JkV® 'V=il:te.'. |>^ "^Ste--- ' K jiS i^^ik ?Q € /• 32 k- ^-^ '4i'J^ 'S. "^^ l\ Sj K i Iff^ 'V ■ C4 ?'t f Hutograpbs of tbe late Cbarles M. Jfreberickeon mba^ 24-28 1897 Bangs S. Co. 91=93 jfiftb Hvenue ^^° Please Preserve this Catalogue for use at the Sale ^*^*^* Order of Sale Monday, May 24th, at 3 P. M., from lots i to 313 Tuesday, " 25th, " 10.30 A. M., 314 " 546 u " 25th, " 3 P. M., 547 " 941 Wednesday, ' 26th, " 10.30 A. M., 942 " 1186 i i ' 26th, " 3 P. M., I 187 " 1551 Thursday, ' 27th, " 10.30 A. M., ' ' 1552 " 1793 ( I ' 27th, " 3 P- M., 1794 " 2186 Friday, ' 28th, " 3 P.M., ' 2187 " 2410 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE Charles W. Frederickson Sold by Order of the Administrator a carefully selected and valuable collection of english literature, comprising a large number of first and other rare editions, especially of byron, gray, keats, lamb, shakspeare, scott, and an unrivalled collection of the works of shelley, and shelley ana ; ALSO AUTOGRAPH LETTERS AND MANUSCRIPTS OF THE GREATEST INTRINSIC INTEREST AND VALUE TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION MONDAY-FRIDAY, MAY 24*'^-28'^' 1897 nv BANGS & CO. Nos. 91 & 93 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK THE SALE WILL BEGIN MONDAY, MAY 24th, AT 3 O'CLOCK, AND WILL HE CONTINUED TUESDAY, \\ EDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, AT IO.3O A. M. AND 3 P. M., TWO SESSIONS DAILY, AND WILL BE CONCLUDED FRIDAY AFTERNOON, COMMENCING AT 3 O'CLOCK ^"ti-ie auctioneers will make purchases for buyers who cannot be present, bids in ALL cases to be HADE BY THE VOLUME OR PIECE ¥b S)ouglas •Caslov S. do. mew IBocli. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Charles William Frederickson was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, May I, 1823, the next to the youngest of seven children. His father, John Frederickson, came from Denmark, where the family dates back to the 12th century, when the founder of the family, John Frederickson, was knighted. Mr. Frederickson's book-plate bears the family crest. Mr. Frederickson's mother was of the New York family McAlpin, her father having moved to Nova Scotia on account of his adhesion to the British crown during the American Revolution. Only two of the seven children survive : a brother, John Frederickson, eighty-five years old, who had arranged to spend the remainder of his life with Charles W., when the latter's unexpected death prevented the completion of the arrangement. The other surviving member is Mrs. Mary Rosbough, the youngest of the children, now seventy-two years of age. Mr. Frederickson begun his life as a printer on the Brooklyn Eagle, but falling in love with and marrying Mary E. Truesdell, daughter of Thomas Truesdell, of Providence, R. I., a cotton manufacturer, he became associated with the latter in the manufacture of cotton goods. During the Civil War he was the Government agent for the purchase of cotton, and, notwithstanding the vigorous efforts of the politicians to secure his removal, on account of his condemnation of the war, President Lincoln refused to remove him, commend- ing him for the faithful discharge of his duties. Probably this accounts for his valuable collection relating to Lincoln and his profound admiration of him. After the war he became a cotton broker, and retired from active business about twenty years ago, devoting his time largely to book collecting. His wife had been an invalid for many years and died December 26, 1896, leaving no children. Her husband, unable to recover from the shock of her death, died January 2g, 1897. Mr. Frederickson was a Mason, a life member of the St. George's Society of New York, and of the National Academy of Design and a corresponding member of the Rhode Island Historical Society. He was a man of marked personality. He was a student of human nature as well as of books, and took keen delight in puncturing some foible or folly of the time. He was never more interesting than when driven to express his views upon some question of the day, or some literary fad. He prided himself on being old- fashioned, and hated the new when not as good as the old. The writer well remembers his righteous wrath when it was decided to turn over the Lenox Library to the trustees of the New York Library. Mr. Frederickson felt highly indignant at — what he considered — the disregard of Mr. Lenox's avowed wishes. IV IN TROD UCTOR Y NO TE. In dress and manner Mr. Frederickson was sui generis and commanded attention wherever he went. He never forgot a kindness nor an injury. He read continually and discriminatingly and was fully conversant with our own literature, knowing many of the older writers personally. He once told me that when a boy he had called at Bartlett & Welford's, under the Astor House, and looked longingly over the books for sale from Lamb's library, registering a vow that some day he would own some of them. He lived to be the pos- sessor of si,x or more. This was in 184S. The Library here offered for sale is in some respects the most remarkable ever offered in America. It may not bring as much as many others of recent years, but it illustrates the effectiveness and use of pursuing one aim. Mr. Frederick- son, about twenty years ago, conceived the idea of having the larger portion of his buying concentrated upon Shelley. He might be tempted to other loves — but the highest place in his affections was reserved for the poet who, as some one has said, "' never had his feet on the ground." We say that this Shelley library is the most remarkable ever collected in this country — for so we believe it to be. In Mr. Frederickson's opinion it was unequalled by any single library either here or in England. Not only does it contain all the works of the poet in first editions, in immaculate condition, but in many cases dupli- cated, and in some instances unique copies. Several of the first editions are the only ones known in this country. Mr. Frederickson was not content to own the poet's works in first editions, but he had all the known editions, from the first to the present. To form some idea of the extent and completeness of the Shelley and Shelleyana, one is obliged to mention figures. The catalogue descriptions number from 1552 to 1872, or over three hundred numbers, which probably means that this collec- tion numbers upwards of two thousand volumes, pamphlets, etc., etc., relating to the poet. Every known edition is here, as well as many privately printed books — and books which only mention the poet in a chapter or para- graph. One can only point out the rarer and most important items to show the importance of the collection. Of Shelley's own works in first editions here are: " Zastrozzi," "St. Irvyne," "Queen Mab" (privately printed by Shelley himself); a presentation copy of the same book (with title and imprint missing) "to Mary WoUstonecraft Godwin. P. B. S.", with MSS. by Mrs. Shelley herself; " Alastor" (Barry Cornwall's copy)," " An Address to the people on the Death of the Princess Charlotte by the Hermit of Marlowe " (rigidly sup- pressed), " Laon and Cythna," "The Revolt of Islam," "Rosalind and Helen," "The Cenci," "Prometheus Unbound," " OLdipus Tyrannus," " Adonais" (printed at Pisa in 1821), (another copy, which A. H. Hallam had given Samuel Rogers), " Posthumous Poems " (printed by Leigh Hunt), " The Masque of Anarchy" (with a preface by Leigh Hunt), Shelley's "Letters," Moxon, 1852, with introductory essay by Browning (these were spurious), "Relics of Shelley" (Barry Cornwall's copy), Trelawny's "Recollections" (presentation copy to Matilda Detmold). A fine lot of privately printed books, by H. B. Forman. All of Mrs. Shelley's works are here in first editions: Mary WoUstonecraft's IN TR OD UC TOR Y NO TE. v " Vindication of the Rights of Woman " (with autograph) and many others of her worlcs. Many of the privately printed books had only twenty-five copies made, and many were never sold at all, so the opportunity for securing them may not come again. Although Mr. Frederickson's library is best known for his collection of Shelley, he retained his love for some of his earlier favorites, and the library is rich in many other first editions. Mr. Frederickson seems to have had a love for books once owned by famous men. It remains only to point out a few of his treasures to whet the appetite of the book-lover. Among the more conspicuous books in first editions contained therein may be mentioned A'Beckett's " Comic England and Rome " ; Bewick's " Quadru- peds " and "Select Fables"; Vincent Bourne's "Poemata" (William Cow- per's copy); Braithwait's "Survey of History" (from the Maidment Collec- tion); Camden's " Remains," London, 1674 (Gray's copy, with autograph); Cartwright's "Comedies,'' London, 1651 ; Coleridge's "Christabel" and " Lyrical Ballads," London, 1799; Coryat's "Crudities," London, l6n; Donne's "Poems," London, 1669 (a poor copy but enriched with Coleridge's annota- tions); Drayton's "Works," London, 1748 (with MS. extracts in the hand- writing of Charles Lamb); Fenton's " Certaine Tragicall Discourses," Lon- don, 1597 (Black Letter); Fortescue's " The Forest, or Collection of Histories," London, 1571 (Black Letter); Breton's "Cornucopia," London, 1612; Sir Thomas Browne's " Pseudodoxia Epidemica," London, 1669; Byron's "Eng- lish Bards and Scotch Reviewers," London, 1809 ; the third edition of the same book published in 1S16 — this copy contains MS. notes by Lord Byron, in which he expresses regret at ever having written it; a unique copy of Leigh Hunt's " Lord Byron and his Contemporaries," with MS. notes by Mr. Cooke, John Murray's partner; Byron's " The Vampire,'' a Tale, privately printed, London, 1S19; Fulwood's "The Enimie of Idlenesse," London, 1568 (Black Letter); William Godwin's " Novels and Works"; Goldsmith's " The Traveller" and "Deserted Village" (beautifully bound by Riviere); Gray's "Elegy Wrote in a Country Churchyard" and his "Odes,'' the first book printed by Horace Walpole at his Strawberry Hill Press. The collection of Gray is the most complete we have ever seen. The various editions of the " Elegy " down to the eleventh are here, as well as all the important modern editions. Besides the English there are numerous editions in other languages. Amongst the interesting matter relating to the poet is a collection of MS. music made by the poet, with 15th Psalm, etc., in his own autograph. In all 83 leaves. Several books from his library with his MS. notes, etc., complete the lot. Greene's "Philomela," London, 1615; Hawthorne's " Scarlet Letter," Bos- ton, 1850. Heywood's "A True Description of His Majesties Royal Ship," London, 1637 (poor copy) ; Homer's " Iliads,'' Chapman's translation ; Homer, " The Whole Works of," n. d. (this copy contains numerous notes and an autograph letter of S. T. Coleridge); Leigh Hunt's " Imagination and Fancy," London, 1845 (presentation copy from the author to his brother); the MS. of W. H. Ireland's (the Shakespeare forger) tragedy called " Vortigern "; VI IN TROD UCTOR Y NO TE. Keats' "Poems," London, 1817, in the original boards (presentation copy "from the Author to his Friend Thos. Richards); Keats' " Endymion," London, 1818 (presentation copy to " G. Keats from his affectionate brother the author"); Keats' "Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and other Poems," London, 1820 ; Lamb's " Works,'' London, 1S40 (presentation copy to Wm. Hazlitt from his old friend Mary Ann Lamb, Jany. 18, 1842); Lamb's "Essays of Elia," London, 1823 (presentation copy to Allan Cunningham, Esq., ' ' with Elia's best respects "). From Lamb's Library imported by Bartlett & Welford in 1848, his copies of " History of Philip de Commines," London, 1674; "The Life of John Buncle," London, 1756; Godwin's "Antonio," London, 1800; More's " Philosophicall Poems," Cambridge, 1647; Suckling's " Fragmenta Aurea,'' London, 1646; Reynolds' "Triumphs of Gods revenge against Murder," folio, London, 1657 ; Jonson's " Works," London, 1692 ; Lanfranke's "A most Excellent and Learned Worke of Chirurgerie," Lon- don, 1565; Longfellow's "Evangeline"; Marlowe's edition of Ovid, 1598; Morland's "Life," London, 1806 (with five originals inserted); Thomas -Muffet's "Silkwormes and Their Flies,'' London, 1599; Pecke's " Parnassi Puerperume," London, 1659; Robson's " The Choice of Change," London, 1585; W. H. Russell's " The War " and " My Diary in India " (from Thack- eray's Library, with his monogram). In Shakespeare the library is not as rich as it once was, but here are some choice bits, namely: "A collection of Plays from the first folio of 1623," an imperfect copy of " The Second Folio," London, 1632, The Halliwell Edition, in 16 folio volumes (Large Paper copy). " Diana, of George of Montemayor," translated by Young, London, 1598 (from which Shakespeare took the plot of "Two Gentlemen of Verona); Thomas' "History of Italy," London, 1561 (with autograph of John Evelyn on title-page); Warner's " Albions' England " (poor copy); Young's "The Complaint, or Night Thoughts," London, 1807 (Thackeray's copy, with a poem in 18 lines in his handwriting). Besides the books only partially enumerated above there are several curiosi- ties, numerous portraits and engravings, and some framed pictures. If this library is unique as a collection of books, it is no less so as a collec- tion of autographs. It was expected that it would excel in Shelley and his family, but it was not generally known that the collection was so representative in other lines, or that it contained so many original letters of the famous poet. First, there are here over sixty letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley himself, ex- tending all the way from a brief business note to a six-page letter, several of these being unpublished, and all of great interest. Some of these are quoted for the first time in Professor Dowden's " Life,'' and others are used in the same editor's charming selection of "Shelley's Letters," published in London in 1883. When a good specimen letter of his is worth from £,(i to ^^30, one can estimate what a remarkable value these have. Second, the members of Shelley's family are here represented by character- istic specimens. Here are four MS. poems in the handwriting of Mrs. Shelley, viz.. "Summer and Winter,'' "A Dirge," "The Tower of Famine," and " To L d C"; besides these there are twenty-six letters of Mary Wollstone- IN TROD UCTOR V NO TE. vii craft Shelley, one of Shelley's grandfather, and six of William Godwin. His friends, Thomas Jefferson Hogg, Thomas Medwin, Trelawny, and others are represented; also, most of the modern editors, Jeafifreson, Dowden, Woodberry, and others. Third, among the miscellaneous autographs one notes that many are written by Shelley's friends and acquaintances, and nearly all mention him in some way or other. As an example of the particular interest to be attached to these there is one from Lord Byron to Captain Roberts, dated July 14th, 1822, offering his yacht "Bolivar," to be used in searching for Shelley's body. Besides this, there are eleven other letters of Byron. Fourth, among the miscellaneous autograph letters of real importance one notes the names of Burns (4), Lady Byron (2), Coleridge (a fine specimen), Cowper, B. W. Procter, G. W. Parke Custis (referring to his illustrious father), De Quincey (3), Countess GuiccioH, Hawthorne (2), Hood (3), Leigh Hunt (6). One must pause at the Washington Irvings. He was an especial favorite of Mr. Frederickson's. Here are twenty-two letters, besides the MS. men- tioned in the paragraph below. "Stonewall" Jackson, Joseph E. Johnston, Keats (3), Charles Lamb (10), (these are all interesting and characteristic specimens), Mary Lamb (2), Robert E. Lee, Lincoln (a good specimen), Long- fellow, Moore (2), Poe, Scott (3), Southey (4), Thackeray and Wordsworth. It will be seen by the above array that Mr. Frederickson paid little attention to the smaller fry, and chose for his companions men whom the world delight to honor. Fifth, the collection is particularly strong in original MSS. Here is Bryant's " The Death of the Flowers," perhaps one of his best known poems; Byron's poem to "Mrs. M. C"; Carlyle, a MS. poem; Coleridge, poem. Cowper's translation of " The Iliad " is brought to mind by the fact that here are 114 pages of corrections and variorum readings made for a new edition. Various MSS. notes and fragments in the handwriting of Thomas Gray. A reminder of James Hogg appears in the form of a 12-page MS. of " The Long Pack — A Tale by the Ettrick Shepherd. " For the collector of Americana there are two curiosities, an Indian deed and petition signed with Totems. Nine original MSS. of some of Irving's well-known essays contributed to the "Crayon Miscellanies," and a fragment of 24 pages from the "Life of Washington." Keats' poem, " I stood tip-toe on a Httle hill," is here. Many years ago, when Mr. Curtis was editor of Harper's Magazine, he wrote a brief introduction to a then unknown story of Lamb's, called "Cupid's Revenge." Mr. Frederickson had the original MSS. Lincoln's Baltimore Speech, delivered on April i8th, 1864, at the Sanitary Fair, is in four pages. Sir Walter Scott wrote two histories of Scotland, one in the form of stories which he called "Tales of a Grandfather," and the other for Dr. Lardner's " Cabinet Cyclopedia." Here is the original MSS. for the latter, in the handwriting of an amanuensis, but full of corrections in Scott's hand, with corrected galley and revise proofs. Several other Letters and MSS. are not mentioned in this place, but surely the description of the feast is sufficiently minute to tempt the most fastidious epicure. ERNEST DRESSEL NORTH. CATALOGUE. 1 A 'BECKETT, Gilbert A. The Comic History of Eng- I\ land. Colored etchings and woodcuts by John Leech. First Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, original covers bound in. Lond. : Punch Office.^ 1847-48 2 A'Beckett, Gilbert A. The Comic History of Rome. Colored etchings and woodcuts by John Leech. First Edi- tion. 8vo, uncut, in original cloth binding. Lond. : Bradbury &• Evans, n. d. 3 Adams, Estelle Davenport (^Editor). Sea Song and River Rhyme from Chaucer to Thomson, with a new Poem by Algernon Charles Swinburne. Illustrated with etchings. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1887 4 Adams, Estelle Davenport. The Poets' Praise from Homer to Swinburne. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1894 5 Albion (The) ; or, British, Colonial, and Foreign Weekly Gazette, New Series, Vol. 3. Folio, half sheep. N. Y. 1841 6 Albion and Erin. Songs by Moore, Byron, Burns, Shel- ley, etc., with translation in German Verse. r2mo, half morocco. Mainz, 1851 7 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Poems of. Illustrated by the Faint and Clay Club. 8vo. Bost. and N. Y. 1882 Author's autograph on the title. 8 Alexander, William. A Paraenesis to the Prince. Small 4to, paper. Lond. 1604 9 Alger, W. R. The Solitudes of Nature and of Man. i2mo, calf. Bost. 1867 10 All Expenses Paid. Crown 8vo, half cloth, uncut. Westminster, 1895 11 Allan. Bradford Club's Memorial of John Allan. Por- trait. Royal 8vo, paper, uncut. N. Y. 1864 2 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 12 Allen, Grant (Translator). TheAttis of Caius Valerius Catullus. i2mo, paper, uncut. Lond. 1892 500 copies printed. 13 Allibone, S. Austin. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors, 3 vols, royal 8vo, half russia, Phil. 187 1; John Foster Kirk's Supplement to Allibone's Dictionary, 2 vols, royal Svo, Phil. 1891. Together 5 vols. 14 America. Observations on the Commerce of the Amer- ican States with Europe and the West Indies, etc. (by John B. Holroyd, Earl of Sheffield) ; also, An Essay on Canon and Feudal Law by John Adams. 8vo, paper. Phil. 1783 15 American Book-Prices Current, Vol. i. Svo. N. Y. : Dodd, Mead &' Co., 1895 16 American Athen^um (The); or. Repository of the Arts, Sciences, etc. Vol. i (all published). 4to, half mo- rocco. N. Y. 1825-26 17 American Folk Lore (Journal of). W. W. Newell, Gen- eral Editor. Nos. i to 34. 34 Nos. Bost. and N. Y., April, 1888, Sept., '96 18 American Mariners (The); or, the Atlantic Voyage, a Moral Poem, to which are added Naval Annals, or, an impartial summary of the Actions fought, during the late War, at Sea, and on the Lakes, between the Ships of Great Britain and those of the United States. By John Davis of Salisbury. Boards. Salisbury (1825) The Naval Annals of the War of 1812 (in prose) occupy some 145 pages, forming a valuable record of that important period. 19 A.MERiCAN Review (The). Vols, i to 7. Portraits. 7 vols. Svo, half calf. N. Y. 1845-48 Contains, among other contributions, the first appearance of " The Raven," by E. A. Poe, who signed the poem " By Quarles." 20 American Review. Vol. i (containing The Raven). Svo, half calf. 21 Ames, Nathaniel. The Essays, Humor, and Poems of Nathaniel Ames, Father and Son, of Dedham, Mass., from their Almanacks, 1726-1775. With Notes, etc., by Samuel Briggs. Illustrated. Svo, uncut. Cleveland, 1891 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 3 22 Anderson, R. B., Viking Tales of the North, i2mo, Chicago, 1889; The Younger Edda, lamo, 1880; His- tory of the Literature of the Scandinavian North, by F. W. Horn, 8vo, Chicago, 1884. 3 vols. 2T, Anderson, G. F. R. The White Book of the Muses. i2mo, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh, 1895 24 Animal World (The), an Advocate of Humanity. Vols. I to 5 in I. Folio, half calf. Lond. 1870-74 25 Annals OF England (The): an Epitome of English His tory. 8vo, half roan. Oxford and Lond. 1876 26 Anniversary (The) ; or, Prose and Poetry for MDCCC- XXIX. Edited by Allan Cunningham. Illustrated. Tall 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1829 27 Ansted, D. T. Geology. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846 28 AoNiAN Banquet (The); or, A Selection of Poems of Acknowledged Merit. i6mo, half sheep. Phil. 1803 29 Antiquarian Itinerary, comprising Specimens of Archi- tecture, monastic, castellated and domestic, with other Vestiges of Antiquity in Great Britain, with descrip- tions. 7 vols. 8vo, half roan. Lond. 1815 Large paper copy, with beautiful India proof impressions of the numerous plates. 30 Appleton, W. H. {Editor). Greek Poets in English Verse, by Various Translators. i2mo, uncut. Bost. and N. Y. 1893 31 Arber, Edward. List of 837 London Publishers between 1553 and 1640. 4to, boards. Birmingham, 1890 32 Arnold, Matthew. Essays in Criticism. Second Series. i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. 1888 33 Ashton, John. Humour, Wit and Satire of the Seven- teenth Century. Illustrated. i2mo. Lond. 1883 34 Atlantic Souvenir (The) : a Christmas and New Years' Offering, 1828. Post 8vo, morocco. Phil. Contains poems by H. W. Longfellow, N. P. Willis, etc., etc. 35 Athen^um (The), 1832-1869 (lacking 1867). 41 vols. 4to, various bindings (some volumes imperfect). Lond. 36 Athen^um (The), 1834-66. 22 odd and imperfect vols. 4to. i THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 37 r^ACON. The Life and Writings of Francis Bacon (by J3 Lord Macaulay). From the Edinburgh Review. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, by Henderson and Bisset. Edinburgh, 1837 Only a few copies privately printed in this form, on thick paper. 38 Bagehot, Walter. Works of. With Memoirs by R. H. Hutton. Edited by F. Morgan. Portrait. 5 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1889 39 (Bailey, P. B.) Festus: a Poem. 8vo, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. Lond. : Pickering, 1839 First edition. 40 Bailey, P. B. Do. Third Edition, with additions. 8vo. Lond. 1848 41 Bailey, P. B. Do. First American Edition. i2mo, un- cut. • Bost. 184s Autograph letter of P. J. Bailey, referring to his poem the ' ' Angel- World," inserted. 42 Bailey, P. B. The Angel World, and other Poems. Post 8vo. Lond. : Pickering, 1850 First edition. 43 Bailey, P. B. The Age: a Colloquial Satire. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond.: Chapmati &' Hall, 1858 First edition. 44 Bain, R. Nisbet. Weird Tales from Northern Seas, from the Danish of Jonas Lie. Illustrated by L. Housman. 8vo. Lond. 1893 45 Ballad Society Publications. Ballads from Manuscripts, vol.. Parts I and 2; Vol. 2, Part i; Roxburghe Bal- lads, Vol. I, Parts I, 2, 3; Vol. 2, Parts i, 2; Captain Cox, his Ballads and Books; Jyl of Breyntford's Testa- ment. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. 10 vols. 8vo, paper LonJ. 1868-73 46 Ballou, M. M. Genius in Sunshine and Shadow. i2mo. Bost. 1887 47 (Barham, R.) The Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels. With illustrations by George Cruikshank, John Leech and John Tenniel. 8vo. Lond.: Bentley, 1867 48 Barnes, William. Life of, by his daughter, "Leader Scott.'' Portrait. i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. 1887 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 5 49 Barrere, a. Argot and Slang, a new French and Eng- lish Dictionary of the Cant Words, Quaint Expressions, Slang Terms and Flash Phrases used in the high and low life of New and Old Paris. Frontispiece. 4to, limp vellum, boards, uncut. Privately printed at the Chiswick Press, 1887 Edition limited to 250 copies. 50 B.>\RROW, John. Memoirs of the Naval Worthies of Queen Elizabeth's Reign. 8vo, uncut. Lond. : Murray, 1845 51 Barton, Bernard. Poems. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1825 52 Bayly, Thomas Haynes. Songs, Ballads and other Poems. Portrait. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1857 53 Beale, T. The Natural History of the Sperm Whale; its Chase and Capture, etc. To which is added a Sketch of a South Sea Whaling Voyage. Three plates on wood- by Linton. Crown 8vo, cloth. Lond. : Van Voorst, 1839 54 Beaumont and Fletcher. Account of Life and Writ- ings, by A. Dyce. With the Preface, Addenda and Corrigenda to Dyce's Edition of their Works. 8vo, cloth. (Lond. 1843) These preliminary pages (i-civ) are intended to be ■ placed imme- diately after the title-page of the first volume, but are lacking in some copies. 55 Beddoes, Thomas L. Poetical Works, edited by Edmund Gosse, w///^ etchings by Railton, 2 vols. Lond. 1890; Bed- does' Letters, edited by Gosse, Lond. and N. Y. 1894. Together 3 vols, post 8vo, uncut. 56 Bedford. Recollections and Wanderings of Paul Bed- ford. Facts, not Fancies. Portrait. i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. 1864 57 Beeching, H. C. A Paradise of English Poetry. 2 vols. crown 8vo, uncut. N. Y. 1893 58 Belfast (Earl of). Poets and Poetry of the XlXth Century — Coleridge, Keats, Byron, Shelley, Southey, and others. i2mo, calf extra, with leather joints and satin end linings (binding rubbed). Lond. 1852 59 Bell, Robert (^a'//(7r). Songs from the Dramatists. Post 8vo. Lond., n. d. 6 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 60 Bell, Thomas. History of British Reptiles. Illuitrated. 8vo. Lond. r839 61 Bell, Thomas. History of British Quadrupeds. With nearly 200 fine wood engravings. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1837 With Thomas Bell's book-plate. 62 Bellamy, Thomas L. Lyric Poetry of Glees, Madrigals, Catches, Rounds, Canons and Duets. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1840 63 Bennoch, Francis. The Storm, and other Poems. Etch- ings by John Leech. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1841 Bennoch was the friend and entertainer of Nath. Hawthorne when he visited England. 64 (Beresford, James.) The Miseries of Human Life, or the groans of Samuel Sensitive and Timothy Testy, with a few Supplementary Sighs from Mrs. Testy. Post 8vo, sheep. N. Y. 1807 65 Berghaus, Hermann. Chart of the World. 4to, boards. Gotha, 1871 66 Bethune. Memoir of the Rev. George W. Bethune, by A. R. Van Nest. Portrait. i2mo, uncut. N. Y. 1867 67 Bewick, Thomas. History of British Birds. First Edi- tion. 2 vols. 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt edges. Cut on p. 285 in original state. Newcastle, 1797-1804 68 Bewick, Thomas. Do. Another edition. 2 vols, in i. 8vo, half calf, Newcastle, 1832 69 Bewick, Thomas. General History of Quadrupeds. First Edition. 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt edges. Newcastle, 1790 70 Bewick, Thomas. Do. Fourth Edition. 8vo, Large Paper, half morocco (rubbed). Newcastle, 1800 71 Bewick, Thomas. Select Fables, with a Memoir, and a Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Mess. Bewick. First Edition. Thick paper, 8vo, half calf. Newcastle, 1820 72 Bewick, Thomas. The Fables of ^sop and others. Second Edition. 8vo, half calf. Newcastle, 1823 73 Bewick, Thomas. Hugo, Thomas. Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Thomas and John Bewick, with Sup- plement. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1866-68 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRARY. 7 74 Bewick, Thomas. Memoir of Thomas Bewick, written by Himself. Embellished by numerous wood engravings. 8vo, uncut. Newcastle and Lond. 1862 75 Bewick, Thomas. Notes by F. G. Stephens on a Collec- tion of Drawings and Woodcuts by Thomas Bewick. With J2 illustrations from original wood blocks. 4to. Lond. 1881 76 Bewick, Thomas. Bewick Memento, with an Introduc- tion by Robert Robinson; Catalogue, with Purchasers' Names and Prices Realized, of the Scarce and Curious Collection of Books, etc., etc. Illustrated. 4to. Lond. and N. Y., n. d. 77 Bewick. Descriptive and Critical Catalogue of Works Illustrated by Thomas and John Bewick, Wood En- gravers, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, with an Appendix of their Miscellaneous Engravings, brief Sketches of their Lives, and Notices of the Pupils of Thomas Bewick. Portraits and plate of fac- simile and woodcuts. Imp. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1851 78 Bewick, Thomas. Thomas Bewick and His Pupils, by Austin Dobson. Illustrated. lamo. Lond. 1884 79 Bewick, William (the Artist). Life and Letters of, edited by Thomas Landseer. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1871 " The literary sketches which Bewick made of Hazlitt, Haydon, Shelley, Keats, Scott, Hogg, Jeffrey, Maturin, and others, are ex- tremely bright, apt, and clear." — Athenmum. 80 Bible. The Holy Bible. 8vo, morocco. Lond., &c. : Eyre is' Spottiswoode, n. d. 81 Bible. The Holy Bible. Ruby 8vo, morocco. Oxford, 1835 82 Bible. The Souldiers Pocket Bible. Printed at London by G. B and R. W. for G. C, 164J. Reproduced in Fac- simile, with an Introduction by Francis Fry. i2mo, half morocco. Lond. 1862 83 Bible. The Christian Soldiers Penny Bible. London: Printed by R. Smith for Sam. Wade, idgj. Reproduced in Fac-simile, with an Introductory Note by Francis Fry. i2rao, half morocco. Lond. 1862 8 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 84 Bible (The), in Chinese. 8vo, paper. 85 Bibliographer (The) : a Journal of Book Lore. Nos. i to 18. 18 parts, 4to, paper. N. Y. and Lend. 1881-83 86 BiBLiOTHECA Anglo-Poetica; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of a Rare and Rich Collection of Early English Poetry, with Supplement. Interleaved into large 4to, half calf (cracked). Lond. 1815 87 Bickerdvke, John. The Curiosities of Ale and Beer. Il- lustrated with over ^o quaint cuts. 8vo, uncut. Lond. and N. Y., n. d. 88 Black Dwarf (The) : a London Weekly Publication. Edited by T. J. Wooler. Vols, i and 2. {^Portrait of Wooler laid in.) 2 vols. 4to, boards, uncut. Lond. 1817-18 89 Blackie, John S. The Language and Literature of the Scottish Highlands. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1876 90 Blackwood's Magazine. Vols, i to 74 (lacking 45, 46, 47, 48), (imperfect). 70 vols. 8vo, half calf. 91 Blades, William. An Account of the German Morality- Play, entitled Depositio Cornuti Typographic!, as Per- formed in the 17th and i8th Centuries. To which is added a Literal Reprint of the Unique Original Ver- sion, written by Paul De Vise. Illustrated. 410, boards, uncut. Lond. 1885 Presentation copy from William Blades to Geo. BuUen. 92 Blades, Willam. The Enemies of Books. Illustrated. Third Edition. i2mo, paper. Lond. 1881 93 Blank Paper. 74 Leaves from Admiral Vernon's Order Book, 1776-80. Folio. 94 Blank Paper. Green Paper. A lot. " 50 years old. Fred." Aug., 1882. 95 Blessington (Countess). The Idler in Italy. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1839 96 Blessington. The Literary Life and Correspondence of the Countess of Blessington, by R. R. Madden. Front- ispieces. 3 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1855 97 Bloomfield, Robert. The Farmer's Boy; Rural Tales; Ballads and Songs. Illustrated, i vol. 8vo. Lond. 1801-2 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR V. Q 98 Bloomfield, Robert. Poems, ij illustrations. Post 8vo. Lond. 1845 99 Boccaccio. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio (II Boccaccio), now first completely done into English the Stories which it has hitherto been the custom to cen- sure, emasculate, or omit altogether, and which are now presented in their entirety. Printed for private subscription and private circulation only. Only 200 printed. 4to, vellum, gilt. Lond. 1887 100 Boccaccio. The Novels and Tales of the Renowned John Boccaccio. Portrait. Folio, old calf. Lond. 1684 loi Bodleian Library (The): its history, growth, work, etc., by the Librarian. 4to, boards. Oxford, 1888 102 BoLLES, Frank. From Blomidon to Smoky and other papers. i2mo. Bost. and N. Y. 1894 103 Bolton, Henry C. The Counting-out Rhymes of Chil- dren. 4to, uncut. Lond. 1888 104 Book of Common Prayer. Fac-simile of the Original Manuscript of the Book of Common Prayer, Signed by Convocation Dec. 20, 1661, and attached to the Act of Uniformity, 1662. Folio, uncut. Lond., Edinburgh., N. Y., etc. 1891 105 Book Prices Current. A Record of the Prices at which books have been sold at auction from Dec, 1886, to Nov., 1895. Vols. I to 9. 9 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1888-1896 106 Book Mart; Book Lover; The Collector. A lot. 107 Book (The) or the Thousand Nights and One Night. From the Arabic of the Egyptian MS Edited by W. H. Nacnaghten. 8vo. Calcutta and Lond. 1838 108 Bouquet (The) for 1832. A Collection of Tales, Essays and Poems. Illustrated. i2mo, silk (broken). Lond. 109 Bourne, A. V. Poematia, Latine, partim reddita, partim scripta. Post 8vo, half morocco. Londini, 1750 William Cowper's copy, with his autograph on title. no Bowyer, George. Dissertation on the Statutes of Italy ; and Translation of the Pleading of Prosper'o Farmacio in Defence of Beatrice Cenci. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1838 " To C. Tomkins from George Bowyer." 10 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 111 Boys' Own Book (The). Illustrated. Third Edition. i2mo. Lend. 1829 112 Boys' Own Book (The). Illustrated. First American Edition. i2mo. Bost. 1829 113 Brace, Charles L. The Norse-Folk; or, a Visit to the homes of Norway and Sweden. Illustrated. i2mo. Lond. 1857 114 Bradford. Address by John W. Wallace on the Two Hundredth Birthday of William Bradford. 8vo, half cloth. Albany, 1863 115 Brady, W. The Kedge Anchor. Illustrated. 8vo. N. Y. 1847 116 Braithwait, Richard. A Survey of History; or, a Nursery for Gentry. Contrived and Comprized in an Intermixt Discourse upon Historicall and Poeticall Re- lations. Frontispiece by Marshall. First Edition. Small 4to, old calf. Impriiitedat londonby J. Okes for Jasper Emery. . . 1638 Frontispiece repaired, otherwise good copy. Book-plate of James Maidment. 117 (Braithwait, Richard. ) A Solemnejoviall Disputation — ■ Briefly shadowing the Law of Drinking, 1617 (title and a few pages stained) ; .ilso, The Smoking Age . . . with the Life and Death of Tobacco, 1617. i vol. post 8vo, vellum (lacks the frontispieces). The " Joviall Disputation " is claimed to have been printed " At the Signe of the Red Eyes " and " The Smoking Age" "At the Signe of the Teare Nose." 118 Brand, John. Observations on Popular Antiquities, arranged, etc., by Sir Henry Ellis. Square 8vo, half calf (rubbed). Lond. 1841 119 Brassey, Mrs. A. A Voyage in the Sunbeam. Illus- trated. First Edition. 8vo. Lond. 1878 Presentation copy from the author to Erasmus Wilson, with auto- graph. 120 Brassey, Mrs. A. In the Trades, the Tropics and the Roaring Forties. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1885 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. \\ 121 (Breton, Nicholas.) Cornu-copiae, Pasquil's Night Cap; or, Antidot for the Head-ache. Small 4to, polished calf, by F. Bedford. Lond. : Printed for Thotnas Thorp, 1612 Upper margin of title repaired. 122 (Breton, Nicholas.) Cornu-copiae, Pasquil's Night Cap, etc. In same volume, Rowland's 'Tis Merry When Gossips Meet. lamo, calf. Reprint. Chiswick Press, i8ig 123 (Breton, Nicholas.) Cornu-copiae, etc. (Foxed.) i2mo, boards, uncut. Reprint. Chiswick Press, 1819 124 Breen, Henry H. Modern English Literature: its Blem- ishes and Defects. 8vo. Lond. 1857 125 Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Six- teenth Edition. Crown 8vo. Lond. and N. Y., n. d. 126 Bridgens, R. Sketches illustrative of the Manners and Customes of France and Italy. Colored illustrations. 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1822 127 Brighton, J. G. Memoir of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Provo W. P. Wallis. Illustrated. 8vo, gilt top, un- cut. Lond. 1892 128 Brighton, J. G. Memoir of Admiral Sir P. B. V. Broke. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1866 129 Brinley, Francis. Life of William T. Porter. Portrait. i2mo. N. Y. and Lond. 1800 130 Brinsley, Io. Sudus Literarius; or. The Grammar Schoole, shewing how to procede from the first en- trance into learning to the highest perfection required. Small 4to, old calf. Lond. 1612 131 (Bristed, C. a.) Pieces of a Broken-Down Critic, Picked up by himself. 4 vols, in i. 8vo. Baden-Baden, 1858 132 British Anthology (The). A selection of the best Eng- lish poems. 30 exquisite vignettes after WestalVs designs. 8 vols, in 4. i6mo, morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1824-25 Sharpe's neatly printed edition. 133 British Magazine (The) ; or, Monthly Repository for Gentlemen and Ladies. Vol 7 for 1766. Illustrated. 8vo (no covers). 12 THE FREDERICKSOX LIBRAR V. 134 Brockedon, William. Road-Book from London to Naples. .Illustrated with 2^ views engraved by W. a?id E. Finden. Folio, uncut. Lond. 1835 135 Bronte. The Birthplace of Charlotte Bronte, by Will- iam Scruton. With 2 etchings by the author. i6mo, boards. Lond. 1835 136 Brooke, Arthur. Retrospection, and other Poems. Por- trait. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1822 137 Brooke, Stopfdrd. English Literature. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1876 138 Brooklyn Directory for 1842-3, 1843-4. Map of Brooklyn, 1842. 3 vols. 139 Brown, Thomas. Pseudodoxia Epidemica; or, Enquir- ies into very many received Tenents, and commonly Presumed Truths, . . . whereunto are now added Urn Burial and Garden of Cyrus. Portrait. Small 4to, old calf. Lond. 1669 140 Browne, J. Ross. Etchings of a Whaling Cruise. Illus- trated. 8vo. N. Y. 1846 141 Browning, Elizabeth B. Poems, with Introductory Essay by Tuckerman. 2 vols. i2mo, uncut. N. Y. 1853 The first complete American edition. 142 Browning, Robert. Alma Murray. Portrait as Beatrice Cenci, with Critical Notice containing Four Letters from Robt. Browning. Portrait. 8vo, paper. 1891 143 Browning, Robert. Life and Letters of, by Mrs. Suther- land Orr. Portrait. 8vo. Lond. 1891 144 Broughton, Hugh. A Briefe Discourse of the Scriptures: Declaring the Severall Stories, Lives and Deaths of the Fathers, from the Creation of Adam unto the Death of Joseph, etc. In the same volume A Funerall Poeme upon the Death of Hugh Broughton. Small 4to, half calf. Lond. 1614 Lower line of the poem cut off by binder. 145 Bruce, Charles (Compiler). Poems, Songs and Ballads of the Sea. Illustrated. Post 8vo, morocco. Edinburgh, 1874 146 Brunel, Isambard. Life of Isambard Kingdom Brunei. Portrait. 8vo. Lond. 1870 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 13 147 Brunet, Jacques-Charles. Manuel du Librarie, 5 vols. 8vo, with 2 vols, of ruled paper (bound to match). 7 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1842 148 Bryant, William Cullen. Poems, edited by Washing- ton Irving. i2mo, half russia. Lond. 1832 The Poem of Thanatopsis signed by William Cullen Bryant, Dec. 28, 1874. 149 Bryant, William Cullen. A Collection of Scraps from various papers relating to W. C. Bryant. With portraits, etc. A lot. 150 Brydges, Ecerton. Autobiography, Times, Opinions and Contemporaries of. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1834 151 Buckingham, Jos. T. Personal Memoirs and Recollec- tions of Editorial Life. Portrait. 2 vols. i2mo. Bost. 1852 T52 Buckingham, Jos. T. Specimens of Newspaper Litera- ture. With Personal Memoirs, Anecdotes and Rem- iniscences. Portrait. 2 vols. i2mo, uncut. Bost. 1850 Autograph letter of author inserted. First edition. 153 BucKLAND, Frank. Log-Book of a Fisherman and Zoologist. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1876 154 BuLLEN, A. H. Ancient Drolleries, No. 2. Pymlyco, or Runne Red Cap. Facsimile. 8vo, paper. Oxford, 1891 15s Bullen, a. H. Arden of Feversham : a Tragedy. Re- printed from the edition of 1592. Frontispiece. 4to, roxburghe, gilt top. Lond. 1887 156 Bullen, A. H. Carols and Poems from the 15th Cen- tury to the Present Time. 8vo, gilt top. Lond. 1886 157 Bullen, A. H. Davison's Poetical Rhapsody. 2 vols. 8vo, gilt tops. Lond. 1890 No. 205 of 520 copies printed. 158 Bullen, A. H. England's Helicon: a Collection of Lyrical and Pastorical Poems. Published in 1600. 8vo, gilt top. Lond. 1887 No. 271 of 500 copies printed. 159 Bullen, A. H. Lyrics from the Dramatists of the Elizabethan Age. 8vo, gilt top. Lond. 1889 No. 378 of 520 copies printed. 14 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRAR V. i6o BuLLEN, A. H. Poems Chiefly Lyrical, from Romances and Prose-Tracts of the Elizabethan Age. 8vo, gilt top. Lond. 1890 No. 522 of 789 copies printed. 161 BuLLEN, A. H. Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age. 8vo, gilt top. Lond. 1887 No. 219 of 500 copies printed. 162 BuLLEN, A. H. More Lyrics from the Song-Books of the Elizabethan Age. 8vo, gilt top. Lond. 1888 No. 399 of 750 copies printed. 163 BuLLEN, A. H. Speculum Amantis: Love-Poems from Rare Song-Books and Miscellanies of the Seventeenth Century. 4to, half german calf, gilt top. Lond. 1889 No. 360 of 500 copies printed. Very scarce. 164 BuLLEN, A. H. Musa Proterva: Love-Poems of the Res- toration. 4to, half german calf, gilt top. Lond. 1889 No. 406 of 780 copies printed. Very scarce. 165 [BuLLOKAR (lo.)] An English Expositor: Teaching the Interpretation of the Hardest Words used in our Lan- guage, by L B. Revised and corrected by W. S. i6mo, sheep (title mended). Lond. 1656 166 (BuLWER, Lytton.) Pilgrims of the Rhine. First Edi- tion. Illustrated. 8vo, half calf (rubbed). Scarce. Lond. 1834 Presentation copy to Margaret Trenor from her aunt Hellen Sliel- ley, Apl. 15, 1845. " Tiie favorite Sister of P. B. Shelley the Poet."— [C. W. F.] 167 Burger, G. A. The Chase, and William and Helen: Two ballads from the German. 4to, boards. Edinburgh, 1796 Presented to "Miss Nicolson from the Translator" (Sir Walter Scott. — Fred). 168 Burns, Robert. Poetical Works, with Life. Numerous beautiful woodcuts and plates by Bewick. 2 vols, small 8vo, original calf. Fine copy. Alnwick, 1808 One of the scarcest and prettiest editions of Burns, with Bewick's engravings. 169 Burns, Robert (The) Calendar. A Manual of Burns- iana. A concise Bibliography and a Record of Burns Relics. Portrait. 4to, boards. Kilmarnock, 1874 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 15 170 Burns, Robert. A Complete Word and Phrase Con- cordance to the Poems and Songs of Robert Burns. Edited by J. B. Reid. Royal 8vo, uncut. Glasgow, 1889 171 Burns, Robert. A History of the Celebration of Robert Burns' iioth Natal Day, at the Metropolitan Hotel, N. Y. 8vo, paper. Jersey City, 1869 172 Burns and Clarinda's Correspondence. With a Me- moir of Mrs. McLehose (Clarinda). Frontispiece. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1843 173 Burns, Robert. Chronicle of the Hundredth Birthday of. Collected and edited by James Ballantine. Portrait and vignette. Royal 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top. Edinburgh, 1859 174 Burns' "Chloris." A Reminiscence by Jas. Adams. With fac-simile of Poem, "The Song of Death, in poet's handwriting. 4to, half vellum. Glasgow, 1893 175 Burns, Robert. Fac-simile of Burns' celebrated Poem of the Cotter's Saturday Night from the original MSS. Folio, half morocco, gilt top. • Irvine, 1840 176 Burns, Robert. Fac-simile of Burns' Jolly Beggars from the original MSS. 4to, paper. Edinburgh, 1823 177 Burns, Robert. Fac-similes to illustrate the Works of Robert Burns. Portraits. 4to, paper. Lond. 1889 178 Burns, Robert. Fac-simile of Tam O'Shanter and La- ment of Mary Queen of Scots. Folio, paper. Lond., n. d. 179 Burns, Robert. Life of, by John Stuart Blackie. ("Great Writer" Series.) 8vo, gilt top. Lond. 1888 180 Burns, Robert. Life of, by J. G. Lockhart. Portrait. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1838 181 Burns, Robert. Common Place Book. Printed from the original manuscript. 8vo, boards, uncut. Privately printed, Edinburgh, 1872 182 BuRNSiANA. A Collection of Articles from the Cornhill Magazine, etc. 8vo, in wrapper. 183 Burton, Alfred. Rush-Bearing: an Account of the Old Custom of Strewing Rushes, Carrying Rushes to Church, etc. Illustrated. 4to, gilt top. Manchester, 1891 16 THE FREDERICKSOX LIBRARY. 184 Burton, John H. The Book-Hunter, etc. A new edi- tion, witli a Memoir of the Author. Large Paper. Portrait. 4to, buclcram, uncut. Edinburgh, 1882 185 Burton, Robert. Anatomy of Melancholy. Edited by Rev. A. Shilleto. With an Introduction by A. H. Bullen. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, buckram, gilt top. Lond. 1893 186 BusHBY (Mrs.) The Danes. Sketched by themselves. A series of Popular Stories by the best Danish Authors. 3 vols, post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1864 187 Butler, Sam'l. Hudibras. Written in the Time of the Late Wars, etc. Portrait by Vertue, and head and tail pieces. i8mo, half morocco. Lond. 1710 188 Byron (Lady). Letter to Thomas Moore, occasioned by his Notice of the Life of Lord Byron. 8vo, paper, uncut. Lond. and Edinburgh, n. d. i8g Byron (Lord). Complete Works, with Life by Henry Lytton '^\x\^&v, portrait, Paris, Galignani, 1835; Letters and Journals of Lord Byron, by Thomas Moore, por- trait, Paris, Galignani, 1831. (Foxed.) 2 vols. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. This edition contains pieces not in Murray's seventeen volume edi- tion and several articles in neat manuscript. 190 Byron (Lord). Works of. Complete in one vol. Por- trait and engraved title. 8vo. Lond.: Alurray, 1837 Barry Cornwall's copy. 191 Byron (Lord). Beauties of English Poets in English and Armenian. Post 8vo, half morocco. Venice, 1852 Contains Poems by Lord Byron, Gray's Elegy, etc. 192 Byron (Lord). Anecdotes of Lord Byron from Authen tic Sources. Portrait. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1825 193 Byron (Lord). Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Illustrated by 62 vignettes engraved by Finden. First issue of this edition. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. : Murray, 1841 194 Byron (Lord). Childe Harold, edited by W. Hiley. i6mo. Lond. 1877 19s Byron (Lord). Conversations of Lord Byron at Pisa in the Years 1821 and 1822, by Thomas Medwin. With facsimile. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1824 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 17 196 Byron (Lord). Conversations of Lord Byron with the Countess of Blessington. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1834 197 Byron (Lord). A Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron with the Countess of Blessington. New edi- tion. Portraits. Svo. Lond. 1893 198 Byron (Lord). Don Juan, with a Biographical Account of Lord Byron and his Family, etc. Canto IIL Por- trait. Svo, half calf. Lond. 18 19 199 Byron (Lord). English Bards and Scotch Reviewers: a Satire. First Edition. Fcap. 8vo, uncut copy, in the original boards. Lond. : Cawthorn, n. d. (1809) 200 Byron (Lord). Another copy of the First Edition. Fcap. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. : Cawthorn, n. d. 201 Byron (Lord). English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. Third Edition. Fcap. 8vo, uncut, boards (one cover gone). Lond. i8ro 202 Byron (Lord). English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. Third Edition. With MS. Notes by Byron. Diodati, Geneva, July 4, 1816: "The greater part of this satire I most sincerely wish had never been written; not only on account of' the injustice of much of the critical and some of the personal part of it, but the tone and tem- per are such as I cannot approve." — Byron. In same vol.: Religio Clerici, First and Second Epistles; Pro- bationary Odes for the Laureatship, i vol. Svo, half calf. 203 Byron (Lord). English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. Fourth Edition. Svo, boards, uncut. Lond. iSro 204 Byron (Lord). English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. Fourth Edition. i2mo, boards. Lond. 1811 A neatly written transojipt, with MS. extracts from Reviews, and A. L. S. of Sharon Turner. Signature of W. Pickering on fly-leaf. 205 Byron (Lord). English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, with Preface by E. A. D(uyckinck). Svo, boards, uncut. N. Y. 1865 206 Byron (Lord). Finden's Illustrations to the Life and Works of Lord Byron, with descriptions by W. Brocke- don. Upwards of 1^0 highly finished engravings from 18 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. draivings by Turner.^ Stanfield, Calcott, Roberts, etc., in- cluding many portraits of the principal persons nientioned. Large Paper, india proofs, brilliant impressions. 3 vols. 4to, half morocco gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1833 Proof copies contain the 35 charming vignettes by Turner of the 17- volume edition, which do not occur in the smaller copies. 206^ Byron (Lord). The Genuine Rejected Addresses, pre- ceded by that written by Lord Byron, and adopted. Small 8vo. Lond. 1812 The scarce first edition. 207 Byron (Lord). Hunt, Leigh. Lord Byron and some of his Contemporaries, with recollections of the Author's Life and of his Visit to Italy. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1828 This copy belonged to Mr. Cooke (partner with John Murray, the intimate friend of Lord Byron) and has his most interesting notes on the margins. Some of them are of great interest. Mr. Leigh Hunt says, " On the death of the unfortunate Lady, Mr. Shelley married the daughter of Mr. Godwin," and Mr. Cooke has written opposite to this, " My friend Mr. Francis, of Marlow, who lived next house to Shelley, and was intimate with him, thinks that he was not married for some time afterwards, tho' he was then living with Miss God- win," and again, " I have been in his house which is neat but small — has a garden and lets at pf 20 per annum. I am acquainted with many who were his intimates when he resided at Marlow, such as Francis (the ist Mathematician of his day), Tyler (author of Wood- land Echoes)" etc. This is the second edition with the long and interesting preface. 208 Byron (Lord). Life, Letters and Journals of Lord Byron. Frontispiece and engraved title. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1839 209 Byron (Lord). Narrative of Lord Byron's Voyage to Corsica and Sardinia during 1821, etc. Post 8vo (no cover). Lond. 1824 210 Byron, Allen R. Souvenirs of Newstead Abbey, for- merly the Home of Lord Byron. Illustrated with photo- graphs. 4to. Nottingham, 1874 211 Byron (Lord). The Home and Grave of Byron : a Com- plete Guide to Newstead Abbey. i2mo, paper. 212 Byron (Lord). Parry Williams. The Last Days of Lord Byron. Frontispiece and plate. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1825 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 19 213 (Byron Lord). Remarks on the Exclusion of Lord Byron's Monument from Westminster Abbey. 8vo, paper. N. p., 1844 213^ Byron (Lord). The Vampyre: a Tale. 8vo, wrapper, edges uncut. Extremely rare. Lond. 1819 Lord Byron, when residing at Diodati, agreed with Mrs. Shelley for each to write a ghost story. Mrs. Shelley wrote Frankenstein and Byron wrote The Vampyre. This was published by Dr. Philidori, who was the physician to the party. His Lordship repudiated it, but Moore considers Philidori wrote it out from recollection of having heard it read. John Murray, however, considered it genuine from its great power. It was the first thing that attracted the attention of the French to Byron's genius. 214 Byron (Lord). Scrap Book containing clippings from Magazines and Newspapers relating to Lord Byron. Also 4j portraits., views, etc. 4to, half morocco. 215 Byron (Lord). Byroniana: the Opinions of Lord Byron on Men, Manners and Things. i6mo, boards. Lond. 1834 216 Byron (Lord). Byroniana: Criticisms in the Edinburgh Review on the Poetry of Lord Byron, 1818-1823; Reviews of Walter Scott on Childe Harold, Cantos 304 and other Poems; Letter to Walter Scott on the publication of Lord Byron's Cain; Inquiry into the Moral Character of Lord Byron, by Simmons; Reviews of Lord Byron's Dramas and of Moore's Life of Byron. I vol. 8vo, half calf. 217 Byron (Lord). Byroniana: Collection by C. W. Fred- erickson of Articles on Lord Byron published in the Athenaeum, Blackwood's Magazine, Monthly Magazine, London Magazine, etc. Bound in 6 vols. 8vo, half morocco. 218 Byron (Lord). Byroniana: another Collection. Un- bound. A lot. 219 Byron (Lord). The Real Lord Byron; New Views of the Poet's Life, by John Cordy Jeaffreson. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1883 From Mudie's Library. 30 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 220 Byroniana. Announcement and Documents regarding the Erection of a Monument over the Grave of Lord Byron, 1872; Some selected Stanzas of Don Juan; Lord Byron's Verses on Sam. Rogers. 3 pamphlets, 4to and 8vo, papers. 221 /^~>AINE, T. Hall. Cobwebs of Criticism. Crown V^ 8vo. Lond. 1883 222 Calcott, Wellins. A Candid Disquisition of the Prin- ciples and Practices of the most Antient and Honor- able Society of Free and Accepted Masons. (Name cut off title and wormed at end.) Small 8vo, sheep. Bost. : Heprinted, 1772 A veritable gem for English Masonic collectors to look out for (it may be for years, it may be for ever), as it is excessively rare. This differs altogether from the original English edition, having been entirely re-set-up in America, and it is one of the earliest, if not the very first, purely American book on the subject, of any importance. Prefixed are fourteen pages of a subscription list bristling with inter- esting and influential family names, giving the town of residence of every subscriber, and for the Masonic majority, their respective lodges, degrees, etc. ; after above come two pages, being a List of Lodges held in Boston. To the Appendix of Songs entitled "Sol- omon's Temple " are added no less than nine not in the London edition. 223 Calvert, George H., Anyta and other Poems, Bost. 1866; Wordsworth, a Study, portrait^ Bost. and N. Y. 1878; Coleridge, Shelley, Goethe, Bost. and N. Y. (1880). 3 vols, post 8vo. 224 Campbell, J. F. Popular Tales of the West Highlands. Vols. I and 2, 1890; Vols. 3 and 4, 1862. 4 vols. i2mo, half morocco. Lond. 225 Camden, William. Remains concerning Britain: their Languages, Names, Proverbs, Poesies, Epitaphs, etc. Seventh Edition. Fine portrait by White. Small 8vo calf, rebacked. Lond.- 1674 Gray, the Poet's copy, with his Autograph " Tho: Gray," on title- page. Best Edition. 226 (Camden, William.) Remaines of a Greater Worke con- cerning Britaine, the Inhabitants thereof, their Lan- guages, Names, Surnames, Empresses, Wise Speeches, Poesies and Epitaphs. i2mo, half calf. Lond. 1605 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 21 227 Cameron, George F. Lyrics on Freedom, Love and Death. Edited by C. J. Cameron. Portrait. 8vo. Bost. 1887 228 Campion, Dr. Thos. Poetical Works. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lend. : Privataly printed, 1889 Only 400 copies printed, each numbered. Subscriber's copy. " Since Mr. Bullen has printed his works, Campion's place is prob- ably secure. He has an eternal chapel in the minster of English poetry . . . Mr. Bullen is to be thanked for making his verses cur- rent coin." — Daily News. 229 Carlyle, Thomas. Tlie Early Kings of Norway. i2mo. Lond. 1875 230 Carman, Bliss. Low Tide on Grand Pre. i2mo. N. Y. 1893 231 Carpenter, Edward (.£'fl'//'(?r). Chants of Labour. i2mo. Lond. 1888 232 Carr, Mrs. Comyns. North Italian Folk. Illustrated by R. Caldecott. Square i2mo. Lond. 1878 233 Cartwright, William. Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, with other Poems. (Lacks portrait, title-page mounted, and has piece out of the upper part.) First Edition. Small 8vo, old calf. Lond. 165 1 In addition to the 52 leaves of commendatory verses usually found, the present copy has a cancelled leaf of verses by Henry Davison and R. Watkins, and also an extra leaf containing lines on Cart- wright by J. Birkenhead. 234 Catalogue. Addington, S. Collection of Autograph Letters. Priced. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1876 235 Catalogue. Bernard, Francis. Catalogue of the Li- brary of. i2mo, old calf. Lond. 1698 236 Catalogue of Books in the Library of the British Museum, printed in England, Scotland and Ireland, and of Books in English printed abroad. To the year 1640. 3 thick vols. 8vo. Lond. 1884 This work is invaluable to Bibliographers who are desirous of as- certaining if particular Early English Books are contained in the National Library. It is alphabetically arranged according to Authors' Names, and is accompanied by a very full Index of Subjects, with certain Special Class Headings, such as Ballads, Plays, Poems, Songs, 32 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. etc. , in which the titles of the works, with their dates, are set forth in alphabetical order. Each article so mentioned has also its own separate entry in the Inde.x. Subjoined is an ample Index of the Printers, Booksellers and Stationers, whose productions are here catalogued. The British Museum Press-Marks are appended to the articles. 237 Catalogue of Early English Poetry. Collected by Ed- mond Malone, and now preserved in the Bodleian Library. Folio, paper. Oxford, 1836 238 Catalogue of Miniature Portraits in Enamel in the col- lection of the Duke of Bedford. Illustrated. (Foxed.) 8vo, half roan. Lond. 1825 239 Catalogue. Chapin and Strong Libraries. Partly priced, i vol. half morocco. N. Y. 240 Catalogue. Valuable Library formed by the Rev. Thos. Corser, of Strand Rectory, Manchester. Com- plete. Priced and na7ned throughout. 9 parts in i vol. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1868-76 241 Catalogue of the greater part of the Library of the late Thomas Crofton Croker, sold December, 1854. Also a Catalogue of his Antiquities. With woodcuts. Sold the same time. With portrait and Viie. 8vo. Pare. Lond. 1854 242 Catalogue. Library of George Daniel. Portrait. Priced and named. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1864 243 Catalogue. Library and Engravings of John Dillon. Priced, i vol. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1869 244 Catalogue. Manuscript and Muniments of Dulwich Castle, by G. F. Warner. 8vo. Lond. i88r 245 Catalogue. Dyce Collection of Printed Books and Manuscripts bequeathed to the South Kensington Museum. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1875 246 Catalogue. Foster Collection of Printed Books be- queathed to South Kensington Museum. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1888 247 Catalogue. Chap-Books, Garlands and Popular His- tories in the possession of J. O. Halliwell. i2mo, paper. Lond.: Privately printed., 1849 THE FRKDERICKSON LIBRARY. 23 248 Catalogue. Curious and Valuable Library of Joseph Haslewood. Priced and named. Interleaved into 4to vol. half morocco. Lond. 1833 249 Catalogue. Heber's Collection of Early English Poetry. Notices by J. P. Collier. Printed prices and purchasers' names. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. (1834) 250 Catalogue. — Locker- Lampson, Frederick. The Rowfant Library. A Catalogue of the Printed Books, Manu- scripts, Autograph Letters, Drawings and Pictures collected by Frederick Locker-Lampson. With an etched frontispiece by George Cruikshank. 8vo, half rox- burghe. Lond. 1886 Very scarce. Only 150 copies printed for sale. 2151 Catalogue. London Catalogue of Books, 18:4-1834. 8vo (broken). Lond. 1835 252 Catalogue. London Catalogue of Books, 1831-1855. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1855 253 Catalogue. Macmillan's Bibliographical Catalogue, 1843-1889. Portrait. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. 1891 254 Catalogue. Bibliotheca Martiniana, 1773; Bibliotheca Westiana, 1773; Bibliotheca Askeriana, 1775. i vol. 8vo, half vellum (rubbed). 255 Catalogue. B. M. Pickering's Catalogue of More Re- cently Purchased Stock; Catalogue of Books, 1858; Pickering and Chatto's Catalogue, 1894. 3 vols, paper and cloth. 256 Catalogue. London Sales, 1831-84; 1847-85. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco. 257 Catalogue. Books Printed for John Stockdale. 8vo, paper. Lond. 1793 258 Catalogue. Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, etc., of William Tite. Priced. 8vo, half russia. Lond. 1874 259 Catalogue. Libraries of John Wilks ; Wm. Knight ; M. Delessert; M. Guizot; etc. i vol. 8vo, half mo- rocco. Lond. 1847-51 260 Catalogue. Booksellers' Stock; etc. A bundle. 24 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 261 Casket (The) of Literary Gems. Edited by Alex. Whitelaw. Illustrated. 4 vols, post 8vo, uncut. Edinburgh and Lond. 1856 262 Catlin, George. Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs and Conditions of the North American In- dians. Willi 400 illustrations from the author s original paintings. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1842 263 Catnach, James. A Collection of the Books and Wood- cuts of. i2mo, half morocco. Lond., n. d. 264 Cawdray, Robert. A Treasurie or Store-House of Simi- lies. Both pleasaunt, delightfull and profitable for all estates of men in generall. Newly collected with Heades and common places. Small 4to, half calf. Lond. t6oo 265 (Caxton, William.) The Destruction of Troy. Three Books, with many admirable Acts of Chivalry in the Defence and Love of Distressed Ladies. The Twelfth Edition, corrected and much amended. Small 4to, half morocco. Lond. : Printed for Eben Tracy at the Three Bibles on London Bridge., 1702. 266 Century Magazine, Nov., 1889-Oct., 1893. 48 Nos. 267 Chambers' Edinburgh Journal, Nos. 5 to 15, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28, 36. 17 Nos. 1832 268 Chambers, Robert. Ancient Sea-Margins. 8vo, uncut. Edinburgh and Lond. 1848 269 Chambers, Robert {Editor). Cyclopeedia of English Literature. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lond. and Edinburgh, 1858 270 Chambers, R. & W. Memoirs of. i2mo, half morocco. Edinburgh and Lond. 1872 271 Chap Books. Battle of Chevy Chace; Life of Gen. Put- nam; Wallace, a Tragedy; Groat's Worth of Wit; Jack the Giant Killer; Fairy Tales; Valentine and Orson; Porter's Vision ; etc. 25 in all. i vol. i6mo. Falkirk, Glasgow, etc., 181 5-17 272 Chap Books. First, Second and Third Series, compris- ing Scottish Patriots; Notorious Characters; Highway- men; Nursery Traditions; etc. 3 vols. i6mo, uncut. Glasgow From J. Payne Collier's collection, with his autograph in each volume. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 25 273 Chap Book. Crispine and Crispianus, or the Delightful and Princely History of the Gentle Craft. Curious ■woodcuts. i2mo, cloth. Lond. : J. Ilollis, Shoemaker Row, n. d. 274 Chapman, George. The Conspiracie and Tragedie of Charles, Duke of Byron, Marshall of France. Acted lately in two plays at the Black Friers. Small 4to, half morocco, by R. W. Smith. Lond. 1608 275 Chapman, George. The Funerals of the High and Mighty Prince Henry, Prince of Wales, etc., Lond. 1613; An Epicede or Funerall Song of the High-borne Prince of Men, Henry, Prince of Wales, etc. (mourn- ing leaf), Lond. 1612. i vol. small 4to, calf (stained). 276 Chapman, George. The Comedies and Tragedies of. Now first collected, etc. 3 vols, post 8vo, boards, uncut. (Half title to Vol. i torn.) Lond. 1873 277 Chapman, George. Poems and Minor Translations. Introduction by A. C. Swinburne. i2mo. Lond. 1875 278 (Chapman, J.) (^Editor). Characteristics of Men of Genius ; Essays selected chiefly from the North American Re- view. Vignette titles. 2 vols, crown Svo, uncut. Lond. 1846 279 Chaucer, Geffrey. The Works of our Ancient and Learned English Poet, and Lidgate's Story of Thebes. Speght's Edition, folio. Black Cetter. Good copy. Folio, old calf. Lond. 1598 280 Cheever, Henry T. The Whale and his Captors. Illus- trated. i2mo. N. Y. 1849 281 Childs, George W. Recollections. Portrait. i2mo. Phil. 1890 282 Christ. Theatrum Dolorum Jesu Christii. ji fine cop- per-plate engravings exhibiting the Passion, Death, Resur- rection and Ascension of Our Lord, Johann Ulrich Krauss, Excudit. Crown 8vo, red imit. morocco, gilt edges. 283 Christmas Carols, with the Tunes to which they were formerly sung in the West of England, etc., collected by Davies Gilbert. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1823 284 Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern, with Introduc- tion and Notes by Wm. Sandys. Crown Svo, uncut. Lond. 1833 26 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 285 Christmas with the Poets: a Collection of Songs, Carols, etc. Illustrated by Birket Foster, and with initial letters and other ornaments. 8vo, original boards, mo- rocco back (loose). Lond. 1851 286 Clark, L. Gaylord. Knick-Knacks from an Editor's Table. Illustrated. i2mo. N. Y. and Lond. 1852 287 Clark, Richard. An Examination of the word " Madri- gale. " i2mo, paper. Lond. 1852 288 Clarke, Charles and Mary C. Recollections of Writ- ers. i2mo. Lond. 187& 289 Clay, Henry. Wright's beautiful medal. Bronze, in fine condition. 290 Clegg, James (.£'a'?V(?r). Directory of Second-hand Book- sellers. i2mo. Lond., etc., 1891 291 Clinch, George. Marylebone and St. Pancras, their History, Celebrities, etc. With humorous illustrations. 4to. Lond. 189a 292 CoBBE, Frances Power. Life of, by herself. Portrait. 2 vols, crown 8vo. Bost. and N. Y. 1894 293 CoBLER (The) of Canterburie. Edited by Frederic Ouvry. (Reprint of the Edition of 1608.) 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1862 With A. L. S. of Fred. Ouvry and book-plate of James Comerford. 294 C(ockeram), H(enry). The English Dictionarie, or an Interpreter of Hard English Words. Fourth Edition. i6mo, half calf. Lond. 1632 295 (Cockings, George). The American War, a Poem. In six books. 8vo (unbound). Lond. 1781 296 Coke, E. T. A Subaltern's Furlough, descriptive of Scenes in various parts of the United States, Canada, Nova Scotia, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1833 297 Coleridge, S. T. Christobal; Kubla Khan ; The Pains of Sleep. First Edition. 8vo, paper, uncut. Lond. 1816 298 Coleridge, S. T. BiographiaLiteraria; or. Biographical Sketches of his Literary Life and Opinions. Best Edition. 2v0ls.ini. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 181 7 THE FREDERICJCSON LIBRARY. 27 299 (Coleridge, S. T.). Lyrical Ballads, with a few other Poems. i6mo, original calf binding (rubbed), Lond. 1798 First edition, containing the " Rime of the Ancient Mariner." 300 Coleridge, S. T. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Illustrated by 2^ poetic and dramatic scenes, designed and etched by David Scott. Folio. Edinburgh and Lond. 1837 301 Coleridge, S. T. Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Illus- trated by J. Noel Paton. Oblong 4to. Art Union of london, 1863 302 Coleridge, S. T. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Illustrated by Gustave Dor^. 4to. N. Y. 1878 303 Coleridge, S. T. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Illustrated by Dor^ and Paton. 4to. N. Y. 1887 304 Coleridge, S. T. Ancient Mariner. Illustrated by David Scott, with Life of the Artist, etc., by A. L. Simpson. Square i2mo. Lond. 1885 305 Coleridge, S. T. The Source of " The Ancient Mariner," by Ivor James. Post 8vo, paper. Cardiff, 1890 306 Coleridge, S. T. The Golden Book of Coleridge. Edited . by S. A. Brooke. Portrait. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1895 307 Coleridge, S. T. Shelley and Keats' Poetical Works. Frontispiece portraits (foxed). 1 vol. 8vo, Large Paper, boards. Paris (1829) 308 Coleridge, S. T. Another copy. 8vo, morocco. Paris, 1829 309 Coleridge, S. T. Letters of S. T. Coleridge. Edited by Ernest H. Coleridge. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Bost and N. Y. 1895 310 Coleridge, S. T. Narrative of the Events of his Life, by James D. Campbell. Portrait. 8vo. Lond and N. Y. 1894 311 Coleridge, S. T. Selections from Magazines, etc., by C. W. Frederickson. A lot. 312 Coleridge, Sara. Memoir .and Letters. Edited by her Daughter. Portrait. 2 vols, crown 8vo. Lond. 1873 313 Collection (A) of Seventy-nine Black-Letter Ballads and Broadsides, Printed in the Reign of Queen Elizabetfi, between the years 1559 and 1597. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1867 28 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 314 Collections towards an Archffiological Dictionary con- taining an explanation of Obsolete Words and Phrases. MS. 4to, half morocco (rubbed). n. p. (1808) 315 Collier, J. Payne. The Poetical Decameron; or, Ten Conversations on English Poets and Poetry. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1820 Charles Lamb's copy. Presentation copy from the author to C. Lamb; also Lamb's autograph. 316 Collier, J. P A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, alpha- betically arranged. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1865 317 Collier, J. P. The History of English Dramatic Poetry to the time of Shakespeare; and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration. 3 vols, small 4to, half morocco, un- cut. Lond. 1879 " To C. W. Frederickson, Esqr., my earliest friend and supporter in America." — J. Payne Collier. 318 Collier's Reprints. Green Series. A Royal Arbor of Loyal Poesie, consisting of Poems and Songs, by Thos. Jordan; Instructions to the Lord Mayor of London, 1574-51 by Thos. Norton. 2 vols. 4to. Privately printed. 379 Collier's Reprints. Blue Series. Englands Parnassus, or The Choysest flowers of our moderne Poets, with their Poeticall Comparisons, etc., 5 parts, 1600; A Gorgious Gallery of Gallant Inventions, etc., by T. P., 1578; The Phoenix Nest, etc., by R. S., 1593; A Light Bondell of Lively discourses called Churchyardes Charge, etc., 1580; An Antidote against Melancholy, made up into Pills, 1661. Together 9 vols. 4to, paper. 320 Collier's Reprints. Red Series. Broadside Black Let- ter Ballads, printed in the i6th and 17th Centuries, ilhcstrated ; A Few Odds and Ends for Cheerful Friends ; Tweny-five Old Ballads and Songs, from MSS. in the possession of J. Payne Collier; Old Man's Diary Forty Years Ago, Part i only Complete for 6 months of 1832. Together 4 vols. 4to, paper and half morocco. Privately printed. 321 Collier's Reprints. Yellow Series. Perimedes the Blacke- Smith, by Robert Greene, 1588; Strange Newes, by THE FREDERICK SON LIBRAR Y. 29 Thos. Nash, 1592; A Qvip for an vp-start Courtier, by Robt. Greene, 1592; Skialethia, by Edward Guilpin, 1598; Foure Letters, and Certain Sonnets, by Gabriel Harvey, 1592; Pierce Penilesse, His Supplication to the Diuell, by Thomas Nash, 1592; A New Letter of Notable Contents, by Gabriel Harvey, 1593; Pierces Supererogation, or A New Prayse of the Olde Asse, by Gabriel Harvey, 1593 (2 parts); Haue with You to Saffron-Walden, by Thos. Nash, 1596; Good Newes and Bad Newes, by Samuel Rowlands, 1622. Together II parts. 4to, paper. 322 Collier's Reprints, Magenta Series. Delia, Contayning Certayne Sonnets, with the Complaint of Rosamond, by Samuel Daniel, 1592; Idea, The Shepheards Gar- land, by Michael Drayton, 1593; The Complaint of Rosamond, by Samuel Daniel, 1592; Endimion and Phoebe; Ideas Latinus, by Michael Drayton. 4 vols. 4to, paper. 323 Collier. Notes on the Life of John Payne Collier; with a Complete List of his Works, etc., by H. B. Wheatley. i6mo, vellum, paper, uncut. Lond. 1884 324 Columbus. The Spanish Letter of Columbus, . . repro- duced in fac-simile. 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1891 325 Confederate. Fac-simile of the Constitution for the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America. Mounted on linen. Montgomery, Ala., 1861 326 Confederate Newspapers: Charleston Daily Courier; Raleigh Conservative; Weekly Picayune; Savannah Republican ; Savannah Daily Herald ; Van Buren, Ark., Press, 1860-65. 17 in all. 327 Constable, Henry. Diana: the Sonnets and other Poems of. Edited by W. C. Hazlitt. . To which are added a few notes and illustrations by Thomas Park. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1859 328 Cooke. Fifty Plates of Shipping and Craft. Drawn and etched by E. W. Cooke. 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1829 329 Cornwallis-Jones, R. J. Ships, Sailors, and the Sea. Illustrated. i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. 1887 30 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 330 Corser's (Rev. THOS.,late of Strand, Prestwich) Collec- tanea Anglo-Poetica : a Bibliographical and Descrip- tive Catalogue of a Collection of Early English Poetry, with occasional Extracts and Remarks, biographical and critical. Complete in ii vols. 4to, cloth. Large Paper. Chetham Society, 1860-83 The above splendid collection of Early English Poetry, dispersed by auction at Messrs. Sotheby's Rooms, realized the sum of nearly £10,000. The advertisers believe this to be the only complete copy on Large Paper ever offered for sale; the issue being so limited it is highly improbable another complete set vifill occur. Of Vol. I. 4 copies were only issued; Vols, II. and III., 2 copies; Vol. IV., 5 copies; Vol. V., 6 copies; Vols. VI. to XI., 3 copies. 331 CoRYAT, Thomas. Coryat's Crudities Hastily gobled up in five moneth's travells in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia commonly called the Orisons country, Helvetia alias Switzerland, some parts of high Germany, and the Netherlands; newly digested in the hungry aire of Odcombe in the County of Somerset and now dis- persed to the Nourishment of the travelling Members of this Kingdom. First Edition. Small 4to, russia (cracked). Lend. 161 1 Perfect copy with both title-pages, all the plates, the Posthuma Fragmenta, and the rare leaf of errata (the engraved title slightly damaged and mounted). 332 Coryat, Thomas. Thomas Coriate Trauller for the English Wits: Greeting. From the Court of the Great Mogol, Resident at the Towne of Ashmere, in Easterne, India. Portrait of the author riding on an elephant on the title and curious illustrations. 410, old calf. Printed for W. Jaggard and Henry Featherston, 1 6 1 6 Book-plate of William Evatt. 333 Cotterill, H. B. An Introduction to the Study of Poetry. i2mo. Lond. 1882 334 Cotton Manufacture of Dacca in Bengal. i2mo. Lond. 1851 335 Courthope, W. J. The Liberal Movement in English Literature. i2mo. (2) Lond. 1885 336 Crabbe, George. Tales. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1812 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 31 337 Crane, Walter. Renascence: a Book of Verse. Cuts. Small 4to, boards, uncut. Lend. 189 1 500 copies printed. This copy No. 76. 338 Crawshay, Rose Mary. Byron-Shelley-Keats In Me- moriam. Endowed Yearly Prizes, with life incidents of the foundress, Rose Mary Crawshay. Portraits. i2mo. • Breconshire, n. d. 339 Creasy, E. Memoirs of Eminent Etonians. Illustra- ted. i2mo. Lond. 1876 340 Croker, T. C. Walk from London to Fulham, by the late T. C. Croker, F. S.A. Revised and edited by his Son, T. F. Dillon Croker, F.S.A. With illustrations by F. W. Fairholt. Crown 8vo. Lond. i860 341 Crosse, Mrs. Andrew. Red Letter Days of My Life. 2 vols. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1892 342 Cruikshank. The Universal Songster; or. Museum of Mirth. Engraved frontispieces and woodcuts by Geo, and Robert Cruikshank. 3 vols. 8vo, calf (rubbed). Vol. I, 1828; Vol. 2, 1826; Vol. 3, 1828. Lond. 343 Cruikshank. Punch and Judy. With illustrations by George Cruikshank. Second Edition (foxed). i2mo, half morocco. Lond. 1828 344 Cruikshank. Greenwich Hospital, a Series of Naval Sketches. Colored illustrations by George Cruikshank. First Edition. 4to, half morocco (rubbed). Lond. 1826 345 Cruikshank, G. Comic Almanack. Edited by Horace Mayhew, R. B. Brough and others, with contributions by Thackeray, etc., from its commencement in 1835 to its termination in 1853. With nearly 220 plates sketched and etched by George Cruikshank., and thousands of woodcuts. The 19 parts bound in 5 vols. Fcap. 8vo, roxburghe, uncut. 1835-53 346 Curtis, George Wm. Literary and Social Essays. Crown 8vo, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1895 347 Cupid (The). A collection of Love Songs. Reprinted from the First Edition. Post 8vo, paper, uncut. Derby : Privately printed for Subscribers only., 1 89 1 33 THE FREDERICKSOA^ LIBRAE Y. 348 CusHMAN, Charlotte. Her Letters and Memories of her Life. Edited by Emma Stebbins. 8vo, sheets. Play bills and scraps laid in. Bost. 1878 349 CusHMAN, Charlotte. By Clara E. Clement. Illus- trated. i2mo. Lond., n. d. 350 r>vANA, R. H., Jr. Two Years Before the Mast. J ) First Edition. Small i2mo. N. Y. 1841 351 Dana, R. H., Jr. The Seaman's Manual. Twelfth Edi- tion, by Mayo. i2mo. Lond. 1871 352 Dana, R. H., Jr. Biography of, by Charles F. Adams. Portrait. 2 vols, crown 8vo. Bost. and N. Y. 1890 353 Dance of Death. Emblems of Mortality; imitated in a series of woodcuts from the Painting in Basil. Small i2mo, boards. Lond., n. d. 354 Danish. Ancient Danish Ballads. Translated from the originals by R. C. Alexander Prior, M.D. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Scarce. Lond. i860 355 Danish. Old Danish Ballads. Translated from Grimm's Collection, by an Amateur. 8vo. Lond. 1856 356 Danish. Poems from the Danish. Selected and illus- trated with Historical Notes by A. A. Feldborg. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1815 357 Danish. Feldborg, A. A. (^Editor'). Danish and Nor- wegian Melodies, arranged with additional Accompani- ments for the Piano-Forte, by C. Stokes. The Poetry translated by W. S. Walker. Engraved title (water- stained) and 48 engraved pages of music (foxed). Folio, half cloth, uncut. Lond. : Chappell, n. d. 358 Darley. Compositions in Outline by Felix O. C. Dar- ley, form Judd's Margaret. Oblong 4to, half vellum. N. Y. 1856 359 Darling, Grace, Her True Story, portrait, Lond. 1880; An Opportune Rescue, by the Author of Grace Dar- ling, Her True Story; Journal of William Darling, Grace Darling's Father. 3 vols. 360 Davies, T. L. O. Supplementary English Glossary. 8vo. Lond. 1881 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 33 361 Davison, Francis. Poetical Rhapsody. To which is added several other pieces. With Memoirs and Notes, by Nicholas H. Nicolas. 2 vols, in i. 8vo, calf. Lond. 1826 Autograph letter from the author to Joseph Haslewood inserted. Kare. 362 Dawe, G. Life of George Morland, with Remarks on his Works. Fine portrait and plates. 8vo, half calf. Rare. I/Ond. 1807 363 Dawson, John W. Acadian Geology. Geological Struc- ture, Organic Remains and Mineral Resources of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince's Edward's Island. Map and numerous illustrations. Thick 8vo. Lond. 1878 364 Dawson, W. J. Quest and Vision, Essays in Life and Literature, i2mo, uncut, Lond. 1892; Day Angel, the English Secretary, or Methode of Writing of Epistles and Letters, jBlack Ccttcr, small 4to, calf. Lond. 1599 365 Decker, T. The Gulls Hornbook. Imprinted at Lon- don for R. S. , 1609. Reprinted., Bristol, 1812. 4to. 366 Deist (The) ; or. Moral Philosopher. Frontispieces. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf (rubbed). Lond. 1819 367 Dekker, Thos. Dramatic Works of. Now first collected, with illustrative Notes, and a Memoir of the Author. 4 vols. i2mo, boards, uncut. Lond. : Pearson, 1873 368 Delaborde (Le Vicomte H.) Engraving: Its Origin, Processes and History. Translated by R. A. M. Stevenson. Illustrated. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1886 369 Dell, J. H. Nature Pictures. A series of thirty original illustrations. Engraved by R. Patterson. Imp. 4to, gilt edges. Lond. 187 1 370 Dennys, N. B. The Folk-Lore of China and Its Affini- ties with that of the Aryan and Semitic Races. Illus- trated. Royal 8vo, roxburghe. Lond. and Hong Kong, 1876 Rare. Printed at Hong Kong. Autograph letter of author in- serted. 371 De Quincey, Thos. Confessions of an English Opium Eater. i2mo, calf, neat (rebacked). Lond. 1822 First edition. Rare. 34 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 372 De Quincey, Thos. Collected Writings of Thos. De Quincey. New and enlarged edition. By David Mas- son. Portraits and illustrations. 16 vols. i2mo, uncut. Edinburgh: A. &■ C. Black, 1 889-1 890 373 De Quincey, Thos. Biographical and Historical Essays. i2mo. Bost. (1877) 374 De Quincey, Thos. Memorials. Being Letters and other Records, here first published. Edited, with Introduc- tion, Notes, etc., by Dr. A, H. Japp. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1891 375 De Quincey, Thos. A Selection of His Best Works. Edited by W. H. Bennett. Portrait and frontispiece. 2 vols. i8mo. Lond. 1889 Stott Library. 376 De Quincey, Thos. A series of Magazine and News- paper Clippings about De Quincey. In 4to portfolio. 377 De Quincey. Articles from the London Magazine, Blackwood's Magazine, etc., about De Quincey. 3 vols. 8vo, in wrappers. 378 De Verb, Aubrey. The Sisters, Inisfail, and other Poems. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1861 379 Devey, J. A Comparative Estimate of Modern English Poets. Thick crown 8vo, roxburghe, uncut. Lond. 1873 380 DiBDiN, Thomas F. The Bibliographical Decameron; or, Ten Days' Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts, and subjects connected with Early En- graving, Topography, and Bibliography. Numerous beautifully engraved portraits, plates, etc. 3 vols, royal 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1817 First edition. 381 Dibdin's (C.) Professional Life; together with the words of Six Hundred Songs selected from his Works, inter- spersed with many humorous and entertaining Anec- dotes. With numerous tinted plates. 4 vols. 8vo marbled calf, gilt. Very scarce. Lond. 1803 382 Dickens, Charles. Master Humphrey's Clock, N. Y. 1841; Dictionary of London, 1879 and 1880. 4 vols. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 35 383 Dickens, Charles. Christmas Carols, a fac-simile re- print of the Author's original MS. 4to. N. Y. 1890 384 Dickinson, Andrew. My First Visit to Europe. i2mo, N. Y. 1854 385 Dickson, -J as. P. Gathered Leaves: Thoughts in Prose and Verse. 8vo, limp boards. Londonderry, 1876 Essay on Tennyson ; Poems ; Estimates of Shelley, Dickens, Thackeray, etc. 386 Dix, Morgan. The Seven Deadly Sins. i2mo, paper. N. Y. (1888) 387 DoBSON, Austin {Editor). Old English Songs from Various Sources. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. 1894 3S8 Donne, John. Poems. (Title-page trimmed and mounted.) (Poor copy.) Lond. 1669 This copy is from the library of Charles Lamb, who lent it to S. C. Coleridge, behaving "scribbled" on the fly-leaves and in the margins copious critical notes before returning it to Charles Lamb. 389 DoRAN, Dr. Annals of the English Stage from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean. Edited by R. W. Lowre. With ^o copper-plate portraits and 80 wood engravings. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1888 390 Dor£. II Purgatorio di Dante Alighieri colle Figure di G. Dore. Folio (broken). Parigi, 1868 391 DowDEN, Edward. Transcripts and Studies. Stout small 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1888 Includes Essays on Shelley, Wordsworth, Spenser, Shakespeare, Marlowe, Browning's Sordello, etc. 392 DowDEN, Edward {Editor). Henry Taylor's Correspon- dence. 8vo. Lond. 1888 393 DowDEN, Edward {Editor). Lyrical Ballads Reprinted from the First Edition of 1798. i2mo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1890 394 DowLiNG, Richard. Ignorant Essays. Post 8vo. Lond. 1888 39SlDowNEY, Thomas. Naval Poems; Pleasures of the Naval Life; and The Battle of Trafalgar (title spotted). 4to, boards, uncut. Lond. 1813 396 Doyle, JamcsE. A Chronicle of England B. C. S5-A.D. 1485. Colored illustrations. 4to. Lond. 1864 36 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE V. 397 Doyle, Richard. A Journal Kept in the Year 1840. Illustrated. 4to. N. Y. 1886 398 Doyle, Richard. Bird's-Eye Views of Modern Society. 16 views. Oblong 4to, paper. 399 Drayton, Michael. The Works of, containing Poly Olbion, the Barons' War, England's Heroical Epistles, etc. Best Edition, i vol. large folio. Lond. 1748 The blank leaves are literally crowded with illustrative extracts from Elizabethan authors, additional poems, etc., including the whole of Skelton's Philip Sparrow, in C. Lamb's "most clerkly" hand- writing. 400 Drayton, Michael. The Battaile of Agincourt, with In- troduction and Notes by Richard Garnett. Portrait. i2mo, boards, uncut. Lond.: Chiswick Press, 1893 401 Drelincourt, Charles. The Christian's Defence Against the Fears of Death, with Seasonable Directions How to Prepare Ourselves to Die Well. Translated by M. D'Assigny. Engravings. 8vo, sheep (binding pooor). Lond. 1814 402 DuBois, Henri P. Four Private Libraries of New York. No. 70 of 200 copies on Japanese paper. 8vo, in silk cover. N. Y. 1892 Presentation copy to C. W. Frederickson, Poet, Lover of Shelley- ism, Philosopher. — Henri Pene DuBois, February, 1892. 403 Ducarel, Doctor. Anglo-Norman Antiquities Consid- ered in a Tour Through Part of Normandy. Illustrated with 27 copper-plates. Folio, boards, calf back. Lond. 1767 Ex libris of H. DeLa Beche, framed in a church window, drawn with pen and ink. 404 Du Chaillu, Paul. Ivar the Viking. i2mo. N. Y. 1893 405 Duncan, Archibald. The British Trident; or. Register of Naval Actions, etc. Engravings. 6 vols. i2mo, calf. Lond. 1 804-1 809 406 Duncan, A. The Mariner's Chronicle; or, Complete His- tory of Popular Shipwrecks, recording the most re- markable Disasters which have happened on the Ocean. Many engravings on copper. 4 vols. 12 mo, half calf. Vol. 3 has no title. Several plates missing. Lond. (1808) THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 37 407 DuNLAP Society. The Contrast; The Father, being Nos. I and 2 of the Publications of the Society. 8vo, paper. Scarce. N. Y. 1887 408 DuYCKiNCK, E. A. Memorial Sketches of his Life and Literary Labors by W. A. Butler and Samuel Osgood. Portrait. 2 pamphlets, 8vo. 1879 409 Dyce (The) and Forsi'er Collections in the South Ken- sington Museum. Engravings and fac- similes. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond., n. d. 410 Dyer, T. F. Thiselton. Loves and Marriages of some Eminent Persons. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1890 411 Dyer, Thos. H. Pompeii: its History, Buildings and Antiquities, etc. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1867 412 rr7AMES, WiLBERFORCE.) Bibliographical Notes on 1 \j Eliot's Indian Bible and on his other translations and works in the Indian Language of Massachusetts. Numerous fac-similes. Royal 8vo, paper. Wash. i8go 413 Early English Poems from Chaucer to Pope. Illustrated with wood engravings from drawings by eminent artists. 8vo, half roan, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1863 414 Early Reviews of Great Writers (1786-1832). Edited by E. Stevenson. Small i2mo. Lond. and N. Y., n. d. 415 Eastwood and Wright. The Bible Word Book. Post 8vo. Lond. 1866 416 Eaton, Arthur W. Acadian Legends and Lyrics. Post 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. 1889 417 Ecclesiastical History Epitomized. Containing a Faith- ful account of ye Birth Life and Doctrine Crucifixion and Ascension of ye Holy Jesus ; Lives of the Apostles, Antient Fathers, etc., etc. By J. S. Fourth Edition. Lond: Printed for G. Conyers, n. d. With engraved title, printed for W. Thackery. Post 8vo, calf. 418 Edda; or, The Tales of a Grandmother. History of Denmark, from the Earliest Ages to 1448. Illustrated. Square 8vo. Lond. 1875 38 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 419 Edwards, H. A Collection of Old English Customs, and curious Bequests and Charities. Crown 8vo, un- cut. Scarce. Lend. 1842 A most amusing and instructive work compiled from the reports of charities published by authority of Parliament, and is a specimen of the information to be derived from that voluminous and highly valuable collection of public documents. 420 Ellis, F. S. The History of Reynard the Fox. With some account of his Family, Friends and Associates, etc. With devices by Walter Crane. Small 4to, uncut. Presentation copy. Lond. : Niitt, 1894 421 (Ellis, F. S.) Memories of Men, Places and Things belonging to Past Times; The Ordering of Chivalry. 2 vols, paper, uncut. Chiswick Press (1892) Autograph letter of the author laid in. 422 Elton, Oliver (Translator). The First Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxo Grammaticus. 8vo. Lond. 1894 423 Elizabethan Garland (An): being a Descriptive Cata- logue of Seventy Black Ccttcr Ballads, printed between the years 1559 and 1597. In the possession of George Daniel. Introduction by George Daniel. Small 4to, half calf. Lond. 1856 25 copies only printed. 424 Elizabethan Dramatists. Notes on, with conjectura emendations of the text, by Karl Elze. Small 4to, uncut. Halle, 1880 425 Engelhardt, Conrad. Denmark in the Early Iron Age, illustrated by recent discoveries in the Peat Mosses of Slesvig. Illustrated. 4to. Lond. and Edinburgh, i866 426 England's Helicon, or the Muse's Harmony. A neatly written transcript of 184 pp., by Dr. Philip Bliss. Small 4to, half roan. " The transcriber has carefully noted the variations of the 4to and 8vo copies, and has inserted the names of the authors as supposed to have been identified by Ritson and others." 427 English Literature. Advertisements from various magazines, 1820-1824. Bound in 3 vols. 8vo, boards. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 39 428 English Men of Letter Series. Edited by John Mor- ley, Bacon, Byron, Coleridge, De Quincey, Gray, Keats, Lamb, Sidney. 8 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond., v. d. 429 English and Scottish Popular Ballads. Edited by F. J. Child. 9 vols, royal 8vo, paper, uncut. Bost. and N. Y. (1882-94) 430 Eton. The History of Eton College. Illustrated by 10 colored engravings. 4to, boards, uncut (loose). Lond. 1816 431 Eton. History of Eton College, 1440-1875, by H. C. Maxwrell Lyte. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1875 432 Eton. Eton of Old, or Eighty Years Since, 1811-1822, by an Old Colleger. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1892 433 Eton. Eton College Library, by F. St. John Thackeray. Small 4to. Eton and Lond. 1881 434 Eton. Reminiscences of Eton (Keats' Time), by C. A. Wilkinson. i2mo. Lond. 1888 435 Eton. Memoirs of Eminent Etonians, by E. S. Creasy. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1850 436 Evans, T. C. Of Many Men. i2mo. N. Y. 1888 437 rrABER. Sketches of the Internal State of France. \ translated from the French. 8vo, boards. Auto- graph of '' T. Jeff. Hogg.'" 181 1 " Its purport is to develop the character and to paint in colors the internal administration of Napoleon's Government." 438 Faceti^. The Age Reviewed, a Satire, in two parts, 1827. 8vo, original boards, quite uncut. 439 Facts and Observations relative to the nature and origin of pestilential fever in Philadelphia, 1793, '97 and '98. 8vo, paper. 'Lov^d..: Reprinted, 1799 440 Fairholt, F. W. Remarkable and Eccentric Characters. Vol. I. i2mo, paper. Lond. 1849 441 Fairholt, F. W. Homes, Works and Shrines of English Artists; also Rambles in Rome. With wood engravings. 8vo, gilt. Lond. 1873 40 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 442 Falconer, Capt. R. Voyages, Dangerous Adventures and Imminent Escapes, containing the Laws, Customs and Manners of the Indians in America, etc. Fifth Edition. i2mo, half calf (worn). Lond. 1764 A scarce book. 443 (Falconer, William.) The Shipwreck, a Poem in three cantos. By a Sailor. Two folded plates mounted on linen, one being the explanatory representation of a ship, the other a map. An extra leaf with autographs of Richd Shoubridge, A. Shoubridge, F. Horsham and C. W. Frederickson bound in. 4to, dark olive green mo- rocco, recent binding. The First Edition. Lond. 1762 444 (Falconer, William.) The Shipwreck. Another copy. With both plates. Autograph of John Hill on title-page (Somewhat soiled.) Old half calf binding (broken). Lond. 1762 445 (Falconer, William.) The Shipwreck. Another copy. With both plates. 4to, half green morocco, new bind- ing. Lond. 1762 Laid in isthe autograph of the author to a receipt for Half a Guinea from Mr. John Hope. A rare autograph. 446 Falconer, William. The Shipwreck. The Third Edi- tion, corrected. The two plates. 8vo, old mottled calf. Lond. 1769 447 Falconer, William. The Shipwreck. The Fourth Edi- tion, corrected. The two plates. 8vo, sheep (worn). Lond. 1772 448 Falconer, William. The Shipwreck. The Tenth Edi- tion. With illustrations by T. Stothard. Post 8vo, calf. Lond. 1800 449 Falconer, William. The Shipwreck. A new edition, with Memoirs of the Author, and beautiful engravings designed by Craig, Corbould, etc. Post 8vo, calf. Lond. 1803 450 Falconer, William. The Shipwreck, with a Sketch of his Life. Illustrated with wood engravings. 8vo, blue calf, gilt. Lond. 1808 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 41 451 Falconer, William. The Shipwreck. The text illus- trated by additional notes and corrected from the first and second editions, with a Life of the Author by James Stainer Clark. Illustrated with plates and vignettes engraved by J. Fittler. Royal 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1804 Large paper copy, with duplicate proof impressions of the engrav- ing. 452 Falconer, William. The Shipwreck, with the addi- tional Notes and a Life by J. S. Clarke. Illustrated with designs by N. Pocock^ engraved by Fittler. Royal 8vo, calf. Lond. 181 1 Printed on china paper, and " appropriately water-stained.^^ 453 Falconer, William. The Shipwreck, with the addi- tional Notes and Life by J. S. Clarke. Illustrations by Pocock. 8vo, calf, on heavy paper. Lond. 18 u 454 Falconer, William. The Shipwreck. Thirteenth Edi- tion. Designs by T. Stothard. Post 8vo, calf. Lond. 181 1 455 Falconer, William. The Shipwreck. Revised and copiously explained. Published by David Porter. i2mo, paper. Bait. 1796 First American edition. 456 Falconer, William. The Shipwreck, also Poems by Thomas Parnell. Frontispiece by Westall. i6mo, calf (cracked). N. Y. 1821 457 Falconer, William. Poetical Works. Post 8vo. Lond. : Bell &" Daldy, 1866 458 Falconer, William. An Universal Dictionary of the Marine. Illustrated with a variety of original designs of shipping. To which is annexed a translation of French Sea Terms and Phrases. New edition. 4to, calf (broken). Lond. 1784 459 Favourite English Poems of Modern TiMES,Unabridged. Illustrated with upwards of two hundred engravings on wood. 4to, half roan. Lond. 1862 460 Fawcett, Mrs. H. Some Eminent Women of Our Times. i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. 1889 42 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 461 Fenton, Sir Geoffrey. Certaine Tragicall Discourses written oute of Frencheand Latin, by Geffraie Fenton, no lesse profitable then pleasaunt, and of like necessitye to al degrees that take pleasure in antiquityes or for- reine reapportes. Imprinted at London in Flete-strete nere to Saint Dunstons Churche by Thomas Marshe. IS79- Black letter, fine woodcut border to title. Small 4to, russia, gilt edges (title-page and next leaf cut too close, last three leaves repaired, somewhat water-stained). This coUecjion of novels and stories is one of the sources from which the old English dramatists drew their plots and incidents. Warton, in his "History of English Poetry," speaks of it as the most important volume of its kind. 462 Fergusson, James. A History of Architecture in all Countries from the Earliest Times; History of Indian and Eastern Architecture and of Modern Architecture. With 1,600 illustrations. Second Edition. 4 vols. 8vo, half imit. morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1873-4 463 Fergusson, James. Rude Stone Monuments in all Countries. With 2^4 illustrations. Svo, cloth. Lond. 1872 464 Ferrey, Benjamin. The Antiquities of the Priory of Christ Church, Hampshire; with historical and de- scriptive accounts by Ed. W. Brayley. Second Edition, revised by John Button. 4to, cloth. Lond. 1841 " T. H.(ookham), presented by the Honble Lady Shelley." 465 Field, Mrs. E. M. The Child and His Book: some account of the History and Progress of Children's Literature in England. Illustrated. Crown Svo. Lond., n. d. 466 Fields, James T. Yesterdays with Authors. i2mo. Bost. 1872 467 Fields, Mrs. James T. A Shelf of Old Books. Fifty- six wood-engraved illustrations. Svo, uncut, cloth. N. Y. 1894 468 Field, Kate. Charles Albert Fechter. With illustrations. i2mo. Bost. 1882 469 Figuier, Louis. The Ocean World. With 427 illustra- tions. 8vo. Lond. : Cassell, Fetter (r Galpin THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE V. 43 470 Fitzgerald, Edward. Letters of. 2 vols, post 8vo, uncut. Lend, and N. Y. 1894 471 Fleay, Frederick Gard. A Chronicle History of the Life and Work of William Shakespeare, Player, Poet aud Playmaker. JVitA two etched illustrations. 8vo, uncut, half roan. Lond. 1886 472 Fleay, Frederick Gard. A Chronicle History of the London Stage, 1559-1642. 8vo, uncut, half roan. ■ Edition of 460 copies. Lond. i 890 473 Fleay, Frederick Gard. A Biographical Chronicle of the English Drama, 1559-1642. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut, half roan, gilt tops. Lond. 1891 " This book has no rival; it is the only one in which the plays of Fletcher, Jonson, Heywood, etc., down to the least of our dramatists are arranged in the order of their production, and the number of critical problems solved or attacked is probably greater than in any like treatise on record." 474 Fleming, . Sandford. The Intercolonial, a Historical Sketch of the Railway uniting the Inland and Atlantic Provinces of the Dominion. With maps and numerous illustrations. 8vo. Montreal, 1876 475 Forbes, E. History of British Starfishes and other Ani- mals of the Class Echinodermata. Numerous beautiful woodcuts. 8vo, cloth. Van Voorst, 1841 476 Ford, Robert. Ballads of Bairnhood, selected and edited, with Notes. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1894 477 Fortescue. The Foreste, or Collection of Histories, no lesse profitable then pleasant and necessarie, dooen out of Frenche into Englishe by Thomas Fortescue. Im- pritited at London by Ihon Kyngston for Willyam Jones, 157 1, ^lack fetter. 8vo, half morocco. " Said to have been written in Spanish by Pedro de Mexia, thence translated into Italian, thence into French." — Warton. 478 Forget Me Not for 1835 ; Friendship's Offering for 1836. (Some plates lost.) 2 vols. Lond. 479 Forth Bridge (The) in its Various Stages of Construc- tion and compared with the most Notable Bridges of the World, ^^ plates, oblong 4to ; also, The Forth Bridge, reprinted from "Engineering," Third Edition, 4to, Lond. 2 vols. 44 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 480 Fox, Caroline. Memories of Old Friends, being Ex- tracts from Journals and Letters from 1835 to 187 1. Edited by Horace N. Pym. With portrait etched by H. Herkomer. Royal 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1882 481 Francis, John. Chronicles and Characters of the Stock Exchange. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond. 1851 482 Francis, John. Publisher of the Athensum, a literary chronicle of Half a Century, with introductory note by H. R. Fox Bourne. Portrait. 2 vols, crown 8vo. Lond. 1888 483 Francis, Dr. J. W. Old New York; or. Reminiscences of the Past Sixty Years. Crown 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1854 Presentation copy to Lady Franklin with the author's autograph. 484 Eraser's Magazine, for Town and Country, from Vol. i, 1830, to Sept., 1846. 28 vols, in half red roan, 5 vols, in numbers. As 32 vols. Lond. Sold as it is, not subject to collation. 485 Eraser's Magazine. Vols. 1 to 22, and 15 odd parts, 1841-43. Sold as 24 vols, (imperfect; passages cut out). 486 Eraser's Magazine. A Collection of Literary Portraits from it. J4 plates. A limited number issued. 4to, paper, roan back. Lond. 1833 487 Eraser, Sir Wm. Hie et Ubique. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1893 488 Freethought. The Free Enquirer. Edited by Francis Wright, Robert Dale Owen and Amos Gilbert. Vol. IV. 4to, half calf (broken). N. Y. 1832 Articles on Godwin, Lamb, Shelley, etc. 489 Freethought. Cooper's Journal; or, Unfettered Thinker and Plain Speaker for Truth, Freedom and Progress, 1850. 8vo, half calf. Lond. Sonnet to Shelley on page 78. 490 Freethought. The Freethinker's Magazine and Re- view of Theology, Politics, and Literature. Edited by Friends of Truth and Progress. Crown 8vo, half calf. Scarce. Watson, 1851 491 Freethought. The Freethinker's Text-Book, by C. Bradlaugh and Annie Besant. Nos. i, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10. 7 Nos. i2mo, paper. Lond. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR V. 45 492 Freethought. The Freethinker's Text-Book. 2 parts or vols. i2mo, cloth. 493 Freethought. The World's Sages, Infidels and Think- ers, by D. M. Bennett. Portrait. 12 mo, imit. moroc- co, gilt. N. Y. 1876 494 Freethought. The Truth-Seeker in Philosophy, Litera- ture, and Religion. Edited by Dr. Lees. 3 vols. i2mo, half paper. Lond. 1846-48 495 Freethought. Half Hours with the Freethinkers. Edited by Iconoclast, Anthony Collins and John Watts. Nos. I to 24, Oct., 1856-Sept., 1857. 24 Nos. (all issued) i2mo, paper. (Lond.) 496 Freneau, Philip. Poems relating to the American Revo- lution, writh Memoir and Notes by E. A. Duyckinck. (Lower margins slightly stained.) Crown 8vo. N. Y. 1865 497 (Frothingham, W.) Atheos; or, The Tragedies of Un- belief. i2mo. N. Y. 1862 498 (Frey, J.) Bibliographical Memoranda: in Illustration of Early English Literature. Small 4to, uncut, half green morocco (rubbed). Bristol, 1816 A rare work; only gg copies printed. 499 Fuller, Margaret. Life Without and Life Within; or. Reviews, Narratives, Essays and Poems. Portrait. i2mo. Bost. (1859) 500 FuLWOOD, William. The Enimie of Idlenesse. Teach- ing the manners and stile how to endite, compose and write all sorts of Epistles & Letters, etc. JSlack Cctter. Imprinted at London by Henry Bynneman for Leonard May- lard., Anno 1^68. (Title margins damaged; somewhat soiled.) Post 8vo, calf. First edition of this curious book, and very rare. coi /~^ ALE, Thomas. Antonini Iter Britanniarum com- \_J. mentariis illustratum. 4to, calf. Lond. 1709 Signature of Tho? Gray, tlie poet, on title-page. 46 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 502 Gardens and Menagerie of the Zoological Society. Numerous very fine engravings on wood by Branston., J. Wright and others., after Ha7-vey's designs. 2 vols, in i. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. Lond. : Chiswick Press, 1831 Printed entirely on india paper. Scarce. Presentation copy from J. Wright to Mrs. S. C. Hall, and by her presented to Rev. Wood, with her autograph. 503 Garnett, Richard. Poems. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. and Bost. 1893 504 Garnett, Richard. Io in Egypt, and other Poems. " To the Memory of Shelley " on page 97. Post 8vo. Lond. 1859 505 Garvagh (Lord). The Pilgrim of Scandinavia. Wood engraved illustrations. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1875 506 Gaskell, Mrs. Cranford, with a Preface by Anne Thackeray Ritchie, and illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1891 507 Gay, John. Fables. Illustrated with woodcut vignettes and tail-pieces. Post 8vo, calf. Chiswick Press, 181 2 508 Genealogy of the Family of Solomon Drowne, M.D., of Rhode Island, by Henry T. Drowne. j portraits. 16 pp. 8vo, paper. Providence, 1879 509 Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle, 1749-50. Maps and plates {not warranted perfect). 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 510 Georgian Era (The). Memoirs of the Most Eminent Englishmen during the Reigns of the Four Georges. Portraits on steel and wood. 4 vols, crown 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1832 511 (Gerard, J. W.) Ostrea; or. The Loves of the Oysters, by A. Fishe Shelley. i2mo. (2) N. Y. 1857 512 Gilfillan, G. a Gallery of Literary Portraits. 11 por- traits on stone, of Jeffrey, Godwin, {Shelley), Carlyle, De Quincey, Prof. Wilson, Wordsworth, Charles Lamb, Lock- hart, etc. Crown 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1845 Besides the above names, the volume contains sketches of Hazlitt, Walter Savage Landor, Thos. Campbell, Coleridge, Emerson, Keats, Macaulay, Southey, etc. THE FREDERICK SON LIBRARY. 47 513 Gilpin, William. Observations on the Coasts of Hamp- shire, Sussex and Kent. Plates. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1804 514 Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic Architecture. Third Edition enlarged. With the companion volume of four hundred additional examples. Several hundred woodcuts. 3 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1840 515 Godwin, William. St. Leon: a Tale of the i6th Cen- tury, First Edition, 4 vols. lamo, boards, uncut, Lond., 1799; Fleetwood, First Edition, 3 vols, half calf, 1805; Mandeville, First Edition, 3 vols, uncut, half calf (broken), 1817; Deloraine, First Edition, 3 vols, half sheep, 1833; Caleb Williams, Fourth Edi- tion, 3 vols, calf, 1816. 16 vols. 516 Godwin, William. Caleb Williams. Revised, with Mtmoiv. Frontispiece. Post 8vo. 'Lond.: E. Bentley, T.?>/\g 517 (Godwin, William.) Fables Anciennes et Modernes, adaptees a I'usage des Enfans. Engraving on title by Blake. i2mo, sheep (broken). 1806 518 Godwin, William. Lives of The Necromancers. 8vo, half calf (worn). Lond. 1834 519 Godwin, William. The Enquirer; Reflections on Edu- cation, Manners, and Literature. 8vo, shp. Lond. 1797 520 Godwin, William. Essay on Sepulchres, or a Proposal for erecting some memorial of the Illustrious Dead in all ages on the spot where their remains have been interred. Frontispiece. i2mo, boards, uncut. 1809 521 Godwin, William. Essays — never before published. i2mo. Lond. 1873 522 Goethe. Faustus, from the German of Goethe, with Retsch's series of 2^ outlines engraved by Henry Moses; New Edition, with portrait of the author.^ and an Appendix containing the May-Day Night Scene, translated by Percy Bysshe Shelley. Plates on India paper. 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1832 523 Goethe. Faustus, from the German, wit/, Petsch's outlines, Third Edition, Lond. 1824; In same volume, Schiller's Fight with the Dragon, illustrated with 16 outline engrav- ings from designs by Petsch, 1825. 4to, cloth. 48 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAK V. 524 Goethe. Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship: a Novel. 3 vols. i2mo, boards, uncut. Bost. 1828 525 Goldsmith, Oliver. The Traveller, or a Prospect of Society: a Poem, Lond. : printed for J. Newberry, 1765. 4to, green levant morocco, gilt, by Riviere & Son. A handsome copy of the rare first edition. 526 GoLDSiwiTH, Oliver. The Deserted Village: a Poem, l^ond. : printed for W Griffin, 1770. 4to, green levant morocco, by Riviere & Son. A handsome copy of the rare first edition. 527 Goldsmith, Oliver. The Deserted Village. First Edi- tion. (Lacking title and half-title and last two leaves.) 4to, unbound. 528 Goldsmith, Oliver. The Deserted Village. The Sec- ond Edition. 4to (no cover). Lond. 1770 529 Goldsmith, Oliver. Poetical Works, with Remarks attempting to ascertain the actual scene of the De- serted Village, and illustrative engravings by Mr. Alkin. By Rev. R. H. Nevirell. 4to, half calf. Lond. 181 1 530 Goldsmith, Oliver. Poems of. A new edition. Adorned with plates designed by Hamilton and Wheatley. (Somewhat foxed.) Large Paper. 8vo, green morocco, gilt (rubbed). Lond. : T. Bensley, 1800 531 Goldsmith, Oliver. Poetical Works, with a Biograph- ical Memoir and Notes by Bolton Corney. With numer- ous pretty engravings on wood by members of the Etching Club. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Scarce. 1846 532 Goldsmith, Oliver. Poems of, edited by R. A. Will- mott. With illustrations by Birket Foster and H. N.Hum- phreys, printed in colors. 8vo, gilt (not stitched, but glued and loose). Lond. and N. Y. 1859 .533 Goldsmith, Oliver. Poetical Works. 40 fine engravings on wood by Absolon, Birket Foster., J. Godwin attd Harrison Weir. i2mo, cloth. Lond. 185 1 534 Goldsmith, Oliver. Traveller; Deserted Village. 2 vols. post 8vo. Longmans, Green &" Co., 1876 535 Goldsmith, Oliver. Poems and Plays, edited by Austin Dobson. With a frontispiece by Herbert Railton. Post 8vo. Lond. : /. M. Dent df Co., 1891 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 49 536 Goldsmith, Oliver. The Vicar of Wakefield. With 32 illustrations by William Mulready. 8vo, uncut, cloth. Lond. 1843 537 Goldsmith, Oliver. The Vicar of Wakefield. With a Preface by Austin Dobson, and illustrations by Hugh Thomson. i2mo, gilt edges. Lond. and N. Y. 1890 First edition. 538 Goldsmith, Oliver. The Vicar of Wakefield. By Dob- son and Thomson. Second Edition. i2mo, uncut. 1891 539 Goldsmith, Oliver. Illustrations (sixteen) to the De- serted Village. Etchings by R. C. Lucas. India paper (foxed). Oblong 4to, boards. Scarce. Lond. 1841 Presentation copy from the artist. 540 Goldsmith, Oliver {Editor). The Life and Adventures of Ambrose Gwinett, who for Murder which he never committed was hung, yet lived many years, and found the man alive for the supposed murder of whom he had been executed. 32 pages 8vo (no cover). Phil. 1784 541 Goldsmith, Oliver. Life. Written from Personal Knowledge, etc. (By Bp. T. Percy.) 8vo, half calf, neat. Lond. 1774 Rare. Original edition. 542 Goldsmith, Oliver. Forster, John. Life and Adven- tures of Oliver Goldsmith: a Biography. With 40 woodcuts by Mulready and others. First Edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut. 1848 Prefaced by a Dedicatory Sonnet by the author to his friend Charles Dickens. Autograph note of the author inserted. 543 Goodrich, S. G. Parley's Magazine for 1833. Illustrated with 180 engravings. Square i2mo, half roan. N. Y. and Bost. 544 Goodrich, S. G. Parley's Almanac for 1837. Illustrated. i2mo, paper. Bost. 545 Gordon, Alex. A Compleat History of the Ancient Amphitheatres, particurlarly that of Verona, from the Italian, by the Marquis Scipio Maffei. 15 plates. (10 loose plates laid in.) 8vo, boards. Lond. 1730 546 Gorringe, Henry H. Egyptian Obelisks. §0 full-page illustrations., artotopes, engravings, and one chroma. 4to. Lond. 1885 50 THE FREDERICK SOX LIBRAR V. 547 GossE, Edmund. Questions at Issue. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1893 548 Gossip (The) : a Magazine published weekly by J. Ben- nett, Kentish Town, commencing March 3, 1821, and finishing August 11, 1821. 8vo, boards, 188 pages. Many curious bits are found in this. My Book, I swear is richly worth the money, Blank verse and rhymes, original, translated, Elegy, ode, and sonnet, gall and honey, Horrors on horrors, I've accumulated. Postal card signed by H. Buxton Forraan inserted. 549 GossoN, S. Pleasant Quippes for Upstart Newfangled Gentlewomen, and a Treatise on the Pride and Abuse of Women, by C. Bansley, edited by J. P. Collier. Half roan. 1841 " N. B. — This is one of twenty uncasiraied copies ; the only one I preserved, the rest I gave away." — MS. Note by J. P. Collier. 550 GoTTFRiEDT, JOHAN L. Historischc Chronica. Mit viel schonen geschichtmessigen Kupfferstucken, durch Matthceus Merian. Franckfurt, 1630. 3 vols, small 4to, boards, covered with stamped pigskin, clasps. 551 Gould, John W. Private Journal of a Voyage from New York to Rio de Janeiro, with sketch of his life and his occasional writings. Printed for private circulation only. 207 pp., 8vo, paper cover. N. Y. 1839 552 Gradus ad Cantabrigiam; or. New University Guide to the Academical Customs and Colloquial or Cant Terms, with a variety of curious and entertaining anecdotes. 5 colored plates. 8vo, boards, uncut. 1824 553 Grattan, Thomas C. Beaten Paths and those who Trod Them. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. 1862 The second volume contains ' ' A Three Days' Tour with Coleridge and Wordsworth." 554 Gray, Thomas, An Elegy wrote in a Country Church Yard, Lond. R. Dodsley, 1751 (title soiled and has a hole in blank part), rare First Edition; bound with it, Odes, by Mr. Gr^y , printed at Strawberry- Hill, 1757, book-plate of Geo. Chalmers, Esq. Small 4to, half calf (worn). THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 51 555 Gray, Thomas. The Magazine of Magazines, Vol. II., 175 1, containing on page 160 Stanzas written in a Country Church-Yard. 8vo, calf (worn). " The first printed, never saw but one other copy, which was sold at Gowan's sale for 840, The writer was a bidder at $39."— Fred. 556 Gray, Thomas. The Grand Magazine of Magazines, Vol. II., 1750. Contains at page 313, April No., " An Elegy written in a Country Church Yard." 8vo, half calf (worn). Book-plate of John Piggott. 557 Gray, Thomas. The London Magazine for 1751. Con- tains at page 134, March No., "An Elegy written in a Country Church Yard." 8vo, sheep. 558 Gray, Thomas. The True Briton, Jan. 2 to June 19, 1 75 1. 8vo, uncut, boards. Lond. Containing on page 376 t\ie fourth impression of the Elegy, and on page 234 the third impression of the epitaph, " Here rests his Head upon the lap of Earth." 559 Gray, Thomas. An Elegy written in a Country Church Yard. The Third Edition, corrected. 4to (no cover). Lond. 1751 This interesting edition, published the same year as the first, does not contain the author s name. It was Sir Horace Walpole who persuaded Gray to allow him to have it printed, and this copy con- tains " The Advertisement " [by Walpole] stating that the poem had fallen into his hands ' ' by accident. '' The text of this edition contains several variations from the generally accepted text ; the most impor- tant of these being (i) that the poem, instead of being broken up into verses of 4 lines each, as we now have it, is printed continuously as Gray wrote it, and (2) the preservation of 4 beautiful lines at the end of the poem, and immediately preceding " The Epitaph" — which are entirely omitted from modern editions. " There scatter'd oft, the earliest of the Year, " By Hands unseen, are show'rs of Violets found ; " The Redbreast loves to build and warble there " And little Footsteps lightly print the Ground." The title-page contains the two curious black bars on which are engraved the pick-axe and spade, skull and cross-bones, the hour- glass and the crown. 560 Gray, Thomas. Do. Fourth Edition. 4to (no cover). Lond. 1751 oZ THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 561 Gray, Thomas. An Elegy written in a Country Church Yard. Fifth Edition. 4to (no cover). Lond. 1751 562 Gray, Thomas. Do. Sixth Edition. 4to (no cover). Lond. 1752 563 Gray, Thomas. Do. Eighth Edition. 4to (no cover). Lond. 1753 564 Gray, Thomas. Do. Tenth Edition. 4to (no cover). Lond. 1756 565 Gray, Thomas. Do. Eleventh Edition. 4to (no cover). Lond. 1759 566 Gray, Thomas. Do. A new edition. Frontispiece and vignettes. 8vo, paper. Lond. 177 1 " Rare, i£ not unique. T. Gray, the author, born 1716, died 1771 the date of this edition. The plates are reduced copies of those by Bentley, pub. in 1753." — F. 567 Gray, Thomas. Do. A new edition. Frontispiece and vignettes. 8vo (no cover). Lond. 1775 568 Gray, Thomas. Elegy written in a Country Church- Yard by Mr. Gray, and translated into Italian verse by J. Giannini. (English and Latin on opposite pages.) Frontispiece by Bartolozzi. 4to, paper, Lond. 1782 569 Gray, Thomas. Gray's Elegy Set to Music by Thomas Billington. 4to, paper. (Lond. 1784) 570 Gray, Thomas. An Elegy written in a Country Church Yard, frontispiece and 2 vignettes on copper, Lond., Dods- ley, 1788, interleaved ; (Tindal, Wm.) Remarks on Dr. Johnson's Life, and Critical Observations on the Works of Mr. Gray, London, 1782; (Young, John) Criticism on the Elegy written in a Country Church Yard, being a Continuation of Dr. J n's Criticism on the Poems of Gray, Lond. 1783; (The Same,) Second Edition, Edinburgh, 1810. 4 vols, in i. Small 8vo, calf (neatly repaired at joint). Joseph Haslewood's copy, with his boolc-plate. 571 Gray, Thomas. The Grave, a Poem by Robert Blair^ to which is added Gray's Celebrated Elegy. Both illustrated with Notes, etc. Engraved title. i2mo, half morocco. Lond. 1790 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 53 572 (Gray, Thomas.) Elegy written in a Country Church Yard (edited by John Martin). Illustrated. 4to. Lond. : Van Voorst, 1836 573 (Gray, Thomas.) Elegy, etc. With Versions in the Greek, Latin, German, Italian and French Languages. Illustrated. i2mo. Lond. : Van Voorst, 1839 574 Gray, Thomas. Elegy, etc. Illustrated by R. C. Lucas. (Foxed.) Oblong 4to, boards. Lond. 1841 575 Gray, Thomas. Elegy, etc. Illuminated by Owen Jones. 8vo, embossed calf (rubbed). Lond. and N. Y. 1846 576 Gray, Thomas. Elegy, etc. Illustrated by the Etching Club. Royal 8vo, vellum (loose). Lond. 1847 577 Gray, Thomas. Elegy, etc. Illustrated. 4to. N. Y. and Bost. 1856 578 Gray, Thomas. Elegy, etc. Fac-simile of the Original Autograph Manuscript, by Cundall, Downes & Co. 4to, paper. Lond. 1862 579 Gray, Thomas. Elegy, etc. i6mo. Lond. 1876 580 Gray, Thomas. Gray's Elegy, printed from the MS. bequeathed by the Poet to Mason. Edited by Wm. Eraser. 4to. Lond. (1884) 100 copies printed on hand-made paper. This copy No. 12. 58: Gray, Thomas. Elegy, etc. Illustrated by Henry Fenn. (With fac-simile of the MS. in pocket.) i2mo, vellum. Lond. (1884) 582 Gray, Thomas. Gray's Elegy and its Author. Illus- trated from original photographs by J. L. Williams. Ob- long 4to. Troy, 1891 583 Gray; Thomas. Elegy, etc. Illuminated by Owen Jones. 8vo, embossed calf (rubbed). Lond. 584 Gray, Thomas. Elegy, etc. Fac-simile of the (Pembroke Cottage) Copy. With engravings of the tojnb and monu- ment of Gray. Folio, boards. n. p., n. d. 585 Gray, Thomas. Goldsmith, O. B. Gray's Elegy in Caligraphic Costume. 4to. n. p., n. d. 586 Gray, Thomas. An Evening Contemplation in a Col- lege: being a Parody on the Elegy in A Countr). Church Yard. By another Gentleman of Cambridge. 4to (no cover). Lond.: Dodsley, 1753 54 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 587 Gray, Thomas. Elegia Scripta in Ccemeterio Rustico. The First Latin Edition. 4to, paper (no cover). Cantabrigise, 1762 588 Gray, Thomas. Anstey, Christopher, English Poet. Latin versification of Gray's Elegy, printed with MS. corrections. 4to, paper. Lond. 1778 589 Gray, Thomas. Gray's Elegy. Translated into Latin Verse, including the Author's rejected stanzas. To- gether with Dr. Edwards's additional lines. Crown 8vo (no cover). Lond. 1823 590 Gray, Thomas. Elegiam in Coemmetrio Rustico Con- scriptam Latine Reddidit H. S. Dickinson. i2mo (no cover). Ipswich, 1849 591 Gray, Thomas. Elegia . . . in un Cimitero Campestre, etc. English text and Italian translation on opposite pages. i2mo (no cover). Verona, 1776 59i-|- Gray, Thomas. Elegia. Another edition. English translations on opposite pages. i2mo (no cover). Cambridge, 1782 592 Gray, Thomas. Elegia Inglese di Tommasso Gray sopra un Cimitero Campestre. Transporta in Verso Italiano da G. Torelli. 4to, half cloth neat, entirely uncut. Parma, 1793 Handsomely printed by Bodoni. The English text and Italian translation on opposite pages. 593 Gray, Thomas. Another copy. With two other trans- lations included. (Waterstained.) 4to, half morocco. Parma, 1793 594 Gray, Tommaso. Elegia sopra un Cimitero di Cam- pagna, tradotta in piti lingue, ec. 8vo, half calf, un- cut. Verona, 1817 Only 350 copies printed. Contains Gray's Elegy, with translations into Italian (8), French (2), German (2), Latin (4), Greek, and He- brew. With observations, etc, 595 Gray, Thomas, Odes, First Edition, with MS. notes by Mr. Gray, and also, Garrick's address, in Gray's hand- writing. Strawberry Hill, 1757; The Library, by Crabbe, 1783; The Newspaper, by Crabbe, 1785; An THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 55 Ode to the Country Gentlemen of England, by Dr. Akenside, 1758; Retaliation, by Dr. Goldsmith, 1784; The Village, by Crabbe, 1783; Deserted Village, by Goldsmith, 1772. i vol. 4to, half morocco. 596 Gray, Thomas. To Mr. Gray on his Odes. (By David Garrick.) i leaf, 4to, paper. 597 Gray, Thomas. Poems. Printed on one side of the page only. Plates from designs by R. Bentley. Folio, old calf. Lond. 1753 Portrait of Gray inserted, and some MS. notes by Horace Wal- pole. 598 Gray, Thomas. Do. Another edition. 4to, half calf (broken). Lond. 1756 25 extra inserted portraits, views, etc. 599 Gray, Thomas. Another copy (imperfect), but has 26 inserted Portraits, Views, etc. 600 Gray, Thomas. Another edition. Thick paper copy, entirely uncut. Folio, boards. Lond. 1765 6oi Gray, Thomas. Poems. 4to, old calf. Glasgow: Robt. &" And. Foulis, 1768 Book-plates of Philip Bliss and Rev. Joseph Carter. 602 Gray, Thomas. Poems. 4to, old calf. Dublin: Swing, 1771 603 Gray, Thomas. Poems. To which are prefixed Me- moirs of his Life and Writings, by W. Mason. MS. Index and Transcript of Gray's Will at end. 4to, old calf. York, 1775 604 Gray, Thomas. Poems, with Notes by G. Wakefield, 1786; Works, with Memoir by W. Mason, 2 portraits, 2 vols. 1807; Cursory Examination of Dr. Johnson's Strictures on the Lyric Performances of Gray, 1781; etc. Bound in 2 vols. Thick 8vo, calf, rebacked. Lond., V. y. From the libraries of Isaac Reed and of Joseph Halsewood with their autographs, dated 1786 and 1807, and interesting MS. Notes by both, written on interleaved paper, etc. They have also added numerous reviews, clippings from magazines and newspapers, Italian versions of The Elegy, parodies, etc. , etc. 605 Gray, Thomas. Poems. Illustrated with full-page en- gravings. 8vo, calf. Lond.: Murray, 1786 Book-plate of James Forbes. 56 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 606 Gray, Thomas, Poetical Works; Poetical Works of William Collins, i vol. folio, old calf. Glasgow: Andrew I^oults, 1787 607 Gray, Thomas. Poems. Large Paper. 4to, half calf, uncut. Parma: Bodoni, 1893 Only 500 copies of this beautifully executed edition were printed. 608 Gray, Thomas. Poems, with a Short Account of his Life, and copy of his last Will and Testament. Beau- tifully printed by Bodoni, and dedicated by him to "Frederick Hervey, Earl of Bristol and Bishop of Derry. " With book-plate of '■'■ Bessy Moore." 4to. Printed by Bodoni, 1793 With MS. notes on the fly-leaf by Thomas Moore. "Bought at Parma for my dear Bessy, Nov. 29, 1819." ' ' I certify that the above was written by my friend Thomas Moore in the Stamperia of Bodoni, at Parma, Nov. 29, 1819. Francis Chantry." 609 Gray, Thomas. Select Poems. Royal 8vo, half smooth morocco, gilt back. Inscription on title. n. p., 1795 A Privately Printed Collection of Poems, including Gray's Elegy, etc., Green's Spleen, and Poems by Collins, Tickel, Dryden, etc. 190 pages. 610 Gray, Thomas. Poetical Works; to which are annexed Poems, written by, addressed to, or in Memory of Mr. Gray. Portrait. Post 8vo, old calf. Lond. 1799 611 Gray, Thomas. The Poems of Gray. A new edition. Adorned with plates. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1800 612 Gray, Thomas. Do. Another copy. 8vo, calf. Lond. 1800 613 Gray, Thomas. The Selector: Works of Gray, Gold- smith, Falconer, Somerville. Frontispieces. i6mo, calf. Lond. 1815 614 Gray, Thomas. Poems, Illustrated with WestalVs designs. i2mo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1821 615 Gray, Thomas. Poetical Works. Aldine Edition. Por- trait. i2mo. Lond. 1836 616 Gray, Thomas. Poetical Works. Edited by John Moul- trie. Illustrated. 8vo. Eton, 1853 617 Gray, Thomas. Select Poems. Edited by Rolfe. Illus- trated. i2mo. N. Y. 1876 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE V. 57 6i8 Gray, Thomas. Poetical Works, with Memoir by Henry- Reed. Illustrated. 8vo. Phil. 1876 6ig Gray, Thomas, Poetical Works. Edited by Edmund Gosse. Portrait. 4 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1884 620 Gray, Thomas. Poetical Works. Edited, with a Biblio- ography, by John Bradshaw. Portrait. Post 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. 1891 621 Gray, Thomas. Poetical Works. i6mo. (Lond., n. d.) 622 Gray, Thomas. The Bard. Illustrated by Mrs. John Talbot. Square i2mo. Lond. 1837 623 Gray, Thomas. An Inquiry into some Passages of Dr. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, particularly his Observa- tions on Lyric Poetry, and the Odes of Gray, by R. Potter. Portrait. 4to, paper. Lond. 1783 624 Gray, Thomas. A Collection of MS. Music made by the Poet Gray, with the XV. Psalm and a Song in the Penseroso, in his own Autograph. 73 leaves, oblong 4to, vellum, in green morocco case. 625 Gray, Thomas. Original MSS. Collections, by Rev. John Mitford, relating to the Poet Gray. The contents are fully described by Mr. Mitford; there are besides. Notes by Rev. Alex. Dyce, Joseph Hunter, and others. It contains 22 portraits of Gray., views of Stokes Church, etc. ; Gratu- latio by Gray, Original Edition; Gray's Ode on Eton College, 1747, Original Edition; Gray's Ode Performed in the Senate-House at Cambridge, July i, 1769, Orig- inal Edition; Fac-simile of the Pembroke Elegy ; Gray's Manuscript Notes on Names of some Authors not men- tioned in the 6th Vol. of Dodsley's Miscellanies ; Thomas Taylor's MS. Remarks on Gray's Notes on Plato; and other MS., etc. i vols. 4to, half morocco. A very interesting collection. 626 Gray, Thomas. Correspondence of, and William Mason, with Notes and Illustrations by John Mitford. 8vo. Lond. 1853 627 Gray, Thomas, and his Friends, Letters and Relics. Edited by Duncan C. Tovey i2mo. Cambridge, 1890 58 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 628 Gray, Thomas. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts of the Poet. Priced in ink. Thick paper copy, only 14 so printed. 8vo, half roan. 1851 629 Gray, Thomas. Catalogue of some Choice and Fine Books, including the Reserved Books, Autograph MSS. and Letters of the Poet Gray. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1854 630 Gray, Thomas. Miscellany. Review of Gray's Work, by John Moultrie; Sale of Gray's Library— both from the Gentleman's Magazine; Catalogue of Gray's Li- brary, Nov., 184s; Sale Catalogue of MSS. of Gray, Aug., 1847; Extract from Gray's MS. Journal. 8vo, half calf (cracked). The list of contents in writing of J. Mitford, with his autograph. 631 Gray, Thomas. Poems, with some Account of his Life and Writings. Frontispiece. (Lacks title-page.) 24mo, calf. Scarce. 632 Gray, Thomas. A Letter to W. Mason, concerning his Edition of Mr. Gray's Poems, by a Bookseller. i6mo, paper. Lond. 1777 633 Gray, Thomas. Linnaeus, Carolus. Flora et Fauna Suevica. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Stockholmise, 1755- '61. The Poet Gray's Copy, with his A. Signature: " Tho. Gray" on one title-page, and numerous marginal MS. Notes in his ntat handwriting. From the Library of his friend and biographer., the poet William Mason, whose book-plates are in the vols. Portrait of Mason and A. Dft. S. by him, 1783, laid in. 634 Gray, Thomas. Mixt Essays upon Tragedies, Comedies, etc., Lond. 1687; Notes upon Mr. Dryden's Poems, by M. Clifford, Lond. 1687; Momus Triumphans, or The Plagiaries of the English Stage, expos'd in a Catalogue, etc., by Gerard Langbaine, Lond. 1688; Regular and Irregular Thoughts in Poets and Orators, Lond. 1697. 4 vols, in I. 4to, half calf. Manuscript title to the five tracts and the List of Contents are in the handwriting of Thomas Gray. Mitford's copy. 635 Gray, Thomas. An Irregular Ode, occasioned by the Death of Mr. Gray. 14 pp. 410 (no cover). Lond. 1772 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRAR Y. 59 636 Gray, Thomas. Two Odes: To Oblivion, 23 pp. with MS. note at end, Lond. 1760; A Pindaric Ode not written by Mr. Gray, 11 pp. Lond. 1779. 2 pieces, unbound, 4to. 637 Gray, Thomas. Stoke Church and Park, by Robert Balmanno, from Graham's Magazine. With "leaves of the elm and yew trees, from the church-yard, for Mrs. Balmanno, with kind regards of George Liver- more." 8vo, boards. 1855 638 Gray, Thomas. A Miscellaneous Collection of Maga- zine Articles and Cuttings in regard to the Poet. Etchings, engravings and woodcuts illustrative of the scenes or sentiments of his poems, etc. To be sold as a lot. 639 Great Writers. Edited by Prof. Eric S. Robertson, i. e. , Charlotte Bronte, R. Browning, Byron, Carlyle, Coleridge, Emerson, George Eliot, Goldsmith, Haw- thorne, Heine, Hunt, Hugo, Johnson, Keats, Long- fellow, J. S. Mill, Milton, Scott, Thackeray. 19 vols. Svo, uncut. Lond., v. d. 640 Greenaway, Kate. Birthday Book. 382 illustrations, colored. i8mo, boards. Lond. 641 Greene, Robert. Greene's Orpharion. Wherin is dis- couered a musicall concerde of pleasant Histories, many sweet moods graced with such harmonius dis- cords, as agreeing in a delightfull closse, they sound both pleasure and profit to the ear, etc. 58 pp. small 4to (title margins repaired). At London, 1599. Red morocco, richly tooled and gilt, by Tuckett, binder to the Queen. Rare. 642 Greene, Robt. Notable Discovery of Coney Catchers' Cozenage; as well as the Cozenage of Colliers. First printed in 1591. Edited by Jas. O. Halliwell. Post Svo, uncut. Lond. 1859 643 Greene's (Robert) Carde of Fancie wherein the Folly of those Carpet Knights is deciphered, which guiding their course by the compass of Cupid either dash their ship against most dangerous rocks or else attaine the haven with pain and perill. Small 4to, parchment. Lond. : Printed by H. L, for Matthewe Lownes, 1608 Imperfect, 6 leaves missing and one leaf mutilated. 60 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRA R Y. 644 Greene, Robert. Philomela, The Lady Fitz Waters Nightingale. Black £cttcr. 4to, polished calf, gilt, by Pratt. Lond. 1615 Malone Collection, ;^5. Roxburghe, 6659. 645 Greene, Robert, and Peele, George. Dramatic and Poetical Works, with Memoirs of the authors and notes by Rev. A. Dyce. Royal 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1861 Presentation copy. ' ' To the Rev. W. Harness from his old Friend A. Dyce." 646 Greens for Christmas. Small 4to, cloth. n. p.: Chas. L. Moreau, 1874 Presented to C. W. Frederickson by Henry T. Drowne, New Years, 1875. 647 Greenwich. An Historical Account of the Royal Hos- pital for Seamen at Greenwich, 1789. Numeroics en- gravings. 4to, half calf. Lond. 1789 Armorial book-plate — Motto: " For Right and Reason." 648 Greenwood's Map of Sussex, drawn from Actual Sur- veys, colored, j large maps, mounted on linen, en- closed in royal 8vo, pull case (rubbed and torn). 649 Grey River (The), by Justin McCarthy, Mrs. Campbell Praed and Mortimer Menpes. Published by Messrs. Seeley &" Co. j'L.onA. [889. Fine etchings. Folio, uncut. No. 106 of 230 copies printed. 650 Griffin, B. Fidessa: a Collection of Sonnets. (Edited by S. W. Singer.) Crown 8vo, half roan, uncut. Lond. : Chiswick Press, 1815 Only 100 copies. Reprinted from the very rare edition of 1596. 651 Griffin, G. W. Studies in Literature. Crown 8vo. Bait. 1870 652 Grimm, A. L. Fairy Tales from the German: The Black Guitar; The Two Foundlings of the Spring; and. The Avenging Cudgel. With illustrations by Cruikshank. i2mo, boards, uncut. Very scarce. Lond. 1827 653 Grimm, Jacob. Teutonic Mythology. Translated from the Fourth Edition, with Notes and Appendix, by Jas. Steven Stallybrass. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1880-88 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 61 654 Grinsted, T. p. Relics of Genius: Visits to the Last Homes of Poets, Painters and Players. With Bio- graphical Sketches. Illustrated. Square i6mo, uncut. Lond. 1859 655 Grolier Club. Catalogue of Original and Early Edi- tions of some of the Poetical and Prose Works of Eng- lish Writers, from Langland to Wither. Royal 8vo, half morocco, uncut. N. Y. 1893 One of 400 copies on Holland hand-made paper. 656 Grolier Club. Catalogue of Early Printed Books. 1887- Catalogue of an Exhibition of Engraved Portraits, 189 1. 2 vols. i6mo, paper. 657 Gronow. The Reminiscences and Recollections of Cap- tain Gronow: being Anecdotes of the Camp, Courts, Clubs and Society, 1810-60. Portrait, 4 woodcuts and 20 etched and acquatint illustrations from contemporary sources, by Joseph Grego. 2 vols, royal Svo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1889 The original limited edition, with duplicate sets of the illustrations, one on plate paper, proofs before letters, the other on Whatman paper, colored by hand. 658 Gronow, Captain. Reminiscences: being Anecdotes of the Camp, the Court and the Clubs. Related by Himself. Illustrated. Second Edition, revised. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1862 659 Grownow, Captain. Recollections and Anecdotes, both series, comprising: Recollections of the Camp, Court and Clubs; Celebrities of London and Paris; and. Last Recollections. 2 vols, in the original yellow backs, picture covers. Scarce. Lond. 1870 660 Grose, Francis. A Provincial Glossary. With a Col- lection of Local Proverbs and Popular Superstitions. New edition, corrected. 4to, boards (cloth back). Lond. 1811 Numerous penciled notes throughout the volume. Play-bill laid in. 66 i Guerrazzi, F. D. Beatrice: an Historical Novel of the Sixteenth Century. Translated by Charles A. Scott. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1858 63 THE FREDERICKSON LTBRAJi V. 662 Guide Books: Baedeker's Italy, 3 vols., 1879-80; Mur- ray's Hand-Book of Kent and Sussex ; Newstead Abbey; etc. 8 vols, cloth and paper. 663 IJ AFLIDASON, EiNAR. Life of Laurence, Bishop of 1 1 Holar in Iceland (Laurentius Saga). Translated by O. Elton. Small 4to, cloth. Lond. 1890 664 Haigh, D. B. The Anglo-Saxon Sagas. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1861 665 Hake, Charles (M. P. for New Windsor). Newes out of Powles Churchyarde. Written in English Satyrs, 1579. An Accurate Reprint of the excessively rare Original. With Introduction and Extracts from Hake's other Works by C. Edmonds. 8vo, wrapping vellum, uncut edges. Scarce. Lond. 1872 Only 100 copies printed on this size. 666 Hales, J. W. Longer English Poems. With Notes, Philological and Explanatory. Square i6mo. Lond. 1875 667 Hall, S. C. A Book of Memories of Great Men and Women of the Age, from Personal Acquaintance. Illustrated. 4to, gilt edges. Lond. 1871 668 Hall, S. C. Retrospect of a Long Life, from 1815 to 1883. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1883 669 Hallam, Arthur Henry. Poems of, together with his Essay of the Lyrical Poems of Alfred Tennyson, with Introduction by R. Le Gallienne. i6mo, boards. Lond. 1893 670 Hallam, Henry. Introduction to the Literature of Europe. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1837 671 Halleck, Fitz-Greene. Fanny, Second Edition, 1821; Alnwick Castle, with other Poems, First Edition, 1827. In I vol. 8vo, half roan. ' ' Bought at the sale of the author, Fitz-Greene Halleck. Alnwick Castle is a presentation copy to his sister Maria." — Fred. Newspaper cuttings about Halleck laid in. 672 Halliwell-Phillips (J. O., Editor). Lodge, Thomas. The Margarite of America, 1596; Reprint, 4to, half roan, uncut, Lond. 1859. One of 26 copies privately printed. Rare. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR V. 63 673 Halliwell's Rare Reprint. A Pretie New Enterlude of the Story of Kyng Daryus; now first reprinted from the Original Edition of 1565, edited by J. O. Halliwell. 4to, half roan, uncut, beautifully printed on thick paper, half brown morocco. Lond. i860 Exceedingly rare. Only 26 copies printed. Certified by the printer in Mr. Halliwell's satisfactory manner, ' ' no perfect copy being preserved either in the waste or even in proof-sheets." 674 Halliwell, J. O. (^Editor). The Whimzies; or, a New Cast of Characters, from the Original Edition pub- lished in 1631. 4to, half roan, uncut. Lond. 1859 Only 26 copies printed. Rare. 675 Halliwell, J. O. (Editor). The History of John Winch- comb, usually called Jack of Newbury, The Famous Clothier. Written by Thomas Deloney, 1597. 4to, half roan, uncut. Lond. 1859 Only 26 copies printed. Rare. 676 Halliwell, J. O. {Editor). The Tinker of Turvey, or Canterbury Tales, an early collection of English Novels, edited by. 4to, half roan, uncut. Lond. 1859 The impression of this work is very strictly limited to twenty-six copies, no additional perfect copy being preserved either in the waste or even in proof sheets. May, '1859. Thomas Richards (holograph signature of the Printer). 677 Halliwell, J. O. [Editor). A Dictionary of Old Eng- lish Plays existing either in Print or in Manuscript from the earliest times to the close of the 17th Century. 8vo, uncut. Lond. i860 678 Halliwell, J. O. A Dictionary of Archaic and Pro- vincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs and An- cient Customs from the 14th Century. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1855 679 (Halliwell, J. O.) A Dictionary of Misprints, found in printed books of the i6th and 17th Centuries. 4to, uncut. Brighton, 1887 680 Halliwell, J. O. Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Tales of England. Large Paper. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Lond., n. d. Only 150 copies of this edition printed. 64 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 68i (Halliwell, J. O.) New Lamps or Old? A few addi- tional words on the momentous question respecting the E and the A in the name of our National Dra- matist. 8vo, paper. Brighton, 1880 682 Halliwell, J. O. {Editor). The Sack Full of Newes, an Old Jest-Book. Originally printed in the i6th Cen- tury, now first reprinted since 1673 from a copy sup- posed to be unique. Small 410, roxburghe. Lond.1861 Only 40 copies printed for the editor. 683 (Halliwell, J. O., {Editor).) Memoranda, intended for the use of Amateurs. . . To make Searches in the Pub- lic Record Office. 8vo. Eor strictly private circulation. Presentation copy. (Forty copies only.) Brighton, 1884 684 Halliwell, J. O. {Editor). The Wyse Chylde and the Emperor Adrian: A Dialogue resembling that of Solo- mon and Saturn. From the unique edition printed by Wynkyn De Worde. Small 4to, roxburghe. Lond. i860 685 Hamilton, Walter. Parodies of the Works of English and American Authors. Collected and annotated. Vol. 5. 4to, cloth, gilt top. Lond. 1888 686 Hare, Augustus J. Walks in Rome, 2 vols. 1872; Sus- sex, z7/«i/ra/^(/, Lond. 1894. 3 vols. i2mo, uncut. 687 Harington, John. The Metamorphosis of Ajax, with the Anatomy and Apology. To which is added Ulys- ses upon Ajax. Portrait. Crown 8vo, uncut. Chiswick Press, 1 8 1 4 688 Harman, Thomas. A Caveat; or, Warning for Common Cursetors, vulgarly called Vagabonds. 4to, half mo- rocco (water stained). Lond.: Reprinted., 1814 68g Harper's Magazine. June, 1886-Nov. , 1896. 13 vols, in Nos. 690 Harris, Thomas L. A Lyric of the Golden Age, N. Y. 1856; Regina, a Song of Many Days, Lond. i860. 2 vols. i2mo. 691 Harris, Thomas L. A Lyric of the Golden Age. First European Edition. i2mo. Glasgow, 1870 692 Harrison, Wilmot. Memorable Paris Houses. With over 60 illustrations from drawings made expressly for this work. i2mo, uncut. N. Y. and Lond. 1893 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 6& 693 Harvey, Gabriel. Pierce's Supererogation ; or, A New Praise of the Old Ass, and a new Letter of Notable Contents. From the Editions of 1593. 4to, paper. Lond. : Private Press of Longman, etc., 1815^ 694 Harvey, William H. Manual of the British Marine- Algae. Colored plates. 8vo. Lond. 1849 695 Hawkins, Thomas. The Origin of the English Drama,. with Notes. 3 vols, post 8vo, calf. Oxford, 1773 696 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. First Edition (with the word reduplicate on page 21). Nice copy. i2mo, in original cloth. Best. 1850 697 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. International Monthly Mag- azine, Vol. 5. Jany. to April, 1852. Contains origi- nal Composition by Hawthorne. 8vo. 698 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from the French and Italian Note Books. 2 vols, crown 8vo. Lond. 187 1 699 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Passages from the English Note Books. 2 vols, crown Svo, uncut. Lond. 1870 700 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Composition in Outline from Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter, by F. O. C. Darley. Ob- long folio, half morocco (rubbed). Bost. 1879 701 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Personal Recollections of, by Horatio Bridge. Illustrated. i2mo, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1893 702 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Nathaniel Hawthorne and his Wife : a Biography, by Julian Hawthorne. Illustrated^ 2 vols. i2mo, sheets. Bost. 1885 703 Haywood, A. Sketches of Eminent Statesmen and Writers, with other Essays. 2 vols. Svo, uncut. Lond. 1880 704 Hayne, Paul H. Poems, Bost. 1855; Avolio, a Legend of the Island of Cos, with Poems Lyrical, etc., Bost. i860. First Editions. 2 vols. i2mo. 705 Hayne, Paul H. Poems. Complete Edition. Illustrated.. Square crown Svo. Bost. 1882 706 Haynes, John E. Pseudonyms of Authors, including Anonyms and Initialisms. 8vo, uncut. N. Y. 1882 (36 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 707 Hazen, Edw. The Panorama of Professions and Trades. With woodcuts of 82 trades and professions. Square 8vo, boards. Phil. 1836 708 (Hazlitt, William.) The Spirit of the Age; or, Con- temporary Portraits. Extra-illustrated by j6 clip- pings and engravings. i2mo, half morocco. Lond. 1825 709 Hazlitt, William. Miscellaneous Works. 5 vols, izmo, sheep. N. Y. 1859 710 Hazlitt, W. Carew. Collections and Notes, 1867-1876; Second Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes ; Third Series, with additions; Third Series, Second Supplement. Together 4 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1876-92 711 Hazlitt, W. Carew. Handbook to the Popular, Poet- ical, and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the Invention of Printing to the Restoration. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1867 712 Hazlitt, W. Carew {Editor). Remains of the Early- Popular Poetry of England, with Introductions and Notes. 4 vols, post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1864-66 713 Hazlitt, W. Carew. A Hundred Merry Tales. Now first reproduced in photo-lithography from the unique copy of 1526. Royal 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1887 137 copies only printed ; this copy No. 27. 714 Headley, J. T. Travels in Italy. Post 8vo. Dublin, 1849 715 Health and Pleasure on America's Greatest Railroad. Vols, for 1890-96. Illustrated. 6 vols. 8vo, paper. 716 Heap, D. P. Ancient and Modern Light-Houses. Illus- trated. 8vo. Bost. 1889 717 Heliconia: Part i. The Georgeous Gallery of Gallant Inventions; Part 2, A HandefuU of Pleasant Delites; Part 3, The Phoenix Nest; Part 4, England's Parnas- sus; Part s, Second Portion of England's Parnassus, re-edited by J. Park, 1814-15. 5 vols. 4to, boards, uncut. Lond. 1814-15 718 (Hemans.) Browne, Felicia Dorothea (afterwards Mrs. Hemans). Poems. Vignettes on wood. 4to, original boards, uncut. Liverpool, 1808 Rare. " This first publication attracted the attention of Shelley, THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 67 who corresponded with the authoress. Most of the poems in this volume were not included in the collected edition of her works." — B. M. Pickering. 719 Hemans, Mrs. Poetical Works. Frontispieces. 2 vols. in I. iSmo, roan. Phil. 1839 720 Hentz, Caroline Lee. Robert Graham: a Sequel to Linda. i2mo. Phil., n. d. 721 Herbert, George. The Temple, Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, portrait (lacks title-page) ; in same volume, The Synagogue, in Imitation of Mr. George Herbert, by (C. Harvey) ; also. The Life of Mr. George Herbert, by L Walton (lacking title-page). Post 8vo, sheep (cover loose). 722 Herbert, H. W. (^Editor'). Sporting Scenes and Sundry Sketches, by J. Cypress, Jr. (Wm. P. Hawes). 3 plates. 2 vols. i2mo. N. Y. 1842 723 Herbert, William. The History of the Twelve Great Livery Companies of London, with an Historical Essay, and accounts of each company, etc. 2 vols, royal 8vo, uncut. Lond. : Published by the Author^ 1837 724 Hermits. The Book of Hermits, unique and very curi- ous collection of printed and manuscript articles on Hermits, Pilgrims, Religious Recluses, etc., both Euro- pean, English and Oriental. Fully illustrated with scarce engravings and drawings. 4to, half roan (repaired). 725 Herrick, Robert. The Hesperides and Noble Numbers. Edited by Alfred Pollard, with a Preface by A. C. Swinburne. Portrait. 2 vols, post 8vo, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1891 With the Appendix of Epigrams, etc., in paper. 726 Herrick, Robert. Poems chosen out of the Works of. Edited by F. S. Ellis from the text of the edition put forth by the author in 1648. Printed by William Mor- ris, at the Xelmscott Fress, 1895. 8vo, uncut, vellum. 727 Herring, Richard. Paper and Paper Making, Ancient and Modern, with introduction by the Rev. George Croly. 8vo. Lond. 1855 68 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 728 Heywood, John. Works, Proverbs, Epigrams, etc. Small 4to, half roan. (^5^7) Lacks title and several leaves at end of vol. Curious full-length woodcut portrait in middle of vol. 729 Heywood, John. The Proverbs of, edited, with Notes and Introduction, by Julian Sharman. Crown 8vo. Only looprinted. Lond. 1874 730 Heywood, Thomas. rUNAIKEION; or. Nine Bookes of Various History concerning Women, Inscribed by ye names of ye Nine Muses. Lond. : Printed by Adam Islip, 1624. Engraved title only, 7vith g figures of the muses. (Margin replaced; one leaf of the table shorter than others; volume somewhat stained.) Folio, old calf. 731 Heywood, Thomas. A True Description of His Majes- ties Royall Ship Built this Yeare, 1637, at Wool-witch in Kent. To the great glory of our English Nation & not paraleld in the whole Christian World. Frontis- piece of the Ship (mounted and slightly cut into). Small 4to, calf. Very rare. 1637 732 Heywood, Thomas. The Brazen Age, 1613. Manuscript copy by John Payne Collier, Editor of Shakspeare. Ill pages of letter paper. "Perfect. F." 733 Heywood, Thomas. The Iron Age. First and Second Parts. 1632. Manuscript copies by John Payne Collier. 132 and 8g pages letter paper. " Perfect. F." 734 HiERON, Samuel. An Answere to a Popish Ryme lately scattered abroad in the West parts. (Last leaf miss- ing.) Small 4to, paper. Lond. 1608 735 Hillard, Geo. S. Six Months in Italy. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1853 736 Hindley, Charles {Editor). The Old Book Collector's Miscellany; or, a Collection of Readable Reprints of Literary Rareties. 3 vols. 8vo, half roan (rubbed). Lond. 1871 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 69 737 HiNDLEY, Charles. The Life and Times of James Cat- nach, Ballad Monger of Seven Dials, by Charles Hind- ley. Embellished with numerous quaint and curious wood- cuts.^ including 42 by Bewick. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1878 A most amusing biography of this celebrated person, how he came to London to seek his fortune and made it by publishing street bal- lads, broadsides, children's books, the chronicling of scandals, duels, assassinations, suicides, elopements, etc. 738 HiNDLEY, Charles. The True History of Tom and Jerry. Illustrated. i2mo, uncut, boards. Lond. ,n. d. 739 Historical Reason Why, English History. lamo. Lond. 740 Hofland, T. C. The British Angler's Manual. Nume- rous engravings on steel and wood. New edition, by E. Jesse. i2mo. H. G. Bohn, 1848 741 Hogg, Thomas J. Journal of a Traveller on the Conti- nent. 2 vols. i2mo, half calf. Lond. 1827 742 Hogg, Thomas J. Autograph. — Sylloge Scriptorum, qui de Linguae GraecEe, videlicit A. Mekerchi, T. Bezae, J. Ceratini et H. Stephani, quibus accecunt S. Haver- campi Dissertatio. Plates of coins, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, calf extra, red edges. 1736 " T. Jeffn. Hogg, Univ. Coll., Oxon,'' written in each volume. 743 Holmes, Oliver W. Our Hundred Days in Europe. i2mo. Bost. 1887 First edition. 744 Homer. Homer, Prince of Poets; translated according to the Greeli in twelve Bookes of his Iliads, by Geo. Chapman. At London printed for Samuel Mackam. Scarce. Engraved title by Will. Hole. No date (prob- ably 1610). After the poem eight dedicatory Sonnets. Narrow 4to, boards, calf back (the upper inside cor- ners worn off, slightly damaging the text). 745 Homer. The Whole Works of Homer, Prince of Poets; translated to the Greeke by Geo. Chapman. At London printed for Nathaniell Butler. Engraved title by William Hole; portrait of Chapman on the reverse; also the plate of the Prince's Feathers. (Engraved title to the Odyssey in poor condition.) Folio, old calf. n. d. A most interesting and valuable copy, containing the autograph 70 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. signature, long letter, and numerous notes in the handwriting of S. T. Coleridge, the poet and philosopher. In one note Coleridge says: " Chapman in his moral heroic verse, as in this Dedication and the prefatory Sonnets to his Odysses (Iliads?), stands above Jonson; more dignity, more lustre, and equal strength; but not midway quite between him and the Sonnets of Milton. I do not know whether I give him the higher praise in that he reminds me of B. Jonson with a sense of his superior excellence, or that he brings Milton's memory, notwithstanding his inferiority, etc." In another he writes: "What is stupidly said of Shakspere is really true and appropriate of Chapman, ' mighty faults counter- poised by mighty beauties,' excepting his quaint epithets, etc." " It is (this translation) as truly an original Poem as the Faery Queen. In short it is an exquisite Poem, spite of its frequent and perverse quaint- ness and harshnesses, which are however amply repaid by almost un- exampled sweetness and beauty of language, etc., etc." See also Coleridge's very peculiar opinion of the Batrachyomachia, etc. This identical book belonged to the Poet Wordsworth, and is noticed in an account of Rysdale Mount in " Once a Week," Vol. i. 746 Homer. Chapman, George. Sonnets, attached to Chap- man's Translation of Horace. Engraved title. Small 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1857 Six copies only printed; this is No. i. John Mitford's copy, with his autograph. 747 Homer. Another copy. 4to, half imit. morocco. 1857 As Mr. Frederickson's library contains two copies out of six printed, this must be a very rare book. 748 Homer. The Whole Works of Homer, Prince of Poets; translated into English Verse by George Chapman, with Introductions and Notes by R. Hooper. Fac- simile portrait and titles. 5 vols, square post 8vo, cloth. Lond. : (Chiswick Press), 1857-58 749 Homer. The Iliad and Odyssey, translated into English Blank Verse by the late William Cowper. Second Edi- tion, with copious Alterations and Notes. 4 vols. 8vo, russia (rubbed). Lond. 1802 750 Homer. The Iliad and Odyssey: a very neat and legible manuscript of the Greek text. 2 vols. i6mo, green crimped morocco, gilt. 751 Homer. The Minor Poems, translated by Parnell, Chap- man, Shelley, Congreve and Hole. lamo, uncut. N. Y. 1872 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE V. 71 752 Hone, William. The Every-Day Book; or, Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, etc. With 320 en- gravings. 2 vols. 8vo, half green calf (rubbed). First edition. Lond. 1827 753 Hone, William. The Year Book of Daily Recreation and Information, concerning Remarkable Men and Manners, Times and Seasons, Solemnities and Merry- makings, Antiquities and Novelties — forming a com- plete History of the Year. With 114 illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. 1832 First edition. 754 HooD, Thomas. Poems, Third Edition, 1848, portrait; Poems of Wit and Humour, Second Edition, 1849. 3 vols, post 8vo. Lond. : Ed. Moxon 755 Hood, Thomas. Poems. i2mo, paper. N. Y. 1846 756 Hood, Thomas. Humorous Poems, with Preface by Alfred Ainger, and ijo illustrations by Charles E. Brock. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1893 757 Hood, Thomas {Editor). The Gem: a Literary Annual. 16 plates., india paper proof s. "The Dream of Eugene Aram," by Hood, first printed in this book. Large Paper, i2mo, silk, gilt. Lond. 1829 758 Hood, Tom. Practical Guide to English Versification. New and enlarged edition. Post 8vo. Lond. 1877 759 Hooker, W. D. Notes on Norway. Fine plates. 8vo, paper. Glasgow, 1839 Not published. 760 Horace. Odes of Horace, Selected, Translated, Re- viewed and Enlarged, with many more by Sir Thomas Hawkins. Imprinted at London by I. Hauiland, 16^8. Fourth Edition. Engraved title. i6mo, sheep. ' ' From the Library of Dr. George Bethune — considered by him one of his gems — having manuscript notes by Charles Cotton, the companion and friend of Isaac Walton." 761 Horace. The Odes and other Poems translated. (Lacks title; soiled.) 8vo, uncut. (2) 72 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 762 (HoRNE, R. H. (Author of "Orion").) Exposition of the False Medium and Barriers Excluding Men of Genius from the Public. Portrait. Crown 8vo, half cloth, uncut. Lond. 1833 Original edition. Rare. 763 HoRSFORD, Eben Norton. Dicovery of America by Northmen: Address at the Unveiling of the Statue of Leif Eriksen, delivered in Faneuil Hall, October 29, 1887, by Eben Norton Horsford. Illustrated. 4to, gilt top. 764 Horsford, Eben Norton. The Discovery of the Ancient City of Norumbega : a Communication to the American Geographical Society, Nov. 21, 1889. Illustrated. 4to, gilt top. Bost. 1890 765 Horsham: its History and Antiquities. Numerous plates. Post 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1868 766 Hosmer, William H. C. Poetical Works. Portrait. 2 vols. i2mo. N. Y. 1854 767 Houston, Mrs. M. C. A Woman's Memories of World- Known Men. Third Edition, revised. i2mo. Lond. 1883 768 HowiTT, William. A Popular History of Priestcraft in all Ages and Nations. Fifth Edition revised. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1834 769 HowiTT, William. Homes and Haunts of the Most Eminent British Poets. Illustrations by W. &= G.Measom. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847 770 HowiTT, William. The Rural Life of England. Third Edition. Corrected and revised. With illustrations on wood by Bewick and S. Williams (two not before pub- lished — on pages 302 and 324). 8vo, half morocco, marbled edges. Lond. 1844 771 HowiTT, William. The Aristocracy of England: a His- tory for the People. By John Hampden, Junr. Sec- ond Edition. Post 8vo. Lond. 1846 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 73 772 HowiTT, William. Colonization and Christianity: a Popular History of the Treatment of the Natives by the Europeans in all their Colonies. Crown 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1838 Includes, pp. 28-144, The Spaniards in the New World ; pp. 330- 385, The English in America; pp. 386-416, Treatment of the Indians by the United States. 773 HowiTT, William. Northern Heights of London, or Historical Associations of Hampstead, Highgate, Mus- well Hill, Hornsey, and Islington. Thick 8vo, in cloth, uncut. Scarce. 1869 774 HowiTT, William and Mary. Literature and Romances of Northern Europe, with Specimens of the Histories, Romances, Legends, Ballads, etc. First Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. (2 copies.) 1852 775 HowiTT, Mary. An Autobiography, edited by her Daughter, Margaret Howitt. Woodbury type portraits and wood engravings. 2 vols, royal 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1889 776 HoYT, Joseph G. Miscellaneous Writings, /(?^^ra?Vy Ad- dress on Shelley; etc. 8vo. Bost. 1863 777 Hughes, Thos. Memoir of Daniel Macmillan. Portrait. i2mo. Lond. 1882 778 (Hunt, Freeman.) Letters about the Hudson River and its Vicinity. By a Citizen of New York. i6mo. Presentation copy from the author. N. Y. 1836 779 (Hunt, Leigh, and Charles Lamb.) The Reflector: a Quarterly Magazine, complete. Original Edition (foxed). 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1811-12 780 Hunt, Leigh. The Feast of the Poets, with other pieces in Verse. Second Edition. Post 8vo (no cover). Lond. 1815 781 Hunt, Leigh. Foliage; or. Poems Original and Trans- lated. Small i2mo, half calf. Lond. 1818 First edition. 782 Hunt, Leigh. The Months descriptive of the successive Beauties of the Year. i2mo, paper, uncut. Lond. 1821 First edition. Edges dirty. 74 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 783 Hunt, Leigh. The Liberal. Verse and Prose from the South. 2 vols. 8vo, in Nos. as issued. Lond. 1822-23 First edition. 784 Hunt, Leigh. The Liberal. Verse and Prose. 2 vols. 8vo, in Nos. as issued. Lond. 1822-23 Second edition. 785 Hunt, Leigh. The Liberal. Verse and Prose from the South. 2 vols. 8vo, half cloth, uncut. Lond. 1822-23 First edition. 786 Hunt, Leigh. The Liberal. Verse and Prose from the South. (By Hunt, Byron and Shelley.) Vol. i. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1822 787 Hunt, Leigh. Another copy. (Imperfect.) 788 Hunt, Leigh. The Indicator. 2 vols, in i. 8vo, half morocco, uncut, gilt top. Lond. 1822 Brimful of curious articles on Common Sense, Dreams, Books, Anecdotes, Old Maids, Table Wit, Coaches, Old Customs, Hats, Shelley, Lamb, Thieves of Ancient Times, etc., etc. 789 Hunt, Leigh. Lord Byron and some of his Contempo- raries, with recollections of the Author's Life. First Edition. Fine portraits. 4to, in the original boards, uncut. Fine copy. Lond. 1828 790 Hunt, Leigh. Do. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, un- cut. Lond. 1828 791 Hunt, Leigh. The Companion. First Edition. Crown 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1828 792 Hunt, Leigh. Poetical Works. First Edition. 8vo, uncut, original boards. Lond. 1832 793 Hunt, Leigh. London Journal, Complete (with all the plates and supplements). 2 vols, in i (loose in bind- ing). Folio. Lond. 1834-35 794 Hunt, Leigh. Do. Not complete. (Vol. 2 ending at pp. 248, some plates lacking, and also title to Vol. 2.) Folio. Lond. 1834-35 795 HunV, Leigh, and R. H. Home {Editors). The Monthly Repository for 1837-38. Vol. for 1838 (lacks title and table of contents). 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 75 796 Hunt, Leigh. The Indicator and Companion: Ttie Seer, or Common-Places Refresiied. i vol. tall 8vo, half calf. Lond. : Edward Moxon, 1842 Autograph of B. W. Proctor (Barry Cornwall) on first title-page. 797 Hunt, Leigh. Imagination and Fancy; or, Selections from the English Poets. i2mo, fine calf, gilt edges. Lond. 1845 " To John Hunt — from his affectionate brother the Author" — on title-page. 798 Hunt, Leigh. Journal. A Miscellany for the Cultiva- tion of the Memorable, the Progressive and the Beauti- ful. Vol. I, Nos. I to 17 (all published). Dec. 7, 1850, to Mar. 29, 1851. Royal 8vo, cloth (slightly soiled). Scarce. 1850-51 Contributions by Landor, Allinghan, Home and others. 799 Hunt, Leigh. The Autobiography of Leigh Hunt, with Reminiscences of Friends and Contemporaries, 1850. First Edition. With j portraits, representing the author at seventeen, thirty-six, and sixty-six years of age, on india paper. 3 vols, crown 8vo, in the original fawn-colored cloth. As issued. A very scarce book in this state. 800 Hunt, Leigh. The Religion of the Heart: a Manual of Faith and Duty. i2mo. N. Y. : J. J. Reed, 1857 801 Hunt, Leigh. Correspondence. Edited by his Eldest Son. Photo-portrait. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1862 First edition. 802 Hunt, Leigh. The Seer; or, Common-Places Refreshed. 2 vols, post 8vo. Bost. 1864 803 Hunt, Leigh. Characteristics of, with Notes by Launce- lot Cross. i2mo. Lond. 1878 804 Hunt, Leigh. One Hundred Romances of Real Life. 8vo. Lond. and Glasgow, 1888 805 Hunt, Leigh. Tales now First Collected, with a Prefa- tory Memoir by William Knight. Portrait. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1891 7G THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 806 Hunt, Leigh. Essays and Poems of. Selected and edited by Reginald Brimley Johnson, with Introduction. Portrait by S. Lawrence and etchings by Herbert Railton. 2 vols. 8vo, hand-made paper. (The Temple Library.) Large paper. Only 200 copies printed. Lond. 1 89 1 807 Hunt, Leigh. A Collection of Articles by or about Leigh Hunt — from English Magazines. A lot. 808 Hunt, Leigh. Letters from the North of Italy addressed to Henry Hallam (by W. S. R. [ose]). 2 vols, in i. 8vo, uncut, half morocco. Lond. 1829 From Hunt's Library, with his autograph and marginal notes. 809 Hunt, Leigh. Cunningham (Peter). Handbook for London, Past and Present. 2 vols, small 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1849 Presentation copy from the author to Leigh Hunt. With marginal notes and corrections by Hunt. Curious. 8io Hunt, Leigh. Poems, with the Muses Looking-Glass, etc., by The. Randolph. Lond. 1664. Post 8vo, soiled calf. Modern portrait inserted. Leigh Hiunt's signature on title-page. 8n Hunterian Club Publications. Reprints of Early English Literature. Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 14, 15, 19, 21 to 25, 28, 29, 30 and 33 to 39. These numbers all contain works by Thomas Lodge and Samuel Row- lands. 23 Nos., 4to, uncut, paper covers. Lond. 1872-77 812 HuTH, Henry {Editor). Fugitive Tracts, written in verse, which illustrate the condition of religious and political feeling in England; and the State of Society there during Two Centuries, 1493-1700. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1875 Only 50 copies printed for private circulation. 813 HuTH, Henry. Prefaces, Dedications, Epistles, selected from Early English Books, 1540-1701, with Indexes of Names and Subjects. Crown 8vo, uncut. Printed for private circulation.^ 1874. n. p. n. d. Rare. Fifty copies only printed. 814 Hutton, Richard H. Literary Essays. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1892 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRAR Y. 77 3i5 ICELANDIC SAGAS. Orkneyinga Saga & Magnus 1 Saga. Hakonar Saga and a Fragment of Magnus Saga, with appendices, edited by Gudbrand Vigfusson. Pub- lished under direction of the Master of the Rolls. 2 vols, royal 8vo, boards, cloth backs. Lond. 1887 3i6 Impartial Narrative of those Momentous Events which have taken place in this Country during the period 18 16 to 1823. Illustrated with engravings by the first artists. 8 engravings, 2 colored. Royal 4to, half calf. Lond. 1823 Si 7 Ingelend, Thomas. A Poetie and Mery New Enterlude, called the Disobedient Child. Imprinted at London by Thomas Colwell. A Manuscript Transcript by J. Ritson. 4to, half morocco. Autograph and book-plate of Thos. Jolley. 5i8 Indians. Citizen of Nature: Letters from American In- dian in London. i2mo, boards. Lond. 1824 S19 Ingleby, C. M. Was Thomas Lodge an Actor? An Ex- position touching the Social Status of the Playwright in the time of Elizabeth. 4to, paper, uncut. Lond. 1868 320 Ireland, Alexander. List of the Writings of William Hazlitt and Leigh Hunt, chronologically arranged ; and a Chronological List of the Works of Charles Lamb. i2mo, half -morocco, gilt top. Lond. 186S 32 1 Ireland, Joseph N. Records of the New York Stage, from 1750 to i860. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1866 Pencil marginal notes by C. W. Frederickson, and newspaper clip- pings pasted in. ?22 (Ireland, William H.) Vortigern: an Historical Trag- edy. Crown 8vo, half morocco. Lond., n. d. Manuscript of 6 pages inserted at end. " Written by Wm. Henry Ireland at the instigation of a gentleman who had doubts of his being capable of writing in the manner of the Shakespeare MSS., or of his being author of Vortigern and Henry 2nd. With a specimen of Wm. Henry Ireland's imitation of the handwriting of Shakspeare (exactly similar to the pretended MSS.), written by him in my presence, and delivered to me Feb'y 13, 1880."— B. Strutt. 78 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR V. 823 Irving, Washington. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey- Crayon. Part I. First Edition. 8vo, paper, uncut (water-stained). N. Y. 1819 824 Irving, Washington. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon. Part VII. First Edition. 8vo, paper, un- cut. N. Y. 1820 825 Irving, Washington. The Sketch Book. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. : yo/in Miller, 1820 ' ' The first London edition of the Sketch Book, and very rare. In 35 years I never saw but one (this), and heard of but one other copy. Fred., 1882." 826 Irving, Washington. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon. 2 vols. 8vo, half roan (rubbed). Lond. : Murray, 1820 827 Irving, Washington. Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle. First Edition. 8vo, paper, uncut. N. Y. 1824 828 Irving, Washington. Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle. Second Edition. 8vo, paper, uncut. Lond. 1824 829 Irving, Washington. Abbotsford, and Newstead Abbey. i2mo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1835 830 Irving, Washington. Wolfert's Roost. Frontispiece and engraved title. First Edition. i2mo. N. Y. 1855 831 Irving, Washington {Editor'). Book of the Hudson. First Edition. i6mo. N. Y. 1849 832 Irving, Washington. Wolfert's Roost, etc., Edinburgh, 1855; Beauties of, illustrated by Cruikshank, Lond. 1835. 2 vols. 833 Irving, Washington. Knickerbocker's History of New York. Illustrated by E. W, Kemble. Van Twiller Edi- tion. 2 vols. 8vo, white cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. and Lond. 1894 834 Irving, Washington. Rip Van Winkle. Illustrated by F. O. C. Darky. Oblong 4to, paper. (N. Y.) 1848 835 Irving, Washington. Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Illus- trated by F O. C. Darley. Oblong 4to, paper. (N. Y.) 1849 836 Irving, Washington. Rip Van Winkle. Illustrated by F. T. Merrill. 4to. Bost. 1888 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRAR Y. 70 837 Irving, Washington. Annual Reports of the Trustees of Astor Library for 1850 (the first report) to 1868, in- clusive. 8vo, half roan. N. Y. Contains History of the Astor Library, by Irving, once its Presi- dent, proceedings in honor of his memory, and papers of which he was the author. Scarce. 838 Irving, Washington. Life and Letters of, by P. M. Irving. Portraits. 4 vols. i2mo. N. Y. 1862 839 Irving, Washington. Discourse on the Life, Character and Genius of Washington Irving, by Wm. Cullen Bryant. i2mo inlaid, to 4to, and extra-illustrated by the insertion of ^2 portraits and views and A. L. S. of W. H. Prescott. 4to, red morocco, gilt edges. N. Y. i860 840 Irving, Washington. Irvingiana: a Memorial of Wash ington Irving. Illustrated. 4to, paper. N. Y. i860 841 Irving, Washington. Studies of Irving, by C. D. Warner, W. C. Bryant and G. P. Putnam. 8vo. N. Y. 1880 842 Irving, Washington. Commemoration of the One Hun- dredth Anniversary of his Birth. Illustrated. 8vo. N. Y. and Lond. 1884 843 Irving, Washington. The Work of Washington Irving. By C. D. Warner. Portraits. i6mo. N. Y. 1893 844 Irving, Washington. Sermons on the Death of; Brief Remarks on the " Wife " of Washington Irving; Sleepy Hollow Cemetery; etc. 8 pamphlets. 845 Italy. Italy from the Alps to Mount Etna. Edited by T. A. TroUope. Illustrated. 4to, morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1880 846 Italy. — Hakewill, James. Picturesque Tour of Italy, from Drawings made in 1816-17. Many plates after Turner. 4to, morocco (rubbed). Lond., n. d. 847 Italy. Views. 40 lithograph plates by Cockburn and 12 colored plaees by Pinelli. i vol. 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1820 848 Italy. Italian Scenery. Representing the Manners, Customs and Amusements of the different States of Italy. 32 colored engravings. 4to, boards, uncut. Lond. 1806 80 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRA Ji V. 849 Italy. Vues d'ltalie. Oblong 4to (broken). 850 Italy. Views of Pompeii. Drawn on stone by Harding and others after drawings by William Light. (With letter- press descriptions.) 6 parts, folio pp. Chiswick Press 851 Ives, Joseph C. Report upon the Colorado River of the West. Illustrated. 4to. Wash. 1861 852 JACKSON, Mason. The Pictorial Press: its Origin I and Progress. 150 illustrations. 8vo. Lond. 1885 853 Jackson, T. J. (Stonewall). Life of. By a Virginian. Portrait. i2mo. N. Y. 1863 85,4 Jacobs, Joseph (^Editor). The Earliest English version of the Fables of Bidpai, "The Morall Philosophie of Doni." Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, uncut, parchment. 550 printed. Bibliotheque de Carabas. Lond. 1888 855 Jacobs, Joseph. The Fables of ^sop as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. 2 vols, crown 8vo, imit. parchment. 550 printed. Bibliotheque de Carabas. Lond. 1889 856 Jacobs, Joseph. English Fairy Tales. Illustrated by John D. Battin. 8vo. Lond. 1890 857 Jacobs, Joseph. Celtic Fairy Tales. Illustrated by John D. Battin. 8vo. Lond. 1892 858 Jacobs, Joseph. Indian Fairy Tales. Illustrated by John D. Battin. 8vo. Lond. 1892 859 James, Henry. The Aspern Papers; Louisa Pallant; The Modern Warning, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. 1888 860 Jamieson, Robert. Illustrations of Northern Antiqui- ties, from the Earlier Teutonic and Scandinavian Ro- mances. With translations of Metrical Tales from the Old German, Danish, Swedish and Icelandic Lan- guages, with notes and dissertations. 4to, half mo- rocco. Edinburgh, 1814 Presentation copy, with autograph of the author. 861 Jeaffreson, John C. Annals of Oxford. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1871 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 81 862 Jennings, Hargrave. The Rosicrucians, their Rites and Mysteries. Third Edition. Illustrated by upwards of joo engravings and 12 full-page plates. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1887 863 Jerdan, William. Autobiography, with Literary, Po- litical and Social Reminiscences and Correspondence. Frontispiece portraits and title-page vignettes. 4 vols. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1852 864 Jesse, Edward. Gleanings in Natural History, with Local Recollections. Two Series. 2 vols, crown 8vo, boards. , Lond. 1832-34 865 Jevons, Frank B. {^Editor'). Plutarch's Romane Ques- tions. Translated A.D. 1603 by Philemon Holland. With Dissertations on Italian Cults, Myths, Taboos, Man-Worship, etc., etc. Crown 8vo, uncut parch- ment. Lond. 1892 Bibliotheque de Carabas. 866 Jewell, Ed. L. The Crescent City. Illustrated. 4to. New Orleans, 1873 867 JoCELiN (Cistercian Monk). The Life and Acts of Saint Patrick, Apostle of Ireland. Translated from the Latin by E. L. Swift. 2 fac-simile plates. 4to, russia, gilt back, sides and edges (cracked). Dublin, 1809 Scarce. Large paper copy. 868 Johnson, J. Typographia; or. The Printer's Instructor. Including an Account of the Origin of Printing. 2 vols. i6mo, morocco, full gilt. Lond. 1824 869 Johnson, Chas. F. Three Americans and Three Eng- lishmen. i2mo. N. Y. 1886 870 (Johnson, Richard.) The Most Famous History of the seuen Champions of Christendome. The Princely Prowes of Saint Georges three Sonnes: etc. Lond.: Printed for Elizabeth Burble, 1608. Small 4to, limp vellum. The first title-page damaged, the greater part torn off. Second title-page perfect. Some lower margins cut into the text. 871 Johnston, George. An Introduction to Conchology. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1850 82 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 872 Jones, Charles C. The Siege of Savannah in 1779 as described in two contemporary journals of French Officers. 4to, Large Paper, uncut. Albany, 1874 Presentation copy. A. L. S. of author laid in. 873 Jones, Charles C. The Siege of Savannah in December, 1864, and the Confederate Operations in Georgia. Small 4to, paper, uncut. Albany, 1874 Presentation copy. 874 Jones, Charles C. Sergeant William Japer, 1876; Ab- original Structures in Georgia, 1878; Maj. -Gen. Samuel Elbert, 1887. 3 vols. 8vo, paper. Presentation copies. 87s Jones, Charles C. Addresses before the Confederate Survivor's Association, April, 1880, 1886, 1887, 1888. 4 vols. 8vo, paper. 876 Jones, Charles C. Negro Myths from the Georgia Coast. Post 8vo. Bost. and N. Y. 1888 877 Jones, Thomas Rymer. The Natural History of Ani- mals. Illustrated. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1845 878 JoNSON, Ben. Works of. With Memoir by Wm. Gifford. Portrait. 8vo, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1859 879 JONsoN, Ben. Ben Jonson's Jests, or the Wit's Pocket Companion. Frontispiece. i6mo, half morocco. Sold by all booksellers in Great Britain, Ireland and Amer- ica, 1789. 880 JoNSON, Ben. Cuttings from various English magazines. With Y portraits inserted. i vol. 8vo, half morocco. 881 JuvENALis ET Persh. Portrait. Post 8vo, old calf (broken). Cantabrigise : Sanby, I'jftT, Autograph and MSS. notes by Thos. Love Peacock on fly-leaves. 882 W-EARY, C. F. The Vikings in Western Christen- l\ dom, A. D. 787 to A. D. 888. Map and tables. 8vo. Lond. 1891 883 Keats, John. Poems. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1817 A very fine clean copy of the Rare First Edition. Presentation copy "From the Author to his Friend Thos. Richards." Also on the fly-leaf an original manuscript sonnet by Leigh Hunt " on receiv- ing a crown of ivy from J. K.," dated 2nd March, 1817. In mo- rocco slip case. THE FREDERICK SON LIBRARY. 83 884 Keats, John. Endyinion. 8vo, old calf. First Edi- tion. Lond. 1818 Presentation copy, " G. Keats from his affectionate Brother the author." 885 Keats, John. Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and other Poems. i2mo, polished calf, gilt edges. First edition. Lond. 1820 886 Keats, John. The Poetical Works and other Writings of John Keats, edited by Harry Buxton Forman, illus- trated, 4 vols. Lond. 1883; Poetry and Prose, by John Keats, a Book of Fresh Verses and New Readings, etc., edited by H. B. Forman, and forming a Supplement to the Library Edition of Keats' Works, 8vo, Lond. 1890. Together 5 vols, entirely uncut. 887 Keats, John. Poetical Works. With Memoir by Rich- ard M. Milnes. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1854 888 Keats, John. Poetical Works. Edited by William T. Arnold. Portrait. Crown 8vo, vellum, gilt top, un- cut. Lond.: Kegan Paul &= Co., 1884 889 Keats, John. The Poems of John Keats. 8vo, vellum, uncut. 1894 Kelmscott Press edition. 890 Keats, John. Letters to his Family and Friends. Ed- ited by Sidney Colvin. Portrait. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. 1891 891 Keats, John. Letters to Fanny Brawne, written in the years 1819 and 1820, and now given from the original manuscripts. With Introduction and Notes by Harry Buxton Forman. Portrait. 8vo, uncut. Lond. : Printed for private circulation, 1878 892 Keats, John. A Critical Essay of, by Robert Bridges. Portrait. Post 8vo, uncut. Privately printed (vi. ■^.'),\i^'^ 893 Keats, John. Collection of Cuttings from English and American Magazines, etc., made by Mr. Frederickson. A lot. 894 Keese, John {Editor). The Opal. . 8vo, morocco (loose). N. Y. 1846 89s Kemp's Nine Dales Wonder. With Introduction and Notes by Alex. Dyce. Small 4to. Lond. : Camden Society, 1840 84 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 896 Kempis, Thomas a. Imitation of Christ. A new trans- lation. i2mo. Lond. 1865 897 Kenealy, Edward V. A New Pantomime. i2,mo. Lond. 1865 898 Kent, Charles. Poems. A new edition. i2mo. Lond. 1870 899 Kentish Garland (The). Edited by Julia H. L. De Vaynes. With additional Notes and pictorial illustra- tions by J. W. Ebsworth. 2 vols, crown 8vo. Hertford, 1881 900 Keightley, Thomas. Fairy Mythology: Illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of various Countries. Illustrated. 2 vols, post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1833 901 Kenyon, John. A Day at Tivoli, with other verses. i2mo, morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1849 902 Ker, John Bellenden. An Essay on the Archjeology of Popular English Phrases and Nursery Rhymes. 8vo, half cloth. Southampton, 1834 903 Ker, John Bellenden. Essay on the Archseology of our Popular Phrases, Terms and Nursery Rhmes. 2 vols. i6mo, cloth. (Library stamps.) Andover, 1840 904 Keyser, R. The Private Life of the Old Northmen. i2mo. Lond. 1868 905 Keyser, R. The Religion of the Northmen. i2mo. N. Y. 1854 906 Kip, Wm. Ingraham. The Christmas Holydays in Rome. Post 8vo. Lond. 1849 907 K(irke), I. The Seven Champions of Christendome, acted at the Cockpit and Red Bull in St. John Streete, with a generall liiiing. And never Printed till this Yeare 1638. First Edition. Small 4to, half roan (margins of four pages torn). Lond. 1638 908 (Knapp, S. L.) Letters of Shahcoolen, a Hindu Philos- opher. i6mo, sheep (broken). Bost. 1802 909 Knickerbocker Magazine. 83 odd Nos., 1833-1860. Not warranted complete. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 85 910 Knickerbocker Magazine. July to Dec, 1836; July to Dec, 1852; Jany. to Dec, 1857. 5 vols. 8vo, half bound. 911 Knickerbocker Magazine. Jany., 1857-Dec., i860. 8 vols. 8vo, half calf. 912 Knight, Charles. Passages of a Working Life during half a century. 3 vols, crown 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1864 Rare. Original edition. 913 Knight, Charles. Knight's Quarterly Magazine, June, 1823-N0V., 1824. Complete. 3 vols. 8vo, calf. Scarce Lond. 1823-24 914 Knight, Charles: a Memoir. By his Granddaughter, Alice A. Clowes. With 2 portraits. 8vo. Lond. 1894 ' ' The narrative is in every respect a remarkable one, and is judi- ciously supplemented by a large collection of interesting letters, emanating from pens of eminent men." — Daily Telegraph. 915 T ANDOR, Walter Savage. Poems, Dialogues in I J Verse, and Epigrams. Edited, with Notes, by Charles G. Crump. Frontispieces. 2 vols. i2mo, en- tirely uncut. Lond. 1892 916 Landscape Annual. The Tourist in Switzerland and Italy, by Thomas Roscoe; The Tourist in Italy, by Thomas Roscoe; The Tourist in France, by Thomas Roscoe; The Tourist in Portugal, by W. H. Harrison. 5 vols. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1830-34 and 1839 Large paper copy, with India proof impressions of the engravings. 917 Langbaine, Gerard. An Account of the English Dra- matick Poets, or Some Observations and Remarks on the Lives and Writings of all those that have published either Comedies, Tragedies, &c., in the English Tongue. With numerous marginal notes. Small 8vo, calf. Oxford, 1691 " All the marginal notes in this volume are copied from the inde- fatigable and judicous Oldys, &c.'' "Anderdon 1823." 918 Lang, Andrew. The Library, with a Chapter on Mod- ern English Illustrated Books, by Austin Dobson. Illustrated. Small 8vo. Lond. 1881 8t) THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 919 Lang, Andrew. Letters to Dead Authors. Small 8vo, half vellum, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1886 920 Lang, Andrew. The Most Pleasant and Delectable Tale of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche. Frontispiece and plate. 8vo, paper, uncut. Lond. 1887 921 Lang, Andrew. Euterpe, being the second book of the famous history of Herodotus Englished by B. R. , 1584. Edited by Andrew Lang. Frontispiece. 8vo, paper, uncut. Lond. 1888 Only 550 copies printed. 922 Lang, Andrew. The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns, and Fairies: a Study in Folk-Lore and Psych- ical Research. The Text by Robert Kirk, the Comment by Andrew Lang. Frontispiece. 8vo, paper, uncut. Lond. 1893 923 Laughable Songster (The), consisting of New Songs, colored frontispiece; Fairburn's Naval Songster for 1803, folded frontispiece. i vol. post 8vo, half roan. Lond., n, d. 924 Leech. John Leech, his Life and Work, by W. P. Frith. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1891 925 Legendary History of the Cross (The). A series of 64 woodcuts from a Dutch books published by Veldener A.D. 1483. With an Introduction written and illustrated by J. Ashton, and a Preface by S. Baring-Gould. Square 8vo, bound in parchment, old style, brass clasps. Lond. 1887 926 Leland, Charles Godfrey. Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling, illustrated by numerous Licantations, Speci- mens of Medical Magic, Anecdotes and Tales. Illus- trated. Royal 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1891 926-I Leland, Charles Godfrey. Algonquinn Legends of New England ; or, Myths and Folk-Lore of the Mic- mac and Penobscot Tribes, etc. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1884 927 Lemon, Mark (Editor). The Jest Book: the Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings. Post 8vo. Cambridge, 1865 928 Leonard, R. Maynard (Editor). The Dog in British History. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1893 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 87 929 Leslie, Robert C. Old Sea Wings, Ways, and Words in the Days of Oak and Hemp. Illustrated. 8vo, un- cut. Lond. 1890 930 Lester, C. Edwards. The Glory and Shame of Eng- land. 2 vols, crown 8vo. N. Y. 1866 931 Leyland, John. The Yorksh'^re Coast and the Cleveland Hills and Dales. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1892 932 Linen, James. Poetical and Prose Writings, portrait., N. Y. 1866; The Golden Gate, San Francisco, 1869; The Later Poems and Songs, N. Y. 1873. 3 vols. 8vo. 933 Linton, W. J. Three Score and Ten Years, 1820 to 1890, Recollections. Portrait. 8vo, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1894 934 Linton, W. J. Poems and Translations. Square crown 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1889 780 copies printed. This copy No. 130. 935 LiNwoOD, GuLiELMUS. Authologla Oxoniensis. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1846 936 Literary Gazette; and, Journal of Belles Lettres, Arts, etc., 1819-1840 (imperfect). 22 vols, half calf. Lond. 937 Literary Gazette. 6 odd vols. 4to (imperfect). 938 Literary Souvenir (The); or, Cabinet of Poetry and Romance. Edited by Alaric A. Watts. 5 vols. 8vo. Four in boards (broken) and one in half morocco. India proof plates. Lond. 1825—29 939 Laing, Samuel. The Heims-Kringla, or the Sagas of the Norse Kings, from the Icelandic of Snorro Sturla- son. Second Edition, revised, with Notes by Rasmus B. Anderson. 2 maps. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. No. 306 of 520 copies printed. Lond. 1889— 940 Lamb, Charles. Works of. New edition. 8vo, half morocco. Lond.: Moxon, 1840 " Presentation copy to Wm. Hazlitt from his old friend Mary Ann Lamb, Jany. 18, 1842." 941 (Lamb, Charles.) Elia. Essays of, as they first ap- peared in the London Magazine, 1820-23, inclusive. 8vo (loose in wrapper). 88 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRAR Y. 942 (Lamb, Charles.) Elia. Essays which have appeared under that signature in the London Magazine. 8vo, full morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bain. Lend. : Taylor &> Hessey, 1823 The very rare first edition. Inserted is a letter from Lamb to Allan Cunningham, one from the publisher of this edition, J. A. Hessey, and pasted on inside of front cover, "Allan Cunningham Esq with Ella's best respects.'' 943 (Lamb, Charles.) The Last Essays of Elia, being a sequel to Essays published under that name. 8vo, cloth. Lond. : Moxon, 1833 Autograph of B. W. Procter on front cover. 944 (Lamb, Charles.) Elia. Essays which have appeared under that signature in the London Magazine. First Series, Second Edition. 2 vols. i2mo, half roan. Phil. : Carey, Lea &" Carey, 1828 Presentation copy " To Charles W. Frederickson with the warm regards of Evart A. Duyckinck August 13 1874." With book-plate of Mr. Duyckinck, and his autograph in three places in pencil. 945 Lamb, Charles. Elia. 8vo, stitched. N. Y. : Geo. Dearborn, Publisher, 1835 946 Lamb, Charles. Essays of Elia, with Introduction and Notes by Alfred Ainger. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. : Macmillan, 1883 947 Lamb, Charles. Some Essays of Elia. With illustra- tions by C. O. Murray engraved by R. P Patterson. 4to, red edges. London, n. d. 948 Lamb, Charles. The Essays of Elia. First Series. With a few Reminiscences of the Author and his Friends, by Edmund Oilier. i2mo, paper. Lond. : Hotten, n, d. 949 Lamb, Charles: His Friends, His Haunts, and His Books, by Percy Fitzgerald. Portrait. Small 4to, un- cut. Lond. 1866 949^ Lamb, Charles. Another copy. Second Edition. Same date. 950 Lamb, Charles: A Memoir, by Barry Cornwall. Por- traits. 8vo, uncut. \^ovi&.: Moxon, \?>()(i First edition. Clean and bright. THE FREDERICK SON LIBRARY. . 89 951 Lamb, Charles. Mrs. Leicester's School and other Writings in Prose and Verse. With Introduction and Notes by Alfred Ainger. lamo, uncut. Lond. 1885 952 Lamb, Charles. The Letters of. Newly arranged, with additions. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by A. Ainger. Portrait. 2 vols. i2mo, uncut. Lond. : Maanillan, 1888 953 Lamb, Charles. Poems, Plays and Miscellaneous Es- says of. With Introduction and Notes by A. Ainger. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1888 954 Lamb, Charles. Wit and Wisdom of. With Anecdotes by his contemporaries, selected and arranged by E. D. North. Portrait. i6mo, gilt top. N. Y. "To my fellow disciple from a worshipper of 'St. Charles.'" — E. D. North. 955 Lamb, Charles. Complete Correspondence and Works of. With an Essay on his Life and Genius, by G. A. Sala. Portraits. Vol. i. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. : Moxon, 1868 956 Lamb, Charles. In the Footprints of Charles Lamb, by Benjamin E. Martin. With a Bibliography, by E. D. North. Illustrated. 4to, white cloth, gilt top. N. Y. 1890 957 Lamb, Charles. Articles from Magazines, etc. Loose in wrapper. 8vo. 958 Lamb, Mary and Charles. Poems, Letters and Re- mains, now first collected, with Reminiscences and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. Portrait and illustrations . Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1874 959 Lamb, Charles and Mary. Tales from Shakespeare. Edited, with an Introduction, by Rev. A. Ainger. Vignette. i6mo. Lond. 1887 960 (Lamb, Charles.) The History of Philip de Commines, Knight, Lord of Argenton. Small folio, old calf. Charles Lamb's copy, with MS. notes. " Lond. 1674 961 (Lamb, Charles.) The Life of John Buncle. 8vo, old calf. Lond. 1756 Charles Lamb's copy, with notes by Coleridge. 90 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 962 (Lamb, Charles.) Antonio: a Tragedy, in five acts, by Wm. Godwin. 8vo, old half calf. Lond. 1800 Charles Lamb's copy, with writing on inside and outside of front cover. 963 (Lamb, Charles.) Philosophicall Poems, by Henry More. 8vo, calf, gilt edges. Cambridge: Roger Daniel, 1647 Charles Lamb's copy, with his autograph notes. 964 (Lamb, Charles.) Suckling, Sir John. Fragmenta Aurea. A collection of all the incomparable Pieces of (Plays, Poems and Letters). 8vo, old calf. Lond. : Printed for H. Moseley, 1646 First edition, of which no copy was in the Bibliotheca Anglo- Poetica Collection. Charles Lamb's copy, with his MS. notes. (Portrait by Marshall missing from this copy, and title-page of "The Goblins" mutilated.) 965 (Lamb, Charles.) Reynolds, John. The Triumphs of God's Revenge Agaynst the Cryinge and Execrable Sinne of WillfuU and Premeditated Murther. Engraved title and other illustrations. Folio, old calf. Lond. 1657 Charles Lamb's copy, with numerous critical MS. notes by S. T. Coleridge. 966 (Lamb, Charles.) Jonson, Ben. Complete Works. Folio, old calf. Lond. 1692 Charles Lamb's copy, with copious MS. notes, extracts from the early dramatists, etc., and corrections of the text in his handwriting. 967 Lamb. Mary Lamb, by Anne Gilchrist. i6mo. Bost. 1883 968 (Lane, John.) La, Jo. Tom Tel-Troth's Message and his Pen's Complaint. A Worke not unpleasant to be read nor unprofitable to be followed (inverse). i2mo, polished calf extra, by Bedford. Lond. : for R. Howell, 1600 Title-page and the corners of some pages repaired. " This is the unique copy described by John Payne Collier in his book of Early English Literature." — Fred. 969 Lanfranke. ^ moet cjeceilent anb Ccarneb tOootke of Qri)iriltgnie, reduced from dyvers translations to our vulgar frase and now first published into Englyshe Prynte by John Halle, Chirurgien, and in the ende a THE FREDERICKSON- LIBRARY. 91 Compendious worke of Anatomie, an Historical Ex- postulation against the beastly abuses of Chyrurgerie and Phisicke in our tyme, etc. iBlack Cetter. Imprinted in London by Thomas Marshe., 1565. This copy contains the Rare portion at end " !^n |VistoricalI CEx:postuio- tion against the beastly abusers both of Chyrurgerie andPhysyke. " {^This portion was reprinted by the Percy Society. ) Woodcut portraits of John Hall on reverse of titles, and curious illustrations of the human body in the anatomical section. Small 4to, old calf. Lond. 1565 An exceedingly rare and curious volume interspersed with Poetry. The author in his preface makes curiously interesting reference to the abuses then prevalent in the medical profession. " Whereas tliere is one Chirurgien that vifas apprentice to his arte, or one Phisicien that hath trauayled in the true Studie and Exercise of Phisique, There are tenne that are presumptious Smearers, Smaterers or Abusers of the same, yea Smythes, Cutlers, Carters, Coblers, Copers, Coriars of lether, Carpenters, and a great rable of women, which forsake their handle Craftes and for filthy lucre abuse Phisick and Chirurgerie." 970 Life and Memoirs of Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Saxe Coburg, etc. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, old calf. Lond. 1818 971 Little, James Stanley. What is Art? i2mo, paper. Lond. 1884 972 Lloid, Lodowicke. Lincens Spectacles. 4to, old half morocco. Lond.: Printed by Nicholas Okes, 1607 Title and last leaves mended. Poor copy. Rare. 973 Lloid, Lodowik. The Choyce of levvels. 4to, half morocco. Lond.: Printed by Thomas Purf or t, 1607 Rare. Autograph of J. P. Collier on title and T. Thorpe on fly- leaf, with reference to the number in Bodleian Catalogue. 974 Lloid, Lodowik. The Consent of Time, Disciphering the Errors of the Grecians in their Olympiads, the Uncertaine Computation of the Romanes in their Pen- telerydes and building of Rome, etc. 4to, calf (re- backed). Imprinted at London by George Bishop, 1590 Good copy. Has autographs of Wm. Herbert, father of Henry William Herbert (Frank Forester) on title. 975 London. A New Guide to London. i6mo, paper. N. Y. : Coleman, 1839 92 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 976 London. — Arundell, Thos. Historical Reminiscences of the City of London, and its Livery Companies. Thick 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1869 977 London, — Booth, Chas. Labour and Life of the People. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1889-1891 Vol. 2 contains maps of London poverty and an appendix. 978 London. — Dore, Gustave, and Jerrold, Blanchard. Lon- don : a Pilgrimage. Over 50 pictures of London life., carefully drawn by Gustave Dore'. Full-page and numerous illustrations in the text. Imp. 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1872 979 London. — Fry, Herbert. London. Illustrated by 20 bird's-eye views of the principal streets and a street map of Central London. i2mo, paper. 1895 980 London. — Thorne, James. Handbook to Environs of London. Alphabetically arranged. 2 vols. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1876 981 London. — Hare, A. J. C. Walks in London. Illustrated. 2 vols. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1878 982 London. — Harrison, Wilmot. Memorable London Houses: a handy guide, with illustrative anecdotes and a reference plan. 100 illustrations by Martin. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1889 250 copies printed. 983 London. — Harrison, Wilmot. Do. Second Edition. Small i2mo. Lond. 1889 984 London. — Harrison, Wilmot. Do. Third Edition. i2mo. Lond. 1890 985 London. — Hindley, Charles. A History of the Cries of London, Ancient and Modern. Illustrated. i2mo, un- cut. Lond. 1881 986 London. — Hutton, Laurence. Literary Landmarks of London. i2mo, gilt top. Lond. 1885 987 London. — Loftie, W. J. History of London. Maps and illustrations. Second Edition. 2 vols, crown 8vo, un- cut. Lond. 1884 988 London. — Murray, J. F. Environs of London: Western Division (all published). Over 100 fine engravings on wood. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1842 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRA R Y. 93 989 London, — Norden, John. Speculum Britannise the first parte: an Historicall and Chorographical Description of Middlesex, wherein are also alphabeticallie sett downe the names of the Cyties, Townes, Parishes, Hamletes, Howses of Name, etc., and the Distances. First Edition. Small 4to, half calf. (Lond.) 1593 With all the maps (laid in). A fac-siraile map of London. Also, some account of Norden in MSS. 990 London. — Norden, John. Do. Camden Society. Jie- print. 4to. Lond. 1840 991 London. — Norden and his Map of London, 1593. (Notes on) by H. B. Wheatley. With facsimile of maj>. Small 4to, paper (pp. 18). Lond. 1876 992 London. — R(ichard) N(icolls). London's Artillery, briefly containing the noble Practice of that worthie Societie: with the Moderne and Ancien martiall Exer- cises, natures of Armes, vertue of Magistrates, Anti- quitie, Glorie and Chronography of this honourable Cittie. (In verse.) Small 4to, by C. Smith. Lond. 1616 Book-plate of Thos. JoUey. 993 London. London Pageants: I. Accounts of Sixty Royal Processions and Entertainments; IL A Bibliographical List of Lord Mayors Pageants. Royal 8vo, half roan. Only 50 copies printed. Lond. 1 83 1 993-|- London. Select Views of London and its Environs. Plates by Storer and Greig (some plates missing). 2 vols, in I. 4to (no cover). Lond. 1804-5 994 London. Etchings of Remarkable Beggars, Itinerant Traders and other Persons of Notoriety in London and its Environs, by John Thos. Smith. Title and 22 full- page etchings. Imp. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1815 995 London Magazine, Vols, i to 10. New Series, Vols, i to 9; Third Series, Vols, i to 3. 22 vols. 8vo, half calf (rubbed). 1820-29 Not guaranteed complete. Book-plate of William Hazlitt in 15 vols. 996 London Magazine, Vols, i to 10. 10 vols. 8vo, uncut. 1820—24 997 London Magazine. 20 odd and imperfect vols. 94 THE FREDERICKSOK LIBRARY. 998 Longfellow, Henry W. Evangeline. 8vo, gilt edges. Bost. 1848 One of the few copies which were struck off on large paper. 999 Longfellow, Henry W. Evangeline. Second Edition. i2mo, original boards. Bost. 1848 fooo Longfellow, Henry W. Evangeline. Illustrated with 45 engravings on wood. 8vo, half boards. Lond. : Bogue, 1850 looi Longfellow, Henry W. Evangeline, etc. ; Poemes, traduits par le Chevalier de Chatelain. Frontispiece. i2mo. Jersey, etc., 1856 Translator's presentation copy. 1002 Longfellow, Henry W. Evangeline. Decorated with Leaves from the Acadian Forests. Small oblong 4to. Bost. and N. Y. 1887 1003 Longfellow, Henry W. Evangeline. With 23 origi- nal illustrations by Frank Dicksee. 4to, gilt top, uncut. Cassell &= Co. , n. d. India proof edition. Copy No. 471 of 1,000 printed. 1004 Longfellow, Henry W. Evangeline. With illustrations by F. O. C. Darley. Large Paper Edition. Crown 8vo, vellum, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge, 1893 1005 Longfellow, Henry W. The Skeleton in Armor. Illustrated. 8vo. Bost. 1877 1006 Longfellow, Henry W. Poetical and Prose Works. Illustrated. 3 vols. 4to. Bost. and N. Y. 1879, etc. 1007 Longfellow, Henry W. Poetical Works. Diamond Edition. i6mo. Bost. 1867 1008 LoRANGE, A. L. Den Yngre Jernalders Svaerd. Illus- trated. 4to, paper. Bergen, 1889 1009 Lord, Alice E. The Days of Lamb and Coleridge; a Historical Romance. i2mo. N. Y. 1893 loio LossiNG, Benson J. The Home of Washington and its Associations. New edition. Royal 8vo, uncut. N. Y. 1865 loii Love Letters of Famous Men and Women of the Past and Present Century. Edited by J. T. Merydew. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1888 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR V. 95 1012 LovELL, J. E. The United States Speaker. i2mo, sheep. Charleston, 1836 With an early book-plate bearing the design of one open book resting on a closed volume, with the name Charles IVm. F^-ederickson the only one of this design in the library. 1013 Lover, Samuel. Legends and Stories of Ireland. First and Second Series. Illustrated. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth aud half morocco. Lond. 1837 and 1834 1014 Lowe, E. J. A Natural History of British Grasses. Colored illustrations. Tall 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1865 1015 Lowell, James R. The Bigelow Papers. First Edi- tion. Post 8vo, uncut (ink stain on the margin of four leaves). Cambridge and N. Y. 1848 1016 Lowell, James R. Fable for Critics. First Edition. i2mo. N. Y. 1848 1017 Lowell, James R. Fable for Critics. Portraits. i2mo. Host, and N. Y. 1891 1018 Lowell, James R. The Old English Dramatists. Portrait. i2mo, uncut. First Edition. Bost. and N. Y. 1892 1019 Lowell, James R. Latest Literary Essays and Ad- dresses. Portrait. i2mo. Bost. and N. Y. 1892 First edition. 1020 Lowell, James R. Odes, Lyrics, and Sonnets. Post 8vo, gilt top, uncut. Bost. and N. Y. 1892 1021 Lowell, James R. Letters of. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. N. Y. 1894 1022 Lowell, James R. An Address by George W. Curtis. Illustrated. i6mo. N. Y. 1892 1023 Lower, MarkA. The Worthies of Sussex: Biographical Sketches of the most eminent natives or inhabitants of the county, etc. Illustrated. 410, half roan (rubbed). Sussex, 1865 1024 Lower, Mark A. Wayside Notes in Scandinavia, i2mo. Lond. 1874 1025 Lowndes, William T. The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. 11 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1857 96 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1026 LuPTON, Thos. a Thousand Notable Things of Sundry Sorts. Whereof some are wonderful, some strange, some pleasant, divers necessary, a great sort profitable, and many very precious. Small 4to, vellum (water stained). Lond. 1586 1027 A T ACAULAY, Thomas B. Lays of Ancient Rome. IVl Illustrated. Sm. 4to, vellum, gilt edges. Lond. 1847 1028 Macaulay, Thomas B. Essays and Lays of Ancient Rome. i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. 1888 1029 Mackay, Charles. The Lost Beauties of the English Language. i2mo. Lond. 1879 1030 Mackay, Eric A Song of the Sea and other poems. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1895 1031 Maclise's Gallery of Illustrious Literary Characters (1830-1838). Edited by W. Bates. 4to. Lond., n. d. 1032 Maclise's Portrait Gallery. i2mo. Lond. 1883 1033 Macray, W. D. {^Editor). The Pilgrimage to Parnassus, with the two Parts of the Return from Parnassus. 8vo, uncut. Oxford, 1886 1034 McWiLLiAM, R. Longman's Handbook of English Lit- erature. i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. 1890 1035 Maffitt, John N. Ireland: a Poem. (Water-stained.) i2mo. Louisville, 1839 1036 (Maffitt, J. N.) Trial of, on an Indictment for a Libel. 8vo, paper. Bost. 1830 1037 Maginn, William. Miscellanies, Prose and Verse. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1885 1038 Main, D. M. A Treasury of English Sonnets. i2mo. Manchester, 1880 1039 Mallet, M. Northern Antiquities. i2mo, half calf. Lond. 1847 1040 Malory, Thomas. The History of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Round Table. Notes by Thomas Wright. 3 vols. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1858 1041 Malory, Thomas. The Birth, Life and Acts of King Arthur, of his noble Knights of the Round Table, etc., with Introduction by Professor Rhys, and illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley. 2 vols, small 4to, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1893 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 97 1042 Malory, Thomas. Le Morte Darthur. The original edition of William Caxton, now reprinted and edited by H. O. Sommer. Vols. 2 and 3. Royal 8vo, paper, uncut. Lond. : Nutt, 1890 1043 Markham, Garius. The Famous Whore, or Noble Curtizan. Edited by Frederick Ouvry. Small 4to, half morocco. Lond.: Privately printed, 1868 1044 Manuscript. A Collection of Songs and Short Poems, many of them the effusions of a lover, written in an old English hand on fifty small leaves of white paper. An owner's name with the dates 1650 and 1657 on the first page. i6mo, old calf, clasps (one broken off). 1045 Manuscript. A book of one hundred and twenty leaves, containing several tracts, all neatly written. The Mirrour of Patience and Resignation, ended 30 July, 1635; The Degrees or order in the love of our Enemies; Some farther discourse touching all vertues in generall; The Words of Br. Ruerius of Marchia, companion of St. Francis, shewing by what means a man (by God's grace) may very soon attaine to the knowledge of truth and perfection. i2mo, old morocco. 1046 Marlowe, Christopher. All Ovid's Elegies, 3 Bookes, by C. M(arlowe). Epigrams by J(ohn D(avis). First Edition. Post 8vo, morocco, gilt edges, by R. W. Smith. Middleborough (1598) Marlowe's translation of Ovid's Elegies was, by order of Archbishop Whitgift, and Bancroft, Bishop of London, censured and condemned to be burned at Stationers' Hall in June, 1599. It contains the earliest printed production of Ben Jonson. 1047 Marlowe, Christopher. Hero and Leander, begun by Christopher Marlowe and finished by Geo. Chap- man. Small 4to, calf (title-leaf slightly damaged and several leaves cut too close). Lond. 1609 1048 Marlowe, Christopher. The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus. Printed with new Additions as it is now Acted. Small 4to, half russia (worn). Lond. 1663 With autograph of J. Mitford. 98 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 1049 Marlowe, Christopher. Hero and Leander, begun by C. Marlowe, and finished by Wm. Chapman. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. 1820 Autograph of Wm. Bell Scott inside cover. 1050 Marlowe, Christopher. The Works of, edited by A. H. Bullen. 3 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1885 105 1 Marlowe, Christopher. The Works of, including his translation. Edited by Lt. -Col. Francis Cunningham. i2mo. Lond., n. d. 1052 Marriott, William. A Collection of English Miracle- Plays or Mysteries, with an historical view of this description of plays. 8vo, boards. Basel, 1838 1053 Marryat, Horace. A Residence in Jutland, the Danish Isles and Copenhagen. Many illustrations on wood. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth. Lond. : Murray., i860 1054 Marston, John. The Works of. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 3 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1887 1055 Martin, Horace T. Castorologia; or. The History and Traditions of the Canadian Beaver. An exhaus- tive monograph, popularly written and fully illustrated. 8vo. Lond. and Montreal, 1892 1056 Masson, David. Essays, Biographical and Critical, chiefly on English Poets. 8vo. Cambridge, 1856 1057 Mason, Edward T. Personal Traits of British Authors. With portraits. 4 vols. i2mo. N. Y. 1855 1058 Mather, J. M. Popular Studies of Nineteenth Cen- tury Poets. i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. 1892 1059 Mayhew, Henry. London Labour and the London Poor, including the extra volume. Numerous engraved illustrations. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1861-62 1060 Medwin, Thomas. Prometheus the Fire-bearer. A Drama Inscribed to the Memory of Shelley. The orig- inal manuscript on 70 pages, with numerous erasures and corrections. Small 4to, half roan. 1061 Medwin, Thomas, ^schylus' Prometheus Bound, trans- lated, Pickering, 1832; Agamemnon, translated by Thomas Medwin, Pickering, 1832. In i vol. 8vo, bds. 1062 Medwin, Thomas. Prometheus Bound. 8vo, bds. 1832 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 99 1063 Medwin, Thomas. The Angler in Wales; or, Days and Nights of Sportsmen. Illustrated with woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. Lond. 1834 1064 Mellen, Grenville. The Martyr's Triumph, and other poems. i2mo. Bost. 1833 1065 Melville, Herman. Typee; Peep at Polynesian Life, wza/, 1846; Omoo, a Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas, 1847; Mardi, and a Voyage thither, 1849; Redburn, His First Voyage, 1849; Moby-Dick, or The Whale, 1851; Pierre, or The Ambiguities, 1852; Israel Potter, 1855. 8 vols. i2mo. N. Y. All first editions. 1066 Memoires de la Societd Royale des Antiquaires du Nord, 1840-1849. Many plates. Bound in i vol. thick 8vo, cloth. (Stamp of the Royal Geographical Society on title, etc.) Copenhague, 1840-49 Contains many interesting papers, in English and in French, on the discovery of America by the Norsemen, and other topics, including Memoir of Einar Sockeson, by T. G. Reph; Account of Discovery of Antiquities at Fall River, Mass., by T. H. Webb; Brief Notices of a Runic Inscription found in North America, by H. L. Schoolcraft; Memoire sur la Decouverte de I'Amerique au loe si^cle, par C. C. Rafn, g maps and plates; Aper9u de I'ancienne Geographic des Re- gions Arctiques de I'Amerique, par C. C. Rafn, 3 maps; etc., etc. 1067 Menken, Adah Isaacs. Infelicia, Poems. Illustrated with many graceful pencilled designs by Alfred Concanen, dedicated to Charles Dickens, with photographic facsimile of his letter, and a beautiful portrait of the authoress. Square i6mo, cloth, gilt. 1868 " There is a passionate richness about many of the poems which is almost startling. " — Times. 1068 Mermaid Series. Thomas Dekker, edited by Rhys; Christopher Marlowe, edited by Ellis; Philip Massin- ger, edited by Symons, 2 vols. ; James Shirley, edited by Gosse. Unexpurgated Editions. 5 vols. i2mo. Lond. : Vizetelly, 1887-8 1069 Merry Puck; or, Robin Goodfellow, reprinted from a black letter copy published soon after i6oo. Edited by J. P. Collier. Post 8vo, paper. (Lond. 1834) 25 copies only printed. 100 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 1070 Meruine. The most Famous and renowned Historie, of thatwoorthie and illustrious Knight Meruine, Sonne to that rare and excellent Mirror of Princely Prowesse, Oger the Dane, and one of that royall band of un- matchable Knighthoode, the twelve Pieres of France, etc., by I. M. Gent. Small 8vo, polished calf, gilt edges. Lond. 1612 Title-page and several pages of the text repaired. Pages 313, 314, and 349 and 350 somewhat mutilated. 107 1 Metcalfe, Frederick. The Englishman and the Scan- dinavian; or, a Comparison of Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse Literature. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1880 1072 Michelet. Nature; or, the Poetry of Earth and Sea. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1872 1073 Middleton, Thomas. Works of. Edited by A. H. BuUen. Portrait. 8 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1885 1074 Miller, Thomas. Beauties of the Country. Illustrated. i2mo. Lond. 1837 1075 Mills, Charles. Attic Nights. (Literary and Histor- ical Essays, etc.) i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1879 1076 Mirror (The) of Literature, Amusement and In- struction. Illustrated. Vols, i to 38. 38 vols. 8vo, half calf (rubbed). Lond. 1823-41 Not warranted perfect. 1077 Miscellaneous. A Large Collection of Cuttings, Scraps, etc., from various English and American Magazines and Literary Publications. Three large bundles. 1078 Miscellaneous. Cuttings, etc., from Illustrated Pa- pers: Harpers, London News, Magazine of Art, etc. A lot. 1079 Miscellaneous. Gentleman's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, Literary Magnet, Inspector and National Maga- zine, Lavater's Physiognomy, etc. 15 odd or imper- fect volumes. 1080 Miscellaneous. Toast Master; The Flower Vase; The Marriage Ring; Smith's Sonnets; Common Prayer; Gilman's English Literature; etc. 10 vols. i2mo and i6mo. THE FREDERICK SON LIBRAR V. 101 1 08 1 Miscellaneous. School Books; Poetry ; Barnes' Notes; etc., etc. 60 vols. Some imperfect. Sold as a lot. 1082 Miscellany. A Shadow of the Past; A Vision (by Robt. Spittals), Edinburg, 1828; The Works of Che- viot Tichburn, with the Types of John Leigh, 1825; Songs and Other Poems, by Edward Atkyns Bray, 1821 ; The Cheilead, or University Coterie, being Vio- lent Ebullitions of Graphomaniacs, affected by Caco- ethes Scribendi, Edinburgh, 1827; The College Ob- server, Nov. 27, 1827; Edinburgh University Magazine, Nos. 1-4, 1 83 1. 8vo, half calf. 1083 MiTFORD, Mary Russell. Our Village: Sketches of Rural Character and Scenery. 5 vols. i2mo, calf. Lend. 1824-32 The four series complete. Original editions. Scarce. 1084 MiTFORD, Mary Russell. Our Village. 3 vols. i2mo, boards, uncut. N. Y, 1828 1085 MiTFORD, Mary Russell. Our Village, with an Intro- duction by Anne Thackeray Ritchie, and 100 illustra- tions by Hugh Thomson. Crown 8vo, uncut Lond. and N. Y. 1893 1086 MiTFORD, Mary Russell. Recollections of a Literary Life: Books, Places and People. First Edition. 3 vols. i2mo, calf, marbled edges. 1852 1087 MoiR, D. M. Sketches of the Poetical Literature of the Past Half-Century. Post 8vo. Edinburgh, 1851 1088 Montaigne, Michael de. The Essayes; or, Morall, Politike and Militarie Discourses of Lo. Michaell de Montaigne, translated into English by John Florio. First Edition. Folio, calf. Lond. 1603 Scarce. With the two leaves of " Errors and Omissions." Besides the interest attaching to this book as being the First Edi- tion of the First Translation into English of Montaigne's celebrated essays, Shakspeare is supposed, with very good reason, to have copied certain passages into his plays, and to have found his charac- ter of Holofernes upon John Floria, the translator. 1089 Montaigne, Michael de. Essayes done into English according to the last French edition by John Florio. Portrait of Florio by Hole. Folio, sound old calf, with 103 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR V. ornament stamped in gold on sides. Printed by M. Bradwood for E. Blount and Win. Barrett, 1613. A few contemporary MS. notes on margins. The portrait of the translator is frequently wanting. 1090 Montaigne, Michael de. Essays — The Essayes; or, Morall, Politique and Military Discourses of. Third Edition, whereunto is now newly added an index of the principal matters and personages in the books. Folio, calf, red edges, by Riviere. Lond. 1632 Fine perfect copy, with the scarce frontispiece and verses opposite. 1091 Montgomery, Cora. Eagle Pass; or, Life on the Border. i2mo. N. Y. 1851 1092 Montgomery, Robert. Oxford: a Poem. Illustrated by Joseph Skelton and other artists^ India paper impressions. Crown 8vo, uncut. Oxford, 1831 1093 Montgomery, Robert. A Universal Prayer; Death; AVision of Heaven; and A Vision of Hell; etc. Litho- graphed portrait. Crown Svo, uncut, boards. Lond. 1829 1094 Monthly Magazine and British Register, Vol. i, 1796, to Vol. 58, 1824 (lacking Vols. 52, 53, 55, 56, 57) ; New Monthly Magazine, Vols, i to 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 3°) 33> 36, 1821-32. Together 75 vols. Various bind- ings (some broken, not warranted complete). 1095 MoNTHLy Magazine. 25 odd imperfect vols. 1096 Monthly Traveller (The); or, Spirit of the Periodi- cal Press. Vols, i and 2 in Nos. (lacking No. 10 of Vol. I, and Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9 of Vol. 2). 18 Nos. Bost. 1830-31 1097 MooRE, Francis. The Age of Intellect; or, Clerical Showfolk and Wonderful Layfolk. Frontispiece. i2mo, half morocco. Lond. 1819 A curious, satirical worlc, with references to Byron, Shelley, Keats, Wordsworth, Coleridge, etc. 1098 MooRE, George H. Notes on Witchcraft in Massachu- setts; Final Notes on Witchcraft; Notes on the Old State House; Washington as an Angler. 4 vols, i cloth, 3 in paper. N. Y. and Bost. 1883-87 1099 MooRE, Thomas. Irish Melodies and a Melologue upon National Music. Svo, half calf. Dublin, 1820 Book-plate of J. and A. Tyson. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. \ 03 iioo (Moore, Thomas.) Odes upon Cash, Corn, Catholics and other Matters. Post 8vo, bds, cloth backs. Phil. 1828 Book-plate of Juniata Fire Engine Co. Caution.- — To be read carefully and returned, uninjured, at the expiration of one week, under a penalty of b)^ cents. 1 101 MooRE, Thomas. Notes from the Letters of T. M. to his Music Publisher, James Power, with an Introduc- tory Letter from Thomas Crofton Croker, F. S. A. Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. N. Y. (1854) The publication of these letters was rigidly suppressed in London. 1 102 MooRE, Thomas. Memoirs, Journal and Correspond- ence, edited by Lord John Russell. Vignette titles and 8 fine portraits. 8 vols, crown 8vo, half bright calf, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Lond. 1853-56 Inserted are 16 fine portraits on steel by Scriven, Thomson, HoU, etc. 1 103 More, Sir Thomas. Utopia— with Foreword by Will- iam Morris {Kelmscott Fress), 300 printed in black and red. 8vo, vellum, uncut. 4th August, 1893. Out of print. 1 104 More, Sir Thomas. Utopia. Another copy of above. 1105 Moravian Hymnology. A Collection of Hymns for Use of the United Brethren, with Supplement. 8vo, morocco. Manchester, 1808-9 Manuscript notes. 1 106 Morgan, Lewis H. American Beaver and his Works. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. Phil. 1868 1 107 Morland, George. Authentic Memoirs of, with re- marks on his abilities and progress as an artist. Fac- simile of his writing ., etc., by F. W. Blagdon. Imp. ob- long, 4to, paper. Lond. 1806 Three colored plates from the London Graphic by Morland laid in. 1 108 Morland, George. Seven Drawings by Morland. Oblong 4to, cloth. (No text.) 1 109 Morland, George, Painter, London (1763-1804), by Ralph Richardson. Illustrated. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1895 mo Morland, George. Memoirs of the Life of, with Crit- ical and Descriptive Observations on the whole of his works, by J. Hassell. Illustrated. (Ink-stains.) 4to, old tree calf (cracked). Lond. 1806 Five drawings by Morland laid in. 104 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. iiii MoRYSON, Fynes. An Itinerary, containing his Ten Yeeres Travell through the Twelve Dominions of Ger- many, Switzerland, France, England, Scotland, Ire- land, Turkey, Poland, etc. In 3 parts. Folio, old half russia (cracked at joints, with the leaf opposite the title, often deficient. Title mended and stained.) Book-plate of Peter Prattinton. Lond. : J. Beale, 161 7 1 1 12 Morris, Rev. F. O. Ancestral Homes of Britain, con- taining Examples of its Noblest Castles, Halls and Mansions. With 40 colored illustrations, from drawings executed for the 7tiork. 4to, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1868 1 1 13 Morris, William. A Tale of the House of the Wolfings and all the kindreds of the mask, written in Prose and Verse. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. : Reeves Sr Turner, 1889 1 1 14 Morris, William. The Roots of the Mountains where- in is told somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burg- dale, their Friends, Neighbours, Foeman and Fellows in Arms. Small 4to, uncut. Lond. 1890 1115 Morris, William, and Magnusson, Eirikr. Stories of the Kings of Norway, called the Round World (Heimskringla). Vols, i to 3. 3 vols, crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1893-1895 Map in pocket in Vol. i. 1 1 16 Morris, William. Another copy. 3 vols, crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1893-95 1117 Morris, William, and Eirikr Magnusson. The Ere Dwellers; Howard the Halt. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1891-92 1 118 Mother Goose's Melodies. Illustrations of , designed and engraved on wood by Alexander Anderson, M.D. With an Introductory Notice by Evert A. Duyckinck. Royal 8vo, uncut. N. Y. : Privately printed by Chas. L. Moreau, 1873 Presentation copy from Mr. Duyckinck. 1119 Mother Goose; or. The Old Nursery Rhymes. Illus- trated by Kate Greenaway. Small 4to. Lond., n. d. THE FR^DERICKSON LIBRARY. 105 ri2o Motherwell, William. Minstrelsy, Ancient and Mod- ern, with an Historical Introduction and Notes. Illus- trations. 4to, half morocco. Glasgow, 1827 With the rare appendix and music. Few printed; rare. 1 121 MouLE, Thomas. Heraldry of Fish. Notices of the Principal Families Bearing Fish on their Arms. Illus- trations. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1842 1 122 MoxON, Joseph. Mechanick Exercises; or, The Doc- trine of Handy-Works, applied to the Art of Smithing, Joining, Carpentry and Turning. Portrait and illus- trations. 2 vols. 4to, old panelled calf. Lond. 1701 In addition to the portrait of Moxon is a fine one of Gutenberg and Laurenz I. Koster. Two book-plates J. Watts Russell. 1 1 23 M(uffet), T(homas). Silkwormes and their Flies, lively described in Verse by T. M., a Countrie Farmar and an Apprentice in Physicke, for the great benefit and enriching of England. Woodcut within a border on title. 4to, new in calf. Lond. 1599 The copy is good but the leaves are discolored. A copy of this rare poem, evidently written by a man of education as well as patri- otic intentions, is priced in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, £1^ 15s. 1 1 24 MuNTZ, Eugene. Tapestry. A Short History of, from the Earliest Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century. By Eugene Miintz, translated by Miss L. J. Davis. Lond. 1885 " M. Eugene Miintz's chief endeavour has been to present in clear narrative the historical sequence of the various development of art." — Saturday Review. 1 1 25 Murphy, Hon. Hen. C. J. Michaelius, the First Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church in the United States. Fac-simile of his letter .^ etc. Folio, vellum. Amsterdam, 1883 Engraving of Old New York laid in. Presentation copy from G. H. Moore. 1 126 Muzzy, Mrs. Harriet. Poems, Moral and Sentimen- tal. Collected and arranged by Caroline M. Thayer. i2mo, stitched (stained). N. Y. 1821 1 1 27 Myers, F. W. H. The Renewal of Youth, and other Poems. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1882 106 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRAR Y. 1 1 28 M(ynshul), G(effray). Essays and Characters of a Prison and Prisoners, written by G. M., of Grayes- Inn^ Gent., with some new additions. Portrait on title. 4to, old half russia. Lond. 1638 Original edition, extremely rare. 150 copies were reprinted in 1S21, with the title engraved by Bewick. 1 1 29 XTATHAN, I. Memoirs of Madame Malibran de IN Beriot. Post 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1836 1 130 National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Ameri- cans, with Biographical Sketces. Complete in 40 parts, as issued. Sold as 4 vols. Phil. 1852-54 1131 Native American (The): a Gift for the People. Por- traits. 8vo, boards, gilt edges. Phil. 1458 Printed in red and blue, on white paper. An interesting souvenir of the Native American Party, with Addresses of the Native Ameri- can Conventions. 1132 Nautical Trip Around the Island of Great Britain, in verse. With notes in prose and woodcut engravings. i2mo, boards. Scarce. Lond. 1805 1 1 33 Naunton, Robert. Fragmenta Regalia, or Observa- tions on the late Queen Elizabeth: her Time and Favorites. Small 4to, half calf. n. p. , 1641 John Blount's copy, with his book-plate. H34 (Neale, E.) The Closing Scene. Post 8vo. Lond. 1848 1135 Newgate Monthly Magazine; or, Calendar of Men, Things and Opinions. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. " All issued. Rare in any shape." — Fred. Lond. i82i;-6 1136 New Jersey. The Manuscript of Diedrich Knicker- bocker, Jr. 8vo, pp. 75, unbound and uncut. Very rare. N. Y. 1824 The scene of the story ("Rattle-Snake Hill") is the village of Belleville, N. J., and it is largely descriptive of the customs of the early Dutch settlers in that vicinity. 1 137 New England Magazine (The). Vol. 5, July to Dec, 1833 (stained). 8vo, half sheep (broken). Bost. 1 138 Newman, Edward. A History of British Ferns and Plants. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1844 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 107 1 139 Newman, Edward. Familiar Introduction to the His- tory of Insects. Illustrations. 8vo, uncut. Lond. : Van Voorst, 1841 ir4o New Mirror Library. The Prose and Poetry of Eu- rope and America. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half morocco (one vol. without title). N. Y. 1846 1 141 Newspapers. "New World," "Brother Jonathan." "Boston Nation," "Despatch," "Every Saturday," etc. A bundle. 1 142 Newspapers. First Numbers of Newspapers and Maga- zines. An interesting lot. A bundle. 1143 Newspapers. " The Albion," April 22, 1865, Lincoln's Assassination; " Aurora," 1810, " Commercial Adver- tiser, " Reprint of No. i, Oct. 2, 1797, and Numbers dated 1813-1819 and 1825, "National ^gis," Dec. 5, 1804, etc., etc. A bundle. Valuable. 1144 Newspapers. " Greeley's New Yorker," " New World," "New Mirror," etc., etc. A bundle. T145 Newspapers. " Brother Jonathan," etc. A bundle. 1146 Newton, John F. The Return to Nature; or, a De- fence of the Vegetable Regimen, etc. 8vo. Lond. 181 1 The author was Shelley's friend, and the reading of this book led him (S.) to become a vegetarian. 1 147 Newton, John F. Three Enigmas Attempted to be Explained. Frontispiece. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1821 1148 New York. The Beacon, New Series, No. i, Vol. i, to Vol. II, No. 51; Third Series, Vol. i and III.; and 4th Series, Vol. i. 5 vols, royal 8vo, half sheep and half vellum. 1839-1846 1149 New York Mirror, Vol. i. 4to, roan back. N. Y. 1823 1150 New York Mirror, Vols. 9, 10 and 12. 3 vols, royal 4to. (Some plates out.) N. Y. 1831-34 1 15 1 New York. Census of the State for 1855. Folio, half morocco. 1 152 New York As It Is in 1837. Containing a general de- scription of the city, map, 1837; Classified Mercantile Directory of New York and Brooklyn, 1837. Together in I vol. i2mo, roan, neat. 1S37 108 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR V. 1 153 New York. History of the City of New York, by D. T. Valentine. Illustrated. 8vo. N. Y. 1853 1154 New York. Tribute to Horace Greeley; Greenwood Cemetery Regulations; Charter, etc., of Chamber of Commerce; Historical Society; Hudson River Rail- road; etc. 18 pamphlets. 1 155 New York. Manuscript Old Account Book, Haviland & Farrington's Day Book, New York, 9 mos., 1772; I month, 1776. Narrow folio, pigskin. 1 156 New York. Trow's Directory, 1885; Lain's Brooklyn Directory, 1885-6. 2 vols, (broken). 1 157 Nightingale, Florence. Notes on Hospitals. 8vo. Lond. 1859 1 158 NiLSSON, SvEN. The Primitive Inhabitants of Scandi- navia. Edited by John Lubbock. 8vo. Lond. 1868 1 159 Noble, J. Ashcroft. The Sonnet in England and other Poems. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1893 1160 Nodier, Charles. The Bibliomaniac. Translated by Mabel O. Wright. Illustrated by Leloir. 8vo, paper. N. Y. 1894 Copy No. 47 of 150 copies printed on Japan paper. 1 161 NoLTE, Vincent. Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres. i2mo. Lond. 1854 1 1 62 Norse. The Viking, by Zavarr, with Notes. Plate. i6mo, cloth. Lond. 1849 Illustrating the mythology, manners and customs of the ancient Scandinavians. 1 1 63 NoRGE. Fremstillet i Tegninger med opfysende Text Chr. Tonsberg. Oblong 4to, half morocco. Christiania, n. d. 1 164 Northern Archaeology. Guide to. Illustrated. 8vo, paper. Lond. 1848 1165 (NoRRis, John.) Of the Wisdome of the lust: an As- cetic Work, in MSS., by L N. 1689 Curious and unique. 1166 Northmore, Thomas. Washington; or. Liberty Re- stored: a Poem. i2mo, boards. Bait. 1809 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRARY. 109 1 167 Notes and Queries. First Seven Series complete, 1849-1891, with Indexes; Eighth Series, from July, 1893, to Dec, 1896. Together 98 vols. First Seven Series in half morocco, Indexes in cloth, Eighth Series in Nos. 1 168 Notes and Queries. The Bizarre Notes and Queries: a Monthly Magazine of History, Folk-Lore, Mathe- matics, Mysticism, Art, Science, etc. Vols. 3, 6 and 7. 3 vols. 8vo, half roan, covers bound in. Manchester, N. H., 1886, 89-90 1 1 69 Nova Scotia and Canada. A Brief Description of Nova Scotia, with plates of the principal harbors; A Par- ticular Account of the Island of Grand Manan, by Anthony Lockwood, maps. 4to, half russia (cracked). Rare. Lond. : Printed for the Author, 1818 1170 Nova Scotia. Haliburton, Thomas C. An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia. Halifax, Nova Scotia (1829). Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. Halifax, 1829 1 171 Nova Scotia. Buckingham, J. S. Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, etc. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. (1843) 1 172 Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia Magazine and Compre- hensive Review (The). Vol. i. 8vo, half calf. Halifax (1789) 1 1 73 Nova Scotia. Collections of the Nova Scotia Histor- ical Society, for 1886-7. Vol. 5. 8vo, boards. Halifax, 1887 1 1 74 Nova Scotia. A General Description of Nova Scotia. Map. Crown 8vo, half cloth, uncut. Halifax, 1825 1175 Nova Scotia. Canada. A Memorial Volume: a Sta- tistical and Descriptive Handbook of the Dominion, prepared under the Authority of the Government, edited and published by E. B. Biggar, Montreal. Il- lustrated with maps. Thick 8vo, cloth. Stanford, 1889 1 1 76 Nova Scotia. Canadian Leaves: a Series of New Papers read before the Canadian Club of New York. Portraits. Small 410, paper. N. Y. 1887 110 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY, 1 177 Nova Scotia. The Four Kings of Canada: being a succinct Account of the Four Indian Princes lately arrived from North America, with a particular Descrip- tion of their Country, their Strange and Remarkable Religion, Feasts, Marriages, Burials, Remedies for their Sick, Customs, Manners, Constitution, Habits, Sports, War, Peace, Policy, Hunting, Fishing, Uten- sils belonging to the Savages, with several other Ex- traordinary Things worthy observation, as to Natural or Curious Productions, Beauty or Fertility of that Part of the World. Pamphlet (48 pp.), unbound. Facsimile reprint. Lond. : Printed and sold by Jno . Baker, at the Black Boy, in Paternoster Row, 17 10. 1178 Nova Scotia. Sketches in Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wick. Drawn from nature and on stone by Lieut. R. Pet- ley. Parts I and 2 (foxed). 2 vols, oblong 4to, paper. Lond. 1837 1 1 79 Nova Scotia. Wild Flowers of Nova Scotia, by Maria Morris. Executed from nature of the full size of the flowers. Parts i and 2 (foxed). 4to, paper. Halifax, 1840 1 180 Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia Illustrated in a Series of Views taken on the spot and on stone by William Eagar. (foxed). 6 plates. 4to, paper. Halifax, n. d. 1181 Nova Scotia. A Plan of the Harbour of Chebucto and Town of Halifax. 4to. n. p., n. d. 1 182 Nova Scotia. Photographs of Halifax, etc. 4to. 8 pieces. 1 183 Nova Scotia. Colonial Pearl: a Volume devoted to Polite Literature, etc. Vol. 3. 4to, half sheep. Scarce. Halifax, 1839 1 184 Nova Scotia. Mullaly, John. A Trip to Newfound- land : its Scenery and Fisheries, etc. Illustrated. Square izmo. N. Y. 1855 1185 Nova Scotia. Cozzens, F. S. Arcadia; or, a Month with the Blue Noses. lamo. N. Y. 1859 1 186 Nova Scotia. Hannay, James. The History of Acadia, from its first Discovery to its Surrender to England, by the Treaty of Paris. 8vo. Lond. 1880 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. HI 1187 Nova Scotia. Hardy Campbell. Forest Life in Acadie: Sketches of Sport, etc., in the Lower Provinces of the Canadian Dominion. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1863 1 188 Nova Scotia. Macklin's Map of Nova Scotia; Daw- son's Map of the Dominion of Canada; Baedeker's Guide to Canada, 1894; Irwin's Canada Tariff. 4 vols. 1189 /~\BER AMMERGAU. Passion of the Saviour (The), V ' represented at Ober Ammergau on Trinity Sunday, translated and illustrated by Francis C. Childe. The whole beautifully executed on 2g sheets of cardboard, in red and black, in imitation of -the originals. Folio, mo- rocco extra, gilt edges, with gilt cross and lettering on sides. 187 1 A few copies only issued. 1190 Ober Ammergau. The Homes of Ober Ammergau. A series of 20 etchings in heliotype. With Notes by Eliza Greatorex. 4to. Munich, 1872 1191 Ober Ammergau. The Passion Play of. i6mo. Ratisbon, 1880 1 192 O'Brien, Fitz-James. Poems and Stories of. Edited by Wm. Winter. Portrait. i2mo. Bost. 188 1 1 193 Oehlenschl^ger, Adam. The Gods of the North. Translated by W. E. Frye. 8vo, half calf. Lond. and Paris, 1845 1 194 Oliphant, Mrs. The Literary History of England. Original Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1882 1 195 Oliphant, Mrs. The Victorian Age of English Liter- ature. 2 vols. i2mo, uncut. N. Y. (1892) 1 196 Oliphant, Thomas. I^a Musa Madrigalesca; or, A Col- lection of Madrigals, Ballets, Roundelays, etc. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1837 1197 OuiDA. Views and Opinions. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1895 1198 Oxford. Original Views of Oxford: its Colleges, Chapels and Gardens. From drawings by Delamotte. With Historical and Descriptive Notice, by Charles Oilier. Folio, half morocco (rubbed). Lond. 1843 112 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRARY. 1199 Oxford. An Account of the Christmas Prince, as it was exhibited in the University of Oxford, in the year 1607, now first published from the Original Manu- script. 4to, half calf. Lond. 1816 Book-plates of Francis Freling, John Matthew Gutch and C. W. Frederickson. 1200 r)ACIFIC RAILROAD. Vol. 11 and Part i of Vol. 1 12. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. i2oo-|- Paine, Thomas. The Crisis; Common Sense, ad- dressed to the Inhabitants of America; Public Good; Letter addressed to the Abbe Raynal; Letters, by the Author of Common Sense. 5 pieces, i2mo (unbound). Albany, 1791-92 1201 Paine, Thomas. Life of, by G. Vale. 8vo, paper. N. Y. 1853 1202 Painter, William. The Palace of Pleasure. Elizabeth- an Versions of Italian and French Novels from Boccac- cio, Bandello and others. Now again edited ... by Joseph Jacobs. 3 vols. 4to, uncut. Lond. : Nutt, 1890 1203 (Palmer, Thomas.) An Essay of the Meanes how to Make our Trauailes into forraine Countries, the more profitable and honourable. (Title-page stained.) Small 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1806 1204 Pamphlets. Daily Progress and Extraordinary Ap- pearance of the Chick in the Egg, plate; Anatomical Description of Claude A. Seurat, plate; Catalogue of the Exhibition called Modern Mexico, plate; Descrip- tion of St. Cross near Winchester, plate; View of Cal- cutta, //a/^/ etc. 10 pieces. Lond. 1824 1205 Pamphlets. Various. 22 pieces. 1206 Paris. Nouveaux Tableaux de Paris; Nouvelles vues de Paris et ses Environs. 2 vols. 1207 Parker, H. W. Poems. i2mo. Auburn, 1850 1208 Partridge, William O. The Song-Life of a Sculptor. i2™o- Bost. 1894 1209 Patmore, Coventry. Principle in Art, etc. Post 8vo. Lond. 1890 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. HJ 1210 (Paulding, J. K.) The Dutchman's Fireside. 2 vols, small i2mo, half calf. N. Y. 1831 First edition. 1211 Peacock (The) at Home. A Sequel to the Butterfly's Ball. Written by a Lady, and illustrated with elegant (colored^ engravings. Square i8mo, half calf. Lond. : J. Harris., 180S The " Butterfly's Ball" was written by W. Roscoe, and the above by Mrs. Dorset, n^e Turner. Besides the interest and merit of this little book, the illustrations are by the painter Mulready, and are amongst the earliest efforts of his genius. 1213 Peacock, Thomas L. The Philosophy of Melancholy: a Poem, with a Mythological Ode. First Edition. 4to, original calf. Fine copy. Lond. i8iz Very scarce. The contents of this volume are not reprinted in the collection of Peacock's Works, 3 vols., published by Bentley. 1 2 14 Peacock, Thomas L. Works. Including his Novels, Poems, Fugitive Pieces, Criticisms, etc., with a Preface by Lord Houghton, a Biographical Notice by his granddaughter, Edith Nicolls. Edited by Henry Cole, C. B. Fine portrait. 3 vols, post 8vo, cloth, uncut. Out of print and scarce. Lond. 1875 Contents: Vols. I. and II., Novels; Headlong Hall, Melincourt, Nightmare Abbey, Maid Marian, Misfortunes of Elphin, Crotchet Castle, Gryd Grange. Vol. III., Poetical Works. 1215 Peacock, Thomas L. Works. Vol. 3. i2mo. Lond. 1875 1216 Peacock, Thomas L. The Genius of the Thames, Pal- myra, and other Poems. Frontispiece by Westall. Post 8vo, calf. Lond. 1812 1217 (Peacock, Thomas L.) The Misfortunes of Elphin. i2mo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1819 i2r8 (Peacock, Thomas L.) Crotchet Castle. i2mo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1831 1 2 19 (Peacock, Thomas Love.) Headlong Hall. Second Edition. i6mo, boards, uncut (binding mended). Lond. 1816 1220 Peacock, Thomas L. Nightmare Abbey. Post 8vo, calf. Lond. 18 rS- 114 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. J22I Peacock, Thomas L. Headlong Hall; Gryll Grange; Crotchet Castle; Maid Marian; Nightmare Abbe}' ; Melincourt; Misfortunes of Elphin; Calidore and Mis- cellanea. Frontispieces. 8 vols, post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1891 1222 Peacock, Thomas L. Melincourt; Gryll Grange. Front- ispieces. 2 vols, post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1891 1223 Pecke, Thomas. Parnassi Puerperium; or some well- wishes to Ingenuity in the Translation of six hundred of Owen's Epigrams; Martial de Spectaculis, or of the Rarities to be seen in Rome, and the most select in Sir Thomas More. To which is annext a Century of Heroick Epigrams, etc. Post 8vo, calf. Lond. 1659 With the portrait and the two rare leaves at end. Book-plates of Thomas Freeling and John Kershaw. 1224 Pedlar's Pack (A) of Ballads and Songs, with illustra- tive Notes by W. H. Logan. Cuts. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1869 1225 Peele, George. Works of. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 2 vols, crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1888 1226 Peele, George. A Farewell entituled to the famous and fortunate Generalls of our English Forces, etc. ; The Honour of the Garter; Manuscript Transcript, by A. Dyce. i vol. 4to, half morocco. " I made this transcript (A Farewell, etc.) from the copy in the British Museum. When I printed Peele's books, I modernised the spelling." — A. Dyce. 1227 Pelly, Lewis. The Miracle Play of Hasan and Husain. Revised, with Notes, by A. N. Wollaston. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1879 1228 Penmanship. Magnum in Parvo, the Pen's Perfection. Invented, written, etc., by Edward Cocker. 4to, paper (soiled). (Lond. 1652) 1229 Pennsylvania Magazine (The). January to June, 1776. 6 Nos. Paper, unbound. Phil. 1776 1230 Pennsylvania Gazette (The). No. 2480, July 3, 1778. Folio, 2 leaves. Contains first notice of the Acts of Congress declaring The United Colonies Free and Independent States. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 115 1 231 Pennsylvania Gazette (The), Wednesday, April 21, 1790. In Mourning Borders for the death of Dortor Benjamin Franklin, "who died Satui' day night last, in the 85th year of his age. " Folio, two leaves. Phil. 1790 1232 Pennsylvania Historical Society. Memoirs, Vol. 6. Contributions to American History. 8vo. Phil. 1858 1233 Percy (Bishop). Five Pieces of Runic Poetry. Trans- lated from the Icelandic Language. 12 mo, sheep. Rare original edition. Lond. : Dodsley, i 763 1234 Percy (Bishop). Folio Manuscripts, Ballads and Ro- mances; Loose and Humorous Songs. Edited by Hales and Furnivall. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut (original paper covers bound in). Lond. 1867-68 123s Percy Society's Publications, complete, comprising an extraordinary Collection of Early and Rare Speci- mens of English Poetry, etc., edited by Eminent Literary Men. 30 vols, crown 8vo, half morocco, un- cut. Lond. 1840-51 1236 Percy Anecdotes (The). General Index. Post 8vo, paper. Lond. 1823 1237 Petrarch, Francis. Physicke against Fortune, as well prosperous as aduerse, conteyned in two Bookes . . . and now first Englished by Thomas Twyne. Small 4to, old calf (rubbed). Lond. 1579 Small piece torn out of the upper right hand corner of the title- page. 1238 Phillips, Edward. Theatrum Poetarum ; or, A Com- pleat Collection of the Poets. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1875 1239 Phillips, G. S. The Gypsies of the Danes' Dike: a Story of Hedgeside Life in England. Crown 8vo, half morocco (rubbed). Lond. 1864 1240 Philobiblon (The). Geo. P. Philes is' Co. (without Catalogue). 2v0ls.ini. 4to, half morocco. N. Y. 1861 1241 Pigott, Grenville. Manual of Scandinavian Mythol- ogy. i2mo, Large Paper. Lond. 1839 1242 Pinnock's Catechisms, Grammar, History, Anatomy, Zoology, etc. Whittaker's Editions. 7 vols. i6mo, half calf. Lond., n. d. 116 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1243 Pirate's Captive (The). By Hard Clam. Illustrated. i6mo, paper. N. Y. 1872 1244 Pitt, Ruth J. The Tragedy of the Norse Gods. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond. 1893 1245 Plays. Manuscript Transcript. Histrio Master; or, the Player Whipt, 1610; The Araygnement of Paris, 1584; The Fair Maid of Bristol, 1605; The Chester Whitsuntide Plays, 1591. 4 vols. Manuscript Transcripts made for Mr. J. P. Collier intended for publication, all legibly written. 1246 Plays. Manuscript Transcript. Hans Beere-pot, His Invisible Comedie of See Me, and See Me Not. Neatly written. 4to, half morocco. From Mitford's Library. 1247 Plays. Manuscript. The Generous Courtezan ; Green Room Chit-Chat; Camber and Thuringier. i vol. small 4to, vellum. From the Macklin collection. 1248 Plays. Percy's Masque. Small i2mo, boards. N. Y. 1820 1249 Plays. The Italian Bride. Written for Miss Eliza Logan, and published for private distribution. i2mo. Savannah, 1856 1250 Plays. Six Plays, on which Shakespeare founded his Measure for Measure, Comedy of Errors, Taming the Shrew, etc. 2 vols, post 8vo, old calf. Lond. 1779 S. Egerton Brydges' autograph on title-pages. 1251 Plays. A Collection of Old Plays. Published between the years of 1717 and 1799. 9^ pieces. 1252 Plays. A Collection of Plays. Published between the years 1800 and i860. 80 pieces. 1253 Plays. A Collection of French Plays. 53 pieces. 1 254 Poetry. Poetical Works of Rogers, Campbell, Mont- gomery, Lamb and Kirke White. Frontispieces. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1829 1255 Poetry. Sailors. The Poems of a British Sailor, by John Mitford, Lond. 1818; Trifles in Verse and Prose, by E. H. Rose, late seaman of his Majesty's ship L'Impetueux, Plymouth, 181 1; The Song of Com- THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 117 merce, in 34 Cantos, and Ode on the Death and Funeral of Nelson, by a Sailor. Bound in i vol. i2mo, half calf, edges quite uncut. 1256 Poetry. Specimens of Living British Poets, wfith Bibliographical and Critical Notices, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, neat. Paris, 1827 Includes specimens of Shelley, Keats, Leigh Hunt, Charles Lamb, Byron, Coleridge, Clare, etc., with essays on their worlis. The book was never published in England. 1257 Poole's Index to Periodical Literature. The Second Supplement. From Jany. i, 1887, to Jany. i, 1892. By W. L Fletcher. 4to. Best, and N. Y. 1893 1258 (Pope, Alexander.) Essay on Man. The 4 Epistles in I vol. folio, half morocco. First Edition. Lond. (1732-34) 1259 Piazza (La) di S. Marco in Venezia. 16 engravings. Oblong folio, boards. Venezia, 1831. With A. In- scription on fly-leaf : " JV. C. Macready (the Actor) from his friend 'Ro^^v.i Browning {the Poet). July 28, 1838." With Macreadfs book-plate. 1260 Pocket Magazine of Classic and Polite Literature. New Series. Vol. 3. Illustrated. (Stained.) Early book-plate, bearing the design of a bee-hive, with the name Charles Wm. Frederickson. The only one in the collection. 1 261 PoE, Edgar A. Tales of Mystery, Imagination and Humour. Illustrated. i6mo. Lond., n. d. 1262 (PoE, Edgar A.) Graham's Magazine for 1845. Illus- trated. 8vo, half morocco. 1263 PoE, Edgar A. Life of, by W. F. Gill. Portrait. i2mo. N. Y. and Lond. 1880 1264 (PoE, Edgar A.) A Collection of Scraps and Cuttings from English and American Magazines, etc. (Loose in portfolio.) 1265 PoE, Edgar A. The Raven, with Literary and His- torical Commentary by J. H. Ingram. i2rao, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1885 1266 PoE, Edgar A. The Literati, with a Sketch of the Au- thor by R. W. Griswold. i2mo, boards, gilt edges. N. Y. and Bost. 1850 118 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRA R Y. 1267 PoE, Edgar A. American Men of Letters, by Geo. E. Woodberry. Portrait. i2mo. Bost. and N. Y. 1892 3268 Poetry. Poets, Select Early English. Edited, with Introductory Prefaces, by W. Singer, Chiswick Fress, 1817-21. 8 parts in 7 vols. i6mo. No. I. Lovelace's Lucasta. Part I. Illustrated. 1817 Nos. 2 and 3. Chapman's Homer. 1818 No. 4. Lovelace's Lucasta. Part IL 1818 No. 5. Poems, by Thomas Lodge. 1819 No. 6. Thealina and Clearchus, by Chalkhill. 1820 No. 7. Cupid and Psyche. Shakerley Marmion's. 1820 No. 8. Marlowe's and Chapman's Hero and Leander. 1821 All in original boards, with uncut edges. 1269 Poetry. The Complaint, or Night-Thoughts; The Piscopade; The Intruder, by R. O. Cambridge; An Elegy written on St. Mark's Eve; Beauty, a Poetical Essay; The True Cause of a Certain G. L. Officer's Conduct ; The Modern Courtezan ; Liberty in the Suds ; Yarico to Inkle, an Epistle, by the Author of the Elegy ; Ver-Vert, or the Nunnery Parrot; The Castle of In- dolence, by James Thomson, Lond. 1848; An Elegy, written in an Empty Assembly Room; and other Poems. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1743-61 Thomson's " Castle of Indolence " is the Rare First Edition. 1270 Poetry. Prolusions ; or. Select Pieces of Antient Poetry, etc. In three Parts. Containing: I. The Nut- browne Mayde; Martie Sackville's Induction ; and Overbury's Wife ; II. Edward the Third, a play thought to be writ by Shakespeare; III. Those di- dactic intitl'd Nosce teipsum, written by Sir John Davis. i2mo, old calf. Lond.: Tonson, 1760 1271 Popular Reprints. The Times, and other Early His- torical Documents. Folio, paper. Lond. 1272 Portraits. The Authors of England. A Series of Medallion Portraits, with illustrative notices by H. F. Chorley. 4to (spotted). Lond. 1838 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRA RY. 119 1273 Potter, Rev. Eliphalet N. Washington, A Model in his Library and Life. Portrait. i2mo. N. Y., n. d. 1274 Potter, Israel R. Life and Remarkable Adventures of ; a native of Cranston, R. L, who was a soldier in the American Revolution. Frontispiece. i2mo, boards. Very rare. Providence (1824) 1275 Porter, Rev. Noah. Evangeline, the Place, the Story, and the Poem, ig original illustrations by Frank Dicksee. Royal 4to, gilt top. N. Y. and Lond. , n. d. 1276 Prenticeana; or, Wit and Humor in Paragraphs. By the Editor of the Louisville Journal. i2mo. N. Y. i860. 1277 Prescott, Henry H. Tobacco and Its Adulterations. With 40 illustrations drawn and etched by H. P. Prescott. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1858 1278 Price, Edward. Norway and Its Scenery. Containing the Journal of a Tour, with considerable additions, etc. Edited and compiled by Thomas Forester. Fine plates. i2mo, uncut, Lond.: Fohn, 1853, 1279 Priestly, Joseph. Disquisitions relating to Matter and Spirit. Second Edition. Improved and enlarged. Frontispiece. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Birmingham, 1782 1280 Pringe, Captaine Martin. America. New England in Elizabeth's Time. Captain Martin Pringe, the Last of the Elizabethan Seamen, with a more particular Exposition of his First Voyage for the Discovery of the North Part of Virginia, in 1603, by J. H. Pring,, M. D. Plate of monument and woodcut of Pring' s Harbour. Royal 8vo, 34 pages, stiff wrapper. Plymouth, 1888- Next to Cabot, the most interesting: of the Bristol mariners. 1 281 Printing. Blades, William. The Pentateuch of Print- ing, with a chapter on Jvdges and a Memoir of the author and a list of his Works, by Talbot Baines^ Reed. Illustrated. 4to, gilt tops. Lond.: Elliot Stock., 1891 1282 Printing. Bouchot, Henri. The Printed Book. Its- History, Illustration and Adornment, from the Days of Gutenberg to the Present Time. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1887 120 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE V. 1283 Printing. Bruce, George. Specimens of Printing Types made at Bruce's New York Type Foundry. Portrait. 4to, half morocco. N. Y. 1882 1284 Printing. Hassard, John R. G. The Fast Printing Machine. An account of recent improvements in news- paper presses. i2mo. N. Y. 1878 One of 10 copies on Holland paper, presented by R. Hoe, Jr., with two autograph letters of R. H., Jr., laid in. 1285 Printing. Odds and Ends relating to the Art of Print- ing, etc. A bundle. 1286 Printing. History of, etc. Newspaper and Magazine Articles, etc. A bundle. 1287 (Procter, Bryan W.) English Songs, and other small Poems, by Barry Cornwall. i6mo, half calf (rubbed). Ex Libris, initials "J. E. A." Lond. : Moxon, 1832 1288 Printing. A History of the Old English Letter Foun- dries, with Notes, Historical and Bibliographical, on the Rise and Progress of English Typography, by Talbot Baines Reed. Handsomely printed and profusely illustrated with portraits and fac-similes. Thick 4to, half roxburghe, uncut. Lond. 1887 " This work throws a considerable and curious light on the history of English Typography, and will be found to embody a full Bibli- ography of works not only relating to, but illustrative of the Type- founder's Art, and to contain numerous anecdotes of Founders, Printers and Authors, together with interesting particulars concern- ing some of the most famous productions of the English Press. The volume is fully illustrated with specimens of a large number of his- torical types, cast from their original matrices, together with por- traits and fac-similes produced by a photographic process from the original copies." 1289 Printing. Hoe & Co., R. Catalogue of Printing Machines, etc., etc. 4to. N. Y. 1870 1290 Printing. Jacobi, Charles T. Printers' Vocabulary: a Collection of some 2,500 Technical Terms, Phrases, Abbreviations and other Expressions mostly relating to Letter-press Printing. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1888 1291 Printing. Printers' Guide; (The); or. An Introduc- tion to the Art of Printing, including an Essay on THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 121 Punctuation, and Remarks on Orthography. Wood- cuts. By C. S. Van Winkle. 12 mo, calf. N. Y. 181 8 Ex libris of \Vm. Priestman, Jr., Philadelphia. 1292 Procter, Bryan W. (Barry Cornwall). An Autobio- graphical Fragment and Biographical Notes, etc. Por- trait. Svo, uncut. Lond. 1877 1293 Providence Directory, containing names of the Inhab- itants, their Occupations, Places of Business, Dwelling Houses, with Lists of Streets, Lanes, Wharves, etc., pp. 74, and 34 pp. of advertisements. i2mo, paper. Original first Providence Directory. Rare. Providence, 1824 1294 Providence Directory, containing names of Inhabit- ants, etc., for the Years 1836-7. i2mo, paper, pp. 144. Providence, 1836 1295 Prynne, William. Histrio-Mastix. The Players Scourge, or. Actors Tragedie, divided into two parts, wherein it is largely evidenced by divers Arguments, etc., etc. * * * That popular Stage-Playes (The very Pompes of the Divell * * * ) are sinfull, heathen- ish, lewde, ungodly Spectacles, and most pernicious Corruptions; * * * etc. Thick small 4to, 34 prel. 11. pp. 1006 and 104 pp. of Index, full calf. Lond. 1633 A good, clean and perfect copy of this very rare volume. ' ' For the publication of the work the author was sentenced by the Star Chamber to pay a fine of ;^5,ooo, to be degraded from his pro- fession of law and to lose his ears in the Pillory." — Lowndes. 1296 PsALMS. Penitential Psalms Found in a Manuscript of Horje Beatae Mariae Virginis, written at Gloucester about the year 1440. Printed by Wm. Morris at the Kelmscott Press, ijth Nov., 18^4. Crown Svo, boards, uncut, printed in red and black. 1297 Public Libraries of the United States of America: their History, Condition and Management. Special Report, Part i. Thick Svo, paper. Wash. 1S76 1298 Puckle, James. The Club; or, A Grey-Cap for a Green- Head. Being a Dialogue between Father and Son. Fifth Edition. Fine portrait on copper by Cole. i2mo, tree calf, gilt back and edges, by Lloyd. Lond. 1733 122 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1299 PucKLE, James. The Club.... Edited by W. S. Singer. Numerous very fine woodcuts after Thurston's designs. 12 mo, cloth. Lend. : Chiswick Press, 1834 1300 Pulling, Rev. Henry W. Modern Christianity a Civ- ilized Heathenism. i2mo. Bost. 1875 1 30 1 Punch Almanacs, 1850-3-4-6-7-8-9; 1 860-1 to 9 in- clusive; 1870-1 to 9 inclusive; 1880-1 to 9 inclusive; i Punch of Vol. 15, I of Vol. 17, 2 of Vol. 20, 2 of Vol. 21. A bundle. 1302 Pyne, J. B. Lake Scenery of England. Drawn on stone by T. Picken, the plates beautifully tinted. Small folio. Lond. : Day &= Son, n. d. i3°3 D AAB, C. J. C. Special-Karte der Eisenbahnen IV Nuttel-Europa's mit Angabe aller Eisenbahn, etc. Large map mounted on linen. Large folio. Glogau, 187 1 1304 Railroad Jubilee Commemorative of the Opening of Railroad Communication between Boston and Canada, 1851; Another Account of the Liverpool and Man- chester Railway. Steel frontispieces. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth and boards. Bost. and Phil. 1831-51 1305 Ramsay, J. R. I Shall Not Tell. (Book of Poems.) Small 4to, gilt edges. Brooklyn, n. d. 1306 Rand, Rev. Silas T. Legends of the Micmacs. Por- trait. 8vo. N. Y. and Lond. : Longmans, 1894 1307 Randall, Robt. Richard. Copy of the Will and Tes- tament of. The Act of Incorporation, etc., respect- ing the Sailors' Snug Harbor. Frontispiece. 8vo. N. Y. 1842 1308 Randolph, Hon. J. Speech on the Non-Importation Resolution of Mr. Gregg. 8vo, paper. N. Y. 1806 1309 Rawnsley, H. D, Literary Associations of the English Lakes. 2 vols. i2mo. Glasgow, 1894 1310 Ray, J. Collection of English Proverbs, and also the most celebrated in other Languages, with collection of English words not generally used. 2 vols, in i. 8vo, calf extra. Lond. 1768 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR V. 123 1311 Reeves, A. M. The Finding of Wineland the Good. The History of the Icelandic Discovery of America. Edited and translated from the earliest records by Arthur M. Reeves. IVt^/i jo phototype plates of the vel- lum MSS. of the Sagas. 4to, half vellum, uncut. Lond. 1890 1312 Reform Club. Constitution, Members, Officers, etc., 1888-91, '93, '94. 6 vols, izmo, boards. N. Y. 1313 Reid, T. Wemvss. Life, Letters and Friendships of Richard Monckton Milnes. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, un- cut. Lond., etc., 1890 1314 Republic of Letters (The). A Weekly Republication of Standard Literature. Vols, i and 2. 2 vols. 4to, half sheep. N. Y. 1834-35 1315 (Reynolds, F. M ANSEL.) " Miserrimus." On a Grave- stone in Worcester Cathedral is this Inscription; Miser- rimus; with neither name, date nor comment. Not published. i2mo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1832 The scarce privately printed original edition of this strange book. 1316 (Reynolds, F. Mansel.) "Miserrimus." Second Edi- tion. i2mo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1833 1317 (Reynolds, F. Mansel.) "Miserrimus." Second Edi- tion. i2mo, half calf. Lond. 1833 1318 Reynolds, Herbert E. " Early Reprints for English Readers." John Gerson. Frontispiece. 4to, paper. Lond., n. d. 1319 Rich, Anthony, Jr. The Illustrated Companion to the Latin Dictionary and Greek Lexicon. Crown 8vo. , Lond. 1849 1320 Richardson, Charles. New Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols, in 4. 4to, half cloth. Lond. 1838 1321 Rimmer, Alfred. Ancient Streets and Homesteads of England, with introduction by J. S. Howson. Illus- trated. 8vo. Lond. 1877 1322 Robin Hood. A Collection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs and Ballads, now extant relative to that cele- brated English Outlaw, to which are prefixed Histor- 124 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. ical Anecdotes of his Life, by Joseph Ritson. Cuts. 2 vols. 8vo, limp morocco. Lond. 1S32 Interleaved copy with numerous manuscript notes wiiicli a state- ment on the fly-leaf says were copied from Mr. Douce's copy in the Bodleian Librarj'. 1323 Robin Hood. Robyn Hode a Maie Game. 4to, old calf. Neatly written transcript in an unknown hand. 1324 Robin Hood. The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. . . . Written and Illustrated by Howard Pyle. 8vo. Lond. 1883 1325 Richardson, David L. Literary Chit-Chat with Mis- cellaneous Poems. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1848 1326 Richmond, Legh. The Dairyman's Daughter. Illus- trated. 8vo, morocco (loose). N. Y. , n. d. 1327 RiMBAULT, Edward F. Bibliographical Account of the Musical and Poetical Works published in England dur- ing the i6th and 17th Centuries. 8vo. Lond. 1847 1328 RiMBAULT, Edward F. A Little Book of Songs and Ballads gathered from Ancient Musick Books, MS. and Printed. i2mo, half morocco. Lond. 1851 1329 RiMMEL, Eugene. The Book of Perfumes. Illustrated. Small 4to. Lond. 1865 1330 RiMMER, Alfred. Rambles Round Eton and Harrow. 52 illus. Royal 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Lond. 1882 Edition de Luxe. Plates on China paper. 250 printed. 1 331 Robinson, Henry Crabb. Diary, Reminiscences and Correspondence of, edited by Thos. Sadler. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1869 1332 Robinson, Richard. A Golden Mirrour. 4to. Printed for the Chetham Soc, 185 i 1333 Robaon, Simon. The Choice of Change, containing the Triplicitie of Divinitie, Philosophic and Poetrie, short for Memory, profitable for Knowledge, and necessarie for Maners; whereby the Learned may be confirmed, the Ignorant instructed, and all men gen- erally recreated. (Some of the head lines slightly cut into.) 4to, white vellum, blark letter. At London by Roger Warde, dwelling neere Holburne Conduite, at the sign of the Talbot, 1585. First edition, dedicated to Sir Henry Herbert, Sir Philip Sidney and Robert Sidney. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE V. 125 1334 (Roche, James.) Critical and Miscellaneous Essays by an Octogenarian. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. (Not pub- lished.) Cork, 1850 1335 Rogers, Samuel. Italy, a Poem, half morocco, 1839; Poems, 1849, morocco, illustrated. 2 vols, post 8vo. Chiswick Press 1336 Rogers, Thomas (Translator). Soliloquium Anima; the Sole-talke of the Soule, which is now entituled the Fourth Book of the Imitation of Christ. i8mo, half calf. Lond. 16 16 1337 Rome. Raccolta de XXXX. Vedute Antiche e Moderne — incise da Morelli, Feoli, Ruga ed altri celebribulini. Royal 4to, half roan (worn). n. d. 1338 Rome. Nuova Raccolta delle principale Vedute An- tiche e Moderne. 48 plates. Small oblong, half calf. Roma 1339 Rome. Nuova Raccolta delle Vedute Obelischi, Fon- taine et Chiostri disegnate dal vero e incise in rame da Domenico Amici Romano. 88 plates. Oblong 4to, morocco, gilt. n. d. 1340 Rome. Rome and its Surrounding Scenery. Illustrated with engravings by W. B. Cooke, accompanied by Lit- erary Sketches by H. Noel Humphreys. 4to. Lond. 1840 1 341 Rome. Views of the Coliseum, by W. B. Cooke (foxed). Folio. Lond. 1841 1342 Rome. Shew's (Thos.) Panoramic View of Rome and the adjoining Country. Very large folded plate, colored. 4to, half calf. 1830 1343 Rome. Pinelli's Etchings of Roman Costume, ^o etch- ings on copper of Roman costumes, customs, games, etc. , among which bull-fights, zingaris, beggars, etc. Oblong 4to, boards. Rome, 1809 1344 Rome. Pinelli. Another edition. Small 4to, morocco. 1817 1345 Rome. Flora of Rome; How to See Rome; Maps of Rome. 3 vols. 1346 Rossetti, William M. Lives of Famous Poets. Por- trait. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1878 126 THE FREDERICK'SON LIBRAE V. 1347 Route of the Overland Mail to India, j 2 plates. 4to. n. p., n. d. 1348 (Rowlands, Richard.) The Post of the World. Wherein is contayned the antiquities and originall of the most famous Cities in Europe, with their trade and traficke. i2mo, calf. Black letter. Imprinted at London by Thomas East, 1756 1349 (Rowlands, S.) 'Tis Merry When Gossips Meete. (Imperfect.) Small 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1602 But two copies of this 1602 edition known, both imperfect. 1350 (Rowlands, S.) 'Tis Merry When Gossips Meet. lamo, paper. Reprinted, Chiswick Press, 181 8 1351 (Rowlands, S.) The Night Raven. Small 4to, half morocco. Reprint for E. V. Utterson, 1841 1352 Rowlands, S. The Letting of Humorous Blood, etc. Small 4to, boards. Reprinted, Edinburgh, 1814 1353 Rowan, Archibald H. Autobiography of. By Wm. H. Drummond. Portrait. 8vo. Dublin, 1840 1354 Russell, John A. Remains of the Late Rev, Charles Wolfe. Portrait. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1826 1355 Russell, W. Clark. The Book of Authors. Frontis- piece portraits. i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. n. d. 1356 Russell, W. H. The War. i2mo. Lond. 1855 From the Library of W. M. Thackeray, with his monogram on the title-page. 1357 Russell. W. H. My Diary in India. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. i860 From Thackeray's Library, with his monogram. 1358 Rych, Barnabee. The Honestie of this Age, proving by good circumstances that the world was never honest till now. Small 4to, half cloth. Lond. 1614 Lower letter of the title and some upper margins cut by the binder. 1359 Rych, Barnabee, The Excellency of Good Women, Lond. 1613 (pages 24 to 29 have been torn and the text neatly replaced by pen and ink) ; Shackerly Mar- mion's The Antiquary, First Edition, Lond. 1641; THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 127 The Praise of the Gout, by Bilibaldus Pirckheimerus, Lond. 1617. I vol. small 4to, half morocco. J. P. Collier says of Rych's Excellency of Good Women: "We never heard of more than 2 copies of this very curious production; it is so rare that even the title-page has not found its way into any bibliographical catalogue." 1360 QAILOR'S SONGS. Fo'c's'le Yarns, including Betsy kj^ Lee and other Poems, Lond. and N. Y. 1889; Songs for Sailors, by W. C. Bennett, portrait, Lond. 1873. 2 vols. 1361 St. Anne's Church (Brooklyn, New York), from 1784 to 1845, with a Memorial of the Sunday Schools by a Sunday School Teacher. View of the church and portrait. lamo. Brooklyn, 1845 1362 St. George's Society of New York. Sketch of, from 1786 to 1886. 8vo. 1363 (Saint Pierre, J. B. de.) Paul and Mary, an Indian Story. 2 vols, small i2mo, half calf. Lond. : JDodsley, 1789 The First English Edition of St. Pierre's celebrated romance Paul and Virginia. Unknown to Lowndes. 1364 Saint Pierre, J. B. de. Paul and Virginia. Illustrated by Lalauze. i2mo, paper, uncut. Edinburgh, 1881 1365 Saintsbury, George. Specimens of English Prose Style, from Malory to Macaulay. Crown 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1885 1366 Saintsbury, George. Essays in English Literature; 1780-1860. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1890 1367 Salt, H. S. Life of James Thomson (" B. V."), with a selection from his letters and a study of his writings. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1889 1368 Samuels, Adelaide F. Father Gander's Melodies for Mother Goose's Grandchildren. Illustrated by Lillian T. Harlow. Square 12 mo. Bost. 1894 1369 Sauvan, M. Picturesque Tour of the Seine, from Paris to the Sea. Colored plates (2 lacking). 4to half calf. Lond. 1821 1370 Saunders, Frederick. The Story of Some Famous Books. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1887 128 THE FREDBRICKSON LIBRAE Y. 1 37 1 Saxe, John G. Poems. Portrait. i2mo, uncut. Bost. 186 + 1372 Saxon Treatise (A), concerning the Old and New Testament, written about the time of King Edgar (700 years agoe) by .(Elfricus Abbas; also a Sermon of the Paschall Lambe, written in the Saxon Tongue. With text and translations. Small 4to. Lond. 1623 1373 Scandinavia, Ancient and Modern, by Andrew Crichton and Henry Wheaton. Illustrated. 2 vols, post 8vo, half morocco. Edinburgh, 1838 1374 Scott, David. Memoir of, containing his Journal in Italy, notes on art, and other papers. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, uncut. Edinburgh, 1850 1375 (Scott, Michael.) The Philosopher's Banquet, newly furnished and decked. Second Edition. By W. B., Esquire. i6mo, half calf. Lond. 1614 1376 Scott, Walter. History of Scotland. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1830 1377 Scott, Walter. Journal of, from the original manu- script at Abbotsford. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Edinburgh, i8gi 1378 Scott, Walter. Familiar Letters of. Portrait and vignette titles. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut, gilt tops. Bost. 1894 1379 Scott, Walter. Reminiscences of, by John Gibson. i2mo, boards. Edinburgh, 187 1 1380 Scott, Walter. Autobiography of. i2mo, boards, cloth back. Phil. 1846 1381 Scott, Walter. Memoir of. With Critical Notices of his Writings. By David Vedder. i2mo, paper, uncut. Dundee, 1832 1382 Scott, Walter. Domestic Manners and Private Life of, by James Hogg. i2mo, uncut. Edinburgh, 1882 250 copies printed. 1383 Scott, Walter. Life of, by Robert Chambers, With Abbotsford Notanda, etc., by R. Carruthers. Edited by W. Chambers. i2mo, half roan, gilt top. Edinburgh, 187 1 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRARY. 129 1384 Scott, Walter. Articles about Sir Walter Scott, his Books, etc., from Magazines and Newspapers. (A lot) in wrapper. 1385 Scott, Walter. A great portion of the original MSS. of his " History of Scotland," bound in i 4to and 2 folio vols. The 4to volume, containing about 300 pages, is entirely in the hand of Sir Walter Scott. The folio volumes are in the hand of Scott's amanuensis, William Laidlaw, but nearly every page has interlinea- tions and corrections by Scott. The lot. 1386 Scott, Walter. Galley proof of his " History of Scot- land. " Many hundreds of pages bound in a folio vol- ume. Nearly every page contains frequent interlinea- tions and corrections in the hand of Sir Walter Scott. 1387 ScoTT, Walter. First and second page proofs of his "History of Scotland." Vol. i. Bound in 8vo. With many interlineations and corrections in the hand of Sir Walter Scott. 1388 Scott, William Bell. Poems by: Ballads, Studies from Nature, Sonnets, etc. 77 etchings by the author and L. A. Tadema. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1875 1389 Scott, William Bell. A Poet's Harvest Home. With an Aftermath. i6mo, buckram, gilt top. Lond. 1893 1390 Scott, William Bell. Autobiographical Notes of the Life of. Edited by W. Minto. Portraits and illustra- tions. 2 vols. 8vo, gilt tops. N. Y. (Lond.) 1892 1 39 1 Scottish Ballads. Four Books of, collected by C. K. Sharpe, 1823-1844. Portraits. i2mo, uncut. Edinburgh, 1848 1392 Scottish Monthly Magazine, June, 1836, to April, 1837. In I vol. Thick 8vo, cloth, uncut (loose in binding; imperfect). Glasgow 1393 Scottish Poets. The Beauties of. With engravings by Lizars. i2mo, half calf. Glasgow, 1823 1394 Scrap Book. Literary Leavings and Receptacle of Things Past: Fac-simile Autographs of Poets, Portraits of Washington, Webster (with autograph), Ben Frank- lin, De Witt Clinton, by A. B. Durand, Mrs. D. P. 130 THE FREDERICKSOK LIBRARY. Madison (with autograph), General Taylor, Major John Andre, Autograph of John Dickinson (a Signer of Declaration of Independence), Vignettes of the Am. Bank Note Co. , etc. Very interesting and valuable. Formerly owned by John Allan. (iT) leaves, in fine old red morocco, extra. Dated 1854- 1395 Scrap Books. Made up from Newspaper Clippings, etc. I i6mo, i 410, and loose sheets. 3 vols. 1396 Scribner's Magazine, Vols, i to 14, 1887-93. '4 vols. in Nos. 1397 ScuDDER, ViUA D. Life (The) of the Spirit in the Mod- ern English Poets. Crown Bvo, cloth, gilt top. Bost. 1895 1398 Seaman's Kalender (The); or, Ephemerides of the Sunne, Moone and Starres. Eighth Edition, by John Tap. (^Engraving of ship of the period on title. ^ 4to, old half calf. Veey rare. Lend. 1622 1399 Searle, January. Essays, Poems, etc. With an Elucidation and Analysis of the " Bhagvat Geeta," etc. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1851 1400 Searle, January. Essays, etc. In paper, trimmed edges. 1851 1401 Selby, p. J. British Forest Trees, indigenous and intro- duced. A History of. 200 engravings. Thick 8vo, original cloth. Scarce. Lond.: Van Voorst, 1842 Ex Libris Robert Balraanno. 1402 Selections: a Collection of Literary and other Matters from Magazines. The Stage, Shakespeare, Burns, J. F. Cooper, E. Kean, etc., etc., an invaluable lot for Research on Almost any Subject treated of in Magazines, etc. With illustrations. Bound up in 37 vols, half morocco (roxburghe style), and 6 vols, un- bound. 43 vols, in all. The above represents an immense amount of labor on the part of Mr. Frederickson. 1403 Selections from the Edinburgh Review. Comprising the Best Articles in that Journal, etc. Edited by Maurice Cross. 4 vols Vols, i and 2 only. 8vo, half roan. Lond. 1833 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 131 SHAKESPEARE AND SHAKESPERIANA. A Collection of Plays from the first Folio of 1623; leaves from Staunton's fac-simile edition inserted wherever imperfections occur in the text; the page numbers in the descriptions represent the pagination of the folio. 1404 Tempest and Two Gentlemen of Verona. Pages 3, 4, 15 to 38 (pp. 3, 4, 17, 18 and 19 have pieces torn from lower right hand corners). 1405 Merry Wives OF Windsor, pp. 39 to 6, complete (pp. 41 to 44 mended). 1406 Merry Wives of Windsor (pp. 51-52 has piece out of right-hand side). 1407 Measure for Measure, pp. 61 to 84. 1408 Measure for Measure (pp. 73 and 74 missing, pp. 71 and 72 small piece torn from lower right hand corner). 1409 Comedy of Errors, pp. 85 to 100. 1410 Comedy of Errors (pp. 99 and 100 have piece torn from lower right hand corner). 1411 Much Ado About Nothing, Love's Labour's Lost, pp. loi to 144. 141 2 Much Ado About Nothing, Love's Labour's Lost (top margin of pp. 115-116 replaced, pp. 119, 120 slightly damaged). 141 3 Midsummer Night's Dream, pp. 145 to 162. 1414 Midsummer Night's Dream (pp. 15 1-2, 59, 60 have pieces torn from lower corner, pp. 55, 56 piece torn from upper right corner). 1415 Merchant of Venice, pp. 163-184. 1416 Merchant of Venice (pp. 167-70 have pieces torn from lower right-hand corner). 1417 As You Like It, Taming of the Shrew, All's Well that Ends Well, pp. 185 to 254 (pp. 209-10 badly damaged, pp. 223-24 has small hole in right hand column). 1418 As You Like It, Taming of the Shrew, All's Well that Ends Well (lacks pp. 195, 196, 205 and 206; pp. 209- 14 damaged). 1419 Twelfth Night, pp. 255 to 275. 1420 Twelfth Night (p. 255 slightly imperfect, p. 261 half gone). 132 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 142 1 Winter's Tale, pp. 277 to 303. 1422 Winter's Tale (pp. 297, 298 has small piece torn out). 1423 King John, pp. i to 22. 1424 King John, pp. i to 22. 1425 Richard Second, Henry IV., ist part, Henry IV,, 2d part, pp. 23 to 100, also the epilogue and actor's names. 1426 Richard Second, Henry Fourth (ist and 2d parts lacks pp. 59-60, 180-184, 203-4; pp. 51-81 from 2d edi- tion, pp. 87, 88 has piece torn from left-hand upper corner). 1427 Henry Fifth and Sixth, pp. 69 to 172 (pp. 85-8 pieces torn from lower right-hand corner; pp. 121-24 have piece torn from upper right-hand corner, pp. 139 piece from lower right-hand corner). 1428 Henry Fifth and Sixth. (Lacks pp. 85-86, 89-90, 109-12, 119-26, 139-40, 167-8. Pp. 97-100 from Sec- ond Edition.) 1429 Richard Third. Pp. 173 to 204. (P. 173 very neatly repaired; 175-76 has piece torn from lower right hand corner, upper margin of pp. 177-8 damaged; pp. 181 — 84, pp. 195-6, piece torn from lower right-hand corner.) 1430 Richard Third. (P. 173 has pieces torn out of right hand; 175, right-hand corner damaged; pp. 181-84 missing; pp. 185-86 damaged in upper part; pp. 195- 96, piece from lower right-hand corner ; pp. 203-4 missing.) 1431 Henry Eighth. Pp. 205 to 232. (Pp. 205 and 227 have pieces torn from lower right-hand corners, piece cut from margin upper of pp. 231-32.) 1432 Henry the Eighth. (Pp. 205, 207, pp. 228-9 has a small hole in the centre.) 1433 Troylus and Cresida. Pp. 78 to (105), with a Pro- logue on pp. (77) (pp. 79-80 neatly repaired). 1434 Troylus and Cresida. (Lacks pp. 77-8; 97 to 100 damaged; pp. 104 missing.) 1435 Coriolanus. Pp. I to 30. 1436 Coriolanus. (Lacking p. i, repaired; p. 5 has piece torn from lower right-hand corner.) THE FREDERICKSON LI BEAR V. 133 1437 Titus Andronicus. Pp. 31 to 52. 1438 Titus Andronicus. (P. 31, piece out of centre; pp. 33, 34 and 51, 52, torn in lower right-hand corner). 1439 Romeo and Juliet. Pp. 53 to 98 and the Actor's Names (p. 73 has small piece out of right centre margin). 1440 Romeo and Juliet. (Lacks pp. 53-56, 64-68, 73-76.) 1441 Julius Cesar. Pp. 109 to 130. 1442 Julius CjESAR. (Pp. 109 repaired; p. 117 lacks three words at lower right-hand corner; pp. 123 has a hole on left-hand side; pp. 127 torn in lower right-hand corner). 1443 Macbeth and Hamlet. Pp. 131-282 (lacks pp. 155- 56, pp. 273-74, 275-76, pieces torn from lower right- hand corner). 1444 Macbeth and Hamlet. (Lacks pp. 155-56, pp. 273- 76; from second edition, pp. 265-66, torn in centre; pp. 281-82, piece out of lower left-hand corner. 1445 Lear, Othello, Antony and Cleopatra, pp. 283 to 368 (pp. 363-364, piece torn out of right-hand lower corner). 1446 Lear, Othello, Antony and Cleopatra. Lacks pp. 345-8 (283, 325, 339, 365 have pieces torn out). 1447 Shakespeare. Two imperfect copies of Day & Son's Reprint of the First Folio Edition. Sold as a lot. 1448 Shakespeare. Comedies, Histories, Tragedies. The Second Folio Edition. Folio, half morocco. Lond. 1632 Tall copy measuring 13^ by gj^ inches. The title is loose and measures only I2y\ by Sj'j inches. The leaf " To the Reader" is mounted. Text is perfect — pp. 85 and 86 are torn about two inches at top of leaf and last leaf is torn at upper and lower right hand cor- ners and is mounted, otherwise a good copy. Head-line of page 294 reads " King Lear " instead of Hamlet. 1449 Shakespeare. The Halliwell Edition in 16 folio vol- umes. Only one hundred and fifty copies printed, in- cluding twenty-five of which the plates were on India paper. This set being one of the twenty-five so printed (No. 116). 16 vols, folio, half morocco, totally uncut. Lond. 1853 134 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1450 Shakespeare. A Collection of Lithographic Fac-similes of the Separate Works of Shakespeare which were issued during the lifetime of the great Dramatist, by Edmund Wm. Ashbee. 48 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1862-8 Printed for private circulation only. 31 copies only printed of which the above is No. 2, being Sir William Tite's copy. 1451 Shakespeare's Poems. Venus and Adonis, Tarquin and Lucrece, etc. i2mo, full morocco extra, red and gold edges. Lond. 1714 With several pages of poetical extracts, poems ascribed to Shake- speare, etc.; and frequent original corrections of the text, references, etc., as the Amorous Epistle of Helen to Paris " by Thomas Hey- wood (not Sh.)," etc. The portrait inserted is from the edition of the poems, 1640. It is inlaid. The upper part of the title is fac-simile with pen and ink. Notes in autograph of Charles Lamb on four blank pages, the book having been his, and was sold at the sale of his books. A copy of the catalogue of his books is inserted at the end of the books, with the prices and names of the purchasers added. 1452 Shakespeare. Diana, of George of Montemayor, trans- lated into English by Bartholomew Yong. Small folio, half calf. Fine copy. Lond. : Ed7n. Bollifant, IS98 With the continuation by Gil Polo, "The enamoured Diana" at- tached. One of the rarest books we have, being the first translation of the work, and particularly interesting as the book used by Shake- speare for the plot of the "Two Gentlemenof Verona." Ex Libris of Thomas Freeling and the Rev. William Norford back of title. Presented by Thos. J. McKee. 1453 Shakespeare. Dighton, Phoebe. Relics of Shakespeare. A series of lithographic illustrations, p of which are col- ored, by J. Salmon. Oblong 4to, half morocco. Stratford-on-Avon, 1835 1454 Shakespeare. Illustrations of Shakespeare and of An- cient Manners, etc., by Francis Douce. Engravings on wood by J. Berryman. 2 vols. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1807 Unique copy. Presented to T. Park, Esq. , with author's compli- ments. With MS. notes of the author inserted in different parts of the second volume. THE FRRDERICKSON LIBRA RY. 135 1455 Shakspere Quarto Fac-similes. With Introductions, Line Numbers, etc., by Shakspere Scholars, issued under the superintendence of Dr. F. J. Furnivall, and printed by W. Griggs (14) and C. Praetorius (29). 43 vols. 4to, roxburghe. Lond., v. y. Some of the parts were destroyed by fire at the printer's, and it is now very difficult to make up a set of these fac-similes. 1456 Shakespeare. A Reprint of his Collected Works as put forth in 1623. The Comedies, The Histories, The Tragedies. 3 vols. 4to, limp cloth, gilt. Lond. : Printed by Isaac Jaggard and Ed. Blount, 162 j, and re- printed for Lionel Booth, 1862. 1457 Shakespeare. The Plays of; also. Two Noble Kins- men; Mucedorus; Yorkshire Tragedy; Edward the Third (two editions) ; Triology, in 3 vols. Edited by J. Payne Collier, with the purest text and briefest notes. 46 vols. 4to, paper, uncut. Lond., v. d. 1458 Shakespeare. Works of. Edited by Wm. George Clark and John Glover, with French's Shakespeareana Genealogica. 10 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. and Cambridge, 1863-69 First edition of the Cambridge Shakespeare. 1459 Shakespeare. Works of. Edited by William Aldis Wright. 9 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1891-93 Re-issue of the First Edition of the Cambridge Shakespeare. 1460 Shakespeare. Works of. Edited by William Aldis Wright. 40 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1895 The Cambridge Shakespeare. 500 copies, printed on hand-made paper. 1460-^ Shakespeare. Works of. Do. Another copy. 40 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1893-95 1461 Shakespeare. Works of. Edited by Howard Staunton, with copious Notes, Glossary, Life, etc. Library Edition. 4 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1864 1462 Shakespeare. Works of. Globe Edition. Edited by Clark and Wright. i2mo, morocco (rubbed). Cambridge and Lond. 1864 136 THE FREDERJCKSON LIBRARY. 1463 Shakespeare. Macbeth, Hamlet, Cymbeline, Timon of Athens; Winter's Tale; Coriolanus; Julius Caesar ; Antony and Cleopatra; Othello; The Hamlet Shake- speare. Edited by Allan Park Paton. Nos. i to 9. 9 vols. 8vo, paper, uncut. Edinburgh, Lond. and Greenock, 1877-91 1464 Shakespeare. The Seven Ages. Illustrated. 4to, un- cut. Lond. : Van Voorst^ 1840 With proof of the frontispiece on satin. 1465 Shakespeare. Do. Another copy. 4to. Lond. 1840 1466 Shakespeare. Do. Another copy. 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1840 1467 Shakespeare. The Seven Ages. Illustrated (foxed). 4to. Lond. : Holloway, 1850 1468 Shakespeare. Tragedy of Hamlet. Edited by Karl Elze. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1882 1469 , Shakespeare. The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke. A Study, with the Text of the Folio of 1623, by Geo. Macdonald. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1885 1470 Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis from the hitherto un- known Edition of 1599; The Passionate Pilgrime from the First Edition of 1599, of which only two copies are known; Epigrammes by Sir John Davies, and Certaine of Ovid's Elegies translated by Christopher Marlowe, from a rare early edition, edited by Charles Edmonds. Small 4to, vellum. Lond. 1870 131 copies (No. 50) of this size issued to subscribers. 147 1 Shakespeare's Poems and Sonnets. Reprinted from the First Edition, in black and red. 8vo, vellum, un- cut. Kelmscott Press, Jany. 77, l8gj Only 500 copies printed and long since out of print. 1472 Shakespeare. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shak- spere Unfolded by Delia Bacon, with Preface by Nathaniel Hawthorne. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bost. 1857 First edition. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 137 1473 Shakespeare. Birthday Book, with autographs of the following persons under date of their birthdays : Henry Evans., Charles W. Frederickson, Edward S. Gould, Geo. A. Avery, William Cullen Bryant, and Evert A. Duyckinck. i6mo, gilt edges. Lond. 1875 1474 Shakespeare Blades: William Shakespeare and Typog- raphy, being an attempt to show Shakspere's knowl- edge of the art of printing, etc. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1872 1475 Shakespeare. The Life of Henry the VIIL, by Mr. William Shakespeare, with Historical Notes, etc., in respect to the unhappy fate Cardinal Wolsey met with. Fine copper-plate portraits. 8vo, stitched. Lond. 1757 1476 Shakespeare. Calendar of American Chronology. Il- lustrated by Quotations from Shakspeare. Royal 8vo, uncut. N. Y. : Privately printed by Chas. L. Moreau, 1872 1477 Shakspeare. Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare before the Worshipful Sir Thomas Lucy, Knight, touching Deer Stealing, on the 19 Sept., 1582. 8vo, boards, uncut. Very scarce. Lond. 1834 Included in this scarce volume is "A Conference of Master Ed- mund Spenser touching the State of Ireland, A. D. 1595." 1478 Shakespeare. Coleridge's (S. T.) Notes and Lectures upon Shakespeare, etc. First Edition. 2 vols. fcap. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Very scarce in this fine state. Lond. : Pickering, 1849 1479 Shakespeare-Collier. Mr. J. Payne Collier's Reply to Mr. N. E. S. A. Hamilton's "Inquiry ' into the Im- puted Shakespeare Forgeries, i860; Reasons for a New Edition of Shakespeare's Works, etc., 1842. 2 vols, paper. Lond. 1480 Shakespeare. New Particulars regarding the Works of Shakespeare in a Letter to the Rev. A. Dyce from J. Payne Collier. Post 8vo. Lond. : Privately printed, 1836 1481 Shakespeare. Notes and Emendations of the Text of Shakespeare's Plays, from Early Manuscript Correc- tions in a Copy of the Folio 1632 in the possession of J. Payne Collier. 8vo, uncut, Lond. 1853 138 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1482 Shakespeare. Seven Lectures on Shakespeare and Mil- ton, by the late S. T. Coleridge. A List of all the Manuscript Emendations in Mr. Collier's Folio 1632, with Preface by J. Payne Collier. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1856 1483 Shakespeare. Review (A) of An Inquiry into the the Genuineness of the Manuscript Corrections in Mr. J. Payne Collier's Annotated Shakspere, folio, 1632, and Reply of Mr. J. P. Collier. 8vo, paper. Printed for private circulation by C. IV. Frederickson, N. Y. i860. (7 copies.) 1484 Shakespeare. The Text of Shakespeare Vindicated from the Interpolations and Corruptions advocated by John Payne Collier in his notes and emendations. By Samuel Weller Singer. 8vo, uncut. Lond. : Pickering.^ 1853 1485 Shakespeare. What we Really Know About Shake- speare. By Mrs. Caroline Healey Dall. Crown 8vo, gilt top. Bost. 1886 i486 Shakespeare. A Few Notes on Shakespeare. With occasional Remarks on the Emendations of the Manu- script-Corrector in Mr. Collier's copy of the folio, 1632. By Alexander Dyce. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1853 1487 Shakespeare. Remarks on Mr. J. P- Collier's and Mr. C. Knight's editions of Shakespeare. By Rev. Alex- ander Dyce. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1844 Numerous marginal notes written with pencil. 1488 Shakespeare. An Essay on the Learning of Shake- speare addressed to Joseph Cradock. Third Edition. By Richard Farmer. 1489 Shakespeare. Footsteps (The) of Skakspeare; or, A Ramble with the Early Dramatists. Containing much interesting information respecting Shakspere, Lyly, Marlowe, Green and others. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1862 1490 Shakespeare. Friswell, J. Hain. Life Portraits of William Shakespeare: a History of the various repre- sentations of the Poet, with an examination into their Authenticity. Photographic illustrations. 4to, gilt edges. Lond. 1864 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 139 149 1 Shakespeare. Hales, John W. Notes and Essays on Shakespeare. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1884 1492 Shakespeare. A Calendar of the Shakespearean Rari- ties. Drawings and Engravings formerly preserved at Hollingbury Copse, near Brighton. (Halliwell-Phillips Collection.) 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1891 1493 Shakespeare. Halliwell-Phillips, J. O. Illustrations of the Life of Shakespeare in a discursive series of Es- says on a variety of Subjects connected with the Per- sonal and Literary History of the Great Dramatist. Part the First. Illustrated with 16 wood engravings. Folio, cloth. Lond. 1874 This work, which will not be continued, has been withdrawn from circulation, and the electrotype plates have been destroyed. As only two hundred and fifty copies were printed, and over a hundred copies have been presented to permanent libraries, it must soon become a very rare book. 1494 Shakespeare. Halliwell, J. O. A New Book about Shakespeare and Stratford-on-Avon. Illustrated. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1850 75 copies only printed. 149s Shakespeare. Halliweirs-(Phillips), J. O. Life of Wm. Shakespeare, including many particulars respecting the Poet and his Family never before published. Finely printed on thick paper. With yd engravings and fac- similes by Fairholt. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1848 Autograph letter of the author laid in. 500 copies printed. 1496 Shakespeare. Halliwell, J. O. An Introduction to Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream. 8vo, un- cut. Lond: Pickering, 1841 1497 Shakespeare. Halliwell, J. O. Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare. Seventh Edition. Illustrated. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1887 1498 Shakespeare. Halliwell, J. O. On the Character of Sir John Falstaff, 184 i; A List of Shakespeare Rarities, 1885; Shakespeare's Grave, 1884; The Shakespeare Estates, 1886. 4 vols, folio, 8vo and i2mo, cloth and paper. Three of the above are presentation copies from the author. 140 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1499 Shakespeare. Hamilton, N. E. S. A. An Inquiry into the Genuineness of the Manuscript Corrections in Mr. J. Payne Collier's Annotated Shaliespeare. Folio 1632. 4to, uncut. Lond. i860 1500 Shakespeare. Holmes, Nathaniel. The Authorship of Shakespeare. Portrait. Crown 8vo. N. Y. 1866 Presentation copy. 1501 Shakespeare's Home: Visited and Described by Wash- ington Irving and F. W. Fairholt, with a Letter from Stratford by J. F. Sabin. Etchings by J. F. and W. W. Sabin on india paper; six extra laid in. Large Paper Copy. Royal 8vo, paper. N. Y. 1877 1502 Shakespeare's Home. Same, on small paper, in sheets, folded. Crown 8vo. 1503 Shakespeare. Hunter, Rev. Joseph. A Disquisition on the Scene, Origin, Date, etc., of Shakespeare's Tempest. 8vo, roxburghe, uncut. Lond. 1839 Book-plate of Wm. Charles Macready. 1504 Shakespeare. Hunter, Joseph. New Illustrations of the Life, Studies and Writings of Shakespeare Supple- mentary to all the Editions. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Autograph letter of the author laid in. Lond. 1845 1505 Shakespeare. Ingleby, C. M. Shakespeare's Centurie of Prayse; Hermeneutics; The Man and the Book, 2 parts. Together 4 vols. 4to, boards, uncut. Large Paper. Lond. 1874-81 1506 Shakespeare. Ingleby, C. M. A Complete View of the Shakspere Controversy. Facsimiles. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1861 1507 Shakespeare. Ingleby, C. M. Shakspeare Fabrica- tions, or the MS. Notes of the Perkins Folio shown to be of recent origin, 1859; The Still Lion, an Essay towards the Restoration of Shakespeare's Text, 1874. 2 vols, crown 8vo and i2mo. Lond. 1508 Shakespeare. Ireland, W. H. Vortigern: an Histor- ical Play, with an Original Preface by W. H. Ireland. Facsimile. 8vo, paper, uncut. Lond. 1832 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 141 1509 Shakespeare. Jackson, Z. Shakespeare's Genius Justi- fied: being Restorations and Illustrations of Seven Hundred Passages in Shakespeare's Plays, etc. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1819 15 10 Shakespeare Jest Books: being Reprints of the Early and Very Rare Jest Books supposed to have been Used by Shakespeare — r, A Hundred Mery Talys; etc. Edited by W. Carew Hazlitt. 3 vols, post 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops. Fine copy; scarce. Lond. : Willis and Sotheran, 1864 1511 Shakespeare Jest Book: A Hundred Mery Talys, from the only perfect copy known. Edited, with Introduc- tion and Notes, by Dr. Herman Oesterley. Fcap. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1866 The only perfect copy known of the " Hundred Mery Talys," was discovered in the Royal Library at Gottingen. This is a verbatim reprint. 1512 Shakespeare. Moreau, John B. Events in the History of New York City, with Illustrations from Shakespeare, by A New Yorker. 2 vols, crown 8vo, uncut. Presentation copies from the author. N. Y. 1880— 1881 1513 Shakespeare. Morgan, Appleton. The Shakespearean Myth: William Shakespeare and Circumstantial Evi- dence. Crown 8vo. Cinn. 1881 15 14 Shakespeare. Mommsen, Prof. Tycho. Pericles, Prince of Tyre: a Novel, by Geo. Wilkins. Printed iti j6oS, and founded upon Shakespeare's Play, etc. 8vo, half levant morocco. Oldenberg, 1857 Ex Libris of Sydney Williams. 1515 Shakespeare. Mullins' (J. D.) Catalogue of the Shakespeare Memorial Library (Birmingham). 3 vols. 8vo, roxburghe and wrappers, uncut. Birmingham, 1872-76 Complete set. This, the most valuable Shakespearean Library ever collected, was destroyed by fire in 1879. 1516 Shaksperiana. Pamphlets, etc., about Shakespeare and his Writings (15). i2mo and 8vo, paper and cloth. 142 THE FREDERICKSOX LIBRARY. 15 17 Shaksperiana. Prolegomena to the Works of Shake- speare. Portraits., views, etc. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1825 1518 Shakespeare. Pseudo-Shakespearian Plays — "Fairy Em," " Merry Devil of Edmonton," "King Edward III.," " The Birth of Merlin," and " Arden of Fever- sham." By Karl Warnke and Ludwig Proescholdt. 5 vols. Bvo, paper. Halle, 1883-1888 15 19 Shakespeare. Robins' (Mr.) Shakespeare's House at Stratford-on-Avon. Engravings. 4to, paper. Partic- ulars of the sale by auction. Very scarce. 1520 Shakespeare. Schmidt's Lexicon. A Complete Dic- tionary of All the English Words, Phrases and Con- structions in the Works of the Poet, by Dr. Alexander Schmidt. 2 vols, royal 8vo, paper, uncut. Berlin, 1874 1521 Shakespeare's Library. A Collection of the Romances, Novels, Poems and Histories used by Shakespeare as the Foundation of his Dramas, with Notices by J. P. Collier. 2 vols, in i. 8vo, half russia, gilt top. Scarce ex-libris of Fitz-Jaraes Watt. Lond. , n. d. 1522 Shakespeare Memorial, by S. O. Beeton. Folio, cloth extra, gilt edges. Lond., n. d. Illustrations comprising nearly every object of Shakespeare interest in existence. 1523 Shakspere and Jonson. Dramatic versus Wit Com- bats. Auxiliary Forces, Beaumont and Fletcher, Marston, Decker, Chapman, and Webster. Bvo, paper, uncut. Lond. 1864 1524 Shakespeare. Simpson, R. The School of Shakspere, with Introduction and Notes. 2 vols. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1878 1525 Shakespeare. Skeat, Rev. Walter. W. Shakespeare's Plutarch, being a selection from the Lives in North's Plutarch which illustrate Shakespeare's Plays, etc. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1875 1526 Shakespeare. Smith, William H. Bacon and Shake- peare: an Inquiry touching Players, Playhouses, and Play-Writers in the Days of Elizabeth. i6mo, uncut. Lond. 1857 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 143 1527 Shakespeare. Spalding, W. A Letter on Shake- speare's Authorship of the Two Noble Kinsmen, com- monly ascribed to John Fletcher. 8vo, boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1833 1528 Shakespeare. Staunton, H. Memorials of Shake- speare, comprising the Poet's Will, etc., etc. Portrait and fac- simile. Folio, cloth (loose in binding). Lond. : Day &= Son, n. d. 1529 Shakespeare. Stratford-upon-Avon, a Brief Account of. i6mo, paper, uncut. Stratford, n. d. 1530 Shakespeare. Symonds, John Addington. Shak- spere's Predecessors in the English Drama. Thick 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1884 1531 Shakespeare. Thorpe, Benjamin. The Anglo-Saxon Version of the Story of Apollonius of Tyre, upon which is founded the Play of Pericles attributed to Shakespeare. Translation, etc. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1834 1532 Shakespeare. Tweddell, George. Shakspere, His Times and Contemporaries. i6mo. Lond. 1852 1533 Shakespeare. Ward, Rev. John. Diary of, from 1648 to T679. From the original MSS. Arranged by Charles Severn, M.D. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1839 1534 Shakespeare. Walter, James. Shakespeare's True Life. Illustrated by Gerald E. Moira. Royal 8vo, un- cut. Lond. 1890 1535 Shakespeare. White, Richard Grant. Studies in Shakespeare. Crown 8vo, gilt top. Bost. 1886 1536 Shakespeare. Wheler, R. B. History and Antiquities of Stratford-upon-Avon, comprising a Description of the Collegiate Church, the Life of Shakespeare, etc. 8 engravings. Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Stratford-upon-Avon, n. d. 1537 Shakespeare. Winsor, Justin. A Bibliography of the Original Quartos and Folios of Shakespeare, with par- ticular reference to copies in America. With 68 helio- type fac- similes. Folio, uncut. Bost. 1875 Published at $25 ; 250 copies printed, of which this is No. 2. 144 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 1538 Shakespeare. Winsor, Justin. Notes on Shakespeare Quartos and Folios in Boston Public Library Reports. 47 pieces. Folio. 1539 Shakespeare. ,Winter, William. Shakespeare's Eng- land. i6mo, gilt top. N. Y. 1892 1540 Shakespeare. Wyman, W. H. Bibliography of the Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy, with Notes and Ex- tracts. 8vo, gilt top. Cinn. 1884 1541 Shakespeare Society Publications. ("The object of the Society is to print and distribute to the subscribers books illustrative of Shakespeare and the Literature of his time." — Preface.^ 48 vols. 8vo in 47 (complete set). Fac-similes, etc. Lond., v. y. 1542 Shakespeare. New Shakspere Society, Series 8. Mis- cellanies No. 2. Robert Chester's Loves Martyr, or Rosalins Complaint, 1601. Lond. 1878 1543 Shakesperiana. a Collection of Scraps, Magazine Arti- cles, Newspaper Clippings, etc., etc., on or about Shakespeare. A bundle. 1544 Shakespeare. White, J. W. Our English Homes; or, Shakespeare Historically Considered. i2mo. Lond. 1892 1545 Shairp, John C. Aspects of Poetry, being Lectures de- livered at Oxford. Crown 8vo, uncut. Oxford, 1881 1546 Sharp, Thomas, A Dissertation on the Pageants or Dramatic Mysteries Anciently performed at Coventry by the Trading Companies of that City, etc., with the Music. Very curious plates ; proofs on india paper. 4to, Large Paper, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Coventry, 1825 1547 Sharp, William. Life and Letters of Joseph Severn. Portrait. 8vo, uncut. N. Y. 1892 1548 Sharp, William. Another copy. (Lacking portrait and part of title.) 8vo. 1549 Sharp, Mrs. William {Editor). Songs and Poems of the Sea. i2mo, half calf. Lond. 1888 1550 Sheffield, John. Works of. Vignettes. Vol. i. 8vo, sheep (broken). Lond. 1740 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRARY. 145 1551 Sheldon, William. History of the Heathen Gods, etc. Illustrated. (Stained.) Post 8vo, boards. Worcester: Isaiah Thomas., Jr.., n. d. SHELLEY AND SHELLEYANA. 1552 S(helley), p. B. Zastrozzi: a Romance. First Edi- tion, izmo, boards, cloth back. Lond. : Printed for G. Wilkie and /. Robinson, iZio Very rare. The half title is very often wanting. Harriet Grove, Shelley's cousin, and the object of his first attachment, is said to have aided him in the composition of his first romance, "Zastrozzi." 1554 Shelley. St. Irvyne, or the Rosicrucian: a Romance, by a Gentleman of the University of Oxford. First Edition. i2mo, calf. /. Stockdale, 18 11 Published anonymously, and excessively rare. The Turner copy (half calf) sold last year for £<) gs. 1555 Shelley. An Address to the Irish People, by Percy Bysshe Shelley. 8vo, crimped morocco. Dublin, 1812 Excessively rare. 1556 (Shelley.) Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nich- olson: being Poems found Amongst the Papers of that noted Female who Attempted the Life of the King in 1786, edited by John Fitzvictor. 4to, boards. Reprint. (2 copies.) Oxford, 1810 1557 (Shelley.) Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nich- olson, edited by H. Buxton Forman, and printed for private distribution, 1877. 8vo, boards. 1558 (Shelley.) Life and Transactions of Margaret Nich- olson, with an account respecting her attempt to Assas- sinate his most Gracious Majesty, Memoirs of her Life, etc., by Jonathan Fiske. Portrait. 8vo, mottled calf, gilt top. Lond. 1786 1559 Shelley. Queen Mab: a Philosophical Poem, with Notes. First Edition. Privately printed. Post 8vo, original boards, uncut. Lond. : Printed by P. B. Shel- ley, 23, Chapel Street, Grosvenor Square, 1813. With the rare title, dedication and imprint, afterwards cut out by Shelley. (Binding loose.) 146 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1560 Shelley. Queen Mab: a Philosophical Poem, with Notes. 8 vo, old half calf. Printed by P. B. Shelley, 1813 First edition. Very rare. Shelley, to avoid prosecution, omitted the title in the few copies presented by him to friends. This copy contains the half title, the only copy with it Mr. Frederickson ever saw. 1561 Shelley. A Philosophical Poem, with Notes. Small 8vo, boards, in morocco case. Lond. : Printed by P. B. Shelley, 2j Chapel Street, Grosvenor Square, 18 13. First edition. Privately printed and given by Shelley to but few of his friends. He afterwards took out the title and cut the imprint from the last leaf. The author's presentation copy to " Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, " P. B. S." with his autograph inscriptions, one at end in pencil, "You see Mary I have not forgotten you," and under dedication three Hues respecting Count Stobendorf, in his own handwriting. On the fly-leaves at end Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin has written a page of MS. under date "July, 1814," commencing this book is sacred to me, and includes two verses descriptive of her love for Shelley. 1562 Shelley. Queen Mab. (With Preface by a Pantheist.) First American Edition. i2mo, boards, uncut. Rare^ Two titles, one engraved. N. Y. 182 I 1563 Shelley. Queen Mab. (Another copy of above.) (With tops of both titles cut.) i2mo, half cloth. 1821 1564 Shelley. Queen Mab. 8vo, half calf (rubbed). Lond. : W. Clark, 1821 " See pp. 39-54-5-77 for blank spaces to be filled. I have never seen another copy." — Fred. MS. notes on fly-leaf and back of title. 1565 Shelley. Queen Mab. A Manuscript of 89 pp. neatly written. Post 8vo, sheep. n. p., 1821 1566 Shelley. Queen Mab. Reply to the Anti-Matrimo- nial Hypothesis and Supposed Atheism of Percy Bysshe Shelley as laid down in Queen Mab. First Edition. 8vo, paper. Lond. 1821 1567 Shelley. Queen Mab. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : W. Clark, 182 1 First complete edition. Thick paper copy. Rare. Contains dedication to Harriet ***** not in thin paper copy. 1568 Shei.ley. Queen Mab. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. : Clark, 1821 Thin paper copy with dedication to Harriet ***** laid in. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR V. 147 1569 Shelley. Queen Mab. 8vo, boards, uncut. Large paper copy. Lond. : J?. Carlile, 1822 1570 Shelley. Queen Mab. (Reference to in "The Re- publican," Vol. 5.) 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1822 1571 Shelley. Queen Mab. 24mo, boards, uncut. (2Copies.) Lond. 1826 1572 Shelley. Queen Mab. Engraved title. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. : John Brooks, 1829 1573 Shelley. Queen Mab, with Notes. Second Edition. i6mo, half vellum. N. Y. : Wright zy Owen, 1831 1574 Shelley. Queen Mab. From the Original London Edition. i2mo, boards, cloth back. N. Y. 1831 1575 Shelley. Queen Mab. i8mo, cloth. Lond. : Mrs. Carlisle Sr Sons, 1832 1576 Shelley. Queen Mab. i6mo, paper. Lond. : John Brooks, 1833 1577 Shelley. Queen Mab. Third Edition. i6mo, cloth. N. Y. : "Beacon" Office, 1842 1578 Shelley. Queen Mab, to which is added a Brief Memoir of the Author. i6mo, sewed, in cloth cover. Scarce. Lond. 1849 1579 Shelley. Queen Mab. Another copy of the above bound with "The Purgatory of Suicides," by Thos, Cooper. i6mo, half calf. Lond, 1847-1849 1580 Shelley. Queen Mab. Fourth Edition. i6mo. (2 copies.) N. Y. : " The Citizen of the World Office," 1852 1581 Shelley. Queen Mab. With Memoir of the author. i2mo, half russia, gilt top. Lond.: Jas. Watson, 1857 Marginal notes in ink and pencil interesting. 1582 Shelley. Queen Mab. i2mo, half russia, gilt top. Bost. : J. P. Mendum, n. d. 1583 Shelley. Queen Mab. Campe's Edition. i8mo, sewed (stained). Rare. Nurnberg and N. Y., n. d. 1584 Shelley. Queen Mab. i8mo (loose in binding). N. Y. : Hetherington, n. d. Ex-Libris James Wyllie Guild. Very rare. Only copy I have ever seen. — Fred. Autograph James Thompson, 1835. 148 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1585 Shelley. Queen Mab. With Memoir of the author. i6ino, half calf. Lend.: Watson, n. d. Bound with it: Masque of Anarchy, by P. B. Shelley, with preface by Leigh Hunt, 1S42; Lectures on History, by C. F. Volney; Death Bed Repentance, by Robert Cooper; A Brief Slietch of the Life and Writings of M. De Voltaire; Doubts of Infidels, by a weak but sin- cere Christian; and The Vision of Judgment, by R. Southey; same, by Lord Byron. 1586 Shelley. Alastor; or, The Spirit of Solitude. The Rare First Edition. lamo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1816 This volume also contains Poems; Mutability, A Summer Evening Churchyard — To Wordsworth ; The Daemon of the World, etc. On the inside covers are two clever pencil drawings. One of the rarest of Shelley's Works. Its extreme scarcity led Mrs. Shelley to reprint it in the " Posthumous Poems," and she had then much difficulty in borrowing a copy to reprint from. 1587 Shelley. Alastor. Another copy of the First Edi- tion. Contains also Mont Blanc. i2mo, half calf (one cover gone). Lond. 1816 Barry Cornwall's copy. 1588 Shelley. Alastor; or, The Spirit of Solitude, etc. Another copy of the First Edition. Text inlaid to 8vo, russia (loose). Lond. 1816 1589 Shelley. Alastor, etc. A fac-simile reprint of the original edition. i2mo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1885 1590 Shelley. Alastor, etc. Edited by H. Buxton Forman. 8vo, boards, uncut. Privately reprinted. Lond. 1856 50 copies printed. This copy on Whatman paper. 1591 Shelley. "We Pity the Plumage, but Forget the Dying Bird." An Address to the People on the Death of the Princess Charlotte, by the Hermit of Marlowe. 8vo, sewn. Privately reprinted, without place or date. This is one of Shelley's most interesting tracts, and was printed and circulated for political purposes. The death of the Princess just at the time of the execution of Brandeth, Turner and Ludlam afforded Shelley an opportunity of drawing a comparison between the two deaths, in which he displays such an amount of feeling as is sel- dom exhibited by one fellow-creature towards another, and in which some bitter attacks on the Government are not sparingly put forth. It is probable that this tract was suppressed on account of these re- marks, which occasions its great rarity. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRA R Y. 149 1592 Shelley. Laon and Cythna; or, The Revolution of the Golden City. A Vision of the Nineteenth Century, in the stanza of Spencer. 8vo, original boards, en- tirely uncut. Lond. 1818 First edition. Very rare, having been withdrawn from circulation. This copy also contains the leaf of advertisements dated October, 1817. 1593 Shelley. The Revolt of Islam: a Poem, in twelve Cantos. First Edition. 8vo, polished calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1818 1594 Shelley. The Revolt of Islam, etc. Portrait inserted. First Edition. 8vo, calf. Lond. 1818 1595 Shelley. The Revolt of Islam, etc. First Edition. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1818 1596 Shelley. The Revolt of Islam, etc. 8vo, half mo- rocco. Lond. : John Brooks, 1829 " This is the original edition of the ' Revolt of Islam,' the title- page excepted, showing the fact that the sheets of the original work were carefully preserved during a period of eleven years. I know of no other copy with this title-page." — Fred. 1597 (Shelley.) History of a Six Weeks' Tour through a part of France, Switzerland, etc. First Edition. Post 8vo. Lond. 1817 1598 (Shelley.) Do. Another copy. First Edition. Post 8vo, half roan. Lond. 1817 1599 Shelley. Do. Another copy. Post 8vo, half roan (foxed). Lond. 1817 This copy has the name of the author printed on the title. 1600 (Shelley.) An Account of Shelley's Visit to France, Switzerland and Savoy, in the years 1814 and 1816, with Extracts from " The History of a Six Weeks' Tour, etc.," by Charles L. Elton. Illustrated with photo- gravures, etchings and pen and ink sketches. Large Paper. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1894 1601 (Shelley.) Do. Another copy. i2mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1894 1602 Shelley. Rosalind and Helen: a modern Eclogue, with other Poems. First Edition. 8vo, paper, en- tirely uncut. Lond. 1819 With the half title, with advertisements on the back. 150 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1603 Shelley. Rosalind and Helen, etc. (without half title), Lond. 1819; Epipsychidion, Verses addressed to the Noble and Unfortunate Lady Emilia V. , now im- prisoned in the Convent of . First Edition, Lond. 1821; The Cenci, a Tragedy, First London Edition, 1821; Hellas, title-page without date, with half title, " This is one of the privately printed copies, with the unexpurgated paragraphs, see preface, etc." — Fred. Adonais, an Elegy on the Death of John Keats, First English Edition, Cambridge, 1829; A Proposal for putting Reform to the Vote throughout the Kingdom, First Edition, Lond. 1817. All uncut copies, i vol. 8vo, boards. 1604 Shelley. The Cenci: a Tragedy, in five acts. First Edition. 8vo, original boards, entirely uncut. Italy, 1819 1605 Shelley. The Cenci: a Tragedy, in five acts. Sec- ond Edition. 8vo, paper, uncut. (2 copies.) Lond.: C. &" J. Oilier, 1821 Autograph of Robt. Ellis on title of one copy. 1606 Shelley. The Cenci: a Tragedy, in five acts. i6mo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1827 Rare edition. 1607 Shelley. The Cenci. Another copy. Half calf. 1827 1608 Shelley. Les Cence, Drame de Shelley. Traduction de Tola Dorian. Preface by A. C. Swinburne. i2mo, paper, uncut. Paris, 1883 i6og Shelley. Cenci. Relazione della morte di Giacomo e Beatrice Cenci, fratelli, e di Lucrezia Cenci loro Madrigna, parracidi, in Roma li 1 1 settembre delle anno 1599. Neatly and very legibly written manuscript on paper, of 29 folio pages, in a hand of the last century. Small folio, half roan. This very interesting Manuscript Account of the murder of Fran- cesco Cenci by his wife, son, and daughter Beatrice, and of the execu- tion of the latter, formerly belonged to Michael Jones, and has his Book-plate, signature " Michael Jones, Rome, 31 January, 1818," and Manuscript Note by him; "Signor Farinaci, the Advocate of the Cenci, composed a Report of the Case and Trial, from which this THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 151 Abstract was compiled at the time and secretly distributed in Manu- script in Rome, where it is not allowed to be printed." Inserted are two fine full-page Original Drawings in india-ink and sepia, by Edw. Jones, Rome, /any., 1818," of the Interior Court of the Palazzo Cenci, and of the Church of S. Thomas, built by Fran- cesco Cenci in 1575. The volume contains also a full-page /«K-a»(/- ink drawing by Michael Jones of various monuments and inscriptions relating to the Cenci Family ; portraits on copper of Beatrice Cenci, by Cunego, 1785; after Guido, of Popes Pius V. and Clement VIII., and a -view on copper of ' ' Entrance into the Castle St. Angelo. Beatrice Cenci led in;" and prefixed is a MS. transcript of 5 pages, by Mr. M. Jones, from Muratori's Annali d' Italia, 1599, of the Account of the Murder and Execution, "which differs in some points from the MS. account." Aside from its historical, the Manuscript possesses high literary interest, as being the Account upon which Shelley founded his tragedy: The Cenci. He refers to it in his Preface to the work, and in his letter to Peacock, dated Livorno, July, 1819, says: " I send you a translation of the Italian manuscript on which my play is founded," and states that the narrative then existed only in manuscript. From easily understood reasons the Account was not prefaced, as Shelley desired, to the play when pubUshed, but it is included in the collected editions of Shelley's Works. 1610 Shelley. Beatrice Cenci; Storia Del Secolo XVI., di F. D. Guerrazzi. 2 vols. 8vo, paper, uncut. Pisa: Tipografia Vannucchi, 18^4. Part of cover of second volume torn. 1611 Shelley. The Cenci: a Tragedy, in Five Acts. Edited from the Poet's own editions, by H. Buxton Forman. 8vo, paper. Lond. : Printed for private use., March., 1886 Twenty copies privately printed for the use of the actors in the performance of the " Cenci," 1886. 1612 Shelley. Prometheus Unbound: a Lyrical Drama, and other Poems. First Edition. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Lond.: C. and J. Oilier, 1820 1613 Shelley. Prometheus Unbound: a Lyrical Drama, in Four Acts, with other Poems. The First Edition. 8vo, half levant morocco, by Riviere. Lond.: C. and J. Oilier, 1820 1614 Shelley. Poetical Pieces: Prometheus Unbound, C. and J. Oilier., 1820; The Cenci, ib. 1821; Rosalind and Helen, ib. 1819. First collective edition, with the 152 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. error of "Prometheus Unmasked" on general title. 8vo, calf. Lond. : C. and J. Oilier, 1823 1615 Shelley. CEdipus Tyrannus; or, Swellfoot the Tyrant: a Tragedy, in Two Acts. Translated from the original Doric. Printed on vellum, 8vo, crimped calf. Lond. : Published for the Author, 1820 Ex-Libris of Henry Francis Redhead. 1.616 Shelley. CEdipus. Same on Whatman paper. Svo, boards. 1820 161 7 Shelley. Adonais: an Elegy on the Death of John Keats, author of Endymion, Hyperion, etc. First Edition. 410, half morocco, gilt top. Very fine copy, extremely rare. Pisa, with the types of Didot, 1821 Adonais ranks amongst the rarest of Shelley's works; it is only exceeded in rarity by those practically unobtainable, such as the Posthumous Fragments of Margaret Nicholson. 1618 Shelley. Adonais: an Elegy on the Death of John Keats. 8vo, half morocco (original wrappers bound in). Cambridge, 1829 Presentation copy from A. Hallam, with autograph inscription to S. Rogers. 16 19 Shelley. Adonais. With etching of Shelley's tomb. 8vo, boards, uncut. Pisa, with the types of Didot, 1821. {Eeprint, on thick paper.) 1620 Shelley. Hellas, a Lyrical Drama. First Edition. Svo, calf (rubbed). Very rare. Lond. 1822 162 1 Shelley. Adonais. (Clarendon Press Series.) Edited with an Introduction and Notes by W. M. Rossetti. Post Svo, gilt top. (2 copies.) Oxford, 1891 1622 Shelley. Hellas: a Lyrical Drama. Reprinted (on vellum) from the Original Edition of 1822. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. Svo, sheets, folded. Lond. : Published for the Shelley Society, 1886 Of this book three copies only have been printed on vellum. (Signed) Richard Clay and Sons, ist July, i886. 1623 Shelley. Prologue to Hellas. With an Introductory Note by Richard Garnett. Edited and annotated by Thos. J. Wise. Tinted portrait of Shelley, from the origi- nal picture by Clint. Svo, boards, uncut. Lond.: For private distribution only, 1886 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 153 1624 Shelley. Posthumous Poems. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. : Printed for John and Henry L. Hunt, 1824 First edition. Inserted is a manuscript poem, " To the Lord Chancellor," in an unknown (to the compiler's) hand. 1625 Shelley. Posthumous Poems. Another copy, in half levant morocco, gilt tops, by Ad. Bertrand. Lond. 1824 MS. note on fly-leaf about Shelley and his writings, who by is not known. He did not know how to spell Shelley's name. 1626 Shelley. Posthumous Poems. Another copy of the First Edition. 8vo, diamond calf, marbled edges. Lond. 1824 Manuscript criticism of Shelley and his writings on three pages of fly-leaves by an unknown writer. 1627 Shelley. Posthumous Poems. Still another copy. First Edition. 8vo, full morocco extra, gilt edges, with presentation inscription to Mrs. T. Terry by J. Ward, 1834, on title. Lond. 1824 Very scarce. The whole impression of this first edition of Shelley's Posthumous Poems (excepting a few copies that had been distributed or sold), was almost immediately withdrawn by Mrs. Shelley, in ac- cordance with an arrangement with Sir Timothy Shelley. 1628 Shelley. Masque of Anarchy : a Poem, with a Preface by Leigh Hunt. i2mo, fine clean copy, in the original boards, uncut. Lond. : Moxon, 1832 The excessively rare first edition. 1629 Shelley. Miscellaneous Poems. Fine frontispiece. i8mo, boards, uncut (binding mended). Scarce. Lond.: Wm. £ endow, 1826 1630 Shelley. Binding. Miscellaneous Poems, by Percy Bysshe Shelley. i2mo, old blue morocco, gilt top, sides and back elaborately covered with neat gold tooling. Lond. : Benbow, 1826 1 63 1 Shelley. Miscellaneous Poems. Another copy. Half calf, uncut. Lond. 1826 1632 Shelley. Miscellaneous and Posthumous Poems. Very scarce edition. Foolscap 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. : Benbow, 1826 356 pages. The three preceding titles has only 144 pages. 154 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRARY. 1633 Shelley. Another copy of above. 356 pages, old half calf. Lond. 1826 Portrait of Shelley inserted. 1634 Shelley. Prometheus Unbound. (Cassell's National Library.) i8mo, paper. N. Y., n. d. 1635 Shelley. Poems and Sonnets. Edited by Charles A. Seymour. 4to, paper, uncut. Phil.: For private circulation, 1887 Thirty copies only printed. 1636 Shelley. Poetical Works, 4 vols. ; Prose Works, 4 vols. Edited by Harry Buxton Forman. Illustrated. 8 vols. 8vo, white cloth, entirely uncut. Lond. 1876 and 1880 Printed on Whatman paper. 1637 Shelley. Poetical and Prose Works. Another copy. 8 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1876 and 1880 On plain paper. 1638 Shelley. Works of, in Prose and Verse, now first brought together, with many pieces not before pub- lished. Edited, with Prefaces, etc., by H. B. Forman. Illustrated. 8 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1880 1639 Shelley. Poetical Works given from his own Editions, etc. Edited by H. B. Forman. Portrait. 2 vols, crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1882 1640 Shelley. Poetical Works. Edited by H. B. Forman. Portrait. Aldine Edition. 5 vols. i2mo, Large Paper, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1892 Copy No. 46 of an edition of 150. 1641 Shelley. Poetical and Prose Works, from the original editions. Edited by Richard Heme Shepherd. 5 vols. 8vo, Large Paper, uncut. Lond. 1888 Only 100 copies printed on large paper. 1642 Shelley. Poetical and Prose Works, another copy. 5 vols, small paper, uncut. Lond. 1888 1643 Shelley. Works of, with Memoir, by Leigh Hunt. 4 vols. i2mo, half calf. Lond. : Hotten, and Chatto &= Windus TFIE FREDERICK-SON LIBRARY. I55 1644 Shelley. Complete Poetical Works. The Text newly collated and revised and edited, with a Memoir and Notes by George E. Woodberry. Portrait. Large Paper Edition. 8 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1892 Presentation copy ; 250 copies printed, this copy No. 76. 1645 Shelley. Do. Another copy. Large Paper Edition. 8 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1892 Copy No. 56. 1646 Shelley. Complete Poetical Works. Edited by Geo. E. Woodberry. Portrait. Centenary Edition. 4 vols, crown 8vo, gilt tops. Bost. and N. Y. 1892 4 copies. 1647 Shelley. Another copy. 4 vols, in sheets. 1648 Shelley. Complete Poetical Works. Edited by G. E. Woodberry. Portrait. Centenary Edition. 4 vols, crown 8vo, uncut. Lend. 1894 1649 Shelley. Poetical Works. Printed in red and black by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press, August 21, iSpj. 3 vols. &WO, printed on vellum, bound in vellum. 1650 Shelley. Poetical Works. Another copy of the AWw- scott Press Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, vellum, uncut. 165 1 Shelley. Poetical Works. Another copy of the .^i?/;«- scott Press Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, vellum, uncut. 1652 Shelley. Complete Poetical Works. The Text care- fully revised, with Notes, and a Memoir by W. M. Ross- etti. With fine portraits and frontispieces. Proofs on India paper. The fine and Large Paper Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, half cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Copy No. 94 of 200 printed. Lond. : Stark, 1885 1653 Shelley. Complete Poetical Works. Edited, with a Memoir, by W. M. Rossetti. Frontispieces. 3 vols. crown 8vo, uncut. Lond.: Moxon &' Son, 1878 1654 Shelley. Poetical Works, including various additional pieces from MS., etc., with a Memoir by W. M. Ros- setti. Portrait. Vols, i and 2. 2 vols, crown 8vo, un- cut. Lond. : Moxon df Son, 1870 156 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1655 Shelley. Poetical Works. Edited, witii a Critical Memoir, by W. M. Rossetti. Illustrated by the Society of Decorative Art. Crown 8vo, gilt edges. Lond. : Moxonh' Son (1870) 1656 Shelley. Works of. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. Portrait and engraved title. 8vo, uncut. Lond. : Moxon, 1840 1657 Shelley. Poetical Works. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. -Portrait and engraved title. Royal 8vo, uncut. Lond. : Moxon., 1840 First edition. Edited by Mrs. Slielley. 2 copies. 1658 Shelley. Poetical Works of. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. Portrait. Vol. i. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. : Moxon, 1839 ' ' The name of Thomas Powell is one that Shelley himself would gladly have written in the title-page of Shelley's Works." — Leigh Hunt. The above is written on the title-page. 1659 Shelley. Poetical Works. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. Portrait. 4 vols, post 8vo, uncut. Lond. : Moxon, 1839 1660 Shelley. Poetical Works. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. Portrait. 3 vols, post 8vo, calf. Lond. : Moxon, 1847 Autograph of C. A. Wilson on title-pages. 1 66 1 Shelley. Poetical Works. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. Portrait and engraved title. 8vo, gilt edges. Phil. 1849 1662 Shelley. Poetical Works. (Edited by Mrs. Shelley.) Complete in i vol. Portrait and engraved title. Thick lamo, calf. Lond.: Moxon., 1853 1663 Shelley. Poetical Works. Another copy. Thick i2mo, cloth. Lond. 1853 1664 Shelley. Works, with his Life. Ascham's Edition. Portrait. 2 vols, post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1834 1665 Shelley. Poetical Works. A new edition, revised by Cunningham. Illustrated by G. Standfast, izmo, un- cut. Lond. : Charles Daly, n. d. Rare. Suppressed before publication. 1666 Shelley. Poetical Works. Portrait. i6mo, calf. Lond. : Charles Daly, 1837 Extract from page 403 written on the title-page. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE V. 157 1667 Shelley. Complete Poeiical Works. Miniature Edi- tion. Printed in diamond type. Beautifully engraved frontispiece by Corbould. 24mo, original cloth. Lond. : Privately printed, 1845 1668 Shelley. Poetical Works. 2 portraits and vignettes. 2 vols. 24mo, cloth, gilt edges. W. Dugdale, n. d. 1669 Shelley. Poems from Shelley. Selected and arranged by Stopford A. Brooke. Large Paper Edition. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1880 1670 Shelley. Poems of Shelley. Selected, etc., by S. A. Brooke. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1891 167 1 Shelley. Poems Selected from. With Preface by Richard Garnett. Post 8vo, vellum, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1880 1672 Shelley. Selections from the Poems of. Edited by Mathilde Blind. i2mo, half russia. Leipzig, 1872 1673 Shelley. Poetical Works of. Edited by G. G. Foster. First American edition (complete). i2mo. N. Y. 1845 1674 Shelley. Poetical Works, edited by G. G. Foster, N. Y. 1850; Poetical Works, edited by W. B. Scott (1884) ; Poetical Works, with Memoir by J. R. Lowell, illustrated, N. Y. , 1876; Poetical Works, Memoir by Wheeler, illustrated, Lond. (1867); Poetical Works, Chandos Edition ; Poetical Works, edited by E. Dowden, portrait, Lond. and N. Y. 1890; Poetical Works, with Life, illustrated, Lond., n. d. 7 vols. i2mo. 1675 Shelley. Poetical Works. i8mo. Phil. 1847 1676 Shelley. Poetical Works of Coleridge, Shelley and Keats. Frontispiece of portraits. 8vo, sheep. Phil. 1831 1677 Shelley. Another copy. 8vo, sheep. Phil. 1835 1678 Shelley. Another copy. 8vo, sheep. Phil. 1836 1679 Shelley. Poems, selected, with Preface by Richard Garnett. 8vo, uncut, paper cover. Lond. 1880 Large paper; only 50 printed, this being No. 40. 1680 Shelley. Minor Poems. A new edition. i6mo, calf, gilt edges. Lond.: Edward Moxon, 185 1 158 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAK Y. 1 68 1 Shelley. The Shelley Papers : Memoir of Percy By sshe Shelley by T. Medwin, and Original Poems and Papers by P. B. Shelley, now first collected. i6mo, original boards. Whittaker &= Co., 1833 Fine, uncut copy, with a few MS. annotations. 1682 Shelley. The Shelley Papers. Another copy. i6mo, boards, uncut. 1833 Presentation copy from T. Medwin to E. R. W. W. Yates. 1683 Shelley. The Beauties of, with a Biographical Preface. i6rno, uncut. Lond. 1830 1684 Shelley. The Beauties of. Third Edition. i6mo, uncut, boards. Lond. 1832 1685 Shelley. The Lyric Poems of. Edited by Ernest Rhys. Portrait. i6mo, uncut. Lond. : J. M. Dent dy Co. 1686 Shelley. The Banquet of Plato, translated. Post 8vo, uncut. Chicago, 1895 1687 Shelley and Leigh Hunt. Faustus, from the German of Goethe, with an Appendix containing the May-Day Night Scene, translated by P. B. Shelley. 2J outline plates by Hetsch, engraved by Moses j portrait of Goethe i?i- serted. 8vo, sheets, paged 121-137, unbound. 1832 The Introduction to the May-Day Night Scene was written by Leigh Hunt. 1688 Shelley. Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. First Edi- tion. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. 1840 Fine copy; scarce. Autograph of Thomas Moore in each volume. 1689 Shelley. Letters, with (a long) Introductory Essay by Robert Browning. Fcap. 8vo, cloth. Moxon, 1852 Extremely rare, nearly the whole edition having been destroyed just after publication. The Essay by Browning is of considerable value by itself as a criticism on Shelley. " To B. W. Procter from Robt. Browning." 1690 Shelley. Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. A new edi- tion. 2 vols, post 8vo. Lond.: £d. Moxon, 1852 1691 Shelley. Select Letters. Edited, with an Introduc- tion, by Richard Garnett. Crown 8vo, uncut, paper cover. Lond. 1882 Large paper. Only 50 printed, this being No. 46. THE FREDERICK SON LIBRARY. 159 1692 Shelley, Select Letters. Edited by Richard Garnett. i6mo, uncut, parchment. 1882 Presentation copy to C. W. Frederickson from R. Garnett. 1693 Shelley. Essays and Letters. Edited by Ernest Rhys. Camelot Classic Edition. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1886 1694 Shelley. A Defence of Poetry. Edited by A. S. Cook. i2mo. Bost. 1891 1695 Shelley. Relics of Shelley. Edited by Richard Gar- nett. Post Svo, uncut. Lond. 1862 Autograph of B. W. Procter on title-page. Indispensable to all collectors of Shelley, as containing the previ- ously unpublished fragments of Adonais and other small poems from the Shelley manuscripts, several original letters of Shelley and Mrs. Shelley to Leigh Hunt never before published, the conclusion of the Garnett and Peacock controversy, etc. 1696 Shelley. Relics of Shelley. Another copy. 1862 1697 Shelley. Birthday Book and Calendar. Compiled and edited by J. R. Tutin. Portrait. i6mo, gilt. Lond. 1885 1698 Shelley. Gems from Shelley Illustrated: an Ode to the Wild West Wind, and The Question. Printed on heavy paper in gilt. With colored floral ornamental de- signs. Folio, cloth. Lond., n. d. 1699 Shelley. Compositions from Shelley's Prometheus, by Joseph Noel Paxton. ij folio plates., with Selections. Oblong, boards, half roan. Lond. 1844 1700 Shelley. Pictures from Shelley. Designed by Ella E. Dell, and engraved by James D. Cooper; portrait. Folio, cloth. Lond.: Macmillan S^ Co., 1892 1701 Shelley. The Life of, by Thomas Medwin. 2 vols. i2mo, red cloth. Lond. 1847 Pages 109-110 of second volume missing, but replaced with a MS. copy. These volumes contain a great number of textual corrections and emendations in MS. 1702 Shelley. The Life of, by Thomas Medwin. Another copy, having facsimile Shelley -letter in Vol. i. 2 vols. i2mo, tree calf, marbled edges. Lond. 1847 The ink on title-page of Vol. 2 is very pale, as though it had been cleaned. 160 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1703 Shelley. Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron, by E. J. Trelawny. Portraits. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1858 " Matilda Detmold from Mr. Trelawny, 1859." 1704 Shelley. Recollections of. Another copy. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1858 1705 Shelley Memorials, from authentic sources. Edited by Lady Shelley. Frontispiece on wood. Crown 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1859 Original edition. W. Allingham, the Poet's, copy, with autograph and some MS. notes in pencil by him. 1706 Shelley Memorials. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. 1859. (2 copies.) 1707 Shelley Memorials. Edited by Lady Shelley. Third Edition. Lond. 1875 1708 Shelley. Life of. By Thomas Jefferson Hogg. 2 vols. thick i2mo, cloth, uncut. Portrait. Lond. 1858 This Life of the illustrious Poet, by his early friend and fellow- sufferer at the hands of the "Monks and Bigots of Oxford," fully satisfied the lovers of Shelley in its revelations of his private life, opinions, and early training ; but the too fastidious delicacy of his family becoming alarmed, the papers necessary for its completion were withheld, and these two volumes are all that the public possess of ' ' Hogg's Life of Shelley. " In England much difficulty was made respecting its publication on account of the freedom and personality of its disclosures, which, of course, only rendered it more in demand by the large number of persons who were desirous to hear everything that could be told of such an extraordinary genius. The author's celebrated " Shelley Papers," giving an account of the expulsion from Oxford, are here reprinted at length. 1709 Shelley. Life of. By Thomas Jefferson Hogg. 2 vols. Another copy, with penciled notes. 1858 1710 Shelley. Early Life, from Original Sources, with Curious Incidents, Letters and Writings, now first published, by Denis F. MacCarthy. Portrait and vig- nette. 8vo, cloth. (2 copies.) /. C. Hotten, n. d. 17 1 1 Shelley. Early Life, from Original Sources. Another copy, with date 1872. 1712 Shelley. A Critical Biography, by Geo. Barnett Smith. Post 8vo. Edinburgh, 1877 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 101 1713 Shelley. Memoir (with a new Preface), by William Michael Rossetti. Portrait. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1886. 1714 Shelley. Life of. By William Sharp. Post 8vo, un- cut. Lond. 1887 1 7 15 Shelley. Life of. By William Sharp. Large Paper COPY. Uncut. 1887 1716 Shelley. The Real Shelley. New Views of the Poet's Life, by John Cordy Jeaffreson. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1885 1717 Shelley. A Memoir of, by H. Buxton Forman. 8vo, uncut, paper. Lond. : Printed for private circulation, 1892 25 copies only printed. " C. W. Frederickson, with kind regards from H. Buxton Forman, 4 August, 1893." " (This was the copy which was at the Guildhall Exhibition, 1893.)" 1 7 18 Shelley. Eli Ultimi Giorni di P. B. Shelley, da Guide Biagi (con nuovi documenti). Crown 8vo, uncut, paper. (2 copies.) Firenze, 1892 1719 Shelley. Life of, by Edward Dowden, LL. D. g illus- trations, portraits, etc. Lond. 1886. Unique copy, the two volumes extended to three volumes by the inser- tion of 221 portraits, letters, views, maps, water-color drawings. Among the letters are those by E. Dowden, William Godwin, Mary Shelley, H. Buxton Forman, John Taylor Coleridge and W. M. Rossetti. Water- color drawings of Shelley's Birthplace, Old St. Pancras Church, The Serpentine from the Bridge, Villa Magni, Lerici ; also locks of hair from the heads of Words- worth, Coleridge and Shelley. 3 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops. 1720 Shelley. Life of, by Edward Dowden. g illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. (3 copies.) Lond. 1886 1721 Shelley. Life of, by George Searle Phillips, of Phila- delphia. An unpublished manuscript of 643 pages, with several pages in duplicate, making about 650 pages. 1722 Shelley and his Writings, by Charles S. Middleton. 2 vols, crown 8vo. Lond. 1858 162 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1723 Shelley. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats and other Es- says, by David Masson. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1874 1724 Shelley. Percy Bysshe Shelley as a Philosopher and Reformer, by Charles Sotheran, with an original Sonnet by Charles W. Frederickson. Portrait of Shelley and view of his tomb. 8vo. N. Y. 1876 Presentation copy from Charles Sotheran. 1725 Shelley. By John Addington Symonds. i2mo, un- cut. Lond. 1878 1726 Shelley. A Study of, by John Todhunter. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1880 1727 Shelley. Shelley and Miss Austen. Two Papers by E. R. Wodehouse, M. P., read at the Bath Literary In- stitution in 1882 and 1886. i2mo, paper. Bath, 1886 1728 Shelley, the Man and the Poet, from the French of Felix Rabbe. 2 vols, crown 8vo. Lond. 1888 1729 Shelley. A Monograph, by H. S. Salt. Portrait. Post 8vo. Lond. 1888 1730 Shelley. Trelawny, E. J. Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron. Second Edition. i2mo. Pencil notes by George S. Phillips Bost. 1859 1731 Shelley. Trelawny. Records of Shelley, Byron and the Author. 2 vols. i2mo, sheets. Lond. : Pickering, 1878 1732 Shelley. Trelawny, E. J. Records of Shelley, Byron and the Author. Portrait. 2 vols. i2mo. Lond. 1878 1733 Shelley. Trelawny, E. J. Records of Shelley, Byron and the Author. New edition. With two portraits. i2mo. Lond. 1887 1734 Shelley. The Place of Shelley among the English Poets of his Time, by G. R. Pickett Scott. Post 8vo, boards, uncut. A very uncommon little volume. Cambridge, 1878 1735 Shelley. Shelley's College Book, Gradus ad Parnas- sum. With autograph of the Poet on the titkpage, " P- B. Shelley, Eton, 1806," and the name " Shelley " written on the outside cover of the volume. An interesting relic of the Poet at the age of fourteen. Bvo, old calf. Lond. 1802 THE FKEDERICKSON LIBRARY. 163 1736 Shelley. Talfourd, T. N. Speech for the Defendant in the Prosecution of the Queen v. Moxon for the Pub- lication of Shelley's Works, June 23, 1841, and revised. 8vo, boards. Lond. 1841 1737 Shelley. The German Museum, Vol. Ill for 1801. See page 424 for original of Shelley's Jew. 1738 Shelley. Rickman, T. C. Poetical Scraps. Frontis- pieces. 2 vols. i6mo, calf. Lond. 1803 " Autograph of Elizth Shelley June, 1813, pasted on fly-leaf." 1739 Shelley. The Poetical Register and Repository of Fugitive Poetry for 1810-11. Shelley, pp. 617, 644-5. Crown 8vo, calf. Lond. 1814 1740 Shelley. The Theological Inquirer; or. Polemical Magazine; conducted by Erasmus Perkins, from March to September. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1815 ' ' Very scarce. Contains writings by Shelley unknown to any of his editors." — Fred. 1 74 1 Shelley. The Theological Inquirer. From March to September. Half calf. 1815 Another copy. There are 730 lines of Queen Mab quoted in this volume. 1742 Shelley. Theosophical Inquirer, etc., Vol. 2, a volume so labeled, containing Philosophical Observations on the Different Modes of Worshipping the Deity, by Demosthenes Aristides Guilbert; The Polemical Maga- zine, or. The Deists' Magazine, 328 pages (1820); Plain Questions to Trinitarians; The Character of a Priest, 1821; The Character of the Jew Books, 1821; The Scripturian's Creed, by J. Davies, 1822; A Few Hints Relative to the Texture of Mind and. the Manu- facture of Conscience, by Erasmus Perkins; Address of the Rev. R. Wedderburn on appearing to receive Judgment for Blasphemy, 1820; High-Heeled Shoes for Dwarfs in Holiness, by the Rev. R. Wedderburn, 1821 ; Very severe on Shelley, etc., etc. 8vo, half calf. 1743 Shelley. Manchester and the Peterloo Massacre in 181 9, in the Kings Bench, between Thomas Redford, Plaintiff, and Hugh Hornby Birley, Alexander Oliver, 164 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. Richard Withington and Edward Meagher, Defendants, for assault on the i6 August, 1819. With a map of the district of Peterloo. Printed at Manchester. Thick 8vo, uncut, boards. Clean copy. " Shelleyana." — Fred. 1744 Shelley. Ollier's Literary Miscellany in Prose and Verse by Several Hands. 8vo, half morocco, neat. Very scarce. Lond. 1820 Peacock on Poetry. Archdeacon Hare on Shelley, p. 149. 1745 Shelley. The Gossip: a Series of Original Essays and Letters. 8vo, uncut, half calf (broken). /. Bennett, Kentish Town, 1821 Contains criticism on " Epipsychidion." Very rare. 1746 Shelley. Amarynthus, the Nympholept, with other Poems. Post 8vo, boards. 1821 This book, which was written by Horace Smith, one of the authors of " Rejected Addresses," and a friend of Shelley, is remarkable as being written in imitation of Shelley's style; it contains a sonnet " To Percy Bysshe Shelley, on his poems." 1747 Shelley. A very interesting volume of Privately Printed Tracts, including a most Curious Tract by Sir Egerton Brydges on Shelley. (Suppressed.) " Note XIII. — 31. Percy Bysshe Shelley (again)," giving an ac- count of his life and works. The volume also contains an auto- graph letter from the Rev. G. W. Rooke to Sir E. Brydges. 1748 Shelley. Elegy on the Death of Percy Bysshe Shelley. by Arthur Brooke. 17 pages, 8vo, in the original blue wrapper. C. <5r= _/. Oilier, 1822 Dedicated to Leigh Hunt, and of the greatest rarity, far more difficult to find than even the valuable " Elegy on John Keats," by Shelley. 1749 Shelley. Verses on the Death of, by Bernard Barton. Crown 8vo, boards. Very scarce. Lond. 1822 1750 Shelley. The Weald of Sussex, a Poem, by Miss E. Kitchener. Post 8vo, sheets (slightly soiled). Lond. 1822 W. M. Rossetti from IWr. Everest, a nephew of Miss Kitchener, written by Shelley's Miss Kitchener THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR V. 165 1751 Shelley, Leigh Hunt, etc. Letters on England, by Victoire, Count de Soligny. 2 vols, post 8vo, nice half calf, gilt. Colburn, 1823 Scarce. Contains some interesting articles on Shelley, Leigh Hunt, Byron, Campbell, Haydon, Sir W. Scott, etc. 1752 Shelley. The Literary Examiner. 8vo, half calf (broken). Lond. 1823 References to Shelley, pages 118 and 192. 1753 Shelley. Janus; or, The Edinburgh Literary Alma- nack. i2mo, calf (rubbed). 1826 Shelleyana, pages 73-74. 1754 Shelley. Free Thought. Newgate Monthly Maga- zine: a Calendar of Men, Things and Opinions, from September, 1824, to August, 1826. 2 vols. 8vo (all published), old half calf, gilt. R. Carlisle^ 1825-26 Exceedingly rare. It was written in Newgate by William Coch- rane, Campion, Jefferies, Clark, Haley, Hassell and Perry, "Mr. Carlisle's late shopmen, now confined in Chapel Yard, Newgate." Many illusions are made to Shelley, while one number contains a sonnet addressed to him, and five others contain essays on his character and writing, on Queen Mab, the Revolt of Islam, and the Cenci. 1755 Shelley. The Edinburgh Literary Journal of Weekly Register of Criticism and Belles Letters, 1828-29. With facsimiles of autographs of celebrities. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half calf. Scarce. Of great interest to Shelley collectors, containing the 1st edition of Shelley's Wandering Jew, with an account of the MS. in possession of the Editor, a Critical Introduction, etc. Also review of Shelley's Posthumous Fragments, and another unpublished poem by Shelley. 1756 Shelley. Blanchard (S. Laman). Lyric Offerings. First Edition. Fcap. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1828 Published by Harrison Ainsworth, and dedicated to Charles Lamb. Contains a poem in imitation of Shelley's " The Cloud." 1757 Shelley. Best, J. R. Personal and Literary Memo- rials, full of Amusing Anecdotes of Paley, Dr. Parr, Sir W. Drummond, and a chapter describing the night when Shelley was drowned. 8vo, half vellum. Lond. 1829 1758 Shelley. The Talisman. I'j plates. i2mo, silk, gilt. Poems by Shelley. Lond. 1831 166 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1759 Shelley. Poland, Homer, and other Poems (by W. E. Aytoun). Includes "A Lament for Percy Bysshe Shelley," in imitation of " Adonais." Post 8vo, boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1832 " Very scarce ; for over twenty years I sought for this volume." — , Fred. 1760 Shelley. Whitelaw, A. Republic of Letters : a selec- tion in Poetry and Prose from the works of the most eminent writers, with many original pieces. Numerous engravings. 4 vols. i2mo, half calf, gilt. Glasgow, 1833 Shelley's Adonais and other pieces. 1761 Shelley. A Manual on Health by Dr. Wm. TurnbuU, with Shelley's Defence of Vegetable Diet. i6mo. N. Y. 1835 1762 Shelley. Driver, H. A. Harold de Burun: a Semi- Dramatic Poem. Crown 8vo, calf (worn). Scarce. Lond. 183s The author, in this work, attempts to delineate the characters of Byron and Shelley. The piece concludes with the incident of the drowning of Shelley. " To Mrs. F.W. Driver fromher affectionate Brother The Author." 1763 Shelley. College Magazine. Yale Literary, conducted by the Students of Yale. Portrait. 8vo, half calf. Article on Shelley, pages 183-189. New Haven, 1840 1764 Shelley. The Literary Amaranth. i2mo, roan (soiled). Bait. 1840 Poem on Shelley's obsequies. 1765 Shelley. The Genius of. Selections, with Sketch of his Life. i6mo, gilt edges. Lond. (1840) 1766 Shelley. The Dial; a Magazine for Literature, Philos- ophy and Religion. Vol. i. 8vo, half calf. Bost. and Lond. 1841 By Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Ripley, and others. Article on Shelley, pages 470-493, signed M. M. 1767 Shelley. Pen and Ink Sketches of Poets, Preachers and Politicians (by J. Ross Dix). Second Edition. Portrait of Coleridge. See Chapter 7 for Shelley. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1847 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 16? 1768 Shelley. The Truth-Seeker and Present Age: a Catho- lic Review of Literature, Philosophy and Religion. In Nos. and sheets, as one vol. Lond. 1849-1850 1769 Shelley. Sabrinae Corolla in Hortulis Regias Schol» Salopiensis. Translations into Greek and Latin verses of five of Shelley's stolen poems. 8vo. Lond. 1850 1770 Shelley. Rogers, George. Poems (for Shelley, see page 21). lamo. N. Y. 1849-51 1 77 1 Shelley. Parkes, Bessie R. Gabriel (a life of Shelley inverse). i2mo, limp cloth. Lond. 1856 1772 Shelley. College Magazine, conducted by Members of the University of Dublin. Vol. i. 8vo, half calf. Dublin, 1858 Contains an article on Shelley of 13 pages. 1773 Shelley. Beatrice Cenci: a Tale of the Sixteenth Century. Translated from the Italian of F. D. Guer- razzi by Mrs. Watts Sherman. 2 vols. 12 mo. N. Y. 1858 1774 Shelley. The Death of St. Polycarp, and other Poems, by J. A. Langford. Small 8vo, cloth. Scarce. i860 1775 Shelley. Poem suppressed at Oxford — Pessimus, a Rhapsody and a Paradox by Young England. i2mo, cloth. 1865 The author (using his own words) " dedicates the above to the memory of the divine, the adorable Shelley." 1776 Shelley. The Academical. Papers by the Glasgow Academical Club (for Shelley, see page 44). 8vo. Glasgow, 1870 1777 Shelley. Threading My Way: 27 Years' Autobiog. By R. D. Owen (Spiritualist), a friend of the Shelleys, to whom there are references. i2mo. Lond. 1874 1778 Shelley. The Englishman's Magazine, a Monthly Jour- nal, 1875 and 1877 ; "St. Irvyne, or the Rosicrucian," published by Shelley while he was a student at Oxford 2 vols. 8vo, boards (no title-page). 1779 Shelley. William Godwin: His Friends and Contem- poraries, by C. Kegan Paul. With portraits and illus- trations. 2 vols, crown 8vo. Lond. 1876 168 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1780 Shelley. Victorian Poets, by Edmund Clarence Sted- man. Crown 8vo, sheets, folded. Bost. 1876 Refers to Shelley, pp. 99, etc. 1781 Shelley. Anecdote Biography of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Edited by Richd. H. Stoddard. Crown 8vo, sheets, folded. N. Y. 1877 1782 Shelley. The Parks and Forests of Sussex, etc., by Wm. Smith Ellis. 8vo, uncut. Lewes, 1885 Refers to home of Lady and Sir John Shelley. 1783 Shelley. Literary Sketches, by H. S. Salt. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1888 Refers to Shelley as a teacher. 1784 Shelley. Chronological Outlines of, by F. Ryland; Songs of the Common Day, by C. G. D, Roberts; Selections from the Writings of Lizzie G. Parker; Shelley's Principles, by H. S. Salt. 4 vols. i2mo, cloth and paper. v. y. 1785 Shelley. English Literature, by the Rev. Stopford Brooke. Large Paper. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1880 Refers to Shelley's Queen Mab, and his death. 1786 Shelley. Poems, by Stopford A. Brooke. i2mo, un- cut. Lond. 1888 1787 Shelley. The Last David, and other Poems. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1883 Poem on Shelley at page 93. 1788 Shelley. A Poem, with other Writings Relating to Shelley, by the late James Thomson, etc. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. Printed for private circulation, 1S84, No. 21 of 30 copies on Whatman paper. 1789 Shelley. Works, Life and Portrait, John Dicks, Lon- don; J. A. Symonds' Shelley; Shelley Centenary at Horsham, etc. 8 vols, paper. 1790 Shelley. Bibliography, by John P. Anderson. Inter- leaved with Writing Paper. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. (British Museturi), n. d. With MS. additions by C. W. Frederickson. THE FR£jDERICA-SOW LIBRARY. 169 1791 Shelley. A Lexical Concordance to the Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Compiled and Ar- ranged by F. S. Ellis. 4to, half morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1892 1792 Shelley. A Lexical Concordance, etc., by F. S. Ellis. Another Edition in 2 vols. 4to, half morocco, uncut. Printed on Whatman Paper. Lond. 1892 1793 Shelley. Press Proofs of CEdipus Tyrannus; Shelley's Works. 4 vols., etc. (a parcel). PRIVATELY PRINTED BOOKS ABOUT SHELLEY. 1794 Shelley. Rosalind and Helen : a Modern Eclogue, with other Poems. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. i8ig Edited, with notes by H. B. Forman, and printed for private cir- culation, 1876. A. L. S. of H. B. Forman inserted. 1795 Shelley. Epipsychidion : Verses Addressed to the Noble and Unfortunate Lady Emilia V . 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. {Reprint), 182 1 1796 Shelley. The Choyce: a Poem on Shelley's Death, by Mary W. Shelley. Edited by H. B. Forman. Por- trait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. : Privately printed, 1876 1797 Shelley. — Rossetti, W. M. A Study of Shelley's Pro- metheus Unbound, its meaning and personages. Por- trait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1886 Exceedingly scarce. Printed for private distribution. Only 25 copies issued. 1798 Shelley. Lines on the Inaugural Meeting of the Shelley Society. 8vo, boards, uncut. (Lond.) 1886 Only 30 copies printed for private distribution. 1799 Shelley. Notes on the First Performance of Shelley's Cenci. Edited by Sydney E. Preston. Portrait of Beatrice Cenci. Lond. 1886 35 copies printed for private circulation. 1800 Shelley's View of Nature Contrasted with Darwin's. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1886 25 copies printed for private distribution. i8ot Shelley. The Hermit of Marlow. A Chapter on the History of Reform. By H. B. Forman. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1887 25 copies printed for private circulation. View of Albion House, Shelley's Residence in 1817. 170 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 1802 Shelley and Lord Beaconsfield. By Richard Gar- nett. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1887 25 copies printed for private circulation. 1803 Shelley. " Peterloo " and "The Mask of Anarchy." By H. B. Forman. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1887 25 copies printed for private circulation. 1804 Shelley's Prometheus Unbound Considered as a Poem, by Wm. M. Rossetti. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1887 25 copies printed for private circulation. 1805 Shelley. The Vicissitudes of Shelley's Queen Mab. A Chapter on the History of Reform, by H. B. Forman. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1887 25 copies printed for private circulation. 1806 Shelley. A Study of Shelley's "Julian and Maddalo," by H. S. Salt, etc. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1888 25 copies printed for private circulation. 1807 Shelley. Rosalind and Helen: A Lecture. By H. B. Forman. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1888 25 copies printed for private circulation. i8o8 Shelley. Poems and Fragments, by (John William Kaye). Contains Poem on the Death of Shelley. Svo, cloth. Jersey {Privately printed), 1835 i8og Shelley. Notes on Sculpture in Rome and Florence, together with Luciani's Fragment and a Criticism on Peacock's Poem " Rbododaphne," edited by H. B. Forman. Vignette of Shelley's grave. Thin 8vo, cloth. Scarce. Lond. 1879 75 printed for private circulation. 1810 Shelley, a Poem: with other Writings relating to Shelley; and an Essay on the Poems of William Blake, by James Thomson, Author of " The City of Dreadful Night." 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1884 Printed for private circulation only, at the Chiswick Press. Only igo copies printed. No. 37. 181 1 Shelley. Notes on Shelley's unfinished Poem, "The Triumph of Life," by John Todhunter, M.D. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1887 25 copies printed for private circulation. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 171 1812 Shelley. Poems on Shelley, by William G. Kingsland. 8vo, in wrapper. 12 copies of each printed by the author in 1887. 1813 Shelley's Faith, Its Development and Relativity, by W. Kineton Parkes. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1888 25 copies printed for private circulation. 1814 Shelley. A Classification of Shelley's Metres, by Joseph B. Mayor. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1888 25 copies printed for private circulation, 1815 Shelley's Nature. Poetry, by Henry Sweet. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1888 25 copies printed for private circulation. 1816 Shelley's Philosophy of Love, by Arthur Dillon. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1888 25 copies printed for private circulation. 1817 Shelley's Socialism. Two Lectures by Edward Aveling and Eleanor Marx Aveling. 8vo, boards, uncut. 25 copies printed for private circulation. Lond. 1888 1818 Shelley. An Examination of " Hogg's Life of Shelley," by H. S. Salt. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1889 25 copies printed for private circulation. 1819 Shelley. AVE: an Ode for the Centenary of the Birth of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Aug. 4, 1792, by Chas. G. D. Roberts. 8vo, boards, gilt top. Toronto, 1892 1820 Shelley's Centenary (August 4th, 1892), by Wm. Watson. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1892 25 copies printed for private circulation. 1 82 1 Shelley. Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Jane Clairmont. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond.: Privately printed (not for sale), 1889 1822 Shelley. Proposals for an Association of those Phi- lanthropists who, convinced of the inadequacy of the moral and political State of Ireland to produce benefits which are nevertheless attainable, are willing to unite to accomplish its regeneration. Post 8vo, vellum. Dublin, 1812 A literal transcript, neatly and plainly written, of the extremely rare original edition, to obtain a copy of which is nearly hopeless. 173 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1823 Shelley. Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Eliza- beth Hitchener. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Privately printed (not for sale), 1890 1824 Shelley. Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to William Godwin. 2 vols. 8vo, buckram, uncut. Lond.: Privately printed {not for sale)., 1891 1825 Shelley. Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to J. H. Leigh Hunt. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. : Privately printed, 1894 1826 Shelley. A Collection of Articles about Shelley, etc., culled from various Magazines, etc., and bound up in 16 vols. 8vo and royal 8vo, half calf, gilt tops. Called by Mr. Frederickson the "Avery Collection." A valu- able Collection. (The first 12 vols, in half blue calf, the balance in half brown calf.) 1827 Shelley. Another Collection made by Mr. Frederick- son and labeled " Shelleyana " A to Z, with two extra vols, labeled "Tales by Mrs. M. W. Shelley" and "Peacock." Together 26 vols. 8vo and royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. A manuscript list made by Mr. Frederickson will go with the above two lots without charge. (828 Shelley. Shelley Society Publications. First Series, No. I (2 Parts); Second Series, Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 17; Fourth Series, Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8; Extra Series, Nos. i, 3, 4, 5. Together 22 vols. 8vo, 4to, and folio, boards. (No duplicates.) v. y. 1829 Shelley. Shelley Society Publications. Second Series, No. 3 (Alastor) ; No. 5 (Hellas) ; No. 7 (Epipsychidion) ; No. 12 (Wandering Jew). 4 vols. 4to, boards. Lond. 1886-7- Large paper. 15 copies of the first and 21 of the last were printed only. 1830 Shelley. Shelley Society Publications. Second Series, No. 5 (Hellas). Large Paper. Frontispiece. 1887 15 only printed. 183 1 Shelley. Shelley Society Publications. First Series, Nos. I, 2. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1888 10 copies of each only printed on Dutch hand-made paper. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 173 1832 Shelley. Shelley Society Publications. Extra Series, Nos. 4 and 5. (" The Mask of Anarchy " and a " Pro- posal.") 2 vols. 4to, boards. Lond. 1887 1833 Shelley. Shelley Society Publications. First Series, Nos. I, 2 (2); Second Series, Nos. i, 6; Fourth Series, Nos. 2-4; Fourth Series, No. i. Together 8 vols, crown 8vo and royal 8vo, boards, uncut. v. y. 1834 Shelley. Inaugural Address to the Shelley Society, by the Rev. Stopford A. Brooke; Hellas: A Lyrical Drama, by P. B. Shelley, edited byT. J. Wise. 2 vols. 8vo, boards. Published for the Shelley Society, 1886 1835 Shelley. Epipsychidion, by P. B. Shelley. Fac-simile Reprint of the First Edition. Introduction by S. A. Brooke. Note by Swinburne. Edited by R. A. Potts. 8vo, stitched. Lond. : Shelley Society, 1887 1836 Shelley. Shelley Society Notices. Along series, con- taining interesting letters and notices about forthcom- ing books, etc. (A package.) 1837 Shelley. Shelley's Vegetarianism, by W. E. A. Axon; Shelley as a Philosopher and Reformer, Sotheran (2) ; Shelley's "Revolt of Islam," etc., by Kineton Parks. 8 pieces, 8vo and 4to. v. y. 1838 Shelley. Duplicates of Shelley Matter marked Scarce by Mr. Frederickson. (A bundle.) Valuable. 1839 Shelley. A large bundle of Shelley Scraps. A valu- able lot about the Great Poet. Many scarce pieces in the Collection. 1840 Shelley. Tate, N. On a new Copy-Book, entitled The Penman's Magazine, etc. : a Poem. Folio, 4 pp. (Lower left-hand corner of blank margin cut off.) Contains allusions in shape of propliecy to Shelley in two places. 1841 Shelley. Songs Composed and in part Written by the late Rev. John Park, with Notice by Principal Shairp. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. Leeds, 1876 Nine songs are by Shelley — all are set to music. 1842 Shelley. Tunbridge Wells and The Book-Stall, etc. i6mo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1817 ' ' Contains poems by Harriet Shelley, the poet Shelley's favorite sister." — Fred. 174 THE FREDBRICKSON LIBRARY. 1843 Shelley. Letters from Harriet Shelley to Catharine Nugent. Crown 8vo, vellum, paper. Lond. : Privately printed.^ 1889 1844 Shelley. Pedigree of the Shelley Family and other interesting matter relating to Shelley. (In wrapper.) 1845 Shelley. Proof impressions of plate of Shelley's Grave (17), on (12) proof impressions of Shelley's Portrait, with woodcut block of grave, (i lot.) 1846 Shelley, Mrs. Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prome- theus. 3 vols, small 8vo, half boards. Lond. 1818 Rare first edition. 1847 (Shelley, Mrs.) Frankenstein; or. The Man and the Monster: a peculiar Romantic, Melo-Dramatic, Panto- mimic Spectacle in Two Acts, founded on Mrs. Shel- ley's Frankenstein. Portrait. i8mo, sewed. Scarce. n. p , n. d. 1848 (Shelley, Mrs.) Valperga; or. The Life and Adven- tures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca, by the author of Frankenstein. 3 vols. 8vo, old half calf. Lond. 1823 First edition. Name on title-pages. 1849 (Shelley, Mrs.) The Last Man. First Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, clean and uncut. Lond. 1826 1850 (Shelley, Mrs.) The Trial of Love, by the author of Frankenstein. Illustrated. (Taken from the Keepsake, 1833.) 8vo, unbound. 1851 (Shelley, Mrs. ) The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck: a Romance, bj' the author of Frankenstein. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth backs, uncut. Lond. 1830 First edition. Crest stamped on the titles and name on Vol. I. 1852 (Shelley, Mrs.) Stories by Mrs. Shelley from the "Keepsake," 1829-37. Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. 1853 (Shelley, Mrs.) Lodore, by the author of " Frank- enstein.'" 3 vols. 8vo (old worn covers). Lond. 1835 First edition, shows evidence of having been much read. Library- copy. 1854 (Shelley, Mrs.) Falkner: a Novel, by the author of " Frankenstein," " The L^ast Man," etc. 3 vols. 8vo, old half calf. Lond. 1837 First edition. Library copy. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE V. 175 1855 (Shelley, Mrs.) Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France (in Cabinet Cyclopedia). 2 vols. fcap. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1838 1856 (Shelley, Mrs.) Frankenstein; or, The Modern Pro- metheus, by the author of The Last Man, Perkin War- beck, etc., etc. Revised and illustrated. Fcap. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1839 1857 Shelley, Mrs. Rambles in Germany and Italy in 1840, 1842 and 1843. First Edition. 2 vols, post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. : Moxon, 1844 " Mrs. Shelley is very clever ; indeed it would be difficult for her not to be so, the daughter of Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin, could be no common person." — Lord Byron. 1858 (Shelley, Mrs.) Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. By Helen Moore. Small 4to, cloth, gilt. Phil. 1886 1859 (Shelley, Mrs.) The Life and Letters of Mary Woll- stonecraft Shelley. By Mrs. Julian Marshall. With portraits and fac-similes. 2 vols. 8vo, half cloth, uncut. Lond. 1889 i860 Shelley, Mrs. By Lucy Madox Rossetti. Crown 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1890 1 86 1 Shelley, Mrs. Tales and Stories by Mary Wollstone- craft Shelley, now first collected, with an Introduction by Richard Garnett, LL.D. Etched portrait. Crown 8vo, half white cloth, gilt top. Lond. 1891 No. 35 of 55 copies printed on Dutch hand-made paper. 1862 Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1792 Vol. I. All published. This copy has the autograph of the authoress. 1863 Wollstonecraft, Mary. Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1796 First edition. 1864 Wollstonecraft, Mary. Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Woman, by William Godwin. Portrait. i2mo, boards, cloth back. Lond. 1798 176 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1865 WoLLSTONECRAFT, Mary. Memoirs of, by W. Godwin, Second Edition, corrected, Lond. i-jgi, portrait bound ■with it ; A Defence of the Character and Conduct of the late Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, Lond. 1803. 2 vols, in I. i6mo, half morocco, red edges. 1866 (Wollstonecraft, Mary.) A Defense of the Charac- ter and Conduct of the late Mary Wollstonecraft God- win, etc., in a Series of Letters to a Lady. i6mo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1803 1867 (Wollstonecraft, Mary.) Memoir of, and Account of her Family. In Necrology. 8vo, old calf (cover loose). Lond. 1805 Includes memoirs of Lavoisier, Daniel Dancer, General Hoche, John Wilkes, Lord Amherst, etc., etc. 1868 (Wollstonecraft, Mary.) Elements of Morality, for the use of Young Persons, to which is added an Ad- dress to Parents from the German of Rev. C. S. Salz- mann. Engravings. Fcap. 8vo, hand-stained calf extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Edinburgh, 1821 1869 Wollstonecraft, Mary. Letters to Imlay, with pref- atory Memoir by C. Kegan Paul. Etched portraits. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1879 1870 Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. New Edition, with Introduction by Mrs. Henry Fawcett. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1891 1871 Wollstonecraft. Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, by Elizabeth Robbins Pennell. Crown 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1885 1872 Wollstonecraft, Mary. Pen Portraits of Literary Women. Edited by Helen G. Cone and Jeannette L. Gilder. 2 vols, crown 8vo, gilt tops. N. Y,, n. d. Refers to Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin) and Mary W. Godwin (Shelley). 1873 Shepherd (The). A Weekly Periodical, conducted on the Principles of Universalism versus Sectarianism, by J. E. Smith, M.A. Complete from beginning, 30th August, 1834, to close, 31st March, 1838. 3 vols, in I. Thick 4to, half morocco. Scarce. 1834-38 Contains also Voltaire's Zadig; or, The Book of Fate, translated. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 177 1874 Sherwood, Mrs. Roxobel. Frontispieces. 3 vols, post 8vo. N. Y. 1831 1875 Shipwrecked Mariner (The). Odd Nos., Vols, i to 8. I vol. 8vo, half calf (rubbed). Lond. 1854-55 1876 Sidney, Philip. The Defence of Poesy. Small 410, Large Paper, calf. Lond. 18 10 1877 Sidney. Psalmes of David, translated into divers and sundry kinds of verse, begun by Sir Philip Sidney and and finished by the Countess of Pembroke, his sister. Portraits. Post 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. Chiswick Press, 1823 Now first printed from a copy of the original MS., transcribed by John Davies, of Hereford. 1878 Sidney. The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. Writ- ten by Sir Philip Sidney. The Original Quarto Edi- tion (1590), in photographic fac-simile, with a Biblio- graphical Introduction, edited by H. O. Sommer. 8vo, paper, uncut. Lond. 1891 1879 Sidney. A Poem on our Saviour's Passion, by Mary Sidney, Countess of Pembroke. From an unpub- lished MS. in the British Museum. i2mo, Lond. 1842 1880 SiNDiNG, Paul C. History of Scandinavia, from the Early Times to the Present Day. Portrait. 8vo. Lond. 1866 1881 Slater, J. H. Early Editions. A bibliographical sur- vey of the Works of some popular modern Authors. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1894 1882 Smiles, Samuel. Memoir and Correspondence of John Murray. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, in sheets. Lond. 1891 1883 Smiles, Samuel. Do. Another copy. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1891 1884 Smiles, Samuel. Lives of the Engineers. Illustrated. 5 vols. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1874 1885 Smith, James and Horace. Rejected Addresses, etc. Frontispiece. Twenty-second Edition. Post 8vo. Lond. 185 1 1886 (Smith, James and Horace.) Horace in London; Ac- cepted Addresses; Rejected Addresses, i vol. post 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1813 178 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRAR Y. 1887 Smith, Capt. John. Works of. Edited by Edward Arber. Crown 8vo, boards, uncut. Birmingham, 1884 1888 Smith, John Thomas. Remarks on Rural Scenery. With 20 etchings of Cottages from Nature, and some observa- tions and precepts relative to the picturesque. 4to, boards, uncut. Lond. [797 1889 Smith, Joshua T. The Northmen in New England; or, America in the Tenth Century. Maps. i2mo, calf. Bost. 1839 1890 Smiles, Samuel. Industrial Biography. i2mo. Lond. 1863 1 89 1 Smiles, Samuel {Editor). James Nasmyth: an Auto- biography. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1883 1892 Smith, Alexander. Poems. Post 8vo. Lond. 1856 1893 (Smith, Horace.) The Midsummer Medley for 1830. 2 vols, in I. i2mo (foxed). Lond. 1830 1894 (Smith, James and Horace.) Rejected Addresses; or, The New Theatrum Poetarum. First Edition. Post 8vo, old calf. Lond. 1812 1895 Smith, Laura A. The Music of the Waters. A col- lection of the Sailors' Chanties or Working Songs of the Sea of all Maritime Nations. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1888 1896 Smith, T. J. Eighteen Etchings of Rural Scenery. 4to, boards. Lond.,n. d. 1897 Smith, W. Anderson. " According to Cocker " the Progress of Penmanship from the Earliest Times. Illustrated. Oblong 4to. Lond. 1887 1898 Smith, William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, illustrated, 3 vols. r88o; Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, illus- trated, 2 vols. 1891. 5 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1899 Sommer, H. O. {Editor). The Kalender of Shepherdes. The Edition of Paris, 1503, in photographic facsimile. A faithfnl reprint of R. Pynson's Edition of London, 1506. With a critical Introduction and Glossary. 3 vols, in I. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1892 Three hundred copies printed, this copy No. 65. THE FREDERICK SON LIBRARY. 179 1900 Songster's Repository (The). Frontispiece and cuts. i2mo, boards. N. Y. 1811 1901 SouTHEY. The Correspondence of Robert Southey with Caroline Bowles, to which are added correspondence with Shelley and Southey's Dreams. Edited by Ed. Dowden. Portrait. 8vo. Dublin, 1881 1902 Spectator (The). The Original Folio Issue, Nos. i to 388, with the exception of one or two numbers a very fine, clean set. Bound up at the end are MS. translations of the Mottoes. Calf. 1903 Spectator (The). Numbers 179 to 447, Sept. 25, 171 1- Aug. 2, 1712 (lacking Nos. 182, 257, 270, 273, 341, 342, 345, 353, 354, 3^8, 391, 416 and 424). The Original Numbers. Folio, boards (poorly bound, unevenly cut in places). Scarce. Sold as one volume. 1904 Spectator (The). A Weekly Journal of News, Politics, Literature and Science. Vols. 3, 9, 10, 11. 4 vols, folio, half calf (rubbed). Lond. 1830-38 1905 Spenser, Edmund. The Shepheards Kalender. (Lack- ing title, prologue, table and two leaves at the begin- ning and several leaves at the end.) This edition appears to be prior to 1600. Book-plates of Thomas Freeling and C. W. Frederickson. 1906 Spenser, Edmund. The Shepheardes Calender. The Original Edition of 1579 in photographic fac-simile, with an Introduction by H. O. Sommer. 4to, half calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1890 1907 Spenser, Edmund. Works of, edited by J. P. Collier. 5 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1862 1908 (Stafforde, Robert.) Geographicall and Anthologi- call Description of all the Empires and Kingdomes in the Globe, relating their Manners, Customs, Provinces and Governments. Small 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1618 Seven pages are devoted to America and the West Indies. i9ro"STANFiELD, Clarkson. Coast Scenery: a Series of Views in the British Channel. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1836 180 THE FREDERICKSON LIBKARY. 191 1 Stedman, Edmund C. The Nature and Elements of Poetry. i2mo, uncut. Bost. and N. Y. 1892 1912 Stephens, Mrs. Ann S. The Ladies' Complete Guide to Crochet, etc. Oblong i2mo. N. Y. (1854) 1913 Stephen, George. The Ruthwell Cross, 1866; Thunor the Thunderer, 1878; Two Leaves of King Waldere's Lay, i860; Ghost Thanks, or the Grateful Unburied, i860; Macbeth, Earl Seward and Dundee, 1876. Illus- trated. 5 vols, paper. Lond., etc. 1914 Stephen, George. Bugge's Studies on Northern My- thology. 8vo. Lond. 1883 1915 (Sterne, Laurence.) A Sentimental Tour through France and Italy. Fac-simile reprint of the First Edi- tion. 2 vols, post 8vo, uncut. (N. Y. 1885) Copy No. 36 of 100 printed on Holland paper. 1916 Stevens, Henry. Recollections of Mr. James Lenox . and the formation of his Library. Portraits. Post 8vo, fcncut. Lond. 1886 1917 Stoddard, Richard Henry. The King's Bell. i2mo, paper, nncut. Lond. 1864 " C. W. Frederickson, with the best wishes of R. H. Stoddard." 1918 Storm, Gustav. Studies on the Vineland Voyages. 8vo, paper. Copenhagen, 1889 1919 Story, William W. Conversations in a Studio. 2 vols. i2mo. Bost. and N. Y. 1890 1920 Story, William W. He and She; Later Readings. 2 vols, post 8vo, paper. N. Y. and Bost. 1893-94 1921 Strutt, J. G. Sylva Britannica; or. Portraits of Forest Trees, distinguished for their antiquity, magni- tude or Beauty, drawn from nature. With the Sylva Scotica. 50 large ahd beautiful etchings. Imp. folio, half roan. Lond. 1822 Original issue of this handsome and very interesting work. 1922 Strutt, J. G. Sylva Britannica: or. Portraits of Forest Trees, distinguished for their antiquity, magni- tude or beauty, drawn from nature, jo fine engrav- ings, proofs on india paper. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Lond. (1830) THE FREDERICK SON LIBRAR Y. 181 1923 Stubbes, Philip. The Anatomic of Abuses, reprinted from the Third Edition of 1585, under the superintend- ence of W. B. D. D. Turnbull, with Preface. 8vo, cloth. Pickering, 1836 Copies of this beautiful reprint are now scarce, only one hundred having been printed originally. 1924 Suckling, John. Fragraenta Aurea. A collection of all the Incomparable Pieces, written by Sir John Suck- ling. Third Edition. Frontispiece by Marshall. i2mo, old calf (rubbed). Lond. 1658 1925 Suckling, John. Selections from the Works of Sir John Suckling. To which is prefixed a Life of the Author, with Critical Remarks on his Writings and Genius, by the Rev. Alfred Suckling. Brilliant portrait of Suckling, also an unlettered proof , a proof, and etching of the plate. 8vo, russia, gilt edges. Lond. 1836 Brayton Ives' copy. 1926 Surenne, French and English Dictionary; Anderson's General History. 2 vols. lamo. 1927 Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's Travels. Curious cuts (imperfect). i6mo, boards. Phil. 1787 1928 Swinburne, Algernon C. Essays and Studies. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1875 1929 Swinburne, Algernon C. George Chapman: a Crit- ical Essay. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1875 1930 Swinburne, Algernon C. Songs of the Springtides. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1880 1931 Swinburne, Algernon C. A Midsummer Holiday and other Poems. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1884 1932 Swinburne, Algernon C. Miscellanies. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1886 1933 Swinburne, Algernon C. A Study of Ben Jonson. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1889 1934 Swinburne, Algernon C. Astrophel and other Poems. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1894 1935 Swinburne, Algernon C. Victor Hugo. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. (and N. Y.), n. d. 1936 Symonds, John A. Wine, Women and Song. Post 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1884 183 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1937 SvMONDS, John A. Ben Jonson. Post 8vo. Lond. 1886 1938 Symonds, John A. In the Key of Blue and other Prose Essays. i2mo, uncut, gilt top. Lond. and N. Y. 1893 1939 'TpAINE, H. A. History of English Literature, trans- 1 lated from the French by H. Van Laun. 4 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873 1940 Tait's Edinburgh Magazine ; North American Review; Old Newspapers; etc. A bundle. 1941 Taylor, Henry. Philip Van Artevelde. 2 vols, in i. i2mo, half calf. Lond. 1834 1942 Tegner, E. The Frithiof-Saga, translated by W. L. Blackley. Illustrated. 4to. Lond., etc., 1880 1943 Testament (The) of the Twelve Patriarches, the Sonnes of Jacob. Translated out of Greek into Latine by Robert Grosthead . . . now Englished by A. G(old ing). Illustrated. JBluck £ctter. i6mo, calf. Lond. 1606 1944 Thackeray, W. M. The Anglo-American, from Feby., 1846-Jany. , 1847 (not complete). On page 484: " Notes on a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo, by M. A. Titmarsh." 1945 Thackeray, W. M. A Collection of Letters of Thack- eray, 1847-1855. Illustrated. 8vo, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1887 1946 Thackeray, W. M. Thackerayana. Notes and Anec- dotes. Illustrated by nearly 600 sketches by W. M. Thack- eray. Small 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Lond. 1875 1947 Thames (The). Picturesque Views on the Thames, by L. Francia. 4 plates (hand-colored^. Oblong 4to, paper. Lond. 1813 1948 Thames. Views on the Thames, engraved by W. B. and George Cooke. 75 plates. 4to, morocco. Lond. 1822 1949 Thames. The Thames; or. Graphic Illustrations of Seats, Villas, etc., on the Banks of that Noble River. Engravings by W. B. Cooke from original drawings by Saml. Owen. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. i8Tt 1950 Thames. The River Thames, from Source to Sea: Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial. 4to. Cassell &> Co., 1885 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 183 195 1 Thames. The Book of the Thames, from its Rise to its Fall, by Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hall. Illustrated. First Edition. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1859 1952 Thames. Life on the Upper Thames. Illustrated with upwards of 100 wood engravings by W. J. Palmer, from drawings on wood by H. R. Robertson. 4to. Lond. 1875 1953 Thames. The Thames and its Tributaries; or, Rambles among the Rivers, by Charles Mackay. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1840 1954 Thames. The Stream of Pleasure: a Narrative of a Journey on the Thames from Oxford to London, by Jos. and Elizabeth Pennell. Illustrated. Sq. 8vo. Lond. 1891 195s Thames. Sketches of the Works for the Tunnel under the Thames, from Rotherhithe to Wapping. Oblong i2mo, paper. Lond. 1828 1956 Thames. Descriptions of the Views of the Thames. Engraved by W. B. and C. Cooke. (No plates.) 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1822 1957 Thaxter, Celia. Letters of. Portrait. 12 mo, uncut. Best, and N. Y. 1895 1958 Theatrum Illustrata. Graphic and Historical Me- morials of Ancient Playhouses, Modern Theatres . . . in the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster, from the Time of Shakespeare to the Present Period. 4to, half calf. Lond. 1825 1959 Thomas, Edward W. Twenty-five Years' Labour among the Friendless and Fallen. i2mo. Lond. 1879 i960 Thomas, Isaiah. The History of Printing in America. 2 vols. 8vo, shp. Worcester: Isaiah Thomas, Jr.., 1810 " Presented to the Rev. Leverett J. F. Huntington. By his Friend " Isaiah Thomas. 1961 (EllOTnas, torn. The Historie of Italye, a Book exceed- ing profitable to be red, because it interesteth of the astate of many and divers Common Weales, how they have been and now be governed. 4to, Black Cetter, old calf. Thos. Mar she, 1561 This work was condemned to be burnt by the hangman, and the author himself was hung, drawn and quartered at Tyburn for attempt- ing to Murder Queen Mary, as it was quaintly put " on ye suddaine." Autograph of John Evelyn on title-page. 184 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1962 Thoms, Williasi J. {^Editor). A Collection of Early Prose Romances. 3 vols. i2mo, half morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1828 1963 Thomson, James. The Seasons. Plates. Post 8vo. Edinburgh, 1761 1964 Thomson, James. The Seasons. Embellished with en- gravings on wood by Bewick.^ from Thurston s designs. 8vo, old calf. Lond. 1805 1965 Thomson, James. The Seasons, illustrated ; Life, by P. Murdock. 8vo. Lond. 1852 1966 Thomson, James. The City of Dreadful Night, and other Poems. First Edition. i2mo, cloth, uncut. Nice copy, scarce. Lond. 1880 1967 Thorpe, Benjamin. Northern Mythology, comprising the principal popular traditions and superstitions of Scandinavia, North Germany, and the Netherlands. 3 vols. i2mo, half mor., gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1851 1968 Three Elegies on the most lamented Death of Prince Henrie. The First by Cyril Tourneur, the Second by John Webster, the Third by Tho. Heywood. 19 leaves in mourning. Sm. 4to, half calf (rubbed). Lond. 1613 1969 Thugs. Ramaseeana, or a Vocabulary of the peculiar Language used by the Thugs. With Introduction and Appendix descriptive of the System pursued by that Fraternity, and of the Measures adopted by the Gov- ernment of India for its Suppression. By W. H. Slee- man. 8vo, half calf (slightly rubbed). Calcutta, 1836 Curious and scarce. 1970 Timperley, C. H. Dictionary of Printers and Print- ing, writh the Progress of Literature. Bibliographical illustrations, etc. 8vo, boards (broken). Lond. 1839 197 1 Titan: a Monthly Magazine. Vols, i to 3. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond., n. d. 1972 Tofte's (Robert) Honour's Academie: or the famous Pastorall of the faire Shepheardesse Julietta: with divers Comicall and Tragicall Histories, in prose and verse, of all sorts. Folio, neat old calf. Lond. 1610 Mr. Collier, in his Bibliographical Catalogue, says, " Tofte's Hon- our's Academie gives him a claim to be mentioned among the few who endeavoured to introduce classical measures into English." Priced in Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, ^3 los. THE FREDERICICSON LIBRAE Y. 185 1973 Tom a Lincoln. The Most Pleasant History of Tom a Lincoln, that ever Renowned Soldier, the Red Rose Knight, showing his Victories in Foreign Courts, Strange Fortunes in Fairy Land, etc. Quaint woodcut on title. Small 4to, half calf (water-stained). Lond.1668 1974 TOPSELL, E. History of Four-Footed Beasts and Ser- pents: Describing at large their True and Lively Fig- ure, their several Names, Conditions, Kinds, Virtues, etc. Collected out of the Writings of Conrad Gesner, and other Authors. Whereunto is now added, the Theatre of Insects, or lesser living creatures, by T. Muffet. Profusely illustrated with hundreds of curious woodcuts. Thick folio, 1150 pp., calf, neatly rebacked. Lond. 1658 Of great interest to students of Shakespeare for its illustrations of the peculiar contemporary ideas about matters of Natural History. Rarely found perfect and in good condition as the above copy. 1975 Tower Menagerie (The) : comprising the Natural His- tory of the Animals contained in that Establishment. Wood engravings after Harvey. Original Edition. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1829 1976 Tracts. Britannia Romana; or, Roman Antiquities in Britain, Lond. 1724; Massachusettensis, or a Series of Letters containing a faithful state of many impor- tant and striking facts which laid the foundation of the present trouble in the Province of the Massachu- setts Bay (title lacking) ; Geographical History of Nova Scotia, Lond. 1749. i vol. i2mo, half boards. 1977 Traditional Tunes. A Collection of Ballad Airs, chiefly obtained in Yorkshire and the South of Scot- land, etc. Edited by Frank Kidson. 8vo, half mo- rocco. Oxford, 1891 1978 Treasure House Tales by Great Authors. Beacons- field, Douglas Jerrold. Edited by J. L. Robertson. Portraits. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half Vellum, uncut. Lond. 1891 1979 (Trelawny, Edward J.) Adventures of a Younger Son. First Edition. 3 vols. i2mo, half calf. Lond. 1831 186 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 1980 (Trelawny, E. J.) Adventures of a Younger Son. 2 vols. i2mo. N. Y. 1832 1981 (Trelawny, E. J.) Adventures of a Younger Son. Complete in one volume. i2mo, half mor. Lond.1846 1982 Trelawny, E. J. Adventures of a Younger Son. Edited by E. Garnett. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1890 1983 TRiSTRAii, W. O. Coaching Days and Coaching Ways. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1893 1984 TucKERMAN, Henry T. Thoughts on the Poets. 12 mo. N. Y. and Bost. 1846 1985 TucKERMAN, Henry T. Thoughts on the Poets. New edition. i2mo. N. Y. 1863 1986 Tuckerman, Henry T. Italian Sketch Book. Frontis- piece (water-stained). Second Edition. i2mo. Bost. 1837 1987 Tuckerman, Henry T. The Italian Sketch Book. Frontispiece. Third Edition. i2mo. N. Y. 1848 1988 Tuckerman, Henry T. Poems. First Edition. lamo. Bost. 1851 1989 Tuckerman. Henry T. A Month in England. First Edition. i2mo. Lond. 1854 1990 Tuckerman, Henry T. The Criterion; or The Test of Talks about Familiar Things. i2mo. N. Y. 1866 1991 Tupper, Martin Farquhar. Proverbial Philosophy. First Edition. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1838 1992 Tasser, Thomas. Five Hundred Pointes of Good Hus- bandrie. Small 410, old calf. Lond. 1580 Most of the leaves repaired. 1993 Tyndale, William. The Prophete Jonas. Reproduced in fac-simile. i2mo, half morocco, uncut. Lond. 1863 1994 T TNITED STATES Literary Gazette (The), Vol. LJ 1, April, 1824, to April, 1825. 4to, half calf. Bost. 1825 Contains First Editions of poems by H. W. Longfellow, R. W. Emerson, H. C. Bryant, etc. 1995 Utterson's (E. V.) Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry, republished principally from early Printed Copies in the Bldck £etter. 2 vols, small 8vo, half mo- rocco, uncut, top edges gilt. Lond. 1817 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 187 1996 -l 7AUGHAN, W. The Golden Grove. (The greater V portion of the first edition, comprising 352 pages, commencing with Di.) i2mo. (1600) 1997 Venn, H. The Complete Duty of Man. (Water-stained ) 8vo, sheep. Worcester, 1804 1998 (Verstegan, R.) A Restitution of Deca5'ed Intelligence, concerning the most noble and renowned English Nation. Copper-plates. Small 4to, old calf. Lond. 1634 1999 ViCARY, J. FuLFORD. Saga Time. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1887 2000 VoLNEY, C. F. Ruins of Empires; Lectures on History. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth and paper. 2001 "\ 1l T'AGNER and McDowall. Asgard and the Gods. V V Third Edition. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1884 2002 Walker, Thomas. The Original. First Edition. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1837 Barry Cornwall's autograph on fly-leaf. 2003 Wallace, H. B. Literary Criticisms and other Papers. i2mo. Phil. 1856 2004 Walters, J. Cuming. Tennyson: Poet, Philosopher, Idealist. Portrait. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1893 2005 Walton and Cotton's Complete Angler. Illustrated. i2mo. N. Y. 1848 2006 Ward, Adolphus W. History of English Dramatic Literature to the Death of Queen Anne. 2 vols. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1875 2007 Ward, Thomas H. {Editor). The English Poets: Ben Jonson to Rossetti. 4 vols. i2mo, uncut. Lond. 1880 2008 toarner, tOm. !^lbion's QEnglanb, a continuing His- torie of the same Countrey and Kingdome from the originals of the first inhabitants of the same, with the chief alterations and accidents therein happening, until her nowe Majesties moste blessed raigne, with intermixture of Histories and Inventions performed in Verse. Slack Ccttcr. 4to, calf. A poor copy, lacking- first title, nearly all the leaves repaired. Second title is dated 1589. 2009 Warton, Thomas. The Hamlet: an Ode. Illustrated by Birket Foster. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. 1876 188 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 2010 Warton Club Publications, Nos. i to 4; History of Fulk FitzWarine; Songs and Carols; Early English Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse; Latin Themes of Mary Stuart. 4 vols. 8vo, paper, uncut. Lond. 1855 201 1 Washington. A Versification of President Washing- ton's Excellent Farewell-Address, to the citizens of the United States. By a Gentleman of Portsmouth, N. H. 8vo, paper, uncut. Portsmouth, 1798 2012 Washington. The Equestrian Statue of Washington. Plate. i2mo. N. Y. 1864 2013 Washington. The Washington Numbers of the Maga- zine of American History. Illustrated. February, 1879 and 1888. 2 Nos. 4to, paper. 2014 Watson, William. Wordsworth's Grave and other Poems. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, half vellum, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1890 2015 Watson, William. Lachryme Musarum and other Poems. i2mo, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1892 2016 Watson, William. Lyric Love: an Anthology. Post 8vo, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1892 2017 Watson, William. The Eloping Angels. Small 4to, Large Paper, vellum. Lond. 1893 Printed on vellum y 75 copies printed. 2018 Watson, William. The Eloping Angels. Small 4to, Large Paper, uncut. Lond. 1893 250 copies printed. 2019 Watson, William. The Eloping Angels. Small 4to, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1893 2020 Watts, Mrs. Alaric {Editor'). The Juvenile Poetical Library. Illustrated. Post 8vo. Lond. 1839 2021 Weavers' Pageant. The Presentation in the Temple, a Pageant as originally represented by the Corpora- tion of Weavers in Coventry. Now first printed, etc. 4to. Edinburgh, 1836 2022 Webster, John. The Works of, with Notes, etc., by Alex. Dyce. 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1857 2023 Webster, Noah. Pictorial Elementary Spelling Book; The Little One's Ladder. 2 vols. i2mo, boards. N. Y. 1848 and '58 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 189 2024 Welsh, Charles. A Bookseller of the Last Century, being some Account of the Life of John Newberry, etc. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1885 2025 Welwod, William. An Abridgment of all Sea-Lawes, Gathered forth of all Writings and Monuments, etc. Small 4to (no cover). Lond. 1613 2026 Watson, William. Excursions in Criticism. Crown 8vo, gilt top, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1893 2027 Watson, William. The Prince's Quest, and other Poems. Post Svo, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1893 2028 Watson, William. The Father of the Forest, and other Poems. Portrait. Post 8vo, gilt top, uncut. Lond. and Chicago, 1895 2029 Waugh, Edwin. The Limping Pilgrim ; Irish Sketches and Miscellanies; Lancaster Sketches; Poems and Songs; Tufts of Heather; Factory Folks; The Chim- ney Corner; Rambles in the Lake Country; Besom Ben Stories. Illustrated. 11 vols. i2mo, uncut. Manchester, etc., v. d. 2030 Wheatley, Henry B. The Dedication of Books. Post Svo, uncut. Lond. 1887 2031 Wheatley and Cunningham. London, Past and Present. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1891 2032 Whetstone, George. Metrical Life of George Gas- coigne. (Edited, from the very scarce edition of 1577, by F. Fry.) Small 4to, half cloth, uncut. Bristol, 1815 Only 100 copies printed. 2033 Whipple, Edwin P Essays and Reviews. 2 vols. i2mo. Bost. 1878 2034 Whitney's Choice of Emblems. A fac-simile reprint. Edited by Henry Green. 4to, half morocco. Lond. 1866 2035 Whittier, John G. Snow Bound. With designs by E. H. Garrett. Post Svo, white cloth, top edge blue. Bost. and N. Y. 1892 2036 WiGGS, George. Telegraphic Cipher, 1875. lamo, half roan. 1 90 TIl£: FREDERICKSON LIB EAR V. 2037 Willis, N. P. Pencillings by the Way. First Edi- tion. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1835 2038 Wilson, John. Noctes Ambrosianje. Edited by R. S. Mackenzie. Portrait. 5 vols, crown Svo. N. Y. 1870 2039 Wilson, Joseph. Memorabilia Cantabrigiae; or, An Account of the Different Colleges in Cambridge. Illustrated. Crown Svo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1803 2040 Winser, Henry J. The Great Northwest. Illustrated. i2mo. N. Y. 1883 2041 Winter, William. Life and Art of Edwin Booth. Illustrated. i2mo, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. and Lond. 1893 2042 Wit's Secretary; or. The Lover's Magazine: an Ac- curate and Most Complete Academy of Wit and Mirth, Songs, Catches, Ballads, etc. : an Exceedingly Curious Chap Book. With woodcuts. i6mo, russia. Lond. : Printed for Daniel Fratt, n. d. 2043 Witt's Academy: a Treasurie of Golden Sentences, Similes and Examples, by (Francis Meres). i6mo, old sheep. Lond. 1636 2044 Wodroephe, John. The Marrow of the French Tongue. Second Edition. Folio, old calf. Lond. 1625 2045 WoLSEY. Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinall. Divided into three parts: His Aspiring, Triumph, and Death, by Thomas Storer (water-stained, title-page and last two leaves repaired, last leaf mutilated), Lond. 1599; The Negotiations of Thomas Wolsey, the Great Cardinall of England, containing his Life and Death, etc., curious portrait (1641); A True Description, or Rather a Parallel between Cardinall Wolsey . . and William Laud, etc., 1641. i vol. 8vo, half morocco. 2046 Wolsey. Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, etc., by Thomas Storer. 8vo, half cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1826 2047 Wood Engraving. Chatto, W. A. History and Art of Wood Engraving. Illustrated. 4to (loose). Lond. 1848 2048 Wood Engraving. Jackson and Chatto. Treatise on Wood Engraving. Upwards of joo illustrations. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1839 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 191 2049 Wood Engraving. Jackson and Chatto's Treatise, etc. Upwards of joo illustratio?is. Second Edition. Royal 8vo. Lond. 1841 2050 Wood Engraving. Linton, W. J. History of Wood- Engraving in America. (Some plates missing.) 4to. Bost. 1882 2051 Wood Engraving. Linton, W. J. A Manual of In- struction. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1884 2052 Wood Engraving. Polytechnic Journal: New Sport- ing Magazine. Odd Nos. With nu7nerous woodcuts in- serted. i vol. 8vo, half morocco. 2053 Wood Engraving. Woodberry, George E. History of Wood-Engraving. Illustrated. 8vo. N. Y. 1883 2054 Wood Engraving. Cuttings from English Magazines and Newspapers. A lot. 2055 Woodberry, George E. The North Shore Watch and other Poems; Studies in Life and Letters. 2 vols. i2mo. Bost. and N. Y. 1890 2056 Wordsworth, William. Lyrical Ballads, with other Poems. From the Second London Edition. 2 vols. i2mo, original calf. Phil.: James Humphreys., 1802 The extremely rare first American edition, with an interesting ad- vertisement of the publisher, explaining the delay in publication, etc. Contains first American edition of Coleridge's "Ancient Mariner." Thick paper copy. Name cut off title-pages. 2057 Wordsworth, William. Lyrical Ballads, etc. Another copy (thin paper). 2 vols, in i. i2mo, sheep. Phil. 1802 2058 Wordsworth, William. Memoirs of, by January Searle (G. S. Phillips). Portrait. i2mo. Lond. 1852 2058^ Wordsworth, William. Do. Another copy (lacking the portrait). i2mo. 1852 2059 World (The) as It Moves: a Weekly Magazine. Vol. i. N. Y. 1849. Contains original Poems by Ross, Wal- lace, Gen. Nath. Woodhull, etc. (Pages 353 to 361 lacking.) 2060 Worsaae, J. J. A. The Primeval Antiquities of Den- mark. Translated by W. J. Thomas. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1849 103 THE FREDEKICR'SON LIBRARY. 2061 WoRSAAE, J. J. A. An Account of the Danes and Nor- wegians in England, Scotland and Ireland. Illustrated. Crown 8vo. Lend. 1852 2062 WoRTHiNGTON, T. LocKE. The Dwellings of the Poor and Weekly Wage Earners. i2mo. Lond and N.Y. 1893 2063 WoTTON, Henry. Reliquiae Wottoninae; or, A Collec- tion of Lives, Letters, Poems, with Characters of Sun- dry Personages, and other incomparable pieces of Language and Art. Fourth Edition. i2mo, polished calf, by Clarke & Bedford. Lond. 1685 Thomas Gray's copy, with his autograph on the title-page. 2064 WoTTON, Mabel E. {Editor). Word Portraits of Fa- mous Writers. Crown 8vo, uncut. Lond. 1887 2065 Wright, Frances. Altorf: a Tragedy, first represented in the Theatre of New York, February 19, 18 19. "From the Authoress," with Epilogue., in her handwriting. lamo, uncut. Phil. 1819 2066 Wright, Frances. Course of Popular Lectures, etc. Post 8vo. Lond., n. d. 2067 Wright, G. N. Tours in Ireland; or, Guides to the Lakes of Killarney; the County of Wicklow; and the Giant's Causeway. Maps aud plates. 8vo, boards, un- cut. Lond. 1823 2068 Wright, Thomas. History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1862 2o69\/ ARRELL, William. History of British Fishes, I illustrated, with the Supplements, 4 vols. ; History of British Birds, illustrated, with the Supplements, 5 vols. Together 9 vols. 8vo, 7 in cloth, 2 in paper. Lond. 1836-46 2070 Yarrell, William. History of British Fishes. Illus- trated. Second Edition. With Supplement. 2 vols. 8vo. 1841 2071 Yarrell, William. History of British Fishes and Birds. Illustrated. Second Edition. 5 vols. 8vo, pol- ished calf, gilt edges. Lond. 1841-45 Autograph letters of the author laid in. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 193 2072 Yahoo (The). A Satirical Rhapsody. i2mo, paper. N. Y. 1855 2073 Young, Edward. The Complaint ; or, Night Thoughts. Portrait. Post 8vo, old calf. Lond. 1807 W. M. Thackeray's copy. On the fly-leaf he has written, "The property of W. M. Thackeray.'' The following lines (never pub- lished) are attributed to Mr. Young, and there is good reason to believe that he really did compose them. — W. M. T. A poem of 18 lines in the handwriting of Thackeray follows. There are also notes on pp. i, 2, 9 and 15 of the Memoir. 2074 Young, Joseph. Lyrics; Fjelda, the Great Bridge; etc. i2mo. N. Y. and Lond. 1889 2075 Young, William. The History of Dulwich College, down to the passing of the Act of Parliament dissolv- ing the original corporation, 28 August, 1857, with a Life of the Founder, Edward AUeyn, etc. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 4to, half cloth, uncut. Lond. 1898 CURIOSITIES. 2076 Piece of Wood from Shakespeare's House; Piece of the Stairs leading to the Room in which Shakespeare was Born; Stones from Stratford-on-Avon. 4 pieces. 2077 Piece of the Floor of the Amphitheatre, Pompeii; Plaster from Pompeii; Piece of Stone from Ruins of Solomon's Temple. 3 pieces. 2078 Rivetheads from the Ship Resolute. 4 pieces. 2079 Small piece of a Limb of the Charter Oak, Hartford, Conn. 2080 Piece of Brick from Mt. Vernon, Home of Washing- ton. 2081 Button from the Uniform Coat of John Paul Jones, with Chain made from hair taken from Paul Jones' head. 2082 Piece of the Door Frame from the Dining-Room Occupied by Gen. Washington while quartered at Tappan Town. 2083 Piece of Gen. Washington's Saddle Cloak. 2084 Piece of the Tree where Robert Burns met " High- land Mary." 194 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRAR Y. 2085 Earth from the Grave of Washington Irving. " A portion o£ the first shovel full of earth that fell on the coffin of Washington Irving. Taken by me. — C. W. F. , 1859." 2086 Wreck of the Royal George. A Narrative of the Loss of the Royal George. Frontispiece. 3 2 mo. Portsea, 1841 Cover formed from vifood which once formed part of the ship. 2087 Piece of the Central Park Obelisk. 2088 Electrotype and Wood Block Portrait of Edwin Forrest, with the motto, "I Bide My Time." 2 pieces. 2089 Confederate $100 Bond, dated Montgomery, May ist, 1861. Some coupons detached. Twenty, Ten and Five Dollar Bills, dated Richmond, Feby. 17, 1864. Interesting Autograph Letter from Charles C. Jones, Jr., relating to the Bond, etc. 4 pieces. 2ogo Grotesque Head, carved on marble. 2091 Scrap Books. Orden's Double Index. Folio, canvas, russia corners. (3) 2092 Blank Book. Blue paper (some pages torn out). Folio, sheep. PORTRAITS AND ENGRAVINGS. 2093 Byron (Lord). Portrait from an original picture by T. Mascot, painted at Geneva, engraved by W. Say. Folio, proof. Extremely Rare. 2094 Byron (Lord). Proof Portrait, painted by T. Holmes, engraved by H. T. Ryal, 1835. Folio. Rai-e. 2095 Byron (Lord). India Proof Portrait by Westall, en- graved by Robt. Grave. Folio. Rare. 2096 Byron (Lord). Proof Portrait (before all letters), in sepia. Folio. Rare. Royal 4to. 2097 Byron (Lord), Proof Portrait by Scriven, 1820, on India. Very rare. 2098 Byron (Lord). India Proof Portrait, full length, from a sketch by Count D'Orsay, 1823; India Proof Por- trait after his daily ride (silhouette). Folio. (2) THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. I95 2099 Byron (Lord). Portraits {13). No duplicates. 8vo. Fine lot. Includes the death-bed scene. 2100 Byron (Lord). Portraits, by D'Orsay, Holl, Meyer, etc. (7) 2101 Byron (Lord). India Proof Portraits, by Lacour, D'Orsay, Finden, etc. Fine and rare. 4to. (5) 2:02 Byron (Lord). Portraits, by Finden, Collas, Free- man, etc. 4to. (7) 2103 Byron (Lord). Portraits by Dick, Finden (2), Wil- more, etc. (2 India proofs). (7) 2104 Byron. John (Lord). Portraits, Proof Before Letters. India proof, etc. 4to and 8vo. Rare. (3) Lord Byron's grandfather. 2105 Byron. Portraits Lady Byron (2), Ada Byron's daugh- ter (2), Countess Guiccioli (2), Marguerita, etc. All different impressions, some india proofs. Folio and 4to. (7) 2106 Byron. Portraits of Lady Blessington, Lady Byron, Ada (3), Countess Guiccioli (3). Some india proofs. (") 2107 Byron. Name and date cut by Byron at Harrow School (2), original water-color drawing of House in which Byron died, colored Engraving of Lord Byron's House at Missolonghi, etc. (6) 2To8 Byron. Portrait painted by I. Phillips, engraved by Lupton, 1824. India Proof. Rare. Folio. 2109 Byron. Portrait painted by J. West, engraved by C. Turner. Splendid Proof before Letters. 1826. Rare. Folio. 2110 Byron. India Proof Views of Newstead Abbey, the Residence of Lord Byron. No duplicates. 4to. (10) 21 1 1 Byron. Harrow School and View of Harrow, Venice, Nantes, Milan Cathedral, etc. All india proofs, no duplicates. Royal 8vo and 8vo. (15) 2 1 12 Byron. Views of Newstead Abbey, Missolonghi, Har- row, Diodati, all residences of Lord Byron; Hucknall Church, Burial Place of Lord Byron; etc., etc. Fine collection, no duplicates. 8vo and royal 8vo. (30) 196 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 2113 Byron. View from the Fir Trees Hampstead Heath looking towards Harrow, Newstead Abbey, Grand Canal at Venice, etc. (13) 2 1 14 Engravings by De Wint. 23 India Proof Impressions. Photo-Aquatints labeled by Mr. Frederickson " Gray Engravings." (23) 2 1 15 Engravings to Gray's Elegy, with Text by Norman Davies, tinted, royal 8vo ; Portrait of Gray ; etc. (1 lot.) 2n6 Gray, Thomas. Portraits of, by Mason, Muller, Cooper, Heath, etc. 4to. (7) 21 r7 Gray, Thomas. Portraits. Fine and unusual collec- tion. No duplicates. (24) 21 18 Gray, Thomas. Portraits of, by Englehart, Mason, Muller, Pollard, etc. 4to, etc. (10) 2119 Gray, Thomas. Portrait at the age of 15, drawn by H. Corbould, engraved by J. Hopwood, from an orig- inal painting by Richardson. 4to. Rare. 2120 Gray, Thomas. Portraits of, from a drawing by Mr. . Mason (2) (Gray's Friend), commended by Walpole; 2 portraits of Mason. 4to. Rare. (4) 212 1 Gray, Thomas. Views of Stoke Pogis Church; Gray's Tomb; etc. (13) 2122 Gray, Thomas. Gray's Tomb (i colored); Stoke Pogis Church; etc. No duplicates. (8) 2123 Gray, Thomas. Original Water Color Drawing of Gray's Tomb; Drawing of Gray's House at Stoke and Gray's Monument, with rose plucked near the monu- ment, by W. W. Sabin. (3) 2124 Gray, Thomas. Colored View of Stoke Pogis Church; Gray's Tomb, Stoke Pogis; etc. (6) 2125 Gray, Thomas. Autograph of Gray on Old Title-page; Stoke Pogis Church; Map of Buckinghamshire; Col- ored View of Stoke Pogis Church, and Scraps about Gray, etc. i lot. 2126 Irving, Washington. Portraits by Burney Danforth, and Photo by Rockwood. One on Japan paper. (3) 2127 Cushman, Charlotte. Proof Portrait at Desk; "Lea Hurst," Home of Florence Nightingale (photo). (2) THE FREDE RICK SON LIBRA RY. 197 2128 Godwin, William. Portrait, original Drawing; with Autograph of Godwin, March, 1833, and original Drawing of his Tomb. {2) 2129 Scott, Sir Walter. Portraits (i original drawing). 4to. Good lot. (5) 2130 Lord Eldon. Portrait by Picart, hand-colored, fine, with a MS. order in Bankruptcy, signed Eldon, C. As one. 2131 Edmund Spenser; Sir Philip Sidney, by Vertue; Lord Godolphin, by Wm. Woollett. (3) 2132 Thomas Moore. Portraits, one by W. H. Watt; one proof, with title-page Vignette. (2) 2133 Shelley. Portraits. All different. (20) 2134 Shelley. Portraits, including some duplicates. (18) 2135 Shelley. Illustrations: Etchings, Engravings, Wood- cuts; one pencil drawing of his grave slab. (36) 2136 William Godwin; Mrs. Godwin; Mrs. Shelley; Mrs. Wollstonecraft ; Mary WoUstonecraft. (9) 3137 Thomas Love Peacock; E. J. Trelawny; T. J. Hogg; Beatrice Cenci (2 photographs); Odysseum ; etc. (10) 2138 John Keats. Portraits. All fine. (5) 2139 Leigh Hunt. Portraits. (6) 2140 Lamb. Sketched Portrait by Brook Pulham, and two pen and ink sketches on satin ; The Inner Temple by C. A. Piatt; Roast Pig by F. S. Church. (3) 2141 Hobhouse; Moore; Warren Hastings; Col. Wildman (friend of Byron); James Watt; Coleridge; Goethe; Campbell ; Rogers ; Lord Eldon ; Miss Mitford ; etc. (40) 2142 Portrait. E. A. Duyckinck, C. W. Frederickson, John R. Bartlett, Freeman Hunt, D. G. Mitchell, Bayard Taylor, etc. (13) 2143 Portrait. Bryant, Sprague, Willis, Halleck, Morris, Wetmore, Mrs. Sedgwick (from the N. Y. Mirror). 4to. (8) 2144 Portrait. Bryant, Sprague, Halleck, Willis, Morris, Mrs. Sedgwick (from the Mirror). 4to. (6) 2145 Portrait. Henry W. Longfellow, by Charles Burt. Signed proof. 198 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 2146 Portrait. J. G. Saxe, Thos. Jefferson, Geo. Washing- ton. (3) 2147 Portrait. Thorvaldsen. Lithograph folio. 2148 Portrait. Miss O'Neil as Isabella, by Boaden. Proof on india paper. 2149 Portrait. T. H. Morrell as Richelieu, with Play Bill; John Gilbert, the actor's, Monument; Play Bills Drury Lane Theatre, Oct. 26, 1815, and Feb. 15, i8i6. (6) 2150 ViEwsof Drury Lane Theatre, 1793 and 1812. i2mo. (3) 2151 Shakespeare. A Collection of Engravings, Portraits, Views, etc., to illustrate Shakespeare. Steel engrav- ings and woodcuts. A lot. 2152 Turner. Water Color, a landscape endorsed on the back. Turner's Sketch Book, Col. Johnson's Collec- tion. 2153 Turner. Water Color. A Chateau. Lausanne. 2154 Water Color. A Landscape. 2155 Death of the Duke of Brunswick at the Battle of Wa- terloo. Colored. 2156 The Canterbury Pilgrimage, by Stothard. Small 4to. 2157 Coronation of Napoleon at Notre Dame (from the London Magazine. Description cut into). 2158 Miscellaneous. Views, Etchings, etc. 38 pieces 2159 Miscellaneous. Views, etc. 35 pieces 2160 Miscellaneous. 23 pieces 2161 Drawing the Cork. Proof. 2162 Photograph of St. Patrick's Cathedral in (1869). 2163 Woodcuts. Clippings from the Graphic and other papers. A lot. 2164 Map. District of St. Francis, Canada East, /Ki5/M//i?^^jc Putnam 6^ Gray, 18^3. Mounted on linen, on roller. 2165 Map. Washington County, New York. By D. H. Burr, Ithaca, 1839. On roller. 2166 Map. Nova Scotia, 1768. Plan of the Isle of St. John, 1775. (3) 2167 Map. Denver City, Eastern Kansas, Sangre de Cristo Grant, Colorado, etc. 2168 Map. The Sommer Islands. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 199 FRAMED PICTURES. 2169 Oil Painting. Landscape, with Shepherd and Sheep, and Bridge. Black walnut frame. 2170 Oil Painting. Stoke Pogis Church — from a sketch taken by W. W. S. Gilt frame. 2171 Oil Painting. Woman with a Hand-Mirror, by Hofer, 1859. Gilt frame. 2172 Oil Painting. Woodpeckers. Without frame. 2173 Photograph. A very large view of The Coliseum — photograph about five feet long. Gilt frame, worn. 2174 Water-Color. The Catskills and Saugerties Lake, signed T. Doughty, 1847. Black walnut frame. There is a tear in the paper about four inches long, but no serious damage. 2175 Water Color. Female Head. Black wood frame. 2176 Pencil Drawing. Female Figure, the hair colored. Wood frame. 2177 Pencil Drawing. A Head. Wood frame. 2178 Water Color. Two Donkeys' Heads. Gilt frame (2) 2179 Water Color. The Driver's Feet and his Team. Gilt frame. 2180 Engraving. The Hermitage of Warkarth; Edwin and Angelina — figures by Pollard, landscapes by Peltrio. Gilt frame. (2) 2 181 Engraving. Portraits of John Bright and Richard Cobden. Black walnut frames. (2) 2182 Engraving. Washington, General. Very fine full- length Portrait, engraved in line by Heath from the orig- inal Picture, painted by Stuart in 1797, in Lord Lans- downe's Collection; 13 inches wide, 2 1-|- inches high, including the inscription. Rare. Published in 1800. 2183 Photograph. Portrait of the Painter, C. L. Elliot. Black walnut frame. Presented to Mr. Frederickson by C. L. Elliot. 2184 Lithograph. Portrait of Shelley. P. Kramer. G. Kirchner & Co., N. Y. Gilt and velvet frame, glass broken. 2185 Photograph. Roma-Cemeterio del Protestanti, tombe. Trelay e Shelley. Wood engraving. 2186 Lithograph. Stoke Pogis Church, by Douglas Mori- son, from his original drawing. Wood frame. 200 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. Autograph Letters AND Manuscripts. Abbreviations ; A. L. S., Autograph Letter Signed ; L. S., Letter Signed; MSS., Manuscript; 8vo, octavo ; 4to, quarto, etc., etc.; 2 pp., two pages, etc. 2x88 Audubon, John J. Famous ornithologist. A. L. S. 4to. 1830. "I have agreed to deliver each number of my worlc on ' The Birds of America' for ten dollars.'' 2189 Barton, Bernard. The Quaker poet. A. L. S., 4to, 1824, and A. L. S., 4 pp., 4to, 1822 — the latter signed ■with initials, but a fine literary letter. (2) 2190 Bayly, Thomas Haynes, Poet. Autograph poem. 4 pp. 4to. Signed : "Friar Lawrence and Juliet." Portrait. 2191 Bewick, Thomas. Engraver on wood. A. L. S. 4to. Mentions his " History of Quadrupeds." Rare. 2192 Bourne, Vincent, Poet, D. S., foL, 1727; Sir David Wilkie, artist, A. L. S., 8vo, 1831; " Crabb " Robin- son, diarist, A. L. , 3rd p., 8vo ; John Murray, pub- lisher, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 183s; A. Dyce, Shak- sperean scholar, A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo; Robert Mont- gomery, poet, A. L. S. , 3 pp. 8vo. Portrait. (6) 2193 Bragg, Braxton. Lieut.-Gen. C. S. A. A. L. S. 4to. Murfreesboro, 1862. " Fine war letter to Jeffer- son Davis." 2194 Bryant, William Cullen. Poet. Auto. MSS. 2 pp. 4to. Signed of his poem "The Death of the Flowers." With A. L. S., 8vo, 1872, presenting it. " The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year. Of wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and sere. Heaped in the hollows of the grove, the withered leaves lie dead ; They rustle to the eddying gust and to the rabbit's tread. The robin and the wren are flown and from the shrubs the jay, And from the wood top calls the crow, through all the gloomy day." Etc. Etc. Etc. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 201 219s Bryant, William CuLLEN. Poet, A. L. S. 8vo. 1872. 2196 Burns, Robert. The great Scotch poet. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Edinburgh, 1787. "To Mr. James Hoy, Gordon Castle." " I wish my Lord Duke would pay a proper attention to the Chris- tian admonition, ' Hide not your candle under a bushel,' but 'let you- light shine before men.' I could name half a dozen Dukes that I guess are a.devilish deal worse employed; nay, I question if there are a half a dozen better: perhaps there are not half that scanty num- ber whom Heaven has favoured with the tuneful, happy, and I will say glorious, gift," etc. 2197 Burns, Robert. A. L. S. 3 pp. fol. Signed: "John Barleycorn." Endorsed: " Petition of the Scotch Dis- tillers to Mr. Pitt." " If fame say true, and if omens be not very much mistaken, you are about to make your exit from that world where the sun of glad- ness gilds the path of prosperous men — permit us, great sir, with the sympathy of fellow feeling to hail your passage to your realms of ruin. . . . In a certain great Assembly of which you are a dis tiuguished member, panegyrics on your private virtues have so often wounded your delicacy, that we shall not distress you with anything on the subject. There is however one part of your public conduct which our feelings will not permit us to pass in silence ; our gratitude must trespass on your modesty ; we mean, worthy sir, your whole behaviour to the Scots Distillers. In evil hours when obtrusive recol- lection presses bitterly on the sense, let that, sir, come like a healing angel, and speak the peace to your soul which the world can neither give nor take away.'' 2198 Burns, Robert, A. L., 3d p., 4to (1787); together with A. L. S. of William Dunbar, 4to, 1787, introducing Burns to William Inglis. Portrait. 2199 Burns, Robert. A. L. 2 pp. fol. (1790). Draft of a letter introducing William Duncan to Mr. Crawford Tate. " I am the worst hand in the world at asking a favor. That indi- rect address, that insinuating implication which without any positive request, plainly expresses your wish, is not a talent to be acquired at a ploughtail. Tell me, for you can, in what periphrasis of language, in what circumvolution of phrase, I shall envelop yet not conceal this plain story. . . But why be a niggard of that which bestows bliss on fellow creatures, yet takes nothing from their own means of enjoyment. We wrap ourselves up in the cloak of our own better fortune, and turn away our eyes lest the wants and woes of our brother mortals should disturb the selfish apathy of our souls." 202 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE V. 2200 Byron, Lord George Gordon. Famous poet. A.L.S. 4to. Pisa, July 14, 1822. To Capt. Robert, offering the use of his yacht Bolivar to search for Shelley's body. Portrait. — Also A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. 1822. Byron to Shelley. Probably a forgery. 2201 Byron, Lord. Copia del Rapporto a sua Eccellenza il Signor Governator di Pisa sopra I'accaduto al Nobile Lord Noel Byron ed altri, &c. il Giorno 24 Marzo,i822. 4 pp. folio. The signatures of himself, of Shelley, Trelawny and Capt. Hay are filled in by Lord Byron to their joint statement; and under the counter one of Taaffe he has written " signed John Taaffe. " The fol- lowing note is also appended in Byron's autograph: " Nota bene. — This deposition of Mr. John Taaffe, who began the quarrel, and then tried to back out of it for fear of the Pisans, hath acquired for the said John Taaffe the name and designation of Fah- taafe. He hath since recanted a part of his said statement to the English Minister, and now admits that he did think himself af- fronted," etc. 2202 BvRON, Lord. A.L.S. 3 pp. 4to. Albany, 1814. The signature has been cut from the body of the letter, but a postscript is signed. Regarding the hiring of a house at Hastings. " Let my bedroom be some way from the nursery, or children's apartments, and let the women be near together and as far from me as possible." 2203 Byron, Lord. A. L. 3 pp. 4to. 1814. Signature cut out. " Cowell is and always was a fine fellow. I don't like anybody much, — but him as well as most. Of course I except all my old friends, from this moping sway of Cynicism. . . . You will like Augusta much. She is as shy as an antelope, but the best hearted gentle inoffensive being in the world. And one of the children is a beauty, and the rest fine, but damnable squallers." 2204 Byron, Lord. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo. 1815. To Leigh Hunt, transmitting his poem on Napoleon. " I send you a scrawl in rhyme which if you use it, I would wish to be inserted anonymously. It certainly does not contain your political sentiments, nor indeed my own altogether, — but I have endeavoured to adapt them to the person speaking or singing.'' With original printed copy of poem. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 203 2205 Byron, Lord. A.L.S. 410. Ravenna, 1820. Signed with initials. To his publisher, John Murray, with corrections of the MSS. of Marino Faliero. With seal. ' ' And the hour hastens. Angidina : Remember what you were. Doge ; It was in vain Joy's recollection is no longer joy And (or while) sorrows memory is a sorrow still. Angidina : At least, — whate'er may urge, — let me implore That you will take some little pause of rest." 2206 Byron, Lord. A. L. 2^ pp. 4to, signed " B.," and i p., containing frank, dated Cheltenham, August thirty-first, 1812. " Mr. Claughton must keep to the contract. I have already com- plimented him with a cup, which I valued very highly and this must content him. Amongst the plate there is a vase of silver, worth nearly three hundred guineas, with which and my sabres, etc., I would not part with to please a Caliph,'' etc. 2207 Byron, Lord. A. L. 2 pp. 4to. Ravenna, 1820. To his publisher, Murray, in regard to corrections in Don Juan. " This injured Queen by chroniclers so coarse Has been accused, I doubt not by conspiracy Of an improper friendship for her horse; Love like Religion sometimes runs to heresy. This incestuous tale had probably its source. For such exaggeration here and there I see In an erratum of her horse for courier I wish the case could come before a jury here.'' 2208 Byron, Lord. A. L. S. 4 pp. 4to. Geneva, 1823. Signed " N. B." " You will- perhaps wonder at this recent and furious fit of ac- cumulation and retrenchment — but — it is not so unnatural. I am not naturally ostentatious, — although once careless and expensive be- cause careless, — and my most extravagant passions have pretty well subsided, — as it is true they should on the very verge of thirty-five. I always looked to about thirty as the barrier of any real or fierce de- light in the passions, — and determined to work now out in the younger ore and better veins of the mine, and I flatter myself (per- haps) that I have pretty well done so. . . . I should like (God willing) to leave something to my relatives more than a mere name." 204 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 2209 Byron, Lord. MS. Poern. 4to. To Mrs. M. C. " When man expelled from Eden's bowers, A moment lingered near the gate, Each scene recalled the vanished hours, And bade him curse his future fate.'' Etc. Etc. Etc. 2210 Byron, Lord. A. L. S. 8vo. 1823. " The officers of the S v. have already fed me into such a plethora with good cheers — that I am undergoing a species of Lent necessary to prepare me for shorter commons in the Mores, — whenever I may be called there." 2211 Byron, Lord. A. L. S. 4to, 8vo. 882 James Street, 1811. " Dine with me on Saturday next and meet Rogers, Campbell and Moore, whom I have just left." 2212 Byron, Lord. A. L. S. 3pp. 8vo. Albano, Novem- ber 7, 1822. " I found out that an unknown gentleman, for want of a better, had taken my not very ornamental name upon him, and had actually been here and elsewhere — before me — in a character which I hope was of more use to him than ever it has been to me. I don't like to think of old times — so many changes have taken place — death — -and marriage, — and other things which are neither death nor marriage, — but make a great change nevertheless." 2213 Byron, Lord. A. L. S. 4 pp. 4to. Genoa, Mch. 17, 1823. "N. B." To J. Hunt. " Every publication of mine has latterly failed. — I am not discour- aged by this — because writing and compositions — are habits of my mind — with which success or publication are objects of remoter refer- ence, — not causes, — but effects, — hke those of any other pursuit. I have had enough both of praise and abuse to deprive them of their novelty — but I continue to compose, — for the same reason that I ride, or read or bathe, — or travel, — it is a habit. 2214 Byron, Lady. Wife of the poet. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to, 1834, and A.L. 3rd pp. 8vo, 1832. 2215 Bvron, Augusta Leigh. Sister of the poet. A. L. S. 3 pp. 8vo, 1832, and A. L. S. 4 pp. Sv-o, 1833. Men- tions Byron and the Countess Guiccioli. 2216 Byron Relatives. Richard Byron, A. L. S.,fol., New- ark, 1644; Lord Byron, father of the poet, A. L. S., 4to, 1780; Lord Lovelace, son-in-law, A. L. S., 4to, 1839; Capt. Richard Byron, D. S., 8vo, 1824. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 205 2217 Campbell, Thomas. Poet. MSS. Poem. 2 pp. folio. Signed. " The Power of Russia." " So all this gallant blood has gush'd in vain; — And Poland by the Northern Condor's beak, And talons torn lies prostrated again ! Oh, British Patriots that were wont to speak Once loudly on this theme — now hush'd or meek! Oh heartless men of Europe! Goth and Gaul, Cold — adder-deaf to Poland's dying shriek ; — That saw the world's last land of heroes fall — The brand of burning shame is on you all — all — all!" 2218 Campbell, Thomas. A. L. S. 2 pp. 410. 2219 Carlyle, Thomas. Historian and essayist. Auto. verse. 8vo. Chelsea, 1849. Signed. " Simon Brodie had a cow He lost his cow and he could na find here When he had done what man could do The cow came hame and her tail behind her." 2220 Clark, Lewis Gaylord. Poet. Auto. MSS. 9 pp. 8vo. Signed with initials. An anecdote of Wellington. 2221 Clark, Willis Gaylord. Poet. Auto. MSS. 18 pp. 4to. Signed with initials. Sketches of Niagara. 2222 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Poet. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Keswick, 1800. Fine literary letter. " From the commencement of November next I give myself ex- clusively to the life of Lessing — till then I occupy myself with a vol- ume of letters from Germany, — to the publication of which my pov- erty but not my will consents. The delay in copy has been owing in part to me as the writer of Christobel, — Every line has been pro- duced by me with labor pangs. I abandon poetry altogether. I leave the higher and deeper kinds to Wordsworth, the delightful, popular and simply dignified to Southey, and reserve for myself the honorable attempt to make others feel and understand their writings, as they deserve to be felt and understood. . . My wife was safely and speedily delivered of a very fine boy on last Sunday night." Portrait. 2223 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. MS. Poem. 8vo. 1828. Signed. Portrait. " Tale of the Dark Age. Hear, what befell a gallant prince All on a day Whether before the flood or since I cannot say." Etc. Etc. Etc. 206 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 2224 Cook, Eliza. Poet. Auto. Poem. 3 pp. 4to. Signed. "On the Death of a Favorite Hound." 2225 CowpER, William. Poet. Complete and original manu- script. 114 pp. 4to. In the Autograph of William Cowper, and signed in full upon the title-page. A most valuable literary relic, being the variations made from the First Edition of his translation of the Iliad. Entirely in the poet's autograph, and containing also his corrections and addenda, some of which vary from his published works. The first page of the manu- script commences — "BOOK I. Exordium. Sing, Muse, the deadly wrath of Peleus' son Achilles, source of many thousand woes To the Achaian host, which numerous souls Of Heroes sent to Adas premature, And left their bodies to devouring dogs And birds of heav'n (so Jove his will perform'd) From that dread hour when discord first embroil'd Achilles and Atrides, King of men. What God impelled them to that dire dispute? . . . &c.,&c." Upwards of two thousand seven hundred lines, in Cowper's auto- graph. The manuscript concludes with the following notes : " I. Mr. Pope h3.s frequently [this has been crossed through, and the word ' some- times ' substituted] altogether suppressed the sense of his original, and has not seldom intermingled his own ideas with it. This is a circumstance which I should have been glad not to have mentioned, but, as an act of Justice to myself, the observatioij is necessary, lest I should on one hand be suspected of much careless oversight, or of factitious embellishment on the other. " On this head, therefore, the English reader is to be admonished that the matter found in me, whether he like it or not, is found also in Homer ; and that the matter not found in me, how much soever he may admire it, is found only in Mr. Pope. I have omitted nothing; I have invented nothing." The above manuscript, which is in the finest possible condition, is carefully bound in morocco. 2226 CowpER, William. A. L. S. 4 pp. 410. 1784. " Tulley's rule — nulla dies sine linaa — will make a volume in less time than one would suppose. I adhered to it so rigidly that though more 'than once I found three lines as many as I had time to compass, still I wrote, and finding occasionally, and as it might happen, a more THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE V. 207 fluent vein, the abundance of one day made me amends for the bar- renness of another. But I do not mean to write blank verse again, not having the music of rhime, it requires so close an attention to the pause and the cadence, and such a peculiar mode of expression, as renders it, to me at least, the most difficult species of poetry that I have ever meddled with." Portrait. 2227 Cooper, James Fenimore. Novelist. The original MSS., 13 pp. fol. , of his review of Lockhart's Life of Sir Wal- ter Scott, as published in the Knickerbocker Maga- zine. — With A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, 1865, of Lewis G. Clark, describing how the review came to be written and other circumstances attending it. 2228 " Cornwall, Barry," B. W. Procter. Actor and poet. A. L. S. 8vo, 1819, and Auto. Poem, 8vo, Signed B. C. (2) 2229 CozzENS, Frederic S., poet, A. L. S. , 4to, 1868, with Auto. Quotation, 4to, Signed, and Signed photographs; Willis G. Clark, A. L. S., 4to, " Willis"; George Will- iam Curtis, A. L. S., 8vo, 1884; George W. Bethune, A. L. S. ,4pp. 8vo, 1847 ; George D. Prentice, A. L. S. , 3 pp. 4to, 1829; Robert Boiling, descendant of Poco- hontas, A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, 1796; Hamilton Fish, A. L. S. , 2 pp. 4to, 1850; William Ross Wallace, Music of "The Sword of Bunker Hill," with verses copied by him in pencil and signed; Paul Hamilton Hayne, Poet, Auto, poem, 3 pp. 8vo, signed with initials. (9) 2230 Confederate States Government. — Jefferson Davis, President, L. S. , 4to, 1856; Alexander H. Stephens, Vice-President, A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, 1871; C. C. Mem- minger, Treasury, A. N. S. , i6mo, 1864; J. A. Seddon, War, A. L. S., 8vo, 1864; S. R. Mallory, Navy, L. S., 4to, 1862; Robert Toombs, State, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1871; George A. Trenholm, Treasury, A. L. S., 4to, 1873- (7) 2231 Cooper, Samuel, General, C. S. A., A. D. S., 2 pp. 410, 1864; Jefferson Davis, President, C. S. A., A. D. S., 8vo, 1864, "J. D."; G. T. Beauregard, General, C. S. A., 208 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. A. L. S., 8vo, 1872; G. T. Beauregard, A. D. S., 4to, 1863, and two letters signed Jefferson Davis, but writ- ten by Mrs. Davis. (6) 2232 CusTis, George W. P. Foster-son of Washington. A. L. S., 4to, 1810, and A. L. S., 4to, 1848. Each re- ferring to Washington. (2) 2233 Davy, Sir Humphry, scientist, A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, 1801; William Cobbett, political writer, A. L. S., 4to, 182 1. Portrait. (2) 2234 De Quincev, Thomas. Distinguished author. A. L. S., 8vo, fully signed, and A. L. S. , 3 pp. i6mo, 1833. Signed with initials. Portrait. (2) 223s De Quincey, Thomas. A. L. S. 3 pp. i6nio. Apathetic letter describing the death of his youngest child, a boy three years old. Portrait. 2236 Douce, Francis, Shaksperean scholar, A. L. S. , 2 pp. 4to, 1815; Thomas Hughes, author of Tom Brown at Rugby, A. L. S. , 2 pp. 8vo; Edward Jesse, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo; C. R. Leslie, artist, A. L. S., 8vo, 1853; Thomas Hardy, novelist, A. L. S., 8vo, 1884; Henry Crabb Robinson, diarist, A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo,i853. (5) 2237 Elizabethan Worthies. Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex (the favourite of Queen Elizabeth) ; Thomas Egerton, Viscount Brackley; Charles Howard, First Earl of Nottingham, commanded the fleet against the Spanish Armada; William Cecil, Lord Burghley; Thomas Buckhorst, Earl of Dorset, statesman and poet; Robert Cecil (son of Lord Burleigh), eminent Statesman; Sir William Knollys ; Lord Hunsdon ; John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury. A very fine Eliz- abethan MS. 9 pp., folio, and signed by all the above- named Members of Queen Elizabeth's Privy Council. This interesting MS. relates to the English soldiers in Holland, and gives particulars of their weekly pay. ... " And Her Majesties pleasure is that everie private soldier shall receive and have 2s 6d weekly." . . . Also gives orders for the Soldiers in Flan- ■ ders to have new suits of clothes, with particulars of their cost. Mentions the wages of the "Surgeons" as being 5s. per week. . . . . And because some Governors have here-to-fore taken THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 309 upon themselves to make out their warrants for divers sums of money. Her Majesties pleasure is that no Governor shall at any tyme here after so intermeddle. . ." etc., etc. Signed Jo. Cant. (John Whitgift), Thomas Egerton, C. S., W. Burghley, Essex, Howard, G. Hunsdon, T. Buckhurst, W. KnoUys, Ro. Cecyll, J. Fortescue. A very interesting State paper, with a fine cluster of rare Signatures. The name of Essex being especially scarce. In perfect condition and with several portraits. 2238 Fairholt, Frederick W., artist and author, A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, 1858, enclosing a Sketch of the Crown Inn at Oxford. — Auto. MSS., 15 pp. 4to, an article on " Rome." — Thirteen original sketches, partly in pencil and partly in ink, of scenes at Rome, including Keats' and Shelley's graves, etc., etc. ; two fine pen-and-ink Sketches. The lot. 2239 Franklin, Sir John. Arctic explorer. A. N. S. i6mo. With signatures of Sir John Franklin, Lady Jane Franklin, E. K. Kane and Henry Grinnell. The lot. 2240 Garibaldi, G. The Italian patriot. A. L. S. 8vo. Caprera, 1857. Portrait. 2241 Gray, Thomas. Poet, author of " Elegy in a Country Church Yard." Fifteen pieces of his MSS. of various sizes bought at the Penn sale in London in 1872. Penn owned the library of Gray. The MSS. consists of notes and memoranda on various subjects. With several por- traits. 2242 GuicciOLi, Teresa (Countess), Lord Byron's friend, A. L. S., 4 pp., i6mo; Dr. J. W. Polidori, Byron's physician, A. L. S., 8vo, 1820; A. A. Lovelace, rela- tive of Byron, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo. (3) 2243 Hall, S. C, editor of the Art Journal, A. L. S., 6 pp. 4to, 1859; William Yarrell, author, A. L. S., 8vo, 1840; R. H. Home, Poet, A. L. S., 8vo, 1859; H. C. Robin- son, A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo; B. W. Procter, actor, 2 A. L. S., 8vo; William Howitt, poet, A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, 1866; William Falconer, poet, 2D. S. , oblong, 1768, with views, etc. (9) 2244 Hawthorne, Nathaniel Novelist. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Concord, 1844. On business matters, with many clippings. 2 ] THE FREDERICK SON LIBRAR \ '. 2245 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. A. L. S. 8vo. Concord, 1864. Portrait and clippings. 2246 Hogg, James. The Ettrick Shepherd. Scotch poet. Auto. MSS. 12 pp. fol. "The Long Pack. A Tale by the Ettrick Shepherd." Portrait. 2247 Hood, Thomas. Poet. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo. 1828. (2) " Mrs. Balmanno's jelly was excellent but dangerous for the rheu- matics, it was so stiff. ... I shall remember it, when like her jelly, I am laid in the mould myself." With the rare sheet from Punch containing the original publication of ' ' The Song of the Shirt."' 2248 HooD, Thomas. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. 1828. Portrait. 2249 Hood, Thomas. A. L. S., 410, i?>2d>, portrait; and A. L., 3rd p. 8vo, of his wife. 2250 Hunt, Leigh. Poet. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo. To the editor of the Daily News, an interesting letter respect- ing the question of Shelley's will then before the Lord Chancellor, and explanatory of a letter from Byron to himself, which was produced, giving as he thinks a wrong impression. Portrait. 2251 Hunt, Leigh. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. 1822 " Lord Byron is in the best spirits for our projected work. We sail in a fortnight or three weeks in a vessel now in the Thames. I have heard several times from the Shelleys. I told Shelley that Adonais had not been published when I came away. He says it ought to have been out long before this." 2252 Hunt, Leigh. A. L. S., 4to, 1818; A. L. S., 3 pp. i6mo; and A. L. S., 8vo, i?:i^, portrait. (3) 2253 Hunt, Leigh. A. L. S. 7 pp. 4to. 1812. Interest- ing letter on dramatic criticism. 2254 Indian Deed. D. S. Large folio. 1677. Deed from several Indian chiefs to Phillip Carteret, Governor of New Jersey, of lands along the Raritan at Woodbridge. Signed with their totems by Conackamack, Capata- mirs and others. 2255 Indian Petition. Petition of the Chippewa and Mun- cey Indians on the River Thames to the Legislature of Upper Canada for the suppression of the sale of liquor. — D. S. several feet long, in a roll, and signed by some hundreds of Indians with their totems. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 211 2256 Irving, Washington. Twenty-four pages of the Orig- inal MSS. of his Life of Washington, being the part covering the Siege and Capture of Yorktown. Bound in half morocco. 2257 Irving, Washington. Original MSS. of " The Grand Prior of Majorica." 36 pp. 8vo. 2258 Irving, Washington. Original MSS. of "The Knight of Malta." 5 pp. 8vo. Signed " Geoffrey Crayon." 2259 Irving, Washington. Original MSS. of "The Crayon Papers." 47 pp. 8vo. " Abdurahman, Founder of the Dynasty of the Omniades in Spain. By the author of the Sketch Book." 2260 Irving, Washington. Original MSS. of "Mountjoy, or Some Passages out of the Life of a Castle-builder." 93 pp. 8vo. 2261 Irving, Washington. Original MSS. of " Jabez Doo- little and his Locomotive." 5 pp. 8vo. Bound plainly in paper. 2262 Irving, Washington. Original MSS. of "The Crayon Papers." 17 pp. 8vo. " Letter from Granada." 2263 Irving, Washington. Original MSS. of "Guests from Gibbet Island." 27 pp. 8vo. (A page or two is miss- ing at the end.) 2264 Irving, Washington. Note Book. 47 pp. of MSS., apparently memoranda for his "Knickerbocker's His- tory of New York." 2265 Irving, Washington. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. 1841. In- teresting letter to Lewis G. Clark about the Knicker- bocker Magazine. " I deeply regret that in its struggles for existence it should have availed itself of the services of one like myself, who had need of all his exertions to keep himself afloat." 2266 Irving, Washington. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo. Sunny- side, 1852. "It was your good father that first put this series of little volumes in my hand finding I had a great relish for accounts of voyages and discoveries. I used to take the little volumes to school with me, and read them slyly to the great neglect of my lessons." 213 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 2267 Irving, Washington. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. New York, 1835. In regard to the publication of his works by Murray in London. 2268 Irving, Washington. A. L. S. 2 pp. 410. 1835. In- troducing Francis Lieber. 2269 Irving, Washington. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. New York, 1834. Interesting letter regarding his "A Tour on the Prairies," and their publication in England. 2270 Irving, Washington. A Series of Twelve Fine Letters. 4to, fully signed, 1834- 1839, covering 28 pages. Mainly regarding the publication of his works in Eng- land. (12) 2271 Irving, Washington. Three fine literary letters, 1835 and 1840, covering 10 pp. 4to. Signed " W. I." (3) 2272 Irving, Washington. Two pages of MSS., one in pencil. « (2) 2273 Irving, Washington. Eleven fine portraits, all differ- ent, and several rare. With photographs of his grave and scenes from his works. One lot. 2274 Jackson, Thomas J. "Stonewall Jackson," Lieut. - Gen., C. S. A. Killed at Chancellorsville. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo. Winchester, 1861 " More than once your kind and touching letter respecting the sainted Amy, brought tears to my eyes. . . . She was evidently ripening rapidly for a better world where I hope we among the ran- somed of the Lord, may be privileged to join her." 2275 Johnston, Joseph E. Lieut. -Gen., C. S. A. A. L. S. 4to. Culpeper C. H., 1862. "I shall place the troops, for the present, on the south side of the Rapidan, to communicate with General Holmes, at Fredericks- burg." 2276 Keats, John. British Poet. Buried beside Shelley, in Rome. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo. To Wm. Haslam. " My disposition is of so careless a nature that it is continually tormenting me for my neglect of matters of consequence." Portrait. 2277 Keats, John. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to., 1817. To Miss Reynolds. Extremely fine letter, somewhat worn at folds. " Here I am among colleges, halls, stalls, plenty of trees, thank God ! plenty of water, thank Heaven ! plenty of books, thank THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 213 the Muses ! plenty of snuff, thank Sir Walter Raleigh ! plenty of segars, ditto ! plenty of flat country, thank Teller's rolling-pin ! I'm on the sofa. Bonaparte is on the snuff-box, but you are by the sea- side, argal; you bathe, you walk, you say how beautiful; find out re- semblances between waves and camels, rocks and dancing masters, fires, hovels and telescopes. Dolphins and Madonnas.'' Portrait. 2278 Keats, John. Autograph. MSS. 8vo, and A. N. S., oblong. Signed K. From his poem " I stood tip-toe on a little hill." " Sometimes goldfinches, one by one, will drop From long-hung branch, little space they stop, But sip and twitter and then feathers sleak. Then off they go as in a wanton freak." Etc. Etc. Etc. 2279 Key, Francis Scott. Author of "The Star-Spangled Banner." A. L. S. Fol. Georgetown, 1824. 2280 Lamb, Charles. " Elia." Essayist. A. L. S. 4to, stained. " I have been in France. I have eaten frogs. Poor Percy Bishe ! !" 2281 Lamb, Charles. A. L. 2 pp. 4to. To Mrs. Shelley. First sheet of a letter. " If ever you run away, which is problematical, — don't run to a country village, which has been a market town, but is such no longer. The tarts in the only Pastry cookery shop are baked stale. The macaroons are perennial, kept torpid in glass cases. Clowns stand about what was the market place, and spit minute-ly to relieve ennui. . . . Nobody dies, as I can see, and nobody cares if they do. . . . You go out with a dog, and the dog comes home with you, and the difference is, he does not mind dirty stockings.'' Portrait. 2282 Lamb, Charles. A. L. S. 8vo. "C. L. " To Oilier. "What is gone of my 'Works'? Has anyone bought 'em? I only ask because I want half a dozen copies to give away." 2282^ Lamb, Charles. A. L. Signed "Elia." i p. 4to. To the Rev. Mr. Harness. " I am only a contributor to the Lond. Mag. and am not invested with any editorial choice or function. Is it not probable that it might find a place in the Lady's Magazine, which is much improved from what we must remember it, but I have no interest in it," etc. 214 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 2283 Lamb, Charles. A. L. S. 4 pp. 4to. 1827. A famous letter to Thos. Hood. Signed C. L. and Elia. ' ' We have got our books into our new house. . . . We shall get in by Michaelsmas. 'Twas with some pain we were evuls'd from Colebrook. You may find some of our flesh sticking to the door- posts. To change habitations is to die to them, and in my time I have died seven deaths. . . It is not our intention to abandon Regent street and West End perambulations (monastic and terrible thought). . . Plays too we'll see, perhaps — our own. . . . O, the curds and cream you shall eat with us here, O, the turtle soup and lobster salads we shall devour with you there, O, the old books we shall peruse here, O, the new nonsence and we shall trifle over there, O, Sir T. Browne — here, O, Mr. Hood and Mr. Jerdan there. Thine, C(urbanus) L. (Sylvanus (Elia ambo)." 2284 Lamb, Charles. Original MSS. Poem. 8vo. Written on a fly-leaf of his copy of Shakspear. With authen- tication by Robert Balmanno. " Clever Tom Clinch going to be hanged," "As clever Tom Clinch, while the rabble was bawling, Rode stately thro' Holborn to die in his calling, He stopt at the George for a bottle of sack, And promised to pay for it when he came back," Etc. Etc. Etc. 2285 Lamb, Charles. A. L. S. 8vo. Speaks of his sister Mary. Framed in oak, with portrait. 2286 Lamb, Charles. A. L. S. 4to. To Mr. Chase at En- field, recommending a young lady chorister. Portrait. 2287 Lamb, Charles. A. L. S. 8vo. 1826. "You have also — 'that handsome is that handsome does' — a whimsical account of Mrs. Conrady, which I am disappointed at not seeing printed. . . . Mrs. C. is purely imaginary, name and character." 2288 Lamb, Charles. A. L. S. 4to. To Mr. Oilier, rec- ommending the work of a friend. 2 portraits. 2289 Lamb, Charles. A. L. S. 3 pp. 410. India House, 1822. To W. H. Ainsworth. " I thoroughly agree with you as to the German Faust, so far as I can do justice to it from an English translation. 'Tis a disagreeable. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 315 canting tale of seduction, which has nothing to do with the spirit of Faustus, Curiosity, — was the darlc secret to be explored, to end in the seduction of a weak girl, which might have been accomplished by earthly agency." Portrait. 2290 Lamb, Charles. The original MSS. of "Cupid's Re- venge." This holograph is entirely in the handwriting of Charles Lamb, written on both sides of the page, note size, and consists of thirty- nine closely written pages. It is in Lamb's neatest handwriting, which grew smaller as he grew older. The Story was sold to Messrs. Harper and Bros, with some other unpublished material of Lamb's, belonging to Thomas Allsop, about 1858. The Story is in the style of " The Adventures of Ulysses," though much shorter, and is included in Fitzgerald's edition, though not in that of Canon Ainger. It would be most difficult to find a more perfect MS. of Lamb's anywhere; and much more so, one for sale. 2291 Lamb, Mary. Poet, Sister of Charles. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. 1823. (Several words are torn away on the third page.) " The coach stopped at a little inn, and I saw lodgings to let on a little — a very little — house opposite. I ran over the way and secured them before the coach drove away, and we took immediate possession. It proved a very comfortable place, and we remained there nine days. . . . We saw Frant and the Rocks, and made much use of your guide book, only Charles lost his way once going by the map. We are trying to coax Charles into a Monday's excursion." Etc. Very rars. 2292 Lamb, Mary. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo. Christmas Day, 1841. To Miss Jane Norris — thanks for Christmas presents — gives particulars of her life. " I long to show you what a nice snug place I have got into — in the midst of a pleasant little garden. I have a room for myself and my old books on the ground floor, and a little bed-room up two pairs of stairs." Mentions Mr. and Mrs. Hood, Baron Field, etc., etc. 2293 Lee, Robert E. Commanding General C. S. A. A. D. S. 4to. 1864. To Jefferson Davis. Endorsement on re- port of a scout. With A. L. S., 8vo, of his wife. {2) " I will endeavour to hold the front. — If this cannot be done, it may be better for me to be near Richmond. I do not think that Burnside has 27,500 men." 2293-J- Lewkenor, Sir Lewis. Master of the Ceremonies to James L Autograph Bill of Disbursements, Signed, for attending on Mons. Removille, Ambassador from 216 THE FREDERICK SOK LIBRAR \ '. the Duke of Lorraine (curious items) ; and also for at- tending the Two Ambassadors from Denmark, 1619; Signed also by William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain. \\ page. With endorsement. Fine and very rare. 2294 Lincoln, Abraham. President of United States. A. L. S 8vo. Executive Mansion, 1861. With two portraits. 2295 Lincoln, Abraham. Autograph MSS. of a Speech, 4 pp. 4to, delivered in Baltimore, 1864. "When the war began, three years ago, neither party, nor any man, expected it would last till now. Each looked for the end, in some way, long ere to-day. Neither did any anticipate that domestic slavery would be much affected by the war. But here we are, — the war has not ended, and slavery has been much affected, — how much needs not now to be recounted. So true is it that man proposes, and God disposes At the beginning of the war, and for some time, the use of colored troops, was not contemplated, and how the change of purpose was wrought, I will not now take time to explain. Upon a clear conviction of duty — I resolved to turn that element of strength to account, and I am responsible for it to the American people, to the Christian world, to history, and on my final account to God." Two portraits. 2296 Lincoln, Abraham. D. S. Large folio. 1861. Also Signed by S. P. Chase. Portrait. 2297 Longfellow, Henry W. Poet. A. L. S. 4 pp. 4to. Cambridge, 1839. To Willis G. Clark. Several words are torn away on last page. " Have you had time to say anything about Hyperion? . The book succeeds wonderfully well. . Some abuse it and say it is not a romance, but then some persons raised a hue and cry when Byron called his Childe Harold, a Romaunt." 2298 Marryat, Capt. F., Novelist, A. L. S., 8vo, portrait; John Leslie, Philosopher, A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, 1802; Edmond Malone, Shaksperean Commentator, A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, 1806. (3) 2299 Moore, Thomas. Poet. A. L. S. 8vo. Mentions Lord Byron. And A. L. S. 4to. 1826. (2) 2300 Paulding, J. K. Novelist. Secretary of Navy. MSS. Poem. 7 pp. 4to. " Rencontre Island." THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 217 2301 Parkman, Francis. Historian. Original MSS. of his- torical essay, "Invasion of the Mohawk Country." 28 pp. 4to. The MSS. is in the hand of an amanu- ensis, but is signed by Parkman. 2302 PoE, Edgar Allan. Novelist and Poet. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Phil. 1842. " You may have seen a tale of mine entitled ' The Murders in the Rue Morgue,' and published originally in ' Graham's Magazine,' in April, 1841. Its theme was the exercise of ingenuity in the detection of a murderer. I have just completed a similar article, which I shall entitle ' The Mystery of Marie Roget — a Sequel to the Murders in the Rue Morgue.' The story is based upon the assassination of Mary Cecelia Rogers, which created so vast an excitement, some months ago, in New York." The letter goes on to dissect and discuss the story thoroughly. With many clippings. 2303 RiTSON, Joseph, antiquary. Autograph MSS., 6 pp. 4to; Tyrone Power, distinguished actor, A. L. S. , 4to, with autograph poem, 2 pp. 4to; Robert Dale Owen, re- former, A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, 1842, with portraits, clip- pings, etc. (3) 2304 RouGET DE Lisle, Claude Joseph. French poet and musical composer, "Marseillaise." A. L. S., 4to, Paris, 4 Mars, 1825, concerning his " Chants Fran- 9ais. " Portrait. Very fine. 2305 Scott, Sir Walter. Great Scotch novelist and poet. A. L. S., 8vo, Abbotsford, 1827, and a proof sheet re- vised and corrected by him, with many MS. addi- tions. Portrait., clipping, etc. (2) 2306 Scott, Sir Walter. A. L. S., 8vo, with A. L. 3rd p., 4to, of Mrs. Scott — Several portraits, views, signature of Sir Walter, and clippings. The lot. 2307 Scott, Sir Walter. A. L. S. 4to. Edinburgh, 1808. " The English comedies of merit are much more numerous than the tragedies. . . . Somers has been long in the printer's hands in a finished state, and they are now getting on fast.'' 218 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAS V. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY, Arranged Chronologically. 2308 A. L. S. 3 pp., 4to. May 29th, 1810. To Edward Fergus Graham, Jr., No. 29 Vine St., Piccadilly, London. " I had a letter, from Harriet this morning in which she tells me the crayons do very well. Will you pay IVIerle the 11/6, for I do not like to owe the kind of man anything, — though I believe he is a liberal fellow, — but I have seen too much of the world not to suspect his motives. . . Will you send a Zastrozzi directed to the Rev. Sayer, Leominster, near Arundel. " 2309 A. L. S. 2 pp., folio. N. P. Dec. 18, 1810. "Percy B. Shelley." To Mr. Stockdale, Bookseller. Pall Mall, London. " I have your advertisement of the Romance and approve of it highly. ... In case the 'Curse of Kehama, ' has yet appeared, I would thank you for that likewise. I have in preparation a novel; it is principally constructed to convey metaphysical and political opinions by way of conversation. It shall be sent to you as soon as completed, but it shall receive more correction than I trouble myself to give to wild Romance and Poetry." 2310 A. L. S. 8vo. Dec. 4th, 181 2. To John Williams, Ynnys Towyn. P. B. Shelley. " Not having a sixpence of ready money I am placed in a most awkward situation by this mistake." 231 1 A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Feb'y 24th, 1813. To Mr. John Williams, Ynnis Towyn, Trimadoc. Postmarked " Ban- gor." P. B. Shelley. " Did I not know the unalterable goodness of your heart, and had I not a confidence not to be shaken in your general recti- tude, I should feel staggered at this deceit. ... As I told you when we parted unless you are explicit, and unreserved to me I am fighting in the dark. I am and shall continue to be your friend, but I should be your friend to little purpose unless I were also your confidant." THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 219 2312 A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Dublin, March 22d, 1813. To John Williams. Worn in folds. " Nothing less entered my mind than the accusing, or even in the slightest degree, suspecting you of treachery. . . True friendship bears to hear, and bears to tell of faults. . . How- go on your concerns. Mine are in a bad state. I have no friends in Ireland who are not poorer than myself. Harriet and Eliza desire to be kindly remembered." 2313 A. L. S. 4to. 13 Arabella Row, Pimlico, April 7, 1815. To Hayward, Esq. P. B. Shelley. Regarding the leasing of a house. 2314 A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. 26 Marchmont St., April 14th, 1815. To W. Bryant, Esq. Percy B. Shelley. " Do not trouble yourself about my interest in the timber. My father can only cut under the restrain to fan injunction from Chancery. . . I have indeed the most urgent necessity for the advance of such a sum (;^50o) . I should assuredly be able to pay it when due, since the affair with my father would either have gone off altogether, and then I could make a security on the estate, or we should have agreed on terms." 2315 A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Bishopsgate, September, 1815. Percy B. Shelley. It is marked "Addressed to Mr. Hogg." Published in Vol. i, p. 533, Dowden's Life. " Your letter has lain by me for the last week, reproaching me every day. I found it on my return from a water excursion on the Thames. " I have been engaged lately in the commencement of several literary plans which, if my present temper of mind continues, I shall probably complete in the winter. . . Mary has finished the fifth book of the 'Jineid,' and her progress in Latin is such as to satisfy my best expectations." 2316 A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Bishopsgate, Jan. i8, 1816. To W. Godwin, Esq. P B, Shelley. Vol. i, p. 541, Dowden's Life. " Perhaps it is well you should be informed that I consider your last letter to be written in a style of haughtiness and en- croachment, which neither awes nor imposes on me ; but I have no desire to transgress the limits which you place to our inter- course. . . I forgot to inform you that no paper has been signed by my father which regards the affair of the estates." 220 THE FREDERICKSOA^ LIBRAR Y. 2317 A. L. S. 4 pp. 4to. Bishopsgate, Jan. 21, 1816. To W. Godwin. P. B. Shelley. Vol. i, p. 542, Dowden. Very fine. " I accept and thank you for your explanation. If you really think me vicious, such haughtiness as I imputed to you is per- haps to be excused. But I, who do not agree with you in that opinion, cannot be expected to endure it without remonstrance. . . . Perhaps I did wrong to feel so deeply, or notice so readily a spirit of which you seem to have been unconscious." 2318 A. L. S. 4 pp. 4to. Bishopsgate, Jany. 23, 1816. To W. Godwin. P. B. Shelley. Vol. i, p. 542, Dowden. " I am most undoubtedly in earnest, as much so as I should have been last November had such explanations been made as I have since received, and the same spirit of promptitude shown to share with me the burthens incident to the pecuniary difficul- ties with which I have been so long surrounded." 2319 A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Bishopsgate, Jany. 28, 1816. To W. Godwin. P. B. Shelley. On business matters regarding the settlement of his estate. 2320 A. N. S. 4to. London, Feby. 17, 1816. To William Godwin. P. B. S. "I hasten to relieve your anxiety. I have seen Hayward and arranged with him to sign the deed at 12 o'clock next Monday week." On this letter is an A. N. S. of Claire Clairmont saying the date was written by Godwin. 2321 A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Bishopsgate, Feby. 21, 1816. To William Godwin. P. B. Shelley. Published in full. Vol. I, pages S4S-S47> Dowden. "You are perhaps aware that one of the chief motives which strongly urges me either to desert my native country, dear to rae from many considerations, or resort to its most distant and solitary regions, is the perpetual evidence of neglect or enmity from almost every one but those who are supported from my resources. I shall cling, perhaps, during the infancy of my children, to all the preposses- sions attached to the country of my birth, hiding myself and Mary from that contempt which we so unjustly endure. I think, therefore, at present only of settling in Cumberland or Scotland. In the event the evils which will flow to ray children from our desolate and solitary situation here, point out an exile as the only resource to them against that injustice which we can easily despise." THE FREDERICKSQN LIBRAE V. 221 2322 A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. 13 Norfolk St., March 7, 1816. To W. Godwin. P. B. Shelley. Vol. i, Page 552, Dowden. " The hopes that I had conceived of receiving from you the treat- ment and consideration which I esteem to be justly due to me were destroyed by your letter dated the 5th. The feelings occasioned by this discovery were so bitter and so excruciating that I am resolved for the future to stifle all those expectations which my sanguine temper too readily erects on the slightest relaxation of the contempt and the neglect in the midst of which I live. I must appear the re- verse of what I really am, haughty and hard, if I am not to see my- self and all that I love trampled upon and outraged." 2323 A. L. 3rd p. 4to. 13 Norfolk St., March 7th, 1816. To Byron, Esq. " Mr. Percy Shelley presents his compliments, etc." Making an appointment. 2323^ Autograph Note. 4to. 13 Norfolk St., March 16, 1816. To W. Godwin. Not signed. On business matters. 2324 A. L. 3rd p. 4to. 26 Marchmont St., March 21, 1816. To Bryant, Esq. " Mr. Shelley made a mistake, etc." 2325 A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. s Abbey Church Yard, Bath. To William Godwin, P B. Shelley. Postmarked Oct. 2, 1816. Dowden. Vol. II. page 47. " In truth I see no hope of my attaining speedily to such a situa- tion of affairs as should enable me to discharge my engagements towards you. . . . When I look back I do not see what else I could have done than submit; what is called firmness would have, I sincerely believe, left me in total poverty." 2326 A. L. S. 4to. Bath. No. 5. Abbey Church Yard, Oct. 2, 1816. Percy B. Shelley, To his publisher. " Be so kind as to address the proofs of Childe Harold, when you print it, to me according to the above address. . . I imagine that Lord Byron is anxious that the poem should be committed to the press as soon as possible. For myself I cannot but confess the anxiety I feel that the public should have an early opportunity of confirming, — I will not say by a more extensive, but by a profounder species of approbation, — the superior merit which private judgment has already assigned to it." 222 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 2327 A. L. S. 4to. 12 New Bond St., Bath, Nov. 9th, 1816. To Monsieur Paschond, Libraire, Geneve, en Suisse. Percy B. Shelley. Directing the forwarding of some books. "The translation which I have engaged to make of 'Political Justice ' shall not be delayed, if I understand from you that you continue to wish that it should be done.'' 2328 A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Bath, Nov. 24th, 1816. To W. Godwin. Not signed. ' ' The principles which pronounce on the injustice of my heredi- tary rights are such, as rightly limited and understood, are dearer to me than life. But these principles teach me to set a high value on the power with which their violation may one day intrust me. They instruct me to be more not less cautious in alienating it. My refusal is therefore firm." 2329 A. L. S. 4to. 5 Abbey Church Yard, Bath, Jan. 3, 1816 (1817). To Messrs. Brookes & Co., 25 Chancery Lane, requesting a remittance of ^30. Percy Bysshe Shelley. 2330 A. L. S. 4to. Marlow, March 14th, 181 7. To Mr. Oilier, Bookseller. P. B. Shelley. (Badly soiled.) " Mr. Hunt has, I believe, commissioned you to get for me a proof impression of a print done from a drawing by Harlow of Lord Byron. . How does the pamphlet sell ?" 2331 A. L. S. 4to. Marlow, April 27, 1817. To Hayward, Esq. Percy B. Shelley. " Be so good as to pay the debt of Mrs. Peacock, etc., etc.'' 2332 A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Marlow, August 8, 1817. To Mr. Oilier. P. B. Shelley. (Badly stained and corners torn away.) Dowden. Vol. II. Page 139. "I published some time since a poem called 'Alastor,' at Bald- win's ; the sale, I believe, was scarcely anything, but as the printer has sent me in his account, I wish to know also how my account stands with the publisher. . . I hope ' Frankenstein ' did not give you bad dreams." 2333 A. L. S. 4to. Marlow, Nov. 25, 1817. To Mr. Oilier. Percy B. Shelley. (Badly stained.) ' ' I have not yet seen the announcement of Laon and Cythna in the public papers. Be so good as not to let it be delayed a day longer, as the books are now ready," THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 223 2334 A. L. S. 4to. Marlow, Dec. 3d, 1817. To Messrs. Lockrington & Co. Percy B. Shelley. " Inclosed is a dedication which has been transmitted to me by the author of Frankenstein, and which should be printed as is customary immediately subsequent to the title." 2335 A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Marlow, Dec. 3, 1817. No ad- dress. Percy B. Shelley. ' ' I forgot to say that Alastor ought to be advertised at the end of the advertisement of this poem. If there should be a demand for a second edition of Alastor I should reprint it with many others in my possession now. I should be glad to hear any news that is authentic, and that would mark the feeling of people public and private respect- ing the poem. I am tolerably indifferent as to whether it be good or bad." 2336 A. L. S. 8vo. Marlow, Dec. 7, 1817. To Oilier. Percy B. Shelley. Directing him to send on some books. 2337 A. L. S. 7 pp. 4to. Marlow, Dec. nth, 1817. No address. (To Oilier.) Percy B. Shelley. Very fine. Dowden. Pages 163-165. In full. " It is to be regretted that you did not consult your own safety and advantage, if you consider it connected with the non-publication of my book, before your declining the publication, after having accepted it, would have operated to so extensive and serious an injury to my views as now. The instances of abuse and menace which you cite were such as you expected, and were, as I conceived, prepared for. . You do your best to condemn my book before it is given forth, because you publish it, and then withdraw, so that no other bookseller will publish it, because one has already rejected it. . . . I beseech you to reconsider the matter, for your sake no less than for my own assume the high and secure ground of courage. . I don't believe that if the book was quietly and regularly published the Government would touch anything of a character so refined and so remote from the conceptions of the vulgar. They would hesitate before they invaded a member of the higher circles of the republic of letters . . It is for you, now you have been once named as pub- lisher, and have me in your power, to blast all this, and to hold up my literary character in the eye of mankind as that of a proscribed and rejected outcast.'' 2338 A. L. S. 4to. Marlow. Dec. 27, 1817. To Mr. Chas. Oilier. P. B. Shelley. Stained. "I am surprised that I have not received the remainder of the proofs of the Poem. . . It ought to be now advertised as to be published Jany. loth." 224 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 2339 A. L. S. 8vo. Marlow. Jany. 11, 1818. To Chas. Oilier. Percy B. Shelley. Possibly written and signed by Mrs. Shelley. " I ought to have received copies of ' The Revolt of Islam.' . . . Keep it well advertised. . . Alastor may be advertised with it. '' 2340 A. L. S. 4to. Marlow. Jany. isth, 1818. To Chas. Oilier. Percy B. Shelley. Stained. " Do you hear anything said of Frankenstein. I think I said that I wished under the new circumstances that a copy should be sent to each of the Reviews." 2341 A. L. S. 8vo. Marlow. N. d. To Oilier. Percy B. S . This letter is possibly written and signed by Mrs. Shelley. ' ' I cannot but say that I am extremely desirous that all the copies that have been given forth should if possible be returned." 2342 A. I.. S. 8vo. Marlow. Jany. 22d, 1818. To Oilier. P. B. Shelley. This letter is written and signed by Mrs. Shelley. " I have no objection, or rather it is my wish, that a copy of the ' Revolt of Islam' should be sent to Valpy.'' 2343 A. L. S. 2 pp., 4to. Jany. 22d, 1818. To Chas. Oilier. Percy B. Shelley. Stained. "Don't relax in the advertising. I suppose at present that it scarcely sells at all. If you can see any reviews of notices of it in any periodical paper, pray send it to me — it is part of my reward — the amusement of hearing the abuse of the bigots." 2344 A. L. S. 8vo. Marlow. Jany. 25, 1818. To Chas. Oilier. P. B. Shelley. This letter is possibly written and signed by Mrs. Shelley. " Vou ought to continue to advertise the poem vigorously. Should be glad to receive the bound books." 234s A. L. S. 5 pp., 8vo. N. d. To Oilier. P. B. Shelley. Giving a list of persons to whom he wished compli- mentary copies from the author to be sent. 2346 A. N. S. Obi. London, March 9, 1818. Percy Bysshe Shelley. A note for ^150 in favor of W. Godwin, and endorsed by Godwin. 2347 A. L. S. 4to. To OUier. Percy B. Shelley. Post- marked Lucca, Sept. i, 1818. Directing him to honor a draft. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 225 2348 A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Livorno, June, 1819. To Thomas Peacock. P. B. S. " My melancholy journey finishes at this town. . . . Oh that I could return to England! How heavy a weight when misfortune is added to exile and solitude, as if the measure were not full, heaped high on both. . . . Enough of melancholy. . . My health was greatly improving when watching and anxiety cast me into a relapse. The Doctor tells me I must spend the winter in Africa or Spain. . . . Mary and Claire unite with me in kindest remem- brance to you." 2349 A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Livorno, July 6, 1819. To T. L. Peacock. P. B. Shelley. " We are established for three months in a little country house, in a pretty verdant scene near Livorno. . . . From my tower I see the sea with its islands, Gorgona, Elba and Corsica on one side, and the Apennines on the other. Milly surprised us the other day by first discovering a comet, on which we have been speculating. She may make a stir, like a great astronomer." 2350 A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. To Leigh Hunt. P. B, S. Post- marked Sept. 3, 1 819. Very fine letter criticising Lamb's works, and comparing the paintings of Raphael and Michael Angelo. " I have written something and finished it different from anything else and a new attempt for me, and I mean to dedicate it to you. I should not have done so without your approbation, but I asked your picture last night, and it smiled assent. If I did not think it in some degree worthy of you I would not make you a public offering of it. If Oilier is not turned Christian, Jew, or become infected with the murrain, he will publish it. Don't let him be frightened, for it is nothing which by any courtesy of language can be termed either moral or immoral." 2351 A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Florence, Nov. 18, 1819. To Miss Curran. Roma. P. B. Shelley. Published in full. Dowden, Vol. 2. Pages, 308-309. " Your letter, my dear Miss Curran, arrived on the eve of Mary's confinement, and from the fear of agitating her on a subject which has never until now ceased to be a source of perpetual grief to her, I refrained from showing it to her, and consequently from answering it until the expected crisis had passed. She has now, a few days ago, brought me a fine little boy, after a labour of the very, very mildest character. She is exceedingly well at this moment. . . I do not think we shall bend our course towards the south until the spring, if indeed we can then do so." 226 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 2352 A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Florence, Dec. 23d, 1819. To Leigh Hunt. P. B. Shelley. "We have just received all your ' Examiners ' up to Oct. 27th. I admire and approve most highly of those on religion ; there is one very long one that especially pleases me. Added days and years and hours add to my disapprobation of this odious superstition, and to my gratitude to any who like yourself break for ever its ever-gathering bubble. ' ' I have no spirits to write what I do not know whether you will care much about. I know well that if I were in great misery, poverty, etc. , you would think of nothing else but how to amuse and relieve me. You omit me if I am prosperous. You are like Jesus, who said he came to heal the sick, when they reproached him for feasting with publicans and sinners." 2353 A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Florence, Dec. 25, 1819. To Messrs. Oilier. P. B. S. Badly stained. " There is a very dull thing in the Quarterly. They say that ' My chariot wheels are broken.' Heaven forbid ! My chariot, you may tell them, was built by one of the best makers in Bond Street, and it has gone several thousand miles in perfect security. What a comical thing it would be, to make the following advertisement : ' A report having prevailed in consequence of some insinuations in the Quar- terly Review, that Mr. Shelley's chariot wheels are broken, Mr. Charters of Bond Street begs to assure the public, that they still after having carried him through Italy, France and Switzerland, they still continue in excellent repair.' . . . Let ' Prometheus ' be printed without delay. . . . Pray, what have you done with Peter Bell? Ask Mr. Hunt for it and for some other poems of a similar character sent him to give you to publish. I think Peter not bad in his way, but perhaps no one will believe in anything in the shape of a joke from me." 2354 A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Pisa, Jan. 20, 1820. To Messrs. Oilier. P. B. S. " I send you the Witch of Atlas, a fanciful poem, which if its merit be measured by the labour which it cost, is worth nothing. . . . The reviews of my Cenci (though some of them, and especially that marked ' John Scott,' are written with great malignity) on the whole give me as much encouragement as a person of my habits of thinking is capable of receiving from such a source. . . I doubt whether I shall work more. I could be content either with the Hell or the Paradise of Poetry, but the torments of its Purgatory vex me, without exciting my powers sufficiently to put an end to the vexation." THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 227 2355 A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Pisa, March 9th, 1820. To Messrs. Oilier. Percy B. Shelley. " ' Prometheus Unbound ' I must tell you is my favorite poem. I ciiarge you therefore especially to pet him, and feed him with fine ink and good paper. Cenci is written for the multitude, and ought to sell well. I think, if I may judge by its merits, the Prometheus can- not sell beyond 20 copies. ... If any of the Reviews abuse me, cut them out and send them, — if they praise, you need not trouble yourself. ... If Hunt praises me, send it, because that is of another character of thing.'' 2356 A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Pisa, March 13th, 1820. To Messrs. Oilier. Percy B. Shelley. " My friends here have great hopes that the Cenci will succeed as a publication. It was refused at Drury Lane, although especially written for dramatic exhibition, on a plea of the story being too hor- rible. I believe it singularly fit for the stage.'' 2357 A. L. S. 3 pp, 4to. Pisa, April 5, 1820. To Leigh Hunt. P. B. S. " We are living here considerably within our income, on which we have unfortunately heavy claims. . . . We have pleasant apart- ments on the Arno, at the top of a house. . . . We shall re- main in Pisa until June, when we migrate to the baths of Lucca, and after that our destination is uncertain. ... I am anxious to hear what you think of my tragedy. I am afraid the subject will not please you, but at least you will read ray justification of it in the preface. . . . The theatre rejected it with expressions of the greatest insolence. I feel persuaded that they raust have guessed at the author. But about all this I don't much care. But of all that I have lately sent, Prometheus is my favourite." 2358 A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. To T. L. Peacock. P. B. S. Post- marked Pisa, May i6th, 1820. " We know little of England now. I take in Galignani's paper, which is filled with extracts from the Courier, and from those accounts it appears probable that a cruel war impends upon the success of ministers and the exasperation of the poor. I see my tragedy has been republished in Paris; if that is the case, it ought to sell in London, but I hear nothing from Oilier. I have suffered extremely this winter, but I feel myself most materially better at the return of Spring. I am, on the whole, greatly benefited by my residence in Italy, and, but for certain moral causes, should probably have been enabled to reinstate my system completely." 228 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 2359 A. L. 7 pp. 4to. Casa Galetta Pisa, November. To La Signora Clairmont. Not signed. Dowden. Vol. II. Page 357. ' ' You must take care of yourself this winter and eat nourishing food. How I long to see you again, and take what care I can of you; but do not imagine that if I did not most seriously think it best for you that I would advise you to return. I have suffered horribly from my side, but my general health decidedly improves, and there is now no doubt but that it is a disease of the kidneys, which however it sometimes makes life intolerable, has, Vacca assures me, no tendency to endanger it. . . Mary is well, and the babe brilliantly well and very good." 2360 A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Pisa, Nov. 8, 1820. To T. L. Pea- cock. P B. Shelley. "Among the modern things which have reached me, is a volume of poems by Keats, in other respects insignificant enough, but con- taining fragments of a poem called Hyperion. I dare say you have not time to read it — but it is certainly an astonishing piece of writing and gives me a conception of Keats which I confess I had not before. . . . I am, speaking literally, infirm of purpose. I have great designs and feeble hopes of ever accomplishing them. . . . Mary is writing a novel, illustrative of the manners of the middle ages in Italy, which she has raked out of fifty old books." 2361 A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. To Miss Clairmont. "S." Pub- lished, Dowden. Vol. 2. Page 385. Where the date is given as Jany. 2d, 1821. " I have not been able to see until the last day or two, or I should have written to you. My eyes are still weak. I have suffered also considerably from my disease, and am already in imagination pre- paring to be cut for the stone, in spite of Vacca's consolatory assur- ances. . . . So it seems that it would have been better for you to have remained at Pisa. Yet being now at Florence make the best profit of your situation." 2362 A. L. S. 4to. Bogni, July 27, 1821. To Messrs. Oilier. P B. Shelley. " I send you the bill of lading of the box containing Adonais. I think it of consequence that the circumstance of Mrs. S.'s having written the work I propose to you should be kept a profound secret. ... It ought not to be announced as written by the author of Frankenstein." THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAE Y. 229 2363 A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Pisa, Dec. 11, 1821. To Miss Clair- mont. "S." Dowden, Vol. II. Page 453. The Exotic as you please to call me droops in this frost — a frost both moral and physical — a solitude of the heart. These last days I have been unable to ride, the cold towards sunset is so excessive and my side reminding me that I am mortal. Medwin rides almost con- stantly with Lord B. and the party sometimes consists of Gamba, Taaffe, Medwin and the Exotic who, unfortunately belonging to the order of mimosa, thrives ill in so large a society. I cannot endure the company of many persons, and the society of one is either great pleasure or great pain. " We expect the Hunts every day, but I suppose the tramontana is a Greek wind at Sea and detains them. ' I think I told you they were to live at Lord B.'s." 2364 A. L. S. s pp. 4to. Pisa, Dec. 31. To Miss Clair- mont. "S." Dowden, Vol. II. Pages 454-45 S- "Mary desires me to say (not that she sees this letter or any of yours addressed to me) that she should have written to you, but she has been very unwell. She has suffered terribly from the rheuma- tism in her head, to such a degree as for some successive nights entirely to deprive her of sleep. She is now, by dint of blisters and laudanum, somewhat better. I have suffered considerably from pain and depression of spirits." 2365 A. L. S. 4 pp. 4to. Pisa, Jany 11, 1821 (1822). To Messrs. Oilier & Co. Percy B. Shelley. Dowden, Vol. II. Page 457, where especial reference is made to this letter as being in Mr. Frederickson's posses- sion. "Considering your total neglects as a negative upon my last modification of the proposal for Mrs. Shelley's novel, I have sent it to Mr. Godwin with liberty to dispose of it to the best advan- tage. . . . With respect to my own publications I had ex- ceedingly desired the immediate publication of ' Hellas' from public, no less than private reasons, but as post-day after post-day passes and I receive no proof-sheets of it, as I requested, I suppose I might as well not have relied upon your spontaneous offers to execute my commissions. I was also more than commonly interested in the suc- cess of Adonais.'' 2366 A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Leghorn, Feb. 23d, 1822. To Leigh Hunt. The signature has been cut out, making a bad hole in the body of the letter. On money mat- ters, and cashing Lord Byron's bills. 230 THE FREDERICK SON LIBRARY. 2367 A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Pisa, April nth, 1822. To Messrs. Oilier & Co. P. B. Shelley, asking them to settle up his accounts with him, and giving a list of errata for " Hellas." 2368 A. L. S. 4to. Lerici, June isth, 1822. To Messrs. Brooks & Co., directing them to pay over his quarter's income, Percy Bysshe Shelley. Badly soiled and rumpled. 2369 A. L. S. 4to. Friday morning — no address and no date. "S." " My Best and Dearest Girl: How excessively grieved I am that I have made you show our false alarm. . . Our fight was not small, for we could never con- jecture the truth. Whatever I have or have not, however, is dear to me in possession chiefly as an instrument of your plan and inde- pendence." 2370 A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, London, Dec. 15th, 1816, and A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, Marlow, Wednesday morning. Postmarked Marlow, November, 1816. The first of these letters is an unquestionable forgery. The second one is doubtful. It is a very interesting letter to W. Godwin. Mr. Frederickson seems to have regarded it as genuine: " The casualties of this world come in like waves, one succeeding the other. We may escape the heavy roll of the mighty ocean, and be wrecked on the still smooth waters of the land-locked bay. We dread the storm and the hurricane, and forget how many have per- ished with sight of shore," etc. 2371 MSS. OF HIS Essay on Love, — as it appeared in the Keepsake, 1829. 3 pp. 4to. In the hand of Mrs. Shelley. "What is Love. — Ask him who lives what is life; ask him who adores what is God." 2372 MSS. OF Four Poems by P. B. Shelley — but in the hand of Mrs. Shelley: Summer and Winter, 4to; A Dirge, 2 pp. 4to; and The Tower of Famine, 2 pp. 4to; To L — d C , 4 pp. 8vo. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 331 2373 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. Wife of the poet. A. L. S. 8vo. To Shelley. " My own love: I do not know by what compulsion I am to answer you, but your poster says I must — so I do I meet you at three and bring heaps of Skinner street news. Heaven bless my love, and take care of him. his own Mary." 2374 Shelley, Mary W. A. L. S. 4 pp. 4to. Bath, Jany. 17th, 1817. To P. B. Shelley, Es. " M. W. S." " I wait for the chancellor's decision with anxiety and yet with great hope. Take care of your own health, sweet love, and all will go well. The baby is well. Blue eyes — gets dearer and sweeter every day, — he jumps about like a little squirrel, and stares at the baby with his great eyes. . . . Adieu. Best and dearest. Clare writes to-day and directs to Longdell's.'' 2375 Shelley, M. W., A. L. S., 2 pp. 410, 1827, " M. S.," and A. L. S., 8vo, 1827, "Mary Shelley." To John Howard Payne, author of " Home, Sweet Home." (2) 2376 Shelley, M. W,, A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, 1829; A. L. S., 4to, 1835, and A. L. S., 4to, 1835. Mentions Hogg, Trelawny, etc. (3) 2377 Shelley, M. W. Thirteen A. L. S. 8vo. 1825-1835. Mainly to her publishers on literary matters. (13) 2378 Shelley, M. W. Five A. L. S. i6mo. 1818-1835. (5) 2379 Shelley, M. W. A. L. S., 4to, and 4 pp. 4to, MSS., signed with initials. (2) 2380 Shelley, Bysshe. Grandfather of the Poet. D. S. 1800. Very large vellum document. A deed of land. 2381 Ode to the Memory of Percy Bysshe Shelley. By "D. M." Original MS. 10 pp. 8vo. With galley proof corrected by the author. 2382 Shelley, P. B. Two oblong pieces of his MSS., and a draft of Charles Oilier, on his account. (3) 233 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 2383 Godwin, William. Author, father-in-law of Shelley. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. 1817. " I heard to my surprise yesterday, from a gentleman in whose company I dined, that you are raising ;,f 1,000 for Mr. Leigh Hunt. I do not mention these circumstances with the smallest idea of rendering you accountable to me for the exercise of your beneficences. ... I was therefore from delicacy silent on the subject, when you were in town after your marriage, — and the men- tion is now wrung from me, by the deep regret I feel that my discus- sion should have come before you at so ungracious a time." On the back of this letter is a verse of six lines, signed P. B. Shelley. 2384 Godwin, William, A. L. S., 4to, and A. L. S. , 2 pp. 4to, to Mr. Sherwood, and A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, to Mr. Colburn, both on same subject, protesting against a publication in the "Vampire," that his two daughters were mistresses of Lord Byron. (3) ' ' Give me leave to add that my daughter is the wife of Mr. Percy Bysshe Shelley." 2385 Godwin, William, A. L. S. , 4 pp. 4to, 1815, and A. L. S., 4to, 1817. The latter said to be to Shelley. 2386 Shelley Portraits: Private plate, etched by W. B. Scott from a bust by Leigh Hunt, folio, one of 50 copies; Steel engraving, 8vo, by J. J. McCarty; Fine woodcut, on india folio; Photograph of tomb, 4to. (4) 2387 Shelley's Friends. Publishers, biographers and rela- tives. T. Jefferson Hogg, A. L. S. , 8vo (mentions Shelley); Capt. E. S. Trelawny, A. L. S. , 8vo, 1841; J. Shelley, A. L. S. , 4to, 1 799 ; Thomas Medwin, A. L. S. , 2 pp. 4to, Pisa, 1821; J. T. Stockdale, A. D. S., vol. 1793; Augusta Leigh, sister of Lord Byron, A. L., 3d p. 8vo; Robert Leeson, A. L. S. , 4to, 1814 (about Shelley); Thomas Hookham, A. L. S. , 5 pp., 8vo, 1882 (about Shelley); Peter Finnerty, A. L. S., 4to, 1804 T. L. Peacock, three A. L. S. to Oilier; T. Shelley two A. L. S., 1813 and 1828; Edward Dowden, A. L. S. 4 pp. 8vo. , 1885, regarding his life of Shelley; Lady J S. Shelley, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo; Sir Percy F. Shelley A. L. S., 8vo, 1883; J. C. Jeaffreson, A. L. S., 4 pp THE FKEDERICKSON LIBRAR Y. 333- 8vo, 1883; William Bell Scott, A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, 1886, regarding Shelley; Edward Moxon, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1867; H. Buxton Forman, A. S. L., 3 pp. 8vo, 1876, regarding Shelley's letters; Egerton Elles- mere, three A. L. S., 8vo, 1849, regarding Shelley MSS. ; Joseph Severn, A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo; Charles Cowden Clarke, A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, 1842; T. F. Dillon Croker, two A. L. S., 8vo, 1854; Prof. C. Short, MS. Oration on Shelley, four letters, each containing dried flowers from Shelley's Grave in Rome. The lot. 2389 Manuscript of 42 folio pages on Shelley in an un- known hand (including poems, etc.). May have been used for lecturing purposes. 2390 Original Manuscript Poem on Shelley. By Wm. Ross Wallace, entitled, "America in Remembrance of the Great and Good Percy Bysshe Shelley." 2 pp. folio. 2391 A Leaf Plucked from Shelley's Grave in 1857. With letter of the donor (Robert Hoe, Jr.,), and portrait of Shelley by Finden. 2392 SiiiTH, Horatio. Poet. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. 1822. " 1 had never seen much of Lamb before and never desire to see him again, as I found him a low coarse drunken snuffy fellow with nothing redeeming in his conversation, altho' I deem his writings inimitable. He damned me and called me an ass before company for not admiring Christobel, and told my wife that if his sister were to die he shouldn't care if she went to Hell in five minutes, — of all which I was told no notice ought to be taken because he was drunk the whole time he was in France. ... By a letter from Shelley at Lerici I find Hunt had arrived at Genoa, whilher he was about to set off in his pleasure boat to meet him. Lord Byron was at Leghorn where a most beautiful yacht which he had built at Genoa was just arrived. . . Irving's Bracebridge Hall is clearly a comparative failure, — too antiquated, Spectatorish and insipid for modern taste." Portrait. 2393 SiMiTH, Horatio. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. 1822. Re- garding the Shelleys. ' 'As to Godwin he is a selfish, unfeeling coxcomb, whom I have never liked since I heard him abuse Shelley who had done so much for him." 234 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRARY. 2394 Smith, Horatio. Auto. MSS. 6 pp. 410. "Journal of a Tourist," and two short notes, 8vo, both mention- ing Shelley. (3) 2395 SouTHEY, Robert. Poet Laureate. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Keswick, 1806. " I am sorry that Coleridge designs to lecture — because it will detain him from his other work which is of more immediate impor- tance, and because I fear he will delay getting ready in time, always be behind hand, always hurried, become thoroughly disgusted with what he has undertaken, and fret himself into his old state of debility.'' 2396 SouTHEV, Robert. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to. Keswick, 1837. " I remonstrated with him (Gifford), upon his designating Lamb as a poor maniac. . . I saw most of Lamb in 1802, when he lived in the Temple. . . . Are you aware of a circumstance connected with the ' Tomb of Douglas.' His mind had been affected before his sister's, and at that time he fancied himself young Norval. This I heard from Coleridge." With portrait and clippings. 2397 SouTHEY, Robert. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo, 1834, and A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1835. Both interesting letters about Charles Lamb. (2) 2398 Thackeray, William M. Novelist. A. L. S. 8vo, Folkstone, 1855. A poetical letter, signed with his monogram. " Who was the lord and what the toast, speak thou who ancient follies knowst. I know a hundred rhymes almost, which on this sheet without a boast, about this noble and this toast, I presently could have engrossed, but I'm in hurry for the post, and likewise for the boiled and roast, with Dickens, who's to-day my host. Written in sight of the French coast, by yours, till he gives up the ghost." Portrait and clippings. 2399 Trelawny, Capt. E. J. The friend of Shelley and Byron. A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to, 1828 (stained). 2400 Wordsworth, William. Poet Laureate. A. L. S. 4 pp. 4to. 1798. " I have written 1,300 lines of a poem in which I can contrive to convey most of the knowledge of which I am possessed. My object is to give pictures of nature, man and society. The work of com- position is carved out for me for at least a year and a half to come." Portrait. THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR V. 335 2401 Manuscript. A little Book of Philip Sparrow com- piled by Master Skelton, Poet Laureate, to the Vir- ginian Voyage, etc. 45 pp. folio. In an unknown hand. Very neatly written. 2402 Miscellaneous. Washington, fac-simile of his Book- plate, Signature, Monogram (2) and Seal (on i sheet); A. L. S.,J. O. Sargent to Mr. Stoddard, 2 pp., Gratulation Song to C. W. Frederickson on his 5Sth Birthday, by Wm. Ross Wallace; A. L. S., H. T. Tuckerman ; A. L. S., Rev. G. H. Houghton. (5 pieces.) 2403 Miscellaneous. E. S. and F. J. Turner to their Dearest Mother, MS. Poem, 2 pp.; A. L. S., E. M. Bolton to Edward Allen, Esqr. , of Dulwich, Surrey; A. L. S., Wm. Wilson; etc. (6 pieces.) 2404 Miscellaneous. An Original Letter from Dr. Oliver Goldsmith to Miss Horneck, afterwards married to General Gwynn. 5}^ pages copied in the Autograph of Northcote; lines written after seeing the House at Stratford where Shakespeare was born. Signed T. G. MS. entitled " The Picnic. " Al. Freya, etc. (4 pieces.) 2405 Wedding. Poem on a Wedding, 1729; Poem by Jo. Green of Boston ; The Taking of Montreal, by Mr. Gamble Distella, a Poem ; The Treaty, a Poem written in 1 761, relates to a Conference between the Governor of Pennsylvania and the Chiefs of Indian Nations; Description of the Town of Newport, Rhode Island, by John Mayhew, etc., etc. ; Modern Transcript, 86 leaves, small 4to, written in a very neat hand. (Lot 1889 in Moore sale.) 2406 Autograph Album bound in half morocco, 4to, con- taining the following autographs: Countess of Bless- ington, A. D. S., 2 pp. 8vo, signed with initials, and A. L. S., foL, 1841, portrait; Walter Savage Landor, Poet, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1841, portrait; Count d'Or- say, man of fashion, A. L. S. , 4 pp. 8vo, 1848, por- trait; Letitia E. Landon, poet, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo and Auto. MSS., 3 pp. 410. "L. E. 'L." portrait; Mary 236 THE FREDERICKSON LIBRAR V. Russell Mitford, novelist, A. L. S., 2 pp. i6mo, 1845, portrait; Caroline E. Norton, novelist, A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, \?>\2^ portrait; T. N. Talfourd, biographer, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1836, /(^r/ra/// William Hone, Publisher, A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, 1821; Eliza Cook, poet, auto, verse, 8vo, signed, portrait; Napoleon III., Emperor of France, auto, quotation, 8vo, signed, English, /^r- trait; Abraham Cooper, artist, A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, portrait; Victoria, Duchess of Kent, mother of Queen Victoria, A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, 1849; Signatures of the Duchess and Queen Victoria, and one page of writing of Queen Victoria, ivith portraits. The lot. 2407 Lamb, Charles. Priced Catalogue with names of buyers of the sale of part of his library in New York, by Bartlett & Welford in 1848. With j portraits of Lamb and portraits of John and Mary Lamb; lithographs. Also the Correspondence of Bartlett & Welford regarding the sale. A curious lot. 2408 Sargent, Winthrop. Author of Life of Andre. Auto- graph MSS., 30 pp. 4to. Remarks on " Cod Fishery." From the Moore Sale. 2409 New England Courant. Jan. i, 1725, Feb. 12, 1726, and April 23, 1726. The first in bad condition. Boston. Printed and sold by Benjamin Franklin in Union Street, where advertisements and letters are taken in. (3) 2410 Weekly Monitor, of Litchfield, Conn. Jan. 26, April 20, and Dec. 16, 17S9. Containing news of election Washington as President, Ratification of Federal Con- stitution, French Revolution, etc. (One damaged.) 1 §;«»« I7tli StXRJit, 1:jcw Hjoriefe, Jabt almost gailg J^udion Sales af ^lttt0gra^lt% ^'MnUf ^If^al^t and otftjCK €;0iisi;®mm)emte ^©Ecitjel^ ®atEl0awjes plEttjel up0ii ^ppliKuii&n. PLEASE SEND ORDERS AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, AS THEY OFTEN FAIL TO REACH US WHEN HELD UNTIL LAST MAIL. 18 BANGS & CO., 91 & 93 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. Please execute for me the following hids at the auction snJc on May 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 1897. The Frederickson Library. Mam Address BitlM are always so iniieli per volume for book8, ami by tlie piece for pamplilels and aiito»;i'aplks~iii 110 case for tlie lot. REMARKS. BID. REMARKS. The payment of $3.00 in advance will insure the mailing of all our Catalogues to your address for One Year. 3Sm\Q6 & Co. Buctioneere of 3Boof?s, Xitcrarg BMopertg, etc. 91 if 93 ffiftb avenue, IRcw 13orF5. Dear Sir: Your attention is called to our sales of Libraries and other Collections of Books consigned to us for sale on commission, which we have almost daily, from about the middle of September to the first of July. Catalogues are carefully prepared and mailed in ample time for parties residing in distant places to send bids, which we execute free of charge, and purchases are reported at the conclusion of the week's sales. Embracing, as our Catalogues do, books in all depart- ments of Literature, these sales afford unequalled opportuni- ties for securing desirable books at moderate prices. Our list of buyers has reached such large proportions that it is impossible for us to mail the Catalogues to all persons desiring them ; but the payment of $3.00 in ad- vance, to cover the expenses of postages, etc., will insure the mailing of all our Book Catalogues for one year, or $1 .00 for three months. Specimen Catalogues mailed on application. Truly yours, Bangs & Co. THE FREDERICKSON SALE May 24th TO 28th, 1897 Bangs & Co. 91 & 93 Fifth Avenue, New York PRICES PER VOLUME LOT PRICE LOT PRICE LOT PRICH I $7-75 19 $°-37 37 $2.50 2 7-25 20 .60 38 .60 3 ■30 21 1.62 39 4^25 4 ■65 22 ■37 40 •05 5 ■OS 23 •25 41 •25 6 .40 24 •30 42 . 10 7 4.25 25 1. 12 43 . 10 8 1.50 26 ■25 44 ■75 9 •5° 27 . 12 45 . 10 10 ■2S 28 ■OS 46 .60 II •75 29 1.25 47 2^75 12 .70 3° •35 48 ■50 13 3.62 31 .60 49 3^75 14 i-So 32 .60 SO •25 IS 7-25 33 .87 51 .70 16 ■25 34 3.12 52 .40 17 •17 35 .08 S3 1. 00 18 •75 36 ■03 54 ■75 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. lOt PRICE LOT PRICE LOT PRICE ss $o.SS 92 $1-37 129 $0.10 56 •IS 93 2. 20 130 4.00 57 •5° 94 •30 131 .60 58 .60 95 •30 132 . 20 59 . 20 96 .60 133 •°S 60 ■25 97 •50 134 .87 61 •5° 98 . 20 135 1. 10 62 .60 99 8.00 136 . 10 (^Z •50 100 2.50 137 2.50 64 .20 lOI 1-25 138 2. 20 (>s •°S T02 •35 139 2.37 66 . 10 [03 1. 12 140 1. 10 67 5-5° 104 4^5° 141 •25 68 1-37 loS 6. 20 142 1.25 69 6.00 106 1. 00 143 1.62 70 1. 12 107 .87 144 1. 20 71 I-7S 108 •25 145 •55 72 1.50 109 10.00 146 . 10 73 •50 1 10 ■25 147 1. 00 74 1. 25 III •75 148 3^So 75 .70 112 ■15 149 1-37 76 •25 113 •IS 15° •75 77 .62 114 •5° 151 . 12 78 •30 "5 •65 152 .62 79 . 20 116 1-75 IS3 1. 00 80 •OS 117 5-25 154 •25 81 .10 118 . 10 155 .80 82 .90 119 4.00 156 .80 83 1.30 120 1. 12 157 2,00 84 .40 121 21.00 158 4.00 85 •03 122 1. 00 159 '•75 86 2.50 123 .87 160 2.25 87 1-37 124 . 12 i6i 4^25 88 •25 125 .80 162 1-25 89 .62 1 26 1.87 163 11.00 90 •05 127 •50 164 6^75 91 •75 128 •37 165 i^iS THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. LOT PRICE LOT PRICE 166 I3-50 203 $0.50 167 4-75 204 .70 168 3-25 205 .40 169 •75 206 8.00 170 3-75 206^ 1. 12 171 .80 207 6.50 172 1. 10 208 I 00 173 2.00 209 [.12 174 1-25 2 10 1. 00 17s 1. 20 2 II •15 176 ■65 212 2. 12 177 ■5° 213 .80 178 .70 2I3i 3.00 179 1.62 214 4-5° 180 1. 12 215 •50 181 .62 216 1^5° 182 1-75 217 2.25 183 2.62 218 2.87 184 2.50 2ig .62 185 2.25 220 •IS 186 •35 221 .70 187 188 •50 1. 10 222 223 3.00 .20 189 190 191 192 1-75 1. 10 ■30 1. 00 224 225 226 227 228 •55 20.00 1-75 •IS 2.25 193 194 3-5° . 12 229 230 •35 1. 00 19s 1. 00 231 . 10 196 1^25 232 •5° 197 198 .80 .60 233 234 1.25 •30 199 3.12 235 •30 200 8.00 236 3.00 201 .60 237 3-5° 202 130.00 238 •25 LOT PRICE 239 $0.50 240 9.00 241 ■50 242 2.25 243 2.50 244 •25 245 .60 246 ■50 247 . 10 248 1. 00 249 .60 250 15^5° 251 •50 252 1.62 253 •5° 254 . 10 255 •3° 256 .40 257 •25 258 •50 259 •25 260 ■15 261 •05 262 2.62 263 ■35 264 •5° 265 6.00 266 •03 267 .01 268 •IS 269 .70 270 •30 271 1. 12 272 1. 12 273 .60 274 2.00 275 6.00 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. LOT PRICE LOT PRICE LOT PRICE 276 $1.00 313 $0.65 350 $1.12 277 ■30 314 1. 00 351 .70 278 •3° 315 11.25 352 •75 279 340.00 316 6. 00 353 •87 280 ■°5 3'7 4.00 354 •5° 281 •85 318 2.37 355 .60 282 .60 319 1.40 356 .60 283 2.00 320 1-75 357 •50 284 .87 321 1-37 358 1. 00 28s ■5° 322 1. 1 2 359 . 10 286 •IS i^l 1^75 360 •45 287 .01 324 •37 361 1-75 288 •25 325 .62 362 1.30 289 5-25 326 . 12 363 .80 290 •3° 327 •25 364 •15 291 1.50 328 .62 364i 1. 12 292 •°S 329 .60 365 •25 293 .80 330 2.00 366 •°5 294 2. 62 331 81.00 367 ■5° 29s •35 332 2.00 368 1. 00 296 .40 333 •25 369 •75 297 3-50 334 . lO 370 2. 10 298 1.25 335 •35 371 8.00 299 5-5° 336 •30 372 •37 300 2.50 337 1. 25 373 ■3° 301 .40 338 1-75 374 1. 00 302 i-So 339 •25 375 •15 303 1. 00 340 •25 376 .01 304 .62 341 . 12 377 .01 305 •25 342 •55 378 •50 306 •25 343 .80 379 •50 307 1. 10 344 9-50 380 1 1. 00 308 i-SS 345 2.87 381 •75 309 •35 346 .90 382 •03 310 1-5° 347 5.00 383 .20 311 ■35 348 2.45 384 •03 312 . 10 349 •15 385 •°S THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. LOT PRICE LOT PRICE LOT PRICE 386 $003 423 $2.00 460 fo.io 387 •5° 424 . 10 461 5.00 388 115.00 425 •50 462 3-5° 389 3.37 426 •25 463 1. 00 390 .62 427 . 10 464 1-25 391 ^■37 428 .80 465 ■85 392 ■30 429 ■65 466 ■35 393 1. 40 430 2.25 467 '■5° 394 . 10 431 3-75 468 ■35 395 •15 432 1. 1 2 469 1.50 396 5-50 433 ■75 47° ■75 397 .62 434 •25 471 3^75 398 •°5 435 .70 472 3^75 399 250.00 436 . 10 473 3^75 400 I-7S 437 . 10 474 . 20 401 •05 438 .02 475 .80 402 2-7S 439 .01 476 ■45 403 .80 440 .01 477 10.50 404 .87 441 ■25 478 ■°S 405 . 1 2 442 1.25 479 .60 406 . 12 443 2.50 480 ■30 407 2.25 444 . 10 481 ■ °s 408 •°5 445 2.00 482 . 12 409 •05 446 . 20 483 1.5° 410 ■37 447 .40 484 .06 411 ■75 448 ■25 485 ict. 412 ■37 449 •25 486 6.75 413 ■35 45° ■30 487 ■15 414 . 10 451 1-25 488 ■30 415 ■°S 452 •25 489 ■°S 416 . 10 453 . 20 49° ■05 417 ■03 454 ■IS 491 .01 418 ■25 455 ■25 492 . 10 419 3-25 456 ■°5 493 . 20 420 i-So 457 •30 494 ■15 421 •15 458 ■35 495 ^ct. 422 3.12 459 1.40 496 1-25 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. LOT PRICE 497 $0.05 498 1. 00 499 •25 500 5-5° 5°i 8.5° 502 i-So 503 .62 504 •°5 50s ■17 506 1. 25 507 •35 508 . 10 509 ict. 510 •25 Sii .02 512 1-25 513 •25 514 .80 515 . 10 S'6 •75 517 •15 S18 •25 519 . 10 520 •05 S2I •15 522 ■50 523 •25 524 .01 525 57.00 526 140.00 527 •75 528 1-5° 529 .87 530 •25 531 •5° 532 ■25 533 I. OS 534 5fo.o3 535 .40 536 7.00 537 1.8s 538 .40 539 1-25 540 1-5° 541 2.2s 542 2-75 543 ^•37 544 .01 545 ■37 546 1^75 547 1. 00 548 1. 00 549 2. 12 550 i^°5 551 .80 552 •25 553 . 12 554 160.00 555 1 1. 00 556 1. 00 557 •87 558 . 10 559 20.00 560 ] .00 561 1. 00 562 1. 00 563 1. 00 564 • 25 565 •25 566 •5° 567 .10 568 ■25 569 •5° 570 1.25 571 |0.20 572 •85 573 •25 574 ■25 575 .70 576 I. 00 577 . 10 578 •25 579 .01 580 .60 581 •15 582 •5° 584 . 10 585 . 20 586 ■30 587 •IS 588 •05 589 •°5 590 ■05 591 •05 S9ii •OS 592 ■50 593 •25 594 . 10 595 i52^5° 596 •05 597 6.00 598 2.50 599 2.50 600 3^25 601 1. 25 602 • IS 603 1.30 604 •75 605 1. 00 606 .60 607 1.62 THE FJiEDERICKSON SALE PRICES. LOT PRICE LOT PRICE t.OT PRICE 608 $31.00 645 $1.62 682 $6.00 6og .60 646 ■15 683 I. 00 610 . 10 647 •50 684 2^75 611 1.25 648 .20 68s •35 612 .60 649 ^■5o 686 •30 613 . 10 650 1.50 687 1.20 6 14 . 10 651 •IS 688 •55 6rs ,5° 652 2.62 689 .08 616 ■5° 653 1.62 690 ■OS 6.7 . 10 654 •25 691 .20 618 . 20 655 iS^So 692 2. 12 619 1. 00 656 •35 693 •IS 620 •35 657 7-50 694 4^25 621 •IS 658 .80 695 ■35 622 . 10 659 •3° 696 16.00 623 •25 660 •50 697 •IS 624 70.00 661 . 10 698 • 40 62s 105.00 662 ■03 699 •30 626 1.25 663 •25 700 .90 627 .87 664 .40 701 •87 628 35° 665 .87 702 •25 629 •5° 666 .62 703 •25 630 ■25 667 ■75 704 •37 631 •°5 668 •50 70s .62 632 . 10 669 '■OS 706 1. 00 633 12. 50 670 .40 707 .10 634 10.50 671 2.00 708 3^50 63s .10 672 2 00 709 •25 636 ■IS 673 6.50 710 1.62 637 ■35 674 4.00 711 2.50 638 ■50 675 6.50 712 •50 639 •25 676 8.00 713 2.50 640 •35 677 •5° 714 •25 641 76.00 678 2.00 715 .OT 642 1. 12 679 2.25 716 .62 643 1. 12 680 '■75 717 •25 644 37^5° 681 ■30 718 .87 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. LOT PRICE LOT PRICE LOT PRICE 719 $0.10 756 $0.63 793 $0.50 720 •OS 757 '•37 794 .02 721 . 10 758 . 10 795 . 12 722 •37 759 . 10 796 •50 723 •5° 760 26,00 797 5^25 724 1-50 761 . 10 798 . 20 725 1. 00 762 •25 799 3.00 726 11.50 763 2.75 800 .or 727 •45 764 2^75 8oi .62 728 1. 00 765 . 20 802 . 12 729 •30 766 ■15 803 I. GO 730 2.50 767 . 20 804 .40 731 14.00 768 ■35 80s .65 732 •3° 769 i-iS 806 ■87 733 •30 770 1. 12 807 .01 734 •25 771 . 20 808 4^50 735 . 20 772 .60 809 5^25 736 1.25 773 3-75 810 •75 737 1. 62 774 1^25 8ir •05 738 •37 775 •5° 812 2.12 739 . 10 776 . 10 813 4^25 740 1. 00 777 .10 814 ■35 741 ■15 778 .60 815 ^■50 742 . 10 779 •75 816 ■50 743 1-75 780 •°5 817 .60 744 12.50 781 1.62 818 •25 74S lOO.OO 782 .90 819 •65 746 2.50 783 1. 10 820 5.00 747 1.50 784 ■15 821 13.00 748 ■75 785 .80 822 39.00 749 ■45 786 •15 823 2. 12 750 2.25 787 .01 824 1.62 751 ■25 788 3^5° 825 5^50 752 1. 12 789 2.25 826 •'5 753 1^75 79° 1.62 827 1.80 754 .25 791 1.60 828 •25 7SS •03 792 .62 829 .10 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. i.OT 830 PRICE $1.15 831 1. 10 832 ■30 833 1.50 834 .60 83s .60 836 i-So 837 2. 50 838 .20 839 ^3-5° 840 2.50 841 •50 842 1. 00 843 ■35 844 . 10 84s 6.25 846 1-25 847 1. 12 848 1-37 849 ■25 850 . 12 851 . 20 852 1. 1 2 853 .60 854 .70 8SS .70 856 •75 857 •75 858 1. 00 859 •15 860 '■37 861 •25 862 .90 863 . 12 864 •°5 865 •75 866 f 10 LOT PRICE 867 ■ $1^05 868 1. 12 869 •25 870 •30 871 1.70 872 .60 873 •3° 874 . 10 875 .01 876 •8S 877 ■35 878 • 1.40 879 1. 00 880 ■45 881 •45 882 I. 20 883 300.00 884 150.00 885 10.00 886 2-75 887 1. 10 888 1^37 889 21.50 890 1. 00 S91 7-75 892 1.70 893 1-37 894 •°5 895 ■30 896 ■25 897 •15 898 .40 899 •37 900 I. 20 901 .62 902 '•50 903 •50 LOT PRICE 904 $0 30 90s •25 906 •15 907 . 10 908 ■°5 909 .01 910 •3° 911 ■50 912 ■25 913 .20 914 •75 915 .40 9 16 1.50 917 5^75 918 •85 919 .87 920 4-75 921 2.50 922 2.50 923 .40 924 1.50 925 4.00 926 2. 10 926^ 2. 25 927 .40 928 ■3° 929 1.70 930 ■15 931 ■3° 932 .06 9Zl -3° 934 •65 935 •°5 936 .04 937 .01 938 . lO 939 1.30 10 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. LOT PRICE 940 $21.00 941 •50 942 230.00 943 I I. 00 944 I. 12 945 •°5 946 .40 947 ■30 948 •15 949 1. 20 949i 1-37 95° 2.00 95t .60 952 1. 00 953 .70 954 1-25 955 •5° 956 1-37 957 •35 958 1. 00 959 •3° 960 180.00 961 55-°° 962 300.00 963 170.00 964 270.00 965 1 10. 00 966 375-°° 967 . 20 968 20.00 969 8.00 97° . 20 971 •°S 972 . 10 973 •25 974 1. 00 975 .01 LOT PRICE 976 $0.70 977 ■55 978 2.2s 979 .01 980 .60 981 ■5° 982 1.50 983 •°5 984 ■15 985 .90 986 .87 987 r.20 988 •30 989 1. 00 99° ■°5 991 ■25 992 5-25 993 •25 993i .70 994 .40 995 •15 996 . 12 997 ■°5 998 6.50 999 •15 1000 •35 lOOI . 10 1002 •35 1003 6.50 1004 1.87 1005 •15 J006 1.12 1007 ■30 1008 ■15 1009 •15 loro 2.37 lOII .87 LOT PRICE IOI2 $4.5° IOI3 I. 00 IOI4 3-50 1015 6.75 IO16 1. 10 IOI7 •25 io[8 •75 1019 1-25 1020 .60 1021 1.87 1022 •30 1023 ■25 1024 T2 1025 •55 1026 3.00 1027 ■5° 1028 .40 1029 .60 1030 •3° 1031 '•75 1032 ■75 i°33 . 20 i°34 .40 i°35 •25 1036 1-5° i°37 •30 1038 1. 00 1039 ■45 1040 •45 1041 3-5° 1042 1. 00 1043 1.25 1044 4^5° i°45 .62 1046 33- 00 1047 •5° 1048 2.75 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. 11 LOT PRICE LOT PKICE LOT PRICE I049 $0.62 1086 $0.87 1123 $17.00 1050 1.40 1087 .40 1124 I. 12 1051 ■50 1088 95.00 II2S 1.30 1052 .40 1089 17.00 II26 .02 1053 •2S logo 20.00 II27 •30 1054 1-37 1091 .62 II28 13.00 i°S5 1.30 1092 ■25 1129 I^2.S 1056 .70 1093 .02 I I 30 .60 1057 ■25 1094 ict. II3I .80 1058 ■25 109s ict. II32 • °s i°_S9 I. 25 1096 •OS II33 i^So 1060 2.50 1097 .87 II34 • 05 1061 . 10 1098 1. 10 113s 2.00 1062 •°S 1099 .80 II36 4.00 1063 •5° 1 100 •so II37 •SO 1064 •°S I lOI 1. 00 II38 1.50 1065 150 1 102 1. 00 II39 I. 12 1066 I. TO 1103 7.70 I 140 •°s 1067 3-25 1104 7.80 II4I .01 1068 • ss 1105 •IS II42 •4S 1069 • 25 1 106 2.25 II43 •30 1070 I-2S H07 •30 II44 •05 1071 1-75 1108 . TO II4S •OS T072 .40 1109 I-3S 1146 ■30 1073 I-5S mo ■2S 1147 .01 1074 •°S I II I r.40 1148 . 20 1075 •35 1112 1-37 1149 1^37 1076 .01 1113 1. 00 1150 •3S 1077 ■30 1 1 14 1. 00 iiSi .OI 1078 ■25 ii'S 1. 12 1152 3.62 1079 .07 1 1 16 1. 00 IIS3 2. 12 1080 •IS III7 1. 12 1IS4 .02 1081 •65 III8 1. 00 115s i^So 1082 1.50 1 119 i^os iiS6 .01 1083 .40 II20 3^50 1157 •3S 1084 .02 1 121 1.50 1158 1.00 1085 1. 10 I 122 2.25 IIS9 ■SO 13 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. LOT PRICE LOT PRICE LOT PRICE I i6o $3-25 1197 $o-75 1234 $4^37 1161 ■25 1198 .80 1235 i^os 1162 .60 II99 •3° 1236 •05 1163 I-2S 1200 . 10 1237 2.50 1164 • °s 1200^ .ob 1238 .70 1165 ■ 25 I20I . 10 1239 •37 1166 ■55 1202 3^7° 1240 .60 1167 i-So 1203 •5° 1241 •50 1168 1. 00 1204 J-ct. 1242 . 10 1169 2.50 1205 .01 1243 . 10 1170 1-5° 1206 •05 1244 .40 1171 •35 1207 •15 1245 i-°S 1172 2.75 1208 •OS 1246 •30 U73 ■25 1209 •15 1247 •75 1T74 3-25 I2IO 3.00 1248 •°5 II7S .70 121 I 3^25 1249 .40 1176 •25 I213 1. 12 1250 ■75 1177 •35 I214 i^SS 125 I .06 1178 .80 I215 • °s 1252 •03 1179 •5° I216 • 25 1253 .02 1180 i-So I217 ■5° 1254 .90 1181 . 10 I218 •5° 1255 . 20 1182 •°S I2I9 . 10 1256 .80 1183 .87 1220 .20 1257 3^5° 1184 . 10 122 [ .40 1258 15.00 1185 •IS 1222 •25 1259 2.50 1186 •75 1223 9-5° 1260 7-25 087 •5° 1224 1. 00 1261 •75 1188 •25 1225 1. 00 1262 •85 1189 1^75 1226 •50 1263 1 . 10 1 190 •5° 1227 •5° T 264 .60 1191 •35 1228 1. 10 1265 •55 1192 •5° 1229 1. 40 1266 ■30 I '93 •30 1230 10.00 1267 .80 1194 •65 J23I 21.00 1268 •55 1195 .60 1232 .62 1269 •5° 1 196 . 10 1233 •37 1270 •30 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. 13 LOT PRICE LOT PRICE LOT PRICE 1271 $0.10 1308 $0 ox 1345 $0.05 1272 .20 1309 .80 1346 1. 00 1273 •25 I3IO 1-25 1347 ■25 1274 1-05 I3II 10,50 1348 1. 12 1275 2,50 1312 .01 1349 2.25 1276 •25 I3I3 1. 00 1350 •°5 1277 .60 I3I4 ■ 05 I35I •05 1278 ■35 13^5 .90 1352 . 10 1279 . 10 I316 ■45 1353 •75 1280 .20 1317 ■5° 1354 1281 1-25 1318 •°5 135s ■5° T282 2. 1 2 13^9 ■55 1356 7.00 1283 .80 1320 ■25 1357 10. 50 1284 1. 10 I32I 1. 00 1358 2.25 1285 •35 1322 3.00 1359 26.00 1286 •25 1323 •25 1360 •30 1287 ■3° 1324 1-15 1361 1. 10 1288 6.50 1325 ■15 1362 ■15 1289 . 10 1326 ■05 1363 8.00 1290 '■50 1327 .80 1364 ■75 1291 ■35 1328 1.70 1365 1.62 1292 •30 1329 1^25 1366 1^35 1293 9^75 1330 2.25 1367 ■75 1294 ■30 I33I 1.60 1368 ■35 1295 18.00 1332 . 10 1369 1.60 1296 2.7S 1333 5.00 1370 .87 1297 •25 1334 . 10 I37I •75 1298 ■75 1335 .70 1372 2-37 1299 1. 10 1336 •5° 1373 ■75 1300 ■05 1337 1-75 1374 •75 1301 1. 00 1338 ■37 137s 1-5° 1302 .70 1339 1.62 1376 •30 i3°3 ■05 1340 1. 12 1377 •87 1304 . 10 I34I 2.00 1378 1. 00 i3°5 10 1342 •75 1379 •5° 1306 1. 10 1343 1. 10 1380 .10 1307 .30 1344 .90 I381 •25 14 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. LOT PRICE 1382 $r.2S 1383 •5° 1384 I-2S 1385 245.00 1386 5S-00 1387 40.00 1388 .80 1389 .40 1390 •30 I39I .90 1392 •37 1393 ■IS J 394 5-5° '395 •IS 1396 . 10 1397 ■75 1398 1-25 1399 •75 1400 •25 1401 3^5° 1402 •25 1403 ■°5 1404 2.75 1405 5-2S 1406 2.25 1407 2.7s 1408 2.2s 1409 2.75 1410 2.00 141 1 4^25 1412 4.5° 1413 4.50 1414 1.7s 141S 5.25 1416 2-75 1417 5^5° 1418 5.00 1419 2-75 LOT PRICE 1420 $2.25 I42I 3.00 1422 2-75 1423 2.50 1424 2.50 1425 16.00 1426 5-5° 1427 5^5° 1428 3.00 1429 5^5o 1430 3-25 I43I 8.50 1432 3-50 1433 10.00 1434 2. 00 143s 4.50 1436 3.00 1437 10.50 1438 6.00 1439 13-5° 1440 7.00 I44I 9.00 1442 5.00 1443 3.00 1444 2.50 1445 4.50 1446 3.00 1447 2.00 1448 76.00 1449 8.25 145° 1-37 1451 2IO. 00 1452 26.00 1453 iS^5o 1454 12.00 1455 •45 1456 1.40 LOT PRICE 1457 $0.27 1458 1.05 1459 I. 60 1460 I.S5 i46o|- '•5° 1461 1-25 1462 .40 1463 .40 1464 1. 20 1465 .60 1466 .80 1467 . 20 1468 2.25 1469 •55 1470 1-50 1471 16 50 1472 2.40 1473 1. 10 1474 5.00 1475 2^75 1476 2.62 1477 2,00 1478 3-50 1479 •15 1480 .70 1481 •75 1482 2.50 1483 •25 1484 •30 1485 •85 i486 •30 1487 1. 00 1488 •3° 1489 2,25 1490 3.12 1491 .90 1492 . 10 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. 15 1493 '494 149s 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 iS°3 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 'S°9 1510 iS'i 1512 i5'3 1514 1515 1516 '517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 I'RICE $6.25 2. oo 2.50 ■35 2.00 I-3S •4S •75 1-50 ■25 1. 10 .60 1.80 3-37 ■25 •25 . 20 1. 10 2.25 I. 20 .90 5-25 3.00 ■19 r. 12 . 12 9-25 2.12 3.00 .87 1-37 •15 .60 1.30 •25 2.25 •3° LOT PRICE LOT I'RICi^ '53° $4.00 1568 $1.00 1531 •5° '569 •25 1532 •5° 157° •°5 '533 .60 '57' •°S 1534 1.87 1572 •'5 1535 .62 '573 . 10 1536 2.00 '574 ■3° '537 35-00 1575 . 10 '538 •45 1576 ■05 1539 .40 1577 •05 1540 1.62 1578 •OS 1541 •25 1579 ■OS 1542 . 10 1580 ,02J 1543 3^75 1581 ■90 1544 •35 1582 •'5 1545 1.70 1583 •05 1546 3^50 1584 •>S 1547 •30 '585 .60 1548 •05 1586 130.00 1549 •3° 1587 35^00 155° •05 1588 28.00 1551 ■45 1589 2.75 1552 46.00 159° 5-25 1554 45.00 1591 15.00 1555 130.00 ■592 145.00 1556 1-25 1593 20.00 1557 •37 1594 8.50 1558 f2.50 1595 9. 00 1559 200.00 1596 3-25 1560 5.00 1597 1. 00 1561 615 00 '598 4.00 1562 T-25 1599 r.oo 1563 • 25 1600 3 5° 1564 2^25 i6oi 1. 00 1565 •37 1602 34.00 1566 ■05 1603 330.00 1567 4^25 1604 65.00 16 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. LOT PRICE 1605 $0.20 1606 •25 1607 •3° 1608 •5° 1609 32-5° 161 •°S 161 1 •30 I6I2 27.50 I6I3 12.50 I6I4 I. 12 1615 22.50 1616 I. 00 161 7 33S'°o i6i8 25.00 1619 .87 1620 1,00 1621 •30 1622 13.00 1623 .70 1624 25.00 1625 3.00 1626 3-25 1627 5.00 1628 27.50 I 629 •75 1630 1. 1 2 1631 '•25 1632 I. 62 ^(>Zi 1. 00 1634 .02 163s 1-25 1635 7.00 1637 2.25 1638 2.50 '639 ■75 1640 1-25 1641 1.90 1642 %o.2,i 1643 .80 1644 2.25 1645 1-75 1646 ■75 1647 •25 1648 .40 1649 35-°° 1650 10.50 1651 10.50 1652 1-5° 1653 •5° 1654 ■so 1655 .40 1656 ■37 1657 •35 1658 r. 10 1659 1.70 1660 i^°5 1661 .40 1662 .40 1663 •30 1664 ■15 1665 1-37 1666 •25 1667 •5° 1668 •17 1669 •55 1670 . 20 167 I 2,12 1672 ■30 ■673 •30 1674 . 22 1675 . 10 1676 ■25 1677 •25 1678 . 10 LOT PRICE 1679 $0.87 1680 •15 1681 I. 00 1682 1^35 1683 •05 1684 ■05 1685 ■45 1686 •15 1687 •5° 1688 9.00 1689 52.50 1690 . 20 1691 4.25 1692 1.40 1693 .60 1694 •25 169s 1.50 1696 .62 1697 . 10 1698 . lO 1699 •30 1700 . 20 1701 ■30 1702 .90 1703 350 1704 1. 00 i7°5 2. 10 1706 .20 1707 ■35 1708 3.00 1709 2.75 [7 10 ■50 1711 . 20 1712 1. 00 1713 1-55 1714 ■50 1715 ■55 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. 17 LOT PRICE 1716 fo.40 I7I7 21.00 I718 •05 1719 27.00 1720 2. 12 1721 •25 1722 I. 00 1723 .62 1724 •IS 1725 1.40 1726 •35 1727 . 10 1728 •25 1729 .20 1730 . 10 I73I •30 1732 1.90 1733 1^25 1734 . 10 1735 35-00 1736 •25 1737 •OS 1738 1. 12 1739 .02 1740 21.00 I74I i7^S° 1742 . 10 1743 ■SO 1744 •2S 1745 . 10 1746 •30 1747 •30 1748 13.00 1749 •35 175° •35 1751 ■30 1752 •OS LOT PRICE 1753 $0.05 1754 1. 00 1755 •25 1756 ■25 1757 1. 00 1758 •25 1759 •3S 1760 •IS 1761 ■05 1762 . 20 1763 •15 1764 •°S 1765 •OS 1766 2.25 1767 •OS 1768 •OS 1769 •05 1770 ■OS 1771 •OS 1772 ■OS 1773 . 10 1774 •IS 1775 •OS 1776 •OS 1777 ■30 1778 . 20 1779 1. 00 1780 .62 1781 . 10 1782 •IS 1783 • 30 1784 ■ 03 178s • 70 1786 •35 1787 . 10 1788 .60 1789 .01 LOT PEICE 1790 $0.50 1791 1-50 1792 1. 00 1793 . 10 1794 •IS 179s . 10 1796 .40 1797 7.00 1798 •S^So 1799 4.00 1800 ■50 1801 ■45 1802 •50 1803 •35 1804 1. 00 1805 2.75 1806 •55 1807 •30 1808 . 10 1809 •25 1810 ■45 1811 •IS 1812 . 10 1813 . 10 1814 . 10 1815 •25 1816 1.62 1817 ■35 1818 •35 1819 •35 1820 4^75 1821 6^75 1822 •25 1823 2.50 1824 2.75 1825 3^75 1826 .70 18 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. LOT PRICE LOT PRICE LOT I'RICE 1827 $1-37 1864 $0.25 I9OI $1.00 1828 1. 00 1865 3.12 1902 2.00 1829 •25 1866 . 10 1903 •25 1830 •25 1867 •05 1904 ■15 183I •25 1868 1.80 i9°S 1-25 1832 •37 1869 2.00 1906 .60 1833 •■5 1870 • 30 1907 •75 1834 .40 1871 • 15 1908 1.20 1835 .40 1872 • 25 1910 .70 1836 . 10 1873 •5° 191 1 .40 1837 ■03 1874 .or 1912 •05 1838 1. 12 1875 .or 1913 .06 1839 .87 1876 .60 1914 •15 1840 •°5 1877 2. 12 1915 1. 10 I 84 I •35 1878 1-25 1916 '•25 1842 .80 1879 .40 1917 1.30 1843 •25 1880 ■35 1918 .40 1844 . 10 1881 5^12 1919 •37 1845 .40 1882 •37 1920 •15 1846 1. 12 1883 .62 1921 2^75 1847 ■°5 1884 •75 1922 1-25 1848 •25 1885 •3° 1923 1.87 1849 .70 1886 . 20 1924 5-25 1850 •°S 1887 1. 90 1925 5-5° 1851 ■30 1888 . 20 1926 .02 1852 •87 1889 1.25 1927 •75 1853 •°S 1890 •65 1928 1-05 1854 . 10 1891 . 20 1929 i^iS 1855 .10 1892 •15 1930 1. 00 1856 1.30 1893 . 10 1931 1^75 1857 •45 1894 5.60 1932 '•SO 1858 •IS 189s •5° 1933 1.87 1859 •65 1896 •OS 1934 1. 12 i860 . 20 1897 •05 1935 •25 i86i 1.05 1898 3.60 1936 5-50 1862 1 1. 00 1899 3-7S 1937 1-75 1863 ■50 1900 •5° 1938 '•75 THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. 19 LOT PRICE LOT TRICE LOT PRICE 1939 $1-55 1976 $0.30 2013 $0.50 1940 ■OS 1977 .60 2014 2.12 1941 .40 1978 .60 2015 1^25 1942 .40 1979 .90 20l6 1^50 1943 1.25 1980 •°s 2017 5.00 1944 .62 1981 .70 2018 I-7S 1945 •6S 1982 i^So 2019 2.00 1946 .60 1983 .40 2020 •°S 1947 •25 1984 •30 202 [ 1. 12 1948 1-75 198s .10 2022 1^50 1949 .40 1986 •°5 2023 . 10 1950 ■5° 1987 . 10 2024 1.87 1951 1. 12 1988 ■5° 2025 ■IS 1952 .70 1989 •OS 2026 .90 1953 •IS 1990 .20 2027 1^50 1954 ■6S 1991 •75 2028 I. I 2 I9S5 •IS 1992 1. 00 2029 •75 1956 •IS 1993 •30 2030 •25 1957 I. OS 1994 •8S 2031 1.62 1958 3-2S 1995 •70 2032 ■25 1959 . 10 1996 ■25 2033 . 20 i960 3-5° 1997 •IS 2034 1^75 1961 26.00 1998 •30 2035 •25 1962 .87 1999 •35 2036 •OS 1963 •IS 2000 •30 2037 • 40 1964 2.00 2001 ■75 2038 •75 196s •35 2002 •50 2039 •OS 1966 2. 75 2003 .20 2040 . 10 1967 1-50 2004 1.62 2041 .80 1968 2-7S 2005 .80 2042 1.62 1969 I-7S 2006 4. 20 2043 1. 20 1970 .60 2007 .60 2044 •15 1971 . 20 2008 1-25 2045 25.00 1972 5^7S 2009 .20 2046 . 10 1973 2.50 2010 ■25 2047 •50 1974 25-5° 2011 5.00 2048 1.90 197s .40. 2012 . 10 2049 1.62 20 THE FREDERICK SON SALE PRICES. LOT PRICE LOT PRICE LOT TRICE 2050 $° 55 2086 $1-25 2123 $0.05 205 1 ■25 2087 • 25 2124 .08 2052 •IS 2088 • 50 2I2S •35 2053 1.90 2o8g . 10 2 126 •30 2054 . 10 2ogo 2.00 2 127 . \2 2055 •25 2091 1,62 2128 1.30 2056 3-5° 2092 ■5° 2129 •45 2057 1.00 2093 5-5° 2130 2. 20 2058 1-25 2094 I- '5 213I • 17 20s8i •IS 2095 1-5° 2132 .80 2059 . 10 2096 2.25 2133 •50 2060 i^75 2097 1. 10 2134 •15 2061 i^75 2098 •5° 2135 . 1 1 2062 •3° 2099 ■31 2136 •3° 2063 21.00 2100 •30 2137 •15 2064 •25 2101 .42 2138 •65 2065 5-5° 2 I02 . 12 2139 .20 2066 . 10 2103 . 12 2 r40 .80 2067 •35 2 104 •25 2141 .11* 2068 2.25 2105 •55 2142 .08 2069 1.12 2106 •35 2143 . 20 2070 1.50 2107 . 10 2144 . 20 2071 2.00 2108 5.60 2145 4^5° 2072 . 10 2109 4 25 2146 •41 2073 155^00 2 I 10 . 12 2147 •05 2074 ■05 2 I I I ■3° 2148 I. 20 2075 1. 00 2II2 . 10 2149 . 20 2076 I. 12 2II3 ■05 2150 . 20 2077 ■50 2II4 .02 2151 2.2s 2078 . 10 2IIS .80 2152 5-25 2079 •5° 21 16 •5° 2153 9.00 2080 ■25 21 17 •25 2154 •50 2o8r 5-5° 2I18 ■36 2155 •37 2082 •75 2119 •45 2156 2^75 2083 .60 2120 ■37 2157 •5° 2084 •75 2I2I .04 2158 .02 2085 •15 2122 ■°5 2159 ■02\ THE FRRDERICKSON SALE PRICES. 21 LOT PKICE LOT PRICE LOT PRICE 2160 I0.O7 2198 $16.00 2235 $30.00 2161 I. 10 2199 36.00 2236 3-5° 2162 •25 2200 50.00 2237 30.00 2163 ■25 2201 21.00 2238 10.00 2164 2.00 2202 25.00 2239 4-5° 2165 ■30 2203 13.00 2240 1.50 2166 •25 2204 60.00 2241 20.00 2167 . 01 2205 45.00 2242 3.5° 2168 •'5 2206 28.00 2243 1. 10 2169 1.50 2207 42.00 2244 22.50 2170 3.00 2208 60,00 2245 17.00 2I7I 8.25 2209 77-50 2246 13.00 2172 1 1.50 2210 37.00 2247 29.00 2t73 1. 00 221 I 50.00 2248 9-5° 2174 •25 2212 60.00 2249 5.00 2175 •3° 2213 46.00 2250 15.00 2176 •25 2214 8.00 2251 23.00 2177 . 10 2215 10.00 2252 2.62 2178 1.50 2216 20.00 2253 25.00 2179 ■5° 2217 20.00 2254 90.00 2180 •30 2218 4.00 2255 30.00 2181 ■30 2219 30.00 2256 52.50 2182 7.00 2220 3.00 2257 35-00 2183 •5° 2221 3.00 2258 21.00 2184 1.30 2222 40. 00 2259 45.00 2185 .80 2223 25.00 2260 45.00 2186 ■25 2224 2,00 2261 16. 00 2188 10.00 2225 I 10.00 2262 23.00 2189 .87 2226 47-5° 2263 15.00 2190 ■75 2227 32.00 2264 67.50 2 191 4-50 2228 2,00 2265 16.00 2 192 •25 2229 .40 2266 15.00 2193 6.5° 2230 i-°S 2267 35.00 2194 65.00 2231 1.90 2268 5-75 2195 2.25 2232 3-75 2269 r3.oo 2196 65.00 2233 2.12 2270 5-75 2197 125.00 2234 5.00 2271 6.50 22 THE FREDERICKSOA^ SALE PRICES. LOT PRICE 2272 $1.25 2273 8.00 2274 9.00 2275 3-5° 2276 37-5° 2277 65.00 2278 45.00 2279 3- 25 2280 25.00 2281 42.00 2282 28.00 2282 + 24.00 2283 100.00 2284 84.00 2285 3S-°o 2286 21.00 2287 21.00 2288 26.00 2289 65.00 2290 360.00 2291 22.00 2292 17.00 2293 4-5° 2293i 5-5° 2294 26.00 229s 425.00 2296 21.00 2297 16.00 2298 1. 10 2299 2.50 2300 4.00 2301 5-5° 2302 125.00 2303 .90 2304 7.00 2305 10.00 2306 7.00 LOT PRICE 2307 $7-°o 2308 50.00 2309 46.00 2310 2 1. 00 2311 42.50 2312 3r.oo 2313 17.00 23'4 41.00 231S 38 00 2316 40.00 2317 50.00 2318 3S-00 2319 30,00 2320 16. 00 2321 80.00 2322 51.00 2323 12.00 2323i 3.00 2324 7.00 2325 36.00 2326 S5-o° 2327 20.00 2328 23.00 2329 18.00 2330 19.00 2331 19.00 2332 22.00 2333 18.00 2334 20.00 2335 45.00 2336 15.00 2337 80.00 2338 18.00 2339 7.00 2340 17.00 2341 3-5° 2342 3.00 LOT PRICE 2343 $21. 00 2344 4.00 2345 25.00 2346 7-5° 2347 15.00 2348 42.50 2349 42.50 235° 50.00 2351 33-00 2352 50.00 2353 38.00 2354 45.00 2355 65.00 2356 36.00 2357 3S-00 2358 45.00 2359 45.00 2360 85.00 2361 30.00 2362 32.00 2363 52.50 2364 60.00 2365 52.50 2366- 3.00 2367 47-00 2368 30.00 2369 25.00 2370 7.50 2371 10.00 2372 23.00 2373 17.00 2374 35-00 2375 •75 2376 ■70 2377 •65 2378 ■65 2379 .80 sr THE FREDERICKSON SALE PRICES. 23 LOT PRICE 2380 $2.00 2381 •25 2382 2. 20 2383 20.00 2384 5-5° 2385 1.62 2386 •3° 2387 10.00 2389 •37 2390 ■25 LOT PRICE 2391 $o-37 2392 31.00 2393 5.00 2394 ■5° 239s 3-S° 2396 t6.oo 2397 5.00 2398 95.00 2399 .90 2400 32.00 LOT PRICE 2401 $0.02 2402 . 10 2403 . 10 2404 ■IS 2405 ■8s 2406 16.00 2407 18.00 2408 ■30 2409 5.00 2410 2. 00 5 QJottiBU Httiuerattg Hthrarg JItliata, Nem lork FROM THE BENNO LOEWY LIBRARY COLLECTED BY BENNO LOEWY 1854-1919 BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSfTY