LAW BOOKS, NEW AND SECOND HAND. »3 3; -.-„n_i.l.«._"Dri-«««J-j OIorttFU Ham ^rlinnl Kthrarg iHataliaU lEqmtg (EoUettiOtt (Sift of IE. 3. iJtatHljaU. 5I.ffi. 1. iaff4 decided in the High Court of Chancery by Sir John Staart, Vice- OhanoeHor, 1857 to 1865^. By J. W. De Longneville Giffard, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law. 4 vols, royal 8vo, oalf, £9 16s. *•• Vol. 5, oontaininK a few ramainlng Gasas yet unreported, together with a Digest of the whole series of Smale and Giflard, and GHffard's Beports, 1852 to 1866, will be shortly issued. WILDY & SONS? 3 1924 085 501 546 Barry's Treatise on the StEDf*"^— ^^''-'^di^^m.-o^f+Jie Oniirt of (Jhanoery, with an Appen «,, £P?MfH-,.MS!y.?.'iS/n..k'.BRAHY 5s, pabliBhed at 12s. Elton's Treatise on Com spsoial reference to tlie La cloth, 10s. Elton.— The Tenures of Kent. By Charles I. Efton^Bsq^ Barrister-at-Law. 1867, royal 8vo, 26s. Tlie Madras Jurist and Eevenue Eegister, published every month. Snbscription £2 2s per year, payable to Wildy & Sons, the Loudon Aggnts. Grady's Treatise on the Hindu Law of Inheritance, com- prising the Decisions in the Privy Council, and in the High Courts of ihe different Presidencies since their establishment, 8vo, cloth, 1868, £2 2s. Grady on Fixtures and Delapidations, Ecclesiastical and Lay, 2nd edition, 12mo, 12s 6d. cloth, 1866. Grady and Scotland's Law and Practice on the Crown Side of the Court of Queen's Bench, with the Alterations and Rules made and adopted in pursuance of the 6th and 7th Vict., c. 20, and an Appendix of Forms. 12mo, 1844, 14s, cloth. Grady's Handy Book on the Equalization and Diminution of the Poor Rates, by Improved Legislation and a more Just Distribution of the Borden, 3rd edition, 1867, cloth. Is 6d. GibbS (F.W.) on Extradition Treaties. 1868. Is. Sladen's County Courts Equitable Jurisdiction Act, 28 and 29 Vic, o, 99, with ajl the Orflers, Rules, Forms, Costs, Fees, &c., relating thereto, and copious Notes and References. 1865, 12mo, cloth, 5s. Valzey's Lord St. Leonards' Acts to Further Amend the Law of Property and to Relieve Trustees, (22 & 23 Vic. o, 35 and 23 & 24 Vic. u. 38), ,with Notes, 12mo, cloth, 5s 6d. Morgan's Consolidated Orders and Eegulations of the Court of Chancery, with Copious Explanatory Notes, and Refer- ences to Three Thousand Cases, 1860, 12mo, 5b, cloth. Cooke on the Law of Defamation, or Slander 'and Libel. 12mo, 5s, cloth, published at 14s. Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England. By James Stewart, 4 vols, 1854, cloth, 7s 6d. Jones's History of the French Bar, Ancient and Modern. 8vo, cloth, 1855, 5s. Code Napoleon, being the French Civil Code, literally translated from the Original and OfScial Edition published in Paris in 1804. By R. S. Richards, Es^. 8vo, 10s, cloth. Catalogue of New and Second-hand Law Books, Statutes at Large, Reports in all the Courts of Law and Equity, Elemen- tary and Practical Treatises, Civil, Canoft, and Admiralty Law. English and Foreign, and a Curious Collection of Old Trials, with prieeB affixed. 1870, 6d. The original of tliis bool< is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. BOOK OF CHANCEEY COSTS. Just published, price 21s., cloth, AYCKBOUEN'S CHANCERT PRACTICE, NINTH EDITION, CAEEFTJLLY REVISED. BT THE AUTHOR. also, price 12s., cloth, AYCKBOUEN'S CHAl^CERY FORMS, WITH ALL THE ORDERS OF COURT, RULES AND REGULATIONS. TO EASTEB TEKK, 1870. WILDY AND SONS, LAW BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS, AND VALUERS, LiNOOLNB Inn Abchwat, London, W.C. BOOK OF CHANCERY COSTS. COMPRISING The Costs of Plaintiff and Defendant of Suit by Bill, Original Summons, on Special Motions, Special Petitions, and Special Cases, Appeals, including Appeals to the House of Lords, Appointment of a Eecelver and Passing his Account, Fore- closure Suit, The Trustee Relief Acts, The Companies' Acts, with the Regulation as to the mode of Remiinerating Official Liquidators, The Charitable Trusts Acts, and Mis- cellaneous Matters. On the LOWER arid HIQHEB SCALES. Wiitf) an 'i^ptnUij: Containing all the Orders of the Court of Chancery and of the County Courts under the County Courts Acts, 1865 and 1867, relating to Equitable Matters, now in force, regulating Charges and Fees allowed and taken in the said respective Courts. ^ BY '^ W. SHAEN, M.A., and EDEN KAYE GEEYILLE, SOMCITOES. SECOND edition; carefully revised and con- siderably ENLARGED BY J. J. BUNNING, MAMA6ING CHAlfCBBy CLBEK. LONDON: WILDY AND SONS, LINCOLN'S INN AECHWAY, Sab) 'iiooHtWtti anti '^yMi^tn. HODGES, FOSTEE AND CO., GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. MERBaOITH AND EAT, KING STEEET, MANCHESTER. 1870. LOHDOV ; S. AND J, BRAWN, PBINTERS, 13, LITTLE PRINCES STREET, LINOOLN'S-INN-FtEU)& PREFACE. The first edition of this work was published in March, 1857, shortly after the Eevised Scale of Fees and Charges was issued under the Orders of January in that year. At that date it was the only book which, whilst it contained precedents of a thoroughly practical and reliable nature, also gave a selection from the Eules and Orders of the Court having reference to the question of costs. It is scarcely necessary to add, that such a work met with so large a patronage from the legal profession, that it has been out of print for several years. It is a sufficient apology for issuing the present edition, that since 1857, so very many and important changes have taken place in the practice of the Court of Chancery, as to render it necessary to alter many of the charges made by solicitors, as well as the fees taken in the various offices. A glance at the Eules and Orders, with their Schedules, as contained in the appendix will show the nature and extent of those alterations. This work is submitted to the keen scrutiny of those gentlemen for whose use it is specially intended, with the fuU expectation that some few errors will be detected ; yet as no care or labour has been spared to ensure accuracy, it is confidently believed that it will meet with as large a share of acceptance and patronage as favoured the former edition. In revising and adding to the precedents, much care has been bestowed to frame them in strict accordance with Bills of Costs which have passed the ordeal of the Taxing Office, and also to check each item by the charges and fees U PREFACE. allowed and payable under the several Orders. This will be seen at once by a reference to the Index. Every effort has been made to obtain copies of taxed bills in respect of proceedings in the county courts under their equitable jurisdiction but without success. Upon ap- plying to several registrars of the metropolitan county courts, they have stated that it was the intention of the Treasury Commissioners in framing the scale of charges so to arrange them as that they should answer all the pur- poses of a precedent, and that the profession can have no better guide. The scale of charges has, therefore, alone been inserted, and will be found at the end of the Orders relating to costs in equitable matters under the County Courts Acts 1865 and 1867. June, 1870. CONTENTS. PAGE Preface ....... i Practical Directions. ... . vii Bill Plaintiff's Costa ...... 1 Defendant's Costs ...... 41 Original Summons. Plaintiff's Costs ...... 60 Defendant's Costs ...... 63 Information by Attorney-General. Relator's Costs ...... 65 Attachment. For want of Answer . . . . . 67 For disobedience of a Decree or Order . . .67 Pro Confesso ....... 68 Kbceiver. Plaintiff's Costs on Appointment . . . .70 Defendant's Costa on Appointment . 72 Receiver's Costs on Appointment and Pasaing Accounts . 73 Plaintiff's Coats on Passing Accounts , . .77 Defendanf a Costs on Passing Account . . .77 Receiver's Costs on Vacating Recognizance . . 78 Special Petition. Petitioner's Coats ...... 79 Respondent'a Costa . . . . .81 Special Motion. Plaintiff's Coats 82 Defendant's Coats ...... 84 CONTENTS. Special Case. PlaintiiFs Costs Defendant's costs . Appeal by Petition. Appellant's Costs . Respondent's CoBts . Appeal bt Motion Appellant's Costs , Respondant's Costs . Companies Acts, 1862 and 1867. Petitioner's Costs . Official Liquidator's Costs . House op Lords. Appellant's Costs . Respondent's Costs . 85 88 90 93 94 96 Foeeclosure Suit Plaintiff's Costs subsequent to Decree . . 97 Trustee's Relbip Acts. Costs of Payment into Court and Petitioner's Costs 99 DiBTRlNaAS ....... 104 Elegit, Fl'Pa., Vend. Ex., Assistance, and Sequestration 105 Pi. Fa. Db Bonis Ex., and Sequbs Pa. . . . 106 Letters Missive ... . . 107 Ne Exeat ....... 108 Trial by JiyiY before thp Court. Plaintiff's Costs ..... no Legacy Duty Act. Application in Chambers . . . . .114 Judicial Opinion, Advice, or Direction. Application to Judge in Chambers for . . . 116 Charitable Trusts Acts. Appointment of New Trustees and Settlement of Scheme 118 Sale Advice .... 123 125 126 136 154 160 CONTENTS. V PAGE Allowanpm to Witnesses . . . . .165 Appendix. Rules and Orders now in force legulating the amoxint of Costs i to Ixxiii Of&cial Lig^uidatoi's Bemnneration . . . Ixxiv. County Courts Acts, 1865 and 1867. Oiders now in force relating to Eqtdtable Matters Ixxvi to Ixxxii Costs and charges to coimael and solicitors in eqviitable matters Ixxxii to Ixxxvi COEEIGENDA. Page 37, 13th line from top, " Paid Mr. ■ consulta- tion fee and clerk," for " £2 4s. 6d." read £2 9s. 6d., in both lower and higher scales. Page 56, 4th line from bottom, read same as above. Page &7, 22nd line from top, read same as above. Page xvi., for Rule 12 read Eule 19. LEGAL LONG MEASUEE. 72 words . . 1 folio. 10 folios . . 1 sheet. 15 folios . . 1 skin. CHANCERY C-OSTS; Practical Directions. Having obtained an order for the tcixation of costs, make a fair copy of the order or decree for the Taxing Master on foolscap paper, bookways, with an inner margin, and also a guard margin for stitching. Write at the foot of the copy the following certificate : — " A. B. V. C. D." or " In the matter of . I hereby certify that this a true copy of the original order (or de- cree) as passed and entered. Dated 18—. E. F. Plaintiff's SoHcitor." The present practice in the Eegistrar's Office on refer- ences for taxation, is to direct the reference ' " to the Taxing Master ;" and not " to the Taxing Master in rota- tion," or "to the Taxing Master to whom this cause or matter stands referred." The Taxing Masters, ■ however, adhere to the old form of certificate ; should, therefore, a previous taxation or reference have taken place, carry the ' order, as of course, into the office of the saine Taxing Master as before. If, however, no previous reference has taken place, write the following certificate in the margin of the first side of the original order :— "" I hereby certify that this cause (or matter) has not been already referred to any Taxing Master. Dated 18—. E.r. Plaintiff's SoUcitor." vm CHANCEEY COSTS. And in the same margin of the order write the follow- ing certificate : — " Mr. is the proper Taxing Master to whom the taxation of costs in this caiise(or matter) is referred. Dated 18—. I. J. Sitting Master." Take the order to the Clerk of the Sitting Master for the day, whose name is posted up at the Taxing Of&ce, and he will get the certificate filled up and signed by the Master. The proper Taxing Master having been ascertained, add the above certificates to the copy, which is then to be left in his office. Give notice immediately to all parties inte- rested of the name of the Taxing Master with whom the order is lodged, and request them to leave their costs. An appointment to tax wUl not be given until all the bills have been left. Copy the bill of costs on foobcap paper, bookways, tak- ing care to charge all necessary letters and attendances in their proper places, (stating briefly the purport of each letter and the object and result of each attendance), and to insert the date of every attendance, and to keep all dates within the margin, that they may not interfere with or be confounded with the deductions. Add the year and month at the top of each page. Arrange the papers and vouchSrs in the order in which they are referred to in the Bill, and make an appointment with the Clerk of the Taxing Master, to go through and mark them, this being now invariably done in the outer office. PLAINTIFF'S COSTS OF SUIT BY BILL. In Chanceey. Between A. B. Plaintiff, and C. D., E. E. and G. H. - - Defendants. The bill of costs of the Plaintiff to be taxed pursuant to decree [or order], dated the day of — ■ — 18 — TEEM, 18—. BILL. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. INSTBUCTIONS for Bill . 13 4 2 2 Copy documents as are necessary, ^er 3 4 3 4 Note. — 1. As to bills and answers, examinations, afflda- ■rits and petitions wlun the higher scale is applicable, in Ueu of the fixed fees for instructions and for drawing, the Taxing Master is to be at Kberty to take into his con- sideration the special circumstances of each case, and at his discretion to make such allowances for work, labour and expenses praperly performed and incurred in or about the preparation of the bill or answer, examination, affidavit or petition, as shall appear to him to be just, having re- gam to the length ot the document, the nature of the suit, the interest of the parties, and the fund or person from which or by whom die costs are to be paid. 2. If plaintiff sues by his next friend, charge — Attending to obtain consent of next friend to sue in his name 6 8 13 4 rawing biLl,jpe?* /o^io . 10 '0 1 This includes copy for the Solicitor or for settlement of CounseL B 2 plaimtipf's costs of suit by bill. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Fee to Mr. and clerk to settle and sign .... 3. The old rule as to ooimsers fees is still in force as the basis of the allowance to he made on taxation, viz. — 1 guinea if the hill is under 30 folios ; 2 guineas if it reaches 30 foUos, and 1 guinea for every addifional 30 folios ; hut in troublesome and intricate cases the Master has now discretion to allow a larger fee. Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 If the fee amounts to 5 guineas . 13 4 If it amounts to 20 guineas . . 110 When it amounts to 40 guineas and upwards .... 220 4. These charges apply to all fees paid to counsel in a cause, on brief, abstract, case, &c. Copy for the printer, ^er/oZio . 4 4 5. Copies of all documents are to be charged at the rate oi4d. per folio of 72 words. Attending him therewith and afterwards with revise . . . 6 8 6 8 Correcting proof sheet, per folio 2 2 Paid printer's bill 6. As paid, but deducting the amount paid for copies by the defendants. Paid fihng bill, stamps . . 10 10 Attending certifying proceedings under Lower scale of Court fees . 5 Paid stamping two copies for service each . . . 10 5 Not necessary if Plaintiff's Solicitor appear for Defen- da/nt. Attending thereon . . 6 8 6 8 Preparing retainer to Mr. , and attending him . 6 8 6 8 Fee to him therewith and clerk Not allowed as between party and party. Seevice of copy BiU on defendant, C. D., at Newcastle 6 8 6 8 4 4 6 8 6 8 PLAINTIFFS COSTS OF SUIT BY BILL. 3 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Service of copy on defendant E.F., at Hampstead . 7. Such reasonable charges and expenses as may be, properly incurred according to distance, or the employ- ment of an agent. 8. But fees for services and notices are not allowed ■when the same solicitor acts for both parties, unless it be necessary for the purpose of making affidavit of service. GUARDIAN, INFANT, OR LUNATIC DEFENDANT. Attending searching if appearance entered by infant or lunatic (not found so by inquisition) defendant Paid for certificate of no appearance Attending for same . . Drawing notice of motion to assign guardian . . .020050 Copy to serve on A. Z., with whom the defendant resided . 10 10 Or, per folio ... 004 Service thereof on A. Z. See note 7, swpra. Copy to serve on the father or guardian of defendant . . .010010 Or, per folio . . 4 Service thereof . See note 7, swpra. Drawing and engrossing affidavit of of service, per folio . . 10 10 Paid oath . . .016016 Paid filing and for office copy, as paid Instructions to counsel to move 6 8 6 8 See 40, G. 0., Buk 32. Copy notice of motion to annex 10 10 Or, per folio Fee to Mr. — — to move, and clerk B 2 4 4 plainth'f's costs of suit by bill. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. 9. Fees to counsel on briefs cannot be fixed, but must depend upon the importance of the case and the length of the papers placed before him ; but in ordinary cases 1 guinea to leading counsel, per 3 sheets is the proper fee, and two-thirds or three fifths of that amount to junior counsel. Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4. p. 2. Wate] Attending Court on motion Or, according to circumstances, not to exceed Attending Eegistrar with papers to bespeak minutes Notice of settling minutes Close copy minutes, per side See notes 10, 12, 13 & 14, post, pp. [Date] Attending settling minutes Paid for order . Notice of passing Attending passing Copy to serve on proposed guardian Or, per folio . Service thereof See note 7, p. 2. INJUNCTION. Drawing notice of motion for special injunction. . . . 2 5 Or, per foUo ... 010 Attending counsel to settle same, (if settled by counsel) 6 8 6 8 Fee to him and clerk See note 9. If notice of motion served before ap- pearance entered, charge : — Instructions to counsel to ask for leave to serve notice of motion with copy bill and attending him 6 8 6 8 See 40, 0. 0., Rule 32. Fee to Mr. and clerk Paid for certificate of bill filed 4 4 13 4 13 4 to exceed 1 1 ;o 6 8 6 8 2 6 2 6 6 6 5,7. 6 8 13 4 10 1 2 6 2 6 6 8 13 4 1 1 4 Low ■er Soi ale. Higher Scale. 1 10 4 2 6 2 6 1 10 1 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 4 4 plaintiff's costs op suit by bill. L Making two copies, notice of motion for service, each Or, per foUo Service thereof, each solicitor See note 8, p. 3 Drawing and engrossing affidavit of service, per folio Paid oath Paid Filing . . • . Paid for office copy, per folio Insteuctions foe special affidavit in support of motion . 6 8 6 8 When affidavit made by solicitor, or his clerk, no instruc- tions allowed, except ia cases of interest or ascertaining residues. See note 1, p. 1. Drawing same, per folio . 10 1 If necessary to be settled by counsel, insert the charge for his fee, and the attendance on him. Engrossing same, per folio Attending deponent to be sworn Paid oath Preparing 3 exhibits, per exMbit Paid commissioner marking same, per exhibit Paid filing affidavit Notice of fiUng same, each solicitor Paid for office copy, per folio Paid for copy affidavit of defendant C. D. in opposition, per folio . Perusing same, per folio i This charge is allowed for all special affidavits filed by an opposing party, except where the same solicitor appears for both parties. y 10. No close copies are now allowed as of coiirse, but 4 4 6 8 6 8 1 6 1 6 1 1 r 1 1 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 8 3. 4 1 4 6 PLAINTirF's COSTS OP SUIT BY BILL. Lower Scale. Higher Scale- , the allowance depends on the propriety of making the copy, which is in each case to he shewn and considered. Instructions for trief . 13 4< 110 Making two brief copies of the above affidavits, per sheet of \Q folios ■ . . .03*034 Drawing "such observations as may be necessary and proper," per sheet Making 2 copies for counsel, per sheet Making 2 copies notice of motion to annex to brief, each . .010 Or, per folio Fee to Mr. with brief and clerk Attending him (see note 4, p. 2) 6 8 6 8 Fee to Mr. with brief and clerk Attending him (see note 4, p. 2) 6 8 6 8 If consultation, insert fees as at page 23. [Date] Attending Court motion not made . . . . 6 8 13 4 [i)afoj Attending Court motion made and injunction granted . 13 4 110 Or, according to circnmstances not to exceed 2 2 11. The same charges allowed on the hearing of a motion to discharge order for injunction, and on a motion for, or to dicterge, order for ne exeat. MINUTES. Attending Ebgistear with brief and papers to bespeak minutes 6 8 6 8 Preparing list of evidence read (but only when required by the Eegistrar and certified by him) . 6 8 6 8 Or, per foUo . . 10 As to close copy minutes, see note 10, ante, p. 5. Notice of appoiatment to settle mi- nutes,copy&service,eacA5oKaf "RiRfinrds and Writs' . . >0 &— 8 — 6 — 8^' Paid filing affidavit . . 2 6 2 6 Notice thereof, each solicitor . 2 6 2 6 Paid for print of affidavit as office copy, at per folio . . 2 2 Extra copies at Id. per folio. MaMng 2 copies notice of motion to serve, each . . .0 Or, per folio . . Service thereof, eaeh . . Attending Defendant's summons for time to file affidavits in answer, Order made for — days . 6 8 6 8 Paid for affidavit of P.Q. in answer, per f alio printed . . 1 1 Perusing same, per folio . 4 4 If agency charge copy for the country, perfolio . . . 4 4 Preparing summons for time to file affidavits in reply and attending to get same sealed . . Paid sealing . . .0 Copy to leave at chambers . Copy for service . . Service thereof . . .0 Attending summons, order made for — days . . . 6 8 6 8 Attending for order and to get same entered . . . 6 8 6 8 Paid for order . . .010050 6 8 6 8 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 6 16 plaintiff's costs op suit by bill. Lower Scale. Higher Scale Copy and service . . 3 6 3 6 If Plaintiff files affidavits in reply charge same here as before. Paid for certificate of pleadings . 4 4 Attending for same . . 6 8 6 8 Attending setting down motion 6 8 6 8 CROSS-EXAMINATION. Under Order 5th February, 1861, Rule 19. Instructions to cross-examine P. Q. onhisafadavit . . 13 4 13 4 Attending Exaniiner for appointment and witli deposit . . 6 8 6 8 Print of affidavit for Examiner, per folio . . . .004004 Drawing notice to Defendant's solici- tor to produce P. Q. before Exami- ner, per folio . . .0 Copy for service, per folio . Service thereof . . .0 If witness to produce documents charge for spa duces tecum and service. Attending beforeExaminer,cross-exa- ming P. Q., and on his being re- examined by his own solicitor 6 8 13 4 Or, according to circumstances, not to exceed . . 110 2 2 But if without counsel the fee may, at the Master's discretion, be in- creasedto , . . 2 2 3 3 Paid Examiner's fees Attending at Eecord Office bespeak- ing prints of depositions Instructions for brief on motion 110 2 2 Amending 2 copies bill for counsel (j/" no reprint), each . . 6 8 13 4 Amending 2 copies Billfor Judge, eflcAO 6 8 13 4 1 1 4 4 2 6 2 6 plaintiff's costs of suit by bill. 17 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Attending Judge's secretary witli papers (2 copies of bill and print of answer) . . . 6 8 6 8 Two copies Plaintiff 'sand Defen- dant's evidence equal to — brief sheets, at per sheet . 3 4 3 4 Consisting of printed affidavits and depositions and copies of affidavits filed upon any interlocutory applica- tion, notice to read which onjihe motion for decree may have been given. Two copies of notice of motion to annex, at per folio . . 4 4 Drawing necessary and proper observations, per sheet . 6 8 Two copies for counsel, ^er sheet 3 4 Drawing notice to produce do- cuments, ^er/ofe . . 10 10 Copy for service, ^er/ofo'o . 4 4 Service thereof . . . 2 6 2 6 Attending Accountant General for certificate of fund in Court •. 6 8 6 8 For fees to counsel on hearing and subsequent charges, see post, p. 22, 23. REPLICATION. If, instead of notice of motion for decree, replication is filed, and the cause set down in the usual way, the charges will be as follows : — Instructions for drawing and engross- ing replication and to file . 6 8 10 Notice of filing copy and service, each 2 6 2 6 EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES. Under 15 & 16 V., c. 86, pursuant to agreement. See Order 5, Feb. 1861, rule 10. Drawing agreement for oral exami- nation and cross-examination of witnesses to be taken before Exa- xoiasv, per folio , , 10 10 18 plaintiff's costs of suit by bill. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Fair copy for Signature, per folio 4 4 Attending Defendant'^ solicitor when agreement signed . . 6 8 6 8 Attending at Eecord Office, filing same . . . .068068 Notice of filing . . . 2 6 2 6 Instructions for examination of wit- nesses . . . 13 4 13 4 Attending examiner with print of bUl, and answers of Defendants for appointment, and with deposit under order of 8th January, 1862 • . . 6 8 6 8 Copy and service notice of appoint- ment . . .026026 Preparing suhpoena ad test, and attending to get same sealed for every 3 names. . . 6 8 6 8 Paid sealing . . . 5 5 Personal service of suhpoena and notice of appointment on witness M. K See note 7, p. 3. Paid him his expenses therewith Preparing subpoena duces tecum, and attending to get same sealed 6 8 6 8 Paid sealing . . . 5 5 Personal service on J. K See note 7, p. 3. Paid his expenses Attending witnesses, taking down evidence, charge for time occupied . Drawing brief for counsel to attend examination and fair copy, per sheet . . . 10 10 Fee to Mr. and clerk therewith PLAINTIFF^S COSTS OF SUIT BT BILL. 19 Lower Scale. Higher Scalo. Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. [Date] Attending Appointment, when M. E". and J. K. examined, engaged — hours . . 6 8 13 4 Or, according to citcumstances, not to exceed per diem, with counsel 110 2 2 If without counsel, at the discretion of the Master, not to exceed, per diem 2 2 3 3 Paid witness M. N. for his loss of time The like witness J. K. . . Paid Examiner's biU as paid For costs of compelling refractory witness to be examined, see p. 53. Preparing summons to enlarge the time for closing evidence and attending to get same sealed . 6 8 6 8 Preparing special summons, not to exceed. Paid for same . . .0 Copy to leave at chambers . Two copies for service, each . Service thereof, each solicitor . [Date] Attending same. Order made extending time for — days . See note 15, p. 8. Attending for order and to get same entered . . .0 Paid for order . . .0 Two copies of order, each . Or, per folio Service thereof, each solicitor . [Date] Attending appointment when Plaintiff's witness was cross-exa- mined and re-examined . 6 8 13 4 Or, according to circumstances, as ahove. 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 6 6 8 6 8 1 5 1 1 4 2 6 2 6 so plaintiff's costs of suit by bill. Lower Scale. HiRher Scale, [Date] Attending examination and cross-examination of Defendant's witnesses, engaged — hours . 6 8 13 4 Or, according to circumstajices, with or without counsel, as above, p. 19. Attending at the Eecord Office di- recting depositions to he printed . Paid for print of Plaintiff's deposi- tions, per folio . . 2 2 Extra copies at Id. perfoKo. Paid for print of defendant's deposi- tions, j>er /oZio . . .001 001 Perusing same, per folio . 4 4 If agency, charge copy for the country, per/olio . . . 4 4 EVIDENCE TAKEN VIVA VOCE BEFORE THE COURT. Under order, 5th Feb., 1861, Rtde 3. Drawing statement of facts and issues, in respect of which evi- dence to he given in chief, per folio . . . . 10 10 Fee to Mr. to settle same and clerk Attending him . . . 6 8 6 8 Preparing summons that evi- dence in chief as to facts and issues specified in schedule annexed may he taken viva voce at hearing of cause and attending to get same sealed . If special not to exceed Copy schedule to aanex per folio Paid sealing Copy summons and schedule to leave at ehamhers, per folio . The Kke for service, per folio 6 8 6 8 1 1 4 4 1 3 4 4 4 4 plaintibt's costs op suit by bill. 21 Lower Scale. Service thereof . . 2 6 Charge for affidavits filed in support. Attending summons, same as joumed before the Judge See note 15, p. 8. Notice that summons would be attended by counsel . .026 Instructions to counsel to attead summons See 40 C. O. Rule 32. Brief copy affidavits for counsel, per sheet Copy summons and schedule to annex, per folio Fee to Mr. with same and clerk Attending him . . 6 8 Attendingsummons before Judge, order made, and counsel's at- tendance allowed See note 15, p. 8. Attending Eegistrar bespeaking order Close copy minutes, per side Notice to settle Attending settling Paid for order . Notice to pass . Attending passing order Charge svipmnas to witnesses as at p. 18. Attending witnesses taking down evi- dence, charge time occvpied Drawing proofs and brief copies for Covcaaei, per sheet . . Higher Scale. 2 6 2 6 3 4 3 4 4 4 6 8 order 6 8 6 8 6 6 2 6 2 6 6 8 13 4 10 1 2 6 2 6 6 8 13 4 10 10 Charge also for any affidavits filed in support of facts and issues not included in the Order, for copies and peru- sal of affidavits filed in answer, and Plaintiff's affidavits filed in reply, as on motion for decree. 6 8 6 8 5 5 3 6 3 6 22 plaintiff's costs of suit bt bill. Lower Scale. Higher Scal«. EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES EX PARTE, Under Order 5th, Feb. 1861, Rule 6. Instructions for examination of witnesses . . . 13 4 13 4 The remaining charges can be readily made out from those under the head of "Examination of Witnesses," p. 17 SETTING DOWN CAUSE. Preparing subpoena to hear judgment and attending to get same sealed Paid sealing same . . Copy and service thereof each solicitor Charge for affidavit of service. See p. 3. Instructions for brief . . 110 2 2 Attending Eecord and Writ Clerk for certificate to set down cause and afterwards for same . . Paid for same . . .0 Attending setting down cause . Attending to leave papers with Judge's secretary prior to hearing . 6 8 6 8 Amending 2 copies of bill for Judge (if no reprint) . . 13 4 16 8 BRIEFS. Two copies of Plaintiff's and Defen- dant's printed evidence (consisting of affidavits and depositions) equal to brief sheets, per sheet of 10 folios . . . 3 4 3 4 Drawing necessary and proper obser- vations to accompany brief, per sheet ... 068 Two fair copies for counsel, per sheet 3 4 Amending 2 copies of bill for counsel, (the bill having been amended without reprint) each 6 8 13 4 6 8 6 8 4 4 6 8 6 8 plaintiff's costs of suit by bill. 23 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Notice of reading affidavits used on motion for injunction copy and service, each . . 2 6 2 6 Attending Accountant General be- speakingcertificate of fundin Court 6 8 6 8 Attending obtaining consent of De- fendant's solicitor to hear cause as short . . . .068068 Attending counsel for his cettificate that cause proper to be heard as short and attending Eegistrar marking same . . 6 8 6 8 Fee to Mr. with brief and clerk Attending him . . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. His consultation fee and clerk . Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 Fee to Mr. with brief and clerk Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 His consultation fee and clerk . Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 Attending consultation . . 13 4 13 4 Attending at the Prerogative Office, giving instructions for original Will to be produced at hearing . 6 8 6 8 HEARING. [Bate] Attending Court cause (or motion for decree) in paper, but not caUedon . . . 6 8 10 Term fee, letters, &c . 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. TEEM, 18—. Eefresher to Mr. and clerk 2 4 6 2 4 6 Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 Eefresher to Mr. and clerk 13 6 13 6 24 plaintiff's costs of suit by bill. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 19. Refreshers are not allowed unless the cause has been in the paper for hearing in the preceding Term, or the sittings after same. [Date] Attending Court cause (or mo- tion for decree) heard, and decree made. . . . 13 4 110 Or, according to circumstances, not exceed, per diem . . 2 2 If at the hearing Court directs an issue to be tried by a jury before the Court itself, see charges " Trial by Jury." Paid clerk from Prerogative Of6.ce for his attendance with Will 2 days (£1 for 1st day, and 10s. for second day) . . . . 1 10 1 10 Attending Eegistrar with brief and papers to bespeak minutes . 6 8 6 8 Preparing list of evidence read (when recLuired by Eegistrar and certified by him) . . . 6 8 6 8 Or, per folio . . 10 Notice of settling minutes, 2 copies, and services, each . . 2 6 2 6 See notes 12, 13, and 14, as to notices, settling minutes, and passing order, cmte, pp. 6, 7. Attending settling . . Paid for decree or order . 1 Notice to pass same, 2 copies and ser- vices, each . . .0 Attending passing . PEOCEEDINGS m CHAMBEES, SUMMONS TO PROCEED ON DECREE. The decree directing accounts and inquiries, and real property to be sold, copy decree to leave at Cham- bers, per/oZio . . 4 4 6 8 13 3 4 2 6 6 8 2 13 6 4 10 3 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 6 PLAINTIFP's COSTS OP 8DIT BY BILL. 25 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Preparing summons to proceed on order and attending to get same 6 8 6 8 Paid for same Copy to leave at Chambers Two copies for service, each Services thereof, each [2)afe] Attending summons when di- rections were given for evidence, and accounts to be brought in, ad- vertisement for creditors to issue, and for sale of the estates, and sum- mons adjourned to the instant See note 15, ante, p. 8. If directions given to serve notice of the decree upon persons not parties to the suit, charge — Drawing notice of decree for service, perfolio . . . 10 10 Making — copies for service, ^er/o^ 4 4 Service thereof, each . . 2 6 2 6 If parties served do not appear, charge for affidavit of service, and Attending at the Eecord Ofi&ce enter- ing memorandum of service and for certificate. . . 6 8 6 8 Paid for certificate . . 4 4 If either of the parties to be served with notice is an Infant, charge — Preparing summons for leave to serve notice of decree on (the parent, guardian or other person proposed) and attending to get same sealed If special not to exceed Paid sealing ... Copy to leave at chambers . No service necessary. Charge for affidavit in support. C 6 8 6 8 1 1 1 0' 3 2 2 26 plaintiff's costs of SUIT BY BILL. Attending summons order made Lower Scale. Higher Scale. See note 15, p. 8. Close copy minutes, 'per side, . Attending settling Paid for order 6 6 8 10 13 1 6 4 Attending passing same Copy order to serve, per folio Service thereof and notice 6 8 4> 5 13 5 4 4 Charge for affidavit of service, attending entering me- morandum of service and for certificate as before. ADVERTISEMENT. Preparing advertisement and attend- ing to get same signed and ap- proved . . . 6 8 13 4 Paid stamp ... 100 Four copies for insertion, each . 10 10 Attending at Gazette office to insert same . . . .068068 Paid for insertion and Gazette, as paid Attending at Times and Daily News Offices . . . 6 8 6 8 N.B. — If more than one insertion in each paper, charge 68. 8d. for attending at each office. Paid for insertion in Times and paper The like in Daily News and paper Attending advertising agent of coun- try journals bespeaking insertion 6 8 6 8 Paid insertion in Liverpool Mercwry and paper The like in Manchester Guardian and paper .... Charge for advertisements for heir-at-law or next of kin in like manner. CEEDITOE'S CLAIMS. Examining claims sent in with Exe- cutor or Administrators, charge time occvpied. 4 4 4 4 4 4 plaintiff's costs of suit by bill. 27 Lower Sc^e, Higher Scale. Notices to creditors such as are re- quired to prove their debts by affi- davit, eaxih . . . 2 6 2 6 Drawing list of claims sent in pur- suant to advertisement, and fair coT^j, per folio . . 8 14 Instructions for affidavit, verifying same . . . 6 8 6 8 Insert charges 'for drawing and engrossing affidavit, attending to be sworn, paid oath, and fifing, see p. 5. Paid for office copy, claim of M. N., per folio . . .0 The like of 0. P., per folio . The like of Q. H., per folio . Perusing same (not exceeding 5), arfd attending at Chambers at the time appointed by advertisement . 10 6 110 Notices to creditors to prodjice secu- rities at next meeting, each . 2 6 2 6 [Date] Attendingadjourned meeting, if necessary, same as before, and as allowed by Chief Clerk Notices to creditors of claims allowed, each . . .•.•02-6 026 When the number exceeds 5, then for every additional number not exceed- ing 5 . . . 10 6 110 For lie costs of appointment of receiver and passing his account, see post, p. 72, et seq. SALE. Drawing and fair copy proposal for sale of real property, per folio 8 14 [Date] Attending adjourned meeting before the Chief Clerk when ab- stract of title directed to be laid before conveyancing counsel . See note 15, p. 8. c 2 28 PLAINTIPr's COSTS OF SUIT BY BILL, Lower Scale. Higbei Scale. Drawing abstract of title to Blackacre sheets, 'p&r sheet . . 6 8 6 8 Fair copy, per sheet . . 3 4 3 4 If any af&davit is filed in support of abstract, charge same here. Por charges, see p. 5. Attending on the Senior Eegistrar with a memorandum for convey- ancing counsel in rotation to be . marked . . . 6 8 6 8 Paid counsels fee and clerk to advise on title The fee is allowed as charged by the conveyancing counsel who fixes it. Attending him . . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. Drawing particulars and conditions of siAb, per folio . . 10 10 Fair copy for counsel, ^^T-ZoMo . 4 4 Paid fee to counsel to settle same and clerk .... The same rule as to preceding fee. Attending him . . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. Attending auctioner, conferring with him as to value and sale of the property, and as to reserved bidding 6 8 6 8 Instructions for affidavit of auc- tioneer Drawing same, per folio Engrossing, ^er/oKo Attending deponent to be sworn Paid oath in the country Paid filing Paid for office copy, per folio Notice of filing, each 6 8 6 8 1 1 4 4 6 8 6 8 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 4 4 2 6 2 6 plaintiff's costs of suit bt bill. 29 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. PEDIGREE. Insert here all necessary journeys and expenses of ob- taining certificates of births, marriages, and deaths. Drawing pedigree, ^er/oto . 8 10 Instnictions for af&davit in support 6 8 6 8 Drawing same, ^«r folio . 10 10 Engrossing, ^er/oZio . 4 0-4 Fair copy pedigree to mark as an ex- hibit, joer/ofe . . 4 Preparing — exhibits each . 10 10 Attending deponent to be sworn 6 8 6 8 Paid oath and exhibits Paid filing . . . 2 6 2 6 Notice of filing . . 2 6 2 6 Office coT^y, per folio . . 4 4 [Date] Attending adjourned summons whenpedigree proceeded with, sum- mons further adjourned to the — instant See note 15, p. 8, ACCOUNTS. Paid for copy accounts left by Defen- dant, ^er /oZto . . 4 4 The like of affidavit in support, per folio . . . .004004 Perusing same, per folio . 4 4 [flafe] Attending adjourned summons when the accounts and adjourned claims were proceeded with, and the particulars and conditions of sale settled ; summons further ad- journed to the instant . See note 15, p. 8. 30 plaintiff's costs of suit by bill. Lower Si-ale. Higher Scale, Instructions for affidavit of fitness of auctioneer (but not if made by the solicitor) . . . 6 8 6 8 The other charges will be the same as those for the last affidavit. [J)ate\ Attending adjourned summons when Mr. was appointed to sell subject to bis giving security for deposits See note 15, p. 8. Instructions for auctioneer's recogni- zances . . . 6 8 6 8 Drawing same folios 14 . 14 14 Writing auctioneer for names of sure- ties to insert in recognizance . 3 6 3 6 Fair copy draft recognizance for chief clerk .... Attending chief clerk to settle same Engrossrag recognizance . Parchment . . ' . Stamp thereon . . .1 Writing 2 sureties to attend and take same . . •. .070070 Attending auctioneer on his recogni- zance being taken . . Fee thereon . . .0 The like 2 sureties . . Fee thereon . . _ . Drawingaf&davitof sureties, folios 4 Engrossment . . .0 Attending on each deponent to be sworn . . .0 Fee on each . . .0 Filing affidavit . . .0 Office copy . . .0 Attending chief clerk with recogni- 4 8 4 8 6 8 6 8 9 4 9 4 5 b 5 15 1 15 6 8 6 8 1 6 1 6 13 4 13 4 3 3 4 4 1 4 1 4 6 8 6 8 1 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 1 4 1 4 4 4 6 8 6 8 2 2 PLAINTirF's COSTS OF SUIT BY BILL. 31 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. zance, and on his certifying same 6 8 6 8 If auctioneer elects to . pay a sum into Court double amount of deposit Chaige. Preparing summons . . 6 8 6 8 And other charges similar as at page 9. Charge here for preparing and inserting advertisement for sale. For charges, see ante, p. 26. Copy particulars and conditions of sale for printer, jj«r/o&'o . , . Attending instructing him . Examining proof sheet, per folio Preparing posting bills and examining proofs . . . 6 8 6 8 Paid printer's bUl, as paid [^Date] Attending chief clerk when reserved biddings fixed Preparing bidding list, and attending to get same signed by the chief Clerk. . . .068068 See note 15, p. 8. Attending distributingparticulars and conditions of sale . . 6 8 6 8 \I)ate\ Attending at the hotel when the property was sold, per diem . . . .220220 If in the country, charge travelling expenses and tavern biU, as paid. Instructions for affidavit of auc- tioneer of result of sale . 6 8 6 8 The other charges wiU be the same as those at p. 5. CERTIFICATE OF SALE. Paid for copy draft certificate of re- sult of sale, per /oMo . . 4 4 32 plaintiff's costs of suit by bill. Lower Setle. Higher Sorie. [JDate] Attending summons when same settled . See note 15, p. 8. TranscriMng certificate, ^er/oKo 4 4 Paid stamp . . .10 10 [Sate] Attending adjourned summons when certificate signed . 6 8 6 8 Attending to bespeak and for office copy . . . 6 8 6 8 Paid for office copy . . 4 4 COMPLETION OP PURCHASE, Making copy abstract of title to Lot 1, — sheets, per sheet of 10 /olios of 72 words . . , Attending purchaser's solicitor there- with Making copy abstract of title to Lot 2, per sheet of 10 folios of 72 wordls Attending purchaser's solicitor there- with ... Attending purchaser's solicitor of Lot 1 on his examining abstract with deeds, peir how . . The like attendance on purchaser's - solicitor of Lot 2, per hour SUMMONS.— PAYMENT OF PURCHASE MONEY. Attending summons of Mr. , pur- chaser of Lot 2, to pay in his pur- chase money . See note 15, p. 8 Attending setthng draft order 6 8 13 4 Close copy minutes, joer side 6 6 § 4 3 4 6 8 6 8 3 4 3 4 6 8 a 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 piiAintipf's costs of suit by bill. 33 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Attending to pass order . 6 8 13 4 If deposit in auctioneer's hands, not included in the above order, charge also summons and order to pay same into Court. INVESTMENT. Drawing request for Accountant General to invest same . 2 6 2 6 Attending bespeaMng investment 6 8 6 8 The purchaser of Lot 1 haying deli- vered requisitions on title, perusing same, for each 3 sheets, or per hour 6 8 6 8 Drawing answers to requisitions, per sheet . . .068068 Fair copy, per sheet . . 3 4 3 4 Writing to purchaser's solicitor there- with . . . 3 6 3 6 [2?aa<6] Attending adjdumed sum- mons this day when the certifi- cate was settled Transcribing certificate, per folio 4 4 Stamp . . . 10 10 \I)at6\ Attending adjourned sum- mons when certificate was signed by the Chief Clerk ' . .068 068 Attending bespeaking, and for ofi&ce copy certificate . . 6 8,068 Paid for same, ^er/oKo . 4 4 FURTHER CONSIDERATION. Drawing request to set down cause for further consideration . 2 6 2 6 Attending to set down same . 6 8 6 8 jSTotice to two solicitors for defen- dants of cause being set down, eaeh . . . 2 6 2 6 Making copy decree and certificate for Judge, per folio . . 4 4 Attending Judge's secretary there- with . . ' . 6 8 6 8 t BY BILL. 37 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. 6 8 6 8 3.4 3 4 6 8 3 4 PLAINTIPP'S COSTS OF SUIT BY BILL. f Drawing brief on further considera- tion, ^er^^^t '(this embodies copy decree or order, and chief clerk's certificate, ■without schedules) Two fair copies for counsel, per shed Drawing necessary and proper ob- servations to accompany,^er sheet Two fair copies, per sheet Paid fee to Mr. and clert, with brief Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. Paid Mr. consultation fee and clerk . . . 2 4 6 2 4 6 Attending him . . 6 8 6 6 Paid fee to Mr. and clerk, with brief Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 Paid Mr. consultation fee and clerk . . . 13 6 13 6 Attending hiTin . . 6 8 Attending Defendant's solicitors for consent to hear cause as short 6 8 6 8 Attending counsel for his certifi- cate, and on Eegistrar therewith to mark cause as short . 6 8 6 8 Attending to bespeak, and for Ac- countant General's certificate of fund in Court . . 6 8 6 8 Attending consultation . 13 4 13 4 [Date\ Attending Court, cause heard, and order made — the money in Court being directed to be paid out to the parties entitled . 13 4 110 Attending Eegistrar with papers be- speaking order . . 6 8 6 8 Close copy minutes of order, per side 6 6 38 plaintiff's costs of suit by bill. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. N"otice of settling minutes, 2 copies and services, each . . 2 6 2 6 See notes 10 and 12, pp. 5, 7. Attending settling See note 13, p. 7. 6 8 13 Paid for order Notice of passing, each Attending passing See note 14, p. 7. 1 2 6 6 8 3 2 13 6 ■ 8 6 8 3 5 15 ENROLLING DECREE. Preparing docket for enrolment of decree, jper folio . . 10 10 Attending Clerk of Eecords and Writs with same for Lord Chan- cellor's signatuie and enrolment ' Paid thereon ... 3 Term fee, letters, &c. . . 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. The costs of eniolment are not allowed on taxation as between party and party. TEEM, 18—. TAXATION OF COSTS. Copy order for the Taxing Master, per/olio . . . 4 4 Attending to certify no former Mas- ter and for reference . 6 8 6 8 Drawing bill of costs and copy p&r folio Paid for warrant on leaving costs Two copies and services, eoAih . Paid for copy costs of Defendant perfolio . . 4. 4 8 8 1 3 2 6 2 6 PLAINTirp'S COSTS OF SUIT BY BILL. Paid for warrant for Defendant to bring in his costs Copy and service thereof Paid for copy of costs of per folio Paid for warrant to tax Two copies and service thereof Attending taxing Plaintiffs costs, 25 folios . . . . The like of Defendant . The like of Defendant . Lower Scale. 1 2 1 2 6 6 6 Or, according to circumstaiices, for the above attendances, not exceeding per 2 1 6 4 6 4 8 4 diem Engrossing certificate, joer folio Paid for same Attending to file Paid for office copy, per folio Attending Eegistrar for direction for sale of a sufficient portion of the fund ia Court to pay costs 6 8 ACCOUNTANT GENERAL. Attending Accountant General be- speaking sale Attending Accountant-General be- speaking cheques for sums pay- able to creditors Notices to creditors to attend, each Attending Accountant-General pro- ducing papers necessary to enable creditors to receive their cheques and get them passed If the number of such cheques ex- ceeds two, for every additional number not exceeding two . 6 8 Except that (unless the Taxing Master under special circum- 39 Higher Scale. 3 2 6 3 2 2 2 4 10 6 8 4 6 8 6 8 6 8 13 4 2 6 6 8 13 4 6 8 40 plaintiff's costs of suit bt bill. stances shall allow alarger amount) the fees shall not exceed Instmctions for affidavit of due and apportionment Drawing same, ip&r folio Engrossing, •per folio . Attending to be sworn Paid oath and filing Paid for office copy, per folio Drawing request to Accountant Ge- neral to carry over stock (or cash) to two separate accounts, eaxJi Attending him bespeaking same, each accourd Attending Plaintiff identifying him on his receiving the amount due to him under order Lower Scale. Higher Scale. aount) 3 3 5 5 resi- 6 8 6 8 1 10 4 4 6 8 6 8 4 4 . 4 4 2 6 6 2 6 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 POWER OF ATTORNEY. The following are the charges for obtaining a power of attorney and receiving cheque under same : — Drawing request for power of attor- ney . Attending to bespeak, and afterwards for same Paid for power Writing agent therewith to get same executed and affidavit sworn Paid agent's charges . Attending to lodge power as exe- cuted at Accountant General's for approval, and afterwards for cheque Term fees, letters, &c. . See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 2 6 2 6 6 13 6 15 3 6 6 13 6 15 3 6 41 DEFENDANT'S COSTS OF SUIT BY BILL. In Chancebt. Between A,B. Plaintiff. and C. D. and E. F. - - - - Defendants. The bill of costs of the above named Defendant, E. F., to be taxed pursuant to order, bearing date the day of 18—. 1^- APPEAEANCE. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Instructions to defend . 6 8 13 4 [Bate] Attending Plaintiff's solicitor on his bringing bill and giving undertaking to appear . 6 8 6 8 Perusing Plaintiff's bin . 110 110 K exceeding 60 folios, ^«r/oMo 4 Attending entering appearance (not exceeding 3 Defendants) . 6 8 6 8 If exceeding 3, for every additional number not exceeding 3 . 6 8 6 8 Attending certifying proceedings under lower scale (if omitted by Plaintiff) . . . 5 Paid entering appearance (not ex- ceeding 3 Defendants) . 7 7 42 defendant's costs or suit by bill. Lower Scale. Higber Scale. For every additional number, not exceeding 3 . . . 7 7 Notice to Plaintiffs solicitor . 2 6 2 6 Paid Mr. , retainer, and clerk Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 ASSIGNING GUAEDIAN. If Defendant be an infant or lunatic not found so by in- quisition, the following are the charges for assigning guardian : — Drawing and -engrossing petition, that maybe appointed guar- dian to Defendant, residing in London {to hepresented at the Bolls) Instructions for af&davit in support Drawing same, per folio Engrossing same, per folio Attending deponent to be sworn Paid oath Paid filing Paid for office copy jper/oKo . Attending to present petition and for order . . • . Paid answering and for order . Making copy order to serve Or, per foUo The order can be obtained by motiou as of course, but it is not usual. Service thereof . . 2 6 2 6 Paid Plaintiff's solicitor for 10 copies of the bill, ^er/oKo . OJ 0^ EXCEPTIONS, PLEA, OE DEMURRER TO BILL. Counsel having advised exceptions to bill for scandal (or plea or de- murrer) instructions for same 13 4 13 4 Drawing same, ^er/oKo . 10 10 Fee to counsel to settle and sign 4 4 6 8 6 8 1 1 4 4 6 8 6 8 1 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 4 4 6 8 13 4 1 5 1 1 4 6 8 13 4 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 1 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 defendant's costs of suit by bill. 43 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, ante, p. 2. Engrossing same, joer folio . 4 4 If a plea is sworn to, cliarge — Attending Defendant reading over engrossment of plea If more than 20 folios, then for every 30 . Attending him to be sworn, . Paid oath Notice of filing If set down for argument by De- fendant, charge: — Drawing and engrossing petition to set down same . . 4 4 Attending to present petition and- for order . . . 6 8 13 4 Paid for order . . 10 5 Cop7 and service thereof . 3 6 3 6 Attending setting down exceptions, plea, or demurrer at Eegistrar's office . . . 6 8 6 8 Notice thereof . . 2 6 2 6 Making copy exceptions, plea, or de- murrer for the Judge, per folio 4 4 Attending Judge's secretary, with papers . . . 6 8 6 8 Brief for counsel, per sheet . 3 4 3 4 Drawing, and fair copy necessary and proper observations, j^er sAeei (J 10 Paid fee to counsel with brief Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. [Date\ Attending Court, exceptions, plea, or demurrer in the paper, but not heard . . .068 10 'Date] Attending Court when same heard . . 13 4 1 1 Higher Scale. 2 2 13 4 4 4 6 8 6 8 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 6 44 defendant's costs op suit by bill. Lower Scale. Or, according to ciicvunstaiiccs, not to exceed For charges of minutes and order, see ante, p. 6. Perusing interrogatories . 6 8 If exceeding 40 folios, per folio 4 Close copy . . . 4 SUMMONS.— FOR TIME TO ANSWER. Preparing summons for time to an- swer, and attending to get some sealed Paid for same . Copy to leave at chambers Copy to serve . Service thereof on Plaintiff's solicitor [Date] Attending summons when order made for further time See note 15, amte, p. 8. Paidfor order , . , 10 5 Attending for order and to get same entered ... Copy thereof . ' . , Service of same . , MOTION FOR INJUNCTION, Having ^heen served with notice of motion for injunction.'instructions for brief to counsel to oppose same . . . 13 4 1 1 Paid for copy affidavit of plaintiff in support, per folio Perusing same, per folio . Here add charges for affidavits in opposition (if any), briefs, and fees to counsel, &c., &c., for which see plain- tiffs costs, ante, pp. 5, 14. 6 8 6 8 1 1 2 6 2 6 4 4 4 4 defendant's costs op suit by bill. 45 Lower Scale. Higher Scale Term fee, letters, &c. , . 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, ante, p. 8. TEEM, 18—. ANSWER. Instmctions for answer of Defen- dant (or any number of Defen- dants joinedin one answer) . 0134 0134 See note 1, ante, p. 1. Drawing same and fair copy, per folio . . . 10 10 Fee to Mr. to settle same See note 3, ante, p. 2. Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, ante, p. 2. Engrossing answer, per folio . 4 4 Attending settling same and after- wards reading over engrossment to Defendant If 20 folios and tinder 50 And each additional 30 folios .... Attending Defendant to be sworn Paid oath Notice of filing Fair copy for the printer without the schedules, per folio . 4 4 Attendances at the Eecord OfiSce to obtain copy answer for printer duly certified and afterwards filing certified print of answer . 6 8 13 4 Attending printer with answer to be 6 8 13 4 13 4 1 1 6 8 6 8 6 1 2 8 6 6 6 1 2 8 6 6 46 defendant's costs of suit by bill. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. printed and afterwards with re- vise . . . 6 8 6 8 Examining and correcting proof, per folio . . . . 2 2 If print of answer filed in the first instance charge Examining revise, per folio . 2 2 Paid printer's bill Credit must be given for copies taken by Plaintiff. MOTION TO DISSOLVE INJUNCTION (OK TO DISCHARGE "WRIT OF NE EXEAT). Drawing notice of motion to dis- solve injunction . . Or, per folio Making copy to serve . . Or, per folio Service thereof . . Drawing and engrossing affidavit of service, per folio . . Paid oath ... Paid filing and of&ce copy, as paid Two copies notice of motion to annex, eac/t ... Or, per folio Drawing necessary and proper obser- vations, per sheet . . 6 8 Two copies thereof for counsel, per sheet ... 034 Fee to Mr. with brief and clerk Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. Fee to Mr. with brief and clerk Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 2 5 1 1 1 4 2 6 2 6 1 1 1 6 1 6 1 1 4 Higher Scale. 13 4 13 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 DBrENDANl's COSTS OF SUIT BY BILL. Lower Scale. [Date] Attending Court motion not heard . . . 6 8 [-Dafe] Attending Court when motion heard and injunction dissolved 13 4 Or, according to ciicumstanoes, not to exceed .... Or, motion for injunction or to dis- charge same . . . . 13 4 Or, according to circumstances, not to exceed .... Attending Eegistrar with brief and papers to bespeak minutes or order . . . 6 8 6 8 For charges for minutes and order, &c., see Plaintiffs costs, ante, p. 6. EXCEPTIONS TO ANSWER. Paid for copy exceptions, ^er/oMo 4 4 Perusing and considering same, per folio . . . .004004 For subsequent charges see Plaintiff's costs, ante, p. 12. INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS. Attending Plaintiff 's summons to produce and inspect documents when order made See note 15, p. 8. Attending passing order . .068 068 If production on oath ordered, charge for affidavit as at p. 5, omitting " office copy." Attending Plaintiff on his inspect- ing documents, per hour . .068 068 [f order obtained by Defendant to inspect documents in PlaintifFs possession the charges will be similar to those at 10. 48 dependant's costs op suit bt bill. PAYMENT INTO COURT. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Plaintiff having served summons for Defendant to pay into Court .£80, admitted in his answer to be in his hands attending same when order made See note 15, p. 8. Close copy miriutes of order, 'pe.r 6 6 6 8 13 4 6 8 13 4 Attending settUng Attending passing order See note 14, p. 7. Attending Accountant General he- speaking direction to pay in and attending at Bank of England paying same ; attending Ac- countant General with receipt, and at Eeport Officefor office copy 13 When sum paid in amounts to d&l 00 1 1 When the sum amounts to £1,000 When it amounts to £5,000 and up- wards. . . . . Paid for office copy receipt . 1 AMENDED BILL. Having been served with copy amended bUl, perusing same (amendments in writing) . 6 8 6 8 If amendments exceed 20 folios, per JoVio ... 004 Perusing amended bill (if printed) 013 4 013 4 If amendments exceed 40 folios, •per folio ... 004 4 13 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 4 DEFENDANT'S COSTS OF SUIT BY BILL. 49 . Lower Scale. Higher Scale Paid for copies of amended bill as amended, ^w/oZio . . OJ OJ Amending copies for counsel if no reprint . . . 6 8 13 4 Amended bill not calling for further answer, fee to counsel to advise as to answering same Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. ANSWER TO AMENDED BILL. Counsel having advised answer to amendedbill, instructions for same 13 4 13 4 Drawing same, fer folio . 10 10 Fee to Mr. to settle same and derk Attending him. . . 6 8 6 8 The remaing items will be the same as those charged for answer to bill preyions to amendment. Term fee, &c. . . . 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. TEEM, 18—. REVIVOR, OR ADDITIONAL PARTIES. Perusing copy order to revive, or add parties . . . 6 8 13 4 SUPPLEMENTAL STATEMENT. Perusing supplemental statement 6 8 13 4 MOTION FOR DECREE. Having been served with notice of motion for decree, paid for print of Plaintiff's affidavits in support, per folio . .001001 D Lower Scale. Higher Scale. 4 4 1 1 Oi OJ 4 4 50 defendant's costs of suit by bill. Perusing sa,me per folio . Extra copies, per folio If agency charge copy for the country, ^er/ofe'o . . 4 4 Paid for copy answer of Defendant per folio Perusing same, per folio For charges for affidavits in answer and reply, cross- examination thereon, applications for time, briefs to coun- sel, hearing, &c., see plaintiff's costs, ante, pp. 15, 16, 17. If instead of motion for for decree, replication is filed and cause set down in the usual way, chju^e : — REPLICATION. The plaintiff having filed replication, instructions to counsel to advise on evidence on behalf of defendants. 6 8 6 8 See 40, C. 0. Rule 32. Fee to Mr. and Clerk Attending him . . . 6 8 6 8 EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES. Under 15 and 16 V., c. 86, pursuant to agreement See ord& 5th February, Rule 10. Attending plaintiff's solicitor and arranging with him that the oral examination in chief and cross- examination of witnesses in this cause be taken before Examiner under the 15th and 16th V. c, 86, and he was to prepare the re- quisite agreement for the purpose Perusing draft agreement, per folio Making copy theveof, per folio Writing plaintiffs solicitor return- ing draft agreement approved, and with appointment to sign . Attending signing agfeement 6 8 6 8 4 4 4 4 3 6 3 6 6 8 6 8 I' defendant's costs of suit by bill. 5) Lower Scale. Higher Scale, Instruction for examination of wit- nesses . . . 13 4 13 4 Drawing brief for counsel to attend examination, and cross-examine plaintiff's witnesses ^er sheet . 6 8 6 8 Making fair copy thereof, per sheet 3 4 3 4 Fee to counsel with brief to attend examination of plaintiff's witnesses Attending him . . " . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. [Dafe] Attending before ex'aminer when plaintiff's witnesses ex- amined and cross-examined 6 8 13 4 But see plaintiffs costs as to charges on examination of witnesses, ante, pp. 17, 19. Attending examiner to procure ap- pointment to examine witnesses for defendant . . . 6 8 6 8 Preparing subpoena duces tecum and attending to get same sealed . . . 6 8 6 8 Paid sealing . . . 5 5 Service thereof on Mr. Y. Z., at and notice of appointment Snch reasonable charges ^nd expenses as may be pro- perly incurred, according to distance or the employment of an agent. Paid him conduct money Preparing subpoena ad test, and attending to get same sealed for every 3 nmnes Paid sealing same Service thereof on Mr. Smith, at - and notice of appointment Paid him conduct money Notice of appointment to plaintifi's solicitor . . . 2 6 2 6 D 2 6 8 6 8 5 5 52 defendant's costs of suit by bill. Lover Scale. Higher Scale. Attending witnesses taking down evidence, charge for time occu^pied Drawing and fair copy proofs for counsel, per sheet . . 0100 0100 Fee to counsel to attend examiner Attending him . . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. \I)ate'\ Attending plaintiffs summons to enlarge time for closing evi- dence . . . 6 8 6 8 [Bate] Attending appointment when Mr. Smith was examined and cross-examined, hut Mr. Y. Z. ob- jected to certain questions . 6 8 13 4 See pp. 17, 19. DEMUEREK OF WITNESSES. Paid for office copy questions and demurrer, per folio Attending for certificate of pleadings Paid for same . Drawing and engrossing petition to set down demurrer, ^er/oZio .. Attending to present same and after- wards for order Paid for order . Copy and service thereof Attending setting down witness's de- murrer at Eegistrar's . 6 8 6 8 Notice thereof copy and service on witness See note 7, p. 3. Making copy questions and demur- rer for the Judge, per /oZio . 4 4 The like for counsel, per sheet . 3 4 3 4 Drawing and fair copy necessary and proper dbservaitionB, per sheet. 10 4 4 6 8 6 8 4 4 1 1 6 8 13 4 1 - 5 3 6 3 6 defendant's costs of suit 1 SY BILL. 53 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Fee to Mr. and clerk Attending him . . .0 6 8 6 8 [Date] Attending court when de- murrer over-ruled . . 13 4 1 1 Or, according to circumstances, not to exceed 2 2 Attending Eegistrar with brief to draw up order . . 6 8 6 8 Close copy minutes of order^ per side 6 6 Attending settling same . 6 8 13 4 Paid for order . . .0 10 1 Attending passing . . . 6 8 13 4 Attending examiuer for fresh ap- pointment . . .0 6 8 6 8 Notice thereof, each solicitor . 2 6 2 6 Copy order to serve . . 1 1 Or, per folio 4 Service of order and appointment on Y. Z. See note 7, p. 3. REFRACTORY "WITNESS. [-Z?afo] Attending appointment when Mr. Y. Z. attended, but stUl re- fused to answer . . 6 8 13 4 But see p. 17. Instructions to move on examiner's certificate for usual 4 day order against witness . . Copy examiner's certificate to annex Fee to counsel to move [Date] Attending him and court and for order . . .0 Paid for order . . .0 6 1 8 13 1 4 6 1 8 13 5 4 54 defendant's costs of suit bt bill. Lower Scale Higher Scale. Copy order to serve . . 10 10 (h; per folio . . ' 4 Service thereof on witness See note 7, p. 3. If witness still refuses to answer, andattaclimentbeissued against him, for costs of same, see p. 67. Paid examiner's bill Paid Mr. Smith for his loss of time See table of allowances. Paid for printed copy depositions of defendant's witnesses, per folio 2 2 Paid for printed copy depositions, of ■plamtiS's -witnesses, per folio . 1 1 Perusing same, ^«j*/oZmj . 4 4 If agency charge copy for the country, ^er/o^io . . .004 004 SUMMONS TO ENLARGE TIME FOR CLOSING EVIDENCE. PrepariQg summons to enlarge time for closing evidence, and attending to get same sealed If special not to exceed 6 8 1 6 1 8 Paid for same . Copy to leave at Chambers Copy to serve and service, each . [I)ate\ Attending summons when time extended . See note 15, ante, p. 8. 1 2 4 6 3 2 4 6 Paid for order Attending for order and entering Copy to serve and service, each . 1 6 3 8 6 5 6 3 8 6 EVIDENCE TAKEN VIVA VOCE BEFORE THE COURT. Under Order 5th Feb., 1861, Rule 3. See Plaintiff's costs, pp. 20, 21. defendant's costs of suit by bill. 55 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. EXAMINATION OP WITNESSJSS. Exparte Tuider Order 5, Feb., 186X, Rule 6. Instructions for examination of wit- , nesses ■ . . 13 4 13 4 The remaming charges can be readily made out from those tmder the head of " Examiiiation of Witnesses" p. 17. SPECIAL' EXAMINER. Under Order 5, Feb., 1861, Rules 11, 12. Preparing summons for appointment of special examiner to examine witnesses at York, and attending to get same sealed If special, not to exceed Paid sealing same Copy to leave at Chambers Copy to serve, each Service thereof, each [Date] Attending' summons when or- der made See note 15, p. 8. Close copy minutes of order, per 6 8 6 8 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 6 side 6 6 Notice to settle same 2 6 2 6 Attending settling 6 8 13 4 Paid for order 10 1 Notice to pass 2 6 2 6 Attending to pass 6 8 13 4 Copy to serve . 1 1 Or, per folio . 4 Service thereo:^ each Attending examiner to fix time and place for examination of witnesses, and sign notice thereof 2 6 2 6 6 8 6 8 T Scale. Higher Scale. 3 6 3 6 4 6 4 6 56 defendant's costs op suit by bill. IjO\ Dr3,wing and fair copy thereof for his signature . . .0 Copy and service on plaintiff's soli- citor .... Paid examiner's fees Attending the examination of wit- nesses, "per day . . 2 2 2 2 See p. 19. Paid travelling expenses, as paid Paid hotel till Paid for office copy depositions taken in the country, per folio . 4 4 Perusing same, ^er/o^io . 4 4 BRIEFS. Instructions for brief . . 110 2 2 Two copies of plaintiff's and defen- dant's printed evidence (consisting of affidavits and depositions) equal to — brief sheets, per sheet of 10 folios . . . 3 4 3 4 Drawing necessary and proper ob- servations, two sheets, per sheet 6 8 Making two copies thereof for coun- sel, per sheet ... 034 Amending 2 copies of bill for counsel if 710 reprint, each . . 6 8 13 4 Fee to Mr. with brief and clerk Attending him . . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. His consultation fee and clerk . 2 4 6 2 4 6 Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 Pee to Mr. with brief and clerk Attending him . . . 6 8 6 8 DEFElin)A.NT'S COSTS OF SUIT BY BILL. 57 Lower Saaie. Higber Scale. His coiisvLltation fee and clerk 13 6 13 6 Atttending him . . . 6 8 6 8 Attending consultation . . 0134 0134 HEARING. Attending plaintiff's solicitor signing consent to heajr cause as short 6 8 6 8 [Bate] Attending court, cause in the paper, but not called on * . 6 8 10 Term fee, letters, &c. . .0 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. TPTfM 19 Eefresher to Mr. and clerk 2 4 6 2 4 6 Attending him . . .0 6 8 6 8 Eefresher to Mr. and clerk 1 3 6 1 3 6 Attending him . . .0 6 8 6 8 See note 19,- p. 24. [Date] Attending Court, cause part heard . . .0 13 4 1 1 [Date] The like when further heard and decree made . . 13 4 1 1 Or, for the above attendances, ac- cordiJig to circumstances, not exceeding per diem . 2 2 dose copy Tninutes, see note 10, p. 5. Attending to settle minutes . 6 8 13 4 Or, at the Taxing Mastei's discretion, not to exceed . . .1 1 3 3 Attending to pass decree . 6 8 13 4 See note 14, ante, p. 7. CAVEAT. Drawing caveat against enrolment of decree . . .02602 D 3 58 defendant's costs of suit by bill. Lovper Scale. Higher Scale. Attending to enter same with Eecord and Writ Clerk . .068 068 Paid thereon . . . 5 5 PROCEEDINGS IN CHAMBERS. [Date] Attending summons to consider decree, and take directions of chief clerk as to proceedings See note 15, p. 8. PEDIGREE AND ACCOUNTS. Drawing statement as to receipts and payments of defendant and amount of outstanding estate, p&r folio 8 14 Instructions for. af&davit verifying account See note 1, ante, p. 1. Drawing same, ^er/oZio . Engrossing, per folio Preparing exhibit Attending defendant to be sworn Paid oath and exhibit . Paid filing Paid for office copy, per folio Notice to plaiatiff's solicitor of affi- davit filed . . . 2 6i 2 6 Paid for copy affidavit answering enquiry as to next of kin, per folio . . . .004004 Paid for copy pedigree thereia re- ferred to . . . Perusing affidavit, ^er/oMo . 4 4 [Date] Attending adjourned sum- mons before the chief clerk on accounts and pedigree .... See note 15, p. 8. 1. 1 4 4 1 1 6 8 6 8 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 4 4 defendant's costs of suit by bill. 59 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Paid for copy plaintiff's statement as to infant's property, ^er/oKo . 4 4 Paid for copy affidavit in support, per folio . . . .004004 Perusiag same, per folio. . 4 4 For the chaxges for further proeeedings in chambers, further consideration, and taxation of costs, &c., see Plain- tiff's Bill,from which the defendant's costs can be readily made out. • Term fee and letters . . 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 60 PLAINTIFF'S COSTS OF SUIT BY SUMMONS. In Chancery. In the matter of the estate of , late of , in the county of , A. B. against C. D. ""O" Plaintiff's costs to be taxed under order bearing date the day of 18—. TEEM, 18—. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Instructions to commence proceed- ings in chambers to obtain an order to administer the estate of , deceased . . 13 4 13 4 If plaintiff sues by his next friend charge: — Drawing and fair copy authority of next friend, and attending obtain- ing his signature thereto . 6 8 13 4 Drawing certificate to proceed under lower scale of Court fees . 5 Preparing original summons . 13 4 110 Making copy to leave at chambers and duplicate, eaeh . . 2 2 Attending chambers to get summons Bind duplicate examined and sealed 6 8 6 8 Paid for sealing summons . 5 5 plaintiff's costs of suit by summons. 61 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Paid sealing duplicate . 10 5 Making copy summons to serve 2 2 Attending at Eecord and Writ Office to file duplicate and examine copy and get same stamped 6 8 6 8 Paid stamping same . . 10 5 Service of copy on Defendant Same charge as for service of bill, see note 7, p. 3. Not being able to serve one of the Defendants in time, endorsing original summons and copy, and attending to get same sealed 6 8 6 8 Service thereof on Defendant Gr. H. See note 7, p. 3. Attending at the Prerogative Office, searching for tlie wiU of deceased, and bespeaking office copy and for same . . . 6 8 6 8 Paid search . . . 10 10 Paid for office copy, as -paid. Drawing notice to Defendant, the executor to produce probate and service thereof . . 7 6 7 6 Drawing and engrossing affidavit of service of summons, jper folio Paid oath and filing . . Paid for office copy, ^er/oto . (Charges for affidavits filed in support, see anie, p. 5. \I)ate\ Attending summons, order made . . .068 068 See note 15, a?(te, p. 8. Attending Eegistrar with papers 6 8 6 8 Notice of settling minutes, tacJi 2 6 2 6 See note 10, p. 5, and note 12, p. 7. 1 1 4 4 4 4 62 plaintiff's costs of suit by summon. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Attending settling . 6 8 13 4 See note 13, p. 7. Paid for order . 10 1 Notice of passing copy and service 2 6 2 6 Attending passing 6 8 13 4 But see note 14, p. 7. The further charges are the same as in suits com- menced by bilL Term fee and letters . 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 63 DEFENDANT'S COSTS OF SUIT BY SUMMONS. In Chanceet. In the matter of the estate of , late of , in the county of , A. B. against C. D. The bill of costs of the ahove named Defendant to he taxed under order of the day of , 18 — TEEM, 18—. Lover Scale. Higher Scale. Having been served with summons for an order to administer the estate of , instructions to de- fend . . . 6 8 13 4 Drawing certificate to proceed under lower scale (if omitted by Plain- tiff) Attending to enter appearance [Date] Paid entering appearance Notice thereof, copy and service Paid for copy affidavit filed in sup^ T^OTt, per folio . . 4 4 As to close copy, see note 10, p. 5. Femsing same, per folio . 4 4 5 6 8 6 8 7 7 2 6 2 6 1 1 4 4 6 8 6 8 4 4 4 4 64 defendant's costs op suit by summons. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Instructions for affidavit in oppo- sition . . . 6 8 6 8 But see note 1, araie, p. 1. Drawing same, 'per folio Engrossing, -per folio . Attending deponent to be sworn Paid oatli and filing Paid for office copy, ^er/oZio . Notice to Plaintiff's solicitor of filing and intention to read same . 2 6 2 6 Attending summons when order made for administration of the estate See note 15, cmie, p. 8. Term fee, letters, &c. . 15 15 See note 16 and 17, p. 8. The further charges may readily be made out from defendant's costs of suit, tmU, p. 48. 66 COSTS OF EELATOE ON INFOEMATION BY ATTOENEY GENEEAL. In Chancery. Between Her Majesty's Attorney General at the relation of A. B. - - - - - Plaintiff, and CD. Defendant. The bUl of costs of the above named Eelator to he taxed under order dated the day of 18 — . TEEM, 18—. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Instructions for information . 13 4 2 2 Drawing and fair copy authority of relator to file information, and attending ohtaining his signature 6 8 13 4 Drawing ssune, per /olio. 10 10 Fee to Mr. to peruse and settle Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. Fair copy information for Attorney General, per folio . . 4 4 Preparing certificate that information proper to be filed, and for counsel's signature . . . 6 8 6 8 Attending counsel for his signature 6 8 6 8 Paid Mr. fee thereon, and clerk 13 6 13 6 Attending him . . 6 8 6 66 RELATORS COSTS ON INFORMATION. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Drawing certificate of responsibility of relator, and his ability to pay costs, and that information is a correct copy of the draft . 6 8 6 8 Attending Attorney General with copy draft for approval, and after- wards with print of same for his signature . . . 6 8 6 8 Paid his fee . Making fair copy for printer, per /ofe 4 4 The subsequent charges are the same as those in suit commenced by bill, see p. 2. 67 COSTS OF ATTACHMENT. ATTACHMENT FOE WANT OF ANSWER, OR FOR DISOBEDIENCE OF A DECREE OR ORDER. Lower Scale. 1 4 6 1 6 5 6 4 Higher Scale. 1 4 6 1 6 5 6 Drawing and engrossing affidavit of service of Interrogatories (or copy- Decree or Order) on Defendant CD., per folio Paid oath and filing Paid for office copy, as paid Preparing writ of attachment Paid for parchment Attending sealing writ Paid sealing Attending instructing officer Paid for warrant Paid officer's charges If sheriff neglects to return the Avrit charge : — Drawing petition for Sheriff of — to return writ of attachment Attending to present same, and after wards for order Paid for order . Copy order to serve Service thereof on under-sheriff As to an attactment for want of appearance, see 10, C. 0. Rule 10. 4 6 8 13 4 1 5 1 1 2 6 2 6 68 COSTS OF TAKING BILL PRO CONFESSO. PEO CONFESSO. Should the Defendant continue wilfully to refuse to answer, proceed to take tlie hill pro confesso against him, the costs of this jproceeding are as follows: — Lower Scale. Highei Scale. Drawing notice of motion to take bUl pro confesso against Defendant 2 6 5 Or, per folio 10 Copy to serve 10 10 Or, per folio 4 Service thereof 2 6 2 6 But if defendant cannot be served charge : — Attending at the office of the "London Gazette" with notice of motion, and giving instructions for same to be advertised . 6 8 6 8 Paid for four insertions and Gazettes, as paid .... Drawing and engrossing affidavit of service (or of publication) jper/oMo 10 10 Paid oath and filing . . 4 4 If defendant has absconded charge : — Instructions for affidavit of sheriff's officer of attempts to execute attachment . Drawing same, per folio Ingrossing, per folio Attending him to be sworn Paid oath and filing . 6 8 6 8 1 1 4 4 6 8 6 8 4 4 COSTS OF TAKING BILL PRO CONFESSO. C9 Paid for office copy, ^er folio . Attending for certificate of pleadings Paid for same . Instructions to counsel to move to take the bill pro confesso . 6 8 6 8 See 40, C. O. Rule 32. Brief copy affidavits for counsel, per Lower Scale. 4 Higher Scale. 4 6 8 6 8 4 4 3 4 3 4 1 1 4 4 Copy notice of motion to annex Or, per folio Fee to Mr. and clerk Attending idm . . 6 8 6 8 [Bate] Attending Court when order made . . . 13 Attending registrar bespeaking order 6 Paid for order . . . 10 Attending passing . . 6 4 13 4 8 6 8 1 8 13 4 70 PLAINTIFFS COSTS ON APPOINTMENT OF EECEIVEE. T"FPM 1 °i — . Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Preparing summons for the appoint- ment of Mr. as receiver of the rents and profits of the real estate, and attending to get same sealed ... 6 8 6 8 Paid stamp ... 1 3 Copy to leave at chambers . 2 2 Two copies to serve, each . 2 2 Service thereof, each . . 2 6 2 Instructions for af&davit of amount and nature of the property 6 8 6 8 Drawing same, ^«r/o^io . 1 1 Engrossiag, ^er/ofe . . . 4 4 Attending deponent to be sworn 6 8 6 8 Paid oath and filing . . 4 4 Paid for office copy, per /oto . 4 4 Instructions for affidavit of fitness of proposed receiver to act . 6 8 6 8 Ctiarge as above. Instructions for affidavit of willing- ness of proposed receiver to act 6 8 6 8 Charge aa above. Notice to Defendant's solicitor of filing affidavits and of intention to read same, each . . 2 6 2 6 plaintiff's costs on appointment of receiver. 71 Lower Scale, Higher Scale. [I)ate\ Attending summons when Mr. was appointed, subject to his giving security . . 6 8 13 4 See note ] 5, ante, p. 8. Close copy minutes of order, per side . . . 6 6 Notice to settle 2 6 2 6 Attending settling . , . 6 8 13 4 Paid for order . . 10 10 Attending passing . . 6 8 13 4 Term fee (if not charged in general biU) . . See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 72 DEFENDANT'S COSTS ON APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER. TFRM 1R — . Lower Scale. Paid for copy affidaAdt of value of Higher Scale. property, &c.,j9er/oZM> . Perusing same, per folio . Paid for affidavit of litness of re- 4 4 4.- 4 ceiver, per folio . . Perusing same, per folio . Paidfor affidavit of receiver's willing- 4 4 4 4 to sx,i, per folio . PerusiQg same, joer folio . 4 4 4 4 [Z)afe] Attending summons when Mr. appointed, subject to Ids giving security . . 6 8 6 8 See note 15, p. 8. For subsequent costs, see Plaintifl 's costs, p. 66. RECEIVER'S COSTS OF APPOINTMENT AND PASSING ACCOUNTS. 2 6 8 6 8 5 4 5 4 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Instructions for drawing and en- grossing recognisance, attending summons when same settled, and attending at Judge's chambers for allowance thereof . 1 15 2 12 6 Copies of draft for parties to whom copies are directed to be handed. Paid for stamp and parchment 2 Instructions for affidavit of sureties Drawing and engrossing ssbms, folio 4 Attending sureties on their being sworn thereto . . 6 8 6 8 Paid oaths, filing, and for office copy. Making appointment with re- ceiver and his sureties, and attend- ing them on acknowledging re- cognisance . . . 13 4 13 4 Paid thereon . Attending to enrol recognisance Pfiid enrolling Attending at Judge's chambers when orderappointing receiver made Paid for order . Attending passing, and to enter same Copy order for the Judge 6 8 6 8 ?■ 6 7 6 6 8 13 4 10 1 6 8 13 4 2 6 O' 2 6 74 receiver's costs op appointment and PASSINfl ACCOUNTS. Lower Scale. Higher Seal?, Letters, &c., &c. . . 5 5 1£ the order appoints the receiver subject to his givii^ se- curity, the following mil be the charges in lieu of the above. Copy order for the Judge . 2 6 2 6 Preparing summons to proceed, and attending to get same filled up and sealed at chambers . Paid stamp ... Copy summons to leave at chambers Copies to serve, and service thereof on parties having leave to attend Attending thereon . . 6 8 13 4 (The same charges as above relating to the recognisance.) 6 8 6 8 1 3 2 2 Making copy certificate, folio 6 2 2 Copies for the parties to whom copies are directed to be handed . Attending adjourned summons when certificate settled . . 6 8 13 4 Transcribing certificate . 2 2 Paid for stamp . . 1 1 Attending appointment to sign 6 8 6 8 Attending to bespeak, and for office copy certificate . . 6 8 6 8 Paid for office copy . . 2 2 Letters, &c. . . .0 5 5 TEEM, 18- Drawing receiver's first account and coipj, folio — , per folio . 8 14 Prepariag summons to proceed there- on, and attending to get same filled up and sealed at chambers Paid stamp ... Copy summons to leave at chambers 6 8 6 8 1 3 2 2 6 8 6 6 8 6 2 2 receiver's costs of appointment and passing accounts. 75 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Copies and services on plaintiff and each defendant having leave to attend .... Copies of account for parties to whom copies are directed to be handed . Attending summons when account passed, and costs settled Entering account and duplicate in hooks . . ' . Paid for hooks Instructions for affidavit verifying account and duplicate . Drawing and engrossing sa,me J'olio 5 Preparing two exhibits . Attending receiver on his being sworn . . . 6 8 6 8 Paid oath and two exhibits Paid filing, and for office copy . 4 2 4 2 Making copy draft certificate of passing account, folio 8 . 2 8 2 8 Copies for parties to whom copies are directed to be handed . Attending settling draft certificate Transcribiog certificate Paid stamp Paid per centage on £ . Attending appointment to sign certi- ficate . . . 6 8 6 8 Attending to bespeak, and for office copy Paid for office copy . . 2 8 2 8 Drawing this bill of costs and copy, folio 8 . . . 5 4 5 4 Copies for parties towhom copies are directed to be handed Attending to procure balance to pay into court . . 6 8 6 8 E 2 6 8 13 2 8 2 10 1 6 8 6 76 receiver's costs of appointment and passing accounts. Lower Scale. Higher Scale- Attending accountant general for directions to pay balance into the bank, and attending to pay same and to file cashier's receipt (See charges page 48.) Paid for office copy certificate of pay- ment . . 18 18 Letters, &c. . . . 5 10 77 PLAINTIFFS OK DEFENDANT'S COST OF PASSING RECEIVER'S ACCOUNT. TEEM, 18—. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Attending summons when account passed, and costs settled Attending settling certificate . 6 8 13 4 Drawing this bill of costs and copy, folio 4: . . 2 8 2 8 Copies for parties to whom copies are directed to be handed Attending appointment to sign certificate . . . 6 8 6 8 Letters, &c. . . . 5 5 78 EECEIVEE'S COSTS ON VACATING EECOGNIZANCE. Lower Scale. Attending to bespeak, andafterwards for office copy recognkance . 6 8 Paid for same . Higher Scale. 6 8 Attending Eolls Secretary with order to vacate recognizance for his signature thereto . Attending clerk of enrohnents there- 6 8 13 4 with, instructing him to have re- cognizance vacated . . Paid him thereon . . 1 6 1 8 6 1 1 8 79 PETITIONER'S COSTS OF A SPECIAL PETITION. In Chanceey. In the matter of ■ TEEM, 18—. Lower S<»ile. Higber Scale. Instructions for petition . 6 8 13 4 See note 1, p. 1. Drawing same and fair copy, ^er/oZio 10 10 Fee to counsel to settle and clerk {if necessary) . . See note 3, p. 2. Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. Engrossing petition, per folio . Making copy for the CoviA, per folio Attending to present, and for same answered Paid thereon . Making 2 copies petition for service, per folio Service thereof, each . Making brief copy petition for coun- sel, per sheet of 10 folios . 3 4 3 4 Charge affidavits filed in support (see p. 5), and for copies and perusals of any filed in opposition. Also for copies of any documents with which it may be proper to 4 4 4 4 6 8 6 8 5 1 4 4 2 6 2 6 80 petitioner's costs of a special petition. Lower Scale. Higher Scale, tumish counsel, and for necessary and proper observa- tions. Fee to Mr. with brief and clerk See note 9, p. 4. Attending Mm . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. Attending to procure certificate of fund in Court . . 6 8 6 8 [Date] Attending Court petition in the paper but not heard . 6 8 10 [Bate] The like when heard . 13 4 110 Or, according to circumstances, not to exceed ... 220 Charge for settling minutes, &c., as at pp. 6 and 7. Paid for order . . . 10 1 Charge for passing order and further proceedings, as in other cases, for which refer to Index. Term fee and letters . 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 81 RESPONDENT'S COSTS OF A SPECIAL PETITION. In Chancery. In the matter of TEEM, 18—. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Having been served with copy peti- tion, instructions to defend 6 8 13 4 Paid for copy affidavit of in sup- port, ^er/oZio . . 4 4 As to close copy, see note 10, p. 5. Perusing same, ^er/oto . 4 4 Instructions for affidavit of in opposition . . . 6 8 6 8 For charges for affidavit, see p. 5. The further charges are similar to those of Defendant to suit by bill Term fee and letters . 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. E 3 '82 PLAINTIFFS COSTS ON SPECIAL MOTION. In Chancery. Between A. B. Plaintiff, and C: D. and E. F. Defendants. TEEM, 18- -. Drawing special notice of motion Or, per folio Lower Scale. 2 Higher Scale. 5 10 Making 2 copies to serve, each Or, per folio 1 1 4 Service thereof, each . . Drawing and engrossing affidavit of service, per folio . . Paid oath ... Paid filing . . . Paid for office copy, per folio . 2 1 1 2 6 6 6 4 2 1 1 2 6 6 6 4 Charge here for af5davits filed in support (if any), for costs of which see p. 5. Add charges for copies of any af&davits filed in opposition as paid, and for perusal of same, briefs for counsel and observations. Making 2 copies notice of motion to annex to hriefs, each . 10 10 Or, per folio . . 4 Charge fees to counsel and attendances on them. [I)at6\ Attending Court, motion not made . . . 6 8 13 4 PLAINTIFFS COSTS ON SPECIAL MOTION. 83 Lower Scale. Higher Seal . [Date] The like when heard and order made . . . 13 4 13 4 Or, according to circumstances, not to exceed ... 110 For chaises for minutes and order see pp. 6 and 7. Term fee and letters . . 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, p^e 8. 84 DEFENDANT'S COSTS ON SPECIAL MOTION. In Chancery. Between A. B. and C. D. and E. F. Plaintiff. Defendants. TEEM, 18—. Lower Scale. Having teen served with notice of motion, paid for copy affidavit of , in support, -per folio 4 Perusing same, 'per folio . 4 Higher Scale. 4 4 Charge for affidavits filed in opposition (if any), briefs for counsel and observations. Makifig 2 copies notice of motion to annex to briefs, mch . 10 10 Or, per foLio . . 4 Por further charges see preceding biU. Terjn fee and letters . . 0150 0150 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 85 PLAINTIFFS COSTS ON SPECIAL CASE. In Chancery. Between A. B. Plaintiff. and CD. andE. r. - - Defendants. The bUl of costs of the ahove named Plaintiff to be taxed under order, dated the day of 18 — . TEEM, 18- Lower Scale. Higher Scale. [Date] Instructions for special case 013 4 013 4 Drawing same and fair copy, per folio . . . 10 10 Fee to Mr. and clerk to settle and sign See note 3, p. 2. Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. Making fair copy as settled, for De- •fendant's solicitor, j3er /oZio 4 4 Attending Defendant's solicitor therewith for his counsel's perusal 6 8 6 8 Attending Defendant's solicitor on his returning same, with various alterations made by his counsel, and arranging that same should be settled in consultation . 6 8 6 8 Attending Mr. appointing con- sultation . . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. PLAINTIFF S COSTS ON SPECIAL CASE. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Fee to him thereon [Date} Attending consultation when case settled . 13 4 13 4 Engrossing case, ^er/oZio 4 4 Paid filing 10 10 Notice thereof, each 2 6 2 6 Drawing certificate to proceed under lower scale . 5 Paid for office copy case, per folio . 4 4 ASSIGNING GUAEDIAN, If any defendant be an infant, or a lunatic (not found so by inquisition) add chaises for assigning guardian, for which see p. 3. Attending for certificate of case filed 6 8 6 8 Paid for same . . . 4 4 SPECIAL MOTION. If any party be a married woman, infant, or lunatic, add charges for special motion for leave to set down case, for which see p. 82. INQUIRIES IN CHAMBERS. If, on hearing the motion, the Court directs inquiries in Chambers as to propriety of setting down case, add charges similar to those, ante, p. 24. MOTION ON CHIEF CLERK'S CERTIFICATE. Add charges for this motion, see p. 82. Attending setting down case . 6 8 6 8 Preparing suhpoena to hear judgment, and attending to get same sealed Paid sealing same Making 2 copies for service, each Service thereof, each . Drawing and engrossing affidavit of service, per folio Paid oath 6 8 6 8 5 5 1 1 2 6 2 6 1 1 1 6 1 6 Lower Scale. 2 6 Higher Scale 2 6 4 4 plaintiff's costs on special case. 87 Paid filing Paid for ofiBLce copy, per folio . If no subpoena to hear judgment is- sued charge notice of setting down special case, each . . 2 6 2 6 Making copy case for the Judge, per folio . . . 4 4 The like of any necessary documents, per/olio . . . 4 4 Attending to leave same . 6 8 6 8 Making 2 brief copies special case and documents referred to (if not sufficiently set out in case) for counseljper sheet of 10 folios 3 4 3 4" Drawing necessary and proper obser- vations thereon, per sheet . 6 8 Making 2 copies for counsel, per sheet ... 034 Fee to Mr. , with brief and clerk Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. His consultation fee and clerk Attending him Fee to Mr. , with brief and clerk Attending him His consultation fee and clerk Attending him Attending consultation [Sate] Attending court special case in the paper but not called on 6 8 10 [Date] Attending Court, special case heard . . . 13 4 1 1 But not to exceed, per diem . 2 2 For charges for minutes, order eind taxation of costs, see pp. 6, 7, and 38. Term fee and letters . . 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 2 4 6 2 4 6 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 1 3 6 1 3 6 6 8 6 8 13 4 13 4 88 DEFENDAI^rS COSTS ON SPECIAL CASK In Chancery. Between A. B. - - Plaintiff, and C. D. and E. F. - Defendants. The iDill of costs of the Defendants to he taxed under order; dated the day of 18 — . TEEM. 18—. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. [Date] Instructions to defend 6 8 13 4 Attending plaintiff's solicitor on his hringing special case as settled hy his counsel . . 6 8 6 8 Perusing same, ^er/oZio . 4 4 Making fair copy thereof for counsel, per sheet . . . 3 4 3 4 Eee to Mr. therewith to settle See note 3, p. 2. Attending him . . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. Altering Plaintiff's copy as settled by Mr. ,'per folio . 0-4 4 Attending plaintiff's solicitor there- with, who objected to alterations and arranging for consultation 6 8 6 8 For charges for consultation, see plaintlflf's costs, ante, p. 87. defendant's costs on special case. 89 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Instructions for and attending en- tering appearance (not exceed- ing 3 defendants) . . 6 8 6 8 For every additional number not ex- ceeding 3 . . . 6 8 6 8 Paid entering appearance (not ex- ceeding 3 defendants) . 7 7 For every additional number, not ex- ceeding 3 . , . 7 7 Notice thereof to Plaintiff's solicitor 2 6 2 6 ASSIGNING GUARDIAN. If motion to assign guardian be made by defendant, add charges for same, for which, see p. 3. For subsequent charges, see Plaintiff's costs, ante, p. 85. 90 APPELLAl^T'S COSTS OF APPEAL BY PETITION. In Chanceby. Between A. B. ------ Appellant, and C. D. and E. E - - Eespondents. TERM, 18—. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Instructions for petition . 6 8 13 4 See note 1, p. 1. Drawing same and fair copy,per/oZio 10 10 Making copy decree for counsel, 'p&r shed . . 3 4 3 4 Fee to Mr. , and clerk to settle and sign petition See note 3, p. 2. Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. Attending Mr. , Q.C., for lis signature to petition . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. appellant's costs of appeal by petition. 91 Lower Scale. Paid his fee thereon . Higher Scale. See note 3, p. 2. Engrossirig petition, ^er/oKo . 4 4 Making 2 copies for the Lord's Jxxb- iices, per folio . . 4 4 The like 2 copies of decree, per folio 4 4 Attending to present petition, and for same answered . . 6 8 6 8 Paid answering . «■ . 5 1 Attending appellant obtaining his signature to undertaking to pay costs, if awarded . . 6 s 6 8 Making 2 copies petition for service. per folio ... 4 4 Service of same, each . . 2 6 2 6 Attending Eegistrar, with petition answered, and for order to set down appeal . 6 8 13 4 Paid for order ... 1 5 Making 2 copies for service, each 1 1 Or, per folio 4 Service of same, each . . 2 6 2 6 Drawing and engrossing afi&davit of service, per folio . . 1 1 Paid oath ... 1 6 1 6 Paid filing ... 2 6 2 6 Paid for office copy, per folio . 4 4 Attending setting down appeal, pay- ing deposit, and taking receipt 6 8 6 8 Paid deposit . . .20 20 Notice thereof, each . . 2 6 2 6 Making 2 copies petition of appeal for counsel, per sheet . 3 4 3 4 Making another brief copy of decree. per sheet ... 3 4 3 4 Drawing necessary and proper obser- vations, per sheet 6 8 92 appellant's costs op appeal by petition. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Making 2 copies thereof, 'per sheet 3 4 The farther charges are similar to those of Plaintiff in a suit by bill. See pp. 23, 24, adding the following items. Attending bespeaking, and after- wards for check for deposit . 6 8 6 8 Term fee and letters . . 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 93 RESPONDENT'S COSTS OF APPEAL BY ■PETITION. In Chanceky Between A. B. Appellant, and C. D. and E. F. - - - Eespondents. TEEM, 18— Lower Scale. Higbei Scale. Having been served with order to set down appeal, paid for copy petition of appeal, ^er/oZio . 4 4 If obtained from the Eegistrars, pur- suEint to 36 C. O. Eule 12, the charge for copy Petition wOI be . 10 10 Drawing and engrossing affidavit of having been served with order setting down appeal, per folio Paid oath Paid filing Paid for office copy, ^er/o& . The further chaises are similar to those of Defendant to suit by biU, pp. 56 & 57. Term fee and letters , . 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 1 1 1 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 4 4 di APPELLA^vT^ COSTS OF APPEAL BY MOTION. £et«BaiAR ...... .^peHants, and CDandE-F. - - - TEBM.!; Stswii^ notke of mstxna of appeal 2 3 Or. pa Alio 10 Fee to ecmmd to setde suae ^if nenssKnr). See note 3, p. 2. Attending him . . 6 S 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. Attending Beg^trar seltii^ down motion ... Xoriee thereof eeuik . Making 2 copies nc^ce of motion to serve, meJl . .0 Ok^perfolio Service thereof mdk . Drawling and engnssing affidsTit of seroce,j>fr jWw . Faidoadi ... Piaid filing Paid fijT office copv. ptr fgUo . 6 s 6 s •1 6 4 6 1 1 4 o 6 o 6 1 1 1 6 1 6 -1 6 2 6 4 4 appellant's costs of appeal by motion. 95 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Making 2 copies decree (or order) for Lords' Justices, "par folio . 4 4 Attending delivering the same 6 8 6 8 Making 2 copies decree (or order) for couasel, per sheet . . 3 4 ^0 3 4 Drawing necessary and proper obser- vations, per sheet . . 6 8 Making 2 fair copies thereof,^er sfieet 3 4 Making 2 copies notice of motion to annex to briefs, each ' . 10 10 Or, per folio . . (i 4 The further charges are similar to those of Plaintiff on ' a special motion. See p. 82. Term fee and letters . . 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 9fl EESPONDENrS COSTS OF APPEAL BY MOTION. In Chaitceby. Between A B. - - - and C. D. and E. F. Appellant. Eespondents. TEEM, 18—. Lower Scale. Higher Scale, 3 4 3 4 Having been served -with notice of motion for appeal, making 2 brief copies decree (ororder) for counsel, per sheet Drawing necessary and proper obser- vations, per sheet Making 2 copies thereof, per sheet Making 2 copies notice of motion to annex, each Or,' per folio Drawing and engrossing affidavit of having been served with notice of motion, per folio Paid oath Paid filing Paid for office copy, ^er/o/io . The further charges may readily be made out from those of Plaintiflf on a special motion. See p. 82. Term fee and letters . See note 16 and 17, p. 8. 6 8 3 4 0' 1 1 4 1 1 1 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 4 4 15 15 97 PLAINTIFFS COSTS OF A FOEECLQSURE SUIT. The costs of a foreclosure suit up to decree, the pro- ceedings in the Judge's chambers, and taxation of costs are the same as ia a ordinary suit ; the subse(iuent costs are as follows : — Lower Bcato. Higher Scale. Instructions for power of attorney from Plaintiff to receive amount of principal, interest and costs found due by certificate Drawing same and fair copy, jper/o^io Engrossing same, per folio Attending to stamp same Paid stamp Instructions for affidavit verifying execution of power . Drawing same, say 5 folios Engrossing same Preparing exhibit "Writing agent therewith, and with instructions to get same executed, and affidavit sworn . . 5 5 Paid agents' charges as follows : — Attending Plaintiff on his executing power . . . 6 8 6 8 Paid oath to affidavit verifying execution . . . 2 6 2 G Paid marking exhibit . . 10 10 Letter with power and affidavit re- turned . . . 3 6 3 6 p 6 8 6 8 1 1 4 4 6 8 6 8 1 10 1 10 6 8 6 8 5 5 1 8 1 8 1 1 98 PLAINTIPr'S COSTS OP A FOBECLOSn^E SUIT. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Writing agent, with post-ofi&ce order for his charges . . 3 6 3 6 [Date] Attending at the EoU's Chapel when the money was not paid 6 8 6 8 InsU'uctions for affidavit of non-pay- ment of money . . 6 8 6 8 Drawing same, say 10 folios . 10 10 Engrossing same . . 3 4 3 4 Attending to be sworn . 6 8 6 8 Paid oath ... 1 6 1 6 Paid filing ... 2 6 2 6 Paid for office copy . . 3 4 3 4 Instructions to counsel to move for absolute ordfer of foreclosure 6 8 6 8 Fee to him therewith . . 10 6 10 6 Attending him and Court and to draw up order . . 6 8 13 4 Paid for order . . 1 5 Term fee and letters . . 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 99 COSTS OF PAYMENT INTO COURT AND PETITION UNDER THE TRUSTEE RELIEF ACTS. In Chancebt. In the matter of tlie Trustee Eelief Acts, and In tlie matter of the estate of A. B. deceased. The bin of costs of C. D. and E. F., the executors of the testator, to be taxed under order, dated the day of 18—. TEEM, 18—. [Date] Disputes having arisen as to the apportionment of the personal estate of the testator under his will, instructions for affidavit of executors for the purpose of pay- ing the trust money iuto Court 6 8 6 8 See note 1, amte, p. 1. Drawing the same, per folio . 10 10 Making copy of the will of the tes- tator for counsel, per sheet of 10 folios . . . 3 4 3 4 F 2 100 petitionee's costs Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Paid fee to Mr. to settle affi- davit Attending Mm . . 6 8 6 8 Engrossingaffidavitj^er /oKo . 4 4 Attending deponent C. D. in the country to be sworn . 6 8 6 8 Paid oath ... 2 6 2 6 Preparing exhibits, each . 1 1 Paid making same, each . 1 1 ittending Mr. E. F. in London to be sworn ... 6 8 6 8 Paid oath ... 1 6 1 6 Preparing exhibit, each . 1 1 Paid marking same, each . 1 1 Certifying proceedings under lower scale . . . . 5 Paid filing affidavit . . 2 6 2 6 Paid for office copy, per folio . 4 4 Attending Account General for direction to pay in cash, and after- wards at the Bank of England paying in same and to file receipt 13 4 13 4 \Vhere the sum amounts to J'lOO, the charge is . .1 1 1 1 Ditto „ „ ^1000 2 2 Ditto „ „ ^5000 3 3 Paid for office copy receipt Drawing notice of cash paid into Gouit, per folio . . 1 1 Making 4 copies to serve, per folio 4 4 Attending Mr. C. D. on his signing notices ... 6 8 6 8 The like attendance on Mr. E. F. ia London ... 6 8 6 8 Service of notice on Mr. one of the next of kin . . 6 8 6 8 The like on Mr. . . 6 8 6 8 UNDEK THE TRUSTEE BELIEF ACT. ,, 101 Xiowei Scale. Higher Scale. The like on Miss and Miss 6 8 6' 8 Instructions for petition of payment of the fund to the parties entitled 6 8 13 4 See note 1, ante, p. 1. Drawing petition, per /olio . 10 10 Making copy thereof, p^ folio 4 4 Drawing pedigree of the fanuly of the testator equal to folios and copy, per folio . . 8 14 Here charge all necessary journeys, attendances, &c., in procuring the certificates requisite to prove the pedigree. Fee to Mr, to settle draft peti- tion (if necessary) . Attending him . . Engrossing petition, per folio . Making copy for the Court, per folio Instructions for affidavit of and in support . ' - 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 4 4 4 4 See note 1, ante, p. 1. Drawing affidavit, per folio Engrosing same, per folio Attending deponents to be sworn Paid 2 oaths in the country, each Preparing 6 exhibits, each Paid making same, each Paid filin g affidavit Term fee, &c. . Agency letters (if an agency cause) See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 1 1 4 4 6 8 6 8 2 6 2 6 1 1 1 1 2 6 2 6 15 15 6 8 TEEM, 18—. Attending to present petition and afterwards for same answered 6 8 6 8 Paid answering . . 5 10 103 petitionee's costs Lower Scale. Higher Scala Making copy petition to serve, per folio . . . 4 4 Attend Mr. , of Lombard Street, therewith, who informed ns that he was instracted to appear for all parties interested . . 6 8 6 8 Notice of affidavit ffled . 2 6 2 6 Making brief copy petition for covja.- sqI, per sheet of W folios . 3 4 3 4 The like of affidavits npon money paid into Court and in support, per sheet . . . 3 4 3 4 Drawing necessary and proper ob- servations, jser sAee^ . . 6 8 Making copy thereof for counsel, per sheet ... 034 Paid fee to Mr. with brief and clerk Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 See note 4, p. 2. Attending Accountant General for certificate of fund in Court . 6 8 6 8 [Date] Attending Court petition in the paper . . . 6 8 10 [i)afe] Attending Court when peti- tion heard and order made direct- ing iuquiries and accounts at Chambers . . . 13 4 1 ] Or, according to circumstances, not to exceed per diem . . 2 2 Attenning the Eegistrar with brief and papers to bespeak minutes 6 8 6 8 Preparing list of evidence read (but only when required by the Ee- gistrar and certified by him) 6 8 6 8 Or according to length, per /oZio 10 UNDEH THE TRtTSTEE RELIEF ACTS. 103 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Notices of settling minutes . 2 6 2 6 Close copy minutes, 'per side . 6 6 Attending settling minutes . 6 8 13 4 Or, at the Taxing Master's discretion, not to exceed . . 1 1 3 3 Paid for order . . 10 1 Notice of passing same . 2 6 2 6 Attending to pass order . 6 8 13 4 See note 14^ p. 7. Drawing request to Accountant General to. lay out cash . 2 6 2 6 Attending him bespeaking invest- ment ... 6 8 6 8 Term fee, &c. . . .0 15 15 Agency letters 6 8 See notes^e and 17, p. 8. The costs of proceedings in the Judge's Chambers, taxation and payment of costs, &c., may ] readily be made out from the Plaintiff's Costs of Suit by BiU, p. M,et seq 104 COSTS OF WKIT OF DISTKINGAS. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Instructions for affidavit . 6 8 6 8 See note 1, page 1. For farther charges as to affidavit, see ante, p. 5. Drawing precipe for writ of dis- trangas, attending to bespeak and for same Paid for writ and copy to serve Drawing notice to bank and copy Attending solicitors of Bank of England to pay their fees on lodgiag same Paid .... Attending at the Chief Accountant's lodgiag writ, and with his clerk at the stock department getting same marked in the book . 6 8 6 8 Term fee and letters . . 15 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 6 8 6 8 5 5 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 13 4 13 4 105 COSTS OF WEITS OF ELEGIT, FI FA, VEND. EX., ASSISTANCE, AND SEQUESTKATIOK Lower Scale. Higher Scale. 13 4 13 4 6 8 6 8 10 10 Preparing writ and attending to seal same If without order . Paid sealing . Attending to procure warrant and instruct officer . . 6 8 6 Paid for warrant Paid officer's chaiges, T 3 106 COSTS OF WRITS OF FI. FA. DE BONIS EC, AND SEQUES. FA. 4 Instructions for writ Preparing writ . Paid sealing Attending to lodge writ at the Bishop's Eegistry and to instruct officer . . . 6 8 6 8 Paid fees Lower Scale. Higher Scale. 6 8 6 8 13 4 13 4 1 1 107 COSTS OF LETTEES MISSIVE. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Drawing petition for letter missive, perfoUo . . . 10 10 Engrossing same, j36r/o?io . 4 4 Attending to present same and for letter missive . . 6 8 13 4 Paid for letter . . 5 10 MaJdng copy petition for service, per folio . . . 4 4 Attending serving Lord with copy bill, copy petition, and letter missive See note 7, p. 3. 108 COSTS OF WRIT OF NE EXEAT. 6 8 6 8 4 4 6 8 6 8 Lover Scale. Higher Scale. Hving ascertained that Defendant C. D. was about to quit the king- dom, instructions for affidavit in support of motion for writ of ne exeat . . . 6 8 6 8 See note 1, p. 1. For furtlier charges as to affidavits, see p. 5. Attending for certificate of bill filed Paid for same . Instructions to counsel to move See 40 C. O. Rule 32. Making brief copy affidavit for, counsel, iper sheet . . 3 4 3 4 Fee to him Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 [Bate] Attending Court motion not made . . . 6 8 13 4 [Date] Attending Court when motion heard and order made . 13 4 110 Or, acoording to circvimstances, not to exceed .... 220 Attending Kegistrar with brief and papers to draw up order Paid for order . Attending passing See note 14, p. 7. Preparing ■writ of ne exeat and pre- cipe and attending to get same sealed . . 13 4 13 4 Paid sealing same . . 10 10 6 8 6 8 10 10 6 8 13 4 COSTS OP WBH OP NB EXEAT. 109 Iioner Scale. Higher Scale. Attending instructing officer . 6 8 6 8 Paid for warrant Paid officer's charges Having received notice of sureties proposed by Defendant, notice thereof to sheriff . . > 6 8 6 8 [Z>afe] Attending Defendant's sum- mons when sureties approved . See note 15, p. 8. Attending at sheriff's office* when bend entered into by defendant and sureties . . . 6 8 6 8 110 PLAINTIFF'S COSTS OF TKIAL BY JUEY BEFORE THE COURT, FOR ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES, OR TRIAL OP QUESTIONS OF FACT. If money paid into Court by defendant, charge : — [Date] Attending summons when Defendant obtained leave to pay £ into Court Attending passing order Drawing record for ixial, per folio Fee to Mr. and clerk, to settle same (if necessary) . Attending liim Engrossing record, per folio Attending at Eecord Office, filing record, and for certificate to set down same for trial . Paid for certificate Notice to Defendant's solicitor that record filed . . . 2 6 2 6 Attending setting down record for trial. . . . 6 8 6 8 Attending Defendant's solicitor ar- ranging day for trial . 6 8 6 8 Fee to Mr. to apply to the Judge to appoint a day for trial Attending him. . . 6 8 0, 6 8 Kotice to Defendant's solicitor that counsel would apply on next. . . . 2 6 2 6 6 6 1 8 8 6 13 1 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 4 8 6 4 8 plaintiff's costs of trial by jury. Ill Lower Scale. Higher Scale. [Date] Attending Court when day- fixed. . . . 13 4 13 4 Notice thereof to defendant's solici- tor . . . .026026 If PlaintiflF wishes to have a special jury, and no direc- tions given, charge : — Drawing and Engrossing petition for special jury . . . 4 4 Attending to present same and after- wards for order . ' . 6 8 13 4 Paid for order . . . 10 5 Copy and service of order on under- sheriff . . . 5 5 Attending ohtaining appointment to nominate ... 3 4 3 4 Paid fees ... 2 2 2 2 Copy and service of order and ap- pointment to nominate on Defen- dant's solicitor . • . 5 5 Attending appointment to nominate 13 4 13 4 Fair copy special jury list - 5 5 Copy for Plaintiff . . 5 5 Attending for appointment to reduce 3 4 3 4 Copy and service on Defendant's so- licitor ... 5 5 Instructions to reduce . 13 4 Attending reducing special jury 3 4 6 8 Copy reduced list for sheriff . 2 6 2 6 The lilre for use . . 2 6 2 6 Attending for common jury panel 3 4 6 8 Paid .... 1 1 Paid sheriff's fees on summoning jury . . . . 4 14 4 14 Attending at Eecord Of&ce with or- der and jury panel for the pur- pose of their being annexed to record ... 6 8 6 8 112 plaintiff's costs of tbial bt jdbt. Lower Scale. Drawing and fair copy notice to in- Hig lier Seale spect and admit documents, 'per folio. . . ' . 1 1 Attending Defendant's solicitor on his inspecting documents, _per hour 6 8 6 8 Attending inspecting documents in Defendant's possession . 6 8 6 8 Attendiag on Defendant's solicitor arranging for mutual admissions 6 8 6 8 Drawing and fair copy schedule of documents proposed to he admit- mitted as evidence, ^er/oKo 1 1 Attending defendant's solicitor when admissions signed . . 6 8 6 8 Drawing and engrossing affidavit verifying signature to admissions, per folio ... 1 1 Preparing exhibit . . 1 1 Paid oath and exhibit . . 2 6 2 6 Paid filing ... 2 6 2 6 Paid for office copy, per folio . 4 4 If a view by jury necessary, charge : — Preparing summons for view hy jury and attending to get same sealed 6 8 6 8 If special not to exceed 1 1 Paid sealing ... 1 3 Copy to leave at chambers . 2 1 Copy for service . . 2 2 Service thereof on defendant's soli- citors ... 2 6 2 6 Instructions for affidavit in support and of fitness of proposed shewer 6 8 6 8 Drawing same, ^er/oHo . 1 1 Tingrossmg, per folio . . 4 4 Attending Deponent to be sworn 6 8 6 8 Paid oath and filing . . 4 4 Notice of filing . . 2 6 2 6 Paid for office copy, ^er/oto . 4 4 plaintiff's costs of trial bt jubt. 113 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. [^Bate] Attending summons when order made, and Mr. — — ap- pointed shewer . 13 4 13 4 See note 15, p. 8. Paid for order . 10 10 Notice to pass . . 2 6 2 6 Attending passing . 6 8 13 4 Copy and service of order on under- sheriff . . . 5 5 Attending imder-sheriff, instructing him as to view . . 6 8 6 8 Paid his fees . See Rules 36 and 37, C. O. 41. Here charge any necessaiy attendances and expenses in arranging view by jury. Attending at the Eecord Office giv- ing directions for transmission of Eecord to Eegistrar who would attend court . . . 6 8 6 8 Making copy record and jury panel for the Judge, j9er/ofe . 4 4 Attending Judge's Secretary with same . . . 6 8 6 8 The further charges for subpaenas to witnesses, prepar- ing proofs, briefs, and fees to counsel, and attending Court, &c., &c, can be readily made out from those at pp. 18, 22, 23, and 24, but add .^£12 128. for fees paid to special jury. Term fee, &c . . . 15 15 If agency, for letters , 6 8 See notes 16 and 17, p. S. 114 COSTS UNDER THE LEGACY DUTY ACT, 36 Geo. 3. c. 52, s. 32, WHEEE CASH OR STOCK DOES NOT EXCEED £300. In Chanceet. In the Matter of [insert heading of Accountaiiir, General's certificate of fund in Court] And of the Act of Parliament 36 George the Third, chapter 52. Lower Scale. [Date] Instructions for summons to obtain transfer (or sale and pay- ment) of legacy out of court 13 4 Attending at the Accountant Gene- ral's office bespeaking voluntary certificate . . . 6 8 Attending certifying proceedings imder lower scale . . 5 Preparing summons and duplicate 13 4 Making copy to leave at chambers and duplicate, each . . 2 Attending at chambers and getting summons and duplicate examined and sealed . Paid sealing summons . Paid sealing duplicate . 6 8 5 1 COSTS UNDER THE LEGACY DUTY ACT. 115 Lower Scale. Attending at the Eecord Office to file duplicate . . 6 8 Attending at the parish church of searching for and obtain- ing certificate of baptism of lega- tee . . . . 6 8 Paid search and for certificate — as paid. Instructions for affidavit of identity Drawing same, per folio Engrossing Marking exhibit Attending deponent to be sworn Paid commissioner Paid filing Office copy, jjer/oKo . IBate] Attending summons when order made . Paid for order . . . Attending passing Attending Eegistrar bespeaking di- rections for sale (or transfer) of stock . . . 6 8 Attending Accotmtant-General with directions for sale (or transfer) of stock . . . 6 8 Attending at the Accountant-Gene- ral's with Legatee identifying him on his receiYuig cheque . 6 8 Term fee, &c. . . . 15 See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 6 8 1 4 1 6 8 2 6 2 6 4 13 4 10 6 8 116 COSTS OF OBTAINING JUDICIAL OPINION, ADVICE OR DIRECTION. In Chancekt. In the matter of the Act of Parliament 22nd and 23rd Vict., cap. 35, and In the matter of the Trusts of the WUl of late of -' - ' ■"" ■' deceased. Lover Scale. Eighei Scale. [Date] Instructions for statement for the advice and opinion of the Judge . . . 6 8 13 4 Drawing same, folio . . 10 10 Fee to Mr. and clerk to settle and sign same Attending him . . 6 8 6 8 Fair copy on foolscap for Judge's perusal, ^er /oKo . . 4 4 Drawing certificate to proceed under lower scale of court fees Instructions for summons Preparing summons and duplicate Making copy to leave at chambers and duplicate, each . 2 2 Attending at Chambers to get sum- mons and duplicate examined and sealed and lodge statement Paid sealing summons Paid sealing duplicate 5 13 4 13 4 13 4 1 1 6 8 6 8 5 5 10 5 COSTS OF OBTAIUniQ J0DICIAL OPINION. 117 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. Making copy summons to serve 2 2 Attending at tlie Eecord Office to file duplicate and examine copy and get same stamped . 6 8 6 8 Paid stamping same . . 10 5 Service thereof on (the party to be aifected) . . 2 6 2 6 Drawing and engrossing affidavit of service . . . 10 10 Paid oath and filing . . 4 4 [Date\ Attending summons before the Judge when his advice and opinion obtaiaed . 13 4 13 4 Attending Executor informing him result of application . 6 8 6 8 Close copy miuutes of orders, per Notice to settle, each . Attending settling Paid for order Notice to pass, each Attending filing statement at Eeport Office and passing order . Term fee, &c. If agency, for letters See notes 16 and 17, p. 8. 6 6 2 6 2 6 6 8 13 4 10 1 2 6 2 6 6 8 13 4 15 15 6 8 118 COSTS OP PEOCEEDINGS UNDER THE CHAEITABLE TEUSTS ACT, 1853, AJ^D THE CHAEITAELE TEUSTS AMEND- MENT ACT, 1855. Application to the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales as to the appointment, under the authority of the Court, of Trustees, or the Settlement of a Scheme, or for both purposes. In the matter of the Charity. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. [Bate] Attending the acting trustees (or other applicants), taking their instructions for statement to be submitted to the Charity Com- missioners as to the circumstances of this charity, the amount of the income, &c., for their authority to institute proceedings . . 6 8 6 8 Drawing statement and copy, per folio . . . .008014 Writing to the Charity Commis- sioners therewith . . 3 6 3 6 Haraig received a reply from the Charity Commissioners enclosing a form of general inquiry, filling up same, per folio . . 8 14 Attending the applicants, reading COSTS OP PEOCEEDINBS UNDER THE CHABITABLB TRUSTS ACT. 119 Lower Scale. Higher Scale. over same, and obtaining their signature there . . 6 8 6 8 Chaise here for copy deed or will, or extract therefrom, that may be necessary and proper to supply to Charity Commissioners, per folio . . , .004004 Writing to Charity Commissioners therewith . . ^ 3 6 3 6 Having received from the Secretary of the Charity Commissioners a letter suggesting that an applica- tion should be made to the Court, under the authority of the Board, for the appointment of legal trus- tees of the charity, and the settle- ment of a scheme for the manage- ment thereof and enclosing form of application, filling up same, fer folio . . . 8 14 Attending the applicants therewith, and obtained their signature thereto . . . 6 8 6 8 Writing Charity Commissioners therewith . . . 3 6 3 6 Having received forms from the Charity Commissioners to assist applicants in preparing scheme attending applicants therewith, and afterwards on their handing in draft scheme proposed by them 6 8 6 8 Writing Charity Commissioners therewith . , . 3 6 3 6 Having received the order of the Board directing public notice to be given of the intended applica- tion, with forms of notice and of declaration of notice having been 120 COSTS OF PROOBBDINGS 0NDBR THE CHARITABLE TRUSTS ACT. Lower Scale. Eiglier Scale. published, together witli fair copy of scheme, as proposed by the ap- plicants, to be deposited for pub- lic inspection, attending the ap- plicants for their signature to notice . . . 6 8 6 8 Attending affixing notice to and afterwards removing same 6 8 6 8 Filing up and signing declaration of notice having been published dur- ing the period required by the order, and writing the Commis- sioners therewith . . 6 8 6 8 Having received order from Charity Commissioners authoriziog appli- cation to the Court, writing to acknowledge the receipt thereof 3 6 3 6 If the application be to the County Court charge : — Attending Kegistrar obtaining ap- pointment for hearing application 6 8 6 8 Here should follow the proper charges for attending County Court, fees paid, &e. Letters, &e., . . .050050 If the above application be made to the CouET OF Chanceey, the charges subsequent to acknow- ledgment of order wiU be as fol- lows : — Making copy order for the Judge, f&r folio . . . 4 4 Attending certifying proceedingsjun- der the lower scale . .050 Instructions for summons , 13 4 13 4 Preparing summons . . 13 4 110 Making copy thereof for Chambers, and duplicate, each . . 2 2 CHAKITABLE TRUSTS ACTS. 121 Attending at diambers to get sum- mons and duplicate examined and sealed Paid for stamp on summons The like on duplicate . Copy summons to serve Attending record and writ clerk to file duplicate and examine copy, and to get same stamped Paid stamping copy to serve Service thereof on Solicitor of Attor- ney-General . N.B. — Where the application is for the appointment of trustees only, and does not include the settlement of a scheme, the Attorney-General's Solicitor is not served. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. 6 5 1 2 8 6 8 5 5 2 6 1 8 6 8 5 2 6 2 6 Instructions for afi&davit of support of application See note 1, ante, p. 1. Drawing afi&davit, per folio Engrossing same, per folio Attending Mr. to be sworn m 6 8 6 8 1 6 2 1 1 2 2 4 8 6 6 6 4 Paid oath (in the country) Preparing exhibit Paid marking same Paid filing afi&davit Notice thereof to Attorney-Gene- ral's Solicitor . . Paid for ofiEjce copy afi&davit, per folio [Date} Attending summons when order made . See note 15, ante, p. 8. Paid for order . Notice of passing same . Attending passing Making copy order for the Taxing Master, per folio Attending to have Master in rotation marked . . .068 1 6 2 1 1 2 2 4 8 6 6 6 4 10 1 2 6 2 6 6 8 13 4 4 4 6 8 122 CHAHITABLE TEUSTS ACTS. Drawing bill of costs and copy, "per folio . Paid for warrant on leaving costs Service thereof . Paid for warrant to tax . Service thereof . Attending taxing Paid for copy costs of Attorney-Ge- neral, per folio Attending taxing same Engrossing certificate of costs, per folio .... Paid for stamp . Paid-per centage on costs taxed, viz., 10s. on every ,i&20 or fractional part of^20 Attending filing certificate of costs and for office copy . Paid for copy, per folio . Term fee, &c. . Agency letters (if agency matter) See note 16 and 17, p. 8. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. 8 8 1 3 2 6 2 6 1 3 2 6 2 6 6 8 6 8 4 4 6 8 6 8 4 4 1 1 6 8 6 8 4 4 15 15 6 8 123. Cost of a Sale under the order of the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales. In the matter of the Charity. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. [Dafe] Attending the trustees of this charity, taking their instructions to apply to the Charity Commis- sioners for their authority to effect a sale of a portion of the property belonging to the charity . 6 8 6 8 Filling up form of application to the Charity Commissioners accord- ingly, and fair copy, ^tr folio 8 14 Attending the trustees, obtaining their signatures thereto . 6 8 6 8 Writing to Charity Commissioners therewith . . . 3 6 3 6 Having received a letter from the Secretary requiring a report from Mr. , a surveyor, as to the value of the property proposed to be sold and the anticipated advantage to the Charity, attend- ing Mr. , instructing him to survey and value the property, and make his report to the Com- missioners . . . 6 8 6 8 Having received the order of the Board directing public notice to be given of the intended sale, with forms of notice and of de- claration of notice having been G 2 124 CHABITABIiE TBUST8 ACTS. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. published, attending applicants therewith, obtaining their signa- ture thereto . . . 6 8 6 8 Attending affixing notice to Church door, or other place named in the order, and afterwards removing same . . .068068 Filling up and signing declaration of notice, having been published « during the period required by the order, and writing the Commis- sioners therewith . .068 068 For charges for advertising the sale, instracting auc- tioneer, drawing abstract of title, attending sale, perusing draft conveyance, &c., see anie, p. 27, et seq., omitting the charges for attendances in Judge's Chambers, on convey- ancing counsel, &c. Writing to Charity Commissioners, informing them of the result of sale . . . .036036 Attending bankers, paying in pur- chase money and instructing them to pay the same according to the order ofthe Charity Commissioners 6 8 6 8 Writing to Charity Commissioners informiug them that the purchase money had been paid to the ac- count of the official trustees 3 6 3 6 Letters, &c. . . . 5 .5 125 Appucation to the Charity Commissioners for the Statu- tory Advice of the Board under the 16th section of the Charitable Trusts Act, 1853. In the Matter of the Charity. Lower Scale. Higher Scale. [Bate] Attending the trustees (or other applicants), taking their instructions for statement to be submitted to the Charity Com- missioners for their advice and direction under the 16th section of the Charitable Trusts Act, 1853 6 8 6 8 Drawing statement, per /oZio . 8 14 Writing letter to the Secretary of the Commissioners therewith . 3 6 3 6 Having received from the of&ce of the Commissioners forms required to be filled up on the part of the triistees, filling up sa,me, per folio 8 14 Attending trustees, obtaining their signature thereto . . 6 8 6 8 Charge here for copies of or extracts from any deed, ■wiU, &c., that may be necessary and proper to supply to Com- missioners, ^cr/oZio . . 4 4 Writing to the Secretary of the Commissioners therewith, and with forms filled up . . 3 6 3 6 Having received the opinion of the Board xinder seal, writing acknow- ledging same . . 3 6 3 6 Letters, &c. . . . 5 5 126 COSTS UNDER THE COMPANIES ACTS, 1862 AND 1867* PETITIONER'S COSTS. In the matter of the Companies' Acts 1862 and 1867. and of The Company (Limited). The bill of costs of the Petitioner A B. to the appoint- ment of Ofi&cial liquidator to be taxed under order dated day of 18—. TEEM, 18—. Higber Scale. [Date] Instructions for petition for -winding-up the above company . . . 13 4 See note 1, ante, p. 1. Drawing petition, per folio . . .010 Pee to Mr. — • — and clerk to settle same Attending him . . . .068 Attending to appoint conference with counsel 6 8 Paid him conference fee and clerk . ' . 16 Attending conference . . . 13 4 * Solicitors are aUowed costs on the higher scale in aU proceedings under the Companies Acts except as provided bj the Order 11th Novemher, 1862, for which see Index. petitionee's costs 127 Engrossing petition, -per folio . Copy for the Court, ^er/oto . Attending presenting petition and afterwards for same answered .... Paid stamp on petition Copy petition for service, ^«r/oZio Service thereof .... Or, charge agents' charges as paid. Preparing retainer to Mr. .'Q-C, and attend- ing Mm . . . Fee to him and clerk therewith Instructions for affidavit of Petitioner verifying petition ..... Diawmg saTne, per folio Preparing exhibit .... Attending petitioner to be sworn Paid oath and exhibit Paid filing ..... Paid for office copy, per folio . Notice thereof copy and service Drawing advertisement of petition being pre- sented, per folio .... Making copy for the Gazette . Attending signing same Attending inserting same Paid insertion and for copy Gazette . Making 2 copies for insertion in daily (or local) papers ..... Attending inserting same Paid for insertion in paper and copy . The like in paper and for copy . Drawing and engrossing affidavit of service of Petition, per folio .... Paid oath and filing .... Paid for office copy, j9«r^Zio . Dravsdng notice for the company to produce books and documents, and fair copy , .050 mgher Scale. 4 4 6 8 1 4 2 6 6 8 1 3 6 6 8 1 1 6 8 2 6 2 6 4 2 6 1 2 6 8 6 8 4 6 8 1 4 4 128 UNDER THE COMPANIES ACTS. Higher Scale. Attending serving secretary of company therewitli 2 6 If the company have no existing offices where petition can be served, charge : — [Date] Attending at Joint Stock Companies Eegistrar tion Office, searching for registered articles and found that no fresh offices had been registered Paid search ..... Instructions for affidavit in support of application to the Court for directions as to service of petition . Drawing same, per folio Engrossing, jjer/oHo Attending to be sworn Paid oath . Paid filing Paid for office copy, ^er/oKo Brief to Mr. to move for special order for service ofpetition . . . . . 10 Fee to hioa and clerk with same Attending him . . . . .068 [Date] Attending Court, when petition directed to be served on C. D. and E. F., two of the directors . 110 Add charges for services of petition and affidavit as before. Making 2 brief copies petition for counsel, ^^eJ" sheet of 10 /olios . . . .034 The like of affidavit in support, per sheet of 10 folios . . . . .034 Drawing necessary and proper observations, per sheet of 10 folios . . . .068 Making 2 copies thereof for counsel, per sheet of 13 4 1 6 8 1 4 6 8 1 6 2 6 4 10 folios ..... Fee to Mr. , Q.C., and clerk with brief . Attending him .... 3 6 4 8 See note 4, p. 2. Fee to Mr. and clerk with brief. Attending him .... See note 4, p. 2. 6 8 Paid consultation fee to Mr. , Q.C., and clerk 2 AttendiQg him .... Paid consultation fee to Mr. and clerk . 1 9 6 3 6 8 6 PETITIONEES COSTS. 129 Higher Scale. Attending him , . . .068 [Date] Attending consultation . . 13 4 [i)a WRIT OF ELEGIT, 105. WRIT OF FI. FA., 105. WRIT OF FI. FA. DE BONIS EC, 106, xli. attending to lodge at Bishop's Registry, &c., 106, xlL "WRIT OF FI. FA. ,DE BONIS ^C.—ecmtinued. instnictioiis for, 106, xU. preparing, 106, xU. "WRIT OF INJUNCTION, 7, xli. "WRIT OF NE EXEAT, 108. attending court on motion for, 108, xxxv. WRIT OF SEQUES. FA., 106, xli. attending to lodge writ at Bishop's Registry, etc., 106, xli. instructions for, 106, xli. "WRIT OF SEQUESTRATION, 105. "WRIT OF SUBPOENA, xli. for co4s, form of, ord. 7tli Jany., 1870, rule 4, Ixiv. WRIT OP VEND. EX, 105. WRIT OF SUBPCENA DUCES TECUM, xH. WRITTEN BILL, costs of not filing printed biU. in lieu of, ord. ix., iv. liAW BOOKS, NEW AND SECOND HAND. A large and varied Stock of tlie above, including aU the Reports from the earliest period, always on Sale at WILDY AND SONS, lata §ffoKsfUas anJt fuWisI'm,. LINCOLN'S INN ARCHWAY. Law Books Bcywght or Exchanged, in amy quantity. Valuations for Probate and Legacy Duty promptly made. Bookbinding in every style executed. NEW TEXT BOOKS AND TREATISES. In the following mil he found the latest editions of all the most important Text Books, &c., pMishei dwrin.g the last few years. A liberal Discount allowed for Cash. CHANCERY. AYCKBOURN'S Chancery Practice, as altered by recent Statutes, and by the Consolidated and other General Or- ders of the Court, 9th Edition, carefully revised and brought down to the present time by the Author, 8vo, 1870 - ----- 21 AYCKBOURN'S Forms of Practical Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery, with all the existing oSjers of Court, Rules and Regulations. 1870, 8vo, cloth, - - 12 BARRY'S Treatise on the Statutory Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, with an Appendix of Precedents, 1861, 8vo, cloth, published at 12s - - - - 5 ADVEETISEMBNTS. Cxix S. d. BENNETT on the Appointment, Office, and Duties of a Receiver under the High Court of Chancery, 8vo, 1849 10 BRA.ITHWAITE'S Manual of Times of Procedure in Chan- cery, 8vo, 1864 - - - - 3 BRAITHWAITE'S Oaths in Chancery, 12mo, 1865, 2nd ed. 3 6 CALVERT on Parties to Suits in Equity, 8vo, 1847 - 9 DANIELL'S Practice of the High Court of Chancery, 4th ed., by Field and Dunn, with the assistance of John Biddle, 2 vols DANIELL'S Forms and Precedents of Proceedings in the EUgh Court of Chans^y, with Practical Notes and Ob- servations, by John Biddle, of the Master of the RolLs' Chambers, 8vo, 1868 - - - 32 HAYNE'S Outlines of EcLuity, being a Series of Elementary Lectures on Equity Jurisdiction, 2nd ed., cr. 8vo, 1865 - 12 HUNTER'S Elementary View of the Proceedings in a Suit of Equity, with an Appendix of Forms, 3rd ed. by G. W. Lawrence, post 8vo, 1867 10 KERR on Injunctions in Equity, roy. 8vo, 1867 - - 30 KERR on Equity Drafting, with an Appendix of Forms, 8vo, 1865- - - - 12 KERR on the Law of Frauds and Mistakes as Administered in Courts of Equity, 8vo, 1868 - - 16 KERR on the Law and Practice aa to Recievers appointed by the Court of Chancery, 8vo, 1869 - 9 LEWIS on Equity Drafting, with an Appendix of Forms, 8vo, 1865- - - - 12 MORGAN'S Consolidated Orders and Regulations of the Court of Chancery, with Copious Explanatory Notes and References to Three Thousand Cases, 1860, 12mo, cloth- 5 MORGAN and Chute's Chancery Acts and Orders, 4th ed., considerably enlarged, 8vo, 1867- - 30 MORGAN and Davey's Treatise on Costs in Chancery, 8vo, 1865 - - - - 21 PEMBERTON on Abatement and Revivor of a Suit in Chan- cery, with Forms and Orders, royal 8vo, 1867 - - 10 6 SETON'S Forms of Decrees in Equity, with Practical Notes, 3rd ed., by Harrison and Leach, 2 vols, royal 8vo, 1862 _3 ' . - - 58 SMITH'S Principles of Equity, 8vo, 1856 25 SMITH'S Practice of the Court of Chancery, with Forms, BiUs of Costs, &c., 7th ed., revised and enlarged by the ' Author and Alfred Smith, Esq., 2 vols, 1862, 8vo 63 SMITH'S Manual of Equity Jurisprudence, 9th ed., 12mo, 1868 - • .„ - ^2 SNELL'S Principles of Equity, intended for the use of Stu- dents and the Profession, 8vo, 1868 - 18 WHITE'S Proceedings in Equity i,by Way of Supplement and Revivor, 8vo, 1843 - - 3 CXX ADVERTISEMENTS. CHARITABLE TRUSTS- s. d. COOKE and Harwood, Charitable Trusts Act, 2nd ed., with Notes of Cases and Precedents, 8vo, 1867 - 16 TUDOR'S Law of Charitable Trusts, 2nd ed., 1862 18 COMPANIES, LIMITED LIABILITY, AND WINDING-UP. BIGG'S Clauses Consolidation Acts, 1845-66, 12nio 12 BIGG'S Collection of Pets to Railways, 1830-66, 12th ed., ]2mo . - - - 10 BIGG'S Supplement down to 1868 - - 2 BROWN (G. Lathom) on Limited Liability and "Winding- up CompanieB, with a supplement containing the Com- panies Act, 1867, with Notes, and a Digest of additional cases, 8vo, 1867 - 21 BROWNE'S Companies Act, 8vo - . 2 6 DIGBT on Sale and Transfer of Shares in Companies, 12mo, 1868 5 DIXON'S Treatise on the Law of Partnership, 8vo, 1866 22 FREND and Ware's Precedents of Instruments relating to the Transfer of Land to Railway Companies, 2nd ed., with a Treatise upon the Clause. 8 Consoudation Acts, by D, Sturges and T. L. Murray Browne, 1866, 8vo - 20 GODEFROI and Shortt's Law of Railway Companies, com- prising all the Companies Clauses, Land Clauses, and Railway Clauses Consolidation Acts, &c., with Cases, down to the end of 1868, 1 vol, 8vo, 1869 - 32 HODGES' Law of Railways, Railway Companies and Rail- way Investments, 5th ed., by C. M. Smith, Esq., royal 8vo, 1869- ... 38 INGRAM on Compensation^ to Land and House Owners, being a Treatise on the Law of Compensation, 2nd ed., post 8vo, by J. J. Elmes, 1869 - 12 LINDLEY'S Treatise on the Law of Partnership, 2nd ed., 2 vols, royal 8vo, 1867, - • - - 63 LLOYD on Compensation under the Land Clauses, Railway Clauses Consolidation, and Metropolitan Acts ; with Forms and Precedents, 8vo, 1870 - - 16 SHELFORD'S Law of Joint Stock Companies, 2nd ed., by Pitcaim and Latham, 8vo, 1870 - 21 SHELFORD'S Law of Railways, containing the whole of the Statute Law for the Regulation of &ilways in Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland. With Copious Notes of decided Cases. Fourth Edition, by W. C. Glen, 2 vols, royal 8vo, 1869 ... . 63 STORY'S Law of Partnership, 6th ed., royal 8vo, 1868 31 6 TAYLOR'S Manual of the Winding up of Companies by ADVERTISEMENTS. the Court of Chancery, under the Acts and Rules of 1862, 8vo, 1865 - - - . . . 13 THRING'S Law and Practice of Joint Stock Companies, including the Statutes of 1860 and 1862, the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1862, and the Rules of the Court of Chancery, 2nd ed., with Supplement, 12mo, 1867 - - - . 18 The Supplement, 1867, may be had separatelv, price 2s. WORDSWORTH'S Joint Stock Company's Law, with aU the Staatutes, including the Consolidation Act, 1862, and instructions how to fojm a Company, 10th ed., 8vo, 1865 25 COUNTY COURTS INCLUDING EQUITABLE JURISDICTION. BATTEN and Ludlow's Treatises on the Jurisdiction, Plead- ing, and Practice of the County Courts in Equity, 8vo, 1866 - - - - . DAVIS'S County Court Practice and Evidence, 3rd ed., roy. 12mo, 1864 ------ DAVIS'S County Courts Equitable Jurisdiction, royal 12mo, 1865- DA VIS'S County Courts Act, 1867, with Rules, Orders, and Forms, royal 12mo, 1868 GIBBON and Harvey's Treatises on the Equitable Jurisdic- tion Conferred upon the County Courts, 12mo, 1865 LEONARD'S Precedents of Pleadings in Equity iu the County Courts, 8vo, 1869 ■ POLLOCK and Nicol's County Court Practice, 6th ed., 8vo, 1868- ■ - - - POLLOCK'S Equitable Jiuisdiction in the Oounl^y Courts, 1865, 8vo - POLLOCK'S County Cotui; Jurisdiction before and after 1st January, 1868, 8vo, 1867 - SHOBTT and Jones's County Courts, Rules, and Orders, 8vo, 1868- - SLADEN'S Coruity Courts Equitable Jurisdiction Act, 28 and 29 Vict., cap. 99, with all the Orders, Rules, Forms, Costs, Fees, &c., relating thereto, and copious Notes and References, 1865, 12mo 5 COSTS. LE RIOHE'S Book of Costs in the Common Law and Di- vorce Courts, royal 12mo, 1860 - 5 MORGAN and Davey's Treatise on Costs in Chancery, 8vo, 8vo, 1865 - - - - 21 SCOTT'S Costs, Common Law, Probate and Divorce, also in Parliament, the Crown Offices, and the Queen's Remem- brancer's Office, and in Bankruptcy, Insolvency, Con- veyancing, Criminal Prosecutions, &o., 3rd ed., royal 12mo, 1868 - 24 16 28 5 12 10 6 16 32 5 2 31 6 CXXU ADVERTISEMBNTB. SHAEN and Greville's Book of Chanc&ry Costs on the Higher and Lower Scale, 2nd ed., by J. J. Bunning, 8vo. 1870- r 10 6 WEBSTER'S Parliamentary Costs, 3rd ed., 1867, post 8vo 20 INDUSTRIAL AND PROVIDENT SOCIETIES. BARRY'S Law and Practice of Benefit Building and Free- hold Land Societies, 12mo, 1866 - - - 6 BRABROOK'S Law of Industrial and Provident Societies, including the Winding-up Clauses, 12mo, 1869 - 6 DAVIS'S Law of Building and Freehold Land Societies, thick 12mo, 1870 - - - 18 DAVIS'S Manual of Industrial and Provident Societies, 12mo, 1869 ---..- 80 PRATT'S Law of Friendly Societies, and also the Acts re- lating to Industrial and Provident Societies, 6th ed., 1862, 12mo -----. 50 PRATT'S Law relating to Benefit Building Societies, 2nd ed., 1865, 12mo n , - 3 6 TRUSTEES. LEWIN'S Law of Trusts and Trustees, 5th ed.,rdy.8vo, 1867, 36 URLIN'S Office of trustee, 3rd ed., 12mo, 1868 - 12 VAIZEY'S Lord St. Leonard's Acts to Further Amend the Law of Property and to Relieve Trustees (22 & 23 Vic. c. 35 and 23 & 24 Vic. c. 38), with Notes, 12mo, cloth 5 6 LONDON : ' AMb S. BBAWM, t>KtHTEB3, 13, PEISOEa STREET, LITTLE QOEEK STREEt. "WILDY & SONS, LINCOLN'S INN ARCHWAY. -^ Butler's Memoir of Henry Francis D'Aguesseau, and a Literary Account of the Boman and Cannon Law. 8to, cloth, 1830, Is. Butler's Life of Hugo Grotius. 8vo, clotli, 1826, Is. Abdy's Sketch of Civil Procedure among the Romans, 1857. 12mo, 4b 6a, cloth, Flintoff on the Eise and Progress of the Laws of England and Wales. 1840, 8vo, la 6d. ' Chitty's Treatise on the Law of Nations relative to the Legal Effect of Wai- on the Commerce of Belligerents and Neutrals. 8vo, Is 6d, 1812. WillcOOk'S Laws relating to the Medical Profession, with an account of the Bise and. Progress of its various Orders. 8to, cloth, 1830, 6s 6d, Dr. Deane's Ecclesiastical Epports. Eeports of Cases decided in the EocleBJastical Courts of Doctors' Commons, Michaelmas Term, 1855, to Trinity Term, 1856. By James Parker Deane, D.C.L., Q.C. Calf, 25s. Dr. Deane on th^ Law of Wilis (1837 and 1852) with Explanatory Notes and Eeferences to Decisions. . 8to, cloth, 2s 6d. Dr. Deane on War : its Commencement and Effect upon the Trade and Property of the Subjects of Belligerent States and their Allies, within and in transit to, or from, the Hostile Territory. '8vo, ls6d. Dr. Deane on the EjSect of War upon the Trade and Property of Neutrals, and Maritime Capture and Prize. 1. Contraband of War. 2. Blockade. 3. Eight of Search. 4. Capture and Prize. 1854, 8vo, 3s 6d. Wildman's Plain Directions to Naval Officers as to the Law of Search, Capture, and Priae. 1854, 8vp, cloth, 53. Story on Prize Courts. Notes on the Principles and Practice of Prize Courts, by tie late Judge Story, edited bv E. T. Pratt, D.C.Ij. 8vo, 1854, 8s, cloth. Chance's Treatise on Powers, with Supplement, bringing the New Enactments and Cases down to 1841. 2 vols, cloth, 1841, 15s. Wharton's Statute Law relating to Eoman Catholics in England. 8vo, 1851, Is 6d. Pulling's Laws, Customs, Usages, and Eegulations of the City and Port of London, with Notes of the Charters, Ordinances, Statutes, and Cases. 2nd edition, 1854, 8to, cloth", 8s. Cory's Practical Treatise on Accounts, Mercantile, Part- nership, Solicitors', Private, Stewards', EeceiverB', Executors', Trustees', &c. 2nd edition, 8vo, 5s, cloth, 1839. Collier's Treatise on the Law relating to Mines, 2nd edition, 1855, 2s, cloth. ^ ^ «— w ^/r 7^1 WILdV & SONS, LINCOLN'S INN ABCHWAT. ^ Jones's Essay on the Law of Bailments, 4tli edition, witCA ) . Notes, &o. By W. Theobald. 8vo. cloth, 1833, 2s. ^ Dearsly'S Criminal Process, intended as an Inttoduction to the study and Practice of the Crown Law. 12nio, Is 6d. Tamlyn's Reports in the Bolls Court of Chancery, deci- oided by the Eight Hon Sir John Leach, 1829—30. Eoyal 8to, • lOs, calf V/liartOll'S Principles of Conveyancing : — I. Estates ; both as to Quantity and Quality. II. Copyholds, Customary Freeholds, and Demesnes. III. Uses, Trusts, and Powers. IV. Title; Abstract of the Title, and Registration, with Copyhold Forms and Precedents, and a Copious Index. 1851, 8vo, 2s 6d. "WhartOIl'S ManuSl for Articled Clerks,containing Courses of Study in all the Branches of the Law, with a Digest of all the Examination Questions, &c., &e., 9th edition, by C. H. Anderson, Esq. 1861, Svo, I2s, cloth (published at 18s). Goldsmitlli English Bar, or Guide to the Inns of Court, 3rd edition, 12mo, 1849, Is. Leguleian, containing the Questions and Answers of Articled Clerks, with leading Articles,. E'eviews of Law Books, Particulars of Uxaminations, &c., 1858 — 61, in 1 vol. 8to, 5s. Another vol, 1855 — 58, in 1 vol. 5s. Handy Book to the Study and Practice of the Law, in all its branches, by J. D. Williams, Esq. 12mo, boards. Is. Handy Book to those who wish to become Attorneys, By the Editors of " Leguleian." 12mo, la. Coke's Eeports in. Verse, wherein the name of each Case, and the principal points, are contained in two lines. 1826, 12mo,ls. This ia an attempt to versify the principal points decided in the XI parts of Coke's Reports. Carriglian'S Chancery Student's Guide, in form of a Didactic Poem. 12Ei6, 1850, Is. ' "Coke was versified, and Lord Campbell says, uBefully. Why, then, should not a chancery suit be turned into arhymJiig narrative ? "— Spectator, Temple on the Law and Practice of Attachment for Debt, with Forms. 12mo, cloth, 1855, Is. REPORTS.— Second-hand.— In good condition. The Law Times KeportS. — New Series. 1859 to Sep- tember, 1668 17 vols, half calf, £14 The Law Times Reports, foHo and octavo, from the .commencement, 1843 to 1867, all unifcrmly half bound in calf, cloth sides, complete, £20 The Law Journal. — Eeports, Magistrates' Cases and Statutes, 1823 to 1868, inclusive, with all the Digests Fine Set, in whole brown calf, complete, £70 Another Set in half calf, uniform, nearly new, £60