BHAWfo / I' WWW "'art 3tlrata, New $nrit FROM THE BENNO LOEWY LIBRARY COLLECTED BY BENNO LOEWY 1854-1919 BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell University Library 3 1924 031 351 590 olin,anx 3752 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. CATALOGUE WLtxy Choice Collection of Books FORMING THE LIBRARY 07 WILLIAM F. FOWLE, Esquire, OF BOSTON, MASS. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By LEONAKD AND COMPANY, AT THEIB LIBB.ABY SALESROOM, 49 TEEMOM ST., BOSTON, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY, THE 20th, 21st, AND 22d OF DECEMBER, AT TEN O'CLOCK PRECISELY. CAMBRIDGE: $rintefc at t&e ftitoergifce $«££. 1864. f\(»UjSJ CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any question arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the seller cannot decide the said dispute. H. The purchasers to give in their names and residences, and to make a deposit, if required, in part-payment of the purchase- money ; in default of which, the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. III. The lots to be taken away at the buyer's expense, within three days after the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase-money to be paid previous to the delivery of the property. IV. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, any money that may have been deposited will be forfeited, and all goods not removed within the time named may be resold by public or private sale, on account of the purchaser, and any defi- ciency occurring at such resale to be made good by the said purchaser. V. The books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise ex- pressed. All notices of imperfections must be made previous to their removed from the salesroom. No allowance will be made for stained, soiled, or short leaves. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can, on any account, be removed during the time of sale. LEONARD & CO. Gentlemen who cannot attend the sale may have their commissions faithfully executed by the auctioneers, at a charge of five per cent, on the amount of bills preface. The Collection described in the following pages was com- menced nearly ten years ago, with the intention of making it embrace the best editions of the most prominent authors known in English literature, especially in the departments of History, Poetry, and the Drama. In the selection of copies great care was taken to secure only such as were in the finest condition and upon large paper, when the work desired had been issued in that form ; and preference was always given to copies in an uncut state, that they might be bound in an appropriate manner by the most eminent binders of London. It is believed that the collection of books privately printed, or upon large paper, is the most extensive ever offered for sale in this country, the volumes upon large paper alone being upwards of four hundred in number, — nearly all in splen- did bindings. All of the finest large paper productions of the " Riverside Press " — Bacon, Burton, D 'Israeli, Mon- taigne, etc. — are represented here. Many of the splendid large paper books that were in the Crowninshield library will be noticed on this Catalogue. The owner has had a special taste for the elegant publica- tions of the late William Pickering (the well-known London publisher) ; and a larger collection will be found upon the Catalogue than can probably be met with in any other li- brary, exceeding, as it does', that formed by Mr. Eyton by nearly one hundred volume's. The- following deserve'- especial VI attention : Shaw's Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages, Illuminated Ornaments, Decorative Arts of the Middle Ages, Elizabethan Architecture, Ancient Furniture, Encyclo- paedia of Ornament, all upon large paper, extra finished by hand in gold and colors ; Walton and Cotton's Complete Angler, containing duplicate impressions of all the engravings, artist's proofs upon India paper, superbly bound in Levant morocco by Hayday ; Bacon's Works, edited by Basil Mon- tagu, a magnificent copy upon large paper ; a complete set of the " Oxford English Classics " (Boswell's Life of Johnson ; Cribbons Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ; Hume's History of England, with Smollett's Continuation ; Johnson's Works ; and Robertson's Historical Works) in 44 volumes, all upon large paper, and mostly in full bindings by Hayday ; a superb set of the works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, (contain- ing every work of that author ever issued by Pickering, and, in addition, those published by Moxon and Murray after the death of the former,) in 32 volumes, uniformly bound by Riviere in the finest style of tree calf, with gilt edges ; and a complete set of the Aldine Edition of the British Poets, in 53 volumes, choicely bound by Hayday in claret morocco, with gilt edges. The department of History is represented by fine copies of Burnet's Own Times, and Reformation; Lord Clarendon's Life, and Great Civil War ; Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire ; Robertson's Historical Works; Strype's An- nals, and Ecclesiastical Memorials ; Hume's England, with Smollett's Continuation of it ; and Bancroft's United States ; all upon large paper, and, with but two exceptions (Gibbon and Bancroft) in splendid bindings by Hayday. The principal volumes of Early English Literature are The Workes of Sir Thomas More, folio, 1557, a very fine copy in blue morocco, containing the autograph of Dr. John Donne ; Brant's Ship of Fooles, folio, 1570, a splendid copy in red Russia, super extra ; Holinshed's Chronicles, 2 vols., folio, 1557, the Shakespeare edition, in brown morocco ; Chapman's vn Translation of the Whole Works of Homer, folio, n. cl. (circa 1611, 1614, 1624) 3 vols, in 1, olive morocco extra ; and Hey wood's Hierarchie of the Blessed Angells, folio, 1635, mo- rocco, gilt. There are, also, splendid copies of the Percy and Shake- speare Society's publications, and a complete set of Mitson's Collection of Ballads, etc., all elegantly bound. There is a fair collection of works on Bibliography and the early history of Printing, including some 15 volumes of Bibdin's Works ; Martin's Catalogue of Books privately print- ed, a splendid copy upon large paper ; Lowndes's Bibliogra- pher's Manual, Pickering's edition ; Sotheby's Principia Typ- ographica, and the rare companion volume, The Typography of the Fifteenth Century, of which only one hundred copies were printed ; and the reprints of the Biblia Pauperum and Canticum Canticorum. There are, also, extraordinarily fine copies of Sparks's Washington, Franklin, and Correspondence of the American Revolution, and the Works and Correspondence of Daniel Web- ster, all upon large paper, and superbly bound, to match, in tree calf, by Riviere, of London. We desire to call especial attention to the fine collection of editions of the Works of Shakespeare, the most important being that of James Orchard Halliwell, Esq. This magnifi- cent work is now rapidly approaching completion, (Vol. XIII. having been received within a few days,) and is destined to command a steadily increasing price, the number of copies having been '■'■very strictly limited to one hundred and fifty'' 1 There is, also, a large paper copy of the edition by R. Grant White, Esq., now so frequently quoted by English Shake- spearian scholars. Large paper copies of this work are ex- tremely scarce. There are several other fine editions, includ- ing those of Dyce, Collier, Knight, Singer, upon large paper, and Staunton. There are, also, splendid copies of the dra- matic works of Ben Jonson, Massinger, Middleton, Otway, Lilly, Shirley, Webster, (all upon large paper,) Beaumont Vlll and Fletcher, Ford, Marston, Peele, Greene, and Marlowe ; a fine large paper copy of Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays, besides numerous copies of rare old Plays in the original quarto editions. The utmost reliance may be placed upon the description of each work, no exaggeration having been used in regard to its binding, size, or condition. Catalogue, j|dams, John. The Works, with Life of the Author. Notes and Illustrations by his Grandson, Charles Francis Ad- ams. Portrait. 10 vols. imp. 8vo., boards. Large paper : uniform in size with the large paper editions of Bancroft, Franklin, Washington, Webster, and Everett. Boston, 1856 2 Addison, Joseph. The Works of. A new edition, with Notes by Richard Hurd, D.D., Lord Bishop of Worcester. Portrait. 6 vols. 8vo., calf. Best Edition. London, 1811 3 Akenside, Mark. The Poetical Works, edited, with Life of the Author, by Rev. Alexander Dyce. Foolscap 8vo. Aldine Edition. ' Claret morocco, extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday. Wm. Pickering, London, 1845 The set of the Aldine Edition of the British Poets is complete in this Catalogue, and is uniformly bound to match with the above. 4 Alexander, William, Earl of Stirling. The Monarchicke Tragedies ; Croesus, Darius, The Alexandraean, Julius Caesar. 4to., calf, gilt. Scarce. London, 1604-7 Bound into the volume is the Parenesis to the Prince, 1604, which was printed but once. Priced in the Bibl. An. Poet, at £\\ lis. 5 Alimony, Ladt, or the Alimony Lady. An excellent, pleas- ant, new Comedy. Small 4to., half calf. London, 1659 Attributed by Ant. a Wood to Thomas Lodge and Robert Greene. — Lowndes. See, also, Halliwell's " Dictionary of old English Plays." 6 Alison, Archibald. History op Europe, from the Com- mencement of- the French Revolution to the Restoration 1 /^2r^-/C 'CJ 0, oa /£rrzrf£s 2 of the Bourbons in mdcccxv. New edition, with Portraits. 14 vols, royal 8vo., cloth, uncut. Large paper: 100 copies printed and published in boards at £24 3s. All the portraits are proofs before the letters. Uniform in size with the large paper editions of Clarendon, Hume, Smollett, Gibbon, Johnson, etc. Edinburgh, 1849 7 Allan, John. A Catalogue of the Books, Autographs, Engravings, Coins, and Medals, Articles of Vertu, and Miscellaneous Articles belonging to the Estate of the late John Allan. Portrait. Imp. 8vo., paper, uncut. Large paper: only 100 copies printed. Very scarce. New York, 1864 8 Allibone, S. Austin. A Critical Dictionary of English Lit- erature, and British and American Authors, from the Ear- liest Accounts to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century, containing thirty thousand Biographies and Literary No- tices, with forty Indexes of Subjects. Imp. 8vo., boards, vol. 1. Philadelphia Vol. 2 is in the Press. 9 Altar Services. The Order for the Administration of the Holt Communion and occasional Offices, according to the use of the Church of England. Polio, vellum. Printed in red and black type, all in black letter, by Whittingham. William Pickering, London, 1844 10 American Historical and Literary Curiosities, consist- ing of Fac-similes of Original Documents, relating to the Events of the Revolution, etc., with a variety of Reliques, Antiquities, and Modern Autographs ; collected and ed- ited by J. Jay Smith and John F. "Watson, assisted by an Association of American Antiquarians. Third edition, royal 4to., cloth, gilt. Philadelphia, 1847 11 Anderdon, J. L. The River Dove ; with some Quiet Thoughts on the Happy Practice of Angling. Foolscap 8vo., Levant morocco, super extra, full gilt, by Riviere. Elegant copy. W. Pickering, London, 1847 12 Andre, Major John, His Life and Career ; by Winthrop Sargent. Portrait. Svo., cloth, uncut. Large paper : only 75 copies printed. Boston, 1861 13 Andrews, Lancelot. Bishop of Winchester. The Pritate Devotions, Translated from the Greek and Latin, by Rev. Peter Hall ; to which is added the Manual for the Sick, by the same Learned Prelate. Portrait. Foolscap 8vo., calf, extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. W. Pickering, London, 1839 14 Andrews, Lanceloti. Episc : Wintoniensis. Pbeces Private Quotidians, Graece et Latine, Editio tertia et Emendatior. Foolscap 8vo., blue morocco, extra, gilt edges, by Hayday. Gulielmi Pickering, Londini, 1848 15 Angling. A Bibliographical Catalogue of English Writers on Angling and Ichthyology. Crown 8vo. paper. Scarce. London, 1856 16 Arthur, King. La Mort dArthure ; The History of King Arthur and of the Knights of the Pound Table. Com- piled by Sir Thomas Malory, Knt, edited from the Text of the Edition of 1634, with Introduction and Notes by Thomas Wright. 3 vols., crown 8vo., cloth, uncut. Scarce. Large paper : uncut. London, 1858 17 Qlscljam, Hoger. The Scholemaster Or plaine and per- fite way of teachyng children, to vnderstand, write, and speake, the Latin tong, but specially purposed for the pri- uate brynging vp of youth in Ientlemen and Noble mens houses, etc. Ato. Bed morocco, gilt edges. First edition, rare. From the Orowninshield Library. At London. Printed by John Daye, dwelling ouer Alders- gate. An. 1570 18 Aubrey, John. Miscellanies upon Various Subjects. Portrait. Foolscap 8vo. Beautifully printed by Whittingham. Cloth, uncut, best edition. London, 1857 19 Aylett, Robert. A Wife not ready made, but bespoken, by Dicus the Batchelor, and made up for him by his fellow shepheard Tityrus in four Pastorall Eclogues. The sec- ond edition wherein are some things added but nothing amended. London, 1653. Half morocco, ito. Privately printed : and only 100 copies, by Charles Clarke, at his private press. Great Totham, 1847 ACON, Francis, Chancellor of England. The "Works ; a new Edition by Basil Montagu, Esq., with a New Life, Preface, and copious Notes. 16 vols. Imp. 8vo. Por- traits, Plates, and Facsimiles. Splendid copy. Calf, extra, marbled haves, by Hayday. Large paper : only 60 copies printed. Extremely scarce. All the Portraits and Plates are on India Paper. Published at £26 5*. in boards. From the Crowninshield library. Win. Pickering, London, 1825-34 21 Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam. Novum Organdm ; or, True Suggestions for the Interpretation of Nature. Fools- cap 8vo. Splendidly bound by Hayday in blue morocco, ex- tra, richly gilt. W. Pickering, London, 1850 22 Bacon, Francis, Lord. Of the Proficience and Advance- ment of Learning. Edited by B. Montagu. Foolscap 8vo. Splendidly bound by Hayday, in blue morocco, extra, richly gilt. W. Pickering, London, 1851 23 Bacon, Francis, Lord. The Essays, or Counsels Civil and Moral ; and Wisdom of the Ancients. Edited by B. Montagu. Foolscap 8vo. Splendidly bound by Hayday, in blue morocco, extra, richly gilt. W. Pickering, London, 1852 The above three works are uniform in size and style of binding. 24 BACON, FEANCIS. WORKS, Collected and Edited by James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis, and Douglas Denon Heath. Portraits on India paper. The Arms of Bacon in gold and colors on each title. 15 vols. 8vo. Half morocco, extra, uncut, by Matthews. Large paper : only 100 copies printed. Very scarce in this size. The finest production of this celebrated Press, and the most beautiful example of American typography. Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1863 The best edition of Bacon's Works, it being a reprint of the best London edition, with corrections and some additions by the senior editor, Mr. Spedding. The Indexes are also much more copious. 25 Bailey, Philip James. Festus, a Poem. 8vo., cloth, uncut. First edition. Never published. Suppressed by the Author. This copy contains an autograph letter of the Poet. Very rare. W. Pickering, London, 1839 26 Bailey, Philip James. Festus, a Poem. Fifth edition. Post 8vo. Polished calf, super extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. W. Pickering, London, 1852 27 Bale, John. Kynge Johan, a Play in Two Parts ; edited by J. Payne Collier from the MS. of the Author in the Library of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire. Ato., cloth, uncut. Pkitatelt printed for the Camden Society. London, 1838 28 Ballads. The Book of British Ballads, edited by Sam- uel Carter Hall. Illustrated by several hundred engravings by the best Artists. Royal octavo. Light brown morocco, gilt edges, by Matthews. London, 1853 29 Bancroft, George. History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. Portraits on India paper. 8 vols. Imp. 8vo., boards, uncut. Very scarce. Large paper : 50 copies printed, 2 of which were destroyed by the fire at C. B. Richardson's store, in New York, Septem- ber, 1864. Charles B. Richardson Sf Co., New York, 1861 30 Barrey, Lo. Bam- Alley; or, Merry-Trickes, a Comedy. Ato., half morocco. Charles Mathew's copy; with his book-plate. London, 1636 31 Baxter, Richard. The Poetical Fragments. Portrait. 16mo., boards. London, 1821 The present volume appears to have been his only poetic opusculum. Bib. Ang. Poet. The above was the first work brought out by the eminent publisher, "William Pickering. 32 Beattie, James. The Poetical "Works, with Memoir by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. Fine portrait, after Reynolds. Foolscap 8vo. Aldine edition. Choice copy. Claret morocco, extra, gilt edges, by Hayday. W. Pickering, London, 1831 33 Beaumont, (Francis,) and (John) Fletcher. Philaster, Love lies a Bleeding. Ato., half maroon morocco. Fine copy. London, 1634 34 Beaumont and Fletcher. The Knight of the Burning Pestle. Full of Mirth and Delight. Ato., half morocco. London, 1635 35 Beaumont and Fletcher. The Woman Hatek, or the Hungry Courtier. A Comedy. Mo., half maroon morocco. London, 1649 36 Beaumont and Fletchek. The Maid's Tragedy, ito., half maroon morocco. London, 1717 37 Beaumont and Fletcher. The Dramatic "Works of; the Text formed from a new Collation of the early Editions, with a Biographical Memoir by the Kev. Alexander Dyce. Portraits. 11 vols. 8vo. Best Edition. Sprinkled calf, extra, marbled leaves, by Riviere. Moxon, London, 1843 38 Beaumont, Sir John. Bosworth Field : with a taste of the variety of other Poems, left by him ; set forth by his Sonne, Sir John Beaumont, Baronet. Foolscap 8vo., red morocco. London, 1629 From the Duke of Buckingham's library, pp. 181-2 are wanting in all copies known. 39 Beckington. (Bishop Thomas.) Journal by One of the Suite of Thomas Beckington, afterwards Bishop of Bath and Wells, during an Embassy to Negotiate a Marriage between Henry VI. and a Daughter of the Count of Armagnac, a. d. mccccxlii ; with Notes and Illustrations by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. 8vo., cloth, uncut. Only 250 copies printed : 12 were taken off on large paper in royal 8vo. See No. 218 Eyton Catalogue. W. Pickering, London, 1828 40 Behn, Mrs. Aphra. The Town-Fopp, or Sir Timothy Taw- drey. Ato., half green morocco, extra. First edition. London, 1677 41 Behn, Mrs. A. The City Heiress, or Sir Timothy Treat- all, a Comedy. 4 139 Coleridge, S. T. Lax Sermons ; The Stateman's Manual, or the Bible the best Guide to Political Skill and Fore- sight, edited, with the Author's last Corrections and Notes, by Derwent Coleridge. Foolscap 8vo., tree calf, extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. W. Pickering, London, 1852 140 Coleridge, S. T. Notes, Theological, Political, and Miscellaneous ; edited by the Rev. Derwent Coleridge. Foolscap 8vo., tree calf, extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Moxon, London, 1853 141 Coleridge, S. T. Notes on English Divines ; edited by the Rev. Derwent Coleridge. 2 vols. Foolscap 8vo., tree calf, super extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Moxon, London, 1853 142 Coleridge, S. T. Specimens of his Table Talk. New edition, by H. N. Coleridge. Portrait. Foolscap 8vo., tree calf, extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Murray, London, 1858 143 Cokain, Sir Aston. Choice Poems of Several Sorts, with three New Plays, viz. : the Obstinate Lady, a Com- edy ; Trappolin, suppos'd a Prince, a Tragi-Comedy. 18mo., pp. xii. 508, 1669. Also, The Tragedy of Ovid, written by Sir Aston Cokain, Baronet. Portrait facing the title, pp. vi. 140. 2 vols, in 1, 18;?io., half calf. Vert scarce. Bindley's copy of the first work sold for £3 17s., and his copy of the Ovid went at £3 7s. The above is a poor copy, and is closely trimmed. 144 Collier, Jeremy. A Short View of the Immorality and Pro- faneness of the English Stage, together with the Sense of Antiquity upon this Argument. Third edition. London, 1698 Also, A Defence of the Short View, &c, &c, London, 1699. 2 vols, in 1. Post 8vo., half calf. London, 1698—9 145 Collier, J. Payne. The Poetical Decameron, or Ten Conver- sations on English Poets and Poetry, particularly of the Eeigns of Elizabeth and James I. 2 vols. Post 8vo. Uniform in size and style of binding, with the title 147. Constable, Edinburgh, 1820 This work contains much curious, novel, and interesting research relating to the Elizabethan Poets. 25 146 Collier, J. Payne. The Poet's Pilgrimage, an Allegor- ical Poem, in four Cantos. Mo., boards, uncut. Privately printed: and only 100 copies, 85 of which were destroyed by the author. Very scarce. " ' Pvowett, London, 1825 " It was advertised in a few newspapers, but the advertisement was recalled instantly, as the author repented of what he had done, and not a copy was sold. Of the one hundred copies originally printed, eighty-five were destroyed." — Martin's Cat. ofPriv. Pr. Books, pp. 634-5. 147 Collier, J. Payne. The History of English Dramatic Poetry to the Time of Shakespeare, and Annals of the Stage to the Restoration. 3 vols. Post 8vo., tree calf, extra, mar- bled edges, by Riviere. Murray, London, 1831 The above is the best work upon the Rise and Progress of the Eng- lish Drama. 148 Collier (J. Payne). Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakspeare's Plays from Early Manuscript Corrections in a Copy of the folio, 1632. 8vo., boards. Uniform with the Collier Shakspeare of 1842-44. London, 1853 149 Collier, J. Payne. Reply to Mr. N. E. S. A. Hamilton's "Inquiry into the Imputed Shakespeare Forgeries." 8vo., paper. London, 1860 150 Collins, William. The Poetical Works, with Life by Dr. Johnson ; Observations on his Writings by Dr. Lang- horne, and Notes by the Rev. Alexander Dyce, A. B. Oxon. Crown 8vo., calf. W. Pickering, London, 1827 151 Collins, William. The Poetical Works, with Memoir, Essay on his Genius, and Observations on the Odes. Portrait. Foolscap 8vo., Aldine Edition, claret morocco, extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday. W. Pickering, London, 1830 152 Communion Services. Order for the Administration of the Holy Communion and Occasional Offices, according to the Use of the Church of England. 4to. Beautifully printed by Whittingham, in red and black. Tree calf, ex- tra, gilt leaves, by Riviere. Elegant copy. W. Pickering, London, 1848 4 26 153 Constable, Henry. Diana, or the excellent conceitful Sonnets of H. C. Augmented with diuers Quatorzains of honourable and lerned personages, Deuided into viii Decads, Printed by James Roberts 1584. Reprinted in facsimile. 12mo., half morocco. Privately feinted : and only 50 copies. London, 1818 154 Corbet, R. Poetica Stromata, or a Collection of Sun- dry Pieces in Poetry; Drawne by the known and ap- proued Hand of R. C. 18mo., original calf binding. London, 1648 From the library of the Rev. John Mitford with his autograph and notes. " Second edition, and has every appearance of having been printed in France or Flanders." — B. A. P. 155 Corwin, E. B. Catalogue of his rare, curious, and valuable Collection of Books, Tracts, Autographs, etc. Sold at Auction on Monday, November 10th, 1856, and following days. Imperial 8vo., untrimmed edges. Very scarce in uncut condition. Large paper : Few printed. New York, 1856 156 Cory, Isaac P. Ancient Fragments of the Phoenician, Chaldaean, Egyptian, Tyrian, Carthaginian, Persian, In- dian, and other Writers, with Dissertation, and Inquiry into the Philosophy and Trinity of the Ancients. Svo., cloth, uncut. Second and best edition. Mow very scarce. The edition was an extremely limited one. W. Pickering, London, 1832 157 Costello, Louisa Stuart. Specimens of the Early Poetry of France, from the Time of the Troubadours to the Reign of Henri Quatre, with 4 plates finished by hand in colors and gold ; but few were so issued. Crown 8vo., polished calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. W. Pickering, London, 1835 158 Cottle, Joseph. Early Recollections of S. T. Coleridge, chiefly relating to the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge, durino- his long Residence in Bristol. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo., cloth, un- cut. Contains portraits of Coleridge (two), Southey, Words- worth, Lamb, and Cottle. Longman fy Co., London, 1837 £7 159 Cowley, Abraham. The "Works, consisting of those which were formerly Printed, and those which he design'd for the Press; Publish'd out of the Author's Original Copies ; with the Cutter of Coleman Street. Numer- ous portraits and engravings. 3 vols. Post 8vo., calf, gilt edges. From the Crowninshield library. London, 1710 160 Cowley, A. The Prose Works, including his Essays in Prose and Verse. Royal 8vo., cloth. Large paper. Only 12 printed in this size. W. Pickering, London, 1826 161 Cowper, William. The Poetical Works, with Life by Sir Harris Nicolas. Portrait. 3 vols. Foolscap 8vo. Aldine edition. Claret morocco, extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday. W. Pickering, London, 1843 162 Cowper, William. The Poetical Works, with Life by Sir Harris Nicolas. Portrait. Rubricated title-pages and initials. 2 vols. 8vo. Beautifully printed by Whitting- ham. Tree calf, extra, marbled edges, by Riviere. Only 350 copies printed. W. Pickering, 1853 163 Coxe, William. Sketches of the Lives of Correggio and Parmegiano ; portrait of Correggio. Crown 8vo., polished calf, extra, marbled edges, by Riviere. London, 1823 164 Craik, George L. A Compendious History of English Lit- erature, and of the English Language, from the Norman Conquest, with numerous Specimens. 2 vols. Royal 8vo., cloth, uncut. Best edition, greatly enlarged. New York, 1864 165 Ckanwell, Edward. An Index of English Books Printed before MDC, in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, with a list of the Plays of Shakspeare printed before 1623, in the Capell Collection. 8vo., cloth. Scarce. W. Pickering, London, 1847 166 Crashaw, Eichard, Canon of Loretto. The Complete Works ; edited by William B. Turnbull, Esq. Finely printed by Whittingham. Thick foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. London, 1858 167 Crcesus, King of Lydia; a Tragedy in Five Acts, with Illus- trations by Field Talfburd. Ho., half morocco, extra. 28 Large paper. Presentation copy to the Poet Samuel Rogers, "with the Author's compliments.'' W. Pickering, London, 1845 168 Crowninshield, Edward A. Catalogue of his Valuable and Eare Library, and collection of Autograph letters. 1156 Titles of Books and 116 Titles of autograph letters. Boston, 1859 This collection was advertised to be sold at auction " on Tuesday, November 1st, 1859, and three following days," but was withdrawn in consequence of its purchase by Henry Stevens, of London, for $9,500. No. 878, The Bay Psalm Book, was sold by him to the British Museum for .£157 10s. 169 Cunningham, Allan. Songs of Scotland, Ancient and Modern ; with an Introduction and Notes, Historical and Critical, and Characters of the most Eminent Lyric Poets of Scotland. 4 vols. Grown 8vo. Scarce. Green Levant morocco. Finely tooled. Splendid copy. London, 1825 ALIBARD, M. Florae Parisiensis Prodromus, ou Catalogue des Plantes, qui naissent dans les Environs de Paris. Plates. Foolscap Svo., calf. Paris, 1749 From the library of Thomas Gray (author of the Elegy), with numerous notes in the margins in his handwriting. 171 Dante. La Divina Commedia. Portrait. 2 vols. Printed from diamond type. 4Smo., cloth, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1822 172 Davids, Thaddeus. History of Ink, including its Etymology, Chemistry, and Bibliography. Plates. 12mo., boards. New York, n. d. (1860) 173 Davison, Francis. The Poetical Rhapsody, to which are added several other Pieces, with Memoirs and Notes by N. Harris Nicolas, Esq. 2 vols. Crown Svo., brown calf gilt leaves, by Riviere. Fine copy. W. Pickering, London, 1826 174 Dawson, Henry B. The Assault on Stony Point, by Genera] Anthony "Wayne, July 16, 1779. Prepared for the New York Historical Society, and read at its regular monthly meeting, April 1, 1862, with a map, fac-simiks, and illustrative notes. Royal 8vo., uncut. Splendidly " printed at the Riverside Press. 29 Privately printed : and only 250 copies. " No. 94, H. B. D." Very scarce. Morrisania, N. Y., 1863 175 Dekker, Thomas. The Wonder of a Kingdome. Small Ato., half morocco. First edition. Reprinted in Dilke's "Old Plays," 1816. From the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his auto- graph and notes. London, 1636 176 Delonet, Thomas. The History of John Winchcomb, usually called Jack of Newbury, the famous Clothier. Written a. d. 1597. Edited by James 0. Halliwell, Esq., F. R. S., from the edition of 1633. Foolscap ito., half morocco, extra. Privately printed: and only 26 copies; see the printer's attestation on the fly-leaf. London, 1859 177 Dennis, Mr. The Comical Gallant ; or the Amours of Sir John Falstaffe. ito, half morocco, extra. First edition. London, 1702. 178 Dennistoun, James. Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, Illustrating the Arms, Arts, and Literature of Italy, from 1440 to 1630. Maps and plates. 3 vols. 8vo., half red morocco, extra, gilt tops, edges uncut. London, 1851 179 Detroit. Diary of the Siege of Detroit in the War with Pontiac. Also a Narrative of the Principal Events of the Siege, by Major Eobert Rogers ; a Plan for Con- ducting Indian Affairs, by Colonel Bradstreet ; and other authentick Documents, never before Printed. Edited, with Notes, by Franklin B. Hough. Foolscap ito., cloth, uncut. Rubricated title and initials. Only 100 copies printpd : 10 were printed on large pa- per in 4to. J. MunseU, Albany, 1860 MUNSELL'S " HISTORICAL SERIES " No. IV. 180 D'Ewes, Sir Simonds. Autobiography and Correspondence during the Reigns of James I. and Charles I. Edited by James O. Halliwell. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo., tree calf, extra, marbled edges, by Riviere. Fine copy. London, 1845 181 Dibdin, Charles, and Others. Sea-Songs and Ballads. Thick 18mo., half morocco. Best edition. Bell fy Daldy, London, 1863 so 182 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Poems. 8vo. pp. x. 117. Calf, gilt. From the Orowninshield library. Suppressed by the Author. London, 1797 " In the first edition of the Bibliomania is a curious note respecting these poems, from which it appears that 500 copies were printed, the major part of which were destroyed. 'My only consolation is,' (says the author,) 'that the volume is exceedingly rare.' Brockett's copy sold for £\ 2s., and Bindley's for £1 18s.'' — Lowndes. "Now of all Englishmen who have ever lived, there never was a man better suited to make a dry study attractive, and a learned subject plain, than Dr. Dibdin of Roxburghe memory. This magician could with his pen dress up a begrimed, uncouth-look- ing volume in more attractive style than could Grolier's binder with his most cunning tools. He could convert ' Belindas ' and ' Ahnasas ' into Bibliomaniacs, and make a dry catalogue of old English poetry more attractive than the last novel. "It was but necessary for him to apply the epithets 'excessively rare,' or ' exceedingly curious,' and the neglected Caxton in your garret would buy you a year's clothing for your household, and the old family Bible would defray your Christmas festivities." — Allilione. Eor an admirable account of Dibdin's Works see Dr. Allibone's Diet, of Authors, Vol. I. pp. 497-9. 183 Dibdin, T. F. Bibliography, a Poem. Preface, pp. 24. Royal 8vo., crimson morocco, gill edges, by Mackenzie. Privately printed : and only 50 copies. E. A. Orown- inshield 's copy with his book-plate. London, 1812 " There is no title-page to this effusion from the pen of Dr. Dib- din.'' — Martin. 184 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. The Bibliographical Decameron, or Ten Days' Pleasant Discourse, upon Illuminated Man- uscripts, and Subjects connected with Early Engraving, Typography, and Bibliography. Numerous portraits and illustrative plates, many of them upon India paper. 3 vols. Royal 8vo. JElegantly bound in olive Levant morocco, su- per extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Splendid copy. London, 1817 " This work may be considered as a continuation of the Bibliomania, the same characters being introduced in the dialogues. From the information which it contains, and the splendor of the decorations and printing, it will ever be considered as a model of excellence and 31 good taste in typography and the arta. Both the copper-plates and the wood-cuts which embellished the work have been de- stroyed." — Lowndes. A laege paper copy of the above work, with uncut edges, was lately priced at £45 Os. in London. 185 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. Por- traits and numerous highly finished engravings, many be- ing upon India paper. 3 vols. Royal Svo. JZlegantly bound in olive Levant morocco, super extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Splendid copy. Printed by Buhner, London, 1821 Uniform in size and style of binding with the Decameron, No. 184. 186 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Library Companion, or the Young Man's Guide and the Old Man's Comfort in the choice of a Library. Second edition with Index. 8vo.. calf, extra. London, 1825 " This work contains much curious and important bibliographical in- formation not elsewhere to be found, and will at all times be con- sulted, as a work of reference, by the Bibliographer, Biographer, and Historian." — Lowndes. 187 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics. Fourth edition, greatly Enlarged and Cor- rected. 2 vols. 8vo., half calf. Best edition. London, 1827 " This edition is entirely rewritten, and contains for the first time an account of the best editions of the Hebrew Bibles and of the Greek and Latin Fathers." — Lowndes. 188 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Reminiscences of a Literary Life. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo., boards, uncut. London, 1836 The above contains the scarce Index which was published some time after the work was issued. 189 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. A Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland. 2 vols. Royal 8vo., tree calf, gilt edges. Numerous plates and wood engravings. Fine copy. This is one of those sets which contain plates on India paper as described by Lowndes. London, 1838 32 190 Dibdin, Rev. T. F;- Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland. ' Numerous fine illustra- tions. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. Elegantly bound in rich maroon Levant morocco, super extra, gilt, by Riviere. Splendid copy. London, 1838 191 Dibdin, Rey. T. F. Bibliomania, or Book Madness, a Bibliographical Romance. Illustrated with Engravings ; new edition, with Preliminary Observations and a Key to the assumed Characters in the Drama. 1 vol. Royal 8vo., half morocco, uncut. Very large boards. Best edition. Now scarce. London, 1842 " The Bibliomania is written in dialogues or conversations, the char- acters introduced are well-known book collectors of the author's acquaintance. The great value of the work is in the notes, which abound with anecdotes of Books and Book Collectors, and an account of the rarer articles in their collections, and the prices at which they were sold, extracted from the sale catalogues. It will be always consulted as an authority." — Lowndes. " You have contrived to strew flowers over a path which, in other hands, would have proved a very dull one ; and all Bibliomanes must remember you long, as he who first united their antiquarian details with good-humoured raillery and cheerfulness." — Sir Wal- ter Scott to Dr. Dibdin. 192 Diontsii Lebei-Batillii Regii Mediomatricv Praesidis Emblemata. Emblemata a Iano lac. Boissardo Vesun- tino delineata sunt, Et a Theodoro de Brt sculpta, et nunc recens in lucem edita. 63 Plates engraved on cop- per, brilliant impressions. Ato., vellum. Francqfurti ad Moenu, A", do. Io. xcvi 193 D'Israeli, Isaac. Amenities of Literature, consisting of Sketches and Characters of English Literature. 3 vols. 8vo., tree calf, super extra, by Riviere. Very fine copy of the best English edition. Moxon, London, 1841 194 D'Israeli, Isaac. Amenities of Literature, consisting of Sketches and Characters of English Literature. A new edition, edited by his Son, the Right Hon. B. D'Israeli. 2 vols. 8vo., half morocco, uncut. Large paper: only 100 copies printed. Boston, 1864 Uniform in size and style of binding with the large paper edition of the " Curiosities of Literature " by the same author. 33 195 DTsraeli, Isaac. Curiosities of Literature, with a View of the Life and "Writings of the Author, hy his Son. Pine portraits and view. Fourteenth edition. 3 vols. 8vo., calf, extra, by Hayday. Very fine copy of the best English edition. Moxon, London, 1849 196 DTsraeli, Isaac. Curiosities of Literature, with a View of the Life and Writings of the Author, by his Son. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo., half Roxburgh morocco. Finest edition. Large paper: only 100 copies printed. Riverside Press, 1864 Uniform in size and style of binding with the large paper edition of the " Amenities of Literature" by the same author. 197 Dixon, William Hepworth. The Personal History of Lord Bacon. From unpublished Papers, by William Hepworth Dixon of the Inner Temple. Author's edition. 8vo., boards, uncut. Large paper: 7 5 copies printed. Boston, 1861 This work is uniform in size with the large paper edition of Bacon printed at the Riverside Press. 198 Doddridge, Philip, D. D. The Eise and Progress of Religion in the Soul. 18mo., uncut. Reprinted by William Pickering, London, 1853 199 Dodsley, Eobert. A Collection of Poems by several Hands ; illustrated with engravings. 6 vols. Crown 8vo., calf. London, 1775 200 Dodsley, Robert. Old Plats, A Select Collection ; new edition, with Additional Notes and Corrections by Isaac Reed, Octavius Gilchrist, and the Editor (John Payne Collier). 13 vols. 8vo., half green morocco, uncut. Large paper : extremely scarce. Prowett and Pickering, London, 1825-33 The 13th volume, published hy Pickering, eight years after the other twelve, is almost always lacking in sets, either on large or small paper. 201 Donne, John. Devotions, with two Sermons : I. on the De- cease of Lady Danvers, Mother of George Herbert. II. Death's Duel, his own Funeral Sermon, with Life by Izaak Walton. Fcp. 8vo, Blue morocco, extra, gilt leaves. W. Pickering, London, 1840 5 34. 202 Dotjce, Francis. Illustrations of Shakspeare, and of Ancient Manners ; "With Dissertations on the Clowns and Fools of Shakspeare ; on the collection of Popular Tales entitled Gesta Romanorum ; and on the English Morris Dance. The engravings on wood by J. Berryman. 2 vols. 8vo., calf, marbled edges. Best edition, with numerous facsimiles. Longmans, London, 1807 " I look upon this work as a. sort of Hortus Shakspearianus ; the research and learning bestowed on it are immense." — Dibdin. Douce figures in Dibdin's Bibliomania and in his Bibliographical De- cameron under the name of Peospeko. Douce left all of his valuable MSS. to the British Museum on the condition that they should be kept in the sealed box, -which then held them, until January 1, 1900, at which time it was to be opened and its contents examined. 203 Double Falsehood ; or, the Distrest Lovers. A Play, As it is now Acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. Written originally by W. Shakspeare ; and Revised by Mr. Theobald. Third edition. Half morocco, extra, gilt back by Murton. Fine copy. From the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his autograph and MS. notes. London, 1767 " Malone attributes this play to Massinger, Farmer to Shirley, and Eeed to Theobald himself." — Lowndes. 204 Drake, S. G. The History and Antiquities of Boston, the Capital of Massachusetts and Metropolis of New England, from its Settlement in 1630, to the year 1770. Also, an Introductory History of the Discovery and Settlement of New England. With Notes, Critical and Illustrative. Numerous portraits, plates, facsimiles, and wood-cuts. Royal octavo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1856 205 Drake, S. G. A Brief Memoir of Sir Walter Ralegh ; Prepared for and published in the New England His- torical and Genealogical Register for April, 1862, and now Reprinted with Additions, with Portrait of Ralegh, after the picture by Zucchero. 4fo., uncut. Very scarce. Printed by J. Munsell, Albany. Large paper : Privately printed, and only 10 copies. Boston, 1862 From Munsell's Peess. 35 206 Drayton, Michael. Nymphidia : The Court of Fairy. Edited by Sir Egerton Brydges. Royal 8vo., half green morocco, extra, uncut. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. Lee Priory Press, 1814 207 Dryden, John. The Indian Emperour, or the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. ito., half maroon morocco. London, 1667 208 Dkyden, John. An Evening's Love, or the Mock As- trologer, ito., half morocco, extra. London, 1671 First edition. 209 Dryden, John. All for Love, or the "World Well Lost ; a Tragedy. ito., half morocco, extra. London, 1678 FlRST EDITION. 210 Dryden, John. The Spanish Fryar, or the Double Discovery. ito., half morocco, extra. London, 1681 First edition. 211 Dryden, John, and Mr. Lee. The Duke of Guise, a Tragedy, ito., half morocco, extra. London, 1683 First edition. 212 Dryden, John. Albion and Albanius, an Opera, ito., half maroon morocco. London, 1691 213 Dryden, John. The Indian Emperour, or the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, ito., half morocco, extra. London, 1692 214 Dryden, John. The Poetical Works, with Life by the Rev. John Mitford, an Appendix and Additional Notes. Por- trait. 5 volumes. Foolscap 8vo. Aldine edition. Claret morocco, extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday. W. Pickering, London, 1843 215 Drummond, William, of Hawthornden. Poetical Works, edited by William Turnbull. Portrait. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. London, 1856 216 Dunbar, William. The Poems, now first Collected. With Notes, a Memoir of his Life and a Glossary by David Laing. 2 vols. Half green morocco, gilt backs and tops, edges uncut. Fine copy. Laing fy Forbes, Edinburgh. W. Pickering, London, 1834 Only 200 copies feinted. Extremely scarce. Only complete edition. Elegantly printed on laid paper. 36 217 Dunton, John. Remains ; or the Dying Pastour's Last Legacy to his Friends and Parishioners ; To this Work is Prefixt the Author's Holy Life and Triumphant Death, and at the latter end of it is Annext his Funeral Sermon. Portrait and curious plates. Crown 8vo., calf, gilt. Fine copy, bound by Mackenzie. London, 1684 Very scarce. Contains a most brilliant impression of the portrait. At the end is bound a catalogue of " Books lately printed for John Dunton, etc." 218 Dunton, John. The Life and Errors of. "With the Lives and Characters of more than a thousand con- temporary Divines, and other Persons of Literary emi- nence. To which are added Dunton's Conversation in Ireland ; Selections from his other genuine works ; and a faithful Portrait of the author. 2 vols. 8vo., half calf , extra, marbled edges. London, 1818 219 Durfey, Thomas. A Fond Husband, or the Plotting Sisters. Mo., half morocco, extra. London, 1677 First edition. 220 Durfey, Thomas. The Fool Turn'd Critick. Mo., half morocco, extra. London, 1678 First edition. 221 Durfey, Thomas. The Virtuous Wife, or Good Luck at Last. Ato., half morocco, extra. London, 1680 First edition. 222 Durfey, Thomas. Sir Barnaby Whigg, or No Wit like a Woman's. Ato., half morocco, extra. London, 1681 First edition. 223 Durfey, Thomas. New Songs Sung in the Fool's Pre- ferment, or the Three Dukes of Dunstable. Ato., half morocco, extra. London, 1688 224 Dyce, Rev. Alexander. Specimens of Poetesses, Selected and Chronologically Arranged by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. Post %vo., half morocco, gilt bach and tops. Fine copy from the Orowninshield library. London, 1825 225 Dyce, Rev. Alexander. Remarks on Mr. J. P. Collier's and Mr. C. Knight's Editions of Shakespeare. 8vo., boards, uncut. London, 1844 87 226 Dyce, Rev. Alexander. A Few Notes on Shakespeare, with Remarks on the Emendations of the Manuscript-Cor- rector in Mr. Collier's copy of the Folio, 1632. 8vo., boards. London, 1853 227 Dyce, Rev. Alexander. Strictures on Mr. Collier's New Edition of Shakespeare, 1858. 8vo., boards. London, 1859 228 Dyer, Thomas H. The Life of John Calvin, Compiled from Authentic Sources, and particularly from his Correspond- ence. Portrait. 8vo., calf, extra, marbled edges. Murray, London, 1850 ASTON, JOHN. A Narrative of the Causes which led to Philip's Indian War, of 1675 and 1676, by John Easton, of Rhode Island. "With other Documents con- cerning this event in the office of the Secretary of State of New York. Prepared from the Originals. With an Introduction and Notes. By Franklin B. Hough. Map. ito., uncut. Only 110 copies feinted : 10 of which were printed on large paper in ito. J. Munsell, Albany, 1858 Munsell's " Historical Series," No. II. 230 Eikon, Basililike. The Pourtraictuee of his Sacred Majestie in his Solitude and Sufferings. 18»io., morocco, extra. From Orowninshield's library. London, 1649 " When this work first appeared, its influence was so great that Crom- well was very desirous of having it answered, and more than once applied to Selden to do it, who unhesitatingly declined." Laing says, that " had the work appeared a. week sooner, it might have preserved the King." It was answered by Milton in his " Eikonoklastes." The volume is extremely scarce. 231 ©£l®3i;, 0!& QL§®1Sei'&Q. The Doctrinal of Princes made by the Noble Oratotjr Isocrates, and translated out of Greke into Englishe by Syr Thomas Eliot Knight. Foolscap 8>vo., black letter, original parchment binding. Rare. Imprinted at Conoon in £itt& Qiuit, in Ih$ honse of Sljomas jBerthekt, 1534. With the autograph of Wm. Herbert, 1771, on the title-page. The parchment used for the cover is a portion of some old legal docu- ment. 38 232 Elizabeth of York: Household Book. Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of Tork : Wardrobe Accounts of Edward the Fourth. With a Memoir of Elizabeth of Tork, and Notes. By Nicholas Harris Nicolas, Esq. 8vo., boards, uncut. Only 250 copies printed. 12 were printed upon large paper in royal 8vo. See the JEyton Catalogue. W. Pickering, London, 1830 233 Ellis, George. Specimens of the Early English Poets. First edition. Grown 8vo., half green morocco, extra, by Hay day, gilt top. London, 1790 From the Earl of Guilford's library, with book-plate. 234 Ellis, George. Specimens of the Early English Poets, with an Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the English Poetry and Language. 3 vols. Crown 8vo., half green morocco, extra, by Hayday. Fine large uncut copy, gilt tops. London, 1801 From the Earl of Guilford's library, with book-plate. 235 Ellis, George. Specimens of the Early English Metrical Romances, chiefly Written during the Early Part of the fourteenth Century, with an Introduction Illustrating the Rise and Progress of Romantic Composition in France and England. 3 vols. Crown 8vo., half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Very fine copy. Best edition. London, 1811 From the Earl of Guilford's library, with book-plate. 236 Evans, Thomas. Old Ballads, Historical and Narrative, with some of Modern Date ; now first Collected and Re- printed from rare copies and MSS., with Notes. 4 vols. Crown 8vo., calf. London, 1784 237 Evelyn, John. The Life of Mrs. Godolphin, now first Pub- lished and Edited by Samuel, Lord Bishop of Oxford. Portrait. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1847 238 Everett, Edward. Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions. Portrait. 3 vols. Imperial 8vo., uncut. Large paper. Boston, 1850 Uniform with the large paper editions of Adams, Bancroft, Franklin, Washington, and Webster. 39 239 Everett, Edward. The Life of George "Washington, "With Preface, Appendix, and Index. Portrait of Wash- ington, from the bust by Ceracchi, and a Portrait of Everett, from a bust. 8vo., cloth, uncut. Large paper. New York, 1860 j|ACETLE. Mtjsarum Delicle ; or, the Muses' Recrea- tion. Conteining severall Pieces of Poetique "Wit by S r- J. M. and Ja. S. 1656, and Wit Restor'd, in severall select Poems, not formerly Publish't. v. 1658. also, Wit's Rec- reations, selected from the finest Fancies of Moderne Muses. With a Thousand Outlandish Proverbs. Printed from edition 1640, with all the Wood Engravings and Im- provements of subsequent Editions. To which are now added Memoirs of Sir John Mennis and Dr. James Smith, with a Preface. Edited by Tho. Park and Ed. Dubois, Numerous wood-cuts. 2 vols. Grown 8vo., green Levant morocco, extra, full gilt, by Charles Lewis. Ele- gant copy. Very scarce. Only 150 copies printed. London, 1817 241 Falconer, William. The Poetical Works, with Life by Rev. J. Mitford, Notes and Illustrations. Foolscap 8vo. Al- dine edition. Claret morocco, extra, gilt leaves, by Hay- day. W. Pickering, London, 1836 242 Federalist : A Collection of Essays, Written in Favor of the New Constitution, as Agreed upon by the Fcederal Convention, September 17, 1787. Reprinted from the original text, with an Historical Introduction and Notes by H. B. Dawson. Portraits of Hamilton and Jay on India paper. Imperial 8vo. Vol. I. Large paper : only 250 copies printed. Vol. II. is not yet published. Morrisania, N. T., 1864 243 Feltham, Owen. Resolves, Divine, Moral, and Political. Foolscap 8vo., blue morocco, extra, gilt edges. W. Pickering, London, 1840 244 Ferguson, Robert. The Shadow of the Pyramid. A Series of Sonnets. With a Preface and Notes. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. Beautifully printed by Whittingham. W. Pickering, London, 1847 Presentation copy " from the author " to the Poet Samuel Rogers. Autograph note inserted. 40 245 Field, John. Bibliotheca Histrionica ; a Catalogue of the Theatrical and Miscellaneous Library of Mr. John Field. Royal 8vo., half calf. Large paper. Priced. Fine copy with uncut edges. London, 1827 246 Fielding, Henry. Works. With an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Arthur Murphy, Esq. A New Edition. Portrait. 10 vols. Calf, extra. Beautiful copy. The finest edition : scarce. London, 1821 " To the student of History, these admirable works must be invalu- able, as they give us the most complete and truthful picture of the manners, and even the thoughts, of the past century." — Thackeray. 247 Fish, Simon. A Supplicacyon for the Beggers (compyled by Symon Fyshe, Anno m.ccccxxiiii.) Reprinted from the Original Edition of 1524. Foolscap 8vo., half morocco. Only 100 copies printed. W. Pickering, London, 1845 248 Fitz Warine, Fulk. The History of Fulk Fitz Warine, an Outlawed Baron in the Reign of King John. Edited from a Manuscript in the British Museum, with an Eng- lish Translation and Illustrative Notes, by Thos. Wright, Esq. Crown 8vo., uncut. Privately printed : and only 200 copies ; uniform with the Percy Society's volumes. Warton Club, London, 1856 249 Flaxman, John. Lectures on Sculpture, as Delivered before the President and Members of the Royal Academy, with a brief Memoir of the Author. Illustrated by a Portrait and 52 plates. Royal 8vo., calf, extra, gilt leaves, by John Clarice ; very scarce. From E. A. Crowninshield's library, with his book-plate. Murray, London, 1829 250 Fletcher, John. The Elder Brother ; a Comedy. Small Mo., half calf. First edition. From the libraries, and with the book-plates, of Sir Francis Freeling and William Holgate. Some leaves stilted. London, 1637 251 Fletcher, John. Monsievr Thomas ; a Comedy Acted at the Private House in Black Fryers. Small ito., half calf. 4.1 First edition. From the library of the Rev. John Milford, and containing his autograph and numerous notes. London, 1639 252 Fletcher, John. The Tragedy of Rollo. Small Ato., half calf. First edition. From the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his autograph and notes. Oxford, 1 640 253 Fletcher, John. Rule a Wjfe, and have a Wife. Small Ato., half calf. First edition. From the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his autograph and notes. Oxford, 1 640 254 Fletcher, John. Demetrius and Enanthe, being the Humorous Lieutenant, published from a Manuscript 1625, and containing Passages never before Printed. Edited by the Rev. A. Dyce. 8vo., half calf. Presentation copy to " the Rev"- J. Mitford with the Pub- lisher's compliments." Thomas Rodd, London, 1830 255 Foote, Samuel. The Dramatic "Works of, to which is prefixed a Life of the Author. 2 vols. Foolscap 8vo., sprinkled calf, extra, gilt backs. Fine copy. London, 1797 256 Ford, John. 'T is Pity Shee's a Whore. Small Ato., half calf. First edition. From the library of Thomas Jolley, with his book-plate. London, 1633 257 Ford, John. Fame's Memorial, an Elegy upon the Earl of Devonshire, edited by Joseph Hazlewood. 8vo., paper. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. Lee Priory Press, 1819 258 Ford, John. The Dramatic Works, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by W. Gifford ; to which are added Fame's Memorial, and Verses to the Memory of Ben. Jonson. 2 vols. 8vo., green morocco, extra, gilt edges. Elegant copy. Very scarce : none were printed upon large paper. John Murray, London, 1827 259 Forman, Dr. Simon. The Autobiography and Personal Diary of, (the celebrated Astrologer,) from 1552 to 1602 j from 6 42 the unpublished MSS. in the Ashmolean Museum, Ox- ford. 4to., uncut. Privately printed : and only 105 copies, Jive of which are upon thick paper. London, 1849 260 Franklin, Benjamin. Works, containing several Political and Historical Tracts not included in any former edition, and many Letters, Official and Private, not hitherto pub- lished, with Notes and Life, by Jared Sparks. Portraits and plates. 10 vols. Imperial octavo. Magnificent copy. Tree calf, extra, marbled leaves, by Riviere, of London. Large paper : vert scarce in this size. Boston, 1840 This set matches in size and style of binding with the Writings of Washington and Webster on this Catalogue. 261 Franklin. Letters to Benjamin Franklin, from his Family and Friends, 1751-1790. With portraits of Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. Bache. Royal 8vo., half morocco, extra, uncut, by Matthews. New York, 1859 Edition limited to 250 copies in roy. 8vo., and 10 on large paper in 4to. Scarce. 262 Freneau, Philip. Poems on Various Subjects, but chiefly Illustrative of the Events and Actors in the American War of Independence. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. Finely printed by Whittingham. London, 1861 263 Fry, John. Pieces of Ancient Poetrt, from unpublished Manuscripts and Scarce Books, with Notes and a Glos- sary. Plate. Foolscap 4to., half morocco, uncut, gilt top. Privately printed : and only 102 copies, six of which were on blue paper. Scarce. Bristol, 1814 This volume also contains, (Bliss, Dr. Philip,) Bibliographical Mis- cellanies, being a Selection of curious Pieces, in Verse and Prose. Oxford, 1813. 264 Fuller, Thomas, D. D. The History of the Holy War. Fools- cap 8vo., calf antique, carmine edges, by Riviere. Fine copy. W. Pickering, London. 1 840 265 Fuller, Thomas, D. D. The Holy State and the Profane State. Foolscap 8vo., calf antique, carmine edges, by Riviere. Fine copy. W. Pickering, London, 1840 43 266 Fuller, Thomas, D. D. Good Thoughts in Bad Times, Good Thoughts in Worse Times, Mixt Contemplations in Bet- ter Times ; to which is added the Cause and Cure of a Wounded Conscience. Portrait. Foolscap Svo., calf antique, carmine edges, by Riviere. Fine copy. W. Pickering, London, 1841 267 Fuller, Thomas. Memorials of the Life and Works of, by Rev. Arthur T. Eussell. Foolscap 8vo., calf antique, car- mine edges, by Riviere. W. Pickering, London, 1844 The above four volumes are uniform in size and style of binding. 268 Fuller, Thomas, D. D. Good Thoughts in Bad Times, Mixt Contemplations in Better Times, The Cause and Cure of a Wounded Conscience. Fine portrait, a Proof on India paper, rubricated title and initials. 8vo., cloth, uncut. Large paper: 30 copies printed. Boston, 1863 ?econts 3Sa;p* IBBON, EDWARD. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 8 vols. Royal 8vo., boards, uncut. Portrait on India paper. Large paper : only 50 copies printed. Very scarce in this size. W. Pickering, London, 1827 " Oxford English Classics " series ; uniform with the sets of Bos- well's Life of Johnson ; Johnson's Works ; Hume & Smollett's History of England ; and Robertson's Historical Works. 270 Goethe, Wolfgang. Reineke Fuciis, mit Zeichnungen von Wilhelm von Kaulbach. Royal Ato., light brown morocco, extra, gilt edges, by Wm. Matthews. Fine impres- sions of the 36 plates. Splendid copy. Stuttgart, 1846 271 Goethe, John Wolfgang. Faust, a Dramatic Poem, Trans- lated, with Notes, by A. Hayward. Foolscap 8vo., calf, extra, by Hayday. Moxon, London, 1855 272 Goldsmith, Oliver. The Poetical Works, with Life, by the Rev. J. Mitford, and Anecdotes of Goldsmith. Portrait. Foolscap 8vo. Aldine edition. Claret morocco, extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday. W. Pickering, London, 1851 273 Goldsmith, Oliver. The Works of, edited by Peter Cunning- ham. Portrait and Vignettes. 4 vols. 8vo., calf, extra, marbled edges. Best edition. London edition : but with the imprint of Little, Brown $ Go. Boston, 1854 274 Goffe, Thomas. The Covragious Tvrke, or Amvrath the First, a Tragedie. 4to., half green morocco, extra. London, 1632 45 275 Goodman, John. The Old Religion Demonstrated in its Principles, and Described in the Life and Practice there- of. 18mo., uncut. Reprint from the edition of 1684. W. Pickering, London, 1848 276 Goosecappe, Sir Gyles, Knight : a Comedie, presented by the Chil. of the Chappell. Small Mo., half morocco. First edition : The second edition has a Dedication. London, 1606 277 Gray, Henry. Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical ; the Draw- ings by H. V. Carter, the Dissections jointly by the Author and Dr. Carter. Royal 8vo. Best English edition. London, 1858 278 Gray, Thomas. Works in Verse and Prose, with Life and Notes by the Rev. John Mitford. Portrait. 5 vols. Foolscap 8vo., half green morocco, uncut. Thick paper : only 20 copies printed. See Eyton Catalogue. W. Pickering, London, 1836 The finest edition of the Works of Gray, containing many pieces never before printed ; uniform in size with the aldine edition of the British Poets by the same publisher. 279 Gray, Thomas. Works in Verse and Prose, with Life and Notes by the Rev. John Mitford. Portrait. 5 vols. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1836 The same edition as the title above, but on thinner paper. 280 Gray, Thomas. The Poetical Works, with Memoir by the Rev. J. Mitford. Notes and Appendix. Portrait. Fools- cap 8vo. Aldine edition. Claret morocco, extra, gilt leaves, hy Hay day. TV. Pickering, London, 1851 281 Greek Philosophy. A Brief View of, from the Age of Socrates to the Coming of Christ. Foolscap 8vo., calf, extra. W. Pickering, London, 1844 282 Greek Philosophy. A Brief View of, up to the Age of Pericles. Foolscap 8vo., calf, extra. W. Pickering, London, 1844 283 Greene, Robert. Groats-worth of Wit ; bought with a Million of Repentance : describing the Folly of Youth, the Falsehood of make-shift Flatterers, the Misery of the 46 Negligent, and Mischiefs of Deceiving Courtezans. Pub- lished at his dying request ; and newly corrected, and of many Errors purged. Edited from the edition of 1621, with a Preface, Critical and Biographical, by Sir Egerton Brydges. ito., half blue morocco, uncut. Very scarce. Privately printed : and only 61 copies. Lee Priory Press, 1813 This Tract contains the earliest contemporary allusion to Shak- speare ; in it Greene says " there is an upstart Crow, beautified with our Feathers, that with his Tygres heart, wrapt in a Players hyde, supposes hee is as well able to bombast out a Blanke verse, as the best of you : and being an absolute Iohannes factotum, is in his owne conceyt the onely Shake-scene in a Countrey." See " Some account of Robert Greene and his Writings" in Dyce's edi- tion of Greene's Dramatic Works ; also, JR. Grant White's edition of Shakespeare, Vol. I. Life, pp. Ixxiii. 284 Greene, Robert. The Dramatic Works, to which are Added his Poems, with Some Account of the Author and Notes by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. 2 vols. Grown 8vo., brown calf, gilt edges, by Bedford. Only 250 copies printed : very scarce. 12 copies were printed on thick paper, of a size slightly larger than the above. See No. 542 Eyton Catalogue. W. Pickering, London, 1831 285 Greswell, E. A View of the early Parisian Greek Press ; including the Lives of the Stephani ; Notices of other Contemporary Greek Printers of Paris; and various Particulars of the Literary and Ecclesiastical History of their Times. 2 vols. 8vo., calf, extra, gilt leaves, by Clarke fy Bedford. Beautiful copy. Oxford, 1833 286 Guest, Edwin. History of English Rhythms, from the Fifth to Fourteenth Century, illustrated chiefly from our early literature. By Edwin Guest, Esq., M. A., Fellow of Caius College, Cambridge. 2 vols. 8m, boards, uncut. Scarce. W. Pickering, London, 1838 287 Guileville, Guillatjme de. The Ancient Poem entitled Le Pelerinage de l'Homme. Compared, with the Pil- grim's Progress of John Bunyan. Edited from Notes collected by the late Mr. Nathaniel Hill. With Illustra- tions and an Appendix. 41 Illustrations in Photography, *7 Wood, and Stone; some colored. Elegantly printed by Whittingham. Crown Ato., cloth, uncut. Basil Montagu Pickering, London, 1858 The Appendix contains a portion of a Metrical Translation, made by John Lidgate, in 1426, printed from a MS. in the British Mu- seum. 5.88 Guileville, Guillaume de. The Pylgrymage of Man, a Modern Prose Translation. By Katherine Isabella Oust ; with Illustrations and an Appendix. Colored plates. Crown 4to., cloth, uncut. B. M. Pickering, London, 1859 289 Guiletille, Guillaume de. The Booke of the Pylgremage of the Sowle. Translated from the French and Printed by William Caxton, An. 1483. With Illuminations taken from the MS. copy in the British Museum. Edited by Katherine Isabella Cust. Crown ito., cloth, uncut. Basil Montagu Pickering, London, 1859 This translation of the " Pylgremage of the Sowle " was made from the French, with additions, in the year 1413. The translator, or at least the author of the "additions" (whicli consist of poetry in seven-lined stanzas), was in all probability Lydgate. The colored plates are copied from a MS. in the British Museum, and those in black are from the prose French edition, by Verard, Paris, 1499. 290 Guizot, F. P. G. The Fine Arts, Their Nature and Re- lations, Translated with the assistance of the Author by George Grove ; with Illustrations (printed in brown ink,) by George Scharf, Jun. Second edition. Foolscap ito., tree calf, super extra, edges gilt over carmine, by Riviere. Elegant copy. London, 1855 291 Gutch, John Mathew. A Lttell Geste of Robin Hode. In eight Fyttes. With Other Ancient and Modern Bal- lads and Songs relating to this Celebrated Yeoman ; to which is Prefixed his History and Character, Grounded upon other Documents than those made use of by his former Biographer, "Mister Ritson," and adorned with cuts, by F. W. Fairholt, F. S. A. 2 vols. 8vo., tree calf, super extra, by Riviere. Longman, Brown Sf Co., London, 1847 48 292 GuTTENBERG, JOHN. FlEST MASTER PRINTER. His Acts and most remarkable Discourses, and his Death, from the German by C. W. 4to., half olive morocco, uncut. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. London, 1860 1ABINGT0N, WILLIAM. The Queen of Arragon, a Tragi-comedie. Folio, half green morocco, uncut. First edition. Scarce. London, 1640 294 Hall, John. Poems ; also the Second Booke of Divine Poems. Portrait by William Marshall. Very scarce. Foolscap 8vo., calf, gilt. Fine copy. London, 1646-7 295 Hall, Joseph. Virgidemiarum : Satires, in Six Books. The first three entitled Toothlesse Satyrs ; the others, Byting Satyrs. By Joseph Hall, Bishop of Exeter and Norwich. Reprinted from the edition of 1599. Grown Svo., green Levant morocco, super extra, choicely tooled, by Riviere. Elegant copy. Only 100 copies printed. Very scarce. W. Pickering, London, 1825 296 Hall, Joseph, D. D. The Great Mystery of Godliness ; also the Invisible World. 18mo., uncut. Reprint from the edition of 1652. W. Pickering, London, 1847 297 Hall, Joseph, D. D. Meditations and Vows, Divine and Moral ; also, a Speech in Parliament in Defence of the Canons made in Convocation. 18mo., uncut. Reprinted by W. Pickering, London, 1851 298 Hall, Joseph, D. D. Occasional Meditations and the Breath- ing of the Devout Soul. ISmo., uncut. Reprinted by W. Pickering, London, 1851 299 Hall, Joseph, D. D. No Peace with Rome, also the Eemedy of Discontentment. Thick 18mo., uncut. Reprinted by W. Pickering, London, 1852 300 Halliwell, James Orchard. Shakesperiana, or Cata- logue of the Early Editions of Shakespeare's Plays and of the Commentaries and other Publications Illustrative of his Works. 8vo., boards, uncut, half mo- rocco. London, 1841 49 301 Halliwell, J. O. The Character of Sir John Falstaff, as originally exhibited by Shakespeare in the Two Parts of King Henry IV. drown 8vo., cloth, uncut. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. W. Pickering, London, 1841 302 Halliwell, J. 0. An Introduction to 'Shakespeare's Midsum- mer Night's Dream. 8vo., half green morocco, uncut. 250 copies printed. W. Pickering, London, 1841 303 Halliwell, J. O. Nugae Poeticae. Select Pieces of Old Eng- lish popular Poetry, Illustrating the Manners and Arts of the Fifteenth Century. Crown 8vo., cloth, uncut. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. London, 1844 304 Halliwell, J. O. The Life of William Shakespeare. Includ- ing many Particulars respecting the Poet and his Family never before Published. 8vo., cloth, uncut. Numerous facsimiles and wood-cuts from Drawings oyF.W. Fairholt. London, 1848 305 Halliwell, J. O. Contributions to Early English Literature, Derived chiefly from Rare Books and Ancient Inedited Manuscripts from the fifteenth to the seventeenth Cen- tury, ito., cloth, uncut. Privately printed : and only 75 copies. See the printer's attestation on the fly-leaf. London, 1849 The volume contains The Suddaine Turne of Fortune's Wheele, by John Taylor, the Water Poet ; The Life of St. Katherine ; The Smith and his Dame ; the Booke of Eobin Conscience ; Band, Ruffe, and Cuffe ; Newes out of Islington ; and a Derbyshire Mum- mer's Play ; Ballads and Poems relating to Hugh of Lincoln ; and The Interlude of Youth. 306 Halliwell, J. O. Some Account of the Popular Tracts for- merly in the Library of Captain Cox, A. D. 1575. 8vo., half morocco, uncut. Privately printed : and only 50 copies. London, 1849 " This Captain Cox, by Saint Mary, Had a goodly library." — Ben Jonson. 307 Halliwell, J. O. Palatine Anthology ; a Collection of Ancient Poems and Ballads, relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Also, Palatine Garland ; Being a Selection of Bal- 7 50 lads and Fragments, supplementary to the Palatine An- thology. Rubricated titles. 2 vols, in 1. ito., boards, un- cut. Very scarce. Privately printed : and only 110 copies, 10 of the number being on thick paper. " This is a thick paper copy." See the printer's attestation on the fly-leaf . London, 1850 308 Halliwell, J. O. A New Boke about Shakespeare and Strat- ford-on-Avon. Facsimile of Shakespeare's Marriage Bond Sf Will and numerous wood-cuts. ito., boards, uncut. Thick paper : and only 25 copies ; see the printer's attes- tation on the fly-leaf . London, 1850 Only 75 copies privately printed, 25 of which were printed upon thick paper, of which the above is No. 2. 309 Halliwell, J. O. The Yorkshire Anthology, a Collec- tion of Ancient and Modern Ballads, Poems, and Songs, relating to the County of Yorkshire. Fine rubricated title-page. Plate representing Mother Shipton's Prophecy, ito., cloth, uncut. Privately printed: and only 110 copies, 10 copies being printed on very thick paper. See the printer's autograph attestation on the fly-leaf London, 1851 Contains a Glossary of Yorkshire words. 310 Halliwell, J. O. A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Cus- toms, from the Fourteenth Century. 2 vols, ito., boards, uncut. Large paper: 112 copies privately printed. Brixton LRU, 1852 311 Halliwell, J. O. The Norfolk Anthology, a Collection of Poems, Ballads, and Rare Tracts, Relating to the County of Norfolk, ito., boards, uncut. Privately printed : and only 80 copies. See the print- er's attestation on the fly-leaf Brixton Hill, 1852 312 Halliwell, J. O. The Poetry of Witchcraft, Illus- trated by Copies of the Plays on the Lancashire Witches by Heywood and Shadwell. ito., boards, uncut. Thick paper : only 25 copies privately printed. Brixton Hill, 1853 " The edition of this work was strictly limited to eighty copies, only 25 of which were printed upon thick paper." 51 313 Halliwell, J. O. Observations on the Shaksperian Forgeries at Bridgewater House ; Illustrative of a Fac-simile of the Spurious Letter of H. S. Uo., boards, uncut. Fac-simile plate. Privately printed : and only 25 copies. London, 1853 314 Halliwell, J. O. A Brief Account of an Unique Edition of Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia, ito., boards, uncut. Privately printed : and only 25 copies. Brixton Hill, 1854 315 Halliwell, J. O. Early English Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse, Selected from an Inedited Manuscript of the fif- teenth Century. Crown 8vo., uncut. Privately printed for the Warton Club. London, 1855 316 Halliwell, J. O. Brief Notices of Bibliographical Rarities in the Library of J. O. Halliwell at Avenue Lodge, Brixton Hill, ito., cloth, uncut. Privately printed : and only 25 copies. See Mr. Halli- well 's autograph attestation on the fly-leaf. London, 1855 317 Halliwell, J. 0. A Catalogue of an Unique Collection of An- cient English Broadside Ballads, with Notes of the Tunes and Imprints. Grown 8vo., half morocco, uncut. Thick paper: only 10 copies printed. London, 1856 318 Halliwell, J. O. A lyttle Boke gevinge a True and Brief Ac- counte of some Reliques and Curiosities added of late to Mr. Halliwell's Shakespeare Collection. With a fac- simile plate, representing the title-page and another page of the " Booke of Merrie Riddles, 1617," and several wood- cuts. 4to., boards, uncut. Privately printed : and only 25 copies. See Mr. Halli- well's autograph attestation on the fly-leaf. London, 1856 319 Halliwell, J. O. A Brief Hand-list of Books, Manuscripts, etc., Illustrative of the Life and Writings of Shakespeare, collected between the years 1842 and 1859. Crown 8vo., cloth, uncut. Privately printed : and only 30 copies. London, 1859 52 320 Halliwell, J. 0. The Tinker of Turvey, or, Canterbury Tales : an Early Collection of English Novels. Small Uo., half morocco, uncut. Privately printed : and only 26 copies. See the printer's attestation on the fly-leaf . London, 1859 321 Halliwell, J. O. Fortune's Tennis Ball, an Early English Metrical Version of the Foundation Story of Shake- speare's Winter's Tale, ito., half crimson morocco, uncut. Privately printed : and only 26 copies. See the printer's attestation on the fly-leaf London, 1859 322 Halliwell, J. 0. A Brief Hand-list of the Early Quarto Edi- tions of the Plays of Shakespeare ; with Notices of the Old Impressions of the Poems. 8vo., half morocco, uncut. Privately printed: and only 25 copies. London, 1860 323 Halliwell, J. O. A Dictionary of old English Plays, existing either in Print or in Manuscript, from the ear- liest times to the close of the seventeenth century ; in- cluding also, notices of Latin Plays written by English Authors during the same Period. 8vo., polished calf, extra, by Riviere. London, 1860 324 Halliwell, J. O. The Droll of the Bouncing Knight, or the Robbers Robbed ; to which is Added the Droll of the Gravemakers, both Constructed out of Shakespeare's Plays about 1647, and Acted at Bartholomew and other Fairs. Small 4to., half morocco, uncut. Privately printed : and only 30 copies. Finely printed by Whittingham. London, 1860 325 Halliwell, J. O. The Debate and Stryfe, betweene Somer and Winter ; a Poetical Dialogue from the Unique Copy Printed by Lawrence Andrew early in the sixteenth Century. Small ito., half morocco, uncut. Privately printed : and only 30 copies. Finely printed by Whittingham. London, 1860 326 Halliwell, J. O. The Humple Remonstrances of Rice ap Meredith ap Morgan, Shentilman of Wales, with fery Brave new Ballacks or Songs, from the Original edition of 1652. Small 4to., half morocco, uncut. Privately printed : and only 30 copies. Finely printed by Whittingham. London, 1861 53 327 Halliwell, J. O. A Brief List of some of the Earer and most Curious Old-Book Rarities in his Library, chiefly Illus- trative of Early English Popular Literature. Small ito., half morocco, uncut. Privately printed : and only 25 copies. West Brompton, 1862 328 Halliwell, J. 0. A Hand-List of upwards of a Thousand Volumes of Shakesperiana, added to the three previous Collections of a similar kind formed by J. O. Halliwell, and of which Lists have been previously Printedi Thick square 8vo., half brown morocco, uncut. Elegantly printed, with ornamental headings and initials, by Whittingham. Privately printed : and only 25 copies. London, 1862 329 Halliwell, J. O. A Brief Hand-List of the Collections re- specting the Life and Works of Shakespeare, and the History and Antiquities of Stratfordrupon-Avon, formed by the late Robert Bell Wheler, and Presented by his Sister, to be preserved for ever in the Shakespeare Li- brary and Museum. Ato., uncut. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. London, 1863 330 Hamilton, Count A. Memoirs of Count Grammont, trans- lated from the French with Notes and Illustrations. Fine portraits. 3 vols, 8vo., half maroon morocco, uncut. London, 1809 331 Hamilton, N. E. S. A. An Inquiry into the Genuineness of the MS. Corrections in Mr. J. Payne Collier's Annotated Shakspere, folio, 1632 ; and of certain Shaksperian Doc- uments likewise Published by Mr. Collier. 4to., boards. Facsimiles of the corrections. London, 1860 332 Hammond, "William. Occasional Poems, first Printed 1665. Small 4to., boards, uncut. Scarce. Privately printed : and only 61 copies. Bensley, London, 1816 333 Harman, Thomas. A Caueat or Warening for Common Cur- setors, vulgarely called Vagabones, for the Vtilitie and profit of his naturall Country ; whereunto is added the tale of the second taking of the counterfet Crank, with the true report of his behauiour and also his punishment 54 for his so dissembling, most maruelous to the hearer or reader thereof, ito., half morocco, extra, uncut. Curious cuts. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. Bensley, London, 1814 334 Harsha, D. A. Life of Philip Doddridge, D. D. With Notices of some of his cotemporaries, and Specimens of his style. Portrait, on India paper, and wood-cut view of his Church. 8vo., uncut. Large paper : only 40 copies printed, 10 of which were destroyed. J. Munsell, Albany, 1864 "The pressman worked them (the 40 copies of the above book) so badly, that I culled the sheets, and they did not hold out 30 copies." — Extract from a letter of the Printer. 335 Hartshorne, Eev. Charles H. Ancient Metrical Tales, Printed chiefly from Original sources. Forming a Sup- plement to the collections of Percy, Ritson, fy Ellis. Crown 8vo., brown calf, extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. W. Pickering, London, 1829 336 Haweis, Eev. J. O. Willyams. Sketches of the Eeformation and Elizabethan Age, taken from the Contemporary Pul- pit. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1844 337 Hawkins, Thomas, M. A. Origin of the English Drama, Il- lustrated in its various Species, viz. : Mystery, Morality, Tragedy, and Comedy, by Specimens from our Earliest Writers, with Explanatory Notes. 3 vols. Crown 8vo., calf, extra, gilt tops. Beautiful copy. With uncut edges : very scarce in this state. Oxford, 1783 338 Hearne, Thomas. Eobert of Gloucester's Chronicle, Transcrib'd, and now first publish'd from a MS. in the Harleyan Library, with Glossary and other Improve- ments, a Continuation (by the Author himself) of this Chronicle, from a MS. in the Cottonian Library. 2 vols. Royal 8vo., boards, uncut copy. Large paper : best edition. Bagster, London, 1810 339 Hearne, Thomas. Peter Langtopt's Chronicle, as Il- lustrated and Improved by Eobert of Brunne ; from the Death of Cadwallader to the End of King Edward the 55 First's Reign, from a MS. in the Inner Temple Library, with a Glossary and other Curious Papers. 2 vols. Royal 8vo., boards, uncut copy. Large paper : best edition. Bagster, London, 1810 340 Heliconia ; Comprising a Selection of English Poetry of the Elizabethan Age, Written or Published between 1575 and 1604, edited by T. Park. Fine vignettes. 3 vols. 4to., calf. Only 200 copies printed : and issued at £15 3s. Gd. in boards. London, 1815 341 Henry the Eighth : Household Book. The Privy Purse Ex- pences of King Henry the Eighth, from November, MDXxrx., to December, mdxxxii. : with Introductory Remarks and Illustrative Notes, by Nicholas Harris Nicolas, Esq., F. S. A. 8vo., boards, uncut. Only 250 copies printed : 12 were printed upon large paper in royal 8vo. See the Eyton Catalogue. W. Pickering, London, 1827 342 Herbert, George. The Complete Works in Verse and Prose. With his Life by Izaak Walton. Portrait, and View of Bemerton Church. Rubricated titles and ornamental head- ings and initials. 2 vols. 8vo., tree calf, extra, marbled edges, by Riviere. Best edition. W. Pickering, London, 1853 343 Herrick, Robert. Hesperides, or the Works, both Humane and Divine. Portrait. 2 vols. Foolscap 8vo. Beauti- fully printed by Whittingham. Elegant copy in green mo- rocco, extra, gilt, by Hayday. Best edition. W. Pickering, London, 1846 344 Heywood, John. Of Gentylnes and Nobylyte, a Dya- loge between the Marchant, the Knyght, and the Plow- man dysputyng who is a verey Gentylman and who is a Noble Man and how men shuld come to auctoryte. Compiled in manner of an enterlude with divers toys and geste's addyd thereto to make mery pastyme and disport. 4to., half crimson morocco. Reprint from the edition of Jo. RasteU, (1535). Very scarce. Privately printed : and only 23 copies. London, n. d. See Bohn's Lowndes, p. 1061. From the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his autograph and numerous notes. 56 345 Heywood, John. A Mery Plate betweene the Pardoner and the Frere the Curate and Neybour Pratte. Slack £etter. Reprinted in facsimile from the edition of W. Rasiell, 1533. Half morocco. Vert scarce. Privatelt printed : and only 50 copies. London, n. d. (1819 or 1820) 346 Hetwood, Thomas. The Hierarchie of the Blessed An- gells, their Names, Orders, and Offices. The Fall of Lucifer with his Angells. A Poem, in nine Books, with Prose Annotations. Curious plates and frontispiece by Cecil, Marshall, Droeshout, etc. Very brilliant impres- sions of the plates. Folio. Brown Levant morocco, super extra, gilt, by Clarke and Bedford. Splendid copt. Printed by Adam Islip, London, 1635 "A most curious and extraordinary work, to which, it is said, Milton was much indebted. The copious annotations are replete with very singular narratives of witches, witchcraft, &c." 347 Hill, Robert, D. D. The Pathway to Piety. 2 vols. 18mo., uncut. Reprint of the edition of 1629. Wm. Pickering, London, 1847 348 Hoccleve, Thomas. Poems, never before Printed: selected from a MS. in the possession of George Mason. With a Preface, Notes, and Glossary. Ato., green Levant morocco, super extra, gilt, by Clarke fy Bedford. Beautiful copy. Very scarce, all but 50 having been destroyed by the Editor. London, 1796 With the autograph and notes (pp. 7 and 19) of Thomas Park (the Antiquary), and notes, on the fly-leaf, by Dr. Philip Bliss, of Oxford. The most singular thing in this book is the attack, in the form of an Epitaph, upon Dr. Samuel Johnson. The Editor says, in a foot- note, " This epitaph was written very soon after Dr. Johnson's death, -while newspapers were perpetually pestering the public with idle anecdotes about him." 349 Hogarth, William. The Works, in a Series of Engravings, with Descriptions and a Comment on their Moral Ten- dency by the Rev. John Trusler, to which are added An- ecdotes of the Author and his Works, by J. Hogarth and J. Nichols. Thick ito. Numerous fine plates. First 57 edition with these plates ; very brilliant impressions. 2 vols, in 1. Sprinkled calf, extra, marbled edges, by Riviere. Very fine copy. London, 1833 350 Holbein, Hans. Icones Veteris Testamenti. Ninety Illustra- tions of the Old Testament, engraved on Wood from his Designs, with Introduction. The Text in English, Latin, French, Italian, and Spanish. Crown 8vo., brown mo- rocco, extra, gilt, by Riviere. W. Pickering, London, 1830 Dr. Dibdin has given fac-similes of these wood-cuts in his Biblio- graphical Decameron. He says : " The pencil of Holbein throws a charm and an interest about this volume, which I have rarely felt in any other similar production." Dr. D. furnished the Intro- duction to this edition of the work. 351 Holbein, Hans. The Dance of Death. Exhibited in fifty- five elegant Engravings on "Wood, with a Dissertation on the Several Representations of that Subject, more par- ticularly on those Ascribed to Macaber and Holbein, by Francis Douce, Esq. 8vo., half olive morocco, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1833 This edition contains faithful fac-similes of the celebrated wood-cuts of the Dance of Death. 352 $£,JN0fl}€H>, W&tty§. The Chronicles of Eng- lande, Scotlande, and Irelande. By Eaphaell Hol- ^ inshed. From their first Inhabiting until the present 5 tyme. Very numerous curious wood engravings. Ulotk * %ttttX. 2 vols. Folio, dark brown Levant morocco, gilt \ leaves, by Clarke fy Bedford. ^5 v Very rare. Entirely perfect. ;. V At London. Imprinted for George Bishop, 1577 ^ f " The first and genuine edition of this Chronicle, commonly called l\ ? ' the Shakespeare edition,' because supposed to he the one he ^ V used. In the later edition the language was much altered and the ^ wood-cuts omitted." — Lowndes. \ Lilly, of London, advertised a copy in 1863 at .£31 10s., and another 6 ^ at .£26 5s. Loseombe's copy sold for £33 10s. ^ ^ Perfect copies are rarely met with. 353 Holmes, Abiel. The Annals of America, from the Dis- covery by Columbus in the year 1492, to the year 1826. 8 58 Second, and best edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Very fine and clean copy, having the original rough edges ; boards. Ex- ceedingly scarce in this condition. Cambridge, 1829 354 HOMER. The WHOLE WORKS of HOMER ; Prince of Poetts in his Iliads, and Odtsses. Never before in any languag truely translated, with a Coment uppon some of his chiefe places. Donne according to the Greeke ; by George Chapman. The Crottoe of all Ho- mer's Worckes, Batrachomyomachia ; His Htmnes and Epigrams. With frontispiece by Hole ; monument with verses to the memory of Prince Henry ; frontispiece to the Odysses, and the extremely rare and beautiful frontis- piece, containing a portrait of Chapman, by Pass, to the Hymns. 3 vols, in 1. Small folio. Elegantly bound in olive morocco, extra, the sides and back beautifully tooled, gilt edges, tooled mo- rocco joints. N. Butter, n. d. Excessively kabe. Joseph Lilly advertised a copy, like the above, in May, 1861, at £31 10s., and a copy of the Hymns, in June, 1857, at £12 12s. This copy is entirely complete, with all the frontispieces. That to the Hymns is so rare as to be almost unknown. The fron- tispiece to the Odysses is nearly as rare as that to the Hymns. The last editor of Chapman's translation of Homer, Richard Hooper, Esq., of Oxford, says, " the engraved title to the Odyssey is very rare." The engraved title to the Hymns is by Win. Pass ; it has at the bottom a portrait of Chapman at an advanced age ; Cole- ridge says of it "it is full of spirit and passion.' J N/ " Chapman is the only writer who has translated the whole of the works ^ ascribed to Homer." — Hooper, Introd. to the Hymns (J. R. Smith's reprint, 1858) p. x. N^ "It (the Iliad) is as truly an original poem as the Faery Queene; it ^> will give you small idea of Homer, though a far truer one than ^ Pope's epigrams, or Cowper's cumbersome most anti-Homeric Mil- tonism. For Chapman writes and feels as a poet, — as Homer might have written had he lived in England in the reign of Queen Elizabeth." — Coleridge's Lectures, %-c, Vol. II. 231. 355 Homerus, Eias et Odyssea. 2 vols. iSmo., cloth, uncut. Printed with diamond type by Carroll. W. Pickering, London, 1831 ■59 356 Homer. Prince of Poets. The Whole Works; Iliad, Odys- sey, and Hymns, never before in any Language, truly Translated, with a Comment on some of his Chief Places, by George Chapman ; Introduction and Notes by Rich- ard Hooper. 5 vols. Small Ato., boards. J. R. Smith, London, 1857-9 The only complete reprint of Chapman's translation of Homer. Contains fac-similes of the Titles and Frontispieces of the orig- inal Folio editions. 357 Hood, Thomas. Hood's Own, or Laughter from Year to Year ; being former Runnings of his Comic Vein, with an Infusion of new Blood for General Circulation. Por- trait and numerous cuts. 8vo., calf, extra, by Hayday. Moxon, London, 1855 358 Horatius, Flaccus. Opera, miniature ed. Printed with dia- mond type. Large paper : 24mo., boards, uncut. Pickering, Londini, 1824 359 Horatius, Q. Flaccus. Opera ; with his Life, edited by Rev. Henry Hart Milman. Elegantly printed on fine paper, with nearly five hundred Illustrations of Roman Antiquities by G. Scharf. Thick square 8vo. Splendidly bound in vellum, extra gilt, tooled edges. Extremely scarce. John Murray, London, 1849 The most elegant edition of Horace ever issued in England. This copy contains the Life, printed within colored borders, and fine colored frontispieces. Choate's copy, in damaged calf binding, sold for $15.50. The Life and colored frontispieces were omitted in the subsequent editions. 360 Horatius, Q. Flaccus. Opera, cum Novo Commentario ad Modum Joannis Bond, with 25 photographic illustra- tions and engraved title. 18mo., choicely bound in polished calf, carmine edges, by Galette. Choicest style op the publication. Didot, Parisiis, 1855 361 Hosmer, Zelotes. Catalogue of the choice collec- tion of Books, forming the Library of Zelotes Hosmer, Esq., of Cambridge, Mass., illustrative of Early English Literature and Standard Authors; fine editions, choice copies, and rare books in Bibliography, History, Poetry, 60 the Drama, etc., which will be sold by auction by Leonard & Co., on Tuesday, May 7, 1861, and three following days. Imperial 8vo. Large paper : rough edges. Boston, 1861 362 Howard, Sir Kobert. Poems ; viz : I. A Panegyrick to the King. II. Songs and Sonnets. III. The Blind Lady, a Comedy. IV. The Fourth Book of Virgil, of the Loves of Dido and JEneas. V. Statius his Achilleis, with Annotations. VI. A Panegyrick to Generall Monck, 1660. Also, The Shepheard's Paradise, a Comedy by Walter Montagu, 1659. Two vols, in one. Foolscap 8vo., calf. London, 1660 Horace Walpole's copy ; with his book-plate and notes in his hand- writing. See, especially, his note (signed H. W.) on Walter Montagu, on the back of the title to the Shepheard's Paradise. On the fly-leaf Walpole has written, " From the collection of Topham Beauclerc, 1781." The volume contains the Rev. John Mitford's autograph and numer- ous notes by him. Howard's work is priced in the Bib. Ang. Poetica at £1 10s. 363 Hott, E. Antiquarian Researches ; comprising a His- tory of the Indian Wars in the country bordering Connecticut River and parts adjacent, and other in- teresting events, from the first landing of the Pilgrims, to the Conquest of Canada by the English, in 1760 ; with notices of Indian depredations in the neighboring country ; and of the first Planting and Progress of Set- tlements in New England, New York, and Canada. 8vo., boards, uncut. Fine copy : the edges being left in their original rough state. Very scarce in this condition. Greenfield, Mass., 1824 364 Huber, V. A. The English Universities ; an abridged Trans- lation, edited by Francis W. Newman, with fine portraits and engravings, plain and colored. 3 vols. 8vo., half calf, gilt backs. W. Pickering, London, 1843 365 Hudson's River. Obstructions to the Navigation of; embracing the Minutes of the Secret Committee ap- pointed by the Provincial Convention of New York, July 16, 1776, and other Original Documents relating to the Subject, Together with the Papers relating to the 61 Beacons. Edited, with an Introduction and Appendix, by E. M. Euttenber. Map and wood-cuts. Title and initials rubricated. Numerous ornamental headings. Foolscap Ato., half morocco, gilt top. Only 110 copies printed: 10 of which were printed on large paper in Ato. J. Munsell, Albany, 1860 MunselTs " Historical Series," No. V. 366 Hume, David. The History of England, from the In- vasion of Julius Caesar to the Eevolution in 1688, por- traits on India paper. 8 vols. Royal 8vo., calf, super extra, marbled leaves, by Hayday. Very scarce. Large paper : only 50 copies printed. W. Pickering, London, 1826 Uniform in size with Boswell's Life of Johnson, Gibbon, Johnson, Robertson, and Smollett, — "Oxford English Classics." A set like the above, and including Smollett's continuation, in all 13 vols., was priced at £42 in London, in 1863. 367 Hunt, Charles Havens. Life of Edward Livingston. With an Introduction by George Bancroft. Portraits on India paper of Livingston and General Jackson. Imperial 8vo., cloth, uncut. Large paper: only 50 copies printed. New York, 1864 368 Hunter, Rev. Joseph. The Hallamshire Glossary, with an In- troduction and Appendix. Crown 8vo., brown calf, extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. W. Pickering, London, 1829 369 Hunter, Joseph. New Illustrations of the Life, Studies, and Writings of Shakspeare. 2 vols. 8vo., boards, uncut. London, 1845 HNE, W., Ph. D. Researches into the History of the Roman Constitution, with an Appendix upon the Roman Knights. 8vo., cloth, uncut. Finely printed by Whitting- ham. W. Pickering, London, 1853 371 Indian Affairs. Proceedings of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs, appointed by Law for the Extinguish- ment of Indian Titles in the State of New York. Pub- lished from the original manuscript in the Library of the Albany Institute. With an Introduction and Notes, by Franklin B. Hough. 3 maps, facsimiles of Indian sig- natures. Titles and initials rubricated. 2 vols. Ato., uncut. 62 Large paper : only 10 copies printed. Very scarce. Joel Munsell, Albany, 1861 Munsell's "Historical Series," Nos. IX. and X. 372 Indian Affairs. Proceedings of the Commissioners, Ap- pointed by Law for the Extinguishment of Indian Titles in the State of New York. Published from the Original Manuscript in the Library of the Albany Institute. With an Introduction and Notes, by Franklin B. Hough. 2 vols. Foolscap ito., half morocco, gilt tops. Only 100 copies printed : 10 of which were upon large paper. Albany, 1861 Munsell's " Historical Series," Nos. IX. and X. 373 Indian War. A Brief and True Narrative of the Hostile Conduct of the Barbarous Natives towards the Dutch Nation. Translated by E. B. O'Callaghan, from the original Dutch MS. 8vo., uncut. Only 50 copies printed. J. Munsell, Albany, 1863 374 Ingelow, Jean. Poems. 12mo., boards, uncut. Boston, 1864 375 Ingleby, C. Mansfield. The Shakspearian Fabrications, or the MS. Notes of the Perkins Folio shown to be of Eecent Origin, with an Appendix on the Authorship of the Ireland Forgeries. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. London, 1859 376 Ingleby, C. M. A Complete View of the Shakspere Contro- versy, concerning the Authenticity and Genuineness of Manuscript Matter, published by J. Payne Collier. 8vo., boards, uncut. Facsimiles. London, 1861 377 Innocent Epicure, or the Art of Angling, a Poem, with Pref- ace by N. Tate. Foolscap 8vo., morocco, gilt. From Growninshield's library. London, 1697 378 Irving, Washington. The Life of George Washington. 5 vols. ito. Sheets, folded. Numerous Portraits and Views, Proofs upon India paper. Finest edition. Large paper: only 110 copies printed. New York, 1856 379 IRVING, WASHINGTON. Complete Works. New Edi- tion Revised. Printed on thick tinted paper, and ele- gantly Illustrated with Portraits and other Engravings. 26 vols. 8vo., half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Large paper : only 100 copies printed. Finest edition. Putnam, New York, v. y. 63 380 Irving, Washington. Oliver Goldsmith, a Biography. With Illustrations. 8vo., cloth, uncut. First illustrated edition. Scarce. Hew York, 1849 381 Irving, Washington. Tales of a Traveller. Illustrated with Original Design's. Square 8vo., half brown morocco, gilt leaves, by Matthews. Fine copy. First illustrated edition. Scarce. Murray, London, 1850 382 Irving, Washington. Knickerbocker's History of New York, from the beginning of the World to the end of the Dutch Dynasty. With Illustrations by F. 0. O. Darley, engraved by eminent Artists. Square 8vo., half brown morocco, gilt leaves, by Matthews. First illustrated edition. Scarce. New York, 1850 383 Irving, Washington. The Alhambra. With Illustrations by F. 0. C. Darley. Square 8vo., half brown morocco, gilt leaves, by Matthews. The wood-cuts upon India paper. First illustrated edition. Scarce. New York, 1851 384 Irving, Washington. The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., with Original Designs by Darley, engraved by Childs, Herrick, etc. Square 8vo., half brown morocco, gilt leaves, by Matthews. The wood-cuts upon India paper. First illustrated edition. Scarce. New York, 1852 j|ACKE JUGELER, a new Enterlued for Chtldren to playe, named Jacke Jugeler, both wytte, and very play- sent. Newly Imprented. The Players names Mayster Boungrace, a galant ; Dame coye, A Gentelwoman ; Jacke Jugler, The vyce ; Jenkin careaway, A Lackey ; Ales trype and go, A mayd. MS. A new Enterlude called Thersttes. Thys Enterlude Folowynge Dothe Declare howe that the greatest boesters are not the greatest doers. The names of the players. Thersites, a boster ; Mulciber, a smyth ; Mater, a mother ; Miles, a knyght ; Telemachus, a childe. MS. 2 vols, in 1. ito., half morocco, uncut. London, 1820 From the library of Joseph Haslewood, Esq., with his book-plate. These MSS. are copies, (by Mr. H.,) of the original editions. The first was printed by Wm. Copland, the second by John Tysdale (1537) ; only one of each play now exists. 64- In 1820, Mr. Haslewood reprinted, from the above transcripts, 36 copies as his contribution to the Roxburghe Club. Inserted is a printer's proof of a proposed title-page to the Eeprint. It contains at the foot facsimile wood-cuts, on India paper, repre- senting D Coi, Bougrace, and Jacks Jugler. 386 Jackson, Andrew. Life of, by James Parton. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo., brown Turkey morocco, gilt edges. Best edition. New York, 1860 387 James I., King of Scotland. The Poetical Works, containing the King's Quhair, Christis Kirk of the Grene, and Peblis to the Play, with Introductions. Portrait. Grown 8vo., morocco, extra, edges uncut. Perth, 1786 388 James VI., King of Scotland. His Maiesties Poeticall Exer- cises at vacant houres. Printed at Edinbvrg by Robert Walde-grave, 1591. Edited by P." P. Gillies, and Re- printed in facsimile. Hoards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1818 This volume consists of a translation of the " Furies,'' selected from Du Bartas ; and the " Lepanto,'' an original poem, and then a French translation by Du Bartas. 389 Jarves, James Jackson. Art Studies ; the " Old Masters '' of Italy. Painting. With outline Illustrations. Royal 8vo., cloth, uncut. India proofs of the Plates ; only 50 copies printed. New York, 1861 390 Jennings, (Kev. David.) An Introduction to the Knowledge of Medals. Grown 8vo., calf. Sarah Baskerville, Birmingham, 1785 391 Jesse, Edward. Anecdotes of Dogs, with Illustrative Engrav- ings. Foolscap 4do., tree calf, super extra, marbled leaves, by Riviere. Finest edition. Bentley, London, 1846 392 Jests. Yorick turned Trimmer, or the Gentleman's Jester. London, Nicoll n. d. (1783.) Yorick's Jests, or the Wit's Commonplace Book. London, 1783. 2 vols, in 1. Foolscap 8vo., half calf. Three plates. Scarce. From the Rev. John Mitford's library, with his autograph and notes. Very facetious. S. Bladon, London, 1783 393 Jests. Conceits, Clinches, Flashes, and Whimsies ; a Jest Book of the Seventeenth Century, hitherto unknown 65 to Bibliographers. Keprinted from the unique copy of 1639, with Introduction by J. O. Halliwell, Esq. 4to., half crimson morocco, extra, uncut. Privately printed : and only 26 copies. See the printer's attestation on the fly-leaf . London, 1860 394 Jests. Joe Miller's Jests ; or, The "Wits Vade-Mecum, being a Collection of the most Brilliant Jests ; the Politest Eepartees ; the most Elegant Bons Mots, and most pleasant short Stories in the English Language. Most Humbly Inscribed to those Choice Spirits of the Age, Captain Bodens, Mr. Alexander Passe, Mr. Pro- fessor Lacy, Mr. Orator Henley, and Job Baker, the Kettle-Drummer. 8vo., half morocco, uncut. Very scarce. London, 1739 Privately printed : and only 100 copies. London, 1863 "As a specimen of fac-simile, it is believed this reprint is without a rival. The exact form of type, even the broken letters, occa- sionally faint letter-press, and all the peculiarities of the original have been faithfully preserved. The paper, too, has been made expressly for this fac-simile, so that in every particular the quaint old book has been reproduced. " With regard to the contents of Joe Miller's Jests, the plain-spoken words used are neither better nor worse than those in any other similar collection of the period. It is to be regretted that the author did not employ expressions a little less coarse than he has done ; his wit and pungency, however, it is impossible to deny." 395 Jests. Shakspeare's Jest Books, comprising Merie Tales of Skelton, Jests of Scogin, Sackfull of Newes, Tarlton's Jests, Merrie Conceited Jests of George Peele, Jacke of Dover. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by W. Carew Hazlitt. Thick foolscap Svo., half morocco, uncut. London, 1864 396 Johnson, John. Typographic, or the Printer's Instructor, including an Account of the Origin of Printing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the Sixteenth Century, a series of Ancient and Modern Alphabets and Domesday Charac- ters, etc. Portrait of Caxton, Vignettes and Ornamental Borders. 2 vols. 8vo., JUnglish Russia, super extra, edges gill over marbling, by Riviere. Splendid copy. 66 Large paper. Very few printed in this size. London, 1824 There were two large paper sizes : the " Roxburghe,'' like the above, and a smaller one in post Svo. Dibdin contributed largely to this work. 397 Johnson, Samuel, D. D. Complete Works, including his Parliamentary Debates, Sermons, and Prayers. Portrait on India paper. 1 1 vols. Royal 8vo., calf, super extra, marbled leaves, by Hayday. Very scarce. Large paper : only 75 copies printed. W. Pickering, London, 1825 Uniform in size with Boswell'sLife of Johnson, Gibbon, Eobertson, Hume, and Smollett, — " Oxford English Classics." 398 Johnson, Samuel. Lives of the most eminent English Poets, with Critical Observations on their works. "With Notes, Corrective and Explanatory, by Peter Cunningham, F. S. A. Pest edition. 3 vols. 8vo., boards, uncut. John Murray, London, 1854 399 Jonson, Ben. Poetaster, or the Arraignment. Small Ato., calf, extra. First edition. Very fine copy from the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his autograph and notes. London, 1602 400 Jonson, Ben. Volpone, or the Foxe. Small Ato., calf, extra. First edition. Very fine copy from the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his autograph and notes. London, 1607 401 Jonson, Ben. A Pleasant Comedy, called, The Case is Alterd. Small Ato., calf, extra. First edition. Very fine copy from the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his autograph and notes. London, 1609 402 Jonson, Ben. Catiline, his Conspiracy. Small Ato., calf, extra. First edition. Very fine copy from the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his autograph and numerous notes. London, 1611 67 403 Jonson, Ben. The Alchemist. Small Mo., calf, extra. First edition. Very fine copy from the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his autograph and MS. notes. London, 1612 404 Jonson, Ben. Chloridia, Rites to Chloris and her Nymphs. Small 4tto., calf, extra. First edition. Very fine copy from the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his autograph and numerous notes. London, 1630 405 Jonson, Ben. Works, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, and a Biographical Memoir, by W. Gifford. Portrait on India paper. 9 vols. Royal 8vo., red Russia, extra, gilt edges and backs. Contents lettered. Elegant copy. Large paper. Very scarce in this size. London, 1816 " Best edition, by the ablest of modern commentators, through whose learned and generous labors Old Ben's forgotten works and injured character are restored to the merited admiration and esteem of the world." — J. P. Kemble. | EATS, JOHN. Poetical Works, with a Memoir by Richard Monckton Milnes. Illustrated by a Portrait and 120 Designs, Original, and from the Antique, by George Scharf. 8vo. Splendidly bound in green Levant morocco, crushed, choicely tooled, by Riviere. Moxon, London, 1854 407 Kempe, William. Nine Daies Wonder ; performed in a Daunce from London to Norwich, with an Introduction and Notes by the Rev. Alex. Dyce. ito., half morocco, extra, top gilt, by Murton. Reprinted from the edition of 1600. London, 1840 " A great curiosity, and, as a rude picture of national manners, ex- tremely well worth reprinting." — Gifford. " Kempe was one of the original actors in Shakspeare's plays. His miraculous morris-dance, performed in nine days from London to Norwich, was much represented in the popular ballads of the day." — Lowndes. 408 Kidgell, Rev. Mr. J. A Genuine and Succinct Narra- tive of a Scandalous, Obscene, and exceedingly Pro- fane Libel, entitled an Essat on Woman, as also of other Poetical Pieces, containing the most atrocious 68 Blasphemies. A Letter to J. Kidgell, containing a full Answer to his Narrative by John Almon ; in 1 vol. Mo., half morocco, extra. Very scarce. From the library of Horace Walpole, with MS. note by him on the title of the second tract. London, 1763 Chalmers, in his Life of "Wilkes, says of the Essay on "Woman, " This was an obscene poem, which he printed at his private press, but can scarcely be said to hare published it, as he printed only a very small number of copies (about twelve) to give away to certain friends." "Walpole, in a letter to Lord Hertford, says, " Mr. Kidgell, a clergy- man, had obtained from a printer a copy of the ' Essay on Wom- an,' which he felt it his duty to denounce. His own personal character turned out far from being respectable." " Fourteen copies alone were printed ; one of which the ministry had bribed the printer to give up." — Martin. 409 Killigraew, Henry. The Conspiracy, as it was intended for the Nuptialls of the Lord Charles Herbert and the Lady Villers. Mo., half green morocco, uncut. Very fine copy. London, 1638 410 King, Henry, D. D. Poems and Psalms, edited, with Bio- graphical Notices, etc., by Rev. J. Hannah. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. Scarce. W. Pickering, London, 1843 411 King, Richard John. Selections from the Early Ballad Poetry of England and Scotland. With an Introduction. Ornamental title-page, headings and initials. Foolscap %vo., tree calf, super extra, gilt leaves, by Riviere. W. Pickering, London. 1842 412 Kingsley, Rev. Charles. Andromeda and other Poems. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. London, 1858 413 Knight, Charles. The Pictorial History of England ; being a History of the People, as well as a History of the Kingdom. Illustrated with upwards of 1800 wood- cuts of Monumental Records ; Coins ; Civil and Military Costume ; Domestic Buildings, Furniture and Orna- ments ; Cathedrals and other great works of Architect- ure ; Sports and other Illustrations of Manners ; Me- chanical Inventions ; Portraits of the Kings and Queens ; 69 and Remarkable Historical Scenes. 8 vols. Imperial 8vo. Polished calf, super extra, marbled edges, by Hayday. Magnificent copy. Charles Knight <§• Co., London, 1839-44 414 Knight, Charles. Knowledge is Power, a View of the Pro- ductive Forces of Modern Society, and the Results of Labor, Capital and Skill. Illustrated with numerous wood-cuts. Crown 8vo., tree calf, extra, marbled edges, by Riviere. London, 1855 From Dodglas Jerrold's library, — " To Douglas Jerrold, with sincere regards. Charles Knight." j|A FONTAINE. The Fables of, translated from the French by Elizur Wright, with 240 Illustrations by J. J. Grandville. 2 vols. Royal 8vo., green morocco, extra, richly gilt, by Wm. Matthews. With titles and frontispieces upon India paper. Very scarce. Boston, 1841 416 Laing, David. Select Remains of the Ancient Popular Poetry of Scotland, with Dissertations, Notes, etc. 4to., green morocco, super extra, gilt leaves, by Clarke and Bedford. Elegant copy. Very rare. Privately printed : and only 108 copies, all but 27 of which were destroyed by fire. Edinburgh, 1822 Joseph Lilly advertised one, in 1861, at £6 6s. It was bound in morocco, extra gilt. Most of the pieces in this volume are in no other collection. 417 Lamb, Charles. Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, who Lived about the Time of Shakspeare. With Preface and Notes. 2 vols. 18mo., calf, extra, by Hayday. London, 1849 418 Lamb, Charles. Works, with Sketch of his Life, by Sir Thos. Noon Talfourd. Portrait. 4 vols. Foolscap 8vo., calf, super extra, by Hayday. Beautiful copy. Moxon, London, 1855 419 Lamb, Charles and Mary. Tales from Shakspeare. Thick 18mo., half morocco. Bell fy Daldy, London, 1862 420 Langbaine, Gerard. An Account of the English Dra- matick Poets, or, some Observations and Remarks on the Lives and Writings, of all those that have Publish'd 70 either Comedies, Tragedies, Tragi-Comedies, Pastorals, Masques, Interludes, Farces, or Opera's in the English Tongue. Thick foolscap 8vo., old calf. On the title-page beneath the name of Langbaine are the initials " W. 0." with the date " 1727," written in a very delicate hand. Oxford, 1691 This copy contains upwards of two hundred and ffty notes and in- sertions, written in a most minute and beautiful character upon the margins or upon slips. These additions are of very great value. " In the year 1691, there was published at Oxford, a work which, for an age that offered small facility or encouragement to the prose- cution of researches in the field of early English Literature, was one of extraordinary merit." — Halliwell. " Of the several early Catalogues of the English stage, Langbaine's only is to be implicitly relied on for its fidelity." — Lowndes. 421 Lawrence, Sir Thomas. Life and Correspondence, by D. E. Williams, Esq. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo., half calf. London, 1831 From the library of the Hon. Rufus Choate, with his autograph in two places in each volume. 422 Lee, Charles. Proceedings of a general court-martial, held at Brunswick, in the State of New Jersey, By Order of his Excellency, Gen. Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the United States of America, for the Trial of Major-General Lee, July 4th, 1778. Major- General Lord Stirling, President. Royal 8vo., uncut. Large paper : only 20 copies printed. Privately printed, New York, 1864 Edition limited to 6 in quarto, 20 in royal octavo, and 100 in octavo. 423 Lee Priory — Wood-cuts and Verses illustrative of each cut. 4to., half green morocco. All the illustrations are upon India paper. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. Lee Priory Press, Kent, 1820 " This volume embraces the whole of the engravings used in the various works of the Lee Press. The Verses were written by Edward Quillinan, Esq." — Lowndes. 424 Le Grand, J. B. Fabliaux, or Tales abridged from French Manuscripts of the XII. and XIII. Centuries. Selected 71 and Translated into English Verse by the late G. Lewis Way, with Preface, Notes, and an Appendix by G. Ellis. Best Edition. Adorned with wood-cuts by Berwick. 2 vols. Royal 8v o., red morocco, gill. Bulmer, London, 1796-1800 425 Lewis, Gen. Andrew. The Orderly Book of that Por- tion of the American Army stationed at or near Wil- liamsburg, Va., from March 18th, 1776, to August 28th, 1776. Printed from the Original Manuscript, with Notes and Introduction by Charles Campbell, Esq. Foolscap Ato., half morocco, gill top. Vert scarce. Privately printed : and only 100 copies in this size and 10 copies upon large paper. Richmond, Va., 1860 Printed by Joel Mhnsell, Albany. 426 &3l&% 3®fijN. ffib|)fb®0. The Anatomie of Wit; Verie pleasant for all Gentlemen to reade and most necessarie to remember. Wherein are contained the delights that Wit followeth in his Youth, by the pleas- antnesse of loue : and the happinesse he reapeth in age, by the perfectnesse of Wisedome. By John Lylie, maister of art. Corrected and augmented. 4to. Printed for Wm. Leake, London, 1606 Evphves and his England, containing his Voyage and Ad- ventures : Mixed with sundry pretty Discourses of Honest Love, the Description of the Country, the Court, and the Manners of the Isle. Delightful to be read, and nothing hurtfull to be regarded ; wherein there is small offence by lightnesse given to the wise, and lesse occasion of loosenes proffered to the wanton. By John Lily, Master of Art. Commend it, or amend it. Mo. 2 vols, in 1. 4fo. Elegantly bound in mottled calf, very richly gilt on the bach and sides, gilt edges. Beautiful copy. Best editions : rare. Printed for Wm. Leake, 1606 Lilly's Works are valuable as exhibiting the manners of the age in ■which he lived. " The Euphues of Lilly deserves notice on account of the influence it had upon the Court of Elizabeth and the public taste, which is manifested in the literature of the age. 72 " Shakspeare has ridiculed this style in ' Love's Labour Lost/ Jonsou in ' Every Man out of his Humour,' and Sir Walter Scott in one of his novels, but bearing little resemblance to the real Euphues." — Haltam. " These productions did incalculable mischief by vitiating the taste, corrupting the language, and introducing a spurious and unnatural mode of conversation and action." — Gifford. " Lilly was a pedantic and affected writer, with considerable talents, not indeed for the drama, but for the rude, verbose romance of those days, and which had a striking influence not only on our colloquial, but written language." — Gifford. 427 Lilly, John. (The Euphuist.) The Dramatic Works, with Notes and some Account of his Life and "Writings, by F. W. Fairholt. 2 vols. Crown 8vo., cloth, uncut. Only collected edition. Large paper : few copies printed. London, 1858 428 Livermore, George. An Historical Research respect- ing the Opinions of the Founders of the Republic on Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers. Read before the Massachusetts Historical Society, August 14, 1862. Ato., cloth, top gilt, other edges uncut. Large paper: only 50 copies privately printed. Boston, 1862 429 Lloid, Lodowik. The Choice of Jewels, ito., half mo- rocco, with autograph of John Payne (Jollier on the Title- page. London, 1607 430 Lodge, Thomas. A Fig for Momus, containing Pleasant varietie, in Satyres, Eclogues, and Epistles. At London for Clement Knight, 1595. 4to., half olive morocco, uncut, scarce. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. Auchinlech Press, 1817 431 Lodge, Thomas. Scillaes Metamorphocis ; interlaced with the unfortunate love of Glaucus. With other Lyrical and Pastoral Poems, edited by S. W. Singer, Esq., F. S. A. Foolscap 8vo., calf, gilt edges. Chiswich Press, 1819 432 Lowndes, Wm. Thomas. The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged by Henry G-. Bohn. Parts I. to X. Grown 8vo., uncut. London 73 433 Lowndes, William Thomas. The Bibliographer's Man- ual of English Literature, containing an Account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books published in, or re- lating to, Great Britain and Ireland, from the Invention of Printing. With Bibliographical and Critical Notices, Collations of the Rarer Articles, and the Prices at which they have been sold in the present Century. 4 vols. 8vo., tree calf, extra, marbled leaves, by Riviere. Beautiful copy. W. Pickering, London, 1834 434 Luther, Martin. The Way to Prayer. Small 4to., cloth, uncut. Portrait on India paper. Scarce. W. Pickering, London, 1846 435 Luther, Martin. Book of Vagabonds and Beggars. With a Vocabulary of their Language ; edited by Martin Luther in 1528 ; now first translated into English, with Introduc- tion and Notes by J. C. Holten. Small Ato., half morocco, uncut. Beautifully printed, with ornamental headings and initials, by Whittingham. London, 1860 436 Lyndsay, Sir David. The Pleasant Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis, in Commendation of Vertue, and Vituperation of Vice. Maide be Sir David Lindesay. 8vo., calf. Privately printed : and only 30 copies. Edinburgh, 1802 Thomas Jolley's copy ; with his autograph and hook-plate. 437 Lyndsay, Sir David. The Poetical Works; a new edition, corrected and enlarged ; with a Life of the Author, Pref- atory Dissertations, and an Appropriate Glossary, by George Chalmers. 3 vols. 8vo., half calf, uncut edges. Very scarce in this state. Best edition. London, 1806 ABERLY, J. The Print Collector. An Introduction to the Knowledge necessary for forming a Collection of An- cient Prints. Containing Suggestions as to the mode of commencing Collector, the Selection of Specimens, the Prices and Care of Prints ; also, Notices of the Marks of Proprietorship used by Collectors, Remarks on the Ancient and Modern practice of the art, and a Catalogue raisonne' of Books on Engravings and Prints. 4fo., cloth, uncut. London, 1844 10 74 439 Macray, "William Dunn. A Manual of British Historians to A. D. 1600. Containing a Chronological Account of the early Chroniclers and Monkish Writers, their Printed works and unpublished MSS., with the Period of each history, and when the writer flourished. 8vo., half olive morocco, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1845 440 Marlowe, Christopher, and George Chapman. Hero and Le- ander, a new edition, Revised and Corrected, with a Crit- ical Preface. Foolscap 8vo., half morocco, uncut. Whittingham, Chiswick, 1821 441 Marlowe, Christopher. The Dramatic Works, with Notes and some Account of his Life and Writings by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. 3 vols. Crown 8vo., brown calf, extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Fine copy. Best edi- tion. Very limited edition printed. W. Pickering, London, 1850 442 Marmion, Shakerley. Cupid and Psyche ; or, an Epic Poem of Cupid and his Mistress. As it was lately presented to the Prince Elector. Reprinted from the edition of 1637. With a Preface, by Samuel Weller Singer. Vig- nette by Stothard. Foolscap 8vo., tree calf, super extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. Chiswick Press, 1820 443 Marshall, John. The Life of George Washington, Com- y mander-in-Chief of the American Forces, during the War which established the Independence of his Country, and First President of the United States. Compiled under the inspection of the Honourable Bushrod Wash- ington, from Original Papers bequeathed to him by his deceased relative, and now in possession of the Author. To which is prefixed, an Introduction, containing a com- pendious view of the Colonies planted by the English on the continent of North America, from their settlement to the commencement of that war which terminated in their Independence. Portrait. 5 vols. 8vo., boards, with the edges in their original rough state. Fine copy. Also, an Atlas, with subscribers' names. Boards, edges in their original rough state. C. P. Wayne, Philadelphia, 1804 75 444 Maeston, John. The Malcontent, ito., half morocco. London, 1604 First edition. Extremely scarce. Reprinted in Dodsley's Col- lection of Old Plays, and a modernized version in Mr. Dyce's edition of Webster's Works. — Lowndes. 445 Maeston, John. "What You Will. Small ito., half calf. First edition. Scabce. London, 1607 446 Maeston, John. The Dramatic Works, reprinted from the Original Edition. With Notes, and some Account of his Life and Writings, by J. O. Halliwell. 3 vols. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. Only collected edition. London, 1856 447 Mabttn, John. A Bibliogbaphical Catalogue of Books pbivately feinted, including those of the Bannatyne, Maitland, and Roxburghe Clubs, and of the Private Presses of Darlington, Auchinleck, Lee Priory, New- castle, Middle Hill and Strawberry Hill. Plates and wood- cuts. Best edition. 2 vols. Imperial 8vo., tree calf, super extra, edges gilt over carmine, by Riviere. Splen- did copy. Very scarce. Large papee : only 50 copies printed. With a duplicate plate in colors ; the other printed on India paper. London, 1834 448 Maetineau, Haeeiet. The Histoey of England during the Thirty Years' Peace : 1816-46 ; also, an Introduction to the History of the Peace. From 1800 to 1815. Nu- merous fine Portraits, engraved on steel, and maps. 3 vols. Imperial 8vo., polished calf, super extra, marbled edges, by Hayday. Magnificent copy. Uniform with the set of Knights Pic- torial History of England. Charles Knight, London, 1849 449 Maetineau, Haeeiet. History of the Peace. Being a History of England from 1816 to 1854. With an Intro- duction, 1800 to 1815. 4 vols. Royal 8vo., boards, uncut. Vols. 1 and 2. Laege papee: only 75 copies printed at the Riverside Press. Walker, Wise $ Co., Boston, 1864 76 450 Mart, Princess ; Household Book. The Privy Purse Expenses of the Princess Mary, Daughter of King Henry VIII., afterwards Queen Mary, from 1536 to 1544. With a Memoir of the Princess, and Notes. By Frederick Madden, Esq., F. S. A. 8vo., boards, uncut. Only 250 copies printed : 12 were printed upon large paper in royal 8vo. See the Eyton Catalogue. W. Pickering, London, 1831 451 Mart, Queen of Scots. Latin Themes of Mart Stu- art, Queen of Scots. Published, for the first time, from the original manuscript in her own handwriting, now pre- served in the Imperial Library, Paris. Edited by Ana- tole de Montaigeon. Grown Svo., uncut. Privately printed for the Warton Club. London, 1855 452 Maskell, Rev. "William. A History of the Martin Marprelate Controversy in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Crown 8vo., polished calf, extra, marbled edges, by Riviere. W. Pickering, London, 1845 453 Mason, John, A. M. Self- Knowledge, a Treatise showing the Nature and Benefit of that important Science and the Way to attain it. 18mo., uncut. Reprinted by W. Pickering, London, 1853 454 Massinger, Philip. The Renegado, a Tragae Comedie. Small ito., calf, extra. First edition. From the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his autograph and notes. Fine copt. London, 1630 , 455 MASSINGER, PHILIP. PLAYS, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by W. Gifford. Fine portrait on India paper. Second edition. 4 vols. Royal 8vo., red Russia, extra, gilt edges. Extremely scarce. Vert beautiful copt. Large paper: few printed. London, 1813 " Best edition, but not perceptibly different from the previous one of 1805, of which it has been said, ' that a more perfect edition of an old poet than this never issued from the press." — Lowndes. 77 456 Mather, Cotton. The Wonders of the Invisible World, being an Account of the Tryals of severall Witches, lately Exe- cuted in New England ; with a farther Account of the Tryals of the New-England Witches. Portrait. Fools- cap 8vo., cloth, uncut. Finely printed by Whittingham. J. R. Smith, London, 1862 457 Mather, Increase. Eemarkable Providences Illustrative of the Earlier Days of American Colonization, with Intro- ductory Preface, by George Offor. Portrait. Foolscap 8vo., cloth. London, 1856 458 Mathee, Increase. The History of King Philip's War ; also, a History of the same War, By the Eev. Cotton Mather, D. D., to which are Added an Introduction and Notes by S. G. Drake. Portraits, and Pedigree of the Family of Mather, ito., cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1862 Literal reprint. Edition limited to 10 on large paper in 4to., and 250 in foolscap 4to. The work is now out of print. 459 MATHER, INCREASE. Early History of New Eng- land ; being a Relation of Hostile Passages between the Indians and European Voyagers and First Settlers : and a full Narrative of Hostilities, to the Close of the War with the Pequots, in the year 1637 ; also, a detailed Account of the Origin of the War with King Philip. With an Introduction and Notes, by Samuel G. Drake. Ato., uncut, rubricated title and initials. Large paper: only 11 copies printed. Very rare. Boston, 1864 From Munsell's Press. 460 Mather, Increase. Early History of New England ; being a Relation of Hostile Passages between the Indi- ans and European Voyagers and first Settlers : and a full .Narrative of Hostilities, to the Close of the War with the Pequots, in the year 1637: also, a detailed Account of the Origin of the War with King Philip, with Intro- duction and Notes by S. G. Drake. Foolscap 4to., cloth, gilt top. Only 250 copies printed in this size, and 11 on large paper in 4to. Boston, 1864 78 461 Mat, Thomas. The Heire, a Comedy ; as it was Acted by the Company of the Revels, 1620. 4to., half red mo- rocco. London, 1633 462 Mat, Thomas. The Tragedie of Cleopatra, Queen of Egtpt. London, 1639 The Tragedt of Julia Agrippina ; Empresse of Rome. By T. M., Esq. In one volume. Foolscap 8vo., calf. Fine copy. London, 1639 From the Rev. John Mitford's library, with his autograph and nu- merous notes. 463 Mat, Thomas. The Old Couple, a Comedy. Small Uo., half morocco. London, 1658 Prom the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his autograph and numerous MS. Notes. 464 Melvin, James. A Journal of the Expedition to Quebec, in the year 1775, under the command of Colonel Bene- dict Arnold, by James Melvin, a Private in Captain Dearborn's Company. 8vo., uncut. Privatelt printed : and only 100 copies in 8vo., and 20 on large paper, in 4to. This is No. 29, in 8vo. Franklin Club, Philadelphia, 1864 465 Merbecke, John. The Book of Common Prayer, Noted, 1550. JBlark better. Foolscap 4fo., vellum, gilt edges, uncut. Finely printed by Whittingham in red and black ink, in facsimile of the original edition printed by R. Graf- ton in 1550. W. Pickering, London, 1844 466 Mercurius Britannicus, or the English Intelligencer; a Tragi-Comedy at Paris. Ato., half morocco, extra. London, 1641 First edition. 467 Merivale, (John Herman). Poems, Original and Translated, a New and Corrected edition, with some Additional Pieces. 3 vols. Foolscap 8vo. The 3d vol., which is now very scarce, contains the Poems of Schiller. W. Pickering, London, 1844 468 Metcalfe, Samuel, M. D. Caloric ; its Mechanical, Chemical, and Vital Agencies in the Phenomena of Nature. With a copious Index. 2 vols. 8vo., boards, uncut. Scarce. W. Pickering, London, 1843 79 469 MEYRICK, SIR SAMUEL RUSH, LL.D. A Critical In- quiry into Antient Armour, as it existed in Europe, par- ticularly in Great Britain, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of King Charles II. Illustrated by a Series of Illuminated engravings. With a Glossary of Military Terms of the Middle Ages. Second and greatly improved edition, corrected and enlarged throughout, by the Author, with the assistance of literary and antiquarian friends. 3 vols. Imperial Ato., half red Levant morocco, extra, richly gilt backs and edges. The Plates illuminated in gold and silver, with an addi- tional plate of the Tournament of Locks and Keys. London, 1842 " Sir Walter Scott justly describes this collection as ' the incompara- ble armoury.' " The Plates are colored by hand. " This most superb archaeological work is animated with numerous novelties, curious and historical disquisitions, and brilliant and recondite learning. Keally and truly the work is admirably executed, and deserves every eulogy." — Edinburgh Review. 470 MEYRICK, SIR SAMUEL RUSH. Engraved Illus- trations of Antient Ajjms and Armour ; a Series of one hundred and fifty-four very highly finished Etchings of the Collection at Goodrich Court, Herefordshire; en- graved by Joseph Skelton ; with Historical and Critical Disquisitions by the possessor, Sir S. R. Meyrick. Por- trait. 2 vols. Imperial Ato., half red Levant morocco, extra, richly gilt backs and edges. London, 1854 " We should imagine that the possessors of Dr. Meyrick's former great work would eagerly add this as a suitable illustration. In the first they have the History of Arms and Armour ; in the second work beautiful engravings of all the details." — Gentleman's Magazine. 471 Middleton, Thos. A Tricke to Catch the Old One. Ato., half morocco. London, 1616 Second edition, accordiny to Dyce. Thikd edition according to the ed. of Lowndes revised by Bohn. Reprinted in Dilkes's " Old Plays." 472 Middleton, Thos. The Phcenix. Ato., half morocco. Scarce. London, 1630 473 Middleton, Thomas, and William Rowley. The Change- ling. Ato., half calf. Scarce. London, 1653 80 474 Middleton, Tho. The Mayor of Quinborough, a Com- edy. Small ito., half morocco. First edition. Very scarce. London, 1661 475 Middleton, Tho. A Tragi-Coomodie, Called the Witch. 8vo., half morocco. Privately printed : and only 100 copies, uncut. Printed at the expense of Isaac Read. London, n. d. (1778) 476 MIDDLETON, THOMAS. Dramatic Works, now first Collected, with some Account of the Author, and Notes by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. Portrait on India paper. 5 vols. 8vo. Magnificent copy. Bound by Riviere in blue Levant morocco, crushed, tooled to the Harleian pattern, edges gilt over marbling, contents lettered. Large paper : the copies in this size were privately printed, (Lumley's statement,) and but very few (prob- ably not over 25) in number. Very scarce. Edward Lumley, London, 1840 477 Millers, George. A Description of the Cathedral Church of Ely, with some Account of the Conventual Buildings. Illustrated by engravings, proofs on India paper. Imperial 8vo., boards, uncut. Large paper : only 12 copies printed. W. Pickering, London, 1834 478 Milton, John. Eikonoklastes. In answer to a Book Intitl'd Eikon Basilike, the Portraiture of his Sacred Majesty in his Solitudes and Sufferings. Small 4to., half blue mo- rocco. London, 1649 From the Crovrninshield library. 479 Milton, John. Paradise Lost. Miniature edition. Printed with diamond type, by Corrall. 32mo., boards, uncut. Scarce. W. Pickering, London, 1828 480 MILTON, JOHN. Complete WORKS, in Verse and Prose ; Printed from the Original Editions. With a Life of the Author, by the Rev. John Mitford. Portrait. 8 vols. 8vo., elegantly bound in blue Levant morocco, super extra, dead gold edges over carmine, by Riviere. Very scarce. Splendid copy of the best edition. Only 500 copies printed. 50 copies of Vols. 1 and 2 (the Poetical works) were printed upon large paper, in royal 8vo. W. Pickering, London, 1851 Milton's peculiar orthography is preserved in this edition. 81 481 Milton, John. Complete "Works in Verse and Prose. Printed from the Original editions. With a Life of the Author by the Rev. John Mitford. Portrait. 8 vols. 8vo., boards, uncut. Best edition. W. Pickering, London, 1851 482 Milton, John. The Poetical "Works, with Life by the Rev. J. Mitford. Notes and Appendix. Portrait. 3 vols. Foolscap 8vo. Aldine edition. Claret morocco, extra, gilt leaves, by Hay day. W. Pickering, London, 1851 483 Milton, John. L' Allegro and II Penseroso. Beautifully Illus- trated with Etchings on steel, by Birlcet Foster. Printed with red ink on thick tinted paper, on one side only. First edition, with very brilliant impressions of the engravings. Brown morocco, extra, gilt leaves. London, 1855 484 Mitford, Rev. John. Miscellaneous Poems. With Notes. Foolscap 8vo., tree calf, super extra, gilt leaves, by Riviere. London, 1858 485 Montagu, Basil. Essays and Selections. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1837 486 Montagu, Basil. Selections from the Works of Taylor, Lati- mer, Hall, Milton, Barrow, Smith, Brown, Fuller, and Bacon, with Notes. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1839 487 Montagu, J. A. A Guide to the Study of Heraldry. With numerous wood-cuts, ito., boards. W. Pickering, London, 1840 488 Montaigne, Michael de. Complete Works. With Notes from all the Commentators, Biographical and Bibliographical Notices, etc., by W. Hazlitt. New edition by 0. W. Wight. Portrait. 4 vols. Crown 8vo., half calf. Boston, 1862 489 Montaigne, Michael de. Works of, comprising his Es- says, Journey into Italy, and Letters, with Notes from all his Commentators, Biographical and Bibliographical Notices, etc., by W. Hazlitt. A new and carefully revised edition, by O. W. Wight. Portrait on India paper. Mon- taigne's arms finished in colors and gold on each title- page. 4 vols. 8vo., half morocco, extra, by Wm. Matthews. Best edition. 11 82 Large paper : 75 copies printed, 4 of which were destroyed by fire at Richardson's. The above is the finest edition of Montaigne. Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1864 490 Moore, George H. The Treason of Charles Lee, Major-Gen- eral, second in command in the American Army of the Revolution. " Mr. Lee's Plan — March 29, 1777 " (Read before the New York Historical Society, on Tuesday evening, June 22, 1858), " The evil that men do lives after them." Portrait, Caricature, and Facsimile of Lee's "Plan." 8vo., cloth, uncut. New York, 1860 491 iUort, Sir (Stomas. The Workes of Sir Thomas More, Enyght, sometime Lord Chauncellour of England, written by him in the Englysh tonge. jSlark Cotter. Folio, blue morocco, super extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday. Printed at London at the costes and charges of John Cawod, John Waly, and Richarde Tottell. Anno. 1557. With the rare autograph of JOHN DONNE upon THE TITLE-PAGE. Vert eaee. Entirely perfect, having the unpaged leaf be- tween leaves 1138 and 1139, also, the eight leaves at the commencement, containing the poems " Mayster Thomas More wrote in his youth for his pastime," namely, "A mery jest how a sargeant would learne to playe the frere." Another of the poems is to a Pageant representing the various ages of a man's life, which Shakespeare, no doubt, must have perused, and on which he founded his celebrated description of the seven ages of man's life. "Aruful lamentacion (writen by Master Thomas More in his youth ) of the deth of quene Elizabeth, mother to king Henry the eight, wife to king Henry the seveth, and eldest doughter to king Edward the fourth, which quene Elizabeth dyed in child- bed in February in the yere of our lord, 1503, and in the 18. yere of the raigne of king Henry the seventh." Also, " Certain me- ters in english written by Master Thomas More in hys youth for the boke of Fortune, and caused them to be printed in the begyn- nyng of that boke." For a thorough account of this rare volume see Oldys's British Libra- rian, pp. 194-7. 492 More, Sir Thomas. Life of, by his great-grandson, Cresa- cre More. With a Biographical Preface, Notes, and other Illustrations by the Eev. Joseph Hunter. Portrait. 8vo., calf. W. Pickering, London, 1828 From E. A. Crowninshield's library, with his book-plate. 83 493 More, Sir Thomas. Life of, by the Rt. Hon. Sir James Mack- intosh. Portrait. Foolscap 8vo., vellum, gilt top, uncut. London, 1844 494 More, Thomas. The History of King Richard the thyrde. Which worke hath bene before this tyme printed in Har- dynges Chronicle, and in Hallys Chronicle ; but very muche corrupte in many places. Imprinted by John Cawood, 1557. A new edition, by S. W. Singer. Grown 8vo., half red morocco, uncut. With extra Portrait and cuttings. Whittingham, Ohiswich, 1821 Prom Ingraham's library. 495 Morley, Henry. Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. With up- wards of 80 facsimile Drawings of remarkable Characters, Views, fyc, engraved on wood by the Brothers Dalziel. 8vo., cloth. London, 1859 A book full of curious information, not only on Bartholomew Fair, Smithfield, and its vicinity, but on Old English Sports, Cus- toms, &c. 496 Mottetjx, Mr. The Loves of Mars and Venus. A Play set to Music. 4to., half morocco, extra. London, 1697 Only edition. jjANTUCKET. Papers relating to the Island of Nan- tucket. With Documents relating to the Original Set- tlement of that Island, Martha's Vineyard, and other Islands adjacent, known as Duke's County, while under the Colony of New York. Compiled from Official Rec- ords in the Office of the Secretary of State at Albany, New York. With an Introduction and Notes by Frank- lin B. Hough. Map and facsimile autographs. Foolscap 4to., half calf, sprinkled edges. Privately printed : and only 150 copies. Very scarce. Printed by J. Munsett, Albany, 1856 Not printed for sale. 498 Naunton, Sir Robert. Fragmenta Regalia. Memoirs of Elizabeth, her Court, and Favorites. By Sir Robert Naunton, Secretary of State to King James the First. A new edition, with Notes, and a Memoir of the Author. The text collated with the manuscript copies in the Brit- ish Museum. 9 very fine portraits. 8vo., brown morocco, 84 extra, gilt edges. Beautiful copy. Best edition. From Crowninshield's library, with his book-plate. Large paper : only 50 copies printed. Charles Baldwyn, London, 1824 Lowndes says that this edition " was edited by P. W. Dodd." This is erroneous. The error was repeated by Bohn in his reissue of Lowndes. This copy formerly belonged to the. Editor (Brownlow Waight) who has inserted in his own handwriting the following statement : — "In the year 1823 I was employed by Mr. Baldwyn, the Bookseller of Newgate Street, in collecting materials for a life of Sir Robert Naunton to prefix to this new edition of his 'Fragmenta Regalia.' Materials for a life of Sir Robert I found were very scarce : in the British Museum I found three perfect MS. copies of the Frag- menta (one of which I have no doubt was in the handwriting of Sir Robert himself), I had the 12mo. 1694 edition which I care- fully collated with all the three MS. copies at the Museum, and noticed every various reading in each copy, so that this edition might have the benefit of the whole ; but where any doubt has arisen, the text of the MS. written by Sir Robert has been adopted : and I have no hesitation in declaring this edition to be the most perfect of any. " The Press was superintended and revised by an accomplished and amiable young man, Mr. Dodd, of Judd Place, New Road, Som- ers Town." — {Extract from the Editor's letter.) 499 New York Citt during the American Revolution. Being a Collection of Original Papers (now first published) from the Manuscripts in the possession of the Mercantile Library Association, of New York City. Map. 4do., boards, uncut. Privately printed for the Association. Scarce. New York, 1861 500 NORTHBROOKE, JOHN. A Treatise wherein Dicing, Dauncing, Vaine Playes or Enterluds inith, otljer ible pastimes &t., conrmonlrj useb on tlje Sabbolh, ban, are reproneb bn tlje &ttthcritie of Il)e tnorb of (Sob anb aunticitt tt)riters. Made Dialoguewise by Jofin Norih- brooke, Minister and Preecher of the Word of God. ©lark better. 4fo., morocco, gilt leaves. Almost unique : only two other copies known, one of which is in the British Museum. At London : Imprinted by H. Bynneman, for George Byshop. 0-lrt~-~p4->^ Foss, London, 1828 584 Eitson, Joseph. Ancient Songs and Ballads, from the Eeign of King Henry the Second to the Revolution. Second edition. Tree calf extra, gilt leaves, by Clarke and Bed- ford. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. Payne fy Foss, London, 1829 " This edition is reprinted from a copy of the former one. (Ancient Songs from the Time of King Henry the Third to the Revolu- tion), corrected, enlarged, and much improved by the author. Stothard's illustrations are omitted." — Lowndes. 585 Eitson, Joseph. Letters to Mr. George Paton, to which is added a Critique by John Pinkerton, Esq., upon Eitson's Scotish Songs. Edited by James Maidment, Esq. 8vo., boards, uncut. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. Edinburgh, 1829 586 Eitson, Joseph. Fairy Tales, now first Collected, to which are Prefixed Two Dissertations : I. on Pigmies ; II. on Fairies. Edited by Mr. Frank from a MS. Copy. Pre- pared for the Press by Mr. Eitson. Tree calf, extra, gilt leaves, by Clarke and Bedford. W. Pickering, London, 1831 587 Eitson, Joseph. Eobin Hood; a Collection of All the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads relative to that Cel- ebrated Outlaw, with Historical Anecdotes of his Life. Notes and Illustrations. 2 vols. Crown 8vo., tree calf, extra, gilt leaves, by Clarke and Bedford. Wood-cuts by Bewick. W. Pickering, London, 1832 Second edition. " This edition contains several additions made by Eitson in his own copy, and the Editor (his Nephew) has added in the Appendix the Tale of, Eobin Hood and the Monk, which Eitson did not know was in existence. The wood-cuts are better struck off, and clearer." — Lowndes. 588 Eitson, Joseph. Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry, from Authentic Manuscripts and Old Printed Copies, with Preface and Notes. Second edition, adorned with cuts by Bewick. Tree calf extra, gilt leaves, by Clarke and Bed- ford. Crown 8vo. W. Pickering, London, 1833 105 589 Ritson, Joseph. The Letters of, Edited chiefly from Origi- nals in the Possession of his Nephew, (Joseph Frank,) to which is prefixed a Memorial of the Author by Sir Harris Nicolas. 2 vols. Grown 8vo., tree calf, extra, gilt leaves, by Clarke and Bedford. W. Pickering, London, 1833 590 Eittenhouse, David. Memoirs of, Interspersed with various Notices of many Distinguished Men. With an Appendix by William Barton. Portrait. 8vo., boards. Rough edges. Philadelphia, 1813 591 Roberts, William. History of Letter- Writing, from the Earliest Period to the Fifth Century. Thick 8vo., boards, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1843 592 Robertson, William. Works. History of Scotland, 2 vols. Reign of the Emperor Charles V., 3 vols. History of America, 3 vols., with an Introductory Dissertation and Life of the Author. Fine Portraits on India paper. 8 vols. Royal 8vo., calf extra, by Hay day. Large paper : only 50 copies printed. W. Pickering, London, 1825 Uniform in size with the large paper editions of Boswell's Life of Johnson, Gibbon, Johnson, Hume, and Smollett, — Oxford Eng- lish Classics. 593 Robin Hood. Ballads and Songs Relating to that Celebrated Outlaw ; with Anecdotes of his Life, from Ritson and others. Thick 18mo., half morocco. Bell and Daldy, London, 1862 594 Robins, Rev. Sanderson, M. A. An Argument for the Royal Supremacy. 8vo., boards, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1851 595 Robson, John. Three Early English Metrical Romances : I. The Anturs of Arther at the Tarnewathelan ; II. Sir Amadace ; III. The Avowynge of King Arther, Sir Gawan, Sir Kaye, and Sir Bawdewyn of Bretan. Edited from a MS. in the possession of J. J. Blackburne, Esq., with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. Facsimile, Ato., cloth, uncut. Camden Society, London, 1842 14 106 596 Rogers, Samuel. Poems. With Portrait and 72 Illustra- tions by Stothard and Turner. Square 8eo. Elegantly bound in green Levant morocco, choicely tooled, by Riviere. London, 1854 597 Rogers, Samuel. Italy, a Poem. With Portrait and 56 Illustrations by Stothard and Turner. Square 8vo. Elegantly bound in green Levant morocco, crushed, choicely tooled, by Riviere. London, 1854 598 Romes Follies, or the Amorous Frtars, a Comedy. By N. N. Ato., half morocco, extra. No other edition. London, 1681 599 Rowlands, Samuel. The Letting of Hvmors Blood in the Head-vaine, with a New Morrisco daunced by seuen Satyres upon the bottome of Diogenes Tubbe. Edited with Notes, by Sir Walter Scott. Small Ato., facsimile, half morocco, extra. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. Edinburgh, 1815 " The original edition is exceedingly rare. The work is valuable, not only as illustrating obscure passages of Shakespeare and our earlier dramatists, but also as containing an authentic record of the private life of our forefathers." Strettell's copy sold for £1 2s. 600 Rowlands, Samuel. 'Tis Merry when Gossips Meet. Re- printed from the edition of 1609. Breton, Nicholas. Cornucopias ; Pasquil's Night Cap, or an Antidot for the Headache. Reprinted from the edition of 1612. 2 vols, in 1. Calf. Privately printed : and only 100 copies of each. Very facetious. Chiswick Press, 1818-1819 Erorn the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his autograph and notes. 601 Rump ; or an Exact Collection of the Choycest Poems and Songs relating to the Late Times. By the most Eminent Wits, from Anno 1639. to Anno 1661. En- graved title, calf. London, printed for Henry Brome at the Gun in Ivy-lane, and Henry Marsh at the Princes Armes in Chancery-lane, 1662. 107 "A vekt scarce woek. The volume consists of two Parts, the first consists of 376 pages, not including a printed title-page, ' To the Reader and the Stationers to the Reader,' likewise an engraved title-page and frontispiece (wanting in this copy) ; the second part contains pp. 1-72, and 83-200." — Lowndes. The poetry contained in this work is mostly of a very free character. The entire collection has never been reprinted. 602 Rutter, John. Delineations of Fonthill and its Abbey. 13 Plates and 15 India proof wood Engravings. Finest state or the work. Imperial Ato., half morocco, edges uncut. Largest papek: only 12 copies printed. John Rutter, Shaftesbury, 1823 This copy has the plates in two, and in several instances three states, namely, Etchings, (on India paper,) the finished plate, (also on India paper,) and colored ; also three extra plates, one of them a caricature. 603 Eymer, Thos. A Short View of Tragedy ; its Original, Ex- cellency, and Corruption, with some Reflections on Shakespeare and other Practitioners for the Stage. Fools- cap 8vo., old calf. London, 1 693 ABINE, LORENZO. Biographical Sketches of Loyal- ists of the American Revolution, with an Historical Essay. 2 vols. 8vo., boards, uncut, very few copies were left with untrimmed edges. Boston, 1864 605 Sackville, Thomas. Poetical Works, by the Hon. and Rev. Reginald, W. Sackville-West. Portrait. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. Pest edition. London, 1859 606 Saltmarsh, John. Sparkles of Glory, or some Beams of the Morning Star. 18mo., uncut. Reprint from the edition of 1 647. W. Pickering, London, 1847 607 Sanderson, John. Biography of the Signers to the Decla- ration of Independence, with an Introductory View of the British Colonies from their Origin to their Indepen- dence. Numerous portraits. 9 vols. 8vo., boards, rough edges. Vert fine copy : rarely found uncut. Philadelphia, 1820-7 108 608 Scotish Songs. A Select Collection of Scotish Songs. An- cient and Modern ; with Critical Observations and Bio- graphical Notices, by Robert Burns. Edited by E. H. Cromek. Wood-cuts by Stothard. 2 vols, in 1. Half olive morocco, edges uncut. Title on India paper. Fine copy. London, 1810 609 Scott, Sir Walter. Waverley Novels. Library edi- tion. Illustrated with upwards of two hundred fine por- traits and other engravings, after Turner, Wilkie, etc. 25 vols. 8vo. Half calf, extra, marbled edges by Riviere. Beautiful copy. Edinburgh, 1852-54 All the frontispieces and vignettes in this set are proofs upon India PAPEK. 610 Scott, "Winfield. Memoirs of Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott, LL. D. "Written by himself. Portraits. Royal 8vo., boards, uncut. Large paper. New York. 1864 611 Selden, John. The Table Talk of. With a Biographical Preface and Notes, by S. W. Singer. Portrait. Fools- cap 8vo., cloth, uncut. Scarce. W. Pickering, London, 1847 " There is more ■weighty bullion sense in this book, than I everfound in the same number of pages of any uninspired writer." — Coleridge. 612 Selden, John. The Table Talk of, with a Biographical Preface and Notes, by S. W. Singer. Portrait. Crown 8vo., cloth. Large paper : few printed. London, 1860 613 Seneca, L. Ann^eus. The Tragedies ; and the Rape of Helen, out of the Greek of Coluthus ; Translated into English Verse ; with Annotations, to which is prefixed the Life and Death of Seneca, with a Vindication of the said Tragedies to him as their Proper Author ; adorned with Sciilptures representing each History, by Sir Edward Sherburne. Portrait and plates. 8vo., calf London, 1702 From the library of the Eev. John Mitford, and containing his auto- graph and notes. 109 614 Shadwell, Charles. The Humours of the Army, a Comedy. Ato., half morocco, extra. London, 1713 First edition. 615 Shadwell, Charles. The Fair Quaker of Deal, or the Humours of the Navy. Uo., half morocco, extra. London, 1710 FlRST EDITION. 616 Shadwell, Thomas. The Sullen Lovers, or the Imper- tinents ; a Comedy. 4do., half morocco, extra. London, 1668 First edition. " An able notice of this dramatist will be found in the Retrospective Review, N. S. 11, 55-96." — Lowndes. 617 Shadwell, Thomas. The Humorists, a Comedy, ito., half morocco, extra. ; London, 1671 FlRST EDITION. 618 Shadwell, Thomas. Epsom Wells, a Comedy. 4fo., half maroon morocco. London, 1 673 First edition : Fine copy, . 619 Shadwell, Thomas. Psyche, a Tragedy, Acted at the Duke's Theatre. 4o., cloth, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1853 671 Smith, Charles John. Historical and Literary Curi- osities, consisting of Fac-similes of Original Documents ; Scenes of Remarkable Events, and Interesting Locali- ties; and the Birth-Places, Residences, Portraits, and Monuments of eminent Literary Characters; with a variety of Reliques and Antiquities connected with the same Subject. Numerous fine plates, some colored. 4>o., half olive morocco, extra, uncut edges. London, 1852 672 Smith, John. The True Travels, Adventures, and Observa- tions of Captaine Iohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America; beginning about the yeere 1593, and con- tinued to this Present 1629. Portrait and engravings from the London edition of 1629. 2 vols. Svo., boards, with the original rough edges. Remarkably fine and clean copy. Scarce in an uncut state. Richmond, 1819 123 673 Smollett, Tobias, M. D. Works, with Memoirs of his Life ; to which is prefixed a View of the Commencement and Progress of Romance, by John Moore, M. D. Portrait. 8 vols. 8vo., half calf. London, 1797 674 SMOLLETT, TOBIAS. The History of England, from the Revolution to the Death of George the Second. Fine portraits on India paper. 5 vols. Royal 8co., calf, extra, marbled edges, by Hayday. Finest edition. Large paper : only 50 copies printed. Extremely scarce. W. Pickering, London, 1827 One of the " Oxford English Classics." Uniform with the copy of Hume's History of England. 675 Smyth, William. Lectures on Modern History, from the irruption of the Northern Nations to the close of the American Eevolution. 2 vols. 8vo., boards, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1840 676 Smyth, William. Evidences of Christianity. Crown 8vo., calf, by Murton. W. Pickering, London, 1845 From the library of the Rev. John Mitford, and containing his auto- graph, MS. notes, and newspaper cuttings. 077 Songs and Carols. Printed from a manuscript irt the Sloane Collection in the British Museum. Edited, with a Pref- ace, Notes, and a Glossary, by Thomas Wright, Esq., M. A., etc. Square \8mo. Superbly bonnd in blue Levant ■morocco, choicely tooled, gilt leaves, by Riviere. Only 100 copies printed. W. Pickering, London, 1836 678 Songs, Madrigals, and Sonnets ; a Gathering of some of the most Pleasant Flowers of Old English Poetry, including some of Shakespeare's, within Borders of colored orna- ments and vignettes. Small Mo., cloth, gilt. London, 1849 679 Songs and Carols, from a Manuscript in the British Museum, of the fifteenth Century. Edited, with a Preface and Notes, by Thomas Wright, Esq. Grown 8vo., uncut. Privately- printed : and only 200 copies. Uniform with the Percy Society's volumes. Warton Club, London, 1856 124> 680 Sonora, Provincia de. Eudo Ensato, Tentativa de Una Provencional Description Geographica, sus Terminos et Confines ; 6 mejor, Colleccion de Materiales para Hacer- la quien lo Supiere Mejor. Foolscap Mo., half morocco, gilt top. Only 80 copies printed. San Augustine de la Florida, 1863 Printed by Joel Munsell, Albany. G81 SOTHEBY, S. LEIGH. The Typography of the Fif- teenth Century : being Specimens of the Productions of the Early Continental Printers, Exemplified in a Col- lection of Fac-similes from one hundred Works, together with their Water Marks. Arranged and Edited from the Bibliographical Collections of the late Samuel Sotheby, by his Son, S. Leigh Sotheby. Folio, half vellum, un- cut edges. Numerous plates, many of them in colors in imitation of the originals. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. Very scarce. London, 1849 Uniform in size with Sotheby's Principia Typographica. 682 SOTHEBY, S. LEIGH. Principia Typographica. The Block-Books, or Xylographic Delineations of Scripture History, Issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany, dur- ing the Fifteenth Century, Exemplified and Considered in Connexion with the Origin of Printing, to which is Added an Attempt to Elucidate the Character of the Paper-Marks of the Period. A work attempted by Samuel Sotheby, and carried out by his Son, Samuel Leigh Sotheby. 3 vols. Folio, half morocco, uncut. Numerous plates in facsimile ; some, colored. Privately printed : and only 250 copies, 30 of which were presented to Public Libraries. London, 1858 " This is one of the most important works ever produced upon the History of Early Pkinting." Uniform in size with Sotheby's Typography of the Fifteenth Century. 683 Southey, Eobert. Specimens of the Later English Poets, with Preliminary Notices. 3 vols. Post 8vo., half calf. London, 1807 U5 G84 Sotjthey, Eobert. Common-Place Books. Four series. Containing Choice Passages : — Collections for English Manners and Literature, — Special Collections, — Ana- lytical Readings, — Original Memoranda, Etc. Edited by his son-in-law, John Wood Warter, B. D. 4 vols. Square 8vo., calf, extra, marbled edges, by Hayday. London, 1849-1851 685 Southwell, Eev. Robert. The Poetical Works, now first com- pletely Edited by William B. Turnbull, Esq. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. Best edition. Beautifully printed by Whittingham. J. R. Smith, London, 185G 68 G Spence, Rev. Joseph. Anecdotes, Observations, and Char- acters, of Books and Men. Collected from the Con- versation of Mr. Pope, and other Eminent Persons of his Time. With Notes, and Life of the Author. By Samuel Weller Singer. Portrait. Crown 8vo., cloth, un- cut. Best edition. Large paper : few printed. London, 1858 687 Spenser, Edmund. The Poetical Works, with an Essay on his Life and Writings. Notes and a Glossary, by George Robinson, Esq. Portrait by Worihington. 5 vols. Crown 8vo., cloth, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1825 688 Spenser, Edmund. The Poetical Works, with Life by the Rev. John Mitford. Notes, etc. Portrait. 5 vols. Fools- cap 8vo. Aldine edition. Claret morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday. W. Pickering, London, 1852 689 Spilsbury, William Holden. Lincoln's Inn ; its Ancient and Modern Buildings, with an Account of the Library; by William Holden Spilsbury, Librarian. Wood-cuts. Foolscap 8vo., boards, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1850 COO Stanley, William, D.D. The Faith and Practice of a Church of England Man ; with Notes and Introductory Essay, by Rev. Robert Eden. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1848 G91 Stansbury, Joseph, and Dr. Jon. Odell. The Loyal Verses of, Relating to the American Revolution. Now first edited, by Winthrop Sargent. Foolscap 4to., half morocco, top gilt. Only 100 copies printed. Albany, 1860. MUNSELI/'S "HlSTOKICAL SbKIES." 126 692 Sterne, Lawrence. Works. Containing the Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gent. ; a Sentimental Journey through France and Italy; Sermons; Letters, &c. With a Life of the Author, written by Himself. Portrait and numerous plates. 4 vols. 8vo., calf. London, 1808 693 Stevens, Henry. An Account of the Proceedings at the Dinner, given by Mr. George Peabody to the Americans connected with the Great Exhibition, at the London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, on the 27th October, 1851. Elegantly printed by Whittingham. Royal 8vo., cloth, gilt. Lakse paper. Few printed. W. Pickering, London, 1851 694 Stirling, William, M. A. Annals of the Artists of Spain. (A. D. 1000-1800.) Numerous Notes. At the end of Vol. III. are additions and corrections, Catalogues of the Works of Velazquez and Murillo, and a copious Index. Splendidly engraved portraits and plates ; also, numerous wood-cuts and rubricated initials. 3 vols. 8vo., half morocco, gilt tops. Extremely scarce. London, 1848 The portraits are those of Domenico Theotoeopuli ; Pablo de Ccs- pedes ; Vicente Juan Macip; Vincencio Carduclio; Velasquez; Francisco de Zurbaran ; Alonso Cano ; and Murillo. 695, Stirling, William. Velasquez and his Works. Portrait. Fools- cap 8vo. Fine copy in tree calf, extra, gilt leaves, by Riviere. London, 1855 656. Stothard, Thomas. Life of, with Personal Reminiscences by Mrs. Bray. Portrait and numerous illustrations from Ms Works. Small ito. Murray, London, 1851 697 Stratford Eecords. A Descriptive Calendar of the Ancient Manuscripts and Records in the possession of the Corporation of Stratford-upon-Avon ; including Notices of Shakespeare and his Family, and of several Persons connected with the Poet. By J. O. Halliwell, Esq., F. R. S. Folio, half dark green morocco, marble paper sides. Privately printed : and only 75 copies. A companion volume to the great folio edition of the Works of Shake- speare edited by Mr. Halliwell. London, 1863 127 " The impression of this Work is strictly limited to seventy-five copies, out of which number fifteen have been presented to public libra- ries, &c, tearing sixty copies only for subscription. " It is a thick folio volume, of the average thickness of the volumes of the folio Shakespeare, printed on the same quality of paper, and, in fact, exactly uniform with that work." — Extract from Mr. Ilalliwelt's Circular to the Subscribers to his folio edition of Shakespeare. 098 STRUTT, JOSEPH. A Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of England from the Establish- ment of the Saxons in Britain to the present Time. Illustrated by engravings taken from the most Authentic Remains of Antiquity. To which is Prefixed an Intro- duction, containing a general Description of the Ancient Habits in Use among Mankind, from the Earliest Period of Time to the conclusion of the Seventh Century. A new and improved edition, with Critical and Explana- tory Notes, by J. R. Planche, Esq., F. S. A. 153 Plates. 2 vols. Royal Ato., half olive morocco, extra, gilt tops, edges uncut. Very scarce. London, 18-12 All the Plates extra finished by hand in gold and colors in the style of the Ancient Missals. Only 25 copies were executed in this manner. 699 STRUTT, JOSEPH. The Regal and Ecclesiastical An- tiquities of England : containing the Representations of all the English Monarchs, from Edward the Con- fessor to Henry the Eighth ; and of many Persons that were Eminent under their several Reigns ; on sixty cop- per-plates, engraved by the Author, with a Supplement, containing twelve plates. The whole carefully Collected from Ancient Illuminated Manuscripts. A new and greatly improved edition, with Critical and Explanatory Notes by J. R. Planche, Esq., F. S. A. 72 plates. Royal Ato., half olive morocco, extra, gilt top, edges uncut. Very scarce. London, 1842 All the Plates extra finished by hand in gold and colors in the style of the Ancient Missals. Only 25 copies were executed in this manner. 700 Strutt, Joseph. The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England ; including the Rural and Domestic Recrea- tions, May Games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, 128 Pageants, and Pompous Spectacles, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Illustrated by one hun- dred and forty engravings, in which are represented most of the Popular Diversions, selected from Ancient Paintings. A new edition with a copious Index, by William Hone. Royal 8vo., half calf. Large paper : from JB. A. Crouminshield's library. London, 1845 701 Strype, John. Ecclesiastical Memorials, relating chiefly to Religion, and the Reformation of it, and the Emer- gencies of the Church of England, under King Henry VIII., King Edward VI., and Queen Mary I. With large Appendices containing Original Papers, Records, etc. 6 vols. Royal 8vo., sprinkled calf, extra, marbled edges, by Hayday. Large paper : only 50 copies printed. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1822 702 Strype, John. Annals of the Reformation and Estab- lishment of Religion, and other Various Occurrences in the Church of England, during Queen Elizabeth's happy Reign ; together with an Appendix of Original Papers of State Records, and Letters. 7 vols. Royal 8vo., sprinkled calf, extra, marbled edges, by Hayday. Large paper : only 50 copies printed. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1824 703 Strype, John. A General Index to the Historical and Bio- graphical Works of John Strype, A. M., by the Rev. R. T. Lawrence. 2 vols. Royal 8vo., sprinkled calf, extra, marbled edges, by Hayday. Large paper: only 50 copies printed. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1828 The last three titles are uniform in size and style of binding. 704 Suffolk Garland, a Collection of Poems, Songs, Tales, Bal- lads, Sonnets, and Elegies, Legendary and Romantic, Historical and Descriptive, relative to that County, with Notices, Historical, Biographical, and Descriptive. Boards, uncut, 8vo. Scarce in this state. Ipswich, 1818 129 705 Sully, Duke of. Memoirs. Translated from the French, by Charlotte Lennox ; a new edition revised and cor- rected, with additional Notes, some Letters of Henry the Great, and a brief Historical Introduction. Portraits. 5 vols. Royal 8vo. Large paper: printed upon thick paper; and only 12 copies. London, 1810 Finest edition : very scarce in this state. 706 Surrey, Earl of. Certain Bokes of Virgile's Aenaeis, turned into English meter. By the Eight Honorable Lorde, Henry Earle of Surrey. JBIatk letter. 4fo., half green morocco, uncut. Privately printed : and only 60 copies. No. 1. — Roxburghe Club. London, 1814 A reprint from the edition by Tottel, 1557. Contributed by Baron Bolland. Presentation copy, " To the Rev. John Mitford with the Editor's best respects." With Sir William Bolland's autograph note to Mitford inserted. Contains, also, Mitford's autograph and MS. notes. 707 Surrey, Earl of. The Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. With an Original Memoir and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. Portrait. Foolscap 8vo., claret morocco, extra, gilt edges, by Hayday. Aldine edition. W. Pickering, London, 1831 708 Surrey, Earl of, and Sir Thomas Wyatt. Poetical "Works, with Original Memoirs by Sir Harris Nicolas. Portraits. 2 vols. Crown 8vo., half green morocco, uncut, by Hayday. Large papek. W. Pickering, London, 1831 709 Surtees, W. E. A Sketch of the Male Descendants of Josceline de Louvaine, the Second House of Percy, Earls of Northumberland, Barons Percy, and Territorial Lords of Alnwick, Warkworth, and Bradhoe Castles, in the County of Northumberland. Wood-cuts. Ato., half green morocco, extra, by Riviere, uncut. Large paper : only 30 copies printed. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1844 710 Sutton, Christopher, D. D. Disce Vivere ; a Treatise of Learning to Live. Thick 18mo., paper. Reprint from the edition of 1634. W. Pickering, London, 1848 17 130 711 Sutton, Christopher, D. D. Disce Mori, a Religious Dis- course, moving every Christian Man to enter into a Serious remembrance of his end. 18 mo., uncut. Reprint from the edition of 1634. W. Pickering, London, 1848 712 Sutton, Christopher, D. D. Godly Meditations upon the Most Holy Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 18 mo., uncut. Reprint from the edition of 1G51. W. Pickering, London, 1849 713 Swift, Jonathan. With Life, by the Rev. John Mitford. Portrait. 3 vols. Foolscap 8vo. Aldinb edition. Claret morocco, extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday. W. Pickering, London, 1833 ABLE TALKER, or Brief Essays on Society and Litera- ture. 2 vols. Foolscap 8vo., tree calf super extra, edges gilt over carmine, by Riviere. W. Pickering, London, 1840 715 Tale of the Basyn and the Frere and the Boy. Two Ear- ly Tales of Magic. Printed from Manuscripts preserved in the Public Library of the University of Cambridge. Edited, with Prefaces, Notes, and Glossaries, by Thomas "Wright, Esq., M. A., etc. Superbly bound in blue Levant morocco, choicely tooled, gilt leaves, by Riviere. Square 18mo. Only 100 copies printed. W. Pickering, London, 1836 716 Talfourd, Thomas Noon. The Dramatic Works. Eleventh edition, to which are added a few Sonnets and Verses. Foolscap 8vo., calf, extra, by Hayday. Moxon, London, 1852 717 Tasso, Torquato. Le Gerusalemma Liberata. Printed with diamond type. 2 torn. &8mo., cloth, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1822 718 TAYLOR, HENRY. Philip Van Artevelde, a Dramatic Romance. Sixth edition. Foolscap 8vo., calf, extra, by Hayday. Moxon, London, 1852 719 Taylor, Jeremy, D. D. The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living, in which are described the Means and Instru- ments of Obtaining every Virtue, and the Remedies against every Vice, and Considerations serving to the 131 Resisting all Temptations, with Prayers containing the Whole Duty of a Christian. 8vo., dark blue morocco, ex- tra, gilt edges, by Hayday. Very scaece. W. Pickering, London, 1847 720 Taylor, Jeremy, D. D. The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying, in which are described the Means and Instru- ments of preparing ourselves and others for a blessed Death ; with Prayers and Acts of Virtue to be used by Sick and Dying Persons, Rules for the Visitation of the Sick, etc. 8vo., dark blue morocco, extra, gilt edges, by Hayday. Very scarce. W. Piclcering, London, 1847 721 Taylor, Jeremy, D. D. Contemplations of the State of Man, in this Life and in That which is to Come. 18mo., uncut. Reprint from the edition of 1702. W. Pickering, London, 1847 722 Taylor, Jeremy. The Great Exemplar of Sanctity and Holy Life described in the History and Life and Death of the ever Blessed Jesus Christ. 3 vols. Foolscap 8vo., calf, antique, by Bedford. W. Pickering, London, 1849 723 Taylor, Jeremy, D. D. The Worthy Communicant ; or, a Discourse of the Nature, Effects, and Blessings conse- quent to the Worthy Receiving of the Lord's Supper ; and of all the Duties required in order to a Worthy Preparation. Elegantly printed by Whittingham with ru- bricated title and ornamental headings and initials. 8vo., boards, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1853 724 Thanksgiving Proclamations. Proclamations for Thanks- giving, issued by the Continental Congress, Pres't Washington, by the National and State Governments on the Peace of 1815, and by the Governors of New York since the introduction of the Custom ; with those of the Governors of the several States in 1858. With an His- torical Introduction and Notes, by Franklin B. Hough. Royal 8vo., uncut. Limited edition : only 150 copies printed. Munsell $ Rowland, Albany, 1858 725 Tennyson, Alfred. Maud and Other Poems. Foolscap 8vo. Bound by Hayday in rich Turkey morocco, full gilt. London, 1855 132 726 Terentius, Publius. Comcedue. Portrait. Printed with diamond type by Corrall. 48mo., in silk binding, uncut. India papek : and only 20 copies. W. Pickering, London, 1822 727 Terentius, Publius. Comoediae. Printed with diamond type by Corrall. Portrait. 48mo., cloth, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1822 728 Thorns, William J. Early Prose Romances of Ancient Eng- lish Fictions. Viz. : Robert the Devyl, Thomas a Read- ing, Frier Bacon, Frier Rush, Virgilius, Robin Hood, George a Green, Tom a Lincolne, Helyas, Dr. Faustus, and Second Report of Dr. Faustus. 3 vols. Grown 8vo., half red morocco, gilt edges. Very scarce. W. Pickering, London, 1828 729 Testament, New. Printed from diamond type. Thick 48mo., silk binding, uncut. India papee: very few printed. Longman, Hurst fy Go., London, 1816 730 Testamentum, Novum Graecum. Printed from diamond type. Thick 48mo., cloth. W. Pickering, London, 1828 731 Thomson, James. The Seasons and Castle of Indolence, with Memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas. Portrait. Grown 8vo., half green morocco, uncut edges, by Hay day. Large paper. W. Pickering, London, 1830 732 Thomson, James. The Poetical Works, with Memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas. Portrait. 2 vols. Foolscap 8vo. Audine edition. Claret morocco, extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday. W. Pickering, London, 1847 733 Ticknor, George. History of Spanish Literature. Third American edition, corrected and enlarged by the Author. 3 vols. Post 8vo., half calf extra, marbled edges. Boston, 1863 734 Ticknor, George. The Life of William Hickling Prescott. With a Prefatory Notice, an Appendix, and an Index. Illustrated with a Portrait, an engraving of the Bust by Richard S. Greenough, fine illustrations engraved on wood, and numerous ornamental head and tail pieces and 133 initials. A very beautiful volume. Half morocco, extra, gilt top ; other edges uncut. Ticknor S; Fields, Boston, 1864 Finest edition, -which the Publishers say " will not be again printed." 735 Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy in America. Translated by Henry Eeeve, Esq. Edited, with Notes, the Translation revised and in great part rewritten, and the additions made to the recent Paris editions now first translated by Francis Bowen, Alford Professor of Moral Philosophy in Harvard University. 2 vols. Royal 8vo., boards, uncut. Large paper : 100 copies printed. Cambridge, 1864 736 Toone, William. Glossary and Etymological Dictionary of Obsolete and Uncommon "Words, Antiquated Phrases, Proverbial Expressions, Obscure Allusions, and of Words which have Changed their Significations ; Illustrative of the Works of our Early Dramatic and Lyric Poets, with Historical Notices of Ancient Customs, Manners, etc. Crown 8vo., crushed Levant morocco, extra, tooled to the Harleian pattern, by Riviere. Elegant copy. Now very scarce. W. Pickering, London, 1832 737 Tristan. Recueil de ce qui reste des Poemes relatifs a ses Aventures, Composes en Francis, en Anglo-Normand et en Grec dans les XII. et XIII. Siecles, Public par Francisque Michel. 3 vols. Foolscap 8vo., uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1835—8 The 3d vol. is seldom found with the others, it having been printed several years later than vols. 1 and 2. Two copies were printed upon thick tinted paper. See No. 1551, Eyton Catalogue. 738 Trumbull, John. McFingal, an Epic Poem, with Introduc- tion and Notes by Benson J. Lossing. Portrait. Half blue morocco, extra, red paper sides, gilt top, by Wm. Mat- thews. Fine copy. Large paper: only 100 copies printed ; now scarce. Putnam, New York, 1860 134. 739 Tudor, William. The Life of James Otis, of Massachusetts ; containing, also, Notices of some Contemporary Charac- ters and Events from the year 1760 to 1775. Portrait and plates. 8vo., boards, edges in the original rough state. Fine copy. Scarce in this condition. Boston, 1 823 740 Turnament of Totenham ; and the Feest. Two Early Ballads, printed from a Manuscript preserved in the Public Library of the University of Cambridge. Edited, with Prefaces, Notes, and Glossaries, by Thomas Wright, Esq., M. A., etc. Square \8mo. Superbly bound in blue Levant morocco, choicely tooled, gilt leaves, by Riviere. Only 100 copies printed. W. Pickering, London, 1836 741 Turner, J. M. W. The Rivers of France ; a Series of Sixty Picturesque Views drawn by Turner, and engraved by Willmore, Cousins, and other distinguished Artists, with descriptive Letter-press printed on fine thick paper. 4fo., cloth, gilt edges. London, 1837 Choice original impressions of the Plates, extremely scarce. TTERSON, EDWARD VERNON. Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry. Republished principally from early printed Copies in the black letter. Wood-cuts. 2 vols. Crown 8vo., green morocco, extra, gilt edges, by Clarke and Bedford. Splendid copy. Scarce: only 120 copies printed. W. Pickering, London, 1825 AUGHAN, HENRY. Silex Scintillans; Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. Edited, with Life of the Author and Preface, by Rev. H. F. Lyte. Foolscap 8vo., blue morocco, gilt edges. W. Pickering, London, 1847 744 Venables, Col. Robert. The Experienced Angler, or Angling Improved. Plates. Crown 8vo. Elegantly bound by Riviere, in Levant morocco, choicely tooled. Large paper : all the Illustrations upon India paper. London, 1827 745 Villehardouin, Geoffrey de. The Chronicle of, Concerning the Conquest of Constantinople by the French and Vene- tians, Anno MCCIV. Translated, with Preface and Notes, by T. Smith. 8vo., cloth. W. Pickering, London, 1829 135 746 VIRGILIUS. This boke treateth of the Lyfe of VirgiliuS, and of his Deth, and many Marvayles that he dyd in his Lyfe Tyme by Whychcrafte and Nygramancie thorowgh the Helpe of the Devyls of Hell. Anwarpe by me Jolnm Doesborcke n. d. (1510.) Edited by E. V. Utterson. jBIack letter. Wood-cuts. Small Ato., pink morocco, extra, gilt edges. Opposite to the title-page is a very free copper-plate, engraved by G. P. (Geo. Pencz, a pupil of Durer) about 1550. Privately printed : and only 50 copies on paper and 1 on Vellum. Very scarce. Reprinted, London, 1812 Presentation copy, " To Mr. Singer (Samuel Weller), from the Editor." 747 Virgilius Maro, Carmina Omnia, Perpetuo Commentario, ad Modum Joannis Bond, explicuit Fr. Dubner. Illus- trated by twenty-seven photographs and engraved title. 18mo., elegantly bound by Lortic in nut brown Levant morocco, crushed, gilt. Choicest style of the publication. Didot, Parisiis, 1858 748 Voyages. Early Voyages up and down the Mississippi, by Cavalier, St. Cosme, Le Sueur, Gravier, and Guignas, with an Introduction, Notes, and an Index, by John Gilmary Shea. Foolscap ito., half morocco, gilt top. Only 100 copies printed. Albany, 1861 Munseli/s " Historical Series." ACE, EOBERT. His Chronicle of the Norman Conquest from the Roman de Eou. Translated, with Notes, etc., by Edgar Taylor. Four outline Illustrations. 8vo., boards. Edition limited to 12 on large paper in royal 8vo., and 250 copies in 8vo. See No. 1587, Eyton Catalogue. W. Pickering, London, 1837 750 Walker, W. Marry or Do Worse, a Comedy, ito., half morocco, extra. London, 1704 751 Walton, Izaak, and Cotton, Charles. The Complete Angler. Portrait, wood-cuts. Printed with diamond type. 48mo., cloth, uncut. W. Pickering, London, 1825 136 751 Walton, Izaak, and Charles Cotton. The Complete Angler. Portrait and engravings. Thick 32mo., calf. W. Pickering, London, 1827 752 WALTON and COTTON. The Complete Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Eecreation ; being a Discourse of Eivers, Fish Ponds, Fish, and Fishing; written by Izaak Walton ; and Instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a Clear Stream, by Charles Cotton. With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. Portraits. Views atid plates of Pish. Rubricated titles. 2 vols. Imperial 8vo., elegantly bound by Hayday in green Levant morocco, super extra, edges gilt in the round. Splendid copy. W. Pickering, London, 1836 This copy contains an additional set of the plates, printed upon plate paper separate from the text, in Artist's proof state upon India paper. Very few were issued in this manner. In 1829 Mr. Pickering announced that " a few copies would be printed upon large paper for the purpose of illustration." Such an edition never appeared. 753 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler. Portrait. Thick 18mo., half morocco. BeU fy Daldy, London, 1863 754 Walton, Izaak. The Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Her- bert, and Sanderson. Printed with diamond type. Por- traits. 48mo., silk binding, uncut. India papee : few printed. W. Pickering, London, 1827 755 Walton, Izaak. The Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Her- bert, and Sanderson. Printed with diamond type. Por- traits. 4c8mo. W. Pickering, London, 1827 756 Walton, Izaak. Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wot- ton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sanderson ; New edition, with Memoir of Wal- ton, by Will. Downing, Esq., Notes, Index, etc. Por- traits and numerous wood-cuts. Grown 8vo., morocco, richly gilt, gilt edges, by Hayday. London, 1858. 757 Walton and Cotton Club. Rules and Regulations of. Small 4fo. W. Pickering, London, 1840 Privately printed : and only 50 copies. Illustrated with cuts of fish. Very beautifully printed within carmine bor- ders, by Whittingham. 137 758 Warner, William. Albion's England, a Continved His- torie of the Same Kingdome from the Originals of the first Inhabitants thereof; with the most chiefe Alterations and Accidents there hapning, into, and in the happie Raigne of our now most Soueraigne Lord King James ; whereunto is also newly Added an Epitome of the whole Historie of England. Small ito., half morocco. Fine copy. London, 1612 Added to this copy is " a continuance of Albion's England: By the Jirst Author." ~W. W., London, 1606. This copy was formerly in the collection of E. A. Crowninshieltl, Esq. " This epitome of the British History, at one time much esteemed, contains much good poetry and curious information." — Lowndes. 759 Warton, Thomas. The History of English Poetry, from the close of the eleventh to the commencement of the eighteenth century. To which are prefixed, Three Dis- sertations : 1. Of the Origin of Romantic Fiction in Europe. 2. On the Introduction of Learning into England. 3. On the Gesta Romanorum. A New Edition, carefully revised, with numerous additional Notes by the late Mr. Ritson, the late Dr. Ashby, Mr. Douce, Mr. Park, and other eminent Antiquaries, and by the Editor (Richard Price). Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo., calf, marbled edges. Finest edition. Thomas Tegg, London, 1824 "A most curious, valuable, and interesting literary history." — Lowndes. 760 WASHINGTON, GEORGE. The Writings of, being his Correspondence, Addresses, Messages, and other Papers, Official and Private ; selected and published from the original manuscripts ; with Life of the Author ; by Jared Sparks, LL. D. Plates. 12 vols. Imperial 8vo. tree calf, super extra, marbled edges, by Riviere, of London. Large paper: Splendid copy. Boston, 1837 Uniform in size and style of binding with the large paper copies of Franklin, Webster, and Washington Correspondence. 761 WASHINGTON. Correspondence of the American Rev- olution ; being Letters of Eminent Men to Washington, from the time of his taking Command of the Army to 18 138 the end of his Presidency. Edited from the Original Manuscripts, by Jared Sparks, LL. D. 4 vols. Imperial 8vo., tree calf, super extra, marbled edges, by Riviere, of London. Large papee : Splendid copy. Boston, 1853 Uniform in size and style of binding with the large papek copies of Franklin, Washington's Writings, and Webster. 762 Watts, Thomas. A Letter to Antonio Panizzi, Esq., Keeper of the Printed Books in the British Museum, on the re- puted Earliest printed Newspaper, " ®he dtttglisl) Jtter- tttric, 1588," by Thomas Watts, of the British Museum. Royal 8vo. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. W. Pickering, London, 1839 An exposure of a singularly successful forgery. The " English Mercurie " was for a longtime supposed to be a genuine newspaper printed in 1588. It is referred to by D'Israeli in his " Curiosities of Literature, Vol. I. 172. 763 Watts, Alaric A. Lyrics of the Heart, and other Poems ; Illustrated by forty-one highly finished line engravings. Thick 8vo., maroon morocco, super extra, richly gilt, by Hayday. Proof impressions of all the plates. London, 1851 Inserted is an autograph letter from the author. 764 Wayne, Col. Anthony. Orderly Book of the/Northern Army, at Ticonderoga and Mt. Independence, from Octo- ber 17th, 1776, to January 8th, 1777, with Biographical and Explanatory Notes, and an Appendix. Portrait of Gen. Gates, and map. Foolscap Ato., half morocco, gilt top. Only 100 copies printed. Albany, 1859 Munsell's " Historical Series." 765 WEAVEE, THOMAS. Plantagenet's Tragicall Story ; or the Death of King Edward the Fourth; with the unnaturall voyage of Richard the Third, through the Red Sea of his Nephews' innocent bloud to his usurped Crowne, Metaphrased by T. W. Gent. Fine portrait. Foolscap 8vo. Elegantly bound in green Levant morocco, choicely tooled, by Riviere. 139 Very scarce : Crawford's copy; and purchased at his sale, for £4 10*. London, 1649 Pp. 142, with portrait of T. W. by W. M(arshall). By some attrib- uted to Thomas Whichcot. 766 "Weber, Henry. Metrical Romances of the Thirteenth, Four- teenth, and Fifteenth Centuries. Published from Ancient Manuscripts. With an Introduction, Notes, and a Glos- sary. 3 vols. Crown 8vo., half green morocco, extra, uncut, by JIayday. Edinburgh, 1810 767 WEBSTER, DANIEL. Works, with Biographical Memoir of his Public Life, by Edward Everett. Portraits and engravings. 6 vols. Imperial 8vo., tree calf, super extra, marbled edges, by Riviere, of London. Large paper : splendid copy. Boston, 1851 Uniform in size and style of binding with the large paper copies of Franklin, Washington's Writings, and Correspondence of the Revolution. 768 WEBSTER, DANIEL. The Private Correspondence of, edited by Fletcher Webster. Portraits. 2 vols. Impe- rial 8vo., tree calf, super extra, marbled edges, by Riviere, of London. Large paper : splendid copy. Boston, 1857 Uniform in size and style of binding with the large paper copies of Franklin, Washington's Writings, Correspondence of the Revolu- tion, and Webster. 769 Webster, John. The White Divel, or the Tragedy of Paulo Giordano Vrsini, Duke of Brachiano, with the Life and Death of Vittoria Corombona, the famous Venetian Cur- tizan. 4io., half Russia, stilted. First edition. Very scarce. London, Printed by N. 0. for Thomas Archer, in Popes head Pallace, 1612. 770 Webster, John. The Tragedy of the Dvtchesse of Malfy. Small ito., half morocco. First edition. Very scarce. From the library of the Rev. John Mitford, with his autograph. London, 1623 771 Webster, John. Vittoria Corombona, or the White Devil. A Tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal, by his Majesties Servants. 4to., half morocco, fine copy. London, 1672 140 772 Webster, John. The Dramatic Works, now first Col- lected, with Some Account of the Author and Notes by Rev. Alexander Dyce. 4 vols. Crown Svo., brown calf, extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. W. Pickering, London, 1830 Extremely scarce. Worth in London £A is. in boards. 773 Webster, John. The Dramatic Works. Edited, with In- troduction, Notes, etc., by William Hazlitt, of the Middle Temple. 4 vols. Crown 8vo., boards uncut. Large paper : few •printed. London, 1857 774 Wheatlet, Phillis. Letters of Phillis Wheatley, the Negro- slave Poet of Boston. Now for the first time printed. 8vo., uncut. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. Boston, 1864 775 Whetstones, George. A Remembraunce of the Woorthie and well imployed Life of the Right Hon. Sir Nicholas Bacon, Knight, 1578 ; a Remembraunce of the precious Vertues of Sir James Dier, Knight, 1582 ; a Remem- braunce of the Life, Death, and Vertues of Thomas Earle of Sussex, 1583 ; Sir Phillip Sidney, his Honorable Life, Valiant Death, and True Vertues, 1586. ilo., half calf. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. Auchinlech Press, 1816 776 White, Rev. Gilbert. The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, with the Naturalist's Calendar, and Mis- cellaneous Observations, extracted from his Papers. A new edition, with Notes, by Edward Turner Bennett, F. L. S., and others. Numerous beautiful ivood-cuts. Finely printed by Whittingham. 8vo., light calf, extra gilt, gilt edges, by Hayday. Finest edition : beautiful copy ; very scarce. London, 1837 777 White, Henry Kirke. The Poetical Works, with Memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas. Portrait. Foolscap 8vo., Aldine edition, claret morocco, extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday. W. Pickering, London, 1840 778 White, Richard Grant. Shakespeare's Scholar; being His- torical and Critical Studies of his Text, Characters, and Commentators, with an examination of Mr. Collier's Folio of 1632. 8vo., folded, uncut. New York, 1854 141 779 Whitworth, Lord Charles. An Account of Eussia, as it was in the year 1710. Vignette of Strawberry Bill on the title-page. Foolscap 8vo., half calf. Privately printed. Strawberry Hill, 1758 Prom E. A. Crowninshield's library with his book-plate. 780 Whole Duty of Man ; first Published 1658. A new Edition, with Preface by Eev. W. Bentinck Hawkins. Foolscap 8vo., boards, uncut. W. Piclcering, London, 1842 781 "Wight, Andrew. A Catalogue of the entire Library of. Prepared by Joseph Sabin. Sold by Auction on Monday, June Gth, 1864, and following days. Imperial 8vo., untrimmed. Large paper. New York, 1864 782 Williams, H. "W. Select Views in Greece, with Classical Illustrations. Sixty-four fine views engraved in the best line-manner by eminent Artists. 2 vols, in 1. Imperial 8vo., richly bound by Wright in crimson morocco, extra gilt, gilt edges. London, 1829 783 Willoughby, Lady. So much of the Diary of, as relates to her Domestic History, and to the Eventful Period of the Eeign of King Charles the First, 1635 to 1648. Mo., brown calf extra, carmine edges, by Riviere. London, 1844 784 Willoughby, Lady. Some Further Portions of the Diary of, which do relate to her Domestic History and to the Stirring Events of the latter Years of the Eeign of King Charles the First, the Protectorate and the Eestoration. Ato., brown calf extra, carmine edges, by Riviere. Fewer were printed of this volume than of the other. London, 1848 785 Wilson, John. Shaksperiana. Catalogue of all the Books, Pamphlets, etc., Eelating to Shakspeare ; to which are Subjoined an Account of the Early Quarto Editions ; the Prices at which many have been Sold in Public Sales, and a List of the Leading and Esteemed Editions of Shakspeare's Collected Works, with Pref- 142 ace. 8vo., polished calf, super extra, marbled edges, by Riviere. Large paper : very few printed. Wilson, London, 1827 "The preface to this volume contains a curious account of the fabri- cated portraits of Shakespeare." — Lowndes. 786 Wilson. Commissary Wilson's Orderly Book during the Expedition of the British and Provincial Army, under Major-Gen. Jeffrey Amherst, against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 1759. With an Introduction and a care- fully prepared Index. Map. Foolscap 4to., uncut. Only 100 copies printed : 6 of which were upon large paper in crown ito. J. Munsell, Albany, 1857 Munsell's " Historical Series," No. 1. 787 Wingfield, Edward Maria. A Discourse of Virginia, 1607-8. Now first printed from the Original Manuscript in the Lambeth Library. Edited, with Notes and an In- troduction, by Charles Deane, Esq. Royal Svo., uncut. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. Boston, 1860 788 Winkles, R. B. Cathedral Churches of England and Wales ; Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations of, from Drawings made expressly for this Work, with Descrip- tions by Thomas Moule. 4fo., half blue morocco, gilt edges. Fine copy. Vol. 1. Large paper. London, 1836 789 Winthrop, John. History of New England from 1630 to 1649, from his Original Manuscripts, with Notes by James Savage ; new edition with Additions and Correc- tions by the former Editor. 2 vols. 8vo., boards, uncut. Boston, 1853 790 Winthrop, John. Life and Letters, edited by Robert C. Winthrop. Portrait. 8vo., boards, uncut. Boston, 1864 791 Winthrop, R. C. Addresses and Speeches on Various Occasions. 8vo., cloth, uncut. Boston, 1852 Presentation copy of the Poet Samuel Eogers, with the author's au- tograph note to Mr. Eogers inserted. 143 792 Wit, without Monet, a Comedy ; with Alterations and Amendments by some Persons of Quality. Ato., half morocco. London Fine copy. 793 WITCHCRAFT. Records of the Salem Witchcraft. Copied from the Original Documents. 2 vols. 4to. Pri- vately printed for W. Elliot Woodward, Esq., of Roxbury, Large paper: only 15 copies printed. Joel Munsell, Albany, 1864 794 Witchcraft. Records of the Salem Witchcraft. Copied from the Original Documents. 2 vols. Foolscap ito. Printed for W. Elliot Woodward, Esq., of Roxbury, Mass. Privately printed : and only 200 copies. Joel Munsell, Albany, 1864 795 Wither, George. The Htmnes and Songs of the Church, Divided into two Parts. The first Part comprehends the Canonicall Hymnes, with the Ancient Songs and Creeds. The second Part consists of Spirituall Songs. Translated and Composed by a. w. Foolscap Svo. Pound by Mackenzie in crimson morocco, richly gilt, gilt edges. London. Printed by the Assignes of George Wither, 1 623 First edition. The music which accompanies the Songs is by the celebrated Master Orlando Gibbons. 796 Wither, George. The Protector, a Poem Briefly illus- trating the Supereminency of that Dignity ; and, ration- ally demonstrating, the Title of Protector, providentially conferred upon the Supreme Governour of the Eritish Republic, is the most Honorable of all Titles, and that, which, probably, promiseth most Propitiousness to these Nations ; if our Sins and Divisions prevent it not. Com- posed by George Wither, Esq. Foolscap Svo., bound by Mackenzie in crimson morocco, richly gill, gilt edges. Rare. London. Printed by J. C, and are to be sold at the Angel in Paul's Churchyard, 1655. " Dedicated to Oliver in a very flattering style, but containing much sage counsel." — Lowndes. 144 797 Wither, George. Furor-Poeticus (i. e.) Propheticus. A Poetick-Phrensie. Some, (probably) will call it so : Tints named, therefore, let it go. It is the result of a private-musing, occasioned by a pub- like report in the Country, of the Parliaments restauration by General George Moncke, in February 1659, and meditated soon after the said General's arrival in Lon- don. By G. W., Esq. Foolscap 8vo., bound by Mackenzie in crimson morocco, richly gilt, gilt edges. London, Printed by James Cottrel, 1660 Very rare. Mr. James Brook Pulham, who had the largest and finest collection of the works of Wither ever brought together, was unable to obtain a copy. The work was represented in his library by a transcript from the one in the British Museum. 798 Wither, George. Tuba Pacifica. Seasonable Precautions, whereby is sounded forth a Retreat from the War intended between England and the United-Provinces of Lower Germany. By George Wither, a Lover of Peace, and heartily well-affected toward both Nations. Foolscap 8vo. Pound by Mackenzie, in crimson morocco, • richly gilt, gilt edges. Very scarce. Anno, 1664 Imprinted for the Author, and is to be disposed of, rather for Love then Money. On the page following that which contains the title is " An Ancient Emblem relating to the said Nation " ; a woodcut representing two pitchers tilted towards each other, and underneath " Si collidimur frangimur," — If we knock we are broke. 799 Wither, George. A Memorandum to London, Occasioned by the Pestilence there begun this present year, MDC LXV., and humbly offered to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the said City. By George Wither. Thereto is by him added, a Warning-piece to London, discharged out of a Loophole in the Tower, upon Medi- tating the Deplorable Fire, etc. Also, a Single Sacrifice offered to Almighty God, by the same Author, and his Epitaph, made by himself. Foolscap 8vo. Bound by Mackenzie, in crimson morocco, richly gilt, gilt edges. Imprinted in the Tear, MDCLXV. This is very interesting, as. it relates to the plague of London. It is uncommonly rare, most of the copies having been destroyed by the great fire which occurred the next season. 145 800 Wither, George. Hymns and Songs of the Church, with Introduction by Edward Farr. Portrait. Foolscap Svo. cloth, uncut. London, 1856 801 Wither, George. Hallelujah, or Britain's Second Re- membrancer, Bringing to Remembrance (in Praiseful and Penitential Hymns, Spiritual Songs, and Moral Odes), Meditations Advancing the Glory of God, in the Practice of Piety and Virtue, Composed in a threefold volume. With Introduction by Edward Farr. Portrait of Wither. Foolscap 8vo., cloth, uncut. London, 1857 802 Wits Led by the Nose, or a Poet's Revenge, a Tragi- comedy. 4to., half morocco. London, 1678 Fine copy. 803 Wivell, Abraham. An Inquiry into the History, Authenticity, and Characteristics of the Shakspeare Portraits ; in which the Criticisms of Malone, Steevens, Boaden and Others, are Examined, Confirmed, or Refuted ; Embracing the Felton, the Chandos, the Duke of Somerset's Pictures, the Droeshout Print, and the Monument of Shakspeare at Stratford ; together with an Expose of the spurious Pictures and Prints. Numerous portraits. 8vo., calf. Fine copy. London, 1827 This copy contains the supplement. 804 Woodworth, John S. Reminiscences of Troy, from its Settle- ment in 1790 to 1807, with Remarks on its Commerce, Enterprise, Improvements, State of Political Parties, and Sketches of Individual Character. Written at the Re- quest of several Gentlemen of Troy. Second edition, with Notes, Explanatory, Biographical, Historical, and Antiquarian. Engravings, title and initials rubricated, and facsimiles of ancient paper-money. Foolscap 4to., cloth, uncut copy. J- Munsell, Albany, 1860 805 Wordsworth, Christopher, D. D. Greece, Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical. A new edition, care- fully Revised. With numerous engravings on wood and steel, illustrative of the Scenery, Architecture, Cos- tume, and Fine Arts of that Country, by Copley Field- ing. Creswick, and other eminent Artists, and a History of the Characteristics of Greek Art, Illustrated by 19 146 George Scharf, Jun., Esq. Royal 8vo., dark Levant mo- rocco, super extra, gilt edges. London, 1853 Best edition: the first with the Essay on Greek Art. Brilliant impressions of the plates. AU the wood-cuts upon tints it) the paper. 806 Wotton, Sir Henry. The Characters of Eobert Deve- reux, Earl of Essex, and George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. 8vo., boards. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. Lee Priori/ Press, 1814 807 Wotton, Sir Henry. Sir Walter Raleigh and Others ; Poems, edited with Introductions, Notes, etc., by Eev. John Han- nah. Beautifully printed by Whittingham, with ornamen- tal title, headings, and initials. Foolscap 8vo., calf, extra, gilt edges, by Riviere. W. Pickering, London, 1845 808 Wrangham, Francis. A few Sonnets attempted from Pe- trarch, in early Life. 4to., half blue morocco, uncut. Privately printed : and only 100 copies. Lee Priory, Kent, 1817 809 Wright, James. Thyestes, a Tragedy, translated out of Seneca ; to which is added Mock-Thyestes, in Burlesque. Foolscap 8i-o., old calf. London, 1 674 From the library of the Poet Gray, with his book-plate. Contains, also, some notes in the handwriting of Horace Walpole and the Eev. John Mitford. 810 Wright, Thomas. Biographia Britannica Literaria ; or, Biography of Literary Characters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in Chronological order, Anglo-Saxon Period ; Anglo-Norman Period. 2 vols. 8vo., calf, extra, marbled edges. London, 1842-46 811 Wyatt, Sir Thomas. The Poetical Works, with Memoir, and the Defence of Sir Thomas Wyatt. Portrait. Foolscap 8vo. Claret morocco, extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday. Al- dine edition. W. Pickering, London, 1831 812 Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar. The Dra- matic Works, with Biographical and Critical Notices by Leigh Hunt. Fine portrait and vignette title. Royal 8vo., calf, gilt, marbled edges. Moxon, Tjondon, 1851 147 813 Wynne, James, M. D. Private Libraries of New York. Plate of Wm. Curtis Noyes' library. Imperial 8vo. Bound by William Matthews in green Levant morocco, extra, su- perbly tooled, gilt edges. A splendid copy. Contains a duplicate impression, on India paper, of the plate repre- senting the interior of Mr. Noyes' library. Large paper: only 100 copies printed. New York, 1860 Among the principal libraries mentioned in this work, are those of John Allan, George Bancroft, Thomas P. Barton, J. Carson Bre- voort, Rev. Dr. Chapin, Almon W. Griswold, William Menzies, Wm. Curtis Noyes, Dr. Purple, Geo. T. Strong, 11. L. Stuart, and Richard Grant White. flOUNG, ALEXANDER, D. D. Chronicles of the Pil- grim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, from 1602 to 1G25. Now first collected from Original Records and Contemporaneous printed Documents, and illustrated with Notes. 8vo., boards. Boston, 1841 815 Young, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1623 to 1636. Now first collected from Original Records and Contem- poraneous Manuscripts, and illustrated with Notes. Por- trait of John Winthrop. 8vo., boards. Boston, 1846 816 Young, Edward. The Poetical Works, with Life by the Rev. J. Mitford. Portrait. 2 vols. Foolscap 8vo. Aldine edi- tion. Claret morocco, extra, gilt leaves, by Hayday. W. Pickering, London, 1852 I5itjcr£ibe $rc££ PRINTED BY H. O. HOUGHTON AND COMPANY CAMBRIDGE $0^^0^^^§i§ mm ,w, * ' I 1 A 1 '«. ASi H \c wiMS V '"* BiU-atlyii::^^^«fi^:I