VtkUkxuj Cornell Uahmitf Cornell University Library PR 4750.D99 1904 v.1 The dynasts, a drama of the ll ^P°'S?|J | i | Ji| Vva 3 1924 013 477 751 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924013477751 THE DYNASTS THE DYNASTS A DRAMA OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS, IN THREE PARTS, NINETEEN ACTS, & ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY SCENES THOMAS HARDY PART FIRST And I heard sounds of insult, shame, and wrong, And trumpets blown for wars. URIS '.'V .V»i\ ILonlKin 'W^J MACMILLAN AND CO., Limited NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN COMPANY I904 Ml rights renrveii Copyright in the Vnittd States of America PREFACE The Drama here presented is concerned with the Great Historical Calamity, or Clash of Peoples, artificially brought about some hundred years ago. The choice of such a subject was mainly due to three accidents of locality. It chanced that the writer was familiar with a part of England that lay within hail of the watering- place in which King George the Third had his favourite summer residence during the war with the first Napoleon, and where he was visited by ministers and others who bore the weight of English affairs on their more or less competent shoulders at that stressful time. Secondly, this district, being also near the coast which had echoed with rumours of invasion in their intensest form while the descent threatened, was formerly animated by memories and traditions of the vi THE DYNASTS desperate military preparations for that con- tingency. Thirdly, the same countryside happened to include the village which was the birthplace of Nelson's flag-captain at Trafalgar. When, as the first published result of these accidents, The Irumpet- Major was printed, more than twenty years ago, I found myself in the tantalizing position of having touched the fringe of a vast international tragedy without being able, through limits of plan, knowledge, and opportunity, to enter further into its events ; a restriction that prevailed for many years. But the provok- ingly slight regard paid to English influence and action throughout the struggle by those Continental writers who had dealt imagin- atively with Napoleon's career, seemed always to leave room for a new handling of the theme which should re-embody the features of this influence in their true proportion ; and accordingly, on a belated day about six years back, the following play was outlined, to be taken up now and then at wide intervals ever since. It may, I think, claim at least a tolerable fidelity to the facts of its date as they are PREFACE vii given in ordinary records. Whenever any evidence of the words really spoken or written by the characters in their various situations was attainable, as close a paraphrase has been aimed at as was compatible with the form chosen. And in all cases outside oral tradi- tion, accessible scenery, and existing relics, my indebtedness for detail to the abundant pages of the historian, the biographer, and the journalist, English and foreign, has been, of course, continuous. 1 It was thought proper to introduce, as supernatural spectators of the terrestrial drama, certain impersonated abstractions, or Intelligences^ called Spirits. Lhev are m- tended to be taken by the reader for what they may be worth as contrivances of the fancy merely. Their doctrines are but tenta- tive, and are advanced with little eye to a systematized philosophy warranted to lift " the burthen of the mystery " of this unin- telligible world. The chief thing hoped for them is that they and their utterances may have dramatic plausibility enough to procure for them, in the words of Coleridge, " that 1 It is intended to give a list of the chief authorities at the end of the Third Part. viii THE DYNASTS willing suspension of disbelief for the moment which constitutes poetic faith." The wide prevalence of the Monistic theory of the Universe forbade, in this twentieth century, the importation of Divine personages from any antique Mythology as ready-made sources or channels of Causation, even in verse, and excluded the celestial machinery of, say, Paradise Lost, as peremptorily as that of the Iliad or the Eddas. And the abandonment of the masculine pronoun in allusions to the First or Fundamental Energy seemed a necessary and logical consequence of the long abandonment by thinkers of the anthropo- morphic conception of the same. These phantasmal Intelligences are divided into groups, of which one only — that of the Pities — approximates to " the Universal Sym- pathy of human nature — the spectator ideal- ized " J of the Greek Chorus, the remainder being eclectically chosen auxiliaries whose signification may be readily discerned. In point of literary form, the scheme of con- trasted Choruses and other conventions of this external feature was shaped with a single view to the modern expression of a 1 Schlegel. PREFACE ix modern outlook, and in frank divergence from classical and other dramatic precedent which ruled the ancient voicings of ancient themes. ,It may hardly be necessary to inform readers that in devising this chronicle-piece no attempt has been made to create that completely organic structure of action, and closely-webbed development of character and motive, which are demanded in a drama strictly self-contained. A panoramic show like the present is a series of historical " ordinates " (to use a term in geometry) : the subject is familiar to all ; and foreknowledge is assumed to fill in the curves required to combine the whole gaunt framework into an artistic unity. The spectator, in thought, becomes a performer whenever called upon, and cheerfully makes himself the utility-man of the gaps. Should he refuse to do this, a historical presentment on an intermittent plan, in which the dramatis persona number some hundreds, exclusive of crowds and armies, becomes in his individual case unsuitable. In this assumption of a completion of the story by those to whom the drama is ad- dressed, it is interesting, if unnecessary, to name an exemplar as old as Aeschylus, whose x THE DYNASTS plays are, as Professor Verrall reminds us, 1 scenes from stories taken as known, and would be unintelligible without supplementary scenes of the imagination. Readers will readily discern, too, that The Dynasts is a play intended simply for mental performance, and not for the stage. Some critics have averred that to declare a drama as being not for the stage is to make an announcement whose subject and predicate cancel each other. The question seems to be an unimportant matter of termin- ology. Compositions cast in this shape were, without doubt, originally written for the stage only, and as a consequence their nomenclature of " Act," " Scene," and the like, was drawn directly from the vehicle of representation. But in the course of time such a shape would reveal itself to be an eminently readable one ; moreover, by dispensing with the theatre altogether, a freedom of treatment was attainable in this form that was denied where the material possibilities of stagery had to be rigorously remembered. With the careless mechanicism of human speech, the technicalities of practical mumming were retained in these 1 Introduction to the Chephori. PREFACE xi productions when they had ceased to be con- cerned with the stage at all. To say, then, in the present case, that a writing in play -shape is not to be played, is merely another way of stating that such writing has been done in a form for which there chances to be no brief definition save one already in use for works that it super- ficially but not entirely resembles. Whether mental performance alone may not eventually be the fate of all drama other than that of contemporary or frivolous life, is a kindred question not without interest. The mind naturally flies to the triumphs of the Hellenic and Elizabethan theatre in ex- hibiting scenes laid " far in the Unapparent," and asks why they should not be repeated. But the meditative world is older, more invidious, more nervous, more quizzical, than it once was, and being unhappily perplexed by- Riddles of Death Thebes never knew, may be less ready and less able than Hellas and old England were to look through the insistent, and often grotesque, substance at the thing signified. xii THE DYNASTS A practicable compromise may conceivably result, taking the shape of a monotonic delivery of speeches, with dreamy conven- tional gestures, something in the manner traditionally maintained by the old Christ- mas mummers, the curiously hypnotizing impressiveness of whose automatic style — that of persons who spoke by no will of their own — will be remembered by all who ever experienced it. Gauzes or screens to blur outlines might still further shut off the actual. But on this branch of the subject the present writer is unqualified to speak. T. H. September 1 90 3. THE DYNASTS PART FIRST CONTENTS OF THE FIRST PART PAGE Preface ........ v Characters xix Fore Scene. The Overworld i Act First : — Scene I. A Ridge in Wessex . . .12 „ II. Paris. Office of the Minister of Marine 19 „ III. London. The Old House of Com- mons . . . . . 25 „ IV. The Harbour of Boulogne . . 43 „ V. London. The House of a Lady of Quality 44 „ VI. Milan. The Cathedral ... 50 Act Second : — Scene I. The Dockyard, Gibraltar .59 „ II. OffFerrol 64 „ III. The Camp and Harbour of Boulogne 68 „ IV. South Wessex. An Open Down . 73 „ V. The Same. Rainbarrows' Beacon . 77 xvi THE DYNASTS Act Third : — j-agi Scene I. Boulogne. The Chateau at Pont- de-Briques 9 2 „ II. The Frontiers of Upper Austria and Bavaria . . . . 101 „ III. Boulogne. The St. Omer Road 103 Act Fourth : — Scene I. King George's Watering-place, South Wessex . . .104 „ II. Before the City of Ulm . .112 „ III. Ulm. Within the City . .113 „ IV. Before Ulm. The same day . 122 „ V. The Same. The Michaelsberg . 123 „ VI. London. Spring Gardens . -1*7 Act Fifth : — Scene I. Off Cape Trafalgar. The Com- bined Squadrons . . .134 „ II. The Same. The Quarter-deck of the " Victory "... 140 „ III. The Same. The "Bucentaure" 148 „ IV. The Same. The Cockpit of the "Victory" . . . -153 „ V. London. The Guildhall . .167 „ VI. An Inn at Rennes „ VII. King George's Watering-place, South Wessex . . .176 173 Act Sixth : — Scene I. The Field of Austerlitz. The French position . . .181 CONTENTS xvii Act Sixth {continued) : — page Scene II. The Same. The Russian position 1 88 „ III. The Same. The French position 192 „ IV. The Same. The Russian position 1 99 „ V. The Same: Near the Windmill of Paleny .... 202 „ VI. Shockerwick House, near Bath . 209 „ VII. Paris. A Street leading to the Tuileries . . . .213 „ VIII. Putney. Bowling Green House 222 CHARACTERS OF PART FIRST I. Phantom Intelligences /"The Ancient Spirit of the Years. \Chorus of the Years. ("The Spirit of the Pities. \Chorus of the Pities. /Spirits Sinister and Ironic. \Choruses of Sinister and Ironic Spirits. /The Spirit of Rumour. \Chorus of Rumours. The Shade of the Earth. Spirit-Messengers. Recording Angels. II. Persons of the Drama The names printed in italics are those of mute figures only. MEN George the 'Third. The Duke of Cumberland. Pitt. Fox. Sheridan. ■ Windham. Whitbread. TlERNEY. Bathurst and Fuller. Lord Chancellor Eldon. Earl of Malmesbury. Lord Mulgrave. Another Cabinet Minister. Lord Grenville. Viscount Castlereagh. Viscount Sidmouth. Another Noble Lord. Rose. Canning. Perceval. Grey. Speaker Abbot. Tomline, Bishop of Lincoln. Sir Walter Farquhar. Count Munster. Other Peers, Ministers, ex- Ministers, Members of Parliament, and Persons of Quality. Nelson. Collingwood. Hardy. Secretary Scott. Dr. Beatty. Dr. Magrath. Dr. Alexander Scott. Burke, Purser. Lieutenant Pasco. Another Lieutenant. Pollard, a Midshipman. Another Midshipman. Captain Adair. Lieutenants Ram and Whipple. Other English Naval Officers. Sergeant - Major Seeker and Marines. PERSONS OF THE DRAMA xxi Staff and other Officers of the English Army, A Company, of Soldiers. Regiments of the English Army and Hanoverian. Sailors and Boatmen. A Militiaman. Naval crews. The Lord Mayor and Corpora- tion of London. A Gentleman of Fashion. Wiltshire, a Country Gentleman. A Horseman. Two Beacon-watchers. English Citizens and Bur- gesses. Coach and other Highway Passengers. Messengers, Servants, and Rustics. Napoleon Bonaparte. Decres. Daru. Monge, a Philosopher. Berthier. Murat. Soult. Ney. Lannes. Bernadotte. Marmont. Dupont. Oudinot. Davoust. Vandamme. Other French Marshals. A Sub-Officer. Villeneuve. Lauriston. Flag-Captain Magendie. Lieutenant Daudignon. Lieutenant Fournier. de Prigny, Head of Staff. • Captain Lucas. Other French Naval Officers and Petty Officers. Seamen of the French and Spanish Navies. Regiments of the French Army. Couriers. Heralds. Aides, Officials, Pages, etc. Attendants. French Citizens. Cardinal Caprara. Priests, Acolyths, and Choris- ters. Italian Doctors and Presidents of Institutions. Milanese Citizens. The Emperor Francis. The Emperor Alexander. The Archduke Ferdinand. Prince John of Lichtenstein. Prince Schwarzenberg. XX11 THE DYNASTS Mack. Jellachich. Riesc. Weirother. Another Austrian General. Two Austrian Officers. PrJnce Kutuzof. Count Langeron. Count Buxhovden. Count Miloradovich. dokhtorof. Giulay, Gottesheim, Klenau, and Prsche&iszewsky. Regiments of the Austrian Army. i Regiments of the Russian Army. WOMEN Queen Charlotte. English Princesses. Ladies of the English Court. Lady Hester Stanhope. A Lady. Lady Caroline Lamb, Mrs. Darner, and other English Ladies. The Empress Josephine. Princesses and Ladies of yosephine's Court. Seven Milanese Young Ladies. City- and Towns-women. Country-women. A Militiaman's Wife. A Street-woman. Ship-women. Servants. FORE SCENE THE OVERWORLD Enter the Ancient Spirit and Chorus of the Years, the Spirit and Chorus of the Pities, the Shade of the Earth, the Spirits Sinister and Ironic with their Choruses, Rumours, Spirit-Messengers, and Recording Angels. Shade of the Earth What of the Immanent Wil l and Its designs ? Spirit of the Years It works unconsciously , as heretofore, Eternal artistries in Circumstance, Whose patterns , wrought by rapt esthetic rote, Seem in them selves Its jin gle listless aim . "jTnd not their consequence. Chorus of the Pities (aerial music) Still thus ? Still thus ? Ever unconscious ! I E 2 THE DYNASTS fore scene An automatic sense Unweeting why or whence ? Then be the inevitable, as of old, Although that so it be we dare not hold ! Spirit of the Years Hold what you list, fond unbelieving Sprites, You cannot swerve the -pulsion of the Byss, Which t hinking on , yet weighing not Its thought v Unchecks lts clock-like law s . Spirit Sinister (aside) Good, as before. My little engines, then, will still have play. Spirit of the Pities Win doth It so and so, and ever so, Thiljiiuwhss , voiceless^ Turner of the Wheel ? , , Spirit of the Years As one sad story runs, It lends Its heed To other worlds , being wearied out with this ; Wherefore Its mindlessness of earthly woes. Some, too, have told at whiles that rightfully ■ Its warefulness, Its care, this planet lo st When in her early growth and crudity By bad mad acts of severance men contrived . Wor king such nescience by their own dev ice. — At least, so stands it in some chronicles, Though not in mine. FORE SCENE THE DYNASTS Spirit of the Pities Meet is it, none the less, To bear in thought that though Its consciousness May be estranged, engrossed afar, or sealed, Sublunar shocks may wake Its watch anon ? Spirit of the Years Nay. In the Foretime, even to the germ of Being, Nothing appears of shape to indicate That cognizance has marshalled things terrene, Or will {such is my thinking) in my span. Rather they show that, l ike a knitte r drowsed, Whose fin ders play in skilled unmindfuln ess. Will has woven with an absent heed Since life first was ; and ev _grjwJJLsQ-.W£ave. Spirit Sinister Hence we've rare dramas going — more so since It wove Its web in that Ajaccian womb I Spirit of the Years Well, no more thus on what no mind can mete. Our scope is but to register and watch By means of this great gift accorded us — The free trajection of our entities. 4 THE DYNASTS fore scene Spirit of the Pities On things terrene, then, I would say that though The human news wherewith the Rumours stirred us May please thy temper, Years, 'twere better far Such deeds were nulled, and this strange mans career Wound up, as making inharmonious jars In Tier creation whose meek wraith we know. The more that he, turned man of mere traditions, Now profits naught. For the large potencies Instilled into his idiosyncrasy — To throne fair Liberty in Privilege' room — ■ Are taking taint, and sink to common plots For his own gain. Shade of the Earth And who, then, Cordial One, Wouldst substitute for this Intractable ? Chorus of the Pities (aerial music) We would establish those of kindlier build, In fair Compassions skilled, Men of deep art in life-development ; Watchers and warders of thy varied lands, Men surfeited of laying heavy hands Upon the innocent, I The mild, the fragile, the obscure content \Among the myriads of thy family. FORE SCENE THE DYNASTS 5 Those, too, who love the true, the excellent, j And make their daily moves a melody. Shade of the Earth They may come, will they. I am not averse. Tet know I am but the ineffectual Shade Of her the Travailler, herself a thrall To It; in all her labour ings curbed and kinged ! Spirit of the Years Shall such be mooted now ? ^Already change Hath played strange pranks since 'first I brooded , here. But old Laws operate vet: and phase a nd phase Qf men's dynasti c fi.ti^imferi/tl funi/c . Sha pe on accustomed Tines . Though, as for me, I care not how they shape, or what they be. Spirit of the Pities Tou seem to have small sense of mercy, Sire ? Spirit of the Years Mercy ? I view, not urge ; nor more than mark What designate your titles Good and III. 'Tis not in me to feel with, or against, These flesh-hinged m annikins Its hand upwin ds To click-clack off Its preadjustfd laws ; 6 THE DYNASTS fore scene But only through my centuries to behold Their aspects, and their movements, and their mould. Spirit of the Pities They are shapes that bleed, mere marionettes or n o, And each has parcel in the total Will. Spirit of the Years Which overrides them as a whole its parts In other entities. Spirit Sinister (aside) Limbs of Itself : Each one a jot of It in quaint disguise ? ril fea r all men henceforward ! ' Spirit of the Pities Co to. Let this terrestrial tragedy — Spirit Ironic Nay, comedy — Spirit of the Pities Let f his earth-tragedy Whereof ye spake, afford a spectacle Forthwith conned close Her than your custom is. — Spirit of the Years How does it Stand ? (To a Recording Angel) Open and chant the page fore scene THE DYNASTS 7 Thou! st lately writ, that sums these happenings, In brief reminder of their instant points Slighted by us amid our converse here. Recording Angel (from a book, in recitative) Now mellow-eyed Peace is made captive, And Vengeance is chartered To deal forth its dooms on the Peoples With sword and with spear. Men's musings are busy with forecasts Of musters and battle, And visions of shock and disaster Rise red on the year. The easternmost ruler sits wistful, And tense he to midward ; The King to the. west mans his borders In front and in the rear. While one they eye, flushed from his crowning, Ranks legions around him To shake the enisled neighbour nation And close her career I Semichorus I. of Rumours~ (aerial music) O woven-winged squadrons of Toulon And fellows of Roche fort, Wait, wait for a wind, and draw westward Ere Nelson be near / 8 THE DYNASTS fore scene For he reads not your force, or your freightage Of warriors fell-handed, Or when they will join for the onset, Or whither they steer ! Semichorus II O Nelson, so zealous a watcher Through months-long of cruizing, Thy foes may elude thee a moment, Put forth, and get clear ; And rendezvous westerly straightway With Spain's aiding navies, And hasten to head violation Of Albion s frontier ! Spirit of the Years Methinks too much assurance thrills your note On secrets in my locker, gentle sprites ; But it may serve. — Our thought being now reflexed To forces operant on this English isle, Behoves it us to enter scene by scene, And wat ch the spectacle of Europe\ s^.moves ilnTier embroil, as they were self^ ordained According to the naive and liberal creed Of our great-hearted young Compassionates, ■Forgetting the Prime Mover of the gear As puppet-watchers him who pulls the strings- — fore scene THE DYNASTS 9 You 11 mark the twitchings of this Bonaparte As he with other figures foots his reel, Until he twitch him into his lonely grave : Also regard the frail ones that his flings Have made gyrate like animalcula In tepid pools. — Hence to the precinct, then, And count as framework to the stagery Ton architraves of sunbeam-smitten cloud. — So may ye judge Earth's jackaclocks to be Not fugled by one Will, but function-free. The nether sky opens, and Europe is disclosed as a jama, and pmariat ed figure T the Alps shaping iike_a hackhone 1 and the branching mountain-chains iike ribs , the peninsular plateau of Spain jprmin.g a head. Broad and lengthy lowlands stretch from the north of France across Russia like a grey-green garment hemmed by the Ural mountains and the glistening Arctic Ocean. The point of view then sinks downwards through space, and draws near to the surface of the perturbed countries, where the peoples, distressed by e vents which they did not cause, are seen writhing, crawling, heavin g. and vihrating in thfir va.rinmi rit-ies and mmnnalirirs. Spirit of the Years (to the Spirit of the Pities) As key-scene to the whole, I first lay bare The Will-webs of thy fearful questioning ; For know that of my antique privileges This gift to visualize the Mode is one {Though by exhaustive strain and effort only). See, then, and learn, ere my power pass again. i'o THE DYNASTS fore scene A new and penetrating light descends on the sp ectacle, enduing men and things with a seeming transpare ncy, and exhibiting as one organism the arfa'toihy 'of lite and^-mojernenT injallhumanity and vitalized matter included in the disp lay. Spirit of the Pities (after a pause) Amid this scene of bodies substantive Strange waves I sight like winds grown visible T Which bear men s forms on their innumerous coils, Twining and serpentining round and through. Also retracting threads like gossamers — Except in being irresistible — ■ Which complicate with some, and balance all. Spirit of the Years These are the Prime Volitions, — -fibrils, v eins. Will-tissues, nerves ^and Dulses of the Cause. That heave throughout the Earth's compositure. Ih eir sum is Like the lobule of p, Brai n ~~ Evolvim always that it wots not of ; A Brain whose whole conn otes the Everywhere, And whose procedure may but be discerned ~~ By phantom eyes like ours; the while un- guessed Of those it stirs, who {even as ye. dn\ dream T heir motions free, their ordering supreme ; E ach life apart from each, with power: to mete 'Tts owtt._dayLs~measures..; MlancM, self- complete ; FORE SCENE THE DYNASTS n Thoug h, they subsist . hut atoms - o f the O ne Labouring through alL divisible from none; But this no further now. Deem yet mans deeds self-done. The anatomy of the Immanent Will disappears. General Chorus of Intelligences (aerial music) We'll close up Time, as a bird its van, We'll traverse Space, as spirits can, Link pulses severed by leagues and years, Bring cradles into touch with biers ; So that the far-off Consequence appears Prompt at the heel n ffnrernne Cause. — The. Pptmj?, th a t will e d ent-vtummett-wuu. Whose Brain perchance is Space, w hoseJT.hought its law s. J^hhhjw e a s thn ads^an/Lsireams^dijcernj We. ma y hut m use-atUf-iiever-leam^ END of the fore scene ACT FIRST SCENE I ENGLAND. A RIDGE IN WESSEX The time is a fine day in March, 1805. A highway crosses the ridge, which is near the sea, and the south coast is seen bounding the landscape below, the open Channel extending beyond. Spirit of the Years Hark now, and gather how the martial mood Stirs England's humblest hearts. Anon we'll trace Its heavings in the upper coteries there. Spirit Sinister Ay ; begin small, and so lead up to the greater. It is a sound dramatic principle. I , always aim to follow it in my pestilences, £res, famines, and other comedies. And though, t&" 'be sure, I did not in my Lisbon earthquake, I did in my French Terror, and my St. Domingo burlesque. act i scene i THE DYNASTS 13 , Spirit of the Years Thy Lisbon earthquake, thy French Terror. iVait. Thinking thou will'st, thou dost but indicate. A stage-coach enters, with passengers outside. Their voices after the foregoing sound thin and small, as from another medium. * First Passenger There seems to be a deal of traffic over Ridgeway, even at this time o' year. Second Passenger Yes. It is because the King and Court are coming down here later on. They wake up this part rarely. . . . See, now, how the Channel and coast open out like a chart. That patch of mist below us is the town we are bound for. There's the Isle of Slingers beyond, like a floating snail. That wide bay on the right is where the " Abergavenny," Captain John Wordsworth ^was wrecked ks t month. One can see half across to France First Passenger Half across. And then another little half, and then all that's behind — the Corsican mischief ! H THE DYNASTS act i Second Passenger # Yes. People who live hereabout — I am a native of these parts — feel the nearness of France more than they do inland. First Passenger That's why we have seen so many of these marching regiments on the road. This year his grandest attempt upon us is to be made, I reckon. Second Passenger May we be ready ! First Passenger Well, we ought to be. We've had alarms enough, God knows. Third Passenger I much doubt his intention to come at all. Some companies of infantry are seen ahead, and the coach presently overtakes them. Soldiers (singing as they walk) We be the King's men, hale and hearty, Marching to meet one Buonaparty ; If he won't sail, lest the wind should blow, We shall have marched for nothing, O ! Right fol-lol ! scene i THE DYNASTS 15 We be the King's men, hale and hearty, Marching to meet one Buonaparty ; If he be sea-sick, says " No, no ! " We shall have marched for nothing, O ! Right fol-lol ! The soldiers draw aside, and the coach passes on. Second Passenger Is there truth in it that Bonaparte wrote a letter to the King last month ? First Passenger Yes, sir. A letter in his own hand, in which he expected the King to reply to him in the same manner. Soldiers (continuing, as they are left behind) We be the King's men, hale and hearty, Marching to meet one Buonaparty ; Never mind, mates ; we'll be merry, though We may have marched for nothing, O ! Right fol-lol ! Third Passenger And was Boney's letter friendly ? First Passenger Certainly, sir. He requested peace with the King. 1 6 THE DYNASTS act i Third Passenger And why shouldn't the King reply in the same manner ? First Passenger What ! Encourage this man in an act of shameless presumption, and give him the pleasure of considering himself the equal of the King of England — whom he actually calls his brother ! Third Passenger He must be taken for what he is, not for what he was ; and if he calls King George his brother it doesn't speak badly for his friendliness. First Passenger Whether or no, the King, rightly enough, did not reply in person, but through Lord Mulgrave our Foreign Minister, to the effect that his Britannic Majesty cannot give a specific answer till he has communicated with the Continental powers. Third Passenger Both' the manner and the matter of the reply are British ; but a huge mistake. scene i THE DYNASTS 17 First Passenger Sir, am I to deem you a friend of Bonaparte, a traitor to your country Third Passenger Damn my wig, sir, if I'll be called a traitor by you or any Court sycophant at all at all ! Second Passenger Gentlemen, forbear, forbear ! Should such differences be suffered to arise on. a spot where we may, in less than three months, be fighting for our very existence ? This is foolish, I say. Heaven alone, who reads the s ecrets o f_this man's heart, can tell what h is meaning _a nd intent may be, and if jhisjglter has bg snla"gwprprl wisely nmn The coach is stopped to skid the wheel for the descent of the hill, and before it starts again a dusty horseman overtakes it. Several Passengers A London messenger ! (To horseman) Any news, sir ? We are from Bristol only. Horseman Yes ; much. We have declared w ar against Spain, an error giving vast delig"hT~ 1 8 THE DYNASTS act i 'of France. Bonaparte says he will date his next dispatches from London, and the landing of his army may be daily expected. [Exit horseman. Third Passenger (to First) Sir, I apologize. He's not to be trusted ! ^ War is his name, and aggression is wi thhim ! A silence follows. The coach and passengers move downwards and disappear towards the coast. , Spirit of the Pities III chanced it that the English monarch George Did not res-pond to the said Emperor I > Spirit Sinister / saw good sport therein, ana 1 * p*anjJ the Will %h(itJLUJiixmisdjS stultifying Mtove ! Which would have marred the European broil, And sheathed all s words, and silenced eve ry gjm- That riddles human flesh . Spirit of the Piti ES O say no more ; If aught could gratify the Absolute 'Twould verily be thy censure, not thy praise ! scene ii THE DYNASTS 19 Spirit of the Years The ruling was that we should witness things And not dispute them. To the drama, then. Emprizes over-Channel are the key To this land's stir and ferment. — Thither we. Clouds gather over the scene, and slowly open elsewhere. SCENE II PARIS. OFFICE OF THE MINISTER OF MARINE Admiral Decres seated at a table. A knock without. Decres Come in ! Good news, I hope ! [An attendant enters. Attendant A courier, sir. Decres Show him in straightway. [The attendant goes out. 20 THE DYNASTS act . From the Emperor As I expected ! A courier is admitted, who delivers a dispatch. Courier Sir, for your own hand, And yours alone. Decres Thanks. Be in waiting near. [The courier withdraws. Decres reads : " I am resolved that no wild dream of Ind, And what ,\ve. there might win ; or of the West, "" And bold re-conquest there of Surinam And other Dutch retreats along those coasts, Or British islands nigh, shall draw me now From piercing into England through Boulogne As lined in my first plan. If I do strik e, I strike effectively ; to forge which feat There's but one way — planting a mortal wound In England's heart — the very English land — Whose insolent and cynical reply To my well-based complaint on breach of faith Concerning Malta, as at Amiens pledged, scene ii THE DYNASTS 21 Has lighted up anew such flames of ire As may involve the world. — Now to the case : Our naval forces can be all assembled Without the foe's foreknowledge or surmise, By these rules following ; to whose te xt I ask Your gravest application ; and, when conned, Tha t steadfastly you stand by word and word . Making no questioiTbTone jot therein. .1 " First, then, let Villeneuve wait a favouring wind For process westward swift to Martinique, Coaxing the English after. Join him there Gravina, Missiessy, and Ganteaume ; Which junction once effected all our keels — Now nigh to sixty sail — regain the Manche, While the pursuers linger in the West At hopeless fault. — Having hoodwinked them thus, Our boats skim over, disembark the army, And in the twinkling of a patriot's eye All London will be ours. l iln strictest sec -pry ra.ryp this tn shape : Let never an admiral or captain know Save Villeneuve and Ganteaume ; and pen each charge With your own quill. The surelier to outwit them I start for Italy ; and there, as 'twere Engrossed in fetes and Coronation rites, 22 THE DYNASTS act i Abide till, at the need, I reach Boulogne, And head the enterprize. — Napoleon." Decr^s reflects, and turns to write. Spirit of the Pities More ills ? How is Decres ordained to move? Spirit of the Years He sets him to the work. First to Villeneuve, His onetime comrade and his boyhood's friend, Now lingering at Toulon, he jots swift lines, Then duly to Ganteaume. — They are sealed forthwith, And superscribed : " Break not until at sea." Boisterous singing. is heard in the street. Spirit of the Pities / hear confused and simmering sounds without, Like those which thrill the hives at evenfall When swarming nears. Spirit of the Years They but proclaim the crowd y Which sings and shouts its hot enthusiasms For this dead-ripe design on England's shore, Till the persuasion of its own plump words, Acting upon mercurial temperaments, Makes hope as prophecy. " Our Emperor I scene ii THE DYNASTS 23 Will show himself (say_tfi£y) in this exploi t <- "Vnwavering, keen, and irresistible f ^s~is~7hT"lighTmng = prong. Our~v~ast flotillas Have been embodied as by sorcery ; Soldiers made seamen, and the forts transformed To rocking cities casemented with guns. Against these valiants balance England's means: Raw merchant-fellows from the counting-house, Raw labourers from the fields, who thumb fori arms Clumsy untempered pikes forged hurriedly, And fancy them full quipt. Their batteries, Their flying carriages, their catamarans, Shall profit not, and in one summer night Will find us there ! " Recording Angel And is this prophecy true ? Spirit of the Years Occasion will reveal. Shade of the Earth What boots it, Sirj , To down this dynasty, set that one up, Goad panting peoples to the throes thereof, Make wither here my fruit, maintain it there, And hold me travailling through fineless years In vain and objectless monotony, 24 THE DYNASTS act i When all such tedious conjuring could be shunned By uncreation ? Howsoever wise ^The governance of these massed mortalities, )Ajuster wisdom his who should have ruled They had hot freen. Spirit of the Years Nay, something hidden urged The giving matter motion~and tKese coils Are, maybe, good as any. 1 v » Spirit of the Pities jy-' But why any ? Spirit of the Years Sprite of Compassions, ask the Immanent ! I am but an accessory of Its w orks Whom chance has rendered conscious ; and at most Figure as bounden witness of Its laws. O Spirit of the Pities How ask the aim of unrelaxinz Will, 7 ranced in Its purpose to unknowingne ss ? (If thy words, Ancient Phantom, token true). Spirit of the Years Thou answer est well. But cease to ask of me. Meanwhile the mime proceeds. — We turn here- from, scene in THE DYNASTS 25 Change our homuncules, and observe forthwith How the High Influence sways the English realm, And how the jacks click out their reasonings there. The Cloud-curtain draws. SCENE III LONDON. THE OLD HOUSE OF COMMONS A long chamber with a gallery on each side sup- ported by thin columns having gilt Ionic capitals. Three round-headed windows are at the further end, above the Speaker's chair, which is backed by a huge pedimented structure in white and gilt, surmounted by the lion and the unicorn. The windows are un- curtained, one being open, through which some boughs are seen waving in the midnight gloom without. Wax candles, burnt low, wave and gutter in a brass chandelier which hangs from the middle of the ceiling, and in branches projecting from the galleries. The House is sitting, the benches, which extend round to the Speaker's elbows, being closely packed, and the galleries likewise full. Among the members present on the Government side are Pitt and other ministers with their supporters, including Canning, Castlereagh, Lord C. Somerset, Erskine, W. Dundas, Huskisson, Rose, Best, Elliot, Dallas, and the general body of the party. On the opposite side are notice- able Fox, Sheridan, Windham, Whitbread, Grey, T. Grenville, Tierney, Earl Temple, Ponsonby, G. and H. Walpole, Dudley North, and Timothy Shelley. Speaker Abbot occupies the Chair. 26 THE DYNASTS act i Spirit of the Years (to two Recording Angels) As -prelude to the scene, as means to aid Our younger comrades in its construing, Pray ope your scripture, and rehearse in brief The reasonings here of late — to whose effects Words of to-night form sequence. The Recording Angels chant from their books, antiphonally, in a minor recitative. Angel I (aerial music) Feeble-framed dull unresolve. unresourc efuhets. Sat in the halls of the Kingdom's high Councillors, Whence an untactical torpid despondency Weigh ed aFwith winter the national min d. Angel II England stands forth to the sword of Napoleon Nakedly — not an ally in support of her ; Men and munitions disperse d inexpediently ; Projects of range afld trn p" pnarly. Affiled. Angel I Once more doth Pitt deem t he land cryin zJ&ud. to him. — FxaU though and spoil, and an hun gered for ^ restfulnes s Once more responds he, dead fervours to energize, Aims to concentre, slack efforts to bind. scene in THE DYNASTS 27 Angel II Ere the first fruit thereof voices grow audible, Holding as hapless his dream of home guardian- ship, Jestingly, earnestly, shouting it serviceless, Ta rdy* inept, and uncouthly designed . Angels I and II So now, to-night, in the slashing old sentences, Hear them speak, — gravely these, those with gay-heartedness, — Midst their admonishments little conceiving how Scarlet the scroll that the years will unwind ! Spirit of the Pities (to the Spirit of the Years) Let us put on and suffer for the nonce The feverish fleshings of Humanity, And join the pale debaters here convened. So may thy soul be won to sympathy By donning their poor mould. Spirit of the Years I'll humour thee, Though my unpassioned essence could not change Did I incarn in moulds of all mankind I 28 THE DYNASTS act i Spirit Ironic 'Tis enough to make every little dog in England run to mixen to hear this Pitt sung so strenuously ! I'll be the third of the incarnate, on the chance of having the tune played the other way. Spirit Sinister And I the fourth. There's sure to he s ome- „ thing_in_ my line toward, where politicians ar e~- gatheredjogeitaLL. The four Phantoms enter the Gallery of the House in the disguise of ordinary strangers. Sheridan (rising) The Bill I would have leave to introduce Is framed, sir, to repeal last Session's Act, By party-scribes intituled a Provision For this isle's Proper Guard ; but elsewhere known As Mr. Pitt's new Patent Parish Pill. (Laughter.) The ministerial countenances, I mark, Congeal to dazed surprise at my straight motion — Why, passes sane conjecture. It may be That with a haughty and unwavering faith In their own battering-rams of argument, scene ni THE DYNASTS 29 They deemed our buoyance whelmed, and sapped, and sunk To hope's sheer bottom, whence a miracle Was all could friend and float us ; or, maybe, They are amazed at our rude disrespect In making mockery of an English Law Sprung sacred from the King's own Premier's brain ! — I hear them snort ; but let them wince at will, My duty must be done ; shall be done quickly By citing some few facts. An Act for our defence ! It weakens, not defends ; and oversea Swoln France's despot and his myrmidons This moment know it, and can jeer thereat. Our people know it too — those who can peer Behind the scenes of this poor painted show Called soldiering ! — The Act has failed, must fail, As my right honourable friend well proved When speaking t'other night, whose silencing By his right honourable vis-a-vis Was of the genuine Governmental sort, And like the catamarans their sapience shaped All fizzle and no harm. (Laughter.) The Act, in brief, Effects this much : that the whole force of England Is strengthened by — eleven thousand men ! 30 THE DYNASTS act i So sorted that the British infantry Are now eight hundred less than heretofore ! In Ireland, where the personal influence Of the right honourable gentleman Particularly prevails, eleven men Have been amassed. And in the Cinque- Port towns, Where he is held in absolute veneration, His method has so quickened martial fire As to bring in — one man. O would that man Might meet my sight ! (Laughter.) A Hercules, no doubt, A god-like emanation from this Act, Who with his single arm will overthrow All Buonaparte's legions ere their keels Have scraped one pebble of our fortless shores! . . . Such is my motion, sir, and such my mind. [He sits down amid cheers. The candle-snuffers go round, and Pitt rises. Dur- ing the momentary pause before he speaks the House assumes an attentive stillness, in which can be heard the rustling of the trees without, a horn from an early coach, and the voice of the watch crying the hour. Pitt Not one on this side but appreciates Those mental gems and airy pleasantries Flashed by the honourable gentleman, Who shines in them by birthright. Each device scene m THE DYNASTS 31 Of drollery he has laboured to outshape, (Or treasured up from others who have shaped it,) Displays that are the conjurings of the moment, (Or mellowed and matured by sleeping on) — Dry hoardings in his book of commonplace, Stored without stint of toil through days and months — He heaps into one mass, and lights and fans As fuel for his flaming eloquence, Which is maintained without a thought or care If germane to the theme, or not at all. Now vain indeed it were should I assay To match him in such sort. For, sir, alas, To use imagination as the ground Of chronicle, take myth and merry tale As texts for prophecy, is not my gift, Being but a person primed with simple fact, Unprinked by jewelled art. — But to the thing. The preparations of the enemy, Doggedly bent to desolate our land, Advance with a sustained activity. They are seen, they are known, by you and by us all. But they evince no clear-eyed tentative In furtherance of the threat, whose coming off", Ay, years may yet postpone ; whereby the Act Will far outstrip him, and the thousands called Duly to join the ranks by its provisions, In process sure, if slow, will ratch the lines 32 THE DYNASTS act i Of English regiments — seasoned, cool, re- solved — To glorious length and firm prepotency. And why, then, should we dream of its repeal Ere profiting by its advantages ? Must the House listen to such wilding words As this proposal, at the very hour When the Act's gearing finds its ordered grooves And circles into full utility ? The motion of the honourable gentleman Reminds me aptly of a publican Who should, when malting, mixing, mashing's past, Fermenting, barrelling, and spigoting, Quick taste the brew, and shake his sapient head, And cry in acid voice : The ale is new ! Brew old, you varlets ; cast this slop away ! (Cheers.) But gravely, sir, I would conclude to- night, And, as a serious man on serious things, I now speak here. ... I pledge myself to this : Unprecedented and magnificent As were our strivings in the previous war, Our efforts in the present shall transcend them, As men will learn. Such efforts are not sized By this light measuring-rule my critic here scene in THE DYNASTS 33 Whips from his pocket like a clerk-o'-works ! . . . Tasking and toilsome war's details must be, And toilsome, too, must be their criticism^ — Not in a moment's stroke extemporized. The strange fatality that haunts the times Wherein our lot is cast, has no example. Times are they fraught with peril, trouble, gloom ; We have to mark their lourings, and to face them. Sir, reading thus the full significance Of these big days, large though my lackings be, Can any hold of those who know my past That I, of all men, slight our safeguarding ? No : by all honour no ! — Were I convinced That such could be the mind of members here, My sorrowing thereat would doubly shade The shade on England now ! So I do trust All in the House will take my tendered word, And credit my deliverance here to-night, That in this vital point of watch and ward Against the threatenings from yonder coast We stand prepared ; and under Providence Shall fend whatever hid or open stroke A foe may deal. He sits down amid loud ministerial cheers, with symptoms of great exhaustion. Windham The question that compels the House to-night Is not of differences 'twixt wit and wit, D 34 THE DYNASTS act i But if for England it be well or no To null the present Act, as one inept For setting up with speed and hot effect The red machinery of desperate war. — Whatever it may do, or not, 'tis this, A statesman's raw experiment. If ill, Shall more experiments and more be tried In face of jeopardy that makes demand For sureness of proceeding ? Must this House Exchange safe action based on practised lines For yet more ventures into risks unknown To gratify a quaint projector's whim, While enemies hang grinning round our gates To profit by mistake ? My friend who spoke Found comedy in the matter. Comical As it may be in parentage and feature, Most grave and tragic in its consequence This Act may prove. We are moving thoughtlessly, We squander precious, brief, life-saving time On idle guess-games. Fail the measure must, Nay, failed it has already ; and should stir Resolve in its progenitor himself To move for its repeal ! (Cheers.) Whitbread I rise but to subjoin a phrase or two To those of my right honourable friend. scbnk m THE DYNASTS 35 I, too, am one who reads the present danger As passing all our risks of heretofore. For why ? Our bold and reckless enemy, Relaxing not his plans, has gained him time To mass his monstrous force on all the coigns From which our coast is most assailable. Ay, even afloat his concentrations work : Two vast united squadrons of his sail Move at this moment viewless on the seas. — Their whereabouts, untraced, unguessable, Will not be known to us till some black blow Be struck by them in some undreamt-of quarter To end our rule. That we are reasonably secured therefrom By such an Act is but a madman's dream. A commonwealth so situate cries aloud For more, far greater, measures ! End an Act In Heaven's name, then, which only can obstruct The adumbration of a sounder plan For building up an army. (Cheers.) Bathurst Sir, the point To any sober mind is bright as noon ; Whether the Act should have befitting trial Or be condemned at sight. I firmly hold The latter rank iniquity. — One task 36 THE DYNASTS act i Is theirs who would inter this corpse-cold Act — (So deemed) — to bring to light a substitute. Sir, they have none ; they have given no thought to one, And thus their deeds incautiously disclose Their cloaked intention and most secret aim. With them the question is not how to frame A finer scheme to trounce intrusive foes, But who shall be the future ministers To whom such scheme against intrusive foes, Whatever it may prove, shall be entrusted ! They even ask the country gentlemen To join them in this plot. But, God be praised, Those gentlemen are sound, and of repute ; Their names, their property, their character, Their numbers, their attainments, and their blood, (Ironical Opposition cheers.) Safeguard them from an onslaught on an Act For ends so sinister and palpable ! (Cheers.) Fuller I disapprove of censures of this Act. — All who can entertain such hostile thought Would swear that black is white, that night is day. No honest man will join a reckless crew Who'd overthrow their country for their gain ! (Laughter.) scene in THE DYNASTS 37 TlERNEY It is incumbent on me to declare In the last speaker's face my censure, based On grounds distinct and constitutional. — An Act it is that labours to create A standing army, large and permanent ; Which kind of force has ever been beheld With jealous-eyed disfavour in this House. It makes for sure oppression, binding men To serve for less than service proves it worth Conditioned by no hampering penalty. For these and late-spoke reasons, then, I say, Let not the Act deface the statute-book, But blot it out forthwith. (Hear, hear.) Fox (rising amid cheers) At this late hour, After the riddling fire the Act has drawn on't, My words shall hold the House the briefest while. Too obvious to the most unwilling mind It grows that the existence of this law Experience and reflection have condemned. Professing to do much, it makes for nothing ; Vouched as assuring all, it comforts none. Not only so ; while feeble in effect It shows it vicious in its principle. Engaging .to raise men for the common weal, It sets a harmful and unequal tax 38 THE DYNASTS act i Capriciously on our communities. — The annals of a century, sir, unshow More flagrant cases of oppressiveness Than those this statute works to perpetrate, Which (like all Bills this favoured statesman frames, And clothes with tapestries of rhetoric Disguising their real web of commonplace) Though held as shaped for English bulwarking, Breathes in its heart the perverse schemes of party, And instincts toward oligarchic power, Galling the many to relieve the few ! (Cheers.) Whatever breadth and sense of equity Inform the methods of this minister, Those qualities nigh always trace their root To measures that his predecessors wrought. And ere his Government can dare assert Superior claims to England's confidence, They owe it to their honour and good name To furnish better proof of such a claim Than is revealed by the abortiveness Of this thing called an Act for our Defence. To the great gifts of its artificer No member of this House is more disposed To yield full recognition than am I. No man has found more reason so to do Through the long roll of disputatious years Wherein we have stood opposed. . . . But if one single fact could counsel me scene in THE DYNASTS 39 To entertain a doubt of those great gifts, And cancel faith in his capacity, That fact would be the vast imprudence shown In staking recklessly repute like his On such an Act as he has offered us — So false in principle, so poor in fruit. Sir, the achievements and effects thereof Have furnished not one fragile argument Which all the partiality of friendship Can kindle to consider as the mark Of a clear, vigorous, freedom-fostering mind ! He sits down amid cheers from the Opposition. Sheridan My summary shall be brief, and to the point. — The said right honourable Prime Minister Has thought it proper to declare my speech The jesting of an irresponsible ; — Words from a person who has never read The Act he claims him urgent to repeal. Such quips and quizzings (as he reckons them) He implicates as gathered from long hoards Stored up with cruel care, to be discharged With sudden blaze of pyrotechnic art On the devoted, gentle, shrinking head Of the right honourable gentleman. (Laughter. ) But were my humble, solemn, sad oration (Laughter.) Indeed such rattle as he rated it, 4 o THE DYNASTS act i Is it not strange and passing precedent That the illustrious chief of Government Should have uprisen with such indecent speed And strenuously replied ? He, sir, knows well That vast and luminous talents like to his Could not have been demanded to choke off A verbiage marked by nothing more of weight Than ignorant irregularity ! Nee Deus intersit — and so and so — Is a well-worn citation whose close fit None will perceive more clearly in this Fane Than its presiding Deity opposite. (Laughter.) His thunderous answer thus perforce con- demns him ! Moreover, to top all, the while replying, He still thought best to leave intact the reasons On which my blame was founded ! Thus, then, stands My motion unimpaired, convicting clearly Of dire perversion that capacity We formerly admired. — (Cries of " Oh, oh.") This minister Whose circumventions never circumvent, Whose coalitions fail to coalesce ; This dab at secret treaties known to all, This darling of the aristocracy — (Laughter, " Oh, oh," cheers, and cries of " Divide.") Has brought the millions to the verge of ruin, scene in THE DYNASTS 41 By pledging them to Continental quarrels Of which we see no end ! (Cheers.) The members rise to divide. 1 Spirit of the Pities 7/ irks~ me that they thus should Tea and Nav* -As i Kough a power lay in their oraclings r Tfedch decision work unc onsciously , AnHTwould be operant though unloosened were AytfigJeJip ! Spirit of Rumour There may react on things Some influence from these, indefinitely, And even on That, whose outcome we all are. Spirit of the Years Hypotheses ! — More boots it to remind The younger here of our ethereal band And hierarchy of Intelligences, * That this thwart Parliament whose moods we watch — So insular, empiric, un-idea l — ""May Mure for lh~~in~s harp and salient lin es To retrospective eyes of afterdays , 1 The foregoing is an attempt to give the substance of the memorable debate which took place on the evening represented j but reports differ in some particulars. 42 THE DYNASTS act i And print its legend large on History. For one cause — if I read the signs aright — To-night 1 s appearance of its Minister In the assembly of his long-time sway Is near his last,and themes to-night launched forth Will take a tincture from that memory, When men recall the scene and circumstance That hung about his pleadings. — But no more ; The ritual of each party is rehearsed, Dislodging not one vote or prejudice ; The ministers their ministries retain, And Ins as Ins, and Outs as Outs, remain. Spirit of the Pities Meanwhile what of the Foeman's vast array That wakes these tones ? Spirit of the Years Abide the event, young Shade : Soon stars will shut and show a spring-eyed dawn, And sunbeams fountain forth, that will arouse Those forming bands to full activity. An honourable member reports that he spies strangers. A timely token that we dally here I We now cast off these mortal manacles, And speed us seaward. The four Phantoms vanish from the Gallery. The members file out to the lobbies. The House and Westminster recede into the films of night, and the point of observation shifts rapidly across the Channel. scene iv THE DYNASTS 43 SCENE IV THE HARBOUR OF BOULOGNE A morning radiant with early sunlight. The French Army of Invasion is disclosed. On the hills on either side of the town and behind appear large military camps formed of timber huts. Lower down are other camps of more or less permanent kind, the whole affording accommodation for one hundred and fifty thousand men. South of the town is an extensive basin surrounded by quays, the heaps of fresh soil around showing it to be a recent excavation from the banks of the Liane. The basin is crowded with the flotilla, consisting of hundreds of vessels of sundry kinds : flat-bottomed brigs with guns and two masts ; boats of one mast, carrying each an artillery waggon, two guns, and a two-stalled horse-box ; transports with three low masts ; and long narrow pinnaces arranged for many oars. Timber, saw-mills, and new-cut planks spread in profusion around, and many of the town residences are seen to be adapted for warehouses and infirmaries. DUMB SHOW Moving in this scene are countless companies of soldiery, engaged in a drill-practice of embarking and disembarking, and of hoisting horses into the vessels and landing them again. Vehicles bearing provisions of many sorts load and unload before the temporary warehouses. Further off, on the open land, bodies of troops are at field-drill. Other bodies of soldiers, half stripped and encrusted with mud, are labouring as navvies in repairing the excavations. An English squadron of about twenty sail, comprising 44 THE DYNASTS act i a ship or two of the line, frigates, brigs, and luggers, confronts the busy spectacle from the sea. The Show presently dims, and anon a curtain of cloud closes over it. SCENE V LONDON. THE HOUSE OF A LADY OF QUALITY A fashionable crowd is present at an evening party, which includes the Dukes of Beaufort and Rutland, Lords Malmesbury, Harrowby, Eldon, Grenville, Castlereagh, Sidmouth, and Mulgrave, with their ladies ; also Canning, Percival, Townshend, Lady Anne Hamilton, Mrs. Damer, Lady Caroline Lamb, and many other notables. A Gentleman (offering his snuff-box) So, then, the Treaty anxiously concerted Between ourselves and frosty Muscovy Is duly signed ? A Cabinet Minister Was signed a few days back, And is in force. And we do firmly hope The loud pretensions and the stunning dins From new aggressiveness by France's chief, Now daily heard, these laudable exertions May keep in curb ; that ere our greening land Darken its leaves beneath the Dogday suns, The independence of the Continent May be assured, and all the rumpled flags scene v THE DYNASTS 45 Of famous dynasties so rudely mauled, Extend their honoured hues as heretofore. Gentleman So be it. Yet this man is a volcano ; And proven 'tis, by God, volcanoes choked Have ere now turned to earthquakes ! A lady comes up and playfully taps his arm. Lady What's the news ? — The c hequerboard of dipl omatic moves Is_ Lohdori, all the world knows I her e" are r boxn__ All inspirations of the Continent — , ^SCTTettT" ~ ~~ ' Gentleman Ay. Inspirations now abound ! Lady Nay, but your looks are grave ! That measured speech Betokened matter that will waken us. — Is it some piquant cruelty of his ? Or other tickling horror from abroad The packet has brought in ? Gentleman The treaty's signed ! 46 THE DYNASTS act , Minister Whereby the parties mutually agree To knit in union and in general league All outraged Europe. Lady Such kni tting close sounds well ; I But how ensure its not unravellin g ? Minister Well ; by the terms. There are among them these : Five hundred thousand active men in arms Shall strike (supported by Britannic aid In vessels, men, and money subsidies) To free North Germany and Hanover From trampling foes ; deliver Switzerland, Unbind the galled republic of the Dutch, Rethrone in Piedmont the Sardinian King, Make Naples sword-proof, un-French Italy From shore to shore ; and thoroughly guarantee A settled order to the divers states ; Thus rearing breachless barriers in each realm Against the thrust of his usurping hand. Spirit of the Years They trow not what is shaping otherwhere The while they talk thus stoutly ! scene v THE DYNASTS 47 Spirit of Rumour Bid me go And join them, and all blandly kindle them By bringing, ere material transit can, A new surprise ? Spirit of the Years Tea, for a moment, wouldst. The Spirit of Rumour enters the apartment in the form of a personage of fashion, newly arrived. He advances and addresses the group. Spirit The Treaty moves all tongues to-night. — Ha y well — So much on paper ! Gentleman What on land and sea ? You look, old friend, full primed with latest thence. Spirit Tea, this. The Italy our mighty pact Delivers from the French and Bonaparte Makes haste to crown him ! — Turning from Boulogne He speeds toward Milan, there to glory him 48 THE DYNASTS act i In second coronation by the Pope, And set upon his irrepressible brow Lombardy's iron crown. The Spirit of Rumour mingles with the throng, moves away, and disappears. Alas, alas ! Lady Lord Fair Italy, Yet thereby English folk Are freed him. — Faith, as ancient people say, It's an ill wind that blows good luck to none ! Minister Who is your friend that drops so airily This precious pinch of salt on our raw skin ? Gentleman Why, Norton. You know Norton well enough. Minister Nay, 'twas not he. Norton of course I know. I thought him Stewart for a moment, but Lady But I well scanned him — 'twas Lord Abercorn; For, said I to myself, " O quaint old beau, scene v THE DYNASTS 49 To sleep in black silk sheets so funnily " — That is, if the town rumour on't be true. Lord My wig, ma'am, no ! 'Twas a much younger man. Gentleman But let me call him ! Monstrous silly this, That I don't know my friends ! They look around. The gentlemairgoes among the surging and babbling guests, makes inquiries, and returns with a perplexed look. Gentleman They tell me, sure, That he's not here to-night ! Minister I can well swear It was not Norton. — 'Twas some lively buck, Who chose to put himself in masquerade And enter for a whim. I'll tell our host. Meantime the absurdity of his report Is more than manifested. How knows he The plans of Bonaparte by lightning-flight, Before another man in England knows ? 50 THE DYNASTS act i Lady Something uncanny's in it all, if true. Good Lord, the thought gives me a sudden sweat, That fairly makes my linen stick to me ! Minister Ha-ha ! 'Tis excellent. But we'll find out Who this impostor was. They disperse, look furtively for the stranger, and speak of the incident to others of the crowded company. Spirit of the Years Now let us vision onward, till we sight Famed Milan's aisles of marble, sun-alight, And there behold, unbid, the Coronation-rite. The confused tongues of the assembly waste away into distance, till they are heard but as the ripples of the sea from a high cliff, the scene becoming small and indistinct therewith. This passes into silence, and the whole disappears. * SCENE VI MILAN. THE CATHEDRAL The interior of the building on a sunny May day. The walls, arches, and columns are draped in silk fringed with gold. A gilded throne stands in front of the High Altar. A closely packed assemblage, in every variety of rich costume, waits in breathless expectation. scene VI THE DYNASTS 51 DUMB SHOW From a private corridor leading to a door in the aisle the Empress Josephine enters, in a shining costume, and diamonds that collect rainbow- colours from the sunlight piercing the clerestory windows. She is pre- ceded by Princess Eliza, and surrounded by her ladies. A pause follows, and then comes the procession of the Emperor, consisting of hussars, heralds, pages, aides-de-camp, presidents of institutions, ofHcers of state bearing the insignia of the Empire and of Italy, and seven ladies with offerings. The Emperor himself is in royal robes, wearing the Imperial crown, and carrying the sceptre. He is followed by ministers and officials of the household. His gait is rather defiant than dignified, and a bluish pallor overspreads his face. He is met by the Cardinal Archbishop Caprara and the clergy, who burn incense before him as he proceeds towards the throne. Rolling notes of music burst forth, and loud applause from the congregation. Spirit of the Pities What is the creed that these rich rites disclose ? Spirit of thA Years A local thirty called Christianity, '< Which the wild dramas of this wheeling sphere Include, with divers other such, in dim, Pathetical, and brief parentheses ; Beyond whose reach, uninfluenced, unconcerned, The systems of the suns go sweeping on With all their many-mortaled planet train In mathematic roll unceasingly. 52 THE DYNASTS act i Spirit of the Pities / did not recognize it here, forsooth ; Though in its early, lovingkindly days Of gracious purpose it was much to me. Archbishop (addressing Bonaparte) Sire, with that clemency and right good- will Which beautify Imperial Majesty, You deigned acceptance of the homages That we the clergy and the Milanese Were proud to offer when your entrance here Streamed radiance on our ancient capital. Please, then, to consummate the boon to-day Beneath this holy roof, so soon to thrill With solemn strains and lifting harmonies Befitting such a coronation hour ; And bend a tender fatherly regard On this assembly, now at one with me To supplicate the Author of All Good That He endow your most Imperial person With every Heavenly gift. The procession advances, and the Emperor seats himself on the throne, with the banners and regalia of the Empire on his right, and those of Italy on his left hand. Shouts and triumphal music accompany the proceedings, after which Divine service commences. scene vi THE DYNASTS $3 Spirit of the Pities Thus are the self-styled servants of the Highest Constrained by earthly duress to embrace Mighty imperiousness as it were choice, And hand the Italian sceptre unto one Who, with a saturnine, sour-humoured grin, Professed at first to flout antiquity, Scorn limp conventions, smile at mouldy thrones, And level dynasts down to journeymen I — Yet he, advancing swiftly on that track Whereby his active soul, fair Freedom's child, Makes strange decline, now labours to achieve The thing it overthrew. Spirit of the Years Thou reasonest ever thuswise — even as if A self-formed force had urged his loud career. Spirit Sinister Do not the prelate's accents falter thin. His lips with inheld laughter grow deformed, While blessing one whose aim is but to win The golden seats that other b s have warmed? Spirit of the Years Soft, jester ; scorn not puppetry so skilled, Even made to feel by one men call the Dame. 54 THE DYNASTS act i Shade of the Earth Tea ; that they feel, and puppetry remain^ Is an owned flaw in her consistency Men love to dub Dame Nature — that lay-shape They use to hang phenomena upon — Whose deftest mothering in fairest spheres Is girt about by terms inexorable ! Spirit Sinister The lady s remark is apposite, and reminds me that I may as well hold my tongue as de- sired. For if my casual scorn, Father Tears, should set thee trying to prove that there is any rhyme or reason in the Universe, thou wilt not accomplish it by Doomsday ! Small blame to her, however ; she must cut her coat accord- ing to her cloth, as they say down below there. Spirit of the Years O would that I could move It to enchain thee, And shut thee up a thousand years ! — (/o cite A grim terrestrial tale of one thy like) Thou Iago of the Incorporeal World, " As they would say below there. 1 ' Spirit of the Pities Would thou couldst ! But move That scoped above percipience, Sire, It cannot be ! scene v! THE DYNASTS 55 Shade of the Earth The spectacle proceeds. Spirit Sinister And we may as well give all attention thereto, for what is doing in other continents is not worth eyesight. Our meanest deputies can take note of the' dull show of evils going on there. The ceremonial in the Cathedral continues. Napoleon goes to the front of the altar, ascends the steps, and, taking up the crown of Lombardy, places it on his head. Napoleon 'Tis God has given it to me. So be it. Let any who shall touch it now beware ! (Reverberations of applause.) The Sacrament of the Mass. Napoleon reads the Coronation Oath in a loud voice. Heralds Give ear ! Napoleon, Emperor of the French And King of Italy, is crowned and throned ! Congregation Long live the Emperor and King. Huzza ! Music. The Te Deum. S6 THE DYNASTS act i Spirit of the Pities That vulgar stroke of vauntery he displayed In planting on his brow the Lombard crown, Means sheer erasure of the Luneville pacts, And lets confusion loose on Europe 's peace For many an undawned year ! From this rash hour Austria but waits her opportunity By secret swellings of her armaments To link her to his foes. — I'll speak to him. He throws a whisper into Napoleon's ear. Lieutenant Bonaparte, Would it not seemlier be to shut thy heart To these unhealthy splendours ? — render thee To whom thou swarest first, fair Liberty ? Napoleon Who spoke to me ? Archbishop Not I, Sire. Not a soul. Napoleon Dear Josephine, my queen, didst call my name ? Josephine I spoke not, Sire. scene vi THE DYNASTS 57 Napoleon Thou didst not, tender spouse ; I know it. Such harsh utterance was not thine. 'Twas but aggressive Fancy working spells Upon a mind o'erwrought ! The service closes. The clergy advance with the canopy to the foot of the throne, and the procession forms to return to the Palace. Spirit of the Years Officious sprite, Thou'rt young, and dost not heed the Cause of things , Which some of us have inkled to thee here ; Else wouldst thou not have hailed the Emperor, Whose acts do but outshape Its governing. Spirit of the Pities I feel, Sire, as I must ! This tale of Will And Life's impulsion by Incognizance I cannot take. Spirit of the Years Let me then once again Show to thy sceptic eye the very streams And currents of this all-inhering Power, And bring conclusion to thy unbelief 58 THE DYNASTS act i scene vi The scene assumes the preternatural transparency before mentioned, and there is again beheld as it were the interior of a brain which seems to manifest the volitions of an Universal Will, of whose tissues the personages of the action form portion. Spirit- of the Pities Enough. And yet for very sorriness I cannot own the weird phantasma real! Spirit of the Years Affection ever was illogical. Spirit Ironic (aside) How should the Sprite own to such logic — a mere juvenile — who only came into being in what the earthlings call their Tertiary Age ! The scene changes. The exterior of the Cathedral takes the place of the interior, and the point of view recedes, the whole fabric smalling into distance and becoming like a rare, delicately carved alabaster ornament. The city itself sinks to miniature, the Alps show afar as a white corrugation, the Adriatic and the Gulf of Genoa appear on this and that hand, with Italy between them, till clouds cover the panorama. ACT SECOND SCENE I THE DOCKYARD, GIBRALTAR The Rock is seen rising behind the town and the Alameda Gardens, and the English fleet rides at anchor in the Bay, across which the Spanish shore from Algeciras to Carnero Point shuts in the West. South- ward over the Strait is the African coast. Spirit of the Years Our migratory Proskenion now presents An outlook on the storied Kalpe Rock, As preface to the vision of the Fleets Spanish and French, linked for fell purpo sings. Recording Angel (reciting) Their motions and manoeuvres, since the fame Of Bonaparte'' s enthronement at Milan Swept swift through Europe's dumbed com- munities, Have stretched the English mind to wide surmise. Many well-based alarms {which strange report 59 60 THE DYNASTS act n Much aggravates) as to the pondered blow, Flutter the public pulse ; all points in turn — Malta, Brazil, Wales, Ireland, British Ind — Being held as feasible for force like theirs, Of lavish numbers and unrecking aim. " Where, where is Nelson ? " questions every tongue ; — " How views he so unparalleled a scheme ? " Their slow uncertain apprehensions ask. " When Villeneuve puts to sea with all his force, What may he not achieve, if swift his course ! " Spirit of the Years Til call in Nelson, who has stepped ashore For the first time these thrice twelvemonths and more, And with him one whose insight has alone Pierced the real project of Napoleon. Enter Nelson and Collingwood, who pace up and down. Spirit of the Pities Note Nelson's worn-out features. Much has he Suffered from labour and anxiety ! Nelson In short, dear Coll, the letter which you wrote me Had so much pith that I was fain to see you ; For I am sure that you indeed divine scene i THE DYNASTS 61 The true intent and compass of a plot Which I have spelled in vain. CoLLINGWOOD I weighed it thus : Their flight to th' Indies being to draw us off", That and no more, and clear these coasts of us — The standing obstacle to his device — He cared not what was done at Martinique, Or where, provided that the general end Should not be jeopardized — that is to say, The full-united squadron's quick return. — Gravina and Villeneuve, once back to Europe, Can straight make Ferrol, raise there the blockade, Then haste to Brest, there to relieve Gan- teaume, And next with four- or five-and-fifty sail Bear down upon our coast as they see fit. — I read they aim to strike at Ireland still, As formerly, and as I wrote to you. Nelson So far "your thoughtful and sagacious words Have hit the facts. But 'tis no Irish bay The villains aim to drop their anchors in ; My word for it : they make the Wessex shore, And this vast squadron handled by Villeneuve 62 THE DYNASTS act n Is meant to cloak the passage of their strength, Massed in those transports — we being kept elsewhere By feigning forces. — Good God, Collingwood, I must be gone ! Yet two more days remain Ere I can get away. — I must be gone ! Collingwood Wherever you may go to, my dear lord, You carry victory with you. Let them launch, Your name will blow them back, as sou'- west gales The gulls that beat against them from the shore. Nelson Good Collingwood, I know you trust in me ; But ships are ships, and do not kindly come Out of the slow docks of the Admiralty Like wharfside pigeons when they are whistled for : — And there's a damned disparity of force, Which means tough work awhile for you and me ! The Spirit of the Years whispers to Nelson. And I have warnings, warnings, Collingwood, That my effective hours are shortening here ; scene i THE DYNASTS 63 Strange warnings now and then, as 'twere within me, Which, though I fear them not, I recog- nize ! . . . However, by God's help, I'll live to meet These foreign boasters ; yea, I'll finish them ; And then — well, Gunner Death may finish me! COLLINGWOOD View not your life so gloomily, my lord : 'Tis charmed, a needed purpose to fulfil ! >, Nelson Ah, Coll. Lead bullets are not all that wound. . I have a feeling here of dying fires, A sense of much and deep unworded censure, Which, compassing about my private life, Makes all my public service lustreless In my own eyes. — I fear I am much con- demned For those dear Naples and Palermo days, And her who was the sunshine of them all! . . . He who is with himself dissatisfied, Though all the world find satisfaction in him, Is like a rainbow-coloured bird gone blind, That gives delight it shares not. Happiness ? It's the philosopher's stone no alchemy 64 THE DYNASTS act n Shall light on in this world I am weary of. — Smiling I'd pass to my long home to-morrow Could I with honour, and my country's gain. But let's adjourn. I waste your hours ashore By such ill-timed confessions ! They pass out of sight, and the scene closes. SCENE II OFF FERROL The French and Spanish combined squadrons. On board the French admiral's flag-ship. Villeneuve is discovered in his cabin, writing a letter. Spirit of the Pities He pens in fits, with pallid restlessness, Like one who sees misfortune stalk the wave, And can nor face nor flee it. Spirit of the Years He indites To his long friend the minister Decres Words that go heavily ! . . , Villeneuve (writing) "lam made the arbiter in vast designs Whereof I see black outcomes. Do I this Or do I that, success, that loves to jilt Her anxious wooer for some careless blade, scene n THE DYNASTS 65 Will not reward me. For, if I must pen it, Demoralized past prayer is the marine — Bad masts, bad sails, bad officers, bad men ; We cling to naval technics long outworn, And time and opportunity do not avail me To take up new. I have long suspected such, But till I saw my helps, the Spanish ships, I hoped somewhat. — Brest is my nominal port; Yet if so, Calder will again attack — Now reinforced by Nelson or Cornwallis — And shatter my whole fleet. . . . Shall I admit That my true inclination and desire Is to make Cadiz straightway, and not Brest ? Alas ! thereby I fail the Emperor ; But shame the navy less. — Your friend, Villeneuve." General Lauriston enters. Lauriston Admiral, my missive to the Emperor, Which I shall speed by special courier From Ferrol this near eve, runs thus and thus : — " Gravina's ships, in Ferrol here at hand, Embayed but by a temporary wind, Are all we now await. Combined with these We sail herefrom to Brest ; there promptly give Cornwallis battle, and release Ganteaume ; 66 THE DYNASTS act n A step that sets in motion the first wheel In the proud project of your Majesty Now to be engined to the very close, To wit : that a French fleet shall enter in And hold the Channel four - and - twenty hours." — Such clear assurance to the Emperor That our intent is modelled on his will I hasten to dispatch to him forthwith. 1 VlLLENEUVE Yes, Lauriston. I sign to every word. Lauriston goes out. Villeneuve remains at his table in reverie. Spirit of the Years We may impress him under visible shapes That seem to shed a silent-circling doom ; He's such an one as can be so impressed, And this much is among our privileges, Well bounded as they be. — Let us draw near him. The Spirits of the Years and of the Pities take the form of white sea-birds, which alight on the stern- balcony of Villeneuve's ship, immediately outside his cabin window. Villeneuve after a while lifts his eyes and sees the birds. 1 Through this tangle of intentions the writer has in the main followed Thiers, whose access to documents would seem to authenticate his details of the famous scheme for England's ruin.- scene ii THE DYNASTS 67 VlLLENEUVE My apprehensions even outstep their cause, As though some influence smote through yonder pane. A pause. ■ Why dared I not disclose to him my thought, As nightly worded by the whistling shrouds, That Brest will never see our battled hulls Helming to north in pomp of cannonry To take the lead in this red pilgrimage ! If so it were, now, that I'd screen my skin From risks of bloody business in the brunt, My acts could scarcely wear a difference. Yet I would die to-morrow — not ungladly — So far removed is carcase-care from me. 'Tis for no self these apprehensions spring, But for the cause. — Yes, rotten is our marine, Which, while I know, the Emperor knows not, And the pale secret chills. Though some there be Would beard contingencies and buffet all, I'll not command a course so conscienceless. Rather I'll stand, and face Napoleon's rage When he shall learn what mean the ambiguous lines That facts have forced from me. 68 THE DYNASTS act u Spirit of the Pities (to the Spirit of the Years) Eldest-born of the Unconscious Cause — If such thou beest, as I can fancy thee — Why dost thou rack him thus ? Consistency Might be preserved, and yet his doom remain. His olden courage is without reproach ; 'Tis but his temper to be gaingiving. Spirit of the Years / say as I have said long heretofore, 1 know but narrow freedom. Feel'st thou not We are in Its hand, as he ? — Here, as elsewhere, We do but as we may ; no further dare. The birds disappear, and the scene closes. SCENE III THE CAMP AND HARBOUR OF BOULOGNE The English coast in the distance. Near the Tour d'Ordre stands a hut, with sentinels and aides outside, Napoleon's temporary lodging when not at his head- quarters at the Chateau of Pont-de-Briques, two miles inland. DUMB SHOW A courier arrives with dispatches, and enters the Emperor's quarters, whence he emerges and goes on with other dispatches to the hut of Decres, lower down. Napoleon comes out from his hut with a paper scene in THE DYNASTS 69 in his hand, and musingly proceeds towards an emi- nence commanding the sea. Along the shore below are forming in a far-reaching line more than a hundred thousand infantry. On the downs in the rear of the camps fifteen thousand cavalry are manoeuvring, their accoutrements flashing in the sun like a school of mackerel. The flotilla lies in and around the port, alive with moving figures. With his head forward and his hands behind him the Emperor surveys these animated proceedings in detail, but more frequently turns his face towards the telegraph on the clifF to the south-west, erected to signal when Villeneuve and the combined squadrons shall be visible on the west horizon. He summons one of the aides, who descends to the hut of Decres. Decres comes out from his hut, and hastens to join the Emperor. Dumb show ends. Napoleon and Decres advance to the foreground of the scene. Napoljson Decres, this action with Sir Robert Calder Three weeks ago, whereof we dimly heard, And clear details of which I have just unsealed, Is on the whole auspicious for our plan. It seems that twenty of our ships and Spain's — None over eighty-gunned, and some far less — Engaged the English off Cape Finisterre With fifteen vessels of a hundred each. We coolly fought and orderly as they, And, but for mist, we had closed with victory. Two English were much hit, some Spanish damaged, 70 THE DYNASTS act n And Calder then drew off with his two wrecks And Spain's in tow, we giving chase forthwith. Not overtaking him our admiral, Having the coast clear for his purposes, Entered Corufia, and found orders there To open the port of Brest and come on hither. Thus hastes the moment when the double fleet Of Villeneuve and of Ganteaume should appear. He looks again towards the telegraph. Decres (with hesitation) And should they not appear, your Majesty ? Napoleon x Not ? But they will ; and do it early, too ! There's nothing hinders them. My God, they must, For I have much before me when this stroke At England's dealt. I learn from Talleyrand That Austrian preparations threaten hot, While Russia's hostile schemes are ripening, And shortly must be met. — My plan is fixed : I am prepared for each alternative. If Villeneuve come, I brave the British coast, Convulse the land with fear ('tis even now So far distraught that generals cast about To find new modes of warfare ; yea, design Carriages to transport their infantry !). — scene in THE DYNASTS 71 Once on the English soil I hold it firm, Descend on London, and the while my men Salute the dome of Paul's I cut the knot Of all Pitt's coalitions ; setting free From bondage to a cold manorial caste A people who await it. They stand and regard the chalky cliffs of England, till Napoleon resumes : Should it be Even that my admirals fail to keep the tryst — A thing scarce thinkable, when all's re- viewed — I strike this seaside camp, cross Germany, With these two hundred thousand seasoned men, And pause not till within Vienna's walls I cry checkmate. Next, Venice, too, being taken, And Austria's other holdings down that way, The Bourbons also driven from Italy, I strike at Russia — each in turn, you note, Ere they can act conjoined. Report to me What has been scanned to-day upon the main, And on your passage down request them there To send Daru this way. 72 THE DYNASTS act n Decr£s (as he withdraws) The Emperor can be sanguine. Scarce can I. His letters are more promising than mine. Alas, alas, Villeneuve, my dear old friend, Why do you pen me this at such a time ! [He retires reading a letter. The Emperor walks up and down ^till Daru, his private secretary, joins him. NapolIon Come quick, Daru ; sit down upon the grass, And write whilst I am in mind. First to Villeneuve : — " I trust, vice-admiral, that before this date Your fleet has opened Brest, and gone. If not, These lines will reach you there. But pause not, pray : Waste not a moment dallying. Sail away : Once bring my coupled squadrons Channel- wards And England's soil is ours. All's ready here, The troops alert, and every store embarked. Hold the nigh sea but four-and-twenty hours And our vast end is gained." Now to Ganteaume : — " My telegraphs will have made known to you My object and desire to be but this, That you forbid Villeneuve to lose an hour In getting fit and putting forth to sea, scene Iv THE DYNASTS 73 To profit by the fifty first-rate craft Wherewith I now am bettered. Quickly weigh, And steer you for the Channel with all your strength. I count upon your well-known character, Your enterprize, your vigour, to do this. Sail hither, then ; and we will be avenged For centuries of despite and contumely." Daru Shall a fair transcript, Sire, be made forthwith ? Napoleon This moment. And the courier will depart And travel without pause. Daru goes to his office a little lower down, and the Emperor lingers on the cliffs looking through his glass. The point of view shifts across the Channel, the Boulogne cliffs sinking behind the water-line. SCENE IV SOUTH WESSEX. AN OPEN DOWN NEAR THE COAST A wide view over the English Channel in front, in- cluding the Isle of Slingers and its roadstead, where men-of-war and frigates are anchored. The hour is ten in the morning, and the sun glows upon a large military encampment round about the foreground, and warms the stone field-walls that take the place of hedges here. 74 THE DYNASTS act u Artillery, cavalry, and infantry, English and Hano- verian, are drawn up for review under the Duke of Cumberland and officers of the staff, forming a vast military array, which extends three miles, and as far as the downs are visible. In the centre by the Royal Standard appears King George on horseback, and his suite. In a coach drawn by six cream-coloured Hanoverian horses Queen Charlotte sits with three Princesses ; in another carriage with four horses are two more Princesses. There are also present with the Royal Party the Lord Chancellor, Lord Mulgrave, Count Munster, and many other luminaries of fashion and influence. The Review proceeds in dumb show ; and the din of many bands mingles with the cheers. The turf behind the saluting-point is crowded with carriages and spectators on foot. A Spectator And you've come to see the sight, like the King and myself ? Well, one fool makes many. What a mampus o' folk it is here to-day ! And what a time we do live in, between wars and wassailings, the ghost o' Boney, and King George in flesh and blood ! Second Spectator Yes. I wonder King George is let venture down on this coast, where he might be snapped up in a moment like a minnow by a her'n, so near as we be to the field of Boney's vagaries ! Begad, he's as like to land here as anywhere. Gloucester Lodge could be surrounded, and scene iv THE DYNASTS 75 George and Charlotte carried off before he could put on his hat, or she her red cloak and pattens. Third Spectator 'Twould be no such joke to kidnap 'em as you think. Look at the frigates down there. Every night they are drawn up in a line across the mouth of the Bay, almost touching each other ; and ashore a double line of sentinels, well primed with beer and ammuni- tion, one at the water's edge, and the other on the Esplanade, stretch along the whole front. Then close to the Lodge a guard is mounted after eight o'clock ; there be pickets on all the hills ; at the Harbour mouth is a battery of twenty four-pounders ; and over- right 'em a dozen six-pounders, and several howitzers. And next look at the size of the camp of horse and foot up here. First Spectator Everybody however was fairly gallied this week when the King went out yachting, meaning to be back for the theatre ; and the time passed, and it got dark, and the play couldn't begin, and eight or nine o'clock came, and never a sign of him. I don't know when 'a did land ; but 'twas said by all that it was a foolhardy pleasure to take. 76 THE DYNASTS act n Fourth Spectator He's a very obstinate and comical old gentleman ; and by all account 'a wouldn't make port when asked to. Second Spectator Lard, Lard, if 'a were nabbed, it wouldn't make a deal of difference ! We should have nobody to zing to, and play ^single-stick to, and grin at through horse-collars, that's true. And nobody to sign our few documents. But we should rub along some way, goodnow. First Spectator Step up on this barrow ; you can see better. The troopers now passing are the York Hussars — foreigners to a man, except the officers — the same regiment the two young Germans belonged to who were shot here four years ago. Now come the Light Dragoons ; what a time they take to get all past ! See, the King turns to speak to one of his notables. Well, well ! this day will be recorded in history. Second Spectator Or another soon to follow it ! (He gazes over the Channel.) There's not a speck of scene v THE DYNASTS 77 an enemy upon that shiny water yet ; but the Brest fleet is said to have put to sea, to act in concert with the army crossing from Boulogne ; and if so the French will soon be here ; when God save us all ! I've took to drinking neat, for, says I, one may as well have his innerds burnt out as shot out, and 'tis a good deal pleasanter for the man that owns 'em. They say that a cannon-ball knocked poor Jim Popple's maw right up into the futtock-shrouds at the Nile, where 'a hung like a nightcap out to dry. Much good to him his obeying his old mother's wish and refusing his allowance o' rum ! The bands play and the Review continues till past eleven o'clock. Then follows a sham fight. At noon precisely the royal carriages draw off the ground into the highway that leads down to the town and Gloucester Lodge, followed by other equipages in such numbers that the road is blocked. A multitude comes after on foot. Presently the vehicles manage to proceed to the watering-place, and the troops march away to the various camps as a sea-mist cloaks the perspective. SCENE V THE SAME. RAIN BARROWS' BEACON, EGDON HEATH Night in mid-August. A lofty ridge of heathland reveals itself dimly, terminating in an abrupt slope, at the summit of which are three tumuli. On the sheltered 78 THE DYNASTS act ir side of the most prominent of these stands a hut of turves with a brick chimney. In front are two ricks of fuel, one of heather and furze for quick ignition, the other of wood, for slow burning. Something in the feel of the darkness and in the personality of the spot imparts a sense of uninterrupted space around, the view by day extending from the cliffs of the Isle of Wight eastward to Blackdon Hill by Deadman's Bay westward, and south across the Valley of the Froom to the ridge that screens the Channel. Two old men with pikes loom up, on duty as beacon- keepers beside the ricks. First Old Man Now, Jems Purchess, once more mark my words. Black'on is the point we've to watch, and not Kingsbere ; and I'll explain for why. If he do land anywhere hereabout 'twill be inside Deadman's Bay, and the signal will straightway come from Black'on. But there thou'st stand, glowing and staring with all thy eyes at Kingsbere ! I tell *ee what 'tis, Jem Purchess, your brain is softening ; and you be getting too old for business of state like ours ! Second Old Man You've let your tongue wrack your few rames of good breeding, John. scene v THE DYNASTS 79 First Old Man The words of my Lord Lieutenant was, whenever you see Kingsbere-Hill Beacon fired to the eastward, or Black'on to the west- ward, light up ; and keep your second fire burning for two hours. Was that our docu- ments or was it not ? Second Old Man I don't gainsay it. And so I keep my eye on Kingsbere, because that's most likely o' the two, says I. First Old Man That shows the curious depths of your ignorance. However, I'll have patience, and say on. Didst ever larn geography ? Second Old Man No. Nor no other corrupt practices. First Old Man Tcht-tcht ! — Well, I'll have patience, and put it to him in another form. Dost know the world is round — eh ? I warrant dostn't ! Second Old Man I warrant I do ! 80 THE DYNASTS act » First Old Man How d'ye make that out, when th'st never been to school ? Second Old Man I larned it at church, thank God. First Old Man Church ? What have God A'mighty got to do with profane knowledge ? Beware what you be saying, Jems Purchess ! Second Old Man I say I did, whether or no. 'Twas the zingers up in gallery that I had it from. They busted out that strong with " the round world and they that dwell therein," that we common fokes down under could do no less than believe 'em. First Old Man Canst be sharp enough in the wrong place as usual — I warrant canst ! However, I'll have patience with 'en, and say on ! — Suppose, now, my hat is the world ; and there, as might be, stands the Camp of Belong, where Boney is. The world goes round, so, and Belong goes scene v THE DYNASTS 81 round too. Twelve hours pass ; round goes the world still — so. Where's Belong now ? A pause. Two other figures, a man's and a woman's, rise against the sky out of the gloom. First Old Man (shouldering his pike) Who goes there ? Friend or foe, in the King's name ! Woman Piece o' trumpery ! " Who goes " your- self ! What d'ye talk o', John Whiting ! Can't your eyes earn their living any longer, then, that you don't know your own neighbours ? 'Tis Private Cantle of the Locals and his wife Keziar, down at Bloom's-End — who else should it be ! First Old Man (lowering his pike) A form o' words, Mis'ess Cantle, no more ; ordained by his Majesty's Gover'ment to be spoke by all we on sworn duty for the defence o' the country. Strict watch and ward is our only horn of salvation in these times. — But, my dear woman, why ever have ye come lumpering up to Rainbarrows at this time o' night ? Woman We've been troubled wi' bad dreams, owing to the firing out at sea yesterday ; and G 82 THE DYNASTS act i, at last I could sleep no more, feeling sure that sommat boded of His coming. And I said to Cantle, I'll ray myself, and go up to Beacon, and ask if anything have been heard or seen to-night. And here we be. First Old Man Not a sign or sound — all's as still as a churchyard. And how is your good man ? Private Clk ! I be all right ! I was in the ranks, helping to keep the ground at the review by the King this week. We was a wonderful sight — wonderful ! The King said so again and again. — Yes, there was he, and there was I, though naturally not daring to move a* eyebrow in the presence of Majesty. I have come home on a night's leave — off there again to-morrow. Boney's expected every day, thank God ! Yes, our hopes are to be fulfilled soon, as we say in the army. First Old Man There, there, Cantle ; don't ye speak quite so large, and stand so over-upright. Your back is as holler as a fire-dog's. Do ye suppose that we on active service here don't know war news ? Mind you don't go taking scene v THE DYNASTS 83 to your heels when the next alarm comes, as you did at last year's. Private That had nothing to do with fighting, for I'm as bold as a lion when I'm up, and " Shoulder Fawlocks ! " sounds as common as my own name to me. 'Twas (Lowering his voice) Have ye heard ? First Old Man To be sure we have. Private Ghastly, isn't it ! First Old Man Ghastly ! Frightful ! Second Old Man (to Private) He don't know what it is! That's his pride and puffery. What is it that's so ghastly — hey ? Private Well, there, I can't tell it. 'Twas that that made the whole eighty of our company run away — though we be the bravest of the brave in natural jeopardies, or the little boys 84 THE DYNASTS act n wouldn't run after us and call us the " Bang- up-Locals." Woman (in undertones) I can tell you a word or two on't. It is about His victuals. They say that He lives upon human flesh, and has rashers o' baby every morning for breakfast — for all the world like the Cernel Giant in old ancient times ! Second Old Man Ye can't believe all ye hear. Private I only believe half. And I only own — such in my challengeful character — that perhaps He do eat pagan infants when He's in the desert. But not Christian ones at home. Oh no — 'tis too much ! Woman Whether or no, I sometimes — God forgie me ! — laugh wi' horror at the queerness o't, till I am that weak I can hardly go round house. He should have the washing of 'em a few times ; I warrant 'a wouldn't want to eat babies any more ! A silence, during which they gaze around at the dark dome of starless sky. scenb v THE DYNASTS 85 Second Old Man There'll be a change in the weather soon, by the look o't. I can hear the cows moo in Froom Valley as if I were close to 'em, and the lantern at Max Turnpike is shining quite plain. First Old Man Well, come in and taste a drop o' sommat we've got here, that will warm the cockles of your heart as ye wamble homealong. We housed eighty tubs here last night for them that shan't be named — landed at Lullwind Cove the night afore, though they had a narrow shave with the riding-officers this run. They make towards the hut, when a light on the west horizon becomes visible, and quickly enlarges. Second Old Man He's come ! First Old Man Come he is, though you do say it ! This, then, is the beginning of what England's waited for ! Second Old Man Just what you was thanking God for by- now, Private Cantle. 86 THE DYNASTS act h Private My meaning was Woman (simpering) Oh that I hadn't married a fiery sojer, to make me bring fatherless children into the world, all through 'his dreadful calling ! Why didn't a man of no sprawl content me ! I feel as if I were smote hip and thigh in Jezreel ! Ftrst Old Man (shouldering his pike) We can't heed your innocent pratings any longer, good neighbours, being in the King's service, and a hot invasion on. Fall in, fall in, mate. Straight to the tinder-box. Quick march ! The old men hasten to the hut, and are heard strik- ing a flint and steel. Returning with a lit lantern they ignite a wisp of furze, and with this set the first stack of fuel in a blaze. The private of the Locals and his wife hastily retreat by the light of the flaming beacon, under which the purple rotundities of the heath show like bronze, and the pits like the eye-sockets of a skull. Spirit Sinister This is good, and spells blood. (To the Chorus of the Years) / assume that It means to let us carry out this invasion with -pleasing slaughter, so as not to disappoint my hope ? scene v THE DYNASTS 87 Semichorus I of the Years (aerial music) We carry out ? Nay, but should we Ordain what bloodshed is to be ! Semichorus II The Immanent, that urgeth ally Rules what may or may not befall I Semichorus I Ere systemed suns were globed and lit The slaughters of the race were writ, Semichorus II And wasting wars, by land and sea, Fixed, like all else, immutably I Spirit Sinister Well ; be it so. My argument is that War makes rattling good history ; but Peace is poor reading. So I back Bonaparte for the reason that he will give pleasure to posterity. Spirit of the Pities Gross hypocrite ! Chorus of the Years We comprehend him not. 88 THE DYNASTS act u The day breaks over the heathery upland, on which the beacon is still burning. The morning reveals the white surface of a highway which, coming from the royal watering-place beyond the hills, stretches towards the outskirts of the heath and passes away eastward. DUMB SHOW Moving figures and vehicles dot the surface of the road, all progressing in one direction, away from the coast. In the foreground the shapes appear as those of civilians, mostly on foot, but many in gigs and trades- men's carts and on horseback. When they reach an intermediate hill some pause and look back ; others enter on the next decline landwards without turning their heads. From the opposite horizon numerous companies ot volunteers, in the local uniform of red with green facings, 1 are moving coastwards in companies ; as are also irregular bodies of pikemen without uniform ; while on the upper slopes of the downs towards the shore regiments of the line are visible, with cavalry and artillery ; all passing over to the coast. At a signal from the Chief Intelligences two Phantoms of Rumour enter on the highway in the garb of country-men. First Phantom (to Pedestrians) Whither so fast, good neighbours, and before breakfast, too ? Empty bellies be bad to vamp on. 1 Theae historic facinga, which I believe won for the local (old 39th) regiment the nickname of " Green Linnets," have been changed for no apparent reason. scene v THE DYNASTS 89 First Pedestrian (laden with a pack, and speaking breathlessly) He's landed west'ard, out by Abbot's Beach. And if you have property you'll save it and yourselves, as we are doing ! Second Pedestrian All yesterday the firing at Boulogne Was like the seven thunders heard in Heaven "When the 4 erce angel spoke. So did he draw Men's eyes that way, the while his thousand boats Full-manned, flat-bottomed for the shallowest shore, Dropped down to west, and crossed our frontage here. Seen from above they specked the water- shine As will a flight of swallows towards dim eve, Descending on a smooth and loitering stream To seek some eyot's sedge. Second Phantom We are sent to enlighten you and ease your souls. Even now a courier canters to the port To check the baseless scare. qo THE DYNASTS act n First Pedestrian (to second Pedestrian) These be inland men who, I warrant 'ee, don't know a lerret from a lighter ? Let's take no heed of such, comrade; and hurry on ! First Phantom Will you not hear That what was seen behind the midnight mist, Their oar-blades tossing twinkles to the moon, Was but a fleet of fishing-craft belated By reason of the vastness of their haul ? First Pedestrian Hey ? And d'ye know it ? — Now I look back to the top o' Rudgeway the folk do seem as come to a pause there. — Be this true, never again do I stir my stumps for any alarm short of the Day of Judgment ! Nine times has my rheumatical rest been broke in these last three years by hues and cries of Boney upon us. 'Od rot the feller ; now he's made a fool of me once more, till my inside is like a wash-tub, what wi' being so gallied, and running so leery ! — But how if you be one of the enemy, sent to sow these tares, so to speak it, these false tidings, and coax us into a fancied safety ? Hey, neigh- bours ? I don't, after all, care for this story ! scene v THE DYNASTS 91 Second Pedestrian Onwards again ! If Boney's come, 'tis best to be away ; And if he's not, why, we've a holiday ! [Exeunt Pedestrians. The Spirits of Rumour vanish, while the scene seems to become involved in the smoke from the beacon, and slowly disappears. 1 1 The remains of the lonely hut occupied by the beacon-keepers, consisting of some half-buried brickbats, and a little mound of peat overgrown with moss, are still visible on the elevated spot referred to. ACT THIRD SCENE I BOULOGNE. THE CHATEAU AT PONT-DE-BRIQUES A room in the Chateau, which is used as the Imperial quarters. The Emperor Napoleon and M. Gaspard Monge, the mathematician and philosopher, seated at breakfast. Enter the officer in attendance. Officer Monsieur the Admiral Decres awaits A moment's audience with your Majesty, Or now, or later. Napoleon Bid him come in at once — At last Villeneuve has raised the Brest blockade! Enter Decres. What of the squadrons' movements, good Decres ? Brest opened, and all sailing Channelwards, Like swans into a creek at feeding-time ? 92 act in scene i THE DYNASTS 93 Decres Such news was what I'd hoped, your Majesty, To send across this daybreak. But events Have proved intractable, it seems, of late ; And hence I haste in person to report The feadess facts that just have dashed my Napoleon (darkening) Well? Decr.es Sire, at the very juncture when the fleets Sailed out from Ferrol, fever raged aboard "L'Achille" and "l'Algeciras" : later on, Mischief assailed our Spanish comrades' ships ; Several ran foul of neighbours ; whose new hurts, Being added to their innate clumsiness, Gave hap the upper hand ; and in quick course Demoralized the whole ; until Villeneuve, Judging that Calder now with Nelson rode, And prescient of unparalleled disaster If he pushed on in so disjoint a trim, Bowed to the inevitable ; and thus, perforce, Leaving to other opportunity Brest and the Channel scheme, with vast regret Steered southward into Cadiz. 94 THE DYNASTS act m Napoleon (having risen from the table) What ! — Is, then, My scheme of years to be disdained and dashed By this man's like, a wretched moral coward, Whom you must needs foist on me as one fit For full command in pregnant enterprise ! Monge (aside) I'm one too many here ! Let me step out Till this black squall blows over. Poor Decres. Would that this precious project, disinterred From naval archives of King Louis' reign, Had ever lingered fusting where 'twas found ! * [Exit Monge. Napoleon To help a friend you foul a country's fame ! — Decres, not only chose you this Villeneuve, But you have nourished secret sour opinions Akin to his, and thereby helped to scathe 1 " Le projet existe encore aux archives de la marine que Napoleon consultait incessamment : il sentait que cette marine dcpuis Louis XIV. avait fait de grandes choses : le plan de l'Expe'dition d'Egypte et de la descente en Angleterre se trouvaient au ministere de la marine." — Capifigui : V Europe pendant le Consular et f Empire, scene i THE DYNASTS 95 As stably based a project as this age Has sunned to ripeness. Ever the French marine Have you decried, ever contrived to bring Despair into the fleet ! Why, this Villeneuve, Your man, this rank incompetent, this traitor — Of whom I asked no more than fight and lose, Provided he detained the enemy — A frigate is too great for his command ! What shall be said of one who, at a breath, When a few casual sailors find them sick, When falls a broken boom or slitten sail, When rumour hints that Calder's tubs and Nelson's May join, and bob about in company, Is straightway paralyzed, and doubles back On all his ripened plans ! — Bring him, ay, bodily ; hale him out from Cadiz, Compel him up the Channel by main force, And, having dofFed him his supreme command, Give the united squadrons to Ganteaume ! DecrIs Your Majesty, while umbraged, righteously, By an event my tongue dragged dry to tell, Makes my hard situation over-hard By your ascription to the actors in't Of motives such and such. 'Tis not for me To answer these reproaches, Sire, and ask 96 THE DYNASTS act m Why years-long mindfulness of France's fame In things marine should win no confidence. I speak ; but am unable to convince ! True is it that this man has been my friend Since boyhood made us schoolmates ; and I say That he would yield the heel-drops of his heart With joyful readiness this day, this hour, To do his country service. Yet no less Is it his drawback that he sees too far. And there are times, Sire, when a shorter sight Charms Fortune more. A certain sort of bravery Some people have — to wit, this same Lord Nelson — Which is but fatuous faith in one's own star Swoln to the very verge of childishness, (Smugly disguised as putting trust in God, A habit with these English folk) ; whereby A headstrong blindness to contingencies • Carries the actor on, and serves him well In some nice issues clearer sight would mar. Such eyeless bravery Villeneuve has not ; But, Sire, he is no coward. Napoleon Well, have it so ! — What are we going to do ? My brain has only one wish — to succeed ! scene i THE DYNASTS Decres 97 My voice wanes weaker with you, Sire ; is nought ! Yet these few words, as Minister of Marine, I'll venture now. — My process would be thus : — Our projects for a junction of the fleets Being well-discerned and read by every eye Through long postponement, England is pre- pared. I would recast them. Later in the year Form sundry squadrons of this massive one, Harass the English till the winter time, Then rendezvous at Cadiz ; where leave half To catch the enemy's eye and call their cruizers, While, rounding Scotland with the other half, You make the Channel by the eastern strait, Cover the passage of our army-boats, And plant the blow. Napoleon - And what if they perceive Our Scottish route, and meet us eastwardly ? Decres I have thought of it, and planned a counter- move ; H 98 THE DYNASTS act m I'll write the scheme more clearly and at length, And send it hither to your Majesty. Napoleon Do so forthwith ; and send me in Daru. Exit Decres. Re-enter Monge. Our breakfast, Monge, to-day has been cut short, And those discussions on the ancient tongues Wherein you shine, must yield to modern moils. Nay, hasten not away ; though feeble wills, Incompetence, ay, imbecility, In some who feign to serve the cause of France, Do make me other than myself just now ! — Ah — here's Daru. Daru enters. Monge takes his leave. Daru, sit down and write. Yes, here, at once, This room will serve me now. What think you, eh ? Villeneuve has just turned tail and run to Cadiz, So quite postponed — perhaps even over- thrown — My long-conned project against yonder shore scene i THE DYNASTS 99 As 'twere a juvenile's snow-built device But made for melting ! Think of it, Daru, — My God, my God, how can I talk thereon ! A plan well judged, well charted, well up- reared, To end in nothing ! ... Sit you down and write. Napoleon walks up and down, and resumes after a silence : Write this. — A volte-face 'tis indeed ! — Write, write ! Daru (holding pen to paper) I wait, your Majesty. Napoleon First Bernadotte — Yes ; " Bernadotte moves out from Hanover Through Hesse upon Wiirzburg and- the Danube. — Marmont from Holland bears along the Rhine, And joins at Mainz and Wiirzburg Berna- dotte . . . While these prepare their routes the army here Will turn its back on Britain's tedious shore, And, closing up with Augereau at Brest, Set out full force due eastward. . . . ioo THE DYNASTS act m By the Black Forest feign a straight attack, The while our purpose is to skirt its left, Meet in Franconia Bernadotte and Marmont ; Traverse the Danube somewhat down from Ulm; Entrap the Austrian columns by their rear ; Surround them, take them ; march upon Vienna, Where, Austria settled, I engage the Tsar, While Massena detains in Italy The Archduke Charles. Foreseeing such might shape, Each high- and by-way to the Danube hence I have of late had measured, mapped, and judged; Such spots as suit for depots chosen and marked ; Each regiment's daily pace and bivouac Writ tablewise for ready reference ; All which itineraries are sent herewith." So shall I crush the two gigantic sets Upon the Empire, now grown imminent. — Let me reflect. — First Bernadotte But nay, The courier to Marmont must go first. Well, well. — The order of our march from hence I will advise. . . . My knock at George's door With bland inquiries why his royal hand Withheld due answer to my friendly lines, And tossed the irksome business to his clerks, scene ii THE DYNASTS 101 Is thus perforce delayed. But not for long. Instead of crossing, thitherward I go By roundabout contrivance not less sure ! Daru I'll bring the writing to your Majesty. Napoleon and Daru go out severally. Chorus of the Years (aerial music) Recording Angel, trace This bold campaign his thought has spun apace — One that bids fair for immortality Among the earthlings — if immortal deeds May be ascribed to so extemporary And transient a race ! It will be called, in rhetoric and rhyme. As son to sire succeeds, A model for the tactics of all time ; " The Great Campaign of Eighteen -hundred - five" By millions of mankind not yet alive. SCENE II THE FRONTIERS OF UPPER AUSTRIA AND BAVARIA A view of the country from mid-air, at a point south of the River Inn, which is seen as a silver thread, winding northward between its junction with the Salza and the 102 THE DYNASTS act m Danube, and forming the boundaries of the two countries. The Danube shows itself as a crinkled satin riband, stretching from left to right in the far background of the picture, the Inn discharging its waters into the larger river. DUMB SHOW A vast Austrian army creeps dully along the mid- distance, in the form of detached masses and columns of a whitish cast. The columns insensibly draw nearer to each other, and are seen to be converging from the east upon the banks of the Inn aforesaid. A Recording Angel (in recitative) This movement as of molluscs on a leaf, Which from our vantage here we scan afar, Is one conducted by the famous Mack To countercheck Napoleon, still believed To be intent on England from Boulogne, And heedless of such rallies in his rear. Mack's enterprise is now to cross Bavaria — Beneath us stretched in ripening summer peace As field unwonted for these ugly jars — And seize on Ulm, past Swabia leftward there. Outraged Bavaria, simmering in disquiet At Munich down behind us, Isar-fringed, And torn between his fair wife's hate of France And his own itch to gird at Austrian bluff For riding roughshod through his territory, Wavers from this to that. The while Time hastes scene in THE DYNASTS 103 The eastward streaming of Napoleon's host, As soon we see. The silent insect -creep of the Austrian columns towards the banks of the Inn continues to be seen till the view fades to nebulousness and dissolves. SCENE III BOULOGNE. THE ST. OMER ROAD It is a morning at the end of August, and the road stretches out of the town eastward. The divisions of the "Army -for -England" are making preparations to march. Some portions are in marching order. Bands strike up, and the regiments start on their journey towards the Rhine and Danube. Bonaparte and his officers watch the movements from an eminence. The soldiers, as they pace along under their eagles with beaming eyes, sing "Le Chant du Depart," and other martial songs, shout " Vive l'Empereur ! " and babble of repeating the days of Italy, Egypt, Marengo, and Hohenlinden. Napoleon To England afterwards ! Chorus of Intelligences (aerial music) As it may be ! The scene as it lingers exhibits the gradual diminish- ing of the troops along the roads through the undulating August landscape, and the disappearance of each march- ing mass over the eastern horizon. ACT FOURTH , SCENE I king George's watering-place, south WESSEX A sunny day in autumn. A room in the red-brick royal residence known as Gloucester Lodge. 1 At a front triple-lighted window stands a telescope on a tripod. Through the open middle sash is visible the crescent-curved expanse of the Bay as a sheet of brilliant translucent green, on which ride vessels of war at anchor. On the left hand white cliffs stretch away till they terminate in St. Aldhelm's Head, and form a background to the level water-line on that side. In the centre are the open sea and blue sky. A near headland rises on the right, surmounted by a battery, over which appears the remoter bald grey brow of the Isle of Slingers. In the foreground yellow sands spread smoothly, whereon there are sundry temporary erections for athletic sports ; and closelier runs an esplanade on which a fashionable crowd is promenading. Immedi- ately outside the Lodge are companies Tof soldiers, groups of officers, and sentries. 1 This weather-beaten old building, though now an hotel, is but little altered. 104 act iv scene i THE DYNASTS 105 Within the room the King and Pitt are discovered. The King's eyes show traces of recent inflammation, and the Minister has a wasted look. King Yes, yes ; I grasp your reasons, Mr. Pitt, And grant you audience gladly. More than that, Your visit to this shore is apt and timely, \ And if it do but yield you needful rest From fierce debates, and other strains of office Which you and I in common have to bear, 'Twill be well earned. The bathing is un- matched Elsewhere in Europe, — see its mark on me ! — The air like liquid life. — But of this matter : What argue these late movements seen abroad ? What of the country now the session's past ; What of the country, eh ? and of the war ? Pitt The "thoughts I have laid before your Majesty Would make for this, in sum : — That Mr. Fox, Lord Grenville, and their friends, Be straightway asked to join. With Melville gone, With Sidmouth, and with Buckinghamshire too, 106 THE DYNASTS act iv The steerage of affairs has been of late Somewhat provisional, as you, sir, know, With stop-gap functions thrust on offices Which can be tolerated but a while. So, for the weighty reasons I have urged, I do repeat my most respectful hope To win your Majesty's ungrudged assent To what I have proposed. King But nothing, sure, Has been more plain to all, dear Mr. Pitt, Than that your own proved energy and scope Is ample, without aid, to carry on Our just crusade against this Corsican ? These helps we need not. Pray you think upon't, And speak to me again. — We've had alarms Within these few weeks past, as you may know, That Bonaparte had landed close hereby. Pitt Such rumours come as regularly as harvest. King And now he has left Boulogne with all his host ? Was it his object to invade at all, Or was his vast assemblage here a blind ? scene i THE DYNASTS 107 Pitt Undoubtedly he meant invasion, sir, Had fortune favoured. He may try it yet. And, as I said, could we but close with Fox King But, but ; — I ask, what is his object now ? Lord Nelson's Captain — Hardy — whose old home Stands in a peaceful vale hard by us here — Who came two Weeks ago to see his friends, I talked to in this room a lengthy while. He says our navy still is in the dark As to the aims by sea of Bonaparte Now the Boulogne attempt has fizzled out, And what he schemes afloat with Spain combined. The " Victory " lay that fortnight at Spithead, And Nelson since has gone aboard and sailed ; Yes, sailed again. The " Royal Sovereign " follows, And others her. Nelson was hailed and cheered To huskiness while leaving Southsea shore, Gentle and simple wildly thronging round. Pitt Ay, sir. Young women hung upon his arm, And old ones blessed, and stroked him with their hands. io8 THE DYNASTS act «v King Ah — you have heard, of course. God speed him, Pitt. Amen, amen ! Pitt King I read it as a thing Of signal augury, and one which bodes Heaven's" confidence in me and in my line, That I should rule as King in such an age. . . . Well, well. — So this new march of Bonaparte's Was unexpected, forced perchance on him ? Pitt It may be so, your Majesty ; it may. Last noon the Austrian ambassador, Whom I consulted ere I posted down, Assured me that his latest papers state That General Mack and eighty thousand men Have made good speed across Bavaria To wait the French and give them check at Ulm, That fortress-frontier-town, entrenched and walled, A place long chosen as a vantage-point Whereon to encounter them as they outwind From the blind shades and baffling green defiles Of the Black Forest, worn with wayfaring. scene t THE DYNASTS 109 Here Mack will intercept his agile foe Hasting to meet the Russians in Bohemia, And cripple him, if not annihilate. Thus now, sir, opens out this Great Alliance Of Russia, Austria, England, whereto I Have lent my earnest efforts through long months, And the realm gives her money, ships, and men. — It claps a muffler found this Cock's steel spurs, And leaves me sanguine on his overthrow. But then, — this coalition of resources Demands a strong and active Cabinet To aid your Majesty's directive hand ; And thus I urge again the said additions. — These brilliant intellects of the other side Who stand by Fox. With us conjoined, they King What, what, again — in face of my sound reasons ! Believe me, Pitt, you underrate yourself ; You do not need such aid. The splendid feat Of banding Europe in a righteous cause That you have achieved, so soon to put to shame This wicked bombardier of dynasties That rule by right Divine, goes straight to prove 1 10 THE DYNASTS act iv We had best continue as we have begun, And call no partners to our management. To fear dilemmas horning up ahead Is not your wont. Nay, nay, now, Mr. Pitt, I must be firm. And if you love your King You'll goad him not so rashly to embrace This Fox-and-Grenville faction and its friends. Rather than Fox, why, give me civil war ! Hey, what ? But what besides ? Pitt I say besides, sir, . . . nothing I A silence. King The Chancellor's here, and many friends of mine : Lady Winchelsea, Lord and Lady Chesterfield, Lady Bulkeley, General Garth, and Mr. Phipps the oculist — not the least important to me. He is a worthy and a skilful man. My eyes, he says, are as marvellously improved in durability as I know them to be in power. I have arranged to go to-morrow with the Princesses, and the Dukes of Cumber- land, Sussex, and Cambridge (who are also here) for a ride on the Ridgeway, and through the Camp on the downs. You'll accompany us there ? scene i THE DYNASTS 1 1 1 Pitt I am honoured by your Majesty's commands. Pitt looks resignedly out of the window. What curious structure do I see outside, sir ? King It's but a stage, a type ot all the world. The burgesses have arranged it in my honour. At six o'clock this evening there are to be combats at single-stick to amuse the folk ; four guineas the prize for the man who breaks most heads. Afterwards there is to be a grinning match through horse-collars — a very humorous sport which I must stay here and witness ; for I am interested in whatever entertains my subjects. Pitt Not one in all the land but knows it, sir. King Now, Mr. Pitt, you must require repose ; Consult your own convenience then, I beg, On when you leave. Pitt I thank your Majesty. He departs as one whose purpose has failed, and the scene shuts. ii2 THE DYNASTS act iv SCENE II BEFORE THE CITY OF ULM A prospect of the city from the east, showing in the foreground a low -lying marshy country bounded in mid -distance by the banks of the Danube, which, bordered by poplars and willows, flows across the picture from the left to the Elchingen Bridge near the right of the scene, and is backed by irregular heights and terraces of espaliered vines. Between these and the river stands the city, crowded with old gabled houses and surrounded by walls, bastions, and a ditch, all the edifices being dominated by the nave and tower of the huge Gothic Miinster. On the most prominent of the heights at the back — the Michaelsberg — to the upper-right of the view, is encamped the mass of the Austrian army, amid half- finished entrenchments. Advanced posts of the same are seen south-east of the city, not far from the advanced corps of the French Grand- Army under Soult, Marmont, Murat, Lannes, Ney, and Dupont, which occupy in a semicircle the whole breadth of the flat landscape in front, and extend across the river to higher ground on the right hand of the panorama. Heavy mixed drifts of rain and snow are descending impartially on the French and on the Austrians, the downfall nearly blotting out the latter on the hills. A chill October wind wails across the country, and the poplars yield slantingly to the gusts. DUMB SHOW Drenched peasants are busily at work, fortifying the heights of the Austrian position in the face of the scene in THE DYNASTS 113 enemy. Vague companies of Austrians above, and of the French below, hazy and indistinct in the thick atmosphere, come and go without apparent purpose near their respective lines. Closer at hand Napoleon, in his familiar blue-grey overcoat, rides hither and thither with his marshals, haranguing familiarly the bodies of soldiery as he passes them, and observing and pointing out the disposition of the Austrians to his companions. Thicker sheets of rain fly across as the murk of evening increases, which at length entirely obscures the prospect, and cloaks its bleared lights and fires. SCENE III ULM. WITHIN THE CITY The interior of the Austrian headquarters on the following morning. A tempest raging without. General Mack, haggard and anxious, the Archduke Ferdinand, Prince Schwarzenberg, General Jellachich, Generals Riesc, Biberach, and other field officers dis- covered, seated at a table with a map spread out before them. A wood fire blazes between tall andirons in a yawning fireplace. At every more than usually boisterous gust of wind the smoke flaps into the room. Mack The accursed cunning of our adversary- Confounds all codes of honourable war, Which ever have held as granted that the track Of armies bearing hither from the Rhine — ii 4 THE DYNASTS act iv Whether in peace or strenuous invasion — Should pierce the Schwarzwald, and through Memmingen, And meet us in our front. But he must wind And corkscrew meanly round, where foot of man Can scarce find pathway, stealing up to us Thiefwise, by our back door ! Nevertheless, If English war-fleets be abreast Boulogne, As these deserters tell, and ripe to land there, It destines Bonaparte to pack him back Across the Rhine again. We've but to wait, And see him go. Archduke But who shall say if these bright tales be true ? Mack. Even then, small matter, your Imperial Highness, The Russians near us daily, and must soon — Ay, far within the eight days I have named — Be operating to untie this knot, If we hold on. Archduke Conjectures these — no more I stomach not such waiting. Neither hope scene in THE DYNASTS 115 Has kernel in it. I and my cavalry With caution, when the shadows fall to-night, Can bore some hole in this engirdlement ; Outpass the gate north-east ; join General Werneck, And somehow cut our way Bohemia-wards : 'Tis worth the hazard, in our straitened case. Mack (firmly) The body of our force stays here with me. And I am much surprised, your Highness, much, You mark not how destructive 'tis to part ! If we wait on, for certain we should wait In our full strength, compacted, undispersed By such partition as your Highness plans. ScHWARZENBERG There's truth in urging we should not divide, But weld more closely. — Yet why stay at all ? Methinks there's but one sure salvation left, To wit, that herefrom we conjunctly march, And with much circumspection, towards the Tyrol. The subtle often rack their wits in vain — Assay whole magazines of strategy, To shun ill loomings deemed insuperable, When simple souls by stumbling up thereto Find the grim shapes but air. But let us grant n6 THE DYNASTS act iv That the investing French so ring us in As to leave not a span for such exploit ; Then go we — throw ourselves upon their steel, And batter through, or die ! — What say you, Generals ? Speak your minds, I pray. Jellachich I favour marching out — the Tyrol way. Riesc Bohemia best ! The route thereto is open. Archduke My course is chosen. 'Tis a black campaign, Which Pitt's alarmed dispatches pricked us to, All unforeseeing ! Any risk for me Rather than court humiliation here ! Mack has risen during the latter remarks, walked to the window, and looked out at the rain. He returns with an air of embarrassment. Mack, (to Archduke) It is my privilege firmly to submit That your Imperial Highness undertake No venturous vaulting into risks unknown.- scene IU THE DYNASTS 117 Assume that you, Sire, as you have proposed, With your light regiments and the cavalry, Detach yourself from us, to scoop a way By circuits northwards through the Rauhe Alps And Herdenheim, into Bohemia : Reports all point that you will be attacked, Enveloped, borne on to capitulate. What worse can happen here ? — Remember, Sire, the Emperor deputes me, Should such a clash arise as has arisen, To exercise supreme authority. The honour of our arms, our race, demands That none of your Imperial Highness' line Be pounded prisoner by this vulgar foe, Who is not France, but an adventurer Imposing on that country for his gain. Archduke I amply recognize the drear disgrace Involving Austria if this upstart chief Should of his cunning seize and hold in pawn A royal-lineaged son, whose ancestors Root on the primal rocks of history. Spirit Ironic Note that. Five years, and legal brethren they — This feudal treasure and the upstart man ! n8 THE DYNASTS act iv Archduke But it seems clear to me that loitering here Is full as like to compass our surrender As moving hence. And ill it therefore suits The mood of one of my high temperature To pause inactive while await me means Of desperate cure for these so desperate ills ! [The Archduke Ferdinand goes out. A troubled silence follows, during which the gusts call into the chimney, and raindrops spit on the fire. SCHWARZENBERG The Archduke bears him shrewdly in this course. We may as well look matters in the face, And that we are cooped and cornered is most clear ; Clear is it, too, that but a miracle Can work to loose us ! I have stoutly held That this man's three years' ostentatious scheme To fling his army on the tempting shores Of our allies the English was a — well — Scarce other than a trick of thimble-rig To still us into false security. Jellachich Well, I know nothing. None needs list to me. scene m THE DYNASTS 119 But, on the whole, to southward seems the course For plunging, all in force, immediately. Another pause. Spirit Sinister The Will throws Mack again in agitation : 'Tis good what he'll say now ! Spirit of the Pities Nay, hard one, nay ; The clouds weep for him ! Spirit Sinister If he must he must ; And 'tis good antic at a vacant time. Mack goes restlessly to the door, and is heard pacing about the vestibule, and questioning the aides and other officers gathered there. A General He wavers like this smoke -wreath that inclines Now north, now south, as the storm-currents rule ! Mack (returning) Bring that deserter hither once again. 120 THE DYNASTS act it A French soldier is brought in, blindfolded and guarded. The bandage is removed. Well, tell us what he says. An Officer (after speaking to the prisoner in French) He still repeats That the whole body of the British strength Is even now descending on Boulogne, And that self-preservation must, of need, Clear us from Bonaparte ere many days, Who even now is moving. Mack Still retain him. He walks to the fire. The soldier is taken out. Jellachich (bending over the map in argument with Riesc) I much prefer our self-won information ; And if we have Marshal Soult at Landsberg here, (Which seems to be the truth, despite this man,) And Dupont hard upon us at Albeck, With Ney not far from Giinzburg ; some- where here, Or further down the river, lurking Lannes, Our game's to draw off southward — if we can. scene iu THE DYNASTS 121 Mack I have it. This we'll do. You, Jellachich, Unite with Spangen's troops at Memmingen, To fend off mischief there. And you, Riesc, Will make your utmost haste to occupy The bridge and upper ground at Elchingen, And all along the left bank of the stream, Till you observe whereon to concentrate And sever their connections. I couch here, And hold the city till the Russians come. A General (in a low voice) Disjunction seems of all expedients worst : If any stay, then stay should every man, Gather, inlace, and close up hip to hip, And perk and bristle hedgehog-like with spines ! Mack The conference is ended, friends, I say, And orders will be issued here forthwith. Guns heard. An Officer Surely that's from the Michaelsberg above us ? Mack Never care. Here we stay. In five more days The Russians hail, and we regain our bays. [Exeunt severally. 122 ' THE DYNASTS SCENE IV BEFORE ULM. THE SAME DAY A high wind prevails, and rain falls in torrents. An elevated terrace near Elchingen forms the foreground. DUMB SHOW From the terrace Bonaparte surveys and dictates operations against the entrenched heights of the Michaelsberg that rise in the middle distance on the right above the city. Through the gauze of descend- ing waters the French soldiery can be discerned climbing to the attack under Ney. They slowly advance, recede, re-advance, halt. A time of suspense follows. Then they are seen in a state of irregular movement, even confusion ; but in the end they carry the heights with the bayonet. Below the spot whereon Napoleon and his staff are gathered, glistening wet and plastered with mud, obtrudes on the left the village of Elchingen, now in the hands of the French. Its white-walled monastery, its bridge over the Danube, recently broken by the enemy under Ney, wear a desolated look, and the stream, which is swollen by the rainfall and rasped by the storm, seems wanly to sympath^e. Anon shells are dropped by the French from the summits they have gained into the city below. A bomb from an Austrian battery falls near Napoleon, and in bursting raises a fountain of mud. The Emperor retreats with his officers to a less conspicuous position. Meanwhile Lannes advances from a position near Napoleon till his columns reach the top of the Frauen- berg hard by. The united corps of Lannes and Ney scene v THE DYNASTS 123 descend on the inner slope of the heights towards the city walls, in the rear of the retreating Austrians. One of the French columns scales a bastion, but Napoleon orders the assault to be discontinued, and with the wane of day the spectacle disappears. SCENE V THE SAME. THE MICHAELSBERG A chilly but rainless noon three days later. At the back of the scene, northward, rise the Michaelsberg heights ; below stretches the panorama of the city and the Danube. On a secondary eminence forming a spur of the upper hill, a fire of logs is burning, the foremost group beside it being Napoleon and his staff, the latter in gorgeous uniform, the former in his shabby greatcoat and plain turned-up hat, walking to and fro with his hands behind him, and occasionally stopping to warm himself. The French infantry are drawn up in a dense array at the back of these. The whole Austrian garrison of Ulm marches out of the city gate opposite Napoleon. General Mack is at the head, followed by Giulay, Gottesheim, Klenau, Lichtenstein, and many other officers, who advance to Bonaparte and deliver their swords. Mack Behold me, Sire. Mack the unfortunate ! Napoleon War, General, ever has its ups and downs, And you must take the better and the worse, i2 4 THE DYNASTS act iv As impish chance or destiny ordains. Come near and warm you here. A glowing fire Is life on these depressing, mired, moist days Of smitten leaves down-dropping clammily, And toadstools like the putrid lungs of men. (To his lieutenants) Cause them to stand to right and left of me. The Austrian officers arrange themselves as directed, and the body of the Austrians now file past their Conqueror, laying down their arms as they approach ; some with angry gestures and words, others in moody silence. Listen, I pray you, Generals gathered here. I tell you frankly that I know not why Your master wages this wild war with me. I know not what he seeks by such injustice, Unless to give me practice in my trade — That of a soldier — whereto I was bred : Deemed he my craft might slip from me, unplied ? Let him now own me still a dab therein ! Mack Permit me, your Imperial Majesty, To speak one word in answer ; which is this, No war was wished for by my Emperor : Russia constrained him to it 1 scene v THE DYNASTS 125 Napoleon If that be, You are no more a European power. — I would point out to him that my resources Are not confined to these my musters here ; My prisoners of war, in route for France, Will see some marks of my resources there! Two hundred thousand volunteers, right fit, Will join my standards at a single nod, And in six weeks prove soldiers to the bone, Whilst your recruits, compulsion's scavengings, Can scarce become sound warriors in long years. But I want nothing on this Continent : The English only are my enemies. Ships, colonies, and commerce I desire, Yea, therewith to advantage you as me. Let me then charge your Emperor, my brother, To turn his feet the shortest way to peace. — All states must have an end, the weak, the strong ; Ay ; even may fall the dynasty of Lorraine ! The filing past and laying down of arms by the Austrian army continues with monotonous regularity, as if it would never end. Napoleon (in a murmur, after a while) Well, what cares England ! She has won her game ; I have unlearnt to threaten her from Boulogne. 126 THE DYNASTS act .v Her gold it is that forms the weft of this Fair tapestry of armies marshalled here ! Likewise of Russia's, drawing steadily nigh. But they may see what these see, by and by. Spirit of the Years So let him speak, the while we clearly sight him Moved like a figure on a lantern-slide. Which, much amazing uninitiate eyes, The all-compelling crystal pane but drags Whither the showman wills. Spirit Ironic And yet, my friend. The Will Itself might smije at this collapse Of Austria's men-at-arms, so drolly done ; Even as, in your phantasmagoric show, The deft manipulator of the slide Might smile at his own art. Chorus of the Years (aerial music) Ah, no : ah, no ! It is impassible as glacial snow. — Within the Great Unshaken These painted shapes awaken A lesser thrill than doth the gentle lave Of yonder bank by Danube's wandering wave Within the Schwarzwald heights that give it flow ! scene vi THE DYNASTS 127 Spirit of the Pities But O, the intolerable antilogy Of making figments feel ! Spirit Ironic Logic's in that. It does not, I must own, quite play the game. Chorus of Ironic Spirits (aerial music) And this day wins for Ulm a shady fame, Which centuries shall not bleach from her old name ! The procession of Austrians continues till the scene is hidden by clouds. SCENE VI LONDON. SPRING GARDENS Before Lord Malmesbury's house, on a Sunday morning in the same autumn. Idlers pause and gather in the background. Pitt enters, and meets Lord Mulgrave. MULGRAVE Good day, Pitt. Ay, these leaves that skim the ground With withered voices, hint that sunshine- time Is well-nigh past. — And so the game's begun 128 THE DYNASTS act iv Between him and the Austro-Russian force, As second movement in the faceabout From Boulogne shore, with which he has hocussed us ? — What has been heard on't? Have they clashed as yet ? Pitt The Emperor Francis, partly at my instance, Has thrown the chief command on General Mack, A man most capable and far of sight. He centres by the Danube-bank at Ulm, A town well-walled, and firm for leaning on To intercept the French in their advance From the Black Forest towards the Russian troops Approaching from the east. If Bonaparte Sustain his marches at the break-neck speed That all report, they must have met ere now. — There is a rumour . . . which I don't believe ! MULGRAVE You still have faith in Mack as strategist ? There have been doubts of his far-sightedness. Pitt (hastily) I know, I know. — I am calling here at Malmesbury's At a somewhat unceremonious time To ask his help to translate this Dutch print scene vx THE DYNASTS 129 The post has brought. Malmesbury is great at Dutch, Learning it long at Leyden, years ago. He draws a newspaper from his pocket, unfolds it, and glances it down. There's news here unintelligible to me Upon the very matter ! You'll come in ? They call at Lord Malmesbury's. He meets them in the hall, and welcomes them with an apprehensive look of foreknowledge. Pitt Pardon this early call. The packet's in, And brings me this unreadable Dutch paper, So, as the offices are closed to-day, I have brought it round to you. (Handing the paper.) What does it say ? For God's sake, read it out. You know the tongue. Malmesbury (with hesitation) I have glanced it through already — more than once — A copy having reached me, too, just now . . . We are in the presence of a great disaster ! See here. It says that Mack, encooped in Ulm 130 THE DYNASTS act it By Bonaparte — from four sides closing round — Capitulated, and with all his force Laid down his arms before his conqueror. Pitt's face changes. A silence. MULGRAVE Outrageous ! Ignominy unparalleled ! Pitt By God, my lord, these statements must be false ! These foreign prints are trustless as Cheap Jack Dumfounding yokels at a country fair. I heed no word of it. — Impossible. What ! Eighty thousand Austrians, nigh in touch With Russia's levies that Kutuzof leads, To lay down arms before the war's begun. 'Tis too much ! Malmesbury But I fear it is too true ! Note the assevered source of the report — One beyond thought of minters of mock tales. The writer adds that military wits Cry that the Little Corporal now makes war In a new way, using his soldiers' legs scene vi THE DYNASTS 131 And not their arms, to bring him victory. Ha-ha ! The joke must sting the Corporal's foes. Pitt (after a pause) O vacillating Prussia ! Had she moved, Had she but planted one foot firmly down, All this had been averted. — I must go. 'Tis sure, 'tis sure, I labour but in vain ! Malmesbury accompanies him to the door, and Pitt walks away disquietedly towards Whitehall, the other two regarding him as he goes. MULGRAVE Too swiftly he declines to feebleness, And these things well might shake a stouter frame ! Malmesbury Of late the burden of all Europe's cares, Of hiring and maintaining half her troops, His single pair of shoulders has upborne, Thanks to the obstinacy of the King. — His thin, strained face, his ready irritation, Are ominous signs. He may not be for long. Mulgrave He alters fast, indeed, — as do events. 132 THE DYNASTS act iv Malmesbury His labour's lost ; and all our money gone ! It looks as if this doughty coalition On which we have lavished so much pay and , pains Would end in wreck. Mulgrave All is not over yet ; The gathering Russian forces are unbroke. Malmesbury Well ; we shall see. Should Boney vanquish these, And silence all resistance on that side, His move will then be backward to Boulogne, And so upon us. Mulgrave Nelson to our defence ! Malmesbury Ay ; where is Nelson ? Faith, by this late time He may be sodden ; churned in Biscay swirls ; Or blown to polar bears by south-west gales ; Or sleeping amorously in some calm cave On the Canaries' or Atlantis' shore scene vi THE DYNASTS 133 Upon the bosom of his Dido dear, For all that we know ! Never a sound of him , Since passing Portland one September day — To make for Cadiz ; so 'twas then believed. Mulgrave He's staunch. He's watching, or I am much deceived. Mulgrave departs. Malmesbury goes within. The scene shuts. ACT FIFTH SCENE I OFF CAPE TRAFALGAR A bird's-eye view of the sea discloses itself. It is daybreak, and the broad face of the ocean is fringed on its eastern edge by the Cape and the Spanish shore. On the rolling surface immediately beneath the eye, ranged more or less in two parallel lines running north and south, one group from the twain standing off somewhat, are the vessels of the combined French and Spanish navies, whose canvases, as the sun edges up- ward, shine in its rays like satin. On the western horizon two columns of ships appear in full sail, small as moths to the aerial vision. They are bearing down towards the combined squadrons. Recording Angel I (intoning from his book) At last Villeneuve accepts the sea and fate, Despite the Cadiz council called of late, Whereat his stoutest captains— men the first To do all mortals durst — Willing to sail, and bleed, and bear the worst, Short of cold suicide, did yet opine '34 act v scene i THE DYNASTS 135 That plunging mid those teeth of treble line In jaws of oaken wood Held open by the English navarchy With suasive breadth and artful modesty, Would smack of purposeless foolhardihood. Recording Angel II But word came, writ in mandatory mood, To put from Cadiz, gain Toulon, and straight At a said sign on Italy operate. Moreover that Villeneuve, arrived as planned, Would find Rosily in supreme command. — Gloomy Villeneuve grows rash, and, darkly brave, Leaps to meet war, storm, Nelson — even the grave. Semichorus I of the Years (aerial music) Ere the concussion hurtle, draw abreast Of the sea. Semichorus II Where Nelson's hulls are rising from the west, Silently. Semichorus I Each linen wing outspread, each man and lad Sworn to be Semichorus II Amid the vanmost, or for Death, or glad Victory ! 136 THE DYNASTS act v The point of sight descends till it is near the deck of the " Bucentaure," the flag-ship of Villeneuve. Present thereon are the Admiral, his Flag-Captain Magendie, Lieutenant Daudignon, other naval officers and seamen. Magendie All night we have read their signals in the air, Whereby the peering frigates of their van Have told them of our trend. Villeneuve The enemy Makes threat as though to tilrow him on our stern : Signal the fleet to wear ; bid Gravina To come in from manoeuvring with his twelve, And range himself in line. Officers murmur. I say again Bid Gravina draw hither with his twelve, And signal all to wear ! — and come upon The larboard tack with every bow anorth ! — So we make Cadiz in the worst event, And patch our rags up there. As we head now Our only practicable thoroughfare Is through Gibraltar Strait — a fatal door ! Signal to close the line and leave no gaps. Remember, too, what I have already told : Remind them of it now. They must not pause scene i THE DYNASTS 137 For signallings from me amid a strife Whose chaos may prevent my clear discern- ment, Or may forbid my signalling at all. The voice of honour then becomes the chiefs ; Listen they thereto, and set every stitch To heave them on into the fiercest fight. Now I will sum up all : heed well the charge ; Each captain, petty officer, and man Is only at his post when under fire. The ships of the whole fleet turn their bows from south to north as directed, and close up in two parallel curved columns, the concave side of each column being towards the enemy, and the interspaces of the first column being, in general, opposite the hulls of the second. An Officer (straining his eyes towards the English fleet) How they skip on ! Their overcrowded sails Bulge like the bladders in a tripe-man's shop The market-morning after slaughter-day ! Petty Officer (aside) It's morning before slaughter-day with us, I make so bold to think ! The English Admiral is seen to be signalling to his fleet. The signal is : " England expects every man will do his duty." A loud cheering from all the English ships comes undulating on the wind when the signal is read. 138 THE DYNASTS act v VlLLENEUVE They are signalling too. — Well, business soon begins ! You will reserve your fire. And be it known That we display no admirals' flags at all Until the action's past. 'Twill puzzle them, And be to our advantage when we close. — Yes, they are double-ranked, I think, like us ; But we shall see anon. Magendie The foremost one Makes for the " Santa Ana." In such case The " Fougueux " might assist her. VlLLENEUVE Be it so — There's time enough. — Our ships will be in place, And ready to speak back in iron words When theirs cry Hail ! in the same sort of voice. They prepare to receive the northernmost column of the enemy's ships headed by the " Victory," trying the distance by an occasional single shot. During their suspense a discharge is heard southward, and turning they behold Collingwood at the head of his column in the " Royal Sovereign," just engaging with the Spanish "Santa Ana." Meanwhile the "Victory" draws still scene i THE DYNASTS 139 nearer, preserving silence with brazen sang-froid. At a concerted moment full broadsides are discharged into her simultaneously from the " Bucentaure," the " Santfsima Trinidad," and the " Redoutable." When the smoke clears the " Victory's " mizzen- topmast, with spars and a quantity of rigging, is seen to have fallen, her wheel to be shot away, and her deck encumbered with dead and wounded men. VlLLENEUVE 'Tis well ! But see ; their course is undelayed, And still they near in clenched audacity ! Daudignon This northmost column bears upon our ship. Their prows will pierce us beamwards. That's the aim. Magendie Which aim brave Lucas o' the " Redoutable " Most gallantly bestirs. him to outscheme. — See, how he strains, that on his timbers fall Blows that were destined for his Admiral ! During this the French ship "Redoutable" is moving forward to interpose itself between the approaching " Victory " and the " Bucentaure." VlLLENEUVE Now comes it ! The " Santisima Trinidad," The old " Redoutable's " hard sides, and ours, Will take the weight of this bombastic blow. Your grapnels and your boarding-hatchets — ready ! i 4 o THE DYNASTS act v We throw our eagle on the English deck, And swear to fetch it ! Crew Aye ! We swear. Huzza ! Long live the Emperor ! But the " Victory " suddenly swerves to the rear of the " Bucentaure," and crossing her stern-waters, dis- charges a broadside into her and the "Redoutable" endwise. The point of view changes. SCENE II THE SAME. THE QUARTER-DECK OF THE The van of each division of the English fleet has drawn to the windward side of the combined fleets of the enemy, and broken their order, the "Victory" being now parallel to and alongside the " Redoutable," the "Temeraire" taking up a station on the other side of that ship. The " Bucentaure " and the " Santfsima Trini- dad " become jammed together a little way ahead. A smoke and din of cannonading prevail, amid which the studding-sail booms are shot away. Nelson, Hardy, Blackwood, Secretary Scott, Lieu- tenant Pasco, Burke the purser, Captain Adair of the Marines, and other officers are on or near the quarter- deck. scene ii THE DYNASTS 141 Nelson See, there, that noble fellow Collingwood, How straight he helms his ship into the fire !— Now you'll haste back to yours (to Blackwood). — We must henceforth Trust to the Great Disposer of events, . And justice of our cause ! . . . [Blackwood leaves. The battle grows hotter. A double-headed shot cuts down seven or eight marines on the "'Victory's" poop. Captain Adair, part those marines of yours, And hasten to disperse them round the ship. — Your place is down below, Burke, not up here ; Ah, yes ; like David you would see the battle ! A heavy discharge of musket-shot comes from the tops of the " Santisima Trinidad." Adair and Pasco fall. Another swathe of marines is mowed down by chain-shot. Scott My lord, I use to you the utmost prayers That I have liberty to shape in words : Remove your stars and orders, I would beg ; That shot was aimed at you. Nelson They were awarded to me as an honour, And shall I do despite to those who prize me, 1 42 THE DYNASTS act v And slight their gifts ? No, I will die with them, If die I must. He walks up and down with Hardy. Hardy At least let's put you on Your old greatcoat, my lord — (the air is keen). — 'Twill cover all. So while you still retain Your dignities, you baulk these deadly aims. Nelson Thank 'ee, good friend. But no, — I haven't time, I do assure you — not a trice to spare, As you well see. A few minutes later Scott falls dead, a bullet having pierced his skull. Immediately after a shot passes between the Admiral and the Captain, tearing the in- step of Hardy's shoe, and striking away the buckle. They shake off the dust and splinters scattered over them. Nelson • glances round, and perceives what has happened to his secretary. Nelson Poor Scott, too, carried off! Warm work this, Hardy ; Too warm to go on long. scene n THE DYNASTS 143 Hardy I think so, too ; Their lower ports are blocked against our hull, And our charge now is less. Each shot so near Sets their old wood on fire. Nelson Ay, rotten as peat. What's that? I think she has struck, or pretty nigh ! A cracking of musketry. Hardy Not yet. — Those small-arm men there, in her tops, Thin our crew fearfully. Now, too, our guns Have to be dipped full down, or they would rake The " Temeraire " there on the other side. Nelson True. — While you deal good measure out to these, Keep slapping at those giants over here — The " Trinidad," I mean, and the " Bucen- taure," To win'ard — swelling up so pompously. i 4 4 THE DYNASTS act v Hardy I'll see no slackness shall be shown that way. They part and go in their respective directions. Gunners, naked to the waist and reeking with sweat, are now in swift action on the several decks, and firemen carry buckets of water hither and thither. The killed and wounded thicken around, and are being lifted and examined by the surgeons. Nelson and Hardy meet again. Nelson Bid still the firemen bring more bucketfuls, And dash the water into each new hole That our shots make in the " Redoutable," Or we shall all be set ablaze together. Hardy Let me once more advise, entreat, my lord, That you do not expose yourself so clearly. Those fellows in the mizzen-top up there Are peppering round you quite perceptibly. Nelson Now, Hardy, don't offend me. They can't aim ; They only set their own rent sails on fire. — But if they could, I would not hide a button To save ten lives like mine. I have no cause To prize it, I assure 'ee. — Ah, look there, One of the women hit, — and badly, too. ,scen E ii THE DYNASTS 145 Poor wench ! Let some one take her quickly down. Hardy My lord, each humblest sojourner on the seas, Dock-labourer, lame longshore-man, bowed bargee, Sees it as policy to shield his life For those dependent on him. Much more, then, Should one upon whose priceless presence here Such issues hang, so many strivers lean, Use average circumspection at an hour So critical for us all. Nelson Ay, ay. Yes, yes ; I know your meaning, Hardy ; and I know That you disguise as frigid policy What really is your honest love of me. But, faith, I have had my day. My work's nigh done ; I serve all interests best by chancing it Here with the commonest. — Ah, their heavy guns Are silenced every one ! Thank God for that. Hardy 'Tis so. They only use their small arms now. He goes to larboard to see what is progressing on that side between his ship and the " Santfsima Trinidad." L 146 THE DYNASTS act v Officer (to a seaman) Swab down these stairs. The mess of blood upon 'em Makes 'em so slippery that one's like to fall In carrying the wounded men below. While Captain Hardy is still a little way off, Lord Nelson turns to walk aft, when a ball from one of the muskets in the mizzen-top of the " Redoutable " enters his left shoulder. He falls upon his face on the deck. Hardy looks round, and sees what has happened. Hardy (hastily) Ah — what I feared ! . . . He goes towards Nelson, who in the meantime has been lifted by Sergeant-Major Secker and two seamen. Nelson Hardy, I think they've done for me at last ! Hardy I hope not ! Nelson Yes. My backbone is shot through. I have not long to live. The men proceed to carry him below. Those tiller ropes They've shot away, get instantly repaired ! scene n THE DYNASTS 147 At sight of him borne along wounded there is great agitation among the crew. Cover my face. There will no good be done By drawing their attention off to me. Bear me along, good fellows ; I am but one Among the many darkened here to-day ! He is carried on to the cockpit over the crowd of dead and wounded. (To the Chaplain) Doctor, I'm gone. I am good for none but you. Hardy (remaining behind) Hills, go to Collingwood and let him know That we've no Admiral here. He passes on. A Lieutenant Now quick and pick him off who did the deed — That white-bloused man there in the mizzen- top. Pollard, a midshipman (shooting) No sooner said than done. A pretty aim ! The Frenchman falls dead upon the poop. The spectacle seems now to become enveloped in smoke, and the point of view changes. 148 THE DYNASTS act v SCENE III THE SAME. ON BOARD THE "BUCENTAURE" The bowsprit of the French Admiral's ship is stuck fast in the stern - gallery of the "Santfsima Trinidad," the starboard side of the " Bucentaure " being shattered by shots from two English three-deckers which are pounding her on that hand. The poop is also reduced to ruin by two other English ships that are attacking her from behind. On the quarter-deck are Admiral Villeneuve, the Flag -Captain Magendie, Lieutenants Daudignon, Fournier, and others, anxiously occupied. The whole crew is in desperate action of battle and stumbling among the dead and dying, who have fallen too rapidly to be carried below. Villeneuve We shall be crushed if matters go on thus. — Direct the " Trinidad " to let her drive, That this foul tangle may be loosened clear. Daudignon It has been tried, sir ; but she cannot move. Villeneuve Then signal to the " Hero " that she strive Once more to drop this way. scene in THE DYNASTS 149 Magendie We may make signs, But in the thickened air what signal's marked ? — 'Tis done, however. VlLLENEUVE The " Redoutable " And "Victory" there, — they grip in dying throes ! Something's amiss on board the English ship. Surely the Admiral's fallen ? A Petty Officer Sir, they say That he was shot some hour, or half, ago. — With' dandyism raised to godlike pitch He stalked the deck in all his jewellery, And so was hit. Magendie Then Fortune turns her face ! We have scotched England in dispatching him. Yes ! He commands no more ; and Lucas, seeing, Is taking steps to board. Look, spars are laid, And his best men are mounting at his heels. A crash is heard. ISO THE DYNASTS VlLLENEUVE Ah, God — he is too late! Whence came that stroke Of heavy grape ? The smoke prevents my seeing But at brief whiles. — The boarding band has fallen, Fallen almost to a man ! — 'Twas well assayed. Magendie That's from their " Temeraire," whose vicious broadside Has cleared poor Lucas' decks. VlLLENEUVE And Lucas, too. I see him no more there. His red planks show Three hundred dead if one. Now for ourselves ! Four of the English three -deckers have gradually- closed round the " Bucentaure," whose bowsprit still sticks fast in the gallery of the " Santfsima Trinidad." A broadside comes from one of the English, "resulting in worse havoc on the " Bucentaure." The main and mizzen masts of the latter fall, and the boats are beaten to pieces. A raking fire of musketry follows from the attacking ships, to which the " Bucentaure " heroically continues still to keep up a reply. Captain Magendie falls wounded. His place is taken by Lieutenant Daudignon. scene m THE DYNASTS 151 VlLLENEUVE Now that the smoke has lessened, hoist the signals Upon our only mast, and tell the van At once to wear, and come into the fire. (Aside) If it be true that, as he sneers, success Demands of me but cool audacity, To-day shall leave him nothing to desire ! Musketry continues. Daudignon falls. He is re- moved, his post being taken by Lieutenant Fournier. Another crash comes, and the deck is suddenly en- cumbered with rigging. Fournier There goes our foremast ! How for signal- ling now ? VlLLENEUVE To try that longer, Fournier, is in vain Upon this haggard, scorched, and ravaged , hulk, Her decks all reeking with such gory shows, Her starboard side in rents, her stern nigh gone ! How does she keep afloat ? — " Bucentaure," O unlucky good old ship ! My part in you is played. Ay — I must go ; I must tempt Fate elsewhere, — if but a boat Can bear me through this wreckage to the van. 152 THE DYNASTS act v FOURNIER Our boats are stove in, or as full of holes As the cook's skimmer, from their cursed balls ! Musketry. Villeneuve's Head-of-Staff, de Prigny, falls wounded, and many additional men. Villeneuve glances troublously from ship to ship of his fleet. Villeneuve How hideous are the waves, so pure this dawn ! — - Red-frothed ; and friends and foes all mixed therein. — Can we in some way hail the " Trinidad " And get a boat from her ? They attempt to attract the attention of the " Santfsima Trinidad " by shouting. Impossible ; As well try holloing to the antipodes ! — So here I am. The bliss of Nelson's end Will not be mine ; his full refulgent eve Becomes my midnight ! Well ; the fleets shall see That I can yield my cause with dignity. The " Bucentaure " strikes her flag. A boat then puts off from the English ship " Con- queror," and Villeneuve, having surrendered his sword, is taken out from the "Bucentaure." But being unable SCENE IV THE DYNASTS 153 to regain her own ship, the boat is picked up by the " Mars," and the French Admiral is received aboard her. The point of view changes. SCENE IV THE SAME. THE COCKPIT OF THE "VICTORY" A din of trampling and dragging overhead, which is accompanied by a continuous ground-bass roar from the guns of the warring fleets, culminating at times in loud concussions. The wounded are lying around in rows for treatment, some groaning, some silently dying, some dead. The gloomy atmosphere of the low -beamed deck is pervaded by a thick haze of smoke, powdered wood, and other dust, and is heavy with the fumes of gunpowder and candle-grease, the odour of drugs and cordials, and the smell from abdominal wounds. Nelson, his face now pinched and wan with suffering, is lying undressed in a midshipman's berth, dimly lit by a lantern. Dr. Beatty, Dr. Magrath, the Rev. Dr. Scott the Chaplain, Burke the Purser, the Steward, and a few others stand around. Magrath (in a low voice) Poor Ram, and poor Tom Whipple, have just gone. Beatty There was no hope for them. Nelson (brokenly) Who have just died ? 154 THE DYNASTS act v Beatty Two who were badly hit by now, my lord ; Lieutenant Ram and Mr. Whipple. Nelson Ah!— So many lives — in such a glorious cause. . . . I join them soon, soon, soon ! — O where is Hardy ? Will nobody bring Hardy to me — none ? He must be killed, too. Surely Hardy's dead ? A Midshipman He's coming soon, my lord. The constant call On his full heed of this most mortal fight Keeps him from hastening hither as he would. Nelson I'll wait, I'll wait. I should have thought of it. Presently Hardy comes down. Nelson and he grasp hands. Hardy, how goes the day with us and England ? Hardy Well ; very well, thank God for't, my dear lord. scene iv THE DYNASTS 155 Villeneuve their Admiral has this moment struck, And put himself aboard the " Conqueror." Some fourteen of their first-rates, or about, Thus far we've got. The said " Bucentaure " chief : The " Santa Ana," the " Redoutable," The " Fougueux," the " Santisima Trinidad," "San Augustino," "San Francisco," " Aigle"; And our old " Swiftsure," too, we've grappled back, To every seaman's joy. But now their van Has tacked to bear round on the " Victory " And crush her by sheer weight of wood and brass : Three of our best I am therefore calling up, And make no doubt of worsting theirs, and France. Nelson That's well. I swore for twenty. — But it's well. Hardy We'll have 'em yet ! But without you, my lord, We have to make slow plodding to the deeds That sprung by inspiration ere you fell ; And on this ship the more particularly. 156 THE DYNASTS act v Nelson No, Hardy. — Ever 'twas your settled fault So modestly to whittle down your worth. But I saw stuff in you which admirals need When, taking thought, I chose the "Victory's" keel To do my business with these Frenchmen in. A business finished now, for me ! — Good friend, Slow shades are creeping on me. ... I scarce see you. Hardy The smoke from ships upon our win'ard side, And the dust raised by their worm-eaten hulks, When our balls touch 'em, blind the eyes, in truth. Nelson No ; it is not that dust ; 'tis dust of death That darkens me. A shock overhead. Hardy goes up. One or two other officers go up, and by and by return. What was that extra noise ? Officer The " Formidable " passed us by, my lord, And thumped a stunning broadside into us. — scene iv THE DYNASTS 157 But, on their side, the "Hero's" captain's fallen ; The " Algeciras " has been boarded, too, By Captain Tyler, and the captain shot : Admiral Gravina desperately holds out ; They say he's lost an arm. Nelson And we ourselves — Who have we lost on board here ? Nay, but tell me ! Beatty Besides poor Scott, my lord, and Charles Adair, Lieutenant Ram, and Whipple, captain's clerk, There's Smith, and Palmer, midshipmen, just killed, And fifty odd of seamen and marines. Nelson Poor youngsters ! Scarred old Nelson joins you soon. Beatty And wounded : Bligh, lieutenant ; Pasco, too, And Reeves, and Peake, lieutenants of marines, And Rivers, Westphall, Bulkeley, midshipmen, 158 THE DYNASTS act v With, of the crew, a hundred odd just now, Unreckoning those late fallen not brought below. Burke That fellow in the mizzen-top, my lord, Who made it his affair to wing you thus, We took good care to settle ; and he fell Like an old rook, smack from his perch, stone dead. Nelson 'Twas not worth while ! — He was, no doubt, a man Who in simplicity and sheer good faith Strove but to serve his country. Rest be to him! And may his wife, his friends, his little ones, If such he had, be tided through their loss, And soothed amid the sorrow brought by me. Hardy re-enters. Who's that ? Ah — here you come ! How, Hardy, now ? Hardy The Spanish Admiral's rumoured to be wounded, We know not with what truth. But, be as 'twill, scene iv THE DYNASTS 159 He sheers away with all he could call round, And some few frigates, straight to Cadiz port. A violent explosion is heard above the confused noises on deck. A midshipman goes above and returns. Midshipman (in the background) It is the enemy's first-rate, the " Achille," Blown to a thousand atoms ! — While on fire, Before she burst, one of the women there, Desperate for life, climbed from the gunroom port Upon the rudder - chains ; pulled off her clothes, And swam for the Pickle's boat. Our men in charge, Seeing her great breasts bulging on the brine, Sang out, " A mermaid 'tis, by God ! " — then rowed And hauled her in. — Burke Such oddities intrude On death's grim hours ! Midshipman Meantime the " Achille " fought on, Even while the ship was blazing, knowing well The fire must reach their powder ; which it did. 160 THE DYNASTS act v The spot is covered now with floating men, Some whole, the main in parts ; arms, legs, trunks, heads, Bobbing with tons of timber on the waves, And splinters looped with entrails of the crew. Nelson (arousing) Our course will be to anchor. Let them know. Hardy But let me ask, my lord, as I needs must, Seeing your state, and that our work's not done, Shall I, from you, bid Admiral Collingwood Take full on him the conduct of affairs ? Nelson (trying to raise himself) Not while I live, I hope ! No, Hardy ; no. Give Collingwood my order. Anchor all. Hardy (hesitating) You mean the signal's to be made forthwith ? Nelson I do ! — By God, if but our carpenter Could rig me up a jury-backbone now, To last one hour — until the batde's done, I'd see to it ! But here I am — stove in — scene iv THE DYNASTS 161 Broken — all logged and done for ! Done, ay done ! Beatty (returning from the other wounded) My lord, I must implore you to lie calm ! You shorten what at best may not be long. Nelson (exhausted) I know, I know, good Beatty ! Thank you well. Hardy, I was impatient. Now I am still. Sit here a moment, if you have time to spare ? Beatty and the others stand back, and the two abide in silence, except for the trampling overhead and the moans from adjoining berths. Nelson is apparently in less pain, seeming to doze. Nelson (suddenly) What are you thinking, that you speak no word ? Hardy (waking from a short reverie) Thoughts all confused, my lord : — their needs on deck, Your own sad state, and your unrivalled past ; Mixed up with flashes of old things afar — Old childish things at home, down Wessex way, In the snug village under Blackdon Hill Where I was born. The tumbling stream, the garden, The placid look of the grey dial there, M 1 62 THE DYNASTS act v Marking unconsciously this bloody hour, And the red apples on my father's trees, Just now full ripe. Nelson Ay, thus do little things Steal into my mind, too. But ah, my heart Knows not your calm philosophy! — There's one — Come nearer to me, Hardy. — One of all, As you well guess, pervades my memory now ; She, and my daughter — I speak freely to you. 'Twas good I made that codicil this morning That you and Blackwood witnessed. Now she rests Safe on the nation's honour. . . . Let her have My hair, and the small treasured things I owned, And take care of her, as you care for me ! Hardy promises. Nelson (resuming in a murmur) Does love die with our frame's decease, I wonder, Or does it live on ever ? . . . A silence. Beatty reapproaches. Hardy Now I'll leave, See if your order's gone, and then return. scene ,v THE DYNASTS 163 Nelson (symptoms of death beginning to change his face) Yes, Hardy ; yes ; I know it. You must go.— Here we shall meet no more ; since Heaven forfend That care for me should keep you idle now, When all the ship demands you. Beatty, too, Go to the others who lie bleeding there ; Them you can aid. To me you can give none ! My time here is the briefest. — If I live But long enough I'll anchor. . . . But — too late — My anchoring 's elsewhere ordered ! . . . Kiss me, Hardy : Hardy bends over him. I'm satisfied. Thank God, I have done my duty ! Hardy brushes his eyes with his hand, and withdraws to go above, pausing to look back before he finally disappears. Beatty (watching Nelson) Ah. — Hush around ! . . . He's sinking. It is but a trifle now Of minutes with him. Stand you, please, aside, And give him air. 1 64 • THE DYNASTS act v Beatty, the Chaplain, Magrath, the Steward, and attendants continue to regard Nelson. Beatty looks at his watch. Beatty Two hours and fifty minutes since he fell, And now he's going. They wait. Nelson dies. Chaplain Yes. . . . He has homed to where There's no more sea. Beatty We'll let the Captain know, Who will confer with Collingwood at once. I must now turn to these. He goes to another part of the cockpit, a midship- man ascends to the deck, and the scene overclouds. Chorus of the Pities (aerial music) His thread was cut too slowly ! When he fell, And hade his fame farewell, He might have passed, and shunned his long- drawn -pain, Endured in vain, in vain ! Spirit of the Years Young Spirits, be not critical of That Which was before, and shall be after you ! scene iv THE DYNASTS 165 Spirit of the Pities But out of tune the Mode and meritless That quickens seme in shapes whom, thou hast said, Necessitation sways ! A life there was Among these self-same frail ones — Sophocles — Who visioned it too clearly, even the while He dubbed the Will " the gods." Truly said he, " Such gross injustice to their own creation Burdens the time with mournfulness for us, And for themselves with shame."* — Things mechanized By coils and pivots set to foreframed codes Would, in a thorough-sphered melodic rule, And governance of sweet consistency, Be cessed no pain, whose burnings would abide With That Which holds responsibility, Or inexist. Chorus of the Pities (aerial music) Tea, yea, yea ! Thus would the Mover pay The score each puppet owes, The Reaper reap what his contrivance sows ! Why make Life debtor when it did not buy ? Why wound so keenly Right that it would die ? 1 Soph. Track. 1266-72. 1 66 THE DYNASTS act v Spirit of the Years Nay, blame not! For what judgment can ye blame ? — In that immense unweeting Mind is shown One far above forethinking ; purposive, Yet superconscious ; a Clairvoyancy That knows not what It knows, yet works there- with. — The cognizance ye mourn, Life's doom to feel, If I report it meetly, came unmeant, Emerging with blind gropes from impercipience By random sequence — luckless, tragic Chance, If ye will call it so. 'Twas needed not ■ In the economy of Vitality, Which might have ever kept a sealed cognition As doth the Will Itself. Chorus of the Years (aerial music) Tea, yea, yea ; Your hasty judgments stay, Until the topmost cyme Have crowned the last entablature of Time. O heap not blame on that in-brooding Will ; O pause, till all things all their days fulfil ! THE DYNASTS 167 SCENE V LONDON. THE GUILDHALL A crowd of citizens has gathered outside to watch the carriages as they drive up and deposit guests invited to the Lord Mayor's banquet, for which event the Hall is brilliantly lit up within. A cheer rises when the equipage of any popular personage arrives at the door. First Citizen Well, well ! Nelson is the man who ought to have been banqueted to-night. But he is coming to Town in a coach different from these ! Second Citizen Will they bring his poor splintered body home ? First Citizen Yes. They say he's to be tombed in marble, at St. Paul's or Westminster. We shall see him if he laies in state. It will make a patriotic spectacle for a fine day. Boy How can you see a dead man, father, after so long ? 1 68 THE DYNASTS act v First Citizen They'll embalm him, my boy, as they did all the great Egyptian admirals. Boy His lady will be handy for that, won't she ? First Citizen Don't yeh ask awkward questions. Second Citizen Here's another coming ! First Citizen That's my Lord Chancellor Eldon. Wot he'll say, and wot he'll look ! — Mr. Pitt will be here soon. Boy I don't like Billy. He killed Uncle John's parrot. Second Citizen How may yeh maike that out, youngster ? Boy Mr. Pitt maide the war, and the war maide us want sailors ; and Uncle John went for a scene v THE DYNASTS 169 walk down Wapping High Street to talk to the pretty ladies one evening ; and there was a press all along the river that night — a regular hot one — and Uncle John was carried on board a man-of-war to fight under Nelson ; and nobody minded Uncle John's parrot, and it talked itself to death. So Mr. Pitt killed Uncle John's parrot ; see it, sir ? Second Citizen You had better have a care of this boy, friend. His brain is too precious for the common risks of Cheapside. Not but wot he might as well have said Boney killed the parrot when he was about it. And as for Nelson — who's now sailing shinier seas than ours, if they've rubbed Her off his slate where he's gone to — the French papers say that our loss in him is greater than our gain in ships ; so that logically the victory is theirs. Gad, sir, it's almost true ! A hurrahing is heard from Cheapside, and the crowd in that direction begins to hustle and show excitement. First Citizen He's coming, he's coming ! Here, let me lift you up, my boy. — Why, they have taken out the horses, as I am man alive ! 170 THE DYNASTS act v Second Citizen Pitt for ever ! — Why, here's a blade opening and shutting his mouth like the rest, but never a sound does he raise ! Third Citizen I've not too much breath to carry me through my day's work, so I can't afford to waste it in such luxuries as crying Hurrah to aristocrats. If yeh was ten yards off y'd think I was shouting as loud as any. Second Citizen It's a very mean practice of yeh to husband yourself at such a time, and gape in dumb- show like a frog in Plaistow Marshes. Third Citizen No, sir ; it's economy ; a very necessary instinct in these days of ghastly taxations to pay holf the awmies in Europe ! In short, it is scarcely compass-mentass to do otherwise ! Somebody must save something, or the country will be as bankrupt as Mr. Pitt him- self is, by all account ; though he don't look it just now. Pitt's coach passes, drawn by a troop of running men and boys. The Prime Minister is seen within, a thin, erect, up-nosed figure, with a flush of excitement scene v THE DYNASTS 171 on his usually pale face. The vehicle reaches the doorway to the Guildhall and halts with a jolt. Pitt gets out shakily, and amid cheers enters the building. Fourth Citizen Quite a triumphal entry. Such is power ; Now worshipped, now accursed ! The over- throw Of all Pitt's European policy When his hired army and his chosen general Surrendered them at Ulm a month ago, Is now forgotten ! Ay ; this Trafalgar Will botch up many a ragged old repute, Make Nelson figure as domestic saint No less than country's saviour, Pitt exalt As zenith-star of England's firmament, And uncurse all the bogglers of her weal At this adventurous time. Third Citizen Talk of Pitt being ill. He looks hearty as a buck. First Citizen It's the news — no more. His spirits are up like a rocket for the moment. Boy Is it because Trafalgar is near Portingal that he loves Port wine ? 172 THE DYNASTS act v Second Citizen Ah, as I said, friend ; this boy must go home and be carefully put to bed ! First Citizen Well, wotever "William's faults, it is a triumph for his virtues to-night ! Pitt having disappeared, the Guildhall doors are closed, and the crowd slowly disperses, till in the course of an hour the street shows itself empty and dark, only a few oil lamps burning. The Scene Opens, revealing the interior of the Guildhall, and the brilliant assembly of City magnates, Lords, and Ministers seated there, Mr. Pitt occupying a chair of honour by the Lord Mayor. His health has been proposed as that of the Saviour of England, and drunk with acclamations. Pitt (standing up after repeated calls) My lords and gentlemen : — You have toasted me As one who has saved England and her cause. I thank you, gentlemen, unfeignedly. But — no man has saved England, let me say : England has saved herself, by her exertions : She will, I trust, save Europe by her example ! Loud applause, during which he sits down, rises, and sits down again. The scene then shuts, and the night without has place. scene vi TH*E DYNASTS 173 Spirit of the Years Those words of this man Pitt — his last large words, As I may prophesy — that ring to-night In their first mintage to the feast ers here, Will spread with ageing, lodge, and crystallize, And stand embedded in the English tongue Till it grow thin, outworn, and cease to be. — So is't ordained by That Which all ordains ; For words were never winged with after grace, Or blent with happier choice of time and place, To hold the imagination of this strenuous race. SCENE VI 1 AN INN AT RENNES Night. A sleeping- chamber. Two candles are burning near a bed in an alcove, and writing-materials are on the table. The French admiral, Villeneuve, partly undressed, is pacing up and down the room. Villeneuve These hauntings have at last nigh proved to me That this thing must be done. Illustrious foe And teacher, Nelson : blest and over blest In thy outgoing at the noon of strife "When glory clasped thee round ; while way- ward Death 1 This scene is a little advanced in time, to include it in the Act to which it essentially belongs. 174 THE DYNASTS act v Refused my coaxings for the like-timed call ! Yet I did press where thickest missiles fell, And both by precept and example showed Where lay the line of duty, patriotism, And honour, in that combat of despair. He sees himself in the glass as he passes. Unfortunate Villeneuve ! — whom fate has marked To suffer for too firm a faithfulness. — An Emperor's chide is a command to die. — By him accursed, forsaken by my friend, Awhile stern England's prisoner, then un- loosed Like some poor dolt unworth captivity, Time serves me now for ceasing. Why not cease ? . . . When, as Shades whisper in the chasmal night, " Better, far better, no percipience here." — O happy lack, that I should have no child To come into my hideous heritage, And groan beneath the burden of my name ! 1 Spirit of the Years Til speak. His mood is ripe for such a parle. (Sending a voice into Villeneuve's ear.) Thou dost divine the hour ! 1 " Quel bonheur que je n'aie aucun enfant pour recueillir mon horrible heritage et qui soit charge du poids de mon nom ! " — (Extract from the poignant letter to his wife written on this night. — See Lanfrey, iii. 374.) scene vi THE DYNASTS 175 VlLLENEUVE But those stern Nays, That heretofore were audible to me At each unhappy time I strove to pass ? Spirit of the Years Have been annulled. The Will grants exit freely ; Tea, It says "Now." Therefore make now thy time. Spirit of the Pities May his sad sunken soul merge into nought Meekly and gently as a breeze at eve I VlLLENEUVE From skies above me and the air around Those callings which so long have circled me At last do whisper " Now." Now it shall be ! He seals a letter, and addresses it to his wife ; then takes a dagger from his accoutrements that are hanging alongside, and, lying down upon his back on the bed, stabs himself determinedly in many places, leaving the weapon in the last wound. Ungrateful master ; generous foes ; Farewell ! Villeneuve dies ; and the scene darkens. 176 THE DYNASTS act v SCENE VII V king george's watering-place, south WES SEX The interior of the " Old Rooms " Inn. Boatmen and burghers are sitting on settles round the fire, smok- ing and drinking. First Burgher So they've brought him home at last, hey ? And he's to be solemnized with a roaring funeral ? First Boatman Yes, thank God. . . . 'Tis better to lie dry than wet, if canst do it without stinking on the road gravewards. And they took care that he shouldn't. Second Boatman 'Tis to be at Paul's ; so they say that know. And the crew of the " Victory " have to walk in front, and Captain Hardy is to carry his stars and garters on a great velvet pincushion. First Burgher Where's the Captain now? SCENE VII THE DYNASTS 177 Second Boatman (nodding in the direction of Captain Hardy's house) Down at home here with his sisters for a bit. I zid en a-walking with them on the Esplanade yesterday. He looks ten years older than 'a did when 'a went. Ay — he brought the galliant hero home ! Second Burgher Now how did they bring him home so that he could lie in state afterwards to the naked eye ? First Boatman Well, as they always do, — in a cask of sperrits. Second Burgher Really, now! First Boatman (lowering his voice) But what happened was this. They were a long time coming, owing to contrary winds, and the " Victory " being little more than a wreck. And grog ran short, because they'd used near all they had, to peckle his body in. So — they broached the Adm'l ! N 178 THE DYNASTS act v Second Burgher How ? First Boatman Well ; the plain calendar o't is, that when he came to be unhooped, it was found that the crew had drunk him dry. What was the men to do ? Broke down by the battle, and hardly able to keep afloat, 'twas a most defendable thing, and it fairly saved their lives. So he was their salvation after death as he had been in the fight. If he could have knowed it, 'twould have pleased him down to the ground ! How 'a would have laughed through the spigot -hole : " Draw on, my hearties ! Better I shrivel than you famish." Ha-ha ! Second Burgher It may be defendable afloat ; but it seems queer ashore. First Boatman Well, that's as I had it from one that knows — Bob Loveday of Overcombe — one of the " Victory " men that's going to walk in the funeral. However, let's touch a livelier string. Peter Green, strike up that new ballet that they've lately had prented scene vn THE DYNASTS 179 here, and were hawking about town last market-day. Second Boatman With all my heart. Though my wynd- pipe's a bit clogged since the wars hev made beer so mortal small ! SONG I In the wild October night-time, when the wind raved round the land, And the Back-sea 1 met the Front-sea, and our doors were blocked with sand, And we heard the drub of Dead-man's Bay, where bones of thousands are, We knew not what the day had done for us at Trafalgar. (All) Had done, Had done, For us at Trafalgar ! II " Pull hard, and make the Nothe, or down we go ! " one says, says he. We pulled ; and bedtime brought the storm ; but snug at home slept we. 1 In those days the hind-part of the harbour, adjoining this scene, was so called. 1 80 THE DYNASTS act v scene vn Yet all the while our gallants after fighting through the day, Were beating up and down the dark, sou'- west of Cadiz Bay. (All) The dark, The dark, Sou'-west of Cadiz Bay ! Ill The victors and the vanquished then the storm it tossed and tore, As hard they strove, those worn-out men, upon that surly shore ; Dead Nelson and his half-dead crew, his foes from near and far, Were rolled together on the deep that night at Trafalgar. (All) The deep, The deep, That night at Trafalgar ! The Cloud-curtain draws. Chorus of the Years (aerial music) Meanwhile the month moves on to counter-deeds Vast as the vainest needs, And fiercely the predestined plot proceeds. ACT SIXTH SCENE I THE FIELD OF AUSTERLITZ. THE FRENCH POSITION The night of the 1st of December, and the eve of the battle. The view is from the elevated position of the Emperor's bivouac. The air is keen and the sky clear, with stars, but the lower levels are covered with a white fog stretching like a sea, from which the heights protrude as dusky rocks. To the left are discernible high and wooded hills. In the front mid -distance the plateau of Pratzen outstands, declining suddenly on the right to a low flat country covered with marshes and pools now mostly obscured. On the plateau itself are seen innumerable and varying lights, marking the bivouac of the centre divisions of the Austro - Russian army. Close to the foreground the fires of the French are burning, surrounded by soldiery. The invisible presence of the countless thousands of massed humanity that compose the two armies makes itself felt indefinably. The tent of Napoleon rises nearest at hand, with sentinel and other military figures looming around, and saddled horses held by attendants. The accents of the Emperor are audible, through the canvas from inside, dictating a proclamation. 181 1 82 THE DYNASTS act v, Voice of Napoleon " Soldiers, the hordes of Muscovy now face you, To mend the Austrian overthrow at Ulm ! But how so ? Are not these the self-same bands You met and swept aside at Hollabriinn, And whose retreating forms, dismayed to flight, Your feet pursued along the trackways here ? " Our own position, strong and menacing, Is rich in chance for opportune attack ; For, say they march to cross and turn our right— A course almost their need — their stretching flank Will offer us, from points now pre- arranged " Voice of a Marshal Shows it, your Majesty, the wariness That marks your usual far-eyed policy, To openly announce your tactics thus Some twelve hours ere their form can actualize ? Voice of Napoleon The zest such knowledge will impart to all Is worth the risk of leakages. (To Secretary) Write on. scene i THE DYNASTS 183 (Dictation resumed) " Soldiers, your columns I myself shall lead ; But ease your minds who would expostulate Against my undue rashness. If your zeal Sow hot confusion in the hostile ranks As your old manner is, and in our strength We mingle with our foes, I'll use fit care. Nevertheless, should issues stand at pause But for a moment, that time you will see Your Emperor the foremost in the shock, Taking his risk with every ranksman here. For victory, men, must be no thing surmised As that which may or may not beam on us, Like noontide sunshine on a dubious morn : It must be sure ! — The honour and the fame Of France's gay and gallant infantry — So dear, so cherished all the Empire through — Binds us to compass it ! Maintain the ranks ; Let none be thinned by impulse or excuse Of bearing back the wounded : and, in fine, Be every one in this conviction firm : — That 'tis our sacred bond to overthrow These hirelings of a country not their own : Yea, England's hirelings, they! — a realm stifF-steeled In deathless hatred of our land and hopes. " The campaign closes with this victory ; And we return to find our standards joined 1 84 THE DYNASTS act vi By vast new armies forming now in France. Forthwith resistless, Peace establish we, Worthy of you, the nation, and of me. "Napoleon." (To his Marshals) So shall we prostrate these paid slaves of hers — England's, I mean — the root of all the war. Voice of Murat The further details sent of Trafalgar Are not assuring. Voice of Lannes What may the details be ? Voice of Napoleon (moodily) We learn that six-and-twenty ships of war, During the fight and after, struck their flags, And that the tigerish gale throughout the night Gave fearful finish to the English rage. By luck their Nelson's gone, but gone withal Are twenty thousand prisoners, taken ofF To gnaw their finger-nails in British hulks. Of our vast squadrons of the summer-time But rags and splintered remnants now remain. — Thuswise Villeneuve, poor craven, quitted him ! scene i THE DYNASTS 185 Thus are my projects for the navy damned, And England puffed to yet more bombastry. — Well, well ; I can't be everywhere. No matter ; A victory's brewing here as counterpoise ! These water-rats may paddle in their slush, And welcome. 'Tis not long they'll have their way. Ships can be wrecked by land ! Another Voice And how by land, Your Majesty, if one may query such ? Voice of Napoleon (sardonically) I'll bid all states of Europe shut their ports To England's arrogant bottoms, slowly starve Her bloated revenues and monstrous trade, Till all her hulls lie sodden in their docks, And her grey island eyes in vain shall seek One jack of hers upon the ocean plains ! Voice of Soult A few more master-strokes, your Majesty, Must be dealt hereabout to compass such ! Voice of Napoleon God, yes ! — Even here Pitt's guineas are the foes : 1 86 THE DYNASTS act vi 'Tis all a duel 'twixt this Pitt and me ; And, more than Russia's host, and Austria's too, I everywhere to-night around me scent As from an unseen monster haunting nigh His country's hostile breath ! — But come : to choke it By our to-morrow's feats, which now, in brief, I recapitulate. — First Soult will move To forward the grand project of the day : Namely : ascend in echelon, right to front, With Vandamme's men, and those of Saint Hilaire : Legrand's division somewhere further back — Nearly whereat I place my finger here — To be there reinforced by tirailleurs : Lannes to the left here, on the Olmiitz road, Supported by Murat's whole cavalry. While in reserve, here, are the grenadiers Of Oudinot, the corps of Bernadotte, Rivaud, Drouet, and the Imperial Guard. Marshals' Voices 'Tis as we understood, Sire, and have ordered. Nought lags but day, to light our victory. Voice of Napoleon Now let us up and ride the bivouacs round, And note positions ere the soldiers sleep. — Omit not from to-morrow's home dispatch SCENE I THE DYNASTS 187 Direction that this blow of Trafalgar Be hushed in all the news-sheets sold in France, Or, if reported, let it be portrayed As a rash fight whereout we came not worst, But were so broken by the boisterous eve That England claims it as her victory. There emerge from the tent Napoleon and the Marshals, who all mount the horses that are led up, and proceed through the frost and rime towards the bivouacs. At the Emperor's approach to the nearest soldiery they spring up. Soldiers The Emperor ! He's here ! The Emperor's here! An old Grenadier (approaching Napoleon familiarly) We'll bring thee Russian guns and flags galore To celebrate thy coronation-day ! They gather into wisps the straw, hay, and other litter on which they have been lying, and kindling these at the dying fires, wave them as torches. This is repeated as each fire is reached, till the whole French position is one wide illumination. The most enthusiastic of the soldiers follow the Emperor in a throng as he progresses, and his whereabouts in the vast field is denoted by their cries. Chorus of the Pities (aerial music) Strange suasive pull of personality ! 1 88 THE DYNASTS act v Chorus of Ironic Spirits His projects they unknow, his grin unsee ! Chorus of the Pities Their loyal luckless hearts say blindly — He ! The night-shades close over. SCENE II THE SAME. THE RUSSIAN POSITION Midnight at the quarters of Field-Marshal Prince KimJzoF at Kresnowitz. An inner apartment is dis- covered, roughly adapted as a council -room. On a table with candles is unfolded a large map of Austerlitz and its environs. The Generals are assembled in consultation round the table, Weirother pointing to the map, Langeron, Buxhovden, and Miloradovich standing by, Dokht6rof bending over the map, Prschebiszewsky x indifferently walking up and down. Kutuzof, old and weary, with a scarred face and only one eye, is seated in a chair at the head of the table, nodding, waking, and nodding again. Some officers of lower grade are in the back- ground, and horses in waiting are heard hoofing and champing outside. 1 This General's name should, it is said, be pronounced in three syllables, nearly Presh-xv'-sky. scene ii THE DYNASTS 189 Weirother (referring to memoranda, snuffing the nearest candle, and moving it from place to place on the map as he proceeds importantly) Now here, our right, along the Olmiitz Road Will march and oust the French division there, Dislodge them from the Sainton Hill, and thence Advance direct to Briinn. — You heed me, sirs ? — The cavalry will occupy the plain : Our centre and main strength, — you follow me? — Count Langeron, Dokhtorof, with Prschebis- zewsky And Kollowrath — now on the Pratzen heights — Will down and cross the Goldbach rivulet, Seize Tilnitz, Kobelnitz, and hamlets nigh, Turn the French right, move onward in their rear, Cross Schwarsa, hold the great Vienna road : — So, with the nightfall, centre, right, and left, Will rendezvous beneath the walls of Briinn. Langeron (taking a pinch of snuff) Good, General ; very good ! — if Bonaparte Will kindly stand and let you have your way. But what if he do not ! — if he forestall These sound slow movements, mount the Pratzen hills 190 THE DYNASTS act vi When we descend, fall on our rear forthwith, While we go crying for his rear in vain ? Kutuzof (waking up) Ay, ay, Weirother ; that's the question — eh ? Weirother (impatiently) If Bonaparte had meant to climb up there, Being one so spry and so determinate, He would have set about it ere this eve ! He has not troops to do so, sirs, I say. His utmost strength is forty thousand men. Langeron Then if so weak, how can so wise a brain Court ruin by abiding calmly here The impact of a force so large as ours ? He may be mounting up this very hour ! What think you, General Miloradovich ? MilorXdovich I ? What's the use of thinking, when to- morrow Will tell us, with no need to think at all ! Weirother Pah ! At this moment he retires apace. His fires are dark ; all sounds have ceased that way Save voice of owl or mongrel wintering there. scene n THE DYNASTS 191 But, were he nigh, these movements I detail Would knock the bottom from his enterprize. Kutuzof (rising) Well, well. Now this being ordered, set it going. One here shall make fair copies of the notes, And send them round. Colonel von Toll I ask To translate part. — Generals, it grows full late, And half-a-dozen hours of needed sleep Will aid us more than maps. We now disperse, And luck attend us all. Good-night. Good- night. The Generals and other officers go out severally. Such plans are — paper ! Only to-morrow's light Reveals the true manoeuvre to my sight ! He flaps out with his hand all the candles but one or two, slowly walks outside the house, and listens. On the high ground in the direction of the French lines are heard shouts, and a wide illumination grows and strengthens ; but the hollows are still mantled in fog. Are these the signs of regiments out of heart, And beating backward from an enemy ! [He remains pondering. On the Pratzen heights immediately in front there begins a movement among the Russians, signifying that 192 THE DYNASTS act vi the plan which involves desertion of that vantage- ground is about to be put in force. Noises of drunken singing arise from the Russian lines at various points elsewhere. Kutuzof re-enters his quarters with a face of mis- giving. The night shades involve the whole. 1 SCENE III THE SAME. THE FRENCH POSITION Shortly before dawn on the morning of the 2nd of December. A white frost and fog still prevail in the low-lying areas ; but overhead the sky is clear. A dead silence reigns. Napoleon, on a grey horse, closely attended by Berthier, and surrounded by Marshals Soult, Lannes, Murat, and their aides-de-camp, all cloaked, is dis- cernible in the gloom riding down from the high ground before Bellowitz, on which they have bivouacked, to the village of Puntowitz on the Goldbach stream, quite near the front of the Russian position of the day before on the Pratzen crest. The Emperor and his companions come to a pause, look around and upward to the hills, and listen. Napoleon Their bivouac fires, that lit the top last night, Are all extinct. 1 In depicting this scene, the writer, like others, has followed without question the MS. of Langeron quoted by M. Thiers. But the singular soundness of the Count's own opinion in the consultation, as recorded, suggests that it may have been somewhat strengthened on paper at the expense of that of his companions. scene in THE DYNASTS 193 Lannes And hark you, Sire ; I catch A sound which, if I err not, means the thing We have hoped, and hoping, feared fate would not yield ! Napoleon My God, it surely is the tramp of horse And jolt of cannon downward from the hill Towards our right here, by the swampy lakes That face Davoust ? Thus, as I sketched, they work ! Murat Yes ! They already move upon Tilnitz. Napol£on Leave them alone ! Nor stick nor stone we'll stir To interrupt them. Nought that we can scheme Will help us like their own stark sightless- ness ! — Let them get down to those white lowlands there, And so far plunge in the level that no skill, When sudden vision flashes on their fault, Can help them, though despair-stung, to regain The key to mastery held at yestereve ! Meantime move onward these divisions here 194 THE DYNASTS act vi Under the fog's kind shroud ; descend the slope, And cross the stream below the Russian lines : There halt concealed, till I send down the word. Napoleon and his staff retire to the hill south-east of Bellowitz as the day dawns pallidly. 'Tis good to get above that rimy cloak And into cleaner air. It chilled me through. When they reach the summit they are over the fog : and suddenly the sun breaks forth radiantly to the left of the Pratzen upland, illuminating the ash-hued face of Napoleon and the faces of those around him. All eyes are turned first to the sun, and thence to look for the dense masses of men that had occupied the upland the night before. Murat I see them not. The plateau seems deserted ! Napoleon (exultantly) Gone ; verily ! — Ah, how much will you give, An hour hence, for the coign abandoned now ! The battle's ours. — It was, then, their rash march Downwards to Tilnitz and the Goldbach swamps Before dawn, that we heard. — No hurry, Lannes ! Enjoy this sun, that rests its chubby jowl Upon the plain, and thrusts its bristling beard scene in THE DYNASTS 195 Across the lowlands' fleecy counterpane, Peering beneath our broadest hat -brims' shade. . . . Soult, how long hence to win the Pratzen top ? Soult Some twenty minutes or less, your Majesty, : Our troops down there, still mantled by the mist, Are half upon the way. Napoleon Good ! Set forthwith Vandamme and Saint Hilaire to mount the slopes Firing begins in the marsh to the right by Tilnitz and the pools, though the thick air yet hides the operations. O, there you are, blind boozy Buxhovden ! Achieve your worst. Davoust will hold you firm. The head of an aide-de-camp rises through the fog on that side, and he hastens up to Napoleon and his companions, to whom the officer announces what has happened. Davoust rides off, disappearing legs first into the white stratum that covers the attack. Lannes and Murat, you have concern enough Here on the left, with Prince Bagration And all the Austro-Russian cavalry. 196 THE DYNASTS act vi Haste off. The victory promising to-day Will, like a thunder-clap, conclude the war ! The Marshals with their aides gallop away towards their respective divisions. Soon the two divisions under Soult are seen ascending in close column the inclines of the Pratzen height. Thereupon the heads of the Russian centre columns disclose themselves, breaking the sky-line of the summit from the other side, in a desperate attempt to regain the position vacated by the Russian left. A fierce struggle develops there between Soult's divisions and these, who, despite their tardy attempt to recover the lost post of dominance, are pressed by the French off the slopes into the lowland. Semichorus I of the Pities (aerial music) O Great Necessitator, heed us now ! If it indeed must be That this day Austria smoke with slaughtery, Quicken the issue as Thou knowest how ; And dull to suffering those whom it befalls To quit their lodgment in a flesh that galls I Semichorus II If it be in the future human story To lift this man to yet intenser glory, Let the exploit be done With the least sting, or none, To those, his kind, at whose expense such height is won ! Spirit of the Years Again ye deprecate the World-Soul's way That I so long have told ? Then note anew SCENE HI THE DYNASTS 197 {Since ye forget) the ordered potencies, Nerves, sinews, trajects, eddies, ducts of It The Eternal Urger, pressing change on change. At once, as earlier, a preternatural clearness possesses the atmosphere of the battle-field, in which the scene becomes anatomized and the living masses of humanity- transparent. The controlling Immanent Will appears therein, as a brain-like network of currents and ejec- tions, twitching, interpenetrating, entangling, and thrust- ing hither and thither the human forms. Semichorus I of Ironic Spirits (aerial music) Innocents, can ye forget That things to be were shaped and set Ere mortals and this planet met ? Semichorus II Stand ye apostrophizing That Which, working all, works but thereat Like some sublime fermenting-vat Semichorus I Heaving throughout its vast content With strenuously transmutive bent Though of its aim unsentient ? — Semichorus II Could ye have seen Its early deeds Ye would not cry, as one who pleads For quarter, when a Europe bleeds I 198 THE DYNASTS act Semichorus I Ere ye, young Pities, had upgrown From out the deeps where mortals moan Against a ruling not their own, Semichorus II He of the Years beheld, and we, Creation s prentice artistry Express in forms that now unbe Semichorus I Tentative dreams from day to day ; Mangle its types, re-knead the clay In some more palpitating way; Semichorus II Beheld the rarest wrecked amain, Whole nigh-perfected species slain By those that scarce could boast a brain; Semichorus I Saw ravage, growth, diminish, add, Or peoples sane or peoples mad, In choiceless round of good and bad; Semichorus II Heard laughters at the ruthless dooms Which tortured to the eternal glooms Quick, quivering hearts in hecatombs. scene iv THE DYNASTS 199 Chorus Us Ancients, then, it ill befits To quake when Slaughter's spectre flits Athwart this field of Austerlitz ! Shade of the Earth Pain not their young compassions by such lore, But hold you mute, and read the battle yonder: The moment marks the days catastrophe. SCENE IV THE SAME. THE RUSSIAN POSITION It is about noon, and the vital spectacle is now near the village of Tilnitz. The fog has dispersed, and the sun shines clearly, though without warmth, the ice on the pools gleaming under its radiance. General Buxhovden and his aides-de-camp have reined up, and remain at pause on a hillock. The General watches through a glass his battalions, which are still disputing the village. Suddenly approach down the track from the upland of Pratzen large companies of Russian infantry helter-skelter. Count Langeron is beheld to be retreating with them ; and soon, pale and agitated, he hastens up to General Buxhovden, whose face is flushed. Langeron While they're upon us you stay idle here ! Prschebiszewsky's column is distraught and rent, aoo THE DYNASTS act vi And more than half my own made captive ! Yea, Kreznowitz carried, and Sokolnitz hemmed : The enemy's whole strength will greet you soon ! BuxhQvden You seem to see the enemy everywhere. Langeron You cannot see them, be they here or no ! BuxhSvden I only wait Prschebiszewsky's nearing corps To join Dokhtorofs to them. Here they come. Soult, supported by Bernadotte and Oudinot, having cleared and secured the Pratzen height, his battalions are perceived descending from it on this side, behind Dokht6rof's division, so placing the latter between themselves and the pools. Langeron You cannot tell the Frenchmen from our- selves ! These are the victors. — Ah — Dokhtorof — lost! Dokht6rof's troops are seen to be retreating towards the water. The watchers stand in painful tenseness. scene iv THE DYNASTS 201 BuxhOvden Dokhtorof tell to save him as he may ! We, Count, must gather up our shaken men And hurry by the road through Austerlitz. Buxhovden's regiments and the remains of Langeron's are rallied and collected, and they retreat by way of the hamlet of Aujezd. As they go over the summit of a hill BuxhSvden looks back. Langeron's columns, which were behind his own, have been cut off by Vandamme's division coming down from the Pratzen plateau. This and some detachments from Dokhtorof's column rush towards the Satschan lake and endeavour to cross it on the ice. It cracks beneath their weight. At the same moment Napoleon and his brilliant staff appear on the top of the Pratzen. The Emperor watches the scene with a vulpine smile ; and directs a battery near at hand to fire down upon the ice on which the Russians are crossing. A ghastly crash and splashing follows the discharge, the shining surface breaking into pieces like a mirror, which fly in all directions. Two thousand fugitives are engulfed, and their groans of despair reach the ears of the watchers like ironical huzzas. A general flight of the Russian army from wing to wing is now disclosed, involving in its current the Emperor Alexander and the Emperor Francis, with the reserve, who are seen towards Austerlitz endeavouring to rally their troops in vain. They are swept along by the disordered soldiery. 202 THE DYNASTS act vi SCENE V THE SAME. NEAR THE WINDMILL OF PALENY The mill is about seven miles to the southward, between the French advanced posts and the Austrians. A bivouac fire is burning. Napoleon, in grey over- coat and beaver hat turned up front and back, rides to the spot with Berthier, Savary, and his aides, and alights. He walks to and fro complacently, meditating or talking to Berthier. Two groups of officers, one from each army, stand in the background on their respective sides. Napoleon What's this of Alexander ? Weep, did he, Like his old namesake, but for meaner cause ? Ha, ha ! Berthier 'Tis told, your Majesty, that Colonel Toll, One of Field-Marshal Prince Kutuzof 's staff, In the retreating swirl of overthrow, Found Alexander seated on a stone Beneath a leafless roadside apple tree, Out here by Goding on the Holitsch way ; His coal-black uniform and snowy plume Unmarked, his face disconsolate, his grey eyes Mourning in tears the fate of his brave troops — All flying southward, save the steadfast slain. scene v THE DYNASTS 203 Napoleon Poor devil ! — But he'll soon get over it — Sooner than his employers oversea ! — Ha ! — this will make friend Pitt and England writhe, And cloud somewhat their lustrous Trafalgar. An open carriage approaches from the direction of Holitsch, accompanied by a small escort of Hungarian guards. Napoleon walks forward to meet it as it draws up, and welcomes the Austrian Emperor, who alights. He is wearing a grey cloak over a white uniform, carries a light walking-cane, and is attended by Prince John of Lichtenstein, Swarzenberg, and others. His fresh-coloured face contrasts strangely with the bluish pallor of Napoleon's ; but it is now thin and anxious. They formally embrace. Berthier, Prince John, and the rest retire, and the two Emperors are left by themselves before the fire. Napoleon Here on the roofless ground do 1 1 receive you — My only mansion for these two months past ! Francis Your tenancy thereof has brought such fame That it must needs be one which charms you, Sire. Napoleon Good ! Now this war. It has been forced on me 20 4 THE DYNASTS act ti Just at a crisis most inopportune, When all my energies and arms were bent On teaching England that her watery walls Are no defence against the wrath of France Aroused by breach of solemn covenants. Francis I had no zeal for violating peace Till ominous events in Italy Revealed the gloomy truth that France aspires To conquest there, and undue sovereignty. Since when mine eyes have seen no sign outheld To signify a change of purposings. NapolIon Yet there were terms distinctly specified To General Giulay in November past, Whereon I'd gladly fling the sword aside. To wit : in order that hot jealousy Stir us no more anent transalpine rule, I'd take the Isonzo river as our bounds. Francis Roundly, that I cede all. — And how may stand Your views as to the Russian forces here ? scene v THE DYNASTS 205 Napoleon You have all to lose by that alliance, Sire. Leave Russia. Let the Emperor Alexander Make his own terms ; whereof the first must be That he retire from Austrian territory. I'll grant an armistice therefor. Anon I'll treat with him to weld a lasting peace, Based on some simple understandings ; chief, That Russian armies keep to Russian soil, And that, moreover, every English keel Be locked out from the ports of his domain. Meanwhile to you I'll tender this good word : Keep Austria to herself. To Russia bound, You pay your own costs with your provinces, And Alexander's likewise therewithal. Francis I see as much, and long have seen it, Sire ; And standing here the vanquished, let me own What happier issues might have left unsaid : Long, long 1 have lost the wish to bind my- self To Russia's purposings and Russia's risks ; Little do I count these alliances With Powers that have no substance seizable! As they converse they walk away. 2o6 THE DYNASTS act vi An Austrian Officer O strangest scene of an eventful life, This junction that I witness here to-day ! An Emperor — in whose majestic veins Aeneas and the proud Caesarian line Claim yet to live ; and those scarce less renowned, The dauntless Hawks '-Hold Counts, of gallantry So great in fame one thousand years ago — To bend with deference and manners mild In talk with this adventuring campaigner, Raised but by pikes above the common herd ! Another Austrian Officer Ay ! There be Satschan swamps and Pratzen heights In royal lines, as here at Austerlitz. The Emperors again draw near. Francis Then, to this armistice, which shall be called Immediately at all points, I agree ; And pledge my word that my august ally Accept it likewise, and withdraw his force By daily measured march to his own realm. scene v THE DYNASTS 207 Napol£on For him I take your word. And pray believe That rank ambitions are your own, not mine ; That though I have postured as your enemy, And likewise, Alexander's, we are one In interests, have in all things common cause. One country sows these mischiefs Europe through By her insidious chink of luring ore — False-featured England, who, to aggrandize Her name, her influence, and her revenues, Schemes to impropriate the whole world's trade, And starves and bleeds the folk of other lands. Her rock-rimmed situation walls her off, Like a slim selfish mollusk in its shell, From the wide views and fair fraternities Which on the mainland we reciprocate, And spurs her search for profit in our woes. Francis I am not competent, your Majesty, To estimate that country's conscience now, Nor to engage on my ally's behalf That English ships be shut from Russian trade. But joyful am I that in all things else My promise can be made ; and that this day Our conference ends in friendship and esteem. 208 THE DYNASTS act vi Napoleon I will send Savary at to-morrow's blink And make all lucid to the Emperor. For us, I wholly can avow as mine The cordial spirit of your Majesty. They retire towards the carriage of Francis. Berthier, Savary, Lichtenstein, and the suite of officers advance from the background, and with mutual gestures of courtesy and amicable leave-takings the two Emperors part company. Chorus of the Pities (aerial music) - Each for himself \ his family, his heirs ; For the wan weltering nations who concerns, who cares ? Chorus of Ironic Spirits A pertinent query, in truth ! — But spoil not the sport by your ruth : 'Tis enough to make half Yonder zodiac laugh When rulers begin to allude To their lack of ambition, And strong opposition To all but the general good ! Spirit of the Years Hush levities. Events press on. Turn westward. The curtain of cloud draws slowly across. scene V1 THE DYNASTS 209 SCENE VI SHOCKERWICK. HOUSE, NEAR BATH The interior of the Picture Gallery. Enter Wilt- shire the owner, and Pitt, who looks emaciated and walks feebly. Wiltshire (pointing to a portrait) Now here you have the lady we discussed : A fine example of his manner, sir ? Pitt It is a fine example, sir, indeed, — With that transparency amid the shades, And those thin blue-green-greyish leafages Behind the pillar in the background there, Which seem the leaves themselves. — Ah, this is Quin. Wiltshire Yes, Quin. A man of varied parts, though rough And choleric at times. Yet, at his best, As FalstafF, never matched, they say. But I Had not the fate to see him in the flesh. p 210 THE DYNASTS act vi Pitt Churchill well carves him in his " Char- acters" : — " His eyes, in gloomy socket taught to roll; Proclaimed the sullen habit of his soul. In fancied scenes, as in Life's real plan, He could not for a moment sink the man : Nature, in spite of all his skill, crept in ; Horatio, Dorax, Falstaff — still 'twas Quin." — He was at Bath when Gainsborough settled there In that house in the Circus which we know. — I like the portrait much. — The brilliancy Of Gainsborough lies in this his double sway : Sovereign of landscape he ; of portraiture Joint monarch with Sir Joshua. — Ah ? — that's —hark ! Is that the patter of a horse's hoofs Along the road ? Wiltshire I notice nothing, sir. Pitt It is a gallop, growing quite distinct. And — can it be a messenger for me ! Wiltshire I hope no awkward European news To stop the honour of this visit, sir ! scene vi THE DYNASTS 211 They listen. The gallop of the horse grows louder, and is checked at the door of the house. There is a hasty knocking, and a courier, splashed with mud from hard riding, is shown into the gallery. He presents a dispatch to Pitt, who sits down and hurriedly opens it. Pitt (to himself) heavy news indeed ! . . . Disastrous ; dire ! He appears overcome as he sits, and covers his fore- head with his hand. Wiltshire 1 trust you are not ill, sir ? Pitt Could I have A little brandy, sir, quick brought to me ? Wiltshire In one brief minute. Brandy is brought in, and Pitt takes it. Pitt Now leave me, please, alone. I'll call anon. Is there a map of Europe handy here ? Wiltshire fetches a map from the library, and spreads it before the minister. Wiltshire, courier, and servant go out. 212 THE DYNASTS act vi O God that I should live to see this day ! He remains awhile in a, profound reverie ; then resumes the reading of the dispatch. " Defeated — the Allies — quite overthrown At Austerlitz — last week." — Where's Auster- litz? — But what avails it where the place is now ; What corpse is curious on the longitude And situation of his cemetery ! . . . The Austrians and the Russians overcome, That vast adventuring army is set free To bend unhindered strength against our shores. . . . So do my plans through all these plodding years Announce them built in vain ! . . . His heel on Europe, monarchies in chains To France, I am as though I had not been ! He gloomily ponders the dispatch and the map some minutes longer. At last he rises with difficulty, and rings the bell. A servant enters. Call up my carriage, please you, now at once ; And tell your master I return to Bath This moment. — I may want a little help In getting to the door here. Servant Sir, I will, And summon you my master instantly. scene vii THE DYNASTS 213 He goes out and re-enters with Wiltshire. Pitt is assisted from the room. Pitt Roll up that map. 'Twill not be needed now These ten years ! Realms, laws, peoples, dynasties, Are churning to a pulp within the maw Of empire-making Lust and personal Gain ! [Exeunt Pitt, Wiltshire, and servant ; and in a few minutes the carriage is heard driving off, and the scene closes. SCENE VII PARIS. A STREET LEADING TO THE TUILERIES It is night, and the dim oil lamps reveal a vast concourse of citizens of both sexes around the Palace gates and in the neighbouring thoroughfares. Spirit of the Years (to the Spirit of Rumour) Thou may' st descend and join this crowd awhile, And speak what things shall come into thy mouth. Spirit Sinister Vll harken ! I wouldn't miss it for the groans of another Austerlitz ! 2i 4 THE DYNASTS act vr The Spirit of Rumour enters on the scene in the disguise of a young foreigner. Spirit (to a street-woman) Lady, a late hour this to be afoot I Woman But such is meet in gallant dames like me, For now He nears ! — after a three months' whirl Of victories won on fields whose homely names Had never swept the ear of mortal man Beyond the haunts of neighbour peasantry ; But cymballed now by deathless deeds, become Familiar rhythms in remotest homes ! Spirit Rare ! To it again. I could give heed all night. Woman Poor profit, then, to me from my true trade, Wherein hot competition is so rife Already, since these victories brought to town So many foreign jobbers in my line, That I'd best hold my tongue from praise of fame ! However, one is caught by popular zeal, SCENE VII THE DYNASTS 215 And though five midnights have not brought a sou, I, too, chant Jubilate like the rest. — In courtesies have haughty monarchs vied Towards the Conqueror ! who, with men-at- arms One quarter theirs, has vanquished by his nerve Vast musterings four - hundred - thousand strong, And given new tactics to the art of war Unparalleled in Europe's history ! Spirit What man is this, whose deeds thou blazon st so — Who makes the earth to tremble, shakes old thrones, And turns the "plains to wilderness ? Woman Dost ask As ignorant, yet asking can define ? What mean you, traveller ? Spirit I am a stranger here, A wandering wight, whose life has not been spent 216 THE DYNASTS act vi This side the globe, though I can speak the tongue. Woman Your air ha s truth, i^ ' ^ ^ ^but your state is stamge !„ Had I a nusband he should tackle thee. Spirit Dozens thou hast had — batches more than she Samaria knew, if now thou hast not one I Woman Wilt take the situation from this hour ? Spirit Thou know" st not what thy frailty asks, good dame ! Woman Well, learn in small the Emperor's chronicle, As gleaned from what my soldier-husbands say : — Some five-and-forty standards of his foes Are brought to Paris, borne triumphantly In proud procession through the surging streets, Ever as brands of fame to shine aloft In dim-lit senate-halls and city aisles. scene vii THE DYNASTS 217 Spirit Fair Munich sparkled with festivity As there he tarried somewhat, and was met By the gay Josephine your Empress here. — There, too, Eugene — Woman Napoleon's stepson he Spirit Received for gift the hand of fair Princess Augusta (daughter of Bavaria's king, Forced from her plighted troth to Baden's heir), And, to complete his honouring, was hailed Successor to the throne of Italy. Woman Hdw know you, ere this news has got abroad ? Spirit , Channels have 1 the common people lack. — There, on the nonce, the forenamed Baden prince Was joined to Stephanie Beauharnais, her Who stands as daughter to the man we wait, Some say as more. 2i 8 THE DYNASTS act vi Woman They do ? Then such not I. Can revolution's dregs so soil thy soul That thou shouldst doubt the eldest son thereof? 'Tis dangerous to insinuate nowadays ! Spirit Right ! Lady many-spoused, more charity Upbrims ^tWee'V^n^JfTs^ mribt iter^ms Who would not name thee with their white - ~~ ™* s h ee [ A tongues.— Enouglui am one whom, didst thou know my name, Thou would' st not grudge a claim to speak his mind. Woman A thousand pardons, sir. • Spirit Resume thy tale If so thou wishest. Woman Nay, but you know best scene vii THE DYNASTS 219 Spirit How laurelled progress through applauding crowds Have marked his journey home. How Strasburg town, Stuttgart, Carlsruhe, acclaimed him like the rest: How pageantry would here have welcomed him, Had not his speed outstript intelligence. — Now will a glimpse of him repay thee. Hark! Shouts arise and increase in the distance, announcing Bonaparte's approach. Well, Buonaparte has revived by land, But not by sea. On that thwart element Never will he incorporate his dream. And float as master ! Woman What shall hinder him ? Spirit That which has hereto. England, so to speak. Woman But she's in straits. She's lost her Nelson now, (A worthy man : he loved a woman well !) 220 THE DYNASTS act v, George drools and babbles in a darkened room ; Her heaven-born minister declines apace ; All smooths the Emperor's way. Spirit Tales have two sides. Sweet lady. Vamped-up news may reach thee here. — That Austerlitz was lustrous none denies, But would it shock thy garrulousness to know That the true measure of this Trafalgar — Utter defeat, ay, France's naval death — Tour Emperor bade be hid ? Woman The seer's gift Has never plenteously endowed me, sir, As in appearance you. But to plain sense Things seem as stated. Spirit We'll let seemings be. — But know, these English take to liquid life Right patly — nursed therefor in infancy By rimes and rains which creep into their blood, Till like seeks like. The sea is their dry land, And, as on cobbles you, they way fare there. scene vii THE DYNASTS 221 Woman Heaven prosper, then, their watery way- farings If they'll leave us the land ! — (The Imperial carriage appears.) The Emperor ! — Long live the Emperor ! — He's the best by land. Bonaparte's carriage arrives, without an escort. The street lamps shine in, and reveal the Empress Josephine seated beside him. The plaudits of the people grow boisterous as they hail him Victor of Austerlitz. The more active run after the carriage, which turns in from the Rue St. Honore to the Carrousel, and thence vanishes into the Court of the Tuileries. Woman May all success attend his next exploit ! Spirit Namely : to put the knife in England's trade, And teach her treaty-manners — if he can ! Woman I like not your queer knowledge, creepy man. There's weirdness in your air. I'd call you ghost »*■» Had not the G oddess Reason la id all such | fast Motfier tfturchV cunningrd restore. \ 222 THE DYNASTS act vi —Adieu. I'll not be yours to-night. I'd starve first ! She withdraws. The crowd wastes away, and the Spirit vanishes. SCENE VIII PUTNEY. BOWLING GREEN HOUSE Pitt's bedchamber, from the landing without. It is afternoon. At the back of the room as seen through the doorway is a curtained bed, beside which a woman sits, the Lady Hester Stanhope. Bending over a table at the front of the room is Sir Walter Farouhar, the physician. Parslow the footman and another servant are near the door. Tomline, Bishop of Lincoln, enters. Farquhar (in a subdued voice) I grieve to call your lordship up again, But symptoms lately have disclosed them- selves That mean the knell to the frail life in him. And whatsoever things of gravity It may be needful to communicate, Let them be spoken now. Time may not serve If they be much delayed. scene viii THE DYNASTS 223 TOMLINE Ah, stands it thus ? . . . The name of his disease is — Austerlitz ! His brow's inscription has been Austerlitz From that dire morning in the month just past When tongues of rumour twanged the word across From its hid nook on the Moravian plains. Farquhar And yet he might have borne it, had the weight Of governmental shackles been unclasped, Even partly, from his limbs last Lammastide, When that despairing journey to the King At Gloucester Lodge by Wessex shore was made To beg such. But relief the King refused. "Why want you Fox? What — Grenville and his friends ? " He harped. "You are sufficient without these — Rather than Fox, why, give me civil war ! " And fibre that would rather snap than shrink Held out no longer. Now the upshot nears. Lady Hester Stanhope turns her head and comes forward. 224 THE DYNASTS act vi Lady Hester I am grateful you are here again, good friend ! He's sleeping at this moment ; but once more Has asked for tidings of Lord Harrowby, And murmured of his mission to Berlin As Europe's forlorn hope ; if, sure, it be That any hope remain ! Tomline There's no news yet. — These several days while I have been sitting by him He has inquired the quarter of the wind, And asked me to observe the stable cock. When I said "East," he answered "That is well! Those are the breezes that will speed him home ! " So cling his heart-strings to his country's cause. Farquhar I fear that Wellesley's visit here by now Gave him too long a strain. He quite broke down, And has fast weakened since. Lady Hester Ah ! now he wakes. Please come and speak to him as you would wish (to Tomline). scene viii THE DYNASTS 225 Lady Hester, Tomline, and Farquhar retire behind the bed, where in a short time voices are heard in prayer. Afterwards the Bishop goes to a writing-table, and Lady Hester comes to the doorway. Steps are heard on the stairs, and Pitt's friend Rose, the President of the Board of Trade, appears on the landing and makes inquiries. Lady Hester (whispering) He leaves the settlement of his affairs To his old friend the Bishop. But his words Bespeak too much anxiety for me, And underrate his services so far That he has doubts if his past deeds deserve Sufficient recognition by the State To warrant trifling pensions to his kin. He had been fain to write down his intents, But the quill dropped from his unmuscled hand. — Now his friend Tomline pens what he dictates As to the items of his last desires. Rose and Lady Hester turn. They see the Bishop bending over the bed with a sheet of paper on which he has previously been writing. A little later he dips a quill and holds it within the bed-curtain, spreading the paper beneath. A thin white hand emerges from behind the curtain and signs the paper. The Bishop beckons forward the two servants, who also sign. Farquhar on one side of the bed, and Tomline on the other, are spoken to by the dying man. The Bishop afterwards withdraws from the bed and comes •to the landing where the others are. Q 226 THE DYNASTS act vi TOMLINE A list of his directions has been drawn, And feeling somewhat more at mental ease He asks Sir Walter how long he's to live. Farquhar just answered, in a soothing tone, That hope still frailly breathed recovery. At this my dear friend smiled and shook his head, As if to say : "I can translate your words, But I reproach not friendship's lullabies." Rose Rest he required ; and rest was not for him. Farquhar comes forward as they wait. Farquhar His strain of concentration on these things, Determined now, that long have worried him, Have left him in a numbing lethargy, From which I fear he may not rouse to strength For speech with us again. Rose But hark. He does. They listen. Pitt My country ! How I leave my country ! . . . scene vni THE DYNASTS 227 TOMLINE Ah,— Immense the matter those poor words contain ! Rose Still d oes his soul stay , wrj §t)j,n,g ffijfrlL.fifajjif And still it will, even semi-consciously, Until the drama's done. They continue to converse by the doorway in whispers. Pitt sinks slowly into a stupor, from which he never awakens. Spirit of the Pities (to the Spirit of the Years) Do you intend to speak to him ere the close ? Spirit of the Years Nay, I have spoke too often ! Time and time, When all Earth's light has lain on the nether side y And yapping midnight winds have leapt on roofs, And raised for him an evil harlequinade Of national disasters in long train, That tortured him with harrowing grimace, Have I communed with that intelligence. Now I would leave him to pass out in peace And seek the silence unperturbedly. Q 2 228 THE DYNASTS act vi scene vm Spirit Sinister Even Its official Spirit can show ruth At man's fag end, when his destruction's sure ! Spirit of the Years It suits us ill to cavil each with each. I might retort. I only say to thee Its slaves we are : _I% slaves mu sLever. he I Chorus (aerial music) Tea, from the Vague we shape, like these, And tarry till That please To null us by Whose stress we emanate. — Our incorporeal sense, Our overseeings, our supernal state, Our readings Why and Whence, Are but the flower of Mans intelligence ; And that but an unreckoned incident Of the all-urging Will, r aptly magnipotent. A curtain of cloud overdraws. End of the First Part of 'The Dynasts.' CONTENTS OF SECOND AND THIRD PARTS {Subject to revision) PART SECOND Act First Scene I. The Streets of Berlin. II. London. III. Jena. The French position. IV. The Same. The Prussian Army. V. Berlin. VI. The Same. Act Second Scene I. King George's Watering-place, South Wessex. II. The Shore of Portugal. III. Vimiera. IV. Fontainebleau. V. Koenigsberg. VI. Erfurth. VII. The Same. THE DYNASTS Scene VIII. The Same. „ IX. London. Act Third Scene I. Road between Bembibre and Lugo. II. Road near Astorga. III. Before Coruna. IV. Valladolid. V. An English Port. VI. Petersburg. VII. Vienna. Act Fourth Scene I. Road out of Vienna. II. The Field of Wagram. III. The Same. IV. London. V. Talavera. VI. The Same. Act Fifth Scene I. Schonbrunn. „ II. Torres Vedras. „ III. Fontainebleau. „ IV. Vienna. „ V. Paris. The Tuileries. „ VI. London. „ VII. The Village of Courcelles. „ VIII. Petersburg. „ IX. St. Cloud. •„ CONTENTS iii Act Sixth Scene I. Paris. The Tuileries. „ II. Albuera. „ III. London. Carlton House. PART THIRD Act First ene I. Dresden. „ II. Salamanca. „ III. Borodino. „ IV. Moscow. „ v. The Same. „ VI. Near Moscow. „ VII. The Bridge of the Beresina „ VIII. An English Town. „ IX. Paris. The Tuileries. „ X. Cadiz. Act Second Scene I. The Plain of Vitoria. „ II. The Same. „ III. The Same. „ IV. The Same. V. London. Vauxhall. Act Third Scene I. Vienna. „ II. London. „ III. Leipzig. iv THE DYNASTS Scene IV. The Same. „ V. The Same. „ VI. London. „ VII. The Rhine. „VIII. Rheims. „ IX. Paris. „ X. Fontainebleau. „ XI. Avignon. „ XII. Malmaison. „ XIII. London. The Opera House. Act Fourth Scene I. Elba. The Quay, Porto Ferrajo. II. Vienna. III. Near Grenoble. IV. London. On 'Change. V. Schonbrunn. VI. London. The House of Commons. Act Fifth Scene I. The Belgian Frontier. II. A Ballroom at Brussels. III. Charleroi. IV. The Streets of Brussels. V. Ligny. VI. Quatre Bras. VII. Hotel de Ville, Brussels. VIII. The Road to Waterloo. Act Sixth Scene I. The Field of Waterloo. „ II. The Same. CONTENTS v Scene III. The Same. „ IV. Planchenoit. „ V. House of the Baron Capellen, Brussels. „ VI. The Field of Waterloo. „ VII. The Same. „ VIII. The Same. „ IX. The Same. „ X. Near the Field of Waterloo. „ XI. London. St. James's Square. Act Seventh Scene I. Rochefort. „ II. A Wessex Village. After Scene. The Overworld. Note. — The Second and Third Parts are in hand, but their publication is not guaranteed. Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh. 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