CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SAMUEL AND SARAH LEVINE BOOK FUND CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 1924 091 208 409 The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. In compliance with current copyright law, Cornell University Library produced this replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.48-1992 to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. 2002 CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY iritish Puspm lapite P^^. DESCEIPTIONS AND COLLATION OP SIX KARAITE MANUSCRIPTS OF POKTIONS OP THE HEBREW BIBLE IE" AEABIC CHARACTEES; "WITH A COMPLETE REPRODUCTION BY THE AUTOTYPE PROCESS OF ONE, EXODUS I. i-YIII 5, IN 42 FACSIMILES. BY REINHART HOERNING, Ph.D., DEPABTMENT OP ORIENTAL MSS., BRITISH MUSEUM. WILLIAMS AND NOEGATE, 14, HENRIETTA STREET, CO VENT GARDEN, LONDON, AND 20, SOUTH FEEDERICK STEEET, EDINBUEGH. 1889. STEPHEN AUSTIN AND SONS, PKINTEES, HEWTFOKD. RESPECTFULLY AND GRATEFULLY INSCRIBED TO HIS MASTERS AND FRIENDS PROFESSOR FRANZ DELITZSCH AND DR. CHRISTIAN D. GINSBURG. INTEODUCTION. The collection, of which the manuscripts described in the following pages form part, was purchased by the Trustees of the British Museum in July, 1882, from the late Mr. M. "W". Shapira, the well-known antiquarian bookseller of Jerusalem. It numbers 145 volumes, MSS. Orient. 2459-2602. "With the exception of some MSS. belonging to the literature of the Rabbanite Jews, two Persian MSS. written in Hebrew characters, and a few Muhammedan (Arabic) MSS., this collection consists entirely of works by Karaite Jews, and raises the library of the British Museum to one of the first storehouses of information concerning the history and literature of this curious and once powerful sect. The collection was obtained by Mr. Shapira partly at Heet (^j:^^), "a town situated on the Euphrates about thirty leagues to the west of Bagdad, inhabited by Arabs and Karaite Jews," ^ and partly at Cairo. One of the most valuable portions of this collection consists of a series of twenty biblical MSS., containing the Hebrew test written in the Arabic character, for the most part provided with the Hebrew vowel-points and accents (in red ink), and accompanied by the Arabic translations and Commentaries of Tefeth and other Karaite authors. The following is a short descriptive list of these MSS. : 1. Orient. 2539, fi". 56-132. Fragments of Genesis and Deuteronomy, viz. Gen. xiv. 12-xvii. 8, xxi. 7-xxiu. 6, sxiv. 1-xxv. 17; and Deut. iii. 19-iv. 34, vii. 1-ix. 1, xviii. 19-xxi. 14, 19-xxiii. 19 ; with the Hebrew vowel-points and accents. XIth century. Fragments of Numbers, viz. ch. vi. 18-vii. 72, ix. 11-x. 4, xiv. 39-xv. 14, 35-xx. 14, xxii. 22-xxv. 4 ; with the Hebrew vowel-points and accents. Xth century. Folia 1-55 contain fragments of two Karaite Liturgies in Hebrew, but written in Arabic characters ; with directions in Arabic ; of the XIth and XIIth centuries. Paper, ff. 132. Sm. 4to. 2. Orient. 2540, A fragment of Exodus, viz. ch. i. 1-viii. 5 ; with the Hebrew vowel- points and accents, and ornamental designs in gold and colours. Xth century. 1 Claudius James Kich in Ms " Memoir on tlie Kuins of Babylon," Mines de I'Orient, vol. iii. p. 161. b VI Paper, ff. 21. 4to. See the detailed description, pp. 1-20. 3. Orient. 2541. Fragments of Genesis and Exodus, viz. Gen. xxx. 35-xxxii. 30; and Esod. v. 14-vii. 6, xi. 2-xviii. 14, xviii. 24-xxii. 15, xxiii. 1-xl. 34; with the Heb. vowel-points and accents. The writing in the text of Genesis is nearly faded. Xth century. Paper, ff. 98. 8vo. 4. Orient. 2542. Fragments of Genesis, viz. ch. xxiv. 28-xxviii. 14, xxix. 12-1. 26 ; the whole of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers ; and Deuteronomy, i. 1-xxxi. 9 ; with the Heb. vowel-points and accents. XIth century. A fragment of Exodus, viz. ch. xl. 9-16, 33-38 ; with the Heb. vowel-points and an Arabic translation. Xth century. Paper, ff. 251. 4to. 5. Orient. 2543. Fragments of Jeremiah, viz. ch. xxiii. 22-xxv. 10, 32-xxxvi. 27, 32-xxxviii. 24, xxxix. 7-xlix. 37 ; with the Heb. vowel-points and accents. XIth century A fragment of Genesis, viz. ch. xxii. 1-xxiv. 6. XIth century. A fragment of Leviticus, viz. ch. xxv. 53-xxvii. 6 ; with the Heb. vowel-points and accents. Xth century. Fragments of Ezekiel, viz. ch. xxi. 33-xxii. 12, xxvii. 7-23 ; with the Hebrew vowel- points. XIIth century. Paper, ff. 119. 8vo. 6-8. Orient. 2544-2546. Fragments of the Pentateuch, viz. Genesis vii. 20-23, ix. 8-11, X. 13-18, xxiv. 6-34, 54-61, xxx. 16-26, 43-xxxi. 4, 10-18, 28-36, 40-43, xxxii. 4-xxxiii. 17, xliii. 3-14; Exodus ii. 25-ix. 35, xix. 9-16, xx. 11-26, xxi. 22-xxii. 3, 6-7, 15, 24-27, xxiii. 15-24, xxiv. 1-11, 15-xxvi. 12, 18-xxvii. 18, 21, xxviii. 16-20; Leviticus iv. 22-v. 6, vi. 3-16, 20-23, viii. 30-33, ix. 2-7, 23-x. 3, xi. 23, xxv. 47-53, xxvii. 29-34; Numbers xiv. 32-xv. 16, 17-32, 34-38, xvii. 26-28, xxiv. 17-22, xxxii. 6-42, xsxiii. 16- xxxiv. 29, xxxvi. 1-13 ; Deuteronomy ii. 15-23 ; with the Heb. vowel-points and accents and the Arabic translation and shorter Commentary of Shaikh Abu'l Faraj Furkan. XIIth century. Three volumes. Paper, ff. 210, 208, and 145. Sm. 4to. 9. Orient. 2547. Fragments of Joshua, Judges, and Samuel, with the Heb. vowel- points and accents and the Arabic translation and Commentary of Yefeth. XIth century. A fragment of Judges, viz. ch. xx. 18-35, xxi. 5-14 ; with the Heb. vowel-points and accents. Xth century. Paper, ff. 290. 4to. See the detailed description, pp. 45-60. VII 10. Orient. 2548. Fragments of Isaiah, with the Arabic translation and Commentary of Yefeth. XIth century. A fragment of Isaiah, viz. ch. xxvi. 15-xxvii. 13 ; with the Heb. yowel-points and accents. Xth century. Paper, ff. 187. 4to. See the detailed description, pp. 28-37. U. Orient. 2549. Fragments of Jeremiah, viz. ch. ii. 17-31, iii. 17-v. 9, 14-ix. 2, 25-x. 25, xi. 6-20, xxiii. 2-4, 7-10, 17-19, 22-25, xxxi. 6-7, 21-22, 33-xxxii. 9, 12-15, 22-44, xxxiii. 9-26, xxxi v. 2-xxxvi. 31, xxxvii. 1-xxxviii. 5 ; with the Heb. vowel-points and accents, and Yefeth's Arabic translation and Commentary. XIth century. Fragments of Ezekiel, viz. ch. iii. 18-iv. 10, 15-v. 15, vi. 1-5, 7-xvi. 5, 7-27, 29-30, 36-45, 51-xix. 7, 11-xx. 38, 43-xxi. 18, xliv. 11-15, 20-27, xlv. 5-20 ; with the Heb. vowel-points and accents and Yefeth's Arabic translation and Commentary. XIth century. Paper, ff. 308. 4to. 12. Orient. 2550. Fragments of the Minor Prophets, with Yefeth's Arabic translation and Commentary. XIth century. Paper, ff. 120. 4to. See the detailed description, pp. 38-44. 13. Orient. 2551. Five fragments of the Psaxms, with an Arabic translation and Commentary, viz. I. ff. 1-30. li. 3-15, 19-20, Iii. 3-5, 7-liv. 9, Iv. 10, 12-lvi. 2, 5-6, Ixv. 6-10, Ixvi. 7-19, Ixvii. 7-lxviii. 3. II. ff. 31-56. Ixxviii. 49-lxxix. 4, Ixxx. 18-lxxxi. 5, 10-lxxxii. 6, Ixxxv. 3-lxxxvi. 5, Ixxxvii. 1— Ixxxviii. 1. III. ff. 57-101. xc. 3-15, xcix. 6-ci. 6, cii. 9-ciii. 1, 9-civ. 12, cxix. 117-140, 155- cxx. 4, cxxxii. 10— cxxxv. 11. IV. f. 102. cv. 12-15. Y. ff. 103-113. cxix. 42, 44-50, cxxi. 7-cxxii. 1, cxxix. 4-cxxxu. 5, 7, 9, cxxxviii. 7-cxxxix. 2. Fragment I. is provided with the Heb. vowel-points, and fragments II.-IV. with the Heb. vowel-points and accents. The Arabic translation and Commentary in fragments II. and III., and probably in lY., are by Yefeth. XIth century. Paper, ff. 113. 4to. 14. Orient. 2552. Fragments of Job,» viz. ch. i. 6, ii. 8-10, iii. 1-3, 10-11, 25-iv. 1, 1 TMs part of the manuscript is the subject of some remarks by the late Mr. Shapira in the Atlienmum of 6th August, 1882. After speaking of the importance attaching to the biblical manuscripts written in Arabic letters, and giving two specimen verses (which seem to be taken from MSS. Orient. 2544 and 2646), Mr. Shapira proceeds as follows : " Of stiU higher importance VIII T. 25-vi. 25, xi. 10-11, 15-xii. 8, 21-24, xiii. 27-xiv. 5, 11-22, xv. 2-3, 5-14, xyI. 19-21, XX. 4-11, xxix. 1-4, xxxi. 7-xxxii. 8, 14-xxxiii. 30, xxxIt. 5-9, 20-37, xxxv. 8-15, xxsvi. 3-21, 25-28, 32-xxxvii. 24, xxxviii. 12-32, 37-40, xl. 19-xli. 19; witli tlie Heb. vowel- points and accents, and Tefetli's Arabic translation and Commentary. XIth century. Fragments of an Arabic Commentary on Ecclesiastes and the Lamentations, com- prising Eccles. i. 1-ii. 10, 13-iv. 16, t. 9-vii. 27, x. 18-xi. 6, xii. 2-12 ; and Lament, ii. 1-16, iv. 5-v. 22. Xth century. Paper, fi. 141. 4to. 15. Orient. 2553. Fragments of tbe Proverbs, viz. ch. ii. 11-iii. 5, 13-18, 22-32, iv. 1-19, 23-27, vii. 1-viii. 9, 32-ix. 5, x. 1-4, 8-20, 25-28, xi. 5-7, 12-26, xii. 5-xiii. 7, 11-xiv. 16, 24-xv. 22, xvi. 3-5, 12-16, 27-31, xvii. 5-6, 15-16, 24-26, xviii. 2-xix. 3, 7-15, 20-29, XX. 12-28, xxi. 8-21, xxii. 5-xxiv. 14, xxvii. 8-20, xxix. 11-23, xxxi. 1-29 ; •with, the Heb. vowel-points and accents, and Tefeth's Arabic translation and Commentary. XIth century. Paper, ff. 132. 4to. 16. Orient. 2554. Ruth and the Song of Songs, with Tefeth's Arabic translation and Commentary. Ruth iii. 3-iv. 10, and Song of Songs iii. 9-v. 14 are wanting. Dated Ramlah, a.(h.) 395 (a.d. 1004-5). Paper, ff. 95. 4to. See the detailed description, pp. 21-27. 17. Orient. 2555. Ecclesiastes, with the Heb. vowel-points and an Arabic trans- lation and Commentary. Ch. i. 1-ii. 21, iii. 3-6, 16-17, iv. 17, v. 7, xi. 1-4, xii. 3-14 are wanting. XIIIth-XIVth centuries. Paper, ff. 129. Small 4to. 18. Orient. 2556. Fragments of Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, and Citronicles; with, the Heb. vowel-points and accents, and Yefeth's Arabic translation and Commentary XIth century. Paper, ff. 129. 4to. is the test itself. I may mention here a few chapters in the book of Job. Chap.xsxiv.begins with verse 10 of our Bible; verses 16, 17, and 1 8 are omitted (they really seem to disturb the reading), and onr verse 1 9 follows till the end of verse 30. Then follows verses 5 to 14 of chap, xxxv., immediately succeeded by verses 22 to 25 of chap, xxxvi. (only instead of our test )n^2 3'JC* ?N jn , ■which is somewhat difficult, is 1113 2''}^'' IH) and then comes verse 3 of the same chapter. Verse 4, which has nothing to do with the text, is omitted. Verses 6 to 21 succeed, and then follows verse 26. There is no further change tUl verse 14 of chap, xxxvii., ■which is omitted. The first three verses of chap, xxxviii. are omitted, the chapter beginning at verse 4 ; verse 12 follows verse 7. I have not examined further, as the ■writing is old and difficult to read. I wUl only remark that verse 12 of chap, xxxviii. seems to he in its right place after verse 7, and verse 16 after verse 11." It mil be seen from the above description that Mr. Shapira's account of the manuscript is not correct. The 22nd verse of ch. xxxvi., from -which he quotes a variant is altogether lost. Its omission, and indeed the omission of all the other verses, as far as his account is borne out by fact, do not indicate a difTerent recension of the text, but are merely the result of the defective state of the MS. Mr. Shapira used the MS. before it was put in order, and its disordered and defective condition clearly escaped his attention. The Arabic characters too ■were not very familiar to him, as is shown by his statement that the -writing is "difficult to read," whereas the MS. exhibits a fully pointed and remarkably clear Kaskhi. IX See the detailed description, pp. 61-68. 19. Orient. 2557, ff. 25-43. Fragments of Daniel, viz. ch. ii. 2-7, 20-23, viii. 21-ix. 10, X. 7-xi. 4; with the Heb. vowel-points and accents, and Yefeth's Arabic trans- lation and Commentary. XIth century. Polia 1-24 contain a fragment of a Commentary on Genesis, comprising part of the introduction, by al-Kirkisani, i.e. Abu Yiisuf Ya'kub al-KirkisanI, of the XIIIth- XIVth centuries ; and a fragment of a Commentary on Leviticus, ch. xviii., the author of which is not known ; of the XIVth century. Paper, ff. 43. 4to. 20. Orient. 2581a. Miscellaneous fragments of the biblical text, with an Arabic translation and Commentary, as follows : — ■ I. ff. 1-4. Leviticus xxiv. 10-23, with the Heb. vowel-points and accents; of the XIIth century. II. ff. 6-16. Ntxmbers iii. 14-28, iv. 7-15, xxii. 34-xxiii. 12 ; of the XIth century. III. ff. 17-18. DEtiTERGNOMT ix. 12, 21 ; of the XIth century. IV. ff. 19-30. Deuteeonomt xviii. 7-8, 12-16, xix. 17-21, xx. 10-18 ; of the XIIth century. V. ff. 31-46. Song of Songs i. 6-10, 12-ii. 1 ; of the XIth century. YI. ff. 47—54. EccOiEsiASTES i. 4-6, ii. 8, with the Heb. vowel-points and accents ; of the XIth century. The translation and Commentary in fragments I. and lY. are probably by Abu'l-Faraj Furkan ; in fragment Y. the author is Yefeth. To these fragments is appended, ff. 55-69 : Daniel v. 5-vi. 11, viii. 15-ix. 27. The Hebrew text is written in the Heb. square character, with the vowel- points and accents, and accompanied by an Arabic translation ; of the XIth century. Paper, ff. 69. 4to. These manuscripts exhibit the following three different systems of transliterating the Hebrew text into the Arabic character: 1. Literal transcription, with but few attempts at phonetic transliteration, as represented by one single manuscript. Or. 2541, which is probably the oldest MS. in the collection. 2. Partly phonetic transcription, as represented by the manuscripts described in the following pages and the majority of the manuscripts under consideration. 3. Strictly phonetic transcription, as represented by MSS. Orient. 2544-2546. The difference between these three systems of transliteration will best be seen from the following specimen, Exodus, ch. vi. 10-24, extracted from MSS. Orient. 2540, 2541, and 2544 : Steictly Phonetic Tranbcbiption. MS. Orient. 2544, fi. 132*-1334, UOa-Wia. 6: *jUli-j , \\ r^- oVo^'^^-JVlT^ UAj C^H^ f^„r'^-^ (_/'i'V^ -H ^b M \J1P- \.i ''^iS liT-'V.^ ^h-^: ^1"'^ ^.3 c:Ub UJJT-^J J^J (•W ^M ^5-Hj lA^^ t^V ^^j^ ^j uW-V^^; ^b ^)^^ ^; -LiLjj 6 : i_i^-i-^j ,jljl«aJ\_j J.;lLl-j^ IjLw^^x Ir^ lUl jl u?y^ ".J >';^ 6 ■j\^\±.i\ : ^_5^y^ t^^' ^^ibi L_3Uiijn Paetly Phonetic Teansceiption. MS. Orient. 2640, ff. 16J-18a. (Jul -r^^.} (*-:'. 1;--=^ f ^ ^-^y-J J^ O ijljli-J Jly: i^^j _j-c/ (^y^^-*^. ^J e-?"*^ ^•^-^- ^->^ ^^^^'' LT^ J^^^\j ^^^^^^ h} ^j^i uij-^^ Lj}y*i tijljJ_5 L^yi'j^- l*ljjjj_jl! ^j^ i-iju»j *-.^ jLu)^ j_j Li) ^ J s i^\ bu_n 'J -^jj O ,=- ,iiA cjj^'^-^ LI i-JLIj1_j J.^ c^ ^^ ^^ J^j^^5 j_f^A C_>^_S' JUl^ = ^j-^-^i i^A-^Jl; JLa_w, >U ;jJl Cul 1 <)_:._£. M '^fc*' ^Jj -t Ti)!)^ LS-^i =^-^.' : ,_ji>yiia> O^^E-"^*^ <)J1 .Lj1_, 12 13 14 Literal TRANScnirTioN. MS. Orient. 2641, ff. lOi-lli. 1^ jj-fe ^_^^ "^^S^ (C-^ <>-iy* r^*^.^ = (»:r^^ J/^ LS^^^ .JV lS^*'*^'. I»^j ^*/^\ J^_j ^ ijJp 17 18 19 20 15 16 21 22 23 24 ' The practice of these manuscripts varies with regard to the transliteration of the tetragramraaton. In some it is represented witliniit exception by ^U^Jl 'plN^ while others use both ^Ujil '^p^^ and the abbrcviatinn U (Cw.=''*)- I1 tl^e above MS. and a few others the Arabic «m (M'ith 1, 2, or P prefixed, /dlt,, «Ul/, all) is substituted. - Faulty spellings for ■^\, and see the description of the MS., p. 9. THE SAME EXTRACT TRANSLITERATED INTO THE HEBREW SQUARE CHARACTERS. ' Stiuctlt Phonetio Thanboiiiption. on^iix^DS'NN-iB'^^33 o:D^NnNSEy hir\)} 'iNNi lynsj ^yy^cE'* Y?N» lyis Ski S^nxie'* ^ii Sx o : pixn mnsE'D nS^k *oidi p-rjcn |\'DNM nniNi paK^i S^nid* pyDE' ^ini m niibE' n'^^xi otpyDE' ninsE'D nxnai nxnpi ptrn^i DsnnSinS 'vS pn^m nxns^"! DN-iay nxnp 'jni E'"i^NE' nxnp ^^n '^m S^xnyi ^vbn ninsjETD n'^^n ^e'ioi 'Shd nnxDV nx Dsnoy nxp^i o : DNnnSin'? p-inxx nxx iS nS^m xjyxb "iS inxnn V3XE' Dxioy ^*n ^JE'i xK'ito nx"i ixn^^ ^:ni o: xiXE' nxxai d^e^^e'I S'xny ^i3i oj nDTi jsx:xi nnip nxpn oj^nDi jxsxti^xi S^xxe^'D nxnxyoy m yixcj'^'^x nx ]'\']7]i{i '33 niOE' xS'xi opyaty ninSEra 'ixnai nxnpi p£j'nx3 nxnnbinS 'ixS nxDi d'E'iSej'i y3XE' 'ixS "n '3E'i OX3XE' o DxmnsE'aS 'yatri '33'? pa'-ixj '33 p-i3ni nxnii'i nxisy nxnp '331 K'iSxty nxnp "n '3E'i Sx'tvi 'ixnto '331 X3XE' nxoi D'triStri 'ixSn ninsE'a x^'x 'E'idi 'SnD 13X31' nx DxiDV nxp'i G Dxnn'^inS p-inx nx iS ib^ni xtJ'xS 1^ inxnn y3XE' nxiay "n '32^1 xcrio nxi -ixnx' '331 X3xcy nxDi D'E'iSej'i '^X'ly '331 O '"1311 33X3X1 Hnip nxp'i 0'inDi |X5xxSxi ':'Xxtr'D 3x-ix3'ay n3 y3XK"^x nx p-nx nx iS nVxni xe'xS 1^ pL:'n3 ninx nxi ")xixy'7X nx in'3x nxi 3xix3 X3xp'7xi TDX nnip '331 nxaxn'x 0'mpn ninsE'to xb'x c|Xdx'3xi LiTEBAL Thansokiption. 131 X13 : iitoxS nmb Sx rhha i3i'i vi. 10, 1 1 nx nW'i D'lxa ")Sa lyis Sx : ixix» 'rxiti" '33 '33 p ii»xS nS'7X '33"? njyito i3i'i 12 1'xi 'Sx iy»B' xS SxiE" J D^nsEj' biy '3X' lyis '3yDti" , Di^'i pinx Sxi nmb Sx n':'^x i3i'i 13 -|7a lyia '?xi 'pxiti" '33 Sx SxiB" '33 nx x'sinS jD'ixa 5D'^^:a pxD Dni3x n'3 'trxi nSx h XlSsi "|13n hni^' 1133 pIXl '33 5 pixi nmsE'o nbx 'ai3i pi^:n p3'i inixi pai '7x1a' py&E' '331 15 rha n'3y33n p '?ixb'i inisi '33 niDB' n'^xi : \\]}bi^ mnstJ'D le 'iitoi nnpi ptrij DniiSmS 'iS nx&i D'E'i'^E'i y3Ci' '1^ "n '3E'i :n3E' : oninSE'aV 'yOE'l '33^ pE'lJ '331 n pi3ni inxi Di!3y nnp '331 is mhi^ nnp "n '3E'i '^xniyi nia '331 :n3B' nxai d'E'iSe'i 19 ^hn nmsK'o n':)x 't5'ij:i 't^nn 1331' nx Difiy np'i tDnii'^inS 20 pinx nx iS iVni ntJ'x'? i"? mm y3E' DiDy "n '3tj'i nmb nxi ins' '331 '.T]:i^ nxDi D'tri'^t^i 21 bX'tiy '331 : '1311 3S31 nnp 23 np'i : 'inoi pvSxi Sxe"d 23 3i3'Dy n3 y3E"Sx nx pinx nx iS iSni nE'x'? iS ptrn3 ninx nxi iTy'^x nx xin'3x nxi 313 n3p'7Xi I'DX nnp '331 : i,!:n'x 24 :'nipn ninstro rha pidx'3v\i XII Specimen-pages of MSS. Orient. 2540 and 2554, with short descriptions, have been published in facsimile by the Palseographical Society in plates xcvii. and xcviii. of their Oriental series. MS. Orient. 2556 has been used by Baer for his edition of Chronicles.' The text of MSS. Orient. 2548, 2550, 2554, and 2556 has been collated with the respective editions of Baer and Delitzsch, while for MSS. Orient. 2540 and 2547 van der Hooght's edition has been used. Not a few of the readings peculiar to Baer's text or restored by him from the early editions receive confirmation through these MSS. Such readings have been specially recorded in the descriptions. It was the original intention of the compiler of the following descriptions to describe all the MSS. enumerated on the foregoing pages, and to prefix a general introduction containing a full discussion of all the points of interest raised by these MSS. Nearly all of them have been collated-, but the unwillingness of the publisher to further delay the publication of the photograph, which was taken as long ago as 1883, has obliged him to confine himself to the following six descriptions, and to give even these in a shorter form than he would otherwise have given them. Hence he claims nothing beyond having called attention to this unique and highly interesting branch of the Oriental family of Hebrew biblical codices. In the transcription of MS. Orient. 2540 words crossed out by the original scribe, are placed in parenthesis, and words or letters due to later hands are enclosed within brackets. By a regrettable oversight it was forgotten at the time when the photograph was taken to add the chapter and verses as heading to each page of the photograph, but this omission has been supplied in the transcription. The writer is under obligation to his friend Dr. Caspar Eene Gregory, of the University of Leipzig, for help in the revision of the critical notes to the photographed MS., and to Dr. Eietj, Keeper of the Oriental MSS. in the British Museum, for advice in fixing the dates of the MSS. His special thanks are due to Dr. Ginsburg, not only for kindly aid in the revision of the proof-sheets, but also for instruction in the Massorah, without a knowledge of which an adequate description of a Hebrew biblical MS. is simply impossible. The publishers deserve the thanks of bibUcal scholars for having made accessible so valuable a manuscript, and the printers merit a word of praise for the careful execution of their duty. 1 Compare the preface of Prof. Franz Delitzsch p. vii The three MSS. of the British Museum described on p. ir of the same scho ar s preface to Baer b editaon of Daniel and Ezra-Nehemiah axe not Karaitic, as stated in the preface to Chronicles. They were obtained by Mr. Shapira at San'ah, Yemen, Arabia. DESCRIPTION OF THE MANUSCRIPT. The manuscript is written on thin paper, of a light hrown hue, measuring ahout 9 inches by 7, and consists of 21 leaves, the first of which is blank ; there are from 7 to 10 lines in a page. The quires consisted apparently of ten leaves each, but there are no signatures. The lines are bounded by very faint side-lines drawn with a dry point. Excepting a few leaves, especially ff. 7—9, which are partially stained, and ff. 2 and 7, part of the margin of which is cut away, and many small holes, the manuscript was, at the time of purchase and when the photograph was taken, in a good state of preservation. It has, however, suflfered at the hands of the binder, the attempt to mend the small holes occurring on almost every leaf having resulted in rendering the writing in many places less distinct in the original than it is in the facsimile. The manuscript is written in a clear but peculiar Naskhi, with few diacritical points, of the tenth century. The following palaeogeaphical peculiarities are worthy of notice: — ' Allf is often bent at the upper end, either to the right, as in |^Ui. jLj f. 45, 1. 6 ; lixsr f. 125, 1. 4 ; ^^^L^_^ f. 135, 1. 2 ; or to the left, as in ,^^\^,i f. 35. 1. 3; ^\J^,.^ f. 125, 1. 9 ; li^ f. 13a, 1. 8; fS\j.^s^ f. 17a, 1. 2. Standing by itself, it is usually curved to the left at the lower end, as in ^ f. 35, 1. 1 ; ^\^ f. 5a, 1. 7 ; y^=-l f. ^a, 1. 3. It is sometimes joined to the following letter, especially to Lam ; compare 3JLfc f. %a, 11. 5, 6, 8 ; JU ff. 10a, 1. 4, 135, 1. 9, 165, 1. 5; ^^i f- 10«, 1- 5; ^^^ f. 16a, 1. 7; jwV f. 205, 1. 4; it is joined to Yn at the lower end in J^j^^^ f. 18a, 1. 5. The usual form of Lam-Alif is 1, the right-hand limb being the 'Alif; the form D is rare, compare Si f. 13a, 1. 4. If annexed, the form is 1, as in h\j f. 35, 1. ] , but compare 1>^ f. 20a, 1. 5. Observe the peculiar form of medial lIj in Ci^ft^ f. 14a, 1. 5 ; and of final Lij in ti_'Ual>-j f. 15a, 1. 3. j in contradistinction from j occurs only in the following four instances ; \iy_ f. 45, 1. 1 ; Lljiyjlrlfc f. 6a, 1. 4; bjjj^ f. 115, 1. 8; ^yio f. 145, 1. 3. j and j, if annexed, often have a thick top, as in^lj f. 35, 1. 4 ; ^^ f. 65, 1. 2 ; ^ry f. 195, 1. 5; l^gJ^, f. 10a, 1. 3 ; lil;^ f. 155, 1. 5. These letters, as well as ^, frequently touch a following letter, as in jjo-u-^^x^nlj f. 4a, 1. 8 ; Jj.|^>*.j f. 145, 1. 9 ; ycJsX^ f. 155, 1. 6 ; ^j f. 155, 1. 2 ; U);*- f. 155, 1. 5 ; J^ j\^ f. 8a, 1. 4 ; )^^\ f. 125, 1. 7 ; ^\ f. 15a, 1. 7. j is sometimes joined to a following j, e.g. in ^j^U f. 11a, 1. 6; ^,yb\ ff. 11^ 1. 7, 13a, 1. 4; ^^y^l^ f. 13a, 1. 7 ; l^^_^j f. 13a, 1. 1 ; j,^^j ff. 135, 11. 3, 6, 145,- 1. 1, loa, 1. 8. This ia also sometimes the case with J, compare ^,^i-£lj f. 9a, 1. 4 ; ^.I-£ f. 15a, 1. 4; ^^li^iJ^ f. 175, 1. 3. There is little difference between the form of final ^, as in ^Ju^>^ f. 8a, 1. 8; ^J^.^i f. 85, 1. 5 ; ^_^Ji,SLi f. 175, 1. 1 ; j:^_,^ f. 205, 1. 5 ; and the form of the last three letters in ^^j f. 3^, 1. 2. Remark the large size of initial c ' and i in *J^i^ ff- ^a, L 3, 195, 1. 9 ; j»^^r ff. 17a, 1. 9, 175, 1. 4 ; UUx and ^^^L^^ f. 155, U. 4, 7 ; ^!t.^\ f. 155, 1. 8; ^^l f. 16a, 1. 8 ; Jy^^ f. 16a, 1. 1 ; and ^^^^1 f. 19a, 1. 6. Lam, usually somewhat bent to the left at the top, rarely to the right, as in |»^liJ f. 12a, 1. 8, and *ls:p^LJ f. 14a, 1. 1, is perfectly distinct from liaf; compare ^ f. 18a, 1. 2, with^ f. 20a, ]. 2 ; J f. 105, 1. 2, with J. 11. 3, 7 ; ^l^iuJ^ f. loa, 1. 6, with ^ 1. 3 and _j£=uj f. 145, 1. 6 ; and JUiJj)^ and JIj f. 155, 11. 3, 9, with t_XJ JJ 1. 7. Observe the thick form of medial Lam, e.g. in ^^JJ f. 14a, 1. 4 ; ^l::^^ f. 155, 1. 2; and_js;iLlij f. 195, 1. 3. The tail of final Mlm is usually curved to the left, as in Aibi f. 16a, 11. 1, 2, ^^^ 1. 8; or is straight, as in *ja--^U f. 16a, 1. 4; *.;IjU-> f. 165, 1. 8. The straight form is, with very few exceptions, e.g. ^IcU f. 135, 1. 9, confined to connected Mlm. Final JSun is not always fully rounded, comp. ^,^j f- 35, 1. 2; ^d ^^^Ijj ^ (j»3_»Jj 1. 3. The medial form of lla is not unfrequently used for the initial form, in the middle of a word, as in ^Ll^j f. 125, 1. 9 ; ^y^ f. 13a, 1. 6 ; and even at the beginning of a word, as in ^y^ ff. ^h, 1. 4, Sa, 1. 8, 12a, 1. 3, and i^»i f. 125, 1. 8; whilst the initial form occurs in place of the medial in . ^^■g-•--^ _, f. %a, 1. 6, and aU^^ f- 20a, 1. 8. Medial Ha has not its usual form in [J'^S f. 7a, 1. 3, J^= f- 65, 1. 2, ,_f^ 1. 7, and in ^Ijjjl f. 115, 1. 6; and its reverted form, which is sometimes drawn out to great length, in ^j^l-^ f. ^a, 1. 2, 4ff 6a, 1. 6, 13a, 1. 2, and J^ f. 105, 1. 2. The test is preceded by two full-page Illuminations (ff. 25, 3a), consisting of flower-like designs in outline, within circles, bounded by broad borders of gold, with zig-zag pattern within. In each of the two illuminations the outer compartment contains seventy-six such designs, whilst the inner compartment numbers fifteen. The designs in the inner compartment are somewhat larger and of a different pattern. The large circular ornament attached to the left-hand border ' Compare plate LX in the Oriental Series of the Palaeographical Society, which is remai-kahle for this peculiarity. The date of the MS. there represented is the latter half of the tenth centuiy. of tlie illumination on f. 3a, which is but imperfectly preserved, is lost in the corresponding place on f. 2b, the outer margin being unfortunately cut away. The blank spaces caused in the text by the open and closed sections are filled up with ornaments in red, green, and gold, representing the following designs : (1) a bar, with zig-zag, chain, and other patterns within, on ff. Aa, 7a, ISb, IQb, 18b, 19a, 20a; (2) a leaf, on £ 5b, lb, 15b, IQb, 19b ; (3) a sprig, on ff. 16, 12a, 17a, 21a; (4) a rosette, with two interlaced triangles within, on ff. 12b and 13a; (5) floral ornaments, resembling blossoms, linked together, on f. 18a. The manuscript contains — ExoDUB, ch. I. 1 — viii. 5 (ending with ^\3\^ ''^^/): The Hebrew text written in Arabic characters. The Hebrew vowel-points (in red) and the accents (in green) have been subse- quently added. The text is divided into the so-called JllJiinDI nimnS JlVtJ'^S or open and closed sections, which differ in part from those of the iextus receptus, as will be seen from the following table : Caps. vv. MS. Textts Eeceptus. Caps. TV. MS. Textus Receptus. 8 «3 Si VI. 10 fi 3 11. 1 D Si VI. 13 S 3 II. 22 3 VI. 14 D D II. 23 S 3 VI. 29 Si D III. 1 D D VII. 1 Si 3 ' IV. 18 Si D VII. 8 3 3 IV. 21 S VII. 14 3 D IV. 27 S Si VII. 19 D D VI. 2 D D VII. 26 3 3 The open sections always commence at the beginning of a line. If the text nearly fills up the preceding line, the space of one entire blank line is interposed, comp. ff. 18b and 19a; but this rule is not always observed, comp. f. 193, 1. 6 with f. 183, and ff. 12b and 13a with f. 19a. The closed sections, on the contrary, either run on in the same line, after some vacant space, as on ff. 5b, 1. 2, 7b, 1. 7, 17a, 1. 2 ; or in case of that line being wholly or in part filled up, commence in the middle of the next line, comp. ff. 20a and 15b. The commencement of the pericope or hebdomadal section N1X1 = ch. vi. 2 -ix. 3o, (see f. 153) is marked in the margin by the word - Oil ch. iv. 10, f. lib, 1. 1. The punctuator has added Tashdid in JUf '^l ch. i. 4, f. 3*, 1. 4 ; j»:f "03 ch. i. 10, f. 4a, 1. 5 ; J^ J IJ^ '^^^H ch. iii. 3, f. 8a, 1. 4 ; and ^Jj j^ D'/^jl ch. vi. 6, f. 16a, 1. 7. 5 is ^. The diacritical point is only added in ^U^ ''^r^^C'fL' ch. ii. 14, f. Qb, 1, 6; ^Ui :iSe'"3 ch. iv. 6, f. Ua, 1. 2; ^^ 'P>} ch. v. 10, f. 14a, 1. 9; and ^y6 V^^} ch. v. 11, f. Ub, 1. 3. 1 is J. The punctuator has added Tashdld in ^J~^ H ch. i. 4, f. 35, 1. 3, and y\j TUl cb. ii. 19, f. 7a, 1. 6; and Dagesh lene in ^^lAte D^V'llS^r' ch. viii. 3, 4, f. 21^, 11. 5, 7. "1 is J. The diacritical point is only added in U^-rb i^l^V:? ch. i. 14, f. Ab, 1. 3 •,j\jSAJb nSnSn ch. iii. 1, f. 8a, 1. 1 ; J.iU> '^^^l' ch. iii. 3, f. 8a, 1. 4; |^bj^& ^"JH^n ch. iv. 27, f. 13a, 1. 4 ; and Ul JUli T1?^!? c^^- ^- 15, f. 15a. 1. 1. In U^ jjb, nj^ni cb. vii. 18, f. 20a, 1. 4, the diacritical point is a mistake. 5 is c/. The punctuator has added Dagesh lene in J^ /3 cb. i. 22, f. 5b, 1. 1 ; cb. iv. 19, f. 12a, 1. 9 ; and , ^ ^3 ch. iv. 19, f. 12a, 1. 9 ; ch. vii. 17, f. 20a, 1. 2. D is -i . The diacritical point occurs only in l^-jj i^^S ch. ii. 6, f. Qa, 1. 2 ; J=-y.^ ^r"^' '. ch. ii. 20, f. 7a, 1. 8 ; Uli^ "^'?p'? ch. iii. 18, f. 10a, 1. 1 ; ch. iv. 9, f. 11a, 1. 6 ; ULl "^^^ cb. iv. 23, f. 12^, 1. 7 ; U^j^.^ V?^ ch. iv. 23, f. 123, 1. 9; UIJU^ Tl-?^!? ch. v. 15, 16, f. 15a, 11. 1, 2; Ul^ ^W cb. v. 23, f. 15^ 1. 4 ; ULJ ^X^^l^ ch. vii. 1, f. 183, 1. 4 ; ^^J "^^n: and U-^Jlo "^1'3 cb. vii. 15, f. 193, 1. 8 ; U^ jb ^^ cb. vii. 19, f.20a, 1. 7 ; U-l3lk* "^HDD ch. vii. 28, f. 21a, 1. 8 ; UUU "^H-?^ cb. vii. 28, 29, f. 21a, 11. 8, 9 ; and Ul^^^ Tl^^'^?^ cb. vii. 28, f. 21a, 1. 8. S is always i_J, whether hard (3) or aspirated (3). fl is c:j. The diacritical points occur only in -LiJj '^?^^"! cb. ii. 5, f. 5b, I. 9 ; Ij^ J^ ipT\\ cb. iv. 15, f. 113, 1. 8 ; ^1:^^^ '^^hSk^ ch. v. 22, f. 153, 1. 2 ; ^1 Jy 't^V^:}^ ch. vi. 3, f. 153, 1. 10 ; ji^rUll '^W cb. vi. 5, f. 16a, 1. 3 ; and b^lj ^^^P^] cb."vii. 16, f. 193, 1. 9. In c:-;j---~» ri^^^P ch. vii. 24, f. 21a, 1. 1, trj is a mistake for t±j. The punctuator has added Tashdid in J^j^^r^ WV'9 cb. ii. 18, f. 7a, 1. 5, and in ^Jl,^ jMiy ch. ii. 20, f. 7a, 1. 7. T\ is lU. The diacritical points occur only in ej^ HIDK' ch. i. 1, f. 33, 1. 1 ; ^^s^\ WnX ch. ii. 7, f. Qa, 1. 3; ui^ "^? ch. ii. 8, f. Qa, 1. 5; cLy.^ Hlptf PlS ch. ii. 16, f. 7a, 1. 3 ; ^\!^\^^ 6 m^m ch. V. 16, f. 15a, ]. 3 ; J^Jub ^nbpH ch. vi. 4, f. I6a, 1. 1 ; ^^J^ Kna^p cb. yi. 19, f. lib, 1. 2 ; ch. vi. 24, f. 17(5, 1. 9 ; and J^Jnuj ^^^}'^ ch. vii. 5, f. 19a, 1. 1. 2. The sibilants D, '^, and ST. " . Both D and b are represented by ^_^, comp.^L ^!? ch. iii. 4, f. 8a, 1. 5, and Jj.U«j. ^^^1^*! ch. i. 13, f. 43, 1. 2 ; ch. v. 1, 19, ff. 13b, 1. 3, 15a, 1. 5. CJ^ is expressed by Jl, but the diacritical points occur only in ^lil^ "l^'^f^? ch. vii. 6, f. 19a, 1. 2. The punctuator distinguishes D and '^ from ^ by a slanting stroke above (j.u, as in >— fl~^^j ^P'^ 1 ch. i. 5, f. 33, 1. 5, and Jj|^, ^X'lJJ''! ch. i. 1, f. 33, 1. 1 ; while he represents ^ by ^J^, the point being over the first apes, as in ^. Both these marks are in red, rarely in green, ink. In *-jIjj D*/v- ch. ii. 3, f. 53, 1. 6 ; \^J^\^ ^?P^1 ch. iii. 16, f. 93, 1. 4 ; U^lJ "Hb^.^H ch. iv. 17, f. 12a, 1. 5 ; and ^j.L^^ pSpwSh ch. V. 7, f. 14a, 1. 4, D and '^ are by mistake marked as ^, while in ^^l^-LS "'^P?^ ch. iii. 14, f. 9a, 1. 9, ^ is a mistake for ^. In (^ilj tTSi ch. i. 5, f. 33, 1. 5, '_^_/-^.^j ^^^l^*} ch. i. 7, f. 33, 1. 7, and in many other words, (^^ has been left unpointed. The Hebrew Vowels are expressed by the vowel-letters \, j, and ^. Kames. lydmei^ is represented by \ , compare L-Ji\j>- ^^C ch. iii. 8, f. 83, 1.5; Uli "^^7 ch. ii. 13, f. G3, 1. 5 ; ^^Li ^V^^ ch. Vi. 12, f. 163, 1. 7 ; \\\> n«3 ch. iii. 9, f. 83, 1. 7 ; ^W^j '^i^^}. cb. vi. 6, f. IGa, 1. 6 ; u^^^.^^lUj ")^^!^1 ch. iii. 8, f.83, 1. G ; J:j\\j 'H^Xn ch. iii. 9, f. 83, 1. 8 ; j\jj\\j Tli^T ch. iii. 8, f. 83, 1. 4 ; ^JUJj \i<^^] ch. iv. 23, f. 123, 1. 8 ; ^Wj nX") ch. iii. 7, f. 83, 1. 2 ; and CJj^La> ^^^'^ ch. iii. 12, f. 9a, 1. 3. When Kdmes occurs with ^s or is followed by N, the phonetic spelling is as a rule disregarded, the vowel being then not separately expressed; compare le^y^ (for ^^yW) '^'^^ ch.iii. 6, f.8a, 1. 8 ; \j^\^ Hn^D^Nl ch. iv. 18, f. 12a, 1. 6 ; i_iLLjlj (for <-JULj\j) tlpX'nX"! ch. vi. 24, f 173, 1. 9; ^\: (for ^Wj) 1X3 ch. i. 1, f. 33, 1. 2 ; uf;^*^ ^l^^'D"! ch. iii. 17, f. 93, 1. 8 ; J:j\j 'r\'iil ch. iii. 7, f. 83, 1. 2 ; LiU ^^^\} ch. ii. 2, f. 53, 1. 3 ; ^^U HXH ch. iv. 8, f. 11a, 1.5; and ^.l^oU 2.'^?^'!^ ''^- ^- ^^> ^' ^^> ^- '''• ^(i^nes before Makkef is. not expressed; compare the solitary example *£U 'QVC cb. iii. 21, f. 10a, 1. 7. Kdmes of pO^**. is not represented in five out of the seven instances in which the name occurs. It is written (J^"^-- in ch. ii. 24, f. 73, 1. 6, ch. iii. 6, 15, 16, fi". 8a, 1. 9, 93, 11. 2, 5, and ch. iv. 5, f. 103, 1. 8, whilst the phonetic spelling jU"^. is adopted in ch. vi. 3, f. 153, 1. 9, and in jU:^ pn>*7 ch. vi. 8, f. 163, 1. 1. Pathach. Pathach is represented by \ : 1. In syllables having the tone, e.g. in ^.^L ^^^'^ ch. iv. 21, f. 12J, 1. 5 ; »s\j^^ Q'^-^P ch. i. 13, f. 43, 1. 2 ; y^l:^ T^l ch. ii. 2, f. 53, 1. 3; and ^J^^^z^ HPirip ch. vi. 6, f. 16a;, 1. 5. Compare also ^V ^h ch. iv. 10, f. 113, 1. 1, with ^^ "2^ ch. i. 10, f. 4a, 1. 5, ch. v. 14, f. 143, 1. 8, ch. vii. 11, 23, fi". 193, 1. 2, 203, 1. 9; JL^^j ^5?"^ with j^ "'l?? ch. iv. 10, f. 11<5, 1. 2; J^\ n^X ch. iv. 22, f. 123, 1. 7, with b>lj ^'^P^] ibid., 1. 6 ; ^li^ jnn ch. iv. 26, f. 13a, 1. 3, with ^ji^ "|nrt ch. iv. 25, f. ISa, 1. 2 ; and contrast _Uj^ njp*1 ch. ii, 1, f. 5l>, 1. 2, with j^,^ "p^'*l ch. iv. 27, f. 13a, 1. 5. 2. In syllables marked with Metlieg or with Munach (in place of Metheg) ; compare t_jjAil> 2py;. ch. i. 1, f. 3^, 1. 2; ^^^U ^bnn ch. iv. 20, f. I2b, 1. 2; ^li-^l^ DpT^} ch. iv. 21, f. 12^,1.5; j»J^J-*U t]n!n_£5ri ch. vi. 27, f. 18a, 1. 5; uij^.Jl^U i^^'p.'^v' ch. i. 17, 19, 21, ff. 43, 1. 8, 5a, 11. 4, 7 ; c^^ji-^^ ^'^'p-P^ ch. i. 18, 20, f. 5a, 11. 2, 6 ; ^W^b ^^D? ch. ii. 3, f. 5b, 1. 5; j^^J^U DT^n ch. iv. 18, f. 12a, 1. 7; ,^^\i^i ^^t'Dl ch. iii. 8, 17, ff. U, 1. 6, 93, 1. 8 ; ^3^-^1,3 'n^^-l ch. iv. 23, f. 123, 1. 8 ; and t^lilb ripX3 ch. vi. 5, f. 16a, 1. 3. Here, again, as in the case of Kdmes, the phonetic spelling is, as a rule, disregarded, when the vowel occurs with J< or is followed by ^< ; comp. ^jj,^! (for t^^ybll) PO^ ch. iv. 14, f. 113, 1. 7 ; ^IjIjU (for ^lililb) Onp^?. ch. ii. 24, f. 73, 1. 6; y-^V. ^^'^^.- cb. iv. 5, 9, ff. 103, 1. 7, 11a, 1. 6 ; c_iLlj\3 ^?^'?^*} ch. vi. 24, f. 173, 1. 9 ; and j\j '^^} ch. ii. 9, f. 6a, 1. 7 ; ch. iii. 19, f. 10a, 1. 4; ch. iv. 21, f. 123, 1. 6 ; ch. vi. 12, f. 163, 1. 8 ; ch. vii. 3, f. 183, 1. 6. 3. Before H, H, and y, if the next syllable has the tone. Compare y^U i^inH ch. i. 6, f. 33, 1. 6 ; ii'^'r}r\ ch. V. 6, f. 14fl, 1. 3 ; ^U ^Vl^ ch. iii. 8, f. 83, 1. 4 ; J^b ^in3 ch. ii. 12, f. 63, 1. 4. The text of the manuscript contains no example for y, but compare i^U liV'^ Genesis slv. 3, MS. Orient. 2542, f. 343, 1. 8. In cases like^Ul^ (for^UUp T^l ch. v. 1, f. 133, 1. 2, this rule is not observed. 4. In ^\, 'n;i , e.g. in ch. i. 5, f. 33, 1. 4. A peculiar feature of this manuscript is the expression of Patkach furtwum after the vowel Sere, by ^. Compare *<:iiJ Pf^i^S ch. vii. 27, f. 21a, 1. 5 (in contradistinction from _LiJ H?^"^ ch. V. 2, f. 133, 1. 5); ^\L\ ^W^f ch. v. 2, f. 133, 1. 6; ^Ui Hp^ ch. iv. 11, f. 113, 1. 4; and ^jLy.^ Vl.l^^r' ch. viii. 2, f. 213, 1. 4. Segol. /S'e^'o^ is represented by 1 : . 1. In syllables having the tone, e.g. in JKJ j^J^ ch. v. 16, f. 15a, 1. 1 ; ^U \;^ ch. vi. 11, f. 163, 1. 5 ; ^j^ n^n ch. V. 21, f. 153, 1. 1 ; ^jW H^- cb- iii- 8, f. 83, 1. 5 ; j*U DhS ch. vi. 3, f. 16a, 1. 1 ; ^^\ 0?^^? ch. vi. 6, f. 16a, 1. 5; Ul^y<: ^ ch. iv. 23, f. 123, 1. 9 ; IL^ nt2pS ch. iv. 4, f. 103, 1. 7. Compare also }J^ ^*^'^^ ch. vi. 5, f. 16a, 1. 3, withal "^^^« ch. vi. 4, f. 16a, 1. 2 ; and^bj *13^. ch. iv. 30, f. 13a, 1. 8, with^i^ -^T^\ ch. iv. 16, f. 12a, 1. 2. 2. In syllables marked with Metheg, e.g. in ^'^\^j ^2Sn.31 ch. vii. 17, f. 20a, 1. 4; jlj^Vj p!n»1 ch. vii. 22, f. 203, 1. 7 ; ^c^-UU '^7% ch. iii. 16, f. 93, 1. 6 ; U.l\ rim^ ch. vi. 1, f. 153, 1. 5.— When accented &f/o/ occurs with t{ or is followed by X, the phonetic spelling is, as a rule, disregarded, the vowel being then not separately expressed. Compare j,^\ p^?. ch. iii. 8, f. 83. 1. 5; Ul ^'m cb. iii. 14, f. 9a, 11. 8, 9 ; U^l Hb'VX ch. iii. 20, f. 10a, 1. 6 ; j^lj IHS) ch. iv. 4, f. 103, 1. 6. 3. Before H, if the next syllable has the tone, as in <-_>;Ulj ^"jH^ ch. v. 3, f. 133, I. 8. This rule is not observed in cases like jWl (for ^1=-10 VH^* ch. ii. 11, f. 6b, 1. 2. Slnl, Sere is represented by \ as well as by i_f, more commonly by \. Compare ^Ij jr? ch. i. 16, f. 45, 1. 7 ; ^^ '^'? ch. iii. 16, f. U, 1. 4 ; ^U- "^5 ch. ii. 22, f. lb, 1. 1 ; ^U ^k} ch. v. 7, f. 14a, 1. 5 ; ^U jH ch. iii. 21, f. 10a, 1. 7 ; Jjt |n ch. vi. 12, f. 165, 1. 7 ; t^!:! ^^ ch. vii. 3, f. 183, 1. 6 ; Lbj ^*.l ch. viii. 2, f. 215, 1. 3 ; ^JU ^'^^^ ch. v. 18, f. 15a, 1. 5; Llj ^;^*.l ch. ii. 11, f. 65, 1. 1 ; ^^^li p^^n ch. iii. 21, f. 10a, 1. 7; J.\j\>. ^I^ch. iv. 11, f. 115, 1. 4; l3_,rl_^Jb nnpH ch. V. 22, f. 155, 1. 2; Ik^ H^^ ch. iv. 20, f. 125, 1. 3 ; bb^ i^^'} ch. iv. 6, f. 11a, 1. 1 ; ,*W^L> DS3n*^. ch. iv. 20, f. 125, 1. 2 ; pl_^^.^ D^.^H ch. vi. 13, f. 165, 1. 9 ; J\^^^^} '^"l^V'l ch. iv. 23, f. 125, 1. 8; ybbki.!^ ^^D^Sm, y^lialA,;, ^n;?Stf*l ch. iv. 3, f. 105, 1. 4; !.li^j t3Sb''l,^Ujl 1pt< ch. ii. 14, f. 65, 11. 6, 7 ; JUy: TZ^ij^ ch. iii. 5, f. 8a, 1. 8 ; i\j^ ^T ch. iv. 23, f. 125, 1. 8 ; Jiy jnb ch. V. 10, f. 145, 1. 2; t_iliy ^^^ ch. vii. 27, f. 21a, 1. 6. Compare, on the other hand, ^ ^^, ^, ^P] ch. i. 15, f. 45, 11. 5, 6 ; 3^^^ "^^J^] ch. ii. 5, f. 55, 1. 7 ; jU^b ^^Hi ch. ii. 3, f. 55, 1. 5 ; ^^..^^c\j DDbVt! ch. i. 11, f. 4a, 1. 8 ; ^\j ^Pi^] ch. i. 4. f. 35, 1. 4 ; ^-^U:^. !!3j;^3^ ch. V. 3, f. 135, 1. 8; ^--:^. P|PV ch. i. 6, f. 35, 1. 6 ;^^ "1^3 ch. iii. 2, f. 8a, 1. 3 ; ^^j 'i;?'^ ch. vi. 29, f. ISa, 1. 9 ; ^^fy i J^}\j ch. vi. 14, f. 17a, 1. 3 ; and ^^j\j ch. i. 2, f. 35, 1. 2 ; jnb J^^^ in jnbS^ Jjb^^j ch. ii. 16, f. 7a, 1. 2 ; and ^^^ jH^ ch. iii. 1, f. 75, 1. 8. herewith ti (K) is invariably represented by ^. Compare ^jh\ /^ ch. iii. 16, f. 95,1. 5; h\ rhii ch. vi. 14, f. 17a, 1. 2 ; j\jj\\j 11«) ch. iii. 8, f. 85, 1. 4 ; Jj.Uy Sn^D^S ch. vi. 25, f. 18a, 1. 2 ; ^U^ j^*P ch. vii. 14, f. 195, 1. 6 ; ^\lij^ \^^^\ ch. iv. 23, f. 125, 1. 8. Where in the received text Sere is followed by ^ the Arabic ,_? is used in the manuscript. Compare ^^j iH^^ll ch. i. 1, f. 35, 1. 2 ; _jiL=r ipn3 ch. iv. 6, f. 11a, 1. 1 ; ^^lib^ D|Tn ch. iii. 21, f. 10a, 1. 8 ; c^koj ^T.] ch. i. 20, f. Sa, 1. 6 ; C^\^^ nj^^p ch. ii. 7, f. 6a, 1. 4 ; ^U 'y^V ch. ii. 9, f. 6a, 1. 6 ; ^U ^^^'^V ch. iii. 18, f. 10a, 1. 2 ; ^\^h ^\}'^^^ ch. vii. 22, f. 205, 1. 7 ; (*lsal\ ^y):^ ch. iii. 13, f. 9a, ]. 7 ; J^Cj,>} '^'^^] ch. iii. 20, f. 10a, 1. 5 ; \^j^^ '^'^'1}^) ch. iv. 12, f. 115, 1. 5 ; ^-jybj ^ri'?Tl ch. vii. 3, f. 185, 1. 6. 9 Scriptio defectiva is changed into scriptio plena. Compare *\^\ ^C-^ ch. iii. 13, 16, ff. 9a, I. 7, Qb, 1. 4; eh. v. 21, f. 15a, 1. 8; ch. vii. 13, 22, ff. 193, 1. 5, 20b, 1. 8 ; J^^^] \k}% ch. i. 19, f. 5a, 1. 6; j*\irvll D^^^f ch. vii. 4, 9, ff. 183, 1. 7, 19a, 1. 7; ^\^ ^^2^, ch. v. 14, f. 143, 1. 7. The following spellings are exceptional : y liU ^^7? ch. ii. 14, f. 6b, 1. 6 ; ch. v. 3, f. 133, 1. 7 ; ^U^l Dr^S^JI ch. v. 4, f. 133, 1. 8 ; yl^U ip'na ch. iv. 7, f. lla, 1. 3 ; J\jfy Win") ch. iv. 15, f. 12a, 1. 2 ; ^[i>\jy,^ ^0^1^.^ ch. yi. 4, f. 16a, 1. 2; y\^\j ^^Hn ch. v." 21, f. 15a, 1. 9; j-jIj, pi^ri'l ch. ii. 7, f. 6a, 1. 4. In a considerable number of words the phonetic spelling has been disregarded. Sere is not expressed in ^^ '^? ch. vii. 22, f. 203, 1. 7, and often in words, where it occurs with X or ia followed by N, e.g. in ^\ HX ch. i. 1, 14, ff. 33, 1. 1, 43, 1. 4 ; ch. iv. 15, 28, 30, ff. 12a, 1. 2, 13a, II. 6, 8 ; ch. vi. 4, 29, ff. 16a, 1. 2, 18a, 1. 9 ; ch. vii. 2. f. 183, 1. 4 ; ^\j riX"l ch. iv. 28, f. 13a, 1. 6 ; C^U ^^P ch. V. 20, f. 15a, 1. 7; ^\ ^^ ch. ii. 8, f. 6a, 1. 5; ^1 ^^ ch. iii. 2, f. 8a, 1. 2; j.\\j m^ ch. iii. 2, f. 8a, 1. 3 ; jU TwS'D ch. iv. 10, f. 113, 1. 2 ; jU, TXttl ch. v. 23, f. 153, 1. 2 ; jUU T^^f? ch. V. 11, f. 143, 1. 3; jUU Vn^JJ ch. ii. 11, f. 63, 1. 3; ^^U i^>'i? ch. vii. 2, f. 183, 1. 5 (the phonetic spelling ^^jW^ occurs in ch. vi. 1, 11, ff. 153, 1. 6, 163, 1. 6) ; y^^.; ^'^^^?*). ch. ii. 23, f. 73, 1. 4; ^^ i?i^\} ch. ii. 7, f. 6a, 1. 3 : i^\U ]i^^ ch. vii. 27, f. 21a, 1. 5 (see the phonetic spelling in ^.\U |N'^ ch. vii. 14, f. 193, 1. 6) ; JllA-^ ^^T'^ ch. vi. 22, f. 173, 1. 6 ; J V^ ^S^'^^Vn ch. ii. 18, f. 7a, 1. 5 ; and Jl^. ^i^^^\ ch. vi. 15, f. 17a, 1. 4. Spellings like ^Ij Y^l ch. vi. 12, f. 163, 1. 7 (the proper spelling ^\j occurs in ch. vi. 30, f. 183, 1. 1) and C^ '^'p. ch. vi. 14, f. 17a, 1. 2 for C^^ (compare lI-,-^ n*3» ch. ii. 1, f. 53, 1. 2) must be regarded as errors of the scribe. ChTrek. Long Chlrek is represented by ^j; compare y-^b ^^''P^f,! ch. iv. 5, 8, ff. 103, 1. 7, 11a, 1.4; \^j i^T.] ch. ii. 14, f. 63, 1. 7; Ul^"j j^T^l ch. i. 17, f. 43, 1. 8. All scriptio defectiva is changed into scriptio plena. Compare j-jljj \^'TT^., ch. ii. 7, f. 6a, 1. 4; ^.8.:.> frj ''npi''ni ch. ii. 9, f. 6a, 1. 6; y^L^j ^^^^ln^. ch. ii. 10, f. 6a, 1. 8; J^y,,^ W^'\ ch. ii. 17, f. 7a, 1. 4; J j^c^ ^"I2y,n ch. i. 13, f. 43, 1. 2 ; j^. J-^U D^^^.V^ ch. vi. 5, f. 16a, 1. 4 ; Jy,^^ 'ribpn ch. vi. 4,"f. 16a, 1.1; ^y--.^ P^pxh ch. v. 7, f. 14a, 1. 4; (♦L^^j D;?57,1 ch. iv. 20, f. 123, 1. 2; »l^^i3 ?^5:^V^*1 ch. iv. 6, 7, f. 11a, 11. 1, 3 ; ^^J Dh3 ch. i. 11, f. 4a, 1. 8. Short Clnrel is represented by ^ in syllables having the tone or Metheg. Compare ^j^ |^ ch. ii. 7, f. 6a, 1. 4; ,^j \h cb- i. H, f- 4a, 1. 7; .^_^^ ^tl ch. i. 20, f. 5a, 1. 7; ^>, TO ch. iv. 26, f. 13a. 1. 3 ; ^i-Jj W>. ch. ii. 12, f. 63, 1. 3, jS*.! ch. vii. 23, f. 203, 1. 8 ; the Imperfect forms of n^n, yiz. L^u H^n;. ch. iv. 16, f. 12a, 1. 3 ; ch. vii. 1, f. 183, 1. 4 ; l^' H^nri ch. iv. 16, f. 12a, 1 3 • and 11.J, "Vn%h. vii. 19, f. 20a, 1. 8, VH*! ch. vii. 12, f. 193, 1. 4 ; c^^e ^^'C^l ch. v. 13, 10 f. Ub, 1. 6 ; and the following forms : ^Jj^^ \^T^ ch. ii. 18, f. 7a, 1. 5 ; l^til^^ '^^ir'r^^ ch. i. 10, f. 4a, 1. 4;^^.^ "T*.! ch. iv. 14, f. 115, 1. 6; jy^^^r^.} ^VW)- cli- iv- 31, f. 135, 1. 2; jLJj "'^I'^^l ch. ii. 3, f. 5b, 1. 5 (comp. hj way of contrast ^Ujj Hj^iri^, ch. ii. 9, f. 6a, 1. 7). Shueek. S/iurek or long Kib bits is represented by j. Compare U:^ ny^3 ch. i. 15, f. 45, 1. 6 ; i— J^ Pj^BS ch. ii. 3, f. Sb, 1. 6 ; ^^li ^^3 ch. i. 7, f. 35, 1. 7 ; y-^j ^n^;i1 ch. i. 1, f. 35, 1. 2 ; ^^!yj l'?^^! ch. i. 3, f. 35, 1. 3 ; c^^-i, ^^^ ch. iv. 19, f. 12a, 1. 8 ; ^ybj ^^j^^*! ch. i. 12, f. 45, 1. 1 ; \j^\ nnDJ^ ch. iii. 3, f. 8a, 1. 4; y^^.LlJ• ^n^Strri ch. i. 22, f. 55, 1. 1 ; JjS^k^ 'H^V,-! ch. Yii. 16, 26, ff. 20a, 1. 1, 21a, 1. 5 ; ^^U^^ DO'^'?.^ ch. yi. 4, f. 16a, 1. 2. Shurek when furnished with Metlieg is expressed by double ^. Comp. y^^l^jj '^^^^0?'^. ch. iii. 8, f. 85, 1. 4, and L-jyitU^^ ^p5^,-?l ch. vi. 8, f. 165, 1. 1. This rule is not observed in ^^j5^\ tV^^ ch. viii. 4, f. 215, 1. 6. Cholem. Chblem is likewise represented by j. Compare ijLSy^ Tw2)^ ch. i. 1, f. 35, 1. 1 ; i— L-jjj fjpV ch. i. 6, f. 35, 1. 6 ; ^^^ in^V ch. i. 11, f. 4a, 1. 7 ; ^^\ 'iriJ^ ch. i. 12, f. 4a, 1. 8; t_>yblj 3p.V,! ch. i. 1, f. 35, 1. 2; ^^^ ribVn ch. ii. 5, f. 55, 1. 8 ; jj^ jjJJ '^'^ ^'k ch. iii. 15, f. 95, 1. 4 ; cJ^JjL ntJ^Sc' ch. iii. 18, f. 10a, 1. 3 ; J^U "IN^ ch. i. 7, f. 35, 1. 7; ^b ^hl ch. ii. 19, f. 7a, 1. 6; ^_j^Vj ^^'^'1 ch. v. 1, f. 135, 1. 4;^^^_^ ^^^<*l ch. i. 9, f. 4a, 1. 3. ' The phonetic mode of spelling has been disregarded in ^ X7 (perhaps to distinguish it from ) iS and in^^V. (^r^^^.) Ti^^' ch. iv. 1, f. 105, 1. 3. The following vowels are left unexpressed : Unaccented Pathach, Segbl, and short Chirek ; short Kibbus and Kdmes-c/idtilf. ' The Vowel-Points, Accents, and Diacritical Signs. The Hebrew vowel-signs (in red), accents and Makkvf (in green), are added to the Arabic characters in the same way as to the Hebrew square characters. The simple vowel-signs ~ ~ — represent also the c/;ai;e/"-vowels ; %.g. ^\ ^^^ ch. i. 8, f. 4a, 1. 2; L^^\i ^pf ch. i. 1, f. 35, 1. 2 ; ^^\ Q'hSn ch. iii. 14, f. 9a, 1. 8 ; Uux\ Hb^^ ch. iii. 20, f. 10a, 1. 6 ; ^^^ '^_ ch. iii. 7, f. 85, 1. 2 ; ^^U 'J^J^ ch. iii. 17, f. 95, 1. 7. The ordinary form of Chatef- Pathach occurs in^ij "l^tf ch. iv. 18, f. 12a, 1. 7; jli] "1^'^ ch. iv. 28, f. 13a, margin; and in j^-lbU DT^^fH ch. iv. 19, f. 12a, 1. 9; ch. v. 9, f. 14a, 1. 8. In J . .Ujj ^'^'^^!- ch. i. 14, f. 45, 1. 2, the two points are placed to the left of Pathach. The Arabic vowel-sign Damviah is employed to represent Chblem, its usual position being over Waw, not over the foregoing letter, e.g. \.jDy^^ Hlfi^ ch. i. 1, f. 35, 1. 1 ; (_?Uy. '^V^ ch. i. 5, f. 35, 1. 4. In j^j ^5*1 ch. y. 14, f. 145, 1. 6, and ^li ^W^^ ch. vi. 9, f. 165, 1. 3, Dammah is used for Shurek. 11 Simple Shevob is used for Pathack or Chatef-Patkach in ijcjjs. P^Ty ch. ii. 20, f. 7a, 1. 7 • ^L. ^wsSd and cuJj H^Si ch. iii. 2, f. 8a, 1. 2 ; \^^ib HX^pn ch. iii. 3, f. 8a, 1. 4 ; ^c^ n!;nS ch. iii. 10, f. 8^, 1. 9 ; ch. vii. 3, f. 183, 1. 6 ; jjj^l pTHK ch. iv. 21, f. 126, 1. 6 ; ^\\^j \^^T\\ ch. iv. 23, f. 125, 1. 8; ^l=^_, y:iri1 ch. iv. 25, f. 13a, 1. 2 ; ^^ "inh ch. iv. 25, f. 13a, ]. 2 ; J^ |nn ch. iv. 26, f. 13a, 1. 3 ; ^Lil hSlTX ch. v. 2, f. 136, 1. 6 ; Jl^ ^^If ch. vi. 12, 30, ff. 166, I. 8, 186, 1. 1; l^l^l ^^:^^f ch. vii. 2, f. 186, 1. 4; U..U> HDW ch. vii. 15, f. 196, 1. 7; ^U D'^n ch. vii. 20, f. 206, 1. 3 ; ^13^ b^ mn^l ch. vii. 28, f. 21a. 1. 7. On the other hand, Pathach is used for Sheva mobile in yij^}^ l^i'ltJ'^l ch. i. 7, f. 36, 1. 7; ejyX-.u^ niJ3DJ3 ch. i. II, f. 4a, I. 7 ; y.l^ VN"1 ch. ii. 20, f. 7a, 1. 7 ; ^\^_ rh^ ch. iv. 13, f. 116, 1. 6 ; i^b j^ rifi^ ch. iv. 19, f. 12a, 1. 8 ; UlU H^Si ch. v. 3, f. 136, 1. 7. In UM ^^'?^ and Ur;J^ HnSn") ch. iii. 18, f. 10a, 1. 3, we find Pathach in addition to Sheva mobile. The following vowels must be regarded as errors of the punctuator : Ifames for Pathach in ,^ib^^ p'l ch. v. 12, f. 146, 1. 4 ; and ^^U hV ch. viii. 5, f. 216, 1. 8; Karnes for Segol in jJU c^l "TS)n-n^{ ch. il. 9, f. Qa, 1. 6 ; Pa^/eac/i for Kame!} in ^^^y 1 *33« ch. iii. 6, f. 8a, 1. 8 ; Pai^ac^ for Sere in ^.U^. DhSeJ'* ch. vi. 1, f. 156, 1. 5; Sere for Pa^/^ac/^ in ^_^U 1^1i<» ch. vii. 2, f. 186, 1. 5 ; Sere for C/^r^ in ^ 13? ch. iv. 21, f. 126, 1. 6 ; ^ere for Segol m j^.^i^^ "l^i^^l ch. iv. 1, f. 106, 1. 2; and h\^ nSxl ch. vi. 16, f. 17a, 1. 6; Segol for ^Sere in ^l^^l, Dn^pl ch. viii. 3, f. 216, 1. 5 ; Segol for /S/i^^a in ^^^^ T\'!2^''\ ch. v. 21, f. 15a, 1. 8 ; ChlreJc for Sheca in _j*^. IViSK'' ch. iv. 8, f. 11a, 1. 4; ^l:^0_jl^ DriW^oS ch. v. 4, f. 14a, 1. 1 ; ^^ '^^^ ch. V. 10, f. 14a, 1. 9; and ^U^ ^^^'^ ch. vii. 21, f. 206, 1. 5; Sheva for ^o^m in } nS (after ^l^pN') ch. iv. 1, f. 106, 1. 3 ; Shurek^ov Cholem in Ji.yo ^Spn ch. iv. 1, f. 106, 1. 2. Sheva quiescens in final Kaf{'^) is usually placed within the tail of ^, as in - jb "=)"]._. ch. i. 5, f. 36, 1. 4, rarely without; comp.^b^ "^7*1 ch. ii. 1, f. 56, 1. 2; ch. iv. 18, 27, ff. 12a, 1. 6, 13a, 1. 4 ; and .^b^ ^T\\ ch. ii. 8, f. Qa, 1. 5. In ^U '^'^t) ch. i. 8, f. 4a, 1. 2 ; ch. ii. 23, f. 76, 1. 3 ; ch. V. 4, f. 136, 1. 9 ; ch. vi. 13, f. 17a, 1. 1 ; ch. vi. 29, f. 18a, 1. 8 ; ^^b "^"l^ ch. v. 3, f. 136, 1.7; and a few other words the points are altogether wanting. Many vowel-points, especially Shurek and Sheva, have been omitted. Tashdld is used — 1. As Dagesh forte nece&sarium, e.g. in ci-^G, ^^H ch. i. 6, f. 36, 1. 5, and i.ijj^.*jb nh^Jpn ch. i. 19, f. 5a, 1. 5. It is omitted in j^jU ^''^'?^ ch. i. 1, f. 36, 1. 1, y*^.^^ ^j,^ i-^j^}} ^OT!1 ^innn ^^ne^n ch. l. 7, f. 36, 1. 7, and a great many other words. In ^l^;^ N^P'sni ch. i. 7, f. 36, 1. 7, ^UGj nj5*5 ch. ii. 1, f. 56, 1. 2 ; ch. iv. 20, f. 126, 11. 1, 2 ; ch. vi. 20, 23, f. 176, 11. 3, 7, and in some other words, one Tashdld is apparently intended to mark two Dagesh fortes. In ^^=vj ^3*1 ch. V. 14, f. 146, 1. 6, we find the ordinary sign oi Dagesh forte, in addition to Tashdld, 12 2. As Dagesh forte euphonkum in UlxlT HB'y* ch. ii. 4, f. 55, 1. 7 ; IJ ^? ch. iii. 3, f. 8a, 1. 4 ; ^^ 'P^" ch. iii. 15, f. %, 1. 3 ; \j ™ ch. iv. 2, f. 103, 1. 3 ; ch. v. 22, f. 15^ 1. 2 ; and^^V ^»«? ch. vi. 10, 29, ff. 165, 1. 5, 18a, 1. 8. It is omitted in U ^ ^'? ch. iii. 12, f. 9a, 1. 3 ; ch. iv. 16, f. 12a, 1. 3 ; and in ^ iS ch. iv. 16, f. 12a, 1. 4. 3. As Dagesh lene (see the remarks on the letters M S D 1 Ji 3). The following variations in the accents have been noticed : ^yi^ ^ "^ ''^H ch. i. 17, f. 43, 1. 8, for n^nS^n ; ^\ ^ \'^, ^3 ch. ii. 12, f. 63, 1. 3, for X^-'"^ ; ^_^ ^3^ ch. iii. 13, f. 9a, 1. 6, for ^I3n ; _^ -r\2 (with omission of Metkeg) ch. iii. 15, f. 93, 1. 1, for HS ; ^ fc^7 ch. iii. 19, f. 10a, 1. 4, for '^\> ; \^[ ^^^^ ch. iv. 26, f. 13a, 1. 3. for HnSX ; ^\l W ch. v. 7, f. 14a, 1. 5, for "i^^^'. ; j\JhyLj Vltom ch. v. 10, f. 143, 1. 1, for VIDEJ^'l ; ^^^\ ibi^'ch. vi. 6, f. 16a, 1. 4, for "lbs* ; J '2 ch.'vi. 7, f. 16a, 1. 8, for "'5 ; ^^y>l_j pHXI ch. Vii. 7, f. 19a, 1. 3, for |ini<1 ; '^^ nin^ (after ^P^) ch. vii. 26, f. 21a, 1. 4, for nin^^^jj "1^^'^ ch. viii. 5, f. 213, 1. 8, for nX:S^V In ch. iv. 28, f. 13a, 1. 6, the accentuation \^ ^/J-J^ ^) ^^P^ ''niT7D HX for np^ nm-b^ ns* is caused by the omission of the words ^Li^lil 1^'?^ "l^^*, after *^ ^^p\ to which these accents properly belong. — The variants j^y^ "laXrii ch. ii. 8, f. 6a, 1. 4, for --itoNnv and u^ j\ ^^^ Jj ntJ'a-SwS* nin* ix:x'^i ch. iv. 21, V. 123, 1. 4, for n^»"^N* nirr* "i»k^i rest on a confusion with the parallel passages : Compare ch. ii. 8 with ch. ii. 9, f. 6a, 1. 5 ; and ch. iv. 21 with ch. iv. 11, f. 113, 1. 3. To the same cause must be ascribed the double accentua- tion in JiJ nyniJ ch. ii. 8, f. 6a, 1. 5; Jj^yl^ '^^^^ ch. iv. 12, f. 113, 1. 5 ; ^ '^'^ ch. v. 1, f, 133, 1. 4 ; and / 1^ (after "1/^11) ch. vi. 20, f. 173, 1. 4 : Compare ch. ii. 8 with ch. ii. 9, f. 6a, 1. 6 ; ch. iv. 12 with ch. iv. 15, f. 12a, 1. 1 ; ch. v. 1 with ch. vii. 26, f. 21a, 1. 5; and ch. vi. 20 with ch. vi. 25, f. 18a, 1. 2. In ^,y^ j'inX ch. viii. 2, f. 213, 1. 3, the first accent {Rehia) is un- accountable. Final Pashta is wanting in j^^i^ ^D^5''1 ch. i. 15, f. 43, 1. 5, and tonal Pashtd is > - : omitted in '^l^ D'^H ch. iv. 9, f. 11a, 1. 7. ^j,j^ mn^n ch. viii. 1, f. 213, 1. 2, is without Methiga (nin^ri) of the printed text. The position of the accents is incorrect in .bj "1^^"^ ch. i. 17, f. 5a, 1. 1, for ^^^^ ; b>^ n^n") ch. iv. 16, f. 12a, 1. 3, for n^nV Ul^ii "fJ^SJ ch. iv. 19, f. 123, 1. 1, for ^,^'^^; and 'jb '0^S*3 ch. v. 23, f. 153, 1. 3, for '^N'^ . In ch. vii. 6, f. 19a, 11. 2 — 3, in the first words of ch. viii. 1, f. 21a, 1. 9 — 213, 1. 1, and in a considerable number of single words the accents have inadvertently been omitted. Metheg is often placed to the right of the vowel, e.g. in ii.>jj^£la) ^^*'?7iy'^ ch. i. 16, f. 43, 1. 7 ; U-Jb ^l' ch. iv. 4, f. 103, 1. 6; ^^/^"^ O'l^l^H ch. vi. 27, f. 18a, 1. 5 ; ^U "'^'p^ ch. 13 i. 8, f. 4a, 1. 2; j*^^.lj ^V^p'] ch. v. 20. f. I5a, 1. 7 ; UXs^ ^^?Di?? ch. i. 10, f. ia, 1. 4. Metheg as well as J/aMe/"has been frequently omitted. Cbitical Annotations. Ch. i. 7, f. 3(5, 1. 7. JjUj "1^^^^. The original reading was £_j>jUj. The final letter, which is still plainly visible in the MS. and traceable in the facsimile, has been partly erased, and corrected to l), by D.' u^^ ri'l^'7 li3,s been supplied by B. Ch. i. 10, f. 4a, 1. 4. blyu n:X"l|pn. The original form of the initial letter has been partly erased, and altered to its present shape, by D. A had the correct reading \i\jSo, the upper end of the initial letter touching the following letter (as Ba touches ' Ain in -^K^ f. 7a, 1. 2). The correction of D is evidently due to the desire to normalize the forms of the letters. Ch. i. 17, f. 5a, 1. 1. J^\ jn^K . The final letter was originally Mlm ^\^\ DH''?^ • B has erased and replaced it by ^, to make the text conformable to the massoretic text. Ch. 1. 18, f. ba, 1. 3. Jj\sib ^^'l) . The original reading wasjL^j^ '^^'^r'- Comp. 2 Sam. XV. 6 ; Ezra x. 5 ; Neh. v. 12, 13. ^, which can be distinctly traced in the MS., has been erased and replaced by &, in accordance with the massoretic text. The change is due to D. The same hand has added the top to Dal. Ch. i. 19, f. 5a, 1. 6. l^jI^ ^'t^.'P'^ - Metheg of the printed text (mV^H) ia not expressed. Ch. ii. 2, f. 5b, 1. 4. ybUut'^j 'I'^^t'^J^!', . Pathach is furnished with Metheg, as in ybLJ=jJ^ in2.?:DM eh. ii. 12, f. U, 1. 4, and J^Ll^^.lJ intJ'^S'l ch. iv. 27, f. 13a, 1. 5. The printed text reads ^n;33^ril . Ch. ii. 9, f. 6a, 1. 6. ^-^ '''?iT^. The last three letters of the word appear to be a correction by B, while D has added the top to Lam and retouched the fourth letter. What the original reading was, it is now hard to say, owing to its careful erasure. Certain it is that the final letter was ^, a trace of which is still visible both in the MS, and in the facsimile. Ibid., 1. 7. jJLa (_j1 "'7*'!''''^^ • The printed text has ^^''J] . ,,^ '^^1'?^' . There is an erasure over the second letter. It looks as if A had originally written jUj^^Ia . Ch. iii. 2, f. 8a, 1. 2. ^jj^j '^^^] ^t) liave been supplied by B. Ch. iii. 4, f. 8a, 1. 5. '^ ^y^] at the end of the line is marked by C as a word to be deleted. The same hand has replaced it in the margin by *^jl^ ^"''7''^, which is the reading of the printed text. The reading of A is supported by the Septuagint, which translates Kvpio<;. Ch. iii. 5, f. 8a, 1. 7. J-. ' ''^ . Metlieg of the printed text K^'^) is not expressed. Ch. iii. 6, f. 8a, 1. 9. The last word, jLo^jj "I^P!^, is sufficiently clear in the original MS. Ibid., f. 81^, 1. 1. There is a large erasure between la^.fcl< t^'^r^^'P and Jl '7^^, with some traces of the letters erased. Ch. iii. 7, f. U, 1. 2. JJ\ ^^'^._ after '^TT\^ has been crossed out by A. Ch. iii. 8, f. %b, 1. 4. y_jLcU_j^ "l^ ^'^C r''! • There is an erasure under the 'Ain, on which Pathach is written. Ch. iii. 9, 10, f. %b, 11. 8, 9. Sof-pdsuk is due either to A or B, more probably to B. Ch. iii. 10, f. 86, 1. 9. Between Jj_|^ ^^^^'' and ^\j'^2a^ 0'*}^^^ an erasure is visible. The erased word is ^ "|P . Ch. iii. 13, f. 9a, 1. 7. ^J { is written in the space above the line, between j.-^l_j ''"^P^l and U 'i^P. It has the form of ^ in ff. Qa, 1. 6, 13a, 1. 2, and is evidently due to A. Though perfectly distinct in the original MS., it is entirely obscured in the facsimile. Ch. iii. 13-15, f, 9a, 11. G-9. These lines, with the exception of the last two words in 1. 9, are much clearer in the original MS. Fol. %. This page is clearer in the original MS. 15 Cli. iii. 16, f. 9b, 1. 6. ^j4^ ''W after ^?r^^ has been crossed out either by A or B, more probably by A. Ch. iii. 17, f. 9^, 1. 8. The word jj-'j^' ■'^—^ itj*/y*Jc.^) in the margin, which is due to A, is a |D''D or massoretic vox memorialis, each letter denoting one of the nations enumerated in the text, as follows: ^=j^\^\i> '^'^l^\} ; cLi = j:^^j ^^^1^1; ^=^jju&^ ^^^^L^); A=>^jy.\jtj nb^n^ ; J = u^^^-Uj ^^.Dril ; ^J^ = ^}nf^j ''P'^^iP] • According to the order of the letters bi bSh b, ^in^r^l precedes ^'?^^*'^1, but the text of the MS. follows the order of the printed text. The usual form of the p''D is biSbJlb (see Ginsburg's Massorak, Tol. ii. p. 411, letter y, § 63.5). Oh. iii. 18, f. 10a, 1. 2. *b^lj ^^1^^,^- The pointing in the MS. is faulty. There is an erasure below the first two vowels. The original pointing seems to have been *\jij^\j, Ch. iii. 20, f. 10a, 1. 6. ^\:jho ^nxSs^. The printed text reads 'ri^SsJ. Ch. iii. 21, f. 10a, 1. 7. ^\j ^^z^. There is an erasure after the last letter, at the end of the line. It is evident from the remaining point that the erased letter was ^, the original reading having been ^j^\j P^;P- This reading is supported by the Samaritan. Ch. iii. 22, f. lOa, 1. 9. iX=-j ''/r'^- There is an erasure above the second letter. A seems to have written ^li'j . The correction is probably due to B. Ch. iv. 1, f. 103, 1. 2. jjyu Vp?- The upper part of the initial letter, originally Lam, has been erased. The original reading was, therefore, ^y] Vp?, which is supported by the Samaritan. Compare v. 8 and ch. iii. 18. Ch. iv. 2, f. 103, 1. 3. \ . U I^i^nto. The text follows the reading of the Kerl, but the original reading was the Eetkib \^ I^:J^. The change is due to A. Ch. iv. 7, f. 11a, 1. 3. iL^yj '^^V''*!. There is an erasure below — = , and accents have been deleted below y and \ . The original accentuation, occasioned by a confusion with '^^V''*! in v. 6, f. 11a, 1. 1, was i^^yi* "^^V^*!- See the note on ch. vi. 26, f. 18a, 1. 4. Ch. iv. 11, f. 113, 1. 4. The slanting stroke above ""^ is to be noticed. Ch. iv. 13, f. 113, 1. 6. U ^V^ ^T'^^'^ with heavy Metheg and Metheg of euphony as in J ILJ. ^7"nprn_ ch. a. 3, f. 53, 1. 5. The punctuator points ^) ^ ^^ , with heavy Metheg only, Pathach for Sheva, and omitting Makkef. Ch. iv. 17, f. 12a, 1. 5. <— HJjUb nhXIl, The last three letters, which are written on an erasure, are due to D. The original reading was i^j\te riXH, and has been altered, in order to bring the text into agreement with the massoretic text. The same correction occurs in verses 28 and 30, f. 13a, 11. 6, 9. In v. 28 the change is likewise due to D, but in v. 30 A has himself corrected (—j^U to t_jy^ltti. 16 Cb. iv. 18, f. 12a, 1. 7. j^bjrU Dl'iyn. The second and third letters are due to B. The original spelling was j»\L>j*ii , Ch. iv. 19, f. 12a, 1. 9. *j]^-=^ DHVP. The tail of final il/m is due to D. There is also an erasure ahove and below that letter. The original reading may have been \aj\j^3^ "^^^.IVP (comp. V. 21 and Numb. siv. 3), which is supported by the Samaritan. It is, however, more probable that D altered the form of final Mlm, which had originally the same shape as inl. 7 and f. 12b, 1. 2, to fill up the blank space caused by the erasure of a letter before ic-^, of which some traces are still visible. Ch. iv. 20, f. 12b, 1. 2. ^U^y_5 D?^^'! without expression of Methep (D;i3"1*1). Ibid. jv*^U JU '^^'^v'" 'V* Patliachin /^is furnished with heavy Metheg as in *\jjyblj Jlc Dnnnrby ch. vli. 19, f. 20a, 1. 7. Compare also ^.j>\ ^^U pi^^'H ch. vi. 25, f. 18a, 1. 1, and c_)lilU C_)l ^p^,?™ ch. vi. 5, f. 16a, 1. 3 ; ^y^Kj L^\^ ^pT'^'^] ch. ii. 24, f. 73, 1. 6 ; ^.ji>\ (^Ij 1""^!!^™! ch. V. 20, f. 15a, 1. 7; ^.y^l J\ P^^"^?:f ch. vii. 9, 19, if. 19a, 1. 7, 20a, 1. 6; ^y;rb Jlj ^pi'r^^') ch. vi. 3, f. 153, 1. 9 ; ^jjjt\ J^j P^^''^^^! ch. vi. 13, f. 165, 1. 9, and ch, vii. 8, f. 19a, 1. 6. In all these cases, except in Ajjj^^^ Jl^ ^^'^'^'^i?'''^ ch. vii. 19, the punctuator has omitted Makkef. Ibid. ( — — :Ij^ ^^*5. There is an erasure between 'AUf and SJnn, as if A had joined the two letters together. Compare the notes on fi". 15a, 1. 4, 16a, 1. 4, 17a, 1. 8, 203, 1. 1, and 21a, 1, 6. Ch. iv. 21, f. 123, 1. 6. ijjj=^\ P-*^^- The first letter, originally _j , has been corrected to UyA. Ibid. aIcU L^\ ^V'T''^^' There is an erasure below U, by which a portion of final Tlia in ul^l has been destroyed. The original reading was most probably ^a^ L-i\ ""SyTlX. The change is due to A. Ch. iv. 24, f. 123, 1. 9. ,j^Uj P ^^5. The original final letter has been erased. ^^ is probably due to B. Ibid. ^JbLu^^^, inti'iSn. The printed text reads in^J^jp. Compare y>L^^l_j v. 27, f. I3a, 1. 5, where Metheg is correctly expressed. Ch. iv. 26, f. 13a, 1. 3. ^^^.J ni'r'^sS, but pointed T\hrp , Ch. iv. 28, f. 13a, 1, 6. The mark -^ in the space above the middle of the line refers to the margin, where C has supplied the omitted words ^^-Lj jLl ^HT'tJ' "Ipt^. The vowel-points, accents, and diacritical points are in black ink. Ch. iv. 30, f. 13a, 1. 8. j\J\ '^^.^ , but pointed ""l^^?, with Makkef oxA^, as in the printed text. Ch. iv. 31, f. 13a, 1. 9. (jUbl^ P^J^1 with Metheg as in j^j^blj p^^^^!! ch. vii. 13, f. 193, 1. 4. The printed text has P^\\ without Metheg, which is also the reading of the punctuator. Ch. V. 5, f. 14a, 1. 1. ^ "IC'- The printed text reads "p. 17 Ch. V. 7, f. Ha, 1. 4. J^^ 7lttJ13, The final letter was originally ^^, but has been changed to J by C. Compare the note on f, 165, 1. 8. Ch. V. 10, f. lib, 1. 2. ^jj\j \^^. There is an erasure above the third and fourth letters, as if A had made a false stroke. The final letter seems to have been originally Lam ( JjIj). Ch. V. 17, f, 15a, 1. 4. ls'L> ^^7^.. There is an erasure between the second and third letters. A appears to have joined L to the following La?n. Compare the notes on ff. 123, 1. 2, 16a, 1. 4, 11a, 1. 8, 203, 1. 1, and 21a, 1. 6. Fol. 15b, 1. 7. From the Arabic lIXJaj, which is here equivalent in meaning to the Hebrew massoretic phrase CplDSH D1DD, a verb lL^JaI " to sum up," and a noun ILi^j " total number" have been formed. See Dozy's Supplement, ii. p. 2463. The following quotation from Abu Sa'id's Commentary on Numbers (MS. Orient. 2562, f. 49a) shows the use of both verb and noun: uli^Jji ^^\ ILljJ^] ^.^ ^sh^] J..^.g:-.U [Numb. xxvi. 5l] iiJls is& Ch. vi. 2, f. 153, 1. 9. ^\ ''^^^ . Two erasures are clearly visible, one before and one after \, as may be seen in the facsimile. The original reading appears to have been jL, as in the beginning of 1. 3. The erastires are probably due to C, who has also added the curve to the lower end of 'Alif, and the top to j . Ch. vi. 3, f. 153, 1. 10. ^ Jy 'j^p.'l^ . The original reading was ^b^Jb '^^^"1^^, which is supported by the Septuagint, the Syriac, and the Targum. The i>, which can be distinctly traced in the MS., as may be seen from the facsimile, has been erased and replaced by Nun, to make the text conformable to the massoretic text. The change is due either to C or D. Ch. vi. 5, f. 16a, 1. 3. *lcj DJ1 . There is an erasure before ^ . Ch. vi. 6, f. 16a, 1. 4. ^W!^ jr?/ • There is a small erasure between the last two letters, occasioned, it appears, by A having joined \ to the following ^ . Compare the notes on S. 123, 1. 2, 15a, 1. 4, 17a, 1. 8, 203, 1. 1, and 21a, 1. 6. Ibid., 1. 5. *W1 ^r'r^^^- There is an erasure above the final letter, apparently of a false stroke made by A. There is another erasure at the lower end of *. Ibid., 1. 6. lj»ki cj . J ^'y^'^ yi'^'r^. There is an erasure between the two words, as if A had joined them together falsely. Ch. vi. 8, f. 163, 1. 1. .U^ PDV-: • There are erasures to the right and to the left of the initial letter, and one below it. D, to whom these erasures are probably due, appears to have added the top to Lam. Ch. vi. 12, f. 163, 1. 8. Jl^ /IV. The last letter was originally ^. D has erased the point and made a J of the u- Compare J^^ f. 14a, 1. 4, where the same change is due to C ; the ink is quite different in the two cases. 18 Ch. vi. 14, f. 11a, 1. 3. *Uy\ 25^^^. The initial letter, which is still traceable both in the MS. and in the facsimile, was originally &. C has erased it and replaced it by \. The same hand has added the top to the second letter. Ibid. ^ "•';3!l. The traces of an erased accent {Munach), to the left of Sere, are visible both iu the MS. and in the facsimile. Ch. vi. 16, f. 17(2, 1. 6. aIj.aI^ QJp^/^/. There are erasures to the right and to the left of Dal. From the traces of the letters erased, it appears that A had originally written ^\s^^ J^. The correction is probably due to A, but D seems to have added the top to Dal. Ibid., 1. 7. ur'^^ P^l^.- The original reading was ,^y^J^ ^^^}. as in ch. ii. 22. The chano-e is due either to A or B, and has been made to bring the text into agreement with the raassoretic text. Ibid. --jL V^^. The upper end of ^a touched originally the final letter, as in f. la, 1. 2, but the connecting stroke has been erased. The same change occurs in the same word in v. 20, and in ^L^l V^^'b^, v. 23, f. Ylb, 11. 4 and 7. Ch. vi. 17, f. 17a, 1. 8. ^ly-jj^fi P^")^.- There is an erasure between the second and third letters, as if A had joined \ iOj. Compare the notes on S". \2b, 1. 2, 15a, 1. 4, 16a, 1. 4, 20b, 1. 1, and 21a, 1. 6. Ibid., 1. 9. jXiysP-"^ QI^'^7'^P7 • "^^^ fi''s*' five letters are written on an erasure by D. The original reading, with which the vowels (observe the two Shevas) agree, was evidently Ch. vi. 19, f. 17^, 1. 2. ^^W* . np without expression o^ Metheg &>^'9-)- Compare u;-^'' pC'm V. 23, 1. 7. Ch. vi. 2(1, f. 17^, 1. 3. J i7- The first letter was originally ^, A having intended to write L-^ i^V'^ immediately after yL\J inni. "When he discovered his mistake, he erased the right- liand and left-hand limbs of ^ and changed the lower part to Lam. D seems to have added the top to the letter. Ch. vi. 25, f. ISa, I. 1. ^ ^.U^ ^' ^)?-? with euphonic Metheg. The printed text reads Ibid., 1. 3. *-j_yU D.*)7'^ . Metheg of tlie printed text (D*'l/v?) is not expressed. Ch. vi. 26, f. 18a, 1. 3. *Ui> ^D has been crossed out by A. The scribe had in his mind the next verse, which commences with Aib DH. Ibid., 1. 4. _j^y> ^^ V'^. There is an erasure below --*. The original reading was evidently ^^^ ^V''^. Tlie traces of final ^, to which the diacritical points originally belonged, are still visible in the MS. The change is due to A. It is probable that the original reading in ch. iv. 7, f. 11a, 1. 3, was likewise ,<-*jj_j ^r?^*l. 19 Ch. vi. 27, f. 18a, 1. 5. There is a small erasure below the Pathach of ^\j.a^ ^HVP. The original vowel was probably Kdmes. Oh. vi. 29, f. 18a, 1. 8. jySi ^^^.? with Dagesli forte conjunctivum, which is wanting in the printed text. Ch. vii. 1, f. 18^,1. 3. Is — ' Y^^?- The original reading appears to have been Ls— ■*^. The erasure and correction are due to D. ' Ch. vii. 3, f. 183, 1. 6. ^l^y* ^T)p)l2, The ^ has been inserted by D. Ch. vii. 9, f. 19(2, 1. 8. ^j^ r^^? • B has erased the original final letter, perhaps an j , and replaced it by ^. Ch. vii. 11, f. 195, 11. 1, 2. The words J\ ^^j!t\j L^ ylj^ '^^ pHXl r\f^ Xh*1 have been crossed out by A. The mistake arose from the scribe having in his mind the preceding verse (v. 10), which commences with these words. Ch. vii. 19, f. 20a, 1. 7. /♦^y>^ ^^"l^D?.. There is an erasure to the right of, and above, the first letter. The erased letters appear to have been ^Ij , the point above Nun being a remnant of the erased Alif. A meant to write /♦ Vjj^ ^ri^l.^ . , but discovered and corrected his mistake, before he had proceeded further than ^b. D seems to have retouched the first letter. Ibid., f. 203, 1. 1. *--flltLj ^''Vy?''. There is an erasure between yl/i/and Sad, A having joined the two letters together. Compare the notes on flf. 123, 1. 2, 15a, 1. 4, 16a, 1. 4, 17a, 1. 8^ and 21a, 1. 6. Ch. vii. 22, f. 203, 1. 7. ^j^ J^ '^T^^ P . B has erased part of final ^, probably to make room for the vowel Pathach below the first letter of ^^y^y>- . A red dot has been erased above the Mlm of ^-*!?^. Ch. vii. 24, f. 203, 1. 9. J.^- '73, There is an erasure above the first letter. The original reading was probably J^ '73. Ch. vii. 26, f. 21a, 1. 4. J^\ S "Ipi^ 5^3 . The original accentuation was^Ul— ^ ^^XTlJ. The strokes added to transform ' {Metheg) o? ^ into' (Ma/ipak/i), and ' of^Ul, with erasure of the left-hand shaft of the accent, into - {Munach) are in pale ink, being probably due to D. The JI/aAVi-e/" between the two words, which only goes with Metheg oi the original accentuation, has been left untouched. Ch. vii. 27, f. 21a, 1. 6. i_;lry ^^3. Alif has again been separated from the following letter by erasure. Compare the notes on fi". 123, 1. 2, 15a, 1. 4, 16a, 1. 4, 17a, 1. 8, and 203, 1. 1. Ch. viii. 1, f. 213, 1. 1. Jl; '^^^l, after Lj^ '''^^, is marked by C as a word to be deleted. A was going to write ^^jbS Jlj Pl!'?^"^^1 as in ch. vii. 8. Ibid., 1. 2. Ji^ "^yni . The original reading appears to have been *j:li>j . Mlm has been erased and replaced by Lam. The correction is probably due to C. 20 Ch. viii. 3, f. 21 b, 1. 4. ^^bj ^^V^_, The original reading was ,^^U '^T^., which A changed to j*ufiLij . D has added a point to the top of final Wciw. There is an erasure after the second letter: Alif appears to be a correction from sj, as if A had originally intended to write some such form as -\m^ nj>)*1 . Ibid., 1 5. js^ji '^Vy^ , before p, is marked by A as a word to be deleted. 21 MS. ORIENT. 2554. Paper, about 9in. by 7^, consisting of 95 leaves, some of whicb are partially stained, especially ff. 55-62. The quires, -usually of ten leaves, signed with Arabic letters, are separately numbered in each of the two parts of the manuscript. There were originally four quires in the first part (flf. 1-24), but of the third only the last leaf now remains; and 11 quires in the second part (fi". 25-95), but No. 5-7 are lost. Leaves are wanting after ff. 18 and 63. The number of lines in each page varies from 11 to 15 in ff. 1-24, and from 11-12 in ff. 25-95. The writing is a clear and rather elegant Naskhi, with few vowels and frequent omission of the diacritical points in the purely Arabic portion of the volume. This manuscript is dated a.h. 395 (a.d. 1004-5), and contains : The books of Ruth and. the Song of Songs: The Hebrew text written in the Arabic character, with the Arabic translation and Commentary of al-Mu'allim Abu 'All al-Hasan Ibn 'All al-Basri, ^j-sA\ ^Ic ^_ ^^y^\ ^t ^\ JjmJI, commonly known by his Hebrew name of Yefeth (nS^). Ch. iii. 3-iv. 10 of Ruth, and ch. iii. 9-v. 14 of the Song, are missing. Each biblical verse is followed by the Arabic translation and the respective portion of the Commentary. Ruth i. 1-2; 8-9; 11-13; 16-17; ii. 5-6; 11-12; 15-16 ; iv. 11-12; and Canticles i. 13-14 ; 16-17; ii. 8-9 ; 12-13; 15-16; iii. 1-2 ; 7-8; vi. 5-7; vii. 12-13; viii. 6-7 are grouped together, the Arabic translation intervening. Of the genealogical table, Ruth iv. 18-22, only V. 18 is given; vv. 19-22 are merely translated. By an oversight of the scribe, Ruth ii. 6 was originally placed in the midst of the Commentary on v. 4, f, 12(2, but it is marked as a verse to be deleted, and inserted in its proper place after v. 5, f. 12^. A vacant space at the end of a line is filled up with the first letter or the first two letters of the first word in the next line, viz. with ^, the first letter of tU^l.^J.i^ J^1^|']?r' Cant. vi. 10, in f. 703, 1. 8 ; and with ,J, the first two letters of ^c j^ j ''l''"' Cant. ii. 17, in f. 55b, 1. 6. The mark £ is used for the same purpose in f. 63a, 1. 6, after yiry. I^l.*! Cant. iii. 8, and in f. 683, last line, after fl^=^ ^^^ Cant. vi. 6 ; 6 occurs in f. 203, 1. 6, after zj\yt, V1:J^ Ruth iv. 12. The end of a biblical verse is usually marked by : or ■••, the mark : predominating ; less frequently by a single point ; still more rarely by ••• O : or ■•• O ••■ . The Hebrew text, which is distinguished throughout by its being written in a larger character, follows the Eeri, viz. Ruth i. 8, ,^^V. ^V! ; ii. 1, ^^y* H^^; Cant. i. 17, ^^^^\j ^^'^''Tl; ii. 13, ■H/'- pStt^n^^ ig transliterated ^)^^ji, D^/^n^, e.g. in Cant. ii. 7. /li-Sji Cant. ii. 11 expresses both the Kethlb ^HDH and the Kerl VriDH. 22 The tetragTammaton n'ln'* is represented by the abbreviation tw ' (ly. ''*') in Ruth i. 9, 17 ; ii. 12 ; iv. 11, 13, 14. In the following passages, however, where the printed text has ^)^., the manuscript text reads ^l,3\ 'pi< : Ruth i. 6, 8, 13, 21 ; ii. 4, 12 ; iv. 12. T]'p')_ Ruth i. 21 and nin^S Ruth ii. 20 are rendered by ^\^.^\j 'P^). and ^\^.Si 'P^^ . The following is a list of the variations from the textus receptus, as edited by Baer and Delitzsch: Ruth, ch. i. 4 Q q n » J )j -^ ■'■ )I >> t) ^^ 20 1 R 20 „ iii. 1 „ iv. II HHi^ jr uu r Wanting;'' j'i'' J li\ 1^1) U J- MS. V T T T T -jnni r Printed Text. nnxn T ; IT T nnx3 -|nn"; -S3 T ' This pointed form occurs in MS. Orient. 2549, ff. 141-308. - This reading rests probably on a confusion with 1 Samuel i. 2. ^ The Commentar)', in quoting the text, reads ,__^ 'DJ?^ f. lb, 1. 9. * This reading is repeated in the Commentary. ' This may be a defective spelling for \\^\ 'I^V', comp. Ul, n!S!7p Ruth i. 21 for ILLi. ' The translation f -^-j^ agrees with 3■1t^y, the reading of the textus receptus. ' Also in the translation ^_f*r-\J ^j i^J^ ^ t^Ui. ' IC'i? is also expressed in the translation jcjJ ^ji\ 1^=^! ^y. ' The Commentary, in quoting the text, reads tul=-\j rinN3, f. 155. The vai'iaut reading TnN3 occui's also iu MS. Orient. 1 302, where the text is provided with the superlinear punctuation. '" The Commentary, in quoting the text, reads ^U,l "iG'Xj f. 18i, 1. 9. " This reading is repeated in the Commentary, f. 21a, 1. 2, but in the following line the Comm. reads f,\i~^ Dn'^t;' , 23 MS. Euth, ch. iv. 17 Cant. ch. i. 5 ,, „ 6 >> J) 8 „ ii. 7 ; iii. 5 M „ 11 „ vi. 10 „ vii. 2 „ „ 14 „ viii. 5 „ „ Q >) >, 8 „ .. 10 Lsr^'^j I : T7> Printed Text. D\s*Sn T -; n;nnriW The following readings in the MS. agree with the text of Baer and Delitzsch ; Ruth i. 21 ^l':^ 'f1;:H^ )i ii. 2 D^Sijr;? >> >> 6 -oy 1* )> )» 7 niai^ni ^ j_^lj'\j Cant. i. 7 Dnn^s *jLft>Ljb rr iii. 4 'niny^ i^jbUl^ )) )> 4 V 'JUl^ jt >> 4 Cant. T. „ vi. VII. Vlll. 16 5 6 9 2 4 5 ^'Iprip? T -., - ; In Ruth ii. 11, f. 143, the original reading was iJ^-^U^I d^l n^bi;-"l^iVt r\ii, hut c^l ni< is corrected to J^ 73. The translation, '.^lAxj U j-:^-*^;-^ agrees with the corrected reading. In Ruth ii. 22, f. 18a, the manuscript text has ii\3lJ ^^7^i^ between ^^j^U ''^V}^ and Jl "Sx, but the word is crossed out. According to the translation, ^j:sj \j tlXJ <-^^^^^ l^-.-v-O ^-kcI) i^ULj, the original beginning of this verse was ''^^ '^^^ "^O??? '''^'^}r "^^^'^l (comp. v. 20). ^jo n* Cant. vii. 2, f. 74a, is written in smaller letters between the lines, the scribe having originally omitted it. In ^Ijlj V^j Ruth i. 2, f. 2a, ^ seems to have been added by a later hand. 1 This reading is repeated in the Commentary. ^ The Commentary, in quoting the text, reads UlAa- HJ^^D^ f. lib, 1. 3. 3 Imperfect spelling for j-ifj»Li, as correctly quoted in the Commentary, f. Gla, 1. 6. * The same reading, which is repeated in the Commentary, f. Gob, 1. 10, occurs in Nehemiah, ch. viii. 10, as quoted in Tefeth's Commentary on ch. viii. 12, MS. Orient. 2556, f. 48*, 1. 6. ^ ^]^ as in the parallel passage, ch. ii. 7. 24 The following readings must be regarded as errors of the scribe: ^^Ul^ nW Ruth ii. 8, f. 13a, for lj^xULI ^^^^. jUyj "inhl Ruth ii. 14, f. 15^, for^lj^^j ™i. f.;.j}j^\j D'l^TI Cant. i. 10, f. 363, for '|*^Jj>Ij D'J^'T^?- L,_U ^^^^'^ Cant. ii. 13, f. oOa, for 'UjU njxnn. "-^^ r^ or 15 Cant. vii. 10, f. 8lb, for ^^ r'-?. I»glir=u 0^333 Cant. vii. 12, f. 83a, for ^j^J^^i^ ^'1^??. The Hebrew Consonants are represented by the corresponding Arabic Consonants. As in MS. Orient. 2540, silent i>{ and H, and * in the plural-snffixes "^^— , "^""ttj '^^^ C''*"7. ^rs not expressed. The following letters require special notice : 1. The letters n S D 1 Jl 3. 3 is expressed by <_>, whether hard O ) or aspirated (5). The hard pronunciation is marked by Tashdtd in i\^ ^^ Ruth i. 14 ; ^ Tl!! Cant. vii. 2 ; and JJ n^S Cant. viii. 14. ■I is CJ, as in ^l^ D3 Ruth i. 12 and :;^Ll.^ rf^ETfi Cant. ii. 9. Tashdtd is sometimes added, e.g. in j^^S^ ^^^ Ruth ii. 14 and ^f^i^ "'V^?^'!^ Ruth i. 16. In the following three instances il is represented by — , the diacritical point being, however, omitted: J>-^_j '^^^\ Ruth ii. 19; ^k&H WfS^ Ruth ii. 22 ; and, with addition of Tashdld, ^^ '^\ Cant. vii. 14. : is c^, as in >.i "2^ Ruth i. 5; li^^J -^P^V-^ Ruth i. 13; and ijUjb A|^n Cant. vii. 3; the diacritical point being occasionally omitted, as in wJ j^ ^?1'P Cant. ii. 8 for wJa^. "^ is J. Tas/idld is sometimes added, e.g. in U^.j i^^^"^ Cant. ii. 9 and i^tiy ^'^"}? Cant. i. 12. "1 is J, as in , ci. j "'II"' Cant. ii. 9. 3 is CS- Tashd'id ia sometimes added, e.g. in i' ''•? Cant. ii. 11 and J J-ll ''■^P'^ Cant. i. 14. 5 is _i, but with constant omission of the diacritical point, as in JUJ\ (for ir'UJl) ^^tt^/N and ^,^3 (for ^jM-}^ PY^I Rutli i- 2. fi is always i_i, whetherhard (3) or aspirated (S) ; comp. J^j ^^^1, UUli ^'''.pS Ruth ii. 10, and ^y^ l^ D^tOSirn tOS^ Ruth i. 1. n is cu, as in ^_5~^!lJ" ""^V^ Ruth i. 16 ; with occasional addition of Tas/idld, as in i«i.^^lj nnn Cant. viii. 5 and J-JiUL^ ^^V? Cant. vii. 7. n is c^, as in c^j^-^\5 'I'l^Vp Ruth ii. 8, ^U^ 'n'y'l Cant. i. 9 ; and LLJjjfi nhp Cant, i. 1 7. 2. The sibilants D and b'. Both D and b' are represented by (_^, with a slanting stroke above ; comp. JU.^ ^JlDD? Cant. i. 9 andy-.::^ ^^^^ Cant. i. 16. The Hebrew vowels are represented by the letters \ ^ ^. ' This is the reading quoted in the Commentary. ' This faulty reading is repeated in the Commentary, f. 82b, 1. 5. 25 \ represents (1) Karnes, as in j^'i "^^^ Eutli i. 1 and Ulji) "^"""l.^! Rutli i. 5; (2) Pathach and Segol in accented syllables, comp. JU^ "l^^P, *1-*uj^ ^^^'^^ Ruth ii. 14, *-,las-L& Ct^Hn Ruth ii. 23, ^^Li j^ff Cant. i. 3, ^j^^ '^'^^'^ Cant. vii. 1, and contrast b'lr HriV Ruth ii. 7 with ^i nriVl Ruth iii. 2, (Ju^b D'SiEJ'b Ruth ii. 2 with j»~-i^ D^IlK'IK^a Cant. vi. 3, J\J^ ^^^? withal ■'^^^< Ruth ii. 11, ^Ub S'lV^ Cant. vi. 6 with^i!l£r;^ 1^^|'^ Cant. vi. 5; (3) Pathach before tl and ^, if the next syllable has the tone, as in ,js.^b p^^ Cant. viii. 1, ^_^fl^y9-Li f^'^J? Ruth ii. 14, and i^rU ^^IV'!' Ruth i. 11, but this rule is not observed in cases like \=-\ "1^^ Ruth ii. 2 and ejU\ riH^ Cant. vi. 9 ; (4) Pathach in ^\^ 'np_ Ruth i. 1, 19 ; ii. 17. _j represents Shurek or long Kibbus, as in *Jlc^ Dv^^tJ' and Q^'/i^lp Cant. ii. 15 ; and Cholem, as in cjjjy Milp Cant. i. 17. 1^ represents (1) long Chirek, as in *;S--La> D''*)''EJ'n Cant. i. 1 ; (2) short ChireJc {a) in accented syllables, comp. *-Jt--< ^^^ Ruth ii. 12, -a-jj ^(^*^ Ruth ii. 3, and contrast *-,£ OV Cant. i. 11 with ^- "Oy Ruth ii. 8, 21 ; {b) before H as in ^l:u^ ^^J^l^HJ Ruth ii. 13 and^^^ ^"iHi Cant. i. 6 ; compare also ^JS^^ ^^DV Isaiah v. 13, ^\^ DH^ Isaiah xlix. 13, Ii. 3, in MS. Or. 2548, and JL^ ^^^ Habakkuk iii. 17, J^\^ '^^D? Zechariah viii. 14, in MS. Or. 2550 ; (3) Sere, as inj„^.-.,.ft ^^^n Cant. vi. 11, vii. 13 and ilioUj '^^'^^^'l Ruth i. 5. In the following words the phonetic spelling has been partially or entirely disregarded : •^■i '^'?*.l Ruth i. 1 for ^.j ; \^ N'^n Ruth i. 1 ; ii. 20 ; iii. 2 ; iv. 17 for 'ys ; ..JLJ, ^^5^*1 Ruth i. 4 for wJU.,; ^^U "^'pnN'D Ruth i. 16 for ^l^lrr»; LL, nxSa Ruth i. 21 for ILL. (c'omp. ^LUj ^xSd^ Ruth iv. 11); ^^^b Q'l^y? Ruth ii. 7 for j»^:>^b ; jbiU "l^t^Z? Ruth ii. 9 for^LiL^ ; 3 nS Ruth ii. 11 ; Cant. i. 6, 8 ; iii. 1, 2, 4 ; vi. 12 ; viii. 1, 7 for ^, which is the spelling adopted in all other passages ; 2^1 npRuthii. 14 for 5; *j^bb ^'y?^j\} Ruth ii. 15 for ^J^\i> ; Aj\y rh.^] Ruth iv. 18 for 1.1^ ; yj\j ^:^n3 Cant. i. 17 for^'b ; ^j^ nnSj; Cant. vii. 4 for ^j\aj^ ; r^..-) '^"''?r'! Cant. vii. 9 for_j-.^j (comp. v^-Jj ^''C','!'! Ruth i. 2) ; ^ nt'Ci' Cant.iii. 7. Dammah represents Shurek, as in ^j^oj ''^^"1^ Cant. viii. 14; ^'^ ^^^ and JU^i D^y^ti' Cant. ii. 15; im^Eibbiis, as in jJUji Q7V^'Cant.ii.l5; ^^ i'?2"l Cant. V. 16; and U5\ ^a^^^ Cant. vi. 4, 10. The Arabic orthographic signs Jazmah, Tashdld, and Hamzah are likewise employed. 1. Jazmah is used (a) as sA(?2;a quiescens over the final consonant of a shut syllable, as in j>£ "ly Cant. i. 12 ; j^,\^\.;,j ^^^^l] Cant. ii. 3 ; and ^_yj VnS!: Cant. viii. 11 ; (b) as sheva mobile, in the middle of a word, as in *J>pJ ^'l^?/* Cant. viii. 11 ; llh\ ^EJ'|pl^f Cant. iii. 2 ; ^J^ T")1 Cant. i. 8 ; C^ i^P^^ Cant. i. 12 ; and >^^^j '^^V')'^'^ Cant. ii. 15 ; (c) over 1 ^ and ^ as long vowels, as in \i\la i^S*n Cant. i. 8; \j\& H^^n Cant. viii. 11 ; Ujil H^lpi^ Cant. iii. 2 ; ^ iS Cant, ii. 16 ; and *j4^i ^^T^*^ Cant.i. 1 ; {d) over 1 with preceding Fathah {Pathach or Segol) in accented .syllables, as in J l£ ^^ Cant. i. 8, viii. 14 ; l3 LiV; ^p^Vn Cant. i. 16 ; *.i lLs D^|n Cant. ii. 11 ; Jtlsli "^/^ri^? Cant. i. 12 ; ^ Lil ^^^ Cant. i. 1 ; \£j nynn Cant. i. 7; but compare also U 'Hp Cant. vii. 2 and Uj "Htt^ Cant. vii. 7. 2. Tashdld is used (a) as Ddgesh lene (see the remarks on the letters fl S D 1 Jl 3 p. 24) ; (i) as Ddgeshjorte neccssarium, as in *.!£ Cl*"^ Cant. ii. 17 and wl^ VrT' Cant. ii. 12 ; (c) as Ddgesh forte euphonicum, in the following words : ^J T '^'^"'r''!? Cant. i. 7, -iS "^f'HtJ'yi Cant. i. 11 ; IJ N3 r\'t2'^^^ Cant. iii. 2 ; _^ily1S*-na Cant. vii. 2; c^^l? ^'r^r^P and cLOiUU i^J^yrnpl Cant. vii. 7. In UU "^S? Cant. viii. 6, L^li nbVp_ Cant. viii. 8 ; and in the book of Ruth (see ch. i. 7, 8, 10, 20, 21 ; ii. 2, 7, 13 ; iv. 17) Ddgesh forte euphonicum is not marked. 3. JIamzah, the use of which may be seen from the following examples : Jl '^^^ Cant. i. 6 • jU\ ^^'^ Cant. i. 1 ; eJJl ^>^ Cant. viii. 11 ; cjI '^^ Cant. i. 8; l^\ MN Cant. iii. 2; ^1 'fiX Cant. viii. 1 ; Ji.A ^'^ Cant. viii. 11 ; /\ )i< Cant. viii. 14; ^U f^^*3 Cant. viii. 1; ^|j »*} Cant. ii. 16 ; UU ^^C'^T' Cant. i. 7; ^^^ '^^"^^J^ Cant. i. 6; ^L^ 'JN'^^H Cant. i. 4; ^-U 'N^ Cant. i. 8. Specimens of the text : 1. Ruth, ch. i. 1—5. \^Sb i—^\y i-f'^-^jy^^^ ^^^Ji' j*^^ ci-^— ^ (_/ol ^_5 ^^_^li i—j\s^\j ^1^ *JiJ_jAJl> Ljll j^^^-i-j ^^\j 27 \j)j^ ^"i l1^^ ^\ji\ ^j^} u^^-^^ }^^ ^ ^j ^^^^ j^^ f^} ^UJl jjijU *Ji,_, • *Li) j^^j t_ji«^ i_5'iA-j •uju. 2. Canticles, ch. i. 1 — 4. : l»-_j--jil c^jyiic ^^ Jfi Ir^U-i j^^y ^^l-i> *^^ U-UU-i, ..a:;^ This manuscript was written at 'ar-Ramlah a.h. 395=:a.d. 1004-5, in the lifetime of Yefetb, which we may safely infer from the words j^ ^auju tl,;,^^r--MAj_, ; and by the side of it, in an equally modern hand, p flfi^ 13n"lS Dn^K^H "l^tJ' t^llS y'i ''Sy- A. little farther down the page a later owner of the volume, Sha'ya ben Salih ben 'Azaryahu, has recorded his name : Immediately below this name there is written in the same hand as the above passage from Isaiah : 28 MS. ORIENT. 2548. I. Paper, about 9J in. by 7J, consisting of 185 leaves, many of which are mutilated, especially ff. 8, 13, 15-16, 27, 30-31, 35-39, 96, 144, 150, 153, 156-157. The quires are signed with Arabic letters. The manuscript, when complete, consisted of two parts, the quires, of ten leaves each, being separately numbered in each part. In the present fragmentary condition of the manuscript Part I. is represented by ff. 1-12, and Part II. by ff. 13-185. The second part consisted originally of upwards of 25 quires, but only quires 4, 7-10, 13-16, and 22 are now perfect. The first and fifth quires are entirely lost, and the rest are more or less imperfect. The manuscript is imperfect at the beginning and at the end, and there are leaves wanting after ff. 1, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 26, 36, 37, 39, 88, 96, 137, 139, 141, 143, 149, 153, 155, 157, 159, 165, and 175. The number of lines in each page varies from 11 to 13, but the number 12 predominates. This manuscript was written by the same hand as MS. Or. 2554, probably about the beginning of the eleventh century. It contains : The book of Isaiah : The Hebrew text written in the Arabic character, with the Arabic translation and commentary of Yefeth. The manuscript begins with the explanation of ch. iii. 3 ; the first words are : It ends with the explanation of ch. Ivii. 12; the last words are : ^_j$lL.[read^_ji^Uj]^_^U-=ljj^|^ Jfi^^jj^LZ..^^^ ^ji\\ lL^IJI ^_^^-l.^ J_4jej i_jiJ! ^^^1^ Jix.ljjh^ (Ps. ii. 6 '^Sij ^rix; 'm) The following portions of the Hebrew text are preserved: Ch. iii. 4; v. 2-13; siii. 9-11, 16-22 (ending iU^ ^^V) ; xiv. 1-2; xvi. 9; xxxvii. 4-7; 17-20; 24-xxxviii. 6 ; 8-xxxix.4; xl. 13; 21-22 ; 27-xliv. 11 (ending j»LL Qf^) ; 15-xlv. 3; 7-xlix. 18; 21-25 ; 1. 2-3; 5-8 (ending .J^[k^ ^tOSJfp); ll-li.6; 16-lii. 2; 13-14; liii. 3-4 ; 7-9; liv. 1 (beginning U^_^ nDaiLJ')-i3 ; ly. 1-lvi. 5; 8-lvii. 12. Owing to the damaged condition of the leaves some verses are not wholly preserved. Each biblical verse is followed by the Arabic translation and the respective portion of the Commentary. Frequently two or more verses are grouped together, the Arabic translation intervening. This is the case with ch.v. 3-4; 5-6; xiii. 16-17; 19-20; 21-22 ; xiv. 1-2 ; xxxvii 4-5; 6-7; 17-20; 24-25; 26-29; 30-32; 33-35; 37-38; xxxviii.2-3; 4-6; 11-12; 13-14; 21-22 zxxix.3-4; xl. 21-22; 27-28; xli.2-3; 6-7; 8-9; 11-12; 14-16; 17-20; 22-24; xlii. 10-12 14-16; 18-19; 20-21; 23-25; xliii. 1-2; 5-6; 7-8; 9-10; 11-13; 14-15; 16-17; 18-21 29 22-24; 27-28; xliv. 1-2; 3-4; 7-8; xlv. 11-13; 24-25; xhi. 1-2; 3-4; 5-7; 8-9; 12-13 xlvii. 2-3; 6-7; 8-9; 14-15; xlviii. 1-2; 6-8; 12-13; 17-19; 20-22; xlix. 9-10; 11-12 14-15; 22-23; 24-25; 1. 2-3; 6-7; li. 1-2; lii. 1-2; liii. 7-8; liv. 2-3; 7-8; 9-10; 11-12 Iv. 1-2; 4-5; 6-7; 8-9; 10-11; Ivi. 4-5; 10-11; Ivii. 1-2; 3-4. The beginning of a new section is marked by the word J^j in ch. xlv. 1, f. 95a. Ch. ]v. 1 begins on the verso of a new leaf, f. 106, the recto of which is left blank. A later hand has written a small D i.e. ^^D in the margin of ch. xliv. 5, f. 85b. The scribe has omitted xlv. 10 by an oversight, but the translation and commentary are given on f. 99a, 11. 6-9. A much later hand has supplied v. 10 in the margin of the same page. In two places the vacant space at the end of a line has been filled up with the first two letters of the first word in the next line, viz. in f. Aob, 1. 4 from the foot, with Cj\ i.e. j^j\ "^P^ ch. xli. 7, and in f. 476, 1. 1, with (}r i.e. Ura^y: ^^7-^ ch. xli. 10. The end of a biblical verse is usually marked by : or a single point, : predominating ; less frequently by ••• ; and once only by : O : (ch. Iv. 3, f. 168a) and ••• Q •'• (ch. xlix. 3, f. 130a). The Hebrew text, which is distinguished throughout by its being written in a larger character, follows the Ken, viz. ch. xiii. 16, l:^U.l.iJ nDDatrn ; ch. xxxvii. 30, ^\j ^^3>^1 ; ch. xli. 23, \\y^ nsni"i; ch. xiii. 20, ^^\j nisv ch. xiu. 24, \jl^^ ^W^^; ch. xiiv. 24, ^-u '^^P-, ch. xlv. 2,j^A TL^'_^^f ; ch. xlvi. 11, JU: W; ch. xlvii. 13, ^y> '^^^ ; ch. xlix. 6, ^j^^j 'l^i^?^ ; ch. xlix. 13,^^^ ^n^£)i ; ch. lii. 2, ^_5s=uijb 'nnsnn ; ch. iv. 13, .j^^ij, nnni ; ch. Ivi. 10,jLn^ rp'i. p'p^n; is transliterated j^.^^^.. D^Wn^, e.g. in ^)\^jjj D.^^K^n^Sl ch. xli. 27, and Hin^^ ch. xlviii. 16 ; 1. 5, 7 ; Ivi. 8 is rendered by ^^\ ^'''P^,. Compare also JiLuj. "^^^\ ch. xliv. 17, where the received text has "TljlD^., with redundant 1. The Ket/db has been retained in i! xS ch. xlix. 5, but the translation,^.lusaj \ T - : xvi. 9 l^ r\}2±^ nJDib' xxxvii. 19 D« -D« j» 26 'p'^*? 'i^'^ t) 34 -DSO -DN5 » J 38 n^nn^a 1* xxxviii. 11 ^ V IT jf 14 Ia, nin* ^ilw^^ >> 21 Jl- 'W -^y xxxix. 1 V'^^v^ ■:]-ix'"i3 T^^ >» 1 ^^b ■i 1? II 2 U*:'^U1] T ; • V -; xli. 2 «_^UUl^ "isyi 1" Q '.^.U ^^12^] ^^^l II u >r*j'j T ^- IT M 15 16 '^Snnn hhr\r\r\ 1" l> 25 ?:-':>^ -n-iTpD I* >I 25 U^J^. -DDn^ 1' xlii. 20 ■•^A^ yx:trn j?!:tr' xliii. 5 t_jLcU^_j nnyapi :i'\VJ2b) i» 5 U-U^il ^Pp^* W?^ xlv. 7 r^^ ^^- T nh^ HK^ 9f 14 %,^Lio. "iinnK'* ' 'tt'P? as in the parallel passage 2 Kings xix. 26. ' The same reading "DN3 occurs in chs. ili. 14 ; xliii. 10, 12 ; xlix. 18. ' This reading rests probably on a confusion with Psalm xlix. 2. The Commentary, in quoting the text, reads JoV». bnn. f. 29i, L 6. ♦ The translation has the same form f.M}j "^l^^? (see the parallel passage 2 Kings xx. 12), but the Commentary reads ^\jj^ ^"PP f. 35(1, last line. ' The Commentary has the same reading t^\j "13 in f. 35a, last line, hut it reads yj "[3 in 1. 3 from the foot. ' This reading is repeated in the Commentary. ' In the MS. iV*a; yOE^^ or yDKTl, as if the reading were uncertain. The translation, .^*^ u-^s, agrees withyDCn. ^ The same reading occurs in ch. ilvi. 6. 31 MS. Ch. xlv. 14 J9 21 99 25 xlvi. 2 91 10 xlvii. 3 slviii. 1 j> 6 slix. It 1. li. lii. liv. It. It Ivi. Ivii. 16 3 7 7 22 ** o 6 17 23 2 9 9 13 12 7 11 r •y.1 J ,u\ ION " T -nns I- T 1: jj^j,.^'^ nyr\^^nj2b Printed Text. D^pn ny-i^ kS - IT I" -nns - IT "it2^ini nn^ynn n^3 ^nnsnn I* '^''^ uyn^^nf2f2 pijy:n in^ ' This reading is repeated in the Commentary. ' The translation, Jmi J Liji ^*«J J UjI , agrees with the order of the printed text, which is also observed in the Com- mentary, f. 122o, 1. 3 from the foot. ' A later hand has written >jjijl\ D*rDN = nin* in the space above the line, but the translation, ^;**LJI t->j, agrees with the reading U, niHV mn^ ''jnN is rendered by «m Lr>J\, e.g. in ch. I. 5 (f. 142«), 7 (f. 143a). * The Commentary has the same reading. The translation, _jj «U. yl, agrees with the reading of the printed text. 32 The followino: readings in the MS. naree -with the text of Baer and Delitzsch : Ch. V. 2 nSpD^) ,, xxxvii. 19 Dnns*^)_ *^Sj\j\^ >t ». <38 ^'^'l^l. J^\-^i ,, sxxviii. 18 V^^' ■ITiUl^. ,, xxxix. 1 p^n^l ^r^^ Ch. xlv. 16 ,, xlviii. 8 liv. 12 ,. Iv. 3 „ Ivii. 8 W3 >i^=i.j\^ In ch. V. 7, f. 5a, the original reading- was ^&^\ J^.c\ D'hSx '^^^f, but j^j!\ DW^? = HiH^ is marked as a word to he deleted, and C'jL^ JllXIiy is written above it, by a later hand. The translation, ^y^i^\ i_-.01,by which m^{^^ riin''_ is always rendered, favours the reading of the printed text. In *IjjJ Q^^/ ch. xliv. 18, f. 90a, * is a correction; the original reading was 3U.J "'"'0^/ . JU V^f between \J\ "^/^^ and .Lb ^^^ in ch. xliv. 19, f. 90i, which reading rests on a confusion with v. 16, is crossed out by the hand of the original scribe. Ch. xlv. 20 ran, according to the original scribe, as follows: — f. 1036 ,1j^ ^ («^-Xis jt« aoU f. 104a iJb ^y^^ [|*^=*-^ i«^ )-cl'*^_j [«^^^] y^}^ nn: ^^'ii^nn ^ixh^ [Dpn ^p lypti'i op'pp] ^xnpn (rn;3n tnd Dipp rail ywri) [^p] o^i^n ^p^^s The words within brackets in the first and second lines are crossed out, and the third and fourth lines are marked as lines to be deleted ; the words within parenthesis in the second line are almost entirely deleted, and a later hand has replaced thorn by The bracketed words in the first line arc taken from ch. xlviii. 14 (with the variant readin"- O j*U-Ij DD!l for Y^b Q'7?)> whilst those in the second line, and the third and fourth lines, belong ' This reading is repeated in the Commentary. ^ The manuscript text of this verse, f. 125(7, reads ^b»\j DHS. 33 to ch. xlv. 21. The Arabic translation, f. 104a, agrees with v. 20, as it stands in the received text and as it is restored by the corrector. In the text of ch. xlvii. 11, f. 1165, lc\^ "^v"^ is written by a later hand in the space above the line, as if the original reading were faulty ; but owing to the damaged state of the first line of the test this cannot be proved with certainty. The commentary has the correct reading i)j}j^_ ^^l^*". ch. xlviii. 2, f. 119a, is omitted by an oversight. The original reading in ch. slix:. 14, f. 136a, was ^J>^'^y- o'^;^'^ ''^?!?^ ""t*^^.-) ^"t ^P^Uc ""^i^IV is marked by a later hand as a word to be deleted, and is replaced in the margin by jlrsai:--' ''r^'i^PP', the reading of the received text, with which the translation, ^j,^j, agrees. The reading jIsxs--' ''^'^r?^ is also quoted in the Commentary, f. 1366, 11. 2, 3. The faulty reading was caused by , jbV.^ ^^^^^ occurring in the first half of the verse. In ch. Iv. 11, f. nU. the manuscript text reads y^-xJ-^ ^Lil ^\ Vfin?!^ "^^N-nS*, but cJ\ ~^^ is marked, by the original scribe, as a word to be deleted. The following omissions have been supplied : — 1. By the hand of the original scribe— ^j 'l^/'l ch. Iv. 3, f. 168a, written in smaller letters between ^\^j\ D;:pTN and ^h\ 'S>*. 2. By later hands : ^X ^V^^^ ch. v. 2, in the margin off. 2a; ^-JU H! ch. 1. 2, f. 141a, and i^_i.slJ! *\^\? cb. liv. 8, f. 163a, in the space above the line. The letter J ^ has been omitted by an oversight in the following words : Ul for^.Ul '^P^ ch. xlii. 5, f. 59a; ch. xliv. 2, f. 84a ; ^.^U for ^.»Aj^U ptrX"in ch. xliii. 27, f. 825 ; and ysr for ,^ "lO!l ch. xlviii. 10, f. 123a. j T has been confounded with^ 1 injjl forj^l tnX ch. xli. 19, f. 50b; >-srj\j for ^^\j Q'pnD ch. xliii. 14, f. lib; ^\3Uj for ^Ijlj^ Dnn ch. xliii. 14, f. 775; and I3j for U^ ri3"1 ch. Iv. 12, f. 172a; ^ ^ with j ] in ^j^,j,2 for ^jj^J D'l.i?? ch. xlii. 24, f. 69a ; and ^',j for ij^^.j HXT ch. xlviii. 16, f. 126a ; (> t with ^ IT in (^./ for ^1.^5 t^'i"l3 ch. xli. 19, f. 505 ; ^Jj tT with (^ b' in \JL^\ for L^\ ^^.^ ch. xlvi. 10, f. llOa ; ^^ | with cij r\ in ^U for ^'}3 D^^N*^ ch. xxxviii. 21, f. 34a ; cii^ ^ with ^ | in ^\j\ for ^^\i\ DHiX ch. Ivii. 6, f. 182a ; u:^ n with lU H in y^\Jj for .:.-.^li^. 1^'P^f 01 ch. xliii. 10, f. 745 ; c^ n wilh ci; n in JU for ^:U '^^P ch. li. 4, f. 147a; ^jli-Jb for ^;^l::-^ '^T^i^^^ ch. liv. 8, f. 163a; j p with <_i Fl in J\ for ^\ ^^ ch. xli. 26 (first), f. 55a; ch. xliii. 7, f. 73a. The representation of the Hebrew Consonants and vowels is the same as in MS. Or. 2554. 5 , which is usually expressed by CJ or CJ, is represented by - in the following words : ^^ m!\ ch. xxxvii. 27 ; y^^, ^^>' ch. xli. 1 ; ^lyJ D'i^^ ch. xlii. 1 ; j^J ^^3^3 ch. xlii. 13 ; U^A-^Cj nW ch. xliv. 7; J^^-\ ^i^p^ ch. xliv. 19; ^^ "C^ ch. xli.K. 15; Ivii. 6 (^:f), 7. 34 The hard pronunciation of S (Q) is marked by Tashdld in ^ VQ ch. liiL. lb. 1 is expressed by_5 in ^jjLr 0'?^^ ch. v. 4.^ The rule according to which Pathach is expressed by Alif before H, PI, and V , if the next syllable is accented, is illustrated by the following forms : J^^V. ''P. ch. xiii. 20 ; ^^ " Pv ch xxxis. 1 ; ^^:^'i ^'''t>^ ch. xlii. 5 ; J-Jbl:^ ^H^^ ch. li. 18 ; y^ji, ^^pT, ch. xiii. 18 : ^L) DnT ch. xiv. 1 and Dni"; ch. xlix. 13 ; t_jjU^lj ^10^ ch. xxxvii. 7 and ^"IJO? ch, sxxvii 38; ^^l^ ^bn ch. xxxvii. 29; I:^^W. '^^D-- c^- ^1"- 4; (^y:^:^^ DTIpl!' ch. xlii. 18 .^^^ DinS ch. xliii. 28; ^,^U 'H^'nS ch. xlvii. 5; xlix. 9; uiJUl^ nSm ch. xlvii. 14; Jj^U "^iHD ch. xlviii. 19; ^\j^ ^T9 ch, xlix. 15; _j^I>. ^^^7, ch. xlix. 23; j^^^^la ^innh^yn ch. xlv. 13 ; *j^^^ Q'I^vS ch. n. 23. Compare also ^Ulio. ^H'V^ • cli. xxxvii. 5. In the following forms the phonetic spelling has been partially or entirely disregarded : i! X7 and i^ ^^\ throughout the whole manuscript, except in ch. v. 6, 9 ; xiii. 10, 17, 18, 20 and in ch. v. 4, 6 ; xiii. 20, where the phonetic spelling jS and_j!_j is adopted. Ito ^"^ ''D for 4ljb throughout the whole manuscript. h N'^^3 ch. Iv. 1, 2 (second) for /j, as in Jj^ i^i'^ll ch. Iv. I. lyfe X^n and ly^^ f^'in'l throughout the whole manuscript, foryh andy^J ; comp. jb ^'^^ ch. xlvii. 10 and ^ ^'^^^ ch. li. 20. i^ "H/p ch. v. 4 for U . iL\ nW* ch. xlii. IG ; xlvii. 7, 9; xlix. 12, 15 ; Ivii. 6 for LL iUJ nX^|t) ch. xlii. 13 for lU ; comp. ^L^ HXD ch. xxxvii. 36. il^^ HNlT ch. xlvii. 11 for\l,-l. i\j\ "^^l^ ch. xxxviii. 11 for \\j\. LjjM^ r^^2'rh> ch. xiiii. 2 for LUi'_, . .^^ .L in^inXI ch. li. 2 for =.^> ,11. . u.; n;n; ch. xiiii. lO; iv. ii for U-^. ; comp. L^" n'njR ch. li. 6. ^^; ^'i^' ch. v. 9 ; xli. 11, 12 ; xlv. 14 for_»-.^_. lyt, np ch. xlvii. 11 for Lyh. ^U^ '0''>''^/ ch. xlviii. IS for ^cU^.^. ^,Jj^- '^^'^ri ch. xlv. 11 for J,^^ . The vowel Sere is not expressed in ^-UjlL^j (for o^_ji^^) '''?''^^'' ch. xl. £7; laiL^t*. (for UL-*l^P n''T>\S'p^ ch. xli. 9 and similar forms in which Sere is followed by Alef; JL^ ^'l ch. ' 1 on the otber hnud is expressed by ^. 3 m ^Vij^ '-niyp Exodus xvi. 28, quoted in an Arabic Commentary on Exodus and Deuterouomy, MS. Orieut. 2558, ff. IVlb, last line, 113a, 11. 3, 6. '^ Fathach is also expressed in i^i^La-W I'^'TI'''' ch. li. 6. 3 The strictly phonetic spelling would be j£-i,Ml^. 35 xliii. 8 for (jiuj. ; ^J.^ tJ';;n ch. xliv. 8 for JL--jb ; ^_ jUj_ "nj?.''. ch. v. 6 for ^ iU-j_ ; ji3j I^T ch. sliv. 9for ycj^/, ^cAi ^ytn ch. xl. 21 for ^^aJ ; ^rA..^ Vy.) ch. xxxvii. 20; xli. 20 for ^^^J ' ur^. ^^' ch. xlii. 13 ; Iv. 11 for ^^^. ; U N^n ch. li. 4 ; Uj_5 ^{V,':"1 ch. xxxvii. 36 for ^> L5"^„j ' /^. ''^- ch- ^^i^- 17 foi'/^::^. ; i^' ''^'^'. ch. sl. 31 hv^k^ti.; ^j !1:jS^ ch, xlv. 14 for yk;iLj. ; ^j "^T.l ch. xxxvii. 37 for ^rrr'.j ; c^^jj i^»l ch. xxxvii. 37 for c^A-j^ ; ^^_^. ^^:i: ch. xli. 11, xlii. 17 ; xliv. 9, 11, xlix. 23 for ^^. ; ^^^ 'Iti'nn ch. xlv. 24' for _j^^j'; ^_jj ^e^^n ch. xlv. 17 for ^^ • li_4 m^in ch. xliii. 23 for li,^--Jb ; ^.1. ^Sp ch. xliv. 25 for ^^^ ; Jk: ^C'. ch. xlviii. 11 for J^v. ; yj^ ^J:.^n ch. liii. 4 for_^>:^ ; ^^ !ir»n ch. xxxviii. 20 for ^..^ ; joy^ nT. ch. Iv. 10 for jo^. ; J^. Sn^^JT^. ch. xli. 14^> for ^\j^_. Dagesh forte euphonicum is marked by Tashdld in C->jj l^^i•T "^^^^5^ ch. xli. 20 and J 7 n^Jp ch. xliii. 24. Specimen of the text, ch. xli. 1-7 : J.\s^ ^j^ j^\s.\~= ^^ 5;lj j^Ly j^_j^ jbUJ ^^^-^ ^;; ^]^ jiU j-lj^ ^^Jb ^ 2. : ^l) 5! jlty ^j^l |«_jlli^_.-£lj *J:5;j 3. :1^ ^1 (^i^^ ^b t^'r^-'.' ^ Ls"^ L^^^-^ cjj^_jAa> o^y LUj JUli ^ 4. Ji^j^} l'^ '^^ ti'^'^ >r^J^ (*^^ (►'y^ ^ tA-^ J-i^U i-_iij^^ C:.?! (J'l)^ &/^i '^• On f. 166a we find the same passage from Isaiah (ch. Ivi. 5) as in MS. Orient. 2554, f. 25a, but it is imperfectly preserved : •DID* N[S] n^J^N Beneath this passage there is written in a modern Karaite hand eo PfyK^*. A little farther down the page there is an Arabic line, with an illegible beginning, which contained the owner's name. The last words are : *3n ch. xxvii. 6 ; ^jlb nii<3 ch. xxvii. 11 ; j^jjj^bb nniNn and_5lb_5 ^«n^ ch. xxvii. 13 ; ^^Wj X1^^ ch. xxvii. 13 (but ^^j\ n^ ch. xxvi. 18); j^^>^ VH^ ch. xxvi. 19. Observe also _ji,U ^<^^n ch. xxvii. 1, 2, 12, 13; and 3[^\\ JU\^ '^^^ iriih ch, xxvii. 12. Vowel Points, Accents, and Diacritical Signs. Simple Seffol is used for Chatef-Segol in (^\j£.\j^ ^^V^*^ ch. xxvii. 10. Segbl is represented by a single point in ^JSJ\\i 1"^^^ (first) ch. xxvii. 13. The following vowels are altogether omitted: Segol &nd. Shem in (_^_^llj 'j^'^.i^^ (second) ch. xxvii. 13; Chatef-Pathachia. j\2>\ ^^^ ch. xxvii. 1, and *J;--ll DnJ^i^ ch. xxvii. 9; Chatif- Karnes in U*ui\ nVSi'S^Jch. xxvii. 4 ; Sheva in ^)'«yv. j^to^p"" ch. xxvi. 19 ; ^s^^y_ ini'13 ch. xxvii. 8 ; --^ V* D?^P ch. xxvii. 9 ; and regularly in the copula j "|, except in two words, viz. u_>|^l3j ^W) ch. xxvii. 10, and j, -«sjJj 'I'1^"'1. ch. xxvii. 11. Metheg is usually omitted. It is written in j^^^ ^-'^'j ch. xxvi. 20 ; L_.---i^. '^^) ch. xxvi. 21; 51^ "n'pI ibid.; ^^yz "jiV ch. xxvii. 9; i! '^ ML; |^.3j_5^U ^nnxn ch. xxvii. 13; _.^\:i^j •nnnti'nl ibid. ; and ^U J^ '^"In!? ibid. Makktf is omitted in i_5^ ^l^j? ch. xxvi. 15 ; ol ^^ ch xxvii. 1 ; j«\ D^!^ ch. xxvii. 7 ; and *£ 2^ ch. xxvii. 11. Ddgesh forte is expressed by Tashdid, which is written in black ink, and is due to the original scribe. It is expressed in the usual way by the punctuator in *-,=^1aI6)j ^''^'^^l') ch. xxvii. 13. Observe Dagesh lene'm UiricS ^^/"^ ch. xxvi. 20; ljbUl«> C'^'^, ch. xxvi. 21 ; ^^U nnS ch. xxvii. 1 ; and Mapplk in S>\^^. PXh^l ch. xxvii. 8. Rdfe nS^ is placed over the letters c_> '2 and i_J 3, when aspirated. It is also applied to c i in jy^^i ^^^] ch. xxvi. 20 ; to J ':' in aU^ TWh^'^, ch. xxvii. 8 ; and to I H in \\:^ HNDXpS ch. xxvii. 8. Its position over i_J S and i J is between the letter and the diacritical point. Specimen of the text, ch. xxvii. 1 : 88 MS. ORIENT. 2550. Paper, about 9 in. by 7, consisting of 120 leaves, most of wHcb are more or less mutilated, especially at the lower end. The most seriously damaged leaves are ff. 1-6 ; 35-48 ; 68 ; 76-77 ; 117-120. The best preserved part of the volume extends from f. 78 to f. 116. The quires are signed with Arabic letters. The manuscript, when complete, consisted of about 24 quires, of ten leaves each, but in its present fragmentary condition only quires 7, 14-17 are perfect. Quires 1-5, 19-23 are entirely lost, and the rest are more or less imperfect. The manuscript is imperfect at the beginning, and there is one leaf wanting at the end. Leaves are wanting in the body of the volume after ff. 18, 26, 35, 41, .59, 67, 107, and 116. There are from 11 to 14 lines in a page, but the number 12 predominates. This manuscript was written by the same hand as MSS. Or. 2548 I. and 2554, probably about the beginning of the eleventh cent. It contains — Fragments of the Minor Prophets : The Hebrew text written in the Arabic character, with the Arabic translation and Commentary of Yefetb. The manuscript begins with the Commentary on Habakkuk iii. 13 ; the first words are : It ends with the explanation of Malachi iii. 24 ; the last words are : The following portions of the Hebrew text are preserved: Habakkuk iii. 14-19; Zephaniah i. 1-ii. 7; 9 (beginning ^^s^ DlD3)-iii. 5; 8-20; Haggai 1. 3-ii. 3; 10-23; Zechariah i. 1-17 ; ii. 4-iii. 2 ; 5-viii. 10 ; 13-ix. 1 ; Malachi iii. 23-24. Zech. V. 5, f. 836, is partly provided with the vowel-points and accents by a later hand. Owing to the damaged condition of the leaves, many verses are imperfectly preserved. Each biblical verse is followed by the Arabic translation and the respective portion of the Commentary. Frequently two or more verses are grouped together, the Arabic translation intervening. This is the case with Zephaniah i. 5-Q; 8-9; 14-16; ii. 5-7; 9-10; 13-15; iii. 3-4; 12-13; Haggai i. 3-4; 5-Q; 7-8; 9-11; ii. 1-3; 11-14; 18-19; 20-23; Zechariah i. 5-6; 9-11; 14-15; ii. 5-Q ; 7-9; 10-11; 12-13; iii. 6-7; iv. 2-3; 4-6; 8-9; 11-14: v. 1-4; 5-8; 9-11; vi. 1-3; 4-7; 9-11; 12-13; vii. 1-3; 5-Q ; 8-9; 11-12; viii. 1-2; 4-5; 7-8; 14-15; 16-17; 18-19; 20-22. The text of Zephaniah and Zechariah begins on the verso of a new leaf, ff. Qb and 505, the recto being left blank. On f. 106a, 1. 6, the vacant space at the end of the line has been filled up with ., the first letter of ^J^^ Tl'^^'' Zech. viii. 7, which is the first word in the next line. 39 The end of a verse is usually marked by :, rarely by •'•, and still more rarely by a single point. The following marks respectively occur only once : : £>, f. 26a, after Zeph. iii. 5; : o :, f. 675, after Zech. iii. 2 ; : o : , f. 90a, after Zech. vi. 3 ; c :, f. 81a, after Zech. v. 4 ; e •••, f. SQa, after Zech. i. 9 ; d, •'•, f. S2b, after Zeph. iii. 16 ; and ^ •'•, f. 613, after Zech. ii. 6. In a considerable number of verses the end is unmarked. The Hebrew text, which is distinguished throughout by its being written in a larger character, follows the Ken, viz. Hab. iii. 14, j\j\j VHQ ; Hag. i. 8, \jj[l^\j] "^"J^l^l; Zech. i. ie,j^j Ipl; and Zech. iv. 2, j\^j\j ^^i(). ^^^^^\ Zeph. i. 4 (12; iii. 14; Zech. i. 12) and nhmyh Zeph. iii. le are transcribed ^.i)lLjj^ ^^^^ and ^i)\^jj ^'^^^^b. ^Pl Hab. iii. 19; Zeph. i. 7 is rendered by *^jl\ D^^7^^. The Eet/db has been retained in ^\3j^ Drn:3B^' Zeph. ii. 7. In Zech. i. 4, where the received test reads DD*" 7 vi?23"l , with redundant *•, the manuscript text has *ls:JlcUj D3 v?^]!^") . The tetragrammaton Hin'' is rendered by the abbreviation L> in Zeph. i. 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18 ; ii. 2, 3a, 5, 7, 11 ; iii. 0, 8, 9, 15, 17 ; Hag. i. 3, 5, 9, 12, 13, 14a; ii. 1, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 20, 23; Zech. i. 1, 2, 3, 4b, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 (first), 17 ; ii. 9, 10a, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17; iii. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10; iv. 6, 8, 9, 10; v. 4; vi. 9, 12a, 13, 15; vii. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12a, 13; viii. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23; ix. 1; Mai. iii. 23; and by L.\ in Zeph. iii. 12 ; Zech. i. 4a. Edmes is added to L, (L,) in Zeph. i. 2 ; Hag. i. 12b ; Zech. i. 2, 3 (second); vii. 2 ; and to Lul (L>\) in Zeph. iii. 12. Hin^S Hab. iii. 18, and np^ Zeph. i. 5, 17 ; Zech. ix. 1 are rendered by L>lj and LJi . In the following passages, where the printed text has ^)P], the manuscript text reads ^\j^S\ ''p^: Zeph. i. 3; ii. 3b, 10 ; iii. 20; Hag. i. 8, Ub; ii. 17; Zech. i. 10, 16 (second); ii. 103, 13 ; vi. 123, 14 ; vii. 123 ; viii. 17, 223. Hin^a Zeph. iii. 2 is rendered by ^fl3j jb . The following is a list of the variations from the textus receptus, as edited by Baer and Delitzsch : — MS. Printed Test. Hab. iii. 19 'U ^V\ T^ „ „ ,. •J^ "^p. -^^\ ,, ,, ,, .f^i, ^ - ' Zeph. i. 2 Vl3 -DJ^i -^} ^nt 1. 4 '^JV. ^1 ^;;n^< n • Tiis reading is repeated in the Commentary. « The same reading occurs in Zeph. i. 3, 10 ; iii. 8 ; Hag. ii. 14, 17, 23 ; Zech. i. 4 ; ii. 9, 10, 14 ; viii. 17. 40 MS. Printed Text. Zeph, . i. 5b aJ »&- C«cu^J& DnnnK^pn D^^nnti'ton Jl 9f 7 1 T ; ft ii. >) iii. 1 12 4 1- nnin T T Hag. 3) i. 11 20 12 n ii. 14 *r:lft> -Dyn T IT IT T Zech. i. 4 1 -^ DD^nhx3 Dp'P^^?? 91 !> 5 nS^ySn oSvySn l> )> 10 ^ix^ •]SnnnS ^Snnn'7 )t >> 11 'r-^j ijyn. i^V',1 >> rr 16 *-.4.S^|^Ij D^toni3 D^^snn!! >> iii. iv. 7 7 DN1 >> V. 11 Ul":«, T ■ ■■. : >> >> Ti. 7 IK'p!!^! >> vii. 15 2 >> >> viii. 13 21 i: )> >> 23 ' Juj^Ul_5 ^pnnni yim) ^ This reading is repeated in the Commentary. * The Commentaiy, in quoting the text, reads |_^j; ''QDiri , f. 30i, 1. 7. 3 A later hand has written ,_j*c ''JSJ! above ^jJjJ ^^')i , The Commentary, in quoting the test, reads ^j*c ^Oy ^ f. 35i, 1. 7. ■> J.UJI1 'Pt<''ri7NK' as in ch. ii. 23. In eh. i. 14 ; ii. 2 the manuscript reads, like the printed test, JiUili 7{jt^ri'?B'. ^ The Commentary, in quoting the text, reads (jy«A; l-1J?pK'rij f. 97b, 1. 2 from the foot. ^ The Commentary, in quoting the text, reads ji^laj "iSPni^ f. 116i, 1. 1. ' The Commentary, in quoting the text, reads jija-ljsj 1p''Tnn'! f. 116J, 1. 1. 41 The following readings in the edition of Baer and Delitzsch are confirmed by this manuscript : — Zeph. i. 1 T^ ^l-l^ Zech i. 13 Q'pn;; '*-,^jrsaJ j> 17 oniyjD r'j)^^^ )> 17 i^?^^sri >9 i> ' c^A ii. 13 Dn^^V^ ii. 4 ' (^}j^^^ iii. 10 ^^VlV >) 14 'u^-V iv. 12 Q^pnbn '^-.ib^^U) iii. 15 T ■■. : - J^ vi. 10 T ■ .... 'Lj>^Uj Hag. ii. 10 o-i^- jt vii. 2 1^^*^^ >1^ >) ji IS Jiro. »j 3 T'PDD -^^-^ Zech. i. 8 ■^W viii. 20 "^^^'^^ ^^l-il The following corrections and omissions occur in the Hebrew text as exhibited in this manuscript : — Zeph. i. 7, f. 93. (^J\ t« ^_^^Lb jr ^u D^ri^Nt nin) ^35^ ^b^^'S^ on. j^^iD^nSiSi is written in smaller letters in the space above the line, the scribe having originally omitted it. The words ^L\j J^ "1^3"73, which rest on a confusion with Zech. ii. 17, are crossed out by the scribe. The translation, Jl (♦^-"^r* ^r^. ^^^> agrees with the corrected reading. The passage is correctly quoted in the Commentary, f. IQa, 1. 3, *-J^Jl tu c^ (j.ul& ''^3^ DH Zeph. i. 16, f. 13a. ^.j^.^^ ^r^ji^ (^'j'^^ J'^ nh>'!in Dinh^in nnyn Sr. ijijyt,^^ mn^iin is crossed out. The scribe had the end of the verse in his mind. Hag. i. 11, f. 383. ^yj\^\ J^ JUj ^'^1^1 ^^i^'h^ hv]. The same reading, with ihe variant^l ~'^^^) is quoted in the Commentary, f. 393, 1. 2. Ji "75 in the text of the verse is crossed out by a later hand. The translation, -Js^ ^\ ^jx^, agrees with the printed text. Hag. i. 13, f. 40a. *lc^ ^V/ is omitted by an oversight. The omission is marked in the text by a later hand, and the missing word was probably supplied in the margin, which is now torn off. Zech. i. 4, f. 513. The words f^i^^^y ^^P\ "^^^ ^^, which are omitted by an oversight, are supplied in the margin by a later hand, ^ (jwl .U\ ^ . The ti-auslation, f was evidently the final letter of the word erased after ,^.o\ P'^'l?. Zech. vi. 6, f. 92a. A later hand has corrected ajUjj Q''N^^ to .Ub ''^V*, but the same hand has restored it again to *j.Uiy. ^""^V , both in text and margin. For 'l^V,^, after CTl^HI^ the manuscript reads *J.Uy. 2'''!^V\ with which the translation, ^^j^j\^, agrees. A later hand has corrected Jy=^„ D"'t<^'' to jUb ^'^^,'J , both in text and margin, which is also the reading quoted in the Commentary, f. 93a, 1. 2. Zech. viii. 8, f. 106a. cljUIj ^l^^iP is written by an oversight between ^W OH? and *-J^.lJ D'n7X7^ but it is crossed out and written again in its proper place after *-i>JJ Q*n7N7. Zech. viii. 14, f. 1096. After "T^^* the manuscript text reads C->,L^ U *.l) '"liH* DNJ niN!l^, but |*^U D^5|l is crossed out, andjW "^P^^ is written above it, by a later hand. Zech. viii. 22, f. 115a. U ^Pl is omitted by an oversight, but the passage is correctly 43 quoted in the Commentary, f. Il5b, 1. 6, ^,'i\^.j^, ci^jL^ U iJLi\ JluJU HIN':!^ ^II^^"^^ ^p?? ■AT T Zech. viii. 23, f. 115b. The manuscript texts reads *-JbU *-^1-j ^\}'^ 0"*P*?, but *-i^U ^nC is corrected by a later hand to U-JbU ""I^^C both in the text and the Commentary, f. 116a, 1. 3. Of the letters H S D "III S 3 , which is usually expressed by d/ or cS, is represented by 4 in *-JU:?C ^'^P^^ Hab. iii. 17 ; j.J^'^ ^'z''?-^? Zeph. i. 17 ; and ^^ "D3 Zeph. i. 18 (second). ii. 14 (first) ; and Q is rendered by uJ in ^j-' wy ""V^^ Zeph. iii. 10 ; Jy_ ^^']''. Zeph. iii. IG ; and \^i n^S) Zech. V. 8. In the following forms PatJiach is expressed by J./i/ before H, H, and y, the next syllable having the tone: UU i^^nn Zeph. i. 9, 10, 15; iii. 11, 16; Hag. ii. 23; Zech. ii. 15 (the spelling is here ^i>W)\ iii. 10; vi. 10; ^\i> ^^''^n Zeph. i. 12; iii. 19, 20; Zech. iii. 9; ^i-U, "in,t:l Zeph. i. 14; L^'l^U rina Hag. i.'l4; ii.2 ; J-i^^ ^T-^ Hag. i. 15; ii. 1, 20 ; Zech. Yii. 1 ; ^i^»^V ^T? Zech. i. 1 ; vii. 3 ; ^\) DH-in Zech. i. 12 ; ^U^U nVri Hag. i. 4 ; j^U "tiyn Hag. ii. 19. Compare also U\l» H^VT Zech. yi. 10; UUJ^, H^yT^l Zech. vi. 14 ; and observe the expression of Pathach by Alif in ^\yb V^)^ Hag. ii. 19. In the following words the phonetic spelling is partially or entirely disregarded : ^ N7 throughout the whole manuscript, for ^ . \^ N^n and lysbs ^''^'^^j^ throughout the whole manuscript, except in Zech. i. 8 ; ii. 15, where the phonetic spelling JJ^ (inys^ K^HI ) and ybU is adopted. ^S-:^f ; l^^^ '"'^.L'^^ Zeph. i. 6 for ^j^\^ ; ^^V. "'^^" Zeph. iii. 16 for^-^Li, ; Ji.A^ ^^P Zech. iii. 2 for j:.jl;r* ! ^i_,U f^^?^ Zech. vi. 10 ; vii. 12 for lJ^.U ; t-U>Uj HNai Zech. vi. 10 for l^.1^j ; ^-Al IDK'"; Zeph. i. 13 for_j--^_ ; ^_ ^5^.^. Zech. viii. 4 for ^-^, ; k^j ^.''.'1 Zeph. ii. 13 for L-j^ ; ^r-* N^np Zech. iii. 8 for ^^^^ ; ^^. 11^.*. Zech. iv. 1 for_^^^. ; \_^j ^f?^^ Zech. vii. 7 for 1^^. ; ^ Jl^-j_j t^py.'^> Hag. ii. 17 for uy W^; ; '-r^:'. ^'^'' Zeph. i. 12 for ^^-j. ; (♦Uj D^'.''. Zeph. i. 13 for *L-j . Dagesli forte euphonicum is marked by ras/^t/Ic? in ^^^^ ^2l^"ri^ Zech. iv. 11. Specimen of the text, Zech. vi. 9-13 : :^.^J t_s\j\ L/^i isf^; ^' Jjilr^Jb ij-Jfej^TLb jUU^ ^^J ? J-^^f J^i/ l::«*-jj tijj^lkc li.»-:.U_j c-jlalj^ i^g^U- Lsrl!_j 11. 1.:^;^ Ubj ^U-isJ jl:isrU_j j-*^ ^U> jji;.^! ^j^ ^j^J CJ_^La L- ^Ul ^ j^^Ji jh\ ^j-^^ 12. XJ j£ ^J^y>' V.W )^ J= J^^ <_jLI_5 3^ Uuj 1^^ Cu JUnJB llA Lj Iji^ 13. 45 MS. ORIENT. 2547. I. Paper about 8| in. by 6i, consisting of 287 leaves, many of wbich are imperfectly preserved, the most seriously damaged leaves being ff. 1, 14, 17, 26, 35-42, 51, 88*, 95, 137, 138, 155, 160-176, 206, 208, 232-238, and 258. The best preserved portions of the manuscript are ff. 53-87, 89-94, 96-136, 218-222, 240-257, and 260-287. The quires, originally of ten leaves each, but now for the most part imperfect, are signed with Arabic words, but only a few traces of the signatures are preserved (see ff. 70a, 108a, and 269a). The manuscript is imperfect at the beginning and the end. Leaves are missing after ff. 1, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 34, 35, 36, 42, 43, 44, 50, 51, 52, 61, 69, 137, 138, 139, 140, 176, 182, 183, 191, 206, 210, 211, 217, 223, 232, 238, 248. The number of lines in a page varies from 14 to 17. This manuscript is written in a good clear Naskhi, with most of the diacritical points, probably about the beginning of the eleventh century, and contains — Fragments of the books of Joshua, Judges, and Samuel : The Hebrew text written in the Arabic character and provided with the Hebrew vowel-points and accents in red ink (from f. 2406 to the end in black ink), with the Arabic translation and Commentary of Yefeth. The MS. begins with the Commentary on Joshua iii. 4, the first fully preserved word being ^^Ji\ , and ends with the Hebrew text of 2 Samuel xvi. 11. The following portions of the Hebrew text are preserved: Joshua iii. 5-6; 14-iv. 24; vi. 24-vii. 11; xii. 9-17; 19-24; xiii. 4-12; 16-23; Judges ii. 6-7; iii. 7-9; 25-iv. 10 ; v. 1 (ending . . . U ^ Jj -n DV3) ; si. 3-31 ; xvi. 23-24 (ending j^\ ^^»5<) ; xvii. 3-6 ; xix. 12-30; xxi. 8-13; 22 ; 1 Samuel ii. 6-13 ; vi. 17-21 ; vii. 7-9 ; ix. 13 (beginning _ja> ^ NW^3)-x. 8; 10-xi. 10 ; 14-xiii. 4 ; 6-xvii. 52 ; xviii. 25-27 ; xx. 7-9 ; 35-xxv. 3 ; 14-31 ; 35-37 ; 41 (beginning ^y^J f 'n")7)-xxvi. 20 ; xxvii. 2-sxviii. 25 ; 2 Samuel ii. 8-17 ; 22-23 ; iii. 9-25 ; 34 (beginning J^ ^i£J5)-iv. 12; v. 11-vi. 12; viii. 3-18 ; xi. 8-xii. 14; xiii. 3-xvi. 11. The following verses, although explained in the Commentary, have by mistake been omitted : 1 Sam, xiii. 5, xvi. 13, xvii. 33, and xxv. 25. In the damaged portions of the manuscript some verses are not wholly preserved. Each biblical verse is followed by the Arabic translation and the respective portion of the Commentary. Josh. xii. 9-24 is immediately followed by the Commentary, f. 146, and of Josh, xiii. 17-20, f. 17a, and 2 Sam. v. 14-16, f. 226b, only the first words are translated. Frequently two or more verses are grouped together, the Arabic translation intervening. Such is the case with Josh. iii. 14-16; iv. 1-3; 4-7; 11-13; 15-18; 19-24; vi. 24-25; vii. N 46 3-5 ; 8-9 ; xii. 9-24^ ; xlli. 4-6; 7-12 ; 16-23 (16, 17-20, 21, 22, 23) ; Judg. ii. 6-7; iii. 7-9 25-30 ; iv. 1-3 ; 4-10 ; xi. 4-11 ; 12-28 ; 30-31 ; xvi. 23-24 ; xvii. 3-6 ; xix. 12-21 ; 22-28 29-30; xxi. 8-13; 1 Sam. ii. 6-10; 11-12; vi. 17-21; vii. 8-9; ix. 13-14; 15-16; 17-18 19-21; 22-27; x. 1-8; 11-12; 14-16; 17-24; 25-27; xi. 1-4; 5-10; 14-15; xii. 1-5 6-17 ; 18-19 ; 20-25 ; xiii. 3-4 ; 6-7 ; 8-14 ; 15-16 ; 17-18 ; 19-22 ; xiv. 1-3 ; 4-5 ; 8-10 11-12; 13-15 ; 16-23 ; 24-30 ; 32-35 ; 38-40 ; 41-45 ; 46-48 ; 49-51 ; xv. 1-3 ; 4-9 ; 10-11 12-23; 24-31 ; 32-35; xvi. 1-3; 4-5; 6-12; 14-16; 17-18; 19-20 ; 21-23; xvii. 1-7; 8-9 13-15; 17-22; 25-31; 34-37; 38-40; 41-47; 49-52; xviii. 26-27; xx. 7-9 ; 35-40; xxi 1-3; 8-10; 11-16; xxii. 1-2; 3-4; 5-8; 9-15; 16-17; 18-19; 20-23; xxiii. 1-5; 7-9 10-12; 14-15; 16-18; 19-23; 24-xxiv. 1 ; 3-8; 10-16; 17-23; xxv. 2-3 ; 14-17; 21-22 23-31 ; 36-37 ; xxvi. 3-4 ; 8-9 ; 15-16 ; 17-20 ; xxvii. 2-4 ; 5-6 ; 8-12 ; xxviii. 1-2 ; 4-5 8-25 ; 2 Sam. ii. 8-11 ; 12-13 ; 14-17; 22-23 ; iii. 9-11 ; 12-16; 17-20 ; 23-25 ; 38-39 ; iv 2-4; 5-12; v. 11-12; 13-16 (13, 14-16); 17-25; vi. 1-12; viii. 3-8; 9-14; 15-18; xi 12-13; 14-24; xii. 1-14 ; xiii. 4-6 ; 8-9; 10-11; 12-14; 15-19; 21-22; 23-27; 28-29 31-33 ; 34-29 ; xiv. 4-7 ; 12-17 ; 18-20 ; 21-22 ; 25-27 ; 29-30 ; 31-33 ; xv. 4-5 ; 7-8 14-15 ; 19-20 ; 25-26 ; 27-28 ; 33-34 ; 35-36 ; xvi. 3-4 : 5-8. At the end of the Commentary on 1 Sam. xxviii. 8-25, f. 205fl, we find the follovring words : Folios 205Z»-206fl are filled up with notes on (_,>,] iJ^L) ^IXTlyi^S 1 Sam. xxviii. 7 by a later hand. The D'*"nD are marked by the word j-i^ i.e. *nD in the margin, written either in black ink, by the original scribe, or in red ink, by the rubricator, and surmounted by a pen-and-ink design, at Josh. vi. 27, f. 11a ; Judg. iii. 31, f. 23b; xix. 20, f. 38a; 1 Sam. ii. 10, f. 455 ; x. 24, f. 6ib; xii. 22, f. 78a; xiv. 23, f. 90b; xv. 17, f. 110a; xvi. 18, f. 1215; xvii. 37, f. 1325; XX. 42, f. 1435 ; xxviii. 24, f. 2005 ; 2 Sam. iii. 21, f. 2165 ; xii. 13, f. 2465 ; xiii. 25, f. 2555 ; xiv. 33, £ 271a ; and xv. 37, f. 284a ; in entire agreement with the Massorah (see Ginsburg's Massorah, vol. ii. p. 331, letter D, §§ 78-80). The end of a verse is usually marked by c :, rarely by : . In a few verses the end is left unmarked. The divisional breaks in the middle of the verse ( pIDS J^^fXDXl NpDS) in Josh. iv. 1 ; 1 Sam. X. 22 ; xiv. 19, 36 ; xvi. 2, 12; xvii. 37; xxi. 10 ; xxiii. 2, 11 ; 2 Sam. v. 19 ; xii. 13 are not observed in the manuscript. The occurrence of a vacant space at the end of a line is obviated by the lengthening of a final letter, such as i-^ 1, ^^ fl, and tJ ', or by the drawing out of the connecting line between two letters, 1 Verse 18 is wanting, tlie upper part of the leaf (f. U) having been torn ofi. 47 The names of the kings, Josh. sii. 9-24, f. 14, are arranged in pairs, each pair occupying a single line. Some vacant space is left before and after j>\^\ ^H^ in the middle, and before il=»-l "inj< at the end, of each verse. The Hebrew text, which is distinguished from the translation and Commentary by its being written in a larger character, follows the Ken, viz. Josh. iii. 16, JJL* ^I'^P; iv. 18, (-i_>.lr\^ iyhV2. Judg. xis. 21, J^Vj '^?!1 ; xix. 25, c^/rl^ niSy5; xxi. 22, ,^J ^i^ ; 1 Sam. vii. 9, _jfeUb, ^rhT\ ■ ix. 26, UUfc n:3n ; ^i. 6, y.^ m^ ; xi. 9, ^^J Dn3 ; xii. 10, .^^. ,, 'I'^^m xiii. 8, J^^^ '^'nV"! ; xiii. I9,^j^\ ^^^i^ • xiv. 27, l3^jU^ n^-IXni ; xiv. 32, Ub^ toy^l and J^ l^ Jl S;;'trn-SN*;,^^., ^^n*5; xvii. 7, ^-r^ fVI; ^vu. 23, CL.y^^rLw. nb^M; xvii. 34 L nb^; XX. 38, j.-^^u D'5inri; xxii. 17, ^ji ';jji>*; xxii. is, ^j^jj ^iN^n*?; xxii. is, 22 O^^j ^5*^^; v. 24 u^-i^'?lJ^^^"3; viii. 3, ^y^fo n-is-nn^S; xiii. 32, u^ nW; xiii. 33, j-'^-, xiii. 34 ^i^ m-, xiii. 37, j^^-^ nin^DV; xiv. 7, j^ D^J;^; xiv. 11, c^b^^ nn^inx: ; xiv. 22 UIj^ "ll^i^; xiv. 30, Uyi,^^^ !?ir^>'n^ ; XV. 8, <_;^V. ^^^' J ^^- 20, U'V^ ^^^IS'; xv. 21, J '^ ; XV. 28, c^yjUj ^''^1)^? ; xvi. 2, j.^^ ^[}^^]; xvi. 10,/ ni) and J '^ . The following forms express both the Kct/ub and the Kerl: ^U^lb l?/^^*!? and l''^/^*?, ^l3.^y 1^^?"!? and Vnb^na , 1 Sam. xxi. 12 ; ^h\ ^^^^ and vSi^, xxii. 13 ; _,Lib1^ "l^JN*} and VC>N{1, xxiii. 5 ; _.IJ^.--^ in^^nD and Vni^Dtp, xxvi. 5, 7 ; jl3^.i.|^ ^^^^'}!^ and Vn^X^D, xxvi. 7, 11, 16 ; ;bor irinn and Vrifiri, 2 Sam. ii. 23, iii. 12, xvi. 8. ^V', Josh. vii. 7 is transliterated ^Ji\ ^V^^_. ^^P^^^] is rendered by ^,1\^.^^, ^b^^^], e.g. Josh. xii. 10. The Eetlah has been retained in .J^J^ ''V^V'^ 2 Sam. xiv. 21. Eedundant letters are omitted, viz. 1 in JLlS "^^'^? f^I'l^Ip/) 1 Sam. xxii. 15; ^j\Ji ^ttD|'5 Op1D|-3) 1 Sam. xxviii. 8; and ^b^ ^\^\ ^^^\) 2 Sam. xiii. 8 ; and ^ in b_^b HlShn (nrxhri) 1 Sam. x. 7 and l^.;^l ^^^^^ ("^'^'i^*) 1 Sam. xxiv. 5, xxvi. 8. Similarly silent N* is omitted in ^^^ p^^ (pXI^) Josh. xii. 20; ^^^> '^?^T O^^I^^^H) Josh. xiii. 8 ; ^^. ^^^ (INT^) 1 Sam. xii. 24; ^^- D^toh (a\Xpn) i Sam. xiv. 33; c^k^ "M^D ("nxtsn) i Sam. XV. 23; and ^^^ j^-!^ D'^.^^^' ^I'l (D\sn.ian ^Xlh) 2 Sam. xi. 24. The tetragrammaton '^1'^'! is represented throughout the whole manuscript by c/^j^l "'P^ , riy^'). and riyph by ^^b Jl^ 'P'IN*^ and ^bjja 'r^"^'!?. e-g- 1 Sam. xii. 12, and Judg. xi. 30. The use of the abbreviation t« for ^^b^ Jl in 1 Sam. xxii. 21, f. 15Sa, is due to the want of space at the end of the line. 48 The following is a list' of tlie Josh. Iv. Judg. 2 „ 10 )> >) >> >> „ 13 „ 19 „ 23 vii. 2 3 5 7 21 4 6 >> >> sii. xiii. iii. 7 >> IV. XI. 8 28 9 7 18 30 variations from the texius receptus MS. V IT - IT b-U (Pointed "73) (Pointed l^^y'l) (Pointed Hnny) (Pointed ^^n^l) (Pointed "iV) (Pointed I'^V'!!) (Pointed 1^^^'^) (Pointed D^SITI) nny T - (Pointed inSK'^l) (Pointed "n^^'^.) (Pointed "Iti'V') (Pointed \\T\'\ ) (Pointed "lto«1 ) Printed Text. -ny -S3 T i^nyn_ nn"]y D3n3y-iy 6l V -; -1^3 s - : nny T - ' In this list the pointed reading, ivhere it differs from the unpointed one, is given in parenthesis. ■■^ Compare ch. ui. 12. In eh. iv. 4, the MS. reads Kke the printed text kj\X. t03K'P . 5 The same variant reading occurs in the following passages: Josh. xiii. 21, Jli-^ "?31 (but pointed "/S"!) 5 ■'• Sam. ii. 21, J\!U -'psp; 2 Sam. xiv. 7, JU;- "'?3, xv. 18, ^* JVij DTl^n-'j^'l . * The same reading occurs in '■^)>jm rii3")y3 (pointed n'n"iy3 \ 2 Sam. xv. 28. ^ The same reading occurs in Judg. xi. 20 ; 1 Sam. xvii. 1, 2 ; xxviii, ib. ' The same reading occurs in 1 Sam. ix, 14. ' In V. 7 the MS. reads like the printed text lU-b n?nJ3. 49 Judg-, xvi . 24 .^Sle^^. „ xvii, . 4 ^*^--^-V:^j „ xix. 16 ^j-^rl, |_^_,^ )j }} 21 y^^j^S )} )) 2.5 ^^^:\, >> >} 28 J^ >> !> 29 uiJUi-UUa )> >> )t 'LaUV-M\j >> )> )» UU^.!^ „ xxi. 12 .j^-^-V.^; >> )> 13 " >> ji 3y^^.^J 1 Sam. vii. lb '_j.'«^/l^_lj >> )> 9 *^^:^. „ ix. 21 |j£)^,Ulj>Jb lLji\ >) )) 27 ^ I'^y. X. 1 )» >) 5 ^'Iv^ yr tt 7 ^U! >> a 14 j^b^^.»-i Ai „ xi. 7 .J^'^^^. J j> )) 8 V^^ „ xii. 10 .Wbl, jt »» 14 >1 >> )) 25 .u^^ r^ „ xiii. 2 MS. ^V^'MM (Pointed ^V^n^^ ) inw (rointedinti'ri) ^^'^T!) (Pointed 1^'ni^l) r\)rhu'} (Pointed mnStJ'n) nS^x^n (Pointed n'^i^s'bn) nnni^i (Pointed nnn:^i) nnStr^i (Pointed nhSci'^i) VSiW (Pointed VX^'D^I) )r\hty'}_ (Pointed inbti'n) •nmn (Pointed n:mn > ^yjSC'n (Pointed IJ^Dtrn.) I^^T} (Pointed iniPM) "l^^yn (Pointed ^^17^1) P'^*.i (rointedpi:*"!) innniM (Pointed innnr'i) mpB^I (Pointed Dnpsn.) I^iy^} (Pointed i:iW^) DD^Sto-D^ (Pointed "D^ ) Printed Trxt. nnnri n;Tn n;i'i3 ' This is a faulty spelling- fur Lsls^Volj . 2 The same reading occurs iu 1 Sam. vi. 21. ^ The same reading occurs iu 1 Sam. xiii. 3. * The same reading occurs in 1 Sam. .x.xiii. 1. ' The same reading oecm-s iu 1 Sam. xv. 12 ; 'J. Sam. xv. 22. ' The same reading occurs iu 1 Sam. xv. 4. ' The spelling of this place-name with L" or D (cnmp. D03?p Ezra ii. 27) ciccurs also iu the lolluwing passages : 1 Sum. xiii. 11, 23, siv. 5, J.1*^ C'CSp ; xiii. 16, J^Ui*:' L"'f9P? ; xiv. 31, JlUi*^ L"'f?'3P . 50 MS. Printed Test. 1 Sam >. siii, . 11 ^lib j^.^ - T 1 - T 1- ff 13 ^li^i^L, ^mdS^:?? "in^S^p >> 14 ^Lil ■^^'^ >> 21 l_^ilj. JkJh jmnn iTjn xiv. 3 j^lisrl ninp^x nnp-^t< )) 4 LL:i,j^x^\it> n^^nj^an ninny^n ) J 15 n^^Uj n^nton n^nto^ XV. 6 U^^l : - 1 (Pointed "^fpX) J» 8 j»Ulji, Jr^j T T T : )) 18 JU --ti? xvi. 3 UrL-^Ul u^,^ T\\^VT\'-^v^ nx* nt^ynnti'ws* hn* )> 5 i-lAJiiJJ) ^trnpnn (Pointed lEJ'npnn ) ici'-tpnn ft 21 ^ 3y^[j\j ■i^y',1 (Pointed *l^ri) •^J2T\ svii. , 5 uV^ r^'n jincrri >> 136 5 t,Ul^ T T ; • - n-^nSsa M 18 ^ --ib'S ^trS >) 28 D^trixn-Dy D^Er:)N*n-SwS' If 48 I 1 HD^iyton n^nvan ft 52 J--^>^.^J I- (Pointed ISnn'l) is-n^^ 1 1 >» -^^- ^<'^ x^a II >» 'i^-^. iSan (Pointed ^^3') ) ^Ss^i tt V «JJU ^SSn (Pointed '^^H) hhn 5X. 41 ;-^-^.S ipE'n (Pointed IpC^'l ) ^p^'l sxi. 10 -npn (Pointed "Hpn ) "'^I'^j^i ) t J J bv V T '^^^ ' In V. 14 the manuscript test reads like the printed text lsiiJ-*-« 103^0)2 2 Metheg is, however, expressed in 1 Sam. siv. 21, sxviii. 1, where the manuscript test reads U^Ul n^Hfi^a. Oomp. also WUU runtDH Judg. xxi. 8, 12 ; 1 Sam xvii. 17, xxvi, 6. ^ The line of Makkef is due to the original scribe. * The same reading occurs in 1 Sara. xvii. 8. • * The translation, t-jjs^\ Jl, agrees with this reading. " The translation, ^^\ «_,, agrees with this reading. '' The same reading occurs in 2 Sara. ii. 16. 8 In Josh. xiii. 22, however, the MS, reads ^l^-U,*. DnvPn. 51 mis. Printed Text. 1 Sam. xxi. 15 i^r^.^ ix'^rin ix^nn )> xsii. 6 J^U V T ^^^^ j» j> 12 l3 ^Li. ^^r^^^? (Pointed N™^'") ^}'VP^ ft >> 18 ^^:z^-3 N*in"W3*i_ k)n v^p) >> sxiii. 12 ^. "^'3 yp_ u j» 17 -^v. 1^_ -T )> xxiv. 5a >1 "^^V* (Pointed "1^55 ) '^^^ }t >> 5b c_il:^ "'^l?-^ -^2 M >) 11 'U^lys)! ^:nnS (Pointed "j^^nS ) y^rh )) XXV, 17 JW ^^V) -hv^ }y ft 20 J^ -^v (Pointed '^V ) -Sy ti I) J» (^^"3 m^r\) m^n) )f >» 22 ^ ij-Jb j>£ y^n-iv npinn -lix-ny f> )> 23 Wanting = ^npri^_ ft J> 29 b>l_, nn^ni nn^ni )) ff 42 J^ -^v -Sv M J> 43 r^ 1- -D-l >> xxvi. 1 1 J- -Sy (Pointed 7^ ) '^^ n »j 5 JU-^-V S:ypn S^V^l )i jj 19 ( *• 'W\ (Pointed -y^K^';.) '^^^l >> xxyii. 3 n^StonDH n^S^n^n !l j» 6 :iSp^ (Pointed ^'^pV ) :Spv ft >> 8 ,^S 1- (Pointed ^m^']) ib^s^l If xxviii. 2 ji^\ -ydii *» »» 3 i^-^h nsD^i insD^} M >i i» c_)y^U T T >) ») »> *-J^jJlS) D^:iirn^n D^jyn^n )l >> 10 cUIAjj I- T • - (Pointed y;iri) - ST ■ - ' Comp. this form with \i^jj ^?'|l")'? 1 Sam. xsv. 29. = The translation, -Uall Jl, agrees with this reading. 3 Also in the translation, f. 1794 : ^^Hl ^_JU cyjii^j Ik^-j (JU J,b |.ljj ii-k5-, jU=ll ^ ^ i^jSsf\j Jli,!j JjVi-,! clsJUj . * Comp. also ilS-* ^^'PV^ (tint pointed without Metheg) 2 Sam. iv. 10. 1 Sam. xxviii. 2 Sam. ii. Ill, iv. T. Xll. sill. 15 17 196 22 13 16 23 23 5 12 j> 13 iL.-:j J.-J 11 "-J>-J_jr, 11 12 13 18 20 4 6 8 9 15 25 29 bL^l;^_5 MS. (Pointed nin^"i) (PomtedQ1tr:i3^1) (Pomted ^pn^l ) (Pointed nay^i ) (Pointed nnSti'^'l) (Pointed onnvn ) (Pointed I'ii^'p'']) (Pointed D'tl'^'^fi) (Pointed n"ina^1) (Pointed ^n-lDCn.) (Pointed CN* ) (Pointed nc'yn > (Pointed yr\yyi'\ > (Pointed ^Ci'V'l) Priuted Test. i- : ipmn_ I J" : ' The translation, u-Clc ,^, a^roos with this rtailiug-. - The tvaiishation, ill j-j*^j ^jjl O'j'j^ ^--j iU'i l1(,,Vj, agrees with this readiuj;. ' The Commentary, in (|Uotiug the text, reads VlJCo H-'Dm f. 21Sft. * The ti'.anslation, ^Jii, .agrees with this reading. 5 The accents in the manuscript text are i,\^ J,i=^ Tl.- n't1« ,, XV. 4 ^cK „ 5 c_^iu „ 24 *«;Jjb „ 28 JU ,, xvi. 7 JJUj 1!im (Pointed "liiSn^l) ^S:3Nnn (Pointed 'bi^^n^^ ) n^ni T T i; -nnpa (Pointed n^jps) 'lS':'pn (Pointed ^^'^p) Printed Text. v: IT T T ; T tI: !• Critical Annotations. Josh. iv. 2, f. 2)b. *-Jwii C?^ is written on an erasure. What the original reading was it is now hard to say. The initial letter appears to have been czj M, and the final letter \ . Josh. iv. 10, f. 6a. The original reading was J^ji\ \^^^ J^^ ^p^_ I^IV"^^^ 7b5, but ^\i^J\, of which the diacritical points of Dal and Nun and a portion of Ya have remained, has been corrected to \^y* "^^^ . Josh. iv. 18, f. 8(2. The latter part of ^^^ ^^7.*! is written on an erasure. The top of Lam seems to have been subsequently added. Josh, vii, 1, f. 11a. The scribe has written by mistake uJ\^jisyS_j for cJl^srvj^ ^'l?''^'!''!.^ . Josh. vii. 4, f. 12a. UU-1 "^P^^ is an error of the scribe for Uli H^K'. The word is pointed HS^ . Josh. vii. 7, f. 126. The scribe had originally written b^Lcla ^'l?!^'^ after b^L*-J!) ^I^HP > but the last two letters are crossed out, and jl-i:U is corrected io j^^\i> ^''^^f- Josh. xiii. 6, f. 15a. aj '"^V is written on an erasure. The original reading was apparently Judo-, xi. 5, f. 273. In JUL; "^V- ^ the diacritical point is misplaced; it ought to be over the first letter. Judg. xix. 17, f. 373. 'Ju\ '^^ is written in smaller letters in the space above the line, the scribe having originally omitted it. • The passages where Dnp is constructed with "^N are registered by the Massorah ; see Ginsburg's Massorah, vol. ii. p. 278a, letter :,§ 186. . . 2 The accents in the manuscript text are JA ^ y\>, B'''N-73 Nhj, while the printed text accentuates B'>X-"?3 Nbj 54 Judg. six. 24, f. 405. ^^[i ^i^V^ . The proper reading is ^^c^ ^^V.^ . Judg. xix. 25, f. 40a. U.s^.-'.lj \''in7C'''1 . There is an erasure above and below Shin. Judg. xxi. 9, f. 43a. JlA ^^i^ after ^i,^ H^rTl is a mistake for ^\ y^. 1 Sam. ii. 11, f. 50a. \j in UUl,la> i^^^^'^'? is written in the space above the line, the scribe having originally omitted it. 1 Sam. vii. 9, f. 525. L_>illi^ ^^I^ . There is an erasure between the first and second letters. The scribe had by mistake repeated 11; "^y^. 1 Sam. ix. 18, f. 555. ^^ij '^I'U^^ is written on an erasure. The scribe had originally written y:ll.J^ "lytJ'n immediately after Jj.^_j-*-i 7i^^^^'. 1 Sam. ix. 20, f. 56a. t^J^L" is a mistake for ^^ ^^^ . 1 Sam. X. 6, f. 60a. L^^i^^ is a mistake for li:^-:^^ J^'^^^P,. 1 Sam. xi. 7, f. 685, ^c^\ ^'^^^ 'l.n^?. The original reading was ^Ul T^. The last two letters have been erased. 1 Sam. xi. 7, f. G85. LiU-j is a mistake for Ll^-j ^^T . 1 Sam. xii. 10, f. 735, 'r^^j 'I'lpX*^ is written in the space above the line, the scribe having originally omitted it. 1 Sam. xii. 14, f. 74a, f»^^*j ^P-'?} • Metheg is not expressed. It is also left unexpressed in ^li-^. On^'Hl 1 Sam. xvii. 9 ; ^^ J^VHS i Sam. xvi. 16; ^.-^ IJnVn!! i Sam. xxv. 15; wjs, ^''i^^ 2 Sam. xiii. 28 ; but it is expressed in i.:ij...f.t nVnS i Sam. xvi. 23. 1 Sam. xii. 15, f. 74a. After t_?l3jjl ^ ^ ''^"'^ ''r'"^^ the scribe had by mistake repeated the second half of v. 14, but f»ll^. ^D!''7). is corrected to bjl&j '^P!'v?"'. , and the words Ai\ *^ ^[^c ^^JU jiL] JU ^ij Cp^Su -^hj^ ntTNl "llSm -D:1 ariN-D3 are crossed out. Of the remaining words ^U^^jll ^\3^J\J^\ ^^'D^ '^"l^^* "IDX'^UI T^^ and part of ^\^^\ ^P't^^ are erased and >xi "^!, [♦U-V ^??, and ^li^jyljj ^^T^^^^'' substituted. In the translation of T. 155 *^_U ^ Lsi^j'^ U^ XJ aJJl ^V^ twice. The first Aprils is crossed out by the rubricator. 1 Sam. XV. 2, f. 104^, ^l-i ^^ is a mistake for *l:. D^. 1 Sam. XV. 9, f. 107a. The manuscript text reads after Q'^an ^^.^ j^^ jNifn^Sy"! , but ^J^i!) is marked by a later hand as a word to be deleted and replaced in the margin by c-jJsJS J^ ^1t3n~75 . The translation,^^! J^ ^j , agrees with the corrected reading. 1 Sam. XV. 11, f. 108^1. The scribe has by mistake written J^}jaJl\ ^jj -^'l^^? *^D*!! twice. The second Jjj\y^ ysxj_^ is marked by the rubricator as words to be deleted. 1 Sam. XV. 20, f. 1106. The scribe has repeated by mistake i_?ljjjl JU^Li .^1 fJ^'^ ^hS 'pi^ '^r\hp-^m XTl"^ ^)!^], but the words are crossed out. 1 Sam. XV. 34, f. 115a. 0->U-^ ^P^r* is written on an erasure. From the traces of the erased letters it is evident that the scribe had originally written e : UU\^U '^0^')'7 (with the mark of the versicular division after it), which he afterwards corrected to J. Li i,^U-»- 1 Sam. xvi. 7, f. 118a. <-r'LJJ ^^7? is written on an erasure. The scribe had originally written j»j.L^^ ^'TV? . The words 4_;LJJ \]^^ uS^j^^} ^?/b ^^y. 'P^). are repeated by mistake, but they are crossed out. 1 Sam. xvi. 20, f. 122a. The first two words o^^. -^'.^ ^^- '^i^*- ^^^ ^ correction from J.Ll j-^L^j ''^^^ '^/P'*l, the scribe having originally confounded the beginning of the verse with that of V. 19. 1 Sam. xvii. 10, f. 12oa. (jij\ ^''^ is written between the lines, the scribe having originally omitted it. 1 Sam. xvii. 12, f. 1253. l_j!j ^71 is a mistake for _^^ 'l^'j . 1 Sam. xvii, 25, f. 1293. (♦bj];i> ^O^^'^'!^- Id ch. x. 24, f. Gib, Dagesh forte is not marked by Tashdtd. 1 Sam. xvii. 45, f. 1343. («i,,-:,^lj_j J^^^D^?'' is written in the space above the line, the scribe having originally omitted it. 1 Sam. xxi. 2, f, 1443. The scribe had originally written iu^ I^^^ , but the final letter is corrected to Alif. The same correction occurs in ch. xxii. 9, f. 1543. 1 Sam. xxii. 18, f. 1573. The scribe has by mistake repeated ci^lj^ ^^. ^^H ^''^l'^? after ytiUs N^nn^ but the words are crossed out. 1 Sam. xxii. 20, f. 158a. The MS, reads ^ "j? like the printed text. 1 Sam. xxiii. 10, f. 162a. In this verse the vowel-points and accents are added in black ink. 1 Sam. xxiii. 15, f. 1633. The original reading was J^Uj^ij ^'l^^ ^f)., but J^l^ has been corrected to J^j^^ "^^^ 56 1 Sam. xxiii. 18, f. 1643. The defective spelling ti^b ^Vl for jo^b is to be noticed. 1 Sam. xxiv. 9, f. 170«. L ! ^^Vl^ is written in the space above the line, apparently by a later hand. The vowel-points and the accent are in black ink. 1 Sam. XXV. 14, f. 177a. _^U j.-*a»^ ^^I't'l'^ is written in smaller letters between the lines, the scribe having originally omitted it. 1 Sam. XXV. 23, f. 1795. The original reading was JLU cU^ ''t'?"^^ ( JV^ also in the translation), but Jbli is corrected to jjj\j) ^Vl both in text and translation. 1 Sam. XXV. 42, f. 184a. al^J ^/^l?. There is an erasure below the last letter. It looks as if the original reading had been_jLi^ ** t'?"!?- 1 Sam. xxvi. 2, f. 185a. The words ^j^s^ Jl ^T'^?']P"^^ are in part written on an erasure. It seems that the scribe had originally written ^UJ^l , but it is difficult to say what the scribe wrote in place of ( cjj . The original final letter was the disconnected form of Fd ( j . 1 Sam. xxvi. 13, f. 18SI). Part of (•1^-.--j ^C'"'"'*^ is written on an erasure, but what the original reading was it is now hard to say. 1 Sam. xxviii. 4, f. 196a. i):[\;^, ^N*1£J'^ jg written on an erasure. From the traces of the erased letters, and according to the translation, ^^\ J^ J_jli) t-y*~s^, the original reading was 1 Sam. xxviii. 9, f. 198a. l-iU H^Xn is written on an erasure. The traces of the erased word show that the scribe had originally written jLJ 1/^^ after _~ '^■3 by the rubricator. 2 Sam. iv. 7, f. 222a. ^^^^ ^\ ^^% i^TNTHN ^n|p*1 is added in the margin, apparently by the hand of the original scribe. In the translation, ^atlI^, the Arabic equivalent of ^HD*^ fg crossed out and iti'NVnJ^ not rendered. 2 Sam. V. 23, f. 2275. JlJl.^ is a mistake for Jllj_^ W^'.] . 2 Sam. V. 24, f. 228a. The scribe has written ^\j ":}>) f^v ^^^ ^H^l , but AH/ has been crossed out by the rubricator. 2 Sam. vi. 2, f. 2295. The words y\ j\^\ >^^ ^^"« are written in smaller letters in the space above the line, the scribe having originally omitted them. 2 Sam. viii. 5, f. 233a. ^\j\ D>X is by mistake repeated, but crossed out by the rubricator. 57 2 Sam. xii. 3, f. 2445. The MS. reads i^\L!lJ ^^K'n for t_jlLlj 53^n . 2 Sam. xii. 5, f. 245a. j_^b ^''5!^!3. There is an erasure below the last two letters. In the same verse the MS. text reads ^IJU Jl jjjb^^j 1^^^''^ ""H "'^^*5; but jojb ^H is crossed out. 2 Sam. xiii. 5, f. 2495. \sxi\ Y"?^ is written on an erasure. In the translation, L^y_\ is written in smaller letters between the lines. 2 Sam. xiii. 18, f. 253a. The scribe was originally going to write v. 19 after v. 17, omitting V. 18; but on discovering his mistake, when he had proceeded as far as U\.U "^Vlj^ , he crossed out what he had written as far as *--Llit. CDSin , erased^li! ^^^ and Icl^U "^^Ip , and wrote V. 18. 2 Sam. xiii. 285, f. 257a. ^^ ■? is written in smaller letters between the lines, the scribe having originally omitted it. 2 Sam. xiv. 12, f. 2635. The words Jl Ur U^- U^^" "^i^ '^^'^pP ^^'^^1^ are written in part on an erasure. It is evident from the traces of the erased letters that the scribe had originally written the beginning of v. 13. 2 Sam. xiv. 25, f. 2685. JUj ^) . The scribe has by mistake dotted the 'Ain. 2 Sam. xiv. 30, f. 270a. The MS. reads 1^^ ^^) for ^^ V^) , but Ali/ is crossed out. 2 Sam. XV. 28, f. 281a. ^u^^JU i^pi^P^P . The last two letters are written on an erasure. The original final letter was Alif. 2 Sam. XV. 36, f. 2835. The words ^Lil ^Ub J^ ^h\ |*tJLj ^hJ^ 'b^ Dl'3 D^h'?^ I^ii "^yrh^ and part of yrUiJ ^V^^P) are written on an erasure. y^UiJ' '^VW!^ is followed by the words j^^Sjb jIjLjIJj Jj'J^ ,^-7^ D''3ri3n IH^inXp^l pH^/ T'iin , which are, however, crossed out. The scribe had originally transcribed v. 355 after ^IjUi^ ^^^^'^^^ ^^^ subjoined the corresponding translation, with the variants ijSLiWJiti ^^ ^^/i-oJ L_»lk>. i^\ for (__jlksM J^ ulXLkil Lii-s^^J ^^ «_,♦—; tJJJl, but the translation is crossed out and the Arabic rendering of the corrected text is given instead. The rule according to which the vowels Pathach and Seffol are expressed by Aii/he^ove H and n, if the next syllable is accented, is exemplified by the following words : yb\jb i^^T]'r\ Josh. iv. 14 ; ^U ^<'^^^^ Josh. vi. 26, Judg. xi. 21, 26 ; ^i))^'i ^"iJ^b Josh. iv. 19 ; ^^^\j ^'^}]^ Josh. vii. 1 ; ^^^U Dinn Josh. vii. 1, 11; Dl.nn 1 Sam. xv. 21; ^^=^U pHH Judg. xix. 25; ^HH 2 Sam. xiii. 18 ; U^^U nxinn i Sam. ix. 26 ; H^^^Hn 2 Sam. xiii. 17 ; ^^\^ W'7? 1 Sam. ii. 9 ; JjUU '^)nn 1 Sam. x. 26 ; JjU^ 7nn"l 1 Sam. xvii. 20 ; ijJu^\jb fSnn i Sam. xv. 22; iJ-jW_, ^^^_j^U tJ'^Hn 2 Sam. ii. 23 ; ^^f '^ 2 Sam. i^^. 6. For 5'e^o^ compare bljlr^U -^^IDI Josh. iii. 17 ; Ji^^ ^V^ Judg. xxi. 10; c_^^UU, ^iHri 2 Sara. xi. 25 ; l^JUU HinPirt 2 Sam. xiii. 10. Short C/nrek is expressed before t<, H, and y in l:i-sUj ^^jLJ ^^^P f*!^? 2 Sam. xii. 14; .1^ Dm 1 Sam. XV. 35; Dm 2 Sam. siii. 39; j^^ '^P™ 1 Sam. xv. 11; ybjt-Jj ^nnyn^l l Sam. xvi. 14 ; Jyu.;^ '^"^V?^ 2 Sam. iv. 11. Specimen of the text, 1 Sam. xv. 24-31, f. 113 : *Ul£, ^ J:^j\j J, \^\j\id lLj\^ l£^^^^ cLCjI ^j^y ^ J>^'^ Jr'.^r^-i' J^ di^-^ j^^..) JU i^^-A.^ ^U^jil Is-'l^j ^U^J\ ;IjJ ul;^ l:-.-U j_j^ ^Uj: t_->y.l l_jl J^jL:. Jl Jj^^ j^y^ c1^lib_j ^jLjt'* I a.^'^:" (J^j^^3 ^•^-^^'^ iSi}^*^ '-r'y^^ f. l^U^ t__J^A U*'J iljliJj *^Ia> lr^)!U->^ Ji}j^ uUji:^-'^ cU^ ^/^jJi\ ^j\j Jj\^^ ^1)\ yy^ ^U^JH ^^\:JL:b^ ^^*x. t-Jj^j uV.|r^ J.il3_j j_g'*.£' ^_yjj j^U U i^A-^ l:^ l5^^^ v'^i:!; II. Paper, of the same size as No. I., consisting of 3 leaves (ff. 288-290). There is a hole near the middle of each leaf. These leaves have suffered at the hands of the binder, his attempt to mend the email holes having rendered the writing indistinct or wholly illegible in many places, especially on f. 288, where scarcely a line has escaped injury. Two leaves are missing after f. 289. There are 11 lines in a page. This fragment is written in a fine large Naskhi, with the diacritical points, of the tenth century, by the same hand as MS. Orient. 2548 II. It contains — Judges, ch. xx. 18 (beginning ^^^ ^^^*1) -35 (ending h] ^/^) ; xxi. 5 (beginning tiju^ T\)J2) -14 (ending iji~^\ ^^\) : The Hebrew text written in the Arabic character and provided with the Hebrew vowel-points and accents in red ink . The text is divided into the following HIDinDI niHinS HVEi'^S or open and closed sections : Ch. XX. 20 S Ch. sx. 35 D „ 24 D „ 5xi. 13 D „ „ 30 D 59 The only open section occurring in this fragment, ch. xx. 20, commences a fresh line, f. 28Sa, 1. 3. The closed sections either run on in the same line, after some vacant space, as in ch. XX. 24, f. 2886, 1. 1, and ch. xs. 30, f, 289a, 1. 5; or, in case of that line being wholly filled up, commence near the middle of the next line, as in ch. xx. 35, f. 2Sdb, 1. 9, and ch. xxi. 13, f. 2905, 1. 8. The beginning of a 11D is marked, in agreement with the Massorah (see Ginsburg's Massorah, vol. ii. p. 3315, letter D,§ 81), at ch. xx. 27, in the margin of f, 2886, by ^jw, surmounted by a red line. The end of a verse is marked by : followed by a flower-like ornament filled up with gold. In ch. XX. 23, f. 288a, last line, the second half of the verse is separated from the first half by a small quadrangular ornament filled up with gold and red paint. This division seems to indicate a p'lDS y^JDX^ NpD3 or divisional break in the middle of the verse, which is, however, not registered by the Massorah (see Ginsburg's Massorah, vol. ii. pp. 449-450, letter fi, §§ 185-188). The vacant space at the end of a line is filled up with a dash, comp. f. 2896, 1. 6, and f. 2906, 1. 10. The vacant spaces caused by the open and closed sections are filled up with the same flower- like ornament filled up with gold that follows the mark of the versicular division. The Hebrew Text. The tetragrammaton nilT' is represented throughout by ^\)^A , pointed ^^"I^^ , and '^J'^"'^ tiy ^Uib , pointed 'p^^ , e.g. ch. xxi. 7, f. 290a, 1. 4. In ch. XX. 26, 31, the manuscript text reads JA i.±~>j ^t^^'H^ln. Dagesh in 7 and p is expressed in ^lr=-lj; ^l^D'l ch. xx. 31, and ^^^^ ^HIDIpW"! ch. xx. 32. The following variations from the printed text occur in the MS. : MS. Printed Text. Ch. XX. 19 y.^\.\, ^^n\^ W\ „ „ 206 '^.M, i^VM hT\ „ „ 28 ^,y.\j. pnri3 n^rii 13 ^' The following variations in the vowels and accents have been noticed -.—j^ f^^ ch. xx. 23 for ")pb; c^yl-lj niSoaa ch. xx. 31 for H^SoD^ ; y^^Jij^ iniJpn:*) ch. xx. 32 for inijpn:^ ; ^\^. - ^l "F^^'^^ ch. xx. 35 for ja^JmS ; ^ 'b ch. xxi. 8 for '?). 1 l'?y<1 in the besinning of the verse is transliterated ^\>j )Wl , without Methcg, as ia the printed text. 60 Consonants. Of the letters nS^Tii 3 is represented by 2. or i, comp. UU-^ •^C'V?^' ch. XX. 31; Uj^ i^y^flHch. XX. 25; UJi TOsS ch. xx. 34; uJ^kj ^^W ch. xx. 35; and j^}\P CSili ch. XX. 32 ; the rest are transliterated as usual. Both D and jj' are represented by (J^, but this mark is often omitted. In e-,--jlJj ^''^i? ch. xx. 29, and LtJj\J^£- ^'l^V. ch. xx. 34, D and j^ are marked by a point over the third apex as in B^ . Vowels. The following forms are noteworthy: LsjW "^V"!^ ch. xx. 21, i^^^l^ ch. xx. 25 ; y^W ^*lp!i< ch. XX. 32 ; ilL^. HNXD^ ch. xx. 35, where the expression of silent H is also to be noticed; Ul\\\ ^f^ ch. xx. 21, 25, 35, xxi. 10; ^.L^^Wj^ ^V"^^^ ch. xx. 23, 28 {Methep is here omitted); ybU N^HH ch. xx. 21; ^y,Us ^^'Hri ch. xxi. 14; ^UU nHX and cljUU, rinN") ch. XX. 31 ; Jl^U ^^^{ ch. xxi. 6, ^^^{ ch. xxi. 8 ; and JjUU TDr' ch. xxi. 10. Sere is not expressed in fj[^^ ^^^^l ch. xxi. 6, and in Jl^->^ ^^"^^l^l ch. xx. 31, but the usual spelling is JjLu^_, e.ff. ch. xx. 33. N? is transliterated ^, e.y. ch. xx. 34, f. 289Zi, 1. 8. Vowel-points, Accents, and Diacritical Signs. Simple Seffol is used for Chatef-Segbl in *-Jt^].U QTlT'Xn ch. xx. 27. C hate/- Pat hack is omitted in ^Uil ^^^, e.g. ch. xxi. 11. Slieva is omitted in ^.j^3 ^^TTl ch. xx. 21, and frequently in Jj,L-o ^^"^^^ e.^. ch. xx. 31. Metheg is frequently omitted. It is written in ^ "')^ ch. xx. 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31 ; ^ ")^^. ch. xx. 23; ^L^jlU fl'P'l^<^ ch. XX. 23 ; Jj.\ ci^ ^^'^'r^ cb. xx. 26, 31 ; ^-Jt^lU D*nSN*ri ch. XX. 27; clj^\j_ rii'?pi:| ch. xx. 2>l; ^yk>i P^3)t)ra ch. XX. 32; cl^^U niT'pX:n ch. xx. 32; ^^Aa^ '^l^.^p'^ (with omission of Makkef^ ch. xx. 33; ^/ "*^ ch. xx. 34 ; ^ Dn^nil!l)-33 ; 35-xi. 8 ; 26-xii. 19 (ending l^:J^.^^j ^^lyi^) ; xiii. 17-31 ; 1 Chronicles i. 1-12 (ending ^.^i D^DTP) ; 35-48 (ending ^L^ Wnri) ; xi. 13-25; 32-47; XV. 27-xvi. 18; xviii. 1-xix. 5; xxi. 28-xxii. 10; xxvii. 21 (beginning _j4;^.^j ^ ^nn3T-|3)- 24; xxviii. 11-15 (ending [c^]b>^j ^HT); 2 Chronicles xv. 9 (beginning ^^J:L^ ^'.1^^^ hxYi. 6. Owing to the damaged state of the leaves, many verses are imperfectly preserved. Each biblical verse is followed by the Arabic translation and the respective portion of the Commentary. Frequently two or more verses are grouped together, the Arabic translation intervening. Such is the case with Dan. i. 3-4; ii. 20-30; Ez. v. 6-7; vi. 6-7 ; 9-10 ; 11-12 16-17; vii. 18-20; 21-22; 27-28; viii. 19-20; 21-22; 26-27; 28-29; 33-34; ix. 1-2; 4-5 10-11; X. 26-44 (with a lacune extending from v. 34 to v. 37) ; Neh. i. 8-9 ; ii. 7-8; ix. 4-5 10-11; 13-14; 19-21; 32-33; x.2-9; 10-14; 15-28; xi.7-8; 26-36; xii.1-7; 8-9; 10-11 12-19; xiii. 17-18; 20-21; 23-24; 1 Chron. i. 1-4; 5-7; S-12 ; 35-37; 38-42; 43-48 xi. 13-25; xi. 32-39; 40-42; 43-47; xv. 27-xvi. 3; 4-7; 8-14; 15-18; xviii. 1-8; 9-13 n 62 14-17 ; xix. 1-5 ; xxi. 28-xxii. 1 ; 2-4 ; 5-10 ; xxvii. 21-22 ; 23-24 ; xxviii. 11-15 ; 2 Chron. xv. 10-15; 16-19; xvi. 1-6. The beo-inning of the D'''T1D is marked in the margin, in agreement with the Massorah (see Ginsburg's Massorah, vol. ii. p. 333^, letter D, §§ 94-95), by the word ^^ IID surmounted by a pen-and-ink design, at Ez. vi. 18, f. 125 ; Neh. x. 1, f. Q5b ; and 2 Chron. xv. 15, f. 1243. Chronicles begins on the verso of a new leaf, f. 87, with the following doxology : ^_^iuj -.yi li-jU i3i uj-^- ^ = ^^^ ^3 r"^^ ^i^ c^i ^^ r^ ^^^ r^ tJ^- i-e. n^^n nn^« pir?: r\T\' i D^n\:i mh d^dS^v '^^'^ih D^p ^n oSiy ^nSx n^ -jnun^ (Comp. Psalm xc. 12; Ecclesiastes i. 4.) .)yi xn 'TlTl "jSn nil mV D^H D"lt2^ n^S Nehemiah is concluded by the following formula, f. 86i^ : — * : u^-^^} cr?-'^ c^y^ ^^i-^^ VJ^- The hymn 1 Chron. xvi. 8-18 (the rest is not preserved), ff. 102 and 1045, is arranged in the form of poetry, the two halves of each verse being divided by a small blank space. A small vacant space is also interposed between the first and second halves of Neh. xi. 4, f. 765. This indicates a p1D3 y^)t3Nl NpD3 or divisional break in the middle of the verse, which is registered by the Massorah (see Ginsburg's Massorah, vol. ii. p. 449, letter fi, ^ 186). The vacant space at the end of a line is filled up with a dash in f. 1175, last line, in the text of 1 Chron. xxii, 5. The end of a verse is usually marked by e : , less frequently by : . In a few verses the end is left unmarked. The Hebrew text, which is distinguished throughout by its being written in a larger character, follows the Ken, viz. Ez. vi. 17, Tlk^! HNDnS ; vii. 25, ^^b P'^; vii. 26, ^.jJ^ 'P^^^ ; X. 3.5, yb^^n^^3; X.37, ol-^Lj W,-? ; x- 43, ^\^_, ^T; x. 44, XJ6 ^^ ; xiii. 23, •c^y^A.i^ r\Vn"n:r{< and ^y^^ rii*^Dj; ; i Chron. i. 46, <±^__^ H^W ; xi. 44, J,:U.^ Wt). ; xxii. 7, ^ ^^3. ^h}^r\\ is transliterated ^J\J:.,^^ ^b^^'^\ , e.g. Neh. i. 2. The Kethlb has been retained in ^.1 Jj ^.^Pl Ez. vi. 16, IS ; vii. 13, 24 ; and in \^^ ^] 1 Chron. xi. 20, ' Pointed HT'l'nt^'^ . There is an erasure above Bal and I'a. It appears that the scribe had originally written the , 1 of the Ketliih nin'np'N. 63 but here Ali/ha.B been crossed out by the rubricator, to bring the text into conformity with the Kerl n"l, with which the translation, ^j, agrees.' Redundant letters are omitted, viz. M in c^l ^^^ (j^^^^) Dan. ii. 29; ui^jL ^^i<\ (nriiX"!) Ez. vii. 25; 1 in iiLll^ ^7\^}^^) i^^W^]) Bz. viii. 25; i^U. l^j^ "tDC^H ( '1?0''"^11 ) Neh.ix. 17 ; JU "'^^^'p c'^I^^^S 1 Chron. xviii. 10 ; ^ in ^^^j '^^VV^, (T^^'VI ) Dan. ii. 29 ; ^U i^t CT'?^) and A^\ "^n^ (^HN ) Ez. vii. 18 ; and ^o^S D^^S (D^H^) 1 Chron. i. 11. On the other hand, a redundant ^< is added in \^\j '^''^P^? 1 Chron. xi. 13, where the printed text reads '^^^^l The tetragrammaton niH'' is represented throughout the whole MS. by i_/ljj j^ ''T^^> and nin^S bv ^-l3.i^ ^^InS, e.^. Ez. vl. 21, vlii. 28. The following is a list" of the variations from the textus receptus, as edited by Baer and Delitzsch : MS. " IP Ez. iv. 23 Printed Text. -nip it],: V. 3 >> 4 >f G vi. 6 I> 8 Jl >> >l 17 tl 20 J^ >> vii. 15 J > 16 jf 18 • 1 20 uT* pnVn (Pointed l^H) Nin^np (Pointed N^n^nfi) •)"inDn (Pointed i"inDn) j^m^na (Pointed r^n^inp) innyn (Pointed innvri) 1^ >» JT I- ^3> 1 Tbe same reading \^, n"?! occurs in 1 Chron. xi. 24, where the printed text reads V], but here Alif is crossed out by the scribe. The translation, *),, agrees with the corrected reading. 2 In this list the pointed reading, where it differs from the unpointed one, is given in parenthesis. 3 f.M -Dnp, without Metheg, as in fj,it. "Dinn 1 Chron. xviu. 10. 4 The same pointing mth Seffol occurs in |.ll,^ D'?t^^'n■'l Ez. iv. 24, v. 2, and in f,li,^, D^r-1"'*?'! E.z. v. 1. * The same reading occurs in Ez. vi. 6. « The same reading occurs in Ez. viii. 29, 30 ; ix. 1 ; Neh. viii. 1 1, 13 ; x. 39 ; xi. 3 ; xii. 1 ; xiii. 29 ; 1 Chron. xxviii. 13. 64 Ez. Neh. MS. Printed Text. vii. 21 ■V> t^n^-^^ T - T : • 1 viii. 20 D^Sn 1" >) 27 D^ij-nxS Q^33msS >> 31 ~X] in <- : J J 33 Jl> "^! J- ix. 2 ^J^ mynni innynni i. 2 ^1^1 "^^'^ (Pointed "^^^f) '^^^ >> 3 *j^liJU 1- Dns^:ri -a (Pointed "j^) -I» 4 S^snp^ bSsnai viii. 9 17 IT (Pointed D^HIi) T ix. 3 ^V^^ 1^^-lp^l li^np^} >> >> 1.. A D^innK'pi (Pointed Q'lnntrj:'!) D^nnt^'^i >> 6 37 ^.^l:^ J^ i- : (Pointed D^inn^J'D) s. 10 tr^j V^^''."i. vw^_ >) 29 D^^sran DnntJ'an >> 32 1 "^-^ D^N^nDn (Pointed D^N^nari) D^x^aan >i 37 ^*J,i^^ft> D^n^icran 1- >» 38 ^r-.;^ D^SS Q^SS ») 40 "r^jji^^i anntr^sni DniETtoni xi. 2 i-o^yui^Jb D^m:inm (Pointed D^minan ) a^m^n^n it 30 1 i^nn i^^'l >j 31 L,V3^^^ ^^'^'^^ Sxn^pi xii. 8 J^ I- '-bv xiii. 22 A-iJiiUa/* onntop (Pointed OnnDfi) QnnDD ' The raarldng of Pathach by Alifva an unaccented syllable is to be noticed. 2 The same reading occurs in Neb. is. 4, 6 ; x. 29, 35, 38, 39 ; xi. 36 ; 1 Chron. xt. 27 ; ^ The same reading occurs in 1 Chron. xv. 27. * The same reading occurs in Neh. x. 40. 5 The same reading occurs in Neh. xiii. 22. ^ The same reading occurs in 1 Chron, xv. 27. XTJ. 4. 65 Neh. xiii. 30 1 Chron. i. 36 40 xvi. xviii. xix. xxii. 3 10 3 JJ )> »> 10 17 4 3 9 ,, xxvii. 22 ,, xxviii. 11 2 Chron. xv. 16 „ xvi. 1 4 MS. ibbnnn (Pointed i':'^nnn) nn;]!! (Pointed ""in^3) Dn.DDtDS (Pointed D^^D^S) i? Printed Test. jj U-. "133 I* ^^■S^< nin^ Dti^S T v; T : •• : i? nmSsD -^3 The following readings in the MS. agree with the text of Baer and Delitzsch : — Dan. 3 ^yu a^»n-isn (Pointed D'^msn) ,. ii. 28 CO ^.i-^-< :3-n3D (Pointed ^3 HSp without MaMef.) ' The same reading occurs in 1 Chron. xviii. 7, 8, 9, 10. ^ The translation, ,jiAill^ ^.^'^ ^J'^. agrees with the reading of the printed text. ' The scribe had probably the end of the preceding verse in his mind. The translation, Jjj^l ill «JJ, agrees with the reading of the MS. '' The same reading occurs in ch. xvi. 3, 5, 6. S 66 Ez. V. 3 vi. ]2 viii. 29 »> 31 )) 36 is. 6 X. 39 Neh. is. 4 >> 18 j> 22 X. 32 j» 39 >> ft xi. 2 j> 28 xii. 9 siii. 25 1 Clirou. i. 42 xi. 22 >> 37 >> 43 >> 40 xvi. 5 xviii. 7 r^.^= r^- 2 Cbron. xv. IG "^?v T T ; - : "li? (Pointed -ly) nyw} lin^}. (Pointed ):n')) n^aSc'") (Pointed n'f^hm) Ipyr^l (Pointed ^iV^'] ) IK'!?'} (Pointed itJTl ) DpSnni (Pointed □pSnm_ ) xra ^1|1 -iti'yan (Pointed -\^V^r\) ):i^y)_ (Pointed ^:)-ii^i) :iSpi:n^ (Pointed ^7p^ii ) ^^^ dSS|7>si jiti'n *':'»-lDn (Pointed ^^an^ri) 15 D^inan (Pointed D^^nan ) D^nb"^D3 (Pointed D^nS'i:^:^ ) -Qi^ (Pointed -Di'l) ' The same reading occurs in Ez. v. 6 ; vi. 6, 13. In the last two places the rubricator has omitted Aleihecf. - The agreement is only partial ; Baer reads nyp31_ . 3 Compare the readings ^15^ ibp'i (pointed i'^pV) ^ Sara, xxvii. 6, and c3i-cu j'?pV3 (pointed jbpV^) - Sara. iv. 10 in MS. Orient. 2547 (see p. 51). ■* The Commentary has the follo^^ng remark on jiCH. , f . 90s : jjs J.-\j uj-'^.'^ ^*^ '^} r?^'''''!! u^^J ^*^ ■" j-^VJU ^UJl^ (^f^VK"! jjsj ij.Ajj Uf^-1 y;-ij\ ^-J {^\ J-^l (ijjiji iD)~i'i'y -J J 5 Comp. Neh. x. 39. 67 In Ez. iv. 24, f. 45, Li;llJ.k) Jl7 vtD!2 is a mistake for CjLLj ^lytpS , which is the reading quoted in the Commentary. The MS points ^1 /tOl. i^S *=j1 Ez, vi. 8, f. 9a, has been supplied in smaller letters between the lines, by the rubricator. u^^^, priS^NK^* Ez. vii. 21, f. IQa, is a mistake for ^;illlAj p:3jSx2i'\ The MS. points p:3^'?N^;. The words j^^ t: ^h.^ ^bj Li:^ u^U[^.] '^^^^ ' '^^^ '^l ^l^^^ j^H^^: Ez. x. 28-29, f. 35a, are written in smaller letters between the lines, the scribe having originally omitted them. The scribe has written test and translation of Neb. ix. 14 in the margin of f. ^Sb, having originally omitted them. There is an erasure below ^^ijl ''^^^ Neh. xi. 6, f. 77a. From the traces of the letters erased it is probable that the original reading was lJiv^ "'').'^^''. In 1 Chron. i. 35, f. 89a, JjJ^j ^^^^^ is a mistake for JjI^^j ^^^VT This mistake was caused by the preceding word jUJl TSyX ending in ; T. The aspirate is not marked in initial Dal of ajj^O T*']'^ 1 Chron. xi. 185, f. 915, last line, but the rubricator has placed the mark of Jiafeh over the letter. The same omission occurs in i.jb (for jjAJ) I'n ch. xi. 25, f. 93a, last line; compare also ^J '^. for ^-j H (after ^;'^C?> Ez. vi. 9, f 95, where Dal is also provided with Bd/eh by the rubricator. On the other hand, "I\n i Chron. XV. 295, f. 985, 1. 3, is written by mistake Jj^U I'H ■ For^^ "liSn 1 Chron. xi. 22, f. 925, the scribe had originally written ^j\& ''1^f|^ . The spelling ^Lj^^ 1 Chron. xi. 46, f. 975, is a mistake for ui^j-j ""^^ . .• yj 1J^ 1 Chron. xxviii. 11, f. 122a, is written in smaller letters between the lines, the scribe having originally omitted it. Silent S is expressed in \^ N7 tbroughoat the whole MS. Of the letters HB^lii ills represented by _, e.ff. in ^^ lil^ Neh. viii. 16 ; the rest are transliterated as usual. The rule according to which Paihach is expressed by Alif before H and y, if the next syllable is accented, is exemplified by the following forms: cLjU^U ^riB Ez. v. 3; "3 Ez. v. 6, Neh. X. 15 ; J^ns Ex. vi. 6 ; riH?) Ez. vi. 7 ; ^1113 Ez. x. 30 ; ^^1 ^if / Neh. ix. 1 ; ^^^\j^ D^rni Neh. ix. 17; a-=UU^ ^pnni Neh. ix. 32; ^^j-j^^U '^'"I'nn Neh. xiii. 28; j^t^L—j pnto 1 Chron. XV. 29; ,^^^^\ 7^3 1 Chron. xix. 4 ; ^rU "1^?/ Neh. x. 35. Compare also L-liJ n^nnS Neh. ix. 5 ; UUo. f^W^ Ez. viii. 19, Neh. xi. 7 ; LrU^ HW Ez. x. 31 ; Neh. X. 9, xii. 6; UU^ ^^V^'f^ Neh. xii. 18; and L^^U. n^yi^^ Neh. xii. 6, 7. In ^^\j 68 |''P''n'1 Ez. vi. 6 and l-J^^c '^r!'-^ Neh, xi. 32 the expression of Pathach h j Alif is, contrary to the rule. Short Kibbus is expressed by _, in JWjsjJ v?"^! Ez. v. 2. The vowel ^ere is not expressed in the following forms : Neh. i. 11; M ^^^^ Neh. ix. 22 ; \\^ ^'^^'^ Neh. ix. 32 ; and U-U nN*?^ 1 Chron. xi. 13. Specimen of the text, Neh. x. 35-39 : ^^\ Li^-wJ y^j\ CU-J ^_^l^ *UUj *1)^ (*:ri-fc;^ (»:r-=-^^ uV/ J^^J^ '-^r^b^^"*!^ ^^^ e : 1 .yjj t—^yl^ ji-Jijll (_^l)^J\ rV/* J^jr?-^M ^^ ^^ (*:^'^y^ (*:r^*^ y^^\ C^-rrr' ^^}4 Tt^i-^J i'-.J^. '^jf^- '^i ^jf^. '-r-y^ y-!:''-^.3 r^V ^^^jf^- '-^^5 ^'^' ^>^^ Jl j»-^y3 ^Ij ^l^.^;_, J:.jj^ ^_^^ J^ t^yj r^T^iJi r^i^j^ ^^^^j ^'^} 38. On f. 87a, at the top of the page, there is written the same passage from Isaiah (ch. Ivi. 5) as in MSS. Orient. 2548, f. 166a, and 2554, f. 25a, but it is imperfectly preserved : A little further down the page we find the name of the same owner as in MS. Orient. 2554, f. 25a, Sha'ya ben Salili ben 'Azaryahu : Below this name we read as in MS. Orient. 2554, f. 25a : ii,yi2 ^33 my Sy y: ^iSn ns^ p "hn 'h )^npn A modern Karaite hand has written in the middle of the page CDTI ^"13"1. ' Perhaps AajIj^ i.e. " May God be gracious to him at his end." EXODUS, Chapter VIII. 1-5. Fol. 21b. LL. C«- ^• ^Icli) c_>\ W^>'-'\j |.^£.lc^ ^j^l^-ts j^-r-Xiixsli) jLibj ■"• jj\ r'^^'l"^ > ■_ >>'^'v.■rir-:^'*>r-■^i' fj f i^ ^^'^'f^i^l;^^.;:^^ ^.^.:;-:.%.:-^ I'V'-V -v S^' 1^ ■•-^l' :^;'^ V r**"* ••". ■. .4-' ^'■■^'- .r^-.. Folio 21 a .f ■-',■/'■■ :M-^ if A^i%^'0?;^5:/t.^ •■? ', !i S/ji^\l t' „', *>«# ^1 *A* "^iJ .y-l-K ... Fol. 2ia. EXODUS, Chapter VII. 24-VIII. i, CH. V. L-ij^ j\^\j ^J ^ (-jj^ J[^ j^\jb o^ V II. 25 <> UJyCi ^JJ^\ ^^ O^Jt-.-; ^JU-5^J^LA ^_2^«-.^«-« QjJUb lJ\ LL. W\j^ .L--.^>-ij \i^^^j->-jj WL^jOj Il\:5Lc (^.w-Jj U^buswi ^Ji:^ 29, VIII. I ''^y^ ^i^li^lj lL\[:)L^ J^j] W-^ W^ EXODUS, Chapter VII. 19-24. Fol. 10b. LL. CH, V. *-jIjIj^ ,*-.^Vi:.Ij^ ^\yS^ A,\^ jbL^- <^-^j yy3 (c-^*^ J^^ J^ (^^-^ '— ^^ ^^J Uii-W ^^^ U^civi^j O ^\i^ j^\^ j^\ J^^ ^j=^'[^\jj 2 1 ^^ ^^ '-^ (jlr^^J /♦Ws^^'^ i^\y^>-^ L5"*-%^ U^ ybj jj:^ ^JfSUi^ O ^^jl>3^L;\r^l4J\ cULj 23 ''^ '"^I'C M »:■ ^ ■■'■■iff Qii**-^^ '■ i^i -'*''' 4^^- . . V •.-*■'' ■ '/ y; 1 ' ' '"'■■■■3 fhy^ (kri'V ■• ,. I'' -IJ- ' '< t ■ *^ I « !:./■•.''*• ,■■,-• • ^-.jg)" ^ I- • ^ ^- .-(-,*»*^>M^ • "" • % ._. • ^ < ;< \ »• ^ *k ^ -v-v »•■ ^ L ' v'xtSf '- ' • ' ' r^ .—.'-. tt/- '■■•'■•i't'3 '^:^; :^^-"^r ^^-"■-'^ili 'irtirniii 111 . *.T^'}ii^^i ' ' 'Ililiiiiriilii^ihn "^ 'Tf^'^wltm^ -Wr'.'JK^ ,.^ Folio 20 a 'I. ^^ ■'•^A ■A 'j • -,♦ ■n ■&■ n:A..«r ' %'::-iiM^S!^ jSiai;iaia^;c-; ■o^^iiift*' Fol. 2oa. EXODUS, Chapter VII. 16-19. CH. V. LL. VII. 17 ■ ^^ ^:>b L_^jy ^^ jU / o / -^^ l-^UL. ^J o ^^Li> ^yx> ^J^ L^^y^ ^\j^^ j'^^J JJ^ U^^^J 5 EXODUS, Chapter VII. 10-16. FoL 19^. LL. CH. V. ^^j^\^ \^jjL^ L«)^ u^y^^ ^^ c-^j ^..^ j^^j 13 v»4 "''«* #t'»^'^ i?'j *«|^ ♦ « '''■#fm ■. * . ' ^^•r ...'■r •jjr^^S-ii' ■. - ■ £& .-.-C" Polio 19 a ^ I- ^1 FoL 19a. EXODUS, Chapter VIL 5-10. CH. V. LL. V 1 1 . 6 J^^ ^jj^\j L.^ u-^^j ® ^K^ J-^lr-^ LS^ LL. EXODUS, Chapter VI. 30-VII. 5. Fol. 18^. CH. V. O ^j Ji^\ 5U-0 ^^ p>^^ jy oj>^ ^? r^^ ^-^ ^l' ^^ J^ " ^>j ^^ ^- ' ^^ o\^*iX^ y^-^^? ® ^-^^t^:i- ^-.Isla-wJ ^\j-.-o-« 5 ntiiwiuuMffi mv-am/m^jsimmmiim ■liiini— n •• rnini iiiliiMiiii'ilii f m. ^ tv ,. # ^.^v,«^. jTJli L5 ;>^fP),^jR>Wc2y^>5^li^^ 1 /- I 1 ^-^ /■<■ ' 'f'^ -^ ^^, ..■■■%, ^'*^-'*i^ <:1 Jt2 /^rl,-^ Folio 18 a .1 « ■W n I Fol. \^a. EXODUS, Chapter VI. 24-30. CH. V. LL. EXODUS, Chapter VI. 18-24. FoL \^b. LL. CH. V. - ^;i^ cl.^-- ^\ ^y.^ J^ ^j\j. ^^ VI. I 9 icj\— i a\ v.'-o-C' (<—=>' lC"^^ ^5'« '—''5 C^^ '"^ ^ <33_*jj xi'o\ . —jtfb i^4-^-> Li^^ ® ^^ '— 'Uj *-— jpuw. 2 I O i^j^^ J[i\^\j J\\ « Jby^ ^_^ O (J^jj 2 2 .*-rN«ttr'»*-''" PJH IBIMI^ UM i ll i yi II % ZJ ^ ').A.f,.-: vd^^^-^jL^afitx il *« e* J. W^-tt 'v.^^ 1 * .* ■,:iS-, ■i^v; ^j ,'■{,■■■«, >'f^ Folio 17 a m ri ^JM*^- ■•.f><'»t' i^^mm :?:v>,.v...,V-:^,. ■'-:-li{i''---'-''''i\"''-\:.'' U* ■■,i--',r- 1m^# ^ !i 'J '■"'*«] O o]^.^ 15 u^^j J^r^ uj^-^ Lri? ® u^^b '-^j^^^'* ^-^->^ Ls^^^ ^^ t/^^ LT^ ^^-i? tJ;V^ ^^^ ur-L^^ LL. EXODUS, Chapter VI. 8-13. Fol. \6b. LL. CH, V. yi^U.^ o'^'^ j»lA\y^J i>^_^\ <— >\j^J (j^^lj c«)\ ^V--.\j o L.I3 \:5»-^U, J^ yyS ^\j\j^y Q jy^ \^yc J\ '' J^S^^ 10, I I O j»jljlii-J J^r-C^ (c-*\? J-^_/5 ^jUUo— J FV'.s* Pi ,r>>- / ♦ ^- tt>. to" I ^ .-L' i^ f,! K^i ■.^)r- -Folio 16 y- r ^ r If 1^ u. |K'^%*<: '';/. «f'. » fc ' *!«» ^- v^ Fol. i6a. EXODUS, Chapter VI. 3-8. CH. V. LL. VI. 4 L^U j*^o\ ^y ^\ J^^^^sUb ^^ O ^\^\] ^^-^j ^5^,-^ ^_;L-, ^^L^ pU-'^ J^^^ '' ^^^ 5 8 j\^\ u^> J^ p^^ tj^^S ® r^lr^ '-'^^ ^-"^^ EXODUS, Chapter V. 21-VI. 3. Fol. \sb. LL. CH. V. jUy_j '' J^ l~^ L^~-lj^ O jj1^4) j*\^Lj ^W l— ^^J V. 2 2 >"-:^.V^'^ .... ^^^=m/v ^ :'C-f' '" "J^ •■' .*... m. ii»l fii ^^^P 1 i V.^ '.«A _ v^^ 7' ■ ' ft* m f^ m . '/-Wtfn ■^ waC" >J •« Vj ^H 'ii iinAfiiiiarii ■ Folio TF, i^^r'"n^.'tr'-AM^5*v^ ■, % -^ It /, V 5-': m 'ry ■^^^^^^■^ '■^■- ■ "^^f A fc \ ' *-• I ! * 1-^- ' J;i ^: u Vi|^ ^^^^ric^^ ,^; ? Fol. 15^. EXODUS, Chapter V. 15-21. CH. V. LL. 18 ^J t^^ j^>-^j-^ ^? ® ^'^^ ^^ ^^ r"-^-^^ r^^ 20 c^U ^\jUu ^byi ^l-^ uj^^ '-'^J ^>* ^^ ^^"^^^ EXODUS, Chapter V. 10-15. Fol. \\b. LL. CH. V. y^ :■> jj ^\j\ o (^li <»W^J (_^ly ^_5jLj\ y^^jU V. II ^»jU ^_^l3 f^jX^^^ \JSj^£^ ^j\ J.:^ |*UU j_^3l>j 12 ^^-n^-vjaf^lgj ■■": •■■i^W^'^^gi!*, %. 1 - s ii .^i''" uasF^*^"'' Folio 14 »:> ;* ^^ol. i\a. EXODUS, Chapter V. 4-10. CH. V. LL. 7 j*^4^J^ tj*-*-^ ,*-jL1a ^^\} ^U"^ ^b (__>lj'^ jj_j£^-j^j "^ I* ^-*J>-^ »-tO— — *J At.>...)...,i M».^J ^.^^LZ: ^ui) .l.»i;l EXODUS, Chapter IV. 31-V. 4. Fol. 13^. LL. CH. V. 5 ,^_j-i:^i\j "^ JjL— ,J lJ\ _.\LJ j^jJU pl^^\ jL-\ '•'' ^ j£^ s. ""W^IBR^ •■>-r^"( h '. 1 i tv m .■ff I? If V'V "ii-^,% ^^i H« i'c». ?^.#*-^ /■" •^'•4 ^-'f^ ■J ^Tolio 13 a ■ I' ■5-- J :;■; ''^'.- . •I S '*w ■\ ii-'5^^iii#iit^^^ Fol. 13^. EXODUS, Chapter IV. 24-31, CH. V. LL. J U\ ^b ^-^ J jr9^ ^^) ^^ ^^ ^V ^^ EXODUS, Chapter IV. 19-24. Fol. 12b. o LL. CH. V. jIjU l->\^j^ lJ\ U^ Jso^ o Ir^L-iij IV. 20 jjbL^^^ uj^Uj 7-j^oo ^^\j o l^^^^^ W--^ (— '^ 24 -f"^ ■\i 1--, ^i ,-». . ' ■-'^:^^- ^ \:^^rr:f*^.Ji, ^.-^^'^ *4 Folio 12 a ^■<«f-;.^ i::- '^*!' W, 'V t • I '•. '^ " «&- « ^ .s Fol. 12a. EXODUS, Chapter IV. 15-19. CH. V. LL. LL. EXODUS, Chapter IV. 10-15. Fol. \\b. CH, V. i^j^_y\ ^^^J i^v-js-^ I3 cs-.^ ^\^\^^^ J\ U^^jU pW. pNJ\ ^^J^ ^j\ j.\3NJ li J.L; ^Jh\ >^^yj IV. 1 1 Lcj ^^ ^_j-.y\ ^U^\y: ^\ ^\ii5j\ (^\j\^j\ 12 5 r^yj o^^jojL.\ W— ^_^Aj W-' ^i^ \^\ ^j:^y\j ^'i I ^Uj jjijljj.j^\ji ^^_^\^U ^j^\jb W'^\ ^^^i)\ \Ia '\f I •> 1 ? ■ fr k'^ fen \".. = ?T.j(*^.^i35,,£|" -v.. v., ivJ? W'-- :' '-if :« '■^ ■.m ,y^'^:^,.S1Mi<^^^^^^ ;g^olio Ua t <"M ?^ ''■'%ii(K^' Fol. iia. EXODUS, Chapter IV. 6-10. CH. V. LL. EXODUS, Chapter III. 22-IV. 6. Fol. lob. LL. CH. V. o ^J^^ L5^J^^J O^^ ^J^ p^y^ C^^-i^ pV^ J^J\ Folio 10 a Fol. Yoa. EXODUS, Chapter III. 18-22. CH. V. LL. III. 18. j^W-^»-« ^U (J^ 3^^^—-^ Ks^j^ ^^ ^^^ Uw'^^fi) ^x<«L.j EXODUS, Chapter III. 15-17. Fol. ^b. LL. CH. V. J\ ^\^-A^ t_c-^U j*W\ ^\jUj\j o ^jU^,x»> |*W^ 17 LT^.^-^^ lX'^S lijy^-^J CJJJ'^S LT^^? (^i^Uli* (^j^ o ^Lo^ lJW^ ^\A^ ^J^ J\ . pj^R"^*!^^ ' 4 ^W^w-^; ■ -V4r: ■-■"■'*; ^V;V.M- .f fU IT-' »J ' ■ •■ , T^ ■ ;S3^- Bid v Folio 9 a ^*- ■. ^l>t-v''^--.iV '"'■■''■"''"*';■*''', ;^'^?^/ ''■■"'./.'•-, ;. -."^ '.J '..^.iit** ■ : I-... ; I" •■ " ■■,1,:.- , '■ l.^ ■■ I- ■ • ■ ". .- ■.'•■. . ^^'^^;^pffl^'S% Fs.^-: ;^»#r>tv';jR?f?-' -^^ •• 3. ': , '■.■'•..■'LI?.'*?-;-' '-,:\'if^^'--'-* ■"■;' Fol. ga. ■ EXODUS, Chapter III. 11-15. CH. V. LL. III. II f^\ ^ ^J^y\ ^^ ^Jb_^\^ J\ L^^jjj 15 ^jj^jj ^W^\^^\-M-^U\ J.^^>> EXODUS, Chapter III. 6-10. Fol. Sb. LL. CH. V. (— >\^ ^\^.*j jL.\ (^_j.^x (jL-O j^ lJ\ ^\j jWj '' j^L^ (_^>^i^ (J,)'* ^Ax-l^i. ^Aj^.^^ 3l->^ jLm-^xa) ■^\/^l? J ^ \ i^Jl>:ij L-j"^!^ t— >lj^ (_/^\ J\ ^'^;^ y^ u^^^ l3^ 8 l^t^^\Jtij f^jjSL&j fCjyt,]'Jb^ ^..^ \jbj ^-^£.\^ Ui Av£^ r- > ""^aslBfJi&'r s % •:■: f"v.«' v* >^1 Fol. ^a. EXODUS, Chapter III. i-6. CH. V. ^> w ^ ^ I.L. l3 y^j^3 l-t'^^ j"^^ ^— ^'« wj/ic »-^o« \-*— «.A — »--^ j';^\ ^»3L^ r^j^^ o jJ^ L^-^ ' — ^/ei\ •'^U iUy:- lj\ ^\ Vj t->yi^lj ^_2^ji\^ 1^^^^ JbJ\ ^\Jb\y\ Jb^\ [^A EXODUS, Chapter II. 22-III. i. Fol. 7^. LL- CH. V. ^ ^tr^ U^J^ O o^^^-o-^ ^U t_,v^\jj ^UU ^^Ij^ ^»-^l-o jc^''\j 23 l-j^j O ^)\ ^^^ J^y^ ^^ c«.\ ^jJ\>j 25, III. I. ^W-i? ^O^i^ ^^f.^i.^_y^^ ^^^ t_j\ U^ \J^ V:s ' -Ah iP.»a&^ Folio 7 a ...**» ._^'#'' =«*■•'•* 'i^'i ^! ,i;^'- ij (f.j „ji #' SlJ'^.'e-ti:**-* .^' .tr^ ■f^ 2 ♦ 4 ■ f ■^-i»*ijrii--j -■ ■■ ' '■^'^'jii^ Fol. ^a. EXODUS, Chapter II. 15-21. CH. V, ' LL. ^Jli. C— wibj ^j\j J«c U^J^ c— wjIj^ ^^ (_5-^ ^^* II. 16 b^LcOj Ij^J^Xi^ Ijyljj (— JjjI) ^L; jjUtXe ^^j^ys^j O jLi) aU^jO L->1 ^_»— ;U« j_jlX;--*)^Jj u-Jy« (*^^_^ l*^'**'^ J 18, 19 bjUo^ o [*r^y uV-"* f^'^^y-? u^^ Jl^ J^ ^yW ^ EXODUS, Chapter II. 11-15. Po^- ^^- LL. CH. V. ^\ lobj L.^ J^^^ ^l^U j^^-> c^\? II- II 5 Wlc.^ \C> le"^ cl.^^^5 .^^ (•--rO (^t-^ /♦s-^^^ i__5— J ^5;-! ■-SSDC^^JPJR^ H' .4> '-'i itf ^>, •; ,«a«> >- tfj ^ %?- -w^^"'-"^:^ y^^ % sUo^ - vf • -1 -^ ^ «w- »W,5^^ iat?^- :€ ^iJ^ <54 4' ?/!' Folio 6 a ..''TS; » Kiv,ia^ '.it^\ ■ !#■■■'■■-■'■■ ^-'f'r :'■'"■• '■-'■ il'^sl -J\ Fol. 6a. EXODUS, Chapter II. 5-10. CH. V. LL. 9 j^^^ ® ^^ '•^ ^-'^ V^j U-bl^ ^^bj |^_j^NJ ^£^ (^^ ^^i 5 10 y^^ \jO^ ^ ^ l/^\? J^ C-.Jy)L-Jj jJL^ J^'>*^J LS t JL <>- li^Ljb ^Li> ^ jy^ yi)S. L_^.]-> ^ y^ \j^^ O^ 4^Ljj UU^AI)^ (_£j*^J C-^ L->\ 2 ^^ PI \!^" ■, r't* ft, '.,>., \tT< .?^ * ^ ^^-_«^^4-f?^*^'7*"V T .1 • 'V":<^^mM ■-^«i'-,,(.-jV;.:^:5'-^-v.t ■■^ii^ Polio 6a -v ■^-.^.^ArW-M. ;'*;sn , -'-,, .-*--. ■':^$ i«^ ^ « « ( ^ «- -■■"'?*:■•■-.• "■•■- '•■..'5 ■■-^ 4^ •; -t.i w t^ ^■^ ^;'^g^^ ^' .«^- Iri ^ •.!* a' L i »'"'^"- ■ :■' '' - f ■ J ■ ...» %^;^^tJ^. ■ ''^i-ii>\ AFK^nff^ OSKi' ':■ .'Wit"- ' - ■ v.. J ■M -'4 I Fol. 5^. EXODUS, Chapter I. 17-22. CH. V. LL. LL. EXODUS, Chapter I. 12-17. P^l. ^b. CH. V. o o Jj\^ ^ ^^ii^^yljj uP^j^ urr^^ ^.ji J jj\^^^ o ^jVL) (JjL-.-^ j^^ c__j\ ^\jw5^ jiX>->i\jj 1 . 1 3 > 14 \:yj:- J^j ^jLijj j^jsr^ LiVi V^^Ij j^l^. ^jliU j^\i ^.^iJ^ jJ\ M\i\'^y^ (J^ t_>\ bL-j J L>\ L->> L_>jc>L.^'4 ^U-^^ J\y<> y.t>Lj Y^^^j \z-^ t^^->L-i) (*— 'J ^y^^ iWlii U .jj\ ^L^^^j jjb ^l> ^\ oLjU Jj^ u^W c— >y^ ^-^_^\j^ lJ\ L_)jt^L^U l^^_^^^ o IjWL ^ U\i ^\y 17 K- m. ^ .w yf gw y - ■"'^VIK^, Mi ^m ,'^^ j;i- ly^;? '<»>« r ^ ^ "^'^'-^v ^^^^^"^ " n. Wf^> «Vilt^ J^ijSa;^''''«S«S*^lHw *4SUi!."r4il;iC_ ..iS' w-'- --^ Folio 4 a I ( lAf A nf ..<- ^W'-- ; *■ ' ^ "ft M U) 1*^^ '•■'T^.'.^.i,--*-" ■*:-'.,-, "-Vi'ire '' Fol. 4^. EXODUS, Chapter I. 7-12. CH. V. LL. 0^l.^\ 9 lJ\j ^\j^ ^ *^ ^ r^ J ^yj ® ^L-y 1 1 ^U3 ^»--^ ^)^ ^\^ ^^^^^^^ o uPj^^ CL?-* i— >. ^ , 1 2 u-^ yy y^ ^u^^^ - ^. \ y^ j\J^y u — ^^^j ^^j c^ EXODUS, Chapter I. 1-7. Fol. 3^. LL. CH. V. lJ\ Wj\^,-«5.^ ^jLib Jj\^— ^ ^ ^y<^ ^j^^ i- I l5j^3 cljx^^ ^^j\j j\-> ^»-Jj u-J^ L_)yi£.l> ^^b o (^^U-jj ^JJiJJ;^W— -> o \:>^^ 3> 4 ^^b ^u.j ^iU jr ^^Vj o j^^\j iW jUj^ 5 5 l^-v^Ijj © aj\^-o_^ lj\ji u-ii— j»jj ^j-^^ (*->x— ' ■< >»iix.\_> 6 ^J-)\^--j ^^jj O ji)lii jji^ji ijiy^j jW.\ ^J^__^ < a— )^ 7 Lu^^J ^^J '^W ^V-^ ^^-O-cbj jj^ j,w2w«.j\j J .I3 ► !r -f^:: t fm Hi m P if^^^ 3^ IPv ' ^jl W"-' • '';\ ';■% ^ M It • .^ . »F ' ■'*-•-.. .^^ ife^ ^:l (w" .1 r;i r^. ^^^ .<** «^ ;-.::-*iS^ ifi*"*j^' ■ *.f 1- ♦'■1 ■'»'*""'•'■■■,■' (,';^-"".vv'. '•■".. '"iff"' , ' . .- ''^•-■^^^■'V^s^ •^•■^'5 "■^^a:;' ■^.J; mMi^a;^: '««M.-, Folio 3 a Folio 2 b