^1 ^3N ^ NJ IA> h . 5-0 is'S) ^1 LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE USE OF RAILROADS IN WAR oOo Prepared by The Bureau of Railway Economics Hbrary CONTENTS: General. United States Civil War, 1861-1865, Franco-Prussian War, 18*70-1871, South African War, 190&-1901. Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905. European War, 1914-1915 Wars in Mexico Wars in the Philippine Islands Armored Trains Hospital Trains feshington, D. C, August 2, 1915. Pages 1 - 15 16 - 18 18 - 19 20 20 21 - 29 30 30 31 32 - 34 ** u " ife f^"^ ^^ is Mo « -r ' -- mi (On t^^^=o oi= ,-^^^=» c 3 f^*^ f* 1 co^^^g^ (A sa^^^^f* •? ■^_^__=§ S m ■ «3 %^^a nn Cornell University Library The original of tiiis bool< is in tiie Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/cletails/cu31924029614868 Libr-vy Bureau of Railv/ay '^■■conorn.ios Washington. August 2, 1915. Li st f_ R eferences on the Use_ of_ Railroads in War. A», H, von, Uber die militSrischen und tech^ischen grundlagen der trupp en- transports auf eisenbahnen. Darnstadt und Leipzig, 1861, Prussia. Alten, - von, Handbuch fur heer und flotte. 9. band (sonderband) . Kriege von alter- tum bis zur gegenwart. 1912. LC,NY, Archer, H, G, Railways in war. (Westminster gazette, Oct. 21, 1914) B. lAre railroads neutralizing sea power? (American review of reviews ,v-47: 606-08j June 1913) B,BPL,LC,Ny. Army and navy 'journal. Mobilization and the railways. (Railway and marine news.v.lO: Apr, 15, 1912: 7) B,LC,NY. Aymonino, C. ■ • + t Consideratione militaires et strategiques sur les chemins de f er italiens traduit de I'italien par G.Malifaud. 3© ed. Paris, 1889, 68 p. 12° H. Balck, [W.] Taktik. 4th ed, Berlin, 1909. 4 v, 8° War College. Eisenbahn ira kriege: v>,4: 1-3 5. 1903. LC, English edition now in progress. LC . Bate, C. C, Military railways, bridges, locomotives, and rcrlling stock. In Chicago. International congress of engineers. Military engineering, 1893. p. 225-37. 18 pi. Becker, C. Der nachste krieg umd die deutschen bahn-verwaltungen. Hannover, Linden, 1893. 62 p. 8° H.Prussia. ** Die Bedeutung der eisenbahnen fur den krieg. (Jahrbuch fur die deutsche armee und marine. Berlin, 1898. v, 10§: 50-58, 187-208) NY. Belgium. Ministere de la guerre. ^ ^ , s , Reglement-instruction concernant les soldats du genie detache s a I'ad- ministration des chemins de f er de I'etat, [Bruxelles, 1908] 3 p. 8° LC . Bellet, Daniel. Chronique des transports. [Railways in new countries jtheir use for warj (Revue economique int ef nationale, 5th year :v. 2 : 215-30 ;Apr-1908) B.LC.NY. Use in Vifar-2^ Bergere, C, Les chemins de f er et le service de-j e tapes d'apras les nouveaux reglements. Paris, 18B6". 24 p, 3'^ H,?!;'. "Extrait du Journal des scierces militaires, 0ct«1886" Big transportation problems. Moving a football host is a f aat , but moving armies by rail is a miracle, (Washington D.C. Post, iNov.2^ , 1914, p. 2, col. 4-6) ._B,LC» Reprinted ffom the New York Tribune. Blaser, E. Die zerstorungs- und wiederherst.ollungsarboi-fcp.n von ois-iifc^hnen- Basel, 1871. N,Y., Prussia, Bock, Mori*. Zerbrechversuche mit hblzernen eisenbahn provisorien. In Austria. Technisches militar-comite; mittheilungen uber gsf^"^;^"°® des artilleries und genie- wesens, .Wien, 1B90, Jahrgang 21; 189U. Abt.l, Grbssere aufsatz.e, p, 525- 54; NY, Braconnier, Ch. Les chemins de fer militaires du-Marox occidental. (Revue de genie militaire. v. 46: 485-5085 Paris, 1913) m. Bradbury, W, E. Manoeuvres in East Anglia. tqt^^ n (London and north wesxern railway ga7,ett&, v„2 : 6-9; Jan.l91J; Bradford, J, F» The war manoeuvres in the eastern counties - autumn, 19i^. (London and north western railway ga-ette, v,2: 89-91; Mara913; a. "^Braun, K. Der krieg und die eisenbahnen. Viertel j ahreschr if t. 1871. I'russia. Bridgeport Standard [Editorial] Railroads in modern v/arfai-e. (Bridgeport [Conn,] Standard, Feb, 24, 1915) B, Carter. Charles Fredericks The railroads' part in the European war* United States established their importance during the rebellion. Germany first to make thsm part of army, (Railroad man's magaz ine ,v,25 : 731-43; Dec. 1914) B.LCc.NY. Charle-Marsaines, - Memoire sur les chemina de fer consideree au point de vue mi].itaire. Paris, 1862, 23 p. 8-- H. "Extrait des Annales des ponts et chausees, tome 4, 1862" LC. Chilian railways and th& war. The Antr^fagasta railway, (3-tati3t, v.Bl: 609-11: Sept .19 , 1914) B,LC , LSb.:, MY, \fClaudy, C, H, Railways on the firing line, how troop trains made victories of war possible by rushing vast armies to the front. Roads have great strategic value. ^ (Railroad man's magaz i ne,^ .25 : 583-89; Nov. 1914) B,,LC,NY. Commerce of the Ohio and western rivers, importance of railroads In a p' military point of view, (DeBow's commercial review, v. 22: 530-31; June 1857) B,LC,MY. A Commissariat train. (Railwajr news, v. 102: 385; Sept. 12 , 1914) ASCE.B ,H, JC,LC .LSE.NY. Commissariat train. (Great eastern railway raagaz ine ,v.4: 306; Sept, 19 14) B. Reprint of abovr article jn Railway n^wn. Sop t, 12 f 19 14 : 3 8S. Commissar^,'- car, Canadian Pacific railwa3'-. (Railway review, v. 55: 707-08; Dec. 12, 1914) ASCE.B , H, ICC, JC, LC,iJY. UC,UI, UM,UP. Commissary kitchen cars on the Canadian Pacific railway. (Railway news, v,102: 581; Oct, 24, 1914) ASCE ,B ,K, JC,LC,LSE,NY. Connor, William Durvifard, Military railways, Washington, 1910. 192 p. 16° illus. B , CI evePL , IndSL, ICC ,LC , NY, StLPL, UCal, Y. Connor, 'V^illiaim Durward , Operation and maintenance of the railroad in a theater of war. (Military service institute [N.yJ Journal, v. 37: 234, 445; 1905) LC.NY, Conover, Richard G, 'All the comforts of war. (New York Herald, Dec, 13, 1914, p. 5) B,LC,NY. "Steam and trolley lines' make mobilization easier." Couder,. Alphonse, De la condition des chemins de fer en +eiiips de guerre,., Nancy, 19G8, 157 p, 8° JC,LC,UC. "Bibliographie": p. 159-62, Cserhati, E. Der elektrische betrieb auf vollbahnen vom wirtschaf tlichen und s+rateg i schen standpunkte. (Zeitscheif t ,der o sterreichischen ingenieur- und arc hitekten-vercins , 59tli year: i'^9-16; Wien, 1907) NY, Cuban railways and th e 'war . Cuban central railways. (statist, V.81: 539-41; Sept. 5, 1914) B,LC,LSE,NY. Dany, J, > ' .^ Le role des chemins de fer a la guerre. (Revue de Paris, 18th year: v,5: 308-20; Paris, 191l) NY. Darlegung der technischen und verkehrsverhaltni see der eisenbahnen, nebst - darauf gegr'Jndeter erbrterung liber die militarische benutzung derselben, und uber die zur erleigbterung dieser benutzung zutreffenden anordnungen. Berlin, Posen, Bromberg, 1841. Prussia. Derr, W. L. T^e working of railwa3rs in military operations. (Engineering magaz ine , v.l6 : 64-71; Oct. 1898) B,ICC,LC,Ny. Use in war-4) Effects of war on the railways. (Railway clerk, v. 11: 247-40; Oct ..i5 , 1914) B. lisenbahnbureau des K» K, generalstabes.. Unsere eisenbahnen im kriegec In Oesterreichi scher eisenbahnbeamtenverein. Geechichte der eisen- bahnen der oasterreichischhungarischen monarchie. Wien, 3.B98-J.908, V.2: 111-74. illus. B ,HU, ICC,LC,KY,UCal,UM,-UP,nW. Y. Die Eisenbahnen im feriege. . (Osterreichische eisenbahn-zeitung, 38th year: Jari ,15, 1915; Die Eisenbahnen im kriege. (Zeitung des vereins, Oct. 18, 1899: 1301) Eisenbahnverwaltung und kriegsinvaliden. (Deutsche eisenbahnbeamten-ze itung, 18th year: Feb. 15, 1915; Die Erste benutzung der eisenbahn fur kriegszwecke. (Zeitung des vereins deutscher ei senbahnver A«/a Itung en , 64th year: 1016-17-, Sept. 2, 19 14) LC . Das Eisenbahnwesen vom militarischen standpunkte. Wien, 1853, Prussia. Electric railway journal [EditorialJ The war and the electric railways. (Electric railway jourr^al, v. 44: 333; Aug. 22, 1914) B.LC.NY. De I'Emploi des chemians de fer en temps de guerre; traduit de I'allemand. Paris, 1869. 241 p. 8° H. Esso, R. Notes on railway control in war. (Royal engineers journal, May 1906: 359) B!tude sur le reseau ferre allemand au point de vue de la concentration. Paris, 1890. 31 p. 8° NY. Exercise d'ensemble de troupes de chemin,de fer allemandes. (Revue railitaires, v. 56: 213-18; Paris, 1900) NY, Exler, Karl, ffie elektrischen eisenbahn. ,' In Austria. Technisches militar-comite . Mittheilungen uber gegengtande des artillerie- und genie- wesens. 24fh year: 731-70; Wien, 1893) NY, Le Ferrovie dello state e le grandi manovre del 1911. (Rivista technica della ferrovie italiane, no. 5: Nov. 1912: 325) ' Formanoir , A. ^ -p • Des chemins de fer en temps de guerre. 2© ed . Bruxelles at Pans, 1872, Prussia. France t Minister-, c -5 la r'.;? . '.t c Instruction speciale'du '^0 :evrier ::K2 vour le transport dcs troupes de cavalerie pair les voles i'eirso's, 4° ed. Limoges, Paris, 1902^ 135 p. 32° Vth ed. Paris, H.,Charles Lavan,^ille, 19C8„ 153 p, 8''- France, Ministers de la. guerre „ Instruction specials pour le transport des troupes d'infantorie et du genie par les yoies fei-rees,,. Limoges, Paris, lS99o 354 p. 32° 36px,. 1902. 423 p„ 32° 1906. 510 p. 12° France. Ministere de la guerre. Instruction speciale pour le transport des troupes d'infantorie et du genii6 par les voles ferrees suivie d'une annexe c-pec?.ale reiativs au transport de ces troupes jar voies mari t imes^ , . 5th ed , Paris, .1893, j.\; / . -_-__8th Id. Paris, 1900. 431 p, 24° 36 pl„ NY „ France.,^ Ministere de la guerre, Reglement et instruction sur le transport des troupes d'infanterle et du genie par les voies ferrees et p3.r navires du co/Tirnerce. France k Ministere de la guerre. Transports militaires par chemins de fer. Reglemente sur les trans- ports ordinaires et :.Htrategiques sui-zie des notes et annexes, Paris, 1899., Deere t du 4 juin 1902, Paris. 1 v. „ Appendices.., Paris, 1399. 241 p. 8'- NT. Freeman, Herberts Disabling a locnuctive, (Scientific American, v,j.l2i 217; Har.5,1915) B,LC,NY. Freem.an, Lewis R. The .rqJ-lroad c onanist o'^? Africa., (American review of roviewi?, \io50- 54-80; Ji.ily 1914) B,ICC,LC,NY, "'Railroad building f.s- a war m sasure'' ' pc59--70, Geerjing, K. F, A, Mir. itaranwar-i-er im staat's- und pr i-i.-at.~ eisenbahnd i saet . 2® auf?.age. Berlin, 1890. 114 po 8" ■ ?i . G ermany . E i s enbahr.- amt . Mlli tar-1 ran.-3pcrt-ordiv.urjg und militartarif fur oisenbahnen„ Berlin, 1899, 151 p. 12 '^ NY. G e rra any ., E i s f>n b a hr - am t . y' i li far~transD ort- ordnung fur eisenbahaen im krjege,,^ Berlin, 1887, 74 p, '^l ° H/ "Soparatabdruck aus nr. G des e isenbalm-verordnungs-hlat-l-es ., 1887" Girouard, /jdoua.rd Percy G, Railways in waro (Royal engineers j o\!rnal, v. 2: 16-27; Chatham, July 1905) Use in war- 6} arandvallet, A. . ^, Le& chemins de fer fran^aife au point de vue de la guerre. ¥a.ri s, laa-J . 85 p. S'* 'rf„ Arandvallet, A. La neutralite de la Belgiqu© ot les chemius de fer fransaio, beiges et allemands, Pai*is,1889, Up. 8" H. Jreat Britain. Quartermaster-general's department. Notes on reconnaissance and sur&-ey of military railways, for officers of R, E. railway companies. London, [l910] 127 p. 12° LC . Great Britain, War office. Manual of military railways, 1889. Issied with army orders, dated 1 Mara889, London [l889j 95 p. 12° ICC,LG, Great Btitain. War office. Pegulation relative to the conveyance of Her Majesty's forces, their baggage and stores by railway," [War off ice, 1846] London, 1855. Prussia. "Gregori, Louis. La guerre, les telegraphes electriques et les chemins de fer. (Revue des deux mondes,v.S5: 212-30; Sept. 1,1866) LC.NY. Grimshaw, Robert. War capacitv of United States railways. (Scientific'American,v.ll2: 41?-18; May 1,1915) B,LC,NY. Hennebert, E. Communications militaires. Paris [l896] ^212 p. 12° NY. Encifclopedie scientifique des aide-memoire, ''Hille und Meurin, Geschichte der p reussi schen ei senbahntruppen, Auf disnstl. veranlass- ung bearb, Berlin, 1910. 2 v. Prussia. 4 Hoeber, Harold. Schneider sj^-stem of raiD.roading in warfare, (Railroadman's magaz ine, v„ 25 : 811-12; Dec. 1914) B,LC,NY, Holland (pseud) Great rai'lroa.d feats during war and flocd, (Washington D.C, Post, Apr„25,1913) B.LC, Hopkins, L, E„ Army railway orga.nizat ion , i,Roya.l engineers ,j ourne.l, v.2: 114-29; Chatham, Aug. 1905) NY, Horn, Dr. Leo.^ Kr ieer-b etr ieb der eisenbahnen., vZeitung des Vereins deutscher eisenbahnvervi'altungen , 54th year: 1097-99; Sept. 30, 1914) LC. H-ow to war on railways.. (Victorian railways institute review, v,5: 137; June 1915) B, P.R Use , in war- 7; Howard, Benjamin C. Steam and rail road a defence, (Hazard's U.S„ statistical and commercial regi star , v .1: 238-39 ;Oct, 1839/ B. /Igel, - von. Russlands eisenbahnbau an der westgrenze^ (Deutsche revue, 27th year: 3S5--69; Dec. 190-2) B,LC. Importance de ^la ligne militaire de la Gsorgie^ (Geleznodoro jnoye Diel^, ncj»33, p^377; 1901) Jarnvager i krieg« (Das Eisenhahnblatt, Nov„15,1914) Jeune, C, H. The engineer and railway staff corps « (Great eastern railwajr magaz ine,v„l: 2C)l; July 1911) B„ The use of railways of Great Britain in the event of invasion. [Joesten, Josef J l Die anf orderungen der strategie und taktik an die e i seribahneno [By Mile; Ferrarius, pseud] 2 vortrage. Berlin, E i sen&chfflidt , 1894^ 48 p. 8° Prussia. [Joesten, Josefj Die eisenbahnen und die kriegi uhrung . Eine poli t i sch-mllitarische dtu- die. Von Dr» Miles Ferrarius [pseud] Hamburg, Richter, 1890. 30 p. 8° BPL.H, Prussia. \/[Joe3ten, Josef] Geschidhte Und system der eisenbahnbenutzung im kriege. Leipz ig, 1896, Prussia, U¥, .-Translated into French, Paris, 1905. 226 p. 8'= LC , Prussia ,.NY, [ Joesten, Josef] Studien liber die heutigen ■ e i senbahnen im' kriegsfalle. ¥rien,[l892j 55' p. 8° H, Prussia, "Literatur": p. [2] K., H. Das russische ei senbahn-nots zur deutschen grenze in seiner bedeutung fur einen krieg Russlands mit Deutschland. Ha.nover, 1885. 29 p~. 8° H,Pruss ia. Der Krieg und der ei senbahnverkehr . (Osterreichi sch-ungari sches ei senbahnblatt , 19th year: Oct, 22, 29, Nov,5,12,19,26, Dec, 3, 17; 1914) Der Krieg und das verkehr swesen, (Osterreichische eiis enbahn-ze itung , 37th year: 197~200; Oct. 1,1914) LC. u . , - Der krieg und die eisenbahnen in G-rossbr itannien„ (Zeitung des vereins deutscher ei senbahnverwaltungen, 54th-year: 1109; Oct. 3, 1914) LC. Lanoir, Paul. Thb German sny system in France; translated from the French by an Eng 1:. f' officer, London, Mills & Boon, ltd, , [1914?] 128 p, 12° 3,LC. German strategic railways; plans for the destruction of French railways, p.>45-72« Tiancjir, Pauli La question des chemins de fer; les chemins de f er et la mobiMs.-i^..^ on , Paris, 1897. 170 p. '8= NY,Prussia;®f . Lanty , - , Exploitation militaire des chemins de fer; operations executees par le 5e regiment du genie a I'occasion des grandes manoeuvres de Beance. (Revue de genie mili taire , v.20 : 345-83; Paris, 1900) - NY, Lap laic he, A. Notions sur les chemins de fer, a I'usage des officiers at sous- of f iciers de toutes armes. Paris, 1887. Prussia, Lassmann, J. G. ^ Der eisenbahnkrieg; taktische studie, Berlin, 1867. 112 p. 8 NI^.UW. Leach, S. S. Engineer field manual, pt.4: railroads... [Washington] 1905, 174 p . 12° LC, Leitfaden des e isenbahnwesens mit besond. riicksicht auf den dienst der feld- eisenbahnabteilungen« Wien, 1872« Text und atlas. 2 v. Prussia. Lessar, P^ De la construction des chemins de fer en temps de guerre. Lignes con- struites par I'armee russe pendant la campagne 1877-78, Traduit du russe par L. Avril. Paris, [l879] 128 p. 8° 10 pi. NY, (Publications sc i ent if iques induatr ielles) Longridge, J. S„ Railwajrs in time of war. (Railway gazeSte [London ], Jan. 15, 1914) A:«itract of paper from the Army Review. Discusses methods of train loading, unloading, working, speed, control of rolling-stock. Lord Roberts and railv/aymen. (Railway news, v.lO?,: 593; Nov, 21, 1914) ASCE,B , H, JC.LC ,LSE,NY, LouppSj A. Travaux do voies ferrees executes par le 5® regiment du genie, pour la revue de Reims, ( Aout-Septerobre 1901; ^ (Revue de genie militaire, v,22s 409; Paris, 1901) NY, -_ McCarthy, D, E., and others. The transportation of troops bv rail. a symposium. (Military service institute. Journal,' v. 33 : 339-68; 1903) NY, Mahan, Frederick Augustus, Service of the railvv'ays in Fran".e. A report to the chief of engineers, U,,G,Amiy6 (Washington, Press of the Engineer school^ 1912,^ 52 j. . 8" B, War College, (Occasional papers , no .49 ,Eng ineer Scho oljU. S„ Array) tlR-Uye in war- 9) Mouvements et transportSo Organisation generale du service militaire des chemins de fer et d 1 sp csitions diver yes. Volume arrets a la date du 15 juillet 1904. Paris, [i904] 20 p , 8° NY. New military car for India. Illustraios and deacribes special vehicles which provide for meals, sleeping, etc., and form a vestibuled train, (Engineering [London ] June 5,1914) New military cars, Great Indian Peninsula railway. (Railway gazette, ho. 5,, Jan. 30, 1914: 145) Mew York, New Haven & Hartford railroad company. C onnectiirut maneuver campaign-^ LCircul8.rs showing train arrangementsj 2 V. 4«> B(Aug. 10-18, 1912; July 27- Aug, 3 , 1913) Nieden, J, zur, ed. Der eisenbahn- transport verwundeter und erkrankter krieger nebst einem anhange betreffend die einrichtung yon pf legsstatten im kriege* 2 aufl, Berlin, 1883. 271 p. 8° H, Prussia. ' NienstaEdt . Das russische ei senbahnnetz zur deutsch- osterreichischen grenze in seiner bedeutung fur einen krieg, Leipzig, 1895. Prussia* Nowacki, Karl. Die eisenbahnen im kriege; eine volkerrechtliche studie... Zurich, 1906, 150 p. 8° CU,LC, Prussia, UCal,UW. "Literatur": p<.[6]-9. Die Organizi^tion der trains, beim deutschen, osterremchisch-ungari schen, preussischen und granzosi schen heere„ Dresden, 1909. 8° NY, (international revue uber den gesamten armeen und flotten, Beiheft 105). Palmer, John McAuley. Railroad building as a mode of warfare. (North American revi ew, v.l75 : 844-52; Dec. 1902) B,LC,NY. Partiot, L, Transport d'un torpilleur, effectue de Toulon a Cherbourg par les chemins de fer« Paris, 1891o Prussia. Permezol. Henry. Du regime des chemins de fer en temps de guerre. Paris, 1904. CU,NY. Prussia^ Kri egsminister ium^ Militar-eisenbahn-ffl-rdnung. Theil 1-2. Berlin, 1885-88. 12° NY, Prytherch, H, J, The Great eastern railway and the army manoeuvres in East Anglia,1912, (Great eastern rai Ivi^ay magaz ine , v<.2 : 355-59; Nov„1912) B. Prytherch, H. J. Territorial encampment at Thetford. (Great eastern railway magaz ine j^'^l: 274-75; Sept.l91l) B. Pursche, H. Handbuch zir militartransportordnung und zum militartar if e sdwie zu den zugehorigen dienstvorschrif ten dei^ eisenbahnen unter besond . "b'eruck- sichtigung der zusatzbestimmungen fur di'e kgl. sachsstaatsei senbahnen. Dresden, C.Heinrich, 1905. Prua-sia. Railroad man's magazine. If trot)ps had to be rushed, the railroads in this country could move 250,000 men a day. (New York Sun, June 18,1911) B,LC,NY. Le Reglement allemand du 18 Janvier 1899 sur les transports militaires par chemin de fer. ^ . (Revue militaire., v. 55: 572-600, 773-91; Paris, 1900; NY. Reglement concernant le transport des troupes de toutes armes par les chemins de fer. Paris, 1856. Prussia. Reglements et instructions sur le transpor1> des troupes de toutes ames par les voies ferrees et les navires de commerce. Limoges, Pans, 191^. 3 63 p. 12<» Die Rechtlichen verpf lichtuhgen der eisenbahnen im kriege, (Osterreichische zeitschfift 'fur e isenbahnrecht, 4th yes-t: v. 4: heft 5 & 6) Reichmann, C, : .t o t j? + ,The use -of railroads in war. A lecture delivered at the b.S.lntantry and cavalry school, at Fori Leavenworth, Kansas, Det.l7,lB94. Fort Leaveffliworth, 1895. 33 p. 12*^ NY, Rosej W, Hi . It c A -K Railway ti*-ansp oftat ion required for a pioneer battalxon, U.b.Army, Dy Capt. W. H. Rose, Corps of ehgirieers. \ \ r< In U.S. Engineer sthool, Jfrof essional memoirs, v. 3: 513-17; 1911) LC , War College. Ross, D, Transport by rail of troops, horsefs, guns and war material in India. A lecture. London, 1881. 24 p. 8° NY. Sauvage, G. Transport des mobiliers militaires prar voies ferrees, Paris, H.Charles-Lava-nz ille, n.d. 44 p, 8° Sauvanet, J. Construction et exploitation d'une voie ferree normale au camp de Chalons en 1902, 2 pi, (Revue du genie militaire, v,25: 425-44; 501-24; Paris, 1903) NY. Schmiedecke, - Die verkehrsmittel im kriege. Berlin, 1905, 242 pc 8° Same, 1911. Scientific American [Editorial] Generatl locomotive, (Scientific American, V. 112: 212 ; Mar „ 6 , 1915) B,LC,NY. Use of railroads in war. RR-Use in war- 11) I Servizi di comunicaz ions, intern! e internati onali in tempo di guerra. (Rivista delle comunicaz ioni , 7th year- Nov. 1914) Sewell, J, W, S. Railroads in war, (Army, and navy life Cu,S.] V481 no. 9: 19;. 190^6) LCjNY. S i gnalman . The railways and the manoeuvres. (United service maga2 ine, London , 1898, n.s,v.i8 [v«139j: 71-83r; 1898) JlY. Simonov, T, I, ••: Instruction en tempS de paix d6s troupes faisant partie du service ffiilitaire ded chemins de fer. Rapport e,t discussions* (Geleznodordjnoye D:-elo> no.SGj p. 255; 1901) Springfield republicail; Railways and wari"are. British amy tfeik ing ttiotice* Plans foreshadowed by recent civil conflic4. Growing importanciS of the Yoral engineers* (Springfield [Mass.] Republican, 'Feb /ll, 1912) B-LC^ Stephenson, W. T. The relative carrying capacity of railways for traffic of the military type in war conveyed over long distances, (Royal engineers journal, no»4, Apr, 19 14: 219) N/ St rategical importance of railways. (Engineer; London, Vo89: 177; 1900) NY. Strategical railways » (Royal united service institute, London, Journa.l, v. 43: 1125-28; 1899) J.V J. „ Sumner, C^ H. Railways and rifle shooting. (Groctt eastern railway magaz ine tV.4: 356-57; Nov .1914) B. Taubert, - Zsrstbrung, wisderherstellung und neubau von vollbahnen und deren kunstbafften in feindesland, Laipzig, 1896,. Prussia,, Die Thatigkeit der deutschen eisenbahntruppen in China 1900'- 1901, (Annalen fur gewerbe und bauweson, no. 596; Apr -.15 , 1902 ' ;p . 149) Tientsin-Fukov/ railway (Southern section) The line and the rebellion. (Far eastern review, v. 10: 226-30; Nov. 1913) B,LG,NY. Tilschkert, V. Die fliichtig gelegte f eldeisenbahn im kriege, (Reform, heft 1, June 1902: 1305; heft 2; June 1902: 1388) Tilschkert, V. Ueber strassen und eisenbahnen im aufmarsch- und operat i on-sraum eines heeres. Tert iarb ahnen als kriegsbahnvorrath. (Mittheil.d.vereines f . d, f orderung d. local- und stras senbahnwesens , 8th year: 160-72; Wi en, 1900) NY, RR-Use in war- 12) The Transport of an army, (Great western railway magaz ine ,v .21: 257; Nov.l90g) B, Transports militaires par chemins de fer. In Picard, Alfred: Traite des chemins de fer.,. Paris, 1887. v.^rpt-^, chap»4,p.955»1018. B ,BPL,CU,K,HU, ICC(,LC , NY, Prussia, UC, UI ,UM,UW. Transports militaires par chemins de fer [guerre et marinej Limoges, Paris, 1903, 712 p. 8° Transports militaires par chemins de fer. Appendices aux reglements sur les transports ordinaires et strategiques, Paris, 1899. 243 p. 8° Tsffherton, F. Der eisenbahnbau leitfaden fur militar-b ildungsanstalten sowie fur eisenbahn techniker, Wiesbaden y 1899. 509 p. 8° 4 tables. NY. Die Turkischen eisenbahnen im kriege 1912. (Z.eitung des veriens, no.l2, Feb, 11, 1914: 194; no .23 ;Mar,21, 1914: 367) NY. N Tyler, H. W, Railways strategically donsidered;. [London, 1864] [23j p. 8° H. Ubersicht des Vericehrs und der betr i^bsmittel auf deft inlandischen und den benachbarten aUslandi schen eisenbahnen fUr militarische zwecke; nach den beim grossen generalstabe verhandeneft materialen zus. gestellt, Berlin, 1848-50. Prussia, U. S, Congress. House of representatives, Af-fairs of Southern ra.ilroads. Mar,2,1867, t^ iqi^'^ (Deutsche strassen- und kle inbahn- zeitung, 28th year. Feb .1:*, 191bJ Vom militarbetrieb auf den belgischen bahnen. (Osterreichisch-ungarisches eisenbahnblatt, 19th year: Nov. 19, 1914) Washington Star. Railways and not bullets will feature the next war. (Washington, [D.C.] Star, KBb.11,1912) B.LC. RR Use in war-l4) Weber, Max Maria, freiherr von. Cife schulung der eisenbahnen fur den krieg im frieden. Eine denkschrift. LAls manuscript gedruckt J V'eimar, Voigt, 1870. Translated by, Robert Mallet, under title "(Jn the training of railways for war, in time of peace," London, 1871. 8° Bibliography, p»108-10. Second edition of the translation, under title *!-0^r railway system viewed in reference to invasion", London , 1672. H^ Wehberg, H, '^ Die rechtlSche stellung der eisenbahnen im kriege nach den beschlUssen der zweiten Haager Friedenskonf erenz . (Archiv fur e isenbahnwesen, heft 3, Mai- June, 1910; 623) B,BPL,ICC, LC.NY. Wendrich, A. von. Der betrieb der eisenbahnen in militSrischer hinsicht. St. Petersburg, 1886. Prussia, (Russisch) . Wendrich, A» von. Exploitation militaire des chemins de f er en Allemagne. (Geleznodorojnoye Dielb, no. 18-, 1900: 183) Wendrich, A. von. Organisation de bureau central et des bureaux de controle pour les groupes de lignes sous l^ordre des etats ma^iors pendant la guerre. St. Petersburg, 1888. Prussia. V/ernekke, T". Einiges uber eisenbahnen im kriege. (Annalen fur gewerbe und bauwesen, no, 822, Sept.lS , 1911: 127) Wernekke, F. Die kri egsleistungen de'r eisenbahnen. (Annalen fur gewerbe und bauv/esen, v. 75: 91-93; Sept. 1,1914) LC. Wernekke, F. Die eisenbahnen im Burenkriege. \ (Zentralblatt der bauverwaltung, no, 81, Oct. 1909: 530; no. 85, Oct. 23, 1909: 557; naai,p .71,Feb .5 , 1910; No. 13, Feb, 12, 1910: 82) LC. Wernekke, F. Dii^ mitwirkung der eisenbahnen an den kriegen in Mi tteleuropa . ('A-chiv fBr e i sonbahnwssen , 35th year: 930-58; Jul- Aug .1912) B,BPL,ICC,LC,NY. Westphalen, H. L. Die kriegfuhrung unter benutzung der eisenbahnen, und der, kampf urn eisenbahnen., IJach den erfahrungen der neuesten kriege heart, 2 aufl. Leipzig, 1868. 1882. Prussia, UW. Williams, J. A. Our railm'ayq'- in time of war. (Northeastern railway magaz ine, v .2 : 67-68; Mar. 1912) B.. AR, Use in war- 15) ?., - ■'^ Object lesson in German plans. ; (Fortnightly review, v. 93: 38-398; Feb .1910) LC.NY. v^ A fuii'ther object lesson in German plans, (Fortnightly review,v.95: 306-1*5 Feb. 1914) B.LC.NY. ^ . The extension of German railways, possibly with a view to then- use in the next great European war. t r NY Re-printed in Living age, v. 282: 707-13; Sept. 19, 1914. I.l.,«x. ?anantoni, E, ..^^ Die'eisenbahnen im dienste des krieges und moderne gesiChtspunKX deren auBnutzung. Wien, 1904. Prussia. RR-Use in war- 16) UNITED STATES - Civil V/ar, 1851-1855. Abbott, John S. C, Heroic deeds of heroic men. VIII: A Railroad adventure. • (Harper's nagaz ine, v.31: 164-74; July 1865) B,BPL,LC/NY. Capture of a locomotive at Big Shanty, Tenn., by Federal men. Albaugh, H. M. Stealing a railroad train, '' (Four-track news, v. 6: 48-50; Jan .1904) B.ICC.LC. Bacon, E. L, How railroads helped save the Union, (Railroad man's magaz ine, v.9 : 195-209; July 1909) B,ICC,LC. Bac^sn, E. L. Saving the lines. Indomitable courage and remarkable ingenuity of the railroad heroes who helped make possible the famous march to the sea. (Railroad iron's magazine, v. 15 : 701-05; Sept. 1911) B,LC. Baltimore and Ohio railroad and the Civil War. (Book of the royal blue, v. 2: July 1899: 1-7) B,ICC,LC,NY. The Civil War day by day, fifty years ago. Grant's forces wreck at railroad. Dec. 8, [18645 (Washington, [D.C.] Fsrald, Dec, 13, 1914, paS) B,LC. Cox, William V. The Baltimore and Ohio railroad during the Civil War. The important part taken by president John W, Garrett in saving Washington from capture by General Jubal Early, The battle at the Monocacy and at Fort Stevens. (Book of the royal blue, v. 4: July 1901; 9-13) B, XCC^, LC ,NY. Efficrjcy of the railroads. First demonstrated in mobilizing troops during Civil War, and latterly in successful m^overaent of crops last year, (American shippers gazette, v. 1: Apr«30,1913: 1-2) B,ICCr. A Famous war locomotive [The General] (Locomotive firemen and enginmen's magaz ine, v. 39 : 825-26; Dec, 1905) B,CU,HU,1CC, JC,LC,NY,UM. Harris, D, M. . , Famous war locomotive "General." (Railway and locomotive engineering, v, 26; 429; Dec. 1913) B. Ha.upt, Herman, Military bridges", with suggestions of new expedients and constructions for crossing streams and chasms; including, also, designs for trestle and truss bridges for military railroads, adapted especially to the wants of the service in the United States. New York, Van Nostrand, 1864. 210 p. 8° 69 plates. B,H,LC,NY, Haup t , He rman . Reminiscences of General Hermann Haupt, Chief of the Bureau of United States military railroads in the Civil War, [Mi Iwaukee.Wis ,] 1901. 321 p, 8° illus. B,IndSL,ICC,LC,NY. RR~Use in war- 17) US Civil War.jcont. The Locomotive "General." (Railway review,v.34: 199; Apr. 8, 1894) ASCE.B ,CtSL,H, ICC, JC.LC.NY, UC.UM.Y. WcCallum, Daniel C» United States military railroads. Report of Bvt.Brig.Gen.D.C.McCallum, director and general manager from 1861 to 'l866. [Washington, 1866J 39 p. 8° fold.map. B.ICC.LC.NY. Part 1 of Reports of Bvt .Brig, Gen.D.C .McCallum. . .and the Provost Marshal General, in two parts. Appendix to the report of the Secretary of War. Published as House executive document no.l, 39th Cong. , Ist.sess. Map of United States military railroads, showing the railroads operated during the war from 1852 to 1866, as military lines, under the direction of Bvt .Brig. Gen. D.C.McCallum. ..1866, B. Old "General Haupt" built for the Civil War. Named for famous railroad builder in charge of the United States military railroads at that time. (Railroad and current mechanics, v. 22: 31-32; Oct, 1913)- B.LC.NY. The Part played by the Illinois Central and its employes in the Civil War. (Illinois central magazine.v.l: 16-23; Feb. 1913 - in progress July 1915J B.LC.NY. . . , , Continued under th§ title: "The Story of the Illinois central lines during the Civil conflict, 1861-5". Pittonger, William. Capturing a locomotive: a history of secret service in the late war. Philadelphia, 1882. 8<' NY. Pittenger, Williami Daring and suffering: a history of the Andrews railroad raid into Georgia in 1862... Philadelphia, 1854. 12° NY. New York, 1887* 8° HY. Pittenger, William. ^ i The great locomotive chase: a history of the- Andrews railroad raiS into Georgia in 1:862. 3d ed. New York, 1889. 416, 55 p. 8° B,ICC,H,LC. Porter, W. E. Keeping the Baltimore and Ohio in repair in war time was a task for Hercules, ... in Baltimore "Sun", [by the superintendent of construction of the Baltimore & Ohio during the Civil War. 3 (Book of the Royal blue, v. 10: June 1907: 17-2:0) B,ICC,LG,NY. Proceedings of a conve-ntion of presidents and superintendents of railSfeads in the Confederate States, held in Augusta, Ga,, December 15,1862. n.p,, [1862?] 8 p, 8° B. Rates and regulations for transportation of troops. A Reminiscence of the early days of the war. [Regard for John W. Garrett of the Baltimore & Ohio by Fi*esident Lincoln.] (New York Herald, Sept .29, 1884) B,LC,NY. RR-Use in war- 18) US Civil War.cont.) Scharf, J. Thomas, Its part in the war. Great record of the Baltimore &' Ohio railroad. (Baltimore Times, Nov. 27? 1892?) B. Shaw, S, F, The Baltimore & Ohio railroad. The base of operations for the federal army in 1863-65, (Book of the royal blue, v. 2: Oct. 1898: 10-14) B , ICC,LC,NY. Stealing railroad engines, (Book of the royal blue.v.l: Jan. 1898: 9'».14) B.ICC.LC.NY. Van Valkenberg, Dixon. Railroading in war times. Recollections of engineer Abner T. Ingels. (Baltimore & Ohio emipployes magazine, v. 3 ; oct.1914: 60-62) B. Weatherburn, Robert. Leaves from the log of a locomotive engineer, LNo.XXIVJ Railways in war time. (Railway magaz ine ,v .35: 230-31; Sept. 1914) LC. Wilson, William Bender. History of the Pennsylvania railroad company, Philadelphia, 1899. 2 v, B,ClevePL,CU,HU, ICC, Newark, LC,UC, UP, UW,Y. "The railroad in war times", v.l: 411-18. -**** ***** FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR, 1870-1871. Blerzy, H. Les transports militaires et les voies ferrees. (Revue des deux mondes, v. 42: ser.2 : 740-48; Dec. 1,1872) Abstract of "Les chemins de fer pendant la guerre de 1870-71", by Jacqmin. Budde, H. Die f ranzbsischen eisenbahnen im deutschen kriegsbetriebe 1870-71. Berlin, Mittler und sohn, 1904. 487 p. 8° ICC, Prussia. Budde, H. Die f ranZ'Osischen eisenbahnen im kriege 1870-71 und ihre seitherige entwicklting in militari scher hinsicht. Berlin, 1877. Prussia, Edinburgh review. Railway organization in the late war ( 1870-71) (Edinburgh review, V. 135: 75-84; Jan ,1872) B,LC. Frank, A. Errnnerungen ernster und heiterer art an den eisenbahnbetrieb im kriege 1870-71, Wiesbaden, 1899. Prussia. French and German railways and thw sarar of 1870-71. (Railway news, v. 102: 383, 414; Sept. 12, 19, 1914) ASCE,B ,H, JC,LC ,LSE,NY. Frahco-Prussia War.cont.) Hirschberg, R. Die bayerischen sp italzuge im deutsch-f ranzosischen kriege ISYo/?!. Munchen, 1872. Prussia. Hof f mann-Merian, Th. Die. eisenbahnen zum truppen transport und fur den krieg im hinblick auf die Schweiz, 2 ausg. Basel, 1871, Prussia. 'Jacqmin, Frederic Prosper. Les chemins de f er pendant la guerre de 1870 /71. Lejons faites en 1872 a I'ecole des ponts et chaussees. Paris, 1872, 351 p. 8° BpL, Prussia. Extracts, giving leading fads, quoted on p. 12- 14 of E .P.C.Girouard' s History of railways during the war in South Africa [see ante] Reviewed by H.Blerzy, under title "Les transports militaires et les voies ferrees," in Revue des deux mondes, v.l02: 740-48; Dec,l,1872. LC.NY, 1874. 363 p. 8° NY vLavollee, Charles. Les chemins de fer pendant la guerra» (Revue des deux mondes, v. 21: 877-96; Oct. 15, 1871) B,LC,NY, Lehmann, - Die mobilmacliung von 1870 /71. 1905. Luttgens, Gebr. Sturz der drei deutschen lokomotiven mit tendern von der durch die fran^osen am 24 Januar 18'?'1 gesprengten briicke zwischen Mohon und Mezieres in die Maas ; gehaben in Marz 1871 duroh die waggenf abrik , von Gebr. Luttgens mn Burbach a.d.Saar, Album. Prussia. Milhaud, Edgard. Les compagnies frangaises de chemins de fer pendant la guerre franco- allemande. (Annales de la regie directe Geneve, 1910-11, torn. 4: 199-208) NY, Muller-Breslau, F, Die tatigkeit unserer f elde i senbahnabteilungen im kriege 1870/71. Berlin, 1896, Prussia. Railway organization in the late war, (Edinburgh review, v. 134: 76-84; Jan. -Apr .1872) American edition. B , LC . English edition, V. 135: 149; under. title "Railroads and modern warfare." Use of railroads in war. ((Riiilroaji ga?,etto ,v ,4"r. oQBj Sept. 7, 1872) B,LC,NY, Reprinted from the Pall Mall gaz ette , Comment on an article by Sis David Wood which appeared in the Proc eed ingsof the Royal artillery institute . Wars of 1870-71 and 19^:4. French and German railways. (Raiiiway news, v. 102: 357-38; Sept.5,19l4) ASCE.B ,H, JC.LC ,LSE,NY. Die Zerst'irung der badischen eisenbahnen im kriege 1870/71. (Deutsche ei senbahnbeamten-zeitung , 17th year; Oct. 29, 1914) RR-Use in ■war-20) SOUT'H A:TRICAN war, 19C0-'^.901. Bridge destruction in the Souyh African w?ir , (Railway and engineering revi ew,T.40 :. 75; Feb. 10, 1900) ASCE,B, H.HTU , I cc , jc , i,c , Lu , NY , uc , u x ;:m, Y . DestTuction of bridges by the Boers, 'I Grirouard, gd ouard Percy C. History of the railways during the war in South Africa, 1899-1902. London, 1903. 149 p. f® ICC.,LC , MIT, Prussia, UW, Continued by Royal engineeirs institute, Chatham, in "Detailed history of the railways in the South African war, 1898-1902", Chatham, 1904. 2 v, I.CC,LC. "Q", Don. [Pseud] Railroading in the Boer war. (Railroad and current mechanics, v. 21: 523-26; Aug. 1913) B.LC.NY. Railwaymen and the South African war. (Railway news, v. 102: 273-74; Aug.8,1914) B,LC,NY. Royal engineers institute, Chatham. Detailed history of the railways in the South African war, 1899-1902. Chatham, 1904. 2 v. S"* ICC,LC. Continuation of Girouard, E.P.C.: History of the railways during the war in South Africa, 1899-1902. ICC, LC, MIT, Prussia, UW, RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR, 1904-1905. Comment I'on transporta les troupes russes on Mandchourie. (international revue uber den gesarr.ten armeen und flotten, Supplement no. 65, p. 241-46; Aug. 1904; Eresden) NY, . Kuropatkin, A. N. -. • t The Russian army and the Japanese war, being historical and cntical^ comments on the military policy and power of Russia dnd on the campaign in the Far East, by Gen er al Kuropatkin. Translated by Capt .A.B.Lindsay, Ed. by Major E.D.Swinton. », London, J.Murray, 1909. 2 v. 8° illus4maps. Railways of the Austrian and German frontiers , v. 1:47- 56; LC. Siberian railway, v. 1: 123, 149, 156, 242-54. Met in, Albert, Le Transsiberien et la guerre- (Revue economique internationals, Oct. 1904: 290-313) B.LC.NY. Extract, Revue generale des chemins de f er , 28th year, 1st sem, p. 148-55; Feb. 1905) ^B,LC,NY. P ^_ Construction et exploitation de chemins de f er a traction animale sur le theatre de la guepre de 1904-1905 en Mandchourie. (Revue de genie militaire,v,37: 309-40, 429-58, 543-66; Paris, 1909) NY, Young, Chins on. The neutralization of the Manchurian railroads. (Independent, V. 68: 359-52; Feb.l7,1910> B,ICC,LC,NY. RR-Use in war-2l) EUROPEAN WAR, 19 14- 19 15. African record in railroad building, Construc:ted speedily to rush troops to German southwest border, track laying by night. (New York Sun, July 25,1915, p. 10, col. 3) B,LC,NY. Albers, Fritz. Die eisenbahnen im kriege. (Beamten-jahrbuch, 1st year:: 84-86; Dec. 1914) B, Allix, Georges. La mobilisation des chemins de fer fran9ais. (Journal des transports, 38th year: Jan. 30, 1915: 1-4) B,LC. Organization and activities of the French railways under war conditi ons . Allix, Georges. La mobilisation des chemins de fer italiens. (Journal des transports, 38th year: 109-10; July 3, 1915) B,LC. Allix, Georgesv, L'Organization militaire des chemins de fer allemands. (Journal des transports, 38th year: Mar. 13, 1915: 25-28) B,LC. Allix, Georges. La securite des transports coramerciaux. (Journal des transports, 38th year: Feb. 27, 1915: 13-16) B,LC. American ideas helped Hindenburg win victories. "Railroad Napoleon" tells a Times correspondent he owed success to his adoption of our methods of transportation. (New York Times, Mar, 7, 1915, p,l,Col,4-5) B,LC,NY. B., G. W. The relations between the railways and the state. (Great central railway j ournal.v.lO: 163-65; Dec<,1914) B. British railways in the present war. Bath trains of the Russian army. Each train can daily give a bath to at least 3,000 soldiers. (Scientific American, V. 113: 13; July 3,1915) B.LC.NY. Bathing- train used by the German army, (Railway gazette [London] , ^^i)22: 453; Apr .30, 1915) ASCE.B , ICC , JC, LSE.UP. Belloc, Hilaire. " Battle of railroads" greatest in history, must be decisive; stalemate imposs ible. (New York American, Dec. 1, ai914, p. 2, col. 3-5) B,LC,NY. British railway companies and the war, (Railway news, v. 103: 237^-38, 298-99, 348-50, 405-06; Feb. 13 ,20,27, Mar, 5, 1915) A3CE,B ,H, JC,LC,LSE,NY, British railways. The railways under war conditions. (statist, V. 81: 602-03; Sept ,19, 1914) B,LC,LSE,NY. RR-Use in war-22^ European war,cont, British railways and militarv transport. (Railway review, v. 55: 275; Sept .5 , 1914) ASCE,B ,H, ICC , JC,LC,Ny,UC,UI,UM. Reprinted from the Engineering retiew [London] British railways and the war, Railwaymen with the colours. The Railway executive committee. (In The" railway year hook, London, 1915: 16-17) B,LC. British railways and- the war. State control. (Railway news, v. 102: 267-71; Aug, 8, 1914) B ,H, JC,LC,LSE,NY. Bureau of railway news and statistics. Railways play vital role in European war. English roads sent 10 percent of men to front, while important role of continental lines gains name of "railway war." Chicago, Nov, 13, 1914. Bulletin -no. 73. Broadside. B, Cambon, Victor. Les chemins de fer Allemande. (Nature, [Paris], 43d year: 57-61; Jan. 23, 1915) B. Translation under title "Germany's strategic railways", in Engineering magazine, V. 49: 93-96; Apr. 1915) B, The Canadian northern railway and the war. (Railway news, v. 103: 7844^86; May 15,1915) ASCE.B ,H, JC.LC ,LSE,NY. China's railways and the war. (Far eastern review,v.ll: 116; Sept. 1914) rB. Qer Deutsche eisenbahnverkehr und der krieg. (Archiv fur so zialwissenschaf t und soz ialpolit ik , v.40: Mar. 11, 1915) Die Deutschen eisenbahnen im kriege. (Deutsche strassen- und kleinbahn- zeitung; 27th year: Nov. 14, 1914) Digby, Bassett. Railways hn war, (Railway review,v.55: 686; Dec. 5, 1914) ASCE,B ,H, ICC , JC.LC .NY ,UC,UI ,UM. Dosch, Arno . How Europe's railways win great battles. Remarkable transportation of men 'and munitions to the front decided many big engagements. (Railroad man's magazine, v. 27 : 849-55; Aug. 1915) B,LC,NY, Der Einfluss des krieges auf die eisenbahnverkehrsrechtli chen vorschrif ten, (Dsterreichische- eisenhahn-zeitung, 38th year: Mar, 1,1915) H,JC,NY, Engineer [Editorial] The government and the railways, (Engineer, [London], v.llB: 303; Sei t ,25 , 1914) B„ Service of the railways in the n'^e^ent war. Die Englischen eisenbahnen im kriege, (Deutsche strassen- und kleinbahn- zeitung, ?8th year: Feb 43, 1915) RR-Use in war- 23) -^ European war, cent. European railwa'ys in war time. (Railway age gazette, v. 57: 442-43; Sept. 4, 1914) Reprinted in Scientific American supplement, v. 7St 2-035 Be.p^>.2.6, 1914. B.LC.NY, An Experiment, in railroading. The British government has been running th railways as a single system, by proxy, as it were. (Annalist, v. 5; 139-40; Feb. 15, 1915) B,LC,NY. Le Ferrovie nella guerra russo-tedesca. (L'Ingegneria f erroviaria, v. 12: Jan.31,1915) Freeman, Lewis R. Rhode's "All red" route. The effect of the war on the Cape-to-Cairo and the control of a continent, (World's work, V. 29: 327-44; Jan. 1915) B,LC,NY. France, laws, statutes, etc. Transports par voie ferree. - Marchandises en grande et en petite Vitesse. - Colis postaux. (Bulletin de la Chambre de commerce de Paris, 2l3t year: 1272-74; Oct. 10, 1914) B. France, Laws, statutes, etc. Transports par voie ferree. Affectation a I'administration mrriitaire des voies ferrees, - Suspensiondes transports comraerciaux. Voyageurs, - Marchandises en cours de route au moment de la mobili t ion. (Bulletin de la Chambre de commerce de Paris, 21st yaar: 1240-41; Sept. 25, 1914) B. Reprinted from the Journal official du 3 aout 1914. French railways in war. (Railway gazette , v. 22: 159; Feb. 12, 1915) ASCE.B , ICC, JC,LSE,UP. Reprinted in Victor ian railways institute review, v. 5: 113-14; June 1915. B. The French railways in war time, (Railway age gazette, v. 58: 1422-23; June 18,1915) Fre«nch transport services for the war. (Railway news, v. 103: 579; Apr. 3, 1915) ASCE,B ,H, JC,LC,LSE,NY. French war honor for railroaders. Managers of lines get crosses for succ in moving armies. (New York Sun, May 23,1915, p. 3, col. 4-8) B,LC,NY. ^G ermein mobilization and the railwa3rs. (Railway news, V. 102: 381-82; Sept .12 , 1914) B ,H, JC, LC ,LSE,NY. The German railiiay system, (Railway news, V. 102: 443-45; Nov.14,1914) ASCE.B ,H, JC,LC,LSE,NY, Some account of their use in the present war, \ German railways and thar war. (Scientific American supplement ,- v, 79: 254; Apr. 17, 1915) B,LC NY German railways play great part in furthering Kaiser's war plans. (New York Sun, Feb ,'lO, 1915 , p. 2, col. 2-4) B,LC,NY. Gerinany's strategic railways. (Railway news, v. 103: 964-65; June 19',1915) ASCE, B,H, JC,LC ,LSE,NY. TGermany's s-trategic railways. (Railway gazette, [London], v. 22: 518-19; May 22,1915) ASCE.B. ICC. JC, LSE.UP. Government and the railways. ^ (North eastern re^ilway magaz ine,v.4 : 246-48; Oct. 1914) B. The Great Indian peninsula railway and the war. (Railway news, v. 104: 90-91; July 3,1915) ASCE,B ,H, JC,LC ,LSE,NY. Grigg, Joseph Williams. American .railway expert who helped Great Britain mobilize her army. .' (New York Tribune. Dec. 27, 1914) B,LC,NY. Henry W. Thornton, General manager of the Great eastern railway, Hiatt, Walter S, The battle of the Marne, (Railway age gazette, v. 59: 25-28; July 2,1915) "'-" Hiatt, Walter S. France sawed by her railroad men. (Railway age gazette, v. 58: 1047-48; May 21,1915) Reprinted in part under title "A War of the railroads", Literary digest, V.50: 1530; June 26,1915) B.LC.NY, How the British government took the railroads, (Journal of commerce, Aug-15,1914, p. 4, col. 5) B,LC,NY. Hungerford, Edward. A big job for the Canadlin railroaders. (Travel, v. 24: Feb, 1915: 37-38) B,LC. Mobilization of the Canadian volunteers. Der Krieg und der eisenbahnverkehr. (Osterreichisch-ungarisches e isenbahnblatt , 19th year: Bee .24 ,31, 1914; 20th year: Jan. 8, 15, 22 , 29 , 1915) Der Krieg und die instrad ierungsrouten, (Eisenbahn und industrie, 22d year: Mar-Apr .1915) Die Kri egspolitik der preussi§chen eisenbahnsn. (Osttrreichisch-ungarisches e isenbahnblatt , 19th year: Dec .24, 31, 1914) Lepper, G, H, "New strategic ra^ilways in south-west Africa: the union campaign, (Railway news, v. 103: 704-07; May 1,1915) ASCE.B ,H, JC,LC,LSE,NY, M Littlefield, Walter, Hitherto unpublished pages in war's prelude. Railway cartography reveals Germany's elaborate preparat ions. . » (New York Times, Nov. 15, 1914, p. 7) B,LC,NY. European war,cont. The Military organization df the German railways. (Railmy gazette , v. 22: 355-56; Apr. 2, 1915) ASCS,B , ICC , JC,LSE,UP» Abstract of article in Journal des transports. Mr. G Murray-Smith on railwaymen and the war. (Railway gazette, v. 23 : 9; July 2,1915) ASCE,B, ICC, JC,LC,LSe,UP, The Nation^-l union of railwaymen and the war. (Railway news, v. 102: 43 6; Sept .2 6, 1914) ASCE,B,H, JC,LC,LSE,NY. New South Wales railways and the war. (Railway news, v. 103: 991; June 26,1915) ASCE.B , H, JC,LC,LSE,NY. NcNorton, Roy. German rg^ilway preparations for war. (Railway news, v. 103: 96; Jan. 16, 1915) ASCE,B,H, JC ,LC,LSE,Ny. Abstracted from an article in the Contemporary review of Dec. 1914, entitled "A man of peace". L'Organisation militaire des chemins de fer en Suisse, (Journal des transports, 38th year: Mar. 13, 1915: 32-34) B. Organisation of Canadian overseas railway construction corps. (Railway news, v. 163; 656-67; Apr. 24, 1915) ASCE,B,H, JC,LC ,LSE,NY. Corps of Canadian railwaymen organized for repair and construction work in the present war. Paris. Chambre de commerce. Postes et telegraphes; irregularites et difficultes du service, Chemins de fer; reprise du trafic. Rapport present!. . .par M.Jouanny. 14 octobre, 1914. (Bulletin de la Chambre de commerce de Paris, 21st year: 1279-87; Oct. 17, 1914) B. Die Prgussischen staatsbahnen wahrend des krieges. (Osterreichisch-ungari sches eisenbahnblatt , '^•Pth yeau Mar, 11, 1915) Railway affairs in other coQhtriesI (Railway age gazette, v. 57: 650; Oct. 9, 1914) The continental railwavs in the present war. Railwajr age gazette CEditorial] ' A "private" manager for German railways, (Railmy age gazette, v, 58 : 214; Feb. 5, 1915) Herr Ballin of the Hamburg- American Line appointed to direct all German railws.ys during the present war. Railway gazette [Editorial] Revised agreement with the government. (Railway gazette, v. 22: 424; Apr, 23, 1915) ASCE,B , ICC , JC,LSE,UP . The British government takes contro?. of the railways for military purp OSes . Railway age gazette [Editorial] The war and railway nationalization. (Railway age gazette , v. 58 : 255; Feb. 12, 1915) Military control argument against government ownership. RR-Use in wa7--2 6) European war,cont. Railway clerk [Editoi^ial] Railway clerical workers and the war. (Railway clerk, v. 11: 226-28; Septa5,1914) B, Railway clerk [Editorial] Railway recruits require more money. (Railway clerk, villi 246, 248; 0ct«15,1914) B. Railway clerk [Editorial] The war and the railways, (Railway clerk, v. 11; 204-05; Aug »15, 1914) B. Railway companies and the feeding of the army. (Railmv news, v. 103: 452-53; Jlir.13, 1915) ^SCE.B ,H, JC ,LC ,LSE,NY. Railway gazette [Editorial] Military traffic in the East [of France], (Railway gazette [London], v. "2: 493; May 14,1915) ASCE, B, ICC, JC.LSE, Railway gazette [Editorial] Organising the nation - how it affects the railways, (Railway gazette, v. 23 : 4; July 2, 1915) ASCE.B, ICC, JC.LSE.UP. Railway gazette [Editorial] Railways and strategy. (Railway gazette, v. 22: 246-47; Mar. 5, 1915) ASCE.B , ICC, JC,LSE,UP. Railway gazette [Editorial] The war and railway na+i onalisati on. (Railway gazette , v. 22: 4; Jan. 1,1915) ASC^r.B, ICC, JC,LSE,UP. Railway interests and the war. (Railway news, v. 102: 298-99, 318-1^, 334-35; Aug. 15 , 22, 29, 1914) ASCE,B,H,JC,LC,LSE,NY. Railway news. Records of railway interests in the war. Part 1: British. August to December 1914. London ,[l915] 64 p. f° illus. B,LC,LSE,NY, Collection of articles which appeared in the Railway news, Part 2: British. January to April 1915, 88 p. f° B,LC,LSE,NY, Railway?- review [Editorial] Railway preparedness for war, A survey and study suggested, (Railway review, v. 57; 48-49; July 10,1915) Railway support secret of stand made by Tsar's army at Krasnik. (New York Herald, July 11, 1915, p,5 ,col.3- 5) ' E,LC,NY, Railway vehicles for military traffic. (Northeastern railway magaz ine, v.4: 266; Oct. 1914) B, Railwaymen and first aid to the injured, (Railway news, v. 102: 301-02; Aug. 15, 1914) ASCE ,B,H, JC , LC ,LSE,NY, First aid training of railwaymen will be of service in the present war, ^ European war,cont, Railwaymen and the war. (Railway gazette, v,2l: 493-97; Nov. 6. 1914) ASCE.B , JC.LC.LSE.NY. Number from each railroad enlisted in the present war. Railwayman and the war. (Railway review [London ], no»874, Se]Ft.25, 1914, p.l) B,H, Railwaymen with the colours. (Railway news,v.l02: 532; Oct. 17, 1914) ASCE ,B,H, JC,LC,LSE,NY. Railwayman's part in the war, (Great western railway magaz ine,v.27: 60-61; Mar. 1915) B, Railways and the war, (Railmy news, v. 102: 693-94; Nov. 21, 1914) ASCE,B ,H, JC,LC,LSE,NY. Railways and the. war. Details of mileages etc. (South African railway magazine, v,8: 762-63; Sept. 1914) B. Railways and war. Railwaymen with the colours. (Great western ra ilway magaz ine, v,25: 243-44; Sept. 1914) B. Railways and the war in Europe. (Railway and locomotive engineering , v. 28: 4; Jan. 1915) ASCE, B , ICC ,LC,UI, Railways' and war, (Railway review, [London], Oct, 9, 1914, p. 8, col. 4) Railways as a factor in warfare. (Railway gazette, v. 22: 87-88; Jan. 22, 1915) ASCE, B, ICC, JC,LSE,UP. Railways in time of war. (Railway gaZette, Jan .16, 1914, p. 67) LC,NY. Railways in war. (Railway review, v. 55: 686; Dec. 5, 1914) ASCE ,B,H, ICG, JC ,LC,NY,UC,UI ,UM. The Railways' part in European war, (Railway review, v. 55: 767; Dec, 26, 1914) ASCE ,B ,K, ICC , JC,LC.NY,UC,UI UM.UP. Rochester Post-express [Editorial] War and state-owned railroads. ' (Rochester port express, Oct. 6, 1914) B, The Russian bath trains. (Railway age gazette, v, 58: 378-79; Feb. 26, 1915) For us6 of armies in the field. Russian railway line which is main key to Warsaw, iiow the objective of the Germans . (Washington DD.C.] Herald, July 21,1915, p. 2) B. Simonds, Frank H. The course of the war in December, (American review of reviews, v. 51: 49-64; Jan. 1915) B,LC NY "The railroad map", p. 50- 52. European war.cont. Smith, H. G. The value of railiAays in time of war. (Railway news, V, 103: 793-94; May 15,1915) ASCE.B ,H, JC,LC,LSE,NY. Sommerfttld, Vernon. Rail-power and sea-power; a study in strategy. (British review,v,9: 358-71; Mar.1915) B.LSE". Influence of railways upon sea power of nations. South African rai Iwaymen and the war. Prieska-Upington railway. Construc- tion completed. (South African railway and harbours magaz ine, v,8: 1007-08; Dec. 1914) B, New line constr-ucted for military purposes. LC.NY. South African railways and the war, (Railway news, v. 103: 783; May 15,1915) ASCE,B,H, JC ,LC,LSE,NY. Special vehicles for armament traffic, (Railway news, v. 102: 446-48; Sept. 26, 1914) ASCE.B, H, JC, LC ,LSE,NY. State control of the railways. Terms of compensation. New receipts to be made up to the average. (RailTOiy review [London], Sept.lS, 1914, p. 3) B, Talbot, Frederick A. Rail power in war. The first big war in which the significance of George Stephenson's invention has been grasped... (South African railways and harbours nagazine,v,9 : 538-45; June 1915) B, Thackara, A. M. French railways in war time. (Railway review, v. 55: 771-72; June 5,1915) ASCE.B.H, ICC. JC. LC.NY. , UC,UI,UM,UP. ■ Transport and war: the part played by railways and road transport in modern warfare . (Railway news,v.l02: 575; Oct. 24, 1914) ASCE,B,H, JC,LSE,LC,Ny, The War and the Channel tunnel, (Literary digest, v, 50: 145-46; Jan. 23, 1915) B.LC.NY, GreaS military value a channel railway would have in the present war. War and the railway. (Great eastern railway magazine , v. 4: 285-95, 321-25, 350-55, 386-91;1914- V.5: 2-8, 44-48, 72-79, 104-10, 134-40, 154-70; 1915) B, Sept. 1914 - June 1915. The War bonus; Revised' agreement between the government and the railways. (Railway news, v. 103: 523; Apr. 17, 1915) ASCE.B ,H, JC,LC,LSE, NY. War traffic and the railways. (Railway news, v. 103: 122; Jan. 23, 1915) ASCE,B,K, JC,LC,LSE,NY. Wars of 1870-71 and 1914. French and Ger man railways, (RailiAay news, v. 102: 357-58; Sept. 5, 1914) ASCE.B.H, JC.LG ,LSE,NY, RR-Use in war-29) European war,cont, Webster, S. D. War-time railroading, (Great western employes magaz ine, v.3 : 22-28; Apr. 1914) B. Wiederverwendung kri egsverletzter eisenbahner in Osterreich. (Deutsche eisenbahnbeamten-zeitung, 18th year: Feb. 15, 1915) Wilson, H. Raynar. Railways in time of war. (Engineering nevlrs,v.72: 514-15; Sept. 3, 1914) B. Aufruf zur^kriegssammlyng der eisenbahn. (Zeitung des vereins deutscher eisenbahnverwaltungen; 54th year: No, 89; Nov. 1914) Deutsche fahrplelne fur den personenverkehr wahrend des krieges. (Zeitung des vereins deutscher eisenbahnverwaltungen, 55th yeari No. 17; Feb.[?J 1915) Deutschlands eisenbahnbetrieb zur kriegszeit. (Zeitung des v-ereins deutscher eisenbahnverwaltungen, 55th year: No. 21; Mar.C?] .1915) Die Eisenbahhen grossbritanniens und der krieg. (Zeitung des vereins deutscher eisenbahnverwaltungen, 55th year: No. 10; Jan,[?J 1915) Die Eisenbahner ira felde. (Zeitung des vereins deutscher eisenbahnverwaltungen, 55th yearJ No. 11; Jan.C?] 1915) Vom Militarbetrieb auf den belgischen bahnen. (Zeitung des vereins deutscher eisenbahnverwaltungen, 54th year: No, 91; Nov.C?] 1914) Die Strassenbahnen im dienste des lazarettwesens. (Zeitung des vereins deutscher eisenbahnverwaltungen, 55th year: No. 12; Feb.C?J 1915) Die Tagespresse und die eisenbahnen im kriege. (Deutsche ei senbahnbeajnten- zeitung , 18th year: No. 9; Feb.D?] 1915) Wie soil der personenzugf ahrplan nach dem kriege gestaltet werden? (Zeitung des vereins deutscher eisenbahnverwaltungen, 55th year; No.31- Apr,[?J 1915) «»*****-)(-*»****4t^t RR-Use in war-30) WARS IN MEXICO American railroad officer [pseud] The railway situation in Mexico. (Railway age gazette, v. 56 : 1229-30; June 5,1914) Hagan,, L. H. Opening up railroad tracks in Mexico, (Railway review, v»54: 798-800; May 30,1914) ASCE,B ,H, ICC, JC,LC,NY, UC.UI.UM.UP. , ....... Hine, Charles DeLano, War time railroading in Mexico. (St. Louis railway club, Proceedings, v. 18: 173-201: Oct. 10, 1913) B.IGC.LC.y Reprinted in The Railway library, 1913, p. 295. B,CU,Hh, ICC, JC, LC,UC,UP,l)Wr5Y. Comment in Railway age gazette, v. 57: 276; Aug. 14, 1914. Koch, Felix J. Border railroading in Mexican war time. (Railroad trainman, v, 31: 557-74; July 1914) B,LC. Mexico. Secretaria de communicaciones y obras publicas, Reglemente provisional para transportos militares por los f errocarriles de la Republica, Mexico, 1894. 10 p. 8° NY, Mexico. Ministerio de guerra y marina. Reglamento de transportes militares por ferrocarril. Mexico. 1907. 108 p. 8° Railway losses in Mexico heavy. Foreign capital invested in private lines. Government controls about 15,000 miles of road. Civil conflict has reduced traffic to almost nothing on some routes. Equipment seized for transportation of armies. Miles of track torn up. (Journal of comraerc e ,Apr,29, 1914, p. 9, col. l) B,LC,NY. Weeks, C, E. ' " ' How Mexican rebels destroy railways and bridges. (Scientific American, v.lOg: 209-10; Sept, 13, 1913) B,ICC,LC,NY- *** ***** «* WARS IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Colson, L. W. Railroading in the Philippine war, (Baltimore and Ohio employes magaz i ne, v.l: Feb. 1913: 3-4) B.ICC. Soldiers running a railroad. (Railroad telegrapher, v. 16: 748; Sept. 1899) B,UI 20th Kansas regiment running four miles of'the Manila & Dagupan Railroad in the Philippine insurrection, ^g^pan -»*****»»,t r. R- r; s e in war- 3 1) .ARI'ORED TRAINS. Boxall, Charles G. Bailwa;/ 'gattsriss and armoured trains. (Fortnightly r sview, v.58: 241-51; Aug»1895) B.LC.NY, Fitz-Gerald, miiam G. I^he arm c red train, (Four-track news, v. 10: 207; Mar. 1906) B,ICC,LC. Forbin, V, I- Les trains blindss. (Nature, [Paris], 42d year: 177-80'; Dec. 12, 1914} B. Translation under title "Forts on v/'Teels", in Literary digest, v,50: 240-41; Feb. 6, 1915) B.LC.NY. A Fort that travels on wheels. Schneider mobile batteries for coast defense, (Scientific American, v. 109: 549; Dec. 20, 1913) 3, ICC, LC, NY. Hobart, Fi'edsrick, T' e first armored train. (Railvay age gazette, v, 58: 122; Jan. 22, 1915) Isham, V^iiiard S, Armored cars, Hearing before the Committee on military affairs, House of representatives, on t'-s subject of armored cars, '-'ash ington, 1912, 5 p. &o B.LC.^ Lodain, L, T^e origin of armored r-ailrcad car- s unquestionably toe product of American Civil V'ar, (Railvay and locom6tive an-heering, v. 28: 153; V a^' 1915) AKCE.B.ICC, LC,IJI. Manes, H, 0, Armoured trains [Lecture. . .2nd i-'ov.l905J C'-.i.t::ar,], fTng.] ,Royal engineers institute, 1906. 52 p, 9 pi, 8° NY. (Royal 3n,u:in3sr3 [corps of]. Professional papers, ser.*, v.l,paper 4) i'exico's armored car. (Railway conductor , v. 26 : 72 6-27 ;0ct. 1911) B , CU.K, HU, ICC , JC,LC,NY,UI . R., t:. Armoured train no, 5, The "SCr3lIJ|:AK;5R." (Sr.jt,h .African railv/ays and harbours -^afraz i ne,v.9 : 32-34; Jan. 1915) B.LC.NY. '■ '■ . Railvay gazette [Editorial] Armoured trains. (Rail ay gazette ,v, 22 : 397 ;. Apr, 16, 1915) ASCE.B , ICC , JC,LSE,UP. RailMJy gazette [Editorial] Armoursd trains in action, (Railway gazette, V. 22: 247; :-ar.5,1915) ASCE,3, ICC , JC,LSE,UP. Sou-*h African railway armoured +rj3n, (Railvay news, v. 102: 745; I'cv. 28, l':i4) /'SCE,_B,K, JC.LC.LSE NY. A', -v- _N^ ■* if. « ., ^ ., ..' .. -» ■» * *■ RR-Us^ =iri: war- 3 2") HOSPITAL TRiVINS. Ambulance trains. (Great v/estern railway rnagaz ine,v.2 6: 267-69; Oct. 1914) B. Ar.ibulance trains: Great eastern railv/aj^. (Rall^saV ne-.-s,v.l02: 386-87; Sept .12 . 1914) ASCE,2.h , JC,LC,L&E,NY. Aii-bul^ince train, Great eastern rail.ay, England. i • (Railroad Iraimnan. v.32: 21-25; J.n.l915) B ,CU.H, ICC. JC.NY.UC.UI. Tre AmTjulance train of the Great eastern rail'-ax/, England. (Loco. v,6: 109-12; Aug. 1915) B. An Ambulance train on a 3ritis'-i railway. (Engineering magaz ine,v.48: g76-78; rar.1915) B, The Ambulance train on the Great eastern r-.Ul-ay of En -land. T'or hr^itisY. ar;;,y railway ambulance servi-e, ,,,^\ Acr-T v ^rr (Rall-..Y and locomotive sn-rineeripg. V.27: 439; DecLl^) ASCE.D.ICC. LC.UI. I Ambulance trains: i'idland railv;ay. ^ ,, ,„ ^_ ^ _„ ,,„ (Railway n3V3.v.l02: 350-52; r> apt .&. 1914) AKCE.B ,h, JC.LC .LSE.MY. Ambulance trains for service on ths Continent. ,,^ (Railway nev.s, v.lOc5 : b^6-99; A r. 10. 191b) ASCE,:.,!- , JC, LC.LoE,*-! . Ambulance trains on British railways. (in The Railvva'' year book. London, 1915, p. 31) B, Ainbulance trains on British railvaya, [No.lJ (Railv/ay ruagaz1i-e, [London], v,35: 319-25; Oct. 1314) LC. Ainbulance t-ains on t'-e London and Nort'-v-Gstern railva--. , „ ^ ^^ .,„ (BaU^y n3v:s,v.l02: 33^--39; A.g.29,1914) AKCE.B ,H, JC.LC.LSE, rix . Ambulance v/ork - Groat centr.il re"* il^va• * (Great central rai 1 ay joumal, v. 11: 3-4; Jul]' 1915) 'Badische lazarettaUge im krie?,e 1870/71, (Deutsche strassen- und kleinbahn- ze itung, 28th vsai reo,13 , i-i^j British ambulance ve>icl3S. For service cr, the Continent. ^ , „„ „„ (Ratlv^uy .azette.v.-S; 380-85; A-pr.9.1915) ASCE,E . ICC . JC ,LSE.UP , British railway ambulance trains. Gre.t central rai l^^ay. (Railway gazette. v.21: 299-304; S3 :t. 11.1914) ASCE.^ ,XGC, JC.LSE.UP . -ri + ish railwav ambulance trains. Great northern r:^ilvviy [irelandj (Railxay gazette.v.21: 4r;-30; 0cta6.1914) ASCE.B , ICC . JC ,LSE,UP. ^•r-iticl- r,^il"av ambulance trains. Lo.'don and so jth- we 3 tern railway, (Railwav gazette, v.2 1: 497-9S; Hov.5,1914) 3, ICC . JC.LSE.UP . A.SCE. Coleman, E. C. Ambulance t^-ain of the Great eastern railway, E.ijland. (Bailay revie.v. v. 55: 551-6-, :!ov.7.1914) A.SCE. B. h , ICC . JC.LC .NY.UC .UI RR-Use in war, 33) Hospital trains , cont . Etwas von deutschen lazarettzUgen, ' (Verkehrstechniscbe v/oche und sisenbahntechnische zeitschrift, 9th yeae Dec. 26, 1914) 1 Great central railway ambulance or hospital trains for the British army. (Railway nsws,v,102: 320-21; Aup,,22,1914) ASCE«B ,K, JC,LC,LSE,NY. ' The Great eastern railway ambulance t^-ain. (Great eastern railvfay magazine, v,4: 333-35; Oct, 1914) B. Reprinted in Central Argentine railway rf>a.;z;azine,v.4: 840-42; Nov. 1914. B. Great eastern railway companji''3 ambulance t'^ain. (Plate, Sup^olernent to Railway nav.3. A.ji.lb, 1C14) ASCE.B.i:, JC,LC,LSE,NY. Great eastern railway hospital train, (Railway magazine [London], v,35: 247-49; Sept. 1914) LC, Hospital cars on the Canadian northern railway. (Railway news, v. 102: 5S1; Oct. 24, 1914) ASCE.D ,H, JC,LG,LSE,Ny. Lancashire and Yorkshire railv^'ay ax'oulanee train. (Railway news, v. 104: 155; July 17,1915) ASCE,B,K, JC,LC,LSE,NY. London c" north-western ambulance trains for the Continent. (Rail ay gazette, v. 23: 82-83; July 23,1915) ' ASCK.B. ICC, JC.LSE.UP. New Great western railway ambulance train for the Continent. (Great i^estern railway magazine , v. 27: I'^.H-SS; June 1515) B. North British railway hospital train. (Railway news, v, 102: 384-85; Sept. 12 ,1514) ASCE.B.E, JC,LC,LSE,NY, The North eastern railwav aabulance vans, (Railway news, v. 102: 535; Oct. 17, 1914) ASCE,B ,E, JC,LC,LSE,NY. North western railway [ixtdiaj ambulance t.rajns, (Railway gazette, v. 22: 362-63; Apr.2.19i5) ASCE.B, ICC, JC,LSE,UP. Die Organisation der lazarettzUge. (Zeitschrift fCr bahn*- und bahnkassenarzte, 10th year: Feb, 1915) Tre Pri-.-ice3s Christian hospital train, (Railway gazette, v. 22: 429-31; Apr. 23. 1915) ASCE,B ,ICC, JC .LSE.UP, Railway ambulance men .-in' the war, (Rctilwcy n3.:3,v.l03: 5S5-S5; Apf.24,1915) ASCE.E.E, JC.LC.LSE.NY. Railv/av com-anies' anibulancs trains. The Lancashire and Yorkshire. (Railway ne-3,v.l02: 500-01; Oct. 10, 1914) ASCE.B , H, JC.LG.LSE.NY. Railway co^ij^^anies' ambulance trains, T'-;e Great vvsstern. (Railway nec/S, v.l02 : 409-12; Sept .19, 19.14) ASCE,B .K, JC.LC.LSE.NY, Railwav ccm--ani33' arnbulayice trains. Tie Great southern .-jnd western. (Railway ne'-s,v.l02: 440-41; Se:^t.l4,1914) /.SGE,3,h, JC,LC,LSE,NY. RR-Use in vvar-34J Hospital trains.cont. Railway companies' ambulance trains. The Great northern of Ireland, The Northeastern railwa;' ambulance vans. (Railv^y ne«.vs,v.l02 : 533-35; Oct, 17, 1914) ASCE.B.K, JC.LC^LSE.NY. Railway gazette [Editorial] iiilitary hospital trains. Their origin and progress. (Railway gazette, v,21: 584-86; Dec. 4, 1914) ' ASCE.B, ICC, JC,LSE,UP, Railvi^ay gazette [Editorial] On an ambulance train, (Railway gazette ,v ,21: 438; Oct. 23, 1914) ASCE,B, ICC, JC,LSE,UP. South African ambulance transport. (Railway gazette, v. 22 : 531; Hay 21,1915) ASCE.B , ICC , JC.LSE.UP. V'ar department ambulancs train as arranged from the existing London <^' South- v/estern company's stockj (Railway news, v. 102: 331-38; Aug. 29, 19 14) ASCE.B.K, JC,LC,LSE,Ny. Var h(|%pital cars in Germanyi The tramways ass ^st in transporting the wounded to the hospital®, (Electric railway journsfcl, v. 45: 50-51; Jan. 2, 1915) B,PRT,PhEC. Die Zusammensetzung der hilfs»- und vereirislazarettzuge und die befordarung von verwundeten, (Zeitschrift fur hahn- and bahnkassenarzte, lOth year: Feb. 1915) ******»*•»