, 18 March, 1847; she, 25 April, 1848. Their children were : ^ L Deodatus, b at Lanesborough, Mass., 28 Jan., 1793, m 25 Dec, 1817, with Emily Bement, daughter of Asa Bement, of Newark Valley, was for many years a deacon of the Congrega- tional church in Berkshire, built the brick house where his father first settled; and in that house they died ; she, 5 Sept., 1875. IL John Brush, b at Lanesborough, Mass., 9 June, 1795, a wool- carder and cloth-dresser, taught school in Richmond, Mass., the winter that his father left there, took care of his father's cattle during the winter, and in May, 18 14, drove them to Berkshire, where he married, i Jan., 1823, with Amanda Leonard, daughter of Asa and Olive CChu'rchill) Leonard, began house-keeping on the morning after their marriage, in the log house on the west side of the way, above the bridge, and lived there till 1829, when he built the brick house in which he is yet living, at the age of ninety -two years. ' IIL Almon, b 15 April, 1797, died 8 Feb., 1799. IV. Haanah, b2i Dec, 1799, m with Louis Gigette Leonard. V. Amy, b 10 Jan., 1803, m with Charles West Cook. VI. Royce, a son, b i March, 1805, died 2 March, 1805. VII. Harriet Laminta, b 27 March, 1807, m with William Rus- sell Starr, of Ithaca, N. Y. VIII. Betsey Ann, b 9 April, 1810, m with Levi Ball. IX. Phebe Permelia, b 5 Nov., 1813, died 22 May, 1825. Notes to Census Table. — The names in the following table marked with a star have already been mentioned ; the others are referred to in the following notes, by corresponding numbers.: It may be well to state, also, that there were no unnaturalized foreigners, no blacks, and no one engaged in commerce in the town. The total population was 586. 146 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. CENSUS OF BERKSHIRE. DECEMBER, 1820. No. Males htd Aoes. No. and Ages. j 1 Names. i i CD T-t B 1— c i to 00 s CO 1—1 s CO iH id S3 O iO S CO cq I r-i 1 a CO 1-1 ■ s s .1 -S CO iH S 3 1 is 5 1. EoBwell H. Brown 5 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 i 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 . 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 4 3 3 1 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 •- 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 2 2 1 3 4 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 2. Jed Chapman 3 3. *Daniel Gleazen 4. Jonathan Belcher 2. 5. John W. BcBsac 6. Elisha Jenke 7. Calvin Jenks 8. Lnther Hamilton ' 9. Joel Smith and Jesse Smith 10. Ephralm Beniff a 11. Samuel Osbom 12. Schuyler Legg •13. Amos Peck I li. Daniel Jenks 15. Kenben Legg 16. Larned Legg 17. *Daniel Carpenter 18. Isaac Biinnel 19. Samuel Haight 20. Eleazer Lyman, Jr 21. Thomas Keenv 22. * Joseph Gleazen 23. Thomas Bunting. 24. Joseph Belcher 25. William Whjting 26. Eleazer Valentine 27. William S. Smith.... 28. *Isaac Goodale 29. Stephen Butler : 30. Alden Baker 31. *ABa Leonard... 32. *Solomon Leonard S 33. John S. Thorp 34. Isaac Hitchcock 35. *Anua GrifSn 1 1 36. Selick Paine 37. WiUiam Moore 38. AnfJrew TtAen 39. Anna Collins 40. John Avres '. 41. Lyman Hull 42. *Jesse Gleazen 43. *Peleg Eandai 44. *Polly Gardner 45. Moses Stanley 1 46. Clarissa Smith 47. Samuel Smith 48. Hooker Bishop 49. Cicero Barker 2. 50. Aaron Livennore 51, Eleazer Lyman 52. *Sarah Ide 53. *8eth Akins. ... 54. Elias Walker 55. Phinehas Case 56. Leman Case . . . . ^ 1 57. *Samuel Ball 58. Levi E. Barker 59. Isaiah G. Barker 1 — ■ J TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. 147 CENSUS GF BERKSHIRE, DECEMBER, r82o.— Continued. Nameb. «0. 61. 62. 63. 61. 65. 46. 67. 68. 69. ■70. 71. 72. •73. 74. 75. 76. •77. 78. 79. *0. 81. 82. S3. 84. :85. 86. 87: 88. ^9. 90. 91. 92. Edmund Barker Eraetus Benton *Conaider Lawrence Lyman Durfee John Durl'ee ♦Samuel Torry Ezra Landon. Abraham HotohMn * Jeremiah Campbell . . . *A8ahel Eoyoe *Deodatus Koyce . : *John Gregory Thomas Langdon *Samuel Collins *Ebenezer E. Gleazen. . Joseph Cook *Henry Ball ♦Stephen Ball ; ♦William Ball ♦Elizabeth Cook. ..;... ♦Ransom Williams ♦David Williams. ., ♦lohabod Brainerd, Jr. ♦lohabod Brainerd ♦Samuel Hutchinson. . . Marcus Ford Luke B. Winship John EounseviUe ♦Mehitable Brown ♦Joseph Waldo ♦Nathaniel Ford *Barnabas Manning . . . Ealph Manning ♦Isaac Ball...- Totals . Nc. Males AND Ages No. Females, AND Ages. 1 1 i i i i 1 1 i i i 1 |>) w k» >^ S* t^ [>-. >, Ph ^ 1-1 CO CO CD }a 1— t CO CO 10 p ^ u r-l TH (M ^ ■a u r-t (M '«*< 13 1 S S. s § p S .s ^ g CD v> CO in CO to "3 a l-H ■i-i r-l CM tH tH 1— ( « TH t S s s t^ ■^ to 3 fc •a c >: ("^ l>> >^ s* >^ p^ ■>t ^ r-l CO 00 CO S rH CO CO ta U iH r-t CN ■d ii 1-1 (N -K ■a 5 $ $ ■s g 1 s 5 s i •H S CO to s s s S s S < 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 ^ 1 1 1 3 r 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2- 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 ] 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 J 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 2. 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 242 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. CENSUS OF NEWARK VALLEY, DECEMBER, 1820.— Continued, Names. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. Ludns Wells ; *A8a Bement *Ja8on Hedges 'Jonathan Hedges Absalom Baird Joseph Prentice ♦Uriah Simons Dnick Whipple Joseph AUen John Watkins Mial Dean, Jr Luke Baird Silas Allen Adolphus Rerce William Baird John Allen Harvey Marshall •Jonas Muzzy •Henry Moore Elijah Curtis •David Hovey Elijah Highe •Solbflion Williams *Ezbon Slosson Otis Lincoln •Abraham Johnson •John Eewey Horace Jones Oliver WilUams John Gould Stephen Williams, Jr . . . . Henry Williams EzeMel Bich William Gardner John Stedman Dexter Parmenter Daniel Churchill Chester Goodale Spencer Spaulding Hart Newell William Wilbur Bichard Perkins •Mial Dean Alanson Dean. Anson Higbe Hosea Eldredge Totals 110 No. Maizes akd Aqeb. No. Females and Aoes. 2 1 14 1 57 67 43 96 I 48 69 I 38 tl31 26 4. Samuel Johnson, dwelt on the east side of the way, on the south half of lot 58, in the second house below that of Moses Spaulding. [See Early Households of Berkshire, for an account of his household.] 6. Elijah Johnson, son of Samuel Johnson, lived in a log house, in the same yard with his father. [See Early Households of Berkshire.] TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 243 9. Jonathan Belcher, son of Joseph Belcher, dwelt on the west end of lot 23, where Hiram Holden now lives. [See Early Households of Berkshire] 10. David Beebe, had lately sold his farm to Jonathan Belcher, .and was temporarily staying in a small house, which stood west •of the road near the north line of the Wade farm. 11. Jacob Conklin, had lately come from Orange county, and lived on the hill-side east of the road, on the south part of lot 23, where no house remains. In 1822 he built the house now oc- cupied by William Wade. 12. William T. Jayne. [See later families of Richford.] 14. Alexander McDaniel, lived on the west end of lot 20, the S. W. corner of Newark Valley, and had built a saw-mill there on the West Owego creek, which then cut about seventy thou- .sand feet of lumber each year. Soon after that time he moved to Candor, settling on lot 19, where Henry Richardson now lives; where he died 6 Jan., 1840, aged 70 years, 8 months, and 21 days, according to his ^rave stone at West Newark, which has his name as " McDonel." 15. Elihu McDaniel lived also on lot 20. 16. Simeon Galpin, lived on the N. W. quarter of lot 60, east side of the creek road, just north of that road which crosses the creek to Weltonville, where Henry Blewer now lives. He owned no land, but had abundance of pine timber. He crossed the creek on a foot bridge, near the site of Blewer's mill. In 1812 a Mr. Sullivan, also a squatter, lived in the next house below him. 17. George Lane, lived north of Simeon Galpin, probably on lot 61. 18. Nathan A. Gates, lived east of the road, on the S. W. quar- ter of lot 60, where Charles Blewer now lives. He was son of Nathan Gates who settled in Candor. He probably settled here in 1817, " the year after the cold summer." He aftef wards moved to Penn Yari, N. Y., where he died about Feb., i860. His only child is the wife of Cornelius Hover. 19. Daniel Mead, lived on the east side of the road, on lot lob. 20. Jabez Stevens and wife, each over fofty-five years old, were living on the southeast quarter of lot 65, where Henry Zim- mer afterward dwelt for many years. He probably came from Knox, N. Y., in 1819, with his son, Seth Stevens. He was not of sound mind, and after the death of his son Seth, he went West with his wife and other children. His son Eiisha married with Lucretia Higbe, youngest child of Elijah Higbe. 244 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 21. Seth Stevens, son of Jabez Stevens, above, was the first one of the settlers from Albany and Schoharie counties to come into the "east settlement" in Newark Valley. He left Knox, N. Y., in a sleigh, 19 March, 1819, the day on which Van Alstine was hung at Schoharie, and settled in the house at the corner of the roads on lot 56, which was bnilt and occupied by Capt. Eli- sha Hooper, and was afterward kept as a public house for many years, by Joseph Cookson. His land was the south part of lot 65, and on this, at the top of the hill, he had cleared a few acres, had a cellar dug and partly stoned, and timber for the frame of a house, when, about the first of October, 1820, he became ill, and died about the 15th of October, 1821. His wife and two young children went back to live with her parents, and his clear- ing was covered with a thick growth of thrifty young white pine trees, which were not cleared off till after 1840. Stevens and his father were the only householders living, in 1820, on the road that leads east from G. B. Sutton's, within the present town of Newark Valley. 22. John Belden lived in a log house on the southeast corner of lot 102, very near the remains of a small house in which Joel Shaw once lived. He left town in a few years, and little is known of his family. One of his children was born 28 April, 1820. 23. Jacob Remele, a shoemaker, lived on the east bank of the creek, south of Silk street, in the plank house which Solomon Williams built, east of the site of the grist-mill, and which was- burned 5 Jan., 1871, then the home of Sarah Jones and her sister, Susanna Jones. He was son of Jacob Remele, of Stockbridge, Mass., where he was baptized 6 July, 1785. .It is not known when he left town, nor to what place he went. One of his chil- dren was born 25 Jan., 1814; one was drowned 10 May, 181 5, (a young girl having tried to cross the creek on a single pole with the child on her back); two were pupils, in the summer of 1818, in the school at the head of Silk street ; another was born lo Nov., 1820 ; while the census seems to show two sons and three daughters, all under ten years of age, in Dec, 1820, yet no one has yet been found to remember any name of wife or child. 26. Charles Brown lived on the west side of the road, on the northwest quarter of lot 140, a little north of the end of the hill road. He died there, 23 July, 1827, aged 46 years. His wife, Sally S. Brown, died there 22 May, 1826, aged 43 years. It is. said that he was not akin to the Browns who dwelt further up TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 245 the creek. They had two sons and a daughter, who went west after their parents died. 27. Elijah Walter lived on the east side of the road, on lot i40r northwest quarter, where Elton Cortright now dwells. He had formerly lived in Norfolk, Conn. He married with Mary Scran- ton Field. He was a deacon of the Congregational church of West Newark. He died 10 Nov., 1836, aged 79. She died 29- Dec, 1841, aged 78 years. 28. Benjamin Walter lived on' the west side of the road, a little above his father, Elijah Walter, on the same lot.. He mar- ' ried with Almira Brown, daughter of John Brown. She died 4 Jan., 1844, in her 47th year. He married (2d) with Repina Rich, daughter of Dav id Rich , of Caroline. She died 22 March^ 1849, aged 54 years. He married (3d) 17 July, 1851, with Nancy Seymour, who was born at Whitney's Point,^N. Y., 7 April, 1803^ daughter of John and Sarah (Stoddard) Seymour. Previous to- his third marriage he removed to the village of Newark Valley; and in 1866, went to Pulkton, Ottawa Co., Mich., where he died 22 Feb., 1868, in his 73d year. He was a man of more than ordinary intelligence, with piety of such a high order that no- church could be found sufficiently sound on the questions of slavery and temperance, to warrant him in becoming one of its members. He had by his first wife one daughter, Mary. 29. Ethan Brown lived on lot 141, on the west side of the road^ where Joshua Carpenter now lives. He was born about 1791^ son of John Brown. He married with Nancy M. Wilmarth^ daughter of Benjamin and Susanna (Capron) Wilmarth. She died I May, 1868, aged 79 years ; he died 30 May, 1873, aged 82 years. Their children were: John, George,- Maria, Susan,. Caroline. 30. John Brown lived on the west side of the road a little above his son John Brown, and on the same lot. He came there from Stockbridge about 1818, with his wife Esther and a few of his fourteen children. His wife died on that place. He was a stone-cuttgr, and in the latter part of his life, noi: always quite sound mentally, spent much of his time away from home. He is- said to have died at Palmyra, N. Y., where he was cutting stone to be used in building locks on the Erie canal, and was buried there by the Free Masons, of which order he was an enthusiastic member ; and it is further said that they protected his grave by an iron railing. Several of his children died in New England-,, some married and remained there ; among others were: 246 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. Ethan, mentioned above, No. 29. John. Almira, m with Benjaniin Walter, No. 28. Henrietta, the youngest, b 25 June, 1806, m with Horace F ardson, and died in Candor, 22 May, 1881. 31. Luife McMaster, a laborer, married with Lucinda Willi; a half-sister of Enoch Slosson Williams, and had several child There is no evidence yet found that he ever owned a home : his house at this time has not been identified, though he prob worked for one of the Browns, and lived in one of their houses. A few years later he lived in the old house of Enoc Williams, on top of the hill, south of the present home of Fr lin G. Dean. Sonie of his children were born, , 8 A 1820, which probably died 3'oung; , 15 Sept., 1821, and may have been Miriam, who is said to have died of whoop ■cough, about 1828 or 1829. 32. Teunis Declsejf lived on the east side of the road, 01 180, about twenty rods north of where William Watkins lives. He was a blacksmith, and probably came there al 1818. He married with Susanna (Capron) Wilmarth, wido Benjamin Wilmarth, and daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Foi Capron, of Attleborough, Mass., where she was born 29 J 1765. He died 18 Dec, 1839, '" his 74th year. She died 6 ( 1852. 33. Alexander Foster Wilmarth lived in the same framed hi -^'ith his mother and step-father, Teunis Decker, on lot 180. 1 had built this house since they settled on the lot in 18 16, w had then no building except a log cabin which had been bull a shop for " shingle- weaving." He was born at Stockbri Mass., 4 Sept., r793, son of Benjamin and Susanna (Capron) marth, and married with Electa Tracy. He died 5 May, i His children were : I. James OtiSj b 2 Nov., 1820, died i. July, 1821. n. Nancy M., b 31 Dec, 1821, m with William Watkins, ■still lives on her father's homestead .^Mr. Wilmarth had two sis Susanna, who m with Charles DeLand, a clergyman of the ] tist church, and settled at Lodi, N. Y., and Nancy M., who ried with Ethan Brown, and his elder half-brother, Benja afterward lived in Newark Valley. 34. William Richardson lived on the west side of the roac lot 181, where Monroe Barrett now lives. He was born in A borough, Mass., 6 April, 1770, son of Vinton and Abigail ( W Richardson ; not as stated in, the Richardson memorial, p. TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 247 He married 23 March; 1797, with Milla Capron, who was born in Attleborough, 23 April, 1779, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Foster) Capron. See the Capron Genealogy, p. 135. Her name was, perhaps, a contraction of Melicent. She died i Nov., 1848, in her 70th year. He died 17 Sept., 1861, aged 91 years and 5 months. Their children were all born in Attleborough, except the youngest. I. William, b 4 June, 1798, ; died 13 July, 1854. II. Milla Capron, b 29 Nov., 1799, m with William Solomon Lawrence, and died 25 Jan., 1835. One of her daughters, Mrs. D. J. Borthwick, still resides in West Newark. III. Elias, b 3 March, 1802 ; is still living. IV. Horace, b 22 Nov., 1803; m with Henrietta Brown, daughter of John Brown, and still lives in the east border of Can- dor, in sight of his father's homestead. His wife died 22 May, 1881. V. Fanny, b 22 May, 1807. VI. Herbert, b 20 March, 181 1 ; m 13 Feb., 1838, with Esther Waldo. He died 28 Dec, 1882. His son, Fred Waldo Richard- son, now lives in the village of Newark Valley. VII. Hannah Maria, b 13 Sept., 1813; m with George Fred- erick Waldo, of Waverly, N. Y. VIII. Sarah Jane, b 8 June, 1817. IX. Nancy Cap.ron, b 6 Oct., 1820; m with Theodore Jenks, and died 8 Oct., 1865. 35. John Millen lived on the east side of the road, on the northwest quarter of lot 221, about ten rods south of where Elisha Millen now lives. It is said that he came from Stock- bridge, Mass. He died n March, 1830, aged 77 years. He mar- ried with Sarah , who died 30 Dec, 1838, aged 72 years. They had children : I. William, b about 1791. See below. II. James. III. Cynthia, mwith Levi Cortright. IV. Rachel, m with Lodawick Hover. 36. William Millen lived on the east side of the road, on lot ■221, where Elisha Millen now lives, He was a son of John Mil- len, above. He died 28 Aug., 1862, aged 71 years. His wife died 25 July, 1865, aged 66 years. 40. Zelotes Robinson, attended the grist-mill, and lived east of it, on the north side of the road which led to the mill. His only child was a daughter who married and went west. 41. Lyman Legg lived on the west side of the road, on lot 261, 17* 248 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. very near the northwest corner of the lot and of the town. The water for the mill was taken out of the creek on his land. His house was very near the bank of the creek. He was a son of Reuben Legg, and a grandson of David Legg. Hem with Betsey Osborn, daughter of Samuel Osborn. He died there and was buried in the cemetery on the next farm above. One of his chil- dren, probably the third son was born 3 July, 1820. 37. John Bunnel lived on the west side of the way, on the south- west quarter of lot 260, where Cornelius Ackerman now lives.. He had first settled in the Park Settlement, in the southeast cor- ner of Candor, and remained there till after the birth of his oldest son. He and his wife, Hannah, were constituent members of the "Baptist church of West Owego Creek,'' i May 1802, now in> Candor, and he was elected its first deacon. He was a shoe- maker, farmer, and a very successful hunter and trapper of wolves and bears. He caught one bear and several wolves after 1820. He died 15 Jan., 1840, in his 68th year. She died 7 Nov., 1837, in her 6oth year. The following list of their children may not be complete. I. Isaac, b at Park Settlement, in Candor, N. Y. See census of Berkshire, note 18. II. John. See below, note 38. III. Henry, still living in Berkshire. IV. Anna, had medicine from Dr. Waldo, 5 Aug., 18 12. V. James, b u Sept. i8o8 ; died 22 May 1809. VI. Gershom, b 9 May, 1810 ; died, date not stated. VII. Jesse, b 17 Feb., 181 1 ; died 17 April, 181 1. VIII. David, may have been born 4 Aug., 1812. IX. Cornelia, b 22 March, 1817; died i July, 1817. X. William, b about 1818. XI. Benajah, b about 1820. 38. John Bunnell, Jr., lived on the same lot with his father, on the hill-side about eighty rods east of the road where no house' stands now. One of his children was born 21, March, 1821. 42. Ebenezer Robins, came from Peru, Mass., in Nov., 1812,. and, in Dec, 1812, settled on lot 182, where his son Harlow Rob- bins succeeded him, and his granddaughter, Mrs. Hinsdale now lives. 43. Loring Ferguson, came from Peru, Mass., as early as the spring of 18 12, and began to work for John Bement, 6 March, 1812. He settled in a log house which he built near the centre of fifty acres on the northeast corner of lot 179. A few yearsUater TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 249 he moved to Berkshire, and lived on the west end of Dr. Waldo's farm, on Strong brook, where he dwelt for six years, then moved to the west side of Wilson creek, in the south part of Berkshire. He was born in Blandford, Mass., 15 Feb., 1787, son of John and Sarah (Knox) Ferguson. His parents came with him to Newark Valley, and his mother died here 19 April, 1817. Same year later his father returned to Blandford, and died there. After getting his parents well settled he returned to Peru, and there married 13 Oct., 1813, with Laura Cone, whom he brought to Newark Valley. He died in Berkshire, 20 Nov., 1838. His widow returned to New England in 1840, and died 2 June, i860, at the house of her youngest daughter, in Columbia, Conn. His children, all born in Newark Valley were : • I. Chauncey Ackley, b 12 June, 181 5; moved to Wisconsin, where he enlisted, but taking the measles, he died 20 Jan., 1862, without having left the state for active service. II. Selden Knox, b 8 May, 1817; died of consumption at Hins- dale, Mass., 14 June, 1857. III. Olive Melissa, b i June, 1820; died of gangrene, at Peru, Mass., 22 May, 1866. IV. Lansing Spencer, b 3 June, 1822 ; resides at Middlefield, Mass. V. Asenath Caroline, b 21 Aug., 1826. 45. Joseph Freeman. His home in Dec, 1820 has not been ascertained. See Berkshire, 1802. 47. Lyman Waldo, brother of John Waldo, lived in the same neighborhood, and built the first house east of the 'Wilson creek, on the south side of the Ketchumville road. ' He came from Bur- lington, N. Y., about 18 1 7, and finally moved to Portage, N. Y., where he died 23 July, 1865, aged 91 years and 15 days: 48. Ebenezer Pierce lived on lot 223, where S. W. Ames now dwells. 51. Lyman Barber lived east of the present road, and west of the old road, in the house which had been lately vacated by the Rev. Jei;emiah Osborn, on lot 264, near the north line of the town^' 52. Levi Branch lived on lot 224, on the west side of the way, where D. H. Miller now dwells. 53. Bill Torry lived in a small house on the same lot, east of the way, where Capt. E. N. Chapman afterward built his house, [See Early Families of Berkshire.] 56. Roswell Livermore lived in a log house, on lot 217, on the 250 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. east bank of the creek, north of the road where it turns to cross the creek. 58. Marcus Ford lived in the house with Elisha Wilson. He was born 29 March, 1793 ; was ordained 13 Dec,' 1820, and on that day a portion of the census of Newark Valley was taken. 59. Stephen Wells lived south of Wil?on creek," and west of the road, in the house which his son, Beriah Wells, had built a few years before. 60. Lucius Wells lived in the same house with his father, Stephen Wells. 64. Absalom Baird lived on the north side of the east and west road, at Moore's Corner, where Martin Mead now lives. 65. Joseph Prentice lived on lot 183, east side of the way, ■where Henderson now lives. 67. Duick Whipple lived on the south part of lot 223, on the old road, since discontinued, on top of the hill, north of where William Reeves now lives. The old barn still stands near his dwelling-place, but the house was long since moved away. 68. Joseph Allen lived on the first road that leads to the north, above where William Reeves lives, and about a quarter of a mile from the parting of the roads. 69. John Watkins lived on lot 219, within the corner of the road where it bends to the northwest, leading to the West Owego creek. 70. Mial Dean, Jr., lived in the same house with John Watkins, and was improving a place on the southwest side of the road, at or near the place where Lyman Freeland now dwells. 71. Luke Baird lived on the hill, on a private road, north of the place lately owed by Elbridge Barber, and his son, Darius Barber. 72. Silas Allen lived in a log house, a little above the place lately owned by the Barbers, and on the south side of the road. 73. Adolphus Pierce lived in the field, about forty rods north- west from Luke Baird's, and between his place and that of Mial Dean, Jr. 74. William Baird lived on the road above Joseph Allen, and not far from where Jireh Councilman now lives. 75. John Allen lived on the north side of the road where now stands the Barber house, which was built by Elder Snyder. 76. Harvey Marshall lived in a log house on the farm of John Watkins, and northwest of where Watkins lived. He soon TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 251 moved to Spencer with his wife and only child, which was not born till after the census was taken. 79. Elijah Curtis lived on the north half of lot 143, on the west side of Whig- street. 81. Elijah Higbe lived .on the west side of Whig street where Egbert Bement now lives. His grave-stone in Hope cemetery shows the date of his death as 13 Sept., 1820, but the census proves that he was alive in Dec, 1820, and he probably died 13, Sept., 1 82 1. 84. Otis Lincoln lived in the " Old Tavern," which he kept nearly 20 years, where the new brick school-house is now taking form. 87. Horace Jones lived in a small 'framed house, which stood on the west side of the way, and now, on its original site, forms part of the dwelling house of Mrs. Polly Smith. 88. Oliver Williams, probably lived in the house with his father, where the Rev. Jay Clizbe has since lived, and his parents were counted as of his family. 89. John Gould lived on the west side of the way, about where E. G. ribbitts now lives. The house was a small one built for a mitten shop by the Williams Brothers. 90. Stephen Williams, Jr., lived on the west side of the way, in the first house north of Silk street. 91. Henry Williams lived on the south side of Silk street, where N. P. Chapman now lives. 92. Ezekiel Rich lived in the south or old part of the house now occupied by Mrs. Jane Wells and her children. See later families of Richford. 93. William Gardner lived on the east side of the road, where P P. Moses built the house now occupied by Henry Sprague. 94. John Stedman lived on the east side of the road, where W, A. Noble and J. T. Noble now dwell. See later families of Richford. ' 95. Dexter Parmenter (otherwise written Palmeter) lived in a small hopse which stood on the west side of the way, about mid- way between Stedman's house and that ot Daniel Churchill. 96. Daniel Churchill lived on the east side of the way, on the gravelly knoll, a few rods north of the cemetery. 97. Chester Goodale lived in a log house where Ephraim Nixon now dwells, on the .west side of the way. 98. Spencer Spaulding lived on the west side of the way, where William T. Loring afterwards built his brick house. 252 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 99. Hart Newell lived on the east side of the way, on the south half of lot 63, where Lyman Barber afterward lived. 100. William Wilbur lived, in a log house with a framed lean-to which stood where the south end of the wing of W. S. Smith's farm house now stands, on the north' half of lot 63, east of the way. loi. Richard Perkins lived on the south border of lot 98, west of Owego street, and nortii of the road that leads to Knapp's. 103. Alanson Dean lived on the east side of the road, just on the line of lots 63 and 98, in the same house with his father. 104. Anson Higbe lived on the west side of the way, opposite the road to Union, on the south half of lot 98, where his grand- son, George Byron Sutton, now dwells. •105. Hosea Eldredge lived in a log house, on the north side of the Ketchumville road, east of the Wilson creek road, where George Andrews once lived, and later his brother, Luther An- drews, on lot 266. He was born at Ashford, Conn., 4 June, 1783, son of Hezekiah and Elizabeth (Whiton) Eldredge : removed when sixteen years old to Salisbury, Conn., where he m 6 Oct., i8p5, with Cyrene Collins, who was born there 2 Feb., 1783. They left Salisbury about the beginning of 181 1. and dwelt at Edmeston or the adjoining town of Plainfield, N. Y., till early in 181S, when they settled on the place described above. Thev joined the church by letter, 3 Oct., 1819, and were dismissed to Ithaca, N. Y., 16 Oct. 1835. He died 31 March, 1837. She died S May, 1838. They had three children : I. Edward Hezekiah, b 11 Sept., 1806; a physician ; m with Marcia Belinda Orven, and m (2d) 19 Oct , 1857, with Mary Sophia Ball. II. Mary Abigail, b 9 Oct., 1809. III. Horace Newton, b in Plainfield, N. Y., 4 June, 1812. Early Highways.— 'i>io record has been found of the formal or official laying out of the first highway through the valley, on the east side of the creek from the place now owned by G. B. Sut- ton, to the north line of Berkshire, now known as Owego street, south of the Green; and Berkshire street, north of it. For several years this road was used on the east side of the creek, across lots 217, 224, and the south half of 257, between the creek and where the railway now runs, but after good bridges were made across the creek the road on the west side took the whole travel, and the other was discontinued. Another change has been made above the village of Newark Valley, where the road till after 1846 crossed the low swampy land between the hill and the creek. TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 253 It was then worked along the base of the hill, by cutting out and throwing down enough of the rock to form the roadbed. This improved road was begun on the first day of June, and finished on the third da\' of July. The year is not positively remembered, but it was about 1848. It was made by Otis Lincoln. Charles Baldwin, who then worked for him, claims to have been the first man to jump into the water where it was three feet deep, to begin the work, and his courage was sharpened by a silver dollar and an extra drink of whiskey. Soon after Wilson's mill was built, a road was laid from the place now owned by Edwin Smith, across the creek to " Moore's corner," thence up the Muzzy brook, and over the hill to the Jenks Settlement, so that the people there might have a road to the grist-mill. Of this road no survey has been fftund. This road went nearly northwest to the top of the hill, at the place now owned by Fred W. Richardson,, then down the hill to the ■west creek. Of Whig street, the following tells the story : ■" 1801, April i6th. The survey of a road ascertained as the following manner, viz.: Beginning on the road leading from the village of Owego to Brown's Settlement at a stake an stones standing in the west line of said road near Enoch Slosson's barn, from thence north-west 36 rods to a stake and st6nes on the west bank of the creek, thence north 45' east to a maple staddle near Lyman Rawson's well, thence the same course to a stake and stones, near the house of Henry Moor, thence the same direction until it intersects the road leading to Jenks Settlement. Certified by John FreeMan, Henry Moor. On the seventh of July, 1803, a road measuring 1,138 rods, or eighteen rods more than three miles and a half long, with twenty- four different courses, was laid from " a marked tree south of Daniel Carpenter's house," near the center of lot 302, in Berk- shire, " to intersect the road laid from Jenks Settlement, to Wil- son's Mills." This road ended near the school-house, east of the Hotchkin house, now occupied by Mr. Reeves, but instead of ■coming down along the brook where the road now runs, by the farm of Stephen W. Ames, it came over the top of the hill far to the west of his house. " Survey of a road laid by the commissioners, in and for the town of Tioga, Feb. i8th, 1804. " Beginning on the division line between Joseph Brown and Dan'l Churchill, 3d line being the centre of the road ; thence W. 254 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 6"] chains ; thence N. 22° W., 10 chains; thence N. 65° W., 6^ chains; thence N. 80° W., 16J chains; thence N. 37° W., 15. chains ; thence N. 70° W., 12 chains ; thence S. 87° W., 4^ chains ; thence — 40° W., 5 chains ; thence N. 66° W., 15 chains ; thence N. 78° W., 5 chains ; thence S. 85° W., 5 chains; thence S. 70°^ W., 10 chains; thence N. 70° W., 5 chains; thence N. 81° W"., 10 chains; thence S. 75° W., I2-J chains 10 the West Owego Creek. Certified by Abraham Brown, Lemuel Brown." This road was probably never opened. Its starting point wa& at the south line of the farm now owned by the family of the late Frederick T. Wells, and passed directlj' over the hill on which Royal R. Williams lives, on the line between lots 98 and 103. The principal work to be done on it for many years, was in hauling; logs and wood, all of which naturally passed twenty rods further south through the woods, and went around the hill on level ground, where the road was afterward laid. The record of the present road, known as Hosford street, went out of existence when the town records of Newark Valley were burned., " A description of Roads laid by the Commissioners in and for the town of Tioga, 1805. " Also a road Beginning at a stake and stones standing North of Asa Bement's house, on the east side of the road leading through Brown's Settlement, thence North 88 degrees east 12 chains ; thence North 72 degrees east, 29 chains & 75 links ; thence North 82 degrees east, 15 chains and twenty links, to a Beach tree marked E. H., standing on the farm of Jonathan Hedges." Certified by Asa Leonard, | Comni'rs Samuel Brown, ( rj. P ) Highway. Many years passed before any settlement was made in that part of the town, east of Mr. Hedges, and not till after 1820 was the road opened from that road north, up the Wilson creek. In the same certificate with the foregoing, was the survey of a road measuring a trifle over five and six-tenths miles, " beginning at a Birch tree standing in the east line of lot No. 160, in the Nanticoke township," and running " to the Road leading through Brown's Settlement," opposite the place now owned by G. B, Sutton. "Survey of a road leading from Henry Williams' to Daniel Cortwrect's, on West Owego creek, laid and surveyed April 11, 1814. Beginning on the Creek road, one rod north of Henry Will- iams' north line, runing west 18 chains in such manner as will take three rods wide on Stephen Williams' land, and one rod wide TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 255 on said Henry Williams' land, thence north 69 degrees west, 4, chains and 30 links, thence north 74°, west 7 chains and 75, links," etc. This measurement brings the road upon the west bank of the Spring .brook, and the survey continues through twenty-two additional courses, a distance of seven hundred and twenty rods^ " to intersect the road on the West Owe- go." This makes the whole distance, as then measured, a few feet more than two and five-eighths miles. THe east end of this road received the name of Silk street, about. 1840, from the fact that Sylvanus Merchant, who lived on it, kept silk worms for several years. This road was laid b}' John Waldo and Abra- ham Brown, the highway commissioners of the town of' Berk- shire, and it seems to have been the last road laid |)efore the town of Westville, now Newark Valley, was set off from Berk- shire. Organization. — The town of Westville, authorized by the leg- islature, 12 April, 1823, was organized by a meeting of theinhab- itants at the house of Otis Lincoln, 2 March, 1824, and the elec- tion of a full board of town officers, whose names, except the minor officers, have already been printed in the History of Four Counties, p. 147. The name of the town was changed by act of the legislature, 24 March, 1824, to Newark. The destruction of all town records by fire. 16 Oct., 1879, gives a special impor- tance, historically, to anything that may be recovered, in relation to the early history of the town. The early custom was to adjourn the town meeting to the regular day for holding it in the next year, which led the clerk to call it an adjourned meet- ing, rather than the annual meeting. The following is a copy of the record made by the clerk at the second town meeting, it being the first held after the town took the name of Newark, The spelling of two or three names only has been changed to conform to the family usage: "At an adjourned meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Newark, held March i, 1825, at the house of Otis Lincoln in said town, Anson Higbe in the chair— The following officers were elected to 6ffice: Solomon Williams, Supervisor. Beriah Wells, Town Clerk. John Waldo, Francis Armstrong, Peter Moore, Assessors. Benjamin Wilmarth, Abraham Brown, Jonathan Belcher, Com- missioners of Highways. Ebenezer Pierce, Peter Wilson, Overseers of the Poor. William Slosson, Collector; William Slosson, Constable. 256 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. Francis Armstrong, William Richardson, Lyman Waldo, Com- missioners of Common Sdhools. George Williams, Elijah Wilson, Benjamin Walter, Inspectors of Common Schools. Overseers of Highways, District No. i, Francis Armstrong; No. 2, John Rewey ; No. 3, Levi Smith ; No. 4, John Harmon ; No. 5, Ebenezer Robbins ; No. 6, John Waldo; No. 7, James Wheeler; No. 8, Reuben Chittenden; No. 9, Simeon Galpin. Fence Viewers — Voted that there be six fence viewers, Moses Spaulding, Alan.son Dean, Charles Brown, Lyman Legg, Abra- ham Hotchkin, Denick Whipple. Josiali Benjamin, sealer of weights and measures. Voted that the commissioners and inspectors of common schools -for the year 1824, and the present year be allowed the compen- sation which the law prescribes for their services. Voted, that the sum of seven dollars and twentv-five cents be paid Anson Higbe out of the funds belonging to the town for money expended on the highways some years past. Voted, double the sum of school money which we receive from the state, be raised by the town. Voted, that this town raise twelve dollars for the purpose of procuring the standard weights and measures. Voted, that this meeting adjourn to the first Tuesday of March next at ten o'clock A. M., at this place." The name of the town, changed 17 April, 1862, to Newark Val- ley, should once more be changed to Arkley, that it might be •distinctive, and never again be confounded with Newark, N. J., Newark in Wayne Co., N. Y., or with Cherry Valley, N. Y. BUSINESS CENTERS Newark Valley.— While the population of. Brown's Settle- ment was confined to the valley, the social center was naturally the business center. The church was built on lot 257, near the home of Mrs. Beulah Brown ; and the first store was not far away, near the north part of lot 217, little more than the width of a sin- gle lot intervening. The first road made to accommodate the early settlers on the Wilson creek, in the New Connecticut dis- trict, came down the steep east hill-side, from northeast to south- west, coming out at the east end of the road which crosses the •creek in front of the house of Rodney Ball. Another road, almost as hard to travel, came down the west hill, connecting with the valley road near the center of lot 224, and this is still open, but very little used. When the hills on each side began to be settled, the roads of necessity followed the lateral streams or valleys, and business be- TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 257 gan to increase near the points where they entered the valley, and soon separate business centers were formed where the vil- lages of Berkshire and Newark Valley now stand, and begani to force social life and interest to form about the same centers, and led to the division of the town ; but possibly the conservative pow- ers of Calvinism might have kept the church united at the old ■center till the present day, if some teachers of a new faith and practice had not begun to occupy the new fields and grow up with the villages, thereby stimulating the "standing order," as they were formerly called in Connecticut, to arouse themselves to meet the new condition of affairs. Here ends the historical matter for Newark Valley furnished by D. Williams Patterson; and we add the folio wing^additional facts: The village is a neat, thriving; even handsome community of about 80Q souls. It has some dozen or more stores of various kinds, a large tannery, two steam saw-mills, grist-mill, and the usual complement of mechanics' shops. Ketchumville is a small post-village located in the north- eastern corner of the town. Jenksville is a small post-village located in the northwestern part of the town, on the west branch of Owego creek. This village was settled as early as 1797. Michael Jenks built a saw- mill in 1803, and a grist-mill in 1814. West Newark, a small settlement about tVito miles south of Jenksville, containing a postoffice. New Connecticut is a small settlement in the northern part of the town. Davidge, Landfield & Co.'s Tannery. — From an early date the site of this firm's building has been used for tanning purposes ; first for tanning deerskins, etc., and their manufacture into gloves, mittens and articles of clothing. The property, passed through several hands,, and the buildings havcv been twice destroyed by fire. In 1865 George H. Allison, John Davidge and Jerome B. Landfield purchased the property, and commenced business ■xmder the firm name of Allison, Davidge & Co. They continued the business till 1867, when Allison became sole owner. In 1868, however, Davidge, Landfield &Co. bought the property, and no change has since been made, except to transfer Mr. Davidge's interest to his heirs after his death. The tannery has 132 vats, and turns out about 50,000 sides of sole leather per year, giving 258 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. employment to about forty hands. George F. Sherwood is sup- erintendent. Lucius E. Williams' Saw-mill was built by Moore, Cargiil & Co, in the autumn of 1867, and Mr. Williams became sole owner in August, 1886. The mill is operated by steam-power, is supplied with a circular saw, planer, matcher, etc., and has the capacity for cutting 3,000,000 feet of lumber per year. The Jenksville Steam Mills were built in 1879, by Daniel L. Jenks, for sawing lumber and threshing grain. In the fall of 1882 the steam grist-mill was built by Jenks & Nixon. In 18 Charles D. Nixon bought of Jenks his interest in the mills and the the farm property connected with them, and remodeled and im- proved the saw-rnili, added a planing-mill, and a hay- press and cider-mill, all of which are run by steam-power. The grist-mill has three runs of stones, and a specialty is made of feed and buck- wheat grinding. The saw- mill has a capacity for io.odo feet in twelve hours. The management of the mills and the supervision of the farm is under the personal direction of Mr. Nixon, who carries on the latter according to the most advanced and scien- tific methods, and it is known asa model farm for productiveness. Jenksville Custom Grist- Mill was huilt in 1814, by Michael Jenks,. for James Pumpelly, and was deeded by the latter to Daniel Boughton. The next proprietor was Chester Johnson, who sold to Alfred Smith, in February, 1856. Mr. Smith disposed of the property to Egbert Crans, in the spring of i860, but in the fall of 1861, Crans deeded the property back to Mr. Smith, who then rebuilt the saw-mill on a larger and more improved plan. In the fall of 1866, Mr. Smith again disposed of the property ; this time to Peter S. Dunning, who lost it by mortgage foreclosure. It was bid off by Hiram Payne, who deeded it to the present owner^ George W. White. The mills are run by water-power. The grist-mill has three runs of stones, and a capacity of 300 bushels per day. The specialty is feed and buckwheat grinding. The first saw-mill on West creek, was built by Michael Jenks, in 1803^ the present one being the third that has been built on this site. Its capacity is about 4,000 feet in twelve hours. Franklin Davis's Saw-Mill, on road 25, was built by him in the spring of 1870, upon the site of one then destroyed by fire, and which had been in use about 20 years. The mill has a circular saw, bench saw, etc., and turns out about 500,000 feet of lumber per year. TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 259 BIOGRAPHICAL. Royal W. Clinton was born in Colebrook, Qonn., March i, 1823, the eldest child of a family of thirteen children. His father, Ly- man Clinton, Jr., and his grandfather, Lyman CUnton, Sr., the latter a native of Connecticut, born April 3, 1771, died April 30, 1855, much respected in the community in which he lived. The wife of Lyman Clinton, Jr., and mother of Royal W., was Miranda, daughter of Wells Stone, of Sharon, Conn. In 1831 they removed to Newark Valley, arriving in the month of May, after a tedious journey of two weeks. Lyman Chnton, Sr, , had visited this section in 1830, and had selepted six hundred acres of land for the purpose of dividing it among his children, reserving a portion thereof for himself. Lyman Clinton, Jr., not being sat- isfied with the location of his allotment, chose a different one a mile and a half east of the present village of Newark Valley, where he remained until the winter of I871, when he removed to the village ; and three years later, July 4, 1874, he pagsed away, aged seventy-five years. His widow died January 17, 1882. Royal W. Clinton received a common-school education, and attended a select school two years. He lived with his father until he was nineteen years of age, and two years later married Anna C, eldest daughter of William and Rosanna Knapp, of Newark Valley. Immediately subsequent to his marriage, he became proprietor of his father-in-law's wool-carding and cloth- dressing establishment, which business he conducted summers, and during the winter months got out lumber, for about five years. About this time he purchased a lot of timber-land, one and one half miles east of the village, from which he commenced cutting the lumber, erecting a steam saw-mill on the property, which was the first one operated successfully in the town. He ■cleared a farm of one hundred and fifty acres in the vicinity of the mill, making improvements from time to time, until it became a valuable property. In i86ihe sold the mill, and in company with his brother-in- law, H. W. Clinton, built another mill, and from that time until the present, ha§ engaged extensively in the lumber trade, pur- chasing, in addition to what he sawed himself, all that sawed by three or four other mills in the surrounding country. In 1867 he found it necessary, in order to facilitate his rapidly increasing business, to retpove to a more central point ; hence he erected a 26o TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. fine residence in the village, where he now resides. In 1866 he engaged in the mercantile business with his son-in-law, Morris Elwell and brother, at Newark Valley, which is at present con- ducted b}' William Elwell. Duringthe year 1866 he was ap- pointed one of the railroad commissioners for the bonding of the town for the construction of the Southern Central Railroad, and in 1873 hs was made one of the directors of the company in rec- ognition of his valuable services in procuring this necessary im- provement. He has held various town offices in the gift of hi& fellow citizens of the Republican party, to which political organ- ization he belongs. At the age of nineteen he experienced re- ligion, and united with the Methodist Episcopal church of New- ark Valley, of which he has ever since been an active and effi- cient member. He contributed one-fourth of the entire cost of the present beautiful structure of the society, and for nearly forty years consecutively he has been superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday-school of Newark Valley, and has been class- leader for forty-two years. In February, 1887, Mr. Clintom proposed to school districts Nos. 2 and 14, that they unite in a union graded school district, an^ thus afford good school facilities at the village. In event of this proposition being accept- ed, he promised to build, at his own expense, a fine school build- ing, the districts to purchase a site therefor. This they didr choosmg the old Lincoln hotel property, paying therefor $1,700.00. Plans were made, and the present fine brick school building is^ the result, erected at a cost of $10,000.00. The building is 60x68- feet, two stories, slate roof, iron cornices, etc., and forms a lasting monument to its munificent donor. Mr. Clinton is super- visor of the town, which office he has held for three consecutive terms. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton consists of three children, namely : Ella J., born April 20, 1845 ; Austin W.,. born March 11, 1850; Arthur G., born March 3, 1856. Austia W. was graduated with honors from Cornell University, in the class of 1872, and he and his brother are now engaged ir> the mercantile and lumber business at Harford Mills, Cortland Co., N. Y. The daughter, Ella W., is the wife of Morris Elwell^ of Newark Valley. Mrs. Clinton died June 13, 1882, and January 3, 1883, he married Mrs. Caroline Burroughs, daughter of Sherwood Sterling, and widow of Stephen Burroughs, of Bridge- port, Conn. The Rev. Jay Clizbe, fifth pastor of the church in Newark Valley, was born at Amsterdam, N. Y., 16 June, 1836; son of TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 261 Ellis and Ruth (Giliet) Clizbe. He was graduated at Union col- lege, in 1861, and at Andover Theological Seminary, in 1864,, taking the valedictory in each. He was ordained 5 April, 1865,. at Amherst, Mass., where he was pastor till 5 April, 1867 ; trav- eled in Europe from July, 1868, till September, 1869, and was- pastor at Marshall, Michigan, for one year. He began his minis- try in Newark Valley, 14 fanuary, 1872; was installed as pastor,^ 25 September, 1872, and so continued till i January, 1887, when, on account of illness, the relation was terminated at his own request. During the last years of his pastorate he spent about a year and a half in Europe, for the benefit of his health. He married, at Amherst, 28 Feb., 1866, with Mary Eliza Hills^ daughter of Leonard Mariner and Amelia (Gay) HiUs, of Am- herst. Rev. Marc Fivas, a resident of Newark Valley, where he died in July, 1876, at the age of eighty-four years, was a noted man in the literary world, and especially so in the world of science. He was born in Vevay, Switzerland, in 1792; was a clergyman in the National church, and professor of natural sciences in the Academy of Lausanne, and one of the first teachers of Prof, Louis Agassiz. By reason of political trouble in his native land, he came with Prof. Matile and others to Newark Valley in 1849. He was a member of historical and scientific societies in Europe,. and lectured before the scientific societies of New York and Philadelphia. He was a man of fine culture and ripe scholar- ship. Hon. Jerome B. Landfield, of the firm of Davidge, Landfield & Co., has been a resident of Newark Valley since 1865, when his firm succeeded that of Howe & Lincoln in the tanning busi- ness. Mr. Landfield was born at Harvard, Delaware Co., N, Y., November 6, 1827, eldest son of Clark and Hannah (Thomas) Landfield, of that place. He began business life in the mercan,-' tile trade, and in 1858 commenced the tanning business, becom- ing associated with John Davidge, when they purchased the tan- nery at Newark Valley, though he continued in trade here until a comparatively recent date. In 1873 and '74, Mr. Landfield served his district in the legislature, having also been elected from Dela'ware county to the legislature of 1864. In 1867 he was elected" county superintendent of the poor, an office he held till January, 1871. He has also served as supervisor, railroad commissioner, etc., in the Republican ranks. Mr. Landfield mar- ried, for his first wife, Elizabeth Canouse, in 1853, who bore him 262 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. four children, none of whom are living. Mrs. Landfield died in May, 1865, and in Se^ptember, 1866^ Mr. Landfield married Helen Rogers, of Chenango Forks, Broome Co., who has borne him three children, two of whom are living, Jerome B., Jr., born May 6, 1872, and Grace H., born in 1874. William Cargill was born in Tyringham, Mass., July 13, 1831, the second son of Heman and Olive (Sears) Cargill. Mr. Cargill ■came to Tioga county with his brother John, in 1852, locating in Berkshire, to begin the manufacture of hand-rakes, a business he remained in till 1856, when.hecame to Newark Valley and located upon the so-called Randall farm. After eleven years of farm life he sold this property and in company with L. E. Williams began the manufacture of wagons at Newark Village. Soon after in 1867, the firm name was changed to Moore, Cargill & Co., and they then built the present L. E. William's steam-mill. With this insti- tution Mr. Cargill was identified till August, 1886. In the mean time Messrs. Williams and Cargill added the furniture and under- taking business, and at the latter date they divided, Mr. WilHams taking the lumber-mill and Mr. Cargill the latter business, which he still continues. Mr. Cargill married Adaline A. Graves, of Southboro, Mass., August 16, 1853, who has borne him seven children; Wilbur G., of Southfield, Mass., Eliza G. (Mrs. William Ryan), Frank H., of Rochester, N. Y., Olive S. (Mrs. Cornelius S. Burroughs), Minnie E., Rennie B. and Nellie. Dr. William J. Burr, son of Andrew, was born in Homer, Cort- land county, N. Y., March 28, 1818. He received his early edu- cation in that place and his preparatory professional educa- tion there and in Ithaca. He graduated from the medical depart- ment of Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., in the class of '45. He commenced practice in Tompkins county, where he remained for five years and a half, and afterward practiced in Allegany county for. eleven years. In the fall of 1861, from patriotic motives, he entered the Union army as private, and was at once made assistant surgeon of the 59th Regt. N. Y. Vols., and after- ward promoted to the office of surgeon of the 42d N. Y. Regt, .and was again promoted to staff surgeon. For nearly three years he was a member of the operating staff of his division. He con- tinued in the service until the close of the war. He then came to Newark Valley and began the practice of his profession, in which (he still continues. In August, 1845 he married Jane C, daugh- ter of Otis Lincoln. They have had born to them four children, wiz.: William H., a veterinary surgeon, Sarah, wife of E. H. TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 263 Becker, president of the Buffalo fertilizer company, George L., who has recently been appointed instructor in the school of His- tory in Cornell University, and Ella wife of C. O. Upton, of Colo- rado. Dr. Burr was a member of the Medical associations of this and Allegany counties, and has been presiding officer in each. He was also a member of the American Medical association. Dr. Cornelius R. Rogers, was born in Windham, Pa., June 20, 1837, a son of Daniel and Huldah (Farmer) Rogers. He came to Owego with his parents when two years of age, and was educated in the common schools, at Owego academy, and at Binghamton academy. From the age of eighteen to twenty-five he was a successful school teacher. In 1861 he married Miss H. H. Tracy, of Newark Valley, and has two children, M. Anna Rogers, the accomplished organist of the Methodist Episcopal church, Owego, and James T. Rogers, assistant postmaster at Owego. In 1862 he was appointed keeper of the Tioga county poor-house, which position he held five years. During this time he studied medicine under the late Dr. H. Arnold, of Owego, and attended Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1864-5, and Geneva Medical College in 1866-7, where he graduated. He also has a diploma from the medical department of Syracuse University, dated June, 1877. In 1868 he located at Whitney's Point, and became a very suc- cessful practitioner. In 1876 he removed to Newark Valley, and from thence to Owego in 1879, and in 1884 returned to Newark Valley. He held the office of coroner of Tioga county from 1877 to 1883. In 1880 he was elected president of the board of school commissioners of Owego, and served very efficiently for three years, during which time the elegant new high school building was erected. He is a member of the Broome and Tioga county medical socities, both of which he has served as president. He is at present health officer of the town of Newark Valley. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and an active Sun- day school worker. Dr. Francis M. Bishop, son of Lewis D. and Samatha J. (Liver- more) Bishop, was born at Castle Creek, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1839. The doctor studied in the common school of his native town, and graduated at Hahneman Medical College, at Philadelphia, Pa. He began practice at Newark Valley, in 1874, and has been in practice here since. Dr. Bishop married Olive L. Matthews, of LeRaysville, Pa., May i, 1864, and has one child, an infant daugh- ter, two having died. Romaine F. Bieber was born in Newark Valley, Oct. 23, 1853, 18* 264 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. son of Henry and Catharine (Sebastion) Bieber. He studied in his native town, graduated at the Wyoming Seminary, of Kings- ton, Pa., in 1879. and commenced the study of law with E. H. Ryan, now of Syracuse, N. Y., and was admitted to the bar ii> November, 1882. Mr. Bieber, married Alma Settle, November 2, 1881, and has two children, a son and a daughter. Alfred Smith, son of Ezra, was born in Scipio, Cayuga county,. N. Y., January i, 18 16. The year following, his father removed to Springwater, Livingston county, N. Y., where the family re- mained a few years and then removed to Richmond — ^in that part of the town afterward set off and called Canadice — Ontario- county, N. Y. In 1840 Mr. Smith removed to the town of Can- dor where he engaged in farming, and also worked at the trade of carpenter and joiner. In February, 1856, he purchased the mill property at Jenksville, and conducted the business of the mills until the spring of i860, when he sold to Egbert Crans. In the fall of that year he went to Leavenworth, Kan., where he en- gaged under contract with William S. Rayburn, of Philadelphia, Pa., to cut and deliver at the steamboat landing, in the winter of 1860-61, four hundred cords of wood for use upon the river steam- ers. The following summer he engaged in freighting in the Rocky mountains. In the fall of 1861 he returned to Jenksville and Crans deeded the mills back to him. In the winter of 1865— 66 he rebuilt the saw-mill upon a more improved plan, with greater facilities. In the fall of 1866 he disposed of the mills and water privilege to Peter S. Dunning, who took possession Janu- ary I, 1867, and Mr. Smith engaged- in farming. On September 13, 1843, he married Mary, daughter of Harry and Betsey (Cady) Armstrong, by whom he had two children, Charles B., born June 2, 1844,3 locomotive engineer, who was killed at his post of duty on the Atlantic and Great Western R. R , September 30, 1867^ and a daughter who died in infancy. Mrs. Smith died June 2^ 1857. His present wife is Susan A., daughter of the late Calvin and Annis (Brown) Jenks, of Berkshire, by whom he has one daughter, Mary L. Russell Mead was born on the Minisink river in N. J., and at an early age removed with his father's family to Carmel, Putnam county, N. Y. At the age of twenty-five years he came to Wel- tonville and located on a farm, a portion of which is now owned by Walter Herrick. He afterwards moved into this town, on the farm now occupied by Willis Hover. He married Sally Ann^ daus^hter of Toseohus Barrott. of Putnam coiintv hv whr>m he^ TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 265 had ten children, the eldest of whom was Rogers. D., now resid- ing on road i, in this town. He married Martha, daughter of Mrs. Jemima Hover, of Candor, and has ten children, viz.: Mil- den, S. Am)% Priscilla, Milton, Russell B., Clyde V., Arietta, Hattie, John A. R., and Maggie J. Mr. Mead has been engaged principally in farming. Was postmaster at West Newark after the death of his father, who was postmaster at that place for many years. Michael Van Wormer came from Guilderland, Albany county, about 1825, and located in East Newark, on the farm now owned by Ira Shoultes. He married Hannah Sturgess,.by whom he had ten children, their oldest being Margaret, who married Almeron Williams, December 12, 1829. Their children were r Adalinda, Juhet, Cammilla, Stella, Ada A., Royal R., Wright B., of South Owego, Angeline, Eliza, and Adelma. George Hoff came from Kinderhook to Albany county when a young man, and from there to Tioga county, where he settled in the town of Tioga. He bought a farm and cleared a place for a home for his family, and during most of his life continued fann- ing in different localities in this county. He married Catherine Dubois, of Columbia county, by whom he had nine children, who arrived at maturity. Next to the youngest of these was Erastus, who came to this town in 1859, where he has since been engaged in farming. Previous to that date he was engaged in mercantile pursuits. He married Mary E. Harlin, of Candor, and has five children, viz.: Stella E;, John. H., Carrie E., Jennie, and Alice M. Timothy S., son of Jacob Councilman, of Lisle, N. Y., was born in that town February 19, 1823. He married first Rebecca Braman, of Lisle, December 25. 1845, and by whom he had one son, Jira F. He came to this town in 1856 and located on the farm now occupied by his son on road 19. His second wife was Mary G. Simmonds. Jira F. married Calista J., daughter of Samuel S. Rodman, of Union. John, son of John Borthwick, was born in Monogan, Monogan Co., Ireland, whither his father had moved from the Highlands of Scotland, and at the age of nine years came with his father's family to this country and settled in the town of Montgomery, Orange Co., N. Y. He married Sarah Porter, of Blooming- burgh, N. Y , by whom he had twelve children, viz.: William, a soldier, who died at Fortress Monroe, Joseph, of Berkshire, Mary J., who married Abram Hover, now deceased, D. James,: of this tojivrn, Edward, who died in Illinois in 1854, Almira, who 266 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. died in infancy, George, of Sierra Nevada, Cal., where he has lived since 1851, Alexander, of Candor, Sarah, wife of Charles W. Allen, Dorcas, wife of Charles Guyon, Esther, wife of Lucius Keith, and Delphine. Mr. Borthwick came to this town in 1823, and located on the farm now owned by Charles Hill. D. James married Milla M., daughter of William S. and Milla (Richardson) Lawrence, December 11, 1845, and have had born to them four children, viz.: Lucina J., wife of C. R. Ackerman, Milla, wife of Sheridan Hall, George H., and Edward, who died at the age of six years. Noyce Chapman, son of Jed, was born August 25, 1820. He married Mary A., daughter of Moses and Bridget (Robinson) Livermore, January 20, 1847, by whom he had two children, Wealthy M. and Frederick H., of this place. Wealthy M. .mar- ried Wright B. Williams, and has four children, viz.: George A., Emma L., Lyman F. and Bennie C. Frederick H. married Chloe Shaw, and has one child, Ida L. Abel Merrill was born October g, 1798, and married Lucinda Bullock, who was born September 3, 1803. Their children are Louisa S., born May 12, 1831, Norman L., born October 28, 1832, Mary B., born July 26, 1840, and Mattie A., born May i, 1845. Edwin P. Smith, son of Henry and Meribah (Collins) Smith, was born in Milford, Otsego Co., ip 1828. When twelve years of age he came with his father's family to Nanticoke, N. Y., and from there he removed to this town where he has been engaged chiefly in farming. He married Mary, daughter of Consider Howland, of Lisle, N. Y., in 1852, and has two children, viz.: Jabez and Mary. Jabez married Belle Donley, of Newark Valley, and has one child, Thur, aged three years. Henry B. Guyon, son of James, born December 10, 1807, came from Union, Broome county, in 1841, and located on the farm now owned by his son, Charles S. He married Rebecca M. Thorn, October 8, 1833, by whom he had eight children, born as follows: Charles S., October 28, 1834; Theodore, October 22, 1836; Esther, December 29, 1838; Ruth A., August 9, 1841; Ma- hala, November 23, 1844; Josiah J., June 14, 185O; Henry T., November 12, 1852 ; and John W., December 30, 1856. Ruth A. died June 27, 1842; Mahala, April 18, 1846; Theodore, April 9, 1863; Esther, August 25, 1877. Mrs. Guyon was born June 13, 1814, and died February 27, 1869, Mr. Guyon married for bis second wile Mary Schoonover, January 20, 1870. His death TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 267 occurred March 115, 1876. Charles S. married Dorcas, daughter of John Borthwick, December 8, i860. Anthony Tappan came from Middleburg, Schoharie Co., N. Y., and located on the farm now occupied by Henry Loveland. He married Anna Cook, by whom he had seven children, viz.: Wil- liam, Hellena, wife of David Taylor, Asher, Nancy, Silas, Riley A. and John C. Riley A. married Jane E. Watson, by whom he has two sons, viz.: Watson and Charles A. CHURCHES. Congregational Church — Religious services had been held prior to the organization of this church, in barns and dwelling-houses, and conducted by Rev. Seth Williston, a missionary from Con- necticut. This church was formed as the first Congregational church in the town of Tioga, Thursday, November 17, 1803. The constituent members were Dr. Joseph Waldo, Nathaniel Ford, Jesse Gleazen, Levi Bailey, Beulah Brown, and Caroline Ford. The church was organized by Rev. Seth Williston and, Rev. Jatnes Woodward, missionaries from Connecticut. Mrs. Sarah Slosson, wife of Enoch Slosson, Mrs. Mary Hosford, wife of Joseph Hosford, and Mrs. Rachel Williams, wife of Stephen Williams, Sr., joined the church on Sunday, November 20, 1803, three days after its organization. They probably had letters of dismission from churches in the east, as Barney Truman joined the church on profession of faith the same day and the first Sun- day of its existence, making the number of its members at that time ten. It had no officers until April 4, 1805, when Nathaniel Ford was elected deacon, and no preaching except by the Con- necticut missionaries. The society of Western was organized October 23, 1805, 'i^id fifty-eight of the inhabitants signed an agreement, November II, 1805, fixing a rate of from two to eight per cent, which each should annually pay upon his property for the support of the gospel. December 24, 1805, the church and society voted to call Rev. Jeremiah Osborn to settle with them, at a salary of $275 annually, with an annual increase of $25 until it reached $350. This call was accepted January 11, 1806, and the church and pastor elect called a council to assist in his ordina- tion. The council met at the house of Widow Dudley. March 3, 181 1, the church applied for a union with the Presbytery of Cayuga, and was admitted as a constituent member, September 268 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. II, 1811, and remained in that connection until July 2, i86g. Since that time it has been associated with Congregational churches. Rev. Mr, Osborn remained with them until 1818, when he resigned ; was succeeded by Rev. Marcus Ford, who was ordained December 3, 1820, filled the position acceptably, and resigned on account of ill health April 27, 1859. Samuel F. Bacon became their pastor in 1866; Samuel Johnson in 1871. Jay Clisbe, January [4, 1872, commenced his labors. At present they have no pastor. During the winter of 1830-31 a revival occurred, and in the April communion 107 joined the church by profession of faith, and six by letter ; in July following twenty-two more, thus more than doubling the membership. January 12, 1823, eight mem- bers were dismissed to form the North church, in Berkshire, now the Congregational church of Richford. Three were dismissed, September 14, 1823, to form a church on West Owego creek. In June and July, 1833, seventy-two members were dismissed to be embodied in a church at Berkshire, which was organized July 24, 1833, with sixty eight members, of whom fifty-four were from this church. The first house of worship was built north of the village of Newark Valley, where now stands the brick house owned by Samuel Watson. It was erected as early as 1803 or 1804, and was a plain framed house, twenty-four by thirty-six feet in size, with posts eleven feet high and a steep roof. It was never finished, but was left open from floor to rafter. This is the style of meeting-houses that for fourteen years the ancient worthies of this church worshiped in, without a fire, except the few coals the good old mothers carried in their foot-stoves. This building was moved across the way, a little below its original site, in the corner of the sugar-maple grove, afterwards used by Rev Mr. Ford for a barn. The second house was built on the old site and dedicated July 4, 18 1 7. It was forty-five by fifty-five feet, with a spacious gal- lery and the old fashioned high pulpit. For fourteen years more the congregation worshiped here, when the gradual growth of the two centers of business, Berkshire and Newark Valley, each three miles from the meeting-house, made it inconvenient for the people. September i, 1831, the society instructed tl)e trustees to consult the several individuals belonging to the society rel- ative to a change of place of worship, and report it next meet- ing. The trustees reported in favor of moving, and the report was accepted, the north part of the society giving their consent. TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. * 269 $1,944.86 was subscribed for a new church, and the contractor bought the old house, took it down, and used it in the new house, built on the site where the present church stands (Otis Lincoln presenting half an acre for that purpose), and substantially like the old one. In 184911 was moved back from the .street and re- built in modern style, dedicated, and used seven years. In 1867 it took its third, journey, about 100 feet to the north, to make way for its successor. In i858 the present building was erected at a cost of $12,725, and was dedicated January 14, 1869. After the completion of the new church the old " traveling sanctuary" was again removed, and is now used and known as the "Allison Opera House." Methodist Episcopal Church. — As early as 1822, Rev. George W. Densmore, stationed at Chenango, visited and preached through here, by way of Lisle, making a circuit. He was one of the first ministers in Oneida Conference. Admitted on trial in 1810, full conlmunion in 1811, ordained in 1812. In 1826 Rev. Herota P. Barnes and Fitch Reed preached occasionally, there being no Methodist organization here. During the years 1831-32, David A. Shepard, located at Berkshire, preached here, and held quarterly meetings in the old town-house in 1831, and organized the first society, composed of seven members, Minerva Collins, Mary Ann Ruey, Munson and Experience Clark, Miel Dean and wife, and Selecta Williams. In 1833, this place was recognized by the Oneida Conference as Newark Station, and Moses Adams was the first stationed minister, the church being built under his pastorate. The society now has a fine brick edifice, erected in 1883. There is a branch society at East Newark, about three miles east. At this place they erected a fine church in 1859. A Free- Will Baptist Church was located at this place prior to 1820, with a meeting-house on the corner of Main and Silk streets ; Rev. John Gould as pastor. It was in a weak condition, and the most of the members united with the Methodist church after their organization. The Baptist Church of Newark Valley was organized October 27, 1857, by a council composed of delegates from other churches; among them Revs. L. Ranstead, J. W. Emory, ■ — — Smith, of Candor, and W. H. King, of Owego. There were twenty-six cQnstituent members at the formation of the church. The first baptism in the church was/Stephen Piatt, April 11, 1858. Rev. D. T. Leach preached here as a missionary from the Home Mis- sionary Society, and was settled as a pastor June 9, i860. Ser- 270 TOWN OF NICHOLS. vices were held for a short time in the Congregational church, and about 1858 a church was erected. In 1869 a large and com- modious brick edifice was erected at a cost of $10,000. A Congregational Church was organized at West Newark, in 1823, with twelve members. The first services were held in William Richardson's barn. In the winter of 1823-24 they built a school house sufficiently large for church purposes also, and worshiped there until 1848, when the present one was built. Rev, Zenus Riggs w;as the first pastor. The Alpha Methodist Episcopal Church was organized at Jenks- ville in 1852, with twenty-five members. The first pastor was Rev. Salisbury. A Reformed Methodist Church was organized at Ketchumville, with nme members, in 1837, and a church erected in 1852. NICHOLS* is that part of the county lying in an angle formed by the western boundary of the town of Owego, and the Pennsylvania line, and is bounded on the north and west by the Susquehanna river. Owing to the peculiar course of the river, the town is of an irregular shape, having a breadth at the eastern end of some five or six miles, which diminishes towards the western part to scarcely more than one mile, the extreme length on the southern line being between ten and eleven miles. This territory was formerly a part of the town of Owego, from which it was separated and added to Tioga, in 1813. In 1824 it was taken from Tioga and organized into a separate township. The western part oi the town thus organized was included in a considerable tract of land known as Hooper's Patent, which embraced lands in other parts of the state. The eastern part was- known as Coxe's Manor, or Patent, concerning which we have spoken in subsequent pages of this work. The surface of the town is mostly upland, terminating in steep declivities upon the river, and broken by the narrow valleys of small streams. The summits of the hills are broad, and attain an altitude of from three hundred to five hundred feet above the river. A productive gravelly loam forms the soil of the valleys, and a moderately fertile, gravelly, and clayey loam, underlaid by red sandstone, the hills. The principal stream in the town is the *Prepared by Miss Mary L. Barstow, of Nichols Village. TOWN OF NICHOLS. 2^1 Wappasening- creek, which enters the town from Bradford county^ Pa., at the hamlet of the same name, and flows north into the Sus- quehanna. That river forms the north and western boundaries- of the town. As an agricultural town Nichols has always been prosperous. Every year has seen the area of her cleared land increased, and her general condition improved. Fine farms and good farm houses are to be seen in every part of the town. There is no finer agricultural town in the Susquehanna Valley, nor one which, to the passing traveler, presents a more agreeable succes- sion of hill and valley, woodland, meadow and running stream.. It has an area of 19,850 acres, of which 14,200 acres is improved land. Early Settlement. —The first permanent settler in the town was- probably Emanuel Coryell, who came to the Susquehanna Valley as agent for Colonel Hooper, for the sale of his lands. He found there however, several of these irregular settlers that are com- monly found on new lands. Among them we find the name of Mills, Ellis, Pierce and Walker. The children of Ellis and Pierce were said to be the first white children born in the town. Only George Walker became a permanent resident. He was the father of Samuel Walker, afterw^ards well known in the town. Among- other early settlers honorable mention should be made of Isaac Sharp, a settler of mixed blood, who was a soldier in the army of General Gates, and was present at the "taking of Burgoyne." He raised a large family of sons, who were afterwards well known among the lumbermen and laborers of the country. There were also two families of the name of Jones, .one of whom was said to- have raised the first crop of wheat grown in the town. Emanuel Coryell, a patriot of the revolution, was the son of the proprietor of Coryell's Ferry, on the Delaware, where Wash- ington and his army were ferried over before the battle of Tren- ton. An accident which happened to him in infancy, prevented him through life, from walking without the aid of a cane. Owing^ to this circumstance, his father felt it necessary to give him as- liberal an education as was to be had at the time, in order to his taking up one of the learned professions. He chose that of medi- cine, and had become a student in the office of a Dr. Ingham^ at Coryell's Ferry, at the beginning of the war, when he at once threw aside his books and entered the army, where, as he was prevented by his infirmity from entering the ranks, he went into- the commissary department, where he did good service, ranking as captain, during the entire war. He, with the rest of his- 2/2 TOWN OF NICHOLS. father's family, and the American people generally, came out of the conflict rich in hope and the consciousness of duty well performed, but with very little of the means wherewith to support their fami- lies. A year or two before the close of the war he had married a lady of Bucks county. Pa., and at its close, having no profession, he took up his residence on his father's farm. He soon, however, became engaged with Colonel Hooper in exploring and survey- ing lands of which the latter was patentee, and at length became his agent for the sale of those on the Susquehanna. These lands, as we are told by the Hon. C. P. Avery, in his Susquehanna Valley, to which the writer is indebted for many facts relating to the settlement of the town, were held at reason- able prices, and liberal means were adopted to induce immigra- tion from the Eastern States. Judge Avery adds : "The liberal promptness with which valuable territory in Nichols was placed in the market, caused that portion of the county to fill up more rapidl}' at an early day, than any other section within its limits." Having, at a visit made to the county during the previous sum- mer, in company with Colonel Hooper, selected a spot whereon to pitch his tent,- Mr. Coryell left his home at Coryell's Ferry some time during the summer of 1791, and started for the "Sus- quehanna Country," a journey much more formidable to the emigrant of that day than one beyond the Mississippi would be at present. They traveled in an emigrant wagon, which carried the family, consisting of himself, his wife and five children, and a young girl living with them, named Isabel Mac Adams. We are told that a cow was .driven along with them for the benefit of the children. They must necessaril)- have had another man with them, as Mr. Coryell, with his infirmity, would scarce have been able to undertake such a journey without assistance.^ They ■crossed the country from the Delaware to the Susquehanna, which they reached at Wilksbarre. Here thev were detained for a time while making arrangements to ascend the river. At the end of a week a craft was procured which Judge Avery calls a "Durham boat," but which we have heard spoken of simply as a flat boat. It was probably not unlike one of our large ferry- boats, but, of course, must have contained a cabin. This was manned by two boatmen, who propelled it up the river by means -of setting-poles. Placing his wife and family on board of this primitive conveyance, together with such articles of furniture and household stuff as they had been able to bring with them, they set out on the remainder of the journey. This, we may TOWN OF NICHOLS. 273 easily believe, it took them two weeks to accomplish, as the river was low and they frequently had to lie by to wait for a rise of ■water. They finally landed at a place known afterwards as Coryell's Eddy. It was at the foot of a high bank, on the top of which •stood the log cottage which was to afford them temporary shel- ter. This was occupied by an old man named James Cole, who lived there with his wife and daughter and a grandson, Elijah Cole, and cultivated some fields along the river. This man was from Wyoming Valley, and, with his family, was familiar with many of the tragic events connected with its history. In this ■house Mr. Coryell and his family found a home until another log ■dwelling in the vicinity could be made ready for their reception. In this they liv6d for some years, until they were able to procure ■materials for the erection of a better one. This, too, was built •of logs, " weather-boarded," that is, covered with siding to give it the appearaince of a framed house. It stood near a fine " Indian •clearing " of some ten or twelve acres, about a mile above the first one, and here grew up Mr. Coryell's large family of son^ and daughters. With the exception of the lands lying contiguous to the river, the country at that time was covered with forests, principally of white pine, a tree always indicating a fine soil wherever it grows, but mingled with ash, maple, hickory and beech, and other valu- able hard woods. These woods abounded with game and the rivers with fish. The shad, that best of all river fish, came up in immense numbers every spring, and were caught b}"^ the settlers in nets, the owners of the land along the river being entitled to a •certaip quantity for the "land right." These fish, salted down, formed an important and very acceptable addition to the stores •of the settlers. The climate was mild, though the winters were •cold and invariably snowy, and there were no prevailing diseases •except those caused by the malaria commonly found where for- ■ests are being cleared up. Mr. Coryell, who, as he was appointed a few years later first Judge of the county court, is com- monly spoken of as Judge Coryell, took up for himself a tract of land along the river, which must have comprised an area of nearly a square mile, or 640 acres; extending from what is now the Asbury church lot, on the west, to a point above, where the public road and the river approach each other; besides three or four hundred acres of wild land lying on both sides of the Wap- pasening, a mile above its mouth. The next settler on the river, in point of time, was General 274 TOWN OF NICHOLS. John Smyth, who wrote his name as it is here spelled. He came to town in the year 1794. He, too, was a soldier of the revolu- tion, frqm Monroe county, Pa. He was accompanied by his three sons, only one of whom, however, finally made it his home in> Nichols. Mr. Nathan Smith inherited his father's farm, which lay between that afterwards owned by Edmund Palmer and the lands purchased soon after by Mr. Shoemaker, who was the next person to settle on that fine tract of land known then and since as the Maughantowano Flats. Daniel Shoemaker, a revolutionary soldier and pensioner, was- of that Shoemaker family whose name occurs with such tragic- significance in the history of Wyoming. He emigrated directly from Monroe county. Pa. He must also have taken up nearly or quite a square mile of land. The Maughantowano Flats - since corrupted to Montontowango — comprised some of the choicest lands not only in the county, but in the state. They h^d been, as- judge Avery tells us, the favorite corn ground of the Indians,, who had not yet disappeared from the country, some families- living, we are told, at the mouth of the Wappasening creek. The county has afforded some valuable Indian relics. Edmund Palmer came to Nichols not far from the year 1800, He purchased a farm below, and immediately adjoining the Shoe- maker property. In 1804 he married a daughter of Judge CoryelU and built a house on this farm, where he lived many years. He subsequently purchased the farm lying between the property of Judge Coryell and that of the Smiths, of a man named Barnes, who was perhaps the original purchaser. In 1827 he built the house so long the home of the Palmer family. Meantime, settlers- came into other parts of the town. Colonel Richard Sacket cam^e from Long Island. The date of arrival is not known. He pur- chased. a square mile of land, the lower line of which must have been just above the present village of Hooper's Valley. He built his house near a stream called the. Little Wappasening qreek, which divided his land into two nearly equal parts. The Colonel was said to have been, at home, a gentleman of wealth ; but the pleasures of the turf, for which Long Island has been famous, to- gether with generous housekeeping, and a general carelessness about business matters, gradually reduced his fortune till at length finding that he had a family growing up about him, while his means for, maintaining them were diminishing, he abandoned the race ground and other kindred delights, and turned his thoughts toward emigration. Having been in the county of Tioga before, TOWN OF NICHOLS. 275 where he was hospitably entertained at the house of Judge Coryell, he decided to take up his residence in the same town. His family consisted of a wife and several daughters, and having brought and established them in their new home, he settled down to get his living by farming. But it vyas late in the day to take xip a new business, and the Colonel lacked the energy that had impelled him in the pursuit of pleasure. He was a charming man in society ; an excellent man in community ; a genial host, an agreeable neighbor; but all this did not prevent his constantly growing poorer, until at the time of his death he was utterly re- duced ; while in possession of property that ought to have made him one of the wealthy men of the county. He died in 1827. Soon after his death his family received a large prof erty from the death of one of his brothers, who died in Syracuse, to which <:ity they finally removed ; and his widow, after having experi- enced the extremes of fortune, finally died in affluence. The property at Nichols was left encumbered with a law-suit, which was finally decided in favor of his heirs, and it gradually came into the market. The part that was occupied by the family as a home is now owned by Mr. Sherwood. In 1793 Jonathan Piatt and his son, who bore the same name, with their families, came into the county from Westchester county, N. Y. They purchased land nip the river, a mile above the village of Nichols, and built a house known as the Piatt home- stead for many years. Miles Forman, a son in-law of the elder Piatt, came two or three years later, and settled near the same spot, building the house known as the Forman homestead, which remained in the family until the decease of his grandspn, the late Stephen Forman, who died in 1884. The elder Piatt died within two or three years after his arrival. His son, Major Piatt, and his son-in-law. Major Forman, both afterwards filled the office of sheriff of the county, the one for two years and the other for three. The office at that time was an appointive one, and held but for a term of one year at a time. Benjamin Lounsberry another son-in-law of Mr. Piatt, settled a few miles farther up the river. Four brothers named Hunt, three of whom took up farms on the river, must have come into that part of the town not far from the same time. We hear also the names of Laning, Dunham, .Smith and Evans, among the earlier settlers on Coxe's Patent. Ezra Canfield probably came somewhat later. He built the brick house, the first in the town, standing at the corner of the river and the hill roads ; which gave the name of Canfield Corners to 276 TOWN OF NICHOLS. the postoffice afterwards established there. Although this was perhaps a part of the territory of Nichols somewhat harder to reduce and cultivate than the western part, yet its inhabitants- formed a communit}- of most prosperous farmers. Their lands- have constantly improved from year to year, and there are more names of the original settlers to be found there than in anv other part of the town. Mr. Lounsberry raised a family of seven sons^ all of whom at one time owned farms which still remain in their families. The house built by Mr. Canfield is at present the pro- perty of Samuel Smith. Caleb Wright came to Nichols at an early day, and took up- land a mile in extent along the river, lying on both sides of the Wappasening creek and including that where the village of Nichols- now stands. He was a millwright by trade, and must have been possessed of some means. He built a dam across the creek, with a race nearly half a mile in length, and erected above the mouth of the stream the first grist mills and saw-mills in the town. He had a famil}' of sons, who did not, however, inherit his habits of sobriety and industry. Most of them parted with their rights ta their father's estate before his death, some went west, which at that time meant the state of Ohio, where their descendants became prosperous and even wealthy. Thomas Wright, one of his sons, settled on a farm on the river, probably deeded to him by his father, where he built a framed house which stood about half way between the road and the river, in the rear of property now owned and occupied by Mr. Ross, in the village of Nichols. His- farm was immediately above that of Stephen Dodd, who also built a framed house on the upper edge of his farm, which is still in existence though little more than a heap of ruins. Thomas- Wright was for some years a prosperous farmer, but finally fell into difficulties and sold his farm to Jacob Middaugh, a settler from the Delaware, and moved to some distant part of the town. His family all did well and two of his sons were at one time, and. perhaps still are, among the wealthy men of Tunkhannock, Pa. Among the poorer settlers in the town, Stephen Reynolds de- serves mention. He came from eastern New York, and settled on the bank of the creek, on land belonging to Judge Coryell,, wheie there vvas a "sugar bush," that is, a collection of maple trees, from which the maple sugar was made,which is now regarded as such an article of luxury. Mr. Reynolds was a cooper, and worked dunng the year from place to place at his trade, except a iew weeks in the spring, when he and his family made sugar. TOWN OF NICHOLS. 277" He was very^.goor, and could neither read nor write, the same being true of rrfany of the emigrants, but he brought up his family of sons to be what he himself was, honest and industrious. These all accumulated property, and became the owners of good farms, and their descendants are some of them among the substan- tial men of the county. The manufacture of sugar was, at that time, an industry of considerable importance in the country, the settlers depending on it almost entirely for their supply of that article. Parties of men would leave their homes, at the proper time in the spring, and go sometimes considerable distances into- the woods, till they found a place for a "sugar camp," where they would stay during the sugar season, returning often with some hundreds of pounds of sugar, which they made atprofitable article of merchandise. Judge Coryell, soon after his arrival in the county, was called to fill various public offices. After being supervisor of the town he represented the county in the assembly of the state six differ- ent times during the twelve years subsequent to 1796, and was- then appointed first judge of the court of common pleas for the then widely extended county of Tioga. This office he held until disqualified by age, according to the old constitution of the state. His death in 1835 was the severing of another of those links- a-lready becoming few, which bound together the two great periods of our national history. Until his twenty-third year he was a subject of the King of England. From his thirty -first, he was a citizen of our great republic. He had lived at a historic time. He was familiar with the men and the events of the revo- lution, and with those of succeeding times, when the republic was- on trial, and its success or failure trembled in the balance. He was an ardent politician as he had been an ardent patriot, and he scarcely outlived the feelings engendered by the conflicts of that period. He was a man of fine manners, with that quick sense of honor and courtesy that we are apt to attribute exclusively to- gentlemen of the old school. He filled the numerous offices to- which he was called in the town and county of Tioga, with credit and ability. His hospitable mansion was ever open to entertain strangers, and to receive the large circle of relatives and friends- that delighted to do him honor. He was a generous host, an easy landlord to his many tenants, and a steady friend to the poor. He reached the venerable age of eighty one years. He outlived none of his children, nine of whom, with numerous grand- children, followed him to his grave in the Coryell cemetery,. 2/8 TOWN OF NICHOLS. where they are now nearly all gathered to his side. His wife, who outlived him several years, was one of the most interesting women of her time. There are some yet living who remember tier conversation attractive alike to young and old, and her num- erous anecdotes of persons and things, not only in the remote, but in the nearer past, which if they could have been preserved, would have made valuable additions to the chronicles of the county. She was the last among us who had seen Washington. Judge Coryell's large landed estate on the river was divided .among three of his five sons. The homestead farm was occupied by his youngest son, Harvey Coryell. The Coryell mansion, so long known as the residence successively of father and son, was built by Judge Coryell in 1811 or 1812, near the spot where the old one stood, which was pulled down when the new one was finished. The two farms below were those of John and Emanuel Coryell, the house of the latter standing on the spot where stood the log dwelling of James Cole, who had once entertained Colonel Hooper and his friends, and afterwards made a temporary home for Judge Coryell and his family. When this old man •died, we do not know. His grandson, Elijah Cole, married Isabel Mac Adams, while she was yet a young girl, and was for many years a tenant of Judge Coryell. He raised a large family of •sons, who were afterwards well known in the county. This lower farm of Judge Coryell was originally designed for his eldest son. Charles Coryell, who married a daughter of Judge Patterson, of Union, Broome county. He lived on the place for a while but ^rew discontented with farm life and left it and went away. He final'y studied medicine with Dr. Stout of Bethlehem, Pa., and practiced successfully during the remainder of his life, both in Pennsylvania and New York. He died in Ithaca, Tompkins county, N. Y., in 1873. He left three sons by his first wife. His second wife was a Miss Smith whom he married in Philadelphia. The other son of Judge Coryell who was the youngest but one of his family, after receiving his education at Union College, studied law in Elmira with the Hon. Vincent Mathews, after whom he was named. He was admitted to the bar and settled in Bath, Steuben county, where he married a daughter of Dugald Cameron, Esq., of that town. This lady died after a brief married life of three or four years, after vvhich, her husband abandoned the profession of law, and became a minister of the Gospel and was for many years a laborious and successful preacher in the TOWN. OF NICHOLS. 279 Methodist Episcopal church. He was stationed in the years 1834-35 in Syracuse, N. Y., where he built the first Methodist church in that city where there is now a Methodist University. He retired frorn active service some years since, and now lives in Waverly, N. Y., at the advanced age of eighty-seven years, the last survivor of the eleven children of Judge Coryell. His only surviving son the issue of his first marriage, is a farmer in Nichols, Of the children of the second wife who was a Miss Lounsbury, of Onondaga county, only daughters survive, two of whom, with their families, compose his household in Waverly. The landed property of Mr. Shoemaker was also divided among three sons, Daniel, who occupied the upper farm, Elijah, the one now owned by Mr. Jacob Stuart, and Nicholas, the ^ne below. On the upper farm the old gentleman had built a very good house where, in the family of his son, he died in 1845. This house was destroyed by fire in 1B49, ^^'^ replaced by Mr. Shoemaker by the one now standing there, at present owned and occupied by Mr. Bensley. Elijah Shoemaker in 1825 filled the office of sheriff of the county, and was afterward one of the county judges. He was for many years a prosperous farmer, but at length meeting with reverses, he, in 1844 sold his farm and with his family went to Illinois, whe're he died in 1845. These six farms belonging to these two faniilies have now with two exceptions passed into the hands of strangers. That of Nicholas Shoemaker is still owned by his two sons, William and Edgar. The first occupying his father's house, and Robert Coryell still occupies the house of his grandfather Emanuel Coryell. Mr. Nathan Smith, who inherited the farm of his father, was never married, but with a sister, also unmarried, kept house in the paternal mansion, for many years. The late Hon. Washing- ton Smith, and his sister, the late Mrs. Aaron Chubbuck, grew up in their house. Besides these they took into their family during their period of housekeeping, not less than eleven indentured children, both boys and girls, who were carefully and conscien- tiously brought up in habits of honesty and industry and of whom it was said that they all " went out and did well in the world." The practice of bringing up indentured children was a common one at that day, among the farmers, who in that way, not only assisted the children and their parents, but secured valuable help, on their farms and in their families. Mr. Smith's property was left to his relatives who still retain possession of it. Mr. Washington Smith in 1841 was elected 19* 28o TOWN OF NICHOLS. member of assembly and some time during the years of the war occupied the position of state auditor. He died in 1874, and his family still occupy the farm inherited from their uncle. The Palmer family have all passed away. The father and moth- er and the eight children with one exception all lie in tRe Coryell cemetery in sight of the house where they all lived so long. That house is now occupied by tenants. John Smith, or Smyth, as the name was formerly spelled, while living in Sussex county, N. J., in the years of the revolu- tion, was an acting magistrate and a major of militia. He was called into service four different seasons during the war, and was ordered by letter from General Washington to take certain stores of wheat and other provisions, which had been gathered by the Tories for the use of the British, and distribute it among the families of the militia, which order he executed; and as long after as the year 1794, after he had settled in the Susquehanna Valley, he was prosecuted by one individual for grain which was included in said stores; but being so fortunate as to have pre- served the order of General Washington, he presented it and defeated the claim. While Washington's army was retreating before the British from New York toward Philadelphia, Major Smith was ordered to take charge of the artillery, and in cross- ing the bridge at New Brunswick, as soon as the troops were over, to cut away the bridge, which order he carried out, the night being exceedingly dark. After settling in this town, he acted as magistrate and as a supervisor of his town. He owned the tract known as the Maughantowano Flats. His wife was Elizabeth Ogden, by whom he had five children, viz.: Elizabeth, Nathan, Gilbert, David and J ohn . The latter was engaged on the Canadian frontier during the war of 18 12 . where he did valient service. He married, first, Nancy A. Goodwin, by whom he had seven children, viz.: Mary A., Julia A., Madison, Aman- da, Eliza A.. Sarah A., and Washington. His second wife was Margaret (McCarty) Miller, by whom he had one child, Theron O. Mary A. married John S. Dean, by whom she had three children, viz.: Julia A., Jefferson B., deceased, and Nathan S., of this town. Sarah A. is the widow of the late Rev. Jacob Allington, a minister of the M. E. denomination, by whom she has one daughter, Emily J., who resides with her mother in this town. Washington married Jane B., daughter of the late Hon, Elijah Shoemaker, who for several years was a judge of the county. Their children are Catharine E. and Phebe J., who re- TOWN OF NICHOLS. 28 1 side with their mother on the homestead. Mr. Washington Smith died November 13, 1874, aged sixty-three years. Nathan S. Dean married Frank, daughter of Daniel Shoemaker, of Wind- ham, Pa., by whom he has two sons, Daniel,J. and John S James'and Elijah Cole came from Delaware and located on the Wappasening creek, near where the Howell property lies. The exact date of their coming into the county is not known, but they were located on the. farm where Emanuel Coryell sub- sequently resided, as early as 1787, and when Judge Coryell and Robert Lettice Hooper visited the valley on their exploring and surveying tour they were entertained at their house. They claimed but a possessory interest in the land they occupied, hav- ing as yet received no title from the patentees. Elij^ had seven sons, viz.: James, Joseph, John, George, Daniel, Charles and Ed- ward, all deceased. James married Betsey, daughter of John Hoover, by whom he had seven children, the only surviving one being Horace, of Nichols. Daniel married Julia A. Holcomb, of Ulster, Bradford Co., Pa., by whom she had four children, Truman, Alfred, Sidney and Myra. Truman married Alice Van Dermark, by whom he had two children, Clayton D. and Charles. Alfred married Helen Waterman. In 1786, Miles Forman came from Peekskill, Westchester Co., N. Y.,and located one and one-half miles from the present site of Nichols village, on the farm now owned by George A. Ingersoll. He married Ann Piatt and reared a large family. His father came from England. Miles Forman was the ninth sheriff of Tioga county, when that county included four counties. The eldest son. Smith, married Martha Miller, of Southport, Chemung Co., N. Y., in 1818, and reared a large family. He built and lived on the part of the farm nearest Nichols. His eldest son, John, is the present owner. He married Ann Oster- hout, of La Grange, Wyoming Co., Pa., in 1862. They have three children living, Mary, Smith and John. Benjamin Shoemaker came to America, from Holland, in the decade of 1620-30, and settled near Philadelphia. His son B-en- jamin, who is buried, and whose will is on record at Easton, Pa., was the father of Daniel Shoemaker, who settled just west of the Water-gap in Pennsylvania -now called Broadheads -where he owned a custom and flouring mill. About the year 1797, he visited Big Flats, in Chemung county, and Painted Steuben county with the intention of settling there where large tracts of land 282 TOWN OF NICHOLS. were offered him for ninety cents an acre. But tiiere being nothing but an Indian trail from Athens, Pa., to that territory, he returned and purchased about 1,000 acres of land in this town, mostly squatter claims. He had but one brother, Elijah, who set- tled in the Wyoming valley, and who was tomahawked by Win- decker at the massacre of Wyoming. Daniel married Anna Mc- Dowell, by whom he had seven children, born as follows : Han- nah, February 7, 1777, who married Isaac S. Swartwood ; Eliza- beth, January 22, 1779, wife of George Nyce ; Benjamin, Febru- ary 8, 1781 ; John, March 22, 1783 ; Robert, May 20, 1785 ; Sarah, May 26, 1787; Elijah. July 28, 1789, once sheriff, and afterward associate justice of Tioga county; Nicholas, Januafy 27, 1752, who settled where his son William R. now lives; DanieL McD., Feb- ruary 24, 1795 ; who occupied the homestead of his father, where the cottage of John Bensley now stands; Anna,-July 8, 1797, wife of William Ross. Benjamin, who settled on Wappasening creek, in Pennsylvania, married Eunice Shaw, by whom he had seven children, viz.: Richard, Mary, Elijah, Samuel, Daniel, Anna, and John. Elijah, son of Daniel Shoemaker, married first, Phebe, daughter of Laban and Jane (McDowell) Blanchard,by whom he had seven children, viz.: Jane, widow of Washington Smith; George N., Nicholas, Charles McD., and Elijah B., deceased ; Jonathan Piatt, and Phebe, also deceased. He married second, Catharine Floyd, of Chemung, N. Y., by whom he had two chil- dren, Hannah Shoemaker, A. M., who is preceptress of Hamlin University, Minn., and Capt. Thomas Floyd Shoemaker, of Cali- fornia. Nicholas married Hannah Blanchard, by whom he had five children : James and Anna, deceased ; William R., and Ed- gar, o'f Nichols : and Caroline, wife of Col. Fred M. Shoemaker, of Wilkesbarre, Pa., now deceased. Daniel McD. married Maria Thurston, who was born in New Marlboro, N. H., May 19, 1797, and by whom he had five children, viz.: Hiram W , Elizabeth N., Horace A., who died in infancy ; Horace A., 2d, and Lyman T. Edgar, son of Nicholas Shoemaker, born February 23, 1837, married Laura A., daughter of Zina Goodsell, of this town, by whom he has had seven children, viz.: Caroline, Edgar, Stella, Zina, Mary A., who died at the age of two years ; May, and Fannie Maud. Horace A., son of Daniel McD. Shoemaker, re- ceived his early education at Kingston, Pa., and at Little Falls, N. Y. He studied for the profession of civil engineer, which profession he toUowed for nine years, during which time he was engaged on the N. Y. L. E. & W. R. R.; on the Blue Ridge & TOWN OF NICHOLS, 283 Pendleton R. R., and on the West Branch canal. He married Hester L., daughter of James Comfort^ of Lanesboro, Pa., by whom he has three children, viz.: Rev. Hiram R. , now located at Naverinp, N. Y. , George Winthrop, a physician and druggist at Billings, Mont., and Martha E., preceptress of the Middle- burgh academy, Schoharie county, N. Y. Jonathan Hunt came from Bedford, Westchester county, N. Y., in 1802, and located first on what is known as the Sackett farm, one mile below Nichols village on the river road. He was a soldier of the revolution under Gen. Warren, was in the engage- ment at Bunker Hill and served until the close of the war. He was born' in Boston, Mass., about the year 1760. His wife Millisant Brown, was born about the same year, though the exact date of the birth of either is not known. They had nine children born as follows : Ehenezer, May 6, 1783 ; Mary wife of Peter Tur- ner, April 24, 1786; Willard, January 22, 1789; John, December 22, 1791 ; Adonijah, August 10, 1793 ; Jonathan, Jr., March 4, 1795 ; Irena, wife of James Brown, April 30, 1797 ; Seth, February 15, 1799, and Harve}', February 15, 1801. Ebenezer^ married Abigail (Dodd.) White, who had by her first hiisband three chil- dren, viz.: Clarrissa, Seymour and Ruth ;• and by Mr. Hunt, Williston of this town, Henderson of Wisconsin, Phebe, wife of Jeremiah Armstrong, Abigail, Eliza J., and Ebenezer, Jr. Willis- ton married first Alida (Van Alstyne) Vorhis who died in i860. His present wife is Emily (Russell) Orcott. Jonathan Hunt, Jr., married Martha Brown, December 5, 1820, by whom he had nine children born as follows: Benjamin, April 8, 1823; Ezra C, October 27, 1824; Permelia, October 14, 1826; Susan J., October 16, 1828, wife of Thomas Kyle; Ananjus W., June 4, 183 1 ; Andrew C, May 21, 1834; Thomas, June 23, 1836; Adonijah, September 5, 1838; Martha E., April 23, 1842; Jonathan, Jr., died August 17, 1884, and Martha, his wife January 30, 1885. Harvey Hunt married Mary Brown of Orange county, N. Y., by whom he had six children viz.: Jonathan, who died in July, 1886 ; Elizabeth, George F., a physician of West Bend, Wis.; Samuel, a lawyer of Menomonee, Wis.; Lewis, of Newark Valley, and Marcella, who, with her sister Elizabeth occupies the homestead. Mrs. Hunt died in September, 1865, and Mr. Hunt in August, 1886. Dr, George F., married Anna Salisbury by whom he has one son, Frederick. Samuel married Gelila Campbell of Owego, and Lewis married Lucy Buttles by whom he has two daughters, Lillian M. and Alice. Willard, son of Jonathan Hunt, mar- 284 TOWN OF NICHOLS. ried Mary, daughter of George Walker, the latter came from near Sunsbury, Pa., and located at Factoryville. He bought five hundred acres of land at that place, and then came on the river and purchased a tract a mile square. The homestead is the Kiff farm on the river road one mile from the state line. Mrs. Hunt had nine children viz.: Sally, Brown, Mary, Charlotte, James, Samuel, George, Fannie, who died at the age of three years, and Deles. Samuel married first Eliza Slawson of Nichols, by whom he had one son Julius, who died in infancy. His present wife is Cynthia (Loveland) Wright. James B., son of Willard Hunt married Catherine Sims of Sheshequin, Pa., by whom he had ten children viz.: Helen, Emily, Alonzo, Mary, John W., Sarah. Nora, Ida, Dora, and James, Jr. John W. married Maud, daugh- ter of Gideon P. Holman of Illinois, by whom he had two chil- dren viz.: Clara and EtheL Ezra C. son of Jonathan Hunt, Jr., married Mary, daughter of John W. Laning, March 26, 1851, and by whom he had two children; H. Dell, born January 2, 1852, wife of Frank H. Roper, and Charles F. born August 10, 1854- Mrs. Hunt died Febuary 4, 188 1, aged 55 years, and Charles F., September 21. 1862. Adonijah, son o( Jonathan Hunt, Jr., married Lucinda, daughter of Peter Brown of Litchfield, Pa. Mr. Hunt has been engaged chiefly in lumbering and farming and is the proprietor of a grist and saw-mill, located on road 37. Benjamin Lounsberry was born April 11. 1767, in Stamford, Conn. He lost his father at the age of four years, and his motHer married Jonathan Piatt and removed to Bedford, Westchester county, N. Y., where he remained until 1793, when he came to this town and selected a farm to which he brought his family the following year. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan and — ^ — (Smith) Piatt, born February 7, 1772, and by whom he had nine children, born as follows: Harriet, June 7, 1793, wife of John W. Laning; Hannah, May 23, 1795, wife of Samuel H.Dun- ham, now decased ; Piatt, September 18, 1797 ; Charles, July 19, 1800; Horace, December 12, 1804; Benjamin, May 4, 1807 ; James, October 2, 1809; William, December-6, 1812; and Norman, May 7, 1815. Benjamin, Sr., died May 31, 1857. Piatt Lounsberry married Sarah Laning, by whom he had eleven children, viz.: Sarah, wife of Robert Howell, Piatt, Jr., of Windham, Pa., Mary, Amos, of Tioga, Horace, of Nidhols, Prudence, wife of James Morey, of Windham, Pa., Betsey, wife of Andrew Hunt, of Litchfield, Pa., Benjamin, of Tioga, Harriet and George, of Nichols, and Enoch, who TOWN OF NICHOLS. 285 died at the age of twenty years. Mrs. Lounsberry died Jan- uary 7, 1877. On April 25, 1824, Charles, son of Benjamin Lounsberry, Sr., married Rachel, daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Chatterton) White,, who was born December 8, 1800, and, by whom he had five children, viz.: Benjamin, who died in infancy, Charles, Mary A., wife of Harvey W. Dunham, John, and Har- riet, who resides on the homestead, about three miles above Nich- ols village, on the river road. Mr. Lounsberry was a much re- spected citizen, and his life to the end was an exemplary one. He died March 21, j.872, and Mrs. Lounsberry April 10, 1870. William Lounsberry married Sarah Raymond, of Bedford, West- chester county, N. Y., by whom he had three children, viz.: William R , Edward W., deceased, and Jennie. He married, second, Julia (Knapp) Husted, now also deceased. Mr. Louns- berry died July 12, 1887. William R.' married Mary, daughter of William McKerlie, of Townsend, Ont., November 3, 1875, and resides on a portion of the homestead, on the river road three miles above Nichols. Thomas White came from CHnton county in [814, and located on the farm now occupied by Albert Robertson. He married Sarah Chatterton, by whom he had nine children, viz.: Nancy, wife ot Nathaniel Moore, William, John, Rachel, who married Charles Lounsberry, Catharine, who married Beniah Schoonover, Joseph, Marv, who married Daniel Granger, Ann (Mrs. Thomas Whyte), of Tioga, and Richard, of Illinois, who is the only sur- viving member of the family. Joseph married Fannie, daughter of John Smith, Sr., by whom he had four children, viz.: William W., Almira E., widow of Daniel Sackett, Joseph F., of Bingham- ton, and Frank A., wife of David B. Thomas. William W. mar- ried Emeline E., daughter of Andrew D. Kimber, of Waverly, N. Y., by whom he has one son, Louis B. Henry P. Coryell, son of Emanuel and Sarah (Potter) Coryell, married Augusta, daughter of Stephen Mills, of Barton, by whom he had three children, viz.: Mary, Robert P , and Charlotte. Robert P. married Catherine H. E. Wheelhouse, by whom he has one child, Henry Wheelhouse Coryell, born September 29, 1886. Ursula, widow of Sylvanus Dunham, came from East Town, N. Y., about 1808 or 1810, and located on the river road about half a mile above Nichols, where Stephen Dunham now liVes. She had ten children, viz.: Polly, Henry, Isaac, Betsey, Wright, Sylvanus, Daily, Nelson, Ebenezer, and Sidney. Wright. — who 286 TOWN OF NICHOLS. was elected to the assembl}" in 1829, also in 1859, — married Har- riet Brown, by whom he had seven children, viz.: William, Amelia, Frances, Maria, Mary, Eben and Sarah. Eben was born on the old homestead, which he now owns, situated at the end of the bridge across the Wappasening- creek, in the south part of the town, in 1825. He has been engaged in mercantile business in Nichols for twenty-two years, and is the oldest resident merchant now actively engaged in business in the town. He married Amelia, daughter of Charles R. Brown, of Towanda, Pa., by whom he has had three children, viz.: Louise D., wife of Prof. L. O. Wiswell; Charles D., who died in infancy, and Willie B., who died at the age of seventeen years. David Briggs came from Washington county, about 1808, and settled in that section of the town known as Briggs's Hollow. There are many of his descendants in the town, especially in the locality settled by him. John Smith was born in Heidelburg, Pa., in 1769, and came to this county in 1798, and located on the river in Tioga on the farm now owned by James Steele. He married Sally, daughter of Richard Tilbury, by whom he had three children, viz.: Rich- ard, John and Henry. Richard married Katie Decker, by whom he had thirteen children. John married Almira, daughter of Joseph and Sally (Roach) Granger, of Tioga Center, by whom he had twelve children, viz.: Lucinda, widow of Amos Lane, Cornelia, widow of Abijah Ketcham, Fannie, who married Joseph White, George, and Adaline, who married James Howell, Charles, of Nichols, Emily, wife of John Leonard, of Owego, John Jr., of Nichols, Almira, widow of Thomas F. Goodnough, Joseph, Anna, wife of Alburn S. Parmelee, of Owego, and Harvey R., of Nichols. John, Jr., married Jane R., daughter of Cyril Pearl, in 1852, by whom he has five children, viz.; Edna J., wife of Piatt Dunha,m, Jr., Clara R., wife of Frederick Pearl, Charles F., John Pearl and Katie. Harvey married .Fannie, daughter of Ferris Howes, by whom he has three daughters, Lottie, Gennie and Mary. Mr. Harvey Smith is a violinist and has led an orchestra and engaged in musical entertainments since he was sixteen years old, covering a period of thirty years, and from which he has realized sufficient to make him proprietor of " Meadowside Farm," which lies on the river road about half way between Owego and Nich- ols, having new buildings with all the modern conveniences, and is withal one of the most complete in its appurtenances in this section. TOWN OF NICHOLS. 287 Thomas Park, who was a soldier in Washington's army, was engaged with his regiment at the time of the Wyoming massacre, when his wife, who had a child but three days old, was carried away captive in a canoe to Forty Fort. Mr. Park was sent home on a furlough by an order of the General to look after his family, and he joined Sullivan's expedition and pursued the sav- ages to Canada. The following spring, while he was' making sugar on his farm in Wyoming, the valley was visited by Indian scouts who shot him twice in the thigh, and he carried the balls with him to the grave. Previous to the war of the revolution, and when but sixteen years of age, he was engaged as a sailor in the English navy during the French and English war. About two years after the close of the revolution, he purchase^ 400 acres of land on the state line on the east side of the Susquehanna river. His son Daniel married Patt y, daughter of Luke Saunders, of Barton, by whom he had ten children. His second wife was. Nancy Ellis, by whom he had three children. Joseph, his six,th son, married Elizabeth, daughter of Elisha E. Hill, of Barton, and resides on a portion of the estate of Thomas Park. Stephen Reynolds came from Greenwich, Washington Co., N. Y., about ninet)'^ years ago, and located near the site of the mills at Hooper's Valley. He married Sarah Babcock, by whom he had thirteen children, the sixth of whom was Joseph, who is now seventy-nine years of age, and resides on his farfn in this town.. His life has been spent principally in lumbering and farming. His wife was Amanda, daughter of Reynolds Babcock, by whom he had eight children, viz.: Stephen, of Chemung ; Elizabeth, who died in infancy ; John S., of Nichols ; George and Curtis, deceased; Mary A., wife of Schuyler Bixby ; Caroline, wife of Francis Mills, and Alvy, both deceased. Stephen married, first, Sarah A. Buttolph, of Nichols, by whom he had six children, viz.: Joseph J., who died in infancy ; Angeline, deceased ; Albert, of South Owego; Isum I., ,of this town; Ella and Isaac S., deceased.. Isum I. married Carrie, daughter of Levi Baker, of Nichols, by whom he has two children, Eben and Charles Levi. John S., son of Joseph, married Deliverance A. Bixby, by whom he had four children, Amos, Enoch, Alvy and Lpttie. Mrs. Rey- nolds died in 1876. His present wife is Roxany Sipperly, daugh- ter .of Robert Fleming, of Flemingvillc. Wait Smith was born April 4, 1779, and in 1802 came from Tunkhannock, Pa., in a canoe, and settled in Smithboro, where Piatt and George ^F. Eckert now live. He built a shop and 288 TOWN OF NICHOLS. conducted the blacksmithing business there, and for many years his was the only blaclcsmith shop between Owego and Athens. He married Rachel, daughter of Ezekiel Newman, by whom he had eleven children, the oldest of whom, Lucinda, married James Waterman. Wait Smith settled above the present village of Smithboro ; Ward Smith and James'Smith settled there also, the former near the corner and the latter just below. A Benjamin Smith came in and settled on a farm above Wait Smith, and a Joshua Smith, a millwright, came in there from Vermont; Jared Smith, a stone-mason ; Gabriel Smith, a preacher, and a Daniel Smith also settled in there. None of these Smiths were related except Ward And James, who were brothers. In consequence of all these Smiths locating there the place was called Smithboro. John Waterman, of English descent, came from Peekskill, Ni Y., in the year 1800, and settled first on the place known as the Wright tarm, in Smithboro. His son, James, married Lucinda, da.ughter of Wait Smith, of Smithboro, by whom he had thir- teen children, born as follows: William, Aug. 22, 1819; Mellissa J., Sept 23, 1821 ; Alonzo C, Nov. 23, 1821; Wait S., April 23, 1826; James O., March 25, 1828; John G., June 20, 1830; Mary A., July 21, 1832; Ezekiel N.. Oct. 9, 1834; Martha J., Oct. 22, 1836; Samuel C, July 24, 1839; Sarah M., Nov. 29, 1840; Ben- jamin M., Aug. 2, 1842, and Helen, April 26, 1845. Alonzo C. married Sarah J. Parks, of Nichols, b}' whom he has seven chil- dren, viz.: Walter S., Martha J., Mary, Harriet, James, Elma A. and Margaret. John G. married Margaret, daughter of Job Wolverton, of Barton, March 27, 1859. and by whom he has had three children, born as follows: Eliza G., Jan. 2, i860, died Feb. 8, 1879; Charles H., born Sept. 19, 1861, and Katie D., Sept. 25, 1871. Benjamin M. married Helen L. Sears, by whom he has two sons, Fred and Jed, Sampson Howell, of Sussex — now Warren — county New Jersey, was born in 171 8 and died there February 3, 1803. His children were Sampson, Elizabeth, Isaac, James, Levina, Levi, Nathan, Garrett, John, Aaron, Achsa, Lucretia, and Usual O. James came to this town in 1806 and located first on the river road where Thaddeus Steward now lives. He next removed to the farm now occupied by Emanuel Coryell which property he traded with Elijah Cole for the property on Wappasening creek, recently occupied by John L. Howell, his son. He subsequently purchased other par- cels of land until his estate amounted to several hundred acres. He married Amelia, daughter of Robert Laning, of New Jersey, TOWN OF NICHOLS. 289 by whom he had six children who arrived at maturity, viz.: Elizabeth, William, Frances, wif*. of Stephen Morey, John L., Mary A, wife of William Morey, i d Robert. Robert Howell was born on Wappasening creek jptember 4, 1815, and at an early age evinced a curiosity and taste for Geology. His mind first awoke to the wonders of this science as he strolled, a child, along the creek which exposed to view a variety of curious stones, drift and fossils ; but the disadvantages under which the youth of those early days labored, forbade him to know anything of the secrets which lie hidden in them all. Finally, as if by the direc- tion of Providence, a yankee doctor brought into the country a work on Geology, the first ever seen in this section. The book was bought by a neighbor^an Englishman who had retired from the British army— and of him young Howell purchased the work, paying him therefor one hundred young apple-trees from his father's nursery. This vi^as his elementary text-book and the nucleus of a scientific library now containing several hundred volumns. Though his education was limited to a few quarters in the district schools, he ranks high amongthe scientists of his day. He has lectured on geology, mineralogy, paleontology and the animal kingdom; and has contributed much that is valuable on the subject of agriculture, ornithology and on native forest trees. For forty years he has kept a record of the weather, for twenty- one years for the weather bureau at Washington. He was a mem- ber of the American society for the Advancement of Science for twenty years ; his name having been presented by Prof. Aggisiz. He has also been a faithful collector for the Smithsonian Insti- tute at Washington, D. C. Though in his seventy -third year he manages his farm and is still a mostdiligent student, devoting the time not given to his farm work to scientific studies. He has recently been appointed by the U. S. geological survey, commis- sioner for Tioga county, to look up the forest resources of the county. He married first Rhoda, daughter of Joseph Morey, by whom he has one son Arthur M. His present wife is Sarah, daughter of Piatt Lounsberry, of this town. Oscar E. Farnham, son of Joel Farnham^ of Tioga, was born in that town Sept. 17, 1839. He received his early education there and at the Owego Academy. At the breaking out of the war he was employed on his father's farm and at the turner's trade. On April 19, i86i, he enlisted in Co; H, 3rd N. Y. Inf., and served until June, 1863, when he re-enlisted in the 5th N. Y. Cavalry, in which regiment he served until mustered out in July, 290 TOWN OF NICHOLS. 1865. About one year of this time was spent in rebel prisons,' where he suffered untold hardships and privations. While being transferred in cattle cars with several hundreds other prisoners, he, with twenty-five of his comrades in misery, escaped by jump- ing from the train at Millen, Ga. All were retaken but five, four of whom kept together, but Mr. Farnham w^as separated from them and traveled alone three hundred miles through marshes, woods and swamps, subsisting on nuts, roots and berries, and on food stolen for him by colored people whom he met in his jour- ney. He traveled thirty-four days before he reached the Union lines, where he joined Sherman's army in front of Atlanta, a few dav^ before that city was taken. He was detailed an orderly at Gen. Sheridan's headquarters, in the winter of t 864-65. Mr. Farnham was at the battle of Big Bethel — the first real battle of the war — and was also present at Appomatox when Lee surren- dered. He married Jane Wilson, by whom he has three chil- dren, viz.: Minnie, wife of Charles White ; Lillian and Philip Sheridan. His grandfather, Joel Farnham, came from Wyoming, Pa., to the town of Tioga when there was but one house where the village of Owego now stands. He settled on the farm owned by the late Frederick A. Farnham, where he built a carding-mill, wheelwright-shop and cider-mill. He married Ruth, daughter of Enoch Slawson, of Newark Valley, by whom he had ten chil- dren. Henry Washburn came from Flat Brook, N. J., about the year 1808, and located on the farm now occupied by the widow of Absalom Adams, on the river road at Hooper's Valley. He then bought a farm of something over a hundred acres, and the first clearing he made was on the farm now owned by Henry Neal. He married Sarah Harris, by whom he had eight chil- dren, viz.: Noah, Nicholas, Rachel, wife of Conwell Ellis ; Hiram, Benjamin, Henry, Betsey, wife of Henry Riddle ; Reuben, Han- nah, and Esther, wife of Andrew Raising. Nicholas settled where John H. Washburn now lives. He married Mercy Hoo- ver, by whom he had eight children : Sarah, who died at the age of three years ; Elizabeth, wife of Hii-am Ellis ; Reuben, of Illin- ois; Joshua, John H., a tnember of Co. K, 109th Regt., N. Y. Vols.; Abiah, wife of John Barr, Jr.; William, of Nichols, and Mercy J., wife of Chester Ellis. George H., son of Noah Wash- burn, married Nettie, daughter of John Adams of Cameron county, Pa. Anna, the widow of Luther Hale, came from Bennington, Vt, TOWN OF NICHOLS, 291 in 1814, having one child, Ruth, now the wife of Daniel White, , of this town. Mrs. Hale married Dr. William Wood, and after his decease, Jacob Totten. Her daughter, Ruth., married first, Hiram Rogers, by whom she had one child who died in infancy. Her second husband was Peter Goss. ..Joshua White came from Duanesburg, N. Y., in the spring of 1819, and located on the farm now occupied by Bretton Briggs. He married Rhoda Duel, by whom he had nine children, born as follows: Wilbur, February 15, 1787; Doris, December 22, 1789; William, January, 20, 1791 ; Phoebe, April 13, 1793 ; Charlotte, September 4, 1796: Silas, September 6, 1798 ; Daniel. August, 10, 1801 ; Stephen, April 14, 1806; Mahala, widow of Abraham B. Ward, October 23, 1808. Daniel, married Maria I^orey, by whom he had ten children, viz.: Benjamin, who died in infancy ; Joseph W. and Henry, of Nichols ; Charles, of Owe.go ; Diantha, wife of Elihu Briggs; Piatt, of Nichols; Laura, wife of Aaron VanDyke; George, Perry, deceased; and Susan, wife of Dr. Gordon, of Sandusky, O. His present wife is Ruth (Hale) Goss; Joseph W., married Permelia, daughter of Jonathan Hunt, De- cember 25, 1845, 3nd by whom he has four children, viz.: Martha J., wife of John H. Wait, Benjamin F., a physician of Wells- boro, N. Y., Samuel H.. and Maria, wife of Fred Bostwick. Piatt married Fannie M., daughter of Elbridge Russell, of Owego, by whom he has one son, Frank P. Nathaniel Moore was born in New Hampshire, and when he was but three years of age, his parents moved to Plattsburg, in this state. In 1816 he removed to this town and located on what is known as the Moore homestead. He married Nancy, daughter of Thomas White, by whom he had eight children. When he settled here there was no land cleared between the river school house and his place, except a piece where J. Lounsberry's saw- mill now stahds. and a piece near where Benjamin Dunham's house now stands. This piece was sowed with Canada thistles for sheep pasture, the seed having been brought from Canada for this purpose by Joseph Densmore, who resided on the place. Absalom Adams, son of Rev. George Adams, who was also a corporal in the war of the revolution, was born in Wilkesbarre, Pa.,March 3, 1797. He located in Barton in 1830, where he re- mained until April, 1846, when he removed to this town and set- tled on the farm now occupied by his widow and his daughter, ■ and |which is under the management of his grandson, 8. B. Adams. He married Maria Moss, by whom he had six children, 292 TOWN OF NICHOLS. viz.: Elizabeth S. and George Q., deceased ; Louisa M., wife of Henry Light, of Tioga, and Eliza (twins); Maria, wife of William H. Manning, of Owego ; and Horace G., of Norwich, N. Y. Mr, Adams died December 8, 1884. Mrs. Adams still resides on the homestead. Eben W. Whipple came from Palmer, Mass., in 1822, and located first in Windham, Pa., where he resided until 1829, when he came to this town and settled on the farm now ow^ned by his son, Andrew G. Whipple, on road 33. He married Nancy, daughter of Gid eon Gra3i^ s, a soldier of the revolutiolTTby whom he had eleven children, viz. ; D.Adams, of Owego; Andrew G. of Nichols ; Martha, who died at the age of thirteen years ; Har- riet, widow of Anson Dunham ; Adeline, widow of Frank Roper; David L., deceased ;' Mary P., wife of Levi Terbush ; Nancy, who died at the age of ten years; Eben, who died in infancy ; Willett, also deceased, and Marcia, wife of James Lounsberry, Jr. Mrs. Dunham married first, Robert Laning, by whom she had three children, viz.: Judd, who died at the age of eight years ; Willett S., of Chicago, 111.; and Robert F., of St. Paul, Neb. Joseph Ketcham came from Rensselaer count}', N. Y., very early in the history of this section, and settled on the farm now owned by Loring C. Pearl. His second son, Abijah, married Cornelia, daughter of John Smith, Sr., of this town, by whom he had seven children, viz.: T. Jefferson, deceased ; Charlotte, wife of La Fayette Wilhams, of Candor; Charles, of Owego; Eli G., of Nichols; Adelbert, of Owego; Emma, wife of Stephen Evans, and George, of Williamsport, Pa. Eli G. married Har- riet E., daughter of Anson Dunham, by whom he has three sons, Clarence, George and Clark. Peter, son of Nathaniel Brown, was born in Bedford, West- chester county, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1795, and when five years of age his father removed with his family to Orange county, N. Y. Here Peter married, and after several years his wife died, leav- ing him with a family of sixchifdren. He was a soldier of the war of 1 8 12 , and served at Harlem Heights. After the death of his wife, he removed with his family to Litchfield, Pa., where he married Elizabeth, daughter of Aaron Van Gorder, Aug. i, 1840, by whom he had five children, viz.: Levina, wife of Henry Morse, of Litchfield; Lucinda, wife of Adonijah Hunt, of Nich- ols ; Martha, wife of Abram Bennett ; Nancy, wife of Oren Park, of Litchfield, and S. Otis Brown, of Nichols. The latter married TOWN OF NICHOLS. 293 Lemira, daughter of Alanson Munn, of Litchfield, Pa., by whom he has two children : Hanlan Reed and Archie. Aaron Van Gorder came from Sussex county, N. J., in 1819, and settled in Tioga, near Smithboro. He married Sarah War- ner, by whom he had thirteen children, viz.: Jacob, Elijah, Dan- iel, Elizabeth, widow of Peter Brown; Ellen, Israel, Clara, Adam, Margaret, Mary, Horace, Charles and Allen. Cranston V. S., son of Isaac Bliven, was born in Windham, Conn., Ocl. 3, 1808. He came with his father's family to the town of De Ruyter, Madison county, N. Y., when about three years of age, and from there to Cortland county, and from thence to Tompkins county, after he had served an apprentice- ship at wagon-making. He married Caroline R., daughter of Joshua Gager, of Binghamton, by whom he had three children, Cranston, a merchant of Nichols ; Caroline R. and Eugene. Mr. Bliven came to this town in 1834, and established the wagon-mak- ing business at Hooper's Valley. He now lives retired, after having spent fifty years in active business here. Cranston mar- ried Adell, daughter of Jonathan Piatt, by whom he has two children, Frank C, aged fourteen years, and Bessie, aged twelve. Zina Goodsell was born in Catskill, N. Y., August 22, 1815, and when sixteen years of age came with his father's family and settled in Smithfield, Pa. In 1842 he married Lydia, daughter of Ebenezer Slawson, by whom he has had five children, viz.: Sarah A., deceased, William, Laura, wife of Edgar Shoemaker, Joshua, Jane J., wife of Charles Bostwick, of Rome, Pa. In 1844 Mr. Goodsell settled near the state line, on the farm now occupied by Eben Stanton. Dr. George P Cady was born in Windsor, Berkshire county, • Mass., January i, 1833. He received his early education at Hins- dale Academy; and his degree from Berkshire Medical College, at Pittsfield, in 1855. Soon after, he removed to Nichols, N. Y., and entered into partnership with his uncle, Dr. G. M. Cady, which partnership lasted until 1874. Here he married Susan, daughter of Hon. Nehemiah Piatt, by whom he has two children, Margaret J. and George M. Dr. George M.. son of Dr. George P. and Susan (Piatt) Cady, was born in Nichols in 1865. He received his education here and at Binghamton, and graduated from the New York Medical Uni- versity in 1887. He is in partnership with his father and is junior member of the firm of Latha.m & Cady, druggists. Dr. Edward, son of Levi Pease, was born in Windham, Pa., in 294 TOWN OF NICHOLS. October, 1851. He was educated there and at Rome, Pa. He studied medicine with Dr. Warner, of Le Raysville, Pa., and with Dr. Cady, of this place. He graduated from the Medical College of Ann Arbor, Mich., in 1873. He has practiced here since September i, 1874. Early Items. — The settlers, whether poor or otherwise, had to undergo all the hardships and privations incident to the life of the emigrant. They had to make their wav from wilder- ness to civilized country with very little help. They lived very much upon their own resources. Nearly all the clothing for their families, as well as the supply of articles necessary to sup- port life, were produced at home. For many years there was no store nearer than Athens, Pa., or Owego, where articles of general merchandise were sold, and an expedition to either of these places, which could onl}' be undertaken in the winter when there was sleighing, was an arduous undertaking for the house-wife, and not to be entered upon more than once or twice a year. And everything, too, had to be done by hand — there was no machinery. Carding, spinning, weaving and sewing in-doors, and sowing, reaping, mowing and threshing, on the farm. There were no fanning-mills, even the winnowing of the grain had to be done by a hand fan. This was an implement made of basket work about three feet in diameter; about one-half its circumference flat, and the remainder turned up like a basket, and holding perhaps half a bushel of grain. The person using it took it between his hands, by the two handles on either side, like those of a corn basket, and shaking it up and down separated the chaff towards the flat part of the fan, where it could be brushed off or carried away with the wind. This must, one would think, have been a somewhat slow process, and it must have taken a man some time to " thoroughly purge his floor " of any quantity of grain. The nearest grist- mill was for a long time several miles away, up the Chemung river. Whenever a grist was wanted, a messenger, generally a boy, was put on horse-back with a bag of wheat behind him and sent to mill. When he arrived there, as the mill was small, he had to wait his turn among other customers. If the water was low, he frequently had to come home without his grist, and thus the mistress of the house was often days together without bread, hav- ing to supply its place with potatoes or other vegetables, or rice, of which edible some of the good house- wives with a view to such exigencies, sometimes contrived to keep a store on hand. Crab apples and wild plums grew in the fields, and berries of all TOWN OF NICHOLS. 295 kinds, including strawberries, were plentiful. These made the delicacies of the table. Facilities for education could scarcely be said to exist at all. The state had as yet made no provision for the instruction of its children, and the settlers had to take up with such teachers and such schools as they were able to procure. These schools could only be taught during the summer, in some barn or other out-of- door building fitted up temporarily for the purpose, the teacher being some transitory person who had found his way into the country, and had no other employment, or some one of the in- habitants who could sometimes be induced by the necessities of the time, to devote a few weeks or months to the instruction of the children. Occasionally we hear of a lady being tngaged in some of the families as private instructress. At one time, for several successive summers, the children of Judge Coryell, and probably others, were sent across the river to a school near Smith- boro. The first school-house in the town, we are told by one of our local histories, was a log school-house which stood on what is now the farm of Samuel Smith, up the river. The first one that we hear of elsewhere stood at a turn in the road about half a mile below the residence of Judge Coryell. This however, must before long have disappeared, as we next hear of the children walking two or three miles to a school on what is now the farm of Harvey Dunham. This also must have been removed, and the next we have any knowledge of was in the village of Nichols. We do not know exactly at what time the first public school law of the state was passed, but as we find mention made in 1812, of a superintendent of public instruction, it probably dates not far from that time. The town must then first have been divided into districts. The one which comprised the village of Nichols orig- inally included those immediately above and below it, on the river. The one below was set off first, and a school-house was built which, ^fter' being removed once or twice, was finally fixed at Hooper's Valley, where there is a very good school building. The one above was, after a time, set off into a district by itself, but was finally made a part of it again at a later period. We have no record of the building of the school-houses in the other districts of the town, but the one in Dist. No. i, the extreme western district on the river must have been built early ; and the old 'line school-house," which is so called from its position near the state line, in the district up the Wappasening, has probably stood more than half a century. These schools throughout the ao* 296 TOWN OF NICHOLS. town must have been of an inferior character in very many- instances. They were supplemented by occasional select schools of more or less merit ; but these finally disappeared with the establishment of the graded school in the village of Nichols. The comparative growth of the town is shown by the follow- ing figures, giving the census enumeration for the years men- tioned : 1825, 951; 1830, 1,284; 1835, 1,641; 1845, 1,924; 1850, 1,905; 1855, 1,871; i860, 1,932; 1865, 1,778; 1870, 1,663; 1875, 1,687; 1880, 1,709. Organization. — Nichols was set off from Tioga and organized as a separate township, March 23, 1824. Owing to the destruc- tion by fire of the town records,^ we are debarred from giving the customary proceedings of the first town-meeting. The burning of the building in which the records were kept, together with its contents, occurred in 1864, during the clerkship of Luther Conant. BUSINESS CENTERS. Nichols Village is situated near the Susquehanna, at the point where the highway running parellel to that river, is joined by the one running north from the Pennsylvania line. At the time of the arrival of Dr. Barstow, in 1812, the lumber trade which afterwards became one of the prominent industries of the county, had made little more than a beginning. But southern New York and northern Pennsylvania were rapidly filling up with a hardy race of pioneers before whom the forests were soon to disappear. Besides the mills of Caleb Wright, mentioned before, at the mouth of the Wappasening, James Howell an emigrant from New Jersey, whose sons J. L. Howell and Robert Howell are still living among us, built or purchased one up the stream about a mile distant from the river. Mills were also built at various points along the creek both in Nichols and in the adjoining County of Bradford, Pa. All the lumber manufactured at these mills had to find its way down the creek to the river to the various landings where it was to be rafted; that is, made into floats or "arks" to be sent down the river. The junction of these two great highways of the country nearly midway between the eastern and western extremities of the town, seemed to pre- sent a central point where a village might grow up. The dwell- ers on the hills as well as those in the valley, began to feel the want of some nearer place than the neighboring towns, where TOWN OF NICHOLS. 297 they could obtain the articles necessary for the convenience and comfort of their families. They wanted stores and shops ; they wanted a resident physician. They wanted mechanics, and they wanted schools. The place was ready. ; there was only lacking some person of sufficient energy to take advantage of the situa- tion, and the right man finally came. The ground on which the village was built was at this time pretty well cleared up, though the woods approached it on the south and west. Gamaliel H. Barstow, so long and prominently known both in the town and in the county, was an emigrant from Connecticut. He was born on one of the hardest and rockiest farms in the town of Sharon, Litchfield county, in 1784. He lived and worked on his father's farm until past his majority, when h#left it and went to Great Barrington, Mass., to the house of his brother, Dr. Samuel Barstow, where he applied himself to the study of medicine. He had had at the age of seventeen a great desire to study law, but his father objected so strongly, having a prejudice against lawyers, — by no means peculiar to himself at that time — who, he thought, were men who got their living without work, and, therefore, could not be honest, that he was obliged to give up the idea. This was much to be regretted, as the peculiar bent of his mind rendered him much more capable of attaining success in this profession than the one he finally adopted. He, however, went so far as to procure a copy of Blackstone's Com- mentaries, of the contents of which he made himself master. This knowledge proved of the greatest possiblle value to him in sub- sequent years. He was accustomed to say that he would never have been able to fill the places in the Legislature and on the Bench, to which he was afterward called, without it. Having remained with his brother until he obtained his degree in 181 1, he turned his thoughts towards the West, that being then, as now, the great field where young men sought fame and fortune. He first came to Wysox, Bradford county, in northern Pennsyl- vania, where his brother, Dr. S. T. Barstow, settled some years before. Here he remained some months while making his observ- ations and looking about for some eligible place where he could finally pitch his tent; and hearing at length of the settlement on the Susquehanna in the adjoining county of Tioga, where there seemed to be a good opening for a physician and a man of enter- prise, he determined, without seeing the country, to try his for- tune tbere. Having made this decision, with characteristic, energy he returned at once to Connecticut to make his prepara- 298 TOWN OF NICHOLS. tions for emigration to this new scene of action. These were few, as the journey was made in a one-horse wagon, which car- ried beside himself, such articles as he deemed necessary to the practice of his profession in a new country, and also certain arti- cles ■ of merchandise with which he proposed to add to his resources in a country where shops were not. With this modest equipment he left his father's house in Novemtier, in the year 181 1, to make a journey of more than two hundred miles, over bad roads in severe weather, to an unknown country. He crossed the Hudson at Coxsackie ; we are not told his route, but it brought him to Owego and thence to the Wappasening. He passed through the country and went directly to the house of his brother, on the Wysox. Here he remained a few weeks to rest, and then adding a few hundred dollars' worth of goods from his brother's store to those he had brought with him, he returned to his place of destination and took up his quarters at the house of Jacob Middaugh, where he arrived the 7th of January, 1812. Here he hired a couple of rooms, one for an office and store and the other for a bedroom, and Mr. Middaugh having agreed to board him, he there began his long career in the valley of the Susquehanna. His accommodations were limited, and his board by no means luxurious, but he has often been heard to say, that blessed with health and hope and indomitable courage, the months that he spent there were among the happiest of his Hfe. The ground where the village now stands was, as we have said, a part of that purchase by Caleb Wright. It was now, at least a part of it, in the possession of Robert Williams, a son-in- law of Mr. Wright. He owned the land on the east side of the street running south to the foot of the rising ground which for some years seemed to form the boundary to the village in that direction. This was sold in acre lots to the emigrants as they came in, there being eight between the corner and the foot of the hill. Dr. Barstow purchased the corner lot, for which he paid the sum of one hundred dollars. Opposite this corner on the river side stood a log house, occupied by Simmons Clapp, while a few rods farther up stood another, belonging to Mr. Williams him- self. There had, until this time, been no resident physician south of the river, and Dr. Barstow's presence in the town becoming known, he was soon in the enjoyment of considerable practice, which constantly increased. The prospect of ultimate success soon became so encouraging that he very soon built a house, and about a year after his arrival he married a daughter of Judge TOWN OF NICHOLS. 299 Coryell and commenced house-keeping. He soon after put up- another building for a store and office. The next arrival that we hear of was George Kirby, who had been an acquaintance and intimate friend of Dr. Barstow in Great Barringtbn. One day, in the summer of 1814, he sur- prised his friend by driving up to his door with very much such a horse and wagon as had brought him into the country, and laden, too, with materials for his business. He purchased land nearly opposite that of Dr. Barstow, on the river street, where he built a house. The next summer he returned to Massachu- setts for his wife and child. Mr. Kirby was by trade a shoe- maker, which proved a most lucrative business, and he was soon able to build a tannery, and afterwards a large builditig for the manufacture and sale of shoes. To these he added other indus- tries and was soon one of Nichols' most prosperous men! He built the first steam mill in the town, a few years after. Other emigrants came in, and the lots belonging to Mr. Will- iams were soon sold. The land on the opposite side of the street, which probably still belonged to Mr. Wright, extending south from the river street some twenty or thirty rods, was for a long time unsold and unenclosed. This strip, with the exception of the upper part, or church lot, eventually came into, the posses- sion of the heirs of Major Piatt, and was enclosed for building purposes. Among those who purchased lots of Mr. Williams previous to 1820 were Captain Peter Joslin, Dr. John Petts, Dr. John Everitt, James Thurston, Isaac Raymond, Joshua Brown, and many others whose names are yet heard in the town. Henry and Wright Dunham, two of a numerous family of brothers who came into the town at different times from Madi- ison county, purchased farms up the Wappasening, where Henry Dunham, who was a son-in-law of Caleb Wright, built a grist- mill, in 1822, which is still owned by his son-in-law, Samuel Dun- ham, Silvenus Dunham, who came later, built a carding ma- chine and' fulling-mill, which were for years the only ones in the town. Not far from 1820, Major Piatt left his farm up the river, and came down to " The Corners," by which euphonious appellation the village was long known by those living out of it, and built a very good house where he kept a hotel up to the time of his death, in 1825. This house, which must now be the oldest in the village, and is still one of the best, is at present occupied for the same purpose by a grandson of Major Piatt, who bears his name. 300 TOWN OF NICHOLS. A Store and house were also built directly opposite, which were occupied soon after by Nehemiah Piatt, who was a prosperous merchant and business man for a good many years. In 1819 Dr. Barstow purchased the homestead farm of Caleb Wright, then recently deceased, of his grandson, James Wright. This is believed to have been nearly the last piece remaining of the ol'd man's originally large property. This added farming to Dr. Barstow's already varied business. He not long after this built a distillery, which probably did not pay, as it was soon abandoned. He also erected a small building on the Wright farm for the manufacture of potash, which he carried on for some years, sending a considerable quantity every year to New York. This, too, finally became unprofitable, and was given up. In 1833 he purchased the mills at the mouth of the creek, of John Cassell. Although the town was fast becoming agricultural, yet a large lumber trade from a considerable part of the country round about centered there for many years, and its purchase and sale neces- sarily made a large part of the businesss of the merchant, and sometimes of the farmer, as it constituted an important and fre- quently the only medium of exchange between them and poor settlers, while he was trying to turn his own land into a farm. The production of lumber, taking it from the felling of trees in the woods, to its sale in the markets of Southern Pennsylvania, was a most laborious pursuit, involving not only hard work, but often a good deal of risk to life and limb. The trade helped to develop the resources of the country, and many of those engaged in it, made it very profitable, though few made fortunes; and when it finally gave place to the cultivation of the soil, the coun try was more prosperous. It yet has its place among the indus- tries of the country, but the manner of carrying it on has entirely changed. Previous to 1825, all the goods purchased in New York by the merchants of our town had to be brought by teams from Catskill on the Hudson. In that year the completion of the Erie canal brought them to Ithaca, which was within a two days jour- ney, one going and one coming. In 1833 the Ithaca and Owego railroad brought them to Owego, which was very near home. In 1852 the Erie railroad brought them to Smithboro, and now the D., L. & W. road brings them to our doors. So much for the march of modern improvement. Dr. Barstow not long after becoming a house- holder, was ap- pointed justice of the peace, his first commission being for' the town of Owego. It was during the same year that the territory TOWN OF NICHOLS. 301 south of the river was made a part of Tioga. In the year 1815, and the two succeeding years, he was elected to the assembly of the state, and soon after that to the senate, the members of which body then held their places for four years. In 1818 he succeeded Judge Coryell as first judge of the county, and was in 1825, and again in 1838, elected by the legislature treasurer of the state. During the frequent absences from home which these positions required, it became necessary to find some person who could attend to his affairs at home, and at his solicitation. Dr. John Everitt, a young man just commencing the practice of medicine in his native town of Sharon, Conn., came to Nichols, and was taken in by him as partner, and became a member of his family. This gentleman, two years after, married a daughtef of Judge Coryell, and settled in Nichols. Becoming discontented, however, after a while, for some reason, he went back with his wife and family to the East, and lived for some years in Duchess county, N. Y. He returned eventually to Nichols, where his descend- ants still live. Dr. Barstow, who was never fond of his profession, gave it up entirely before the departure of Dr. Everitt, and Dr. Petts, who was by this time settled in the village with a wife, had the monopoly of the profession until the arrival of Dr. John Chub- buck, who came in to the village about 1830 or 1831. In T824, as we have shown, the town was set off from Tioga and received an organization of its own. The village had been called Rushville by Dr. Barstow, in honor of Dr. Rush, of Philadelphia, the founder of the system of medical practice most in vogue at that day. The town would probably have received this name, but when it came to the establishment of the postoffice, it was discovered that there was already a town of that name in the state, in Yates county ; a new name therefore had to be found. It was finally called Nichols, in honor of Colonel Nichols, who was then in possession of the rights as patentee, which formerly vested in Colonel Hooper. In return for this compliment. Col. Nichols directed Judge Coryell to give $200.00 to the town to be used as it pleased in the erection of some public building. This was filially used towards the building of the church. The first postmaster in the new town was Charles R. Barstow. Until this, time there was no postoffice south of the river, the mails for the town all. being brought from Smithboro. There was probably at that time a new mail line established from Owego through Nichols to Towanda, the county, seat of Bradford. There was certainly such a one in operation in 1830, bringing us a mail about 302 TOWN OF NICHOLS. three times a week. About that time a passenger coach and four horses was put on it, but probably did not prove a success and before long was taken off. There was for a time a postoffice estab^ lished at Canfield Corners, about four miles up the river on this same line, but it was removed before many years. There is now another office in the southeastern part of the town called East Nichols. The clearing up of the forests had left the country covered with pine stumps. To get rid of these unsightly objects became a problem of no small magnitude. The stumps of other trees . would soon decay and were easily removed, but the roots of the pine which extended to an immense distance from the trunk and were filled with turpentine, it used to be said would last forfever. Various attempts were made at a somewhat early period in the histor)' of the village to invent some machine for pulling them ; but without success. The science of mechanics was not perhaps well understood, as no one seemed able to hit upon any method by which sufficient power could be obtained to dislodge these "old settlers." It was finally reserved for Mr. Briggs, a black- smith in the village of Nichols, about the year 1832, to invent such a machine. It consisted of a number of cogged wheels of iron of graduated sizes working into each other, the power being obtained by what is known in mechanics as the "decrease of motion." In this way he constructed a machine of immense power which, worked by a single yoke of oxen, not only pulled up the stumps with their tremendous roots, but was also applied to the moving of houses. By the aid of this machine, which has since then been simplified and improved, but which, it is believed, was the first successful invention of the kind, the face of the country improved rapidly, and the value of the farms very much increased. The stumps being drawn, it then became a question as to what was to be done with them. It was almost an endless task to burn them, though that often had to be done. A few were thrown into the river, but the freshets instead of carrying them down to the sea, floated them, up on the flats. At length some shrewd genius con- ceived the idea of making them into fences, which proved a great success. They were placed side by side, the roots all the same way, and when placed along the highway these roots towering into the air sometimes ten or twelve feet presented a not unpic- turesque appearance, and constituted a barrier which might amost have turned an invading army. This machine ought to have brought its inventor a fortune, but he left the town not long; TOWN OF NICHOLS. 303 after its completion, and the writer has no knowledgof his subse- quent history. The village after 1825 improved rapidly, until then it contained but few houses of much size or pretention. In the year 1827, Mr. Kirby built the house on River street now in possession of his son-in-law Mr. Smith. Soon after, Nehemiah Piatt, a son of Major Piatt, and the only one of his sons who made Nichols his home, built the large brick house occupied by his family so long, and now in possession of his son-in-taw, Dr. G. P. Cady. These were followed within a few years by Doctor Petts, C. R. Bars- tow, and George Coryell, who erected houses which are still among the best in the village ; others were enlarged and im- proved and trees began to be planted. To Doctor Petts must be given the credit of having set out the first of the maples which now shade our streets. They were placed in front of his own house, now owned and occupied by Mr. De Groat. The house now belonging to Eben Dunham was long occupied as a hotel by Isaac Raymond, and afterwards by Peter Joslin, where good quarters and excellent entertainment were always to be had. Dr. Barstow built his house on River street in line with those of Mr. Kirby and Mr. Piatt, in 1835. His old house, every vestige of which has disappeared, is worth a description as having been the beginning of the village. It extended from east to west with three front doors looking towards the north. Over the two toward the west was a low veranda surrounded by banisters except a space where three or four steps led down to a small door yard in which stood several large locusts. The eastern part which was built after the other, had over the door a small two storied portico, the upper part surrounded by a railing with a door opening into the chamber above. One like it, probably could not now be found in the country. A wing extended towards the south opening on the other street. It was used some years after Dr. Barstow left it as a hotel ; the yard was thrown open and the trees having some time before been destroyed by the locust worm it became a part of the public street which in this way acquired a greater width in that direction than it has below the opposite corner. George Wilson, a son-in-law of Mr. Kirby, about the same time fitted up a residence just above that of Dr. Petts. He finally became the owner of the property of Dr. Petts, which he occupied till the time of his death, in 1850. Harvey Coryell built the house on the hill now in possession of Mrs. Elsbree. He occupied this house until the death of his 304 TOWN OF NICHOLS. father, Judge Coryell, in 1835, when he removed to the home- stead farm, and the widow and unmarried daughters of Judge Cor3'ell took possession of the house he had left. The hotel on the corner was built in 1838 by Mr. Piatt. These men were then, and for some years afterwards the principal, business men of the vill^-ge and their names are identified with much Of its history. Our business men since then have been O. A. Barstow, P. H. Joslin, Selim Kirby, J. .L.. Howell, Eben Dunham, Harris Brothers, C. Bliven, Edward Joslin, C. I. Sherwood, John R. Edsall, general merchants; Joslin & Alden, A. A. Swinton, and Colraan & Horton, dealers in stoves and hardware; Cady & Latham, druggists ; L. Conant, dealer in shoes, besides several dealers in groceries. C. R. Barstow was a son of Dr. Samuel Barstow, of Great Barrington, Mass. He came to Nichols while a boy,- and grew up in the family of Dr. Barstow, his father's brother. He was a partner of his uncle in the mercantile business for a while before going into business for himself. In 1844, he was elected sheriff of the county, and removed to Owego. At the end of his term as sheriff he was elected member of the assembly, after which 'he was made postmaster at Owego, and after his removal from that office occupied for a time the post of harbor-master in New York. He finally returned to Owego. He married a grand- daughter of Major Piatt, by whom he had a large family of children, all of whom he outlived, except a son and daughter. He sent three sons into the army, two of whom never returned. The survivor, Capt. Sumner Barstow, , finally settled at Big Rapids, Mich., where his father died in 188 — . The daughter is the wife of Hon. Thomas C. Piatt. Oliver A. Barstow, a brother of C. R. Barstow, came to Nich- ols, too, while yet little more than a boy, and lived some years in the family of his uncle. He was also for a time his uncle's part- ner. He at length married a daughter of Edmui^d Palmer and commenced business for himself as a merchant, and has been one of our most enterprising and successful men. He was a member of assembly, in 1866, and was previous to 1884, for forty years, a member of the board of justices of the county of Tioga. A man who has been elected by the popular vote so man};^ times, to till such an office, may be said to have possessed the confidence of the community in which he lives. He has for some time retired TOWN OF NICHOLS. 30S from active business and makes his home with his daughter at Hooper's Valley. The exact period at which the first school-house was built in the village is uncertain, but it was probably as early as 1 817. It stood on the lower corner of the unoccupied ground before re- ferred to, directly opposite the spot now occupied by the Bar- stow house. This vacant ground —a green, as it was called — served for many years as a charming place of recreation for the school children and young people of the village. Th,e house con- sisted of but one moderate-sized room, with a singlfe row of desks built against the wall, with a row of benches in front which were without backs, so that the scholars who practiced writing could sit with their faces either way, and another row in frqnt for the smaller children. It was warmed in winter by a large fire- place at one end, and was entered- by a door having a wooden latch, which was raised by a leather string. This primitive tem- ple of learning must have stood some ten or fifteen years when the fire-place gave place to a stove, and the interior was altered so as to accommodate a greater number of scholars, and the house was painted red. The "old red school-house" stood until the growth of the village seemed to demand its removal and the erection of a new one. The exact year is not remembered, but it must have been about 1844 or 1845. This new one was built on the west side of the street, about half way between the corner and the foot of the hill, at the cost of two hundred dollars. A building of this kind was very soon entirely inadequate to the wants of the village. It was occupied, however, until 1871. A lot on Cady avenue was then purchased of Dr. G. M. Cady for the sum of five hundred dollars, and the present school building erected at a cost of four thousand, where a graded school has been maintained since 1874. The town in 1856 contained 13 school districts, and the entire amount of public money that year was $807.78, and the allotment to District No. 2, which comprised the village of Nichols, was $82.70. There are at present, 1887, 12 districts. No. 2, and No. 3 extending a mile up the river having been consolidated. This year the public money for the village district alone is $440.73. The gross amount of salaries for the three teachers in the graded school is $960.00 The Susquehanna river though a beautiful stream, renowned in poetry and song, has yet been found by the dwellers on its banks, very often a troublesome neighbor. For many years its 306 ^ TOWN OF NICHOLS. waters during the spring freshets though often overflowing its banks did no very great damage. But with the receding of the forests, these became more sudden and violentj and frequently came into the streets in the lower part of the village. In 1865 it reached the point of inundation, invading the houses and causing general consternation and a good deal of damage. Since then it has twice been in the streets, the last time in seventy-two — since which a long succession of dry seasons has given us a rest from these inflictions. The Wappasening creek was, we are told at the first settlement of the country a narrow stream that was crossed by a fallen tree. The clearing up of the country has transformed it into a raging torrent coming down in the spring time with a fury that sweeps everything before it,' The first bridge, which was nearly as long again as the present one, must have been built not long after the settlement of the village. The force of the stream made constant repairs necessary, and it was at least entirely rebuilt before 1865. The inundation of that year swept it entirely away. It was then rebuilt and shortened, the upper half being replaced by a causeway. The ends of this bridge being, like the others, insecure and needing constant re- pair, it was finally in 1882 replaced by the fine iron bridge which at present spans the stream. An iron bridge was built the same year across the same stream a mile above the village. The New York and Erie railroad which reached Smithboro in 1851, did a great deal for Nichols although the nearest station was two miles distant. There being no capitalists at Smithboro to take advan- tage of its position, the grain trade from a considerable extent of country centred at Nichols where our merchants, principally Barstow and Kirby, operated for a time so largely as to control the market on the Central Division of the road. This furnished employment to a great many persons, brought a good many new inhabitants into the town and gave an impetus to trade beneficial alike to town and country. Some of our best business establish- ments date from about this time. In 1852, the old Owego and Towanda Mail line was discon- tinned and a daily mail established between Smithboro and Nichols. The mails are now carried from Nichols by a tri-weekly line to some of the towns in Bradford county. There is no direct line at present between Nichols and Towanda. In 1868 the main street of the village was well built up from the corner to the foot of the hill, a distance of rather more than a hundred rods. The lower ground on the creek, on the east of TOWN OF NICHOLS. 307 the. village, prevented its being built up much farther on the river street, in that direction. Beyond the bridge it has, however, been a ^ood deal built up since that time. That part of the street ex- tending toward the west was gradually being occupied, and more room for building lots seemed to be called for; and during this year several new streets were laid out. Cady avenue, which runs from the upper end of River street toward the south, till it is joined by Piatt street, which connects it with the main street at the foot of the hill. West avenue leaves the river street about sixty rods west from the corner, and running south joins Howell street, which connects it with the main street. Walnut street runs from Howell street towards the south into one of the old streets commonly called the back street, which run% from the main street towards the hill on the west of the town. The two older streets have never been formally named, but are commonly called the Main and the River streets. Other names have been suggested, but these will probably remain. A short street con- nects the main street with Cady avenue about midway between the corner and the foot of the hill, and tv\^o short streets have since been laid out between the river street and the depot. The new streets were well laid out, planted with trees, and very soon built up, and now offer some of the most attractive residences in the village. Dr. George M. Cady came to Nichols in 1847. His nephew George P. Cady came a few years later. He studied medicine in the office of his uncle and elsewhere and after taking his degree became his uncle's partner. These gentlemen both became sons- in-law to the Hon. Nehemiah Piatt. In 1884 Dr. G. P. Cady purchased the property on the corner formerly owned by Dr. Barstow, and erected the brick block which bears his name. This block contains, on the ground floor, Cady & Latham's drug Store, the dry goods store of Edward Joslin, and the Doctor's office. The second story contains three suits of living rooms, while the third consists of a fine hall for public meetings and public gatherings of all kinds ; something the village had long wanted": The two adjoining stores, the grocery store of Mr. Westbrook, and the large hardware store containing the post- office, which were built soon after, with the broad plank walk ex- tending in front of the entire line of stores at that end of the street, which was built at the same time, has greatly improved the appearance of the town. On the death of Mr. Kirby, which occurred in 1864, the two large buildings on the street below his 308 TOWN OF NICHOLS. house, which he built for the convenience of his business, were removed, leaving an unbroken line of residences on that street, and a continiious line of view up the street. The D. L. & W. railroad, which was built in 1882, passed through the village between the street and the river, destroying the succession of fine orchards which formed the background of the village in that direction. In their place we have the railroad depot with its usual adjuncts. Mr. John Fenderson has built a steam-mill near the depot, and a creamery has also been established by a Mr. Baker, from New York city. Immense quantities of lumber, bark, and pressed hay, andother produce, are constantly shipped to New York, and the business done here is probably greater than at any other station between Binghamton and Elmira. But with all its benefits it has not been altogether advantageous. It has cut up some of our farms very much to their injury, and its frequent crossings of the highway has nearly spoiled the fine drive up and down the river. Hooper's Valley.— In 1828, Thomas Pearsall, with two brothers, Gilbert and Nathaniel Pearsall, came to Nichols from Chenango county, and purchased landed estate along the river, a mile and a half below the village. He built mills on the river, opened a store and invested largely in the lumber trade, and at the same time became instrumental in getting up the Nichols and Smithboro Bridge Company. These various enterprises in- volved the employment of a great many hands, and brought to- gether a great many persons, mechanics and laboring men, and a little village soon sprang up along the street facing the river — the handsome house of Mr. Pearsall standing at the lower ex- tremity. This village, which was supposed to be the beginning of a much larger one, which might in time rival its neighbor at the corner, received the name of Hooper's Valley, in honor of the original patentee. But Mr. Pearsall failed in business; the store was closed and the mill changed hands. Many persons who had purchased village lots gave them up and went elsewhere, ai|d the growth of the village ceased. Gilbert Pearsall, however, retained possession of the real estate, and the village, in the midst of a rich farming country, maintained its existence. The mills were purchased by Mr. Higley who, in their place, estab- lished a fulling-mill and carding machine. These were a few years after destroyed by fire. The almost total cessation of the domestic manufacture of woolens in the-town, rendered fulling- mills no longer profitable or even necessary. Mr. Dunham's had TOWN OF NICHOLS. 309 some time before ceased work, and Mr. Higley's were never re- built. In 1854, a postoffice was established at Hooper's Valley for the benefit of the lower part of the town, which has, from that circumstance, come to be known by the name of the village, in the neighboring- towns. In 1875, Mr. L. Burr Pearsall, a son of Gilbert Pearsall, built the steam saw and planing-mill now in operation there. He also built, some years before, a handsome dwelling house at the upper end of the village. Hooper's Val- ley is "now a busy little village, with a public school and several shops and some pretty houses, although it does not promise ever to become much larger than at present. Mr. Thomas Pearsall was the principal agent in the formation of the Nichols and Smithboro Bridge Company, which built the first bridge over the Susquehanna, in 183 1. It was destroyed by a freshet the ensuing winter. It was rebuilt, to be again swept away in 1837. It was again rebuilt, but remained standing only until 1865, when the excessive floods of that year again swept it away a third time. Being of the utmost importance to the town and village of Nichols, especially after the building of the Erie railway, it was immediately rebuilt. It was, however, doomed to final de- struction by the waters. In 1880, the northern half of it was carried away. The building of the D. L. & W. railroad the next spring, on the Nichols side of the river, made the bridge to Smithboro no longer a necessity, and it was not again rebuilt. As the mails, however, still continued to be brought on the Erie road, a rope ferry was established near the place where the bridge had stood. Mr. Nehemiah Piatt died in 1850. He had been a politician of some note, and was at one time a member of the State Senate from the sixth senatorial district. He had a large family, to whom he left a considerable estate. His eldest son is a citizen of Nich- ols, occupying the house of his grandfather. His own house is occupied by his son-in-law, Dr. G. P. Cady. Dr. Barstow died in i865' at the age of eighty years. He was well known in both state and county political circles, and his career at 'home is identified with the history of the village, and for a considerable period with that of the town. In all things done for its improvement he had an interest and took a pride in its development. During his fifty years' residence here he had seen many and great changes, and many of them he had helped to bring about. But he outlived most of his contemporaries, an'd was wont to complain somewhat sadly of the loneliness of his old 3IO TOWN OF NICHOLS. age. He had the misfortune to outlive both his sons. His eldest, Samuel Barstow, was educated as a lawyer, and going west set- tled in the city of Detroit, Mich. Here he acquired considerable eminence as a lawyer, and was for some years a man of infiueiice in that city, but died in 1854. He left a son who outlived his grandfather, but died unmarried at the age of twenty-six years. The second son, John C. Barstow, who was at one time the vil- lage postmaster, died unmarried at his father's house in 1862. His life was saddened by these domestic losses, and also by the war of the, rebellion which swept away many young relatives in whom, in the absence of sons of his own, he took a pride. The Coryell and Barstow families that from their numbers and long residence in the town exercised, ^t one time, a controlling influ- ence in its affairs, have ,now nearly disappeared. The few that remain of the first seem destined to become fewer, while of the second but two of the name now survive in the town where there were once large families. The same, however, may be said of other large families in the town. Dr. Barstow did not leave a large property. His house was left as a life possession to his second daughter, who still occupies it with a tenant. The town of Nichols has sent fifteen members to the assemby, seven of her citizens having filled that position. Besides those already mentioned, Ezra Canfield was elected in 1837, Wright Dunham in 1829 and '39, John Coryell in 1838. Five of her citi- zens have filled the office of sheriff, three of them by the popular vote. She has also sent two members to the state senate, one to congress, and one of her citizens was twice elected treasurer of the state, and four have occupied a place on the bench of judges. The town was well represented in the late war, a large number of young men having enlisted, many of whom were among the " unreturning brave." Two died at Andersonville. Two of its citizens held slaves: Judge Coryell, one man, and Major Piatt, a man and his wife and daughter. The men left their masters as soon as the law made them free. The females remained, and the old woman was cared for by the Piatt family as long as she lived. Although the absence of manufactures at the village has pre- vented it from growing rapidly, it has constantly increased in extent, in population, material wealth and in beauty of appearance. It has changed from a hamlet, to a beautiful and well-kept village. Its streets are well laid out, clean and shaded through- Out with fine trees. Old and unsightly buildings have been removed and in their places we have neat and handsome dwell- TOWN OF NICHOLS. 311 ings with pleasant yards and gardens. No disaster eitiier of nature or fortune lias ever checked its progress. Its citizens have been singularly fortunate with regard to fires. No dwelling has ever been burned within the limits of the village. With the exception of the late Mr. Kirby's store, which was burned in 1882, three or four shops are all that have been destroyed by fire. One of these, however, involved the loss of the records as we have stated. The business of the town continued to increase, and our citizens even looked forward to a time when the railroad might bring manufactures to them that would change our village to a flourishing town. The disastrous failure of a private bank in a neighboring town, in which most of the business men were interested, has, however, brought a cloud over its horizon, and interposed what we can only hope will be a temporary check to its prosperity. The population of the village at present is about 400. The want of accuracy in dates in the foregoing sketch is owiAg partly to the destruction of the town records as mentioned, and partly to the passing away of the entire generation of those whose recollections might have assisted those of the writer. MANUFACTURES. L. Burr PearsaU's Circular Saw, Planing and Shingle-Mill was built by Gilbert Pearsall in 1876. It is situated just off the River road at Hoopers Valley, is run by steam power and has a capacity of 10,000 feet in ten hours. It has also a feed run; em- ploys seven men, and is under the supervision of the proprietor who is also largely engaged in farming. Dunham's Grist-Millon Wappasening creek was built by Henry, Wright and Ebenezer Dunham, brothers, about 1822-23. It is run by water power, with two runs of stones, doing mostly cus- tom work. It has facilities for manufacturing flour. It is now owned and rnn by Caleb Wright. Hunt's Saw and Grist-Mills on road 37, were built by Adonijah Hunt in 1884. The first mills on this site were built by his father, Jonathan Hunt, Jr., and were carried away by high water in 1883. The circular saw-mill has a capacity of 5,000 feet in* ten hours. The custom mill has three runs of stones, and facilities for grinding buckwheat. The Nichols Steam Flour, Saw and Planing-Mills were built by John Fenderson in 1885. They are located near the D. L. & W. R. R. depot, off River street and adjacent to the railroad tracks. 21* 312 TOWN OF NICHOLS. The flour mill has two runs of stones and roller capacity for fifty barrels a day, a specialty is made of buckwheat grinding in its season. The circular saw and planing-mill has a capacity of io,oo» feet per day. The Nichols Creamery was established in the spring of 1887, and- was first in operation on May 5th, of that year. It was built and is- conducted by W. and R. B. Baker, and has a capacity for 20,ock> lbs. of milk per day. It is situated near the river and convenient to the D. L. & W. R. R. depot. It has an engine of ten horse- power, a Danish-Weston seperatorand all the modern equipments, CHURCHES. The few clergymen that found their way into the country at ar> early day were Methodist ministers from the Baltimore confer- ence. They were always made welcome and the houses of the people thrown open to them to preach in. But their visits were- few and far between, and the inhabitants of the country com- monly devoted their Sundays to visiting, which, as they had little leisure during the week and nothing else to do on Sunday^ was not perhaps, surprising. Books were scarce in most families, newspapers in many, probably nearly unknown. In i8i7oneofth& Methodist conferences extended its boundaries so as to take in a part of the State of New York, and the entire town of Tioga was- included in a circuit. *A church was organized in the lower part of the town, south of the river with five members. Thev had no- pastor over them in the modern sense of the term, but two minis- ters " rode the circuit," preaching two successive Sundays alter- nately in the same place. The Rev. John Griffing was one of the first preachers. They preached in school-houses, private houses,, or barns, or in the open air ; whenever they could bring the peo- ple together to hear them. The first church in the town was the old Asbury Methodist church. It was built in 1822, on land given by Judge Coryell on the lower border of his estate ; a plot of ground above the church being set off and reserved by him as a burial ground for himself and feimily. The ground below was given by Mr. Palmer for a common, burial ground. This church was filled for many years every Sun- day with a good congregation, but it gradually diminished with *It is maintained and on good authority, that a Methodist class was formed several years- prior to this date by Benjamin Lounsberry, Sr., Thomas White and Adonijah Westcott, all young men, and that their first meetings were held in a school-house which stood on the north side of the River road just below the Riverside Cemetery. TOWN OF NICHOLS. 313 the disappearance of some of the old families, till it became a question as to whether the services there should not be discon- tinued. It has, however, increased again, and there is now a con- gregation, and a Sunday-school is kept up a part of the year. In 1824 the Rev. Horace Agard was sent on to the circuit. He was a preacher of some talent, and was much liked by the people. He finally purchased a few acres of land and built a modest cot- tage just below what is now Hooper's Valley, and located his family there permanently. His health failed and he was obliged to abandon active work ^ome years before his death, which occurred in 1850. As a citizen of our town he was much respected. After his death his widow and family went to the State of Iowa. Nichols was made a station with a resident minister. ih 1835. The first church in the village of Nichols, now known as the Methodist church, was built in 1829. The ground which it occu- pies, which seemed to afford a more eligible site for the purpose' than any other in the village, was secured to the town by the liberality of Major Piatt. It had been in possession of Squire Joseph Webster, of Windham, Pa., by whom it was conveyed to the town in accordance with an arrangement made by Major Piatt with him and Mr. Sylvenus Dunham. This latter g^entleman had made a contract with Major Piatt for the purchase of a piece of ground on which to build a house. Major Piatt made a deed of this land to Mr. Dunham, in consideration of which Mr. Dunham conveyed to Squire Webster a piece of land which he owned in Windham, near or adjacent to that gentleman's farm, who in his turn, deeded the lot in Nichols to the trustees of the church. Whether this arrangement was made before the death of Major Piatt, or by some provision of his will, cannot now be told ; prob ably, however, it was by the latter, as Major Piatt died in 1824, and the final deed was not signed until just before the death of Squire Webster, in 1831. The church was built by contributions from the inhabitants of the town generally, who gave on the ex- press condition that the church should be free for all denomi- nations of .'Christians to preach in. It was built by contract, by Mr. Hezekiah Dunham, of Windham, Pa., for two thousand dol- lars, excepting the foundation, which was a separate affair, and built by the men of the town coming together, bringing stone and employing the proper mechanics and rendering general help. In this way a foundation was laid as strong as brick and mortar could make it. A box was enclosed in the corner-stone contain- ing a list of the trustees of the church, of the town officers for 314 TOWN OF NICHOLS. the year, the names of the governor and lieut-governor of the state, and the president and vice-president of the nation, and per- haps some other documents. There were also copies of the cur- rent numbers of the county papers, whatever they may have been. The names of the trustees were Emanuel Coryell, Nehemiah Piatt, Gamaliel H. Barstow, Ezra Canfield, John Cassel, Peter Joslin, Jonathan Hunt, Edwin' Ripley, Wright Dunham, John Petts, Sylvester Knapp, Cyrus Field, Daniel Ferguson, Justus Brown and James Thurston, These men, who represented nearly every part of the town, have all passed away. One of them, Sylvester Knapp, was from Smithboro, from which we infer that Smithboro helped to build the church. On this foundation Mr. Dunham erected a superstructure -which has now stood fifty-eight years without showing any sign ■of weakness or decay. Lumber was then plenty and cheap, and the frame was constructed of large and solid pine timbers of :great strength, the beams of the front of the tower extending from the foundation up. It was built after the fashion of the times, with a high pulpit at the end of the auditorium towards the entrance, and galleries that would seat nearly as many persons as the floor below. It was dedicated the next winter, although there was no means of warming it then, nor for some time after. The dedicatory sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Piatt, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Athens, Pa. The Methodists presently removed their preaching place from the old school- house to the church, which they have continued to occupy from that time, preaching for many years but once a day, and that in the afternoon, while any others desiring to use it, had the morn- ing hours. The house being free was used not only by all de-r nominations of Christians, orthodox and others, but for almost every other purpose for which a public building was necessary .exhibitions, concerts, public meetings of all kinds, including political. A Mormon even, on one occasion, found his way into the pulpit. As a consequence the church was ill kept, ill cared for, and often neglected. There were, from time to time, some alterations made in the interior to render it more comfortable for rministers and people, and in 1858 it was put in very good repair with some farther alterations, and the trustees grew rather more careful about allowing such indiscriminate use of it as had been the custom. In 1871 the interior was entirely remodeled in ac- cordance with the modern style of church building. The gal- Jeries were removed, the seats reversed, stained glass windows TOWN OF NICHOLS. 315, put in, and twenty feet added in the rear to make room for a pip6 organ, in front of which a simple desk supplied the place of a pulpit. The bell was purchased in 1867, during the pastorate of the Rev. Asa Brooks. At this time also, the time of preaching, was changed from afternoon to morning. During the pastorate of the Rev. George Comfort, in 1873,. the church was regularly incorporated as the First Methodist church, of Nichols, although it is still a free church, open to any who may wish to preach there at any hour not already occupied. The Presbyterians we shall have occasion immediately to speak of. Other denominations have, at different times, made some attempts to establish themselves here, but without success. In 1843, died Miss Sidney Coryell, an utnarried flaughter of Judge Coryell, who, with a sister, also unmarried, and her mother had been inhabitants of our village since 1835. This lady, left no will, but requested before her death that a portion, at least, o£ her property should be given to the Methodist church at Nich- ols, of which she was a member. Her friends consenting, her wish was carried out by her sister, the next summer, by the pur- chase of the Methodist parsonage lot of Mr. Nehemiah Piatt, for the sum of nine hundred dollars. There was then but one house standing on it, which was occupied as a parsonage until 1871, when the present parsonage was built. Two or three years later the lot was divided and the town half sold to Mr. Babcock. The Presbyterians had no church in Nichols until after the erection of the church building in 1829. A church was then organized with thirteen members. Their first pastor was the Rev. Mr. Ripley, an old gentleman with no family, who found a home with some one of his members. He remained but one year,, and was succeeded by the Rev. Ira Smith, who, with a. large family, served the church two years on the very moderate salary of two hundred dollars, with the addition, probably, of the rent of a house. After his departure the church was for many years without a regular pastor. The pulpit was occasionally filled by ministers from the neighboring towns, and for a few years sub- sequent to 1844, for the period is not precisely remembered, the Rev. John Gibbs, a retired minister, who came into the town as a resident, officiated as pastor. In 1859, the Rev. Henry Carpen- ter was hired and remained two years, and was succeeded by the Rev. George M. Life. This gentleman was a native of Virginia, but being loyal to the Union, he left the state on the breaking out of the war, and canje to the residence of his brother, who 3l6 TOWN OF NICHOLS. was also a clergyman, in Muncey, Pa. Hearing, while at this place, of their want of a pastor at the church at Nichols, he came here and was hired by the trustees of the church, and remained here eight years. He had no great talents as a preacher, but made himself very acceptable as a pastor and as a financier in church matters. It was during his pastorate that the Presbyte-' rian church edifice was built. It was done, too, just after the close of the war, when the hard times rendered the accomplish- ment of such an enterprise almost hopeless. It was built and finished, however, and dedicated in the fall of 1867. He married a lady of some wealth, in Muncey, and just after the completion of the church, built himself a very handsome private residence, which, at his departure from the town, in 1870, was purchased by the church for a parsonage. Since that time tJie pulpit has been occupied by a succession of preachers. Mr. Life may be said to have built up the church by giving it a "local habitation" and standing in the town, which it had not had before. The River Valley Methodist church was built in 1873, on ground given by Jonathan Hunt, during the pastorate of the Rev. Mr. Comfort, a few miles up the river. The first graves in Nichols were made on a knoll on the river not far from the house of the late Henry Coryell. These graves have long since disappeared. Major Piatt had a private cemetery on his farm up the river, where for many years those of the Piatt family who deceased were buried. Caleb Wright also buried his dead on his own farm. The first village cemetery, or " burying- ground" as it was called, was the gift of Mr. Wright to the town. It was a piece of ground comprising less than an acre, at the upper end of his farm. It was a few years ago enlarged by the purchase of a small piece of ground from Daily Dunham. The private cemetery of the Dunham family, which was laid out some time afterward, joins it on the upper end. This ground served as a place of interment for our village for many years, and it is still sometimes used. The Riverside Cemetery associa- tion was regularly incorporated, June i, 1861, by the inhabitants of the upper part of the town. The cemetery consists of one acre lying on that part of the public road that runs along the river .bank, about three or four miles above the village. The Nichols cemetery, lying rather more than a mile below the village was established by an association incorporated February 10, 1876. These cemeteries are well laid and well kept and supply a want that had long been felt in the town. TOWN OF OWEGO. 317 OWEGO * the shire town of Tioga county, is situated in the southeast corner of the same, and is bounded north by New- ark Valley, east and south by the county line, and west by Nichols, Tioga, and a small part of Candor. At the time the county was organized, February 16, i/gi.the territory comprised in the present town of Owego was a part of the town of Union, which then included within its limits the present towns of Berk- shire, Newark Valley, Owego, and Richford, in Tioga county, and also territory in the present counties of Broome and Che- nango. The original town of Owego at that time lay west of the Owego creek, and included the present towns of Candor, Nichols, Tioga, and Spencer, and all of Barton except that portion lying west of Cayuta creek, together with the towns of Cajjoline, Dan- by, and Newfield, (then called Cayuta), in Tompkins county. On the I4lh of March, i8oo,' the present town of Owego was organized from Union and named Tioga, and ,when Broome •county was organized on March 22, 1806, the town became apart •of her territory. The disadvantages of having a town of Owego •on the west side of the Owego creek, and a village of Owego in the town of Tioga on the east side of the creek were such that in the revision of the statutes, in 1813, the names of the towns •of Owego arid Tioga were exchanged, the one for the other, as they now exist. The town of Owego again became a part of Tioga county, March 22, 1822, when all the territory that had been taken with Broome county in 1806, was restored to Tioga. Old Indian Boundary Lines. — An undeniably correct account of the early land grants and of the first occupation of the territory included within the limits of the present town of Owego, together with the acquisition of the tract of eighteen square miles of land by James McMaster, now known as the McMaster Half Township, •on which Owego stands, has been already given in this work. The abandonment of the hunting grounds on the Susquehanna river and the gradual occupancy of the land by white settlers from the Eastern States followed. The original league of the Iroqnois consisted of five nations of Indians, the Onondagas,Oneidas, Mohawks, Cayugas, and Senecas. The Six Nations were constituted, in 1712, by uniting with the Tuscaroras. The dividing line between the Cayugas and Onondagas com- *Prepared by LeRoy W. Kingman, of Owego. 3l8 TOWN OF OWEGO. menced on Lake Ontario, near the mouth of the Osweg^o river and on its west side, and, passing between the Cross and Otter lakes, continued south into Pennsylvania, crossing the Susquehanna river west of Owego The Cayugas were west of the line. The boundary line between the Senecas and Cayugas com- menced at the head of Sodus bay on Lake Ontario, and running south nearly on the longitude of Washington, crossed the Clyde river, near the village of that name, and the Seneca river, about four miles east of its outlet from the Seneca lake. Continuing south and inclining a little to the east, the line ran nearly to the lake at its head, and having crossed the Chemung river east of Elmira, it passed into Pennsylvania. The territory of the Cayugas lay upon both sides of Cayuga lake, and extended to the eastward so as to include the Ovvasco. The line between the Onondagas and Oneidas ran from the Deep Spring, near Manlius, south into Pennsylvania, crossing the Susquehanna river, near its confluence with the Chenango. In brief, the Senecas were west of the Cayugas, the dividing line crossing into Pennsylvania, east of Elmira. The Cayugas- were east of this line and were divided from the Onondagas by the line which crossed into Pennsylvania, west of Owego. The Onondagas occupied the present town of Owego and the western part of Broome county, and were divided from the Oneidas by the line which crossed the Susquehanna near its confluence with the Chenango. Another tribe, the Nanticokes, had undisputed possession of this portion of the valley of the Susquehanna. Their headquarters- were about fourteen miles above Owego, near the mouth of the Choconut creek, and across the river at Union. The Nanticokes had been driven from the south and were identical with Indians of the eastern shore of Virginia, who were known as the Nanta- quaks. They were admitted into the confederacy of the Iroquois- but were then tributaries and acted in concert with them, enjoy- ing the protection of the league. After the white people began to settle here the Indians gradu- ally left the country. The late William Pumpelly informed the writer that when he came here, in 1805, Indians were frequently seen about the streets, but most of them had removed to Oneida, county. They were accustomed to hold their councils and dan- ces at the Indian spring, in Tioga. As late as 1812, there were Indians scattered all about the county, and on the island below Leach's mills there were half a dozen slab huts occupied by ' > TOWN of; owego. 319 Indians, who spent their time in'fishing and hunting, while their squaws made bead work and baskets, which they sold to the white people on general training and other public days. Indian Nomenclature. — Owego was known in the Indian dialect as Ah-wah-gah, and it was pronounced as thus spelled by the Indian captors of Mrs. Jane Whitaker, the white girl, who escaped the massacre of Wyoming and was taken with other prisoners to Tioga Point (Athens) and thence to Owego, while on their way to Unadilla.* In Lewis H. Morgan's " Ho-de-no- sau-nee, or League of the Iroquois," it is spelled in the Onondaga dialect "Ah- wa-ga;" the " a " in the second syllable being pro- nounced as in the word " fate." In the " Documents Relative to the Colonial Histary of the State of New York " it is variously spelled, " Owegy," " Oweigy," and "Oswegy." In early maps it is spelled "Owegy" and "Owega." The early settlers pronounced the name O-wa-go;: "a" pronounced as in " fate." It was also so written in the town records of the town of Union, and in the journals of officers of Clinton's and Sullivan's armies, and also in early letters and documents. The word " Ah-wa-ga " signifies, according to Wilkinson's- "Annals of Binghamton," swift, or swift river. Judge Avery,, who is undoubtedly correct, says its signification is " where the valley widens." That part of the village of OwegO nearest the mouth of the- Owego creek, known as Canawana, was " Ca-ne-wa-nah." In the Seneca dialect it was " Ne-wa-na Canoeush," meanings literally, " little living water." It was so named from the springj- known as the Indian spring, situated a little west of the Owega creek, at the northern base of the cliff, north of the Main street bridge. The present name is obtained by the arbitrary transpo- sition of syllables. Susquehanna is written in Smith's history of Virginia, " Sas-- que-han-nough," and by Morgan, in his "League of the Iro- quois," in the Indian dialect, " Ga-wa-no-wa-na-neh," meaning' " Great Island River." Wilkinson's ''Annals of Binghamton'' says that the word signifies " long and crooked river." In a list of Indian names of rivers and settlements in Pennsylvania it is^ given as " Winding water." Heckwelder, in his " Indian Names of Rivers, Creeks, and *See " The Susquehanna Valley," by Judge Avery in St. Nicholas, 1853, page 123. 320 TOWN OF OWEGO. Noted Places in Pennsylvania," says the word Susquehanna (properly " Sisquehanne," from " Sisku," for mud, and " hanne," a stream) was, probably, at an early time of the settling of this country, overheard by some white person, while the Indians were at the time of a flood or freshet remarking, " Juh ! Achsi ■quehanne," or "Sisquehanne," which is: "How muddy the ■stream is," and, therefore, taken as the proper name of the river. Any stream that has become muddy will at the time it is so be ■called '• Sisquehanna." At the meeting of the Presbytery at Newport, in October, 1885, a young Indian whom the Presbytery had taken under its care, said that the river received its name in this way : An Indian ■standing on one side of the banks called across to the other, ^'Susque," which interpreted means, "Are you there?" His friend replied, " Hanna,' which means, " I am here." A white man standing near heard it and named the river accordingly. This derivation appears to be rather far-fetch.ed. The word " Anna " appears to be a general Indian term mean- ing "river." The word " Susque" is said to have meant in the aboriginal dialect, "long and crooked." Thus we have the .Susqueh-anna, the Lackaw.-anna, and in Virginia, the North Anna, South Anna, Rixanna, and Flav-anna. Early Settlers. — The first white men to visit this town of whom we have any account, were a portion of General Sullivan's army, in 1779. On the 17th of August, in that year, Captain Daniel Livermore. of the 3d Ne.w Hampshire regiment of General Poor's brigade, with a detachment of nine hundred men from General Sullivan's army, marched up the Susquehanna river from Tioga Point (Athens, Pa.,) to meet General Clinton's expe- dition of 1,500 men, which was coming down from Otsego lake. At Owego, Captain Livermore destroyed the Indian village, which was on the river's bank at and below William street, and which consisted of about twenty wigwams, the natives having fled on the approach of the troops. Two days afterward they effected a union with Clinton's army of 1,500 men at Charamuk {Choconut, about one and one-half miles above Union) and the ■entire body then marched to Owego, arriving August 19th, ancl remaining encamped here two days, on account of rainy weather. One of the soldiers in General Clinton's army in this expedi- tion was James McMaster, of Florida, Montgomery county. Pleased with the appearance of the valley and the apparent advantages of the land for farming purposes, he returned four TOWN OF OWEGO. 32 1 years later, in 1784, on a prospecting visit. The only white man in these parts then was Amos Draper, an Indian trader, who re- sided, at Choconut, and who was engaged in trafficking with the natives at various points. Through Draper's influence, McMas- ter conciliated the Indians, so that when he returned here the next year he was unmolested. In April, 1785, McMaster, accompanied by his brother, Robert McMaster, William Taylor, a bound boy, John Nealy and Wil- liam Woods, left Florida for Owego. They came down Otsego lake to the Susquehanna river, and on down to Owego. Their farming implements and cooking utensils were conveyed in a boat, while some of the party went with four horses by land. Having arrived here, they constructed a cabin of pitcli-pine logs ■upon the flat, about fifty rods above where the flouring mill in Canawana now stands. They planted ten acres with corn on the homestead farm of George Talcott, after which they built a more -substantial log house on the ground now occupied by George L. Rich's residence, near the lower end of Front street. The latter ihouse stood facing the river, near its bank. After the corn had been hoed, the party returned to Montgomery county. After finishing their harvesting upon the Mohawk, they came back to Owego in the fall and gathered their crop, which had not been molested by the Indians. Amos Draper came to Owego to reside in the spring of 1787, and his was the first white family to settle here. Draper had resided at Kingston, Pa., from which point his family removed, in the fall of 1786, to Nanticoke, where he had been engaged in trafficking with the Indians for several years. They commenced living, in the house that McMaster and his party had built two years previous. Amos Draper and his brother, Joseph Draper, who was a sur- veyor, and who was also afterward a resident of Owego, were ■sons of Major Simeon Draper, who was one of the forty settlers or proprietors of the township of Kingston, under the old Con- necticut claim, in 1768. "Amos Draper," says an old document in possession of the writer, "deceased on the 24th of May, 1808, at about 2 o'clock P. M., in the town of Owego, in the county of Tioga, N. Y., with a cancer on the left cheek — after passing through the most excruciating pain for nearly one year — and was buried in the burial ground in the village of Owego, in the town of Tioga, and county of Broome, and State of New York. The 322 TOWN OF OWEGO. stone at the head is marked A. D. The grave to the north is his daughter, which deceased with small pox." The first white child born within the present limits of Tioga county was Selecta Draper, daughter of Amos Draper. She was born in Owego, June 19, 1788, and married Stephen Williams, Jr., of Newark Valley, in 1809. She died at the residence of her son, L. E. Williams, in Newark Valley, April 2, 1865. The family of James McMaster removed to Owego in the spring of 1788, and settled in a house near the river, opposite the foot of the street now known as Academy street. In the same year the family of John McQuigg came from New Hampshire and settled in a house situated where Camp's furnace nowstands^ a short distance below Park street. McQuigg was a revolution- ary soldier. He died in Owego, in 1813. These houses were all on the line of the old Indian trail and fronted upon the river. This was washed away long ago by the freshets of successive years. There were trails on both banks- up and down the Susquehanna. The one on the north side followed the bank closely from the eastern part of the town all the way to the Owego creek at its mouth. On the west side of the creek it continued along close to the river bank to the nar- rows, near Tioga Center. This trail was wide enough for the passage of horses with packs, cattle, etc., and in some places it was wide enough for wagons. It was widened after the coming^ of the white people and became the main highway through southern New York from the east to the west. Another Indian trail was the " Cayuga Lake trail," running north and south. It entered the north part of the village of Owego, and ran. direct to the river. It was nearly identical in its course with the streets now known as McMaster and Academy streets. When the early settlers came into this country, these trails- were the only roads opened through the forest, and were for many years the only route of travel. Along their line the early settlers built their houses. All of the Indian trails along "the banks of the Chemung and Susquehanna rivers and their tribu- taries converged upon Tioga Point (Athens, Pa.), at the junction' of these two rivers. They became gathered into one, which,, descending the Susquehanna, formed the great southern trail into Pennsylvania and Virginia. Although James McMaster was the owner of such avast amount of land, he died poor. He sold it piece by piece, much of it for a mere song, and in his later days went to live in Canddr, where TOWN OF OWEGO. 323 tiis daughter, Mrs. Caleb Sackett, resided. His death was caused toy being thrown from a horse, in 1818. McMaster was the first sheriff of Tioga county, elected in 1791. The .old town of Union, in the county of Tioga, as formed by an act of the legislature, February 16, 1791, extended from the Chenango river to the West Owego creek, and from the Penn- ■sylvania state line to the south side of the military tract. This, •of course, included the whole of the present town of Owego. The to\vn was organized April 5, in the same year, by the election of town officers, and three months later (July 12, 1791), it was divided into road districts by the commissioners of high- ways. Frorii the lists of persons assigned to work on the high- ways, we obtain the names of the settlers at that earliy day, re- siding between the Owego creek and the head of the Big Island. The list is as follows: James McMaster, Phineas Thompson, Emmanuel Deuel, John Caster, Jehu Barney, Robert McMaster, Amos Draper, John McQuigg, John Nealy, The names of those Island and the present li were as follows : -Silas Gaskill, Uriah Gaskill, Wilder Gaskill, Samuel Smith, Charles Dodge, Jonathan Hammond, Seth Jakeway, John Taylor, James Sarner, Moses Ingersoll, Reuben Holbook, Oideon Thayer, John Carmon, Amos Mead, Elias Williams, James Barnes, Timothy Sibley, Benjamin Selden, Daniel Ferguson, Thomas Jordan, Daniel Ferguson, Jr., Elisha Bates, Reuben Harrington, Stephen Dean, Jacob Harrington, Benjamin Marsh, Jeremiah Harrington, Stephen Ay Is worth William Bates, Benjamin Bates. residing between the head of the Big ne between Tioga and Broome counties, Matthew Hammond, Daniel Thurston, Benjamin Lewis, Daniel Hilton, Nathan Hammond, David Hammond, Moses Reed, Levi Wheeler, Samuel Atkins, David Barney, Frances Norwood, William Read, Amariah Yates, Isaac Harris, Thomas Tracy, Cohoon Runnals, Koswell Smith, John Kelly, William Roe, John Rowley, Zimri Barney, Richard -, Jeremiah Taylor, Daniel Read. Some of the persons named above may have resided east of 324 TOWN OF OWEGO. the present Tioga county line. Many of them were squatters, too poor to buy land, and subsisting by fishing and hunting, and they remained here only until driven from the land by the owners. Others were owners of land by purchase, and remained permanent residents. Many of their descendants are still resi- dents of the town. Organization. — The first town meeting in the old town of Tioga (Owego), was held at Capt. Luke Bates's tavern, in Owego vil- lage, on the 3d day of April, 1800. Col. David Pixley was chosen moderator, and the following town officers were elected ; Supervisor, John, Brown ; town clerk, Lemuel Brown; assessors, Asa Bement, Asa Camp, Henry Steward ; collector, Jesse Glea- zen ; overseers of the poor. Vine Kingsley, Lemuel Brown ; cpm- missioner of highways, Stephen Mack; constables, Henry Stew- ard, Stephen Ball, Stephen Mack ; fence viewers. Vine Kingsley,. Stephen Bates ; pound-master, Vine Kingsley ; pathmasters, Silas- Gaskill, John McQuigg, Edward Pain, John Freeman, Asa Leon- ard, Laban Jenks, John Barney, Wilder Gaskill, David Buriel. Town meetings were held in April each year until 1813, when Ihe day was changed to the first Tuesday in March. In 183 1, the day was again changed to the first Tuesday in February. The last change was made to accommodate the river raftsmen, who were usually absent down -the river during the spring fresh- ets, and who comprised a large proportion of the voting popu- lation. The first record of votes cast in the town was that of April 29, 1802, for congressman, senators and assemblymen. The highest total vote cast was eighty-four. At the last election, in November, 1886, the total vote cast in the town for member of assembly was 2,342. BIOGRAPHICAL. Capt. Lemuel Brown was born in Berkshire county, Mass., in 1775, and came to Owego in^ 1790. In 1795, he built the first tan- nery erected in Tioga county. It stood on the west side of the Southern Central railroad track, north of Talcott street, in the village of Owego. He was an overseer of the poor eighteen years, andheld other town offices. He died in Owego, December 5^ 1815- Capt. Mason Wattles was the first man to engage in the mercantile business in Owego. He came here, in 1792, from TOWN OF OWEGO. 325 Franklin, Otsego Co., N. Y. He was very wealthy and became owner of much of the land now occupied by the business portion of the village. He failed in business, in 1799. He afterward, for several years, held the office of justice of the peace. He was- associate judge of Broome county* from 1807 to 1812, and also clerk of Broome county from February 18, i8ii,to November 9, 1812. He subsequently removed from Owego- to New York, where he died. Dr. Samuel Tinkham was born in one of the New England/ States about the year 1767, and came to the town of Tioga about the year 1792. Besides practicing his profession he kept a store in Owego. He died in the town of Newark VaUey, while on a professional visit to a patient, September 30, 1804. •His sons .were Samuel S. , and David P. Tinkham. Dr. James H. Tinkham, the only son of Samuel S. Tinkham^ was born in Owego, March 16, [836. In July, 1861, he entered the United States navy as a surgeon. During a visit to Owego in 1879, he was attacked with quick consumption and died June 2d in that year. He was a physician of great promise, and dur- ing his illness he was ordered as fleet-surgeon to the West Indies squadrpn. Dr. Elisha Ely came to Owego from Saybrook, Conn., in the fall of 1798. He died here three years afterward of consumption, contracted by exposure while he was surgeon in the federal army during the revolutionary war. His sons were William A., Daniel, Gilbert, Elisha, Edward and James Ely. William A. Ely was born at Saybrook, October 16, 1788. He was for fifty years a prominent merchant and business man in Owego. He was a member of the first board of trustees of Owego village, and supervisor of the town of Owego from 1825 to 1830, inclusive, and also in 1832 and 1833. He died in Owego, Novem- ber 27, 1863. His sorts are Alfred G., Charles E., and Frederick Ely, of New York city, and Edward O. Ely, of Boston, Mass. Daniel Ely was born at Saybrook, in 1796. He was for many years an active business man, and a merchant. He was postmas- ter of O'wego from February 4, 1842, to November 25, 1844. He died in Owego, November 25, 1844. James Ely was born in Owego, in 1809, and was engaged in the mercantile business with his brothers, William and Daniel. He * From March 28, 1806, to March 22, 1822, the present towns of Berkshire, Newark Valley, Owego and Richford were a part of Broome county. 326 TOWN OF OWEGO. was supervisor of the town of Owego in 1834, and 1852, and rep- resented Tioga county in the assembly of 1851. He removed to Orand Rapids, Mich., where he died on the 20th of December, 1862. Stephen Mack was born in Massachusetts, May 20, 1765. In 1799 he kept a country store at Cooperstown, N. Y., and had a -contract with the government to furnish about 100,000 spars, to be delivered at Baltimore. In March of that year, a freshet in the Susquehanna river carried away all the tiftiber, which he had purchased and paid for in. goods at his store, and made him a bankrupt. He came down the river to Owego in search of his -timber, but found it would cost as much to "hunt it up and get it together again as it was worth, so he made no further effort to secure it. He was so highly pleased with Owego, that he re- moved here the same spring. In 1805, he purchased The Ameri- can Farmer printing office, and published the newspaper until his death. He lived in Owego only fifteen years, but during that time he was one of the most prominent and influential citizens. He held the offices of commissioner of highways, excise commis- sioner, and constable. He was for several years a justice of the peace, and served as supervisor of the town of Tioga (now Owe- go) in 1807, 1808, 181 1, and 1812. He was appointed first judge of Broome (now Tioga) county, November 9, 1812, and served three years. He died in Owego, April 14, 1814. After his death his widow and his son Horace, who was then fifteen years of age, set the type and worked the edition of The American Farmer un- til Stephen B. Leonard took possession, in the following June. Gen. John Laning was born at Lambertsville, N. J., in Octo- ber, 1779. He came to Owego in August, i8oi. He engaged in lumbering and the mercantile business, and brought plaster from Cayuga lake for shipment down the river in arks to a market. He was killed by falling through a hatchway in his storehouse on Front street, on the 12th of February, 1820. One of his sons, John C. Laning, is still a resident of Owego. Eleazer Dana, the first practicing lawyer in Owego, was born at Ashford, Conn., August 12, 1772. His father, Anderson Dana, was killed in the massacre of Wyoming. He studied law at Newtown (Elmira), and was admitted to the bar, in 1800. Im- mediately thereafter he removed to Owego. He was the second postmaster of Owego, from 1802 to 1816. He was appointed surrogate of Broome county, in 1806, and also represented the .coun|;y in the assembly of 1S08 — 9. 'He was district attorney TOWN OF OWEGO. 327 of Tioga county from 1823 to 1826. He was a member of the first board of trustees of Owego village, in 1827, and one of the original trustees of the Owego academy, which office he held until his death, which occurred May i, 1845. He was also one of the original trustees of the Presbyterian church, organized in 1810, which office he also held during his life. John H. Avery, the second resident lawyer in Owego, was born in 1783. He came to Owego, in 1801. He was a member of assembly, in 1814. He died in Owego, September i, 1837. His sons were Charles P. and Guy H. Avery. The latter resides in New York. Charles P. Avery, a son of John H. Avery, was born in Owego, in 18 18. He studied law in the office of his brotjper-in-law, Thomas Farrington, and was admitted to the bar, in 1840. He was chosen judge of Tioga county, in 1847, being the first judge elected by the people in the county under the change of the judi- cial system by the constitution of 1846. At the expiration of his term of office he was re-elected. Judge, Avery was greatly in- terested in the Indian and pioneer history of this part of the state, at a time when many of the early settlers of Tioga county were still alive, and from them he obtained much information regarding the early history of the valley of the Susquehanna, which otherwise would have been lost. Much of this has been preserved in a series of papers, entitled " The Susquehanna Val- ley," which were printed in a magazine, called St. Nicholas, which was published in Owego, in 1853-4. This is the on y work of any particular historical value that has been heretofore pubhshed in Tioga county. He also took a deep interest in the aborigines of the country. When the Indian missionary, Sa-sa-na Loft, was killed at Deposit, in 1852, he caused a monument to be erected to her memory, on the hill in the eastern part of Evergreen cem- etery, in Owego. Judge Avery possessed a rare collection of Indian relics, a list of which was published inthe " Susquehanna Valley'' papers, and which, after his death, were sold to a gentle- man in Rochester. In 1856, Judge Avery removed to Flint, Mich., where he practiced law until the spring of 1872, when, on account of his health having become impaired by the climate of that state, he returned to Owego. He died here on the 31st of August, in that year. John Holfenback was born near Wilkesbarre, Pa.,' November 2, 1780. He came to Owego. in 1801 or 1802, and commenced a general mercantile business. He died, childless, June 13, 1847, aa* 328 TOWN OF OWEGO. and bequeathed the greater portion of his large property to to his nephew, George W. HoUenback. George W. HoUenback was born at Wyalusing, Pa., August 25, 1806. He entered the store of his uncle, John HoUenback,. as a clerk, in 183 1. He was engaged for many years in the mer- cantile and lumbering business. He died in Owego, December 30, 1878. Mr. HoUenback was supervisor of the town of Owego- in 1850, 1851 and 1855; trustee of the village in 1852, 1854 and 1862, and president of the village in 1854 His sons were Will- iam H., Frederick, John G., and Charles E HoUenback. James Pumpelly was the eldest son of John Pumpelly, who- served with distinction in the early Indian and French wars, and who was present at the siege of Louisburg, and was at the side of Gen. Wolfe when he fell mortally wounded on the Heights of Abraham, in 1759. John Pumpelly, his wife, and five of their children, James, Harmon, William, Harriet, (afterward Mrs. David McQuigg), and Maria, (afterward Mrs. Abner Beers)^ removed from Salisbury, Conn., to Beers's Settlement, in Tomp- kins county, N. Y., in May, 1802. He died in 1820, at the advanced age of 93 years. James Pumpelly was a surveyor. He commenced by surveying the Owego village plot arid laying it out into two acre lots. He then surveyed the West Half Town- ship, and laid it out into 143 acre lots. In this work he wa& assisted by his younger brothers. He became agent for large tracts of land, owned by friends in the east. He opened a land office, and engaged extensively in real estate transactions on his own account, soon becoming one of the largest lafld-owners in this part of the state. He died in Owego. October 4, 1845, leav- ing two sons, George J. and Frederick H. Pumpelly. James Pumpelly did more for the advancement of Owego as a village than any other one of her early citizens. He was the first presi- dent of the village after its incorporation, in 1827, and held that office five successive years. He also represented Broome (now Tioga) county in the assembly of 18 10. He was activel)'- interested in educational matters, and it was mainly through hi& influence and efforts that the first Academy building was erected in Owego, in 1827. He was the first president of the board of trustees of that institution, and held that office several years. • Charles Pumpelly, the second son of John Pumpelly, was born at SaUsbury, Conn., in 1780. He came to Owego in' the winter of 1802-3 and engaged in the mercantile and lumber business. He was successful in his business enterprises and for many years TOWN OF OWEGO. 329 was one of the prominent and influential men of the county. He was supervisor of the town of Owego, in 1809, 1810, and from 1 82 1 to 1824, inclusive. He i-epresented Tioga county in the Assembly of 1825, and was a member of the constitutional con- vention, in 1821. He died in 0\Vego on the 6th of January, 1855. William Pumpelly, the third son of John Pumpelly, was born at Salisbury, Conn., June 17; 1789. He came to Owego, in 1865, and entered the service of his elder brother as a surveyor. In 1812, he' commenced a mercantile business, and continued until 1844, when he retired. He died in Owego, November 17, 1876. His second wife, Mary H. (Welles) Pumpelly, was a lady of fine accomplishments, an artist, and the author of a volume of poems. His sons are John Putapelly, of Albany, and Professor Raphael Pumpelly, distinguished as a geologist and mineralogist, of New- port, R. I. Harmon Pumpelly, the fourth son of John Pumpelly, was born at Salisbury, Conn., August i, 1795. He was in early life employed for several ^ears in surveying lands for his brother, James. He afterward engaged' in lumbering and became wealthy. In 1841, he removed to Albany, of which city he be- came one of the most prominent men in financial circles. He died in that city September 29, 1882. He was a member of the first Poard of Trustees of Owego village and was re-elected four times. In 1835, he was president of the village. Daniel Cruger, Jr., who was the first printer and newspaper publisher in Owego, entered the printing office of a Mr. Webster, in Albany, in 1794, at the age of fourteen years. After he had served his time he established a paper called The American Con- stellation at Union (then in Tioga county) November 23, 1800. In August, 1803,' he removed his establishment to Owego, and changed the name of the paper to The American Farmer. Two years afterward he sold the paper to Judge Stephen Mack. From Owego he removed to Bath, where he edited a newspaper for some time. He studied law and was admitted to the bar, in 1809. In 1814, 181 5, 1816, and 1826, he represented Allegany and Steuben counties in the assembly, and was speaker of that boldy in 1816. He was district attorney of the seventh New York district from March 17, 1815, to June 11, 1818, and from the latter date continued as district attorney of Steuben county until February 19, 1821. He represented the 20th congressional district in the 15th congress, in 1817-19. While in congress he became acquainted with Mrs. Lydia Shepard, of Ohio county. 330 TOWN OF OWEGO. Va., who was in Washington trying to collect a claim of her de- ceased husband against the government. He subsequently married her. He afterward gave himself up entirely to agricul- tural pursuits and the management of his wife's property. He was a director of the' Northwestern Bank of Virginia, and it was while attending to the duties of that position he was stricken with the disease from which he died nine days afterward. His death occurred at Elm Grove, Va., July 12, 1843. Capt. Sylvenus Fox, a carpenter by trade, was born at North Glastonbury, Conn., May 6, 1797, and came to Owego with the Talcotts, in 1 803, when but six years of age. He acquired his title of captain from having been in command of an independent mili- tary compajiy, about the year 1831. He was a public spirited ■citizen and rendered important service m laying out streets and forwarding various public improvements. He was elected a vil- lage trustee, in 1832, and served eleven years. He was president of the village, in 1840. He died in Owego, August 24, 1871. William, Nathan, Anson, and Hermon Camp came to Owego from New Preston, Conn., in 1804 or 1805. William, the eldest, was born in 1777, and Nathan in February, 1782. They opened a general country store in Owego. Nathan was a man of literary tastes and founded the village library. He died May 19, 1819. His sons were Frederick, George, and Nathan Camp. William Camp was killed by the bursting of the boiler of the steamboat Susquehanna at Nescopeck Falls, opposite Berwick, Pa., May 5, 1826. In 1812, Mr. Camp was appointed an associate judge of Tioga county, and was reappointed in 1817. Gen. Anson Camp was born October 17, 1784. He was engaged in the hat manufacturing business and kept a hat store. He was brigadier general of the 41st Brigade of Infantry. He represen- ted Tioga county in the assembly, in 1825. He was president of the village, in 1832 and 1833, and supervisor of the town five years. He died in Owego, March 22, 1838, Gen. Camp was unmarried. Hermon Camp 'was born in 1777. He went from Owego to Trumansburg, Tompkins county, in December, 1805, as clerk in a store, which his brothers, William and Nathan, had established there. He became a prominent man in that county. He held tfie offices of sheriff and member of assembly, and was for several years president of the Tompkins County Bank at Ithaca. He died at Trumansburg, June 8, 1878. George Sidney Camp, the second son of William and Abigail (Whittlesey) Camp, was born at Owego, February 5, 1816. Hav- TOWN OF OWEGO. 33 1 ing made his preparatory studies at the Owego academy, he entered, in February, 1832, the last term of freshman year, Yale College, from which at the close of sophomore year he removed to the University of the City of New York. He was a winner at Yale, as a member of the sophomore class, of the first prize for English composition. Leaving the university at the close of his junior year he studied law, first in the office of Hon. Stephen Strong, at Owego, and subsequently in the office of Hon. Ger- ardus Clark, at the City of New York, and was admitted to the bar as an attorney, May [8, 1838. He practiced law the first two or three years of his professional life, in the City of New York, a por- tion of the time, that is from November, 1839, ^s a partner of Hon. Thomas W. Clerke, who was afterward elected a justice of the supreme court. December 16, 1841, he returned to Owego, where he has ever since resided. He was compelled to seek a country resi- dence by the breaking down of his health from an attack of laryngitis, which became chronic, and of which he has never since been entirely cured ; so that all of his subsequent profes- sional life has been that of one more or less an invalid, subject, as he has thus been, from the slightest cause, to contract a cold that rendered all professional labor absolutely impracticable, and hav- ing been, for jperiods of four or five years at a time, wholly un- able to try or argue a cause. The effects of this chronic evil yet tell upon his health and life. During the early residence of Mr. Camp in the City of New York, and in the year 1841, he contributed to the then popular Harper s Family Library, a volume on " Democracy ; " subse- quently, in 1852, translated into Spanish, and published in Bogota, by Lbrenza Maria Lleras, secretary of state' of New Granada. On returning to Owego he entered into partnership with Mr. Strong. That copartnership continued, with the exception of the two years of 1846 and 1847, that the latter was in congress, until the year 1856, when Mr. Strong was elected judge of Tioga county. During this period Mr. Camp held the only public office he ever *lled, which was that of district attorney of Tioga county, to which he was appointed in 1845. In 1851, he had the sole charge, as the attorney of Metcalf Thurston, to mark out the line of defence and make the neces- sary preparation to defend him (as was successfully done), from an indictment for the murder of his brother-in-law, Anson Gar- rison, Governor Daniel S. Dickerson being the leading, and Hon. John J. Taylor, the associate counsel. 332 TOWN OF OWEGO. The only case of any general public interest of which he has lately had the principal charge, is the McGraw-Fiske will case, against the Cornell University, which was argued before the general term of the supreme court of the fourth judicial depart- ment of New York, at Utica, in April, 1887; and in the argument of which for the family of the testatrix, he was associated with Judge George F. Comstock, of Syracuse, and Hon. Esek Coweri, of Troy. The amount of property at stake in the controversy is a million and a half of dollars, and four days' time were allowed by the court for the argument of the case on both sides. The only literary labor, aside from the volume of Harper's Family Library, above mentioned, that he has ever veritured upon, was undertaken at the suggestion of his then pastor, Rev. Dr. Samuel H. Hall, and was published in two numbers of the .^w^re- can Presbyterian Theological Quarterly Review for April and July, 1865, on the subject of^"The Government of the Primitive Church." i;,.omV/ \i.....'V: ^^^^e^> During the past fourteen years'he has devoted himself, at in- tervals of professional labor, to the cult'ivation of his farm of 135 acres, that forms the eastern limit of the village of Owego, and to the rearing of thoroughbred Jersey cattle. To these the methods of modern and scientific agriculture have been studi- ously and liberally applied. Mr. Camp is one of the oldest, if not the oldest lawyer, engaged in the active practice of the law in the New York southern tier of counties, and he can hardly look forward to the much longer continuance of a laborious professional career which already covers the period of half a century. General Isaac B. Ogden was born in New Jersey, in 1805. His mother died when he was a child, and he was brought up by his grandmother, Mrs. Canfield, of Smithboro. He learned the trade of a cabinet maker, in Owego, and then spent several years in New York city. He subsequently returned here and engaged extensively in cabinet making, in company with Messrs. Dana and Kingsbury. He was greatly interested in the welfare and improvement of Owego. He held various offices of trust, chief of which was president of the village, from 1846 to 1849, inclu- sive. He was a member of the board of trustees eleven years. General Ogden died in Owego, April 14, 1868. General Oliver Huntington was born December 22, 1771, and came to Owego in 1804, settling on the Huntington creek (so named in honor of him), about a mile north of the Court House. TOWN Of owego. 333 lie opened the first drug-store in Owego, and was also engaged in shipping produce down the river. In 1812 he was commis- sioned Brigadier-General of the 41st Brigade of New York Infantry. In 18 14, he was commissioned sheriff of Broome county, ■which then comprised, in addition to its present territory, four of the towns of Tioga county. He died in Owego, November 13, 1823. One of his sons. Wait T. Huntington, was a merchant at Ithaca, and was elected clerk of Tompkins county in 1837. He ■was an ingenious man, and was the inventor of the calendar attachment now in use on clocks, and other valuable patents. Major Horatio Ross was one of Owego's earliest merchants and a gentleman of wealth. He was born about the year 1755, and came here from Frederick, Md., in 1805, and opfned a gen- eral country store. He was a slaveholder and brought his slaves with him. He failed- in business, in 1818, and did not resume business. He was deputy clerk of Tioga county from 1823 to 1828. He died in Owego in November, 1828. Ma;jor Ross was unmarried. Jonathan Piatt, Jr., was a son of Major Jonathan Piatt, Sr., who Avas one of the earliest settlers of Nichols, to which town he came from Bedford, Westchester county, N. Y., in 1793. He was born at Bedford, October 18, 1783. In 1805, he came to Owego and entered Gen. John Laning's store as a clerk. Five years later he commenced the mercantile business for himself, which he contin- ued with various parties until 1849, when he retired from busi- ness. Mr. Piatt was one of Owegp's most public-spirited citizens. He was president of the village, in 1834, and a trustee from the incorporation of the village, in 1827, for many years. He was also for ,many years president of the Bank of Owego. Mr. Piatt and David Turner built the "red mills," two miles north of Owego, in 1820. His sons were Charles and Edward J. Piatt. William Piatt, another son of Major Jonathan Piatt, Sr., was born at Bedford, N. Y., October 29, 1791. He studied law in Owego with John H. Avery, and was the third practicing lavv^yer to locate in the village. He died in Owego January 12, 1855. Mr. Piatt was for many years agent for the tract of land known as Coxe's Patent. His sons were Thomas C, Frederick E., and William H. Piatt. Hon. Thomas Collier Piatt was the son of William Piatt, Esq., for many years a prominent and highly esteemed member of the bar of Tioga county, and of Lesbia (Hinchman) Piatt. He was born at Owego, Tioga county, N. Y., July 15, 1833. His grand- 334 TOWN OF "OWEGO. father, Major Jonathan Piatt, was one of the earliest settlers of Tioga county, having emigrated with his father, Jonathan Piatt,, senior, from Bedford. Westchester county, N. Y., and settled upon what was for many years known as " the Piatt Homestead,'' in the town of Nichols. One of Mr. Piatt's uncles, the Hon. Nehemiah Piatt, was a former member of the senate of the state of New York. Mr. Piatt, after pursuing his preliminary studies at the Owego- Academy, entered the class of 1853, at Yale College, the com- mencement of the freshman year. He was compelled to leave college, on account of ill-health, in December, 1850; but received from the college, in 1876, the honorary degree of M. A. On the I2th December, 1852, he was married to Miss Ellen Lucy, daughter of Charles R. Barstow. Three sons, now living, are the fruit of this marriage: Edward T., Frank H., a graduate of Yale College, of the class of 1877, and a member of the New York law firm of McFarland, Boardman & Piatt, and Henry B., a graduate of Yale, of the class of 1882. , Mr. Piatt engaged, very early in life, in mercantile pursuits at Owego, and this part of his business career^ which terminated in 1873, was attended with remarkable success. During this- period, he was elected, at the early age of twenty-six years, (A. D. 1859,) county clerk, and clerk of the courts of the county of Tioga, and officiated during three years in that capacity, to the universal satisfaction of the public. At the commencement of the civil war of the rebellion, no citi- zen of the county was more active, or efficient, in stimulating the enlistment of volunteers ; or, during the whole continuance of the strife, in organizing and promoting the measures necessary to secure enlistments and recruits, and in providing for the sub- sistance and comfort of the families of soldiers who were at the front. From this time forward, he took a leading and very controll- ing position in the politics of Tioga county ; but he exhibited a marked self control, and great political sagacity, in patiently waiting to serve and' promote the advancement of others, before aspiring to any other personal preferment, instead of impatiently and selfishly grasping, as so many other politicians commonly do, at every object, great or small, that comes within their reach. It was not, therefore,- until the contest arose for the member- ship of the 42d congress, that he was nominated, in 1871, as the Republican candidate, by the Republican convention of the 28tb TOWN OF OWEGO. 335'. district of the state of New York. This nomination he declined.^ But he was again nominated, and was elected, to represent the same district, in the 43d congress, (A. D. 1873 ;) and, again renominated and elected to represent the same district, in the 44th congress, (A. D. 1875 ;) when, having thus served twO' terms, (4 years,) he declined any further renomination. During these congressional terms, he was a prominent and influential- member of the committee on postoffices^and post roads; and, also,- of the committee 011 the Pacific railroad. As a member of con- gress, he acquired the unlimited confidence of the Republican administration, and was honored with, and ever afterwards- retained, the warm personal friendship of the president, Gen. Grant. The personal popularity of Mr. Piatt, whiich, these repeated evidences of public favor sufficiently attest, was faith- fully earned, not only by a laborious and conscientious discharge- of his public duties, as a congressman, but by a prompt, uniform,- and orderly attention to any matters of private interest, or busi- ness confided to him by his constituents of whatever party. In 1879, he became connected with the United States Express company, as its general manager and president, and has ever since discharged the duties of those offices, at the City of New York, where he now lives. In the exciting campaign of of 1877, Mr. Piatt was chosen per- manent chairman of the Republican state convention vs^hich was- held at the city of Rochester, N. Y.; and, on taking his seat,, delivered an address which must be still fresh in the memory of all, as one of singular appropriateness, and exhibiting very marked abihty. In the year 18S0, he was appointed by Gov. Cornell a com- missioner of quarantine for the term of three years, and became president of the board. This office he still holds. Prior to this period, he had become largely interested in a very extensive enterprise for the manufacture and sale of lumber, in the state of Michigan, which was followed by the success- which has, so far, universally attended all of Mr. Piatt's business- undertakings, and which was advantageously and profitably closed out in 1 88 1. Mr. Piatt was elected, by both houses of the state legislature,, a member of the senate of the United States from the state of New York, to succeed Hon. Francis Kernan, whose term ex- pired March 4, 1881. It was known to some of Mr. Piatt's most intimate friends that he did not find the position, though so grat- 336 TOWN OF OWEGO. ifying to his utmost personal ambition, absolutely free from all •countervailing elements ; and he never obtained, with the geur «ral public, the credit to which he was, in fact, justly entitled, of being the first to form, and impart to his more distinguished colleague, his private purpose of resigning; a purpose which he carried into effect, May i6, 1881. Mr. Piatt was for several years a very efficient member of the Republican New York state committee ; and afterwards a mem- iber, and one of the executive committee, of the Republican na- tional committee. He was also a delegate from the state of New York to the last three Republican national conventions. Mr. Piatt has been, for many years, president of the Tioga National Bank of Owego, president of the Southern Central rail- road, and a director of several other railroads. He is also one of the principal proprietors of the very extensive and successful agricultural works at Owego, where the Champion grain drill and Champion wagon are manufactured ; the business name of the copartnership being " Gere, Truman, Piatt & Co." It cannot be denied that, in all the vicissitudes of party poli- tics, Mr. Piatt has invariably maintained a position of command- ing influence. This position has been due to his very just per- ception and estimation of the characters of men, his personal knowledge of the individual relations and political histories of :SO many influential politicians, his accurate appreciation of the motives that control human actions, and his sound practical sense and judgment in applying those means and resources to practice. Results have too often borne testimony to his great executive tal- ent and ability to admit of their being questioned by the most jealous and envious critic. Aside from these elements, however, •one must have known but very little of Mr. Piatt, personally, to have not discovered that his methods of dealing with men are eminently satisfactory, because singularly outspoken, frank and honorable, and exempt from all tergiversation and treachery. One soon learns from him, very distinctly, whetheror not he can have his political support ; and if he gets an assurance of it, that support is given with remarkable and unreserved heartiness. Mr. Piatt never forgets a kindness rendered, and is unstinted in his effort to more than repay the obligation. Perhaps it is his greatest defect as a politician, that he is but too apt to be equally mindful of any demonstrations of a contrary character. His old neighbors in Tioga county need not be reminded with what a generous hand he has found positions for, and bestowed per- TOWN OF OWEGO. 337 sonal favors upon, so many, that probably to no other man liv- ing in that locality are so many thus indebted. And yet, these have all been most quietly and unostentatiously bestowed ; with- out reclamation for the favor rendered, and without invidious reproaches, if that favor has been ungenerously and ungratefully forgotten. . John R. Drake, for many years one of the most public-spirited citizens of Owego, was a son of Rev. Reuben Drake, and born at Pleasant Valley, Orange Co., N. Y., November 28, 1782. He ■came to Owego in October, 1809. Judge Drake was for many years engaged in the mercantile business and in the manufacture of lumber. He was first judge of Broome county from 1815 to 1823, and of Tioga county from 1833 to 1838. He was* member of congress from 1817 to 1819 ; member of assembly in 1834 ; and president of the village of Owego from 1841 to 1845, inclusive. He died in Owego, March 21, 1857. He had but one son, Theo- dore Drake, who resides at Fredericksburg, Va. Ju.dge Drake was a public-spirited citizen, and prominent in all measures for the- benefit of the village. Dr. Godfrey Waldo came to Owego from Plymouth, N, H., in the summer of 1810, and practiced medicine here until 1839, ■when he removed to Birmingham, Mich. ; thence he removed, in 1845, to Pontiac, in the same state, where he died, September 16, 1848. Dr. Jedediah Fay was born at Hardwick, Mass., January 30, 1786. He came to Owego, in 181 1, and commenced the practice of medicine in company with Dr. Samuel Barclay. He afterward engaged in the mercantile business. From 1830 to the time of his death he conducted a drugstore. In 1815 he was commis- sioned captain of a troop of the 8th regiment of cavalry. In 1820 tie became surgeon of the 53d regiment of infantry, which posi- tion he resigned three years later. He was postmaster of Owego from 1820 to 1842. He died in Owego, April 23, 1848. His sons are George W. Fay, of Owego, and Frederick J. Fay, of Colum- bus, Ohio. Isaac Lillie was a school-teacher and land surveyor. He was born at Scotland, Windham Co., Conn., in 1789, and came to Owego in 1814. He died here September 23, 1864. John Ripley was born at Coventry, PoUand Co., Conn., in 1792, and removed to Owego in 18 14. He was under-sheriff of Tioga county from 1823 to 1832, and justice of the peace from 1853 to 338 TOWN OF OWEGO. ^1857. He was re-elected in 1858, and continued in office until his death, which occurred January 22, i860. Col. Henry McCormick was born at Painted Post, N.Y., March 5, 1791, and died at St. Peter, Minn., May 22, 1874. In 1812, he went to Newtown (now Elmira) and enlisted as a volunteer in the army. He came to Owego to reside in 1814. He was the- first gunsmith in Owego. In the latter years of his life he was- engaged in farming. He was sheriff of Tioga county from 1828- to 1831, and also a member of the Board of Trustees of Owego- village, in 1832 and 1833. Stephen Strong was born in Connecticut, October 11, i79ir and removed with his parents to Jefferson county, N.Y., when very young. In 1814 or 1815, he came to Owego, where he at first taught school and afterward studied law. He was district attorney of Tioga county from July, 1836, to July, 1838, and was reappointed in 1844. He was appointed first judge of Tioga county April 18, 1838, and held J:hat office until February 2, 1843. He was elected to the office of county judge, in November, 1855, and served four years. He was also the repres- entative of the 22nd district in the congress of 1845-7. He died at Waterloo, N.Y., April 5, 1866, to which place he had removed the year previous. Stephen B. Leonard was born in New York cit}', April 15, 1793, ^^^ came to Owego in his 3'outh with his father, Silas Leonard. He learned the printer's trade in the office of the American Farmer. He purchased the office, and in 1814, changed the name of the paper to The Owego Gazette, which he continued to publish until 1835, when he was elected to congress. He was re-elected in 1839. Mr. Leonard was postmaster of the village of Owego from 1816 to 1820, and from 1844 to 1849. He was a village trustee, in 1822 and 1823, and supervisor of the town in 1854 and 1856, Duringthe administration of President Buchanan^ ■ he was a deputy United States marshal. In 18 16, he established the first stage route from Owego to Bath. He had previously carried the first mail through Tioga county on horseback, in order to deliver his newspaper. He died in Owego, May 8,, 1876. His sons are William B. Leonard, of Brooklyn ; Hermon C. Leonard, of Portland, Oregon, and George S. Leonard, of Owego. Latham A. Burrows was born at Groton, Conn., in 1793, and was admitted to the bar of Tioga county, in 18 16. From Febru- ary 14, 1821, to January I, 1822, he was county clerk of Broome TOWN OF OWEGO. 339 county, and from 1824 to 1827, inclusive, an associate judge of Tioga county. In 1827, he was elected first judge of Tioga county, feeing the first professional lawyer who sat upon the bench of the common pleas in this county. He was also state senator from 1824 to 1828. He commenced a general mercantile business in •Owego in 1828. During his mercantile career he was president of the village from 1836 to 1839, inclusive. He subsequently re- imoved to Buffalo, where he died on the 25th of September, 1855. , Colonel Amos Martin was borp at Salisbury, Conn., in 1775, ;and removed, in 1815, to Candor, in this county, where he opened a country store. Two years later he removed to Owego, where he continued the mercantile business until his death, which occurred May 14, 1835. While engaged in the mercantile business, he was also proprietor of the hotel known as the Goodman Coffee House, from 1819 to 1823. Colonel Martin's sons are John H. Martin, of Kansas City, Mo., and Jay H. Martin, of Tioga Center. David Turner was a son of Abner Turner, one of the earliest .•settlers on the Owego creek, in the town of Tioga, three miles north of Owego village, and was born in 1800. He was engaged in the mercantile business in Owego from 1818 to 1835, most of the time with Jonathan Piatt, Jr. His son, Edward Turner, re- isides at Flint, Mich. , John Carmichael was born at Johnstown, Montgomery (now Fulton) county, N. Y., August 12, 1795. He learned the trade of a jeweler and watchmaker, in Albany. He came to Owego in October, 1819, and opened a jewelery store, continuing in busi- ness until September, 1849. He was the first collector of the vil- lage of Owego, at the time of its incorporation, in 1827, and was re-elected every year thereafter until 1834, inclusive. He was village assessor four years, and was elected treasurer df Tioga •county, in 1837. He died in Owego, April 24, 1878. His sons were Charles S. and Horace Carmichael. The former is still a. resident of Owego. Ziba A. Leland was one of the early lawyers of Owego, and was t)orn in Vermont. He came to this village and formed a law partnership with John H, Avery May i, 1820. In April, 1822, he was appointed justice of the peace. From Owego he removed to Bath, where he was first judge of Steuben county from 1838 to 1843. He also represented that county in the assembly, in 1842 and 1843. Later in life he removed to Auburn, and thence to Saratoga, where he died. Gurdon Hewitt was born at New London, Conn., May 5, 1790. 340 TOWN OF OW-EGO. He came with his parents to Oxford, N. Y., in 1796, and afterward removed to Towanda, Pa., where he engaged in the mercantile business. He became a resident of Owego in 1823. He was the first president of the Bank of Owego, and subsequently for a num- ber of years its cashier. Upon coming to Owego he commenced a general mercantile business in company with his brother-in-law, Jonathan Piatt, Jr; A year afterward he purchased Mr. Piatt's- interest and continued the business alone until 1837, when he formed a partnership with John M. Greenleaf. The firm of Greenleaf & Hewitt existed until September, 1849. There after Mr. Hewitt devoted his entire attention to the banking business and the management of his large property. He died in Owego, December 24, 1871. His sons are Gurdon and Frederick C. Hewitt. Dr. Ezekiel B. Phelps was born at Hebron, Conn., in 1800- After graduating at the New Haven Medical College, in 1824J he practiced medicine at Manchester, Conn. In September of the same year he removed to Owego, where he has since resided. John M. Greenleaf was born at Granville, Washington county, N. Y., May 19, 1806. He came to Owego in the fall of 1826. "In 1833 he entered into the mercantile business with Lyman Truman, which partnership continued three years. From 1837 to 1849 he was engaged in the same business with Gurdon Hewitt. He'died in Owego, August 23, 1881. His son, Dr. J. T. Greenleaf, resides- in Owego. Ezra S. Sweet was born at New Bedford, Mass., June 3, 1796. He came to Owego in December, 1825, and cpmmenced the prac- tice of law. He was for several years a justice of the peace, and was district attorney of Tioga county from 1838 to 1841, and from 1847 to r85i. He also represented the county in the assembly, in 1849. He died in Owego, October 16, 1869. He has one sur- viving son, Charles H. Sweet, who resides in Elmira. Aaron P. Storrs was born at Mansfield, Conn., in 181 1, and came to Owego with his uncle. Rev. Aaron Putnam, in December, 1827. In September, 1835,, he engaged in the general mercantile business, and has continued in that and the hardware business, with various partners, until the present time. He is at present a mem- ber of the hardware firm of Storrs, Chatfield & Co. Thomas Farrington was born at Delhi, Delaware county, N. Y., February 12, 1799. At the age of thirteen years he was an orderly upon the staff of his father. Gen. Putnam Farrington, in the war of 181 2. He graduated at Union College, in 1826, and TOWN OF OWEGO. 341 Game to practice law in Owego in 1828. He represented Tioga county in the assembly in 1833 and 1840, and was appointed surro- gate of the county April 30, 1 835. He was a member of the board of trustees of the village of Owego in 1839 ^nd 1857, and presi- dent of the village in 1850. He was appointed treasurer of the state of New York on February 7, 1842, and served until Febru- ary 3, 1845. In the latter year he was appointed adjutant-general' of the state. He was re-appointed state treasurer February 2^ 1846, and served until November 2, 1847. He was elected judge of Tioga county in 1859, and was twice re-elected, serving three terms of four years each. He died in Owego, December 2, 1872. His wife was a daughter of John H. Avery. His sons are Edward A., of New York, and Frank J., of St. Paul, Minn. Dr. Ezekiel Lovejoy was born at Stratford, Conn., July 6, 1803, He studied medicine in New York city, and, after taking his degree of Doctor of Medicine, was for a time surgeon in the navy of the republic at Buenos Ayres. He came to Owego, in 1829, and was the first physician to practice Homeopathy in Owego. Dr. Lovejoy never held but one public office, that of supervisor of the town of Owego, in 1854. Hedied in Owego August 15, 1871. Aaron, Lyman, and Asa H. Truman, sons of Shem Truman, of Old Canaan, Conn., were early settlers of Park Settlement, in the town of Candor — Aaron, in 1804; Lyman, in 1805; and Asa H., in 1810. Aaron was born at Granville, Mass., July 27. 1785, and died January 13, 1823. He married Experience Park, of Connecti- cut, in 1805. She died in 1844. His sons were Lyman, Orin, Charles, Francis W., and George Truman. Lyman Park Truman was born at Park Settlement, March 2,1806. In 1830, he came to Owego and entered Asa H. Truman's store as a clerk. Three years afterward he commenced the mercantile business on his own account. In May, 1836, the firm of L. Tru- man & Brothers was formed and they conducted a successful lumber and mercantile business for nearly thirty years. In this firm Mr. Truman was associated with three of his brothers, Orin^ Frank, and George. In 1856, Mr. Truman became president of the Bank of Owego, and cojntinued at the head of that institution and its successor, the First National Bank of Owego, until a short time prior to his death. During his active life Mr. Truman filled various town offices, from constable to supervisor. In 1857, he was chosen state senator from the 24th district, and was 342 TOWN OF OWEGO. -re-elected in 1859 and 1861. He died in Owego, March 24, i88i,. -leaving a large fortune as the result of his. active life. Orin Truman was born at Park Settlement, February 17; 181 1, ,and died in Owego, September 30, 1885. He was unmarried. Charles Truman resides at Flemingville, where he has held the office of justice of the peace for nearly thirty years. He was born November 11, 1807. His sons are Aaron, Lyman B.,Elias W. and Charles F. Truman. George Truman was born June 16, 1816, and resides in the -village of Owego. He is the head of the firm of George Truman, Son & Co., and president of the First National Bank. His sons are Gilbert F., William S., and George Truman, Jr., all residents -of Owego. Francis W. Truman was born December 13, 1812, and was :until recently at the head of the manufacturing firm of, Gere, Trumftn, Piatt & Co., in Owego. Lyman Truman was born at Granville, Mass., in 1783, and died ^t Park Settlement, November 2, 1822. His sons were Levi B., Stephen S., James and Benjamin L. Truman. Levi B. died May 21, 1879, ^t Park Settlement. Stephen S. and Benjamin L. Tru- man are residents of the village of Owego. Asa H. Truman was born at Sparta, N. Y., February 26, 1793. He taught school at Park Settlement, and afterward, from 18 16 •to 1825, kept a tavern and country store at Flemingville. In the latter year he came to Owego village, where he conducted a^gen- •eral mercantile business until his death, which occurred Febru- ary 6, 1848. His sons were Lucius Truman, who resides at Wellsboro, Pa., William H. Truman, who hves in New York, Charles Truman and Edward D. Truman. The latter died in Dixon, 111., June 6, 1862. Charles was lieutenant of a company of infantry during the rebellion, and was killed in battle in 1862. William H. Bell was born six miles north of Owego village, on the West Owego creek, November 18, 181 1. His father, William Bell, was a farmer. He was engaged in the lumber and mercan- tile business in Owego twenty years. He retired from active business in 1867. In 1870 he was stricken with paralysis, from the effects of which he died on the 20th of April, 1876. Gideon O. Chase was born at Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y., March 29, 1808, and in early life was a cabinetmaker. He -came to Owego in 1832. He represented Tioga county in the .assembly in 1844 and 1845. From 1846 to 1849 he was under- sheriff of the county. In May, 1848, he established the Tio^a a rJ-TjT-j-v-^ TOWN OF OWEGO. 343 Freeman, which he edited until its publication was discontinued, in September, 1850. He was in the employ of the Erie Railway Company from 1855 to 1867, most of the time as station-agent at Smithboro, at which place he died, March 26, 1887. Col. Nathaniel W. Davis was born at Weston, Fairfield Co., Conn.,. May .10, 1807. He studied law at Ithaca, and came to Owego to practice, in 1832. He was surrogate of Tioga county from 1840 to 1844, and member of assembly in 1844 ^"^ 1863. He was also a village trustee in 1839. 1842, and 1847, ^"^ president of the village in 1859 and i860. He was much interested in mili- tary affairs, and was for several years colonel of the 53d and 54th regiments of New York State militia. He died in -Owego, July 31, 1874. His only son, Nathaniel W. Davis, Jr., is a«resident of the town of Tioga. John Mason Parker was among the earliest as well as the fore- most lawyers of the county. He was the son of John C. Parker, a prominent lawyer of Washington county, N. Y., and was born in Granville, in that county, June 14, 1805. He obtained his pre- liminary education at Granville Academy, of which institution the distinguished teacher, Salem Town, L. L. D., was then pre- ceptor, and he graduated with the highest honors at Middlebury College, in 1828. He pursued the study of law in the office of Hon. John P. Cushman, in the city of Troy, was admitted to the bar in 1833, and soon after settled at Owego, in the practice of his profession. His thorough scholarship, his well trained and logi- cal mind, his industry and uncompromising integrity soon won for him a foremost place at the bar, as well as the entire confi- dence and admiration of the people of the county. Marked deference was at once universally accorded to his legal opinions by all his rivals in the profession. They were characterized by great thoroughness of research, and the preparation of his causes by an absolute completeness that left no point unprovided for. At all times he bore a personal character not only exempt from reproach, but entirely above suspicion. His conversation and personal demeanor were always cultivated and refined, universally free from anything that would have offended the most delicate and fastidious. He was elected to represent the 27th (now 28th) congressional district of the State of New York in the U. S. House of Repre- sentatives two consecutive terms, from 1855 to 1859. In 1859 he was elected a justice of the -supreme court of the state, and was continued in that exalted position until his death. During the 23* 344 TOWN OF OWEGO. last six years of that period he was a justice of the general term of the third department, having been so designated by Governor Hoffman. During part of his judicial service he sat as a member of the court of appeals. In his earlier life Judge Parker was in politics a Whig, but upon the formation of the Republican party he became and there- after remained a steadfast and prominent member of that party. As a judge he was invariably courteous to all. He heard with the utmost patience and equanimity, everything that suitors had to urge. He never impatiently interrupted or captiously criti- cised counsel. He never availed himself of his position on the bench to demonstrate his own superiority to those who were- before him. He never consciously allowed any extraneous con- siderations to bias his opinioiis, nor tolerated officious and. irregular attempts to influence him. A temperament naturally and constitutionally nervous was subdued to equanimity by severe self control. And suitors uniformly' went from the tribunal over which he presided with the conviction that their cases had been thoroughly examined and considered and fairly and honestly decided. The numerous opinions delivered by him and spread through the volumes of reports from 1859 to '873 are, after all, his best memorial as a judge. The degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by Middlebury College, in 1865. He was an active member of St. Paul's churchy Owego, and at the time of his death its junior warden. Judge Parker married for his first wife, Catherine Ann, daughter of Charles Pumpelly, of Owego, in September, 1835. She died in December, 1845, leaving four children, of whom two only now survive, Charles Edward, a prominent lawyer and now County Judge of Tioga county, and Francis Henry, who is Lieut.- Colonel of Ordnance, U. S. arm}'. On March i, 1854, he married for his second wife Stella A. Pumpelly, who still survives him. On the evening of December 6, 1873, Judge Parker died of apoplexy, at his residence in Owego. He was thus called away b)' death in the midst of his activity and usefulness, universally esteemed and regretted. Few men have lived to old age whose public and private course and character would bear the brightest and most search- ing light of investigation as well as that of Judge Parker. He seems to have been born with high principles and aims, with a humane and kindly nature, with refined tastes and a strong in- tellect, qualities which would have won him the confidence^ TOWN OF OWEGO. 345 respect and affection of any community. He will be remembered as the able and upright public man and the beloved Christian gentleman. Hon. Charles E. Parker, the present county judge and sur- rogate of Tioga county, eldest son of John M. Parker, was born in Owego, August 25, 1836. He was educated at the Owego academy, and graduated at Hobart college, in Geneva, N.Y., in the class of 1857. Upon leaving college he studied law with his father, and was admitted to the bar in the fall of 1859. He was elected to the convention of 1867, held at Albany, to amend the constitution of 'the state of New York, and with one exception was the youngest member of that body. In the fall of 1883 he was elected to the office which he now holds. As this work is being published, he is a candidate for election to the office of justice of the supreme court of the sixth judicial district. With these exceptions he has held no political office, but has been steadily engaged in the practice of his profession in his native village. In 1865, Judge Parker married Mary, daughter of Judge Thomas Farrington, of Owego. He has always been a Repub- lican in politics, and is a member of St. Paul's church. As a lawyer, Judge Parker ranks among the leading members of the profession, and enjoys the thorou'gh confidence and respect of the people of the county. Timothy P. Patch was born at Ashburnham, Mass., December 3, 1809. He came to Owego in February, 1834, and opened a meat market. He continued in that and the grocery business until 1855. In i860, he removed to Towanda, Pa., where he resided until his removal to Corning, N. Y., a few months previous to his death, which occurred June 30, 1882. In 1850, Mr. Patch built a three-story brick block in Lake street, in which was Patch's Hall, which at the time was the largest public hall in the village. Joshua L. Pinney was born at Armenia, Duchess Co., N. Y., Octol^er, 17, 1783. He came to Owego in June, 1835, and com- menced a drug business, which he continued in company with his sons, until his death, which occurred October 15,, 1855. One of his five sons, Hammon D. Pinney, is still a resident of Owego. Robert Cameron was born, in 181 7, in Chanceford township, York Co., Pa., and came to Owego with his brother, John Cam- eron, in T831, and entered the store of another brother, James Cameron, as a clerk. In 1840, he opened a grocery store, and 346 TOWN OF OWEGO. continued in business until 1869, when he retired from active business. George B. Goodrich was born in the town of Tioga, December I, 1816, and came to Owego to reside, in 1831. He was, from 1837 until his death, at the head of the dry goods store of G. B. Goodrich & Co. He was also president of the Owego National Bank from the time of its establishment, until his death, which occurred Jaunary 8, 1886. Dr. Lucius H. Allen was born in Lunenburg (now Athens), Greene county, N. Y., January 31, 1796. He studied medicine in Connecticut, and graduated at Brown University, in Provi- dence, R. L, in 1820. Thereafter he resided eleven years in Buf- falo and Cherry Valley, N. Y. He removed to Berkshire, in this county, in 1830, and two years later he came to Owego, where he has ever since resided. ' Andrew H. Calhoun was born in Bostpn, Mass., April i, 1798. He came to Owego, in 1836, and commenced the publication of the Owego Advertiser, which he continued until April, 1853. He was clerk of the state senate, in 1848-9, and canal appraiser, in 185 1-2. In 1863, he was appointed to a clerkship in the New York custom house, which position he; held at the time of his death, which occurred in Brooklyn, December 17, 1874. William F. Warner was born at Hardwick, Vt., January 18, 1819, and came to Owego, in 1834. He practiced law with Col. N. W. Davis, and was afterward a member of the law firm of Warner, Tracy & Walker. Mr. Warner was a public-spirited citizen, and was conspicuous in all movements for the advance- ment and improvement of Owego. He was clerk of the village from 1848 to 1854. He was the first president of the village elected by the people, in 1855, and was re-elected, in 1856 and 1857. He organized the Owego Gas Light Company, in 1856, of which he was president, superintendent and treasurer many years. Since September, 1871, he has been a residentof Wa- verly. At present he holds the office of special county judge of Tioga county. Mr. Warner wrote the Centennial History of Tioga County, in 1876, and was the leading spirit in organizing the centennial celebration of the battle of New Town, and the erection of a monument in commemoration of that event, in 1879. William P. Stone was born in Stillwater, Saratoga Co., N. Y., in 1810, and came with his parents to Tioga county, in 1817, and settled near Flemingville. In 1834, he came to Owego and en- l/. /^.fCt.^-t4c<.yL_^ TOWN OF OWEGO. 347 gaged in the mercantile business, which he continued, with vari- ous partners, until February, 1874, when he retired from active business. Hon. John J. Taylor, for many years the most prominent Dem- ocratic politician, and one of the most prominent members of the bar of Tioga county, was born in the town of Leominster, Worcester county, Mass., April 27, 1808. His parents, John Taylor and Anne Taylor, came from Oldham, near Manchester, England. Leaving the common school when about fourteen years of age, and pursuing the studies preparatory to entering college, at the New Ipswich academy, in New Hampshire, and the Groton academy, in Massachusetts, he entered Harvard university, Cam- bridge, from the latter academy, in 1825, at the age of seventeen. He graduated therefrom in August, 1829, in a class of over sixty members, in which were included Benjamin Curtis, afterwards justice of the supreme court of the United States, George W, Bigelow, afterwards chief justice of the supreme judicial court of the commonwealth of Massachusetts. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Samuel F. Smith, author of " My country, 'tis of thee,'' Ben- jamin F. Pierce, afterwards superintendent of the coast survey, James Freeman Clarke, William H. Channing, and others whom the people, not only of this but of other countries, have delighted to honor. After graduating, he spent a few months in teaching, a part of the time in the high school of the Franklin Institute of Phila- delphia. In 1830, he came to the city of Troy, N. Y., and passed two years as a la«f student in the office of Judge David Buel, and, after that, some months in the office of Hon. John A. Collier, at Binghamton, N. Y. From Binghamton he went to Greene, Che- nango county, where he spent two years, part of the time in the study, and a part of the time in the practice of the law. On the last day of December, 1834, he removed to Owego, where be has ever since resided, and entered into a law partner- ship, on the 1st day of January, 1835, with the late Judge Stephen Strong, which continued until August, 1838, when it was dis- solved by mutual consent. On the i8th day of May, A. D., 1837, he married Miss Emily Laning, daughter of Mrs. Mary Anne Laning, of Owego, and the sister of Mrs. Ellen H. Bicking and Mary Anne Rosette, of Phil- adelphia, and of Augustus C, Matthias H., and John C. Laning. 348 TOWN OF OWEGO. By her he had only one son, John L. Taylor, who was born June 24, 1839, ^nd who, having espoused Miss Sarah J. Reed, is now the father of a family of four children, to wit, Robert J., Emile G., Mary L., and Emily. Mr. John J. Taylor's only daughter, Sarah, was born June 27, 1841, and having married Mr. L. Burr Pearsall, died early, leaving no issue now surviving her. Mr. Taylor, on his arrival at Owego, speedily won his way to the first rank in the profession, among members of a numerous bar of universally conceded ability; so that his employment on one side or the other of every important case became a matter of course. He took a leading part, as a Democrat, in the politics of the county, and was appointed by the Court of Common Pleas, in the year 1838, its district attorney. He discharged the duties of that office for five years successively, when he was compelled to resign it by the pressure of other business. In 1846, he was elected to represent the county of Tioga, in the convention of that year, to revise the constitution of the State of New York; and, in 1850, was the Democratic candidate for con- gress in the 26th district of the State of New York, composed of the counties of Chenango, Broome and Tioga, but was defeated by Henry Bennett, of Chenango county. In 1852, having been again selected as the Democratic candi- date for congress in the congressional district composed of the counties of Tioga, Tompkins, and Chemung, he was elected over his opponent, the Hon. Charles Cook, of Havana. He served as a member of the committees on foreign affairs, and on the District of Columbia. He stood very high in favor with the Democratic administration. He was tendered by President Pierce, but declined, the appointment of commissioner to settle the northwestern boundary of the United States, and his name was widely canvassed for collector of the port of New York. In 1858 he was selected as the Democratic candidate for lieu- tenant-governor of the state of New York, and was run on the ticket with Hon. Amasa J. Parker, as the Democratic candidate for governor. Both were defeated, the Democratic party being then largely in the minority in the state. During all this period Mr. Taylor actively and successfully continued the practice of his legal profession. A studious and laborious life had made him a master of the learning of that pro- fession, and great natural acuteness of discernment and thor- oughly sound practical common sense gave him unusual accu- £:/^_ TOWN OF OWEGO. 349 racy in the application of its principles to cases as they arose. A character of unimpeachable integrity, and a habit of candid state- ment always inspired those he addressed with confidence, and his lucid and exhaustive arguments uniformally left but little re- maining to be said after he had finished what he had to say ; so that he was always a sound, effective and successful speaker, whether in his political addresses, or his forensic efforts. He assisted in the organization of the Bank of Tioga, which was afterwards changed to the National Union Bank, and was for many years its president. He was elected and officiated for many years as the vice-president, and afterwards as the president of the Southern Central Railroad Company. Mrs. Taylor died November 25, 1879; since whi*h time Mr. Taylor's own health has been so infirm as to preclude all atten- tion to any other business than such as the, management of her ■estate and his own private property has made necessary. Frank L. Jones was born at Lisle, Broome county, N. Y., October 29, 1822, and came to Owego, in 1837. He was in the mer- cantile business, and afterwards in insurance. In February, 1868, he was appointed sheriff of Tioga county, to fill a vacancy. He was president of the village of Owego, in 1869, and postmaster from 1871 to 1879. In July, 1880, he was appointed agent and warden of Auburn State Prison, which position he held at the time of his death, which occurred at Coudersport, Pa., Novem- ber 8, 1883. While a resident of Pennsylvania, in 1852, he was elected sheriff of Potter county. Thomas I. Chatfield was born at Great Barrington, Mass., September 16, 1818. He was by trade a baker, and when he came to Owego, in March, 1839, he worked as a journeyman until the following October, when he commenced business on his own account. He afterward engaged in the grocery business, which he continued until a short time previous to his death, which oc- curred May 2, 1884. Mr. Chatfield was a prominent and public- spirited citizen. He served four years as village trustee, and three years as village supervisor. He was also president of the village, in 1868. In 1853, he represented Tioga county in the assembly, and was a candidate for state treasurer, in 1869. He was a member of the state senate, in i87iand 1872. He was also treasurer of the Tioga County Agricultural Society, for many years. He has one son, T. I. Chatfield, Jr., who resides in Owego. Alanson Munger was born at Ludlow, Mass., February 5, 1801. 350 TOWN OF OWEGO. In 1827, he removed to Hamilton, N. V., and thence to Owego, in 1840. He formed a law partnership with Stephen Strong, which continued two years. He practiced law during the re- mainder of his life with no partner. He was appointed judge of Tioga county, in February,, 1843, ^"d surrogate, in Januarj', 1844, He was elected district attorney, in 1850, and special county judge, in 1861. He died in Owego December 31,. 1877. Charles A. Hunger, a son of Alanson Munger, was born at Hamilton, N. Y., July 13, 1830. He commenced the practice of law when he was twenty-one years of age. He held the office of justice of the peace, and was special county judge of Tioga county from 1853 to 1855, and from 1865 to 1867. He was a gen- tleman of fine culture, a contributor to the magazines, and a poet of ho ordinary genius. A volume of his poems was published, in 1874, subsequent to his death, which occurred September 3, 1873. Dr. Hiram N. Eastman was born in Herkimer county, N. Y., August 17, 1 8 10. He graduated as a physician at Fairfield Med- ical College, in 1838, and commenced practice at Candor, in this county. In January, 1840, he removed to Owego, where he re- sided until December, 1861, when he removed to Geneva, where two years previously he had been appointed Professor of Materia Medica and Theory and Practice of Medicine, in Geneva Medical College. In August, 1870, he was appointed lecturer on Materia Medica and Hygiene at the University of Buffalo. He subse- quently removed to Waverly, Iowa, where he remained until October, 1874, when he returned to Owego, where he died on the 14th day of October, 1879. His sons are Dr. C. C. Eastman, of the Binghamton insane Asylum ; Dr. R. W. Eastman, of Owego ; Rev. Rush Eastman, of Torresdale, Pa.; and Rev. George N. Eastman, of New York city. Henry N. Hubbard was born at Middle Haddam, Mass , Jan- uary 18, 1809. He came to Owego in September, 1841, as a clerk for Greenly & Shapley, merchants. In May, 1843, he became a member of the firm, one of the partners retiring, and he contin- ued in business until his death, which occurred on the 8th of May, 1883. He has one son, Henry D., who resides at Torrington, Conn. Arba Campbell was born in Lebanon, Madison county, N. Y., March 3, 1809. When but two years of age his parents removed to Susquehanna county, Pa. When grown to manhood, he spent the summer months in buying and selling wool, and the winter in teaching school. He subsequently went to New York city. C^o^^^JUl^< TOWN OF OWEGO. 35 1 where he remained until 1842, when he removed to Owego and engaged in the wool trade, in which he was successful. To this business he added that of pulling and tanning sheep skins. At about forty years of age he became interested in farming, partic- ularly in agricultural chemistry, making many scientific experi- ments and giving much of his time and thought to it. The results of his experiments have been frequently published, and are re- markably instructive. During a sojourn abroad, Mr. Campbell visited the farms of France and England, obtainmg much informa- tion from observation, which was subsequently applied to experi- ments here. Mr. Campbell owns four farms — two in Tioga county, one in Chemung county, and one in Pennsylvania, in Bradford county. * Gen. Benjamin F. Tracy was born at Apalachin, in 1829, and is the son of , Benjamin Tracy, of whom mention is made in the history of the settlement of Apalachin. In early life he taught school in Owego, and afterward studied and practiced law. In November, 1853, when but twenty-four years of age, he was elected district attorney of Tioga county, and' in 1856, he was re- elected over Gilbert C. Walker, who was subsequently his law part- ner and afterward governor of Virginia. The law firm of Warner, Tracy & Walker was dissolved a short time previous to the breaking out of the rebellion. In 1862, General Tracy was elected to the assembly, and in the same year he organized the 109th regiment, N.Y. vols., of which he was the colonel. He served with distinction in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court-house, and after returning from the front was placed in command of the rebel prison camp and head- quarters for drafted men, in Elmira. At the close of the war he went to Brooklyn, where he resumed the practice of law, October i, 1866, he was appointed United States district attorney for the eastern district of New York by President Johnson, and again January 23, 1871, by President Grant. At the end of his second term he declined reappointment and renewed his law practice, in company with his brother-in-law, General Catlin. He was a member of Plymouth church, and in the celebrated Beecher-Tilton trial was prominent among the counsel for the defence. General Tracy was appointed an associate judge of the court of appeals of, this state, December 9. i88i, in place of Judge Andrews, promoted to chief judge. At the close of his term of office he declined a renomination. He is now out of 3S2 TOWN OF OWEGO. active politics and devoting his attention to his law practice in Brooklyn. Hiram A. Beebe was born in the town of Bridgewater, Pa., March ii, 1817, and learned the printer's trade in the office of the Montrose Volunteer. In January, 1843, he came to Owego and became editor of the Gazette, continuing his connection with that newspaper until September i, 1880, with the exception of about a year, in 1846, when he resided at Westfield, Mass., where he edited the Westfield Standard. During his residence at West- field he was elected a member of the Massachusetts legislature. Mr. Beebe was president of the village of Owego, in 1852 and 1871, and postmas,ter nine years from May, 1853. Ezra S. Buckbee was born, in March, 1827, three miles north ■of the village of Owego. He came to Owego when sixteen years of age. He was engaged in the mercantile busijiess until his •death, which occured August 10, 1883. He was supervisor of the town of Owego, in i86i, and was twice elected treasurer of Tioga county, serving from 1854 to i860. Charles R. Barstow was born at Great Barrington, Mass., in March, 1804, and came to the town of Nichols, in 1816. He was loan commissioner of Tioga county from 1840 to 1842. He was •elected sheriff, in 1843, and member of assembly, in 1846. From 1849 to 1853, he was postmaster of Owego. In April, 1865, he was appointed a port warden of New York city, and held that ■office until August, 1868. He died at Big Rapids, Mich., December 10, 1880. Hon. William Smyth was born in County Derry, Ireland, June 19, 1 8 19. His ancestry, both on his father's and mother's side, were among the defenders of Londonderry, strongly supporting King William, Prince of Orange, in the struggle for Protestant ascendency, which at that time caused such intense bitterness in Ireland. The subject of this memoir, having received a thorough class- ical education, entered the Royal Academic Institute, Belfast, irom which he was graduated, in 1842, having taken second honors in the Greek and moral philosophy classes. He also spent two jears in Edinburgh University. For the next three years he was ■engaged as a private tutor in a gentleman's family, and prepared three young men for entering Glasgow University. He was afterward employed as principal of a classical school in County Derry. In 1847, he married Martha, eldest daughter, of Daniel Stewart TOWN OF OWEGO. 353 Mackay, of Moss Side, County Antrim. The same year lie emi- ;grated to America, landing in New York the 27th of November. For a few months his time was employed in writing contribu- tions to the New York Sun and New York Observer. March 4, 1848, he visited Owego, and was engaged by the trustees of the Owego Academy as principal, entering upon his duties the 12th of April following, which position he retained until June, 1854, when he resigned on account of ill health. The most successful period in the history of the Owego Academy was during his administration. The management found it necessary to add three departments, and he had engaged six assistants, having an aver- age attendance of 250 pupils. In 1854 he purchased the Owego Advertiser, and sot)n there- after changed the name to the Owego Times, which name it has since retained. As a journalist Mr. Smyth occupies quite a prominent position. In 1857, Mr. Smyth was elected school commissioner of Tioga county, and re-elected, in i860, this time by the very large majority of 1,012 votes. The same year he was appointed village clerk; in 1863--64 he served as trustee of the village, and in 1865-67 was its president; in 1867, was appointed justice of the peace ; in 1872, he represented Tioga county in the assembly ; in 1873, was appointed deputy superintendent of the state insurance ■department, which ofHce he "held for three years, and at the resignation of the Hon. O. W. Chapman, he became acting super- intendent, and held the office for one year, until his successor was appointed. It was during his incumbency that a rigid examination of insurance companies conimenced, which resulted in the indictment of the officers of the Security Life Insurance company, of New York. Pending this examination, frauds were ■discovered, and Acting Superintendent Smyth energetically pressed the case, and' secured the indictment and conviction of its president and vice-president, being the first instance in the history of life insurance in this state where the president of a life com- pany was convicted. Mr. Smyth has always taken a commendable interest in the material development of the village. During the time he was its president many desirable improvements were consummated. Among other items, the first steam fire-engine was purchased during his administration. In 1862, '63, and '64, he was chief engineer of the fire department,' which organization owes much of its present success to the energy and enterprise of Mr. Smyth. 354 TOWN OF OWEGO. In 1 88 1, he was for the fourth time elected president of Owego village. During his presidency he secured a free bridge across the Susquehanna river. On the last day of his term that year, he, ably assisted by many of the most progressive citizens, suc- ceeded in raising $25,000 in cash or equivolent securities and paid that amount over to the president of the Bridge company, taking therefor a warranty-deed from the Bridge company to the Town of Owego. This removed one of the greatest obstructions to the material and numerical progress of the village. This toll bridge had existed for 50 years. The increase in travel across this bridge since it became free is at least ten fold. William Smyth is now and he has been since its organization an active and efficient member of the Republican party. He was chairman of the Whig delegation sent to the Syracuse convention, in 1856, from Tioga county, and with Hon. John A. King, presi- dent, marched from Corinthian hall to Weiting hall where the Free Soil Democrats and anti-Slavery Whigs united, forming the Republican party whose glorious record in the State of New York need not be mentioned in this connection. Rev. William H. King, D. D., was born in the town of Otsego, Otsego Co., N, Y., Octobers, 1820. His father, William King, was a farmer. He attended school at Franklin, Delaware county, and at Madison University, from which institution he graduated as Master of Arts, in 1857. Ten years afterward the degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon him by the same institu- tion. In 1843, he commenced teaching in the academy at Wa- verly, and continued five years. While thus engaged he com- menced preaching. In 1849, he was ordained as a clergyman at Athens. Pa., and commenced his labors as pastor of the Baptist church of that place. In March, 1854, Doctor King accepted a call to Owego, and was pastor of the Baptist church of this vil- lage twenty-seven years. In 1881, he resigned the pastorate on account of poor health and declining years, and retired from active labor. Rev. James Holw'ell Kidder was born and educated at Port- land, Me., and graduated at the General Theological seminary, in New York city, in the class of i860. He was ordained deacon by Bishop George Burgess, in St. Luke's church, Portland, July II, i860, and priest, also by Bishop Burgess, in Christ's church, Eastport, Me., June 19, 1861. Mr. Kidder was in charge of St. Thomas's church, Camden, Me., until November, i860; then of Christ's church, Eastport, Me., about three years, until entering TOWN OF OWEGO. ' 355 on the rectorship of St. Matthew's church at Unadilla, N. Y., July I, 1.863. Five years afterward, August i, 1868, Mr. Kidder came to Owego, and has since that time been rector of St. Paul's church. ' Gilbert C. Walker was born at Cuba, N. Y., August i, 1833. He came to Owego in August, 1855, and in 1858 became a mem- ber of the law firm of Warner, Tracy & Walker. He removed to Chicago, in 1859, ^"d thence to Norfolk, Va., in 1864, where he was president of the Exchange Bank of Norfolk, until 1867. In 1869 he was elected governor of Virginia. In July, 1874, he was elected to congress from the third (Richmond) district, and re- elected, in 1876. He died at Binghamton, N. Y., May 11, 1885. General Isaac S. Catlin was born at Apalachin, in thfs county, July 8, 1833. He studied law in New York city, was admitted to the bar, and commenced practice in Owego. Soon afterward, in 1859, he became a member of the law firm of Warner, Tracy & Catlin. In January, 1861, he was elected president of the vil- lage, and served until June, when he entered the volunteer service of the United States, as captain of a company in the Third New York Volunteers. In the summer of 1862, upon the organization of the 109th regiment, he became its lieutenant- colonel, and was promoted to colonel upon the resignation of Colonel Tracy. In 1864, while leading the charge at Peters- burg, Va., he lost his leg by the explosion of a mine. After the war General Catlin was elected district attorney of Tioga county, serving from 1865 to 1868. He was appointed a colonel in the regular army, and was stationed two years at Louisville, Ky. He was promoted to Brigadier-general during this period. He after- ward commenced the practice of law in Brooklyn, where he has been twice elected district attorney of Kings county. Charles Austin Clark was born at Guilford Center, Chenango county, N. Y., on the 28th day of May, 1833. He was the eldest son of Austin Clark, who was born at Tolland, Conn., October 15, 1799, and grandson of Gershora Clark, who was born Septem- ber 5, 1755, and who removed from Connecticut with a large family and settled at Guilford Center in October, 1814, where he died in March, 1840. Austin Clark removed with his family to the vicinity of South New Berlin, in the spring of 1835, where he resided until the spring of 1856, when he removed to the town of Berkshire, Tioga county, N. Y., where he resided until he died, April 2, 1882, having reared to manhood and womanhood five sons and six daughters, of whom four sons and four daughters 356 TOWN OF OWEGO. survive him. At an early age Ciiarles not only manifested a de- sire to obtain an education, but very many scholarly and manly characteristics. He was endowed with an excellent memory and in many respects gave evidence of possessing a fine order of mind. His parents desired to give him a liberal education, but unfortun- ately they were poor. With them their son had to share all the labors and disadvantages of poverty. This he did cheerfully. Not discouraged bv adverse circumstances he pursued his studies zealously, and became well-known throughout the community as the brightest scholar and clearest and most independent thinker of his years. Throughout his boyhood days he attended the schools in his native county during the winter months, but dur- ing the summer it was necessary for him to work with his father on the farm. When seventeen years of age he entered uppn the labors of a teacher in a common school near Gilbertsville, Otsego county. He soon after entered the office of Dr. S. C. Gibson, of South New Berlin, and commenced the study of medicine. He was for some time a student in the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, and graduated from the medical department of that institution, in the spring of 1853. He commenced the practice of medicine as a regular physician, at Berkshire, Tioga Co., N. Y., in April, 1853. On the 30th of May following, he was married to Evelyn Amelia Hodges, of Oneonta, whose family had 'then recently removed from Morris, Otsego Co., N. Y., where she had been reared. Having spent the summer in Berkshire, Dr. Clark was induced to move to Bainbridge, Chenango county. Here he practiced his profession for a short time, but in the spring of 1854 he was induced to take charge of a large and flourishing select school. In this enterprise he was very successful, and at the next annual town meeting he was elected superintendent of common schools, which office he continued to hold as long as he remained in Bainbridge, at the same time keeping up his select school, which remained in a flourishing condition. While residing at Bainbridge his only son, Henry Austin, was born, March 31, 1855. He is now an attor- ney, having been admitted to the bar at the general term at Binghamton, May 5, 1876. He practices his profession in com- pany with his father atOwego, where he holds a very prominent position as a member of the bar, apd is conceded to have nO' superior in Tioga county in scholarly knowledge of the law, or ability to make application of it. In the spring of 1856, Mr. TOWN OF OWEGO. 357 Clark made an engagement to teach in New Jersey. After re-, maining a year in New Jersey, he returned, in the spring of 1857,. to Berkshire, to which town his father had removed, in the spring of 1856. Here he engaged for three years in the mercantile busi- ness ; then he tried, successivel^s Richford, Marathon, and One- onta. While residing in Berkshire, his only daughter, Emily Lucretia, was born, April 16, 1859. Having purchased a farm near Ketchumville, in the town of Newark Valley, he decided to retire from mercantile life. Ac- cordingly he went to his farm and lived upon it during the yeais- 1864 and 1865. In early life it was his ambition to become a law- yer. Many obstacles, however, stood in his way. At length there seemed an opportunity for him to gratify his longcherished desire. Accordingly he devoted himself to the study of law for years while carrying on his business. He moved from his farm to Oneonta, early in 1866, entered the law office of General S. S^ Burnside, overcoming all obstacles, was admitted at the general term m Binghamton, May 15, 1867, to practice in all the courts of the state of New York, and was subsequently admitted to prac- tice in the United States courts. In the spring of 1867 he returned to the town of Newark Val- ley, and his energy soon secured for him a prominent position at the bar. While he resided at Newark Valley his practice ex- tended into the neighboring counties of Broome and Cortland. In 1869 he was elected supervisor of Newark Valley, and was- re-elected the next year, and the year following, without opposi- tion. In the fall of 1871, he was nominated as the candidate of the j^epnblican party, for the office of county judge, and after an exciting canvass, was elected by a majority of 822. He entered upon.\he duties of the office January i, 1872, and on the 29th of August, following, removed' his family to Owego, wheffe'he still resides. In the fall of 1877 he was unanimously re-nominated for the same office, and re-elected by a majority of 1,256. At the close of his second term, in the fall of 1883, Judge Clark declined to be a candidate for re-nomination, and beyond any question he- had proved one of the most courteous, able, correct and popular- county judges and surrogates Tioga county has ever had. In the- fall of 1883, Judge Clark was a prominent candidate for the nomi- nation for justice of the supreme court, and after a conventiorn. which held for five days, was barely defeated. In 1876 Judge Clark was elected an elder in the First Presby- terian church of Owego, in which church for several years he 358 TOWN OF OWEGO. had been an active member, and which position he still holds. On March 17, 1878, his wife died, a lad}' of force of character and amiable disposition, full of charity and good works. On December 28, 1880, Judge Clark was again married, to Mrs. Celestia D. Arnold, widow of Captain Thomas S. Arnold who was killed in battle in the war of the rebellion, and a daugh- ter of H. Nelson Dean, late of Owego, deceased, and formerly of Adams, Massachusetts, where she was born and reared. Jan- uary I, 1884, when Judge Clark retired from the office of county judge, he and his son formed a co-partnership, under the firm name of C. A. & H. A. Clark, and since that time have enjoyed and at the present time continue to have a large and remunera- tive law practice. Judge Clark is now in company with his son, busily engaged in the pursuit of professional duties, hoping for years of success and enjoyment in his home and with hisfamily, having concluded to shake the dust of politics from his garments and devote his life to his professional and personal duties. John J. Van Kleeck comes from Holland ancestry, whose family tree is readily traced back to the year 1630, when Baltus Van Kleeck emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam, and whose descendants afterward settled in what is now the city of Pough- keepsie. Duchess county. New York, where they built the first dwelling, which was known as the " Van Kleeck House." General Washington made it his headquarters when in that vicinity, dur- ing the revolutionary war, and it long remained a very interest- ing landmark. The Van Kleecks took a prominent part in the government of the colony, and Duchess county was represented in the colonial assembly by Baltus Van Kleeck, Jr., in 1715-16; by Johannes Van Kleeck in 1726-27 ; and by Leonard Van Kleeck in 1768-75. John J. Van Kleeck is the son of John Manning and Amy Jane (Brock) Van Kleeck, and was born in the town of Candor, Sep- tember 21, 1848. His early years were passed upon his father's farm in Candor, and in attending the district school of the neigh- borhood. And with the advantages for an education afforded by the common schools of the state, including attendance for two winters at the village schools in Candor and Spencer, supple- mented by his reading and self-instruction, he laid the foundation of his mental acquirements. Determined to embark for himself in life, alone and unaided, in the fall of 1867, he sought and obtained employment as a clerk in the grocery store of Jerry S. TOWN OF OWEGO. 359 Kinney, of Candor, who was also at the time a justice of the peace. Young Van Kleeck gave to the duties of his new position great care, showing much aptitude therefor, and paying close attention to the business of the justice's office; thus evincing a predilection at that early age, for clerical work. His fine pen- manship was much admired and gained him quite a notoriety ; so much so that in February, 1868, he secured a position as a copyist in the county clerk's office, through the recommendation of Delos O. Hancock, Esq. , then a prominent lawyer of the county, with whom Mr. Van Kleeck had previously considered the advisa- bilitv of pursuing the study of law. It was in the county clerk's office, under the training of Horace A. Brooks, Esq., and his sister Miss Chloe, that he became con- versant with the duties of a position, he was destined to fill so acceptably. Industrious and self-reliant, he applied himself not only to the immediate, but to the future or contingent needs of the office, by examining questions in advance of the actual require- ment, and thus made himself of great value therein. And more- over, by the time he had attained his majority, he had become, through his own sterling worth, a recognized factor in the poli- tics of the county. Mr. Brooks, his senior, having served nearly twelve years as county clerk, was not a candidate for re-election, in 1873, and the Republican party nominated Daniel M. Pitcher, one of the party veterans, and since postmaster at Owego. The Greeley canvass of 1872 had divided the Republicans, and Mr. Van Kleeck was tendered a unanimous nomination for the office of county clerk b)'^ the Democrats and Liberal Republicans, which he accepted. The contest was very spirited, and the youth of Mr. Van Kleeck was urged by his opponents as an argument against his election ; but owing to his stl-ong following and per- sonal, popularity in the county, he succeeded in overcoming the usual overwhelming Republican majority, and was elected, thus becoming the first Democratic official elected in Tioga county in over a quarter of a century. His administration of the clerk's office was most excellent, and he naturally became a candidate for re-election in 1876. He was defeated, however, by a small majority, party-lines being closely drawn in presidential years. He then engaged in the fire insurance business and the negotiation of western farm loans, which busi- ness he still carries on, and it is a well known fact that not one dollar has ever been lost by any of his clients in any loan nego- tiated through him. In 1881, he was elected a justice of the peace 24* 360 TOWN OF OWEGO. of the town of Owego, for a full term, by a handsome majority. In 1882, he was again a candidate for county clerk against the incumbent, John C. Gray, whom he defeated by a majority of two hundred and thirty. In 1885, he was re-elected over Henry- W. Childs, the Republican candidate, by a majority of two- hundred and eighty, and is now serving his third term. While attending carefully to his public duties, Mr. Van Kleeck has nevertheless found time to engage in various outside enter- prises, and much of the business prosperity of his adopted vil- lage is owing to his public spirit. Among the corporations which he has originated and promoted are the Owego Mutual Benefit. Association, a popular life insurance company of which he is sec- retary and a director ; the Owego Cruciform Casket Company,, of which he is secretary, a director and acting treasurer, and the Owego Electric Light and Motor Company, of which he is also- a director and secretary. The secret of Mr. Van Kleeck's suc- cess lies in his urbanity, his kindness of heart, his industry, his integrity and self-reliance, joined with superior ability and capac- ity for accomplishing whatever he undertakes. Just in his deal- ings, faithful to his friends, and loyal to his high standard of manhood, he is to-day, through his own merit, one of the fore- most men in the county. On January 6, 1875, he was married to Frances Josephine Bying- ton, the accomplished and youngest daughter of the late Lawyer Byihgton, of Newark Valley. The union has proved a very pleas- ant and happy one. Nicholas Rodman, son of John and Hannah (Gorse) Rodman, was born in Middleburg, Schoharie county, N. Y., September 23, 1809, and came to Owego in 1830. He located on the farm now occupied by him about three and one-half miles from Apalachin, on the river road. He married Phoebe (La Monte) Clark, by whom he had six children, viz.: Mary J., wife of Henry Hayes, Clarissa, wife of Isaac L. Potter, of Owego, Marilla, wife of Henry Coffin, now deceased, Charles, at present sheriff of Tioga county, George, of California, and Callie, wife of James Risen, of Gaskill's Corners. Mrs. Rodman died in 1854. Samuel Abbey, born January 18, 1755, married Miriam Hall (born March 15, 1757), April 11, 1775. They had fourteen chil- dren, born as follows: Rachel, February 10, 1776 ; Sheubel, Feb- ruary 20, 1778; Hannah, February 22,1780; Polly, Januarys, 1782; Jerusha, Jainuary 16, 1784 ;■ Miriam, January 27, 1786; Jes- TOWN OF OWEGO. 361 sie, July i, 1788 ; Anna, May 2, 1790; Olive, September 25, 1792 ; Kuth, June 27, 1794; Pboebe, January 13, 1796 ; Lydia, March 11, 1798; Reuben, July 13, 1800; Jemima, April 8, 1803. Reuben Abbey came from Schoharie county, N. Y., in 183 1. His daugh- ter Sabrina married John, son of Thomas Baird, May 21, 1848. They had five children, born as follows : James Lewis and Lewis James (twins) March 4, 1849; Thomas, July 2, 1851 ; William R., July 23, 1853; and Tryphena H., July 13, 1856. Lewis J. mar- ried Georgiana (born April 10, 1850), daughter of Abner Merrick, July 27, 1881. Their children are John A., born March 20,and died May 26, 1883 ; Bessie R., born September 10, 1884, and Jessie S., born November 18, 1886. .^larence A. Thompson was born in Owego, FebriAry i, 1848. He was educated at the Owego academy, and the Oneida Con- ference Seminary at Cazenovia. On the iSthday of July, 1864, he entered the First National Bank of Waverly, as book-keeper, and was subsequently assistant cashier, and afterwards cashier of the bank. In April, 1870, he became teller of the First National Bank of Owego, and, in 1881, was made assistant cashier. He held that position till August 6, 1883, when the Owego National Bank was opened, of which institution he has ever since been cashier. Mr. Thompson is one of the progressive young men of the village. He was instrumental in having the telephone ex- change established here, and was one of the prominent men in building the various steamboats plying between Owego and Big Island. He was treasurer of the village in 1876 and 1880, and as a member of the board of school commissioners, was one of the committee who had charge of the construction of the Free Academy. This completes the biographical sketches furnished by Mr. Kingman, and by the friends of the subjects of the longer ones accompany the portraits, and we add the following : Additional Sketches. — Moses IngersoU, a soldier of the revolu- ' tion, and who served under his father. Captain Peter IngersoU, came from Half Moon Point, Mass., to the town of Owego, in 1791, where he bought five hundred acres of land, and settled on the farm now owned by E. F. Searles. He married Lavina Lee, ■ by whom he had five children : Mary (Mrs. Simeon Decker), Winthrop, Sarah (Mrs. Ephraim Wood), Nancy (Mrs. Thomas Day), and John. Winthrop married Anna Hall, by whom he had five children, who arrived at maturity : Moses, Stephen H., 362 TOWN OF OWEGO. William, James, and Mary (Mrs. Merritt Ireland). William mar- ried Caroline, daughter of Elijah Walter, by whom he had five children : Mary, wife of John Miller, Delphine, wife of Gilbert Webster, George A., of Nichols, Clinton, and Carrie, wife of Garry Hunt. George A. married Huldah Cornell, by whom he has five children: Fred, Fannie, Lena, Willie, and Louie. . Hugh Fiddis was a descendant of Scotch refugees, who settled in the town of Enniskillen, in the northern part of Ireland. He came to this country in about the year 1762, and was afterwards married to Hannah Eldridge, of Groton, New London county. Conn. They had two children, Katy and Hugh Eldridge. Katy was born at Groton, in 1764. She married and died there. Hugh Eldridge was born at Groton, August 5, 1766. When he was about two years of age, his father, who was captain of a mer- chantman, was lost at sea. In 1795, he came from Con- necticut to Owego, where, in 1798, April iSth, he married Anna Brown, who was born at Brookfield, Fairfield county, Conn., February 11, 1777- Their children were all born at Owego, viz.: — Hugh Eldridge, June 15, 1793; Polly July 11, 1801 ; Robert November 17, 1808; James Edwin, May 22, 1819. The youngest son, James Edwin, married Emeline Rensom^ at Owego, May 28, 1845. Emeline Ransom was born April 7, 1822, at Tioga Center. Kate, daughter of James and Emeline Fiddis, was born at Owego, March 11, 185 1. She was married May 30, 1867, to William Head, of Owego. Cora Head, their daughter, was born at Owego February 14, 1868.^ Colonel Asa Camp, born in Rhe ae^Kland in 1760, 'served in the revolutionary war, and though young, he was assigned the task ■of commanding the party that buried Major Andre, the spy. Sometime after the close of the war he came to this town and settled not far from the present eastern boundary line, on the north bank of the river, where a considerable settlement after- ward sprang up, and was named Campville, for him. At the time he located here, the country was a dense wilderness inhabi- ted by wild beasts, and he was obliged to shut up his stock at night to protect them from the ravages of the wolves and pan- thers. He had to go down the river fortv miles in a canoe, to mill ; and once when recovering from a fever and his physician prescribed oysters, he was obliged to send a man with a team to Albany, that being the nearest point at which they could be pro- cured. He was justice of the peace for a long period, and had the reputation of a loyal, conscientious citizen, and very benevo- TOWN OF OWEGO. 363 lent in his conduct towards the sparse inhabitants in that section, who were struggling for a living. I^or many years he icept a public house for the accommodation of mail carriers and stock- men. The thoroughfares of those days were marked only by blazed, trees, and travelers were not numerous. His family con- sisted of five sons and one daughter. Pour of his sons settled on farms in close proximity to him. Colonel Camp died in 1848: His youngest son, John, born in November, 1788, settled on a farm near Campville in 1819, and resided there until his death in 1870. Of his children remaining in Tioga county are Mrs. R. W. Hines, and John Jr. The latter has been in the employ of the Erie railroad since 1848, and has traveled upwards of 2,720,016 miles. David Taylor, son of Cornelius, was born in the town of Owego, August 20, t8o2. He married Helena Tappan, January 8, 1827. Nine children were born to them: Nancy A., October 13, 1827; Lucy M., April 26. 1829; Cornelius, December 31, 1831; Charles H., April 13, 1834; Tappan A., December 16, 1836; Catharine, December 23, i'838 ; David C, April 15, 1841 ; Sarah, October ti, 1843; and Mary D., October 17, 1847. Richard Sykes was born early in the seventeenth century, and emigrated from London in 1630-33 with George Winthrop and others, and settled in Roxbury, Mass. He had three sons, namely. Increase, Samuel, and Victory. The latter had three sons, Jona- than, Samuel and Victory. Samuel had one son, Victory, who had two sons, viz.: Samuel and Victory. The latter had eight, sons, the second of whom was George, who, in 1811, came to that portion of Berkshire now included in the town of Newark Valley. He married Ruth Gaylord, of Connecticut, January 15, 181 1, by whom he had six children, as follows: Ambrose B., Edward F., George M., Theodore P., of Owego, Horatio W., and Lucy J. Theodore P. married Electa B. Chapman, of New- ark Valley. Richard Sykes died in March, 1676, and Phoebe, his wife, in 1683. George Sykes died October 26, 1825, aged thirty- seven ye^s, and his wife', September 3, 1869, in her eighty-first year. Nathaniel Catlin, son of Nathaniel,. born September 24, 1796, came from New Jersey with his parents when very young. The family settled in Nichols about three miles below Owego on the farm now owned by O. W. Young. Nathaniel, Jr., married Jane D. Broadhead, and reared six children, namely, Delinda, wife of Gen. B. F. Tracy, Maria (Mrs. Avery Olmstead), Avery B., a 364 TOWN OF OWEGO. customs officer of New York city, Isaac S., a lawyer of Brook- lyn, George, of Apalachin, and Hannah, deceased. He was one of the first Abolitionists of this section, and still lives on the farm which he has occupied for sixty years. Mrs. Catlin died in 187s. Rev. John Griffing, of Guilford, Conn., married Lydia Redfield of that place, and came to the town of Berkshire [See Berkshire], and was one of the first preachers in this section. They had twelve children born to them — Henry, September 17, 1809; Clar- issa, December 29, iBio; Lydia, February 13, 1813; John, March 26, 1815 ; Daniel S., January 7, 1817; Beriah R., March 27, 1819; Artemesia, March 5, 1821 ; James S., October 28, 1822; Samuel B., August I, 1825; Osmyn, September 22, 1828 ; Permelia, Feb- ruary 8, 183.1 ; and Mary M,, August 13, 1834. Samuel B., son of Rev. John Griffing, married Lucy M., daughter of David Tay- lor, of Owego, April 17, 1848. Three children were born to them, viz.: Helena A., July 9, 1849; Lydia Permelia, who died in infancy; and David T., March 31, 1853, now of Iowa. Dr. Samuel Standish Tinkham, a descendent of Miles Standish, was a graduate of Dartmouth College, and came to Owego in 1793, where he engaged in the practice of medici"ne. He married Mary, daughter of Col. David Pixley, one of the original pro- prietors of the Boston Purchase, by whom he had three children, Sarah E., who was the first wife of William Pumpelly, Samuel Standish, who married Lois Willoughly, and David Pixley, who married Harriet G. Drake. Dr. Tinkham lived on Front street, where Mrs. Wall's house and W. C. Renwick's garden are located. Elisha Forsyth, of English descent, was among the very early settlers in this county, having come from Connecticut to Marietta, Pa., thence up the Susquehanna in a canoe, to Union, from whence he subsequently removed to this town and located at Park settle- ment on Owego creek. He married Freelove, daughter of Capt. Thoma^ ParJ£, a privateersman of the revolution. Mr. Forsyth spent the greater portion of his life in this town engaged in lum- bering and farming. Their children were' George, Catherine who married Nathaniel Webster, Azor, Elisha, Experience, who married Martin Smith, Gilbert, and Eldridge, born August 5, 1812. The latter during his early years was engaged with his father in the lumber business, and subsequently in painting which has been his occupation for nearly forty years. He married first, Mary Fisher, of Ontario county, N. Y. His present wife is Eunice, daughter of the late Anthony M. Tyler, of Newark TOWN OF OWEGO. 365 Valley. Gilbert and Azor were artists, the former having acquired ■considerable ruputation as a portrait painter. Among his students was Thomas LaClear a noted painter of New York city. •George, born July 2, 179S, married first, Mary Chapman. His second wife was Rachel Puffer, by whom he had four children, namely: Ira, born August 6, 1831, now of Los Angeles, Cal., William S., born November 7, 1833, Adelaide E., born May 19, 1836, married George H. Woughter, and Augusta, born Decem- ber 31, 1838, married George Sawyer. Mr. Forsyth died Octo- ber 5, 1876. William S., married first, Maria, daughter of Charles ■Corbin, October 23, 1854. His present wife is Margaret, daugh- ter of Edward Howard whom he married June 12, 1882. His children born as follows, are Ettie M., August 6, 1855, George Roosa, May 8, 1872, and Clarence Augusto, November i, 1886. Elisha, Jr., was born in Owego, February 14, 1801. He married Wealthy L., daughter of Abel Lawrence, of Newark Valley, February i, 1827. Their children were Julia A., widow of John D. Baker, Morgiana (Mrs. Joseph Tyler) Charles, H. Truman, Gilbert T., George F., William L., Mary Lucina, and Edward A. H. Truman, born August 3, 1834, married N. Adaline, ■daughter of Robert Williams of Greensburg, Pa., September 6, 1863. Their children are Florence, born June 20, 1864, died August 3, 1865, George F., born August 12, 1866, Charles E., November 11, 1868, Fannie, February 24, 1871, Zenora T., June 10, 1873, and Mary W., November 7, 1875. H. Truman was a member of Co. K., 76th Regt. Pa. Vol's., having enlisted July 14, 1863, and was mustered out at the close of the war. Gilbert T., born August 29, 1839, married Susan E., daughter of John Lord, January 16, i860. Their children are Charles F., born October 13, i860, William M., September 9, 1862, and Minnie G. and Mettie M., (twins) July 15, 1864. Charles F., married Anna Worth of Freeport, 111., and has one child, Lillian E., born December 3, 1884. William M., married Emma Taylor. Mary Lucina, married W. Harrison Camp, who served in Co. C. 23d Regt. N. Y. Infantry, and who re-enlisted in 1863 in the Sth N. Y. Cavalry. He served in many battles and skirmishes, and •was mustered out at the close of the war. Elisha Forsyth, Jr., was fife-major in the 50th N. Y. Regt., and his son George was ■drum major of the same regiment. Francis M. Baker, son of John D. and Julia (Forsyth) Baker was born March 26, 1846. He married Mary, daughter of Jesse McQuigg, of Flint, Mich., February 16, 1869. They have one 366 TOWN OF OWEGO. child, George H., born August 28, 1871. Mr. Baker was presi- dent of the New York State Firemen's Association, and is gen- eral superintendent of the Addison & Northern Pennsylvania railroad. His home is in Owego. John R. Drake, son of Rev. Reuben Drake, of Pleasant Val- ley, — now Plattekill — Orange Co., N. Y., came to Owegoin 1809, and located on Front street, about where the bridge now crosses. He was elected county "judge, represented this district in the assembly, and in congress. He was actively engaged in mercan- tile business here for many years, being a large dealer in lumber. He built the first dock in Owego, and the first piece of sidewalk laid in the town was laid by him, in front of his store. It is also- said that he was the first to possess a two-horse carriage and covered sleigh here. Being of a progressive nature, he was very active, and evinced great interest in getting the railroad here, donating nine acres of his farm to. the company. He married Jerusha, daughter of Rev. Joseph Roberts, by whom he had five children, viz : Harriet, Adaline, widow of Bradford Gere, Del- phine, first wife of Harmon Pumpelly, Theodore, of Fredericks- burg, Va., and Charlotte M., widow of Edward Raynsford, of Washington, D. C. Judge Drake died in 1857. Harriet married David Pixley Tinkham, by whom she had three children, Sarah, Arianna, who married Gen. William P. Innes, of Grand Rapids, Mich., and John F. Sarah married Edward G. Gibson, by whom she has one son. Dr. Edward T. Gibson, of Minneapolis, Minn. David P. Tinkham was a merchant in Owego, but died in 1836, at the early age of thirty-two years. In 1817 Mrs. Tinkham, accompanied by her father, left home to attend the Moravian boarding-school at Bethlehem, Pa. They went down the river on a raft as far as Berwick, and from there across the mountains in a four-horse covered wagon, called a stage. Her piano was- the first in this section, having been brought here from New York in 1821. Benjamin Bates came from Massachusetts and settled on the large island about three miles east of Owego. They had seven, children — Elisha, William, Benjamin, Prudence, Abigail, Lu- cinda and Rachel. Lucinda was born August 16, 1800, and in- 1816 married Jared Lillie, by whom she had twelve children, Mary, Sarah, William, served in Co. A, 109th Regt.; Benjamin, George W., served in the 9th N. Y. Cavalry ; Jared, Abbie J., Charles, was a member of Co. H, 109th Regt.; James, was a mem- TOWN OF OWEGO. 367 ber of the same company and regiment ; Darius, served in Co. G,. 44th Regt., and Frederick, in Co. H, 109th Regt. Erastus Meacham, son of Silas, was born in Cornwall, Lilch- field county, Conn., February 9, 1798, and came with his father's- family to the town of Danby when but. seven years of age, and remained there until he arrived at the age of fourteen, when he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. Having served his time, he came to Owego, in December, 1822, and engaged to work for a blacksmith named Taylor, and remained with him until the fol- lowing March, when he hired the shop which stood where the Central House now stands, and conducted the business himself. He afterward sold out and bought a farm of 150 acres in the town of Tioga, which he conducted for fifteen years. • With this exception Owego has been his home since 1822. He married Betsey, daughter of Truman Lake, of Spencer, November 9,. 1820. Five children have been born to them, viz.: Myron E.^ Mary A. (Mrs. Henry Shipman), deceased ; Maria, who died in infancy ; Melinda and Milton H.. who also died in infancy. Mrs. Meacham was born in Greenville, Greene county, N. Y., January 3, 1803, and removed with her parents to the town of Spencer when but twelve years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Meacham are in- the sixty-seventh year of their married life, and he, despite hi& ninety years, still attends to the business of blacksmithing and horse- shoeing. Melinda married John M. Head, October 3, 1849,. and has had nine children, born as follows : Lottie A., October 9, 1851 ; Anna M., October 20, 1853 ; Sarah, September 9, 1856;; John J., March 12, 1859; Ida M. and Eddie B. (twins), August 23, 1862 ; Frederick L. and Frank L. (twins), March 16, 1866 — died in September of the same year — and Linnie B., born Septem- ber 14, 1868. John M. Head was born February 13, 1822, was a member of Co. C, 137th Regt., Infy.; enlisted August 20, 1862 ;. taken prisoner at Chancellorsville May 2, 1863 ; was mustered out in June, 1865, and died April 14, 1869. Lottie A. married Charles D. Meacham, by whom she has had five children, born as follows; Ella M., April 30, 1876; Fred R., November 29, 1879J Leon, July 14, 1881, died August 9, of the same year; Clarence L., born August 16, 1883, and Merle L., born July 16, 1885, died March 7, 1887. Anna married Royal B. Ferguson, April 13, 1871. James Grimes, son of James, was born at the foot of the Green Mountains, in Vermont, in 1793, and when but nineteen years of age enlisted in the war of 1812. His uncle, Moses Grimes, having- located in Owego sometime previous to the war, James Jr., came ?68 TOWN OF OWEGO. ■on here after its close and engaged first as a farmer with his uncle, afterward as builder. He mp^rried first Margaret Whitney, by whom he had eleven children. His second wife was Sarah Dennis by whom he had five children, viz. : George and Frederick, now of Michigan, James A., and Carrie, wife of John H. Bunzy ■of Owego ; and one who died in infancy. When Mr. Grimes came to Owego there was but one building, and that a log tavern that stood on the northwest corner of Main street and North avenue. The children of John H., and Carrie (Grimes) Bunzy, are Adalbert and Minnie £. Capt. David Nutt came from Vermont to the town of Owego in 1816, and settled on Apalachin creek, where he cleared the farm now owned by Norman Billings. He built a saw-mill and engaged in lumbering and farming until 1844. He married Susan Bell, of Massachusetts, about 1817. There were six children born to them, viz.: Sally, wife of Elijah Sherwood, of Apalachin, Romanzo, now of Iowa, Fidelia wife of Don Carlos Farwell, of Portland, Oregon, Lorenzo, deceased, Maurice, of Alexandria, Dakota, and Mary J., wife of A. Lindsley Lane, of Apalachin, born May 2, 1832. Mr. Nutt died in 1877, aged eighty-one, and Mrs. Nutt in 1882, aged ninety-four. John Jewett, a soldier of the revolution, came from Putnam •county in the fall of 181 7, and located op the river road a mile ■east of Apalachin. His son Asa married Bathsheba Wooden, by whom he had four children, viz.: Maurice, of Apalachin, Harryj •of Owego, Emily, now deceased, and Matilda, wife of Daniel Dodge, of Owego. Mr. Jewett died in 18 19. Mrs. Jewett after- ward married Benjamin F. Tracy, and had four children, namely, George, now deceased, Harrison and Harvey, of Apalachin, and Benjamin F., of Brooklyn. Josiah Morton came from Plymouth, Chenango county, to the town of Owego in 1818, and located on a farm on what was known as Chapman Hill. He married Lucinda Sholes, by whom he had seven children. His son Levi was eleven years old when his father came to Owego, and has since resided here. He was engaged in shoemaking in Owego for twenty-five years, and then moved to Apalachin, where he has since resided, about forty-three years. He married Margaret Freeland, by whom he had three children — Ellen, wife of George Tracy ; Emily, wife of Roswell Camp, of Wisconsin ; Elizabeth, wife of David LaMont, of Owego. Mr. Morton has been married twice since, and is TOWN OF OWEGO. 369 now in his eightieth year. The present Mrs. Morton was Maria, widow of James T. Smith. James Lane, son of James, came from Delaware previous to^ 1812, and enlisted in the war of that year. Upon his arrival in this county, he located at Weltonville. In 1817 he married Jane, ■daughter of Rev. Charles Taylor, a Presbyterian mmister, who came from the North of Ireland about 1804. Their children were Samuel, a minister of the United Brethren denomination ; Nancyj who married John VanDemark ; Eliza (Mrs. Albert Barton); Charlotte (Mrs. Noah Goodrich); Charles; Catherine (Mrs. John- son Barton); and A. Lindsley, born April 6, 1831. The latter married Mary J., daughter of Captain David Nutt, January 31, 1856, and by whom he has two children, Don CarloiJ boi-tl July 31, 1858, and Edgar S., born June 6, 1864. Don Carlos married Frederica, daughter of Augustus Olmstead, in June, 1881, and has one child, Floyd L., born June 24, 1883. Charles Lane, son of James, Jr., married Mary, daughter of Samuel Brownell, by whom he had ten children, viz.: Egbert, Frank, Frederick, Libbie, Fannie (Mrs. Charles McNeil), Winnie, Eloise, wife of Herbert Johnson, of Barton, Alice (Mrs. D. G. Underwood), Annie and Lewis. John Livingston, son of Jacob Livingston, of Livingston Manor, Sullivan county, N. Y. , was born April 23, 1768. He came very early to Campville, where he settled. He married Magda- lena Palmetier, who was born November 14, 1777, and by whom he had thirteen children. Their second son, Peter, married Christiana Becker, by whom he had eleven children, viz.: Cathe- rine (Mrs. William Whittemore), Peter, John, Margaret, Hannah (Mrs. Piatt Jewett), Elizabeth, Chancelor, George, William, and Anna (Mrs, Fred Boynt). Margaret married Alonzo DeGroat, by whom she has three children, Charles, James, and Eva May. James married Maud Blewer, by whom he has one child, James, Jr. Thomas Baird, son of Daniel, was one of the pioneers of this county, he having come very early to the town of Candor, where he located about one mile from Speedsville. He married Sally Putnam, of Worcester, Mass., who bore him five children, viz.: John, Aaron, Martha, Thomas, Jr., Mary, and William. Mary was born in Candor, August 10, 1813, and married Luther T. Keith, September 27, 1836. They had three children, one who died in infancy, S. Elizabeth, who married E. M. Blodgett, May 31, 1863, and whose second husband is W. Van Over, whom she 370 TOWN OF OWEGO. married June 23, 1869 ; and George W., who married Anna Court, of Speedsville, N. Y., May 31, 1863. The latter have had four chil- dren, born as follows, viz.: Avery T., March 23, 1864, Mary E., May 7, 1865, Rose A., December 23, 1868, and Willie H., bom July 17, 1885, died March 17, 1886. Mr. Luther Keith died May 18, 1884. Henry Wait came from Half Moon, Saratoga county, N. Y., about the year 181 8, and located near the southwestern part of the town, where he bad purchased about nine hundred acres of land. His sons, William and Henry, live on portions of the land purchased by him. He is represented as having been a liberal and benevolent man, who did much to improve the roads, and t& help the poor settlers who located about him. He married Eunice Shepard, by whom he had twelve children. Mrs. Wait died in 1854, and Mr. Wait died in 1858. George A., son of Henry and Mary (Russell) Wait, married Anna, daughter of George O. and Sarah (McKee) Kile, September 30, 1878, and has one child, Floyd A., born December 21, 1882. William Williamson, son of Marcus and Mary (McLean) Will- iamson came from Westchester county and settled in Scipio, Cayuga county, N. Y. From thence he came to the town of Owego and settled three miles from Flemingville, and made the first settlement in that locality in 1820. At the time of his set- tlement there the country was a wilderness and his nearest neigh- bor was three miles distant. They often found it necessary when going out at night, to carry a pine torch, and also to build fires about their buildings to keep the wolves away. He married mary.R., daughter of William and Abigail (Park) Ferguson. Eight children were born to them and all arrived at maturity. They were, Abigail (Mrs. Hulburt Bates), Mary (Mrs. Reuben B, Locke) Loesa, William H., who was the second to enlist from the town of Owego, served in Co. H., 3d Regt. N. Y. Vols., under Captain Catlin, as corporal, was promoted surgeon and after- ward captain; while home on a furlough, which he spent in recruiting, he was taken sick and died, so never served as cap- tain — Augusta (Mrs. Isaac Smith), Anna, Hannah, second wife of Hulbert Bates, and Theodore. Mrs. Williamson died February 16, 1880, and Mr. Williamson died February 22, the same year. Oliver Pearl came from Connecticut, about 1820, and located first about one mile west of Wait's church. His children were Hannah (Mrs. Philip Baker), and Mercy (Mrs. Loren Fuller), Daniel, Oliver, Walter and Cyril. Cyril married Rosanna, daugh- TOWN OF OWEGO. 371 ter of Thomas Farmer, May 29, 1820. Six of their children arrived at maturity, viz.: Walter, of Nichols, Loring C, of Owego, John F. and Austin, now deceased, Thomas F., of Hast- ings, Neb., and Jane R. Walter, married Catharine Rapplegee, by whom he had eight children, viz. : Mary M., who died in in- fancy, Cyril, Emma J., Marcella, George, My ram and Hattie, who died at the age of eighteen months. Loring C. married Clementina, daughter of Stephen Capwell in 1845, and has four children, viz. : Frances E., wife of Warren A. Lane, of Nichols, Helen R., wife of Emmet Barton, of Schoharie, N. Y., Charles C. .and Frederick J., of Owego. Austin married Diana B., daughter ■of Ebenezer Warner, of Sanford, N. Y., and had one child, Freddie who died in 1854, aged four years. • Myram W. Pearl, son of Walter H. Pearl, married Emma, ■daughter of George Merrick, December 5, 1878, and has two children, Ada, born April 13, 1880, and Marcella, born August 16, 1883. Adam Gould came to this town from Washington, Duchess county, N. Y.,. February 28, 1822, locating south of the river and ■engaged in farming, having bought 540 acres of wild land there. His wife was Judith, daughter of Paul Coffin, of Nantucket. William Sherwood came from Duchess county to Trumansburg early in the present century, and from thence to this county, where he located on the lower one hundred acres now comprised in the farm of John Holmes, about the year 1824. He married Polly Wicksom, by whom he had eight children who arrived at maturity, viz.: Elijah, John, Betsey, widow of Cornelius Goes- beck, William H., Nathaniel and Mary J., (twins) all of Owego, Hanna, wife of Alfred Van Wagoner of Duchess county, and Deborah. Elijah married Sally, daughter of Capt. David Nutt of Owego and had eight children, viz.: David W., of Belmont, N. Y., Ursula, wife of Dr. J. M. Barrett, and George J., of Owego, Henry W., a Baptist clergyman now of Syracuse, N. Y., John, who died in infancy, Susie, wife of Dr. Judson Beach, of Etna, N. Y., Edgar, who died at theage of six ypars, .and Deliah, wife of Dr. H, Champlin of Chelsea, Mich. Mr. Sherwood died in October, 1873. William H., married Olive, daughter of Will- fird Foster in 1855. Their children are Elsworth, Grace, and Charles. Elsworth married Flora Abbey and has one child, Roy. Nathaniel Sherwood married Phoebe, daughter of Van Ness Barrett of West Newark, in 1861, and they have had born to them three sons, Van Ness, Samuel and J. Ross. 372 TOWN OF OWEGO. Matthew La Mont came from Schoharie county about 1825 and located on the farm now owned by Humphrey C. Slocum, where he controlled the La Mont ferry. He married Ruth McNeil, by whom he had twelve children. His eldest son, Marcus, married Hannah Hoagland by whom he had four children, namely : Abrant H., superintendent of the Orphan's Home at Binghamton,' Susan J., wife of Rev. William Life, preceptress of Rye Seminary.^ Cyrenus M., of this town, and Isabella, who died at the age of sixteen years. Ralph Hibbard, son of Ebenezer, was born in Norwich, Ct., and was a soldier at New London in the war of 1812-15. He married Jemima, daughter of Zebadiah Maynard of Norwich, and came to Owego in 1825. They had three children, namely: Ralph, A. Maria, and Charles, now of Granville, Mich. Ralph, married Elizabeth, daughter of John Sweet of Owego, by whom he had two children, Frances, and George R., a merchant of Owego. Frances married James E. Jones of Owego, November 4, 1874, and has one child. Flora A., born December 29, 1879. -^- Maria is the widow of Curtis. Mrs. Jemima Hibbard is now in her ninety-first year. Ezra Tallmadge, the son of John, was born in the town of Malta, Saratoga county, N. Y., February 18, 1797. He was united in marriage with Zilpha Gould, in the year 1821. He re- mained in Malta until 1826, when, at the age of twenty-nine, with his wife and two children, he removed to this county. The jour- ney was made with an ox-team, and as the roads were bad and the weather unpleasant, they reached their destination under many difficulties. The land which he had purchased being covered with a dense forest, he first took quarters with his family in a log house on a lot located by Anson Camp, since known as the Camp farm, and about two and a half miles from his own place. He then cleared a spot, built him a log house, and cut through the woods a road of nearly two miles in length. About this time he lost a little son, whose death was the first one which oc- curred in the settlement for twenty-six years. At this period there were but three voters in that part of the county. He was a man of strong Christian character and for fifty years was in enjoyment of church membership. A Methodist society was formed near his home, and he was class-leader for many years. Mr. Tallmadge was eminently a good man, faithful in all the sacred relations of domestic life, and faithful as a father in Israel. He died on Sun- day evening, May 5, 1872, aged seventy-five years. Ezra W. TOWN OF OWEGO. 375 Tallmadge married Angeline, daughter of Henry and Mary (Russell) Waite, June 5, 1864, and by whom he has had five children, viz.: Ida M., wife of Lowell E. Kyle, Philip Albert, who died September 5, 1868, Mary P., Frutilla J., and Gurdon Ezra W., who died September 16, 1886, aged eleven years. James Blow came from East Winfield, N. Y. , in 1827, and cleared the farm now owned by his son Henry. He married Margaret Brown, who. like himself was a native of the North of Ireland. They had twelve children. Of these Henry married Catharine, daughter of John McNeil, by whom he had eleven children, James, Harmon, Minard, Arthur, Elizabeth, Henry, .Diana, Margaret, George, Almeda, and Frank L. The latter married Mary Franklin of Pennsylvania, and has two children,, namely, Alice and Henry. Francis, son of James Blow, married Amanda, daughter of Sylvester Fox of Owego, January 15, 1841, by whom he had six children, viz.: Harriet, Hiram, Sarah, Francis, Jr., all of Titusville, Pa., Ella, and William, of Owego. William married Emma, daughter of Miner Russell. Mr. Blow died in March, 1885. Sylvester Fox came from Connecticut to Windown, Pa., and thence to Owego in 1826, and located on the farm now occupied in part by Spencer Bostwick. He married Olive Smith, and eight of their children arrived at maturity, namely, Pernine,. Allen, Amanda, widow of Francis Blow, Sylvester, Sarah, wife of Jacob Mericle, Ira, William, deceased, and Merinda, wife of Edward Briggs of Nichols. George W. HoUenback, for nearly fifty years a prominent business man of Owego, was born in Wyalusing, Pa., August 25, 1806. He was the eldest son of John HoUenback of Martinsburg, Va., who left his birth-place and settled in Pennsylvania in 1795. He was for many years engaged in business and was on intimate terms with the old dme merchants of Philadelphia. A gentleman of the old school, he was distinguished for an ease of manner and a generous hospitality which attracted many friends. His son, George, first came to Owego in 18 16, for the purpose of at- tending schpol. On the fifth of December, 1828, he returned again to Qwego and entered the store of John HoUenback as clerk, where he remained until 1831, when he entered into busi- ness for himself, near Towanda, Pa. After his marriage with Miss Jane Gordon, a lady of Scotch-Irish parentage whose ancestors on the father's side were distinguished in Scottish history, he acceded to the earnest wish of his childless relative, and v^ith his 374 TOWN OF OWEGO. -wife removed to Owego, in 1838, and again entered the store of John HoUenback, who was widely known as one of the most active and energetic business men of his day. In the fall of 1847 Mr. HoUenback, with Jacob Hand, entered into a partnership with Mr. William H. Bell, who had also been a clerk for John HoUenback, under the firm-title of Wm. H. Bell & Co., which parnership continued twenty years. They conducted an exten- sive general mercantile business, and engaged largely in the manufacture and traffic in lumber. On January' 16, 1867, the firm, from which Mr. Hand had previously withdrawn, was •dissolved by mutual consent, and the property owned by them was divided. Mr. HoUenback retained the store and Mr. Bell took the saw-mill and lumber tract in the south part of the town ■of Owego, and after the dissolution of the firm of William H. Bell & Co., Mr. HoUenback took two of his sons, George F. & John G., into partnership with him, and continued the general mercantile business until the fall of 1871, when they disposed of their stock and commenced a wholesale and retail crockery busin- •ess. This business they continued until October, 1873, when they sold their stock to D. C. Tuthill. Mr. HoUenback took a .great interest in pubHc affairs. He died at his home in Owego, December 30, 1878, aged seventy-two years. His wife, who had been an invalid, suffering from consumption for several years, survived him a little more than two years, passing peacefully .away on the morning of April 14, 1881. Of the four sons and three daughters born to them, the youngest daughter died ■October 28, 1874. Two daughters remain at the homestead, which was bequeathed to them and their brother Charles E., Jby their father. WiUiam Henry HoUenback married Mary McLain, of Owe- go, in July, 1868, and by whom he has seven children. He resides on his farm, in the town of Owego. George Frederick, or " Fred," as he was famiUarly called, was born in Owego. He received his education here and at the Brookside school, pre- sided over by the Messrs. Judd, at Berkshire, and finally at a private school. In AprU, 1861. he enlisted in the 3d Regt., N. Y. Vols., and served two years under Gen. I. S. Catlin. In 1878, he married his cousin, Augusta, daughter of George Gordan, of Frenchtown, Pa., by whom he had one child, George Frederick. He died May 11, 1882. John Gordan early evinced a predilec- tion for a mercantile career. After finishing his studies he en- tered the store of W. H. Bell & Co., as clerk. He afterward TOWN OF OWEGO. 375 spent some time in Rochester, N. Y. He returned and entered into business with his father and brother. After two or three 3'ears, they disposed of the business, and he accompanied his brother to California, where he remained a year. On his return he entered into partnership with C. A. Link, in the clothing business. In October, 1875, he married Miss Lizzie Dean, of New York. They have one daughter, Florence, and reside at Los Angeles, Cal., where Mr. HoUenback conducts a real estate busi- ness. Charles Edward HoUenback was born in Owego, Feb. 3, 1849. He prepared for college at the Owego academy, under the tutorship of Prof. Prindle. He entered Union college at Sche- nectady, N. Y., in 1868, and was graduated therefijpm in the classical course in 1871, taking the first prize in oratory. In Sep- tember, 1871, he commenced the study of law, in the office of Hon. John J. Taylor, and was admitted to the bar in 1874, when he formed a partnership with C. D, Nixon, known as the firm of Nixon & HoUenback, which continued for a year. In 1876 and 1877, he had charge of the law office of Hon. E. B. Gere, who was then member of assembly. He afterward opened an office on his own account, with a large and constantly increasing prac- tice. Mr. HoUenback, or " Dick," as he was called by his friends, was one of the most active of. Owego s young Democrats. He was chosen chairman of the Democratic county committee, in 1881, and continued at the head of that committee until he was taken sick. He was the Democratic candidate for district attor- ney, in 1876 and 1882, and for supervisor of the town of Owego, in the latter year. He died November 9, 1884. James Kenyon, of English descent, was born in Pittsfield, Berk- shire county, Mass., November i, 1813. When twenty-two years of age he came to Owego, and engaged asa journeyman machinist to Henry Camp, in whose service he remained thirty-five years. He married Amanda, daughter of Chauncey Hill, of Tioga, June 30, 1839. Four children were born to them, namely: Albert J., born September 22, 1841, now chief engineer of the U. S. Navy, in which service he has been since the fall of 1861 ; Lesbia A., born June 2t, 1844, the wife of William Peck; Anna L., born August 8, 1850, the widow of Charles R. Strang ; and Calvin F., born March 5, 1854, and who died September 8, 1875. Mrs. Strang has two children, namely: Samuel P., born March 6, 1872, and Annette Kenyon, born June 7, 1874. Moses Knight was born February 10, 1808, in Crawford, Orange 26* 376 TOWN OF OWEGO. Co. N. Y. He married Mary J. Middaugh, of Sullivan Co., N. Y., November i, 1832. In 1835 he came to Owego and en- gaged in the clothing business, in which he continued until his- death, which occurred June 10, 1862. Their children were Thomas H., deceased, Elizabeth, Mary L,, deceasedjand William^ of Austin, Texas. Daniel Stanton, born December 14, 1794, came from Norwich^ Mass., and located in the town of Nichols in 1830, and in 1836 moved onto the farm now occupied by his son Asa. He married Almira Johnson April 14, 1820, by whom he had eight children^ viz.: Maria, whO' died March 14, 1849, -^sa, born August 15,. 1822, Elizabeth, widow of Oliver P. Chaffee, Lucinda, widow of Hiram Shays, of Owego, Clarissa, wife of A. J. Stanton, and Levi, of Bradford county, Pa., Jonas, who was drowned September 4,. 1853, and Almira, wife of David Smead, of Owego. William S. Pearsall, son of Thomas, was born October 14, 1796, in Bainbridge, N. Y., where his father located very early, and with his brothers inherited large tracts of land which their father had owned. The latter was a native of Long Island. William,. Nathaniel, Gilbert and Thomas came to this town from Chenango- county, and settled in and near Apalachin, where they engaged in building mills and in lumbering, shipping large quantities in rafts down the river. In 1837, they had established a lumber business in the city of Baltimore, Md. In 1840, William built a grist and saw-mill at Apalachin, which was the only grist-mill in this section at that time, and which did the mill business of farm- ers for many miles. When they first came here there was but little of the village of Apalachin. Gilbert built and kept a store there. William purchased two hundred acres there, and the larger part of the village is on a portion of this tract. One hundred acres of it he afterward sold to Ransom Steele. William Pearsall married Eliza, daughter of Col. Samuel Balcom, of Oxford, N. Y.,. a sister of Judge Ransom Balcom and Judge Lyman Balcom, of Steuben county. Seven of the children that were born to them arrived at maturity — George,>of Fort Scott, Kas.; Jane, who died at the age of seventeen; Martha, wife of F. C. Coryell; Corneha, (Mrs. John King) ; Ransom S., of Apalachin; Col. Uri B., of Fort Scott, who entered the army as a private before he was twenty-one years of age, and upon the close of the war was bre- vetted Brigadier-General ; Mary, of Owego ; and Charles W., of Syracuse. Ransom S. married Adaline, daughter of Clinton and TOWN OF OWEGO. 377 Ann Billings, and has four children, Grace L., William C„ Anna L. and Emily. Stephen Dexter, a civil engineer, was born in Cranston, R. I., May 16, 1792. He lived in Windham, Conn., but many years ago came by invitation to Ithaca, N. Y., to stajce out lots and make a map of the village. In 1838 he removed to Owego, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was engaged on the survey for the Erie railroad, and among other works laid out Evergreen Cemetery, Owego. Early in life he married Deborah Thurston, of Exeter, R. I. Mr. Dexter died July 5, 1876. Anthony D. Thompson, son of Henry, was born in Goshen, Orange county, N. Y., June 4, 1822, and came with his father's family when but three years of age, to the town of ®wego. His father conducted a farm and a hotel at Campville for twelve or fifteen years, and then removed to this village and engaged in blacksmithing. With the exception of two years spent in Towanda, Pa., Anthony D. has since made Owego his home. For six years he was engaged with his father in the shop, but failing health compelled him to abandon his trade and he entered the stage of- fice of the Owego Hotel, which stood on the site of the present Ah-wa-ga House. That position he resigned and removed to Towanda, and ran a line of stages for three years between Towanda and Waverly, and at the same time conducted a livery stable at each of those places. Selling his interests there, he engaged in the service of the Erie railroad in 1850, and has con- tinued with them until this time, covering a period of thirty- seven years. His first wife was Sabrina, daughter of Chauncey Hill, by whom he had five children, namely : Clarence A., of the. Owego National Bank, Charles S., deceased, A. Lizzie, wife of Walter Curtis, Sadie and Harry G. Mrs. Thompson died Janu- ary 14, 1873. Dr. Elias W. Seymour, son of William, who was a cousin of the late Governor Seymour, was born in Windsor, N. Y., Feb- ruary 7, 1823. When he was eight years old his parents removed to Binghamton, his father having been elected a representative in congress from that district. He was subsequently appointed judge of Broome county, which office he filled for several years with ability, and which he held at the time of his death, in 1849. The Doctor came to Owego when eighteen years of age. In 1850, he married Louisa L., daughter of John Dodd. He commenced the study of medicine in 1866, attending lectures in Philadelphia, Pa., and in 1870, entered upon the practice of his profession.. 378 TOWN OF OWEGO. In 1866, he was elected master of Friendship lodge, F. & A. M., and again in 1870, serving, both terms, with great satisfaction. He died June 26, 1881. Luman Wood, son of David Wood, came from Duchess county, in 1839, and located in Tompkins county, where he remained three years, when he came to this town where he resided until his death, in 1872. He married Catharine, daughter of Nathan BuUard, by whom he had seven children, George H., Enos v., a member of the New York city police force, Harriet (Mrs. Joseph Nichols), Franklin T., Nathan D., Emma, wife of Frank Bullard, and Edward B. Jacob Bunzy came from Knox, Albany county, N. Y., many years ago, and located in Broome county, and afterward removed to the town of Owego and located at Gaskill's Corners. He married Sophia, daughter of John O'Brian by whom he had eight children, viz : John, Mary (Mrs. John A. Kens), Charles, George, Emma (Mrs. Charles Card), Nelson, Alice (Mrs. William Crum) and Lill (Mrs. Job Williams). Charles, married Lizzie, daughter of Artemas Walters, and has two children, Susie and Archie. Samuel Hauver came from Lee, Mass., in 1848, and located near Smithboro where he engaged in farming. He married Lois Buttles of Lee, by whom he had six children, viz.: Margaret, Charles, of Elmira, E. Jane, Lucy, George, of Nichols, and Frank, of Owego. Mr. Hauver died October 30, 1874. Margaret mar- ried Robert Snell, by whom she has one son, Samuel B. Charles married Martha Smith and has five children. E. Jane married Nelson Codner, and has eight children. Lucy married Charles Prince of Orwell, Pa., and has one son. George married Clara, daughter of George Seager, January i, 1881, by whom he had one child, Delmer G., born June 30, 1884, who died August 22, 1884. Frank married Mary, daughter of James S. Maine, of Windham, Pa., arid has one child, F. Earl, born July 13, 1886. Jesse Thomas came from Chester, Mass., to the town of Nichols in 1824, and purchased the farm on which Horace Louns- berry now resides. In 1854 he disposed of that property and bought a farm near the large island on the south side of the river where R, A. Barnes now resides. He married Jemima, daughter ■of Joseph Clark, of Windsor, Conn. His son, Charles C. Thomas, learned the printing business and worked at it until 1844, when ihe engaged in mercantile business in Westfield, Mass., where he continued nine years. He then returned to Owego and establised a book and newspaper business on the site now occupied by TOWN OF OWEGO. 379 Coburn & Strait. He afterward engaged in the boot and shoe business with Isaac Hall. He married Sylvinea Wentz, of Bing- hamton, February 28, 1843, by whom he has two children, Charles F., now chief clerk of the R. G. Dunn Commercial Agency at Detroit, and Emma A. Levi Slater came from Connecticut to Delaware county, where he engaged in teaching. General Cantine, who owned a military tract in the northern part of this county and in Tompkins county, which was then a part of Tioga county, induced Mr. Slater, by the offer of a grant of land, to migrate to that section. Fron> him Slaterville takes its name. David, son of Levi, came to Owego village, some thirty years since, and engaged in teaching, and in surveying. For twelve years he was street dbmmissioner of the village of Owego. He married Phoebe, daughter of Lewis Howes, of Putnam county. Four children were born to them, namely, Frank B., Sarah A., who married LeRoy A. James, and who died in 1870, Dorus M., now of Elmira, and Miles O., now of New York city. David Slater died in his eighty-second year. Frank B. married Gertrude Connor, of New York city, May 30, 1871. ■i- J. B. G. Babcock came from Pennsylvania to Owego, and during the years of the war was prominent in business here, being engaged in the wool business with D. M. Pitcher. He married Lovisa Douglass, by whom he had seven children, viz.: Annie, Lottie, Emily, Mattie, Joseph, Zachary T., and John B. G. The latter married Emma J., daughter of J. Parker Vose, by whom he has one child, Geofgiana. .y Charles M. Haywood was born at Ludlow, Vt., August 16, 1833, and passed fiis early life on a farm. At the age of sixteen, he began the trade of marble and granite finishing. In 1856, at Littleton, N. H., he first embarked in business for himself, and in i860 he came to Owego, where he has since resided. Mr. Haywood's business success encouraged him to build, in 1875, upon the east side of North avenue, one of the best brick blocks in the village, where he is extensively engaged in the marble and granite business, having also a branch business at Waverly. His residence, on the corner of Temple and Liberty streets, is attrac- tive and imposing. While Mr. Haywood has never been a poli^ tician, in the common acceptation of the term, he has long ppssessed much local influence in the Republican party, and has often been called to positions of trust and responsibility, the dis- charge of the varied duties of which has invariably been charac- 380 TOWN OF pWEGO. terized by ability, fidelity and integrity. It is characteristic of Mr. Haywood that he is never idle, and never in a hurry, but steadily pursues whatever work he may have in hand, — that he is upright, honorable, unobtrusive, generous, public-spirited, self- sacrificing, and a most estimable and respected citizen. The following are some of the positions he is holding at the present time : supervisor of the village, and ex-officio chairman of the board of supervisor of the county ; treasurer of the State Grand Lodge of Knights of Honor, since 1875 > representative to the Supreme Lodge of Protection, for six years past ; treasurer of the Owego Mutual Benefit Association, since its organization ; treasurer of Tioga Lodge, No. 335, L O. O. F., for many years; treasurer and trustee of the First M. E. Church of Owego, and member since 1852 ; presiding officer of Owego Chapter, No. 510, R. A. M., having taken all the degrees in masonry, including the 95th ; director of the Masonic Relief Association, of Elmira, for seventeen 3'ears ; and president of the Owego District Camp Meeting Association during the past fifteen years. The following are some of the positions Mr. Haywood has heretofore occupied : Supervisor of the town of Owego in the year. 1877 ; supervisor of Owego village in 1844-5 : village trustee of the Third ward in 1871 ; president of Owego village in 1872, being re-elected for the three succeeding years without opposition; chief of the Owego fire department in 1876, and a delegate to the National Board, at Philadelphia ; a charter member of the Supreme Lodge, Knights of Honor, and a representative to that body in 1875-76, yy and 78, being now a Past Grand Director of this state ; and charter member of the State Grand Lodge, Knights and Ladies of Honor, and its grand protector in 1880-81. Being, in 1883, a leading spirit in building a steamboat, and fitting up Hiawatha Island, he was president of the Owego Steamboat Company during the first two years of its existence. He was one of the principal movers in causing to be erected, in 1885, the Tioga county insane asylum. Mr. Haywood married Hannah Kneeland, of Proctorsville, Vt., in 1854. James -N. Hill, son of Chauncey and Lucy (Sexton) Hill, was born in the town of Tioga, December 14, 1816. His early edu- cation was received in the public schools, and at an 'early age he was apprenticed to the carpenter and joiners trade. He married Harriet Emily, daughter of Edward S. and Lydia (Curry) Madan, April 4, 1839. Their children were Sarah E., Lydia L., Charles O., and Ida E. (Mrs. G. A. Morton). For many years Mr. Hill C. M. Haywood. TOWN OF OWEGO. 381 •was prominently engaged in business in Ovvego, as a manufacturer and as a contractor and builder. Mr. Hill died January 5, 1887. Sarah E. married A. H. Keeler, June 17, 1858, and has three chil- ■dren, — James B., Minnie, and Julia A. Minnie married J. A. Mabee, and has one child, John A., born August 20, 1879. Lydia L. married Ernest de Valliere, in April, 1864, and has five chil- 1790, and settled upon the farm now owned by Asa Pritchard.^ He married Anna Canfield, who bore him thirteen children, three of whom,— Amos C, Rachel (Mrs. Rachel Cogswell), and Lyman T., are living. The latter still occupies the old homestead farm. He married Polly Joslyn, September 15, 1846, and has one child^ Wheeler, who is in business at Flemingville. Isaac Whittemore, the first settler in the Whittemore Hill neighborhood, was born in Vermont, in 1798, and located on the old homestead about 1830. He married Jane Ditmorse, and reared twelve children, of whom seven are now living, viz.: Mary Ai- (Mrs. Daniel Cornell), Isaac V., Alvin, Virgil, Alonzo W., Egbert,, and Harriet (Mrs. Fred Rounds). BUSINESS CENTERS. OwEGO Village. — In his centennial history, entitled, '' Tiogai County from 1784 to 1776,'' William F. Warner, describes the sit- uation of Owego village as follows: "It is 'situated at the confluence of Owego creek and the Sus- qtiehanna river. The corporate limits of the village are, on their south, and west lines, about one and a half miles in extent; the north and east lines are of less extent. To the north of the vil- lage, and about half a mile from the river, there is a bold ' head- land ' that rises to the height of four or five hundred feet, jutting' into the valley, its slopes facing the south and west, upon the- latter of which is situated Evergreen Cemetery. This headland! 384 TOWN OF OWEGO. forms the northern and northeastern boundaries of the villag'e. The river, flowing^ from the east, makes a beautiful curve at the eastern border of the village. By a road along the south face of the headland, as well as by the road to the cemetery, easy access is had to the top ; and standing upon this bold elevation, there is to be had a view extending for miles up and down fhe river, and over the valley extending northward, of remarkable beauty and ■diversity." Early Settlers of the Village. — In 1791, there were but six fam- ilies residing on the, site of the present village of Owego. Seven years later, by an assessment made by Guy Maxwell, of New Town (Elmira), dated October i, 1798, it is shown that there were at that time, nineteen houses in the village, most of which were built of logs. Land was then worth only from three to eight dollars per acre. Many of the early settlers were revolutionary soldiers. One of them was Emmanuel Deuel, who settled in the riorthern part of the village, in 1790. The same year Captain Lemuel Brown •came from Berkshire county, Mass., and erected the first tannery in the village. Mason Webster settled here, in 1791. He came from Lenox, Mass. He died December 26, 1854. Dr. Samuel Tinkham, the first practicing physician, came in 1792, and Capt. Mason Wattles, the first merchant, the same year. Dr. Elisha Ely ■came, in 1798, and Stephen Mack, in 1799. Ephraim Wood also -came in the latter year, from Rutland, Vt. He died February 8, 1855. Elizur Talcott, and his sons, George L. , and Elizur Talcott, Jr., removed, in 1802, from Glastonbury, Conn., to Elmira, where they were employed in building a dwelling house. The next year they came to Owego and settled in the northwestern part of the village. The former died November 28, 1831 ; the second, No- vember 30, 1873, aged ninety years, and the latter, January 28, 1867. Prominent among the early settlers was Captain Luke Bates. He was the first white settler between Union and Campville. At an early day he purchased of James McMaster, various tracts of land in the town of Owego, and became owner of much of the land on which the village was subsequently built. In 1795 he built the first tavern in Owego village. It occupied a portion of the ground where the Ah-wa-ga House now stands, and was de- stroyed by fire in 1829. Captain Bates was an old sea captain. He dieci in 18 13, near the Little Nanticoke creek, where he con- ■ducted-a distillery. f ■ ^^^A^^ ^UO TOWN OF OWEGO. 38 Owego as an Early Business Point. — Owego was the earliest set tlement in this part of the state of New York, and, owing to its situation, became an important business point. The early settlers engaged in lumbering and shipping their product down the Sus- quehanna river in rafts, to a market. In 1808, the Owego and Ithaca turnpike was opened to travel. Then Owego became the outlet to a large section of the country. All the flour, grain, salt, plaster, etc., for the southern and eastern market, was brought ■down Cayuga lake by»boat to Ithaca, and then to Owego by teams. The traffic was so great that from five hundred to eight hundred loaded wagons usually passed over the turnpike in a single day. From here it was sent in arks down the river. The cost of trans- porting a barrel of salt or flour from Ithaca to Baltimore, was one dollar and seventy-five cents. An ark cost seventy-five dol- lars, and would carry two hundred and fifty barrels. The trip irom Owego to Baltimore occupied from eight to twelve days. At Baltimore the lumber in an ark would sell for about forty dollars. The transportation business was so great that, in the summer of 1825, three steamboats were built, as an experiment. The Cadorus was built at Lock Haven, Pa., and was run up to Owego the next year. After an absence of four months, the captain returned and reported that the navigation of the river was ■entirely impracticable. The second boat, the Susquehanna, ^nt^s built at Baltimore. She was destroyed by the explosion of her boiler at Nescopeck Falls, while ascending the river, May 5, 1826, and several of her passengers were killed. The third boat, the Pioneer, was run as an experiment on the West Branch of the Susquehanna river, and proved a failure. In 1835, another boat called the Susquehanna, was built in Owego, by Wilkesbarre and Owego capitalists. This boat made several trips up and down the river, but proved useless for the purpose intended. The business of transporting merchandise from Ithaca to Owego attained such great proportions that, in 1S28, a number of capitalists, residing in Ithaca and Owego, chief among whom was James Pumpelly, obtained a charter from the legislature to build a railroad between the two villages. This was the second railroad chartered in the state of New York, and it was opened to the public in April, 1834. It entered the village at the north and extended down through the village park, and up Front street. The cars were run by a switch under the stores on the 386 TOWN OF OWEGO. river's bank, where their contents were readily unloaded into arks. In the fall of 1849, the New York and Erie railroad was com- pleted to Owego, and all traffic by river, with the exception of lumber, potatoes, etc., ceased. In the morning of September 27, 1849^ ^ ^^^ destroyed all ex- cept three of the stores on Front and Lake streets. One hun- dred and four buildings, exclusive of barns, were burned, entail- ing a loss of about $300,000. Nearly all tj>e buildings were of wood. This great calamity checked, but did not permanently impair the prosperity of the village. The business men, without delay, caused the erection of the present substantial brick blocks in the place, and progress was thereafter continuous. The centre of trade at the time of the early settlement of the village of Owego was that portion of Front -street, nearest to Church street. Where the Ahwaga House now stands, Capt. Luke Bates built a tavern (in a portion of which was a store) as- early as 179S- Eight years afterward, Charles Pumpelly bought the property. The first merchant in Owego was Mason Wattles, who came here in 1792. Bates and Wattles bought land of James McMaster^ and were owners of many of the lots which are now the most valuable in the village. The merchants doing business in Owega previous to 18 10 were Mason Wattles, Thomas Duane, William and Nathan Camp, Gen. John Laning, Maj. Horatio Ross, John Hollenback, Charles Pumpelly, Gen. Oliver Huntington, and Gen. Anson Camp. Owego to-day, has a population of about 6,000 people, and con- tains one agricultural works, three foundries and machine shops^ one piano manufactory, one boot and shoe manufactory, one har- ness manufactory, one brewery, one marble works, two bottling works, one coffin manufactory, two carriage manufactories, three planing mills, two flouring mills, one saw mill, two soap manufac- tories, seventeen groceries.eleven dry and fancy goods, and variety stores, five millinery stores, four clothing stores, three hat stores, five boot and shoe stores, five drug stores, two furniture stores, three fruit stores, three book and news stores, three bakeries, four hardware stores, three livery stables, two laundries, four cigar man- ufactories, three coal yards, ten hotels, thirteen saloons, five liquor stores, thirteen physicians, five dentists, eighteen lawyers, six churches, four insurance" offices, five barber shops, three banks, four newspapers, four job printing offices, three jewelry stores, TOWN OF OWEGO. 387 four telegraph offices, one telephone office, three photograph galleries, three railroad depots, two express offices, four meat markets, one tea store, one milk depot, one sewing machine store, two musical instrument stores, three harness shops, one fishing- tacle store, one cooper's shop, one silver spoon manufactory, two public halls, and various tailor, blacksmith and other shops. Village Improvements. — Soon after the coming of the first white people, the settlement was regularly surveyed and laid out as a -village. The survey was made by Amaziah Hutchinson, in 1788 .and 1789, and completed by David Pixley, Jr., in 1789 and 1790. The village territory comprised all of lot No. 23 in the original survey of McMaster's Half Township, and was known as the " Town Plot." It was bounded on the south by the Susquehan- Tia river. The western boundary line ran from a point on the river bank near where Mr. Lovejoy's residence stands on Front ■street, north, diagonally across the village park, to near the corner ■of Church and Temple streets, continuing thence in a straight line past the corner of Fox street and Spencer avenue to a point about where the gate to Evergreen Cemetery now is. The north line ran from the latter point to Main street, a little west of the N. Y., L. E. & W. railroad. The east line extended from the latter point south past the corner of Ross and Front streets to the river. The first highway through Owego was regularly laid out November 7, 1791, by Amos Draper, William Bates, and William Whitney, the first commissioners of highways of the town of Union. It commenced at the fording place in the Owego creek, -near where Main street now crosses the creek and extended east ■on the present course of the street to the Kiuga (Cayugaj road, now McMaster street, and down to Front street^ then known as the " Main river road." Thence the highway followed the pres- ent coarse of Front street east out of and beyond the present lim- its of the village. At the same time the Cayuga road was regu- larly laid out as a public highway, extending from "Robert McMaster's landing " at the foot of the street now known as Academy street, to near John Nealey's home on the Owego creek. On Hutchinson's map there were two streets running east and west which were identical with the present Main and Front streets, but much narrower than at present. There was a road where Lake street now is and it extended in a direct line from the river'out of the village. A lane extended from the river north along the west line of the old Avery property north to where Temple street now runs. Another lane extended north from, the river 388 TOWN OF OWEGO. where Paige street now is, to Temple street. Another lane was extended from Main street north, along the line of W. L. Hoskins's residence to a point about where East Temple street now runs. These were all the streets in the village at that time. Village Incorporation. — The village of Owego was incorporated by an act of the legislature, dated April 4, 1827. The popula- tion of the town of Owego, at that time was about 3,000 and of the village 750. The first election was held in June, 1827, at the court-house. The first trustees elected were James Pumpelly, Eleazer Dana, Harmon Pumpelly, William A. Ely, and Jonathan Piatt, Jr. The board organized by choosing Mr. Pumpelly president of the village, and Ezra S. Sweet, clerk. In 1854, an amendment to tne charter provided for the division of the village into five wards, and the election of the president by the people direct. William F. Warner was the first president elected under the amendment, in T855. The charter of 1827 provided that the village limits should confine all that part of the town of Owego then included within the jail limits of the eastern jury district, or as such jail limits should be established at the Court of Common Pleas at its next session, in the following May, and should contain not to exceed three hundred acres of land. The territory under this charter comprised all the land bounded south by the river, north by Temple street, west b}' William street, and east by Ross street. The village boundaries were again enlarged by act of the Legis- lature, April 9, 185 1, and were subsequently enlarged by acts dated April 15, 1854, April 15, 1857, and Aprils, 1872. Village Park. — On the 28th of February, 1797, James McMaster sold to the people of the settlement of Owego, for the sum of ten ppunds sterling, a little more than three acres of land for a village park. The piece comprised all the ground now occupied by the village park and Court street, and the land on which the county jail, the old county clerk's office, and the old academy building stand. To hold this land, McMaster, in the deed conveying it, named Capt. Mason Wattles, John McQuigg, and Capt. Luke Bates as "Trustees of Owego Settlement." On the 4th of Sep- tember, 1813, Eleazer Dana and John H. Avery, were chosen to succeed Bates and McQuigg, who had died a short time previous. Gen. Anson Camp was chosen to succeed Captain Wattles upon the latter's removal from Owego soon afterward, and Messrs. Dana, Avery, and Camp continued to act as trustees until the incorporation of the village, in 1827. That portion of the park TOWN OF OWEGO. 389 occupied by the. jail and old clerk's office was sold by the trus- tees to the supervisors of Tioga county, October 29, 1822. The old academy lot was Stild to the trustees of the Owego academy,. April 8, 1828. First Village School.— 'Y\\& first school in Owego was taught by a man named Quincy. And 1 here make correction of a blunder^ founded in misinformation and made permanent through the gross stupidity of a superanuated and incompetent manufacturer of catch penny history. French's "Gazetteer of the State of New York" is remarkable particularly for its many blunders. Among others, in a footnote on page 652 (edition of i860), it say.s that "the first school was taught b}' Kelly, in 1792." ^ In 1872, one Hamilton Child published a "Gazetteer and Busi- ness Directory of Broome and Tioga Counties," in which the blunder of French's Gazetteer was reproduced, Mr. Child, as a matter of course, repeating the statement that " Kelly" was the first teacher. In 1879. what purports to be a "History of Tioga, Chemung,. Tompkins, and Schuyler Counties," was printed in Philadelphia.. In compiling this remarkable aggregation of blunders, a genial and fossiliferous old gentleman named Dr. Everhart, was sent here- to write the history of Owego. He soon accumulated a vast fund of , rich and varied misinformation. The writer of this sketch, in casual conversation, incidentally informed Dr. Ever- hart that Quincy was the first school teacher and that if he would go to Mrs John Carmichael (at that time the oldest living resident of the village, and the only survivor of Quincy's pupils), he could learn all the particulars he might desire. He did so. A few days afterward he came to the writer, in high glee, saying that in -looking over some papers in, the old Pumpelly land office he had come across the name, "JoHn Kelly," and that as there were -few settlers here at that early period he was sure that he had discovered the full name of the teacher. So, assuming that Mrs.. Carmichael was mistaken in regard to the teacher's name, the . statement that John Kelly was the first teacher went into the "History," and Mrs. Carmichael was quoted as authority. The; truth is, that John Kelly was not a school teacher, at all, but ,a farmer, who lived in the neighborhood of Campville, six miles distant from Owego. His name will be found among those ordered to do highway duty, in 1791. Quincy taught school in the small log house, which stood oa _390 TOWN OF OWEGO. the east side of Court street, where the old Academy building now stands. He had a scar on his face, which disfigured him badly. It was said that he had been disappointed in love, and had ;shot himself in the mouth in an attempt to commit suicide, the ball breaking the jaw and causing his mouth to be twisted to one «ide. At a late period there was an old log school-house on the south .side of Main street, a little west of where St. Paul's Episcopal church now stands. This was torn down and a frame building erected in its place. The latter was two stories high, and the second floor was occupied as a lodge room by the Masonic fra- ternity. Isaac Lillie and Erastus Evans were at different peri- ods teachers of the school. The latter was the teacher when the building caught fire, one day, in the summer of 1835, while school was in session, and burned to the ground. The question of building an academy in Owego, was agitated- as earlv as 1817. Nine years later,- by act of the legislature, James Pumpelly, William Camp and John H. Avery were ap- pointed commissioners to sell the "gospel lot" and apply: the proceeds to such school purposes as should be directed by a vote of the inhabitants of the town. On the 19th of December, 1826, at a special town meetiug, it was unanimously voted to appropri- ate the )'early income of the interest arising from the sal6 of the ■"gosppl lot'' to the endowment of an academy. On the 8th of April, 1828, the trustees of Owego Settlement, deeded the old academy lot, on Court street, to the trustees of the Owego Acad- emy. The academy was built in 1827, on a contract, by Col. Amos Martin, and Abner Beers had charge of its construction. James Pumpelly was president of the first board of trustees of the academy, which was composed of Rev. Aaron Putnam, Col. Amos Martin, Dr. Joel S. Paige, Latham A. Burrows, Ele- azer Dana, Gurdon Hewitt, Rev. Joseph Castle, Charles Pum- pelly, Jonathan Piatt, Anson Camp, and Stephen B. Leonard. Rev. Edward Fairchild was the first principal of the academy. Sixty male, and sixty-one female pupils attended the first term. The several school districts in the village were consolidated by act of the legislature, dated April 23, 1864, and the academy was'merged into the "Union Schools of the Village of Owego," as a free school, under control of a board of school commission- ers, elected by a vote of the people. The present academy, at the southwest corner of Main and Academy streets, was built in 1883, at a cost of $25,000. TOWN OF OWEGO. - 39I First Mills — The first saw-mill in Owego was built by James McMaster and Amos Draper some time previous to the year 1791. It stood on the' east side of the Owego creek, a little above the present Main street bridge. ' The first flouring-mill was built by Col. David Pixley, in 1793. It stood on the west side of the Owego creek, in the town of Tioga, opposite the In- dian spring. Colonel Pixley was one of the earliest settlers of the present town of Tioga. He waS' one of the proprietors of the Boston Purchase, and came from Stoekbridge, Mass., in 1791, at the age of fifty-one years. He was a colonel in the Colonial army, and fought in the battle of Quebec; under General Mont- gomery. He was treasurer of Tioga county from 1798 to 1803. Some time previous to the year 1800, he removed to ®wego vil- lage. He owned a large tract of land on the west side of the Owego creek, which he sold to Eliakim and Judge Noah Good-; rich, Jr., in 1802. He died in Owego, August 25, 186,7. Of the present mills and manufactories of the village, that of Gere, Truman, Piatt & Co., is the most extensive. This factory, known as the " Drill Works;' ' is conducted iu'the old Bristol Iron Works property, and the business is the continu-ation of that established by George W. Bristol and others, in. 1866. The pres- ent firm employs a large force of men in the manufacture of "Champion " farm wagons, grain and fertilizer ,drilIs,-harrows, etc. Dorwin, Rich & Stone, at Canawana, are extensively,d in the manu.facture of flour. Shaw & Dean, whose mills are located on Central aveAue, are also extensive merchant millers. Sporer, Carlson & Berry, on North avenue, are well-known manufacturers of pianos, and dealers in musical merchandise. This business was started in May, i8S7, by E. Hosford, dealer in pianos. In the fall of 1861, a firm was organized, consisting; of H. Norton, F. Sporer, and O. M. Carlson. They subsequently asso- ciated with them Mr. J. Berry, and again- the firm became as it exists at present. In 1867, they were burned out, but started again in .1868. ' • Moore & Ross, extensively engaged in the manufacture of car- riages, wagons, and sleighs, began business here April i, 1859. The Owego Cruciform Casket Company conducts a large busi- ness in the manufacture of burial caskets. Arba Campbell, extensively engaged in tanning sheep skins, built his tannery 'here, in 1871, and' began business under the firm 26* 392 ■ TOWN OF OWEGO. name of A. Campbell & Co., January i, 1872. The tannery has twenty-four vats, and the capacity for turning out five hundred sheep skins per day, and employs about eighteen hands. H. N. Dean & Son's tannery had its beginning in a small way,, many years ago, when Elihu Parmenter built a small tannery in connection with his shoeshop, on the opposite side of the street from the piesent site. He increased its capacity from time to- time, and moved the tannery to the site now occupied. In i860' he disposed of the property to Alanson P. Dean, of Berkshire county, Mass., who in turn increased the capacity. His brother, H. Nelson Dean, became interested with him, and finally, with his- son, Ransom B., bought the whole property. H. Nelson died in August, 1872, and the whole property reverted to Ransom B. and his brother, Isaac N. The latter soon after disposed of his interest to Ransom, who still owns the tannery, retaining the firm title of H. N. Dean & Son. The tannery has sixty double vats, ten liquor vats, seven lime vats, five "soaks," three " baits," and two- " pools," making in all, eighty-seven vats ; gives employment to twenty-five men, and turns out about 25,000 sides per year, prin- cipally of card and russet leather, using about a thousand cords of bark. Albert H. Upton is superintendent. L. & G. Brown's apiarist's supply manufactory, located off North avenue, was established by them in 1881, where they man- ufacture hives, boxes, foundations, &c. The factory is run by a six horse-power engine. Alexander J. Thomas's green-houses, on Main street, were erected by him in 1885. He has several hundred square feet under glass, and does a large business in cut flowers and plants. Banks. — The First National Bank of Tioga, located on Front, street, was organized January 6, 1865, to supercede the old Bank of Owego, a state institution, organized with $200,000.00 capital. The First National Bank's capital is $100,000.00. The charter was renewed in 1885, for twenty years. The first officers were Lyman Truman, president ; John B. Brush, cashier. The pres- ent officers are George Truman, president; Arba Campbell,, vice-president ; William S. Truman, cashier ; Francis E. Brock- way, teller. The Tioga National Bank, located on Front street, was organ- ized in January, and began business April i, 1865, with a capital of $100,000.00. In January, 1865, the charter was renewed for twenty years. The first officers were T. C. Piatt, president p W. S. Lincoln, vice-president ; F. E. Piatt, cashier. The present '^^M^mX' TOWN- OF OWEGO. 393 officers are T. C. Piatt, president ; L. B. West, vice-president ; F. E. Piatt, cashier ; E. W. Stone, assistant-cashier. The Owego National Bank, located on Lake street, was organ- ized May 10, 1883, with a cash capital of $50,000.00. On May 29th the first meeting of stock-holders was held, when the follow- ing officers were elected, G. B. Goodrich, president ; C. E. Parker, vice-president; A. J. Kenyon, 2d vice-president; Clarence A. Thompson, cashier. On August 6th the bank was opened for business. The present officers are Charles E. Parker, president ; R. B. Dean and A. J. Kenyon, vice-presidents ; C, A. Thompson, cashier ; and James A. Bassett, teller. The capital has not been changed since organization, and the bank has a sur- plus fund of $7,000.00. * Physicians. — Dr. John Frank was born in Virgil, Cortland county, N. Y., September 3, 1797. He received his early edu- cation there, studied medicine, and for nine years was a practi- tioner in that place. He received diplomas from the Eclectic Medical Colleges of Albany and Syracuse. He came to Owego in 1837, where he has been in active practice ever since. He married Sally, daughter of Jacob Price, of Virgil, by whom he had two daughters, viz.: Catherine and Diantha, both deceased. Catherine married Albert Thomas, by whom she had one child, Kate, wife of Joseph B. Ball, of Cleveland, O. Diantha married Isaac Hall, and had one child, Emma, wife of S. B. Wellington, of New York city. Although in his ninetieth year, the Doctor still has a large and successful practice. Dr. John T. Greenleaf was born in Owego, January 26, 1847, and received his education in the schools of this place. He grad- uated from the New York Homeopathic Medical College in 1867. After six months spent in Candor, he removed to Owego, where he has since continued to practice. He has been three times married, his present wife being Hattie, daughter of P. W. Meeker, of this village. Dr. Warren L. Ayer was born at Little Meadows, Pa., June 6, 1843, a son of Isaac and Mary A. (Thurber) Ayer. He studied in the district schools, and when ten years of age his parents moved to Apalachin, and he there studied in the private school taught by John E. Barnaby, and subsequently by A. N. Alvor-d, preparing for college, expecting to enter during the autumn of 1862 ; but instead he enlisted in Co. H, i09thsN. Y. Vols., remain- ing in this regiment till July, 1864, when he was commissioned captain of Co. G, 127th U. S. C. Vols., and v^as finally mustered 394 TOWN OF OWEGO. out in December, 1865. Immediately on his return, the Doctor began the study of medicine with Dr. E. Daniels, of Owego, and graduated from the Long Island College Hospital, in June, 1868, served a year in the Hartford City Hospital, became assistant to Dr. John G. Orton, of Binghamton, for three years, and in June, 1872, began practice in Owego, where he has since resided. Doctor Ayer married Sarah A. D wight, of Binghamton, De- cember 21, 1871, and has three children, daughters. Dr. Merritt T. Dutcher was born in Somerset, Niagara county, N. Y., December 17, 1843. He was educated in the graded schools of his native village, and on September 6, 1862, enlisted in Co. K, 151st Regt., N. Y. Vols., Infantry. He served until June I, 1865, when he was mustered out. November 12, 1873, he married Mary Stoutenburg, of Duchess county, N. Y. The Doctor is a graduate of the New York Homeopathic Medical College. Dr. C. R. Heaton is a native of Newark Valley, born in 1842. He graduated at Geneva Medical College, in 1864, and began practice at Newark Valley, and soon mbved to Maine. He after- ward returned to Newark Valley, and in 1876 permanently located in Owego. Doctor Heaton belongs to Friendship Lodge, No. 153, and is Past Master of Newark Valley Lodge, No 614, Past High Priest of New Jerusalem Chapter, No. 47. He has been a member of Malta Commandary, of Binghamton, for twenty-one years. Dr. Heaton is known as one deeply interested in the advancement of the place. He is treasurer of the Cruci- form Casket Company, and director in the Owego National bank. He holds the position of medical director in the Owego Mutual Benefit Association, and that of director of the Mutual Relief Society of Rochester. He is a member of the County and State Medical Societies, and his professional and business duties make his life a very active one. Dr. Charles L. Stiles was born in Suss.ex county, N. J., Oc- tober 24, 1837; studied medicine with Dr. S. M. Hand, now of Norwich, N. Y., and graduated at the Geneva Medical College, in February, 1S65, began practice at Gibson, Pa.; came to Owego in Ma)s 1868, and has been in practice here since. Dr. Stiles married Marietta Archibald, May 18, 1864, and has three chil- dren, a son and two daughters. Dr. A. F. Crans was born in Dwaar's Kill, Ulster county, N. Y., July 24, 1841. He received his education at the Middletown Academy, in Orange county, N. Y., and when fifteen years of TOWN OF OWEGO. 395 age he removed with his parents to Candor, and subsequently to Owego. He studied medicine with Drs. Armstrong and Daniels, of Owego, attended the University of Michigan, at Ann -Arbor, and subsequently the Eclectic College, of New York city, from which institution he graduated. He practiced for a short time in Halsey Valley, and at Carbondale, Pa., for seven years. From there he removed to New York, where he remained in practice six years, and in March, 1877, came to Owego, where he has since resided. He married Martha Embodee, by whom- he has one child, Mattie. Dr. Andrew T. Pearsall was born in Florence, Lauderdale county, Ala., April 22, 1839. When he was four years of age hi& father returned to Tioga county, which had previously been the home of the family, and the doctor received his education here^ and at Hobert College, Geneva, N. Y. He entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York city, from which in- stitution he graduated in 1861. He was brigade surgeon in the Confederate service three years during the war ; after which he settled in Montgomery, Ala., where he practiced medicine until 1876, when he returned to Owego, where he has since continued in practice. Dr. James M. Barrett was born September i, 1841, in Duchess county, N. Y. With his parents he moved to Tioga county, when nine years old. His mother died when he was twelve years old, at which time he left home to find one for himself. May 21, 1861, he enlisted in Company K., 26th N. Y. Vols., and served in the army of Virginia until his discharge, in December, 1862, on account of wounds received at the second battle of Bull Run, on August 30, 1862. He attended the Owego Academy for the four years following his discharge, then taught school until. 1871, when he entered the medical department of the University of Michigan, from which he graduated, in the class of 1874. He practiced medicine, in Pennsylvania, for the first eight years after his graduation. In the fall of 1881 he moved to Owego, where he now resides. He held the office of U. S. Examining Surgeon for pensions, under President Arthur. He is now serving his second term as coroner of the county, and is secretary of the Tioga County Medical Society. Dr. George B. Lewis was born at Apalachin, December 9, 1865, a son of Dr. Isaac W. and Ellen (Sutton) Lewis. He studied in the high school of his native village and at the Owego Academy, beginning the study of his profession with his father, and after- 396 TOWN OF OWEGO. ward attending lectures at the Universit}' of Vermont, graduat- ing at the medical department of the University of the City of New York, in 1884, after which he was in Bellevue Hospital about a year and a half, and immediately began practice in Owego, where he has since been located. Flemingville is situated at the junction of the east and west branches of the Owego creek, five miles north of Owego, and derives its name from one of the early settlers. Captain David Fleming, who was also the first postmaster. Captain Fleming came from Newton, Sussex county, N. J., to the town of Nichols^ in this county, in 1806, removing thence, two years afterward, to Flemingville. He served in the war of 18 1 2 as captain in the third company of the third regiment, heavy artillery, and fought in the battles of Sackett's Harbor, Lake George, Erie, etc. He died at Flemingville, February 4, 1862, aged eighty-two years. His son, General Robert L. Fleming, was seven years of age when the family settled at Flemingville. At the age of twelve he accompanied his father with the Federal army, as his waiter, and was a witness of the battles in which his father was engaged. After the war he organized a company of state militia, of which he was chosen captain. About the year 1S35, he was elected, by a vote of the field officers, a brigadier-general, in command of the Ninth Brigade of New York State Artillery. In the war of the rebellion he assisted Colonel Kane in organizing his "Buck- tail regiment," in Elk county, Pa. He was elected sheriff of Tioga county in 1840, and served four years. He died on the 26th of February, 1877. The earliest settler of Flemingville was, probably, Asahel Pritchard. He was born in Connecticut, May 28, 1763. He came into the Wyoming valley with his step-father, and after the mas- sacre, in July, 1778, he came to Nichols, in this county. Soon afterward he came to Flemingville, where he settled on the East Owego creek, and engaged in deer hunting. He bought the farm on which his grandson, Asa Pritchard, now resides, about a mile north of the Flemingville church, and paid for it in the game he shot, and without doing a day's work on his farm himself, he hired others to clear it, and paid them from the proceeds of his hunt- ing. Soon after coming to Flemingville, he returned to Con- necticut, where he married Polly Stedman, oti' the 22d day of August, 1790, returning at once, accompanied by his wife, who> rode all the way on horseback. He died at Flemingville, Septem- ber 24, 1840. TOWN OF OWEGO. 397 Mrs. Stedman's brother, Amzi Stedman, was born in Connecti- cut, January 14, 1783. He was seven years of age when his sister was married, and he accompanied her to Flemingville. He became the owner of the farm next above the Pritchard farm, on which his son, Lyman Stedman, now resides. He died at Flemingville, February 21, 1854. Daniel Ferguson and Daniel Ferguson, Jr. came to Flemingville sometime previous to 1791. The elder Ferguson was a soldier in the revolutionary war. Judge Avery, in his, "Susquehanna Valley" papers, (5A Nicholas,-^. 361) says: " During the early progress of the war, then a young man, -he •was taken captive upon the Delaware, by the Indians, and brought by them to the present site of the village^of Owego, where he was detained as a captive through the winter, and for a larger proportion of the year. The Indian family by whom he had been adopted, and with whom he lived, occupied their bark lodge near where Paige street intersects River [Front] street. Upon his subsequent settlement in this town he was able to des- ignate its precise locality, by its proximity to the Indian burial, mound, near or upon the homestead premises of the late Eleazar Dana, Esq., which retained its peculiar shape long after the village was settled. The summer next after his capture, he accompanied liis foster-father upon an expedition to the Delaware, and by an in- genious stratagem escaped in the night, and made his way to a white settlement at Port Jervis, in Orange county, where his friends resided previous to his capture. In relating the incidents of his captivity, he uniformly made mention of the considerate kindness, exhibited by the Indian family toward him at all times." Jeremiah Brown and his son, Benjamin Brown, were early settlers near the present village of Union, Broome county, some time previous to 1791. They removed to Flemingville, in 1796, None of their descendants reside here, but Solomon Brown, a son of Benjamin, lives at Union. Another early settler was Richard Searles, who was born in 1753, and who came from Bedford, Mass., to Nichols, in 1791, removing thence to Flemingville, in 1795, where he built a saw- aiill. He died September 9, 1849. Charles E. Truman, of Flemingville, was born in Candor, November i, 1807, and located upon the farm now owned by his son, Charles F., in 1816. He married Harriet Webster, May 26, 1836, who has bc*ne him nine children, all of whom are living,, and in 1886 they celebrated their golden wedding. The children are Aaron B., Adelaide (Mrs. Henry W. Blewer), Adeline (Mrs. Frank J. Blewer), Helen, Lyman B., Elias W., Charles. F., Lucy 398 TOWN OF OWEGO. (Mrs. William Mead), Lydia (Mrs. Adelbert Hammond). Mr, Truman has held most of the minor town offices, has been, a justice of the peace for the past twenty -four years, and post- master about the same period. Apalachin is situated on the south side of the Susquehanna river, eight miles east of Owego village. It derives its name from the town of Apalacon, Susquehanna Co., Pa., where the Apalachin creek rises. Apalacon and Apalachin are, apparently, corruptions of the name Appallachian, the general- appellation of the great mountain system, stretching from Maine to Alabama. There was no village at Apalachin until about the year 1836, when William S. Pearsall came here from Chenango county. Ransom Steele came soon afterward from Owego, to open and manage a branch store for John Hollenback. He afterward engaged in the mercantile business on his own account, and was. for many years also engaged in lumbering. Four brothers, Nathaniel, Thomas, William S. and Gilbert Pearsall, came together to Tioga county, or at about the same time. They built saw-mills, and owned them in partnership, at Apalachin, Hooper's Valley, and Pea Island, near the Pennsyl- vania line, and also owned a large lumber yard near Baltimore, In the financial depression of 1837, they failed in business. Gil- bert and William Pearsall obtained an extension of time, and afterward resumed business. The brothers at the same time dis- solved their partnership and divided their property. About the- year 1840, Gilbert and William Pearsall built grist-mills at Hoop- er's Valley and Apalachin, at a cost of from $5,000.00 to $6,ooo.oO' each. William S. Pearsall and Ransom Steele were the active busi- ness men of Apalachin, and were the chief stockholders of the bridge, which was built across the Susquehanna river at Apala- chin, in 1849, ^t ^ cost of $75,000.00, and which was afterward carried away by a freshet. The earliest settler of Apalachin was Isaac Harris, a Quaker, who came, in 1786, from Providence, R. I. The next year, he- returned, and removed his wife {nee Nancy Reed, whom he mar- ried in 1786), and household goods, coming down the river fromi Cooperstown in a rough boat, which he built for that purpose- Mr. Harris and a partner had made a contract for the purchase of the land known as Coxe's Patent, paying part down. His- partner started for Philadelphia to pay the balance, and was never heard from afterward. Mr. Harris settled on the Apalachin creek. TOWN OF OWEGO. 399. on the river road, on what has since been known as the Glann farm and the Pardon Yates farm. The first white child born at Apalachin was their daughter, Phebe, who married Willard' Thayer, afid settled on the Holland Purchase. Isaac Harris died about the year 1835, aged seventy-four years. Amariah Yates came from Massachusetts, in 1791, and settled, at the mouth of the Apalachin creek. One of his sons, Paul Yates, settled about two miles east of Owego, on the west sid& of the Little Nanticoke creek. Caleb Nichols and his son, Simeon Nichols, both revolutionary soldiers, came from Rhode Island, in the latter part of the year 1791. The former died in 1804, and the latter May 16, 1856, aged ninety-three years. • John Bills and his nephew, Abel Bills, came from New Leba^ non, N. Y., in 1792. Major David Barney, a revolutionary soldier, came down the" river from Cooperstown, with a large family of children, and was- one of the first settlers of the town of Vestal, Broome county. He removed to Apalachin, in 1802, and built the first house ore Apalachin creek. John Hicks Horton came from Rhode Island, soon after Caleb Nichols came, and settled two miles below Apalachin, opposite Campville. , Thomas Tracy came to this vicinitj' with his wife and infant son, Benjamin Tracy,, and settled near the mouth of Tracy creek Broome county, in 1790. The creek received its name from Mr^ Tracy. In 1801, he removed with his family to Caroline, Tomp- kins county, and thence to the Holland Purchase, near Buffalo. His son Benjamin, several years afterward, returned and settled on the Apalachin creek, where he raised a large family of chil' dren, one of whom is Gen. Benjamin F. Tracy, of Brooklyn. Ben- jamin Tracy died January 31, 1883. John Jewett, with his sons Asaand John Jewett, Jr., came from" Putnam county, in the winter of 1816-17, and settled one mile west of Apalachin. He was thegrandfather of Harry Jewett, Esq.,. of Owego. While residing in Putnam county, he had held the offices of county clerk and member of assembly. He died in April, 1849. Henry Billings settled at Apalachin, about the year 1822, and kept the first tavern here. Dr. Isaac W. Lewis, of Apalachin, was born in Owego, January 2, 1821. His parents soon after removed to Glenville, N. Y.,. 400 TOWN OF OWEGO. where they resided till he was fourteen years of age, when they returned to Owego. The doctor attended the common schools there, and after coming here graduated from the Manninton Academy, at Silver Lake, Pa., began the study of medicine with Dr. Ezekill Daniels, and graduated at the Castleton.Vt., Medical College, in 1848. He commenced practice in Silver Lake, Pa., and in 1852 came to Apolachin, where he has practiced since. Dr. Lewis married Ellen Sutton, in 1844, who bore him five chil- with Lois Wells, daughter of Thompson Wells, of Wellstown, in that town. He was a painter and chairmaker, and settled at Lenox, Mass. In the spring of 18 13, he came to Berkshire, now Newark Valley, and, about the first of June, began the manufac- ture of chairs, as told to his wife in his letter of 21 June, 1813. His family arrived here shortly before 21 Nov., 1813, and lived in the house with Elisha Wilson one year, while he was building his house and shop, on the west side of Berkshire street, the first building south of the Wilson creek. In Aug., 1 817, he moved to Richford, and kept the tavern, as above stated, till 3 April, 1821, when he returned to Newark Valley, having exchanged his Rich- iord property with Ezekiel Rich, for a farm on the south side of lot 103, where his daughter-in law and grandchildren now live. He was a prudent, thrifty, careful man, contented with small gains, not disposed to waste either time or money, but always taking time to do his work in the most thorough manner ; so deaf as to make it hard to take a part in social converse, and possess- ing a more kind and generous heart than those who were not inti- mate with him were aware of. His wife died 23 June, 1854, aged 71 years. He died 30 June, 1861. Their children were: I. Frederick Theodore, b at Lenox, Mass., 26 Oct., 1807; mar- ried at Newark Valley, 22 Feb., 1837, with Jane Benient. He died on his father's homestead, 11 Nov., 1866, and his widow and ■children still live there. II. Palmer, b at Richford, 27 June, 1817, and died there 6 Feb., ,1818. III. Edwin Lucius, b at Richford, 3 Aug., 1820; married 14 Feb., 1855, with Harriet E. Schoonover, and settled in Lisle, N. Y,, where he died 18 April, 1873. Stephen Wells, b about 1754, m with Love Ford, who was born •9 Oct., 1758, daughter of James and Rachel (Backus) Ford. She died at Lenox, Mass., 12 Oct., 1786. He married (2d) at East Windsor, Conn., 14 Sept., 1788, with Caroline King, who was born •6 March, 1752, daughter of Zebulon and Keziah (Loomis) King. They moved to Newark Valley about 1815, and thence, about 1821, with his son, Lucius Wells, to Richford, where he died 18 Feb., 414 TOWN OF RICHFORD. 1824. He m (3d) with Mrs. Elizabeth (Butler) Griffith, who died at Richford, 2 June, 1838, aged ^^ years. He died 14 June, 1838, aged 84. Children: I. Stephen. [See below.J II. Beriah. [See above.] III. Betsey, b at Lenox, Mass., 12 Dec, 1784, died there, 12 Aug., 1790. IV. Love, b at Lenox, Mass., 6 Oct., 1786, m there 16 Dec 1816, with Rodolphus Cotton, of Lenox. V. Lucius, b at Lenox, Mass., 11 Sept., 1789, m there 21 Nov., 181 1, with Mary Porter. They dwelt in Albany, N. Y., Newark Valley, N. Y., and finally in Ithaca, N. Y_., where they died ; he, 28 Aug., 1831, she, 31 July, 1865. Stephen Wells, Jr., a painter and chair maker lived south of the turnpike and east of the Valley road. He built the house in which Levi Owen now^ lives, and dwelt therein. He was born at Lenox, Mass., 20 June, 1777, eldest child of Stephen and Love (Ford) Wells ; joined the church there, 20 October, 1799 ; m there 4 Jan., 1801, with Lois Hubbard, of Lenox. They were dismissed 21 Jan., 1810, to Dr. Neill's church at Albany, and returned 24 Sept., 181 5, to that at Lenox, of which he had already been* elected a deacon, i Sept., 1815. The}' probably settled at Rich- ford, about 1818; and, after a few years removed to Steuben county, N. Y. Their children were : I. Hubbard Ford, b at Lenox, 11 Dec, 1801. II. Eliza, b at Lenox, 11 May, 1803; m 27 June, 1826, with Col. Smith, of Sherburne, N. Y. III. George, b at Lenox, 14 June, 1805. IV. Mary, b at Lenox, 25 Jan., 1807 ; m with Chauncey Hub- bard. ,V. Luke, b at Albany, N. Y., about 1812 ; baptized at Lenox,. 19 March, 1815 ; was crippled with a disease of the hip ; and died at Richford, of dropsy of the head, 12 Aug., 1821, aged nine years. VI. Henry, b at Richford, in 1821 ; bap. at Newark Valley, 12- Aug., 182 1 ; and was drowned in the mill-pond at Richford, 20' July 1824, aged three years. Ezekiel Dewey lived in the village of Richford. He was borni in Westfield, Mass., 9 May, 1797, son of Ezekiel and Hannah (Barker) Dewey, came to Richford, in the fall of 1816, and mar- ried there "3 July, 1817," with Lucy Johnson, daughter of 41 Nathaniel and Lucy (Smith) Johnson, of Richford. At one time he lived a mile west of Richford village. His wife died 27 TOWN OF RICHFORD. 415^ December, 1828 ; and he married (2d) with Eunice Smith, daugh- ter of Heman and Almira (Messenger) Smith. She is still living't in Berkshire. He died in Berkshire. His children, as follows,- were all by the first wife, except the youngest. I. , a daughter, b at Richford, died at birth, July, 1818. , II. Lucy Semantha, b 18 Oct., 18 19, at Richford, m witb Charles Frederick Akins, and married (2d) with John Rightmire,- of Caroline, and she died 18 Jan., 1854^ III. Jane Elizabeth, b 21 April, 1821, at Richford ; m with- Nathan Rightraire. IV. David Wesley, b at Berkshire, 18 Feb., 1823; m with- Delavan, of Freetown, N. Y., and died about 1873. V. Charles Johnson, b at Richford, 10 May, 1826 ft resides in< Berkshire. VI. Ezekiel Hannum, b at Richford, 8 Oct., 1827; resides at Rochester, Mich. VII. Amanda, b at Richford, 3 Aug., 1831, m with John Rightmire, of Caroline, as his second wife, 29 May, 1854. William Belden lived west of the road on the north half of lot 424, where his son William F. Belden now lives. He was born in Lenox, Mass., i April, 1786, son of Oliver and Anna (Steel) Bel- den ; m there 4 April, 1809, with Phebe Wright, who was born at East Hartford, Conn., 16 October, 1788, daughter of Aaron and Phebe (Schalenger) Wright. They dwelt in Lennox, till 1818,- then settled in Berkshire, now Richford, living first in a log house- from which Paul Stevens had lately moved, while building a new house, into which they moved in October, 1818. On his first trip- he reached Richford 31 March, 1818, with a wagon load of goods' drawn by a yoke of oxen and a horse. He went back for his- family, and reached Richford with them on Friday, 17 July, 1818^ It is said that he taught the first school there, in his own house. She died 13 May, 1855. He died 2 April, 1859. Their children- were : I. Fanny Maria, b at Lenox, Mass., 8 April, 18 10, and is stilly living in Richford. II. William Franklin, b at Lenox, Mass., i June, 181 3. III. Frederick Carlos, b at Richford, 6 March, 1820. Gad Worthington lived east of the road, on the south half o£ lot 424, where Charles F. Curtis now lives. He was born at Col- chester, Conn., 28 May, 1786, son of Dan and Louis (Foote) Wor- thington, of Colchester. He m at Lenox. Mass., 27 August, 1812^ with Fanny Belden, who was born there 26 February, 1793,, .4l6 TOWN OF RICHFORD. xlaughter of- Oliver and Anna (Steel) Belden. They dwelt in Lenox, till the fall of i8i8, then moved to Richford, where he died loMarch, 1861. He built in iSig.the first saw-mill, and two or three years later, the first grist-mill, at the village of Richford. Their children were : I. Dan Leander, b 14 August, 1813 ; ra 6 January, 1836, with Indiana Louise Pierson. II. Gad Belden, b 2 October, 1815 : m 22 June, 1840, with Anna Maria Dixon, who died 20 May 1854. He m (2d) 8 Sept., 1856, with Susan Towner. III. Fanny, b 17 July 1817; m 20 Nov., 1845, with Oscar IPackard. IV. Samuel Kellogg, b 16 July 1822; m at Hamilton, Ohio, 13 Sept., 185s, with Rachel Woods. V. John, b 29 Jan., 1824 ; m 21 Sept., 1852, with Mary Kimberly. VI. Mary Ann, b 16 June, 1828; m 5 Oct., 1848, with Hon. Wheeler H. Bristol, of Owego. VII. Robert, b 25 Jan. 1830; m Dec, 1859, with Jane Bristol. He died at Oakland, Cal., 13 Aug., 1862. George T. Pierce bought the north half of lot 548, which he -visited in the fall of 1817, and made arrangements to have a log iiouse built on it, east of the road, but by a miscalculation the house was built on the south half of the lot, just below the middle. In the spring of 1818, he brought his family from Paris, Oneida •Co., N. Y., and settled in this house. His wife was Simmons, .3. cousin of George P. Simmons, and a sister of Mrs. Simmons. They must have brought with them as many aa five or six chil- -dren, none of whom remain in Richford. This was the second household in the east valley of Richford, north of the turnpike. George P. Simmons, from Paris, N. Y., bought the south half oi lot 548, and in the fall of 1818, made a settlement on it, east of the road, where Mrs. Vincent now lives. He married with Sim- mons, his own cousin, and a. sister of Mrs. Pierce, above named. They must have brought with them as many as five or six chil- ■dren, none of whom remain in Richford. Augustus VanBuren, a very worthy negro, came to Richford, in 1818, and settled on twenty-two acres of land on lot 424, which he bought of Gad Worthington. His house still stands east of the road, a short distance below the bridge. He brought a letter of dismission from the church at Lenox, Mass., and he and his -wife, Sibyl, were constituent members of the church at Richford, J4 Jan., 1823, He had been a slave in the VanBuren family,' at rOWN OF RICHFORD. 417 Kinderhook, and often said that he had many times carried in his arms the infant, Martin VanBuren, who in return, sent him money, in his old age, to buy tobacco with. Mr. W. F. Belden says "he bought his freedom by working seven years for Judge Walker, in Lenox, Mass., who paid his master 115 pounds sterling for him. He died, aged 102 years, respected by all." Sibyl VanBuren died 27 Feb., 1846. She was his second wife, and was not the mother of his children. They were: I. , a daughter, m at Kinderhook, and remained there. II. Hetty, who m with Augustus VanDyke. They joined the church at Richford, 12 Aug., 1829, by letter from the P. R. Dutch church, of Kinderhook, N. Y., and she died, 30 Jan., 1841, aged 48 years. III. Sarah, was admitted a member of the church at Richford, by profession of faith, 14 Jan., 1823, the day of its organization, and died 23 May, 1838, aged about 40 years. IV. Joseph, died in Richford. Notes to Census Table. — In December, 1820, the Hon. Chester Patterson, of Union, N. Y. , who was then enumerating the inhabi- tants of Broome county, passed through the town of Berkshire, which then included the town of Richford. His list shows, forty- five householders within that part of the town which is now included in Richford, only six of whom then lived east of the valley of the East Owego creek. The following is his list of names, with such notes as have been gathered in relation to them, and it is beHeved to be substantially correct, though not so full as could be wished. The names in this list preceded by a star, have already been mentioned ; the others are referred to in the following notes, by corresponding numbers. It may be well to add, also, that there were no unnaturalized foreigners in the town, only three blacks, and no one engaged in commerce. The enumeration makes the total population 263. 2. Henry Krum, lived in or near Richford village, perhaps on the turnpike west of there. He married with Harriet Rounseville, ■who was born at Caroline, N. Y.', 25 Jan., 1801, daughter of John ^nd Rebecca (Chamberlain) Rounseville. In Dec, 1820, when the census was taken they had only one daughter. They have since had another daughter and two sons. They afterward moved to Caroline, and he died at Slaterville, N. Y., in October, 1886. She was living in June, 1887, with her daughter, Mrs. Harrison Banfield, on Snyder Hill, near Varna, N, Y. It is said that Mrs Krum was the first white child born in the town of Caroline, N.Y. 4i8 TOWN OF RICHFORD. CENSUS OF RICHFORD, DECEMBER, 1820. Names. No. Maijes and Ages. No. Females aks Ages. y-^ f^ ^a ^o M tH iH T-( 1 i CO s § S -S J 1-i CD iH CO 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 17 i 23 1. 2. 3. i. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. .=33. 34. 35. 36. 37: 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. —OS. *Beriah Wells Henry Knim Benjamin Bathbun *Saniuel Gleazen *George P. Simmons *George T. Pierce *Heman Daniels Isaac Goodale John Newton Henry Morgan Zelotee Olney Elisha Briggs Caleb Arnold Jacob Boads *Artemas Watkins , Wheeler Wood Elijah Gilbert Amos Baymond Daniel Baymond. . ; William G. Baymond . Enssell Freeland *John Watson , David Draper Daniel Harringlion William Lynch , Jesse Gleazen, 2d Thoioas P. Brown Jacob Burghardt Isaac Burghardt Abraham Bmrghardt Samuel Olney Abraham Burghardt, Jr. . . Martha Tracy , ♦William Belden *Grad Worthington ♦Augustus VanBuren *Ezekiel Dewey ♦Nathaniel Johnson ♦Stephen Wells, Jr Thomas Tracy. Ezra Howlaud Abraham Dudley Solomon Bussel Thomas Bobinson ...... Alexander S. Lamb . . . Totals : 39 11 67 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 17 i 26 25 I 11 60 3. Benjamin Rathbun, lived at Richford village. His history has not been found. He is remembered as a teamster, workings about the mill, and in the woods, with his own oxen. 8. Isaac Goodale, lived, it is thought, on lot 580, the north- west corner lot in the town, near where George Baker has since lived. He was a farmer. He was born in Northampton, Mass., on Sunday, 1 Oct., 1780, son of Isaac and Jemima (Warner) TOWN OF RICHFORD. 419 Ooodale. He afterward moved to Michig:an, and died there. His father lived on Berkshire West Hill, in 1820. 9. John Newton, lived it is thought, on the same lot with Isaac Ooodale, but it has been found difficult to get a trustworthy account of them. 10. Henry Morgan, lived on the south side of the turnpike, between that and the creek, on the S, W. quarter of lot 501. He built the, saw-mill N. W. of his house, on the little stream that comes down the hill there; and turned the water of Trout run into it to help drive the mill, which was not built till after 1820. He was engaged in agriculture, in 1820. His house was near the Willow bridge. 11. Zelotes Olney lived near the center of lot 501 j noith of the ■turnpike, and east of the road that leads up Trout run. He was taxedi'in the Brown's Settlement road district in 1798 to work three days, but probably he then lived below, the south line of Richford. His name was also, in the tax list of i8o2> He had children — Oman, John; Samuel, No, 31 and others. Benjamin Olney was assessed in the Brown's Settlement high- way district in 1798, to work three days, but he probably left soon after, as his name is not in the tax list for 1802. His relation to Zelotes Olney is not known. 12. Elisha Briggs, a physician, lived north of the turnpike on the east end of lot 501, where the name of S. B. Allen is on the atlas. 13. Caleb Arnold lived on the turnpike, on lot 500. He was a ' blacksmith, and built there the first mills in Richford. His saw- mill, in 1820, was rated at forty thousand feet per year. His grist-mill does not appear in the census, and possibly had already gone out of use, for it is said that it required so much power that he fitted a crank to the bolt so as to turn that by hand. His mills were on the West Owego creek,, and have since been known as the Robinson mills. Mr. C. J. Robinson says: " He erected a shop and machinery for the manufacture of cut nails, about the first of nail: manufacturing in this country." He was recorded as engaged in manufacturing. He sometimes framed his own buildings, using a post-axe for beating out the mortises. 14. Jacob Roads lived on the turnpil^e northeast of Padlocjk, and on the southwest quarter of lot 498, where the atlas bears the name of J. Brooks. He was an Englishman, a mason, a quarryman, apd is noted as engaged in manufactures. 16. Wheeler Wood, a farmer, lived in one of the five log houses 420 TOWN OF KICeFOKD. which composed the hamlet of Padlock; so named from t6efa«:6- that a padlock hung at each of the doors, and it is said that the were so careful, that if a woman went to the spring for a pail of water, she would lock the door, even if her husband was chop- ping wood in front of it ; but some stories are too good to be true. It is said that Henry Branch, of Newark Valley, was driv- ing along this road about 1870, when his horse broke through the covering of an old well, near the middle of the road, and had hard work to get out. The well was about twenty feet deep, and had gone wholly out of the memory of the people of that region. 17. Elijah Gilbert kept a tavern on the corner west of the creek road, on lot 461, where the county atlas bears the name of J. T. Osborn. He also made rakes, bedsteads, etc. He proba- bly married with Betsc)' Watkins, and his sister, Sally Gilbert, married with John Watkins, of Newark Valley. They came from Partridgefield, now Peru, Mass., about 1812. Among their chil- dren : Levi, m with Betsey Watkins, and settled at Waverly, N. Y. Mary, m with James Lockhart Watson. Melinda, moved to one of the Western States. 18. Amos Raymond ; 19. Daniel Raymond ; 20. William G. Raymond ; farmers, and perhaps brothers, all dwelt at or near the hamlet of Padlock. Their history has not been obtained. 21. Russell Freeland lived on the hill road, on the south part of lot 421, near the southwest corner of the present town of Richford, and a short distance above the old Baptist meeting house, now in ruins, in the northwest corner of Berkshire. He was born in Blandford, Mass., about 1786, m about 1807, with Emily Cushman, who was born at Becket, Mass., about 1787, daughter of Jonah and Rachel (Whiting) Cushman, and sister of Marble Cushman, of Berkshire. After living in Blandford for twelve years, they moved to Berkshire, now Richford, where he died as early as 1837, of typhus fever In the house with him dwelt his widowed mother, one of his sisters, and his brother, Joseph Freeland. Their children were : I. Emerilla, b in Blandford, Mass. II. Lydia, married with Julius Smith, of Richford. III. Clarissa, b in Blandford, Mass. IV. Mary, b in Blandford, Mass., resides at Port Dickinson, N. Y. V. Russell, b at Richford in 1821 ; married 30 Jan., 1845, with Deborah Williams Smith, and they reside at Ouaquaga, N. Y. TOWN OF RICHFORD. 42 1 y VI. Vesta A., b at Richford, in 1826; married 6 May, 1850, with Deloss Tefft, of Edmeston, N. Y., and resides at Guilford,. N. Y., three miles east of Oxford. VII. Orin M., b at Richford, in 1829; married 11 Peb., 1857, with Jane A. Wilcox, daughter of Erastus and Laura Wilcox, of TuUy, N. Y., and resides in Colesville, N. Y. Joseph Freeland, who lived in the same house, and owned the- north part of the same lot, was born about 1790, and had wife, Lydia, who died 7 April, 1875, aged 88 years. He died i Aug., 1879, aged 89 years. They were buried in the cemetery in the northwest corner of Berkshire. Among their children were two daughters, born before Dec, 1820. Lyman Freeland, of Newark Valley, and Squire D. Freeland, of Richford. • 23. David Draper was a laborer, did not own a home, waS' often at the tavern, and sometimes did a day's work there, as.- early as December, 1817. Perhaps he hunted occasionally, as- there is evidence that he bought a pint of whiskey and a canis- ter of powder, 8 Sept., 1818. Another Draper, named Timothy, had the same habits, as early as 18 17, but was not named in the census, though the number of persohs enumerated in David's^ household, would indicate that Timothy, and his wife, too, may also have been members of it. Their h6use has not been identi- fied. 24. Daniel Harrington lived on lot 460, east of the road, where Daniel Leach now lives. Reuben " Herinton," who may have been his father, was named in the Tioga tax-list of 1802. 25. William Lynch lived on lot 460, where Lyman Jewett now liveSi 26. Jesse Gleazen, 2d, lived in a log hcime, northeast of the road, on lot 422, where the heirs of W. J. Patch now own. He was son of Caleb Gleazen,and grandson of Joseph Gleazen. Caleb Gleazen, the father of Jesse Gleazen (2d), is said to have died on the hill west of where Mr. Heman Daniels now lives, but the date has not been found. He lived at different times, in various parts of the town, and sometimes Out of the town. He had, in the course of his life, three wives, and twenty-one children^ He was a soldier of the Revolution. He was assessed to work five and a half days on the highways, in Brown's Settlement, in 1798. One of his children was born 23 Dec, 1808. 27. Thomas P. Brown lived on the same road, on the N. E^ quarter of lot 422, where the atlas bears the letters W. J. P. He was born 13 Nov., 1784. He married with Polly Burghardt„ ^22 TOWN. OF RICHFORD. daughter of Abraham and Lovisa (Rees) Burghardt. They joined the church at Berkshire, now Newark Valley, by letter, 2 April, 1820, and were dismissed 12 Jan., 1823, to become constit- ■uent members of. the church at Richford, which was formed 14 Jan., 1823. He was elected a deacon of the new church. He .afterward moved to Maine, N. Y., and probably died there 21 Feb., 1841, by church record, while his grave stone says 22 Feb., 1 841. His family went to Wisconsin. They' may have had more •than the following children : I. Azubah, b 21 March, 1807.; d 17 Aug., 1835. II. Betsey, b 11 June, 1809; d 24 April, 1809. III. Betsey, bap 2 April, 1820. I.V. Sally, bap 2 April, 1820. V. Mary, bap 2 April, 1820. VI. Semantha, bap 3oSept., 1821. 28. Jacob Burghardt, (son of Abraham, No. 30) lived on the same road, west side, on lot 423. He married with Polh' Gard- ner, daughter of William and Polly (Gaston) Gardner, of Berk- shire. They had a child born 22 June, 1821. 29. Isaac Burghardt (son of Abraham No. 30) lived on the east side of same road, a short distance from hiis brother Jacob Burg- hardt. He had a child born 8 Jan., 1821. 30. .Abraham Burghardt, Sen., lived on the east side of the same road, on lot 223, (and with him dwelt his son John Burg- -hardt, who died in 1886, having lived with his wife sixt}' years lacking two months). He married with Lovisa Rees, (who was .a sister of Caroline Rees, the wife of Deacon Nathaniel Ford, of Berkshire). She joined the church at Berkshire, now Newark Valley, by letter, 6 June, 1813, and was dismissed with eight ■others, 12 Jan., 1823, to form the church at Richford. Their chil- dren were : Abraham, No. 32. Isaac, No. 29. Jacob, No. 28. John Rees, m with Achsah Gardner. Polly, wife of No. 27. Caroline, wife of No. ,31. 31. Samuel Olney lived near the same road, out in the lot between Isaac Burghardt and Abraham Burghardt, Sen. Soon .after 1820 he moved to Richford village, and afterward went West. He m with Caroline Burghardt, daughter of Abraham and Folly j(Rees) Burghardt. Before her marriage she joined the church of Berkshire, now Newark Valley, by letter, 6 June, 1813, and was dismissed 12 Jan., 1823, with eight others, to organize a new <:hurch at Richford. Samuel Olney was a son of Zelotes Olney, 2^^o. II. His children were : I. Sally Lovisa, bap 6 July, 1817. TOWN OF RICHFORD. 423 II. Franklin, bap i Nov., 1820. III. , born 8 Jan., 1822. 32. Abraham Burghardt, Jr., a son of Abraham and Lovisa (Rees) Burghardt, lived on the south part of lot 423, near the south line of the town, where E. T. Walker now owns. He mar- ried with Mary Watson, daughter of John and Susanna (Smith) Watson, and moved to LTnadilla, Michigan. One of their chil- dren was born 3 Oct., 1821, and they had two at least before that. 33. Martha Tracy lived east of the road, on lot 421, the south- west corner lot in the town. She was the widow of James Tracy, and the daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah Blackman. Afterward she lived where Dea. Green Raymond has lived, in Caroline. The six names which follow, were taken in connection with the census of Lisle, and were, of course in the eastern part of the town, on the border of Lisle. 40. Thomas Tracy, lived on the south side of the turnpike, near the north line of lot 470, where Ralph P. Smith now lives. He was, probably a son of Ebenezer and Eleqta Tracy, of Lisle, N. Y. He was in the neighborhood of Brown's settlement as early as 1803. 41. Ezra Howland. His place of residence has not been ascer- tained. 42. Abraham Dudley was probably the same who was a con- stituent member of the Richford Church, as Abraham N. Dudley. His residence has not been ascertained. 43. Solomon Russel. His dwelling place has not been ascer- tained. 44. Thomas Robinson, a maker of buckskin gloves and mittens,who afterward lived in Richford, and Newark Valley. He kept a public house on the turnpike, where Timothy Holcomb now lives. His full name was Thomas Amsdell Robinson. He was born at Concord, Mass., 26 Feb., 1787, son of Keen and Achsah (Leathe) Robinson. He m 15 March, 1812, with Juliet Cole, who died at Moravia, N. Y., 5 April, 1843. He m (2d) with Polly Hutchin- son, widow of his brother Jedediah Leathe Robinson. He died at Newark Valley, 17 Oct., 1874. His widow died there, 18 Feb., 1879. He had nine children. 45. Alexander S. Lamb, seems to have had no family in 1820; and his place of residence has not been ascertained, -^ 21. Thomas Keeny lived near the' centre of 101339, where A, H. Ford has since lived. Ezekiel Rich was born at Cherry Valley, N. Y., 14 Aug., 1783 ; 28* 424 TOWN OF RICHFORD. son of Simeon and Lucy (Lincoln) Rich ; m with Caroline Slos- son, who was born at Stockbridge, Mass., 23 Feb., 1791, daughter of Ezbon and Electa (Williams) Slosson. They dwelt on lot 103, in Newark Valley, till 3 April, 1821, when, having traded places with Beriah Wells, he moved to the present site of Richford vil- lage, and continued there his business of manufacturing buckskin goods, trading and farming, to which he added that of tavern keeping. He built the hotel building, and by his enterprise did much to build up that part of the town of Berkshire, which, fin- ally, on becoming a separate town wa^s named in his honor. He died 18 April, 1854. She joined the Congregational church of Newark Valley, 2 April, 1820, was dismissed 12 Jan., 1823, to become one of the constituent members of the Congregational church of Richford, 21 Jan., 1823 ; and died. Children : L Mary Ann, b 14 April, 1813 ; died 26 Dec, 1847. II. Chauncey Leroy, b 29 Jan., 181 5 ; a merchant ; still lives at Richford, having been a director and trasurer of the Southern Central Railroad Company from its formation to the permanent lease of its road in 1887. III. Angeline Eliza, b 23 Nov., 1816; m with Lewis Halsey Kellogg, a physician, who died at Owatonna, Minn., 9 Oct., 1873. She died at Rochester, Minn., 10 Nov., 1857. IV. Lucien Densmore, b 21 Sept., 1818; and still lives at Richford. V. William Dunham, b 25 Dec, 1820; died 3 Jan., 1821. VI. Maria Louisa, b 2 Sept., 1828; m with John More Benja- min, and settled at Painesville, Ohio. He has been sheriff of Lake countj' for two terms. William Dunham was born 20 March, 1787, son of Isaac and Charlotte (Lawrence) Dunham, and grandson of Jonas and Try- phena(Lawrence) Lawrence. He began life as a "commercial traveler," or peddler, employed by Ezekiel Rich. Coming home in April, 1821, from one of his journeys, and finding that his employer had moved ten miles further up the valley, he followed the trail, and spent his life in Richford, passed in trade and manu- facturing. He moved to New York with his sons, and died 16 July, 1855. He married, in Oct., 1822, with Matilda Slosson, who was born 30 May, 1804, daughter of Enos and Rebecca (Culver) Slosson, She died in New York cit)^ about 1873. Chil- dren : I. William S., b 22 Aug., 1825. TOWN OF RICHFORD. 425 II. Matilda Orcelia, b 19 July, 1828. III. Robert H., (twin) b 29 June, 1832. IV. Isaac S., (twin) b 29 June, 1832, died the same day. John Stedman, married with Sylvia Catlin. They moved from Durham, Greene Co., N. Y., to Newark Valley, where she joined the church, 3 Aug., 1820, having had all of her eight children, except the eldest, baptized 3 July, 1820. At the census of 1820, they dwelt where Washington A. and James T. Noble now live, and moved in June, 1 821, to Richford, where she was a constituent member of the church, 1823, having been dismissed from Newark Valley, 12 Jan., 1823. Their children were: I. Sophronia, m with Aaron Jacobs. II. Almira, m with Obadiah Livermore. III. Eliza, m with Seth Torry. IV. John Catlin, bat Durham, N. Y., 23 Jan., 1806; m with Julia Ann Slosson, daughter of Enos and Rebecca (Culver) Slosson. She died at Unadilla, Mich., i Aug., 1866. V. Sarah, m with Simeon Rich GrifSn. VI. Mary, m with Reuben Watson. VII. Sylvia, m 3 July, 1836, with Nelson Norton. VIII. Anna, m with Hemingway. Children of John Catlin and Julia Ann (Slosson) Stedman: I. Susan Rebecca, b 2 March, 1829; died at Unadilla, Mich., 15 Oct., 1851. II. Sylvia Maria, b 25 Oct., 1830; m with A. B. Wood, and settled at Owosso, Mich. III. Enos Slosson, b 20 March, 1834; a lawyer; was first- sergeant in 26th Reg. Mich. Vol. Infantry, was captured at Petersburgh, Va., 16 Aug., 1864; and died in prison at Salisbury, N. C, 12 Dec, 1864, and was buried there. IV. Ulysses, b 11 April, 1836, settled at Chattanooga, Tenn. V. John Obadiah, b 17 Jan., 1838 ; settled at Unadilla, Mich. William Tremble Jayne, b at Florida, in Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y., 21 Oct., 1782; son of Samuel and Lydia (Karscadden) Jayne; m there 16 Oct., 1802, with Jane Armstrong, who was born there 27 Feb., 1784, daughter of Francis and Patience (Rowley) Armstrong. In Nov., 18 19, they moved to Newark Valley, and settled on the north half of lot- 19, previously owned by John Bement. This place he sold in Feb., 1 821, to his brother- iti law Francis Armstrong, and lived in the small house on the hill side,. east of the road till, 1825, when they moved to Richford, 426 TOWN OF RICHFORD; where he died 24 Nov., 1850. His widow married (2d) with Dea. Joseph Abbott Beecher. His children were : I. Caroline, b 6 July, 1803 ; ra with Frederiek S. Dean, and died at her father's house, 13 April, 1827. II. Frances, b 14 Jan., 1806; m with Jacob Conklin, 20 Jan., 1831, as his second wife. ' III. Mary Ann, b 3 Aug., 1809, and died the 19 Aug., 181 1. IV. Amzi Lewis, b 29 Oct., 181 1 , m 12 March, 1833, with Charlotte Clark Robinson, daughter of Thomas Amsdell Rob- inson. V. Samuel Armstrong, b 6 Nov., 1814 ; m 31 Oct., 1838, with Laura Rich, who died without children. He married again. VI. William Tremble, b 20 Nov., 1816; went West about .1837, was at Mobile, Ala., two years later, about to go to Vicksburgh, Miss., since which his friends have not heard from him. VII. Mary Pitney, b at Newark Valley, 6 April, 1820 ; died at Richford, 11 Nov., 1835. This completes the history furnished by Mr. Patterson, and we add the following pages of matter gleaned from Mr. Robinson, and other sources. Additional Settlements. — Dr. Elijah Powell came from Che- nango'county, N. Y., and took up his residence in the embryo village in 1823, beginning practice as a physician and also acting as surgeon in the new settlement. The young doctor, twenty- three years of age, soon acquired an extensive practice and rose to eminence in his profession, which he adorned until old age exempted him from duties he had assiduously performed. On the 4th of July, 1826, the Doctor delivered the address at the first Fourth of July celebration held in Richford. In 1824, he erected the brick building, now occupied as a store by H. Row- ley, for his office and drug-store. Two years later, he built the large brick building on the corner, connected with the office building, the larger one being designed for a dwelling, store and offices. Socially, Doctor Powell was a kind, affable, sympathetic man, generous to a fault, ever ready to respond when called to visit the sick, whatever were the circumstances or conditions of those who needed medical treatment. As a Christian, he was a devoted follower of Him who gave Himself a sacrifice for man- kind. He ever took a zealous interest in schools and educational matters, and he was the first county school commissioner in and for the county of Tioga. Originally, these commissioners were appointed, but the- law was changed so that they were and are TOWN OF RICHFORD. 427 elected, and the Doctor was elected the first after serving- the appointed term. He was unmarried when he became a resident of Richford, and took for his wife a belle of the place, Miss Lydia Wells, who died of consumption, July 18, 1833. A few years later he married his second wife, Miss Jane Anderson, of New York city, by whom he had two' sons and five daughters. At length he became worn out by hard service, for a large amount of which he received no pecuniary reward. He seldom dunned, never distressed his debtors, whose numbers exceeded, perhaps, one half the population of the town. After a lingering sickness, he died, January 12, 1876, aged seventy-three years, and was buried in accordance with the rites of Free Masons, to which order he had been a worthy member during nearly, if n(»t all, of his majority. Peter Perry, one of the early settlers in the western part of Richford, came here, from Massachusetts, and made the first set- tlement on the farm now owned by Edwin A. Perry. He mar- ried Jane Surdam, and reared five children, Norman, Eleanor, Luther, Jane, and Guerdon. Luther came here with his father, mar- ried Maria, daughter of Joseph Quimby, and reared nine children, four of whom are living, namely, Alonzo, Frank, Daniel M. and Edwin A. He was a distiller by trade, and for a long time run a distillery, the first in town, on the farm now owned by Orrin Walker. Mr. Perry died in July, 1866, aged sixty-one years. Elijah Gilbert was also an early settler in this part of the town. Mr. Gilbert had some trouble with his neighbors, and locked his water-trough with a padlock, according to one version, since which time this locality has been known as Padlock. Isaac C. Smith came from Hamden, in 1823. He married Sally Pryor, and reared eight children, viz.: Julius C, Jonas P., Franklin H., Polly M., Estella C, Ralph P., WiUiam W. and Sarah. Of these only two are living, Julius C. and Ralph P. The latter has married three times, first, Fidelia Smith, second, Lucy A., daughter of William Cross, who bore him three chil- dren,, Edward, deceased, May E. and Maud W-, deceased, and third, Mrs. Elizabeth Speed, of Caroline. Horace Goodrich was born in Durham, Conn., May 6, 1787, married Eleanor, daughter of Ichabod Scranton, of Durham, and located here about 1820. He made the first settlement on the farm now owned by Daniel Leach, but after living there a few years, he found that he was not upon the tract of land that his title called for, and he was obliged to leave it. He moved to 428 TOWN OF RICHFORD. Newark Valley, where he died in 1829. He reared six children, namely: Dwight, Horace B., Guernsey S., Jerusha C, William S. and Emeline M. Of these, only three are living, William S.j Jerusha, widow of Benjamin Krum, and Emeline M. (Mrs. Bos- twick Brigham). Lemuel D. PoUey was born in Massachusetts, and moved to Dryden when a small boy. He married Polly Smith, of that town, and came to Richford in the spring of 1825. He made the first settlement on the farm now owned by Solomon Policy. Jabez Ayres was born in Sussex county, N. J., and made the first settlement on the farm owned by William Wright, about 1825. James Brigham was born in Brookfield, Mass.,' married Mar- cia Hastings, and made the first settlement on land now owned by Benjamin Thomas. He reared a family of nine children, five of whom are living, namely, Lucia, widow of Henry Branch, of Berkshire, Laura and Bostwick, both of this town, Alfred, of Schuyler, Neb., and Elizabeth, wife of Edward Gilbert, of Brook- field, Mass. Bostwick married Emeline, daughter of Horace Goodrich, and has three children, Marcia. wife of George Bar- ber, of Newark Valley, Emma, wife of Charles Dickerson, of Cardiff, and Charles, who lives at home. John Hamilton, son of Eliakim, came from West Stockbridge, Mass., in 1835.. and made the first settlement on the farm where Mrs. Catherine Decker now lives. Dioclesian 'Sears was born in Lenox, Mass., and came here in 1832, locating on the place where his son, James M., now lives. Philip Sears came at the same time, and settled on the next place east. Hotchkiss T. Finch was bOrn in Windham, N. Y., May 12, 1831, and came here with his father, in 1841. In 1850, he pur- chased the saw-mill on the farm now owned by Delia Vincent, which he run. until 1862, when he went to Lisle, and bought the Lisle flouring and saw-mills. He sold them the same year, came back to Richford in 1866, and in 1870, the firm of H. S. & J. W. Finch was organized. He married Charlotte E., daughter of Robert Ketchum, of Lisle, and has one son, Charles R. In 1875, he, with Ketchum & Co., purchased the store of C. D. & G. L. Rich, and the firm of Finch, Ketchum & Co., was organized. Charles R. was born in this town, November 22, 1866, married Katie, daughter of W. Dwight Hull, of Owego, and is engaged in farming. TOWN OF RIGHFORD. 429 Much of the eastern part of the town has been settled only 4 few years. Among those who made the first settlements were Ithiel Burleigh, who located on the place where G. C. Tubbs now lives, Anson Stanley, on the place where he now resides, Robert Tubbs, Augustus Hill, James Satterly and William B. Satterly. Mr. Burleigh remained on his place only three years, when the place was abandoned, and G. C. Tubbs purchased the property, in 1846, and began clearing the land. What may serve to give readers an idea of the town's progress in growth is a knowledge of the dates of the formation of the school districts. There are fourteen districts, five of which are joint districts, and there are eleven school-houses in the town. Prior to 1819, no district was defined by metes or boiinds, but a school had been kept at "Padlock" several terms, which was attended by the few children whose homes were situated on or near the turnpike, at points between the Owego creeks, and up as far as Willow bridge. Down to 1832, all of the territory lying east of the East Owego creek in the town of Berkshire, and north of the subsequent line between Berkshire and Richford, com- prised one district, in area about one-half of the town. Jugt prior to the time Richford was set off from Berkshire, school district No. 10, of Lisle, was altered so as to take in six lots lying in Richford. When the town was divided,. there were seven dis- tricts, including the joint ones. The comparative growth of the town may be seen by the fol- lowing citation from the several census enumerations since the town was organized : 1835,882; 1845,1,093; 1850,1,208; 1855, 1,182; 1860,1,404; 1865,1,283; 1870, 1,434; 1875, 1,451; 1880, »,477- Organization. — The town of Richford was formed from Berk- shire, first as the town of Arlington, April 9, 1831 ; its name being changed by act of legislature April 9, 1832. The town was duly organized, at the first town meeting, held at the Rich hotel, on Tuesday, March 6, 1832, when civil officers were duly elected, as follows: William Dunham, supervisor ; John C. Steadraan, town clerk; William Belden, Hubbard F. Wells, and Heman Daniels, commissioners of highways; Jacob Burget, Elijah Powell, and Tower Whiting, commissioners of common schools ; Simeon R. Griffin, Israel Wells, and Edward W. Surdam, school inspectors; Nathaniel Johnson and William Raymond, overseers of the poor; Obadiah Livermore, collector; Hiram W. Tyler and Henry Tal- mage, constables ; Seth B. Torrey, sealer of weights and meas- 430 TOWN OF RICHFORD. ures ; Piatt F. Grow, Eri Osburn, and David C. Garrison, justices of the peace. The said meeting took further action, to wit : " Voted, The town raise a sum of money equal to that drawn from the treasury. " Voted, That we pay th'e Inspectors of Common Schools seven- tj'-five cents per day, as compensation for their services. " Voted, That hogs may be commoners by being rung suffi- ciently ^and yoked with a sufficient yoke ; the yoke is to be twice the width of the neck above, and thirdth below. "Voted, That no cattle nor hogs be commoners at any season of the year within one-half mile of the village of Richford. " Voted, That O. L. Livermore be Poundmaster, and his yard be the Pound for the ensuing year. " Voted, This meeting be adjourned to the house now kept by S. M. Crandal, on the ist Tuesday in March, 1833." Material and Mercantile Interests. — The prominent industrial interest of the town is agriculture in its various branches, par- ticularly the dairy. The principal exports have been of live stock, hay, wool, pork and butter, chiefly the latter. No cereals are sent from the town, but recently the growing of potatoes for shipping has become a special industry. At present the resources of the farming community consists in potatoes, calves, and butter. Heretofore, lumbering in its various branches has been the most prominent pursuit in the eastern part of the town, a bus"iness that has died a natural death. The money paid for the lumber and bark has not materially enriched the town, not stopped therein, but been paid for merchandise brought from other parts, the locality serving simply as a camp. Ezekiel Rich was the first to open a store in Richford. He commenced trade in 1S21, and turned over the business to William Dunham, in 1823, who continued trade in the "Old Abby" until the corner brick building was completed, when he moved therein, about 1827. A few years later, Dunham vacated the brick store and opened a new store, situated on his experi- mental city plot, half-mile below, which went up with his vision- ary castle. While Mr. Dunham was yet trading in the Abbey, Gad Worthington erected a store about mid-way between C. L. Rich's residence and the public square. This was the first build- ing erected in Richford to be used exclusively as a store, and he put in a stock of goods and commenced trade in 1825. Later Mr. Cook purchased the store of Worthington, and continued trade a few J ears. About 1829, James Robins opened a store in the brick building TOWN OF RICHFORD. 43 1 vacated by Dunham, and his stock was of a greater variety and more complete than any store yet in the place. Robins con- tinued business in the brick store until the present Rich's store was erected, in 1834, when he removed and occupied the new- store, until 1844, when he sold to C. L. Rich and William Pier- son. During the period of Robins's trading, there was not much competition, but while Rich & Pierson were trading, S. R- GrifEn opened a store in the building now standing near the corner of the street leading to the depot. Later, he sold to Enoch Glezen, who occupied the store a few years, after which C. A. Clark, of Owego, opened the store, and later still Nathaniel Moore, of Berkshire, opened it and after trading a while sold .to W. H. Powell and M. Westcott, who wound up the competition, leaving the field to C. L. Rich and sons with J. H. Deming. Before Mr. Robins opened his store, Doctor Seaman erected the building now occupied by W. F. Miller and by C. H. Swift, for use as a store, and he put therein a stock of goods and continued trade several years ; and he run the only distillery ever put in operation here. In 1869, H. B. Rowle}^ opened a store in the brick store, where he is still trading. About 1880, James S. Smith opened a store in the Rich block, and in 18 — he sold his stock to W. C. Smith & Co. In 1870, H. Tane and T. Brainard opened the old Seaman store a hardware and house furnishing store, with stoves and articles used about the house, together with the manufacture of tin, copper and ironware. The firm did business about three years, then made a general assignment to C. J. Robinson, who continued the business about three years and then closed it out. In 1880, C. H. Swift opened a store and shop like that last mentioned, and in the same building, where he is still doing busi- ness. One of the most popular stores is that owned and conducted by Mrs. Delos Yaple, in the Rich block. She has been in trade twelve or more years, carrying on millinery business in connec- tion with her store. At an early day Joseph Bayette (a Frenchman) came in the eastern portion of the town, settled and built a log house and manufactured cigars, then removed to Ithaca, returned in 1850, and, in the large building fronting the square, again commenced the manufacture of cigars. He was succeeded by his sons, who increased the business and employed twenty-five hands. They were succeeded by George and Edward Rich, sons of Chauncey 432 TOWN OF RICHFORD. Rich, and the business was continued until the spring of i?>7y, when it was discontinued. C. L. Rich, who commenced clerking for Mr. Robins, in 1834, has been chief of the mercantile in Richford. He retired from trade, to accept the office of treasurer of the Southern Central Railroad, of which he has been not only treasurer but also one of the leading directors and stockholders. He conducted the financial business of the road with so much ability that it re- mained in first hands m,uch longer than any other road in the state or elsewhere. Mr. Rich, his sons and brother-in-law, are bankers, the sons being at the head of a bank in Fort Dodge, Iowa, C. L. having retired from active business on the road and now lives at his home in Richford. BUSINESS CENTERS. Richford Village is located in the southern-central part of the town, where the railroad crosses the old Catskill turnpike. It has one church, one hotel, two general stores, hardware store, furniture store, millinery and grocery store, a saw-mill and novelty works, grist-mill, two blacksmith shops, and about 250 inhabitants. East Richford is a small settlement in the eastern part of the town. West Richford is a small settlement in the western part of the town. Prior to the establishment of a postoffice in Berkshire village, about 1824, the office nearest to Richford was at a point on the Creek road one and one half miles south of the boundary, be- tween Berkshire and Newark, eight miles distant from Richford. The Richford ppstoffice was established in 1830, with William Dunham postmaster. He kept the office in his dwelling, the "Old Abby," the first house erected in the village; afterward the office was removed into the brick store on the corner, and O. L. Livermore, officiated as deputy postmaster. Later, Simeon Crandal was appointed postmaster, and he removed the postoffice from the brick store into the Rich hotel, of which he was inn- keeper. Later still, C. L. Rich was appointed postmaster, and he removed the office from the hotel into the .store where, ex- cepting a few years (1862 to '66) the office has been kept to the present time. Mr. Rich was succeeded by J.'H. Deming, and at the next change in the administration, Mr. Rich was reap- TOWN OF RICHFORD. 433 pointed. Matthew Westcott was appointed later. In 1866, C. D. Rich was appointed, and later he resigned in favor of C. W. Finch. In 1886 C. A. Clark was appointed, and is the present incumbent. During a long period, the mails were carried by stages running on the turnpike, leading from Catskill to Ithaca, also on the road •from Homer to Owego. As the mail going east reached Cats- kill, it was transferred to steamboats plying on the Hudson, and would make the round trip via New York city in five days. The two-horse stage line from Homer to Richford was discontinued in 183-, and the four-horse stage line on the pike was discontinued at the time the New York and Erie railroad was opened as far as Owego, June i, 1849. -^ two-horse stage continued to tarry the mail from Lisle through Richford to Ithaca, during a few years, up to 1852. And a two-horse stage transmitted the mail daily from Richford to Owego and return, up to the opening of the Southern Central railroad. In 1852 a postoffice was established in the town, under the title of " West Richford Postoffice," Erie Osborn, postmaster. In i860, this office was discontinued. MANUFACTORIES. The history of mills in the town begins with the ones erected by Caleb Arnold; but the exact date ascertained, though it was probably 1813. He had a saw and gristmill also wool- carding works, located on the West Owego creek, on lot 500. The saw-mill was rebuilt in 1835 ; the other mill, run down long before, and Mr. Arnold had left. The next saw and grist-mill was erected by Gad Worthington, on the East creek, at a point not far south of the depot, in 1823-24. A few years later, Wil- liam Dunham bought the mills, and allowed them to run down later. In 1831, Simeon R. Griffin erected agristmill some forty rods northwest of the junction of Aurora street with the old pike road. The motor power was water taken from, the brook, led onto a thirty foot over-shot wheel. The mill did a good business until 1840. After Griffin ran it a few years, he sold to Enoch Gleazen, who sold to Mr. Torrey, who let the mill go down. About, 1830, a Mr. Wells erected a saw-mill just north of the vil- lage. Later, Abram Deming became owner of, and rebuilt the mill, and after sawing millions of feet of pine lumber, sold to Elisha Hart, who sold in turn to William Cross ; and afterward Henry 434 TOWN OF RICHFORD. Geer owned and repaired the mill, and later William Allen became owner, allowing it to go down. About 1830, William Pumpelly, of Owego, erected a saw-mill on his lands, two miles north of Richford village. Afterward the mill was owned by Milton Holcomb, John Gee, and finally got into Clinton Cleveland's hands, who rebuilt it, with a large circu- lar-saw, in place of the up-and-down saw. The mill is still in- running order. In 1850, Belden Brothers erected a saw-mill on their premises, some forty rods north of the highway bridge across the creek. The mill cut a vast quantity of lumber, and recently the supply of stock became exhausted, and the mill was abandoned. In 1850, a saw-mill was erected on the creek a little south of Harford Mills, in this town. Subsequently, a factory for manu- facturing sash, blinds and doors was erected beside the mill. The property is now owned by Mr. Granger. In 1853, William Andrews built a steam saw-mill on lot 493, two and one-half miles east of the village, on the old pike road. It was the first steam motor used in the town. The mill was a costly structure, and ample in its capacity, had it been fittingly arranged ; but only one sash-saw was put in operation. The manufacture of lumber, under the circumstances, could not be made a success, financially, and Mr. Andrews was forced to sac- rifice and return to Connecticut, his former home. The mill was not put to much usCj and some three years after its completion, it burned. A few years later, Jones & Hubbard erected a new steam-mill on this site, with a circular-saw ; but the business still met with poor success, and after a few years the mill burned. In the fall of 1870, Messrs. C. W. and H. S. Finch erected a steam saw-mill not far from the depot. A branch track is one of the appurtenances of the mill. The mill did an extensive business until September 12, 1871, when it took fire at midnight and burned, with all therein and about it. The owners at once rebuilt the mill, and again, October 31, 1879, ^^ noon, the mill took fire, making a clean sweep of all therein and adjacent. Again the same owners promptly rebuilt, and the mill is now in operation- This mill is an institution very elaborate in machinery, whereby huge forest trees are wrought into articles for use, from a rail- road bridge-beam one hundred feet in length, down to a cloths- pin ; and all kinds of lumber required for building is dressed complete in finish, ready to be nailed in place. The mill is of a capacity equal to sawing 25,000 feet of lumber per day, arid has TOWN OF RICHFORD. 435 been run nearly all the time since it started. This mill has been a success, financially. C. W. Finch runs the mill, and H. S. Finch, with J, Allen, are the lumber merchants. In 1876, Franklin Bliss erected a steam mill for grinding feed and threshing grain, about one-fourth mile west of the village. The same year H. S. Finch put in a mill for grinding feed, attached to his provision store, near the depot. In 1884, Mr. Bliss shut down his mill, and purchased the mill owned by Finch, and added one more run of stones, and other first-class machin- ery for manufacturing best quality of buckwheat-flour. In the fall of 1886, the mill took fire at noon, and burned. Nothing was saved pertaining to the mill, and a large stock of grain was lost. The mill was very promptly rebuilt and put in .operation, and Mr. Bliss is doing a good business, manufacturing buckwheat flour, and ships large quantities to Philadelphia and other mar- kets, besides grinding many car-loads of grain each year for the home market. The saw-mill of J. W. Allen, located, on road 18, is operated by water-power and. has the capacity for cutting i ,000,000 feet of lumber annually. The first mill built on this site was about 1830, by Milton Holcomb ; but has from time to time been rebuilt, and for a short time steam was used in the mill. It is equipped with lumber-saw, double lath-saw, planing and matching machines, and employs six men. CHURCHES. There are but three meeting-houses in the town; one of which is not utilized, or only opened occasionally. Of the three churches formed within the town, but one seems to hold out prosperously, the original first church, the nucleus of which were Puritans of the Mayflower lineage, from Massachusetts. The jchurch record fails, by reason of the imperfect manner it has been kept, to give a full or comprehensive history of the church from the first. Fortunately, there is one survivor, Deacon W. F. Belden, whose parents were of the few originators, and he has himself been a member during nearly three-score years, during which time he has kept a private record,, to which we are in- debted for much of the ecclesiastical history of the town. The first settlers in Richford were mostly families from Lenox, Mass., among whom was Stephen Wells, a deacon of the Pres- byterian church in Lenox, who commenced holding meetings in 436 TOWN OF RICHFORD. the new (first) school-house, in 1821. On December 4, 1821, the few inhabitants of Richford assembled in the school-bouse, in the evening, for the purpose of considering the subject of organizing a church society and the building of a meeting-house. At this meeting a society was duly formed, to be known as " The North Society of the Town of Berkshire." The meeting was a'djourned, to meet at the house (hotel) of Ezekiel Rich, one week later, and from week to week to meet at said house. Finally, the meeting took action by passing a resolution to build a meeting-house in the summer of 1822, at an expense of five hundred dollars, " and, if a steeple is put on, the cost of the structure not to exceed seven hundred dollars." The house was erected as per resolu- tion, and soon after, the Rev. Seth Burt, a missionary sent out by the Berkshire and Columbia (Mass). Missionary Society, becamee the pastor. On December 23, 1822, thirty-one of the inhabitants of Richford and vicinity banded themselves together as a society, entitled " The Society of Columbia," which title it still retains. On January 14, 1823, a Christian Church was duly organized, according to the order of Presbyterian faith, with forty-one char- ter members, of which twenty-two presented letters, and nine- teen made confession of faith. One of the most devoted of the charter members, Mrs. Ezekiel Rich, united with the old church of Berkshire (prior to the formation of Newark), the first Sab- bath in April, 1820, and in 1821, she removed from Newark Val- ley to Richford, where she presented a letter of membership. She was one who aided the organizing of the church, and the last of the forty-one to die — ever zealous, she was the last to leave the Richford church militant and join the church triumphant, on the 2d day of June, 1883, aged ninety-two years. The church was connected with the Cayuga presbytery. The first delegation of elders sent from Richford were Dea. S. Wells, Thomas P. Brown, and Deodatus Royce. The church contin- ued as a Presbyterian order until 1827, when the members unani- mously resolved to change and adopt the Congregational form of discipline, and duly appointed delegates to go and inquire into the standing of the " Union Association ;" also constituted dele- gates to attend a meeting of the presbytery for instructions, resolving to remain in the fold of the Presbytery on " the accom- modation plan." November 2, 1827, the elders tendered their resignation, and the church became Congregational' in form, but remained connected with the Presbytery until 1868, at which TOWN OF RICHFORD. 437 date, in October, the church connected itself with the Susque- hanna Association, there being no change since. In 1833, a church was formed in the town of Berkshire, as now bounded, and twelve of the members of the Richford church took letters to unite with the new organization at Berkshire village. The first church edifice was erected on the site now occupied. .The building was smaller in size than the last one built. Its style of architecture was Eastern, a steeple and bell, the latter still used. The front half of the steeple projected froiti the main edi- fice and rested on four large turned columns, having ornamental base and capitals. Internally, a gallery extended around on two sides and the rear end, forming a semi-circle, the central portion of which was occupied by the choir and a pulpit, t*ie back of which was the inner wall of the vestibule. On the main floor were two aisles, between which were two tiers of seats, and on one side of either aisle was a row of seats in square sections, or "'pe-ws." The best of pine lumber was used in constructing the meeting-house; because the Lord had placed the material near at .hand. His servants took it as His own, wherever found, without regard to the will of land-owners. In 1854, the old house was taken down and a new one of larger dimensions erected, and which has been rearranged internally and ornamented, with a dif- ferent style of steeple. The church-going people of early times here allude to the advent of " fire in meeting-houses." Furnaces and stoves were not then in use, and worshipers had to endure a severe ordeal when they attended meeting in winter; so after the stove came as a new blessing, warmth was a very grateful part of the meeting in cold weather. The whole number in communion with the church up to Feb- ruary, 1875, was 278; the number at that date was, present and absent, seventy-three. In 1874, twelve took letters and joined other churches. At times there have been handsome accessions to the church ; but death and emigration depleted the ranks to such an extent that augmentation permanently was scarcely pos- sible. Referring to the several pastors, Rev. Mr. Burt closed his term in 1825, leaving the church without a visable shepherd until 1827, when Rev. Henrj' Ford ministered one year. Rev. Mr. Gary occupied the pulpit a portion of the time up to 1829, at which date the Rev. David S. Morse became pastor, and continued such until April, 1833. Rev. Mr. Graves succeeded Mr. Morse, for a short period. In December, 1833, Rev. Mr. Ripley commenced 438 TOWN OF RICHFORD. preaching in the Richford church each alternate Sabbath, continu- ing up to April, 183 15, when Mr. Morse returned and continued until 1840. During 1841, Rev. Mr. McEwen occupied che pulpit, and Rev. Mr. Babbitt during 1842, who was not succeeded until 1844, when Mr. Morse returned again, and continued paistor up to 1S49. Then Mr. Page served from 1850 to 1851, when Rev. Jeremiah Woodruff officiated during a term of four years. In 1856, Rev. Mr. Worden, who was pastor of the Methodist church at Berkshire, occupied the pulpit here each alternate Sabbath In April, 1857, Rev. Richard Woodruff became pastor and served six years, less one month, when, after preaching three sermons one Sabbath, he died before morning, March 9, 1863, and was buried beside his wife in the cemetery at Richford. His age was sixty- two. In July, 1863, Rev. J. S. Hanna commenced a term of pas- toral service, continued one year, and the year following Rev. David Gibbs served as pastor. In the winter of 1866, Mr. Morse served six months, also a six months' term in the winter of 1867. His whole term of service was about eighteen years. He was born in 1793, died in 1871, and lies buried in Richford cemetery. Mr. Morse was a man of superior understanding. In July 1868, Rev. George Porter, from England, became pastor, and served two years, less six weeks. In July, 1870, Rev. Mr. Green took charge, and served until May, 1873. Another vacancy 4then occurred, extending to November, 1874, when Rev. Mr. Thomas commenced and served two years. Rev. E.W. Fisher commenced April I, 1878. The next pastor was A. D. Stowell, who com- menced in June, 1880, and who was succeeded by Rev. E. P. Dada, in May, 1882; Rev. George Miller, in September 1884, and Charles Burgen, the incumbent pastor, commenced service May I, 1887. The largest salary paid per year to any of the pastors employed was one thousand dollars, to Mr. Porter, for the first year. The Missionary Society has liberally contributed toward paying the salaries. In 1823 a Sabbath-school was established in which there were sixt3'-five attendants, who resided within a territory stretching nine miles east and west and seven miles from point to point, north and south. Many who attended, found their way through the forest by blazed trees. Here it is worthy of mention, in paying honor due to faithful Christians, that a certain widow, Mrs. Gardner, and her two daughters, who resided on lot4i8, on the border of the town of Berkshire, over two miles distant, were sure to be in attendance each Sabbath regardless of inclement weather. Their TOWN OF SPENCER. 439 pathway to and from the meetings was over rugged, hilly ground, their course all the way marked only by blazed trees. The Sabbath-school has been well maintained to the present. Of the early settlers in the town, a few were Episcopalians, who organized a church, and erected a small house on the site where now stands C. L. Rich's barn. It was built about 1832, and was removed to Speeds ville, in 1843. No record of the proceedings ■of the Episcopalians in the town is obtainable ; but memories relate some incidents. In 1857, a society was formed which was styled "The Rich ford Hill Christian Church," and in i860 they erected a house in which to worship according to their creed. They have a cleai title to a desirable rural site of ample dimensions, including e cemetery, in which are erected monuments, some of which art elaborate and costly. At one time the church numbered thirt3i or more members, but later it fell to zero ; yet later still, a rally occurred and it recuperated, and now they have a shepherd who occupies the pulpit regularly, in connection with a neighboring society. Rev. Mr. Tyler officiates as pastor. In 1864, a church society was duly organized in the eastern part of the town. Their creed was Baptist, and in 1870 thej completed a church edifice. The number of members have not exceeded twenty-three. A portion of the time of their existence the vital spark seemed to wane to a low ebb. At present they have a joint interest in a minister who resides at a distance. SPENCER* lies in the extreme north-western corner of the county, and is bounded north by the county line, east by Candor, south by Barton, and west by the county line. The town was formed by an act of the legislature passed February 28, 1806, receiving its name in honor of Judge Ambrose Spencer. At this time, however, it was a town of great extent, set off from Owego (now Tioga). From this large territory have been formed the towns of Candor, Caroline, Danby and Newfield, the lattei three in Tompkins county, set off February 22, 181 1 ; and Cayuta, in Schuyler county, organized March 20, 1824. Thus Spencei may truly be said to be a " mother of towns ;" but these largf *For much of this sketch we are indebted to Mr. J. H. Palmer, of Spencer. 29, 440 TOWN OF SPENCER. concessions have shorn the parent town's territory to an area of only about 29,136 acres, 2Q,cqp acres of which is improved land. Topography. — The. north-eastern portion of the town forms the water-shed between the Susquehanna river and Cayuga lake. The ridges have a general north and south direction, their declivities- steep, and their summits broad and broken. Catatonk creek, flowing east, breaks through these ridges at nearly right angles, forming a deep and narrow valley. This is the principal stream, though there are numerous small tributaries to it. The soil is a gravelly loam in the valleys, and a hard, shaly loam upon the hills. Dairying, stock-raising,.and lumbering are the chief pur- suits of the people. SETTLEMENT AND GROWTIJ. Benjamin Drake, in connection with Joseph Barker, made the first settlement in the town of Spencer, in the year 1794. The place of his nativity is not known, and as none of his descendants are now living here, nothing of his early life,, previous to settle- ment here, can be ascertained. He settled on the site of Spencer village, or what was for many years the village, the lower cor- ners, as the north and west portions of the village have mostly been built up in comparatively , a few yea,rs. Mr. Drake's first cabin was built of logs, poles and bark, near the bank of Cata- tonk creek, half, or three-quarters of a mile east of the village. His time was occupied in clearing his land, and when, after the labors of the day were over, and the shades of night had gathered around the humble home of the settlers, and they had retired to rest, their sleep was often disturbed by the howling and snarling of the wild beasts that inhabited the wilderness- around them. Tradition says that Mr. Drake builtthe first frame dwelling-house in town, a part of which is standing on the spot where Andrew Purdy formerly resided, and known for many years as the " Purdy tavern," and now owned by the estate of Hon. Abram H. Miller. He also built the first grist-mill. How long he resided here, and the time or place of his death, is not known. His daughter, Deborah, was the first white child born within the present town limits. Joseph Barker, as stated above, came to Spencer in the year 1794, from Wyoming, Pa. He settled on the place now owned by C. W. Bradley, a little north of the center of the village of Spencer, his land extending south of and including the old TOWN OF SPENCER. 44 1 cemetery, which he partially cleared off and gave to the town as a public burial-place. At that early day there was no town organization, and consequently no town ofificers, common interests prompting the settlers to friendliness and a general effort to build up good society, and also to extend a cordial greeting and wel- come to those who came to settle and make a home among them, But as their numbers increased, the necessity of forming such an organization became apparent, and it was effected in 1806, and the first town meeting was held April ist, of that year, Mr, Barker being elected justice of the peace, an ofifice he held till the election of Israel Hardy, in 1830. The first school was organ- ized in Mr. Barker's house, but the date is not known. Many ol his descendants are still living in this and adjoining towns. He was a man of strict integrity, and was respected and honored by all around him. Edmond and Rodney Hobart, brothers, came from Canaan, Litchfield county. Conn., in the year 1795. Edmond settled on the farm now owned and occupied by James B. Hull, his brother Rodney going about a mile farther north, where he resided for many years, the place now being owned by Benjamin F. Lewis, excepting about four acres where the house stands, that is now owned by Mr. E. Signer. Edmond Hobart is said to have put in and harvested the first crop of wheat, and he also built the first saw-mill. His family consisted of seven children, five boys and two girls, and their conveyance from Yankee land to Spencer was a wagon drawn by oxen, and they were seventeen' days on the road, making the third family in the town. Their oldest son, Prescott, while using the axe — the principal and most useful tool the settlers had^received a slight cut which terminated in lock- jaw, the first year they were here;, his death being the first one in town. Charlotte, the oldest daughter, married Daniel McQuigg, of Owego, who purchased the homestead of the heirs, in 1815, (Mr. Hobart died in 1808) and it was kept in the family many years, his son Daniel occupying it till about the year 1844, when it was sold lo Deacon James B. Hull, who now lives on it. Esther, the youngest daughter, married Horace Giles^of Owego, in 1814, and in a few months moved to Spencer, where the widow lived till her death, in -1832. Mr. and Mrs. Giles lived on the same farm for fifty-five years. He died December 16, and she, December 18, 1870, aged eighty and seventy-seven years, respectively. Two daughters and one son are now living, one, Charlotte Giles Converse, occupying the homestead. 442 TOWN OF SPENGER. Others came soon after the settlement was begun, but the ex- act date cannot now be ascertained. John and George K. Hall, from Westchester county, N. Y., came about 1798, and settled on a part of what for many years has been known as the John McQuigg farm. Soon after the year 1800, the arrivals' became more frequent. Among them may be named the following: Joshua Ferris, from Westchester, Doctor Holmes, from Connect- icut, and Stephen Bidlack, from Wyoming, in 1800 ; Henry Miller, Andrew Purdy, Thomas Mosher, C. Valentine, John and Leonard Jones, David and Richard Ferris, from Westchester county, N. Y., and George Watson, from Canaan, Conn., between that date and 1805; Truman, Joshua, Abram and Benjamin Cowell, brothers, came from Connecticut about 1807 or 1808; George Fisher and family, from Albany, N. Y., in 1810; Thomas Fisher and family came soon after, and settled in what has long been known as Fisher's Settlement, his wife being the first per- son to drive a horse from the settlement (now the village), through the woods to their home ; Solomon Mead, Joseph •Cowles, Alvin Benton, Thomas Andrews, H. Lotze, Joel Smith, Benjamin Jennings, Moses Reed, Levi Slater, Ezekiel Palmer and his son, Urban Palmer, came prior to 181 5 ; Shubael Palmer and wife, with a family of six children,, came in February, 1817, bringing both family and goods by oxen through woods and over hills, with roads such as is usually found at that time of the year. The next few years arrivals were numerous, and among them may be found the names of Dodd, Lake, Lott, Dean, Garey, French, Sackett, Riker, Vose, Harris, Bradley, Wells, Benton, Nichols, Adams, Casterline, Scofield, Swartwood and Butts. Isaac, William and Daniel Hugg, brothers, came from Canaan, Conn., the first two in 1800, and Daniel four years later, and set- tled in that part of the town known for many years as Hugg Town, now called North Spencer. Isaac settled at the head of the pond, his land extending to the road leading from Spencer to Ithaca; but built his house and resided till his death, in 1837, where Horace Furman now lives. This family consisted of eleven children, six girls and five boys. The youngest daughter, Sophia, is still living, and is in good health for one who has seen eighty- four years. William Hugg settled on the farm afterwards occupied by his brother, Daniel. His family consisted of twelve children, eight daughters and four sons, none of whom are now living. He only TOWN OF SPENCER. 443 resided here three or four years, moving to West Dauby, where he and his wife were both buried. Daniel Hugg arrived in Spencer, in 1804, and settled on the farm previously occupied by his brother, William, where Frank Adams now lives, and resided there till the death of his wife, in 1849, after which he lived with his children till his death, in 1855, having been a resident of Spencer for fifty-one years. His family of six daughters and one son are all dead. At the organs ization of the First Congregational church, Daniel Hugg and Achsah Hugg, his wife, were two of the original members, and he was one of the first deacons, a title he retained till his death. The descendants of these three brothers can be counted by the score, and are not only to be found in Spencer and Surrounding towns, but in several different States of the Union, and as far as known are honored and respected membei-s of the communities in which they reside. Rev. Phineas Spalding was born in Woodstock, Vermont, in 1759. While a mere boy he enlisted in the revolution, was pres- ent at the surrender of Burgoyne, saw him deliver his sword to his captors, and was one of the guard placed over the prisoners taken at that time. Afterwards, in the darkest hours of that terrible struggle, he joined that portion of the army with Washington, late in the autumn of 1777, and when the inclemency of the weather rendered it necessary togo into permanent winter quarters they marched for eight days, leaving marks from their bleeding feet upon the frozen ground, till they came to Valley Forge, where they spent the winter. Their cabins were made with the boughs of trees hung on sticks or poles, under which they would build their fires, and gather around them, poorly clothed, and many without blankets, coats or shoes, and often obliged to feed on horse meat, which, in consequence of their extreme hunger, seemed to taste sweeter than any meat they had ever eaten before. After leaving the army he married a Miss Rebecca Jacques, by whom he had three children, Rebecca, Phineas, and Polly, the latter of whom was only a few weeks old when Mrs. Spaulding died. After marrying again (Miss Susanna Hotchkiss), he re- moved to Whitehall, N. Y., where Nancy, Amy, and William were born. About 1796, he came to what was then called Tioga Point, and lived for one year on a place called the Shepard farm, during which time his son James was born. While living here, he came to Spencer and selected the place uponwhich he alter- Ward settled his family, in the year 1798! The place has been 444 TOWN OF SPENCER. known for many years as the John McQuigg place. Here, in the woods, the sturdy pioneer erected his log cabin, cleared his land, and made him elf and family a home, and soon had the sat- isfaction of seeing the growing crops, and also neighbors settling around him. Here three more children were added to Mr. Spal- ding's family, viz.: Susanna, Jesse, and Joseph. As neighbors increased,and he being the only male professor of religion in the town, he was impressed that duty called him tp preach the gospel to those around him,andyieldiiig to these convictions, he preached, in his own house, the first gospel sermon in the town, in 1799. At the organization of the Baptist church, in 1810, he was chosen deacon, licensed to preach, and in 1813, was ordained, and was for many years pastor of the church. Previous to this he removed to a farm about two miles south of West Danby, where he lived several years, and here Ebenezer and Betsey were born. Mrs. Spalding died there in 1832, after which he lived with his children. He died in 1838, aged seventy-nine years, at the residence of his daughter Amy (Mrs. Barker), at West Danby, and his remains repose in the old cemetery in Spencer. Three of his children are still living, Mrs. Amy Barker, at West Danby, N. Y., aged ninety- four years; Ebenezer, in Wisconsin, aged seventy-nine, years; and Mrs. Betsey Cowell, at North Spencer, aged seventy-seven years. Those who have died lived most of them to be old, and were useful and honored citizens. Phineas died at Havanna, aged eighty-six years. Polly, the next oldest child, was married to John Underwood, and this was the first marriage in town. Slie died in Spencer, aged seventy-five years. Nancy moved to Ohio at an early day, and died in 1838. James died at West Danby. Joseph died in Washington, and William, where he had lived for many years, at Mottville, aged eighty -two years. Stephen Bidlack, son of James, came to Spencer, from Athens in 1800, and made the first settlement on the farm now owned by Ransom Bidlack. He married Lois, daughter of Capt. Samuel Ransom, and reared eight children, only one of whom. Ransom, is living. Richard Ferris came from Peekskill, in 1805, and located on land now owned by Elmer Garrott. He reared a family of nine chil- dren, only one of whom, Mary, is living. The latter was born March 22, 1787, and has lived here since shfe was eighteen years of age. She is the widow of John Fonsyth . who was a pensioner of the war of i8l2 . Truman Cowell, one of the early settlers, came from Coxsackie, TOWN OF SPENCER. 445 about 1806, and made the first settlement on the farm now owned by Edward Co well. He had born to him two sons and eight daughters, viz.: Nathan, James, Naomi, Eunide, Anna, Roxy, Polly, Rhoda, Delia, and Harriet. Nathaniel Scofield, an early settler, locaited on the. farm now ■owned by Luther Blivin, about 1806. His son Horace married Naomi Cowell, and six children were born to them, as follows : Betsey M., Nathaniel, Mary A., Truman, Roxanna and Horace. William Loring, son of Abel, was born in Barre, Mass., November 18, 1780, and moved from there to Granville, N. Y., when quite yourig; ' He married Hannah, daughter of Theophilus Tracy, of Norwich, Conn.,' October 8, 1808, and nine children were born to them, viz.: Horace, William T., Luceiia, Wealthy, Susan, Sarah, Louisa, Mary, and Harriet. Mr. Loring located in this town in February, 181 1. Lucena Loring married James B. Hull, and has one son, Loring W. Arthur Fririk was one of the early settlers here, and located on the farm now owned by William Ransom. Peter Signor came from Greenville, N. Y., in March, 1812, and purchased the farm which was settled by Bartley Roots, in 1810, . and which is now owned by Albert Signor. He married Lorena, •daughter of Adonijah Roots, and had bom to him, three children, Albert, Adonijah, and Anna:, widow of Jehvel House, of Danby. Albert was born in Greenville, May 12, 1803, married Anna, daughter of Levi English, and has two children, Adonijah and Mary A. (Mrs. Ira Patchen), of Danby. In 1834 he purchased the farm whe!re he now lives, which was then a wilderness, with no building except an old saw-mill, built a few years pt'evious, and which he has re-built, and has cut from 100,000 to 400,000 feet of lumber annually. One of the first settlers of what is known as the Dean Settle- ment, was Nicholas Dean, who came from Westchester county, in June, 1816, and built the first house on the place now owned by Mary Dej'O, in October, 18 17. Among other early settlers who came to this location were Elisha Sackett, from Peekskill, in 1820, locating where Jasper Patty now lives, John Williams, who settled on the farm now owned by George Pearson, and Eli Howell, who settled on the farm now owned by W. H. Fleming. Maj. Tunis Riker came from New York city, in 1817, and located on the farms now owned by O. P. Rikerand Antoinette Riker. He served as a major in the war of 181 2 . He Was a car- penter by trade, which occupation he followed here. He mar- 446 TOWN OF SPENCER. f ried Eleanor Moore, of New York, and reared a family of twelve children. Edward Bingham came from Jay, Vt., about 1819, and located on the farm now owned by his grandson, I. A. Bingham. He served in the war of 1812. Ira. one of his twelve children, mar- ried Sally, daughter of Elisha Holdridge, and five children were born to him, viz.: Eliza, deceased, Sarah, Mary, 1. Augustus, and Seth H. Edward Hobart, an early settler, made the first settlement on the place now owned by James B. Hull. It is said that the first piece of wheat raised in the town was grown on this farm. Elisha Holdridge came from Bridge water, Pa., in the spring- of 1822, and purchased a farm, now owned by Dr. Norris, where he lived until 1837 or 1838, when he removed to Genoa. He married Mary Shaff, and reared nine children, only two of whom, Amos, of Spencer, and Samuel, of Hillsdale, Mich., are now liv- ing. Amos was born in Bridgewater, Pa., July 13, 1813, and was. nine years of age when he came here. He married Wealthy, daughter of William Loring, of Spencer, and has two children, Edgar P., of Cortland, and William A., who lives here. Lewis VanWoer t, son of Jacob, was born in Cambridge, N. Y., December 5, 1794: married Tabitha Gould, and settled here on the farm now owned by Lewis J. VanWoert, in 1827. He reared five children, namely, William G., Lewis J., Eleanor M., Lydia E., and Mehitable, deceased. John Brock came here in 1830, and purchased the farm now owned by William Lang. He was a farmer, and was also engaged' in droving until within two years of his death, which occurred in 187^." He married Mary, daughter of A. Whitney, of Marj'land, N.(Y., and seven children were born to them, viz.: William, de- ceased, Ethiel, Ann E., wife of Seth Bingham, of Danby, John, Adaline, widow of Stockholm Barber, Thomas, and Dewitt C. •^ Benjamin Coggi n located here, on the farm now owned by his grandson, George E. Coggin, in 1832. He married Phebe Vose, and six children were born to him, as follows: John, Loama T., Albert, Rachel V., Mary V., and Eveline C. Solomon Davenport, son of Martin, was born at Port Jervis p lived in Caroline; N. Y., several years,- and located here, on the farm now owned by Mrs. Valentine, in 1836. He married Ann,' daughter of Samuel Snyder, of Caroline, and eight children were born to him, viz.: Henry, Sherman, Mary C, Jane A., Charlotte*.; Emma E., Sarah and Harriet A. TOWN OF SPENCER. 447 James Hagadorn came from Cherry Valley, in 1840, and set- tled on the farm now owned by his son David B. He married Lockey Genung, and five children were the fruits of this mar- riage, namely, Horace, who served as major in the late war, in Co. H, 3d N. y. Infantry, and was killed in front of Petersburg, June 15, 1865, Rebecca, wife of Henry C. Shaw, .Emma, wife of William Stone, of Curtis, Neb., Aaron, also of Curtis, and David B. Jacob T. Shaw was an early settler of Flemingville, and located here, in 1840, on the farm now owned by William A. Shaw. Alonzo Norris, son of Matthew N., who was an early settler of Erin, Chemung county, was born in Erin, October 2, 1833, stud- ied ittedicine with E. Howard Davis, of Horsehead*, for three years, and graduated from Jefferson Medical College, of Phila- delphia, Pa., March' 12, i860. He began practice at Halsey Val- ley, where he remained about a year, and then located in this town. He has two children, John N. and Olive K., both residing at home. Dr. Ezra W. Homiston was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 10, 1859. ^^ studied in the public schools, and with his father, Joseph M., and graduated at the Bellevue Hospital College in March, 1883, and began practice in Brooklyn, In August, 1885, he came to Spencer, and has practiced here since. He married Adele Bumsted, of Jersey City, in 1882. Rev. Luther Bascom Pert, son of Thomas Pert, was born in this town October 12, 1819. When fifteen years of age, he left home to prep>are for college, at Cortland academy. He entered Hamilton College, and graduated, in the class of 1843. From 1849 to 1869 he practiced law in New York city, and in April, 1870, he was licensed to preach by the third New York Presbytery and continued a faithful minister to the time of his death. He was pastor of the Presbyterian church at Raisin, Mich., from 1870 to '74, at Londonderry, N. H., from 1874 to 'J<^. In 1843 he mar- ried Miss Ellen P Smith, of Spencer, by whom he had one daugh- ter, Helen M., wife of Rev. W. W. Newman, Jr., who are now living abroad. Mrs. Newman has three sons, viz.: George Ken- nedy, a student in Williams College, William Whiting, now of Colorado, and Oliver Shaw, who is traveling with his parents. Rev. Mr. Pert died at Bergen Point, N. J., May 29, 1881, and his remains were brought to the home of, his boyhood for inter- ment. Stephen Vorhis, son of Jotham Vorhis, was born in this town 448 TOWN Of SPENXER. in 1812. His preparatory education was received itt Owegb; he ■entered Hamilton College and graduated in 1836, and from Auburn Theological Seminai'y in '38. He was pastor of the Presbyterian church at Akron, O., for two years, at Danby, N. Y., fourteen years, Phoenix, N. Y., five years, Hammond'sport, ;N. Y., eight years, and at Spencer fifteen years before his retire- ment. He married A. Louisa Ward, of Allegany county, N. Y., by whom he had three children, viz.: Mary H., Lillian, who died at the age of six years, and Harry S. Mr. Vorhis died July 17, 1885. Dr. J. H. Tanner was born in Virgil, Cortland county,. N. Y., October 17, 1834, and lived in that town some thirty years. He studied medicine with Dr. Knapp, in Harford, and gra;duated at Buffalo, N. Y., in 1862, when he returned home and formed a partnership with Dr. J.H. Knapp, which continued only forashort time. In October, 1863, he moved to Nineveh, Broome county, N. Y. In May, 1864, he married CorneliaG., eldest daughter of James Heath, of Harford. He continued his practice in Nineveh until January, 1865. He bought out Dr. Knapp, of Harford, and late in January, he removed to that place, where he continued his practice until thie summer of 1866, whein he sold out to Dr. Knapp, and moved to Weltonvilte, Tioga county, where hq con- tinued to practice until October, 1877. Here he buried his wife. In the fall of 1878, be married his second wife, and settled in .Spencer, Tioga county, N. Y., where he now resides. He has one son, J. Henry. Samuel Bliven, of Westerly, R. I., was a soldier of the revo- lution, and married Mary Green, by whom he had eight childi"en. Among them was Luther, who married Rebecca Cook, by whom he had nine children. Of these, Samuel G., was born in Hart- ford, N. Y., January i, 1799, lived there until he was a year old, when his people removed to Fort Ann, N. Y. When twenty-four years of age he came to Spencer, and has since resided here, — a period of over sixty-two years. He married Rebecca, daugh- ter of Phineas Spalding, by whom he has had six children. He has been engaged principally in farming, and now lives retiredin the village of Spencer. Mrs. Bliven died September 8, 1885, .aged seventy-five years. Capt. John Fields was another of the very early settlers of this town, and who in his early years was a member of the Queen's Rangers, a regiment of the British army. When his time of enlist- raent expired he asked for his discharge, but it was denied him. TOWN OF SPENCER. 449 He awaited his opportunity, and deserted, coming to this country, and in the war of 1812 took arms against, the British, and served the American cause faithfully. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Lundy's Lane, and after a period of confinement was dis- charged. When the war closed he retired to his farm, in the eastern part of the town of Spencer, where he spent the remainder of his life. His wife was Lydia Bates, who died, leaving no children. Joshua Tompkins was born in Oxford, England, September 22, •1815. On April 30, 1836. he left Liverpool in the packet " Napo- leon," and arrived in New York the following month. He came direct to Spencer, where he located on the farm npw owned by his brother James, and this town has been his onl^ home in America. He married Susan, daughter of William and Hannah Lorring. He is now engaged in farming, and in building opera- tions within the corporation of Spencer village. Mr. Tompkins is probably one of the oldest foreign born citizens of the town. James Silke was born in Cork, Ireland, and for thirteen years after his arrival in this country he was in the employ of Halsey Brothers, of Ithaca, who were running one of thfe largest floui"- ing mills at that time in Central New York. In 1874, he came to Spencer to take the management of A. Seely's mill, which posi- tion he still holds. He married Mary Wasson, of Ithaca, and has four children. Dr. G. W. Davis was born in Trenton, Dodge county. Wis., May 29, 1851. When he was only seven years old his parents removed to Ithaca, N. Y., where he received his education. He entered the office of Dr. John Winslow, of Ithaca, and also the office of Dr. M. M. Brown, and Dr. P. C. Gilbert. He graduated from the University of Buffalo, in 1882. He located first in New^ field, Tompkins county, where he remained one year, and since then he has been located in Spencer village. He married Eva, daughter of Holmes Shepard, of Van Ettenville, by whom he has one child, Truman Lake came to this town from Greenville, Green county, N. Y., in 1815, and settled on the farm now owned and occupied by Fred W. Lake. He married Clarissa, daughter of Rufus Brown, of NewMalbury, N. Y., by whom he had six children, viz.: Betsey, wife of Erastus Meacham, of Owego, Maria (Mrs. Jacob Vqrhis), Harvey, Rachel (Mrs. Joshua Philo), Hiram and Rufus, all deceased except Mrs. Meacham, who is now in her eighty-fifth year, and resides in Owego. 450 TOWN OF SPENCER. J. Parker Vose, son of John Vose of this town, married Nancy B., daughter of Isaac Buckley, of Danby, N. Y., in June, 1853; Their children are Emma J., wife of J. B. G. Babcock, of Owego, and Charles E. S. Alfred Seely is a son of Seymour A. and Polly Seely, and was born in Newfield, Tompkins county, in 1^42. Till the age of sixteen he attended the district school near his home, finishing his school days by several terms in Spencer and then in Ithaca: He taught school several terms, and at the age of twenty-one went to Elmira, N. Y., and in company with his brother, Sey- mour, commenced the manufacture of lumber, under the firm name of A. Seely & Bro. After eleven years in Elmira, they transfered their business to Spencer, purchased several acres of land near the G., I. & S. R. R. station, put up a large steam saw- mill, and went to work, employing at times two hundred men. In 1875 they erected a steam fjouring-mill near their saw-mill, and this is now the only mill of its kind doing business in the town. Within a year or two, an addition has been made to it, in which the grinding is done by the roller process, and large quan- tities of the best flour are almost daily shipped to different parts of the country. In 1877, they commenced, in a small way, the mer- cantile business, which has enlarged till at present they occupy a large brick block, their stock including nearly everything needed or used in a farming or manufacturing community. In j88o, they built near their mills a large creamery, and it is now receiving the milk or cream from about 700 cows, brought from four or five towns and from three different counties. January i, 1887, the partnership was dissolved, Seymour retiring and Alfred continuing the business alone. Mr. Seely married Emily LaRow, of Newfield, October 20, 1863, who bore him one child, a girl, who died at the age of four years. Mrs. Seely died in Septem- ber, 1879; ^nd in November, i88o, he married Mary E. Williams, of Romulus, N. Y., and has three children. Silvenes Shepard was born in the town and county of Otsego, January 23, 1823. His parents moved to Virgil, Cortland county^ in 1826, where he lived until the fall of 1839, at which time they moved on to a farm near the white school-house, at East Spen- cer. He worked on a farm summers and taught school winters, until the spring after he was of age, when he commenced the manufacture of tomb-stones, at East Spencer. He removed to the village in 1847, and continued in the business till his health gave out, in 1849. He, with his brother-in-law, commenced manufac- TOWN. OF SPENCER. 45 1 turing tin-ware and selling stoves, in 1852, continuing in the busi- ness a few. years, when he went to farming, working as he was 'able, until 1862, when he found employment in the store of Lu- cius Emmons, father of the Emmons BrOs. He remained in their store five years, when he commenced business for himself, at the' same place he now occupies. In April, 1867, without application or solicitation on his part, he received the appoint- ment of postmaster, which office he held till October 17, 1885. He has been the recipient of many favors from the citizens of Spencer, having held the office of overseer of the poor, assessor, and supervisor. To the latter office he has been elected six times. He has been interested in the educational interests of the town nearly half a century, an advocate for free schools long be- fore the enactment of our grand "free school law." While pos- itive and decided in his views on all public questions, and free to express them in proper times- and places, he. is willing to concede the same right to others. He has always taken a decided stand against intemperance. Charles J. Fisher's grandfather came from Frankfo'rt-on-the-- Main, Germany, to this country, in 1754, and, it is believed, set- tled in New York city. His son, George, came to Spencer, in 1810, his family consisting of nine children — five girls and four boys. Charles J., the third son, was born in Spencer, in 1817. He attended the common schools till the age of eighteen, when he entered his father's store as clerk, which business he followed for different merchants till 1850, when he commenced business for himself, carrying a stock of dry goods and groceries, and continued till some time during the rebellion, when he sold his stock of goods and opened a drug store, the first one in town, which business he still continues. He now lives on the place formerly occupied by his father, has always lived and done busi- ness on, or very near, the spot where his father settled, in 1810. Dr. William Henry Fisher, son of Charles J. Fisher, was born January 31, 1854. He studied in the Spencer Academy, and studied p^dicine with Dr. T. F. Bliss, of Spencer, and entered BeUevue -Hospital Medical College in 1874, graduated in 1876, and immediately began practice in Spencer village, where he has since resided. The Doctor married Alice Knight, daughter of Harding A. Knight, of Spencer, November 14, 1877, and has two children, a son and a daughter. Roger Vose was born in Bedford, N. H., February 26, 1770. He married Anne Bassett, of Sharon, Mass., February 14, 1793, 452 TOWN OF SPENCER. and moved with his family from Bedford, N. H., to Spencer, in the fall of 1826, and purchased the farm on which he lived until his death, which occurred November 24, 1843. His wife, Anne Vose, died March 2, 1834. Their children were : Samuel Vose, born at Bedford, N. H., December 27, 1793. He came to Spen- cer from Bedford, about the year 1818, and died here, August 3, 1854. John Vose was born at Bedford, N. H., October 20, 1796. He came to this country with his brother, Samuel, about 1818, and died March 5, 1871. Jesse Vose was born at Bedford, N. H., May 23, 1 801, and died in 1845. Charles Otis Vose was born at Bedford, N. H., May i, 1807, and died May 31, 1829. Alfred Vose was born in Bedford, N. H., August 10, 1812, He moved to this town from Bedford, at the same time of his father; was reared and continued to live on the place purchased by his father, up to the time of his death, which occurred September 20, 1883. Lucius Emmons was born in Hartland, Hartford county. Conn., April 31, 1 8 ID. In early life he worked on a farm, later did office work, and then started out as a peddler, to what was then called the West (New York state). He came to Spencer to live in the spring of 1839, and married Nancy, daughter of Roger Vose, July 4, 1839. They removed to Candor, thence to Simsbury, Conn., in the fall of 1841, and thence back to Spencer, in the spring of 1844, where he remained until his death. He imme- diately started in the mercantile business on a small scale, and being a peddler himself, he soon formed the idea of sending out peddlers, which he did on a large scale, and for many years car- ried on a large business in general merchandise. He was taken sick in 1856 with a complication of diseases, from which he had nearly recovered at the time of his death, which occurred March 19, 1864. Lucius Edward Emmons, son of Lucius and Nancy Emmons, was born at Spencer, August 23, 1846. He attended school at the Spencer academy, and at the age of nineteen years commenced work on his father's farm. At the age of twenty-one years, Au- gust 23, 1867, he became a partner with his elder brother, A. S. Emmons, as dealers in general merchandise, under the firm name of Emmons Brothers, succeeding the firm of Mrs. L. Emmons & Son. September 15, 1872, he was married to Cornelia M. Hull, daughter of Eben Hull, of Spencer. On a spot made vacant by a large fire, and owned by said firm, they erected, in the fall of 1876 and succeeding winter, a three-story brick drug store, and TOWN OF SPENCER. 453. after the loss of their wopdeij structure (general store), on the opposite corner, they erected, in 1878, a large store of brick to carry on the same business. On April 23, 18,80, the firm purchased of Dr. William H. Gregg, of Elmira, the formulas for and ex- clusive right to manufacture Electro- Silicon liniment, also Dr. Shorey's Investigator remedies, which medicine business they conducted under the name of the Electro-Silicon Liniment Co. On September i, 1886, the firm of Emmons Brothers was dis- solved by mutual consent, and by the expiration of the contract; L. E. Emmons continuing the drug business in the same store before used for that purpose. H,is children are Charlie Hull Emmons, aged eleven years ; Freddie Earl Emmons, aged seven years, and Jessie Nell Emmons, aged six years. • Myron B. Ferris was born in Spencer, April 22, 1835, son of Joshua H. and Louisa (Fisher) Ferris., He studied in the Spencer Academy, and graduated from the Ithaca High School in 1849, He soon after began the mercantile business in Spencer, and continued in the same about twenty years, and upon the estab- lishment of the bank here he became its assistant cashier, a position he still holds, Mr. Ferris has represented the town in the board of supervisors four years in succession, and represented his county in the legislature of 1873. Mr. Ferris married Han- nah M. Cooper, daughter of Jessie B. Cooper, in 1853, and has three children/ Nathan B., Stella L., and F. Harry. The comparative growth of the town may be seen by the fol- lowing citation from the several census enumerations since its- organization : 1810,3,128; 1820,1,252; .1825,975; 1830,1,278; 1835,1,407; 1845-1.682; 1850, 1782; 1855,1,805; 1860,1,881; 1865, 1,757 ; 1870, 1,863; 1875, 1,884; 1880, 2,382. Organization. — At a town-qneeting held at the inn of Jacobus- Schenichs, Tuesday, April I, 1806, the following named officers- -were elected : Joel Smith, supervisor ; Joshua Ferris, town clerk ; Edmond Hobart, Daniel K. Bacon, Levi, Slater, assessors; Moses Read, Beajamin Jennings, Joseph Barker, commissioners of high- ways;, Lewis Beers, Samuel Westbrook, overseers of the poor; Isaiah Chambers, collector; John Shoemaker, Nathan Beers, William Cunan, John Murphy, aqd Isaiah Chambers, constables ; John F. Bacon, Jp-hn, McQuigg, John Mulks, Jacob Swartwood, poundmasters ; John I. Speed, John English, Joseph L. Horton, Jacob Herinton, Alexander Ennes, and Lewis Beardslee, fence- viewers. 454 TOWN OF SPENCER. The history of Spencer as the county-seat, the history of its railroads and newspaper, has already been given, in the general history of the county, in the earlier pages of this work. BUSINESS CENTERS. Spencer VIllage is located on Catatonk creek, west of the •center of the town, and on the G. 1. & S. and the E. C, & N. rail- j-oads. From i8 12 to 1821, it was the county-seat of Tioga county. It contains three churches, the old camping-ground of the Wyo- ming Conference, one union school or academy, six dry-goods ^nd grocery-stores, two hardware-stores,, two drug-stores, one -agricultural store, two hotels, one livery-stable, one steam saw .and grist-mill, one planing-mill, one plaster-mill, one marble-fac- tory, eight blacksniith-shops, three wagon shops, two cabinet- -shops, three millinery-shops, three shoe-shops, two tailor-shops, ■one paint-shop, two harness-shops, one dental office, three doctors' offices, two undertaking establishments, one photograph parlor, one meat-market, one job printing office, about one hundred and sthirty-five dwelling-houses, and seven hundred inhabitants. The busy mills, the large number of neat and cpmmodious private residences, with well-kept grounds attached, and the highly- cultivated fields surrounding the village, attest that the inhabi- tants have not forgotten the thrift, habits of industry, and econ- -omy which characterized their forefathers from Connecticut and Eastern New York. . Spencer Springs, lying three miles northeast of Spencer vil- lage, has valuable springs of sulphur and chalybeate mineral •waters. The surroundings are picturesque, and it has been quite (popular as a resort during the summer months. North Spencer, about three and one-half miles north of Spencer, contains one church (Union), one school-house, a store, about twenty dwelling-houses, and one hundred inhabitants. Cowell's Corners, a hamlet on Catatonk creek, about one ,and one-fourth miles east of Spencer, contains a school-house, a •shoe-shop, two cooper-shops, and about forty inhabitants. The Farmers' and Merchants Bank of Spencer was incorporated in March, [884, with a paid-up capital of $25,000.00. The first officers were M. D. Fisher, president ; O. P. Dimon, vice-presi- dent ; C. P. Masterson, cashier. The present officers are Thomas Brock, president; O. P. Dimon, vice-president; M. D. Fisher, rfiashier; and M. B. Ferris, assistant cashier. TOWN OF SPENCER. 455 Spencer Creamery, S. Alfred Seely Proprietor. — The Spencer •Creamery was established in 1880, .by Hoke & Seely, and is located in the western part of the village, on Liberty street. At present they are manufacturing from the product of 700 cows, and are doubling their capacity yearly. All their equipments are of the latest and most improved patents. They run two DeLaval cream separaters, a steam butter-worker, and all the improved steam-power machinery, which is used in the manufacture of butter. They also manufacture cheese from skimmed milk. There are one hundred hogs and thirty calves fed at the creamery. Beside supplying families with the choicest butter, they ship to New York twice and three times a week. Last year they manu- factured over 60,000 pounds. The creamery is under^the super- intendence of Mr. D. LaMont Georgia. S. A. Seely s Flour and Custom Mill is situated on Mill street^ .near the G., L & S. R. R. depot, and was built in October, 1873, by A. Seely & Bro. It was started with three runs of stones, and did at that time custom work, principally. In 1879, it was reno- vated and enlarged, another run of stones added, and also machin- ery necessary for making the new process flour. In the spring of 1886, it was again enlarged, and machinery added, making it a fulUfledged roller-mill. The capacity of the roller department is seventy-five barrels in twenty-four hours. A specialty is made of buckwheat grinding, according to the new process, manufac- turing flour from 45,000 to 50,000 bushels annually. Three men are employed, with James Silke, superintendent. Mr. Seely's large steam saw-mill, the. largest in the state, has already been spoken of in detail. Brundage's Carriage and Wagon Works. — De Witt C. Brundage came to Spencer when about eighteen years of age, and learned the trade of carriage and wagon making, serving an apprentice- ship of three years with George Rosekrans. He bought the business of Rosekrans and has since run it almost continuously, at the same stand, in Van Etten street. He manufactures wagons, sleighs, and ca/riages, of the most approved styles, and does all kinds of repairing in the neatest and most workmanlike manner. /. T. McMasters Steam Saw-Mill, located on road 53, is operated by a fifty horse-power engine. It has a lumber-saw, lath-mill, wood-saw, and edger, and also a feed-mill, run by the same power. He employs twelve men, and cuts annually 800,000 feet of lumber and 500,000 lath., Samuel Eastham's Saw-Mill, located on road 36, is' operated by 30* 456 TOWN OF SPENCER. water-power, employs twelve men, and cuts from 800,000 to 1,000,- 000 feet of lumber annually. He has also a hay-barn where he presses hay, and ships 1,000 tons annually. Richardson & Campbell's Brick Yard, located on road 43, was established in 1882* The clay is first-class. The firm employs thirty-five hands, and have capacit}' for the manufacture of 3,000,000 brick annually. CHURCHES. The First Congregational Church was organized November 23, 1815, with seven members, as follows: DanielHugg, Achsah Hugg, Urban Palmer, Lucy Palmer, Stephen Dodd, Mary Dodd, and Clarissa Lake. Until the yeai" 1828, the society met in dwelling- houses, school-houses, and the court-house, the pulpit being suppli- ed by missionaries. Rev. Seth Williston was the first missionary, he having been sent out by the Congregationalists of Coilnecticut. Rev. Gardner K. Clark was the first regularly installed pastor. The church edifice was commenced July 3, 1826, and completed two years later. It is of the style usually erected for houses of worship in the country fift)' years ago. It cost $2,500, and has sittings for about 400 people. Recently the building, through the munificence of Mr. Kennedy, has been extensively repaired and embellished. The Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in 1809, by Peter Lott and his wife, Jeremiah Andrews, Esther Dean, Abraham Garey, and Hester Ann Purdy. For many years the society was supplied by circuit preachers of the Oneida Conference, who came once in four weeks. They held meetings in private houses, barns, and school-houses until 1828, when the present church was completed. It cost $2,800, and will seat 450 people. Rev. Morgan Rugar was the first resident pastor. Rev. Loring P. Howard is the present one. This church, too, has recently been exten- sively repaired. The Baptist Church. — Phineas Spalding was the founder of this society, and preached to his brethren as early as 1799. The society was more formally organized by Elder David Jayne, February 11, 1810, and consisted of fifteen members, as follows: Phineas Spalding, Susannah Spalding, John Cowell, Deborah Cowell, Thomas Andrews, Jemima Andrews, Joseph Barker, Phebe Barker, Mehitable Hubbard, William Hugg, Lydia Hugg, Polly Underwood, Benjamin Cowell, Benjamin Castalin, and TOWN OF TIOGA. 457 Ruth Castalin. Its first church was erected about 1830, and located one mile east of the village. The present one was com- pleted in 1853, costing, with the alterations since made,' about $4,000. It is the largest church in the village of Spencer, seats 700 in the audience-room, and 300 in the Sunday-school room. The Union Church at North Spencer was organized, with thirty members, in 1870, and its church edifice, which will seat 275 people, was erected the same year, at a cost of about $1,500. TIOGA originally embraced the boundaries of what is now denominated asthe town of Tioga, together with much othe"" territory, and was distinctively organized into a township by an act of the legislature passed March 22, 1788, erecting the so- called "Old Town of Chemung," which was bounded as follows : " Beginning at the intersection of the partition line between New York State and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the Pennsylvania State line, (west of Elmira) ; and running from said point of intersection due north along said partition line to the distance of two miles north of the Tioga [now Chemung] river; thence with a straight line to the Owego river [creek] ^ at the distance of four miles on a straight line from the conflu- ence thereof with the Susquehanna river ; thence down the Owego [creek] and Susquehanna to the Pennsylvania line ; thence along the same to tl}e place of beginning." It will be seen then, that the northern, eastern and southern boundaries of the Old Town of Chemung were identical with the present like boundaries of the town of Tioga. This territory remained a part of the Old Town of Chemung, until the act of the legislature was passed, February 16, 1791, creating the county of Tioga. By that act, about one-half of this Old Town of Chemung, comprising the easterly half, with some other ter ■ritory on the north, was erected into ^ new town, called Owego, which name it continued to bear until the act of the legislature of April 12, 1813, dividing the counties of the state into towns. Prior to the act of 1813, the territory next immediately east of the Owego creek, or the present town of Owego, was known as the town of Union, until April i, 1800, when, by virtue of an act of the legislature passed March 14, 1800, a new and separate town was formed from the territory next east of the Owego creek, and called the Town of Tioga, which name it also bore until the act of 1813. By the act of April 12, 1813, the names of 458 TOWN OF TIOGA. these two towns, Owego on the west of the Owego creek, Tioga on the east thereof, were exchanged one for the other, as they now are. Each of these towns, however, originally included much other territory than that embraced within their present limits, other towns having been subsequently erected from them. This town (Owego, from 1791-1813; Tioga, from 1813 to the present), originally was bounded on the east by the Owego creek, and a line running from the mouth thereof to the Pennsylvania state line ; on the south, by the Pennsylvania state line ; on 'the west, by the Cayuta creek ; and on the north by the north bounds of the original Tioga county. The town of Spencer, then in- cluding the present town of Candor, was erected out of this town, February 28, 1806, and embraced all of that part of the town lying north of the Old Chemung Township line. So that, as respects the northern boundary of the town, it again became identical with that which it was when the town formed a part of the Old Town of Chemung, and it still is so. The town was again divided, by an act of the legislature passed March 23, 1824, and the towns of Nichols and Barton were erected from it, and the town was territorially reduced to itspresent limits. The south- ern boundary thereof was restored to the Susquehanna river, and in this respect also was again made identical with that which it was when a part of the Old Town of Chemung. The present boundaries of the town are as follows : Easterly, b}' the Owego creek, which separates it from the town of Owego; southerly, by the Susquehanna river, which separates it from the town of Nichols; westerly, by a line drawn from the mouth of Mundy's creek, northerly to the southwest corner of great lot number 171, in the old Chemung township; thence along the line of said lot to the north bounds of the town, or by the town of Barton ; and northerly, by the old Chemung township line, or by the towns of Candor and Spencer. It is the only interior town of the county, that is, the only one which is not bounded by ter- ritory lying without the county. Surface. — Topographically considered, the town of Tioga in- cludes 35,805 acres. Its surface is principally uplands, with small areas of river-bed flats. The soil in the valleys and on the river-beds is a dark. loam, and on the uplands a gravel loam. Its chief water-courses are Pipe and Catatonk creeks. There are, however, several other smaller streams, which empty either into these creeks, or into the Susquehanna river. Pipe creek is made up of two bi-anches, the northern and the western ; the northern TOWN OF TIOGA. 459 branch rising in the town of Candor, and flowing nearly due south, and the western branch, rising in the town of Barton, and flowing nearly due east, meet in junction at Beaver Meadows, and flowing thence in a southeasterly course, empty into the Susquehanna at Tioga Center, near the center of the southern boundary. It is the real great water-course of the town. The Catatonk creek, entering from the town of Candor, flows in a southeasterly course across the northeast portion of the town, and empties into the Owego creek, midway of the eastern boundary of the town, and about two miles from the Susque- hanna river. The chief pursuit of the inhabitants of the town now is agri- culture. In former times lumbering was one of thegteat avoca- tions; but the timber has been so nearly cut down and the lands so thoroughly cleared, that there remains at this day, only a vestige of the former extensive industry. Settlement and Growth. — The territory occupied by the old town of Chemung, was surveyed and platted by Clinton, Cantine, and Hathorn. Certificates of location and survey w6re granted in the present town of Tioga, as follows : To Isaac D. Fowler, Jacob Ford, Peter W. Yates, Josiah Richardson, and Thomas Klump, June 23, 1789, 8,000 acres on the river bank, and forming nearly a square now known as " Yates Location," Tioga Centre being in that tract ; Archibald Campbell, same date, 3,000 acres, two islands included, lying north of " Yates Location " on the river-bank, and on Owego creek to confluence of the Catatonk creek ; Thomas Palmer, same date, 3,000 acres, and 418 acres in the south part of the town, west of Smithboro; Jonas Poirs and Benjamin Koles, November 12, 1788, 540 acres where Smithboro now is. and this was assigned to Jesse Smith, February, 1789; ■ Abraham Bancker, November 6, 1788, lot 188, 1,000 acres, assigned to John Ransom, February 28, 1792 ; James and Robert R. Bur- nett. January 15, 1789, lot 204, of 1,360 acres ; Amos Draper and Jonas Williams, November 12, 1788, lot 160, 330 acres; Jesse Miller,,Xhomas Thomas, and Enos Canfield, same date, 2,765 acres ; Samuel' Ransom, same date, lot i62,4ioacres; Nathaniel Goodspeed, same date, lot 163, 430 acres ; Silas Taylor, same date, lot 164, 230 acres; Samuel Ransom, Ebenezer Taylor, Jr., Prince Alden, Jr., Andrew Alden, Christopher Schoonover, and Benjamin Bidlack, same date, lot 165, 1,980 acres, assigned October, 1790, to Samuel Ransom ; Ebenezer Taylor, Jr., William Ransom, Abijah Marks, Samuel Van Gorden, Benoni Taylor, and John Cortright, Novem- 460 TOWN OF TIOGA. eorge Denni- 6, 1788, lot 167, ber 13, 1788, lot 166, 2,400 acres ; James Clinton, G ston, Alexander Deriniston, and others, November ( 3,000 acres, with all islands in Owego river opposite said lot ; and to James Clinton, James Humphrey, William Scjtt, and James Denniston, lot 168, 4,000 acres; Brinton Paine, November 13, 1788, lot 169, 800 acres ; Peter A. Cuddeback, I'eter Cantine, Peter Jansen.^and Elisha Barber, November 6, 178!, lot 172, 4,tio6 acres; William and Egbert De Witt, March 4 1791, a lot of land containing 1,600 acres. It seems to be conceded, generally, that among the earliest pioneers within the limits of the present town of Tioga, were Samuel and William Ransom and Prince and Andrew Alden. Samuel and William Ransom were sons of Samuel Ransom and Esther, his wife. This elder Samuel Ransom was a captain in the Continental army, and was killed July 3, 1778, at the histori- cal massacre of Wyoming. These four persons came up the Susquehanna river, from Wyoming Valley, and made a settle- ment in the town about the year 1785. William Ransom and Andrew Alden settled a short distance south of the mouth of Pipe creek, upon the westerly bank of the river, where they built a log house, supposed to have been the first structure of the kind erected in the town. In his "Centennial History," Hon. W. F. Warner, however, inclines to the opinion that there were transient settlers here earlier, remarking as follows : "The late Judge Avery was clearly in error in stating that there was no settlement of the white race in the county earlier than 1783 or '84. In a journal kept by Lieut. Van Hovenburg, who accompanied Gen. James Clinton in the expedition down the Susquehanna to join Sullivan in 1779, mentions that 'the division marched ten miles from Owego down the river and en- camped at Fitz Gerrel's farm.' This establishes the fact that as early as 1779, there was a settler either in the town of Tioga or Nichols. " In the journal of Daniel Livermore, another officer, is the following entry: ' Saturday, August 21. This morning the troops march early, make but few halts during the day: at 5 p. m. en- camp on the banks of the river, opposite farm, about seventeen miles from Owego.' Another journal described it as 'an abandoned plantation.', " These are sufficient, however, to prove that at a much earlier period than has heretofore been claimed, there were settlers along the river. A settlement was made in the Wyoming Valley in 1769, and doubtless about the same time there were a few in TOWN OF TIOGA. 461 this county, though they may have been forced to leave by rea- son of the disturbed state of the country during the revolution." Samuel Ransom and Prince Alden settled about two miles fur- ther down the river, nearly opposite of Spendley's high bridge over the New York, Lake Erie & Western, and the Southern Central railway tracks. Of the ancestral history of the Alden brothers, nothing is known. Andrew Alden removed to the State of Ohio, about the year 1808, and Prince Alden died about the same year. Samuel Ransom was born September 28, 1759, at Canaan, now Norfolk, Ct.; married, in 1783 or 1784, to Mary Nesbitt, near Plymouth, Pa., and was drowned in the Susque- hanna river, near Tioga Center, by the upsetting of a skiff, about the year 1807. His widow and seven children subsequently moved West, where they died. During his life-time, Samuel Ransom built on his land the first tavern, and the first school- house in the town. The tavern was situate a very few rods east of Spendley's high bridge, upon the highway. It was a log struc- ture, but afterward a framed addition was built on to it. A few years before he died, he became involved financially, and dying, left but little property to his family. William Ransom was born May 26, 1770, at Canaan, now Norfolk, Ct.; married, in 1792, Rachel Brooks, daughter of James and Mary Brooks, at Tioga Center. This was the first marriage in the town of Tioga. Will- iam Ransom died in Tioga Center, January 8, 1822, leaving a widow and ten children, another child of theirs having died in infancy. Nine of the ten children have descendants living. These children of Major William Ransom make up the Tioga branch of the Ransom family, and the following is their genealogical record: Ira, born December 4, 1792; married. January 22, 1814, Sarah Forman, at Nichols, N. Y.T and died June i, 1848, at Wysox, Pa. Sybil, born August 14, 1794; married, February i, 1816, Henry Light, at Smithboro, and died there April 15, 1877. David, boi:n October 14, 1796; died unmarried, May 9, 1827, at Philadelphia, Pa. Benjamin, born September 26, 1799; married, July 7, 1821, Lucy Frost, at Tioga Center, and died there, January 18, 1830. William, born April 9, 1801 ; married, September 14, 1831, Ange- line Martin, at Owego, and died at Tioga Center, February 7, 1883. Rachel, born August 23, 1803; married, January 23, 1823, David Wallis, at Tioga Center, and is still living upon the Wallis homestead, in the town of Tioga. Charles, born September 19, 1805 ; married, October 2, 1832, Hope Maria Talcott, at Owego, and died August 12, i860, at Tioga Center. Printice, born Sep- 462 TOWN OF TIOGA. tember 17, 1807; married, October 19, 1830, Fanny Thurston, at Owego, and is still living, at Iowa City, la. Harriet, born August 15, 1809; married, May 19, 1840, Asa Guildersleeve Jack- son, at Tioga Center, and died there, June 4, 1847. Charlotte^ born April 13, 181 1 ; died, June 26, 181 1, at Tioga Center. Mary Johnson, born November 24, 1812; married, January 29, 1833, Gilbert Strang, at Tioga Center, and died there, June 9, 1872. ^ The next advent of settlers appears to have been Lodowyck Light, Jesse Miller, the elder, and Enos Canfield, virho came from the vicinity of Bedford, Westchester county, and located upon a tract of five hundred acres, known as the " Light & Miller Location," next west of where Samuel Ransom located, extending southwesterly well toward the village of Smithboro, They came on, made clearings and built their houses in about the year 1787, and brought on their families about the year 1790. Lodowyck Light first built a small cabin, upon a small knoll nearly directly across the road from the residence of the late Henry G. Light, and soon afterwards built his log house near the site of the latter, near the old well thereon, where he lived until his death, August 26, 1830, being a month and four days past seventy-eight years of age. His wife, Martha, died September 28, 1842, four months and four days past eighty-siig years of age. The remains of these venerable pioneers lie buried in the old burying-ground, upon the top of the hill, about one mile east of Smithboro village. This old burying-ground is now in a sorry state of dilapidation, and its condition ought to be im- proved at once for the sake of its preservation. This is also the site of the first meeting- house in the town of Tioga, built in 18 12, by the Methodist and Baptist denominations. It was destroyed by lightning in the summer of 1826 ; and there are those who are so irreverent as to say that, it was the meet judgment of the w-rath of God, because of the intensity of the denominational jealousies and unchristian differences between the two church organizations. Lodowyck Light was a prominent citizen, and took an active part in the political affairs of his day. Jesse Miller, the elder, built his log cabin upon the site of the old Miller homestead, very near where Thomas Watkins now lives, a few rods east of the residence of Amos Canfield. His wife's name was Kesiah, and they had four sons — Jesse, Jr.,. Ezra, Ziba and Amos; and several daughters, among whom were Jerusha, Lucy and Polly. Jesse Miller, Sr., died April 9, 1812, at the age of sixty-four years. Jesse Miller, Jr.. removed West, TOWN OF TIOGA. 463; and died there. Ezra, Ziba and Amos spent their lives in the town of Tioga, where they died, all of them leaving descendants, among the most venerable of whom is Mrs. Lucy Brooks,, daughter of Amos Miller, and widow of Benjamin V. Brooks. She now lives with her children in Owego village, and has passed the very ripe age of eighty four years. The wife of Amos Miller was Polly Jayne, daughter of the Rev. David Jayne, who was the first preacher of the town, and who is said to have begun his- ministerial work here as early at least as 1795. Enos Canfield settled and built a log house near the present residence of Amos Canfield, his son, and lived there until he died,. December 14, 1822, aged fifty five vears, ten months and seven- teen days. His wife was Polly (Robinson) Canfield, Snd sh^ died May 7, 1849, ^t the ripe age of eighty-three years, ten months- and nine days. Enos Canfield was a promient citizen, and took an active part in the church affairs of his day, being a staunch ad- herent of the Baptist orthodox faith. There were fourteen chil- dren born to this couple, of whom Amos Canfield still survives, and was eighty-eight years of age in March, 1887. The latter married Ellen Knapp, and the fruit of their marriage has beeru nine children, now living. Ezra Smith also immigrated into this town from Westchester county, about the year 1791, and settled at the point where the village of Smithboro is. The land in that vicinity had been granted by the state to Poirs & Koles prior to that time, and bj them assigned to Jesse Smith, a brother of Ezra. Ezra Smith kept the tavern situate near where the store building of Walter C. Randall now stands. He removed to the town of Candor,, about the year 1809, and was succeeded by Isaac Boardman. Colonel David Pixley was a pioneer, who had made exploring- and surveying expeditions through this country, in the interest of the proprietors of the Boston Purchase, and finally settled in this- town, just south of the Owego creek, on what is called the Camp- bell location. He built his log house near where Ephraim Good- rich now resides, and a portion of the old structure is still stand- ing. In 1802, he sold his property in this town to Noah and Eliakim Goodrich, and removed to Owego. A more extended sketch of Colonel Pixley will be found in the history of the town of Owego. Dr. Samuel Tinkham settled in the town.about the same time as Colonel Pixfey, on the place now owned by A. J. Goodrich. He was a physician, and married Colonel Pixley's sister, Polly. 464 TOWN OF TIOGA. Abner Turner, of New Hampshire, who also accompanied Col. Pixley upon his exploring expeditions in the interest of the pro- prietors of the Boston Purchase, settled near the east line of the town, and opened a tavern. He died upon his homestead in this town. Another notable family of early settlers was the Brooks family. Three brothers, James, John, and Cornelius, it is stated, their father having died in the old country, emmigrated from Dublin to this country. Their widowed mother died upon the voyage, and was burie^ at sea. John and Cornelius s'ettled, one in Massa- chusetts, the other in New Jersey. James Brooks married Polly Johnson, in New Jersey, and settled in this town in 179T, on the old Brooks homestead, upon the corner opposite where the Inde- pendent Order of Good Templers' lodge building now is, in Tioga Center, near the house owned by Jerome Schoonover. The exact locality is marked by the old Brook's well, at that point. James Brooks died in 18 10, and had five sons, — Cornelius, David. John, Benjamin, and James, Jr. Cornelius took up his location and built a log house in the orchard between the Susquehanna river and the railways, opposite the blackwalnut tree, just west of the present residence of Theodore Horton. He subsequently moved West, and died at Olean, N. Y. David Brooks married Susan Allen, and lived in a log house upon the bank of the Sus- quehanna river, opposite the present residence of James Higbee, near the DuBois hay barn. He subsequently removed to Michi- gan, where he died. John Brooks built a tavern near the well, by the present residence of Samuel Kuykendall, which he kept for a few years, and then removed to Cincinnati, O. James Brooks married Amy, daughter of Lodowyck Light, and for a while lived in a house near the residence of Judson Gardner, at Tioga Center, having taken up twenty-five acres of land there. He afterward enlisted in the war of 1812, and was killed while in the service. His widow. Amy, subsequently built a framed house upon the top of the hill, immediately west of the residence of the late Henry G. Light, and lived there. Three children were born of this marriage, Chloe, Benjamin Van Campen, and Patty. In "1820, Chloe Brooks married John H. Yontz, who came into this vicinity from Virginia, about 1818, and for a long time was a prominent citizen of l^mithboro and Tioga Centre. He die€ in 1875. His widow is still living at Smithboro, and is now eighty- six years of age, with mental vigor unimpaired. TOWN OF TIOGA. 465 Benjamin V. Brooks married Lucy, daughter of Amos Miller, as has been stated before, and was for a long time a leading and prominent citizen of Smithboro, engaged in the industrial pur- suits of farming and lumbering. He died December 27, 1873, at Owego, leaving his widow, and the following children : Horace Agard, Mrs. E. A. B. Mitchell, Chester, Mandana, and Chloe M. Benjamin Brooks, son of James, married Patty Stowe, and lived in a double log house on the original Brooks homestead, at the old well, near the house now owned by Jerome Schoonover, as aforesaid. Four children survived him, of whom Ira and James are dead, and Mary Ives, living in Illinois, and Conelius Brooks, living at Tioga Centre, at the ripe old age of seventy-seven years. Francis Gragg also immigrated into this town at S date uncer- tain, but supposed to be prior to 1800. He came originally from Schomokin Creek, Pa. His wife, Margaret, came with him. They moved into the old tavern built by John Brooks, upon the site of the residence of Samuel Kuykendall, and lived there until 1 8 19, when they moved into an old house which stood almost ex- actly upon the site of the present house of Charles C. Van Nor- stran, where he lived the rest of his live. Margaret Gragg died July 26, 1824, and Francis died April 15, 1854. They are buried in the Van Norstran vault, about one mile west of Tioga Centre. They had only one child, Sally, who married John Van Nor- stran. Mr. Van Norstran also originally came from Shamokin Creek, Pa., and July 20, 1819, he moved into the Brooks-Gragg tavern, and was the proprietor of it until he died, June 6, 1837. Sally, his wife, died December 30, 1873. Eight children were born of this union, of whom John, Silas, Frank, Margaret, and William, are dead: and James, Charles C, and Mrs. Eliza Coburn (widow of Charles R. Coburn), are living. Joel Farnham, who was a native of Wyoming and there at the time of the famous Indian massacre, located upon the old Farn- ham homj^Kead, off road 12, about the year 1794, and died here August 15, i858,agedovereighty-four years. His wife, Ruth, died August 30, 1862, aged eighty-five years. None of their ten chil- dren are now living. His son, Frederick A., born February 26, 1818, married Agnes L. Barclay, who bore him five children, Joel S., Alice L. (Mrs. George H. Day), Elisha W., Herbert A. and May E. Mr. Farnham died February 21, 1887, and his widbw still occupies the old homestead. George A. Farnham, the eldest grandson of Joel, Sr., and son of Sylvester, now resides on road 12. 466 TOWN OF TIOGA. Jeremiah White settled about 1794, on the place afterwards owned by Elizur Wright, Abel Stafford, and subsequently by John Dubois. He was a good mechanic, and was the first hus- band of Mrs. Whitaker, who was taken captive at Wyoming in 1778, when twelve years of age, carried to Canada, kept two years, then released and sent home. He removed to Catatonk Creek, and died suddenly, in 1805, from injuries received in a mill. William Taylor accompanied James McMaster to Owego, in 1785, as a bound boy. After planting and securing a crop of corn, thev returned to their headquarters on the Mohawk. Jacob Catlin, son of Nathaniel Catlin, said he-used to hear Amos Dra- per tell of McMaster's raising corn and the Indians watchingand caring for it in his absence, and who, at the harvesting of the same, received from him a share of the crop. He cut dead pines on the bank of the creek, felled them into the water, bound them together with withes, forming a raft, on which he put his corn and floated it down the rfver to Wilkesbarre to mill. Mr. Taylor did not return to Owego until 1793, and soon after came to this town and occupied the Henry Young farm. In 1800, he made arrangements to sell his property, and in 1801, removed to Can- dor, and died in 1849, aged eighty -two years. Nathaniel came from Orange county in 1800, and decided to purchase the farm of William Taylor, and in 1801 brought his family and com- pleted the purchase. Daniel Mersereau emigrated from Staten Island, in 1794, and settled where Brindley Wallace now lives. He was impressed by the English, taken on board a vessel, and kept several days, but by interference of friends was released. He died in 1848, aged eighty-six years. Cornelius Taylor settled here in 1794, and was from Plymouth, Wyoming — sold part of his farm to Mersereau. He died in 1848, aged seventy seven years. l~ Jonathan Catlin was an early settler at what is known as Goodrich Settlement. Five of his six sons located, in 1820, at what is still known as Catlin Hill, viz.: Stephen, Jonathan, Joseph, James and Nathaniel. Nathaniel, born September 4, 1787, mar- ried EUeanor Van Riper, March 22, 1829, who bore him ten children. Mrs. Catlin died September 16, 1856, and Mr. Catlin married for his second wife Mrs. Mary J. Wolverton, who bore him two children, and still survives him. Mr. Catlin died Octo- ber 31, 1866. Ten of the children are living, viz.: George, TOWN OF TIOGA. 4O7 Sarah (Mrs. Herman N. Goodrich), Charles M., Frederick H., Frank K., Andrew R., Nathaniel R., Chauncey R , William and Lavern. Joseph married three times and had born to him fifteen children. He died February 17, 1885. Stephen married twice, Chloe Higgins and Betsey Decker, respectively, had a family of seven children. Jonathan married Patty Spencer, and had a family of six children. James married Mary Heacock, who bore him eight children. Noah Goodrich, from Connecticut, with his family, in 1802, located in what is known as Goodrich Settlement. He was born August 30, 1764, and died July 19, 1834. He married twice, and reared a family of five children: All his four sons, Erastus, Aner, Norman and Ephraim, located in this vicinity, spending their lives here, and of whom Ephraim is still living. Aner was born September 30, 1789, and married, January 19, 1815, Ruth Strat- tpn, vvho bore him four children, two of whom, Andrew J. and Emily N. (Mrs. L. Truman), are living. The former was born October 18, 1827. Aner's children were John, born December S, 1830, and died July 20, 1876; one, who died in infancy ; Emily N., born December 30, 1817. Norman Goodrich, son of Noah, was born December 30, 1792.' He married Eliza True, in 1822, who bore him eight children, viz.: Noah, born April 5, 1823; Herman N., born October 11, 1824, married Sarah E. Catlin, had one son, Charles T., and died in November, 1.874; Mary L., born August 20, 1826; RhodaA. (Mrs. B. C. Stiles), born May 29, 1828, married October 23, 1849, and her children are Fred H., Mary E. (Mrs. Stephen Goodrich), Sarah A., Helen G. (Mrs. William Millrea), and George B. (Mr. Stiles died February 27, 1882); Mortimer N. and Malvina, twins, died in infancy; Abner T., born March 23, 1830, died September 12, 1853 ; and Jairus T., born November 18, 1838, married Alice Smith, Mav 8, 1884. Noah, son of Norman, married Charlotte R. Lane, May 15, 1845, who has borne him five children, three of whom are living, — Hiram E., born December 31, 1847, Jennie E. (Mrs. F. C. Steele), born August 29, 1849, and Ella J. (Mrs. W. Luce), born December 30, 1859. Ephraim Goodrich, son of Noah, Sr., was born October 31, 1815; married Hannah B., daughter of George C. Horton, who has borne him two children, Ruth A., born May 22, 1844, died December 26, 1878, and Charles E., born October 7, 1850, mar- ried Mary E. Raymond, June 10, 1874, and died March 3, 1882. Eliakim Goodrich came to Tioga with his cousin Noah, in 1802. 468 TOWN OF TIOGA. He married Sarah Leland, in 1781, and had a family of twelve children, as follows : Ansel, born in 1782, married Mary Strick- land, and died in 1819; Ira, born in 1785, married Fear Potter, and died in 1825 ; Cypnon, born in 1786, married Abigail Giles, and died in 1850; Lucy, born in 1788, married Joseph Berry, and died in -^ ; Alanson, born in 1790 ; Silas, born in 1793, married Mary A. Goodrich, and died in 1863 ; Sarah, born in 1795 ; Betsey, born in 1797, married Jonathan Piatt ; Fanny, born in 1799, died young; Jasper, born in 1801, married Betsey Thorn; William, born in 1804, married Mary Fox, and died in 1872 ; and Fanny, born in 1806. Alanson Goodrich, son of Eliakim, was born December 26, 1790, married Mary A Pixley, March i, 1815, who bore himseven children, — Charles P., born September 27, 1816 ; Frederick, born October i, 1818; Harriet D. (Mrs. Sherman Mosher), born June 22. 1821, died November 9, 1877 ; Eunice (Mrs. Horatio Brown), born March 11, 1826, died June 6, 1852; Elizabeth (Mrs. John C. Searls), born March 11, 1826, died January 8, 1856 ; Frances (Mrs. George O. Stroup), born September 24, 1830: George L., born August 22, 1836, married Harriet S. French, April 9, 1863, and resides on the old homestead. Silas Goodrich's children were Augusta J., born in 1829, mar- ried James S. Griffing ; Sarah A., born in 1831 ; James J., born in 1833, died in 1868 ; Ralph, born m 1836, married Jennie Con- net, and second Dora Beebe ; Rachel, born in 1836, died in 1852 ; Mary C, born in 1839, married Gurdon Horton, March 26, 1863 ; Stephen S., born in 1842, married Mary Stiles, and resides on the old homestead, their children being Helen L., Mary F., Ralph H., and an infant. Charles P. Goodrich, son of Alanson, married Harriet Stiles, October i, 1840, who has borne him two children, Edgar and Mary. Jonathan C. Latimer is the great-grandson of Colonel Jona- than Latimer, who, soon after the revolutionar}'^ war closed, in which he served as a colonel, moved from New London, Conn., his ancestral home for over a century, to the now state of Tenn- esee. Jonathan Latimer, the father of Jonathan C. Latimer, in 1831, when twenty-eight years of age, moved to Illinois and set- tled at Abingdon, Knox county, where he became a prominent and successful business man, accumulating a large estate, and commanding the love and respect of the entire community. Jona- than C, Latimer was born at Abingdon, Knox county, the young. TOWN OF TIOGA. 469 est child of a family of ten. His early years were spent on his father's farm, and he was trained to take part in the manual labor incident to a farmer's life ; enjoying however all the advantages' of a liberal education. In 1862, while a student at Knox College, he enlisted for a short term of service as a private in Co. E., 71st Regiment Illinois Volunteers, and was in service until his regi- ment was honorably discharged. In 1864, he finished the regu- lar classical course in Knox College, Galesburg, 111., and gradu- ated with the degree of A. B., and in 1867, received from the same institution the honorary degree of A. M. During the year of 1865 and 1866, he com-pleted the course of study in the law department of Harvard University, at Cambridge, Mass., and secured from that University the degree of LL.B. 4 Mr. Latimer was admitted to the practice of law in the Supreme court of Illinois, in 1866, and practiced law successfully in Chicago until 1877, when, on account of the illness of his father-in-law, Col. William Ransom, he moved to Tioga Centre, his present place of residence. In 1871, he was married to Angle D. Ransom, daugh- ter of Ira Ransom, and adopted daughter of Col. William Ran- som. They have had three daughters, of whom Angle and Clara are now living, the second daughter, Sally, having died in infancy. The Ransom family are well and favorably known along the Sus.quehanna valley, and noted for strong characteristics, and marked ability. Capt. Samuel Ransom, the great grandfather of Mrs. Latimer, and head of the family, as we have shown, was originally from Connecticut, but early settled in the Wyoming Valley. Col. Ransom was born at Tioga Centre, in 1801, and died there in 1883. He was a man of great executive power, and has left a lasting impress upon his town, being its leading business man, and citizen for many years. He was the promoter of seve- ral business enterprises, and at his death, left a large property to his adopted daughter. Since moving to Tioga Centre, in 1877, Mr. Latimer has thor- oughly identified himself with the interests of the people of Tioga county, and is actively interested in the moral and busi- ness problems coming before the people. He is largly engaged in farming, and lumbering, giving employment to a large number of men. In politics, he is a Republican, and has been three times in succession elected supervisor for his town, which is strongly Democratic. He has served one term as member of the legis- lature, and has received the unanimous nomination from his party, for a second term,, Mr. Latimer is a member of the Methodist 470 TOWN OF TIOGA. ■church, and has been superintendent of the church Sunday school of his place for many years. John DuBois came shortly subsequent to 1800, and built the house which is still standing, a short distance east of the resi- ■dence of Jesse Carpenter, one mile west of Tioga Centre. He owned a large tract of land, consisting of several hundred acres, where he settled. He was a prominent business man and left a large family of children, among whom were: John, Jr., Joseph, Ezekiel, and Abel. John DuBois, Jr., was the wealthiest man Tioga county has produced. He was born at Tioga Centre, and remained there until some time after he had attained his majority, -when he removed to Pennsylvania, to engage in the lumber busi- ness. He owned large tracts of timber land in the neighborhood of DuBois city, Pa., which he founded, and where he had a large mumber of saw-mills. He had a large lumber yard at Wilhams- port, Pa. He was one of the largest and wealthiest dealers in lumber in the State of Pennsylvania. He died in 1886, leaving a fortune estimated at several million dollars to his nephew and namesake, John DuBois, son of Ezekiel DuBoise, of Tioga -Centre. Frederick Castle, and his nephew, John Castle, came shortly ^subsequent to 1800, and settled midway between Tioga Centre and Smithboro, where they owned a large tract of land. One of ■them built a tavern, which stood until 1878, when it was burned. It was known for many j ears as Spendley's broom shop. A family named Saltmarsh came about the same time and set- tled in the same neighborhood. Henry Primrose came shortly subsequent to 1800, and settled a few miles north of Smithboro, near the Barton line. Jacob Crator came about the same time and settled in the same neighborhood, building the small red house, still standing, across the road from Peter Johnson's house. Dr. David Earll was educated as a physician and prac- ticed medicine a number of years. He has since resided upon his farm at Tioga Centre. He was also a merchant a short time. He has been for many years one of the prominent Democrats in the town. Has been justice of the peace, supervisor, county superin- tendent of the poor, 1882-85, member of assembly, 1859 and i860. He married a daughter of Benjamin Ransoip. Children : Lucy, Alice, Nellie, Edna, David. John Gilbert Smith was for many years a prominent business I (man of the town. He operated an extensive saw-mill at Tioga "k TOWN OF TIOGA. 471 Centre. He was a prominent and active Democrat. He died in 1885. His only child, a daughter, married John E. Pembleton. Josiah Stowell came to Smithboro about 1835, and erected a saw-mill which he operated several years. He also erected a hotel and a store, and was a promineat business man. Children : Delos, Calvin, and Cornell S. Hon. Charles Rittenhouse Coburn, LL.D., wa%a son of Sarah, daughter of the celebrated Rev. Enoch Pond. He was' born in Bradford county. Pa.; commenced teaching school at a very early age ; was principal of the Owego Academy, and afterward •of the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, at Towanda, Pa. He was president of the New York State Teachers' i^sociation, county superintendent of schools of Bradford county, Pa., state superintendent of the common schools of Pennsylvania, 1863-66. He married Eliza VanNostrand. He died about 1870, at Nichols. His widow is still living, at Tioga Centre. Children : Frank, a lawyer, Sarah, who married Capt. James Hillyer, and Charles Sidney, of Tioga Centre. Ambrose P. Eaton, one of the oldest residents of Smithboro, ■was born in the town of tfnion, Broome county, June 4, 1826, and came to Smithboro in the spring of 1849. ^^ studied law in the office of Judge Charles E. Parker, of Owego, was admitted to the bar in December, 1868, at Binghamton, and since that time he has acquired quite an extensive practice, and has always been considered as a careful, trusty lawyer, a man of good judgment, and in the trial of cases has been very. successful. In the fall of 1885, he formed a partnership with Hon. A. G. Allen, and moved his office to Waverly. He continued in partnership with Judge Allen until the summer of 1886, when the co-partnership was dis- solved by mutual consent, Mr. Eaton opening an office and con- tinuing the business in Waverly, where he has a large and growing practice. Mr. Eaton was postmaster of this village for several years, a member of the school board, and an active, earn- est worker in the same, rendering valuable assistance in the erection of the school building, etc. Mr. Eaton is a man of strong convictions, will uphold what he thinks right, and condemn what he considers wrong, regardless of what others may say about it. For many years he has been a member of the Episcopal church here, and was for several years warden of Emmanuel church, of this place. He was an active, earnest worker in the church, con- tributing liberajly to its support, and rendering it valuable ser- 31* 472 TOWN OF TIOGA. vices. Mr. Eaton married March 13, i85i,and has one daughter, wife of James A. Roberts, of Smithboro. William E. Dorwin is one whose life-record affords a striking- illustration of what earnest enterprise may accomplish in pro- ducing "a self-made man." He was born at Marathon, Cort- land county, N. Y., March 18, 1837, where his boyhood and youth were passed, and where he obtained his only educational advantages, afforded by the district school. In 1857, when twenty years of age, he left for the West to begin the trials and strug- gles of manhood alone, as a switchman on the T. P. & W. R. R, in Illinois. In railroad work his time has ever since been passed. From the bottom round he gradually climed the ladder till made superintendent of the same road, a position he held eight years, and the same successively of the Mt. Claire & Greenwood Lakes- railroad of New Jersey two years, and of the Brighton Beach railroad, of Long Island, four years. In 1880, he engaged with the firm of Smith & Ripley, of New York city, to build the Lac- awanna railroad, from Binghamton to Buffalo, and since that time has been extensiveily engaged in railroad building, being: now engaged in building the Chicago, Madison & Northern rail road. In 1883, Mr. Dorwin purchased the famous "Glen Mary" farm, which he has since made his home. Mr. Dorwin is a vet- eran of the late war. having served in Co. B, 3d Ills. Cav., enlist- ing August 16, 1861, as a private, and was mustered out as ist lieutenant. Aside from his railroad work and farm, Mr. Dorwir» is also extensively engaged in milling here, as a member of the firm of Dorwin, Rich & Stone. Although a strong Republican worker, Mr. Dorwin has accepted no political honors. He mar- ried Miss Sarah Longley, of Jacksonville, Ills., in 1867, and has- three children. John Hill came to the town of Tioga, from Pittsfield, Mass., in March, 1793, accompanied by one of his sons. On October 9, the same year, his wife arrived, bringing the remainder of their children, eight in number. The latter party came down the river, a distance of forty miles, in two canoes, and landed opposite where the Ah-wa-ga House now stands, in Owego. Chauncev, a son of John Hill, was born in Pittsfield, Mass., November 19, 1791. For many years he was a pilot on the river, being engaged in that capacity first, when but eighteen years of age. On May 12, 1813, he married Lucy, daughter of Benjamin Sexton, of Granville, Pa. Mrs. Hill was born in Enfield, N. H„ May 3, 1796, 64/7^. J(rvva;tLwvw 5, oCoJlAii^^t/ui^ TOWN OF TIOGA. 473 and is now living in Owego. They had born to them twelve children, namely, Susan, January 13, 1815, married Edward Latbrop; James N., December 14, 1816; Amanda M., August. 5, 1819, wife of James Kenyon ; Lucy, June 12, 1821, married Hiram Ireland, and died January 14, 1853; Sabrina, May 14, 1825; Maryann S., August 25, 1827 ; Sarah, December 4, 1829, died in infancy; Charles F., March 14, 1832 ; Emily, March 2, 1834; Sir William Wallace, May 14, 1836, and Frances A., the two later dying in infancy. Maryann, married Elijah Morehouse, by whom she had six children, viz. : Edward, deceased ; James, of St. Paul, Minn.; Alice, Etta, wife of Irving Diamond ; Hattie, wife of John Gray, of Apalachin,and Charles H. Mr. Morehouse died February 14, 1887, and Mrs. Morehouse died May i, 1887. Emily married John B. Jones, March 14, 1850, by whom she has one daughter, Clara M., who married Edward J. Stout, now of Denver Col. James Garrett was born in 1781. In 1812 he, with his wife Elizabeth, sailed from Belfast, Ireland, and first settled near the High Lands on the Hudson. In 1818 they started for the Wyom- ing Valley, but while passing down the Susquehanna, in the town of Tioga, one of his horses became lame and he settled about three miles north of Smithboro, on the farm now owned by his grandson William H. Johnson, where he lived until his death, which occured in 1871. They had two daughters, Eliza, who married John Y. Smith, and Maria Jane, who married John S. Johnson. Abijah Russell came from Kent, Putnam county, to Tioga, in 1853, and located on the farm now owned by Rev. Ziba Evans. He married Eliza, daughter of Josephas Barrott, of West Newark, by whom he had six children — Van Ness, of Owego, Holmes, of Tioga, Emily, wife of Williston Hunt, of Nichols, Rosalia, wife of Charles Scott, Howard, deceased, and Hetty A., wife of Charles Catlin, of Owego. Emily married first John S. Orcott and has one child, EUaM. Henry Primrose, son of Jacob and Martha (Runyon) Primrose, was born February 4, 1794, and married Mary, daughter of Peter and Eleanor Johnson, October 4, 1815. They had ten children, viz.: William, born Mays, 1817, died June 10, 1840; James, now of Barton, January, 21, 1819; Betsey J., of Tioga Centre, January 6, 1821; Nellie A., October 4, 1822, died October 21, 1822; Orpha W., August 28, 1823 ; Peter J., July i, 1828, now of Washington Territory; Jacob, October i, 1830, now of Menoinee, Mich.; Martha, wife of Thomas Johnson, of Tioga Center, December 7, 474 TOWN OF TIOGA. 1833 ; Mary E., wife of James Williams, of Valejo, Cal., March 4, 1839; ^"<^ Clarissa, wife of Edward McDonald, of Tioga Center, April 13, 1841. Mr. Primrose was a founder of Methodism in the town of Tioga, and a preacher and leader of the people of that denomination. Joseph Winters, the late postmaster at Tioga Center, was born in Orange county, N.Y., April 2, 1820, and came to Tioga in i860, where he remained until his death, recently. Mr. Winters mar- ried Julia A. Carpenter, for his for first wife, and for his second wife her sister, Elizabeth. Of his ten children, Judson B., is of the firm of Hyde & Winters, of Owego : Joseph E., is a practicing physi- cian of New York city ; Edgar, is of the firm of Starkey & Win- ters, of Owego, and Byron L., a law student in New York city. Oren Waterman was born at Smithboro, March 25, 1828, and has always been a resident of the town, except a few years spent in Nichols. His father, James, came to Smithboro with his par- ents, John and Lucretia Waterman, in 1800. Qren married Sarah Wolverton and has five children. Jared Foote, son of Ichabod, was born in Connecticut, Janu- ary 22, 1789, married Sally Scott, April 2, 18 10, and located in Delaware county, N. Y., where all of his seven children wei e born. In 1837 he removed with his family to Tioga, locating at what is known as Goodrich Settlement. His children were as follows : Alfred, born, October 22, 1811, married Margaret Grout, and died in May, 1885; Rebecca, born April 16, 1814, died March 24, 1843; Jared A., born May 11, 1817 ; Sally A., born July 26, 1819, died in 1871 ; Lyman B., born March 24, 1822; Elmira, born May 21, 1825 ; John, born October 11, 1826. Mrs. Jared Foote, Sr., died June 6, 1852, and for his second wife Mr. Foote married Sally A. Stiles, May 3, 1854, who died in the winter of 1886-S7. Mr. Foote died May 6, 1875. Stephen W. Jones, from Stockbridge, Mass., came to Tioga in 1807, locating upon the farm now owned by his grandson, Horace, on road 28. He had a family of six children, only one of whom, Mrs. Sarah Payne, of Waverly, N. Y., is living. Stephen P., the only one of the three sons who located permanently in the vicin- ity, married Fidelia Farnham, who bore him three children, Ste- phen W,, Horace and Charles E. Horace married Rachel Anthony, November 24, 1857, who bore him four children, and died March 14, 1886. The children are Carrie (Mrs. N. B.Whitley), of Tavares, Fla.; George E. of the same place; Minnie, and Grace G. TOWN OF TIOGA. 475 John Whitley, from Vermont, located in the north part of Can- dor, in 1816. He had a family of thirteen children, only one of whom, Mrs. Lydia Brearly, of Caroline Centre, is living. His son, Joel S., who was six years old when his father came to Candor, located in Tioga in 1850, on road thirteen, where he died March 20, i886. He married for his first wife Miss Hoffman, who died in 1843. Fo'' his second wife he married Emily Anderson, in 1844, who survives him. His two children are Arthusa P. (Mrs, Andrew Jewett), of Elmira, and Judson M., of Tioga. Ira Anderson came with his family, from Warren, Rutland county, Vt, in 1810, and located in Candor, upon the farm now occupied by his grandson, Philander. He married Susan An- drews, who bore him seven children, Almira, Polly, Charlotte, Amarilla (Mrs. John Wolverton), of Candor, Johnson, Marshall, and Daniel, Amarilla being the only one now living. Daniel, born March 18, iSoo, married Fidelia Frisbie, who bore him six children, Chester, Mary, Charlotte, Ezra, Frederick and Edwin. Ezra moved to Tioga in 1866, and now resides on road 12. He married Laura Gould, in January, 1866, and has three children. Marshall married Hannah Harris, who bore him eight children, James M., Stephen, Mariette, Albert, Amos, John, Eliza, and Enos. James M. came to Tioga, in 1880, from Candor, and resides on road 12. He married Mary H. Easton and has two children living, Willis D. and John J. Harris Jewett, born at Chenango Forks, N. Y., October 18, 1804, and located in Berkshire in 1830, upon the farm now owned by Walter Jewett. In 1854, he moved to Tioga, locating upon the farm he now occupies, on road 9. Mr. Jewett married Lucinda Ford, September 11, 1832, who bore him five children, three of whom are living, viz.: Charles F., born Occober 2, 1834; William A., born June 20, 1842 ; and Henry M., born October 24, 1850. Mrs. Jewett died July 21, 1868. Lewis Lounsbury, from Connecticut, born February 21, 1794, was the first settler upon the farm now occupied by Mrs. Mary Lounsbury, in 1815. He married Charry Clark, December 12, 1 8 16, who bore him eight children, five of whom are living, two in this town, Clark and Sheldon. Clark married Mary J. How- land, February, 6, 1849, and has two children, Cornelia and Harriet A., teachers. Lewis died January 11, 1861. Lewis, Jr., born December 10, 1820, married Mary Casterline, June 14, 1853, who bore him three children, Anson, John and Amy. Lewis, Jr., died April 24, 1887, and Mrs. Lounsbury occupies the homestead, 476 TOWN OF TIOGA. with her children. Sheldon, son of Lewis, was born November 6, 1837, married Sarah J. Moe, May 8, 1878, and has three chil- dren. He resides on road 61. Jonathan Emerson, from Albany county, N. Y., was the first settler upon the farm now owned by his son David B., about 1822. He married Mary Harlin, who bore him four children, Samuel H., Chester, Mary (Mrs. Alexander Dufi[), and David B. The eldest son, Samuel H., married Sarah Duncan and has three children. Jonathan died October i, 1885, and his widow still survives him. W. Hulse Shaw is One of the prominent farmers in the town. He came here from Orange county, N. Y., a few years ago. He was a soldier in the war of the rebellion, is president of the Tioga County Agricultural Society, was Democratic candidate for member of assembly, in 1885. He is interested in raising valuable live-stock. Maj. Richard Spendley was for many years a prominent and wealthy resident of the town. He was one of the active Repub- licans of the town and county, and was often a delegate to state and other conventions. He was at one time supervisor. He re- moved to Salamanca a few years ago. Henry Bogart was born in Ulster county, April 13, 1830, and came to Tioga in 1865. He married Sarah E. Cook, July 14, 1856, and has four children, Eugene D., Elmer E., Arthur and Earl. We quote the following interesting matter from Judge Avery's "Susquehanna Valley" papers, published in 1853-54: " This town, also, has the honor of having been the place of residence, for many of the later years of his life, of the distin- guished patriot, Josiah Cleaveland, who gained his first laurels in the memorable battle of Bunker Hill. In June, 1843, he re- turned to the scene of his early heroism, and joined in the cele- bration of the completion of the monument which his grateful countrymen had reared : and there, within a few days after the commemoration of that event, surrounded bv all the hallowing associations of the time and place, he resigned his soul into the hands of Him who gave it, by a remarkable and impressive providence, at the foot of the storied hill upon which his fame so proudly rested. His remains repose, in honorable burial, at Mount Auburn. " An Indian burying-ground extended along the brow of the cliff, on the westerly bank of the Owego creek, in this town, upon TOWN OF TIOGA. 477 the homestead premises of Messrs. J. Piatt, and C. F. Johnson. It was a favorite burial place. Mrs. Whitaker narrates that upon the death of Ka-nau kwis, whose name appears upon the Indian ■document, somewhat varied from the one given by her, he was brought to this place. Where he died she does not state, but Mrs. Williams recollects to have heard her father say that he re- ceived his death-wound at Tioga Point. His remains must therefore have beep transported from that place to this favorite spot of interment, a distance of twenty-one miles. Although many Indian graves have been found upon the site of Owego, no indications have been there exhibited of an appropriation so ex- clusive for Indian burial in its ordinary mode, as the extended brow of this cliff. The rounded Indian burial mou»d, near the intersection of Paige and River streets, was formed either by its having been made the place of deposit for a large collection of remains upon their removal from original places of interment, or perhaps by the burial of a number of warriors who may have fallen in battle. It was not an ordinary Indian burial place. " Many Indian graves were also found near the bank of the river, a short distance below Cassel's cove. The remains were found, here, in the usual posture, surrounded by the cus- tomary implements of the chase, and ornaments such as were usually deposited along with the body which they had contri- buted to support and adorn in life. But for this custom of, our Indian predecessors very few of those articles, or of those of their domestic use, would have been now within our reach. The key which they have furnished to a store of Iroquois usages and antiquities, but for that national funeral rite, would have been kept from our hands. " At the time of the pioneer settlement of this town, the evenly- wooded^ hill, sloping southerly upon the homestead of Mr. John Dubois, was found entirely stripped of timber, bearing the ap- pearance of having been burned over and thoroughly cleared. It was shrubless as well as denuded of its trees. The even and remarkably uniform 'second growth' which now covers it, clear- ly shows this to be a fact, and corroborates the account. "About twenty-two years since, in the easterly part of this town, upon the premises known in the olden time as the residence and home property of David Pixley, Jr., situated upon the west- erly side of the Owego creek, something less than half a mile below the homestead of Mr. Ephraim Leach, a singular discovery was made. A large brass kettle was disclosed by the plough. 478 TOWN OF TIOGA. literally filled with articles of various kinds, of ancient appearance and manufacture, and doubtless of no little value to the person who had taken the pains to bury them there. At the time of their deposit that immediate vicinity was thickly wooded, and well selected to avoid observation and escape discovery. Among- other contents was a copper tea kettle, inside of which was found a pewter vessel, filled with untrimmed rifle balls, just as they came from the moulds. The other articles were an old-fashioned and peculiarly shaped hammer, a parcel of pewter plates of two sizes, the smaller ones showing no marks of use, bright, and un- dimmed by corrosion, and upon them the word ' London' plain- ly impressed ; a peculiarly- shaped iron or steel instrument, about six or eight inches in length, pointed, and like the head of an arrow or spear, except that it had a single barb about two inches long, on one side only ; at its other extremity was a socket^, apparently intended for a handle. " This is an enumeration of a part only of the articles there found, but sufficiently complete to start many a conjecture as to their history, the time when they were secreted, whether in the revolutionary era, or anterior or subsequent to it. But, what- ever may be our suppositions upon the subject, they can never take any more satisfactory form than that of mere conjecture. It maybe mentioned, that at many of the earlier councils and treat- ies held by the Iroquois with the agents of the English govern- ment, during our colonial history, presents, similar to the major part of these, were distributed profusely among the natives, for the purpose of conciliating them, individually, and to keep bright the ' covenant-chain' with the confederacy. It would not be at all strange, if some of the Indian occupants of our valley, pre- vious to their fleeing to the frontier upon the approach of Gens. Clinton and Sullivan, adopted this as a mode of secreting these articles from their white invaders, hoping to resume possession of them after their enemies had retired from the Susquehanna, Death or the fortunes of war might have prevented a realization of their hopes ; or, if they returned, the-precise spot where they were secreted, might have been forgotten : and thus these mementos of the past were left to slumber on until accident disclosed them to view." The comparative growth of the town is shown by the following figures, from the census enumerations for the several enumerations since the town was organized: 1810,500; 1820,1,810; 1825,991; TOWN OF TIOGA. 479 1830, 1,411; 1835,1,987; 1845,2,778; 1850,2,839; 1855,3,027; 1860,3,202; 1865,3,094; 1870,3,272; 1875,3,162; 1880,3,192. Initial Events.— T\\Q first log house was built by Major Wm. Ransom, who also built the first saw-mill, about 1792. Major Ransom set out the first apple-tree, bringing it with him in a boat from Wyoming. He set out the first orchard on the west bank of the creek, and had the first nursery. George Tall- cott, when on an exploring tour through the country, in 1790, says this was the first orchard he had seen between here and Albany. Colonel David Pixley built the first grist-mill on Owego creek, in what is called to this day Pixley 's Channel, in or before 1793. Previous to this and until the erection of Fitch's mill, four miles above Binghamton, in 1790, the settlers in this locality were obliged to go to Wilkesbarre with their grain by means of canoes, on the Susquehanna, which usually occupied about two weeks. The Mattesons very soon after 1793 built a mill at Canewana. The first tavern was built of logs, and was kept by Samuel Ransom.- The first framed house was built by Prince Alden. A Mr. Dcnio was the first blacksmith, and had a shop at Tioga Centre. John Hill was the first carpenter. Lodowyck Light built the first tannery, using dug-outs for vats, which was afterwards enlarged as a tannery and shoe-shop by his son, Henry Light. Major William Ransom and Rachel Brooks, in 1792, took upon themselves matrimonial vows, and no record can be found earlier of marriages in the town. The first recorded death is that of David Pixley, who died June 6, 1799, aged thirty-five years, and who was a son of Colonel Pixley. He was buried in the wilderness, and the Tioga cemetery occupies the same locality. The first cemetery was the one called the Canfield cemetery, and is situated near the residence of Amos Canfield. Rev. David Jayne was preaching here before 1796. The first camp-meeting was held on the hill on Lodowyck Light's farm, in 1807, and this hill was afterwards called by the irreverent ones of Pipe Creek, " Holy Hill." The first church was built on this place in 1812, and was a Union church. The first school-house was built on Samuel Ransom's farm, before 1800. The first store was kept by John Light and John Crise, at' Smithboro. 48o TOWN OF TIOGA. A postoffice was^first kept at Smithboro, bv Isaac Boardman, in 1812, and by John DuBois, very soon after, at Tioga Centre. Stephen Leonard, of Owego, had the first mail contract through from Owego to Elmira, and a mail was delivered once a week. Ebenezer Meckin drove the first mail-coach through for Leonard. The first ferry that crossed the Susquehanna river in this town was owned by John Decker and Gideon Cortright, who lived on Coxe's Patent as early as 1800. Organization. — It is impossible to give the exact date of the first town meeting, nor a list of the officers there chosen. The records of the town were taken to Owego in 1834, to be used there to set- tle some point in a law-suit, and were destroyed by a fire that occurred in that village. For this reason we print the following list of officers. The list of supervisors was obtained from the county clerk's office, from 1795 to 18 [3, as from the town of Owego, and from 1813 to 1828 from the town of Tioga. No record can be found from that time until 1835, since which these officers are given complete : Supervisors. 1795. Emmanuel Coryell, 1796. Lodowyck Light, 1797. Samuel Tinkhani, 1798. John Smyth, 1799-1800. Jesse Miller, 1801-3. Joshua Ferris, 1804-9. Emmanuel Coryell, 1 8 10- 1 2. Noah Goodrich,. 1813-17. Gamaliel H. Ba'rstow, 1818-20. Emmanuel Coryell, 1821-23. Wright Dunham, 1824. Ziba Miller, 1825. George Matson, 1826-27. Ephraim Leach, 1828. Erastus Goodrich, 1835-40. Jesse Turner, 1841-43. Erastus Goodrich, 1844. Jesse Turner, 1845. Israel S. Hoyt. 1846- 1848, 1849- 1853- 1854. 1855- 1856. 1857- 1859- i860. 1861. 1862- .1865. 1866- 1871- 1874- 1884- 1887. 47. Jesse Turner, David Taylor, 52. Gilbert Strang, William Ransom, David Taylor, David Earle, Gilbert Strang, -58. Richard Spendley, Harris Jewett, Richard Spendley, Abel Dubois, -64. Gilbert Strang, L. B. West, -70. W. H. Bristol, -73. Josiah Pickering, -83. Stephen W. Leach, -86. Jonathan C. Latimer, Stephen W. Leach. Town Clerks. 1835. Charles 'Ransom, 1836-39. Gilbert Strang, 1840. Robert C. Cole, 1841. Orin Dubois, 1842-47. Gilbert Strang, 1848. Lott P. Luce, TOWN OF TIOGA. 481 1849. Nicholas Schoonover, Jr., 1850-51. Cornelius D. Hoff, 1852. Erastus Hoff. 1853. Forman S. Higbe, 1854. Lott P. Luce, 1855. Elisha D. Ransom, 1856-57. Thos. F. Goodenough, 1858. Gilbert Strang, 1859-77. Moses Chart, 1878., Chauncey J. Goodenough, 1879-87, Moses Chart. Justices of the Peace. David Jayne, Solomon Jones, David Jayne, Erastus Goodrich, Robert C. Cole, Sylvester Knapp, Israel S. Hoyt, Robert C. Cole, Jared Foot, Amos Canfield, Cutler Woodruff, Elijah Cleveland, David Earle, Sylvester Knapp, Stephen W. Leach, Israel S. Hoyt, George L. Light, Stephen W, Leach, David Earle, Joel S. Whitley, Israel S. Hoyt, Edwin H. Schoonover, Joel S Whitley, Francis F. Miller, Israel S. Hoyt, Thomas F. Goodenough, Stephen J. Rider, Cornelius C. Yontz. Luther B. West, John H. Yontz, Noah Goodrich, William C. Randall, John H. Yontz, Noah Goodrich, , Walter C. Randall, Luther B. West, Charles E. Ransom, Noah Goodrich, William J. Drake, William W. Giles, Charles Bonham, Noah Goodrich, William J. Drake, Edgar Taylor, Walter C. Randall, David Earle, Noah Goodrich, Ira Hoyt, Walter C. Randall, Ira Hoyt, David Earle, Noah Goodrich, Deloss Goodenough, Peter Turner, Abner G. Hill. Internal Improvements. — A ferry was used across the river before 1800, by Decker & Cortright, near where Avery Horton lives.' One was started by Caleb Lyons, in 1811, the landing being on the Eli Light farm. A wire ferry was constructed by Col. William Ransom, in 1842. Smithboro & Nichols Bridge Company was incorporated April 18, 1829, and Isaac Boardman, Nehemiah Piatt, and John Coryell were appointed commission- ers. The bridge was soon after built, and in the spring following its erection was washed away. The second was erected March 17, 1865. Three spans were, carried away by the Whitneyville 482 TOWN OF TIOGA. mill in a freshet, and it was repaired the same season. On Octo- ber 20, 1865, the new part was entirely blown down by a heavy gale, and was rebuilt in forty days. March 17, 1868, at eight o'clock, A. M., two spans of the south end were carried away by a span Of the Owego bridge coming down against it. In 1B80, it was again destroyed, and has not been rebuilt. The Erie and the Southern Central railroads run through the town, following the Susquehanna river, having depots at Tioga Centre and Smithbofo. VILLAGES. Tioga Center is a small village of, approximately, four hun- dred inhabitants, situated about mid-way of the southern boundary of the town, at the mouth of Pipe creek. It is a station on the New York, Lake Erie & Western and the Southern Cen- ttal railways. It has two churches, two hotels, a handsome union school building, a tannery, four stores, a postoffice, two blacksmith shops, a steam flouring mill, three steam saw-mills, two shoe shops, a resident physician and a drug store. Tanning has been a thriving industry in Tioga Center since 1869. A tannery was built in 1868, by Ransom, Maxwell & Co. for a sole leather tannery. The firm was dissolved a short time thereafter, Col. William Ransom becoming the owner of the property. In June, 1869, he sold the tannery to J. & P. Quirin, who came from Boston and entirely overhauled it and converted it into an upper-leather tannery, and began the tanning of calf- skins. January 3, 1871, it was destroyed by fire ; but through the progressiveness of the citizens of Tioga Center, the structure was again erected by subscription, and by the first of March, 1871, the tannery was again in full operation. October 31, 1871, one of the boilers in the tannery exploded. The explosion oc- curred in the morning, immediately after the blowing of the seven o'clock whistle. The boiler was hurled through the beam- house, which is 150 feet long, and through the lime-house, into an open area, where it fell, upwards of 300 feet from the arch upon which it was resting. A German, Thersal Van Order, was killed outright. Philip Quirin, one of the proprietors, was so badly injured that he died in a few days, and S. Edware Mills was injured so that he is maimed for life. Several others were injured, more or less seriously. The tannery has a capacity for tanning 300,000 calf skins annually. They are tanned here and TOWN OF TIOGA. 483 transported to Boston and finished and marketed. The firm now' consists of J. G. Quirin & Co. Owing to commercial depression during the past few years, the tannery has not been operated to anything like its fullest capacity as formerly, and during the last year (1887) very little, if any tanning has been attempted by the proprietors. The steam flouring-mill is situate upon Pipe creek, on the site where the first saw-mill was erected, by Major William Ransom, in 1792. It was changed to a grist-mill in 1840, and in 1884 it was changed to a steam flouring-mill. J. C. Latimer's steam saw-mill is located in Tioga Centre, upon the east side of the creek. It was built in 1820, and was a water- power mill until 1873, when it was equipped with steam. It was burned in October, 1879, but was immediately rebuilt.* It also contains a feed-run and a shingle-machine. It has the capacity for sawing 2,000,000 feet of lumber annually. ■ The steam saw-mill of John E. PembletOn is also situate in Tioga Centre, about a half a mile up Pipe creek. It was built in 1834, by J. Schoonover and Andrew Todd, and sold in 1838 to Nealy & Smith, and was subsequently purchased by John G. Smith. It was a waler-power mill until 1872, when it was changed to steam. It has connected with it lath and shingle machines, and' is one of the best equipped mills along Pipe creek. In 1879, Charles H. Tribe erected a steam planing-mill near the Southern Central railway depot, and afterward added to it a sawing department, so that now it is a complete and fully equipped steam saw and planing-mill. The standing timber in the town of Tioga, however, has been so depleted that the lumbering industry of the town is rapidly waning, and beyond doubt a few short years hence saw-mills in Tioga will be among the things of the past. Halsey Valley. — In about 1790, Thomas, Nicholson, a sur- veyor, was employed to make the first partition survey of lands, belonging to the state, lying back from the Susquehanna. He bought 2,000 acres, including what is now known as Halsey Valley. He died in 1792, and a daughter was born to Mrs. Nicholson a short time after his decease, who was the lawful heir to this land. She died at eighteen years of age, and diiring her life this land became known as " Girl's Flat," a name it held for many years. Mrs. Nicholson became the wife of Zephaniah Halsey, whose children inherited the land by title through their mother; hence the name " Halsey Valley." It' was not until 484 TOWN OF TIOGA. about 1825 that these lands began to be sold and settled upon; then six hundred acres were sold to Seely Brothers, afterwards to Joseph West and Brother ; four hundred to Fresher Skillings, Van Nortunk, and others. The village is situated in the north- west part of the town, and partly in the town of Barton, and contains two churches, — Christian and Methodist; the latter being in Barton,— a school-house, a postoffice, three stores, two blacksmith-shops, two cooper-shops, and two physicians. Luther B. West has long been a merchant here, and one of the most prominent of the section. It must ever be a pleasure to con- template the life of a self-made man,— one who, by strict adher- ence to a well defined plan of action, converts adverse circum- stances into successful and honorable results. Such, in brief, is that of Mr. West. His parents, Joseph and Sally (Bliven) West, whose ancestors were active participants in the revolutionary war, emigrated from Fort Ann, Washington county, N. Y., to Spencer, bringing their effects in a large covered wagon, which was drawn by two yoke of oxen and one horse, at a speed of about fifteen miles each day, through the then wilderness country, camping out and sleeping at night in their wagon. Arriving at Spencer in the fall of 1818, they began housekeep- ing in rented rooms, in the court-house, but soon after, a home was made south of the village, upon lands purchased by Mr. West, while he worked at his trade, that of carpenter and joiner. In 1826, he rented of Andrew Purdy, and occupied his tavern and farm in Spencer for ten years, and conducted the business until April, 1836, when he removed to Halsey Valley (then called Girl's Flats), on a tract of land purchased in 1832, of Isaac and Enos Briggs and John D. Seeley, upon which he had made some im- provements while living in Spencer. Here he resided, clearing land, lumbering and farming until March, 1857, when he died, leaving a widow who died in March, 1880, and four children,. viz.: Charles, Luther B., Sarah J., who was the wife of Nicholas Schoonmaker, and Warren B. Luther Bliven West,, the subject of this sketch, was born at Spencer, April 13, i823,andattended the district school until thir- teen years of age, when, by accompanying his father who at this time moved to Girl's Flats — then mostly a wilderness — his educa- tional advantages were ended, excepting a few weeks attendance during the following winter. The pupils of the common schools of to-day may profitably 484 TOWN OF TIOGA. about 1825 that these lands began to be sold and settled upon; then six hundred acres were sold to Seely Brothers, afterwards to Joseph West and Brother ; four hundred to Fresher Skillings, Van Nortunk, and others. The village is situated in the north- west part of the town, and partly in the town of Barton, and contains two churches, — Christian and Methodist ; the latter being in Barton,^a school-house, a postoffice, three stores, two blacksmith-shops, two cooper-shops, and two physicians. Luther B. West has long been a merchant here, and one of the most prominent of the section. It must ever be a pleasure to con- template the life of a self-made man, — one who, by strict adher- ence to a well defined plan of action, converts adverse circum- stances into successful and honorable results. Such, in brief, is that of Mr. West. His parents, Joseph and Sally (Bliven) West, whose ancestors were active participants in the revolutionary war, emigrated from Fort Ann, Washington county, N. Y., to Spencer, bringing their effects in a large covered wagon, which was drawn by two yoke of oxen and one horse, at a speed of about fifteen miles each day, through the then wilderness country, camping out and sleeping at night in their wagon. Arriving at Spencer in the fall of 1818, they began housekeep- ing in rented rooms, in the court-house, but soon after, a home was made south of the village, upon lands purchased by Mr. West, while he worked at his trade, that of carpenter and joiner. In 1826, he rented of Andrew Purdy, and occupied his tavern and farm in Spencer for ten years, and conducted the business until April, 1836, when he removed to Halsey Valley (then called Girl's Flats), on a tract of land purchased in 1832, of Isaac and Enos Briggs and John D. Seeley, upon which he had made some im- provements while living in Spencer. Here he resided, clearing land, lumbering and farming until March, 1857, when he died, leaving a widow who died in March, 1880, and four children.viz.: Charles, Luther B., Sarah J., who was the wife of Nicholas Schoonmaker, and Warren B. Luther Bliven West, the subject of this sketch, was born at Spencer, April 13, 1823, and attended the district school until thir- teen years of age, when, by accompanying his father who at this time moved to Girl's Flats — then mostly a wilderness — his educa- tional advantages were ended, excepting a few weeks attendance during the following winter. The pupils of the common schools of to-day may profitably TOWN OF TIOGA. 485 contrast the educationaladvantagesand collateral accompaniments they enjoy, with those furnished by the " People's College " of a halt century ago. To assist in making the comparison, it may be stated that the architectural features of the Girl's Flats school- house were those common to structures of that class throughout the country, viz. : the building was constructed of rough logs, the spaces between which being filled with mud and sticks, a single section of window sash in each of three sides of the build- mg admitting the light, door, swinging on wooden hinges and was opened by pulling a string attached to a wooden latch. A single slab set upon wooden pegs inserted in two-inch holes, con- stituted a seat — no support being given to the pupil's back. Abundant warmth and ventilation were secured by burning logs four to six feet in length, in a large stone fire place and chim- ney, which logs were usually cut by the boys on Saturday afternoons, for use during the following week. The principal text books in use were Cobb's spelling-book and Daboll's Arith- metic. That nature and the school-master were in league was painfully evident to all, for, from the surrounding forest was obtained a never-ending supply of tough young beeches, which, under the skillful guidance of the latter, demonstrated his superiority, inculcated feelings of av/e if not reverence, main- tained discipline and were practical definitions of thoroughness arid Hberality. Remaining with his father and actively assisting in clearing land and lumbering until the spring of 1844. when, being of legal age, he commenced business for himself bjj^ farming land for a share. On June g, 1844, he married Martha L., daughter of William and Laura Fresher, who were among the first settlers in the Valley, and had to contend for possession with bears, wolves, and panthers that then infested the forest. They raised a large family of children, of whom Mrs. West, the youngest daughter, was born in the town of Barton, June r, 1824. Not satisfied with the results obtained by farming, in the spring of 18465 without other capital than energy, and without practical knowledge of the business, he purchased a small stock of goods and opened a store at Halsey Valley. The country being new and money scarce, trade was conducted mostly for barter in staves, shingles and lumber, the outlet to market being either by canal at Ithaca, a distance of twenty-five miles, or by rafting on the Susquehanna river — eight miles distant — to Fort Deposit and 486 TOWN OF TIOGA. Baltimore, Md. After many hard struggles, a fair business was" established. In 1849, he purchased, and in connection with Eliakim D. Hoyt, put steam-power in a grist and flouring mill, and manufactured flour and sawed shingles in large quantities for market ; also bad a saw-mill, and by purchase placed upon the market lumber made by other mills. In 1854, as the country became better settled and improved, the mercantile branch of the business was enlarged, a new store opened, and his two brothers/ Charles and Warren B., admitted to a partnership that was soon afterward dissolved. For many years after, he conducted alone a large and successful business, which was gradually closed out as more important matters claimed his attention. In 1862, he was elected justice of the peace, and continued in office by re-election for twelve consecutive years, when he declined to serve longer. During this period, he was for several terms elected justice of th« count}' sessions. By special order. No. 528, dated August 15, 1863, issued by the Commander-in-chief, Horatio Seymour, Governor of New' York, he was authorized to raise a regiment of infantry of the National Guard in the county of Tioga, and be commissioned colonel thereof, and immediately began the work. After partly organizing several companies he was obliged to abandon it and resign, b} reason of the severe and protracted illness of his wife. In 1864, he was appointed one of a committee to procure vol- unteers, and financial agent to fill tl'.e quota assigned to the town of Tioga, under the call of the President for troops. To carry- out the work necessitated the issuance of bonds amounting to $10,000.00, which debt was paid the following year, leaving the town free from any bonded debt, such as most adjoining towns were loaded with for years thereafter, and a continual source of annoyance to the tax-payers. The prompt payment of this war debt was largely due to his persistent efforts and advocacy of the principle, that the payment of a debt made when the currency was inflated should not be deferred until the currency became contracted. In this instance, as is too often the case, where individual effort is exerted for the public good, the scheme was" for a time bitterly denounced ; but its merits were soon recog- nized and generally acknowledged. He regards this as his masterpiece in financiering. In 1865, he was elected supervisor of the town of Tioga, and on January 18, 1865, he, with others, organized the Tioga National Bank, at Owego. Being one of the principal stockholders, he TOWN OF TIOGA. 48/ was elected to a directorship, and in February, 1869, to the vice- presidency — to both of which positions he has been annually re-elected to the present time. Besides the enterprises before mentioned, he has been for the past twenty-five years extensively engaged in farming and dairy- ing, and latterly is giving much attention to investments in im- proved farms in Kansas and Nebraska. To promoting the school and other interests of his neighborhood he has given much of his time and attention. Has always been identified with the princi- ples of Democracy, and is a practical temperance man. In 1864, he embraced the cause of religion and united with the Methodist Episcopal church at Halsey Valley. Upwards of forty-two years of uninterrupted enjoyment of mar- ried life had elapsed, when, on November 6, 1886, Death claimed the wife who had witnessed and assisted him in his early strug- gles, and had shared, but too briefly, the fruits of their triumphs over obstacles that would have discouraged others less persever- ing. She was a typical wife, a womanly woman and a mother whose greatest pride was her children, of whom there were five — three daughters and two sons — their births, etc., occurring as ■follows: Olive, July 20, 1847, married Charles O. Wood, Novem- ber 2, 1870, and died August 20, 1872 [ Alice, July 20, 1850, mar- ried Dr. Charles E. HoUenbeck, December 29, 1875 ; Ida, December 31, 1858; Grant M., April 19, 1864; and Norman L., February 16, 1867. Personally, Mr. West is a man of fine physique, somewhat military in his bearing, easily approached, an entertaining con- varsationalist well informed on all general subjects, and an ac- knowledged authority on all matters with which he has business relations. Trained in the rugged school ^of self-education, his judgment of events and men seldom misleads him. Sell-reliant, sagacious, bold yet cautious, practical, methodical, always using experience to sharpen foresight and bver all a marked individual- ism easier recognized than described, are among his prominent traits of character, the judicious exercise of which has brought the abundant prosperity he now enjoys. Life to him seems most enjoyable, and he is seen at his best when absorbed in a business problem. Ira Hoyt was of English descent, his ancestors settling at Danbury, Mass., at an early day. His grandfather, Nathaniel Hoyt, was an officer in the revolutionary army, and settled after the war at "Winchester, Conn. He was a farmer, and reared a 32, 488 TOWN OF TIOGA. large family. He died at the advanced age of eighty-eight years. Ira Hoyt, 2d, was born in Danbury, in 1797. He was twice married; and by his first wife were born to hitn five, by his second wife four, children. He died at the age of sevehty-seVeh, in 1864. Ira, the eldest child of Ira and Anna Hoyl, was born in Litchfield, Conn., September 9, 1821. His boyhood days were passed in attending the common school, and in laboring lipon the farms of his neighborhood, until he was twenty-one years'of age, when he married Miss Helen M. Roberts. The issue of this union was two children : Charles,' who died at the age of five years, and Josephine, who married John Hutchiris. Helen Hoyt died in 1862, aged thirty-five ye^rs. In 1864, Mr. Hoyt filled the vacancy in his home' by introducing therein as his wife Mrs. Hollenbeck, of Barton. In the year 1850, he removed to Tioga county, settling at Halsey Valley, which he has since made his home. Although by. occupation a cooper, he owns a small farm, and engages himself mainly in its care, and in the propa- gation of fish. In the latter enterprise he has been very success- ful, and owns a very fine pond, of which he is justly proud. For many years he has also been engaged in the manufacture of butter /packages, his factory being operated by both steam and water-power, and employing a number of men. Dr. Charles Hollenbeck was born in the town of Barton, a son of Richard and Lydia A. (Hyatt) Hollenbeck, June 4, 1850. He studied in the district schools, at Waverly Institute, at Eastman's Business College at Poughkeepsie, beginning the study of medi- cine at Bellevue Hospital Medical College, graduating in March, 1874. He immediately began practice at Halsey Valley, where he has since been located. The Doctor married Alice West, daughter of Luther B. West, December 29, 1875. Smithboro is a small post village located in the southwestern part of. the town on the Susquehanna river, and on the N. Y. L. E. .& W. and the S. C. railroads. It has a church, a fine school building, several stores, two hotels, mechanic's shops, etc. Ezra Smith, after whom Smithboro was named, and who held letters patent, covering a large tract of land in this vicinity, came irom Bedford, Westchester county, N. Y., in 1791, and settled at Smiithboro, in the house on the corner where Walter C. Ran- dall now resides. He afterward sold his property and kept the Half- Way House, a well known tavern, mid-way between Ithaca and Owego. Isaac S. Broadman bought the property of Ezra TOWN OF TIOGA. 489 Smith, at Smithboro, enlarged the house into a tavern ; this was the first tavern at Smithboro, and he the first tavern keeper. A family named Lyon settled at the ferry a short distance east of Smithboro ; Lyon was the first keeper of the ferry ; his house is still standing, on the west bank of the creek, just back of the house where Mrs. Eli Light resides, to which place it was moved from the middle of the present orchard. A family named Foun- tain settled in the same neighborhood. The Lyon house and the old Broadman tavern, the latter now much altered and improved, are the oldest buildings now standing in the vicinity of Smith- boro. At a later period Wait Smith came from Wyoming, about 1800, and built the house which stood until 1865, where Houston Piatt's house now stands ; Ezekiel Newman came and* built the house where Mrs. Zebulon Bowman now resides ; Benjamin Smith came and built the house where Benjamin Lounsbury, Jr.,. now resides; James Schoonover, , Jr., came and built the house which Amos Lounsbury resided in for several years, and which was recently moved away and mostly torn down to make a place for his new residence ; Mrs. James Brooks, whose husband was a son of James Brooks, of Tioga Centre, who died in the war gf 181 2, built the house which is still standing on Meeting-House Hill, a short distance east of Smithboro. Beriah Mundy came about 1787, and settled where Mundy Schoonover now resides ; his house stood near the present house, but was afterward moved westward, across the creek, into the town of Barton, where it still stands, painted a brown color, and has been occupied for many years by the Barden family. Edward V. Poole, son of Daniel, whose ancestors were the founders of Weymouth, Mass., in 1635J was born April 3, 1826, at Manyunk, a suburb of Philadelphia, Pa. He attended Wyom- ing Seminary, Kingston, Pa., 1849-50. He has been a merchant and business man nearly all his life ; commenced in the lumber business at Beaumont, Pa., but afterward removed to Center Morelarid, Pa. He then removed to Mt. Carmel, 111., where he did a large mercantile and lumbering business. He then returned to Center Moreland, but soon after removed to Smithboro, in. 1865, where he transacted a large mercantile business. He built a large, three-story, double store, which he occupied at Smith- boro, and which was burned. • He has been for many years one of the most successful business men of Tioga county. He mar- ried, September 11, 1850, Susan Carey, daughter of Samuel Carey, Esq., of Centre Moreland, Pa. Their children are Charles 49° TOWN OF TIOGA. F., of Tioga Center; Emily A., deceased; Murry E.,. a law stu- dent and graduate of Cornell University, to whom we are in- "debted for many facts in this sketch of Tioga ; Clara I. (Mrs. Titus Baker); and Laura F. (Mrs. Thomas B. Campbell). Walter Crowley Randall was born October 15, 1828, in the town of Owego. He learned the shoemaker's trade, which he followed a great many years, 1835-65. He married, March i, 1850, Amelia Carnochan. He settled first at Vestal, but soon removed to Campville, where he remained only a short time, and then moved to Smithboro, in 1852, when he was appointed bridge- Sceeper, a position he held until 1883, a period of thirty-one years. He commenced farming in 1865. which he followed three years. He then commenced the mercantile business, which he followed -eight years, then commenced farming again, in 1880, which he still follows. He was chiefly instrumental in founding the mason- ic lodge, at Smithboro, and was its first master, holding that ■office several years, and being frequently sent as representative to the Grand Lodge. He has also been a justice of the peace, at different periods, for sixteen years. Strait's Corners is located on a branch of Pipe creek, on the north line of the town, lying partly in Candor. David Strait, from whom the place derives its name, settled here in 1825. The village contains two churches, — Christian and Baptist; the latter being in the town of Candor, — postoffice, school-house, store and blacksmith-shop. Its postofEce was established in 1853. Goodrich Settlement is located just across Owego creek, the corporation boundary of Owego on the west. Near by is the famous "Glenmary" place, now owned by Colonel Dorwin. This settlement has been the home for longer or shorter periods of N. P. Willis, the poet; Hon. Wheeler H. Bristol, state treas- urer; D. C. McCallum, formerly general superintendent of the Erie railroad ; Dr. Galloway, of the Electropathic Institute, of Philadelphia, Pa.; and Charles F. Johnson. German Settlement is a little hamlet east from Strait's Cor- ners, mostly in the town of Tioga, and was settled b)' Germans in 1830., Leach's Grist Mill, on road 28, -was built by Caleb Leach, in 1806. Mr. Leach was a native of Plymouth, Mass.; early learned the trade of watch-maker; made the first twisted auger in the United States; built the Fairmount water- works, at Philadelphia, and had charge of the Manhattan water-works. When he came here, in 1806, he established a carding-mill and grist-mill. He TOWN OF TIOGA. 49 1 spent his later years in Utica, where he died. The mill descended to Ephraim Leach, father of Stephen W., the present proprietor. It has four runs of stones, and has the capacity for grinding 25,000 bushels per year. Stephen W. Jones' Saw-mill, on road i, was built by James Pumpelly, in 1827, and came into Mr. Jones' possession in 1872. The saw^mill has a circular-saw, and the capacity for sawing 1,000,000 feet per year. The grist-mill has one run of stones, and does custom work. He also does planing, turning, etc. Employs two hands. James R. Willmott's Saw-mill is located on road 28, where he also has a plaster-mill and ice-houSe. CHURCHES. At a very early day religious services were held in dwelling- houses, barns, and school-houses, mostly by circuit preachers of the Methodist denomination, and Baptist ministers. In 1796 the Baptist church of New Bedford was organized with nine mem- (bers, partly from this town. Tioga was afterwards substituted ior New Bedford, and in 1847 it was again changed to the Tioga and Barton Baptist church, the histor}' of which will be found in the town of Barton. The Methodists were numerous, and held iservices in the Light neighborhood. Between April 14, i8o'5, arid the 1st of May, the eccentric Lorenzo Dow preached at Pipe 'Creek, in the house of Apdrew Alden, with whom he stopped, tin the summer of 1807, Bishop Asbury presided at a camp-meet- •jngon the hill, where the Union church was afterwards built. In his " Life " is this statement : "After attending the General Con- ference' at Boston, on the ist of June, 1807, he started for the West by a new route, — that of the Mohawk, ihe Geneva, the »Chemung, and the Susquehanna. Turning south, he passed along the shores of Seneca lake, and down the lovely valley of the "Chemung to the Susquehanna, near Owego. He then descended that river to Wyoming." While here he stopped at the house of Lodowyck Light;. The Asbury camp-meeting grounds of Bar- ton, Tioga, and Nichols charge were located on the same farm. The Union church was built on this hill by both Methodists and Baptists, and used jointly by them until the lines of denomi- :national differences became so tightly drawn they could not agree; which differences were finally settled, as far as the church \vas concerned, in the summer of 1827, when it was struck by light- 492 TOWN OF TIOGA. ning and entirely destroyed. This house; was thirty by forty feet^ with galleries round the entire building, and never finished; the lower portion, however, being lathed and plastered. Methodist Episcopal Church at Smithboro. — November 19, 1832, a meeting was held at the school-house in District No. 4, town of Tioga; to incorporate a society to be called the Methodist Epis- copal Society of Smithboro, John Light, Andrew Bonhani, and Benjamin V. Brooks as trustees. It was voted that the seal to be used by the trustees be the triangle, and a committee was appointed, to build a church. This committee entered into a contract with C. C. Yontz and Willard Cratsley to erect a church for $1,500. January 7, 1835, " It was resolved, that all orthodox societies of any denomination shall have the privilege of preaching at any tinje in the Smithboro church, when unoccupied, but none other, at any time." Its church edifice was erected in 1833. The build- ing was burned May 24, 1887. Rev. Luther Peck is the present pastor. The Methodist Episcopal Church on Ross Hill was organized with- thirty-six members in November, 1870, and its church edifice erected in the same year. Rev. A. B. Eckert was the first pastor ;: Rev. Luther Peck, the present one. Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal Church of Smithboro was organ- ized in 1866, and its church edifice erected in 1874. The first, vestry was composed of the following : wardens, John C. Gray and L. Burr Pearsall ; vestrymen, Gilbert Pearsall, G. O. Chase,. John C. Pearsall, Frederick C. Coryell, W. C. Randall and O. A. Barstow. The first rector was Rev. J. F. Esch ; the first resident- rector \v,as Rev. John Scott, who was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Rodgers, for a short time, when he was succeeded by Rev. Johm A. Bowman, the present rector. Baptist Church of Tioga Centre. — A number of Baptist brethren, members of the Owego Baptist church, living in this section,^ made application to that church to be allowed to act as a branch and receive members, which was granted, and January 13, 1838,- they organized as a branch society at Canfield Corners, in the- town of Nichols. October 13, 1838, they resolved to become a separate body. A council was called, and they were received as- a church, with twent)''-three members. Jan,uary 25, 1840, it was resolved to change the location to- Nichols village. April 11, 1840, eleven members, residents mostly of this town, united by letter from what is*now the Tioga and Barton church. December 12, 1840, Rev. Charles F. Fox was- TOWN OF TIOGA. 493 ■called to the pastorate. October 12, 1844, it was resolvpd to ■change the name to the Baptist Church of Tioga Centre, and ser- vices were held in the school-house in that place. In 1849, the present church was built, at a cost of $2,000. Rev. Mr. Tilden is the present pastor. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Tioga Centre. — The Metho- ■dists of this section had been supplied with ministers from Bar- ton for several years, but were regularly organized October 20, 1870, as a church. In 1872 a house was built, combining elegance -and utility, at a cost of $8,000, and dedicated December 12, 1873. Rev. Mr. Todd is the present pastor. The Christian Church, was organized at Strait's Corners, in 1850, with seventeen members. Rev. B. B. Hurd as pastol'j erected a house in 1855. The Christian Church, at Halsey Valley, was organized in 1847 ; ■erected a meeting-house in 1856, Rpv. A- J- Welton being tlie first pastor. The Methodist Episcopal Church, at German Settlement, was organized by its first pastor. Rev A. W. Loomis, in 1856. The ■church building was erected in 18.70.. The society now has forty jnembers, with Rev. A. Osborne, pastor. PART SECOND DIRECTORY -OP- TIOGjl COUHTY, NEW YOIIK. i887--'88. COMPILED AND PUBLISHED W; B. GAY & CO. PERMANENT OFFICE SYRACUSE. N. Y. " He that hath much to do, will do something wrong, and of that wrong must suffer the consequences ; and if it were possible that he should always act rightly, yet when, such num- bers are to judge of his conduct, the bad will censure and obstruct hira by malevolence, and the good somepmes by mistake." — Samubl Johnson. SYRACUSE, N. Y.: The Stbacusb Jottbnal Compant, Pbintbks and Binders. 1887. TIOGA COUNTY DIRECTORY. IS THE PLACE TO BUY (Joal, ^A/ood, j^amber or ghmgles. SOUTSERN CENTRAL GOAL YARD, 22Q MGMas\,er S\.vqq\., Owego, li. Y. Owego Gruciform Gasket Gompany. Manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of Lumber and Building Material. Planing and Matching, Re-sawing, Scroll Sawing, Bracket Saw- ing, Shaping and Turning of every description. Doors, Sash and Blinds on hand and extra and odd sizes furnished at short notice. French Glass of all sizes kept in stock, and Sash Doors and Windows glazed. Flooring, Ceiling, Siding and Mouldings furnished in any quantity, large or small. SHIN&LES AND LATH, All kinds of lumbqr in the rough or dressed kept constantly on hand. Bee-hive and Honey-box material furnished to order. Lumber taken in exchange for work. Manufacturers of Hall's Celebrated Combined Sheathing and Lath, send for circulars and sample. Also manufacturers of all kinds of fine Cloth Covered Caskets, and dealers in fine finished wood Caskets and Coffins, and all kinds of Agents for Utopia, the " Triumph" Embalming Fluid of the age, and all kinds of Embalmer's Supplies. All orders filled with accuracy and dispatch. Send for illustrated album of styles and price list, and give us a trial. OWEGO CRUCIFORM CASKET CO., OWEG-O, TIOGA CO.. N. Y. Factory and Office, 42, 4 4 aud 46 Delphlno St. SXARKKV & WINTERS, Wholesale and Hetatl Urnggisis, owego. DIRECTORY -OF- TlQGjl COniiTY, NEW YORK. Directory is arranged as follows : — I — Name of individual or firm. 2 — Postoffice address in parenthesis if different from the name of town. 3 — The figures following the letter r indicate the number of the road on which the party resides, and will be found by reference to the map in the back part of this work. Where no road numlier is given the party ns suppossd to reside in the village. 4 — Business or occupation. S — A star(*) placed before a name indicates an advertiser in this work. 6— Figures placed after the occupation of a farmer indicate the number of acres owned or leased 7 — Names in CAPITALS are those who have kindly given their patronage to the work, and without whose aid its pubHcation would have been impossible. ^™ For additional names, changes and (corrections, see EJrrata, ABBREViATiONS.-5-Ab,, above; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bet., between; cqr., corner; E., east; emp., employee; fac. op., factory operative; h., house; manuf., manufacturer; Mfg., manufacturing; N., north; -n., near; opp., opposite; prop., proprietor; reg., registered as applied to livestock; regt., regiment; S., south; -supt., superintendent; W., west. The word street is implied. BARTON. (Postoffice address is Waverly, unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.) Ackerly Nathaniel, clerk L. V. R. R. freight office, h 47 Waverly. , ACKLEY & BAILEY, (P. R. A. and J. B. B.) props. Tioga Hotel, Fulton cor. Elizabeth. ACKLEY PERRIN R., (Ackley & Bailey) h S. Waverly. * For the sake of convenience we print the directory of the incorporated village of Wav- -erly separate from the balance of the town of Barton. ^TARKEX & 'WINXBiCS, promptly fill mall and Telepbone Orders. BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. Akins Jane, dressmaker, ii8 Clark, bds. do. Albertson Charles, milk depot and creamery, h 5 Orange. Albertson Clarence, milk dealer, bds, 5 Orange. Albertson Daniel, retired; h 1 1 Orange. Aldrich Samuel, emp. Novelty Works, h 344 Broad. Aldrich Vernie, emp. Novelty Works, h 344 Broad. >. ALLEN ADOLPHUS G., (Allen & Campbell) also att'y at law, over 203: Broad, h 8 Park Place. >Allen D. Wellington, att'y at law, bds. 8 Park Place. Allen Elizabeth G., widow Peleg, h 33 Waverly. Allen Louis S., clerk, bds. 33 Waverly. Allen William H., resident, h 321 Broad. American House, (A. P. Head, prop.) 260 Broad. Andre Jacob, retired, bds. 19 Chemung. Angell Edward J., market gardener, h 472 Chemung. Angell James E., market gardener 470 Chemung, h do. Angell Mary L., green-house, 472 Chemung. Aplin Eliza, widow James, h 29 Waverly. Atkins William, retired, h 120 Clark. Atwater Dewitt C, livery and boarding stable, Clark, and farmer 200, h 139. Clark. Atwater Lewis D., teller, First National Bank, bds. 139 Clark. Atwood Mary S., widow Rev. William, bds. Pennsylvania ave. Atwood William W., station agent D. L. & W. R. R., h 50 Fulton. BAILEY JOHN B.,(Ackley & Bailey) bds. Tioga Hotel. Baker Mary T. Mrs., millinery, 143 Waverly, h do. Baker Melvin J., carpenter, h 143 Waverly. Baldwin Albert B., boots and shoes, 6 Fulton, h 300 Chemung cor. Fulton. Baldwin Fralncis H., retired, h 300 Chemung. BALDWIN HUGH J,, lumber, also builder and jobber. Broad n. Penn- sylvania ave., h 320 Pennsylvania ave. Ball John M. Rev., retired Baptist clergyman, h. 8 Pine. Barber Clara A., preceptress academy, bds. 1 1 Broad. BARNES & MILLER, (B. D. B. and L. C. M.) groceries and provisions,- 277 Broad. BARNES BENJAMIN D., (Barnes & Miller) bds. Seely's Hotel. Barnes John C, mason, h 10 Elm. Barnum & Personius, (S. D. B. and D. V. P.) seed, hay and grain, 264 Broad.- Barnum Hervey J., printer, bds. 166 Clark. Barnum John W, book-keeper, h 166 Clark. Barnum Lillian, book-keeper, 264 Broad, bds. Bradford. Barnum Smith D., (Barnum & Personius) h Bradford. Barr John, upholsterer, h over 251 Broad. Barr John C, cabinet maker, Elizabeth, h Chemung. Barrington Michael, laborer, h Erie. BARROWS ABRAM H., (Wilcox & Barrows) h 120 Waverly. Barton Alfred, clerk, h Clark. Barton Charles, emp. pipe foundry, h 102 Waverly. Bassett Henry, carpenter, h Orange. Bassett James, clerk, bds. over 226 Broad. Bauer Andrew M., painter, h 30 Broad. Baxter Robert J., machinist, h 12 Providence. Beach Arthur N., telegraph operator, bds. Christie House. BARTON— WAVERLY VILLAGE. Beach Eliza J., physician, 208 Pennsylvania ave., h do. Beams Horace E., crap. Swift & Co., h 28 Clark. Beardslee Edson E., drayman, h 2 Ithaca. JBeardslee Mary Mrs., dressmaker, 2 Ithaca, h do. Beekman Emma, dressmaker, 127 Chemung, bds. do. Beekman Sarah A., widow Isaac, h 127 Chemung. Bell Minor, emp. Novelty Works, h 25 Providence. Belles William, erap. Thatcher & Co., h 427 Chemung. Bellis Jacob, emp. Novelty Works, bds. 1 1 1 Howard. Beman John, hack stable, and prop, transfer line, Clark, bds. Tioga Hotel. Beman Merritt, h Loder, refused to give information. Bennet Stephen, druggist, and sporting goods, Broa,d, h 5 Clark. Bennett Alanson, night watch, h off Lincoln. Bennett Alfred, retired, h 128 Chemung. Bennett Frank, teamster, bds. 17 Providence. ;Bennett Sophia, widow Amos, h rear 32 Fulton. Bentley Abram W., livery, Broad, h 23 do. Bentley John L., liveryman, Broad, bds. 23 do. Berry Ira L., traveling salesman, h 106 Fulton. Betowski W. Leon, merchant tailor, 123 Broad, h 10 Johnson. Bill Mary, widow, h 343 Broad. Bingham Jefferson, grocer, h 337 Broad. Bissett William H., laborer, bds. Lyman ave. Bixby Fred, telegraph operator, bds. 47 Fulton. Bixby Harrison, h 446 Chemung. Blizzard Edward, messenger, bds. 131 Fulton. Blizzard George S., drayman, h 131 Fulton. Blossom Amanda, dressmaker, bds. 16 Chemung. Blossom Jason B., contractor and builder, 16 Chemung, h do. Boda. & Dimmock, (W. H. B. and C. S. D.) meat market, 231 Broad. JBoda William H., (Bqda & Dimpnock) h 32 Pine. -Bodle John D., carpenter, bds. 41 1 Chemung. BOGART HENRY, engineer, h 8 Tioga. -Boggs Charles, porter, Hotel Warford, bds. do. Boggs George, laborer, bds. 401 Chemung. Bonfoey Hubert R., clerk L. V. R. R. freight office, h over 237 Broad. Bonnell Benjamin W., clerk Erie freight office, h 122 Clark. Boorom Chauncey D., carpenter, h Chemung. Borland William, laborer, h 43 Orange. Bostwick Silas W., painter and paper-hanger, Waverly, h do. Botrand Sylvester, brakeman, h 139 Howard. Bowen George Rev., rector Grace Church, h 400 Chemung. JBowen George H., cutter, bds. 400 Chemung. Bowen James, clerk postoffice, bds. 400 Chemung. Bowen Mpty I., clerk, bds. 400 Chemung cor. Waverly. Boyd Harry C, cigar packer, h Fulton. Bradley Julian A., machinist, h 22 Johnson. Bradley William H., resident, h Loder. ^*BRAY JAMES B., editor and prop. Free Press, also job printing, 15 Ful- ton, h 17 do. JBrewster Curtis, variety store, Broad, h 308 Pennsylvania ave. Brewster ElUot S., carpenter, h Fulton. Brewster Harvey C, emp. Erie depot, h 180 Clark. 6 BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. Brewster M. Lewis, emp. Erie R. R., h lo Pine. Brewster Newton C., teacher of penmanship, h E. Waverly. Brewster Rosanna, widow George, h i8o Clark. Briley , widow , milliner over 151 Broad, h do. Bristol, Nathan S., clerk L. V. R. R. freight office, h 108 Waverly. Brockitt George H., brakeman, h Spring. BROOKS CHARLES C, insurance, over 201 Broad, h 106 Pennsylvania.. Brooks Charles E., chief of police, bds. 106 Pennsylvania ave. Brooks Charles W., clerk, h 13 Orange. Brooks Lizzie D., dress and cloak maker, 12 Waverly, h do. Brougham Mary C, resident, h 501 Chemung. BROWN CHARLES E., pianqg, organs and sewing machines, 267 Broad, h 125 Lincoln cor. Hickory. Brown Charles E., emp R. R. shops, Sayre, h Lyman ave. BROWN DOWLINGTON J., tea store, 261 Broad, h 29 Orange. Brown Ella, teacher, bds. 1 1 Broad. Brown Jacob M., clerk, bds. 29 Orange. Brown Merle A. J., clerk, bds. Lincoln cor. Hickory. Brown Orillaj widow Jesse, h 39 Broad. BRUSTER GEORGE C, art and ladies furnishing goods, 232 Broad, h> Pennsylvania ave. Buck Abbie B., widow Josiah T., h 3o6 Chemung. Buck George, resident, h 130 Howard. Buck Michael B., brakeman, bds. Loder. Buckbee Augusta, widow Enos, h 119 Clark. Buckley Nellie, widow Bradford, h 466 Chemung. Buley James D., retired, h 35 Fulton. Buley Joseph M., town collector, and sexton Presbyterian Church, h 11 2- Chemung. Buley Joseph M., Jr., messenger, W. U. Tel. office, bds. 112 Chemung. Buley Judd E., book-keeper for H. J. Baldwin, bds. 35 Fulton. Buley Lewis J. Q., clerk, bds. 112 Chemung. BUNN ALBERT R., boots and shoes, 219 Broad, h 121 Waverly. Bunnell D. Ann, widow William, bds. 43 Waverly. Burgess Lizzie T., teacher, bds. 505 Chemung. Burke Mrs., widow , h Erie. Bush Abram, passenger conductor, G. I. & S. R. R , room over 265 Broad, Bush Laura S., (H. M. Wilcox & Co.) widow J. G„ h 25 Waverly. Butts Henry S., manuf. patent medicines, h 204 Pennsylvania ave. Cadwell Lorenzo, retired, h 123 Chemung. Cahill Michael, foreman repair shop, Erie R. R., h 57 Broad. Cahill Michael J., clerk, bds. 57 Broad. Cain Daniel W., laborer, h 33 Waverly. Callahan John, laborer, h 121 Erie. Camp Carrie Mrs., resident, h Clark. Campbell Abram F., carpenter, h Clark. Campbell Clarence C, coal dealer at East Waverly, h 8 Park Place. Campbell Emery J., resident, h 420 Chemung. Campbell Frank J., clerk, L. V. R. R. freight office, h 48 Fulton. Campbell William, car inspector, h 1 1 1 Lincoln. Canall Charles W., cigarmaker, bds. 135 Chemung. Caney Phoebe A., laundress, h Hickory. Careau Frances, dressmaker, bds. 43 Orange. BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. Carey Daniel G., patent medicine manuf., Broad, h 421 Chemung. Carey Erastus, laborer, h Hickory. Carey Rebecca C, widow William J., bds. 45 Orange. Carey Samuel C, traveling salesman, bds. 441 Chemung. "Carmody Thomas F., saloon, Fulton h do. Carmoody Simon, assistant train dispatcher, Erie R. R.,bds. Warford House. Carpenter Harrison W., laborer, h. 109 Lincoln. Carpenter I.ou A., widow Stephen, resident, bds. 33 Fulton. Carr & Teachman, (C. S. C. & I. P. T.,) meat market 119 Broad. Carr Clark S., (Carr & Teachman) h 34 Broad. Carr Robert, brakeman, h 236 Broad. Carroll John, station agent Erie depot, h no Fulton. Case Angelina E., widow John, h in Howard. Case Cornelius, carpenter, h 125 Howard. Case George W., carpenter, h 47 Orange. Case Irving, painter, bds. 125 Howard. Case James, foreman Novelty works, h 24 Loder. Chaffee Charles F., drug clerk, h n3 Park ave. Chaffee Daniel, switchman, h 12 Loder. Chaffee Ellen A., widow William A., h 5 Lincoln. Chaffee Myrtie M.. dressmaker, bds. 5 Lincoln. Chall John, building mover, h 29 Broad. Chamberlain Edward, drayman, h Pine. Chambers Catharine, widow Thomas, bds. 15 Loder. Chatam Myron, clerk, bds. Waverjy. Christie House, W. H. Goldsmith, prop., Fulton, opp. Erie depot. Christie John M., retired, h. 27 Fulton. Clark Benjaman B., retired, h 200 Penn. ave. CLARK CHARLES H., bakery and confectionery, 121 Broad, h Pleasant. CLARK JAMES A., hardware, stoves, etc., 217 Broad, h 316 Penn. ave. Clark Lyman W., painter, h over 234 Broad. Clark Warren M., foreman Sayre Butter Package Company, h no Waverly. Clarke & Ralyea, (F. H. C. & W. H. R.) cigars and tobacco, 275 Broad. Clarke Floyd H., (Clarke & Ralyea) h Chemung. Clawsey James, laborer, h Erie. Clemens Charles H., emp. pipe foundry, h 330 Broad. Clohessy Michael J., clerk, h Pitney. Cobb Adolphus, locomotive engineer, bds. Warford House. Cochran Frisby M., engineer, h 123 Ciark. Coffee John, laborer, h 112 Howard. Cole Archie, cigarmaker, bds 104 Waverly. Cole Charles, porter Commercial Hotel, bds. do. Cole Mary, widow James, h 135 Howard. Cole Minnie E., widow Edmond C, h 104 Waverly. Coleman Gabriel, farmer, h 24 Park Place. Colemam Jacob S,, carpenter, h 24 Park Place. Coleman Samuel, blacksmith, bds. 437 Chemung. Collins Michael, switchman, h Broad. Commercial Hotel, D. S. Kennedy, prop., Fulton cor. Elizabeth. Compton Eugene, harness maker, h over 151 Broad. Compton James E., miller, h 140 Waverly. Compton Richard W., shoemaker, Erie, h do. Comstock A. B. Mrs., art teacher, 126 Waverly. BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. Comstock Alphonso B., photographer over 208 Broad, h 126 Waverly. Cone Betsey, widow John, h 3 Tioga. Congdon Lynn, amp. Novelty works, h 337 Broad. Conklin Levi K., emp, wheel foundry, h. 318 Broad. Conley Michael, brakeman, bds. 381 Broad. Cooper Daniel H. Rev., pastor Baptist church, h 13 Tioga. Cooper Seymour R., sewing machines, 18 Johnson, h. do. Corby Allen W., emp. Toy shop. Corby Ezekiel, teamster, h 17 Providence. Corey William A., carpenter, h 310 Penn. ave. Cortright Lewis, switchman, h 131 Chemung. Cortright Mrs., h 16 Loder. Corwin Lewis, shoemaker, Broad, h Pine. Corwin Oliver B., butter, salt, and grass seed, 270 Broad, h Fulton. ^Coryell Vincent M., retired, h 20 Park ave. j9r, Costello John, blacksmith, bds. 147 Howard. Courtwright William H., emp. S. A. Genung, h Fulton. Cowen William C, conductor, h 105 Clark. Cramer John, locomotive engineer, h 202 Howard. Crandall ^Charles M., manuf. Crandall's building blocks, toys and games, Broad n Spaulding, h. Howard. Crandall Jesse M., book-keeper for C. M. Crandall, bds. Howard. Griddle James, resident, h 8 Providence. Crispin Charles E., photographer, bds. over 241 Broad. Crogger George, barber, h over 283 Broad. Crowley Jerry, laborer, h 219 Howard. Cummings Edward, retired, h 33 Orange. Curran Andrew, laborer, h 223 Erie. Curran Catharine M., widow Thaddeus, bds. 159 Clark. Curran Floyd, clerk, h no Howard. Curran Merritt D., brakeman, h 2 Ithaca. Curran Thomas, resident, h 121 Erie. Curran William, emp. Erie R. R., h 18 Broad. Curtis Frederick, barkeeper, h 416 Chemung. Curtis Levi, miller, h 100 Penn. ave. DAILEY WILLIAM E,, mason, i Spring, h do. Daily Harriet B., widow Peter, h 118 Clark. Daily John, musician, h 14 Johnson. Dalton Thomas, laborer, h 39 Broad. Dalton William, brakeman, h 413 Chemung. Darling Dexter H., clerk 202 Front, rooms do. Davenport Frank L., laborer, bds. Chemung cor. Orchard. Davenport Jacob, teamster, h 413 Chemung. Davis Samuel S., emp. Novelty Works, h 26 Elm. Dearborn Charles, conductor Lehigh Valley R. R., h Chemung. Dearborn Mack, conductor, h 118 Clark. Debabery Augustus, peanut vender. Broad n Loder. DECKER ABRAM I., supervisor, also prop. Decker tannery, h Chemung. Decker Andrew J., carpenter, h 18 Orange. Decker Jefferson, laborer, h 45 Orange. Decker John, emp. Decker's tannery, h 19 Clark. Decker Seely, laborer, h 135 Howard. DeForest Charles, supt. poor^ h 114 Waverly. BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. Deitrich Lewis, watchman, bds. 381 Broad. Delaney David C, emp. Erie Ex. Co., bds. 16 Providence. Delaney Dewitt C, sewing machines, bds. Spaulding. Delaney John, brakeman, h 113 Erie. Delany Daisy, clerk, h Fulton. - ^ Delany John, night watch Lehigh Valley R. R. office, h Fulton. Delany Josie E., millinery, 211 Broad, h 47 Fulton. Delany William E., freight agent D., L. Sz: W. depot, h 47 Fulton. Demorest Clarence L., boots and shoes, 247 Broad, h 7 Tioga. Demorest Elmer, travehng salesman, h 44 Waverly. Demorest Polly B., widow Leonard, h 7 Tioga. Denn Alfred W., resident, bds. 22 Elm. Denn Almira, resident, h 20 Elm. Denn Angeline, widow Alfred, h 22 Elm. Denton Mary, resident, bds. 6 Park Place. Deuel Amos E., harness maker, 250 Broad, h Lincoln. Deuel Amos E., Jr., postal clerk, h 108 Lincoln. Deuel John T., manager for A. E. Deuel, bds. 108 Lincoln. Devine Michael J., clerk, h 244 Broad. Deyo William S., emp. Mills & O'Brien, h Broad. Dick Andrew, carpenter, h Elm. Dickson Jane, widow Charles, h 337 Broad. Dilamarter John, laborer, h Chemung cor. Tioga. Dimmick Franklin, retired, h 107 Chemung. Dimmock Charles S., (Boda & Dimmock) h 192 Clark. Dingee John T., florist, 116 Lincoln, h do. Dingman Edward, mason, bds. Hotel Warford. Dinmore Joseph V., resident, h 128 Clark. Doane Emmett A., carpenter, bds. 138 Chemung. Doane Gabriel P., contractor and builder, 138 Chemung, h do. Dobell William, emp. Novelty Works, h over 151 Broad. Dodge Ira G., lumber dealer, bds. 9 Providence. Donnelly Owen, shoemaker, 218 Erie, h do. Donovan Frank, brakeman, bds. 22 Park Place. Dorsett & Faulkner, (S. C. D. and J. E. F.) meat market, 215 Broad. Dorsett Samuel C, (Dorsett & Faulkner) h 105 Waverly. Dorsey Albert B., emp. pipe foundry, h 232 Erie. Dougjass John, night clerk Tioga Hotel, bds. do. Dove Burr, emp. Novelty Works, bds. 18 Chemung. Dove Fred, cigarmaker, bds. 18 Chemung. Dove Maria, widow Samuel, h 18 Chemung. Downs Thomas, blacksmith, h Broad. Draper Eli S., emp. Bottling Works, h 24 Clark. Driscoll Mary, widow Jeremiah, bds. 105 Chemung. Drobnyk Joseph F., cutter, h 125 Fulton. DuBois Joseph, retired, h 22 Waverly. Dunham James J., wagonmaker. Broad n Pennsylvania ave., h do. Dunn Charles A., emp. pipe foundry, bds. Christie House. Dunn Peter F., porter, bds. Broad n Loder. Dunning Charity, widow William, h 138 Waverly. Dunning Jacob P., retired, bds. Warford House. Dunning Julia C, widow Jacob, bds. 47 Waverly. Durfey Almira, widow Lyman, bds. 301 Chemung. lO BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. Durfey Edson B., miller, h Broad n Johpson. -Durfey Riton, resident, bds. 301 Chemung. EATON AMBROSE P., att'y at law, Exchange blk., Main, h at Sraithboro, Edgcomb Leroy, resident, h 13 Lincoln. Edmiston Thomas P., car inspector, h 48 Waverly. Eichenberg Edward J., baker and confectioner, Athens, Pa., h Cadwell. Eichenberg James, laborer, h 18 Chemung. Eisenhart George H., pigarmaker, h 38 Pine. Ellis Dell C, widow Fred F., h over 263 Broad. Ellis Elizabeth, widow Joseph, h 313 Broad. Ellis Henrietta, widow Joseph H., bds. 108 Waverly. Ellis Lodesca, widow Cyrus J., h 229 Broad. Ellis Hiram, clerk, h 117 Fulton. ELLIS J. ADDISON, carpenter, h 23 Lincoln. ELLIS SEELE H., art goods, 229 Broad, h do. Ellis Sidney E., manager clothing store. 230 Broad, h over do. ELMER HOWARD, prest. First Nat. Bank, h Pennsylvania ave. Elsbree Eugene C, watchman, h 20 Providence. Emery Bartholomew W., emp. Novelty Works, h 330 Broad. Emmersou William E., clerk, h Center. Englebreck John, harness maker and boarding-house, 21 Waverly. ENGLEMAN GUS, variety store, 131 Broad, h ii8 Chemung. English David W., barber, 127 1-2 Broad. Enos Truman E., book-keeper Citizens Bank, bds. 10 Park Place. Enwright John, machinist, h 17 Johnson. Evans Henry L., laborer, h Clinton ave., cor. Pine. Everett Elijah H., clerk, h 338 Broad. Excelsior Mutual Benefit Association, (C. C. Brooks, prest.; C. E. Pendle- ton treas.j L. C. Corey, secy.) over 201 Broad. FAIRCHILD & THOMAS, (Murray F. & Holly W. T.) fire, life and ac- cident insurance, over First National Bank. Fairchild Anna, clerk, bds. Bradford. Fairchild Mary E., book-keeper Fairchild & Thomas, bds Bradford, FAIRCHILD MURRAY, (Fairchild & Thomas) bds. Tioga House. Falsey Margarett C, teacher, bds. Clark. Falsey Mary, clerk, bds. Clark. Falsey Michael, furniture finisher, h Clark. Falsey Sarah A,, dressmaker, Clark, bds. do. FARLEY & SANDERS, (W. C. F. & C. H. S.) groceries, crockery, and provisions; 231 Broad. FARLEY WILLIAM C, (Farley & Sanders) h 10 Broad. Farrel John, emp. toy factory, bds. 329 Broad. Farrell Mary A., widow Daniel, bds. 130 Lincoln. Farricy Mary, widow Dennis, h Chemung cor. Erie R. R. Faulkner John E., (Dorsett & Faulkner) h 4 Chemung. Ferguson Hartwell M. & Co., (Edwin W. Horton) tobacco and cigars, 200 Broad. Furguson Hartwell M., (H. M. Furguson & Co.) h 133 Chemung. Fern Julius E., candy maker, h over 249 Broad, Fessenden Harvey C, clerk, h Clark. Fessenden Harvey G., undertaker, h 121 Clark. Floyd Elizabeth, widow Harvey, M., bds. 42 Waverly, BARTON — VVAVERLY VILLAGE. II- TLOYD JACOB B., att'y at law, Exchange bldg., Broad, h 42 Waverly cor. Tioga. Flynn John, laborer, Chemung. Flynn Michael, blacksmith, bds. .■581 Broad. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAVERLY, (Howard Elmer, prest.; N. S. Johnson, vice-prest. ; F. E. Lyford, cashier ; P. L. Lang, asst. cashier.)- Broad cor. Fulton. Fish George W., retired, h 295 Chemung. Fish John B., telegraph operator, h Providence. Fisher Alton A., clerk, bds. 100 Chemung. Fisher George O., emp. Novelty Works, h roo Chemung. Fitzgeral Michael, laborer, h 378 Broad. Follett Phoebe A., widow Sluman, h 50 Waverly. Follett Sophia H., Mrs., resident, 32 Park ave. Fosburg Ellen A., widow James, laundress, h 170 Clark. Fralick Abram, machinist, h 113 Waverly. Fralick Ransom, machinist, bds. 113 Waverly. Frauenthal Isedore E., fruits and oysters, 244 Broad, bds. Tioga. French George H., station baggage agent, Erie R. R., h 12 Tioga. French Carrie, dressmaker, 314 Broad, h do. French Hiram G., clerk, h r2 Tioga. French Rachel, resident, bds. 12 Tioga. French William T., clerk, h 4 Lincoln. *FREE PRESS, James B. Bray, prop., 15 Fulton. Freestone George S., (Parsons & Freestone) bds. 47 Fulton. Frink Frederick, supt.. Toy works, bds. Tioga Hotel. Frisbie Chauncey M., book-keeper, 203 Broad, h. Chemung. Fritcher Elsa M., widow James, h 301 Chemung. Frost Minnie, clerk, bds. Erie. Frost Thomas, laborer, h 211 Erie. Fuller Mrs., widow, h 107 Howard. Gallagher Patrick, car inspector, h 57 Broad. Galloway Emory H., emp. L. V. R. R., h 3i Johnson. Ganther Jacob, emp. L. V. R. R., h 25 Providence. Gardner Elizabeth B., widow Levi, h 446 Chemung. Gardner William H., resident, bds. 446 Chemung. Gas Light Co. of Waverly, (William F. Warner, prest,; Henry G. Merriam,. secy, and treas.) office Waverly, over Merriam Bros. Gee Lucy, widow WiUiam, bds. 14 Broad. GENUNG GEORGE D., editor 2'^e Waverly Advocate, h 105 Pine. Genung Reuben H., emp. Novelty Works, bds. i^^s Waverly. GENUNG SALMON A., wood dealer, h Fulton. GENUNG SHERMAN A., contractor and builder, sash, doors, bhnds,, etc., Fulton, h 12 Pleasant. Gerould B. & Co., (J. H. Shoemaker) groceries and provisions, in Broad. Gerould Beebe, (B. Gerould Sc Co.) h 41 Fulton. Gibbons Hannah, widow Sylvester, h 246 Broad. Gibbons James S., groceries and provisions, 546 Broad, h do. Gibson Robert w!. barber, over 213 Broad, h do. Gilbert Elliot R., switchman, h 142 Clark. GLEASON WILLIAM H., switchman, h 19 Elm. Goade Richard J., machinist, h 27 Clark. G'oble Abner, carpenter, h 411 Chemung. f2 BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. Goble Mary E., widow Smith, h 16 Providence. Goflf G. Halsey, manager Swift's Chicago dressed beef icing station, h 315 Broad. ■Golden John, laborer, bds. Broad. Golden Patrick, laborer, h Broad. Goldsmith William H., prop. Christie House, Fulton, h do. Gore Harry W., drug clerk, h 7 Athens. Gorman Edward, emp. Erie R. R., h 10 Clark. Gorman John, brakeman, h 345 Broad. •Gorman Michael, fireman, h 233 Erie. Gormon Patrick, laborer, h 233 Erie. Gorski Samuel, tailor, h 21 Chemuhg. Goulden Charles F., law student, bds. Bradford. Grace Bertha, teacher, bds. Blizard. ■Grace Joseph, lumberman, h Blizard. Grace Patrick J., carpenter, h 15 Loder. ■GrafFt George H., justice of the peace, over 214 Broad, h Main. Gray Ann, widow Arthur, bds 22 Waverly. Gray Dewitt C, coal, wood, lime and cement, Erie, h 124 Clark. Green Edward, resident, h 28 Waverly. Green Frederick C, clerk Christie House, bds. do. ■Green Jesse, clerk, bds. 28 Waverly. Green John P., retired, h 28 Broad. Greer Fred, brakeman, bds. 127 Chemung. •Greer Henry C, fireman, h 314 Broad. Gregory Charles W., painter, h 12 Broad. Gridley Henry N., engineer, h 6 Tioga. Griswold Frank, emp. Novelty Works, bds. in Howard. Groesbeck Cornelius V., emp. U. S. express company, h 5 Broad. Guyer James E., coal, lime and cement, also carriages, sleighs and farming implements, Clark, h 115 Waverly. Hagadorn Henry, teaming and livery, 2 Broad, h do. • Hagadorn James C, liveryman, bds. 2 Broad. Haight Guy C, bar-keeper 12 Fulton, h Broad. Hair Daniel, emp. gas works, bds. Erie. Hair John. emp. gas works, h Erie. HALL & LYON, (S. C. H. & G. F. L.) novelty furniture works, 356 Broad. Hall Eli R., tin-smith, h 13 Broad. Hall Eugene A., baker, h Chemung. Hall G. MunSon, brakeman, rear ijo Chemung. HALL STEPHEN C, (Hall & Lyon) h 33 Park ave. Hallet & Son, (H. & H. W.) groceries, crockery and provisions, 245 Broad. Hallet Harry W., (Hallet & Son) bds. 4 Tioga. Hallet Hatfield, (Hallet & Son) h 4 Tioga. Hallett Clarence W., painter, h 72 Fulton. Hallett DeKalb, painter, bds. 72 Fulton. Hallett Joseph E., insurance, 409 Chemung, h do. Hamilton Simeon V., retired, h 120 Lincoln. Hammond Charles, laborer, h 401 Chemung. Hancock Irving, barber, over 225 Broad, h do. Hancock Mary, widow Jeremiah, nurse, h Moore cor. Fulton. JiANFORD & LORD, (M. F. H. & L. F. L.) groceries, provisions and bakers, 222 Broad. BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. 1 5 Hanford Edward S., asst. postmaster and town clerk, bds. Warford House. HANFORD MAURICE F., (Hanford & Lord) h 14 Main. Hanford Noah, emp. Novelty Works, h Lincoln. Hanley Matthew, resident, h 235 Erie. Hanna Charles G., emp. Erie express, h 129 Waverly. Hanna James A., carpenter, h 139 Howard. Hanrehan Michael, switchman,^ bds. 147 Howard, Harden Oscar, clerk, bds. 29 Providence cor. Spaulding. Harding Adney, carpenter, h 5 Providence. Harding Jabez B., train dispatcher, L. V. R. R.,h 14 Waverlj'. Harding John, par inspector, h 216 Howard. Harnden Daniel D., physician and surgeon, 7 Waverly, h do. Harnden Rufus S., physician and surgeon, 31 Fulton, 1133 do. Harrigan John J., engineer, h 103 Chemung. Harris Elisha T., resident, bds. 31 Broad. Harris Eraeline E., widow Daniel N., resident, h. 31 Broad. Harris George R., jeweler, 2 Fulton, bds. 31 Broad. Harris Thomas, laborer, h 216 Erie. Harsh Andrew, mason, bds. 333 Broad. Harsh Cornelius, mason, h 333 Broad. Harsh Harriet, widow Charles M., h 442 Chemung. Hart Brothers, (Willard K , & Irving S.) groceries and provisions, 205 Broad- Hart Irving S., (Hart Bros.) h 18 Maple. Hart Willard K., (Hart Bros.) h 18 Maple. Havens John, painter, h over 224 Broad, llawley Chauncey, emp. Toy factory, bds. 329 Broad. Haworth John C, lamp lighter, h Moore. Haworth Thomas W., printer, bds. Moore. Hayes Fred B., (H. H. Hayes & Son) bds. 107 Fulton. Hayes H. H. & Son, (Fred B.) drugs and medicines, 236 Broad. Hayes Henry H., (H. H. Hayes & Son) h 107 Fulton. Hayes John, emp. Novelty Works, bds. Broad. Hayes Mary Mrs., resident, h Broad. Hayes William, emp. Novelty Works, h Broad. . , HAYWOOD CHARLES M., marble' and granite ceinetery works, 107 Broad^ residence at Owego. Head Anson P., prop. American House. Head Richard, saloon and restaurant, 252 Broad, h do. Hemstreet Anthony, resident, h 469 Chemung. Hemstreet Gertrude, h 501 Chemung. Hemstreet Ida M., clerk, bds. Chemung. Henessy William, car inspector, h 27 Orange. Henry Edward, barber, over 219 Broad, h do. Hern Bert J., clerk, bds. 159 dark. Hern John,^roceries and provisions, 117 Broad, h 159 Clark. Herrick Hugh T., book-keeper .over 201 Broad, h 411 Chemung. Hess Charles, carpenter, h 75 Fulton. Hess Nirum J., contractor and builder, Fulton, h do. Hesser Abram, emp. L. V. R. R.,Ji 26 Lincoln. Hewitt Henry, carpenter, h 32 Fulton. Hickey John, resident, h 381 Broad. Higbee Allison B., clerk, h over 218 Broad. Higgins Edward M., tanner, h 23 Orange. rl4 BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. Higgins Edward W., brakeman, bds. 23 Orange. Higgins Gilbert C, conductor, bds 23 Orange. Higgins John J., engeneer, bds 23 Orange. Jliggins Mary, book-keeper, bds. 23 Orange. Higgins Theresa, dressmaker, bds. 23 Orange. Higgins William P., fireman, bds. 23 Orange. Hildebrahd Andrew, boots and shoes, 225 Broad, h 112 Clark. Hill Erastus, carpenter and builder, h 10 Park Place. Hill George W., shoemaker under 127 Broad, h 22 Loder. Hill Henry, shoemaker Broad, h 22 Loder. Hine Lucy A., widow Harrison, h 318 Broad. Hinman Eliza A., widow Henry, boarding-house, 114 Chemung. / Hinman Helen, widow James, bds. 329 Broad. Hinman Helen M., clerk, h 114 Chemung. Hinman Sarah W., widow Charles, bds. it Providence. Hinman Truman, retired, h 36 Broad. Hinman William E, painter and' paper-hanger, bds. 114 Chemung. Hilton Willard M., physician and surgeon, Pennsylvania ave., h do. Hoadley Miles S., conductor, h 104 Fulton. Hoban John W., 255 Broad, h do. Hoban William, clerk, bds. over 255 Broad. Jioff I. P. & C, (William D. Hoff ) jewelers, 202 Broad. Hoff Ives P., (L P. Hofr& Co.) h Fulton. Hoff William D., (L P. Hoff & Co. ; h Pennsylvania ave. Hogan Hugii, track walker, h Erie. Holbert Emmet J., retired, h 9 Park ave. Holland Phebe, widow Henry, h 229 Erie. Holmes John A., traveling salesman, h Moore cor. Fulton. Hoover John F., painter, h Fulton. Hopkins James J., engineer, h loi Chemung. Hopkins William, emp. Novelty Works, bds. 16 Providence. Horton Edwin W., (H. M. F'erguson & Co.) bds. 135 Chemung. Horton Emma E. Mrs., fruit and confectionery, 210 Broad, h do. Horton George, emp. Axel Works, bds. 330 Broad. Horton James F., manager for Mrs. Emma Horton, h 210 Broad. Horton Mary E., widow Daniel D., bds. Chemung cor. Orchard. Horton Sarah, resident, bds. 3 Athens. Horton William H., gardener, h 135 Chemung. Hotalen Mordecai, carpenter, h 30 Orange. Hotalen Peter, carpenter, h 6 Lincoln. Hotalen Randall, drayman, h 139 Lincoln. HOTEL WARFORD, (Wadsworth & Kelsey, prop's.) Broad cor. Fulton. House Frank B., emp. Novelty Works, h Clark. Hovey J. Fred, train dispatcher, L. V. R. R., h 128 Lincoln. Hoyt Adeline, widow John L , resident, h 8 Orchard. Hoyt C. Chester, switchman, h 8 Broad. Hoyt Jehiel G., teamster, h 142 Clark. Hoyt John H., employed in Sayre, bds. 8 Orchard. Hubbell Nelson, station agent, h off Lincoln. Hubbell William, teamster, bds. 17 Providence. Hugg Lvman D., traveling salesman, h 106 Chemung. JHLugg Willis P., clerk, bds. 106 Chemung. Huggins Carrie C, teacher, bds 2 Athens. ■BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE, 1 5 Huggins Elizabeth H., widow James A., h 2 Athens. HullPhilhp M., teacher, h 18 Elm. ' Hulse William H., butcher, h Ulster. Hyatt Jonah G., inventor and patentee Hyatt's door carrier, h Waverly. Ichenberg John, retired, bds. 129 Clark. Inman William F., resident, h 400 Chemung. ISLEY & SONS, stone cutters, and masons, dealars in curbing and flagging, 36 Waverly. ISLEY JAMES, (Isley & Sons) 36 Waverly, h do. ISLEY WALTER, (Isley & Sons) bds. 36 Waverly. ISLEY WILLIAM R., (Isley & Sons) bds. 36 Waverly. Jarvis Mary, widow Alva, h 6 Elm. Jenkins CeUa Mrs., resident, h 310 Pennsylvania ave. Johnson Benjamin F., traveling salesman, h Pine. Johnson Nathan S., vice-prest. First Nat. Bank, h Chemung. Johnson Parmenas A., physician, 14 Pennsylvania ave., h do. Johnson Solomon C, retired, bds. Pine. JOHNSON WILLIAM E., physician and surgeon, 8 Waverly, h 44 Park ave. Jones Charles W., book-keeper, h Chemung. Jones James, bartender, bds. 125 Broad. Jones John R., butter dealer, 268 Broad, h 19 Park ave. Jones William H. W., book-keeper, 268 Broad, bds. 19 Park ave. Jordan Charles S., saloon, 259 Broad, h do. Kane John, laborer, h 225 Erie. Kane John, butcher, h 132 Lincoln. Kane Michael, brakeman, bds. Warford House. Kaneir John, laborer, bds. Chemung cor. Broad. Kaneir Patrick, laborer, h Chemung cor. Broad. Kase John E., furniture finisher, h 39 Fulton. Keefe John, emp. Erie R. R., bds. 19 Loder. Xeeler Faank W., foreman Waverly Advocate, h Pennsylvania ave. Keeler George ly , clerk, h Athens cor. Tioga. Keeler Thomas, painter and paper-hanger. Broad, h Lyman ave. Keller Charles, laborer, bds. 381 Broad. Kelly Thomas, mason, h Erie. Kelly Viola D., music teacher, bds. Elizabeth. KELSEY CHARLES D., (Wadsworth & Kelsey) bds. Hotel Warford. Kelsey William H., clerk. Hotel Warford, bds. do. Kemp Milner, clerk, h 5 1 Waverly. Kennedy Daniel A,, clerk, h 12 Johnson. Kennedy Duncan S., propr. Commercial Hotel, h do. Kennedy Edward, turner, bds, 329 Broad. Xennedy James, retired, h 12 Johnson. Kennedy James H., clerk, bds. 12 Johnson. Kennedy Michael W., cashier Erie freight office, bds. 12 Johnson. Kenney Michael J., machinist, h 147 Howard. Kenney William E., conductor, h loi Spalding. Kenrick James, emp. L. V. R. R., h 134 Howard. Kenyon James A,, retired, h 314 Pennsylvania ave. Xilmer Clarence, emp. Novelty Works, bds. 25 Orange. Kilmer John, clerk, h 25 Orange. Xingsbury Frank A., clerk, h Lincoln. Xinney Anna, widow Henry C, h 3 Providence. l6 BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE.- Kinney F. Eloise, telephone operator, h 114 Clark. Kinney Greeley, resident, h 322 Broad. Kinney Horace, book-keeper Citizens Bank, bds. Howard. Kinney H. Wall, clerk L. V. R. R. Ft. office, bds. Tioga House. Kinney Juliet T., widow Newton, h 114 Clark. Kinney Maj-garet, widow Daniel, h 113 Erie. Kinney Michael, laborer, h 218 Howard. Kinney Miles L., clerk, bds. 114 Clark. Kinney Perley H., retired, h 134 Waverly. Kinney Simon, depot police, h 40 Fulton. Kinsman & Youne, (J. E. K. & J. F. Y.) blacksmiths, 3 Pennsylvania ave. Kinsman Fred, clerk, h Waverly. Kinsman John E., (Kinsman & Young) h 10 Lincoln. KLINE ALBERT, clerk, h over 253 Broad. Knapp Charles, teamster, bds. 10 Park ave. Knapp Charles S., watchmaker, bds. Waverly. Knapp David D., jeweler, optician and engraver, 211 Broad, h 49 Waverly, Knapp Harry W., clerk, bds. Read. KNAPP JOSEPH W., dry goods, 203 Broad, h Read. Kniffin Daniel R., clerk, h over 235 Broad. Knight Henry C, resident, h 125 Waverly. Krist Frederick, emp. Novelty Works, bds. 22 Park Place. Krist Joseph, emp. Novelty Works, h 22 Park Place. LaBarre Jehiel T., carpenter, h 329 Broad. Laine Henry T., erap. L. V. R. R., h 325 Broad. Lambkin Russell, emp. Novelty Works, h 33 Fulton. La Mont Phebe, resident, h 44 Broad. Lane Irene A., widow Lewis, h Pine. Lang Percy L., asst. cashier First Nat. Bank, h. 105 Chemung. Langheed John H., emp. Atwater's Livery, h 127 Chemung. Lantz George W., clerk, 138 Clark. Lappla Philip H., wood carver, h 16 Park Place. Lariew H. Porter, agent Elmira oil company, h Loder. Larnard Asoeph S., confectionery and cigars, 3 Elizabeth, h do. LARNARD A. WARREN^ contractor and builder, Lyman ave. h do. Larnard George H., clerk, bds. 3 Elizabeth. Larnard Theo R., carpenter, h 129 Lincoln. LASSLY ELIJAH M., livery and feed stable, Clark n Broad, h 141 Waverly. Lathrop Frederick M., emp. L. V. R. R., h 8 Athens. Lathrop Helen, widow Simon, h 8 Athens. Lawrence Charles, stationery engineer, bds. 330 Broad. Layman J. Lewellyn, emp. R. R. shop,Sayre, h 19 Clark. Leavitt Clara W., widow Harry, bds. Lincoln. Lehigh Valley R. R. Freight Office, Bert Hayden, agent, Fulton cor. Erie. Lemon Israel G., fire and life insurance, over 245 Broad, h 17 Orange. LEMON JAMES, foundry and machine shop and manuf. land rollers. Broad, h 8 Park ave. Lenox Frank B., brakeman, bds. 363 Broad. Lenox George F., baggageman, h loi Broad. LENT CLARENCE A., contractor and builder, Lincoln cor. Spring. Lent W. Nelson, apiarist, bds. Lincoln. Lester Albert J., clerk L. V. R. R. Ft. office, h 6 Athens. Lewis John H., resident, h Pine. BARTON---WAVERLY VILLAGE. 1 7 Lewis Walter H., resident, h 17 Park Place. Linden Hugh, emp. pipe foundry, bds. Christie House. Lindsey Frances A. Mrs., laundress, h Pine. Lindsey Grant W., cigar maker h over 336 Broad. Lindsey William, carpenter, h 3 1 Clark. Lindsley Parks, steward Tioga Hotel, bds. do. Lockerby George, brakeman, h Elm. Lockerby Wallace H., barber 12 Fulton, h Broad cor. Pine. Lockwood George, tinner, bds. Warford House. LORD LOUIS F., (Hanford & Lord) h i6 Main. Lott John, car inspector, h Lyman ave. Lowman Everette H., postal clerk, bds. 473 Chemung. Lowman Harriet C, widow HoveyE., resident, h 473 Chemung. Lowman Nathan B., clerk L. V. R. R. Ft. office, h 473 Chemung. Lubars Anna D., widow John F., bds. 11 Lincoln. Luce John G., book-keeper First Nat. Bank, h 22 E. Main. Luce Joseph D., machinist, h Loder. LUM DANIEL J., insurance, Waverly, h do. Lum Mattie C, teacher, bds. Waverly. LYFORD FREDERICK E., cashire First Nat. Bank, h 21 Park Place. LYMAN MOSES, resident, h Waverly. Lynch James, clerk, bds. Loder. Lynch Rose A., millinery over 232 Broad, h do. Lyon , farmer, h 1 1 1 Park ave. LYON GEORGE F., (Hall & Lyon) h Fulton. Lyons Charles T., physician and surgeon, retired, h 204 Chemung. Lyons Smith E., clerk, h 29 Waverly. Mack Mary Mrs., resident, h Broad. Mahoney John, shoemaker, Broad, h 105 Chemung. Mandeville Emmet, painter, bds. 16 Providence. Mandeville Henry D., fireman, h Pine. Mandeville Mahlon H., jeweler over 228 Broad, h iii Fulton. Manners Vincent C, clerk, bds. 11 Broad. MANNING ELWIN W., manager for Mrs. E. W. Manning, 249 Broad, h 103 Waverly. MANNING E. W. MRS., millinery of all kinds, 249 Broad, h 103 Waverly. Manning Gurdon G., justice of the peace, over 206 Broad, h 37 Clark. Maroney Daniel, railroad conductor, h 140 Howard. Moseley George E., laborer, h 210 Howard. Masonic Hall, Thomas Salisbury, janitor. Manners Block, Broad. Masterson Julius C, retired, bds. 21 Johnson. Maxwell Emily A., widow Albert P., h 18 Providence. Maxwell Frank B., conductor,. h Clark. McArdle Bernard, blacksmith, 302 Broad, h Clinton ave. McCarthy Daniel, engineer, h 19 Loder. McCarthy James, laborer, h Erie. McDonald Amanda, widow Alexander, h 422 Chemung. McDonald David, baggageman, h 41 Waverly. McDonald Duncan, retired, h 40 Waverly. McDonald DUNCAN, locomotive engineer, h Chemung. McDonald DUNCAN J., news and variety store, 247 Broad, h 422 Chemung. McDonald Eliza, widow Morris, h 14 Clark. 2 1 8 BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. McDonald Nellie, book-keeper Mills & O'Brian, h Howard cor. Spaulding. McDonald Owen, laborer, h 201 Howard. McDonald Owen, Jr., laborer, h 201 Howard. McDonald Patrick, bar-tender Tioga House, bds. do. McDonald SARAH a. MRS., tailoring and gents' furnishing goods, 265 Broad, h Chemung. McDonald Wellington, clerk, bds. Warford House. McDonough Patrick, bds. 345 Broad. McElwain Alexander, shoemaker, h 5 Chemung. McElwain Margarett, widow Robert, h 5 Chemung. McEwen William, emp. Novelty Works, h 155 Waverly. McGuffie Matthew, clerk U. S. Ex. Co., h Loder. McHale Patrick J., emp. L. V. R. R., h 19 Johnson. McINTYRE ALBERT J., mason, Lincoln, h do. McKerrow William, car inspector, h 1 1 1 Lincoln. McKibbin Henry, emp. Novelty Works, bds. 18 Orange. IMcMahbn John, brakeman, bds. Commercial Hotel. -McNanara George, cigarmaker, h over 219 Broad. McNeirney John, laborer, h 376 Broad. McPherson Nancy, widow, Alexander, bds. 34 Broad. McShane Edward Rev., pastor St. James church, h 103 Clark. Mead Charles A., carpenter, h Spring. Mead Eadie W., photographer, bds. 10 Providence. Mead Joseph, traveling salesman, h 12 Pine. Mead Montgomery, photographer, h 10 Providence. Mead Tabitha J. Mrs., photographer over 204 Broad, h 10 Providence. Meeker Mrs., widow John, h 24 Providence. Melvin Emma Miss, laundress, h 2 Pennsylvania ave. Mercereau & Co., (John and Henry) cigar manuf. Broad cor. Penn. ave. Mercereau Henry C., (Mercereau & Co.) h 4 Park Place. Mercereau Henry, (Mercereau & Co.) h Maple. Mercereau John, (Mercereau & Co.) h Maple. Mercereau John D., (Mercereau & Co.) h 15 Park Place. MERRIAM BROS.,'(H. G. &C. E.) hardware, 235 Broad and 3 Waverly. MERRIAM CHARLES E., (Merriam Bros.) Broad, h 414 Chemung. Merriam Frank W., book-keeper 356 Broad, bds. 414 Chemung. MERRIAM HENRY G., (Merriam Bros.) h 13 Park ave. Merrill Arthur T., emp. R. R. shops Sayre, h 10 Tioga. Merrill Elisha B., retired, h 22 Lincoln. Merrill Lena E., emp. Toy Shop, bds. 10 Tioga. Merrill Luke T., retired, h 109 Clark. Miller Cassandra B., dressmaker 482 Chemung, h do. Miller Charles, drayman, his Johnson. Miller Charles W., tinsmith, h 108 Howard. Miller Edmund, retired, h 23 Fulton. Miller Emma Mrs., resident, h 26 Waverly. MILLER LOUIS C, (Barnes & Miller) h 15 Johnson. Miller Samuel W., meat market, 248 Broad, h 482 Chemung. MILLS & O'BRIAN, (T. M. & M. D. O'B.) bottling works, Elizabeth. Mills Charles L., farmer 30, h 113 Chemung. MILLS THEODORE, (Mills & O'Brian) h 25 Clark. Mills Thomas, cabinet maker, h 103 Spaulding. STARKEY ic IFINTERS, Wholesale and Retail Drngglsts, Otrego, BARTON— WAVERLY VILLAGE. I9 Millspaugh Paul, clerk, bds. 109 Waverly. Mink George R., cigarmaker, h 10 Athens. Minick Benjamin F., retired, bds. 2 Orchard. Minnick I. H. Mrs., dressmaker 28 Loder, h do. Minnick Isaac H., machinist, h 28 Loder. Minnick Robert F., clerk, bds 28 Loder. Mitchell Thomas S., machinist, h 3 Athens. MIX JAMES F., carpenter, R. R. shops Sayre, h 159 Waverly. Moelich Julius, machinist, h 217 Howard, Monyhan Johanna, widow John, h 138 Howard. Monyhan John, blacksmith, h 138 Howard. Monyhan Patrick, blacksmith, bds. 138 Howard. Morgan William, fireman, h 316 Broad. Moore Lemuel C., carpenter, h 129 Howard. Morgan David, painter, 5 1 Waverly, h do. MORGAN FREDERICK S., mason, Clark,' h do. Morgan George B., mason, h 16 Johnson. Morgan George Mrs., milliner, 16 Johnson, h do. MORGAN JOHN W., mason contractor, h 112 Lincoln. Morley Dwight, saloon and billiards, 6 Waverly, h do. Morris Charles, emp. Novelty Works, bds. 16 Providence. Mosier Hiram W., carpenter, h Pine. Moore Lemuel C, carpenter, h 22 Maple, Mopre William E., farmer, h 105 Park ave. Mott Amasa S., tailor over 222 Broad, h 28 Park ave. Mott William N., tailor over 222 Broad, h 28 Park ave. Mullock Albert, (Mullock Bros.) h Elm. Mullock Bros., (Corwin& Albert) drugs and medicines, 229 Broad. Mullock Corwin, (Mullock Bros.) h 131 Waverly. Mullock Gabriel L., (Ornamental Sign Company) h 135 Waverly. MULOCK LEWIS W., retired, h 135 Waverly.— Muncey Adolph, emp. L. V. R. R., bds. Loder, Muncey Alfred, carpenter, h Loder. Munn Frank E., (Sager & Munn) h 106 Waverly. Murdoch Charles, foreman Erie transfer, rooms Campbell Block, Broad. Murdoch Eliza N., (E. N. Murdoch & Co.) h 123 Waverly. Murdoch E. N. Sr Co., (J. K. Murdoch) fancy goods, 222 Broad. Murdoch John K., (E. N. Murdoch & Co.) also agent U. S. Ex. Co., h 123 Waverly. Murray George S., clerk, bds. Pine. Murray Harriet E., widow Thomas J., resident, h Pine. Murray Hattie C, dressmaker, bds. Pine. Murray Isaac C, baker, h Pine. Murray Jacob, retired, h Chemung. Murray Mary L., dressmaker. Pine, bds do. Murry "^G^orge S., clerk, h 114 Pine. Myer John M., retired, h 16 Elm. Myer Samuel S., laborer, bds. 16 Elm. Myers Charles K., tobacconist and gunsmith, 201 Broad, h 168 Clark. Myers David W., carpenter, h ig6 Clark. Myers Edward D., clerk, bds. 115 Clark. Myers George L., baker, bds. 11^ Clark. STARKET & WINTERS, Drngelstci. Owego. Close Prices to Dealers. 20 BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. Myers Leonard D., constable and deputy sheriff, h 115 Clark. Nelson Elmer, dentist, over 251 Broad, h Bradford. Nelson James, mason, h 146 Waverly. Nelson Myron H., conductor, h 123 Fulton. Nelson Phineas, harness and trunks, 127 Broad, h Clark. Nevins James P., clerk, bds. 37 Clark. Newland Charles, clerk, bds. Clark. Newland Edward H., traveling salesman, h Clark. Newell Frank M., (Newell Mfg. Co.) h Clark. Newell Stephen H., traveling salesman, h 30 Fulton. Nichols Eben, carpenter, h 1 1 Pine. NICHOLS HURLEY L., tobacco and cigars, 213 Broad, h Pine. Nichols Leonard H., bartender, bds. over 209 Broad. NOBLE ALBERT C, (Noble & Noble) h Elizabeth. *NOBLE & NOBLE, (W. H. & A. C.) publishers Weekly Tribune, Elizabeth. Noble Mary B., widow Dr. Carlton M., bds. Elizabeth. NOBLE WILLIAM H., (Noble & Noble) h Elizabeth. Nolan James, blacksmith, h 12 Providence. Noonan Mortice, laborer, h 220 Erie. North W. Edward, carpenter, h 140 Clark. Northup Emery H., clerk, h Pitney. O'Brian Edward, brakeman, bds. 12 Providence. O'Brian James, retired, bds. 36 Fulton. O'BRIAN MICHAEL D., (Mills & O'Brian) h .36 Fulton. O'Brien Thomas, brakeman, h 27 Park Place. O'Farrell Edward J., clerk, h Fulton. Olney Caleb B., retired, h 16 Broad. Orange Emily H., widow George W., h 206 Chemung. Ornamental Sign Company, (G. L. Mullock & S. C. Smith) Broad. Osterhout Katie, dressmaker, 23 Broad, bds do. Owen Hannah, widow William P., resident, h 40 Fulton. Owen Ithiel P., painter, h 343 Broad. Palmer Kate, widow Luman, h 24 Lincoln. Parks Albert E., painter, h 29 Providence. Parks James R., retired, h 11 Lincoln. Parks Ned L., emp. pipe foundry, h Erie cor. Pennsylvania ave. Parshall Luther, real estate, h 464 Chemung. Parshall Ransom, retired, h 1 2 Elm. Parsons & Freestone, (James F. P. & George S. F.) groceries and provisions, 207 Broad. Parsons Fred K., fireman, h 31 Orange. Parsons James F., (Parsons & Freestone) h Loder. Paul James M., emp. M. Lyman and farmer 54, h Moore. Payne Frederick Y., travehng salesman, h 6 Park Place. Payne Sarah, widow Hiram, h 204 Chemung. Pearman Julia M., resident, h 140 Clark. Pease David, marble cutter, h 120 Chemung. , Peironnet Emma V., widow John S., resident, h 26 Waverly. Pendell Charles D., emp. Toy Shop, bds. 143 Lincoln. . Pendell John Lyman, emp. Toy Shop, bds. 143 Lincoln. Pendell John R. Rev., (Bap.) h 144 Lincoln. Pendell Mary E. O., music teacher, bds. 143 Lincoln. Pendleton Charles E., ex-cashier Home Savings Bank, bds. 106 Penn. ave. BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. 21 Penney Eleanor, widow Nelson F., resident, h 308 Pennsylvania ave. Pepper Frank, laborer, h 49 Orange. Perkins Edward F., clerk, h Broad. Perkins Frank A., clerk, bds. Broad cor. Chemung. PERKINS FRED C, clothing, hats, caps and gents' furnishing goods, 208 Main, h 70 Fulton. Perkins La Fayette, traveling salesman, i Broad. Perry Hanson, emp. Sniffen & Scott, h Clark. Personius Daniel V., (Barnum & Personius) 1 2 Clinton ave. Persons E. Delos, groceries, crockery and provisions, 206 Broad, h 38 Clark. Phillips Frank W., plumber, h Chemung. Phillips Harry E., clerk 25 1 Broad, h at Sayre. Phillips John W., painter and paper-hanger, bds Chemung. Phillips Thomas J., (Phillips & Curtis) h 45 Waverly. Piatt Susan, widow John, bds. 443 Chemung. Pierce Alonzo E., emp. Erie R. R., h 108 Chemung. Pierce Amelia M., widow John H., resident, bds. 126 Waverly. Pierce Henry G., commercial traveler, h 323 Broad. Pierce Josiah, retired, h.io6 Chemung. Pike George, clerk, bds. 36 Pine. Pike Grove N., meat market, 109 Broad, h 36 Pine; PILGRIM FREDERICK, bakery and confectionery, 241 Broad, h do. PoUeys Ellen D., 'widow William, h 112 Waverly. Polleys Harriet, compositor, bds. 112 Waverly. Poole Eva M., milliner, bds. 6 Tioga. Post Henry W., butcher, h Providence. Post John C, laborer, h 70 Fulton. • Powers Frank, brakeman, h iii Erie. Powers John, shoemaker, h 130 Lincoln. Powell Levi J., saloon and restaurant, h 115 Howard. Price George, brakeman, h Broad n Pennsylvania ave. Price Nathaniel W., retired, h 5 Pine. Price N. W. Mrs., carpet weaver, 5 Pine h do. Price Willis H., carpenter, h Blizard. PUFF & WILLIAMS, (M. F. P. & A. D. W.) meat market, Fulton. PUFF MYRON F., (Pufif & Williams) h Pleasant. Purdy Charles E., saloon, 125 Broad, h do. Quick Adeline L., resident, bds. 113 Fulton. Quick Alvin, emp. L. V. R. R., bds. 16 Providence. Quick Fannie C, emp. Toy Factory, bds. 113 Fulton. Quick Mary, widow Stephen C, resident, h 113 Fulton. Quick Minnie Mrs., private school, 3 Athens, h do. Quick Susan A., emp. Toy Factory, bds. 113 Fulton. Quigley Michael, groceries and provisions, 263 Broad, h Loder. Quimby Elmer, blacksmith, Broad, bds. 34 do. ■ Race Jafeez W., resident, h Waverly. Racklyeft John, boots and shoes, 267 Broad, h 36 Broad. Ralyea William' H., (Clark & Ralyea) h Fulton. Randolph Byron F., conductor, h 132 Clark. Reckhow Sarah A., widow Isaac, resident, h 21 Pennsylvania ave. Reese Elias, night watchman, h Fulton. Reeve James I., retired, h 27 Park avenue. Reigeluth Conrad, drug clerk, bds. 164 Clark. 22 BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. Reigeluth John J., tinsmith, h Clinton ave. Reigeluth Louisa, dressmaker, bds. 164 Clark. Reigeluth Mary, widow Jacob, h 164 Clark. Rew Samuel, barber, bds. Warford House. Reynolds James, blacksmith, bds. Broad. Reynolds Johanna, widow John, h Broad. Rezeau Harry G., saloon 209 Broad, h do. Rezeau Joseph O., saloon 209 Broad, h do. Richardson Isaac, barkeeper, h Waverly. Riggs George W., carpenter, h 9 Pine. RIKER JAMES, author and librarian, h 23 Park ave. Ritz Joseph, shoemaker, bds. Christie House. Robbins Harry E., jeweler, h 36 Broad. Robinson Jesse, painter, h 9 Orange. Rodhlof John, saloon, 273 Broad, h do. ROGERS CHARLES H., contractor and builder, 413 Chemung, h do. Rogers Edwin E., clerk L. V. R. R. Ft. office, h 125 Chemung. Rogers Irvin H., clerk L. V. R. R. Ft. office, h Pleasant. Rogers William T., retired, h 28 Lincoln. Rolfe Cornelius J., brakemah, bds. 15 Providence. Rolfe Peter B., teamster, his Providence. Rolfe Willet W., butcher, bds. 15 Providence. Rood Horace W., brakeman, h 125 Erie. Root Hubert A., emp. R. R. shops Sayre, h 133 Lincoln. Rose David A., pattern maker, h 7 Loder. Rosecrants Abram, laborer, bds. 39 Broad. Ross Frank, carpenter and builder, 10 Pine, h do. Rowland Bert K., clerk, bds. 13 Waverly. Rowland John R., wines and liquors, also carriages and wagons, also Burle's patent egg preserver, 242 Broad, h 13 Waverly. Rowland Kate A., teacher, bds. Pennsylvania ave. n Broad. Rowland William A., carpenter and builder, h Pennsylvania ave. n Broad. Ruher Louis, machinist, h over 271 Broad. Ryan Bridget, widow Michael, h Broad. Ryan Conrad, laborer, h Erie cor. Pennsylvania ave. Ryan Dennis, telegraph lineman, h Erie cor. Pennsylvania ave. Ryan Jeremiah, town collector, bds. 10 Btoad. Ryan John, railroad emp., rooms over 265 Broad. Ryan Thomas B., ass't yard master Erie R. R., h 7 Pennsylvania ave. Sager & Munn, (T. A. S. and F. E. Munn) groceries, crockery and provi- sions, 234 Broad. Sager Alvin D., clerk, h 104 Waverly. Sager Thaddeus A., (Sager & Munn) h 119 Fulton. Salisbury Thomas L., painter, 130 Waverly, h do. Salonsky Isaac, clothing and gents' furnishings, 224 Broad, h do. SANDERS CHARLES H., (Farley & Sanders) h Fulton. Sanders Hiram E., policeman, h T03 Howard. Sargeant James C, emp. freight house, h 28 Orange. Sargeant J. C. Mrs., dressmaker, 28 Orange, h do. Sawyer Charles H., farmer 280, h 474 Chemung. Sawyer Fannie, widow Moses, h 109 Waverly. Sawyer Frederick A., cashier Citizens Bank, h' 474 Chemung. Sawyer Fred H., emp. Novelty Company, h 2 Orchard, BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE, ij Sawyer Hugh T., clerk L. V. R. R. freight office, h 109 Waverly. SAWYER J. THEODORE, president Citizens Bank, h 451 Chemung. Sawyer Julina, widow John L., h 451 Chemung. Sawyer Mary, widow James M., resident, h 25 Park Place. SAYRE BUTTER PACKAGE CO., (R. D. and H. C. Van Deuzer, and T. F. Page) Factoryville, Main. Scanlan Bartholomew, emp. L. V. freight house, h 9 Loder. Scanlon Martin, telegraph operator, bds. Pennsylvania ave. n Broad. Schutt William H., clerk, h 10 Orange. Schutte Magdalena, widow Rudolph, h 115 Howard. Schutte Rudolph, Jr., clerk, bds. 115 Howard. Scott Charles E., Loyal Sock coal, 256 Broad, h 7 Athens. Scott Robert, clerk, bds. Pennsylvania ave. Scott Robert H., (SnifFen & Scott) h 20 Park ave. Seacord John, contractor and builder, 27 Lincoln, h do. Sedgwick William, retired jeweler, h 127 Clark. Seely Charles, saloon and restaurant, 129 Broad. Seely Edmund, boarding, 1 2 Park ave. Seely Frederick, bartender, bds. 129 Broad. SEELY WILLIAM F., groceries, crockery and provisions, 257 Broad, h 107 Pennsylvania ave. Shaehan Michael, saloon, also prop. Tioga Bottling Works, Broad cor. Loder. Shannessy Patrick, emp. Erie R. R., h 127 Erie. Sharpe Arminda, widow William, h 1 1 Broad. Shaw Hulda J., dress and cloak maker, 9 Waverly, h do. Shaw Robert R., poor-master, h 1 1 Johnson. SHEAR JOHN C, prop. Waverly Steam Flouring Mill, 300 Broad, h lor Park ave. Sheeler Edward P., night rJerk U. S. Ex. Co., h Fulton. Shehan Patrick, resident, h 375 Broad. Sheldon Mary B., widow Charles H., resident, h 20 Park ave. Shelp Charles F., lumber, h 131 Lincoln. Shepard William Mrs., resident, bds. Warford House. SHERMAN CHARLES W., mason, 428 Chemung, h do. Sherry Hiram I., horse dealer, h 6 Pine. Sherry J. Robert, veterinary surgeon, bds. 6 Pine. Sherwood WiUiam, emp. pipe foundry, h 343 Broad. Shipman Charles H., conductor, h 43 Waverly. Shoemaker Jabez H., (B. Gerould & Co.) h Broad. SHOEMAKER JUDGE F., att'y at law, over 214 Broad, h 505 Chemung. Shoemaker Samuel O., emp. U. S. express company, h 156 Clark. Shook William, commercial traveler, h 1 8 Pennsylvania ave. Shriver Christina, widow Henry, h 9 Elm. Shulenburg Sarah, dress and cloak maker, 304 Chemung. Simmers E. Louisa, widow John W., resident, ii6 Chemung. Simmons Edward W., clerk, hit Johnson. Simmons Frederick C, clerk, bds. 71 Fulton. Simmons John H., cabinet maker, h 27 Providence. Simmons Silas W., retired, h 71 Fulton. Simmons William R., groceries and provisions, 269 Broad, h Howard. Simpson Elliot B., blacksmith, bds. 437 Chemung. Simpson Isaac D., blacksmith, cor. Penn. ave. and Broad, h 437 Chemung. SIMPSON WILLIAM H., blacksmith, 301 Broad, h 439 Chemung. 24 BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. Sirncoe Eli, contractor and builder, Orange, h 15 do. Skellenger Charles, meat cutter, bds. 36 Pine. SLAUGHTER & VAN ATTA, (S. W. S. and J. C. Van A.) drugs, medi- cines and wall paper, 233 Broad. SLAUGHTER S. W., (Slaughter & Van Atta) also vice-prest. Citizens Bank, h 408 Chemung. Slawson Andrew A., postmaster, undertaking and furniture, 223 Broad, h 443 Chemung. Slawson Jeremiah M., musical merchandise and sewing machines, 202 Broad, h 32 Waverly. Sligh Susan Mrs., resident, bds. 10 Athens. Sliney Charles, laborer, rooms 33 Waverly. Sliney Charles H., book-keeper Erie R. R. Co., associate press correspondent, bds. Warford House. Sliney William H., yard master Erie R. R., bds. Warford House. Slocum Olney, clerk, bds. Orange. Smead Edward, baker, bds. 34 Broad. Smeaton Mary A., teacher, bds. 152 Clark. SMEATON THOMAS, mason contractor, 152 Clark. Smith Augustus W., emp. Novelty Works, h 28 Orange. Smith Bros. & Co., (W. J., M. O. and H. G. S.) picture mouldings, frames, etc., over 207 Broad. Smith Charles O., (Smith Bros.) 19 Chemung. Smith Clayton A., foreman Free Press office, bds. 17 Fulton. Smith Daniel S., baker, h 2 1 Fulton. Smith D. S. Mrs., dressmaker, 21 Fulton, h do. Smith Edwin S., resident, h 37 Waverly. Smith Floyd, emp. Erie R. R., bds. 141 Waverly. Smith Fred E., clerk L. V. R. R. freight office, h 70 Broad. Smith Fred F., tinsmith, bds. 184 Clark. Smith Henry G., (Smith Bros. & Co.) h in Candor. Smith John L., laborer, h 184 Clark. Smith Mary K., widow Hanford, h 37 Wkverly. Smith Merritt W., blacksmith, h 40 Broad. Smith Minor O., (Smith Bros. & Co.) his Chemung. Smith Olin A., emp. livery, and farmer 50, h 157 Clark. Smith S. Charles, sign writing. Broad cor. Pine, h 9 Orange. Smith WiUis J., (Smith Bros. & Co.) bds. Fulton. Smith W. M. Adelbert, laborer, bds. 37 Waverly. Smitt Antoni B., merchant tailor, 10 Fulton, h 125 do. Snell Patrick, laborer, h Erie. Sniflfen & Scott, (H. H. S. and R. H. S.) grain, coal, seeds, wool, wagons and farm implements, Broad n Loder. Sniffen Henry H., (Sniffen & Scott) bds. Tioga House. Snook Frederick M., dentist, over 231 Broad, h 13 Pennsylvania ave. Snyder De LaFayette, resident, h 119 Clark. Somers Maurice, laborer, h 204 Howard. Space Henry, traveling salesman, bds. over 267 Broad. Space Jennie L., widow John A., dressmaker, over 267 Broad, h do. Spaulding William H., police justice, h 113 Clark. Speh Charles Prof., teacher of music, French and German. Spencer Charles F., boots and shoes, 226 Broad, h 445 Chemung. Spencer C. I. Mrs., resident, 104 Lincoln. BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. 2$ Spencer George M., emp. Swift's ice-house, h Broad n Pennsylvania ave. Sproul Andrew, railroad conductor, h 5 Spaulding. Sproul Herbert L., clerk, bds. 5 Spaulding. Stalker Albert, emp. Novelty Works, h Broad. Stanley Belle, art teacher, loi Pennsylvania ave., bds. Broad. Stanley Clark M., dentist, h Cad well. Stark Somers J., railroad conductor, h 203 Howard. Steele Edward J., telegraph operator, bds. Warford House. Stevenson William, clerk, h 244 Broad. Stevenson William R., locomotive engineer, h 21 Providence. Steward Malvina, widow Loren G., bds. 2 Ithaca. Stewart William H., retired, h 13 Park Place. Stone George P., machinist, bds. 12 Pennsylvania ave. Stone James R., retired, h 105 Park ave. Stone William P., resident, h 12 Pennsylvania ave. Stout Ernest A., book-keeper, 235 Broad, h over do. STOWELL HOLLIS L., dry goods, 237 Broad, h 405 Chemung. Strange Matthew, laborer, h 4 Broad. Strouse Huldah, widow Neal, dressmaker over 218 Broad, h do. Suiter Sophia, widow Robert, bds. 28 Loder. Sullivan Anna, dressmaker, 105 Chemung, bds. do. Sullivan Etta, dressmaker, 315 Broad, h do. Sullivan Hannah, dressmaker, 315 Broad, h do. Sullivan Mary, dressmaker, 315 Broad, h do. Sullivan Michael, emp. Erie R. R., h 26 Providence. Sullivan Michael, track foreman, bds. 9 Loder. Sutton Augustus, barber, bds. Warford House. Sutton Clarence M., emp. Novelty Works, bds. 466 Chemung. Sutton Ernest, emp. Toy works, h loi Pennsylvania ave. Sutton Frank M., cabinet maker, h 466 Chemung. Swaig Henry, porter Tioga Hotel, bds. do. SWAIN LESTER, groceries, provisions and restaurant, Fulton, h do. Swain William H., book-keeper, 251 Broad, h 117 Howard. SWEET WESLEY, furniture and undertaking, 243 Broad, h 10 Park ave. Taladay Frederick, carpenter, bds. 5 Providence. Tannery Harriet, widow James B., resident, 423 Chemung. TANNERY IDA Miss, millinery, over 233 Broad, h 243 Chemung. Tannery Mary, widow, h 17 Clark. Taylor John L., pastor ist Presbyterian church, h 11 Park Place. Teachman Isaac P., (Carr & Teachman) h 30 Chemung. Telephone Exchange, (F. E. Smith, of Elmira, Mgr.) over First Nat. Bank. Terry Edward H., mason, h 5 Pennsylvania ave. Terry Edward H., Jr., shipping clerk, 275 Broad, bds. 5 Pennsylvania ave. Terry Edward H. Mrs., dressmaker, 5 Pennsylvania ave., h do. Terry Fred S., city baggage express, bds. 160 Clark. Terry Ira M., carpenter, h Broad. Terry John, retired, h Hickory. Terry Orrin T., clerk, bds. 5 Pennsylvania ave. Terry T. Jefferson, car inspector, h 1 60 Clark. Terry Walter T., car inspector, h 160 Clark. Tew William E., real estate and insurance, over 214 Broad, h do.' Thatcher Harris C, manager The W. S. Thatcher Co., h 12 Park Place. Thatcher Helen, widow Walter S., woven wire mattresses, h 12 Park Place. 26 BARTON^WAVERLY VILLAGE. Thayer Roma B.. emp. Novelty Works, h 313 Broad. THE CITIZENS BANK, (J. T. Sawyer, pres't, S. W. Slaughter, vice-pres't, F. A. Sawyer, cashier) 214 Broad. *THE WAVERLY ADVOCATE, (Edgar L. Vincent, pub., and George D. Genung, editor, weekly) 4 Elizabeth. The W S. Thatcher Co., (Harry C. Thatcher, Mgr.) manuf. woven wire mattresses, Fulton. THOMAS HOLLY W., (Fairchild & Thomas) h 14 S. Main. Thompson Abner, brakeman, bds. Commercial Hotel. Thompson Abram J., clerk, h 144 Waverly. Thompson Guy M., emp. Novelty Works, bds. 144 Waverly. Thompson Sadie, teacher, bds. 3 Providence. Thompson William E., butcher, h 8 Pine. Thrall Emery, R. R. conductor, h. 348 Broad. Tillman David B., book-keeper, bds. over 253 Broad. Tillman Moses, carpenter, h over 253 Broad. Tilton Edson A., clerk, bds. in Howard. Tilton Ira, clerk, bds. in Broad. Tilton Isaac S., clerk, bds. in Howard. Tioga Bottling Works, Michael Shaehan, prop.. Broad cor. Loder. TIOGA HOTEL, Ackley & Bailey, proprs., FultJn Cor. Elizabeth. Tioga Laundry, George B. Witter, prop., 113 Broad. Tobin James, section foreman, Erie R. R., h. 119 Erie. Toppen Henry, painter, 114 Waverly, h do. Towner Jane, tailoress, h 9 Waverly. Tozer John F., livery stable, Fulton, opp. Opera House, h 30 Waverly. Tozer Lavina, widow Charles P., h 129 Waverly. Tracy Edward G., drugs, and wall paper, 228 Broad, h Fulton cor. Chemung. Tracy John L., books, stationery and newsroom, 204 Broad, h 3 Orange. Travis Landes I^., locomotive engineer, h 10 Spalding. Travis Littleton, coachman, h 401 Chemung. Troutman Jacob, brakeman, h 30 Broad. Tucker John T., physician and surgeon, over 224 Broad, h do. Turner Amelia, widow Joseph, h 144 Howard. Turner Edward, locomotive engineer, h 20 Park Place. Turney William E, confectioner, 239 Broad, h 130 Clark. Tuthill Caroline A., teacher, bds. Waverly. Tuthill Charles E., clerk, h 124 Waverly. Tuthill Elvira, widow Jacob G., h Waverly. Twist Michael, mason, bds. 381 Broad. Tyrrell Augustus, physician, over 222 Broad, h do. United States Ex. Co., J. K. Murdoch, agt., 8 Fulton. Unger Solomon, clothing and gents' furnishings, 230 Broad, h in Elmira. Unger Adolph, clothing and merchant tailor, 221 Broad, h Fulton. Updike Archibald, market gardener, h 85 Clark. Updike Frank A., carpenter, h Clinton ave. Utter John, architect, h 120 Howard. Vail Alonzo V. C, lumber dealer, h 1 28 Waverly. Vail Daniel, resident, h 121 Howard. Vail Merton W., painter, h 309 Pennsylvania ave. Vail Michael, brakeman, bds. Warford House. Vail Michael, switchman, bds. over 263 Broad. VanAmburgh Abdial B., wagon shop 304 Broad, h 133 Howard. BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. 27 VanAtta Azariah, contractor and builder, iii Pennsylvania ave., h do. VanAtta Clarence, clerk, h 109 Fulton. VanAtta E. Clair, clerk, h 9 Tioga. VanAtta Edwin H., drug clerk, bds. 5 Park ave. VAN ATTA JOHN C, (Slaughter & VanAtta) h 5 Park ave. VanCleft Mary J., dressmaker, bds. 139 Waverly. VanCleft Sarah A., widow Benjamin O., h 139 Waverly. VanCleft Wells, laborer, h Hickory. VANDERLIP CHARLES T., D. D. S., dentist, preservation of the natural teeth a specialty, over 201 Broad, h Cadwell. VanDerlip Sisters, (Mary and Elizabeth) dressmakers, h 24 Park ave. VanDermark Edward, porter, Tioga Hotel, bds. do. VanDermark Mrs., widow Albert, bds. 14 Pennsylvania ave. VanDeuzer Annie, teacher, bds. 468 Chemung. VanDeuzer Dell, emp. pipe foundry, h over 263 Broad. VANDEUZER HOWARD C, (Sayre Butter Package Co.) feds. Tioga Hotel. VanDeuzer Richard, mechanic, bds. over 263 Broad. VanDeuzer Richard D., (Sayre Butter Package Co.) h 468 Chemung. Van Gaasbeck, clerk, Christie House, bds. do. VanGaasbeck Josephine, widow John, h 132 Chemung. VanGorden Harry M., sexton of cemetery, h 38 Pine. VanGorden Mary E., dressmaker, bds. 38 Pine. VanVelsor & Co., (Alexander Zoltowski) merchant tailors, 212 Broad. VanVelsor George B., (VanVelsor & Co.) h 117 Waverly. VanVelsor Jane, widow Benjamin, bds. 117 Waverly. Vaughn William, retired, h 16 Park ave. Vibbert Charles M., contractor and builder, h 148 Waverly. VINCENT EDGAR L., publisher The Waverly Advocate, h Clark. Voorheirs Barbara, widow Sherman, h Blizard. Voorheirs Stephen, cigar maker, bds. Blizard. Vreeland Isaac S., M. D., physician and surgeon, over 229 Broad, h Penn- sylvania ave. WADSWORTH SAMUEL H., (Wadsworth & Kelsey) Hotel Warford. WADSWORTH & KELSEY, props. Hotel Warford, Broad cor. Fulton. . Waldo George F., retired, h loi Pennsylvania ave. WALKER EDWARD E., (T. S. Walker & Son) h 306 Pennsylvania ave. Walker Eliza, resident, bds. 6 Elm. ^ WALKER HOWARD S., clerk, bds. Waverly. WALKER LEANDER, groceries and provisions, 253 Broad, h Waverly. Walker N. Dell, widow George H., resident, h. 102 Lincoln. WALKER T. S. & SON, (Edward E.) groceries and provisions, 250 and 252 Broad. WALKER THADDEUS S., (T. S. Walker & Son) h r 60. WALLACE ALFRED H., carpenter, h 150 Waverly. Wallace Grandsville, porter, Tioga Hotel, bds. do. Wallace William A., emp. Novelty Works, bds. 150 Waverly. Walsh Maggie, milliner, bds. over 232 Broad. Walton S. Lincoln, tanner, h 73 Fulton. Ward Amrose, emp. planing mill, h 37 Orange. Ward John E., resident. Ward Mary, widow Hugh, h Loder. Ware Walter, inventor, h 27 Park ave. 28 BARTON — WAVERLY VILLAGE. Warner Anna P., resident, bds. 1 1 Park ave. WARNER WILLIAM F., lawyer, also pres't Waverly Gas Light Co., Waverly, h ii Providence. Warren James, emp. wheel foundry, h Erie. Waters Edward T., raarble cutter, h Erie. WATROUS BROS., (William L., and estate of Addison) dry goods, cloaks, and carpets, 227 Broad. WATROUS WILLIAM L., (Watrous Bros.) h 14 Park Place. Watson John, mason, h 102 Waverly. WAVERLY CASH STORK, (Barnes & Miller, props.) groceries and pro- visions, 277 Broad. Waverly Opera House, C. Mullock, manager. Fulton. ■Waverly Steam Flouring Mills, John C. Sheir. prop., 300 Broad. 'WAVERLY TRIBUNE, (weekly) Noble & Noble, publishers, Elizabeth. Weatherly Leonora, widow Perry, h 44 Waverly. WEBB HENRY A., prop. Webb's Dining Hall, 216 Broad, h do. WEBB'S DINING HALL, Henry A. Webb, prop., 216 Broad. Welch John, laborer, h Erie. Weller Charles M., baggageman, h 105 Howard. WELLER G. FRED, resident, h 188 Clark. Wells Elizabeth S., widow Rev. Daniel, bds. 414 Chemung. Welsh John, moulder, h Loder. Welsh Julia, widow James, h Loder. Welton Anna E., widow Lyman, h Chemung. Welton Warner, laborer, h Pine. West George P., retired, h 21 Orange. Westbrook Calvin T., drayman, h 7 Broad. Wheat Mark M., laborer, h Pine. Whitaker Henry, engineer, h 19 Lincoln. Whitaker Horace, street commissioner, h 435 Chemung. Whitaker Richard, mechanic and green-house, h 102 Howard. Whitaker William D., railroad conductor, h Providence n Pennsylvania ave. White Horton, emp. pipe works, h 10 Tioga. White James, bar-keeper, h Broad. White Jerome, laborer, h 430 Chemung. White Mary, widow Patrick h 354 Broad. Wickharo Joseph D., invalid, h 105 Howard. Wiesmer Sarah, widow George, resident, h loi Broad. WILCOX & BARROWS, (W. W. W. and A. H. B.) meat market, 271 Broad. Wilcox George S., retired, h 40 Park ave. Wilcox H. M. & Co., (L. S. Bush) dry goods, 218 Broad. Wilcox Howard M., (H. M. Wilcox & Co.) h 25 Waverly. Wilcox Silas E., resident, h over 269 Broad. WILCOX WYATT W., (Wilcox & Barrows) h 40 Park ave. Wilkinson Margaret, widow George D., resident, h 19 Broad. WILLIAMS ADELBERT D., (Puflffe Williams) h Loder. Williams Addie, dressmaker, 20 Clark, h do. Williams Ann, resident, h 3 Tioga. Williams Daniel, painter, bds. 20 Clark. Williams John F., laborer, h 18 Chemung. Williams Mary E., widow Gabriel, h 20 Clark. SXARKX:'V &, 'WINTERS, fVIiolesale and Retail Drnselsts, Owego. BARTON— OUTSIDE WAVERLY. 29 Williams Mastin L., retired, h 129 Clark. Wilson Alosco H., expressman, 24 Waverly. Wilson George W., locomotive engineer, h 349 Broad. Winnie William U., laborer, h 23 Glark. Witter George B., prop. Tioga Laundry, 113 Broad, h do. Woodburn James L., barber, Fulton, h do. Wolcott Ira M., resident, bds. over 259 Broad. Wolcott Maria, widow Silas, h 444 Chemung Wolcott Park, clerk, h Chemung. Wolcott Raymond, clerk, h 444 Chemung. Wolcott Tompkins S., bartender, h over 259 Broad. Wood Hiram C, R. R. signal tender, h no Chemung. Woodruff Emma C, widow Dr. Jacob D., resident, 7 Tioga. Woodruff James O. Rev., p^astor M. E. church, h 53 Waverly. Woodworth William H., laborer, h 26 Providence. Wright Daniel, lumberman, h 24 Clark. Wright Festus A., emp. J. T. Sawyer, h 451 Chemung. Young Henry H., tanner, h 196 Clark. Young John F., (Kinsnian & Young) h 6 Providence. Ziegler Benjamin F., cigar maker and tobacconist, Johnson, h 141 Fulton. Zeigler William R., conductor, h Hickory. Zoltowski Alexander, (VanVelsor & Co.) h 7 Chemung. Zoltowski Anthony, tailor, bds. 7 Chemung. OUTSIDE? ^WA.^VJE>iei^^y ^VIi:vIvA.OEJ. i^For explanations, etc., see page j, part second^ (Postoffice address is Barton, unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.) Ackley Alexander W., (Lockwood) r 2, prop, saw-mill and farmer 1,400. Ackley Charles E., (Lockwood) r 16, sawyer and farmer. Ackley Francis, (Factoryville) r 47, laborer. Ackley Samuel, (Lockwood) farm laborer. Adell Fayette G., laborer. Akins J. Frank, (Lockwood) r 48, farmer 58. Akins Rebecca, (Lockwood) r 47, widow George, resident. Albright Adam, (North Barton) r 34, prop, threshing machine and farmer 76. Albright Hiram C, r 40, resident. Albright Isaac D., r 40, prop, steam thresher and farmer 120. Albright Joseph, r 27, farmer. Albright Joseph A., (North Barton) r 34. farmer. Albright Sarah, (Factoryville) r 42, widow Josiah, farm 50. Allen David, (Factoryville) r 65, farmer. ALLEN JOHN, (Waverly) r 60, prop. Cayuta Dairy milk route and farmer. ANDRE ABRAM T., (Lockwood) lumber dealer and contractor, h Main. Andre Isaac J., (Factoryville) laborer. Andre John, (Lockwood) r 29, apiarist 16 swarms. Andrew George, (Factoryville) laborer, h Owego, STARKEY & "WINTBKS, DrnsglstB, Owego. Close Prices to Dealers. 30 BARTON — OUTSIDE WAVERLY. Andrus Mary D., Lockwood) r i, widow Thomas, farm 44. Andrus Richard, (Lockwood) commissioner of highways and farmer 60. Arhart Henry, (Factoryville) brakeman, bds. Jackson House. Armstrong Joseph, retired, h Spencer. Atchison Thomas, r 38, farmer. Averil Miles D., (Waverly) r 65, farmer, leases of Horace Taylor 5. Baker Alonzo, (Lockwood) r 28, farmer 50. Ball Isaac, (Factoryville) laborer, h 533, Chemung. Ball William N., (Factoryville) resident, h 521 Chemung. Bandfield Ira, (Waverly) off r 65, farmer 90. Bandfield Ira E., (Waverly) off r 65, farmer with his father Ira. Barden Charles, (Halsey Valley) r 25, farmer. Barden Edward, (Halsey Valley) r 25, farmer. Barden Ira, (Halsey Valley) r g, laborer. Barden Simon, (Halsey Valley) r 23, farmer. Barden Zalmon, r 39, farmer 45. Barker Abigail, (Factoryville) widow John, resident. Main. Barnes Christopher, (North Barton) r 17, farmer. BARNUM ELI, (North Barton) r 4, farmer 114. Barr John C, Jr., (Waverly) carpenter, h Chemung. Barton Tip, r 53, laborer. Bartron Albin, r 53, watchman. ; Bartron Frank, r 54, farmer with his father Joseph. BARTRON -JACOB, r 54, farmer with his father Joseph. Bartron Fernando, r 53, laborer. Bartron Joseph, r 5 4, farmer 80. ' Beams Marvin, r 41, farmer. Beers Lyman, (Factoryville) laborer, h Charles. Bellis William, (Factoryville) emp. Thatcher's mattress shop, h Orchard. Bellis Marietta, (North Barton) r 35, widow Charles, resident. Bellis Philip, (North Barton) r 35, farmer. Bennett Emma, (Factoryville) widow David, resident, h Owego. Bennett Lou, (Factoryville) cook, bds. Owego. Bensley DeWitt C, justice of the peace and pension attorney, Spencer, h do. BENSLEY ELLIOTT L., off r 55, farmer 200. Bensley John H., teacher, bds. Spencer. Bensley Lucina P., r 55, widow Daniel, resident. Bensley William, poormaster, h Spencer. Bensley William H., R. R. section hand, bds. Spencer. Bentley George, off r 39, peddler. BESEMER DANIEL V., (North Barton) r 18, apiarist 60 swarms and farmer 310. Besemer George D., (North Barton) r 18, farmer. Besemer James, (Lockwood) r 32, farmer 50. BINGHAM BROTHERS, (Lockwood) (G. W. & E. J. B.) flour and feed, saw, lath and planing-mill, and general merchandise. BINGHAM EDMUND J., (Lockwood) (Bingham Bros.) h Main. . BINGHAM GEORGE W., (Bingham Bros.) (Lockwood) h Main. Bingham John, (Lockwood) r i, farmer 27. BOGART GEORGE W., r 40, farmer 80. Began G. Fred, r 40, farmer with his father George W. Bogart James, (Waverly) r 60, farmer 47. Bogart John S., (Waverly) prop, saw-mill and farmer 40. aAKTUJN UUTHIUE WAVERLY. 3 I Bogart Joseph V., (Reniff) r i, farmer 124. Bogart Lawrence, (Factory ville)r 60, farmer. Bogart Nathaniel V., (Waverly) r 47, farmer 130. BOGART PETER V., (Lockwood) lumbering and farmer 65, h Main. Bogart Williamj r 41, farmer. Bowman Catharine, (Waverly) r 62, widow Absalom, resident. Bowman Emmet, (Waverly) r 62, farmer 65, and leases of Catharine Bowman 60, and on shares with Mrs. La Mont 15. Boyce Frank, (Factoryville) conductor, h Ithaca. Boyce Genevieve, (Factoryville) boarding-house, Ithaca. Boyce Lyman, (Halsey Valley) r 8, blacksmith. Brant Mary B., (Waverly) widow Luke S., resident, h Orchard. Brewster Harvey E., (Factoryville) r 69, farm laborer. Brewster Henry C, (Factoryville) r 69, farm laborer. Brewster John E., (North Barton) r 19, farmer 200. Brink Albert J., (Factoryville) r 64, farmer. Brink Charles, (Waverlv) r 59, farmer, leases of Jacob Brink 8o» BROCK GEORGE D.', (Lockwood) (A. V. C. Vail & Co.) postmaster, h Main. BROOKS AUGUSTUS, (Lockwood) prop, turning, scroll-sawing and wagon shop, contractor and builder, and manuf. church seats. Brown Avery, (North Barton) r 1 1, farmer. Brown Charles, (Lockwood) r 2, farmer 50. Brown Ezra, (Waverly) r 47, farmer 150. Brown Francis, (North Barton) r 19, farmer 120. Brown George, (Halsey Valley) r 23, farmer. Brown Marshall, (North Barton) r 19, farmer, with his father Francis. Brown Shubel C, (North Barton) r 4, farmer 100. Bruster Ainslee, (Lockwood) off r 2, farmer 175. Bruster Daniel, (North Barton) r 19, farmer 100. Bruster El wood, (North Barton) r 17, farmer. Bruster Nathaniel M., (North Barton) r 17, farmer, on shares with O. M. Bruster 150. Bruster Oliver M,, (Waverly) r 49, farmer 25. > BUCK LYMAN, (Waverly) r 65, school-trustee, prop. Buck's farm, dairy milk route, and farmer 100. Bunce Louisa, (Factoryville) widow John, resident, bds. Main. Bunnell Henry, (Waverly) r 48^, farmer 145. BURKE OSCAR F., (Waverly) r 60, carpenter, and farmer 6. Burt Israel, (Waverly) retired, bds. Orchard. Callahan Fanny, (Factoryville) widow John, resident. Campbell Emerson, (Waverly) r 62^, farmer, leases of John Murray 100. Canfield Amos, (Waverly) r 62, farmer 150. CANFIELD EZRA, (Lockwood) r 46, physician and surgeon. ' Carey Benjamin, (Waverly) teamster, h Main, E. Waverly. Carey Clarissa J., widow David N., resident. Carey Irving R., (Factoryville) laborer, h Chemung. Carey John, R. R. section foreman, h Spencer. Carey Samuel, r 36 farmer. Carlisle John, (Halsey Valley) r 22, laborer. Cary Ezra, r 66, farmer 145. Cary Leonard, (Halsey Valley) r 25, farmer. Cary William E., (Wright & Cary) h Spencer. 32 BARTON — OUTSIDE WAVERLY. Case Isaac, (Factoryville) resident, h Owego. Cashaday Horace, (Halsey Valley) r 12, farmer. Casterline Coe, (Factoryville) carpenter, h Owego. Cater William, (Waverly) laborer, h Owego. CAYUTA CREAMERY, (Factoryville) (Schuyler & Harding, props.) near depot. Central House, (Factoryville) F. D. Tooker, prop.. Main cor. Ithaca. Cheney Armenia, (Waverly) r 59, widow John, resident. Church Franklin L., (Lockwood) r-46, apiarist 23 swarms, and farmer, leases of J. C. Lyons 500. Church Walsteen A., (Lockwood) farmer with his father Franklin L. Clark Mary, (Lockwood) r 2, farm 50. Clarke Harmon, r 5 4 J, school trustee, and farmer 75. Clawson Harmon, r 40, farmer, leases of Jeremiah Bogart 80. Clearwater Amanda, (Factoryville) r 60, widow Stephen, resident. Clock Clarence E., (Factoryville) postmaster and station agent, h Ithaca. COLEMAN CHARLES H., (Lockwood) r i, prop, turning, scroll-sawing, wagon and blacksmith shop, also dealer in wagons, sleighs and agri- cultural implements. Coleman Eliza J., widow William D., resident. Coleman George, (Waverly) r 43, fanner 50. Coleman Jedediah D., live stock dealer, h Main. Coleman John B., postmaster and bridge carpenter. Main, h do. Coleman Joshua, r 54^, farmer 45. Coleman Sadie L., deputy postmaster, bds. Main. Collins Cornelius, (Lockwood) r 31, farmer 100. Collins Emeline, (Factoryville) r 60, widow Samuel, resident. Combs Clarence, (Factoryville) r 68, farm laborer. Combs George, (Factoryville) farm laborer, h Chemung. Conklin Emmet, (Factoryville) r 67, laborer. Conklin Julia, (Waverly) widow Timothy, laundress, h Main. Cook Daniel, r 55, physician and surgeon. Cooley Fred L., (North Barton) r 17, farmer. Cooley Harvey L., (Factoryville) retired, h Main. Cooley Hattie J., (North Barton) r 17, dressmaker. Cooley Robert, (Lockwood) r 32, farmer. Cooley Robert R., (North Barton) r 17, farmer 50. Corey Leonel C, (Factoryville) telegraph operator, h Ithaca. Corey William, (Factoryville) resident, h Ithaca. Cornell Alanson, stationery engineer, h Spencer. Cornell Daniel B., clerk, bds. Main. Cornell William, general merchant, and prop, of feed and saw-mill. Main, h do. Cornish Marvin J., (Factoryville) laborer, h Ithaca. Cortright Abram, (North Barton) r 11, farmer. Courtwright David J., (Factoryville) r 42, farmer on shares with M. Sawyer. Courtwright Martin V. E., carpenter and joiner, h Spencer. Cowles Adelbert C, (Waverly) r 60, small fruit grower. Cowles Caleb, (Waverly) r 60, orchard 150 trees and small fruit grower. Crandall Alfonzo, (Halsey Valley) r 5, farmer. Crans Ard F., (Factoryville) r 60, blacksmith. ' Crans Eliza, (Lockwood) r i, resident. CRANS FRANK, (Lockwood) r i, apiarist 56 swarms, and farmer. Crisfield Ellsworth E., (North Barton) r 4, farmer with his father John. BARTON — OUTSIDE WAVERLY. 33 Crisfield George B., (North Barton) r 15, farmer, on shares with C. C. Hedges 145. Crisfield John, (North Barton) r 4, farmer 180. Cronin Bartholomew, (Lockwood) R. R. section foreman, bds. Gilbert House. Cronin Michael, (Factoryville) R. R. section foreman, h Charles. Crotsley George, r 41, farmer, with his father Lewis. Crotsley Lewis, r 41, farmer 200. Cumber Solomon, r 41, farmer. Curran David, (Waverly) r 49J, farmer. Curran Floyd, (Waverly) r 62, clerk. Curran Horace H.. (Waverly) r 60, mason. Curran John J., (Waverly) r 60, mason. Curtis Samuel, (Factoryville) conductor, h near depot. Dalton James, laborer, h Spencer. Damon Edward F., (Waverly) r 6 2 J, farmer. Daniels Mary E., (Waverly"* widow Javan, tailoress, h Main, E. Waverly. Davenport Albert, (North Barton) r 18, farmer. Davenport Alonzo, farm laborer, h Main. Davenport Andrew, laborer, h Railroad. Davenport Charles A., laborer, h Railroad. Davenport David, r 39, retired. Davenport George, r 39, farmer 73. Davenport Leslie, (Factoryville) emp. Sayre Butter Package Co., bds. Che- mung. Davenport Miles, r,39, carpenter. DAVIS MARY M. Miss, (Lockwood) r 46, resident. DECKER TANNERY, Abram I. Decker, prop.. Main, E. Waverly. Dewandler Henry, (Waverly) r 60, farm laborer. Dewey George, (Lockwood) r 31, farm laborer. DeWitt William M., (Factoryville) r 60, teaming. Deyo Isaac, Jr., (Factoryville) r 60, farm laborer. Dickerson Orson, r 34, farmer 80. Dillon Martin, (Reniff ) foreman Reniff mills. Dingman William E., (Waverly) laborer, h Chemung. Doane William B., (Waverly) r 62^, farmer, on shares wijh J. Murray 100. DoUason Frances H., (Factoryville) widow Austin A., dressmaker, Main. Doney Abner, (Lockwood) carpenter, h Church. Doty Asa, (Factoryville) r 18, farmer 55. Doud Augustus, (Waverly) retired, h Main. Doyle Jacob, r 40, farmer 102. Doyle John, r,4o, farmer 8. Drake Andrew J., off r 66, farmer 200. Drake Betsey, (Halsey Valley) r 23, farm 100. Drake Ezra, (Halsey Valley) r 22, farmer. Drake George C, (Waverly) r 62, carpenter. Drake James H.,. (Halsey Valley) r 23, farmer. Drake Jedediah, r 37, farmer. Drake Nathaniel, (Lockwood) laborer. Drake Susan, off r 66, widow Elsworth, resident. Draper Spencer J., (Factoryville) laborer, h Owego. Drogan John, (Factoryville) emp. Sayre freight house, h Charles. Dunn John, (Factoryville) laborer, h Main. Dunn John, Jr., .Factoryville) laborer, bds. Main. 3 34 BARTON — OUTSIDE WAVERLY. Dunn Kate, (Factoryville) r 65, house-keeper. EATON AMBROSE C, (Factoryville) (D. H. E. & SON) h Main. EATON DAVID H., (Factoryville) (D. H. E. & Son) h Main. EATON D. H. & SON, (Factoryville) tin and hardware, manufrs. of Eaton's refrigerator butter packages. Edgarton Willis, (Lockwood) r 46, blacksmith. Edgcomb George G., (Factoryville) r 47, apiarist 30 swarms, and farmer 155. Edgcomb Gilbert, (Factoryville) r 60, farmer with his mother Lucinda. Edgcomb Lucinda, (Factoryville) r 60, widow Hobart, farm 140. Edgcomb Lucy, (Waverly) r 60, widow Gilbert, resident. Edwards Aaron, (Halsey Valley) r 9, farmer 45. Edwards George F., (Halsey Valley) r g, farmer. Ellas A. Clark, wagon-maker. Main, h do. Ellas Orrin, retired, h Main. Ellas Sarah Ann, resident, h Main. Elliott William B., (Factoryville) retired, h Chemung. Ellis Charles B., (Waverly) off r 49, farmer 100. ELLIS GILBERT S., (Waverly) r 64, commissioner of highways, auctioneer and farmer 35. Ellis Ira D., (Factoryville) r 64, farmer 44. Ellis Jesse, (Factoryville) r 59, farmer 87. Ellis John, (Factoryville) r 65, farmer. Ellis John, (Factoryville) painter, bds. Ithaca. Ellis Lewis B., (Waverly) r 49, farmer 77. EUis Sela, (Factoryville) r 60, farmer 135. Ellis Thaddeus W., (Factoryville) r 64, farmer 170. ElUs William T., (Factoryville) r 65, farmer. Ellison John, (Lockwood) r 28, farmer 50. Ellison Samuel W., (Lockwood) r 29, farmer 118. Ellison Susan, (Lockwood). r 79, widow Samuel, resident. Ellison William B., (North Barton) r 16, farmer 62. Elson Julius, r 40, farmer. Elwell Orlando, (Reniff) r i, sawyer and carpenter. Evans Ziba, Rev., (Lockwood) pastor M. E. church, h Main cor. Church. Evarts Andrew J., (Factoryville) general merchant, Main, h do. Evelin Henry, (North Barton) r 4, farmer, leases of Dr. Vosburgh. Evelyn Christopher, (North Barton) r 11, farmer 36. Evenden Eliza, (North Barton) r 2, widow Robert, farm 50. Evenden WilUam, (North Barton) r 2, farmer. Evens Richard E., (Waverly) laborer, h Orchard. Fiester Jacob, retired farmer, h Main. Filkins CorneHus, (Factoryville) carpenter, h near depot. Finch Amasa, (Factoryville) wagon and sleigh manuf.. Main, h do. Finch Cynthia, (Factoryville) resident, bds. Main. Finch Wilbur F., (Factor-yville) postal clerk, h Main. Fisher Douglass T., (Halsey Valley) r 2t, farmer. Fisk Willis J.. (Lockwood) r 1, watch repairer and miller. FLECKENSTINE JACOB W., (Waverly) r 60, prop. Iron Bridge stone- quarry. Fleming Oscar, (Lockwood) r 45, farmer, leases of Mrs. S. Davis 96. Follett Harriet, (Lockwood) r 45, widow Cyrus, farm 120. Foote Gilbert E., (Waverly) off r 46, assessor and farmer 150. Forbes Henry S., (Waverly) r 64, farmer on shares with G. B. Pennell loos. BARTON — OUTSIDE WAVERLY. 35, Forbes Hester, (Waverly) r 64, widow Archibald, resident. Forman Edward M., r 55, farmer 100. Forraan Miles, prop. Temperance Hotel, Main. Forsyth Edward, (Halsey Valley) r 8, farmer. Forsyth Frederick, (Halsey Valley) r 8, farmer. Foster Eli, (Waverly) r 47, farmer 50. Foster Katie, (Halsey Valley) r 9, widow Daniel, resident. Foster ShalorS., (Waverly) r 47, farmer with his father Eli. Frisbie Charles F., (North Barton) r 14, farmer. Frisbie Frederick, (Halsey Valley) r 8, farmer. Frisbie William R., (North Barton) r 14, farmer 250. Fuller Celinda, (Factoryville) widow Richard, resident, h Charles. Fuller F. Adelbert, (Factoryville) laborer, h Charles. Furman William A., (Reniff) r 1, farmer 35. Garrison William R., (.Factoryville) brakeman, h Charles. Gee William, (Halsey Valley) r 21, farmer. Genung Alva E., (Waverly) r 18, farmer 70. Genung Harvey, (North Barton) r 27, farmer. Genung Lydia L., (Waverly) r 18, widow Nathaniel, farm 80. Genung William W., (Waverly) r 18, farmer. Georgia George, (Lockwood) r 29, farmer. Gilbert House, (Lockwood) Mrs. Eva J. Gilbert, prop., Main, opp. depot, Gilbert Laton, (Lockwood) Gilbert House, Main. Giles Joseph W., (Halsey Valley) r 22, farmer. Gillan Benjamin R., (Factoryville) blacksmith, h Main. Gillan William, (Factoryville) fireman, h Main. Gillett Albert, (Reniff) r i, erap. Reniff mills. GILLETT & DECKER CREAMERY CO., (Reniff) W. E. Gillett, and A. I. Decker, props., near R. R. Gillett Morris H., (Reniff) r i, head sawyer Reniff mills. Gillett Nathan R., (Reniff) retired. GILLETT WILLIS E., (Reniff) (Gillett & Decker Co.) postmaster, gen- eral merchant, prop. Reniff Mills, and farmer 147, and in Chemung county 372, and in Tennessee 150. Giltner Dexter E., (Waverly) carpenter, h Ithaca. Giltner Ezra A., r 39, farmer 175. Giltner Francis, r 39, farmer. Giltner Wesley, r 541^, farmer 30. Giltner William, off r 38, farmer. Golden George M., (Lockwood) r 31, farmer 180. -Golden Isaac, (North Barton) r 33, farmer.' Goodwin Mrs., (Halsey Valley) r g, widow Floyd, resident. Gorton George, (North Barton) r 19, farmer 30. Gorton Nathan, r 54, farmer 10. Gould John, (Halsey Valley) r 23, farmed. Grafft George H., (Waverly) justice of the peace, h Main, E. Waverly. Gregory Franklin, (Lockwood) r 2, farmer, on shares with Dr. HoUenback 175. Green Edward L., (Factoryville) express messenger, h Charles. Green William H., r 54, farmer, on shares with H. A. HoUenback 224. Greer Jane A., (Factoryville) widow Thomas, resident, h Ithaca. Gridley Charles E., (Factoryville) (T. E. Gridley & Son) h Main. Gridley T. E. & Son, (C. E. G.) (Factoryville) general store, Mam. Gridley Thomas E,, (Factoryville) (T. E. Gridley & Son) h Main. 36 BARTON — OUTSIDE WAVERLY. HAG ADORN DEWITT C, (Lockwood) station and express agent, and telegraph operator, also dealer in coal, lime and cement, fence posts and R. R. ties. Haley Michael, (Factoryville) off r 60, laborer. Hallett John; (Waverly) r 62, painter. Hallett William, (Waverly) off r 62, retired. Hamilton Simeon, (Waverly) off r 60, carpenter. Hammond Gordon S., (Waverly) r 49, farmer, on shares with J. C. Lyons 160. Hanford Clark, (Factoryville) apiarist and shoemaker. Hanford Julia A., (Factoryville) widow Noah, resident, bds. Main. HANFORD MAURICE F., (Waverly) (Hanford & Lord) h Main, E. Waverlv. HANNA CHARLES F., (Factoryville) r 66, prop, saw-mill, and farmer 60. Hanna George E., (Factoryville) brakeman, bds. Main. Hanna George I., (Waverly) farmer 130. Hanna G. Quigg, (Factoryville) resident, h Main. Hanna Ira, r 55, farmer 100. Hanna Lorentes J., (Factoryville) butcher, h Main. flanna Selah S., (Factoryville) farmer. Hardenstine John L., (Waverly) painter. Harding Amos, (Waverly) r 49, painter. Harding Benjamin J., (Factoryville) r 59, farmer 54. HARDING CHARLES E., (Factoryville) carpenter, h Ithaca. Harding Charles H., (Waverly) r 59, farmer, leases of Ira Harding estate 80. Harding Cornelius, (Waverly) r 48, farmer. Harding Cynthia S., (Waverly) r 59, widow Ira, resident. Harding Elliot, (Waverly) r 59, farmer. HARDING FRANK W., r 52, farmer 90. HARDING HORACE T., (Factoryville) (Schuyler & Harding) r 60, farmer 23J, and in Chemung county 150. Harding James B., (Waverly) r 59, teacher, and farmer 54. Harding James N., (Factoryville) retired, bds. Ithaca. Harding James O., (Factoryville) emp. Sayre Butter Package Company, bds, Ithaca. Harding Nancy H., r 52, widow John, resident. Harding Samuel T., teacher, bds. Spencer. Harding William, (Factoryville) (Schuyler & Harding) h Owego. Harford A. Jackson, (Reniff) off r i, farmer. Harford George B., (Factoryville) teaming, h Main. Harford Lewis, (Reniff) off r i, farmer. HARFORD TUNIS I., (RenifP) r i, school trustee and farmer 60, a mem- ber of the.i6ist Regt., N. Y. Vols. Harris George V., (Factoryville) carpenter, h Main. Hart Edward C, (Waverly) r 60, emp. Novelty Works. Hazen Fred, r 41, farm laborer. Hedges Charles C, (North Barton) r rs, farmer 145. Hedges Christopher, (VanEttenville, Chem. Co.) r i, lumberman and farmer. Hedges Laura M., (Lockwood) widow John B., resident. Hess Adelbert, (Halsey Valley) r 1 2, farmer. Hess Fred, (Halsey Valley) r 20, farmer. Hess George, (Halsey Valley) r 7, farmer. Hess Jacob, (Palsey Valley) r 20, farmer 60. Hess Sylvester N., (North Barton) r 11, farmer. BARTON — OUTSIDE WAVERLY.. 37- Hill Ira G., (Factoryville) r 60, retired. HILL JOHN G., (Factoryville) r 68, farmer 78. Hill Albert L.. (Factoryville) laborer, bds. Ithaca. Hills Charles M., (Factoryville) book-agent, bds. Ithaca. HoUenback Harry A., r 54, farmer 224. HoUenback John W., traveling salesman, h Spencer. HoUenback M. Hunter, retired, h Spencer. Holt Charles B., r 53, apiarist 40 swarms, and farmer 500. Holt Herbert, (Halsey Valley) r 5, farmer 100. Holt Herman B., r 53, farnier. Hooker Nelson, (North Barton) r 27, farmer, leases of George Besemer. Hoover Martin, (Factoryville) r 65, laborer. Hoover William, r 41, prop, steam thresher, and farmer. Hopkins Henry, school trustee, and farmer 48. Hopkins John Q., r 68, farmer, on shares with S. Hanna 100. Hopkins Stephen, (Waverly) r 62, retired. Hopkins Stephen, Jr., (Waverly) r 62, manager Electric Light Oto. Horton Beverly P., farmer 25. Howe John W.. (Waverly) off r 49, farmer, on shares with C. B. Ellis 100. Hoyt Edmund H., (North Barton) r 14, postmaster, and farmer 60. Hoyt Joseph N., (Waverly) r 60, milk dealer. Hoyt Sylvanus H., (North Barton) r 11 cor. 14, farmer 50. Hubbell Cassius M., (North Barton) r 17, farmer, with his father Volney. Hubbell Melissa H., widow David C, resident, bds. Charles. Hubbell Volney, (North Barton) r 17, peach orchard 1,100 trees, and far- mer 105. Hulett John, (Factoryville) r 59, farmer 97. Hulett Milo, (Halsey Valley) r 9, retired. Hulett N. Tallmadge, (Factoryville) r 59, farmer with his father John. Hulett Theophilus, r 11, district clerk, and farmer 35. Hyatt Alanson (Lockwood) broom-maker, h Church. Ilette Lewis, (Factoryville) retired, h Main. Jackson Amos, (Factoryville) prop. Jackson House, Main. Jackson House, (Factoryville) A. Jackson, prop., Main. Jarvis Stephen, (Waverly) off r 65, farmer. Jennings Daniel, (Waverly) r 68, teaming. Jewell Levi, (Halsey Valley) r g, farmer. Johnson Arthur A., r 40, farmer on shares with C. B. Holt 200. Johnson Cyrus, (Factoryville) r 60, farmer 53. Johnson Edmund J., prop. Johnson House, Main. JOHNSON HERBERT L., (Factoryville) r 67, farmer, leases of T. W. Ellis 183. Johnson House, (E. J. Johnson, prop.) Main. Johnson Lucinda, (^Factoryville) r 60, widow Thomas F., resident. Johnson Philetus B., (Waverly) r 62^, farmer 50. Jones Benjamin S., (Waverly)_r 65, farmer for Mrs. Sophia Howard. Jones Edward, (Factoryville) laborer, h Main, Jones Eugene C, (Factoryville) laborer. Jones George, (Factoryville) off r 60, mason. Jones William N., (Factoryville) brakeman, h Main. Joyce F. Delphine, (Factoryville) r 60, widow Michael, resident. Kain Edward M., station agent, express agent and telegraph operator, also coal dealer, bds. Spencer cor. Main. 38 BARTON — OUTSIDE WAVERLY. Xane James F., blacksmith, bds. Main. Kaulback John H., (Waverly) leather finisher, bds. Main, E. Waverly. Xaulback John J., (Waverly) supt. Decker Tannery, h Main, E. Waverly. Keeler Thomas, (Waverly) r 49, farm laborer. Kelley Fred L., (Reniff ) r i, farmer with his father Lutheran. Kelley Lutheran, (Reniff) r i, apiarist 14 swarms, and farmer 130. Kellogg Joseph, (Lockwood) off r 47, resident. Kelsey Horace, Rev., r 37, (Bapt.) retired. Ketcham Avery, (Lockwood) r 33, farmer. Ketchem Ida, widow Lewis, resident. Xing Clayton G., (Waverly) r 47, farmer. King Henry, (Halsey Valley) r 21, farmer. King John W., r 52, farmer on shares with A. J. Van Atta 103. King Le Grand, (Lockwood) r 45, farmer 300. King Salmon D., r 38, farmer 200. King Sarah M., (Waverly) r 47, widow George, resident. King Sheffield, (Lockwood) r 15, farmer. King Warren J., (Lockwood) r 16, farmer 80. Kingsworth Leonard, (North Barton) r 32, farmer 150. Kinney John, off r 39, farmer 8. Kirk Frederick H., (Factoryville) r 60, quarryman. Kishpaugh George, (North Barton) r 16, farm laborer. Kishpaugh Jonas, (Halsey Valley) r 26, farmer 100. Kline Mazie A., (Waverly) r 62J teacher. Kline Wesley B., (Waverly) r 62-J-, farmer, leases of J. Beuly 170. Knapp Azel, (Waverly) r 59, farmer 150. Knapp Jerome B., (Waverly) r 59, farmer. Kreamer Lot S., (Waverly) conductor, h Main, E. Waverly. Lambert John L., (North Barton) r. 4, farmer. LA MONT MARY C, (Factoryville) widow Allen, farm 95. Lauderback George, r 39, farmer 30. Lauderback Henry, r 39, farmer 30. Laughlin Theodore, (Waverly) r 44, farmer on shares with C. Sawyer. Lawheed Joseph S., (Factoryville) r 47 tanner. Lawrence James C, (Factoryville) brakeman, h Charles. Lee Henry B., (Factoryville) r 49, farm laborer. Lee Ira H,, (Factoryville) r 48J, district clerk and farmer 131. Lee James, (North Barton) r 3, farmer. Leonard Charles, r 55, blacksmith. Lewis Harrison, (Waverly) r 59, farmer 53. Liddle Richard, (Factoryville) retired farmer, h Owego. LORD LOUIS F., (Hanford & Lord, Waverly) h Main, E. Waverly. Lott George W., (Van Ettenville, Chem. Co.) prop, saw-mill and farmer 500. Lott Live Oak, (Van Ettenville, Chem. Co.) r i, lumberman and farmer. Lubars Theodore H., (Waverly) stationary engineer, h Main, E. Waverly. Luce Chauncey, (North Barton) r 1 1, farmer. Luce John, (Waverly) resident, h Main, E. Waverly. Lynch Uriah, (Halsey Valley) r 6, farmer. ' Lyon Alonzo, (Waverly) painter and paper-hanger, h Chemung. Lyons Henry, (Lockwood) r 46 retired farmer. Lyons John, (Lockwood) r t, farmer 300. Lyons Jonathan C, (Factoryville) retired farmer, h Ithaca. Lyons Nelson H., (Factoryville) farmer 35, h Ithaca. SXARKBV & TriNTX:RS, Wbolesale and Retail Druggists, Owego. BARTON — OUTSIDE WAVERLY. 39 Maloy I. Shepard, (Waverly) janitor High school, h Orchard. Manderville Benjamin F., (Waverly) r 60, enip. Sayre shops and farmer 28. Manning Betsey, (Waverly) widow Job, resident, bds. . Main. MANNING ELI D., (Halsey Valley) r 9, apiarist and farmer 46. Manning Fred B. , (Halsey Valley) r 9, feed and cidar-mill, and turning shop. Manning John, (Halsey Valley) r 9, farmer 50. Manning John, r 39, farmer 145. Manning Judson, (Halsey Valley) r 9 cooper. Manning Reuben C, (Waverly) farmer, h Main. Mansfield Charles S., r 40, farmer on shares with J. Doyle. Mapes Milton C, (Factoryville) blacksmith, Main, h do. Masterton Samuel, r4ij farmer. Masterson Urial, (Halsey Valley) r 19, farmer 15. McCarthy Florence, (Factoryville) conductor, h Ithaca. Mead Elizabeth, (Factoryville) r 60, widow Jacob W., resident. Mead George H., (Factoryville) r 60, farm laborer. Mead Judson, (Factoryville) r 60, farm laborer. Mead Wallace, (Waverly) r 60, laborer. Merrill A. Jackson, (Factoryville) r 59, farmer 40. Merrill Sutherland T., (Factoryville) r 59, farmer with his father A. Jackson. Metzker John W., (Factoryville) student, bds. Spring. Millage Jacob A., (Factoryville) laborer, h Ball. Millard Royal J., (Lockwood) teamster, h Main. Millen Alonzo P., r 55, farmer on shares with C. Sawyer 96. Miller Catharine E., (Lockwood) widow Gilbert M. L., resident, h Main. Miller Henry, R. R. section hand, bds. Johnson House. Miller James, (Factoryville) emp. Novelty Works, h Main. Miller John, (Factoryville) brakeman, bds. Main. Mills Adolphus, (Waverly) r 59, farmer. Mills William G., (Waverly) r 59, farmer 120. Monroe Charles, r 55, farmer. Morse Asa, (Lockwood) off r i, laborer. Murray William W., (Factoryville) blacksmith, h Main. Myers Peter, (Lockwood) r 32, farmer, leases of M. L. Williams. New John T., (Factoryville) farm laborer, h Charles. Newkirk Diantha (Factoryville) widow Ezra, resident, h Owego. Nichols Charles H., (Lockwood) farm laborer. Nichols Chauncey S., (North Barton) r 18, farmer 83. Nichols Harriet A., (North Barton) r 18, widow Robert T., resident. Nichols Harvey L., (Waverly) r 49, farm laborer. Northrup Isaac D., (Waverly) r 62, farmer, leases of J. Kennedy 160. Northrup WiUiam C, (Waverly) r 62, farmer with his father Isaac D. Osborn John, (Factoryville) stationary engineer, h Ithaca. Park Alvira, r 55, widow John, resident. Park Daniel, r 55, farmer 100. Park John J., r 55, farmer 65. Parker Charles P., (Factoryville) r 48J, carpenter, and farmer 30. Parks Joel, painter, h Spencer. Parry Chauncey, r 39, farmer 15. Partridge Sarah, (Factoryville) widow Abram, bds. Main. Peck Luther Rev., pastor M. E. church, h Spencer. Pembleton Charles, (Factoryville) r 69, farmer 124. Pennell Gershem B., (Factoryville) retired farmer. STARKET £ ■WINTEKS, Druggists. Owego. Close Prices to Dealers. 40 BARTON — OUTSIDE WAVERLY. Peters Frederick J., (Waverly) clerk, h Main, E. Waverly. Peterson Charles, (Waverly) r 62^, farm laborer. Petty Nathan D., laborer, h Main, Phillips Nellie S., (Factoryville) widow Addison B., resident, h Main. Piatt Charles, (Factoryville) r 60, laborer. Pierce Mary A., (Factoryville) resident, bds. Main. Poole Frank, (Hals'ey Valley) r 9, blacksmith, and farmer 100. Poole George, (Halsey Valley) r 6, farmer. Porter Zeal W., (Factoryville) r 48J, farmer. Primrose James, r 55, laborer. Quick Jay, (Halsey Valley) off r u, farmer 50. Raymond Augusta, (Factoryville) r 67, resident. Raymond Isaac L., (Factoryville) r 67, farmer 500. Raymond Rebecca, (Factoryville) r 67, resident. Reed Eugene N., (North Barton) r 11, farmer. Rezeau Henry G., (Waverly) r 62^, horse trainer and farmer. Reeeau Joseph O., (Waverly) r 62^, farmer 60. Rhodes Isaac, (Factoryville) carpenter, h 517 Chemung. Richards Horace, (Wavedy) r 57, school trustee, and farmer 100. Rinker Frank, (Lockwood) r 29, farm laborer. Robinson Frederick, (Factoryville) emp. Novelty Works, bds. Owego. Robinson Leroy E., (Factoryville) teaming, h Owego. Rockwell Charles M., (Factoryville) laborer, h Chemung. Rolls Hosea H., (Waverly) r 64, farmer. Root Frank L., (Halsey Valley) r 5, farmer 31. Root Lester, (Halsey Valley) r 9, prop, bowling alley and pool-room. Root Ransom R., shoemaker, Main, h North. Ross Horace, (Lockwood) sawyer, bds. Main. Ross John B., (Lockwood) lumberman. Sabins Luther, (Factoryville) laborer, h Main. Sager James, (Waverly) r 43, farmer 37. Sager Marcus B., (Waverly) r 43, farmer 50. Sager Philander A., (Halsey Valley) r 21, farmer. Sager Simon, (Halsey Valley) r 25, farmer. Salmon Franklin J., Rev., pastor Baptist church. Saunders Charlotte, (Factoryville) r 69, widow Nathan, farm 50. Saunders Mary W., (Factoryville) r 65, farm 83. Saunders Nancy J., (Factoryville) r 65, resident. Sawyer Moses E., (Factoryville) farmer, h Main. Sawyer William A., (Factoryville) emp. Sayre shops, h Main. SCHUYLER & HARDING, (Factoryville) props. Cayuta creamery, near depot. Schuyler Ann, (Waverly) r 34, widow Philip C, farm. Schuyler Arminda, (Lockwood) off r 47, resident. SCHUYLER FORT A., (Factoryville) (Schuyler & Harding) highway com- missioner, and farmer 300, h Main. Schuyler John, (Lockwood) r 48, farmer, leases of J. Bogart 40. Schuyler Norman, (Waverly) r 27^, farmer. Schuyler Speer, (Halsey Valley) r 19, farmer. Scott Mary, (Factoryville) r 65, widow Levi, house-keeper. Scutt Horace, (Halsey Valley) r 21, farmer. Seaman George, (Reniff) r i, laborer. Searles Cornelius, (Waverly) r 57, farmer 57. BARTON— OUTSIDE WAVERLY. 41: Searles J. Nicholas, (Factoi-yville) r 68, sawyer. Searles Truman, (Lockwood) farm laborer. Searles Emanuel, (Factoryville) r 18, farmer 60. Severn Lemuel, (North Barton) r 14, farmer 50. Shackelton John, farmer 350, and in Illinois 200. Shadrick Henry, (Halsey Valley) r 9, farmer. Shahan Patrick, (Waverly) R. R. section foreman, h Broad. Shahan Patrick, Jr., (Waverly) machinist, bds. Broad, E. Waverly. Sharp Frederick, retired, h Railroad. Shelp Mahala, (Factoryville) r 60, widow Freeman, farm 25. Shepard Joseph, (Factoryville) resident, bds. Main. Sherman James, (Waverly) r 64, mason. Sherman J. Gideon, (Factoryville) 152, farmer on shares with James Swart - wood 72. Sherman John H., (Waverly) r 64, mason. Sherman John S., (Factoryville) r 65, farmer, leases i6o. Sherman S. Melinda, (Waverly) r 64, widow James W., resident. Sherman Stephen, (Factoryville) r 52, retired. Shipman Harvey D., (Waverly) r 18, school trustee, and farmer too. SHIPMAN PERLIE E., (Waverly) r 4, dressmaker. Shipman Philip H., r 54, farmer 30. SHIPMAN RUFUS T., (Waverly) r 43, apiarist 20 swarms and farmer 50.. Shipman Shaler B., (North Barton) r 34, farmer 130. Shoemaker Aaron, r 41, farmer. Shoemaker Henry, r 35, farmer 60. Shoemaker Peggy A., (Factoryville) widow Daniel, resident, bds. Main. Shores Elizabeth Mrs., (Waverly) resident, bds. Orchard. Shorter Harriet, (Halsey Valley) r 22, widow Albert, resident. Simons Charlotte W,, (Waverly) r 47^ widow Thomas, resident. Skillings Giles, (Halsey Valley) r 9, carpenter. Skillings James, L., (Halsey Valley) r 9, laborer. SLITER JAMES M., (Waverly) r 49, farmer 128. Farm for sale. Sliter J. Watson, (Factoryville) laborer, h Orchard. Sliter Nicholas, (Factoryville) retired, bds. Orchard. Sliter Phoebe, Mrs. (Factoryville) resident, bds. Orchard. Sliter Warren, (Factoryville) painter, h Orchard. Slutzer Louis, (Factoryville) track hand, bds. Jackson House. Sly Jeffrey A., (Waverly) r 49, farmer 75. Smith Asa M., (Factoryville) brakeman, h Spring. Smith Charles B., (Waverly) r 64, retired. Smith Charles G., (Waverly) r 4g^, farmer. Smith Daniel, (Waverly) r 44, farmer. Smith Deborah A., (Factoryville) widow Joseph, resident, h Main. Smith Emily, (Halsey Valley) r 9, widow David. Smith Emmet W., (Waverly) r 60, emp. Novelty Works. Smith Freeman D., (Waverly) r 50, farmer 15. Smith George J., (Waverly) r 49!^, resident. Smith Hannah, (Factoryville) r 47, widow Jesse, resident. Smith Hester, (Lockwood) r 28. widow Charles, farm 50. SMITH JAMES H., (Factoryville) telegraph operator, bds. Spring. Smith John, Jr., (North Barton) r 17, farmer 82. Smith Lorenzo, (Waverly) r 49, farmer, leases of Mrs. Mary C. La Mont i2o>.. Smith Phoebe, (Waverly) r 50, widow Benjamin, resident. 42 BARTON— OUTSIDE WAVERLY. SMITH RUSHTON, (Waverly) r 64, civil engineer and farmer 50. Smith William E., (Waverly) r 49^, farmer on shares with G. Graff 130. Solomon George, (Waverly) r 49, farmer 90. SOLOMON JOHN V., (Waverly) r 69, carpenter and farmer 15. Soper Will, (Lockwood) oiF r 48, farmer. Southwick Warren, (Halsey Valley) r 20, farmer. Spear Barney B., (Lockwood) r 46, farmer on shares with J. T. Sawyer 130. Spear Samuel (North Barton) r 14, farmer on shares with Shubel Brown 100. Squires Frederick S., (Factoryville) emp. Novelty Works, h Orchard. Squires James P., (Factoryville) r 60, farmer 50. Squires Miles E., (Factoryville) resident, h Orchard. Squires Molbrow H., (Waverly) farmer. Stalker Albert, (Factoryville) clerk h Main. Stanton Mary E., (Factoryville) widow Simon, laundress, h Main. Stebbins O. Harrison, (North Barton) r 17, farmer 50. Stebbins William H., (Factoryville) driver, h 545 Chemung. Stevens Allen, (Factoryville) blacksmith, h Main. Stevens Samuel, (Lockwood) r 46, groceries and meat-market. Stever James H., (Waverly) r 62, carpenter. Stever Jeremiah A., (Lockwood) r 46, head sawyer Bingham's mills. Stfeward Adam, (Lockwood) r 45, farmer 9, ' Steward Catharine, r 39, widow William, resident. Steward Horace A., (Waverly) r 69, farmer. Stewart Augustus, (Halsey Valley) r 21, farmer. Stewart Edgar S., (Factoryville) r 69, emp. Novelty Works. Stewart Harriet, (Factoryville) widow George H., resident, bds. Main. Stewart Jane A., (Waverly) r 18, resident. Stewart Thomas E., (Factoryville) r 60, farm laborer. Struble John, (Waverly) r 48J, farmer. Stuart Cornelius C, (Lockwood) laborer. Stuart Will E., painter. Main, h do. Sutherland Edward J., (Factoryville) tinsmith, bds. Ithaca. Sutherland Thomas, (Factoryville) stationary engineer, h Ithaca. Swain Mary J., (Factoryville) r 60, widow Jacob, resident. Swarthout Charles B., (Factoryville) carpenter, h Chemung. Swartwood Darius E., r 41, emp. Sayre shops, and farmer 61. Swartwood Ezekiel, r 53, farmer 6. Swartwood James, r 53, retired. Swartwood John P., r 67, farmer 120 Swartwood Mary Miss, r 53, resident. Swartwood Parthema Miss, r 53, resident.- Swartwood William, r 41, retired. Talcott Oscar, (Halsey Valley) r 25, farmer. Taylor Chester, (Halsey Valley) r 9, laborer. Taylor Daniel, (Halsey Valley) r 6 farmer. Taylor Edwin, (Halsey Valley) r 6, farmer. Taylor Elizabeth, (Halsey Valley) r 5, widow Eli, farm 100. Taylor George, (Halsey Valley) r 9, farmer 24. Taylor Orin, (Halsey Valley) r 6, farmer. Temperance Hotel, (M. Forman, prop.) Main. Terry William R., (Waverly) r 64, book agent. Thayer Mary E. Mrs., (Factoryville) r 59, resident. Thayer William, (Factoryville) r 65 farmer. BARTON — OUTSIDE WAVERLY. 43 Thomas Aaron, (Lockwood) r 46, emp. Bingham's mills. Thomas Charles, (Factoryville) emp. Pipe Works, bds. Jackson House, Thomas George D.^ (Lockwood) r 46, fireman. THOMAS HALLOWAY W., (Waverly) insurance, h Main, E. Waverly. Thomas Lucy, (Factoryville) widow James, h Orchard. Thrall C. Adelbert, (Lockwood) r 2, school trustee and farmer 100. Thrall Sarah, (Waverly) r 49, widow Charles, resident. Tilbery Edgar, r 39, farmer 72. Tompkins Mary A., (Factoryville) widow Charles, dressmaker, h Ithaca. Tompkins Samuel W., r 54J, farmer on shares with Elizabeth Coleman's estate 160. Tooker Frederick D., (Factoryville) prop. Central House. Tozer Almerin, (Factoryville) resident, h Ithaca. Tozer Alonzo, (Waverly) r 60, farmer. Tozer Edward A., (Waverly) r 60, farmer 47. Tozer Harry H., (Waverly) r 60, farm laborer. Tozer Henry, (Waverly) r 60, farmer 100. Tozer James, (Lockwood) r i6, farmer. Tozer Mary A., (Lockwood) r 16, widow William, farm 40. Tubbs Irving D., (Lockwood) r 29, farmer on shares with A. Ackley 100. TurnbuU James, (Factoryville) moulder, bds. Central House. Tuthill James N., (Factoryville) r 69, farmer. Tuthill William L., (Waverly) r 62, farmer 150. VAIL A. V. C. & CO., (G. D. Brock) (Lockwood) saw and planing mill and general merchandise. Main. Vail A. V. C, (Lockwood) (A. V. C. Vail Sc Co.) farmer 350, residence in Waverly. VanAtta , (Factoryville) r 60, gardener. VanAtta Benjamin, farm laborer, h Spencer. VanAtta Fanny J., r 52, widow Peter, resident. VANATTA OSCAR H., r 52, master Tioga County Pomona Grange, district clerk, and farmer 75. VANBUREN EUGENE L., (Lockwood) r 46, farmer 75. VanBuren Lorenzo, (Lockwood) r i, farm laborer. VanCleft Wells W., (Waverly) r 62, laborer. VanDermark Frederick, (Factoryville) r 60, farmer on shares with William Shepard estate. VanEtten Alfred, (North Barton) r 4, farmer. VanEtten Elisha, (Halsey Valley) r 25, farmer. VanEtten Richard, (Halsey Valley) r 26, farmer. VanHorn Charles, (Waverly) r 57, farm laborer. VanLuvin Alison, (Halsey Valley) r 5, farmer 46. VanMarter F. Wesley, (Halsey Valley) r 12, farmer 65. VanRiper , (Factoryville) r 65, farmer on shares with Mary Saunders 80. VanTyle Arthur, (Lockwood) retired, bds. Main. VanVleet Theodore, (Halsey Valley) r 5, farmer. Varner John H., (Waverly) emp. freight yard, h Main, E. Waverly. Vasbinder Harrison, (Halsey Valley) r 10, farmer. Vasbinder James H., (Halsey Valley) r 9, resident. Vastbinder Lewis, (Halsey Valley) r 8, farmer. Vosburgh Everett, (Halsey Valley) r 9, farmer. Vosburgh Henry P., (Halsey Valley) r 9, physician and surgeon. Wakefield Martha M., (Factoryville) resident, bds. Ithaca. 44 BARTON— OUTSIDE, WAVERLY. Walden John N., (Halsey Valley) r 12, farmer 50. Walden Leander, (Waverly) emp. Steam mill, h Orchard. Walden Theodore, ( Factory ville) r 69, farmer on shares with S. Ellis 135. Walden Thomas, (Waverly) r 49, farmer 25. Walker Edward H., (Waverly) farmer. Walker Emmet, (Waverly) r 62, farmer 170. WALKER LEANDER, (Waverly) r 62, grocery, Broad. Walker Loren A., (Waverly) r 60, apiarist 40 swarms, and farmer 33. Walker Richard, (Factory ville) off r 60, laborer. WALKER THADDEUS S., (Waverly) (T. S. Walker & Son) r 60. Warner John A., (Waverly) r 65, milk dealer. WASHBURN GEORGE H., (Factoryville) r 65, farmer. Watson John F., (Factoryville) resident, h Main. Weed Cornelius E., (Lockwood) r 32, farmer 72. Weed William F., (Lockwood) farmer with his father Cornelius E. Weller Erastus, (Factoryville) r 42, farmer. Weller William S., (Factoryville) r 60, brakeman. Wells O. Eugene, (RenifF) foreman creamery. Walton Eugene E., (Waverly) fireman, h Orchard. West Samuel, (Lockwood) r 45, retired. West Wilson, (RenifT) off r i, farmer 126. Westbrook Henry, (North Barton) r 17, farmer. Westfall Harry, (Factoryville) carpenter, h Main. Westfall John V., r 55, farmer 100. Wheeler Grant, r 34, farmer. Wheeler H. Samuel, retired, h Main. Wheeler Isaac R., r 66, farmer. Wheeler Nirum, (Factoryville) r 66, farm laborer. Wheeler Philip H., (North Barton) r 32, farmer 63. WHITAKER LEWIS, (Factoryville) r 59, farmer 102. Whitaker William H., (Waverly) resident, h Orchard. Whitmarsh Ira, Jr., r 39, R. R. section hand. Wilbur Dennison, (Halsey Valley) r 7, farmer. Wilbur Hiram, (Halsey Valley) r 6, farmer. Wilcox Lyman, (Factoryville) retired, h Ithaca. Wilkinson Charles S., (Waverly) r 65, school clerk, and farmer 175. Wilkinson C. Raymond, (Waverly) r 65, commercial traveler. Wilkinson Joseph G., (Waverly) r 68, retired. Williams Alanson C. (Reniff ) r r, farmer 60. Williams Justus A., (North Barton) r 28, farmer to. Williams Lucinda, (North Barton) r 17, widow Sylvester H., farm 46. Williams Mastin, (Lockwood) r 28, farmer 40. Williams Moses S., (Reniff) r i, farmer oh shares with Joseph Bogart. Williams Winton T., (Waverly) r 47, farmer 70. Willis Frank, (Lockwood) r 16, farm laborer. Willis William, r 39, farmer 150. Wood Eunice A., (Factoryville) widow Oliver P., resident, h Main. WOOD JAMES C, (Factoryville) general merchant, also deputy post-master^ Main, h do. Woodard Henry, (Waverly) off r 62, farmer, leases of James Benley 100. Worrick David A., (North Barton) r 17, farmer 50. Worster Simon, (Factoryville) emp. Novelty Works, h Owego. STARKEY dc WINTERS, Wbolesala and Retail Dragglsts, Owego. TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. . 45 "Wright & Gary, (C. E. W. and W. E. C.) general merchants, Main. Wright Charles E., (Wright & Gary) h Main. Wright Miaraa, (Factoryville) r 59, widow Sylvenus, farm 40. Yaple Amos S., r 39, carpenter. Taple Peter, r 57, farm laborer. Yates Emily, (Factoryville) widow Thomas, resident. Tates Jerome N., (Factoryville) mail carrier, bds. Main. Yates Thomas P., (Factoryville) lumberman and farmer. BERKSHIRE. {For explanations, etc., see page 3, part second.) (Postoffice address is Berkshire, unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.) Akins Garoline P., r 21, widow Stephen, farm 140. Akins Henry S., (Speedville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, saw and planing-mill, cheese- box factory, cider-mill, wood turner and manuf. potato crates. Akins John P., r 21, farmer, works for Caroline P., 140. Andrews Asa, r 3, farmer, leases of Walter Jewett 190. Bailey Isaac B., r 28, sawyer. Baker Clarence A., r 5, farmer, leases of Talcott Leonard 154. Baker George W., r 11^, farmer. -Ball Asa, r 24, farmer 150. Ball CaroUue, widow of Anson, h Main. Ball George P., produce buyer. JBall Hannah E., widow of Alvah M., resident, h Main. Ball John, prop, saw-mill and farmer 40. Ball Robert H., farmer 140, h Main. Ball Stephen L., farmer 88. JBallard James O., (Ketchumville) r 28, farmer 39. Ballou Alden, off r 23, farmer. Ballou Nelson A., r 36, farmer 71. Ballou Reuben, off r 23, farmer 97. Bancroft William H., (Ketchumville) r 32, farmer 59. Barr George A., farmer 50, h Glen. Bates Otis L., r 10, farmer 75. Bates Spencer, r 10, farmer. Beebe Herman P., r 9, laborer. Beebe Philo E., r 9, farmer 75. -Bennett Lucius M., laborer, h Glen. Benton Charles W., r 17, manuf. of axe-helves, and farmer 45. Benton Thomas J., r 17, painter and farmer. BERKSHIRE FLOURING MILLS, Leet & Hollenbeck, proprs. BERKSHIRE HOUSE, (Ira Crawford, prop.) livery connected. Bidwell Elizabeth M., widow Hiram H., resident, h Main. Bidwell Roxey A., widow Samuel C, resident, h Main. -SXARKEY & ■WINTERS, properly fill OTail and Telephone Orders. 46 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. BLACKMAN ABRAM, dealer in live stock, and farmer 160, h Main. Borthwick Joseph, (Jenksville) rig, farmer 8r. Boyer Stephen H., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, farmer 400. BRAINARD CHARLES E., r 27 cor. 26, dealer in the Deering mower, reaper and binder, wheel rakes, spring tooth harrows, sulky and land plows, wagons and carriages, also agent for arctic creamery, and farmer 220. Briggs Thomas, r 38, laborer. Brookins Charles E., (Ketchumville) r 33, laborer. Brown Abraham, carpenter, and farmer with James Camming 50, h Main. Brown Edwin B., r 38, farmer. Brown Frances C, r 38, farm 80. Brown Myron, r 38, carpenter, and farmer 12. Brown Robert C , r 38, breeder of horses, and farmer 130. Brown Romeo W., r 38, laborer. BUFFINGTON CALVIN A., general blacksmith, manuf. of carriages, beam knives, mill-stone picks, etc., Railroad h Main. Bunnell Eddie E., r g, farmer 60. Bunnell Henry J., (Center Lisle) r 29, resident. Bunnell John G., (Center Lisle) r 2g, farmer 125. Bunnell Nancy A., r g, widow Charles A., farmer 63. Burgess Joseph, r 23, painter, and farmer 6. Bush Marcene, r 38, farmer 80, and leases of F. C. Brown 40. Bushnell William, (Wilson Creek) r 34, laborer. Bushnell William B., flour, feed, coal, salt, and fertilizers, Depot, and ir> Newark Valley, farm 50. Cady Gershom, (Ketchumville) r 31, laborer. Carmer Charles, off r 2g, farmer 25. Chappins Mark, Jr., r 21, farmer, leases of Mark Chappins, of Sheldrake, N. Y., 130. Church Elijah C, r 30, farmer 48. CHURCH ORRIS, r 29, stone mason, carpenter, and farmer g, served in Co. E 76th Regt., N. Y. Vols. Christler Willian*, (Wilson Creek) r 35, farmer. Clark Gershom W., (Ketchumville) r 28, farmer 125. Clark Horatio, general merchant, and deputy post-master, Main, cor. Depot, h do. Clark Sanford H., r 36, apiarist, and farmer 70. Clark Silas H., r 36, laborer. Coats Charles, r 27, farmer 105. Coats Joseph, r 27, farmer 3. Cole James E., (Jenksville) r ig, farmer, leases of L. Maria Keeny, of Dryden, 227. Cole Leslie, r 11 J, laborer. Collins Ambrose H., farmer 15, h Main. COLLINS JUNIUS, wool and produce dealer, real estate agent for lands in Nebraska, also associate justice and justice of peace, h Main. Comstock George S., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, teacher. Cortright Henry, r 28, farmer 30. CORTRIGHT JOHN, (Maine, Broome Co.) farmer, leases of Henry Van- Tyle, of Maine, 66. Cortright William, r 14, laborer. Costillo John, r 6, leather roller. TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. Courtright Darius, (Wilson Creek) r 28, farmer 95. Crapo Richard, (Ketchumville) r 28, laborer. Crawford Eugene, farmer, leases of Ira Crawford, h Main. CRAWFORD IRA, prop, of Berkshire Hotel and livery, also farmer 370, and in Harford, Cortland Co., 50. Crawford Ira O., sawyer and carpenter, h Main. Crawford James H., carpenter, h East. Croft Harry, emp. hub factory, bds. Glen. Cross James O., merchant tailor, Main. CROSS LOUIS J., house and carriage painter, paper-hanging and decora- ting, also breeder of Clay horses ; breaking colts a specialty, h Mechanic. CROSS SARAH B., (wife of Louis J.) all kinds of upholstering, h Mechanic. CuUen Miles, r 6, emp. tannery. Cummings James, retired farmer, h Glen. Curtis A- v., widow Mark, h Main. DALE JOHN, r 38, farmer 38. Darbonnier Stephen, (Dewey & Darbonnier) h Elm. « DAVIDGE, HORTON & CO., (Mrs. E. Davidge, Lucien Horton and James Davidge) r 6, props. Berkshire tannery, and manufrs. of hemlock sole leather, also farmers 150. DAVIDGE JAMES, r 6, (Davidge, Horton & Co., and Davidge, Landfield & Co., of Newark Valley). Decker Gideon, r 11, resident. Dermody Michael, emp. tannery,, h Main. DEWEY & DARBONNIER, (Chas. J. D., and Stephen D.) dealers in dry- goods, groceries, hardware, boots and shoes, clothing, &c., also farmers 12, Main. DEWEY CHARLES J., (Dewey & Darbonnier) also justice of peace, b Main. Dewey D wight W., teacher, bds. Main. Doney John J., r 30, laborer. Doney William H., r 30, farmer 48. Dorwin Charles H., r 6, book-keeper, and farmer 4. Eastman Charles, r 13, farmer. Eastman Leonard O., county school commissioner, and medical student, oflSce in Court House, Owego, and at residence in Berkshire. Eastman Nancy W., widow George W., resident, h Main. EASTMAN RALPH D., physician and surgeon, farm 132, h Main. Edwards Charles M., (Ketchumville) r 28, laborer. Edwards Merritt P., (Ketchumville) r 28, farmer 50. Eldred M. F., r 6, laborer. ELDRIDGE EDWARD O., (E. O. E. & Co.) notary public, h Main. ELDRIDGE E. O. & CO., (Edward O. Eldridge and Mrs. Carohne John- son) dealers in dry goods, groceries, and general merchandise, Main. Eldridge Mary S., widow of Edward H., resident. Ellis William, teamster, h Railroad. Ellis William, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, laborer. Eston Elmer, (Ketchumville) r 31, farmer, leases of R. T. Gates, of North Lancing, 107. Evans Irving W., r 28, farmer 83. Evans John J., (Ketchumville) r 33, farmer, leases of Marion. Rich, of New- • ark Valley, 60. . Evans Mary H., (Jenksville) r 19 cor. 41, widow of Joel, farm 7. .48 ' TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. Evans William S., (Jenksville) r 19 cor. 41, farmer. Everett Henry C, r 9, farmer 145. Fitch Arthur, (Wilson Creek) oflf r 28, laborer. JFORD ARTHUR J., r 15 cor. 17, farmer 104. FORD GEORGE, r 22, carpenter, and farmer 55. FORD JOHN R., postmaster and farmer 171, h Elm. FORD MARCUS J., r 16, farmer 119 and leases of James Baird of Speeds- ville 200. Ford Sarah W., r 3, widow Lebbeus, resident. FORD WILLIAM W., r 3, dairy 10 cows, farmer 117. Foster Amos, r 11, farmer. Foster John L., r 11, farmer, leases of Ira Crawford 165. Freeland Lewis A., (Newark Valley) r 40, farmer iii;. -Gay Isaac W., physician and surgeon, farmer 90, h Main. Gilbert Marvin C, r 14, laborer. ■Gilbert Marvin C, Jr., r 14, farmer 14. Goldstein Brothers, (Jacob & Samuel) clothing and gents' furnishing goods. ■Gould Joel, (Ketchumville) r 28, farmer 137. Griner John N., restaurant. Depot. HAIGHT EDITH J., art teacher, h Glen. Haight Mary, widow Samuel F., farm 25, h Glen. Hamilton Elliott, r 6, boarding-house. Hamilton Susanna, r 8, widow Charles, resident. Hart Arthur L., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, carpenter and farmer. Hart Colden N., (Wilson Creek) r 34, postmaster^ also dealer in cigars and tobacco. Hart Samuel L., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, prop, grist-mill, also carpen- ter and farmer 7. HART SARAH E., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, wife of Samuel L., cloth and carpet weaving. Hart Selim M., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, carpenter and cabinet maker. Hartwell Levi, r 29, farmer 50. Hartwell Willard R,, (Ketchumville) r 28, farmer 105. Harvey Andrew J., (Wilson Creek) r 36, farmer 47. Harvey Martin V., (Wilson Creek) farmer 140. JHAY HENRY L., painter, h Railroad. Hay Van Rensselaer, r 11, farmer. Hayden John, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 17, farmer 78. HAYDEN PATSEY W., carpenter and builder, h. Glen. Higgins & Rounsevellj (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) (John H. & George B. R.) r 18, props. Speedsville creamery and cheese factory. Higgins John, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) (Higgins & Rounsevell) r 18, agri- cultural implements and farmer 75. Hill T. James, emp. Berkshire Hotel, Main. Hillsinger Charles, r 26, farmer 50. Hillsinger William, r 26, laborer. Hinds Robert, emp. tannery, h Main. ' Hitchcock Caroline, resident. Elm. HOLCOMB J. WALLACE, dealer in drugs, patent medicine, groceries, paints and oils, etc. ^Holland Frank, r 9, farmer 30. Holland James J., (Wilson Creek) r 11, farmer 21. HOLLENBECK J. ERVING, (Leet & HoUenbeck). TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. 49 HORTON LUCIEN, (Davidge, Horton & Co., and Dayidge, Landfield & Co., of Newark Valley, also Sherwood & Horton) r 6. Hough Rev. Joel J., pastor of Congregational Church. Houghtaling Burt, carriage maker, millwright and wood turner, Mechanic bds. Main. HOUGHTALING WILLIAM M., wagon-maker and repairing, h Main. Houk Daniel, (Wilson Creek) r 35, shoemaker, apiarist and farmer 8. Rowland Fred E., r 24, laborer. Howland George E,, r 24, laborer, Howland Harper, resident, Main. Hubbard Howard M., r 20, carpenter and farmer, leases of J. R. Ford 112, Served in Co. B, 109th N. Y. State Vol. Humphrey Erastus E., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 19 cor. 17, wagon maker and farmer 10. HUTCHINSON ORRIN, (Wilson Creek) r 34, dairy 25 cows, farmer 190. Japhet Elijah, r 28, farmer 31. Japhet George W., r g, dairy 7 cows, and farmer 95. Japhet Gilbert L., r 9, farmer. JAPHET MILO G., prop, saw-mill and novelty works, also dealer in lum- ber, lath, shingles, etc., Railroad. JENKS NATHANIEL J., (Jenksville) r 42, dairy 20 cows, and farmer 157. Jewett Asahel, r 3,, dairy 15 cows, and farmer 220. JEWETT WALTER, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 3 cor. i, supervisor 12th term, dairy 20 cows, and farmer 420. JOHNSON CAROLINE, (E. O. Eldridge & Co.) widow Carlisle P., h Main. Johnson Edward, r 6, leather roller. Johnson Eugene F., r 6, fire, life and accident insurance, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmer 220. Johnson Frank H., retired, bds. Main. Johnson Frederick C, r 6, clerk. Johnson William C, (Ketchumville) r 28,laborer. jTidd John N., r 6, dealer in harnesses, carriages, sleighs and agricultural imp., also farmer 107. Keeny Willoughby L., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 17, farmer 120. Kenyon William H., (Wilson Creek) r 34, farmer 50 in Maine, Broome Co. Keyes Benjamin I., r 6, farmer, leases of George Royce. Keyser Henry, r 15, farmer 100, Kimball & Stannard, (Connecticut) (John F. K. and Lorenzo J. S.) r 35, stationary steam threshing machine, horse breeders, and farmers 197, and in Newark no. Kingsbery Henry, r 14, farmer 20. Lacy Thomas, r 11, farmer 62^. Lamb Lewis W., r 14, laborer. Lee Frank L., r 27, farmer. LEET & HOLLENBECK, (T. E. L. and J. E. H;) props. Berkshire Floufifig mills, and dealers in flour, meal, feed and bran, near Depot. LEET FRANK E. (Leet Sc HoUenbeck.) LEGG ERASMUS D., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, breeder of English hurdle race horses, and coach horses, Holstein cattle and Hampshire sheep, dairy 15 cows, and farmer 220, sugar orchard 1,000 trees. Legg George W., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, farmer. Legg Layton J., (Jenksville) offr 41, farmer no. Legg Louis P., retired farmer, h Main. 50 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. Legg Reuben T., (Speedsville, Torap. Co.) r i8, carp, and cabinet maker. Leonard Charles Talcott, r 6, dairy 15 cows, and farmer 260., Leonard Eunice C, r 14, widow George F., resident, farm with Ransom i68t. Leonard Henry G., retired tanner, h Elm. LEONARD J. WALDO, farmer 180, h Elm. Leonard Ransom, r 14, farmer with Eunice C. 168. Lynch Albert C, farmer, h Main. Lynch Charles O., r 24, deputy sheriff. Lynch Eugene F., dealer in produce, and farmer 200. Lynch George W., clerk, h Main. . Lynch Theodore, dealer in beef and Uve stock, also farmer r65, h Main. Manning Alexander D., dealer in butter and eggs, h Main. Manning Arthur B.,r 24, farmer 10. Manning Charles S., r 24, farmer 140. Marshall George, r 3, laborer. Maynard George, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, farmer, leases of John Cross^ of Speedsville go. MAYOR CHARLES, (Theodore & Son) r 38 cor. 39. MAYOR THEODORE & SON, (Thco & Charles) r 38 cor. 39, breeders and dealers in Holstein cattle, dairy 16 cows, and farmers 136, sugar or- chard 300. McCoy Oliver A., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co. ) r 18, carpenter. McMahon James, r 5, farmer 41. McMahon Patrick, r 5, jarmer 40. Meeks Edmund, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, farmer 105. Merithew Edgar A., (Connecticut)r3S, farmer, leases of Norman A. Prentice 68.. Myre Frank, r 6, laborer. Nicholson Charles, r 36, farmer, leases of Robert E. Waldo to6. Noiton Benjamin, (Ketchumville) r 28, farmer 50. Northrup Frank L., (Speedsville, Torap. Co.) r 18, carpenter and painter. Northrup George W., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, retired physician. Oaks Jerome, (Ketchumville) r 28, agt. mowers and reapers, and farmer 136. Oliver Peter, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) rig, farmer. Olney Marvin M., emp. hub factory, served in Co. E. 76th N. Y. Vols., and* Co. F. sth N. Y. Cavalry, h Main. Owen Jay, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.)(M. A. & Bros.) r 18. Owen M. A. & Brothers, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) (Mc A. and Jay) r 18^ manuf tubs, firkins and barrels. Owen Mc A., (Speedsville, Torap. Co.) (M. A. & Bro.)r i8. Orton James, r 30, farmer 38. Overacker John M., r 3, laborer. Parke Anson, (Jenksville) r 42, laborer. Palmer Robert, r 6, laborer. Parsons George, r 26, dairy 50 cows, and farmer 750. Parsons Jemima, widow Chauncey, resident, h Glen. Parsons William C, (Ketchumville) r 33, farmer, leases of W. H. Jackson of Newark Valley 1 40. PATCH EVELINE L., r- 39, widow William J., administratrix of estate of WiUiam J., farm 230, and in Richford 210. PATCH HENRY W., r 39, dealer in horses,'and farmer, works the estate of William J. Patch 230, dairy 14 cows, sugar orchard 200, wool grower 35 head. STARKEY & IVINTERS, Wbolesale and Retail Drngglsts, Owego. TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. 5 1 Patch Robert C, telegraph operator, bds. Main. Payne Charles H., laborer, h Railroad. Payne Frederick H., r 24, postal clerk, and farmer 100. Payne Henry A., carpenter, and farmer 250, h Main. Phillips Elias M., r 38, farmer, leases of J. Watrous, of Cortland, 140. PhiUips Sophia L., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, widow of Asa E., resident. Pierce John, (Ketchumville) r 28, farmer 30. Pierce Sylvester, (Ketchumville) r 28, farmer 80. Pittsley Clarence A., r 14, laborer. Pittsley Oscar, r 26, laborer. Pittsley Sewel, r 14, laborer. POLLEY HIRAM, manuf. and dealer in harnesses, whips, robes and blankets,. Main, h do. PRATT MARSHALL D., carriage-maker, veterinary surgeon, and cons- stable, h West. Prentice Austin H., (Connecticut) r 32, dairy 14 cows, and farmer 47 in New- ark Valley, and leases of George Walter 92. Prentice Irving B., (Newark Valley) r 40, farmer 97. PRENTICE NORMAN A., dealer in fresh and salt meats, fish, oysters, clams, poultry and veal calves, also farmer 68, Main, h do. Prentice Will E., (Newark Valley) r 40, farmer 112. Preston Jay R., (Jenksville) r 41, farmer, leases of Abram Blackman. Quinliran Edward, r 6, emp. tannery. Rightmire Elizabeth, widow William H., farm 30, h Glen. Rightmire Nathan, r 3, farmer 140. Rightmire Squire, retired carpenter, h Glen. Rightmire William P., r 6, foreman tannery. Roberts WiUiam D., r 7, farmer, leases of E. R. Adams, of Nanticoke, 200, Robinson Frank G., r 3, farmer with Newell 180, dairy 19 cows. Robinson Newell, r 3, farmer with Frank G. 180, dairy 19 cows. ROCKEFELLER CHARLES H., barber and hair-dresser, livery stable: and constable. Main. Rockwell Frank, r 15, farmer, leases of H. A. Payne 209. ROCKWELL PETER, r 36, farmer 130. Rockwood James W., r 38, farmer' 10. Rounsevell George B., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) (Higgins & R.) r 18. ROYCE AMELIA B., wife of George C, farmer 120, h Main. Royce Frederick B., r 6, dairy 10 cows, farmer 141. ROYCE GEORGE C, breeder and dealer in Clay horses, prop, stock horse Good Luck Clay, and farmer 120, h Main. Royce John B., r 6, retired farmer 60, aged 92. Sargent Orrin, (Wilson Creek) r 33, farmer 45. Sargent Silas, (Wilson Creek) r 33, farmer. Scott Charl^& Edmund F., r 22 cor. 41, apiarists, 65 to 100 colonies, egg and poultry raising, dairy 15 cows, 70 sheep, sugar orchard 300 trees, and farmers 247. Scudder George D., teamster. Main. Seamans Samuel M., general blacksmith, Main. Sears Quincy A., r 38, farmer 25. ■Shaflf James H., r 30, farmer 90. Shaff John D., r 9, dairy 16 cows, farmer 125. Shaff Joseph, r 9, farmer 5. STARKEY & W^INXBKS, Drnffglsts, Owego. Close Prices to Dealers. 52 TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. -Shaff William H., r ii, farmer loo. 5haw William F., r 5, farmer, son of William T. , SHAW WILLIAM T., r S. breeder of short-horn cattle, dairy 30 cows, 20 head young stock and farmer 265. Shepard C. Burton, r 28, farmer 50. Shepard James, r 3, apiarist, breeder of horses and farmer 100. Shepard John, r 29 1-2, farmer 140. Sherman Edward A., (Ketchumville) r 33, farmer 105. Sherman James W., (Wilson Creek) r 27, carpenter, dairy 10 cows, sugar orchard 200 trees and farmer 72. SHERWOOD & HORTON, (H. G. S. & C. S. H. of English Center, Pa.) manuf. of wagon hubs, opp. Depot. SIMMONDS ALPHEUS, r 3, dairy 12 cows, farmer 135. Simmonds Charilla, r 3, wife of Alpheus, farm 55. Simmonds George A., r 3, farmer. SIMMONS SYLVESTER, (Jenksville) r 41, farmer. SIMMONS WILLIAM E., (Jenksville) r 41, dairy 12 cows, breeder of horses and farmer 133. SkeUinger Daniel J., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r3 cor. 18, cooper. SMITH ARTHUR E., r 4, sugar orchard 200 trees, farmer 93. Smith Edwin, farmer s°i h Elm. Smith Emory J., stone and plaster mason, h Railroad. Smith George M., r 3, threshing and farmer 100. Smith Ira J., r 3, tanner. Smith John, engineer hub factory, bds. Elm. Smith Mary J., r 4, widow Ezekiel D., resident. Snedaker George, r 38, tool-maker. Snedaker John, r 38, manuf. of tanners' beam knives, mill-stone picks and edge tools, also farmer 19. Snedaker WilUam V., r 38, laborer. Sparrow Frank, emp. hub factory, h Glen. Spencer Charles D., r 11 1-2, farmer 105. Stanton Elisha W., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, tin pedlar. Stephens Andrew, r 13, farmer 30. Summerville Grant, r 6, night watch, tannery. Sykes GeorgeD., r 39, teacher and farmer. Sykes Horatio W., r 39, dairy ro cows, sugar orchard 100 trees, farmer 114. Taylor John H., farmer, leases J. W. Leonard. Thompson Charles, r 28, laborer. Thompson Samuel, farm in Rich ford 80, h Depot.' Thorn Charles F., (Wilson Creek) r 35, farmer. Thorn Susan M., (Wilson Creek) r 35, widow Henry M., farm 63. Thuillard Hyppolite, r 21, dairy 11 cows, farmer no. Torrey Betsey B., resident, h Main. Torrey Charles S., r 40, farmer. Torrey John, r 40, dairy 10 cows, farmer 117. Torrey Lewis S., r 41, farmer, leases of Lyman Baker, of Candor, 143. Towslee Delos, r 38, farmer, leases of R. Brown 13. Turner Luther M., (Wilson Creek) r 29, road commissioner, farmer 50. Turner William J., r 38, laborer. Tyler Sherman B., r 14, laborer. WALDO ELIJAH B., (Williams & Waldo) station and express agent, also dealer in butter, eggs and poultry, h Williams. TOWN OF BERKSHIRE. 55 Waldo Hannah B., widow Dr. Joseph T., resident, h Main. Waldo Juliette, widow Dwight, h Elm. WALDO ROBERT EMMET, r 36, dairy 12 cows, farmer 106. Erastus T., r 3, farmer 68. Walter Joseph S., r 27 cor. 1 1, physician and surgeon, and farmer 200. Watkins John F., r 9, laborer. Wauvle James A., r 9, farmer 72. Wavle Peter, r 29^, wool grower 47 head, dairy 18 cows, and farmer with J. Shepard 30. Whitaker Charles E., (Wilson Creek) r 34, dairy 7 cows, sugar orchard 400- trees, farmer 40; served in Co. F, 144th N. Y. Vols. Whiting Caroline, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, widow Samuel, farm 80. Whiting Frank S.. (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, blacksmith and farmer. WILLIAMS & WALDO, (M. A. W., E. B. W. and A. B. W.) apiarists, and dealers in honey and bee-keepers' supplies. Williams Eugene L., (Wilson Creek) r 27, farmer, leases of Lewis^jWilliams 100. Williams George, apiarist, prop, saw-mill, and farmer 190. Williams Harvey J., r 9, farmer 50. Williams Lewis,, farmer 98, h Railroad. WILLIAMS MORRIS A., (Williams & Waldo) dealer in potatoes, h Depot. WINSHIP EDGAR., r 9, dairy 12 cows, farmer 100. Winship William, r 9, farmer. Wiswell Jerome B., (Ketchuraville) r 31, farmer 60. WITTER F. A. & CO., (Fred W. Witter) dealers in hardware, cutlery and household furniture, agricultural implements, also horse blankets, whips, shingles, etc., Main, h do. WITTER FRANK A., (F. A. W. Sc Co.) h Main. WITTER FRED W., (F. A. W. & Co.) h Main. Wooster Asher B., r 6, stationary engineer. Wright William F., r 8, sawyer, and farmer 94. A^nDyke Egbert, blacksmith and mechanic. VAN GORDER CHARLES B., engineer in hub factory. VAN GORDER GEORGE, r 38, farmer. VanNorman Don R., bridge carpenter, h Elm. VanNorman Fred, brakeman, h Elm. VanSusan Clause, r 13, farmer 54. Van Susan Diedrick, r 8, laborer. VanSusten Diedrick, r 6, laborer. Young Edward W., carpenter, h Main. Young David H., (Jenksville) r 44 cor. 43, farmer. Youngs Morris, r 29, farmer 25. Youngs Orson R., r 27, laborer. YOUNGS PETER, r 29, farrier, dairy 6 cows, farmer 82. 54 TOWN OF CANDOR. CANDOR. {For explanations, etc., see page 3, part second^ (PostofEce address is Candor, unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.) Abbey William, r 112, carpenter. Adams Gay lord W., resident, bds. Spencer. Adkin Arcelius, r in, laborer. Ahart George, emp. Woolen Mills, h Preston. Ahlers Dederick G., cooper, h Gould. Aignor William, farmer, h Kinney. Allen Ben, farmer, h Kinney. Allen Ben, Jr., laborer, h Main. Allen Frank, (West Candor) r log, farmer 54. Allen Frank, laborer, h off Kinney. Allen Frank G., r 57, farmer 130. Allen Hiram,- r 57, resident. ALLEN HOUSE, Iddo Vergason, proprietor. Main. Allen Increase, lumberman, h Kinney. Allen James M., r 29, carpenter and farmer 32. Allen John J., r 99, farmer 16. Allen Judson K., farmer 100, h Owego. Allen Matthew K., farmer 50, h Owego. Allen William D., r 29, carpenter and farmer 10. ANDERSON EDWIN S., (Owego) r 126, farmer 151. Anderson Ezra L., r 46, farmer. Anderson George M., (Owego) r 123, farmer. Anderson Joel, (Owego) r 123, apiarist and farmer in. Anderson Leroy, r 46, farmer 75. Anderson Myron, (Catatonk)r n6, farmer 100. ANDERSON PHILANDER, (Owego) r 123, farmer 250. Anderson Stephen, (Catatonk) r 116, farmer 139. Anderson Sylvenus, (Owego) r 131, farmer 75. Anderson Truman, (Catatonk) r 115, farmer 100. Anderson Willis, (Owego) r 124, farmer 85, and leases of Philander Ander- son, 200. Andrews Charles H., (Owego) r 117, leases of D. W. Andrews, 100. Andrews Dana H., (Owego) r 123, farmer 25, and leases of Philetus An- drews, 212. Andrews David W., (Owego) r 118, farmer 200. Andrews Elmer E., (Owego) r 118, school teacher and farmer. Andrews Frank, (Flemingville) farmer with Charles Crane, leases of John M. Grimes, 120. ANDREWS LEVI, (Owego) r 131, farmer 175. Andrews Thomas, (Owego) r 131, farmer 103. Andrews William H., general merchant, Front, h do. Andrews William R., clerk, bds. Front. Armitage Ann E., widow Alfred, h Owego. STARKE V & TTINTERS, -Wliolesale and Retail Druggists, Owego. TOWN OF CANDOR. 5$ Armitage Claude, clerk, h Owego. ASHLAND HOUSE, Frank J. Norton, prop., Main. Ayers Willis, (Willseyville) r 30, carpenter. BACON GEORGE G., r 65. music teacher, agent for musical instruments fruitgrower, and manuf. vinegar. 'Bacon Harvey, r 116 cor. 99, farmer 10. JBacon John G., r 65, farmer 100. Bailey Charity M., widow William, resident, bds. Main. Baird James L., (Speeds ville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, farmer 100. Bakeman Isaac, r 54, farmer 15. Baker Aaron, (Caroline Center, Tomp. Co.) r 12, with William L., lumberman and farmer t8o. Baker Jesse, r 71, farmer 30. Baker Lyman, (Caroline Center, Tomp. Co.) t 12^ farmer in Berkshire 145. Baker William L., (Caroline Center, Tomp. Co.) r 12, with Aaron Baker lumberman and farmer 180. Bangs Charles E., r 90, teacher, and farmer 4. Bangs William L., r 90, farmer 100. Banks Alanson, (Willseyville) r 3 1, farmer 90. Banks Nathan j., (Willseyville) r 31, farmer. BARAGER CHARLES F.. senator 26th district, prop. Candor Woolen Mills, also lumber business in Chenango Co.j h Main. Barber Hiram, r 139, cooper. Barber John J., (Willseyville) r i, leases of John Foote 37. Barber Washington, r 57, laborer. Barden Robert S., r 24, carpenter, and farmer 97. Barden William, (Strait's Corners) r 112, farmer, leases of B. Coursen 108. Barker George, r 63, laborer. Barnes Charles W., farmer with his father James D. Barnes Hugh S., (Catatonk) r 130, farmer 95. B.3nes James D., lumberman, and farmer 100. Barnes Thomas, (Catatonk) r 130, farmer 70. ■Barnes William, r 104, farmer 100. Barrett EUiott, (West Newark) r 49, farmer 250. Barrett Justus, (Welton ville) r 82, farmer, leases of Theodore Cortright, of Qwego, 40. Barrett Sidney A., (Strait's Corners) r 139, farmer 35. BARRETT VAN NESS, (Jenksville) r 50, farmer 225. BARROTT AMMIEL W., (Weltonville) r 120, dealer in livestock and farm produce, breeder of Hambletonian and Messenger horses, farmer 120, and leases of Abel Galpin 60. BARROTT SAMUEL R., (Weltonville) r 82, prop, of siw and grist-mill, and dealer in -lumber, lath, meal and feed, farmer 500, also lumberyard, and two tenements at Athens, Pa. Barrott Simeon W., (Weltonville) r 84, farmer 190. BARROTT VAN NESS W., (Weltonville) r 84, carpenter, and farmer, leases of Simeon W. Barrott 75. Barto Wilham, (Weltonville) r 83, sawyer, and farmer 50. Bateman Joseph, (Weltonville) r 1 20, laborer. Bates James P., r 99, farmer 94. ■Baylor Charles F., blacksmith, Main, h Bank. Baylor Daniel H., blacksmith, h Kinney. STARKEY & WINXBilS, promptly fill mall and Telepbone Orders. 56 TOWN OF CANDOR. Beadle Jared J., farmer. Beebe Abram, prop. Candor grist-mill, Main, h do. Beebe Clark, emp. Candor grist-mill, h Ithaca. Beeley John, (Strait's Corners) r 136, farmer, leases of J. Dougherty 52. Beers George H., (Catatonk) r 129, farmer 52. Belden James P., r 38, farmer 220. Benedict Archibald W., (Willseyville) r 30, farmer. Benton James F., (Speedville, Tomp. Co.) r 13, farmer 55. Best David, (Catatonk) r 115, farmer 186. Best George, (Strait's Corners) r 142, farmer 100. Best John J., (Catatonk) r 115, farmer z3. Best Richard, r T12, laborer. Bishop Charles E., (Jenksville) r 49, farmer, leases of LW. Gay, of Berkshire 90. Bishop James, fire and life insurance. Main, h do. Blewer Fred A., (Weltonville) r 120, farmer 50. Blewer Levi, (Weltonville) r 84, laborer. Blewer M. Lamont, (Weltonville) r 85, farmer 45. Blinn Burdette, (Wilseyville) r 20, laborer. BUnn Charles, r 56, section hand. Blinn Eli R., (Jenksville) r 24, farmer 85. BUnn Elmer, r 44, farmer. Blinn Lewis, r 44, farmer 94. Blinn Samuel E., farmer 122. Blinn Sherman P., r 29 farmer 100. Blinn Thomas P., r 29, farmer 60. Blodgett Charles O., (Weltonville) r 84, farmer, leases of S. R. Barrott 230. Blow Minard, (Weltonville) r 85, farmer, leases of Jasper Galpin, 50. Bogardus George M., (Willseyville) r 30, farmer. Bogert Peter, farmer 84, h Owego. Boget William, (Strait's Corners) r 137, farmer 112. Bolton Clarence S., blacksmith and horseshoer. Main, h do. Bolton Lewis, emp. L. A. Hart, h Main. Booth & Williams, (E. A. B. & E. S. W.) general merchants. Front. Booth Brothers, (J. F. & T. S.) r 56, manufs. and dealers in lumber, and farmers 300. Booth Catharine, r 37, widow of Abel H., farmer with George D., zi8. Booth Dfennis, r 37, retired farmer. Booth Edwin A., (Booth & Williams) also prest. First Nat. Bank, h Main. BOOTH FREEMAN, r 37, farmer 206. Booth George D., r 37, farmer with Catharine 218. BOOTH HORACE F., fire insurance, prest. board of Education, and prop. Candor Iron Works, Main, h do. Booth Jesse F., (Booth Bros.) r 56. Booth Mary, widow Horace, h Main. Booth Orange, r 37 cor. 57, lumberman, and farmer 250. Booth Theron S., (Booth Bros.) r 56. Booth Wakefield, r 37, resident. Borthwick Alexander, (Jenksville) r 50, farmer, leases of Isaac D. Van Scoy 1 28. Bortle Lawrence R.j r 45, laborer. Boyd Andrew, r 69, farmer 30. Boyd Benjamin, r 69, farmer 30. Braman Jesse H., stone mason, h Bank. Braman Norton M., farmer, works for Mrs. Terwilligar 200, h Owego. TOWN OF CANDOR. 5; Briggs Mary L., resident, bds. Foundry. Brink Homer A., (Weltonville) r 85, farmer 81. Brink James S., r 70, thresher, and farmer 40. Brink Joseph, r 54, farmer 25. Brink Laverne, emp. W. J. Milks', bds. Spencer. Brink Marland, (Weltonville) r 84, farmer. Brink Philemon, (Weltonville) r 81, farmer, leases of W. B. Thomas 40. Brink Stephen I., off r 1 16, laborer.. Brooks George T., contractor and builder, h Owego. Brown Frank J., (Willseyville) r 30, farmer, leases of Wakeman Smith 215. BROWN FRANK W., (West Candor) r 61, station and Natl, express agt., and telegraph operator. Brown Sarah J., widow Jeremiah F., dressmaker. Brundage Lydia, widow Emmet, h Main. Burch L. H. Rev. rector St. Mark's Church, h Main. Burchard Dana D., (Owego) r 131, farmer 52. Burchard Elias, (Flemingville) r 122, farmer. Burchard Franklin, (Flemingville) r 122, farmer. Burchard Jason, (Flemingville) r 122, farmer. Burchard Nelson, (Owego) r. 122, farmer 100. Burleigh Alfred, r 56, laborer. Burleigh Eben, r 39, carpenter. Burleigh Hezekiah, r 39, farmer 44. Burleigh Millard F., r 39, farmer 50. Burrows James, foreman woolen mills, h Church. Burt George, (Catatonk) r 133, farmer 138. Burt Lincoln C;, (Catatonk) r 133, farmer with George. Bush Abram R., (Willseyville) r 30, dealer in groceries. Bush Elizabeth B., widow Isaac L., resident, h Owego. Butler Orrin, (Strait's Corners) r 108, farmer 100. Candor Humboldt Tannery, (E. S. Estey & Sons, props.) Front. CANDOR IRON WORKS, (H. F. Booth, prop.) Foundry. CANDOR WOOLEN MILLS, (Charles F. Barager, prop.) manuf. horse blankets. Main. Caple Adam, r 104, teacher of vocal music, farmer 172. Capel Edward, (Owego) ofFr 131, laborer. Capel George, (Owego) r 117, laborer. Capel John, (Owego) ofFr 131, farmer 50. Caple Elgin P., r 104, farmer. Caple Philip, (Catatonk) r 129, farmer 52. Caple Philip J., (Catatonk) r 129, farmer 50- Card George, (Strait's Corners) r 136, farmer. Card Timothy, r 104, laborer. Carl Peter, carpenter, h Owego. Carlan William, (Catatonk) r 114, farmer 100. Carlin James, emp. Frank L. Hfeath, bds. Main. Carpenter Eliza A., r 63, widow Norman L., farm 150. Carpenter Harry L., (Weltonville) r 84, house painting and graining. Carpenter Orby V., blacksmith, machinist, etc., R. R. ave., h do. CARPENTER WILLIAM L., blacksmith, machinist and wagon maker, R. R. ave., h do. Carroll Thomas, r 95, farmer, works for Eliza Carroll 57. Cass Frank, (Strait's Corners) r 108, farmer 48, and with William 152. S8 TOWN OF CANDOR. ■Cass Samuel, (Strait's Corners) r 1 08,, farmer 107. Cass William, (Strait's Corners) r 108, farmer 75, and with Frank Cass 152. Casterline Romeo W., (Strait's Corners) r 138, general blacksmithing. Chandler Williamj (Catatonk) r 127, farmer 46. Chapman Amos C., farmer, h Owego. Chapman Foster, (Catatonk) laborer. -Chapman George, emp. woolen mill, bds. Mountain ave. Chapman John D., farm laborer, h Mountain ave. Chapman Milford, emp. woolen mill, h Railroad. Chidester Chauncey W., (Weltonville) r 120, physician and surgeon. CHIDSEY GEORGE C., liveryman, h Main. CHIDSEY JOHN R., postmaster, also dealer in hardware, stoves and ped- dlers' supplies, Front, h do. Chidsey Leonard, butcher, h Owego. Clark Alexander H., (Catatonk) r 114, farmer 126. Clark Herbert, r 54, farmer 10. Clarke Leroy, r44, farmer, works for Hiram J. Clark 180. Cleveland Charles, r 29, laborer. Cleveland George M., (Willseyville) r i, millwright and farmer 7. Cleveland Joseph, r 5, laborer. Coggin Loama I., r 139, farmer, works for Mrs. L. T. Coggin 10. Cogswell Mary J., widow Joel, resident, h Owego. Cole Jennie Mrs., resident, h Academy. Cole William J., retired, h Main. Compton Amos, (Catatonk) r 127, laborer. COMSTOCK WILLIAM I., (Jenksville) r 20, farmer 175. Coney Stephen, (West Candor) r 107, farmer lo. Conklin Catherine B., widow Ephraim,/esident, h Church. Conklin Christopher, farmer, h Church. Conklin Levi, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 21, farmer 120. Conklin Norman, farmer, h Church. CONNELL THOMAS J., clerk Allen House, bds. do. Conrad George, r 7, farmer 41. Cook Ezra S., (Weltonville) r 82, laborer. Cook John W., (Strait's Corners) r 142, farmer 70. Cook Joseph, r 93, laborer. Coon Alonzo H., (Strait's Corners) r 143, threshing and farmer with Will- iam I. 112. Coon William I., (Strait's Corners) r 143, threshing and farmer with Alonzo H. 112. Cooper & Thornton, (West Candor) (J. H. C. & G. H. T.) r 62, cider-mill and threshing machine. Cooper Caroline J., widow Arnold N., resident, h Kinney. Cooper Fred B., (Strait's Corners) r 128, general store. COOPER JOHN H., (West Candor) r 62, market gardening, 5 1-2 acres. Cornick William, r 136, laborer. Cornish Albert A., r 95, boot and shoemaker, farmer 27. CortHght Amos J., (Weltonville) r 120, farmer 70. Cortright Charles H., (Weltonville) r 86, farmer 80. Cortright Collins, (Weltonville) r 84, farmer 75. Cortright Franklin, (Weltonville) r 84, stone mason, farmer 65. Cortright George, (Weltonville) r 85, farmer too. Cortright James, r 40, resident. TOWN OF CANDOR. 59 •Cortright James, (Weltonville) r 84^ retired. Cortright James F., (Weltonville) r 120, retired farmer. -CORTRIGHT JOSEPH J., (Weltonville) r 86, carpenter and joiner, far- ♦ mer 40. Cortright Marion A., (Weltonville) r 84, laborer. : Cortright Samuel, (Weltonville) r 120, retired farmer 30. Cortright William C, (Weltonville) r 85, farmer 40. Coursen Bartley, (Strait's Corners) r 139, farmer 350. Coursen John M., (Strait's Corners) r 139, farmer 72. -Coursen Thomas H., r 95, farmer 30. Courtright Henry A., (West Newark) r 82, dealer in agricultural implements, and farmer 100. COWLES JAMES C, r 91, building moving, mason and farmer 65. -Cowles J. Harvey, r 116, farmer 54. Crance DeWitt C, resident, h Railroad. •Crance Mary, widow Abram, resident, h Railroad. Crane Charley, (Flemingville) r 122, shoemaker. Cranmer I. J., resident, h Pond. -Crine Llewellyn, r 12, student. Crine Perkins S., r 12, farmer. Crine Stephen D., r 12, dairy farmer 260. -Cronk Byron E. Rev., (Bapt.) commissioner of highways ; also, contractor and builder. ■Cronk William D., r 90, manufacturer of birch and sairsaparilla beer, and agt. for the Grand Union Tea Co. Crum Lafayette, (West Candor) r 108, farmer 240. Crum McDonough, farmer, h Spencer. •Cummings William W., r 58, farmer, leases of J. Tompkins, of Spencer, 200, and of Ezra Bostwick, of Cortland, 96. Curtis Fred, farmer. -Curtis William, r 5, wagonmaker. •Custard Anson, (Weltonville) r 84, farmer 71. Cutchee Ambrose^ (Catatonk) r 133, tanner. Daggett William, (Jenksville) r 51, farmer, leases of Elizabeth Fuller, 73. Dames Joseph O., retired, h Preston. Darmody Thomas, laborer, h Railroad ave. Davis Frank, fireman. Dean Josie, r 57, station and express agt. 1 -Decker Oliver H. P., resident, bds. Owego. Decker Samuel, r 98, teaming and farmer go. Decker William, r 119, laborer. DeGraw John, tin and hardware. Main, h Ann cor. McQirty. DENNIS ALFRED, r 53, farmer 264. Dennis Fred M., r 53, laborer. Dennis Lorena Mrs., resident^ h Owego. Dennis Marvin, r 54, farmer with Wesley 167. Dennis Wesley, r 54, teacher and farmer with Marvin 167. Dewey Daniel, (Strait's Corners) r 142, laborer. Dewey Frank E., r in, farmer 92. Deyo Jacob, (Weltonville) r 86, farmer 67. Dixon Henry S., silversmith, h Church. DIXON JOHN C, physician and surgeon, Main, h do. Dohs George, (Catatonk) r 133, night watchman in tannery. 6o TOWN OF CANDOR. Dohs Jacob, (Catatonk) r 133,, farmer 12^. Doty Delos A., r 28^ farmer, leases of James Doty 78. Doty Edward J., clerk, h Thompson. Doty George L., farmer 25. Doty James, r 26, farmer 275. Doty John J., r 73, farmer, leases of Samuel Decker 90. Doty John Mrs., resident, h Kinney. Doughty Andrew J., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 19, farmer 11. Doughty Epenetus, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 19, farmer 140 and in Caro- line no. Douglass George, (Strait's Corners) r 139, farmer 132. Douglass John, farmer, 148, h Owego. Douglass Otis A., (Strait's Corners) r 139, farmer. Douglass William, (Strait's Corners) r 141, farmer 105. Downing Jay S., r 87, fruit grower and farmer 39.- Downing Kay M., r 70, farmer. Downing Lincoln L., r 70, farmer. DOWNING STOUGHTON S., r 70, fruit grower, and farmer 120. Draper Cynthia P., (Catatonk) r 133, widow Ira, resident. DRAPER MENZ V., (Catatonk) r 130, blacksmith, and farmer 70. Drew George, (Catatonk) r 114, laborer. Duel Smith, r 36, farmer 50. Duff Alexander B., (Strait's Corners) r 139, farmer 94. DU MOND DAVIDj cider-mill, and grain thresher, Ashland, h Main. Dykeman Orrin, r 57, refused to give information. Dykeman Solonas, r 56, farmer 45. Dykeman William H., farm laborer, h Owego. Eastham Nathan, (Strait's Corners) r 142, lumberman, and farmer 231. Eastham Thomas, (Strait's Corners) r 142, lumberman, and farmer. ■ Eastman Amos,(Willseyville) r 2, farmer 75, and works for his wife Rachael 150, Eastman John N., (Willseyville) r i, farmer 85, and leases of Barlow San- ford 130. Eastman Morgan, (Willseyville) r i, farmer. Easton Zenas ^., r 98, watchman, hand lot. Eccleston David, painter, h R. R. ave. EDMUNDS CALEB W., r 98, sawyer, and farmer 15. Edwards Caroline Mrs., laundress, h Owego. Eichenburgh George, r 56, sawyer. Eiklor George I., r 8, carpenter and builder, blacksmithing, farmer 50. Ellison John T., r 28, farmer, leases of Joel Starkweather 84. Ellsworth Erv-in A., salesman, h Owego. Ellsworth Frederick, r 28, farmer 50. Eimendorf Clarence, carpenter, bds. Main. ELMENDORF CYRENUS, contractor and builder, h Main. Eimendorf George E., (Strait's Corners) r 141, farmer 112, and leases of Abram White 70. Eimendorf Jonathan, (Strait's Corners) r 141, resident. Embody Jacob, wagon-maker, Spencer, h do. Embody Jacob C, cartman, h Gould. Emerson Charity, (Strait's Corners) r 128, widow James, carpet-weaving. Emerson Chester, (Strait's Corners) r 137, farmer 56. Emerson Frederick A., (Strait's Corners) r 137, farmer 50. Emery Sarah, (Strait's Corners) r 109, widow Isaac, farm 75. TOWN OF CANDOR. 6 1 Ervay Charles, (Wiilseyville) r 3, farmer, leases of Ira Hoose. Evans Richard, (Strait's Corners) r 143, farmer 50. Evans Stephen C., salesman, h Main. Farley Daniel, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 13, farmer 83. Farley Eh J., (Speedsville, Torap. Co.) r 14, carpenter, and farmer g. Farley EUyn, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 13, farmer 20. Farley Martin, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 13, farmer 30. Faurot Mary Mrs., emp. blanket factory, h Owego. Fellows James, (Strait's Corners) r 143, farmer 82. Ferris Elihu, r 35, farmer 60. Ferris George, (West Candor) r 107, farmer 30. Ferris James, (West Candor) r 107, farmer. Ferris Oliver, (West Candor) r 107, farmer 40. Ferris Richard R., r 35, farmer 61. Ferris Sarah, (West Candor) r 107, widow Stephen, farm 25. Ferris Theron W., r 35, farmer 50. FESSENDEN DAVID S., (William L. & Son) cabinet-maker. FESSENDEN WILLIAM L., (W. L. & Son) pastor Wesleyan Methodist church. Candor, and South Beecher hill and Spaulding hill. FESSENDEN W. L. & SON, (William L. & David S.) manufs. and dealers in furniture, undertaking goods, etc., Owego, h do. Fiebig Charles F., carriage painter, Main, h Owego. Fiebig Frances Mrs., resident, bds. Owego. Fiebig John P., traveUng salesman, bds. Main. FIELD RICHARD, mason, h Mountain ave. Filcinger Gabriel, (Wiilseyville) r 1, resident. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CANDOR, (E. A. Booth, prest., J. W. McCarty, vice-prest., J Thompson, cash.) Main. Fisher John W., groceries and provisions. Main, h do. Fitch Chancy S., r 46, farmer 114. Fitch Frank E.. r 46, farmer. Flack Thomas W., (Catatonk) r 133, carpenter. Fogarty John J., r 41, laborer. Foot Sheldon W., r 103, resident. Foot William, r 103, farmer 50. Ford Nelson, laborer, h Owego. Forsyth George, retired, h Humeston. Foster Charles/(Jenksville)r 20, farmer 128. Foster Charles H., laborer. Foster Cyrus A., cooper, h Main. FOSTER JONAS S., (Jenksville) r 20, farmer 178. Foster Richard,, (Jenksville) r 20, farmer. Fredenburg Henry, (Catatonk) r 115, farmer, leases of Frank Whitmarsh, of Owego, 30. FronkFred, (Catatonk) r 134 cor. 115, carpenter and farmer 30. Frost John O., furniture dealer and undertaker, Main, h do. Fuller Alvah, teamster, h Main. Fuller Elizabeth, (Jenksville) rsi, widow Robert, farm 73. Fuller George B., resident, bds. JCinney. Fuller Gritman E., (Weltonville) r 78, farmer. Fuller Jacob C, r 29, farmer 112. Fuller Marvin, laborer, h Kinney. Fuller Radaker, r 52, lumberman and farmer 96. 62 TOWN OF CANDOR. FULLER SAMUEL G., r 52, teacher and farmer 27. Fuller Willard, r 54, farmer 25. Gaige Henry, r 116, farmer zo. Gaige James E., (Owegb) r 118, farmer 50. Gaige Thomas, (Owego) r 132, farmer go. Galpin Abel F., (Weltonville) r 84, farmer 60. Galpin Catharine W., (Weltonville) r 85, widow Samuel, resident. Galpin Edward, (Weltonville) r 85, carpenter and farmer 87. Galpin George F., (Weltonville) r 74, with W. A. Mead and S. F. Galpin,. steam threshing, hay pressing and sawing. Galpin James T., (Weltonville) r 85, farmer 80. Galpin Jasper, (Weltonville) r 85, farmer 95. GALPIN JERUSHA, (Weltonville) r 53, widow Elisha, farm 58. Galpin Luzern, (Weltonville) r 85, farmer 60; Galpin Mary J., (Weltonville) r 53, wife of Taylor L., farm 52. Galpin Myron K, (Weltonville) r 53, farmer. Galpin Nelson, (Weltonville) r 78, farmer 91. Galpin Robert C., (Weltonville) r 84, farmer 76. Galpin Sidney F., (Weltonville) r 73, with W. A. Mead and G. F. Galpin,. steam threshing, and farmer, leases ot Jasper Galpin 51. Galpin Taylor L., (Weltonville) r 53, farmer. Galpin Wayland, (Weltonville) r 85, farmer 60. Gardner Charles, r 99, farmer 146. Gates Eugene O., farmer, Owego. Gay Nathaniel, (Jenksville) r 24, laborer. German Cyrus B., contractor and builder, h Young. German Edward C, telegraph operator, bds. Young. German Frederick E., carpenter, bds. Young. Gibbons Frank, mason, h Bank. GILLMAN ROBERT C, r 30, farmer, leases of T. VanVleet 170. Gould Franklin, (Catatonk) r 131, resident. Graham Andrew J., (Weltonville) shoemaker. Gransbury Edward, r 102, carpenter. Grant James M., r 46, canvasser and farmer 58. GRIDLEY CHARLES F., (West Candor) r 62, postmaster and farmer 250.- Gridley Charles L., (West Candor) r 60, farmer. Gridley Charles N., r 36, farmer, leases of Newton S. Gridley 120. Gridley Demorn, r 63, carpenter. Gridley Newton S., r 36, farmer 120. GRIDLEY S. EGBERT, prop, planing mill, and farmer 250, h Owego. Gridley William C, (West Candor) r 60, lime and plaster, and farmer 115. GRIFFIN FRED G., (N. W. Griffin & Son) bds. Main. Griffin Lewis, r 56, farmer 295. GRIFFIN NEHEMIAH W., (N. W. Griffin & Son) h Main. GRIFFIN N. W. & SON., (Fred G.) livery, draymen and express. Main. Griffin Walter, laborer. GRIMES JOHN M., (Flemingsville) r 121, retired M. E. clergyman and' farmer 152. Guiles Andrew, (Strait's Corners) r 142, laborer. Hadden Stephen, r 139, farmer. Haddock Eugene B., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, farmer, leases of S- Blackman 100. Haddock John V., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, farmer. TOWN OF CANDOR. 63: Hale Dorcas, widow John, h Kinney. Hale Lester B., r 103, farmer 100. Hale Samuel, r 103, farmer. Sail Edward R., principal Candor Academy, bds. Allen House. Hall Emeline, r 58, widow Lewis, resident. Hall LaFayette, (Willseyville) r i, farmer 2. Hallett Charles, (Willseyville) r i, farmer 25. Hammond Burt, (Weltonville) r 120, farmer 58. Hammond Seth, (Strait's Corners) r 139, farmer 91.' Hand Harold N., r 64, laborer. Handy Fernando D., weaver, h Foundry. Handy Hannah C, widow James, h Foundry. Hanes Erastus, r 63, well drilling. Harding Charles O., painter, h Kinney. Harding Odell, painter, bds. Kinney. Harding Sherman, carpenter, h Bank. HARRIS ALGERNON J., physician and surgeon, Main, h do. • , HARRIS CYNTHIA E., widow Dr. John J.; resident, Main. Hart Edward D . r 29, farmer 25. Hart George H., farmer 120, h Main. Hart Janette, off r 36, widow William, farm 75. Hart John N., r 88, farmer, leases of Charles Mead 76. Hart Jonathan B., r 63 cor. 64, retired cabinet maker, and farmer 33. HART LEWIS A., dealer in produce, agricultural implements and phos- phates; also, farmer 370, Main, h do. Hart Louisa, widow Abel, resident, h Owego. Hart Norman, apiarist, and farmer 140, and leases of his brother Horace 50. Hart Reuben, r 88, farmer with John N. Hart Selah, retired farmer, h Main. Hart well Warren T., jeweler, Main, h do. Hasbrouck Josephus, (Willseyville) (Hoose & Hasbrouck) r 30,' farmer 200.- Haskell Theodore A., (Jenksville) r 49, farmer 50. Haskins George, r 69, laborer. Haskins James, laborer, h Mountain ave. Hatch Malinda, widow Russell, resident, h Railroad. Hatch Parker, (Weltonville) r 85, carpenter, and farmer 50. Haynard Frink, r 97, farmer. Hazen Daniel, (Strait's Corners) r 140, farmer 84. Hazen Orlando L., (Strait's Corners) r 140, farmer 39, and works for Daniel' Hazen 84. Hazen William, laborer, h Pond. Head Emmet, (Willseyville) r 32, farmer 100. Head Isaac, (Willseyville) r 4. farmer 76. Head Lewis, (Willseyville) r i, laborer. Head Thomas, r 29, laborer. HEATH FRANK L., coal dealer, and station and express agent, h Main. HEATH HENRY D., tin and hardware, stoves and agricultural implements. Main, h do. Heath James H., (Willseyville)- r 30, veterinary surgeon, and notary public,, and farmer 6. Hedges Daniel A., r 29, farmer 102. Hedges Frank M., r 29, farmer. Henderson Hiram, r 54, farmer 52. 64 TOWN OF CANDOR. HENDERSON JESSE W., foreman Hulmboldt tannery. Henderson Theodore, (Johnson & Henderson) r 78, farmer 65. Hendrickson Burton, r 99, farmer 18. Herdic Peter, (Strait's Corners) r 139, carpenter, and farmer 47. Herrick, Alfred W., (Catatonk) r 116, refused to give information. Herri ck Burt., (Weltonville) r 120, farmer. Herrick Stephen H., off r 116, farmer 100. Herrick Walter, (Weltonville) r 120, farmer 116. Hevland James, molder, h Owego. HEWITT JASPER W. Rev., r 95, retired M. E. clergyman. Hill Charles F., Jr., (Weltonville) r 86, laborer. Hills Charles S., (Weltonville) r 77, farmer 150. Hills H. George, (Weltonville) r 77, farmer. Hines Eddie G., r 54, laborer. Hines Jesse A., r 54, farmer 18. Hoff Lewis R., grist and flouring-mill, Main, h Owego. Holden Dallas, (Weltonville) r 120, wagon-maker and blacksmith, and farmer 30. HoUenback Eugene B., farm laborer, h Academy. Holenback David J., (Strait's Corners) r 136, farmer 147. Holenback James, r 99, retired. Holenback John J., (Strait's Corners) r 136, farmer, leases of D. J. H., 67. HoUenback Michael D., r 119, laborer. Holenback Willard D., (Strait's Corners) r 136, farmer, leases of D. J. H., 80. HoUister Elsie, r 36, farm 18. HoUister George H., (Willseyville) r 30, laborer. HoUister Harvey A., r 36, farmer 73. HOLLISTER WARREN L., livery. Main, h Railroad. - Holmes Frank, tinsmith, bds. Owego. Holmes John, dealer in cattle and horses, and farmer 200, h Owego. Holmes John, farmer for L. A. Hart, h Main. Holmes Robert B., clerk, h Main. Holmes Samuel, retired, h Bank. Hoose & Hasbrouck, (WiUseyviUe) (Ira & Josephus H.) proprietors steam saw-mill, and lumber dealers, opp. depot. Hoose C. Frank, (WiUseyviUe) r 3, farmer. Hoose Charles W, (WiUseyviUe) r 3, farmer 150, and in Caroline 60. Hoose Ira, (WiUseyviUe) (Hoose & Hasbrook) farmer 150. Houck Israel, r 95, apiarist 50 colonies, market gardening, and farmer 29. Houk George E , r 95, blacksmith and farmer 30. House Willard E , D.D. S., dentist, Main, h do. Hover Adelbert D., (Weltonville) r 77, farmer 41. Hover Benjamin, (West Newark) r 49, farmer, 122. Hover Charles F., (Weltonville) laborer. Hover Court L., (Jenksville) r 52, farmer, leases of James Newman. Hover George, r 73, farmer, leases of Henry Hover 30. Hover George F., tanner, h Foundry. Hover Henry, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 22, farmer 100. Hover Henry, (WeltonviUe) r 84, resident, aged 96. Hover Leander, r 88, blacksmith, and farmer, leases of Henry Hover 30. Hover Lettie, widow Alonzo, resident, h Owego. Hover L. Frederick, (Weltonville) r 77, laborer. Hover Merritt L., (WeltonviUe) r 85, farmer, leases of Henry Hover, 2d, 55. TOWN OF CANDOR. 6$ HOVER ROBERT K, farmer. Hover Silas, (Weltonville) r 8i, laborer. Hover Solomon, farmer i6o. Hover William P., r 73, farmer 20. Hover Wilman S., r 43, farmer. Howard Alvah, (West Candor) r 106, farmer. Howard Alvin, (West Candor) r 62, farmer. Howard Edward L., (South Danby, Tomp. Co.) r 34, farmer r84. Howard Darius P., r 1 18, farmer. HOWARD HIRAM O., r 118, breeder of horses, and farmer 128, and leases of Loring P. Howard, of Spencer 115. HOWARD HIRAM O., r ii8, horse breeder, and farmer 128, and leases of L. P. Howard, of Spencer 115. ' ' Howard Martha, widow Samuel, resident, h Railroad. Howard Rhoda R., (Catatonk) off r 126, widow Charles C, farm 118. Howard Truman F., r 38, farmer 65. HOWE EPENETUS, farmer, h Main cor. Mill. Howell William, (Willseyville) r i, farmer 30. Howes Oscar, carpenter, and farmer 30, h Owego. Rowland Dana, r 5, farmer, leases of C. R. Chidsey 40. Howland Frederick, farmer 140, h Main. Rowland Wilber F., r 38, iron and brass moulder, and farmer 97. Hoyt Adoniram, r 28, farmer 5. Hoyt Cordelia, widow Emanuel, h Main. Hoyt George T., r 88, farmer 50. Hoyt S. Judson, r 28, farmer 88. HUBBARD ALBERT C, farmer, h Owego. Hubbard Frank E., salesman, bds. Owego. Hubbard George N., r 116, dealer in hop-poles, farmer 10. HUBBARD GEORGE W., r 98, clerk. HUBBARD WILLIAM H., r 98, with John F.,of Denver,Col., prop, saw and grist-mil), dealer in lumber, lath, and farmer 400. Hubbard William J., (Willseyville) r 30, saloon. HUFTALING JOHN, apiarist, and emp. Hulmboldt tannery, a member Co. C, 86th Regt, N. Y. Vols. Hughes Frank, (West Candor) r 62, laborer. Hull Daniel O., r 65, farmer, leases of N. T. Hull 95. Hull Frederick E., farm laborer, bds. Owego. Hull Justin, retired, h Owego. Hull Lebbeus, r 63, resident. HULL LEONARD, farmer, h Owego. Hull Nathan T.,, r 65, farmer 95. Hull Warren, r 63, laborer. Hulslander Asa, (West Candor) r 105, farmer 90. Hulslander Henry J., r 37, farmer no. Hulslander Sylvester, r loi, threshing machine and stump pulhng, farmer 60. Hulslander William S., r 102, threshing and farming. Humiston John H., music teacher, bds. Main. Humiston Morris, harness-maker. Railroad, h Main. Humphrey James F., (Weltonville) r 85, farmer 30, and' leases of C. L. Deyo 65. Hunsinger John, (Strait's Corners) r 136, farmer 83. Hunt Henry, (Strait's Corners) r 136, farmer 50. 5 66 TOWN OF CANDOR. Hunt Willis S., r 94, farmer 45. Hunt William W., retired physician, h Owego. Kurd Edgar D., (Willseyville) r t, farmer 35. Hurd John, (Willseyville) r i, farmer 75. Hyatt Clark, (Catatonk) rii5, laborer. Hyde Persis E., (Strait's Corners) r 109, wife of WiUiam B., farm 60. Hyde Silas, (Strait's Corners) r 104, laborer. Hyde William B., (Strait's Corners) r 109, farmer. JACKSON DWIGHT P., baker, grocer and confectioner, Main, h do. Jackson John E., emp. Dwight P. Jackson, bds. Main. Jackson Laura, widow John, resident, h Main. Jacobs Fred, r 28, farmer 12. Jacobs Hiram C, (Weltonville) r 75, Baptist clergyman and farmer 50. Jacobs James, r 25, farmer 140. Jacobs John W., r 41, farmer 156. Jennings Benjamin, (Willseyville) r 31, farmer no. Jennings Edwin, retired, h Owego. Jennings James H., druggist, Front, h do. Johnson Abram, (West Candor) r 62, laborer. Johnson Albert L., printer, h 0;vego. Johnson & Henderson, (Leonard A. J. & Theodore H.) manufs. wjiip, broom and pen-holders, clothes-dryers, ladifes' novelty work-baskets and wire goods in general. Church. Johnson Charles F., artist penman, h Church. • JOHNSON EUGENE, r 102,' farmer. Johnson George L., resident, bds. Church. Johnson George W., r 102, carpenter and farmer, leases Daniel Johnson 2001 Johnson Harmon, (Strait's Corners) r 140, farmer 60. Johnson Harrison T., r 119, farmer 37. Johnson Irving L., r loi, farmer 36. Johnson John, (Strait's Corners) r 140, farmer 60. lohnson Leonard A., cabinet-maker, Church, h do. Johnson Leroy N., r 102, pension agent and farmer. JOHNSON MYRON M., clerk, h Bank. Johnson Philo, emp. Hulmboldt tannery, h Bank. Johnson Rhoda, widow Chester, farm 36. JOHNSON SILAS W., r 88, dealer in fruit and berries of all kinds and farmer 62. Johniion Ulysses S., medical student, bds. Owego. Johnson Orange, r 45, farmer 44. [ones Charles T., (Strait's Corners) r 137 cor. 134, farmer 130. (Ones Sidney W., (^Strait's Corners) r 137 cor 134, farmer 25. (ordan Elbert, laborer, h Railroad. Jordan Milo, r38, farmer, leases of James P. Belden 220. Jordan Frank, r 5, farmer, leases of William Perry, of Spencer, 75. Judd Philecta, widow William, farm 53. Judd Henry A., resident, bds. Bank. fCattell Harmon, r 90, farmer. Kattell Marshall R., r 90, carpenter and farmer 150. Keeler Ethelbert B., r 94, carpenter an(l mason. TCeeler Hiram, r 94, farmer 23. ■ . KELSEY DORA G., r 95, farm with Laura A. and Sarah A. 160. STARKBT & WINTERS, Wbolesale and Retail Druggists, O'wego^ TOWN OF CANDOR. 6/ KELSEY LAURA A., r 95, farm with Dora G. and Sarah A. 160. KELSEY SERAH A., r 95, farm with Laura A. and Dora G. 160. Kelsey Woodbridge, r 95, farmer 112. Kenyon John H.. r 25, farmer 53 and leases of Spaulding Bros., of Cortland, 72, and of George Truman, of Owego, 60. KETCHUM WILLIAM P., insurance, pension attorney and notary pub- lic, Kinney, h do. Kies Chauncey, r 7, farmer 22^. -iKirk John, r 28, farmer 70. Kirk Richard, r 63, blacksmith. Knapp Burr D., (Weltonville) general merchant. Knapp Ezekiel W., r 24, farmer 104. Knapp Harmon, r 24, farmer. Kortright Susan, widow Abram, h Main. Krofft George W., r 98, laborer. Krofft William, (Catatonk) laborer. KROM ABRAM H., r 64, farmer 200. Kyle Daniel Y., ( Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 22, farmer 117 and at Willsey- ville 54. Kyle Enos J., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 22, blacksmith and farmer. Kyle Samuel F., (Catatonk) (S. F. Kyle & Co.) r 27, farmer 127 and leases. of James A. Kyle, of Shenandoah, Iowa, 40. Kyle S. F. & Co., (Catatonk) (Samuel F., K. and W; H. Bailey), r 127,. baled hay, straw and potatoes. Kyle Theron D., (Owego) r 117, fruit grower and farmer 92 J, and leases ofc J. A. Kyle 92J. Kyle Thomas, retired, h Church. La Barre George, blacksmith, h Bank. LaGrange Elijah, laborer, h Owego. Lake Augustus, (Weltonville) r 85, retired. Lake Ebin, r 53, resident. Lake George H., (Weltonville) r 85, farmer loi. Lamb John, (Catatonk) r 133, retired. Lane Bert, r 28, farmer, leases of Howard Mead 196. Lane George A., (Weltonville), r 74 cor. 70, farmer 50, and leases of Nancy Snow, of Carohne, 29. Lane Ceorge W., (West Candor) farmer. Lane Harmon S., (West Candor) r 63, laborer. Lane James, r 58, laborer. Lane James A., r 52, farmer 87, and leases of Julia Hull, of Brookton, 135. Lane Laraont, (Fleraingville) r 121, laborer. Lane Levi, (Weltoaville) r 74 cor 70, farmer. Lane Stephen, (Strait's Corners) r 140, farmer 53. Lane Walter, r 116, farmer 64. Lanphier David H., r 37, lumberman and farmer 20. Lanphier William H., (Weltonville) r 85, farmer 112. LARCOM ADELBERT D., r 54, farmer 53. Larcom Julian C, r 54, farmer. Larkin Hugh, (Catatonk) off r 114, farmer 210. Leach William S., (Weltonville) r 84, farmer 74. Legg Bert E., (Jenksville), r 46, farmer 30. Legg David J., (Jenksville), r 49» farmer 30. STARKET & ■WINXBaS, promptly fill OTall and Telephone Orders. 68 TOWN OF CANDOR. Legg George W., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 13 cor. 14, farmer 107. Legg Leonard C, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 22, farmer 180. Legg OttoL., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 13 cor. 14, farmer. Legg Stillman J., shoemaker, Main, h Kinney. Leet Julius C, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 22, carpenter. Leet Samuel, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) carpenter and leader of Leets' or- chestra, farmer 50. Leonard Richard, (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) r 5^, farmer 50. Lewis John A., r 95, sewing machine agt. Lewis Theodore H., carpenter and farmer 56, h Owego. Lewis Thomas N., r 63 cor. 64, far.-ner 88. Lisk William P., laborer, h R. R. ave. Little Charles E., r 116, farmer 82. Little Mary E., dressmaker, h Preston. Little Mattie, teacher, h Preston. Little Nettie, teacher, h Preston. Little Thomas B., r 116, farmer 70. Little William L., lumber and bark. Main, h do. Locey Charles E., music teacher, bds. Owego. Locey Isaac B., retired merchanic, h Main. Logan Thomas, r 102, engineer and farmer 70. Loring Horace W., r 56, farmer 10. LOUNSBURY DANIEL, r in, farmer 193. Lovejoy Aaron, farm laborer, h Owego. Lovejoy George W., r 45, farmer 130. Lovejoy Jerome, r 38J, farmer 65. Lovejoy Lucy A., widow Josiah, seamstress, h Foundry. LOVEJOY LYMAN B., laborer, h Main. LOVEJOY WILLARD A., tanner, h Royal. Lyme Henry, r 58, farmer, leases of Mrs. N. Gridley 151. Lynch Fred, farm laborer, bds. R. R. ave. Lynch Ira, contractor and builder, h Royal. Lynch Nathaniel, farmer, h Main. Lynch Sylvester D., resident, h R. R. ave. Manley Joseph N., (Strait's Corners) r 141, farmer, works for John Manley of Danby 100. Manning Charles F., (South Danby, Tomp. Co.) r 31, farmer 50. Manning Robert P., (South Danby, Tomp. Co.) r 31, carpenter, and farmer 72. Markle David, r 91, brick and plaster mason, and farmer, works for Lucy Chidsey 22. Markle Fred C, r gt, bricklayer. MASTEN GEORGE W., apiarist 80 colonies, and farmer 50. Masten G. Wallace, farmer, leases of Simon Van Luven 116. Masten J. Willis, t iig, farmer 50. Mayo Charles H., (Willseyville) r 30, section hand. Mayo Hanford, r 56, laborer. Mayo Hiram, r 29, saw and shingle-mill, and farmer 50. Mccarty & Thompson, (J. W. McC. & J. T.) general merchants, Main cor. Mill. Mccarty JOHN W., (McCarty & Thompson) h Main. McCoy Edwin, (Jenksville) r 49, dealer in live stock, and farmer 115. McCully George, r 29, laborer. TOWN OF CANDOR. tCf^ Mclntire Charles F., (Catatonk) r 134, farmer, leases of S. Sacket of Towanda. Pa., 36. Mclntyre Frank, r 91, well-boring, and farmer 50. Mclntyre John J., 116, farmer 30. Mclntyre William, (Catatonk) r 115, farmer 25. McPhalan John, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 13, farmer 50. Mead Alanson, (Weltonville) r 85, farmer 75. Mead Amzi, (Weltonville) laborer. MEAD ASA E., r 70, fruit grower, and farmer 100. MEAD CHARLES, (Weltonville) r 75, dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, tobacco, patent medicines, and farmer 80. Mead David P., retired wagon-maker, h Spencer. Mead Ebin H., (Jenksville) r 78, farmer 62. Mead Edward, (Flemingville) r 119, farmer 100. Mead Ezekiel, (Flemingville) r 119, farmer 160. Mead Fayette, (Weltonville) r 76, farmer. Mead John G., emp. W. J. Milks, h Bank. Mead Josephus, farmer, h Owego. Mead Joshua E., (Flemingville) r 119, retired. Mead Mileden, (West Newark) r 81, farmer 113. Mead Milton, (West Newark) r 81, laborer. Mead Nathan, (Catatonk) offr 126, farmer, leases of Roba R. Howard 118. Mead Newton T., (Weltonville) r 45, farmer 55. Mead Russel B., (Jenksville) r 49, farmer. Mead Russel J., (Weltonville) r 76, carpenter, and farmer 120. MEAD WILLIS A., r 70, with Sidney and G. F. Galpin, steam threshing machine, hay pressing and sawing. Meddaugh Preston, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 22, farmer, leases of L. C. Leonard 180. Meier Frederick, r 42, farmer 45. Merchant Gideon, r 37, sawyer, and overseer of George B. Pumpelly steam saw-mill. Merchant Gideon, (Willseyville) r 32, carpenter. Mericle Henry, farmer 91, h Main. Merrick Abner, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 13, mason, and farmer 90. Merrill Ann E:, ( VVillsey ville) widow M. Nelson, station and express agent. Merrill Nellie, (Willseyville) telegraph operator. Me.ritt Abram, r 69, farmer 23. Middaugh Asa, (Strait's Corners) r 105, farmer 60. Milks George, clerk Ashland House, bds. do. MILKS William J,, veterinary surgeon, and meat market, Spencer, h do. MILLER AUGUSTINE, (Weltonville) r 120, farmer 90. Miller Fred, (Weltonville) r 120, dealer in live stock, and farmer. Miller Daniel S., physician and surgeon. Main, h do. Minor Christopher C, (Willseyville) r 30, general store. Mix Emory C, (Willseyville) r 30, postmaster, and blacksmith. Mix John C, (Willseyville) r i, prop, threshing-machine, and farmer 74. Mix Miles C, (Willseyville) r 30, blacksmith, and farmer 9. Monell Samuel, (Willseyville) r 1, farmer 14. Mooney Burt, tanner, h Church. Mooney Esther, widow Thomas, h Church. Moore Betsey D., widow John R., resident, h Church. Moore Oscar, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 14, farmer 62. 70 TOWN OF CANDOR. MOREY ARCHIE E., 71, apiarist 90 colonies, and carpenter. Morey Benjamin S., saloon and restaurant, and farmer 50, Main, h do. MOREY EDWARD A., r 71, farmer 66. Morrison James, r 88, farmer 32. Morrison Wesley, r 116, farmer 25. Munroe Henry, r 63, farmer 170. Munroe James, r 63, farmer 140. Munroe John H., (Willseyville) r i, laborer. ' Munroe Joshua, r 63, farmer. Mustoe Martin, r 69, farmer 46. Nelson Asa, (Catatonk) r 115, farmer 50. Nelson Elmore, (West Candor) r 59, farmer. Nelson Nathaniel, (Strait's Corners) off r 139, farmer. Nelson Orville, r 24, farmer 120. Newman Alonzo M., (Jenksville) r 78, farmer 130. Newman James, (Jenksville) r 50, farmer 133. Newman William T., (Flemingville) r 123, farmer in Owego 22. Neuse James W., laborer, h Church. Nickerson Lucy E., widow Amos, seamstress, h R. R. ave. North James E., manuf. washing-machines and clothes wringers, h Main. NORTON FRANK J., prop. Ashland House, Mam. O'Brien Thomas, (Willse)rville) r 30, saloon and groceries. O'Connell Daniel, (Catatonk) fireman for National Transit Co. Oldfield Joel, r 102, farmer. Oliver Allen D., r 40, fireman, and farmer 5. Oltz Deborah, widow Henry, resident, h Pond. Oltz Frances A., resident, bds. Pond. Orcutt David, r 95, carpenter, and farmer 12. Orcutt Elizabeth, (Catatonk) r 115, widow James E., farm 55. Orcutt WiUiara C., gunsmith, clock and watch repairer and general jobbing, Owego, h do. Ormsby Robert L., farm laborer, h Foundry. Osborn Arthur, r 116, physician, M. E. clergyman and farmer 50. Osburn William V., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, apiarist 100 colonies, carpenter, wagon repairing and farmer 25. Ott George, (Catatonk) r 135, farmer 100. OWEN ABEL C, (Strait's Corners) r 109, carpenter and farmer 95. Owen Christopher, (Catatonk) r 130, farmer 76. Owen George B., (Strait's Corners) r 108, farmer 50. Owen Jerome D., r 114, farmer to8. Owen William, r 29, general merchant and farmer 32. Palmatier Charles W., emp. Hulmboldf tannery, h Humiston. PARMELE FREDERICK, retired, h Main. Parmele John C, justice of the peace. Main, h Owego. Palmer George W., (Jenksville) r 20, farmer with J. D. 180. Palmer Jasper, laborer. Palmer John D., (Jenksville) r 20, farmer with G. W. 180. Parsons M. Eva, teacher, bds. Owego. Parsons Minnie R., teacher, bds. Owego. Parsons William A., traveling salesman, h Owego. Pass Peter, (Strait's Corners) r 108, farmer with Thomas W. 160. Pass Thomas W., (Strait's Corners),r 108, farmer with Peter 160. Patterson John, (Willseyville) r i, section hand. TOWN OF CANDOR. Payne William J., clerk. ■Pealing Lanis F., farm laborer, h Owego. Pearse Charles, r 29, farmer 5. Perham Harlow C, wagon maker, h Church. Perrine Daniel H., (Catatonk)r 134, brick and plaster mason and farmer 183. Perrine Henry, (Catatonk) r 134, farmer, leases of P. Caple 100. Perrine Joseph, (Strait's Corners) r 136, farmer 50. Perry Elizabeth, widow Solomon, h Main. Perry Emmet J., (Willseyville) r i, farmer, leases of H. Durfee 40. Personeus Chester, (Willseyville) r 1, farmer 80. Personeus Cornelius B., r 116, tin peddler. Personeus Erwin, r 28, farmer 62. Personeus Ezra C, r 58, farmer, works for Charles Hill, of Danby, i8o. Personeus Ira, r 28, farmer 155. Pesoneus Lucy, widow Chauncey, laundress, h Main. PETERS CHARLES G., t 65, dealer in live stock and breeder of fine road horses and Jersey cattle, farmer 200. * Peters Richard, carpenter. Phelps Asa, (Flemingville) r 121, farmer 97. Phelps Herrick J., (Flemingville) r 121, farmer, leases of Jesse Phelps 100. Phelps Sheldon, (Flemingville) r 121, farmer. Phelps Samuel, (Weltonville) r 120, farmer, leases of Eliza Brink 100. Pierce Albert, (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) r s|-, farmer 70. Palmatier John, emp. Woolen mills, h Mountain ave. Pompelly George, prop, of saw-mill at Gridleyville, h Main. Potter Henry P., farmer 100, h Spencer. Potter Mary, widow Harvey, resident, Spencer. Pultz Luther, (Owego) r 131, farmer 128. Quick Fremont, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 13, farmer 25: Quick Henry, (Catatonk), r 127, dairy 15 cows, farmer 112^. Quick Philip E., (Catatonk) r 127, farmer. QUIMBY ELMER E., blacksmith ; special attention given to horse-shoe- ing, Owego, h do. Quinn James, (Catatonk) r 133, tanner. Quinn James, Jr., (Catatonk) r 133, leather finisher. Quinn John, (Catatonk) r 133, tanner. Quinn Thomas, (Catatonk) r 133, leather finisher. Reasor James B., r 44, cooper and farmer 30. Reese Henry E., (Weltonville) r 120, farmer. Reynolds Franklin H., r 96, tin peddler.' Rice Heman, r 29, farmer 6. Rice Lorenzo, r 29, farmer 79. Rice Lorenzo A., (Catatonk) r 114, farmer, leases of J. M. Anderson 100. Richardson Charles, (West Newark) r 80, farmer, works for Horace 150. Richardson Henry H., (West Newark) r 49, farmer 90. RICHARDSON HORACE, (West Newark) r 80, farmer 150. Richardson Jerome, restaurant and farmer 63, Main, h Owego. Riggs Oliver P., retired, h Owego. Rightmire Cornelius S., (West Candor) r 59, laborer. Roach Benny, laborer, h Humiston. Robberts James E., laborer, h Young. ROBBINS JOHN K, r 42, farmer 82. ROBINSON ALDICE A., fire and life insurance. Main, h do. 72 TOWN OF CANDOR. Robinson Charles, (West Candor) r 59, farmer 30. Robinson Edward J., (West Candor) r 59, farmer 50. Robinson Harrison, (West Candor) r 59, farmer. Robinson Luther B., painter and farmer. Robinson Maria, r. iij6, widow Seraour, h and lot. Robinson Murtillow A., carpenter, h Foundry. Robinson Philander, retired, b Main. Rockwell Rufus, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 22, farmer 120. Roe Emory D., r .63, farmer, leases of Irving Hart, of Waverly, 100. ROE EUGENE F., r 5, apiarist and manuf. and dealer in apiarist supplies. Roe Gamaliel, r 5, steam feed-mill and threshing machine, and farmer 140. Roe George F., farm laborer, bds. Pond. Roe Horace M.,. r 5, farmer. Roe William F., r 25, apiarist, 115 colonies, and manuf. and dealer in api- arist supplies, carpenter and farmer 109. Rolfe James K„ r 88, farmer 50. ROPER WILLIAM E., physician and surgeon, h Owego. Rose Jacob P., laborer, h Main. Rose Rodney S. Rev., retired M. E. Clergyman. ROSS EDGAR, D., r 58, farmer 100. Ross Edmund, (Strait's Corners) r 141, farmer 44. Ross Frank, (M. L. Ross & Son) h Spencer. Ross Harry, (Willseyville) r 3, farmer 230. Ross Lester Z., r 58, farmer 163. Ross Milton L., (M.,L. Ross & Son) also commercial traveler, also farmer 54. h Spencer. Ross M. L. & Son, (Frank) druggists, Main. Rowe Henry R. , (Catatonk) r 133, telegrap]* operator for National Transit Co. Royal Morris B., insurance and farmer 30, h Owego. Ryan John, (Catatonk) r 133, laborer. RYAN JOHN, lumber and hides. Mill, h Main. Sabin Edgar D., r 65, farmer with M. E. Cowles, of Spencer, 125. Sackett Lucy, widow Nathaniel L., resident, h Owego. Sackett Mary, dressmaker, h Owego. Sackett Nathaniel O., retired, h Main. Sanford Harmon, (Willseyville) r i cor. 31, farmer, leases of Lewis Grif- fin 107. Sarson John, (Willseyville) r 3, farmer 137. Sarson John C. F., (Willseyville) r 3, house-painter. Sarson Samuel T., (Willseyville) r 3, carpenter. Sarson Thomas E., (Willseyville) r 3, works for John Sarson 137. Sawyer Frank, (West Candor) r 61, deputy-postmaster, and farmer 46. Sawyer Fred W., emp. D. L.& W. R. R., h Railroad. Sawyer Ira, (West Candor) r 62, farmer 123. Sawyer Luther, (West Candor) r 62, general merchant. Scharf George W,, tinsmith, h Preston. Scofield Clarence H., r 63, well drilling. Scofield Truman, (West Candor) r 62, dealer in live stock, and farmer 82. Schooley Edmund, r 6, farmer 100. Scott Elbert O., att'y and counselor at law. Main, bds. Allen House. Seaman Joel, r 116, dealer in sheep and cattle, farmer 60. SEAMAN LE GRAND, r 89, dealer in live stock, and farmer 75, and works for Amanda- Gosen 80. TOWN OF CANDOR. 73 .Searles George M., carriage and sleigh manufactory, Main, h Railroad. Sewell John, (Weltonville) r 78, carpenter, and farmer 55, and saw-mill with R. Fuller and Julia Hull. Shaffer Joseph, (Catatonk) r 133, farmer with Wesley 50. Shaffer Wesley, (Catatonk) r 133, farmer with Joseph 50. Shaler Frederick, r 95, laborer. Shaw James, (Fleraingville) r 1 23^ laborer. Sheerer John D., peddler, h Church. Sherman Elisha J., r 114, farmer 37. Sherman James, laborer, h Mountain ave. Shipman Charles, (Strait's Corners) r 109, farmer 70. Shulenburg Alvin, r 113, farmer 30. Shulenburg Fred J., (West Candor) r 105, dairy 18 cows, farmer 57, and leases of S. E. Gridley 250. Shulenburg Horace, (West Candor) r 105, farmer. Shulenburg James, r 56, farmer 100. Silvernail Hiram, (Strait's Corners) r 139, resident. •Silvernail John, (Strait's Corners) r 139, farmer 79. Simmons Edward, laborer, h Humiston. Simpson Franklin, (Willseyville) r 4, farmer 50. Slate Alfonzo, (West Candor) r 59, farmer. Slate Francis, r 58, laborer. Slate Nelson, (Jenksville) r 49, farmer, works estate of Arnold Blanchard 90. Slater Bartholomew G., farmer on shares with Peter Carr 85, h Owego. Slater Harry, clerk, h Owego. Slawson James G., blacksmith, Foundry, h do. Smith Alanson J., r 53, farmer 100. Smith Angeline C, widow Jesse A., resident, bds. Owego. Smith Charles S., saloon, Main, bds. Railroad. Smith Clarissa Mrs., resident, h Mountain ave. Smith Edgar M., farmer 50. Smith Fred W., ass't cashier First Nat. Bank, h Main. Smith H. Alanson, (Catatonk) r 133, postmaster, station agent, and general merchant. Smith Hannah M., (Catatonk) r 127, widow Alanson Smith, farm 27. Smith Henry, school director, lumberman, and farmer 160, h Owego. Smith James, (Willseyville) r i, farmer 15. Smith James J., (Catatonk) r 115, farmer, works for Emma Smith 13. SMITH J. LEWIS, deputy postmaster and town clerk, h Owego. Smith John J., carpenter and farmer 17, and with Lucius H. 35. Smith Judson, r 37, laborer. Smith Lewis W., (Catatonk) r 127, laborer. Smith L. Everett, r 95, brakeman. Smith Lavelle, r37, carpenter. Smith Lucius H., r 95, carpenter and builder. Smith Mantlebert H., farmer with his father Edgar M., 50. Smith Nelson, (Willseyville) r i, laborer. Smith Wakeman B., farmer 218, h Main. Smith William, farm laborer, h Owego. Smith William B., druggist, bds. Main. Smith William R., r 37, carpenter. SmuUen George B., (Weltonville) r 20, blacksmith. SrauUen Patrick, (Weltonville) r 120, blacksmith. 74 TOWN OF CANDOR. Snover John F., r 64, farmer 90. Snow Roswell, (Caroline Center, Tomp. Co.) r 10, farmer. Snow Walstein, (Caroline Center, Tomp. Co.) r 10, farmer 161. Snow William H., r 39, farmer 60. Snyder Benjamin C, r 13, farmer 141. Snyder Dewitt M., (Willseyville) r 1, saw and'cider-mill and farmer 126. Snyder Lewis H., laborer, h Mountain ave. Snyder Samuel, r 56, resident. Snyder William H., r 56, foreman E. C. & N. R. R. Spaulding Alonzo, r 9, farmer 90. SPAULDING URBON P., fire and life insurance, and loan and investment and real estate. Main, h Kinney. Speers Joel W.-, (Willseyville) r 30, farmer 8 and leases of Amanda Willsey 175. Spellman Michael, (Catatonic) r iii;, farmer 36. Southwick Aaron B., (Strait's Corners) r T40, farmer 104. Stafford Horace- G., (Owego) r 131, farmer 52. Stafford Randolph, (Strait's Corners) r 137, farmer, leases of Arba Camp- bell, of Owego, 160. Starks James O., off r 6, farmer with John 65. Starks John, off r 6, farmer with J. O. 65. Starkweather Charles, r 28, farmer 67. Starkweather Joel, millwright and carpenter, h Pond. Starkweather Lewis S > resident, bds. Pond. Stevens Andrew T., (Willseyville) r 3, painter and farmer 26. Stevens David, r 29, farmer 25. Stevens Delia, r 32, wife of John, farm with Mary J. Southwick, of Halsey Valley, 163. Stevens George, (Willseyville) r i,. farmer, leases of David Stevens 30. Stevens James M., (Willseyville) r i, basket-maker and farmer 25. Stevens John, r 32, farmer, works for Delia Stevens 81^, and leases of Mary J. Southwick, of. Halsey Valley, 81 1-2. Stevens Lafayette, r 29, laborer. Stevens Loren, (Willseyville) r i, fireman. Stevens Wilber, off r 36, farmer 25. Stever Frank, (Jenksville) r 49, laborer. Stewart Adelbert, r 70, farmer 20. Stewart Augustus, barber, bds. Railroad. Stewart Charles, barber. Main, h Railroad. Stewart Henry B., tin-peddler, h Hulmboldt. Stinard Abigail D., widow Oglesbary, resident, h Pond. STINARD ALANSON K., (Jenksville) r 49, farmer 26. Stinard Andrew, laborer, h off Owego. Stinard Sylvester, (Jenksville) r 50, breeder and trainer of horses, proprietor of stock hor-se Prince, and farmer, leases of J. W. McCarty 244. Stone Charles E., r 41, farmer. Stone Eli, (Willseyville) laborer. Stone Nelson, r 95, leases of the heirs of Geo. Andrews 143. STOWELL ALMOND F:, contractor and builder. Railroad, h do. Strait Adelbert, (Willseyville) farmer, leases of Lewis Griffin 185. Strait Henry, r 73, farmer 26. Strait Sylvester, (Strait's Corners) offr 139, farmer, leases of Wm. Harlan 130 STRONG ANSON B., r 45, farmer 13, works for Hebron Strong 50 and for Orange Johnson 44. TOWN OF CANDOR. 75 Strong Charles S., r 24, farmer 133. Strong Eugene B., (Willseyville) r 3, assessor, manuftr. of tubs, firkins, etc., and farmer 75. Strong Hebron, r 45, farmer 50. Strong Joel H., r 98, dealer in wool, hides, pelts and produce. Strong Josiah C., r 41, farmer 40. Strong Manley, (Jenksville) r 50, laborer. Strong Raymond, r 98, lumberman. Sturdevant Judson, r 119, farmer 5. Swartwood Edmund, (Strait's Corners) r 143, farmer, leases of Alfred Eve- lien, of Tioga, 82. Sweetman Joanna, widow David, resident, h Owego. Tacey Alexander, carpenter, h Church. Tacey Melvin, laborer, h Church. Taylor Abram, (West Newark) r 81, farmer 437. Taylor Eugene C., (Weltonville) r 86, farmer 33. Taylor Martin W., (West Candor) r 109, farmer 82. Taylor Merton L,., (Weltonville) r 86, farmer 50. Taylor Samuel E., (Weltonville) r 86. farmer 84. Taylor Walter, r 12, farmer, leases of J. S. Whitney 239. Taylor William J., (West Newark) r 8t, farmer. Taylor William J., (Weltonville) r 86, teacher, apiarist 50 colonies, farmer, leases of Samuel Taylor 84. Templeton Albert J., tinsmith, h Foundry. Terwilliar Abigail J., (Owego) r 118, widow of Nathan, leases of Franklin W. Truman, of Owego, 200. Terwilliger Andrew J., (Strait's Corners) r in, prop. English coach stock horse, Tim Valons, farmer 136. Terwilliger Levi G., (Catatonk) r 133, musician and sawyer. Terwilligar Solomon E., (Catatonk) r 133, blacksmith. Terwilliger Stephen E., (Strait's Corners) r 109, farmer. Thayer John B., (South Danby, Tomp. Co.) r 34, farmer with William H. Thayer William H., (South Danby, Tomp. Co.) r 34, farmer, leases of Mar- vin Reed, of Ithaca, 140, and of Eleanor Dewitt, of Danby, 62. Thomas George H., (Weltonville) r 8r, farmer 80. Thompson Anthony H., r 38, farmer 41. THOMPSON JEROME, (McCarty & Thompson) cashier. First Nat. Bank, also farmer in Spencer 420, h Main. Thornton James J., r 93, basket-maker. Throop William, r 35, farmer 33. Tidd Francis T., farm laborer, h Foundry. Tidd Mary E., laundress, h Foundry. Toft George, (Catatonk) r 114, farmer 4, works for Elizabeth Orcott 55. Townley Mary J., widow James L., resident, h Owego. Townley Reid W., farmer, h Owego. Tracy Maria E., (Catatonk) r 133, widow James, resident. Truman Lyman R, (Owego) r 132, farmer 130. Tubbs Charles N., r 41, carpenter and with Ebenezer, farmer 25^. Tubbs Ebenezer, r 41, carpenter, and farmer with Charles N., 25^. Tubbs Isaac, r 41, tin-peddlar, and farmer 6 r. Tubbs J. Thomas, tin-peddler, h Main. Tubbs OrlandOj r 69, farmer 20. Tucker Charles E., r 29, farmer. 76 TOWN OF CANDOR. Tucker Frank, (Willseyville) r 30, laborer. Tucker Matthew, (Willseyville) r 30, laborer. Tucker Williain, r 29, farmer 108. Turk John, retired, h Owego. Turk Levi, carpenter, h R. R. ave. TURNER GEORGE, (Strait's Corners) r 143, carpenter, and farmer 103. Tuttle Warren H., 104, farmer 75. Tyler Charles, ofFr 88, farmer 37. Tyler Edward, r 119, laborer. Tyler James, off r 88, farmer. Ulrick Henry W., r 25, farmer, leases of John Ulrick, of Tioga, 161. VanDebogart Francis, retired, b Church. VanDebogart Frank L., general merchant, Main, h do. Van Debogart Lawrence, (Willseyville) r 30, carpenter, and farmer too. Van Debogart Peter, dealer in agl. implements. Main, h do. VanDeerveer Warren C, (Strait's Corners) r 142, farmer no. Van Dermark Joseph, r 65, farmer. Van Dermark Peter, laborer, h Main. Van Dermark Wayland L., r 65, farmer 37. Van Dermark Wilson, r 23, farmer, leases of Morgan White 156. VAN DEUSER H. & M., (Catatonk) r 133, proprietors saw-mill, also deal- ers in lumber and potatoes, and farmer 47. VAN DEUSER HENRY, (Catatonk) (H. & M. Van D.) r 133. VAN DEUSER JERRY, (Catatonk) (H. & M. Van D.) farmer 5. VAN DEUSER MARTIN, (Catatonk) (H. & M. Van D.) r 133. VanEtten George, r 5, refused to give information. VanEtten George F., r 29, farmer 60. Vanglone Schuyler, (Jenksville) r 13, farmer. VanGorder Charles E., peddler, h R. R. ave. VanGorder Elias, (Weltonville) r 82, laborer. VanKleeck James, retired, h Owego. VanKleeck Jane, r 36, wife of Charles H., farm 106. VanKleeck John M., r 36, farmer. VanLuven Simon, justice of the peace, Main, h Owego. VanLuven Robert, (Strait's Corners) r 137, farmer 48. VanPelt Sarah, widow Garrett, resident, h Owego. VanScoy Augusta, r 40, widow Knowlton, farm 130. VAN SCOY BURT R., r 70, fruit grower, and farmer to8. VAN SCOY ISAAC D., (Jenksville) r 50, farmer 108. VanScoy Simeon, r 40, farmer, works for Augusta VanScoy 130. VanVleet Theodore, lumber dealer. Main, h do. VanWoert Lebbeus, r 56, laborer. VanWoert Levi, (West Candor) r 59, farmer 90. VanWoert R. Smith, farmer, h Main. VanZyle Stephen, r 69, farmer 10. Vergason George, (Strait's Corners) r 140, wool buyer, and farmer 93. VERGASON IDDO. prop. Allen House, Main. VERGASON SOLOMON, r n2 cor. 114, manuf. and dealer in lumber, dairy 18 cows, and farmer 620. Vergason Stephen, (Strait's Corners) r 142, farmer 125. VOSE ENOCH, (West Candor) r 108, contractor and builder, also farmer. Vorce Volney, (Weltonville) farmer 72. Wake James, r 67, farmer. TOWN OF CANDOR. J-j Walker John, laborer, h Owego. Walts Conrad, (Strait's Corners) r .109, farmer 80. Ward and VanVleet Misses, (Elmira A Ward and Eva D. VanVleet) dealers in millinery and fancy goods. WARD HARVEY H., farmer 75, h Owego. Ward Hiram, farmer 75. Ward Oscar, farmer. Ward Oswald J., live stock dealer, h Owego. Wardwell & Cooper, (West Candor) (William C. and J. H.) r 62, groceries. Wardwell William R., drug clerk, bds. Main. Warner John C, r 93, farmer, works for Minda Warner 45. Warner Richard E., r 44, farmer with Shelden P., leases of R. P. Warner 254 . Warner Richard P., r 44, farmer 254. Warner Shelden P., r 44, farmer with Richard E., leases of R. P. Warner 254. Watkins Ephraim C., (Flemigville) laborer. Watrous Sherman, farm laborer, h Foundry. Watson James, resident, h Owego. Webster Edwin, (Owego) r 132, dealer in live stock, and farmer 275. Wentnorth John W., farm laborer, h Church. Wentworth Noyes D., paintier, h Church. Wheeler Abram T., cider-mill and farmer 33. Wheeler Charles T., (Owego) r 124, farmer 86. Wheeler Frank G., (Owego) r 124, farmer. Wheeler Ira E., r 63, farmer. Wheeler John H., farmer, h Railroad ave. Wheeler Mary, r 41, widow Lewis, farm 59. Wheeler Myron F., r 41, farmer. Whipple Marietta R., widow Solomon, resident, h Owego. White Abram, (Strait's Corners), r 141, farmer 70. WHITE A. FRANK, (WiUseyviUe) (White Bros.) WHITE BROS., (WiUseyviUe) (A. Frank, Charles O. and Edward M.) r 30, manufacturers of White's patent bent chairs and patent folding tables. White Charles B., (WiUseyviUe) r i, farmer 300. WHITE CHARLES O., (WiUseyviUe) (White Bros.) r 30, commercial trav- eler. WHITE EDWARD M., (WiUseyviUe) (White Bros.) r i. White Jacob N., (Strait's Corners), r 141, farmer 50. White John B,, (Strait's Corners) r no, farmer 83. WHITE MARY A., widow Leonard, resident, h Owego. White Morgan A., (WiUseyviUe) groceries and manuftr. and dealer in lum- ber, and farmer 1,065. Whitley Andrew J., r 7, farmer 90. Whitley Demoma, (WiUseyviUe) r 30, laborer. WHITLEY FLORiLLA S., r 65, widow John, Jr. Whitley George M., r 29, farmer 28. WhitleyTra, r 29, farmer. Whitley Newton D., r 7, farmer. Whitley Sarah, r 28, wife of Joseph, h and lot. Whitley Phihp A., r 29, farmer 27. Whitley Warren, r 29, farmer 133. Whitmarsh Ambrose, (Catatonk) r 115, farmer 60. Whitmarsh Andrew J., r 95, laborer. Whitmarsh Charles, laborer. 78 TOWN OF CANDOR. Wbitmarsh Eben, r ii6, dairy ii cows, and farmer g6. Whitmarsh Edward, (Catatonk; r' 129, farmer 200. Whitmaish Edwin, (Catatonk) r 129, farmer 59. Whitmarsh James, r 116, resident, age 87. Whitmarsh John, (Catatonk) r 115, farrher. Whitmarsh Luther, (Catatonk) r 129, farmer. Whitmarsh Robert L., (Catatonk) r 134, farmer 100. Whitmarsh Simon, (Catatonk) r 129, farmer. Whitney George, r 71, laborer. Whitney Joseph S., live stock dealer and farmer 230, h Raihroad. Whitney Martin D., r 88, agt. for Auburn Art Union Co. Whitney Perry B., r 56, farmer 50. Wiest George A., (West Newark) r 77, farmer, leases of Abram Taylor 270. Wilber William H., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, farmer 100. Willard Lewis D., speculator, and farmer 40. Williston Horace, Rev., pastor M. E. church, h Owego. Williams Enoch S., (Booth & Williams) h Main. Williams Ezra O., teamster, h Qwego. Williams George F. (Catatonk) r 126, farmer 50. Williams George R., r 40, farmer, leases of Henry Merikle 97. Williams LaFayette, (Catatonk) r 1 26, farmer 90. Williams William I., (Catatonk) r 116, farmer 93. Willsey Gaylord, retired, h Spencer. Willsey Harriet A., (Willseyville) r 30, widow of William W., farm 175. Willsey Margerite M., widow Warren, resident, h Spencer. Willsey Martin E., farmer, h Bank. Wilson Ephraim J., farmer 5. Wilson William H., laborer. Winfield Simon, (Strait's Corners) r 139, fa,rm,er. Woodard Elias H., (Weltonville) r 82, blacksmith. Woodard Mary G , (Weltonville) r 82, wife of E. H., dealer in groceries and provisions. WOODFORD ALBERT H., r 63, farmer 160. Woodford Asel H., (West Candor) r 62, farmer 10, and with Charles Wood- ford 58. Woodford Chauncey C, farmer 97, h Owego. Woodford Edwin F., r 63, farmer. Woodford Edward G., (West Candor) r 63, farmer. Woodford E. Jerome, (West Candor) r 62, agriculural implements, and' farmer with Elbert C. 150. Woodford Elbert C, (West Candor) r 62, carpenter, farmer, E. Jerome, 150, Woodford Frank S.,r 56, farmer with Sylvester 100. WOODFORD GEORGE, (West Candor) r 62, farmer 220. Woodford Myron L., (West Candor) r 63, farmer 156. Woodford Rhoda, r 56, widow Luther, farm 125. WOODFORD SYLVSTER, r 56, farmer with F. S. Woodford 100. Wool Joseph D., (Willseyville) r 3, justice of the peace, and farmer 12. Wolverton Charles A., (Owego) r 131, cooper. Wright Calvin, (West Candor) r 109, farmer 57. Wright Charles H,, r iii, farmer 135. Wright Edwin J., r 11 r, farmer. Wright John, retired, h Kinney. STARKE V dc liTINTERS, Wholesale and Retail Drngglsts, Owego^ TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 79 Wright Leroy, (Strait's Corners) r 109, farmer lo. Wright William A., r 37, farmer 60, and works for the heirs of Sterling J. Barber 97. Young David, (Jenksville) farmer 85. Zimmer Alvah, (West Candor) r 61, laborer. Zimmer Ira, (Jenksville) r 47, farmer 125. NEWARK VALLEY. {For explanHtions, etc., see page 3, part second.) (Postoffice address is Newark Valley, unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.) Abbey Reuben, r i6, carpenter. Abbott George, (Howlan & Abbott) h Mill. Ackerman Cornelius R., (Jenksville) contractor and builder, and farmer 40. ACKERMAN JOSEPH, r 21, district collector and farmer 125. Allen Charles W., (Jenksville) off r i, retired. Allen James, r 16, retired. ALLEN JAMES H., Jenksville) r 2, farmer on shares with F. W. Rich- ardson, 200. Ames Henry W., r 16, farm laborer. Ames Stephen W, r 18, farmer 100. Ames William, r 6, carpenter. Andrews Charles F., r 9, farmer 100. Andrews Deborah, r 55, widow Chester, resident. Andrews Ezra J., r 42, farmer 52. Andrews Frank, r 42, teacher. Andrews Heman N., r 42, farmer 48. Andrews Jane, r g, widow Luther, farm ?oo. Andrews Jesse, r 42, farmer, on shares with W. Elwell, 40. Andrews Judson, r 42, farmer 43. Andrews Lucinda, r 42, widow Daniel, resident. Andrews Sarah, r 9, resident. Angell Elworth J., contractor and builder, also small fruit grower, h Whig. Angell Thomas, (Ketchumville) r 9, retired Methodist preacher and farmer 40. Arnold Frederick C, harness-maker, bds. Elm. Arnold Harley, r 25, farm laborer. Arnold James, r 25, farmer 89. Ashley" Frank D., clerk; h Whig.' Avery Samuel M., (Jenksville) r i, postmaster. Ayres Charles H., laborer, bds. Maple ave. Ayers James, cooper, h Maple ave. Ayers John S. , tinsmith, h Maple. Bailey Charles, (Maine, Broome Co.) r 26, farmer for his mother Mrs. M. Bailey. SXARKEf & WINTEBS, promptly fill Ulall and Telephone Orders. 80 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. Bailey Henry, (Maine, Broome Co.) r 26, farmer for his mother Mrs. M. , Bailey. Bailey Hiram C, (Maine, Broome Co.) r 26, farmer 125. Bailey Margaret, (Maine, Broome Co.) r 26, widow Amos, farmer 70. Baldwin Charles, r 38, farmer. Baldwin Royal C., r 38, farmer 10. Baldwin William, farmer, leases of E. Barber 22. Ball A. Rodney, r 5, farmer, with his son William H., 60. Ball Fred, emp. N. K. Waring, h Elm. BALL HENRY W., (Jayne & Ball) h Maple. Ball Margaret, widow Frank, resident, h Elm. Ball William H., r 5, farmer 60 on shares with his father A. Rodney. Ballard Addison L., laborer, h East ave. Ballard Andrew M., emp. tannery, h Whig. Ballard Ann, (Ketchumville) r 10, resident. Ballard George W., deputy sheriff, h Maple. Ballard George W. Mrs., laundress and general work, h Maple. Ballard Horatio, r 25^, farmer 62. Ballard John, r 26J, farmer 50. Ballard Lewis, r 26^, farmer 50. Barber Frederick W., emp. Donley Marble Works, h Whig. Barber George, r 38J, farmer 100. Barber Virgil C., carpenter, h Rewey ave. Barclay Mitchell, emp. tannery, h off East ave. Barnes Charles H., r 16, farmer 52. Barnes Lewis W., r 16, farmer. Barrett Holmes, retired, bds. Main. Barrett Monroe, (West Newark) r 22, farmer 200. BARROTT JOSEPHAS, (Weltonville) r 40, farmer 175. Barton James H., r 6, farmer 85. Barber William C, painter, h Maple. Bean Fred C, (Maine, Broome Co.) r 47, farmer 100. Becker Charles, retired, h Elm. Beecher Lambert, harness-maker, h Maple. Belcher J. Waldo, painter and paper-hanger, h Brook. BELCHER SIDNEY, r 40,^, lum'berman, and farmer 150. Belden Uriah L., blacksmith, off Water, h Whig. Belden William H., (West Newark) r 22, blacksmith. Beraent Celia, resident, bds. Whig. Bement Egbert, milk dealer, and farmer 75, h Whig. BENHAM CHARLES M., r 35, farmer for his father Martinus L, Benham Martinus L., r 35, book-keeper in Utica, also farm 75. Benton Lyman C, (Jenksville) r i, shoemaker. BENTON WILLIS S., (Jenksville) r i, groceries, also reporter for Owego Gazette and Newark Valley Herald. Benton Wilson, (Jenksville) r i, farmer. BERKLEY CHARLES E., r 53, carpenter, and farmer 43. Berkley Egbert D., r 53, farmer 60. Berkley Elizabeth, r 53, widow Charles, resident. Berlin David, laborer, h Dam lane. Bevier Daniel, farmer, bds. Whig. Bevier Elizabeth, widow Ralph, resident, h Whig-. Bieber AUie V., r 42, dressmaker. TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. Bieber Catherine, widow Henry, resident, bds. Whig. Bieber Philip, r 42, live stock dealer, and farmer j-i. BIEBER ROMAINE F., lawyer. Water, h Whig. Billings William, farmer, bds. Main. BISHOP FRANCIS M., physician and surgeon, Water, h Elm. Bishop Lament, carpenter, h Water. Bishop Lewis D., carpenter, h Water. Blewer Adelaide, r 40, widow Henry, resident. Blewer J. Frank, r 40, farmer 200. Blewer Jesse, r 40, farmer, with his mother Mary. Blewer Mary E., r 40, widow Charles, farm 95. Blewer Sarah J., r 60, widow Charles, resident. Borthwick Delphine, (Jenksville) r i, resident. BORTHWICK D JAMES, (Jenksville), r i, farmer. Borthwick George H., (Jenksville) r 22, assessor and farmer 50, and leases of D. J. Borthwick 1 1 a. Bowen Eugene, r 15^, farmer 50. Boyce J. Edgar, painter, h Maple ave. Boyce Henry W., retired, h Main. Bradley Elmina, widow Lambert, resident, bds. Main. Bradley Mary A., widow Lambert, h Main. Brick Thomas, laborer, h Moore. Briggs Sally, r 16, widow Salem, resident. Brink John J., (West Newark) r 22, farmer 90. Brink Peter G., (West Newark) r 22, justice of the peace, and farmer no. Brockway Joseph B., r 6, farmer 74^. Brockway Lewellyn, r 6, farmer with his father Joseph B. Brougham (Helen and Sarah), milliners. Water, h do. Brougham William, r 53, farmer 50. Brown Elmina, widow Amos P.i, resident, h Main. Brown Mary A., dressmaker, Main, bds. do. Brown Orpha Mrs., laundress, bds. Bridge. Buckley Patrick, night watchman, h Maple. Buffington Chauncey L., (Ketchumville) r 11, blacksmith, and farmer 25. BURCH & WELLS (L. S. B. and L. E. W.) saw, planing and grain thresh- ing mills. Main. ' BURCH LEVI S., (Burch & Wells) h Maple. Burch Mary A., resident, h Main. Burchard Harvey J., (Ketchumville) r 9, justice of the peace and apiasist. Burr William H., veterinary surgeon, bds. Whig. BURR WILLIAM J., physician and surgeon, office Whig, h do. Burroughs Cornelius S., (Clinton & Burroughs) r 9, h do. Bushnell Calvin, r 15, farmer 64. Bushnell Edwin G., (Ketchumville) r 9, farmer loi. Bushnell Frank G., r 15, commissioner of highways, dairy 9 cows, farmer 93. Bushnell Philo C, farmer for his father Calvin 64, Bushnell Theron H., telegraph line repairer, h Whig. Bushnell Zina H., retired, h John. Butler John, farmer 200, h Main. Buttles William R., retired, bds. Bridge. Byington Alphonso, general merchant. Main, bds. do. Byington Clayton, speculator, h Main. Byington SaviUa, widow Lawyer, resident, h Main. 82 TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. BYINGTON SHERMAN W., postmaster and meat-market, Main, h do. Cady Gershom, (Ketchumville) r 9, farmer 16. Cady Luther, (Ketchumville) r 14, farmer 125. Caldwell William J., deputy postmaster, h Main. Cameron Eugene, (Ketchumville) r 9, farmer 202. Cameron Harry A., farmer on shares with E. Saddlemire, h Main. Cameron John, r 41, farmer on shares with G. B. Sutton 100. Campbell Harrison, (West Newark) r 22, farm laborer. Cargill Heman, retired, bds. Main. Cargill Julius C, resident, bds. Bridge. CARGILL WILLIAM, furniture and undertaking. Main, h do. Carpenter Anna C, widow Joshua L., resident, h Main. Carty Henry J., laborer, h Main. Gary Thomas A., farmer 82, h Main. Castline Moses J., (Weltonville) r 40, farmer 35. Chamberlain Daniel, r 16, retired. CHAMBERLAIN THEODORE F., r 16, assessor and farmer 84. Chambers Charles, wagon-maker, Water, h do. Chapman Canfield, contractor and builder. CHAPMAN EDGAR E., hardware. Water, h Main. Chapman George M., contractor and builder, h Main. Chapman Lyman F., groceries and provisions, Water, h Main. Chapman Noyce P., retired, h Silk. Chittenden Lester, r 40^, school collector and farmer 175. Christensen Peter, laborer, h Whig. Clark Edgar, (Ketchumville) r 14, farmer 100. Clark Elizabeth, r 15, invalid, resides with G. M. Dickinson. CLARK ENOS M., r 25, bridge builder and farmer 50, and leases of L. K West 180. Cleveland John, r 56, farm laborer. Clifford John M., r 29, farmer 120. CLINTON & BURROUGHS, (R. W. C. & C. S. B.) r 9, steam saw-milL Clinton Alice E., clerk, bds. Elm. Clinton Edwin V., farmer 22, h Main. Clinton Emma, widow Stephen P., h Elm. Clinton George L., laborer, h Elm. CLINTON JULIAN S., r 35, farm 120. Clinton Henry W., retired, h Main. Clinton Lydia. B., r 42, widow George, resident. Clinton Morris D., r 42 farmer in. OLINTON ROYAL W., lumber dealer .and farmer, h Main. CHzbe Jay, clergyman, (Cong.) retired. Cole Edward, (Ketchumville) r 12, farmer. Coney Alfred T., emp. tannery, h Main. Coney Lewis J., laborer, h Main. Cook Eugene D., farm laborer, bds. Bridge. Cook Henry H., r 24, farmer. Cook Lovisa F., laundress, h Bridge. Cook Orson L., farm laborer, bds Bridge. COOLEY BENJAMIN F., boarding house and farmer 25.. Cooley Charles H., bridge-builder, h Silk. Cooley John, (Ketchumville) r 10, farmer 155. Cortright Angeline A., (Weltonville) r 40, resident. TOWN OF NEWARK VALLEY. 8$ Ej coiei>oieA.Tioiv. (J^or explanations, etc., see page 3, part second^ (PostoflRce address is Owego, unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.) -Abel Alonzo, carpenter, h 84, McMaster. Abel Frank W., clerk, bds., McMaster, cor. Temple., Aberhart Peter, baker, h over 56 North ave. ADAMS HORACE B., tinwork, stoves and plumbing, 40 Lake, h 18 Ross; -Adams Joseph, retired, bds. Forsyth Block, North ave. :SXARK.E;Y Sc winters, IVbalegale and Retail Drngglats, O-nrego. OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. 107 Adams Newton. W., printer, h Forsyth Block, North ave. Adams Ray, baker, h 100 Talcott. -AH-WA-GA HALL, G. W. Fay, agent, 203 Front. AH-WA-GA HOUSE, B. J. Davis prop.,. Front, cor. Church. Allen Alexander P., traveling salesman, h 26 George. Allen Charles, farmer, h n Dean's Tannery. Allen Edward, tanner, h n Deaji's Tannery. Allen Eugene, emp. Dean's Tannery, h n tannery. North ave. Allen Guerdon L:, collector for U. S. Express Co., h George. Allen James, laborer, bds. 93 Erie. Allen John, laborer, h 45 Erie. -Allen Lucius H., physician and surgeon, 140 Main, h do. ^ ALLEN LUCIUS H., 2nd, meat cutter, h 56 George. -Allen Matthew, laborer, h 47 Erie. Allen Matthew J., laborer, bds. 93 Erie. Allen Patrick, laborer, h 93 Erie. -Anderson Johnson M., (J. W. Jansen & Co.,) and with W. H. JBailey prod- uce, h over 60 Main. -ANDREWS GEORGE F., attorney and counselor at law, 214 Front, h 117 Liberty. Andrews Philetus, farmer, h 566 Fifth ave. Andross & Groo, (W. W. A. and L. G.) wholesale commission fruit dealers, 136 North ave. Andross Keziah, widow Stebbins, 46 Temple. -Andross William W., (Andross & Groo) 136 North ave, h 46 Temple. Anthofer Anna, teacher German, bds. 54 Liberty. Archibald Almon W., resident, h 35 Front. Archibald Charles, farmer with his father, South Side. Archibald Samuel, farmer 50, leases of A. N. Potter, South Side. -Arnold Charles E., painter, bds. 240 Temple. Arnold George M., brakeman, bds. 240 Temple. Atchison William J., clerk, bds. over 54 North ave. Atkins Galen H., shoemaker, li 40 Lake. AufFhammer Eugene, teacher of languages, h 215 Prospect. Augusta Lucinda, tailoress, bds. 524 Main. ' ^ AYER WARREN L., physician and surgeon, 207 E. Mam, h 203 do. Ayers Elmer, porter Park hotel, bds. do. Ayers Julia, widow Capt. Henry, bds. 51 Front. BABCOCK JOHN B,, machinest, h 240 E. Temple. Babcock Zachary T., clerk, h over 69 North ave. Bailey Deborah, widow Alexander, h 620 Fifth ave. Bailey Mary Mrs., tailoress, h 194 East Temple. BAILEY W. H. & CO. (W. J. Mawhiney) hay, grain and potatoes, 164 North ave. BAILEY WILLIAM H., (W. H. Bailey & Co. and J. W. Jansen & Co.) overseer of the poor, h 80 East ave. BAIRD LEWIS J., fireman, h 10 Adaline. Baird Sabrina, widow John, h 10 Adaline. Baker Charles, brakeman, h 222 North ave. Baker Edwin T., clerk, h South Side. Baker Frank M., supt. Addison & Northern Pennsylvania R. R., h Main. Baker James R., farmer, h 173 North ave. STARKET & "WINTBilS, promptly fill Ulall and Telephone Orders. Io8 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. BAKER JULIA A., widow John D., h Spencer block, Lake. BALL JOHN P., general variety and auction, 170 Front, h 27 Front. Ball Mariette, widow George, bds. 5 Spruce. Ball William W., clerk, bds. Front. BANDLER ROBERT, clothing, hats, caps and gent's furnishing goods, 19. and 21 Lake, h 13 Park. Banta Alonzo H., harness-maker, h 204 Bell. Barber Edbert, farmer, bds. 405 Front. Barden Ezra D., traveling salesman, h 234 North ave. Barnes Clarissa Mrs., resident, bds. 313 Main. Barnes Eliza, widow William, resident, h 123 Liberty. Barnes Katie, telegraph operator, bds. 73 Liberty. Barnes Theodore, farmer, h 103 Liberty. Barnett John W., plumber, h 157 Erie. BARRETT JAMES M., physician and coroner. Main cor. North ave., h 6$ Liberty. Barstow Oliver A., retired, bds. McMaster. Bartholomew Phoebe A., resident, bds. rear 18 Adaline. Bartlett Oscar J., blacksmith, h 94 Talcott. Barton Eugene F., (G. W. Barton & Son) h over 59 North ave. Barton George W., cigar manuf., igt Main, h 166 Temple. BARTON ISAAC, (Isaac W. Barton & Co.) produce, h 71 Liberty. BARTON ISAAC W. & CO., (Frank H. Catlin) produce. Barton Maggie E., widow Festus L., bds. 473 Front. Barton Walton A., town clerk and book-keeper, h 202 East Temple. Basford Albert, lalDorer, h 76 South Depot. Bastord Henry, harness-maker, h near tannery, North ave. Basford Hiram, laborer, bds. 24 Temple. Basford James, shoemaker, 150 River, South Side, h do. Bassett James A., teller Owego Nat. Bank, h 41 Paige cor. Main. Battersby Joseph, retired, h 359 Main. Batterson Helen, clerk, bds. 38 Spencer ave. Bauer Caroline Mrs., dressmaker, h 26 Adaline. Bauer Elizabeth, dressmaker, 26 Adaline, h do.. Baxter Daniel M., ]3,borer, h 489 Front. BEACH & PARMELEE, (O. S. B. and A. W. P.) druggists, Main cor. North ave. Beach D. & Co., (G. W. Derrickson) manufs. cordage, and dealers in sport- ing goods, 197 Main. Beach Darius, (D. Beach & Co.) h over 197 Main. BEACH OTIS S., (Beach & Parmelee) h McMaster. Beach William, emp. planing-mill, h 60 McMaster. Beard David O., barber, bds. Lake. Beard James C, retired farmer, bds. 380 Main. Beard James C, Jr., sup't Beard Manuf. Company, h 380 Main. Beard Manuf. Co., (.W. A. and G. A. King) manufs. of saddlery, 24, 26 and 28 Lake. Beardsley Nathaniel A., harness-maker, 291 Prospect. Beaumont John H., botanic drug store, 135 North ave., h do. Beck Charles, laborer,- h 208 North ave. Beck Edward, medical student, bds. T15 West ave. Beck Edward S., teacher, h 115 West ave. Beck Frank, law clerk, bds. 115 West ave. OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. 109 Eeck George P., resident, bds. 115 West ave. Eeck Louie A., clerk, bds. 115 West ave. Becker Delevan, conductor Erie R. R., h Spencer Block, Lake. Becker Fayette A., carpenter, h Fifth ave. Beebe Hiram A., retired, h 345 E. Main. Beecher Frederick, baggageman, h 115 North ave. Beecher Lambert, emp. King & Co., bds. ti8 Temple, h at Newark Valley. Beeman Harman S., cartman, h 117 North ave. Beers Charles, farmer 150, h 221 Main. Beers Edwin W., carpenter, h South Side. Beers Frank J., baker, confectioner, and oyster dealer, 55 North ave., h do. JBelden Martha M., widow Henry A^, h Temple. Bell James, laborer, bds. 225 Erie. Bell Mary A., widow Charles T., h 394 Main. Bell William, laborer, h 225 Erie. Bennett Caroline, widow William, h 80 Temple. Bennett Dana, engineer, h 264 North ave. Bennett Harry A., clerk, bds. Temple cor. Church. Bennett Hattie A., dressmaker, bds. 80 Temple. JBennett Nathaniel, shoemaker, Fox, h do. Bennett Nelson R., engineer, h 102 Temple. Bennett William, hostler, h Main. Benson Hattie A., artist, bds. 112 Fox. Eenson Mary A., cook and laundress, h 112 Fox. JBenson Robert F., laborer, bds. 112 Fox. Benson W. Henry, gardener and sexton, h 1 1 2 Fox. -Bergen Bridget, widow James, saloon and confectionary, 80 So. Depot, h do. Bergen Timothy, laborer, h 94 Spencer ave. IBerger Andrew F. F., clothing and gents.' furnishing goods. Lake, h 72 Tal- cott. EERRY JOSEPH, (Sporer, Carlson & Berry) h 373 Front. Besler C. William, prop. Excelsior Soap Factory, cor. Temple and Liberty, h 95 Main. -Bicknell Hiram D., locomotive engineer, h Spencer, cor. George. Bignall Juliet C, widow Burnett B., resident, h 90 Spencer. Bikely Frederick, employee Gas Company, h 440 Main. Billings Georgie Miss, clerk, h 61 Forsyth. BILLINGS HENRY, pres. Owego village, h 109 Main. Billings John A., magr. W. U. Tel. office, 30 Lake, h 73 Liberty. Billings Mary E. Mrs., boarding-house, 73 Liberty, killings Mary E., widow William, h 61 Forsyth. Billings Nancy, widow Henry, h ig8 E. Temple, killings Richard, resident, bds. 198 E. Temple, killings Will, printer, bds. 73 Liberty. -Bing Wah, Chinese laundry, 71 North ave., h do. Bird Henry, laborer, h 109 Paige. Bird Lawrence, laborer, h 1 13 Paige. Birdsall Benjamin, bartender, bds. 154 North ave. Blair Parmelia, widow Stephen O., resident, bds. 92 Adaline. Bliss Francis Ai, (Bliss, Thompson & Co.) h 30 William. Eliss, Thompson & Co., (F. A. B., A. C. T. and George Truman, Jr.) wool dealers, 174 Front. ELOODGOOD DARWIN H., clerk U. S. Ex. Co., h 33 Park. 110 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. BLOODGOOD FRANK S., manager Telephone Exchange, h 33 Park. Ely Benjamin F., laborer, h Constine's lane. Boardman Edward W., fireman, h over 130 North ave. Bodle Sarah A., widow James, bds. 66 Church. Bonham Emma, widow John S., bakery 3 Park, h do. Booth Fred E., telegraph operator, bds. Delphine. Booth Celestia, widow of Ransom, h 92 Liberty. Bostwick Lewis W., farmer 100, h 61 Talcott. Boughton William H., painter, h 45 Adeline. Bourke John, laborer, 289 Front. Bouquet Albert, saloon and restaurant, 13 Lake, h do. Bouquet Frank, emp. Drill Works, h n Dean's Tannery. Bouquet George, tanner, h n Dean's Tannery. Bowen Abbey A., dressmaker, over Owego Nat. Bank, h do. Bowen FrankUn L., resident, h 236 North ave. Bowen Timothy, laborer, h West ave. Boyd Mary, widow Andrew, bds. T34 Talcott. Boylen Frank F., clerk, h over 72 North ave. Bradbury Amanda L., widow Charles, h 89 William. BRADLEY CHAUNCEY A., market gardener, h South Side. Brady John, laborer, h 36 John. Brady Thomas F., recording clerk county clerk's office, h 162 West ave> Brainard Burnette E., clerk, bds. 249 Prospect. Brainard Henry C, printer, h 249 Prospect. Brant F. Lester, clerk, bds. 195 Main. Brant Hiram H., liquor dealer, 169 Main, h 70 Liberty. Brant Julia, dressmaker, 122 River, South Side, h do. Brant Nelson, saloon, 195 Main, h do. Bravo Eugene J., clerk, bds. over 23 Lake. Bridgman Alfred T., traveling auditor D. L. & W. R. R., h Main. Briggs Belle M., widow George N., h 359 Front. teriggs Diana G., M. D , widow Isaac S., resident, h 5 Park. Briggs Mary L., M. D., physician, 5 Park, h do. Briggs N. Smith, farmer, bds. 5 Park.- Briggs William F.. brakeman, h 204 East Temple. Brink Edward T., well-driver, h 448 Front. Brink Eliza D., widow Nelson, market garden, fruit nursery, etc., h 577' Main. Brink John, laborer, h Canal. Britenbaker Jennie, widow George, saloon and restaurant, Delphine, h do. Brobasco Westbrook G., farm laborer, h South Side. Brockway Francis E., deputy county treas., teller First Nat. Bank, h 24. Paige. BROCKWAY LEON L., prop, parlor job printing house, 34 Lake, bds. 24. Paige. Brooke James W., tailor, h 29 Temple. Brooks Chester P., traveling salesman, bds. 153 Temple. Brooks Chloe M., deputy county clerk, Court House, h 153 Temple. Brooks David, locomotive engineer, h over 72 North ave. Brooks Edward P., clerk, bds. North ave. BROOKS HORACE A., justice of the peace and conveyancer, over igr Main, h 153 Temple. Brooks James L., mason, h Gere. OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Ill Brooks Lucy G., widow Benjamin, h 153 Temple. Brooks Martha, resident, bds. 153 Temple. Brooks M. Mandane, resident, bds. 153 Temple. Brott Anna, widow John W., nurse, 162 West ave. Brott Anthony P., farmer 15 and leases of Peter Brott 36, h 82 Temple. Brott Joseph, porter Ahwaga House, h 121 Franklin. Broughman R. Frank, book-keeper, h 67 West ave. Brown Abram, laborer, "h 73 Fox. Brown Charlotte M., widow Frederick, h 18 Front. Brown Delia, widow James, millinery, 67 North ave., h do. Brown EbenezerS., traveling salesman, h 122 West ave. Brown Edward, farmer, h 273 North ave. BROWN GEORGE, (L. & G. Brown) h off North ave. near S. C. R. R.. round house. BROWN H. CORYDON, book-keeper Owego Mutual Benefit Association, Lake, h 78 Chestnut. Brown John, hotel and restaurant, and liquor dealer, 171 Main, h do. Brown John J., butcher, h over 82 North ave. BROWN L. & G., (Lyman & George) farmers 50, apiarists 135 swarms, and manufs. of apiarist's supplies, off North ave. n S. C. R. R. round house. BROWN LYMAN, (L & G. Brown) h off North ave. n S. C. R. R. round': house. Brown Lyman, farmer, bds. 273 North ave. Brown Mary E. Mrs., h 1 1 1 Paige. Brown M. J., clerk Central House, bds. do. BROWN P.\TRICK, tel. operator D. L. & W. depot, h 182 River, S. Side. Brundage Daniel, blacksmith, h John R. Bruneman August, laborer, h 268 North ave. ' Bryan Esther C., widow George H., dressmaking, Spencer block, Lake, h do.- Buckbee Frances, widow Ezra, h 364, Front. BUCKBEE, PETERSON, WOOD & CO., (P. C. Peterson, C. L. Wood, . C. E. Schoonmaker, and F. J. Burgess) dry goods, carpets and millinery,. 190 and 192 Front. BufFum Charles, drug clerk, h Paige. Buffum Edward, bar- tender, h over 167 Main. Buffum Ellen E., widow George W., h 20 Paige. Bulloch Lewis, barber, bds. 63 Spencer ave. Bunzey Adelbert T., clerk, bds, 36 William. BUNZEY JOHN H., salesman, h 36 William. Bunzey Nelson P., farmer, h Pumpelly, So. Side. Burbank Horace J., apprentice, bds. 70 Spencer. Burbank Joseph T., baker, h 70 Spencer ave. Burdick Edgar L., harnessmaker, h r 38 Temple. Burdick Lewis C, cleaning and dying, 67 Fox, h do. BURGESS FRANK J., (Buckbee, Peterson, Wood & Co.) h Fox cor„ Liberty. BURNETTE CHARLES R., printer. Gazette o^act, h 62 Liberty. Burns Nellie T., saleslady, bds. 530 Main. Burrows James, restaurant and saloon, 218 Front, hdo. Burt Martha, widow James M-, h 359 Front. Burton Nathaniel T., bakery, 61 North ave. h do. Burton Reuben E. Rev., pastor First Bapt. church, h 19 Ross. Bush James L., peddler, h Constine's Lane. 112 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Butler James, barber, 65 North ave., h 89 Fox. •Cable Edmund, baggagemaster, bds. 289 Main. •CABLE FREDERIC O., postmaster, h 289 Main. Cafferty Edwfird, gardener, h Water. Catferty Margarett, widow William J., bds. Water. 'Cain Patrick, laborer, h John R. ■Caley Charles, farm laborer, h 18 Adaline. Calkins Benjamin S., emp. D. L. & W. R. R, bds. Dugan House. 'Cameron Charles, painter, h 98 Spencer ave. Cameron Charles A., resident, bds. 208 E. Temple. Cameron Delray A , clerk, h 61 Liberty. Cameron Frederick H., law clerk, bds. 208 E. Temple. ■Cameron John, clerk, 208 E. Temple. Cameron Larne J., resident, h over 170 Front. Cameron Robert, retired, h over 170 Front. CAMP GEORGE SIDNEY, atty. at law and farm 132, h Front near Park. ■Camp Harmon H., (H. H. Camp & Co.) h 24 Front. Camp H. H. & Co. (Lucy A. Camp) foundry, 136 Front. CAMP JOHN, baggageman, h 447 Main. Camp John, shoemaker, bds. 52 Fox. ■Camp Lucy A., (H. H. Camp & Co.) widow Henry W., h 24 Front. CAMP MARY L. MRS., art teacher, h 259 Erie. Camp William, brakeman N. Y. & Erie R. R., h 368 Main. CAMP W. HARRISON, postal clerk, h 259 Erie! ■CAMPBELL ARBA, tanner, dealer in phosphates and other fertilizers ; farm in Tiogo 300, Candor 250, in Rome, Pa., 200, h 289 Front. CAMPBELL'S TANNERY, A. Campbell prop., Talcott. Campion Edward, tinsmith, h Fulton. ■Campion Michael, tinsmith, h 68 McMaster. Campion William, emp. gas company, h 495 Main. CARD ALBERT A., foreman contract work, h over 7 Adaline. ■Card George, farmer in Candor 40, h 7 Adaline. Card Irving, farm laborer, bds. 7 Adaline. Carleton Edward D., gardener, h 161 Talcott. Carleton Fanny A., dressmaker, bds. 161 Talcott. Carlson John M., piano tuner, h 63 Paige. •CARLSON OTTO M., (Sporer, Carlson & Berry) h Paige cor. Bell. Carmichael Charles S., manuf., h 194 East Temple. ■Carpenter Charles B., book-keeper 200 Front, bds. at Ah-wa-ga House. Carpenter CoUins A., salesman, h 38 George. Carrigan Henry K., tanner, h near Dean's tannery. Carrigg' Michael, machinist, bds. 118 Paige. Carrigg Patrick, yardmaster Erie R. R., h 118 Paige. Carter Charles, stationary engineer, h 120 River, South Side. Carter Frances F., hair-worker, h 89 Fox. -Carter Sarah Mrs., resident, h over 109 North ave. Cartledge Elizabeth, widow John, bds. 499 Front. Cartwright Estes, clerk, bds. Front. Case Ellis L., carpenter and painter, h 216 East Temple. Case Nancy, widow Chauncy F., bds. 216 East Temple. Casey Margarett, widow John, h ^4 Paige. . ' ; Casey Thomas F., laundry 210 Front,' h do. CasterUne Evi E., carpenter Erie R. R., h 108 Chestnut. OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. II3 Catlin Calvin H., clerk Ah-wa-ga House, bds. do. Catlin Charles A., wind-mills, bds. 75 Talcott. Catlin Charles M., supt. saw-mill, h 75 Talcott. CATLIN FRANK H., (I. W. Barton & Co.) bds. 337 Front. Catlin John, clerk, bds. North ave. Catlin Mary E., dressmaker 75 Talcott, bds. do. Catlin Sarah E., dressmaker 75 Talcott, bds. do. Catlin Thomas, laborer, h 228 North ave. Caughlin Catherine, widow Patrick, h 31, Erie. *CAULDWELL & GRAY, (J. A. C. and J. C. G.,) engines, boilers, cast- ings, mill-work, and boiler-iron jails, McMaster cor. Delphine CAULDWELL JAMES A., (Cauldwell & Gray) h 56 Spencer ave. Cauldwell James A., Jr., clerk, bds. 56 Spencer ave. CENTRAL HOUSE, W. G. Gardener, manager, cor. Main and Lake, Free buss to all trains. Chaffee Caleb J., resident, h 122 Main. Chaffee Catherine, widow Barney, h off Water. Chaffee Martha, dressmaker, bds. off Water. Chamberlain Lee N. & Son, (Stephen) boots and shoes, Chaaiberlain block, Lake. / Chamberlain Lee N., (L. N. Chamberlain & Son) wholesale boots and shoes Lake, h 3 1 7 Front. ' Chamberlain Stephen, (L. N. Chamberlain & Son) wholesale boots and shoes Lake, h 37 Paige. ' Chambers George, bartender, bds. i6r North ave. Chappel Frederick, emp. King &Co., bds. 14 West ave. Chappel Hattie, tailoress, bds. 14 West ave. Chappel Lyman, retired, h 14 West ave. Chappell Matilda, widow William, laundress, 100 Talcott. Chatfield George S., (Storrs, Chatfield & Co.) h 149 Front. Chatfield John R., (Storrs, Chatfield & Co.) h 44 Front. Chatfield Lucy B., widow of Thomas I., h 337 Front. Cheeks Abraham, tinsmith, h 240 Prospect. Cheeks Ellen, resident, h 238 Prospect. Cheeks Enoch J., laborer, h 263 Prospect. Cheeks Moulton, carpenter, h 508 Main. Cheeks Samuel L., laborer, h 240 Prospect. Chillson Hope Miss, resident, h 15 Temple. Chitry Charles E., postal clerk, h"3i8 Front. Chitry Francis, silversmith, h 374 Main. Chitry William F., traveling salesman, bds. 374 Main. Chittenden Josie M., widow W. Gus, bds. 147 Main. Church Lewis W., clerk, h Fifth ave. CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, (J. B. Keeler and J. A. Mabee) 83 North ave. CLARK C, A. & H. A., attys. and counselors at law, Academy Bldg., Court. CLARK CHARLES A., (C. A. & H. A. Clark) h Main. Clark Fred, painter, h 16 Paige. CLARK H. AUSTIN, (C. A. & H. A. Clark) h Main. CLARK HERMAN C, confectionary and tobacco, 68 North ave., h do. Clarke Eliza B., widow Timothy, h 53 'Liberty. Clarke Lizzie A., teacher, bds., 53 Liberty. Clem Anton, tailor, h over 76 North ave.. ' , CLEVELAND ALBERT P., supt. Cruciform Casket Co., h-26 W. Fox. S 114 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Coakley James, telegraph repairer, h 92 Paige. Cobb Alanson L., emp. Casket Co., h 37 Delphine. Cobleigh Harrison, blacksmith, h 249 Erie. Cobleigh Ida J., dressmaker, bds. 249 Erie. Coburn Andrew, resident, h 135 Main. COBURN & STRAIT, (E. D. C. & E. E. S.) books, stationery and wall- paper, 17 Lake. Coburn Ebenezer. resident, h 135 Main. COBURN EDWARD D., (Coburn & Strait) h 67 Liberty. COBWEB BOTTLING WORKS, Pat. Maloney prop., cor. Paige and Fox. Coe Jesse W., lumber, h River, South Side. Coe Jesse W., Jr., lumberman with his father, bds. River, South Side. Cole Ida M., dressmaker, 261 Erie, bds. do. Cole Ira J., blacksmith, h 261 Erie. Cole Russell S., painter, h 84 Temple. Cole Smith B., carpenter, h 40 Adaline. COLEMAN JULIET, clothing, 9 and 11 Lake, h 212 Main. Coleman Louisa, widow James, laundress,, h 1 2 1 Green. Coleman Morris, mgr. for J. Coleman, h 212 Main. Coleman William, bookkeeper, 9 and 1 1 Lake, bds. Main, cor. Church. Colgan Christopher, cigarmaker, bds. 92 South Depot. Colgan Edward, drug clerk, h 7 Fox. Colgan Mary, widow Thomas, h 92 South Depot. Collins Daniel, mechanic, h 98 Paige. Collins Dennis, harness-maker, h 18 Paige. Collins Ellen, dressmaker, bds. Delphine. Collins John, laborei; h Delphine. Collins Joseph ] ., emp. Cobweb Bottling Works, bds. Green. CoUins Timothy, brakeman, h T09 Green. Collins Timothy, Jr., emp. Cobweb Bottling Works, bds. Green. Collins William, shoemaker. Lake, h 108 Spencer ave. COMFORT MELVILLE L., jeweler and optician, 25 Lake, bds. Ah-wa-ga House. Conant Frank L., carpenter, h 122 FrankUn. Conant James C, (Corchran & Conant) h Prospect. Cone Cynthia C, widow Charles, h 82 Temple. Congdon Daniel O., (Congdon & Robinson) h 188 Temple. Congdon Nettie A., widow George E., seamstress, h 102 Fox. Conklin Ira, teamster, h River, South Side. Conklin Larne H., under sheriff, Main cor. Court, h do. Conklyn Michael, retired, h 223 E. Temple. Conley Emma M., widow John, laundress, h 448 Front. Conlon Bridget, widow Timothy, laundress, h ri2 Green. Conlon John T., engineer, h ti6 Green. Connell John, laborer, h 109 Spencer ave. Connell Patrick, track-walker Erie R. R., h 23 Fox. Connell Thomas, laborer, h 250 East Temple. Connell Timothy, tanner, h Canal. Connelly Bridget, widow David, h 68 Paige. Constine Michael, resident, h 123 Green. , Cook Allen E., switchman, h Constine's Lane. Cook John, emp. casket shop, h 3 1 Fox. Cook John, emp. livery, h 35 Talcott. OWEGO— INSIDE CORPORATION. II J Cook Nelson C, locomotive engineer, h 41 Fox. Cook William, brakeman, h 195 East Temple. Cooley La Forest B., tanner, h 30 West Main. Cooper Byron, farmer, h 147 Talcott. ■ Cooper Frank E., clerk, h 195 East Temple. Coppins Amelia E., milliner, bds. 152 Central ave. ^ Coppins James H., engineer, h 152 Central ave. Corchran & Conant, (J. T. C. & J. C.) contractors and builders, 62 Temple. Corchran John T., (Corchran & Conant) h 51 George. Corchran Nathan E., cabinet-maker, h 61 Adaline. Corey William H., station agent D. L". & W. R. R., h 268 Main. Cornell Charles, emp. foundry, h Adaline. Cornell Edward, laborer, h off Water. Cornell Edwin W., (H. W. Cornell & Son) h 18 John. Cornell Elizabeth, widow David, bds. 29 Talcott. Cornell Harmon W., (H. W. Cornell & Son) h 112 Chestnut. Cornell H. W. & Son, groceries and provisions, 405 Main. Corrigan John, Jr., traveling salesman, bds. 117 Chestnut. Corrigan John, clerk, h Chestnut. Corseni F., fruit dealer, 10 Lake. Cortright Albert, grocery, North ave., h 22 Fox. Cortright Charles E., brakeman, bds 237 Erie. Cortright Dorcas, widow Nicholas, h 44 West Main. CORTRIGHT HOUSE, J. A. Cortright & Son, props. 157 North ave. CORTRIGHT J. A. & SON, (Mahlon A.) props. Cortright House. CORTRIGHT JAMES A., (J. A. Cortright & Son) h 157 North ave. Cortright John, clerk, h 201 East Temple. Cortright John Mrs., dressmaker. 201 East Temple, h do. CORTRIGHT MAHLON A., (J. A. Cortright & Son) h 157 North ave.. CORTRIGHT REUBEN W., brakeman, h 237 Erie. Cortright Richard W., emp. foundry, bds. 44 W. Main. Cortright Theodore, groceries and provisions, 64 North ave, h 62 Liberty.. Corwin Estelle H., clerk, h Church. Corwin Harriet E., saleswoman, bds. East Main. Courtright Charles, emp. foundry, h 100 Franklin. Couton Adolph R., resident, bds. 265 Main. Couton Charles E., retired, h 265 Main. Covert Mary A., widow William H., h 232 North ave. COYLE WILLIAM, livery, 73 North ave., h do. Crabb Alice, widow Robert, h 150 Central ave. Crabb Daniel, emp. foundry, h 50 W. Main. Crabb George, hostler, bds. j 50 Central ave. CRABB ISAAC, market gardener, and wholesale dealer in vegetables, h Water. Crabb Robert, h 212 North ave. CrandalllEllis, jeweler, bds. 63 Paige. Crandall Morris, painter, h 265 Erie. Cramer Jennie W., widow Wallace E., bds. 99 Franklin. CRANS ABRAM F., physician and surgeon, 126 North ave., h do. Crans Egbert, carpenter, h 67 Central ave. Crater Marinda, resident, h 91 Franklin. Croak Thomas, liveryman, 73 North ave., bds. do. Croff Isaac, cartman, h 146 River, South Side. Il6 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Croft Charles, hostler, bds. 56 Front. Crowel Margaret, widow John, resident, h 50 W. Main. Crowley Charles, laborer, h 90, S. Depot. Crumley Thomas F., laborer, h 124 Paige. Cuddeback William A., retired, h 38 William. Cummings WilUam, currier, h near Dean's tannery. Cuneo Pietro, confectionery, 181 Front, h 8 Main. ■Curtis Alson, conductor, h 29 Talcott. Curtis A. Maria, widow Oliver D., h loi Franklin. •Curtis Mary, widow, h 567 Front. Cushman Eliza, resident, h 67 Forsyth. Cusick John, laborer, h 129 Chestnut. Cutler Thomas, gardner, h Canal. Daggett Charles W., manager Postal Telegraph & Cable Co., bds. 34 Fox. DANA CHARLES, custom boot and shoe maker, 65 North ave., h 322 Front. Dana Lena J., saleswoman, bds. 322 Front. Danforth Fred, emp. King & Co., bds. 118 Temple. Danforth Joseph A., drayman, h Commerce. Daniels Emily M., widow Dr. Ezekiel, h 2x7 Main. Darrow Asa A., retired, h South Side. DARROW FRANK A., (Mead & Darrow) h South Side. Darrow Hill, mechanic, h 105 North ave. r DAVIS BURR J., prop. Ah-wa-ga House, Main cor. Church. Davis William, steward Ah-wa-ga House, bds. do. Dawes Etta, tailoress, bds. 229 Prospect. Dawes Joseph M., locksmith, 69 North ave., h 229 Prospect. Day Marvin, resident, bds. 313 Main. Day Warren, farm laborer, bds. 596 Fifth ave. Day William, farm laborer, h 596 Fifth ave. Dean Alanson P., retired, h 63 Paige. DEAN CALVIN B., livery, hack and sale stable, Church, h 30 do. DEAN CAMERON B., ticket agent N. Y. L. E. & W. R. R., rooms Main. Dean Charles R., (Shaw & Dean) h 274 Main. DEAN H. N. & SON, (Ransom B.) props, tannery, North ave. Dean James A., contractor and builder, Spencer ave., h do. Dean John E., produce, h 122 River, South Side. Dean Mary, widow H. Nelson, 255 Front. Dean Mortimer C, yard-master S. C. R. R., h 248 North ave. DEAN RANSOM B., (H. N. Dean & Son) vice-prest. Owego Nat. Bank, h in Adams, Mass. Dean Sumner R., bar-keeper Ah-wa-ga House, bds. do. Dearstine Charles, brakeman, bds. 124 Chestnut. Dearstine Elias, brakeman, bds. 124 Chestnut. Dearstine Jane A., widow John, h r24 Chestnut. Decker Abram C, laborer, h South Side. Decker Alexander, market gardener, h Fifth ave. Decker Andrew J., laborer, h Canal Front. Decker Frederick, emp. King & Co., bds. Canal Front. Decker John, soda and mineral waters. Fifth ave., h do. Decker John, laborer, h 220 North ave. Decker Morgan, night-watchman, h 553 Front. Decker Phoebe, widow Anson; books, stationery and wall-paper, 186 Main, h 472 do. OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. 11/ Decker Samuel H., laborer, h 24 Temple. Decker Silas, emp. foundry, h North ave. cor. Temple. Decker William, brakeman, h 36 VV. Main. Decker Victor, resident, h Main. Decker Ward, manager of store for Mrs. A. Decker, bds. 472 Main, Dee James, telegraph operator, bds. 313 Main. Degarmo Alonzo, billiards, South Depot, h 178 River, South Side. Delevan Irving J., produce and live stock. Front, h 233 do. DeLong John Mrs., h 105 Talcott. DeLong Pertilla, widow George, h 125 Talcott. DEMUN CLINTON L., Singer sewing machines, 155 North ave, bds. Eu- ropean House. Denison Alonzo H., laborer, h 146 River, South Side. Dennis Catharine, widow Charles, h 11 1 Paige. Dennis Mary, resident, h 223 North ave. Densmore Anson, farmer, h South Side. Densmore Ehza, widow John, bds. Delphine. * Densmore Franklin J., laborer, h 215 Prospect. Densmore John J., emp. casket company, h Delphine. Densmore William H., laborer, h over 168 Front. DEPOT D. L. & W. R. R., River, South Side. DEPOT N. Y., L. E. & W. R. R., North ave. Derrickson George W., ( D. Beach & Co.) h over 197 Main. Deremer Theresa A. Mrs., resident, h over 177 Main. De VALLIERE ERNEST, baggageman, h 55 Spencer ave. De Valliere Nina A., sales-lady, bds. 55 Spencer ave. Devine Mary, tailoress, bds. South Depot. DeWitt Catharine, widow Joseph, resident, h 58 Liberty. DeWitt EUzabeth, widow Thomas, resident, h 25 George. DEWITT HENRY B., saloon, 76 North ave, bds. Central House. Dewitt Margaret, resident, bds. 25 George. Deyo Jay, cartman, bds. West ave., n Creek. Diamond Irvin, carpenter, h 126 McMaster. Dibble Clement, laborer, h Division. Dickerson Fountain F., bartender, h Liberty. Dildine Albert, fireman, h 73 East ave. Dildine William J., cigarmaker, bds. 73 East ave. Dingman Henry B., painter, h Decker Block, Main. Dodd Thomas, railroad conductor, bds. 113 North ave. Dodge Alfred, retired farmer, h 387 Front. Dodge Edmund, upholster and furniture repairer, h 479 Front. Dodge Emily Mrs., h 88 Paige. Dodge Joseph A., clerk, h over 69 North ave. DoUaway Frank L. Miss, resident, h 65 Central ave. Donovan James H., R. K section foreman, h 18 W. Main. Donovan Mary A., dressmaker, 102 Paige, bds. do. Donovan Michael, laborer, h 102 Paige. Doody John, laborer, h 112 Spencer ave. Doody Patricki laborer, h 112 Spencer ave. Dooley Alice, widow James, h 1 17 Erie. Dooley James F., cigarmaker, bds. 117 Erie. Dorcas Hannah, widow Moses, h no Paige. Dorsey Alma J., dressmaker, 207 E. Temple, bds. do. Il8 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Dorsey James, painter, h T23 Chestnut. X)orsey Sarah E., widow Allen R., h 207 E. Temple. Dorsey William, tinsmith, bds. 123 Chestnut. DORWIN, RICH & STONE (W. E. D., G. E. R. and J. F. S.) millers office 177 Front, mills foot of Main. DORWIN WILLIAM E., (Dorwin, Rich & Stone) h Glen Mary. Dotson Matthew, chimney sweep, h John R. Doty Elijah, tailoring, cleaning and repairing, rear 63 North ave., h 69 Ada- line. Douglas Charles, traveling salesman, h over 80 North ave. Dowd Anna E., dressmaker, 5 Park, h do. Dowd Charles H., blacksmith, h 574 Main. Dowd Mary A., bds. 574 Main. DOWNS EDWIN D., D. D. S., dentist, 192 Front, h 239 do. Doyle Bridget, widow Patrick, h 93 Spencer ave. Doyle Mary, housekeeper, Pumpelly, South Side. Doyle Mary, widow Dennis, saloon 121 Franklin, h do. Doyle Peter, J., (Richards & Doyle) bds. Ah-wa-ga House. Drake Dolly, emp. King & Co., bds. 118 Temple. Drake Eli B., farmer and cooper, 74 Temple, h 95 Liberty. DriscoU Cornelius, blacksmith, h 279 E. Temple. Druckenmiller Charles, prof, music, bds. 73 Liberty. Duel Betsey, widow Samuel L., h 193 North ave. DUGAN CHARLES B., prop. Dugan House, 139-145 Front. DUGAN HOUSE, Charles B. Dugan, prop., 139-145 Front. Dugan Jeanette, widow Hugh, h Dugan House. DUGAN JOHN, grocer 173 Front, h 64 North ave. Duncan Agnes, clerk, bds. Paige. Duncan Stephen, carpenter, h 85 Paige. Dundon John, laborer, h 141 Erie. Dundon John, Jr., laborer, bds. 141 Erie. Dunham Frederick, clerk, h 191 E. Temple. Dunham Hannah, boarding-house, 118 Temple. Dunham Mahlon G., bartender, h 88 Page. Dunn Dennis, book-keeper. Dean's tannery, bds. Decker blk., Main. Dunn Jeremiah, tanner, h n Dean's tannery. Dunn Michael J., laborer, h 530 Main. Dunn Paul, currier, bds. n Dean's tannery. Dunn Thomas W., express messenger, bds. 530 Main. Dunning Catharine, widow Horace, h 322 Front. Duren Loren D., foreman casket company, h 3 Adaline. Duren W. Warren, laundrymin, bds. 109 Fox. Durfee Edgar S., carpenter, h 137 North ave. DURFEE FRANK G., cutter, also correspondent Elmira Advertiser, h 99 Liberty. Durkee Charles R., carpenter, h 32 Main. Durphy Lyman D., retired lumber dealer, h Durphy block, Lake. DURUSSEL & SON, (L. F. & G. A.) jewelers, 35 Lake. DURUSSEL GEORGE A., (Duressel & Son) h 275 Main. DURUSSEL LEWIS F., (Durussel & Son) h 191 E. Temple. DUTCHER MERRITT T., physician and surgeon, over 15 Lake, h do. Dwelle & Link, (J. C. Dwelle and C.A. Link) Clothing, Front. Dwelle Clinton W., clerk, bds. 249 Front. OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. II9 Dwelle Jefferson C, (Dwelle & Link) h 249 Front. Earsley Belle Mrs., dressmaker, Commerce, h do. Earsley Harriet, resident, h 259 McMaster. EARSLEY JOHN F., drayman, h Commerce. Easton John M., resident, bds.. Main. EASTON DAVID T., lawyer, over 168 Front, h 571 E. Main. Eastwood Charles K., clerk, bds. Ah-wa-ga House. Eberhart George D., Lockwood Mail and express, 43 Talcott, h do, Eckert A. F., conductor, h over 58 North ave. Eckter Frank, drayman, bds. 188 West ave. Eckter Fred, resident, 188 West ave. Eckter Louis, stone mason, h 188 West ave; Eckter Marvin, well driver, bds. t88 West ave. Eddie Ester A., widow David S., cook, h 102 Fox. Eddy Wilber H., laborer, h 206, North ave. Edson George, carpenter, h over 107 North ave. Eldridge Mrs., widow James, h Front. * Ellis Alexander D., manuf. shirts, and agent for John Wanemaker, h Church. ElUs A. H. Mrs., milliner, h Front. EUis Lydia J., widow Virgil, 34 Paige. Ellis Stella A., clerk, h 34 Paige. ELLIS WILLIAM H., (Goodrich & Co.) bds. 271 Front. Elston George, laborer, h over 86 North ave. Ely Alfred G., (Ely Brothers) h Front. Ely Brothers, (Alfred G., Charles C. and Frederick) Ely's cream balm, 235 Greenwich street, New York. Ely Charles C, (Ely Brothers) h Front. Ely Frederick, (Ely Brothers) h Front. Embody Abram, resident, bds. 7 Adaline. EMERY DAVID H., (Raymond & Emery) h 56 West ave. Emery Paul, h 52 Fox. EMPIRE SOAP WORKS, (James B. Keeler, prop.) 191 McMaster, office 83 North ave. Engelbrcckt Peter, pianos, h rear 182 River, South Side. Erie Express Co., Foster N. Mabee, agent, 18 Lake. EUROPEAN HOUSE, John Hayes, prop., 151 North ave. Evans Andrew, butcher, h 160 McMaster. Evans Charles W., baggage-master, h 53 Paige. Evans Josiah R., carpenter, h 4 William. Everhart Peter, baker, h over 56 North ave. Every William B., 62 North ave., wholesale liquors, h over do. Ewalt — , tailor, bds. 73 Liberty. Excelsior Soap Factory, C. W. Beseler prop., 37 Temple. • Fahey, Michael, laborer, h 133 Erie. Fairchild Samuel F., Agent, hats, caps and gents.' furnishings, 27 Lake, h 55 Ceiitral ave. Fancher Herman P., wood-turner, h 55 Talcott. Farnham Albert S., teamster, bds. 235 E. Temple. Farnham Melissa, widow Edwin, h 235 E. Temple. FAY GEORGE W., excise commissioner, and insurance; 203 Front, h 334 Main. Ferguson Frederick, emp. foundry, bds. 151 Talcott. Ferguson Irving, emp. foundry, bds. Talcott. I20 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Ferguson Laura, widow John, resident, h 113 Liberty. Ferguson Royal B., for^'man Gere, Truman, Piatt & Co., h 7 George. FERGUSON T. JEFFERSON, carpenter, h 151 Talcott. Ferris Samuel W., pattern maker, h ito McMaster. Fiddis Emeline Mrs., bds. 104 West ave. Fiddis Lucy A., teacher, bds. 93 Franklin. Fiddis Lucy G., widow Robert, resident, h 93 Franklin. Field John H., conductor, h 13 George. Finch Smith, carpenter, h 170 West ave. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OWEGO, (George Truman, Sr., prest., W. S. Truman, cash., F. E. Brockway, teller) 179 Front. Fisher George, sewing machine repairer, North ave., h South Erie. Fisher James, molder, h 113 Liberty. Fitzgerald Catherine, widow, Morris, resident, 120 Fox. Fitzgerald Deborah, cleaning and dying, 105 Fox, h do. Fitzgerald Edward, emp. Drill Works, h 43 Temple. Fitzgerald Thomas, painter, bds. 120 Fox. Fitzgibbons John, watchman, h Bell. Flamer Isaiah, barber, 154 Front, h 184 River, South Side. Flamer Julia, widow Jeremiah, h 184 River, South Side. Flanigan James P., laborer, h 21 Adaline. Flanigan Mary, dressmaker, bds. 2 r AdaUne. Flanigan Patrick, laborer, h ro6 South Depot. Flanigan Thomas F., machinist, bds. 21 AdaUne. Foley James, laborer, h 113 Spencer ave. Foot Frederick, bridge builder, bds. Lackawanna House, South Side. Foot Sarah M. Mrs., dressmaker, bds. River, South Side. Ford George, resident, bds. over 17 Lake. Ford Lewis, livery, 132 North ave., h do. Ford Lucius, carpenter, h 607 Main. Forgason Charles, carpenter, bds. over 19 Lake. FORGASON THADDEUS C, V. S., veterinary surgeon, stable Central ave. rear Park Hotel, h over 19 Lake. Forsyth Charles E., clerk, bds. 245 Erie. FORSYTH ELDRIDGE, retired, h 67 Forsyth. Forsyth Eleazur V., emp. Erie R. R., h 11 Adaline. Forsyth Eva B., dressmaker, bds. 11 Adaline. Forsyth George F., painter, bds. 245 Erie. FORSYTH GILBERT T., decorative painter, h 435 Main. FORSYTH HUBBARD T., house and decorative painter and paper-hanger, h 24s Erie. FORSYTH JAMES, resident, h 113 Front. Forsyth Rachel, widow George, bds. 60 Forsyth. FORSYTH WILLIAM S., landscape, frescoe and decorative painter, h 60 Forsyth. Foster & Hampton, (J. F. & J. W. H.) barbers, r29 North ave. Foster Joseph, (Foster & Hampton) h 129 North ave. FOSTER LEONARD, r 27, prop, saw and feed-mill, all kinds of pine and oak lumber on sale at lowest market prices, farmer 135, h McMaster. Foster William C, clerk, h Fulton. Fowley Michael, laborer, h 216 North ave. Fox Lydia N., widow Edward, carpet-weaver, h 142 Central ave. Fox Stuart E., emp. foundry, h 115 Chestnut. OWEGO— INSIDE CORPORATION. 121 Fralley Robert, baggageman, h 144 Central ave. France Francis, amp. casket shop, bds. 142 Central ave. FRANK JOHN, physician, 115 Main, h do. Franz Conrad, tailor, h Gere. Fraser Daniel, traveling salesman, bds. 143 Temple. Fraser Reuben, farmer 140, h 143 Temple. Fredenburg Catharine, widow Virgil, h 265 North ave. Fredenburg Edward E., law student, bds. 215 North ave. Fredenburg Fred J., laborer, h 215 North ave. Freehill Maria, widow Patrick, boardmg-house and lodging, 64 South Depot. Freight-house and Office Erie R. R., South Depot, head Spencer ave. French Charles O., farm laborer, h Constine's Lane. French Orrin, laborer, h 460 Main. Frisbie Sarah Mrs., laundress, h 5 Adaline. Fritcher George, retired, bds. 128 Temple. Frutchey Erastus, teamster, h Temple. Fulton Market., (P. Hyde and G. Saltsman) general store, 32 Fullon. Gaher Henry, tailor, bds. 73 Liberty. Gale William E., station agent S. C. R. R., h 47 George. Gallagher Dryden, widow WiUiam, bds. 41 Paige. GARDNER WILLIAM G., manager Central House, Main cor. Lake. Garey Henry J., brakeman, h 236 E. Temple. Garvey Michael, laborer, hut Erie. Garvey Patrick, emp. Erie R. R., h Delphine. Gates Anna, widow Simon, bds. 229 Main. Gavell Edward, cigar manuf., over 169 Main, h do. Gavin Catherine, resident, bds. 125 Chestnut. Gavin Mary, widow Patrick, h 125 Chestnut. Geary Patrick, laborer, h 22 Temple. Genung Abram C, carpenter, h 118 Franklin. Gere Adaline, widow Bradford, 192 North ave. GERE EUGENE B., attorney at law, 112 Front. GERE THEODORE D., (Gere, Truman, Piatt & Co.') h 118 Majn. GEBE, TRUMAN, PLATT & CO., (T. D. G., F. W.' T., T. C. P. and C. F. Johnson) manufs., " Champion " wagons, grain and fertilizer drills^ harrows, etc., Central ave. Gibbons John H., laborer, bds. Constine's lane. Gibson Charlotte, widow Stephen D., h 205 North ave. Gibson Donald, bridge builder, h 205 North ave. Gibson Frank, laborer, h 205 North ave. Gibson Sarah, widow Edward G., resident, h 127 North ave. Gilbert Charity, widow John H., h 115 Temple. Gilday Edward, clerk, bds. 54 Delphine. Gilday John, emp. foundry, bds. 54 Delphine. Gilday Michael, laborer, h 54 Delphine. Gilday William, emp. foundry, bds. 54, Delphine. Giles Chester, emp. foundry, bds. Canal. Gill Ellen, widow Christopher, h 16 Paige. Gillett Luther W., (Riley & Gillett) Front, h 114 McMaster. Gillett J. Fred, clerk, bds. IT4 McMaster. GILLSON WILLIAM H, bridge carpenter, h 116 West ave. Gilman Herbert, stage driver, bds: Lackawanna House, South Side. Gilman Milton H., prop, mill-yard, lumberland in Sullivan Co., Pa., h Front 122 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Gilinan N. M. Mrs., millinery, 204 Front, h do. Ginnane Joseph, emp. foundry, h 161 West ave. Ginnane Mary, widow Edward, h 135 West ave. Ginnane Mary A., teacher, bds. 16 1 West ave. Ginnane Thomas, laborer, h 448 Front. Glaseo Thomas, gardner, h 112 Paige. GLEZEN OSCAR B., att'y at law, and justice of the peace, Academy. Bldg., Court, h 9 Front. Goodnough William, expressman, h 268 North ave. GOODRICH & CO., (J. W. Goodrich and W. H. Ellis) drygoods, 196 Front. Goodrich David L., surveyor, h 388 Front. Goodrich Frank, sewing-machine agent, h over 80 North ave. GOODRICH JAMES W., (Goodrich & Co.) h 27 Front. Goodrich Lyman T., traveling agent, h 425 Front. Goodrich Samuel, yard-master Erie R. R., h 123 Liberty. Goddspeed Eliza A., widow Joel J., h 57 Paige. Goodspeed Elizabeth, teacher, bds.> 57 Paige. Goodwill Burdett D., laborer, h 22 Temple. Goodwill Martha M., widow James G, h 22 Temple. Gordon Martha N., widow William C, resident, h 229 Main. Gordon Samuel, laborer, h off North ave. near S. C. R. R. round-house. Gorman Dorinda M., widow Capt. John, h 383 Front. Gorman James, switchman, bds. 64 South Depot. Gorman Orrin T., shipping-clerk, Gere, Truman, Piatt & Co., h 339 Main. Goss Seward, retired, h 25 Ross. Gotleiber Victor, policeman, bds. 88 Chestnut. Gould Adam C, blacksmith. Temple, h 16 do. Gould Appleton H., leather-cutter, h 290 Prospect. Gould Ephraim, retired, h Talcott. Gould Ephraim C, drayman, bds. 112 West ave. Gould Frederick, emp. Drill Works, h 87 Liberty. Gould Jane, widow Wilber D., h 234 Main. Gould Joel S., retired, h 146 TalCott. Gould Joseph, laborer, h Canal Front. Gould Marion D., emp. foundry, bds. i6 Temple. Gould Morris P., emp. foundry, h 8 Temple. GOULD WILLIAM L., blacksmith, h ri2 West ave. GRAND ARMY HALL, over 76 North ave. GRAND UNION TEA COMPANY, Milton T. Knight, agt., 42 Lake. Granger Cora A., teacher, bds. 135 Main. Grant Simon, produce, bds. 264 Main. Graves Henry A., news, cigars and confectionary, 49 Lake, h 62 Church. Gray George, painter, h Delphine. GRAY JOHN C, (Cauldwell & Gray) h McMaster opp. Academy. Gray John H., clerk, h North ave. Green James W., miller, h 119 Liberty. Greenleaf Emeline, widow John M., bds. 105 Main. GREENLEAF JOHN T.. physician and surgeon^ loi Main, h 105 do. Greenwood Frank A., printer, bds. 80 William. Greenwood James, custom boot and shoemaker, 188 Front, h 80 William. Greenwood James W., emp. foundry, bds. 80 William. Greenwood' John E;, emp. U. S. Express Co., bds. 80 William. Greenwood Lizzie M., dressmaker, 80 William, bds. do. OWEGO— INSIDE CORPORATION. 123 Griffin Emma, laundress, 138 Talcott. Griffin Margaret Mrs., h 148 Fox. GRIPPING SAMUEL B., village alderman and salesman, h 226 E. Temple. Grimes James, brakeman, h 27 Adaline. Grimes Sarah, widow James, Jr., bds. 36 William. Groat Abram W., confectionery and cigars, 115 North, h do. Groo Lines, (Andross & Groo) residence in New Jersey. GROSS JERRY S., lawyer, 178 Main, h do. Hall George H., dry goods, h 122 Main. Hall Granville W., carpenter, bds. Cortright House. Hall James D., apprentice, bds. 105 Franklin. Hall Mary, widow Edward, h 105 Franklin. Hall Michael, confectionery, h 59 Church. Hall William, laborer, h Water. Hallock Andrew J., brakeman, h 61 Forsyth. Hamilton Joel A., contractor and builder, h 3 Front. Hammond , laborer, h 136 Main. HAMMOND EDGAR, baker, h over 69 North ave. Hammond Edwin, printer, h Buckbee Block. Hampton James W., (Foster & Hampton) h 129 North ave. Handlon Jerry, saloon-keeper, bds. 133 North ave. Haner John, tanner, h 274 North ave. Hannon John, laborer, h 107 Fox. Hannon Patrick, laborer, 88 South Depot. Hannon Thomas, local mail agent, h South Depot. Hansen George I., book-keeper, Storrs, Chatfield & Co., h River, So. Side. Hanvey Eliza, resident, h 2 W. Main. Hanvey Hugh, retired, h 2 W. Main. Hanvey John, retired,, bds, 2 W. Main. Hanvey Rosanna, resident, 2 W. Main. Hard Horace, miller, h W. Main. HARDER EMMOTT, boots and shoes, 23 Lake, h 279 Main. Harding George A., farm laborer, h Pumpelly, South Side. Harding Grant, laborer, h 222 North ave. Harding Hannah T., widow Robert, h 143 Temple. Harding Osee, widow John, h 222 North ave. Harding Ward, baggageman, bds. 222 North ave. *HARGRAVE WILLIAM G., artist and photographer, 3.8 and 40 Record block. Lake, h do. ' Awarded First Premium at the Tioga County Fairs of 1885-1886. Satisfaction Guaranteed to all. irti. G. HPCRGRKVE. 38 AND 40 LAKE ST., O'HfEGO. Copying and Enlarging of Old Pictures is one of our Special Features. Twenty-five Years New York City Experience. 124 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Harold Edward, R. R. section foreman, h 149 Fox. Harold James J., foreman Owego Blade, h 149 Fox. Harrington Thomas, track foreman D. L. & W. R. R., h 122 Fox. Harris Scott, cashier Erie express office, h 68 Liberty. Harris William M., book-keeper, 180 Front, bds. 12 Liberty. Harris William S., resident, h 377 Main. Harrison James, laborer, h 24 Temple. Harrison John B., R. R. signal tender, h 1 1 East ave. Harrison Lewis, clerk, bds. 115 North ave. Harrison Samuel, teamster, h 36 W. Main. Harrison S. M. Mrs., resident, h 115 North. Harrison William L., harness-maker, 127 North, h do. Harros Daniel, cartman, h 153 Erie. Hart Alfred, laborer, bds. 256 Prospect. Hart Daniel, machinist, h 483 Front. Hart Horace, miller, h 12 Temple. Hart Lewis, laborer, h 104 South Depot. Hartnett Maria, resident, h John R. Hartnett Michael, emp. Haywood's Marble Works, h loo South Depot. Haskins Edward T., engineer, h 34 George. HASTINGS & STRATTON, (J. M. H. & E. S.) dry and fancy goods, 186 Front. HASTINGS JAMES M., (Hastings & Stratton) school commissioner, h 351 Main. Hastings Rebecca, widow William, bds. 351 Main. Haughy Robert, laborer, h 108 Green. Haupt Frank, emp. King & Co., bds. 118 Temple. Havland Harriet, widow George, h 254 North ave. Havland Ruth, widow Frederick, housekeeper. Spruce. Hawes Judson, harness-maker, bds. 133 North ave. Hawkins Philander, tanner, h n Dean's Tannery. Hayden James J., emp. King & Co., bds. 31 Delphine. Hayden Maggie, tailoress, bds. 87 Paige. Hayden Mary Mrs., resident, h 87 Paige. Hayden William P., retired, h 31 Delphine. Hayden William P., Jr., foreman King & Co., bds. 31 Delphine. HAYES JOHN, prop. European House, 151 North ave. Hayes Michael J.j peddler, h 185 E. Temple. Hayes Richard J., bartender, bds. European House. Haynes George L., painter, h 42 William. Hays Richard, laborer, bds. Water. HAYWOOD CHARLES M., marble and granite work, 80 North ave., h 42 Temple cor. Liberty. Haywood Harry C, marble-cutter, bds. 42 Temple. Hazzard Ella, clerk, bds. 118 Temple. HEAD KATE Mrs., nurse, 104 West ave. HEAD MELINDA, widow John M., resident, h 152 Talcott. HEATON CARLTON R., physician and surgeon, treas. Cruciform Casket Company, and medical director O. M. B. Association, Park cor. Main, hdo. Hemstrought Abram V., carpenter, h 198 E. Temple. Herrick John J., market gardner, 577 Main, bds. do. Herrick Laura A., teacher, bds. 577 Main. OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. 125 Hevland George W., emp. Grain Drill Works, h 242 North ave. HEWITT FREDERICK C, retired, h 223 Front. HEWITT GURDON, retired, h 223 Front. HIBBARD GEORGE R., crockery, 84 Front, h Spencer ave. Hibbard Jemima, widow Ralph, bds. 10 1 Franklin. Hibbard Ralph W., cabinet-maker, h 112 Franklin. Hickey James, cigarmaker, bds. 301 Prospect. Hickey John, laborer, h 301 Prospect. Hickey John, clerk, bds. 68 South Depot. Hickey Lizzie C, dressmaker, 399 Main, bds. do. Hickey Mame, tailoress, bds. 68 South Depot. Hickey Mary, widow Patrick h 68 South Depot. Hickey Thomas, shoemaker, h 399 Main. Hicks Horace H., blacksmith, h 52 Fox. Hierstiner Moses, resident, h 88 Chestnut. Hill Alfred, janitor, h William. HILL BROTHERS, (H. H. and C. C.) dentists, Front. HILL CHARLES C, Dr., (Hill Brothers) h Binghamton, N. Y. Hill Charles F., special claim agt. for pensions, h 354 Front. Hill Charles O., manuf. and dealer in lumber and shingles (estate of James Hill,) 89 Central ave., 99 do. Hill Edward, coachman, bds. William. Hill Fred C, atty. at law and clerk Surrogate's court, Court House, h Main. HILL HARRIET, widow James, h 84 North ave. HILL HOMER H., (Hill Brothers) bds. Dugan House. Hill James, (Estate) manuf. and dealer in lumber and shingles, 89 Centra! ave. HILL LUCY, widow Chauncey, bds. 254 E. Temple. Hinckley Alphonso J., restaurant and saloon, 189 Main, h do. Hines Belle, widow Rufus W., h 447 Main. Hines Louise, clerk, h 447 Main. Hitchcock Eugene, cartman, h Canal. Hoagland Alexander D., commercial traveler, h.Buckbee block. Lake. Hoagland Emma D., dressmaking, Buckbee block, h do. Hoagland James R., laborer, h John R. Hobler George, telephone operator, McMaster. Hobler Philip, engineer, h 255 McMaster. Hodge Caroline A., widow Henry J., resident, h 86 Temple. Hodge Ella A., dressmaker, 86 Temple, bds. do. Hodge Frederick S., painter, h 41 Temple. Hodge Henry J., painter, h Water. Hodge Joseph, laborer, h Constine's Lane. Hogan Catharine, widow Philip, h 38 W. Main. Hogan Catharine M., dressmaker, 60 Delphine, bds. do. Hogan James, laborer, h 60 Delphine. Hogan James J., fireman, bds. 60 Delphine. Hogan John F., second hand store, 57 North ave., h do. Hogan Roger P., reporter, h 38 W. Main. Hoghey Sarah, widow James, h 118 Fox. Holes George, carpenter and saw filing, 7 Park, h do. HoUenback David J., farmer.h 1 1 7 North ave. Hollenback Sisters, (Mary and Alice) farm 200, h 412 Front. Hollensworth Jeremiah M., barber 22 Lake, h 158 Temple. 126 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Hooper Warren, tanner, h 62, George. Hopkins John, cigar-maker, bds. Park Hotel. Horgan Jerry, retired, h 56 Delphine. Horgan Katie, dressmaker, 56 Delphine, bds. do. Horgan Mary, widow John, h 56 Delphine. Horigan Daniel J., prop. Erie House, 70 South Depot: Horn Eva, widow Matthias, bds. Gere. Hornbeck Cornelius F., machinest, h 273 Erie. Horrigan Margaret, widow Michael, tailoress, h 152 Green. Horrigan William, barber, 152 North ave., h Green. Hortnet Andrew, erap. foundry, bds. 109 Spencer ave. Hortnet Mary, laundress, h 109 Spencer ave. Horton John J., resident, h 105 North ave. Hoskins Franklin F., machinest, h 8 Temple. Hoskins James B., delivery clerk freight depot, h 65 Spencer ave. Hoskins Mary M., widow Fayette F., bds. 223 East Temple.. HOSKINS WATSON L., insurance and jeweler, 185 Front, h 311 Main. Houk Cora B., book-keeper, 184 Main, bds. 122 Temple. Houk Frederick G., clerk, bds. 122 Temple. Houk Harry, clerk, bds. 131 Talcott. Houk Jennie M., book-keeper, 184 Main, bds. 122 Temple. HOUK JONATHAN S., hardware, 184 Main, h 122 Temple. Houk Lewis C, tinsmith and plumber, h 131 Talcott. *HOUSE EPHRAIM H., coal, wood and lumber dealer, and farmer 75, office 229 McMaster, h 220 .Main. House Oakley, clerk, h 57 Church. House Oakley A., horse farrier, h 76 South Depot. Hover Robert, produce buyer, h 274 North ave. Howard Orville, carpenter, h 7 Spruce. Howe Olin R., pastor Park Cong, church, bds. 290 Main. Howe Rufus, farmer, h 45 West Main. Howe Ransom, cartman, h 115 Temple. HUBBARD & KING, (I. M. H. & O. G. K.) furniture and undertaking, 29 Lake. Hubbard Charles, emp. foundry, h rear 59 Church. Hubbard Emeline M., widow Henry N., resident, h 275 Main. Hubbard Henry D., clerk, 210 Front, h 160 Temple. Hubbard Thomas, barber, Lake, h 60 Spencer ave. HUBBARD TRUMAN M., (Hubbard & King) h Lake. Hubbard Willis, emp. foundry, bds. rear 59 Church. Huber Albert D., (Nichols & Huber) h 161 Main. Hugaboone Matthias, laborer, h 460 Main. Hughs Almira Mrs., laundress, h 32 Adaline. Hughs George, stationary engineer, h John R. HULL ALFRED H., resident, h 120 Chestnut. Hull Byron O., resident, bds. 120 Chestnut. Hull Frederick K., retired, h over 17 Lake. Hull Hattie R., teacher, bds. 340 Main. Hull Margaret S., teacher, bds. 340 Main. Hull Mary A., h 340 Main. Hulslander Levi T., dry and fancy goods, 59 North ave., bds. Central House. HUMISTON FRANK M., (White & Humiston) h over 194 Front. Hunt Arthur' E., wind-mills and pumps, 134 Front, bds. Dugan House. OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. 127 HoUister Charles J., silversmith and sewing machine agent, Fox cor. Central ave., h do. HoUister George W., clerk, bds. 283, Prospect. HoUister Joseph D., painter, Canal, h do. , HoUister Julius, silversmith, and sewing machine agt.. Fox cor. Central ave., h do. HoUister Mercy, widow Horace J., h Canal. HoUister Myron E., printer, h 283 Prospect. HoUister William S., painter, h Canal. Holmes Oscar H., coachman, h 104 Paige. Holmes Thomas H,, clerk, bds. 358 Front. Holt Mary, widow Edwin H., resident, h 94 Fox. Home Rufus C, mason. Main, h do. Hooker Archie S., carpenter, h 113 Franklin. Hooker Warren, bridge carpenter, h George. Hunt Emily J., widow William, h 14 Lake. Hurlburt E. Burritt, flour, h 211 Main. Hutchins Frank F., United States express agent, h 314 Main. Hutchinson Alice M., teacher, bds. 232 E. Temple. Hutchinson James, carpenter, 232 E. Temple, h do. Hutchinson WiUiam, watch-maker, bds. 243 Main. Hyde & Winters, (C. H. H. and J. B. W.) groceries and provisions, Front cor. Court. o Hyde Charles H., (Hyde & Winters) h 358 Front. Hyde Earl, telephone operator, h Main. Hyde Earl Mrs., dry goods and notions. Main. Hyde Francis Mrs., bds. 67 Erie. Hyde Merritt, emp. U. S. Express Co., h 91 Talcott. Hyde Nelson H., wood-worker, 135 Talcott, h do. Hyde Otis B., sup't cemetery, h 243 Main. Hyde Perry, book-keeper, Hyde & Winters, also prop. Fulton Market, h Main cor. Fulton. Hymes Edgar W., miller, h W. Main near Mill. IngersoU Charles A., teamster, h 18 Lake. Isenburg WiUiam, cartman, h 190 River, South Side. Jackson John, dentist, 12 Lake, h do. Jackson John T., photographer, 12 Lake,- bds. do; Jackson Lois M., widow George W., dressmaker, 63 Liberty, h do. Jackson Sarah, widow James, h Commerce. Jackson W. Mianda, widow Harvey, h West ave., near creek. Jansen Jesse W., (J. W. Jasen & Co.) also physician and "surgeon, 60 North ave., h do. JANSEN J. W. & CO., (W. H. Bailey and J- M. Anderson) drugs, medi- cines, and paints, 60 North ave. JENKS ELIZA J., widow Sabin M., resident, h 15 Front. JEWETT HARRY, retired, h 108 Liberty. JOHNSON ABIGAIL M., caterer, widow Joshua C, h 459 Main. Johnson Calvin, laborer, h 225 Prospect. Johnson Caroline, widow David, resident, h 45 Front. Johnson Charles W., retired, bds. 32 William. Johnson Cyrene Mrs., resident, h 81 Liberty. Johnson Edward J., groceries and provisions, 100 North ave., h North ave., cor. Chestnut. 128 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Johnson Edward S., etnp. agricultural works, h over loo North ave. JOHNSON FRANCES M., music teacher, also caterer for weddings, parties and private teas, Saratoga potatoes furnished to dealers, h 459 Main. Johnson Frank H. Mrs., resident, h 85 North ave. Johnson Harlen F., resident, h 275 E. Temple. Johnson Henry, horse-trainer, h 98 Spencer ave. Johnson Hiram R., resident, h 12 Talcott. JOHNSON HORACE A., painter and paper-hanger, and decorative work, 5 2 George, h do. Johnson James H., postal clerk, h 358 Main. Johnson Lottie G., teacher; bds. 358 Main. Johnson Thomas D. Rev., pastor St. Patrick's church, h Main. Johnson Winfield, drug clerk, h 358 Main cor. Ross. Jones Albert, laborer, h 493 Front. Jones George W., mason, h 517 Front. JONES JAMES E., carpenter, pattern and general job shop, 191 McMaster, h 116 Franklin. Jones John, lumber at Nanticoke, Pa., h 41 Front. Jones John B., moulder, h 254 E. Temple. Jones Moses C., laborer, bds. 69 Fox. Jones Peter, coachman, h 96 Spencer ave. Jones Pierson, laborer, h 69 Fox. joslyn H. B., cabinet-maker, h 118 Temple. Joslyn Hulda Mrs., resident, h over 57 North ave. JOSLYN JUDSON, bridge carpenter, h 7 Hill. Kaley Charles, laborer, h 1 1 Fox. Kaley John W., emp. King & Co., h 90 Talcott. Xaley William H., carpenter and stone mason, h over 177 Main. Kanane Frank, gardener, bds. 43.Delphine. Kanane Mary, tailoress, bds. 43 Delphine. Kanane Patrick, laborer, h 43 Delphine. Keefe Owen, blacksmith, h 283 E. Temple. XEELER ALBERT H., contractor and builder, and dealer in lime, cement and fertilizers, h Temple cor. Central ave. JKeeler Charles P., mason and contractor, h rear 68 Paige. KEELER JAMES B., (City Steam Laundry) prop. Empire Soap Works, Temple cor. Central ave. KEITH GEORGE W., brakeman, h 15 East ave. 3CEITH MARY B., widow Luther T., bds. 15 East ave. Kellogg Charles T., contractor and builder, h 262 Prospect. Kellogg Julia, widow Charles, h 73 Forsyth. Kellogg Ulysses P., carpenter, h 22 Fulton. JKelly Julia F., widow Frederick P., dressmaker, 246 E. Temple, bds. do. Kelly Matthew, laborer, h 1 1 2 Green. Kempson Emily P., widow Peter T.. h 80 McMaster. Kendall Frank B., traveling salesman, h 96 Franklin. Kennedy Lee, insurance, h 73 West ave. Kennedy Peter G , barber, h 106 Paige. KENYON ALBERT J., chief engineer, U. S. Navy, h 163 Temple. KEN YON JAMES, retired, h 163 Temple. Kenyon Joel C, druggist, 5 Lake, h do. ^ JKershner Eugene K., clerk Dugan House, bds. do. JCetchum John, hack driver, h Main. OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. 1 29 Ketchum La Fayette F. Rev., Reformed Methodist, h 92 Franklin. Kettle John, porter Dugan House, bds. do. Kidder James H. Rev., rector St. Paul's Church, h 100 Main. Kidder Phoebe Mrs., resident, h 195 North ave. Kiernan Margaret, dressmaker, bds. Canal. Kiernan Patrick, laborer, h Canal. Kile Lowell E., laborer, h over 67 North ave. Kimball Ebenezer, bridge builder, h 126 Mc Master. Kimball Helen, widow Calvin S., artist, bds 425 Main. King & Co., (W. A. and G. A. K.) manufs. of and wholesale dealers in har- nesses, 24, 26 and 28 Lake. King Charles H., barber, Ah-wa-ga House, bds. 112 Fox. King George A., (King & Co.) h 5^ Paige. KING ORLANDO, (Hubbard & King) county supervisor, bds. Ah-wa-ga House. King Seth L., machinist, h 234 Main. King William A., (King & Co.) h 250 Front. King William H. Rev., retired Bapt., h 369 Front. Kingcade Charles, shoemaker, h 90 Paige. Kingcade Charles Mrs., dressmaker, go Paige, h do. Kingfield Ellen Mrs., mailing clerk, postoffice, h 184 E. Temple. Kingfield Fanny B., book-keeper, 196 Front, h 184 E. Tertiple. KINGMAN LEROY W., editor and pub. Owego Gazette, h 2 Academy. Kingman Lyman R., bartender, h North ave. Kingman Maria L., widow Leroy W., h 260 Main. Kinney Susan J., widow J., h 18 Fulton. Kinney Willis D.,. printer, bds. 18 Fulton. Kipp George, butcher, h 1 1 1 North ave. Kline Orion, carriage- maker, h 144 Temple. Knapp Maria R., widow Dr. Jerome, bds. Front. Knight Catharine, -widow Cornelius, h 56 Forsyth. KNIGHT ELIZABETH, dressmaker, bds. 59 Church. Knight Mary J., widow Moses, h 59 Church. KNIGHT MILTON T., agt. G. U. Tea Co., bds. Dugan House. Knight Milton W., carpenter, bds. 56 Forsyth. Korbmann Rosa, widow Christian, h over 13 Lake. Labarron Sarah A., widow Edson, h 234 North ave. Lackawanna House, Ira J. VanDemark, prop., 176 River, South Side. LaGrange Abram, carpenter, bds. 52 West ave. LaGrange Charles, carriage-painter, h 52 West ave. Lainhart George, variety store, 212 Front, h 132 Main. Lake Martha D. Mrs., resident, h 58 Spencer ave. Lake Thomas B., meat-market and grocery, 119 North ave., h 65 Talcott. Lake William A., butcher, h over 119 Lake. Lamb Charles B., brakeman, h 174 North ave. LAMEREAUX NATHAN, saloon, 76 North ave., bds. 57 Church. LaMonte Fred S., (LaMonte & Rodman) produce, h 442 Front. LaMonte Samuel M., retired, h 105 Liberty. Lane Bert J., clerk, bds. 12 Adaline. Lane Leonard, clerk, bds. near Dean's tannery. Laning John, retired, h 143 Main. Larkin Thomas, laborer, h 62 Talcott. Lawheed Joseph W., boarding-house, 118 Temple. 9 130 .OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Lawrence Laura, widow William, bds. 69 Church. Lawrence Oscar S., emp. Erie Express Co., h 69 Church. Lawrence William A., jeweler, h McMaster. Lawrence William D., express messenger, h 58 Church. Layton Daniel, laborer, h 238 E. Temple. Layton James F., laborer, bds. 238 E. Temple. Layton John J., printer, bds. 239 E. Temple. Leach Benjapnin C, grocery and music, North ave., h do. Leach John J., locomotive engineer, h 158 McMaster. Leach Tillie C. music teacher, bds. North ave. Leahy James J., (P. Leahy & Son) bds. 310 Main. Leahy Patrick & Son, (James J.) groceries, provisions, and meats. Main cor. North ave. Leahy Patrick, (P. Leahy & ,Son) h 310 Main. Lee Albert S., barber, 109 North ave., h do. Lee William-, farm laborer, h 534 Main. Legg, Dolphus, emp. D., L. & W. R. R. freight depot, h 198 North ave. Legg Louis H., law clerk, bds. 69 Church. Lenon John, clerk, bds. European House. Leonard Allen, carpenter, h Water. Leonard Emily C, resident, h 313 Main. Leonard Frank, laborer, h W. Main, near Mill. LEONARD GEORGE S., loan, investment and insurance, 209 Front, h Main. Leonard John, saloon, 135 North ave., h do. Leonard Laura A., resident, h 313 East Main. Leonard Lewis S., clerk, h over 195 Main. LEONARD NATHANIEL, laborer, h Canal. LEONARD WILLIAM B., retired, h Front. Leonard Willis B., tobacco grower, h Pumpelly, South Side. Leroy Peter H., laborer, h Prospect, cor. Green. Letts Armena, widow John D., resident, h rear 18 Adaline. Levene Abram, tailor, h 42 Temple. Lewis Fred W., machinist, h 109 Fox. LEWIS GEORGE B., M. D., physician and surgeon, Lake, cor. Main,. rooms do. Lewis Mile, contractor, Owego Casket Company, h 95 West ave. Lewis Robert, laborer, h 93 Paige. Lillie George W., retired, h 103 River, South Side. Lillie Jared. saloon, 104 North ave., h do. Lincoln & Co., (C. K. Lincoln) coal and wood, 59 Central ave. Lincoln Charles K., (Lincoln & Co.) h 294 Main. Link Charles A., (Dwelle & Link) h 348 Front. Livermore Cyrus E., clerk, h 20 Ross. Livermore Otis W., general repair shop, rear 117 North ave., h 84 Chestnut. Livingston Amos, groceries and provisions, 56 North ave, h do. Loader Richard, painter, h 64 Forsyth. Locke Mary E., carpet weaver, li 91 Fox. LOCKE REUBEN B., carpenter, h 241 Erie. Long Jeremiah, resident, h 25 Temple. Loring Benjamin W., retired lieut. U. S. revenue marine service, h 351 Front. SXARKEY & IVINXERS, WboleOale and Retail Druggists, Owego. OWEGO— INSIDE CORPORATION, 131 Loring Benjamin W., Jr., law student, bds. Front. Lounsbury William H., boot and shoemaker^ 63 North ave., h 37 Main. Lovejoy Charles L., photographer, Front cor. Court, h 313 Main. Lynch Daniel, bartender, bds. 7 Fulton. Lynch Martin S., atty. at law, Lake^ cor. Main h 495 Main. Lynch Michael, mason, h 7 Fulton. Lynch Michael, (Wall & Lynch) h Chestnut. Lynde Marion, widow James G., resident, bds. 51 Front. Lynn Luzern, laborer, h 65 Adaline. LYON & RIPLEY, (F. D. L. & H. C. R.) boots and shoes, 188 Front. Lyon & Robinson, (J. R. L. & G. R.) liquor dealers, 187 Main. LYON FRANCIS D., (Lyon & Ripley) h 7 Park. Lyon John R., (Lyon & Robinson) h 60 Paige. Mabee Foster N., agent Erie Express' Co., h 333 Main. MABEE JOHN A., (City Steam Laundry) h Temple cor. Central ave. Mabee William, emp. Owego Casket Company, bds. 73 Liberty. Macbeth Margaret, resident, h 22 William. * MAD AN ANDREW J., emp. James Hill estate, h in Talcott. Male William, carpenter^ h 22 WiUiam. Maloney Ann, resident, h 121 Erie. Maloney Bridget, resident, h 121 Erie. Maloney Catherine, widow Michael C, h 98 Temple. Maloney Catherine A.., clerk, bds. 98 Temple. Maloney Julia, resident, h 121 Erie. Maloney Minnie, dressmaker, bds. 73 Liberty. Maloney Owen T., bookbinder, h 98 Temple. MALONEY PATRICK, prop. Cobweb Bottling Works, Paige cor. Fox, also general grocery and liquors, 122 Paige, h do. Maloney William P., clerk, bds. 122 Paige. Manas Julia, dressmaker, bds. 7 East ave. Manas Patrick, R. R. signal tender, h 7 East ave. Manning Caroline M. Mrs., millinery, 206 Front, h do. Manning Ellen, dressmaker, bds. Division. Manning James, foreman Owego Times,h over 193 Main. Manning Josephine, tailoress, bds. Division. Manning Lewis, printer, bds. 133 North ave. Manning Margaret, widow John, h Division. MANNING MARION L., shoemaker, h 206 Front. Manning Mary, widow James, bds. 57 Church. Manning Michael J., laborer, bds. Division. Manning William H., carpenter, 113 Main, h do. Mareane James, engineer, bds. 156 Central ave. Maroney Daniel, laborer, h 245 E. Temple. Maroney John F., groceries, 56 North ave, h over do. Marquart Gideon, farmer, bds. 139 North ave. Marquart Levi, retired, h 17 West ave. Marquart Levier, bds. Commerce. Marquart Simeon, farmer, h 139 North ave. Marquett John M., shoemaker, h 473 Front. Marquett Larenzo, clerk, bds. 473 E. Front. Marquette Alanson A., resident, h 230 Prospect. Marquette Jerome N., clerk, 14 W. Main. STARKE'C & ■WINTBKS, DrnggUts, Owego. Close Prices to Dealers. 132 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Marshall Mrs., resident, h 167 North ave. Martin Benjamin B., carriage-trimmer, bds. 73 Liberty. Marvin Harrison, orderly at State Capitol, h 94 Liberty. Mason Allen J., painter, bds. 113 Chestnut. Mason Harriet Mrs., widow Roswell A., laundress, h 113 Chestnut. Matson Cynthia E. Miss, resident, h 14 Front. Matson John L., furniture and undertaking, 183 Front, h 27 Park. Mawhiney Edward, bookkeeper, 164 North ave., bds. 5 Spruce. MAWHINEY WILLIAM J., (W. H. Bailey & Co.) h 5 Spruce. May William, laborer, h 209 Prospect. Maynard William, shoemaker, h 64 Spencer ave. MAYOR EDWARD A., D. D. S., dentist, over 173 Front, h Academy. Mayor William E., D. D. S., dentist, over 173 Front, bds. Academy. McArthur John, confectionery, 107 North ave., h do. McCofferty Anthony C, horse-dealer, bds. European House. McCoUy Thomas, resident, bds. United States Hotel. McCarthy Florence, laborer, h 604 Fifth ave. McCarthy John, laborer, h 119 Fox. McCarthy John P., clerk, bds. 604 Fifth ave. McCasUn John H., (Smith & McCasUn) blacksmith, h 190 River, So. Side. McCuUock , h 107, Chestnut. McCormick Daniel, brakeman, h 99 Fox. McDonald John, mason, bds. 18 West Main. McDowell Fayette, cabinet-maker, h Canal. McDowell Betty, widow Augustus, bds. Ah-wa-ga House." McGiflSn John L., emp. grist-mill, h 102 Chestnut. McGratch Patrick, laborer, h 115 Paige. McKee Robert, retired, h 387 Main. McKenzie Alexander C. Rev., pastor First Pres. church, h 321 Front. McLean Ezra, carpenter and builder, h 172 Talcott. McManus Rose, widow Patrick, laundress, h 91 Fox. McMaster Frank, liquor store, 70 North ave., h do. McNulty Barney, tanner, bds./ 133 North ave. McNulty James, baggageman, li 107 River, South Side. McNulty Thomas, emp. Dean's tannery, bds. near tannery, North ave. MEACHAM CHARLES D., carpenter, h 99 Talcott. Meacham Erastus, blacksmith, 221 North ave,, h do. MEAD & DARROW, (H. J. M. & F. A. D.) attorneys at law. Main cor. North ave. MEAD HOWARD J., (Mead & Darrow) h Main, cor. Spencer ave. Mericle Alfred, baggageman, h 200 North ave. Mericle Charles D., clerk, h 439 Main. Merritt Ephraim J., brakeman, h 167 North ave. Merrick John, salesman, h 57 Main. Metcalf Charles, miller, h 114 Central ave. Metcalf Hannah M., widow Dr. A. E., h 207 East Main. Middaugh Augustus B., carpenter, h 32 Adaline. Middaugh Elijah, retired, h off Water. Middaugh James E., laborer, h Canal Front. Miller Edith L., tailoress, bds. 88 AdaUne. Miller Lorenzo, clerk, h Central ave. Miller Mrs., widow Abram, h 405 Front. OWEGO— INSIDE CORPORATION. I33 MILLREA BROTHERS, (W. A., J. F. & T.) meat-market and grocery, 178 Front. MILLREA J. FRED, (Millrea Bros.) h 377 Main. MILLREA THOMAS, (Millrea Bros.) bds. Dugan House. MILLREA WILLIAM A., (Millrea Bros.) h 55 Paige. Mills Robert, cooper, h 102 McMaster. Minehan John, tanner, h 64 Temple. Minehan William, miller, bds. 14 W. Main. Miner William D., book-keeper 174 Front, bds. Dugan House. Mitchell Bartlett, tanner, h 107 River, South Side. Mitchell Eliza A. B., widow Henry A., bds. 153 Temple. Mitchell William J., emp. King & Co., bds. 107 River, South Side. Moak Robert T., retired carpenter,' h 130 North ave. Moffitt James R., laborer, h 117 Green. Moffitt Robert J., laborer, h 1 17 Green. Moloney Agnes K., clerk, bds. 98 Temple. Moneypenny Elizabeth, widow Robert L., resident, h 388 M^in. Monyhan George, hostler, bds. United States Hotel. Moody Winfield S., harness-maker, h 59 Main. Moon Reuben, cooper, h John R. Moore & Ross, (T. F. M. & J. S. R.) carriage and wagon manufs., 146 North ave. Moore Charles, wagon-maker, h 134 North ave. Moore Helen E. B., widow Dr. Robert, resident, h 227 Front. Moore Theodore F., (Moore & Ross) h 82 Chestnut. Moran James, well driver, bds. 89 William. Morann Thomas, blacksmith, h 105 Fox. MOREHOUSE ALLIE, art teacher, h Spencer ave. Morehouse Charles H., printer, h Spencer ave. Morehouse John, carpenter, h off Water. Morgan Delos, carpenter, h 18 Paige. Morgan William B., horse- trainer, h 607 Main. Morris Anna, widow John, bds. 104 Paige. Morris Frank, clerk, bds. no Spencer ave. Morris Patrick, laborer, h no Spencer ave. Morris Thomas, resident, bds. no Spencer ave. Morse Charles, printer, h 31 Temple. Morse Henry H., butcher and farmer, h Pumpelly, South Side, h do. Morse Mrs., resident, h 100 East ave. Morse Newell,, coal, wood and shingles, 133 Temple, h do. Morton Durwent, laborer, h 169 North ave. Morton Edward, laborer, h 215 North ave. Morton Ida E., widow G. A., h 84 North ave. Morton John, constable and tanner, h South Side. Moulton Miehael A., sewing machine repairer 10 Lake, bds. do. Mulks Frank H., emp. foundry, h 130 Chestnut. Munger Cynthia L., widow Alanson, h 285 Main. Munn Sarah E. Mrs., resident, bds. 7 George. Murray Ida Mrs., laundress, h 26 Talcott. Muzzy Cornelius, clerk, bds. 279 Main. Myers Andrew, butcher, h 6 West ave. Myers Jessie, teacher, bds. 6 West ave. Myers Philip, emp. casket works, bds. 6 West ave. 134 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Ideally Sarah F., teacher, bds. 560 Fifth ave. Neaves Edmund J., clerk, bds. Front. Nelson Bert E., drug clerk, bds. North ave. extension. Nelson James, retired, bds. 48 West Main. Nelson James, Jr., notions, 48 West Main, h do. Nelson Willa M., dressmaker, bds 21 George. Nelson WilUam, engineer, h 21 George. Newell Frank, carpenter, h 117 Central ave. Newell Friend G., cabinet-maker, rear 17 Lake, h 57 Liberty. .Newell Gilbert, resident, h 34 Fox. Newell Gilbert C., emp. foundry, bds. 77 West ave. Newell Oryin L., emp. foundry, h 77 West ave. ■*NEWGEON MARY Fj, physician, 295 Main, h do. Newiand James D., laborer, h 248 North ave. Newman Adolphus, (Newman Bros.) h 47 Temple. Newman Brothers, ( A. &,G.) dry goods and millinery, 31 and 33 Lake. Newman George, (Newman Bros.) h 47 Temple. NEWMAN SIMON, optician, h 54 Temple. Newton Charles D., printer, h 43 Talcott. Newton Frank, laborer, h 152 River, South Side. Newton George, emp. Chamberlain's boot and shoe factory, h 125 Main. Nichols George A., (Nichols & Huber) h 161 Main. Nichols Susan B., widow Thomas M., h 55 Front. Nichols Susan B. Miss, resident, bds. 55 Front. Nichols Washington, resident, h 55 Front. /NIXON CHARLES D., loan and investment, real estate and lawyer; also prop. Jenksville steam mills. Front cor. Court, bds. Ah-wa-ga House. Nixon Walter, harness-maker, h over 168 Front. N. Y., L. E. & W. R. R. Depot, Cameron B. Dean, agent, North ave., cor. Depot. Noble Asa S., carpenter, h 12 Adaline. Noonan David E., carpenter, h 96 Franklin. Noonnan Daniel, mason, h Paige. Norris Charles P., carriage-smith, h 266 Prospect. Norris George E., lamp-lighter, h 521 Front. Norris Hampton M., barber, bds. 266 Prospect. Norris Theodore, teamster, bds., Decker Block, Main. Northrop Tilly, book-canvasser, bds. 113 Chestnut. Northrop William T., painter, h 113 Chestnut. Norton Harriet A., widow Colden O., h 164 Temple. Norwood Erastus, retired, bds. 7 Hill. Nugent Mary, pastry-cook Ah-wa-ga House, bds. do. Nutt Hamer, emp. King & Co., bds. ir8 Temple. N. Y. & PA. TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO., Frank S. Blood- good, manager, 178 Main. NYE ARTHUR E., (Nye Brothers) h Fox. NYE BROTHERS, (M. G. & A. E.) bakers and confectioners, 44 Lake. NYE MELVIN G., (Nye Brothers) bds. Fox. Oakley Timothy B., counselor at law, 214 Front, h River Road. ODD FELLOWS' HALL, W. Stewart, janitor, over 80 North ave. Odell Hiram, A., engineer, h 36 George. Ogden Aaron, tobacconist, 7 I^ake, h Front. Ogden Frederic L., traveling salesman, bds. Front. OWEGO— INSIDE CORPORATION. 135 Ogden Harriet A., widow Walter, h 229 Main. Ogden Priscella C, widow Isaac, h 194 River, South Side. Ogden S. Jane, widow Jehiel, resident, h 125 Main. OHART S. JAY, att'y and counselor at law. Academy Bld'g, Court, h at Tioga Center. Ohern Bartholomew, track foreman S. C. R. R., h near tannery, North ave. Ohmar Patrick, gardener, bds. Front. Olmstead Franklin H., machinist, bds. 227 Erie. Olmstead Freeborn W., machinist, h 227 Erie. O'Neil Maggie, clerk, 61 East ave. O'Neil Michael, laborer, h 61 East ave. Orcutt J. Allan, carpenter, h 126 Chestnut. Orcutt Isaac D., bridge carpenter, h 45 Fox. O'ROURKE MICHAEL F., keeper Auburn prison, h Lake. Ostrander Edward, emp. King & Co., bds. 14 West ave. *OWEGO CRUCIFORM CASKET CO., (John Jones, pres't; J. J. Van- Kleeck, sec'y J and C. R. Heaton, treas.) burial caskets #nd under- takers' supplies, lumber, sash, doors, and blinds, 42, 44 and 46 Delphine. *OWEGO DAILY AND WEEKLY RECORD, (Scott & Watros) 172 Front. Owego Gas Light Co., A. P. Storrs, Jr., pres't, office Front cor. Lake. *OWEGO GAZETTE, (weekly) Leroy W. Kingman, editor and publisher, 28 Lake. *OWEGO IRON WORKS, Cauldwell & Gray, props., McMas.tercor. Dalton. O \5rE6O IRON \5rORKS CAULDWELL & GRAY, Proprietors. FOITXTSZl'Z' ^ITS l^IiLCXIZITE SBOFS. WE MANUFACTURE NEARLY ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS. ©ngines and ©oileps ]^epaiped ALSO MACHINE WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. We MsLUufa^oture Patent Cast Iron Sta,iida,rds and Lasts for Shoemakers' use. OWEGO NATIONAL BANK, (Charles E. Parker, pres't ; R. B. Dean, vice-pres't ; C. A. Thompson, cashier ; J. A. Bassett, teller) 6 Lake. OWEGO POSTOFFICE, F."0. Cable, postmaster. Lake. *0WEGO'tIMES, (Weekly) W. Smyth & Son, props., 193 Main. OWEGO TIMES BINDERY AND BLANK-BOOK MANUF., W. Smyth & Son, props., 193 Main. . OWEGO WATER WORKS, George Y. Robertson, sup't, 69 North ave. Owen Elias H. Mrs., h 314 Front. Padgett Gurdon E., emp. Canawanna mills, bds. Canal. Padgett William S., laborer, h off Water. Paine Thomas, saloon and restaurant, 229 North ave., h do. 136 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Park George W., carpenter^ h 74 Fox. Park Hotel, (Nichols & Huber, props.) 161 Main. PARKER CHARLES E., county judge, surrogate, and att'y at law, pres't Owego National Bank, Court House, h 108 Main. PARKER STELLA, widow John M., h 113 Front. Parmelee Alburn S., manager Western Union and Erie telegraph offices, Erie Depot, h 77 Liberty. PARMELEE ALBURN W., (Beach & Parmelee) h Main. Parmeter Edward, lumber, h 3 Spruce. Parris Stephen, billiards, h 206 Front. Partridge Frank J., soapmaker, h George. Partridge John F., resident, h 48 George. Partridge John F., Jr., soapmaker, bds. 48 George. Partridge Walter B., clerk, bds. 48 George. Partridge William J., baggageman S.C. R. R. depot, h 91 Talcott. Patghard Gordon, laborer, h Canal. Patrick George W., resident, bds. Park Hotel. Payne Frank A., hack driver, bds. Central ave. PAYNE FRANK F., printer, bds. Main. Payne John, gardener, h 256 Prospect. Payne William A.., porter Ah-wa-ga House, bds. do. Peabody Oliver A., harness-maker, h 19 John. PEARSALL ANDREW T., physician and surgeon, Taylor Block, h Main ■ cor. Spencer ave. Pearsall Dwight, engineer, h 192, North ave. Pearsall Gilbert, medical student, bds. Main cor. Spencer ave. PEARSALL RANSOM S., justice of the peace, over 168 Front, h in Apalachin. PeasQ George, shoemaker, 160 North ave./h do. Pease Johanna, widow David, bds. 56 George. Peck Ezra J., prmcipal of academy and supt. of schools, h 104 Main. Peck Nancy M., widow Rev. Philetus B., h 347 Main. Peck Sarah N., resident, bds. 347 Main. Peck William A., resident, h 105 Talcott. Pelham John W., cooper, h 39 Temple. Pelham William, cooper, bds. 133 North ave. PELLUM MARGARET MRS., shampooer of ladies' hair, also hair worker, h 459 Main. Penney Ella G., book keeper, bds. 59 Spencer ave. Penney Joseph H., cutter, h 59 Spencer ave. PENNY CORNELIUS S., bridge carpenter, h 16 Adaline. Penny Frederick C, clerk, h 31 Church. Perkins Frederick, carpenter, h 21 Fulton. Perrine Joanna, widow John K., h Buckbee Block. Perry Harley, emp. foundry, bds. 1 1 8 Temple. Perry John M., blacksmith, h 30 Temple. Perry Lottie A., teacher. South Side, bds. do. Perry William H., carpenter, h South Side. Pert Thomas, express messenger, h 31 Front. Pert William, tel. op., bds. 31 Front. Peters William, resident, h 162 McMaster. PETERSON PETER C, (Buckbee, Peterson, Wood & Co.) h i6 Ross. Phelps E. B., retired physician and surgeon. Front cor. Paige. OWEGO— INSIDE CORPORATION. 137 Phillips Augustus H., retired, bds. 113 Franklin. Phillips Betie, clerk, bds. 68 Adaline. Phillips Came, clerk, bds. 228 Front. Phillips James H., bridge carpenter, h 68 Adaline. Phillips William H., gardener, bds. 68 Adaline. Pike Augusta, widow Horace, h 8 W. Main. Pinney Hammon D., books, stationery and wall-paper, 45 Lake, h 437 Front. Pippett Mary, widow James, laundress, h loi Fox. PITCHER DANIEL M., wool, hides and pelts, 175 Front, h 325 Main. Pitcher Lena, resident, h over Lake cor. Main. Plakenpol John, farmer, h n Dean's Tannery. PLATT FREDERICK E., cashier Tioga Nat. Bank, h 256 Main. Piatt George, resident, h 33 Church. Piatt George Mrs., cancer specialist, h 33 Church. Piatt Henry B., (Gere, Truman, Piatt & Co.) rooms 33 Park. Piatt Harry P., supt. for Gere, Truman, Piatt & Co., bds. Court. Poltzen Peter, piano-maker, h 11 Dean's Tannery. Porter Frances S., widow Rev. George P., bds. 322 Main. Postal Telegraph and Cable Co., (C. W. Daggett, mgr.) 40 Lake. Potter Asa N., retired, h 87 Main. Potter Isaac L., carpenter, h loo Chestnut. Powell William, gardener, h Front. Powell Williajn H., jeweler, bds. Front. Prendergast John, pattern-maker, h 78 Paige. Prendergast John, Jr., resident, bds. 78 Paige. Pride Eliza, widow William, h Water. Prime Aaron P., gardener, h Constine's lane. Pritchard Albert J., clerk, h Spencer Block, Lake. Probert Daniel, laborer, bds. Canal. Probert Emma, dressmaker, bds. Canal. Pultz Frank, photographer, bds. 38 Lake. Pultz Griffin, locomotive engineer, h 5 1 Fox. Pultz Griffin, Jr., music teacher, bds. 5 1 Fox. Purapelly Caroline A., resident, bds. 113 Front. Pumpelly -Gurdon H., wholesale leaf tobacco dealer, and farmer 250, h Pura- pelly, South Side. Pumpelly James F., real estate dealer and farmer, h Pumpelly, South Side. Purdy Emma D., music teacher, bds. 147 Main. Purple George B., expressman, h 102 Liberty. Purple Jasper L., contractor, h 99 Franklin. Putnam Archibald, painter, h 425 Main. Putnam Frederick, (Leverson & Putnam) h Malin. Putnam Frederick J., painter, h 427 Main. Putnam Jennie C, milliner, bds! 425 Main. Putnam Louis H., house-painter and music teacher, bds. 425 Mam. Putney Cyrus, shoemaker, h 97 Paige. Quetschenbach Anna, widow Walter, h 269 Erie. Quetschenbach Grace, dressmaker, 269 Erie, bds. do. Quetschenbach Joseph, cigarmaker, bds. 269 Erie. Quinn Ann, resident, h 88 South Depot. Quinn Frank, laborer, bds. 18 West Main. Quinn Julia, dressmaker, bds. 18 West Main. Quinn Richard, brakeman, h 5 Fox. 138, OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Rader Lawrence W., plumber, h South Side. Rady Kate E., widow Hugh, dressmaker, h 124 Paige. Randall Frank, carpenter, h 607 Main. Randall Samuel, carpenter, h 607 Main. Ransom John, laborer, h 1 1 1 Paige. Ransom Margaret, widow Robert, h 115 Fox. Rapp Charles F., salesman, bds. Dugan House. RAYMOND & EMERY (F. L. R. and D. H. E.) carriage and wagon manufrs., Central ave. cor. Temple. Raymond Chauncey L., mgr. of store for Mary F. Raymond, h 199 Main. RAYMOND FRANK L., (Raymond & Emery) h 29 Fox. Raymond George C, carriage-maker, h 72 McMaster. Raymond Mary F., groceries and meats, 199 Main, h do. Raymond Mrs., resident, h 64 Spencer ave. Raymond William B., clerk, bds. Ah-wa-ga House. Raymond WilUam B., farmer 75, h 228 Main. Raymond William W., clerk, bds. over 199 Main. Ready James, laborer, h 149 Erie. Redding Hugh, dyeing and cleaning, 65 Central ave., h McMaster. REED SARAH, widow Timothy C, resident, h 26 Ross. Regaii Edward, bartender, bds. 16 Lake. Regan Jane, widow Thomas, resident, h 109 Paige. Regan Jerry, cigarmakerj h 99 Erie. Regan John, saloon and restaurant 16 Lake, h do. Relyea Andrew, carpenter, h 26 Fulton. REN WICK WILLIAM C, (Battelle & Renwick of New York city) h 79 Front. Reynolds Peter^ carpenter, h 270 North ave. Reynolds Smith, peddler, bds. 133 North ave. Rhinevault Myron, blacksmith rear 81 North ave., h 53 Talcott. Rice Catherine, resident, h 65 Adaline. Rich George E., (Dorwin, Stone & Rich) h 40 Front. Richards & Doyle (W. N. R. & P. J. D.) wholesale and retail liquors, 168 Front. Richards William N., (Richards & Doyle) bds. Ah-wa-ga House. • Richardson Wesley L., carpenter, 557 Front. Rightraire Charles H., carpenter, h 17 George. Rigney Thomas, harness-maker, bds. 64 South depot. Riley & Gillett, (M. R. & L. W. G.) blacksmiths, 140 Front. Riley George, blacksmith, h 140 Central ave. Riley James, laborer, h Constine's lane. Riley James, blacksmith 81 North, h 34 Main. Riley Martin, (Riley & Gillett) h 27 Fox. Ringrose Ellen, widow Patrick, h 117 Franklin. Ringrose John, clerk, bds. 117 Franklin. Ringrose Thomas J., printer, bds. 117 Franklin. Ringrose William E., (Shaw & Ringrose) bds. 117 Franklin. RIPLEY HENRY C, (Lyon & Ripley) h 359 Main. Ripley Sarah P., resident, h 53 Paige. Roach David, blacksmith, h 113 Spencer ave. Roach Ellen, widow David, h 100 Spencer ave. Roache David, laborer, h 231 Temple. Roak Alvin P., salesman. 198 Front, bds. Main. OWEGO— INSIDE CORPORATION. 1 39 Roberts J., traveling salesman, bds. 67 Central ave. Roberts Lincoln, emp. drill shop, bds. 67 Central ave. Robertson Frank W., bds. 123 North ave. ROBERT'SON GEORGE Y., supt. water works, h 489 Main. Robertson Jason J., street commissioner, h 79 Talcott. Robertson A. Jerry, chief of police, h 123 North ave. Robertson Peter, gardener, h 489 Main. Robertson Peter J., emp. Erie freight-house, h 26 John. Robertson Ralph H., clerk, h 9 Spruce. Robertson Will P., emp. foundry, bds. 79 Talcott. Robinson Alexander, laborer, h 98 Fox. Robinson Alvin T., carpenter, h Adaline. Robinson Bert E., emp. casket company, bds. AdaUne. Robinson Charles, harness-maker, bds. 177 Main. Robinson Edwin, moulder, bds. 115 Temple. Robinson Elvira, widow J. Owen, bds. Adaline. Robinson George, laborer, h 121 Green. Robinson George, carpenter, h 115 Temple. Robinson George, (Lyon & Robinson) h over 187 Main. Robinson Jacob H., blacksmith and farmer 61, h 552 Main. Robinson James V., bar-tender, h North ave. cor. Fox. Robinson Martin V., clerk, bds. Adaline. Robinson Matthew, saloon, 20 Lake, bds. Dugan House. Robinson William, constable, h 109 North ave. Rockwell Marvin, emp. foundry, h 116 Chestnut. RODMAN CHARLES, county sheriff and produce. Front, and Main cor. Court, h do. Rodman Edward D., deputy sheriff and produce dealer, Main cor. Court, hdo. Rogers Arthur L., saloon, 152 Front, h do. Rogers Elias H., emp. drill works, h Fox cor. Central ave. Rogers James T., assistant postmaster, bds. Ah-wa-ga House. Roland John, laborer, bds. near tannery, North ave. Roll Joseph, cigar-maker, bds. 269 Erie. ROMINE CHARLES F., house, sign, fresco and decorative painter and paper-hanger, 1,21 Erie, h do. Romine Clarence W., painter and paper-hanger, T19 Chestnut, h do. ROMINE DEMOSTHENES, piano-varnisher, h 279 Prospect. ROMINE EDWIN B., house-painting and decorating. Opera House Block, h 95 Fox. Romine Joseph, painter, bds. 119 Chestnut. . _ ROMINE PERCIVAL H., scenic, fresco, ornamental and house-pamtmg, paper-hanging, etc., 81 Fox, h do. Romine Samuel L., painter, h 104 Fox. Rose Jane,, widow Albin, h 164 Temple. Ross AUie M., dressmaker, 42 William, bds. do. Ross Delia, widow Horatio, h 42 William. Ross Ed. L., machinest, bds. 93 West ave. Ross John S., (Moore & Ross) bds. Ah-wa-ga House. Ross Oliver L., salesman, h 492 Main. Ross William E., laborer, h 15 Fox. Rounsville Caroline E., widow Charles J., resident, bds. 15 tront. Rowe Henry W., clerk, h oveir 19 Main. I40 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Rowe Joseph, blacksmith, h loo Liberty. Rowe Louise, clerk, bds. Front. Rowe M. & G., (Mary & Gussie) dressmakers, 192 Front, h do. Rubert Charles B., jeweler, bds. Dugan House. Rumph David, lather, h 217 North ave. Russell Howard A., emp. Erie R. R., h 54 Fox. Russell Van Ness, retired, h g i Talcott. Ryan Annis, widow Thomas, h Canal. Ryan Charlotte, widow Joseph, resident, h near Dean's tannery. Ryan Michael, laborer, hi? Park. Ryan Patrick, laborer, h 19 West ave. Ryan Thomas E., moulder, h 65 George. Ryan William, machinist, bds. Canal. Sackett Hattie, teacher, bds. 100 Front. Sackett MaryT., widow Charles, resident, h 100 Front. Sackett Richard G., express messenger, bds. 45 Front. Saltsman George, clerk, bds. 488 Main. Sample Arche, laborer, h 493 Front. SamuelsYetta, widow Jacob, h 60 Spencer ave. Sanford Dayton M., clerk, h to8 Liberty. San ford William Rev., African M. E. Zion church, bds. 106 Paige. Saxton Edward, carpenter, h 96 Liberty. SCHNEPPER JACOB, supt. Canawanna mill, h Water. SCHOONMAKER CHRISTOPHER K, (Buckbee, Peterson, Wood & Co.) bds. 313 Main. Schoonmaker John, cooper, h Railroad. Schoonmaker John, cooper, h 1 1 2 Liberty. Schopp Francis A., mason, bds. Pumpelly, South Side. Schopp John P., gardener, bds. Pumpelly, South Side. Schopp Peter, mason and farmer, h Pumpelly, South Side. Schopp Stephen M., farmer, bds. Pumpelly, South Side. Schopp William T., farmer, bds. Pumpelly, South Side. SCOTT & WATROS, (C. S. Scott and O. J. Watros) publishers Owego Record, 172 Front. Scott Charles, farmer with his brother Edmund 250, h 6 Adaline. SCOTT CLAYTON S., (Scott & Watros) h William. Scott George, cartman, h 206 North ave. Scott Lee, laborer, h 531 Front. Scott Lizzie, teacher, bds. 6 Adeline. Scott Harriet, resident, h Fox cor. Central ave. Scrafford Robert, janitor, h 226 North ave. Searles John T., (J. T. Searls & Son) h over 136 North ave. Searles J. T. & Son, (Louie F.) groceries and provisions, 136 North ave. Searles Lot, carpenter, h 97 Central ave. Searles Louie F., (J. T. Searles & Son) h 119 West ave. SEARS JOHN G., district attorney. Lake cor. Main, h 56 Front. Seely Lewis, boarding, 133 North ave. SETTEL LYMAN L., atty. at law, Postoffice Bldg.,bds. Ah-wa-ga House. Severn Franklin L., bridge builder, h 318 Front. Severson & Putnam, (G. R. S. and F. P.) saloon and pool-room, 78 North ave. Severson & Williamson, (G. S. & C. W.) saloon 53 North ave. Severson Edward, steward Ah-wa-ga House, bds. do. Severson George, (Severson & Williamson) h Main cor. Forsyth. OWEGO— INSIDE CORPORATION. i^i Severson George R., (Severson & Putnam) h 417 Main. Severson Mary, dressmaker, bds. 417 Main. SEYMOUR LOUISA L., widow Dr. Elias W., 113 North ave. h do Shanahan Patrick H., clerk, h 87 Liberty. Shaughnessy Luke, marble-worker, h 100 McMaster. Shaw & Dean, (C. E. S. and C. R. D.) merchant millers, no Central ave Shaw & Rmgrose (E. ;. S. and W. E. R.) wholesale and retail grocers, Lake cor. Main. Shaw Charles E., (Shaw & Dean) h 276 Main. Shaw Elmer J., (Shaw & Ringrose) h Church. Shaw William, farmer, h South Side. SHAW WILLIAM H., saloon, 156 Front, h do. Shay Bridget, widow Henry, h 89 Paige. Shay James, laborer, bds. 113 Erie. Shay John, clerk, bds. 44 Fox. Shay John, laborer, h 113 Erie. Shay Maggie, tailoress, bds. 44 Fox. Shay Mary A., dressmaker, bds. 113 Erie. Shay Nellie, tailoress, bds. 44 Fox. Shay Owen, railroad car inspector, h 44 Fox. Shays George, meat market, 82 North ave., also fish market 84* do., h 60 West ave. Shays Jonas, groceries and provisions, 72 North ave, h 63 McMaster. Shays Lucinda, widow Hiram, h 60 West ave. Shays Rilla, bookkeeper, bds. 60 West ave. Shea John, laborer, h 505 Front. Shea William, emp. Cobweb Bottling Works, bds. Chestnut. Shehan Timothy, mason, h 105 Paige. Sheldon & Yates, (W. H. S. and A. Y.) groceries and provisions, 131 North ave. Sheldon Erastus, sawfiler, h over 131 North ave. Sheldon William H., (Sheldon & Yates) h 117 CentraLave. Shepard W. Henry, carpenter, h Main. Sheridan Robert E., moulder, h 395 "Main. Sherlock Robert J., tailor, h 524 Main. Sherman Frederick S., farmer, h South Side. Sherman Harriet, widow Reuben, h South Side. Shields James, section foreman Erie R. R., h 566 Fifth ave. Shipman Ernest R., clerk, bds. Adaline. Shipman Prosper, emp. Gere, Truman, Piatt & Co., h Adaline. Shipman Rufus, emp. Gere, Truman, Piatt & Co., h 131 Talcott. Shuler Andrew, clerk, bds. 147 Talcott. Shupp Lawrence, shoemaker, 18 Lake, h do. SIBLEY OLIVER P., (Stiles & Sibley) also produce dealer, and larmer 100, h g6 Chestnut. SIGNOR ALBERT, pianos, organs and spring-beds, 207 Front, h Fifth ave. Signer Loreta, saleswoman, bds. Fifth ave. Simmons George, stationary engineer, bds. off North ave. n S. C. R. R. round-house. Simmons John, emp. Casket Factory, bds. off North ave. n S. C. R. R. round-house. Sinon Patrick, laborer, bds. 103 Erie. Sinon Robert, laborer, h 103 Erie. 142 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Sinon Susan, widow John, h 67 Erie. Sisson Cornelia, widow, h over 102 North ave. Sisson Sarah, teacher, h over 102 North ave. Sisson William D., carpenter, h 18 Fulton. Skeels Frederick, resident, h over 64 North ave. Skeels Irving D., postal clerk, h over 17 Lake. Skellenger Emma E., dressmaker, 5 1 Forsyth, h do. Skellenger James C, moulder, bds. 73 George. Skellenger Martin E., conductor, h 73 George. Skellinger William H , brakeman, h 5 1 Forsyth. Skillman David, mason, h 219 North ave. Skinner Emily, widow Charles P., resident, h 80 Main. SLATER FRANK B., variety store and job printing, 75 Paige cor. Tem- ple, h do. Slater Phoebe A., widow David, bds. 75 Paige. Slocum Ethan A., emp. drill works, h W. Main near Mill. Smead David J., harness-maker 150 Front, h 49 Temple. Smith Catherine, widow Silas J., laundress, h Gere. SMITH CHARLES F., groceries, bds. Central House. Smith Charles W. H., book-keeper Lake, h 99 Green. Smith Chauncey G., tailbr, h 443 Main. Smith Edward, moulder, bds 79 George. Smith Enos', resident, bds. 229 Main. SMITH FRED W., milk products and farm produce, 38 Lake, h Fifth ave. Smith George W., laborer, h 79 George. Smith George W., laborer, h-2oS North ave. Smith Hannah, widow Philip, resident, h 32 Temple. SMITH HATTIE A., art teacher, bds. 443 Main. Smith Herbert, clerk, bds. 73 Liberty. Smith James L., hats, caps, robes, &c., 8 Lake, also book-keeper 190 Front, h 15 John. Smith John, laborer, h 94 Fox. Smith John, laborer, h 220 North ave. Smith Jonathan M , clerk, h Main. Smith Joseph W., (Smith & McCaslin) h River, South Side. Smith Julius, baggageman, h 21 Fox. SMITH LEWIS, blacksmith 168 North ave., h 96 Temple. Smith Patty A., widow Milo, h 18 William. Smith Philip, emp. foundry, bds. 32 Temple. Smith Samuel H., freight agent Erie R. R., h 30 Paige. Smith Samuel L., hatter, h 23 John. Smith William, blacksmith, bds. 96 Temple. Smith William E., ice peddler, bds. 117 North ave. Smith William H., engineer, h 59 West ave. Smith William L., blacksmith, bds. 96 Temple. Smullen Edward, laborer, h 26 W. Main. SMYTH WILLIAM & SON, (William A.) props. Owego Times, and bind- ery and blank-book mnfy., 193 Main. SMYTH WILLIAM, (WilUam Smyth & Son) h no Temple cor. Church. SMYTH WILLIAM A,, (William Smyth & Son) h 70 Church. Snyder George, life insurance, h over 63 North ave. Solomon Eleanor P., widow William C, h 32 William. Solomon Cecil, emp. casket company, bds. 32 William. OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. 143 Somers Daniel T., carpenter, h 130 Talcott. Soper Frances, wid. Frederick, h 123 Green. Southerland Washington R., resident, h 134 Talcott. SOUTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD DEPOT, Delphine. Spaulding Enoch R., barber, 47 Lake, h 63 Spencer ave. Spaulding Francis, barber, bds. 63 Spencer ave. Spaulding Harriet-S., widow John, h 65 East ave. Spaulding Harry B., apprentice, bds. 65 East ave. SPEERS WILLIAM S., hay and general produce, 207 North ave., h 52 Church. Spelecy Thomas, R. R. track foreman, h 96 South Depot. Spelecy William, laborer, bds. 96 South Depot. SPENCER WILLIAM H., pianos, organs and sewing machines, h 220 East Temple. SPORER, CARLSON & BERRY, (F. S., O. M. C. & J. B.) piano manufs. and dealers in musical merchandise, 58 North ave. SPORER FRANCIS M., (Sporer, Carlson & Berry) h 97 Main.* Sprague Rowland, 'bus-driver, bds. Ah-wa-ga House. Spring Liba G., resident, h 65 East ave. Sprong Eugene, resident, h 254 North ave. Sprong Hannah J., widow John V., h 12 Talcott. STANBROUGH JOHN B., hardware and stoves, 180 Front, h do. Stanbrough Lyman T., lawyer, bds. Front. *STARKEY & WINTERS, (J. C. S. & E. W.) drugs and medicines, cor. Front and Lake. STARKEY & WINTERS, The Prescription Department is in charge of a graduate of the College of Pharmacy, of the City of New York, and who was formerly with Caswell. Hazard & Co., of that city. Since taking the Ely Drug Store, they have estahHshed a reputation for sMMfulness and accuracy in selecting, manufacturing and dispensing Drugs and Medicines, which has gainedl for them the entire confidence of the public. COR. FRONT AND LAKE STS., Persons out of town can order by mail or telephone. OWEGO, N. y. STARKEY EMMA A., (Starkey & Winters) widow Dr. John E., bds. 3 Park. Starr A. Loreha, book-keeper, 15 Lake, bds. 290 Main. STARR CHARLES P., jeweler, 15 Lake, h 290 Main. STEARNS PHINEAS S., physician, bds. Park Hotel. Stebbins Ann E., widow Charles, h 560 Fifth ave. STEBBINS BARNEY M., insurance and real estate, 34 Lake, h 33. Paige. Stebbins Charles L., traveling salesman, bds. 560 Fifth ave. Stebbins Fanny, teacher, bds. 560 Fifth ave. Stebbins George M., book-keeper, 34 Lake, bds. South Side. Stebbins John E., resident, bds. South Side. Stebbins William M., resident, h South Side. Steele Don, book-keeper Owego Nat. Bk., h over Cole's, clothing store, Lake. 144 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. Steele G, Odell, groceries and provisions, 177 Front, h 30 Ross. Steele John F., harness-maker, h 164 Temple. Steen Bert, coachman, bds. Canal. Steen Stogdill S., farmer, h near Dean's tannery. STEEVENS NORTON A., foreman Champion Wagon Works, h 90 Chest- nut. STEPHENS W. HENRY, mechanic, h 577 Front. Stevens Alexander, laborer, h 63 North ave. Stevens Charles J., erap. grain drill works, h near tannery. North ave. Stevens Frank Mrs., resident, h 105 North ave. Stevens John, piano-maker, h Canal. Stevens Romeo, shoemaker, h 32 John. Stever Alvin C, resident, h over 167 Main. Stever Amanda E. Mrs., dressmaker, over 78 North ave., h do. STEVER PETER, butcher, 74 North ave., h over do. Stewart James W., minstrel performer, Constine's Lane. Stewart Wilmot L., soap-maker, h 28 Temple. STILES Sz: SIBLEY, (F. H. S. & O. P. S.) agricultural implements, North ave. Stiles Charles L., physician and surgeon, 228 Front, h do. Stiles George, clerk, bds. 67 Central ave. Stiles Mary, resident, bds. 206 Front. Stillman Phineas, harness-maker, bds. Decker Block, Main. Stockwell R., harness maker, bds. Decker Block, Main. Stone Eli W., teller Tioga Nat. Bank, h Front. Stone James T., (Dorwin, Rich & Stone) h Front. Stone William P., retired merchanti h Front. Storm Cora, teacher, bds. 36 Adaline. Storm Elias P., farmer, leases of E. Brown 25, h 36 Adaline. Storm Elizabeth, widow Jonn C, resident, h 42 George. Storm John C, carpenter, bds. 42 George. Storms George, cartman, h 25 Adaline. STORRS AARON P., (Storrs, Chatfield & Co.) h River, South Side. STORRS AARON P., Jr., (Storrs, Chatfield & Co.) h River, South Side. STORRS, CHATFIELD & CO., (A. P. S., J. R. C, A. P. S., Jr., and G. S. C.) hardware, Front cor. Lake. Stout Richard S., resident, h 212 E. Temple. STRAIT EDWARD E., (Coburn & -Strait) h King Block, Lake. Strait Julia A., widow William, bds. 48 Talcott. Strait Seeley P., resident, h 190 E. Temple. Strang Anna L., widow Charles R., resident, h 83 Paige. Strang Benjamin H., teamster, h 20 Talcott. STRANG GEORGE H., teaming, h 47 Talcott. STRATTON EDWIN, (Hastings & Stratton), h 383 Front. Straus Alfred M., clerk, bds. 147 Main. Straus Julius L , prop. "New York Bazaar," ladies' furnishing goods, 43 Lake,h 147 Main. Strong Lewis, carpenter, h 258 North ave. Sullivan Ellen, widow John, resident, h Temple. Sullivan Frank, resident, bds. i Temple. Sullivan Hannah, widow Nathaniel, cook, h 87 Fox. Sullivan James, contractor and builder, 58 Liberty, h do. Sullivan William, salesman, bds. i Temple. OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. 145 Swartout Abrain, emp. foundry, h 159 Temple. Swartout Caroline, teacher, bds. 159 Temple. Swartout Helen, teacher, bds. 159 Temple. Swartwout George W., laborer, h 70 Fox. Sweeney Dennis J., painter, bds. 137 Erie. Sweeney Edward F., fireman, h 50 Delphine. Sweeney James, book-keeper, h 126 Fox. Sweeney John, brakeman, bds. t8o North ave. Sweeney John E., saloon, 88 North ave., bds. 126 Fox. Sweeney Kate, widow Edward, h 180 North ave. Sweeney Maggie G., tailoress, bds. 137 Eri6. Sweeney Margaret, widow Thomas, h loi Erie. Sweeney Margaret L., widow Dennis, h 137 Erie. Sweeney Matie L., book-keeper. Lake, bds. 137 Erie. Sweeney Michael, laborer, bds. loi Erie. Sweeney Michael, engineer, h 180 North ave. Sweeney Thomas, laborer, bds. 101 Erie. SWEET BROS. (J. R. and est. of G. W.), boots and shoes, 54 North ave. SWEET JOHN R., (Sweet Bros.) h over 54 North ave. Sweet Rose E., widow George W., livery, rear 64 and 68 North ave., h over 64 do. , Sweig Saul, tailor, bds. 93 Liberty. Sykes Maria B., widow Edward, boarding-house. 313 Main. SYKES THEODORE P., carpenter, h 52 Liberty. Talcott Francis B., harness-maker, h 67 Paige. Talcott George, farmer 70, h North ave. cor. Talcott. Talcott Harriet, widow William C, h 363 Front. Tate Emma, teacher, bds. 5 1 Front. Taylor Alonzo A., gardener, h John R. Taylor Annie M., widow James E., h 194 River, South Side. Taylor Daniel G., retired, h 317 Front. Taylor Ellen, tailoress, bds. 73 Liberty. Taylor James H., book-keeper Campbell's Tannery, bds. Front cor. Paige. Taylor James R., blacksmith, bds. South Side. TAYLOR JOHN J., lawyer, Front cor. Court, h Front. TAYLOR JOHN L., resident, h 377 Front. Taylor Julia, widow William C, h over 100 North ave. Taylor Susan, widow James, resident, h 41 Fox. Taylor Robert J., fancy goods and notions, bds. 377 Front. Temple M. D. Mrs., widow Austin J., h 125 Main. Tench Richard, emp. Dean's tannery, h near tannery, North ave. Terrill L. Fontenell, contractor, h 100, Franklin. TERWILLIGER BENJAMIN D., mason and bricklayer, h 120 North ave. Terwilliger Jesse E., brick-mason, h 305 Prospect. Thatcher Sumner, locomotive engineer, h 137 North ave. Thayer Arthur P., emp. Gere, Truman, Piatt & Co., h 44 Adaline. Thayer William, harness-maker, h Main. *THE OWEGO MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, J. J. Van Kleeck, sec'y, 30 Lake. THOMAS ALEXANDER J., florist and green-house. Main h do. THOMAS CHARLES C, retired, h 322 Main. Thomas Ida C, teacher, bds. 44 Talcott. Thomas Lewis, mail-carrier, h over 59 North ave. 10 146 OWEGO — INSIDE CORPORATION. THOMAS MOSES H., dealer in the "Bradley" reapers, mowers and horse- rakeSj full line of Syracuse chilled plows, cultivaters, and sulky plows, the "clipper" chilled, reversible and sulky plows, of Elmira, and a gene- ral line of agricultural implements, 64 Temple, h 112 Liberty. Thomas Samuel H., hotel and restaurant 54 South Depot, h do. Thomas William H., saloon and restaurant, 154 North ave., h do. Thomas William W., farmer 60, h 44 Talcott. Thomas Wilnettie, teacher, bds. 44 Talcott. , Thompson A. Chase, (G. T. Sons & Co.) h loi Front. Thompson Ambrose B., machine shop 62 Temple, h 93 West ave. THOMPSON ANTHONY D., excise comraissioner,andErie R. R. conductor, h 382 Main. THOMPSON CLARENCE A., cashier Owego Nat. Bank, h 18 Front. Thompson George H., book-keeper Gere, Truman, Piatt & Co., bds. 311 Main . Thompson George W., laborer, h 105 Green. Thompson Harry G., clerk Owego Nat. Bank, bds. E. Main. Thompson John M., sewing machines and organs, 107 North ave., bds. do.. Thorington Levi, gardener, h 178 River, South Side. Thorn Warren, teamster, bds. 8 W. Main. , Thornton Jeremiah, basket-maker, h 32 W. Main. THURSTON CHESTER P., grocery, 176 Front, and village clerk, h 145 Temple. Thurston George, farmer, h 105 North ave. Thurston Frederick G., groceries and fish, 130 North ave., h over iii do. Thurston George S. clerk, bds. over 63 North ave. Thurston William C, clerk, h over 63 North ave. Tickner Byron J., harness-maker, bds. Dugan House. Tierney Charles, harness-maker, h over 17 Lake. Tilbury Edgar E., clerk, h Temple. Tilbury Edward, emp. L. Matson, h North ave. Tillotson James E., confectionery and cigars, 86 North ave., h Temple cor. Spencer ave. TINKHAM HARRIET, widow David P., h 127 N-orth ave. Tinkham Lois, widow Standish S., h 120 North ave. TIOGA NATIONAL BANK OF OWEGO, (T. C. Piatt, prest., F. K Piatt, cashier) 199 Front. Tomkins Eber L., postal clerk, bds. Ah-wa-ga House. Towsand Alva, emp. Erie freight house, h 103 Spencer ave. Towsand Jeremiah, brakeman, h 67 McMaster. Tracy Ellen P., widow George W., resident, h 57 Central ave. Treat Betsey, widow Sylvester, h Decker Block, Main. Trimnell John, laborer, h 100 Spencer ave. Tripp Daniel, watch repairer lo Lake, h do. Tripp Frank, painter, h 204 North ave. Truax Anna E , widow Isaac R., h 91 Liberty. Truesdell Lewis W., tinsmith, plumber, &c., h 64 McMaster. Truman Benjamin L., groceries 182 Front, h 329 Main. Truman Emily M., widow Lyman, h Front. TRUMAN FRANCIS W., (Gere, Truman, Piatt & Co ) h Front. TRUMAN G. SONS & CO., (G. & G. Truman, Jr., and A. Chase Thomp- son) produce, 174 Front. OWEGO— INSIDE CORPORATION. 147 TRUMAN GEORGE (Truman, Sons & Co.) also prest. First Nat. Bank, h 374 Pront. TRUMAN GEORGE, Jr., (Truman, Sons & Co.) bds. 374 Front. Truman Gilbert T., county supt. of the poor, h 391 Front. Truman,' Stephen S., clerk., bds. Main. J"RUMAN WILLIAM S., cashier First Nat. Bank, h 347 Front. Trutchey Erastus, express driver, h 45 Temple. Tuch Isaac, dry and fancy goods, 198 Front, h 54 Temple. Tuch Louis, retired, bds. 60 Spencer ave. Tuch Meyer H., variety store, 202 Front, h 317 E. Main. Tuch Morris R., salesman, bds. 54 Temple. Tuck George, manager Whiteson's clothing store. Front, h 264 Main. Tucker Oren, drayman, h 57 Adaline. Turner Edwin B., retired Congregjttional clergyman, h 371 Main, Tuthill Demon C, retired, h 121 Temple. Tuttle Joel A., produce, h 21 Fulton. Tuttle Minnie, milliner, bds. 92 Adaline. Tuttle Wilbert, emp. foundry, h 92 Adaline. Tuttle William H., emp, foundry, h 92 Adaline. Tyler Isaiah, laborer, h South Side. United States Express Co., F. F. Hutchins, agent, 34 Lake. Upham Macus K., carpenter, h 5 Temple. UPTON ALBERT H., sup't Dean's tarinery, bds. 279 Main. VanAuken Alvin, hack-driver, h 22 John. VanAuken Benjamin, hackman, h 72 Central ave. VanAuken Russell, porter Central House, bds. do. VanBrunt Henry, carpenter, h 20 Temple. VanBrunt Margaret, widow William, h 20 Temple. VanBuren Elmer L., stage-driver, h 23 Temple. VanDemark Rebecca, widow James, bds. 27 Adaline. VanDerlip Wesley W., brakeman, h 16S Temple. VanFleet James, mason, h Blade building. VanGorder Elizabeth, widow Charles E., h 118 Paige. VanGorder Fred C, machinist, h 118 Paige. *VAN KLEECK JOHN J., county clerk, fire and life insurance, sec'y Cruci- form Casket Co.,western loans and investments, Court House, h 228 Main. J. J. '%7'A.:iv Kir^EjEjOK:, X^ipe. Ir)su2?e[r)ce etrjd. r\E> ooRr»oieiVTio]v. {For explanations, etc., see page 3, part second^ (Postoffice address is Owego, unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.) Ahem Daniel, (Apalachin) r 69, book-keeper. Akerly Charles, (Campville) r 54, laborer. Akerly Jerry, (Campville) r 54, laborer. Aldrich Aaron, (Apalachin) r 81, farmer. ■ Aldrich Charles, (Apalachin) off r 81, farm laborer. Aldrich Charles E., r 95, farmer with his mother Minerva H. Aldrich Frederick, (Apalachin) retired, h Main. Aldrich Heman B., (Apalachin) resident, bds. Main. STARKEV Sc IJTINXERS, promptly fill Mall and Telephone Orders. 152 OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. Aldrich Melvin O.. r 95, farmer 20. Aldrich Minerva H., r 96, widow Olney, farm 50. Alger Phineas, r 56^, cooper. Allen John, (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, farm laborer. Allen Reuben, (Flemingville) r 4, retired farmer. Ames Lydia, (Apalachin) r 80, resident. AMES PHINEAS N., r 65, farmer 6. Anaville Charles, r 117, farmer, leases of Mr. Thomas 130. Andrews Romeo, r 40, butcher and cattle dealer. Arinable Jarvis B., r 95, farmer 50. Anson Mary, (Apalachin) widow Amos, resident, h Main. Appleby Francis, (Union Broome Co.) r 30, farm laborer. Arnold George, (Apalachin) r 70, farm laborer. Ayer Mary A., (Apalachin) widow Isaac, resident, h Main. Ayer Warren, (Apalachin) r 83, farmer 125. Ayers Charles, r 94, physician. Ayers Loren F., r 94, farmer. Bailey James, r 42, farmer 82. Bailey Thomas, r 42, farmer. Bakeman David, (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, farmer 3. Bakeman Philip, (Gaskill's Corners) r 12, farmer 95. Baker Albert E., r 54, farmer for C. LaMonte. Baker Charles, (Apalachin) carpenter, h Ferry. Baker E. Vandaber, (Flemingville) r 6, farmer 54, and in Newark Valley 25. Baker William, (Flemingville) r 6, farm laborer. Ballard James, (Campville) r 54, peddler. Ballou Hartwell M., r 12, wagon-maker, carpenter and farmer 25. Ballou Wendell D., r 56J, music teacher. Banney John F., (Apalachin) r 103, farmer with his father Ransom. Barker Chauncey, (Apalachin) r 113, farmer 30. Barker Chauncey, jr., r 113, farmer 36. Barker Simeon, (Apalachin) r 113, farmer. Barnes Newton W. Rev., (Apalachin) pastor M. E. Church, h Church. Barnes Reed A., r 67, farmer 75. Barney E. Allen, (Apalachin) resident, h Church. Barney Ransom (Apalachin) r 103, farmer 55. Barnhart Alanson D., r 69, farm laborer. BARRETT EUGENE, (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, farmer 117. Barrett Simeon L., (Flemingville) r 40, farmer 80. Barton Albert, (Apalachin) r 87, farmer. Barton Andrew J., (Flemingville) r 5, farmer 100. Barton Charles, (Apalachin) r 108, farmer with his mother Jane. Barton Charles L., (Apalachin) r 87, butcher. Barton Effy A. Mrs., off r 54, ptop. LaMonte ferry. Barton George H., (Apalachin; off r 108, farmer 40. Barton Jane, (Apalachin) r 108, widow Isaac, farmer 107. Barton Lester, (Union, Broome Co.) r 28, farmer 40. Barton Louis A., r 94, carpenter and farmer 47. Barton Rebecca W., r loij, widow Morris W., resident. Barton Renselaer, off r 54, blacksmith and farmer. Barton Smith, Jr., (Apalachin) r 108, farmer 80. Barton Thomas, (Apalachin) r 86, farmer. Barton Thomas, r 87, carpenter and farmer. OWEGO— OUTSIDE CORPORATION. 1 53 Barton Virgil P., (Flemingville) r 5, fanner 80. Barton William, (Apalachin) r 89^, farmer 45. Barton William. (Apalachin) produce, h William. Barto Charles, (Apalachin) laborer, h Church. Bateman Isaac, (Campville) r 48, farmer 40. Bates German A., (Apalachin) r 113, farmer with his father Gilford. Bates Gilford, (Apalachin) r 113, farmer 40. Beach George W., (Apalachin) physician and surgeon, Main, h Ferry. Beach Olive, r 56, widow Nathan, farmer 33. Beardslee William L., (South Owego) r 128, farmer 114. Becker Fayette, r 54, retired farmer. Beebe Orin, (South Apalachin) r no, postal clerk and farmer. Beebe Reuben (South Apalachin) r no, farmer 119. Beecher Edgar R., r 39, farmer with his father, Isaac S. Beecher Isaac S., r 39, farmer 71. BEEMAN HORACE W., r 116, wood-sawing and feed-mill, and farmer 40. Beers Charles M., r 32, farmer 47. Beers Julia M., r 40, widow James, farmer 65. Belknap John J., (Campville) r 71, farmer 120. Belknap Parmelia Miss, (Campville) r 71, resident. Bell John, (Apalachin) trackman, bds. Exchange Hotel. Benjamin Albert, r 95, farmer 55. Benjamin J. Allan, r 95, farmer with his father Albert. Benjamin James, r 95, retired. Benjamin James U., r 117, farmer 165. Benner Louise E., (Apalachin) music teacher, bds. Main. Benner Ordelia, (Apalachin) widow Philip R., resident, h Main. Bennett William (Campville) r 49, farmer. Berdine Laramie, (South Apalachin) r 10, widow William, resident. Berdine William P., (South Apalachin) r no, farmer 186. Billings Charles, (Little 'Meadows, Pa.) r no, farmer 28. Billings Norman, (Apalachin) r no, farmer 55. Billings Ransom, (Apalachin) r 102, farmer on shares with Almoa Hotchkiss. Bills Alonzo, (South Apalachin) r in, deputy postmaster. Bills Amari, (Apalachin) off r 107, farmer 30. Bills James H., r 98, school trustee and farmer 100. Bills Maria, (Apalachin) r no, widow Warren, farm 125. Bills Nehemiah, (Apalachin) laborer. Bills Paul, (Apalachin) r loi^, farmer 6. Bills Ulysses, r 99, farmer 25. Bishop Gilbert, (Apalachin) carpenter, h Main. Blair Asa, (Flemingville)) r 40, farmer. Blair Ezra, r 39, farm laborer. BLOW AMANDA, r 120, widow Francis, farm 50. Blow Arthur, r ri6J, farmer on shares with H. Codner 90. BLOW FRANK L., r 59, prop, threshing-machine and farmer 25. Blow George, r 96, farmer with his father Henry. Blow Henry, r 96, farmer 80. Blow William, r 120, farmer 18, and on shares with his mother Amanda 50. Bodle Arthur, r 59, farmer. Bornt Anna Mrs., r 54, farm 35. Bornt Frederick, (Campville) r 48, farmer 80. Bornt Levi, (Union, Broome Co.) r 73, farmer 91. 154 OWE.GO---OUTSIDE CORPORATION. Bortit Peter, (Campville) r 50, farmer 10. Bornl Samuel, (Carapville) r 48, farmer 40. Bornt William H., (Union, Broome Co.) r 73, farmer with his father Levi. Bostwick Curtis, r 95, farmer 52. Bostwick Fred, r 116^, farmer 138. Bostwick Melvin F., r 40, farmer 105. Bostwick Oliver, r izo^-, farmer 50. Bostwick Spencer, r 117, farmer 70. Bostwick Thomas, r 117, farmer 85. Bostwick Willis, r 117, farmer 40. Bourst Menzo, r 61, farm laborer. Bowen Isaac A., r 96, law student. Bowen Jonathan P., r 96, farmer 50. Bowen William J., r 94, farmer, leases of J. F. Holmes 55. Boyce John R., (Apalachin) clerk for Sleeper & Whitaker, bds. Main. Bradley Otis, r 56J, farmer 33. Bradt Anthony, r 37, farmer 15. Bradt Frank, r 43, farmer, works on shares for his father John 108. Bradt John, r 38, farmer 108. Bradt Peter, r 43, farmer 40. Brainard Polly, (South Owego) r 99, widow Albert, resident. Branch Andrew, (Campville) r 54, shoemaker. Branch Charles, (Campville) r 54, brakeman. Brewster John, (Apalachin) off r 102, farmer 50. Briggs Anson, r 14, farmer 60. Briggs Charles, r 54, farmer, leases of Mrs. George Smith 83. Brink Jefferson H., r 58, farm laborer. Brink Mulford, (Union, Broome Co.) r 71, farmer for his father John 60. Brink William, (Apalachin) r 69, farm laborer. Brooks Henry G., (Campville) r 53, farmer 69. Brooks John, (Campville) r 53, retired farmer. Brooks John G., r 95, farmer 19. Brougham Henry A., r 94, farmer 10. Brougham Joseph, (Union Center, Broome Co.) r 28, farmer, leases of William Conell 200. Brougham Peter, (Union Center, Broome Co.) r 11, farmer 50. Brown Asel, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r no, farmer 50. Brown Edgar, (Apalachin) r 8r, farmer. Brown Frank, (Litte Meadows, Pa.) r no, farmer, 98. Brown Frank L., (Apalachin) painter, h Cross. Brown George, (Union, Broome Co.) r 80, school trustee, and farmer 125. Brown Royal S., (Apalachin) butcher, h Main. Brown Simeon, (Apalachin) r 83, farmer 27. Brown William H., (Apalachin) farm laborer. Brownell Benjamin W,, r 40, farmer 50 and wood lot 36. Brownell George, r 40, farmer with his father Benjamin W. Brownell John C, (Flemingville) r 22, farmer 84 and wood lot 86. Brumage Ann, (Flemingville) r 5, widow William, resident. Bruraage David, (Flemingville) r 5, farmer 20. Buck Alonzo D., r 54, farmer 461^. Buck Charles W,, r 54, carpenter and farmer. Buck George H., r 54, carpenter. BUNZEY CHARLES H., r 63, farmer, works on shares 150. - OWEGO— OUTSIDE CORPORATION. 155 Bunzey Sophia, r 63, widow Jacob, resident. Burgett Robert, r 20, farmer 80. ' Burton Amelia, (South Owego) r 128, widow Obadiah, farm 100. Burton Ann, (Apalachin) r 83, widow Benjamin. Burton Oliver, (South Owego) r tz8, farmer 50. Cafferty Asa, (Campville) r 71, farmer 120. Cafferly Fayette, (Campville) r 48, farmer 55. Cafferty Frank B., r 54, farmer 50. Cafferty James, (Union, Broome Co.) r 74, farmer 200. Cafferty James, jr., (Union, Broome Co.) r 74, farmer 50. Cafferty Myron, r 93, farmer, leases of James Armstrong 105. CAMP GURDON H., (Apalachin) horse dealer, h Main. ■Camp Nathan, (Campville) r 71, farmer 129. Camp Orin, r 54, threshing machine and farm laborer. CAMPBELL & LAMPHERE, (Apalachin) (L W. C. & G. U. L.) saw and planning-mill, depot. Campbell David S., r 94, farmer 85. • CAMPBELL ISAAC W., (Apalachin) (Campbell & Lamphere) h depot. Campbell John A., r 94, farmer with his father. Canipbell Joseph, r 93, farmer, leases of Elin Gould 160. Campbell Joseph, Jr., r 93, emp. Coe's saw-mill. Campbell Ralph, r 94, fireman Coe's mill. Cane Ezra, r 65, farmer on shares with Mrs. Steele 105. Cane Peter, r 65, farmer with his father Ezra, Card Abel, (Apalachin) r 108, farmer 27. Card Albert, (Apalachin) r 108, farmer with his mother Eliza 24. Card Charles, (Apalachin) r 108, farmer 24. Card David, (Apalachin) r 108. farmer 32. Card Eliza, (Apalachin) r 108, widow Harrison, farm 24. Card Henry, (Apalachin) r 108, farmer with his mother Eliza 24. Card Isaac, (Flemingville) r 4, engineer. Card John, (Apalachin) r 108, farmer with his father David 32. Ca'rleton M. Dwight, r 69, farm laborer. Carman Charles, (Apalachin) r 80, farm laborer. Carpenter Albert J,, r 97,' farmer 54. Carpenter Ann M., r 40, widow Joseph S., resident. Carrier A. B,, (Apalachin) laborer, h Biver, Carrier Hartley, (Apalachin) r 1 13, farmer, leases of Simeon Barker 50. Carte Louise, r 54, widow Eli, farmer 50. Case Daniel, (Campville) r 71, farmer 50. ' Case Hiram, (Campville) r 48, farmer 50. Case Marilla D., (Campville) widow Zenos, resident. Case Peter, (Union, Broome Co.) r 71, farmer 50. Castle Albert, r 4, laborer. Catlin George L., (Apalachin) r 96, supt. Marshland.stock farm. Catlin Jacob, (Apalachin) farmer 40, h Main. Central House, (Apalachin) Alanson Goodenow, prop., h do. Chaffee Elizabeth, r 96, widow Oliver P., resident. Chandler Harrison, r 120 J, farmer. Chapman Horace, r 96, resident. Chidester John, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r 133, farmer. Childs Mark W., (Campville) r 54, school teacher. IS6 OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. Claphacn Harry J., (Flemingville) r 2, manager and prop. Globe Theatre Co., and farmer i6o. Clark David L., (Apalachin) r 68, farmer 75. Clark James, r 93, farmer 100. Clanson Albert, (Apalachin) r 70, farmer on shares with W. Hilton 50. Codner Charles N., r 116, farmer with his father Nelson. Codner Hiram, r 116, farmer 90. Codner John, (East Nichols) off r 118, farmer 100. Codner Nelson, r 116, farmer 100. Coffin Frank, (South Apalachin) r 1 28, farmer with his father. Coffin Harvey, farm laborer. Coffin Lucy, (South Owego)r 128, widow Henry, resident. Coffin William H., (Sbuth Apalachin) r 128, farmer 75, and on shares with F. D. Coffin 130. Cole Abram, r 40, farmer 75. Cole Helen, r 40, matron County Alms House. Cole William T., off r 65, farmer 25. Coleman Peter, (Carapville)r 54, trackman. Conant Emery, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r no, farmer. Congdon Amos, (East Nichols) r 119, farmer 100. Conklin Alfred, r 39, farmer 160. Conklin Charles H., r 54, farmer, leases of Mrs. Anson Decker, 60. ConkUn David, (Apalachin) farm laborer, h River. Conklin Lewis D., r 60, mason. Conklin Marcus A., (Apalachin) bds. River. Conklin Matthew H., (Apalachin) laborer, bds. River. Conklin William, r 40, carriage-maker. Connant Simeon, r 1 1 7, blacksmith. Connell Edward, r 60, farmer 20. Connell Joseph, r 60, resident. Connor Martin, (Campville) r 54, trackman. Cooper Charles, (Union, Broome Co.) r 30, farmer 70. Cooper George P., (Apalachin) r 80, farmer on shares with F. Aldrich 40. Cooper Hiram, (Apalachin) r 84, farmer. Coots Henry D., r 42, milk dealer and farmer, works on shares for Reuben Eraser 140. Corbin Arthur L., (South Owego) r 122, farmer 30, and on shares with My- ron Prince 100. Corbin George, r 6g, farm laborer. Corbin Neweil, (South Apalachin') r no, farmer 50. Cornell Daniel, (Union Center, Broome Co.) r 28, farmer 150. Cornell Eli, (Union Center, Broome Co.) r 28, farmer 150. Cornell Eugene, (Union, Broome Co.) r 29, farmer 64. Cornell Henry, r 56, blacksmith. Cornell Thomas, (Union, Broome Co.) r 47J, farmer 70. Courtright Herbert N., (Apalachin) r 106, shoemaker. Cragan John, (Apalachin) mason, h William. Crandall Amos J., r 98, farmer on shares with Asa Stanton 135. Crater Samuel, r 97, farmer 50. Crawford Arthur, r 27, farmer 100. Crawford Merrills J., (South Owego) r 122, farmer 100. Creemon Aaron, (Apalachin) off r 80, farmer. Crounse Henry E., (Gaskill's Corners) r 45, farmer 175. OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. 1 57 Crum James, r 99, farmer 20. ■ Curtis Bertie D., (Gaskill's Corners), r 35 invalid. CURTIS HARMON, (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, postmaster and prop, saw and feed-mill and grocery. Curtis Harvey, r 56^, nurseryman 2. Daniels Darwin H., (Union Center, Broome Co.) r 11, farmer 50. Daniels Douglas, (Union Center, Broome Co.) r 11, farmer 60. Daniels George F., r 56, farmer 20. Daniels Gustavas, (Union Center, Broome Co.) r 11, farmer 70. Darling Albert, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r no, farmer 70. Davidson John, (South Apalachin) r in, farmer 107. Davis Leslie R., r 95, farmer with his mother Mary A. Davis Mary A., r 95, widow James, farm 19. Davis Walter J., r 95, farm laborer. Davis William, r 40, farm laborer. Davison Lucius, (Apalachin) r 107, farmer 70. Decker Albert L., r 59, farm laborer. Decker Emanuel, (Union, Broome Co.) r 47, farmer. Decker Gideon, r 42, farm laborer. Decker John S., (Apalachin) carpenter. Decker John W.. r 41, farmer 85. Decker Jonathan, r 46, laborer. Decker Marvin W., r 65, farm laborer. Decker Narcis Mrs., r 27, resident. Decker Wayne, r 31, farmer. GeGroat J. DeWitt, r 67, musical instruments, and milk dealer. DeGroat Lorenzo, r 67, farmer 99. Delaney Richard, (Apalachin) trackman, bds. Exchange Hotel. Dennison Cerene, r 99, widow Henry, farm 25. Dennison George, r 99, farmer with his mother Cerene. Dennison Joseph, r 1 1 6, farm laborer. Deuel Augustus S., r 93, farmer 59. Dexter Adelia, r 54, widow Frank B., farmer 40. Dexter Edwin J., (Campvi)le) r 54, carpenter and farmer. Deyo William, r 37, farmer, works for Michael Lynch 100. Dickinson Ira W., (CampviUe) r 73, Methodist clergyman, and farmer 44. Dickinson McKenzie, (CampviUe) r 54, postmaster and grocery. Dingman Abraham, (Apalachin), retired, h William. Dingman John, (South Owego) r 128, farmer 160. Dodge Asa J., r 93, farmer 70. Dodge Benjamin F., r 93, farmer. Dodge Daniel S., r 93, farmer 1 20. Dodge John G., r 56, expressman. Donnelly Joanna, 93, widow John, resident. Donnelly Matthew, r 93, farmer 141. Donnovan John, off r 54, track-hand. Doty James, r 20, farm laborer. Dougherty James R., r 20, farmer. Dowd James, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r 135, farmer. Downs William, (Apalachin) blacksmith, h Main. Dovle Bernard, (Apalachin) laborer, h Main. Drake Charles, (Apalachin) off r 102, farmer 40. Drake Tamar, (Apalachin) r 87, widow Jerome, 153 OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. Duane Burr, r 99, farmer 100. Duane John, r 99, farmer 100. Dunham Asa, r 99, farmer 131. Dunham Burdett N., (South Apalachin) r 108, farmer. Dunham Chauncey R., r 43, dairy 35 cows and farmer for G. S. Camp 130. Dunham Dudley J., (South Apalachin) r 108, farmer. Dunham Jennie, (South Apalachin) r 108, teacher. Dunham Nathan Y., r 99, farmer. Dunham Sylman, (South Apalachin) r 108, farmer 95. Dunham Willard F., r 99, farmer. Dutton Mortimer E., (Apalachin) r 69, boarding-house. Easton Mary, (Apalachin) r 83, widow Julien G., resident. Edward Edward, (Campville) r 54. blacksmith. Edwards Edson, (Apalachin) r no, resident. Edwards Fred, (Apalachin) r 83, farmer with his father Ira. Edwards Ira, ist, (Apalachin) r 83, farmer 65. Edwards Ira, (Apalachin) butcher and farmer, h Main. Edwards Nelson, (Apalachin) r 107, resident. Edwards Susie, (Apalachin) r 83, dressmaker. Eldred Nelson, ray, farmer 60. Eldridge Chester, off r 27, farm laborer. Eldridge Simeon, (Union, Broome Co.) r 29, laborer. Elliott Francis H., (Apalachin) painter, h Main. Ellis Airy Mrs., r 39, resident. Ellis Nathan H., r 40, prop, grist and flouring-mill. Evans Truman (Campville) r 54, carpenter. EXCHANGE HOTEL, (Apalachin) John S. Ryan, prop., Main. Fairbanks Benjamin R., (Apalachin) hostler Exchange Hotel, bds. do. Fairbanks Benjamin R., (Apalachin) r no, laborer. Fairbanks Harriet E., (Apalachin) r no, farm 47^. Terbush Lancelott B , (Flemingville) r 16, blacksmith, wagon-maker and feed-mill, h r 4. Ferguson David, (South Owego) r 123, farmer with Mrs. Slawson 160. Ferguson Eugene B., (Flemingville) r 15, farmer 100. Fessenden Adelbert N., (_ Apalachin; resident, h Cross. Fessenden Nelson Rev., (Apalachin) Wesleyan Methodist, h Cross. Finch Jehial S., r 22, farmer 79. Finch Russell, r 22, farmer 25. Fish Frank E., (Apalachin) r 113, farm laborer. Fisk Darwin, (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, farm laborer. Fleming John, (Flemingville) r 40, farmer 120. Fleming Luke, (Flemingville) r 4, farmer 54. Folker Frank, (Apalachin) r 69, farm laborer. Ford Charles H., (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, carpenter. Ford George L., (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, farmer 350. Foster David, (Apalachin) farm laborer. Foster Electa, r 27, widow Daniel R., resident. Foster Phileman A., (Apalachin) r loi^, farmer 6. Fox Alanson, off r 95, farmer 75. Fox Albert, (Apalachin) off r 113, retired. Fox Allen, r 95, farmer 50. Fox Charles, off r 91, apiarist, and farmer 32. Fox Fred, r 67, farmer 51. OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. 1 59, Fox Fred E., (Apalachin) r 84, farmer with E. Jones 31. Fox George, (Apalachin) off r 108, farmer. Fox Ira, (East Nichols) r 118, farmer 50. Fox James, (Apalachin) r 113, farm laborer. FOX JEROME, (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, farmer, works on shares for Charles. Becker 120 Fox John, (Gaskill's Corners) r 35,' laborer. Fox Julia A., (Apalachin) widow Charles T., resident, bds. Cross. Fox Lewis L., (Apalachin) telegraph operator, h WilUam. Fox Oliza, r 60, resident. Fox Russell, (Apalachin) r 113, farmer 53. Fox Thomas, (Campville) r 53, farm laborer. Fox William, r 120^, farmer 100. Fox William S., (Apalachin) contractor and builder, h William. Frear Ellas, (Apalachin) r 113, farmer. Frear Hannah, r 54, widow John, farmer 40. French WiUiam, r 91, farmer 75. ^ Fuller Benjamin F., (Apalachin) carriage-maker. Main, h Willi-Bm. Fulmer Charles, r 27, farmer 112. Fulmer Peter, (Gaskill's Corners) r 34, farmer 80. Fulmer Philip, r 22, farmer 45. Gage Ellen, r 54, widow Jeremiah, resident. Gage Ezra M., r 14, farmer 50. Gage Mary A. Mrs., (Apalachin) teacher, bds. Cross. Gage Miner, r 37, apiarist 5° swarms, and farmer 75. Gage Walter, r37, apiarist 38 swarms, and farmer 37. Garrison Chester, (Apalachin) r 108, farmer 35. Garrison James, (Apalachin) r 70, farm laborer. Gaskill David W., r 32, farmer 40. Gaskill Frank, r 54, milk jjeddler. Gaskill Paul, (Gaskill's Corners) r 45, farmer no. Gaskill Stephen H., (Gaskill's Corners) r 45, farmer for his father Paul. Gaskill Wilder J., (Apalachin) retired merchant, h Main. Gaskill WiUiam C., (Apalachin) farmer 13, h Main. Gibson David W., (South Apalachin) r in, farmer on shares with Orirk Bebee 100. Gibson Frank, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r 135, farmer. Gibson George, (Apalachin) off r 108, farmer. Gibson William, (Apalachin) laborer, h Ferry. Gifford Albert R., (South Owego) r 122, farmer with his mother Sophia H. Gifford D^vid S.. (South Owego) r 122, farmer 100. Gifford Sophia H., (South Owego) r 122, widow Russell D., farm 85. Gile Orton, r 60, gardener. Giles Alexander, (South Owego) r 126, farmer. Giles Ebenezer, (South Owego) r 126, farmer 50. GILES JOHN S., (Apalachin) r 87, pres't School Board, sm ill fruit and hop grower, apiarist 200 swarms, and farmer ns. Glann George W., (Apalachin) r 80, tarmer. Glann James H., (Apalachin) r 83, farmer 160. Glann Martin, (Apalachin) r 85, farmer 50. Glann William (Apalachin) r 83, farmer 140. Glover Anson, (Apalachin) r no, farmer. Glover George (Apalachin) r no farmer. l6o OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. Glover Stephen B., (Apalachin) r no farmer. Goodenow Abram (Apalachin) r 102, farmer 42. Goodenow Alanson, (Apalachin) prop. Central House, and farmer 26. Goodenow Chauncey B., (Apalachin) clerk Central House, bds. do. Goodenow Henry, (Apalachin) r 87, farmer 38. Goodeaow Isaac, (Apalachin) farmer 5. Goodenow John W., (Apalachin) hostler Central House, bds. do, Goodenow Peter, (Apalachin) r 87, resident. Goodenow Ransom B., (Apalachin) r 114, farmer on shares with his father Abram, 140. Goodrich Edwin, r 69 farmer. Goodrich Matthew, r 95, farmer 87. Goodsel A. Ford, r 56, farmer 61. Goodspeed Alden, r 118^, farmer too, and leases of Abner Goodspeed 50. Goodspeed James, (East Nichols) off r 118, farmer 100. Gould Andrew C, r 94, farm laborer. Gould Charles P., r 94, farm laborer. Gould Elin, (Apalachin) r 87, resident. Gould George W., r 114, farmer with George Sandford. Gould Smith, (South Owego) r 123, farmer 160. Gould Stanley H., r loij, farmer, leases of Joel Tuttle, 60. Gower Charles, (Union Center, Broome Co.) r 9, farmer. Gower Thomas, (Union Center, Broome Co.) r 9, farmer. Graves Chester W., (South Owego) r 115, farmer 260. Graves E. Talmage, (South Owego) r 115, teacher. Graves Horace, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r 131, farmer 100. Gray John H., (Apalachin) (Kinney & Gray) h Main. GREEN A. L. & R. D., (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, groceries and provisions. GREEN ALLEN L., (A. L. & R. D. Green) (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, h r 35. Green Mary A., (Apalachin) r 87, widow Nathan, resident. GREEN R. DEVERE (A. L. & R. D. Green) (Gaskill's Corners) r 25. Green Will M., (Apalachin) r 102, farmer. Griffin Alfred, r ^6^, retired carpenter. Griffin Alvah, (Campville) r 48, farm laborer. Griffin Edward E. , r 56, farmer, leases of Mrs. B. W. Spencer 65. Griffin Emily, r 56^, v/idow Seth. Griffin Fanny, (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, widow Alvah, resident. Griswold George M., r 93, school trustee and farmer 92. Griswold Jacob, (Apalachin) laborer, h Ferry. Groesbeck Betsey, r 68, widow Cornelius, farm 70. Groesbeck Charles H., r 67, farmer, leases of his father Isaac 50. Groesbeck Frank P., r 68, farmer on shares with Mrs. Betsey Groesbeck. Groesbeck George B., (South Owego) r 99, farmer on shares with Elin Gould. Groesbeck George S., r 61, contractor and builder. Groesbeck Isaac W., r 68, farmer 170. Groesbeck Theodore P., r 68, farmer with his father Isaac W. Groesbeck William, (Apalachin) r 88, farmer, leases of I. W. Groesbeck 50. HAGADORN FRANK E., r 95, farmer with his father William A. Hagadorn William A., r 95, farmer 108. HALL EUNICE E. Mrs., (Flemingville) r 40, prop. Flemingville Hotel, special attractions for summer boarders. HALL GEORGE W., (Flemingville) r 40 hotel. OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. l6l Hall Peter, (Apalachin) r 87, laborer. Hall Temperance (Apalachin) r 87, widow John, resident. Hall William, (Little Meadows, Pi.) r 131, farmer 50. Halsted Thomas D., (Gaskill's Corners) r 25^, farmer 52. Hammond Frederick, r 17, farmer 50. Haner Addison L., r 96, carpenter and farmer 64. Haner Irving J., r 96, farmer with his father Levi J. Haner Levi J., r 96, farmer 45. Haradon Julius S., r 54, gardener. Harden Ford, (Flemingville) r 4, laborer. Harrington George W., (South Owego) r 123, farmer 34. Harrington Lyman D., r 96, farmer 41. Harrington Russell, r 96, farmer 41. Harris David, (South Owego) r 123, farmer 168. Harris Levi (Apalachin) r 107, resident. Harris Linus, (South Apalachin) r in, farmer 100. Hart Daniel, off r 46, farmer 37. Harvey Charles, (Apalachin) off r 80, farmer, works for Charles Gland 50. Hatfield Harry, (Apalachin) laborer, h Main. HAUVER FRANK M., r 64, farmer 35, and leases of James Archibald i6t. Hayes Henry (Apalachin) r 68, lumberman. Hayes Ira P., (Apalachin) r 89^, farmer 36. Hayner David H., (Campville) r 52, farmer 340. Hemstrought Charles, (Campville) r 50, farmer 20. Hemstrought Harvey, (Campville) r 54, farmer 24. Hemstrought Jacob, (Campville) r 54, brakeman and farmer 45. Hemstrought James, (Campville) r 54, wagon-maker and farmer 30. Hemstrought Jesse, (Campville) r 54, laborer. Hemstrought Joseph, (Campville) r 51, farmer 50. Hemstrought Lovejoy, (Campville) r 54, laborer. Hendershott Adelbert, r 40, emp. grist-mill. Herrick Bert, r 40, farmhand county alms-house. Herrick Edward P., (Flemingville) r 40, retired farmer. Herzig Julius, r 37, farmer, works for Mrs. Shannon 37. Hiawatha House, on Hiawatha Island, estate of E. G. Brown, of N. Y. city, Eugene F. Baton, lesee. Hickein John, r 69, farm laborer. Hickey John, (Apalachin) r 106, farmer 112. Hickey Patrick J., (Apalachin) r 106, farmer with his father John. Hickok Gideon F., (South Owego) r 122, farmer 25. Hicks Eber, (Apalachin) off r 108, farmer 40. Higbee George, r 46, farmer 135. Higbee Orson, r 46, farmer with his father George. Higbee Sidney C, r 46, farmer with his father George. Hills George H., (Apalachin) r 113, farmer 130. Hills John F., (Apalachin) r 113, resident. Hills Marvin L., (Apalachin) r 113, farmer with his father George H. Hills Phoebe, (Apalachin) widow Abner. Hiller Levi G., (Apalachin) r no, lawyer. Hilton George, (Apalachin) r 89^, farmsr 50. Hilton William, (Apalachin) farmer 45, h Main. Hoagland Fred, r 56, farmer with his father William. Hoagland William, r 56, farmer 66. l62 OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. Hoary Edward, (Campville) r 54, trackman. Hodge William^ r 39, laborer. Holbrook Albert, r 94, lumberman. Holbrook Frank r 94, lumberman. Holbrook George, r 94, lumberman. Holbrook Herman, r 94, lumberman. Holden Edward P., r 22, farmer 100. Holden Fred, (Flemingville) r 3, farm laborer. Holden John F., r 22, farmer with his father Edward P. Holden Jonathan P., (Apalachin) r 102, farmer with I. W. Barton, 200. Holden Melvin, (Flemingville) r 3, farm laborer. Holden Oliver, (Flemingville) r 3, farmer 1 20. HoUenbeck WilUam, r 43, farmer no. HoUister Edwin S., (Gaskill's Corners) r 24, farmer 75. HoUister Eliakim H., (Gaskill's Corners) r 24, farmer 73. HoUister Watson P., (Gaskill's Corners) r 24, farmer 143 Holmes Anson C, r 91, farmer with his father Elston. Holmes Asher, (Apalachin) retired, h Main. HOLMES BROS., (Apalachin) (James & Gilbert) dealers in horses, Depot. Holmes Elston, r 91, farmer 200. HOLMES GILBERT, (Apalachin) (Holmes Bros.) also potato dealer and farmer 200, h Main. HOLMES JAMES, (Apalachin) (Holmes Bros.) also commissioner high- ways, insurance agent and farmer 16. Holmes John, (Apalachin) r 70, notary public, lumberman, and farmer 20a Holmes John, Jr., clerk for Kinney & Gray, h William. Holmes Ransom S., (Apalachin) farmer, leases of John Thurber 40, h Main. Holmes Susan W., (Apalachin) widow Stephen, resident, bds. Main.. Hopkins Clark, (Union, Broome Co.) r 47, farmer. HOPKINS LANCY N., (Apalachin) drugs and medicines. Main, h do. Hopler Peter Q., (Flemingville) r 4, laborer. Hotchkiss Almond, (Apalachin) farmer 40, h Main. Hotchkiss Edward, offr 27, farmer 90. Howe Peter R., (Apalachin) r 102, farmer 40. Howe Ralph, r 40, farmer 36. Howell & Tracy, (Apalachin) (G. W. H. & P. T.) blacksmiths and horse- shoers. Main. Howell Charles W., (Apalachin) blacksmith. Howell George W., (Apalachin) (Howell & Tracy) h Main. Howes Joshua F., r 94, farmer. Hoxie Raymond J., (Apalachin) r loi, farmer 50. HuUett Oney, r 27, teamster. Hull Catharine, r 25, widow Clark, resident. Hull Dwight, (Gaskill's Corners) r 25^, farmer 23. Hull George W., (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, farmer 60. Hull Wellington G., r 25, farmer 78. Hunt Bros & Co. (John, Charles, Samuel and Susan) r 43, farmer 224. Hunt Charles, (Hunt Bros. & Co.) r 43, farmer. Hunt Charles H., (Apalachin) r 70, farmer for Mrs. Mersereau. Hunt Ellen, r 43, widow John, resident. Hunt John, (Hunt Bros. & Co.) r 43, farmer. Hunt Harriet L., (Apalachin) r 70, widow Thomas H., resident. Hunt Samuel, (Hunt Bros. Co.) r 43, farmer. OWEGO— OUTSIDE CORPORATION. i6j Hunt Susan, (Hunt Bros. & Co.) r 43, farm. Hyde William, r 20, cooper. IngersoU Eugene F., r 46, cooper. Ingersoll Guy, r 27, farmer for his father James H. IngersoU Irving, r 46, farmer 97. Ingersoll James E., (Union, Broome Co.) r 72, farmer, works on shares for John Wenn 112. Ingersoll James H., r 27, farmer 100. Jakway Fred D., r 66 farmer, leases of Rev. Mr. Kjng 68. Jaycox Alvin, (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, farm laborer. Jenks Byron J., r 93, farmer 211. Jennings Ransom, (Little Meadows, Pa.) farmer, leases of A. Jennings 70. Jewett Charles, (Apalachin) r 104, produce. Jewett George, (Apalachin) r 88, farmer 43. Jewett Maurice W., (Apalachin) r 69, retired. Jewett John, (Union, Broome Co.) r 71, farmer 40. Jewett John W., (Union, Broome Co.) r 71, farmer 112. Johnso;i Albert, r 40, attendant County Insane Asylum. Johnson Andrew J., (Apalachin) r 104, contractor and builder. JOHNSON DANIEL, r 40, sup't County Alms House and Asylum, and ia Candor farm 208. Johnson Horace, r 43, farm laborer. Johnson John, r 22, farm laborer. Johnson Nathan A., r 28, farmer, leases of Mrs. Hauvef 20. Johnson Stillman, r 40, blacksmith. Johnson Taylor, r 21, farmer 50. Jones Edward, (Apalachin) r 84. carpenter, and farmer 31. Jones George, (Apalachin) r 87, farm laborer. Jones Pardon, (Apalachin) carpenter. Joslin Daniel F., (Flemingville) r 3, farmer 18. Judge Thomas L., r 1 20^, farmer 8. Judge Thomas, Jr., r 120, farmer 72. Judge William, (Little Meadows, Pa)r 132, farmer. Judge William H., r 120, farmer 36. Kaley Adam I., (Flemingville) r 4, carpenter, and works farm 53. Kaleyjohn, (Gaskill's Corners) r 25^, farmer 25. Kattell Willard, (Flemingville) r 3, farm laborer. Keeler James, (Union, Broome Co.) r 30, farmer 8. Kellum Ambrose, (Apalachin) wagon-maker. Main, h do. Keltz Henry, (Union Center, Broome Co.) r 28, farmer. Kent Fred, r 91, farm laborer. Kent Gibson, (Apalachin) r 1 13, farmer 10. Kent Mary A., r 91, widow Amos, resident. Kenyon Egbert, (Union Center, Broome Co.) r rr, farmer 40. Ketchum Chafes H., r 97, butcher, and farmer 42. Ketchum Dell, r 97, farmer 15. Ketchum Frederick, r 97, farmer with his father Charles H. Keth Jackson, (Campville) r 48, farmer 75. Kettell George, (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, farmer, works for John Scrofford 75. Kile George O., r 95, prop, feed and shingle-mill, and farmer 130. King Andrew, (South Owego) r 126, farmer 70. Kinney & Gray, (Apalachin) (J. D. K. and J. -H. G.) general merchants. Main cor. Depot. 164 OWEGO— OUTSIDE CORPORATION. Kinney John D., (Warren Center, Pa.) (Kinney & Gray) also store at Warren Center, and at Burchardville, Pa., h at Warren Center, Pa. Kinney Thomas, (Apalachin) r 69, farm laborer. Kipp Clinton, r 46, farmer 51. Kipp Wallace, r 46, butcher, and farmer 20. Knapp Amos, (Apalachin) r 87 farmer. Knapp Charles R., (Apalachin) hardware, flour and feed, boots and shoes. Main, h do. KNAPP FRANK J., (Apalachin) postmaster and tinsmith, h Main. Knapp Henry, (Apalachin) r no, farmer. Knapp Ira, (Apalachin) 108, farmer 80. Knapp James, (Apalachin) r no, farmer. Knapp Joel. (Apalachin) r no, farmer 7. KNAPP WILBUR F., (Apalachin) groceries and provisions, Main, h do. Knapp William (Apalachin) r no, farmer. Knickerbocker Harvey, r 56^, laborer. Knight An^brose, (Apalachin) off r 80, farmer. Knight Irvin, (Apalachin) off r 80, farmer. Kyle Thomas, r 5 6|-, farmer 130. Ladd Isabella, r 91, widow Cyrus, resident. Lainhart Addison, r 35, farmer 135. Lainhart Simeon, (Gaskill's Corners) r 34, farmer 60. Lainhart Thomas, (Union, Broome Co.) r 30, carpenter* Laird George H., (Apalachin) insurance, h Church. Laird George H. Mrs., (Apalachin), dressmaker, h Church. LA MONTE CYRENE M., r 54, farmer n.;, and prop. Hiawatha Island and picnic grounds. La Monte David M., r 68, breeder fine horses, and farmer 75. La Monte Hannah, r 54, widow Marcus, resident. LAMPHERE GRANT U., (Apalachin) (Campbell & Lamphere) h Depot. Lampman Jared, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r 130, resident. LANE A. LINDSLEY (Apalachin) r 69, farmer 80. Lane Don C, (Apalachin) r 83 farmer. Lane Edgar S., (Apalachin) r 69, farmer with his father A. Lindsley. Lataurette Androette, (Carapville), r 49, farmer 88. Leasure George, (South Owego) r 123, carpenter, and farmer 10. Leonard Leonard, (ApSlachin) r 108, farmer 80. Letts Matthew, (Gaskill's Corners) r 45, farmer. Lewis Edgar, (Apalachin) r 69, farmer 50. Lewis Hiram, (Apalachin) r 69 farmer. ' LEWIS ISAAC W., (Apalachin) physician and surgeon, and farmer 314, and in Kansas 160, and in Iowa 80, h Main. Lewis Maria, r 56. widow of James, carpet-weaver. Like George W., (Apalachin) r 106, agricultural implements, and farmer 56. Like William, (Apalachin) r 106, farm laborer. Lillie Charles T., (Apalachin) r 108, farmer on shares with John Decker. Lillie George M., (Apalachin) r 108, farmer 35. Lillie Lucina, (Apalachin) r 108, widow Jared,- resident. Lillie Merritt F. (Apalachin) r 108, farmer 66. Lillie William, (Apalachin) r to8, mason, and farmer 63. Lindsly Hiram, r 40, carpenter. Livingston Amos, r 54, gardener 7^. STARKEIf & WINTERS, TTIiolesale and Retail Druggists, Owego. OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. 1 65 Livingston Christiana, widow Peter, r 67 resident. Livingston John, (Campville) r 71, lawyer in New York city and farmer 83. Livingston Marcus, (Campville) r 51, farmer 66. Livingston Peter, (Campville) r 48, farmer 160. Lory Joseph (Apalachin) r 83, bartender. Lory Kaziah, (Apalachin) r 83, widow David, resident. Lown Catherine, (South Owego) r 122, widow Jacob, resident. Lown William P., (South Owego) r 122, horse-dealer and farmer 47. Lucas Daniel T., r 99, farmer, works on shares, with Mr. Drake 80. Lyke Peter (Campville) r 54 farmer .120. Lyke Rufus F., r 91, farmer 30. Mabee Robert, (Apalachin) r 87, farmer. Mack Thomas, off r 54, track-hand. McGee Griffin, r 43, farm laborer. Mahar Michael, r 41, farmer 72. Maloney Jeremiah, (Apalachin) r 103, farmer 92. Marean Duane, (Flemingville) r 6, farmer 43. Marean George, (Union, Broome Co.) r 31, farmer 113. Mason Albert G., r. 27, farmer 60. Mason Albert G., Jr., r 27, farmer 12. Mason Samuel, r 22, locomotive engineer. Mason Samuel, r 22, farmer 42., Mason Thomas, r 22, farmer with his father Samuel 77. Mason William (Apalachin) off r 108, farmer. Maston Charles, r 120^, farmer 10. Maston John, r 120^, farmer 40. Mayhew Charles, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r no, painter. Mayhew George W., (Apalachin) resident, h Main. McCann George E., (Campville) r 54, upholsterer. McCann J. William, (Campville) r 54, farmer 44. McCaslin Alexander (Apalachin) blacksmith Main, h do. McClain Charles, (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, farm laborer. McClain Polly, r 20, widow Charles, farm 20. McClary Rexford, (Union, Broome Co.) r 71, farmer 46. McCoy Stiles, r 56^, retired farmer. McDonald Cameron, r 40, painter. McHenry Francis B., (Apalachin) farmer, h Church. McHenry James (Apalachin) r J03, farmer with his mother Sally J. McHenry Sally J., (Apalachin) r 103, farmer 92. McMahon Thomas, off r 54, track-hand. McNeil Roswell C, (Campville) r 54, farmer. McNeil Sarah, (Campville) r 54, widow Roswell C, resident. Mead George, off r 22, farmer 175. Mead Holloway, (Flemingville) r 2, farmer 90. Mead John, (East Nichols) r 119; farmer 50. Mead Ransom H., (Gaskill's Corners) r 12, farm laborer. Mead William E., (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, farmer, isq. Meade Fayette E., r 20, farmer 83. Meade Maria, r 20, widow Isaac, resident. Meads Peter, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r 135, farmer. Mericle Jacob, r ri8| farmer 112. Mericle James H., r 116, farmer 52. STARKET & TTINTEKS, DrnKglsts, Onrego. Close Prices to Dealers. l66 OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. Meircle John, r ii6J, farmer no. Mericle William H., r ii6J farmer no. Merrick Austin B., ofTr 65, farm laborer. Merrick John B., r 65, farmer for L. H. Pitcher. Mersereau Adeline, r 69, widow George, farm 100. Mersereau Frank, r 68, farmer igo. Mersereau Grant, r 68, farmer 150. Millage Brinton, (Campville) r 52, farmer 64. Miller Augustus, (Apalachin) farm laborer, h Church. Miller Cornelia, (Gaskill's Corners) r ri; widow Alexander, farm 40. Miller Emanuel, (Apalachin) cooper. Miller John, (South Apalachin) r 128, farmer 50. Miller John, Mrs., r 56, residen. Miller Jonas, (Gaskill's Corners) r 11, farmer for his mother Cornelia. Millrea Edward, r 39, farmer for his father, Thomas. Millrea Thomas, r39, farmer no. Mills Gurdon T., (Union, Broome Co.) r 31, farmer 5. Moe Ezra, (South Apalachin) r 1 1 2 farmer 56. Moe Sherman, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r 1 10, farmer 40. Montanyea Buffum U., (Campville) r 54 farmer 65. Moot Peter, r 20, farmer 60. Morgan Alexander, (Union. Broome Co.) r 29,farmer 50. Morgan William, off r 27, farmer 100. Morton David, (South Apalachin) off r 108, farmer 70. MORTON LEVI, (Apalachin) boot and shoe dealer, also custom work, Main, h do. Moss Samuel, r 99, farmer, leases of James Clark 50. Mott Frank C, (Apalachin) r 80, farm laborer. Mott Israel D., r 54, stone-mason. Mott Lorenzo, r 90, resident. Murphy Edward, (Apalachin) retired, h Church. Myers John, off r 54, emp. Mrs. E. A. Barton. Myers Joseph H., r 91, farmer 23. Narsh Frederick, r 32, farmer, leases of Leonard Foster. Narsh Marvin A., r 56^, farmer 6. Nash Allen, (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, painter. Newman Maria, (Apalachin) r 84, widow Nelson S., resident. Newman Warren A., (Apalachin) r 84, farmer 34. Newman William, (Flemingville) r 16^, farmer 24. Nichols Betsey, (Apalachin) widow William, h Main. Nichols Charles, r 68, farmer 112. Nichols Charles H.. r 67, farmer with his father Justus. Nichols George, r 60. farmer r6o. Nichols George S., r 60 farm laborer. Nichols Justus, r 67, farmer 145. Nichols Robert, r 60, farmer with his father George. Nichols Washington, (Apalachin) r 102^, apiarist, and farmer 35. Nichols Will F., (Apalachin) hostler. Noteware Frederick H., (South Apalachin) r no, farmer 90. Noteware Wallace R., (South Apalachin) r no, apiarist, and farmer 170. Noteware Walter R., (Apalachin) r Sg^, farmer 35. Northrop Arthur T., r 23, farmjr, leases of Lainhart estate 300. Ogden Catherine E., (Apalachin) widow Isaac, resident, h Main. OWEGO— OUTSIDE CORPORATION. 1 6/ Ogden Frank C, (Apalachin) teacher, bds. Main. Olmstead Augustus, r 80, farmer 120. Olmstead Daniel B., (Apalachin) r 80, farmer 71. Olmstead Maria S., (Apalachin) r 80, widow Avery, farm 200. Olmstead Luman, r 40, farmer. Olmstead Robert, r 80, farmer with his father Augustus, 1 20. Olmstead Seth, r 40, grocery, and farmer 28. Olmstead Whiting W., r 40, farm laborer. O'Neill James M.,r 22, farmer 89. Orford Charles F., (Apalachin) carpenter, h Church. Orford David (Apalachin) shoemaker, h Church. Padgett Allen W., r 40, farm laborer. Pangburn Jacob, (Union, Broome Co.) r 28, farmer 50. Pearl Charles E., r 95, farmer, leases of his father Loring C. Pearl Frederick J., r 95, farmer, leases of his father Loring C. Pearl Diana B., r 95, widow Austin, resident. PEARL LORING C, r 95, farmer 240. PEARL MYRAM W., off r 65, farmer, leases of J. F. DeGroat 123. Pearsall Grace L., (Apalachin) teacher, bds. William. PEARSALL RANSOM S., (Apalachin) justice of the peace and farmer, h William. Pease Joseph N., r 39, farmer 130. Pendleton Jenks, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r 132, farmer. Pendleton Loren, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r 132, farmer. Pendleton Monroe, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r 133, farmer. Perkins Barney, (Apalachin) r 89 1-2, peddler, and farmer 5. Perkins Maggie, r 40, matron County Insane Asylum. Perry Charles F., (South Owego) r 122, farmer on shares with L. B. Tru- man, 250. Perry George H., (South Owego) r 122, farmer with his father Charles F. Pettigrove Laura J., r 40, farm 47. Pettigrove Sewell, r 40, miller, and farmer 6. Phalen Patrick, r 14, farmer, works on shares for William P. Stone, no. Phelps George, (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, farm laborer. Phelps Jesse, (Flemingville) r 40, farmer 11, and in Candor 100. Phelps Philip, (Gaskill's Corners) r 45, farmer 50. Phelps William, r 56, farmer 16. Phillips James, (Apalachin) r 90, farmer 101. Phinleyson Richard, (Apalachin) off r 108, farmer. Pitcher Harvey, r 65 resident. Pitcher Leroy H., r 65, agricultural implements, and farmer 100. Potter John, (Flemingville) r 16, farmer for Frank Scott. Potter Wendall, farmer 78. Powell John H., (Union, Broome Co.) r 47, farmer. Powers Apgeline, (Apalachin) r 110, widow John J., resident. Powers Francis J., (Apalachin) r no, farm laborer. Powers Frederick A., (Apalachin) r no, farm laborer. Post Gardner, (Apalachin) r 85, farmer 75. Pray Ephraim, (Apalachin) r 83, resident. PRITCHARD ASA, (Flemingville) r 3, farmer 37, and wood lot 14. Pritchard James, (Flemingville) r 4, farmer with his brother Truman 30. Pritchard Herbert E., (Flemingville) r 3, farmer with his father Sylvester. Pritchard Sylvester H., (Flemingville) r 3, farmer 126. l68 OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. Pritchard Truman, (Flemingville) r 4, farmer with his brother James 30. Pritchard William H., (Flemingville) r 2, farm laborer. Probasco Elmer, r 68, farm laborer. Probasco Frank M., r 67, farmer 75. Probasco Gurdon, r 68, farm laborer. Pultz Henry, r 17, farmer. Pultz Henry, Jr., r 17, farmer. Pultz Putnam, r 17, farmer 40. Pultz Ransom, r 17, farmer 50. Queeman West, (Apalachin) r 83, resident. Quimby Adelbert H., (Apalachin) laborer, h William. Quimby John W., (Apalachin) r 87, farmer. Randall Henry, r 26, farmer 80. Rauch George F., (Flemingville) r 3, farmer, leases of the Allen estate 38. Recorden Charles, (Flemingville) r 5, farmer 87. Reed James L., (Flemingville) r 4, blacksmith, and farmer in Newark 100. Redding John, r 120, farmer 50. Reynolds Albert L., r 94, farm laborer. Richardson Austin, r 31, farmer for his father Cephas. Richardson Cephas, r3i, farmer go. i^'K^^. Richardson Harry, r 31, farmer for his father Cephas. Richardson Jerome B., r 99, farmer 35. Rinevault Amanda, r 40, widow Alfred. Rising James H., (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, farmer 108. Rising Jeanette, (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, widow John, farm 100. Rising William H., (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, farmers?. Robbins Ephraim, (Union, Broome Co.) r 47, farmer. Robinson Benjamin, r 56, farmer 25. Robinson Bridget, r 22, widow Matthew, farm 118. Robinson Henry, (Union, Broome Co.) r 74, farmer 64. Robinson Howard, r 46, farmer 1 23. Robinson Jacob, r 27, farmer 61. Robinson John, r 22, farmer 118. Robinson John L., r 94, farmer, leases of Frank Bliss 47. Rockwood Charles, r 40, farm laborer. Rodman Benjamin, (Union, Broome Co.) r 47, farmer 60. Rodman Calvin, (Union, Broome Co.) r 47, farmer. Rodman Nicholas, (Apalachin) r 68, farmer. Romain Benjamin, r 27, farm laborer. Romain Charles, (Campville) r 54, farmer 15. Romain George, (Campville) r 54, laborer. Romain Jesse, (South Owego) r 1 23, farmer on shares with D. GifFord. Rounds Simeon, (Apalachin) r 83, cider and shingle-mill, and farmer 25. Rowe Edward, r 54, gardener 17. Rowley James, (Apalachin) r 87, resident. Rulison George P., (Apalachin) mason, h Main. Rundle James A., r 95, farmer on shares with Mrs. G. Van' Bunschoten 76. Russell Daniel, r 20, farmer. Russell Elbridge, r 20, farmer 75. Russell Minor, (South Apalachin) r 108, carpenter and wagon-maker. Ryan Michael, (Apalachin) r 89^, farmer 56. Ryan James, (Apalachin) r 70, farmer 35. RYAN JOHN S., (Apalachin) prop, Exchange Hotel, OWEGO— OUTSIDE CORPORATION. 1 69 Ryan Thomas, (Apalachin) laborer. Ryan Walter, (Union Center, Broome Co.) r 11, farmer 100. Sandford George, (South Owego) r 114, farmer 160. Sandford Lewis C., r 98, farmer with his father Oliver B. Sandford Oliver B., r 98, farmer 80. Savey Edmund G., (Apalachin) carpenter, h Main. Savey Seth, (Apalachin) r 87, carpenter. Savey William, (Apalachin) carpenter and builder, h Main. Sawyer George, r 56^, farmer with his father Nathan. Sawyer Nancy M., r 54, widow William, farm 60. Sawyer Nathan, r 54, farmer 50. Sawyer Oscar W., r 54, farmer for his mother, Mrs. Nancy M. Schoolcroft Peter, r 14, farmer 200. Schoolcroft Philip, r 14, farmer 60. Scott Abram, (Campville) r 69, cartman and mail-carrier. Scott Clinton, r 40, farmer 50. Scott Elizabeth, (Flemingville) r 16, widow Frederick, resident. Scott Emery, (Flemingville) r 16, farmer with his father Frank. Scott Frank, (Flemingville) r t6, farmer 92. Scott Phoebe, r 40, widow Alonzo, farm 10. Scrafford James, (Gaskill's Corners) r 25^, farmer 75. Scrafford John, (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, farmer 75. Scutt Dell, r 54, farm laborer. Scutt George, r 54, farm laborer. Scutt Isaac, r 54, farmer 4. Searl Edward, r 37, farmer 86. Searl Edward F., r 56, farmer 75. Searles Amos, (Flemingville) farmer 14. Searles Asahel, (Flemingville) r 4, farmer 50. Searles Esther, (Flemigville) widow Chester, farmer 15. Searles George, (Flemingville) r 4, Mason. Searles Homer, (Flemingville) r i6|, prop, steam saw-mill and farmer 10. Searles Lot, (Flemingville) r 16 J, farmer 13. Searles Luke K, (Flemingville) r 15, farmer, leases of G. Pultz 100. Searles Nathan P., (Flemingville) r 16^, mason and farmer 90. Severson George, (Campville) r 51, blacksmith. Shaffer Abram, r 17, farmer 50. Shaffer Abram, Jr., r 17, farmer. Shannon Elizabeth, r 37, widow Cornelius, farm 37. Shaw Hiram D., (South Owego) r 123, farmer 130. „ , , ^ ,. Shay John, (Apalachin) section foreman D. L. & W. R. R., bds. Exchange Shay' Wesley W., r 58, milk dealer and farmer, leases of B. Woodford 160. Shellman Chauncey, (Campville) r 5 1, cobbler and ferryman. Shepard Charles D. Rev., (Flemingville) r 40, pastor M. E. Church. Sherwood Charles, r 56^, farmer, works on shares for George Young 128. Sherwood Elsworth, (South Apalachin) r 128, farmer 150. Sherwood George J., (Apalachin) r 106, stock-breeder and farmer 55. Sherwood John, (Apalachin) r 70, farmer 25. Sherwood Nathaniel, (Apalachin) r 88, farmer 50. .,,.-, .. SHERWOOD VAN NESS (Apalachin) r 88, farmer with his father Na- thaniel. , . SHERWOOD WILLIAM H., (Apalachin) r 162, farmer 145. C/O OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. Shirley Jonathan, r 38, farmer 13. Shirley John, r 36, farmer 20. Shirley Nathaniel, r 38, farm laborer. Shirley Rial, r 36, farmer 30. Shirley Samuel, r 37, farmer 40. Shopp John, (Union, Broome Co.) r 28, farmer. Short Frank (Apalachin) r 88, farmer with his father Uriah. Short Fred, (Apalachin) r 88, farmer, leases of Uriah Short, Sr., 35. Short G. Ransom, (Apalachin) r 89^^, farmer 15. Short Lorenzo, (Apalachin) r 88, farmer, leases of Uriah Short, Sr., 35. Short Uriah, Sr., (Apalachin) r 88, farmer 152. Short Uriah, (Apalachin) r 87, laborer. Shultz John, (South Apalachin) off r no, farmer. Sibley Charles V., off r 97, farmer 65. Sibley Elvira S., r 98, resident. Sibley George D., (Flemingville) r 15, farmer, works on shares for S. Mar- quit 70. Slawson George, (South Owego) r 126, fa.rmer 75. Slawson Schuyler M., r 99, farmer 35. Slawson Milton, (South Owego) r 123, farmer 160. SLEEPER THOMAS J., (Apalachin) (Sleeper & Whittaker) h Main. SLEEPER & WHITTAKER, (Apalachin) (T. J. S. & W. W.) produce and general merchants. Main. Slocum Humphrey C, r 54, farmer 25. Smith Albert, (Apalachin) r 86, farmer. Smith Aurelia, (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, widow James, resident. Smith Charles F., r 14, farmer 200. Smith Elizabeth, r 54, widow George, farm 83. Smith Franklin E., (Apalachin) laborer, bds. Cross. SMITH FRED W., r 54, milk dealer and farmer 323. Smith George W., r 41, bridge builder. Smith Henry W., r 65, deputy sheriff and farmer 32. Smith Ira A., r 22, farmer 108. Smith Jerome, (Campville) r 54, farmer, leases of Dr. Allen 100. Smith Orville, (Campville) r 54, prop, cider-mill and farmer 100. Smith Phoebe, r 54, widow Stephen W., resident. Smith Robert C, (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, farmer 140. ' Smith Robert E., (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, farm laborer. Smith Royal Y., (Apalachin) r 86, farmer. Snell Robert, r 98, farmer 10. Snell Samuel B., r 98, emp. Coe's saw-mill. Snooks Halsey, (Apalachin) r 113, chair-seating. Snooks William D., (Apalachin) r 114, farm laborer. Snyder Nett, r 61, widow Edward D., resident. Southwick William, (Flemingville)'r 5, sugar orchard 76 trees, and farmer 100. Spencer A. Judson, farmer 180. Spencer Arminda, r 59, widow Brinton W., farm 65. Spencer George, (Campville) r 54, trackman. Spencer Hiram, r 96, farm laborer. Sprong Christopher C., r 20, farmer 75. Sprong George, r 20, farmer. Stage Clarence, (Flemingville) r 2, farmer, leases of Harry I. Clapham 125. Stalker Charles, farm laborer. Stalker George, r 31, emp. Leonard Foster. OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. I /I STANTON ASA, r g6, surveyor and farmer 195. Stanton Mary, (Union, Broome Co.) r 47, widow Edward, resident. Stedman Lyman, (Flemingville) r 3, farmer 58. STEDMAN WHEELER,(Fiemingville) r 40, hay, coal, lumber, produce, and farmer 170. STEELE AARON, (Apalachin) express and station agt. D. L. & W. R. R., and farmer 400, h Main. Steele Aurelia, r 93, widow William, farm 105. Steele E. Jennie, r 93, teacher. Steele George, r 56, farmer 26. Steele James, (Apalachin) farmer' 42, h Main. Steele Maria, (Apalachin) widow Lucius, h Main. Steele Marinda, r 66, widow Aaron W., resident. Steele Philetus, r 66, farmer, leases of Aaron W. Steele 160. Steenburg Fred, (Apalachin) r 102^, farmer 70. Steenburg Isaac, (Apalachin) r 107, farmer 30. Steenburg Nicholas, (Apalachin) off r 108, farmer. Stein Jacob, r 39, laborer. Stephens Bert. (South Apalachin) r no, farmer 100. Stephens Henry, (South Apalachin) r no, farmer 125. Stephens Samuel J., r 116, farmer 52. Stevens Charles, r 56, farm laborer. >Stockwell Frank, (Gaskill's Corners) r 45, farm laborer. Stone Charles M., r 116, farmer 28. Stratton James H., r 20, farmer, leases of Hiram Johnson 40. Stratton John, (Union, Broome Co.) farmer. Stratton Richard, r 20, wagon-maker, and farmer 35. Strong Beri, (Flemingville) r 4, farm laborer. Strong Charles, r 39, farmer, leases of Mirs. Caroline Allen 90. Strong Clayton B., r 66, farmer. Strong Susan A:, r 66, widow Levi, leases of Dr. Phelps 100. Sturtevant Harrison C, r- 20, farm laborer. Stilson Eugene, (Apalachin) r 69, farm laborer. Stilson Sarah E., (Apalachin) r 69, widow Hiram, farm 6. Stinard Joseph, r 63, miller. Stinard R. Charles, r 63 farmer. Surdam P. Smith, (Union, Broome Co.) r 31, farmer 127. Swartwood Joseph A., (Apalachin) gardener, h Cross. Swart J. Walter, (Campville) r 51, farmer 42. TALCOTT CHARLES, r 40, apiarist 35 swarms, and farmer 75. Talcott Frederick, r 40, farmer. Talcott Eunice B., r 40, widow Joel, resident. Talcott George B., r 40, apiarist 70 swarms, 90 head sheep, and farmer 207. Talcott William H., r 20, farmer 75. f ALLMADGE EZRA W., r 99, fruit grower, 600 apple trees, and farmer 116. Jaylor Frank, r 95, resident. Teater Philip, (Union, Broome Co.) r 28, farmer 80. Terbush Clark, (South Owego) off r 90, farmer 188. Terbush Hiram, (Apalachin) r 106, farmer 46. Thomas Jane E. Mrs., r 95, resident. Thomas William, off r 56 1-2,, farmer 44. Thompson John A., (Apalachin) r 69, farm laborer. Thompson William, (Apalachin) shoemaker. Main, h Wilham. 172 OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. Thornton Abram, 131, emp. Foster's saw-mill. Thornton Thomas, r 27, basket and shoemaker. Throop John G., (Apalachin) r 106, farmer 25. Tilbury Charles F., (Campville) r 71, farmer 50. Tilbury Frederick, (Union, Broome Co.) r 71, farmer 100. Tilbury Herman M., (Campville) r 71, potato dealer, and farmer 40. Tilbury Isaac, r 53, farmer 96. Tilbury James, (Campville) r 71, farmer 100. Tobey James D., (Apalachin) r 83, saw-mill, and farmer 30. Tobey Ruel L., (Apalachin) r 83, farm laborer. Toburn Richard, (Campville) r 54, trackman. Tousley Silas G.j r 54, farmer 50. Towsand Frederick, off r 120, farmer 91. Towsand Joel, r 120, farmer 100. Towsand John, r 120 1-2, farmer no. Towser John, r 41, farm laborer. TRACY BENJAMIN F., (Apalachin) (B. F. Tracv & Son) r 69. TRACY B. F. & SON, (Apalachin) (Frank B.) r 69, props. Marshland stock farms. TRACY FRANK B., (Apalachin) (B. F. Tracy & Son) r 69. Tracy Frank Y., (Apalachin) (Howell & Tracy) h Cross. Tracy Harrison (Apalachin) off r no, farmer no. Tracy Harvey J., (Apalachin) r 83, stock raising and farmer 105. Tracy Pardon, (Apalachin) (Howell & Tracy) h Church. Travis Charles J., r 68, farmer with his father James. Travis James, r 68, farmer 50. Travis Samuel, (Apalachin) ofFr 102, farmer 50. Travis WilUam, (Apalachin) r 69, hostler. "TTriiman Aaron B., (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, farmer 203. Truman Charles E., (Flemingville) r 40, postmaster, justice of the peace and farmer 70. Truman Charles F., (Flemingville) r 40, farmer 150. Truman Elias, r 120 1-2, farmer 160. Truman Elias W., (Apalachin) r 87, farmer. J]rum^n Lyman B., (South Owego) r 123, postmaster and farmer 250. Trusdell Morris, (Campville) r 71, farmer, leases of Michael Livingston 80. Tucker Nelson, (Apalachin) off r 113; resident. TuUock James A., (Flemingville) r 4, farmer 40. Tuttle Jason, (Carapyille) r 51, laborer. Tyrrell Henry I., r 116, farmer 33. Tyrrell Walter D., farmer, leases of W. Fox estate 100. Van Brunschoten George W., (Apalachin) r no, farmer 6. Van Dermark, r 69, farm laborer. Van Gorder Ezra, (Apalachin) r 85, farmer. Van Gorder James, (.Apalachin) off r 1 10, farmer. Van Gorder Jonathan, r 93, retired. Vanorder Frederick, (Gaskill's Corners) r 45, farm laborer. Van Riper Fred, (Apalachin) r 102, farmer. Van Riper Morris, (Apalachin) r 90, farmer 27. Verguson Edward, (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, farmer for F. W. Smith 240. Verry Russell, (Little Meadows, Pa.) r 132, farmer. Viele John N., off r 96, farmer 25. Vincent Dexter C, r 46, cooper. OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. 1 73 Vosburgh Stephen H., r 40, saw-fil6r. Wade John, (Flemingville) r 5, farm laborer. Wade Ozias D., (Flemingville) r 5, farmer 41, and in Newark 65. Wait Charles B., (East Nichols) off r 119, farmer 90. Wait Frederick C, (East Nichols) r 120, farmer 200. Wait Henry, (East Nichols) r 119, farmer ti2. Wait Horace, (East Nichols) off r 119, farmer with his father Charles. Wait John, r 54, farmer 50. Wait John H., (East Nichols) r T19, farmer with his father William 225. Wait William, (East Nichols) r 119, farmer 225. Wait William H., r 54, farmer with his father John 50. Walker Abram, (Campville) r 54, laborer. Walker Frank, r 27, carpenter. Walker George D., (Union, Broome Co.) r 30, farmer 128. Walker Judson R., r 59, farmer, with his father Rial. Walker Rial, r 59, farmer 36. WALTER ARTEMAS, (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, farmer 250. Walter Franklin A., (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, carpenter. Walter Lester, (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, farmer for his father Artemas. Walter Lyman, (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, farm laborer. Walters Herman, (Gaskill's Corners) r 45, student. Walters Margaret, (Gaskill's Corners) r 45, widow William, farm 300. . Walters Orin, (Gaskill's Corners) r 45, farmer, leases of Mrs. M. Walters 300. Ward Charles, off r 113, farmer, leases of Ira Edwards. Ward Daniel, off r 46, farmer with his father Richard 55. Ward Richard, off r 46, farmer with his son Daniel 55. Warrick Peter, r 3 2, retired farmer. Warrick Samuel, (Union, Broome Co.) off r 47, farmer. Welch Charles, r 43, farmer, works on shares for the Misses. HoUenback 275. Welch James, (Gaskill's Corners) r 11, farmer 80. Welch Herbert, r 37, farmer 40. Wells Maria K., r 32, resident. Wemple Isaac S., 'Union, Broome Co.) r 30, farmer 84. Wenn John, (Union, Broome Co.) r 71, farmer 100. Wheeler Charles, (Apalachin) r 86, farmer. Wheeler Fred S., (Campville) r 54, clerk. Wheeler John, (Campville) r 54, groceries and provisions. White Andrew, (Apalachin) r loi 1-2, farmer no. Whitmarsh Andrew, on Hiawatha Island, works on shares for C. M. La- Monte 100. Whitney David H., (Campville) r 54, farmer 23. Whitney Nathan S., (Campville) r 54, farmer. WHITTAKER WELLINGTON,(Apalachin) (Sleeper & Whittaker) h Main WHITTEMORE ALVIN, (Union, Broome Co.) r 28, farmer 85. Whittemore Charles, r 27, farmer 80. Whittemore Egbert, (Union, Broome Co.) r 29, farmer 17. Whittemore Fred, (Union, Broome Co.) r 46, farmer, works on shares for Charles J. Stanton 162. Whittemore George, (Union, Broome Co.) r 30, farmer 120. Whittemore John, r 27, carpenter and farmer 40. Whittemore Marcus, (Campville) r 48, laborer. Whittemore Virgil, r 26, farmer 200. Whittemore William, (Gaskill's Corners) r 43, farmer 140. 174 OWEGO — OUTSIDE CORPORATION. Wicks Lucius M., r 54, ice-dealer. Wilcox Elizabeth Mrs., (Apalachin) resident, li Main. Williams Emeline, r 117, widow James H., resident. Williams George E., r 99, farmer no Williams Isaac F., r 95, farmer 41. Williams Jacob, r 99, retired. Williams John E., (Apalachin) harness-maker, Main, h Church. 'Williams Lucy, r 95, widow Reuben, resident. WilUams Stephen L., r 95, farmer, and leases of Mrs. Lucy Williams 100, WILLIAMS V.'RIGHT B., r 115, fruit-grower and farmer 100. Williamson Ezra M., r 22, farmer 80. Williamson George D., agt. for the "Sprague" farm wagon, and farmer, leases of Mrs. M. McLean 30. Williamson Isaac, r 17, farmer. Wilsey Otis, (South Owego) r 113, farmer 150. Winans Ernest, r 117, farmer with his father Orlando. Winans Orlando, r 117, farmer no. Winchell John J., (Flemingville) r 4, farmer 71. Winne Ajelica, (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, widow Walter V., resident. Winne Eugene, (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, farmer with his brother James 183. Winne Jacob, r 14, farmer 30. Winne James, (Gaskill's Corners) r 35, farmer with his brother Eugene 183. Winship Frank, (Flemingville) r 4, farm laborer. Witter Lyman, r 94, farmer 70. Witter William, off r 96, shingle-raaker and farmer. Wolcott Aaron, (South Owego) r 128, farmer 50. Wood Alva, (Apalachin) off r 108, farmer 37. Wood Andrew J., off r 96, farmer 41. Wood Catherine E., (Apalachin) r 114, widow Luman B., farmer 75. Wood Charles E., (Flemingville) r 30, dealer in agricultural implements and well-driver. Wood Charles H., r 60, cabinet-maker. Wood Clarence, r 40, farmer. Wood C. Leonard, r 60, emp. King & Co. WOOD EDWARD B., (Apalachin) r 114, farmer with his mother Catherine. Wood Frank T., (Gaskill's Corners) r 25, farmer 75. Wood J. Henry, off r 96, farm laborer. Wood Nelson, (Flemingville) r 5, farm laberer. Wood Royal, (Apalachin) r 104, farm laborer. Wood Royal P., r 40, farmer 85. Wood Samuel H., off r 96. farmer with his father Andrew J. Worrick Charles T., r loi^, farmer 70, and leases of Anna M. Boyce iic Worrick Freeman, (Apalachin) r loi^, farmer. Worrick Nathaniel S., r 32, farmer 130. Woughter Andrew C, (Union, Broom Co.) r 73, farmer 113. Woughter Avery, (Union, Broome Co.) r 71, farmer 70. Woughter Chester, (Union, Broome Co.) r 73, farmer 50. Woughter Cornelius, (Union, Broome Co.) r 72, farmer 85. Woughter Vol, r 54, farmer 57J. Wright Adam, r 16, farmer, works on shares for Joseph Young 100. Wright Elson, r 20, farm laborer. Yarrington Sylvia, (Apalachin) widow Washington, bds. Main. ST.ARKEV tc WINTERS, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Owego^ TOWN OF RICHFORI?. 1 75 Yates Daniel, (Campville) r 54, fanner 36. Yates Frank, (Apalachin) r 85, farmer. Yates George L., r 91, farmer with his father John. Yates John, r 91, farmer 70. Yates John S., (Apalachin) r 70, farmer 85. Yates Mary A., r 91, resident. • Yearsley Aaron, (Apalachin) r 69, horseman. Yearsley William, (Apalachin) emp. Marshland stock farm, h Main. York Abram, (Apalachin) r 104, farm laborer. Young Charles, r 20, farmer 50; Young George, r 54, farmer 265. Young Joseph, r 21, farmer 200. RICHFORD. {For explanations, etc., see page 3, part second^ (Postofifice address is Richford, unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.) Abbey Edward B., r 25, carpenter, and farmer 52. Allen Carlton E., (Caroline. Torap. Co.) r 26, farmer with H. C. Allen 134.. Allen Elmer, r 42, carpenter. Allen George W., farmer 35, h Main. Allen Henry C, (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 26, farmer 77, and with C. E. A.. 134- Allen James, physician and surgeon, h Main. ALLEN J. W., (Finch & Allen) r 18, prop, saw-mill, lumber dealer.and farmer 33°- Allen Sidney B., (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 23, farmer 102. Allen William B., commercial traveler, h Main. Avery Ebeneazer, (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 26, farmer 12. Ayers Elias, r 49, farmer no. AYERS FREDERICK A., r 37, farmer 1 10. AYERS JAMES W., shoemaker, h Mill. Ayers Jeptha L., r 46, laborer. Ayers Job, r 28, farmer 230. Ayers John L., r 46, farmer, leases of W. F. Wright, of Berkshire, 92. Ayers Marietta, r 41, widow of Albert, farm 11^ Ayers Rudolph, r 27, farmer 219. AYERS WAYLAND B., r 28, farmer. Barden Charles F., off r 26, farmer, leases of W. S. Goodrich id-j. Barden Edmund, r 18, carpenter. Barden Ezra S., farmer 30, h Main. Barden Frank, r 18, farmer 117. Barnes Arba P., harness-maker, h Front. Birnes George S , (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 22, farmer, leases of C. A. Fel- lows 100. STdiRKEY Ic WINXEHS, promptly fill Mall and Tcleplione Orders, 176^ TOWN OF RICHFORD. BARNES GRANT W., manuf. and dealer in harnesses, saddles, whips, nets, robes, and dusters, also county superintendent of poor, h Aurora. Barney George E., r 18, farmer 30. Beam Charles, (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 23, farmer 34. Belden Edgar F., clerk for W. C. Smith & Co., and farmer with William F. Belden 156. Belden Frederick C, r 39, farmer 160. Belden George R., r 39, farmer. BELDEN WILLIAM F., r 39, farmer 144. Bell Augustus E., shoemaker. Main. Benjamin Frank E., (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 23, farmer, leases of Sarah A. Benjamin, of McGrawville, 60. Benjamin Luther U., (Harford, Cort. Co.) r 8, laborer, h and lot. Berry Benjamin, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 12. Blakeman Allen, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 14, farmer 16 1. Blakeman Asahel, r 11, farmer 155. Blakeman William, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 14. BUss Bert, laborer. Bliss Franklin, prop, grist-mill, and farmer 30, opp. depot. Boice William J., (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer 30. Boyce Charles, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 10, laborer, h and lot. Brace Francis, resident, h Aurora, served in Co. D, 76th N. Y. Vols. BRIGHAM BOSTWICK, r 27, farmer 130. Brink Theodore, r 45 1-2, farmer. Brookins George W., r 33, farmer 25. Brumage John, (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 44, farmer 4. Brusie Granville, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) off r 14, farmer, leases of Allen Blakeman. BUNCE HARVEY A., r 49, farmer with. William A., 65. Bunce William A., r 49, farmer with Harvey A., 65. Chaffee Varnum, r 37 cor. 50, farmer 72. Chambers Samuel, (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) r 3, farmer 90. Chapman Amos E., r 35, farmer. Clark BLrdswell, (Berkshire) r 47, farmer, leases of Abram Clark, of Owego, t8o Clark Charles A., postmaster, and farmer 188 1-2. Clark Erastus W., r 19, farmer 8. Clark George, off r 18, laborer. Clark John D., laborer, h Aurora. Cleveland Ezekiel, ofif r 10, farmer 140. Cleveland Justus, r 42, farmer no. Colby Lewis I., r 41, farmer 144. Cole John, (Berkshire) r 48, farmer 28. Coney William, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 14, laborer. Congdbn Peter, r 39, farmer 122. CONRAD CHARLES H., r37, farmer 28. Cooper Ephraim A., (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) r 3, prop, saw-mill and farm 12. Cortright Charles, r 42, laborer. Cortright James, sawyer, h Main. Cox Sarah, r 31 1-2. Grain Marvin, (Harford Mills) r 9, laborer. Crandall Ira, (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 23, farmer 15. Culver John L., (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r ri, farmer, leases of A. Boyce of Harford 47. T|OWN OF RICHFORD. ' 177 ■CURTIS CHARLES F., r 39, justice of the peace, breeder and dealer in horses, dairy 16 cows and farmer 200. Curtis Loren H., r 39, resident. Dalrymple Lydo H., (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer. Dalrymple Samuel A. (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 8, farmer 100. Daniels H. & S. H., r 10 cor. 19, dairy 15 cows and farmers 180. Daniels Heman, (H. & S. H.) r 10 cor. 19. Daniels Samuel H., (H. & S. H.,) r 10 cor. 19, also civil engineer and sur- veyor. , Darlin Preston, (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) r 3, farmer 4. Davis Charles P., (Harford Mills) r 10, farmer, leases of Alfred Davis of Harford, 80. Davis j0iffl!Jfc>t 3.3,, teaclxir_and farmer 188. Deck^gt "Peter N., (Harford Miffs, "Cort.iCo.iM- iA.,,hxmei 102 3.;3 ■■^-'-Ti:m3JI,-^S^ FINCH CHARLES R., farmer, and breeder of Clydesdale horses FINCH CLARENCE W., (H. S. & C. W.) (W. C. Smith & Co.) h Main. Finch Elam, emp. H. S. & C. W. Finch. FINCH H. S. & C. W., (Hotchkiss S. and Clarence W.) props, steam saw- mill, and manufs. of lath, flooring, ceiling, etc., also woven wire mat- tress frames, corn knife, grass hook, and hay-knife handles, sythe boxes, extension table slides, bed slats, etc. FINCH HOTCHKISS S., manuf. and dealer in soft and hard wood lumber, lath, posts and shingles, farmer 1,200, 12 houses and 20 vacant lots in Auburn. Fish property. West ave. cor. King st, and with J. W. Allen, block cor. State, Perry and Mill sts., Rochester. Finch Philander W., justice of the peace, and dealer in live stock and pro- duce, h Aurora. Foote|p|P5ge M., farmer 50 in Candor, h Main, Foster Breivster, r 35, farmer 60. Foster Mfles, r 42, farmer, leases of R. Holmes, of Newark, 74. ^..^^T.^- :^undis John, Jr., off r 18, farmer, leases of John WS'Ss 54. ,Gee^®^^;fermer 25, h Main. — Gee Moses L., farmer 107,'h Aurora. Gee Noah, r 1 7, farmer 25. Geer Calphernia, widow Henry, resident, h Main. Geer George M., r 31 1-2, supervisor, and farmer 200. Geer lehabod H., r 31 1-2, resident. Genung Edward, r 34, farmer, leases 80. Genung Orrin L., r 45 1-2, wagon-maker and carpenter, also farmer 6. Gilbert Milo, (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) r 51, farmer 58. 12 178 TOWN OF RICHFORD. Gilbert William, (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) r 36, laborer. Glezen Charles A., (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) r 35, farmer 246. GOODRICH WILLIAM S., dealer in cattle, sheep, calves and swine, and farmer 167, h Main. Gostley Peter, off r 17, farmer 30. GRANGER EDMUND R., (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) (Francis & Son) r 10. GRANGER FRANCIS & SON (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) (Edmund R.) r 10, prop, of saw and grist mill, and manuf. of yard-sticks, bee-hives, honey sections, shipping crates, potato crates, mouldings, brackets and novelty goods. Gray Dennis, live stock and farm produce, also farmer 44, h Main. Greaves Susan D., widow George, resident. Griswold Lavina, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 14, widow William, farm 180. Griswold William, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 14, laborer. HALE SAMUEL B., r 37, farmer 60., served in Co. B 104th N. Y. Vols. Hall Leonard, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 10, laborer. Hamilton Alexander, r 33, farmer 20. Hamilton Luther B., (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 11, farmer 138. Haynes Charles A., r 17, farmer. Haynes Sylvester C, r 17, farmer 100. Heath Ambrose B., r 40, farmer 37 1-2, leases of Nathaniel 28 1-2. HEATH NATHANIEL, r 40, carpenter, and farmer 28 1-2, served in Co. H 146th N. Y, Vols. Heath Seymour, r 40, resident. Hefron Leroy, (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) r 3, portable saw-mill. Herrick Amos, r 37, farmer 80. Hill Charles H., r 26, laborer. Hill Ignatius, r 30, resident. Hill Wilson I., r 30, farmer 93. Hoaglin Edward, r 43, farmer. HOAGLIN MARVIN A., r 43, dealer in organs and sewing machines, and farmer 42. Holcomb Adelbert, r 35, farmer 50. Holcomb Timothy M., r 35, farmer. Hopkins Daniel H., house, sign and carriage painting and paper-hanging, kalsomining, etc., h Main. Horton Bros., (Orlando and Stephen L ) r 46, farmers 140. Horton Horace, section hand. HOUK GEORGE, r 21, farmer 40, and leases of Lydia Houk 130. Houk Lydia, r 21, widow Benjamin, farm 100. HOWLAND HARRISON, (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) r 36, carpenter, and farmer 174. Howland Wilber, (Center Lisle, Broome Co.)r 48, farmer 68. HUBBARD LINDERMAN M., r 51, farmer 11 1-2. Hulsander George, emp. H. S. & C. W. Finch, h Mill. Hulslander Jacob, r 17, farmer, leases of M. L. Gee 1=7. Hunt Daniel E., r 43, miller, and farmer 37. Hutchinson Alzina, widow John, resident, h Railroad. Hutchinson Edward, r 3T 1-2, farmer, leases of George M. Geer 200. Hutchinson Frank, resident, h Aurora. Hutchinson Wesley J., carpenter, h Railroad. Japhet George, r 35, laborer. STARKET & WINTERS, Wbolesale and Retail Drogglats, Owego, TOWN OF RICHFORD. 1 79 Jayne Amzi L., r 3o,farmer 115. Jayne Charles F., r 30, farmer. Jayne Samuel A., r 30, farmer 150. Jennings George, r 40, laborer. Jennings Henry A., r 35, breeder and dealer in horses, and farmer 170. Jennings William H., off r 41, farmer 175. Jewett Caroline, r 45, widow Richard, farm 96. Jewett Charles F., (Berkshire) r 95, dairy 14 cows, farmer 125. Jewett Lyman, r 45, farmer, leases of James Smith estate of Caroline 147.. Jewett Oliver, r 43, retired farmer. Jewett Orrin, r 45, farmer, works for Caroline Jewett 96. Johnson James B., r 40, farmer 100. J-ohnson William, (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) r 36, farmer, leases of Gama- liel H. Tubbs 115. Johnson William R., r 40, strawberry culturist, and farmer 50. Jones Lucius A., farmer 16, h Main. Jordan Franklin, (Berkshire) r 36, farmer. Kent Isman, off r 18, farmer 10. Keyes Thomas S., r 46, farmer 58. King William W., (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 10, carpenter, and farmer 30. Krum Charles G., r 41 cor. 42, dairy 15 cows, farmer 240. Lacey Charles, laborer, h Main. Lacey George, r 42, laborer. Lacey Louis V., telegraph operator. Lacey Philip, laborer, h Main. Lacey Rufus, laborer, h Railroad. Lacy James, r 28 cor. 29, farmer 160. Leach Daniel, r 44, farmer 45. Leebody Henry, laborer, h Aurora. Leebody Robert, r 40, laborer. Leonard John B., 35, millwright, and farmer 25. Lewis William, r 18, laborer. Livermore Walton, sawyer, h Aurora. Locke Benjamin, (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) r 3, laborer. Locke Henry D., (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) farmer, leases of Mrs. S. A. White 250. Marsh Aaron, r 46, dairy 12 cows, farmer 120. Marsh Burr, (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) r 36, farmer 134. Marsh Washington, r 35, farmer 70, served in Co. E., 76th N. Y. Vols., and Co. F., ist Ver. Cavalry. Marshall Charles, laborer. Marshall Charles, r 31, blacksmith. Marshall William, laborer, h Main. Marshall Wilson, off r 18, farmer 13. Matson Frank,(Harford, Cort.'Co.) r 7, farmer, works for Orrin Matson 90. Matson Lucy A., (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 24, widow Isaac, farm 17, and with Seth Matson 200. Matson Ormal, (Harford, Cort. Co.)r 7, laborer. Matson Orrin, (Harford, Cort. Co.) r 7, farmer 90. Matson Seth, (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 24, farmer with Lucy A. 200. Mayo William W., r 46, farmer. Mclntyre John, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 19^ farmer.. STARKE'K' 4: 'WIirTERSj Drasglsts, Owego. Close Prices to Dealers. ■ - l8o TOWN OF RICHFORD. Meacham George W., r 37, farmer. MEACHAM JAMES VV., r 37, brick and plaster mason. MEACHAM ORRIN N., r 37, carpenter, also mason, and farmer 32. Meloy Charles T., r 33, farmer 50. Meloy Frank P., r 33, lumberman, breeder and dealer in horses, and far- mer 96^. MILLER WILLIAM F., dealer in groceries and provision, and farm pro- duce, Read & Co.'s fertilizers and champion mowers and reapers, and Perry spring tooth harrow. Main. Mills George F., r 33, laborer. Moore Charles H., justice of the peace and produce dealer, h Main, served jn Co. G., 137, N. Y. Vols. Moore Dana A., r 46, farmer 28. Moore Emily A., r 46, widow Elijah, farm 112. Moore Enoch N>, r 33, laborer. Moore Helen A., r 46, farm with Diadama Walker 71. Moreland George D., general blacksmith, served in Co. G, 109th N. Y. Vols., h Main. Morenus Chancey, r 33, farmer too. JVTorenus William H., r 33, farmer. Morton Agnes, r 18, widow Spencer, resident. Morton Edward, r 18, laborer. Morton John, ofFr 10, farmer. Morton Lewis, r 10, sawyer and farmer 20. Morton William, r 10, mason, carpenter and farmer 18; Myers Fred, (Harford Mills,. Cort. Co.) r 11, lumberman and farmer. Myres John S., (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 11, farmer 53, served in Co. E, 1 5 7th N. Y. Vols. JNash David, laborer, h Mill. JNefif Alexander, r 34, laborer, served in 109th Artillery, N. Y. Vols. Neif Harrison, r 15, farmer 67. NefF Jerome, r 34, farmer 60. Newton Delay, r 31^, farmer 38. Nigus Judson, (Harford, Cort. Co.) r 7, stone-mason. Nixon Albert, r 31, laborer. Norton Cyrus, (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 24, laborer. O'Brien Dennis, farmer 50, h Main. O'Brien James, r 26, farmer 130. Ostrander Lorenzo, r 35, farmer 127. Owens Levi, r 31 cor. 18, blacksmith, and farmer 20. Owens Phineas, laborer. Owens William, r 31, well-drilling. Packard George, r 18, farmer 26. Packard John, r 18, farmer 30. Palmerton Fred H., r 49, laborer. Palmerton George, r 37, farmer 40. Parker William W., (Harford Mills) r 9, dairy 28 cows, farm 260. Patch Edward H., (Berkshire) r 45 J, farmer, works for Mrs. E. L. Patch, of Berkshire 222. Perry Ebenezer, (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 5, farmer 20. PERRY EDWIN A., r 43, steam-threshing and grist-mill, wagon maker, and farmer 1 10. Perry Frank, r 44, music teacher, and farmer 25. TOWN OF RICHFORD. iSf Perry Lewis, (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 5, laborer. Perry Richard H., (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 51, resident. Personius John J., (Slaterville, Tomp. Co.) r 3, farmer 8. Phelan Patrick, section boss. Phillips C. Martin, (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) r 48, farmer. Phillips Franklin, (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) r 48, farmer 66. Phillips W. Ardell, (Berkshire) r 47, leases of C. Arnold of Geneva 90. Pierce Benjamin, (Harford, Cort Co.) r 6, dealer in charcoal, and farmer 60. Pierce George H., (Harford, Cort. Co.) r 6, resident. Pierce John, (Harford, Cort. Co.) r 21, laborer. PIERCE WALLACE C, dealer in furniture and household goods, also un- dertaker and dealer in breech-loading shotguns and rifles, agent for the Ithaca breech-loading shotguns. PoUey Amos, r 31, farmer 275. PoUey Lemuel, r 31, farmer 68. PoUey Solomon, r 32, farmer 6z. Quail Fred, (Carohne, Tomp. Co.) r 4, laborer. Rawley Daniel T., retired farmer. Rawley George W., dentist and jeweler, Main. Rawley Hiram B., general store. Rice William, laborer, h Railroad. RICH CHAUNCEY L., retired treasurer Southern Central R. R. Rich Henry L., book-keeper, bds Main. Rich Lucian D. station and express agent. RICHFORD HOTEL, H. W. Thelemao, prop. Root Reuben, (Berkshire) r 46, farmer 43. Robinson. Asher, (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) farmer, leases of M. Robinson 90. ROBINSON CALVIN J., att'y and counselor at law, notary public, and pension agent, h Main. Robinson Fred J., telegraph operator, bds. Main. Robinson Hiland, mechanic, h Main. Robinson Isaac N., r 21, carpenter, and wagon repairer, also farmer 60. Robinson James, telegrapTi operator, h Main. Robinson Martin, r 42, farmer 290. Rockefeller Egbert, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 11, farmer 135. Rockefeller Henry, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co!) off r 14, farmer 30. Rockefeller Jacob, (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 22. Rockefeller John, (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 22, farmer 82. Rockefeller Simeon W., (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 12, farmer 100. Rogers Mary Powell, resident, h Aurora. Royce Dewitt, (Harford, Cort. Co.) r 5, farmer with Herman 63. Royce Herman, (Harford, Cort. Co.) farmer with Dewitt 63. Rusher William, (Harford, Cort. Co.) r 8, farmer, leases of Jane Sheldon, of Newark, 144. Satterly Charles, r 17, farmer 5. Satterly Ira, r 33, farmer 15. Satterly Lyman J., r 17, farmer 18. Satterly Willard, r 17, lumberman, and farmer 62. Satterly William B., (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) r 36, farmer 41. Sears Dioclesian, r 16, retired farmer. Sears James M., r 16, stock breeder ahd dealer, and farmer 237. Sexton Ransom, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 18, dairy 17 cows, farmer 160. Sherwood Isaac, (Berkshire) r 47, dairy 15 cows, farmer 150. 382 TOWN OF RICHFORD. Slater George, amp. H. S. & C. W. Finch, h Aurora. Slater Joseph, r i6, farmer 22. Slater Timothy, off r 18, farmer 15. Smith Eliza, r 45, widow James, farm 147. Smith Jerome, r ti, laborer. Smith Julius C, millwright, and wagon-maker, h Aurora. Smith Nicholas, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 14, farmer 80. SMITH RALPH P., r 35, breeder and dealer in Clay and Hambletonian horses, dairy 30 cows, farmer 200. Smith W. C. & Co., (H. S. and C. W. Finch) general store. Smith William R., r 18, laborer. STANLEY ANSON, (Center Lisle, Broome Co.) r 51, farmer 56. Steele Andrew, (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 4, farmer 160. Stephens Hector, teamster. Stewart Lewis, r 31, laborer. SWIFT CHARLES H., dealer in hardware, tinware, stoves and ranges, hang- ing lamps, Rogers Bros.' plated-ware, cutlery, alarm clocks, agate ware, chums and churn-powers, bird cages, horse-blankets, syrup cans, sap- buckets, tin-roofing, eave-troughs, tobacco and cigars, etc., Main, h Main. Talbot Selah, r 11, farmer 32. Talcott Horace B., r 17, farmer 25. Talcott Jessie F„ r 17, farmer 25. Talcott Willard, r 17, farmer 27. Tarbox Benjamin, r 10, farmer 40. Theleman Frank, porter Richford Hotel. THELEMAN HIRAM W., prop. Richford Hotel, and livery, also dealer in wagons, mowing-machines, horse-rakes, etc., and farmer 50. Thomas Theodore F., r 42, farmer 6. THOMPSON ALEXANDER, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 11, farmer 85^. Thompson Benjamin, r 44, cooper, and farmer 2J. Thompson Charles, r 16, farmer 40. Thompson Charles H., r 44, farmer. Thompson William H., (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 11, farmer 22, leases of Mrs. E. N. VanDyke 80. Tobey Josiah G., (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) r 26, prop, saw-mill, and farmer 118. Tryon Daniel, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r ii, farmer 64. Tubbs Elbert, r 49, laborer. Tubbs Freedom U., r. 34, widow Robert, farmer 35. TUBES GAMALIEL C, (Center Lisle, Broome Co.l r 36, prop, steam saw-mill, dealer in lumber and farmer 300. TUBBS GAMALIEL H„ (Whitney's Point, Broome Co.) farmer 100 and at Whitney's Point steam saw-mill, and mnfr. and dealer in lumber, doors, blinds, sash, mouldings and butter packages. Turk George H., r 32, farmer, leases of Amos Polley. Tyler Edward, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 10, clergyman (Chris.) and farmer 10. Tyler Laura, widow Ezra, resident, h Main. Vandemark Samuel, r 17, farmer 72 1-2. Van Gorder Charles H., r 49, farmer 25. Vincent Delia, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 10, widow Peter, farmer 142. Vincent Henry, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) farmer, leases of James Foster 52. STARKET ac 'WINTERS, Wbolesale and Retail Dragglsts, Owego. TOWN OF SPENCER. 183 Vincent Henry G., (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 10, farmer, leases of Delia Vincent 142. Vunk J. Frank, carpenter, h Main. Walker Albert, (Berkshire) r 45, farmer 86. Walker Lyman M., r 43, farmer 130. Walker Orrin, r 40, farmer 196. WATKINS AMOS G., justice of the peace and dealer in horses, cattle, sheep and swine, also farmer 400, and with James L. Watson estate 195, h Main. Watkins Eugene, (Harford, Cort. Co.) r 23, farmer 31. Welch Luther H., (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) off r 23, farmer 84. Welch Rufus H., (Caroline, Tomp. Co.) off r 23, carpenter and farmer 130. Westcott Matthew, conductor Southern Central R. R., h Main. Wheaton Mason S., (Harford, Cort. Co.) r. 29, farmer 67. Wightman George W., r 43, farmer. Wilbur James F., prop, grist-mill at Harford and dealer in flour, meal and feed. Wilcox Frederick, off r 18, laborer. Wilcox Gardner, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r.9, farmer 160. Wilcox John, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 8 cor. 21, farmer 95. Wilcox Justin, (Harford Mills, Cort. Co.) r 9, farmer. Wilcox Smith, r 10, farmer 10, and leases of Ransom Sexton 160. Williams Cyrel, (Harford Mills, Cortland Go.) r 12, farmer 52. Williamson James, r 50, farmer 43. Wilson Josiah, r 50, farmer 44. Witter Daniel P., r 44, dairy 14 cows, farmer 143. Woodard Edgar, r 10, laborer. Woodard Elijah, r 10, laborer. Woodard John, r 33, farmer 54. Woodard John P., r 33, farmer 50. Woods Elisha B., r 40, contractor and builder, and dealer in apples and all kinds of furs and hides. YAPLE DELOSS, teaming, h Main. YAPLE O. A., wife of Deloss, dealer in millinery and fancy goods Main. Yaple Philip H., r 25 cor. 26, farmer 100. 2ee Franklin, r 33, farmer 28. Zee Horner, r 50, farmer. Zimmer Hiram, r 17, laborer. SPENCER. {For explanations, etc., see page 3, part second.) (Fostoffice address is Spencer, unless otherwise designated in parenthesis.) Abbey Lizzie, millinery, Main, h do. Abbott Andrew, (North Spencer) r i, farmer 100. Abbott :^euben, cartman, h Brooklyn. Abbott Solomon, drug clerk,, h Academy. STARKEY &, WINTEAS, promptly fill mall and Telepbone Orders. 1 84 TOWN OF SPENCER. Ackerman Riley, farm laborer, h Main. Ackerman Roscoe E., r 34, farmer, leases of Samuel Eastham 40. Ackles Lewis, (North Spencer) r 22, laborer. Acfcles Truman, r 29, farmer. Adams Frank W., (North Spencer) r 19, justice of the peace, and farmer 120. Adams William, r 48, farmer. Aldred Cynthia, widow Robert B., resident, h Park. Allen Jerome, r 8, laborer. Allen Olive, widow Joel, resident, bds. Main. Ammerman Daniel, r 43, retired farmer. Armstrong Dennison B., laborer, h Liberty. Armstrong William H., emp. Seely's Mill, h Van Etten. Bacorn Darius, r 27, farmer, leases of Dr. Davis 40. Bailey Oliver P., r 48, farmer 50. Baker Emily, widow Epaphras, resident, h Van Etten. BAKER L. E.,. prop. Spencer Marble Works, h Academy. Barber Adeline, off r 41, widow of Stockholm, farmer 50. Barber Charles, r 61, laborer. Barber Fred C, oflf r 41, farmer. Bartley Larow, farmer, h Mill. Bartrom John P., (Halsey Valley), r 54, farmer 50. Batz Jacob, retired, h North ave. Beadle Edward G., laborer, bds. Liberty. Beadle Geora:e, resident, h Liberty. Bell Alfred F., r 17, farmer. BeUis Elizabeth Miss, laundress, h Academy. Benedict William H., emp. Seely's Mill, h Liberty. Benton Harry, r 13, farmer. Benton James, r 14, farmer 103. Benton William, r 13, farmer 10. Berry Nathaniel, (North Spencer) r 19, farmer 8. Besley Reuben D., emp. Seely's Mill, h Laurel. Bidlack Ranson, r 54, farmer 177. BINGHAM I. AUGUSTUS, r 10, farmer 250. Bingham Seth H., r 10, farmer. Blanch Maria, widow David, resident, h Brooklyn. Bliven Charles, resident, h Main. Bliven Luther, r 33, farmer 92. Bliven Samuel G., retired, h Van Etten. Boda Charles, r 11, farmer 150. Boda Frederick C, breeder and dealer in horses and cattle, and farmer 50, Boda George, r loj, farmer 50. Bogart John J., r 42, laborer. Bogert Clarence, r 53, laborer. Bogert Franklin, r 33, laborer. Bogert Orlando W., r 33, laborer. Bogert William W., r 49, farmer 50, and leases of Jane Williams 128. Bosley Asa, r 27, dairy 30 cows, farmer, leases of Seymour Seeley 360. Bowen James G., r 28, laborer. Bower Brothers, (Philip and Levi) furniture and undertaking, Main. Bower Philip A., (Bower Bros.) h Main. Bower Levi, (Bower Bros.) bds. at Van EttenviUe. Bowen Samuel, r 24, laborer. Bowen Seth, groceries, Academy, bds. do. TOWN OF SPENCER. 1 85 Bradley Calvin W., retired, h Main. Bradley Charles E., merchant, Main, h do. Brearley Arthur J., r 43, brickmaker. Brearley Willie J., r 43, laborer. Breese Frank, r 42, farmer, leases of L. Emmons 80. Breese Fred P., r 43, emp. brickyard. [Brock Clinton, r 18, farmer 50. Brock Estella, teacher, bds. Academy. Brock Ethel, farmer, h Academy. BROCK JOHN, r 42, dealer in cattle and breeder of sheep and lambs, also wool-buyer, and farmer 280. Brock John A., r 34, farmer, leases of Ethel Brock 15b. brooks Daniel, r 26, farmer 85. Brooks Daniel C., agricultural implements, and farmer 145, h Maple ave. CBROOKS GEORGE, r 45, justice of the peace, and farmer 55. [Brooks Leonard, r 15, clerk. ,Brooks Victor W., r 45, farmer 47. Brown Frederick R., r 33, farmer 50 in Candor, and leases of J. Thompson, of Candor, 250. Brown Lee A., r 43, laborer. Brown William, r 18, cooper. BRUNDAGE DeWITT C, carriage, wagon, and sleigh manuf., VanEtten, h. do. Brundage Jay C, wagon-maker, bds. VanEtten. Buckley Frank A., r 43, laborer. Bunnell Charles, r 37, farmer 53. Burchard Stephen, r 34, farmer 16. Burdick Peter, r 42, stone mason. Burhyte Andrew, r 43, farmer 147. Burtless James, (North Spencer) r 2, basket-maker. Buttles Morden U., (VanEttenville, Chemung Co.) r 43, farmer 75. Butts Andrew P., retired tanner, h Main. "Butts Celestia, widow Hyatt, resident. Butts Charles E., justice of the peace, and farmer 127, h Main. Butts Charles E., Jr., carpenter, bds. Main. Butts Fred G., farmer with his father Charles E., bds. Main. 'Butts Harvey, laborer, btls. Main. Canfield Edgar E., teamster, h VanEtten. Canfield Fred U., miller, h Liberty. Card Albert J., street commissioner, and farmer 52, h VanEtten. CARD ALVIN D., r 43, farmer 94. Card Charles B., r 43, cider-mill. Carter Frank E., barber, Main, h Water. Cashady Guy, meat-market, Main, h Brooklyn. Cashady John, (Halsey Valley) r 54, farmer 133. Cashman William H,, r 37, farmer. Cavanaugh Edwin, (North Spencer) r 21, farmer 50. Chadrick Lewis, r 41, farmer 97. Chapman Samuel, lumberman, h Main. Chapman Willard E., (North Spencer) r 2, laborer. Clapp John W., miller, h VanEtten. Clapp Walker G., photographer, VanEtten, h do. Clarey Dennis, emp. L. V. R. R., h Liberty. 1 86 TOWN OF SPENCER. C^ark Howard, carpenter, h Brooklyn. ; Clark John S., upholsterer; bds. Brooklyn. Clark Lewis, r 34, blacksmith, and farmer 90, and leases of James Bishop, of Candor, 100. Clark Samuel, (Halsey Valley)r 59. Clark Shepard B., medical student, bds. Brooklyn. Clark Sylvenus B., r 38, blacksmith and farmer, works for Lewis Clark 90. Clark Theodore A., r 9, farmer 215. Clark William A., (Halsey Valley) r 59, farmer 12. Clay John, r 26, farmer 85. Coggin George E., r 15, farmer 100. COMPTON SILAS, (West Candor) r 37, general blacksmith and wagon- maker, horse-shoeing a specialty, served in Co. F, 76th N. Y. Vols. Coney Frank G., emp. Seely's mill, h Liberty. Coney Irving M., r 28, lumberman. Congdon V. B., r 51, farmer 56. Converse Lottie, r 41, widow Theodore, farmer 160. Cook Almon, (North Spencer) r i, resident. Cook Anderson B., (North Spencer} station agent and telegraph operator, also machinist. Cornell Charles S., r 43, grain threshing, and farmer 100. Cortright Albert, r 48, farmer 8, and leases of A. S. Emmons 120. Cortright Ayres D., (Halsey Valley) r 54^ mason and farmer. Cortright David, (Halsey Valley) r 54, farmer 16. iCowell Alvah, (North Spencer) r 19, farmer. cCowell Betsey, (North Spencer) r i, widow Lewis, farm 45. Lowell Charles, (North Spencer) r i, farmer 150. ^Cowell Edward, (North Spencer) rig, farmer 150. i^Cowell Eliza, (North Spencer) rig, widow James, resident. rCowell ~Eva S., teacher, bds. Maple ave. fCowell Mariette, (North Spencer) r i, widow John A., farm 19. ■iCowell Mary A., widow John, resident, h Main. ■fCowles Aaron, (North Spencer) r i, farmer, leases of A. Abbott 100. X^lowles Almiron, (North Spencer) r i, farmer 50, and leases of D. Randall of Etna 50. fCowles Ebenezer, emp. Seely's Mill, h Liberty. JfCowles Jason, r 24, farmer 50. +Cowles John S., (North Spencer) r 2, farmer, leases of Almiron Cowles 50. 4Cowles Marcus K, (North Spencer) r 2, lumberman, and farmer 127. -Kllowles Mary L., (North Spencer) r 2, owns with Edgar D. Sabin of Can- dor 107. -Cowles Sylvester, (North Spencer) r 2, carpenter. Crafts Calvin B., student, bds. Main. Crane John, r 27, farmer 22. Crum Peter, r 48, farmer 50. Curamings Albert, r 40, lumberman and farmer, leases of Jerome Thompson of Candor 180. Cummings Andrew, r 61, laborer. Cummings Jacob W., r42^, farmer 12. Cummings Williams P., (Van Ettenville) r 43, musician and farmer. Daughty Robert, laborer, bds. Liberty. Davenport Arthur V., r 66, farmer. Davenport John S., clerk, bds. Main. ^ TOWN OF SPENCER. 1 87 DAVENPORT SHERMAN, r 66, farmer 50. Davis Cornelius W., farmer, h Academy. • DAVIS GEORGE W., physician and surgeon, Main, h do. Davis Isaac S., r 38, laborer. ■'^^T''^^ JEROME S., manuf. of all kinds mowing machine icnives, and Buckeye hand cornplanters. also all kinds of machine job work. Cedar, bds do Dawson Chester, r 32, farmer 173. Dawson John, ])eddler, h Liberty. Dawson Mary E., widow Myron, resident, bds. Main. Dawson Nelson, retired, h Main. Dawson Seth W., r 32, farmer, leases of Chester 173. Dawson Sidney A., r 32, threshing, and farmer 65. DAY CYRENUS N., general merchant, h North ave. DAY JOHN & SON, (Cyrenus N.) hardware, stoves and tinware, groceries and provisions, boots and shoes, and agricultural implements. Main. DAY JOHN, general merchant, h Maple. Day William S:, r 28, blacksmith, and farmer 78. DEAN EDWARD E-, atty. at law. Main, h do. Dean Mary, r 47, widow Casper, farm 16. Dean Orrin F., farmer 54, h Main. Decker Andrew, r 6r, laborer. Decker William, emp. Bower Bros., h at Van Ettenville. Deming Augustus C, r 61, farnier 192. Deming Joseph B., r 61, farmer. Deming William H., r 63, stump-pulling and farmer 36. Deriniston Chester B.,' asst. station agt. G. I. & S. R. R. and telegraph opp. h Liberty. De Remer Enos, (West Candor) r 36, carpenter. De Remer Olan, (West Candor) r 36, farmer 75. Devereaux Seymour, r 61, laborer. Dewey Charles, r 11, farmer. Deyo Chauncey, r 33, mason. Deyo Harry, r 33, mason. Dickens Robert E., emp. Seely's mill, h off Liberty. Dikeman George, r 59, farmer 103. Dodge Alvin, retired, h Myrtle. Dodge Anthony, r 49, lumberman. Dodge Sarah A., r 18, widow Edwin, saw-mill and farm 190. Dorn Abram, r 32, farmer 60, and leases of Nelson Dawson 107. Doty Asa T., r 26, farmer 109. Douglass James, r 26, farmer, leases of Edward Co well 100. Downey Frank, laborer, h Academy. Downey Robert L., sawyer, h Academy. Drake Charles W., farmer 35, h Van Etten. Dresser Jacob S., clerk for S. A. Seely, h Railroad ave. Dumond Harry, watchmaker and jeweler Main, h Center. Dutton James, r 45, laborer. Eastham John, (West Candor) farmer 40. Easthain Lucy A., (West Candor) r 39, widow of Edmund, farm 59. Eastham Peter, farmer 50. EASTHAM SAMUEL, (West Candor) r 37, prop, saw-mill and manf. and dealer in hemlock lumber, lath and wood, also shipper of baled hay and straw, and farmer 165, and works for Maggie Eastham 100. TOWN OF SPENCER. Eastham Thomas, (West Candor) r 39, farmer io6. Eastham Thomas J., farmer 80. Eaton Harris, (North Spencer) r 22, farmer 2. Edwards Clarissa, widow Philo, resident, h Liberty. Edwards George, r 28, laborer. Elbrooks Charles, clerk, bds. Main. Elbrooks Elmore L., clerk, h Main. Ellis Edwin R., lumberman, h Van Etten. Embody Isaac, laborer, h Main. Emery David, r 32, farmer 90. Emery James C, r 13, prop, saw-mill and farmer 33. EMMONS ALFRED S., general merchant and farmer 260, Van Et ten, h do. EMMONS LUCIUS E., drugs, books and stationery, Main, h do. English Minor W., (Van Ettenville, Chemung Co.) r 64, farmer 150. Ennis Aldis F., farmer, h Academy. Ennis Samuel, farmer, h Academy. Esraay Claude H., drug'clerk, bds. Main. Eveland Samuel, r 53, laborer. Fanning Andrew J., r 41, laborer. FARMERS' AND MERCHANTS' BANK OF SPENCER, (Thomas Brock, pres't ; O. P. Dimon, vice-pres't ; M. D. Fisher, cashier ; M. B. Ferris, ass't cashier, Main. Farnsworth Edgar, farmer, h Main. Farnsworth George, laborer, h Cedar. Farnsworth James, r 45, farmer 26, Farnsworth Marcellus, r 24, laborer. Ferguson George N., shoemaker. Main, h do. Ferris Andrew P., laborer, h Laurel. Ferris S. Arthur, r 49, farmer. Ferris Charles, (Halsey Valley) r 53, farmer 50. Ferris Cornelia, widow George H., resident, h Main. Ferris Cyrus B., r 49, farmer 82. :FerrIs Daniel, (Halsey Valley) r 53, farmer 63. ■Ferris David A., r 63, carpenter and farmer, works for Electa A. Ferris 30. •Ferris Edmund, r 53, farmer 127. Terris Gabriel, off r 41, farmer. -FERRIS GEORGE C, (West Candor) r 35, apiarist 50 colonies, and far- mer 100. ■^erris James, off r 41, farmer 50. (Ferris John, r 40, farmer 90. [F'erris Harvey, r 53, farmer. Ferris Louisa, widow Joshua H., resident, Main. ^Ferris Moses, r 49, farmer 50. Ferris Myron, (West Candor) r 36, laborer. FERRIS MYRON B., ass't cashier Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, also fire and life insurance, h Main. (•Ferris Willis C, r 57, farmer, leases of D. B. Hadorn 120. Field Henry E., farmer, h Main. Fields Noah, farmer 50, h Main. FISHER BERT F., (Fisher Bros.) r 19, musician. FISHER BROTHERS, (B. F. and S. J. F.) r 19, dairy 20 cows, farmers,, lease of J.' P. Fisher 190. Fisher Charles, (Halsey Valley) r 59, farmer 25. TOWN OF SPENCER. 1 89 Fisher Charles A., r 28, farmer, leases of Harriet L. Fisher 80. Fisher Charles J., drugs and medicines, Main, h do. Fisher Clarence, (Halsey Valley) r 59, laborer. Fisher Fred M., laborer, h Main. Fisher Joseph T., r 17, farmer. -iFisher Leonard, farmer, h Liberty. FISHER MARVIN D., postmaster, and general merchant. Main, h do. Fisher PhiHp J., farmer, h Main. •Fisher Robert H., r 17, dairy 30 cows, farmer 375. FISHER STEPHEN J., (Fisher Bros.) r 19. Fisher Susan, widow Thomas, resident, h Main. Fisher William H., physician and surgeon. Main, h do. Fleming WilUam H., farmer 280, h Academy. Forsyth Augustus, r 33, laborer. Forsyth Henry, r 37, farmer 77. Forsyth Henry B., (Halsey Valley) r 59, farmer 60. Forsyth Hettie, resident, bds. North ave. Forsyth Nelson A., r 40, apiarist, and dealer in bee-keeper's supplies, also farmer 25. Forsyth Perry, r 13, laborer. Forsyth Rumsey, (Halsey Valley) r 59, farmer 50. Forsyth Wallace, r 40, laborer. Fox John, (North Spencer) r 2, leases of Bethaney Hill 50. Frisbie Lucinda, widow Charles, resident, h Academy. Fulton Frederic, r 66, farmer 50. Fulton Maria, r 47, wife of Frederic, farm 45. Furman Horace, (North Spencer) off r 19, farmer 80. Gallagher Patrick, emp. Seeley's mill, h off Liberty. Galpin George R., r 34, farmer. Galpin James, r 34, farmer 60. Galpin Orrin B., r 34, farmer. Garatt Elmore, r 38, farmer with Harriet 218. Garatt Harriet, r 38, widow Corinth, farmer with Elmore 218. Garatt S. C, widow A.masa, milliner. Van Etten, h do. Garey Abram L., wagon-maker, h Brooklyn. Garey Daniel, (North Spencer) r 2, shoemaker. Gay Patrick, (West Candor) r 37, farmer 150. GEORGIA D. LAMONT, supt. Spencer creamery, h Liberty. Georgia Mary M., widow Nathan S., resident, h Liberty. Georgia William W., emp. Spencer creamery, h Liberty. Gilbert Burdett, r 42, laborer. Gilbert Norman A., barber, Brooklyn cor. Main, h Creek.. Giles Mary, r 41, farm 75. Gilkie Riley, r 61, farmer 3. GOEHNER LOUIS G., r 54, cigar manuf. and farmer. Goodfich Austin L., foreman Seeley's mill,' h Liberty. Goodrich Calvin E., r 61, farmer 30. Goodrich Calvin J., r 61, stone mason, h Myrtle. Goodsell Rebecca A., widow Jared H., resident, bds. Liberty. Green Anson, (North Spencer) r 2, farmer. Green John B., resident, h Park. Green Wheeler Q, (Halsey Valley) r 54, farmer 105. Greer Charlotte, r 61, farm 24. I-gO TOWN OF SPENCER. GrifSn James A., carpenter and builder, Park, h do. Griffith Absalom, r 14, blacksmith and farmer 60. Griffith Frederick D., clerk, h Center. Grinnell Daniel P., r 13, laborer. GROVE HOTEL, C. J. Rice, manager, opp. G. I. & S. depot. GUINNIP DEMPSTER N., painter, paper-hanger, Brooklyn, h North ave. GUINNIP GEORGE, painter and paper-hanger, Brooklyn, h North ave. «AGAD0RN DAVID B., r 57, feed-mill, and farmer 193. Hall Cornelia L., r 38 cor. 41, wife of H. S., farm in Ulysses, Tomp. Co. 95. Hall Harvey Smith, r 38 cor. 41, manuf. and dealer in lumber and shingles, and farmer 600. Hall Leonard F., r 38, wagon-maker. Hallock Emily, widow John, resident, h Main. Hallock William M., farmer 138, h Main. Hanson Charles, tinsmith, h Main. Harding Ella Mrs., resident, h Main. Hart Morris, r 8, farmer 50. Haskins Charles, laborer, h Brooklyn. Hawkins Albert, r 49, farmer. Hawley Edward, laborer, h Myrtle. Hawley Edward, r 18, farmer. kHead Bradfprd, r 47, laborer. Head Theron, r 47, tobacco-grower and farmer, leases of A. J. Card 21. Hedges Frank L., emp. Seely's mill, h Academy, Hedges Laton N., resident, h Aurora. Hess John. (Halsey Valley) r 53, farmer, leases of Daniel Ferris 63. Hevland William H., r 45, laborer. Hiers Theodore, laborer; h Main. Hike W. Harvey, mason, h Academy. Hill Bethaney, (North Spencer) r 2, widow Luther, farm 50. Hilligas Joshua, life insuralice, h Tompkins ave. Hinds James H., (Halsey Valley) r 54, laborer. Hinds William H., (Halsey Valley)r 54, farmer leases of Joshua Tompkins no. Holdridge Amos, r 41, with William A., farmer 217. HOLDRIDGE WILLIAM A., r 41, apiarist, and with Amos farmer 217. HoUister Warren L., (West Candor) off r 39, farmer 90. Homiston Ezra W., physician and surgeon. Main, h do. Hover Elisha, (West Candor) r 39, farmer. iHouse George W., (North Spencer) r i, farmer 107. House John P., mason, h Academy. JHouse Lewis M., (North Spencer) r 22, farmer 175. Howard Alvin, (West Candor) laborer. Howard Henry, off r 66, laborer. Howard Loring P. Rev., pastor M. E. church, h Van Etten. Howell Charles, r 47, laborer. Howell Frank C, book-keeper Bachelor's endowment association, h Main. Howell Henry H., r 6r, farmer 50. Howell Ira M., farmer 45, h Van Etten. Howell James K., r 47, farmer 5. Howell John, r 47, farmer 27. Howell Myron P., station agt. G. I. & S. R. R., h Park. Howell Norman J., r 61, brickmaker. STARKKY & WINTERS, 'Wholesale and Retail Drngglsts, Owego. TOWN OF SPENCER. 191 Hubbell Ira, r 27, laborer. Hugg Horace A., carpenter, h Liberty. Hugg Luman H., r 28, farmer 119, 'Hulburt Luther J., (North Spencer) r 20, farmer 130. Hulet George, r 26, farmer. -Hull Eben, blacksmith, Cedar, h Main. rHull James B., r 30 cor. 54, farmer 125. Hull Loring W., farmer 100, h Main. 'Hunt Isaiah, retired, h Main. Hunt James O., off r 51, farmer, leases of Isaiah Hunt 87. 'Hutchings Eli M., carpenter, h Laurel. 'Hyatt William, farmer 14, h Main. Johnson Allen, off r 66, laborer. ohnston Chauncey, (North Spencer) r 2, farmer. ^Dftnston David, (North Spencer) r 2, farmer 140. ohnston Ira, (North Spencer) r 2, farmer. oy Abel, ofFr 13, farmer. by Alyah, r 10, farmer 50. Joy Daniel, r 42^, tobacco grower, and farmer 70. oyce Joseph, resident, h Academy. Kellogg Mahlon A., (North Spencer) postmaster, and general merchant. Kelsey Charles, r 23, farmer 100. Kelsey Lewis, off r 24, farmer 50. Kelsey Walter, r 61, farmer. Kelsh John G., laborer, h Brooklyn. Ketcham Henry, r 33, laborer. Keyes Nathan, r 23, resident. King Duane C, clerk, h North ave. Kinner Asa, emp. Seely's mill, h Van Etten. Kirk Charles, (Halsey Valley) r 59, carpenter, and farmer 33. Kirk Charles N., (Halsey Valley) r 59, blacksmith, and farmer 40. Kirk Fred G., (Halsey Valley) r 59, farmer. Kirk Henry P., (West Candor) off r 39, farmer 75. Kirk Stephen, (Halsey Valley) r 59, farmer 64". Knapp EHas, r 53, farmer, leases of Franklin Poole of Barton 75. ' Knapp Isaac, (Halsey Valley) r 53, farmer 30. Knupenburg Frank, r 28, laborer. Knupenburg Myron, (North Spencer) r 2, laborer. Lake Fred W., (North Spencer) r 2, farmer 99. Lake George W., (North Spencer), r ig, farmer 150. Lake Harvey, (North Spencer) r 19, farmer to. Lake Orlando, (North Spencer) r 19, farmer -15. Lane Oscair, (West Candor) r 39, farmer 40. Lang Charles F., blacksmith Brooklyn, h Maple. Lange Frederick W., r 10 J, farmer 175. Langef*arker P., r 10^, farmer. Lange William H., l^lacksmith and horse-shoer, h Water. Lame James C, r 8, farmer 75. Lawrence Ernest, butcher, h Van Etten. Lawrence Sevellan F., off r 17, laborer. Leonard John, r 31, farrner. Leonard Michael, r 31, fairmer 94. SXARKEY & TriNTBKS, DFHSglsts, Owego. Close Priced to Dealers, 192 TOWN OF SPENCER. Leonard Sarah J., teacher, bds. Main. Leonard William J., butcher, h Main. Lewis Benjamin F., r 28, farmer 300. Lewis Fred, r 28, farmer. Livermore Albert Rev., pastor Presbyterian Church, h Aurora. Loomis Herman, r 56, farmer 80. Lotz Hartman, (North Spencer) r 2, farmer 56, Lyke Stanley, r 3, farmer. Lott Benjamin, carpenter, h Laurel. Lott Isaac M., clerk, h Water. LOUSHAY ADELBERT E., fireman N. Y. L. E. & W. R. R., bds. Liberty. Loushay Julia A., widow Henry, h Liberty. Mabee Clarence, r 11, farmer. Mabee Daniel, blacksmith Van Etten, h do. Mabee Franklin H., (Halsey Valley) r 54, farmer 103. Mabee John B., r 43, farmer 40. Mabee Theodore, r 1 1, farmer 258. Maine Ira L., r 42^, farmer 57. Maine William F., painter and paper-hanger, h North ave. Manning Frank D., (Halsey Valley) r 53, farmer 100. Manning Robert, (Halsey Valley) r 53, farmer. Manning William H., r 13, farmer 170. Marsh William, r 61, laborer. Martin Charles, laborer, h Main. Martin Frank A., r 17, farmer, leases 105. Martin Jane B., r 17, widow IrsC, farm 85. Martin Olive C, r 17, farm 50. Matteson George E., dentist. Main, h Center. McFall Dorus H., farmer, h Tompkins ave. McKee George R., carpenter, h Van Etten. McKoon Patrick, (West Candor) r 34, laborer. McMaster James O., manf. and dealer in lumber, lath and wood, with Jeremiah T. McMaster Jeremiah T., r 53, prop, saw-mill, dealer in lumber, lath and wood, also farmer 550. McMaster Susan Mrs., bds. Van Etten. Mead John, (North Spencer) r 2, farmer 50. Mead Lewis, (North Spencer) r 2, laborer. Messenger Chauncey P., emp. Seely's mill, h off Liberty. Middaugh John, r 61, farmer. Miller Edmund, emp. A. Seely, h Liberty. Miller Sherman, laborer, h Main. Mills Henry C, station agent E. C. & N. R. R., also National Express agent, h Brooklyn. Montgomery George, expressman, bdsi Academy. Montgomery John, expressman, h Academy. Montgomery William, shoemaker, Brooklyn, h Maple. Moody Charles E., r 42, milk dealer, market gardener and farmer, leases of Charles Moody 95. Morse Dana, peddler, h Van Etten. Morse Mary M., resident, h Van Etten. Mosher Stephen G., stationary engineer, h Park. Mosher William G., emp. Seely's mill, h Liberty. TOWN OF SPENCER. I93 Mosier Bartley L., r 13, farmer 32. Mowers Jacob Henry, (North Spencer) r 20J, prop, saw-mill, and farmer 60. Nelson William B., emp. Seely's mill, h Academy. Newman Daniel, niason, h Main. Newman Henry, r 48, farmer 50. Newman William H., r 48, cabinet-maker and farmer, leases of Henry New- man 50. News Gabriel P., off r 41, farmer 97. News Jane, resident, h Cedar. Nichols Charles, porter Grove Hotel, bds. do. Nichols David A., groceries and provisions, Main, h Liberty. Nichols Jane, widow John A., resident, h Academy. NORRIS ALONZO, M. D., physician and surgeon, also, farm 550. O'Connor Jerry, R. R. section foreman, h North ave. Odell Marcellus C, billiards, pool-room and restaurant Main, h do. Odell William H., r 40, farmer 83. Osborn John, meat market, h Van Etteti. Osborn John C, r 43, carpenter. Ostrander Jerome, retired, bds. Aurora. Ostrander Mary J., widow William, h Aurora. Owen Fidelia, widow Elijah, resident, h Liberty. PALMER HEMAN L., (J. H. Palmer & Son), also telegraph opp. h Main. PALMER T. H. & SON, (Heman L.) undertakers,' Main. PALMER JOHN H., (J. H. Palmer & Son) also farmer 45. Parks Anthony, farm laborer, h Main. Parlett Robert, Jr., bakery Academy, h Railroad. Patrick Alva T., clerk, h Liberty. Patty Jasper, r 66, farmer 105. Pelan James, r 18, laborer. Perrin Alexander, r 31, farmer 60. Perrin Daniel, r 31, farmer. Perrin William, r 13, blacksmith, and farmer 73. Personius Ester, widow Jacob, housekeeper. Maple ave. Personius Myron C, (North Spencer; off r 19, section hand, and farmer 50. PERT ELLEN P., widow Rev. Luther B., resident, h Liberty. Pierson George, carpenter and builder, h Academy. Post Catherine, widow Thomas L., resident, h Main. Post Thomas, r 3, farmer 280. Post William, resident, h Van Etten. Pritchard Pratt A., blacksmith, h Academy. Puff Charles H., buyer for S. A. Seely, h Park. Quick Elmer, (West Candor) r 37, farmer 50. Radeline Sarah A., r 6, farmer 40. RANSOM WILLIAM, r 41, farmer 124. Raub Henry S., r 50,, farmer 150, and in Tomp. Co., 18. Raub Robert J., r. 50,. farmer. Reeve Aaron D., carpenter, h Liberty. RICE CHARLES J., manager Grove Hotel, bds. do. Richardson & Campbell, r 43, contractors and builders, also manuf. of Spencer brick, residence in Ithaca. Richardson Sherman, r 32, farmer, works for Milton Dawson estate 100. Riker Captain L., r 34, carpenter, and farmer, works for Mrs. C. L. Riker 48. Riker Charles F., r 38, farmer 50. 13 194 TOWN OF SPENCER. Riker Eugene, r 38, farmer, works for Anthony Riker estate. Riker James L. Rev., (local M. E.) retired, h Main. Riker Oliver P., r 38, farmer 50. Riker William H., r 38, carpenter. Ritchie George, r 24, farmer. Ritter Charles W., emp. Seely's mill, bds. Academy. Ritzier Charles C, r 48, photographer, and farmer 22. Robinson Clarissa, widow Dana, resident, bds. North ave. Robinson Fletcher O., carpenter and builder, h Maple ave. r Roe William W., r 38, carpenter. Rogers Benjamin F., emp. Seely's mill, h Liberty. Rogers John F., resident, h VanEtten. Rolfe Leonard, r 40, farmer 50. Rumsey Johnson, (Halsey Valley) r 58, farmer 73. Rumsey Nelson, laborer, h Maple ave. Ryant Daniel J., (North Spencer) r 20, blacksmith. RYANT JAMES P., (North Spencer) r 20, with Ransom steam threshing,. and farmer 100. RYANT RANSOM, (North Spencer) r 20, with James P., steam threshings and farmer 100. Ryder Thena J., widow James, resident, h Laurel. Sabin Otis L., r 42J, with William P., farmer 160. Sabin Seth O., r 42^, blacksmith. Sabin WiUiara P.,r 42 J, farmer with Otis L., 160. Sager Cornelius, (Halsey Valley) off r 58, farmer 52. Sager Douglass C, (Halsey Valley) off r 58, farmer 80. Sager Willard J., jeweler. Main, h Creek. Sammons Matthew, (West Candor) r 37, farmer. Sandford James, traveling salesman, h Brooklyn. Sawyer Carrie C, teacher, bds. Academy. Sawyer Ezra O., contractor and builder. Academy, h do. Sawyer Viola M., teacher, bds. Academy. Sayles Charles E., (North Spencer) r i, farmer 56. Schutt Charles, (Halsey Valley) r 58, farmer 78. Schutt Lemuel H., (Halsey Valley) r 58, farmer 25. Scofield Albert L., r32, farmer. Scofield Horace, r 32, farmer in. SCOFIELD WALLACE L., r 15, farmer 115. Seely David N., bookkeeper for S. A. Seely, h Railroad ave. SEELY FRANCIS S., miller, h Mill. Seely Fred, emp. Seely's mill, h Mill. Seely Myron, off r 45, farmer 70. SEELY S. ALFRED, general merchant, saw and grist-mill, creamery,. blacksmith shop, and farmer 140, h head of Academy. Seely Seymour, farmer, h Mill. Seely Seymour A., resident, bds. Maple ave. SHAW GEORGE E., r 40, apiarist 70 swarms, and farmer 25. Shaw Henry C, r 56, farmer 90. Shaw Henry W., r 57, farmer 71. Shaw John W., (West Candor) r 39, carpenter and farmer 54. SHAW JOSEPH B., (West Candor) r 39, farmer 100, served in Co. G, ist N. Y. Veteran Cavalry. Shaw Silas H., r 40, farmer 60. TOWN OF SPENCER. I95 Shaw William, r 54^ mason and farmer 87. Shepard George T., r. 28 cor. 30, live stock dealer and farmer with J. Q. Shepard. Shepard Goodrich C, r 33, farmer 107. Shepard Hattie F., teacher, bds. Liberty. Shepard Heth H., r 43, laborer. Shepard John Q., r 28 cor. 30, dealer in cattle and sheep, and farmer 255. Shepard La Grange S., r 6, farmer 106. Shepard Lewis A., clerk, bds. Main. Shepard Myfa A., widow Sylvester, resident, h Liberty. SHEPARD SYLVENUS, general merchant, Van Etten, h do. Signer Adonijah, (North Spencer) r 2, lumberman and farmer. Signer Albert, (North Spencer) r 2, prop, saw-mill and farmer 519. Signer Edward, r 28, farmer 4. Silke Louisa, clerk, h Bailroad ave. SILKE JAMES, supt. Seely's mill, h Railroad. Simms John C, (Van Ettenville, Chemung Co.) r 43, carpenter, farmer 50. Simras William R., (Van Ettenville, Chemung Co.) farmer. Sineepaugh William, farm laborer, h Main. Sipley Sidney W., r 49, traveling salesman and farmer 50. Skinner Oliver, farmer, h Main. Smith Edmund, ofFr 47, farmer 140; Smith Leroy, (North Spencer) r 22, farmer. Smith Schuyler F.,_(Halsey Valley) r 59, farmer 40. Smith William H., (North Spencer) r i, leases of F. B. Clark 46. Sniffin William A., general merchant. Main, h Liberty. SNOOK DAVID L., apiarist 75 swarms, and harness-maker, Main, h do. Snook Esther, widow Peter, resident, bds. Main. Snyder Sely, r 40, farmer 130. Southern Tier Bachelors' Endowment Association, (\V. H. Fisher, M. D., prest.; W. R. Swartout, secy.; M. P. Howell, treas.) Academy. Spaulding Axlelbert, r 47, laborer. Spaulding Ftances, r 43, wife of G. S., farm 100. Spaulding John J., r 47, farmer 128. Spaulding John P., r 47, laborer. Spaulding John S., r 43, farmer, works 100. Spaulding Maria, widow Joseph, resident, h Main. Spaulding Phineas E., traveling salesman, h Liberty. SPENCER CREAMERY, (S. A. Seely, prop., D. La M. Georgia, supt.) Liberty. "SPENCER HERALD, (Van Gelder & Son, publishers) Main. Spencer Hezekiah, r 6";, farmer 55. SPENCER MARBLE WORKS, L. E. Baker, prop.. Academy. Stage Eliab, clerk, bds. Liberty. Stage Philip A., (North Spencer) r zr, farmer 92. Stanclift Elizabeth, teacher, bds. Main. StancUft Isaac S., general merchant. Van Etten, h do. Starkes Charles, laborer. Stebbins Frederick, farm laborer, h Liberty. STEENBURG ALBION L., r 13, with Francis E., prop. Spencer Springs farm 119. Steenburg Asa H., r 13, farmer. 1.96 TOWN OP SPENCER. STEENBURG FRANCIS E., r 13, with Albion L., prop. Spencer Springs farm 119. Stevens Charles N., (North Spencer) r i, farmer 64. Stevens David, r 11, farmer 75. Stevens Harmon, r 13 cor. io|-, farmer 158. Stevens Jacob, r 33, farmer 59, and in Candor 75. Stevens John, (West Candor) r 36, laborer. Stevens Seneca, r 65, carpenter and farmer 30. Stevens Thomas J., (North Spencer) r i,. farmer 50. Stevens William H.. r 41, basket-maker. Stewart Ira, (North Spencer) r 20^, farmer 80. Stilson Dianna, (West Candor) widow of James L., farm 37, and with N. T. Stilson 60. Stilson James L., (West Candor) off r 39, farmer 97. STILSON NELSON T., (West Candor) off r 39, farmer 100, and with Diana 60. Stone Silas, (West. Candor) r 37, farmer, leases of Patrick Gay 150. Stow John M., turning and sawing, North ave., h do. Strait David, r 37, laborer. Stubbs William A., r 43, farmer 42, served in Co. C, 76th N. Y. Vols. Sutton Charles A., emp. Seely's mill, h off Liberty. Sutton William W., emp. Seely's mill, h Liberty. Swartout James, (North Spencer) r 22, farmer. Swartout Lewis, (North Snencer) r 22, farmer 28. SWARTOUT MARCUS L., (M. L. Swartout & Son) h Ithaca. SWARTOUT M. L. & SON, (William R.) produce dealers. Academy. SWARTOUT WILLIAM R., (M. L. Swartout & Son) also secretary Southern Tier Bachelors Endowment Association, h Academy. Tanner J. Henry, laborer, bds. Centre. Tanner John H., physician and surgeon, h Centre. Taylor Simeon, r 43, engineer. Thornton Fred V., emp. Seely's mill, bds. Van Etten. Thornton George, (West Candor) r 37, carpenter. • Thornton John J., emp. Seely's mill, h Van Etten. Thornton Mary, (North Spencer) r 19, widow of Charles, resident. Tollman Ansel B., r 27, farmer 20. Tompkins James, r 37, farmer 217. Tompkins James B., r 37, farmer, leases of James Tompkins 217. rOMPKINS JOSHUA, farmer, h Tompkins ave. Tucker William, r 42, farmer 53. Fuckerman Hector, laborer. Turk Charles M., resident, bds. Maple ave. Turk Charles,' blacksmith, h Myrtle. )frurk David, blacksmith. Academy, h Main. iCTurk Stephen D., blacksmith and constable. Academy, h Main. Tuttle Benjamin P., emp. Seely's mill, h Liberty. Tyler George, r 51, farmer 56. Tyler Henry E., r 59, farmer loi. -Tyler James, off r 66, laborer. Valentine Adrian A., r 54, farmer. Valentine Electa J., r 54, widow William, farm 104. Valentine Elvin, (West Candor) r 35, farmer 30. Valentine Fred, (West Candor) r 35, farmer 50. TOWN OF SPENCER. I97 Valentine Jacob E., r 54, teacher. Vallentine William O., r 54, teacher. Van Duyn William C, emp. Seely's Mill, h Liberty. VAN GELDER & SON, (Phineas C. and Charles J.) publishers of Spencer Herald, Main. VAN GELDER CHARLES J. (Van Gelder & Son) h Park. VAN GELDER PHINEAS C, (Van Gelder & Son) h Park. Van Gelder William, emp. A. Seely, h Railroad. Van Gorder Lafayette, r 50, farmer 28. Van Marter Aaron, resident, h North ave. Van Marter Amos, r 41, apiarist 42 colonies, farmer 58, and leases of Silas- Shaw 60. Van Marter Enos T., (West Candor) r 35, dealer in groceries, and farmer 5. VAN MARTER HOUSE, Jacob Van Kuren, prop., Main. Van Marter Jared, (Halsey Valley) r 54, saw-mill. Van Marter Nelson, (West Candor) farmer. Van Natta Edwin, r 66, farmer 85, and leases of W. H. Fleming 275. Van Natta Fred, r 47, carpenter, and farmer iii. Van Natta John, r 52, farmer 107. Vankleek Jesse B., r 63, carpenter, and farmer 16. VAN KUREN BEN S., clerk Van Marter House, bds. do. VAN KUREN JACOB, prop. Van Marter House, Main. Van Natta John D., r 47, butcher. Van Norman Cassius M., emp. Seely's mill, h Railroad. Van Norton John, r 65, laborer. Van Norton Warren, r 65, laborer. Van Ostrand Peter, off r 47, farmer 30. Van Ostrand Truman, off r 47, laborer. VAN WOERT LEWIS J., r 7, assessor, and farmer 175. Van Woert Maria E., r 13, wife of Samuel, farm 25. VAN WOERT WILLIAM G., r 15, auctioneer, and farmer 65. Vorhis A. Louisa, widow Rev. Stephen, resident, h Aurora. Vorhis James W., mason, h Brooklyn. Vorhis John W., retired, bds. North ave. Vorhis J. Wallace, mason, h North ave. Vorhis Mary H., teacher, bds. Aurora. Vorhis Mead, cartman, h Main. Vorhis Rebecca, (North Spencer) rig, widow Jacob, farm 50. Vorhis Truman, (North Spencer) i rg, manuf. washing machines, and farmer 43. Vose Ephriam, r 38, carpenter and manuf. of lumber. Vose George H., r 66, farmer, leases of George Pierson 95. Vose Laviiia, (West Candor) r 37, widow Alfred. Vose O. Sumner, r 11, farmer 75. Vose Othniel J., r 11, farmer. Vose Samuel, r loj, farmer 50. Vose Sylvenus, r 15, farmer 85, and- leases of E. S. Willet, 75. Vose Sylvester S., r 6, farmer 82. Wait George, r 13, farmer 104. Waggett John, r 13, miner. Walden Charles, r 17, laborer. Warner WiUiam W., r 48, farmer 100. Washburn Charles, (West Candor) r 36, laborer. igS TOWN OF TIOGA. Watkins David, r 13, farmer 113. WEEKS JOSHUA P., livery, Water, bds. Van Marter House. Weeks Stephen M., r 41, farmer 100. Weeks William W., r 38, carpenter. Wells Josiah, blacksmith, Main, h do. West Marshall C, contractor and builder, h Railroad. Westbrook Arthur, carpenter, bds. Main. "Westervelt Leslie, r 65, farmer. Wetzel Elmer, marble-cutter, bds. Academy. Whalen Edmund, (West Candor) r 36, laborer. Wheeler Frank E., emp. Spencer Creamery, bds. Liberty. Wheeler Frank R., laborer, h Maple ave. Wheeler Jesse, r 31, farmer 103. Wheeler William C, r 31, farmer. White George G., r 13, farmer 70. White Squire, r 49, laborer. Whitlock Ramer, r 42^, laborer. Wild Joseph, laborer. Willett Edward S., dealer in hides, and farmer 75, h Maple. Williams Ziba, laborer, h Main. Wilson Peter, r 41, laborer. Winchell James N., (Halsey Valley) r 59, farmer 56. Witherall Henry, r 47, farmer 40. Wood William H., wagon and sleigh manuf., Brooklyn, h Maple. Woodford Harriet, r 33, farmer 185. Woodruff George, r 61, farmer 31. Woodruffs. Delevan, r 28, farmer. WOODRUFF THOMAS, r 28, farmer 80. TIOGA. {For explanations, etc., see page 3, part second.) Ackley Nathan G., (Smithboro) prop, pool-room. Ahart Albert, (Strait's Corners) r 6, farmer with his father George. Ahart George, Strait's Corners) r 66, farmer 45. Allen George, (Smithboro) r 58, farmer 50. Anderson Ezra F., (Owego) r 12, farmer 125. ANDERSON JAMES M., (Owego) r 10, farmer 200, and in Candor 100. Anderson John J., (Owego) r 10, dentist. Anderson Willis D., (Owego) r 12, farmer, works on shares for his brother James M. 74. Andrus Peter J., (Smithboro) off r 61, farmer 77. Armstrong James R., (Smithboro) r 73, resident. Armstrong William, (Owego) r 12, farmer, works for his brother Fred so. Ayers Angelo, (Owego) r 1 2, farmer. SXARKEIV & WINTERS, Wholesale and Retail Drn^glgta, Owego. TOWN OF TIOGA. 1 99 Badger Celia, (Owego) r 18, widow Lucius, farm 100. Badger Luke, (Tioga Center) farmer. 3adger Noah, (Tioga Center) r 40, farmer 50. Bailey Eugene, (Smithboro) trackman. Bailey Lucy, (Smithboro) widow, resident. Ballou Charles, (Owego) r 28, laborer. Banfield Elmer, (Tioga Center) r 57, farm laborer. / Barber Ami W., (Halsey Valley) general merchant. Barden A. E., (Smithboro) carpenter. Barnes Charles E., (Owego) r 34, farmer 20, and in Pa. 80. Bartron Alonzo, (Smithboro) r 58, farmer with his father Moses. Bartron Moses, (Smithboro) r 58. farmer 75. IBates William, (Halsey Valley) r 21, prop, blacksmith shop. Bauer Adam, (Strait's Corners) r 5, farmer 100. Bauer Christian, (Strait's Corners) r 17, farmer 130. Bauer George W., (Strait's Corners) r 5, farmer. Bauer Martin, (Strait's Corners) r 5, tanner. BAUER MARTIN L., (Strait's Corners) (Ford & Bauer) Bauer Simon, (Strait's Corners) r 5, farmer. Beddell Mary G., (Smithboro) widow Bently F., farm 100. Bedell Charles M., (Smithboro) r 40, farmer 50. Bedell William H., (Smithboro) r 40, farmer roo. Bellis WiUiam L., (Smithboro) station agt. Erie R. R. Bennett Sabrina, (Tioga Center) r 51, widow Chester, resident. Bentley Webster, (Halsey Valley) r 22, farmer. Best Charles, (Tioga Center) r 36, farmer 60. Best Jay, (Tioga Center) r 36, farmer. Best Jay C., (Tioga Center) r 36, farmer 100. Best William H., (Tioga Center) r 58, farmer 55. Blake John, (Tioga Center) currier, h Main. BLAKE WILLIAM, (Tioga Center) drugs and medicines, Main, h do. Bogart Almon, (Owego) r 33, farmer 35, and works for Oliver P. Ford 60. Bogart David R., (Halsey Valley) carpenter. BOGART EUGENE D., (Owego) r 14, farmer with his father Henry. BOGART HENRY, (Owego) r 14, farmer 51. Bogart Peter V., (Smithboro) r 66, farmer 150. Bogart William, (Strait's Corners) r 3, farmer. BONHAM CHARLES H., (Tioga Center) general merchant, Main, h do. Bonham Morris, (Tioga Center) retired merchant, h Main. Booth Ann E., (Owego) r 48, resident. - : Bowman Ann, (Smithboro) r 73. widow Zebulon, resident. Bowman Charles, (Smithboro) r 73, teamster. Bowman Isaac, (Smithboro) resident. -Bowman John A., (Smithboro) rector of Emanuel Church. Bradley Andrew, (Smithboro) farm laborer. Bradley Edward (Tioga Center) farm laborer. Bradley Mariette Miss, (Smithboro) resident. Brearley John W., (Tioga Center) r 57, farmer 100. Briggs David, (Smithboro) r 69, farmer, works for George Eckert 60. Brink Amos, (Owego) r 25, farmer. Brink Edward, (Tioga Center) r 43, laborer. Brink Frederick, (Strait's Corners) r 19, farm laborer. SXARKEV & WINTERS, promptly fill Mall and Telephone Orders. 200 TOWN or TIOGA. Brink George, (Halsey Valley) r 37, farmer 20. Brink Joseph, (Owego) r 33, farmer 90. Brink William, (Tioga Center) laborer. Brooks Benjamin J., (Tioga Center) r 52, farmer. Brooks Charles, (Tioga Center) off r 40, farmer 50. Brooks Cornelius, (Tioga Center) r 43, farmer 40. Brooks Frank, (Smithboro) off r 58, farmer for his father William. Brooks George H., (Tioga Center) r 53, farm laborer. Brooks Lot M., (Tioga Center) r 51, bridge carpenter. Brooks Nicholas, (Tioga Center) r 36, farmer roo. Brooks WiUiam, (Tioga Center) farmer 100. Brown Alvah S., (Halsey Valley) shoemaker. Brown David L., (Tioga Center) drug clerk, bds. Main. Brown John B., (Owego) r 44, farmer 48. Brown V/illiam H., (Tioga Center) r 19, farmer, works for C. D. Hoff 76. Brundage Matthias, (Owego) off r 6, farmer 35. Buchanan James H., (Halsey Valley) farmer 58. Burlington Ephraim, (Owego) r 30, farmer 61. Burlington Hugh W., (Owego) r 30, farmer loo. BURLINGTON JOHN A., (Owego) r 8, farmer 125. Burlington Joseph, (Owego) r 8, farmer 58. Burnham Elizabeth Mrs., (Smithboro) resident. Burns Robert, (Owego) r 31, farmer 60. Burns Willie J., (Owego) r 31, farmer for his father Robert. Butler William, (Tioga Center) trackman. Cable Silas, (Owego) r 32, farmer, works for Mrs. John Taylor 100. Campbell Alexander, (Owego) r 48, laborer. Campbell Bert, (Owego) r 28, farmer. Campbell Fred, (Halsey Valley) r 21, farmer for L. B. West. Campbell Jacob, (Halsey Valley) r 21, farmer for L. B. West. Campbell Orlando, (Owego) off r 12, farmer. Canfield Alfred, (Smithboro) r 71, farmer, works for his father Amos 160. Canfield Amos, (Smithboro) r 71. farmer 170. Caple John, (Owego) r 7, farmer 50. CAPLE PHILIP, (Catatonk) r 7, farmer too. Carlisle William, (Tioga Center) r 22, laborer. Carmer Amasa, (Halsey Valley) off r 2, farmer 140. Cams John A., (Owego) r 1 2, farm laborer. Carpenter Charles E., (Smithboro) r 60, farmer with his father Peter R. Carpenter Jesse C, (Tioga Center) r 53, farmer 200. vCarpenter Peter R., (Smithboro) r 60, farmer 75. ' /Casterline Stephen B., (Tioga Center) r 40, farmer Casterline Warren, (Smithboro) r 60, farmer 50. Catlin Andrew R., (Tioga Center) off r 40, farmer, works for George Tru- man 150. Catlin Benjamin F., (Owego) r 25, farmer no. Cathn Charles, (Owego) r i8, farmer 123. Catlin Edmund S., (Tioga Center) r 43, carpenter, and farmer 51. Catlin Emeline, (Owego) r 32, widow Jonathan, farmer 42. CATLIN FRANK H., (Owego) r 45, produce dealer, and farmer. Catlin Frederick H., r 33, farmer 42. Catlin George, (Tioga Center) r 52, wagon-maker. Catlin Jacob, (Tioga Center) r 43, farmer 55. , TOWN OF TIOGA. 201 CATLIN JAMES H., (Tioga Center) 143, physician, and farmer 50. Catlin Laverne, (Owego) r 33, farm laborer. Catlin Mary J., (Owego) r 33, widow Nathaniel, farmer 27. Catlin Mead, (Owego) r 47, emp. foundry. Catlin Nathan S., (Tioga Center) r 56, farmer 80. CATLIN ^fATHANIEL, (Owego) r 33, farmer 38. Catlin Sarah E. Mrs., (Owego) r 34, farm 20. Catlin William, (Owego) r 44, farm laborer. Catlin Willis K, (Owego) r 25, farmer with his father Benjamin F. Chamberlain Oscar C, (Owego) r 12, farmer. Chandler Horace, (Owego) r 12, laborer. Chew Clark, (Owego) r 11, farmer. Chew Guy, (Owego) r 11, farmer 167. Clune James, (Smithboro) r 61, farmer 50. Coburn & Van Norstran, (Tioga Center) (C. S. B. & G. Van N.) r 51, tin and iron roofing, and manuf. eve spouting. Coburn C. Sidney,(Tioga Center) (Coburn & Van Norstran) r si.ftlso tin shop. Coburn Eliza, (Tioga Center) r 5 i.widow Charles R., resident. Coffin Milton, (Owego) r 45, farmer. Cole Alfred, (Owego) r 31, farmer, leases of James Taylor 30. COLE AUSTIN R., (Smithboro) r 73, farmer 50. Cole Benjamin F., (Smithboro) r 71, farmer. , Cole Daniel H., (Tioga Center) r 51, retired farmer. Cole Frank, (Smithboro)offr 58, farmer 100. Cole Frank, (Smithboro) r 40, farm laborer. Cole Horace, (Owego) r 48, farmer. COLE SAMUEL K, (Smithboro) r 73, farmer 50. Cole William, (Halsey Valley) r 22, farmer. Coleman Isaac, (Tioga Center) r 52, bridge carpenter. Coleman Jackson, (Halsey Valley) r 22, farmer 116. Coleman James, (Tioga Center) r 52, carpenter. Coleman John P., (Tioga Center) r 41, farmer i8o. Coleman William D., (Tioga Center) r 52, carpenter. Congdon Harry,(Tioga Center) r36, farmer, leases of Mrs. Mary Munnohan 12. Conklin Elizabeth, (Owego) r 30,' widow John, resident. Conklin Sylvenas, (Owego) r 18, farmer, works on shares for Alexander Duncan no. Conway John, (Smithboro) r 55, farmer 50. Cook DeWitt C, (Halsey Valley) r 2, farmer 53. Cook Esther, (Strait's Corners) r 20, widow Samuel, farmer 100. Cook Florence, (Strait's Corners) r 20, farmer for his mother Esther. Coon Walter, (Strait's Corners) r 18, farmer 104. Coons Arthur, (Tioga Center) r 22, farmer with his father Johnson. Coons Daniel, (Strait's Corners) r 4, farmer 100, Coons George B., (Tioga Center) r 58, farmer, works for Mrs. Perry Ward 75, Coons Hiram, (Strait's Corners) r 4, farmer. Coons John, (Tioga Center) r 22, farmer with his father Johnson. Coons Johnson, (Tioga Center) r 22, farmer 200. Coons Lemuel, (Tioga Center) r 22, farmer 50. Cooper Frank A., (Halsey Valley) r 2, farmer 50. Corsin William, (Owego) r 47, farm laborer. Cortright Alfred, (Tioga Center) r 43, laborer. Cortright Charles, (Tioga Center) farm laborer. 202 TOWN OF TIOGA. "Cortright James, (Tioga Center) farm laborer. Cortright John, (Tioga Center) farm laborer. Cortright Richard, (Tioga Center) farm laborer. -Crandall Benjamin, (Tioga Center) off r 40 farmer 50. Crandall Daniel, (Smithboro) r 66, farmer, works for Mrs. M. Richards 117. Crawford Absalom, (Smithboro) laborer. Crawford Abram, (Tioga Center) r 40, farmer 95. •Croft Michael, (Smithboro) trackman. Crum Henry, (Owego) r 28, resident. ■Cunningham Daniel, (Owego) r 32, farmer 33. .Curkendoll Cornelius, (Smithboro) prop. Erie Hotel. CurkendoU Prudence Mrs., (Smithboro) resident. DAILY DANIEL, (Barton) r 64, farmer 380. DAILY EUGENE E., (Barton) r 64, farmer 150. DAILY FRED C, (Barton) r 64, dealer in agricultural implements, wag- ons, etc., and farmer 75. Davenport Adelbert, (Halsey Valley) r 39, farmer 50. Davenport Alvin M., (Smithboro) r 71, works on shares for Henry Light 73. Davenport Emmet J., (Smithboro) r 71, farmer with his father Alvin M. Davenport George, (Smithboro) r 71, section-hand. Davenport Henry, (Strait's Corners) r 4, farmer 70. Davenport Jackson, (Smithboro) r 59, farmer 50. Davenport Judson, (Barton) r 64, farmer, works for James J. Green 73. Davis Albert J., (Tioga Center) r 40, farmer 82. Davis Nathaniel W., (Owego) r 45, farmer 117. DAY GEORGE H., (Owego) r 12, farmer, works for Herbert Farnham 65. Day Marvin G., (Owego) r 29, farmer. Dean Franklin S., (Smithboro) resident. Decker Alexander D., (Tioga Center) Methodist minister, h Main. DeCaytor Ralph, (Owego) r 16, farm laborer. DeHart Sanda, (Tioga Center) laborer, h Main. DeHart Thomas, (Owego) r 45, laborer. Delano Charles, (Owego) r 28, mason. Delano Sarah, (Owego) r 28, widow Reuben, resident. Densmore Samuel, (Owego) r 26, farmer, works on shares for A. J. Good- rich 240. Deyo Charles, (Tioga Center) r 53, farmer, works for Joseph DuBois 220. Deyo Chauncey (Owego) r 47, farmer. Deyo Elijah W., (Tioga Center) r 41, miller. Dinehart John, (Tioga Center) r 41, farm laborer. Dinehart Robert, (Smithboro) farm laborer. Doane Jane Mrs., (Smithboro) resident. Doane Leroy, (Smithboro) laborer. Doane Timothy, (Strait's Corners) r 3, prop, saw-mill and farmer. Doane William H., (Smithboro) r 59, farmer 50. T>orn David, (Halsey Valley) r 20, farmer 160. , Dorn Willis, (Halsey Valley) r 20, farmer for his father David. Dorwin Asa F., (Owego) r 46, farmer. DORWIN WILLIAM E., (Owego) (Dorwin, Rich & Stone) r 46, also rail- road contractor and farmer 235. DRAKE C. SIDNEY, (Smithboro) (W. J. Drake & Son) h Main. Drake Ezra P., (Halsey Valley) r 39, farmer 100. .Drake George P., (Smithboro) tinsmith. TOWN OF TIOGA. 203 DRAKE WILLIAM J., (Smithboro) (W. J.Drake & Son) . postmaster, h Main. DRAKE W. J. & SON, (Smithboro) (C. S. Drake) general merchants, hardware and tinshop and dealers in agt. imp., coal, lime, plaster and cement. Main. DuBois John E., (Tioga Center) lumberman, h in DuBois, Pa. DuBois Lucy, (Tioga Center) resident, h Main. DuBois William, (Tioga Center) r 53, farmer, works for Charles Poole 234. DufF Alexander, (Strait's Corners) r 19, farmer 150. Dufif Andrew, (Strait's Corners) r 19, farmer. DuiF. Harry, (Strait's Corners) r 19, farmer with his father Alexander. DufF James, (Owego) r 25, farmer 90. DufF Millie, (Tioga Center) r 36, widow Moses, resident. DufF Robert H., (Tioga Center) r 36, farmer 206. DufF Thomas, (Strait's Corners) r 2, farmer 75. DUNCAN ALEXANDER, (Owego) r 29, farmer 150. Duncan James, (Owego) r 30, farmer 30. Earll David, (Tioga Center) r 49, retired physician and farmer 28. Easton Frances M., (Catatonk) r 9, resident. >EATON AMBROSE P., kwyer, office at Waverly. Eaton Daniel B., (Smithboro) cooper. Eckert George F., (Smithboro) r 71, manf eave-spouts. Eckert Maria J., (Smithboro) r 71, widow Alexander B., resident. Edwards Christopher, (Halsey Valley)- laborer. Edwards Samuel, (Owego) r 9, meat and grocery peddler. Ehle George, (Strait's Corners) r 3, laborer. Elliot Sarah A., (Smithboro) widow, resident. EVELIEN ALFRED, (Tioga Center) hay and potato dealer, and farmer in Candor 97, h Main. Evelien Christopher, (Tioga Center) farmer 100. Evlin John, (Strait's Corners) r 3, farmer. Emerson Charles, (Strait's Corners) ,r 4, farmer 160, and in Candor 40. Emerson David B., (Strait's Corners) r 24, farmer 96. Emerson Frank, (Strait's Corners) r 4, farmer 108. Emerson George, (Strait's Corners^ off r 34, farmer 50. Emerson Lot S., (Strait's Corners) r 5, farmer for his father William. Emerson Luther, (Halsey Valley) r 37, farmer. Emerson Mary, (Owego) r i8, widow Jonathan, resident. Emerson Robert H., (Strait's Corners) r 4, farmer., EMERSON SAMUEL H., (Owego) r 24, farmer 200. Emerson Walter, (Strait's Corners) r 4, farmer. Emerson William, (Strait's Corners) r 5, farmer 70. Erie Hotel, (Smithboro) Cornelius CurkendoU, prop. Estep Jacob, (Tioga Center) r 58, farmer 45. Estep Loren, (Tioga Center) r 51, blacksjnith and wagon-makerj h do. FARNHAM AGNES L., (Owego) off r 12, widow Frederick A., resident. FARNHAM ENOS S., (Owego) r 13, commercial traveler and farmer 80. FARNHAM GEORGE A., (Owego) r 12. farmer 65. PARNHAM HERBERT A., (Owego) off ri2, wool-carding, wood-turnmg, cider-mill and farmer 250. FARNHAM JOEL S., (Owego) off r 12, farmer 40. Farnham Orin, (Smithboro) blacksmith. Farnham Roland B., (Owego) r 12, farmer with his father George A. 204 TOWN OF TIOGA. Farnham Sylvester J., (Owego) off r 1 2, farmer 7. Fassett Alonzo, (Tioga Center) r 22, farmer 25. Fenderson Althier, (Tioga Center) r 41, widow Isaiah, resident. Fenderson Ely, (Tioga Center) r 41, carpenter. Finch Herbert, (Owego) r 48, farm laborer. Finn William H., (Owego) r 8, sup't Campbell farm 230. Finnegan Barney, (Owego) r 27, farmer 30. Fisher Frank, ^Strait's Corners) r 5, laborer. FOOTE JARED A., (Owego) r 13, farmer 13. Foote Jared H., (Owego) r 28, traveling salesman. Foote Lyman C, (Owego) r 28, farmer 12. FORD & BAUER, (Strait's Corners) (L. F. and M. L. B.) r, 5, contractors and builders. Ford Lucius, (Strait's Corners) (Ford & Bauer,) r 5. Ford Zera T., (Tioga Center) r 52, farm laborer. Forsyth W. Henry, (Halsey Valley) r 21, cooper. P'ranklin Burton B., CTioga Center) r 52, prop, grist-mill. Franklin Ransom J., (Tioga Center) r 52, miller. French Jeremiah, (Tioga Center) shoemaker, and farmer 13. Fox Henry, (Owego) r 47, carpenter. JFrister Noah, (Smithboro) r 70, farmer. Garber John, (Tioga Center) r 40, resident. Gardner Frederick, (Tioga Center) nurseryman, h Main. Gasier WiUiam H., (Tioga Center) rig, laborer. Gavin Michael, (Tioga Center) trackman. Geer Rezin J., (Strait's Corners) rig, farmer Genung Adam S., (Smithboro) wagon-maker. Gile Adelbert, (Tioga Center) r 24. farm laborer. Gile George, (Tioga Center) r 24, farmer for his father Leonard. Gile Joseph, (Halsey Valley) r 39, farmer for his father William W. Gile Leonard, (Tioga Center) r 24, farmer 63. Gile Samuel, (Tioga Center) r 23, farmer 25. Gile William W., (Halsey Valley) r 39, farmer 100. Gile Willis, (Tioga Center) r 24, falrm laborer. Giles Cyrus, (Halsey Valley) r 22, farmer. Giles Daniel, (Strait's Corners) r 3, farmer. Giles George, (Tioga Center) r 22, laborer. Giles George, (Strait's Corners) r 3, invalid. Giles Rufus, (Strait's Corners) r 3, laborer. Giles Rufus D., (Strait's Corners) r 3, farmer 60. Giles Sophia Mrs., (Smithboro) resident. f> Giles Waterman, (Halsey Valley) r 2?, farmer 100. Gilkey Martha M., (Halsey Valley) r i, widow Peter P., farm 60. Gilkey Samuel G., (Halsey Valley) off r 2, farmer 102. Gillson Nathan S., (Owego) r 34, farmer 38. Giltner William, (Barton) r 63, farmer 100. GOODENOUGH CHANCEY J., (Tioga Center) shoe-shop, and grape grower. Main, h do. GOODRICH ANDREW J., (Owego) r 48, farmer 1,150. GOODRICH CHARLES P., (Owego) r 12, farmer 44. Goodrich Charles T., (Owego) r 48, farmer 100. GOODRICH EPHRAIM, r 48, farmer 160. Goodrich George L,, (Owego) r 45, farmer 170. TOWN OF TIOGA. 205 GOODRICH HIRAM K, (Owego) r 47, farmer 85. Goodrich Jairus T., (Owego) r 45, farmer 27. Goodrich Louisa, (Owego) r 45, resident. GOODRICH NOAH, (Owego) r 48, justice of the peace, and farmer 25. Goodrich Sarah, (Owego) r 48, widow Herman, resident. Goodrich Sarah, (Owego) r 46, farm 12. GOODRICH STEPHEN S., (Owego) r 46, apiarist 15 swarms, poultry raiser, and farmer 60. Goodwin WiUiam H., (Halsey Valley) r i, farmer. Gould Charles, (Halsey Valley) r 21, farm laborer. Gould William, (Halsey Valley) r 39, farmer 50. Green James J., (Barton) r 64, farmer 73. Green James L., (Halsey Valley) r 39, farmer 50. Groat Ira, (Owego) r 25, farmer 70. Gulden Henry J., (Owego) r 30, works for A. J. Goodrich 230. Gulden John, (Owego) r 31, farmer. Guyles Charles, P., (Strait's Corners) r 32, farmer, works for James Taylor 50. Haddock Andrew J., (Tioga Center) r 41, farmer 96. Haddock Lamont, (Tioga Center) r 41, farmer with his father Andrew Halsey Valley House, (Halsey Valley) Mrs. Jane P. Higgins, prop. Hamilton Charles, (Tioga Center) r 22, carpenter. Hamilton George, (Halsey Valley) harness-maker. Hamilton Henry, (Halsey Valley) teamster. Hamilton Sarah Miss, (Smithboro) school teacher. Hamilton Thomas A., (Halsey Valley), farmer. Hanbury Adam, Jr., (Owego) r 6, farmer 105. Hanbury Ezra, (Strait's Corners) r 17, farmer 58. Hanmer George W., (Catatonk) r 9, telegrah operator. Hanna John, (Smithboro) trackman. Harding Adna, (Owego) r 13, farm laborer. Harding Alonzo, (Owego) r 9, farm laborer. Hardman John, (Owego) r 47, retired tanner. Hardman. John, (Owego) r 16, farm laborer. Hardman John F., (Owego) r 47, drug cleric. Hardman Patrick, (Owego) r 16, farmer 100. Hardy Lizzie, (Smithboro) r 68, widow John, farmer 60. Harford Edward, (Smithboro) r 54, farmer 70. Harlin Lott, (Strait's Corners) r 4, farmer. Harlin William, (Strait's Corners) r 4, farmer 120. Heath Rebecca, (Halsey Valley) widow. Hermberger Adam, (Strait's Corners) r 5, farmer 42. Hess WiUiam, (Strait's Corners) r 3, laborer. Hevland Douglass (Owego) r 28, cooper. Higbee Augusta, (Tioga Center) r 51, widow Forman S., resident. Higby James, (Tioga Center) laborer. Higgins Jane P. Mrs., (Halsey Valley) prop. Halsey Valley House. HILL ABNER G., (Tioga Center) r 51, justice of the peace and sawyer. Hill Ward, (Smithboro) r 71, trackman. Hoaghn Peter, (Owego) r 45 laborer. Hobler Peter, (Owego) r t8, farmer 50. Hodge Adelia, (Owego) r 29, widow Andrew C, resident. Hoff Cornelius, (Strait's Corners) r 19, farmer 75. Hoff Hiram, (Tioga Center) r 19, farmer 100. 2o6 TOWN' OF TIQGA. HOLLENBECK CHARLES E., (Halsey VaUey) r zi, physician and sur- geon, and farmer 90. HoUister William H., (KTalsey Valley) r 22, farmer 95. HoUoway John, (Tioga Center) r 52, farm laborer. Holmes John C, (Tioga Center) r 36, farmer 23. Holt C. Edgar, (Tioga Center) r 152, farmer 96. Holt William, (Smithboro) r 73, farmer 70. Hoover Benjamin, (Smithboro) r66, farmer with his father Smith F. Hoover Smith F., (Smithboro) r 66, farmer 73. HORTON ABRAM, (Owfego) r 48, farmer 220. Horton Ada F, (Owego) r 28, farm 25. Horton Charles, (Owego) r 32, farmer go. Horton George M., (Smithboro) r 70, carpenter, and farmer 12. Horton Gurdon, (Owego) r 48, farmer 100. Horton Hannah, (Owego) r 48, widow George C, resident. Horton Isaac S.. (Owego) r 48, farmer 100. HORTON JOHN, (Owego) r 28, farmer 105. Horton Julia A., (Owego) r 28. widow Daniel B., farmer 25. HORTON THEODORE, (Owego) r 49, agricultural implements, and far- mer 100. Houghtaling William, (Owego) r 8, farmer 14. Housten George, (Owego) r 6, farmer 5. Howard Bishop, (Owego) r 6, farmer 25. Hoyt Fred D., (Halsey Valley) general merchant. HOYT IRA, (Halsey Valley) r 21, prop.- cooper shop, and farmer 95. Hoyt LaGrange, (Tioga Center) r 43, laborer. Hunt Theodore, (Catatnnk) r 9, farmer 34. Hurlburt Henry, (Owego) r 9, farm laborer. Hurlburt Perrine, (Owego) r 13, farmer. Hyatt John D., (Owego) r 14, retired farmer. Hyatt John M., (Owego) r 14, farmer r2i. Hyde Gordon, (Owego) r 12, cooper. Hyres Charles, (Halsey Valley) cooper. Ide Irwin N., (Smithboro) r 70, small fruits, and farmer 52. Ide Jacob A., (Smithboro) r 69, berry raiser, and farmer 25. Ingersoll Susan, (Tioga Center) widow Ebenezer, resident. JEWETT CHARLES F, (Catatonic) r 9, lumberman, and farmer 120. Jewett Harris, (Catatonk) r 9, farmer no. Jewett Henry, (Catatonk) r 9, farmer 87. Johnson Abigail Mrs., (Smithsboro) resident. Johnson Jay, (Halsey Valley) r 22, farmer 100. Johnson J. Edward, (Smithboro) undertaker and carpenter. Johnson Julius, (Barton) r 63, farmer 100. Johnson Peter M., (Tioga Center) r 53, carpenter, and farmer 18. Johnson Thomas, (Tioga Center) r 52, farmer, works for William Ransom 96- Johnson Warren, (Smithboro) r 55, carpenter. Johnson William H., (Smithboro) r 58, farmer loo. Johnson William W., (Tioga Center) farmer. Jones Anna, (Owego) r 28, widow Horton,, resident. Jones Horace, (Owego) r 28, farmer 60. Jones Levi J., (Owego) r 29, farmer, works for Mrs. Beers 60. STARKEir & WINTERS, triiolesale aad Retail Drngglsts, Owego. TOWN OF TIOGA. 207- JONES STEPHEN W., (Owego; r 9, saw and grist-mill, turning shop,, plaining-mill, etc., and farmer 10. Kane John, (Smithboro) trackman. KEELER EGBERT, (Owego) r 29, miller for Shaw & Dean, h 2^. Kelly Johanna Mrs. (Smithboro) resident., Kelly John. (Tioga Center) watchman. Ketchum Ruth M., (Barton) r 63, widow Seymour, resident. Ketchum Seymour C, (Barton) r 63, farmer 50, and works for Daniel Daily 50. . King Adam, (Owego) r 6, farmer 185. King Charles C, (Barton) r 64, farmer 45. King Ezra, (Owego) r 7, farmer, works for his father Adam 53. King Frank, (Owego) r 17, farmer 50. King George, (Owego) farmer with his father Adam. Kinney Amzi, (Smithboro) resident. Kline Philip, (Tioga Center) r 51, tanner. KIRK CHARLES N., (Halsey Valley) blacksmith, and farmer 52. KNAPP FREDERICK J., (Smithboro) boots & shoes, barber, Main, h do. Knapp Sylvester, (Smithboro) physician. Kno^lton William, (Tioga Center) farm laborer. Krum Dillen, (Owego) r 14, farmer 25. KURKENDALL SAMUEL, (Tioga Center) r 53, farmer 37. Lamberson Jedusen, (Halsey Valley) r 39, farmer 100. La Monte Allen D., (Tioga Center) r 36, farmer with his father Seth D. La MONTE SETH D., Crtoga Center) r 36, horse farrier and farmer 60. Landers William, (Owego) r 25, farmer 100. Lane Charles, (Owego) r 31, farmer, works for Thomas Dundon 50. LATIMER JONATHAN C, (Tioga Center) assemblyman for Tioga Co.,. lumberman and farmer 1,300. Lawler John, (Owego) r 25, farmer with his brother Patrick no. Lawler Patrick, (Owego) r 25, farmer with his brother John 1 10. Leach Stephen W, (Owego) r 28, prop. "Leach's Mills" grist-mill. Leach William H., (Owego) r 28, farmer 30. Leonard Elbridge, (Tioga Center) r 40, farmer 42. Leonard George, (Tioga Center) r 51,' mason and farmer 50. Levett Edward, (Tioga Center) laborer. Lewis David, (Owego) r 45, farmer 15 and works for Gilbert Truman 126. Lewis Martin V., (Owego) r 30, farmer 75. Light Mary, (Smithboro) r 71, widow Ely S., farm 160. Link Joseph, (Tioga Center) r 51. laborer. Lockwood Charles, (Tioga Center) peddler. ""LoUis Mercy Mrs., (Smithboro) resident. 'LoUis Samuel C, (Smithboro) general merchant. Main, h do. Longley James F., (Owego) resident. -Lounsberry Amos L., (Smithboro) r 71, farmer 100. /Lounsberry Benjamin, 2d, (Smithboro) r 71, farmer 109, and in Nichols 52., Xounsberry Robert L., (Smithboro) r 71, medical student. Lounsbury Amy F., (Tioga Center) r 36, school teacher. LOUNSBURY ANSON B., (Tioga Center) r 36, farmer with his mother Mary. LOUNSBURY CLARK, (Tioga Center) r 36, farmer 32. LOUNSBURY CORNELIA H., (Tioga Center) r 36, schoolteacher. LOUNSBURY HARRIET A., (Tioga Center) r 36, school teacher. LOUNSBURY JOHN L., (Tioga Center) r 3.6, farmer with his mother Mary.. STARKEV & WINTERS, Druggists, Ovrego. Close Prices to Dealers. 2oS TOWN OF TIOGA. LOUNSBURY MARY, (Tioga Center; r 36^ widow Lewis, farm 150. Lounsbury Sheldon, (Smithboro) r 61, apiarist 52 swarms and farmer 129. Loveless James J., (Smithboro) r 40, farmer 25. Lovell House, (Smithboro) O. E. Lovell, prop. .Lovell Oliver E., (Smithboro) prop. Lovell House. Lyce Parmelia P., (Smithboro) r 40, widow Lot, farmer 75. Luddington James A., (Smithboro) r 58, farmer 85. Luddington Joseph, (Smithboro) r 58, farmer. Lunger Alvin, (Owego) r 49, laborer. Lyons Marvin, (Tioga Center) r 52, laborer. Mack Anthony, (Smithboro) section boss. Madden John, (Smithboro) trackwalker. Madden Martin, (Smithboro) retired, Mallery George, (Smithboro) mason. -Mallery Henry, (Smithboro) mason. Manchester Henry H., (Owego) r 47, life insurance. Manley Frank N., (Halsey Valley) farmer. Manley George S., (Halsey Valley) farmer 50. Mapes Lewis, (Owego) r 28, blacksmith, bds. do. Martin Fred, (Tioga Center) general merchant. Main, h do. Martin Jay H., (Tioga Center) r 51, retired merchant, and fanner 113. Mastin Julia Mrs., (Smithboro) resident. MATTESON FAYETTE A., (Smithboro) r 71, .Baptist cletgj^an. Matteson Frank, (Smithboro) r 71, divinity student. Matteson George M., (Tioga Center) r 53, laborer. McBride John, (Tioga Center) tanner, Main. McCorraick Elias, (Smithboro) laborer. McDermott Michael, (Catatonk) r 9, fireman N. T. Co. McDonald Charles H., (Smithboro) r 68, physician and surgeon. McDonald Edward, (Tioga Center) trackman. McDuffee Nathaniel J., (S;nithboro) r 68, farmer. McNeal Jane, (Smithboro) r 70, widow George, resident. McNeil , (Smithboro) r 70, works for L. B. Pearsall 160. McWhorter DeForest, (Tioga Center) clerk, bds. i Main. MEAD JAMES R., (Owego) r 25, farmer 100. Meder Paul, (Owego) r 7, farmer 25. Meeker Jane, (Smithboro) r 53, resident. Merritt John, (Tioga Center) r 52, laborer. Mespell Joshua, (Owego) r 6, farmer 40. Mespell Willis, (Owego) r 6, farmer. .Middaugh Jacob, (Owego) r 13, resident. Middaugh Lorenzo T., (Smithboro) r 73, carpenter, and farmer. Miller C. Henry, (Smithboro) r 53, farmer 400, Miller George, (Tioga Center) tanner. Miller Julia A., (Smithboro) r 53, widow Henry, resident. Morris Caroline D., (Tioga Center) widow Almon, h Main. Mortz George, (Tioga Center) tanner, bds. Main. Mortz William, (Tioga Center) tanner, bds. Main. Mulligan Thomas, (Owego) r 11, farmer 42. Mulock Chancy, (Smithboro) farmer. 'Mulock David, (Smithboro) farmer. Mulock Edwin, (Smithboro) r 71, carpenter. Munnahun Charles, (Tioga Center) r 52, farm laborer. TOWN OF TIOGA. 209 Munnahun Mary, (Tioga Center) r 36, widow Martin, farm 12. Munson Frederick, (Owego) r 28, farmer. Munson Heman, (Owego) r 28, farmer. Myers Alford, (Owego) r 33, farmer, leases of Charles Catlin 40. Nelson George, (Owego) r 32, farmer. Nelson James J., (Owego) r 12, farmer 20. Nelson Winslow, (Owego) r 26, farmer 50. Nichols Addie R. Mrs., (Smithboro) r 58, resi^dent. Northrop James B., (Tioga Center) r 57, farmer, works for Dr. J. Wilson 200. Oakley Joshua, (Smithboro) r 59, farmer 50. O'Connor James, (Owego) r 30, invalid. O'Connor John, (Owego) r 30, farmer. O'Connor Joseph, (Owego) r 30, gardener. O'Hara John, (Smithboro) trackman. Ohart Moses, (Tioga Center) prop. Tioga Center Hotel, Main. O'Hern William, (Smithboro) trackman. Osborn Joseph, (Strait's Corners) r 3, farmer 50. Ott Frank U., (Owego) r 14, farmer for his father Nicholas. Ott George D., (Owego) r 14, farmer for his father Nicholas. Ott Nicholas, (Owego) r 14, farmer 159. Ott Sophia, (Owego), r 14, widow Nicholas, Sr., resident. Pace John, (Tioga Center) r 43, trackman. Park Dunham, (Barton) r. 65, farmer 200. Parmentier FrankUn M., (Owego) r 28, butcher. Pearsall John C, (Smithboro) r 71, carpenter. Pease' William (Owego) r 14, farmer, leases Mrs. Sisson 20. Pelham Charles (Owego) r 44, carpenter and farmer. PEMBLETON JOHN E , (Tioga Center) lumberman, farmer 350 and wild land '3 1 8. Pepper Jackson S., (Smithboro) r 60, farmer 50. Pepper John ¥., (Smithboro) r 68, grain and potato dealer, and farmer roo. PERRY ALBERT A., (Smithboro) carpenter and joiner. 'Perry Leonard, (Smithboro) farmer 45, h Main. Perry Milo M., (Smithboro) hostler. Piche Gisper Mrs , (Tioga Center) r 51, resident. Pickering Joseph, (Smithboro) resident. Pilkington Charles (Catatonk) r 9, telegraph operator. Piatt Houstop, (Smithboro) r 71, farmer 10. Poole Charles F., (Tioga Center) r 53, farmer 234. Poole Edward V., (Smithboro) retired merchant. Poole Murray, (Smithboro) lawyer. Post Albert VV., (Tioga Center) r 51, physician and surgeon, and farmer 160, Pressure George, (Tioga Center) laborer. Preston Frederick, (Owego) r 48, farm laborer. Preston Louis, (Owego) r 48, farmer, works for A. J. Goodrich 100. Preston Silas, (Owego) r 48, farmer. Price John, (Owego) r 26, farm laborer. Pudbuagh John, (Tioga Center) r 23, farm laborer. Quirin Charles M., (J. G. Quirin & Co.) (Tioga Center) h Main. Quirin Edward, (Tioga Center) r 49, tanner. Quirin Emil J. F, (Tioga Center) tanner, h Main. Quirin Em'il F., (J. G. Quirin & Co.) (Tioga Center) h Main. Quirin George L. A., (Tioga Center) tanner. Main. 14 2IO TOWN OF TIOGA. Quirin J. G. & Co., (W. C. A., E. P. and C. H. N. Quirin) (Tioga Center) tanners, Main. Quirin John G., (J. G. Quirin & Co.) (Tioga Center) also farmer 137, h Main. Quirin William, (Tioga Center) tanner, h Main. Quirin William C. A., (J. G. Quirin & Co.) (Tioga Center) h Main. Ragan Daniel, (Owego) r 9, laborer. Randall Walter C, (Smithboro) justice of the peace and farmer. Ransom Warren W., (Tioga Cehter) r 49, farmer 130. RAUCH GEORGE, (Strait's Corners) r 5, farmer, 117. Rauch Henry E., (Strait's Corners) r 5, farmer. Rauch John M.^ (Strait's Corners) r 5, farmer. Rauch Peter A., (Strait's Corners) r 5, farmer. Rauch Wesley, (Owego) r 16, farmer, works for Rev. S. Evans 115. Reed Maria, (Catatonk) r 9, widow George, house-keeper. Rice Chauncey, (Owego) r t8, farmer, leases of James Anderson 125. Rice Rachel^ (Owego) r 9, widow Merrick, resident. 'Richards Benjamin, (Smithboro) r 68, farmer 168. Richards Eugene, (Tioga Center) clerk, bds. Main. Rider Amos L., (Strait's Corners) r 4, farmer 96. Rider Dana B., (Halsey Valley) r 22, farmer 90. Rider David, (Strait's Corners) r 24, farmer 100. Rider Elethere, (Strait's Corners) r 19, resident. Rider George T., (Halsey Valley), bartender Halsey Valley House. Rider Isaac, (Halsey Valley) r 22, farmer 80. Rider Jacob S., (Tioga Center) r 23, thresher and farmer 105. Rider Seymour, (Halsey Valley) 22, farmer with his father Dana B. Rider Stephen J., (Strait's Corners) r 19, farmer 98. Rider William, (Halsey Valley) mason. Ring Jesse B., (Owego) oflf r 12, resident. Ring Theron S., (Owego) ofFr 12, farmer. Roberts James A., (Smithboro) painter. Robinson Duncan, (Owego) r 26, farm laborer. Robinson Joel, (Owego) r 45, farmer, works for Henry Young 150. Romine Hannah, (Owego) r 47, widow Samuel, resident. Romine William, (Owego) r 47, tailor. Root Oris L., (Halsey Valley) billiard and pool room and farmer in Barton 36. Ross John W., (Smithboro) r 58, farmer 300. Rousier Charles, (Owego) r 8, farmer 30. , Rumsey James, (Halsey Valley) r i, farmer, works for Fred Taylor 150. Russell Holmes W., (Owego) r 14, farmer 160. Sanderson P. W. N., (Tioga Center) station and express agt. and telegraph op. Erie R. R., h Main. Sargent Alvin, (Smithboro) carpenter. Schoonover Ambrose L., (Barton) r 73, farmer 117. Schoonover Eliza, (Tioga Center) r 53, widow Smith, farm 16. Schoonover Eugene S,., (Tioga Center) r 53, farmer with his father Nicholas. Schoonover Jackson J. F., (Tioga Center) 35, farmer 63. Schoonover James M., (Tioga Center) r 35, lumberman. Schoonover Jerome J., (Tioga Center) r 53, farmer with his father Nicholas. Schoonover Nicholas, (Tioga Center) r 53, farmer 200. Schoonover Nicholas M., (Barton) r 73, resident. Schoonover Simeon L., (Barton) r 73, farmer 170. Scott Wilson, (Owego) r 48, gardener. TOWN OF TIOGA. 211 Searles Martha, (Owego) r 28, widow John, farmer 80. .Severn George W., (Smithboro) resident. Sexsmith Thomas, (Tioga Center) section foreman. Sharp Samuel, (Tioga Center) r 41, farm laborer. .Sharp WiUiam, (Smithboro) r 73, farmer 65. SHAW W. HULSE, (Owego) r 28, prest. Tioga Co. Agr'l Society, breeder of Holstein cattle and fine horses, and farmer 133. Sherman John, (Owego) r 14, farmer 5. Sherwood WiUiam, (Tioga Center) laborer, h Main. SHIFFER GEORGE B,, (Owego) r 13, farmer. Shipman George, (Halsey Valley) laborer. Signor Charles, (Tioga Center) r 36, prop, saw mill and farmer with his son George H. 100. Signor George H., (Tioga Center) r 36, wagon-maker and farmer 10, and with his father Charles 100. Sly John M., (Smithboro) resident. Smith & Truesdail, (Owego) (H. K. Smith & George Truesdajl) r44, props. of hay press and threshing machine. Smith Cornelius D., (Tioga Center) r 51, farmer 100. Smith David T., (Tioga Center) r 50, farmer 100. Smith Frank, (Tioga Center) r 51, farmer 87. Smith George, (Tioga Center) r 36, farmer 240. Smith George A., (Owego) r 12, farm laborer. •Smith Harry J., (Tioga Center) r 36, farmer with his father George. Smith Horace K.,. (Tioga Center) r 36, agrl. implements and farmer 50. Smith James E., (Smithboro) r 40, steam thresher and farmer 150. Smith John E., (Smithboro) r 40, farmer 125. Smith John J., (Tioga Center) r 36, farmer with his father Horace K. Smith John Y., (Smithboro) r 40, resident. Smith Losey M., (Smithboro) r 68, farmer 100. Smith Michael, (Smithboro) farmer 125. Smith Spencer E., (Owego) r 34, farmer 35. Snyder Adam, (Strait's Corners) r 17, farmer 113. Snyder Charles, (Owego) r 6, carpenter. Snyder Frank, (Strait's Corners) r 5, laborer. Snyder George, (Strait's Corners) r 4, farm laborer. Snyder Henry A., (Strait's Corners) r 5, prop, saw-mill, and farmer 57. Snyder Nicholas, (Owego) r 6, farmer 100. Snyder Nicholas N., (Strait's Corners) r 4, carpenter. Snyder Peter, (Owego) r 14, laborer. Snyder Samuel, (Owego) r 6, farmer with his father Nicholas. Southwick xMary J. Mrs., (Halsey Valley) general merchant. Speer Irwin L., (Strait's Corners) r 24, farm laborer. Speer Tunis, (Strait's Corners) r 24, farmer 32. Spencer Albert O., (Tioga Center) r 36, laborer. ;Spei)cer Alvah, (Owego) off r 34, farmer 122. Spencer Ambrose G., (Owego) r 31, farmer. Spencer Charles (Owego) r 34, farmer 76. Spencer Charles, (Owego) r 25, farmer 50. Spencer Elijah C, (Tioga Center) mail messenger. Spencer John, (Owego) off r 34, farmer. Spendley Araminta, (Nichols) r 53 widow Anderson. Spendley Robert H., (Nichols) r 53, farmer 100. 212 TOWN OF TIOGA. Spicer Harry, (Halsey Valley) r 22, laborer. Springstead Alfred, (Halsey Valley), r 37, farmer for J. C. Latimer. Springstead Daniel P., (Tioga Center) r 51, farm laborer. Starks James, (Strait's Corners) r 4, farmer 260. Starks William, (Strait's Corners) r 4, farmer for his father James. STEELE FRED C, (Owego) farmer 65. Steele James, (Owego) r 31, farmer ziz. STEELE JANE Miss, (Smithboro) resident. -Sterling John, (Smithboro) laborer. Stetler Charles J., (Tioga Center) r 35, farmer 126. Stetler Irving F., (Tioga Center) r 35, school teacher. Stetler Stokes, (Tioga Center) r 35, farmer. Stetler William, (Tioga Center) r 35, farmer with his father Stokes. Steward John, (Smithboro) off r 66, farmer 100. Stewart Delos, (Owego) off r 12, mason. STEWART EDWARD, (Owego) off r 12, mason and farmer. STEWART EMILY A., (Owego) off r iz, dressmaker. STILES FRED H., (Stiles & Sibley) (Owego) r 47, farmer. STILES GEORGE B., (Owego) r 46, farmer. ^STILES RHODA, (Owego) r 46, widow Benjamin C, farmer 15. -Stimpson Charles, (Smithboro) cooper. Stimson Henry (Smithboro) station agent Southern Central R. R. Stone. Edward F., (Tioga Center) drug clerk. Stone William, (Owego) r 28, laborer. ^STOWELL CORNELL S., (Smithboro) r 73, lumberman, and farmer 236.. Strait Alvinza, (Strait's Corners) r 4, postmaster and farmer. Strait Aretus A., (Strait's Corners) r 4, hay-dealer and farmer 66. Streibel Peter, (Tioga Center) tanner. Stutler Andrew, (Tioga Center) r 36, laborer. Sullivan Thomas, (Smithboro) section boss. Swartwood Charles, (Halsey Valley) r 37, farmer. Swartwood Edwin, (Owego) r 30, farmer 100. Swartwood Eugene, (Owego) r 30, farmer. Swartwood Frank, (Strait's Corners) r 3, farm laborer. Taylor Addison J., (Owego) r 44, farmer 50. Taylor Charles D., (Owego) r 29, fatmer. Taylor Cynthia, (Owego) r 32, widow John T., farmer 113. Taylor Frank E., (Owego) r 32, farmer with his mother Cynthia. Taylor John E., (Owego) r 26, farmer, leases of Abram Vermilyea 50^ Taylor John H., (Owego) r 47, painter. Taylor John M., (Owego) r 28, farmer 22. Taylor John T., (Owego) farmer, works for Abram Vermilyea 50. Taylor Norman, (Owego) r 32, farmer 50. Taylor Rodney, (Smithboro) r 58, farmer 50. Tewilleger Jay, (Strait's Corners) r 4, farm laborer. Thomas David B., (Owego) r 13, farmer 53. Thomas Delos H., (Owego) r 13, farmer with his father David B.. Thomas Frank, (Owego) r 13, keeper at Binghamton asylum. Thomas George, (Halsey Valley) r 2, farmer 27. Thomas John D;, (Smithboro) r 7t, millwright, and farmer 4. Thorn Warren, (Owego) r 31, farmer. Tiffany Austin, (Owego) r 28, farmer 6^. ' Tilden Alanson Rev., (Tioga Center) pastor Baptist church. TOWN OF TIOGA. 213 Tioga Center Hotel, (Tioga Center) Moses Ohart, prop., Main. Toff William, (Tioga Center; r 35, laborer. TOFT ISAAC, (Owego) r 18, farmer 153. Towner Andrew J., (Smithboro) r 60, farmer 50. Traynor Mary, (Owego) r 48, widow Edward. TRIBE CHARLES H., (Tioga Center) carpenter and joiner, and prop, saw and plaining-mill, Railroad cor. Alden. Tribe Frank B., (Tioga Center) r 52, farmer 50. Tribe James P., (Halsey Valley) r 38, farmer 104. Tribe John, (Halsey Valley) off r 2, farmer 56. Tripp Seymour, (Smithboro) jeweler at Nichols. Trowbridge E. Owen, (Smithboro) school teacher. Truesdail David S., (Owego) r 44, farmer 57. Truesdail Frank J., (Owego) r 44, farmer. Truesdail George, (Owego) (Smith & Truesdail) r 44, thresher. Truesdail Jeremiah, (Owego) r 44, farmer 60. Truesdail John, (Tioga Center) r 43, laborer. Truesdail William, (Owego) r 44, carpenter, and farmer 36. Truesdell Alvin, (Owego) r 47, laborer. Tuff Sarah, (Tioga Center) r 41, widow Thomas, resident. Turner Cornelius, (Tioga Center) trackman. Turner Peter, (Strait's Corners) r 3, justice of the peace, and farmer 800. Tuthill Joseph M.,* (Smithboro) groceries, provisions and drugs, Main. Tyler Luzerne, (Halsey Valley) invahd. Ulrick George, (Owego) r 7, farmer for Adam King. Ulrick John, (Owego) r 6, farmer 150. Ulrick John, Jr., (Owe;go) r 15, farmer 7. Valentine Louisa, (Strait's Corners) r 8, resident. Van Dermark John, (Smithboro) r 40, farmer 50. Van Dermark Mary, (Smithboro) r 40, widow Henry, resident. Van Dermark Selinda, (Smithboro) r 73, widow George, farmer 50. Van Duser P'rank, (Catatonk) r 9, farm laborer. VAN DUSER GILBERT, (Catatonk) r 9, laborer. Van Duser Henry, (Catatonk) r 9, laborer. Van Etten Alonzo, (Smithboro) r 58, farm laborer. Van Etten Lorenzo, (Halsey Valley), r 37, farmer 50. Van Leven Elias, (Strait's Corners) r 4, butcher and farmer 32, and in Candor 52. Van Luven John B., (Halsey Valley) stock-buyer and farmer. Van Norstran Arthur G., (Smithboro) r 55, farmer for his father James. Van Norstran Charles C, (Tioga Center) r 53, farmer 125. Van Norstran George, (Tioga Center) (Coburn & Van Norstran) r 51, also farmer 16. Van Norstran James, (Tioga Center) r 58, farmer 30. CVan Norstran James, (Smithboro) r 55, farmer 30. Van Riper George W., (Halsey Valley) r 38, farmer 90. Van Tyl Anthony W., (Tioga Center) r 36, for Henry Wig- gins 40. Vincent Colvin, (Barton) r 65, farmer 50. Vosburgh Henry P., (Halsey Valley) physician and surgeon, and farmer 285. Vroman Moses, (Owego) r 30, farm laborer. Walden Joseph, (Halsey Valley) r 21, laborer. Wallace David B., (Owego) r 48, farmer for his mother Rachel. 214 TOWN OF TIOGA. Wallace Rachel, (Owego) r 48, widow David, farm 140. • Wallace William, (Tioga Center) r 40, farmer 100. Wallis Harry C, (Owego) r 48, farmer. Walworth Seymour E,, (Ow;ego) M. E. clergyman and farmer 17. Ward Lewis J., (Smithboroj r 70, farmerj works for Judson Winters 260. Ward Perry C., (Tioga Center) r 41, carpenter and farmer 40. Waterman Oren, (Owego) r 48, farmer, works on shares for Lottie A. Hor- ton 100. WATERMAN WILLIAM P., (Tioga Center) r 54, farmer, works for C. H. Van Norstran 50. Watkins Charles H., (Catatonk) r 9, engineer N. T. Co. Watkins Elizabeth Mrs., (Tioga Center) r 53, resident. Watkins John, (Smithboro) stone mason. Watkins Thomas, (Smithboro) r 54, farmer 50. Watkins William H., (Tioga Center) meat market in Binghamton. Weber George, (Ow'ego) r 7, farmer 63. Weber Philip, (Owego) r 7, farmer. Weber Philip, Jr., (Owego) r 7, carpenter and farmer 55. Weiss Sebastian, (Owego) r 16, farmer 100. West Andrew L., (Halsey Valley) r i, farmer 140. West Charles, (Halsey Valley) r 22, farmer. West Grant M., (Halsey Valley) r 21, postmaster and assistant to his father Luther B. WEST LUTHER B., (Halsey Valley) r 21, retired merchant^ lumberman,. dairyman and farmer 530, and in Newark Valley 181. Wheeler John N., (Strait's Corners) r 4, general merchant. Whitcomb Benjamin R., (Smithboro) r 68, farmer 55. Whitcomb John M., (Smithboro) r 59, farmer 50. White Dudley, (Owego) farmer 35. White Jerome, (Smithboro) r 54, farmer, works on shares for Henry Miller 50. White Leon, (Halsey Valley) physician and surgeon. White Lewis, (Smithboro) r 73, farmer 95. White Lorenzo, (Catatonk) r 9, laboror. Whipple Fernando, (Tioga Center) r 50, farmer 50. Whitley Emi]y, (Owego) r-i3. widow Joel S., farm 141. Whitmarsh Abratji, (Owego) r 28, farmer 74. WHITMARSH AVERY, (Owego) r 9, sawyer and farmer 5. Whitmarsh Harvey, (Owego) r 28, sawyer. Whitmarsh Herrick, (Tioga Center) r 52, farmer. Whitmarsh Sidney D.,, (Tioga Center) r 52, farm laborer. Whitney Isaac N., (Owego) r 33, farm laborer. Wiggins Eliza, (Tioga Center) widow George. Wiggins Henry, (Tioga Center) r 36, farmer 40. Wiggins Silas, (Tioga Center) r 36, blacksmith, h do. Wilbur Frederick, (Halsey Valley) laborer. Williams Charles, (Tioga Center) off r 57, farm laborer. Willis Sylvester, (Halsey Valley) r 22, farmer 75. Willmott George W., (Owego) r 14, farmer 133. WILLMOTT JAMES R., (Owego) r 28, prop, saw and plaster-mill, and ice-dealer. Wilson William, (Owego) r 34, resident. Winfield James, (Owego) r 28, retired farmer. Winner James F., (Owego) r 47, cartman. TOWN OF TIOGA. 215; Winter Byron L., (Tioga Center) law student, bds. Main. Winters Harry B., (Tioga Center) clerk, bds. Main. Winters Joseph, (Tioga Center) postmaster and grocery, and farmer 159,. h Main. Winters Thomas, (Tioga Center) laborer. Wolcott George B., (Smithboro) r 58, farmer 60. Wood Edward, (Tioga Center) r 53, laborer. Wood Elmer, (Tioga Center) r 53, farm laborer. Wood George, (Strait's Corners) r 3, farmer 50. Wood James, (Strait's Corners) farmer 50. Wood Joseph, (Strait's Corners) r 3, farmer 100. Wood Spencer (Halsey Valley) r 39, farmer 90. Woodburn Clarence, (Tioga Center) r 36, laborer. Woodburn David P., (Tioga Center) farmer. Woodburn Henry Q., (Tioga Center) laborer. Woodcox Richard, (Tioga Center) trackman, h Main. Wright William, (Tioga Center) stone mason and carpenter. Yaples Charles, (Owego) r 31, carpenter. Yearsley Frank, (Smithboro) r 54, farmer with his father John. Yearsley John, (Smithboro) r 54, farmer, works for Henry Miller 250. Yontz Chloe, (Smithboro) r 71, widow John, resident. Young Franklin H., (Owego) r 48, farmer with his father Henry. Young Henry, (Owego), r 48, speculator, dairy 14 cows and farmer 200. Zorn Charles, (Owego) r 14, farmer 27. Zorn Christopher, (Owego) r 17, farmer 15. Zorn George, (Owego) r 17, farmer 39. Zorn Jacob, (Owego) r 14, farmer 27. osto.ffioe and the township is the same. In the viUages the name of the street is generally given, and precedes that of the postofBoe. The classifloation of farmers is omitted in this hat, as they can readily be found in the general Ust, by noting the figures at the end of the line, which indicate the number of acres OT\>ned or leased by each. Boad numbers signify the same as in the general list. Ageuts Railroad. See Riilroad Agents. Agents Ticket. See Kailroad Agents. Agricultural Implements. {See also Hardware, also General Merchants.) COLEMAN CHARLES H., (dealer) Lock- wood, Barton Guyer H. E., Broad cor. Clarli st., Wa- verly, " SnefEn & Scott, Broad st., Waverly, " BRAINaRD CHARLES B., Berkshire Higgins John, r 18, SpeedsviUe, Tomp. Co., Jndd John N.. r 6, " WITTER E. A. & CO., " ■Courtright Henry A., (dealer) West Newark, Candor HART LEWIS A., (dealer) Main st., HEATH HENRY D., (dealer) Main St., " Tan Debogail Peter, Main st., " Woodford E. Jerome, (dealer) r 62, " GAGER ULYSSES S., r 45. (Champion drills) Newark Valley Kenyon Charles E., r 53, " ADAMS S. B., r 5, (harvesters) Hoopers' Valley, Nichols EDSALL JOHN R., fdealer) Main st., " OERE, TRUMAN, PLATT & CO., (manuf.) Central ave., Owego Like George W., r 106, Apalachin, " Pitcher Leroy H., r 65, Owego THOMAS MOSES H., (dealer) 6i Tem- ple St., " Wood Charles E., r 40, Elemingville, " MILLER WILLIAM E.. Main at., Richford THELEMAN HIRAM W.„ " Brooks Daniel C, Maple ave., Spencer DAVIS JEROME S., Cedar St., " DAY JOHN & SON, Main St., " HOKTON THEODORE, r 49. Owego st., Tioga Smith Horace K., r 36, Tioga Center, " Apiarists. Barton Andre John, Lockwood, BESEMER DANIEL V., North Barton, Church Eranklin.L., r 46, Lockwood, CRANS FRANK, Lockwood, " Edgcomb George G., Pactoryville, " Hanford Clark, Factory ville, " Holt Charles B., r 53, " Lent W. Nelson, Lincoln St., Waverly, '■ MANNING ELI D., HalseyVaUey, , " SHIPMAN BUPUS T., r 43, Waverly, Walker Loren A., Waverly, " Clark Sanford H., r 36, " Berkshire Houk Daniel, Wilson Creek, r 35, " Scott Charles & Edward P., r 22 cor. 41, " Shepard James, r 3. " WILLIAMS & WALDO, WUljams George, ' " Anderson Joel, r 125, Owego, Candor Houok Israel, r 95, " STA.RKE;ir ic 'WEHVEltS, promptly fill IHall and Telephone Orders. 2l8 TIOGA COUNTY DIRECTORY. s:s'Z'.^5XjIs:exss x£T isss. THE FARMERS' FAVORITE I TilE Ow^EGO Times The largest and best weekly paper published in Tioga county, and con- tains more reading matter. The Times is the paper" for the Farmer, Mechanic, Merchant, Laboring Man, in fact, for all classes to take. Cor- respondence from every Town in the County. The Times has the largest circulation by many hundreds of any paper published in Tioga county,, consequently it is the Best Advertising Medium. «SE>ivr> i?oie A. ® A.adCE»rvEj core's". -iFOia- -«e FINB JOB IVORK s^ Of all kinds, from the smallest Visiting Card to the Mammoth Poster, go- to the Times Office. Our Jobbing Facilities are unequaled in the Southern Tier. Book-binding, in all its branches, neatly, cheaply and promptly done. Paper Ruling in every conceivable style and form. Especial attention given to, and best facilities for, manufacturing Blank Books, Ledgers, Hotel Registers, &c. Pamphlets, Magazines and Old Books skillfully and neatly rebound. Persons wishing anything pertaining to this business- will do well to call at the Owego Times Bindery. WM. SMYTH & SON, Propietors. 193 Main St., opposite Lake St., Owegp, Tioga Co., N. Y APIARISTS— BLACKSMITHS AND HORSESHOERS. 219' HOFTALING JOHN, E. B. ave. Candor HASTEN GEOEGE W., " MOBEY AECHIE E., r 71, " Oeburn William, r 18, SpsedBville, " EOE EUGENE ¥., r 6, " Eoe WiUiam F., r 25, Taylor WiUiam J., r 86, Weltonville, Burohard Harvey J., r 9, Ketohumvllle, Newark Valley Councilman Edwin W., r 35, " STEVENS HENEY W., r 42, DEAN NATHA.N S., r 1, Nichols HEEEICK WILLIAk. r 1, " Lane David J., r 17, . " Matthews Hiram P., r 38, " Sherwood Wesley W;, r 10, " ' WATEEMAN ALONZO C, r 8, WHITE WILLIAM W., r 21, " BBOWN L. & G., off North ave., (near S. C. E. E. Bound house, Owego Fox Charles, off r 91, " Gage Miner, r 37. " Gage Walter, r 37, " GILES JOHN S., r 87, Apalachin, " Nichols Washington, r 102X, Apalachin, " Noteware Wallace E., r 110, South Apa- lachin, ' " TALCOTT CHAELES, r 40, Talcott George B., r 40, " Ferris George C, r 35, West Candor, Spencer Forsyth Nelson A., r 40, " Holdridge Wilham A., r 41, " SHAW GEOEGE B.,'r 30, " SNOOK DAVID L., Maii st., " Van Marter, r 41, " GOODEICH STEPHEN S., r 46, Owego, Tioga Apothecaries. See Drugs and Medicines. Architects and Builders. (See also Carpenters and Builders, and Ma- sous and Builders.) Utter John, 120 Howard st., Waverly, Barton Artists, Portrait, IJandscape, etc: (See also Photographers.) Comstock A. B. Mrs., 126 Waverly St., Waverly, Barton Stanley Belle, (teacher) 101 Penn. ave., Waverly, " HAIGHT EDITH J., (teacher) Glen st., !Bsi'lt Rrni*P SUTTON GEOEGE B., r 41, Newark Valley MITCHELL IDA A., Cady ave., Nichols MITCHELL MABY J., Cady ave., " CAMP MAEY L.. Mks., 259 Erie st., Owego *HAEGEAVE, W. G., 38 and 40 Lake st., " - Kimball Helen Mrs., 425 Main St., " MOEEHOUSE ALLIE, Spencer ave., " SMITH HATTIE A, 443 Main St., Bakers and Confectioners. (See also Confectionery, Fruits, etc.) Clark Charles H.. 121 Broad St., Waver- ly, Barton HANFOED & LOBD, 222, Broad St., Waverly, " PILGEIM FEEDEBIC, 241 Broad St., Waverly, " JACKSON DWIGHT P., Main St., Candor Stannard Hiram E., Newark Valley Bonham Emma, 3 Park at., Owego Burton Nathaniel T., 61 North ave. •' NYE BEOTHEES, 44 Lake St., Owego- PAELETT EOBEET Jb., Academy st„ Spencer Bands. (In Societies, See Contents.) Banks. FIEST NATIONAL, Broad cor. Fulton St., Waverly, ' Barton THE CITIZENS' BANK, 214 Broad St., Waverly, " FIEST NAT. BANK, Main St., Candor FIEST NATIONAL BANK, 179 Front St., Owego OWEGO NATIONAL BANK, 6 Lake St., " TIOGA NATIONAL BANK OF OWEGO, 199 Front St., - " FAEMEES' & MEECHANTS', Main St., Spencer Barbers and Hair-Dressers. Gibson Eobert W., 213 Broad st., Wa- verly, Barton Hancock Irving, 225 Broad st.^Jfavevly, " Henry Edward, 209 Broad st. Waverly, " Lockerby Wallace H., 12 Fulton St., Wa^ verly, " Woodburn James L. . Fulton st. , Waverly, ' ' EOCKEFELLEE CHAELES H., Main St., Berkshire Stewart Charles, Main st., Candor SANDWICK JOHN E., Newark Valley MaJlory WiUiam W.. Main St., Nichols WiUiams George F., Main St., " Butler James, 65 North ave., Owego Flamer Isaiah, 154 Front st. , " Foster & Hampton, 129 North ave., " HoUensworth Jeremiah M., 22 Lake st., " Horrigan William, 152 North ave., " Hubbard Thomas, Lake st., " King Charles H., Ah-wa-ga House, " Lee Albert S., 109 North ave., " Spaulditig Enoch E., 47 Lake St., " Carter Fi'ank E., Main st., Spencer Gilbert Norman A., > " Basket Makers. Stevens James M.. WiUseyviUe, r 1, Candor Thornton James J., r 93, " Neff Asel, ■ Newark VaUey- Crandall WiUiam, r 10. Nichols- Thornton Jeremiah, 82 W. Main st., Owego Thornton Thomas, r 27, " Burtless James, r 2, North Spencer, Spencer- Stevens WiUiam H., r 1, " Bee Keepers. See Apiarists. Blacksmiths and Horseshoers. Boyce Lyman, Halsev VaUey, Barton- COLEMAN CHAS. H., Lockwood, Crans Ard F., Factory viUe, " Edgarton Willis, Lockwood, ' ' Gillan Ben. E., Main st., Factoryville, " Kinsman & Young, 3 Penn. ave., Waverly, ' ' Leonard Charles, r 55, " Mapes Milton C, Factoryville, " MoAidle Bernard, 302 Broad st. , Waverly, ' ' Murray WiUiam, W. FactoryviUe, " Poole Frank, Halsey Valley, " Quinly Elmer, Broad st., Wayerly,. " Simpson EUiot, Elizabeth St., Waverly, " Simpson Isaac, Broad St., Waverly, " SIMPSON WILLIAM H., 301 Broad St., Waverly, ' "■ .220 BLACKSMITHS AND HORSESHOERS— BOTTLING WORKS. BUFFINGTON CALVIN A. Railroad Bt., Berkshire Whiting Frank S., Speedsviile, Tomp. Co., Baylor Charles T., Main st., Candor Bolton Clarence S., Main st., •' CARPENTER WILLIAM L., Railroad ave., " Casterline Romeo W., Strait's Cbmers, " DRAPER MENZ V., Catatonk, " Eiklor George I., r 8, " Holden Dallas, r 120, WeltonviUe, " Houck George E., r 95, " Hover Leander, r 88, " Kirk Richard, r 63, " Kyle Enos J., r 22, SpeedsviUe, Tomp. Co., " Mix Emory C, WiUseyyille, r 30, " QUIMLY ELMINA E. . Owego St., ' ' Slawson James G., Foundry st., " Smullen George B., WeltonviUe, r 120, " SmuUen Patrick, r 120, WeltonviUe, " Terwilliger Solomon E., r 183, Catatonk, '• Woodard Ehas H., r 82, WeltonviUe, " Belden Uriah L., Newark VaUey Belden WilUam H., r 22, West Newark, '• Bnfflngton Chanoey L., r 11, Ketohumville, " Mix Eugene P., " Nowlan & Abbott, " Sharp Robert B., r 11, KetohumviUe, " SmuUen Charles M., r 1, JenksviUe, " Sweet Charles E., r 13, Ketchumville, " Riley William, r 13, KetohumviUe, " DeGroat William, r 16, Owego, Nichols MiUer Edmund S^ Main St., " Smith Oliver P., Hooper's Yalley, " WATERMAN & METTLER, Main at., " WATERMAN JOHN G., r 8, " Dye Ansel M., r 17 cor. 11, Riohford MarshaU Charles, r 31, " Moreland George D., " Owens Levi, r 31 cor. 18, " Conuant Simeon, r 117, Owego CorneU Henry, r 56, " Edward Edward, r 54, CampviUe, " Gould Adam C, 16 Temple st., " HoweU & Tracy, Apalachin, " Johnson Stillman, r 40, " McCaslin Alexander, Apalachin, " Meachan Erastus, 221 North ave., ■ ' Reed James, L., r 4, FlemingviUe, " Rhinevault Myron, 81 North ave., " Riley & GUlett, 140 Front St., RUey James, 8l North ave., " iSeverson George, r 51, CampviUe, " SMITH LEWIS, 168 North ave., •' Terbush Lancelott B., r 16, FlemingviUe, " Wood George H., North ave., ' " Clark Lewis, r 34, Spencer Clark Sylvenus B., r 38, " COMPTON SILAS, r 37, West Candor, " Day William S , r 28, " Griffith Absalom, r 14, " HullEben, " Kirk Charles N., r 59, Halsey Valley, " Lang Charles F., " Lange William H., '■ Mabee Daniel, '• Perrin WiUiam, r 13, " Pritchard Pratt A., " Ryant Daniel J., r 20, North Spencer " .SabinSethO., r42K, .■ " .SEELY S. ALFRED, (prop.) " Turk David, Academy St., " .SXj%RKIi:Y &. WINTERS, Tfrbolesale Spencer Tioga Turk Stephen D., WeUs Josiah, Main st., Bates William, Halsey VaUey, r 21, Estep Loren, r 51 Tioga Center, " Farnham Orin, Smithboro, " KIRK CHAELES N., Halsey VaUey, " Mapes Lewis, r 28, Owego, " Wiggins Silas, r 36 Tioga Center, " Boardin;; Houses. Boyee Genevieve, FactoryviUe, Barton Hiuman Eliza A., 114 Chemung St., Wa- verly, " Seely Edmund, 12 Park ave., Waverly, " Hamilton EUiott, r 6, Berkshire COOLEY BENJAMIN F., Newark VaUey Winship Charles B., " Dunham Hannah, 118 Temple St., Owego Dutton Mortimer E., r 69, Apalachin, " FreehiU Maria, 64 South Depot st. , ' ■ Lawheed Joseph W., 118 Temple St., " Seely Lewis, 133 North ave., " Sykes Maria B., 313 Main St., " Book Binderies. OWEGO TIMES, W. Smyth & Son, props., 193 Main, " Books and Stationery. Tracy John L., 204 Broad St., Waverly, Barton COBURN & STRAIT, 17 Lake St., Owego Decker Pho.ebe Mrs., 186 Main st., '• Pinney Hammon D., 45 Lake st., '■ EMMONS LUCIUS E., Main st., Spencer Boots and Shoes, Dealers and Shoe- makers. (See also General Merchants.) Baldwin Albert B., 6 Fulton st., Waverly, Barton BUNN ALBERT E., 73 Broad St., War verly, ' ' Demorest Clarence L., 247 Broad St., Waverly, " HUdebrand Andrew, 225 Broad St., Wa- verly, " Racklyeft John, 267 Broad St., Wa- verly, " Spencer Charles F., 226 Broad st., Wa- verly, " Conant Luther, Main st., Nichols Goodenough Delos, Main st., " DANA CHARLES, (custom) 65 North ave., Owego Greenwood James (custom) 188 Front st " HARDER EMMOTT, 23 Lake st.. Chamberlain L. N. & Son, Lake st., " Lounsbui-y WiUiani H., 63 North ave., " Lyon & Ripley, 188 Front st., " MORTON LEVI, Apalachin, SWEET BROTHERS, 54 North ave., WALL & CO., 200 Front st., WUbur WiUiam E., 182 Main st., " DAY JOHN & SON, Main st., Spencer KNAPP FREDERICK J.. Main st., Smithboro, Tioga Bottling Works. MILLS & O'BRIEN, Elizabeth St., Wa- verly, Barton Sheahau Michael, Broad cor. Loder at., Waverly, " Cronk W. D., r 90. Candor Hulslander John H., r 24, Newark VaUey and Retail Druggists, Owego. BOTTLING WORKS — CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. 221- Nichols Owego Spencer COBWEB BOTTLING WOBKS, P. Ma- loney, prop., Fox St., Owego Cabinet Makers. (See also Furniture Dealers and Manufac- turers.) Barr John C, Elizabeth at , Waverly, Barton Hart Selem M., (Speedsville, Tomp. Co.) r 18, Berkshire FESSENDEN W. L. &. SON, Candor Johnson Leonard A., Church st., Boss Leonard B., Main St., Corchran John T., 51, George St., Hibbard Ealph W., 112 Pranlclin st. NeweU Friend G., 17 Lake St., Wood Charles H., r 60, Newman William H., r 48, Carpenters and Builders. (See also Architects and Builders, Masons and Builders, Contractors and Builders.) BALDWIN HUGH, Broad n Penn. ave., Waverly, Baruon Barr .John C.. Jr., Waverly, " BUEKE OSCAR F., Waverly, CasterUne Coe, Factoryville, " CourtwrightM. V.B., " Davenport MUea, r 39, " Drake George C, Waverly, " FUkins CorneUus, Factoryville, " Hamilton Simeon, off r 60, Waverly, " HARDING CHARLES E., Ithaca st, Factoryville. " Harris George V., Factoryville, " Giltner Dexter E., Waverly, " Parker Charles P.. Factoryville, " Rhodes Isaac, Factoryville, " Ross Frank, 10 Pine st., Waverly. " Rowland William A.. Waverly, " Skillings Giles, r 9. Halscy Valley, " SOLOMON JOHN v., Waverly, Swarthout Charles B., Factoryville, •' Westfall Harry, Factoryville, ■' Yaple Amos S., r 39, " Brown Abraham, Main st., Berkshire Brown Myron, r 38, " Church Orris, r 29, " Crawford James H. , " Hart Arthur L., r 18, SpeedsvUle, Tomp. Co., Hart Samuel L., rl8, Speedsville, Tomp. Co., Hart Selem, r 18, Speedsville, Tomp. Co., " Havden Patsey W., Glen St., " Hubbard Howard M. , r 20, " Xegg Reuben T., r 18. Speedsville, Tomp. Co., MeCov Oliver A., rl8, Speedsville, Tomp. Co., Northrup Frank L., rl8, Speedsville, Tomp. Co., " Payne Henry A., "' Sherman JSmes W., r 27, " Young Edward W., " Abbey WiUiam, r 112, Candor Allen James M., r 29, " Allen William D., r 29, " Ayers Willis, Wilseyville, " Barden Robert S.. r 24, " BARROTT VANiS[ESSW.,r84,Welton- ville, Burleigh Eben, r 39, ' " Carl Peter. Owego St., CORTKIGHT JOSEPH J., WeltonviUe, " | STA.RKEV & WINTERS, Drasglsts, Candor - Eiklor George I., r 8, Elmendorf Clarence, Farley Eh J., r 14, Speedsville, Tomp. Co., " Frank Fred, r 134, Catatonk, " Flack Thomas W., r 133, Catatonk, " Galpin Edward, r 85, WeltonviUe, " German Frederick E., " Gransbnry Edward, r 102, " Gridley Demorn, r 63, " Harding Sherman, " Hatch Parker, r 85, WeltonviUe, " Herdic Peter, r 139, Strait's Corners, " Howes Oscar, '• Katell MarshaU R., r 90, " Keeler Ethelbert B., r 94, " Leet JuUus C, r 22, Speedsville, " Leet Samuel, SpeedsviUe, " Lewis Theodore H., Owego st., " Lynch Ira, Royal St., " Manning Robert P., r 31, South Danbv, " Mead Eussel J., WeltonviUe, " " Merchant Gideon, r 32, WUlseyviUe, " Orcott David, r 95, " OWEN ABEL, C, r 109, " Robinson MurtiUow A., " Sarson Samuel T., r 3, " SeweU John, r 78, WeltonviUe, " Smith John J., " Smith Davelle, r 37, '■ Smith Lucius, r 95, " Smith William R., r 37, " Starkweather Joel, Pond st., " Taoey Alexander, ■' Tubbs Charles N., r 41, " Tubbs Ebenezer, r 41. " Turk Levi, ' '• TURNER GEORGE C, r 143, Strait's Corners, " Van Debogart Lawrence, r 30. WiUsey- ville, " Woodford Elbert C, r 62, West Candor, " Abbey Reuben, r 16, Newark Valley Barber Virgil C, " BERKLEY CHARLES E., r 53, Bishop La Mont, " Davison D. Henry, r 22, West Newark, " Fellows WiUiam A., ' GaskUl Levi C. r 41, " HAMMOND ADELBEET C, r 16, " Hammond Melville F.,.r 6, " Hover Marvin L., r 22, West Newark, Jackson 0. Lester, •' Keith Luiius A., r 1, JenksviUe, " Lcgg MelviUe M., " Luck Ozias F., r 35, " Miller Daniel H., r 5, " Nolton William, " Pease Henry F., r 12, KetchumviUe, " Riley Andrew B., " Saddlemire Alexander, r-31. '• Sherman Hiram L., " Walter Clarence S., r 41, " WilUama Theodore, " Bixby Charles B., Bixby Chester, CurkendoU WiUiam, r 10, Dunham Benjamin, r 36, Owego, Edsall Benjamin F., EUis George, Jr., Hooper's Valley, Ellsworth Henry N., Laning Charles P., Loveland Seth H., Waverly, Mallery John'L., r 23, Owego, MerriU Albert S., Oivego. Close Prices to Dealers. Nichols ■ 222 TIOGA COUNTY DIRECTORY. THE OWEGO • RECORD Daily and ^eei^ly. I 72 FRONT STREET, - OWEGO, N. Y. The Only Daily Paper in the County, published every evening and sent to iny address for $4.50 per year ; 40 cents per month ; or 10 cents per week. Full telegraph, county and local news. Acknowledged as the best advertising medium in Owego. ■rrUE- Published every Friday. Contains more general, local and county news ■than any other paper in the county. Full market reports, court proceed- ings, and reports of all real estate transfers in the county published every week. Correspondents from every important place in the county. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE COUNTY. ^1 JOB iAiORK- 1^ Of all kinds done in the best of style. In its Job Rooms the Record has the leading trade in town. SOOTT <5S TT^T-A-TDreOS, - ^'VLloliSliers. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. 223 MoBher Edwin, Nichols Ifewland Samuel, r 18, Owego, " Turner G. M. DaUas, " Waterman James H., r 8, " Wiggins George, r 8, " Abel Alonzo, 84 MoMaster st., Owego Beeker Payette A.. Fifth ave., " Beers Edwin W., South Side, " Case Ellis L., 216 East Temple at., " Cheeks Moulton, 508 Main St., " Cole Smith B., 40 Adaline st., " Conant Frank L., 122 Franklin st. " Crans Egbert, 67 Central ave., '■ Decker John S., Apalachin, " Dexter Edwin J., r 54, Campville, " Diamond Irving,' 126 MoMaster St., " Duncan Stephen, 85 Paige St., " Durt'ee Edgar S., 137 North ave., '• Durkee Charles E., 32 Main st., " Edson Gfiorge, over 107 North ave., " Evans Joaiah E., 4 William St., " Evans Truman, r 54 Campville, " FEEGUSON T. JEPFEESON, 151 Tal- cott at. Finch Smith, 170 Weat ave., " Ford Charles H., r 35 Gaskills Corners. " Ford Luoiua, 607 Main at., " Forgason Charles, 19 Lake at., " Frank Walker, r 27, " Genung Abram C, 118 Franklin st., " GILLSON WILLIAM H., 116 West ave., " Hall Granville W., Cortright House, " Haner Addison L., r 96. " Hemstrought Abram V., 198 E. Temple St., " Holes George, 7 Park st., •' Hooker Archie S., 113 Franklin St., " Hooker Warren, G«orge St., " Howard Orville, 7 Spruce St., " Hutchinson James, 232 E. Temple st., " Jones Edward, r 84, Apalachin, " JONES JAMES E., 191 MoMaster St., " Jones Pardon, Apalachin, " Kaley Adam I., r 4, " Kaley William H., 177 Main st., " Kellogg Ulysses P., 22 Fulton st., " Knight Milton W., 56 Forayth at., " Lainhart Thomaa, r 30 Union, Broome Co., " Leasure George, r 123 South Owego, " Leonard Allen, Water at., Lindaley Hiram, r 40, " LOCKE EEUBEN B., 241 Erie at., " Male William, 22 William at., " Manning WiUiam H., 113 Main St., " McLean Ezra, 172 Talcott at., " MEACHAM CHABLES D., 99 Talcott at., •' Middaugh Augustus B., 32 Adaline at,, " Newell Frank. 117 Central ave., " Noble Asa 8., 12 AdaUne at., " Noonan David E., 96 Franklin st., Orford Charles F., Apalachin, " Park George W., 74 Fox St., " Perkins Frederick, 21 Fulton at., " Perry WilUam H., South Side, " Potter Isaac L., 100 Cheatnut St., " Eandall Frank, 607 Main st. , " Eelyea Andrew, 26 Fulton St., " Eeynolda Peter, 27 North ave., " Eiehardson Wesley L ., 557 Front at., " Eightmier Charles H., 17 George St., " Eobinson Alvin T., Adaline st., " Eobinson George, 115 Temple at., " EusseU Minor, r 108 South Apalachin, " Savey Edmund G., Apalachin, ■' Savey WUliam, Apalachin, " Saxton Edward, 96 Liberty St., Owego Searles Lot, 97 Central ave., " Shepard W. Henry, Main at. " Siaaon Wilham D., 18 Fulton at., " Somera Daniel T., 130 Talcott at., " Storm John C, 42 George at., " Strong Lewis, 258 North ave., " SYKES THEODOEE P., 52 Liberty St., '• Upham Marcus K., 5 Temple St., " TanBrunt Henry, 20 Temple at., " Van Over Jacob, Eiver at., " Vermilyea Abram, 39 Weat ave., " Wade Charlea M., 119 Weat ave., " Walker Amos. Adaline st., " Walker Rial H., Buckbee Block, " Walter Franklin A., r 25, Gaskill's Corners," Way William E., 174 North ave., Welch Charles, AdaUne St., " White John, 26 William St., " Whittemore John, r 27, " Williams Chester D., 59 Weat ave., " Williama Edward W., 119 Main at., " Yerks William A, 246 B. Temple St., " Zilnmer Albert, 66 Adaline «t., " Abbey Edward B., r 25, Eichford Allen Elmer, r 42, " Barden Edward, r 18, " Genung Orrin L., r 45}<, " . HEATH NATHANIEL, r 40, HOWLAlSfD HAEEISON r 36, Center Lisle, Broome Co., " Hutchinson Wesley J., Eailroad St., " King Wilham W., r 10, Harford Mills, " MEACHAM OBRIN N., r 37, Morton William, r 10, " Robinson Isaac N., r21, " Vunk J. Frank, Main St., " Welch Rufua H., Caroline, Tomp. Co., off r 23, " Butts Charles E., Jr., Spencer Clark Howard, ' " Cowles Sylvester, r 2, North Spencer, '• De Eemer Enos, r 36, West Candor, " Ferris I)avid A., r 63, - " Griffin Jamea A., - " Hugg Horace A., " Hutohihga EhJH., Kirk Charlea, r 59, Halaey Valley, " Lott Benjamin, • << McKee George E. , " Osborn John C, r 43, " Pierson George, " Eeeve Aaron D., " Riker C. L., r 34, " Riket William H., r 38, '• Robinson Fletcher O., " Eoe William W., r 38, " Shaw John W., r 39, West Candor, " Simms John C, r 43, Van Etten St., " Stevens Seneca, r 65, . " Thornton George, r 37, West Candor, " Van Kleek Jesse B.. r 63, " Van Natta Fred, r 47, " VOSE EPHEAIM, r 38, " Weatbrook Arthur, " Weeks William W., r 38, " Barden A. E., Smithboro, Tioga Bogart David R., Halsey Valley, " Coleman Jamea, r 62, Tioga Center, " Coleman William D., r 52, Tioga Center, " Fenderaon Ely, r 41, Tioga Center, " Fox Henry, r 47, Owego, " Hamilton Charlea, r 22, Tioga Center, " Horton George M., r 70, Smithboro, " 224 CARPENTERS, BUILDERS — CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS. Johnson J. Edward, Smithboro, Tioga Johnson Peter M., r 53, Tioga Center, " Johnson Warren, r 55, Smithboro, " Middaugh Lorenzo T., r 73, Smithboro, " Mulock Edwin, r 71, Smithboro, " Pearaall John C, r 71, Smithboro, " Pelham Charles, r 44, Owego, " PEERY ALBEBT A., Smithboro, " Sargent Alvin. Smithboro, " Snyder Charles, r 6, Owego, . " Snvder Nicholas N., r 4, Strait's Corners, ' ■ TEIBE CHARLES H., Tioga Center, '• Truesdail William, r ii, Owego, " Ward Perry' C, r 41, Tioga Center, " Weber PhiUp, jr.. r 7, Owego, ■' Wright WiUiam, Tioga Center, •' Taples Charles, r 31, Owego, " Carpet Weavers. Price N. W. Mrs., 5 Pine st., Waverly, Barton HART SARAH E., SpeedsTUle, Tomp. Co., rl8, Berkshire Emerson Charity, r 128, Strait's Corners, Candor Hover Liicinda A., r 38, Newark Valley LAWRENCE SARAH A., r 61, " Wright Nancy W., r 8. Nichols Lewis Maria Mrs., r 66, Owego Locke Mary E., 91 Fox st., " Yerts Clarissa, 31 Adaline St., " Carrlase, Wagon and Sleigh Manu- facturers, and Wheelwrights. COLEMAN CHARLES H., Lockwood, Barton Dnnham James J., Broad st., Waverly, " Ellas A. Clark, Main St., " Pinch Amasa, Factoryville, " Guyer H. E., Broad c. Clark st , Waverly, " Rowland John E.. 242 Broad St., Waverly, " TanAmburgh Abdial B., 304 Broad st., Waverly, " BRAINARD CHARLES E.. Berkshire BDFFINGTON CALVIN A, Railroad St., " Hough taling Burt. •' HOUGHTALING WILLIAM M., Main St., '■ Humphreys Erastus E., Speedsville, Tomp. Co., r 19 cor. 17, " Judd John N., r 6. " PRATT MARSHALL D., i' CARPENTER WILLIAM L., Candor Curtis William, r 5, " Embody Jacob, " Holden Dallas, r 120, WeltonvUle, " PAEMELEFREDEEICK,(dealer)Main St., " Searles George M., Main St., " Chambers Charles, Newark Valley Kilev Andrew B., (dealer) " ' WHITING BROS., " Turner Harvey, off Main st., Nichols Ballon Uartwell M., r 12, Owego Hemstrought James, r 54, Campville, " Hill Charles O., 89 Central ave., " Kellum Ambrose, Apalachin, " Moore & Ross, 146 North ave., " Raymond & Emeiy, Central ave., cor. Temple st. " Russell Minor, r 108, Soxith Apalachin, " Stratton Eicbard, r 20, " Terbush Lancelott B., r 16, Flemingviile, " Genung Oi rin L.. r 45>^, Eiohford PEEEY EDWIN A., r 43, " Smith Julius C, " BEUNDAGE DeWITT C, VanEtten St., Spencer CAMPTON SILAS, r 37, West Candor, " STjIRKEV dc vriNTERS, Wholesale Garey Abram L., Spencer Hall Leonard F., r 28, " Wood WiUiam H., " Cathn George, r 52, lioga, Center, Tioga Genung Adam S., Smithboro, " Signor George H., r 36, Tioga Center, " - Cider Mills. Manning Fred B., Halsey Valley, Barton Mercereau & Co., Broad st., Waverly, " Akins Henry S., r 18, Speedsville, Tomp. Co., Berkshire Cooper & Thornton, r 62, West Candor, Candor DUMOND DAVID, " Snyder DeWitt M.. r 1, WiUseyviUe. " Wheeler Abram T., " FAENHAM OSCAR E., r 49K, Nichols MATTHEWS ISAIAH, r 38, ' " Rounds Simeon, r 83, Apalachin, Owego Smith OrvUle, r 54, Campville, " Card Charles P., r 43, Spencer FAENHAM HEEBEET, off r 12, Owego, Tioga Clergymen. Bowen George N., (Episcopal) Waverly, Barton Cooper David H., (Baptist) Waverly, " Evans Ziba, (M. E.) Lockwood, " MoShane Edward, (E. C.) 103 Clark St., Waverly, " Peck Luther, (M. E.) " Pendell John E., (Bapt.) Waverly, " Salmon Franklin J,, (Bapt.) " Taylor John L.. (Pres. I Waverly, " Woodiuff James 0., (M. E.) Waverly, " Hough Joel J., (Cong.) Berkshire Cronk Byron E., (Bapt.) Candor Jacobs Hiram C, (Bapt.) r 75, " Osburn Arthur, (M. E.) r 116, " WiUiston Horace. (M. E.) Owego st., •' AngeU Thomas, (retired M. E.) Ketchumvihe, Newark Valley Gale Hiram, (reform Meth.) Ketchumville, " Leach Daniel F., (Bapt.) " Treible Wilson, (M. E.) " Van Deusen H. Newton, (M. E.) Nichols Wilson James M., M. D. (Pres.) " Barnes Newton W., (M.E.) Apilaohin, Owego Burton Reuben E., (Bapt.) 19 Ross st., " Dickinson Ira W., (M. E.) r 73, Camp- ville, " Fessenden Nelson, (W. Meth.) Apalachin, " Howe Olin R., (Cong.) 290 Main St., " Johnson Thomas D. (R. C.) Main st., " Ketchum La Fayette F., (reform Meth.) 92 Franklin St., '• Kidder James H,, (P. E.) 100 Main St., " McKenzie Alexander, (Pres.) 321 Front, " Sandford William, (African M. E.) bds. 106 Paige st.. " Shepard Charles D., (M. E.) r 40 Flem- ingville, " Tyler Edward, (Christian) Harford MiUs, Richford Howard Loring P., CM. E.) Spencer Livermore Albert, (Pres.) " Matteson Fayette A., (Bapt.) r 71, Smithboro, Tioga Tilden Alanson, Tioga Center, " Clothiers, Merchant Tailors, and Tailors. (See also General Merchants.) Betowski W. Leon, 123 Broad St., Waverly, Barton and Retail DragglstB, Onrego. CLOTHIERS, MERCHANT TAILORS, TAILORS— CREAMERIES. 225 Moit Amasa S., 222 Broad St., Waverly, Barton PEBKINS FRED. C, 208 Main St., Waverly, " Salonsky Isaac, 224 Broad at., Waverly, " Smitt Antoni B., 10 Fulton at., Waverly, '■ Unger Adolph, Waverly, " Unger Solomon, 230 Broad st,, Waverly, " Van Yelsor & Co., 212 Broad at., Waverly, " Grosa Jamea O., Berkahire Goldstein Bros , " BANDLEE EOBEET, 19 and 21 Lake St., Owego Berger Andrew F. F., Lake St., " Coleman Juliette, 9 and 11 Lake St., " Dwells & Link, Front st., " Whitson Isidor, 201 Front St., " Coal and Wood Dealers, also liime and Cement. Gray DeWitt C, Erie at., Waverly, Barton ■Guyer H. E., Broad cor. Clark St., Wa- verly, " HAGADOBN DeWITT C, Lockwood, " Sane Edward M., " ficott Charles, 256 Broad St., Waverly, " Sneffin & Scott, Broad at., Waverly, " Gridley WiUiam C, West Candor, Candor HEATH FRANK L., Main at., " DIMMICK & YOUNG, Newark Valley, WUliama Lucius E., " *HOUSEEPHBAIMH., cor. West ave. and MoMaster, Owego KEELEE ALBEET H., Temple cor. Cen- tral ave, " Morae NeweU, 133 Temple, " STEDMAN WHEELEE; r 40, FlemingviUe, " Smith W. C.& Co., Eichford Confectioners, Fruits, Ice Cream, Etc. .»' T.EJisivis, - $1.00 i3sr ..A.iD'v-^israE, In the hands of Thoroughly Competent Workmen. EDGAR L. VINCENT, Prppi i,.tor.. GHO D. GENUNG, Local Editor and Manager. CRteAMERIES— EGGS AND POULTRY. 227 Higgins & KounsevsEv Speedsvilie, Tomp. Co., Berksuire BAKEE BROS., Nichols SPENCEE CEEAMEEY, 8. A Seely, projl. ; D. La M. Georgia, sup't; Lib- erty Bt., Spencer Crockery and Glassware. FAELEY & SANDEES, 231 Broad St., . Warerly, Barton HIBBAKD GEORGE E., 84 Front St., Owego Dentists. Nelaon Elmer, 251 Broad at., WaTerly, Barton Snook Frederick M., 281 Broad st., Wa- verlv, " VahDERLTP CHAELES T., 201 Broad St., Waverly, " Honse Willard E., Main St., Candor Fellows Russell S., Newark Valley DOWNS EDWIN D., 192 Front St., Owego HILL BROTHERS, Front St., Jackson John, 12 Lake St., " ItAYOR WILLIAM E., over 173 Front at., " Walker Eansoin, over 200 and 202 Front St.," Eawley George W., Main at., Richford Matteson George E., Main St., Spencer Anderson John J., r 12, Tioga Dressmakers . Aikins Jane, 118 Clark St., Waverly, Barton Beardslee Mary Mrs., 2 Ithaca St., Waverly," Beekman Emma, 127 Chemung st., Wa- verly, " Brooks Lizzie D., 12 Waverly St., Waverly, " Cooley Hattie J., North Barton, Dollason Frances H., " Palsey Sarah A., Clark st., Waverly, " French Carrie,. 314 Broad St., Waverly, " Miller Cassandra B., 482 Chemung St., Waverly, ■' Minnick J. H. Mrs., 28 Loder st., Waverly, " Murray Mary L., Pine St., Waverly, " Osterhout Katie, 23 Broad st., Waverly, " ■Sargeant J. C. Mrs., 28 Orange St., Waverly, " Shaw Hulda J., 9 Waverly St., Waverly, " SHIPMAN PEELIE E., r 34, Waverly, " Shiolenburg Sarah, 304 Cheny St., Waverly, " Smith D. S. Mrs., 21 Fulton si, Waverly, " Strauss Huldah, 218 Broad st., Waverly, " Sullivan Anna. 105 Chemung st., Waverly, " Sullivan Etta, 315 Broad St., Waverly, '• Terry E. H. Mrs., 5 Penn. ave.. Waverly, " Tompkins Mary A., Factory ville, " VanDerlip Sisters, 24 Park ave., Waverly, " Williams Addle, 20 Clark St., Waverly, " Brown Sarah J., Candor Brown Mai-y A., Newark Valley Flannigau Susie, " Sears -Lizzie M., Beeves Elli^. Eiver st.; Nichols Scott Sisteffi, Cady ave. . " Bauer Elizabeth, 26 Adahne st., Owego Bowen Abby A., over Owego Nat. Bank, " Bryan Esther C, Spencer Blk. Lake St., Catlin Sarah E., 75 Talcott at., " Catliri Mary E., 75 Talcott St., " Cortright John Mrs., 201 E. Temple St., " Cole Ida M., 261 Erie St., " Donovan Mary A., 102 Paige at., " Dorsey Alma J,, 207 E. Temple at., " Dowd Anna E., 5 Park St., Earsley Belle Mrs., Commerce at., •' Edwards Susie, r 83, AtJalachin, Owego Greenwood Lizzie M., 80 William st.,. " Hickey Lizzie C, 399 Main st. " Hoagland Emma D., Buckbee Blk., ". Hodge EUa A., 86 Temple at., " Hogan Catherine M., eO^Delphine st., " Horgan Katie, 56 Delpliine «t., " Kelly Julia F., 246 E. Temple st., " Kingcade Charles Mrs., 90 Paige at., '.' Laird George H. Mra., Apalachm, " Ross Allie M. . 42 William St., " Rowe M. & G., 192 Front at., " Skellenger Emma E., 51 Forsyth St., Stever Amanda E. Mrs., over 78 North ave., " Wade L. N. Mrs., 175 North ave., " Whipple Sisters, 139 Main St.. " Wood Lydia, 76 Talcott St., " STEWART EMILY A, off r 12, Owego, Tioga Drugs and Medicines. Bennet Stephen, Broad st., Waverly, Bartoni Hayes H. H. 4 Son, 236 ^road St., Waverly, " Mullock Bros., 229 Broad st., Waverly, " SLAUGHTER & VAN ATTA, 233 Broad St., Waverly, " Tracy Edward G., 228 Broad St., Waverly '• HOLCOMB WALLACE, Berkshire Jennings James H., Front st., Candor Robs M.L. & Son, Main St., " Smith William B., Main st., " SMITH L. M. & SON, Newark VaUey Latham & Cady. Main st., Nichols BEACH & PARMELEE, Main cor. North ave., Owego- Beaumont John H., 135 North ave., " HOPKINS LANCY N., Apalachin, " JANSEN J. W. & Co., 60 North ave., " Kenyon Joel C, 5 Lake st., *STARKEY & WINTERS, cor. Front and WHITE & HUMI8T0N, 194 Front st., " Rawley Hiram B., Ricdaford Fisher Charles J., Main st., Spencer EMMONS LUCIUS E„ Main St., Blake William, Tioga Center, Tioga Dry Goods. KNAPP JOSEPH W., 203 Broad St., Waverly, Barton Murdoch E. N. & Co., 222 Broad st., Waverlv, " STOWELL HOLLIS E., 237 Broad at., Waverly, " WATROS BROS., 227 Broad St., Waverly, " Wilcox H. M. & Co., 218 Broad St., Waverly, " JOSLYN EDWARD, Main st., Nichols BaCKBEE.^PETEESON, WOOD &, CO., 190 and 192 Front St., Owego GOODBICH & CO., 196 Front st.. Hall George H., 122 Main st., " HASTINGS & STEATTON, 186 Front St., "- Hulslander Levi S., 59 North ave. ". Hyde Earl Mrs., Main St., " Newman Bros., 31 and 33 Lake St., " Tuck Isaac, 198 Front St., " Taylor Eobert J., 377 Front st., " Eggs and Poultry. (See also Fancy Fowls, etc., Poultry Dealers.) ROBERTS JOHN 0.,(wholesale) Newark Valley 228 EXPRESS AGENTS — GRIST, FLOURING MILLS AND DEALERS. Express Agents. HAGADOBN DnWITT C, Lookwood, Barton Kane Edwai-d jl., ■ , " Murdoch John K., (U. S.) Waverly, " ' BROWN FRAlifK W. , West Candor, , Candor BEATH FBANK L.,'Mam st. " Eookwood Lorenzo F., (U. S.) Newark Valley KIKBY ALLEN B., Nichols Hutohihs Frank F., (V. S. Ex.) 34 Lake St., Owego Mabee Foster N., (Erie Ex. Co.) 18 Lake st. " STEELE AARON, Apalachin, ' " Eich Luoien D., Eichford Mills Henry C, Speiicer Sanderson P. W. N., Tioga Center, Tioga Fertilizers. Bnshnell William B.; Berkshire HAET LEWIS A., Main St., Candor CAMPBELL AEBA,, Owego EEELER ALBERT H., Temple cor. Cen- tral ave., " Fl-orists and Seedsmen. (See also Seedsmen. AngeU Mary L., 472 Chemung at., Wa- verly, Barto^i 3Dingee John T., 116 Lincoln St., Waverly, " THOMAS ALEXANDER J., Main st., Owego Furniture Dealers. HALL & LYON, 356 Broad st., Waverly, Barton Blawson Andrew A., Waverly, " Sweet C. W., Broad St., Wavei-ly, " WITTER F. A & CO., Berkshire Trost John O., Main st., Candor •CAEGILL WHJJAM, Newark Valley Neal N. E., Cady ave., Nichols HUBBARD & KING, 29 Lake St., Owego MatBon John L.. 183 Front St., " PBEECE WALLACE C, Eichford Bower Bros., Spencer Gents' Furnishing Goods. •(See also Clothing, also Dry Goods, also Gen- eral Merchants.) McDonald SABAH a Mes., 265 Broad St., Waverly, Barton PERKINS FEED C, 208 Main St., Wa- verly, " Salonsky Isaac, 224 Broad st., WaVerly, " /Goldstein Bros., Berkshire BANDLEE BOBERT, 19 and 21 Lake St., , Owego Berger Andrew F. F., Lake st., " Fairohild Samuel F., 27 Lake St., " General Merchants. (Who keep a general assortment of Dry •Goods, Groceries, Hardware, etc. See also Dry Goods, also Groeei-ies.) BINGHAM BROS., Lookwood, Barton ■Cornell William, " Evarts Andrew J., Factoryville, " OILLETT WILLIS E., Eeniff, i' Gridley T. E. & Son, Main St., Paotory- ville, " VAIL A. V. C. & CO., Lookwood, WOOD JAMES C, Main st., Factoiyville, ' Wright & Cary, Main St., " Clark Horatio, Main cor. Depot sts., Berkshire DEWEY & DAEBONNIE, •' Eldrige B. 0. & Co., Main st., " Andrews WiUiaih HyPrdnt 81^ Candor Booth &WilIiaiiis, Front st.7' • (r~ Cooper Fred B., Strait's CorneWi, ' • " ■ Knapp'BorrD.,'Weltonville, ". McCAETHY a THOMPSON, Main st, '•> MEAD CHARLES, r 75, WeltonviUe, '. " Minor Christopher, r 30, WiUseyVille, " Orcutt William C, Owego st., " Owen WiUiam, r 29, ■ ■"■ Sawyer Luther, r 62, WeBt,Qindor, " Smith H. A., C&.tatpnk, r 133, ' ' VanDebogart Frank L., Main st., " Byington Alphonso, Newark Valley ELWELL WILLIAM, Finch Charles, Ketchumville, " FORD ALBERT N., Nixon John G., r 1, Jenksville' " RANDALL OSCAE S., BOYS & TODD, " BJiven Cranston, Main St., Nichols EDSALL JOHN E., Main St., " Sherwood Casper L. Main St., "^j Kinney & Gray, Apalachin, Owego' KNAPP CHARLES E., Apalachin, " SLEEPER & WHTrTAKER, Apalachin, " Rawley Hiraju B., Eichford Smith W. C. & Co., " Bradley Chas. E., Main st., Spencer DAY JOHN & SON, Main St., EMMONS ALFEEDS.. Van Etten St., FISHEE MAEVIN D Main St., Kellogg Mahlon A., North Spencer, " SEELY S. ALFEED, Academy St., " SHEPAED SYLVENES, Van Etten st., Sniffin WiUiam A., Main st., " Standlft Isaac S., Van Etten St., " Barber Ami W., Halsey Valley; Tioga Bonham Charles H., Main St., " Drake W. J. & Son, Main St., Smithboro, " Hoyt Fred. D., Halsey Valley, " Lollis Samuel C, Smithboro, " Martin Fred, Main st., Tioga Center, ," Southwick Mary J. Mrs., Halsey Valley, '' " Wheeler John N., Strait's Corners, " Grain Threshers. Albright Adam, North Barton, " Hoover William, r 41, Barton Cooper & Thornton, r 62 West Candor, Candor Coon A. H. & W. I., Strait's Corners, " DU MOND DAVID, Hulslander Sylvester, r 101, " MEAD WILLIS A., r 70, Mix John C. WiUseyville, r 1, • " BUECH <& Wells, Newark Valley Nichols John E., East Nichols, Nichols BLOW FRANK L., r 95, Owego Camp Orin, r 54, " EYANT E. & J. P., r 20. North Spen- cer, Spencer Smith & Truesdail, r 44, Owego, Tioga Grist and Flouring Mills and Dealers. BINGHAM EEC'S, Lookwood, Barton Manning Fred. B., Halsey Valley, " Waverly Steam Flouring Mills, (J. C. Shear prop.) 800 Broad St., Waverly, " BEEKSHIEE FLOUEING MILLS, Berkshire Bushnell WilUam B., " Hart Samuel L., (grist) SpeedsviUe • Tomp. Co., r 18, ■< BAEEOTT SAMUEL E., r 82, Weltou- ■fille, Cauddr Candor Mill, A. Beebe prop. Main st. " GRIST, FLOURING MILLS AND DEALERS— HARNESS, TRUNKS. 229 Hoff Lewis B., Main Bt, '■ Candor HUBBARD WILLIAM H., r 98, " JENKSVILLE STEAM MILL, 0. D. Nix- on, prop., Jenkaville, Newark Valley Moses Philander P., (custom) " White George W., (custom) Jenksville, " Williams Liloius E., (feed) " Dunham's Mills, Oaleb Wright, prop., r 8, Nichols HUNT ADONIJAH. r 37, Owego, " NICHOLS STEAM ELOUB mQjLS, John Penderson, prop., " Beeman Horace W., (feed) r 116, Owego Curtis Harmpn, r 35, Gaskill Corners, " DOEWIN, BICH & STONE, office 177 Front St.. . " Ellis Nathan H., r 40, " POSTEB LEONARD, (feed) r 27, '' Kile George O., (feed) r 95, " Terbush Lancelotl B., (feed) r 16, Plem» ingriUe, " Weed J. D. & G. W., (Custom) " Bliss Franklin, Bichford . HARFORD MILLS, Granger Francis & ■* Son, props., " PERRY EDWIN A., r 43, " Wilbur James F., " HAGADORN DAVID B. , r 57, Spencer SEELY S. ALFRED, " Franklin Burton B., r 52, Tioga Center, Tioga JONES STEPHEN W., r 9, Owego, " Leach Stephen W., Owego, " Tuthill Joseph M., Smithboro. " Groceries and Provisions. (See also General Merchants. BABNE8 & MILLEE, 227 Broad st., Wa- verly, . Barton FARLEY & SANDERS, 231 Broad St., Waverly, " Geronld B. &, Co., Ill Broad St., Waverly, " Gibbons James S., 246 Broad St., Waverly, " HaUet & Son, 245 Broad St., Waverly, " HANFORD & LORD, 222 Broad st., Wa^ verly, " Hart Brothers, 205 Broad st^, Waverly, ■' Hem John, 117 Broad St., Waverly, " Parsons & Freestone, 207 Broad St., Wa- verly,' " Persona E. Delos, 206 Broad st., Waverly, " Qnigley Michael, 263 Broad St., Waverly, " Sager & Munn, 234 Broad st., Waverly.. " SEELY WILLIAM F., 257 Broad st., Wa^ verly, " SWAIN LESTER, Fulton St., Waverly, Stevens Samuel, r 46, Lookwood, " WALKER LEANDER, 253 Broad St., " WALKER T. S. & Son, 250 and 252 Broad St.. Waverly, " WAVERLY CAfeH STOBE, 227 Broad St., Waverly, . " . HOLCOMB WALLACE,. Berkshire Bush Abftm R. WiUseyville, Candor Fister John W., Main st., " JACKSON DWIGHT P^ Main st. , " O'Brien Thomas, r 30, WiUseyville, " WardweU & Cooper, r 62, West Candor, " White Morgan A.,. WiUseyville.., „-■ , " , Woodard Mary G., r 82, WeltonviUe, " BENTON WILLIS S., r 1, JenksviUe, Newark Yalley -OiiaiJuian- Lyman F.,- - - '. - ."■• BOBEETS JOHN O., ANTHONY FLOYD H., Main st., ; Nichols Van Ness BeUe H. Mrs., Main st., Nichols-- CorneU H. W. SPENCER HERALD R Five Cnluiiin QnartD WEEkly ]NrBA7i;-spepBr; Eight Pages, Party Cnlumns, VAN GELDER & SON, P. C. VAN GELDER, . Publishers. Editor and Proprietor. SPEKClElKt TI®eA €©UKTY9 K. ¥. It-has alarge and grawing circulatlnn/is anautspaken IndEpEndBnt Jnurnal, and has a lihEral local advartlsing patrnnage, The afhcE is IncatEd in the EstrEmE northwEst cDrnEr nf Tioga Conntyj N, Y,, and adjoining Tompkins and ChEmnng ConntiES. Two railroads run through the place— thE E, C, & N, and the G-, I, & S',— which make it invalnahlE to local advErtisEPS, SPORTING GOODS — WOOLEN MILL. 339- Sporting Goods. Bennet Stephen, Broad st., Waverly, Barton Waring Norman K., (fly rod manuf.) Newark Valley Beach D. & Co., 197 Main St., Owego PIERCE WALLACE C, Eiohford Station Agents. AtwoodWm. W., (D. L. &W.,) Waverly, Barton- Clock C. E., (G. r. & 8.,) Factoi7Ville, " HubbeU Nelson, (Erie R. E..) Waverly, " Kane Edward M., " HAGADOEN DEWITT C, Lookwood, " Waldo Elij ah B. , William st. , Berkshire BROWN FRANK W., West Candor, Candor HEATH PRANK L., Main St., " Smith H. A„ r 1S3, Catatonk, " Rookwood Lorenzo F., (S. C. E. E.) Newark Valley KIRBY ALLEN B., (D. L. & W. R. R.) Nichols DEAN CAMERON B., (N. Y. L. E. & W.) Owego Corey William H., (.D. L. A W.) " Gale WiUiam E., (S. C. R. E.) " STEELE AAEON, (D. L. & W.) Apala^ chin, " Eich Lucien D., Eichford Cook Anderson B., North Spencer, Spencer Howell Myron P., (G. L & S.) " Mills Henry C, (E. C. & N,) Bellis William L., (Erie E. E.) Smith- boro, Tioga Sanderson P. W. N., Tioga Center, " Stimpson Henry, (S. C. E. E.) gmithboro, " Tanners. DECKER TANNERY, A. I. Decker, prop., Paotoryville, Barton DAVIDGE, HOBTON & CO., Berkshire Hulmboldt Tannery, Candor DAVIDGE, LANDFIELD & CO.,Newark Valley CAMPBELL AEBA, Talcott St., Owego DEAN H. N. & SON, North ave., " Quirin J. G. &. Co., Tioga Center, Tioga Telegraph Operators. Beach Arthur' N., Waverly, Barton Bixby Fred, Waverly, " Corey Leonel C, Factory ville, " HAGADOEN DeWITT C, Lookwood, " Kane Edward M., " Kinney F. Eloise, Waverly, " Soanldn Martin, Waverly, " SMITH JAMES H.. Factory ville, Steele Edward J., Waverly, " Patch Eobert C, Main st., Berkshire BROWN FRANK W., West Candor, Candor German Edward C, " Merrill Nellie, Willsey ville, " Joslin Joseph D., r il, Newark Valley Rockwood Lorenzo F., " Kennedy John M., Nichols i BarmeS' Katie, 73 Liberty St., Owego FiUiiiKS John, 73 Liberty st., " BROWN PATRICK, 182 River, South Side, |' Dee James, 313 Main ut.. Fox Lewis L., Apalachiu, " Gale William E., (S. C. R. R.) " Pert WiUiam, 31 Front at., " Yothers Horace, " Lacy Louis V., Eiohford Robinson James. Eicliford' Eobinson Fred J., " Cook Anderson B., North Spencer Spencer Denniston Chagter B., i " PALMEE HEMAN L„ " Hanmer George W., r 9, Catatonk, ■ Tioga PUkington Charles, r 9, Catatonk, " Tobacco and Cigars. Clark & Ealyea, 275 Broad St., Waverly, Barton. Ferguson Hartwell M. & Co., 200 Broad St., Waverly, " Myers Charles K., 201 Broad st., Wa- verly, " NICHOLS HURLEX L., 213, Broad St., Waverly, " Ziegler Benjamin F., Johnson st., Wa- verly, " Hart Colden H., r 34, Wilson Creek, Berkshire MATTHEWS ISAIAH, r 38, (manuf.) Nichols Barton George W., 191, Main st., Owego Gavell Edward, 169, Main St.. '■ Ogden Aaron, 7 Lake stU " Toy Manufacturers. Crandall Charles M.,Broadst.,Waverly, Barton Undertakers. Fessenden Harvey G., Waverly, " Slawson Andrew A., Waverly, " Sweet C. W., 243 Broad st., Waverly, " CAEGILL WILLIAM, Newark VaUey HUBBARD &. KING, 29 Lake, St., Owego Matson John L., 183 Front St., " PIERCE WALLACE C, Richford PALMER J. H. A SON, Main St., Spencer Variety Stores. Brewster Curtis, Broad st.. Waverly, Barton. ENGLEMAN GUS, 131 Broad st., Waverly, " McDonald DUNCAN J., 247, Broad St., Waverlv, " BALL JOHN P., 170 Front St., Owego- Lainhart George, 212 Front St., " SLATER FRANK B., 75 Paige cor. Tem- ple 8tS., " Straus Juhus L., 43 Lake St., " Veterinary Surgeons. Sherry J. Eobert, 6 Pine St., Waverly, Barton PEATT MARSHALL D., Berkshire Heath James H.. r 30, Wilseyville, Cander- MILK8 WILLIAM J., Spencer St., Burr William H., Newa^-k Vallev PORGASONTHADDEUS, Central ave., Owege Wood Turning. BROOKS AUGUSTUS, Lockwood, Barton COLEMAN CHAELES H., Lockwood, " PAENHAM OSGAE E., r 49^, Nichols FARNHAM HERBERT, off r 12, Owego, Tiojra. JONES STEPHEN W., r 9, Owego. " Wool Carding. FARNHAM HERBERT, off r 12, Owego, Tiogo- Wool Dealers. COLLINS JUNIUS, Berkshire Bliss, Thompson & Co., 174 Front St., Owego PITCHEE DANIEL M., 175 Front St., Woolen Mill. BARAGER CHARLES P., Candor- 240 TIOGA COUNTY DIRECTORY. -^•■THK''!^ "Tribune A. LIVE LOCAL NEWSPAPER. GIVES ALL THE LOCAL, COUNTY AND NEAR- BY HAPPENINGS. FIRST IN THB WEEK, IS ALWAYS FREE FROM VULGARITY. IS A GOOD FAMILY^ NEWSPAPER THAT WE SHOULD GET $2.00 A YEAR FOR, BUT WE LET YOU HAVE IT FOR $1.50, ON ACCOUNT OF LOCAL CUSTOM. ADVERTISERS LIKE IT, BECAUSE THE READER HAS CONFIDENCE IN IT, AND BEING EIGHT- PAGE THERE ARE MORE CHOICE LOCATIONS FOR THEM. Advertisements — Rates Given on- Application. SOCIETIES. 241: SOCIETIES. Masonic Fraternity. Babton.— Waverly Lodge, No. 407, I". & A. M., meets first, third and fifth Monday eTenings- of each month, in Masonic Hall. Caynga Chapter, No. 245, B. A. M., Waverly, meets second and fourth Monday evenings of each month. Newabk Valley.— Newark Valley Lodge, No. 614, F. & A. M., meets in Davidge, LandfleldA Co.'s Hall, second and fourth Monday evenings of each month : E. G-. Nowlan, W. M. Nichols. — Westbrook Lodge, No. 333, F. & A. M., meets the Wednesday evening on or after the full moon in each month; Samael Clapp, W. M.; E. Coleman, S. W.;Dr. George P. Cady, Sec. OwEOO.— Friendship Lodge, No. 153, F. & A. M., meets on the first Wednesday evening after- , the first Monday in each month ; B. J ; Davis. W. M . ; ■ 0. S; Carmiohael, See . New Jerusalem Chapter, No. 47, R. A. M,, meets at Masonic Hall, first and third Mondays of each month; F. M. Ma.bee, H.P.; M. B. Watkins, Sec. Owego Chapter, Np. 510, E. M. E., meets at Masonic Hall, monthly, C. M. Hay- wood, M. W. ; N. A. Steevens, Sec. Ahwaga Lodge, No. 587, F. & A. M., meets at Masonic fiaU, first and third Tuesdays after the first Monday in each month; N? A. Steevens, W. M.; George H. Thompson, Sec. Evening Star Lodge, No. 19, F. & A. M., meets first and third Monday evenings. of each month, opposite Ahwaga House; 3. W. Barrett, W. M.; A. Sample, Sec. Spenceb. — Spencer Lodge, No. 290, F. & A. M., meets first and third Tuesday evenings of each month; Charles Eiker, W. M.; I. S. Stanchff, Sec. TioaA. — Tioga Lodge, No. 534, F. & A. M., was organized at Smithboro, 1863; William J.. Drake, W. M. ; John P. Swartwood, Sec. Temperance Societies. Newabk Valley. — ^North Star Lodge, No. 21, P. of T., JenksvUle, meets every Saturday eve- ing; Monroe Barrett, W.S.; Frank Keith, Sec. GwEGO.— Apalachin Lodge, No. 564, I. 0. G. T., Apalaohin; S. M. EuKson, C.T., Came Euli- son, Sec. Union Council, No. 47, E. T. of T:, ineets at Odd Fellows' Hall, the second Wed- nesday evening of each month; F. 8, Hodge, S.C, H. C. Brainard, Sec. Spenoeb. -Spencer Council. No. 181, E. T. of T., meets second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month; WiUiam Swartout, 8.C., David Seely, Sec. Grand Army of the Republic. Babtok. — Stebbins Post, G. A. E., No. 361, Lookwood, meets first and third Thursday eve- nings of each month; Eichard Andrus, Com., G. W. Brink, Adj. Candob. — Candor Post, No. 383, meets at Grand Army Hall, first and third Tuesday evenings of each month; B. E. Cronk, Com., S, J. Legg, Adj. Newabk Valley. — WUhams Post, No. 245, G. A. E., meets second and fourth Saturday eve- nings of each month, in Eoys Block Hall; Harvey Neal, Com., B. S. Harvard, Adj. Nichols. — Warwick Post, No. 259, G. A. E., meets second and fourth Tuesday evenings of eachjnonth; WiUiam Herrick, Com., L. B. Boss, Adj. Owego. — Baboock Post, No. 59, G. A. E., meets every Wednesday evening, at Grand Army Hall; D. S. Legg, Com., O. L. NeweU, Adj. ■ Tracy Post, No. 613, G. A. E., Apalaohin; J. S. Giles, Com., H. J. Cooper, Adj. EiCHEOBD.— Belden Post, No.,342, G. A. E., meets every Saturday evening; F. Hutchinson,. '■' Com., N. Heath, Adj. Spenceb. Dawson Post, No. 464, G. A. E., meets second and fourth Saturday evenings of each month; W. A. Stubbs, Com., L. Brooks, Adj. Patrons of Husbandry. Babton.— North Barton Grange, No. 45, P. of H.. meets every Saturday evening; 0. S. Nichols,, W. M., John F. Hoyt, Sec. Sullivan Grange, No. 217, P. of H., meets every Saturday evening at Grange Hall,. Shepard's Creek; H. Bunnell, W. M., T. Hulett, Sec. Acme Grange. P. of H., meets weekly; B. B. Cooley, W. M., H. Stebbins, Sec. 16 :^42 SOCIETIES. "Candob. — Candor Grange, No. 203, P. of H.. meets at Grange Hall, first and third Fridays of each month; Epenetns Howe, W. M., G. H. Hart, See. WeltonviUe Grange, P. of H., meets every Thursday evening; W. E. Mead, W. M., H. E. Eeese, Sec. Strait's Corners Grange, No. 453, P. of H., meets on the first and third Saturdays of each month; A. L. Eider, W. M., S. Hammond, Sec. Nbwaek Valley.— Newark VaUey Grange, No. 476, P. of H., meets Friday evening of each week; W. F. Prentice, W. M., Mrs. C. S. Shaffer, Sec. Nichols. — Wappasening Grajige, No. 522, P. of H., meets on the first and third Saturday eve- nings of each month; F. G. Loiyman, W. M., Eobert P. Coryell, Sec. ■ OwEOo. — Pomona Grange, a county organization, made up of members of subordinate Granges, meets regularly at Owego every three months; O. H. Van Atta of Barton, W. M., Mrs. B. J. Brooks of Barton, Sec. GaskiU Corners Grange, No. 403. P. of H., meets every Saturday evening; George W. Hull, W: M., Mis. G. W. Hull, Sec. BiCHFOBD. — Eureka Grange, No. 345, P. of H., meets every Friday evening; Mrs. Emma Jayne, Sec. Knlgbts of Honor. Bakton.— Waverly Lodge, No. 293, K. of H., meets every Friday evening in K. of H. HaU. Candor. — Candor Lodge, No. 542, K. of H., meets first and third Tuesdays of each month; Eichard Fields, Die, J. O. Frost, Eep, Nichols.— Susquehanna Lodge, K. & L. of H., meets on the first aud third Wednesday eve- nings of each month; Eev. H. N. Van Deusen, Prot., Sarah A. Ketcham, Sec. 'OwEQO. — Owego Lodge, No. 54, K. of H., meets at Odd Fellows' Hall, second and foui'th Tuesday evenings of each month; G. Strang,^Dic^ F. A. Darrow, Eep. Diamond Lodge, No. 76, K. and L. of H., meets at Odd Fellows' HaU the first and third Tuesday of each month; S. Goodrich, Prot., M. H. Tuch, Eep. 'TiOQA. — Tioga Lodge, No. 263, K. of H., organized at Tioga Center in 1880. Emerald Lodge, No. 384, K. &, L. of H., organized at Tioga Center in 1881. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Babtok. — Manoca Lodge, No. 219, 1. 0. of O. F., Waverly, meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd FeUows' Hall. \ Spanish HUl Encampment, No, 52, L O. of O. F., Waverly, meets first, third and fifth Friday evenings of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. N. Cayuta Lodge, L 0. of O. F., No. 159, Lockwood, meets every Friday evening;; G. W. Bingham, N. G., D. C. Hagadorn, Sec. OwEQO.— Tioga Lodge, No. 335, L O. of 0, F., meets every Friday evening; W. L. Stewart, N. G., W. H. Thomas, Sec. Order of the Iron Hall. Barton. — Local Branch, No. 23, O. of L H:, Waverly, meets Monday evenings at K. of H. Hall- Newark Valley.— Local Branch, No. 281, 0. of I. H., meets the first and third Monday eve- ning of each month; Boberb Donley, C. J., D. C. Hand, Acct. ■Owego. — Branch No. 25C, meets first and third Saturday evenings of each month; E. Eimball, C. J., A. S. Hooker, Acct, Branch No. 306, Apalachin, J. S. Giles, C. J., C. L. Barton, Acct. Improved Order of Red Men. i Barton.- Iroquois Tribe, No. 42, L O. of E. M., Waverly, meets every Thursday sleep at eight run. Newark Valley. — Council fire the first aud third Tuesday's sleep, each moon, in Masonic HaU; M. A. Howard, Sachem, H. Leonard, 0. of E. -OwBOO. — Ahwaga Tribe, No. 40, I. 0. of E. M., meets at the Wigwam, every Friday's sleep; James T. Eogers, Saohem, C. H. Keeler, C. of E. I Spenof-e.— Masoawa Tribe, No. 88, I. O. of E. M., meets on the second and fourth Friday's sleep of each moon; J. M. Stowe, Saohem, E. L. Brooks, C. of E. SOCIETIES^THE RATES OF POSTAGE. 243 Miscellaneous Societies. Babton. — Cayuga Lodge, No. 35, A. O. U. W., Waverly,' meets every, Wednesday evening, in Select Knights' Hall. Sohoeffeld Le^on, No. 19, Select Knights of A. 0. U. W., Waverly, meets every Friday evening in Select Knights' Hall. Tioga Lodge, No. 101, K. of P., Waverly, meets at Mott's HaU every Wednesday evening. • Equitable Aid Union, No. 417., Factory ville, meets every Thursday evening; J. C. Wood, Dis. Dep. Supreme Pres.', F. A. Squires, Pres., Fred Brewster, Sec. Camdob.— Candor Council, Boyal Arcanum, No. 928; H. P. Potter, Beg., F. S. Woodford, Sec. OwEGK). — Progressive Assemblv, No. 3147, K. of L., meets every Tuesday evening; M. J. Murrey, M. W., J. A. Dodge, B. S. Star Lodge, No. 91, A. O. TJ. W., meets on the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month; E. Fitzgerald, M. W., C. Dana, Bee. Spenoeb.- The Tioga County Patron's Fire Behef Association; S. Alfred Seely, Pres., L. W. Hull, Sec. Markell & Butts orchestra, four pieces. Eobinson Cornet Band, twelve pieces, F. 0. Eobinson, leader. Tioga. — Lodge No. 106, A. 0. TJ. W., meets on the second and third Mondays of each month; Edward M. Forman, M. W., Eobert H. Spendley, Beoorder. THE RATES OF POSTAGE. Postal carda cue cent each, to all parts of the United States and Canada. mEST-GLASS STATTEB— TWO CENTS PEK OUNCE OB EBACTION THEBEOF. Letters and all other mailable matter of other dasaes subject to letter postage by reason of a ■violation of the postal laws, two cents per ounce to all paxta of the United States and Can- ada. EEQISTBATION, DEOP LETTEES, ETC. On registered domestic letters and third and fourth-class matter an additional fee of ten •cents is required. Local, or " Drop " letters, that is for the city or, town where deposited, two cents if delivered by carriers, and one cent if there is no carrier system,' per ounce. Manuscript for publication in books, (except when accompanied by proof-sheets), newspapers and magazines chargeable as letters. PBEB. Newspapers, to each actual subscriber in the county, where published, free of charge. SECOND-OLABB MATTEB— ONE CENT PEE POUND. Newspapers and periodicals, transient excepted, to be prepaid, at the office of pubKeation at one cent per pound, or fraction thereof. THIED-CI/ASS MATTEE — ONE GENT POE TWO ODllOEB. (Must not be sealed.) Mail matter of the third-class embraces printed books, (except transient newspapers, four ounces for one cent,) and periodicals, circulars, proof-sheets and corrected proof-sheets, manu- seript copy accompanying the same, and al^matter of the same general character, as above enumerated, thp printing upon which is designed to instruct, amuse, cultivate the mind or taste, or impart general information, and postage sha)U be paid thereon at the rate of one cent for each two ounces or fractional part thereof. EOnBTH-OLASS MATTEE — ONE CENT FOE EACH OUNCE. Man matter of the fourth-class embraces labels, patterns, photographs, playing cards, visiting cards, address tags, paper sacks, wrapping paper and blotting pads with or without printed address thereon, ornamented paper, and all other matter, of the same general charac- ter, the printing upon which is not designed to instruct, amuse, cultivate the mind or taste, or impart general information. This class also includes merchandise, and samples of merohan- 244 THE RATES OF POSTAGE — POSTOFFICES AND POSTMASTERS. dise, models, samplesof ores, metals, minerals,, seeds, &c., and any other matter not included in the first, second or third-class, and which is not in its form or nature liable to destroy, deface or otherwise damage the contents of the mail-bag, or harm the person of any one engaged in the postal service. Postage rate thereon, one cent for each ounce or fractional part thereof. Packages of mail-matter must not exceed four pounds each in weight, except in cases of sin- gle volumes of books. UndeUvered letters and postal cards can be re-sent to a new address without additional ch»rge. Senders may write their names on transient newspapers, books or any package in either class, preceded by the word " from." Stamps out from the stamped envelopes are rejected by the postoffioe. . Stamped envelopes and wrappers, postal cards, and stamps of different denominations for sale at the postofSces. Stamped envelopes accidentally spoiled redeemed at the postoffioe where bought. POSTOFFICES AND POSTMASTERS. POSTOFFICES. Apalachin, Barton, Berlishire, CampvUle, *Candor, CatatonU, Connecticut, East Nichols, PactoryviUe, PlemingsvUIe, Gaskill's Comers, Halsey Valloy, Hooper's Talley, Jenksville, Ketohumville, LockwQod, "Newark Valley, Nichols, North Barton, North Spencer, *Owego, Eeniff, Eiehford, Smithsboro, South Apalachin, South Owego, *Spencer, Strait's Corners, Tioga Center, *Waverly, Weltonville, West Candor, West Newark, Willseyville, Wilson Creek, Owego, Barton, Berkshire, Owego, Candor, Candor, Newark Valley, Nichols, Barton, Owego, Owego, Tioga, Nichols, Newark Valley, Newark Valley, Barton, Newark Valley, Niehols, Barton, Spencer, Owego, Barton, Eiehford, Tioga, Owego, Owego, Spencer, Tioga, Tioga, Barton, Candor, Candor, Newark Valley, Candor, Berkshire. POSTMASTEBS. Frank J. Knapp. John B. Coleman. John B. Ford. McEenzie Dickinson, John E. Chidsey. Alanson H. Smith. James DeGaramo. Elizabeth A. White. Clarence E. Clock. Charles E. Truman. Harmon Curtis. Grant M. West. Lucas T. Field. Samuel M. Avery. Charles Finch. George D. Brock. Sherman W. Byington. Emmet Coleman. Edmund H. Hoyt. Mahlou A. KeUogg. Frederick O. Cable. Willis E. GiUett. Charles A. Clark. William J. Drake. Alonzo Bills. Lyman B. Truman. Marvin D. Fisher. Alvinza Strait. Joseph Winters. Andrew A. Slawson. Andrew J. Graham. Charles F. Gridley. Willis E. Hover. Emory C. Mix. Colden N. Hart. Rate of Commission Charged for Money Orders. On orders not exceeding $10, eight cents ;over $10, and not exceeding $15, ten cents ; over $45, and not exceeding $30, fifteen cents : over $30, and not exceeding $40, twenty cents ;. over $40, and not exceeding $50, twenty-five cents ; over $50, and not exceeding $60, thirty cents ; over $60, and not exceeding $70, thirty-five cents ; over $70, and not exceeding $80, forty cents ; over $80, and not exceeding $100, fortv-flve cents. No single order issued for a greater sum than $100. •"Money order offices.