ar V 15868 ■^v."*!5^ ■ \B Cornell University M Library The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. -:2m _^_ OF THE General Theological Library January PAAlmljII ^917 A Library of Religion and Community Service Vol. IX No. 2 Special Reading List The Refohmation By Professor Arthur C. McGiffert 53 MOUNT VERNON STREET BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Entered as second-class maMer, October 21, 1909, at the Poet Office at Boston, Man., under the Act of July 16, 1894. Issued Quarterly. OFFICERS PRESIDENT Francis Henry Appleton VICE-PRESIDENTS Rev. Paul Revere Frothingham, for Massachusetts Rev. AsEU-EY D. Leavitt, for Maine Rt. Rev. Edward M. Parker, for New Hampshire Rev. Paul Dwight Moody, for Vermont Pres. William H. P. Faunce, for Rhode Island Rev. Samuel H. Howe, for Connecticut DIRECTORS Francis Henry Appleton Arthur S. Johnson Arthur F. Estabrook William V. Kellen Andrew Fiske Frank R. Kimball Thomas B. Fitzpatrick J. Franklin McElwain Prof. Henry Wilder Footb Rev. Alexander Mann Robert H. Gardiner Roswell R. Robinson Rev. George A. Gordon William G. Shillaber Rt. Rev. John W. Hamilton Samuel Usher Clement S. Houghton Delano Wight ENDOWMENT TRUSTEES Robert H. Gardiner, Cliairman Arthur S. Johnson Arthur F. Estabrook SECRETARY Rev. Frederick B. Allen, 53 Mount Vernon Street TREASURER Arthur F. Estabrook, 53 Mount Vernon Street CLERK Delano Wight LIBRARIAN AND ASSISTANT TREASURER Miss Mary M. Pillsbury, 53 Mount Vernon Street ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN Miss Eleanor E. Young 2 COMMITTEE ON FINANCE Francis Henry Appleton, Chairman Arthur F. Estabrook Robert H. Gardiner Andrew Fiske Arthur S. Johnson AUDIT COMMITTEE William G. Shillaber, Chairman Clement S. Houghton Frank R. Kimball COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS Rev. Reuben Kidner William G. Shillaber Rev. Willis H. Butler ADVISORY COMMITTEE Rev. Samuel A. Eliot Rt. Rev. William Lawrence Rev. Frederick E. Emrich William, Cardinal O'Connell Pres. George E. Horr Rev. James Reed Dr. William E. Huntington Rev. Stephen H. Roblin BOOK COMMITTEE Prof. Henry C. Sheldon, Chairman Rev. Frederick B. Allen Rev. George Hodges Prof. Frederick L. Anderson Rev. Alexander Mann Prof. Daniel Evans Rev. James Reed Rev. Paul Revere Frothingham Rev. William F. Warren Rev. George A. Gordon Miss Mary M. Pillsbury, Sec'y LIBRARY HOURS The Library is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Sundays and holidays ex- cepted); Saturday, from 9 a.m. to iz m. During July and August the Library closes at i p.m.; Saturday at 12 u. LIBRARY RULES Books are free to all ordained clergymen in New England. Books are sent to any ordained clergymen in New England residing more than twenty miles from Boston, transportation charges both for sending and return being paid by the Library. Two books may be borrowed at one time. The old books may be held for three weeks and renewed for three weeks. The new books may be held for two weeks and renewed for one week. The time limit is stamped in the back of each book. Requests for renewal may be made by mail or by telephone. Book corners are used for protection on all books when sent out, and borrowers are requested to use the same care when the books are returned. BY-LAWS Chapter III Sect. 4, Any person injuring the property of the Library or hold- ing books over time without paying the fines, shall forfeit his rights in the Institution for one year. Chapter V Sect. 6. Borrowers keeping books from the Library longer than the rule on the subject enjoins shall pay an extra charge to the Institution of two cents a day on each volume so retained. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS October to January Arlington Street Church ... I Trinity Church Miss Rose L. Dexter Samuel Usher B. Preston Clark Arthur S. Johnson Robert H. Gardiner Grace Church, Providence, R. I Rev. Charles A. Denfeld. . . Baptist Ministers' Confer- ence of Boston William Lindsay William H. Lincoln Mrs. Boylston Beal Mrs. Guy Lowell Allston Methodist Episco- pal Church Frank Merriam Charles J. Means Robert W. Morville, Jr F. S. Moseley Second Congregational Church, Holyoke Massachusetts Home Mis- sionary Society (Quar- terly) Miss Mary B. Mills Mrs. Charles E. Mason. . . . Mrs. Henry S. Grew Rev. George D. Latimer .- . . Sioo.oo Rev. Charles J. Staples $2.00 100.00 Thomas B. Fitzpatrick .... 50.00 10.00 Andrew Fiske 15.00 100.00 25.00 J. Franklin McElwain 10.00 George H. Mifflin 5.00 100.00 Rev. H. F. Huse 1.00 100.00 Mrs. Araory A. Lawrence. . 5.00 George Wigglesworth 10.00 25.00 Frank E. Peabody 100.00 2.00 Frank R. Kimball 100.00 10.00 15.00 Edward B. Bayley 5.00 10.00 Everett W. Burdett 10.00 10.00 Mrs. Louis Frothingham. . . 25.00 5.00 Mrs. Waldo Adams 5-00 5-00 Charles H. Parker 5.00 Rev. Charles S. Wyckoff . . . 5-00 5-00 Rt. Rev. John W. Hamilton, 5.00 500 5.00 Arthur Perry 500 25.00 Miss Marianne Paine .... 5.00 Miss Sarah C. Paine 25.00 5.00 Robert Treat Paine 5.00 BabsonS. Ladd 5.00 25.00 Roswell R. Robinson 100.00 Eliot Church, Newton 20.00 David P. Kimball 50.00 25.00 Miss Marian DeC. Ward . . 10.00 5.00 Dr. Calvin G. Page 500 10.00 Richard M. Saltonstall 20.00 15.00 Percival Merritt 5.00 5.00 Rev. Edgar Crossland .... 2.00 RECENT ACCESSIONS October to January Anderson, Isabel. The spell of Japan. Page, 19 14. G. Beach, Harlan P. Renaissant Latin America; an outline and inter- pretation of the Congress on Christian work in Latin America held at Panama, 1916. Missionary Education Movement, 1916. Beck, James M. War and humanity; a further discussion of the ethics of the world war and the attitude and duty of the United States. Putnam, 1916. Besant, Annie. Ancient wisdom; an outline of theosophical teachings. Xheosophical Publishing Company, 1897. Betts, George H. The mind and its education. Appleton, 1916. Box, George H. Virgin birth; a critical examination of the gospel- narratives of the Nativity, and other New Testament and early Chris- tian evidence, and the alleged influence of heathen ideas. Young Churchman, 1915. Brown, William A. Is Christianity practicable? (Lectures delivered in Japan.) Scribner, 1916. Campbell, James M. Prayer in its present-day aspects. Revell, 1916. Campbell, Reginald J. A spiritual pilgrimage. Appleton, 1916. Carey, Walter J. Prayer and some of its difficulties. Mowbray, 1916. Castle, William E. Genetics and eugenics; a text-book for students of biology. Harvard University Press, 1916. Cockshott, Winnifred. The Pilgrim Fathers, their church and colony. Putnam, 1909. Christian Movement in the Japanese Empire, including Korea and Formosa; a year book for 1916, edited by John L. Dearing. Conference of Federated Missions, 1916. Clark, Calvin M. History of Bangor Theological Seminary. Pilgrim Press, 1916. Commons, John R., and J. B. Andrews. Principles of labor legisla- tion. Harper, 1916. Crocker, Henry. History of the Baptists in Vermont. Gobie Press, 19 13. G. D'Arcy, Charles F. God and freedom in human experience. (Donellan lectures, 1913-14.) Arnold, 1915. 6 Fergusson, E. Morris. How to run a little Sunday school. Revell, 1916. Forbush, William B. Child study and child training. Scribner, 1915. Harding, Gardner L. Present-day China, a narrative of a nation's advance. Century, 1916. Henson, Hensley. Robertson of Brighton, 1816-1853. Dutton, 1916. Hyde, William DeW. Are you human? Macmillan, 1916. Jones, Rufus M. The inner life. Macmillan, 1916. Kelynack, Theophilus N. The drink problem of today; in its medico- sociological aspects. Dutton, 1916. Kemp, Joseph W. The soul-winner and soul-winning. Doran, 1916. King, Henry Churchill. It's all in the day's work. Macmillan, 1916. Lathe, Herbert W. The junior parish. American Tract Society, 1915. Leuba, James H. Belief in God and immortality; a psychological, anthropological and statistical study. Sherman, 1916. Mackintosh, Douglas C. Problem of knowledge. Macmillan, 1915. Masaoka, Naoichi, ed. Japan to America; a symposium of papers by political leaders and representative citizens of Japan on conditions in Japan and in the relations between Japan and the United States. Putnam, 1914. Mason, Caroline A. World missions and world peace; a study of Christ's conquest. United Study of Foreign Missions, 1916. Mathews, Shailer. Spiritual interpretation of history. (William Belden Noble lectures.) Cambridge University Press, 1916. Moore, John M. The South today. Missionary Education Movement, 19 16. Morgan, Thomas H. Critiques of the theory of evolution. (Louis Clark Vanuxum foundation.) Princeton University Press, 1916. Moxcey, Mary E. Girlhood and character. (Manuals of ' religious education for parents and teachers.) Abingdon Press, 1916. Mythology of all races. Vol. I, Greek and Roman, by William S. Fox. Jones, 1916. Vol. 9, Oceanic, by Roland B. Dixon. Jones, 1916. Vol. 10, North American, by Hartley B. Alexander. Jones, 1916. Nichiren, the Buddhist Prophet, by Masaharu Anesaki. Harvard University Press, 1916. Rihbany, Abraham M. The Syrian Christ. Houghton, 1916. Rice, William N. Return to faith, and other addresses. Abingdon Press, 1916. Rowe, Henry K. Society, its origin and development. Scribner, 1916. Royce, Josiah. The hope of the great community. Macmillan, 1916. . Essays on international relations and on the present war. Ryan, John A. Distributive justice, the right and wrong of our present distribution of wealth. Macmillan, 1916. Sanday, William, and N. P. Williams. Form and content in the Christian tradition; a friendly discussion. Longmans, 1916. Seebohm, Frederic. Spirit of Christianity; an essay on the Christian hypothesis. Longmans, 1916. Swete, Henry B. Forgiveness of sins, a study in the Apostles' Creed. Macmillan, 1916. Thureau-Dangin, Paul. English Catholic revival in the nineteenth century. 2 vols. Dutton, 1915. Tucker, William J. New reservation of time and other articles con- tributed to the Atlantic Monthly during the occupancy of the period described. Houghton, 1916. Wardle, Addie G. Handwork in religious education. Chicago University Press, 1916. Washington, Booker T. Booker T. Washington, builder of a civiliza- tion, by Emmett J. Scott and Lyman Beecher Stowe. Garden City, 1916. Weston, Jessi L. The quest of the Holy Grail. Bell, 191,3. Wilson, Henry B. Revival of the gift of healing. Young Churchman, 1915. Wolfe, Albert B., ed. Readings in social problems. Selections and documents in economics. Ginn, 1916. Workman, Herbert B. Foundation of modern religion; a study in the task and contribution of the medieval church. (Cole lectures.) Revell, 1916. Wundt, Wilhelm. Elements of folk psychology; outlines of a psy- chological history of the development of mankind. Allen, 1916. Wright, Henry W. Faith justified by progress. (Bross lectures.) Scribner, 1916. G. — Indicates gift. SPECIAL READING LIST — NO. 28 THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION A selected list prepared by Professor Arthur Cushman McGiffert, Professor of Church History in Union Theological Seminary, New York. I. INTRODUCTORY Schaff, D. S. The Middle Ages, 1294-1517. (In Philip Schaff's History of the Christian Church, vol. 5, part 2.) New York, 1910. Fullest treatment in English of the period which it covers. Greighton, Mandell. A History of the Papacy during the period of the Reformation. 5 vols. Boston, iSSzf. New edition under the title A History of the Papacy from the Great Schism to the Sack of Rome, 6 vols. London, 1897. An important work by an Anglican Bishop, particularly good on the Reforming Councils. The new edition simply a reprint of the old in a different format. Pastor, Ludwlg. The History of the Popes from the close of the Middle Ages, translated by F. J. Antrobus and R. F. Kerr. 12 vols. Lon- don, i899f. A standard work by a Roman Catholic. Janssen, Johannes. History of the German People at the close of the Middle Ages, translated by M. A. Mitchell and A. M. Christie. 16 vols. London, i896f. (Volumes i and 2 in second edition, 1905.) The principal Roman Catholic work on the period of the Reforma- tion. To be used with caution. A severe arraignment of the Protes- tant Reformation. Lea, H. C. A History of Auricular Confession and Indulgences in the Latin Church. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1896. The principal work on the subject in English. Learned, but one sided. LSpicler, A. M. Indulgences, Their Origin, Nature and Development. New and enlarged edition. London, 1906. By a Roman Catholic. Workman, H. B. The Dawn of the Reformation. 2 vols. (In Books for Bible Students.) London, igoif. Vol. i, "The Age of WycHf"; Vol. 2, " The Age of Hus." Wyclif, John. Select English Works, edited by T. Arnold. Oxford, i869f. Lechler, G. V. John Wyclif and his English Predecessors, translated by P. Loriraer. 2 vols. London, 1878. Old, but still the principal work on Wyclif. Loserth, J. Wydif and Hus, translated by M. J. Evans. London, 1884. Minimizes the originality of Hus. Hus, John. Letters, with introduction and explanatory notes by H. B. Workman and R. M. Pope. London, 1904. Contains all the known letters of Hus, eighty-two in number. . De Ecclesia: the Church, translated by D. S. Schaff. New York, 1915. Lijtzow, F. H. H. V. The Life and Times of Master Johannes Hus. London, 1909. The Principal Life of Hus, by a Bohemian nobleman. SchaS, D. S. John Huss, his Life, Teachings and Death. New York, 1915- Seebohm, Frederic. The Oxford Reformers, John Colet, Erasmus and Thomas More. London, 1887; third edition, 1896. Jourdan, G. V. The Movement towards Catholic Reform in the early Sixteenth Century. New York, 1914. Froude, J. A. Life and Letters of Erasmus. London, 1894. Interesting but inaccurate. Emerton, Ephraim. Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam. (In Heroes of the Reformation Series.) New York, 1899. Sound and good. Allen, P. S. The Age of Erasmus: Lectures delivered in the Universities of Oxford and London. Oxford, 1914. On a variety of topics. Epistolae obscurorum Virorum. The Latin text with an English rendering, notes, and an historical introduction, by F. G. Stokes. London, 1909. A satire on the observantists of the age. II. GENERAL t Cambridge Modern History. Vol. 2, The Reformation. London, 1904. By many authors. Valuable bibliographies. t Robinson, J. H. Article " Reformation " in Encyclopedia Britannica, eleventh edition. A brilliant, brief sketch. Fisher, G. P. The Reformation. First edition, New York, 1873; new and revised edition, New York, 1906. An old book not greatly changed in the revision. Useful bibli- ography. Schafi, Philip. History of the Christian Church. 7 vols. Vol. 6, The German Reformation. New York, 1888. Vol. 7, The Swiss Refor- mation. New York, 1892. Moeller, Wilhelm. History of the Christian Church. 3 vols. Vol. 3, Reformation and Counter Reformation, translated by J. H. Freese. London, 1900. A standard work. Lindsay, T. M. A History of the Reformation. 2 vols. Vol. i. Refor- mation in Germany. New York, 1906. Vol. 2, Reformation in Lands Beyond Germany. New York, 1907. (In International Theo- logical Library.) On the whole, the best work in English. The first volume more satisfactory than the second. Particularly valuable for social and religious conditions on the eve of the Reformation. Walker, Williston. The Reformation. (In Ten Epochs of Church His- tory.) New York, 1901. A good, brief sketch. Babington, J. A. The Reformation: a Religious and Historical Sketch. London, 1901. Whitney, J. P. The Reformation, being an outline of the History of the Church from 1503 to 1648. (In Church Universal Series.) London, 1907. Plummer, Alfred. The Continental Reformation in Germany, France and Switzerland from the birth of Luther to the death of Calvin. London, 1912. These thiee books are brief sketches by Anglican scholars; the last composed of a series of lectures. Stone, J. M. Reformation and Renaissance. London, 1904. By a Roman Catholic. Hultne, E. M. The Renaissance, the Protestant Revolution, and the Catholic Reformation in Continental Europe. New York, 1914. Traces the Reformation briefly and in a larger setting. MacCaffrey, James. History of the Catholic Church from the Renais- sance to the French Revolution. 2 vols. Dublin, 1915. A scholarly work by a Roman Catholic. Treats the Protestant Reformation briefly. III. THE REFORMATION IN GERMANY This subject is treated in all the books named under II, as also in the following: von Ranke, Leopold. History of the Reformation in Germany, trans- lated by Sarah Austin; revised by R. A. Johnson. New York, 1905. Deals chiefly with the political history. Old but still valuable. Vedder, H. C. The Reformation in Germany. New York, 1914. With special interest in the social and economic side of things; though this is more verbal than real. Brief appendix of important documents, IV. THE REFORMATION IN FRANCE Baird, H. M. History of the Rise of the Huguenots of France. 2 vols. New York, 1879. An old standard work. . The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 2 vols. New York, 1886. Bower, H. M. The Fourteen of Meaux. London, 1894. Whitehead, A. W. Gaspard de Coligny, Admiral of France. London, 1904. Thompson, J. W. The Wars of Religion in France, 1559-15 76. Chicago, 1909. Batiffol, Louis. The Century of the Renaissance, translated by Elsie F. Buckley, with an Introduction by J. E. C. Bodley. (In the National History of France Series.) New York, 1916. A book crowned by the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences. V. THE REFORMATION IN ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND A. Source Material No attempt can be made to catalogue the many collections of sources, including chronicles, calendars of State papers and the like, or the docu- ments printed in Burnet, Strype, Cardwell and other old works. For a full bibliography see the Cambridge Modern History, volume 2, pages 789f . Only the following books may be mentioned : Formularies of Faith put forth by authority during the reign of Henry VIII. Oxford, 1825. Contains the Ten Articles and the so-called Bishops' Book and King's Book. * Frere, W. H., and W. M. Kennedy. Visitation Articles and Injunc- tions of the Period of the Reformation. 3 vols. London, igio. The Parker Society for the Publication of the Works of the Fathers and early writers of the Reformed English Church. 55 vols., indexed. Cambridge, i84if. Gee and Hardy. Documents Illustrative of English Church History. London, 1896. A well-selected source book, small but very useful. B. Modern Historical Works Gairdner, James. Lollardy and the Reformation in England. 4 vols. London, igoSf. Learned but one-sided. Gasquet, F. A. The Eve of the Reformation. London, 1900. By a Roman Catholic. Creighton, Mandell. Cardinal Wolsey. (In Twelve English Statesmen Series.) London, 1888. * Brewer, J. S. The reign of Henry VIII. 2 vols. London, 1884. Full and detailed. Pollard, A. F. Henry VIII. London, 1902. The best life for the general reader. . Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation. (In Heroes of the Reformation Series.) New York, 1904. Merriman, R. B. Life and letters of Thomas Cromwell. 2 vols. Oxford, 1902. Gasquet, F. A. Henry VIII and the English Monasteries. 2 vols. London, 1888. Popular edition in one volume. London, 1899. A defense of the monasteries. Coulton, G. G. Mediaeval Studies. London, 1905. Contains among other things a severe criticism of the preceding book. Savine, Alexander. English Monasteries on the Eve of the Dissolution. (In Oxford Studies in Social and Legal History, edited by P. Vino- gradoff.) Oxford, 1909. Written from the economic point of view by a Russian scholar. *Dixon, R. W. History of the Church of England from the Abolition of the Roman Jurisdiction, 1529-1570. 6 vols. London, i878f. Full and important. Waketnan, H. O. An Introduction to the History of the Church of England; first edition, London, 1896; eighth edition, 1914. Patterson, M. W. A History of the Church of England. London, 1909. 13 Hole, Charles. A Manual of English Church History. London, 1910. Three useful brief histories of the English Church. Stephens, W. R. W., and William Hunt, eds. A History of the English Church. 8 vols. iSggf. Vol. 4, From the Accession of Henry VHI to the Death of Mary, by J. Gairdner. London, 1904. Vol. 5, In the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I, by W. H. Frere. London, 1904. A standard work. Gee, Henry. The Reformation Period. (In Handbooks of English Church History.) London, 1909. Small but good. Makower, Felix. Constitutional History and Constitution of the Church of England. English translation, London, 1895. Important. Hardwick, Charles. History of the Articles of Religion, revised edition. London, 1881. Old but still valuable. Green, E. T. The Thirty-nine Articles and the Age of the Reformation; an historical and doctrinal exposition in the light of contemporary documents. London, 1896. Procter, Francis. A New History of the Book of Common Prayer, with a rationale of its offices, revised and rewritten by W. H. Frere. Lon- don, 1905. A good brief history. Brightman, F. E. The English Rite, being a synopsis of the sources and revisions of the Book of Common Prayer. 2 vols. London, 1915. Important. Knox, John. The History of the Reformatioun of Religioun within the Realrae of Scotland. (Vols, i and 2 in Laing's edition of Knox's works.) Fleming, D. H. The Reformation in Scotland; its causes, characteris- tics and consequences. London, 19 10. VI. MARTIN LUTHER A. Luther's Writings A number of Luther's works have been separately translated into English, as, for instance. Commentary on Galatians, Commentary on the Psalms, Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, Sermons on the Gospels, Church Postil, On the Bondage of the Will, and others. Special mention may be made of the following collections: * Select Works of Martin Luther, translated by H. Cole. 4 vols. London, i824f. 14 First Principles of the Reformation, or the Ninety-five Theses and the Three Primary Works of Dr. Martin Luther, translated into English. Edited by H. Wace and C. A. Buchheim. London, 1883. Contains, in addition to the ninety-five Theses, the Address to the German Nobility, Concerning Christian Liberty, and The Babylonish Captivity of the Church. An enlarged edition of the same with the Catechisms added appeared in 1896 under the title of Luther's Primary Works. Standard Edition of Luther's Works, edited by M. Lenker. Minneapo- lis, I903f. In process of publication. Thirteen volumes, chiefly sermons, have already appeared. Works of Martin Luther, with introductions and notes. Philadelphia, 1915- A selected edition, to fill ten volumes. Volumes i and 2 have already appeared. * The Letters of Martin Luther, selected and translated by Margaret Currie. London, 1908. Unsatisfactory. Luther's Correspondence and other contemporary letters, translated and edited by Preserved Smith. Vol. i (1507-1521). Philadelphia, 1913- Excellent. Conversations with Luther: selections from his Table Talk, translated and edited by Preserved Smith and H. P. Gallinger. Boston, 1915. Earlier uncritical editions of the Table Talk, by H. Bell, 1652, and W. Hazlitt, 1848. On the Table Talk see Preserved Smith: Luther's Table Talk, a Critical Study. (In Columbia University Studies.) New York, 1907. Painter, F. V. N. Luther on Education, including a historical introduc- tion and a translation of the Reformer's two most important educa- tional treatises. Philadelphia, 1889. Introduction too eulogistic. B. Books about Luther *Koestlin, Julius. Life of Luther, translated from the German. New York, 1883. An old and brief life by the author of the large standard biography which has not been translated into English. * Beard, Charles. Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany until the Close of the Diet of Worms. London, 1889. Good but incomplete. 15 Freytag, Gustav. Martin Luther, translated by H. E. O. Heinemann. Chicago, 1897. A brilliant character study. Jacobs, H. E. Martin Luther, the Hero of the Reformation. (In Heroes of the Reformation Series.) New York, 1899. Lindsay, T. M. Luther and the German Reformation. New York, 1900. Small and popular. Boehmer, Heinrich. Luther in Light of Recent Research, translated by C. F. Huth. New York, 1916. Brief, but original and suggestive. Smith, Preserved. Life and Letters of Martin Luther. Boston, 1911. Popular edition, 1914. Good and up to date. McGiffert, A. C. Martin Luther, the Man and His Work. New York, 1911. Grisar, Hartmann. Luther, translated by E. M. Lamond. London, igiSf. (In process of publication; five volumes have already appeared.) The most recent and the most important Roman Catholic life of Luther. Koestlin, Julius. The Theology of Luther in its historical development and inner harmony, translated from the second German edition by C. E. Hay. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1897. Very important; the classical work on Luther's theology. Waring, L. H. The Political Theories of Martin Luther. New York, 1910. VII. OTHER REFORMERS Richard, J. W. Philip Melanchthon, the Protestant Preceptor of Ger- many. (In Heroes of the Reformation Series.) New York, 1898. Selected Works of Huldreich Zwingli, edited by S. M. Jackson. Phila- delphia, 1901. A small companion volume to the editor's life of Zwingli. * The Latin Works and the Correspondence of Huldreich Zwingli, together with selections from his German works. English transla- tion edited by S. M. Jackson. Vol. i, 1510-1522. New York, 1912. Jackson, S. M. Huldreich Zwingli. (In Heroes of the Reformation Series.) New York, 1901. Best life in English. Simpson, S. Life of Ulrich Zwingli, the Swiss Patriot and Reformer. New York, 1902. Brief and popular. 16 English Translation of Calvin's writings: published by the Calvin Translation Society in fifty-two volumes. Edinburgh, i843f. Walker, Williston. John Calvin, the Organizer of Reformed Protestant- ism. (In Heroes of the Reformation Series.) New York, 1906. Best brief life in English. Reyburn, H. Y. John Calvin, His Life, Letters and Work. London, 1914- Baird, H. M. Theodore Beza, the Counsellor of the French Reforma- tion. (In Heroes of the Reformation Series.) New York, 1899. Vedder, H. C. Balthasar Hubmaier, the Leader of the Anabaptists. (In Heroes of the Reformation Series.) New York, 1905. Best biography of an early Anabaptist. Jones, R. M. Spiritual Reformers in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. London, 1914. Contains sympathetic studies of Hans Denck, Sebastian Franck, Caspar Schwenckfeld, and others. The Works of John Knox, edited by D. Laing. 6 vols. Edinburgh, 1895- Brown, P. H. John Knox, a Biography. 2 vols. London, 1895. The principal life of Knox. Cowan, Henry. John Knox, the Hero of the Scottish Reformation. (In Heroes of the Reformation Series.) New York, 1905. Lang, Andrew. John Knox and the Reformation. London, 1905. Interesting and unconventional. VIII. THEOLOGY OF THE REFORMATION Schafi, Philip. The Creeds of Christendom. 3 vols. New York, 1877. Vol. I, The History of Creeds; Vol. 3, The Evangelical Protestant Creeds with translations. A very useful collection. Curtis, W. A. A History of Creeds and Confessions of Faith in Christen- dom and beyond, with historical tables. Edinburgh, 19H. The Book of Concord, or the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, by H. E. Jacobs. Philadelphia, 1893. Vol. i. The Symbols in English translation; Vol. 2, Historical Introduction. People's edition of the Symbols alone in one volume, Philadelphia, 1912. Walker, Williston. The Creeds and Platforms of Congregationalism. New York, 1893. McGlothlin, W. J. Baptist Confessions of Faith. Philadelphia, 1911. * The Racovian Catechism, translated by T. Rees. London, 1818. 17 Domer, J. A. History of Protestant Theology, particularly in Ger- many, translated by G. Robson and S. Taylor. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1871. Old but still invaluable. The most elaborate history of Protestant theology in English. Harnack, Adolf. History of Dogma, translated by N. Buchanan; 7 vols. Vol. 7, including Luther and the Socinians. Boston, 1900. Seeberg, Reinhold. Textbook of the History of Doctrines, translated by C. E. Hay. 2 vols. Vol. 2, History of Doctrines in the Middle and Modern Ages. Philadelphia, 1905. Carries the history down to 1580 for the Lutheran Church and to 1675 for the Reformed Churches. Fisher, G. P. History of Christian Doctrine. (In International Theo- logical Library.) New York, 1896. McGiSert, A. C. Protestant Thought before Kant. (In Studies in Theology Series.) New York, 191 1. A brief sketch. IX. SPECIAL TOPICS Beard, Charles. The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in its rela- tion to Modern Thought and Knowledge. (Hibbert Lectures for 1883.) Able and stimulating. Troeltsch, Ernst. Protestantism and Progress, a historical study of the relation of Protestantism to the modern world, translated by W. Montgomery. (In Crown Theological Library.) London, 1912. Very suggestive. Kautsky, K. Communism in Central Europe in the Time of the Ref- ormation, translated by J. J. and E. G. MuUiken. London, 1897. Bax, E. B. The Peasants' War in Germany. London, 1899. These two books written from the socialistic point of view. Schaplro, J. S. Social Reform and the Reformation. New York, 1909. A summary of social schemes of the period of the Reformation. Heath, R. Anabaptism from its rise at Zwickau to its fall at Miinster, 1 521-1536. London, 1895. Newman, A. H. A History of Anti-pedobaptism. Philadelphia, 1897. Best brief history of Anabaptism. Bax, E. B. The Rise and Fall of the Anabaptists. London, 1903. NOTE Thanks are due to my colleague, Professor William Walker Rockwell, for permission to see the proof of a general Bibliography on the German Reformation, which is about to be published under the title — List of References on the History of the Reformation in Germany. Compiled by George Linn Kieffer. Edited and Annotated by William Walker Rockwell and Otto Hermann Pannkoke. Wilson, 1916. (Prac- tical Bibliographies.) It contains chiefly, though not exclusively, German titles. * Not in the General Theological Library. t Reference books. Not to be loaned from the Library. 19 LIBRARY ENDOWMENT The invested funds of the Library are held by a Board of Endowment Trustees, Messrs. Arthur F. Estabrook, Arthur S. Johnson, and Robert H. Gardiner. 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