€mm\\ Hittircvsiiti piha*]) BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF 3Henrg W. Sage 1891 A.-.m.^^^'^ ^Yf'.A^^ A ^43 I Cornell University f Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/cletails/cu31924028655524 BI-CEf(rENARY OF THE BURNIHG OF PROVIDENCE \\ 1676, DEFENCE EHODE ISLAND SYSTEM Sprnitment of i\u Jiulian^, AKD OF . (Jiuil Hiul llelisiou.^ Jibertg. AX ADDRESS DELIVERED BEFORE THE RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETV, APRIL lOTH, 1870, ZACHAHIAH ALLEN, LL. D. PROVIDENCE: PRO-N-IDENCE PKESS CO., TKINTEKS TO THE STATE AND CITY. 1876. © /^. r^7^f ADDRESS Successive centuries, as they pass aAvay, serve as epochs of huraan progress. They seem like mile stones, remindiug travelers on the journey of life to look back on the past for instruction, and forward to the future for improvement. Two centuries ago this day, our forefathers beheld the heavens reddened by the blaze of their dwellings, kindled by the natives, who had been their friends. "We asseml^le now to consider the causes of this calamity. Our forefathers, — their joys and their sorrows, — have passed away. It remains for us to trace out and record the history of their lives ; to profit by avoiding their errors, and by copying their virtues. The question is now vividly brought up, what were the wrongs that converted the once friendly Indians, who so hospitably received and protected the founder and early set- tlers of Rhode Island, into hostile foes? This bi-centennial celebration is a fit time and occasion to investigate this question, which involves most important principles for human government. In morals, as in mechanics, every reaction is preceded by an action. What was the action, — what the wrongs, that brought about the hostility of the Indians to the settlers of Rhode Island ; — the burning of Providence, and the war, that finally swept away a once powerful people from the shores naught in malice." We shall confine our attention to extracts from authentic historical publications, specially relating to the conduct of the original settlers of New Eng- land toward the aboriginal inhabitants. The first notice of the native Indians by the emigrants, who landed in Plymouth, as recorded in Morton's New Eng- land Memorial, is an account of the landing of an exploring party. "The party found some fair baskets of corn and beans, which they brought away -without paying for." This act of plunder excited the Indians to defend their property for self-preservation. Consequently, the next ex- ploring party of emigrants "were assailed with arrows by the Indians ;" who were ever afterward considered and. desig- nated e?iemies. The place was also named " First Encoun- ter." These statements show that the first act of the newly arrived emigrants at Plymouth was robbery of the Indians, and the first meeting with them a fight. In consequence of these aggressions, the Indians kept out of sight until the Spring following. Then an Indian named Squanto, in company with another, came into Plymouth. They spoke the English language. As stated l)y Morton, they were two of eleven Indians, who had been kidnapped by an English captain of a vessel, to be sold as slaves in the AVest Indies. These two found their way to I^ondon, Avhere Fernando Gorges obtained from them the information that originally led to the formation of a Joint Stock Company in London, for obtaining a royal Patent for the possession of the Indian lands, and the fisheries on the New England sea coasts. These interpreters stated that the country west of Plymouth was occupied by a tribe of Indians called Pokano- HOSTILE DEMONSTRATIONS. O kets ; — that " they were intent on revenge for the carrying away of many of their people )>3' the English, without any cause of injury committed." In the autumn, nine of the neighboring Sachems came in, and made a treaty of peace, and agreed to become subjects of the King of Great Britain. This compact entitled them to be treated as fellow subjects. The principal Sachem, named Massasoit, lived about forty miles west of Plymouth ; Avhere the town of Warren now is. This region was called "Massasoit's country ;" and finally the whole surroimding countrj' was called Massachusetts, after his name. If fame be an offset to wrongs, this old chief is remunerated by aiExing his name to one of the present United States of North America. The Sachem of the powei'ful tribe of Narragansett Indians, Canouicus, who afterward proved so kind to the exiles in Ehode Island, defying the injustice of the English Colony at Plymouth, expressed his determination of resistance to ag- gressions, by the diplomatic missive of a bundle of arrows, bound together by the skin of a rattlesnake. The Plymouth people reciprocated the hostile demonstra- tion by returning the sldn filled with gunpowder and bullets. This served as an interchange of visiting cards, as on com- mencing an acquaintance. The cupidity of the London Joint Stock Company soon induced them to grant a license to another party of emigrants, under Mr. T^eston. They made a settlement at Weymouth. Morton states : The Indians loudly complained of them for stealing their corn, and that they care not for the rule of right. They hired themselves to the Indians and ended in robbing them. Governor Bradford wrote to the Manager of the AYeston Colony, warning him against such doings. "Early in Spring, Governor Bradford received informa- tion that the exasperated Indians had formed a conspiracy to drive away the base men of the Weston Colony." The Governor and Council, instead of checking and pun- 6 ASSASSINATION OF INDIANS BY MILES STANDISH. ishing the offenders, declared war against the Indians, and commenced immediate hostilities. It is stated: "'TAvasa sad business ; for they knew that Weston's men were in the wrong in provoking resistance. Without notifying the In- dians of the declaration of war, Miles Standish, the military commander, with four others, inveigled some of the Sachems into a wigwam, sprang suddenly upon them and plunged their knives into the bosoms of the unsuspecting natives." The historian narrates : "The Indians died hard, after receiving many wounds." " Miles Standish returned to Plymouth Avith the head of Wetenomut, which was set up on a pole in the fort." Their good old minister, Mr. Robinson, rebuked this proceeding in a letter written from Holland, saying : " How happy it would have been, had you converted an Indian before you killed one." Such a massacre of Sachems, who had signed a treaty of peace, and submitted to become British subjects, is revolting to humanity. A subsequent flagrant injustice in killing the Sachems who had come into Plymouth under a promise of protection, made by Captain Church, during the war with King Philip, manifested a disregard not only of Christian principles, but even of the laws of civilization. This was the general S3^stem pursued in settling the shores of the New World. Columbus deemed the planting of the Spanish flag on the sea shore a fee simple title to vast regions of the American continent, and a title to ownership of the owners of the soil as slaves. To this general practice the French appear not to have so commonly conformed, as they intermarried with the Indians in Canada, while their priests self-denyingly explored the interior as missionaries for converting the Indians to Chris- tianity. In Rhode Island and Pennsylvania the lands were pur- chased of the natives, and consequently harmony and good will prevailed. A recent Massachusetts historian comments on the con- ADVENT OF ROGER WILLIAMS. 7 duct of the Plymouth Pilgrims, by saying : " It is to be re- gretted that they did not compel Weston's colony to live decently among them, or exterminate them, rather than to have sanctioned their acts, and thereby excited the hatred of the Indians against all Christian white men."* The massacre of the Indian sachems near Plymouth in- spired such terror, that several of them fled with their families to the swamps and distant forests, where they per- ished by exposure, f A few years after this practical execution of the cruel doctrine of the extermination of the heathen, the advent of a missionary of the opposite Christian doctrine of " peace and good will to men," was destined to show the conti'ast between the two precepts for the practical government of mankind. Eoger Williams came to Plymouth soon after, and while officiating as a minister there, extended his missionary la- bor's to the adjacent tribes of Indians. He studied their language to communicate with them kindly and beneficenth'. In this way he won the friendship of Massasoit, on whom he * On meeting the Inclians to make a treaty for the purchase of lands for plant- ing, William Penn addressed them as follows:— "Our object is Dot to destroy, hut to do good. We are here met together on the broad pathway of good will, for mutual benefit, so that no advantage shall be taken on either side ; as in brotherhood and love." " I will not compare the friendship now sought to be established, to a cliain ; for this might be broken. We will esteem the Indians as of the same flesh and blood with the Christians." The Indians, after a time, appealed to the white men in the following words of one of their chiefs : — '• You know that when the white people first came here, they were poor. Now they have our lands and are become rich; and we are poor. What little we received for the land was soon used up; but you have the lands forever." The result was, that a double payment was finally made, and grate- fully received by the satisfied natives. The following law was established by the original proprietors of Pennsyl- vania :^ " Section XIII. No man shall by any ways or means, by word or deed, affront or wrong any Indian, without suffering the same penally of the law as if the offence were committed against his fellow planters." The deeds of transfer of their lands by the Indians in Rhode Island are recorded, with the signatures of the sachems appended in the form of their attested marks of a bow, an arrow, tomahawks and other devices, significant of a sign-manual. It is recorded that, to satisfy the Indians, in some cases, the Providence settlers paid them extra allowances, as stated of the Pennsylvania planters. t C Winslow. -Chronicles of the Pilgrims.) 8 DOCTEINE OF JUSTICE TO THE INDIANS. was afterward forced to rely for shelter from persecutiou by the Puritans in and around Boston. Banished by his felloAV countrymen in midwinter, for four- teen weeks he found a home withhis friend Massasoit, where, as quaintly narrated by Williams, " he was sorely tossed, and knew not what bread and bed did mean." As truly stated, " he fled from the savage Christians of Massachusetts Bay to the Christian savages of Narragansett Bay." By carrying out the principles of befieiicence and justice to the Indians in the new State he subsequently founded, there never was a " First Encounter " therein with natives, until the adjacent colonies extended their injustice beyond their borders, into the otherwise ever peaceful borders of Rhode Island. Manifestly this remarkable contrast between the recipro- cations of friendly intercourse, and of hostile encounters, is ascribable to the difference between his practice of the benefi- cent principles of the Christian doctrine of " peace and good will to men," and their practice of those opposite doctrines which, as the Puritans supposed, sanctioned the extermina- tion of people of different religious faiths. It is certainly one of the most remarkable events recorded in history, that an attempt ever should have been made to introduce and establish a Jewish code and system of com- Itined ecclesiastical and civil laws for the government of man- kind in the "new world," the abolishment of which in the Old World, was among the objects of our Saviour's mission upon earth. The strenuous efforts still persistently continued for main- taining ecclesiastical domination and infallibility by physical force — by combining the powers of church and state, is a very strong proof of the necessity of more thoroughly teach- ing the true doctrines of Christian humility. The claim that " the earth is the Lord's and the inheri- tance of His saints," and that they were the saints, suggested not only the seizure of the lands of the Indians by the Massa- ECCLESIASTICAL DOCTEIiS-ES OF THE PUEITANS. 9 cluisctts Puritans, but also the treating of all non-comformists to their ideas of orthodoxy, — the Baptists, Episcopalians and Quakers, — as having no riglits wliich they were bound to respect. Tlie same struggle is still going on between dominating- ecclesiastics and scientific men. The latter claim tire same liberty to stud}- the revelations of the Divine will in the physical Lnvs established for the government of the material world, as ecclesiastical students claim for freely studying the revelations of the same Di^•iue will in the Holy Scriptures, for the government of the intellectual world. "The dark ages" of Europe were the results of the prohibition by eccle- siastics of scientific investigations. Imprisonments, tortures ancl_death were inflicted on innumerable philosophers. The present discussions about the dubious theories of ma- terialism and evolution would excite little public notice, were they not blended with ecclesiastical controversy. Whether tliese theories be right or wrong, the privilege of a free dis- cussion of them is justly claimed. Even manifest ph^^sical facts are controverted by meta- physical ecclesiastics. Galileo was imprisoned for affirming- that the earth revolves around the sun ; and was compelled, before an altar, with bended knee and tearful eyes, to abjure this truth, revealed to those eyes. With these facts before us, we may well believe, that the doctrine taught by Roger Williiims was as unwelcome as the fact of science taught by Galileo. It was the mission of Roger Williams in Xew England to carry out practically the Christian doctrine of peace and good will to men, not only to the Indians, but to all his fel- low men on earth. This he laljored to do, and this he suc- cessfully accomplished, by founding the first civil government on earth on the bnsis of a complete separation of church and state, for perfect religious freedom. The two chief priests of the Puritans in Boston, Mr. Hig- ginson and Mr. Skelton, early established and directed the 10 THE CODE OE JEWISH LAWS ADOPTED. course of traiuiug in the public scliools ; and the ' ' Xew England Primer " continues to exhibit tlie medle}' of relig- ious and secular education adapted to their creed. Under the system of these two ministers, who wielded the supremacy of Closes and Aaron, tlie government of the jMassachusetts Puritans was a religious despotism, under which tliere was no safety for " life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness " by the people. As stated by the historian, Elliot, (page 164,) " John Winthrop, with his accustomed pliancy, yielded too much, by assenting to the persecutions of Roger Williams, Mi's. Hutchinson, Mrs. Wheelwright and others. These ministers changed at times from kindly men to bloodj' persecutors ; who imbrued their hands in the blood of the Quakers, and of the poor women accused of witchcraft in Salem." These are the frank words of a Massa- chusetts historian. The evils of the Jewish code, carried out by the Puritans of ^Massachusetts, and the barbarous cruelties practised by them not only toward the Indians, but toward all fellow men of different creeds, by whipping the naked backs of Avomen and hanging them for religious opinions, and by seiz- ing the lands of neighboring people for their inheritance as saints, were so revolting to modern civilization and refine- ment, that a general shudder was produced in England at the recitals of such conduct ; and the interference of kingly power was invoked to put a stop to it. As authentically stated, King Charles, a Catholic at heart, was moved to grant a royal charter to the colonists of Ehode Island, as a place of refuge for Catholics and Protestants alike, against persecu- tions. Jiy attempting to carry out the Jewish code of union of Church and State, the Indians were practically treated liy the Puritans as heathens ; and a sj'stem of seizing and selling them as slaves, or of exterminating them as enemies, was commenced ly those who first landed on the shores at Plymouth, as has been narrated. Although the opposite doc- trines were taught by Eoger Williams, j^et so forcibly were TREATMENT OF THE INDIANS BY THE PURITANS. 11 they opposed, that he and the colonists of Ehode Island ^ycl•e involved in the consequences of the injustice of the other ^vhite men composing the New England colonies. It was the struggle for self-preservation against injustice and exterminating cruelty, which excited the peaceful Narra- gansett Indians to attack their friends in Providence ^without distinction, as being the wliife men. Assured of the friend- ship of the Indians, whom he knew personally, Williams crossed the ford of the IMoshassic river, where the screw factories now are, and Avas met l)y a sachem while advancing up the adjacent bluif. This bluff" long retained the name of " Camp-hill," as having been the place of the Indian encamp- ment ; and was opposite to the stamping mill for pounding corn ; the street leadhig to which still retains the name of " Stamper street." He was told to go back, — " that he was a good man, and not a hair of his head would be hurt ; but it was now too late, — the Avarriors could be restrained no longer." That the Indians had been restrainecl until their treatment had become unendurable, is officially testified to in a mes- sage sent to Gov. AA^'inthrop in Connecticut, by the Legisla- ture of Ehode Island, dated October '2C}, 1676, and certified at Newport by the Secretary of State, in the following words : " AVe believe that if matters come to a just inquiry concerning the cause of the Indian AVar, that our Xarragan- set Sachems were subjects to his iMajesty, and by his com- missioners were taken under his protection, and put under our government. They manifested to us their submission by appearing whenever sent for." " Neither was there any manifestation of war against us from them; but always the contrary, until the United Colo- nies forced them to war, or to such submissions as it seems they could not submit to. The United Colonies, (Plj^- mouth, Massachusetts and Connecticut) , thus involved us in these hazards, charges and losses, to our outer Plantations." 12 CHARACTER OF THE INDIANS. This official document is a verdict of acquittal of the In- dians of all blame for the ^var, one consequence of which was the burning of Providence. When it is considered that this address was written only a few months after that catastrophe, and while smarting under the losses incurred, the truthful- ness of this verdict must be admitted as conclusive. The details of King Philip's war have so recentlj^ been recited to you, here in this room, that it is unnecessary to repeat them, even if our limited time permitted. I will read, however, a testimonial of an esteemed American historian, Washington Irving, which exhibits to the world a very different view of the character of King Philip, from that we listened to last summer from the Rev. H. M. Dexter, D. P., at our meeting on the spot at Mount Hope, where Philip was killed. !Mr. Dexter, in representing the Puritan side of the question of the treatment of the Indians, summa- rily characterized the whole life of the sachem as briefly por- trayed in the words of Captain Church's description of him, as his body appeared, after being drawn out of the miry swamp: "He was a doleful great naked dirty beast." Irving sketches the life of Metacomet, popularly known as " King Philip," in the following words : " Persecuted while living, dishonored and slandered Avlien dead, even the accounts published by his enemies exhibit traits of lofty character, sufficient to awaken sympathy for his fate, and respect for his memoiy." " We find that amidst all the harassing cares and fero- cious passions of constant warfare, he was alive to the kind- est feelings of connubial affection and paternal tenderness ; and to the exercise of generous sentiments of friendship. The capture of his beloved wife and on\j son is mentioned with exultation by their captors as causing him poignant misery. The death of each clear friend is triumphantly re- corded, as a painful blow on his sensibilities. The final de- sertion and treachery of many of his followers, in whose affections and faithfulness he had confided, is said to have BENEFICENT DOCTRINES OF ROGER WILLIAMS. 13 ' desolated bis heart, and bereaved bhn of bis last bope and comfort.' " " He was a patriot, ardently attacbed to bis Itcautiful na- tive land ; — a Prince true to bis subjects, and indignant at their Avrongs ; a daring warrior in battle — firm of purpose in adversity, patient of fatigue, of hunger, of bodily sutfer- ing, and ready to die in the cause of his country. He dis- phiycd tlie lieroic qualities that would have graced a civilized warrior. His bold achievements have rendered him the theme of the poet and historian. He continued a wanderer and a fugitive in bis native land ; and finally sunk down like a lonely bark foundering amid darkness and tempest, A\'bere there was no pitying eye to weep over his fall, and no friendly hand to record his fate." Having briefly glanced at the beneficent principles which produce the most important results in hunaan affairs, Ave now return to the practical working and carrying out of these principles in the treatment of the natives of New England, verified by records of history. When the Puritans continued to practice the Jewish code toward the Indians, Roger Williams came forward, not to argue the question of ecclesiastical infallibility, but simply to state the material advantages of just and kindly treat- ment. In bis address to them be uses the following argu- ments : " I never was ajjainst the rioliteous use of the civil sword by men or nations. All desire to consider their wars justi- fiably defensive. I humbly pray your consideration, ^vbetb- er it be not only possible but preferable, to live and die in peace Avith the natives of this country." " For are not all the English of this land, generally, a persecuted people, — exiles from their native soil? And bath not the God of peace and Father of mercies made these natives more friendly to us in their country, than our fellow countrymen in our native land? Have they not entered into leagues with us of peace, and to this day continued a peace- 14 HARMLESS CONDUCT OF THE NATIVES. able commerce with iis? Are not our families grown up in peace among them ?" " I humbly ask how it can suit with Christian kindness to take hold of some seeming occasions for their destruction, which, though onl}^ the chiefs are aimed at, j^et all experi- ence tells us, falls on the bodies of the innocent?"' He tinally concludes this admirably l)enevolent letter as follows : ' ' I cannot learn that the Narragansetts have e^s'er stained their hands with any English blood, — either in open hostili- ties or secret murders. It is true that they are barbarians ; but their greatest offences against the English have been matters of money, or petty revengings of themselves on other Indians, upon extreme provocations ; but God kept them clear of our blood." " Many hundreds of English people have experimentally found the Indian people to be inclined to peace and love. Their late famous king, Canonicus, long lived, and died in the same most honorable manner ; and was buried with the same solemnity (in their way), as you laid to sleep your prudent peace-maker, Mr. Winthrop. So did they honor their prudent and peaceable prince. His son, Mexham, inherits his siDirit. Yea, through all their towns and countries, how frequently does many a solitary Englishman travel alone with safety and loving kindness." " Honored sirs, I know it is said the Bay Island Indians are subjects ; but I have heard this questioned ; and, indeed, I question -whether any Indians in this country, remaining barbarous and pagan, may with truth and honor be called English subjects." "All Indians are extremely treacherous, in their own nations, for private ends revolting to strangers. What acts will they commit upon the sound of one defeat of the Eng- lish? The trade of stealing English cattle and persons, and plunder, will most certainly ensue, if any considerable party escape alive." MILITARY POWERS OF THE IKDIANS. 15 " I beseech you not to forget, that although we are apt to play at this plague of war, to seriously consider how won- derfully fickle are the results. Heretofore, not having liberty to enter j^our jurisdiction to take ship, I was forced to repair unto the Dutch (in New York) ; where mine eyes did see the first breaking forth of that Indian War, which the Dutch began on the slaughter of some Dutch by the Indians ; and which they questioned to finish in a few days. But before we weighed anchor, their boweries were in flames, and both Dutch and English slain. Mine eyes saw the flames of their town, and the flights and hurries of men, women and chil- dren, the pressing removal of all they could, for Holland. After vast expense and mutual slaughter of Dutch, English, and Indians, after four years of warfare, the Dutch were forced to make an unworthy aud dishonorable peace with the Indians, to save their plantations from ruin." " The Narragansetts and Mohawks are the two greatest nations of Indians in this country. They have been confed- erates, aud are both, as yet, friendly and peaceal)ly disposed to the English. I do humbly conceive, in case of unavoida- ble war with either of them, to make sure of the one as a friend." " The Narragansetts have ever continued friendly from the first, and they have been true to you in the Pequot War, and induced the Mohegans to come in. Then ensued the downfall of the Pequots." Edward Winslow states in a letter to a friend in England : " We have found the Indians very faithful to their covenants of peace with us, very loving and ready to pleasure us. We go with them, in some cases, fifty miles into the country ; and walk as safely and peaceably in the woods, as in the highways of England. We entertain them familiarly in our houses ; and they are friendly in bestowing their venison upon us. They are a people without religion ; yet very trusty, quick of apprehension, humorous and just." Cushman writes : " To us they have been like lambs, so 16 LOCATIONS OF INDIAN NATIONS. kind, so trusty and so submissive, that many Christians are not so Idnd and sincere." Chicatabot, a sachem visiting Boston in 1631, it is stated : " Beins: in Ensrlish clothes, the s^overuor set him at his own table, where he behaved himself as an English gentleman." The nation of Narragansett Indians occupied the country on the west side of Narragansett bay, which still bears their name, extending northwardly to include the valleys of the rivers Moshassic, Wouasquatucket, Pawtuxet and Pawca- tuck, and also all the islands in the bay. The adjacent tribe of Pequots dwelt on the lands between the Pawcatuck and Thames. The Mohegans occupied the valley of the Niantic river, the Nipmucs the Quinebaug val- ley and eastwardly. The east side of Narragansett bay was inhabited hy the Wampanoags, (who were next in power to the Narragan- setts,) on the broad regions of country extending to Massa- chusetts Bay, Cape Cod and Nantucket. The most powerful sachem of the Wampanoags, at the time of the arrival of the Plymouth settlers, was Massasoit, also called Osemequin. His two sons and successors, were Wamsutta, called by the English name of A.lexander, and Metacomet, known as King Philip. Canonicus was the* first Narragansett sachem known to the English people, and Mi- antinomo, Pessacus and Canonchet succeeded him. From Massasoit, Roger Williams obtained permission to occupy the lands in Seekonk, from which he removed across the Blackstone river to the valley of the Moshassic ; the purchase of which was made of Miiintinomo, including "all the lauds and meadows on the two fresh water rivers called the Moshassic and the Pawtuxet rivers." The conflicting claims of Massasoit and Miantinomo to some part of these tracts were satisfactoi'ily settled for by the Providence colonists. In a letter to Major Mason, Roger Williams gives an im- pressive statement of his services to the colonies of Massa- chusetts and Plymouth, in regard to the Indians, as follows : ROGER "WILLIAMS' INTERVENTION BESOUGHT. 17 " In accordance with letters received from the Governor and Council of Boston, requesting me to use my utmost and speediest endeavors to break and hinder the league labored for by the Pequots and the Mohegans against the English, the Lord helped me immediately to take my life in my hand, and scarcely acquainting my Avife, to ship myself all alone in a poor canoe, and to cut through a stormy wind and great seas, every minute in hazard of my life, to the sachem's home."' " Three daj^s and nights my mission forced me to lodge and mix with the bloody Pequot amljassadors ; Avhose hands, methought, reeked with the blood of countrymen massacred on Connecticut river. I could not but nightly look for their bloody knives at my own throat likewise." "God wondrously preserved me, and helped me to defeat the Pequot's negotiation and designs, and to promote and finish, by many travels and charges, the English league with the Xarragansetts and Mohegans against the Pequots. When the English forces marched through the Xarragansett country, against the Pequots, I gladly entertained at my house in Providence, General Stoughton and his officers." The Pequot war, to which "Williams refers in the preced- ing statement, was another case of the reckless injustice of the Massachusetts colonists. It appears that a trader named Oldham, was found killed in his Ijoat at Block Island, and "probalily deserved it," as a writer states in describing the event, and as the following account, copied from Morton's New England Memorial, renders probable. "John Oldham was a man of unruly passions, beyond the limits of reason. All reproof of him was like adding oil to fire. After much trouble with him, he was finally put under a guard of musketeers, with orders to punish him by every- one giving him a blow on the hinder part with the butt end of their muskets, and by then sending him in a boat with these farewell words : ' Go, and mend your manners.' " 3 18 CASE OF JOHN OLDHAM. After his expulsion from Plymouth, it appears that this licentious mau went in his boat to Block Island in the year 1636, where he did not "mend his manners;" and the Indians, in turn, bade him farewell, with " a blow of a hatchet on his head," Avhich finally put an end to his evil doings. It appears that Captain John Gallup, commanding a small vessel of twenty tons, in sailing near Block Island in 1636, met a pinnace containing several Indians, who suspicious- ly bore away. He gave chase, and endeavored to run the pinnace down by directing the bow of his vessel against its frail side. Captain Gallup Mdth one mau and two boys then began to assail the Indians from guns loaded with duck shot, and from pistols. This caused the Indians to jump overboard into the sea, and then the pinnace was taken posession of by Captain Gallup. On searching the boat, the body of John Oldham was found under an old seine, with his head cleft by a hatchet. He threw the body into the sea, stripped the pinnace of the goods and sails, and left it adrift. This was certainly a very bold and summary way of de- spatching twelve Indians, as stated by Captain Gallup, on suspicion of something wrong and before realizing it. These facts were communicated to the governor of Massa- chusetts ; who made representation to Miantinomo of the oc- currence. He sent seventeen canoes with men to discover the offenders ; and to obtain the two boys who were with Oldham. He endeavored to prevail on the Pequots to make retribution, as he had successfully done two years before in the case of killing Captain Stone, a similar trader on the coast of Con- necticut. The governor and council of Massachusetts decided thatpun- ishment should be inflicted ; not for any regard for Oldham, but as an example. John Endicott was sent with ninety vol- unteers, under orders to put to death all the Indians found on the island. The Indians having escaped from the island. RASH PROCEEDINGS OE THE ENGLISH. 19 Endicott proceeded to burn their wigwams. But he did not stop here, and probably transcended his orders by pursuing the Indians to the shore on the mainland ; where he began to kill all the people he coul — 5 34 PERMANENCE OF INDIAN NAMES. " Ye say they all have passed away, That ancient race and brave ; — That their light canoes Lave vanished From off the crested wave : — That 'mid the forests, where they roamed, There rings no hunter's shout. — But their names are on your waters. Ye may not wash them out : Their memory lingers on your hills, Their baptism on j^our shore ; Your everlasting rivers speak Their dialect of yore. Old Massachusets wears it, Within her lordly crown. And broad Ohio bears it, Mid all her young renown. Connecticut hath wreathed it Where her quiet foliage waves, And bold Kentucky breathed it, Through all her ancient caves. Monaduoc, on his forehead hoar. Upholds the sacred trust ; The mountains are their monuments, Though ye destroy their dust. Think ye the Eternal's ear is dull, His sleepless vision dim? Think ye He'll fail in justice full. To the wronged who call on Him? "