CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM _ Cornell University Library F 12825 P98 + Contributions to tlie history of ancient 3 1924 028 835 458 Dim Overs Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. ANCIENT FAMILIES OF NEW YORK CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE History of Ancient Families NEW AMSTERDAM AND NEW YORK. By EDWIN R. PURPLE, With a Biographical Sketch on the Author; and Additions and Emendations to the Work, By SAMUEL S. PURPLE, M.D. NEW YORK: PRIVATELY PRINTED 1881. EDITION ONE HUNDRED COPIES ONLY. Twenty-five of which are on Antique Parchment Paper. CONTENTS. PAGE, In Memoriam, vii Pedigree, xii Ancient Families — Stille — Woei^tendyk — Somerendyk (First Four Generations), 5 Van Schaick {First Four Generations) — De Groot — Bloedgoedt — Onckel- bach — Kierstede — Bogaert, .... ... 9 Siecken — Dey — Dye {First Four Generations) — Ryerson — Spier, . . 13 Brevoort {First Four Generations) — Bastienszen — Sickels — Bill, . . 14 Grevenraet [First Three Generations), 16 D^'R.IU'E^ {First Four Generations) — Steenwyck — Gouverneur, . .17 Zyperus, 20 Wourterszen — Breestede — Adraen Pieterszen Van Alcmaer, . 21 Santvoort {First Three Generations) ^Sunders — Walton, . . .22 Eckerson {First Three Generations) — De La Montagne — Van Aernam — Bogaert — Heermans — Borry — Stuyvesant — Van Vechten, . . 23 Sammans {First Three Generations), 25 Stridles — Wanshaer {First Three Generations), 26 Tymens — Van der Veen — Stephenszen, 27 Leisler {First Three Generations) — De Kleyn — Vaughton — Walters — Rynders — Provoost — Bayard — Cuyler — Lewis, . . . -29 LoOKERMANS^Van Cortlandt — Bayard — Kierstede — Bradford, . . 35 Varick — Van Dyck — Van Kleeck — De Witt — Freligh, . , . .41 vi CONTENTS. PAGE Kip — Van der Heul — De Foreest — Kierstede — Hooglant — Ryckman — De Sille — Bryant — Van den Berg — Brower — Naylor — Lynch — Close —Purple 4S Meyer — Hansen — Rutgers — Janszen — Earle — Elbertszen — Vreeland — Van Beuren — Lent — Benson, 63 De Meyer — De Meyert — Neering — Crundall — De Key, . . .73 Van Dyck— Coely, ... ....... 77 Varleth — Verleth — Stuyvesant — Backer — De Foreest — Hermans — Vanderheyden — Van Beeck — Schrick — Brockholst — French — Van Home — Livingston— Clarkson — Browne — Philipse — Beverley — Mor- ris — DePeyster — Spratt- — Ashfield — Provoost — Livingston — Stevens —Rutherfurd— Teller— Van Baal— Du Bois— Bayard— Brett— Van Tricht — Stoutenburg^ — Schuyler — De Peyster — De Bruyn — Bayard — Van Dam — ^Kemble — Van Home, . . . . . 79-114 DIETELOFSZEN— DiEDELOOS— DOREN (?) — DiTLO, 1 14 Dutch Aliases — Abrahanszen — Adamszen — Adrianszen — Albertszen — Arentszen — Barentszen — Casparszen — Claeszen — Comeliszen — Corszen — Dirckszen — Elbertszen — Evertszen — Franszen — Fredricks- zen — Gerritszen — Gilliszen, see Jilliszen — Gysbertszen — Hendricks- zen — Herbert — Huybertszen — Huygen — Idenszen — Isaackszen — Jacobszen — Jeurianszen — Jilliszen , or Gilliszen — Johanneszen— Joris- zen — Joosten — Josephs — Lambertszen — Laurenszen — Leendertszen — Lucaszen — Marius — Martenszen — Michielszen — Pauluszen — Peterszen — Resolvert — Reyerszen — Theuniszen — Thomaszen — Wesselszen — Williamszen, 115-118 Miscellaneous Aliases, and ??«wfj j/^// ^ws or w2(7r« waj/J, - . 11 8-1 20 GOUVERNEUR — Broughton — Gouverneur, 120 Kip — of Kingston and Rhinebeck, N. Y. — Sleight — Lewis — Vredenburgh — Van Wagenen — Radcliff^Hermans, 121 Corrections and Additions, 125 Index to Names and Families, 127 ^v^^fZ^.^^^ In |lffipmorifiin/ Edwin Ruthven Purple, the third son of Lyman Smith Purple and Minerva Sheffield his wife, was born in the town of Sherburne, Chenango Co., N. Y., on June 30, 1831. His maternal grandfather, James (Fones) Sheffield, was born in Charlestown, R. 1., April 12, 1766, and was of the medical profession. His paternal grandfather was Ansel Purple, born in Middle Haddam, Ct., in 1773, and his earlier paternal ancestor Edward Purple, of Haddam, Ct., 1674, was of English descent. After the death of his father, which occurred May 7, 1839, and before Edwin was eight years old, he was placed by his mother and elder brother at school in Earlville, Madison Co., N. Y., where he continued until the spring of 1846. In the summer of that and the following year he was em- ployed at farm labor, living at home during the winter months, and attend- ing the Earlville Academy — deemed at that time one of the best and most flourishing high schools in the county. In March, 1847, he came to the City of New York and secured employment as a clerk in a drygoods im- porting house. Here he remained about three years, until the spring of 1850. In 1848 he became a member of the Laight Street Baptist Church, to which his family belonged, and to which he remained attached while in the city. In 1850 his employer arranged to close his business in New York, and established himself in San Francisco, Cal. — the land of great promise and of great attraction — and made such favorable overtures as to induce Edwin to follow him to that El Dorado; and accordingly, April 13, 1850, he embarked, on the steamship Cherokee; for Chagres, and went thence to Panama, where he took a sailing vessel (the bark Winthrop) for San Fran- cisco, where he arrived on the 12 th of July following, taking up three months, instead of a six months' passage around Cape Horn. On arrival he found that his employer, who had preceded him, had sold the stock of merchandise to arrive, and had abandoned the idea of setting up business for himself in California, having found that it was easier to sell goods at a profit than to secure a store at a moderate rent, or have any assurance against disaster. Remaining in San Francisco a few days, he went to Sacramento City, where, through the introduction of a friend, he hired an ox-team and wagon, loaded it with flour and other provisions, and started ^ * In part condensed from memorial sketches read before the New York Genealogical and Biographical So- ciety, l^ Charles B. Moore, Esq. ; and the New York Academy gf Medicine, by Laurence Johnson, M.D. vin IN MEMORIAM. on a trading tour across the Sierra Nevada mountain range, to meet the incoming emigration across the plains. This expedition proved success- ful, and to him was both romantic and adventurous. Soon after his return to Sacramento, late in August, 1850, the cholera broke out there, and for days the principal business houses and public places of that city were closed, and the streets nearly deserted. On this calamitous account he left for San Francisco, and from thence went to Stockton, where, in Decem- ber, 1850, he fell back to his former quiet position, and obtained a clerk- ship in the store of Seneca Dean, formerly of Orange Co., N. Y. There were many in that region from the Empire State. In February, 1851, he commenced mining at Carson's Creek and Murphy's Camp, in Calaveras Co., and in October of that year formed a copartnership with Edwin T. Lake, an old trader in mining supplies, on the North Branch of the Calaveras River, and remained in this business two years. In the fall of 1853 he dissolved copartnership with Mr. Lake, designing to return to New York; but, being detained longer than he expected in the settlement of his business, he commenced the study of law in the office of William Jeff. Gatewood, Esq., of San Andreas, two miles from North Branch. His practical observance of rules as an ac- countant made the study of law as a science less difficult to him. In September,' 1854, he was elected one of the justices in the Fifth Town- ship, then one of the most populous in Calaveras Co. At that time the jurisdiction of justices of the peace extended to all actions, and in civil cases where the amount involved did not exceed five hundred dollars, and they had original jurisdiction in all actions to determine the right to mining claims. The business of the office,, both civil and criminal, was large, and during his term was increased by disability, by reason of sickness of Judge Spencer, the other Township Justice. His mind and talents, to say nothing of his patience, were fully exercised. In the fall of 1855 he was elected one of the three supervisors of Calaveras County, and served in that capacity one year. In November, 1855, he was admitted to practise as an attorney at law in the county courts of Calaveras County. From 1855 to i860 he was one of the nine proprietors, and was the secretary and treasurer of the San Antonio Ridge Ditch and Mining Company, which, in addition to supplying water for mining and agricultural purposes in the cen- tral portion of Calaveras Co., was also extensively engaged in the manu- facture and sale of lumber in that region. In May, i860, he removed to Fort Yuma, California, where he was em- ployed as Agent of the Butterfield Overland Mail Company, until the mail service between St. Louis and San Francisco on the southern route was discontinued in April, 1861. At that date, a contract having been made by the company with the government to carry a daily overland mail be- tween St. Joseph's, Missouri, and Placerville, California, commencing July I, 186 1, the stock and stages of the company from Tucson in Arizona to Los Angelos in California were ordered to the new route between Placer- ville and Great Salt Lake City. On the 8th of May, i86i, in charge of one hundred and thirty horses and eighteen stages, with thirty men, he left Los Angelos for Salt Lake City, where he arrived, without the loss of an animal, on the i6th of June; the distance being about eight hundred miles, and half of which was through a desert country, inhabited only by roving bands of Indians. Here, as the Agent of the Overland Company, IN MEMORIAM. ix he remained until June, 1862, and then left there with a small company, principally old Californian acquaintances, for the Salmon River Gold Dig- gings in Oregon. Their heavy wagons loaded with supplies and drawn by oxen, were compelled to travel slowly, while the unusual falls of rain that season along the route greatly increased the difficulty and labor of ciossing the mountain streams and very much retarded their progress. On the 30th of July they reached the Beaver Head, the main stream of the Jefferson Fork of the Missouri River, which t\\ey prospected ior gold. Not finding the precious metal in paying quantities, they pushed on north to Gold Creek, in Deer Lodge Valley, where they arrived on the 7th of August. Here they concluded to abandon the idea of going to the Salmon River Mines, near Fort Walla Walla, 425 miles distant, and, owing to the short- ness of the season, made preparations to go into winter quarters at Stuart's ranche, located at the mouth of Gold Creek, and owned by two brothers, James and Granville Stuart (afterward called American Fork). .This was a favorite winter resort of the early trappers and pioneers. After leaving the Beaver Head they met a party of seven men, John White and others, on their way from Deer I^odge to Willard's Creek (a tributary of the Beaver Head) for the purpose of prospecting it for gold. These were undoubtedly the first white men that found gold in Willard's Creek (or Grasshopper, as it was called by them), the discovery of which peopled that country, till then a mountain wilderness, with at least fifteen thousand inhabitants in the spring and summer following. They contended with the rocks for sub- sistence and for wealth, and not with each other in arms, and, finding other rich placers in that region, fixed the status of Montana as one of the richest and most valuable of the western gold and silver producing Terri- tories. In December, 1862, Mr. Purple opened a store at Bannack City, where these new discoveries of gold were made, his stock in trade consisting principally of provisions and mining utensils, which had been brought with him from Salt Lake City. Having disposed of these, in December, 1863, he left the Territory of Montana for New York, where he arrived in Feb- ruary, 1864, after an absence from his native State of nearly fourteen years. Here he entered into a business connection with Gov. James Duane Doty, ex-Gov. of Wisconsin, and others, for the sale of mining property, in which they were mutually interested in Montana. In April, 1864, he left again for that territory, but was taken seriously sick, and returned in De- cember following to New York. His many exposures had impaired his health. In 1869 he became a member of the New York Genealogical and Bio- graphical Society — the first year of the existence of the Society. On the loth of December, 1870, he read before the Society his first paper, being extracts from the MS. autobiography of William Gowans, the antiquarian bookseller and publisher then but recently deceased. On the 13th of May, 1871, he read a paper on the Biography of Cadwallader Colden, a Colonial Governor, Physician, and Philosopher. He gradually acquired an interest in genealogical investigations and a taste for family history. He took up the Colden papers, in possession of his brother, and prepared for the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record the " Notes Biographi- cal and Genealogical of the Colden Family, and some of its Collateral Branches in America" which were published in the number for October, X IN MEMORIAM. 1873. These notes were, perhaps, kept back too long, to give place to others less important and less attractive. An edition of fifty copies, in book form, of this article was privately printed in 1873. The number of the Record for January, 1875, contained from his pen an elaborate Biographical and Genealogical Sketch of David Provoost of New Amsterdam, and some of his Descendants. An edition of one hun- dred copies of this article, in book form, was privately printed in 1875. From early youth he exhibited a deep-rooted fondness for exact knowl- edge, particularly mathematics and history. This in after years led him, in genealogical pursuits, to' examine carefully the source of New Nether- land family history ; and his attention was soon directed to the changing forms of Dutch family nomenclature. His careful and untiring ap- plication to this class of difficult investigations soon made him an expert in tracing with certainty the descendants of the first settlers of New Am- sterdam. The first instalment of his ^^Contributions to the History of the Ancient Families of New York" appeared in the Record for April, 1876, con- taining four generations of the Stills, Woretendyk, Van Schaick, Somer- endyk, Siecken, alias Dey family, Brevoort, Grevenraet, De Reimer, and Zyperus families. In the July number, Wouterszen Van Breestede, Peter- zen Van Alcmaer, Santvoort, Echerson, Sanmians, Stridles, Wanshaer, Tymens, and Van der Veen families. In the October number, the first three generations of the Leisler family, correcting many previous errors, and with a note embracing the De Kleyn family. An emended edition, consisting of seventy-five copies, in book form, was privately printed in 1877, with the following title : Genealogical Notes Relating to Lieut. Gov. Jacob Leisler and his Family Connections in New York. In the January number for 1877 appeared the Loockermans and Varicks ; in the April and July numbers, the Kip family (much more full and exact than any we had before), with two corrections. An emended edition of seventy-five copies, in book form, was privately printed in 1877 with the following title : "Con- tributions to the History of the Kip Family of New York and New Jersey." In the numbers of the Record from January, 1878, to January, 1879, ap- peared the Meyer, De Meyer, and Varleth families, with various family connections, such as the Hermans, Brockholst, French, Philipse, Teller, Schuyler, Bayard, and others. There also appeared in the number for January, 1879, ^'^ very important and instructive list of " Dutch Aliases." To him are the readers of the Record indebted for the laborious indexes to names of several of the volumes of that work. These varied and important contributions to the family history of New Amsterdam (or New Netherland) and New York, much of the material for which are derived from the unpublished as well as published records of the Reformed Dutch and other churches, are herewith reprinted, with extensive emendations and additions, as a memorial by his surviving brother. It perhaps need not be said — nor is it to be supposed — that all he has written has been published. In the preparation of this personal history we have been permitted to consult the MS. history of the Purple Family, pre- pared, with much labor, by him and his only surviving brother, IN MEMORIAM. Xl He died at 47 years of age, and his travels and labors are ended. His style, like that of a truthful genealogist, was as free from surplusage, embel- lishment, or ornament, as that of an accountant's ledger. He had something biographical to say, but no one would discover by what he said that he had travelled far, or that he had ever visited California. His notes of travels, which are preserved, are both interesting and important. He wrote about such a notable character as Lieut.-Gov. Jacob Leisler, so that few, whether friendljj or hostile, had any reply or complaint ; and in his writings there are exhibitions of depth and strength of thought and sentiment deserving of particular notice. In 1876, the New York Academy of Medicine, having purchased a building for its use, and having received from his brother, who was then its President, a gift of over three thousand volumes of medical works, the value of which has been estimated at ten thousand dollars, Mr. Purple was selected to the important position of assistant or acting librarian, and, in the language of Dr. Laurence Johnson, his biographer before the Academy, he entered upon the duties of the office in the autumn of that year. He brought to the task before him not only a love for books, but an inexhausti- ble fund of patience. He began his work with the same painstaking care that characterized his labors as a genealogist, and of the work he here per- formed but little will ever have to be undone. He labored zealously and hopefully. He believed in a great and successful future for this library, and had an unbounded faith in its ultimate success. He continued to arduously labor in the library until February, 1878, when a sudden and alarming hemorrhage from the stomach suspended, for a time, his work. His progress toward recovery was slow. He visited the library from time to time, but his active labors were over. When satisfied that he would never be able to resume active duty as librarian, he tendered his resigna- tion, and presented the sum due him as salary, which he had never drawn from the beginning of his work, to the library fund of the Academy, ini- tiated by his brother. This generous and graceful act, on the part of one not a member, was without precedent in the history of the Academy. It deserved a special recognition. To provide for this and any future con- tingency of like character, the Academy created the honorary title of Bene- factor, and Mr. Purple was the first elected to that title. His gift formed the nucleus of the Academy's present library endowment, which has grown, as the library has grown, to respectable dimensions. His death from pneu- monia occurred on the 20th of January, 1879. To us of the New York Academy of Medicine, his life was full of promise and usefulness. He began here a work which is left to others to carry on toward completion. It is peculiarly fitting in this new I^ibrary Hall, which has just been dedi- cated under such brilliant auspices, that we pause for a moment from the usual labor which engages us to pay the tribute of respect to the memory of one whose last years were consecrated to its service. He was the recipient of distinguished honors from various historical and other learned societies, none of which did he value more than that of honorary member of the Historical Society of Montana, located at Helena City, Montana. On the 13th of February, 1868, he married Mary Frances, daughter of Charles Hawley and of Mary Van Antwerp (Lynch) Close of New York. Fiv^ children were borp to them — ^three survive him, all daughters. His xii IN MEMORIAM. wife's descent was brought out briefly in the History of the Kip Family, and this was written when his little child was fatally sick. The dedica- tion of it, as separately printed, was to the memory of this child as follows : Jn iJlemoritttn. TO SARAH SHEFFIELD PURPLE, Born May 30, 1875, Died July 5, 1876, In whose veins mingled the blood of some of the FIRST DUTCH HUGUENOT AND PURITAN SETTLERS OF New Netherland and New England, These Contributions, to the preparation of which her brief life gave additional incentive, art Bcbicatili, With Ardent Love for her Memory and Profound Sorrow for Her early Death, By Her Fatlier. PEDIGREE. Hendrick Hendriclcszen Kip', Isaac Hendrickszen Kip', Isaac Kip", Abraham Kip'', Gerrit Kip', Abraham Kip', Rachel Kip' (wife of James Lynch), Mary V. Lynch" (wife of Chas. H. Close), Mary Frances Close ' (wife of Edwin R. Purple). Issue ; — Mary C. Purple '", Frances M. Purple 1°, Amelia G. Purple '**. Adam Brower ', Jacob Brower ', Jacob Brower ", Johannes Brower ^, EUenor Brower " (wife of Gerrit Kip '), Abraham Kip ", Rachel ICip ' (wife of James Lynch), Mary V. Lynch ° (wife of Chas. H. Close), Mary Frances Close ° (wife of Edwin R. Purple). Issue : — Mary C. Purple ^"^ Frances M. Purple '°, Amelia G. Purple ^''. Dr. Johannes De La Montague ', had by wife Rachel Defour, Jan De La Montagne ', Jr., who had by wife Pieternella Picques, Jan De La Montagne *, born in Amsterdam, who had by wife Annetie Waldron, Pieternella De La Montagne'' (wife of Jacob Brower '), Johannes Brower ', Ellenor Brower * (wife uf Gerrit Kip '), Abraham Kip ', Rachel Kip' (wife of James Lynch), Mary V. Lynch' (wife of Chas. H. Close), Mary Frances Close '» (wife of Edwin R. Purple). Issue : — Mary C. Purple ", Frances M. Purple ", Amelia G. Purple *'. Gerrit Lansing ', Hendrick Lansing '', Maria Lansing ' (wife of Huybert Gerritszen Van den Berg'), Maria Van den Berg' (wife of Abraham Kip'), Gerrit Kip\ Abraham Kip*, Rachel Kip ' (wife of James Lynch), Mary V. Lynch* (wife of Chas. H. Close), Mary Frances Close ' (wife of Edwin R. Purple). Issue: — Mary C. Purple, Frances M, Purple, Amelia G. Purple, So Dr. SAMUEL S. PURPLE, (WITHOUT WHOSE AID THEY WOULD NEVER HAVE APPEARED) THESE CONTRIBUTIONS To THE History of the Ancient Families of New York are dedicated, with fraternal love and regard, by his brother The Author. ANCIENT FAMILIES OF NEW YORK. A proper respect for the memory of ancestors is not only laudable, but deeply implanted in the hearts of the good and wise of all civilized nations. To affect indifference to matters that pertain to family history is but to ac- knowledge the weakness of conceit, and to ignore the well-established law '' that the past is the parent of the future." The founders of the new world, whatever may have been their ancestral origin in the old, joined hands and hearts in a common issue — the planting of a nation whose influence is now felt to the remotest parts of the earth. To trace the origin and disclose the somewhat obscure relations of some of the ancient families of the colony and State of New York is the purpose of the following pages. STILLE. WOERTENDYK. SOMERENDYK. (first four generations.) Jacobsen, alias Cornelis Jacobsen Van Vreelandt, alias Cornelis Jacobsen Stille, the ancestor of the Somerendyck and Woerten- dyk families, was in New Amsterdam as early as May, 1639, and may have been the junior Cornelis Jacobsen, who, with Cornelis Jacobsen, Senior, of Mertensdyk, leased, on the 14th of May, 1638, from Barent Dircksen, baker, the bouwery or farm called Walenstyne. He and Jan Jacobsen Stille, probably his brother, were farmers and leased together 15 th August, 1639, from Jonas Bronck, a lot of land with dwelling-house and stock. His brother was probably the Jan Jacobsen of Vrelant, who made a mar- riage contract, August 15, 1639, with Maritje Pieters, of Copenhagen, and who conveyed, July 29, 1644, to Lambert Valckenburgh, a house on the island of Manhatten with 25 morgens of land adjoining. He probably left the country soon after or died without issue. On the 29th July, 1641, Cornelis Jacobsen Stille deeded to Lambert Huybertsen Mol a house and plantation next to Hans Hansen [Bergen] on Long Island, and May 13th, 1643, leased of Cornelis Van Tienhoven his bouwery in the Smiths Valley. On the i8th March, 1647, he obtained from Gov. Kieft a patent for bouwery No. 6, previously occupied by Wolf- ert Gerritsen [Van CouwenhovenJ, containing 28^ morgens of land.' This estate, says Mr. Valentine,'' lay between Division Street and the East River, extending eastward nearly to Corlear's Hook, and on the south-west in- cluded Wolfert's Meadows, through which ran the stream which carried the waters of the Kalkhook, or Fresh Water pond, to the East River. The 1 Cal. of N. y. Hist. MSS., Dutch, 1630, 1664, pp. i, 10, 16, 22, 29, 67, 373. 2 Valentine's Manual, i860, p. 556-8. 6 STILLE—WOERTENDYK—SOMERENDYK. original Stille farm house was situated at the head of Chatham Square, on the north-west corner of the present East Broadway ; the kitchen stood on the opposite side of East Broadway. Before 1668 Stille conveyed one- half of this farm to Augustine Hermans, which portion was again conveyed, January loth, 1685, to Wolfert Webbers and Hendrick Cornelisen [Van Schaick] by Fiancisca Hermans, as attorney for her father.' The premises were later known as the Rutgers farm, but have for many years comprised one of the most densely populated portions of the city. I. CoRNELis Jacobsen [Stille'], j. m., (young man or bachelor) from Vreelandt; m. I'^tj Aug. 24, 1642, Claesje Theunis, j. d., (young daughter or maid) from Amsterdam ; m. 2^, July 26, 1659, Tryntje Walings, from Amsterdam. He was living Jan. 20, 1683, and probably was the Cornells Jacobse, of the city of New York, naturalized June 7, 1684.^ His widow, Teuntje [Tryntje] Walings, m. August 6, 1686. Simon Corneil, widower of Claesje Petit Mangin. — Issue : 2. i. Jacob,'' (10) bap. Sept. 27, 1643. 3. ii. Aefje," bap. April 2, 1646; prob. m., Feb. 5, 1688, Jonas Liewens, [Lewis?] from England. 4. iii. Neeltje," bap. Dec. 13, 1648 ; in the record of her marriage she is called Neeltje Hendricks, without doubt a clerical error ; at the baptism of her children Neeltje Cornelis and Neeltje Stille. She m.. May 19, 1669, Hendrick Comelis- zen [Van Schaick]. See page 11. 5. iv. Janneken," bap. June 30, 1652; m., March 31, 1675, Aer- nout Webbers, widower of Ariaentje Adriaens. He had issue by I "t wife, Wolfert, bap. Nov. 14, 1670; Marritie, bap. Oct. 19, 1672 ; Adriaen, bap. Nov. i8, 1674. By his 2* wife, Jannetie Cornelis, had Cornelis, bap. March 18, T676 ; Johannes, bap. June 26, r678; Claesje, bap. Nov. 17, 1680 ; Cornelis, bap. Aug. 28, 1683 ; Sara, bap. Aug. 9, 1685; Rachel and Helena, twins, bap. Feb. 12, 1688 ; and Cornelis, bap. Feb. 19, 1693. 6. V. Teunis," (20) bap. March 19, 1656. 7. vi. Waling,' bap. Oct. 6, 1660; no further account. 8. vii. Hendrick,= bap. March 3, 1666; no further account. 9. viii. Thymen," bap. Aug. 21, 1672 ; no further account. 10. Jacob Corneliszen Stille," (2) bap. Sept. 27, 1643. It was a custom of great antiquity in Holland, and of common practice among the early settlers of New Netherland, to add to the name given to a male at his birth or baptism that of his father's first name with the addition thereto of zen, zoon, se, or sen, meaning son. To the female's name was added her father's Christian name, with the addition usually of s, and sometimes (though paradoxical) zen or se. His name appears more frequently in the records as Jacob Corneliszen, i. e., Jacob son of Cornelis, than as Jacob Corneliszen Stille or Jacob Stille. His sisters Neeltje and Janneken are called Neeltje Cornelis, Jannetie Cornelis, and rarely Neeltje and Jannetie Stille. His sons took the surnames of Somerendyk and Woertendyk finally retaining the latter as their family name. He m. I's', March 5, 1671, Aeltje Fredericks from Brasiel. In the record of his 2^ m., Feb. 6 1 Hoffman's Estate and Rights of the Corp. of New York, 2d ed. Vol 2 d. sia 2 Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS., English, p. 28. "^ "' STILLE—WOERTENDYK—SOMERENDYK. >, 1684, to Marritje Hendricx, widow of Hendrick Bastiaenzen, it appears that he was living at the Great Kill, which was in or near that section of the city on the North River side formerly called Greenwich. He died about the year 1711. — Issue : 11. i. Claesje,' bap. Feb. 11, 1672; at the baptism of her children she is called Claesje Jacobs and Claesje Stille ; m., Sept. 13, 1692, Reynier [Pieterse] Quackenbosch (from Oestgeest in Holland) widower of Lysbetli Masten. By his i'*' wife, prob. a dau. of Jan Mast or Masten, of Flushing, L. I., bap. in N. Y., June 3, 1657, and whom he m., March 2, 1674, he had issue bap. in Albany, Livertje [Dievertje] and Claas, Dec. 9, 1685 ; Claas, Sept. 15, 1689.' By his 2^ wife Claesje Jacobs Stille, had issue bap. in N. Y. ; Jacob, June 4, 1693 ; Marritje, Feb. 16, 1696; Johannes, Jan. 22, 1699; and Abraham, Feb. 25, 1705. His widow m. 2^, Aug. 25, 1711, Jacob Koning or Coning, widower of Grietje Peters, and had Aaltje bap. Aug. 24, 1712; and Isaac, bap. Aug. i, 1714- 12. ii. Grietie,' bap. July 29, 1674; at the baptism of her children she is called Grietje Jacobs, Grietje Stille, and Grietje Woertendyk; m., Oct. 29, 1697, Wolfert Webbers, Jr., son of Aernout Webbers and Ariaentje Adriaens, before referred to. — Issue: Aernout, bap. May 22, 1698; Jacob, bap. Dec. 8, 1 700 ; Ariaentie, bap. July 4, 1 703 ; Frederick, bap. Sept. 23. 1705; Johannes, bap. Dec. 6, 1707; Cornelus, bap. April 10, 1710; Aaltje, bap. Dec. 10, 1712 ; Isaac, bap. July 24, 1715 ; and Lea, bap. March 23, 1718. 13. iii. Aefje," bap. Aug. 4, 1677; her name appears in the records as Aefje [Eve] Jacobs, Stille, Woertendyk, and Somerendyk ; m. i'^', Dec. 27, 1698, Thomas Shermer [Shearman?], wid- ower of Frances Waerdt, and had Frederik, bap. July i, 1705 ; m. 2^, March 27, 1712, Samuel Jacobs, and had Sam- uel, bap. April 14, 1714. May 3, 1727, she was wife of Jacob Prys [Pry or ?]. 14. iv.. Frederick,' bap. Jan. 24, 1680 ; in the record of his marriage he is styled Frederick Jacobse Woertendyk ; at the bap. of his first child Frederick Jacobse Somerendyk, and at the subsequent baptisms of his children Frederick Woerten- dyk; m. June 10, 1709, Dievertje, dau. of Reynier [Pieterse] Quackenbos, before mentioned; will dated Nov. 25, 1747; then of Tappan, Orange Co., N. Y. ; proven July 19, 1771 ; names wife Dievertje ; eldest son Reynier ; Jacob ; Aeltje, wife of Jan Vliereboom ; Claesje, and Frederick. Issue: bap. in N. Y., Aaltje, Nov. 27, 1709; Reynier, Oct. 24, 1711, Reynier, March 14, 1714; Elizabeth, Sept. 9, 1716; Jacob, March 16, 1718; Frederick, April 10, 1720; Elizabeth, April 8, 1722; and bap. in Hackensack, N. J., Elizabeth, April s, 1724. 15. v. Cornelia," bap. April 26, 1682. 16. vi, Cornelis," bap. March 15, 1685 ; he is called in the records Cornelis Jacobse and Cornelis Woertendyk ; m., April 13, 1 7 10, Jenneke Peers, or Pearson, dau. of William Pearson I Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, p. Sg. g STILLE—WOERTENDYK—SOMERENDYK. and Grietje Kiersen ; she was bap. Nov, 14, 1686. Will dated Nov. 18, 1768; then of the city of New York, mer- chant; proven April 29, 1775; names his only surviving daughter, Mary Tucker, and his grandchildren, James, Robert, and Thomas Tucker. Issue: bap. in N. Y. : Marytje, Jan. 17, 1711 ; m., July 31, 1728, James Tucker ; Jacob, April 6, 1712; and Ehzabeth, Jan. 3, 1714. 17. vii. Jannetje,3 bap. March 16, 1687 ; at the baptism of her chil- dren she is called Jannetje Somerendyk, Woertendyk and Jannetje Jacobs; m. June 10, 1709, David Mandeviel. Issue: Jacob, bap. Jan. 10, 171 1 ; Antje, bap. Feb. 18, 1713 ; Hendrick, bap. Sept. 18, 1715 ; Davidt, bap. Oct. 30, 1 71 7; Cornehs, bap. May 11, 1720; Maria, bap. Feb. 23, 1724 ; and Frans, bap. Feb. i, 1727. 18. viii. Frans, bap. July 24, 1689. 19. ix. Rachel, bap. April 17, 1692 ; m. in Hackensack, N. J., April 3, 1713, Jan Lefly (Leslie?), of Barbadoes, and had, bap. in New York, Marretje, Jan. 3, 1714. 20. Teunis Corneliszen Stille,'' (6) bap. March 19, 1656; his name appears in the records as Teunis Corneliszen, Teunis Corneliszen Stille, Teunis Stille, and Teunis Somerendyk ; the latter was finally adopted as the surname of his family. In 1696 he is described as "of the Groot Kill, husbandman " ; in that year he purchased from Johannes Van Brugh and Catherine his wife, a parcel of land lying north of the Great Kill, or Creek, which ran along the present line of Gansevoort Street to the North River. A few years prior to the Revolution, some of his descendants were living at " Greenwich in the Outward of the city and county of New York," and others at "Rumbouts Precinct, Dutchess County, N. Y." He was living Sept. 2, 1724. He m. Jan. 10, 1682, Annetje Claes, j. d., from Groot Schermer. Issue : 21. i. Claesje,' bap. Jan. 4, 1683 ; died young. 22. ii. Nicolaes,^ bap. July 22, 1685; at his marriage he is styled Nicolaes ^Voertendyk ; at the baptism of his children, Nico- laes Theunisse and Nicolaes Somerendyk, the latter becom- ing his own and the surname of his family. He "ni. March 19, 1708, Margrietje Heermans, prob. dau. of Egbert Heermans, alias Egbert Fockenszen and Elsje Lucas ; she bap. Sept. 2, 1687. Issue : Annetje, bap. March 13, 1709 ; Annetje, bap. Feb. 4, 1711 ; Egbert, bap. Jan. 27, 1712 ; Theunis, bap. Nov. 14, 1714; Annetje, bap. March i, 1717; Volkert, bap. April 18, 1720; and Elsje, bap. March 22, 1724. 23. iii. Grietie,' bap. Sept. 18, 1687 ; at her marriage she is styled Margrietje Teunis ; at the baptism of her children Grietie Theunis and Margrietje Somerendyk. She m. Dec. 23, 1703, Cosyn Andriesse, prob. son of Andries Jeuriaense and Geertie Cosyns. Issue: Geertje, bap. April 18, 1705 ; An- netje, bap. Sept. 24, 1707; Catlyntje, bap. April 10, 1710; Claesje, bap. March 9, 1712 ; Margrietje bap. April 17, 1715 ; Theunis, bap. March 30, 17 18; and Andries, bap. April 10, 1 72 1. 24. iv. CoRNELis,3 bap. P'eb. 28, 1690 ; no further account. VAN SCHAICR. g 25. V. Claesje,-^ bap. March 2, 1692. 26. vi. , Jacob,' bap. Aug. 9, 1694 ; in Ihe record of his marriage and at the baptism of his children is called Jacob Somerendyk ; ni. i"', Oct. 10, 1718, Sarah, dau. of Egbert Heermans and Elsje Lucas; she was bap. Feb. 21, 1694. Issue: Theunis, bap. Mjirch 15, 1719; Egbert, bap. Sept. ri, 1723. He married 2'', Amerentia . He died in the Outward of the city of New York, in 1750, leaving, besides children above- named, Ann, Abigail, John, and Jacob. 27. vii. Abraham, 3 twin, bap. March 28, 1697; no further account. 28. viii. lsAAC,3 twin, bap. March 28, 1697 ; is called I-saac Somer- endyk, in the record 'of his marriage and at the baptism of his children. Married, March 14, 1724, Sarah, dau. of Wessel (Pieterse) Van Norden and Jacquemyntje Van Cou- wenhoven ; she bap. Aug. 17, i7or. Issue: Theunis, bap, Sept. 2, 1724; Jacquemyntie, bap. Nov. 29, 1727. VAN SCHAICK. (first four generations.) Besides the two families of Goosen Gerritse and Claas Van Schaick, who early settled on the upper Hudson, and are referred to by Prof. Pearson, in the Record, vol, 2, p. 191, there was another of the same name, of which Cornelis Aertszen, who settled in New Amsterdam prior to 1641, was the head. In January, 1669-70, Ariaen Cornelissen, Hendrick Cornelissen, and I^ysbeth Cornelissen, described as the lawful heirs of Cornelis Aertsen, con- veyed to Capt. John Berry, of Bergen, in New Jersey, two parcels of land on the Island of Manhattan ; " the first, lying and being on east end of Cor- nelis Jacobsen (Stille), and on the west end of Corlears plantation, &c ; " the second, " lying against land formerly belonging to Hans Kierstede, be- ginning from the first marsh, over against Augustine Hermans' land, from thence to the fence of Bastiaen, the negroes land, and so to the fence of Thomas Hall's land ; which said two parcels of land were confirmed unto the said heirs of Cornelis Aertsen, by a patent from Rt. Hon. Gov. Francois Lovelace, bearing date, i6th Sept., 1669, &c."' Of his personal history but little is known ; Mr. Valentine in his History of the City of New York, says he was at one time the tenant of Gov. Stuyvesant's farm, on the Bowery, and long supplied the families of the city with country produce ; he was afterwards a tenant on the old Damen farm, east from Broadway, a short distance above the city gate. He probably came to New Amsterdam wit^l his wife Belitje Hendricks, there being no record of their .marriage here. He was sponsor at the baptism of his gr-dau. Belitje, Oct. i, 1663, and in 1665 was living without the land gate ; he died between the year 1665, and Sept. 1669. About the year 1680, his sons began to use the surname of Van Schaick. At his 2d marriage, July 10, 1662, to Weyntie Elberts, widow of Aert Willemszen, he is called the widower of Belitje Hendricks. By his 2d wife had no issue. 1. Cornelis Aertszen" and Belitje Hendricks had issue. 2. i. Hendrickje,' bap. July 7, 1641 ; prob. died unmarried : I Hoffman's Estateand Rightsof Corp. of N. Y. ; Vol. z, p. 239. N. Y. Conveyances ; Liber A., p. 105. lO VAJ^ SCHAICK. 3. ii. Arie" [Adriaen] (6), bap. July 9, 1642. 4. iii. Hendrick (15), bap. Sept. 23, 1646. 5. iv. Lysbeth, bap. Oct. i, 1651 ; m. Jan. 14, 1672, Dirck Janszen Van Oosten, j. m., from Beest in Gelderland. Issue : Dirck, bap. Sept. 15, 1674; they prob. had Belitje, born March 24, 1673, ii^ Bergen, N. J.' 6. Arie [Adriaen] Cornelisen Van Schaick,'' bap. July 9, 1642; He was admitted a member of the Dutch Church in New York, May 29, 1673 ; his wife joined, April 5, 1668 ; Commissioned Captain of foot, in the out- ward, Dec. 16, 1689.° In 1696, he held land lying above the Great Kill, and North of land owned by Tunis Cornelisen Stille, comprising a portion of the lower part of the present i6th ward. He married, Brooklyn, Feb. 27, 1662, Rebecca Idens of Nordingen. Will dated Aug. 2, 1694 ; proven Jan. II, 1700; names wife Rebecca; daughter Belitie, m. to Pieter de Groot ; son Yde m. to Ibel Gootbloet ; daughters, Cornelia m. to Johannes Pluvier ; Elizabeth m. to Gerrit Onkelba ; and Dina "ongetrout." Issue : 7. i. Belitje Adriaens Van Schaick,^ bap. Oct. i, 1663, at the General's (Stuyvesant) bowery ; she joined the Church in New York, May 28, 1679, "^i- Dec. 10, 1681 (then living at the Fresh water), Pieter Janszen, j. m., from Amersfort. At the baptism of their first child, he is styled Pieter Janszen ; at the subsequent baptisms, Pieter Jacobszen and Pieter de Groot. About 1695, he removed from New York to Hack- ensack. New Jersey. Issue: Rebecca, bap. Feb. 11, 1685 ; I-ea, bap. Jan. 16, 1687 ; Jacob, bap. April 5, 1688 ; Rachel, bap. Aug. 10, 1690; Grietie, bap. Dec. 18, 1692; Lysbeth, bap. Feb. 20, 1695; and at Hackensack, Jacob and Arie, Sept. 20, 1696; Eegie, Nov. 15, 1698; Cornelia, Oct. 13, 1700; Gritie, Nov. i, 1702; Joannes, July 5, 1704, and Dina, Aug. 12, 1705. 8. ii. Iden [IdeJ Adriaenszen Van Schaick,^ bap. Nov. 28, 1665 ; m., Aug. 26, 1685 (then living, op. dit Eylt.), Ibel dau. of Frans Janszen Bloedgoedt and Lysbeth Jans ; she bap. Sept. 6, 1662, and joined the Church in N. Y., Nov. 30, 1683. Issue: Rebecca, bap. Sept. 19, 1686; Cornelis, Dec. ir, 1687 ; Frans, bap. July 7, 1689 ; Lysbeth, bap. April i, 1691, and Adriaen, bap. Dec. 25, 1692. 9. iii. Grietie Van Schaick,^ bap. Nov. 6, 1667 ; m., Sept. 28, 1687, Johannes Van Imberg, from Albany. Issue : Rebecca, bap. Aug. II, 1689. 10. iv. Cornelia Van Schaick,^ bap. Jan. 9, 1670; m., Sept. 10, 1690, Johannes, son of Cornelis Pluvier and Neeltie Van Couwanhoven ; he, bap. Dec. 25, 1667. Issue: Rebecca, bap. April 23, 1693, and Margrietje, bap. Dec. 26, 1694. rr. V. Lysbeth Van Schaick,^ bap. Dec. 10, 1671 ; m., Sept. 10, 1690, Gerrit, son of Adam Onckelbach and Neeltje Jans ; he, bap. April 17, 1670. He joined the Dutch Church in New York, June 5, 1696 ; his wife joined March 2, 1698. Issue: Neeltie, bap. July 7th, 1691; Rebecca, bap. Jan. 8, 1 Winfield's Land Titles ; Hudson Co., N. J., p. 383. 2 Cal. of N. Y. Hist. MSS., English, p. 187. VAN SCHAICK. j j 1693; Adam, bap. May 31, 1695; Maria, bap. May 23, 1697; Elizabeth, bap. Sept. 7, 1698; Adam, bap. Feb. 9, 1701 ; Adriaen and Elizabeth, twins, bap. Jan. i, 1704 ; Gerrit, bap. Dec. 16, 1705, and Elizabeth, bap. March 7, 1708. Gerrit Onclebag, of the City of New York, distiller, made Will, July 10, 1732 ; proven May 21, 1733 ; names only his two daughters, Nelly, wife of John Van Gelder, and Rebecca, wife of Burger Sipkins. 12. vi, CoRNELis Van Schaick,^ bap. March 18, 1674; d. young. 13. vii. Jacob Van Schaick,^ bap. April 6, 1676 ; d. young. 14. viii. Dina Van Schaick,' bap. April 10, 1678 ; m. Oct. i, 1696, HanSj son of Dr. Hans Kierstede and Jannetje Loocker- mans; he, bap. Feb. 19, 1668. Issue: Johanna, bap. May 23, 1697 ; Rebecca, bap. Jan. 4, 1699 ; Hans, bap. April 17, 1700; Hans, bap. Aug. 13, 1704; and Adriaen, bap. Sept. 7, 1707. 15. Hendrick Cornelisen Van Schaick'' (4) bap. Sept. 23, 1646; he lived and probably died on that portion of the old Stille farm, before mentioned as having been purchased by him and Wolfert Webbers on the loth Jan., 1685. Neeltje Van Schaick, his widow, with his other heirs, conveyed these premises, June 9, 1728, to Harmanus Rutgers. He died about 1709; m.. May 19, 1669, Neeltje Hendricks [Cornelis], dau. of Cor- nelis Jacobsen Stille, both then living at the Fresh Water. — Issue : 16. i. Belitie Van Schaick,^ bap. March 20, 1670; d. young. 17. ii. Belitie Van Schaick,^ bap. April 2, 1672; m., June 28, 1695, Claes Janszen Bogaert, j. m., from Betfort. Issue: Jan, bap. May 5, 1697; Cornelis, bap. Jan. 14, 1700; Evert, bap. July 19, 1702; and Hendrick, bap. March 25, 1705. Claes Janse Bogaert was a baker in New York, and m. 2'', Feb. 23, 1707, Grietje Jans, widow of Johannes Janse Van Til- burg, whose name appears in the baptismal record Grietje Concelje; she was probably dau. of Jan de Consielje and Fytie Schuts. He died early in 1727; by 2* wife had issue: Cornelia, bap. Dec. 28, 1707; Belitje, bap. Dec. 5, 1708; Cornelia, bap. Apr. 2, 17 10; Johannes, bap. Sept. 9, 1711 ; Margrietje, bap. March 8, 1713 ; Elizabeth, bap. Sept. 19, 1714; Belitje, bap. June 13, 1716 ; Anneke, bap. April 20, 1718; and Petrus, bap. Sep 4, 1720. 18. iii. Cornelis Van Schaick,^ bap. Feb. 27, 1675 j d. young. 19. iv. Adriaen [Arien] Van Schaick,' bap. Jan 26, 1678; m.. May 5, 1702, Jannetje Jans, alias Sammans, dau. of Jan Thomas- zen and Aefje Jacobs; she bap. Feb. 18, 1680. Issue: Neeltie, bap. March 14, 1703, and m., Aug. 20, 1721, Ben- jamin Herring, Shipwright, of the city of New York ; Aegje [Eve], bap. Aug. 13, 1704, and m., Feb. 6, 1725, Isaac Van Hoek, Cordwainer, of New York ; Jacob, bap. May 14, 1707, and Johannes, bap. Oct. 23, 1709. 20. v. Claesjen Van Schaick,' bap. Dec. 29, 1680 ; m. i"', June 16, 1700, Johannes Bogaert, of New Haerlem; he d. about 1711 ; m. 2^, May 31, 1713, Johannes De Graaf, Cooper, of N. Y. ; no issue bap. in the Dutch Church here. J 2 yAN SCHAICK. 21. vi. Lysbeth Van Schaick,^ bap. Jan. 23, 1684; m., Dec. 3, 1702, Cornelus, son of Paulus Jacobsen Turck, and Aeltje Barents ; he bap. Sep. 20, 1679, and died in the spring of 1728. Is- sue: CorneUs, bap. Oct. 10, 1703; Aaltje, bap. Oct. 28, 1705; Neeltje, bap. April 13, 1707; Aaltje, bap. May 8, 1709; Belitje, bap. Nov. 18, 1711; Paulus, bap. July 4, 1714; Hendrik, bap. July 28, 1717; Neeltje, bap. Aug. 31, 1718; Aaltje, bap. March 26, 1721; Hendrik, bap. Jan. IS, 1724; Johannes, bap. March 2, 1726; and Klaasje, bap. June 9, 1728. In tracing the pedigree of this family, some facts in reference to Capt. Goosen Gerritse Van Shaick's family have been gathered which deserve notice. Annatie [Anna] Lievens, widow of Goosen Gerritse Van SCHAICK. removed from Albany, and joined, with her daughter Margareta, the Dutch Church in New York, Sept. 4, 1691. Her will is dated April 27, 1702 ; proven Nov. 19, 1702 ; names son Levinus ; daughters, Gerritje Drayer ; Catharina, wife of Mathew Clarkson ; Anna Maria, wife of John Van Cortlandt ; and Margareta ; also her granddaughter Margariet, wife of Robert Livingstone, Jr. Gerritje [Goosense] Van Schaick, m., Jan. 17, 1674, Capt. Andries Drayer in Albany. On the 2'' of March, 1699, with certificate {met attes- tatie) from Copenhagen she joined the Dutch Church in New York ; her name is recorded, Juff^ Gerritje Van Schaick, Wed' van de H' Andries Draeyer, Rear Admiral of the King's fleet of Denmark and Norway. The same day Capt. Andries Draeyer, j. m., joined with certificate from the same place. He departed for Denmark April 29, 1700. Johanna Doro- thea Drayer, j. d., perhaps her daughter, joined upon confession of faith and belief, Feb. 28, 1700. Catharina [Goosense] Van Schaick, j. d., from New Albany; m., Jan. 19, 1692, Mathew Clarkson, Sect' Van' t Gouvernment. Issue: Elisabeth, bap. Jan. 8,- 1693; David, bap. Aug. 19, 1694; Levinus, bap. Sep. 6, 1696 ; and Mathew, bap. April 9, 1699. Anna Maria [Goosense] Van Schaick, j. d., from New Albany; m., June 23, 1695, Mr. Johannes [Van] Cortlant, son of Stephanus Van Cortlant" and Geertruyd Schuyler. Issue: Geertruyd, bap. July 4, 1697; Johanna, bap. Aug. 25, 1702. Margareta [Goosense] Van Schaick, m., Aug. 25, 1705, Rev. Barnar- dus PVeenian of Flatbush, L. I. She died Jan. 18, 1738, and he in 1741.' Their only child, Anna Margareta, married her cousin David, son of Ma-"" thew Clarkson, above mentioned. Engelitie [Goosense] Van Schaick was the first wife of Col. Pieter [Philipse] Schuyler, first mayor of Albany ; their daughter Margariet (the granddaughter referred to in the will) m., Aug. 26, 1697, in Albany, Robert Livingstone, Jr., nephew of the first proprietor of the manor. He was buried in the Dutch Church, Albany, April 21, 1725.^ Robert Livingstone, Jr., son of the first proprietor of the manor, m., Nov. II, 1 71 7, in New York, Margreta Howarding, and had Robert, bap. Aug. 3, 1 718. 1 Prior to 1685, this name is written Van Courtlant in the New York Dutch Church baptismal records, 2 Stiles* Hist, of Brooklyn, Vol. I., p: 183. 3 Munsell's Annals of Albany, Vol, I., p. 235. SIE CKEN—DE V—D YE. j , SIECKEN. BEY. DYE. (first four generations.) On the 25th Marcli, 1758, Diick Dey, of the city of New York, Gentle- man, conveyed to Trinity Church a lot of land lying west of Broadway near the present Canal Street. In the deed he is styled the grandson and heir at law of Dirck Seicken, alias Dey. IJirck Janszen, alias Siecken [Sichem, Sicken, Sycan, Zieken], alias Dirck Janse Dey, came from Am- sterdam at an early date, and settled in New Amsterdam, where he mar- ried .1'^' Dec. 28, i64i,~Jannetje Theunis, j. d., from Amsterdam. He and Hans Reiger were soldiers in the service of the West India Com- pany, and for insolent behavior towards citizens on the Heeren Straat, and striking their superior officers, were sentenced to be shot, Feb. 21, 1647.' He afterwards was pardoned, and obtained from Gov. Stuyvesant, June 16, 1654, a patent for a plantation near Gamoenepaen (Communipaw, N. J.), at Mingackqua, which he sold to Enoch Michelse Vreeland, Feb. 13, 1679,° and a patent. May 12, 1668, for two parcels of land lying at Pem- brepogh. He was admitted to the rights of a small burgher in new Amster- dam April 26, 1657, and in 1665 was living buyten de lant poort. In 167'/ Gov. Andross leased to him for thirty years the Duke's Bowery or farm, now belonging to Trinity Church, and after that date he lived upon the premises, and probably died there. He married 2'', Oct. 18, 1659, Geertie Jans (alias I^angendyck), from St. Marten in North Holland. The will of Dirk Janse Dye, "living just without the city," is dated Dec. 5. 1683 : proven July 11, 1693, some six or seven years after his decease; names his wife, Geertie Johnson, and his two children, Theunis and Jannetje Dye. His widow married, Nov. 11, 1687, Theunis [Gysbertse] Bogaert, widower of Sara Rapaille, living in the Walebocht (L. I.). 1. Dirck Janse Siecken, alias Dey,' had issue by i"' wife : 2. i. Jan° (Dircksen Seicken), bap. Sept. 22, 1652 ; a magistrate Aug. 31, 1674, at Minckaque and Pemrepoch (N. J.) ;^ not namedin his father's will, and probably died without issue. 3. ii. Theunis^' (6), bap. Sep. 24, 1656. By 2'^ wife had issue: 4. iii. Jannetie^ (Dircks), bap. Dec. 7, 1659 > joined the church in New York Dec. 4, 1679; m., June 17, 1685, Frans Cornelis- zen, j. m., from Middelburg. — Issue : Geertie, bap. June 19, 1687; and Cornehs, bap. March 29, 1691. 5. iv. Hendrick,^ bap. July 24, 1661 ; d. young. 6. Theunis Dirckszen Dey,= (3) bap. Sept. 24, 1656 ; m., Feb. 4,, 1685, Anneken, dau. of Johannes Lucaszen Schouten (SchoutCj Scholtes, Schol- tens) and Sara Jans ; she bap. March 17, 1666. Will dated Nov. 8, 1688 ; entered of record Jan. 15, 1688-9; his children not named. His widow m., Aug. II, 1691, Joris Martenszen," j. m., of the Walebocht. 1 Cal. of N. Y. Hist. MSS., Dutch, p. 107. 2 Winfield's Land Titles, Hud. Co., N. J., pp. s8, 65- 3 O'Callaghan's New Netherland Register, p. loi. 4 Joris Martenszen, alias George Ryerson, was the son of Marten Ryerszen and Anna Rapalje ; bap. Sept. 19, 1666; By wife Annekin, widow of Theunis Dey, had issue : Johanna, bap. June 15, 1692 ; Mar- Theunis Dey at his death owned the fee of a lot of land lying without the city land gate on the west side of the Highway, having to the north the farm of his Royal Highness, afterwards called the King's farm, on the south the land of Olof Stevenson (Van Courtlandt), containing in breadth before and behind eighteen rods and ,'0 parts of a rod, and in length from the Highway to the water side. In 1750 Dey Street was laid out through these premises. He had issue : 7. i. Jannetje,3 bap. Nov. 24, 1685; m., 1707, Frans [Martense] Ryerson; he bap. Aug. 2, 1685; after 1722 they removed from New York to Wegraw, Bergen Co., N. J., where he died prior to July, 1749. Issue: Marte, bap. March 10, 1708; Theunis, bap. March 13,1709; Theunis, bap. July 15, 1711 ; Joris, bap. April 5, 1713 ; Antje, bap. Nov. 10, 1 714, m. Andrew Denyke, of Bergen Co., N. J. ; Saratje, bap. June 24, 1716; Johannes, bap. April 27, 1718; Jen- neke, bap. Aug. 21, 1720 ; Dirck, bap. Oct. 10, 1722 ; and Maritje, bap. in Hackensack, N. J., Dec. 25, 1726. 8. ii, DiHCK,5bap. March 27, 1687; m. Jane . Will dated Aug. 4, 1 761 ; proven May 29, 1764; had issue him surviving: Theunis Dey, of Saddle River, Bergen Co., N. J. ; Jane, who married John Varick, son of Jacobus Van Varick and Anna Maria Brestede ; they lived in New Barbadoes, N. J. ; she died there in 1811 ; Ann, who married, Dec. 12, 1764, William McAdani from Aireshire, North Britain ; he was a merchant, and died, s. p., in New York, 1779; Mary, who married, Nov. 24, 1761, David Shaw, merchant, of New York city. 9. iii. Saka,3 ]3ap. June 10, 1688 ; m., at Hackensack, N. J., April 30, 1 709, Hendrick Janse Spier, of " Pommerpogg," N. J. ; she died before 1 730, and had issue her surviving : Theunis, Maritie, Hannah, Janneke, and Leah. BREVOORT. (first four generations.) The head of this family was probably Hendrick Janszen Van Bre- vooRT,' "aged about 60 years" on the 8th of June, 1690, on which day his deposition was taken before the Mayor of New York respecting an as- sault upon Lieut.-Gov. Jacob Leisler.' It is said that he came from the town of Bredevoort, in Guelderland, to New Amsterdam about 1 700.= He was here earlier than this, and purchased, Feb. 24, 1679-80, of J^gbert Wouterse, lands lying west of the New Streets, north of lands of Conradus Van der Beeck, and west of lands belonging to Hendrick Janse Van der Veen, and confirmed to him by Wouterse's heirs May 20, 1683. It is prob- able that he first settled in the vicinity of Mespath Kill (Newtown Creek, ten, bap. Sept. 17, 1693 ; Johannes, bap. Aug. 8, 1694; Marritje, bap. July 29, 1696 : Marten, bap. Oct. 9, 1698 ; Helena, bap- Feb. 2, 1701 : all of whom were baptized as the children of Joris Martenszen and Anna Schouten : tney also had Tores, bap. Jan. 5, 1703 : Luykas, bap. April 9. 1704 ; and Blandina, bap. May 8, 1706, who were baptized as the children of Joris Reverse and Antje Schoute. 1 Doc. Rel. to Col. Hist, of N. V., Vol. 3, p. 740, and Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS., English, p. 179. 2 Todd Genealogy, p. 28. BREVOORT. jc L. I.), and may have been the Hendrick Jansenwho was a resident, 1656, of Middleburg, afterwards Newtown.' He probably had three children who lived to maturity, viz. : 1. i. Jan Hendrickszen,'' (4). 2. ii. Frans Hendrickszen," (to). 3. iii. Marritje Hendricks," j. d., Van Brevoort, in't Sticht Van Uytrecht, op Stuyvesants bouwereye, who married i''',Jiily 2, 1673, Hendrick Bastiaenszen, j. m., Van Cuylenburg. He •was prob. a son of Bastiaen EUisen. Their children took the surname of EUessen and EUes (Ellis ?). She became a widow and married 2'' Jacob Corneliszen Stille. Issue, by I "' husband : Hendrickje, bap. Aug. 23, 1673; m., Dec. 9, 1 69 1, Dirck Zlyck (Slyck, Slyk, Slyke) ; Marritie, bap. Sept. 29, 1675; m., Sept. 26, 1706, Johannes Claesen Van Hey- ningen ; Hendrick, bap. Nov. 14, 1677 ; Jan, bap. Jan. 28, 1680 ; and Elias, bap. Jan. 14, 1682. 4. Jan Hendrickszen" [Brevoobt], (i) j. m.,Van Amersfoort, op Mispat, married, Jan. 29, 1668, Annetje Bastiaens, j. d., from Werckhoven. She was prob. the dau. of Bastiaen EUisen, Wheelwright, afterwards a farmer, who purchased, May 20, 1683, from the heirs of Egbert Wouterse, a lot of land lying near Stuyvesant's Bowery. This, with several other parcels, comprising the greater portion of the city bounded by 14th and loth Streets, Bowery and 6th Avenue, was conveyed Nov. 13, 1701, by Bastiaen EUisen to Jan Hendrickse Brevoort.' Jan (Hendrickse) Brevoort was tutor (Guardian) of the children of Hen- drick Bastiaense, whose widow, prob. his sister, married Jacob Cornelise Stille. He began to use the surname of Brevoort about 1696 ; was a far- mer and Assistant Alderman from" the outward in 1702-3, and from 1707-8 to 1713-14, inclusive. His wUl is dated Oct. 28, 1714; proven Dec. 21, 1 714; names late wife Annetie, deceased; eldest son Henry, of the out- ward. Weaver; son EHas, of the city of New York, Carpenter; daughters, Jannetie, wife of Thomas Seikelson, of the outward. Yeoman ; and Maria, wife of'Zacharias Seikelson, of New Harlem, Blacksmith. Appoints his sons Henry and Elias Executors. Witnesses, Peter Arbell, Jan Willemse Rome (Romeyn ?), and John Conrad Codwise. Issue : 5. i. Hendrickje,' bap. Jan. 13, 1669; d. young. 6. ii. Hendrick Brevoort," bap. Dec. 17, 1670; m. 1'=', Aug. 26, 1699, Maryken [Van] Couwenhoven, j. d., from Noortwyck,' dau. of Johannes Van Couwenhoven and Sara Frans ; she bap. April 2, 1679; ™- ^^ Oct. 5, 1705, Jaquemyntje Boke, dau. of Abraham Boke and Tannekin Andries, alias Tan- neke Van Driese. Issue : Johannes, bap. June 2, 1 700 ; Maria, bap. Oct. 5, 1701 ; Abraham, bap. June 23, 1706 ; Abraham, bap. Sept. 24, 1707 ; Anneke, bap. Oct. 16, 1709 ; Hendrikus, bap. Dec. 9, 1711 ; Elias, bap. July 8, 1713; Elias, bap. May i, 1715 ; and Jacob, bap. Oct. 2, 1717. I Rikei-'s Annals of Newtown, p. 43. sHoffmann's Estate and Rights of the Corp. of N. Y., Vol. 2, p. 191. 3 A settlement on the North River side of the Island, called the Bengoe Bowery, also by the Indian name of Sapponikan, otherwise North Wycke or NortU Witts, and afterwards Greenwich. — Oid Deed, J 5 GJiEVENRAET. He died about 1719, and his widow married, Oct. 21, 1721, Jacob Has- sing, and had Tanneke, bap. Aug. 19, 1722. 7. iii. Marritje Jans Brevoort,^ bap. Nov. 12, 1673; m., Aug. 23, 1693, Zacharias Sickelszen (Sickels), j. m., from New Albany. Issue: Johannes, bap. July 29, 1694; jacobus, bap. Nov. 17, 1695; Sacharias, bap. Sept. 4, 1698; Sacharias, bap. June 12, 1700; and Thomas, bap. March 28, 1703. 8. iv. Elias BREV00RT,3bap. June 21, 1676; m., May 16, 1701, Margri- etje Jans, alias Sammans, dau. of Jan Thomaszen and Aefje Jacobs; she bap. Aug. 17, 1678. Issue: Aefje, bap. Aug. 27,1701; Anneke, bap. Oct. 24, 1703; Hendrickje, bap. Nov. 21, 1705; Margrietje, bap. Feb. 18, 1708; Aegje [Aefje], bap. Jan. 17, 1711; Grietje, bap. Oct. 28, 1713; Johannes, bap. Sept. 18, 1715, and Elias, bap. March 30, 1718. 9. V. Jannetje Jans Brevoort,^ bap. April 9, 1679 ; m., Ai)ril 5, 1702, Thomas Sickels. Issue: Sacharias, bap. Aug. 30, 1702; Sacharias, bap. Feb. 23, 1704; Hendrickje, bap. Oct. 7, 1705 ; Johannes, bap. March 16, 1707 ; Thomas, bap. March 6, 1709 ; Thomas, bap. Sept. 24, 17 10; Wilhelmus, bap. April. 13, 1712; Marretje, bap. Sept. 13, 1713; ^.o- berdt, bap. Nov. 2, 1715 ; Annetje, bap. June 2, 171 7; Jan- netje, bap. Nov. 30, 1718; Jannetje, bap. Sept. 18, 1720; and Elizabeth, bap. Oct. 10, 1725. 10. Frans Hendrickszen,° (2) j. m.. Van Brevoort, married, Nov. 4, 1670, Beelitie Jacobs (Joris?), j. d.. Van Brugge in Vlaenderen, Wonende in Mitpats Kill. At the baptism of her children she is called Belitie Joris, and probably was the dau. of Joris Stephenszen Van Alst and Geesie Har- mans ; bap. May 2, 1655. She became a widow, andm. 2'', Dec. 5, 1684, George Atkins, j. m., from Virginia. Issue : 11. i. Hendrick,3 bap, March 16, 1672. 12. ii. Hendrick,3 bap. June 12, 1673. 13. iii. Geesie Frans Brevoort, bap. Nov. 10, 1675 ; m., about 1694, Benjamin Bill. At the baptisn] of her children she is called Geesie Frans, Geesie Van Alst, Geesie Brevoort and Geesje Atkins. /r«/^ .■ Abigail, bap. Nov. 13, 1695; Benjamin, born Oct. 14, 1698, bap. June 27, 1705 ; Susanna, bap. Oct. 31, 1705 ; Marytje, bap. Jan. 3, 1711 ; Penelope, bap. May 25, 1712; Penelope, bap. April 17, 1715, and John, bap. Jan. I, 1 718. . GREVENRAET. (first three generations.) Isaac Grevenraet' (Greveraad, Greefraadt) came from Amsterdam and settled in New Amsterdam prior to 1652. Mr. Valentine says he was the son of Metje Grevenraet, from whom he inherited considerable real estate in this city. The earliest notice of him is found in the record of his first marriage, March 24th, 1652, to Elizabeth Jeuriaens j. d., also from DE RIEMER. jy Amsterdam. He was a Schepeii in 1662 and 1664, and enrolled a small Burgher, April 26, 1657. " On the 2Sth of October, 1673, ho was appointed by Gov. Colve, Schont or Sheriff of the towns of Swaenbnrgh, Hurly, and Marbletown, in Esopus.' He married 2'^, June 2, 1663, Marritje Jans. j. d., from Amsterdam. Isstie : Henricus, bap. Aug. 5, 1657; Andries, bap. July 16, 1659 ; Hendrick, bap. June 28, 1662 ; By 2" wife : Lysbeth, bap. Feb. 27, 1664; Abraham, bap. March 22, 1665; Lysbeth, bap. May 26, 1666; Lysbeth, bap. Dec. 11, 1667 ; Anna Elizabeth, bap. June 9, 1669; Margariet, bap. July 11, 1670 ; and Johannes, bap. Aug. 28, 1678. Andries GREVENRAEr (s. of Isaac"), bap. July 16, 1659 > "!•> J"ly 2> 1684, Anna, dau. of Johannes Van Brug and Tryntie Roelofs ; she bap. Sept. 10, 1662. He was captain and owner of a vessel, and engaged for many years in the coast trade between New York and Virginia. Will dated Ma-y IS, 1709; styled of the City of New York, mariner; proven June 1.7, 1 710; names wife Anne ; eldest son Isaac; appoints his cousin Abraham Gouverneur, Nicholas Rosevelt, and his cousin, Isaac Gouverneur, guard- ians of his children. Issue: Elizabeth, bap. Dec. 4, 1685; Isaac, bap. Nov. 16, 1687; Catharine, bap. Oct. 30, 1689; Elizabeth, bap. March 29, 1691 ; Lucretie, bap. Oct. 23, 1692; Johannes, bap. Jan. 21, 1694; Hen- ricus, bap. April 26, 1696, and Lucretia, bap. Aug. i, 1697. Hendrick Grevenraet= (s. of Isaac"), bap. June 28, 1662 ; ni., May 5, 1686, Sarah Sanders dau. of Robert Sanders and Elsje Barents of Albany. Like his brother Andries, he was a sea-faring man. Will dated March 11, 1699, at " Blewfield, Jamaica," prob. Bluefields Bay, on the southwest coast of Jamaica, near Savannah la mar ; proven in 1699, the day and month not given ; names wife Sarah ; speaks of children, but names only his son Isaac, to whom he gives - a seal ring with a black stone in it marked H. G. M." Issue: Lysbeth, bap. in Albany, Dec. 25, 1686 ;3 Elsje, bap. Feb. 16, 1690; Lysbeth, bap. July 11, 1692; Isaac, bap. July 29, 1694. Marytje, bap. July 25, 1697, and Henricus, bap. July 30, 1699. DE RIEMER. (first four generations.) Lysbeth Grevenraet, probably an elder sister of Isaac Grevenraet", and the ancestress of the de Riemer family, of New York, was an early resident of New Amsterdam. She was thrice married, i'^' to [Isaac ?] de Riemer", prob. in Amsterdam, where some of her children (all by him) were born. She m. 2,^, Elbert Elbertszen, Glasem (Glasier). Elbert Eldertse, prob. the same as the agent of Isaac Grevenraet, conveyed May 21, 1655, lot 27, in the village of Gravesend, L. I., to Peter Ebel.* She m. 3'''', Feb. 14, 1659, Dominie Samuel Drisius, who was called to the church in New Amsterdam in 1652, as colleague pastor with Johannes Megapolensis, having previously been settled in the Dutch Church in London. He died in 1671.5 She died Dec. 25, 1687, leaving issue named in her will as fol- lows : Mrs. Margaret Steenwick ; Machtelt Gouverneur, widow of Nicholas 1 O'Callaghan's Register of New Netherland, pp. 63-4, 184. 2 Doc. Rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y., vol. 2, p. 644. 3 Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, p. 56. 4 Cal. N. Y. Hist, MSB. Dutch, p. 59. 5 De Witt's Hist. Discourse, Aug., 1876. / i8 DE RIEMER. Gouverneur, dec'd ; Mr. Peter de Riemer and her deceased son, Hubart de Riemer. She also names Isaac and EHzabeth de Riemer, children of her deceased son, Hubart, gbtten by Catharine Issue : 2. i. Margaret DE Riemer=, from Amsterdam, m. i'=', June s, 1658, Cornelis Steenwyck, from Haerlem. He was a Burgomaster in 1662, and Mayor of New York, 1682-3, ^in eminent mer- chant, and one of the most influential citizens of his time. A sketch of his life and character will be found in Valentine's Manual for 1864. He died in 1684. She m. 2'', Oct. 20, 1686, Dominie Henricus Selyns," widower of Machtelt Specht, by whom had no issue. She d. about 1712. Issue by 1^=' hus- band : Margariet, bap. Sept. 17, 1659; Jacob, bap. Nov. 13, 1661 ; Jacob, bap. Feb. 24, 1664 ; Isaacq, bap. Dec. 28, 1666 ; Cornelis, bap. April 7, 1669 ; Cornelis, bap. July 20, 1671 ; and Jacobus, bap. May 25, 1676. 3. ii. PiETER DE Riemer", born in Amsterdam about 1643. In his deposition, June 8, 1690, respecting the riot at New York, he says he was " aged about 47 yeares.'" He was a Glasier — a trade he probably learned with his step-father, Elbert Elberts- zen. He m., Jan. 3, 1665, Susanna, dau. of Isaac de Foreest and Sara du Trieux. She bap. Jan. 22, 1645. His will is dated January 29, 1697; proven Oct. 5, 1702 ; names son Isaac and wife Susanna, who had deceased before Oct. 5, 1702. Their son Isaac bap. Jan. 10, 1666, m., Jan 10, 1689, Aeltje Wessels of New York, was a prominent merchant and an active partisan of I^eisler. His brother-in-law, Jacob Teller, who was a sea-captain, was connected with him in various commercial enterprises. He was Mayor of the city in 1700, and was sometimes called Isaac de Riemer, sr., in contradistinction to his cousin, Isaac de Riemer, jr., son of Hubart'. Issue: Petrus, bap. P"eb. 22, 1690; Isaac, bap. Sept. 6, 1691 ; Anna Elizabeth, bap. Sept. 10, 1693 ; Susanna, bap. July 21, 1695 ; Elizabeth, bap. Aug. 25, 1700 ; Margarita, bap. April 2, 1704; Isaac, bap. Jan. 25, 1708; and Steenwyck, bap. April 23, 17 10. 4. iii. Mr. Huybert de Riemer", so named in the list of church mem- bers, joined the Dutch Church in New York, Aug. 24, 1671. Opposite his name is written " Gcstorven op Meeuwis." The place of his death here referred to was probably the town of Meaux or Meuse, in France, on the river of that name, and where his daughter Elizabeth was born. Mr. Valentine says he followed the profession of a Naval Surgeon, and married a respectable lady of this city.^ He was probably married abroad, as there is no record of that event in the Dutch Church here. By wife Catharine he had issue; Isaac and Elizabeth. His son, Isaac, m., April 28, 1705, Antje Woert- man, dau. of Dirck Janse, of the Ferry, alias Dirk Janse ■ Woertman and Maritje Teunis ; she was bap. in Brooklyn, 1 Dom. Henricus Selyns, m. July 25, l66j, Machtilda Specht, j. d., from Uytrecht. They had one daughter, Agneta, bap. in New Amsterdam, July i, 1663. Machtdda Specht d. Feb., 1686 ; Dom. Selyns d. July, 1701. 2 Doc. Rel. to Col. Hist, of N. V. vol. 3. p. 741. 3 Valentine's Manual, 1853, p. 397, GOVVERNEVR. 19 June IS, 1684. They had issue : Isaac, bap. June 20, 1708; Hubertus, bap. Dec. 13, 1710; Marritje, bap. Jan. 27, 1714; Catharina, bap. Aug. i, 1716 ; Elizabeth, bap. Feb. 11, 1719; Antje, bap. Oct. 4, 1721 ; Abrahana, bap. June 17, 1724 ; and Dirk, bap. Oct. 5, 1726. His daughter Elizabeth, j. d., Van Meeuwis, m., May 23, 1701, Henricus, son of Barent Hendrickse Courten (^Coerten) and Styntie Wessels ; he bap. Dec. 22, 1675. His will is dated Nov. 4, 1 741 ; proven April 30, 1748. Issue: Margreta, bap. Dec. 13, 1704; m., Dec. 13, 1732, William Kingsland ; Christina, bap. Feb. 10, 1708; Catharina, bap. June 21, 1710; Catharina, bap. Jan. 27, 1712 ; Elizabeth, bap. Oct. 7, 1713 ; Anna, bap. Jan. 25, 1716; Hendrikus, bap. Oct. 6, 1717; Barent, bap. Dec. 25, 1718, and Elizabeth, bap. Feb. 15, 1 721. His wife was living at the date of his will, and only the following named children : Barent, Margareta, Christina, and Anna. 5. iv. Machtelt de Riemer', the widow of Nicholas Gouverneur, joined the Dutch Church in New York, Nov. 29, 1682. He joined July 9, 1663. He was a prominent merchant in Amsterdam, engaged in trading to New Netherland. Though residing some time in New Amsterdam, it is believed that the greater portion of his life was spent in France and Holland, the former being his native couiitry. He was living in Am- sterdam, July 12, 1677,' and probably died there. His widow ni. 2^, Oct. 14, 1685, Jasper Nissepadt, Baker, of New York, and widower of Janneken Legende. She survived her 2"' husband, and died about 1713 ; by him she had issue. Elizabeth, bap. Sept. 5, 1686; Elizabeth, bap. Jan. i, 1688; and Margarietje, bap. Nov. 17, 1689. By her i"' husband she had two sons : Abraham and Isaac. Abraham Gouverneur, son of Nicholas Gouverneur and Machtelt de Riemer,' born 1671. In 1689, then a youth of eighteen, he was made Clerk of Leisler's Committee of Safety and Town Clerk of New York.' He was attainted of high treason, April, 1691, with Leisler and Milborne, condemned to death, and his property confiscated. This judgment was reversed in 169s, and his estate restored.' He was elected to the Assembly in 1699, served until 1702, was Speaker in 1701, " and was regarded in his time as among the ablest and best of the Leislerian party." He married Mary Milborne, widow of Jacob Milborne, and dau. of Jacob Leisler, m. 1., dated May 16, 1699. She was bap. Dec. 12, 1669, and died 1751. His will is dated Sept. 12, 1739; proven Oct. 8, 1470. Issue: I. NicoLAAS Gouverneur, bap. Feb. 25, 1700; m., about 1723, Geer- truyt Reinders [Rynders], dau. of Barent Reinders and Hester Leisler. He died before Sept. 1 739, leaving issue : Abraham, Esther, Barent, and Nicholas. His widow ni. 2^, 1 Doc. Rel. to Col. Hist. N. Y., Vol. 2, pp. 542-75=- 2 Valentine's Manual, 1864, pp. 58a. 3 Doc. Hist. N. v.. Vol. 2, pp. 542-752. Oct. 14, T741, David, son of William Provoost and Aefje Van Exveen, and removed to Hackensack, N. J. 2. Jacoba Gouverneur, bap. Dec. 5, 1701. 3. Elizabeth Gouverneur, bap. July 9, 1704; died 1751, unmarried. 4. Jacob Gouverneur, bap. May 7, 17 10; died young. 5. Maria Gouverneur, bap. July 13, 1712: m. 1'=', Sep. 23, 1735, Henry Myer, Jr., son of Hendrick Myer and Wyntje Rhee. He was bap. July 26, 1713. She m. 2'', Dec. 31, 1742, Jasper Farmer, merchant, of New York. Isaac Gouverneur, son of Nicholas Gouverneur and Machtelt de Riemer," was a merchant, in New York. He m., Jane 24, 1704, Sara, daughter of Dr. Samuel Staats and Johanna Reynders [Rynders].' His will is dated May 16, 1728 ; date of probate not given. He probably died in 1728 ; Issue. 1. Johanna Gouverneur, bap. April us, 1705; m.. May 10, 1729, Cornelis, son of Cornells and Margaret (Van Borsum) Low. He was bap. March 31,1 700. 2. Magdalena Gouverneur, bap. Aug. 18, 1706; m. John Hall^ 3. Samuel Gouverneur, bap. Feb. 29, 1708; died young. 4. Margareta Gouverneur, bap. Sept. 2, 1709 ; died Nov., 1758, unmarried. 5. Alida Gouverneur, bap. April 8, 1711 ; m., May 12, 1737, John Broughton, and had issue : Shelton, John, Sara, and Mary. 6. Nicolaas Gouverneur, bap. April 19, 1713. 7. Sara Gouverneur, bap. Oct. 17, 17 14; m., Nov. 3, 1746, Lewis Morris, jr. She was his second wife, and died at Morrisania, Jan. 14, 1786. He died same place, July 3, 1762.' 8. Geertruy Gouverneur, bap. March 9, 1716. 9. Samuel Gouverneur, bap. Feb. 20, 1720. 10. Isaac Gouverneur, bap. Oct. 8, 1721. 11. Abraham Gouverneur, bap. Sept. 29^ 1723- ZYFEJiUS. In August, 1659, Rev. Michiel Zyperus (Superius) left the island of Curacao for New Netherland in the hope of receiving a call there to the ministry." He joined the church in New Amsterdam Jan., 1660, his name appearing in the list of members, " Michiel Ziperius, Propenent, " or Stu- dent in Divinity. His wife, Anna Claes Duurcoop became a member earlier, but in 1663 joined the church in Brooklyn.' They removed to Virginia (Vertrocken na de Virginjes) probably in 1664. They had issue: Cornelis, bap. Dec. 21, 1659, and Hillegond, bap. at Stuyvesant's Bowery, Aug. 14, 1661. I N. v. G. and B. Record, Vol. 7, p. 18. : Cal. Hist MSS., Dutch, p. 331. 3 Stiles' Hist, of Brooklyn, i. 426. wo UTERSZEN—BREESTEDE. 2 1 WO UTERSZEN—BREESTEDE. Egbert Wouterszen from Yselstein, a town in Holland, was residing June 20th, 1640, at Jan de Lachers Hook, (at present Mill Creek Point, Jersey City,) at which date he gave a receipt for three imported milch cows and three mares hired from the West India Company. He took the lease of a bouwery, Dec. i, 1646, on Manhattan Island, and May 10, 1647, ob- tained a patent for a tract of land called in Indian Apopcalyck, lying across the North River, west of the Manhattans.' He was enrolled a small burgher of New Amsterdam, April 17, 1657, and married, Sept. i, 1641, Engel Jan Van Breestede, widow of Jan Janszen. He died about 1680, without issue. It appears that his wife had by her first husband the follow- ing named children, who are described in a deed dated May 20, 1683, as the children and co-heirs of Egbert Wouterse, late of the city of New York, deceased.'' 1. Jan Janszen Van Breestede who m. Nov. i, 1647, Marritje Lucas j. d. of New Amsterdam. In the New York D. C. Baptismal records she is called Marritje Andries. They had a large family of children who com- prised the third generation of the Breestede family of New York. 2. Tryntje Janszen Van Breestede who m. June 3, 1646, Ruth Jacob- szen of Renselaerswyck, (Rutger Jacobse Van Schoenderwoert or Van Woert), and whose descendants assumed the surname of Rutgers. 3. Dorothea Jans Van Breestede who, m. April 19, 1650, Volckert Janszen from Fredrickstadt, and whose descendants comprise the Douw family of New York.' 4. Ei.sjE Jans Van Breestede, who m. ist. May 1 7, 1643, Adriaen Peters- zen Van Alcmaer, widower of Grietje Pieters, of whom piesently. She married 2d Hendrick Jochemse of Esopus. ADRIAEN PIETERSZEN VAN ALCMAER. On the 3d of Feb. 1640, Adriaen Petersen of Alcmaer, purchased of Hendrick Petersen of Wesel, a plantation near the reed valley, hard by Sappokatiican (Greenwich) on the Island of Manhattan. This is the first notice found of him. On the 7th September, 1645, he obtained a patent for a lot of land north of the fort, and April 13, 1647, another for a tract near Sappokanican. He married May 17, 1643, Elsje Jans Van Brees- tede, dau. of Jan Janszen and Engel Jans Van Breestede, and the step- dau. of Egbert Wouterszen. At the time of his marriage he was the wid- ower of Grietje Pieters. Some incidents of the manner in which he wooed and won his second wife, have come down to us in the record of the Coun- cil Minutes of that period. It appears that Elsje was in the service of Cornells Melyn, of Staten Island, who brought suit against Egbert Wou- terszen, husband and guardian of Engel Jans, her mother, for damages on account of Elsje's marriage engagement before her term of service to him had expired. On the trial of tlie case Sept. 11, 1642, she testified > Cal. of N. y. Hist. MSS. Dutch, p, 13,36, 375. * New York Conveyances. Liber 12, p. 126. * Pearson's First Settlers of Albany. 22 SAMTVOORT. that her mother and another woman had brought a young man to Staten Island whom she had never seen before, and desired her to marry him ; she declined at first, as she did not know him, and had no inclination to marry, but finally consented. She concluded her testimony by returning in court the pocket-handkerchief she had received as a marriage present. On the 1 6th October following, she made a declaration that she sent for Adrian Pietersen, and that on his coming to Staten Island she accompanied him on board his yawl. A week later, Melyn aud the Fiscal had Pietersen before the court charged with Elsje's abduction. Pietersen was ordered to bring her into court, deliver her to Melyn, and receive her again from him on giving security for the payment of any damages that Melyn may have suffered. He died prior to July 3, 1664, on which day Jan Janse from Breeste, (Jan Janse Breestede) guardian of his orphan children, petitioned for com- pensation for part of a lot belonging to his estate at the Marketfield in New Amsterdam.* His widow married Hendrick Jochemse of the Esopus, prob. the Hendrick Jochemse of Beverwyck, 1654-1669. Adriaen Pieter- szen Van Alcmaer and Elsje Jans Van Breestede had issue : 1. i. Jannetje bap. Aug. 5, 1643. 2. ii. SviTfi bap. April 17, 1645 ; m. Jan. 24, 1666, Jacob Abrahams (Santvoort). \ 3. iii. Lysb^th bap. March 24, 1647. SANTVOORT. (first three generations.) 1. Jacob Abrahamsen Santvoort' the head of the New York family of Santfort or Santvoort as it is written in the early records, embarked May, 1661, in the St. Jean Baptist for New Netherland. He came from Vianen, a town of Holland, and married ist in New York, Jan. 24, 1666, Sytie Ariens (Adriaens) dau. of Adriaen Pieterszen Van Alcmaer, before men- tioned. He was a shoemaker, and when the forced loan was levied by Gov. Colve in 1674, on the inhabitants of New Orange, his property was valued at 2,500 guilders. He m. 2d, Dec. 26, 1677, Magdaleentje Van Vleck. 3. d Van Bremen. On the 17th June, 1685, they conveyed land in New York to Enoch Michaelsen (Vreeland) of Pemripoe in East Jersey, which is the last notice found of him. His widow was living Aug. 13, 1699, at which date she was a sponsor at the bap. of Thomas son of William Walton. Issue : 2. i. Abraham' bap. Jan. 11, 1667 ; m. ist, Feb. 27, 1679, Vrouwtje, dau. of Cornelis Janse Van Horn and Anna Maria Jansen ; she was bap. July 25, 1666. He was a mariner, and for some years captain of the sloop Sea Flower, engaged in trade with the West Indies, and the latter portion of his life a merchant in New York. For a further account of him and his children see N. Y. G. and B. Record, vol. vii. p. 23. 3. ii. Adriaen,^ bap. May 30, 1668 ; died young. 4. iii. Adriaen,'' bap. March 13, 1670. 5. iv. IsACQ,'' bap. Nov. 5, 1671 ; died young. 6. v. Isaac," bap. Dec. 29, 1672. * Cal. ofN. V. Hist, MSS. Dutch, p. 12,82,83,266, 369, 374. ECKERSON. 2 5 7. vi. Aeltje/ bap. Oct. 7, 1674 ; m. Feb. 26, 1696, Thomas Sand- ers, Bolter, of New York, son of Robert Sanders and Elsje Barents, of Albany. Issue: Robert, bap. Oct. 4, 1696 Styntje, bap. Dec. 26, 1697 ; Robert, bap. Jan. i, 1700 Jacob, bap. Oct. 19, 1701 ; Elsje, bap. Oct. 27, 1703 Anneke, bap.- Jan. 30, 1706; Maritje, bap. May 13, 1708 Jacob, bap. June 9, 1712 ; and Beatrix, bap. Sept. 25, 1715. 8. vii. Jacobs bap. Sept. 13, 1676. 9. viii. Maryken,' bap. Nov. 27, 1678; m. Sept. 7, 1698, Willem Wallen, j. m. Van N. Yorck. This name is thus incorrectly spelled in the D. C. Marriage records. In the Baptismal records it rightly appears William Walton. Pie was probably the son of Thomas Walton and ■ Lawrence, whose m. 1. is dated Dec. 16, 1671. Thomas Walton resided at Staten Island, and was arrested July 8, 1689, and confined in the fort at New York for having said that he would retake the fort (from I^eis- ler) with 200 men. He deceased prior to Dec. 12, 1689, at which date an order was issued to Obadiah Holmes, justice of Richmond County, to assist Capt. Thomas Lawrence in taking an inventory of his estate.* Thomas Walton prob. another son of the above married Mary Stillwell; fii. 1. dated Dec. 23, 1698 ; of him we have no further account. William Walton, was an eminent merchant and ship builder in New York. He died May 23, 1745. His wife died Sept. 3, 1768. Issue: Thomas, bap. Aug. 12, 1699 : d. 1727, unmarried; Maria, bap. Nov. 30, 1701 ; Jacob, bap. July 7, 1703; m. May 14, 1726, Maria Beekman, and had numerous children ; he died Oct. 17, 1749; William, bap. Oct. 20, 1706 ; ni. Jan. 27, 1 731, Cornelia Beekman; he erected the Walton House in Franklin Square and d. s. p. July it, 1768; Jacobus, bap. Feb. 27, 1709; died young ; James, bap. March 28, 1711, d. s. p.; and Abraham, bap. Feb. 24, 1 714, d. s. p. ECKERSON. (first three generations.) Jan Thomaszen, j. m. Van de Manhattans, ni. Nov. 8, 1665, Apollonia Cornelis, dau. of Cornells Claeszen Swits (Switsart, Wits) and Ariaentie Cornelis ; she was bap. Oct. 25, 1648. About the year 1692, he assumed tlie surname of Eckerson, which was retained by his children as their family name. It is variously spelled in the N. Y. Dutch Church records Echons, Eckens, Eckes, Eckeson, Ekkisse, and Etkins, with several other slight modifications. At the baptism of his children he is invariably styled Jan Thomaszen. — Issue: I. i. Ariaentie Eckerson,' bap. Feb. 16, 1667 ; m. March 5, 1684, Vincent de La Montagne son of Jean (Jan) de la Mon- tagne and Petronella Pikes (Pyckes, Picques, Pieces). He was bap. April 22, 1657 ; his name appears at the baptism of his children, de La Montagne and Montagne. He died May 26, 1773, at the great age of One hundred and sixteen years " ' He may be said to have been the connecting link between the Dutch Directors and the American Revolution — between Stuyvesant and Washington.'"* Issue: Pie- teinel, bap. April 11, 1685 ; Pieternel, bap. April 3, 1687; * Cal. of N. Y. Hist. MSS., English, p. 185. Doc. Rcl. to Col. Hist. N. Y. vol. iii. p. 597. 2,4 d ECKERSON. Jan. bap. Feb. 24, 1689 ; Thomas, bap. Feb. 15, 1691 ; Apollonia, bap. April 15, 1694; Jesse, bap. Nov. 8, 1696; Petronella, bap. Nov. 19, 1701 ; Annatje, bap. Oct. 3, 1703; Fincent, bap. Dec. 2, 1705 ; knd Rachel, bap. May 4, 1707. 2. ii. Thomas Eckerson,' bap. Jan. 27, 1669; m. i"* Sept. 10, 1697, Rachel Van Slechtenhorst j. d. from Albany; m. 2' Nov. 29, 1700, FJizabeth Slingerlant, dau. of Tennis Corne- lise Slingerlant of Albany. At his second marriage his name is recorded Thomas Achteiit. Issue : Jan, bap. Aug. 2 7, 1 701 ; Annatie, bap. Dec. 16, 1702; Appalonia, bap. Nov. 22, 1704; and Theunis, bap. May 14, 1707. 3. iii. CoRNELis EcKERSON,^ bap. April 9, 1671 ; m. Aug. 24, 1693, Willemtje Vlierboom, j. d. of Albany, both living at Tappan. Issue: JaB,Jaap. June 26, 1695; Matthys, (?) bap. Nov. 8, 1696; Jan, bap. March 22, 1699; Cornelis, bap. Jan. 12, 1 701 ; Jacob, bap. Feb. 28, 1703 ; and Thomas, bap. March 3, 1706. 4. iv. Sara Eckerson,' bap. Oct. 4, 1673; m. Jan. 8, 1696, Abra- ham Janszen (Van Aernam), j. m. Van Mitspadt Kill, son of Jan Dirckse Van Aernam and Sara Theunis ; he was bap. April 9, 1673. Issue : Jan, bap. May 10, 1696 ; Abram, bap. Dec. 26, 1697 ; Sara, bap. Oct. 22, 1699 ; Apalonia, bap. Feb. 9, 1701 ; Isaac, bap. Dec. 5, 1703 ; and Isaac, bap. July IS, 1705. 5. v. Jan Eckerson,^ bap. Feb. 9, 1676; m. June 3, 1696, Maryken Jans, dau. of Jan Dirckse Van Aernam ; she was bap. July 14, 1675. Issue: Jan, bap. Sept. 7, 1698; Thomas, bap. Oct. 13, 1703 ; Apolonia, bap. Aug. 22, 1705 ; and Thomas, bap. Jan. 7, 1708. 6. vi. Lysbeth Eckerson,^ bap. May 29, 1678 ; m. June 24, 1698, DiRCK Uytten BoGAERT,f j. m. Van N. Yorck. Issue : Gysbert, bap. Sept. 24, 1699; m. Nov. 26, 1720, Catharine, dau. of Joost Palding (Paulding) and Catharine Jans Duyts ; Apalonia, bap. March 18, 1702 ; and Jan, bap. April 23, 1704. Elizabeth Ekkesse, widow, prob. the widow of Dirck Uytten Bogaert, m. May 26, 17 13, Ralph Potter. 7. vii. Margrietje Eckerson,^ bap. , 1680 (?) ; m. Nov. 29, 1700, Focco Heyrmans (Volkert Heermans), son of Egbert Fockenszen, alias Egbert Heermans, and his wife Elsje Lucas; he was bap. Feb. 7, 1679. Issue: Elsje, bip. Nov. 5, 1701 ; Egbert, bap. Jan. 30, 1704; Jan and Apalonia, twins, bap. May 2, 1706; Luykas, bap. April 10, 1709; Margrietje, bap. Nov. 22, 1710 ; Egbert, bap. Oct. 11, 1713 ; and Annatje, bap. Oct. 3, 1716. * O'Callaghan's Hist, of New Netherlands, vol. ii. p. 21. + He was probably a son of Gysbert Uylen Bogert and his wife Willemtje Klaas ; the latter witlt Isaac Stoutenburg was sponsor at the baptism of Dirck's first son, Gysbert. It appears to have been a universal custom among the early Dutch setders to give the eldest son his (paternal) grandfather's name, and this custom affords an almost unerring rule in tracing the line of descent. The father of Dirck Uytten Bogaert, was probably the Gysbert Uytden Bogaert who on the z6th of May, 168,^, obtained an Indian Deed for a tract of land, lying on the north bank of the Catskill, extending from Boomties Hook, (at the mouth of the Catskill), up the Hudson River to a small Kill, opposite Vastrix Island, thence west to Dirck Teunissen's mill ; thence south to the first little Kill that flows into Hans Vossen Kill : thence along the same to \\ here it falls into the Catskill, and thence along the Catskill to Boomties Hook. — (Calendar of Land Papers, p. 28). Besides Dirck, he prob. had Aeltje, who m. ist, Zacharias Zluys, and m. 2d, Nov. 14, 1695, Jacobus Van Duersen, j. m. from Albany ; Neeltje, who m. July 2, 1690, Isaac Stoutenburg, j. m., of New York, each of whom had numerous cliildren. SAMMANS. 25 8. viii. Cornelia Eckerson,^ bap. Nov. 15, 1682 ; m. Sept. 10, 1700, Jeremias Burroughs (Berry), j.m. Van NieuwThuyn, (New- town, L.I. ). Issue: Hannah, bap. May 24, 170 1 ; Apolonia, bap. April 11, 1703 ; Elizabeth, bap. March 7, 1705 ; Jere- mias, bap.. Feb. 12, 1707 ; Jan, bap. March 30, 1709 ; Isaac, bap. Oct. 17, 1711; Maria, bap. Oct. 12, 1715; Abraham, bap. Oct. 29, 17x8; Jeremias, bap. Feb. 15, 1721; and Abigail, bap. Dec. 16, 1724. 9. ix. Rachel Eckerson^ bap. April xi, 1685. By Petrus Stuy- VESANT, son of Nicolaes Willem Stiiyvesant and lilizabeth Van Slechtenhorst, had son Benoni, bap. May 2, 1706; Petrus Stiiyvesant, bap. March 21, 1685, died (drowned,) in 1706 ; and she m. March i, 1712, Frans Pieterse de Vries. Issue: Antje, bap. July 8, 1713; Jan, bap. March 25, 1716 ; Petrus, bap. Sept. 24, 1718; Thomas, bap. April 19, 1721 ; Symon, bap. Nov. 6, 1723 ; and Jan, bap. July 20, 1726. 10. X. Jannetje Eckerson'', bap. Nov. 2, 1687; m. June r, 1710, Benjamin Van Vegte (Van Vechten). Issue: Cornelius, bap. Oct. 4, 1710; Jan, bap. April i, 1713; and Ruben, bap. Dec. 21, 1715. 11. xi. Maria Eckerson'', twin,, bap. Sep. 6, i6go ; no further account. 12. xii. Anna Eckerson'', twin, bap. Sept. 6, 1690 ; no further account. SAMMANS. (first three generations.) Johannes Thomaszen, j. nl. Van Amsterdam, m. Oct. 31, 1677, Aechtje Jacobs, j. d. Van N. Amersfort, both then living at Sapponicam (Green- wich, Manhattan Island). At the baptism of their first child, her name is written Aerhtie, at the others Aefje Jacobs, while his is given in each instance Johannes Thomaszen. Their children adopted th-e surname of Sammans (Samman, Sammons). Issice : 1. i. Gretie Sammans', bap. Aug. 17, 1678, m. May 16, 1701, Elias Brevoort, see page 16. 2. ii. Jannetie SAMMANS^ bap. Feb. 18, 1680; ni. May 5, 1702, Adriaen Van Schaick, see page 11. 3. iii. Jacob Samman', bap. June 11, 1683 ; m. May 27, 1706, Cat- lyntje Bensen, prob. dau. of Johannes Bensen and Lysbeth Matheuse of Albany. Issue: Aegje, bap. Jan. 14, 1708; Aegje, bap. Feb. 12, 1710 ; Johannes, bap. March 9, 1712 ; Thomas, bap. June 13, 1716; Elizabeth, bap. Sep. 28, 1718; Samson, bap. Dec. 7, 1721; Dirk, bap. March 18, 1724; Margrietje, bap. May 4, 1726; Benjamin and Lena, twins, bap. Feb. 21, 1729; Rachel, bap. Aug. 16, 1730.- and Mat- theus, bap. June i, 1733. 4. iv. Thomas Sammans', bap. Jan. 3, 1686. He was sponsor May 18, 1 718, at the l5ap. of Margrietje dau. of Christoffel Van Nes, which is the last notice found of him. He prob. d. s. p. 5. V. Rachel Samman', bap. July 11, 1691 ; m. June 24, 1717, Stoffel (Christoffel) Van Nes, and had Margrietje bap. May 18, 1718. She m. 2''June, 17, 1726, Henricus, son of 26 S TRIDLES. — WANSHAER. Barnardus and Elsje (Meyer) Smith, and had Barnardus, bap. May 22, 1727, and Aafje, bap. Feb. 16, 1729. STRIDLES. Gabriel Thomaszen, ahas Striddles (Gabriel Tompson Strudles), and wife Jannetje Dircx, joined the Dutch Church in New York, Dec, i, 1692, with certificate from Albany. He was there as early as 1662. A sketch of his life appears in Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, page 107. His will is dated Sept. 14, 1702, and Oct 19, 1703, an Inventory of his estate was "recorded at the request of Jane Van Laer, Executrix of ye estate." He names in his will son Thomas Stridles, and daughters Katharine, Jannetie, and Neeltie. Appoints his dau. Jannetie Stridles, Executrix. Besides those bap. in Albany, he had by wife Jannetje Dircx, the following named children bap. in New York ; Johannes, bap. May 7, 1693 ; Fytje, bap. Feb. 14, 1694; and Neeltje, bap. March 4, 1696. His dau. Jannetje, bap. in Albany, Aug. 19, 1683, m. Nov. 8, 1702, Gerrit Van Laer, baker of New York, son of Stoffel Gerritse Van Laer and Catharina Boots. She died 1717-18, and May 25, 1718, Gerrit Van I^aer petitioned for administration on his father-in-law's Estate. He m. 2d, Jan. 3, 1719, Annatje Aertsen. Issue: Catharina, bap. Sept. 5, 1703; Christoflel, bap. Oct. 25, 1704; Gabriel, bap. Oct. 3, 1705 ; Gabriel, bap. Jan. 29, 1707; Gerardus, bap. Sept. 15, 1708; Sara, bap. Sept. 3, 1710; Christoffel, bap. Oct. 24, 1711 ; Jannetje, bap. Dec. 10, 1712 ; Jannetje, bap. July 14, 1714 ; Jannetje, bap. Jan. 25, 1716; Sara, bap. March 27, 1717 ; and by 2d wife : Eva, bap. Oct. 7, 1719 ; at the bap. of this child his wife is named Annetje Ten Eyck. No other notice of the children of Gabriel Thomaszen Stridles named in his will, has been found. WANSHAER. (first three generations.) The head of this family was in New Amsterdam as early as 1644, fol- lowing the vocation of Pilot. In the record of his marriage, Jan. 17, 1649, to Baertje Hendricks Kip, j. d. from Amsterdam, he is called Jan Janszen, j. m. Van Tubingen, probably the town of that name in Suabia, in Germany. At the baptism of his children his name is variously re- corded, Jan Janszen Van St. Cubis, Van St. Ubus, Van St. Obyn, Jan Van Sara, Jan Wanshaer Van St. Benen, Jan Wanshaer' (sometimes writ- ten Manshaer), and Jan de Caper, i. e. in English Jan the Sailor. He was admitted to the rights of a small burgher April 18, 1657, and appears to have been one of the substantial and respectable citizens of the city. His name and that of his wife is recorded in the list of Old Members of the Dutch Church, or of those who joined the church between 1649 and 1660. He resided on Broiiwer Straat, now that part of Stone street between Broad and Whitehall streets. His widow married 2d, Dec. 12, 1677, Jan Dirckszen Meyer, widower of Tryntje [Andriesse] Grevenraet.* She survived her second husband, by whom she had no children, and was living July 12th, 1702. By her first husband she had issice. i. Abraham,^ bap. Nov. 14, 1649 ; 2. Johannes,^ bap. Aug. 27, 1651; 3. Jacob,^ bap. July 13, 1653; 4. Hendrick,^ bap. March 21, 1655; 5. Anthony Wanshaer,^ bap. July 4, 1657; one of this name, by wife Marritje Harperts, had Abraham,' bap. April 1, 1696. 6. * She was probably a sister of Isaac Grevenraet.^ TYMENS—VAJSr DER VEEN. ^'7 Robbert,^ bap. Aug. 31, 1659; 7. Johannes,^ bap. Sept. 30, 1661 ; 8. Jo- hannes,^ bap. Sept. 17, 1662. 9. Jan Wanshaer,^ bap. Dec. 5, 1663 ; joined the Dutch Church in New York Feb. 26, 1696; m. Dec 8, 1698, Susanna de Nys, daughter of Pieter de Nys (Denyse) and Geesje Idens ; she was bap. Dec. 19, 1669. They had issue Johannes,' bap. Oct. 6, 1700; Abraham,' bap. July 12, 1702; Pieter,' bap. March 12, 1704J Pieter,' bap. March 21, 1705; and Johannes,' bap. Nov. 19, 1707, who m. Nov. 4, 1736, Christina Egberts; 10, Carel.^ bap. July 4, 1666. II. Jacomyntie Wanshaer,^ bap. July 13, 1667; joined the Dutch Church here Sept. 3, 1696 ; m. Feb. 16, 1698, Andries Abrahanise, j. m. of New York. Issue, Francyntje, bap. June 12, 1700; Sarah, bap. Dec. 21, 1 701 ; Johanna, bap. Aug. 29, 1703; Abraham and Isaac, twins, bap. Aug 22, 1705; Andreas, bap. Dec. 14, 1707; and Sara, bap. Jan. 14, 1711. TYMENS—VAN DER VEEN. There is nothing more perplexing to one engaged in tracing the pedi- grees of the early Dutch settlers, than the changes sometimes found in the name of the same individual. Among these will be noted those which occur in the children of a widow upon her remarriage, who frequently bear the name of their stepfather, as well as their proper Dutch patronymic. Thus the name of Elsje Elberts, daughter of Elbert Janszen and Elsje Jans, after her mother's second marriage to Otto Grim, is sometimes recorded Elsje Grim. So we find Elsje Tymens, after the third marriage of her widowed mother to Covert Loockermans, called Elsje Loockermans, as though she was his putative daughter instead of his step daughter. Elsje Tymens (Thymens) wife of Pieter Corn. Van der Veen and daughter of Thymen and Marritje Janszen, was born in New Amsterdam. Her father was a ship carpenter and must have come to New Netherland as early as 1633, perhaps with Director General Wouter Van Twiller in April of that year. On the i6th of April 1639, then aged 36 years, he made before Secretary Cornelis Van Tienhoven, with Jacob Hoffelsen (Stoffelsen ?), overseer, aged about 37 years, and Gillis Petersen Van der Gouw, house carpenter, aged 27 years, a deposition in regard to the dilapidated state of the Fort, and the bad condition of affairs generally at New Amsterdani, at the time of the arrival, March 28, 1638, of Director William Kieft in the ship Haring.* In 1642, he obtained a patent for land on Mespat Kill, L. I., and July 3, 1643, one for land on Manhattan Island, and another, July 13, the same year for land oii Long Island. He died soon after. Her mother, Marritje Janszen, was a daughter of Tryn Jonas (Jansen ?) midwife at New Amsterdam, and a sister of Anneke Jans who married — first, Roelof Janszen, and second, the Rev. Everardus Bogardus. She married her second husband, Dirck Corneliszen j. m. van Wensveen, Aug. 28, 1646, by whom she had Cornelis (Dirckszen), baptized March 17, 1647; he married Nov. 17, 1672, Grietje Hendricks of New York, daughter of Hendrick Willemszen, and had son Dirck, baptized March 2, 1674. Cornelis Dirckszen, above named, deceased before May 1678, and his widow, Grietje Hendricks, married October, 1678, John Robinson, merchant of New York, and had Marie, baptized July 18, 1683, and Grietje baptized October 12, 1684. Dirck Corneliszen, the second ♦ Coll. N. y. Hist, Society, vol. i, New Series, p. 279. 28 TYMENS—VAN DER VEEN. husband of Marntje Janszen, was living in August, 1647, but had deceased before August, 29, 1648, at which date his widow gave a power of attorney to WilHam Turck and Seth Verbrugge to receive certain accounts, &c., in the hands of Wouter Van Twiller at Amsterdam.' She married, third, Govert Loockermans,- by whom she had son Jacob, baptized March 17, 1652 ; he was a physician and settled in the county of St. Mary, Province of Maryland. For an account of his descendants see Vincent's History of Delaware, vol. i, p. 474. Govert Loockermans died about 1670, and his widow was buried Nov. 20, 1677.^ In her will, dated May 7, 1677, with codicil, dated Nov. i, she is styled Mrs Mary Jansen, widow of Govert Lockermans, and names the three children of her daughter Elsce Lysler by Peter Cornelis Van der Veen deceased, as follows : Cornelius, Timothy, and Margaretta, to whom she gives the sum of one hundred guilders ($40) in beavers, at eight guilders apiece ; to Anna, daughter of William Bogardus, the sum of fifty guilders in beavers. Names as her universal heirs, her children Elsie Tymans, married with Jacob Leysler ; Cornelis Dirkse married with Grietie Hendrickse, and Jacob Lockermans not married. Makes a small bequest to Mary Van Brugh, daughter of Mr. Johannes Van Brugh, and to Susannah Leysler, her said daughter's daughter. Appoints her cousin, Mr. Johannes Van Brugh and Mr. Francis Rombouts Alder- man, of this city, executors. Elsje Tymens m. i" Jan. 7, 1652, Pieter CoRfJ. Van der Veen j. m. from Amsterdam. The first notice of him is found in" the record of his marriage. He was a merchant in New Amsterdam, admitted to the rights of a small burgher April 11, 1657, and in 1658 was appointed one of the Commissioners to treat with the Esopus Indians. Soon after his marriage he erected the first brick house built in this city, and situated, on the present westerly side of Whitehall between Pearl and State Streets. He was the principal projector in company with Cornelius de Potter, of the first ship, the " New Love," known to have been built at this port.* He died in i66t, and his widow married Jacob Leisler, of whom hereafter. Fieter Cornelisen Van der Veen and Elsje Tymens had issue : 1, Cornelis, bap. October 27, 1652 ; m. Magdalena Wolsum and prob. d. s. p. His widow m. April 25, 1683, Leendert Huygen de Cleyn (de Kleyn), of whom hereafter. 2. Timothy, born 1654? There is no record found of his baptism; he was sponsor at the baptism of Johannes, son of Robert Walters, May 22 1687, which is is the last notice found of him. I. Margarita, bap. Feb. 18, 1657 ; m. May 15, 1682, Isaac Stephenszen, mariner of New York, and had — i. Margriet, bap. Feb. 9, 1684, who m. Sept. 12, 1700, Symon Pasco (Pasko), and had Symon, bap. July 7, 1703, and Elizabeth.bap. Sept. 8, 1706 ; 2. Pieter, bap. Dec. 25, 1685 ; 3. Eliza- beth, bap. Nov. 20, 1687, d. young; 4. Elizabeth, bap. July 30, 1690, who married March 18, 17 10, Jacobus Mauritz, and had Elizabeth, bap. June 29, 1712, and Elizabeth, bap. April 28, 1714, who m. June 26, 1738, James De Hart, and had Margrita, bap. May 2, 1739, and Jacoba, bap. Oct. 8, 1740. 4. Catharyn, bap. June 29, 1659 > "^o' named in her grandmother's, will and prob. died young. ' Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS. Dutch, p. 40, 42, 49. ' Govert Loockermans j. ni. van Turniiout in. July 11, 1649, Marritje Jans j. d. Is it not probable that these are the persons above alluded to. and that j. d. after her name is an error in the marriage record ? ' O'Callaghan's Hist New Netherlands, vol. s.'p. 38. * Valentine's Manual, i860, p. 594. LEISLER. 2Q LEISLER. (FIRST THREE GENERATIONS.) I. Jacob Leisler' (Loyseler, Leysler, Leydsler, Leydser, Lysler), from Frankfort, came to New Netherland a soldier in the West, India Company's service in 1660. He embarked in the ship Otter from Amsterdam, the 27th of April of that year. There was a tradition among his descendants that he came originally from France, and a vague report, a hundred years or so ago in New York, that he was a Swiss.' It is more likely that he was born in Frankfort, and was, therefore, a native of Germany. A Susanna Leydser was one of the sponsors at the baptism, P'eb. 10, 1664, of Susanna, his eldest daughter. The conjecture is a fair one that she was his mother. He joined the Dutch Church in New Amsterdam Oct. 2, 1661, and married, April II, 1663, Elsje Tymens, widow of Pieter (Cornelisen) Van der Veen, who was, in his day, a reputable and wealthy merchant of this city. He prob- ably succeeded to the business left by Van der Veen, as a few years after his marriage we find him engaged in mercantile pursuits, through which, and by his marriage, he acquired a large estate, and was ranked among the wealthiest citizens of his time. In 1678, while on a voyage to Europe, he was taken prisoner by the Turks, to whom he paid a large ransom for his freedom. On the loth of Sept., 1684, \\g. was' commissioned Captain of a Militia Company in New York. He purchased for the Huguenots, Sept. 20, 1689, of John Pell and Rachel his wife, six thousand acres of land within the manor of Pelham, now the township of New Rochelle, in Westchester Co., New York.' Early in 1689 news reached New York of the overthrow of James the Second, and the accession of William, Prince of Orange, to the English throne. The people having determined to seize Fort James, in the interest of King William and Queen Mary, they selected Capt. Jacob Leisler to carry their design into effect. On the 3d of June, 1689, the day following its seizure, Lieut.-Governor Nicholson left New York for England. The same day Leisler issued a proclamation declaring that his intention in holding the fort was to preserve the Protestant religion, and that he should hold it only until the arrival of a Governor with orders from his Royal Highness, the Prince of Orange, then daily expected, into whose hands it would be immediately delivered up. But this expectation, unfortunately for him, and the peace of the Province, was not realized un- til the arrival of Gov. Sloughter, in March, 1691. In the meantime, Leisler, on the 1 6th of August, 1689, was commissioned Commander-in-Chief, by a Committee of Safety, who represented a majority of the community. In Dec, 1689, a messenger arrived in New York, bearing a letter from the English Government, addressed "To Francis Nicholson, Esq., or in his absence, to such as for the time being, takes care for preserving the peace and administering the laws in His Majesties province of New York." This letter gave authority to the person addressed to take chief command as Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, and to appoint a Council to assist' him in conducting the government. By the advice of the Committee of Safety Leisler, on the nth Dec, I689, assumed the style of Lieutenant- 1 N. Y. Hist. Society Coll., 1868, p. 424. * Bolton's Hist, of Westchester County, vol. r, p. 376. ^O LEJSLER. Governor, and selected as his Council, Pieter De La Noy, Samuel Staats, Hendrick Jansen (Van Feurden), Johannes Veinielje, for the city and county of New York ; Capt. Gerardus Keecknian, for Kings County ; Samuel Edsall, for Queens County ; Capt. Thomas Williams, for West- chester County ; and William Lawrence, for the County of Orange. They appointed Jacob Milborne Secretary of the Province and Clerk to the 1-ieutenant-Governor and Council. On the 28th Jan., i69i,Capt. Richard Ingoldsby arrived in New York, bearing their Majesties' Commission as Caiitain of Foot, and, without producing any legal authority, he demanded of Leisler the possession of the fort, which was refused. Henry Sloughter, who had been appointed Governor in Chief of the Province, arrived on the 19th of March following, late in the day, and Leisler, "having notice thereof, that same night (though very late) took care to deliver the fort to his order, which was done very early the next morning." Sloughter im- mediately ordered the arrest of Leisler, and his friends with him, and called a special Court of Oyer and Terminer, which was held for their trial in April following. By this court, composed of some of his most virulent enemies, and which from the first, had prejudged him and his as- sociates,' Leisler, and Jacob Milborne, his son-in-law, were con\icted and attainted of high treason, for not delivering the possession of the fort to Capt. Richard Ingoldsby, and sentenced to death. THey were executed together near the site of the present Hall of Records," on Saturday, May 16, 1691, while the populace was overawed by military force, and their enemies " were carousing in beastly triumph and drunkenness." After execution ( by hanging), they were beheaded and their bodies buried in ground belonging to Leisler, east of the Conunons, and near the corner of a street called George street, supposed to be in the rear of the present " Tribune Building," between Spruce and Frankfort streets. They were reburied, with great solemnity by a large concourse of citizens, in the Old Dutch Church, in Garden street, now Exchange Place, Oct. 20, 1698. The British Parliament, in 1695, passed an act reversing their attainder, and restoring their estates to their families, thus virtually censuring the illegality of their e.xecution. (Dunlap's History of ^'eio York, Vol. i ; Documentary History of JW-w York, Vol. 2 ; The Administration oj facob Leisler, by Charles F. Hoffman, in Sparks' American Biograf/iv, Vol. 13; Collections of the N. Y. Historical Society, for 1868; \'alen- tine's History of Nctc York.) Elsje Tymens, the widow of Jacob I>eisler, survived him some 13 or 14 years. She was living Sept. 17, 1704, at which date she was a sponsor at the baptism of Elizabeth, dau. of Barent Reinders. Issue. 2. i, Susannah", bap. Feb. 10, 1664; joined the Dutch Church in New York, Dec. 3, i68i, and removed with certificate some time after to Ber- gen (N. J.?). The date and place of her first marriage are not known. She ni. ist, Michiel Vaughton (called Farton in the Dutch Church Baptismal records), an Englishman and a protige of Gov. Thomas Dongan, with whom he came to New York in August, 1683. He was a half-brother of John Spragg, Esq., who was a member of the Legislative Council in 16S3, and subsequently Secretary of the Pro\ ince of New York. Governor Dongan describes Vaughton as having been " a volunteer two or three years on board ship with Captain Temple," etc., and " a pretty ^ Gerardus Beekman, Johannes Vcrmelje, Thomas Williams, Meyndert Coertcn, Ahraham Brasher, and Abiaham Goiiverneur were convicted, with Leisler and IVIilborne, of high treason, * Moulton's view of the City of New Orange in 1672, p, 22. LEISLER. 1 T ingenious young man," who, happening to be in London when he came away, offered his services, which the Governor accepted and promised to aid him with money when in need of it " for to put him into some way." On tlie nth of May, 1684, he was commissioned Clerk of the Market of New York, and in December following we fmd him Commander of the Sloop James, and authorized by warrant to proceed to the Sound and seize and send to the city all vessels that may seem to be engaged in unlawful traffic. Edward Antill was part owner of the vessel he commanded, Vaughton's share in it having been purchased with money loaned him by Gov. Dongan. In the spring of 1685, Hugh Riddle, a Scotchman and "poor Gentleman," coming into the Province from New Jersey, brought with him, without entry at the Custom House, a small parcel of linen of the value of three to five pounds. Some time after. Riddle and one of the Custom officers " drinking drunk together," fell to quarrelling, on which the officer went out, about one or two in the morning, and, meeting Vaughton, also a Custom House officer, compelled him to go with him to seize uncustomed goods, at Riddle's lodgings. Arrived there, they broke open the door, and Riddle, " still drunk," in endeavoring to keep them out, stabbed Vaughton, wound- ing him severely. For this offence he was thrown into prison, where he remained a long time awaiting Vaughton's recovery. Being in a starving condition, he was finally liberated upon the application of Mr. Vaughton, Mr. Spragg, and others, the Council ordering his goods to be released upon his paying the physicians their charges for attending Vaughton. These being more than the value of the goods, and Riddle a poor man, Mr. Spragg, in chanty to him, paid the surgeons their demand, amounting to ten pounds.' On the 24th of January, 1702, Susanna Vaughton, his widow, petitioned for a patent of 300 acres of land, lying in the vicinity of the Crom Elboogh (Crum Elbow Creek), in Dutchess County, ''which she alleges to be part of a purchase made by Henry Pawling (Sheriff of Esopus in 1684), under a license granted to her husband, in company with said Pawling, and for which no patent has as yet been granted." Tlie last notice of Michiel Vaughton where his identity is certain is found in the record of the baptism of his son Michiel, September 9, 1688. The sponsors at this baptism were John Spragg, Robbert Walters, and Catha- rina Leydser. He probably died soon after. His widow m. 2d, March 12 1704, Leonard (Huygen) de Kleyn,* by whom she had no issue. ' Doc. Rel. to Co', Hist, of N. V., vol. 3, p. 407-8-9, 493. Cal. N. Y. Hist. Mss. English, p. 116-117, 128 134 and 306. * Lekndekt (Leonard) Hiivt.iiN dk Ki.f.yn (de Cleyn, Cleyn) l''an Bitureit^ was a son of Hugh Barentsen de Clein, who, with his wife and seven children, embarked from Amsterdam for New Netherland, in May, 1661, in the Heaver. Hugo Barents (de Kleyn) and his wife Mayken Bartels joined the Dutch Church ni New Amsterdam, October 2, 1661. Leendert joined May 28, 1679, and m. 1st, April 25, 1683, Magdalena Wolsum (Wolsing, Wolsen), widow of Cornelis Van derVeen. He was a shop-keeper in New York for many years, but removed in the latter part of his life to New Rochelle, Westchester Co., N. Y. , where he died in 1735) having survived his second wife, Susannah Leisler, a number of years. The latter part of his name is frequently dropped in the Dutch Records, and he appears simply as Leendert Huygen or Huygens. Issue: 1. David, bap. May 24, 1684, d. s. p. 2. Maria, bap. March 7, 1686 ; m. February 28. 1708, Joseph Robinson, merchant, of New York, and had Leonard, ijap. September 24, 1710 : Richard, bap. September 17, 1712 : Joseph, Lap. January 2, 1715 ; and Maria, bap. January 14, 1719. 3. Elisabeth, bap. March 29, 1688 ; m. November 3, 1705, Anthony Lispenard. son of Anthony and wife Abeltie. At the baptism of his children his name is written Anthony Lippenard. In 1724 he removed to New Rochelle. Issue : Anthony, bap. July 27, 1709 ; Magdalena, bap. February 16, 1712 : Leonard, bap. January 25, 1716 ; Johannes, bap. February i, 1721 ; and ]'",lisabeth, bap. February 5, 1724. 4. Harent, bap. February 28, 1690 ; m August 28, 1711. Cornelia, dan. of Rev. Rudolphus Varick and his wife Margareta Visboom, and had Leonard, bap. December 7, 1712. I'.arent de Kleyn died soon after, and his widow, Cornelia, m. 2d, July 22, 1715, Pieter Van Dyk. 5. Johannes, bap. February 4, 1694 ; d. s. p. 6. Magdalena, bap. January 26, 1696 ; d. s. p. 7. Cacharina, bap, in Brooklyn, November 27, 1698 ; d. s. p. -, , leisler: NfiCHlEr. Vai'C.htox, son of AFichiel ^'aughton and Susannah I.eisler, bap. September 9, 1688, m. AFiiv 15, 1712, Catharina dau. of John Don- aldson (Danginson, Danillson, liennissen, Dumelson) and Elizabeth Ro- denburg.f In 17 19 he was a merchant and afterwards a sail-maker in New York. Will dated Dec. 28, 1732; proven Feb. 24, 1736; names wife, Catharin ; eldest son, John ; son, Jacob ; daughters, Elizabeth, Susannah, Katherin and Mary. Appoints his wife and his cousins Paul Richard, and William Haraersly, of the cii}- of New York, merchants, Executri.x and Executors. Issue : 1. MicHiEL ^'A^GHTON, bap. Feb. 15, 1713 ; d. young. 2. P^LiZABETH \'aughton, bap. Sept. I, 1715- 3. Johannes ^"A^GHTON, bap, July 31, 1717 ; d. )'oung. 4. Johannes A'aughton, bap. April 24, 1720. 5. Jacob Vaughton, bap. April 11, 1722. 6. Susannah Yacghton, bap. Dec. 2, 1724; m. March 8, 1747, Maurits, son of Balthazer De Hart and Margrielje Maurits, of New York. They settled at Shrewhbur\-, N. J. 7. Catharina Yaughton, bap. Dec. 21, 1726. 8. Mary Vaughton, bap. Sept. 25, 172S ; she prob. ni. June 22, 1769, Pieter Wessels. 3. ii. Catharina," bap. Nov. 8, 1665 ; in. Feb. 4, 1685, Roi'.ert Wal- ters, j. m., from Plymouth, England. He was a merchant in New ^'ork, Alderman of the South \\'ard, 1688-9, '"ember of the Assembly called under Eeisler's authority in 1690, and member of the Colonial Council under Governors liellomont and Nanfan, from 1698 to 1702, when he was suspended by Lord Cornbury. He was again a member of the Council under the administrations of ("jovernors Hunter and Burnet, and Mayor of New York 1720-21-22-23. He died early in 1731. Issue: 1. Elisabeth \Vai,ters, bap. Nov. i, 1685 , m. Capt. Johannes \\'endel, of Albany. See Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, p. 148. 2. Johannes \\'alters, bap. May 22, 1687. 3. Maria Walters, bap. Nov. 24. 1689. 4. Catharina \Valtkrs, bap. , 1692?; m. Nov. 15, 1710, Johannes ^'an Hartsbevge, and had Elizabeth, bap. Aug. 5, 1711 ; Johannes, baj). March 29, 1713 ; and Catharina, bap. Dec. 19, I 714. In 1719 he was a merchant at Surinam. t Elizabeth Rodenbur^, dau. of Lucas Rodeuburg aud Catriua Roelofs. was boni on the Lsland of Cu- rafoa, her father being vice director there from about 1646 to 1657, the year of his death. Her mother wa.s a dau. of Roelof Jansen and Anneke Jans, and after the death of her first husband married ad, April 24, 1658. Johannes Pieterszen \'er Brugge [Van Brugh] from Haerlem, a prominent merchant and magistrate (if New Amsterdam. Elizabeth Rodenbiirg m. ist. September 3, 1679, Ephraim, son of \iigustyn Hermans and .lanneken Wr- leth. He was bap. September i, 1652. In Au':;iist. 1(^73, when tile I hitch Hcet under command of Benckcs and Evertsen captured New York, he was a Clerk in the Secretary of State's Office, .u'.d was c<>m- missioned with others, by the Dutch Council of war, to administer the oath of allegiance to the inhabit- ants on Long Island. Removing to the Delaware, he was appointed, in 1676, Clerk iif the courts of New Castle and Upland, the court giving him in 1678 a certificate for, his excellent conduct while in otTn.e. After his marriage in New Viirk he returned to Delaware, and was appointed Surveyor (to which profession his father belonged) June l'2, 1680, for the counties of New Castle and St. Junes. About this time he joined the Labadists. a short-lived religious sect, of which Jean de Labadie was the founder, and wliose foUoweis Dankers and Sluyter had with slight success sought to colonize on the Delaware. (Hazard's Annals of Penn., 426-51-72. Memoirs L. I. Hist. Soc, \'o]. i, x.\xi., .\.\.\iv.. .\x\v,) He died in 1689. His widow re- turned from Newcastle and rejoined the Dutch Church in New N'urk, September i, 1689. They had issue bap. in New York : Augnstinus, bap, July 7, 1680 ; Augustina, bap. June i, 1684 ; Samuel, bap. April 20, it'Sy, and Kphriam, bap. October 7, 1688. .Slie m. 2d, Match 24, 1692, John Dontlldson, j. m. Van tJalleway (Scotland?). He lived on the South or Delaware River where Catharina, their dau.. named in the text, was proh.ihly Iiorn, 'J'hey had auotiier dau. Maria, bap. in New York, July i, 1696, who married George Yates, merchant, of Philadetpliia. LEISLER. ,, 5- Sara ^VAI.TERS, bap. in Brooklyn, ]\fay 4, 1695 ; d. young. 6. Iacoua Walters, bap. , 1697. ? 7. Jacob Walters, bap. March 20, 1700. S. Sara ^VAl.TERS, born June 29, 9 o'clock in the evening; bap. July .-, 1704. 9. Hester \\'alters, bap. Jan. 8, 1707 4. iii. Jacob," bap. Nov. 13, 1667. He was actve in procuring from Parliament the reversal of the attainder of his father and brother-in-law Jacob Atilborne, and for tliis purpose visited Kngland in 1694-5. After his return he resided in the South \\'ard of New York, where he was living in Nov., 1731. He died without issue. 5. iv. ifARV,' bap. Dec. 12, 1669; joined the Dutch Church in New York, Sept. 2, 1688, and afterwards removed to Bergen. In Feb., 1690 (m. 1. dated Feb. 3 of that year), she married Jacob Milborne (Milburne, ^lelborn), the active Secretary of her father, and one of tlie leading spirits of his administration. He was born in England about 1648, and was a brother of Rev, William Milborne, who settled as minister of the cliurch at Saco, Maine, in May, 1685, and prob. died at Boston, August, 1699." It is alleged that he was convicted of clipping the Kings coin,, and sold as a servant in the Barbadoes, and afterwards bought by a Hartford man." If this story be true, he must have been a mere child at the time of the com- mission of the offence for which he was transported to Baibadoes. He was liviiig in Hartford in 1663,'' came to New York in 1668, being then twenty years old, and was employed by Thomas Delavall, a leading merchant, as clerk and bookkeeper, in whose service he remained until 1672. In October of that year he was admitted to plead with John Sharp and Sanuiel Edsal, Attorneys for the Plaintiff, in the trial of a suit in the Court of Assizes, at New York, on appeal from the Court on the Delaware, brought by Armigart Pappegoya (dau. of the Swedish Governor Printz) against Andrew Carr, for the recovery of Tinnicum Island.* He soon after engaged in trade as a merchant in New York, his commercial enterprises causing his frequent absence from the province. Returning from England on the 2Sth of August, 1689, he was appointed in December following Secretary of the Province and Clerk to Lieut.-Gov. Leisler, with whom his subsequent history and sad fate is identified. It is probable tiiat Mary I^eisler^ was the second wife of Jacob Mil- borne. In the list of members of the Dutch Church in New York, under date Nov. 29, 16S8, appears the name of Johanna Edsal, h. v.^ Jacob Melborn. Opposite her name, Obyt is written, but the date of her decease is not given. She was probably the dau. of Samuel Edsal and Jenneke Wessels, and bai\ in Bergen, N. J., Sept. 4, 1667. In the second preamble of llie Act of Parliament in 1695, reversing the attainder of Jacob Leisler and others, tlie following is recited: '-And wTiereas the said Jacob Leisler, also Jacob Milborne, Abraham Gouverneur, and several others, were arraigned in the Supreme Court of Judicature at New Y'ork aforesaid, and convicted and attainted of high treason and felony, for not delivering tlie ]>ossession of the said fort to tiie said Richard ^ SaN-age's Genealoi^ical Diclianai3% 3. p. ao6. FolsoTu's Hist Saco and Biddefbrd, p. 137. " Brodhead'ii Hist- of >;ew Vork, 2, p. 196. Doc Rel. to Col. Hist. N. V., 3, 755. * Hitunan's First Putltaw Settlers of Conn. p. 54, * Hazard's Annals of Penti., p. 400. ^ * .Abbreviation of Huys\-row, the Dutdi wxml for wife tir housewife. ■,A LETSLER. Ingoldsby, and the said Jacob Leisler and Jacob Milborne were executed for the same. May it therefore jjlease your most excellent Majesty at the hiuiible petition and request of Jacob Leisler, the son and heir of the said Jacob Leisler, deceased, Jacob Milborne, the son, and heir of the said Jacob Milborne, deceased, and of the said Abraham Gouverneur, that it be declared and enacted," etc' The above is the only statement we have found, that Jacob Milborne left issue surviving him. This son (if the name is not an accidental in- terpolation in the above bill) was probably the fruit of Milborne's first mar- I'iage with Johanna Edsal, who, being in England at the time of his father's tragic death, afterwards remained there. Mary Leisler/ widow of Jacob Milborne, m. i^, in May, 1699, Abra- ham Gouverneur, for whose descendants, see pages 19 and 20. 6. v. Johannes,'' bap. Dec. 20, 1671 ; d. young. 7. vi. Hester,' bap. Oct. 8, 1673; m. Barent Rvnders (Reinders, Rynderts), of the city of New York, merchant, m. I. dated March 10, 1696. He was probably a son of Barent Reyndertse, smith, who was living at Albany as early as 1657, and died there in 1682.° His will is dated Feb. 5, 1725; ])roven Jan. 25, 1726-7. His widow, Hester, made will dated July II, 1757; proven April 29, 1763. Issue : 1. Geertruvt Rvnders, bap. Aug. 16, 1702; m. i", about 1728, Nicholas Gouverneur, and 2d David, son of ^V'illiam Provoost. By her first husband, Nicholas Gouverneur, she had Hester, bap. Sept. 7, 1729; died young; Abraham, bap. Nov. 22, 1730; Hester, bap. March 5, 1732; Barend, bap. Feb. 6, 1734; died young ; Nicholaus, bap. June 15, 1735 ; died young ; Barent, bap. May 29, 1737 ; and Nicholaus, bap. April 18, 1739. See pages 19 and 20. 2. Elizabeth Rvnders, bap. Sept. 17, 1704 ; m. July 3, 1729, Nicholas Bayard, son of Samuel Bayard and Margreta Van Cortlant, and had Hester, bap. July 29, 1730; Samuel, bap. March 22, 1732 ; Samuel, bap. June 13, 1733; Margareta, bap. Feb. 2, 1735 ; Nicolaas, bap. Nov. 14, 1736; Margareta, bap. Aug. 27, 1738; Judith, bap. Feb. 29, 1740; Barent Rynders, bap. March 31, 1742 ; and Elisabeth, bap. Oct. 15, 1746. 3. Johanna Rvnders, bap. July 21, 1706 ; m. Dec. 12, 1723, David, son of David Provoost and Helena Byvanck. See vol. vi. p. 16, of the N. Y. G. and B. Record. To the account of their family, there given, add that their dau. Helena, bap. May 24, 1728, m. i", Fresneau; m. 2", June 19, 1760, Jacob Brewerton. 4. Ester Rvnders, bap. Oct. 31, 1708; d. unmarried. 5. Barent Rynders, baj). Nov. 19, 1710; m. Feb. 3, 1740, Maria Cuyler. He died before July, 1757, leaving wife and dau. Hester surviving him. 6. Jacob Rvnders, bap. Oct. 26, 1712 ; d. s. p. 7. Alida Rynders, bap. Oct. 31, 1716; m. March 10, 1743, Henry Cuyler, Jr., of the city of New York, merchant, son of Henry Cuyler and Maria Jacobs; he was bap. Sept. 25, 1715, They had issue : Barent Reynders, bap. March 20, 1745 ! Hester, bap. ' Documentary History of New York, vol. 2, p. 243, 2 Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, p. 91, LOOCKERMANS. ,f Jan. 4, 1747; Maria, bap. June 15, 1748; and Alicia, bap. Nov 12, 1749. 8. Johannes Rynders, bap. Jan. 14, 1719 ; d. s. p. 8. vii. Francina,' bap. Dec. 16, 1676 ; m. 1=', Thomas Lewis ; m. 1. dated Nov. 26, 1694. Will of Thomas Lewis, merchant, of New York, " at this present time in good health but now bound out on a voyage," is dated Jan. 10, 1699-1700 ; proven June 14, 1704 ; names : wife, Frances ; son, Thomas ; ''and the child with which his wife is big withall." Appoints his wife and brothers, Leendart Lewis, and Barent Rynders, Executrix and Executors. Issue: 1. Thomas Lewis, bap. , 1695.? 2. Jakoba Lewis, bap. in Brooklyn, Sept. 12, 1697; she m. i^', May 17, 1724, Jesse, son of Lucas Kierstede and Rachel Kip ; he was a sea captain and prob. d. s. p. ; his widow m. 2'', April 21, 1734, Bartholomeus Schatts, by whom had issue : Reinier, bap. April 2, 1735 ; and Francina, bap. Sep. 12, 1739. 3. Francina Lewis, bap. in New York, April 9, 1699. Francina Leisler,'' widow of Thomas Lewis, ra. 2'', Jochem Staats (prob. the widower of Antje Barentse Reyndertse, who died in 1707'), by whom she had Elizabetii, bap. June 12, 1712, at which date Jochem Staats had deceased. 9. viii. Margaret.' It is probably an error to jilace her name here as the eighth child of Jacob Leisler. She is mentioned in the petition of her mother, brother, and sisters to the Queen (1694?), praying for the reversal of the Attainders pronounced against her father and Jacob Milborne.' No other notice is found of her, and it is jjrobable that she was the step-daughter of Jacob Leisler, Margaret Van der Veen, who married Isaac Stephenszen. See page 28. LOOCKERMANS. Among the early settlers of New Netherland were five* persons bearing this name — Govert, Jacob and Pieter Janse Loockermans, and their sis- ter Anneken, and a Balthus Loockermans. The modern form of the name is Lockerman, but in the early records of the family it is spelt Loocker- mans. Balthus or Balthazer Loockermans was perhaps a cousin of the others, the exact relationship being difficult to determine, from the meagre records that have come down to us concerning him. He and his wife Engeltje Hendricks, had two children baptized in the Dutch Church in New Amsterdam, viz., Jacob, May 28, 1662, and Jannetie, Oct. 14, 1663. Pieter Janse Loockermans was in New Amsterdam in January, 1642, and we find traces of him here as late as Oct. 1648. In 1656 he was a citizen of Beverwyck (Albany,) and purchased there, Nov. 16, of that year, a house lot of Hendrik Gerritse (Van Wie or Verwey). In April, 1658, ^ Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, p. 105. 5 Coll. N. Y. Hist. Society for 1868, p. 335. ,. , o i * Anthony Loockermans with his partners Messrs. (Paulufe Leendertsen) Van der Grist, (Cornells; Schutt and (Cornelis) Steenwyck, on the 26th Nov., 1654, made an agreement with the Director (Stuyvesant) and Council, for the charter of the ship Golden Shark, for a voyage to the West Indies. Of him we have no other notice, and suppose that Govert Lookermans is the person alluded to. [Cal. N. V. Hist. MSS. Dutch, p. 143- ) 36 LOOCJtERMANS. he was a boatswain in the West India Company's service. He probably had the following children : i. PiETER LooCKERMANS, who probably had two danghters, viz. : Marritje, married at Albany, Dec. S, 1694, to Jo- hannes Fonda, and Lammertje, married at the same place, Nov. 3, 1700, to Ariaen Oothout. ii. Maria Loockermans, who married, ist, Pieter Van Alen, of Kinderhook, widower of Maria Teller, and, 2d, in 1677, Gerrit Van Nes, of Greenbush. iii. HiLLETjE Loockermans, who married, prior to 1682, Cor- nells Stephense MiiUer, of Greenbush, 1663 ; of Clave- rack, 1720. iv. Caatje Loockermans, who married, prior to 1683, Jan Salomonse Goewey, of Albany. V. Anna Loockermans, who married, ist, prior to 1684, Adam Winne, of Albany, and, zd, Oct. 18, 1691, Jacob Teunise Van Woert, widower of Catryn Claas, of the same place.* Jacob Janse Loockermans also settled in Beverwyck, as early as 1657. On the 28th of July, in that year, the Sheriff brought a suit against him for having assaulted Meuwes Hogenboom, and split his face open from his forehead to his under lip with his knife ; he was find 300 guilders ($120), and ordered to pay for loss of time, board, and surgical attendance. In May, 1664, he and John Davits were Commissioners to negotiate a treaty of peace between the Mohawks and the Northern Indians, or Abenaquis, which they successfully concluded at Narrington, on the 24th of that month. In April, 1667, he purchased a house and lot in Albany, of Willem Jansen Schudt, and another July 25, 1684, of Laurence Van Alen. On the 24th of August, 1685, he obtained a license to travel, trade, and hunt among the Indians, as far as the Wagganasse and Attawaasse (Ottawas), with a company of thirty men. He was probably the Captain Loquerman, who, with Arian Abrahamse Schuyler and Jean Blaquerd, were detained as hos- tages in Canada by Gov. Denonville, while awaiting a reply to his letter to Gov. Dongan, dated Oct. 2, 1687, in which he complained of the infraction of the late treaty of peace by the English. He was living Aug. 18, 1700, at which date he was a sponsor at the baptism, in Albany, of his grandson Jacob, the son of Wessels Ten Broeck and Caatje Loockermans, who were married in Albany, April 2, i684.f Anneken [Ann] Loockermans, j. d. Van Turnhout, married Feb. 26, 1642, Oloft Stephenszen [Van Cortlandt] j. m. Van Wyck in Duurs- tede. She probably came out with her brother Govert, on his return to New Netherland in Nov., 1641, her name first appearing in the records as one of the witnesses at the baptism, Dec. i, 1641, of his eldest dau. Mar- ritje. In the Members Book of the Dutch Church in New York, her hus- band's name is recorded Adolph Stephenszen Van Courth, and at the baptism of their children, Olof Stephenszen Van Courtlant and Van Court- landt. The name is now spelled, we believe, by the family, Van Cort- landt. * Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, pp. 49, 54, 75, 8s, iia, 128, 152, and Pearson's Early Records of Albany, p. 8. Cal. N, Y. Hist. MSS. Dntcb, p. 195. t Cal. N. V. Hist. MSS. Dutch, p. 307-316. English, p. 139. Pearson's First Settlers of Alban\. pp. 75, 109, .ind Doc. RcI. to Col. Hist, of N. Y., vol. 3, p. 513. Hroadhcad's lli,-.t. of N, \ . vol. i, p. 733. LOOCKEKMANS. ,^ Olof Stephenszen Van Cortlandt came to New Amsterdam in the ship Haring in 1637, a soldier in the West India Company's Service. He was promoted by Gov. Kieft, and in July, 1639, appointed Commissary of Car- goes, at a salary of thirty guilders ($12) per month. In 1645 was elected one of the Board of Eight men to adopt measures against the Indians, and in 1649, one of the Board of Nine men, of which body the following year he was President. He was elected Schepen of the City in 1654, and in 1655 was advanced to the higher position of Burgomaster, an office he held during the years 1656-58-59, 1662-63 and 1665. He was Alderman in 1666-67, 7i> a-"d succeeded Mr. Isaac Bedlow, upon the death of that gentleman, in the same office in 1673. His place of residence was in the Brouwer Straat, now Stone Street, where he was also engaged in busi- ness as a. Brewer, in which occupation he became wealthy. " He had the character of being a worthy citizen and a man most liberal in his charities."* He died April 4, 1684, having survived his wife about a year. Issue : f 1. Stephanus Van Cortlandt, born May 7, 1643 ; bap. May 10, 1643 ; ni' Sept. 10, 1 67 1, Geertruyd Schuyler, j. d. Van Albania, dau. of Philip Pieterse Schuyler and Margareta Van Slechtenhorst. 2. Marritie [Mary] Van C6rtlandt, born July 30, 1654; the records of the Dutch Church in N. Y. gives the date of her baptism July 23, 1645 > m. April 27, 1662, Jeremias Van Rensselaer, j. m. Van Amsterdam, second son of Kilian Van Rensselaer, the first ancestor of the family in America. 3. Johannes [John] Van Cortlandt, born Oct. 11, 1648; bap. Oct, 25, 1648 ; died unmarried. 4. Fytie [Sophia] Van Cortlandt, born May 31, 1651 ; bap. June 4, 1651 ; m. May 6, 1671, Andries Teller, j. m. Van N. Albania, son of Willem Teller and Margariet Dunces (Donchesen). 5. Catharina Van Cortlandt, born Oct. 25, 1652 ; bap. Jan. 5, 1653 ; m. ist Nov. 3, 1675, Johannes Dervall, j. m. Van Amsterdam ; he died Feb. 18, 1689, and his widow m. 2d Nov. 30, 1692, De Hr. Fred- erick Philipszen (Philhpse), wedr. of Margariet Hardens (Hardenbroeck), the first Lord of the Manor of Philipsburg. 6. Cornelia Van Cortlandt, born Nov. 21, 1655; bap. Nov. 28, 1655 ; m. July 12, 1682, Brandt Schuyler, j. m. Van N. Albania, son of Philip Pieterse Schuyler and Margareta Van Slechtenhurst. He was born Dec. 18, 1659. (Prof. Pearson, io whom we are indebted for the date of Brandt Schuyler's birth, says, in his "First Settlers of Albany," page 98, that he married 2d, April 16, 1741, Margareta Van Wyck. It was his grand- son, Brandt, the son of Philip Brandtse Schuyler and Anna Elizabeth Staats, who married Margareta Van Wyck, and died Aug. 15, 1752. Their children were baptized in the Dutch Church in New York.) 7. Jacobus [James] Van Cortlandt, born July 7, 1658 ; his baptism is recorded the same day; m. May 7, 1691, Eva Phillipse, dau. of Freder- ick Phillipse and Margariet Hardenbroeck. I. Govert Loockermans,^ the most noted of his family, was born at Turnhout, a town in the Netherlands, and came to New Amsterdam in April, 1633. It appears he left Holland with Director General Wouter * Doc. Rel. to Col. Hist, of N. Y., vol. i, p. 249. 431. O'Callaghan's Hist, of New Netherland, vol i, p. ail-i2. Register of New Netherland. Valentine's Manual for 1849, p. 133-4-S. t .See N. Y. G. and B. Record, vol. v., p. 71. 38 LOOCKERMANS. Van Twiller in the ship Soutberg, which captured on her voyage a Spanish caravel, the St. Martin, to which vessel he was transferred, and which was brought safely into port. With him came Jacob AVolfertsen (Van Cou- wenhoven), whose first wife, Hester Jans, was a sister of I.oockerman's first wife. Upon his arrival he was taken into the service of the West India Company, as clerk, but he soon left this employment and engaged in business on his own account. In 1640 he went back to Holland, where he married ist, in Amsterdam, Feb. 26, 1 641, Ariaentje Jans, with whom he returned to New Amsterdam in the ship King David, Job Arentsen, Master, arriving here Nov. 29, 1641. On the 20th Jan., 1642, he purchased of Isaac Allerton the yacht Hope, in which he was engaged in trade between New Amsterdam and Fort Orange (Albany), and intervening points along the river, also to the South or Delaware River, and up the Sound to the mouth of the Connecticut. In July, 1644, while his vessel was passing Beeren Island, on the Upper Hud- son, he was hailed by Nicholas Coorn, Commander at Rensselaer's Stein, and ordered to lower his colors. On being asked for whom, Coorn re- plied, " for the Staple right of Rensselaerswyck." But Loockermans re- fused with an oath to strike his flag " for any individual save the Prince of Orange and the Lords, his masters," whereupon Coorn fired several shots at his vessel, one of which " went through the sail, and broke the ropes and the ladder," and another " perforated the princely colors, about a foot above the head of Loockermans, who kept the colors constantly in his hands." On the night of the 27th of Feb., 1643, Maryn Adriaensen and Govert Loockermans, by order of Gov. Kieft, led the attack of a company of citi- zens upon a party of Indians who had encamped with their women and children, at Corlears Hook. Thirty of the savages were killed while asleep and unsuspicious of danger from those they had deemed their friends. It is said that the recollection of this terrible and needless massacre, though approved by the general sentiment of that time, gave him much disquietude during the later years of his life. His trading and shipping operations kept pace with the growth of New Amsterdam and the river towns, and before 1649 he had two or three times visited Holland, and established an extensive commercial corre- spondence with that country. He also carried on a large brewing busi- ness in Pearl Street, near the present Hanover Square, where he resided. In Sept., 1651, he was sentenced to be banished for three years on a charge of violating the revenue laws, but this sentence was not enforced, and he afterwards held some of the highest positions of honor in the Colony. He was one of the Board of Nine Men in 1647-9 3-"). Her baptism is not recorded in the Ref Dutch Churcli of New York. She is named in her brother Jacobus Kip's will, Cliatriii Rickmaii. She m. July 11, 1697, Johannes Ryck- man, son of Capt. Albert Janse Ryckman, Brewer, of Albany, and Neeltie Quackenbos. Johannes Ryckman joined the Dutch Church in New York, by letter or certificate from Albany, Sept. 4, 1697, and died before Dec. 23, i736.f It is probable that he became a widower and married second, June r7, 171 7, Corneha, dau. of Isaac Van Vleck and Catalina de Lanoy ; she was bap. Jan. 3, 1692. By his first wife had issue : 1. Albert Ryckman, bap. July 24, 1698: m. Catharina Chris- toffels, and had Catharina bap. Jan. 3, 1725. 2. Jacobus Ryckman, bap. Jan. 19, 1701; m. Sept. i, 1723, Creertruy Adrianse. They had five children bap. in the Dutch Church at New York. 3. Nelletje Ryckman, bap. Nov. 8, 1 702 ; died young. 4. JoHANNis Ryckman, bap. April 18, 1705. 5. Maria Ryckman, bap. Feb. 29, 1708; m. Aug. 4, 1734, Lucas, son of Lucas Kierstede and Rachel Kip. 6. Tobias Ryckman, bap. Feb. i, 1710; died young. 7. Tobias Ryckman, bap. July 8, 1711 ; m. Maria Van Eps, and had Abraham bap. March 12, 1746. * Alexa.noer Haiku and Magdalena Van Vleck, widow of Hendi-ick Kip, had two sons bap. in the Dntch Church at New York, viz, : Wilhelmns, bap. April 12, 1704 : and Robberd, bap. Nov. 13, 1706. t Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, p. 94. 56 KIP. By his second wife Johannes Ryckman had issue : 8. Isaac Ryckman, bap. July 27, 1718; m. Engeltje Niewkerk, dan. of Jan Cornelise Niewkerk and Jenneke Breestede, and had Johannes bap. Jan. 4, 1741 ; Isaak, bap. April 17, 1743 ; and Johannes, bap. Nov. 9, 1746. 9. and 10. Nelletje and Catalvntji-: Ryckman, twins, bap. Nov. 30, 1720. 11. Abraham Ryckman, bap. March 10, 1723. 12. Samuel Ryckman, bap, Feb. 13, 1726. 25. ix. Benjamin,^ bap. Aug. 28, 1678. He was living Sept. 19, 1702, but probably died soon after, unmarried. 26. X. Salomon, 3 bap. Nov. 15, 1682. His name is so entered in the baptismal records, but he is called Samuel in his brother Jacobus's will. Samuel Kip married about 1705, Margrietje Ryckman, dau. of Capt. Albert Janse Ryckman, of Albany, He probably removed from New York about 1 72 1-2. They had bap. in the Dutch Church at New York : i. Jacobus,* bap. Aug. 18, 1706; 2. Albartu-s,-^ bap. May 30, 1708; 3. Maria,* bap. June 7, 1710; 4. Albert,* bap. Jan. 24, 1714; 5. Johannes,* bap. Feb. 8, 1717; 6. Samuel,* bap. April 30, 1718; 7. Rachel,* bap. Feb. 12, 1721. 27. Hendrick Kip, Jr. "^ (6.), born in Amsterdam; m. Feb. 29, 1660, Anna de Sillen (De Sille) from Wyck, dan. of Nicasius l)e Sille,* First Counsellor to Director General Stuyvesant. He was admitted to the rights * Nicasius De Sille was the son of Laurens De Sille, the latter being described m December, 1654, as the late Advocate Fiscal of the States General, or United Netherlands. Laurens was probably the son of Nicasius De Sille, who was originally from Mechlin, in Belgium, and came to Amsterdam soon after the re- volt of the United Provinces against ^ain, was chosen Pensionary of that city, and sent in 1587, with others, on an Embassy to Queen Elizabeth of England : was Ambassador to Denmark, and afterwards to Germany, and was repeatedly sent a Deputy to the States (ieneral, and was twice Commissioner to the army whilst m the field ; he died Aug. 22, 1600, aged 57 years, and was buried in the choir of the Red church at Amster- dam. Nicasius of New Netherlami was a native of Arnhem, the chief town of Guelderland, and came to New Amsterdam in the summer of^i653. In his commission as First Councillor to Director General Stuy- vesant, he is described as a " man well versed in the law and not unacquainted with military affairs, of ^ood character and satisfactory acquirements." He was directed to reside at Fort Amsterdam, and to de- liberate with the Governor " on all affairs relating to war, police, and national force ; " to keep inviolate and increase all alliances of friendship and commerce ; to assist in the administration of justice, crimmal and civil, and to advise the Governor in all events and occurrences that might transpire in the Colony. He superintended the preparation of the Fleet and accompanied ii with Gov. Stuyvesant in the expedition to the South or Delaware river, against the Swedes in 1655. In May, 1656, he was appointed Schout-fiscal in place of Cornells Van Tienhoven, who had been ignominiously dismissed from die public service. In June following, he was commissioned city Schout of New Amsterdam, in which office he was succeeded by Pieter Tonneman in April, j66o. In the meantime he had become one of the proprietors of New Utrecht, L. 1.. where, in 1657, he built the first house erected in that town, which was demolished in 1850. The first records of the town are still preserved, in his handwriting. He resided at New Utrecht as late as 1674, and probably until his death, of which event we have found no mention. {Doc. Rel, to Col. Hist, of Neiu York, vol, 2, /. 440 ; Cal. of N. Y. Hist. Dutch ; O' Callag/tau's Ifist. of New Kt'therlaiid, 7>ol, 2, /. 236 ; Brod- keat^s Hist. o_f N. Y., vol. i ; Anthology of Neiu Netherland.) Nicasius Die Sillk was twice married. The name of his first wife, who probably died before he came to New Amsterdam, is not known. In the record of his second marriage, the fact of his being a widower, is not entered, as was usual in such cases. He married second, May 26, 1655, Tryntje Crougers (Cregier) from the Hague, an alliance which proved the source of great unhappiness to both parties. Hy his second wife, from whom he separated by mutual agree- ment in 1668-9, he had no family. By his first \vife he had issue: i. Laukencb De Sille, who married a dau. of dipt. Martin Cregier. "From Lau- rence De Sille," says Dr. O-'Callaghan, "proceed all the branches of that family now in this country. They reside chiefly in the neighborhood of New York and Albany, havinjg dropped the de before the name. The Rev. G. W. Sill, one of the descendants, is at present a clergyman in the State of Missouri." There is, how- ever, another branch of the Sill family, descendants of John Sill who setded in Cam- bridge, Mass., in 1637, among whom, singularly, tliere was a Rev. G. W. Sill, an Episcopal Clergyman, who resided some years ago in Missouri. {See Sill Family Genealogy.) il. Gbrdientje De'Sille, m. Jan Gerretse Van Couwenhoven, of Brooklyn ferry: he was born in 1639. (J^ff Bergen Genealogy.) iii. Anna De Sille, m. Hendrick Kip, Jr.,^ as noticed in the text. There was a Walbrug De Sille who if not a daughter, was a near relative of Nicasius De Sille. She mar- ried first, Feb. 29, 1660, Frans Kregier (Cregier) from Borcken, son of Capt. Martin Cregier, and had Elisa- )iefh bap. July 5, 1662. She married second about 1668, William, son of Rev, Everardus Bogardus and XIP. 57 of a great burgher jn New Amsterdam, April 17, 1657, * and soon after re- moved to New Anistel on the Delaware. In a letter f dated at Amster- dam, 22d April, 1659, the Commissioners of the Colony on the Delaware, inform Vice Director Alrichs that " the brewers Kettle for Hendrick Kip, will be sent you by the first opportunity," from wliich we infer that he was engaged in business there, as a Brewer. In Sept., 1659, he was one of the Council, and June 29, 1660, was appointed by D'Hinoyossa one of the Commissaries at New Amstel.J In a deed of Augustine Heerman, con- veying to him a house and lot 111 New Amsterdam, dated Sept. 17th, 1662, he is described as " Mr. Hendrick Hendricksen Kip, the younger, residing on the South [Delaware] River in New Netherland." How long he re- mained there is not known, but it is probable he had two sons, Nicasius and Petrus, born on the Delaware. It is supposed that he afterwards settled at Pollifly, near Hackensack, N. J. § Hendrick Kip and Anna de Sille, were sponsors at the baptism in New York, March 21, 1703, of Hen- derikus, son of Petrus Kip. This is the last notice found of Anna De Sille, and if the Hendrick Kip, who was sponsor^ with her, was her husband — which is probable — it is also the last notice of him. They had two daughters bap. in the Dutch Church at New York, Cor- nelia,^ June 12, i66r, and Catharina,^ Nov. 9, 1664. Cornelia Kip (prob. dau. of Hendrick''), wife of Mathys Lyster, was a sponsor at the baptism in New York, of Petrus, son of Petrus Kip and Immetie Van Dyck, Dec. 26, 1709. Nicasius [Nicholas] Kip,^ probably a son || of Hendrick^ and Anna (De Sille) Kip, with his wife Antie Breyant If (Bryant), joined the First Re- formed (Dutch) Church at Hackensack, Sept. 22, 1694.** He died about 1711. They had /j-j-«e?, all bap. at Hackensack : i. Hendrick,'' born 1693 (?,) m. at H. July 24, 1 714, Geertruy Van Dien ; 2. Pieter,* born 1695 (?), ni. at H., March 5, 1 720, Elsie Van der Beek ; 3. Isaac,"* bap. 1697, m. at H. March 30, 1723, Willemintie Berdan, dau. of Jan Berdan and Eva Van Sickelen ; she was bap. at H., June 5, 1704 ; 4. Cornelis,* bap. Jan. i, 1700, m. at H., Sept. 17, 1720, Eva, dau. of Jan Berdan ; she was bap. at H., Oct. 1697 ; 5. Jacob,* bap. Dec. 14, 1702, m. at H., April 6, 1728, Helena, dau. of Jan Ber- dan ; she was bap. at H., April 14, 1 708 ; 6. Annatie,'' bap. Jan 3, 1 706, m. at Anneke Jans, by whom she had bap. ia New York : Cornelia, Aug. 25, 1669 ; Everhardus, Dec. 4, 1675 ; Maria and Lucretia, twins, Sept. 14, 1678 ; and Blandina, Sept. 13, 1680. Daniel De Sille who gave Oct. 13, 1654, a Power of Attorney to Nicasius De Sille, to manage hih affairs in New Netherland, was perhaps a brother of Nicasius. {^See C'al. of N. V. Hist. MSS. Dutch, p. 57.} * O'Callaghan's Register of New Netherland, p. 174. t Doc. Rel. to Col. Hist, of New Yorlc, vol. 2, pp. ti-75. ,: Hazard's Annals of Pennsylvania, p. 316. § Corwin Genealogy, p. 49. II Since writing the above we have been favored by 'J'eunis G. Bergcii. Esq., with the following, translated by him from the Flatbush town records. "January 29, 1678. Anna Kip (daughter of Nicasius De Sille) bound out her son Nicholas to Jan La Montangle, Master Cooper of New York, to learn said trade of Cooner, for six years, his time to commence May, 1678." 1 In i687.^the day and month does not appear in the record — Pietek Coknei^ise Hkevandt fBKVANT) and Hendriktie Arents (Aerts), had a dau. I.ysbeth bap. in the church at Hackensack, N. J. It is probable he is the same Pieter Cornelise. who had by wife Hendnkje Aerts (Arents), the following named children bap. in the Dutch Church at New York, and in Bergen, N. J. i. Annetje, bap. N. Y.. Sept. 10, 1671: 2. Geer- truyd, bap. N. Y. Nov. 8, 1673 ." 3* Cornelis, born in IJ., April 18, 1676 [sve Winfield's Land Titles, Hudson Co., N. J., p. 363), bap. N. Y., May 3, 1676 ; 4. Arent, bap- li., Oct. 7, 1678 : 5. Andrics, bap. B., Aug. 21, 1681, d. young: 6. Andries, bap. B., June 30, 168^. Presuming that Pieter Cornelise and Hendrikje Aerts, of New York, 1671-6, and Bergen, 1676-84, are identical with Pieter Cornelise Breyandt ( Bryant) and his wife,_ of Hackensack, in 1687, we trace their children as follows : Annetje (."^ntie) Bryant, m. ist about 1^92, Nicasius Kip ; m. 2d at Hackensack, Oct. 10, 1713, Isaac Van Gysse, widower of HiUegond Claes Kuyper. Geertruyd Bryant, m. at H., Oct. 26, 1695, Roelof Bougart, who was born at Flatbush, L. I. He m. 2d at H., Aug. 23, 1718, Elisabet Bertliolf, widow of Jan Albertse Terhuyne. Cornelis Bryant, m. at H., Dec. 7. 1700, Margrita Simonse Van Winkle, widow of Martin WInne. ."Vrent and Andries Bryant probably died without issue. Lysbeth Bryant, m. at H., April 12, 1707, Egbert, son of Laurens Ackerman and Geei . tie Egberts , he was bap. in N. Y., Feb. 23, 1685. ** Romeyn's Hist, Discourse, Hackensack, May, 1869. 58 I^IP- H., Sept. 2, 1726, I.ucas Van Voorhees, son of Albert Stevense Van Voor- hees and Helena Van der Schure ; he was baji. at H., Feb. 26, .T699 ; 7. Catarina/ bap. Sept 12, 1708, m. at H., Oct. 15, 1727, Dirk Terhuyne ; 8. Elisabeth/ bap. March 11, 1711, m. at H., Nov. 19, 1731, Hendrick Blink- erhof (Brinckerhoff), son of Jacobus Hendrickse Blinkerhof and Angenitie Banta; he was bap. at H., Nov. 9, 1710.* Petrus Kip,3 prob. a son of Hendrick,^ and Anna (De Sille) Kip, ni. in N. Y., April 24, 1702, Immetie Van Dyck, dau. of Dirck Franszen Van Dyck and Urseltie Jans Schepmoes ; she was bap. Jan. 11, 1675. They had ten children bap. in the Dutch Church at New York. 28. Isaac Kip' (12), son of Isaac Hendrickszen" (8), bap. Jan. 15, 1662 ; ni. Oct. 20, 1686, Sara De Mill, dau. of Anthony De Mill, Sheriff of New York, 1673-4, and Elisabeth Vander Liphorst ; she was bap. Dec. 30, 1663, and died about 1726. He was a Cooper, and lived and died in New York. .His will is dated Nov. 19, 1746; proved June 6, 1750. To his grandson, Abraham Kip, eldest son of his eldest son, Anthony Kip, de- ceased, he gives ten shillings cun-ent money, etc., to be paid him at the age of twenty-one years, and if he should die before that time without issue, then to his brother Isaac Kip, " or whoever else of my sons or grand sons that may legally be deemed my heir at law, which ten shillings shall be a full bar of all claim or pretence of being my heir at law." The rest of his estate he divides as follows : one-sixth part to the children of his son Anthony, deceased ; one-sixth part to his dau. Catlyntie, wife of Peter Marschalk ; one-sixth part to the children of his son Isaac Kip, deceased ; one-sixth part to his son Jacob Kip ; one-sixth part to his son Petrus Kip ; and one- sixth part to his son Abraham Kip. Ajipoints as executors his loving friends Francois Mai-schalk and E\ ert Byvank of the city of New York, Bakers, and John Kip, of said city. Merchant. He had issue : 29. i. Catalina,' bap. Oct. 19, 1687 ; died young. 30. ii. Anthony,* bap. Jan. 8, 1690 ; m. ist Jan. 3, 1713, Maria Byvank, prob. a dau. of Johannes Byvank and Belitje Evertse Duyckinck, of Albany ; she was bap. there Feb. 12, 1688. He m. 2d, i7i9(?), Catlyntje Kip, his cousin, dau. of Abraham Kip, of Albany. He had the following named children bap. in the Dutch Church at New \'ork. i. BeHtje,' bap. Nov. i, 1 713 ; 2. Sara,' bap. March 27, 1720 ; 3. Abraham," bap. June 3, 1722 ; 4. Isaac,' bap. Sept. 30, 1724 ; and Sara," bap. Jan. 30, 1728. 31. iii. Catalina,* bap. Oct. 21, 1691 ; ni. June 3, 1722, Petrus Mars- chalk of New York, son of Andries Marschalk and Elizabeth Van (ielder ; he was bap. Feb. 19, 1696. They had issue: Andries, bap. March 24, 1723 ; Isaac, bap. July 18, 1725 ; Sara, bap. Aug. 17, 1729 ; and Elizabeth, bap. Aug. 23, 1 730. 32. iv. Isaac, Jr.,* bap. Oct. i, 1693; ni. May 13, 1716, Anna Van Noortstrant of New York, prob. a dau. of Jacob Van Noortstrant and Annetje Croesvelt, who was bap. Feb. 12, 1696. They had issue: I. Isaac," bap. June 19, 1717 ; 2. Anna," bap. Sept. 23, 1719 ; and Sara," bap. April 25, 1722. T,^. V. Jacob,' bap. July 14, 1695 ; in. Dec. 7, 171 7, Engeltje (Angelina) Pels, of New York, dau. of Evert Pels and Grietje (Margaret) Melcherts * For Marriages and Haptisms in the Chiu'ch at Hackensack, I ani indebted to the ciiurtcsy of James W, <^uackenbush, Esq., of that place. JCIP. 59 Van Deurse (Van Deusen) ; she was bap. July 25, 1697. He was a Cord- wainer and Tanner in New York, and died in October, 1754, leaving his wife, son Evert, and dau. Elizabeth surviving him. He had issue : i. Mar- grietje,' bap. Feb. 24, 1721 ; ni. July 20, 1740, Hans (Johannes) Hansen, Jr. ; 2. Isaac," bap. July 25, 1725, d. young ; 3. Sara," bap. July 23, 1727, d. young ; 4. Betje" (Elizabeth), bap. March 18, 1733 ; and 5. Evert," bap. Jan. II, 1738. 34. vi. Johannes,' bap. April 11, 1697 ; died unmarried. 35. vii. Elizabeth,' bap. July 16, 1699 ; died young. 36. viii. Petrus,' bap. June 19, 1700 ; m. Dec. 6, 1724, Margrietje Blom, dau. of Jacob Blom and Mayke Janse Bosch (Bos), of New York. She was bap. Nov. 4, 1 702. They had issue bap. in the Dutch Church in New York : i. Maria," bap. Sept. i, 1725 ; 2. Isaac," bap. Sept. 4, 1726 ; 3. Jacob," bap. June 23, 1728; 4. Abraham," bap, Feb. 23, 1733; 5. Maria," bap. Jan. 22, 1735 ; and 6. Sara," bap. Sept. 24, 1738. 37. ix. Elizabeth,' bap. Aug. 12, 1702 ; died unmarried. 38. X. Abraham' (39), bap. Aug. 19, 1705. 39. Abraham Kip* (38), bap. Aug. 19, 1705 ; m. Feb. 13, 1729, Maria (Mary) Van den Berg, of New York, dau. of Huybert Gerritzen Van den Berg* and Maria I,ansing ; she was bap. Feb. 27, 1709. He was a Cooper, and died, in New York about 1750, leaving his wife surviving. Her will is dated July 19, 1765, and proved Jan. 5, 1785. In it she is described as Mary Kip, of the City of New York, widow of Abraham Kip, late of the City of New Vork, Cooper, deceased, and one of the daughters of Huybert Van den Berg, late of the said city, Cartman, deceased. She bequeaths her estate to her daughter Mary, and after her death directs it to be divided equally among her three other children, to wit : Sarah, wife of Gerrit Harsen ; Abraham Kip, and Gerrit Kip. Appoints her son-in-law, Gerrit Harsen, of said city, Baker, her son, Abraham Kip, of said city. Painter, and her friend, Mr. Nathaniel McKinley, of said city, executors. Abraham Kip and his wife Maria Van den Berg had issue : 40. i. Isaac," bap. June 29, 1729; died young. 41. ii. Isaac," bap. Feb. 14, 1731 .; died young. 42. iii. Hubert," bap. Sept. 30, 1733 ; died unmarried. 43. iv. Isaac," bap. March 23, 1735 ; died young. 44. V. Sara," bap. Feb. 27, 1736 ; m. Nov. 28, 1757, Gerrit Harsex, Bake rof New York. 45. vi. Marytje,s bap. Jan. 1, 1738; died unmarried. * Huybert Gerritszen (Van den Berg) and his wife Maria Lansing came from Albany, and joined the Dutch Church in New York, Dec. 2, 1696. He was probably a brother of Barent Gerritse Van den Berg of the Manor of Rensselaerswyck, in 1687, and perhai^s the son of Gerrit Van den Bergh, of Albany, 1663. His wife was a dau. of Hendrick Lansing and Elizabeth Caspers, of Albany. They were married at Albany,"Dec. 20, 1693, and had d.iu. Lysbeth bap. there July 29, 1694. {See Pearson's First Settlors 0/ Albany, ^p. 53 and 70.) She is probably the Elizabeth Van den Berg who married in New York, Feb. 22, 1713, Johannes Ostrander. Their children bap. in New York were : 1. Theuntie Van den Berg, bap. Nov. 17, 1695. 2. Gerretje Van den Berg, bap. June 16, 1697 : died young. 3. Gerretje Van den Berg, bap. Jan. 11, 1699 : m. Aug. 8, 1718, Pieter Van der Lyn, and had Elizabeth bap. Sept 2, 1719. 4. Gernt Van den Berg, bap. Aug. 31, 1701 ; died young. 5. Gerardus Van den Berg, bap. April 9, 1704. 6. Hendrikus Van den Berg, bap. Nov. 13, 1706. 7. Marytje (Maria) Van den Berg, bap. Feb. 27, l^cg ; m. Abraham Kip as noticed in the text, 8. Ariaantje Van den Berg, bap. Dec. 26, 1710 ; died young. 9. Ariaantje Van den Berg, bap. July 27, 1712. 10, Gerrit Van den Berg, bap, Nov, 14, 1714. 6o J^rp. 46. vii. IsAAC,5 bap. May 4, 1740; died unmarried. 47. viii. Elizabeth,5 ba]). Feb. 7, 1742 ; died unmarried. 48. ix. Abraham,'^ bap. May 27, 1744. 49. X. Gerrit^ (50), born May 11, bap. May 18, 1746. 50. Gerrit Kip"' (49), born May 11, bap. May 18, 1746 ; m. Feb. 12, 1768, Ellenor or Nelletje Brouwer. She was a daughter of Johannes Brouwer* and Susanna Druljet (Droljitt, Droljet, Driljet. Draljet, Deroill- het), and born in New York, June 9, bap. June 12, 1745. They had issue, 51. i. Abraham** (56), bap. June 2, 1768. 52. ii. Elizabet Druljet,^ bap. Aug. 12, 1770 ; m. Richard Wilkin- son, and had i. Ellenor, d. s. p. ; 2. Eliza, m. William Gallaer ; 3. Maria, m. John Brown; 4. Rachel; 5. Susan, d. s. p. ; and 6. Sarah d. s. p. 53. iii. Gerrit,^ bap. July 19, 1772 ; m. Ann Leech, and had i. Jane ;' 2, John ;^ 3. Ellenor,^ m. Asa Wells ; and Mary Ann,^ m. David Fulker- son. 54. iv. JoHN^, bap. Sept. 18, 1774; died unmarried. 55. V. Hubert*, born 1777 (?) ; died unmarried. 56. Abraham Kip^ (51), bap. June 2, 1768 ; m. 1789, Rachel Blank. He was a mason and bricklayer in the city of New York, where he died early in 1797. His wife was a descendant in the sixth generation, of Jeuriaen (George) Blank, Goldsmith, of New Amsterdam, who came to New Neth- erland with his wife Tryntje Claes, prior to 1643. She married second in 1798, Peter NAYLORf, bricklayer, of. New York, the son of Richard Naylor of England. He died June 13, 1818; she died March 5, 1836. Abraham Kip and Rachel Blank had issue. 57. i. Rachel', born May 11, 1790; m. Feb. 8, 1806, James Lynch, Hairdresser. He was born Dec. 5, 1781, in Monmouth Co., N, J., but re- * Johannes Brouwer (Brower), was a great-grandson of Adam Brouwer, from Ceulen, who married in New Amsterdam, March 19, 1645, Magdalena Verdon. Adam Brouwer was an early settler in Brooklyn, Long Island, and in 1661, was the owner, with Isaac De Forrest, of the old Gowanus Mill, on the Gowanus Creek, later known as Freeke's Mill, supposed to be the first erected on Long; Island. {Brooklyn Manual, 1863, p. 375-11 In his will, dated Jan. 22, 169X1 proved March 21, 1692, he is styled Adam Brouwer. Berk- hoven, inhabitant of the town of Brookland. He left surviving him his wife, Magdalena, and the following named children : Pieter ; Matthew ; William ; Maria ; Aeltje ; Fytje ; Jacob*-' ; Helena ; Adam ; Abra- ham ; Anna; Sarah; Nicholas, and Rachel. Jacob,'' son of Adam Brouwer,^ bom at Gowanus, married at Klatbush. Jan. 7, 1682, Anetje, dau. of William Bogardus, and Wyntie Sybrants. Their marriage also appears in the Dutch Church records of New York, under date Feb. 4, 1682. They had bap. in Brooklyn, Sybrant (?) ; Jacob,^ Nov. 30, 1684; Willem, May 8, .1687: Everardus, Dec. 8, 1689; Ehsabet, Nov. 15, 1694': Adam, March 29, 1696, and baptized in the Dutch Church in New York, Wyntje, Oct, i, 1701, and Magdalena, March 8, 1704. Jacob,' bap. Nov. 30, 1684, son of Jacob Brouwer,* married Oct. 28, 1709, Pietemelia De La Montague, of New York, dau. of Jan de La Montagne and Annetie Josephs Waldron. They had issue ; Jacob, bap. in Brooklyn, Sept. 24. 1710, and the following bap. in New York : Johannes,^ March 19, 1712; Abraham, Feb. 6, 1717 ; Antje, March 13, 1720; Adam, Feb. 14, 1722, and Antje, March 30, 1726. Johannes. Brouwer,* bap. March 19, 1712, son of Jacob,'* married Oct. 9, 1734, ' Susanna Deroillhet (Druljet), probably the dau. of Paulus and Susanna Druljet. (The latter was a widow Sept. 5, 1735.) The tradition in the Kip family is, that Susanna, wife of Johannes Brouwer,^ was a French woman. They had bap. in New York the following named children : Susanna^ bap. Sep. 5, 1735 ; Annetje, bap. Feb. 8, 1738 : Jacob, bap. March 26, 17404 Antje, bap. Nov. 7, 1742 ; Nelletje or Ellenor, bom June 9, bap. June 12, 1745 ; m. Gerrit Kip, as noticed in the text ; and Johannes, bap. Dec. 2, 1747. t Peter Naylor and Rachel Blank had issue : 1. Richard Naylor, bom Feb. 8, 1799; died May 11, 1829, unmarried. 2. Peter Naylor, born Feb. 9. 1801 ; m. Dec. 23, 1823, Margaret N. Ccnner, of New York. 3. Eliza Ann Naylor, bom Nov. 4, 1803 ; died Feb. 2, 1807. 4. John Naylor, born Dec. 19, 1806 ; m. Jan. 6, 1829, Eliza Higbee. 5. Matilda Naylor, bom June 17, 1809 ; died Dec. 24, 1812. 6. Alexander Naylor, bom July 2, 1812 ; died March 10, 1813. 7. Elmira Naylor, bom Nov, 28, 1814 ; m. Nov. 28, 1831, Jonathan Freeman Morgan, of New York, 8. Joseph Naylor, bom Feb, 6, i8i6; m. Aug. 10, 1836, Eliza Osbom. KIP. 6l sided nearly all his life in New York ; he died in Brooklyn, March 20, 1857 ; she died in Brooklyn, Jan. 8, 1852. They had issue : 1. Ellen Lynch, born May 23, 1808 ; died Sept. 17, 1809. 2. Rachel Lynch, born April 17, 1810 ; died Aug. 27, 181 1. 3. Sarah Lynch, born March 8, 1812 ; ni. June 25, 1831, William Simmons, of Mexico ; she m. 2^ Palmer, and died Aug. s, 1854. 4. James Lynch, born Dec. 23, 1813 ; m. Nov. 23, 1835, Olevia Ann Marsac, dau. of Michael and Rachael (Jennings) Marsac ; she was born on Staten Island, Nov. 23, 18 10; he died in 1864, at Governor's Island, while in the U. S. service. Issue : 1. Sarah Olevia, born Aug. 23, 1836; died Feb. 20, 1849; 2. Mary Frances, born Oct. 24, 1839; "'• J"ly 29, 1868, William H. son of Charles H. Close ; 3. EHza Cornelia, born Jan. 5, 1849; died May 30, 1849. 5. Washington Lynch, born March 3, 1816; ni. 1" June 4, 1838, Maria Davenport, of New York ; m. 2^ , at St. Louis ; he was killed by falling from the roof of a building at St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 19, 1861. 6. Ann linzA Lynch, born March 23, 1818 ; m. June 12, 1839, Burdett E. P. Randolph, of Brooklyn, L. I. 7. Matilda Lynch, born Jan. 12, 1820; m. Feb. 28, 1839, Franklin Laughlin, of New York. 8. Mary Van Antwerp Lynch, born Dec. 13, 1821 ; m. Sept. 3. 1839, Charles Hawley Close, son of Henry and Arney (Reynolds) Close ; he was born August 5, 18 19, at Stamford, Ct., but resided from his boyhood in New York City. He was prominently connected for thirty-five years with the drug trade in New York, and was for many years a member of the firm of M. Ward, Close & Co. He died in Brooklyn, Dec. 7, 1873. She resides, 1877, in New York. Issue: 1. Em- ma Louisa, born Aug. 2, 1840 ; m. Jan. 19, i860, Charles Peter Schuyler, Broker, of New York, son of Philip M. Schuyler, of Boonville, Oneida Co., N. Y. He died in New York City, Oct. 10, 1874. They had issue: i. Mary V. Schuyler, born in Harlem, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1861. 2. Arney Amelia, born July 21, 1842 ; m. May 13, 1863, Louis Frank- lin Georger, Furrier, of New York, son of Louis F. and Emily (Gunther) Georger. He was born in New York, April 26, 1 84 1. They had issue (all born in New York) : Francis Frederick Georger, born April 6, 1865 ; Arney Amelia Georger, born May 17, 1870 ; died March 14, 1871 ; and Julia Helene Georger, born July 25, 1872. 3. William Henry, born March 29, 1844; m. July 29, 1868, Mary Frances, dau. of James and Olevia Ann (Marsac) Lynch. They had issue : Harry Albert Close, born on Staten Island, July 12, 1869 ; died same place, Aug. 13, 1870 ; Louis Franklin Close, born in Brooklyn, June 8, 187 1 ; and Emma Olevia Close, born in Brooklyn, Aug. 23, 1873. 4. Charles Augustus, born Feb. 4, 1846 ; m. Nov. 15, 1874, Lottie Marshall. They had issue: Edith Lottie Close, born on Staten Island, Oct. 2, 1876 . 5. Mary Frances, born Dec. 62 KIP^ 26, 1847; m. Feb. 13, 1868, Edwin Ruthven Purple.* Lawyer, of California, Arizona, Utah, Montana, and New York, son of Lyman Smith and Minerva (Sheffield) Purple. He was born in Sherburne, Chenango Co., N.Y., June 30,1831. They had issue (all born in New York City) : Mary V. Pur- ple, born April 9, 1869; died April 11, 1869; Mary Close Purple, born May 30, 1870; Frances Minerva and Amelia Georger Purple, twins, born Sept. 29, 1872 ; and Sarah Shef- field Purple, born May 30, 1875; died July 5, 1876. 6. James Wood, born Sept. 30, 1850; died Feb. 22, 1859. 7. Walter McDougall, born July 19, 1852 ; m. March 17, 1874, Matilda Marsac, They had issue : Mary V. Close, born in New York, Feb. 10, 1875. 9. Elizabeth Lynch, born March 6, 1823 \ m. Nov. 12, 1843, John Bishop, of Brooklyn ; she died Oct. 4, 1854. 10. Elias Lynch, born May 26, 1827 ■ he has been thrice mar- ried ; no further particulars. ir. Margaret Lynch, born Dec. 26, 1833; died Sept. 13, 1837. 58. ii. Thomas Henderson,^ born June 13, 1792; m. Jan. 12, 1817, Ann Ross, and had issue : Abraham f Jane f Thomas f Mary f and Sarah Ann.^ 59. iii. Sarah,^ born June 23, 1794; m. June 3, 1809, John Galla- her, and had issue : Margaret ; Abraham ; George \ Alexander ; Wil- liam W. \ Rachel ; Sarah \ John ; Eliza ; Ruth ; Jane ; Peter ; and Al- mira. 60. iv. James,^ born Nov. 23, 1796 ; died in 1819, unmarried. * Edward Purple^, the common ancestor of the family bearing his name in this country, was admitted an inhabitant of the town of Haddara, Ct., in May, 1674. It is probable that he was a descendant o( Christopher Purple, who purchased land in Essex County, England, in 1580, and died there about 1605, leaving a son Christopher, but the connection has not yet been clearly traced. It Is supposed that the first Christopher Purple was a native of France, from which country he fled to England at the time of the mas- sacre of St, Bartholomew. Edward Purple' was a Farmer, or as described in an old deed still extant, a Husbandman, and married, 167s, at Haddam, Hannah, daughter of Nicholas Ackley, one of the original proprietors of that town, and a resident, 1638-39, of Hartford. He died at Haddam, Jan. 4, 1719-20, leaving his wife surviving and three sons, Edward", John and Richard. Edward Purple'*, bom about 1676, died about 1727, married Mary , and had Edward^ and Mary, twins, bom March 28, 1713 ; Elias, bom March 27, 1716 ; and John, born June 14, 1718. Edward Purplb^, born March 28, 1713. In early life he removed from Haddam to Middletown, Ct*, where he married, 1740, Ruth Hollister, of Glastenbury. He was an active business man, and though com- paratively young at the time of his decease, had accumulated a large amount of property, and was regarded wealthy. He died in August, 1752, and his widow married, September 29, 1757, Nathaniel Spencer, of Middletown. His children were Ruth, born August i, 1741 ; Mary, bom July 19, 1743 ; Edward"*, born March 18, 1745 ; Dorothy, born May 9, 1747 ; Ezra, bom January 18, 1749 ; Josiah, born Dec. 4, 1750. Edward Purplh^, born March 18, 1745, a Planner, married m 1768, Mary Hodge. He died August, 1794. His widow married, December 31, 1795, Stephen Knowlton. The children of Edward Purple and Mary Hodge were Edward, born August 14, 1769 ; Polly, born May 25, 1771 ; Ansel^, born 1773 ; Samuel, bom May 28, 1784 ; Ruth, baptized July g, 1784 ; Deborah, bom April 25, 17S8 ; Statira, bom 1790 ; Ann, born March 30, 1793- Ansel Purple^, born in Middle Haddam, Ct., 1773. He was a Farmer, and removed in 1797 to Whites- town, N. Y., and subseciuently to Otsego County, where he married, Feb. 19, 1798, Dolly, daughter of Dr. Ephriam Smith and his wife Abigail Higgins. He died while on a visit to Middle Haddam, November 16, i8o8. His widow married, October 5, 1809, Elisha Harris, and removed to Chenango Co., N.'Y., and afterwards to Cuyahoga Co^ Ohio, where she died March 25, 1857. Their children were Lyman Smith*, bom in Burlington, Otsego Co., N. Y., Jan. 19, 1799 •' Ansel, Lavina, and Elisha. LvMAN Smith Purple", born in Burlington, Jan. 19, 1799. Removed when young with his mother to Chenango Co., N. Y., where he married, January 27, 1820, Minerva, daughter of Dr. James [Fones] Shef- field and his wife Sarah Calkins. She was born m Northumberland, Washington Co., N, Y., July 4, t8oi, and died in the City of New York March 27, 1868. He was a Tanner, Currier, and Shoemaker, and located after his marriage in the town of Lebanon, Madison Co., N. Y., and a few years after removed to the town of Sherburne, Chenango Co., N. Y. He was for many years Deacon of the Baptist Church in Earlville, N. Y., was a man of exemplary piety and singularly pure and upright in all the relations of life. He died at Earlville, May 7, 1839. Their chddren were : i, Samuel Smith, born in Lebanon, June 24, 1822, a Physician for the past thirty-three years in the City of New York, and unmarried. 2, Ansel Sheffield, bom in xJebanon, Nov. 15, 1825, a Farmer, and after 1846 a resident of Troy, Bradford Co., Penn., where he married Sept. 3, 1846, Mary E., daughter of Aaron KaUIwin and Harriet (Lawson) his wife. He died in the U. S. Vol- tmteer .Service at Bardstown, Ky., March 4, 1862. 3, Edwm Ruthven^, born and married as noticed in the text. MEYER. 63 ' On page 47, it is stated that the last mention found of Hendrick Kip", Senior, is April 19, 1665. It is not improbable that he is the Hea- drick Kip, Sen', whose name appears in a Tax List made in New York, on the 10* of November, 1676, for the purpose of defraying the charges in building the New Dock, and paying the city debts, etc. This List will be found on page 36, Vol. ii. of the N. Y. Genealogical and Biographical Record, to which the reader is referred. On the same page the statement is made, that perhaps Kippenburg was identical with Incleuburg, or Fire Beacon Hill, near 36"" Street and Fourth Avenue, at the period referred to. This part of the Island was called Kipsborough in 1746, which gives additional warrant for the belief that the ancient Kippenburg was in the vicinity of the old Kip farm, from which the name was probably derived. See extract from the N. Y. Weekly Post Boy, in Valentine's Manual for 1865, p. 795. Hendrick Kip, Jr", noticed on page 56, made an affidavit, August i, 1662, while on the Delaware, in which he says he was then "about 29 years old." This gives the date of his birth in Amsterdam about the year 1633. See Doc. Rel. to Colonial History of New York, Vol. 12, p. 401. Meyer — Myer — Myers — Meir. The name of Meyers (or Myer) is a very ancient and common one both in Germany and Holland, and is supposed to take its derivation from Meyer, a country Mayor, or Sheriff, sometimes, though rarely, translated Farmer ; Meyery, a Manor, Mayoralty, or Lordship ; or, perhaps, from Meir, a lake. Its exact designation among the individuals here given, we have not more definitely attempted to trace. The orthography varies in the same family, but the most common form of the name as it appears in the records is Meyer and Myer. There were four persons,* early resi- dents of New Amsterdam, who do not appear to have been related to each other, but from whom sprung four distinct lines of this family in New York. These Were Jillis (or Gillis) Pieterszen [Meyer], Jan Dirckszen Meyer, Marten Janszen Meyer, and Adolf Meyer, whom we propose to notice briefly in the order of their names, as mentioned. I. Jillis (or Gillis) Pieterszen [Meyer'], commonly called Jillis Pieterszen Van der Gouw, or Van der Gouda — the ancient town of Gouda, or Tergouw, in Holland, having been the place of his nativity — was a house-carpenter, and came to New Amsterdam prior to 1638, and probably as early as 1633, in company with Director General Van Twiller. On the 16* of April, 1639, then aged 27 years, in company with Jacob Stoffelsen and Tymen Janszen, he makes declaration as to the condition of the Fort, Church, Mills, and other public property, at the time of Governor Kieft's arrival in New Amsterdam.f On the 3'' of June, 1638, he was appointed Master Carpenter at Fort Orange J (Albany), but probably did not long reside there. He married at New Amsterdam, July 6, 1642, Elsje Hendricks, born in Amsterdam, dau. of Hendrick Janszen Snyder — otherwise, Hendrick Janszen, the tailor — and his wife, Geertje Scheer- burch. On the 25*^ of October, 1653, he obtained a patent for a house * Nicholas Meyer, whom, in 1655, LydiaVanDyck, was the ancestor of the De Meyer family, of whom hereafter. + Coll. New York Hist. Society, vol. i (New Series), p. 279, } Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS. Dutch, p. fe. 64 MEYER. and lot in Beverwyck * (Albany), and perhaps lived there during the last years of his life. It does not appear that he was himself known by the name of Meyer, his children having adopted that as their family name, for reasons at present unascertained. His children were baptized in New Amsterdam, but probably all of them who reached years of maturity were married at Beverwyck. His residence in New Amsterdam, according to Mr. Valentine, was on the site of the present Wall Street, his house front- ing the public road running along the East River, now Pearl Street. He deceased prior to 1656, and the following year his heirs sold the property above mentioned to the city, the lot then becoming a part of the public street, now Wall Street.f He owned another house and lot in Pearl Street, near the Fort, a two-thirds interest in which, owned by his heirs, Captain Hans Hendrickse and Johannes Wendel, of Albany, was con- veyed by them, July 25, 1676, to his son, Hendrick Jillise Meyer ; the other third part belonging to said Hendrick Jillise, " as his inheritance of the third part of all the effects of Gillis Pieterse, deceased, according to the will."J The division of this property, as above set forth, indicates that only three of his children survived him. Issue : 2. i. Eva Jillise Meyer', bap. April 26, 1643 ; m. Capt. Hans Hen- drickse, an early resident and trader at Beverwyck. His descendants assumed the surname of Hansen. He made his will Feb. 12, i69f, andwas deceased in 1697, leaving the following named children : Hendrick ; Mar- gareta, m. Jan. 13, 1692, Frederick Harmense Visscher, of Albany, and died Aug. 30, 1701 ; Johannes, and Elsje.§ 3. ii. PiETER Jillise Meyer', bap. Nov. 20, 1644 ; probably died young. 4. iii. Tryntje Jillise Meyer,' bap. April 22, 1647 ; died young. 5. iv. Tryntje Jillise Meyer,' bap. July 4, 1648 ; probably died young. 6. V. Hendrick Jillise Meyer,' bap. March 6, 1650. He joined the Dutch Church, in New York, Feb. 28, 1672 ; m., 1671, probably at Albany, Elsje Claes Roosevelt, dau. of Claes Martenszen Van Rosen- velt [Roosevelt] and his wife, Jannetje Samuels, or Thomas. (Both names are given in the baptismal record of their children.) She was bap. Feb. 1 1, 1652. In 1686 they resided in Pearl, near the present Whitehall Street, in New York. He was a cordwainer, and, in 1699-1 700-1, an Assistant Alderman from the South Ward. In 1 703 his family consisted of i male, I female, and 3 children. Issue : 1. Elsje, => bap. Sept. 15, 1672; died young. 2. Jannetie,3 bap. Sept. 19, 1674; m. May 27, 1701, Abraham Provoost, from Albany. For a further account of this fam- ily, see vol. vi., page 20, of the N. Y. G. and B. Record. 3. Elsje,3 bap. March 12, 1677 ; ni. Oct. 30, 1698, Bernardus Smith, from Bush wick, L. I., for many years a resident of New York. She was his first wife, and died in 1704 ; he m., second, June 30, 1705, Anna Colevelt, widow of Laurence Hedding. * O'Callaghan's Hist of New Netherland, vol. 2, p. 588. t Valentine's History of New York, p. 119. i Pearson's Early Records of Albany, p. 130. S Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, pp. 59-144. MEYER. 65 4. Marritie,' bap. June 25, 1679 ; m. April 21, 1700, Hendrick Van der Heul. See page 49. 5. Rachel,^ bap. March i, 1684. 6. Catharina,' bap. June 13, 1686; m. Dec. 25, 1706, Har- MANUS Rutgers,* from Albany. He was a prominent brewer in New York city, and died there Aug. 9, 1753. His wife, Catharina Meyer, died Feb. 28, 1737. He m., second, at Hackensack, N. J., Sept. 17, 1739, Margaret De Foreest, whom he survived, and by whom had no issue. 7. Hendrick,^ bap. Nov. 4, 1688. (Perhaps the Hendrick Meyer who m. at Hackensack, N. J., June 24, 1716, Elsie de Vouw.) (?) 8. Johannes,' bap. May 15, 1692. (No further account.) 7. vi. Maria Jiluse Meyer,' bap. Jan. 21, 1652 ; m. Capt. Johannes Wendell, of Albany. (See Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, p. 148, and Genealogy of the Brattle Family, p. 39.) I. Jan Dirckszen Meyer and his wife, Tryntje Andriesse Greven- RAET, were residing in New Amsterdam prior to 1652, but the time of their arrival here is unknown. Their names are recorded in the list of Old Members of the Dutch Church, many of whom, it is certain, were settled here before 1649. There is reason to believe that he was by trade a Faint- er, and that he is the Jan Dirckszen who was admitted to the rights of a small burgher April 14, 1657. Mr. Valentine estimates his wealth, at the final cession of New York to the EngHsh in 1674, at $2,000. He then resided in the present Bridge Street, but in 1686 was living in Stone Street, between Whitehall and Broad. Tryntje or Catharine Grevenraet, his first wife, was, as her name indicates, the daughter of Andries, and probably a sister of Isaac, Metje f and Lysbeth Grevenraet, the latter of whom was the * He was a grandson of Ruth Jacobszen, alias Rut Van Woert, of Rensselaerswyck, and his wife, Tryntje Janse Van Breestede, and the son of Harmen Rutgers, of Albany, and his wife, Catharina, dau. of Anthony de Hooges. His father and mother removed from Albany to New York, and joined the Dutch Church in the latter place, Sept. 3, 1696. Pearson says Harmen, the elder, was still living in 1720. Harmanus Rut- gers and Catharina Mever=* had issue : 1. Harmanus Rutgers, bap. May 2, 1 08 ; m. June 7, 1729, Elizabeth, dau. of Robert and Cornelia iRoos) Benson. She was bap. Nov. 24, 1708. They had the following named children baptized in the )utch Church, in New York : i. Harmanus, bap. April 5, 1730 ; 2. Robert, bap. July 4, 1731 : 3. Harmanus bap. Oct. 8, 1732 ; 4. Antony, bap. Jan. 20, 1734 ; 5. Cornelia, bap. Oct. 31, 1736 ; 6. Catharina, bap. June 2, 1738 ; 7. Margarita, bap. Feb. 13, 1740 ; 8. Maria, bap.- Sept. 13, 1741 ; and 9. Hendrick, bap. May, 23. I743- 2. Elsje Rutgers, bap. Feb. i, 1710 : m. Jan. 27, 1731, John Marshall, and had baptized in the Dutch Church, in New York : i. Anna Maria, bap. Oct. 6, 1731 ; 2. Harmanus, bap. March 14, 1739 : 3. Edward, bap. April 29, 1741 ; and 4. John, bap. June 22, 1743. 3. Hendrik Rutgers, bap. Feb. 24, 1712 ; m. Jan. 29, 1732, Catharina, dau. of Capt. Johannes and Anna (Bancker) De Peyster. She was bap. July 22, 1711. They had the following named children bap- tized in the Dutch Church, in New York : i. Catharina, bap. Oct. 8, 1732 ; 2. Johannes, bap. Jan. i, 1735 : 3. Anna, bap. Jan. 9. 1737 ; 4. Harmanus, bap. Oct. 22, 1738 : 5. Elizabeth, bap. Jan. 17, 1742 ; 6. Har- manus, bap. Nov. 27, 1743 ; 7. Hendrik, bap. Oct. 20, 1745 : 8. Maria, bap. Nov. i, 1747 ; and 9. Har- manus, bap. Oct. 4, 1749. 4. Catharina Rutgers, bap. Feb. 21, 1714 ; m. Dec. 27, 1720, Abraham, son of John and Catharina (Meyer) Van Horne. He was bap. Oct. 31, 1708. They had the following named children baptized in the Dutch Church, in New York ; i. Catharina, bap. May 14, 1732 ; 2. Abraham, bap. Jan. 9, 1737 ; 4. Margareta, bap. Oct. 3, 1739 ; 4. Elizabeth, bap. April 28, 1742 : 5. Jacobus, bap. April 21, 1745 ; 6. Her- man, bap. Sept. 27, 1747 ; and 7. Eva, bap. March 4, 1750. 5. Maria Rutgers, bap. April 11, 1716: died young. 6. Anthony Rutgers, bap. June 8, 1718 ; died young. 7. Eva Rutgers, bap. Aug. 30. 1719 : m, abouti74i, John, sou of Samuel and Maria (Spratt) Provoost, See N. Y. G. and B. Record, vol. VI., p. 17. 8. Johannes Rutgers, bap. Feb. 11, 1722 ; died young. t Metje Grevenraet, a widow as early as 1664, and who then occupied a small house on the east side of Whitehall, north of Stone Street, is said by Mr. Valentine to have been the mother of Isaac Grevenraet, named in the text, to whom she bequeathed considerable real estate in this city. There is reason to doubt this lela- tion.'ihip. In the list of Old Members of the Dutch Church her name is entered Metje Andries, which seems 66 ME YER. ancestress of the De Riemer family of New York, but perhaps better known in her day as " Mother Drisius." Gestorven is written opposite Tryntje Grevenraet's name in the Church Members' book, but no clue is given to the time of her decease. The last notice found of her is on Dec. 31, 1664, at which date slie was sponsor at the baptism of Dirckje, dau. of Jan Dircks- zen (Van Aernam). He married second, Dec. 12, 1677, Baertje, dau. of Hendrick Kip, Sen., and widow of Jan Wanshaer, by whom he had no issue. He was living Feb. 24, 1689, but had deceased before June 12, 1700. He had 3 sons and 3 daughters ; the eldest son and daughter were born in Amsterdam, of which city both parents were probably natives. Issue : 2. i. Andries," born in Amsterdam ; joined the Dutch Church in New York Aug. 4, 1669. His name appears sometimes in the records Andries Janszen. In 1674 he resided near his father in Bridge Street, and followed the trade of house-carpenter. He married, Nov. 5, 1671, Vrouwtje Iden Van der Vorst or Van Vorst, dau. of Ide Corneliszen Van Vorst and Hilletje Jans. She was bap. Aug. 24, 1653, and joined the Dutch Church in New York July 28, 1670. Her father resided at Ahasimus, now within the corporate limits of Jersey City, and is said to have been the first white male child born and married in New Netherland.* They had isstce bap. in the Dutch Church in New York : i. Catryntie,' bap. Sept. 8, 1672; m. March 20, 1693, Johannes, son of Cornells Janszen and Anna Maria (Jans), Van Horne. 2. Annetie,^ bap. Feb. 21, 1677; m. July 29, 1702, James Sebren [Cebra?]. 3. Aefje,3 bap. June 4, 1679. 4- Johannes,^ bap. May 14, 1681 ; m. Sept. 22, 1704, Sara, dau. of Isaac and Lysbeth (Van der Spiegel, De Foreest; she was bap. March 10, 1686. They had 12 children bap. in the Dutch Church in New York. 5. Andries,' bap. Nov. 24, 1686 ; m. Feb. 23, 1708, Geertie Wessels, dau. of Laurens Wessels and Aeltje Jans Hendrickse Van Bommel, alias Aeltje Splinters. Andries Meyer ' was a Cordwainer in New York, and died early in the spring of 1767, leaving his wife Geertie surviving, and naming in his will only beside her his eldest son Andries. They had 10 children bap. in the Dutch Church in New York. 6. Cornells,* bap. April 12, 1689, of whom we have no further account. It is probable that Andries Meyer'' and his wife Vroutje Van Vorst had beside the children above named the follow- ing, viz.: I. Hillegond.^ who m. July 12, 1696, Johannes Hardenburg, who settled in New York from Albany; 2. Elsje,' who m. Feb. 3, 1704, P^VERT Duyckinck ; and 3. Ide,* born about 1674; m. Oct. 25, 1704, Annatje, dau. of Claes Gerrilszen Ravesteyn or Ravenstein and Maria Jans Van Rollegom ; she was bap. June 3, 1687. They had 10 children bap. in the Dutch Church in New York. to have been one of the family names of the Grevenraets. In Dominie Selyn's list of the Members of the Church in 1686 her name appears as Metje Grevenraet, the widow of Anthony Jansen. Their children, if any they hadj would, according to the Dutch rule, have borne the family name of Antonissen. A Dutch woman usually retained after marriage, and even in her widowhood, her maiden name, which, of course, dif- fered from that of her children. Hence, in the absence of proof, we deem it more likely that Metje Greven- raet was the sister rather than that she was the mother of Isaac Grevenraet. * Valentine's Manual^ 1862, p. 768. A correction of this statement, as well as the one that Sara Rapa^je was the first child of European parents born in the Colony of New Netherland, will be found in Dankers and Sluyter*s Journal in the Memoirs of the Long Istand Historical Society, Vol. I., p. 114. From the state- ment there made it appears that to Jean Vigne (also written Vinge) belongs the honor, so long accorded to Sara Rapalje, of being thcjirst white chitdxtom in New Netherland, and claimed by Mr. Valentine for Ide Corneliszen Van Vorst as "ax first whit-; male child bom and married in the Colony. The marriage of Jean Vigne to his first wife. Emmerentia Van Nieuwerzluys, antedates the earliest records of the Dutch Church of New Amsterdam. He married his second wife, Weiske Huytcs(Niesje Huytes), widowof Andries Andries- zen, in Brooklyn, in the spring of 1682 (date of betrothal in New York Feb. 15, 1682) , and died, it is supposed, without issue, in i6gi, aged 77 years. Gosen Vinge joined the Dutch Church in New York Sept 4, 1673. What relation, if any, he was to Jean Vinge is unknown. MEYER. 67 3. ii. DiRCKjE,' born in Amsterdam ; sometimes called Dirckje Jans ; joined the Dutch Church in New York January, 1660; m. June 3, 1670 (the Bergen Church record says June 20, 1670), Enoch Michielszen [Vreeland], son of Michiel Janszen * and Fytie Hermans. His name appears indifferently in the records as Enoch Michielszen and Enoch Vreeland. He was probably that child of Michiel Janszen whose name at the baptism, Oct. 24, 1649, has been omitted from the record. They lived in Bergen, N. J. She died Oct. 5, i688 ; he m. second, Sept. 16, 1691, Grietie \VESSELS,f widow of Jan Janszen Langedyck, by whom he had no issue; she died Nov. 20, 1697; he m. third, Jan. 13, 1704, Aefje, dau. of Joris Janszen and Maria (Rutgers) Van Horne ; she was bap. March 16, 1680. He died Aug. 17, 1714.J He had issue by his first wife five sons and three daughters, bap. in New York, as follows : 1. Elsje Vreeland, bap. Nov. 12, 1671 ; m. Feb. 13, 1688, Edward Earle, young man from Maryland, who settled at Secaucus, N. J., in 1676. Will dated May 16, 1709, proved May 8, I7i7.§ They had bap. in the First Ref. (Dutch) Church in Hackensack, N. J. : i . Marmeduke, bap. , 1696 ; m. De Maree ; 2. Willem, bap. Oct. 13, 1700 ; m. at Hack- ensack, June 14, 1723, Maria Frans (French); 3. Elsje, bap. Dec. 7, 1701 ; m. at Hackensack, May 24, 1728, George Simmons, from Philadelphia ; 4. Philippus, bap. June 10, 1703; 5. Jamiuesyn (?), bap. March 18, 1705; 6. Silvester, bap. Aug. 10, 1707 ; m. Magtel Zabriskie ; 7. Tiodora, bap. April 10, 1709; 8. Nataniel, bap. Nov. 26, 1710; m. at Hackensack, Aug. 19, 1737, Fransintje Banta. The record of the Ref. Church in Ber- gen, N. J., gives the name and date of birth of some of Edward and Elsje (Vreeland) Earle's children as follows: i. Edward, bap. April 22, 1690; m. Elizabeth Frans, and had bap. at Hackensack Edward, April 11, 1726, and Jan, June 15, 1723 ; 2. (Son), born May 28, 1692. (This was proba- bly Enoch Earle, who m. a De Maiee, by whom he had Anna and Mary, bap. at Hackensack, June 15, 1723) ; 3. Hannah, born March 26, 1695 ; 4. Maanedirck (Alarmaduke), born Oct. 6, 1696 ; 5. Johannis, born Sept. 8, 1698 ; 6. (Son), born May i, 1703 (prob. Philip) ; 7. (Daughter), born Oct. — , 1704.11 2. Catharina Vreeland, bap. May 15, 1673 ; m. May 27, 1692, Aert Elbertszen. (In the Bergen Church record this name is Aert Albertse, and the date of marriage June 26, 1692.) They had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York : i. Dirckje, bap. Nov. 5, 1692 ; 2. Elbert, bap. Dec. 17, 1693; 3. Enoch, bap. July 14, 1695; 4. Johannes, bap. March 27, 1698 ; 5. Abraham, bap. April 28, 1700 ; 6. Wessel, bap. Jan. 28, 1702 ; 7. Benjamin, bap. Sept. 12, 1703 ; and 8. Benjamin, bap. June 2, 1705. * Michiel Janszen, the common ancestor of the Vreeland family in this country, came from Broeckhuy- sen, and left Holland Oct. i, 1636, in the ship Rensselaerwyck, with his wife and t^vo children. He was a boereknecht, or iaxm servant, and setded at hrst at Greenbush, opposite Albany. He became a resident of New Amsterdam about 1644. His own and wife's name appear in the list of Old Members of the Dutch Church there. In 1646 they removed to Communipaw (N. J.). He died in 1663. His wife died Sept. 21, 1697. For a further account of them and their children set Winfield's History of Hudson County, N. J., p. 439- + Grietie Wessels was probably the dau. of Wessel Evertszen and Geertie Boute, bap. March 28, 1644, her father's name being entered at the baptism Wessel Kever (?). She married first, Aug. 15, 1666, Elbert Aertsen, and joined with him the Dutch Churxih in New York Nov. 4, 1670. They had two sons, Arent, bap. June 19, 1667, and Wessel, bap. April 7, 1669. She m. second, April 28, 1672, Jan Jans2en [Lange- dyckj, &om St. Martin, in Holland, by whom she had no issue bap. in the Dutch Church in New York. X For a fiiUer account of him and his descendants, particularly of his son Joris Vreeland, bom Sept. 25, 1710, and bap. in the Church at Bergen, see Winfield's History of Hudson Co., N. J., pp. 443-45. § winfield's Land Tides in Hudson Co.. N. J., pp. 130-31. I Winfield's l.-ind Tides in Hudson C... N. J., p. 366. 68 MEYER. 3. MiCHiEL Vreeland, bap. Jan. 27, 1675 ; died unmarried. He was non compos mentis* 4. Johannes Vreeland, bap. April 7, 1677; ni. June 8, 1701, Maria Beger, so says the marriage record. The right name, however, is Maria Cregier ; she was the dau. of Ma tin Cregier, Jr., of Albany, and his wife Jannetje Hendrickse Van Doesburgh.f They had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York. i. Maria, bap. Nov. 29, 1702; 2. Catharina, bap. Nov. 19, 1704; 3. Enoch, bap. Jan. 22, 1707; and 4. Martinus, bap. April 3, 1709. 5. Abraham Vreeland, bap. June 22, 1678 ; m. at Bergen, Oct. 28, 1699, Margrietje Jacobse Van Winckel. 6. Fytie Vreeland, bap. Feb. 28, 1680 ; m. Perigrine Sandford, son of Capt. William and Sarah (Whartman) Sandford, of New Barbadoes, N. J. 7. Isaac Vreeland, bap. Jan. 14, 1683 ; m. at Hackensack, March 23, 1706, Trintie Simese Van Winckel. Mr. Winfield gives this name Tryntje Newkirk, with date of marriage as above. Isaac and Trintie Simese (Van Winckel) Vreeland had two children bap. in the Church at Hackensack, viz., Simon, bap. June 5, 1709, and Annetie, bap. March 18, 1712. 8. Enoch Vreeland, bap. Aug. 4, 1687 ; m. Oct. 22, 1709, Maria St. Leger, widow, nee Van Home. She was probably the dau. of Cornelis Jans/.en and Anna Maria (Jans) Van Horne ; she was bap. July 23, 1681. Enoch and Maria (Van Home) Vreeland had Sssue bap. in the Dutch Church in New York : i. Enoch, bap. Oct. 4, 1710; 2. Cornelus, bap. Jan. 28, 1713; and 3. Efje, bap. Aug. 12, 1722. Enoch Michielse Vreeland and Aefje Joris Van Horne, his third wife, had four children bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, as given below, his name appearing in the baptismal record as Enoch Michielse, Enoch Michielse Vrelant, and Enoch Vrelant, Sen. The youngest son, Benjamin, must have been over three years old at the time of his baptism, as that event took place long after the death of his father. 9. Jacob Vreeland, bap. March 28, 1705. to. Helena Vreeland, bap. Jan. 14, 1713. 11. Elias Vreeland, bap. March 4, 1715. 12. Benjamin Vreeland, bap. Decemlaer 11, 1717. 4. iii. Johannes', bap. Feb. 25, 1652 ; frequently called Jan Janszen Meyer, and by trade a carpenter ; joined the Church in New York, Au- gust 4, 1669; m. June 13, 1677, Annetje Van Vorst, sister of his brother Andrie's wife. In 1686, they were living in Smit Straat, now William, below Wall Street. About 1694, he removed to Tappan, where his two youngest children were born and baptized. | They had issue bap. in New York. 1. Jan,' bap. March 27, 1678; 2. Catharina,^ bap. Feb. 4, 1680 ; 3. Iden,3 bap. Jan. 27, 1682 ; 4 and 5, Johannes' and Judith,' twins, bap. May 11, 1684; 6. Ide,' bap. Jan. 16, 1687-; 7 and 8. Hillegond' aiid Dirckj;e,' twins, bap. Aug. 30, 1689; 9 and 10. Cornelis' and Annetje,' twins, bap. June 12, 1692 ; 11. Elizabeth,' bap. at Tappan, June i, 1695 ; 12. Andries,' bap. at T., Oct. 14, i697.§ For a further account of this * Winfield*s History of Hudson Co., p. 445. + Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, p, 35. i Cole, Genealogy, pp. 32-33. § Idem. MEYER. 69 family, see Cole, Genealogy, or " Isaac Kool (Cool or Cole) and Catharine Serven, &c., their descendants, &c., by Rev. David Cole, D.D.," New York, 1876, pp. 32-33. 5. iv. Lysbeth,'' bap. Jan. 31, 1655; m. Dec. 29, 1678, Elias Corne- LISZEN, from New Castle on the Delaware, then living in New York. They had two sons baptized in New York, viz., Cornells, bap. Sep. 3, 1679, and Johannes, bap. Jan. 14, 1682, of whom and their parents we have no further account. 6. v. PiETER," bap. March 25, 1657; ni. Jan. 16, 1678, Batje {Betty-, or Elizabeth'] Jans, Van Haert in Gelderland. She joined the Dutch Church in New York, Feb. 26, 1673, while it appears he was never a member. In 1686 they were living in Marketfield Street. In 1703, his family consisted of one male, one female, and five children.* He had issue bap. in the Dutch Church in New York : i. Catharina,^ bap. Nov. 8, 1678 ; m. August 9, 1696, Zacharias Weeks^ from New England. 2. Marritie,^ bap. Jan. 20, 1680 ; died young. 3. Cornelia,^ bap. Oct. 6, 1681 ; died young. 4. Cornelia,'' bap. Dec. 10, 1682 ; she is probably the Cornelia Meyer who m. April 23, 1704, Cornelus Timmer or Timber, who was prob. son of Wydt Cornelis Timmer and Jannetje Joris Van Alst. She became a widow, and married second, Jan. 17, 1718, Michiel Bas- SETT, and was again a widow the same year. She had no children by either husband bap. in the Dutch Church in New York. 5. Maryken,^ [Maria] bap. Feb. 13, 1687; m. June 15, 1707, Dr. Johannes Van BuREN,f from Amsterdam. 6. Lysbeth,' bap. Sept. 28, 1690; m. 1711, * Valentine's History of New York, p. 356. t Dr. Jan or Johannes Van Beuren, said to have been born about 1678 (N. V. G. & B. Recohd, vol. vii., p. 46), was a native of Amsterdam, a graduate of the University of Leyden, and came to New York in 1700. About 1724, he removed with his family from New York to Flatbush, L. I. In 1728-9, he returned to New York, where he probably continued to reside until his death. He was living July 31, 1751. but deceased prior to Oct. 16, 1757, leaving his wife and at least five of his children surviving him. His name appears in the records of the Ref. Dutch Church in New York, indifferently as Van Buren, Van Beuren, Van Bueren, and Van Buuren, His descendants, we believe, now spell the name Van Beuren, in contradistinction to the Van Buren family of the Upper Hudson, of whom Cornelis Maas Van Buren was the ancestor. It is to be questioned, however, whether this orthography obtains among all his descendants. He had issve bap. in the Dutch Church in New York as follows : 1. PiETER Van Beuren, bap. Sept. 18, 1709 ; died young. 2. Christina Van Beuren, bap. March 2, 1711 ; died young. 3. PiETER Van Beuren, [*...;„.. i, t «, .- , 4. Maria Van Beuren, r»""=' >=^P- >"■ "' "''■S. 5. Michiel Van Beuren, bap. Jan. 26, 1715 ; died young. 6. Cornelia Van Beuren, ( . • v t„ 7. Elizabeth Van Beuren, f ^^"^' ^^P' J^"" 3°. ^717- 8. Catharina Van Beuren, bap. Aug. 31, 1718 ; m. at Flatbush, Aug. 3, 1743, Gerrit de Grauw, and had bap. in the Dutch Church in New Vork. i. Johannes, bap. June 21, 1747 , 2. Walter, bap. June 22, 1749, and 3. Maria, bap. July 31, 1751. 9. Elizabeth Van Beuren, bap. Feb. i, 1721 ; m. August 6, 1746, Dr. Engelbekt Kemmena, some- times written A'rtwwr£'^ n^- J"^y 29, 1699, Samson Benson, Jr., from Albany. His name is sometimes written Samuel'm the Dutch Church records. They had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, i. Johannes, bap. Feb. 4, 1700; and, 2. Catharina, bap. Jan. 10, 1705. There was a Samson Benson, Jr., perhaps the same person, who m., Dec. 10, 1 710, Maria Bocke (Bocquet), dau. of Abraham and Tanneke (Andries) Bocke, and had 7 children, bap. in the Dutch Church in New York. This statement, however, must be regarded as entirely problematical. 6. v. Abraham", bap. March 3, 1682. He was a farmer in Harlem, and owned a farm of 85 acres there in 1713. He m. May 10, 1706, Engeltje Bussing, and had bap. in the Dutch Churc^ in New York, Abraham', bap. Feb. 8, 1716. 7. vi. Isaac", bap. April 13, 1684 ; was living at date of his father's will. 8. vii. Jacob", bap. May 16, 1686. He ni. (1710?) Annatje Hen- DRICKSE Kammega, and had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, i. Adolph', bap. March 7, 1711. They also had bap. in the Dutch Church in Hackensack, N. J., 2. Adolph', bap. May 10, 1712 ; and, 3. Annatie', bap. May 20, 1722, and probably others, the record of whose baptism is lost. 9. viii. Adolf", bap., July 24, 1692 ; m., first, Oct. 25, 1716, Margritje Waldron, by whom he had no issue bap. in the Dutch Church in New York. He m., second, Catharina, dau. of Peter Haring (Herring.) By his second wife he had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, i. Maria^ bap. Aug. 9, 1724 ; 2. Petrus', bap. Oct. 22, 1729. 10. ix. Annetje", bap. Aug. 3, 1698; m. May 2, 1718, Johannes Sickels, of Harlem. Of them and their descendants we have no account. De Meyer — De Meyert. Perhaps no class among the early residents of New Amsterdam was more distinguished for the rapid strides they made to wealth and social distinction, in their adopted home, than those who came from the old com- mercial cities of Germany. The most prominent representative of this class — which included, among others, the heads of the Vander Beeck, Santford, Ebbing, Leisler, and Schrick families — was Nicholas De Meyer, a native of Hamburg, who settled here as early as 1655, engaged exten- * This was a large farm "in the occupation and tenure (as early as 1654) of the deacons and officers of the Dutch Church at New Amsterdam " — situated at Newtown, L. I. — which was kept under cultivation by them for the benefit of the poor. It was called the Armen Bouwery, or the Poor's Farm, from whence the name of Poor Bowery, still applied to that section of the town. — {Riker's Annals o/Neivtoivn, pp. 35-36. ) 74 DE MEYER— DE MEYERT. sively in trade, and in less than twenty years became next to Fredrick Philipse, the wealthiest inhabitant of the city, his fortune being equalled only by that of one other person — Cornelius Steenwyck, from Haerlem. He was admitted to the rights of a small burgher April 14, 1657; Schepen, 1664 ; Alderman, 1669-1670 and 1675, and appointed Mayor of the city in 1676.* He was also an Assistant Alderman for the South Ward in 1686. He belonged to the anti-Leislerian party, and appears to have been more moderate and conservative in his politics than the majority of his political associates. In 1689-90 he was appointed a member of Gov. Slaughter's Council,! but had deceased before Sloughter's arrival, in March, 1691. 1. Nicholas De Meyer^, the ancestor of the De Meyer family, of New York, m. first, June 6, 1655, Lydia, dau. of Hendrick Van Dyck. His name appears in the record of his marriage, and -also in the list of members of the Dutch Church, without the prefix De, but it is always at- tached in the record of the baptism of his children. He joined the Church in New Amsterdam, in April, 1660; his wife was a member for some time prior to her marriage. She died about 1687. He m. second, Sara Kellenaer, of Kingston, who was, says Mr. Valentine, the widow of John Wicksteen. She joined the Dutch Church, in New York, Sept. i, 1689, and was then the wife of De Meyer. He died in 1690, and had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, 3 sons, and 3 daus., all by his first wife, viz. : 2. i. JOHANNEsVbap. Jan. 26, 1656. On the 13* August, 1680, John and William De Meyer and Mathias Mathisen, obtained a grant of about 60 acres of land at the fall of the Platte Kill, in Ulster County.J He is not mentioned in his brother Henry's will, dated Nov., 1692, but is prob- ably the Jan De Meyer, who by wife Eva Mathyse, had son Mathys', bap. March 10, 1697, in New York. 3. ii. WiLHELMus^ bap. Nov. 21, 1657 ; m. Oct. 23, 1678, Catharina Bayard, from Bergen op Zoom, an old and strongly fortified town near the sea coast, in Holland. She was a near relative of Balthazar and Anna (Stuyvesant) Bayard, probably a dau. of the latter and sister of the former. Soon after his marriage he removed to Ulster County, N. Y., having pur- chased, April II, 1679, a parcel of land, with house and lot at Kingston. He was a witness at Kingston, Jan. 19, 1681, at a renewal of the treaty of peace with the Esopus Indians.§ In 1684, he returned to New York, rejoining with his wife the Dutch Church here, on the 5* Sept. of that year. He again removed a few years after to Kingston, where he was engaged in trade, as a merchant, and represented the county of Ulster in the Colonial General Assembly during the years 1691-1693 and 1695-98. In 1692, he bore the title of Captain, and some years later that of Colonel. He was Clerk of Ulster County, 1 704, and living at Kingston as late as May, 1709, and probably died there. He and his wife Catharina Bayard had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, one dau. Anna', bap. Nov. i, 1685. They probably had son Nicholas^, a freeholder and inhabitant of the County of Ulster, in 1 701-2 ; also a dau. Lydia^ who became the second wife of Andries Douw, of Manor Rensselaerswick, and had dau. Catharina, bap. at Albany, Nov. 26, 1704.1 * Valentine's Manuals, t Doc. Rel. to Col. Hist, of N. Y., Vol. 3, pp. 685-756. X Calendar of Land Papers, p. 20. § Coll. Ulster Hist. Society, 1-64. (Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, p. 43. DE MEYER— DE MEYERT. 75 4. iii. Anna Catharina', bap. June 19, 1661 ; joined the Dutch Church in New York, Feb. 28, 1678 ; ni. Oct. 13, 1680, Jan Willemszen Nee- ring, a young man from Bordeaux. In July, 1690, he is described in a deed made by William De Meyer, to him and others, as a resident of New Castle, in the Province of Pennsylvania, and in August, 1692, as a resident of New Castle, in Delaware, where, probably, he lived and died. They had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York : 1. Sara Neering, bap. July 23, 1681. 2. Lydia Neering, bap. May 20, 1685. 3. Johannes Neering, bap. May 22, 1687. 4. Elizabeth Neering, bap. May 17, 1691. 5. iv. Debora", bap. June 25, 1664 ; joined the Dutch Church, March S, 1681. Married first, Sept. 17, 1684, Thomas Crundall, a young man from London. He was a merchant in New York, and Alderman of the Dock Ward, in 1686 and 1687. They lived "Along the Strand," then the most aristocratic quarters of the city. He was living in July, 1689, and was active in his opposition to Leisler and his adherents. She m. second, Oct. 2, 1691, Thomas Lyndon (Lyndall), a young man from old England. He was Sheriff of the city of New York, from March to October, 1691. His will is dated Aug. 27, 1694 ; proven, March 3, 1696- 7 ; names only his wife Deborah, and dau. Frances, to whom he gives his estate ; speaks of loving brother and four sisters in England, without nam- ing them. She m. third, Oct. 10, 1697, 'VVJ^illiam Anderson. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits, in New York, was Treasurer of the city from 1703 to 1706, and Sheriff from Oct., 1708 to July, 17 10,* and a vestryman of Trinity Church, from 1698 to 171 7. His family, in 1703, consisted of i male, i female, 2 children, 2 negroes, and i negro child. His wife was living March 14, 1710, but died prior to June 18, 1 712, at which date a bill was introduced into the Legislative Council, to enable William Anderson to sell ground in Queen Street, the estate of said William in right of Deborah his wife, deceased, for the pay- ment of debts contracted by her before their intermarriage. She had no children bap. in the Dutch Church, except by her first husband. These were : 1. Thomas Crundall, bap. July 29, 1685. 2. Sara Crundall, ) . . , ,, , ^q„ 3. Lydia Crundall, [ *^^"^' •'^P' ^^^ ^S, 1687. 4. Lydia Crundall, bap. Feb. 6, 1689. Of her dau. Frances Lyndall, no mention is found, except in her father's will. 6. V. Lysbeth,' bap. Aug. 29, 1666 ; joined the Dutch Church in New York, Feb. 25, 1685 ; m. Aug. 24, 1687, Philip Schuyler, of Albany, son of Col. Philip Pieterse Schuyler and his wife Margareta Van Slichtenhorst ; born Feb. 8, i666.f Soon after their marriage they removed to Esopus (Kingston), where he was engaged in trade. On the 1st of March, 1693, they both joined the Dutch Church iu New York, by certificate or letter from the Church at Esopus. They had bap. in New York, one son, I. Nicholas Schuyler, bap. Sept. 21, 1692 ; was a Surveyor and Indian trader in the Mohawk Country. He was a member of the Provin- * Valentine's Manual for 1864. + Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, p. 98. ye DE MEYER— DE MEYERT. cial Assembly from Schenectady, in 1727-8 ; m. at Albany, Dec. 2, 17 14, Elsie Wendel, and was buried July 8, 1748. He had bap. at Albany, I. EHsabeth, Sept. 18, 1715; 2. Philip, Oct. 27, 1717, and at Schenec- tady, 3. Ariaantje, March 6, 1720, m. Col. Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, and died Oct. 17, 1763 ; 4. Harmanus, Jan. 28, 1722 ; 5. Catharina, Aug. ir, 1723, m. John Jacobse Lansing, gentleman, of Albany, Dec. 12, 1747 ; 6. Harmanus, b. April 2, bap. April 3, 1727; and 7.. Johannes, Feb. 4, 1733. (See Pearson's First Settlers of Schenectady, p. 166, and Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, pp. 98, 130.) 7. vi. Henricus," bap. Nov. 7, 1668. He was a prominent and success- ful merchant in New York, and m., May 14, 1689, Agnietje De Key, dau. of Jacob Theuniszen and Hillegond (Theunis) De Key ;* she was bap. July 6, 1670, and joined the Dutch Church in New York, Sept. 2, 1688. His will is dated Nov. 9, and proven Nov. 22, 1692 ; names wife Angeni- eta, dau. Lydia, and the child his wife " is now bigg withal ; " his brother William De Meyer ; his sisters, Anna Katharina Willems, wife of John Wil- lems [Neering] of the town of New Castle ; Deborah, wife of Thomas Lyndall, of New York, gentleman ; and Elisabeth Schuyler, wife of Philip Schuyler, of New York, merchant. Appoints his wife and brothers-in-law, Theunis and Jacobus De Key, executors of his estate. He had issue bap. in New York : i. Lydia,' bap. Feb. 4, 1691 ; and 2. Henricus,^ bap. Nov. 13, 1692 ; he is probably the H. De Meyer who was a witness at Harlem, March 28, 1721, to a conveyance (unrecorded) of lands made by Eliza- beth Benson, widow and executrix of Johannes Benson, late of the Island of New York, and others, to Sampson Benson.f Agnietje De Key, the widow of Henricus De Meyer,' m. second, in August, 1696 (m. 1. dated Aug. 11), William Janeway, gentleman. He was-an Englishman, and came to New York in 1693, as purser of H. M. Ship Richmond, commanded by Capt. John Evans. He was admitted a freeman of the city in 1695. In 1700 he was acting as Capt. Evans' agent, to whom an extensive grant of land had been made l)ang on the west side of Hudson River, about 40 miles in length, and 20 in breadth ; but which was afterwards " cancelled for its magnitude, uncertainty, and want of con- sideration."! William Janeway was a vestryman of Trinity Church in 1697, and from 1702 to 1704. * This name furnishes another illustration of the changes in early Dutch family names, which render the tracing of their pedigree so difficult and perplexing. The ancestor of the De Key family of New York was, Jacob Toeniszen [I'heuniszen] Van Tuyl, in Guilderland, who married in New Amsterdam, March 29, 1658, H1U.ETJE [Hillegond] ToENis [Theunis], bom in the Utter place. At the baptism of their first child Theunis, April 4, 1659, their names are recorded Jacob Van Thuyl and Hilxegond Theunis. At the baptism of their next child, Jannekin, Dec. 15, 1660, the Others name is recorded simply JXcoB Theuniszen ; at the baptism of their third child Johannes, Jan. 28, 1662, the fathers name appears Jacob Theuniszen Key, white at the baptism of their fourth child Johannes, June 8, 1664, he comes out full Hedged as Jacobus De Key, which surname he ever after retained. There is reason for his being called Van Thuyi-, after his native place, but why he adopted the surname of De Key remains a m^'stery. He was a man of some note in his day, and an active opponent of Lieut. Gov. Leisler, who caused his arrest and imprisonment. His son Capt, Theunis De Key, bap. April 4, 1659, married May 26, 1680, Helena Van Brugh. He was a merchant of good repute, an Assistant Alderman from the North Ward in 1685, 6, 7, 1691, and 169a, and one of the Church Wardens of the Dutch Church in New York, in 1698. t Deduction of Title o/Benj. L. Benson to 80 acres of Land at Nariem, etc. Neiv York, 1836. 8". X Doc. Rel, to Col. Hist. N. Y., Vol. 3, 55 ; Vol. 4, 391-784, Valentine's Hist, of New York. VAN DYCk. yj Van Dyck. Hendrick Van Dyck,' came from Utrecht to New Amsterdam about 1639-40 — accompanied probably by his wife, Divertje [Debora] Cor- NELiSE, alias Botjagers — as ensign in the service of the West India Company. In March, 1642, he was sent by Gov. Kieft in command of an expedition against the Weckquaesgeeks Indians in West Chester; and early in 1644, with Capt. John Underhill, against the Long Island and Connecticut Indians. He soon after returned to Holland ; was com- missioned Schout-fiscal, June 28, 1645, and again embarked for New Neth- erland, in company with Governor Stuyvesant, in December, 1646, the bickerings of the "Churlish Director" with Van Dyck furnishing the staple themes of scandal on the voyage. "At Saint Christophers," says Brodhead, " the Fiscal Van Dyck, claiming a seat at the council board, to dispose of a captured prize, was rudely repelled- — ' When I want you 1 will call you,' was Stuyvesant' s haughty reply. Renewing his attempt at Curagoa, the insulted fiscal met a still sterner rebuff, and was not allowed even a ' stroll ashore' during the three weeks the ship lay at anchor there." It would be difficult to form an excuse for this outrageous treatment, on the part of the Director, of his chief officer. Upon their arrival he was ad- mitted to a seat in the Council, and held office until March 28, 1652, when he was dismissed by Stuyvesant, from which action he appealed to the States General for redress. In September, 1655, he unfortunately killed an In- dian squaw, whom he detected in stealing peaches from his orchard, situated a short distance below the present Rector Street. To avenge this murder the Indians invaded the town, wounded Van Dyck, cut down his next door neighbor Paulus Leendertszen Van der Grist with an axe, and in three days massacred one hundred inhabitants of the surrounding settlements, and carried one hundred and fifty more into captivity.* Divertje Cornelise, the first wife of Hendrick Van Dyck, became a communicant of the Dutch Church, in New York, May 30, 1672, shortly prior to her death. It ap- pears somewhat remarkable that her husband's name is not recorded in the list of Church members. He m., second, in Midwout, June 20, 1675, Magdalena [Jacobs] Ryssens, widow of Jacob [Van] Couwenhoven, both living in New York, by whom he had no issue. , He and his first wife made a joint will, August 13, 1655, before the notary, Dirck Van Schelluyne, which was proved March 22, i68|, and in which they mention their dau., Lidia Van Dyck, married with Nicholas [De] Meyer ; their dau. Rycke Van Dyck, married with John Durett ; also their " two underaged children, by name, Cornelis Van Dyck, old thirteen years, and Janneke Van Dyck, old nine years." Cornelius Van Dyck,° son of Hendrick ; bap. in New Amsterdam, March 10, 1642 ; settled in Albany ; became a Chirurgeon, and practised his profession there until his death in 1686. His first wife was Elisabeth Lakens ; the second, Elisabeth Beck, the widow of Captain Sylvester Salisbury. For an account of his children see Pearson's First Settlers of Schenectady, p. 219, and First Settlers of Albany, pp. 125-6. The other children of Hendrick Van Dyck' named in his will were : Lydia Van Dyck,'' born in Utrecht ; m. Nicholas De Meyer. Rycke [Ulrica] Van Dyck,° born in Utrecht ; m. Nov. i, 1654, Jan * Brodhead's History ol the State ol New York, vol. i. i 78 VAN DYCK. Dareth (Durett, Dret, Droit, De Ret), also from Utrecht, who soon after removed to Beverwyck, where he died in May, 1669 (Pearson.) They had no children baptized in the Dutch Church, in New York. Jannetje Van Dyck,^ born in 1644, in Enckhuysen, on the Zuider Zee, probably came to New Amsterdam with her parents on their return to New Netherland in 1647 ; joined the Church in New Amsterdam Oct. 12, 1664; m. March 22, 1665, Johannes Coly (Coely, Coelie, Cooly, Cooley), a young man from London. The most frequent form of this name in the records is Coely. He was a blacksmith, and furnished the iron work to repair Fort James in 1672-3, and also to repair it during the time of Gov. Sloughter in 1691.* Though his wife was a communicant of the Dutch Church, he was reputed to be, in 1696, one of the few Roman Catholics in New York. His will is dated in New York, Jan. 22, i68f ; proven March 22, 1709. In it he mentions his wife, Jane, and 8 children, viz. : William Cooley, his " eldest and only son ; " his daughters, Elizabeth, Deborah, Lydia, Hannah, Mary, Rickey, and Cornelia. Appoints his wife Jane sole executrix. They had baptized in the Dutch Church : 1. WiLHELMUs Coely, bap. Dec. 20, 1665 ; died young. 2. Lysbeth Coely, bap. Aug. 28, 1667 ; joined the Dutch Church Feb. 25, 1685 ; m. Sept. 6, 1688, Bernardus, son of Abel and Annetje (Meyn- derts) Hardenbrook. He was baptized August, 1662. They had bap- tized in the Dutch Church : I. Anna, June 30, 1689; 2. Janneken, Oct. 25, 1691 ; 3. Anneken, Dec. 31, 1693 ; 4. Elizabeth, Dec. 15, 1695 ; 5. Maria, Jan, 9, 1698; 6. Abel, Nov. 19, 1699; and 7. Margareta, Dec. 17, 1701. 3. Debora Coely, bap. June 18, 16 71 ; m. Aug. 26, 1694, Nicholas Fielding. She joined the Dutch Church in New York, June i, 1698. He was the first Sexton of Trinity Church, appointed Oct. 25, 1697, and described as " a person reputed of honest behaviour and conversation, who offered his service gratis, till the Corporation of the Church should be formally established." He held the office but a short time — about a year. (Berrian. ) 4. William Coely, bap. March 16, 1673 ; m. by Do. Dubois, June 7, 1700, to DiNA, dau. of Cornells Janszen and Heyltie (Pieters) Clopper. She was bap. March 15, 1675. They had bap. in the Dutch Church one dau., Heyltie, April 13, 1701, who married Jan. 10, 1725, Gerardus, son of Johannes and Sara (Van Laer) Hardenbrook. Willem Coely died about 1703, and his widow Dina m. second, Jan. 29, 1706, Stephen Van Brakel (Ver Brakel, k Brakele, Brakele), probably son of Gysbert Ger- ritse Van Brakel, and his wife Reintje Stephens. They had bap. in the Dutch Church : i. Margrietje Van Brakel, Nov. 19, 1706; died young ; 2. Reintje Van Brackel, Jan. 9, 1709; m. Sept. i, 1727, John Stephens, Jr., and had son John, born Jan. 13, bap. Jan. 20, 1744, in the Presbyterian Church, in New York ; 3. Margritje Van Brakel, April 11, 1711. 5. Lydia Coely, bap. Nov. 24, 1674; m. April?, i695,PieterMaskelt (Masjet, Machet, Makkett), and removed to New Rochelle, Westchester County, N. Y., where they resided until 1697, when they returned to New York. They had one dau. bap. in the Dutch Church, Lydia, Nov. 1 7, 1697, who m. Dec. 31, 1720, Abraham Santvoort (Santford), widower of Vroutje Van Home, by whom she had no issue. For a further account of Abraham Santford, see Record, vol. vi., p. 23, and vol. vii,, p. 118. * Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS. English, pp. 104-222. VARLETH— VERLETH. 79 6. Ryckik Coely, bap. April 26, 1679 ; died young. 7. Hendrick Coely, bap. Oct. 27, 1680 ; died young. 8. Ryckie Coely, bap. Aug. 5, 1682. f 9. Cornelia Coely, bap. May 27, 1687. Cornelia Coely, probably the same, whom. Jan. 24, 1729, John Fredericks Kunter. 10. Mary (Maria) Coely (mentioned in her father's will) ; in. Nov. 22, 1699, Gabriel Thibo^, from England. 11. Hannah Coely (mentioned in her father's will). Varleth — Varlet — Varleet — Verlet — Verleth. The name of Varleth, in its various orthographic forms in the early records, has an unmistakable French structure, a corruption perhaps of Valet, and it is not improbable it was borne by some French exile who took refuge in Holland, in order to escape the religious persecutions of his native land, which prevailed during the latter part of the sixteenth cen- tury. The first members of the family in New Netherland were natives of Utrecht and Amsterdam, and though not to be deemed unprolific, their name, for nearly two centuries, has disappeared from the annals of our colonial and State history. It appears to have died out in the male line, in the third generation from the emigrant ancestor Casper Varleth,' but, as if to make amends for the swift decay of its male stem, we find the mater-lineal branches of the family blooming, and fruitful with the historic names of Bayard, Schrick, Philipse, Brockholst, Schuyler, Livingston, Jay, Clarkson, French, Morris, Robinson, Van Home and others, who, if perchance of equal worth, are of lesser note among the ancient families of New York. The first notice of the name found in the records, is on the 21^ of Sept., 1642 — the substitution of Hendrick Van Dyck, as attorney of Peter Verlet & Co., and July 17, 1647, in the report of the referees on a difference between Augustine Hermans, agent of Catharina Verlet of Amsterdam, and David Provoost, respecting a legacy. In September and October, 1652, Anna Verlet, described as the wife of George Hack (Hawks?), was a party plaintiff and defendant in various suits in the court at New Amster- dam, in one of which she claims, as her private property, a certain lot of tobacco sent to her from Virginia by her husband.* It is probable she was a sister of Casper Varleth,' and assisted her husband in his business affairs, as well as engaging occasionally in trade on her own account, a not uncommon practice for merchants' wives at that time. Her husband was probably the George Hacke, who was one of the signers with other inhabitants of the county, of the " Engagement of Northampton" in Vir- ginia, March 25, 1651, relating to the surrender of Virginia to the British Parliament, or rather to Cromwell, who had sent out a naval force to reduce the colony to his sway.f George Hack was in New Amsterdam in Sept., 1652, and his wife's name is frequently found in the records here as late as January, 1661, but Virginia was probably their permanent place of residence. There was an Abraham Varleth here in 1651, perhaps a brother or son of Casper,' if the latter, he had deceased before the death of his father in 1662. ' He was a sponsor, Jan. i, 1651, at the baptism of Abraham, son of Nicholas Varleth,^ which is the only notice found of him. * Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS. Dutch, pp. 20, 38, 129. + Virginia Hist. Register, vol. i. p, 163. 8o VARLETH—VERLETH. I. Casper or Jasper Varleth,' the ancestor of the family bearing his name in New Amsterdam, was an early resident of the Dutch settlement of Fort Good Hope, at Hartford, Conn., and was there, according to Mr, Savage, perhaps as early as the completion of the Fort in 1633. He may have been domiciled for a short time at New Amsterdam, as we find refer- ence made to an inventory of articles taken at his house in July, 1651, and that his son-in-law, Paulus Schrick, on the 17"" of October, 1661, petitioned for a deed of a house and lot on the Fresh Water,* Manhattan Island, sold to him by his said father-in-law. He is mentioned by Savage as a Dutch- man of some consequence at Hartford in 1656, "who may have lived there near thirty years," and died there in September, 1662, who had wife Judith who died before him, and children, Nicholas, Mary, Judith, and Jane.f Beside these he probably had Catharina, born in Amsterdam, who married Francois De Bruyn in New Amsterdam, in August, 1657. A judgment against him and his son Nicholas,' dated Dec. 9, 1652, in New Amsterdam, for the payment of freight by the ship Fortune, indicates the fact that they were engaged in trade together, but their partnership seems to have been of a limited character. He was an active business man at Hartford, enjoying 'the respect of the English settlers there, and designated sometimes in the proceedings of the General Court of the colony as Mr. Varleet, an honorable distinction in those days — " the prefix Master or Mr., corresponding very nearly in meaning to the English word, gentle- man,"! or the title " Honorable " as at present used. From the respect- ful terms in which the following request is couched, it maybe inferred that he possessed also, in a high degree, the friendship and esteem of the authori- ties at New Amsterdam. "To Casper N[V]erleith : " At the request of the Burgomasters and Schepens of the city of New Amsterdam you will please to repair to the Stadt house of this city afore- said, on the morning of to-morrow, the 21^' inst., and there show the pass which you received from Jan Jongh [John Young], in so doing will confer on us a friendship with which we remain yours affectionately. " Signed by order of Burgomasters and Schepens, Jacob Kip, Secretary." " New Amsterdam, 20 March, 1654. "§ About this time he was engaged in aiding Johannes Van Beeck in his attempt to marry his daughter Maria, the peculiar circumstances of whose marriage we shall have occasion to notice hereafter. Judith Varleth, his wife, was associated with Anna, the wife of George Hack, before mentioned, in some business enterprises that gave rise, in September, 1652, to a suit in New Amsterdam, respecting a number of negroes and other property which Mrs. Varleth had purchased, and which were taken away in the night time by one Capt. Geurt Tyssen.|| Casper Varleth,' and his wife Judith, appear to have been enterprising, industrious, and thrifty persons — quali- ties of character for which their descendants have also been noted. They * Paulus Schrick obtained a patent, Jan. 31, 1662, for two morgens (about four acres), of land at the Kolck, or Freshwater, m New Amsterdam (O'Callaghan's Hist, of New Netherland, vol. ii. p. S91), perhaps the property above alluded to. + Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, vol. iv. p. 363. X Col. Records of Conn., 1636-1665, pp. 322, 372, 387. Hollister's Hist, of Conn., vol. ii. p. 424. § Valentine's Manual, 1853, p. 444. I Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS. Dutch, pp. 127, 128. VARLETH-^ VERLETH, 8 1 had issue^ one son and four daughters, which we give in the order of their marriage, as follows : 2, i. Nicholas Varleth,' probably came to New Netherland with his father, and resided for some time with the family at Hartford. His daugh- ter Susanna^ was born in Amsterdam, of which city he too was probably a native. His name first appears in the records at New Amsterdam on the i^' January, 1651, at the baptism of his son Abraham.^ His first wife was Susanna Jillis, supposed to have been a sister of Margaret Jillis, the wife of David Provoost. On the 14*^ of October, 1656, he married his second wife, Anna Stuy vesant,* widow of Samuel Bayard, and sister of Governor Stuyvesant, by whom he had no issue. This alliance, as well doubtless as his own personal merit, secured for him at once honorable position in the public service at New Amsterdam, and, subsequently, in the adjoining province of New Jersey. He was appointed April 7, 1657, Commissary of Imports and Exports, vice Adriaen Van Tienhoven, and the following year Searcher, Inspector, and Guager, vice Warnaer Wessels dismissed. April 17, 1657, he was admitted to the rights of a small burgher, and April 23, 1658, took the oath of office as Collector of Duties on Exports and Imports to and from New England and Virginia. On the 27* Feb., 1660, he was commissioned, with Brian Newton, Ambassador to Virginia, and soon after concluded, with the General Assembly of that colony, a treaty of Amitie and Commerce, highly satisfactory to both New Netherland and Virginia. He was one of the Commissioneys that signed the articles of capitulation, on the surrender of New Netherland, Sept, 6, 1664, his name appearing in that document, Nich. Varleth, which, among the diverse methods of spelling in the records, we have adopted as the correct ortho- graphy, f He was, for some years, one of the chief merchants of New Amsterdam, and in June, 1660, a partner of his brother-in-law, Jacob Backer,J engaged * Anna Stuyvesant was the dau. of Balthazar Stuyvesant and his fir'st wife Margaret Hardenstein. *' The name is derived from Stuiven, to stir or raise a dust, and sand^ being the same in both the Dutch and English." Her father was a clergyman, who settled, July 19, 1622, at Berliciim, a small town in Fries- landj having come from Scherpenzeel in the same province, '' where he was the minister previous to 1619." He left Berlicum in 1634, for Delfzyl in Guelderland, where he died in 1637. His first wife died at Berlicum, May 2, 1623, aged fifty years. Gov. Peter Stuyvesant and Anna, and perhaps others, were the issue of this marriage. He married second, July 22, 1627, Styntie Pieters, of Harlem, by whom he had Margaret {two of that name) Tryncke (Tryntje ?) and Balthazar. See Anthology of New Netherland, pp. 181, 182. Anna Stuyvesant married her first husbandt Samuel Bayard, in Holland, and by him had four chil- dren (Winfield's Land Tides), who came with her to New Netherland in 1647, in company with Governor Stuyvesant, These were — t. Balthazar Bayard, bom in Amsterdam, m. in New Amsterdam, Nov, 12, 1664 (Family Bible), Marritje Loockermans. 2. Nicholas Bayard, born in Alphen, a small town near Utrecht, m. in New Amsterdam, May 23, 1666, Judith Ver let. 3. Petrus Bayard, born in Alphen, m. in New Orange, as New York was then called, Nov. z8, 1674, Blandina Kierstede, 4. Catharine Bayard, bom in Bergen Op. Zoom, m. in New York, Oct. 23, 1678, William De Meyer, t O'Caliaghan's Register of New Netherland. O'Callaghan's Hist, of New Netherland. vol. ii. p. 535, Cal. N. Y, Hist, MSS. Dutch, pp. 183, 155, 207, 214, 217, 259. Valentine's Hist, of New York, p. 147. t Jacob or Jacobus Backer, a prominent merchant in New Amsterdam, came f^j^ Old Amsterdam, and married Oct, 30, 1655, Margariet Stuyvesant, from Delfzj^l in Guelderland, bom there about 1635. She was the dau. of Rev. Balthazar Stuyvesant and Styntie Pieters, and half sister of Governor Stuyve- SEint, and of Anna, the wife of Nicholas Varleth. Mr. -Backer's trading operations were extensive and his wife actively aided him in his business enterprises. He was admitted to the rights of a small burgher April II, 1657 ; Schepen in 1660, and President of the Board in 1664. Besides these and other official positions, he was one of the Provincial Agents to Holland in 1663, and a representative, from New Amsterdam, in the General Assembly held at that place, at the City Hall, April 10, 1664, also one of the signers, Sept. 8, 1664, of the ratification of the Articles of Capitulation on the surrender of New Netherland to the English. He returned to Holland in 1666, leaving his wife Margariet in charge of his business affairs, but his property having been heavily mortgaged before his departure to Jean Cosseau, was foreclosed by him in 1670. It was reported that Mr. Backer died in the East Indies. He resided on ^e east side of Broad near Beaver Street, where he also had his warehouse. These premises were purchased in October, 1670, at public sale, by Mr. Balthazar De Hart a wealthy merchant, who died in 1672, unmarried, leaving most of his estate to his brothers Daniel, Matthias and Jacob. Among other bequests be makes one to his natural son Matthias and another to his " Naturall son Daniel De Hart, procreated by Margarett Stuyvesant." This son Daniel was bap, in the Dutch Church in New York, Sept, i, ,1671, and is perhaps tlie same who had by wife 82 VARLETH—VERLETH. in the Curasao trade and importing tobacco from Virginia. He resided on the west side of the present Whitehall, between Pearl and State Streets, on property purchased in Feb., 1658, of Paulus Schrick, and which he subse- quently sold to Jacob Leisler. Some time prior to October, 1665, he left New York, and settled permanently in Bergen, N. J., where he had acquired extensive landed possessions. In March, 1656, Nicholas Varleth" was a resident of Hoboken, N. J., and his request for six or eight soldiers, for his defense, having been denied, "for fear of a collision with the Indians," he, at the same time, " asks permission to transport to New Amsterdam from Hoboken, a frame house which he had sold Michael Jansen [Vreeland] for 230 guilders." * How long he had resided there does not appear. On the s"" Feb., 1663, he obtained a patent for a tract of land at Hoboken, supposed to be the same that was in his possession previous to March, 1656. From Winfield's His- tory of the Land Titles in Hudson County, N. J. — a work replete with valuable information concerning the early settlers of New Netherland, no- where else to be found — we learn that " he was appointed Captain of the militia in Bergen, Gamoenepan [Communipaw], Ahasimus and Hooboocken, October 6, 1665 ; on the same day a member of the court at Bergen, and on the first of November following a member of Carteret's Council. These positions he continued to hold for several years. He died in the summer of 1675," leaving his wife, Anna S'tuyvesant, and two children surviving him. His widow was living January 19, 1683, but the date of her decease is unknown. His children, both by his first wife, were : 1. SusANNA,3 born in Amsterdam ; m. June 8, 1673, Jan De Foreest, son of Isaac and Sarah (de Trieux) De Foreest ; he was bap. March 27, 1650. In 1686, they resided in the present Beaver street, between Broad and William. They had issue bap. in the Dutch Church in New York : i. Nicholas, bap. Feb. 4, 1674; 2. Susanna, bap. Jan. 4, 1676; 3. Sara, bap. April 10, 1678, and 4. Sara, bap. March 12, 1670. These children all died in childhood, except Susanna, who married Robert Hickman, of New Jersey.f 2. ABRAHAM,3bap. Jan. i, 1651. He was a clerk in the Provincial Secre- tary's Office in 1673, and one of the Commissioners the same year to administer the oath of allegiance to the inhabitants of the towns in Achter Qol, and also to the inhabitants of the towns on Long Island, east of Oyster Bay .J From Winfield's Land Titles, we learn that "he left the Province in 1675, entered the Dutch East India Company's service, and afterwards died in the city jail at Ceylon." 3 ii. Jannetje or Jane Varleth," born in Utrecht. Married in New Amsterdam, Dec. 10, 1651(1650) Augustyn Hermans (Harman Heer- mans) a native of Prague in Bohemia, whose life and history fills no inconsiderable space in the early annals of New Netherland. He was a Catharine Van Pelt, son Balthus [Balthazar], hap. in New York April 6, 1709, and who was living in 1695 in Elizabeth Town, N, J. In April, 1676, Margariet Stuyvesant (named Margaret Baker in the patent) having obtained a patent for B24 acres of land there, became a resident of Elizabeth Town, N.J. On the nth of March, i677-8,was recorded a covenant of marriage "between Hendrick Droogestradt and Mrs. Margarita Stuyvesant, both of Eliza- beth Town, in which Hendricus, Nicholas and Abraham Backer are mentioned as her children." (New Netherland Register, Valentine's Hist, of New York, p. no. Hatfield'sHist of ElizabeUi, N.J., p. 250.) Jacob Backer and Margariet Stuyvesant had issue bap. in New York: i. [Nicholas] bap. March 25, 1657; 2. Balthazar, bap. Sept. 18, 1658: 3. Hillegond, bap. Sept. 7, 1659; 4. Henricus, bap. Sept. 26, 1660, and 5. Abraham, bap. Nov. 23, 1664. * Whitehead's East Jersey under the Proprietors, p. 28 ; Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS. Dutch, p. 164. t Winfield's Land Titles in Hudson Co;, N. J., p. 39. X O'Callaghan's Register of New Netherland, pp. 29-164. VARLETH—VERLETH. 83 iiian of good education, a surveyor by profession, skilled in sketching and drawing,* an adventurous an enterprising merchant — " the first beginner of the Virginia tobacco trade " — and possessed of little or none of that phlegmatic disposition which has often been ascribed as a characteristic of the Dutch settlers of New Amsterdam. A friendly notice of his speculative genius is given by Van der Doiick, who speaks of him as a " curious man and a lover of the country," who made an experiment in planting indigo seed near New Amsterdam, " which grew well and yielded much," samples of which sent to the Netherlands, " were found to be better than com- mon."! His wife was a member of the church here prior to her marriage, and though his name does not appear as a communicant, the evidence is not lacking that he was a man of deep religious feeling, and one who rever- ently recognized the Divine Power which controls in wisdom the destinies alike of men and nations. At what time Augustyn Hermans came to New Netherland is not pre- cisely known. He was in the employ of the West India Company, and was in company with Arent Corssen in 1633, at the time of the Dutch pur- chase from the Indians of the lands, which included the site of Philadelphia, on the Schuylkill, near the mouth of which Fort Beversrede was subse- quently erected.J He probably went back to Holland and returned again to this country under different auspices than those of his first adven- ture here. In June, 1644, he was with Laurens Cornelisson, an Agent of Peter Gabry & Sons,§ and Mr. Brodhead says he " came out under the patronage of the Chamber of Enckhuysen, as agent of the mercantile house of Gabry of Amsterdam."! The same year he was established in trade of that general character common at the time, and afterward made several voyages to Holland in the prosecution of his commercial enterprises. Some years later we find him interested in privateering, and one of the owners, in 1649, of the frigate Za Garce, engaged in depredations on the Spanish com' merce. On the 6"" of Dec, 165 1, he purchased of the Indians, for Cornelius Van Werckhoven, an influential member of the provincial government of Utrecht, the "Raritan Great Meadows," and other large tracts of land in New Jersey, which acquisitions being objected to by the Amsterdam Chamber, Van Werckhoven was compelled the following year to abandon. T[ For reasons not apparent he was unfortunate in his business operations, and in September, 1652, " a fugitive " from his creditors, his affairs in the hands of assignees Paulus Leendertsen (Van der Griest) and Allert Anthony, who were finally discharged as such March 18, 1653. In May, 1653, he was granted " liberty and freedom" by the Council, and excused for having broken the Company's Seal, " having settled with his creditors ; " *A view of New Amsterdam, sketched by Augustyn Hermans, was engraved on Nicolas Jan Vischer^s map NoTii Belgii Novague Anglite nee -non partis Virgiytice^ published in 1650-6, and also on a reduced scale from Visscher's map on the map prefixed to the second edition of Vatiderdonl^ s Description of N'eiu Netherland. (Memoirs of the L. I. Hist. Soc, Vol. I., p. 230, foot note.) It will be found at the bottom of the latter map in the Coll. of N. Y, Hist. Society, Vol. I. (second series) facing the tide ; also in O'Calla- ghan's Hist, of New Netherland, Vol. II., p. 312. and in Valentine's Hist, of New York. " In the Grenville Library is the only map ever made by Faithorne, an artist_ distinguished for crayon portraits and delicate copper-plate engraving. On it is this statement ; "Virginia and Maryland ; as it is planted and inhabited this present year, 1670 : surveyed and drawn by Augustus Hermann Bohemiensis ;" also a beautiful portrait of the original settler of Bohemia Manor. (O'Neil's Terra Marise, page 164.) + Coll. N. Y. Hist Society, Vol. I., Second Series, p. 156. t O'Callaghan's Hist, of New Netherland, Vol. I., p. 156. O'Neill's Terra Maris, p. 158. i The firm name in April, 1651, was John and Charles Gabry. They were prominent merchants in Old Amsterdam. II Brodhead's Hist, of N. Y., I., 476. In Van Tienhoven's answer to the Remonstrance of New Neth- erland (Nov. 29, 1650), he says that "Augustyn Heermans_ went out in the [ship?] Maecht Van Kh- ch-m/seny being as he now is clerk to Gabri in the trading business." 1 Brodhead's Hist, of New York, Vol. I., p. 537. 84 VARLETH— VERLETit. the same month he was bearer of dispatches from Gov. Stuyvesant to the New England authorities at Boston respecting an alleged conspiracy of the Dutch and Indians against the English. In December, 1658, he obtained permission to make a voyage, doubtless for trade, to the Dutch and French Islands in the West Indies, and arrived at the island of Curagao, April 18, 1659. He left there the 16"" of May following for New Netherland, and the next year made arrangements for settling permanently in. Maryland.* In his public positions he rendered useful and important service to the colony. He was one of the board of Nine Men, organized Sept. 25, 1647, and held that office in 1649 ^^^^d ^^^5° j o"^^ of ^^ Ambassadors to Rhode Island in April, 1652, and in the same capacity, in company with Resolved WaJdron, was sent to Maryland in September, 1659. On this latter em- bassy they were instructed " to request the surrender of fugitives or threat- en retaliation, and to demand reparation for the seditious proceedings and 'frivolous demands, and bloody threatenings ' of Col. Utie on the South River." Hermans kept a journal of their travels and proceedings while on this service, and with his associate urged, with great ability, before the Maryland governor and his council, the rights of the New Netherland Gov- ernment, in opposition to Lord Baltimore's claim to the South River. " Indeed, it may be safely claimed that the independent existence of the present State of Delaware is mainly owing to the very reasons which they maintained so ably " at that time. The authorities at New Amsterdam were not unmindful of his influence, when, upon despatching Capt. Newton and Varleth on their mission to Virginia, in Feb., 1660, they instructed them "to inquire in Maryland if danger threatened the South river, and to avail themselves of the ' aid and tongue of Augustine Heermans,' " who was then in Virginia. Nor was the proprietary of Maryland — to which colony he returned in 1660 — slow to recognize his talents and accomplish- ments, for, in that year, " as a compensation for his services in preparing for Lord Baltimore a map of the country," he obtained a patent for a large tract of land, embracing upwards of twenty thousand acres, "situated at the junction of the Elk River and Bohemia River at the head of Chesa- peake Bay, and lying mostly in the present State of Maryland, but partly in the State of Delaware," to which he gave the name of Bohemia Manor.f To this place,J described by the Labadist travellers as " a noble piece of land," the best they had seen in all their journey south, he removed with his family about the year 1664, and there spent the remainder of his days. In the Journal of a Voyage to New York, &c., in 1679-80, by Jaspar Dankers and Peter Sluyter, translated by Henry C. Murphy, Esq., and published in the Memoirs of the Long Island Historical Society, vol. i., will be found many interesting particulars relating to Augustyn Hermans and his family. Dankers and Sluyter belonged to the community of Laba- dists — a religious sect founded by Jean de Labadie, born near Bordeaux, in 1 6 10 — who, having made an unsuccessful attempt to colonize at Suri- * Cal. N. Y. Hist, MSS. Dutch, pp. 28, 30-5-6-7, 43-7, 92, 127-8, 131-2, 204, 331. O'Callaghan's Regis- ter of New Netherland, pp. 56-57, 137-S. t Doc. Rel. to Col. HisL of N. Y. vol. ii. p. 88. Brodhead's History of New York, vol. i. pp. 666-9, 673. O'Callaghan's Hist, of New Netherland, vol. ii. pp. 381-388. Memoirs of the Long Island Hist. Society, pp. XXXI, 230. X Herman, or Harman, as the name was afterwards changed to^ was the first proprietor of the celebrated Bshemia Manor, consisting of eighteen thousand acres of land, which lays partly in St. George's and Pen- cader hundreds, in Newcastle county, and partly in Cecil county, Maryland. This land is supposed to be the best in Delaware. (Extract from Vincent's History of Delaware, vol. i. p. 319.) VARLETH—VERLETH. 85 nam, came to New York and the adjoining colonies, as detailed in their journal, on a tour of observation, having for its ultimate object the estab- lishment here of a colony of their co-religionists. Ephraim Hermans, the oldest son of Augustyn Hermans, became tinctured with their doctrines, and persuaded his father into an agreement to convey a portion of his manor to Bankers, Sluyter, and others, with the view of drawing a large community near his domain, and thus enhancing its value. Afterwards, believing that some deceit had been practised upon him in the matter, he refused to make the conveyance, but was finally compelled to do so by the court. On the 1 1"" of August, 1684, he conveyed 3,750 acres of his manor lands " to Peter Sluyter, alias Vorsman, Jasper Danckaerts, alias Schilders, of Friesland ; Petrus Bayard, of New York ; and John Moll and Arnoldus de la Grange, of Delaware, in company." Upon this tract, the Labadists settled, but " nothing of them remained as a religious commu- nity" five years after the death of Peter Sluyter, which occurred in 1722. When the Labadist travellers first visited Augustyn Hermans at his Manor, Dec. 3, 1679, they brought a letter from his son Ephraim, and were treated with "every kindness," although he was sick "and very miserable, both in body and soul ;" he had none but negroes to serve him, and his misery was increased " by a miserable, doubly miserable wife," so miserable that they " will not relate it here." In the entry of their jour- nal, Dec. 26, 1679, they speak of the family as follows : — "Ephraim Her- mans is the oldest child of Augustine Herm|ins, there being two brothers and three sisters, one of whom lives now at Amsterdam. They are all of a Dutch mother, after whose death their father married an English woman, who is the most artful and despicable creature that can be found. He is a very godless person, and his wife, by her wickedness, has compelled all these children to leave their father's house and live elsewhere." Full of self-righteousness, these men regarded every one outside of their own per- suasion as. special objects of God's wrath, and doomed to endless perdi- tion. A part at least of this tirade was doubtless due to the fact that Her- mans had as poor an opinion of their religious tenets as they had of his' godliness, and, in his will, " speaks in emphatic terms of condemnation of the connection of his son Ephraim with the Labadists." Jannetje Varleth, his first wife, died some lime after their removal to Bohemia manor, and probably prior to 1666. In that year, " Augustine Harman, of Prague, in the kingdom of Bohemia, petitioned the Maryland Assembly for the naturalization of himself, his sons Ephraim Georgius, Casparus, and his daughters Anna Margaritta, Judith, and Francina." * The custom then obtained of naturalizing the wife, as well as the other members of a family, and as her name is not mentioned in this petition, there is little doubt she was not living at that date. His second wife was a Miss Ward, of Cecil County, Maryland,f by whom he probably had no issue ; the statement made by Mr. Hanson that his daughter, Anna Mar- garet, was the fruit of this second marriage, is shown to be an error by the Labadists' account of the family, and the baptismal records of the Dutch Church in New York. Augustyn Hermans died in i686,J and had issue by his wife Jannetje * O'Neil's Terra Marise/p. 164, foot note. + Hanson^s Old Kent, Maryland, p. 80. X Memoirs of the Long Island Hist. Society, vol. i. p. xxxiv. foot note. The date of his death, as here given by Mr. Murphy, is undoubtedly correct. In Vincent's History of Delaware, vol. i. p. 468, the state- "nent is made that " his death must have occurred about the last of December, x6€9, as on the 14th of De- 86 VARLETH— VERLETH. Varleth, two sons and three daughters, baptized in the Dutch Church in New Amsterdam, viz. : 1. Ephraim Georgius Hermans, bap. Sept. i, 1652. His second name, Georgius, is usually dropped in the records. He accompanied his father's family on their removal to Maryland, but, in 1673, was a resident of New York city. He was a man of note, and held several offices under the English government in New York and Delaware, to which latter place he removed about 1676, and settled at Newcastle. He subsequently became a Labadist, and his father, it is said, pronounced a curse upon him " that he might not live two years " after joining that sect. He married in New York, September 3, 1679, Elizabeth Rodenburg, who appears to have been a favorite with the Labadists. They speak of her as having " the quietest disposition we have observed in America," and as being " politely educated." For a further account of them and their children, see page 32, foot note. 2. Casparus Hermans, bap. Jan. 2, 1656. On the r6* Feb., 1674, he and his brother, Ephraim, obtained a patent for a tract of land near New- castle on the Delaware. In 1679, he was residing about twenty-two miles from his father's manor, on a place named Augustine, which the Labadists found well situated, and of which they remark, it " would not badly suit us." He was a member of the Pennsylvania General Assembly from New- castle, in 1683, 1684, and 1685. There was a Casper Augustine Herman, perhaps the same with his name slightly " dutchified," a member of the Legislature of Maryland, from Cecil county in 1694.''° His first wife was Susanna Huyberts, whom he probably married on the Delaware. He married second, in New York, August 23, 1682, Anna Reyniers. He had one son (and perhaps other children), named Ephraim Augustine Her- man, who was a member of the Legislature of Maryland, from Cecil county, in 1715, 1716, 1728, and 1731. 3. Anna Margareta Hermans, bap. March 10, 1658. She was keep- ing house for her brother Ephraim, at Newcastle, when the latter was visited by the Labadists in December, 1679. They speak of her as "a little volatile, but of a sweet and good disposition.' ' She complained to them " that she was like a wild and desolate vine, trained up in a wild and desolate country ; " that she wanted to know more of God and to serve him, and hoped the Lord would be merciful to her. She treated them "with great affection, and received thankfully" what they said to her. She became the wife of Matthias Vanderheyden or Vanderleyden, who was a member of the Maryland Legislature, from Cecil county, in 1709, 1713, 1715, and 1716. They had' /jj-?/(f :f 1. Jane Vanderheyden, ni. Mr. Couts, of Scotland. 2. Anna Francina Vanderheyden, m. Edward Shippen, son of Edward Shippen and Elizabeth Lybrand. He was born at Boston, Dec. 10, 1677-8, and died at Philadelphia, Dec. ccmber," after the Labadists left him, " they were informed that he was very sick and at the point of death." An account is then given of his " tomlistone^'' -which was taken by the Bayards (who, after his death, came into possession of that portion of the manor in which his grave was situated), for a door for their family vault. The inscription on it is as follows : — " Augustine Herman, Bohemian, tlie first founder and seater of Bohemian Manor^ Anno 1669." The Labadists visited him in December, 1679, and the error in the date on the tombstone (?) described by Mr. Vincent is so palpable, that it hardly seems necessary to point it out. May it not have been a stone inscribed with the actual date of the settlement of the Manor ? * Proud's Hist, of Pennsylvania, vol. i. pp. 236, 286, 29a. Hanson's Old Kent, p. 380. t Hanson's Old Kent. Letters and Papers Relating, &c., to Provincial History of Penn. Privately Printed, 1856. (Shippen Genealogy.) Gibson's Biog. Sketches of Bordley family. VARLETH—VERLETH. ^'j 26, 1 714. They had one dau. Margaret, who m: John Jekyll, Esq., then collector of the Port of Boston. After Mr. Jekyll's death, she lived in Philadelphia, and died there about 1750. Their dau. Fanny Jekyll m. July 19, 1758, William, son of Edward Hicks, Esq. Another dau. Mar- garet Jekyll, m. Mr. Chalmers. After the death of Edward Shippen, his widow, Anna Francina, m. Col. Hynson of Chestertown, Md., where she died before 1768, aged ninety years. 3. AuGUSTiNA Vanderheyden, born in 1685, m. James Harris, of K.ent county, Maryland, and had son Matthias Harris. She died in 1775, aged 90 years. 4. Ariana Vanderheyden m. Feb. 9, 1713, James Frisby, son of James and Sarah Frisby, of Cecil county, Maryland, and had Sarah Frisby, born Dec. 7, 1714; Ariana Margaret Frisby, born Sept. 18, 1717, and P'rancina Augustina, born Aug. 16, 1 7 19. James Frisby, died Dec. 18, 1719, aged 35 years, and his widow, Ariana Vanderheyden, married Sept. I, 1723, Thomas Bordley, born 1682 in Yorkshire, England ; he came to Kent Co., Md., in 1694, and finally - settled at Annapolis ; they had Issue : three sons, Thomas, Matthias, and John Beale Bordley. Thomas Bordley died Oct. [I, 1726, O. S., and hig widow Ariana married for her third husband, in Nov., I7a8, Edmund Jknings, Esq., of Annapolis, where they resided until 1737, when they went to England. She was inoculated for small-pox there, of which she died in April, 1741. He died in 1756, while on a visit to England. They had Issue : one son, Edmund Jenings, born in 1731, and one dau. Ariana Jenings. 4. Judith Hermans, bap. May 9, 1660. Her name appears in the , petition of her father to the Maryland Assembly, in 1666, for the naturali- zation of himself and children, and is the last notice found of her. 5. Francina Hermans, bap. March 12, 1662. She went from Mary- land to Holland before 1679, ^^^ soon returned to this country. She joined the Dutch Church, in New York, by letter, or certificate, from the church in Old Amsterdam, Dec. 5, 1684, and was then single. She sub- sequently married Joseph Woodt (Wood), and had bap. in the Dutch Church, in New York, Jenneken Wood, bap. Oct. 18, 1693. 4 iii. Maria Varleth° was probably the second daughter of Casper Varleth' and his wife Judith. She was thrice married : ist to Johannes Van Beeck, 2d to Paulus Schrick, and 3d to William Teller, whose widow she was at her death, in 1702. Her first marriage, in the spring of 1654, was the source of much trouble to the authorities of New Amsterdam. On the loth of P'eb., 1654, Johannes Van Beeck petitioned the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens that the banns of matrimony between him and Maria Varleth might be registered and proclaimed. This had previously been done through the court at Gravesend (L. 1.), a proceeding which the New Am- sterdam court objected to as contrary to the "practice and custom of our Fatherland," because the parties were not domiciled there. Upon the earnest prayer and remonstrance of Casper Varleth and Johannes Van Beeck, the Court, on the 19th of Feb., 1654, enquired more fully into the matter, and, in an elaborate opinion, preserved in their minutes, finally ad- 88 VARLETH—VERLETH. judged "that the aforesaid young persons having made their proper Ecclesi- astical proclamation with the earliest opportunity, that they follow it up with the bonds of matrimony immediately thereafter." * On the 2d of March following, Governor Stuyvesant requested a copy of this opinion or resolu- tion of the Board of Burgomasters and Schepens, with " the written rea- sons why such resolution was not submitted to the Director-General and Councillors for their approbation," and alleging that Johannes Van Buck- ly's [Van Beeck's] marriage was "not only without the knowledge of his Father but expressly against his prohibition against marrying abroad." f In the meantime Van Beeck had resolved to consummate his matrimonial purpose elsewhere, and, on the 27th Feb., 1654, posted notices in various places ia New Amsterdam, setting forth the difficulties opposed by Direc- tor Stuyvesant to his marriage at Gravesend, and protesting against the same, also giving his reasons for leaving the neighborhood. On the same day an order for his arrest was made, and a letter of the Director and Council was addressed to all Governors, Deputy Governors, Magistrates, and Christian Neighbors, stating that he and Maria Varleth, assisted by Caspar Varleth and Augustine Hermans, had run off to New England to get married, and requesting them not to solemnize such marriage, but send back the runaways. It appears, however, that they were married at Green- wich by Richard Crabb, a noted character and Acting Magistrate of that place. On the 14th of Sept, 1654, by a decree of the Council in the case of Johannes Van Beeck, "who was married to Maria Varleth at Green- wich, Conn., by an unauthorized farmer named Goodman Crab," the mar- riage was declared unlawful, and the parties ordered to live separate.J It is probable that this decree was finally- annulled, for, after the death of Van Beeck, Maria was recognized by the court as his lawful widow. Johannes Van Beeck was probably a younger son of Isaac Van Beeck of Amsterdam, one of the Directors of the West India Company, and per- haps came here with his brothers, Nicholas anxl Joost Van Beeck, about i6so.§ On the 9th of Sept., 1653, he obtained a deed from Ariaen Keyser of a house and lot in Pearl Street. From the following it appears that he was killed by the Indians in the terrible massacre Of September, 1655 : "9th Nov'., 1655, Orphans' Court. — Whereas John Van Beck came to his death by the late misfortune [irruption of the Indians] leaving a widow and minor child, &c." . . . "16 Nov'., 1655, The Court appointed Joost Van Beck, brother of the deceased, and Nicholas Verleth, brother of the widow, guardians, &c., of the child." . . . "20 Jany., 1656. Joost Van Beck refuses to serve as guardian, as he doubts the legality of the marriage and has a claim against the estate, so both he and Verleth are dismissed, and Paulus L. Van der Grist and Govert Loockermans ap- pointed." II In May, 1656, Joost Van Beeck having obtained a judgment against Maria Varleth, widow of Johannes Van Beeck, she petitioned for its annulment. In the mean time he sued her for slander, to which she paid no attention; but the Council, on the 3d May, 1656, ordered her ar- * Register of the Burgomasters and Schepens, etc., Valentine's Manual, 1844-5, PP- 306-8. t Valentine's Manual, 1853, pp. 443-444. t Cal. N. Y Hist. MSS. Dutch, pp. 135, 136, 141, 162, 165, 167, 378. § In a letter from the Directors at Amsterdam, dated April 18, 1651, Gov. Stuyvesant was instructed that permission had been given the agents of Gerard Smith, Nicolas and Joost Van Beeck to select lands fur their colonies in New Netheriand and one or two lots in the Manhattans (Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS. Dutch, p. 276). Joost Van Beeck Isaacksen and his wife, Maria Anna SafTe, had a son, Petrus, bap. in New Amsterdam, August 22. 1655. He probably returned to Holland with his family before the English conquest. Minutes of the Orphans' Court, pp. 5, 7, and 12. I am indebted to William Clai-kson, Esq., of New York, for the above memorandum, and also for valuable data relating to the Brockholst family. VARLETH— VERLETH. 89 rest for contempt in not answering his complaint. No further reference to the matter appears, and probably here her legal troubles ended. Johan- nes Van Beeck and Maria Varleth" had issue, one daughter : I. Judith Van Beeck, bap. May 9, 1655. She m. in Willemstadt (Al- bany) August 29, 1674, Gabriel Minvielle, a native of Bordeaux in France. They both joined the Dutch Church in New York, Dec. 13, 1674. He afterwards became a communicant of the French Church, but returned to the Dutch Church again June i, 1676. His wife's name not appearing with his at the latter date, and there being no further account of her, it is supposed that she died the year after her marriage, without issue. He was a merchant, one of the prominent men of his time, and Mayor of New York in 1684. He married, second, m. 1. dated Jan. 25, 1676-7, Susanna, dau. of John Lawrence, and died in Sept., 1702, leaving no children. His widow married William Smith, m. 1. dated Dec. 22, 1702. Maria Varleth° m. second, Nov. 29, 1658, Paulus Schrick, a native of Neurenberg (Nuremburg). He is noticed by Mr. Savage as of " Hartford, one of the little colony of Dutch from New York, that had planted before the English went thither," and his wife's name mistakenly given as " Mary, widow of Josephus Ambeck." On the 29th of Oct., 1652, he obtained a deed fiom Claes Janszen Van Naerden of a lot in Pearl Street in New Amsterdam, and was, perhaps, a resident here for a short time, his name first appearing in the records Dec. 24, 1651, as a sponsor at the baptism of Warnar, son of Hendrick Van Diepenbroeck. He was a merchant — a Free Trader — and resided chiefly at Hartford, Conn., until his death in 1663. His son Paulus was born there, and probably his daughter Susanna Maria, though both were baptized in New Amsterdam. He is frequently styled de Heer, or the Honorable, in the records, and was an important personage among the burghers- of New Amsterdam and Beverwyck (Albany), to which places, and to Holland, his trading enterprises extended. Paulus Schrick and Maria Varleth° had issue, one daughter and son, both baptized in the Dutch Church in New Amsterdam the same day, viz. : I. Susanna Maria Schrick, bap. Sep. 2, 1663. Her second ^ame, Maria, is dropped in the record of her marriage and baptism of her chil- dren. She joined the Dutch Church in New York, Nov. 30, 1676, and mar- ried at Albany, May 2, 1681, Capt. Anthony Brockholst.'"' This name was usually spelled Brockholes, but the Captain's autographs in the Secre- tary of State's office at Albany are written Brockholls, in the records of the New York Dutch Church it is Brockholst, Broeckholt, Brockholt, Brochols, Brochold, and Brokholes, while in the Surrogate's office it is written Broc- holst and Brockholst, which latter seems to have been the name pre- ferred by his descendants. When the Duke of York commissioned Major Edmund Andros in 1674 as his Lieutenant and Governor,, Lieut. Anthony Brockholst, in case of his death, was to succeed him in the government of New York and its depen- dencies. Of a Roman Catholic family in Lancashire, England, seated at Claughton for many centuries, he was " a profest Papist." He was a member of Andros' first Council, and in his temporary absence from New York in 1677-8, administered the government. He succeeded Sylves- ter Salisbury, who died in the winter of 1680, as Commandant at Albany, and on the departure of Andros for England, in January, 1681, was appointed by special commission Commander-in-Chief, etc., of the New York Govern- * Pearson's First Settlers of Albany, p. 27. 90 VARLETH— VERLETH. ment, in which capacity he acted until the arrival of Gov. Dongan, in August, 1,683. He was also a member of Dongan's Council, and in 1684 bore the title of Major. In October, 1688, he accompanied Gov. Andres on his journey to New England, and was left in command of Fort Charles (Pemaquid), Maine, in March, 1689, from whence he was sent to Boston the following month. In January, 1690, Lieut.-Gov. Leisler ordered his arrest, but it does not appear that he suffered much on this account.* On the nth of Nov., 169S, Major Anthony Brockholst and Capt. Arent Schuyler, in be- half of themselves and their associates, Samuel Bayard, George Ryerson, John Mead, Samuel Berrie, David and Hendrick Mandeville, obtained a Patent (having purchased, June 6, 1695, the Indian title to the same) for 5,500 acres of land from the East Jersey proprietors at Pacquatiac, now known as Pompton Plains, Morris County, N. J.f He was after- wards reported in June, 1696, as one of the ten Roman Catholics residing in the city of New York, but in that or the following year he and Arent Schuyler settled permanently on their Jersey lands in the Pompton valley, on the east side of the river, and were, in all probability, the pioneers in that region of country. He was living at Pompton in June, 1710, and is sup- posed to have died in 1723. An allusion is made to the exemplification of Major Brockholt's will in a letter of Michael Kearney to Isaac Bobin, dated at Perth Amboy, Sept. 5, i723,J but where the original was entered of record we have been unable to ascertain. His wife was living April 8, 1722, and was at that date a sponsor at the baptism in the Dutch Church, in New York, of Anna dau. of Philip French. Anthony Brockholst and his wife Susanna Schrick had seven children baptized in the Dutch Church, at New York, and one in Albany. Beside these, they had a son Henry, whose baptism is unrecorded. Only Mary, Henry, Judith, Susanna and Jannetie or Johanna, of their children, were living in November, 1701, the date of Maria (Varleth) Teller's will. Issue : 1. Maria Brockholst, born July 5, bap. July 29, 1682. She never married. Her will is dated Sept. 12, 1761, proven July 25, 1766. She d. June'io, 1766. In her will she styles herself Mary Brockholst, of the city of New York, Spinster ; names her three nieces, viz. : Anna wife of David Van Home ; Susanna the wife of William Livingston ; and Elizabeth the wife of David Clarkson, the children of her deceased sister Susanna for- merly the wife of Philip French ; also refers to the children, without naming them, of her late niece Mary Browne, late wife of the Hon. William Browne of Beverly, in New England, who was also a dau. of her said deceased sister Susanna; names her nephews, Frederick and Philip Philipse, and her two nieces, Susanna wife of Beverly Robinson, and Mary wife of Roger Morris, the children of her sister Johanna wife of the late Col. Frederick PhiHpse. Appoints David Van Home, Beverly Robinson, William Livingston and David Clarkson, Executors. 2. Henry Brockholst, born Dec. 28, 1684; m. Maria Verplanck, probably the daughter of Samuel (and Ariaentie) Verplanck, who was bap. Sept. 2, 1692. But little of his personal history has been gleaned, and the Clarksons of New York, a model of family history, is the only work, save Schenk's Historical Discourse at Pompton, N. J., in which we have found his name even alluded to. He was a sponsor at the bap. in the Dutch * Brodhead's History of New York, vol. 2, Index. Burke's Landed Genlrj-. T Schenk's Hist. Discourse at Pompton Plains, 1871. X Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS. EngUsh, p. 480. VARLETH— VERLETH. 91 Church in New York, Feb. 3, 1723, of Susanna, dau. of Frederick Philipse ; also at the bap. Jan. i, 1725, of Elizabeth, dau. of Philip French, and Sept. 6, 1 741, at bap. of Charles, son of Gulian Verplanck. Henry Brockholst Livingston, the fifth son of Gov. William Livingston, of New Jersey, was named after him, he being his maternal uncle. He resided probably all his life in New Jersey. In 1755, a division of a part of the land acquired by his father in 1695 at Pompton was made between him and Philip, son of Arent Schuyler, and the sons of Samuel Bayard. His will is recorded at Trenton. His property was bequeathed to his nephews and nieces, the same as his sister Mary's. He died March 4, 1766. Maria Verplanck, wife of Henry Brockholst, was a sponsor with David Clarkson at the bap. July 13, 173S, of Anthony, son of Frederick Philipse. At the bap. of Adriana, dau. of Gulian and Maria (Crommelin) Verplanck, July 13, 1748, Charles Crommelin and his wife, Maria Brock- holst, were sponsors. It is not improbable that this Maria Brockholst, of whom we have no other mention, was the dau. of Henry and Maria (Ver- planck) Brockholst, and the first wife of Charles Crommelin, his second being Sarah Roosevelt, whom he married Sept. 29, 1750. Mary Brocholst, of the city of New York, widow (prob. the widow of Henry Brockholst), made will dated March 9, 1775 ; proven Dec. 17, 1784 ; names her friend, Mrs. Margaret Stuyvesant, wife of Peter Stuyvesant, and their two daughters, Judith and Cornelia, to each of whom she makes a small bequest, devising the residue of her .estate to her nephews, Samuel and Gulian Verplanck, and her nieces, Ann Ludlow, wife of Gabriel Lud- low, and Mary McEvers, wife of Charles McEvers. Appoints her nephews, Samuel and Gulian Verplanck, Executors. 3. Anthony Brockholst, bap. at Albany, Aug. 14, 1687 ; died in in- fancy. 4. Anthony Brockholst, torn July 25, 1688 ; bap. same day ; died in infancy. 5. Judith Brockholst, born June 30, bap. July 2, 1690. At the bap. in the Dutch Church, in New York, March 30, 1726, of Maria, dau. of Frederick and Johanna (Brockholst) Philipse, Dirk Van Vegten and his wife, Judith Brocholst, were sponsors. He was probably the son of Michael Dirkse Van Veghten and Maria. Parker, of Albany, where he was bap. Jan. 26, 1690. From an old deed, dated April 20, 1742 (for a synop- sis of which I am indebted to Mr. G. H. Van Wagenen, of Rye, N. Y.), it appears that Michael Van Veghten removed from Albany to New Jersey as early as 1724. In this deed, Dirck Van Veghten, of Somerset Co., N. J., Gentleman, described as the son and heir of Michael Van Veghten, late of said county, deceased, conveys jointly with his wife Judith, to John Watson, merchant, of Perth Amboy, N. J., a lot of land in Perth Amboy, which was purchased by his father, Sept. 30, 1724, of William Loveridge, of Perth Amboy. It is probable that Judith was his first wife, and his second Elizabeth Ten Broeck, who became a communicant of the First Ref Dutch Church in New Brunswick, in March, 1 744, of which it appears he was a member as early as 1732-5.* 6. Jenneken Brockholst, born Sept. 16, bap. Sept. 18, 1692 ; died in infancy. ■ 7. Anthony Brockholst, born Oct. 6, bap. Oct. 7, 1694 ; died in in- fancy. * Steele's Hist. Discourse. 92 VARLETH— VERLETH. 8. Susanna Brockholst, born Feb. 19, bap. Feb. 23, 1696 ; m. in 1720, Philip French, son of Philip French, Jr., and Anna (Philipse) French ; he was bap. Nov. 17, 1697. His father, who is described in the record of his marriage (July 6, 1694) in the Dutch Church in New York as Mr. Philip French, " Van London," was a native of Kelshall, Suffolk County', England, born in 1667, and came to New York in June, 1689. He was a prosperous merchant, and an active anti-Leislerian. He was Speaker of the Assembly in 1698, and Mayor of the city in 1702.") In his will, dated May 29, 1706, proven June 3, 1707, he menti,eiris "his wife, Anna, son Philip, and daughters Elizabeth, Anna and Margaret, and refers, not by name, to the children of his brother John.* Philip French probably lived in New York city until about 1727, when he became a resident of New Brunswick, N. J., where he owned a large estate in land, comprising it is said the greater portion of the present site of that town. In 1732-5 he was a member of the First Ref. Dutch Church there, of which he or his son, Philip, was a liberal benefactor in 1765. His wife, Susanna, died in Holland, whither he accompanied her for the benefit of her health in 1729-30. He married second about 1732, Anna Farmer. He had four daughters by his first wife and one son by his second, all bap- tized in the Dutch Church in New York, viz. : 1. Anna French bap. April 8, 1 722. At her baptism her mother's name is recorded Susanna BrokhoUs, Jr. ; the sponsors were Adolph Philips and Susanna Brokholls, who was without doubt the wife of Major Anthony Brockholst. She m., Sept. 25, 1744, David Van Horne, son of Abraham and Maria (Provoost) Van Horne; he was bap. July 20, 1715. They had issue one son and six daughters, viz. : i. Capt. David Van Horne, of the Revolutionary Army, subsequently known as Gen. David Van Horne, m. Sarah Miller ; 2. Mary, m. Levinus Clarkson ; 3. Cornelia, m. Philip P. Livingston ; 4. Catharine, ra. Gen. Jacob Reed; 5. Elizabeth, m. Charles Ludlow ; 6. Susan, m. George Trumbull ; 7. Anne, m. Wil- liam Edgar. 2. Susanna French, bap. June 19, 1723; the sponsors were Cornelus Van Hoorn and Maria Brockholst. She m., about 174s, William Livingston, son of Philip and Catharine (Van Brugh) Livingston; he was bap. at Albany, Dec. 8, 1723. Governor of the State of New Jersey from 1776 to 1790. He died July 25, 1790. His wife died July 17, 1789. They had thirteen children, six of whom died during the Governor's life-time,f viz. : i. a son, born 1746, died in in- fancy ; 2, a son, born 1747, died in infancy; 3. Susannah, born 1748, m. John Cleve Symmes ; 4. Catharine, born Sept. 16, 1751, m., first Matthew Ridley and second John Livings- ton ; 5. Mary, born Feb. 16, bap. Feb. 25, 1753, m. James Linn I 6. William, born March 21, bap. March 31, 1754; 7. Philip Van Brugh, bap. Jiily 28, 1755; 8. Sarah Van Brugh, born Aug. 2, 1756, m., April 28, 1774, John Jay; * The Marriage License of a John French and Mary White, dated Octr 2r, 1694, appears in vol. iii., p, 9a, of the N. v. G. & B. Record : also one of John French and Katherine Benson, dated June 8, 1704, is pub- lished in vol. ii., p. 26, of the same work. t Sedgwick's Life of William Livingston, p. 446. VARLETH—VERLETH. 93 9. Harry Brockholst, born Nov. 26, bap. Dec. 4, 1757 ; lo. Judith, born Dec. 30, 1758, bap. Jan. 7, 1759, ™- jo'^" W. Watkins ; ii. Philip French, born Sept. i, bap. Sept. 4, 1760 ; 12, John Lawrence, born July 15, bap. July 25, 1762 ; 13. Elizabeth Clarkson, born April 5, bap. April 25, 1764. 3. Elizabeth French, born Dec. 27, 1724; bap. Jan. i', 1725 ; the sponsors were Henry Brokholst and Elizabeth Van Hoorn. She m., May 3, 1749, David Clarkson, Jr., sec- ond son of David and Anna Margareta (Freeman) Clarkson, and grandson of Matthew Clarkson, Secretary of New York from 1689 to 1702 ; he was born June 3, bap. June 8, 1726. He was an opulent and prosperous merchant in New York for many years before the war of the revolution, but as he was an uncompromising whig during the war, nearly the whole of his fortune was lost by his devotion to the popular cause. His death occurred Nov. 14, 1782. His wife died June 14, 1808, and was buried by his side in the cemetry of the Dutch Church, at Flatbush, L. I. They had issue seven sons and one daughter, viz. : i. David, b. July 30, 1750 ; d. young. 2. David, b. Nov. 15, 1751, a captain in the Rev. Army, m. Jane Mettick, and d. s. p. June 27, 1825 ; 3. Philip, b. April 4, 1754, d. young. 4. Freeman, b. Feb. 23, 1756, m. Henrietta, his cousin, dan, of Levinus .Clarkson, and d. Nov. 14, 1810 ; she d. Sept. 18, 1850. 5. Matthew, b. Oct. 17, 1758 ; a distinguished colonel in the Rev. Army, aid-de- camp to Arnold and Gates, and subsequently known as Gen- eral Matthew Clarkson; m., ist. May 24, 1785, Mary Rutherfurd; shed. July 2, 1786; m., 2d, Feb. 14, 1792, Sarah Cornell ; she d. Jan. 2, 1803 ; he d. April 25, 1825. 6. Ann Margaret, b. Feb. 3, 1761; m. Nov. 16, 1784, Gerrit Van Home, and d. Nov. 2, 1824; he d. Feb. 22, 1825. 7. Thomas Streatfeild, b. April 5, 1 763 ; m. Oct. 30, 1 790,, Elizabeth Van Home, and d. June 8, 1844; she d. Aug. 9, 1852, in her 82d year. 8. Levinus, b. March 31, 1765 ; m., Feb. 25, 1797, -Ann Mary Van Home, and d. Sept. 28, 184s ; she d. June 23, 1856, in her 79th year. 4. Maria French, bap. June 19, 1726; the sponsors were Fredrik Philips and Johanna Brocholst, his wife. She became the second wife of Hon. William Browne, of Beverly, Mass., son of Samuel Browne, of Salem, Mass., and had issue : i. Anne, b. Aug. 25, 1754, and d. unmarried in New York. 2. Sarah, b. Feb. 13, 1758 ; m. in 1780 (m. 1. dated Nov. I of that year) Edward Hall of Maryland. She d. in 1 76 1. He d. April 27, 1763. His first wife was Mary, dau. of Gov. William Burnet, by whom he had an only son, Wil- liam Burnet Browne.* 5. Philippus French, bap. April i, 1733; the sponsors were Col. Thomas Farmer and Anna Billop, his wife ; d. s. p. 1803. 9. Johanna Brockholst, bom Feb. 15, 1700, bap. Nov. 6, 1700; m., about 1 719, Frederick Philipse, only son of Philip and Maria (Sparks) * N. E. Hist. Geneal. Register, Vol. 5, p. 49. Clarksons ot New York, i-z8o. 94 VARLETH— VERLETH. Philipse, and grandson of Frederick.* and Margaret (Hardenbroeck) Phil- ipse, of New York. He was born at Spring Head, so-called, on the estate of his father, in Barbadoes, in 1695. Left an orphan in 1700, he was sent to New York the next year by desire of his grandfather, who immediatelj' sold the Spring Head estate, so that his grandson might not afterwards be induced to settle in Barbadoes, an arrangement that gave great displeasure to his mother's relatives. His grandfather died Nov. 6, 1702, leaving him a large estate, including the "Yonkers plantation," and by the death of his uncle, Adolph Philipse, the whole manor of Philipsburg, in Westchester County, with the upper Highland patent of Philipstown, in Putnam County, became vested in him as the nearest male heir of his grandfather, Fred- erick.f He died in New York, July 26, 1751, of consumption, and was buried in the family vault in the Dutch Church, at Sleepy, Hollow, near Tarrytown. The following notice of his death is from the New York Ga- zette, etc., for July 29, 1751 : J "New York, July 29, 1751 : Last Friday Evening departed this Life, in the 56"" year of his Age, the Honorable Frederick Philipse, Esq., one of his Majesty's Justices of the Supreme Court of this Province, and a Representative in our General Assembly for the County of Westchester. He was a Gentleman conspicuous for an abundant Fortune ; but it was not his Wealth that constituted his Merit ; his Indulgence and Tenderness to his Tenants, his more than Parental Affection for his Children, and his increased Liberality to the Indigent, surpassed the Splendor of his Estate, and procured him a more unfeigned Regard than can be purchased with Opulence, or gained by Interest. There were perhaps few Men that ever equalled him in those obliging and benevolent Manners, which, at the same Time that they attracted the Love of his Inferiors, created him all the Respect and Veneration due to his Rank and Station. That he was a Lover of his Country, is gloriously attested by his being repeatedly elected into the Assembly for the last 27 Years of his Life. He had a Disposition extremely social, and was what few ever attain to be, a good Companion. But what I have said of his Char- acter is far from being a finished Portrait ; it is only a sketch of some few of his Excellent Qualities, many features I am sure, have escaped me ; but I dare say, that those I have attempted, are not set off with false colours, but drawn faithfully from the Life." He left surviving him his wife Johanna, two sons, Frederick his heir, and Philip, to whom was devised (in equal portions with his sisters) the upper highland patent of Philipstown, and three daughters, Susannah, wife of Mr. Beverley Robinson, Mary, whom he calls in his will his second daughter, and Margaret, called his youngest. They had nine children baptized in the Dutch Church in New York, but their dau. Mary's baptism (who married Col. Roger Morris) does not appear here, if the published date of her birth, July 5, 1730, is correct.§ His wife was killed by a fall from her carriage, on the Highland estate, in 1765. Frederick and Johanna (Brockholst) Philipse, had issue ; I. Frederick Philipse, born Sept. 12, bap. Sept. 14, 1720. The sponsors at his baptism were Adolphe Philipse and Su- sanna Brokholls. From Sabine's Loyalists, we learn that * The best account of this ancestor of the Philipse family will be found in the Memoirs of the Long Island Hist. Society, voir x, p. 362. t Bolton's Hist, of Westchester County. Burke's Dictionary of the Landed Gentry, X Valentine's Manual, 1S56, p. 681. § They had a dau. Maria (Mary) bap. March 30, 1726, but she probably died young. VARLETH— VERLETH. 95 though holding an elevated position in Colonial society, he was not a prominent actor in public affairs. He was, however, a member of the Assembly and Colonel in the militia. On account of his loyalty to the British crown during the war of the Revolution, his estate, one of the largest in the province, was confiscated by the New York Legislature, and upon the withdrawal of the British troops from New York in 1 783, he went to England, where he died at the city of Chester, April, 30, 1785.* He married Elizabeth Rutgers, a widow, the dau. of Charles Williams, Esq., and had with other issue, Frederick, Jr., for an account of whom see Burke's Dictionary of the Landed Gentry, etc., and Bolton's History of Westchester, vol. i, p. 322. 2. Susanna Philipse, bap. Feb. 3, 1723. The sponsors were Henry BrockhoUs and Catharina Philips. She died young. 3. Philippus Philipse, bap. Aug. 28, 1724. The sponsors were ^ Philip French and Maria Brokholst. He was a merchant for some years in New York,f and died there, May 9, 1768. He married Margaret, dau. of Nathaniel Marston, and had with other issue, Frederick, for an account of whom see Burke's Landed Gentry and Bolton's History of West- chester. His widow married Rev. John Ogilvie, m. 1., dated April IS, 1769, afterwards the Rev. John Ogilvie, D.D., who was at the time of his death (Nov. 26, 1774), Assistant Min- ister of Trinity Church in New York, and whose first wife was Catharine, dau. of Lancaster Symes. 4. Maria (Mary) Philipse bap. March v3o, 1726. The spon- sors were Dirk Van Vegfen and Judith Brocholst, his wife. She probably died young. 5. Susanna Philpse, bap. Sept. 20, 1727. The sponsors were Henry Brokholst and Susanna Brokholst, the wife of Philip French. She married, about 1750, Capt. Beverley Robin- son, son of Hon. John Robinson, of King and Queen County, Virginia, and where he was prob. born in 1722. His father, on the retirement of Sir William Gooch as Governor of Virginia, in August, 1 749, became President of the Coun- cil of that Colony, but died a few days thereafter. His mother, Catharine Beverley, was a dau. of Robert and Cath- arine (Hone) Beverley, of Virginia, and a sister (not the dau., as Bishop Meade has it) of Robert Beverley, author of the history of that colony, first published in 1705. J He came to New York as early as 1 746, and was Captain of a " Company of Foot lying in Fort George," in November of that year. His. marriage made him wealthy, giving him as it did, the possession of his wi^'s large estate on the Hudson River, near West Point. He was living here at the com- mencement of the Revolution, and opposing the separation of the colonies from the mother country, he raised the Loyal American Regiment, and sought to prevent that gloriousre- * Bolton's Hist, of the Church in Westchester, pp. 491-2. t N. Y. Hist. MSS. English, pp. 582, 617. t Beverley** History of Virginia. Meade's Old Churches and Families of Virginia, vol. i, p. 378, and Campbell's History of Virginia, p. 448-9. 96 VARLETH— VERLETH. suit. Of this Regiment he was commissioned Colonel. In the treason of Arnold, Col. Beverley Robinson's name is conspicuous, and it is supposed he was aware of that officer's defection, before any other person. It is said he was much opposed to Major Andre's trusting himself to the honor " of a man who was seeking to betray his country." After the capture of that unfortunate gentleman, he was con- veyed, Sept. 26, 1780, to Col. Robinson's own house, which Arnold had occupied as headquarters, and then used by Washington temporarily as such. He and his wife and his son Beverley, Jr., were included in the " Act for the Forfeit- ure and Sale of the Estates of Persons who have adhered to the Enemies of this State, etc," passed by the New York Legislature, 22d October, 1779, and the whole of their im- mense estate passed from the family. The British Gov- ernment granted him the sum of _;^i 7,000, which was con- sidered only a partial compensation for his loss. At 4he conclusion of peace in 1783, Col. Robinson left for Eng- land, where he lived in retirement at Thornbury, near Bath, and died there in 1792, aged 70 years. Susanna his wife died at the . same place, in November, 1822, aged 94.'" For an account of their children, see Burke's Landed Gentry, Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, and Sabine's Loyalists of the American Revolution, vol. 2, p. 221 to 229. 6, Mary Philipse, born July 5, 1 730. The association of this lady's name with that of Washington, lends attractiveness to her personal history, and is so interesting, that more than a brief allusion to it is deemed necessary. In February, 1756, Col. Washington left Winchester, Virginia, to have a per- sonal interview concerning his rank in the Virginia forces, with General Shirley, Commander-in-chief of the British Army in America, at Boston. Upon this journey, performed on horseback, in the depth of winter, he was absent seven weeks. " While in New York," says Mr. Sparks, " he was lodged and kindly entertained at the house of Mr. Beverley Robin- son, between whom and himself an intimacy of friendship subsisted, which indeed continued without change till severed by their opposite fortunes twenty years afterwards in the Revolution. It happened that Miss Mary Philipse, a sister of Mrs. Robinson, and a young lady of rare accomplish- ments, was an inmate in the family. The charms of this lady made a deep impression upon the heart of the Virginia colo- nel. He went to Boston, returned, and was again welcomed to the hospitality of Mr.. Robinson. He lingered there, till duty called him away „ but he was careful to intrust his secret to a confidential friend, whose letters kept him informed of every important event. In a few months intelligence came that a rival was in the field, and that the consequences could not be answered for, if he delayed to renew his visits to New York. Whether time, the bustle of a camp, or the scenes • Sabine's Loyalists. VARLETH— VERLETH. 97 of war, had moderated his admiration, or whether he de- spaired of success, is not known. He never saw the lady again, till she was married to that same fival, Captain Morris, his former associate in arms, and one of Braddock's aids-de- camp." * Burke declares positively that she " refused the hand '' of Washington, while Mr. Sabine regards this state- ment as very doubtful, and says, " the passage just cited seems to utterly disprove the assertion." Mary Philipse was married, Jan. 19, 1 758, to Col. Roger Morris, of an ancient EngUsh family, who was born in England, Jan. 28, 1727. He was a Captain in the 1 7th Foot, at the age of 1 7, one of General Braddock's aid-de-camps, and wounded at the defeat of that officer, July 8, 1755, on the Monongahela. He accompanied Wolfe in 1759 to Quebec, and participated in the battle on the plains of Abraham. On the 19th of May, 1760, he was made Lieutenant-Colonel of the 47th Foot, and in June, 1764, retired from the army. He settled in New York, and was a Member of the Council, from 1 765 to the commencement of the war. Col. Morris' country-seat was situated on the high bank of the Harlem River, at the pres- ent 169th Street. The premises are now better known as the late Madame Jumel's estate. Adhering to the Crown during the war of the Revolution, his pro|5erty, including the large estate of his wife, was confiscated by the New York Legis- lature in 1779. He received from the English government the same amount that Col. Robinson did, ^17,000, as "compensation money." It appears, however, that, owing to his marriage settlement, the Confiscation Act did not affect the rights of Mrs. Morris' children, and in 1809, they sold to John Jacob Astor their reversionary interest in the estate for _;^2o,ooo. In 1828, Mr. Astor received from the State of New York, for the rights thus purchased, the sum of $500,000. At the close of the war. Col. Morris went to England, where he died, Sept. 13, 1794, aged 67. His widow died, July 18, 1825, aged 96. The remains of both were de- posited near Saviour-gate Church, York.f She and her sister Susanna were remarkable for their longevity, considering the fact that their father died of consumption, and three of their sisters and two brothers in infancy. Col. Roger and Mary (Phi- lipse) Morris, had with other issue Henry Morris, for an ac- count of whom see Burke's Landed Gentry and Sabine's Loy- alists. Margarita Philipse, bap. Feb. 4, 1 733. The sponsors were Adolf Philipie and Margarita de Peyster. She is supposed to be the Margaret named in her father's will as his youngest daughter. She died in July, 1752, unmarried. Anthony Philipse, bap. July 13, 1735. The sponsors were David Clarkson ^nA- Maria Ver Plank, the wife of Henry Brockhols. Died young. * Sparks' Writings of George Washington, etc., vol. i, pp. 77-8. t Burke's Landed Gentry. Sabine's Loyalists. 98 VARLETH— VERLETH. 9. Joanna Philipse, bap. Sept. 19, 1739. Sponsors, Stephanus Bayard and Miss Anna French, Died young. 10. Adolphus Philipse, bap. Mar. 10, 1742. Sponsors, ^^i?^// Philipse and Miss Maria Brokholst. Died young. II. Paulus Schrick l^son of Paulus and Maria (Varleth) 'Schrick), bap. Sept. 2, 1663, the same date as his sister Susanna Maria. He was born at Hartford, Conn., and joined the Dutch Church, in New York, March 5, 1681. He was a merchant, and engaged in the Virginia trade. He married May 11, 1686, Maria de Peyster, dau. of Jan (or Johannes) and Cornelia (Lubberts) de Peyster.* She was born Sept. 5, bap. Sept. 7, 1659, and became a communicant of the Dutch Church, June to, 1682. This lady, whom we regard, by reason of her birth and alliances, as one of the most remarkable women born in New Amsterdam, was thrice married, and it is hazarding httle of historical accuracy to- say that a complete account of her family connections, by birth and marriage, would include a fuller history of the civil and military affairs of colonial times than the same account of any other person, born during the Dutch possession of Man- hattan Island. Paulus Schrick, her first husband, died Oct. 11, 1685, just five months from the day of his marriage — an event which Dominie Selyns doubtless deemed sufficiently noteworthy, from the high social position of the young couple, to place in the church records. Their dwelling during their brief married Hfe was on the east side of the Heeren 6^rizc/i/ (Broad Street.) They had no issue. She married, second, Aug. 26, 1687, John Spratt, of Wigton, in Gallo- way, Scotland, and had three daughters and one son baptized in, the Dutch Church, in New York, * Jan (or Johannes) De Peyster, the ancestor of a distinguished race of noted public men in the civil and military affairs of New York, was born at Harlem, in Holland, and came to New Amsterdam as early as July, 1649. His ancestors were originally from rrance, of noble descpnt, and fled to Holland to escape the pcrsecuuon of Charles IX. against his Protestant subjects. Possessed of a considerable fortune by in- heritance, he engaged in mercantile pursuits upon his arrival here, his trading operations being chiefly with the home country, and soon became m wealth and influence one of the prominent men of New Amsterdam. He was a Schepen in 1655-1657, 1658, and 1662; Alderman, 1666, 1667, and 1669; Burgomaster, 1673; Alderman, 1673 and 1676, and Deputy Mayor in 1677, having declined the Mayoralty in that year, on ac- coimt of his imperfect acquaintance with the English language. It has been supposed he died prior to 1686, but as no mention of his widow's name (as such), who survived him many years, is found till IOT9, it is prob- able his death occurred near the latter date. He married in the Dutch Church in New Amsterdam," Dec, 17. 1651, Cornelia Lubberts, also from Harlem. She was a near relative of the De La Noys, and prob- ably the sister of Marritie Lubberts. wife of Abraham De La Noy, who was keeper of the City tavern ni 1652, and the first of that family in New Amsterdam. She made her will Jan. 19, i6gg, with two codicils ; the first dated Dec. 22, 1711, and the second 17, 1714. It was admitted to probate SepL 25, 1725, Supposing that to have been the year of her death, and that she was eighteen years old when married, her death must have occurred at the advanced age of 92 years. Johannes De Peys,ter and Cornelia Lubberts had nine children baptized in the Dutch Church, m New York, viz. : 1. Johannes De Peyster, bap. Aug., 1653 ; died in infancy. 2. Johannes De Pevstjer, bap! Oct. 7, 1654; died in infancy. 3. Abraham De Peyster, bap. July 8, 1637 ; m. at Amsterdam, Holland, April 5. 1684, Catharine De Peyster; Mayor of New York in i6pi-2, and 1693; died Aug. 8, 1728. His wife was bom July 19, 1655. They had issue, thirteen children, of whom eleven were bap. in the Dutch Church, in New York. 4. Maria De Peyster, born Sept 5, 1659, and married as noticed in the text. 5. Isaac De Pevster, bap. April 16, 1662 : m. Dec. 27, 1687, Maria Van Balen [Van Baal], dau. of Jan Hendrickse and Helena (Teller) Van Baal, of Albany. They had ten children bap. in the Dutch Church, in New \'ork. 6. Jacob De Peyster, bap. Dec. 23, 1663 ; d. s. p. 7. Johannes De Peyster, b. Sept. 21 ; bap. Sept. 22, 1666 ; m. at Albany, Oct. 10, 1688, Anna Banck- er, dau. of Garrit and Elizabeth Dirkse (Van Bps) Bancker ; Mayor of New York in 1698, and died Sept. 25, i7Tt. His wife was bom April i, 1670. They had twelve children bap. in the Dutch Church, in New York. 8. CoKNELis De Peystisk, bap. Oct. 4, 1673; m., first, Sept. 20, 1604, Maria Bancker. probably dau. of Evert and Elizabeth (Abeel) Bancker, and had seven children bap. in the Dutch Church, in New York. He m., second, July 21, 171 1, Cornelia Dishington (or Dissenton), widow of Alexander Stewart, by whom he had five daughters. He made his will Aug. 8, 1729 ; proved Aug. 22, 1752 ; names wife Corneli.i, daus. Corne- lia, Maria, Johanna, Cnthnrina, Margaret, Jane, Elizabeth and S.irah. 9. Cornelia De Pevster, bap. Dea. 4, 1678 ; d. s. p. VARLETH— VERLETH. 99 She married, third, January 28, 169I, David Provoost, Jr., Mayor of New York in 1699, by whom she had no issue. The following is a copy of entries made in the Spratt family Bible, pub- lished in Amsterdam in 1682, for which I am indebted to the courtesy of Mrs. John Rutherfurd, of Newark, N. J. : 1687. John Spratt of wigton in galloway and Maria de peyster * of Neiw yorcke were married on the 26 of August. 1688. upon Wednesday the 16 July between 8'& 9 of the clock in the after- noon was born my daughter Cornelia baptized 18 of July 1688. i68-0\. ffebruary Saturday betwixt 10 & 11 of the clocke in the forenoon was born my son John, baptized on Sunday being ye 2 of Febeb- ruary. 1693. Monday 17 of april at 12 of the clock in the afternoon was born my daughter Maria baptized 23 of April. (Then lower down, on the same page, is written ;) Cornelia Spratt, Haar Bybell New York 15 April 1705. John Spratt, Zyn Bybel den 27 Mart 1716. (On the next page are these entries in the Dutch language, which are thus translated :) In the year 169I, the 28"" of January, I, David Provoost, was lawfully joined in marriage with Maria Depeyster, widow of John Spratt, of . blessed memory. In the year 1659 was born my wife Maria, between the 4* and 5* of Sep- tember, at 2 o'clock in the night, at New York. In the year 1701, on the 3'' of May, died in the Lord ray beloved wife Maria, in the afternoon, between 6 and 7 o'clock, aged 41 years, 7 months, and 29 days, of which we lived together 2 years, 3 months, and 3 days, until the Lord separated us. She was buried in Col. Abraham De Peyster's vault, in the churchyard. (Although only connected by marriage with the Varleth family, it is be- lieved that a further account of John and Maria (De Peyster) Spratt and their descendants will not be deemed inappropriate in this place. It is corrected, with some additions, from the author's notice of the family in the Genealogical Notes of the Provoost Family, pages 18 and 25. John Spratt' was a native of Scotland, from Wigton in Galloway. The first notice found of him is in the ante-nuptual agreement entered into by him and Maria Schrick, widow, August 5, 1687. He was then a merchant in New York. At the time of this agreement, the parties made a joint will, which was proved January 5, 1696-7 ; this date of course approximates nearly that of his decease. He became a communicant of the Dutch Church in New York February 29, 1688 ; was an Alderman of the Dock Ward, 1688 and 1689-90; one of the Representatives from the city and county of New York, and Speaker of the Assembly, which convened under Leisler's authority in April, 1690. On the nth of January, 1690, he was commissioned, with others, to hold a Court of Oyer and Terriiiner and * Maria De Peyster, bap. 7th Sept., 1660 [1659] ; espoused, first, Paulus Schrick, &c. (De Peysltr Senealogy, pp. 21-2.) It appears that she is not put down as the widow of Paulus Schrick, in the family Bible, but she is so called in the Dutch Church marriage records, and we note in this connection the omis- sion in the Bible of the birth and baptism o( Catharina Spkatt, her youngest daughter. She was bap. in the Du'.ch Church, in New York, Oct. 25, 1696, and the sponsors were Cornelis De Peyster and Catharina De Peyster, the wife of Col. Abraham De Peyster. xoo VARLETB—VERLETH. General Jail Delivery at New York, and was again a member of the Gen- eral Assembly from 1693 to 1695, inclusive. Issue : i. Cornelia Spratt', born July 16, bap. July 18, 1688 ; so says the family Bible, while the date of her baptism is recorded in the Dutch Church Register, July 12, 1688. She was living in July, 1711, and died unmar- ried. • , ■ • ii. John Spratt', born Feb. i, bap. Feb. 2, 1690. He resided with his uncle. Col. Abraham De Peyster, after the death of his mother, until May 1717, when he engaged in business for himself. In 171 7, he made a jour- ney to London and visited Holland.* From 1722 to 1732-3 and perhaps for a longer period, he was Captain of a Military Company in New York. He died unmarried. In his will, dated Sept. 15, 1 743, proved December 18, 1749, he is styled of the City of New York, Gentleman ; names his nephew, John Provoost, and William Alexander ; his brother and sister Alexander ; John Spratt Lawrence; Charles Le Roux, Jr., and Isaac Governeur, "his •god son at Carocoa ; " Lewis Morris, Jr., and Staats Morris, to all of whom he bequeaths a portion of his estate ; makes a bequest to all the children of James Alexander, without naming them, and to the three youngest chil- dren of Richard Ashfield, \ he gives all his right in the estate of his grand- mother, Cornelia De Peyster; appoints John Provoost and Peter Van Brugh Livingston executors. iii. Maria Spratt, born April 17, bap. April 23, 1693. She m. first, , Oct. 15, T711, Samuel Provoost, son of David and Tryntje (Laurens) Provoost ; he was bap. Jan. 9, 1687. He was a New York merchant. His will is dated July 21, 17 19, with codicil July 31, 1719 ; proved Feb. 10, 1719-20. His widow was his successor in trade, which^he conducted in her own name, and for many years after her second marriage with James Alexander, and in which she amassed a fortune. She was long remem- bered for her " liberality and intelligence, for her mental vigor, as well as her skill and activity in business." She married second, January i, 1721, James Alexander, Esq., a native of Scotland, descended from John Alexander, an uncle of the first Earl of Stirling, who came to New York in 1715. He was a distinguished lawyer, politician, statesman and man of science ; for many years a member of the Council and Assembly of * De Peyster Genealogy, page 197. t Richard Ashfield, the first of his name in this country, came to America soon after the Duke of York had confirmed, in March, 16S2-3, the sale of East Jersey to the proprietors. His father, who bore the same name, was a member of Cromwell's ParHament, and Colonel in the army of the Commonwealth. His mother. Patience Hart, was a sister of Thomas Hart, of EnfieM, Middlesex, Eng., merchant, one of the twenty-four East Jersey proprietors. Richard Ashfield married in New York, August 5, 1687, ^aria, dau. of Warner and Anna Elizabeth (Masschop) Wesselszen ; she was bap. October 24, 1660, He was a merchant, a mem- ber of the Church of England, and on the 19th of March, 1695, with Thomas Clark, Robert Lurting and others, pet tioned " for license to purchase a piece of land without the north gate of the city of New York, between the Kings garden and the burying ground, on which to erect a Protestant Episcopal Church." In April, 1701, he applied for the place of Comptroller of Customs in New York, and probably died tlic same year. He had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York six children, viz. : 1. Anna Elizabeth Ashfield, bap. May 23, 1688 ; died in infancy. 2. Anna Elizabeth A-shfield, bap. December 25, i6gi. 3. Maria Ashfield, bap. May 27, 1694 ; died in infancy. 4. Richard Ashfikld, bap, Dec. 15, 1695. He is the person noticed in the text, Thomas Hart, above named, dying after 1700, his rights in East Jersey descended to his sister and heir, Patience Ashfield, from whom they descended to her grandson and neir, Richard Ashfield, of whom we now speak. In Sept., 1725, he was appointed Receiver-General of the Board of Proprietors of East Jersey ; was in business as a mer- chant in New York,_ in August, 1732 ; appointed Sheriff of the city by Rip Van Dam, Sept. 29, 1736, for tlie ensuing year, and in 1740 was recommended by Gov. Morris for a seat in the New Jersey Council. He married Isabella, dau. of Gov. Lewis and Isabella (Graham) Morris. His will was proved July 37, 1743 ; names wife Isabella : children, Lewis Morris Ashfield, Richard Morris Ashfield, and Mary and Isabella Ashfield. In 1745, his brother-in-law, Robert Hunter Morris, held his lands in New Jersey, in trust for his children. 5. Patience Ashfield, bap. Sept. 4, 1698.^ 6. Maria Ashfield, bap. Dec. 10, 1701. VARLETH—VERLETH. xo\ New York, and for some time member of the Council of New Jersey. He died April 2, 1756. She died April, 1760. Samuel Provoost and Maria Spratt' had issue : 1. Maria Provoost, bap. August 17, 1712 ; died young. 2. John Provoost, bap. Jan. 10, 1714; m. about 1741, Eve, dau. of Harmanus and Catharine (Meyer) Rutgers. He died Sept. 24, 1767. She died about the year 1788. They had five children, the eldest of whom was the Rt. Rev. Samuel Provoost, D.D., Rgctor of Trinity Church 1784- 1800, and first Bishop of the State of New York. 3. David Provoost, bap. June 19, 1715 ; died in 1741, unmarried. James Alexander and Maria Spratt', the widow of Samuel Provoost, had issue four daughters and one son, viz. : 1. Mary Alexander, born in 1721 ; m. Nov. 3, 1739, Peter Van Brugh, son of Philip and Catharine (Van Brugh) Livingston ; he was bap. in Albany, Nov. 3, 17 10; a prominent merchant in New York, and died in 1793; she died in New York Sept. 24, 1767, and was buried in the family vault in Trinity Church. They had twelve children baptized in the Dutch and Presbyterian Churches in New York ; the first five in the former, and the others in the latter, viz. : 1. Philip Livingston, bap. Nov. 12, 1740. 2. Maria Livingston, bap. May 27,1 742 ; died in infancy. 3. Catharina Livingston, bap. October 2, 1743. 4. James Alexander Livingstoh, bap. Oct. 10, 1744; died young. 5. Maria Livingston, bap. Oct. 29, 1746. 6. Peter Van Brugh Livingston, born March 31, bap. April 5, 1753- 7. Sarah Livingston, born April 30, bap. May 18, 1755. 8. William Alexander Livingston, born Feb. 10, bap. Feb. 20, 1757. 9. Susanna Livingston, born March 23, bap. April 5, 1759. 10. Elizabeth Livingston, born June 20, bap. June 28, 1761. 11. James Alexander Livingston, born July 27, bap. Aug. 14, 1763. ' 12. Ann Livingston, born Sept. 14, bap. Oct. 4, 1767. 2. William Alexander, born December 27, 1725 ; called Earl of Stir- ling ; eminently distinguished for his bravery and patriotism ; a Major- General in the Army of the United States during the Revolution. He m. March r, 1 748, Sarah, dau. of Philip and Catherine (Van Brugh) Living- ston ; she was bap. in Albany, Nov. 7, 1725, and died in 1804; he died in the U. S. service at Albany, Jan. 15, 1783. They had two daughters bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, viz. : i. Mary Alexander, bap. April 12, 1749; "she was commonly called Lady Mary Alexander; m. Robert, eldest son of John and Ann (De Lancey) Watts ; he wa^ born Aug. 23, 1743; grad. King's Col., 1760, and died in Phila., Sept. 16, 1814; we^s buried in Trinity Churchyard, "New York. 2. Catherine Alexander, bap. March 18, 1753; usually called Lady Catherine ; m. July 27, 1779, Col. William Duer, born in England, March 18, 1747 ; he came to New York as early as 1 768 ; filled various public offices in the Colony and State ; was an active patriot during the war of the Revolution ; a delegate to the Con- tinental Congress 1777-S ; Secretary of the Treasury Board until the organ- ization of the U. S. Treasury Department in 1 789, and Assistant Secrc - \ 1 02 VARLETH— VERLETH. tary of the Treasury under Alexander Hamilton until 1 790. He died in New York, May 7, 1 799. 3. Elizabeth Alexander; m. John Stevens, a merchant, in 1756, and prominent citizen of Perth Amboy, N. J. In Jmie, 1763, he was appointed one of the New Jersey Council ; he died in Hunterdon Co. in 1792 ; she died at Clermont, Livingston Manor, in 1800. They had one son and two daughters, viz. : 1. John Stevens, born 1750; he died March 6, 1838, leaving four sons : Edwin A., John C, Robert L., and James H. ; and four daughters :. Elizabeth J., who m. Thomas A. Cono- ver ; Harriet, m. Joshua R. Sands ; Esther B., and Sophia C. Van Cortlandt. 2. Elizabeth Stevens, m. Sept. 9, 1770, Chancellor Robert R. Livingston. 3. Mary Stevens. 4. Catherine Alexander, third dau. of James and Mary (Spratt) Alexander ; m. first Elisha, son of Hon. John and Janet (Johnstone) Parker, of Perth Amboy, N. J. ; he studied law under James Alexander, Esq., and was licensed to practise May 3, 1745 j he died of consumption March 14, 1751, in his 47th year, leaving no issue. His widow m. second, December 21, 1758, Major Walter Rutherfurd, of the British Army, who served in the French war in the campaign on Lake Ontario, and in Canada. He settled in New York, from whence he removed to New Jersey. (?) After their marriage they went to housekeeping in " the Broadway," their residence being on the corner of Vesey Street, the present site of the Astor House. His wife died in June, r8oi. His will is dated April 18, 1801 ; proven Jan. 18, 1804; describes himself, "son of Sir John Rutherfurd of that Ilk in Roxburghshire, North Britain, being at present in the 78th year of my age ; " names wife Catherine and " Major General Mathew Clarkson, the worthy father of my grand daughter, Mary Ruther- furd Clarkson ; " son John and grandson Robert Walter Rutherfurd, and his nephew John Rutherfurd, of Edgerton, son of his elder brother John ; also his nephew John Rutherfurd, of Messburnford. Appoints Mathew Clarkson and his son John executors. Issue : r. John Rutherfurd, born Sept. 21, 1760; grad. Princeton Col. in the class of 1776 ; m. Helen, dau. of Gen. Lewis Morris, of Morrisania, and settled in New York City, where he engaged in the practice of law. He subsequently re- moved to New Jersey, from which State he was a Senator of the United States from 1791 101798. " He was , the last survivor of the Senators in Congress during the administra- tion of Washington." He died at Edgerton, N. J., Feb. 23, 1840. He had one son and four daughters, viz. : Robert Walter, m. Sabina Morris; Helen Sarah, m. Peter G. Stuyvesant; Mary; Louisa; and Anne, who m. in i8i3Dr. John Watt's, son of Robert and Mary (Alexiinder) Watts. Dr. Watts was born in New York, in Dec, 1,785, and became an eminent practitioner of medicine in his native city, where he died, P'eb. 4, 1831. 2. Mary Rutherfurd, born Nov. 4, 1761; baptized by Dr.. Barclay, the Earl of Stirling godfather, Mrs. Rutherfurd, of VARLETH— VERLETH. 103 Edgerton, by her daughter Elinor, proxy, and Miss S. Alex- ander, godmothers. She m. May 24, 1785, Genl. Mathew Clakson (see page 93), and died, July 2, 1786, leaving one dau., Mary Rutherfurd Clarkson, born July 2, 1786 ; she ni. July 29, 1807, Peter Augustus Jay, eldest son of Governor John Jay, and died Dec. 24, 1838 ; he was born Jan. 24, 1776 ; grad. at Columbia Coll., 1794; studied law in the office of Peter Jay Munro, and became eminent in his profession ; represented the county of New York in the Assembly in 1816; Recorder of the city, 1819-20; member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1821, and for many years President of the New York Historical Society, and trustee of Columbia College ; He died Feb. 20, 1843. Their children were : John Clarkson Jay, M.D. ; Peter Augustus Jay ; Mary Jay, who m. Frederick Prime ; Sarah Jay, who m. William Dawson ; Catharine Helena Jay, ni. Henry A Dubois, M.D. ; Anna Maria Jay, m. Henry E. Pierrepont, Esq., of Brooklyn ; Susan Matilda Jay, m. Mathew Clarkson ; and Elizabeth Clarkson Jay. 5. Susannah Alexander ; m. John Reid. iv. Catharina Sprait, bap. Oct. 25, 1696 ; died young.) Maria Varleth°, widow of Paulas Schrick, married her third husband, WiLLEM Teller, of Fort Orange (Albany), according to the records of the Ref. Dutch Church of Brooklyn,* May 4, 1664. It would seem from the register of the New York church that they were married April 9, 1664, but this must have been the date of the publication of their marriage banns, as more clearly appears from the time and place at which the following paper was executed : "In the name of the Lord Amen, be it known that in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ sixteen hundred and sixty-four, the 19th day of April, appeared before nie Johannes La Montague, in the the service of, etc., the honorable Willem Teller, widower of the late Margariet Donckesen, who declares in the presence of the afternamed witnesses, that for God's honor he has contracted a future marriage with Maria Verlet, widow of the late Paulus Schrick, and before the consumation of the same, he, the subscriber, has made up and exhibited for the seven remaining children of Margariet Donckesen (the subscribers late wife), the sum of three thousand five hundred carolus guilders in beaver's price, exclusive of all debts hitherto made, which he undertakes to pay, to be distributed as follows, to wit : to Anderies Teller aged 22 years, Helena Teller 19 years, Martjen ? 16 years, Elysabeth Teller 1 2 years, Jacob Teller 9 years, Willem Teller 7 years, and Johannes Teller 5 years, being her matrimonial inheritance, and for the payment of the aforesaid sum, the subscriber offers all his estate personal and real, as a pledge and mortgage ; to which end said subscriber appoints, as guardians, the honorable Sander Leendertse Glen f and Pieter Loocker- * Were they married in Brooklyn or New Amsterdam? I think it probable in the latter place, and by Domine Selyns, who was then the minister at Stuyvesant's Bouwery, as well as of the Brooklyn congrega- tion. His performance of the ceremony accounts for the entry of their marriage in the Brooklyn church records. t Sander Leendertse Glen married Catalvn Doncassen or Dongan, sister of Willem Teller's first wife. I04 VARLETH— VERLETH. mans, uncles of said children ; in the meantime the subscriber shall remain holden to bring up the aforesaid children, to wit, the minors, in the fear of the Lord, to teach them to read and write ; furthermore, to maintain them in food and clothing, until their majority and marriage, without any diminu- tion of their ijiatrimonial [maternal ?] estate ; all which the subscriber promises to do, without craft or guile, pledging therefor his person and estate, real and personal, present and future. "Thus done in the village of Beverwyck, in the presence of the honor- able Evert Wendel and Johannes Provoost, as witnesses hereto called, of date ut supra. "WILLEM TELLER. " Evert Janse Wendel, as witness. ^^ Johannes Provoost, witness. " Acknowledged before me, " La Montagne, Commis. at Fort Orange." * William Teller,! born in 1620, came to New Netherland in 1639, and settled at Albany. He was one of the proprietors of Schenectady in 1662, though he probably never resided there. He was engaged in trade in Albany, and removed to New York in 1692, he and his wife Maria becom- ing members of the Dutch Church there December ist of that year. In his will, dated March 19, 1698, proved May 23, 1701, he mentions his wife Mary and following named children : Andrew ; Helena Rombout ; to "the two children of Mary Van Aelen," his deceased daughter, without naming them ; Elizabeth Vanderpoel ; William and Johannes Teller ; Jan- neke Schuyler, and Susanna Brockholes, his daughter-in-law ; Anna Mar- gareta, daughter of his son Jacob Teller, deceased ; and speaks of his son Casper Teller, deceased. Appoints his sons Andrew, William, and Johan- nes, executors. The will of Mary Teller [nee Maria Varleth'] of the city of New York, relict of William Teller, dec"", is dated Nov., 1701, proved Sept. 21, 1702 ; names children of her eldest daughter, Susanna Brockholst, viz. : Mary, Henry, Judy, Susanna, and Jannetie Brockholst ; also the children of her youngest daughter, Jannetie Schuyler, dec'^, viz. : Margareta, Philip, Mary, and Casparus Schuyler. Appoints as executors her brother-in-law, Col. Nicholas Bayard, and in case of his death, his son, Mr. Samuel Bayard ; her son-in-law. Major Anthony Brockholst, and in case of his death, his then widow, Susanna Brockholst ; and her son-in-law, Capt. Arent Schuy- ler, and in case of his death, his brother, Capt. Brant Schuyler. William Teller, Sen., and his first wife Margaret Donckesen or Dunces, had issue, viz. : I. Andries Teller, born 1642; m. May 6, 1.671, Sophia Van Cort- i.ANDT, dau. of Olof Stevense and Ann (Loockermans) Van Cortlandt. He was a merchant and magistrate for many years at Albany, where his chil- dren were born and bapti«ed. In 1692 he and his wife removed to New York, and became communicants of the Dutch Church here on the ist of December of that year. He made his will May 18, 1700, proved Nov. 9, 1702, in which he mentions his wife Sophia, eldest son Andries, and dau. Margrieta ; his son, Oliver Stephen, who was bap. in Albany Nov. 29, 1685, is not named in the will. * Pearson's Early Records of the Cifir and County of Albany, pp. 345-6. t See N. Y. G. & B. Record, Vol. II., p. 139, and Pearson's First Settlers of Albany. VARLETH—VERLETH. 105 Andries and Sophia (Van Cortlandt) Teller had issue : i. Andries Teller, who m. about 1699 Anna Verplanck, dau. of Gelyn and Hendrickje (Wessels) Verplanck; she was bap. Sept. 15, 1680; they had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York one son, Andries, Feb. 2, 1701. In his will, dated Sept. 3, 1702, proved Nov. 9, 1702, he is styled merchant; names his only son, Andrew Teller,* his brother, Oliver Stephen, sister Margaret, and his mother, Sophia Teller, widow, ii. Margrieta Teller. iii. Oliver Stephen Teller, bap. in Albany Nov. 29, 1685. His second name, Stephen, is dropped in the record of his marriage and baptism of his children. He m. Oct. 1 2, 1712, Cornelia De Peyster, dau. of Isaac and Maria (Van Baal) De Peyster;. she was bap. Oct. 30, 1690. They had ten children baptized in the Dutch Church in New York, viz. : i. Margareta, March 18, 1713 ; z. Johan- nes, Aug. 21, 1715 ; 3. Margareta, Dec. 25, 1716 ; 4. Cor- neha, March 29, 1719; 5. Oliver, Feb. 12, 1721 ; 6. Isaac, Oct. 21, 1722; 7. Andries, Feb. 21, 1724; 8. Maria, Feb. 17, 1725; 9. Johannes, April 6, 1726; and 10. Sophia, Aug. 20, 1729. 2. Helena Teller, born 1645 j ™- first, Cornelis Bogardus, son of Rev. Everardus and Anneke (Janse) Bogardus ; he was bap. Sept. 9, 1640, and died in 1666. His widow married second, Jan Hendrickse Van Baal [Van Balen], free trader, in Beverwyck (Albany), 1661-78. She became a communicant of the Dutch Church in New York August 29, 1683, and was then the widow of Van Baal. She married third, Sept. 26, 1683, Francois Rombout or Rombouts, Mayor of New York in 1679. He was a merchant and had been married twice before ; ist, on the 31st day of May, 1665, to Aeltje Wessels, and 2d, Aug. 8, 1675, to Anna Elizabeth Masschop, the widow of Warnar Wessels. He died in 1691, his will bear- ing date Jan. 20, 1690, proved March 3, 1707 ; names his wife, Helena Teller, and dau. Catharina, "gotten by his said wife," to whom he be- queaths his entire estate, which included a large landed property in the' present town of Fishkill, Duchess Co., N. Y. His widow Helena made her will Nov. 20, 1706, proved March 4, 1707, in which she mentions her eldest son, Cornelis Bogardus ; her youngest dau., Catharina, wife of Roger Brett; son, Henry Van Bael ; daughters, Maria, wife of Isaac De Peyster; Margaret, wife of Nicholas Evertsen ; Helena wife of Gualtherus Du Bois ; Rachel, wife of Petrus Bayard, arid "Hannah, who is non compos mentis.''' Cornelis and Helena (Teller) Bogardus had issue : i. Cornelis Bogardus, who m. Rachel De Witt, dau. of Tjerck Claezen De Witt, of Esopus, and had Jenneken, bap. May 13, 1694, in the Dutch Church in New York. He died Oct. 13, 1707. Jan Hendrickse and Helena (Teller) Van Baal had issue : i. Henry Van Baal, who died before 17 16, probably without issue. • This is probably the Andrew Teller who m. Sept. is, 1722, Catharine Vandewater, and had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, Andries, Nov. 25, 1726, and Catharina, Dec. 4, 1728, and probably settled soon alter at Fishkill. N. Y, lo6 VARLETH-^VERLETJf. ii. Maria Van Baal, m. Dec. 27, 1687, Isaac De PeysteR, and had issue bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, viz. : I. Cornelia, Oct. 20, 1689; 2. CorneHa, Oct. 30, 1690; 3. Johannes, Jan. 8, 1693; 4. Helena, Jan. 30, 1695; 5. Isaac, April 11, 1697 ; 6. Maria, March 19, 1699; 7. Abra- ham,; July 6, 1 701; 8. Jacobus, Sept. 5, 1703; 9. Hen- dricus, Dec. 12, 1705; and 10. Hendricus, Dec. 15, 1706. iii. Margaret Van Baal, m. 1697, m. 1. dated Dec. 13 of that year, Capt. Nicholas Evertsen, mariner, of New York. She joined the Dutch Church in New York March i, 1693. They had two sons baptized there, viz. : Nicolaas, May 29, 1699, and JohanneSj Jan. 29, 1701. iv. Helena Van Baal, m. Jan. i, 1700. Do. Gualterus Du Bois, son of Rev. Peter Du Bois, of Amsterdam. She joined the Dutch Church in New York "upon confession of faith," Sept. 3, 1696. Her husband survived her many years. He was called as minister to the Ref. Dutch Church in New York in 1699, his name appearing upon the church register October 26, of that year. He minis- tered here for nearly fifty-two years, preaching for the last time on the 2Sth of Sept., 1751. He was taken ill that evening, and died on the 9th of October following, in the eighty-first yea? of his age. His remains were -in- terred in the Old Dutch Church in Garden Street. They had six children bap. in the New York Dutch Church, viz. : 1. Elizabeth, Nov. 29, ,1700; 2. Johannes Petfus, Sept. 20, 1702 ; 3. Gualterus, July 25, 1705 ; 4. Johannes, April II, 1708, m. Oct. II, 1730, his cousin Helena,, dau. of Peter Bayard; 5. Elizabeth, Oct. 26, 1712 ; and 6. Isaac, June 12, 1715. Isaac Du Bois became a physician, and m. Dec. 10, 1740, Margarita Nicoll, by whom he had one son and two daughters bap. in the Dutch Church in New York ; their youngest dau., Margareta, bap. Jan. 15, 1746, was a posthumous child, her father, Dr. Isaac Du Bois, having died, " a gentleman of a fair character, and univer- sally lamented," on the 9th of Nov., 1745. v. Rachel Van Baal, m. first, Oct. 5, 1699, Betrus Bayard, probably the son of Petrus and Blandina (Kierstede) Bay- ard. They had four sons and one dau. bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, viz.: i. Petrus, August 14, 1700; 2. Helena, Det. 9, 1702; 3. Johannis, Oct. 8, i7t>4; 4. Samuel, July 14, 1706; and 5. Hendrikus, Feb. 25, 1708. Rachel Van Baal, the vvidow of Petrus Bayard, m. second, Henry Wileman, and had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York one dau., Rachel, Jan. 28, 17 19. vi. Hannah Van Baal, mentioned in her mother's will as non compos mentis. Francis and Helena (Teller) Rombout had issue : i. Jannetie Rombout, bap. Sept. 5, 1684; d. young, ii. Catharina Rombout, bap. May 25, 1687; m. 1703, m. 1. dated Nov. 25 of that year, Roger Brett. They had one son bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, viz. : Thomas, FARLETH— VERLETH. \ p 7 bap. March 11, 1705. Roger Brett settled at Fishkill, in Duchess County, N. Y., upon lands bequeathed to his wife by her father. He and his wife built the first grist-mill in that county, which was known after his death, far and wide, as " Madam Brett's Mill," and which was at that period a point of considerable local importance. He was killed in 1 72 1, on board of a sloop going from New York to Fish- kill, by being struck by the boom of the vessel.* His widow Catharina made her will Dec. 13, 1763, proven March 14, 1764, in which she names her eldest son, Francis Brett ; her son, Robert, and his five children, viz. : Mat- thew, Francis, Rombout, Sarah, and Robert ; also her two youngest grandsons, Theodorus, son of Francis, and Robert, son of Robert Brett. Appoints her son, PVancis Brett, Col. John Brinckerhoff, Capt. Eleazer Dubois, and Peter Dubois, of Rombout Precinct, executors, iii. Johannes Rombout, bap. June 12, 1689; died young. 3. Maria Teller, born 1648 ; m. first Pieter Van Alen, trader, of Albany, about 1667. He died January 1674, leaving two sons, Johannes and Willem. His widow m. second (Pieter?) Loockermans in 1676. 4. Elizabeth Teller, born 1652 ; m. first Abraham Van Tricht, of Albany, by whom she had two daus., Magdalena,bap. at Albany Oct. 21, 1683, who m. Nov. 28, 1703, Abraham I^3.nsing ; and Helena, bap. at Albany May 30, 1686. There was an Elizabeth Van Tricht who may have tbeen an elder dau., who m. July 28, 1703, in New York, Michael Fal- lon, and had bap. in the Dutch Church there, Helena, Feb. 6, 1706, and Jacobus, July 27, 1707. On the 29th of June, 1692, at Albany, Elizabeth, widow of Abraham Van Tricht, m. Melgert Wynantse Vanderpqel, widower of Ariaantje Verplanck, bytwhom she had bap. at Albany, Willem, March 19, 1693, and Ariaantje, Nov. 17, 1695. 5. Jacob Teller, born 1655 ; m. Oct. 24, 1683, Christina Wessels, ,dau. of .Warner ;and .Anna Elizabeth (Masschop) Wessels; she was bap. March 5, 1662. They had two children bap. in the Dutch Church ;in New York; Willem, Dec. 22, 1689, and Anna Margareta, August i, 1694, -who married Sept. .25, 1710, Dirk Egbertse, and had three children hap. .in New York, viz. : i. Christina Egbertse, Sept. 23, 171 1 ; 2. Egbert Fgbertse, Oct. 14, 1713, and 3. Maria Egbertse, June 6, 1722. Jacob Teller, mariner, made his will Aug. 17, 1696, proved April 23, 1697, in ,which he mentions wife Christina, dau. Anna Margaret, his brother William Teller, Jr., and brothers-in-law Richard Ashfield and Isaac De Riemer. Appoints ;his ,wife executrix. His widow Christina made her will Sept. 1 7, 1698, proved 1698, in which she speaks of her dau. Anna Margaret Teller ; her brother Gerardus Wessels, and sisters Gertruyd Wessels, .viiidow of' , minister ; Maria Wessels, wife. of Richard Ashfield, and Aeltie We5sels,wife jof Isaac De Jliemer. 6. Willem Teller, Jr., born 1657 ; m. in New York, Nov. 19, j686, 'Rachel Kierstede, dau. of Dr. Hansand Sara (Roelofs) Kiersfede ; she was bap. Sept. 13, 1665. They both joined the Dutch Church in New York, '•' gekomen van N. Albanien," Sept. i, 1689. They had bap.^ in New York eight children, viz. : * Smith's History of Duchess Co., p. 178. 1 08 VARLETH— VERLETH. i. Margareta Teller, bap. Aug. 17, 1687; died young. ii. WiLLEM Teller, bap. Sept. 1, 1689 ; died young. iii. WiLLEM Teller, bap. Dec. 25, 1690 ; m. Maria Kennef (Kennich, Kennip, Van Tricht, ? m. 1. dated Jan. 19, 1 706, of William Teller and Maria Van Tricht), and had Willem, bap. in New York, March 24, 1714. iv. Hans or Johannes Teller, bap. March 12, 1693 ; m. in New York, April 23, 1719, Catharina Van Tilburg, dau. of Pieter and Elizabeth (Van Hoogten) Van Tilburg ; she was bap. July 7, 1700. They had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, Willem, May 26, 1720, and Petrus August 24, 1722. V. Margariet Teller, bap. Feb. 2, 1696; m. May 25, 1717, Jacobus Stoutenburg, son of Tobias and Anna (Van Rollegom) Stoutenburg ; he was bap. June 7, 1696. They had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, Tobias, Feb. 12, 1718; Rachel, March 16, J720 ; Willem, June 3, 1722 ; Anna, Nov. 11, 1724, and Margrietje, April 14, 1734. vi. Jacobus Teller, bap. Jan. 18, 1699 ; died young, vii. Andries Teller, bap. Jan. 25, 1702 ; died young, viii. Jacobus Teller, bap. August 29, 1703. 7. Johannes Teller, born 1659 ; m. Aug. 18, 1686, Susanna, dau. of Capt. Johannes Wendel, of Albany. He was a farmer at Schenectady, and at the burning of the village in 1690 was carried away captive by the French and Indians to Canada. He was much reduced in property by that event, in consideration of which, his father conveyed to him on the 20th of June, 1 700, a house lot, and his lands in Schenectady. He made his will May 15, 1725, and spoke of sons Johannes,' Willem, and Jacob; and daughters Margareta, wife of Jacob Schermerhorn ; Maria, wife of Abraham Glen ; and Annatie, wife of Harmanus Vedder. He died May 28, 1725.* William Teller, Sen., and his second wife, Maria Vareth", had issue, viz. : 8. Casper Teller, born at Albany. Certificates dated Sept. 16, 1692, that he had transported men from Albany to New York, with their ac- coutrements, etc., are noticed in the Calendar of N. Y. Hist. MSS., English, from which it may be inferred that he was a skipper on the North River. He was a sponsor at the bap. in New York, Sept. 18, 1692, of Jenneken, dau. of Major Anthony Brockholst, and had deceased before March 19, 1698, the date of his father's will. 9. Jannetie (Johanna) Teller, m. at Albany Nov. 26, 1684, Capt. Arent Schuyler, son of Col. Philip Pieterse and Margarita (Van Schlich- tenhorst) Schuyler. He was born in 1661, was a trader, and removed from Albany to New York, as early as 1694, himself and wife joining the Dutch Church there on the 28th of February of that year. She died June 22, 1700. He married second, m. 1. dated Dec. 12, 1702, Swantie Dyck- huyse. His third wife was Maria Walters, f of New York, and perhaps the second dau. of Robert and Catharina (Leisler) Walters. In 1696 or 7, Capt. Schuyler having purchased with others, as stated ante, page 90,' a tract of land in what is now known as Pompton Plains, * Pearson's First Settlers of Schenectady, p. i8p. t MS. Notes by the late S. Alofsen, of Jersey City, in Dr. Rogers' Hist. Discourse, Albany, 1857, now in possession of Dr. Samuel S. Purple, of New York. VARLETH— VERLETH. 109 Morris Co., N. J., settled there in company with his brother-in-law, Major Anthony Brockholst. They located themselves, according to Mr. Schenck's statement, near to each other, on the east side of the river, just below the steel-works; Brockholst on the spot where Majpr William Colfax now re- sides (1871), and Schuyler, as near as can be ascertained, on the site of the residence of Dr. William Colfax. They were thus, in all probability, the pioneers in the settlement of this region, and the first to open up what was then a wilderness, "unless the tradition that Joost Beam settled at Wynockie as early as 1660 is true."* How long he remained here is not known, but in April 1710, he had become a resident of New Barbadoes Neck,f in Bergen Co., N. J., where he lived until his death, which probably occurred in the latter part of the year 1730. His will is dated Dec. 17, 1724, with codicil Oct. 30, 1730; proven February 27, 1730-1. He had issue, twelve children, six by his first wife, and the mother of the others we are unable to identify. 1. Margareta Schuyler, bap. at Albany Sept. 27, 1685. 2. Phillipus Schuyler, bap. at Albany Sept. 11, 1687; m. about 1713, Hester, dau. of Isaac and Elizabeth Kingsland, of New Barbadoes, N. J. Will dated April 9, 1760, proved Jan. 27, 1764. In 1755, a division of part of the land which he inherited from his father, called the " Upper Pacquanac Patent" at Pompton, N. J., was made between him and Harry Brockholst (to whom the right had come from his father) and the sons of Samuel Bayard, the son and heir-at- law of Col. Nicholas Bayard. On part of this tract some of his descendants are yet living. He \\zA issue : \. Johanna, "uorn Sept. 2, 1713 ; ni. June 24, 1741, Isaac Kingsland. 2. Arent, born Feb. 23, 1715 ; m. first, Oct. i, 1741, Helena, dau. of Gerrit and Annetje (Sip) Van Wagenen, of Acquack- anonck, N. J. ; m. second, Rachel . 3. Isaac, born April 26, 1 716; died in infancy. 4. Philip, born Dec. 23, 1 71 7; married and had sons, Philip and Garret. 5. Isaac, born Sept. 8, 1719 ; married and had son. Major Schuyler. 6. Elizabeth, born Feb. 22, 1721 ; m. Rev. Benjamin Van der Linde ; marriage bond dated Nov. 9, 1 748. 7. Pieter, born June 7, 1723; m. Mary , d. s. p. Oct. 18, 1808. 8. Hester, born April 12, bap. at Hackensack, June 29, 1725; m. Teunis Dey. 9. Maria, born Sept. 11, 1727. 10. Jenneke, born Oct. 26, 1728; m. Board; resided at Wesel. II. Johannis, born June 4, 1730; died in infancy; and 12. Casparus, born Dec. 10, 1735 ; m. and had one dau., Hester, who m. Genl. William Colfax, of Pompton, Captain Commandant of Washington's life Guard ; ni. 1. dated Sept. I, 1783; he was the grandfather of Schuyler Colfax, late Vice-President of the United States. 3. Maria Schuyler, bap. at Albany Oct. 6, 1689. 4. JuDiK Schuyler, bap. at Albany March 13, 1692 ; died young. 5. Casparus Schuyler, bap. in New York May 5, 1695; mar- ried and settled in Burlington, N. J. Among his children was Arent, who m. Jane . * Schenck's Hist. Discourse at Pompton Plains, 1871. t Winfield's Hist, of Hudson Co., N. J., p. 533 no VARLETH— VERLETH. 6. WiLHELMUs Schuyler, bap. in New York June 2, 1 700 ; died young. 7. Olivia Schuyler, mentioned in her father's will, but dead at that time, leaving issue. 8. John Schuyler, m. Jan. i, 1739, Ann Van Rensselaer. Will dated Dec. 22, 1772 ; proved Feb. 12, 1773. He re- ceived by his father's will his lands on New Barbadoes Neck, and left them to his son Arent J., who was born Oct., 1746, and m. Nov. 2, 1772, his cousin Swan Schuyler; he died Oct. 28, 1803. 9. Peter Schuyler, born about 17 10; m. Mary, dau. of John Walter, of New York. Col. Peter Schuyler was one of the prominent men of New Jersey in his day, and a brave soldier who did honor to his country. A sketch of his life and mili- tary services will be found in Winfield's History of Hudson Co., N. J., pp. 536-541 — in the Schuyler Genealogy — to which we are indebted and the reader is referred. He died March 7, 1762. He had issue, a dau., Catharine, who m. Archibald Kennedy, Earl of Casselis. She inherited her parents' prop- erty, and also that of the grandfather, John Walter, who was a man of great wealth. She was also the heiress of Richard Jones. She died without issue, and Kennedy m. second, Ann, dau. of Hon. John and Ann (De I>ancey) Watts, of New York. 10. Adonijah Schuyler, m. Gertrude Van Rensselaer. By his fathei's will he received two tracts of land at Elizabeth- town Point. Will dated May 20, 1761; proved May 28, 1762. He had seven children, viz. : i. Van Rensselaer; 2. Mary; 3. Swan, m. Nov. 2, 1772, Arent Schuyler ; she died May 20, 1 801, aged 60 years; 4. John, m. Feb. 16, 1769, Mary Hunter; 5. Peter; 6. Adonijah, a Lieut, in the British Navy, m. Susan Shields, of Plymouth, Eng., where he settled; 7. Philip, d. s. p. in 1795. 11. Eva Schuyler, m. Peter Bayard, and died in 1737. 12. Cornelia Schuyler, born June (?) 26, 1715 ; m. Dec. 19, 1733, Pierre Guilliaume De Peyster, youngest son of Col. Abraham and Catharine De Peyster, of New York. He was born Jan. 15, 1707, and was the ancestor of the De Peyster family of New Jersey. They had issue, four sons and two daughters, viz. : i. Abraham De Peyster, born Feb. 22, 1 734-5. 2. Arent Schuyler De Peyster, born July 19, 1 736 ; he entered the British Army on the loth of June, 1755, served in the 8th or King's Regiment of Foot, in which he was com- missioned a. Lieutenant in Sept., 1757, and rose in the various grades to the Colonelcy of the regiment in Oct., 1793. 3. Pierre De Peyster, born May 20, 1737 ; died July 28, 1737. 4. Catharine Adriana De Peyster, born Sept. 29, 1738. 5. Swantia De Peyster, born Nov. 15, 1741 ; and 6. Pierre Guilliaume De Peyster, born March i, 1745-6; m. May 29, 1 77 1, Berthiah, dau. of Samuel Hall, of Kingston upon Hull, York, Eng.* * De Peyster Genealogy, VARLETH— VERLETH. 1 1 1 5 iv. Catharina Varleth," probably the third daughter of Casper Varleth ' and his wife Judith, was born in Amsterdam, and married, in New Amsterdam, August (?), 1657, Francoys De Bruyn (Bruyn, Browne). It has been supposed by some that this Francoys De Bruyn was identical with Francis Browne, or Frans Bruyn, a soldier at Cura^oa in 1643, and living, in 1647, in New Amsterdam ; but they were doubtless different per- sons, as the latter was from Yorkshire, while the former was a native of Amsterdam. Francoys or Francis De Bruyn was a member of the church in New Amsterdam prior to 1660. He removed to New Utrecht, L. I., as early as 1663 — was a Schepen there in 1663-1664, and in August, 1673, was appointed Secretary of the Five Dutch Towns on Long Island, and Auctioneer, vice Corteljoii, in January following, which is the last notice found of him. His wife, Catharina Varleth, probably deceased before September, 1662 — the date of the death of her father. They had the fol- lowing-named children baptized in the Church at New Amsterdam, viz. : 1. Casparus De Bruyn, bap. Sept. 14, 1659. The sponsors at his baptism were Nicholaes Verleth and Otto Bagelaer. 2. Agatha De Bruyn, bap. Jan. 26, 1661. The sponsors at her baptism were Johannes De Peyster and Anna Verleth. 3. Jacob De Bruyn, bap. March 5, 1662. The sponsors at his baptism were Anthony De Mill and Anna Stuyvesants. 6 v. Judith Varleth,' born in Amsterdam, was probably the youngest daughter of Casper" and Judith Varleth. Slje resided for some time with her parents at Hartford, Conn., and in 1662 was imprisoned there on a " pretended accusation of witchery." In that year Ann, daughter of John Cole, "who lived near a Dutch family" at Hartford, "was seized in a strange manner with F'its wherein her Tongue was improved by a Demon," &c., who confounded her language, so that she " made Uterances in Dutch of which Language she knew Nothing." * It was probably in this case the accusation of witchery was made against Judith Varleth. Through the interposition of Gov. Stuyvesant she escaped her peril, f and it is re- lated " that as soon as the suspected Witches were executed or fled Mrs. Cole was restored to Health." In happier hour, says the not always pro- saic Mr. Savage, Judith Varleth's power of fascination was sufficient to en- sure her marriage with Nicholas Bayard, one of the patrician families of the neighboring province of New York. She married May 23, 1666, in New York, Nicholas, son of Samuel Bayard and Anna Stuyvesant, born at Alphen, in Holland, who accompanied his widowed mother and uncle, Gov. Petrus Stuyvesant, to New Netherland in May, 1647. In 1654 he was Clerk in the Secretary's office at New Amsterdam, and possessing, with other scholarly attainments, a knowledge of the English language, was appointed, July i, 1657, English Secretary, and August 16, 1663, was made Commissary of Imports and Exports, vice Jacob Sam, who had returned to Holland. In August, 1673, he was commissioned Secretary of the Prov- ince, and, on the 20th of September following, Receiver-General. He was Mayor of New York in 1685, and for many years a prominent member of * Drake's Annals of Witchcraft in New England, p. 120-122. t Gov. Stuyvesant sent the Deputy Governor and General Court at Hartford, in October, 1662, the fol- lowing letter in her behalf ; " Honored and worthy Sirs : By this occasion of my brother in law [Nicholas Varleth] being necessitated to make a second voyage to ayd his distressed sister, Judith Varlet, imprisoned, as we are informed, upon pretend accusation of witchery, we realey believe, and,_ out of her well- known education, life, conversation, and profession of faith, we dare assure that she is innocent of such a horrible crimen, and wherefor, I doubt not he will now, as formerly, finde your honour's favor and ayde for the innocent." Gerard's Old Stadt Huys, p. 47. 1 1 2 VARLETH— VERLETH. the Legislative Council. As the " Dutch head of the English party," he was among the most active of Leisler's opponents, and was imprisoned in the Fort by Leisler's orders for more than a year. Upon the arrival of Gov. Sloughter in New York, he was foremost in urging Leisler's execution. He was tried and condemned to death for high treason in March, 1701 ; but this judgment was reversed by Act of the Legislature during Lord Cornbury's administration. While ostensibly a brewer by occupation, he was from early youth an office-holder, and essentially a politician, with all the name implies. He died in 1709, leaving a large estate to his widow and only son Samuel ; and it may be regarded as a fitting conmientary upon the slackness of genealogical and biographical investigations in New York, that among his numerous and respectable descendants, male and fe- male, the biography of a man who filled so large a space in the early his- tory of the Colony remains unwritten. His will is dated May 9, 1707, in which he styles himself " of the city of New York Merchant," and names only his wife Judy, and son Samuel, whom he makes executors of his estate. Nicholas and Judith (Varleth) Bayard had issue : I. Samuel Bayard, bap. Sept. 5, 1669 ; m. March 12, 1696, Mar- garita Van Cortlandt, dau. of Stephanus and Geertruyd (Schuyler) Van Cortlandt ; she was bap. July 29, 1674. He was a merchant in New York, and made his will April 10, 1745, probated May i, 1746, in which he mentions his two grandchildren, Nicholas and Margaret Van Dam, children of his deceased dau. Judith Van Dam ; his dau. Gertrude, wife of Peter Kemble ; dau. Margaret, wife of James Van Home ; dau. Ann, and his three sons, Stephen, Nicholas, and Samuel, whom he appoints execu- tors. He had issue eleven children, all of whom were bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, except his dau. Geertruyd, viz. : 1. Judith Bayard, bap. Dec. 13, 1696 ; m. Sept. i8, 1719, Rip Van Dam, Jr., son of Rip Van Dam and Sara Van der Spiegel. He was bap. October 7, 1694. They had bap. in the Dutch Church in New York : i. Margareta, bap. October 30, 1720; the sponsors at her baptism were Rip Van Dam, Sen.", and Margareta Bayard. She ni. Dec. 25, 1747, William Cockroft. 2. Nicholas, bap. March 25, 1722; the sponsors were Samuel Bayard and Sara Van Dam. He was prob. the Nicholas Van Dam who m. March 10, 1749, Sophia Van Home. 2. Nicholas Bayard, bap. August 28, 1698 ; m. i'^' July 3, 1729, Elisabeth Rynders, dau. of Barent and Hester (Leisler) Rynders. For a notice of their children see ante. Vol. Vll., p. 151. He m. 2'', Dec. 22, 1755, Margarita Van Beverhout, nee Margarita Langmat, the widow of Johannes GlaIIdiszen Van Beverhout, by whom he had issue, viz. : i. Elizabeth, bap. June 17, 1756; sponsors, Samuel Bayard and Miss Judith Bayard. 2. Anna, bap. June 21, 1758; sponsors, William Bayard, Francyntje Moor, his wife, and Samuel Bayard. 3. Stephanus, bap. July 16, 1760; 's^ow'ioxi,, Gerhardus Stuyvesant, Geertruy Van Cortland, his wife, and Joh^ Renselaar. The will of Nicholas Bayard of the City of New York,, Mer- chant, is dated Sept. 18, 1760; proved Dec. 30, 1765; VARLETH— VERLETH. 113 names dau. Hester Van Cortlandt ; dau. Judith Van Rens- selaer ; son Nicholas, and children by his "last wife, Eliza- beth, Ann, and Stephen." Appoints his son, Nicholas, son- in-law John Van Cortland, Esq., son-in-law Jeremiah Van Ransalier, brother Samuel Bayard, and nephew William Bayard, Esq., executors. 3. Stephanus Bayard, bap. May 31, 1700 ; m. March 12, 1725. Alida Vetch.* In his will, dated Jan. 31, 1753, with codi- cil Dec. 17, 1753 (4?), proved Feb. 9, 1757, lie styles him- self of Bergen County, East New Jersey, Yeoman (in the codicil, Gentleman), and mentions of his children only his eldest son, William ; dau. Margaret, and son, Robert. Speaks of his father, Samuel Bayard, and mother, Margaret Bayard. Appoints his son, William, his brother, Nicholas Bayard, and brother-in-law, Peter Schuyler, " with his said children as they shall respectively come to age," executors. He and his wife, Alida Vetch, had ten children bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, viz. : i. Samuel, bap. Jan. 16, 1726 ; the sponsors were Samuel Bayard sxvA Mar greta Van Cortlandt, his wife. 2. Nicolaas, bap. Oct. 22, 1727; spon- sors, Samuel Vatch and Margreia Livenston [Livingston] , his wife. 3. William, bap. June 15, 1729 ; sponsors, Nicolaas Bayard and Margareta Vetch. 4. Stephen, bap. March Si 1731 ; sponsors, Philip Livingston, Robert Livingston, and Judith Van Dam. 5. Stephanus, bap. Oct. 15,1732; spon- sors, Philip Van Kortland and Geertruyd Bayard, the wife of Pieter Kemble. 6. Nicolaas, bap. April 16, 1735 ; spon- sors, Samuel Bayard, Junior, and Margriet JLarden, the wife of Rob' Livingston. 7. Vetch, bap. Sept. 15, 1736; sponsors Gilbert Livingston and Catharina Van Brug, the wife of Philippus Livingston. 8. Nicolaas, bap. April 26, 1738; sponsors, ./'^i'^'r Gamble [Kemble] and Miss Maria Brokholst. 9. Robert, bap. July 15, 1739; sponsors, Philip Livingston and Elisabet Rynders, the wife of Nicolaus Bayard. 10. Margarita, bap. Aug. 30, 1741 ; sponsors, James de Lancey and Margarita Livingston, widow of Saml. Vetch. 4. Geertruyd Bayard, bap. in the First Ref. Dutch Church at Hackensack, N. J., October 4, 1702 ; m. Peter KEMBLE.f They had two sons bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, viz. : I. Samuel, b?p. April 19, 1732 ; the sponsors at his bap- tism were Samuel Bayard and Margareta Van Cortland, his wife. 2. Richard, bap. Sept. 30, 1733; sponsors, Stephen Bayard and Judit Bayard, widow of R. V. Dam. 5. Margreta Bayard, bap. Dec* 4, 1 706 ; died young. 6. Margreta Bayard, bap. Dec. 15, 1708; died young. * Stkphen Bayard was probably twice married, his second wife being Eve Schuyler, whom he married prior to November, 1747. + Peter Kemble was a member of the Council in New Jersey, and in 1732-5, probabiy longer, was a resident of New Brunswick. His eldest son, Samuel, according to the statement m Stevens' Chamber of Commerce Records, p. 139, was born at New Brunswick, though it appears by the records he was bap. in New York. His dau. Margaret, born about 1734-s, married Dec. 8, 1758, General Gage, who suc- ceeded, in 1763, Genl. Amherst, as Commander-in-Chief of the British forces m America. 114 DITELOFSZEN—DIEDLOOS—DOREN. 7. Samuel Bayard, ) ^ • , , , 8. Jacobus Bayard, h""""' ''^''- """'^ '' '^"^ 9. Samuel Bayard, bap. July 24, 1715. 10. Margareta Bayard, bap. May 24, 1719 ; 111. Dec. 16, 1742, James Van Horne. They had three sons bap. in the Dutch Church in New York, viz. : i. Johannes, bap. Oct. 12, 1743 ; the sponsors at his baptism were Samuel Bayard and his wife Margritje Van Cortland. 2. Samuel, bap. April 22, 1746 ; sponsors, John McEvers and Catliarina Van Horne, his wife. 3. James, bap. Nov. 15, 1747 ; sponsors, Stephen Bayard and Aafje Schuyler, his wife. II. Anna Bayard, bap. August 7, 1720. DITELOFSZEN.— DIEDELOOS.— DOREN. (?) Thi5 name (not given in the following list of aliases) provokes inquiry, from the different forms in which it appears in tlie New York Dutch Church Baptismal Register, whether Claes Ditelofszen or Diedeloos may not have been the ancestor of the Doren family. Let us examine the record : - Claes Ditelofszen and his wife Aeltie Samsons had a son Ditelof, bap. Feb. i, 1662 ; their next child, daughter Catharyn, was bap. Dec. 31, 1664 ; at her baptism his name is recorded Claes Dudloos ; on the 13th Feb., 1667, their second son Samson was baptized, the father's name being registered Claes Diedeloos. At each of these baptisms, Rutger Wil- lemszen was a sponsor. On the 12th of January, 1681, Didlof Doorn (called Doren in the Baptismal Register), married Elsje Jeuriaens, both living in the city suburbs. I suspect that this Didlof Doren was the eldest son of Claes Ditelofszen, who was bap. Feb. i, 1662. His first child, Diedlof (I follow the orthography of the record), was bap. May 25, 1 68 1, Rutger Willemszen being present as one of the sponsors. Diedlof Doren' s other children were, Claes, bap. Feb. 7, 1683 ; Catharina, bap. May 4, 1684 ; Cornelis, bap. Nov. i, 1685 ; and Jeuriaen, bap. Sept. 14, 1687. To those interested in this family I suggest that it is not improbable that Claes Ditlo, or Didlo, was identically the Claes Ditelofszen above mentioned, and that he had a second wife Aeltje Rutgers, but when and where married I am uninformed. Claes Ditlo and his wife Aeltje Ruts, or Rutgers (who was proba- bly the dau. of Rutger Willemszen), had the following named children bap. in the Dutch Church, viz. : 1. Gysbertie, bap. Nov. 6, 1675 ; sponsors, Ruthger Willems- zen and Magdalena. 2. Geertruyd, bap. Oct. 10, 1677 ; sponsors, /oris Walgraef [George Walgrave, of London], Geertie Jans, and Magda- leentie Rutgers. 3. Hans, bap. Oct. 30, 1680 ; sponsors, IVillem Wessels and Geertie Siecken. DUTCH ALIASES. 115 DUTCH ALIASES. The following list gives all, or nearly all, the aliases of males that ap- pear in the Baptismal Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York, from 1639 to 1756. The dates at the end of each name denote the years in which the baptism of the children of the person men- tioned is recorded, and in which his two first names, or his first and sur- name, are given. Considerable care has been taken in making up the list, and it is offered as a help to "those engaged in tracing the pedigrees of the early Dutch Families of New York. ABRAHAMSZEN. Hendrick Abrahamszen Kerraer, 1680-1694 Hendrick Abrahamszen Rycke, 1681-1692 Isaac Abrahamszen Van Deursen, or Van Deusen, 1659-1670 Jacob Abrahamszen Van Deursen, 1665. Jacob Abrahamszen Santvoort, 1667-1678 Pieter Abrahamszen Van Deursen, 1667- 1684 ADAMSZEN. Jan Adamszen Metselaer, 1658-1676 ADOLPHSZEN. Dirk Adolphszen De Groof, 1694-1707 ADRIANSZEN. Ide Adrianszen Van Schaick. 1686-1692 Jan Adrianszen Sip or Zip, 1684-1708 Jan Adrianszen Van Duyvelant, 1658-1664 ALBERTSZEN. Adriaen Albertszen Roos, 1678 Leendert Albertszen De Graw, 1 685-1 703 Hendrick Albertszen Bosch, 1661-1666 ARENTSZEN. Claes Arentszen Tours, 1685-1694 Evert Arentszen Van Hoeck, 1687-1700 Harmen Arentszen De Graw, 1686-1690 (to 1704?) Isaac Arentszen Van Hoeck, 1687-1692 Leendert Arentszen De Graw, 1699-1701 BARENTSZEN. Cornells Barentszen Van der Cuyl, 1655- 1665 Cornells Barentszen Van Wyck, 1677 Jacob Barentszen Cool, 1668-1673 CASPARSZEN. Pieter Casparszen Van Naerden, 1652-1662 Claeszen. Claes Claeszen Bording, 1650-1673 Cornells Claeszen Van den Berg, 1696- 1697 Cornells Claeszen Switzart, 1641-1655 Dirck Claeszen Draeck, 1657-1659 Hendrick Claeszen Vechten, 1691-1704 CORNELISZEN. Dirck Corneliszen Hooglant, 1666-1692 Gerrit Corneliszen Van Westveen, or Van Veen, 1681-1683 Ide Corneliszen Van Vorst, 1653-1662 Jacob Corneliszen Stille, 1672-1692 Jan Corneliszen Nieukerk, or Van Nieu- kerk, 1710-1727 Jan Corneliszen Ryck, or De Ryck, 1658- 1666 Jan Corneliszen Van Texel, 1676-1678 Jan Corneliszen Damen, of Boswyck, 1676^ 1680 Laiirens Corneliszen Koeck, or Cock, 1677- 1702 CORSZEN. Cornells Cofszen Vroom, 1690 DiRCKSZEN. Cornells Dirckszen Hoyer, 1690-1706 Jan Dirckszen Meyer, 1652-1663 Jan Dirckszen Stratemaecker, 1671-1685 Jan Dirckszen Van Aernam, 1664-1680 Jan Dirckszen Woertman (Brooklyn Ch. Rec), 1691-1698 Elbertszen. Gysbert Elbertszen Van Loenen, 1661-1678 Evert.szen. Arent Evertszen Keteltas, 1661-1674 Jan Evertszen Carseboom, or Kerseboom, 1665-1682 Jan Evertszen Keteltas, 1670-1683 Franszen. Dirck Franszen Van Dyck, 1675-1689 Jacobus Franszen Van Dyck, 1678-1697 Jan Franszen Van Huysen, 1640 Thymen Franszen Van Dyck, 1682-1704 Wessel Franszen Wessels, 1707-1721 ii6 DUTCH ALIASES. Fredrickszen. Salomon Fredrickszen Boog,' 1691-1694 Gerritszen. Claes Gerritszen Ravenstein, 1682-1703 Cornells Gerritszen Van Home, 1 724-1 739 Gysbert Gerritszen Van Brakel, 1672 Hendrick Claeszen Gerritszen Vechten, 1691-1704 Huybert Gerritszen Van den Berg, 1695- 1714 Jan Gerritszen Van Boxtel, 1656-1659 Stoffel Gerritszen Van Laer, 1662-1682 Willem Gerritszen Van Coiiwenhoven, 1662 GiLLiszEN. See Jilliszen. Gysbertszen. Tennis Gysbertszen Bogaert, 1 655-1 668 Wouter Gysbertszen Verschure, 1667-1688 Hendrickszen. Arie Hendrickszen Sip, 165 7- 1662 Evert Hendrickszen Bras, 1686-1703 Folkert Hendrickszen Bries (Brooklyn Ch. Rec), 1696-1701 Fredrick Hendrickszen Boog, 1658-1683 Hendrick Hendrickszen Obee, 1658-1659 Jan Hendrickszen Brevoort, 1669-1679 Jan Hendrickszen Van Bommel, 1658-1680 Jan Hendrickszen Van Giinst, 1670-1683 Martin Hendrickszen Wiltson (Brooklyn Ch. Rec, 1693), 1695 Herbert. Johannes Herbert Cool, 1748-1753 HCybertszen. Lambert Huybertszen Moll, 1642-1648 Huygens. Gerrit Huygens Cleyn, 1671 Leendert Huygens De Kleyn, 1684-1698 Idenszen. Cornells Idenszen Van Vorst, 1687-1694 Isaackszen. Abraham Isaackszen Planck, 1641-1651 Arent Isaackszen Van Hoeck, 1687-1692 Denys Isaackszen Van Hartvelt, 1660-1667 Jacobus Isaackszen Van Deursen, 1691- 1702 William Isaackszen Vredenburg, or Van Vredenburg, 1665- 1682 Jacobszen. Barent Jacobszen Cool, 1640-1657 Cornells Jacobszen Quick, 1 682-1 704 Cornells Jacobszen Stille, 1643-1672 Cornells Jacobszen Woertendyk, 17H-1714 Fredrick Jacobszen Somerendyk and Fred- rick Woertendyk, 1709-1722 Hans Jacobszen Harberding, 1670-1685 Isaac Jacobszen Kip, 1721-1728 Jacob Jacobszen Van Winckel, 1676-1686 Pieter Jacobszen De Groot, 1685-1695 Willem Jacobszen Hellaken, 1683-1702 Janszen. Abraham Janszen Van Aernem ( Van Alen and Van Aren), 1696-1705 Abraham Janszen Van der Heiil, 1660, 1676 Abraham Janszen Van Gelder, 1724-1731 Achyas Janszen Van Dyck, 1674- 1688. Andries Janszen Meyer, 1672-1689 Barent Janszen Bosch, 1691-1703 Claes Janszen Van Heyningen,* 1668-1695 Cornells Janszen Scher, or Seeun, 1677 ; or Cornells Janszen De Zeeuw of Boswyck (Brooklyn Ch. Rec), 1679-1682 Cornelis Janszen Van Hoorn, 1660-1681 Dirck Janszen Smith, 1662-1669 Dirck Janszen Woertman, or Veerman, 1669-1677 Evert Janszen Van den Enden [Van Emb- den], 1645-1650 Frans Janszen Bloedtgoet, 1660-1675 Frans Janszen Van Hoogten, 1659-1665 Gerrit Janszen Roos, 1653-1667 Gerrit Janszen Van Oldenburg, 1640-1646 Hendrick Janszen Riiyter, or Van Utrecht, 1650-1662 Hendrick Janszen Spiering, 1655-1667 Hendrick Janszen Van FeiSrden, 1661-1678 Hendrick Janszen Van Gerwen, 1656 Hendrick Janszen Van Schalckwyck, 1653- 1657 Herman Janszen Van Houten, 1667-1669 Huybert Janszen Van Blerkum, 1704-1710 Jacob Janszen Blaeck, 1666-1668 Jan Janszen Moll, 1677-1692 Jan Janszen Romans, i66i-i686 Jan Janszen Schepmoes, 1642-1654 Jan Janszen Slot, 1672-1687 Jan Janszen Van den Ham, 1653-1662 Jan Janszen Van Harlingen, 1680-1682 Jan Janszen Van Langestraeten, 1661-1686 Johannes Janszen Van Tilburg, 1686-1703 Johannes Janszen Van Quisthout, 1685- 1695 Joris Janszen Van Hoorn, 1667-1683 Matthys Janszen Boeckhout, 1679-1688 Mangel Janszen Rol, 1694-1711 Pieter Janszen Bogert, 1687-1695 Pieter Janszen Haring, 1688-1706 Pieter Janszen Mesier, 1659-1681 Pieter Janszen Rommen, 1658-1668 Pieter Janszen Van Tilburg, 1686-1703 Pieter Janszen Van Langendyk, 1689-1698 Pieter Janszen Wit, 1652-1654 Philip Janszen Ringo, 1648-1658 Philip Janszen Vos, 1673 * In 1683 and'1684 his name appears in the Register Claes Janszen Tiiynier. DUTCH ALIASES. 117 Roelof Janszen Van Meppelen, 1653-1667 Staets Janszen De Groot, 1676-1688 Tennis Janszen Coevers (BrooklynCh. Rec), 1661-1663 Thomas Janszen Minsar, 1660-1662 Theunis Janszen Van Pelt, 1691-1715 William Janszen Romen, 1712-1735 William Janszen [Isaackszen] Viedenburg, 1665 JEURIANSZEN. Arent Jemianszen Lantsman, 1661-1671 JlLLISZEN, or GiLLISZEN. Hendrick Jilliszen Maniviel [Mandeviel], 1681-1682 Hendrick Jilliszen Meyer, 1672-1692 Jan Jilliszen Cock, 1658-1664 JOHANNESZEN. Johannes Johanneszen Burger, 1725-1746 Johannes Johanneszen Montagne, 1726- 1736 JORISZEN. Burger Joriszen (Burger), 1640-1664 Jan Joriszen Van Hoorn, 1703-1713 Jeronymus Joriszen Rappelje, 1671-1690 JoosTEN. Jan Joosten Van RoUegom, 1660-1676 Josephs. Daniel Josephs Waldron, 1674-1689 Lambertszen. Abraham Lambertszen Moll, 1664-1685 Laurenszen. Wessel Laurenszen Wessels, 1715-1741 Leendertszen. Arent Leendertszen De Graw, 1661-1684 Jacob Leendertszen Van der Grist, 1649- 1667 Paulus Leendertszen Van der Grist, 1649- 1658 Lucaszen. Johannes Lucaszen Schouten, 1662-1674 Marius. Jacob Marius Groen, 1702-1716 Martenszen. Claes Martenszen Van Rosenvelt, or Rosen- velt, 1650-1658 Hendrick Martenszen Wiltse, or Wiltson, I 669-1 676 Joris Martenszen, alias Joris Reyerszen, 1692-1706 Michielszen. Enoch Michielszen Vreeland, 1671-1687, and 1705-1717. Pauluszen. Michiel Pauluszen Van der Voort, 1642- 1658 PlETERSZEN. Abraham Pieterszen Molenaer, 1642-1644 Adolf Pieterszen Van der Groest, 1657- 1669 Albert Pieterszen De Bruyn, 1649-1651 Daniel Pieterszen Coolman, 1702-1707 Frans Pieterszen De Vries, 1713-1732 Jan Pieterszen Bant, 1672-1693 Jan Pieterszen Bosch, 1664-1678 Jan Pieterszen De Wit, 1730-1735 Jan Pieterszen Haring, 1667-1681 Jan Pieterszen Meet, or Meeck, or Meed, 1689-1702 Jan Pieterszen Van Husen, 1640-1653 Pieter Pieterszen Menist, or Van Nest, 1653- 1678 Reynier Pieterszen Quackenbos, 1693-1705 Wessel Pieterszen Van Norden, 1694-1714 Willem Pieterszen De Groot, 1650-1660 Willem Pieterszen Romen, or Roome, 1714- 1738 Resolvert. Willem Resolvert Waldron, 1672-1694 Reyerszen. Joris Reyerszen, alias Joris Martenszen, 1692-1706 Theuniszen. Aart Theuniszen Middag, 1660-1661 Dirck Theuniszen Quick, 1673-1680 Jacob Theuniszen De Key, 1659-1 686 Jacobus Theuniszen Quick, 1718-1737 Jan Theuniszen Van Tilburg, 1670-1676 Nicolaas Theuniszen Soraerendyk, 1709- 1724 Wouter Theuniszen Van Pelt (Brooklyn Ch. Rec), 1687-1690 Thomaszen. Gabriel Thomaszen Studies, 1693-1696 Jan Thomaszen Schouten, 1720-1731 Theunis Thomaszen Metselaer, 1640-1648 Wesselszen. Hendrick Wesselszen Ten Broeck, 1671- 1690 Johannes Wesselszen Van Norden, or Van Orden, 1721-1751 Willemszen. Andries Willemszen Soppe, or Hoppe, 1651- 1658 Floris Willemszen Crom, or Krom, 1681- 1694 ii8 DUTCH ALIASES. Jan Willemszen Romen, 1685-1695 I Pieter Willemszen Van der Schueren, 1688- Jiin Willemszen Van Yselsteyn, or Van 1705 Iselsteyn, or Van Leyden, 1650-1669 Thomas Willemszen Koeck, or Cock, 1681- Pieter Willemszen Romen, or Room, 1685- 1689 1 70s ' From the same source as the preceding is appended a list of such names as are spelt in two or more ways, together with a few other miscellaneous aliases. Aalsteyn, Mattheus, see Mattheus Van | De Wendel, Gerrit, see Gerrit Wendel, Aalsteyn, 1736-1752 \ 1712-1725 a, Brakele Steven, see Steven Brakel, or Van [ Dorsou, Looys, alias ^nxi Martyn, 1650-1658 Brakel, 1 706-1 711 Aken, or Ekes, or Eckens, Jan Thomaszen, ! Eckerson, or Eckes, or Aken, Jan Thomas- see Jan Thomaszen, 1692-1708, p. 23 [ zen, see Jan Thomaszen, 1692-1708, p. 23 Albady, Jochem, see Jochem Van Albady, I Eldes, Benjaram, see Benj. Oldes, 1705-1713 1 720-1 727 I Elsworth, see Elswaert, Elsenwaert, Elze- Alderon, Jan, see Jan Badron and John waart, Elsward, and Yde Waert. Haldron, 1708-17H ! Exceen, Jan, see Jan Axceen, 1743-1751 Axceen, John, see John Exceen, 1743-1751 Badron, Jan, see John Alderon and John Haldron, 1708-1711 Bloedtgoet, Frans, see Frans Goedbloedt, 1660-1675 Boekenhoven, Stephanis, see Stephanis Van Boekenhoven, 1697-1717 Boog, Isaac, see Isaac Van den Boog, 1 703- 1705 Borkens, Robert, see Robert Darkens, 1677- 1695 Brevoort, Hendrick, see Hendrick Van Brevoort, 1700-1717 Candrey, Cambrick, and Camrik, Richard, see Richard Kendrik, 17 16-1727 Casjoti, Jacques, see Jacob Casar, 1665-1671 Chahaan, Samuel, see Samuel Sjahaan, Sha- haan, and Thahaan, 1700-1717 Chardevine, Isaac, see Isaac Sharduvyn, 1728-1750 Charther, William, see William Sester, 1678- 1690 Cheklen, Robert, see Robert Sjeklen, 1715- 1716 Chirurgyn, Paulus, see Paulus Van der Beeck, 1645-1656 Cise, James, see James Sise, or Seys, 1720- 1730 Cornel, Pieter, see Pieter Kernel, 1 749-1 753 Crocker, Charles, see Charles Tockker, or Tucker, 1695-1702 Darkens, or Derkens, Robert, see Robert Borkens, 1677-1695 De Four, David, see David De Foreest, 1658-1662 De La Montagne, see Montagne, 1684- 1756 De Trieux, Jacob, see Jacob Truer, 1675- 1683 De Voor Daniel, see Daniel In de Voor, 1696-1713, Michael, see Michael Valey, 1706- 1707 Fardon, Jacob, j-f? Jacob Verdon, 1721-1727 Fardon, Thomas, Jr., see Thomas Verdon, Jr., 1 741-1754 Fell, Simon, see Simon Sel, or Vel, 1656- 1667 Fenix, Alexander, see Alexander Phenix, '713-1737 Filips, Charles, see Charles Philips, 1714- 1727 FoUeman, Cornells, see Cornells VoUeman, 1 726-1 744 Gaywood, William, see William Haywood, 1719-1727 Goedbloedt, Frans, see Frans Bloedtgoet, 1660-1675 Guet, Rendel, «e Rendel Huwits, 1651-1653 Haldron, John, see Jan Alderon and Jan Badron, 1708-1711 Hanszen, HanSjj'^ Hans Noorman,* 1640- •653 Haywood, William, see William Gaywood, 1 7 19-1727 Hoboicen, Harmen, see Harmen Van Ho- boken, 1655-1664 Hoed, or Hood, Jasper, see Jasper Woed, 1697-17H Hoeder, Jeams, see Jeams Woeder, 1668- 1686 Hues, Hendri, see Henry Ives, 1699-1703 Huwits, Rendel, J^e' Rendel Guet, 1651-1653 In de Voor Daniel, see Daniel De Voor, 1696-1713 Ives, Henry, see Hendri Hues, 1699-17:3 Jakson, Willem, see Willem Yackson and Sjeckson, 1694-1709 Jansen, Thomas, see Thomas Johnson, 1710- 1723 * Ancestor of the Bergen family. DUTCH ALIASES. 119 Jay, Augustus, «« Augustus Sjee, 1698-1707 Jeats, Abraham, see Abraham Yeads, 1727- 1728 Kendrik, Richard, see Richard Candrey, Cambrick, and Camrik, 1716-1727 Kernel, Pieter, see Pieter Cornel, 1749-1753 Kwik, see Quick. Langendyk, Pieter Janszen, see Pieter Van Langendyk, 1689-1698 Langeslraat, see Van Langestraat, 1661- 1686, and 1691-1712 Manny, Francis, see Francis Onanrie, 1734.- 1747 Martyn, Jan, see Looys Dorsou, 1650-1658 Merberg, Johannes Adolphus, see Johannes Adolphus Otterberg, 1741-1748 Modder, Jeams, see Jeams Woeder, 1668- 1686 MoncUebaen, Adam, see Adam Onckelbaen, 1663-1670 Montagne, j«De La Montagne, 1684-1756 Muyt, Willem, see Willem Wyten, Wyt, and Wydt, 1671-1682 NiNSTER, Pieter, see Pieter Winster, 1664- 1677 Noorman, Hans, see Hans Hanszen, 1640- J653 Oblinus, see Van Oblinus, 1672-1685, and 1693-1698 Oldes, Benjamin, see Benj. Eldes, 1705- 1713 Onckelbaen, Adam, see Adam Moncke- baen, 1663- 16 70 Onanrie, Francis, see Francis Manny, 1734- 1747 Otterberg, Johannes Adolphus, see Johannes Adolphus Merberg, 1741-1748 Phenix, Alexander, see Alexander Fenix, 1713-1737 Philips, Charles, see Charles Filips, 1714- 1727 Philips Fredrick, see Fredrick Philipse, 1 720-1 742 Pitt, Jacob, see Jacob Piet, or Pet, 1751- I7SS Post, Elias, see Elias Pos, 1672-1689 QuAAK, Jan Stevens, see Jan Stevens, 1693- 1711 Rasenburg, Willem, see Willem Van Rasenburg, 1661-1664 Richt, Jonathan, see Jonathan Wright, 1 694- 1 699 Roeder, Jeams, see Jeams Woeder, 1668- 1686 Romans, Jan Janszen, see Jan Janszen Langestraat, i66i-l686 Romen, Johannes, see Johannes Lange- straat, 1691-1712 Romen, Johannes, j-i?i? Johannes Van Romen, 1691-1712 Ruyter, Jeams, alias Jeams Woodart, or Woeder, 1668- 1 686 Rycke, Rycken, or De Rycke, Abraham, Jf? Abraham Wycke, 1682-1702 Sel, Simon, see Simon Fell, Vale, or Vel, 1656-1667 Sester, William, see William Charther, or Churger, 1678-1690 Sharduvyn, Isaac, see Isaac Chardevine, 1728-1750 Simons, Joseph, see Joseph Zeeman, 1 748- .1755 Sise, Seys, or Sys, James, see James Cise, 1720-1730 Sipkins, Jan, see Jan Tsipkins, 1675-1695 Sjahaan, Thahaan, or Shahaan, Samuel, see Samuel Chahaan, 1700-1717 Sjee, Augustus, see Augustus Jay, 1698- 1707 Sjeckson, Willem, see Willem Jakson and Yackson, 1694-1709 Sjeklcn, Robert, see Robert Cheklen, 1715- 1716 Stevens, Jan, see Jan Stevens Quaak, 1693- 1711 Tanner, Benjamin, see Benjamin Tenner, 1746-1754 Thahaan, Samuel, see Samuel Chahaan, 1700-1717 Tienhoven, Lucas, see Lucas Van Tien- hoven, 1671-1693 Truer, Jacob, see Jacob De Trieux, 1675- 1683 Tsipkins, Jan, see Jan Sipkins, 1675-1695 Tucker, Charles, see Charles Crocker, 1695- 1702 Tiiynier, Claes Janszen, see Claes Janszen Van Heyningen, 1668-1695 Van Albady, Jochem, see Jochem Albady, 1720-1727 Van Boekenhoven, Stephanis, see Stephanxs Boekenhoven, 1697-1717 Van Brake], Steven, see Steven a, Brakele, 1706-1711 Van Brevoort, Hendrick, see Hendrick Brevoort, 1700-1711 Van den Boog, Isaac, see Isaac Boog, 1 703- 1705 Van der Beeck, Paulus, see Paulus Chirur- gyn, 1645-1656 Van Langendyk, see Langendyk, 1 689-1 698 Van Langestraat, see Langestraat, 1661- 1686, and 1691-1712 Van Oblinus, see Oblinus, 1672-1685, and 1693-1698 Van Rasenburg, Willem, see Willem Rasen- burg, 1661-1664 I20 GOUVERNEUR. Van Romen, Johannes, see Johannes Romen, 1691-1712 Van St. Cubis, Jan Janszen, see Jan Wans- haer, 1649-1666 Van Thuyl, Jacob, see Jacob Theuniszen De Key, 1659-1686 Valey, Michiel, see Michiel Faling, 1706- 1707 Verdon, Jacob, see Jacob tardon, 1721- 1727 VoUeman, Cornells, see Cornelis f oUeman, 1 726-1 744 Wanshaer, Jan, see Jan Janszen Van St. Cubis, Van St. Ubus, Van St. Obyn, Jan Van Sara, and Jan St. Benen, 1649- 1666 Wendel, Gevrit, see Geirit De Wendel, 1712-1725 Wessels, Willem, see Willem Welchem, 1 674-1 676 Winster, Pieter, see Pieter Ninster, 1664- 1667 Woed, Jasper, see Jasper Hoed or Hood, 1697-1711 Woeder, Jeams, see Jeams Hoeder, Modder, and Roeder, 1668-1686 Wycke, Abraham, see Abraham Rycke, 1682-1702 Wyd, or Weyt, Pieter, see Pieter White, 1738-1754 Wyten, Wyt, or Wydt, Willem, see Willem Muyt, 1671-1682 Yackson, Willem, see Willem Sjeckson, 1694-1709 Yde Waert, Christoffel, see Christoffel Els- waert, 1655-1670 Yeads, Abraham, see Abraham Jeats, 1727- 1728 Zeeman, Joseph, see Joseph Simons, 1748- •755 GOUVERNEUR. We are under many obligations to Thos. H. Montgomery, Esq., of Philadelphia, for genealogical favors, among which are the following, which he has copied and arranged from a family Bible in possession of his sister- in-law. By referring ante page 20, it will be seen that the fifth child of Isaac Gouverneur (the names of whose children are there given) «as Alida. This Alida, dan. of Isaac and Sara (Staats) Gouverneur, ra. 12"" May, 1737, John Broughton. Issue: 1. Isaac, b. 14* September, 1740. 2. Sampson Shelton, b. 19* February, 1741. 3. John, b. 8"" November, 1743. 4. Sarah, b. 16* March, 1746. 5. Mary, b. 6* April, 1748 ; m. 5"' July, 1769, Herman Gouver- neui', b. August, 1745, son of Gouverneur. Issue: i. Mary Matilda Gouverneur, b. 22'' May, 1771. ii. Alida Gouverneur, b. i^' October, 1772; m. 7"" July, 1795, Isaac Gouverneur (b. lo"" March, 1757; d. 28"' February, 1800). Issue : (i) Juliana Matilda Gouver- neur, b. 18 July, 1796; m. s**" April, 1826, Francis Rawle Wharton, of Philadeli)hia. (2) Adelaide Gouver- neur, b. 18"' July, 1798 ; m. 24'" February, 1825, John S. Briiiton, of Philadelphia ; d. 9"" August, 1825, s.p. He died 18 August, 1825. (3) Isaac Herman Gouverneur, b. 23'' August, 1800; d. 21"' June, 1820. Alida Gouverneur, m. secondly, lo"" December, Gilbert Robertson, of New York, who was afterwards British Consul in Philadelphia from June, 181 7, to his death in 1837. Mary (Broughton) Gouverneur, m. secondly, 11"' April, 1782, Wil- liam H. Ludlow, of Claverack. Issue: (i) Henry Corbett, b. 8* January, 1785. (2) William Broughton, b. 20"' March, 1788. (3) Maria Matilda, b. 17* January, 1790. (4) Gabriel, b. 14* May, 1791. KIP. 121 Kip's of Kingston and Rhinebeck, N. Y.* We are greatly indebted to Mr. Gerrit H. Van Wageiien for the follow- ing account of the descendants of Hendrick and Jacobus Kip, sons of Isaac Hendrickszen Kip, noticed ante pages 50 and 51. Mr. Van Wage- nan has, as will be seen, kindly favored us with an emended copy of his jmper published in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. XII., p. 29, containing many additions to his article as there printed. The materials comprised in the following account were gathered by him mainly from the records of the Dutch churches of Kings- ton and Rhinebeck, N. Y. 9. Hendrick Kip, oldest son of Isaac Hendrickszen Kip, and Cata- lyntje Hendrick Snyers (Snyder), was baptized February 8,1654. He settled at Kingston, N. Y., at an early date. He purchased from the Indians, July 28, 1686, a tract of land on the east side of the Hudson River, oppo- site Rondout Creek. This deed mentions no boundaries, and does not appear on record in Ulster County, but the original deed is in the pos- session of Wm. Bergh Kip, Esq., of Rhinebeck. This tract, and a tract of land adjoining it,- purchased from the Indians by Gerrit Artsen, Arie Rosa and Jan Elton (Elting), June 8, 1686, the deed for which is recorded at Kingston, are covered by a patent granted by Governor Dongan, June 2, 1688, to Gerrit Artsen, Arie Rosa, Jan Elton, Jacob Kip, and Hendrick Kip. This patent is recorded at Albany in Book 6, page 328, of Patents. The original patent is in the possession of the family of the late William Kelly of Rhinebeck, whose lands >are all within the territory covered by the Indian deed to Artsen, Rosa, and Elting. Hendrick Kip, whose wife's name appears in the baptismal records of Kingston to have been Annetje Jans (Van Putten), had only three children of whom I find any record, viz. : 61. Jan, bap. at Kingston, March 31, 1678 ; married, at Kings- ton, Sept. 28, 1703, Lysbet Van Kleeck. Their children were: i. Henricus, bap. Sept. 3, 1704. 2. Baltus, bap. Mar. 17,1706. 3. Baltus, bap. May 23, 1707. 4. Matthew, Oct. 31, 1708. 5. Tryntje, May 7, 1710. 6. Barent, Jan. 27, 1712. 7. Annetje, Jan. 24, 1714. 8. Baltus, Sept. 4, 1 715. 9. Jacob, Jan. 12, 17 18. 62. Hendrick, bap. at Kingston, July 7, 1688 ; married, at Kingston, Sept. 28, 1715, Jacoraynte Newkerk. Had one child, named Jannetje, bap. at Kingston Sept. 23, 1716. A deed from Hendrick Kip and Jacomynte his wife, dated April 16, 1 719, assigns to Matthys Sleight, Jr., his brother- in-law, "The one just half of two-thirds of the lands of Hendrick Kip, late of Dutchess County, father of the said Hendrick, which land was conveyed to said Hendrick and Catholynte his sister, by their eldest brother, John Kip, eldest son of Hendrick Kip, deceased." 63. Catholyntie, whose birth I find no record of at Kingston,! married Matthys Sleight, Jr. Their children were : i. Mat-I thew, bap. April 29, 1 71 1. 2. Anna, Oct. 12, 1712. 3. Hen-j drikus, Nov. 15, 1713. 4. Maria, July 24, 1715. 5. Hendri- 1 kus, June 9, 1717. 6. Maria, Oct. 16, 1720. 7. Johannes,;' Aug. 26, 1724. 8. Cornells, April 23, 1727. 9. Tryntje, June 15, 1729. * (Continuation of pages 50 and 51.) 122 KIP. 14. Jacob Kip, son of Isaac Hendricksen Kip, and one of the five partners in the Arie Rosa & Co. patent, was born, as stated by Mr. Purple, Aug. 25, 1666, and died Feb. 28, 1753. He married at Albany, Rachel Swartwout (whose birth Mr. Holgate gives as April 10, 1669), daughter of Roeloff Swartwout, first Sheriff of Wiltwyck, at the Esopus, and Eva, daughter of Albert Andrieszen Bradt, and widow of Anthony De Hooges. Issue : 64. Isaac, born Jan. 8, 1696, bap. at Kingston, Feb. 9, 1696 ; married, Jan. 7, 1720, Cornelia, dau. of Leonard and Eliza- beth (Hardenburg) Lewis, born Nov. 9, 1692 ; died, July 10, 1772. He died July 2, 1762. Their children were: i. Ehzabeth, bap. in N. Y., April 9, i72r. 2. Jacob, bap. in N. Y., Oct. 17, 1722. 3. Leonard bap. in N. Y. June 27, 1725; m. April 11, 1763, Elizabeth, dau. of Francis and Anneke (Lynsen) Marschalk, of New York. 4. Rachel, bap. in N. Y. Oct. 2, 1726. 5. Elizabeth, bap. in N. Y. Aug. 28, 1728. 6. Isaac, born 1732. 7. Abraham, bap. at Rhine- beck, Aug. 3, 1735. 8. Abraham, bap. at Kingston, Feb. 6, 1737 ; ni., Jan. 6, 1768, Dorothea Remsen. Leonard, the third child of Isaac Kip and Cornelia Lewis, ni. April 11, 1763, Elizabeth, dau. of Francis Marshalk, of New York He d. 1804. She d. 1818. Issue : i. Anne, b. 1764; d. unni. 1796 2. Isaac Lewis, b. 1767 ; m. Sarah, dau. of Jeremiah Smith, of Elizabethtown, N. J. 3. Leon- ard, b. 1774; m. Dec. 12, 1809, Maria, dau. of Duncan Ingraham, Esq., of Greenvale near Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Issue : I. William Ingraham. 2. Ehzabeth. 3. Sophia. 4. Mary. 5. Leonard. William Ingraham Kip, eldest child of Leonard Kip and Maria Ingraham, was b. in New York, October 3, 181 1, or- dained Deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church, July i, 183s, and Priest in November following. Has been succes- sively Rector of St. Peter's Church, Morristown, N. J. ; Assistant Minister of Grace Church, N. Y., and Rector St. Paul's Church, Albany, N. Y. Elected Missionary Bishop of California, Oct. 23, 1853. Diocesan Bishop of California, in April, i8s7. He m. July i, 1835, Maria Elizabeth, dau. of Isaac Lawrence, Esq., of N. York. Issue : i. Lawrence, b. Sept. 17, 1836, Lieut. Colonel (by Brevet) U.S. Army; m. April 23, 1867, Eva, daug. of Peter Lorillard, Esq., of N. Y. Issue : Eva Maria and Edith. 2. William Ingraham, b. Jan. 15, 1840 ; m. Feb. 28, 1865, Elizabeth Clementina, dau. of Hon. Wm. B. Kinney. Issue : Wm. Ingraham, and Lawrence.* Right Rev, Wm. Ingraham Kip — the distinguished pre- late — is author of many important works, and has contributed numerous interesting articles to the leading magazines of the day, not the least entertaining of which are those that relate to the genealogical history of the Olden Time in New York. 65. Roelofk, 2d son of Jacob Kip, bap. at Kingston, Oct. 31, 1697; m., Feb. 9, 1721, Sara, daughter of John Baptist Dumond and Neeltje Van Vegten. Their children were : * Historical Notes of the Kip Family. 1871. KIP. ^ 123 1. Grietjen, bap. Dec. 24, 1721. 2. Jacob, May 19, 1723. 3. John Baptist, Feb. 28, 1725, m. June 25, 1757, Catharine Heernians. 4. Rachel, bap. Sept. 8, 1728. 5. Neeltje, Jan. 25, 1730. 6. Neeltje, March 25, 1732. 7. Sarah, bap. at Rhinebeck, Sept. 16, 1733. 8. Igness, Oct. 17, 1738. 66. Jacobus, bap. at Kingston, Nov. 26, 1699 ; m., Feb. 17, 1733, Klaartje (Clara), daughter of Evert Van Wagenen and Marytje Van Heyningen, bap. April 22, 1711. Their chil- dren Vi'ere : i. Marytje, bap. Aug. 11, 1734; m. Jacob, son of Roeloff Kip. 2. Rachel, bap. Sept. 7, 1735. 3. Sara, bap. April 24, 1737; died Sept. i, 1785; m., April 10, 1761, WiUiam Radcliff. 4. Rachel, Feb. 11, 1739; ™. Isaac Kip. 5. Jenneke, bap. Jan. 13, 1741; ni. Nicholas Heer- nians, April, 1 76 1. 6. Jacobus, bap. Dec. 5, 1742 ; m. Claartje Heermans. 7. Evert, bap. May 8, 1745. 67. Rachel Kip, bap. Nov. 26, 1699; m., Feb. 16, 1720, Ge- rardus Lewis. Their children were : i. Rachel, bap. Jan. 15, 1721. 2. Gerardus, Dec. 25, 1724. 3. Johannes, Feb. 8, 1730. 4. Abraham, March 17, 1734; m., Aug. 18, 1759, Marytje, daughter of Aart and Rebecka Van Wagenen ; bap. June i, 1735. S- Elizabeth, bap. May 2, 1736. 68. Johannes, bap. May 3, 1702; m. Margriet Van Etten. Their children were : i. Jacob, bap. Jan. 5, 1724. 2. Petrus, bap. Feb. 28, 1725. 3. Rachel, bap. Sept. 25, 1726. 4. Eva, bap. Sept. i, 1728. 5. Benjamin, bap. June 25, 1732. 6. Abraham, bap. Aug. 11, 1734. 7. Johannes, bap. Jan. 9, 1737. 8. Isaac, bap. Nov. 7, 1738. 9. Anna, bap. Feb. 15, 1 741. 10. Samuel, June 20, 1743. 11. Catharine, Aug. 18, 1745. 12. Elizabeth, Oct. 12, 1747. 69. Catalyntie, bap. F"eb. 18, 1705, at Albany; m. William Van Vredenburgh. Their children were : i. Wilhelmus, bap. Sept. 10,1727. 2. Jacob, bap. April 6, 1729. 3. Isaac, bap. Oct. 5, 1732. 4. Isaac, bap. Dec. 9, 1733. 5. Johannes, bap. May II, 1740. 70. Eva, bap. April 15, 1707; m., Dec. 9, 1733, Gerrit, son of Barent Van Wagenen and Lea Schepmoes, born Sept. 26, 1707. Their children were : i. Barent, bap. Oct. 23, 1737. 2. Rachel, bap. Feb. 15, 1742; m. Jacobus Van Etten, had dau. Eva, bap. March 13, 1774- 71. Maria, bap. Feb. 18, 1709 ; ni. Jan Van Benthuysen, bap. F'eb. 6, 1704, son of Barent Van Benthuysen and Jannetje Van Wagenen. Their children were : i. Jacob, bap. Feb. 6. 1737. 2. Barent, bap. April 29, 1 739. 3. Jannetje, bap. Dec. 25,1 744. 72. Abraham, bap. Jan. 24, 1714; m. Elsie Pruyn. Their chil- dren were: i. Johannes, bap. April 14, 1745. 2. AmeHa, bap. Aug. 24, 1746. 3. Jacob, bap. Oct. 12, 1747. 4. Jacob, bap. Sept. 26, 1748. 65. Roeloff Kip, 2d son of Jacob Kip, m. Feb. 9, 1721, Sarah DuMOND. Their children were : 73. Grietjen, bap. Dec. 24, 1721, m. May 19, 1742, at Rhinebeck. Philip Van Ness, of Albany, had one child bap. Aug. 26, 1 744, named Cattahynte. 124 KIP. 74. Jacob, bap. May 19, 1723, m. Maiytje, daughter of Jacobus Kip and Klaartje Van Wagenen. Their children were : i. Roelofif, bap. Nov. 13, 1753. 2. Abraham, bap. Jan. 18, 1756. 3. Annetje, bap. June 10, 1759. 4- Ignas, bap. Apr. 12, 1760, died April 12, 1795. 5. Claartje, bap. Jan. 1762. 6. Johannes, bap. May 27, 1764. 7. Sara, bap. June 29, 1766. 8. Rachel, bap. Sept. II, 1768. 9. Isaac, bap. Oct. 25, 1772. 75. John Baptist, bap. Feb. 28, 1725, m. June 25, 1757, Cath- arine Heermans. Their children were : i. Roeloff, bap. April 25, 1758. 2. Neeltje, bap. Nov. 12, 1759, <^'s<^ J"'y 23, 1830; m. Feb. 8, 1785, Gerrit, son of Johannes and An- netje Van Wagenen, bap. Sept. 6, 1758, died March 31, 1830. 3. Andrew, 1761, died June 24, 1843 ; "■■• Sara, daughter of Jacobus Kip and Claartje Heermans, born Aug. 31, 1772, died June 27, 1833. 4. Sarah, bap. Nov. 10, 1765. 5. Gerrit. bap. July 12, 1767, died Jan. 13, 1841 ; m. Clarissa, daughter of Jacobus Kip and Claartje Heermans, bap. May 26, 1776. 6. Claartje, bap. Sept. 2, 1770. 7. John, bap. June 19, 1774. 76. Isaac, bap. Jan. 22, 1727. 77. Rachel, bap. Sept. 8, 1728. 78. Neeltje, bap. Jan. 25, 1730. 79. Neeltje, bap. March 25, 1732. 80. Sarah, bap. Sept. 16, 1733. 81. Ignas, bap. Oct 17, 1736. 82. Abraham, bap. Oct. 22, 1738, died Feb. 11, 1830 ; m. Helena Tremper, who died March 24, 1827, aged 86. Their chil- dren were: i. Roelofif, bap. Aug. 31, 1761. 2. Hans For- gen, bap. April 15, 1764. 3. Abraham, bap. July 13, 1776. 4. Lena, bap. Aug. 14, 1768. 5. Harmanus, bap. Aug. 5, 1770. 6. Sara, bap. Feb. 28, 1773. 7. Catrina, bap. Aug. 30, 1777. 8. Sara, Jan. 30, 1780. 66. Jacobus Kip, 3d son of Jacob Kip and Sara Dumond, m. Feb. 17, 1733, Klaartje Van Wagenen, daug. of Evert Van Wagenen. Their children were : 83. Marytje, m. Jacobus, son of Roelofif Kip. 84. Rachel. 85. Sara, m. William Radclifif Their children were : i. Hilletje, bap. April 2, 1762. 2. Jacob, bap. April 29, 1764. 3. Klaartje, bap. May 18,1766. 4. Willem, bap. Jan. 9, 1768. 5. Klaartje, bap. May 13, 1770. 6. John, bap. June 7, 1772. 7. Petrus, bap. July 3, 1774. 8. Evert, bap. Sept. 9, 1777. 86. Rachel, bap. Feb. 11, 1739, died June 10, 1796; m. Isaac, son of Isaac Kip and Cornelia Lewis, born 1732. i. Cor- nelia, bap. April 15, 1764. 2. Klaartje, bap. Sept. i, 1771. 3. Elizabeth, bap. July 3, 1774. 87. Jennetee, m. Nicholas Heermans. i. Andries, bap. March 17, 1765. 2. Klaartje, bap. Oct. 18, 1767. 3. Jacob, bap. March 4, 1770. 4. Neeltje, bap. Aug. 16, 1772. 5. Sara, bap. Jan. 29, 1775. 6. Evert, bap. April i, 1784. 88. Jacobus, m. Klaartje Heermans. i. Sara, bap. Aug. 31, 1772. 2. Klaartje, bap. May 26, 1776. 89. Evert, bap. May 8, 1745. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. After "Frans bap. Feb. i, 1727," insert, Johannes bap. March 19, 1732, in the 14th line of page 8. For " He m. 2''Amerentia ," read, He m. 1^ Amerentia Stout, in the 7th line of page 9. After " Jacquemyntie bap. Nov. 29, 1727," insert, Isaac bap. Dec. 19, 1731, and Coenraad bap. June 12, 1734, in the i6th line of page 9. For " Aug. 3, 1718," read, Aug. 31, 1718, in the last line of page 12, and add the following : Margreta Howarding, wife of Robert Livingston, Jr., was the dau. of Thomas Howarding, an Enghsh merchant in New York, and his Ivife Catharina Bedlo; she was bap. July 30, 1693. Her father's will is dated Dec. 12, 1700 ; proven Feb. 17, 1703. Her mother was the dau. of Isaac and Eliza- beth (de Potter) Bedlo, and became the second wife of Dr. Samuel Staats. At the baptism, Aug. 31, 1718, of Robert, son of Robert Jr. and Margaret (Howarding) Livingston, the sponsors were Robert Livingston and Catharina Staats, widow, the grandparents, without doubt, of the infant. For " Rachel Monjour," read Rachel Defour (De Foreest?) in the loth line of page 13. The authority for this correction can be seen under date of Aug. 18, 1647, when Johannes de La Montagne, "widower of Rachel Defour" (De Foreest), married Agnietie Jillis, widow of Arendt Corszens Stam. See Mar- riage Records of Dutch Church, page 14, and published in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record for 1875, ^o'- '^^- P^^ge 37. Add to 25th line, page 13, the Flatbush, L. I., records give the date of this marriage Feb. 16, 1687. For " Jacobus Van Varick and Anna Maria Brestede,'' read, Abraham Varick and Anna Bertholf, in the 21st line of page 14. For " Schont" read, Schout, in the 3d line of page 17. For " Catharine ," read, Catharine Smith, in the 3d line of page 18. Catharine Smith, widow of Huybert de Riemer, m. June 28, 1688, John Silk- wood, from Wigby, in England. For " 1723," read, 1728, in 4Sth line of page 19. After " Jan. 14, 1786," insert, aged 71 years and 3 months, in the 27th line of page 20. For " voli.vii. p. 23," read, vol. vi. p. 23, in the 41st line of page 22. After " July 20, 1726," insert, and Jan bap. Sept. 27, 1732, in i6th line of page 26. After "July 4, 1657," insert, Anthony Wanshaer m. at Flatbush, L. I., Jan. 8, 1682, Maretje Herberts or Harperts, in the 45th line of page 26. After " Sept. 17, 1662," insert, 9. Jan, bap. Dec. 5, 1663, and 10. Carel, bap. July 4, 1666, in 2d line of page 27. After " August, 1683," insert, their marriage license is dated June 24, 1687, in 44th line of page 30. After "Pieter Wessels" insert, and died at Shrewsbury, Jan. 18, 1816, in the 2ist line of page 32. 126 CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. After " 1749," insert, Jacobus, bap. July 3, 1751, and Johanna, bap. Feb. 20, 1754, in the 2d Hne of page 35. For " having survived his wife about a year," read, his wife died May 14, 1684, in the 15th hne of page 37. For " Record, vol. vii. page 148, foot-note," read, see page 31, foot-note, in the 15th hne of page 42. After "latter place," add, and had son Livingston born Feb. 24, 1785, in the last line of page 43. Strike out " unmarried," in 42d line of page 44, and see note on page 45. After " Midwout," insert, Sarah Roelofs made her Will July 29, 1693, with Codicil dated August 7, 1693 ; proved October 21, 1693, in the 13th line of 3d foot-note on page 53. After " will," insert, one of her name m. April 25, 1700, Johannes Veet from Brisack, in Sweden, in 13th line of page 72. After " died there " insert, his will is dated Jan. 10, 1704 ; proved May 22, 1712 ; names wife Catrina, and children Nicolaes, Lidia wife of Andries Dow, Anneke, Catrina, and Deborah, in the42d line of page 74. After " 1704," insert, his will was made Feb. 17, 1703 ; proved November 4, 1709 ; names wife Agnes and her two children Henry and Lydia de Meyer, to whom he gives his estate, in the 35th line of page 76. INDEX TO NAMES AND FAMILIES. Aalsteyn, ii8 a Brackele, 78, 118 Abrahams, 42 Abrahamse, 27 Abrahamszen, see Dutch Aliases, 115 Abeel, 98 Achtent, 24 Ackerman, 57 ^-Ackley, 62 Adamszen, see Dutch Ahases, 115 Adolphszen, see Dutch AUases, 115 Adria'ens, 6, 7, 22 Adrianszen, see Dutch Aliases, 115 Adri^ensen, 38, 48, 73 Aertszen, 9, 26, 57 Aken, see Dutch AHases, 118 Albady, 118 Alberts, 48, 53 Albertsee, 67, 70 Aldevon, 118 Alexander, 100, loi, 102 Alexander family, 10 1 AUerton, 38 Ambeck, 89 Anderson, 75 Andre, 96 Andries, 15, 21, 25, 65, 66, 73 Anthony, 83 Antill, 31 Antonissen, 66 Appel, 43 Arents, 54, 57 Arentsen, 38 Arentszen, see Dutch Aliases, 115 Artsen, 121 Ashfield, 100, 107 Ashfield family, 100 Astor, 97 Atkins, 16 Axceen, 118 Backer, 52, 72, 81, 82, 98 Bagelaer, in Baker, 19 Badron, 118 Baird, 55 Baldwin, 6a Bancker, 65 Band, 72 Bant, 72 Banta, 58, 67, 71 Barber, 70 Barchstoel, 52 Barents, 12, 17, 23 Barentszen, see Dutch Aliases, 115 Bassett, 69 Bartels, 31 Bastiaenzen, 7, 15 Bayard, 34, 39, 42. 74, 79' 81, 85, 90, 91, 98, 104, 105, 106, 109, III, 112 Bayard family, 39, 106, 112 Beam, 109 Beck, 77 Becker, 72 Bedlo, 125 Beekman, 23, 30 Beger, 68 Bensen, 25, 65, 73 Benson, 73, 76, 92 Berdon, 57 Bergen, 5, 57, 118 Berrie, 90 Bertholf, 43, 44, 5 7, 125 Beverley, 95, 96 Bill, 16 128 INDEX. Billings, 43 Billop, 93 Bishop, 62 Blank, 60 Blanquerd, 36 Bloedgoedt, 10 Blom, ss, 59 Blinckeihoff, 58, 107 Bo eke, 73 Bocquet, 73 Boekenhoven, 118 Bogaert, 11, 13, 24, 43, 52, 57 Bogaert family, 11, 24 Bogardus, 27, 28, 47, 56, 6d, 105 Bogardus family, 56, 57 Bogert, 72 Boke, IS Bond, 72 Bondt, 72 Boog, 118 Boots, 26 Bordley, 87 Borkens, 118 Borry, 25 Bos, 59 Bosch, 55, 59 Botjagers, 77 Bound, 49 Bougart, 57, 72 Boute, 67 Bradt, 122 Bradford family, 40, 41 Brakele, 78 Bras, 72 Brasher, 30 Breestede family, 21, 43, 49, 56, 125 Brett, 105, 106, 107 Brett family, 107 Brevoort family, 14, 25, 72, 118 Brewerton, 34 Breyandt, 57 Breyant, 57 Brinckerhoff, 58 Brinton, 120 Brockhols, see Brockholst Brockholst, 89, 90, 104, 108, 109, "3 Brockholst family, 90 Bronck, 5 Broughton, 20, 120 Brouwer, xii, 45 Brouwer family, 60 Brown, 60 Browne, 70, 90, 93, in Bruyn, in Bryant, 57 Burcharts, 71 Burnet, 93 Burr, 49 Burger, 71 Burroughs, 25 Bussing, 73 Butterfield, viii Byvanck, 34, 58 Calkins, 62 Cammena, 69 Campbell, 41 Candrey, 118 Cappoens, 52 Carman, 44 Carmer, 60 Carr, 7,7, Casjou, 118 Casparszen, see Dutch Aliases, 115 Caspars, 59 Cebra, 66 Chahaan, 118 Chalmers, 87 Chandelaer, 47 Chardevine, 118 Charther, 118 Cheklen, 118 Chirurgyn, 118 Christoffels, 55 Cise, 118 Claes, 8, 36, 60 Clarkson, 12, 41, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 97, 102, 103 Clarkson family, 93 Clarszen, see Dutch Aliases, 115 Cleyn, 31 Clock, 48 Clopper, 78 Close, xi, xii, 61, 62 Close family, 61 Cock, 71 Cockroft, 112 Coelie, 78 Coely family, 78 Coerten, 19, 30 Colden, ix Cole, 69, III Colevelt, 64 INDEX. 129 Colfax, 109 Conover, 102 Consielje, 11 Cool, 69 Cooley, 78 Cooly, 78 Cooper, 57 Coorn, 38 Cornel, 118 Corneil, 6 Cornell, 93 Cornells, 6, 23, 57 Cornelise, 57, 77 Corneliszen, see Dutch Aliases, 115 Corneliszen, 13, 27, 57, 66, 69, 83 Corssen, 83 Corszen, see Dutch Aliases, 115 Corszens, 125 Corteljott, III Cosseau, 81 Courten, 19, 30 Couts, 86 Couwenoven, 77 Crabb, 88 Cregier, 38, 55, 56, 68 Crocker, 118 Croesvelt, 58 Crommelyn, 72, 91 Crougers, 56 Crundall family, 75 Cuyler, 34 Dalden, 72 Dalsing, 72 Danckaerts, 85 D ankers, 84 Dareth, 78 Darkens, 118 Davenport, 6r Davids, 40 Davy, 40 Dean, viii De Bruyn, 80 De Bruyn family, no de Caper, 26, 50 de Clein family, 31 de Cleyn, 28, 31 De Foreest, 18, 50, 60, 65, 66, 82, 118, 125 De Foreest family, 50, 51, 82 Defour, xii, 118, 125 De Graaf, 11 de la Grange, 85 de Grauw, 69 De Groof, 40 de Groot family, 10 de Hooges, 65, 122 De Hooges, 122 De Kay, 39, 48, 76 De Key, 76 De Key family, 76 de Kleyn, 28, 31 De Kype, 45 de Labadie, 84 De Lancey, no De la Montagne. xii. 23, 38, 46, 50, S3, 60, 103, n8, 125 De La Montagne family, 23 De La Noy, 30, 54, 98 De Maree, 67 De Marneil, 46 De Meyer, 73, 74, 77, 81, 126 De Meyer family, 74 De Meyert, 73 de Mill, 49, 58, III de Nys, 27 De Peyster, 65, 70, 97, 98, 99, 105, 106, no. III De Peyster family, 98, no de Potter. 28, 125 De Ret, 78 De Riemer family, 17, 18, 19, 20, 66, 107, 125 de Ry, 44 De Sille, 46, 56, 57, 58 De Sille family, 56 de Sillen, 56 De Truy, 47 De Voor, 118 De Vouw, 65 De Vries, 25 De Wendel, 118 De Witt, 44, 105 Delavall, ■^21 Denyke, 14 Denyse, 27 Derkens, ri8 Deroillhet, 60 Dervall, 37 Dey family, 13, 14, 109 Dishington, 98 Dirckszen, j^i? Dutch Aliases, 115 Ditlo family, 114 Diedeloos, 114 I30 INDEX. Ditelof, 114 Ditelofszen, 114 Dirck, 26, 40, 72 Dircks, 72 Dircksen, 5, 27, 28, 65, 66 Dissenton, 98 Donaldson, 32 Doncassen, 103, 104 Donchesen, 37 Uongan, 30, 31, 103 Donkerson, 103 Doren, 114 Dorson, 118 Doty, V Douw, 21, 126 Drayer, 12 Dret, 78 Droit, 78 Droogh, 46, 51 Droogestradt, 82 Drisius, 17, 66 Druljet, 60 Dii Bois, 103, 105, 106, 107 Du Bois family, 106 Dudlos, 114 Dumond, 122, 123, 124 Dunces, 37, 104 Durett, 77, 78 Duryee, 44 Du Trieux, 18, 50, 118 Duyckinck, 58, 66 Duyckhuyse, 108 Dwight, 40 Dye family, 13 Earle family, 67 Ebel, 17 Ebbing, 73 Eckens, 23, see Dutch Aliases, 118 Eckerson family, 23, 24, 25 Eckkesse, 24 Edgar, 92 Edsall, 30, 33 Elberts, 9, 27, 57 Elbertszen, see Dutch Aliases, 115 Elbertszen, 17, 18, 53, 67, 107 Elbertszen ianiily, 67 Eldes, 118 Ellis, IS Ellisen, 15 Elsenwaert, 118 Elzewaart, 118 Elswaert, 40, 118, 120 Elsward, 118 Elswort, 40, 43, 118 Elting, 44, 121 Elton, 121 Emerson, 40 Engelbrecht, 40 Etkins, 23 Evans, 76 Evertsen, 105, 106 Evertszen, see Dutch Aliases, 115 Fardon, 118, 120 Ealing, 118, 120 Fallon, 107 Farmer, 20, 92, 93 Farton, 30 Fell, 118 Fielding, 78 Filips, 118 Fenix, 118 Fish, 54 Fisher, 40 Fockenszen, 8 Folleman, 118, 120 Fonda, 36 Fones, vii, 62 Francois, 39 Frans, 67 Franszen, 72, see Dutch Aliases, 115 Fredricks, 6 Frederickse, 71 Fredrickszen, see Dutch Aliases, 116 Freeman, 12, 93 Freligh family, 45 French, 67, 79, 90, 92, 93, 95, 98 French family, 92 Fresneau, 34 Friend, 72 Frisby, 87 Fulkerson, 60 Gabry, 83. Gage, 113 Gallaer, 60 Gallaher, 62 Gatewood, viii Gay wood, 118 Georger, 61 Gerritse, 35 Gerritszen, j^tf Dutch AHases, ii6 Gilbert, 70 INDEX. 131 Gillis, 39 Gilliszen, see Dutch Aliases, 116 Glatidiszen, 112 Glen, 103, 108 Goedbloedt, 118 Goewey, 36 Gouverneur, 17, 18, 19, 20, 30, 33, 34, 72, 100 Gouverneur family, 19, 120 Gowans, ix Graham, 100 Greefraadt, see Grevenraet Grevenraet family, 16, 17, 26,65, 66 Greveraad, see Grevenraet Grim, 27 Guet, 118 Gunther, 61 Gysbertsz, 71 Gysbertszen, see Dutch Aliases, 116 Gysbertszen, 71 Hack, 79, 80 Hacke, 79 Haldron, 118 Hall, 20, 93, no Ham, 70 Hamersly, 32 Hammell, 69 Hansen, 59, 64 Hanszen, 118 Harden, 113 Hardenbroeck, 37, 78, 94 Hardenburg, 43, 51, 66, 122 Hardendinck, 42 Hardens, 37, 113 Hardenstein, 81 Haring, 73 Harman, 84 Harmans, 16 Harperts, 26, 125 « Harris, 62, 87 Hart, 100 Hawks, 79 Haywood, 118 Heathcote, 70 Hedding, 64 Heermans, 82 Henderson, 62 Hendricks, 6, 9, 27, 50, 63, 69 Hendrickse, 28, 46, 49, 64, 66 Hendrickszen, jif* Dutch Aliases, 116 Hendrickszen, xii, 58 Herbert, see Dutch Aliases, 116 Hercks, 73 Hermans, 6, 8, 9, 24, 32, 57, 67, 70, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85, 122, 123, 124 Hermans family, 32, 85, Herring, 11, 73 Hicks, 87 Hickman, 82 Higbee, 60 Higgins, 62 Hinoyossa, 57 Hoboken, 118 Hodge, 32 Hoed, n8 Hoeder, 118 Hoffelsen, 27 Hollister, 62 Holmes, 23, 71 Hooglant, 53 Hooglant family, 55 Homes, 53 Hooms, 53 Hone, 95 Hood, 120 Ho warding, 12, 125 Huybertszen, see Dutch Aliases, 116 Huygens, see Dutch Aliases, 116 Hues, 118 Huwits, 118 Huyberts, 86 Huygen, see de Kleyn Huytes, 66 Hynson, 87 Idens, 10, 27, 40 Idenszen, see Dutch Aliases, 1x6 In de Voor, 118 Ingoldsby, 30 Ingraham, 122 Isaacksen, 88 Isaackszen, see Dutch Aliases, 116 Ives, 118 Jackson, 118 Jacobs, 16, 25, 34, 77 Jacobse, 6 Jacobszen, see Dutch Aliases, 116 Jacobzen, 10, 21, 65, 89 Janeway, 76 Jans, 10, II, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 27, 32. 38, 39> 42, 49. S3. S7. 66, 67, 114 132 INDEX. Jansen, 15, 82, 118 Janszen, see Dutch Aliases, 116 Janszen, 10, 13, 14, 15, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 48, 50, S3, 63, 66, 67, 68, 70, 78 Janszen family, 67 Jay, 39, 103, 118 Jeats, 118, 120 Jeffres, 43 Jeckyll, 87 Jennings, 61, 87 Jeuraens, 114 Jeuriaense, 8, 16 Jeurianszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Jillis, 8 1, 125 Jilliszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Jones, no Johanneszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Johnson, vii, xi, 13 Johnstone, 102 Jongh, 80 Joukbloet, 69 Josephs, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Joosten, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Joosten, 42 Joris, 47 Joriszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Kammega, 69, 73 Kearney, 90 Kellenaer, 74 Kelly, T2I Kendiik, 119 Kernel, 119 Kennedy, no Kennef, 108 Kennich, 108 Kennip, 108 Kemble, 112 Kemble family, 113 Kemmena, 69 Kermer, 43 Ketin, 40 Kierstede, 11, 35, 40, 53, 54, 106, 107 Kierstede family, 40 to 55 Kiersen, 8 Kinney, 122 Kip, X, xii, 26, 35, 45 to 63, 66, 80, 121, 122, 123, 124 Kip family, 45 to 63, and 121 to 124 Keyser, 88 Kingsland, 19, 109 Klaas, 24 Klock, 48 Knowlton, 62 Koex, 71 Kool, 69 Koning, 7 Kregier, 56 Kunter, 79 Kuyper, 57 Kwik, 119 Kype, 47, see Kip Lake, viii. Langedyck, 67 Langendyk, 119 Langestraat, 119 Langmat, 112 Lansing, xii, 59, 76, 107 Larabertszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 la Montagne, 103 Laurens, 100 Laurenszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Laughlin, 61 Lawrence, 23, 43, 44, 89, 100, 122 Lawson, 62 Le Clerk, 52 Lee, 71 Leech, 60 Lefly, 8 Legende, 19 Leendertszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Leendertszen, 77, 83 Leislie, 8 Leisler, x, 14, 18, 19, 28, 29, 35, 41, 55. 72, 73> 75, 82 Leisler family, 29 to 35 Lent, 73 Le Roux, 42, 100 Leursen, 49 Lewis, 6, 55, 122, 123, 124 Lewis family, 35, 123 Leydser, 31, see Leisler Leysler, 28, see Leisler Linn, 92 Lispenard, 31 Livenston, 113 Livingston family, loi, 113, 125 Livingstone, 12, 43, 90, 91, 92, 100 Lippenard, see Lispenard Lodwyck, 42 Lookermans, 27, 28, 35, 41, 47, 88, 103, 104, 107 INDEX. ^Zl Lookermans family, 35 to 41 I^oots, 69 Lorillard, 122 Loveridge, 91 Low, 20 I.ubberts, 54, 98 Lucas, 8, 9, 21, 24 Lucaszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Ludlow, 91, 92, 120 Lupton, 70 Lybrand, 86 Lynch, xii, 60, 61, 62 Lynch family, 61 Lyndall, 75, 76 Lyndon, 75 Lynsen, 122 Lyseler, 28, see Leisler Lyster, 57 Machet, 78 McAdam, 14 McDaniel, 43 McDowell, 43 McEvers, 91, 114 McKinley, 59 Makkett, 78 Mandeviel, 890, Mangin, 6 Manny, 119 Maris, 69 Marius, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Marsac, 61, 62 Marschalk, 51, 58, 122 Manshaer, 26 Marshall, 61, 65 Masschop, 105, J07 Masjet, 78 Maskelt, 78 Masten, 7, 95 Marston, 95 Martenszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Martenszen, 13 Martyn, 119 Mathisen, 74 Mathyse, 74 Mattyse, 69 Maurits, 32 Mead, 90 Megapolensis, 17 Meir family, 63 Melcherts, 58 Melyn, 21, 22 Merberg, 119 Mettick, 93 Meyer, 26, 49, 50, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72 Meyer family, 63 to 73 Meynderts, 78 Michielse, 68 Michaelsen, 22 Michiaelszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Michielszen, 67 Middagh, 52 Milborne, 19, 30, 33, 34 Minvielle, 89 Modder, 119, 120 Mol, 5, 85 Monckebaen, 119 Monjour, 53, 125 Moor, 112 Moore, vii Morgan, 60 Morris, 20, 79, 90, 94, 96, 100, 102 Montagne, 23, 119 Muller, 36 Munro, 103 Murphy, 85 Muyt, 119, 120 Myers family, 63 Myndertszen, 71 Narbury, 54 Naylor family, 60 Neering family, 75, 76 Nerbery, 54 Newkerk, 121 Newton, 84 Nicholson, 29 Nicoll, 106 Niewkerk, 56, 68 Ninster, 119, 120 Noorman, 119 Oblinus, 119 Ogilvie, 95 Oldes, 119 Onanrie, 119 Onckelbach family, 10, 11 Onckelbaen, 119 Onkelba, 10 Onclebag, 11 Osborn, 60 Ostrander, 59 Ottenberg, 119 134 INDEX. Palding, see Paulding Palmer, 6i Pappegoya, 33 Parker, 91, 102 Pasco, 28 Pasko, see Pasco Paulding, 24 Pauluszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Pawling, 31 Pearson, 7 Pell, 29, 58, 70 Periam, 43 Peterszen family, 21, 22 Phenix, 119 Philips, 119 Philipse, 37, 74, 9°. 91. 94, 98 Philipse family, 94 Philipszen, 37 Picques, xii, 23 Pieces, 23 Pieters, 5, 21, 53, 78, 81 Pietersen, 50, 64 Pieterszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Pierepont, 103 Pikes, 23 Pit, 119 Pluvier, 10 ' Porter, 41 Post, 71, 72, 119 Prime, 103 Printz, 33 Provoost, X, 20, 34, 38, 39, 54, 64, 65. 79. 81, 92, 99, 100, 104 Provoost family, loi Pruyn, 123 Pryor, 40 Prys, 7 Purple, vii, x, xii, 62, 108 Purple family, 62 Pyckes, 23 Quackenbosch, 7 Quaak, 119 Quick, 49 Radcliflf, 123, 124 Randolph, 61 Rapaille, 13 Rapalje, 52, 66 Rasenburg, 119 Ravenstein, 66 Ree, 7 a Reed, 92, 103 Reid, 103 Remsen, 51, 122 Renselaar, 112 Resolvert, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Rey, 40 Reyerszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Reyniers, 86 Reynolds, 61 Rhee, 72 Rhee, 20 Richt, 119 Richards, 32 Riddle, 31 Ridley, 92 Ritzema, 44 Robertson, 120 Robin, 90 Robinson, 27, 31, 79, 90, 94, 95, 96 Rodenburg family, 32, 86 Roeder, 119 Roelofs, 17, 32, 40, S3, 54, 107, 126 Romans, 119 Rombout, 104, 105, 106 Rombouts, 28 Romen, 119 Ronieyn, 54 Romme, 54 Roosevelt, 49, 64 Rosenvelt, see Roosevelt Rosevelt, 17, 45, 49, 64, 70, 91 Rosa, 121 Ross, 62, 65 Rutgers, 11, 21, 65, 67, 94, lox, 141 Rutgers family, 65 Rutherfurd, 93, 99, 102 Rutherfurd family, 102 Ruts, 114 Rycke, 73, 119, see Lent, 120 Rycken, 73, see Lent Ryckman family, 55, 56 Ryerson, 13, 90 Rynders, 19, 20, 30, 112, 113 Rynders family, 34 Reyndertse, 34, 35 Ryssens, 77 Ruyter, 119 Saffe, 88 Salisbury, 77, 89 Sam, III Sammane family, 25 INDEX. 135 Samsons, 114 Sanders, 17, 23 Sandford, 68 Sands, 102 Santford, 78 Santvoort family, 22, 78 Schatts, 35, 43 Scheerburch, 50, 63 Schenck, 109 Schepmoes, 42, 58, 123 Schermerhorn, 108 Schilders, 85 Schouten, 13, 14 Schrick, 73, 79, 80, 87, 89, 90, 98, 99. 103 Schudt, 36 Schuts, II, 35 Schuyler, 12, 36, 37, 61, 75, 76, 90, 91, 104, 108, 109, 112, 114 Schuyler family, 75, 109 Sebren, 66 Seikelson, 15 Sell, 119 Selyns, 18, 66 Sester, 119 Serven, 69 Sharduyn, 119 Sharp, zi Shaw, 14 Sheffield, vii, 62 Shermer, 7, 43 Shields, no Shippen, 86 Shout, 14, see Schouten Sick els, 16, 73 Siecken family, 13, 14 Silkwood, 125 Sill, 56 Simmons, 61, 67 Simons, 119, 120 Sise, 119 Sip, 109 Sipkins, 11, 119 Sjahaan, 119 Sjee, 119 Sjecklin, 119 Sjeckson, 119, 120 Slechtenhorst, 24, 37, 39, 108 Sleight, 121 Slingerlant, 24, 25, 51 Sloughton, 30 Sluyter, 84, 85 Slyck, IS Smith, 26, 62, 64, 70, 89, 125 Smit, 70 Snyder, 50, 121 Snyers, 50, 121 Sonierendyk family, 5 Sparks, 93 Specht, 1 8 Spencer, viii, 62 Spier, 14 Splinters, 66 Spragg, 30, 31 Spratt, 65, 98, 99, loi Spratt family, 98 Staats, 20, 30, 35, 37, 120, 125 Steenwick, 17, 18, 35, 74 St. Benen, 120 St. Leger, 68 Stephens, 78 Stephenson, 54 Stephenszen, 28, 35, 36, 52, see Van Cortlandt, 36 Stevens, 54, 102, 119 Stevens family, 102 Stewart, 98 Stewart family, 81 Stille family, 5 to 9, 15 Stilwell, 23 Stoffelsen, 27, 63 Stout, 43, 125 Stoutenburg, 24, 42, 108 Streatfield, 93 Stridles family, 26 Stuart, ix Stuyvesant, 23, 25, 39, 81, 82, 84, 91, 102, III Stuyvesant family, 81 Swarthwout, 51 Swartwout, 122 Swits, 23 Switsart, 23 Sybrants, 60 Symes, 95 Symmes, 92 Tanner, 119 Ten Broeck, 36, 91 Ten Eyck, 26, 43 Teller, 18, 36, 37, 87, 90, 98, 103 Teller family, 104 Terhuyn, 57, 58 Tennis, 18 136 INDEX. Teunissen, 24 Thahaan, 119 Theunis, 6, 13, 24, 76 Theuniszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117, 120 Thuniszen, 76 Thomaszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Thomaszen, 11, 16, 23, 25, 26 Tibou, Thebou, 79 Tienhoven, 42, 119 Timber, 69 Timmer, 69 Tjersvelt, 72 Toenis, 76 Toeniszen, 76, j^^ De Key Tonneman, 56 Tremper, 124 Truer, 119 Trumbull, 92 Tsipkins, 119 Tucker, 8, 119 Turk, 12 Tuynier, 119 . Tymens, 27, 28, 29, 30 Tyssen, 80 Underbill, 77 Valey, 120 Valckenburg, 5 Van Aelen, 104, 107 Van Aernam, 24 Van Albady, 119 Van Alen, 36 Van Alst, 16, 69 Van Antwerp, viii Van Baal, 98, 105 Van Baal family, 105 Van Balen, 98, 105 Van Beeck, 80, 87, 88 Van Beeck family, 88 Van Benthuysen, 123 Van Beuren family, 69, 70 Van Beverhout, 112 Van Boekenhoven, 119 Van Borsum, 20, 43, 53 Van Brakel, 78, 119 Van Breestede, 65 Van Brevoort, 119 Van Brugh, 8, 28, 32, 38, 39, 76, 92 101, 113 Van Brug, 17, 113 Van Buckly's, 88 Van Bueren, 44, 69 Van Buuren, 69 Van Cortlandl, 12, 14, 34, 36, 37, 52, 102, 112, 113, 114 Van Cortlandt family, 37 Van Courtl', 36 Van Couwenhoven, 5, 9, 10, 15, 38, 56, 77 Van Dalsen, 72 Van Dam, 55, 100, 112, 113 Van Dam family, 112 Van den Berg, xii, 45, 59 Van den Beig family, 59 Van den Boog, 119 Van der Beeck, 14, 73, 119 Van der Beek, 57 Van der Donck, 83 Van der Grist, 35, 77, 83, 88 Van der Groof, 40 Van der Gouda, 63 Van der Gouw, 63 Van der Grow, 2 7 Van der Heul family, 48, 49, 65 Van der Heyden, 51 Vanderheyden family, 86 Van der Huyghens, 47, 48 Vanderleyden, 86 Van der Linde, 109, 59 Van der Lyn, 59, 109 Van der Liphout, 49, 58 Van der Schure, 58 Vanderpoel, 104 Van der Spiegel, 55, 66, 112 Van der Veen, 14, 27, 28, 29, 35 Van der Veen family, 28 Van der Vorst, 66, 68 Vanderzee, 51 Van Deurse, 59 Van Deusen, 59 Vandewater, 105, 107 Van Dien, 57 Van Diepenbroeck, 89 Van Doesburgh, 68 Van Dries, 15 Van Duersen, 24, 59 Van Dyck, 42, 57, 58, 63, 72, 74, 77, 78, 79 Van Dyck family, 42, 77 to 79 Van Elsvliet, 70 Van Eps, 55, 98 Van Etten, 123 INDEX. m Van Exveen, 20 Van Gelder, 58 Van Gilder, 11 Van Gysse, 57 Van Haert, 69 Van Hartsberge, 32 Van Heyniiigen, 15, 123 Van Hock, 11 Van Hoogten, 108 Van Horn, 22 Van Home, 65, 66, 67, 68, 78, 79, 90, 92, 93, 112, 114 Van Imberg, 10 Van Iveren, 71 Van Kleeck family, 43, 44, 121 Van Kortland, 113 Van Laer, 26 Van Langendyk, 119 Van Langestraat, 54, 119 Van Naerden, 89 Van Nes, 25, 36 Van Ness, 123 Van Nieuwerzluys, 66 Van Noortstrant, 58 Van Norden, 9 Van Oblinus, 72, 119 Van Oosten, 10 Van Pelt, 82 Van Putter), 12 1 Van Ransalier, 113 Van Ranst, 54 Van Rasenburg, 119 Van Rensselaer, 37, 76, no, 112, 113 Van Rosenvelt, 64 Van Rollegom, 42, 66, 108 Van Romen, 120 Van Sara, 120 Van Schaick, 5, 9, 25, 40 Van Schaick family, 9 to 12 Van Schelluyne, 77 Van Schoenderwoert, 21 Van Sickelen, 57 Van Slechtenhorst, 25, 37, 108 Van Schlichtenhorst, 108 Van St. Cubis, 120 Van St. Obyn, 120 Van St. Ubus, 120 Van Thiiyl, 70, 76, 119 Van Tienhoven, 5, 27, 42, 56, 81 Van Tilburg, 11, 49, 108 VanTricht, 107, 108 Van Tuyl, 76, see De Key Van Twiller, 27 Van Varick, 41 Van Vegte, 25 Van Vecliten, 25, 91, 95 Van Vegten, 95, 122 Van Voorhees, 70 Van Vorst, 66 Van Vleck, 22, 53,54, 55 Van Vredenburgh, 123 Van Vreelandt, 5 Van Wagenen, 91, 109, 121, 122, 124 Van Werckhoven, 83 Van Winkle, 57, 68 Van Woert, 21, 36, 65, 66 Van Wyck, 37, 45 Van Zandt, 70 Van Zuren, 41 Varick, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44, 125 Varick family, 41 Varlet, 79 Varleet, 79 Vareth, 108 Varleth, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 87, 99 Varleth family, 79 to 114 Vatch, 113 Vaughton, 30, 31, 32 Vaughton family, 32 Vedder, 51, 108 Veeder, 51, 108 Veet, 126 Ver Brackel, 78 Ver Brugge, 32 Verdon, 60, 120 Verlet, 39, 79 Verleth, 32, '79 Verleth family, 79 Vermlje, 30, 50 Verplanck, 39, 51, 54, 90, 91, 97, 105, 107 Ver Veelen, 72 Vervelje, 50 Verwey, 44 Vigne, 66 Vinge, 66 Visboom, 31, 41, 42 Visscher, 64 Vliereboom, 7, 24 VoUeman, 120 Voorhees, 58 Vorsman, 85 138 INDEX. Vreedenburgh, 44 Vreeland, see Michielszen in Dutch Aliases Vreeland, 13, 22, 67, 68, 82 Vreeland family, 67, 68 Vrelant, 68 Waerdt, 7 Waldren, 72 Waldron, 60, 72, 73, 84 Walgraef, 114 Walgrave, 114 Walling, 6 Walter, no Walters, 28, 31, 32, 108, no Walters family, 32 Walton, 22, 23 Walton family, 23 Ward, 61, 85 Wanshaer, see Dutch Aliases, 120 Wanshaer, 26, 27, 48, 50, 66, 125 Wanshaer family, 26 Washington, 23, 96 Watkins, 93 Watson, 91 Watts, 102, no Webbers, 6, 7 Welchem, 119 Wendel, 119 Wendell, 51, 64, 65, 104, 108 Weeks, 69 Wells, 60 Wessels, see Dutch Aliases, 120 Wessels, 18, 19, 32, 33, 39, 51, 54, 66,67,81,105, 107,114,119,120, 125 Wesselszen, see Dutch Aliases, 117 Weyt, 120 Wharton, 120 Whartman, 68 White, ix, 92, 120 Wickersteen, 74 Wileman, 106 Wilkinson, 60 Willems, 76 Willet, 42 Williams, 30, 94 Williamson, 40 Williemszen, see Dutch Aliases, 1 1 7, 118 Willemszen, 27, 114 Wilnierding, 69 Winne, 36, 57 Winster, 120 Wiltse, 44 Wits, 23 Woed, 120 Woeder, 120 Woertendyk family, 5 Woertman, 18 Wolsum, 28, 31 Wood, 45, 87 Woodart, 119 Woodt, 87 Wouterse, 14, 15, 21 Wourterszen, 21 Wycke, 119, 120 Wyd, 120 Wydt, 120 Wynkoop, 49 Wyt, 120 Wyten, 120 Yackson, 120 Yates, 32 Yde Waert, 120 Yeads, 120 Young, 80 Zabriskie, 44, 67 Zeeman, 120 Zluys, 24 Zyperus family, 20 ■■!^i!!^^^.. ^^5^