QJnrnpU Slam ^riyonl fCtbrary Cornell University Library KFN5752.A3 1880 3 1924 022 870 392 Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924022870392 GENERAL ACT ^: FOR THE rNCORPORATION OF VILLAGES, iND THE UNION FREE SCHOOL LAV^^ AND THE .RULES OF PRACTICE ON APPEALS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. THE ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. A BRIEF ON THE LIABILITY OF MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS FOR INJURIES RESULTING FROM DEFECTIVE STREETS AND SIDE- WALKS. The Law as to Line Fences, Strays, Cattle Dam- ages Feasant, Animals at Large in High- ways, Dogs Killing Sheep, Weeds, &c., IN Highways, Etc., -TOGETHER WITH THE- ADJUDICATIONS OF THE COURTS UNDER MAG^ STATUTE. ,j(APil^ PEEPARED BY ' ,.^f DEC COUNSEClOB AT LAW. \"':\ IOO 21. To prohibit or regulate all exhibitions or perfor- Kxhibitions mances for money or hire, or authorize the same, on such terms as the trustees shall deem expedient. 22. [1878]. To restrain, regulate or prevent hawking xy, regulate and peddling in the streets ; to regulate, restrain or pro- peMilSI', hibit sales by auction, and grant licenses to peddlers and.McS'ana auctioneers, and fix the amount to be paid therefor; to!^^""^ regulate the use and running of all hacks, public car- riages or vehicles for the conveyance of passengers, bag- gage or moveables of any kind, for hire, through the public streets ; to designate their places of waiting, and grant a license to the owners or proprietors thereof, and fix the amount to be paid for the same. 23. [1877]. To regulate the use ofcandles, kerosene or aeguiating burning materials of any kind, or lights or fires in barns ''^^l^S^ and stables, and other places liable to take fire, and to'ngot ' ■* ' wooden control the construction of buildings, as to material, and structures. prescribe the limits within which wooden buildings shall not be built, and prescribe the penalty not exceeding one thousand dollars, for a violation of any ordinance passed relating thereto. 24. To regulate and control all existing public ceme- cemetene*. teries, and provide for the establishment of new ones, and to prevent all interments within the bounds of the corporation, except in such cemeteries. 25. [1878]. To keep the roads, avenues, streets, powers as lanes, public buildings and public places of the village Sulr"Tii. in good order, repair and condition, to construct culverts . and drains, to make and repair all bridges which may be necessary within the bounds of the village ; to regulate 24 and prescribe the width, line and grade of streets, avenues, lanes and sidewalks, to pave, plank or flag roads, cross- walks or sidewalks, lay out and open new roads and streets, to widen, alter and change the grade, or otherwise improve roads, avenues, streets, lanes and sidewalks ; to stagnant drain stagnant waters, and to raise or fill up low grounds, if nuisance, and assess the expense thereof upon the property benefited, in proportion to the amount of such Water oour-i[,enefit, and to regulate the water-courses, ponds and hewers, watering places in the village ; to cause all necessary sewers to be built, and assess the expense thereof upon the property benefited in proportion to the amount of Benefits such benefit. The amount of the benefit in any case nSned!'*'" where the same is made the basis of assessment under this section, shall be determined by the president and trustees, provided, however, that no property beyond the limit of one hundred and seventy five feet from the line terminus of any such sewer shall be liable to assess- ment for the expenses of building the same ; and provided, also, that no sewer shall be constructed under the provis- written pe- ions hereof, except upon a written petition signed by a tltlonfor ... „' ^ ^ , ^, ,,,,■,.,,, majority of the persons whose property shall be liable to assessment for the said expense. All assessments for the pente. drainage of stagnant waters, the raising or filling up of low grounds, or the building of sewers under the provis- ions of this section, shall be enforced and collected in th& same manner as assessments for the annual village tax. pire worijs- ^ ^^ prevent and punish the dischairge of fire arms, Irm^ rockets, gunpowder and fireworks in the roads, avenues, lanes, streets and public places of the village, or in the vioinity of any building therein. BV-iaws, 27. The board of trustees shall have power to make eS?.', to°^r- and establish all legal by-laws, rules and ordinances, fj out act. iiepgggai.y ^Q carry out the purposes of this act, print and pay for the same, and to enforce such by-laws, rules and ordinances, and to pay the expenses of such enforcement fm^ti^- out of the corporate funds. The trustees shall also have ^°'^' power to prescribe penalties for a violation thereof, not 25 exceeding one hundred dollars for each ofEence, but all orMnaQces such by-laws, rules and ordinances shall be posted in posted, three public places in the village ten days before they shall take effect. § 4. The trustees shall have power to compel the Trustees owners and occupants of lands or lots in front of and pei repairs adjoining which a sidewalk is to be made or repaired, to walks, make such improvements upon the sidewalk in front of said land or lot, to determine and prescribe the manner of doing the same ; and the materials to be used therein, and the quality or kind of such materials ; and in caseTraste^^^ the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of any such ij^^pj^oy^jj land or lot shall neglect or refuse to complete the said negim. required improvements within such reasonable time as shall be required by the trustees, the said trustees may cause such improvements to be made or completed, and the expense thereof may be by them assessed on such Expense owner or owners so neglecting- or refusing, and be Col- how^ooi- lected by warrant issued by the president and trustees as '*'"®'*' other taxes are directed to be collected by this act ; and in case such tax or assessment shall not be paid or col- lected, the trustees may cause such real estate to be leased, or the owner thereof to be sued, for payment and May^c^^se collection of such tax, and the costs and expenses aris-itMea, it ing from non-payment, in the manner and with the eirect, paw- and subject to the provisions of this act in regard to the collection of taxes and assessments, by leasing of real estate, or by action at law against the person liable. § 5. [1877.] The trustees are authorized and empow- orgamza-^ ered to organize a fire department, and provide for the*de?a?"™ government and discipline of the same, to consist of one"™'' or more engine companies, one or more hook and ladder how com- " , . -1 posed. companies, one or more hose companies, and one or more -protective companies ; to appoint a sufficient number of suitable persons as members, not exceeding sixty to each ment^of"^ engine company, and not exceeding forty to each hook and '""""'''" ladder company, and not exceeding twenty to each hose and protective company, with the consent of the persons appointed. A foreman and assistant foreman for each members. 26 Foreman Company shall be chosen by the members of each com- am, b^ pany, in the manner to be directed by the trustees, and Chosen ?: g^jjjggj. ^Q tjjgjj. japproval and ratification. Exemption § 6. Every member of the fire department, while such itromsCTv" member shall be exempt from serving in the militia, ex- muitto. cept in cases of war, invasion and insurrection, and every person who shall serve in such fire department five successive years, shall thereafter be entitled to the like exemption from military service ; and a certificate of such service, authenticated by the president of the village and the corporate seal, shall be presumptive evi- dence before all courts and officers, civil and military, of such exemption. Chief and § '''• "^^^ chief engineer of the fire department, and, tnii^era. i'l ^^^ absence, the senior assistant engineer, shall have the direction and control of the department, subject to such regulations as shall be prescribed by the trusteea|; [CHAPTER 465— Laws of 1875.] Section 1, [1876.] There shall be paid to the Treas- urer of the Fire Department of every city or incor- porated village of this State, for the use and benefit of such Fire Department, and when no Treasurer of a Fire Department exists, then to the treasurer of such city or village, who, for the purpose of this act, shall have the same powers as the Treasurers of Fire De- partments, on the first day of November of each year, by every person who shaU act as agent for or on behalf of any individual or association of individuals, not incor- porated by or under the laws of this State, to effect insur- ance against loss or injury by fire upon property in this State, although such individual or association maybe incorporated for that purpose by any other state or country, the sum of two dollars upon the hundred dol- larSj and at that rate upon the amount ot all premiums, which, during the year or part of a year, ending on the last preceding first day of September, shall have been received by such agent or person, or received by any 27 other person for bim, or shall have been agreed to be paid for any insurance eflEected or agreed to be effected, or promised by him as such agent or otherwise, to be effected against loss or injury by fire, upon property sit- uate within the corporate limits of such city or village. § 2. [1876. J 1^0 person shall, as agent or otherwise for any individual, individuals or association, effect or agree to effect any insurance upon any property situate in any city or incorporated village of this State, upon which the above duty is required to be paid, or as agent or otherwise procure such insurance to be effected until he shall have executed and delivered to the Treasurer of the Fire Department of the city or village in which the property insured is situated, or if no treasurer of a fire department exist, then to the treasurer of such city or village, a bond to such fire department in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, with such sureties as such treas- urer shall approve, with a condition that he will annu- ally render to said treasurer, on the first day of Novem- ber in each year, a just and true account, verified by his oath, that the same is true of all premiums which, during the year ending on the first day of September preceding such report, shall have been received by him, or by any other person for him, or agreed to be paid for any insur- ance against loss or injury by fire upon property situate in such city or village, which shall have been effected or procured by him to be effected for any individual, indi- viduals or association not incorporated by the laws of this State as aforesaid, and that he will annually, on the first day of November in each year, pay to said treasurer two dollars upon every hundred dollars, and at that rate upon the amount of such premiums. § 3. Every person who shall effect, agree to effect, promise or procure any insurance specified in the pre- ceding sections of this act, without having executed and delivered the bond required by the preceding se?ction, shall for each offense forfeit two hundred dollars, for the use and benefit of the fire department of such city or vil- lage, such penalty of two hundred dollars shall be col- 28 lected by and in the name of the fire department of the city or village in which the property insured, or agreed to be insured, is situated, and the treasurer or chief finan- cial officer of any city or incorporated village, having no incorporated firemen' s relief or benevolent society, re- ceiving any money under the provisions of chapter four hundred and sixty-five of the laws of eighteen hundrel and seventy-five, as amended by chapter fifty-nine, ra the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-six, shall on or before the fifteenth day of November, in each year, apportion and pay over all such moneys so received, to the treasurers of the several fire com- panies as are duly recognized by the common coun- cil or trustees of such city or village. And if he shall neglect or refuse to perform any or all of the duties re- quired by this act, he shall be subject to a penalty of two hundred dollars for such neglect or refusal ; and the foreman of any fire company shall, be entitled to, and may maintain an action and sue for, in the name of, and for the benefit of such fire company, any of the propor- tion of penalties prescribed by this act ; and premiums or penalties to which such company may be entitled under chapter four hundred and sixty -five of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, as amended by chap- ter three hundred and fifty-nine of the laws of eighte^ hundred and seventy-six. But no action shall be main- tained, or recovery be had in any court of this state, for or on account of any such offense heretofore happeniif nor shall any such court have power or authority to ren- der judgment for or on account of any such offense herfr tof ore happening, when such agent shall have paid to the party entitled to the same, the premium required to be paid by section one of this act, as amended by section one of chapter three hundred and fifty -nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-six. § 4. None of the provisions of this.act shall apply to the cities of New York and Albany. § 5. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. 29 § 6. This act shall take effect immediately.] § 8. The trustees may, and it shall be their duty to, precaution- take precautionary measures to guard the public health ^e^^' in times of infectious and pestilential diseases, and to gSfflth!' provide against them when they appear in the village, by providing places for the removal of persons having such diseases from the populous parts of the village, and to pay the expenses incident to such removal, and they shall have the power to remove such persons ; and they shall have the power to appoint one or more health com- missioners, who, with the president, shall constitute a board of health of the village ; and such board of health neaith. shall possess the powers conferred by, and be subject to the provisions of, the act of the Legislature of the State of New York, entitled "An act for the preservation ofp^^^^g^j the public health," passed April tenth, eighteen hundred *"»'''i- and fifty, and acts amendatory thereof, in addition to the powers which may be given under this act. Trustees to § 9. The trustees shall have the auditing of all ac-cMmsana counts and claims against the village, and no account or »<'"=''«°'^- claim shall be paid unless allowed by them, or after judgment obtained thereon. When an account or claim shall be audited by them, the trustees auditing the same shall cause to be endorsed thereon, or annexed thereto, to be a certificate signed by the president and countersigned thereon. by the clerk of the village, of such auditing and allow- ing or disallowing the same, in which the sum allowed and the fund out of which the same is to be paid shall be specified. S°be"ra"i? § 10. [1872.] No such account or claim shall be allowed ^a^^^|j„ by the trustees unless it shall be made out in items and ^'l^'gSgJf'i accompanied by the affidavit of the person claiming to have rendered the services or furnished the materials or made the disbursements therein charged, that the items of such account or claim are correct as to the service, materials and disbursements mentioned, that such ser- vices and materials were rendered and furnished and dis- bursements made for the corporation, and no part of sxich 30 Claimant claim has been paid. The claimant may be examined on "m^nedon'oath by the trustees in relation to said claim and th© ""''• items thereof. The affidavit and oath herein mentioned* may be taken before the president of the village, or any of the trustees or the clerk of the village, and when cer- tified by either of them may be read in evidence in any court of this State, in the same manner as oaths and affidavits taken and certified by a justice of the peace ; but no fee shall be charged or received by any president or trustee for any oath or affidavit taken before them or either of them. Nothing herein shall be Construed as preventing the trustees from disallowing any account or claim in whole or in part when so made out and verified, nor from requiring other or further evidence of the cor- rectness and reasonablenes thereof. Any person willfully swearing false in reference to any matter herein contained shall be guilty of perjury. Trustees to § U. The trustees shall present to every annual meet- S^flnanSaiing of electors of the village a detailed statement of statement. Qjjpenditures for the past year, and of the estimated ordinary expenditures of such village for the ensuing year, to meet which taxes may be lawfully raised, speci- fying each item of anticipated expense, which statemen!| shall be signed by them and filed with the clerk. i To (five 8 12. The trustees are empowered to give names t^ names to " ^ •,,,., .7 streets, &c. the roads, lanes, streets, avenues and public places m the village. , Trustees § ^^- '^^^ trustces, or a majority of them, shall act M assessors of the village, or may appoint of their numi; ber a committee for chat purpose, and the trustees so fnTof^hSf acting as assessors shall have the power of town assess- number. Qj,g^ ^^^ j^g subject to the laws applicable to the same, subject to the provisions of this act. Map or vii- § 14. TJie board of trustees shall cause a map to h^ '***■ made of such village, and cause all new public roadffl avt^nues, streets and lanes in the village to be surveyea ?tTO?ded'.*'*and described, and a description thereof recorded inl| book to be kept by the clerk for that purpose. The map so made shall be kept by the clerk. may act as assessors. 31 § 15. The board of trustees shall have power to pro- Boom for vide a suitable room for holding their meetings, andSefa^ proper cases and books for the clerk to preserve the rec- '"' '^'^'''^" ords and papers of the corporation. § 16. The trustees shall have power to raise, by as- Tmstees sessment and tax, money for the expenditures required money jot by the provisions of this act and the proceedings hadexcendi- thereunder, and may assess and collect a poll-tax of one dollar on each male resident in the village between the' „, " Poll tax. ages 01 twenty-one and sixty years. § 17. [1871.] The trustees of any village incorporated ^^^^^^o* under this act, containing a population of three thous- ma|*Mreot and and upward, may, whenever in their opinion thep}SiM°u? public interest demands it, at any time not less than *'"'*■ thirty days preceding the next annual election for village officers, direct that at such election, and at every fourth annual election thereafter, there shall be elected a police jui^tice, who shall be a resident of the village in which he shall be elected, and who shall hold office for four years, and shall have the same power and jurisdiction in ace, pow- criminal cases which iustices of the peace now by law dicuon and have or which may hereafter be conferred on justices of the peace by law, and shall be subject to the same duties and liabilities as the justices of the peace of the several towns of this State, and shall have jurisdiction in all cases of violation of village ordinances. When the j,jggti<,„ „( •whole of any town shall have been duly organized as aS^S?n village, the electors of such village may, if they so elect, fHl^ml at a, meeting duly called for that purpose, provide for^b^l* Ithe division of such village into districts and for the*"'™" election of the trustees of such village within the several districts which shall be established therein. § 18. Whenever any vacancy, by death, resignation, vacancies removal from the village or inability to discharge the duties of the office, shall occur in the said office, the trustees shall order an election to fill such vacancy at the Designation • ,1 . rr< T • j.T_ OltOWnJllB- next annual election for village bfficers, and in the mean- ti^^ act_ time may till the vacancy by appointment, or may desig- cancy. nate any one of the justices of the peace of the town in lowed. Oath of ot 32 which said village is situated to perform the duties of police justice until such election shall have been held. Fees of po- § 19. The fees of the police justices elected or ap. lice J"""'«-poiQ^;g^ as hereinbefore provided, and also of lany justio| of the peace while acting as police justice, under desig- nation of the trustees as provided in the last secticHjjj edand ai- shall be a charge upon the village, and shall be audited and allowed in the same manner as other village charges. § 20. Every police justice elected or appointed under gceTiToV" tiiig act shall, within ten days after his election and be- fore entering upon the duties of his office, take and sub- scribe the constitutional oath of office, and file the same in the office of the town clerk of the town in which he resides. Proviso. § 21. Any provisions of title two of this act, incon- sistent with the provisions hereinbefore contained relat-; ing to police justices, shall not be held to apply to said office of police justice. [CHAPTER 410— Laws of 1874.] [Sec. 1. Any town or incorporated village in the State of New York, having issued its bonds, or that may here- after issue its bonds, under the provisions of law, and said bonds being a valid debt of said town or village to mature or become due in a specified period of time, may by a vote of a majority of the electors present, and vot- ing at any annual town meeting or charter election of said village, raise by tax levied upon the taxable prop- erty of said town or villagte, such sum as may be speci- fied by said vote in the manner hereinafter provided, for the purpose of buying and cancelling said bonds, or the purpose of providing a sinking fund for the ultimate payment of said bonds. § 2. The town board, consisting of the supervisor, town clerk and justices of the peace in towns, or the vil- lage trustees in villages, shall meet dt least twenty days before the annual town meeting or the annual village election, and shall determine by a majority of said board what amount shall be annually raised for the purpose as 33 described in section one of this act, and the form of the ballot and the manner of voting, and shall give notice of such voting by posting at least five notices in public places in said town or village setting forth the time of such . voting, the amount to be raised, and the purpose for which the same is raised ; and the result of such vote shall be operative until the same shall be changed by a vote of said electors taken in a similar manner at a subse- quent election. § 8. The money so raised shall be used to buy and cancel the said bonds, provided the same can be pur- chased at their par value, or in case said bonds can not be so purchased, said money shall be paid over to the county treasurer of the county, who shall loan the same at seven per cent per annum interest, secured by a mort- gage on unencumbered real estate, for a period of time ' equal to the time said bonds have to run, or invest the same in bonds of the State of New York or of the United States, and at the maturity of said town or village bonds, said money shall be applied to the payment of said bonds, and the supervisor of such town, or president of the trustees of said village shallbe charged with the duty of receiving said money from said county treasurer, giving security for the same in double the amount re- ceived ; and of purchasing or paying said bonds, and of cancelling the same in the presence of the said town board or village trustees, as the ease may be.] [CHAPTER 320, Laws of 1877.] [Sec. 1. Whenever the bonds of any city, village, town or county shall have been issued and sold by the proper authorities, and the time fixed for the maturity of such bonds, or any of them, shall be for a longer period than that provided by the law under which they were issued, a variance not exceeding sixty days shall not be regarded or held as affecting the validity of such bonds. 34 § 2. Nothing in this act contained shall effect any liti- gation now pending. § 3. None of the provisions of this act shall apply to the counties of Orleans and Niagara.] TITLE IV. Expendi- Sec. 1. The expenditures of the village shall be de- ""^^*' nominated " ordinary expenditures'' and "extraordina- ry expenditures." § 2. " Ordinary expenditures" shall be those neces- expendi- sarily incurred to carry out and enforce the rules, by- enjorce laws and Ordinances which the trustees are authorized to cbarcer. ~ i . n . i. adopt by title three of this act, and to give force to the powers therein conferred, except as such expenditures • may be specifically enlarged, or diminished, or controlled by other provisions of this act. Limitation. § 3. No Ordinary expenditure for any one specific act, object or purpose, or thing, shall exceed the sum of five hundred dollars. § 4. The trustees shall have power to raise money for ar^yexpend- an extraordinary expenditure for any purpose by as- ""^' sessment and tax, by submitting a resolution, stating nKing^o the amount to be raised and the specific obiect for which, vote thGFG" * u 7 on. to the annual election, or to a special election, of the Trustees to legal electors entitled to vote on such questions, to be act upon *^ -■■ . afflrmative held as in this act directed. The trustees shall have vote. power to appoint such special election, designating time and place. If the majority of the ballots cast have on them the word " Yes," then the trustees may raise the amount voted. § 5. When extraordinary expenditures shall be neces- s'pMifyinT sary, in the judgment of the trustees, they shall have extraorSn- power to pass a resolution or resolutions to be entered in uuref ^'"^' the records of their proceedings, specifying the object and the amount required. No resolution shall express Resolutions more than one object, and the amount required for the beredif "same. If more than one such resolution is submitted at jne. the same election, whether an annual or special elec- 35 tion, such resolutions shall be numbered respectively one, two, three, up to the number of the resolutions ba™ts5 submitted, and the ballots used at such election shall be as many as the resolutions submitted, and having thereon the words "Eesolution number one," or " Res- olution number two," or " Resolution number three," up to the number of the resolutions, with the word "Yes," or the word "No." Ten days' notice of Buch^''«°™*ed _ "^ upon. election, whether an annual or special election, shall bft given by the clerk by posting notices in six pub- lic places in the village, stating time and place and object of election, and copying resolution or resolutions. TheSeouon.' same inspectors shall preside at, and the same provisions apply to, such election, as are provided for in this act, for all vUlage elections held after the first election of offi- Election, cers of the village. If the majority of the ballots dast ducted."' *' have thereon the word "Yes" for any resolution, such resolution shall be adopted. The return of the inspect- statement ors shall set forth each resolution voted on, and attached ^e aiea. thereto a statement containing the number of ballots with "Yes," or with "No," received for such resolu- tion. The Inspectors presiding at such election shall file their return of such election with the village clerk within ten days after such election. § 6. [1875.] In addition to the amount raised by the trustees for " ordinary expenditures," the board of trus- Highway tees shall have power, in any one year, in addition to the *^" poll tax, to raise by tax such sum as they may deem necessary, not exceeding in any one year the amount of moneys m one per cent, on the assessed valuation of such village, separate. to be denominated a highway tax, to work and improve the roads, avenues, streets, lanes and crosswalks of said village, on all persons and incorporated companies own- ing property and estate, real and personal, in said village, to be assessed and collected as all other taxes are, by the provisions of this act. The money so raised, with the proceeds of the poll tax, shall be devoted to the purposes expressed in this section, and kept apart as a separate and distinct fund by the treasurer ; and all villages incor- 36 porated under this act shall be exempt from all costs, charges, taxes or assessments for the grading or working any street, road or avenue, lying outside the limits of such incorporation. Trustees § 7. [1879.] The board of trustees shall also have traot'ior" power and is hereby authorized to contract with any water company for supplying the village with water for the purpose of extinguishing fires, and to assess and col- lect the amount agreed to be paid in such contract, as other village taxes are assessed and collected ; and any such contract entered into by the trustees of any village, shall be valid and binding upon such village ; provided, however, that no such contract shall be made for a longer period than five years, nor for a sum exceeding in the aggregate fifty cents per capita, per annum, of the popu- lation of the village, unless the proposition for the same be submitted to a vote of the citizens, in the manner pro- vided in sections four and five of this title, and approved by a majority of the voters entitled to vote on such ques- tion, and voting at an annual election, or at a special election duly called. TITLE V. Section 1. It shall be the duty of the president of village the board of trustees to see that the by-laws, rules and president, "^ anci'*"wers Ordinances of the village, and the provisions of this act, are enforced, and to recommend to the board such meas- ures as he may think necessary ; and, as the head of the of'pouoe!"'* police of the village, he shall maintain peace and good order, and have the power of arrest for such purpose. If the president shall be unable to perform the duties of his office, the board of trustees shall appoint one of their pro tem? uumber to preside at their meetings, and he shall be vested with all the powers and perform all the duties of the president of the village until the president shall re- sume his office or the vacancy shall be filled according to law. § 2. The treasurer shall receive all moneys belonging to the village, and keep an accurate account of all the re- 37 receipts and expenditures. All moneys shall be drawn viiia^e from the treasury, in pursuance of an order of the board LnTC of trustees, by warrant, signed by the president or the '*'"'^'' presiding officer of the board, and countersigned by the clerk. The books and entries of the treasurer, and the how*d?awn order or check book of the clerk, shall be open for in- u'ry? ^'"^^ spection by any elector of the village, at all reasonable hours. The treasurer shall exhibit to the board of trus- Annual tees, at least fifteen days before the annual election in report. each year, a full account of all the receipts and expendi- tures after the date of the last annual report, and also to seep ' separate the state oi the treasury ; which account shall be filed in accounts. the office of the clerk. The treasurer shall keep separate accounts of the moneys received and paid out for " ordi- nary expenditures," and "extraordinary expenditures," and on account of the highway tax. § 3. [1878. J Any justice of the peace of the town or ju^sdic- towns in which such village shall be located, shall have }u°su?esT" jurisdiction in all criminal cases that may arise within vm^es? the bounds of the village in the county in which they severally reside, with the same powers, and subject to the duties and liabilities, as a justice of the peace in other cases. He shall also have jurisdiction in all actions brought to recover fines or penalties for the violation of any provision of this act, and of the rules, by-laws and ordinances of the village, or to recover any tax or assess- ment levied by the village, and his proceedings and judg- ments may be reviewed in the same manner as is or shall be provided by law in cases of judgments and proceed- ings of justices of the peace. Said justice shall receive the same fees and compensation as is provided by law for similar services. The fees and compensation of such justice shall be audited and paid, and collected in the same manner as the fees of justices of the peace for simi- lar services. All fines recovered by him in suits for the violation of the provisions of this act, or the by-laws, rules and ordinances of the corporation, shall be paid^^^^ ^^^ over to the treasurer of 'the village upon their receipt by reraverea: such justice. In such last-mentioned suits, if jiidg- tojmage Fines, when 38 ment is entered, the said justice shall award costs, in- cluding witness fees and other legal disbursements, to awarfed7 the successful party, to the same amount as a justice of the peace could in civil actions or proceedings before him. Police con- § 4. [1878. J The person appointed police constable oiiiei of po- shall have the powers and be subject to the same duties in criminal and civil cases, cognizable by such justice, as constables of towns, and shall be chief of the police force of the village, subject to the directions and orders of the president. He shall have the power, and it shall be his andpSwtra. duty, to keep order in all public places in the village ; to arrest persons concerned in riotous or noisy assem- blages, or who are breaking the peace, or violating this act, or the by-laws, rules or ordinances of the village, ar- rest them, and forthwith convey them before the proper authority, to be dealt with according to law, and to keep compensa- and retain such persons in custody until committed or discharged. Said police constable shall have power to execute any warrant or process issued by justices of the peace of the county or counties in which such village is situated. .The said police constable shall be paid for his services the same compensation, to be audited and allowed in the same manner, as town constables for simi- lar services, and also such extra annual salary, as chief of police, as the board of trustees may direct. [CHAP. 385— Laws of 1875.] Arrest [SECTION 1. When any person shall be arrested by a PTMssa. police constable without process, under section 4, title v, of the act entitled "an act for the incorporation of vil- lages," passed April 20th, 1870, and such person shall be brought before the proper justice of the peace, such magistrate shall proceed forthwith to hear, try and deter- mine the complaint or charge on which such person is so arrested, and such person shall, upon conviction by the justice, be iined by such magistrp.te, in accordance with any ordinance or by-law of the village, for the punish- 39 ment of such offense, and imprisonment in the county JaU until such fine be paid, not exceeding ten days.] § 6. The collector shall collect and receive all taxes viuage coi- and assessments, for which the warrant of the board of muelt trustees, subscribed by the president and countersigned by the clerk, shall be delivered to him, and within the time specified in such warrant, and shall pay the same into the hands of the treasurer without delay, and take receipt for the same, and make return to the clerk of the amount of taxes collected by him and paid over to the treasurer, and of taxes unpaid. The collector shall give a receipt to the clerk for the warrant and tax or assess- ment rolls delivered to him on his receiving the same. § 6. After receiving the tax roll the collector shall post notices in five public places in the village, twelve days be- reoeMng fore the last one of the three days specified in the notice, SS.*°' °' stating that he will attend at a convenient place, specified collector's in the notice, in the vllJage, on three days specified, with- *^'" in fifteen days from date of notice, for the purpose of receiving payment of taxes ; and he shall attend at such times and place accordingly. Any person or corpo- ration paying any tax or assessment, within fifteen days from date of notice, shall be charged with one per cent, thereon for the fees of the collector, and no more. After the expiration of the fifteen days, the collector shall col- lect the taxes or assessments unpaid, with five per cent, thereon for his fees, in the same manner as is now pro- vided by law for the collection of town and county taxes, and with like power and authority as collectors of taxes of towns. TITLE VI. Sectioh" 1. The trustees, whose duty it shall be by Tniatees^ to this act, to act as assessors, must, within sixty days after ^a^^vuitee the annual meeting, proceed and assess, upon the taxa- i^y.^^ aiso ^ ble inhabitants and corporations and property liable to aryTmaire assessment and taxation within the village, such sum asandpoiuax they may deem necessary, besides funds received and estimated to be received from other sources, to defray 40 the ordinary expenditures of the village for the current year, not to exceed the amount fixed for that purpose in the detailed statement of the trustees presented at the annual meeting; also any sum directed at an annual election, to be raised as an extraordinary expenditure for a special purpose for that yeax ; also the amount to be raised as a highway tax, and also the poll tax. § 2. They shall also, within twenty days after any of extraor- extraordinary expenditure shall have been voted by the peaditures. legal electors at a special election, proceed to assess the amount in the manner herein directed as to ordinary ex- penditures. Not!c-of § 3. The persons acting as assessors shall, on com- SsmeSt pleting the assessment roll, give ten days' notice, by ™"" posting notices in live public places in the village, stating that they will, in the village at a place and time stated, ctfmcuon' meet to hear and determine all complaints as to such roll. They shall have power and authority at such time to cor- rect such roll as to them shall seem necessary. After the roll shall have been thus submitted, and corrected if necessary, they shall file the same and a copy thereof with the clerk of the village. DeifveiT of ' § 4. The tax roll, when completed, shall be immedi- wifrrant^io* ately delivered by the clerk to the collector, with a war- rant thereunto annexed, signed by the president and countersigned by the clerk, commanding him to collect Ex'ensioQ the taxes therein specified, with his fees, and return said ■ warrant and roll within sixty days after the date of the warrant, unless the time shall be extended. The board of trustees may extend the time for the return of such warrant thirty days beyond the first sixty days, and such extension shall in no event affect the validity of the bond given by the collector and his sureties. § 5. All taxes or assessments which shall remain un- paid for thirty days after the final return of said warrant shall bear interest at the rate of twelve per cent, per an- num from and after the date of such return, and shall be collected, as directed herein, either by the sale of the How filed. collector. at warrant. 41 estate assessed, as herein isrovided, or by suit against the party liable to pay such assessment or tax. § 6. When any person whose property or estate shall saie oi be assessed or taxed shall fail to pay the tax or assess- unpaid ment, and the collector cannot collect the same, and shall seasments. make return thereof, the trustees shall cause the estate so assessed to be sold at auction, for a term of time forNouceoi the payment of such tax or assessment, giving four weeks' notice of such sale, by putting up notices in five on"'^^" "" public places in the village and serving personal notice on the owner or agent of such estate, if a resident of such Manner [of village, or on the occupant thereof, and by depositing |Jorte°st such notice in the post-office directed to such owner, yeara"' if a non-resident, at his reputed place of residence, if known, at least ten days before the day of sale, and the same shall be sold to the person who shall take it for the shortest time for the payment of such tax or assessment, with interest at seven per cent., and the expense of such notice and sale. Before the time of sale the party liable for the tax, or his representative, may avoid the sale by paying the tax to the treasurer, with twelve per cent, in- terest thereon and expense of notice and sale. § 7. At any time within a year after such sale thej^^^^^^j^ owner or owners of the estate, or their representatives, '*""• may redeem the same, by paying to the purchaser there- of (if he shall have paid the tax and interest, and ex- pense of sale,) the tax, expenses, and interest thereon at twelve per cent per annum from the date of the payment by the purchaser ; in case the purchaser has not so paid them, by paying to the treasurer of the village the tax, deiiTC/l!er° expense of sale, and interest at twelve per cent, per an- pu?chlsCT num from the time the tax was returned unpaid, and no- yean °°* dfying the clerk of such payment. If such tax, expenses and interest are not paid within one year from the date of sale, then the trustees shall deliver to the purchaser of the estate a certificate of such sale, under the seal of the corporation, and signed by the president, the execu- tion of which may be acknowledged or proved as a deed, and upon the receipt of such certificate the purchaser 42 Service oi may proceed to serve upon the holder or owner of any lien bSid?rs"o?°upon such estate, or any part thereof , notices in writing deem wtffi- of such salc, aud that, unless redeemed within six months moSttis. from the time of such service of notice, such certificate may be recorded in like manner and with like effect as in case of other conveyances of real estate. Such certificate shall be presumptive evidence of the statements contained in it, in all courts and places, actions and proceedings. purcnaser § ^- '^^® purchaser receiving such certificate, or his pJfJessiMi' representatives, may, in case the land is not redeemed as not"?*" herein provided, enter into and occupy the same during deemed, jj^g ^.^j.^ f^j. -^vhich it was sold, and shall be at liberty, within the term aforesaid, to remove all the Jjuildings and materials he may erect or place thereon. Removal of § 9. In case the collector shall return that a tax or buildings, assessment on any estate is unpaid, and he is unable to collect the same, the trustees are authorized and empow- Trusti66s may collect ered, after the lapse of thirty days after the date of such unpaid MX ' , -^ . ., ^. "^ . , by civil return, to prosecute a civil action against the owner or action. » i . , owners of such estate in the corporate name of the vil- May«e ^ lage, and recover judgment for such tax, with twelve per menf*^" ^ent. interest thereon, and all necessary costs and expense of said action ; said trustees may cause a transcript of To become such judgment to be filed and said judgment docketed in fanda""""" the county clerk's office of the county wherein the village is situated, and the same, however small the amount, shall Sheriff may thereupon become a judgment of the county court, and be a lien on all real estate of the judgment debtor situate in the county where said judgment is docketed ; and such real estate may be sold on execution issued to the sheriff Mods. of the countj where the judgment is docketed, if not collected out of the personal property of the debtor, in the manner provided by law ; and all the provisions of law in reference to sale and redemption of real estate on execution shall apply to sales and redemjitions under this act. TITLE VII. § 1. [1871.] A village incorporated under this act, be'se^plme ^'^^^^ Constitute a separate highway district within its sell lands on execu- tion. 43 corporate limits, exempt from the superintendence of highway any one, except the board of trustees, who shall be com- ^'"'^'"• missioners of highways in and for such village, and shall have all the powers of commissioners of highways of towns in this State, subject to this act, and, as such. Trustees to IT,, , . . , Save power they shall have power to discontinue, lay out, open, ^^^}"^^^ widen, alter, change the grade, or otherwise improve ^i|5^°|™ roads, avenues, streets, public parks or squares, lanes, crosswalks and sidewalks ; and for that pui'pose may take and appropriate any land in said village ; but no road, avenue, street, lane or sidewalk, shall be opened j^^^ggg. or altered, unless all claims for damages on account of ^jjfe\t*un- such opening or altering shall be released without remu- ^enil^ neration, except on the written petition of at least teUcfiSmed*. freeholders, residing in said village, which pecition shall specify the improvement to be made, describe the land to be taken, state the owner or owners thereof, when petition of known, and shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the village. On the presentation of such petition the trus- tees shall, and must meet, and examine the same : and, TrustfiBS to if they decide the improvement shall be made, they shall ^^ew«^ so decide by resolution, to be entered in the minutes of the board ; and they shall thereupon put up, in five public places in said village, a correct description of the pg^^j^py^^ lands to be taken to make such improvement, and a no-g'^^^^^*" tice that the trustees, at a place, and on a day, and at an'""'i"'"^^- hour therein specified, not less than five days from the date and posting thereof, will meet and hear any objec- tions that may be made to the taking of such land, or service oi making such improvement ; a copy of which notice must Searing be served on the owner or owners of such land, at least SwnCTs!" five days before said meeting, unless said owner is a non- resident of such village ; in which case, said notice and description must be deposited in the said village post- Hearing of office, directed to said owner, at least twenty days before persons. such meeting." Any person interested may be heard, and introduce testimony before the board of trustees as^^^j^j^^^^ to the matter, on the day specified in the notice, or on J™^'|ef„|s such other days as the board may appoint. After such|^gP™ye- 44 Trustees to summon Jury to as- sess dam- ages. Service of notice of meeting. Jury to be sworn, ex- amine premises and hear proofs. To award damages. Award, how filed and served. Appeals, wnen to be made. Copy of award evidence. Trustees not to act hearing, the trustees may deny the petition, or approve and declare by resolution, to be entered in their minutes, their intention to make the said improvements^ and pro- ceed to obtain possession of the lands described, in the manner provided by this act. § 3. [1871. J Whenever any road, avenue, street, square or park, lane or sidevralk is opened or altered, the damages claimed by reason thereof may be deter- mined by agreement betvpeen the board of trustees and the persons claiming such damages ; but in case the damages are not so determined or released, the board shall, on being notified by the president, as in case of a special meeting, or at a regular meeting, meet and cause a jury of six freeholders to be summoned to determine and awrard said damages. Five days' notice of the time and place of such meeting shall be given to the ov^ner or owners of such lands, if residents of the village, and if not such residents, then notice shall be sent ten days be- fore such meeting, by mail, directed to the place of resi- dence, if known, of each of such non-residents. The jury shall be sworn to faithfully and impartially execute their duty ; shall examine the premises, hear the proofs and allegations of the parties, and reduce the testimony to writing, if any is taken ; and they shall determine and award to the owner or owners of such lands such dam- ages as they will sustain by the proposed alteration or improvement, after making allowance for any benefit which the said owner or owners may derive therefrom. The determination and award of the jury shall be signed by them and filed in the oSice of the village clerk, and a copy served on the persons entitled to such award- If no appeal is made within twenty days from the time of such service, the determination and award of such jury shall be final and conclusive on all persons interested. A copy of such award, certified by the clerk, under the seal of the village, shall be evidence of the same in all courts and places and all actions and proceedings. § 3. No trustee who is interested in any lands taken for such alteration or improvement shall act with the 45 trustees when sitting as a board to determine the dam- when m- ages, or to summon the jury to award damages, for**™''^*- taking such land. § 4. [1878. J Any person interested therein may, Appeals to within twenty days after notice of the award of the jury, Sef appeal from such award by petition to the county judge of the county where such village is situated, or, in case such village shall be located in two or more counties, then to the county judge of either of said counties, pray- ing for the appointment of three commissioners, residing in said county, to review said award of said jury. The ^"I^^JJl person appealing shall execute a bond to the village in^°°^'°' its corporate name in the penal sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, with two sureties who shall justify in twice the amount, conditioned for the payment of the fees of the said commissioners and costs of appeal, in case the award of the jury shall not be increased twenty dollars by said commissioners to each party appealing. Filing such ceedinga." bond with, and serving a copy of said petition, with a no- tice of the time when and place where the same will be presented to the said judge, or the village clerk, shall op- erate as a stay of proceedings until the decision of the commissioners thereon. All persons appealing from the Judge to ap ■*■ " point com- award of the jury for damages, as to one single and con- J^'^^^°fg^™ tinuous alteration or improvement, shall join in one peti- awards, tion,' and may execute a joint and several bond in two hundred and fifty dollars, with sureties and conditioned as hereinbefore mentioned, and there shall be but one board of three commissioners appointed to review the award of such jury. At the time mentioned in the notice, and when the commissioners are appointed, any person may be heard in the matter. The said judge shall, on hearing the parties, appoint three disinterested electors as commissioners, residing in said county, but not in the village, to review the award of said jury, and determine^ and award the damages of the person or persons ap- pealing. Immediate notice shall be given by some of the persons appealing to the persons designated as commissioners, and if any one declines or is disqual- 46 commis- ilied, the Judge shall appoint some disinterested per- iT^na*^ son, an elector residing in said county but not in the vmnesaes, ^jji^g^^ jq j^^ the vacancy. Said commissioners shall meet at such village within ten days after being notified of their appointment. They shall give the president of the village five days' notice of the time and place of their meeting, shall be sworn to do their duty, shall have power to compel attendance of witnesses by subpcena, shall examine the premises and hear the proofs and alle- award. gations of the parties, and shall award such damages to the parties appealing as they shall deem just. The HOW filed, award of the commissioners shall be signed by them and be returned to the president of the village within fifteen days after the first meeting of the commissioners, and To be flnai.g}jaii ^^ fjjg^ ^^itji jl^g dyrk. Said award shall be final and conclusive on all persons interested, and the board Trustees to of trustees may thereupon take possession of the land and take lands. ^^^^ ^-j^^ g^j^j alteration or improvement. On declaring the award the commissioners shall each be paid by the Pay of com- treasurer of the village three dollars per day for their ' services, and the amount so paid shall be collected by suit, if not otherwise paid, with other proper expendi- tures made by and for the village in and about such ap- peal, on the bond referred to in this section, given by the person or persons appealing, in case the person or persons appealing are liable to pay the costs of the ap- peal under the provisions of this act. In all cases of ap- peal under this section the judge to whom the appeal is appJint""^ made shall, by order, appoint guardians for any infant, (Tuardians. j^n^tic or idiot interested in said proceedings. § 5. Whenever a final award is made for damages Assessment Sustained by reason of making such alteration or im- uponrti- provement, the persons acting as assessors may, with- lage prop- ., -, id i n r. erty. in twenty days thereafter, assess the amount of such damages upon the estate, real and personal, in said vil- lage, and make out an assessment roll of such damages, which assessment roll shall be signed by the president Payment of ^^^ ^^^^ ^^*^ *^^ clerk and be collected in the same man- awards, ner aa the annual tax is collected, and the trustees shall, 47 within one year from the time of such final award, pay Deposit of or tender the amount of such damage to the persons tounkjown"* whom the same shall have been awarded; and in case owners, such owner shall refuse the same, or be unknown, or a non-resident of said village, idiot or lunatic, or the rights and interests of persons claiming the same shall be doubt- ful, it shall in such case be lawful for the board of trus- tees to pay the amount of such damages to the county treasurer of the county where said lands are situated, for the benefit of such person or persons as may be entitled to the same, accompanied by a statement of the facts under which such payment was made. The board of trustees shall cause the clerk of said village to make an ^fage ^^ entry in the village records of the money deposited, stating amount, with the names of the parties by the awards declared to be entitled to the same. On the proper person or persons being ascertained, who are en- titled to receive such money, the president of the village is authorized to draw an. order on said county treasurer, countersigned by the clerk, and payable to the order of the person or persons entitled to such money, for the amount due such person or persons. TITLE VIII. • Section 1. At any election held in such village, the ^"g^lJI^"^ inspectors presiding shall have the powers of town boards »« election, at the election of town oflicers ; and all the laws applica- ^aws appu ble to such elections shall apply to any election held"^"'^- under this act, and the proceedings of the same, so far as applicable and not inconsistent with this act. The inspectors shall be subject to the provisions of this act as to elections. § 2. The certificate of the inspectors of election pre- siding at the first or second election at which the ques- certmcate tion of incorporating the village was decided affirmative ors^to^be^ ly, or a copy of the same, certified by the county clerk as to^cor- of the county in whose office it shall be filed and record- ed, with his seal of office, shall be final and conclusive 48 proof of the incorporation of such village and the regu- larity thereof, in all courts and places, and in all actions and proceedings, except in case of an appeal from the election as hereinbefore provided. § 3. The inspectors presiding at any election in the cScaLs village, excepting one relating to the incorporation of the of election, .^j^^gg^ gj^g,!] file their certificate of election within ten days after such election, with the village clerk, and such certificate, or a copy thereof certified by such clerk, with the seal of the corporation attached, shall be presump- tive evidence of the truth of the statements get forth in such certificate, and of the validity of such election, in all the courts and places, actions and proceedings. Convey- § 4. All Conveyances by the village shall be in its Jmale? corporate name, and be executed by the president there- cu'wd?''" of, authorized by resolution of the board of trustees, with the corporate seal annexed. § 5. The return of any tax or assessment by the col- ?npaw°°' lector to the village clerk as unpaid, or a copy of the to^bt'evi-'' same certified by said clerk, with the corporate seal at- aeDce. tached, shall be presumptive evidence of the truth of the Assessment Statements in such return, in all courts and places, and ™"'" in all actions and proceedings. And any assessment roll filed with the clerk, or a copy of the same certified by him, with the corporate seal attached, shall be presump- tive evidence of the contents thereof and regularity of such assessment, in all courts and places, actions and proceedings, and of the right to levy any tax or make any assessment therein mentioned. § 6. [1878.] All actions brought to recover any pen- recover *" alty or forfeiture under this act, or under the rules, by- peMities, jg^^g ^^^ ordinances made in pursuance of it, shall be brouKht. |3pQ^g]j^ ijj ^}jg corporate name of the village, and in such Complaint, actiou it shall be lawful to declare or complain generally state. for such penalty or forfeiture, stating the section of this act, or rulej by-law or ordinance under which the penalty or forfeiture is claimed, and briefly setting forth the vio- ' lation thereof for which the complaint is made. 49 § 7. The first process in any suit brought by the vil- lage for a penalty under this act, or a rule, by-law or beV^sum- ordinance adopted by the board of trustees in pursuance warrant, of said act, shall be a summons or warrant. If the de- fendant in such action has no property, personal or real, imprison- whereof the judgment can be collected, the execution non-pay- «" *=■ ' mem of shall require the defendant to be imprisoned in the conn- Jaagments. ty jail of the county in which the village is situated, or in case such village shall be located, in two or more coun- ties, then in the county jail of either of said counties, for a term not exceeding ten days. § 8. The affidavit of the party publishing or posting any notices required to be posted or published by the pmoi ot provisions of this act, or by any rule, by-law or ordi- ^d pMufg nance made in pursuance thereof, of such posting or""""*'" publishing, shall be deemed presumptive evidence there of in all courts and places, and in all actions and pro- ceedings. § 9. In actions brought by or against the village, itcompeten-, shall not be an objeiction against the person acting as Jiawtants . , . , , aajustlces, justice or juror m any such action, that he is a resident Jurors, ete. of the village, or subject to taxation therein. § 10. Money cannot be borrowed on the credit of, nor ^^^^^^^^^ can any debt be created in behalf of, the village, payable SImuSs at a future time ; nor can any debt or liability be incurred p^""*"**- by the village, except for ordinary expenditures of Temporary the village or highway purposes within the income of the S|°is current year, for the ordinary expenditures or highway ^^^^' purposes applicable to such purposes. W hen the rais- ing of any money for a special purpose as an extraordi- nary expenditure, as provided, in this act, has been voted, the amount may be borrowed, or a liability by contract for the special purpose may be incurred, not exceeding the expense ordered, until the amount can be raised by a tax as herein provided. ^ 11. Any officer or person who shall assume to ore- " •' * . ^ -Personal ate a liability or appropriate any money or property of nawiityo? the village, contrary to the provisions of this act, or shall ating deuts. assent thereunto, shall be personally liable for such debt In con- tracts. Ttecord ol board of truscees. 60 willful 710- or liability, and to the village for such money or proper- (feemlii a ty ; and each of the trustees present when such violation meanor. shall have been committed, shall be deemed to have as- sented thereunto unless he shall express his dissent and request the same" to be entered upon the record of pro- ceedings. Any willful violation of this section shall also be a misdemeanor. Trustees 8 12. No member of the board of trustees shall be in- not to De o J°'er^ted terested in any contract to which the village shall be a party. § 13. The board of trustees shall cause to be kept a record of its proceedings ; all votes shall be taken by ayes and noes, when required by one of the trustees, and shall be entered in such record, and such record shall noes to°be Contain the names of the members of the board present and voting on any question, and the affirmative and neg- ative votes of the members so voting. Summary § 14. When any person complained against as a va- ings upon grant, disorderly person, riotous person, or person keep- dfsorder?'' iug a disorderly house or house of ill-fame or assignation persons, or prostitution, under the provisions of this act, or any rule, by-law or ordinance made in reference to such per- sons under this act, shall be brought before an officer maTbe^ad- li^viug jurisdiction of such matters, he shall, unless the am[oflend- offeuse Complained of be indictable at common law, pro- oned.""^" ceed forthwith to hear, try and determine the complaint against said person, as provided by law for the offense on which such person is arrested, or such officer may in his discretion adjourn the hearing on cause shown, not to exceed five days, and in the meantime commit the of- fender to the village lock-up or place of confinement or county jail, until such day, or suffer him or her to go at large on executing a bond approved by the said officer, conditioned that he or she will appear on the adjourned day, when trial shall be had. fcfusL^t^" § ^^- ^° °^^® ^"y person having been an officer of the rerards,"" ''tillage, shall refuse or neglect to deliver to his successor ^ropen^o^ ^^ offi*'®' within ten days after notification and request, Tiuage. all the moneys, books, papers, records, proBertv and ef- 51 fects of every description in his possession or under his control belonging to such village or appertaining to his office, he shall forfeit and pay for the use of the village rhe sum of twenty -five dollars for each and every day he shall so neglect or refuse, and also all damages caused by such refusal or neglect, to be recovered by suit by such village. § 16. Every ordinance, bylaw, rule, resolution orQ^^j^^^^^^ proceeding of the board of trustees may be read and re- SSwreadTn ceived in evidence in all courts of justice and in all places, e^w™ce. and in all actions or proceedings, either from the original record, kept by the clerk of said, village, or from a copy of such ordinance, by-law, rule, resolution or proceeding, certified under the corporate seal by the clerk, or from any printed volume containing such ordinance, by-law, rule, resolution or proceeding, with the certificate of the clerk that such volume contains a correct copy of such ordinance, by-law, rule, resolution or proceeding, and that the same was printed under authority of the board of trustees. § 17. The term "vagrants," as used in this act, com-»efl^°tti™ prises the persons described in part one, chapter twenty, "vagrants" title two, section one of the Revised Statutes. [Sec. 3, Title 2, Ch. 20, Part ONE^ R. 8. J [All idle persons who, not having visible means to maintain themselves, live without employment ; all per- sons wandering abroad and lodging in taverns, groceries, beer houses, outhouses, market places, sheds or barns, or in the open air, and not giving a good account of themselves ; alL persons wandering abroad and beg- ging, or who go about from door to door, or place themselves in the streets, highways, passages or other public places, to beg or to receive alms, shall be deemed vagrants.] ■ § 18.. AH persons found intoxicated in the streets of Disorderly ^ persons, the village, or persons who shall be guilty of noisy, riot- ^""^d^^^." ous or tumultuous conduct, disturb the quiet and peace "'■'■■■e'l'ob?, 52 of the village or of any meeting or assembly therein ; all persons who shall wilfully give a false alarm of fire ; all persons who shall publicly use any profane, vulgar or obscene language or conduct in any street or public place in said village ; all persons who shall wilfully and maliciously break, mar, injure, remove or deface, any building, fence, awning, sign, sign 'board, tree, shrubbery or other ornamental thing in said village ; all persons who shall remove from or pile up before any door or on any sidewalk or street, boxes, casks or other things for the purpose of annoyance or mischief, or who shall wil- fully tear down, destroy or mutilate any notice or hand- bill lawfully posted up in said village ; all persons who shall incite or induce dogs to fight in any of the streets or public places in said village ; all persons, who, at the time of any fire in said village, shall be guilty of any in- subordination or of any disorderly conduct, or who shall attempt to obstruct the operations of the fire department, or shall wilfully neglect or refuse to obey, or attempt to prevent or obstruct the execution of, the orders of the trustees or ofiicers of the fire department, shaU be deemed and are hereby declared to be disorderly persons under this act, and under any rule, by-law or ordinance adopted in pursuance thereof for the punishment of disorderly persons. § 19. Any trustee or any police constable is hereby au- vSrant' thorized to arrest any vagrant or disorderly person, with deny perl Or without process, and take him or her forthwith before ""''■ the proper officer. If such officer cannot be found, the Detention persous arresting may detain the person arrested, not to airclteS!" exceed twenty-four hours, until the proper officer to try such person is found. Assess- ^ ^^' ^^^^7 assessment made by the persons acting S'ff^n u^^ as assessors of the village shall be and remain a lien on lacds. the lot or lands assessed, in the same manner, and to the same effect, as town and county taxes, from the time of filing the assessment roll as herein directed, until paid oj otherwise satisfied. 53 § 21. No person shall hold at the same time more one omce than one of the offices created by this act, unless other- Sew at me wise provided herein. **""' "'^''' § 22. Whenever any real estate in said village is Service of owned by two or more persons jointly, or as tenants in nonces common, a notice served on one of such persons shall be^eoai's. sufficient notice to all and for any purposes requiring a notice under this act, and whenever said owners reside out of the village, it shall be sufficient to serve such no- ^^''tofeeT tice on the occupant or lessee of such real estate, except as herein otherwise provided. § 23. All resignations of any officers under this act, Eestgna- shall be made to the trustees, subject to their accept- made. '""' ance. § 24. If, at the end of the financial year, there shall surplus of be a surplus of funds with the corporation, over and appuea ™ above the expenses of the year, such surplus shall be applied to the next year's expenses. §. 25. If a town meeting shall occur on the day ap- ^ pointed for the election of village officers by this act, in elections Jr o J J jiot to occur the town in which the village or any part thereof shall ™ ^j^ be situated, then such village election shall be held on ''^y- the Wednesday next after the Tuesday appointed by this act, for such village election. § 26. The president and trustees of the village shall MdfmCTies not receive any compensation for their services as such, nop^^r* § 27. Nothing in this act giving the board of trustees proviso as of a village power to make and repair bridges within the Mdges°by village bounds, or making them commissioners of high- comiSS^ ways, or making the territoiy of the village a separate highway district, subject to the board of trustees alone, Expendi- ° -,. . .. 'tureson shall be construed as divesting the commissioners of^dges, now highways for any town in which a bridge may be located, charged, of power or control over the same, or as relieving such town from the expense of constructing or repairing any bridge within its bounds, though such bridge may be within the territorial limits of a village incorporated un- der this act. In case the board of trustees of any village so incorporated shall think proper to construct or repair, 54 and shall construct or repair, any bridge within the cor- porate limits, then the expense of such work shall be a charge on the taxable property of the village, and be paid out of the corporate funds. A^t. How § 28. The provisions of this act shall be applicable only to villages incorporated under it. Srpora-"' § ^^- '^^^ board of trustees of any village incorporat- pid."'"' ed under this act are authorized to determine the expenses of effecting the incorporation, and pay the same out of the corporate funds. § 30. [1875.] Any village heretofore incorporated may become a corporation under the provisions of this act and possess the powers given thereby, by a vote in favor thereof, at any annual or special election. Such vote shall be taken on a resolution adopted by the board of trustees, submitting the question of incorporation un- der this act to the qualified electors of the village. All persons before qualified to vote at an election in such village, may vote at such election. Notice shall be given of such election by the trustees, setting out the resolu- tion to be voted on, as is required to be given by this act in regard to special elections for extraordinary expendi- tures. If at such election tlie majority of the ballots cast shall have thereupon the word " Yes," then the village shall become and be incorporated under this act, and shall succeed to and possess all the property, rights of property and the rights of action existing at the time of incorporation under this act in favor of such village ; and all actions, proceedings and suits then existing on the part of such village, or against such village, or rights of action against such village then existing shall, after such vote, be unaffected thereby, and be subject to the provisions of law under which they originated. The persons who had before presided at elections for village oflacers in such Village, or a majority of them, shall preside at the elections directed in this section, and shall count the ballots and declare the result forthwith, and make return setting out the resolutions voted on, the notices of election and the number of ballots cast 55 ' No" thereon, and shall file such return with the clerk of the county in which the village is locat- ed within ten days after the election, and verify such re- turn with the oath of the inspectors. Such return, or a copy thereof, certified by such county clerk, with his official seal, shall be final and conclusive evidence of such incorporation and the regularity thereof, in all courts and places and in all actions and proceedings. In case it appears from such return that a majority of the ballots were cast with "Yes" thereon, the board of trustees shall, within ten days after filing such return or within ten days after the passage of this act, appoint a special election in such village, to be held within twenty days, for the purpose of electing the officers pro- vided by this act for such village. They shall give ten days' notice of the time and place of such election, which notice shall be published in all the newspapers printed in such village, and by posting the same in six public' places in the village. At such election the game persons who are required to act as inspectors of election, at the election above provided for in this section, shall preside as inspectors of election ; and such election shall be con- ducted and its results certified in all respects as regular annual elections are required to be conducted and the results certified under this act ; and the persons elected to office at such election shall qualify and be clothed with the same powers and charged with the same duties as if elected at an annual election. The trustees shall submit at such special election the detailed statement re- quired by section eleven of title three of this act. The trustees and other officers elected under the prior charter shall continue in office aud discharge their duties under that charter until the election and qualification of the new officers as above provided for. § 31. [1878 ] The county clerk shall record all re- county turns of inspectors of elections for the incorporation of record re- villages held under this act in the records for the record- eiections^^ ing of deeds, or in a book to be specially provided for tio^^s^^to- that purpose, or in case such village shall be located in«on- 56 two or more counties, then the county clerk of either of said counties shall record all returns of inspectors of elections for the incorporation of villages held under this act, in the records for the recording of deeds, or in a book to be specially provided for that purpose. For the recording of such certificates, the county clerk shall be paid the fees legally chargeable for the recording of deeds. Repeal. § 32. [1874. J All Other general acts and laws of this State for the general incorporation of villages are hereby repealed, as to the future incorporation of villages, ex- cept sections ninety and ninety-one of chapter four hun- dred and twenty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-seven, which sections shall form a part of this act, and shall apply to all villagf^s already incorporated, or which may hereafter be incorporated under this act. In case there shall be any village which has been incorpor- ated under a general act or acts for that purpose, such act or acts shall continue to be of effect as to such vil- lages so incorporated until they may become incorporat- ed under this act ; and after their becoming so incorpor- ated, shall cease to be operative as to such village, ex- cept as controlled by the provisions of this act. [Laws of 1847.] [Sectioit 90. When an application in writing, signed by at least one-fourth as many persons entitled to vote for village officers in any incorporated village, as voted for such officers at the next preceding election thereof, shall be made to the trustees of such village, to call a meeting of the electors thereof to determine whether the same shall continue to be an incorporated village, such trustees shall call such meeting and preside as inspectors thereat, and the same shall be notified and held, the votes given thereat canvassed, the result declared, and a certificate thereof made and recorded in the same manner as nearly as practicable, as in case of the election of vil- lage officers. The polls at such meeting shall be kept ExcepUon. 57 open from ten o'clock in the forenoon to four o'clock in the afternoon ; and every such elpctor may vote thereat, by a ballot having thereon the word Yes, or the word No. If a majority of all the ballots given shall have thereon the word No, such village shall, at the expiration of six months from the time of holding such meeting, cease to be an incorporated village, and within that period such trustees shall call a special meeting of such electors, to direct as to the disposition of the property of such vil- lage ; and at such meeting such electors may direct such property as shall remain after paying all claims for which such village shall be liable, to be disposed of in such manner as they shall deem proper. At the expira- tion of the said six months, all the records, books and papers belonging to such village shall be deposited with the town clerk of the town in which the same shall be located, or if located in more than one town, then with the town clerk of one of such towns, whose duty it shall be to preserve the same with the town records and pa- pers of his town, and the supervisor of such town, or if such village was located in more than one town, the su- pervisors of such towns shall be the trustee or trustees of the property of such village. No suit in which such village shall be a party, or any claim for or against such village, shall be affected by its ceasing to be an incorpor- ated village. § 91. At the meeting to be called after any such vil- lage shall have determined to dissolve its incorporation, it shall be lawful to raise by tax any sum that may be necessary to pay and discharge all the existing debts and liabilities of the said village.] § 33. [1871. J The boards of supervisors of the several bo^^^o^'^ counties are hereby authorized and empowered to extend g,*yj||{f°* the boundaries of any incorporated village within their "J^p^euuSn. respective counties, upon the petition of the president and board of trustees of such village, by a vote of a ma- jority of all the supervisors elected, to be taken by yeas and nays, provided that no act, ordinance or resolution lor such purpose shall be valid and operative, unless it 58 Afflrmative shall receive the affirmative vote of the supervisors of JeJ^taor of the town or towns from which the additional territory is uZu"l^- to be taken, in which such village is situated, and of the quiaite. g^peryisor or supervisors, if any, of such village. And the said boards of supervisors are also authorized and Maydimin- empowered to diminish the boundaries of any incorpor- Ish the ^ - , , . , • J. • boundaries, ated village within their respective counties, so as to ex- clude from such incorporation any portion of the terri- tory embraced therein, upon the petition of two-thirds of the electors resident within the portion of territory sought to be so excluded, who shall be liable to be as- sessed for the ordinary and extraordinary expenditures of such village, by a vote of a majority of all the super- visors elected, to be taken by yeas and nays, provided Proviso, ^jj^j ^^ ^^j.^ ordinance or resolution for such purpose shall be valid and operative, unless it shall receive the affirmative vote of the supervisor or supervisors, if any, of such viEage. § B4. This act is hereby declared to be, and shall be, a public act. Accounts oi § 35. It shall be the duty of the board of trustees, of S?ved\™d each of the incorporated villages of this State, to cause publication to be published, once in each year and twenty days next "'■ before the annual meeting, in at least one public news- paper printed in such village, or in a public newspaper that is, to all intents and purposes, a village newspaper of more than one village, and that has more than one publication office, one of which is in such incorporated Account village, a full and detailed account of all money received by them or the treasurer of said village for the account and use thereof, and all money expended therefor, giv- ing the items of expenditures in full. Should there be no paper published in said village, they shall be required to publish the same by notice to the taxpayers, by post- ing in five public places in said incorporated limits. § 36. Said annual report shall also state the funded and floating or temporary debt of said village. [CHAP. 307-^Laws of 1879.] [Section 1. If twenty-five freeholders in any town orinvesUfta- incorporated village in this State shall present to any puSiBhment i- J! ii. . , . . . -T. . , . of unlawful justice 01 the supreme court having jurisdiction therein, or corrupt an affidavit subscribed and sworn to by themselves, set- ""res, etc. ting forth that they are freeholders, and have paid taxes on real estate within one year, and that they have cause to believe that the moneys of such town or incorporated village are being unlawfully or corruptly expended, it shall be the duty of such justice, upon ten days' notice to the supervisor or supervisors where there are more than one and the particular disbursing officer if any making the expenditure of such town or the trustees and treasurer of such incorporated village, to make a sum- mary investigation into the financial affairs of such town or incorporated village, as the case may be, and the ac- counts of such disbursing officers or treasurer as the case may be, and at his discretion he may appoint an expert or experts to make such investigation, and may cause the results thereof to be published in such manner as he may deem proper. It shall be the duty of the supervis- or or supervisors and disbursing officer of such town, or the trustees and treasurer of such incorporated village, as the case may be, to obey all orders of such Justice di- rected to them, for facilitating such investigation, and any refusal or failure by said supervisor or supervisors or trustees to obey such orders may be punished as for contempt ; the costs incurred in such investigation shall be taxed by said justice, and paid upon his order by such supervisor or supervisors or trustees, as the case may be, whose expenditures shall be thus investigated, when the facts charged in such affidavit shall be substan- tially proved by such investigation, and by the freehold- ers making such affidavit, when the facts charged therein shall not be proved by such investigation. § 2. Upon the said justice becoming satisfied that any o of the moneys of such town or incorporated village are ^ being unlawfully or corruptly expended and being ap- 60 propriated to purposes to which they are not properly- applicable or are improvidently squandered or wasted, he shall forthwith grant an order restraining and pro- hibiting such unlawful or corrupt expenditure, appropri- ation, squandering or waste of such moneys, under pen- anlty for disobedience of fine or imprisonment, or both, in the discretion of the court. § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.] [CHAP. 514— Laws of 1875.] whentnis- SECTION 1. Upou the application in writing of not determine less than twenty -five electors, inhabitants of any incor- to 6l6Ct & ■ 1 ■ T ■ ■ poijcejus- porated village in this State, in which no provision now exists for the election of a police justice, the board of trustees of such village may determine, by resolution to be entered in their minutes of proceedings, that a police justice shall be elected for such village ; and if they shall so determine, the electors of the village may, at their then next annual election, or at a special election to be called for the purpose, and to be conducted in the same manner as the annual election, choose a police justice, and^qu?!- who shall be a resident elector of the village, and shall "^ '"'■ enter upon the discharge of his duties as soon as he shall be duly notified of his election, and shall take and file in Termoi the office of the village clerk the constitutional oath of oflice, and a bond with sureties in such sum as the board of trustees shall prescribe, and to be approved by such board, conditioned for the faithful performance of his oflicial duty. Such police justice shall hold his oflBce until the 31st day of December in the third year succeed- ing his election. Thereafter the term of such office shall be three years, commencing with the first day of Janu- ary ; and at the annual charter election next preceding the expiration of a regular term, a police justice shall be elected on the same ticket with other elective village offi- cers. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the office of such Vacancy. poUce justice, it shall be filled by appointment to be made by the board of trustees ; and the person thus ap- 61 pointed shall hold his office till his successor, who shall be chosen at the next annualelection, for the unexpired portion of the term, shall have taken and filed the con- stitutional oath of office and bond as hereinbefore pro- vided. § 2. [1876. J Such police justice shall have, within the village in which he shall have been elected or appointed, ]^°ri8dic-°'°"^ and in cases where the alleged crime or misdemeanor has been committed within such village, exclusive jurisdic- tion, except as hereinafter provided, to issue all warrants, hear and determine all complaints, and to conduct all examinations and trials in criminal cases, that may now by law be had by a justice of the peace, or before a court of special sessions ; and shall have the same power and jurisdiction in such criminal cases, which justices of the peace now have by law, or which may hereafter be con- ferred upon justices of the peace, by law, and shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all cises of violations of ordin- ances of the village of which he is police justice. He shall also have authority to administer oaths in verifica- tion of accounts and claims against the village, but shall have no other civil jurisdiction. He shall receive for his salary, services an annual salary to be fixed by the board of trustees, which shall not be increased or decreased dur- ing his 1 erm of office, but shall not retain to his own use any cop.'s or fees. Said justice shall be subject to the same liabilities, and his judgments and proceedings may be reviewed in the same manner and to the same extent as now by law provided in case of justices of the peace. It shall be the duty of the several justices of the peace of the town in which such village is wholly or partially sit- uated, during the sickness, absence from the village, or inability to act, of the said police justice, or during a vacancy in said office, to render the same services and perform the same duties, and they shall be entitled to receive the same fees therefor as though no police justice had been elected or appointed in such village. But it shall not be lawful for said justices of the peace to make any charge against such village, or the town or county Becords. 62 in which the same is situate, for services rendered in or respecting criminal cases, trials or examinations in such Tillage, or where the subject matter thereof arose in such village, except as hereinbefore stated, during the sick- ness, absence from the village or inability to act of the said police justice, or during a vacancy in said office. § 3. It shall be the duty of the said police justice to provide a suitable book, and therein to enter and keep a record of the several complaints made before him, in which a warrant or other process for the arrest of any person accused shall be granted, and of all cases in which the offender or person accused shall be brought before him without process ; which record shall contain, under the proper date, a brief statement of the names of the parties, the nature of the offense charged, the action of the said police justice thereon ; and an accurate account of all fines, penalties and costs imposed and collect- ed by him, or which may be ordered to be paid by any Report, offender. And annually, at least two weeks before the time appointed for holding the charter election of said village, and oftener when required by resolution of the board of trustees, he shall make a report in writing, to the clerk of the village of all fines, penalties and costs imposed and collected by him ; and the same day on which he shall make such report he shall pay over to the treasurer of such village all fines, penalties and costs in his hands belonging to said village. The provisions of this act shall not apply to any village in the county of Madison. [CHAP. 201— Laws 1879. J j.e(?aiizing SECTION 1. Every justice of the peace in this State ixUng°i.'oSd who is required to execute and file a bond by chapter tydaysfew. one hundred and seven of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, shall upon executing and filing a bond as required by the said act, within sixty days after the passage of this act, be entitled to hold his said oflice, and discharge the duties thereof during the remainder of 63 the term for whicli he was elected or appointed, and all of his official acts are hereby declared to be as valid and of the same effect as though he had executed and filed said bond within the time stated in said act ; provided that nothing in this act shall affect any suit now pending. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. [CHAP. 219— Laws 1878.] [Section 1. [1878.] Any act, ordinance, resolution, by-law, rule or proceeding of the common council of a city, or of the board of trustees of an incorporated vil- lage, or of a board of supervisors of any county within this State, and any recital of occurrences taking place at the sessions of any thereof, may be read in evidence on any trial, examination or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, either from a copy thereof certified by the clerk of the city, village, common council or board of supervisors, or from a volume printed by auhority of the common council of the city, or board of supervisors of the county.] ARTICLE FOURTH. Section 1. The authorities of any incorporated vil-jj,^j^pj lage in this state may hereafter organize into a board of ^'g«j^^°^- water commissioners in the manner by this act provided. § 2. For the purposes of this act, said authorities are ^y^o ^ay hereby defined to be, in villages, the board of trustees organize, thereof. The terms of office of said commissioners shall respectively continue for the terms for which said au- thorities shall be, or shall have been, respectively elected. § 3. Whenever a majority of said authorities, in a village, shall deem it advisable to organize as a board otgmize. °^' water commissioners, they shall certify the same in writ- ing to the clerk of the village, who shall thereupon and within five days thereafter, notify said authorities, in writing, to attend a meeting to be held within five days thereafter, for the purpose of organizing as a board of water commissioners. At the time and place named in 64 said notice, said authorities, or a majority of them, shall ""'^' meet and organize by electing one of their number presi- dent of the board. They shall also elect from their num- ber a secretary and treasurer. Said board may make all necessary rules and regulations for its government and bond. the transaction of its business. The treasurer shall give a bond with sufficient sureties for the faithful perform- ance of the duties of his office, in such amount as may be determined by the board of commissioners, to be ap- pointed (approved ?) by said commissioners. Duties. § ■*• •'■* shall be the duty of the commissioners to ex- amine and consider all matters relating to supplying the village with pure and wholesome water, and for that purpose they shall have power to employ engineers, surveyors and such other persons as shall be necessary for that purpose ; and they shall adopt such plans as in their opinion may be most feasible for procuring such supply of water, and which shall embrace proper distri- bution pipes and supplies for all streets and places where, in their opinion, it shall be of interest to the villag«, and shall ascertain the probable amount of money necessary chase land to carry the same into effect ; and for that purpose they shall have power to contract for and purchase, and take by deed or other instrument under seal, in the name of said village, all lands, tenements, hereditaments, rights or privileges whatever, and situate at any place within the county in which said village may be situated, which may be required for the purpose, and to contract for the execution of the work, or any part thereof, or the supply of any necessary matei-ial ; and the commissioners, and their agents and employees, are authorized to enter upon any land or water for the purpose of making surveys, and to agree with the owner of the property, real or per- sonal, which may be required for the purposes of this act, as to the amount of compensation to be paid such owner, subject to a revision by the court upon applica- tion by any three taxable inhabitants of the village. § 5. [1879. J Before entering, taking or using any lands for the purpose of this act, the said water commis- 65 sioners shall cause a survey and map to be made of the lands intended to be taken or entered upon for any of fandg^be said purposes, by and on which the land of each owner '"■^™' or occupant shall be designated, which map shall be signed by the president of the said water commissioners and their secretary, and be filed in the ofiice of the county clerk of the county in which the said lands are situated ; and upon such tiling said water commissioners, by any of their officers, agents or servants may enter upon any lands so designated for the purpose of prosecuting the construction of their works. § 6. In all cases where the said water commissioners Prooeed- shall be unable to agree with the persons owning or lia-v-in^^^Oja^^ ing an interest in any lands, tenements or hereditaments »o la""**- required for the purposes of this act, the supreme court, at any special term thereof, held in the judicial district in which said lands are situated, shall, on application of said water commissioners, after ten days' written notice personally served on such persons, or where such notice cannot be personally served within the State, or such persons are infants, or otherwise incapacitated from re- ceiving personal notice, then by service in such manner as the said court shall direct, appoint three disinterested citizens of the county in which the said lands are situ- ated, who shall be freeholders; as commissioners of as- sessments, to determine the damage sustained by each of such persons, by reason of the taking or use of his or her lands, tenements or hereditaments, for the purpose of this act. Such commissioners of assessment shall take the oath required by the constitution, and shall personal' ly examine each parcel of land or other property proposed to be taken or used, and shall estimate and report to said court, at any term thereof held in the said judiolal dis' ' trict, the several sums which will be a just oompensatiori to such owners or persons interested, respectively, for the appropriation to the purposes of this act, of any property, rights or privileges that may be so required, oir for the title or use of any such property. Such com- missioners of assessment may examine witnesses upon -^ 66' hearings before them, and all evidence so taken shall ac- company their report. Ten days' notice, in writing, of the time and place of the presentation of said report shall be given to the parties interested. On the presentation of said report, the said court may confirm or amend the same, or appoint new commissioners, who shall proceed in like manner with the first commissioners, and whose report shall be final, and shall be confirmed by said court. Said commissioners of assessment shall receive, from the said water commissioners, the sum of three dol- lar j per day, each, for each day employed by them in pe formance of their duties as above stated, together with the amount which said commissioners of assessment shall certify as correct, in their said report, for incidental expenses connected with their work, including the prep- aiation of their report. § 7. Whenever any report of commissioners of assess- conufsoized ment shall have been confirmed by said supreme court, the said water commissioners may deposit, as said court may direct, or pay to said owner or to such person or persons as the court may direct, thesum mentioned in the said report in full compensation for the property so re- quired ; and thereupon the said village shall become seized in fee of the property so required, and said com- missioners and said village shall be discharged from all claim by reason of any such appropriation or use. § 8. The said commissioners shall have power, and it shall be their duty, to borrow, from time to time, upon the credit of the village, a sum not exceeding ten per cent, of the assessed value of the real and personal estate of the valuation of the village, as shall appear by the then last assessment roll, upon such term of credit, not ex- ceeding thirty years, and at rate of interest not exceeding seven per cent, per annum, as shall seem to them for the best interests of said village ; and to secure the payment of said loan, said commissioners are authorized to make, execute and deliver bonds, certificates or other obliga- tions, which shall be signed by them, or any three of them, as said commissioners ; which said bonds, certifl- 67 cates or other obligations shall be made payable in such respective amounts, and at such respective times, as such commissioners shall deem best, and said bonds and the interest thereon shall be a valid liability against said vil- lage, and the credit of said village is pledged for the pay- ment of the same ; and the said money so borrowed shall be appropriated by said commissioners to supplying said village v?ith water, agreeable with the provisions of this act, but no such bonds, certificates or other obligations shall be disposed of by such commissioners at less than the par value thereof. § 9. No bonds, certificates' or other obligations of in- ^^^^^ ^^ debtedness shall be Issued by any board of commission- ^^f^^ ers authorized by this act, until such commissioners shall have filed, with the clerk of the county in which the vil- lage shall be situated, their |omt and several bond, in the sum of twenty thousand- dollars, with sureties, to be jus- tified before and approved by the county judge of said county, or a justice of the supreme court, and condi- tioned for the faithful performance of the duties of such commissioners ; and when the term of service of any such commissioner shall expire he shall hold his ofiice as such commissioner nntil new bonds shall be given by the board of which his successor is to be a member, which bonds shall be in similar form to those first issued, for a like amount, and to be justified, approved and filed in a sim- ilar manner. § 10. Said commissioners shall have power to make contracts all necessary contracts for labor and materials in the con^ eto.'^™''' struction of the work, and all pertaining thereto ; which said contract shall be in writing, signed by a majority of the commissioners, and of which there shall be three originals executed by the parties, which shall be num- bered by the same number, one of which shall be given to the contractor, one to the village clerk, which shall be filed by said clerk with the records of said village, and one retained by the commissioners ; and three weeks' public notice shall be given in one or more newspapers published in said village, or if no paper is published in Comtnls- 68 said village, then in one or more of the nearest newspa- pers published in the county, as the commissioners shall direct, of the times and places at which sealed proposals will be received for entering into contracts, and the com- missioners shall have full discretion as to the acceptance or rejection of all sealed proposals ; and in case any ma- terials and labor shall then remain uncontracted for, the like notice for sealed proposals and like proceedings may be had as above provided ; and so, from time to time, as the said commissioners may direct, for work or materials ; and every person who shall enter into any contract for the supply of materials or the performance of any work shall give satisfactory security to such com- missioners for the faithful performance of his contract according to its terms. to'bltatCT- § 11- ^o commissioner shall be directly or indirectly coatracta. interested in any contract relating to the work or mate- rials therefor, nor in any work or materials for the work, nor for any portion of the water works ; nor shall he receive any compensation for his services, nor for any- thing pertaining thereto. §12. [1876.] The said commissioners, and all acting soil under Under their authority, shall have the right to use the SCr66tS *" ground or soil under any street, highway or roads within the county within which said village is situated, for the purpose of introducing water into and through any and all portions of said village, on condition that they shall cause the surface of such street, highway or road to be re-laid and restored to its usual state, and all damages done thereto to be repaired, and such right shall be con- tinuous for the pui-pose of repairing and relaying water pipes upon like conditions. And the said commissioners shall have the further power to contract with and sell to any corporation, stock company or individual, without the corporate limits of said vill^.ge, the right to make connection with the distributing pipes of said village, for the purpose of drawing water therefrom, at such prices and on such conditions as, in the judgment of said com- missioners, shall be for the best interests of said village. But no such right shall be granted or in any way en- forced, when, by so doing, the supply for the wants or necessities of said village shall thereby be curtailed. § 13. The said commissioners shall establish a scale Eents for of rents to be charged and paid to the commissioners from time to time, either in advance or at such time and times as the commissioners shall prescribe, for the sup- ply of water, to be called "water rents," and appropri- ated to different classes of buildings in said village, in reference to their dimensions, values, exposure to fires, ordinary or extraordinary uses for dwellings, stores, shops, hotels, factories, livery stables, barns and all other buUdings, establishments and trades, yards, num- ber of families or occupants, or consumption of water, as near as may be practicable, and from time to time, either modify, amend, increasa or diminish such rents ; and said commissioners and their respective employees shall be authorized at all times to enter into any build- ing or place where water is used from supply pipes, to examine as to the water, quantity of water used, and the manner of using it. § 14. The connecting or supplying pipes leading from ^^ the buildings or yards to the distribution pipes shall be p{P''f^''°'' inserted and kept in repair at the expense of the owner or occupant of the building or yard, and shall not be in- serted or connected with the main pipe until a permit therefor shall be obtained from said commissioners, or other persons having charge thereof, and all such con- necting or supply pipes shall be constructed ■ and con- nected in the manner directed by said commissioners or persons in charge. § 15. The entire annual receipts for water rents, after deducting therefrom such sums as may be necessary to ^'***'*"*' defray the expenses of repairs of said water works, and of extending the same, and other necessary expenses, shall be applied toward the payment of the interest and the loan hereinbefore authorized, and also toward the creation of a sinking fund for the payment of the princi- pal of said loan, as it shall from time to time become due 70 and payable ; which sinking fund shall be managed by said commissioners. No investment shall be made in be- half of such sinking fund, except in the bonds of the United States, of the State of New York, or of any city of this State, and in the bonds, certificates or other obli- ligations authorized to be issued by such village under this act ; which last named bonds, certificates and obli- gations, the commissioners may purchase at any time when they shall have funds applicable, at prices not ex- ceeding their par value, and when so purchased, said bonds, certificates and obligations, shall not be reissued, but shall be immediately cancelled. § 16. In case the entire annual receipts for water deflcifncy reuts, after deducting as in the preceding section provid- in receipts. ^^^ giiall, in any year, not be sufficient to pay the inter- est for that year on said loans, or in case in any year when any of the principal of the loans secured by said bonds falls due, the amount of said receipts for water rents, after making said deduction, together with the gum in the said sinking fund, shall not be suflScient to pay said principal, and also the said interest falling due that year, it shall be the duty of the board of trustees of said village, and they are hereby directed to cause such deficiency to be assessed, levied and collected from the taxable property of said village at the same time and in the same manner as other expenses of said village are assessed, levied and collected, and the same shall be ap- plied to the payment of such interest or principal, or both, neport to § 17- The said commissioners shall annually, on the siwemsora, g^g^ ^^y ^j -^^y j^ ^^^^ jeav, and at all such other times as required by the board of supervisors of the county in which said village is situated, deliver to said board of supervisors a detailed statement of all their accounts, a general statement of all their work, and condition of their affairs aud state of finances, including a full detail ot the amount expended in the progress of the work, and ^ particular statement of any deficiency as to the water rent in meeting the principal and interest of the sum bor- rowed, as in the previous section hereinbefore referred 71 to, and all books and papers of ^^ery kind and descrip- tion kept by said commissioners, upon which are entries of their transactions as such, shall, at all times, be sub- ject to the inspection by said board of supervisors, and by every elector of said village. § 18. All judgments against said commissioners in judgments their name of office, and judgments against them, where rammis- the transaction upon which the action is brought shall ^^°°®"- have been in the performance of their duties as commis- sioners, shall not be enforced against the individual prop- erty of either of the said commissioners. § 19. The said commissioners shall have power, from ^^a^ong. time to time, to make and establish s-uch by-laws, rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of this State or of the United States, as they shall judge proper, for the election of their officers, and as to the duties of these officers and employees, and as to the means of en- forcing said duties, and for the regulation of times and manner of holding meetings of commissioners, and for enforcing the collection of water rents and manner of using water, and generally for transacting, managing and directing the affairs of the commissioners, and may pro- vide regulations as to the use of water, and enforce the observance thereof by cutting off the use and supply of water. § 20. A violation of any of the provisions of this ^(^^ yioiMonot by any of such commissioners shall be deemed a misde- ^^• meanor. § 21. At any time after the passage of this act, a.y^^^^j meeting of the electors of any village may be called by |SobsSi its board of trustees, upon notice published for two^**^^*"- weeks in one or more weekly newspapers published in said village, or if no newspaper be published in such village, then in the nearest newspaper publisheji in the county in which such village may be situated, and at which the question will be submitted, whether the taxes in this act authorized for the purposes aforesaid shall be levied and collected from the village, as in this act pro- vided ; and no commissioners shall proceed with any 72 duties under this act, unless the majority of the voters and of the tax-payers whose names appear upon the last assessment roll of the village voting at such meeting shall vote in favor of such taxes. Said vote shall be by ballot, and there shall be written orprinted on the ballots of those in favor of taxes, "For the water taxes," and on the ballots of those opposed, "Against the water taxes." The said board of trustees, or any of them, shall preside • and certify the result of said meeting, and the village clerk shall, within five days thereafter, serve each of said commissioners with a certified copy of such certificate. How ri hts § 2^- Whenever any corporation shall have been or- a"^ pf°pe[- ganized under the laws of this State for the purpose of raMons^'"' Supplying the inhabitants of any village with water, and acquired, jj. g^^U bccome or be deemed necessary by the board of water commissioners herein authorized to be created, that the rights, |:rivileges, grants and properties of such corporation shall be required for any of the purposes of this act, the commissioners herein authorized to be crea- ted shall have the power, and it shall be their duty, to make, or cause to be made, a thorough examination of the works, rights, privileges and properties owned or held by such corporations, or any of them, and if such commissioners shall determine that said works, rights, privileges and properties are necessary for the purposes of this act, they shall have the right to make application to the Supreme Court, at a special term thereof, held in the judicial district in which the works of such corpora- tion are situated, for the appointment of three commis- sioners oi appraisement, who shall be disinterested free holders and residents of the county. Notice of such de- termination and application must be served upon the president and secretary of such corporation at least ten days prior to the preaentatiou of any such application. The court shall thereupon appoint the said commission- ers of appraisement, whose duty it shall be to examine and appraise the value of the works, rights, privi- leges and properties required to be taken by the board of water commissioners, and such commissioners of ap- 73 praisement shall make a report in writing, of such exam- ination and appraisement to said Court at a special term thereof. Said report shall be verified by the oaths of said commissioners ; they shall file a copy thereof with the board of water commissioners, and they shall cause a copy thereof to be served upon the president or secre- tary of the company, whose rights and properties are the . subject of such appraisement, with a notice of the time and place of the presentation of said report for confirm- ation. Such notice shall be served at least ten days prior to the time when said report shall be presented for confirmation. If objection be made to the confirmation of said report, by said company, or by a water commis- sioner, or if objection be made thereto by any three tax payers of said village, the court may order a re-examin- ation of said works and properties, and a re-appraise- ment thereof ; and the court may make an order that testimony be taken concerning the value of said works and properties. Said re-examination and re-appraisement shall be made, and said testimony shall be taken within twenty days from the time when said order shall be made, unless such time shall be extended by the court, and upon the presentation of said second report, the . court shall proceed to consider the same, and shall there- upon confirm or reject the same. The compensation of such commissioners shall be three dollars per day for each day actually engaged, together with their actual and necessary expenses, as adjusted by the court. The awards made to the corporation whose rights and prop- erties are so taken, shall be paid by the water commis- sioners herein authorized to be created, from the proceeds of bonds, certificates or other obligations, which are hereby authorized to be issued by such commissioners for such purpose, and thereupon all the rights, privi- leges, works, franchises and properties owned by said corporation, or held by it for its purposes, shall be vest- ed in said village. § 23. In the construction of any storage reservoir, Eesenroirs. now being erected or hereafter to be erected within the 74 limits of this State, for the purpose of supplying water for the use of any city, town or village, all vegetable or other matter subject to decay, shall be removed from the banks thereof, between its highest and lowest possible flow lines, or be covered by gravel or stone to prevent any such decay and consequent injury to public health. Limitation. § 24. The provisious of this act shall not apply to any village wherein a board of water commissioners has been created according to law. ARTICLE FIFTH. Water works com- pany. Section 1. Any number of persans not less than seven, may hereafter organize in any town or village of this State a water works company, under the provisions of this act. §2. [1877.] Whenever any persons to the number of tormed. seven or more shall organize for che purpose of forming a water works company in any of the towns or villages of this State, they shall present to the town or village authorities an application, setting forth the persons who propose to form said company, the proposed capital stock thereof, the proposed number and character of the shares of such capital stock, and the name or names of . the streams, ponds, springs, lakes or other sources, and their locations, from which water is to be supplied. Such application shall be signed by the persons who propose to form said company, and shall contain a request that the said town or village authorities shall consider the application of said company to supply said town or vil- lage of this State, or the inhabitants thereof, with pure Authorities and wholesome water. Upon the presentation of such application, application, the authorities of any town or village, which authorities are for the purposes of this act defined to consist, for incorporated villages and towns, of the board of trustees and supervisors, and for all other towns, of the supervisor, justices of the peace, town clerk and commissioners of highways. Said authorities shall, with- in thirty days of the presentation of said application, 75 determine by a vote of a majority of the authorities of said town or village, whether said application shall be granted ; and the authorities of any town or village in this State are hereby authorized and empowered to make such determination, and when the same shall be made, to sign a certificate to that eifeot, and immediately trans- mit the same to the persons making such application, or Duplicate either of them. Duplicate certificates of such determin- to be mea. ation shall be filed in the ofBce of the clerk of said town or village, and in the office of the county clerk of the county in which said town or village granting such appli- cation shall be situated. The persons named in such application shall thereupon meet and organize as a water works company, under such corporate name as they may select. They shall tile in the oflice of the Secretary of lecrmry ' State a certificate of such organization. Said certificate °'^'*'*- shall contain the name of the corporation, the names of .(yiiat to the members of said corporation, and their residences, «°°**'°>*<'- the amoiint of capital stock, and the, location of the office of said company. Such certificate shall be subscribed and sworn to by the president of said corporation, and shall be attested by the secretary thereof. Upon the filing of said certificate,' said water works company shall be known and deemed a body corporate, and shall be capa- ble of suing and being sued by the corporate name which they shall have selected, in any of the courts of this State. The capital stock of said company shall be paid ^^ j^^j in in the manner and within the time provided by the !,'°f|jj'''*" "Act to authorize the formation of corporations ' for manufacturing, mechanical or chemical purposes," passed February seventeenth, eighteen hundred and for- ty-eight, and the several amendments thereto ; and the stockholders of said company shall be personally liable for the debts of said company in the same manner and to the same extent as is provided by said act and the amendments theretq ; and any company heretofore or hereafter formed under the provisions of this act, or any and dimin- special act, may increase or diminish its capital stock, ^ °'^°- by complying with the provisions of this act, to any 76 amount not exceeding in the aggregate two millions of dollars, subject to the provisions and liabilities of this conditions act. But before any company shall be entitled to dimin- fodtofnu- ish the amount of its capital stock, if the amount of its e'lOTkl' debts and liabilities, except such as are secured by a mortgage upon its property and franchises, shall exceed the amount of capital to which it is proposed to be re- duced, such amount of debts and liabilities, except those secured as aforesaid, shall be satisfied and reduced, so as not to exceed such diminished amount of capital. cS'£?°^" Whenever any company formed under this act or any chaUge of Special act shall desire to call a meeting of the stockhold- lempiaieSr ^^s for the purpose of increasing or diminishing the *"• amount of its capital stock, it shall be the duty of the trustees to publish a notice, signed by at least a majority of them, in a newspaper in the county, if any shall be published therein, at least three successive weeks, and to deposit a written or printed copy thereof in the post- ofiice, addressed to each stockholder, at his usual place of residence, at least three weeks previous to the day fixed upon for holding such meeting, specifying the object of such meeting, the time and place when and where such meeting shall be held, and the amount proceed-™' ^° which it shall be proposed to increase or diminish fngs. the capital ; and a vote of at least two-thirds of all the shares of stock shall be necessary to an increase or di- minution of the amount of its capital stock. If, at the time and place specified in the notice herein provided for, stockholders shall appear in person or by proxy, a number representing not less than two-thirds of all the shares of stock of the corporation, they shall organize by choosing one of the trustees chairman of the meeting, and also a suitable person for secretary, and proceed to a vote of those present, in • person or by proxy, and if, on canvassing the votes, it shall appear that a sufficient number of votes has been given in favor of increasing or diminishing the amount of capital, a certificate of the proceedings, showing a compliance with the provisions of this act, the amount of capital stock actually paid in, 77 the whole amount of debts and liabilities of the company, and the amount to which the capital stock shall be in- creased or diminished, shall be made out, signed and verified by the affidavit of the chairman, and be counter- signed by the secretary, and such certificate shall be ac- knowledged by the chairman, and duplicates thereof shall be filed forthwith in the office of the clerk of said town or village, and in the office of the county clerk of the county in which said town or village shall be situated, and when so filed, the capital stock of such, corporation shall be increased or diminished to the amount specified in such certificate, and the company shall be entitled to the privileges and provisions, and be subject to the lia- bilities of this act, as the case may be. § 3. Said corporation shall have power to take and hold real estate for the purpose of their corporation, and »'"'«". may have, hold and occupy any of the waters of this State ; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to infringe upon any private right which shall not have been the subject of an agreement and lease or purchase by said corporation. Provided, that ^aid company shall have no power to take or use water from any of the canals of this State or any canal reservoirs as feeders, or any streams which have been taken by the State for the purpose of supplying the canals with water. § 4. Any corporation organized under the provisions nay lay of this act may, and they are hereby authorized and em- smfets" "'*' powered to lay their water pipes in any streets or ave- nues or public places, in any streets or avenues of an ad- joining town or village, to the town or village where their application shall have been granted. § 5. Said corporations are authorized and empowered to supply the authorities or inhabitants of any town or to supply village where they may have organized, with pure and wholesome water, at such rates and cost to consumers as they shall agree upon. § 6. Any person who shall maliciously or wilfully injuries to destroy or injure any of the works or property of said J'^j'^ed?'' company, or who shall maliciously or wilfully do any 78 act which shall injuriously affect or tend to affect the water of said company, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be punished by a tine or imprisonment, or by both fine aud imprisonment, in the discretion of the court, and shall also forfeit and pay to the company treble damages sustained thereby, to be recovered in any court having cognizance thereof, with costs. [CHAP. 415— Laws 1876.J Supplemental. [Section 1. Whenever any company, formed under the provisions of the act entitled "An act in relation to the creation and formation of water works companies ift towns and villages of this State," passed June 12tb, 1873, shall have fully completed its organization as provided by said act, and shall have made a contract with any town or village, as provided by section five of said act, to supply such town or village with pure and wholesome water, the said company and its agents and employees shall be authorized to enter upon any land or water for the purpose of making surveys, and to agree with the owner of the property, which may be required for the purposes of the act to which this is a supplement, which may be required for the purposes of said act, as to the amount of compensation to be paid such owner, subject to a revision by the court, upon application by any three taxable inhabitants of the town or village. § 2. Before entering upon, taking or using any land for the purposes of the above recited act, the said company shall cause a survey and map to be made of the lands Intended to be taken or entered upon for any of the pur- poses of the said act, by and on which the land of each owner or occupant shall be designated, which map shaU be signed by the president of the said company and its secretary, and be filed in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the said lands are situated ; and the said company, by any of their officers, agents and serv- ants, may enter upon any lands for the purpose of mak- ing such survey or map. 79 § 3. In all cases where the said company shall be un- able to agree with the persons owning or having an inter- est in any lands, tenements or hereditaments required for the purposes of this act, the supreme court, at any special term thereof held in the judicial district in which the said lands may be situated, shall on application of the said company, after ten days written notice, personally served on such persons, or where such notice cannot be personally served within this State, or such persons shall be infants or otherwise incapacitated from receiving per- sonal notice, then by service in such manner as the said court shall direct, appoint three disinterested citizens of the county in which the said lands are situated, who shall be freeholders, as commissioners, to determine the damage sustained by each of such persons by reason of the taking or use of his or her lands, tenements or here- ditaments for the puiposes of the above recited act. Such commissioners shall take the oath required by the constitution, of public officers, and shall personally ex- amine each parcel of land or other property proposed to be taken or used, and shall estimate and report to said court, at any term thereof held in the said judicial district, the several sums which they shall decide to be a just com- pensation to such owners or persons interested, respect- ively, for the appropriation to the purposes of this act of any property, rights or privileges that may be so required, or for the title and use of any such property. Such com- missioners may examine witnesses upon hearings before them, and shall have power to administer oaths to such witnesses, and all the evidence they shall take shall ac- company their report to the court. Ten days' notice, in writing, of the time and place of the presentation of the said report shall be given to the parties interested. On the presentation of such report the said court may con- firm or amend the same, or appoint new commissioners, who shall proceed in like manner with the first commis- sioners, and whose report, subject to amendment, as aforesaid, shall be final, and shall be confirmed by said court. Such commissioners shall receive from the said 80 company the sum of three dollars per day each for each day employed by them in the performance of their duties as above provided, together with the amount which the said commissioners shall certify, on their oaths, as correct, in their said report, for incidental expenses connected with their work, including the preparation of such report. § 4. Whenever any report of such commissioners shall have been confirmed by the said supreme court, the said company may deposit, as said court may direct, or pay to said owner or to such person or persons, as the court may direct, the sum mentioned in the said report in full compensation for the property so required, and thereup- on the said company shall become seized in fee of the property so acquired, and the said company shall be dis- charged from all claim by reason of any such appropria- tion or use. § 5. All companies organized under this act or the act to which this is supplementary, shall be subject to the provisions of section twenty-two, of chapter one hundred and eighty, of the laws of 1875.] rCHAP. 317— Laws of 1879.] [Section 1. The municipal authorities of the cities, towns and villages of the State of New York, are hereby authorized and empowered to carry out the provisions of this act. Heating as- § ^- "^^^ Corporation or association formed or organ- sodations ized Under the act entitled "An act to authorize the form- pipes, &c. ation of corporations for manufacturing, mining, mechan- ical or chemical purposes," passed February seventeenth, eighteen hundred and forty- eight, or under any of the amendments to said act, or under the "Act to provide for the organization and regulation of certain business cor- porations," passed June twenty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, shall have full power to manufacture, furnish and sell such" quantities of hot water, hot air, or steam as may be required in the city, town or village where the same shall be located ; and such corporation 81 shall have power to lay pipes or conductors for conduct- conditions ing hot water, hot air, or steam through the streets, ave- p''**"'^''^'^- nues, lanes, alleys, squares and highways in "such city, village or town, with the consent of the municipal au- thorities of said city, town or village, and under such reasonable regulations and conditions as they may pre- scribe ; and whenever any such permission shall be granted, it shall only be upon the condition that reason- able compensation shall be paid therefor, and upon a further condition that a satisfactory bond shall be given to secure the city, town or village against all damages in the use of said pipes. The amount of compensation, and u^n.'™^*' the manner of its payment, and the amount of the bond, shall be first fixed and determined by said municipal au- thorities before any pipes, as provided for by this act shall be laid in any city, town or village of this State, and that all such permissions heretofore given by any of said municipal authorities, where the above terms have been complied with, are hereby confirmed. § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.] GHZA-X^TEI^ II. By-Laws and Oedinances. In preparing a set of Village By-Laws or Ordinances, regard must be had to some important points : First : They must be authorized by the Act. [Ante p. 20, et seq.] Second : They must be adopted by the proper body, and published as the statute requires. [Ante p. 24, sub. 27.] Third : They should prescribe • the penalty for their violation, within the law. fid : p 48-9, Sees. 6 and 7.] Fourth : They must be reasonable, not oppressive, and general in their application. Perhaps it would be of greater practical utility, to ap- pend a brief set of By-Laws, Rules and Ordinances, which would be found sufficient for most of the smaller villages of the state. These could be enlarged or mod- ified, to meet the wants of increased popiilation, and the establishment of fire and water companies. v The following are submitted : ^awe-^ffls" Section 1. A Police Constable of said village shall be amies. annually appointed; and, in addition to the general powers conferred upon him by law, he is hereby empow- ered, and it shall be his especial duty, at all times, to preserve public order, and to see that all the By-Laws, Rules and Ordinances of said village, are properly en- forced. 83 § 3. N'oliorses, cattle, mules, sheep, goats, swine ofAnimuisat geese, shall be permitted to run at ]arge in said village ; '"^'*''' and the owner of any animals so permitted to run at large, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten dol- lars for each offense. § 3. No person shall place or cause to be placed, orobstrucune keep or suffer to remain in any street or alley, any logs, **<*«"^**- •timber, box, cask, stoneiS', planks, boards or other ar- ticles or material whatever, so as to incommode or ob- struct the free use or passage thereof; nor shall any person place any such articles or materials on any side- walk within said village, nor allow them to remain there. Any person ofiending against the provisions of this section, or either of them, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of five dollars, and the further penalty of five dollars for every twenty-four hours tl^at any street or sidewalk shall be so obstructed ; but nothing contained in this section shall prohibit persons from placing goods and merchandise or household furniture on the sidewalks for the purpose of loading or unloading the same, provided it be done without any unreasonable delay. § 4. Every owner or occupant of any house or other Snow on sidew&lks buildings, and every owner or person entitled to pos- session of any vacant lot, and every person having the charge of any church or other public building in this village, shall, during the winter season and during the time the snow shall continue on the ground, keep the sidewalks in front of suph house, building or lot, free from obstructions by snow ; and shall also, at all times keep such sidewalks in a good and safe repair, and clean, and free from all dirt, filth and weeds, or other obstruc- tions or incumbrances ; and every person or persons neglecting to comply with this section, shall forfeit and . pay a penalty not exceeding five dollars for each such neglect or refusal. § 5. No person or persons shall, within the village, in any manner fire, or in any manner assist in firing, any &«• gun or guns, (whether large or small,) crackers, rockets Nuisances. Nuisances. 84 or squibs, or throw or play with fire-balls or any other ; fireworks charged with gunpowder or other explosive or highly inflamable material, nor build any fire or fires in any of the public streets of said village, or blow any horn or horns, or make any improper noise which may disturb the peace of said village in the day or night time. Pro- vided that the provisions of this ordinance shall not ap- jily to the day celebrated as the anniversary of American Independence, and also provided that the doings of said anniversary day of any of the above forbidden Acts, shall be strictly under the directions and regulations of the Board of Trustees of said village ; and any person who shall be guilty of violating any of the prohibitions in this section contained, and any person aiding or abetting such violation, shall for each offense, forfeit and pay a penalty not to exceed ten dollars. § 6. No person or persons or corporation shall bring, deposit or have within the limits of said village, any dead carcass or other unwholesome substance, or any person or persons, or corporation, who shall have on or about his or their premises, any such substances, or any putrid meat, fish, hides or skins of any kind, or any stagnant water, may be required to destroy or remove the same; and on default so to do the same may be removed or de- stroyed by the pound master of said village ; and any person or persons, or corporation, neglecting or refusing to remove or destroy such substance, after a reasonable notice so to do, shall be liable to the penalty set forth at the end of this ordinance. And the Board of Trustees may abate any nuisance within said village injurious to the public health. Any person, company or corporation, offending in any wise against the provisions of this ordinance, shall forfeit to the said village, for each and every such offense, the sum of not less than one dollar, nor over twenty-five dollars. § 7. It shall not be lawful for any person or corpora- tion to throw upon or deposit, or cause to be put or come upon or into any of the squares, streets or lanes of this 85 pillage or the creek, or other waters, or under any bridge, or in any public place, any dung, dead animals or putrid meat, or iish. or slops, or the contents of any privy vaults, or dirty water or nuisance of any kind, except that the same be permitted by the Board of Trustees of the village, under a penalty not to exceed ten dollars for each offense. § 8. "No. person or persons, in a state of partial or swimming total nudity shall bathe or swim in any creek, or other public waters in the day time in said village. Any per- son or persons offending in any wise against the provisions of this ordinance, shall forfeit to said village for each and every such offense, the sum of not less than two or over five dollars. § 9. No person shall in any wise injure or destroy guadetrees any shade trees, or tie or hitch any team or horse or other animal to any shade tree planted along the streets or sidewalks in said village. And any person offending in any wise against the provisions of this ordinance, shall forfeit to said village for each and every such offense, a sum not less than five nor more than twenty-fiVe dollars. § 10. No person shall ride, drive, lead or place any . ^ horse or other animal upon a sidewalk in said village, sidewaiss. except to cross the same when necessary ; and no person shall place or lead or permit to remain, any horse or any other animal or animals upon the cross-walks in said village. Any person offending in any wise against the provisions of this ordinance, shall forfeit to said village, for each and every such offense, the sum of not less than one nor over ten dollars. § 11. No Inn-keeper or other person shall permit o^,gtr^gt,ng wagons, carriages, cutters, sleigh, sled, cart or other ^'™^'*- vehicle, to remain in the streets in front of premises occu- pied by such person, detached from the animal or animals that respectively draw the same, for a longer period than ten hours in succession, under a penalty not to exceed five dollars for each and every offense. § 12. No person or persons within said village shall, Kiotsic. in any wise, aid, promote, or be engaged in any fight, 86 riot, assault, breacli of the peace, disturbance or disord- erly assembly r nor sliall keep, nor frequent any disord- erly house, disorderly grocery or saloon, house of assignation, or house of ill-fame in said Tillage. No person shall be guilty of drunkenness, indecent exposure of person, nor of any obscene or disorderly conduct in any of the streets or parks or public places in said village. And no person shall procure any disorderly person, or common prostitute, to comeinto or remain in said village, nor shall any disorderly person or common prostitute be or remain in said village. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be liable to a pen- alty, for every such offense, of not less than five, nor more than one hundred dollars. Selling In- § 13. No person sbalt sell or give away any v?ines or drStal''"^ other intoxicating drinks, either by wholesale or retail, in any street or square, or vacant lot, within said village. Any person offending against any provision of this sec- tion, shall forfeit a sum not to exceed twenty-five dollars for each offenise. Gambling. § 14. ' ft shall not be lawful for any person or persons to keep open for use, any Inlliard table, nine or ten pin alley, or gun alley, shuffle board, e. o, table, faro bank or any other instrument of games within said village, without having at the time a license from the Board of Trustees to keep the same. And any person or persons offending against either of the provisions of this section, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty -five dollars for each and every offense, and a further fine of twenty-five dollars for every tweiity-four hours kept open after the first conviction. fuwi*e»- § ^^- ^° person or persons shall exhibit for money, WbiapM. any theatrical representation, feats of horsemanship, circus, Qaravan of animals, or any animals or artificial curiosity, or other shows or exhibitions or performances for money. In said village, without having first obtained a license therefor from the Board of Trustees, and paid ^ therefor for the use of the village, not less than two del- 87 lars nor more than twenty-five dollars, at the discretion of the officers granting the license. And every person or persons who shall violate either of the provisions of this section, shall forfeit the sum of twenty-five dollars for each and every offense. § 16. No person shall, withoutthe written permission pg^^^gggt^ from a Trustee or Street Commissioner, dig or remove or ^"^'■''^'^*- carry away, or cause the same to be done,, any stone, earth, sand or gravel, from any public street, highway, lane or public square in this village ; nor shall any per- son without such permission, deposit any coal ashes, stone or rubbish of any kind, in any of the public streets of said village ; nor shall any person or persons under- mine any of the public streets or lanes in said village by digging upon their own lands adjacent thereto, thereby causing the soil of said street to cave in and narrow the same. Every person violating either of the provisions of this section shall be liable to the penalty of not less than two nor more than fifty dollars for each such offense. § 17. No person shall write, print, publish or post any obscene or indecent writing, picture, or print, in said pictures, village ; and no person shall deface any post, wall, fence, building or other surface with any obscene or indecent mark, writing, picture or print. Any person offending against the provisions of this section, shall forfeit a pen- alty not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars. § 18. It shall not be lawful for persons to congregate congreKat- upon the sidewalks or crosswalks of said village, or in the streeS &o. streets of the same, in such manner as to obstruct the same ; nor to disturb the peace and quiet of said village by shouting or other improper noises ; nor to use vulgar, obscene or indecent or profane language, in the presence and hearing of citizens or other persons. Any person offending against the provisions of this section shall for- feit to said village a penalty not exceeding ten dollars. § 19. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons g^,j pj^^. to practice ball playing or other open or field sports ^°|°°f""^. within said village, on Sunday ; nor to bat or throw balls, 88 stones or other hard substances in the public streets of said village, at any time. Any person violating the pro- visions of this section shall be liable to the penalty of not less than one nor more than ten dollars for each and every offense. § 27. It shaU not be lawful for the owner or occupant of any real estate or premises in said village, to suffer the sidewalk or sidewalks adjacent to and in front of the same to become out of repair and in an unsafe and dan- gerous condition. Any person offending against the provisions of this section shall be liable to the penalty of not less than two nor more than fifty dollars ; and to all damages suffered by any persons' by reason of such neg- lect. Some of the Courts of the State of New York, follow- ing the decision of a Western Court, hold the doctrine that the lot owner is under no more obligatiqn to keep the sidewalk in front of his premises in safe repair and Sfree from snow and ice, than he is to repair and open the traveled part of the street ; and that a by-law prescrib- ing a penalty for suffering a sidewalk to be out of repair or obstructed with snow and ice, cannot be enforced, un- less expressly authorized by the Legislative act. [18 Alb. Law Journal, 488 ; 7 N. Y. Weekly Digest, 560.] The logic of the Court, as the law now stands, is un- questionably sound ; but the position is fraught with so piuch danger to municipalities, the writer is firmly of the belief that the law on the subject will soon undergo a change j hence, sees. 4 and 20, supra, are allowed to stand. OH^IPTEI^ III. UNION FREE SCHOOL LAW. Appeals to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the Rules of Practice on appeals. • TITLE IX, OF THE Act eelating to Public In- .STEUCTIOBT. Section 1. Whenever fifteen persons entitled to vote at any meeting of the inhabitants of any school district in the state, shall sign a call for a-meeting, to be held for the purpose of determining whether a union free school shall be established therein, in conformity with the provisions of this title, it shall be the duty of the trustees of such district, within ten days after such call shall have been presented to them, to give public notice that a meeting of the inhabitants of such district, entitled to vote thereat, will be held for such purpose as afore- said, at the school-house, or other more suitable place, in such district, on a day and at an hour in such notice to be specified, not more than twenty days after the pub- lication of such notice. If the trustees shall refuse to wnen su- give such notice, or shall .neglect to give the same for ent 'Say^' twenty days, the superintendent of public instruction ^ ^* °° "' may authorize and direct any inhabitant of said district to give the same. The qualifications of the inhabitants, gj*"""*- entitled to vote at such meetings as now by law ex- voters. pressed, shall be suflSciently set forth in the notice afore- said. 90 ForinatiQn *§ 2. Whenever sucli district shall correspond wholly i?ee°ch"ooi3 or in part with an incorporated village, in which there [ed?uK shall be pulished a daily or weekly newspsper, the no- tice aforesaid shall be given by posting at least five cop- ies thereof, severally in various conspicuous places in said district, at least twenty days prior to such meeting, and by causing the same to be published once a weeli for three consecutive weeks before such meeting, in all the In other newspapers published in said district. In other districts districts, the said notice shall be given by posting the same as aforesaid, and in addition thereto, the trustees of such district shall authorize and require any taxable inhabit- ant of the same to notify every other inhabitant (quali- fied to vote as aforesaid) of such meeting to be called as aforesaid, who shall give such notification in the manner and subject to the penalty prescribed in the case of the formation- of a new school district by title seven of this act. Expense of § 3. The reasonable expense of such notices, and of how paid, their publication and service, shall be chargeable upon the district, in case a union free school is established by the meeting so convened, to be levied and collected by the trustees, as in cases of taxes now levied for school purposes ; but in the event that such union free school shall not be established, then the said expense shall be chargeable upon the inhabitants signing the call, jointly and severally, to be sued for if necessary in any court having jurisdiction of the same. Union free *§ 4. Whenever fifteen persons, entitled as aforesaid, schools of „ T j> ± -,. • ■ -M- • •.,,.. two or more irom each of two or more adjoining districts, shall unite in districts M cj 7 a call for a meeting of the inhabitants of such districts, to determine whether such districts shall be consolidated by the establishment of a union free school therefor and therein, it «hall be the duty of the trustees of such districts, or a majority of them, to give like public notice of such meeting, at some convenient place within such districts, *Aa amended by sec. 1, chap. BO, Laws of 1876. *A3 amended by sec. 15, chap. 647, Laws of 1865, 91 and as central as may be, within the time, and to be pub- lished and served in the manner set forth in the second section of this title, in each of such districts. .The reas- onable expenses of preparing, publishing and serving such notices -shall be chargeable upon the union free school district, and be collected by tax, if a union free school shall be established pursuant to such call, but otherwise the signers of the call shall be jointly and sev- erally liable for such expenses. The superintendent of public instruction may order such meeting under the conditions and in the manner prescribed in the first sec- tion of this title. t § 5. Any such meeting, held as aforesaid, shall be Meetings, organized by the appointment of a chairman and secre-ijied.""^^*"" tary, and may be adjourned from time to time, by a ma- jority vote, provided that such adjournment shall not be for a longer period than ten days, and . whenever any journeVtea such meeting, at which not less than fifteen persons enti-*^*^^' tied to vote thereat, shall, by the afiirmative vote of a majority present and voting, determine to establish a union free school in said district, pursuant to such notice, vote to ae- it shall thereupon be lawful for such meeting to proceed to union (^ A free school. to the election, by ballot, of not less than three, nor more than nine trustees, who shall, by the order of such meet- ing, be divided into three several classes ; the first to hold until one, the second until two, and the third until Election of three years from the second Tuesday in October coinci- |™^^^5a of dent with or following, except in the cases in the next^^"*"®- section provided for ; and when the trustees so elected shall enter upon their office, the office of any existing trustee or trustees shall cease, except for the purposes stated in section eleven of title six of this act. The said Board ot trustees and their successors in office shall constitute the how consti- board of pducation of and for the union free school district " " ' for which they are elected, and the designation of such district as u&ion free school district number , of the town of , shall be made by the school commissioner tAs amended by sec. 3, cbap. 50, Laws of 1876. 92 Copies of proceeid- iDgs to be certified and filed. Boards of education created todies cor- porate. having jurisdiction of the district ; and the said board shall have the name and style of the board of education of (adding the designation aforesaid); copies of said call, minutes of said meeting or meetings, duly certified by the chairman and secretary thereof, shall be by them, or either of them, transmitted and deposited, one to and with the town clerk, one to and with the school commis- sioner or commissioners in whose jurisdiction said dis- tricts are located, and one to and with the superintendent of public instruction ; but when at any such meeting the question as to the establishment of a union free school shall not be decided in the affirmative as aforesaid, then all further proceedings at such meeting, except a motion to reconsider or adjourn, shall be dispensed with, and no such meeting shall be again called within one year there- after. *§ 6. Whenever said board of education shall be con- stituted for any district or districts whose limits corres- pond with those of any incorporated village or city, the trustees so elected shall, by the order of such meeting, be divided in three several classes : the first class to serve until one, the second until two, and the third until three years after the day of the next charter election in such village or city, and their regular term of service shall be computed from the several days of such charter elections, and not from the second Tuesday in October. And there- after there shall be annually elected in such villages and cities, by separate ballot, to be endorsed "school trus- tees," in the same manner as the charter officers thereof, trustees of the said union free schools to supply the places of those whose terms by the classification afore- said are about to expire. *§ 7. The said boards of education are hereby sever- ally created bodies corporate, and each shall, at its first meeting, and at each annual meeting thereafter, elect one of their number president. They may, with the advice *NOTK.— In relation to election of officers In flistrlcts having more than 300 children of school age, see chap. 248, Laws of 1878, In the Appendix of the School Code. *As amended br chap. 161, Laws of 1877. This section (7) does not apply to the towns of Cortlandt and White Plains, Westchester county. 93 and consent of a majority of the legal voters entitled to vote on questions of taxation, to be had at an annual ^totmlnt meeting of the inhabitants, appoint a clerk to the board. "'' *'"■ Such appointed clerk must be a resident of the district, and a person other than a trustee or a teacher in the em- ploy of the board. The clerk so appointed shall be the general librarian of the district, and also perform all the clerical and other duties pertaining to his office. ForSaianr. his services he shall be entitled to receive a salary, which which shall not be greater than twenty-five cents a year for each scholar, to be computed from the actual average daily attendance for the previous year, as set forth in the annual report to the school commissioner, or less, as in the best judgmeht of said legal voters to be had at such annual meeting ; such consent and approval not to be for a longer period of time than one year. In ^itswe^ case no provision is made at an annual meeting of the viiuges!'* inhabitants for the appointment and payment of a clerk, meDt'oi then and in that case the board will appoint one of their and coueot or f or< own number to act as clerk. In districts other than those whose limits correspond with those of any city or incor- porated village, said board shall have power to appoint one of the taxable inhabitants of their district treasurer, and, another collector of the moneys to be raised within the same for school purposes, who shall severally hold such appointments during the pleasure of the board. Such treasurer and collector shall each, and within ten days after notice in writing of his appointment, duly, served upon him, and before entering upon the duties of etc!"^ "'' his office, execute and deliver to the said board of edu- cation a bond, with such sufficient penalty and sureties as the board may require, conditioned for the faithful dis- charge of the duties of his office. And in case such bond vacancies, shall not be given within the time specified, such office® shall -thereby become vacant and said board shall there- upon, by appointment, supply such vacancy. § 8. The corporate authorities of any incorporated vil- lage or city, in which any such union free school shall 94 be established, shall have power and it shall be their duty, to raise, from time to time, by tax, to be levied upon all the real and personal property in said city or village, as by law provided for the defraying of the expenses of its municipal government, such sum or sums as the board of education established therein shall de- clare necessary for the furtherance of any of the powers vested in them by law. The sums so declared necessary shall be set forth in a detailed statement in writing, addressed to the corporate authorities by the board of education, giving the various purposes of anticipated expenditure, and the amount necessai-y for each ; and the said corporate aiithorities shall have no power to withhold the sums so declared to be necessary for teach- ers' wages and the ordinary contingent expenses of sup- porting the school or schools of said district. § 9. In case the corporate authorities shall refuse to provide for any or all of the other purposes of expendi- ture declared necessary in the statement aforesaid, they shall communicate in writing to the said board of educa- tion their objections to each and every expenditure which they refuse to allow, and thereupon the said board of education shall cause the said communication to be pub- lished six times in at least one paper published or circu- lating in such district, and the said corporate authorities may, at any time, reconsider their action in. refusing to allow such expenditures, or any of them, or may allow such other sums for any or all of such expenditures as the board of education in any subsequent or modified statement may recommend. The annual meeting of the board of education of every union free school district shall be held on the third Tuesday of October in each year. Powers of 8 10. A maiority of the voters of any union free annual and o j j ^ meefln a ^^^^^^^ district Other than those whose limits correspond with an incorporated city or village, present at any annual or special district meeting, duly convened, may author- ize such acts, and vote such taxes as they shall deem 95 expedient for making additions, alterations or improve- ments to or in the sites or structures belonging to the district, 'or for the purchase of other sites or structures, or for the erection of new buildings, or for buying apparatus or fixtures, or for paying the wages of teachers and the necessary expenses of the school, or for such other purpose relating to the support and welfare of the school as they may, by resolution, approve ; and they may direct the moneys so voted to be levied in one sum, or by installments ; and the board of education shall make out their tax list, and attach their warrant thereto, in the manner provided in article seven of title seven of this act, for the collection of school district taxes, and shall cause such taxes or such installments to be collect- ed at such times as they shall become due. 'No vote to raise money shall be rescinded, nor the amount thereof reduced at a subsequent meeting, unless the same be done within ten days after the same shall have been first voted. § 31. Any moneys required to pay teachers' wages in^^u moneys a union free school, or in the academical department bytl/,^^®'^ thereof, after the due application of the school moneys raw mi!'^ thereto, shall be raised by tax, and not by rate bill. § 12. Every union free school district shall, for all the Every such purposes of the apportionment and distribution of school ^if^f(U3. money, be regarded and recognized as a school district. "^°'' § 13. The said board of education of every union free|5J^ft|'J„_ school district shall severally have power : powers. 1. To pass such by-laws as they may deetn Proper ^^j^^^^g for the regulation and exercise of their lawful business ^ly-ia^s- and powers. 2. To establish such rules and regulations concerning to regmate the order and discipline of the school or schools, in theor &« •. -. •. ' I. 1 -I school. several departments thereof, as they may deem necessary to secure the best educational results. 3. To grade and classify the school or schools of the^o^^Jf^e district, and to regulate the admission of pupils and their "y- 96 transfer from one class or department to another, as their scholarship shall warrant. '^"PJ^ ^ A. To prescribe the text-books to be used in the Bcribe atid ^ textbooks, schools, and to compel a uniformity in the use of the same, and to furnish the same to pupils out of any moneys provided for that purpose. charge of 5. To take charge and possession of the school-houses, ttea'™^^"^ sites, lots, furniture, books, apparatus, and all school property within their respective districts ; and the title of the same shall be vested respectively in said board of education, and the same shall not be subject to taxation for any purpose. TO hold 6. To take and hold for the use of the said schools rea es a e. ^^ ^^ ^^^ departuient of the same, any real estate trans- ferred to it by gift, grant, bequest or devise, or any gift, legacy or annuity, of whatever kind, given or bequeath- ed to the said board, and apply the same or the interest or proceeds thereof, according to the instructions of the donor or testator, anfoadem- "^^ '^° ^SiVe iu all respects the superintendence, man- ment!^''*'^'' agement and control of said union free schools, and to establish in the same an academical department whenever in their judgment the same is warranted by the demand for such instruction; to receive into said union free schools any pupils residing out of said districts, and to regulate and establish the tuition fees of such non-resi- dent pupils in the several departments of said schools ; provided, that if such non-resident pupils, their parents or guardians shall be liable to be taxed for the support of said schools in the districts, or either of them, on account of owning property therein, the amount of any such tax paid by a non-resident pupil, his parent or guardian, shall be deducted from the charge for tuition ; to provide fuel, furniture, apparatus, and other neces- saries for the use of said schools, and to appoint such librarians as they may from time to time deem necessary. To contract *8. To Contract with and employ qualified teachers with and r ^ i employ »^ amended by section 17, chapter 647, Laws of 1865. 97 in the several departments of instruction, in all not less teachers than one for every fifty pupils attending such schools ; them!""°^'^ to remove them at any time for neglect of duty or for immoral conduct, and to pay the wages of such teachers out of the moneys appropriated for that purpose. 9. To till any vacancy which may happen in said canciL^fn board by reason of the death, removal or refusal to serve "'^ *'°°'''''" of any member or officer of said board ; and the person so appointed in the place of any such member of the board shall hold his office until the next election of . trustees, as by this act provided. 10. To remove any member of their board for official ^0™™°^^^^ misconduct. But a written copy of all charges made of "'^ '>°'"^'^- 'such misconduct shall be served upon him at least ten days before the time appointed for a hearing of the same ; and he shall be allowed a full and fair opportunity to refute such charges before removal. 11. And generally to possess all the powers and priv- to hare an ., ■ -, ? ,. ■^, , ■ , . . ^ . power of lieges, and be subject to all the duties m respect to theirusteesot schools, or the common school departments in any imion mow and^ free school in said districts, which the trustees of com- o'/o^ae- mon schools now possess or are subject to, not incon- sistent with the provisions of this title ; and to enjoy, whenever an academical department shall be by them established, all the immunities and privileges now enjoy- ed by the trustees of academies in this state. § 14. In unibn free school districts other than those May can whose limits correspond with any city or incorporated meetSlgs. village, the board of education shall have power to call special meetings of the inhabitants, in the manner pro- vided in section six of title seven of this act, for calling special meetings of districts by trustees, and they shall give notice of the time and place ot holding the annual Saf school district tiieeting, which shall be held on the second "««''■=«• Tuesday of October in each year. § 15. It shall be the duty of the board at the annual poTeBti''^' meeting of the district, besides any other report or state- JSa^to" ''" ment required by law, to present a detailed statement in meeting. 98 writing of the amount of money which will be required for the ensuing year for school purposes exclusive of the public moneys, specifying the several purposes for which it wiU be required, and the amount for each, but nothing su^t state- in this section contained shall be construed to prevent ment at any ,,,„ . -i,, ,., time. the board from presenting such statement at any special meeting called for the purpose, nor from presenting a supplementary and amended statement or estimate at any time. Kitonta § 16- After the presentation of such statement, the tbereupon. question shall be taken upon voting the necessary taxes to meet the estimated expenditures, and when demanded by any voter present, the question shall be taken upon each item separately, and the inhabitants may increase the amount of any estimated expenditures or reduce the same, except for teachers' wages, and the ordinary con- tingent expenses of the school or schools. Krd may § ^'^- ^^ *^^ inhabitants shall neglect or refuse to vote withcmt the sum or sums estimated necessary for teachers' wages, inhabft^"* after applying thereto the public school moneys, and. ^^^' other moneys received or to be received for that purpose, provided such estimate shall be for no more than one teacher for each fifty pupils attending such school, or if they shall neglect or refuse to vote the sum or sums estimated necessary for ordinary contingent expenses, the board of education may levy a tax for the same, in like manner as if the same had been voted by the inhab- itants. tendenTto § 1^. If any question shall arise as to what are ordi- qSion'as ^^^^Y Contingent expenses, the same may be referred to "comta-*™ tli*^ superintendent of public instruction, by a statement pease*/' in writing, signed by one or more of each of the opposing parties upon the question, and the decision of the super- intendent shall be conclusive. ^°",^*° § 19- It shall be the duty of each of the said boards meet once o . j quarter °^ education, elected pursuant to the provisions of this title, to have a regular meeting at least once in each quarter, and at such meetings to appoint one or more committees, to visit every or schooldepartment under the visit supervision of said board, and such, committees shall ^'"'°'"^' ®"'' visit all said schools at least twice in each quarter, and report at the next regular meeting of the board on the condition and prospects thereof. § 20. It shall also be the duty of said" boards, re-Expendi- spectively, to have reference in all their expenditures mSney. and contracts to the amount of moneys which shall be appropriated, or subject to their order or drafts, during the current year, and not to exceed that amount. And said boards shall severally apply all the moneys appor- tioned to the common school districts under their charge, to the departments below the academical; and all moneys from the literature fund or otherwise, appropri- ated for the support of the academical department, to the latter departments. § 21, All moneys raised for the use of the union free Moneys to schools in any city or incorporated village, or apportion- iSo^viiiage ed to -the same from the income of the literature, common treSy. school or United States deposit funds, or otherwise, shall be paid into the treasury of such city or village, to the credit of the board of education therein ; and the funds so received into such treasury shall be kept separate and distinct from any other funds received into the said treasury. And the officer having the charge thereof shall give such additional security for the safe custody thereof as the corporate authorities of such city or village shall require. No money shall be drawn from such funds, Jfej^s^^ credited to the several boards of education, unless in pursuance of a resolution or resolutions of said board, and on drafts drawn by the president and countersigned by the secretary, payable to the order of the person or persons entitled to receive such money, and stating on their face the purpose or service for which such moneys . have been authorized to be paid by the said board of education. § 22. All moneys raised for the use of said union freepaymeM, schools, other than those whose limits correspond with ment™ana 100 accounting those of any cities and incorporated villages, or appor- Sone?r' tioned from the income pf the literature or common school or United States deposit funds, or otherwise, shall be paid to the respective treasurers of the said several boards of education entitled to receive the same, and be by them applied to the uses of said several boards, who shall annually render their accounts of all moneys re- ceived and expended by them for the use of said schools, with every voucher for the same, and certified copies of all orders of the said board touching the same, to the ' school commissioner of the town in which the principal school-house of the district is located. Academi- § 23. Every academical department, established as ment aforesaid, shall be under the visitation of the regents of regents, the University, and shall be subject, in its course of edu- cation and matters pertaining thereto (but not in refer- ence to the buildings or erections in which the same is held), to all the regulations made in regard to academies by the said regents. In such departments the qualifica- tions for the entrance of any pupil shall be as high as Sms'or" those established by the said regents for participation in pupils. j.]jg literature fund of any academy of the state under their supervision. May adopt § Sf4. Whenever a union free school shall be estab- academy, lished Under the provisions of this title, and there shall procedure therefor, exist within its district an academy, the board of educa- tion, if thereto authorized by a vote of the voters of the district, may adopt such academy as the academical de- partment of the district, with the consent of the trustees of the academy, and thereupon the trustees, by a resolu- tion to be attested by the signatures of the officers of the board, and filed in the office of the clerk of the county, shall declare their offices vacant, and thereafter the said academy shall be the academical department of such union free school. su^eriS-'" § ^^" Every union free school district, in all its de- J™le°tj^/ partments, shall be subject to the visitation of the super- strucuon. inteudeut of public instruction. He is charged with the JUL 101 general supervision of its board of education and their^ management and conduct of all its departments of in- structioH. And every board of education shall annually, Board snaii between the first and fifteenth day of October, make, tonuaiiyto .. ,. ..,.. -, 1 • ■ \-, school com- tne commissioner having jurisdiction, and deposit m the »isBioner. town clerk's office, a report for the preceding school year, of all matters and things which trustees of a school district are required to report, and of all such other matters and things as the superintendent shall, from time to time, require ; and shall also, whenever thereto required by the superintendent of public instruction, Sent' report fully to him upon any particular matter or thing ; Seci^i'^"* and such reports shall be in such form, ajid so authenti-"'"^'' cated, as the superintendent shall, from time to time, require. § 26. For cause shown, and after giving notice of the supenn- charge and opportunity of defense, the superintendent may re- * u^^ ■ ► *• V * I. -.move any of public instruction may remove any member of a board member oi •^ '' •' the hoard. of education. Willful disobedience of any lawful re- quirement of the superintendent, or a want of due dili- gence in obeying such requirement, is cause of removal. § 27. The provisions of this title shall apply to all This tuie union free schools heretofore organized pursuant to the schools es- provisions of chapter four hundred and thirty- three of under tse the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-three. II. APPEALS TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUB- Lie INSTRUCTION. TITLE XII OF THE Act belating to Public Instruc- tion. / Section 1. Any person conceiving himself aggrieved ^ny person in consequence of any decision made : mayappeai. 1. By any school district meeting ; From what. 2. -By any school commissioner or school commission- ers and other officers, in forming or altering, or refusing to form or alter, any school district, or in refusing to 103 apportion any school moneys to any such, district or part of a district ; 3. By a supervisor in refusing to pay any such moneys to any such district ; 4. By the trustees of any district in paying or refus- ing to pay any teacher, or in refusing to admit any scholar gratuitously into any school ; ibw- 5. By any trustees of any school district library con- cerning such library, or the books therein, or the use of such books ; Ibid. 6. By any district meeting in relation to the library ; Ibid. 7. By any other official act or decision concerning any other matter under this act, or any other act pertaining to common schools, may appeal to the superintendent of - public instruction, who is hereby authorized and requir superin- ^^ ^^ examine and decide the same ; and his decision decmon' shall be final and conclusive, and not subject to question final. Qj. review in any place or court whatever. Power of § 2. The superintendent, in reference to such appeals, tendent. shall have power : 1. To regulate the practice therein ; 2. To determine whether an appeal shall stay pro- ceedings, and prescribe conditions upon which it shall or shall not so operate ; 3. To decline to entertain, or dismiss, an appeal, when it shall appear that the appellant has no interest in the matter appealed from, and that the matter is not a mat- ter of public concern, and that the person injuriously affected by the act or decision appealed from is incom- petent to appeal ; 4. To make all orders, by directing the levying of taxes or otherwise, which may, in his judgment, be proper or necessary to give effect to his decision. superin- § 3. The Superintendent shall file, arrange in the order Saifflie of time, and keep in his office, so that they may be at all papers, ^jm^g aocessible, all the proceedings on every appeal to him under this title, including his decision and orders aeoMon founded thereon ; and copies of all such papers and pro- 103 ceedings, authenticated by him under his seal of office, maybeat- Bha,ll be evidence equally with the originals. S!^*^ III. RULES OF PRACTICE ON APPEALS. EFLES EBSPECTIWG APPEALS* 1. An appeal must be in writing, addressed "To the .Superintendent of Public Instruction," and signed by the appellant. When made by the trustees of a district, it must be signed by all the trustees, or a reason must be given for the omission of any, verified by the oath of the appellant, or of some person acquainted with such reason. 2. A copy of the appeal, and of all the statements, maps and papers intended to be presented in support of it, with the affidavit in verification of the same, must be served on the officers whose act or decision is complained of, or some of them ; or if it be from the decision or proceeding of a district meeting, upon the district clerk or one of the trustees, whose duty it is to cause inform- ation of such appeal to be given to the inhabitants who voted for the decision or proceeding appealed from. Im- mediately after the service of such copy, the original, together with an affidavit proving the service of a copy thereof, and stating the time and manner of the service and the name and official character of the person upon whom such service was made, must be transmitted to the Department of Public Instruction, at Albany. If an answer is received to an appeal which has not been transmitted to the department, such appeal will be dis- missed. 3. Such service must be made and the original sent to the department within thirty days after the making of the decision or the performance of the act complained of, or within that time after the knowledge of the cause of complaint came to the appellant, or some satisfactory excuse must be rendered, in the appeal, for the delay. 104 4. The party on whom the appeal was served must, within ten days from the time of such service, answer the same, either by concurring in a statement of facts with the appellant, or by a separate answer. Such statement and answer must be signed by all the trustees or other officers whose act, omission or decision is appealed from, or a good reason on oath must be given for the omission of the signature of any of them. Such answer must be verified by oath, and a copy served on the appellants or some one of them. 6. So far as the parties concur in a statement, no oath will be required to it. But all facts, maps or papers, not agreed upon by them and evidenced by their signa- ture on both sides, must be verified by oath. 6. All oaths required by these regulations may be taken before any person authorized to take the acknowl- edgment of deeds, or to take affi^davits. 7. A copy of the answer, and of aU the statements, maps and papers intended to be presented in support of it, must be served upon the appellants, or some one of them, within ten days after service of a copy of the appeal, unless further time be given by the State Super- intendent, on application, in special cases ; but no repli- cation or rejoinder shall be allowed, except by permission of the State Superintendent ; in which case such replica- tion and rejoinder shall be duly verified by oath, and copies thereof served on the opposite party. 8. Proof of the service of copies of the appeal, answer and all other papers intended to be used on the hearing of such appeal, must, in all cases, accompany the same. 9. When any proceeding of a district meeting is ap- pealed from, and when the inhabitants of a district gen- erally are interested in the matter of the appeal, and in all cases where an inhabitant might be an appellant had the decision or proceeding been the opposite of that which was made or had, any one or more of such inhab- tants may answer the appeal, with or without the trus- tees. 105 10. Where tlie appeal has relation to the alteration or formation of a school district, it must be accompanied by a map, exhibiting the site of the school-house, the roads, the old and new lines of districts, the different lots, the particular location and distance from the school- houses of the persons aggrieved, and their relative dis- tance, if there are two or more school-houses in question. Also, a list of all the taxable inhabitants in the district or territory to be affected by the question, showing in separate columns the valuation of their property, taken from the last assessment roll, and the number of children between five and twenty-one belonging to each person^ distinguishing the districts to which they respectively belong. 11 . An appfeal of itself no longer stays proceedings. If the party desires such stay, he should ask for it. The superintendent will grant a stay, or not, as in his judgment it may be proper, or may subserve the interests of either party, or the public. 12. . The decision of the superintendent in every case will contain the order or directions, necessary and proper for giving effect to his decisions. Remark : The foregoing rules apply to appeals in common school districts, as well as in union free school districts. Every appeal should he entitled, according to the sub- ject matter of the appeal. For example: 106 "Depabtment of Public Instruction of the Statb OF New York : In the matter of an appeal from the Action of a school meeting held in j School (or union free school) Dis- trict No. — , in the town of , I Before the Superin- qounty of , N. Y. , on the / tendent. day of , 18 — . John Doe, Appellant, vs. Richard Roe, Trustee, Respondent./ Petition of Appeal." Here follows the petition, which must always be veri- fied ; and the original must be sent to the department with proof of service on all parties respondent, attached thereto, or written thereon. Proof of all facts complained of should be made full and explicit, and such as would be held competent in a court of justice. The ANSWER to the petition should be entitled the same as the petition itself, be verified and served, and the original with proof of service be sent to the department. If additional time to file the petition or answer is de- sired, application should be made to the superintendent, stating the reasons for such extension. The practice' in this department is regular, though not generally very well understood. If an appeal has been taken upon any subject to the superintendent, and decided by him, it is too late to take that same matter into the courts ; for the law makes his decision final So, if a matter has been taken into the courts, trfore an appeal to the superintendent, he will not afterward interfere with it. This appears to be a rule of the de- partment. 107 CHAPTER IV- ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. I. PKOPEKTY LIABLE TO ASSESSMENT. 1 . AH EBAL ESTATE — including land, buildings, mines, minerals, quarries, and all erections of. value, except mines belonging to the state. 2. All PEKsoNAL PROPERTY — including household fur- niture, moneys, goods, chattels, debts due from solvent debtors whether on account, contract, note, bond or mortgage, public stocks and stocks in monied corpora- tions. IL EXEMPTIONS. 1. All property exempt from execution. 2. State or United States' lands, and property ex- empted by the constitutions of either. 3. Public school buildings, churches, court-houses, poor-houses, etc. 4. The personal property of every minister, or priest, and his real estate, when occupied hy Mm, provided such real and personal estate do not exceed fifteen hundred dollars in value. 5. The real and personal property of every public library, literary or charitable institution. 6. The personal estate of every incorporated company made liable by law to taxation on its capital. III. WHERE AND HOW TO BE ASSESSED. 1. In the town or ward where the person resides, for all land owned and occupied by him, (or wholly unoccu- pied.) 2. Land occupied by a person not the owner, may be assessed to the owner, or occupant, or as ^'■non-resident lands y 108 3. Unoccupied lands, not owned by a resident, shall be denominated "lands of non-residents," and be assess- ed by the name, if known, of the tract, or by boundaries as provided by statute. 4. "When a town or ward line divides a tract or lot, if occupied, it shall all be assessed where the occupant resides ; if unoccupied, then each section shall be assess- ed on the side where it lies. 5. A man's personal estate must be assessed to him where he resides, — including all personal held by him in trust, etc. 6. The real estate of incorporated companies is assess- ible where it lies : their personal estate liable to taxation is assessible at the place where the principal business ofl&ce is located. IV. WAEKANTS. Collectors should be careful to return their warrants for the collection of taxes within the time prescribed by law, as such return is not infrequently a necessary step in the subsequent proceedings to be taken by municipal and other authorities, to enforce the collection of unpaid taxes. Remark : The limits prescribed to this volume, render it only necessary to give the general principles of law upon the subject of "assessment and collection of taxes ;" for they are the only ones of practical value in towns and villages. That taxes are unjustly and unequally distributed under the present laws, every observing man must be aware ; and future legislation on this subject will be watched for with interest. CHAPTER V. INABILITIES OF MUNICIPAL CoEPOEATIONS FOE InJUEIES resulting feom defective streets and Side- Walks. Municipal corporations are the creatures of statute, 109 without whicli they have no existence and consequently no liability. The liability of a body created by statute, must be determined by a true interpretation of that statute. I. To maintain an action against a municipal corporation on the ground of negligence, two things must concur : 1. An IMPERATIVE DUTY must be imposed by the creative statute. 2. That IMPERATIVE DUTY must be shown to have been wJiolly neglected, or negligently performed. Shearman and Redfield on negligence, sees. 119-124, 148, 385 and note : Mayor of Albany v. Cunliff, 2 Comst., 165: Peck V. Village of Batavia, 32 Barb., 634-45 : Cole V. Village of Medina, 27 Barb., 218: Herrington v. Village of Corning, 51 Barb., 396: II. The law imposes two classes of duties upon corporate authorities : 1. MiNisTEEiAL ; or those which the statute com- mands. 2. Judicial; or those which the statute ^erwizY^. The former are imperative and must be performed, or liability attaches. The latter rest in discretion, and may be performed, or not, as the corporate authorities see fit. There is no liability for non-performance of a judicial duty; but if the authorities decide to act, then the judicial duty must be well and skilKully done, in order to escape liability for negligence. Under the permission of the statute, the corporate au- thorities may undertake a public improvement, or not, in their discretion. There is no liability for not under- taking it ; but when once undertaken, it must be well and skillfully made, and kept in safe repair, or the cor- poration will be liable both for the negligent and unskill- no ful construction, and for suflFering suet improvement to become dilapidated and unsafe, if injury results. Wilson V. Mayor of N. Y., 1 Denio, 595 : Conrad v. Village of Ithaca, 16 N. Y., 158 : Davenport v. City of N. Y., 16 Abb., 341 : Kocliester White Lead Co. v. City of Rochester, 3 Comst., 463: Martin v. City of Brooklyn, 1 Hill, 545 : Furze v. City of N. Y., 3 Hill, 612 : Hutson V. City of IST. Y., 5 Seld., 163: Mills V. City of Brooklyn, 32 N. Y., 480: Barton v. City of Syracuse, 36 N. Y., 54 : Kavanaugh v. City of Brooklyn, 38 Barb., 232 : Clements v. City of Auburn, 4 Hun, 386 : [As to the liability of commissioners of towns, see Thompson on Highways, p. 65-7 : Garlinghouse v. Jacobs, 29 N. Y., 297: See People ex rel. Loomisv. Board of Town Auditors of the town of Little Val- ley, 75 N. Y., 316 :] III. It is the duty of corporate authorities to keep their streets in such repair, as that the ordinary and expected travel of the locality may pass with reasonable ease and safety ; and they cannot delegate this duty to third per- sons, so as to escape liability for its violation. 2 Dillon on municipal corporations, §791-2, et seq. : See McMahon v. Second Avenue R. R. Co., 75 N. Y., 231: Sherman & Redfield on negligence §§ 133-149 : Weed V. Village of Balston Spa., 76 N. Y., 329. IV. Sidewalks are held to be a part of the highway. In the absence of a provision in the creative statute to the effect that the owner of adjacent land shall keep his side- walk in safe repair and free from snow and ice, such owner has no greater duty in regard to keeping sidewalks 'Ill in repair, than he has in regard to other parts of the highway, to-wit, the road bed. A municipal ordinance, simply, which requires lot owners, or occupants, to keep their sidewalks in repair, does not create a cause of action against such owner or occupant in favor of third persons who may be injured thereon. It is only when the law itself imposes this duty upon the owner or occupant, or when he is bound to repair by reason of some contract which he has enter- ed into, that he becomes liable to third persons for injuries sustained, or liable to indemnify the corporation, if sued for such injuries ; for the corporation is always liable. • Village of Fulton v. Tucker, 3 Hun., 529 : Mackin v. Selkreg, 7 N. Y, W. Dig., 560 : Flynn v. Canton Co., 17 Am. R.^ 603 : Heenpy v. Sprague, 23 Am. R., 502 : Grridley v. City of Bloomington, 18 Alb., L. J., 488 : Hume V. Mayor, etc., of N. Y., 74 K Y., 264: McGaffin v. City of Cohoes, 74 N. Y., 887 : 2 Dillon on Mu. Corporations, §§ 785-796 and notes : Hutson V. New York, 5 Seld., 163 : Weet V. Brockport,- 16 N. Y., 161 : Conrad v. Ithaca, 16 N. Y., 159: Diveny v. Elmira, 51 N. Y., 506 : Hines v. Lockport, 50 N. Y., 236 : Mosey v. City of Troy, 61 Barb., 580. Remark : The creative statute ought always to require owners or occupants to keep their sidewalks in safe repair and free . from snow and ice ; because it is impossible for the au- thoritie'S to do it, in a large town, in time to avoid acci- dents. V. An action grounded in negligence, sounds in tort. To maintain such an action, the tort must be all on one side. The plaintiff himself must be free from negligence 112 on his own part ; for if he be guilty of any careless act, or want of proper care, which contributes to his injury, he cannot recover. The maxim of the law is, that he who would recover on account of another's tort, must himself be free from tort. He cannot be compensated in damages, when he himself has contributed to his own injury. This question of contributory negligence is sometimes so plain under the pleadings or proof, as to become a question of law to be decided by the court : in such cases a non-suit should be granted. In other cases, it is rendered doubtful by conflicting testimony ; in which cases it becomes a question of fact, and should be submitted to the jury. Durkin v. City of Troy, 61 Barb., 437 : Mosey v. City of Troy, 61 Barb., 580: Gray v. Second Ave. R. R. Co., 65 N. Y., 561 : Weed V. Village of Balston Spa., 76 N. Y., 329 : Wilcox V. R., W. & Og. R. R. Co., 39 N. Y., 358: Baxter v. Troy, etc. R. R. Co., 41 N. Y., 502 : Baxter v. Sec. Ave. R. R. Co., 30 How. Pr., 219 : Davenport v. Ruckman, 37 N. Y., 568 : Burnhard v. Reus. & Sar. R. R. Co., 23 How. Pr,, 166; Vale V. Bliss, 50 Barb., 358: Bateman v. Ruth, 3 Daly, 378 : Carolus v. Mayor, etc. of N. Y., 6 Bosw., 15 : Clark V. City of Lockport, 49 Barb., 580: Barker v. Savage, 45 N. Y., 191 : Gillespie v. City of Newburgh, 54 N. Y., 468 : Gonzales v. N. Y. & Harlem R. R. Co., IJ. & S., 57: Belton V, Baxter, 54 N. Y., 245 ; and see 58 id., 411 : Healy v. Mayor, etc. of N. Y., 3 Hun., 708 : Ditchett V. S. D. & Port Morris R. R. Co., 5 Hun., 165 Milliman v. IS. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co., 6 T. & C, 585 Kuse V. N. Y., N. H. & Hartford R.R. Co., 67 Barb., 205; Morrison v. N, Y. C. R. R. Co., 63 N. Y., 643 : Twomley v. Railroad Co., 69 N. Y., 158 : Dyer v. Erie Railway Co., 71 N. Y., 228 : Roll V. Northern Cen. R. R. Co., 15 Hun., 496 : 113 Rexter v. Starin, 73 N. Y., 601 : O'Mara v. Del. & Hud. Canal Co., 18 Hun, 192 : Koch V. Edgwater, 14 Hun., 544 : See "Nevin v. Rocliester, 19 Alb. L. J., 315: Peach V. Utica, 10 Hun.,* 477 : Evans v. Utica, 69 N. Y., 166. VI. If obstructions are placed in the streets by third parlies, without permission of the proper authorities, of which the corporate authorities have either actual or constructive notice, and such obstructions are left un- guarded or unlighted in the night time, by reason of which some one is injured, the corporation is liable for that injury for not causing them to be removed. But the corporation can recover over against the wrong doer, for such judgment as has been recovered against, and paid by, it. When sued, the corporate authorities should notify such wrong doer to defend. City of Rochester v. Montgomery, 72 N. Y., 65: City of Troy v. R. R. Co., 49 N. Y., 657. Robbins v. City of Chicago, 4 Wall, 657: City of Lowell v. Short, 4 Cushing, 275. CONCLUSION". From the foregoing it will appear to be of the utmost iniportance to every municipality, that the corporate authorities be exceedingly vigilant as to the condition of their streets and sidewalks. No obstructions should be allowed to remain in the one, nor defect to exist in the other. Without this vigi- lance, no village or city in the state is safe from the species of litigation which defective streets and sidewalks engender. A large proportion of the suits brought against municipal corporations, is for damages resulting from such causes ; and it is a great deal easier and cheaper to prevent, than to defend, them. Most people who bring these suits, are impecunious ; and whether 114 they win or lose, they saddle a bill of costs and expense upon the corporation, which only vigilance on the part of the proper officers will prevent. CHAPTER VI. FENCES — LINE FENCES — FENCE VIE WEE S, STRAYS, DISTRAINING CATTLE, Etc., DOING DAMAGE, Etc. ANIMALS AT LARGE IN HIGH- WAYS, Etc. PROCEEDINGS, Etc. I. OP DIVISION AND OTHER FENCES — THE STATUTE. [1 R. S. (6th Ed.) p. 841.] • Division Section 43. "Where two or more persons shall hav<^ maintatned. l^nds adjoining, each of them shall make and maintain a just proportion of the division fence between them, except the owner or owners of either of the adjoining lands shall choose to let such land lie open. And, wherever such adjoining lands one-half or more of which are improved, shall be bounded by or upon either bank emo direct of a Stream of water not navigable, the fence viewers of cuyision"" the town, in which the same are situated, shall direct in the manner hereinafter mentioned, upon which bank of such stream, and where upon such bank, the division fence shall be located, and the portion thereof to be kept and maintained by each of such adjoining owners. Fences in § ^- ^^^^^ two or more persons shall have lands hoTm^n-^' adjoining, and not within the provisions of section f orty- KfidS"' three as hereby amended, each of them- shall make and ue'opBn!" maintain a just and equal proportion of the division fence between them, except the owner or owners of Keiunding either of the adjoining lands shall choose to let such eiuun|°' lands lie open. If he shall afterward enclose it, he shall inciosure refuud to the owner of the adjoining land a just propor- tion of the value, at that time, of any division fence that shall have been made and maintained by such adjoining owner, or he shall build his proportion of such division fence. 115 § 45. Where two or more persons shall own lands adjoining, in case either of them shall sell, convey or lands, devise such lands, or any portion thereof, the owner of any division fence that shall have been theretofore made and maintained by him, shall not be deprived of his interest therein in consequence of such sale, except so far as it relates to the grantor ; and in all cases where such sale or devise shall interfere with or affect the division fences existing between such adjoinging owners at the time of such sale, or on receiving such devise a subdivision of such division fence shall then be made by all the adjoining owners affected thereby, and each ad- joining owner shall refund to the owner of the adjoining land a just proportion of the value at the time of such sale, or on receiving such devise, of any division fence that shall have been theretofore made arid maintained by such adjoining owner, or that shall have been made and maintained by the persons from whom he received to ^le aecer- "* ^ mined bv such title, or the adjoining owner shall build his propor- fence ^ tion of such division fence. The value of such fence, and the proportion thereof to be paid by such person, and the proportion of the division fence to be built by him, shall be determined by any two of the fence viewers of the town. ^ § 46. Where a person shall have cleared or improved ^^^und*' lands lying open, he shall refund to the owner of adjoin- exMing^"' ing land which is also cleared or improved, a just pro- ^^^^^m portion of the value, at th^ time this act shall take effect, Srienoe!"' of any division fence that shall have been made and maintained by such adjoining owner between such cleared or improved lands, or he shall build his proportion of such division fence. Whenever a subdivision or new ^^^JJ^'^I?" apportionment of any division fence shall become neces- fe™ce°*to be sary by reason of the transfer of the title of either of the^elii" adjoining owners to the whole or any portion of theuae^^"' adjoining lands by conveyance, devise, or descent, such subdivision or new apportionment shall thereupon be made by the adjoining owners affected thereby; and 116 EeiuBding either adjoining owner shall refund to the other a just exMng"' proportion of the value, at the time of such transfer of fence. i\^Iq^ of any division fence that shall theretofore have been made and maintained by such other adjoining owner, or the person from whom he derives his title, or he shall build his proportion of such division fence. Value of The value of any fence, and the proportion thereof to be how deter- P^^*^ ^^ ^^^ persou, and the proportion to be built by mined. iiim^ shall be determined by any two of the fence viewers of the town. Any two § 47. If dispute arises between the owners of adjoin- era to settle ing lands, concemiug the proportion or particular part of fence to be maintained or made by either of them, such dispute shall be settled by any two of the fence viewers of the town. § 48. When any of the above mentioned matters shall be submitted to fence viewers, each party shall choose one; and if either neglect, after eight days' notice, to make such choice, the other party may select both. Proceedings § 49. The feuce viewers shall examine the premises, of fuDC6 viewers, and hear the allegations of the parties. In case of their disagreement, they shall select another fence viewer to act with them, and the decision of any two shall be final upon the parties to such dispute, and upon all parties holding under them. § 60. The decision of the fence viewers shall be re- duced to writing, shall contain a description of the fence, and of the proportion to be maintained by each, and shall be forthwith filed in the oflice of the town clerk. defaS?.*" § ^^- -'■^ ^^y person liable to contribute to the erection or reparation of a division fence, shall neglect or refuse to make and maintain his proportion of such fence, or shall permit the same to be out of repair, he shall not be allowed to have and maintain any action for damages incurred, but shall be liable to pay to the party injured all such damages as shall accrue to his land, and the crops, fruit trees and shrubbery thereon, and fixtures connected with the said land, to be ascertained and ap- 117 praised by any two fence viewers of the town, and to be recovered with costs of suit ; which appraisment shall be reduced to writing, and signed by the fence viewers making the same, but shall be only prima facie evidence of the amount of such damages. § 52. If such neglect or refusal shall be continued for the period of one month after request in writing, to make or repair such fence, the party injured may make or repair the same, at the expense of the party so neglect- ing or refusing, to be recovered from him with costs of suit. § 53. If any person who shall have made his proper- Rights of tion of a division fence shall be disposed to remove his^lifovlcer- fence, and suffer his lands to lie open, he may do so, auSpermu' provided such lands are not cleared or improved, at any open!'""" time between the first day of November in any one year and the first day of April following, but at no other time, giving ten days' notice to the owner or occupant of the adjoining land of his intention to apply to the adjoining fence viewers ot the town for permission to remove his fence : and if, at the time specified in such notice, any Fence view- 6rS to QGtGr" two of such fence viewers, toi be selected as aforesaid, ™j,ie p™ ' ' priety or shall determine that such fence may, with propriety, be removal. removed, he may remove the same. § 54. If any such fence shall be removed without such notice and permission, the party removing the same shall pay to the party injured, all such damages as he may sustain thereby, to be recovered with costs of suit. § 55. Whenever a division fence shall be injured 0Vy^^^^^_ destroyed by floods, or other casualty, the person bound Sdenuo to make and repair such fence, or any part thereof, shall "^'^p^""- make or repair the same, or his just proportion thereof, within ten days after he shall be thereunto required by any person interested therein. Such requisition shall be in writing, and signed by the party making it. § 56. If such person shall refuse or neglect to make or repair his proportion of such fence, for the space of ten days after such request, theparty injured may make 118 or repair the same at the expense of the party so refus- ing or neglecting, to be recovered from him, with costs of suit. Powers § ^"^^ Witnesses may be examined by the fence view- f"esof fence ®^^ *^" ^^^ questions Submitted to them ; and either of viewers, guch fence viewers shall have power to issue subpoenas for, and to administer oaths to said witnesses, and each fence viewer and witness thus employed shall be entitled to one dollar and fifty cents per dieni ; such fence view- ers or a majority of them, shall determine what propor- tion thereof shall be paid by each of the parties interest- ed in such division fence, and reduce their determination to writing, and subscribe the same, and file it in the office of the town clerk where such fence viewers shall reside; the party refusing or neglecting to pay siich fence viewers, or either of them, shall be liable to be sued for the same with costs of suit. In certain § 58, Whenever the electors of any town shall have a^e^nouo' made any rule or regulation prescribing what shall be be^recov- ^ggj^g^ ^ suflScieut fence in such town, any person who shall thereafter neglect to keep a fence according to such rule or regulation, shall be precluded from recovering compensation in any manner for damages done by any beast lawfully going at large on the highways, that may enter on any lands of such person not fenced, in con- formity to the said rule or regulation, or for entering through any defective fence. sufflcjeney § 59. When the sufficiency of a fence shall come in question in any suit, it shall be presumed to have been sufficient until the contrary be established. 11, FENCE VIEWERS — WHO THET ARE. "The ASSESSORS and commissioners of highways, elected in every town shall, hy mrtue of their offices, be fence viewers of their town." [1 R. S. (6th Ed.) p. 824, sec. 4.] «{ fence. 119 III. OF STRATS — THE STATUTE [1 R. S (6th Ed.) p. 839.] Sectioh* 30. Whenever any person shall at any time Note m •> ^ •' writing to have any strayed horse upon his enclosed land, or shall, l^^f^^"- between the first day of November in any year, and the first day of April thereafter, have any strayed neat cattle or sheep upon his enclosed lands, such person shall, within ten days after the coming of any such stray thereon, deliver to the clerk of the town within which such lands shall be, a note in writing containing the name and place of abode of such person, and the age, color and marks, natural and artificial, of each stray, as near as may be. § 81. If any person upon whose enclosed lands any conse- such neat cattle, horses or sheep shall come, shall neg omlsSon? lect to deliver such note in writing to the town clerk within the time above required, he shall be precluded from all the benefits of this article, and from all claim to compensation for keeping such strays. § 32. The town clerk, on the receipt of every such Dutv^of note, shall enter the same at large in a book to be pro-cierk. vided by him for that purpose ; for which entry he shall receive six cents each for all neat cattle and horses, and three cents for each sheep, to be paid by the person de- livering the note. § 38. The book in which such entries shall be madeiwd, shall always be kept open for inspection ; and no fee shall be taken by the clerk for any search therein. § 84. The person delivering the note shall be entitled charges of to receive therefor nine cents each for all neat cattle andgwnK such horses, and three cents for each sheep described in the note ; and he may detain such strays until the owner thereof shall appear and pay such fees, together with the fees paid or due to the clerk, and all reasonable charges for keeping the stray ; such charges being first ascer- tained by two of the fence viewers of the town, to be 120 selected by the person claiming the same, in case he and the owner of the stray can not otherwise agree. Fees oi g 35_ Each fence viewer shall be entitled to receive lence *^ viewers. g}x cents f or every mile he shall be obliged to travel from his house to the place where such strays are kept, and twenty-five cents for a certificate of the charges, as ascertained by him ; such fees to be paid by the owner of the strays. Proceedings § 36. Every person who shall deliver any such note, are not and keep any stray described therein, shall, if the same be not sooner claimed and redeemed, between the first day of May and the twentieth day thereafter, give notice to one of the fence viewers of the town, whose duty it shall be to ascertain according to the best of his knowl- edge and judgment the reasonable charges of keeping such stray, a certificate whereof shall be given by him to the person applying for the same. The fence viewer shall be entitled to the like fees as above provided, to be paid by the person applying for the certificate. Sale of § 37. If no owner shall appear to claim such stray, on or before the first day of May next after the making of such entry, or if the owner shall refuse or neglect to pay the sums charged on such stray, then the person who shall have delivered such note and kept such stray may proceed to sell the same by public auction to the highest bidder. Noticed g gg_ g^gjj person shall give at least twenty days' previous notice of the time and place of such sale, by advertisement, to be posted up at three of the most public places in the town where the strays shall have been kept. Moneys § 39. Out of the moueys arising from such sale, he jrom suoii shall retain for his own use the sum charged on such s&Ig how disiised of. strays for the aforesaid note in writing, entry and certifi- cate, together with the sum specified in the certificate for keeping such strays, and the like charges for such sale as are allowed on sales under executions issued out of Justices' courts. He shall pay the residue of said 121 moneys, on demand, to the owner of the strays, if he shall appear to demand the same. § 40. If the owner shall not appear and demand theiwa. residue of such moneys, within one year after the sale, he shall be forever precluded from recovering any part of such moneys ; and the aforesaid residue shall be paid to the supervisor of such town, for the use of the town ; and his receipt shall be a legal discharge to the keeper of such strays. § 41. If the person who shall have sold such strays, n>id- shall not, within thirty days after the expiration of the year, pay such residuary moneys to the supervisor of the town, he shall forfeit to the town double the sum so remaining in his hands, together with the amount of such residuary moneys. ■ § 42. Each of the cities of this state shall be consid- *^"*^ ered towns for the purposes of this article.' IV. OF DISTRAINING CATTLE,' ETC., DOING DAMAGE — THE STATUTE. [3 R. S. (6th Ed.) p. 831. J Section 1. When any distress shall be made of any ^^fl^fj,. beasts doing damage, the person distraining shall keep"'^«*- such beasts in some secure place other than the public pound, until his damages shall be appraised ; and within twenty-four hours after such distress, unless the same was made on a Saturday, in which case, before the Tues- day morning thereafter, he shall apply to two fence viewers of the town to appraise the damage. § 2. Such fence viewers shall thereupon immediately ere to ^*''" repair to the place, and view the damage done ; and they aamafses, may take the evidence of any competent witnesses of the facts and circumstances necessary to enable them to ascertain the extent of such damage, for which purpose either of them is hereby aiithorized to administer an oath to every such witness. § 3. The said fence viewers shall ascertain and certify, ^o certify 122 them; suffl under their hands, the amount of such damage, with clencyof ' -i -i fences, to. their fees for their services ; and if any dispute shall arise touching the sufficiency of any fence around the premises where such damage was done, the said fence viewers may examine witnesses in relation thereto, and for that purpose may administer oaths to such witnesses ; and they shall determine such dispute ; which decision shall be conclusive. Putting § 4. Within twenty-four hours after the said damages pound. shall be so appraised, unless the amount so ascertained, and the fees of the fence viewers shall have been paid, the person making such distress shall cause the beasts distrained to be put in the nearest pound in the same county, if there be one, there to remain until the same be sold, as hereinafter directed, or until replevied, ac- cording to law, or until the damages so certified, and the fees of the fence viewers and pound-master be paid ; and he shall deliver the certificate of the fence viewers to the keeper of such pound. The owner of such beasts may give them their feeding without disturbance. be'^te; § ^- '^^^ pound-masters of the several cities and notice. towns of this state shall receive and keep the beasts so delivered to them, in the public pound, and unless the same shall be replevied or discharged according to law, within six days, such pound-master shall sell such beasts, or so many of them as shall be necessary, at public vendue, giving forty-eight hours' notice of such sale, by advertisement, to be fixed up at such pound, and at the nearest public place. App"^"™ § 6. From the proceeds of such sale, the pound- ofaaie. master may retain sufficient to pay the amount of his fees and his charges for keeping such beasts, and the charges of such sale ; and he shall pay to the person im- pounding such beasts the damages so certified, with the fees of the fence viewers ; and if there be any surplus, the same shall be paid to the owner of such beasts. If no owner appear within one year after such sale, and claim such surplus, th*e same shall be paid to the over- 123 seers of the poor of such city or town, for the use of the poor thereof. § 7. Every pound-master with whom any beast shall ^^^^ ^^ be impounded, shall discharge such beasts, on being discharged. paid: 1. The amount of the damages so certified by the fence viewers ; 2. The fees of the fence viewers ; 3. The lees of the pound master, with his reasonable charges for feeding such beasts, if fed by him, not ex- ceeding six cents for each beast, for every twenty-four hours. 8 8. When any T)erson shall be authorized by law to Keepjnir " . . . - , , , , . , inanimate distrain any inanimate goods or chattels doing damage, goods. he shall keep the same in some safe and convenient place, until the damage shall be appraised, and the goods be sold or otherwise disposed of. § 9. He shall apply to any two fence viewers of the Appraising town, to appraise the damages sustained by him ; who &™**^^' shall proceed therein, in the same manner and with the same powers, as hereinbefore provided with respect to cattle doing damage ; and in addition, they shall estimate and certify the value of the property distrained. § 10. The distrainer shall affix a notice in three public ^°*}^*° ^ places of the town, for ten days, as follows : 1. Specifying therein the property distrained, and the amount of damages certified ; 2. Requiring the owner of such property to redeem and remove the same, before the day therein appointed for the sale thereof ; 3. Stating that such property will, on some day, at least ten days from the day of the first posting thereof, be sold, to pay such damages, and the costs and charges of the proceeding. § n. If the value of the property distrained, as certi- J[^i™*^b« fied by the appraisers, exceed fifty dollars, the distrainer shall publish a notice in the nearest newspaper, once in each week, for four weeks, similar to that required in 134 the last section, except that the time of sale shall be at least thirty days from the day of the first publication of such notice. se?ved'on* § 12. If the owner of such property be known to the owner. distrainer, or if any person be known to him as claiming any interest in such property, and if such owner or person reside within the county, the distrainer shall also serve a copy of such notice, within two days after the time of posting, or after the first day of the publication thereof, either personally on such owner or person, or in case of his absence from his usual or last place of resi- dence, by leaving the same at such residence, with a proper person. Seriff, Ac, § 13. If such goods and chattels be not removed, and if the damages so certified, with the fees of the apprais- ers and the expenses of such notice, be not paid at th* time appointed in such notice for the sale, the distrainer shaU apply to the sheriff of the county, or one of his deputies, or to any constable of the town, to sell such goods and chattels, and shall make and deliver to such officer, an affidavit showing his compliance with the pro- visions of this title, and the original certificate of the appraisers. roiVo°wd § ^^' ^^^^ officer shall thereupon proceed and sell the goods and chattels so distrained, in the same manner as on executions against personal property in civil cases, and with the like authority and effect, and shall be entitled to the same fees for his services. of'proceed" § 15. From the proceeds of such sale, such officer oi sale, gjjg^ij retain his own fees, and shall pay to the distrainer the amount of the damages so certified, and the expenses of such notices, and also all expenses that may have been necessarily incurred, in the safe keeping and pres- ervation of such property ; which expenses shall be ascertained and certified by any judge of the county courts, or by a justice of the peace of the county. Surplus tD § 16. If any balance shall remain, such officer shall 125 pay llie same to the county treasurer, for the use of the county owner of such property, or his legal representatives. treasurer. § 17. Upon the application of the owner of such prop- Tobepaia " . . ■■^'^to owner. erty, or his representatives, to the county court of the county, and on due proof by affidavits of such owner- ship, the said court shall order such balance to be paid to such owner or his representatives, by the county treasurer, after deducting a commission of five per cent, for receiving, keeping and paying over the same. § 18. If upon such application the court entertain when bona any doubt of the ownership ol such .property, before required, ordering such balance to be paid over, they shall require the claimant to execute a bond to the people of this state, in a penalty at least double the amount of such balance, and with sureties to be approved by such court, conditioned that he will pay to any person who, in an action on such bond, commenced within two years from its date, shall establish his right to such balance, or to any part thereof, the amount to which he shall show such right, with interest. § 19 . Any person qlaiming such balance or any part suiw on thereof, may prosecute such bond, in the name of tte other . 1 , . o , 1 claimants. people of this state, on the relation of such person, who shall in all respects be deemed the plaintiff therein, and be liable for the costs. If he establish his right to such balance, or any part thereof, in such action, he shall be entitled to recover such amount, with interest, as dam- ages to be assessed for a breach of such condition, with costs of suit. The proceedings thereon shall be the same as in other actions on bonds, with conditions other than for the payment of money. But no judgment in favor of the defendant shall be a bar to or in any way affect any action that may be brought on such bond, by any other person than the plaintiff against whom such Judgment shall have been obtained. § 20. When, by the provisions of any statute, any Notice in aii officer is authorized to distrain on any property for any dilt^ining. purpose whatever, and no special provision shall be 126 otherwise made, lie shall cause at least five days' notice of sale of such property to be given, by posting the same in three public places of the town where such sale shall shall be made, pr^erty g 21. Before making any such sale, such officer shall appraised. a^gQ cause the property distrained to be appraised by three disinterested freeholders of the town, on oath ; and such appraisal, with an inventory of the property dis- trained, shall be certified by the appraisers in writing. Papers to § 22. Within ten days after any such sale, the officer officer. making the same shall file in the office of the clerk of the town or city, where such sale was made : 1. His own affidavit, specifying the cause of such distress, and the amount of the penalty, tax, duty or other sum for which the same was made ; 2. Proof by affidavit of the notice herein required having been given ; 3. The inventory and certificate of the appraisers ; Which papers, when so filed, shall be presumptive evidence of the facts therein contained. Penalty tor § 23. Uuless the provisions of the last section are negect. ^Qj^pjiy^ with, witMn the time therein required, such officer shall forfeit to the owner of the property sold, twenty -five dollars SS!how°' § 24. From the proceeds of any such sale, such officer applied, gjja^ Ijg authorized to deduct and retain the expenses of such appraisal, certificate, notice, proof and affidavits, and of the filing the same, as herein required. And the residue of such proceeds, after satisfying the penalty, tax, duty or other sum for which such sale was made, shall be paid, within ten days after such sale, to the treasurer of the county for the use of the owners of such property, ownera, § 25. The same proceedings shall be had by such ™JpiSs. owner, to obtain the money so paid over, as are herein- before provided in the case of distress on inanimate prop- erty doing damage, and the said provision shall apply in all respects to such moneys and such proceedings. 127 Y. OF ANIMALS AT LABGE IN HIGHWAYS — THE STATUTE. [2K S. (6th Ed.) p. 177.] Sectiok 236. It shall not be lawful for any cattle, cattie! &c., horses, sheep, swine or goats, to run at large or to beatia%e"\Q herded or pastured in any public street, park, place orway"^**' highway in this state ; and it shall be the duty of every overseer of highways within his road district, and of ?vereeerto every street commissioner in any incorporated village, Intaais so who shall have personal knowledge, .or who shall be large. ^* notified of any violation of this act, to seize and to take into his possession, and to keep until disposed of accord- ing to law, any animal so found running at large or being herded or pastured, and any person suffering or permitting any animal to so run at large, or be herded or pastured in violation of this section, shall forfeit a penalty of five dollars for every horse, swine or cattle, penalty. and one dollar for every sheep or goat so found, to be recovered by a civil action, by any inhabitant of the town in his own name, or in the name of the overseer of the poor of the town, or by the proceedings hereinafter provided. • § 237. It shall be lawful for any person to seize and seizure of take into custody, and retain until disposed of as requir- Sing a™"' .ed by law, any animal which may be in any public high-'"''®" way and opposite to land owned or occupied by him, contrary to the provisions of the foregoing section, or of any animal which may be trespassing upon premises owned or occupied by him. § 238. Whenever any such person or any oflicer shall prooeea- seize and take into his possession any animal under the*°f^^'' authority of the preceding sections, it shall be the duty of such person or officer to make immediate complaint in complaint, writing, under oath, stating the facts, to a justice of the peace of the town in which such seizure occurred ; and such justice shall thereupon have jurisdiction to hear and summons. determine such matter, and shall thereupon proceed in the 128' same manner as in civil actions, except as especially changed in this act, and shall forthwith issue a summons, under his hand, stating the fact of such seizure and com- plaint, and requiring the owner of such animal, or any- party having an interest in the same, to show cause be- fore such justice, at a time and place to be specified in said summons, why such animal should not be sold and the proceeds applied as directed by this act ; such time shall, not be less than ren nor more than twenty days from the issuing of such summons. The said summons summom! ^'^.y be Served by any constable of the said town, or by any elector thereof, authorized so to do by the said justice in writing thereon ; such service shall be made by posting the same in at least six public and conspicu- ous places in said town, and one of said places shall be nearest district school house, unless the seizure shall have been made within the bounds of an incorporated village, having the schools in charge of a board of edu- cation, and in such cases one of such notices shall be posted in one of the buildings in which such schools are Hearin of t^i^g^^'- -^^ ^^^ ^'^^ ^°^ place appointed for the return complaint, of said summous, the complainant aforesaid may appear, and any party or person owning or having an interest in said animal, or his agent duly authorized, shall be allowed by the said justice to appear in said proceeding ; and on his filing with said justice an answer under oath, subscribed by him or his agent aforesaid, denying any or all the facts in said complaint, an issue shall be deemed joined in the said proceeding, and the subsequent pro- ceedings shall be as in civil actions, so far as they can be, unless otherwise provided in this act. If no cue shall appear to show cause, and the said summons shall be When sale returned by a constable duly served, or by proof show- to bS'Se;ing tbat fact, if served by any person other than a con- Sode.*' stable, or if the jury or the justice shall find, after a trial, that no sufficient cause is shown why such sale should hot be made as directed by this act, then the said justice shall issue his warrant, under his hand, directed 129 to any constable of the said town, commanding him to sell the said animal at public auction for the best price he can obtain therefor, and make return thereof to the said justice, at a time and place therein specified, not less than ten nor more than twenty days thereafter. The said sale shall be made on the like notice as on con- stable's sale on civil process ; and the said constable shall make return as required by the said warrant, and pay the proceeds of said sale to said justice. The said justice shall thereupon adjudge the costs of said pro- costs, ceedings, the same amounts being allowed as in civil actions ; and in addition he shall allow to the party or officer making such seizure, for every horse or colt, one dollar ; for every cow, calf or other cattle, each fifty cents ; and for every goat, sheep or swine, twenty -five cents, together with the actual damages sustained by such party by reason of the trespass or breaking of such animal into his premises, and a reasonable compensation to such person or officer, to be estimated by such justice, for the care and keeping of such animals, from the time of the seizure thereof to the sale ; and the said justice shall be allowed the sum of one dollar for each animal so sold ; and the constable the same fees as for service for a summons and execution in civil actions. And the penalty in the foregoing sections prescribed shall be paid penally w to the overseers of the poor or the officer or board hav- ** ^*''*' ing the support of the poor in charge. If, after paying the sums aforesaid, there shall be any surplus of the to whom proceeds of said sale, the said justice shall pay the same be paid. to the owner or party establishing before him, on the return of such summons, or at such other time as he shall appoint, the right to the same. If no person shall ^^^^^ claim said surplus within one year after such seizure, the ^^^^ »i™e^j said justice shall pay the same to the overseers of the^^mand poor of such town, or the officer or board aforesaid, for the benefit of the poor thereof. If such owner or party interested shall not appear and demand such surplus within said year, he shall be forever precluded from re- 130 covering any part of such moneys, and the receipt of the overseer of the poor of said town, or officer or board aforesaid, given at any time after the expiration of said year, shall be a full discharge to said justice for the same. When own- § ^39. Any ovsrner of any animal vrhich shall have tied to°ani- been seized under and pursuant to the foregoing provis- hearing?"^* ions, may, at any time before the justice aforesaid shall proceed to the hearing on the return of said summons, demand and shall be entitled to the possession of such animal, upon the payment to said justice of the several sums hereinbefore required to be paid to the said justice and constable, and to the person or officer by v?hom the seizure aforesaid shall have been made, and the penalty aforesaid when such seizure is made by any officer, to- gether with a reasonable compensation to the person or officer making the seizure for the care and keeping of such animal, to be ascertained and fixed by such justice, and upon making to such justice satisfactory proof of ownership ; and if such owner shall not have appeared e?^s en"""' iipoi s^iid return day, and shall excuse such non-appear- maiafte?'" ^^^^e to the Satisfaction of such justice, and shall make before^iaie! such demand at least three days before the time appoint- ed for such sale, he shall be entitled to the custody and possession of such animal, upon paying one-half of the several sums above stated, together with the whole amount of penalty, compensation and damages which the said justice shall then adjust and award. How owner § 240. In case the animal so seized under the fore- poesessim" goiug provisious of tMs act shall have been so running at mai ^"setat large or trespassing, or being herded or pastured by the edTo^'pal- " willful act of auy other person than the owner, to effect person oih- that obiect, such owner shall be entitled to the posses- er than the . j. t_ • ■■ . •. » , f , owner. siou 01 sucu animal, at any time before the actual hear- ing shall be commenced on the return of said summons, on making the demand therefor, and the proof required in the next preceeding section, and on paying to such person or officer making such seizure, the amount of 131 1 compensation fixed by sncli justice, for the care and keeping of sucii animal, and without paying any other charges; and the person committing such willful act penalty for shall be liable to a penalty of twenty dollars, to be re- att of set- covered in an action at law at the suit of the owner of affarge. such animal or the person or officer making such seizure. § 241. Aji appeal may be taken by either party who shall Appeal to have appeared and contested in said proceeding before ooun?"" ^ such justice to the county court ; and all laws relating to appeals from judgments of justices' courts, and the juris- diction, powers and duties of county courts to hear and determine such appeals, and the proceedings therein shall be applicable to such appeals, so far as the same can be applied and are consistent with this act. Such appeal can only be taken from the findings or determin- ation that cause exists or does not exist for the sale aforesaid, and must be taken within ten days after such withmwhat finding or determination ; and such appeal when made toTe taklnl by a claimant shall not be effectual for any purpose *"' unless the undertaking required on appeals to the county court contains a clause that in case the finding or deter- mination shall be affirmed, the claimant will pay all such sums as the said justice shall determine and adjudge for the costs, penalties and allowances so as aforesaid au- thorized to be made. In case of an affirmance by the county court, said court shall appoint a time and place when said justice shall adjust the same, and such adjust- ment shall be made in the manner and for the sums here- inbefore specified. . In case such undertaking is given and approved by the said justice, he shall forthwith direct the said sale not to be had, and shall order the said animal to be delivered to the appellant, if it shall appear to him that he is the owner, or entitled to the possession thereof. § 342. In case any person making such seizure shall wsen per- fail on said hearing to show cause sufficient to obtain toplloostl such sale, the said justice shall render judgment against him for costs. And if the jury or said justice shall find 132 from the evidence that such seizure was malicious and without probable cause, the jury or the justice may- assess the amount of damages sustained by the owner, by means of such seizure, and judgment shall in such case be given for double the amount assessed, with costs. ActioQ^can § 243. Actions for any cause of action arising out of withfaone ^^^ proceeding had or taken or attempted to be had or s^f^^r. taken under the provisions of said act, entitled "An act to prevent animals from running at large in the public highways," passed April twenty-third, eighteen hun- dred and sixty-two, can only be commenced within one year after the cause of action shall have accrued. Repeal. § 244. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. VI. OF "WEEDS, &C., IN PUBLIC HIGHWAYS — THE STATUTE [Chap. 49, Laws of 1878. J Noxious Section' 1. It shall be the duty of every person or weeds. «'"., gQj,pQj,g^^jQjj^ owniug or occupying under a lease for one deatroyed. ^^ more years, any cultivated or enclosed lands abutting upon any highway, to cause all noxious weeds, briars and brush, growing upon said lands, within the bounds of said highway, to be cut or destroyed between the fifteenth day of June, and the first day of July, and be- tween the fifteenth day of August and the first day of September, in each and every year. But boards of super- visors may fix a different period, or periods, for such cutting or destruction in their respective counties. This section shall not be construed to restrict any of the pow- ers heretofore conferred upon board of supervisors. Weeds, or § 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to place or tolfe^piaoed cause to be placed any noxious weeds, or the seeds of upon high- mjgj^ weeds, within the bounds of any public highway. Penalty. § S. Any wiUful neglect or refusal to comply with the provisions of section one of this act, or any willful violation of section two of this act,^ shall subject the person or corporation so offending to a penalty of ten 133 dollars and costs in and for each road district in which any of such provisions shall be violated, to be sued for by the commissioner or commissioners of highways of the town wherein said road district shall be situate, or by the street commissioner of villages, when such village constitutes a separete road district, and recovered before any .justice of the peace having jurisdiction; said tinpj pine, now when collected, to be paid into the highway fund of such ^vvhha. town or village. § 4. It shall be the duty of commissioners of high- Duties of ways of towns or street commissioner of villages to pros- S"s!" ecute every person or corporation violating any of the provisions of this act in their respective towns or villages, and to include in each annual report of such commission- ers a detailed statement of all fines recovered under the provisions of this act. Having given the law as it stands upon the statute books, on the foregoing six subjects, we will now call attention to the adjudications of the courts, as to the rights of parties under these various statutes, pursuing the same order in which the statutes themselves are given. DIVISION FENCES, Etc. a OF THE OBLiaATION TO MAINTAIN A DIVISION FENCE. People V. Dewey, 1 Hun, 529 : Shepherd v. Hees, 12 Johns., 433 : Perkins v. Perkins, 44 Barb., 134 : Carpenter v. Halsey, 60 Barb., 45: S. C, 57N. Y., 657: Warren v. Sabin, 1 Lans., 79 : Ferris v. Van Buskirk, 18 Barb., 397: Adams v. VanAlstine, 35 Barb., 9: S. C, 26 N. Y., 232 : Chryslar v. Westfall, 41 Barb., 159 : Richardson v. McDougal, 11 Wend., 46 : HoUaday v. Marsh, 3 Wend., 142: 134 b. THAT OBLIGATION, HOW ENFORCED. Burger v. Kortright, 4 John., 414: Willougliby V. Carleton, 9 Johns., 136: Bronk v. Becker, 17 Wend., 320: Dixon V. Clow, 24 Wend., 188: Deyo V. Stewart, 4 Denio, 101. C. OF THE EIGHT TO LET LAND LIE OPEN. Hewitt V. Watkins, 11 Barb., 409 : Perkins v. Perkins, 44 Barb., 134: Chamberlain v. Reed, 14 Hun, 403 : Chryslar v. Westfall, 41 Barb., 159. d. OF PROCEEDINGS TO REMOVE ENCROACHING FENCES. Wetmore v. Tracy, 14 Wend., 250 : Fitch V. Com'rs of Highways of Kirkland, 22 Wend., 132: Mott V. Com'rs of Highways of Rush, 2 Hill, 472: Hyatt V. Bates et al., Com'rs, etc., 40 N. Y., 164. e. THE EFFECT OF A DEFECTIVE FENCE, ON THE RIGHT TO SUE THE OWNER OF TRESPASSING CATTLE, ETC. Wells V. Howell, 19 Johns, 385 : Holladay v. Marsh, 3 Wend., 142 : Stafford^. Ingersol, 3 Hill, 38 : Deyo V. Stewart, 4 Denio, 101 : Toiiawanda R. R. Co. v. Munger, 5 Den., 255 : VanSlyck v. Snell, 6 Lans., 299: Griffin v. Martin, 7 Barb., 297: Hardenburgh v. Lockwood, 25 Barb., 9 : Cowles V. Balzer, 47 Barb., 562 : Krom V. Kirkendall, 1 Alb. L. J., 238. II. FENCE viewers: .TUEI8DICTI0N AND DUTIES. Burger v. Kortright, 4 Johns., 414: Clark V. Brown, 18 Wend., 213 : 135 Stafford v. IngersoU, 3 Hill, 38 : People V. Dewey, 1 Hun, 529 : Hewitt V. Watkins, 11 Barb., 409 : Perkins v. Perkins, 44 Barb., 134 : Adams v. YanAlstyne, 25 K. Y., 632. III. OF STRAYS. S"© adiadicated case is found under this statute. It seems, from the drift of authorities, to have been practi- cally supplanted by the succeeding two. And yet, on reflection, it is easy to conceive that cases may arise, where it would be desirable to pursue the provisions of this statute ; and for this reason it finds a place in this book. IV. OF DISTEAnsriNG CATTLE, DOING DAMAGE, ETC. Sackrider v. McDonald, 10 Johns., 253: Hopkins v. Hopkins, 10 Johns., 369 : Golden v. Eldred, 15 Johns., 220: Hale V. Clark, 19 Wend., 498 : Cook V. Gregg, 46 N. Y., 439 : Cowles V. Balzer, 47 Barb., 562: Pangburn v. Smith, 4 Barb., 246: Rows V. Smith, 55 Barb., 417 : Simser v. Cowan, 56 Barb., 395 : Van Brunt v. Schenck, 11 Johns., 377: Gardner v. Campbell, 15 Johns,, 401 : Merritt v. O'Neil^ 13 Johns., 477: Gates V. Lounsbury, 20 Johns., 427: Pratt V. Petrie, 2 Johns., 101 : Amoty V. Plyn, 10 Johns., 102 : Palmer v. West, 12 Johns., 186 : Jackson v, Morris et al., 1 Denio, 199. 136 V. OF ANIMALS AT LARGE IN HIGHWAYS, ETC. This law was first passed in 1832, being chap. 459, of the laws of that year. The question of its ^constitutionality first arose in the case of Hard v. Nearing, 44 Barb., 472. The General Term sustained the statute. Hard died, and Rockwell, his executor, carried the case to the Court of Appeals, (3o N. Y., 302:) where the act was pronounced uncon- stitutional, "so far as it authorized the seizure and sale, "without judicial process, of animals found trespassing vnthin a private enclosure^ This decision resulted in an amendment of the act, giving us the law as found in this work. The enforcement of this law was a matter of some difficulty, for a time, and gave rise to considerable litigation ; bnt now it is no uncommon thing to see farms, as well as village and city lots, without fences along, the roads. ' The following are the principal adjudications under thib act : Hard v. Nearing, 44 Barb., 472 : Rockwell, Ex'r, v. Nearing, 85 N. Y., 302: Cowles V. Balzer, 47 Barb., 562 : Fox V. Dunckel, 55 Barb., 431 : Campbell v. Evans, 54 Barb., 566 : McConnell v. VanAerman, 56 Barb., 534 : Leavitt v. Thompson, 56 Barb., 543 : Squares v. Campbell, 60 Barb., 391 : Campbell v. Evans, 45 N. Y., 356 : Jones v. Sheldon, 50 N. Y., 477: Leavitt v. Thompson, 52 N. Y., 62. The act of 1862, as amended by chap. 814, laws of 1867, was pronounced constitutional by the Court of Appeals, in Cook V. Gregg, 46 N. Y., 439: Hickox V. Thurstin, 7 Lans., 421 : Cotton V. Mauer, 5 K Y. S. C. R., 575. 137 VI. or WEEDS, &G., nsr public highways. This statute is of recent date, and there are no adjudi- cations, as yet, under it. The law makes it the duty of commissioners of highways in towns, and of street com- missioners in villages, to enforce its provisions. If they neglect this duty, they are amenable to another law at the instance of any citizen, who may see fit to complain against them, as for neglect of official duty. CHAPTER VII. DOGS. TAX UPON— WHEN MAY BE KILLED— WORRYING SHEEP, Etc. \ THE STATUTE. [2 R. S. (6th Ed.) p. 999.J Section 1. In all the counties of the state, except Tax on aogs the city and county of New York, there shall be annually New To?k. levied and collected the following tax upon dogs : Upon every bitch owned or harbored by any one or more per-, sons, or by any family, three dollars ; upon every addi- tional bitch owned or harbored by the same person or persons or family, five dollars ; upon every dog other than a bitch owned or harbored by one or more persons or by any family, fifty cents, and upon every additional dog, other than a bitch, owned or harbored by the same person or persons or family, two dollars. § 2. Repealed by laws 1862, chapter 244, sec. 10. § 3. The owner or possessor of every dog liable to the owner to above tax, shall, whenever required by any assessor, crtption?^'" deliver him a description in writing of every such dog owned or possessed by him. For every neglect or refusal so to do, and for every false statement made in any description so furnished, he shall forfeit five dollars, to be recovered by the supervisor of the town. 138 Duty oi 8 4. The assessors of every town or city, or ward of assessors. ° . "' , a City, except the city or New York, shall annex to the assessment roll of real and personal estate therein, made by them annuallj'^, the name of each and every person or persons liable to the tax imposed hereby, together with the number of bitches and dogs for which such person or persons is or are assessed, and return the same to the supervisors of their respective towns, cities or wards of cities, to be laid by said supervisor before the board of supervisors, to be by them collected in the same manner as other state and county and town taxes are whendoif coUected. And if any person duly assessed shall refuse to be HUe . ^^ neglect to pay the tax so assessed within five days of the demand thereof, it shall be lawful for any person, and it shall be the duty of the collector, to kill the dog so taxed. Dutyof c-i- § ^- '^^® collector to whom such list shall be deliver- ifawiity?'' ed shall proceed and collect the sums of money therein specified, within the time now required by law for the collection of taxes laid by said supervisors, in the same manner, and with the like authority in all respects as in the collection of taxes imposed by the supervisors of the county, and shall pay the same to the county treasurer, after deducting the commissions allowed by law ; and the same remedies to compel such collection, and the payment over of the moneys collected, may be had against such collectors and their sureties, as in the case of taxes levied by supervisors. When dog § 6. If any person duly assessed shall refuse or neg- Suen.^ leglect to pay the tax so assessed, for five days after de- mand thereof, it shall be lawful for any person to kill the dog so taxed. collector's § 7. Every collector will be allowed to retain a com- '**"■ mission of ten dollars on every hundred dollars collect- ed, and at that rate upon all sums collected by him pursuant to the direction of the supervisors ; and said collector shall also, on filing his affidavit of the fact with the county treasurer, be entitled to retain as a 139 further compensation from the moneys collected by him, the sum of one dollar for every dog or bitch killed by him under the provisions of the second section of this act. § 8. The money so collected and paid to any county l^^^^"" treasurer, shall constitute a fund for the satisfying such damages as may arise in any year from dogs kUling or injuring sheep in such county, and the residue for the use of the poor of the county. § 9. The owner or possessor of any dog that shall uabuity of kill or wound any sheep or lamb, shall be liable for thedJJffo"' value of such sheep or lamb to the owner thereof, with- '°^""*'- out proving notice to the owner or possessor of such dog, or knowledge by him that his dog was mischievous or disposed to kill sheep. § 10. The owner of any sheep or lambs that may be Fence ,;„.> killed or injured by any dog, may apply to any twotlindam-^'^ fence viewers of the town, or assessors of the city, or the injuries to Sll66Di ward of the city, who shall inquire into the matter, and view the sheep injured or killed, and may examine wit- nesses in relation thereto, for which purpose either of them shall have power to administer oaths. If they are satisfied that the same were killed or hurt only by dogs, and in no other way, they shall certify such fact, the number of the sheep killed or hurt, and the amount of the damages sustained thereby by the owner, together with the value of the sheep hurt or killed. § 11. The said certificate shall be presumptive evi- o«^aflcato dence of the facts therein contained, in any suit that may eyiaence. be brought by the party injured, against the owner or possessor of any dog, if it shall appear on the trial of- such suit that notice in writing of the time and place of such view shall have been served twenty -four hours be- fore, on the said owner or possessor, either personally, or by leaving at his dwelling house, with a person who usually dwells therein, and who shall have arrived at the age of sixteen years, was given to the owner of the dog of the intended application. 140 Application § 13, If the party injured can not discover the owner age^"" or possessor of the dogs by which such damage was done, or shall fail to recover the value of the sheep killed or injured, against such owner or possessor, he may apply to the supervisor of the town, and upon producing to him the certificate mentioned in the tenth section, made as aforesaid, and his own affidavit that he has not been able to discover such owner or possessor, or that he has failed to recover his damages from such owner or possessor, the said supervisor shall lay the same beforfe the board of supervisors of the county at their next meeting. Payment, §13. The board of supervisors shall issue their order when to be ,, „ , » , n ordered, on the county treasurer, for the amount of the damages appearing by the certificate of the fence viewers, to have been sustained by the owners of any sheep killed or injured by dogs, where they shall be satisfied that the owner or possessor of such dogs can not be discovered, or that the party injured has failed to recover such faSd t^bS* damages of such owner or possessor, which shall be paid ™*ie- by tiie county treasurer, from the fund to be raised by said tax, and from no other moneys. recovered § ^^' ^^ after receiving the amount of such damages subsequent- from the county treasurer, the owner of the sheep so refunded, killed or injured shall recover the value thereof, or any part of such value, from the owner or possessor of any dog, he shall refund and repay to the county treasurer the sum so received from him, for which it shall be the duty of the supervisor of the town to bring an action against such owner in the case of his refusal, in the name of the county treasurer, and to pay into the county treasury the sum so collected. »J89chas- § 15. Any person may kill any dog which he shall Muldl*''* see chasing,- worrying or wounding any sheep, unless the same shall be done by the direction or permission of the owner of the sheep, or his servant. Atternotice, § 16. The Owner or possessor of every dog, to whom notice shall be given of any injury done by his dog to 141 any sheep, or of his dog having chased or worried any of dog to sheep, shall within forty-eight hours after such notice, cause such dog to be killed ; for every neglect so to do, he shall forfeit two dollars and fifty cents, and the fur- ther sum of one dollar and twenty -five cents for every forty-eight hours thereafter, until such dog shall be kill- ed, unless it shall satisfactorily appear to the court, before which a suit shall be brought for the recovery of the said penalties, that it was not in the power of such owner or possessor to kill such dog. § 17. If any dog shall attack any person peacably wnen jus- traveling on any highway, or any horse in a carriage, or order'own- upon which any person shall be mounted, and complaint Mint, thereof be made to a justice of the peace, such justice shall inquire into the complaint, and if satisfied of its truth, and that such dog is dangerous, he shall order the owner or possessor of such dog to kill him immediately. § 18. The owner or possessor of any dog, who shall P|?ai»y'o'' refuse or neglect to kill him within forty eight hours after having received such order, shall forfeit the sum of two dollars and fifty cents, and the further sum of one dollar and twenty -five cents, for every forty-eight hours thereafter, until such dog be killed. § 19. Upon complaint being made to any supervisor supervisor of a town, of any penalties imposed by this title having penalties, been incurred, he shall commence a suit for the recovery thereof, in his name of office, and prosecute the same with due diligence ; and the moneys recovered shall be by him paid to the county treasurer, to be added to the fund hereinbefore provided for the satisfaction of dam- ages sustained by owners of sheep. § 20. Every person in possession of any dog, or who ^^o to be shall suffer any dog to remain about his house for theowMraot space of twenty days, previous to the assessment of a^°^'" tax, or previous to any injury, chasing or worrying of sheep, or any such attack made by a dog, shall be deem- ed the owner of such dog, for all the purposes of this title. 142 Power ot § 21 The several collectors to whom any warrant for couectora. ^-^^ collection of the tax herein mentioned shall be deliv- ered, shall have all the powers for the collection thereof, which such collectors now have, and they and their sureties shall be subject to all the liabilities therefor, which such collectors and their sureties are now subject to. men"o^"tex § ^^- ^^ ^^^ actiou brought tor the killing of any proved. ^OS) ^* ^^^^l ^6 incumbent on the plaintiff in said action to prove that the tax imposed upon such dog by the pro- visions of this act has been paid, certain acts § 23. Sectiou two of Said title, chapter and part, and all acts or parts of acts, whether general or local, incon- sistent with the act hereby amended or repugnant there- to, are hereby repealed. Taxondoga g 24 There shall be annually levied and collected, in Eockiand ^^® couuties of Richmond, Rockland and Westchester, Chester.''' *^® following tax ou dogs : Upon every dog or bitch of six months old or upwards, kept by any one person or family, fifty cents, and for every additional dog or bitch, kept by the same person or family, the same tax as is provided to be levied and collected by part first, chapter twenty, title seventeen, and section one of the revised statutes ; and the revenue so collected in the counties of Richmond, Rockland and Westchester, shall be applied in the same manner as directed by the said title of the revised statutes. w^stches- § ^^- "^^^ taxes hereafter to be levied upon dogs in **"■• the county of Westchester, shall be levied and collected at the time and in the manner directed by the provisions of title seventeen of chapter twenty of part first of the second edition of the revised statutes. To be paid § 26.. The coUector of each town to whom the list that Borofeacii is now required to be made out by the assessors is de- livered, shall pay over the taxes so collected to the supervisor of the town, which shall constitute a town fund for satisfying the damages arising in any year from dogs killing or injuring sheep in such town ; and if there 143 be any residue after satisfying such damage, it shall, after the expiration of one year, be applied to such pur- pose for the benefit of the town as a majority of the electors at their annual town meeting may direct. § 27. The supervisor of the town shall, upon the ap-i,„tyoj plication of any person being a resident and having sheep ™p^'^°''- killed or injured by dogs in said town, pay over the amount of damage appearing by the certificate of the fence viewers, when he shall be satisfied by the affidavit of the owner of the sheep, that the owner or possessor of the dog or dogs can not be discovered. § 28. The collector shall execute and deliver to the cpiiector to . ■■ -■ . give bond. supervisor a bond m double the amount of the taxes to be collected, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duty. § 29. The supervisor is hereby required to account to supervisor the town auditors for moneys received and disbursed by **"^""' ' him in pursuance of this act. § 30. The provisions of any law of this state incon- Repeal, sistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby re- pealed. § 31. The provisions of the act entitled "An act im- Tax in what posing a tax on dogs in the counties of Richmond, Rock- *""° ^' land and Westchester," passed April 25, 1832, are hereby extended to the counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Alle- gany and Cattaraugus. § 32. The taxes hereafter to be levied upon dogs, gowtobe shall be levied and collected at the time and in the man- ner directed in the revised statutes, for the assessment and collection of taxes imposed by the supervisors of the county. § 33. All moneys collected as taxes upon dogs, shall how to be constitute a fund for satisfying damages done by dogs in killing or injuring sheep according to the provisions of the revised statutes ; and if there be any nsidue, after satisfying such damages, it shall, after the expiration of one year from the time of collection, be applied to the support of the poor of the town where the same shall 144 have been collected, or to such other purpose as the inhabitants of the town shall, at their annual town meet- ing direct. Repe.i. § 34. The provisions of any law of this state incon- sistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby re- pealed. § 35. The provisions of the act entitled "An act im- putnam. posiug a tax OH dogs in the counties of Richmond, Rock- land and Westchester," passed April 25, 1832, and the act amending the same, passed April 20, 1835, are hereby extended to the county of Putnam. Act, when § 36. This act shall take effect as a law, whenever the Steccf board of supervisors of the county of Putnam shall, by the votes of a majority of the members elected to the said board, determine that such tax ought to be levied, and not before. Queens § 37. There shall be annually levied and collected in county, ^^Q county of Qneeus the following tax on dogs : Upon every dog of three months old or upwards, other than bitches kept by any one person or family, twenty-five cents ; upon every two dogs kept in the like manner, seventy-five cents ; and upon every additional dog more than two, and upon all bitches kept by the same person or family, the same tax as is provided to be levied and collected by section one, title seventeen, chapter twenty, of part first of the revised statutes, and the same to be applied as provided for in the said statute. Money, to § 38. The sums of money levied and collected in the whom paid, gounty of Queens as a tax on dogs, pursuant to chapter fifty -five of the laws of 1845, shall be paid over by each of the several collectors to the supervisor of their re- spective towns, instead of the county treasurer as now provided by law. And how § 39. The moneys so collected and paid to any super- appued. yjgor, shall constitute a fund for the satisfying such damages as may arise in any year from dogs killing or injuring sheep in the town in which such moneys shall 145 be collected ; and the residue, if any, for tlie use of the poor of such town. § 40. All the provisions of law in relation to the Duty ottte ascertainment, certificate and application for damages, ^^^^^ so far as the same are not inconsistent with this act, shall apply thereto ; but the supervisor to whom any application for damages is made, shall upon the presen- tation of the certificate required by law, and if he shall be satisfied that the owner or possessor of the dog by which any sheep or lamb shall be injured or killed can not be discovered, or that the party injured has failed to recover such damages of such owner or possessor, pay to the applicant the amount of the damages appearing by the certificate of the fence viewers, out of the fund constituted by the second section of this act, and no other. § 41. The taxes hereafter to be levied upon dogs, in Taxes in the. county of Ontario, shall be levied and collected at °^'°* the time and in the manner directed by sections one and two of chapter two hundred and forty-four, of the laws of 1862. (Sees 1 and 4 of this title.) § 42. The collector of each town shall pay over the Duty of the taxes so collected to the supervisor of the town, and the""""''"''" money so collected and paid over shall in each town con- stitute a town fund for paying the damages arising in said town, from dogs killing or injuring sheep ; and such moneys, or the balance thereof, which shall remain in the Application hands of the supervisor of any town for the period of or to™, * one year, may, by a vote of a majority of the electors of any such town, at any town meeting, be appropriated for the purpose of building and repairing roads and bridges, or for the payment of the contingent expenses of such town. § 43. The owner or owners of any sheep or lambs Bu)lI^a,an(* that may be killed or injured by dogs, may apply to a,nymoV^''^ » two fence viewers of the town, who shall inquire into th©^"^*"^* matter, and examine witnesses in relation thereto, for which purpose either of them shall have power to admin- 146 ister oaths, and if they shall be satisfied that the same were killed by dogs, and in no other way, they shall certify such fact, the number of such sheep killed, and the number injured, the value of such sheep killed or injured immediately previous to such killing or injury, together with the value of the sheep after being so killed or injured, together with the amount of their fees. Duties of § 44. Such certificate shall be presented to the board auditors, of town auditors at their annual meeting for auditing town accounts, who shall have the same power in audit- ing or allowing the same as in regard to town accounts, and if such board shall be satisfied by the oath of the person claiming such damages that such claimant has not been able to discover the owner or possessor of the dog or dogs by which such damage was done, or that he has failed to recover his damages of such owner or pos- sessor, they shall give an order on the supervisor of the town for the amount which they shall allow, who shall pay such order out of the funds arising from the pro- visions of this act. inwuatcase § 45. If, after receiving the amount of such damages refund.^ from the supervisor, the owner of the sheep so killed or hurt shall receive or recover the value thereof, from thft owner or possessor of the dog or dogs doing said damage, he shall refund and repay to the supervisor the sum so recovered, for which it shall be the duty of the super- visor of the town to bring an action against such person, in case of his refusal, in his name of office ; which sum, when so received and recovered, shall be returned to said dog fund. Audit of § 46. The supervisor is hereby required to account to accounts, ^j^^ towu auditors for moneys received and disbursed by him in pursuance of this act. Aot^xtoid- § 47. "Whenever the board of supervisors of any counties, county of this state shall, by resolution, declare that the provisions of this act shall be extended and made appli- cable to said county, the provisions of this act shall thereafter be applicable to such county. 147 • By 1 R. S. (6t]i Ed.), sec. 36, sub. 14, p. 874, the boards of supervisors of the several counties, are authorized "To impose a tax on dogs within the several towns, for "the purpose of providing means thereby to pay damages done to sheep by dogs, and to make proper provisions for the enforcement of the payment of such tax." II. ADJUDICATIONS UNDEB THIS STATUTE. Hinckley v. Emerson, '4 Cowen, 351 : Auchmuty v. Ham, 1 Denio, 495 : Loomis V. Terry, 17 Wend., 496 : VanSteenburgh, et al., v. Tobias, 17 Wend., 562: Tifft V. Tifft, 4 Denio, 175 : Buckley v. Leonard, 4 Denio, 500 : Carroll v. Weiler, 4 N. Y. S. C. R., 131 : S. C, 8 N. Y. S. C. R., 605 : Muller V. McKesson, 10 Hun, 44 : Fish V. Skut, 21 Barb., 333 : Wheeler v. Brant, 23 Barb., 324: Leonard v. Wilkins, 9 Johns., 233 : Putnam v. Payne, 13 Johns., 312 : MaxweU v. Palmerton, 21 Wend., 407 : Brill V. Flagler, 23 Wend., 354: Fairchild v. Bently, et al., 30 Barb., 147: Wilbur V. Hubbard, 35 Barb., 303 : Osincup V. Nichols, 49 Barb., 145. Rider v. White, 65 N. Y., 54 : Strang v. Newlin, 38 How., 364. As to turning a horse loose in the streets of a city or village, see Dickson v. McCoy, 39 N. Y., 400. J^HDIDEIsriDA.. jfiLlvdZEZSTDnyHEnSTTS OIF 1S80. CHAPTER 64. AN ACT in relation to the incorporation of Villages. Passed March 15, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Section 1. The charter of no village heretofore incor- porated shall be declared invalid because of a failure to include within the boundaries of said village a mUe square of land ; and all the municipal acts of the trustees or other officers of such village shall be deemed to be valid and binding, and of the same force and effect as if such village corporation had originally included one mile square of land within its boundaries. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 144. AN ACT to amend section five, title three of chapter two hundred and ninety-one, laws of eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act for the incorporation of Villages." Passed April 22, 1880; three-fifths being present. SecTiON 1. Section five, title three of chapter two hundred and ninety-one, laws of eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act for the incorporation of vil- lages," is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 5. The trustees are authorized and empowered to organize a fire department, and provide for the govern- ment and discipline of the same, to consist of one or more engine companies, one or more hook and ladder companies, and one or more hose companies, and one or more protective companies ; to appoint a sufficient num- ber of suitable persons as members, not exceeding sixty to each engine company, and not exceeding forty-five to each hook and ladder company, and not exceeding twenty to each hose company and protective company, with the consent of the persons appointed ; a foreman and assistant foreman for each company shall be chosen by the members of each company in the manner to be directed by the trustees, and subject to their approval and ratification. CHAPTER 172. AN ACT to amend section ninety of chapter four hun- dred and twenty six of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-seven, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of villages." Passed May 6, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Section 1. Section ninety of chapter four hundred and twenty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-seven, entitled "An act to provide for the incorpor- ation of villages," is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 90. When an application in writing, signed by at least one-fourth as many persons entitled to vote for village officers in any incorporated village, as voted for such officers at the next preceding election thereof, shall be made to the trustees of such village to call a meeting of the electors thereof to determine whether the same shall continue to be an incorporated village, such trustees shall call such meeting and preside as inspectors thereat, and the same shall be notified and held, the votes given thereat canvassed, the result declared, and a certificate thereof made and recorded in the same manner, as nearly as practicable, as in case of the election of village officers. The polls at such meeting shall be kept open from ten o' clock in the forenoon to four o' clock in the afternoon ; and every such elector may vote thereat by a ballot having thereon the word "yes" or "no." If a majority of all the ballots given shall have thereon the word "no," the question of disincorporation shall be again submitted to the voters at the first regular village election there- after, provided a period of not less than six months shall intervene between the time of holding such meeting and the first regular village election thereafter ; but if a period of six months shall not intervene between the time of holding such meeting and the first regular village election thereafter, then the question shall be submitted at the second regular village election after the holding of such meeting. The ballots cast on the question of disin- corporation at such regular village elections shall be deposited in a separate box, and shall have thereon the word "yes" or the word "no," and shall be canvassed, the result declared, and a certificate thereof made and recorded in the same manner as in case of the election of village officers. If a majority of all the ballots given shall have thereon the word "no," such village shall, at the expiration of six months from the time of holding such second meeting, cease to be an incorporated village, and within that period such trustees shall call a special meeting of such electors, to direct as to the disposition of the property of such village, and at such meeting such electors may direct such property as shall remain after paying all claims for which such village shall be liable, to be disposed of in such manner as they shall deem proper. At the expiration of the said six months, all the records, books and papers belonging to such village shall be deposited with the town clerk of the town in which the same shall be located, or if located in more than one town, then with the town clerk of one of such towns, whose duty it shall be to preserve the same with the town records and papers of his town, and the super- visor of such town, or if such village is located in more than one town, the supervisors of such towns shall be the trustee or trustees of the property of such village. No suit in which such village shall be a party, nor any claim for or against such village, shall be affected by its ceasing to be an incorporated village. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 204. AN ACT to amend chapter seventy-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, entitled ' 'An act in relation to the bonded indebtedness of villages, cities, towns and counties." Passed May 8, 1880; three-fifths being present. Section 1. Section six of chapter seventy-five of tlie laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, entitled "An act in relation to the bonded indebtedness of villages, cities, towns and counties," is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 6. The city and county of New York, the city of Brooklyn, and the county of Niagara, except the town of Niagara, shall be exempt from the provisions of this act. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 235. AN ACT in relation to the payment of costs on arrest, trial and punishment for crimes and misdemeanors in villages, and in relation to the civil jurisdiction of police justices therein. Passed May 8, 1880 ; three- fifths being present. Section 1. In all cases where parts of two or more towns or parts of two or more counties, or either or both, are included within the limits of any incorporated village within this State, the legal expenses for arrest, trial and punishment for crimes and misdemeanors where, on con- viction, the fine, penalty or forfeiture goes to such village, shall be borne and paid by such village; in all other cases, the legal costs of arrest, trial and punishment, or either, within the jurisdiction of, and entertained by, a police court of such village, shall be borne and paid by the town or county in which such offense was actually committed. § 2. In all cases of imprisonment of persons charged with the commission of any offense, or under sentence or conviction of any offense, within the jurisdiction of any police court of such village, such imprisonment shall be in the county where such offense was actually com- mitted. § 3. The civil jurisdiction of all police justices within any incorporated village of this State, shall be limited to cases in which said village is a party in interest. § 4. All acts or parts of acts, whether general or local, inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. § 5. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 292. AN ACT further to amend chapter two hundred and ninety-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and sev- enty, entitled "An act for the incorporation of vil- lages," and the acts amendatory thereof. Passed May 14, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Section 1. Title three of chapter two hundred and ninety-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act for the incorporation of vUlages," is hereby further amended by adding thereto a section in addition to those added by chapter six hundred and eighty-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy- one, to be numbered section twenty-two, as follows : § 22. Whenever any person owning or occupying lands adjoining a highway within the limits of any vil- lage incorporated under the provisions of this act shall, witXthe consent of the trustees of such village or a 6 majority of them, grade and flag or construct a stone sidewalk within such highway, along the line of such lands so owned or occupied by him of the width of four or more feet, it shall be the duty of said trustees to examine the same when finished, and to credit such owner or occupant therefor so much on account of his assessment for highway tax in said village, as such trus- tees shall deem necessary to pay, not to exceed three- fourths of the actual and necessary expense of con- structing such sidewalk, and to deliver to such owner or occupant their certificate of the amount of such credit ; but such credit shall in no case be less than three dollars per lineal rod for the amount of said walk so constructed and finished. If said trustees find said walk or walks to be of less value than four dollars per lineal rod, then they are to give no credit whatever for the construction of the same. The trustees of such village shall there- after exempt the owner or occupant of such lands from all highway taxes in said village, till the amount of such exemption shall be equal to the sum of the credit for which said certificate was allowed. § 2. This act shall take eflCect immmediately, CHAPTER 305. AN ACT to authorize and facilitate the construction and improvement of sidewalks in the streets of unincor- porated vUlages, and the application of highway labor thereto. Passed May 15, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Section 1. The commissioners of highways of any of the towns in this state may, from time to time, author- ize such part of the highway labor assessed upon the inhabitants and property of any unincorporated village within the limits of any road district, as in their judg- ment is expedient and proper, and not necessary for the maintenance of the highways therein to be performed, or the commutation moneys received therefor, expended by and under the direction of the overseer of highways for sucli district, in th.e construction, repairs, and im- provement of sidewalks within the limits of such village ; and for such purpose may also, from time to time, by writing signed by them, or a majority of them, and filed with the town clerk of such town, authorize such pro- portion of the highway labor of such village as in their judgment is nofc needed for the annual repairs of the highways therein, to be anticipated for one or more years not exceeding three, and thereupon any person or corporation, resident of owning property within such village, and assessed for highway labor in the district in which such village is situated, may, in the year so desig- nated in such order, anticipate his, her or its assessment for highway labor, for such time as he, she or it may see fit within the limits so prescribed by the commissioners, and may perform the labor so anticipated under the direction of such overseer within such year, or commute therefor to such overseer. § 2. It shall be the duty of such overseer to give to such pei^son or corporation, upon the performance of such labor or commutation therefor, a certificate signed by him, showing the number of days' labor so anticipa'ted and worked or commuted for by such person or corpora- tion ; and in each succeeding year, upon presentation of such certificate, such person or corporation shall be credited and allowed by the overseer of highways with the performance of the number of days' labor so assessed to him, her or it for such year, until such credit shall equal the number of days so stated in such certificate to have been anticipated, and shall endorse thereon a statement signed by him showing such credit and allow- ance. § 3. Upon a transfer of any real estate, upon or for which assessments for highway labor may have been so anticipated and worked or commuted for," the certificate mentioned in section two may also be transferred to the grantee of such real estate, and the provisions of said section shall apply thereto, and such certificate shall be 8 operative and have tlie same effect in favor of the then owners of such real estate as in the hands of the original owner thereof ; and upon the death of any person then owning property, real or personal, upon which the high- way labor has been anticipated, such certificate shall in like manner be operative and have the like effect in favor of the devisees, legatees, heirs or personal repre- sentatives of the deceased, who may be the then owners of such property, or any part thereof, and assessed for highway labor thereon. § 4. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 12. AN ACT to amend chapter three hundred and seventeen of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, entitled "An act to amend chapter seventy-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, entitled 'An act in relation to the bonded indebtedness of vil- lages, cities, towns and counties.' " Passed February 14, 1880 ; three fifths being present. Section 1. Section one of chapter three hundred and seventeen of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy- eight, entitled "An act to amend chapter seventy-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, entitled 'An act in relation to the bonded indebtedness of villages, cities, towns and counties,' " is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 1. The present bonded indebtedness of any village, city, town, district of a town, or county, may be paid up or retired by the issuance of bonds of the same amount by the respective officers or boards who were authorized to issue such outstanding bonds ; provided, however, that such new bonds shall only be issued when the existing bonds can be retired or paid by the substi- tution of new bonds or by money realized thereon, in the place and stead of existing bonds, bearing a lower rate of interest than the bonds so authorized to be retired or paid. All bonds taken np by new bonds, or paid under the paid under the provisions of this act, shall be immediately canceled and destroyed ; and a certificate shall be made and filed in the county clerk's office of the bonds destroyed, and, also, of the new bonds issued. This act shall not be so construed as to authorize the issue of new bonds to supercede or pay existing bonds which have been adjudged invalid by the final judgment of a competent court ; and the officers and boards referred to in this act shall include the successors in office of those who originally issued the outstanding bonds. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 27. AN ACT to amend chapter five hundred and fifty-five of the laws of eighteen, hundred and sixty-four, en- titled "An act to revise and consolidate the general acts relating to public instruction." Passed February 23, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Section 1. Section ten of title three of chapter five hundred and fifty -five of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled "An act to revise and consoli- date the general acts relating to public instruction," is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 10. Whenever any school district or separate neigh- borhood shall have been excluded from participation in any apportionment made by the superintendent or by the school commissioners, by reason of its having omitted to make any report required by law, or to comply with any other provision of law, or with any rule or regulation made by the superintendent under the authority of law, and it shall be shown to the superintendent that such omission was accidental or excusable, he may, upon the application of such district or neighborhood, make to it 10 an equitable allowance ; and if the apportionment was made by himself, cause it to be paid out of the contingent fund ; and, if the apportionment was made by the com- missioners, direct them to apportion such allowance to it, at their next annual apportionment, in addition to any apportionment to which it may then be entitled. And the superintendent may, in his discretion, upon the recom- mendation of the school commissioner having jurisdic- tion over the district in default, direct that the money so equitably apportioned shall be paid in satisfaction of teachers' wages earned by a teacher not qualified in ac- cordance with the provisions of the law as hereinafter set forth. § 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. § 3. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 114. AN ACT to exempt certain towns of this state from the provisions of chapter four hundred and thirty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, entitled "An act to amend the Revised Statutes in relation to laying out public roads and the alteration thereof." Passed April 9, 1880 ; three-fifths present. Section 1. All towns of this state whose real estate is assessed, as shown by their last assessment rolls, at an average price of less than five dollars per acre, are here- by exempted from the provisions of chapter four hun- dred and thirty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy -five, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to amend the Revised Statutes in relation to laying out public roads and the alteration thpreof.' " § 2. The commissioners of highways of each of such towns so exempted from the provisions of the aforesaid act shall hereafter, upon written petition of six free- holders of such town praying for the laying out, altera- 11 tioQ or discontinuation of any highway, and within thirty days from the date of such petition, proceed to the laying out, alteration or discontinuation of the road designated therein, and adjust, in the manner provided in the following section, all m,atter of damages arising from such laying out, alteration or discontinuation of road ; and within ten days from the time such highway shall have been so laid out, altered or discontinued and matter of damages relating thereto duly adjusted, said commissioners shall file in the office of the clerk of such town their order therefor containing a correct survey of the laying out, alteration or discontinuation of such road, and a statement of the amount of damages allow- ed for the same; and, thereupon, the proceedings of said commissioners shall be deemed lawful, and any road, or alteration of road so laid out, shall become a highway and remain open to public travel. § 3. The commissioners of highways of such town are authorized to adjust with owner or owners of lands upon which roads shall be laid, out, discontinued or altered as aforesaid, any claim for damages by reason thereof, providing the amount allowed by said commis- sioners for each of such claims shall not exceed fifty dollars ; and any sum so allowed by said commissioners in settlement of such damages claimed as aforesaid, not exceeding the said sum of fifty dollars, shall be a charge against the town in which such roads are located, to be audited by the board thereof ; but whenever any person so entitled to damages by reason aforesaid shall conceive himself aggrieved by the adjustment of such damages as offered by said commissioners, or whenever said com- missioners shall deem the value of such damages to ex- ceed the aforesaid sum of fifty dollars, then said com- missioners shall forth with, apply to any of the justices o. the peace of such town to cause to be drawn, by the usual process of justice court, a jury of six freeholders, , residents of such town, not of kin to the party or parties claiming said damages, nor interested therein, and upon 12 notice of not less than six nor exceeding ten days issued by said justice and duly served upon each of said jurors and each of the parties claiming said damages ; such jury so drawn, constituted, sworn and duly notified shall meet with the said commissioners of highways at the time and place stated in said notice to take a view of the road and premises for which said damages are claimed, to estimate the true nature and value of such daraagefn and give their award -for the same ; and such award duly given in writing, signed by each of said jurors and certi- fied by the said commissioners of highways, shall be deemed a final adjustment of such damages, and the same shall become a lawful charge against the town in which such road is located, to be audited by the board thereof. § 4. Each person acting as juror in the manner pro- vided in the foregoing section shall receive one dollar per day of actual service , and the fees of the justice of the peace and constable for summoning such juries and issuing and serving notices shall be the same as those provided by law for the impanneling of juries by justice, courts and serving of notices therefor, and the same shall be a charge against the town for which such services have been rendered. § 5. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 145. AN ACT to amend section one of chapter four hundred and ninety-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled "An act for the protection of livery-stable keepers and other persons keeping horses at livery or pasture." Passed April 22, 1880 ; three- fifths being present. Section 1. Section one of chapter four hundred and ninety -eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy- two, entitled "An act for the protection of livery-stable 13 keepers and other persons keeping horses at livery or l)asture," is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 1. It shall be lawful for all persons keeping any animals at livery or pasture, or boarding the same for hire, under any agreement with the owner thereof, to detain such animals until all charges under such agree- ment for the care, keep, pasture or board of such animals shall have been paid ; provided, however, that notice in >vriting shall first be given to such owner in person, or at his last known place of residence, of the amount of such charges and the intention to detain such animal or animals until such charges shall be paid ; and such per- sons may at any time maintain an action in any of the courts of this state to enforce such lien and procure a sale of the said animals for the payment of said keeping, pasture and board, and the cost of such action, whenever such sum shall exceed fifty dollars. S 9. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 176. AN ACT concerning tramps. Passed May 5, 1880 ; three-fifths being present.* Section 1. Every tramp, upon conviction as such, shall be punished by imprisonment at hard labor in the nearest penitentiary for not more than six months, the expense during such imprisonment not to exceed one dollar a week per capita, to be paid by the state. § 2. All persons who rove about from place to place begging, and all vagrants living without labor or visible means of support, who stroll over the country without lawful occasion, shall be held to be tramps within the meaning of this act. § 3. Any act of vagrancy by any person not a resi- dent of this state shall be evidence that the person com- *Not returned by the Governor within ten days after It was presented to him, and be- came a law without his signature, May nve, eighteen hundred and eighty. 14 mitting the same is a tramp within the meaning of this act. § 4. Any tramp who shall enter any building against the will of the owner or occupant thereof, under such circumstances as shall not amount to burglary, or will- fully or maliciously injure the person or property of another, which injury under existing law does not amount to a felony, or shall be found carrying any fire- arms or other dangerous weapon, or burglars' tools, or shall threaten to do any injury to any person or to the real or personal property of another, when such offense is not now punishable by imprisonment in the state prison, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and, on con- viction, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison, at hard labor, for not more than three years. § 5. Any person being a resident of the town where the offense is committed may, upon view of any offense described in this act, apprehend the offender and take him before a justice of the peace or other competent authority. § 6. This act shall not apply to any person under the age of sixteen years, nor to any blind person, nor to any person roving within the limits of the county in which he resides. § 7. Any person convicted under this act shall be en- titled to the same commutations of sentence as now pro- vided by law for any prisoners conjmitted to the state prison or penitentiary. § 8. Upon the passage of this act the secretary of state shall cause to be printed copies of this act to be sent to the several town clerks, who shall cause the same to be posted in at least twelve conspicuous places ; six of which shall be in the public highway. § 9. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 186. AN ACT to repress and punish disorderly conduct on 15 Pablic conveyances. Passed May 6, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Section 1. Any person who shall by any offensive or disorderly act, or language, annoy or interfere with the passengers of any public stage, railroad car, ferry boat, or other public conveyance, or who shall disturb or offend the occupants of such stage, car, boat or convey- ance, by any disorderly act, language or display, al- though such act, conduct or display may not amount to an assault or battery, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and any police Justice or justice of the peace of the city or county in which any such acts shall be com- mitted, shall have jurisdiction thereof. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 209. AN ACT to prevent malicious annoyance. Passed May 8, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Sectioit 1. Every person who shall knowingly send or deliver, or shall make, and for the purpose of being delivered or sent, shall part with the possession of, any letter, postal card or writing, with or without a name subscribed thereto, or signed with a fictitious name, or with any letter, mark or other designation, with intent thereby to cause annoyance to any person, or with a view or intent to extort or gain any money or property of any descripljon belonging to another, shall, upon conviction, be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by imprisonment in a couniy jail or penitentiary not exceeding one year, or by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by both such tine and imprisonment. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 210. AN ACT to provide for the dissolution of union free 16 school districts in certain cases. Passed May 8, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Section 1. In any union free school district estab- lished under the laws of this state, it shall be the duty of the board of education, upon the application of fifteen resident tax-payers of such district, to call a special meeting in the manner prescribed by law, for the purpose of determining whether application shall be made in the manner hereinafter provided, for the disso- lution of such union free school district, and for its reor- ganization as a common school district or districts. § 2. Whenever, at any such meeting called and held as aforesaid, it shall be determined by a majority vote of the legal voters present and voting, to be ascertained by taking and recording the ayes and noes, not to dis- solve such union free school district, no other meeting for a similar purpose shall be held in said district within three years from the time the first meeting was held, and whenever, at any such meeting called and held as afore- said, it shall be determined by a two-thirds vote of the legal voters present and voting, to be ascertained by taking and recording the ayes and noes, to dissolve such union free school district, it shall be the duty of the board of education to present to the clerk of the board of supervisors a certified copy of the call, notice and proceedings, and the said clerk shall lay the same before the board of supervisors at their next meeting. If the board of supervisors shall approve of the proceedings of said meeting, the clerk shall certify the same to the board of education. Such approval shall not take effect until the thirtieth day of September next succeeding ; but after that date such district shall cease to be a union free school district. § 3. If any union free school district dissolved under the foregoing provisions shall have been established by the consolidation of two or more districts, it shall be lawful for the board of supervisors to direct that its territory be divided into two or more districts to corres- 17 pond, so far as practicable, with the districts theretofore consolidated. § 4. If there shall be in such dissolved union free school district an academy which shall have been adopted as the academic department of the union free school, under the provisions of title nine, chapter five hundred and fifty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-four, it shall, upon the application of a majority of the sur- viving resident former trustees or stockholders, be trans - ferred by the board of education to said former trustees or stockholders. § 5, The board of supervisors may make its approval of the proceedings of any such meeting held as afore- said conditional upon the payment by the district which has been most greatly benefitted by the consolidation in the way of buildings and other improvements to the other district or districts into which the said union free school district is divided, of such sum or sums of money as they may deem equitable. § 6. All moneys remaining in the hands of the treas- urer of the union free school district when the order of dissolution shall take effect shall be apportioned equita- bly among the several districts into which such union free school district is divided, and shall be paid over to the collectors of such districts when they shall have been elected and have qualified according to law. § 7. The district or districts formed by the dissolu- tion of such union free school district shall hold its or their annual meeting or meetings on the second Tuesday of October next after the dissolution of such union free school district, and shall elect officers as now required by law. § 8. If the board of supervisors shall not approve the proceedings of any such meeting held as aforesaid, for the purpose of dissolving a union free school district, no other meeting shall be held in such district for a similar purpose within three years from the time the first meet- ing was held. 18 § 9. Whenever the proceedings of a meeting held as aforesaid for the purpose of dissolving a union free school district, shall have been approved by the board of supervisors and shall have been certified by the clerk of said board to the board of education, it shall be the duty of the board of education ot the district affected, forthwith to notify the superintendent of public instruc- tion, and to furnish him copies of the call, notice, pro- ceedings of the meeting, and proceedings of t)ie board of of supervisors taken thereon. CHAPTER 308. AN ACT to amend chapter sixteen of part one of ihe Revised Statutes, in relation to highways and bridges. Passed May 15, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Section 1. Section thirteen of article one, title one, chapter sixteen of part one of the Revised Statutes, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 13. If any overseer shall be employed more days in executing the several duties enjoined on him by this chapter than he is assessed to work on the highway, he shall be paid for the excess at the rate of twelve and a half cents per hour for each day, and be allowed to retain the same out of the moneys which may come into his hands for fines under this chapter, but he shall not be permitted to commute for the days he is assessed. § 2. Section thirty-five of said chapter is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 35. Every person liable to work on the highways shall work the whole number of days for which he shall have been assessed, but every such person other than an overseer may elect to commute for the same, or |or some part thereof, at the rate of twelve and a half cents per hour for each day, in which case such commutation money shall be paid to the overseer of highways of the district in which the person commuting shall reside, to 19 be applied' and expended by such overseer in the im- provement of the roads and bridges in the same district. § 3. Section thirty-eight of said chapter is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 38. Every person assessed to work on the highways and warned to work, may appear in person, or by an able-bodied man as a substitute, and the person or sub- stitute so appearing shall actually work eight hours in each day, unless such person be assessed one dollar and twenty-five cents or more, when such person or his sub- stitute shall be allowed to actually work ten hours in each day, under the penalty of twelve and a half cents for every hour such person or substitute shall be in de- fault, to be imposed as a fine on the person assessed. § 4. Section thirty-nine of said chapter is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 39. If any such person or his substitute shall, after appearing, remain idle or not work faithfully, or hinder others from working, such offender shall, for every offense, forfeit at the rate of twelve and a half cents an hour for each day. § 5. Section forty of said chapter is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 40. Every person so assessed and duly notified who shall not commute, and who shall refuse or neglect to appea.r as above provided, shall forfeit, for every day's refusal or neglect, at the rate of twelve and a half cents an hour for each day. If he was required to furnish a team, carriage, man or implements, and shall refuse or neglect to comply, he shall be fined as follows : 1. For wholly omitting to comply with such requisi- tion, three dollars for each day of eight hours, and three dollars and seventy-five cents for each day of ten hours. 2. For omitting to furnish a cart, wagon or plough, one dollar for each day of eight hours, and one dollar and twenty five cents for each day of ten hours. 3. For omitting to furnish a pair of horses or oxen, 20 one dollar for each day of eight hours, and one dollar and twenty-five cents for each day of ten hours. 4. For omitting to furnish a man to manage the team, one dollar for each day of eight hours, and one dollar and twenty, five cents for each day of ten hours. § 6. Section forty-five of said chapter is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 4*5. Every penalty collected for a refusal or neglect to appear and work on the highways shall be set off against the assessment upon which it was founded, esti- mating all moneys collected as a satisfaction at the rale of twelve and a half cents an hoar for each day. § 7. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 422. AJN AVJX to amend chapter two hundred and ninety-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act for the incorporation of villages ;" also chap- ter eight hundred and seventy of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, entitled "An act to amend an act for the incorpcHration of villages." Passed May 26, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Section 1. Section four of title three of chapter two hundred and ninety-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act for the incorporation of villages," is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 4. The trustees shall have power to compel the owners and occupants of land or lots in front of and ad- joining which a sidewalk is to be made or repaired, to make such improvements upon the sidewalk in front of said land or lot, to determine and prescribe the manner of doing the same, and the materials to be used therein, and the quality or kind of such materials ; and in case the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of any such land or lot shall neglect or refuse to complete the said required improvements within such reasonable time as shall be required by the trustees, the said trustees may 21 cause such improvement to be made or completed, an^ the expense thereof may be by them assessed on such owner or owners so neglecting or refusing, and be col- lected by warrant issued by the president and trustees, as other taxes are directed to be collected by this act ; and in case such tax or assessment shall not be paid or collected, the trustees may cause such real estate to be leased, or the owner thereof to be sued for payment and collection of such tax, and the costs and expenses arising from non-payment, in the manner and with the effect and subject to the provisions of this act in regard to the collection of taxes and assessments, by leasing of real estate or by action at law against the person liable. But nothing in this section shall be so construed as to pre- vent the trustees from making expenditures of money raised under section six of title four of this act, in and toward the construction, alteration or repair of sidewalks in such village, whenever and wherever they may deem the same more for the benefit of all the inhabitants of such village than for such adjoining owners or occupants ; provided, that such last mentioned expenditures for sidewalks shall not exceed in any one year the sum of five hundred dollars, unless the tax-payers of such vil- lage, at a meeting specially called for that purpose, upon ten days' notice, at which at least thirty tax- payers shall be present, shall authorize, by resolution, a larger expenditure. The resolution adopted at such meeting, duly authenticated, shall be placed with the records of such village, entered on the minutes of the trustees. § 2. Section six of title four of the said act, as amend- ed by chapter eight hundred and seventy of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, is hereby further amended so as to read as follows : § 6. In addition to the amount raised by the trustees for "ordinary expenditures," the trustees shall have power, in any one year, in addition to the poll tax, to raise by tax such sum as they may deem necessary, not 22 exceeding in any one year the amount of one per centum on the assessed valuation of such village, to be denomi- nated a highway tax, to work and improve the roads, avenues, streets, public squares and parks, lanes, side- walks and crosswalks of said village, on all persons and incorporated companies owning property and estate, real and personal, in said village, to be assessed and col- lected as all other taxes are, by the provisions of this act. The money so raised, with the proceeds of the poll tax, shall be devoted to the purposes expressed in this section, and kept apart as a separate and distinct fund, by the treasurer. § 3. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 434. AN ACT to authorize cities and incorporated villages to charge license fees to persons doing business on the canals of this state. Passed May 27, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Sectiok 1. It shall hereafter be lawful for the com- mon council of any city and the trustees of any incor- porated village in this state, to charge and collect a license fee from all persons doing a retail business in the sale of goods of any description, except products of the farm and unmanufactured products of the forest, from canal boats in the canals of this state, or from the lands by the side of said canals, and within the boundary lines thereof, within the limits of such cities or villages. The common council of such cities and the trustees of such villages shall have power to fix the amount to be charged for such licenses at such sum as in their discre- tion they may deem just. They shall also have power to enforce the collection of such license fees in the same manner as they are now severally authorized by law to enforce the collection of other license fees which they are authorized to impose. They shall also have power 23 ^to adopt by-laws or ordinances to prevent any person making any such sale without first obtaining such license, and to punish any violation thereof by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, the offender to be imprisoned in the county jail until such fine be paid, not exceeding six months. § 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. § 3. Nothing in this act contained shall be held or construed to conflict in any manner with the provisions of title four of chapter seventeen of part one of the Re- vised Statutes. § 4. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 455. AN ACT to amend chapter five hundred and fiifty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-four, en- titled "An act to revise and consolidate the general acts relating to public instruction." Passed May 27, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Section 1. Section seventy-seven of chapter five hun- dred and fifty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty -four, entitled "An act to revise and consolidate the general acts relating to public instruction," is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 77. Out of any moneys in the county treasury raised for contingent expenses the treasurer shall pay to the trustees the amount of the taxes so returned as un- paid, and if there are no moneys in the treasury appli- cable to such purpose, the board of supervisors, at the time of levying said unpaid taxes, as provided in the next section, shall pay to the trustees of the school dis- trict, the amount thereof by voucher or draft on the county treasurer in the same manner as other county charges are paid. 24 CHAPTER 448. AN ACT in relation to uncollected taxes in the several towns and wards of this state. Passed May 27, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Section 1. When the tax imposed by a board of supervisors, npon any resident tax payer in the several counties, shall be returned by the collector of any town or ward as unpaid, for want of goods and chattels to satisfy the same, the treasurer of the county in which such taxes are so returned shall add interest to the same at the rate of eight per centum per annum, until the same is returned by said treasurer to the comptroller, which sum so added shall be a lien upon the property assessed, in the same manner and to the same extent as the tax levied by the said board of supervisors. This act shall not apply to any county having a special pro vision of statute on this subject. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER, 496. AN ACT to amend chapter two hundred and ninety-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act for the incorporation of villages." Passed May 28, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Section 1. Section fifteen of title two of chapter two hundred and ninety-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled "An act for the incorpora- tion of villages," is herebv amended so as to read as follows : § 15. Elections of elective officers of the corporation, after the first election of officers, shall be held annually on the third Tuesday of March, at one o'clock in the afternoon, and continue till sunset, at such place as shall be designated by the trustees, or a majority of them ; at 25 least six days' notice shall be given by the trustees, or a majority of them, prior to said election, by posting notices in six conspicuous places in the village, by the clerk, or some one appointed by the trustees, if there is no clerk. In case the trustees neglect to appoint a place, the election shall be held at the place of the last, preced- ing annual election. But any village incorporated under the provisions of this act, may change the date on which such election shall be annually held to some other day ; provided, however, that such change shall not be made unless upon the written application of the voters repre- senting a majority of the taxable property of such vil- lage, directed to the board of trustees of such village, requesting the said board to submit the question of such change to a vote of the duly qualified voters of such village ; upon the presentation of such application to such board of trustees, it shall be the duty of such board to cause written or printed notices of such election to be posted up in at least six conspicuous public places in such village, stating the object of such election and the date and time on which the same shall be held, which time shall not be less than thirty days nor more than sixty days from the time of posting such notices. Suit- able ballots for such election shall be prepared under the direction of the board of trustees of such village. The said board of trustees shall preside at such election, shall canvass the votes cast, shall declare the result thereof and shall file a certificate thereof, signed and sworn to by them, in the office of the village clerk in such village. If a majority of all the votes cast shall be in favor of such change to another day than that named herein, then and in that case such annual election shall thereafter be held in such village on the day speci- fied by a majority of the voters of such village. § 3. This act shall take effect immediately. 26 CHAPTER 322. AN ACT to Establish, a State Board of Health. Passed May 18, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Section 1. Within twenty days after the passage of this act, the governor shall appoint, by and with the ad- vice and consent of the senate, three state commissioners* of health, two of whom shall be graduates of legally constituted medical colleges and of not less than seven years' practice of their profession. The said commis- sioners together with the attorney -general, the superin- tendent of the state survey and the health officer of the port of New York, who shall be ex-officio members of the state board of health, and three other persons to be des- ignated and appointed by the governor, one of whom shall be a commissioner of health of the board of health of the city of New York, and the others shall be mem- bers or commissioners of health of regularly constituted and organized boards of health of cities of the state shall constitute the board of health of the state of New York. Nothing in chapter three hundred and thirty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy- three of the state of New York or in the laws amending the same, or in the laws constituting boards of health in the various cities of the state, shall be read or construed to prevent the appointment of the said commissioners of board of health of cities also members of the board of health of the state of New York, and no appointment to an office or acceptance thereof under this law, shall be held to vacate the office previously held in any board of health of any city in this state. § 2. The said three commissioners so appointed shall take the oath of ofiice prescribed by the constitution for state officers, and receive from the secretary of state certificates of their appointment. They shall hold office for three years, and whenever a vacancy occurs, the place shall be filled as in other cases provided by law, and the other commissioners shall, from time to time, be designa- ted by the governor as occasion may require, or as their 27 places may be vacated in the board by tlie expiration of tlie several terms of office. § 3. The state board of health shall meet at least once in every three months and as much oftener as they shall deem necessary, their first meeting being held in the city of Albany within two weeks after the appoint- * ment duly made of the members of the first board and after they shall have qualified as aforesaid, and each annual meeting shall be held within two weeks after the first of May each year after the first, as herein provided. No member of the board except the secretary shall receive any compensation, but the actual traveling and other ex- penses of the members and officers of said board while en- gaged in their duties shall be allowed and paid out of the appropriation made for its support. They shall elect an- nually one member of the board to be president; they shall also elect from among their own members or otherwise, a person of skill and experience in public health duties and sanitary science, to be the secretary and executive offi- cer of said board, who shall have all the powers and priv- ileges of a member of the board except in regard to voting upon matters relating to his own office and duties as secretary, and he shall hold said office for the term of three years, but he may be removed for cause after a full hearing by the board, a majority of the members voting therefor. § 4. The state board of health may adopt by-laws regulating the transaction of its business, and provide therein for the appointment of committees to whom 'it shall delegate authority and power for the work commit- ted to them, and it may also adopt and use an official seal. Five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. § 5. The secretary shall keep a record of the acts and proceedings of the board, perform and superintend the work prescribed in this act, and such other duties as the board may order, and shall receive an annual salary of three thousand dollars, which shall be paid him in the 28 same manner as the salaries of other state officers are paid, and such necessary expenses shall be allowed him as the comptroller shall audit on the presentation of an itemized account having vouchers annexed, together with the certificate of the board. § 6. Said board shall take cognizance of the interests of health and life among the people of the state, they shall make inquiries in respect to the causes of disease, and especially of epidemics, and investigate the sources of mortality, and the effects of localities, employments and other conditions upon the public health. It shall be the duty of said board to obtain, collect and preserve such information relating to deaths, diseases and health as may be useful in the discharge of its duties, and con- tribute to the. promotion of the health or the security of life in the state of New York. And it shall be the duty of all health officers and boards of health in the state to communicate to said state board of health copies of all their reports and publications ; also such sanitary infor- mation as may be useful. § 7. It shall be the duty of the state board of health to have the general supervision of the state system of registration of births, marriages and deaths, and also the registration of prevalent diseases. Said board shall pre- pare the necessary methods and forms for obtaining and preserving such records, and to insure the faithful reg- istration of the same in the several counties, and in the central bureau of vital statistics at the capitol of the state. The said board of health shall recommend such forms and amendments of law as shall be deemed to be necessary for the thorough organization and efficiency of the registration of vital statistics throughout the state. The secretary of said board of health shall be the super- intendent of registration of vital statistics of the state. As supervised by the said board, the clerical duties and safe-keeping of the bureau of vital statistics thus created shall be provided for by the comptroller of the state, ' who shaU also provide and furnish such apartments and 29 stationery as said board shall require in the discharge of its duties. And the state board of health shall also pre- pare the necessary methods and forms and prescribe the rules regulating the issue and use of transfer permits, with the proper coupons attached thereto, to be issued by local organized boards of health, for the transportation of the dead bodies of persons which are to be carried for burial beyond the limits of the counties where the death occurs; and in all cases the said state board of health shall require coupons to be attached to such permits, to be detached and preserved by every common carrier, or the person in charge of any vessel, or rail- road train or vehicle to whom such dead bodies shall be delivered for transportation. Any violation of such rules and regulations shall be a misdemeanor. § 8. At any time the governor of the state tnay i'e- quire the state board of health to examine into nuisances^ or questions affecting the security of life and health in any locality, and in such case the said board shall have all necessary powers to make such examinations^ and it shall report the results thereof to the goveirnor within the limits of time which he shall prescribe for such ex- amination and report. The report of such examination when approved by the governor, shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state, and the governor may, in relation to the matters or things found and certified by the state board of health to be nuisances, declare them to be public nuisances, and order them to be changed as he shall direct, or abated and removed. Any violation of such an order shall be held and punished as a misde- meanor, and thereafter the governor may by his order, in writing, certified under his official seal, directed to the officers of the county in which the said nuisance shall be situated, require the district attorney, the sheriff and the other officers of every such county, to take all neces- sary measures to execute and to have obeyed the order of the governor. i § 9. At any time at the request of the state board of 30 health, or whenever the governor shall as hereinbefore provided have directed an examination and report to be made by the state board of health into any alleged nuisance, any board of health of any city of the state may appoint and select any one of its officers as its rep- resentative, during such examination of any nuisance, and such representative officer shall have a seat at, and be entitled to take part in, all the deliberations of the state board of health, during such investigation, but without the right to vote. § 10. Said board may, from time to time, engage suitable persons to render sanitary service and to make or supervise practical and scientific investigations and examinations requiring expert skill, and to prepare plans and report relative thereto. And it is hereby made the duty of all officers and agents having the control, charge or custody of any public structure, work, ground or erection, or of any plan, description, outlines, draw- ings or charts thereof, or relating thereto, made, kept or controlled under any public authority, to permit and facilitate the examination and inspection, and the making of copies of the same by any officer or person by said board authorized ; and the members of said board, and such other officer or person as may at any time be by said board authorized, may, without fee or hindrance, enter, examine and survey all grounds, erections, vehi- cles, structures, apartments, buildings and places. But no more than five thousand dollars in any one year shall be expended for such special sanitary service. § 11. It shall be the duty of said board, on or before the first Monday of December in each year, to make a report in writing to the governor of the state, upon the vital statistics and the sanitary condition and prospects of the state ; and such report shall set forth the action of said board and of its officers and agents, and the names thereof, for the past year, and may contain other useful information, and shaU suggest any further legis- lative action or precautions deemed proper for the better 31 protection of life and health. And the annual report of said board shall also contain a detailed statement of the comptroller of all money paid out by or on account of said board, and a detailed statement of the manner of its expenditure, during the year last past, but its total ex- penditures shall not exceed the sum of fifteen thousand dollars in any one year. § 12. The sum of fifteen thousand dollars is hereby appropriated from the general fund for the purposes of this act, and the expenditures properly incurred by au- thority of said board, and verified by affidavit, subject, however, to the limitations hereinbefore imposed, and shall be paid by the treasurer upon the warrant of the comptroller. § 13. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 513. AN ACT to amend chapter four hundred and eighty-two of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy -five, en- titled "An act to confer on boards of supervisors fur ther powers of local legislation and administration, and to regulate the compensation of supervisors." Passed May 29, 1880 ; three-fifths being present. Sectiok 1. • Chapter four hundred and eighty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy -five, entitled "An act to confer on boards of supervisors further pow- ers of local legislation and administration, and to regu- late the compensation of supervisors," is hereby amend- ed by adding thereto the lollowing additional subdivis- ions to section one of said act : Registkation of Makeiages, Bikths and Deaths. 31. To provide for the registration, in the clerk's office in each town and village in the county, of every mar- riage, birth and death which may occur in said town or village ; such registration to be made upon the report, 32 within three days of the event, of the attending clergy- - man, magistrate or physician. Such registration to be made in books of record, properly bound, lettered, paged, ruled, printed, indexed and prepared for the pur- pose, and furnished whenever necessary, and upon a written demand of the said clerk, by the board of super- visors to each town or village ; the expense of which books shall be a proper county charge, to be paid for as a charge in the general expenses of the county. Such books shall be so ruled and printed that sufficient space shall be had between the lines and columns of each page thereof, to clearly and fully record the date, name, resi- dence, locality, giving the street and number if possible, age, and disease of each person dying ; and the name or names, color, age and nationality of every person mar- ried, and the date thereof ; and the name or names of the parent or parents, together with the sex, color, date and place of birth of each child so born. 32. To provide by ordinance, rule, resolution or reg- ulation for the non-removal of any dead body to any place without the limits of the said county, or to pre- vent the bringing to or within the limits of said county of any dead body by any railroad or steamboat corpo- ration, or by any express company or common carrier, or by any other person or persons or corporations what- soever ; or the burial or interment of any dead body within the said county without a burial permit first being had and obtained ; such permit to be based upon a medical certificate of the cause of death, or upon a coroner' s inquest, or, in case where no medical certificate can be obtained, and no coroner's inquest has been held or required by law, such permit may be granted upon affidavit, duly verified by some person or persons known to the office granting such permit, stating the circum- stance, time and cause of death, as nearly as the same can be ascertained, and to be issued by the clerk or a justice of the peace or police justice of the town or vil- lage in which such death occurs, or where such burial or 33 interment is to be made, and to be recorded by him. To provide books and blank forms of permits and of medical certificates, properly printed and ruled for use for such purposes as aforesaid, and to be furnished and paid for as is provided for the books required in the next preceding section hereto. Such books and such permits shall in each case, contain the name of the per- son or corporation to whom such permit of removal or of burial is given. Any willful non-observance or diso- bedience of any rules, ordinances, regulations, or reso lutions of said board of supervisors, made in accordance with the powers hereby granted, shall be deemed a mis- demeanor, and be punishable as such. 33. To fix the amount and provide for the payment of the registration fees in all such cases as aforesaid, and to provide for obtaining copies of such records and for the amount and payment of fees for such copies. Such copies duly attested by said town or village clerk shall be, adnditted in all the courts of this state as prima facie evidence of the facts therein set forth. 34. To establish a fire district in any unincorporated village in this state, and to authorize such district to procure a supply of water, and to purchase apparatus for the extinguishment of fires therein, upon the appli- cation of thirty residents and freeholders of the pro- posed district ; and to provide for the assessment, levy and collection of the cost thereof upon such district, in the same manner, at the same time, and by the same oflBcers as the taxes of the town in which such village is located are assessed, levied and collected. 35. To provide for and use all necessary means for the prevention of, and to prevent the spread of all infec- tious and contagious diseases, and for the payment of all expenses necessarily incurred therefor. § 3. This act shall take effect immediately. 34 CHAPTER 576. AN ACT to ascertain by proper proofs the citizens who shall be entitled to the right of suffrage in cities of sixteen thousand inhabitants or upwards, and the towns and villages abutting against the boundary of any such cities. Passed June 22, 1880 ; three- fifths being present. Section 1. The inspectors of election in each of the cities of the state, whose population exceed sixteen thou- sand, and in each of the towns whose boundary line shall abut against any such city, shall meet annually on the Tuesday three weeks preceding the general election, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, at the place designated for holding the poll of said election, and organize them- selves as a board for "the purpose of registering the names of the legal voters of such district, and for this purpose they shall appoint one of their number chair- man of the board, who shall administer to the other in- spectors the oath or affirmation as prescribed by the con- stitution, and the same oath shall then be administered to the chairman by one of the other inspectors. The said board shall then proceed to make a list of all per- sons c^ualified and entitled to vote at the ensuing election, in the election district of which they are inspectors. Said list when completed shall constitute and be known as the register of electors of said district. The said in- spectors, at their first meeting on Tuesday, three weeks preceding the general election, shall have the power, if necessary to sit two days for the purpose of making said list, provided that at the annual election next prior to said meeting, the number of voters in the district of which they are inspectors exceeded four hundred. No person shall be eligible as such inspector, unless he shall be a qualified voter within such election district, nor unless he can read, write and speak the English language understandingly. No building or part of a building shall be designated or used as a place of registry or poll- 35 ing place in which, or any part of which, spirituous or intoxicating liquor is or has been sold within sixty days preceding the time of using the same. The said inspec- tors of election and registry shall also form a board of inspectors of election for the purpose of holding an election, by appointing one of their number as chair- man ; but it shall not be necessary for them to take any other or further oath of oflBce than is herein provided for. The several officers of inspectors of registry and elections herein named are, and shall be in all courts and proceedings deemed and held respectively to be election district officers. It shall be the duty of the said inspec- tors, respectively, to be in constant attendance during the hours allotted for the discharge of their several duties, and any inspector who shall willfully absent him- self from his duties shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty -five dollars or more than one hundred dollars. § 2. Said registers shall each contain a list of the per- sons qualified and entitled to vote in said election dis- trict, alphabetically arranged according to their respec- tive surnames, so as to show in one column the names at full length, and in another column, in incorporated vil- lages, the residence by the number of dwelling, if there be a number, and the name of the street or other loca- tion of dwelling-place of each person. It shall be the duty of said inspectors to enter in said list the names of all persons residing in their election district where names appear on the poll-list kept in said district at the last preceding general election ; and in all villages which come under the provisions of this act, to enter the num- ber of the dwelling and name of street or other location, if the same shall be known to or can be ascertained by such inspectors, and for such purpose said inspectors are authorized to take from the office in which they are filed the poll-list made and filed by the inspectors of such district at the general election held next prior to 36 the making of such register. In case a new election dis- trict shall be formed, the said inspectors shall enter in the list the names of such persons entitled to vote in the new election district, whose names appear upon the poll- list of the last general election kept in the district oi' districts from which said new election district is formed. The said inspectors shall complete, as far as practicabl-^, the said register on the day of their maturing aforesaid, and shall make four copies thereof, and certify. the reg- ister and each of the copies to be a true list of the voters in their district, as far as the same are known to them ; within two days thereafter the said original list, together with the list taken from the office as aforesaid, shall be filed by said inspectors in the office of the town clerk of the town, and in the office of the village clerk in which such election distiii-t may be. One copy of said list shall, immediately after its completion, be posted in some conspicuous place in the room in which such meeting shall be held, and be accessible to any elector who may desire to examine the same or make copies thereof. § 3. The said board of inspectors shall meet on the Friday of the week preceding the day of general elec- tion, in their respective election districts, at the place designated for holding the polls of election, for the pur- pose of revising and correcting said list ; and for this purpose they shall meet at nine o'clock in the forenoon, and remain in session until seven o'clock in the afternoon of that day ; and they shall there revise, correct, add to, and substract from, and complete the said lists ; and shall on that day add to the said list the names of any person who would, on the first Tuesday of November, be entitled, under the provisions of the constitution and the laws of this state, to exercise the right of suffrage in their respective election districts. But in making such addition on that day, or on any prior day, they shall not place on the said list the name of any person except in strict compliance with the provisions of section 37 two and section four hereof, and the other provisions of this act. § 4. The proceedings of said board of inspectors shall be open, and all persons residing and entitled to vote in said district shall be entitled to be heard by said inspectors in relation to corrections or additions to said register. One of the lists so kept by said inspectors as aforesaid shall be used by them on the day for making corrections or additions for the purpose of complpting the registry for such district. No addition shall be made to the said register of the name of any person nor sliall the name of any person be placed thereon except of one who shall have appeared in person before the said board; and any person not born in the United States, on applying to have his name placed on the reg- istry, shall prove that he is a citizen of the United States, by producing a certificate of naturalization from a court of competent jurisdiction ; or, in case of loss of such certificate, he shall show to the satisfaction of the board of registry that he is a naturalized citizen. § 5. It shall be the duty of said inspectors, at their meeting for revising and correcting said list, to erase therefrom the name of any person inserted therein who shall be proved to the satisfaction of said inspectors to be a non-resident of said district, or otherwise not en- titled to vote in said district at the election then next to be held. Any elector residing in said district, and enti- tled to vote therein, may appear before said board of inspectors and require his name to be recorded on said alphabetical list, and upon complying with the require- ments of this act, the same shall be recorded. Any per- son so requiring his name to be entered on said list shall make- the same statement as to the street or number thereof, and where he resides, required by the provisions of this act of persons offering their votes at the election, and shall be subject to the same pains and penalties for refusing to give such information, or for falsely giving the same, and shall be' also subject tc challenge, either 38 by the inspectors or either of them, or by any other elector whose name appears upon said alphabetical list, and the same oath may be administered as to persons offering to vote at an election. § 6. After said list shall have been fully completed, the said inspectors shall cause six copies of the same to be made, each of which shall be certified by them to -be a correct list of the voters of their district, one of which shall be filed in the office of the town clerk of towns, and of the clerk of the village and in the office of the county clerk of the county, and one of which copies shall be retained by each of the said inspectors. It shall be the duty of the said inspectors carefully to preserve the said list for their use on election day, and to desig- nate one of their number, or one of the clerks, at the opening of the polls, to check the names of every voter voting in such district, whose name is on the register ; and no vote shall be received at any annual election in this state, unless the name of the person offering to vote be on the said registry, made and completed as herein- before provided, preceding the election ; and any person whose name is on the registry may be challenged, and the same oaths shall be put as are now prescribed by law. This section shall be taken and held by every judi- cial or other tribunal as mandatory and not as directory. And any vote which shall be received by the said in- spector of election in contravention of this section shall be void, and shall be rejected from the count in any leg- islative or judicial scrutiny into any result of the elec- tion. § 7. The clerks at each poll, in addition to the duties now prescribed by law, shall enter on the poll-list kept by them, in columns prepared for that purpose, opposite the name of each person voting, the same statement or minute as hereinafter required of inspectors, in making the registry ; but such entry is not to be made by them if the registry contains correctly the name and residence of such voter. Every elector, at the time of offering his 39 vote, shall, if required, truly state the street in which he resides ; and if the house, lodging or tenement, in which he resides is numbered, the number thereof, and the clerks of the polls shall truly enter in the appropriate column of the poll -list opposite the name of the elector, the street in which the elector resides and the number in case the house, lodging or tenement, is numbered ; and if the same is not numbered, then the clerks shall enter "not n,umbered" in the column of the poll-list for enter- ing the ntimber, and in case of refusal to make the state- ment aforesaid, the vote of such elector shall not be re- ceived. Any person who shall willfully make any false statemenb in relation thereto shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction, be punished with a fine of fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail of the county, where such voter offers to vote, for a period of, ten days, or by both such fine and imprisonment § 8. After the canvass of the votes, the said poll-list and said register so kept and checked as aforesaid shall be attached together, and shall on the following day, be filed in the town clerk's office of the town in which said district shall be, and in case the district is in a village, in the oflice of the clerk of such village, and, also, in the county clerk's office of the county, to be used by the inspectors in making the list of voters at t^e next gen- eral election. § 9. The said board may, if necessary, on the day or days of the making and the correction of such list, ap- point a clerk to assist them in the discharge of the duties required by this act ; and the same oath shall be taken by such clerk as is required by law of clerks of the polls and of elections. § 10. The registers shall, at all times, be open to public inspection at the oflice of the authorities in which they shall be deposited, without charge. § 11. The members of the board of registration and their clerks shall each receive the same compensation as 40 is now allowed by law for inspectors of elections, for each day actually employed in making and completion of the registry, to be paid to them at the time and in the manner in which they are paid their other fees. The necessary blanks and instructions, and other incidental expenses, incurred in executing the provisions of this act, shall be provided and paid for in the manner now provided for the payment of incidental expenses of elec tion of the like character. § 12. The said board shall have and exercise the same powers in preserving order at their meetings under this act, as are given to inspectors of election for preserving order on election days. § 13. Any one of the inspectors may, at any author- ized meeting of the board, administer the oath or oaths now required by law to test the qualification of electors, and may also administer on the day of the making and completioa of the list, to any elector of the district who may be offered as a witness to prove the qualificatiom of any person claiming the right to be registered, the fol- lowing oath : "You do swear, or affirm, that you are an elector of this election district ; that you will fully and truly answer all such questions as shall be put to yon touching the place of residence and other qualifications as an eleector of the person now claiming the right to be registered as a voter in this district." And whoever shall willfully swear falsely upon such examination shall be deemed guilty of perjury. § 14. Any person who shall cause his name to be reg- istered in more than one election district, or who shall cause his name to be registered, knowing that he is not a qualified voter, in the town or district where said regis- try is made, or who shall falsely personate any register- ed voter, and any person causing any such act, or aiding or abetting any person in any manner in either of said acts, shall be punished for each and every offense, by imprisonment in the state prison for not less than one year. All false swearing before said board of registra- 41 tion shall be deemed willful and corrupt perjury, and on conviction punished as such. If any member or officer of said board shall willfully violate any of the provisions of this act, or be guilty of any fraud in the execution of the duties of his office, he shall be punish- ed for each and every offense by imprisonment in the state prison for not less ttian one year. , § 15. The same list required to be made and perfected at general elections shall, in the same manner, be made and perfected by the .inspectors or other officers of election at all elections for town and village officers, and all elections for school trustees, or boards of education, in any village wherein under the provisions of law, any of the villages mentioned in this act elect school trustees or boards of education by ballot ; and the provisions and requirements of this act, so far as the same may be, are made applicable to such elections, except that the officers required to make such registries shall meet for for that purpose on the Friday preceding the town or , village charter election, and on the Friday preceeding the election for school officers for the purpose of making Tip, revising, correcting and completing such register. § 16. The secretary of state shall cause this law to be printed, and a sufficient number of copies thereof sent to the county clerks of the several counties in which there are towns aijd villages which come under the pro- visions of this act to supply each of the officers men- tioned or named in this act, with a copy, and it shall be the duty of the said county clerks immediately to trans- mit a copy of the same to each of the election officers mentioned in this act § 17. Nothing in this act contained shall be held to apply to any vote cast, or offered to be cast, nor to any vote under or by virtue of the provisions of any law enacted to enable qualified electors of this state, absent therefrom in the military service of the United States, or in the army or navy thereof, to vote. . 42 § 18. The provisions of this act shall apply to the towns of Richmond county. § 19. This act shall not apply to any town unless at least twenty -five electors thereof sha,ll petition the super- visor of said town for such registry, at least one week before the time for meeting of the inspectors mentioned in the third section of this act, which petition shall be immediately filed by said supervisor in the town clerk's office of said town, which clerk shall at once notify the said inspectors ; nor shall this act be construed to repeal or in any manner interfere with any general or special act for a registry of voters in any of the cities, villages or towns, of this state. § 20. No vote shall be received at any general election in this state, unless the name of the person offering to vote be on the said registry made on the Friday preced- ing the election, except that the person offering to vote in any district not in an incorporated city nor in an in- corporated village having over ten thousand inhabitants, shall furnish to the board of inspectors his affidavit giv- ing his reasons for not appearing on the day for correct- ing and verifying the list, and prove by the oath of a householder of the district in which he offers his vote that he knows such person to be an inhabitant of the district ; and any person whose name is on the registry may be challenged, and the same oaths shail be put as are prescribed by law. At any general election hereafter held in this state, any of the inspectors of such election may take the affidavit herein required by law to be fur- nished by persons offering to vote whose names are not on the registry of electors ; and such inspectors, or one of them, shall, upon request, take and certify such affi- davit without fee or reward. All other officers author- ized by law to take affidavits shall at all times, upon re- quest, take and certify any affidavit so required to be furnished as aforesaid, without any charge therefor. § 21. This act shall take effect immediately. 43 STRAYS UPON HIGHWAYS, ETC. AMENDMENTS BY THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. Subdivision V, Chap, vi, of this work, has been amended by the Code of Civil Procedure, since it was incorpor- ated into this work. We here give the amendments, which become law, September 1st, 1880, and allow the former statute to stand for the sake of comparison. '§3083. Action against persons suffering animals TO stray. Any person, who suffers or permits one or more cattle, horses, colts, asses, mules, swine, sheep or goats, to run at large, or to be herded or pastured, in a public street^ highway, park, or place, elsewhere than in a city, incurs thereby the penalty or penalties specified in the next section; and any resident of the town, or the oflBicer to whom a fine or penalty is to be paid for the benefit of the poor, as prescribed in section 2875 of this act, or the overseer or superintendent of the poor of the town or district, in which one or more of those animals are found so running at large, herded or pastured, may maintain an action against him, in a justice's court, held in that town or district, to recover the penalty or penal- ties so incurred. Where the action is brought by a pri- vate pprson, the justice must pay the proceeds of an exe- cution, issued upon a judgment therein in favor of the plaintiff, after deducting the costs, to the officer, who might have brought the action, as prescribed in this sec- tion, to be applied by him to the support of the poor within his town or district. § 3083 Penalties to be recovered. If the plaintiff recovers judgment, in an action brought as prescribed in the last section, the justice must award to him the follow- ing sums, by way of penalties, besides the costs of the action: 1. For each horse, colt, ass, mule, swine, bull, ox, cow, or calf, five dollars. 2. For each sheep or goat, one dollar. The entire amount of the penalties may be recovered, 44 in one action, although it exceeds the sum, for which a justice can render a judgment in an ordinary action. § 3084. Certain officers to seize animals straying. Where one or more cattle, horses, colts, asses, mules, swine, sheep, or goats, are found running at large, or be- ing herded or pastured, in a public street, highway, park or place, elsewhere than in a city, the overseer of high- ways of the road district, or, if they are so found within an incorporated village, the street commissioner thereof, having personal knowledge or being notified of the fact, must immediately seize the animal or animals, and keep it or them' in his possession, until disposed of as pre- scribed in the following sections of this title. § 3085. When private person may seize huch ani- mals. Any person may seize one or more animals speci- fied in the last section, then running at large, or being herded or pastured, in a public street, highway, park, or place, elsewhere than in a city, bordering upon real property owned or occupied by him; or then trespassing upon real property so owned or occupied, having entered thereupon from such a public street, highway, park, or place. The person making the seizure, must keep the animal or animals seized in his possession, until dis- posed of as prescribed in the following sections of this title. § 3086. Officer or person seizing to present peti- tion. An officer or other person, who seizes an animal or animals, as prescribed in either of the last two sections, must immediately file, with a justice of the peace of the town in which the seizure was made, a written petition, verified by his oath; setting forth the facts, which bring the case within either of those sections; briefly describing the animal or animals seized; stating either the name of the owner, or that his name is not known to the petitioner, and cannot be ascertained by him with reasonable dili- gence; and praying for a final order directing the sale of the animal or animals seized, and the application of the proceeds thereof, as prescribed in this title. Where the 45 petition alleges, that any animal or animals seized, were then trespassing upon real iDroperty owned or occupied by the petitioner, it must state the amount of the dam- ages, if any, which the petitioner has sustained thereby. In that case, the decision of the justice, or, where the issues are tried by a jury, the verdict, must fix the amount of the damages. § 3087. Precept thereupon. Upon the presentation of the petition, the justice must issue a precept under his hand; directed to the owner, if his name is stated in the petition, or, if it is not so stated, directed generally to all persons having any interest in the animal or animals seized; briefly reciting the substance of the petition; de- scribing the animal or animals seized, and rec[uiring the person or persons, to whom the precept is directed, to show cause before the justice, at a time and place speci- • fied therein, not less than ten nor more than twenty days, after the issuing of the precept, why the prayer of the petition should not be granted. § 3088. Id. ; how served. The precept must be served upon the person, to whom it is directed by his .name, within the same time, and in like manner as a summons is required to be served, as prescribed in section 2910 of this act. Where it is directed generally to all persons, having an interest in the animal or animals seized, it may be served by a constable of the town, or by an elector there- of, specially authorized so to do by a written indorsement upon the precept, under the hand of the justice, by post- ing a copy thereof in at least six public and conspicuous places in the town where the seizure was made ; one of which places must be the nearest district school-house, or, if the seizure was made within an incorporated vil- lage, having schools in charge of a board of education, a building in which such a school is kept. Bach copy must be so posted, within two days after the precept is issued. Where the precept is directed to a person by his name, and proof is made, by affidavit, to the satisfaction af the justice, that it cannot, with reasonable diligence, 46 be ^Jersonally served upon that person, within the coun- ty, at least six days before the return day thereof, the -justice may, by a written order, direct that service there- of be made, by posting copies thereof, at least five days before the return day, as prescribed in this section ; in which case, service tjiereof may be made accordingly. § 3089. Proof of service of precept. At the place where the precept is returnable, and at the expiration of the time specified in section 2893 of this act, the petitioner must, unless the precept is directed to a person by his name, and he appears, furnish proof of the service of the precept, as prescribed in the last section. If it was served by a constable, either personally or by posting, his written return upon the precept is sufficient proof of the facts relating to the service, as stated therein. If it was served by a private person, proof of service must be made by aflBldavit. § 3090. Answer ; trial. The owner, or a person hav^ ing an interest in any animal seized, may appear upon the return of the precept, and thereby make himself a party io the special proceeding. The person so appear-- ing may, upon the return of the precept, file a written answer, subscribed by him or his attorney, and verified by the oath of the person subscribing it, denying, abso'- lutely or upon information and belief, one or more ma- terial allegations contained in the petition. His answer must also set forth his interest in the animal or animals seized. The subsequent proceedings must be the same as in an action in a justice's court, wherein an issue of fact has been joined, except as otherwise specially pre- scribed in this title. § 3091. Decision" in favor op petitioner ; warrant TO SELL ; execution THEREOF. If no persou appears and answers, or if the decision of the justice, or the ver- dict of the jury, where the issues were tried by a jury, is in favor of the petitioner^ the justice must make a final order, directing the sale of the animal or animals seized, and the application of the proceeds thereof, as prescribed 47 in this title; Thereupon the justice must issue a war- rant, under his hand, directed generally to any constable ot the, county, commanding him to sell the animal or miimals seized, at public auction, for the best price which he can obtain therefor ; and to make return thereof to the justice, at a time and place therein specified, not less than ten nor more than twenty days thereafter. The sale must be made upon the like notice, and in like manner, as a sale of property, by virtue of an execution issued by a jifstice of the peace; and the constable must make re- turn, as required by the warrant, and must pay the pro- ceeds of the sale to the justice, deducting therefrom his fees, at the rate allowed by law for the collection of such an execution. § 3032. Application of pkoceeds op sale. The jus- tice must apply the proceeds of the sale as follows: 1. He must' pay the costs of the petitioner, as taxed by the justice, at the same rates as the costs of an action brought before him, including the justice's fees in such an action ; and also the fees for the service of the pre- cept, either personally or by posting, at the rate allowed by law for personal service of a summons by a con- stable. 2. Out of the remainder of the proceeds, he may re- tain, to his own use, a fee of one dollar, for each animal sold. 3. Out of the remainder of the proceeds, he must pay to the officer, or other person making the seizure, the ifdllowing fees, for the seizure of each animal seized and sold, to wit : one doUar for each horse, colt, ass, or mule; fifty cents for each bull) ox, cow, or calf ; and twenty- five cents for each goat, sheep; or swine ; together with a reasonable -compensation, fixed by him, for the care and keeping, of each animal, from the time of the seizure to the time of the sale ; and, also, where any animal sold was seizedj while trespassing upon- real property owned or occupied by the petitioner,;ithe damages sustained by the petitioner in consequence thereof, as ascertained by 48 tlie decision of the Justice, or the verdict of the jury, upon which the final order was made. 4. Out of the remainder of the proceeds, he must pay to the oflBcer, to whom a fine or penalty is to be paid for the benefit of the poor, as prescribed in section 2875 of this act, the following penalties, to wit : five dollars for each horse, colt, ass, mule, bull, ox, cow, calf, or swine, seized and sold ; and one dollar -for each sheep or goat, seized and sold ; which penalties must be received by the officer, for the benefit of the poor of his town or dis- trict. 5. If any surplus remains, he must pay the same to the person or persons entitled thereto, as prescribed in the following sections of this title. § 3093. Disposition of surplus. Any person may, within ten days of ter the return of the warrant, file, with the justice, a written claim to the surplus of the proceeds of the sale, or to any part thereof. On the eleventh day after the return, or, if it is a Sunday or a public holiday, on the first day thereafter, which is neither Sunday nor a public holiday, the justice must proceed to inquire into the claims so filed ; and, for the purpose of determining them, he must hear the allegations and proofs of each claimant ; and he may issue subpoenas, as upon the trial of an action. He may, upon the application of any claimant, and for good cause shown, adjourn the hear- ing, from time to time, but not more than thirty days in all. After hearing the allegations and proofs of all the claimants, he must decide the claims, and enter an order accordingly. If no claim is filed, or if the right to the surplus money, or any part thereof, is not established, to the satisfaction of the justice, as prescribed in this section, any person, whose claim was not determined upon the hearing, may file a claim thereto, at any time before the expiration of a year from the return of the warrant ; and, thereupon, the justice must proceed, as prescribed in this section with respect to a claim filed within the ten days. 49 § 3094. Id. ; when no claim made within a tear. If, at the expiration of one year after the return of the war- rant, any portion of the surplus remains, a claim to which has not been established to the satisfaction of the justice, pursuant to the provisions of the last section, the justice must pay it, for the benefit of the poor to the officer to whom a fine or penalty is to be paid for the benefit of the poor, as prescribed in section 2875 of this act ; and, thereupon, all persons are forever barred from any claim thereto. But if a claim, filed as prescribed in the last section, remains undetermined at the expiration of the year, the justice must determine it within ten days thereafter ; and, for that purpose, he must retain the sur- plus in his hands until the determination. § 3095. Okdek upon claim foe sueplus ; appeal THEEEFEOM. An appeal from an order determining a claim, as prescribed in the last two sections, may be taken to the county court, by a claimant, within ten days after the making of the order, as from a judgment of a justice in an action to recover a sum equal to the claim ; and the proceedings thereupon are the same, except that an undertaking is not necessary for any purpose, Upon such an appeal, each other claimant, whose interest is affected by the order appealed from, must be made a respondent. If there is no such claimant, the officer en- titled to the surplus must be made respondent ; but costs cannot be awarded against him, unless he appears upon the appeal ; in which case, the costs are in the discretion , of the appellate court. Where an appeal, taken as pre- scribed in this section, is perfected, the county judge may, in his discretion, make an order extending the time, within which payment of the surplus must be made, as prescribed in the last section, and staying payment ac- cordingly. Unless such an order is made, and a copy thereof is served upon the justice, payment must be made as prescribed in the last section, notwithstanding the appeal ; and upon proof of the payment, the appeal must be dismissed. When an appeal is taken to the su- 50 preme court, from the determination of the county court, the county judge, or a justice of the supreme court may make a like order, and with like effect. § 3096. Peooeedings trpow decision in favor of PERSON ANSWERING. If the decisiou of the justice, or the verdict of the jury, when the issues are tried by jury, is in favor of the person answering, it must fix the value of each animal seized. If the justice or the jury find that the seizure was malicious, and without probable cause, the decision or verdict must assess the damages sustained by the person answering, by means of the seizure and detention. The justice must thereupon make a final order, awarding to the person so answering, the return of the animal or animals so seized, or the value thereof if a return cannot be had ; together with his costs, at the rates allowed by law in an action brought before him to recover a chattel ; and, also, twice the sum assessed as his damages, if any. Thereupon a warrant must be issued by the justice to a constable, to the same effect, as an execution issued, in an action to re- cover a chattel, upon a judgment in favor of the defend- ant, where the chattel has not been delivered to him'; and each provision of this chapter, relating to a judgment and an execution in such a case, applies to a final order made, and a warrant issued thereupon, as prescribed in this section. § 3097. Demand op possession before trial ; pro- ceedings THEREUPON. At any time after the precept is issued, and before the commencement of the trial, the owner of any animal seized may file with the justice a written demand of possession thereof. Thereupon he is entited to the possession, upon complying with the fol- lowing terms :. 1. He must pay to the justice, for the use of the peti- tioner, the costs of the proceedings, to the time of filing the demand, as prescribed in subdivision first of section 3092 of this act, and, also, the sums payable on account f each animal, whereof possession is so demanded, as prescribed in subdivision third of the same section; which sums must be fixed by the justice, after hearing the allegations and. proofs of the parties. 2 He must also pay to the justice, a fee of one dollar for each animal, whereof possession is so demanded. 3. If the petitioner is an officer, to whom a fine or pen- alty is to be paid for the benefit of the poor, as prescribed in section 2875 of this act, the claimant must also pay to the justice, for the petitioner's us§, the sum specified therein on account of each animal, whereof possession is so demanded. 4. The claimant must also prove, to the satisfaction of the justice, by affidavit or other competent evidence, that he is the owner of each animal, whereof possession is so demanded. Each person who has appeared must have notice of, and may Oppose, the claim. § 3098. Id. ; when animal wilfully set at large BY THiED PEKSON. But where, in a case specified in the last section, the person filing a demand, presents there- with to the justice sufficient proof, by affidavit or other- wise, that the running at large, herding, pasturing, or trespassing, by reason whereof the animal or animals, of which Tie demands possession, were seized, was caused by the wilful act, intended to effect that object, of a per- son other than thfe owner ; and also makes the proof specified in subdivision fourth of that section ; he is en- titled to possession, pursuant to' his demand, upon pay- ing tcf the petitioner, or to the justice for his use, a rea- sonable sum, to be fixed by the justice, after hearing the allegations and proofs of the parties, as compensation for the care and keeping of the animal or animals, whereof possession is so demanded, and without paying any other sum, specified in the last sectioli. § 3099. Action by owner in such a case. The owner of ah animal, seized in consequence of a wilful act speci- fied in the last section, may recover, in an action against the person who committed it, all damages sustained by him, in consequence thereof, including the sum paid in 52 order to recover possession of the animal, as prescribed in the last section ; and, in addition thereto, the sum of twenty dollars for each animal seized. § 3100. AOTIOK BY PETITIONER AND BY OEFICEE. Where the possession of an animal has been delivered, as pre- scribed in the last section but one, an action may also be maintained, by the petitioner in the special proceeding before the justice, against the person who committed the wilful act, to recover, in addition to all other damages sustained by the plaintiff in consequence of the wilful act, all sums, to which the plaintiff would have been en- titled out of the proceeds of the sale, as prescribed in section 3092 of this act, other than the compensation paid for the care and keeping of the animal. In the like case, if the petitioner is a private person, the officer, to whom a fine or penalty is to be paid for the benefit of the poor, as prescribed in section 2875 of this act, may maintain an action against the person, who committed the wilful act, to recover the penalties to which the plaintiff would have been entitled, out of the proceeds of the sale, as prescribed in that subdivision. Neither of the actions specified in this or the last section is affected by the pen- dency of, or the recovery of judgment in, either of the others. § 3101. Demand of possession after final order AND BEFORE SALE. A persou, entitled to demand the possession of an animal, as prescribed in section 3097 of this act, who did not appear upon the return of the pre- cept, or upon the trial, may file, with the justice, a writ- ten demand of the possession, at any time after the final order, and not less than three days before the time ap pointed for the sale; and, thereupon, he is entitled to the possession, upon complying with the following terms : 1. He must furnish, by affidavit or other competent evi- dence, a sufficient excuse, to the satisfaction of the justice, for his failure to appear. 2. He must, in all respects, comply with the provisions 63 of section 3097 of this act ; except that it is necessary for him to pay only one-half of the justice's fee, as prescribed in subdivision second of that section ; and one-half of the fees payable to the petitioner, for the seizure of each animal, as prescribed in subdivision third of section 3092 of this act. § 3102. Oeder upon demand of possession ; appeal THEEEE'EOM. Where a demand for the return of the pos- session of an animal is filed, as prescribed in either of the last five sections, the justice must, at the request of either party thereto, make, and enter in. his minutes, an order determining the same. An appeal from such an order may be taken to the county court, by the person making the demand, or by either party to the special proceeding, at any time before the final order in the special proceeding is made ; and each person or party so entitled to appeal, must be made a respondent upon an appeal taken by one of the others. The appeal must be taken in like manner, as an appeal from a judgment of the justice in an action to recover a chattel ; and the pro- ceedings thereupon are the same, except as otherwise prescribed in the next section. § 3103. Id. ; stay of peoceedings. An appeal from an order, specified in the last section, is not effectual for any purpose, , unless the appellant procures from the county judge an order, directing a stay of the proceed- ings upon the petition, and a stay of the execution of the order appealed from, and files it with the justice, within the time allowed for the appeal. The order may be granted or refused, in the discretion of the county judge, or granted upon such terms, as to security or otherwise, as he thinks proper ; and it may be vacated or modified, either absolutely, or unless further security is given, in his discretion. § 3104. Appeal feom final oedee. Within ten days after a final order upon a petition is made, as prescribed in this title, an appeal therefrom may be taken by the petitioner, or by the person answering, in like manner as 54 an appeal from a judgment of the justice in an action to recover a sum of money, equal to the value of the ani- mal or animals, and the proceedings thereupon are the same, except as otherwise prescribed in the next section. § 310o. Id., by claimant; stay of peoceedings and DELIVERY OF POSSESSION. An appeal from a final order, taken, as prescribed in the last section, by the per- son answering, is not effectual for any purpose, unless the appellant files, with the notice of appeal, an order of the county judge, or, if he is absent from the county, of a justice of the supreme court, reciting that the appeal has been perfected, and that security has been given thereupon, as prescribed in this section, and directing a stay of proceedings upon the final order appealed from, and that the possession of the animal or animals seized be delivered to the appellant. The order can be made, only where an undertaking is given by the appellant, as required for the purpose of perfecting an appeal from a judgment, and staying the execution thereof ; and also an undertaking, in the same or another instrument, to the effect that, if the final order appealed from is affirmed, or if the appeal is dismissed, the appellant will pay all sums which the justice awards against him, upon the hearing, after the determination of the appeal, as pre- scribed in the next section, not exceeding a sum specified therein ; which must be, at least, twice the amount of all the sums, which might be deducted from the proceeds of the sale, as prescribed in section. 3092 of this act. The sum must be fixed, and the undertaking must be ap- proved, by the judge who grants the order. Upon filing the order with the justice, the appellant is forthwith en- titled to the possession of the animal or animals seized. § 3106. Peoceedings upon affiemance. If the final order appealed from is affirmed, upon an appeal taken by the person answering, the county court must appoint a time and place, at which the justice must fix the sums payable by the appellant, pursuant to his undertaking. The justice may adjourn the hearing to another place, 55 and ta another time, not exceeding three days after thij time BO appointed. The justice must fix the sums so payable, as if a warrant for the sale of- the animals seized had been returned, and the proceeds thereof paid to him by the constable, as prescribed in section 3092 of this act. The undertaking upon the appeal enures to the benefit df each officer, to whom any sum is payable, as prescribed in that section ; and, with respect to any of those sums> the respondent is a trustee for the ofiicer entitled thereto. § 3107. Limitation op action for seizing animals. Where an animal is seized, upon the ground that it was running at large, or was being herded or pastured, or was trespassing, contrary to the provisions of this title ; and the officer or other person making the seizure, immedi- ately files his petition, and diligently prosecutes the same; as prescribed in this title ; an action to recover the ani- mal so seized, or to recover damages for the seizure, or for any act subsequent thereto, must be commenced with- in one year after the cause of action accrues. ■ § 3108. Certain actions CANNOT BE ^maintained. A person, to whom the precept was directed by his name, and who was personally served therewith, or a person who has appeared and answered in the special proceed- ing, or demanded the return of any animal seized, cannot maintain an action against the officer or other person seizing an animal, or a person acting by his command, or in his aid, in a case specified in the last section. But, except as specified in this section, the owner of an ani- mal seized or detained, under color of any provision of this title, may maintain an action to recover the animal, or its value, or damages for the seizure or detention, or for any unlawful act subsequent thereto, if, in fact, the animal was not, at the time of the seizure, running at large, or being herded or pastured, or trespassing, as the case may be, as specified in the foregoing provisions of this title. § 3109. Where several animals are trespassing 56 For the purpose of determining the damages sustained by the petitioner, where two or more animals are found simul- taneously trespassing upon real property, owned or occu- pied by him, all the damage done by all the animals seized, is to be regarded as done by them jointly ; and the peti- tioner's remedy therefor is entire, and must be enforced against all the animals, and the proceeds of the sale there- of. When different persons, who are known, own differ- ent animals seized, the precept must be directed to all of them by their names. If one or more of the owners are known, and the others are unknown, and cannot be ascer- tained with reasonable diligence, the precept must be directed to each known owner, by his name, and, also generally to all persons having an interest in those ani- mals, the owners of which are unknown. In a case speci- fied in this section, a demand of the possession of an animal seized cannot be made, as prescribed in section 3097 or 3101 of this act, unless it is made with respect to all the animals seized, and by persons entitled to th^ pos- session of all of them. But a separate demand may be made, as prescribed in section 8098 of this act. by each owner of one or more animals seized ; in which case, if possession is delivered to him, as prescribed in that sec- tion, the petitioner's remedy for his damages is the same, with respect to the animal or animals, of which posses- sion is not so delivered, and against the proceeds of the sale thereof, as if those, whereof possession is so de- livered, had not been trespassing upon the property. § 3110. Proceedings in other cases, where there ARE DIFFERENT OWNERS. Where the petitioner does not allege, that the animals seized were trespassing upon real property owned or occupied by him, and different per- sons own different animals seized, a separate special pro- ceeding may be instituted, as prescribed in this title, against each owner, or against any two or more owners, with respect to the animals owned by him or them. Or the proceedings may be taken against all the owners 57 jointly ; in which case, each person to whom the precept is directed by liis name, ahd each person having an in- terest in an animal seized, has the same right to demand the possession of the animal owned by him, and the same right to answer separately, as if the special proceeding was against him separately ; and the final order may be in favor of one or more of the persons so answering, with respect to the animal or animals owned by him or them, and for his or their costs ; and against the remainder of the persons answering, or to whom the precept was diijected, or for the sale of the remainder of the animals, in like manner, as if the former persons had not answered, or had not been named in the precept. But the person, first making a demand of the possession of any animal seized, must pay all the costs to the time of the demand ; and a person, subsequently making a demand, is excused from the payment of any costs, except those which have accrued since the former demand. § 3111. Surplus, wheke there are different own- ers. Where proceedings are taken jointly against dif- ferent persons, who own different animals seized, as pre- scribed in either of the last two sectipns, the surplus, remaining in the justice's hands, must be distributed be- tween them, in proportion to the value of the animals owned by each, to be determined by the justice. Any owner may elaim separately his proportion of the sur- plus ; and sections 3093 and 3094 of this act apply to a claim made, and to the disposition of the surplus arising, as prescribed in this section. § 3112. When one action, etc., supercedes any OTHER. When two or more persons, or an officer and a private person, are authorized by this title, to bring an action, or to seize an animal, and take the proceedings prescribed in this title for the disposition thereof, the commencement of an action, or the seizure of the animal, by either of them, supercedes the right of any of the others to bring such an action, or to make such a seizure, with respect to the animal seized, or in question in the action. But the justice may, in his discretion, allow an 58 officer or othe person, who is interested in the recovery, or in the application of the proceeds of the sale, to ap- pear in the action or special proceeding, for the purpose of protecting his interest, and to take such part in the proceedings therein, as the justice thinks proper. § 3113. Rights op officee when private person F/iLs TO PROSECUTE. When a seizure is made by a pri' vate person, as prescribed in this title, and the possession of an animal seized is abandoned by him, without filing a petition ; or where an action, brought by a private per- son, as prescribed in this title, is settled or discontinued by the plaintiff ; the officer, to whom a penalty is pay- able, as prescribed in section 3083 of this act, or in subdi- vision fourth of section 3092 of this act, may, unless he has assented to the abandonment, settlement, or discon ti nuance, maintain an action against the owner of the animal in question, to recover the penalty so payable to him ; and, upon proof of the facts, which would have entitled the plaintiff in the former action, or the peti- tioner in the special proceeding, to recover, he is entitled to judgment accordingly. § 3114. Person having a special property deemed OWNER. When a person is, at the time o± the seizure, entitled to the possession of an animal, as against the general owner thereof, by virtue of a special property ' therein, he is deemed, for all the purposes T>f this title, the owner thereof. § 3115. Agent may act for his principal. The duly authorized agent of the owner or person entitled to the possession of an animal, as specified in the last section, may, in his own name, answer, make any demand, or take any other proceeding, which the owner or person so entitled may take, as prescribed in this title. INDEX. A ACADEMIC DEPAKTMENT: Established in tTnion Free School Districts, when 96 Subject to Regents >....., ,.„.. 100 Qualification of Pupils in .., 100 Existiag Academy may be adopted, when « ,....,.. 100 Subject to Superintendent, etc ..>,.........A00-1 ACCOUNTS: How audited and certified. 219 To be verified, by whom 29 Claimants may be examined, when.............................. 30 Further invesHgatlDn <^...., 69-60 ACT OF INCOBPOBATION! Prior Villages, incorporated ondef, how 54 ADDENDA: StrB-PAonw* 1 Laws of 18S0, Amendments of, &c. Chap. 12— Bonded Indebtedness 8 Chap. 27— School Act Amended..... 9 Chap. 61 — ^Village Act Amended 1 Chap. lU— Public Boads, etc ..., ID Chap. 144 — Village Act Amended.... 1 Chap. 145 — Liverymen, &o., protected 12 Chap. 172— Village Act Amended.... 2 Clxap. 176 — Tramps, how puniihed.. 13 Chap. 186— Disorderly Conduct in Public Conveyances, punished..... 14 Chap. 204 — As to Bonded Indebtedness 4 Chap. 209 — MalieioQS Letter-Writing, how punished 15 Chap. 210 — School Act Amended 15-8 Chap. 235 — Costs in Police Courts, &c 4 Chap. 292 — Village Act Amended 5 Chap. 305 — Sidewalks in Unincorporated Villages, how built, 6 Chap. 308 — Highway Act, &c 18 Chap. 422 — Village Act Amended 30 Chap. 434— Village Act Amended 28 Chap. 448— Uncollected Taxes, etc 24 Chap. 4.')5— School Act Amended 22 Chap. 496— Village Act Amended 24 Page. Chap. 322 -State Board of Health 26 Chap. 512 — ^Registration of Marriages, Births and Deaths.... 31 Chap. 576 — Towns and Villages abuttiag cities of 16,000 inhabitants and upwards, must register. 34 AMENDMENTS OF 1880: See Addenda. AMUSEMENTS : How regulated. 22 ANIMALS AT LABGE IN HIGHWAYS : How restrained 21 Statute on the Subject of 127 History of said Act, and adjudication of the Courts thereunder, 136 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT: To be made and filed, when 30 WTien and how pubUshed or posted 58 Funded debt to be stated 68 APPEALS: From election to incorporate 12 Kequisites of 12 From 2d election, not allowed 15 To StIPEBINTBNDBNT OP POBLIO InSTBUOTION 101 ■Who may appeal 101 From what, may be taken 101-2 Kules of Practice on 103 Form of entitling — instructions 106 AEEEST: Without process, when 38 President has power of 86 Trustees have power of, when 52 ASSESSMENTS : A lien on lands, etc „... 52 Rouci, when evidence of regularity of 46 Property liable to 106 Exemptions from 107 When and how to be made 107 ASSESSORS: Trustees to act as 30 Duty of, on completing Roll 40 Roll, how to be corrected. 40 " when to be filed 40 B BOARDS OF EDUCATION: Created Bodies Corporate 92 How elected, when District limits correspond with the Cor- pc»ate limits of Village or City 92 PAas. Clerk of, how appointed, salary, etc 93 Treasurer and Oollector of, bonds of, &o '. 93 Budget of, in Village Districts 94 Proceedings, when Corporate Authorities reject Budget 94 Genebal Powees of. 95-7 When may call Special Meetings 97 Annual estimates of. 97 When may levy tax without vote 98 Quarterly meetings of 98 To appoint viatMng committees, &c 98 Expenditures of, how governed 99 Annual reports of, to Commissioner. 101 Members of, removable by Superintendent 101 BOABD OP HEALTH : How constituted 29 Powers and duties of 29 State Board of ; Addenda, p 26 BOARD OF- TETJSTEES : When acts of, evidence, etc 63 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS: Act relative to ; Addenda, p 4 BONDS OF OFFICBES: Conditions of 18 Who to give bonds 19 BONDS OP VILLAGE OR TOWN: SinMng fund for, how provided 32-3 BRIDGES: In Villages, by whom repaired, expense of, how charged 53 When chargeable to Village 63-4 BEIEP ON NEGLIGENCE: When Municipal Corporations are liable for Injuries happen- ing on their Streets or Sidewalks 108-14 BT-EAV^, OR ORDINANCES: Who to make '■ 30 How enforced, penalties, etc 24 Amount of penalties, $100, &c 25 How published. 83 How read in evidence 51 Sample set of, legal under the General Act 82-8 c CATTLE, DAMAGES FEASANT: Statute pertaining to 121-6 Decisions of the Courts under said Statute 135 Faqe. CEMETEfilES : Establishment and control of 23 COLLECTOK : Duties of, etc 39 COMMISSIONEBS OF HIGHWAYS: Who are, in Villages 43 Proceedings, on laying out streets 43 Jury to be summoned, when 44 Commissioners to be appointed, when 45 Proceedings, if infant interested 46 Award of Commissioners, final 4C-7 COrrVEYANCES : By Village, how executed 48 CORPORATION: Name and powers of 16 Sue and be sued 15 Common Seal of 15 May purchase and convey real estate and personal property... 15 COUNTY JUDGE: Duties of, on appeal from 1st election 12 Expenses of appeal, allowed how 13 Decision of, when rendered.., 18 When to order new election 13 Appeals to, from award of jury 45 To appoint Commissioners, when 45 D DEBTS: Creation of against Viliage prohibited.... ~ 49 Temporary loans, when 49 When officers personally liable 49 Creation of, a misdemeanor when 60 DISORDERLY CONDUCT : In public conveyances, how repressed and punished Addenda, p 14 DISORDERLY HOUSES : How restrained 20 DISTRAINING CATTLE, ETC. . Statute relative to 121-6 Authorities under said Statute 135 DIVISION FENCES: Statute as to 114-8 Of the obligation to maintain 133 Such obligation, how enforced 184 Of the right to let land lie open 134 . Page Of proceedings to remove encroaching fences 134 Of the effect of a defective line-fence in a suit against the owner of trespassing cattle 134 Adjudications of the Courts 133-4 DOGS : Eunning at large, how prevented 22 Statute as to Taxes upon I37 Worrying sheep I37 When may be killed, etc 137 Decisions under said Statute 147 E ELECTION— FiEST Election : Board of inspectors at , 11 Form of baUot at 12 Certificate of, when to be filed 12 Appeals from, when and by whom taken 12 Second election, when and how held 13 Certificate of, to be. filed 14 Of first Village Officers 15 , Certifying result of 16 Proceedings, in case of a tie vote 16 Of officers, when not invalid 16-7 ELECTIONS— Anmuai. : When and where held 19 Notice of [ 19 Inspectors of 19 Betums of 20 Not to occur on Town-Meeting Day fiS ELECTIONS— Special : Trustees may call, when 34 Form of ballots at 34 Besolutions, to be numbered, bow 34 Notice of, etc 35 Betnms of , to be filed, etc 35 ELIGIBILITT TO OFFICE: Who eligible 18 ENGINE HOUSES— ENGINES, &o How provided 22 EXEMPTIONS: What property exempt fi'om assessment 107 EXHIBITIONS: How regulated in Villages 23 EXPENDITURES : What are the "Ordinary," 34 What the "Extraordinary," 34 "Extraordinary," how raised 34 6 F Paoe. FENCES: Line, or division fences, Statnte 114 Adjadications of the Courts 133 FENCE-VIEWEES: Who they are 118 Jurisdiction and duties of 134 Court decisions 134-5 FIEE DEPAKTMENT: Chief, Assistants and Wardens, how appointed, etc 18 Composed of, &c 25 FIKEMEN: Exempt from militia, etc 26 FIREWOBKS : Use of, how prevented 26 H HEATING COMPANIES: Hot water, hot air, steam, etc 80-1 HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES: • Revised Statutes as to, amended; see Addenda, p 18 HIGHWAYS: Tax for, a separate fund 35 Villages, separate Highways Districts 42 Trustees are Commissioners of 43 Proceedings to lay out and open 43 Damages, how assessed '. 44 Jury, to be summoned, when 44 Proceedings before Jury, award 44 Appeals from Award of Jury, when 44-5 Appellant to •xecute Bond for costs 45 Review of award by Commissioners, appointed by County Judge 45 Award of Commissioners, final 46 Awards, how paid 46-7 See Addehda, pp 10-18 I INCORPORATION OP VILLAGES : Requisite Population for 9 Survey, map, verbal description, etc 9 Census to be taken 9 Survey, &o., kept for examination 10 Notices of election, how given 10-11 Takes effect, when 14 7 Page. Certificate of Inspectors, conclusive evidence of 47 Expensesof, how paid 54 INSPECTOBS OP ELECTION : Who to act as, at first election 11 IJaws applicable to H Notice to, how given 12 Certificate of, to be filed when 12 Duties of, as to 2d election, &c 14. Powers of , same as Town Boards^ 47 Certificate of, conclusive evidence of Incorporation 47-8 Subsequent certificates of, presumptive evidence of facts recited 48 INSURANCE COMPANIES : Percentage of premiums received in village, to be paid to Fire Department 26-8 J JUBOflS : A resident competent in an action by or against a village 49 JUSTICES : Jurisdiction of Town Justices, residing in villages 37 Pees of 37 Pines, to whom payable 37 Competency of a resident as in actions by or against the vil- lage 49 LegaJizisg-acts of, &o , 62-3 L LAND: Of the right-to let-iie open, etc 134 LIABILITY OF COKPOKATIONS-: How determined 109 LICENCE PEES: In certain cases; see ADDEin>A, p 22 LIGHTS : In streets, how provided 22 Use of kerosene, &c., how regulated.. 23 LINE FENCES : Statute relating to ; see " Division Fences " 114 LIVEBT STABLB-KEEPEES : Act to protect, &o: see Addenda p 12 LOANS: Temporary; when may be made 46 8 M MALICIOUS AMtOYANCE : By letter^ etc. ; acttopmiisb; see Acdxiida, p ^ 15 MAP OF VHiLAGaB: By whom mader where kept 30 MAKBIAGES, BIETHS^ DEATHS: Act prOTiding for theKegistryof ; see Abdenba, p „ 31 MEETINGS 01 TEUSTEES : When to meet 20 Special, howcalled...~ - — 20 Vote l^ ayes and noes, when 50 MISDEMEANOBS : When crf^ersdeemed guilty oj. „ 50 MUNICIPALtCOBPOEATIONS : Liabilities of, for negligence » 10ft Duties of , as to streets, side-walks, &o 100 . Brief on liaf first tmstees, how determined 17 Annual Section of. „ 17 KemoTals of , foreanse. 19 Liability of, for creating debts,