CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE ANNA ALLEN WRIGHT LIBRARY ENDOWMENT FUND F 129.L92B83""""'"'"'"-""''^ '"*IIIIHM'iffiK?,?:i,,t°''^y and tomorrow 3 1924 009 275 433 m3> Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. LOWVILLE, and ^Q^moTTOxJO. ^istovi^ and ^ITQCtor'^ Of Both Town and Village. By WILLIAM B. BREEN, LOWVILLE, N. Y. igo2. LOWVILLE TIMES JOB PBIKT. A Book of Useful Informcition. 1902. William B. Beeen. The Town of Lowville. ♦TpHE Town of Lowville is named in honor of *■ Nicholas Low, who became the owner thereof August 5, 1796, upon a division between the four owners of the Black Eiver Tract, and was surveyed around its borders in May, 1796. It was organized by an act of the legislature of the state of New York on the 18th day of March, 1800. It embraced all that part of Lewis county designated as township No. 11 of the Black Eiver Tract, in McComb's purchase. At first it contained aU that part of Denmark south of Deer river, which was afterwards taken off in the formation of Har- risburg. The town of Turin and other towns were organized at the same time and by the same act of the legislature. The first town meeting was held at the residence of Silas Stow. Following is the record thereof as transcribed in the book of town records, remaining in the town clerk's office of the town of LowviUe : "1800. At a meeting held at the house of the last residence of Silas Stow, Esq. , in the town of Lowville, on Tuesday, the 1st day of April, 1800, Daniel Kelley was chosen supervisor; Moses Coffeen, town clerk; Charles Davenport, Jonathan Eogers and Benjamin HiUman, assessors; Isaac Perry, James Bailey and Benjamin HiUman, commission- ers of highways; Bella Davenport and Aaron Cole, overseers of the poor; Ehud Stevens, constable and 4 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. collector; Ehud Stevens, pathjpaaster in road district No. 1 ; David Cobb, pathmaster in road district No. 2 ; Asa Newton, pathmaster in road district No. 3 David Porter, pathmaster in road district No. 4 Zadock Bush, pathmaster in road district No. 5 Jonathan Eogers and Elisha Stephens, poundmasters and fence- viewers. Adam Wilcox, Benjamin Hill- man, Jonathan Eogers, Daniel Kelley, Asa Newton and John Bush were chosen as a committee to look out some convenient place or places, as they should deem necessary, for the purpose of burying ground. ' 'Voted that Hogs should be f ree-commoned by being yoked with a yoke half the depth of their neck below, the depth of their neck above and the width of their neck on each side. Voted to raise four dollars by a tax to pay Esq. Mix for his services done for the town, and that the next annual town meeting should be held at the dwelling house of Moses Waters in said town of Lowville. "The above is a true record of said meeting. Attest: Moses Coffeen, Town Clerk." I certify the above to be a true copy of the origi- nal as transcribed by me. William Darrow, Town Clerk. Thus it is seen that the town of Lowville, now the shire town and county seat of Lewis county, containing churches, pubhc buildings, business blocks, hotels, academy, public schools, factories, with its electric lights, water works, etc., began with small beginnings, with only five road districts in the town, when no doubt cow-paths served much for roads. School houses were poor and scarce, if any. Log houses or shanties were the homes of TOWN AND VILLAGB.^OF LOWVILLE. 5 the inhabitants. Churches none, pleasures few, sorrows and hardships many, and as we look over the town at present, with its growth and thrift, we look back to its founders and admire their courage with wonder and respect as we think of their toil and hardship in a new, wild and barren country in their forest home, with its deep snow and wintry winds, with the star of hope within their bosoms, their willing hearts and strong hands, to procure a living, trusting in that Grod who presides over the destinies of the pioneer who is willing to help him- self, for protection and refuge. AREA OF THE TOWN. Upon the survey of the town in May, 1796, by Benjamin Wright, it was reported that the town contained 24,453 acres and in a survey afterwards made by him in dividing the town into lots of from 154 to ()93 acres each, it was reported as containing 24,616 acres. In Franklin B. Hough's History of Lewis County it is reported that a reminiscence of this town ex- tends back to the Eevolution, and supported by very good verbal testimony, to the effect that a party of Tories and Indians, having captured a Mrs. Eoseburgh and her little boy, Henry, in the Mohawk settlements, conducted them through the woods to the High FaUs. They had here left con- cealed a birch canoe, in which they came down the river with their prisoners tiU on arriving at a place above ' 'Smith's 'Landing, " they left the river and came up to some fiat rocks near the present East Eoad, and encamped. Here they spent the night and proceeded next day to the Long Falls, and 6 TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWTILLE. from thence to the British post on Carleton Island,, in the St. Lawrence river, where Mrs. Eoseburgh, a few weeks after, added one to the number of the captives. Henry was adopted by the Indians, but sometime after was stolen away by his relatives. He was born in captivity, and afterwards married a Mrs. Peter VanAtter in this county. Silas Stow was appointed agent for the sale of land in this town by Mr. Low. THE FIRST SETTLERS. The first settlers in Lowville were from Westfield, Mass. They found their way to Turin in 1798?] Arriving at High Falls, they built a boat of sufficient size to transport their families to Lowville, and on the 8th of April launched their boat, and with it loaded with their families and provisions, started for LowviUe down the river. The passengers were Jonathan Eogers and his children, Bela, PoUy and Isaac; Ehud Stephens, his wife Mercy, and his child- ren, Clarrissa, AppoUos and Harvey; Jessie Wilcox, Philemon Hoadley, Zebulon Eogers, and Elijah and Justus Woolworth. The craft was towed into Black river by some Frenchmen of Turin, and, according to the sketch above refered to, the boat, was soon caught in a current that drew it slowly around toward the falls, against the best effort those assisting could make, when, to save themselves, they cast off their hne and rowed toward their own side of the river. Four of the. men seized their oars and by hard rowing got within reach of the bottom, when B. Eogers and J. Woolworth jumped out and swam ashore with a rope by which the craft was towed down below the eddy, and then rowed across TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 7 to the French houses opposite. A part of the load was here taken off, and they again started a little after noon. Eunning down the swollen current, they arrived just before sunset, at the end of their voyage, as far up the. Lowville creek as they could push their boat, near the place where Luke Wilder once had a brick yard. They landed upon a tree that had fallen across the creek and prevented further progress, but were yet half a mile distant from the shanty where they were to spend the night. B. Eogers and J. Wool- worth started with a gun to look up the spot, and lost some time in finding a marked hne to guide them. The rest followed on with such burdens as they could conveniently carry, and which would be most needed for present comfort. Meanwhile it grew dark and the travelers could no longer see their route, but those who had gone on before had kindled a pile of dry brush and logs, and by the sounding of a horn and the gleam of the cheerful fire they were led to the rude but welcomed shelter, A hearty supper was eaten with rehsh, aud such as were entitled to the hospitalities of the roof slept under it, while the rest made a couch of hemlock boughs and lay down upon it. Their furniture wa'S^ brought the next day and their cattle in a few days 1 thereafter. These were the first settlers of the town, and during the summer others came and took up land. The usual landing place of those who came by water was at what is now called Beaches Bridge. The following persons took up land: In 1798, James Bailey, Jehoida and Nathan Page, Hulbert & Cooley, WiUiam Darrqw, Moses Ooffeen. 8 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. In 1799, Adam F. Snell, Jacob Snell, Benjamin Hillman, Jacob Ebley, James Oraig, John ShuU, Jerome Sogers, John Bush, Daniel Porter, George Bradford, Zadock Bush, Asa Newton, James Par- sons, Eichard Livingston, Zeboim Carter, Noah Durrin, Ebenezer Hill, Samuel VanAtta, James Boshart, Garret Boshart, William Ford, Benjamin Ford, John Kitts, Hooper Boohall, Philes & Kitts, Fisk & Searl and James Cadwell. In 1800, Eeuben Putney, Luther Washburn, Aaron Coles, David Cobb, Nathaniel Durham, Pardon Lan- pher and Francis Murphy. In 1801, Joseph Newton, Benjamin Zice, Jesse Benjamin, Elijah Parks, Z. Plank, E. Newton, David Rice, David Wilbur, Jabez Puffer, Samuel Bailey, John Bailey, Joseph Purrinton, Nathan Eowlee, Hezekiah Wheeler, Levi Bickford, Joseph Malby, Ehphaz Searle, Calvin Merrill, A. D. Will- iams, Benjamin Davenport, Daniel Porter, A. and A. Sigourney, Mather Bosworth, Loomis J. Danks, Edward Shepard, Zuriel Waterman, Amasa Hitch- cock, Ozen Bush, Simeon Babcock, Thaddeus Smith, Elijah Baldwin, Jonathan Hutchinson, Erastus Haskins, Eobert Barnett, Jesse Hitchcock, Kent & Bull, John Delap, Nathaniel Prentice and Lewis Gosard. The first deed to actual settlers was given April 12, 1798, to Daniel Kelley, for Lot 37, of 250 acres, for $650. The first birth in the town was that of Harriet, daughter of Ehud Stephens, (afterwards wife of Dr. James M. Sturdevant), which occurred February, 24, 1799. The first male born in the town was Samuel, son of Jonathan Eogers, June 21, 1800. The first, death is believed to have been of TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 9 •a child of one Oooley . The first of an adult was that of Aaron Hovey. The first marriage in LowviUe was that of Moses Waters, at Stowe Square. A few Indians then resided in this vicinity. Traveling in those days was mostly on foot or horse- back, or with oxen and rude ox-sleds. Fish and] game were plenty, which much helped the settlers.^ In 1798, Daniel Kelley built a sawmiU on the* south side of the creek in this village, below the present bridge. His first log hut, built the same year, stood against a huge boulder adjacent thereto. A gristmill was built the next year. Daniel Kelley, who seems to have been identified with about all the business enterprises at the time of the settlement of the town, was born in Norwich, Conn., November 27, 1755. He married Jemima Stow, a sister of Silas Stow. He was a clothier by trade. Came to LowviUe in the winter of l798-'99, when there were but two families in town, viz: Ira Stephens and Jonathan Eogers. He was the first Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and one ■of the first trustees of LowviUe Academy. In 1814, he moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where he became postmaster and county treasurer. He died there August 7, 1831, 76 years of age. His wife is said to have been a woman of exceUent character, strong mentaUy and physicaUy, kind and generous, and acted as physician and nurse for the settlers free •of charge. The building of Kelley's miU, above refered to, an Inn by Jonathan Eogers, and a store by Fortu- natus Eager, did much to determine the location ' of the village of LowviUe. The first frame building in what is now known as ' the viUage of LowviUe 10 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. was the house of Jonathan Eoger, and much of the- village is now located on the farm formerly owned by him. r~The first census of the town of Lowville was I taken in 1807 by. Jonathan Patten and Koswell vVaterman, and showed the following named - persons : NAMES OF INHABITANTS. Abbot, Paul. Allen, John. AUen, Wareham. Apley, Jacob. Babcock, Simeon. ■ Bacon, Timothy. Bailey, James. Bailey, Samuel. Bailey, William. Ball, Jonathan. BaU, Jonathan, Jr. Barber, Aaron. Barnes, John. Barnet, Jesse. Barnet, Kobert. Basset, Baurachiah. Basset, Mayhew. Bates, William. Bates, Joel. Bayford, Levi. Beemans, . Beement, Nathaniel. Benjamin, Jesse. Bennett, Christopher B. Blackman, Samuel. Bliss, Henry. Bohall, John. Boman, John. Boshart, Garret. Boshart, Jacob. Bostwick, Isaac W. Bosworth, Constant, Bos worth, Mather. Bromley, Benjamin. Buel, Bela. Buel, Joseph. Buel, Putman. Burr, Joab. Burr, Josiah. Bush, Jonathan. Bush, Ozen. Bush, Zadock, Cadey, Squire. Cadwell, James. Card, WiUiam, Carter, David K. Carter, James B. Carter, Zeboam. Chadwick, Aaron. Chad wick, Chester. Chaddock, William.- Clark, Caleb. Cobb, David. Coffin, Moses. Cole, Aaron. Conkey, John. Congne, Abraham. Cook, Alexander. Cook, Joseph. Cook, Nathan. Daman, Joseph. Danks, Sanmel. Danks, Selig. Darrow, Wilham-. Davenport, Benjamin. Davenport, Billa. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 11 Davenport, Charles. Demmick, Jacob. Dickinson, Lemuel. Dickerson, Morris. Dodge, Alvin. Dodge, Amasa. Dodge, Sacket. Dunham,- Aaron. Dunham, Nathaniel. Durrin, Noah. Eager, Fortunatus. EUis, John. Ensign, Seymour. Felt, Joshua Fenton, Aaron. Files, Henry. Finch, Perceival. Foot, Anson. French, Cliff. Gillett, Eeuben. GiUett, Samuel. Glord, James. Glord, James, Jr. Green, Gilas. Hager, Noah M. Hart, Jesse. Hillman, Benjamin, Hillman, Jerah. Hillman, WiUiam. Hills, Ebenezer. Hitchcock, Jesse. Hoadley, Jacob. Hooker, Nicholas. Haskins, Erastus. Houks, Henry. Hulburt, Joshua. Jackson, George. Jackson, WiUiam. KeUey, Daniel. King, Ezra. King, Eeuben. Kitts, Jacob. Kitts, John. Kitts, John, 2d. Kitts, JohUj 3d. Kitts, Peter. Knight, Olney. Lane, Gad. Lane, Hosea. Lanpher, Pardon. Lanpher, Paul. Leonard, James H. Leonard, Stephen. Lewis, Eichard. Livingston, Eichard. Loveland, Nathan. Ludenton, Daniel. McCarty, Langford. McDowell, Eobert. Merrils, Calvin. Merrils, Eeuben. Montgomery, Hugh. More, AppoUos. Morton, Ehhu. Morton, Elihu, Jr. Murphy, Francis. Murray, Henry. Newton, Asa. Nichols, Samuel. Nicholson, Nathaniel. Noice, Oakes. Northrup, Joseph A. Obeds, Michael. Parks, Elijah. Patten, Jonathan, Perry, Isaac. Perry, Samuel. Plank, LoveU. Plank, Zebadiah. Porter, Daniel. Prentice, John. Prentice, Nathaniel.. Prentice, Eoswell. Putney, Eeuben. Eauson, WiUiam.. Eeed, John. 12 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Eice, Abner. Kice, Jehiel. Eichmond, Galen. Eiley, David. Eogers, Bela. Eogers, John. Eogers, Jonathan. Eogers, Eobert. Eoot, Sahnon. Eosebeck, Henry. Eowley, Nathan. Sacket, William. Scott, Enos. Searls, Elipas. Seeley, Samuel. Sexton, Charles. Shaver, Andrew. -Shaver, Henry. Shaw, Philip. Shaw, Phihp, Jr. Shull, Conradt. ShuU, John. Shnll, John, Jr. ShuU, WiUiam. Sigourney, Andrew. Sigourney, Anthony. Sigourney, Charles, Smith, John. Smith,' Thad. SneU, Andrew F. SneU, John. Spafiford, John. Spafford, John, Jr. Stanton, Joseph. Stanton, Joshua. Stanton, William. Stephens, Elisha, Jr. Stephens, Ira. Stephens, James. Stephens, James, Jr. Stephens, Eufus. Stephens, Eufus, Jr. Stickney, Herman. Taylor, Chapman. Thrall, Ezekiel. Thrall, Jesse, Thompson, Edward. Toping, Jared. Tubs, Annanias. Turner, Peter. Turner, Eichard. Vannatta, Peter. Vannatta, Samuel. Vannatta, Samuel, Jr. Wage, Ebenezer. Wales, William. Waterman, Eos well. Weed, Levi. Weller, Silas. WeUman, Barnabas. WeUman, Manley. Wheeler, Samuel. Whitmath, Noah. Wilbur, David. Wilcox, Adam. Wilcox, Jesse. Wilcox, Eoswell. Williams, Absalom. Wilhams, John. Williams, Eichard. Winchel, Luke. Wolton, Asa. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 13 In 1828, a silver mine was discovered on the south branch of the creek about half a mile above Low- ville. It was worked for a time, but the work was afterwards discontinued. There was no railroad to Lowville at that time, and it would not be surpris- ing if it would now pay to work the mine. "^ In October, 1864, the Silver Creek Mining Com- pany was incorporated and spent considerable money in sinking a shaft and prospecting for the- prescious metals near what used to be called Moor's Planing Mill. This, too, was before the advent of railroad transportation to and from Lowville. Thus it v\rill be seen that large sums of money have been spent on Lowville mines, and in search- ing for the prescious metals. All this was before there was any railroad transportation to or from Lowville, and it would not be at all surprising if such an undertaking with the present railroad: facilities might be successful. SUPERVISORS. The following named persons have acted as super- visors of the Town: 1800-'04, Daniel Kelley. 1805, Silas Stow and Solomon King. 1806-'O7, William Darrow. 1808, D. Kelley. 1809-'10, Benjamin Hillman. 1811-'13, Ela Collins. 1814, Solomon King. 1815, Benjamin Hillman. 1816-'17, Heman Stickney. 1818-22, Benjamin Davenport. 1823, Chester Buck. 1824-'26, Charles D. Morse. 1827, E. Collins. 14 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 1828, Benjamin Davenport. 1829-'31, E. Collins. 1832--'33, Chester Buck. 1834, Daniel T. Buck. 1835-41, Chester Buck. 1842, John Buck. 1843, Curtis G. Lane. 1844, Chester Buck. 1845-'46, Curtis G. Lane. 1847, Phineas Leonard. 1848-'52, Curtis G. Lane. 1853, Jesse Brown. 1854-'55, Curtis G. Lane. 1856-'57, Joseph A. Willard. 1858-'61, Curtis G. Lane. 1862, Eutson Eea. 1863, James L. Leonard (resigned), Edward . A. Brown (from March 22d). 1865, Chester G. Lane. 1866, Eutson Eea (resigned), Henry E. Tur- ner (from October 30ih). 186T, Henry E. Turner. 1868-"ro, Curtis G. Lane. 18T1, Amos B. Smiley. 1872-'82, Charles D. Boshart. 1882-'83, James T. Campbell. 1883-'90, Charles D. Boshart. 1891-'99, Ira Sharp. 1900-'02, Peter McGovern. Mr. McGovern was re-elected in 1901, and will hold the office two years longer, making his term ■«xpire January 1, 1904. Village of Lowville. -npHE Village of Lowville was incorporated July _ * 10, 1854. The survey of the village was made tiy N. B. Sylvester. The vote for incorporation stood 109 for and 33 against. The first trustees of the village were Joseph A. Willard, N. B. Sylvester, A. G. Dayan, S. B. Batcheller and Greorge W. Fowler. The first fire company was formed July 24, 1829, with Stephen Leonard, captain; Palmer Townsend, 1st lieutenant;^ and S. W. Taylor, 2d lieutenant. This company had a small fire engine and bucket brigade. In 1870 the brick building on Dayan street was built for the Lowville Fire Department, at a cost of $3,500. A new fire engine was after- wards purchased for the village, but as Lowville now I has one of the best gravity systems of waterworks in :Northern New York that affords excellent fire pro- tection, there is no use for a fire engine and At has been sold . ^ The village of Lowville is one of the most healthy villages in Northern New York. Situated on the eastern slope of the highlands running north and south through Lewis county, a splendid view is afforded north, south and east across Black river for many miles over a vast region of farming country, and giving a view of sections of six different towns, and in the far distance Chases Lake and the forests of ,tbe Adirondack Mountains. Probably 16 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. the people of no town in the state have better air • or enjoy a better view than the people of the village of Lowville I Lowville and vicinity is one of the best farming^ /regions in the state of New York, having a very (rich, fertile soil, well adapted to raising farm pro- duce. It is a nice residence village with fine resi- dences, streets and lawns. An up-to-date town^ having a fine electric light system, gravitj'' water \ system that furnishfs pure spring water from springs at the foot of the Adirondack Mountains^ a powerful electric plant that furnishes all the- electricity needed for lights, propelling power, etc.,, first-class pubhc schools, fine school buildings, the Lowville Academy, so conducted that students ga direct from the academy to college without inter- mediate training. Fine churche.°, business blocks,, factories and hotels. One of the best opera houses in Northern New York, and the new Lowville club house, one of the finest club houses in this section of the country where people of wealth and leisure, and some who have n:"ore leisure than wealth, while away their time with pleasure and content- ment. Lowville is the County Seat of Lewis county, having the court house and other county buildings, lis citizens rank high m intelligence and refine- ment. The village has two strong National Banks where the people may store away their surplus money in safety. On the whole there probably is no, finer, cleaner, healthier, or up-to-date village in Northern New York than the village of Lowville. TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. 17 THE LOWVILLE BANKS. The following mentioned banks have done busi- ness in Lowville: r The Bank of Lowville was organized in December, L1838, with a capital stock of $100,000. Isaac W. Bostwick, president; Kent Jarvin, cashier; James L. Leonard, Teller. In 1855 the presidency passed to William L. Easton,.and in 1857 to J. L. Leonard. After the death of Mr. Leonard the affairs of this bank were closed up, and the time for redemption of bills closed January 28, 1875. It is said two robberies occurred at this bank, but not with loss to the bank. r i'Tfae Valley Bank" was organized May 7, 1851. ^This bank afterwards was removed to Boonville, and from thence to Ogdensburg, where it went out of business. r The "Bank of the People" was organized May 11, ^1852, and was closed up October 24, 1856. A banking establishment under the name of the "Bank of Lowville" was opened by George M. Brooks, in the Leonard building. This bank was finally closed by reason of the insolvency of its owner. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOWVILLE. ^The First National Bank of Lowville (No. 348) was organized under the National Banking Law September 15, 1863, with a capital of $50,000. It began business January 1, 1865. The officers of the bank are as follows: Charles D. Boshart, president; John Pfister, vice-president; E. H. Bush, cashier; W. H. Milligan, teller. Directors: Frederick Mc- 18 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. OuUock, Charles D. Boshart, John Pfister, M. R. Lefevre, Frank Patten. Following is the report of the condition of the First National Bank of Lowville. in the State of New York, at the close of business, February 25, 1902: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $189,202 66 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 419 02 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 50,000 00 Premiums on D. S. bonds 500 00 Banking-house, furniture and fixtures ■ 16,700 00 Qtber real estate owned 4,707 13 Dne from National banks (not reserve agents) 7,082 45 Due from approved reserve agents 141,035 63 Internal revenue stamps 76 13 Checks and other cash items , 697 62 Notes of other National banks ,. 2,855 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 201 46 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie.'. $14,345 60 Legal tender notes 8,000 00 22,345 60 Efedemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 2,250 00 Total $438,072 70 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund , 10,000 00 Undivided profits, less Expenses and taxes paid 98,630 96 National bank notes outstanding 21,060 00 Due to other National banks 332 28 Individual deposits subject to check 176,616 42 Demand certificates of deposit 80,283 04 Partial pajrments ^ 1,150 00 Total $438,072 70 State of New York, County op Lewis, ss: I, E. H. Bush, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. [l. s.] E. H. bush. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of March, 1902. R. E. BATEMAN, Notary Public. CoKRECT— Attest:. FREDERICK IJcCULLOCK, ) CHAS. D. BOSHART, [ Directors. JOHN PFISTER, ) TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 19 BLACK RIVER NATIONAL BANK. The Black River National Bank (No. 2426) was organized May 31, 1879, by Dewitt 0. West and others, with a capital of $50,000, and was opened for business July 1 of the same year, in the Leonard block. The officers of the bank are as follows: Charles P. Leonard, president; Farnani J. Bowen, vice-president; Frederick S. Easton, cashier. Di- rectors: Charles P. Leonard, Farnam J. Bowen, Charles W. Pratt, L. Charles Davenport, Edgar S. K. Merrell, Dewitt C. "West, Frederick S. Easton. Following is the report of the condition of the Black Eiver National Bank of Lowville, in the State of New York, at the close of business, February 25, 1902: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $246,415 55 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured ^ 112 09 U. S. bonds to secure circulation ^ 12,500 00 Premiums onU. S. bonds 453 13 Stocks, securities, etc 23,774 82 Banking-house, furniture and fixtures 1,539 5^ Due from National banks (not reserve agents) 2,368 93 Due from state banks and bankers 10,853 49 Due from approved reserve agents : 69,496 17 Internal revenue stamps 65 00 Checks and other cash items 4,326 94 Notes of other National banks 532 00 Fractional paper currency, nickles and cents 103 82 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie ". $17A77 00 Legal-tender notes '. 5,600 00 23,077 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per sent, of circulation) 625 00 • ■ Total.... $396,243 50 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 GO Surplus fund 10,000 GO Undivided profits, less expense^ and taxes paid 32,011 64 National bank notes outstanding 2,640 00 20 TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. Due to other National banks 1,551 57 Due to approved reserve agents 1,008 16 Individual deposits subject to check 231,687 42 Demand certificates of deposit 67,228 06 Certified checks 116 65 Total $396,243 50 State op New York, County op Lewis, ss: I, Frederick S. Baston, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. FREDERICK S. EASTON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of March, 1902. GEORGE SHERWOOD, Notary Public Correct— Attest: PARNAM J. BOWBN, j L. C. DAVENPORT. [-Directors. E. S. K. MERRELL, ) TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 21 THE CHURCHES IN LOWVILLE. In the early days of the town Judge KeUey an exhorter, used to preach to the people, commenc- ing in 1798, at Stowe Square. He was of the Free Will Baptist sect. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. In December, 1803, a Congregational Church was organized at Stowe Square. Mather Bosworth, Benjamin HiUman, David Wilbur, Philip Shaw, David Scott, and their wives; Eebecca Waters, Esther Wilcox, Sarah Bates, Abigail Sexton, Lydia Bennet and SaUy Eichmond, belonged thereto. Mather Bosworth and David Wilbur acted as dea- cons until their decease, respectively. In 1809 this church united with the St. Lawrence Presbytery. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The First Presbyterian Society of Lowville was formed at Stowe Square, December 8, 1818, with Levi Bronson, Bela BueU and Thaxter Eeed trus- tees; and in 1819 a church edifice was erected. This church now has no regular pastor. THE LOWVILLE CONGREGATIONAL SOCIETY. This society was formed September 7, 1805, and was the earliest legal church society in the town. The first trustees were Jesse Wilcox, Solomon King, Philip Shaw, Abner Eice, Jr. , Elihu Morton, Jr., and Mather Bosworth. This society does not seem to have accomplished much. THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL SOCIETY OF LOWVILLE. This society was organized September 18, 1807, with Benjamin Hillman, James Harvey Leonard, 22 TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. Isaac W. Bostwick, James Stephens, Jonathan Patten and WiUiam Darrow as trustees. This or- ganization was afterward given up. THE LOWVILLE PRESBYTERIAN SOCIETY. This society was formed November 22, 1820, having Chester Buck, Daniel Williams, Lemuel Wood, Ella Collins, Malancton W. WeUer and Stephen Leonard trustees. A wooden edifice was built the next summer, with a spire 90 feet high. It was burned January 3, 1830. The present stone church at the head of State street was built upon the site in 1831, after the form of the old building. The church was reorganized July 11, 1822. The first members of the new organization were: Gar- ret and Eevera Bostwick, Timothy P. and FloriUa Shepard, Mrs. Ehzabeth Burke, Mrs. Maria CoUins, Mrs. Mary Neif, Mrs. Mary Rogers, Mrs. Mary Spafford, Mrs. Abigail Welles, Mrs. Hannah Wil- liams and Seymour Gookins. A parsonage was built in 1848, and a session- room in 1863. In 187Y a new organ was placed in the church, said to have cost $2,800. The following ministers have preached since the reorganization in 1822: David Kimball, July 11, 1822, to Oct. 19, 1830. James D. Pickand, Jan. 1, 1831, to July 1, 1833. Austin Putnam, Aug. 1, 1833 to Aug. 1, 1834. Dexter Clary, Nov., 1834, to March 16, 1835. Thomas L. Conklin, Oct. 18, 1835, to May 1, 183(). Eufus R. Deming, Aug., 1886, to Aug., 1837. Thomas Bellamy, Dec, 1837, to March, 1838. A. L. Bloodgood, Dec, 1838, to April, 1839. Moses Chase, Dec, 1839, to May, 1840. Presbyterian Chnrcb. 24 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. R. M. Davis, Mayl8, 1840, to Nov. 14, 1840. George P. Tyler, Dec, 1840, to Sept., 1853. N. Bosworth, Oct., 1853, to Aug., 1857. William H. Lockwood, Nov., 1857, to Feb. 1865. Garret L. Roof, Feb., 1865, to Jan. 1, 1879. Jos. H. France, Jan., 1879, to Jan, 1886. J. W. Earnshaw, Oct., 1886, to Sept., 1896. F. Campbell, Dec, 1896. to May, 1899. George B. Van Dyke, Dec, 1899, and down to the present time, he being the present pastor. The present elders are: Duane D. Foot, Lester B. Parker, Wm. S. Windecker, James H. Boshart, Eddy C. Shumway. The present trustees are: Chas. P. Leonard, Farnam J. Bowen, Ohas. D. Boshart, Dr. M. H. Bronson, Wm. S. Windecker, Russell E. Bateman. Secretary, Wm. T. Bush. Treasurer, L Charles Davenport. Clerk, Wm. R. Adams. Present membership, 254. Arrangements have been made whereby the church edifice is to be rebuilt, repaired and remodel- ed extensively, and will be a modern church edifice when completed. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. In 1805, the first Methodist Episcopal church was erected in this town, west of the village, and near where the poor-house now stands. Services were there held and continued until 1822. In that year the society was reorganized with Russell Hills, Luke Wilder, Daniel Tiffany, Henry Curtis, Levi Weed, EUas Wood, Abel S. Rice, R. Bassett and Rodney Leonard as trustees. The first brick Methodist Mpiscopal Church. 26 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. church was built in 1823; the parsonage about 1838^ and in 1861 the present brick church was built. The following named ministers have been pas- tors of the church: 1831, John S. Mitchell. 1832, Benjamin Phillips, .Schuyler Hoes. 1833, Luther Lee, E. Stoddard. 1834, Luther Lee, J. L. Hunt. 1835, Isaac Stone. 1836, E. B. Fuller, F. Hawkins. 1837, Elisha Wheeler. 1838, E. Smith, John Thompson. 1839, Elijah Smith, John Thompson. 1840, Wm. W. Ninde. 1841, Squire Chase. 1242-'43, James Erwin. 1844, Harvey E. Chapin. 1846, W. Wyatt, E. Lyle (Sept. 1.) 1846, W. Wyatt, T. S. Bingham. 1847-'4S, Gr. Sawyer. 1849-'50, Lorenzo D. Stebbins. 1851-'52, M. D. Gillett. 1853-'54, John F. Dayan. 1855-'o6, Ward W. Hunt. l»67-'58, Daryrus Symonds. 1859, J. L. Hunt. 1860-'61, John W. Armstrong. 1862, E E. Bruce. 1863-'64, WiUiam Jones. l865-'66, W. S. Titus. 1867, 0. W. Brooks. 1868-'70, Charles H. Guile. 1871 -'73, Henry W. Bennett. 1874-76, Sidney 0. Barnes. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 27' l877-'79, M. D. Kinney. 1880-'82, W, F. Markham. 1883-'85, J. L. Bingham. 1885-'87, C. W. McCormick. l888-'93, C. C. Townsend. l893-'98, Alexander Bramley. 1898-1901, W. F. Markham. 1901, down to and at the present time, W. C... Davidson. Board of trustees, James T. Campbell, Ferdinand _ L. Tedmon, Warren R. Fitch, Hiram Gowdy, Ly- man S. Curtis, Howard C. Bingham, Milton W.. Holt, T. Delevan Hough, Horace Bush. Secretary, J. W. Van Namee. Treasurer, Ferdinand L. Tedmon. Present membership, 343. The church edifice has been extensively repaired, this year and is now in fine condition with mod- ern improvements. BAPTIST CHURCH. This church was organized September 8, 1824, at. Stowe Square. Eight persons united. The society was more fully and legally organized October 6, 1824, with Moses Waters, Eichard Livingston and Calvin Batchiller first trustees. In 1825, a wooden church 40x60 feet was erected on the lot where the present brick church edifice now stands. A par- sonage was afterwards purchased on Shady avenue. The clergy of this church have been as follows: John Blodget, Dec. 1, 1826, to March 4, 1832. George Lyle, March 11, 1832, to March 11, 1833. Charles Clark, March 14, 1833, to Oct. 20, 1836.. Orin Wilbur, March 20, 1835, to June 28, 1840. Baptist Church. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 29' Harvey Sillman, Oct. 1, 1840, to Aug. 28, 1842. George Lyle, Nov. 20, 1842, to March 1, 1846. Charles Graves, March 7, 1845, to Feb. 10, 1849. Lyman Hutchinson, April 7, 1849, to Feb. 1, 1850. Daniel D. Eeed, Feb. 9, 1850, to Feb. 7, 1852. Conant Sawyer, Jan. 7, 1863, to May 31, 1856. William Garrett, Sept. 14, 1856, to Sept. 19, 1868.. James M. Ferris, Jan. 1, 1859, to Oct., 1861. S. T. Livermore, May, 1862, to Jan. 1868. S. W. Culver, June, 1868, to July, 1871. David R. Watson, Sept., 1871, to March, 1876. Thomas Bickford, July, 1876, to May, 1878. F. L. Knapp, Aug., 1878, to May 1, 1884. Delevan D. Dean, May 1, 1884, ever since that, time and at the present time. The present officers of the church are as follows:: Trustees — Amasa . Stoddard, Myron M. Lyman, Eli Jones, Howard Ross, Dr. A. R. Gebbie and J. B. Jones. Deacons — Myron M. Lyman, S. M. Galloway, C... E. Butts and Eli Jones. Treasurer — Amasa Stoddard. Secretary — Charles E. Butts. Present membership, 220. This society has a fine modern brick church edifice. FREE COMMUNION BAPTIST CHURCH. A Free Communion Baptist Church was organ- ized October 12, 1816, with Amasa Dodge as pastor.. No church edifice was built or organization kept up.. Another society was formed Jvme 19, 1860, with David Waters, Warren Salmon, Paul B. Maxon, John O'Donnell, Sanford Peebles, S. H. Folts and Lewis Wilcox as trustees, and built a church edifice. 30 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. on Dayan street iu 1861. This society for several years had a regular pastor and services. June 22, 1"871, the society was reorgauizad with Sidney A. Sixbury, Greorge F. Galloway, George E. Barrett, Albert H. Waters and John O'Donnell as trustees. The church finally ceased to maintain re'gtilar ser- vices, and it was claimed that by reason thereof, the church property reverted to John O'DonneU, the grantor. Mr. O'Donnell built the church over into what he named the "Temperance Tabernacle, " with stores in front and opera house and hall above and in the rear. This building was afterwards de- stroyed by fire. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Trinity Church, Lowville, was organized Septenx- ber 24, 1838, with Kent Jarvis and George Lyman, wardens; Leonard Harding, L. S. Standring, Albert Strickland, George D. Euggles, Henry Butler, iSamuel Wood, Ambrose W. Clark and Merritt M. Norton, vestrymen. The Kev. Edward A. Eenouf was the first rector. An edifice was built in 1846, and cojisecrated in November of that year. It is • said that this society received $750 from the Low- family. A tower and bell was added to the build- ing in 1853, at a cost of about $2,000. A rectory was built in 1867. The first wooden edifice was jeplaced by the present brick one in 1861:, at a cost ^f about $12,000. In 1878, a fine organ was donated to the church' Tby Messrs. DeWitt C. West and Alburn and Ansel Foster, the first named gentleman contributing one-half and the other two the remainder of the purchase money. Trinity Episcopal Church. 32 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. The rectorship has been as follows: The Rev. A. Renouf, Rev. John Bagley, Rev. William N. Irish, Rev. Alonzo B. Allen, Rev. J. E. Pratt, l879-'S-i. Rev. George E. Gardner, l885-'87. Rev. J. H. DeMiU, i887-'89. Rev. Carl Schwartz, 1889-'0]. Rev. Julian E. Ramsdell, l89l-'92. Rev. Charles H. Tindell, l893-'98. Rev. Edward Burdick Doolittle, 1898, and down, to the present time. Present membership, 140. The church officers are as follows : Rector — Rev. Edward Burdick Doolittle. Wardens — Henry C. Northam and Frederick 0. Schraub. Vestrymen — Frederick S. Easton, V. Lansing Waters, Juhus H. Wood, E. S. K. Merrell, William A. Kelly, Frederick McCuUock, Charles D. Moore and DeWitt C. West. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. This parish was set off from Leray January 3, 1826. In 1819 a house was purchased in which to hold meetings. This place was exchanged for a site south of the creek, and a church was built in 1825. This organization was not kept up and they long since ceased to hold meetings. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SOCIETY. This society was organized October 0, 1867, with George D. Ruggles, Peter Lowks, John Guther- mute and Marks Petrie as trustees. This church discontinued long since. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 33 OLD SCHOOL BAPTIST CHURCH. The old School Baptist Church was org|inized about 1834, under Eev. Martin Salmons. A small chapel was built near the river on the road leading to Illingworth Bridge. This society has long since ceased to hold services. The chapel yet remains, and is sometimes used by other denominations for religious services. ST. PETER'S CHURCH (ROMAN CATHOLIC.) The first Catholics to settle in what is now the parish of Lowville were James Hefferman, who came from Tipperary, Ireland, and settled in Mar- tinsburg as early as 1828, John Lynch, from the city of Dublin, Ireland, in 1832, William Curtis, from West Meath in the same year, and James Kelly, from New York in 1840 Among the first Catholic settlers of LowviUe were John Siegel, of Bavaria, Cermany, not earlier than 1841; Michael Phelan in 1856, and David O'Keefe in 1860. Father James McBride, of Utica, is reported to have said the first mass in the parish at the house of James KeUy about 1840. In 1865, Father Herbst was appointed by Bishop Conroy to take charge of Lowville and other surrounding towns. He stationed himself at Lowville and said mass at the court house. Father Herbst remained about two years and left in 1867. He was succeeded by Eev. Joseph Fitzgerald, a man it is said of much abihty. He built the Low- ville church in 1869, under the title of St. Peters, and dedicated it himself on October 3d of that year. Father Fitzgerald was succeeded by Eev. Wilham B. Nyhan in 1871. There were then in the entire parish eighty families, mostly Irish, some German. 34 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. The church at that time was weak and the revenue small. In 1872, a mission was given by the Jesuit Fa- ther Langcake, which had a good effect upon the people. The attendance increased and a bettfer spirit began to prevail, which was increased and added to by Father Eyan in a mission given in ] 874. StiU later the Jesuit Father Dewey gave a third mission as successful as the others. Father Eyan St. Peter's Church. was very popular among the people under his charge. The church edifice was improved, a new residence built for the priest at a cost of $4,000, a pipe-organ, new altar and sanctuary added After a stay of twelve years in Lowville, greatly improv- ing the church property and increasing the mem- bership, he retired and took charge of the parish at Brasier Falls. He was succeeded at Lowville by TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLB. 35 Eev. Joseph Eedington in 1883, who left the follow- ing year, when Kev. Michael O'Neil took charge December 1, 1884. Eev. P. H. J, Eyan, June 1, 1886. Very Eev. Dean Charles J. McMorrow, June , 1893, a very popular priest, having many friends and who died at this place. He was succeeded by the present priest, Eev. John H. O'Eourke, who is very popular and has succeeded in building up and greatly improving the church property. Under his charge the church has been rebuilt, repainted and improved. A fine new beU has been placed in the bell tower and the church property generally put in fine condition. The present trustees of the society are: Eev. John H. O'Eourke, F. M. Kieb and John P. Noon. Auditors: J. E. Haberer and Peter McGovern. The total expenditures for the year 1901 were about $4,000. This society, church and church property were never in better condition than now. The present membership of this church is about nine hundred and fifty. In this church the children of members are included in the membership. , THE UNITARIAN CHURCH. The Unitarian Church is a new organization at LowviUe, organized March 30, 1898, and incorpor- porated December 13, of the same year. This so- ciety has no creed other than that summarized in the two great Commandments of the New Testa- ment, and no essential doctrine other than that summarized in Christ's Sermon on the Mount as found in the New Testament. No requirement for membership other than silent assent to the two great Commandments, Christ's Sermon on the Mount and the payment of each member of some- 36 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. thing for the support of the church, the same to be a free-will offering as the New Testament enjoins, by the members as God has prospered them. The first sermons and organization were by M. Kellogg Schermerhorn, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., under the auspices of the "American Unitarian Association." The officers of the corporation as- shown by the certificate of incorporation are as follows : President — WiUiam B. Breen. Vice-Presidents — Wallace T. Brooks, Charles Gr. ElUott. Secretary — A. P. Harrington. Treasurer — Frank E. Brahmer. Trustees — Eugene Arthur, Thomas H. McHale, W. H Greeley. This society never has had a regular pastor and has no church edifice, but has held services from time to time at the court house and other places. The subscribed membership of this society is about thirty, though the number who have attended and paid toward its support is many more. It may be truthfully said that this church is unorthodox in some things, its members not be- lieving that Jesus is God, though beheving in Him as the Great Teacher and Saviour of men — a Divine man, our brother. Not believing either in the total depravity of man, but that man began with small beginning and has plodded his way slowly but surely upward and onward, and that he wiU so continue until he arrives at that state for which God brought him into being. Evolution of man, religious thought, rehgion and Bibles, and salvation by character. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 37 THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The public Schools of Lowville are of high order, with efficient teachers. The school in District No. 2 is the largest and is situated on State street in the village of Lowville. The principal school build- ing in this district is a large and commodious brick building, built in 1885, under Charles P. Leonard, trustee, who has been sole trustee of this district for the last twenty -five years or more, with the ex- State Street School Building, District No. a, ception of one year. The building has since been enlarged by additions until it is now a large and up-to-date school building. The school officers are: Charles P. Leonard, sole trustee; L. Charles Davenport, clerk; Frank L'HuiUier, collector; F. S. Easton treasurer. Arthur M. Johnson is principal at present and has been since 1883. 38 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. The assistant teachers are: Eleanor A. Jones, Allena Haviland, Minnie E. Jones, Anna Muriel Lanpher, Minnie E. Schermerhorn, Mable A. Rich, Vira M. Boshart, Birdie E. Garvin, Mina M. Place, Cora A. Keener and Mrs. W. J. MiUigan, who is teacher of music and drawing. This is not a union free school, but is a school of high character, graded by the principal teacher and assistants. There are 405 pupils registered on the school register. Eeading, writing, spelling, arith- metic, geography, U. S. history, elementary Eng- hsh, advanced English, English composition, second year Enghsh, first year Latin, book-keeping, civU government, algebra, music and drawing are taught in this school. LOWVILLE ACADEMY. The first Lowville Academy was erected in 1807, at an expense of about $2,000. For a time it was not only used as an academy, but also as court house and a place of public worship. The charter therefor was granted March 21, 1808. The first principal was Eev. Isaac Clinton, his first engage- ment being for two years at $200 per year. He was succeeded by Stephen W. Tayler, who held the po- sition for twenty years. Mr. Tayler was succeeded by Elium, E. Barney and Cyrus M. Eay as associate principals, the former remaining two and the latter three years. Mr. Fay was succeeded by Henry Maltby, who remained until the close of 1835. A new academy building was erected in 1836. The first term in the new building began with Henry Banister as principal. Mr. Banister was 40 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. succeeded October, 1837, by Erastus Wentworth, who remained until April, 1838. He was succeeded in a short time by Harrison MiUer, the latter in 1839, by David P. Yeomans and David P. Mayhew as associate principals. Mr. Mayhew remained in charge for some yearg alone, but from 1843 to 1850, he was associated with Franklin Moore. In June, 1852, William R. Adams was appointed principal and served in that capacity for many years. He was succeeded by Lincoln E. Eowley, who was suc- ceeded by the present principal, WiUiam H. Perry. In 1861, two wings were added to the building, making the building into its present form. Many improvements have since been made, large sums of money expended, and the Lowville Academy is to- day a first-class educational institution, and the building a modern and up-to-date structure. The officers are now as follows: Board of Trustees — Horace Bush, president; Wm. E. Adams, secretary; Amasa S. Stoddard, treas- urer; Charles D. Boshart, Frank 0. Doig, Frederick S. Easton, George W. Fowler, Hiram Gowdy, Charles P. Leonard, Henry A. Phillips, V. Lansing Waters, Farnani J. Bowen, Edgar S. K. Merrell, L. Charles Davenport. Faculty— WiUiam H. Perry, Ph. D., principal, History, Economics and Phychology; DiUon A. Cady, B. S., Mathematics and Science; Eunice- E.^ Perry, Preceptress, Latin and English; C. Blanche Knapp, B. A., Greek and Modern Languages; Katherine L. Mereness, Oratory, Elocution and Physical Culture; John Dale, Phonography and Typewriting. TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. 41 Societies — Philokalean, Philom'athean, Mystic, l^onsaskans. As an institution of learning Lowville Academy is of high standing. V^y many students have been educated at this school, who have in after life distinguished themselves, some as business men and others as professional men, and have stood in the front ranks among their feUowmen. The! academy is a corporation maintained by endow- i ment and a charge for board and tuition, a board- ing house being connected therewith. Students are educated here not only from LowviUe and vicinity but from the several states and foreign countries as well. A teachers' training class in connected therewith. THE BOSTWICK SEMINARY. Mrs. Hannah Bostwick, who had received a large amount of property by devise and bequest of her husband, Isaac W. Bostwick, by her will provided for the founding of the Bostwick Seminary for the education of females, to be conducted separately from but under the management of the Low- viUe Academy. The premises were to be occupied within one year after the date of the conveyance, and the daughters of officers, soldiers, marines and seamen who had been kiUed or who died while in the service of the United States during the Civil war, and young ladies in indigent circum- stances, were to be educated free. The devised premises were fitted up for a semi- nary for the education of females and a dweUing for a principal. The property was valued at about $41,000. 42 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Mr. Adams, tKe principal, resigned and the trus- tees engaged E. Barton Wood, from the Macedoh academy, as principal, July 24, 1866, and the school was opened immediately thereafter for students. Under his management the school gradually dwindled down very low. He resigned September 2Y, 1867, and on the 19th of October, 1867, Charles W. Bowen, of Glens FaUs, was engaged as princi- pal for the Academy and the Bostwick Seminary, he and his family to reside in the latter. He be- came unpopular and resigned. In July, 1871, the trustees engaged Joseph A. Prindle, of Oswego, who was educated at the State- Normal School at that place, as principal. He, too, became unpopular and was obhged to resign. In August, 1872, the trustees engaged Rev. Gran- ville 0. "Waterman as principal. He remained two years. The trust conveyance of Mrs. Bostwick was con- tested by her heirs, who commenced an action to set aside the conveyance to the trustees, and the suit upon going to the court of appeals was decided against the trustees, but the court held that the title vested immediately and absolutely in the cor- poration. The Bostwick Seminary being burdensome the trustees, by auction held June 10, 1873, sold the property for $7,086, about one-third of what it had been valued at a few years before, and which was about the amount of expense the trustees had been to by reason thereof. The Bostwick Seminary was therefore discon- tinued and since that time both males and females have been educated at LowviUe Academy. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 43" LEWIS COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. In the year 1820, under an act of the legislature-: passed in the year 1819, the first agricultural so- ciety for Lewis county was formed. The first lewis County Fair was held in the old academy on^ the" site of the old stone church in LowviUe village, October 23, 1821, at which premiums to the amount, of over $300 were awarded. Members were fur- nished with a badge formed of ears of wheat and were worn Uke a cockade upon the hats. The festival ended with a ball at Wells' Tavern, in what- is now the village of LowviUe, and nearly one hun- dred couples attended. The last fair of the old Agricultural Society was held in 1824. j An association called "An Association for the /Improvement of the Breed of Horses," was organ- I ized in 1831, and held one or two annual fairs. A Lewis County Agricultural Society was formed on the 21st day of June, 1841, under the laws of that year, and annual fairs were held by this society. On December 27, 1859, "The Lewis County Ag- ricxoltural Society" was reorganized under chapter 425 of the laws of 1856. Prior to 1871 the county fairs were held at different places in the county — Denmark, LowviUe, West Martinsburgh, Turin and Constableville. Since 1871 the county faifi have been held at LowviUe . In January, 1876, the site where the fairs are now held, caUed Forest Park, a very appropriate name, was purchased by the society. Prior to this the fairs were held on grounds in the southerly part of the viUage. The present site cost $3,150- -44 TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. originally, and included about fifteen acres of land. The sum of $560 was spent for fencing, $2,609 for '^buildings, $99 for conduit and reservoir, $28.50 for insurance, $1,017 for grubbing and ditching, mak- ing the first expense $Y,467.50. It was mortgaged to the amount of $5,450. These mortgages have since been paid and the society is now out of debt. Many new buildings have been built and the grounds improved and beautified until they are now in fine condition. The grounds contain many fine shade trees and Forest Park is now one pf the finest parks for holding agricultural fairs in Northern New York. County fairs are held there annually, -attended by large multitudes of people, who look -upon the Lewis County Fair as a place of pleasure, -amusement and instruction, where they meet their "friends and neighbors and have a good time gen- erally. The present ofiicers are as follows: President, R. D wight Dewey, Turin. Vice-Presidents, D. 0. Markham, Port Leyden; ■-A. M. Seymour, Copenhagen. Secretary, W. S. Windecker, Lowville. Treasurer, Ira Sharp, Lowville. General Superintendent, P. E. White, Denmark. Board of Managers, Ira Sharp, James Nefsey, W. S. Wendecker, Eugene Arthur, H. C. Bingham. Directors, James Nefsey, Eugene Arthur, G. R. Easton, Lowville; P. E. White, Deer River; L. H. Stiles, Glenfield; John L. Smith, Turin; Samuel Studer, Watson; E. G. Elmer, Harrisburgh; H. N. •Gaylord, Turin; L. B. Parker, Lowville; R. C. Otis, J)enmark; M. W. VanAmber, Castorland. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 45- NEWSPAPERS OF LOWVILLE. THE LOWVILLE TIMES. j "The Lowville Times" was started by John, [O'Donnell on "Independence Day," July i, 1876, and was conducted by him until the fall of 1882,^. when it passed into the hands of Eev . Warren E. Fitch, who edited and published it until the sum- mer of 1884, at which time one-half interest was sold to William D. Hesler. It was thereafter con- ducted by Rev. Warren E. Fitch and William D. Hesler until April 1, 1892, at which time Mr. Hes- ler sold his interest to Robert W. Jones. The paper was then conducted by Rev. Warren R. Fitch and Robert W. Jones until the death of Mr. Jones in August, 1893; thereafter by Rev. Warren R. Fitch^ until July 1, 1894, when he sold to Fred H. Ralsten and Ray Smiley. They conducted the publication, for about two years, when Mr. Smiley transferred his interest to Mr. Ralsten, who continued the pub- lication until November 21, 1899, at which time he sold and transfered the whole Times property to William B. Breen, the present owner and publisher. This paper in most all of its career has been run somewhat independently, and is now independent democrat, energetically supporting the democratic- party in democratic principles and in everything it advocates that promotes or tends to promote the- welfare and best interests of the people. THE JOURNAL AND REPUBLICAN. The "Journal & Republican" was started in Low- ville January 4, 1860, by the consolidation of the "Northern Journal" and the "Lewis County Re- publican," under the management of Henry A. Phillips. The "Northern Journal" was started at Lowville by Ambrose W. Clark February 22, 1838. In 1846 it passed into the hands of Edwin E. Cols-^ •46 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. ton, and in November, 1847, 0. W. Haven became its editor. It was published successively by Jason C. Easton, from March 9, 1848, to October of the -same year, by William Oland Bourne until 1850, ^nd by William X. Ninde, who with V. E. Martin ^s editor, published it a few months. Its publi- cation was resumed by J. C. Easton in the spring -of 1853, at which time he became associated with Homer 0. Hunt, and thereafter the paper was pub- lished by Easton & Hunt. It was purchased by Cordial Storrs, Jr., December 2?, 1853, and contin- ued by him until January 2, 1856, when he sold to George W. Fowler, who, October 27, 1858, sold it to Henry A. Phillips. The "Northern Journal" was a whig organ, the "Republican" a democratic paper. The "Journal & Republican" was published by Mr. Phillips until March 1, 1864, when he sold it to Smiley & Hazen, who continued it for three years . Mr. Hazen sold his interest to Mr. Smiley March 1, 1867, who pub- lished it until July, 1867, when Mr. PhiUips again purchased it. January 1, 1870, it again passed into the hands of Mr. Smiley, who published it until his death, April 9, 1878. In May of that year, Mr. Phillips again became the owner and publisher and has owned and published it since that time. THE LEWIS COUNTY DEMOCRAT. This paper was first started as "The Lewis County Banner," September 8, 1856, by N. B. Sylvester. It was subsequently published by E. A. Teall and Almont Barnes. September 1, 1858, it passed into the hands of Henry Allgoever, who sold it to De- Witt C. Finch January 1, 1865, at which time the title was changed. In April, 1867, Mr. Finch sold it to Manville & Phelps, the present owners, who have owned and published it since that time. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 47 THE COUNTY COURT HOUSE. Prior to March 10, 1864-, the county seat of Lewis •county was not Lowville but Martinsburgh. Prior to that time a petition had been circulated and signed by many citizens of the county, which was presented to the legislature of the state, and on the 10th day of March, 1864, an act of the legisla- ture of the state was passed changing the county seat of the county from Martinsburg to Lowville. I^ewis County Court House. The building, now the Court House, had been con- structed by the people of Lowville at a cost of $6,-1 000, partly by town tax and partly by subscription,! for a town hall, with the intention that ib^^oulu ■some time thereafter be used as a court house. Upon the change of the county seat from Martins- burgh to Lowville in 1864, the town hall, now the -court house, was deeded to Lewis county, reserv- ing the right to the town to use it for election and 48 TOWN AWD VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. other special purposes. The courts have since that time been held therein. ' The change caused much feeling between the citizens of Martinsburgh and Lowville. In the summer of 1875 the Court House was en- larged by extending the building back so as to af- ford room for halls, juries', district attorney's, judges, sheriff's and library rooms. Since that time many changes have been made in the interior, one of which is a fire-proof vault for the surrogate's office. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, The present County Clerk's Office is a small brick building situated south and near the rear of the Court House. It was built in 1864 at a cost of about $1,400, besides desks, cases and other inside furnishings. This building is not fire- proof, and there is not sufficient room for office, papers, records, etc. The board of supervisors of 1901 pro- vided for the construction of a new building, and appointed a committee to provide plans and speci- fications and to let the contract for construction. THE NEW COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. Friday morning, April 25, 1902, the committee of twenty-one in charge of the erection of a new County Clerk's Office met at the Court House and awarded the contract for the erection and comple- tion of the building to Charles Wisner & Sons, of Lowjiille, for $13,149. The contract provided that the building should be commenced not later than May 1, and should be completed November 1. The building will be thoroughly fire-proof in every respect, being composed of stone, brick, steel and marble, with tile floors, and furnished with metal TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 49 ceilings throughout. It will be 30x54 feet, two stories high with basement. The executive com- mittee recommended to the committee of twenty- one the adoption of the plans and specifications as prepared by Architect Edwin B. Higby, except that American polished plate glass be substituted in the front of the building for that specified and that hy- draulic pressed brick be used for the front and turn the front corners, and that the contract be executed by the County of Lewis with Charles Wisner & Sons for the erection and completion of the building according to the plans and specifications with those changes. These recommendations were unani- mously adopted. On motion of Mr. Otis the build- ing was located on the north side of the Court House, the front to be on a line with the Court House and the eaves on the north side to be four inches south of the south line of the Lowville Academy lot. The building will be a fine modern structure and when completed will be not only useful but orna- mental. LEWIS COUNTY JAIL. The County Jail for Lewis county is a brick structure situated on the east side of State street in the village of Lowville, with a residence for the sheriff in front, office on northerly side and jail, with cells, etc., in the rear. It is a place of deten- tion and punishment of violators and alleged vio- lators of the law in this county. George S. Curtis is the present sheriff and re- sides at the jail. LEWIS COUNTY POOR HOUSE. Dnder an act of the legislature of the state, pass- ed in 1824, the people of Lewis county immediately 50 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. proceeded to erect a County Poor House, for this county. Jonathan CoUins, Charles D. Morse and Stephen Hart were appointed to purchase a site and make prehminary preparations to that end. The farm of Major David Cobb, of about 60 acres, on the hill on the southwest side of the village of Lowville, was purchased for $1,650, and the premises were fitted up for a county poor house. The first super- intendents were: Nathaniel Merriam, Philo Rock- well, Stephen Leonard, Paul Abbott and Samuel Allen. By act of the legislature the number of superintendents was reduced to three, and since that time to one, and Lyman W. Brown is now superintendent and resides at the county house. The superintendent is also keeper. In 1846 a stone building was erected, 40x60 feet; in size, two stories high. In 1868 this was replaced' by the present brick structure, three stories highj 32x50 feet, with wing 32x60 feet. It was-flnished im February, 1868, and cost $11,450. This has since/ been enlarged and improved. New brick buildings were erected on the premises for an insane asylum, but under the present laws these buildings are not used for that purpose, but are used in connection with the county house. A new barn is in course of erection this year and other improvements are being made on the premises. LOWVILLE RURAL CEMETERY. At a meeting held on January 26, 1867, the Low- ville Rural Cemetery Association was organized, and on January 28 of the same year articles of in- corporation were filed. Dr. F. B . Hough, Charles D. Adams, J. Carroll House, Ehada S. Merrell, D. G. West, H. S. Lanpher, Charles S. Curtis, Norman Gowdy, John Doig, George D. Brown, Rutson Rea TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 61 and Charles D. Boshart were the first trustees. F. B. Hough was chosen president and J. Carroll House secretary. James L. Leonard and Dr. Frank B. Hough were two of the principal movers in the matter of the new cemetery, but Mr. Leonard died before the organization was made. He had pur- chased about twenty-five acres of land before his death to donate to the association for a cemetery, and the land was afterward quit-claimed by his heirs . The association purchased about eleven acres of land from Charles S. Rice, three and one-half acres from George Jackson and a corner of land from Morris D. Moore. The Catholics have the southerly part of the grounds. This cemetery is situated on very high ground on the southwesterly side of Mill creek, occupying a commanding position overlooking the village of Lowville and a vast area of surrounding country, the view extending across and far beyond Black Eiver to the foot of the Adirondack Mountains. The grounds are finely laid out and vaults made and many costly monuments erected in memory of the dead. This is one of the most beautiful country town cemeteries in Northern New York, about $26,000 having been expended thereon in the last few years by the association besides the original cost . The association is out of debt and has an in- vested surplus of about $7,000. The present officers of the association are: Trustees — Charles P. Leonard, Charles D. Boshart, Frank C. Doig, L. A. Bostwick, G. R. Easton, Oliver P. Hedden, A. S. Stoddard, Horace Bush, James T. Campbell, James H. Boshart, William Lennox and Henry A. PhiUips. President, Charles P. Leonard; secretary, O. P. Hedden; treasurer, Horace Bush, tfc o o B o I TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 5S GUILFORD D. BAILEY POST, Q. A. R. Gruilford D. Bailey Post, No. 200, Department of l!f. y., G. A. E., was instituted in September, 1882. The first officers were as follows : Commander, Henry E. Turner; Senior Vice Commander, Warren L. Scott; Junior Vice Commander, C. Frank Smith; Adjutant, James O'Donnell; Quartermaster, John S. Stewart; Sergeant, Dr. H. S. Hendee, Chaplain, Eev. J. Edward Pratt; O. D., W. D. Parker; O. <}., Charles M. Ockford. Henry E. Turner has been commander ever since the organization in 1882. The post has had a membership of 206. Many have died and the membership is now re- duced to 142. The Soldiers' Monument in this village was erect- ed under the auspices of this post and by its efforts. The Present officers are as follows: Henry E. Turner, Commander. A. M. Lanpher, Senior Vice Commander. Joseph Gibbs, Junior Vice Commander. W. D. Parker, Adjutant. J. B. Jones, Quartermaster. L. H. Morton, Chaplain. L. H. Carter, 0. D. J. Jacques, 0. G. L. S. Phillips, S. M. M. Spencer, Q. M. S. Following IS the hst of present members. V. L. Waters James D. Thomas Charles M. Ockford Charles Gerard C. B. Hammond Thomas Burk James Plopper Jan;ies Coffee Leon Duruz 'John M. Waters 54 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. G-eorge Austin Erwin Eoss Phillip Artz Henry Plopper John S. Stewart Michael Kelley John A. Morton James Casler A. S. Sears Otto Zecher Charles Plopper Henry Myers John Darling Charles H. Stowell S. J. Barker John Eeary J. P. Bateman D. E. Brown Joseph T. Northup Eeuben W. Ealph W. E. Coats Godfrey Sturtz Isaac Bowman William Laney James Burk S. M. K. West John B. Houston George M. Wellington Fred Shultz Charles Miller James Muncy Edwin S. Green Harvey Day Joel E. AUen Elisha Woodcock George Delmarsh Eiley Salmons Jerome Clause Anson G. Stoddard WiUiam Garnsey Alexander Jeffers Ezera H. Merry Jeremiah Merry M. W. VanAmber Stephen E. Burdick H. L. Beals Gratton Eeed Clark VanValkenburg T. L. Chase Enos Wantz Charles W. Peebles Eial Bradt L. W. Beck L. B. Noulton C. E. McCuUock Alexander Lavine John G. Goutremout Oliver Salmons Fehx McConwell William McCormick John Stoffle Jacob Neibergall Sylvester Eddy William Bullock James A. Mareness Henry C. Grunert Charles E. Mink Munroe J. Stone TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 55 M. N. Stevens S. H. Crandle Philip Kilmer Joseph Morrison Bordman Persons John Cannan Eobert Cline George W. Harter Nicholas Courts Frank LockUn Uri M. Babcock John Parquette John S. Bush Nelson B. Sears Eandle McDaniels Joseph Patchond Alfred J. Stafford Augustus Kenaux Jacob VanEtten Albert H. Eldred Archibald Petrie Charles Windecker E. E. Mood Morris CasweU Evan E. Evans Charles Tiff George R. North EKjah Strader James H. Lampman Leroy Crawford ■Michael Whalen George W. Kimball Alonzo Allen W. A. Eosebush John Philhps Harvey "Wilkinson Joseph S. Bush WiUiam Gerow^ George H. Prame Alpheus Wright John Ward George Kirschner Benjamin F. Wood Henry V. Miller Harvey Fairman W. W. Sanders Anthony Gerard John Duffer John Evans Adam Wisner Nicholas Back Alexander IHingworth Peter Ross Jerome B. Prame David McConneU Edwin Warren Edward Lewis Edwin 0. Wilder John niingworth Allen W. Jones Jacob A. Williams James S. Davis EUsha Bateman Charles Johnson Martin V. Ward Charles D. Banning John Philhps Albrun HiUs 56 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. George Jackson Harrison Burnham Marcellus Peebles George Sloan George Alger Christopher Wagner Solomon Eennie J. Newton Stoddard Owen Murtaugh Horatio W. PhiUips Abiah D. WiUiams James Callaghan Jacob Nortz Warren Tiffany Daniel K. Goodale THE MASONIC B0DIE5. LOWVILLE LODGE, NO. 134 F. & A. M. LoAwille Lodge, No. 134, F. &. A. M., was char- tered June 13, 1848. The present officers are: Master, John Dale. S. W., Clark Davenport. J. W., A. S. Dano. Treasurer, F. 0. Doig. Secretary, A. M. Lanpher. S. D., D. H. Hall. J. D., E. A. Agens. S. M. C, S. A. Loiselle. J. M. C, Dillon A. Oady. Tiler, Clark VanValkenburg. Trustees, F. C. Doig, J. T. Campbell, and C. S. Mereness. Following is the list of present members: William McGovern WiUiam Jones Henry E. Turner Charles G. Elliott Henry A. PhiUips LaDette A. Bostwick O. P. Hedden Bradford Eagon Morgan A. Stoddard Jacob VanWoert F. A. Crane W. H. Greeley TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 57 George E. Morris Williani Lennox Frank H. Eeed V. L. Waters 'Squire H. Oliver Horace Bush A. M. Lanpher '^Charles L. Knapp Horace A. Eeese A. Gr. Boshart Emmanuel Freeman JYank C. Doig Henry V. MiUer A. 0. Wnder Charles Nuffer -K. C. KeUogg, 2d Charles K. Doig M. R. Lefever C. E. Springsteen Charles Johnson William W. Arthur Gilbert H. Fefee M. N. Stevens Alonzo St. John James S. Morrow- Hiram H. Eyel Charles D. Moore George Wilder Roland Evans S. T. Napier C. S. Mereness Charles M. Ockford Lester B. Parker Charles Wisner A. M. Searls E. M. Beckwith Joseph S. Tardy James T. Campbell H. C. Bingham Calvin O. Salisbury George E. SaUsbury A. C. Boshart L. C. Burdick Eugene Arthur W. A. KeUey L. B. Lanpher Samuel Studor George G. Wise Henry P. Wisner Howard A. Pease Lewis Shepard Walter Salisbury W. H. Egleton WiUiam T. Bush Arthur N. Burdick John L. Beach J. L. Lanpher L. C. Judd George S. Fisher S. Brown Richardson Charles. J. Ackerman Elmer J. Adams G. A. Blackmon W. 0. Hubbard M. E. Fitch E. F. Woodard Charles E. Pelton Frank E. Brahmer 58 TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. Gilbert E. Easton Earl J. Brady A. F. Wormwood E. J. Fish George L. Goutremont E. C. Butts W. J. Milligan Albert Bliss A. Clark Davenport Frank W. McGovern A. A. JosUn WiUiam J. Lennox Nicholas Arthur WiUiam Taylor E. S. K. MerreU H. J. Cornish L. W. Brown J. W. Wormwood E. J. Boshart H. S. Morse S. SneU Amos Bliss Ira Sharp P. H. Vonzierolschofen J. H. Bowdish Charles A. Eoberts George M. Hutchins^ Charles E. Seails E. H. VanAmber E. G. Elmer Nelson B. Sears Bert VanValkenburgh George Boyle Daniel E. Brown F. B. Morse J. W. Earnshaw George S. Alger James D. Thomas Leroy Crawford W. D. Andrews Truman B. Webster Clark VanValkenburgh: Byron Wood J. E. Hartley Theodore E. Meister Charles Matty J. A. Morton E. M. Waters M. L. SchiUinger Charles G. Long Eoderick McEea. F. J. Case E. J. Eogers G. H. Gould H. W. Slack E. T. Davies A. F. Werner Leon Duruz P. W. Weber John Dale H. G. Doud W. A. Nichols John Gleason J. H. Schleider Owen Evans -Frank E. Peeler Charles A. Bates W. O'Brien TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 59^^ Charles M. Burdick E. E. Williams John P. Schindler. George Spencer Halley L. Duruz C. J. Murray W. L. Babcock Howard Garnsey W. J. Graham T. B. Gasser J. A. Mareness J, N. Wilson A. S. Sam Charles G. Eamsey Fred J. Garnham L. E. Babcock H. B. Sypher F. C. Pierce S. A. Loiselle Charles A. Eumble John Gasser Harvey J. Eesse Charles E. Jacques Frank Bowman Thomas Eennie Charles H. Eyan F. M. Zehr E. J. Springsteen John D. Dense Eben H. Hulbert Miller G. Sherwood John L. Johnson Fred C. Bradt Duane D. Foot D. H. HaU W. H. BuUock W. H. Glenn James Nefsey Dillon A. Cady D. D. Bronson F. H. Ealsten Leroy W. King E. A. Agens W. H. Demont, Jr.. Herman HaU Albert Dunbar H. F. Stoddard J. A. Taylor 0. H. MarshaU Charles Smith Glenn M. Parker Louis Bush LOWVILLE CHAPTER, NO. 223, R. A. M; The present officers are as follows: H. P., A. M. Lanpher. K., W, T. Bush. S., H, P. Wisner. Treasurer, Horace Bush, Secretary, C, S. Mereness. -60 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. C, H., S. A. Loiselle. P, S., W, J. Milligan. E. A. C, John Dale. M. 3d v., MiUer G. Sherwood. M. 2d v., Roderick McEea. M. 1st v., Walter SaUsbury. Trustees, Horace Bush, V. L. Waters and A. Lanpher. Names of present Members: F. C. Doig -Horace Bush George E. Morris -C. W. Brooks J. Mather House T". L. Waters William Lennox Henry E. Turner J. N. Wilson A. M. Mills 'L. A. Bostwick M. A, Stoddard A. M. Lanpher F. C. Latham C. D. Manville 'C. L. Knapp R. Marcy Chester Eay T. J. Sawyer F. A. Crane H. W. Bentley J. L. Johnson W. S. Hart J. H. House -Jacob VanWoert JE. L. Shepard J. H. Higby M. G. Sherwood W. W. Jamison S. O. Foster G. H. Fefee Everett Williams M. L. Hungerford Charles D. Moore Charles Nuffer Charles M. Ockford William T. Bush L. C. Judd S. B. Richardson J. R. Clark S. S. Snell John Gleason J. B. Wells A. S. Dano H. P. Wisner S. J. Neff W. H. Egleton 0. E. Pelton W. J. Lennox G. R. Easton C. 0. Salisbury C. A. Roberts TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 61 Alexander H. Crosby E. Freeman Herbert S. King S. A. Loiselle C. S. Mereness W. H, Morrison Charles Wisner Charles E. Thompson Henry V. Miller John Dale Samuel J . Studor John Crasser John L. Beach F. J. Sprague L. C Burdick Ira Gallup W. E. Weed V. S. Ervin Amos Bliss W.>D. Andrews Avery Emerson E. D. Burdick H. B. Alguire W. J. Milligan E.W. McEae C. E. Searls William N. Abbey C. VanValkenburg C. J. Ackerman F. W. McGovern F. E. Brahmer H. A. Pease T. E. Williams J. W. Higby P. H. VonZierolschofen^ H. L. Hall J. P. Schindler H. N. Gaylord L. B. Parker F. S. Joy Fred C. Bradt H. B. Belknap H. C. Beebe Elon M. Waters LOWVILLE LODGE, No. 759, I- O. O. F. Lowville Lodge, No. 759, I. O. 0. F., was organ- ized June 8, 1896. The present officers are: N. G., A. S.Dano. V. G., F. S. Andrus. Treasurer, W. G. Mandeville. Eecording Secretary, Fayette W. Fitch.. Financial Secretary, Marcellus Bohall. W., J. C. Bardo. Con,, A. A. Copeley. 0. G., C. N. Eogers. J. G., Fred Mider. 62 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. E. S. N.G., H.O. Abell. L. S. N. G., Arthur Meyers. E S. V. G., Lindsey Fowler. L. S. V G., Ray Lamont. E. S. S., Herman Cook. L. S. S., Joseph Baker. Chaplain, E. B. Doolittle. P. G., J. H.Dana. List of present Members: Jay C, Bardo George Wise W. G. Mandeville F. S. Andrus W. J. Allen ^W. D. Austin W. C. Ager J. M. Arthur H. C. Abell A. B. Baker F. L. Bostwick Christopher Bardo Arthur Brooks G. H. Bailey. F. E. Breen Joseph Baker C. E. Burdick P. J. Belnois F. E. Brahmer 'Charles Bowman A. A. Benedict Frank Bowman G. H. Boyle W. Blade M. W. Boohall D. Bishop F. A. Crane E. Cappleman Charles Cone Jay Cross A. Cone D. Conkey K. Conkey C. L. Campbell H. N. Cook A. A. Copeley Adam Close G. W. Cook A. S. Dano W. S. Davis J. H. Dana J P. Dunnigan J. N. Day H. B- Dean L. H. Day E. B. Doolittle W. H. Egleton William Evans William Elliott C. G. Elliott A. D. Foot E. E. Flood TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWTILLE. 63 'C. B. Austin W. H. Fitch F. W. Fitch L. D. Fowler S. P. Garnsey George Grinnell J. Goutremont Alfred Gasser A. H. Gebbie T. B. Gasser John Gasser Adam House Oeorge Harringer G, O. Jeffers T. D. Kacison Joseph Kaiser Edward Kaiser Samuel Kaiser W. J. Lennox D. G. Labell Hay Lament Samuel Loiselle •G. H. Littlefield ■0. G. Long L. P. Labelle J. Marshall 0. Dix Mitchell B. J. Mider J. E. Marmon Fay Morse F. C. Morse W. R: Muhlberger Fred Mider A. 0. Meyers >C. McCormick William Oliver John Orr C.F. Pitcher E. A. Puffer W. F. Patten A. D. Puflfer A. F. Reibemiacht 0. A. Rumble Benjamin Roth Frank Ramsey H. A. Ross Henry Rogers Fred Rogers C.N. Rogers W. Stephenson G. W. Shepard William Smith W . C . Spencer B. Schults L. SHter B. L. Schermerhorn H. B. Sypher B. H. Stell C. H. Stell J. A. Taylor Hiram Townsend J. S. Tardy H. p. Thorntum F. Tisse Mark Vebber F. VanAntwerp G. N. Worden M. L. Webster J. N. Wilson N. G. Willoughby F. E. Walker Leroy Wilder 64 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. L. Harry West F. J. Chapman William Wilcox Charles E. Searls George B. Wilder G. S. Hubbard C. N. Wright Irving Patmore Joseph Yandeau Louis Minor Henry Zecher Waite J. Stoddard L. p. Zecher Charles Eyan C 0. Hess William C. Garrett G. H. Strife J. J. Donnelly William Williams. This organization occupies as its lodge rooms. Ruscoe Hall . The lodge is in flourishing condition and has spent about eleven hundred dollars in re-- pairing, arranging and decorating the hall, which, is now one of the finest suits of rooms for lodge- purposes in Northern New York. LOWVILLE TENT^ No. 589, K. O. T. M. The Present officers are as follows : Past Commander, Charles M, O'Donoghue. Commander, Louis Bush. Lieutenant Commander, Leon Duflo. Eecord Keeper, J. F. Kohler- Finance Keeper, A. W. VanArnam. Chaplain, M. L. Bacon. Physician, L. W- King. Sergeant, E. Pitcher. IstM. of G., W. A Boyd. 2dM. of G., W. H. Coyle. M. at A., F. W. Henry. Sentinel, Allen Duflo. Picket, F. E. Cummins. Board of Trustees, Eugene Pitcher, L. W. King, F. Mundshank. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 65 Relief Committee, W. H. Coyle, W. A. Boyd, 0. E. Adams. Organized February 14th, 1899, by" Deputy E. P. Bacon. There were 16 charter members. Joseph Gerow was the first commander. List of present members: Oren E. Adams Thomas Barrett F. G. Barrett Frank Bloseur M. L. Bacon Louis Bush Sylvester Borselh Robert Barrett Frank Bosworth W. A. Boyd Albert Bassett William Barlow F. 0. Bux H. M. Beach William Bush James Cannan F. E. Cummins L. Cunningham Daniel Cannan J. T. Cannan, Jr. C M. Clock W. H. Coyle H. B. Dean Eugene Dorr Ed. Doody AUen Duflo Leon Duflo Joseph Emmery R. E. Foote George A. Ford W. F. Garrett E. A. Gerard Calvm C. Hess Ed. D. HaU Peter Hammond Thomas 0. Henry Charles M. Henry P. W. Henry W. 0. Hubbard P. N. Hunt A. H. Ide C. L. Jacques George 0. JefEers L. W. King J. H. Kennedy J. F. Kohler William Keagan William Kime Daniel Kelley Joseph V. Laundry J. P. Lyng T. W. Lyng George Lanpher C. C. Larquet Louis LaClair George Lombar 66 TOWjr AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. 0. A. Martin George E. Moren Charles E. Moren F. Mundshank D. M. McGrath Frank Moselle ' John B. Morse George Morse Frank Meyers M. Maloney Nicholas Mercier George Mattis M. Monroe F. J. Meyers F. G. Niebergall John P. Noon Charles M. O'Donoghue George O'Brien Martin O'Hara Charles Osborne E. H. Eose Fay Kobinson Paul Sunderhaft C. M. Stell Earl Seymour Leon StoweU. M. J. Stewart C. C. Spraker WiDiani Scherer J. T. Tarpy WilUam Tabolt Charles Teabinger A. W. VanArnam A. J. Virkler A. N. Virkler George L. Waters Charles Wakefield G. M. Wantz Frank Waters Joseph Yousey, Jr. Eugene Pitcher This lodge is said to be free from debt and in a flourishing condition. INDEPENDENT ORDER GOOD TEMPLARS. This society was organized February 12, 1867. The present officers are: Chief Templar, Mrs. H. H. Brownell. Vice-Templar, H. S. Plopper. Superintendent Juv.Tem., Mrs. Irving Patmore. Secretary, Mrs. A. L. Wideman. Financial Secretary, H. H. Brownell. Treasurer, Emma Fetterly. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 67 Chaplain, Mrs. J. H. King. Marshal, Mrs. L. H. Morton. Deputy Marshal, Bertha Phelps. Guard, Hazel Miller. Sentinel, Daniel Johnson. Past Chief Templar, Mrs. J. N. Forman. Lodge Deputy, Jesse Eoss. The present membership is as follows: Mrs. M. B. O'DonneU Miss Hazel Turner Mrs. J. J. "Wilcox Mrs. Julia King Mrs. F. E. MiUer Mrs. H. H. Brown ell Mrs. William Garnsey Mrs. Emily Forman Mrs. J. I. Lewis Mrs. T. H. McHale Mrs. S. J. Billings Miss Emma Fetterly Miss Hazel MiUer Miss Eva Yeandeau Mrs. Emma Mooney Mrs. J. Yaudeau Mrs. L. H. Morton Miss Lucy Farr Miss S. J. AtweU D. D. Foot J. J. Wilcox H. H. Brownell T. H. McHale L, H. Morton A. B. Chafifin H. S. TPlopper John Plopper Jesse Eoss Orin Eoss Eay McHale Joseph Yeandeau Thomas Carey Mrs. F. H. lUingsworth Daniel Johnson Mrs. Charles Moyer Mrs. A. L. Wideman Mrs. Pamelia Hews Mrs. E. Patmore Miss Bertha Phelps Clyde Haliday EusseU Skiff F. H. Illingsworth Wilham Osborn Wilham Wilcox Frank Morton Eegular meeting every Monday evening. Union gospel temperance meetings held every Sunday afternoon. 68 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. COURT LOWVILLE, No. 1639, I. O. F. This Court of Foi'esters was organized Thursday, April 4, 1895, by state organizer W. F. W. Carstairs, and the first meeting was held in G. A. R. hall. The first Chief Ranger was Clark Davenport. The present staff of officers is as follows: M. C. Kelley, Chief Ranger. S. W. Dillon, Vice-Chief Ranger. C. J. Ruprich, Recording Secretary. A. B. Baker, Financial Secretary. Dr. F. A. Crane, Physician and Treasurer. C. A. Jonas, Chaplain. C. A. Jeffers, S. W. F. E. Moren, J. W. Charles Scherer, S. B. G-eorge Kieffer, J. B. The Court at present has 68 members in good standing, of which the following is a list: Charles B. Austin A. C. Davenport Frank S. Andrus S. Dillon William D . Austin H Day Frank L. Bostwick George Crenell E. M. Beckwith L. D. Garnsey A. B. Baker C. A. Garnsey W. R. Babcock S. P. Garnsey Fay Baker Ellis Henry F. H. Brown C. A. Jonas Charles Coone George O. Jeffers A. A Cook Charles A. Jeffers F. A Crane M. Kelley J. CampbeU WiUiam H. Kieb J. J. Donnelly George Kieffer M. M. Dunham S. A. LoiseUe J. H. Dana C. LaRelle TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Pred Lozen Fay Morse E. V. MitcheU William Muhlberger F. C. Moren C. J. Murray C. A. Mider E. W. Mick John Merry Ed. Nevin C. N. Eogers C. J. Euprich F. J. Eamsey H. M. Eohr "William Eamsey Willard Stephenson M. M. Segovis S. S. Stoddard J. Sunderhaft Ira Sharp Charles Scherer Walter Salisbury Adelbert Scherer Eugene Sunderhaft J. Sullivon F. P. VanAntwerp Mark Vebber Fred Van Wagner E. F. Woodward George W. Wise George N Worden George Wider E. H. Wager C. Lederly THE LOWVILLE CLUB. The Lowville Club was organized and incorpor- ated March 27, 1901. Principal office, Lowville, N. Y. Object, the promotion of sociahihty among its members. Leon S. MiUer, President. Howard C. Bingham, Vice-President. Frank S. Stodard, Secretary. ^ Fay 0. Snyder, Treasurer. Amasa S. Stodard, Ira Sharp, Eussell E. Bate- man, Charles D. Moore, Frederick S. Easton, Charles S. Mereness, governors or directors as named in the certificate of organization. This club has a large membership, and has erected a fine brick building on Dayan street, with 70 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. suitable apartments and conveniencies for the pur- poses of the club, nicely furnished. This is one of the most up-to-date club homes in Northern New York. The present membership is as follows: F. A. Crane J. W. Earnshaw G-eorge S. Curtis E. E. Fowler C. F. Boshart Harry W Cox The l,owville Clubhouse. Charles M. Barrett Charles E. Boshart A. L. Clark Earl A. Bingham C. K. Doig A. W. Davenport F. S. Easton F. E. Brahmer Leroy Crawford James T. Campbell W. C Conover A. H. Crosby F. C. Doig L. C. Davenport TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILEE. 71 John Dale G. E. Easton D. A. Fitch P. S. Fowler W. E. Fitch L. D. Fowler W. J. Graham John Gleason John E. Haberer M. W. Holt J. Z. Hunt A. M, Johnson Q-. W. Henderson G. H. P. Gould James T. Galvin C. L. Knapp C. E. Douglass Charles Fenton John Gasser A. E. Gebbie B. T. Hunt D. H. HaU George D. Jackson E. E. Gebbie 0. P. Hedden Harry P. Gould W. H. Greeley W. A. Kelly L. W. King W. J. Lennox Charles P. Leonard Charles S. Mereness J. D. Moore L. S. Miller Frank McGovern J. E. March M. E. Lefevre Peter McGovern C. Dix Mitchell Eoderick McEea L. E. Keller C. G. Long W. J. MiUigan CD. Moore F. D. Moore E. S. K. MerreU B. B. Miller James P Lewis H. J. Lefevre J. E. Lewis G. P. Kirley Charles S. Mereness, Jr. William P. Oliver W. H. Perry E. J. Phillips M. A. Phillips James Nef sey S. D. Neviu E. J. Eichardson F. H. Ealsten F. S. Stoddard H. W. Slack Miller G. Sherwood L. G. Seaver C. C. Owens C. E. Pelton H. A. Phillips L. B. Parker 72 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. G. M. Parker George S. Phillips S. B. Richardson H. A. Reese A. S. Stoddard George Sherwood Fay 0. Snyder F. C. Schraub Ira Sharp Charles R. Scott Charles E. Searls Charles Steinhilber B. L. Schermerhorn Henry E. Turner' R. A. VanNamee John F. Waters D. 0. West E. E. Williams Henry F. Weber L. H. Stephens L. H. Stiles M< J. Sackett George S. Reed J. S. Tardy M. W. VanAmber Jacob VanWoert V. L. Waters J. H. Wood M. A. Webster Harry W. Bostwick TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 73 ADIRONDACK WATER WORKS. The Adirondack Waterworks system is one of "the best in the state. It was built in the year 1894 by the village of Lowville. The water is supplied ' by a gravity system from springs issuing from the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains, nine miles from and 287 feet above the village. There are^ reservoirs capable of holding 2,090,000 gallons of water — the collecting reservoir at the springs, 90,- 000; and a storage reservoir one-half mile north of of the village, located on a hill and used for fire pur- poses only, 2,000,000 gallons, affording an excellent supply by gravity when needed for fire purposes. The fiscal, year ends May 1. There are about twenty miles of mains and 644 taps made by the village. The taps are made for $8, including service to curb. The conducting pipes are of galvanized iron, paid for from the curb by the consumer. The main hne crosses and comes through under Black Eiver about a mile and one-half from the village. The works are controlled and repaired by the village. The use of meters may be compelled, any consumer may have one, and they are compul- sory for public buildings. There are 86 hydrants for fire purposes. The average daily consumption is about 250,000 gallons — maximum 300,000 and minimum 200,000 gallons. The ordinary pressure is 125 pounds. The original cost of the system was $104,687.53?! 74 TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. Bonded debt, $98,000 at 3i per cent, interest. The^ receipts for the last year were $6,608.87. The- bonded debt has already been reduced to $94,000, from the net receipts. It is said that at the pres- ent rate the system wiU be paid for in about twenty- five years — that the system will not only pay for- itself, but that it will bring in a large income to the village which may be used for public improve- ments. The water is soft, cold, pure and healthy, and all LowviUe people are joyous over the use of a cold, pure spring water, that is excellent not only for drinking and general household uses, but for culinary and laundry purposes as well. The system is managed by a water commission consisting of three commissioners. The present commissioners are, James T. Campbell, W. T.. Bush and C P. Leonard. The system is superin- tended by D. E. Jones, who has held the position from the time of its construction down to the pres- ent time He receives a salary of $600 per year. Summary of original cost: Eeal estate , $ 1,206 70- Construction, main works .*. . 98,430 28 Eeservoir ; 5,051 55 Total cost $104,687 53 THE NEW TOWN HALL. This building was built at the expense of the- town by virtue of a special act of the legislature; and a large majority vote of the electors of the town, in 1899, at a cost of about $25,000. By vir- tue of said act of the legislature the management. 'Y6 TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. was vested in the town board, consisting of Ira Sharp, supervisor, W. H. Egleton, Jay C. Bardo, L. B. Searls and Frank E. Groodell, justices of the peace, and a committee consisting of George Sher- wood, Charles S Mereness, E. S. K Merrell, Eugene Arthur and Julian H. Wood. ! The building is constructed so as to be used for town hall and opera house purposes. It is said to be one of the best opera houses in this section of rthe country. It has a seating capacity of about —1,000. It is built of brick of various colors. The , scenery and stage are fine, and has grand electric illumination. It is in the interior one of the most beautifully finished buildings in Northern New York, and furnishes a place for fun, entertainment, pleasure and instruction TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. 77 John E. Haberer's Furniture Manufactory. John E. Haberer is an old resident, who has grown up with the town and is a manufacturer of household furniture on a large scale. He and his brother George commenced in the furniture busi- ness in 1876 on Valley street, where John Conover used to do business on a small scale, John was then only about nineteen years of age. At that- time they employed three or four men. By hard work and close attention to business their trade increased until they built a small sh op or factory on Trinity avenue, where the factory now is. They carried on the business together successfully, adding to it from year to year until 1891, at which time John bought the interest of his brother George. Since that time he has owned and conducted the business individually. He has added to the plant new and modern machinery and foi: several years has furnished employment for about one hundred men and pays out to them annually for their ser- vices about $35,000, and in addition to this he pays out about $80,000 annually for lumber and material, making his annual pay-roll about $65,000. John E. Haberer and his business are a fair indica- tion of what an energetic young man of steady habits with close attention to business may ac- complish. The Iron Foundry and Machine Shop. This establishment, situated on Valley street, ini this village, was firt-t built in 1863 by John Pfister and C. C. Eichter, and was for a time owned and conducted by them; afterwards by John Pfister and. GrifiSth Powell; then by John Pfister until he sold, (S TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. out to Jospph L. Hewes and Joha F. Horton, who afterwards sold an interest to Gilbert A. Blackmon, who together conducted the business under the name "Lowville Iron Works Company." This company sold to a corporation duly organized under the name of "Lowville Iron Works," composed of Alexander E. Gebbie, John T. Hoitcn, Alexander E. Gebbie and Stephen D. Nevin. This corporation sold to Stephen D. Nevin, who conducted tiae busi- ness under the name of 'The Nevin Iron Works" until March, 1902, when the buildings and contents were burned to the ground. LaFayette Wetmore has since purchased an inter- est in the business and it is novv conducted under the "firm name of Nevin & Wetmoie. A new site has been purchased by the company on the east side of "the railroad adjoining the tracks, and it is now -erecting a building larger than ever before. New machinery is being put in. Two electric motors will furnish the power. The buildings and tracks are to be so constructed that castings and machine- ry can be loaded direct from the foundry on to the cars. The company expect to do a large business in the manufacture of wood pulp machinery, cen- "trifugal pumps, Deer River plows, general foundry and machine shop work. The Asbestos Burial Casket Co. This is a corporation organized October 13, 1885, for the manufacture and sale of burial cases for hu- man interment and other busin^^ss connected there- with. The capital stock is $25,000, divided into 500 shares of §50 each. The corporation is to continue for twenty-five years. The business to be carried on at Lowville, N. Y. The incorporators were: A. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 79 S. Stoddard, W. R. Fitch, F. S. Easton, 0. D. Man- Tille, J. F. Campbell and J. C. House. The pres- ent officers of the company are as follows: W. R. Fitch, president; J. T. Campbell, vice-president; A. S. Stoddard, secretary and treasurer. Directors: Warren R. Fitch, Amasa S. Stoddard, Frank C. Doig, Frederick S. Easton, James T. Campbell, C. R. Blodgett, George D. Jackson, R. J. Richardson, V. Lansing Waters, George W Fowler, Frank S. Stoddard. This company has a fine plant, employs about forty-five hands and does a large and prosperous business. The Lowville Lumber & rianufacturing Co. This is a corporation and is successor to "The Lowville Planing Mill and Sash, Door and Blind Factory," owned by Charles M. Moore, Frank D. Moore, John D. Moore and Lewis A. Scott, successors to M. D. Moore's Sons, who were successors to M. D. Moore & Sons. The Lowville Lumber & Manufac- turing Co. was organized October 19, 1899. The business is now carried on by D CHnton West, the secretary, treasurer and manager . The chief busi- ness of the company is the manufacture of sash, doors, blinds, inside finishings and plumbers' cabinet ware. The company is doing a large and prosper- ous business. Wetmore Electric Company. This is a corporation organized August 18, 1898, for the purpose of generating, furnishing and using electricity for heat, light and power purposes. Capital stock $40,000, in 400 shares of $100 each. 80 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. The existence to be fifty years. The directors for the first year were: Oliver P. Hedden, Jacob Strife, Thomas Glenn, George W. Palmer. The present officers are: LaFayette Wetmore, president; Chris- tina Strife, vice-president; Charles D. Moore, secre- tary and treasurer. Directors: O. P. Hedden, Christina Strife, LaFayette Wetmore and Charles D. Moore. The power house and generating plant is located at Belfort, where the company has a fine water power. Present capacity 333 horse-power, so ar- ranged that with an expense of about $25,000 more the power can be increased to 1000 horse-power. It is said this will be done in the near future and the power so increased. The company is now fur- nishing 40 arc lights for the village and about 5,000 incandescent lights for its inhabitants. The com- pany also furnishes power for manufacturing pur- poses, and it seems to be generally conceded that this power will be used much for manufacturing purposes and will do much toward building up Lowville. This company bought out and succeeded the Low- ville Electric Light and power company. The W. Q. Conover Canning Factory. This canning factory was built in the spring of 1901, by W. G. Conover, the citizens of Lowville subscribing $5,000 to procure the factory at this place. It is claimed that this factory has a capacity of 36,000 cans per day when run at full capacity. The plant is large and expensive and during the canning season furnishes employment for many hands. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 81 The Lowville Milk and Cream Company. This is a corporation organized November 19, 1901, by Hanford I. Sherwood, 0. Fred Boshart, Loreni H. Stephens and John Moore. The directors are: Hanford I. Sherwood, C. Fred Boshart, Loren H . Stephens, John D . Moore, George W. Stoddard, Michael Feisthamel and James T. Campbell, all of Lowville. The share holders and number of shares held by them respectively at the time of incorporation were as follows: Hanford I. Sherwood 53. C. Fred Boshart 10, George W Stoddard 15, Michael Feis- thamel 5, James T. Campbell 5, William L. Bab- cock 2, Ira Austin I. Frank E. Boshart 20. William Crumb 10, Charles E. Boshart 1. Michael Farney 1, William Wentworth 10, Jonathan N. Pelton 5, William H. Peters 1, John Mott 2, Albert C. Bos- hart 20, Charles D. Boshart 30, Ernest A. Agens 5, Fred R Wynn 3, Henry Green 5, Edward E. Wil- liams 1, Leonard C. Rice 5, Howard B. Archer 1, Perry D. W-ller 3, Philip Rice 5, Sarah J. Mac- oinber 2, Joseph J. Virkler 2, William Archer 10, Samu4 N. Rossi 10, E. W. Jones 1, John BoUiver 3, Fred Ro|iers 1, John W. Jones 1, William Hols- worth .5, Sarah C. Abe'l 1, Frank W. Arthur 1, John M. Arthur 1, Fred J. Arthur 1, R. Kent Stevens 2, Charles L. Knapp 5, Ad'lph Meyer 1, Charles E. Pelton 5, E C. Shumway 1, Allen Jones 1, Howard D. R'vss 1, Charles Dreyfus 15, John D. Moore 1, Loren H. Stephens 5, Michael Lolier 1, E. A. Arthur 5. The capital stock as named in the certificate of incorporation is $5,000, divided into shares of $10 each. The stock is taken by farmers in and about Lowville. This corporation seems to be popular with farmers and furnishes them a place to dispose of their milk at a fair price. The buildings are now being enlarged and the capacity increased. >« o o Sir Ki. 13 to o » Co ? TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 83 OFFICERS OF THE VILLAGE. The election to ascertain whether or not the teri- tory now covered by the village should be incorpor- ,ated was held' June 19, 1854. The whole number of votes cast at the election was 142, of which 109 were for and 33 against. Lewis Stephens, Jared House and C. M. Stephens were the inspectors of election. The first election of village officers was held Au- gust 1, 1854. At this election the following officers were elected: Joseph A. WiUard, Nathaniel B. Sylvester, Albert G. Dayan, Snell B. Batcheler and George W. Fowler, trustees; Charles M. Stevens, Charles P. Leonard and Jacob J. Cook, assessors; Francis W. WiUard, treasurer; Loren M. Brown, coUector; Henry D. Plopper, pound- master; J. C. Easton, clerk. The first meeting of the board of trustees wg-s held August 3, 1854. Thereafter elections were held on the following dates and the following named persons were elected for the respective named offices, except that for some time the village clerk has b^en appointed by the board of trustees instead of being elected at the annual election: March 6, 1855.— Joseph A. WiUard, Albert Buel, Ziba Knox, N. B. Sylvester and Charles P. Leon- ard, trustees; J. C. Easton, clerk; Edward H. Bush, treasurer; F. W. ^illard, Chauncey W. Crouch and Solomon Phelps, assessors; James T. Henry, coUector. March 4, 1856-— J. A. WiUard, N. B. Sylvester, 84 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Charles P. Leonard, Z. Knox and L. 0. Davenport, trustees. No record of election for 1857. Wtn. W. Day, clerk. April 27, 1858.— N. B. Sylvester, George W. Stephens, Wm. W. Hill, John Doig and Moses M. Smith, trustees. No record of election for 1859. March 6, 1860. — John Doig, Rutson Rea, George W. Stephens, John O'Donnell and Henry E. Tur- ner, trustees; J. B. Visscher,' clerk; Calvin Lewis, treasurer. March 5, 1861. — John Doig, Rutson Rea, George W. Stephens, John O'Donnell and Henry E. Tur- ner, trustees; J. B. Visscher, clerk; Calvin Lewis, treasurer. March 4, 1862. — John Doig, James L. Leonard, Rutson Rea, Moses M. Smith and Leonard C. Davenport, trustees; George S. Case, Clerk; Calvin Lewis, treasurer. March 3, 1863.— Sherman PhiUips, E. H. Reed, John Doig, John O'Donnell and K. Collins Kellogg, trustees; C. Fay Willard, clerk; Calvin Lewis, treasurer. March 1, 1864.— L. C. Davenport, K. C. Kel- logg, Hiram Porter, G. W. Fowler, Sherman Phil- lips, A. W. Doig, C. M. Stephens, trustees; M. J. Murray, clerk; Calvin Lewis, treasurer. March 7, 1866.— Charles H, Curtis, Robert P, King, Dewitt C. Finch, Charles D. Adams, Daniel A. Smith, trustees; Rufhs L.. Rogers, clerk; Ed- ward H. Bush, treasurer. March 6,' 1866.— C. E. Stevens, George W. Steph- ens, Morris Chase, C. H. Curtis, John Pfister, TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 85 trustees; C. L. Easton, clerk; John Doig, treasurer^ March 6, 1867.— DeWitt 0. West, John Conover, H. Gowdy, DeWitt 0. Finch, G. W. Brooks, trus- tees; C. K. Adams, clerk; John Doig, treasurer. March 3, 1868, — George M. Brooks, Sherman Philips, D. C. Finch, John Conover and John Dence, trustees; Warren L. Scott, clerk; E. H. Bush, treasurer. March 2, 1869.— Henr^ E. Turner, Kobert P. King, Hiram Gowdy, Hiram S. Lanpher, David Campbell, trustees; George Siierwood, clerk; E. H. Bush, treasurer. March 1, 1870. — Leonard C. Davenport, John Pfister, Morris Chase, Cornelius E. Stevens, Daniel. Campbell, trustees; WiUiam W. Dewey, clerk; Ed- ward H. Bush, treasurer. May 7, 1871. — A. M. Searl,"Andrew King, Lewis Campbell, Eutson Rea, J. C. VanBrocklin, trustees; J. G. Marvin, clerk; W. H. Lawton, treasurer. March 19, 1872. — Hiram S. Lanpher, president; D. C. West, James CampbeU, William Lennox, trustees; W. Worth Dewey, clerk; E. H. Bush, treasurer. March 22, 1873. — Hiram Lanpher, president; George W. Fowler, James T. Campbell Ledette A. Bostwick, trustees; William W. Dewey, clerk; Ed- ward H. Bush, treasurer. March 11, 1874. — Ansel Foster, president; James T. CampbeU, Andrew King, John Dence, trustees; W. Worth Dewey, clerk; E. H. Bush, treasurer. March 16, 1875. — Anson M. Searl, president. Earl L. Batcheler, Ledette A. Bostwick, Edwin J. Arthur, trustees; W. Worth Dewey, clerk; E. H. Bush, treasurer. 86 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. March 21, 1876. — Amos S. Stoddard, president; James T. Campbell, trustee for two years; W. Worth Dewey, clerk; Edward H. Bush, treasurer. March 20, 1877. — Horace Bush, President; Geo. W. Stevens, A. S. Stoddard, trustees for two years; Edward H. Bush, treasurer; W. Worth Dewey, ap- pointed clerk. March 19, 1878. — Horape Bush, president; J. T. Campbell, trustee; L. A. Bostwick, treasurer; Fred C. Schraub, appointed clerk. March 18, 1879. — Amasa S. Stoddard, president; George W. Stephens, WiUiam Eogers, trustees; A. M. Lanpher, treasurer; Fred C. Schraub, clerk. March 16, 1880. — Amasa S. Stoddard, president; George W. Stephens, William P. Eogers, James T. Campbell, trustees; A. M.^ Lanpher, treasurer; Fred C. Schraub, clerk. March 15, 1881. — Amasa S. Stoddard, president; James T. Campbell, Frank C. Doig, Ledette A. Bostwick, trustees; A. M. Lanpher, treasurer; Fred C. Schraub, clerk. March 21, 1882. — Amasa S. Stoddard, president; Frank C. Doig, Ledette A. Bostwick, James T. Campbell, trustees; A. M. Lanpher, treasurer; Fred C. Schraub, clerk. March 20, 1883. — Ledette A. Bostwick, president; James T. Campbell, Edward H. Bush, Farnam J. Bowen, trustees; A. M. Lanpher, treasurer; Fred C. Schraub, clerk. March 18, 1884. — EutsonEea, president; Edward H. Bush, Farnam J. Bowen, WiUiam H. Smith, trustees; A. M. Lanpher, treasurer; Fred C. Schraub, clerk. March 17, 1886 — Nicholas Boshart, president; TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 87 William H. Smith, Thomas B. Phelps, John E. Haberer, trustees; A. M. Lanpher, treasurer; Fred C. Schraub, clerk. March 16, 1886. — Nicholas Boshart, president; Thomas B. Phelps, John E. Haberer, James T. Campbell, trustees; A. M. Lanpher treasurer; Fred C. Schraub, clerk. March 15, 1887. — Lewis A. Scott, president; James T. Campbell, Loren H. Stevens, William Morse, trustees; A. M. Lanpher, treasurer; Fred C. Schraub, clerk. March 20, 1888. — William Lennox, president; James T. Campbell, Loren H. Stephens, William Morse, trustees; A. M. Lanpher, treasurer; Fred C. Schraub, clerk. March 19, 1889. — William Lennox, president; James T. CampbeU, Loren H. Stephens, Eugene Arthur, trustees; A. M. Lanpher, treasurer; Fred C. Schraub, clerk. March 18, 1890. — S. Brown Richardson, president; Loren H. Stephen'^, Eugene Arthur, George J. Ha- berer, trustees, Edwin J. Arthur, treasurer; Fred O. Schraub, clerk. March 17, 1891 — S. Brown Eichardson, president; Loren H. Stephens, Eugene Arthur, George J. Ha- berer, trustees; Edwin J. Arthur, treasurer; Fred C. Schraub, clerk. March 15, 1892. — S.Brown Eichardson, president; Loren H. Stephens, Eugene Arthur, Peter McGov- ern, trustees; Edwin J. Arthur, treasurer; Fred C. Schraub, clerk. March 21, 1893. — S- Brown Richardson, president; Loren H. Stephens, Eugene Arthur, Peter McGov- ern, trustees; Edwin J. Arthur, treasurer; William H. Egleton, clerk. 88 TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. March 20, 1894.-8. Brown Eichardson, president; Eugene Arthur, Loreu H. Stephens, Peter McGov- ern, trustees; Edwin J. Arthur, treasurer; William H. Egleton, clerk. March 19, 1895. — S Brown Richardson, president; Eugene Arthur, Peter McGovern, Loren H. Steph- ens, trustees; Warren R. Fitch, treasurer; William H. Egleton, clerk. March 17, 1896. — Eugene Arthur, president; Loren H. Stephens, Peter McGovern, Leland B. Searl, trilstees; Warren R. Fitch, treasurer; William H. Egleton, clerk. March 16, 1897. — Eugene Arthur, president; Loren H. Stephens, Peter McGovern, Leland B. Searl, trustees . March 15, 1898.— Frederick A. Crane, president; John E. Haberer, Philip S. Fowler, Russel E Bate- man, Henry F. Weber, trustees; Oliver P. Hedden, treasurer; L. C. Davenport, clerk. March 21, 1S99.— Frederick A. Crane, president; Russel E Bdteman, Henry F. Weber, trustees; Frank S. Stoddard, treasurer; L. C. Davenpoit, clerk. March 2o, 1900.— John E. Haberer, president; Barnum L. Schermerhorn, Leon S. Miller, trustees; Frank S. Stoddard, treasurer; L. C. Davenport, clerk. March 19,, 1901.— John E. Haberer, president. George 0. Jefifers, DeWitt C. West, tru'^tees; 0. Dix Mitchell, treasurer; L. C. Davenport, Clerk. March 18, 1902 —John E. Haberer, president; Leon S. Miller, Barnum L. Schermerhorn, trustees; C Dix Mitchell, treasurer; L. Charles Davenport, clerk. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 89 Daniel P. Sullivan, Michael Feisfhamel, John Moren and others have been appointed and served as street commissioners, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Moren having served much in that capacity. From the time of the incorporation of the village down to the year 1872, the president of the village was appointed by the board of trustees, the appoint- ment being made from one of their member. VILLAGE BOARD OF HEALTH. The village board of health is composed of the following officers: Hfc>nry 0. Norcham, C. Edward Springstein aiid Ferdinand L. Tedmon. Dr. F. A. Crane, health officer. TOWN BOARD OF HEALTH. The town board of health is composed of the town board of the town of Lowville and William T. Bush. 90 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. LOWVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Lowville has a good Fire Department, consisting of two companies, viz: Active Hose Company No. 1, and Hook and Ladder Company No. 1. It has a good brick Engine House on Dayan street and a general outfit for fighting fires. The Department officers are Chief Engineer, George Sherwood ; First Assistant Engineer, Thad- deus Sutphen; Second Assistant Engineer, Louis E. Babcock; Secretary, Thomas Lyng; Treasurer and Collector, Howard C. Bingham. Officers aad Members of Active Hose Co. No. 1 : C. E. Pelton, President; L. S. Miller, Vice President;. G. D. Jackson, Secretary; D. D. Bronson, Treas- urer; D. E. Jones, Foreman; F, C. Snyder, Assistant Foreman; H. C. Bingham, Warden; L. G. Seaver, Warden; T. B. Fowler. Commissary; George Sher- wood, L. A. Bostwick, L. H. Stephens, J. D. Moore, F. D. Moore, C. K. Doig, P. S. Fowler, E. E. Fowler, W. D. Hesler, G. R. Easton, C. D. Mitchell, John Mitchell, G. 0. Jefifers, C. 0. Salisbury, A. R. Brooks, M. E. Fitch, Miller G. Sherwood, Albert A. Copeley, D. C. West, Louis E. Babcock. In all 30 members. Members of Mechanic's Hook and Ladder Com- pany No. 1 : A. A. Cook, President; H. Brownell, Secretary; Howard Fames, Treasurer; E. E. Flood, Foreman; E. J. Smith, Jr., Assistant Foreman;. Thomas Lyng and Chris. Stell, Wardens; Charles Garnsey, Charles H. Ryan, Nicholas Hewitt, W. H. Kieb, W. D. Parker, F. M. Kieb, Fred Van Wagner, Fred Goutremout, Frank Alexander, Louis Bush, James Thomas, Thaddeus B. Sutphen, making 19- members. Lowville, Its People and Environment. The pioneers of Lowville were a sturdy, earnest yeomanry with a high sense of duty and honor. They set their mark as high in the world as their means and circumstances would permit. They founded churches and schools, and provided for- law and order. They arranged for the higher edu- cation of the young by founding Lowville- Academy, which has become a noted institution of learning wherein not only students of Lowville and vicinity are educated, but students from the several states of the Union and from foreign countries are educated as well. It has educated and sent forth into the world strong men of noble minds who have occupied high positions in the front ranks among their fellow men. They laid the foundation for- the present society, civilization and culture of the people of Lowville, and it is fair to say that no- town in Northern New York of the age and num- ber of inhabitants of this village contains better schools, churches and society, or stands higher in education, culture and ethics. The village of Lowville is situated in the Black Eiver Valley with a long range of highlands ex- tending north and south on the westerly side, called Tug Hill. The Adirondack Mountains on the east side, with high land both north and south. One can stand on the westerly side of the town and ob- ■93 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLB. tain a grand view of the surrounding country, looking over the village of Lowville, Black River and Black River Valley to the Adirondack Moun- tains, looking upon seven different towns from where they stand, across the Utica & Black River railroad, now leased and operated by the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Company, running through the easterly side of the village, with its locomotives and trains of cars passing and repassing. Still easterly and this side of the moun- tains one may see Black River with its steamboats ■ and tugboats passing and repassing while towing the canal boats on the river between Lyons FaUs and Carthage. The smoke and steam from the manufacturing establishments located on the easterly side of the village of LowviUe, and the several villages in the distance with their church spires pointing toward Heaven, lend enchantment to the scenery. At Chases Lake and in the Adi- rondack forest far distant in the east, the Low- viUe people as well as many others are prone to wander during the fishing, hunting and recreation seasons among the beautiful lakes, streams, moun- tains and forest in search of pleasure, wild deer and the speckled beauties, and it may be said that many of them return refreshed in health and spirit, with an abundant supply of the game sought. These people thus enjoy a vacation in the balmy sweetness and refreshment of the wild forest mountains and lakes, and return to LowviUe with renewed life and energy, to resume the •duties, responsibilities and perplexities of life. ' The view above described is grand and ennobling. It inspires one with the magnitude and grandure of TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 93 nature, the wonderful and awe-inspiring works of God. Lowville is the county seat of Lewis County, and being situated mainly in the Black River Val- ley, is one of the richest, most fertile and progressive farming regions in Northern New York. Sur- rounded on aU sides by an excellent farming and- dairy country, the chief occupation of the farmers, is the manufacture of butter and cheese, and the production of large quantities of milk for "shipment to New York and other places. The dairy products manufactured here rank among the best in the state. Large quantities of hay, grain and potatoes are also, raised for shipment. Many ■ of the farmers own fine farms that are weU culti- vated and have good house and farm buildir^gs, and some possess very large and expensive modern - barns. The village of Lowville being situated on thQ low land east of the Tug HiU Eange, but high above the Black Eiver Valley, is shielded from wijid and- storm by the highlands on the north, west and, south. It has pure air and is a very healthy place- in which to reside. It has many fine residences, good business blocks, manufacturing establish- ments, and includes among its residents many peo- ple of wealth and refinement. The lawns and. streets are shaded with a luxuriant growth of maple and elm trees with heavy fohage, the land be- ing very fertile. It is well supplied with churches, pubhc schools and an academy, opera house, club- house and electric lights. It has an excellent sup- ply of Adirondack spring water, pure, soft, cold and healthy, excellent for drinking, cuhnary and gen- •^4 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. eral purposes. A large reservoir is situated on the high land north of the village containing in store a large quantity of this water for protection against fire in case it should be needed, though the supply from the mains is such that the reservoir water is -seldom needed. Fires last but a short time when "the Adirondack water is turned on. There are two excellent National Banks with abundant capital and perfectly secure where those having a surplus of the circulating money medium •of the country may deposit the surplus in safety and sleep nights without fearing that the bank will fail. Forest Park, the place where the Lewis County Fairs are held, contains, including additions pur- chased, about twenty-five acres of land, and is situat- ed in the northeasterly part of the village. This park has fine grounds, a good driving course, base ball grounds, foot ball grounds, etc. A fine view is af- forded from the pai'k across the railroad tracks, Black River and Black River Valley to the Adiron- dack Mountains. From there one may look upon several different towns including a number of vil- lages. It has beautiful elm, maple and beech shade trees with convenient seats intersperced where the weary visitor may rest. There are a large covered grand stand, agricultural buildings, floral -haU, booths, etc., affording a place for picnics, sports races and gatherings of all kinds. LowviUe has one of the best brass bands in Nor- thern New York. It is the pride of the town. Prof. Frank Thompson, the present leader, is an / artist and hustler. There is also an excellent or- 'Chestra. TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. 95 Being the county seat of Lewis County, it of course has the Court House, where the courts are held and Utigants settle their disputes or, have their disputes settled for them, some to their joy and others to their sorrow. It has a county jail, where the law-breaker may be confined, and a county poor house, where the deserving poor and some who are not so deserving are fed and looked after. The village contains five church edifices, some of them have steeples with spires pointing toward Heaven, others have not, the membership perhaps thinking that the distance up does not matter so much as the Heavenly state of the membership. The village also has a modern opera house (called a town hall for the benefit of the taxpayers of the town at whose expense the structure was erected.) The building is finely finished and has all modern improvements, including steam heat, electric hghts, etc. , and has a seating capacity of about one thous- and. The building has rooms for a library, town offices, waiting room, cloak rooms, and rooms for other purposes, and is a place of entertainment and enjoyment for the people. The building is also used for speeches lectures and home entertainments. The LowviUe Club has a large membership, a fine new club house built in modern style with modern conveniences, having suflBcient rooms for the enter- tainment and enjoyment of its members. It has electric lights, steam heat and is nicely finished and furnished making a place that affords much amuse- ment and entertainment for the members. The Wetmore Electric Company furnishes abun- dant electric power for lighting and propelling ma- chinery. 96 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. The mines of Lowville have not been fully de- veloped. Some effort was made in this direction for silver and lead before the advent of a railroad thougk this section, but at that time it did not pay and the work in the mines was, discontinued. With the present railroad facilities no one can teU. what the world's, to-morrow might bring forth in this direetion., The village is well supplied with gristmills, a furniture manufactory, a burial casket manufac- tory, the Nevin & Wetmore iroii, works, a canning factory, a milk and cream . station and many other manufacturing enterprises too numerous to men- tion here. Thus it is seen that Lowville is a good place in which to hve; that God and the people have done much for it and have provided for it those things that promote long life, pleasure, contentment and happiness, inspiring a love of nature and of nature's God, and if good environment make good people LowviUe should stand at the front. Lowville is a growing town, many of the busi- ness blocks, manufacturing establishments, new town hall or opera house, club house and many fine residences having been built within the last few years. And now, with the new electric plant to furnish power for manufacturing purposes, we have no doubt but in the world's to-morrow Low- ville will be greatly built up and its people continue to stand in the front rank as to intelligence, refine- ment, wealth and prosperity. , I V' ' \i ^' ' ii '. r i 'f iw ' r '>■ Lowville Acadeniv — Winter View. »j„^ Jiiiiliirii ^;;^4| Lowville Academy — Spring View. o ^ c3 1: pq o o >-, CD I — I I — I v & O o O o X X Wetmiire Electric Company's Dam and Power- House on Beaver Eiver, where the electricity for lights and power in Lowville is generated. Foi^e Hduse, in the Adirdiulac Tlie lead- iiig- licitel cm the Fulton I'liain, and a. favorite I'esort of many Lovvville pe(_iple. Steam heat and electric hghts, modern ]ilnnd)ing and l>aths. Capacity 2."i(>. For Kates Address Forge House, Old Forge, N. Y. Uj fflp B'^ff'^ ■" n^R' ' 1 ^^ ' 1 l*3^s J/' IW W ^P #i B^^£ -^5 • • y^^^^^ .^?'^ ":^^^ffl . iHHwPSH a a o 3 5 O a HON. HEXRY E. TURNER. For 20 years Lewis County Judge; ll* years Com- mander of CI. D. Bailey Post, No. -Jou, Dept. N. Y., CI. A. R. ; Rege]it of the University of the State of New York since issl; State Senator 187s-7y. Eesidence of John M. Boshart. John M. Boshait's Cigar Manufactory. Eesideuce of Milton W. Holt. County Clerk of Lewis County, and Chairman of the Re- publican County Committee. CHAELES L. KNAPP, Member of Congress, former Consul General to Canada. JOHN E. HABERER, President of tlie Village of Lowville. Residence of John E. Haberer. O aj > M M^ O OJ F^ '^ ffi i * a aj -1^ i^ a =^ cp ^ Tl ^ Vx ^ o 1, a ;-H £ s o ^-h-l rt oi i 9 fl JrJii' CO . a; ,£5 ■3^ fl ■"• m CO Resiile^nce of Charles D. lloore. THE LATE DUANE DOTY FOOTE. [ Duane D. Fuote died Oct. 4, inn^. He was a son of Oapt. Adouiran and Emily Biainard Foote and was ))oiii in the village of ]\Iaitinsl)urg jlay 1 8, l^i'i', and was the tenth of twelve children. He was a a direct descendant of Nathanie IFtjote, who landed at Massachusetts Bay in IGSO. Mr. Foote was ed- ucated in the common schools and at Denmark and Martinsburg academies. Feb. 27, Is-ts, he united in marriage with Miss Margaret Evaiis of New Bremen. In 1^.52, he removed to a farm in Turin, where he remained till isiw;, when he removed to Lowville. He was a conscientious Christian and a great advocate of the temperance cause. He unit- ed with the PresV)yterian church in Is-t:;, and was a leader in that cluuch the remainder of his life. He joined the Washingtonians in is-io, and later the I. 0. G. T. Mr. Foote is survived by his wife, four sons, EUis E., Aldis D., E. B. and John B., and two daughters, Mrs. Florence E. Schoolcraft, and Mrs. John N, Forman Residence of Fred McCuUock, y:)rincipal owner and director of the First National Bank of Low- ville, and owner of building in which it is located. Eesidence of Eugene Arthur. Q f4 a; =4-1 O O CO /■ FEANK C. DOICI, Di'uggist. Eesidence of Frank C. Doig. ALDiS D. F(_)(_)TE, (). P C. G. and Farming Implements ■fl 13 iB -A ''A o CO CD 03 d LUTHER C, EURDICK. Residence of Lntlier C. Burdick. Residence of Martin J. Sackett. Martin J. Sackett was born September 1.",, is:;;:', in the town (if Tnrin. Lewis County, X. Y. His father and mother were CI. S. Sackett and Ehnina Miller Sackett. Mr. Sackett is a descendent of Simon Sackett, who removed from the Isle of Eli, Cambridgeshire. England, about the year Ki^o, with the Puritan emigrants to Cambridge Mass. His son John removed to Westfield, Mass., whei-e are located many of his posterity. G. S. Sackett moved from Westfield to Turin, N. Y., in 1814. Martin J. Sackett was educated at Lowville Academy, and for some years after taught school in Lewis county and on Long Island. In 1861 he bought a farm near Houseville, Lewis county. Since that time he has purchased two large farms adjoining, making in all TOO acres of excellent land. In 1886, he removed with liis family to the village of Lowville, and has purchased the Hiram Lanpher residence where he now resides. John Pfister was liorn in Germany July l"J, isilo, eiui- gi-ated to America in is-t5. He manieil Emily J. Winchel. They have sons, Manford J. and FayB., daughters, Carrie E. Croshyand Minnie (I. Kel- logg. He owned and conduet- ed Fonndry, Machine Sho})! ;,nd Hardware hnsiness. in Lowville, He is a stockholder and vice-})resi(lent in the First National Bank. JOHN PFISTEK. Residence of John Ptister. *4^»*^^>S>»^'*^ »»»<»>»<»*^>» I CLOTHING This store was opened in the spring of | 1 1902. All the stock is new and no shelf- i worn goods are to be fonnd theie. ♦ I A Nice Line of..... I i Up-to-Date Goods I To be sold at a very small margin. My | I expenses are low and the goods go cheafi. O. G. SLITER, 26 SHADY AVENUE. I J. A. Morrison. Levi Seymour. ' Morrison & Sevmour, Manufacturers of 1 Monumental and Cemetery Work i of all kinds in best Foreign and American I GRANITE AND MARBLE, f Lettering, etc., ni the Cemetery Neatly, f Cheaply and Promptly Done. FIRST-CLASS WORK. Opposite Strife House, LOWVILLE, N. Y. -OP THE- TOWN Ai tUGE OF LOWILL Containing the names of all persons 21 years of age or over, and many who are under 21 years of age. POPULATION OP TOWN, 4, 500, POPULATION OF VILLAGE, 3.100, [The residences of the village having been re-numbered recently, some of them now have the new number and some the old. The numbers here given are the new so far as they could be ascertained by the canvasser., otherwise the old ones are given.] Abell, H 0, book-keeper, 350 State street. Abell, Mrs Sarah C, 350 State street. Acer, Miss Susan, domestic, John Ankins, West rd.. Acer, Samuel, laborer, John Ankins, West rd. Adirondack Waterworks ofifice. Engine house, Dayan street, D Edward Jones, Supt. Adams, William E, A M, A B, retired teacher, cor Clinton and No 3 road. Adams, Mrs MeUssa, cor Clinton and No 3 road. Adams, Ofin, cartman, Stowe street. Adams, Mrs Agness, Stowe street. Adams, J Parker, farmer. State road. 130 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Burch &, Barnes, Leading Grocers. A full line of Fancy and Domestic G-roceries, Cbina, Glassware and crockery of a 1 kinds. Largest Store. Best Goods. Lowest Prices. Agens, William E, veterinary surgeon, East road. Agens, Mrs Emma M, East road. Agens, Earnest A, rnerchant, Park avenue. Agens, Mrs Mary, Park ave. Agens, Jewelry store, E A Agens, prop, 168 State. Ager, Henry S, laborer, 51 Eailroad street. Ager, Arthur Eugene, laborer, 51 Railroad street. Ager, Mrs Celia, 51 Eailroad street. Ager, M Lulu, 51 Eailroad street. Ager, Mrs Eose, laundress, 30 Valley street. Ager, WiUiam, machinest, bds Valley street. " Ager, Giles, iron moulder, bds 30 Valley street. Allen, Asenath, 51 Shady avenue. AUen, Henry J, express agent, 143 Park avenue. Allen, Mrs Cora, 143 Park avenue. Allen, Ira W, painter, 16 Sharp street. Allen, Mrs Ann, 16 Sharp street. Allen, Alice E, author, bds 31 Clinton street. AUis, John, 92 Park avenue. AUis, Mrs Laura A, 92 Park ave. Alexander, Frank, casket finisher, 89 Eiver street. Alexander, Mrs Mary, 89 Eiver street. Alexander, Howard E, farmer. West road. Alexander, Mary, West road. The best FOOTWEAR at the Lowest Prices at Brahmer, the Foot-Fitter's. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 131 VISIT LOWVILLE'S BIG DRY GOODS HOUSE For Up-to-date Cloaks, Suits, Waists and I^argest Millinery Department. FRANK H. HEWS, - - STATE STREET. Alexander, Eaymond, farmer, West road. Alderman. Mrs Eose, 36 J]lm street. Allgover,^ugustus, stone mason, 110 Trinity. AUgover, Mrs Mary, 110 Trinity avenue. Alger, Eeuben, gardner, Beaches Bridge road. Alger, Mrs Elmira, Beaches Bridge road. American Express Company, office 33 Shady ave. Andrews, Levi H, gardner, 145 Shady avenue. Andrews, Elida M, 145 Shady avenue. Andrews* Frank, painter, 18 Shady avenue. Andrews, Mrs Augusta, 18 Shady avenue. Andrews, William D, miller, 1 Park ave. Andrews, Mrs Ida, 1 Park avenue. , Anderson, Mrs Fanny, 32 Eiver street. Ankins, John D, farmer, West road, north. Ankins, Mrs Louisa, West road, north. Arthur, Eugene, retired merchant, 61 Shady ave. Arthur, Mrs Flora, 61 Shady avenue. Arthur, Nicholas, E E ticket agent, 163 Shady. Arthur, Mrs Mary, 163 Shady avenue, Arthur, Mildred, 163 Shady avenue. Arthur, Ehzabeth, 18 Shady avenue. , Arthur, Mrs Ella, florist, salesroom 17 Dayan. Arthur, Mrs. Mealus, Bostwick street. THE PLACE ^^ Sporting Go^ The Latest Models iji Winchester Rifles, Dotible and Single Barrel Shot Gri % and Ammunition of All Kinds, at 137 State Street. E. A. DAVIS'. 132 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. THE OLD RELIABLE INSURANCE FIRM OF HEDDEN, MOORE & LEVIS Have Paid to Their Customers for Losses during the past twenty-two years $284,427.18 And are still (urnisliing INSURANCE that INSURES. OFFICE OVER DOIG'S DRUG STORE. Arthur, Fayette, printer, bds Bostwick street. Arthur, Clara, clerk, bds Bostwick street. Arthur, Mrs Mary, 87 Park avenue. ^ Arthur, Charles H, carpenter, 50 Campbell street. Arthur, Mrs EUa, 50 Canjpbell street. Arthur, Eev Horatio, 41 Campbell street. Arthur, Mrs Ehza A, 41 Campbell street. Arthur, Mrs EUa, florist. Valley street. Arthur, Eddie, farmer. No 3 road. Arthur, Mrs Emogene, No 3 road. Arthur, Verna F, teacher. No 3 road. Arthur, Edwin B, farmer. State road. Arthur, Mrs Alice M, State road. Arthur, EusseU, farmer. State road. Arthur, Burton, farmer. State road. Arthur, Fred, farmer, Hamblin Corners road. Arthur, I G May, 89 Park avenue. Arthur, Warren H, lawyer, 89 Park avenue. Archer, Wesley, farmer. East road. Archer, Mrs Roselin, East road. Archer, Darwin, farmer, ,East road. Archer, David, farmer. East road. Archer, Mrs Mary M, East road. Archer, Maud, East road. BUY YOUR HOUDAY GOODS, Toys, Games, Books, Albums, Novelties, Pocket Books and Standard Patterns at Rumble's SupplJ^ House. TOWK AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. 133 '^ ""^ANT A PATENT MEDICINE ."\iw^ BRONSON & SNYDER'S. IF ANYONE IN TOWN HAS IT, THEY HAVE. Ai'cher, Howard, Wilson road. Archer, Viola, Wilson road. Archer, William, fariiier, State road. Archer, WiUiam N, farmer, State road. Archer, Emma T, State road. Archer, Hermon 0, farmer. State road. Archer, Mrs Mary, State road. Asbestos Burial Casket Co, office 23 Shady avenue. Ashback, Eose, 91 South State street. Ashback, Godfrey, laborer, 91 South State street. Atkins, James T, Eiver street. Atkins, Helen B, Eiver street. Austin, Ira, farmer, Eidge road. Austin, Mrs Hannah, Eidge road. Austin, Margaret, bds Eidge road. Austin, F John, farmer, Eidge road. Austin, Mrs Welhemina, Eidge road. Austin, George, grocer, 159 Trinity ave. Austin, Mrs Etta, 159 Trinity avenue. Austin, William D, merchant, 59 Dayan street. Austin, Mrs Catherine, 59 Dayan street. Austin's Meat Market, under 168 State street. Barney, Mrs Jennie L, merchant, 35 Shady ave. Barney, Mrs J L, store 20 Shady avenue. GO TO GRAHAM <& GASSER'S for Dress Goods, Silks, Hosiery, Gloves, Yarns, Rib- bons and Ladle's Muslin Underwear. 134 TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. ^ruggisis and ^harmasists, LOWVILLE, N. Y. Bardo, Jay C, lawyer, office 169 State street. Bowen & Son, produce buyers, Farnara J. Bowen and Jay S. Bowen, props, 29 Dayan street. Barlow, WiUiamH, mer, 121 State, home 117 State. Barlow, Mrs Carrie, 117 State street. Barrett's Jewelry store, FG Barrett, prop, 138 State. Barrett, Mrs Winford, Valley street. Baker, teamster, 43 Bostwick street. Baker, Mrs Clara, 43 Bostwick street. Baker, Adelbert, mechanic, 14 Dewitt street. Baker, Mrs Mary E, 14 Dewitt street. Baker, Joseph, mechanic, 9 Lanpher street. Baker, Mrs Emma, 9 Lanpher street. Baker, Adelbert, laborer, 24 Water street. Baker, Mrs Annie, 24 Water street. Baldwin, John Gr, laborer, 60 Bostwick street. Baldwin, Jessie, 60 Bostwick street. Baldwin, Irving G, clerk, bds 60 Bostwick street. Back, Henry, carpenter, 60 Sharp street. Back, Mrs Mary, 60 Sharp street. Back, W H, horseman, 72 River street. Back, Mrs Effie, 72 Eiver street. Bable, Mrs Anna, 22 Church street. Bable, Mrs Hannah, dressmaker, 108 River street. Burch & Barnes, Leading Grocers. A full line of Fancy and Domestic Sroceries, China, Glassware and Crockery of all kinds. Largest Store. Best Goods. Lowest Prices. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 135 The place to buy your FOOTWEAR is at Brahmer, the Foot-Fitter's. Badlam, Fred, piano tuner, 12 Eailroad street. Badlam, Mrs Lulu, 12 Eailroad street. Barnes, Clinton L, merchant, 65 State street Barnes, Mrs Clara K, 65 State street. Barr, Mrs N E, 6 Elm street. Baptist Church, 212 State street. ^ Bateman, Eussell E, merchant, 15 Chnton street. Bateman, Mrs Fannje, 15 Chnton street. Bateman, Miss Mae E, 16 Clinton street. Bannon, Edward, laborer, 111 Clinton street. Bannon, Mrs Juha, 111 Clinton street. Bartholomew, Mrs NeUie, 32 Chnton street. Barrett, Fred Gr, jeweler, CoUins street. Barrett, Mrs Louisa M, Collins street. Bardo, Christopher', mechanic, 152 Dayan street. Bardo, Mrs Sarah, 152 Dayan street. Bardo, Jay C, attorney, 152 Dayan street. Bardo, Mrs Angehne, 152 Dayan street. Bardo, Ahce, 38 Dayan street. Bardo, Mrs Sarah, nurse, 33 Stowe street. Babcock & Moore, insurance office, 148 State. Babcock, Mrs Kate, Park avenue. Babcock, Louis N, upholsterer, Stowe street. Babcock, Mrs Libbie, Stowe street. THE BUSY DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT — OF LOWVILLE IS THAT OF — n O O Austin's Market. o o o o o o o • • o o • • o • • 1 HEADQUAETERS FOR THE BEST § • • § Fresh and Salt I I MEATS. o 2 • • £ 2 -——^^^^^^^^ * • 2. 2 • h Full line of GINNED GOODS i PIOKLES. • 2. 2 • o — — ^^^— .^_- ^ • 2 2 • g All kinds of Fresh Vegetables at all times f g of the Year. • • • o Oysters and Game in Season. • • o • o • CORNER STATE AND DAYAN STREETS, § • o • LOWVILLE, N. Y. § f ° f o °^ m. m. m.^m. m. m. m. ^ ^ ^ • o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o« •oaoao AoAoaoAn a7 TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. 137 Fop parlor STOVES THE GARNET OAKS Are the Leaders, with the triangular grate for Wood and Coal. Also a fall Jine of Wood Cottages, large and small. 127 State street, £. Am OAVISm ^abcock, Louis E, insurance agt, (Babcock & Moore) 173 Park avenue. BakcQck, Mrs Lou, 173 Park avenue. _Babcack, Williaan S, farmer, East road. JBabcQck, Mrs Minnie, East road. .Baldwin, Jlrwin, laborer, Boulevard, ^arkei;, Horace, shop hand. East road. JBassett, Albert E, farmer, East road. Bassett, Mm Alia M, East road. JBarhex, JVErs Olive, East road, barber, Loren S, farmer, No 3 road. Barber, Mrs,. Plorence, No 3 road. JBarber, Fa;y S, farmer. No 3 road. JBarber, Maria, domestic. State road. .Barber, Emily, farmer, State road. Benton, Loren, cheesemaker. Boulevard. JBenton, Fanny W. housekeeper. Boulevard. .Benton, Eugene, farmer, Boulevard. Benjamin, Francis B, housekpr. Beaches Bridge rd. .Bellinger, James, farmer, Wilson road. Bellinger, Mrs , Wilson road. Beyer, John, farmer, Denmark, .Beyer, Mrs' John, Denmark road. , Bennett, C E, grocer, 91 state street. THE OLD RELIABLE INSURANCE FIRM OF HEDDEN, MOORE & LEVIS .Have Paid to Their Customers for Losses during the past twenty-two years $284,427.18 are still furnishing INSURANCE that INSURES. OFFICE OVER UOIG'S DRUG STORE. 138 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Buy Your WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE, and Get Your Hand-Engraving and Watch Repairing Done at Rumble's Supply House.. Bennett, Charles, teamster, 21 Dewitt street. Bennett, Mrs Lucy, 21 Dewitt street. Bennett, Charles E, merchant, 3 Church street.. Bennett, Mrs Lizzie, 3 Church street. Bennett, Andrew, county home. Berrus, Matthew, farmer, Barnes Corners road. Berrus, Mrs Johanna, Barnes Corners road. Betting's Saloon, 27 State street, Joseph D Betting- prop, residence 2d floor. Betting, Mrs Nelhe, 27 State street, 2d floor. Beckwith, Edward, 71 Dayan street. Beckwith, Mrs Margaret, 71 Dayan street. Benedict, Mrs Kate, 39 Dayan street. Belhngei', Mrs Sarah A, 47 Stowe street. Belhnger, Samuel, traveling canvasser, 47 Stowe st., Bellinger, Lena E, 47 Stowe street., Belhnger, Erwin, 30 Stowe street.. Bellinger, Mrs Dette, 30 Stowe street. Bedell, Mrs J E, wks 124 Dayan street. Bigness, Albert, laborer, 132 Shady avenue.. Bigness, Mrs Deha A, 137 Shady avenue. Bickford, WiUiam, 1 Bostwick street. Bickford, Able C, farmer, West road.' Bission, Moses, laborer. Valley street. '?i^ZL Use Sherwin-Williams Creasote Paint. It's the Best and Cheapest Good Paint Made. Sold by BR0N50N & SNYDER, State St. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 139 Burch & Barnes, Leading Grocers. A full line of Fancy and > omestlc Groceries, China, Glassware and crockery of all kinds. Largest Store, Best Goods. Lowest Pric^s^ Bission, Agelda, Valley street. Birks, C D, miller, 67 Stowe street. Birks, Mrs Margaret, 67 Stowe street. Bishop, Edward, bds Valley street. Bishop, Mrs Laura, bds Valley street. Billings, Mrs Jane, keeps boarders, 12 No 3 road. BilHngs, Earnest H, mechanic, 12 No 3 road. Bier, Mrs Mary, domestic, 111 Dayan street. Bingham, Howard C, marble merchant, 138 Park- Bingham, Earl A, 138 Park avenue. Bingham, Nina M. 138 Park avenue. » Bingham, Charles, poultry raiser, 87 Park avenue.. Blade, Wellington, mechanic, 199 Trinity avenue. Blade, Mrs'Abbie, 199 Trinity avenue. Blade, Joel, woodsman, 7 Water street. Black Eiver Telephone Co, of&ce Euscoe block. Black Eiver National Bank, cor State street and-. Shady avenue. Blackmon, coal office, 148 State street: Blackmon, G A, Merchant, 75 Park avenue. Blackmon, Mrs G A, 75 Park avenue. Bliss Blacksmith Shop, cor State and Water streets,,, Amos Bhss, prop, residence Jeflferson sti-eet. Bliss, Mrs Catherine, Jefferson Street. Stafford's Headache Powders, Sure, Safe and Pleasant, for sale by Horace Bush & Son, Druggists. 140 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLB. Find the address of BRAHMER, THE FOOT- FITTER, and go there and find just what you want in Footwear. He has everything up-to-date. Bliss, Fred, laborer, State road. Bliss, Fred, laborer. State road. Bliss, Mrs Sarah, State road. Bloseur, Frank, sawyer, -iO Forest avenue. Bloseur, Mrs Josephine, 40 Forest avenue. Blodgett, Cordoyan, traveling salesman, 115 Park, Blodgett, Mrs Jennie, 115 Park avenue. Blodgett, Louis, County Home. , Boshart, John M, cigar mfr, Shady avenue. Boshart, Ella P, Shady avenue. Boshart, A C, cigar mfr, Shady avenue. Boshart, Carohne M, Shady avenue. Boshart Produce office, 12 Shady avenue. Boshart, E J, attorney, office 13 Shady avenue. Boshart, Charles D, 318 State street, Boshart, Margaret, 318 State street. Boshart, A G, postmaster, 51 Park avenue. Boshart, Mrs Kate, 51 Park avenue. Boshart, James H, 82 Park avenue. Boshart, Mrs Clara A, 82 Park avenue. Boshart, Edward J, district attorney, No 3 road. Boshart, Mrs Helen, No 3 road. Boshart, Frank E, farmer, Clinton street. Boshart. Mrs Lena, Clinton street. RECORD HARD TO BEAT. °" tlLL^™'^' '" 200,000 rolls — four carloada— enough to reach around this world, and we are reaching the consumers in every state in the Union. Largest As- ,, SORTMENT, Wholesale Prices. FRANK H. HEWS. n^ TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 141 THE LEADING STEEL RANGES ARE THE..... PENINSULAR and NORMAN^ Yoa can always find a large display of them at 127 State Street. ■Roshart, Clinton M, asst postmaster, 40 Dayan. ■ Boshart, Mrs Madge, 40 Dayan street. Boshart, Frank, farmer, Bush road. Boshart, Lillian E, Bush Road. Boshart, C Fred, farmer, State road. Boshart, Mrs Clara, State road. Boshart, Dolly, State road. Bostwick, George W, 137 Park avenue. Bostwick, Mrs Belle E, 137 Park avenue. Bostwick, Harry W, 137, Park avenue. Bostwick Clothing Store, over Stoddard & Bateman's. Bostwick, Ledette, traveling salesman. Trinity ave.. Bostwick, Mrs Mary E, Trinity avenue. , Bostwick, Frank L, merchant tailor, Trinity avenue., Bostwick, Mrs Lulu, Trinity avenue. Bostwick, Charles H, clerk, Triijity avenue. Borden, Mrs Myra, housekeeper, 64 Park avenue.. Bowen & Son, produce buyers, 29 Dayan street. Bowen, Jay S, produce buyer, 93 Dayan street. Bowen, Mrs Georgia, 93 Day street. Bowen, Farnam J, produce buyer, 124 Dayan street.. Bowen, Mrs Sarah M, 124 Dayan street. Boyd, Wallace, mechanic, 11- Bostwick street. Boyd, Mrs Ahce M, 11 Bostwick street. BXJY YOUE. SfECTJLCI^KS I. BBcause they will Fit Better andGost Less Fitted by a Graduate Ontician at Hiim'ble's Siippl3^ 142 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. GRAHAM & GASSBR'S, The Leading Dry Goods, Cloak I Millinery House. S@° ALWAYS UP TO DATE, "m, iBosworth, Frank, teamster, 14 Stewart street. Bosworth, Mrs Delia, 14 Stewart street. Bowdish, Alta, milliner, 61 State street. IBoyle, Mrs Mary, 36 Valley street. 'Bowman, Ira, laborer, Smith Landing road. Bowman, Mrs Mary, Smith Landing road. ]Bowman, Henry, blacksmith. Smith Landing road. Bowman, Charles, mechanic, East road. iBowman, Ida L, East road. Bowman, Matthew, farmer, East road. IBowman, Charles; farmer, Eidge road. IBowman, Mrs Inez, East road. Bowman, Frank, attorney, office Mereness block, residence Trinity avenue. IBowman, Mary, Trinity avenue. Bohall, Monroe, farmer, State road. BohaU. Mrs Lorinda, State road. 'BohaU, Elton, farmer, State road. BohaU, Mrs. Harriet, State road. Bohver, John P, farmer. State road. Boliver, Mrs Catherine, State road. Bruce, E J, Shady avenue. Bruce, Mrs Lucy, Shady avenue. Bruce, Katherine, compositor. Shady avenue. -4. full line of Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Etc., At Horace Bush & Sons. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 143 The Genuine SNAG-PROOF RUBBER BOOTS at BRAHMER, the Foot-Fitter's, the Sole Agent for Lowville Brigham, Mrs Harriet P, 72 Shady avetiue. Bruce, Robert R, blacksmith^ 13 OoUins street. BrucH, Fred, blacksmith, 13 Collins strwet. Bruce, Mrs Mary, 13 Collins streer.. Bradt, Fred, clerk, bdn 6 Park Place. Bradt, William W. farmer, Brady road. Bradt, Mrs Kathmne, Bradt, Henry, farmer, '' Bradt, Ryel, farmer, Hamblia Corners road. Bradt, Mrs Jennie, Hamblin Corners road. Breen, W B, lawyer and publisher, 131 Park avenue. Breen, Mrs Sarah J, 131 P.irk avenue. Breen, Nellie H, 131 Park avenue, Breen, John W, compositor, 131 Park avenue. Breen, William N, 131 Park avenue. Breen, Frank, drives for C P Kirl>.y, 2Y Clinton St. Breen, Mrs Barbara, 27 'lint on street. Brahmer, Frank E, merchant, 164 Park avenue. " Brahraer, John, merchant, 164 Park avenue. Brahmer's boot and shoe store. State street. Bronson & Snyder's drug store, State street. Bronson, Miles H, physician, 238 State street. Bronson, Mrs Mary, 238 State street. Bronson. George, farmer, West road. Bronson, Mrs Ellen, West road. The Best the Market affords in Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, Umbrellas, Muslin ilnderwear, White Goods, Yarns, Flannels, Domestics and Notions, at Frank H. Hews. "^♦■^♦'^♦<«>*«>*<»*«-»«^<»*' ♦**^>*-»*<»*--»*<»*^*^**^ GO TO W. Q. MANDEVILLE'S I For the Very Best and Latest in Photographs and Frames. 4^^^^«^«^^^<8^<»*«>*<$>*<$>*«^«>»«^^<$>^^>4^^^>4^ TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. 145 For GARNET RANGES, the World's Best in all sizes, for Wood or Coal with Duplex or Dock- ash Grates. Call on E. A. DAVIS, 1 27 State St. Bronson, D Dorrance, druggist, Terrace Place. Bronson, Mrs Bessie, Terrace Place. Brady, Eirl J, merchant, 97 State street. Brady, Julia E, 97 State street. Brown, Herbert-, retired farmer, 18 Bostwick street. Brown, Mrs Maggie. 18 Bostwick street. Brown, Fred, laborer, State road. Brown, Mrs Berdell, State road. Brown, Henry W, farmer, West road. Brown, Mrs Myra B, West road. Brown, Leland F, West road. Brown, Mrs Katherine, farmer. East road. Brant, Louisa, 88 State street. Brant, Christopher, carpenter, Woodlawn avenue. Brownell, Henry H, mechanic, 24 No 3 road. BrowufcU, Mrs Anna, 24 No 3 road. Brownell, William, 24 No 3 road. Bramard, Mrs Helen, 83 Dayan street. Browder, Fi'ank, lumberman. Valley street. Browder, Hattie, Valley street. Brainard, Andrew, painter, Stowe street. Brown, Daniel, carpenter, 99 Stowe street. Bradish, Charles W, bee keeper, 'East road. Bradish, Vienna, East road. Bradish, F Francis, clerk, bds East road. Burch & Barnes, Leading Grocers. A full line of Fancy and Domestic Q-rocerles, CMna, Glassware and Crockery of all kinds. Largest Store. Best Goods. Lowest Prices. 146 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. THE OLD RELIABLE INSURANCE FIRM OF HEDDEN, MOORE & LEVIS Have Paid to Their Customers for Losses during the past twenty-two years $284,427.18 And are still furnishing INSURANCE that INSURES. dTriRW OFFICE OVER DOIG'S DRUG STORE. Brooks, Arthur R, cleik, hds Yl Dayan street. Brooks. Geoige M, bds East roaa. Burk, Patrick, county hou?e. Bush, WilHam, saloon keeper, bds Eating house. Bush's Saloon, W F Bush, prop, 194-State street. Bush's Flour snd Feed store, Louis Bush, prop, cor State and Elm streets. Bush's Drug store, Horace and William T Bush, props, 134: State street. Bush, Edward E, 303 State street. Bush, Alice C, 303 State street. Bush, Mrs Mary A, 303 State, street. Bush, William T, merchant, 45 Trinity avenue. Bush, Mrs Harriet B, 4-5 Trinity avenue. Bush, Horace, merchant, 4.5 Trinity avenue. Bush, Ellen P, 45 Trinity avenue. Bush, Mrs George, 62 Dayan street. Bush, Miss Hattie, 62 Dayan street. Burdick, Russell 0, liveryman. Shady avenue. Burdick, Anna, 8hady avenue. Burdick, Luther 0, gen'l raer'h'dise store, 173 State. Burdick, Mrs Sadie, 80 South State street. Burdick, Luther 0, merchant. South State street. Burch & Barnes, grocery store, Irving G, Burch and Clinton L Barnes, props, 136 State street. Buy Your WALL PAPER, TIN and ENAMELED- WARE, RAZORS, POCKET KNIVES, SHEARS, COMBS and BRUSHES at RUMBLE'S SUPPLY HOUSE, STATE STREET. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 147 PUSHING TO THE FRONT-„r„r.'mrt Mail Order businnss on Wall Paper compels us also soon to take up Dry Goods, Cloaks, Suits and Millinery likewise, and as in Wall Paper, will enable us to also handle same on a wholesale basis. EXTREMELY LARGE .SALES, SMALL PROFITS and SALES from EVERYWHERE. FRANK H. HEW^. Burch, Irving G, merchant, 225 State street. Burkhard, C K, saloon keeper, 8 State street. Burkhard, Mrs Anna, 3 State street. Bax, Fred, finisher, Lanpher street. Bux, Mrs Bertha, Lanpher street. Butts, Adalaide, 43 River street. Butts, Perry, 43 River street. Burns, Patrick H, carpenter, 150 Dayan street. Burns, Mrs Catherine, 150 Dayan street. Burns, Miss Lena, milliner, 150 Dayan street. Burns, Miss Nellie, teacher, bds 150 Dayan street. Bullock, William, night watch-police, 23 Cascade ave Bullock, Mts Jennie, 23 Cascade avenue. Bullock, JErma, teacher, bds 23 Cascade avenue . Burke, James, teamster, 20 Valley street. Burke, Mrs Margaret, 20 Valley street. Burke, Maud H, teacher, bds 20 Valley street. Burke, Frank D. cattle buyer. State road. Burke, Minnie E, State road. Buxton, James, farmer. No 3 road. Buxton, Mrs Mary, No 3 road. Burkhart. George, cheesemaker, West road. Buell, George W, farmer. East road. Buell, Mrs Libbie, farmer, East road. Byron, Michael, county home. BRAHflER, the Foot=Fitter, Is Up-to-date in Everything Pertaining to SHOES. rt "Will Pay Tfon to Call on Him.. 148 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. GOTO GRAHAM & GASSER'S for New Styles in FURS. All Grades and Popular Prices. Will Not Be Undersold. Bushnell, Jay, mechanic, 58 Church street. Bushnell, Mrs Anna, 58 Church street. Bateman, Carl H, proprietor Kellogg House. Bateman,'Mrs Jennie, Kellogg House. Bateman, Grace E, KeUogg House. Calahan, Mrs Mary, Dayan street. Calahan, Minnie, Dayan street. Calver, James, farmer, State road. Calver, Mrs Jennie, State road. Calver, Eva, State road. Calver, Mrs Cynthia, farmer, Barnes Corners road. Campbell, G-eorge, machinest, 58 Cascade avenue. Campbell, Mrs Ehzabeth, 58 Cascade avenue. Campbell, James T, contractor, 48 South State St. Campbell, Mrs Carrie, 48 South State street. Campbell, Harry L, bds 48 South State street. Campbell, Ella, 48 South State street. Campbell, Alonzo T, 36 State street. Campbell, Mrs Flora E, 36 State street. Campbell, Louis, blacksmith, Valley street. Campbell, Mrs Minnie J, Valley street. Cannan, John, lumber contractor, 7 Park avenue. Cannan, Mrs Mary, Y Park avenue. Carr, Andrew, teamster, 13 Water street. Roof and Bridge Paint for all structural iron work, roofs, &e. use The Sherwin - Williams Roof and Bridge Paint. Sold by Bronson & Snyder. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 149 Burch & Barnes, Leading Grocers. A full line of Fancy and romestlc Groceries, China, Glassware and Crockery of all kinds. Largest Store, Best Goods. Lowest Prices. Carr, Mrs Emma, 13 Water street. Carroll, Edward L, 8 Elm street. Carroll, Mrs Jane, 8 Elm street. Carroll, Mrs Catherine, Cascade avenue. Carry, Thomas, woodsman. Cascade avenue. Casler, Edward, farmer, Eidge road. Casler, Mrs Minnie, Eidge road. Carter, C D V, printer, office Smily block; home 47 South State street. Carter, Mrs Mary S, 47 South State street. Carter, George W, photographer, studio over 104 State street; home at studio. Carter, Mrs Ida E, over 104 State street. Carter, L H, stone mason, Eiver street. ' Carter, Mrs Francis A, Eiver street. Carter, Mrs Nellie, 47 South State street. Carter, Mattie, teacher, 40 Dayan street. Cairter, Gertrude, clerk, 40 Dayan street. Carter, Fr&nk, 40 Dayan street. Carpenter, Maniie, domestic, 21 Elm street. Cavanaugh, Michael, county home. Chambers, Mrs Mary, 19 Clinton street. Chamberlain, Mrs Susan B, 122 Clinton street. Chamberlain, Walter, stone mason, 122 Clinton. FOR WARM AIR FURNACES, The Otsego with its revepsibie flue draft, and the ICernen with its large fire not and radiator, always gives the best ofsatis- factionm Sold by 127 STATE STREET, - - E. A. DAVISm 0«0«0«7«0«0«0«0*0«0»0«0«0«0«0«0«0«0«0«0*00 m Q o o o o o o Insurance.—^ That Insures. "Yx/ HEN a pi'operty owner decides to ^" insure his buildings, and other ^ tornado or windstorm it is very important g that he secure the best that is offered. The o attention of all property owners in Lewis o County is called to the list of companies o given below that are represented at this o agency : o ^ - gs, and otJaer o ° property, against loss and damage by fire, o /ETNA, of Haftfofd. • BRITISH AMERICA, of Toronto. • COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. % CONTINENTAL, of Now York. g DUTCHESS, of PoughkBBitsie. o GLENS FALL, of Glens Falls. * GERMAN AMERICAN, of New York. * LONDON ASSURANCE, of London. • PHENIX, of Brooklyn. f QUEEN, of New York. • PHILADELPHIA UNDERWRITERS, o § of Philadelnhia. Z • After carefully reading above list of com- • • panies, whose combined NET SUEPLUS, • m over capital and all other liabilities, amounts f % to TWENTY-SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS, • I feel confident that all will agree with me • when I say that I offer the very best insur- • o ance that the market affords. • o Particular attention is given to applica- % o tions for Accident, Plate Glass, Steam g S Boiler, , Tornado and Windstorm, Burglary g • and Employer's Liability Insurance. £ ? • • JULIUS H. WOOD, f • • § General Insurance Agent, Lowville, N. Y. • • • ^_ _ _ — _ r\ O o»o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«ott otto«o« )eo«o«o«o« TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 151 THE ADDRESS OF^-^^:?- BRAHMER, THE FOOT-FITTER, State St., Between the Two Drug Stores. Central Hotel, Wm. Elliott, prop. State street. Champion, Belle, domestic, 289 State street. Chase, Fred, stationary engineer, Morse block. Chase, Mrs Ina E, Morse block. Cheeseman, Aria, millinery parlors, State street. Chubb, Charles, farmer, 41 Valley street. Chubb, Fred, laborer, Eiver road. Chubb, Mrs Mary, Eiver road. Chubb, Edward, farmer, Gardners Corners road. Chubb, Burton D, farmer, Gardners Corners road. Chubb, Mrs Sarah, Gardners Corners road. Church, John, laborer. East road. Church, Mrs Emma, East road. Clark, Charles M, mechanic. East road. Clark, Mrs Florette M, East road. Clark, Harry, farmer, Barnes Corners road. Clark, Mrs Charles, Barnes Corners road. Close, Adam, barber, 139 Shady avenue. Close, Mrs Mary, 139 Shady avenue. Close & Herder's Barber Shop, Ruscoe block. Closs, Warren, farmer, Buell road. Closs, Alice, Buell road. Closter, Mrs Louis, 36 River street. - Olemmens, Edward, laborer, bds Shady avenue. THE OLD RELIABLE INSURANCE FIRM OF HEDDEN, MOORE & LEVIS Have Paid to Their Customers for Losses during the past twenty-two years $284,427.18 And are still furnishing INSURAJSTCE that INSURES. OFFICE OVER DOIG'S DRUG STORE. 152 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. WE ARE ALWAYS BUSY! You are always welcome to this Busy Establishment. Up-to-date Qoods, Large Assortment, Low Prices. fPiiwir n. HEWS. Clemmens, Emma, bds Shady avenue. Coats, Mrs Mira A, 12 Dewitt street. Coats, William R, carpenter, 12 Dewitt street. Coffee, Mrs Kate, 150 Shady avenue. Coffee, James, railroad-hand, 150 Shady avenue. Coffee, James, butcher, bds 150 Shady avenue. Coffee, Edward, boot and shoe shop, Dayan street, bds 150 Shady aventie. Coffee, Helena, dressmaker, bds 150 Shady avenue. Cole, William, farmer, Wilson road. Cole, Mrs Deliah, Wilson road. Collins, Charles, laborer, 152 Shady avenue. CoUins, Mrs Nelhe, 152 Shady avenue. Conover, WiUiam G, prop of Canning factory, 203 State street. Conover, Mrs W G, 203 State' street. Conant, Mrs A R, 43 CampbeU street. Cook, A A, printer, Ehn street. Cook, Mrs Elizabeth, Elm street. Cook, Charles, farm-hand, 215 State street. Cook, Herman, miller, 35 Eailroad street. Cook, Mrs Carrie, 35 Railroad street. Cook, Hu'am, mechanic, 82 South State street. Cook, Mrs Barbara, 82 South State street. Good materials, good men, good grinding, good machinery and good methods are what make The Sherwin-Williams Paint the Best in the World. Sold by Bronson & Snyder. TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. 153 Visit GRAHAM & GASSER'S JR^iilinepy ^ Depaptment For Up-to-date Styles and Popular Prices, largest Stock in Town. Cook, Oscar H, 237 Dayan street- Cook, Ida E, 237 Dayan street. Cook, Frank, machinest, 88 Stowe street. Cook, Mrs Etta, 88 Stowe street. Cook, Charles, farmer, bds 50 Valley street. Cook, George, clerk, bds 50 Valley street. Cook, Nathan, farmer, 50 Valley street. Cook, Mrs Mary, 50 Valley street. Copeley, Albert A, insurance office Easton block: house 16 Stewart street. Copeley, Mrs Mary, 16 stewart street. Cosilmon, George, woodsman, 292 State street. Cosilmon, Mrs Hattie, 292 State street. Courts, N, laborer, 45 Stewart street. Courts, Elizabeth, 45 Stewart street. Court House, next Trinity church, cor of State and Trinity avenue. Coyer, David, teamster, 43 Bostwick street. Cojer, Dell, 43 Bostwick atreet. Coyle, "William H, wagon-maker, 21 Stewart St. Coyle, Mrs Margaret, 21 Stewart street. Crane,, H Louise, clerk, 119 State street. Crane, Frederick A, physician, 112 State, office 114. Crane, Mrs Eliza, 112 State street. BUY - YOUR - MUSICAL - GOODS : Violins, Banjos, Guitars, Mandolins, Acordions and Harmonicas. String and Sheet Music loc, at RUMBLE'S SUPPLY HOUSM. are RYAN'S CANDIES I Striftly Pure, Fresh and Home-Made. He carries the Finest Line of HOME-MADE CANDIES in Northern New York. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic CIGARS and CIGARETTES. '^Lacona... is one of our leaders in 5c. Cigars. CHAS. H.RYAN, 182 State Street, L O W V I L L E, N. Y. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 155- JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILU. One Quart Bottle for $ I , for sale by HORACE BUSH & SON. Crane, William, barber, bds 113 State street. Crandall, Fremont J, mechanic, Dewitt street, Crandall, Mrs Margaret, Dewitt street. CrandaU, Edward H, old soldier, 326 State street. Crandall, Elizabeth A, 325 State street. Crandall, Mrs Anna, boarding house, 144: Parkave. Crandall, Fercoia, teacher, bds 144 Park avenue. Cross, Jay; mechanic, bds 144 Park avenue. Crosby, Eliza, 32 Easton street. Crosby, Katherine, 32 Easton street. Crosby, Hon Alexander H, physician, 76 Dayan St^ Crosby, Mrs Addie M, 7*6 Dayan street. Crouse, Albert, mechanic, 35 Dewitt street. . Crouse, Margaret, 35 Dewitt street. Crumb, Charles, farmer, East road. Crumb, William, farmer, East road. Crumb, Mrs Pheobe, East I'oad. Cummins, William H, teamster. Smith Landing rd.. Cummins, Foster, laborer, East road. Cummins, Charles, clerk and teamster, Bostwick^ Cummins, Fred, mechanic, 44 Lanpher street. Cummins, Mrs Cora, 44 Lanpher, Cummins, Albert, teamster. Highland avenue. Cummins, Mrs Lucy, Highland avenue. SHOSS, BOOTS GRUBBERS — : dF ALL DESCRIPTIONS AT : — BEAHMER, thg Foot-Fitter's.. 156 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. For LINING, PLUMBING and FURNACE WORK, E A DAVIS HAS ONLY MEN OF EXPERIENCE, and SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED. Curtis, Earl, farmer. No 3 road. •Curtis, Edmund, farmer, No 3 road. Curtis, Lamont, farmer, West road. Curtis, Mrs Jennie, West road. •Curtis, Mrs Mary, 120 State street. Curtis, George S, sheriff Lewis county. Jail build- ing, State street. Curtis, Mrs Ida, Jail bldg. State street. ■ •Curtis, Lyman S, 75 South State street. Curtis, Mrs Daphna, 75 South State street. Curtis, Emma, 75 South State street. Curtis, Mary G, teacher, 75 South State street. Dano,. A S, mechanic, 66 Trinity avenue. .Dano, Mrs Katherine, 66 Trinity avenue. Dano, James, carpenter, 50 Jackson street. .Dano, Mrs Ella, 50 Jackson street. Darhng, WilUam, blacksmith, 18 Stewart street. DarUng, Mrs Abbie, 18 Stewart street. Davenport, A Clark, farmer. State road. -Davenport, Mrs Ella A, State road. Davenport, A W, produce buyer, 163 Park avenue. Davenport, Mrs Sarah E, 163 Park avenue. Davenport, L Charles, attorney, office over Weber's store, house 290 State street. -^1 QUALITY IN DRUGS, j^ Whatever you do you can't afford to use poor drugs. Drugs from onr store are known far and wide for high quality and absolute purity. Bronson & Snyder's Pharmacy. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 157 Buy your FINE STATIONERY and SCHOOL SUP- PLIES, best line to select from in town; also SEWING MACHINES and TALKING MACHINES, at RUMBLE'S SUPPLY HOUSE. Davenport, Mrs Grrace, 290 State street. Davenport, Jerusha, widow. State street. Davidson, William H, pastor M E church, 193 State. Davidson, Mrs "W H, 193 State street. Davis, Edward A, merchant, 207 Shady avenue. Davis, Mrs Margaret, 207 Shady avenue. Day's Meat Market, 22 Shady ave, Henry Day, prop. Davis' Hardware store, E A Davis, prop, 127 State. - Davis, Erwin, printer, 17 Bostwick street. Davis, Mrs Margaret, 17 Bostwick street. Davis, Frank N, janitor, 68 Campbell street. Davis, Mrs Katie, 58 Campbell street. Davis, Bertha, 58 Campbell street. Davis, Hermon, teacher, 58 Campbell street. Day, Henry, merchant, 70 Trinity avenue. Day, Mrs Kate, 70 Trinity avenue. Day, William, clerk, bds 70 Trinity avenue. Day & Van Dressen, restaurant, 15 Dayan street,, Leon H Day and George Van Dressen, props. . Day, Harvey, retired farmer, 19 Stewart street. Day, Mrs Josephine, 19 SteWart street. Dean, D D, pastor Baptist church, 67 Shady ave. Dean, Mrs Henrietta, 67 Shady avenue. Dean, Gertrude, 67 Shady avenue. "FBOMIc.l ROLL TO THE FINEST." It Lowville's Bis: Mail-Order Wall Paper House. FRANK H. HEWS. 158 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWTILLE. Burch Si, Barnes, Leading Grocers. A full line of Fancy and Domestic Groceries, China, oiassware and crockery of aU kinds. largest Store. Best Goods. Lowest Prices. Dean, Mrs Nellie, -i Dewitt street. Dean, Henry B, mechanic, -t Dewitt street. Decker, Michael, farmer. State road. ■Decker, Mrs Margaret, State road. DeForge, Oliver, stone mason, '2-2i Dayau street. DeForge, Mrs Mary, 224 Dayan street. J)elawyer, George, farmer. East road. Delawyer, Mrs Kate, East road. Delias, John, farmer. No 3 road. Delias, Mrs Katherine, No 3 road. Delias, John, Jr, No 3 road. Delias, Mary, 19 Easton street. Delias, Libbie, 19 Easton street. DeMuss, Edward, county home. Deming, Mrs Harriet, bds Stowe street. Dent,- Maud L, bds 26 Elm street. DePeyster, Mary, county home. Devoe, Clara, clerk, bds 50 Campbell street. Dickenson, Mrs Ella, 2 Clinton street. Dicop, Lucy, domestic, 99 Shady avenue. Dillon, Michael, mechanic, 23 Church street. Dillon, John D, finisher, 23 Church street. Dillon, Edward, railroad fireman, 23 Church St. Dillon, Mrs Maria, 23 Church street. The Sherwin-Williams Paints r Lewis County storms for years, int .that will wear get S. W. P. at BRONSON & SNYDER'S. Have stood our Lewis County storms tor years. If you want paint ihat will wear get S. W. P. at TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 159 Remember that we sell all kinds of Watches at as Low Prices as any Supply House in the world. We also want your Watch Repairing. All work done first-class at RUMBLE'S SUPPLY HOUSE. Dodge, Miss Ella, 82 Dayan street. Dodge, Mrs Candace, 107 Park avenue. Doig, Frank C, druggist, 99 Shady avenue. Doig, Mrs Kate, 99 Shady avenue. Doig, Charles K, druggist, bds 99 Shady avenue. Doig Bros' drug store, 163 State street, F C Doig and Chas K Doig, props. Dominick, Henrietta, bds 2i Shady avenue. Donnelly, James, hackman, 16 Jefferson street. Donnelly, Mrs Elizabeth, 15 Jefferson street. Donny, Mrs J I, 21 Valley street. Doolittle, Edward B, pastor of Trinity church, 11 Trinity avenue. Doohttle, Mrs Augusta, 11 Trinity avenue. Doody, Mrs Eliza, 62 Church street. Doody, Edward, mechanic, 62 Church street. Douglass, Dr C E, office over Brahmer's shoe store. Doud, Mrs Merinda, 46 Campbell street. Douglass, Chas E, phys'n & surg, 302 State street. Douglass, Mrs Esther H, 302 State street. Doud, Horace G, musical dealer, 46 Campbell St. Downer, Mrs Addie E, dressmaker, 19 Easton St. Doxtater, Charles, farmer, Barnes Corners road. Doxtater, Mrs Jane, Barnes Corners road. GRAHAM & GASSER Nave the Largest GLOIK and SUIT Department In Northern New York. o I mt[ I STOWELL, o • • ^DEALER IN « t Groceries ^ l o Provisions. I o o VEGETABLES IN SEASON • ■ . o I FRESH AND SALT FISH, 1 t OYSTERS AND CLAMS. ? • o • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ o • o ALL KINDS OF ° o • I GEORGE W.STOWELL, • o • ■ o 2 Kellogg Block, Next to Opera House, ^ o • £ 32 SHADY AVENUE, LOWVILLE, N. Y. • * I o • • ^..^^^. o oSo*o*o*o9oao9o*o«o«o«o9o*oeo*o%owv^«v^wu«oS TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 161 JOHN QUINN SELLS E. P. Reede's Ladies' and Gent's Shoes; also Harnesses, Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases, Telescopes of all kinds, Fur Coats, Robes, Gloves, Mittens, Blankets and Whips, as Cheap as the Cheapest. Doyle, Willet T, mechanic, 62 Sharp street. Doyle, Mrs Katherine, 62 Sharp street. DriscoU, John D, stenographer, bds 14 Elm street. Duffer, John, laborer, East road. Dufflo, Allen, laborer, Shady avenue. Dufflo, Amy, Shady avenue. Dunn, Mrs Catherine, dressmaker, 62 Church street. Dunn, Patrick, retired farmer, 14 Highland avenue. Dunn, Mrs Bridget, 14 Highland avenue. Dunn, Mary, 14 Highland avenue. Dunn, Mrs William, Boulevard. Dunham, Miles, farmer, Patten road Dunnitran, H P, carpenter, 19 Valley street. Dunngin, Mrs Mary, 19 Valley street. Duning, Mrs Harriet, bds Stowe street Duruz, Leon, carriage maker, 16 Jefferson street, Duruz, Mrs Elizabeth, 15 Jefferson street. Eames, Howard C, mechanic, 81 Trinity avenue. Eames, Mrs Bridget, 81 Trinity avf nue. Earnshaw, Rev J Westby, 66 South State street. Earnshaw, Mrs Annie D, 66 South State street. Earnshaw, Wilton, student, 66 South State street. Easton & Son, R J Easton & Son, produce buyers, 114 State street. East(m, Gilbert R, exporter, 115 Dayan street. A. D. FOOTE'S ONE PRICE CASH GROCERY, Lowville, N. Y., is a good place to buy ...Groceries and Provisions... 162 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Go to L G. BUIIDIGK'S GLeTHING HOUSE -FOR- MEN'S, yOGTHS' and BOyS GLOTHING. Easton, Mrs Ellulla, 115 Dayaa street. Easton, Frederick S, cashier Black River National Bank, 39 Trinity avenue . Easton, Mrs Anna S, 39 Trinity avenue. Ebblie, Charles H, farmer, East road. Ebblie, Hattie D, East road. Edick, C, farmer, No 3 road. Edick, Mrs Cielia, No 3 road . Eddie, Mrs Carrie, housekeeper, 65 Dayan street. Effiey, John, laborer, Hamblin Corners road. Effley, Mrs Margaret, Hamblin Corners road. Effley, John, farmer, 45 River street. Effiey, Ella, 45 River street. English, Richard, lumberman, 9 Jackson street. English, Mrs Anna, 9 Jackson street. Egleton, W H, attorney and justice of the peace, office over 104 State street. Elmer, Byron, farmer. West road. Elliott, Wm S, prop Central Hotel, State street. Elliott, Mrs Mary, Central Hotel. Elliott, Charles G, merchant, 19 Park avenue. Elliott, Mrs Phila, 79 Park avenue. Erhardt, Mrs Catherine, 24 No 3 road, European Hotel, 130 State state, Phil Weber, prop. Evans, Griffin, farmer, Bush road. If not already in our immense stock we will procure for you any Patent Medicine made. Horace Bush & Son, Druggists. TOWN AST) VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. 163 Go to GRAHAM & GASSER'S for Lace Curtains, Portiers, Window Shades, Muslin Curtains, Table Linens and Napkins. •--«> Every I>a,y a Bax-^a,iu T>SLy I ^^-e •Evans, Mrs Catherine, Bush road. Evans, Mythia, Bush road. Evans, James, farmer, Rice road . Evans, Mrs Cecilia, Rice road. Fairbank's Repair Shop, Arthur J. Fairbanks, prop, in rear of Bingham's Marble Works. Fairbanks, Arthur, mechanic, Valley street. Fairbanks, Mrs Minnie, Valley street. Farmers' Sheds,' 210 State St, Mason Webster, prop. Farr, George, stone-mason, 35 South State street. Farr, Lucy, teacher, 35 South State, street. Fefee, G H, traveling salesman, 26 Bostwick street. Fefee, Mrs Emma, 26 Bostwick street. Feisthamel, Nellie, domestic, 175 Park avenue. Feisthamel, Mrs Naacy, 9 Water street. Feisthamel, Elizabeth, bds 9 Water street. Feisthamel, Marion, dressmaker, 22 Eastoa street. Feisthamel, Clara, domestic, 38 Dayan street. Feisthamel, Elizabeth, No 3 road. Feisthamel, John, farmer, No 3 road. Feisthamel, George, farmer, No 3 road. Feisthamel, Belle, No 3 road . Feisthamel, Mrs Ida, bds No 3 road. Feisthamel, Lena, bds No 3 road. Fetterly, Nelson, painter, 50 Cascade avenue. THE OLD RELIABLE INSURANCE FIRM OF HEDDEN, MOORE & LEVIS Have Paid to Their Customers for Losses during the past twenty-two years $284^,4^27.18 And are BtiU furnishing INSURANCE that INSURES. OFFICE OVER DOIGPS DRUG STORE. 164 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. A. D. FOOTE, ^^-^^^^^ Groceries, Provisions S Is^ricultural Implements, AT THE OLD STAND, INos. 1 and 3 DAY AN STREET, Lowville, N. Y. Fetterly, Mrs Emeline, 50 Cascade avenue. Fetterly, Emma, 50 Cascade avenue. Finch, DeWitt C, Statf^ sneet. Finch, Mrs Emeline, State state. Finch, Minnie N, milliner, State street. Finn, James M, bartender, Central hotel. Fitch. Russell W, 46 Trinity avenue. Fitch, Delos A, merchant, bds 46 Trinity avenue. Fitch, Manning G, merchant, bds 46 Trinity ave. Fitch, Fayette, .book-keeper, bds 46 Trinity avenue. Fitch, Mrs Gertrude, 46 Trinity avenue. Fitch Bros' Furniture Store, 99-101 State St, Deloss and Manning Fitch, props. Fitch, Lamont, insurance agt, office Easton block; house 57 Collins street. Fitch. Mrs Elizabeth, 57 Collins street. Fitch, Warren R, 107 Dayan street. Fitch, Mrs Roxy, 107 Dayan street. Fitch, AVilliam H, cheesemaker, "West road. Fitch, Mrs Margaret, West road. Fish, Edward J, teamster, Dewitt street. Fish, Fannie A, Dewitt street. Flint, Philip, laborer, 4 State street. Flint, Mrs Sophia, 4 State street. Flint, Mary, laundress, 4 State street. -^ ^QT fumes, *>* All the leading lines. The kind that good taste approves. None of the cheap or off-color sort, at TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 165 Largest assortment of Pure White Lead, Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil and Tinting Colors to make any color you may wish; also high- grade Mixed Paints, at HORACE BUSH & SON'S. Flint, Chauncey, laborer, Dayan street. Flint, Mrs Ellen, Dayan street, Florida, Mrs Margaret, 32 VaUey street. Foote, Ellis E, merchant, South Campbell street. Foote, Leigh S, South Campbell street. Foote, Duane C, clerk, bds South Campbell street. Foote, Eolf E, clerk, bds South Campbell street. Foote, Mrs Emma, South Campbell street. Foote's Windmill and Machinery store, 1-3 South State street, E E Foote, prop. Foote, A D, grocery store, 1-3 Dayan street. Foote, A D, merchant, bds 58 Stowe street. Foot, D D, retired farmer, 58 Stowe street. Foot, Mrs Margaret, 58 Stowe street. Ford, Solomon, farmer. East road. Ford, Albert G, clerk, bds East road. Ford, Mrs Sophronia, East road. Ford, Bessie C, bds East road. Forward, Mrs A A, over Weber's store. Fowler, George W, 2d, carpenter, 163 Shady ave. Fowler, Mrs Nancy, 163 Shady avenue. ' Fowler, Edward E, Sr, merchant. Trinity avenue. Fowler, Mrs Josephine, Trinity avenue. Fowler, G W, retired merchant, 26 Elm street. Xj. c- btjie^idick:, - DEALER IN - Whips, Blankets, Robes, Tinware, Etc. o«o«o*7«o»o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o*o«o«o«o«o«o« A 9 o o o LOWVILLE, N.Y 18 5 7-1902. THE LARGEST RETAILER IN LEWIS CO. Prices Always the Lowest. We ask you especially to visit our I V. LANSING WATERS' § i I DRY GOODS HOUSE, I o • o o • 1 STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS. § o _ o « Jackets, Cloaks, Suits, Carpets, Cur- f • tains. Boots and Shoes, Crockery, g o Glassware and Groceries. « • 2 o o o o . _ f Cloak and Suit Department on second ^ • floor for the finest assortment of Ladie's, • 5 Misses' and Children's Jackets, Suits, • f Skirts, Capes and Furs in Northern • • New York. • • . ■ . .. ■ o • A visit to our Establishment • o o would please you. f 1 V. LANSING WATERS, t f • o o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o«o#o«o« )*o«o«o«o« TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 167 For GARNET RANGES, the World's Best in all sizes, for Wood or Coal with Duplex or Dock- ash Grates. Call on E. A. DAVIS, 1 27 State St. Fowler Bros' Hardware store, 106 State street, E E and Philip S Fowler, props. Eowler, Thomas B, plumber, 26 Elm street. Fowler, Mrs Flora, 26 Elm street. Fowler, Philip S, merchant, 39 Elm street. Fowler, Mrs Evelyn, 39 Elm street. Fowler, Lindsey, clerk, bds 39 Elm street. Franklin, A C, mechanic, 46 Jackson street. Franklin, Mrs Jessie, 46 Jackson street. Franklin, John, mechanic, bds 46 Jackson street. Furin, Morris, laborer, bds Shady avenue. GaUoway, Ella C, 16 ColUns street. Galvin, Morris M, merchant, Collins street. Gralvin, Mrs Mary, Collins street. Gralvin, Daniel, Collins street. G-alvin, Nora, CoUins street. Garnsey, Samuel, clerk, 221 Shady avenue. Garnsey, Mrs Jane, 221 Shady avenue, Garnsey, William, mechanic, Stewart street. Garnsey, Mrs Elizabeth, Stewart street. Garnsey, Calvin, mechanic, bds 144 Park avenue. Garnsey, Henry, laborer, 7 Cedar street. GarnsQy, Mrs Margaret, 7 Cedar street. Garvin, Birdie, teacher, bds 49 Dayan street. Good Groceries for Good People at A.D. Foote s One Price Casli Grocery, Lo-vr-ville, ]V- 'Y. 168 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. I,. C. BURDICK, Bealerin Domestic Dry Goods, Yankee Notions, Etc. Garrett, William F, tonsorial parlors, 170 State St. G-arrett, John, carpenter, 29 Jefferson street. Garrett, Katherine, 29 Jefferson street. Garrett, William, barber, over Bowen's store. Garrett, Mrs Margaret, over Bowen's store. Gasser, John, merchant, (Graham & Gasser) 250 State street. Gasser, Mrs Jennie, 260 State street. Gasser, Adolphus, salesman, State road. Gasser, Mrs Eunice, teacher, State road. Gebbie, Alexander R, physician, 76 Shady avenue. Gebbie, Mrs A R, 76 Shady avenue. Gebbie, Mary I, clerk, 76 Shady avenue. Gebbie, Alexander, clerk, 76 Shady avenue. Gebbie, Mrs A E, 76 Shady avenue. Gelman, Mary, ass't matron, county home. George, Mrs Fred, 18 Shady avenue. George, Fred, laborer, Cascade avenue. George, Mrs Margaret, Cascade avenue. George, Charles, mechanic, Cascade avenue. George, Jennie, dressmaker, Cascade avenue. George, Ida, casket lining maker. Cascade avenue. Gerard, Eugene, 40 Park avenue. Gerard, Charles, blacksmith, Hamblins Cor.' road. Go to GRAHAM & GASSMR'S, FOR UP-TO-DATE Dry Goods, Cloaks, Suits and Millinery. TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. 169 THE OLD RELIABLE INSURANCE FIRM OF HEDDEN, MOORE & LEVIS -Have Paid to Their Customers for Losses during the past twenty-two years $284,4^27.18 -And are still furnishing INSURANCE that INSURES. OFFICE OVER DOIG'S DRUG STORE Gerard, Edmund A, Wks'ith, Hamblins Cor. road. Gilligan, Byron, driver, 302 State street. •Gleason, John, bds 7 Park avenue. Gleason, Mrs Elizabeth, bds 7 Park avenue. 'Gleason, Mary, inmate of county home. Goodell, Frank B, farmer, East road. 'Goodell, Mrs Bessie, East road. Gookins, Emma A, 66 South State street. Gookins, Miss Matilda, 59 Dayan street. Gordinier, George, grocery store, 180 State street. 'Gordinier, George, merchant, 61 South State street. 'Gordinier, Mrs Ann, 61 South State street. ■Gordinier, Norman, mechanic, 16 Easton street. Gordinier, Mrs Addie, 16 Easton street. •Gorden, Augustus S, farmer, off State road. ^Gorden, Mrs Augustus S, off State road. 'Gordon, Fay C, farmer, Gardners Cor road. Gordon, Charles C, farmer, Gardners Cor road. ■Gordon, Mrs Sadie, Gardners Cor road. Gordon, Mrs Hattie, Gardners Cor road. Goutremout, George, P clerk, 12 Park Place. vGoutremout, Mrs Nora W, 12 Park Place. (Goutremout, Edward, 12 Park Place. Goutremout, William H, 6 No 3 road. JOHN QUINN SELLS IE. P. Reede's Ladies' and Gent's Shoes; also Harnesses, Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases, Telescopes of all kinds. Fur Coats, Robes, Gloves, Mittens, Blankets and Whips, as Cheap as the Cheapest. ♦«^^>*<5>*«^^^«>**»«^''«^**«^*^»«^*^ GO TO- Q. Q. WISE, riodel Bakery FOR I BREAD, CAKES, PIES, AND CONFECTIONERY. FRESH MADE EVERY DAY. Groceries s:^ I Provisions of the Finest Kind always on hand. Finest Brands of Flour in Market, also Tobacco, Cigars, Fruits, Nuts, Oysters and Canned Goods. The Best in Town. C^^Call and Examine. 196 Main Street, I/Owville, N. Y. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 17L Stafford's Diarrhoea ^ Medicine ^ Gives Iminediate Relief, for sale by Horace Bush & Son, Druggists. Groutremout; Mrs Mary, 6 No 3 road. Goutremout, John G, 39 No 3 road. Goutremout, Mrs Grace, 39 No 3 road. Goutremout, Luella, bds Smith Landing road. Goutremout, Albert, farmer. Smith Landing road.. Goutremout, Mrs Ann, Smith Landing road. Goutremout, Mai tin, farmer, Gardners Cor road. Goutremout, Mrs Amanda, Gardners Corners road.. Goutremout, Alverd, farmer, Gardners Cor road_ Goutremout, Jesse, farmer, Gardners Cor road. Goutremout, Charles, farmer, Gardners Cor road,. Goutremout, Mrs Alice, Gardners Cor road. Goutremout, Miss Sarah, Gardners Cor road. Goutremout, John, laborer, Gardners Cor road. Goutremout, Clark, inmate of county home. Gowdy, Hiram, 47 Water street. Gowdy, Mrs Ehzabeth, 47 Water street. Grace, James, merchant, over 6 State street. Grace, Mrs Ellen, over 6 State street. Grace, Thomas, mechanic, over 6 State street. Grace, James, mechanic, over 6 State street. Grace, Maggie, dressmaker, over 6 State street. Grace, Florence, over 6 State street. Grace, Thomas E, mechanic, IS Church street. Extra Fine Lines of Teas,Goffees, Extracts, Baking Powder, Molassea. At Am Dm Foote's One Price Oasit Grocery, Lowville, N. Ym 172 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. i^. c. btjtidick:, DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES. Specialties in Ladies' and Gent's FINE SHOES. -4)AI.I. AND SEE THEM. G-race Place, saloon and restaurant, 20 State street, Thomas Moran, prop. Grraham & Gasser's dry goods store, 148 State St, W J Graham and John Gasser, props. Graham, W J, merchant, 157 Park avenue. Graham, Mrs Ella, 157 Park avenue. G-raut, Mrs Margaret, teacher, 22 Elm street. Graves, Mrs Ellen, 42 Shady avenue. Graves, WiUiani, 35 Stewart street. Graves, Ora, 35 Stewart street. Graves, Mary, 35 Stewart street. Graves, Emerson G, cheesemaker, 99 Stowe street. Graves, Mrs Jennie, 99 Stowe street. Graves, Bennett C, cheesemaker, East road. Graves, Mrs Mae, East road. ■Graves, Chester G, farmer, Rice road. Graves, Mrs Mary, Rice road. Graves, Mattie, bds Rice road. Gray, Hiram H, brick-layer, 170 Dayan street. -Gray, Mrs Catherine, 170 Dayan street. ■Gray, Bertha, teacher, bds 170 Dayan street. •Greeley's Coal office, 31 Shady avenue. Greeley, Horace, merchant, 51 Trinity avenue. •Greeley, Mrs Sarah C, 51 Trinity avenue. Burch & Barnes, Leading Grocers. A full line of Fancy and Domestic Groceries, China, Glassware and Crockery of all kinds. Largest Store. Best Goods. Lowest Prices. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. . 173 Greeley, Florence, bds 51 Trinity avenue. Green, Eoby, over 104 State street. Green, Maria, 7 Bostwick street. Green, Florence M, 7 Bostwick street. Green, William H, laborer. Water street. Green, Mrs Lena May, Water street. Green, James, laborer, 20 Eiver street. GreneU, Jason M, carpenter and mechanic, 133- Trinity avenue. GreneU, Mrs Chole, 133 Trinity avenue. Griffith, Dempster, farmer, West road. Griffith, Mrs Susan, West road. Guipe, Jacob, 163 Trinity avenue. Guipe, Mrs Barbara, 163 Trinity avenue. Haberer's Furniture Factory, office 83 Trinity avenue, J E Haberer, prop. Haberer, George J, merchant, 367 State street. Haberer, Mrs Carrie, 357 State street. -Haberer, John E, mfg, 175 Park avenue. Haberer, Mrs Florence A, 175 Park avenue. Haberer, George E, furniture store, 21 Shady ave. . Haberer, LeEoy F, finisher. East road. Haberer, Mrs Mary E, East road. Haffen's Bakery, 87 State St, C A Haflfen, prop. Haffen, Charles, baker, 87 State street. Haffen, Mrs Emma, 87 State street. Hall, D Harold, clerk and book-keeper, 115 Dayan. Hall, Mrs Pernal, 115 Dayan street. HaU, Rinaldo, bds East road. JOHN QUINN SMLLS E. P. Reede's Ladies' and Gent's Shoes; also Harnesses, Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases, Telescopes of all kinds. Fur Coats, Robes, Gloves, Mittens, Blankets and Whips, as Cheap as the Cheapest. 174 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLB. -Hall, Edgar D, teamster, Stowe street. Hall, Mrs Esther, Stowe street. Hall, Fannie, stenographer, bds Collins street. Haniblin, Eobert, mechanic, 24 Lanpher street. Hamblin, Mrs Olive, 24 Lanpher street. Hamblin, Euth, 24 Lanpher street. Hamblin, William, laborer, 24 Lanpher street. Hammond, C B, 7 Lanpher street. Hammond, Mrs Lucinda, 7 Lanpher street. Hammond, Peter, mechanic. Eating house, depot. Hanno, Nicholas, farmer. River road. Hanno, Louise, River road. Hanno, Frank, farmer. River road. Hanno, Mrs Mary, River road. Harrison, Charles, electrician, 151 Shady avenue. Harrison, Mrs Minnie, 151 Shady avenue. Harris, Gilbert, 25 Stewart street. Harris, Ambrosia, 25 Stewart street. Harris, Harry R, plumber, 34 Forest avenue. Harris, Mrs Catherine, 34 Forest avenue. Harkins, James, farmer, 67 Clinton street. Harkins, Mrs Katie B, 67 Clinton street. Harm, Max F, gardner, 3 Easton street. Harm, Mrs Margaret, 3 Easton street. Harter, George W, mechanic, 181 Trinity avenue. Harter, Mrs Ida, 181 Trinity avenue. Hart, E W, wood-shaper, 15 Sharp street. Hart, Mrs Laura, 15 Sharp street. Harvey, Michael, inmate of county home. Don't fofget that Aldis O, Foots is located at Nos. l jmd 3 Dayan Street, Lowville, N. Y., and is transacting a One PfiCO •Cash Grocery Business and keeps a full line of General •GrocerieSf such as Flour, Pork, Lard, Salt, Teas, Coffees Spices, &Om •>....... TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 175 - Haser, . John, farmer, Brady road. Haser, Mrs Anna, Brady road. Haser, Peter, laborer, State road. Haser, Mrs Betsey, State road. Haviland, Helena, teacher, bds 70 Trinity avenue. -Hayt, Hermon W, poultry raiser. State street. Hayt, Caroline A, State street. Hayt, Clara P, State street. Heckman, David, carri'agemaker, 25 Sharpe street. Heckman, Mrs Margaret, '25 Sharp sti-eet. Hedden, Mrs Sarah, 109 Shady avenue. Hedden, Moore & Levis, insurance agents, office in Doig block, cor of State and Shady avenue. Henry, Frank, clerk, bds Eating house, depot. Henry, Charles, clerk, bds Eating house, depot. Henry, Kachel, Eating house, depot. Henry, Mamie, dressmaker, bds Eating house, depot. Henry, Howard, teamster, 120 Trinity avenue. Henry, Mrs Lura, 120 Trinity avenue. Henry, Mrs Susan, 100 Eiver street. Henry, Mary, dressmaker, 100 River street. Henry, Mrs Mary, dressmaker, 22 Elm street. Henry, Thomas C, hotel-keeper, Smith Landing rd. Henry, Mrs Ellen. Smith Landing road. Henry, Maggie, domestic, State road, Henry, Nicholas, farmer, West road, Heniy, Mrs Mary. West road. Henry, Harvey A, carpenter, Stowe street. Hendee, Mrs Ella W, 2 CHnton street. JL,. CJ. :oxj3Fi.r>icJis., - DEALER IN - GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Choice and Fine Groceries axe made Specialties. o o HENRY A. DAY, o o • o ? •- DEALER IN -• • o o o o o o o Fresh and Salt Meats, HAM, LARD, SAUSAGE, I BUTTER AND EGGS. o o o o o o o o Poultry rv5> Game in Season. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID 6 FOR HIDES AND PELTS. o I KELLOGG BLOCK, o o I LowYille, '^ N. Y. o o o of TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 177 Herchey, Emma, farmer, 67 Clinton street. Herrmger, George, mechanic, 128 Trinity avenue. Herringer, Lena, 128 Trinity avenue. Herzig, Minnie, domestic, 318 State street. Hesler & Elliott's Clothing store, 146 State street, Chas G Elliott and James D Hesler, props. Hesler, Jarnes D, merchant, 72 Dayan street. Hesler, Mrs Irene, 72 Dayan street. Hesler, William D, 'clerk, Park avenue. Hesler, Mrs Louise, Park avenue, Hetyel, Henry, mechanic, 123 Trinity avenue, Hetyel; Henry, carver, 156 Trinity avenue. Hewitt, Nicholas, machinest, 3 Park avenue. Hewitt, Mrs Nicholas, 3 Park avenue. Hews, Prank H, Dry G-oods store, 104 State street. Hews, Frank H, merchant, 16 Elm street. Hews, Mrs Lena, 16 Elm street. Hews, Mrs Pamelia, 16 Elm street. Hicks, Fred C, laundryman, 18 Shady avenue. Hicks, Emma C, 18 Shady avenue. Hitchcock, Mrs Clarrissa M, 7 Elm street. Hilts, William H, law office, 169 State street. Hilts, WiUiam H, attorney and counselor at law, 9 Collins street. Hilts, Mrs Bessie, 9 Collins street. Hirschey, Minnie, domestic, 39 Dayan street. Hickerson, Silas, electrician, Valley street. Hickerson, Mrs Edith, Valley street. Hitchcock, Seymour, wagon maker, Smith Landing. THE OLD RELIABLE INSURANCE FtRM OF HEDDEN, MOORE & LEVIS Have Paid to Their Cnstomers for Losses during the past twenty-two years $284,427.18 And are still furnishing INSURAJSTCE that INSUBES. - OFFICE OVER DOIG'S DRUG STORE. 178 TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLB. Hitchcock, Mrs Miranda, Smith Landing road. Hills, Delamer E, salesman, Hamblins Cor road. Hills, Mrs AUce M, Hamblins Corners road. Hitchcock, "Warren D, farmer, Hamblin Cor road. Hitchcock, Mrs Mary, Hamblin Corners road. Hitchcock, Charles, farmer, Hambhn Cor road. Hibbard, Andrew, laborer. West road. Hoffmaster, Eli, farmer, West road. Hofifmaster, Mrs Pauline, West road. Hogles, Anna, nurse, 9 Dewitt street. Hogle, Sherman, East road. Hogle, Mrs Cora, East road. Holt, Milton W, county clerk, 53 Park avenue. Holt, Mrs Louise, 53 Park avenue. Holcomb, Mrs Adeline B, 140 Dayan street. Holmes, James, printer, bds Windsor hotel. Holmes, G-ertrude, dressmaker, 7 Water street. HoUinger, George, laborer. West road. Hooker, Mrs Pamelia, 2 Clinton street. Horder, Joseph, barber, 85 South State street. Horder, Mrs Mary A, 85 South State street. Horth, Peter, retired farmer, 16 Highland avenue. Horth, Mrs Elizabeth, 16 Highland avenue. Horth, George, blacksmith, 16 Highland avenue. Horth, Lettie, 16 Highland avenue. Horth, George B, blacksmith, 32 Stowe street. Horth, Mrs Ellen, 32 Stowe street. Hough, T D, retired farmer. Park avenue. Hough, Mrs Mary, Park avenue. JOHN QUINN SMLLS E. P. Reede's Ladies' and Gent's Shoes; also Harnesses, Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases, Telescopes of all kinds, Fur Coats, Robes, Gloves, Mittens Blankets and Whips, as Cheap as the Cheapest TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 179 Hough, Mrs Elizabeth, Park avenue. Hough, Delecta, 88 State street. Hough, Mrs Ella, 1 1 Elm street. Hough, Elfreda, -11 Elm street. Hough, E B, deudroligist, 16 Colhns street. Hough, Mrs Anna G, 16 Collins street. Howe, Mrs Charlotte, 60 Cascade avenue. Howe, Henry, farmer. Silver Spring road. Howe, Dora, Silver Spring road. House, Adam, Pool and Billiard parlors over Eyan's candy store, State street. House, Nellie C, millinery parlors over 153 State St. House, Nellie C, milliner, 89 Dayan street. Hoyt, Jay W, minister, 225 State street. Hubbard, Lott, mason, 183 Trinity avenue. Hubbard, G- S, under-sheriff, residence at jail bldg. Hubbard, Mrs Jennie, residence at jail bldg. Hubbard, Dr W 0, office over Fowler Bros store. Hubbard, Mrs Jennie, 28 State street. Hubbard, W 0, physician and surgeon, 28 State St. Hubbard, Mrs Libbie A, 28 State street. Hubbard, Charles S, teamster, 32 Bostwick street. Hubbard, George W, mechanic, 30 Bostwick St. Hubbard, Mrs Clara H, Bostwick street. Hubbard, Chas B, mechanic, 28 Bostwick street. Hubbard, Lucinda, 28 Bostwick street. Hubbard, Mrs Anna, 47 Eailroad street. Hubbard, Ehjah, hostler, 47 Eailroad street. Hull, Thadeus, laborer. Shady avenue. Forget Everything Else But Tliis:|:;;:L:i: on the Cash System of Aldis Dm Foot, O. P. Gm G., at Nos. 1 and 3 Dayan Street, as he keeps a full supply with Ouality Way Up ana Prices Way Down. --------- 180 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Hull, Mrs Thadeus, Shady avenue. Hulbert William, laborer. Valley street. Hulbert, Catherine, bds 49 Cascade avenue. Hulburt, Michael, finisher, Jackson street. Hulsyzer, WiUiam, laborer, Stowe street. Hulsyzer, Maud, Stowe street. Hulsizer, WiUiam, laborer, Boulevard. Hulsizer, Mrs WiUiam, Boulevard. Hulsizer, Isaac, teamster. East road. Hulsizer, Katherine, East road. HuUn, Ehza, housekeeper, Wilson road. Hunt, B T, dentist parlors over 127 State street. Hunt, Dr J Z, office over 127 State street. Hunt, Mrs EUzabeth, River road. Hunt, Philo, laborer, Eiver road. Hunt, Carrie, Eiver road. Huntley, Mrs Addie, seamstress, 1 VaUey street. Huntley, Mrs Hettie, dressmaker, 1 VaUey street. Hunkler, Frank, county home. Hutchins, J C, painter, 63 South State street. Hutchins, Mrs Lydia, 63 South State street. Hutchins, George M, painter, 9.8 Dayan street. Hutchins, Mrs Mary, 98 Dayan street. Hyler, Jacob, mechanic, 17 Water street. Hyler, Mrs Margaret, 17 Water street. Ide, Dr A H, veterinary surgeon, office 25 State st. ; residence Jackson street. Ide, Mrs Lena, Jackson street. nUngworth, Franklin H, laborer, 25 Stowe street. Go to L. C. BURDICK'S For HATS and CAPS, &c. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 181 mingworth, Mrs Florence, 25 Stowe street. Ingersoll, Anna, dressmaker, 83 South State street. Ingersoll, Charles, farmer, 23 Campbell street. Ingersoll, Olive, 23 Campbell street. Ingersoll, Arthur, 23 Campbell street. I G T hall, third floor, 169 State street. Jackson, George D, book store, 131 State street. Jackson Street School, 7 Jackson street. Jackson, George D, merchant, Park avenue. Jackson, Mrs Emma, Park avenue. Jacques, Fred C, dry goods store, 133 State street. Jacques, Fred C, merchant, 6 No 3 road. Jacques, Mrs SteUa L, 6 No 3 road. Jacques, Jacob, janitor, Easton street. Jacques, Clinton, plumber, Easton street. Jeffers' Tonsorial Parlors, over 132 State street, G Jeffers, prop. Jeffers, Geo 0, barber, 28 Jackson street. Jeffers, Charles A, barber, 28 Jackson street. Jeffers, Mrs Kate, 28 Jackson street. Jefferson, Mrs Elizabeth, bds Stowe street. Johnson Bros' grocery store, 153 State street, F L Johnson and B Brayton Johnson, props. Johnson, Arthur M, principal S S school. State St. Johnson, Mrs Mae E, State street. Johnson, Jennie, 86 Park avenue. Johnson, Mrs Emma, 38 Clinton street. Johnson, Fred L, merchant, 38 Clinton street. Johnson, B Brayton, merchant, 38 Chnton street. Johnson, Hamilton, cattle buyer, 60 Cascade ave, Johnson, Mrs Emma A, 60 Cascade avenue. Johnson, Mrs Mary Jane, 4 VaUey street. Johnson, Mary, county home. Jones, Sarah L, dressmaker, ll3 Shady avenue. 182 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Jones, Hugh, stone-mason, 8 Park Place. Jones, Mrs Julia, 8 Park Place. Jones, John B, mechanic, 151 Trinity avenue. Jones, Mrs Emma, 151 Trinity avenue. Jones, Eli L, boot and^shoe store, 172 State street. Jones, Nellie, dressmaker, over 105, State St. Jones, Samuel B, mechanic, 20 Stewart street. Jones, Jennie, 20 Stewart street. Jones, Laura J, teacher, bds 20 Stewart street. Jones, Eli L, merchant, Dayan street. Jones, Mrs Sarah A, Dayan street. Jones, D E, Supt of Waterworks, 100 Dayan St. Jones, Eleanor A, teacher, 100 Dayan street. Jones, Nettie E, 100 Dayan street. Jones, Mrs Minnie S, teacher, 38 Dayan street. Jones, John W, farmer Beaches Bridge road. Jones, Addie E, Beaches Bridge road. Jones, Noel E, farmer, Wilson road. Jones, Allen N, farmer, Hamblin Corners road. Jones, Mrs Emma M, Hamblin Corners road. Jones, N Arthur, salesman, Hambhn Corners road. Jones, Prescott W, farmer, Hamblin Corners road. Jones, Mrs Cornelia E, Hamblin Corners road. Jonas, Carl A, mechanic, 59 Church street, Jonas, Mrs Lilly A, 59 Church street. Joy, Beatrice M, housekeeper. East road. Kacison, David, shoemaker, 217 Shady avenue. Kacison, Mrs Julia, 217 Shady avenue. Kaiser, Joseph, bds Kellogg House. Kaiser, Myre, bds Kellogg House. Kaiser Clothing Store, 171 State street. Keefer, George, laborer, 23 Highland avenue. Keefer, Mrs Sarah, 23 Highland avenue. Keay, Wilham E, florist East road. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 183 Keay, Jeannie, East road. Keener, Melvina, 86 Park avenue. Keener, Cora, teacher, 85 Park avenue. Kelly, Dr W A, dentist, 34 Trinity avenue. Kelly, Mrs Mary Louise, 34 Trinity avenue. Kelly,- Dr W A, dental parlors over Postoffice. Kelly, Mrs Margaret, River street. Kelly, John, stone mason, 81 Eiver street. Kelly, Mrs Anna, 81 River street. Kelly, Ella, bds 81 River street. KeUy, Michael, stone-cutter, '32 Stowe street. Kelly, Mrs Lena, 32 Stowe street. KeUy, Benjamin G, farmer. East Road. Kelly, Mrs Catherine, East road. KeUer Loren H, harness store, 116 State street, Keller, L E, merchant, 88 Dayan street. Keller, Mrs Nettie, 88 Dayan street. KeUogg's Dry Goods store, K CoUins Kellogg, 2d, 120 State street. KeUogg, K CoUins, 2d, merchant, 21 Elm street. Kellogg, Mrs Susan, 21 Elm street. KeUogg, K Collins, 228 State street. Kellogg, Mrs Mary, 228 State street. Kellogg, Jesse J, farmer. River road. KeUogg, Mrs Minnie G, River road. Kelsey, Mrs Ada, Trinity avenue. Kelsey, George, book-keeper, Trinity avenue. Kempney, William, county home. Kennedy, James, woodworker. Trinity Extension. Kennedy, Mrs Mary, Trinity Extension. Kenealy, Michael, farmer, Dayan street. Kentner, Emory, mechanic, State street. Kentner, Mrs Anna, State street. Kieb, John, mason, 125 Trinity avenue. I KELLOGG'S f I DRY GOODS HOUSE, ! § I S Unquestionably the Greatest Bar- ? f grain Store at f • o § LOWVILLE, N. Y. § o o o o o Come and let us show you the way to save money on all your purchases. o o I ______ Q ^ .r ^ ^r^^^^>^ v^ O O ^ . • o • o _ • 2 o .... • • Dress Goods, Trimming-s, Linings, 2 • . . o 2 Hosiery, Underwear, Linens, § o • • White Goods, Notions, Novelties, Etc. 2 We Make a .Specialty of f o The Latest Styles o o • o _ • o § In Ladies' Suits, Skirts and Cloaks. ? • o K. Collins Kellogg, 2± \ o. o TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 185 Xieb, Mrs Rose, 125 Trinity avenue. Kieb, Williani, stone mason, 51 Bostwick street. Kieb, Mrs Ellen, 51 Bostwick street. -Kieb, Frank, mason, 68 Railroad street. Kieb, Mrs Lena, 68 Railroad street. Kieb, Frank M, plumber, 14 Elm street. Kieb, Mrs Maria, 14 Elm street. Kieb, Albert, mechanic, 170 Trinity avenue. Kieb, Mrs Julia, 170 Trinity avenue. Kiesenger, Fred, laborer, 29 Stowe street. Kiesenger, Mrs Eliza, 29 Stowe street. Kimbal, George, bds Valley street. King, Leroy Wendal, physician and surgeon, 36 Trinity avenue. King, Mrs Marion Susan, 36 Trinity avenue. King, Dr Leroy W, office Bingham bl'k, Dayan. King, Andrew, boat builder, Bostwick street. King, Mrs Bell, Bostwick street. King, Mrs S R, housekeeper, 9 Jefferson street. Kinmouth, Mrs M D, 36 Elm street. Kilmer, Philip, 1 Valley street. Kilmer, Mrs Nancy A, 1 Valley street. Kirley, Dr P, physician and surgeon. Smiley bldg, cor State and Dayan streets. Kirley, Mrs Henrietta, 23 Water street. Kirley, Mrs Ehzabeth, 22 Easton street. Kirley, Dr C P, 12 Easton street. Kirley, Mrs PauUne, 12 Easton street. Klett's blacksmith and wagon shop, 319 State st. JOHN QUINN SELLS E. P. Reede's Ladies' and Gent's Shoes; also Harnesses, Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases, Telescopes of all kinds. Fur Coats, Robes, Gloves, Mittens, Blankets and Whips, as Cheap as the Cheapest. 186 TOWN AND village; of lowville. Klett, Phillip, wagon maker. 325 State street. Klett, Rosa. 325 State street. Klett, Bert, iceman, 40 Stewart street. Klett, Mrs Lydia, 40 Stewart street. Kline, Claud G. farmer, Byron road. Kline, Mrs Anna C, Byron road. Kline, Nicholas, farmer. Town Line road. Kline, Mrs Dora, Town Line road. KUne. Jacob, laborer, West road. Kline, Mrs Lena, West road. Kloster, John, farmer, State road. Kloster, Mrs Florence. State road. Knapp, Hon Charles L, member of congress, 24tb. district 80 Dayan street. Knapp, Mrs Alzada M, 80 Dayan Street. Knapp, Mrs Sarah, 80 Dayan street. Knight, Perry G, farmer. State road. Knight Mrs Elmira, State road. Knight, Mrs Amanda, 8s South State street. Kohler, Olga, domestic, 106 State street. Kohler, J Fred, woodworker, State street. Kohler, Mrs Louise, State street. LaBoudy, George, mechanic^ Dayan street. LaBoudy, Mrs Anna, Dayan street. Labell, Charles, lumberman. Valley street. Labell, Mrs Ada, Valley street. Lalger. Michael, farmer, Beaches Bridge road.. Lalger. Mrs Mary, Beaches Bridge road. Lalger, Mrs Julia L. Beaches Bridge road. Lalger, Frank L, farmer. Beaches Bridge road. Lallier, Edward, laborer, bds Cedar street. Lallier, Mrs Margaret, Cedar street. Lallier, Nicholas, laborer. Cedar street. Lamont, Mrs Nancy, boarding house, 14 Park av.. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 187" Lamont, Eutson Rea, clerk, bds 14 Park avenue. Lamont, Charles, 14 Park auenue. Lambert, Evelyn, domestic, 303 State street. Lanpher, A M, real, estate and loan agent, office- Smiley blk. Lanpher, A M, real estate dealer, 77 Dayan streets Lanpher, Mrs Emma, 77 Dayan street. Lanpher, Harry M, musician, bds 77 Dayan street.. Lanpher, A Murial, teacher, bds 77 Dayan streets. Lanpher, Juhan, compositor, 65 Dayan street. Lanpher, George N; farmer, West road. Lanpher, Ladette B, farmer. West road. Lanpher, OrviUe, farmer, West road. Lanpher, Mrs Frances, West road. Landry, Joseph, laborer, 33 River street. Landry, Mrs Jessie, 33 River street. Lanktree, Charles W, insurance, Cascade avenue.. Lanktree, Mrs Weltha, Cascade avenue. Lane, Ruscoe, canvasser, Dayan street. Lane, Salmon, bds 156 Trinity avenue. Laribee, Lincoln, laborer, 6 State street. Laribee, Mrs Louise, 6 State street. Laribee, Mrs Susie, 27 Clinton street. Largett, Clinton, 377 State street. Largett, Frank, carpenter, 377 State street. Largett, Mrs Mary, 377 State street. Larget, George, farmer, No 3 road. Larget, Mrs Susan, No 3 road. LaWarrne, M C, 338 State street. A. D. FOOTE *^%'*f/*'^"%;"^''l"7: _^^^^^^^^_^ senis the WALTER A. WOOD Mowing and Reaping Maoltine Gompany 1oi> the to wn of Lo wville and the to wns ajacent thereto^ Headtfuafters at Nosm 1-3, Dayan Stm, Lo wville m. 188 TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. Xasher, John, retired farmer, Dayan Street. Lasher, Mrs Sarah A, Dayan street. Lederle, Charles, mechanic, 68 Trinity, avenue. Lederle, Mrs Clara, 68 Trinity avenue. L'Huher, Frank C, carpenter, Clinton street. L'Huher, Mrs Mary, Clinton street. L'Huher, Eaymond, Clinton street. L'Huher, Mrs Catherine, 45 Stowe street. .L'Huher. John E, 45 Stowe street. L'Huher, Nicholas, laborer, Cedar street. Lenehan, Lena, domestic, 99 Shady avenue. Lennox clothing Store, 148 State street, Wilham Lennox and W J Lennox, props. Lennox, Wilham, merchant, cor Dayan and Easton streets. Xennox, Mrs Lydia, cor Dayan and State streets. Xennox, W J, merchant, Park avenue. Lennox, Mrs, Eha T Park avenue. Leonard, Charles P, water com'r, 106 State street. Leonard, Mrs Josephine, 106 State street. Leonard, Charles, teamster, 76 Sharp street. Leonard, Mrs Flora, 76 Sharp street. Leonard, Frank K, 262 State street Leonard, Mrs Frances, 262 State. street. Leonard Band, rooms over Lennox & Sons' store. Xevene, Alexander, laborer, 89 VaUey street. Levene, Mrs OriUa, 89 Valley street. Levene, Ealy, barber, bds 89 Valley street. Levene, DeUa, bds 89 VaUey street. Levene, Fred, bds 89 VaUey street. Lewis County Democrat, Manville & Phelps, props, 200 State street. .Lewis County Agricultural Society, office Easton blk. James Nefsy, director TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 189- Lewis, Mrs Jennie I, 19 Easton street. Lewis, Charles A, Town Line road. Lewis, Mrs Nancy, Town Line road. Ling. Patrick, laborer, 28 Church street. Ling, Mrs Ellen, 28 Church street. Ling, Thomas, carver, 28 Church street. Ling, Mrs Mary, 28 Church street. Ling, John, machinist, 16 Church street. Ling, Mrs Katherine, 16 Church street. Loiselle, Samuel, tailor, 10 No 3 road. Loiselle, Mrs Josephine, 10 No 3 road. Lomber, Hallie. domestic, 133 Dayan street. Loppler, Nicholas, farmer, Ri9e Road. Loppler, Mrs Eliza, Rice Road. Lorn, Mrs Nellie, Campbell Street. Lorn, Frank, woodsman, Campbell street. Losey, Calvin, farmer, West road. Losey, Mrs Almina, West road. Loson's boot and shoe store. State street. Loson, Frank, merchant, Campbell street. Loson, Mrs Katherine, Campbell street. Loson, Jacob, farmer, West road. Loson, Mrs Anna West road. Loucks, Willard, farmer. Ridge road. Loucks, Mrs Clarisp^, Ridge road. Loucks, Mrs Willard, Ridge road. Loucks, Mrs Pheobe, No 3 road. Lowville Grange, rooms Easton blk. State street. Lowville Academy, State street, WiUiam H Perry,, principal. 3L.. o. :bxjm>iois., DEALER IN Gent's and Ladies' Furnishing Goods.. 190 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Lyman, Myron M, farmer and milk dealer East rd. Lyman, Mrs Linnie, East Road . Xynch, Mrs Bridget, 18 Church street, -Lynch, Fred, cigarmaker, bds 18 Church street. Lyons, William, laborer, bds 15 Easton street. Lyndecker, Frank, farmer. No 3 road. Xyndeckei', Frank, farmer, No 3 road . Lyndecker, Mrs, No 3 Road. Lutz, Charles R., State Road, McCuUock, Fred, State street. McCuUoch, Charles A, Jr, 225 State street. -McCuUoch, Mrs Sarah, 225 State street. McCuUoch, Charles A, gardner. East Road. McCuUoch, Mrs Martha E, East Road. HcColloch, Charles, banker, 242 State street. HcCue, Mrs Ida, 116 State street. McConnell, Mrs Margaret, 15 Bostwick street. -McConneU, Mrs Ellen, 64 Riiilroad strtet. McConnell, Felix, mail carrier, 64 Railroad street. McCauley, Nelson, farmer, 54 Stowe street. McOauley, Mrs Mary, 54 Stowe street. -McCauley, Lewis, horseman, bds 54 Stowe street. McDonald, William, laborer, 56 Valley street. -McDonald, Mrs Eliza, 56 Valley street. McDonald, C Fred, printer, 54 Church street. McDonald. Mrs Susy H, 54 Church street. McGovern, James, teamster, Boulevard. ' -McGov6rn, Peter, carriage mfr, 46 Stowe street. McGovern, Mrs Julia, 46 Stowe street. McGovern's carriage and blacksmith shop, Stowe street, Peter McGovern, proprietor. McGovern, Frank, traveling salesman, 136 Dayan st McGovern, Witliam, 136 Dayan street. McGovern, Mrs Eliza, 136 Dayan street. JVlcHale, Thomas, contractor and builder, 83 South State street. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 191 McHale, Mrs Alice, South State street. McLean, George, farmer, West road. McLean, Mrs Dora, West road. McMannus, Thomas, laborer, Valley street. McMannus, Mrs Louise, Valley street. McRae, Roderick, keeper of county home. McRae, Mrs Ellen B, matron of county home. Mackay, Mrs Anna, 21 Valley street. Mackey, Mrs Ehza, 40 River street. Malony, Michael, mechanic, Jackson sti-eet. Malony, Mrs Margaret, Jackson street, Mammoth Hall, 13 South State street. Mandeville, W G, photograph gallery, 112 State st. Mandeville, W G. pliotographer, 64 Dayan street. Mandeville, Mrs Bertha A, 64 Dayan street. Manning, Mrs Helen, 21 Campbell street. Manning, Florence, stenographer, 21 Campbell st. Manning, J Arthur, laborer, 21 Campbell street. Manning, Nellie, nurse, 21 Campbell street. Manville, Cleveland, editor, 268 State street. Manville, Mrs Cleveland, 268 State street. March, James H, Easton street. Marcy, Fritz, county home. Marshall, Augustus F, 15 Collins street. Marshall, Mrs Harriet^, 15 Collins street. Marshall, Jesse W, bds 15 Collins street. Marshall, AUie J, expressman, bds 15 Collins strset- Marshall, Anna H, bds 15 Collins street. Martin, Louise, domestic, 46 Trinity avenue. Maren«ss, James A, traveling salesman, Dayan st. Mareness, Mrs Clarissa, Dayan street. JOHN QUINN SELLS E. P. Reede's Ladies' and Gent's Shoes; also Harnesses, Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases, Telescopes of all kinds, Fur Coats, Robes, Gloves, Mittens, Blankets and Whips, as Cheap as the Cheapest. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ol ao TO- B. L. SCHERMERflORN'S FOB ■ GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. CHASE ^SANBORN'S SEALBRAND COFFEE Chase&Sanborn. C0FFe£ IS THE BEST. Agent For Chase and Sanborn's TEAS AND COFFEES. %> Served Exclusively to the ^ Over Twenty-One Million People admitted to World's Fair Grounds Universally accepted as he Leading Fine Coffee of the World o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o • o o o o o o e o o o o o TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. 19S Macomber, Sarah, farmer, No 3 road. Macomber, Ida, No 3 road. Major, Benjamin, farmer, East road. Calista F, (wife) East road. Major, Benjamin, Jr, farmer, East road. Major, Louisa, East road. Major, Marguerite, East road. Mansfield, George, laborer, West road. Martin, Oliver, barteiider, over 192 State street. Mary, (wifb) over 80 State street. Martzlofif, Vincent, farmer, Dallas road. Mary, (wife) Dallas road. Martzloff , Christopher, farmer, Barnes Cor road. Frankie, (wife) Barnes Corners road. Mattice, Leander, laborer, Eiver road. Hattie, (wife) River road. Max, G-eovge, baker, Jefferson street. Carrie, (wife) Jefferson street. Maxwell, Eugene, 60 Shady avenue. Mealus, Ida, dressmaker, 58 Sharp street. Mealus, Lucinda, 58 Sharp street. Meeker, Nellie, domestic, 146 Park avenue. Meredith, Hattie, housekeeper, 120 River street. Mereness, Ch9.rles S, law office, 112 State street. Mereness, Charles S, lawyer. Trinity avenue. Rebecca E, (wife) Trinity avenue. Mereness, Chas S, Jr, law-student. Trinity avenue. Mereness, Katherine S, Trinity avenue. Merz, Joseph A, cheesemaker. East road. Nettie A, (wife) East road. Mider, Frederick, blacksmith. State street. Lena, (wife) State street. Middleton, John, mechanic, 16 Dewitt street. Rhoda, (wife) 15 Dewitt street. 194 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Miller, Johan, 89 State street. Miller, Charles, 89 State street. Miller, James, taxidermist, 89 State street. Miller, Leon S, produce buyer, 289 State street. Mary D, (wife) 289 State street. Miller, WiUiam, teamster, 40 Stewart street. Miller, Cora, 40 Stewart street. Miller, Michael, mechanic, bds 40 Stewart street. Miller, B B, produce merchant, 43 Park avenue. EUen, (wife) 43 Park avenue. Miller, Anielia, bds Park avenue. MiUer, Frank, weaver. Water street. Miller, Susan, weaver, Water street. MiUer, William, laborer, Water street. Pamelia, (wife) 246 State street. Miller, Keuben L, 12 Collins street. MiUer, E May, milliner, 12 CoUins street. Milligan, William J, bank teller, 146 Park avenue. M Vanch, (wife) 146 Park avenue. Mills, Augustus M, 40 Trinity avenue. Mary L, (wife) 40 Trinity avenue. Mills, Charles A, laundry and residence, 140 State. Augusta L, (wife) 140 State street. Miner, Carlton, driver. Cascade avenue. Jennie, (wife) Cascade avenue. Miner, Louis, insurance agent, bds Cascade ave. Mitchell, John, painter, 3 Bostwick street. Hattie D, (wife) 3 Bostwick street. Mitchell, Charles E, deputy county clerk, Bostwick. Hannah, (wife) Bostwick street. Mitchell, C Dix, clerk, bds Bostwick street. Mitchell, Edward B, mechanic, 288 State street. Marion, (wife) 228 State street. Mitchell, Franklin, shop hand. East road. Ida L, (wife) East road. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 195 Moflfett, Wesley, mechanic, East road. Esther, (wife) East road. Moody, Joseph, farmer. East road. Moody, Louisa, housekeeper, Smith Landing road. Moody, Joe, Smith Landing road. Moody, David, laborer, East road. Carrie, (wife) East road. Moody, Joseph, laborer, VaUey street. Mary, (wife) Valley street. Moore, Charles D, insurance agt, 309 State street. Frances, (wife) 309 State street. Moore, Anna H, 309 State street. Moore, Frank D, mechanic, Paik avenue. EUa, (wife) Park avenue. Moore, John D, insurance agent, (Babcock & Moore) Park avenue. Deck, (wife) Park avenue. Moran, Thomas L, saloon keeper, State street. " Amelia B, (wife) State street. Moran, Charles, cabinet maker, 52 Church street. Moran, George, finisher, bds 52 Church street. Moran, James, mason, East road. Moran, William, farmer. Patten road. Anna, (wife) Patten road. Moran, Peter, stone mason, 49 Church street. Ehza, (wife) 49 Church street. Moran, Mrs Wilham, housekeeper, 36 Church St, Moran, John, laborer, 21 Church street. Margaret, (wife) 21 Church street. Moran, Robert, laborer, bds 21 Church street. Moran, Fred, machinest, bds 21 Church street. Moran, Thomas, laborer, 90 Valley street. Maria, (wife) 90 Valley street. Moran, Jessie, 90 VaUey street. 196 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Morris, Cora, teacher of elocution, 36 Trinity ave. Morris, Louis millwright, 43 Campbell street. Grace, (wiff^) 43 Campbell street. Morrison & Seymour's Marble Works, 11 South State St, J A Morrison & Levi Seymour, props. Morrison, John A, merchant, Stowe street. Mary E, (wife) Stowe street. Morrison, Joseph, farmer, River road. Sophronia, (wife) Eiver road. Morrison, Giles V, miller, bds 25 South State St. Morrison, Mrs Emma, 71 Dayan street. Morse, John, butcher, over 3 Dayan street. Lena H, (wife) over 3 Dayan street. Morse, Herbert, bartender, Dayan street. Lena, (wife) Dayan street. Morse, George D, laborer, 77 Stowe street. Anna E, (wife) 77 Stowe street. Morton, John, mechanic, 199 Trinity avenue. Anna, (wife) 199 Trinity avenue. Morton, Leander H, retired farmer, 183 Trinity. Mary C, (wife) 1S3 Trinity avenue. Morton, Frank L, teacher, bds 183 Trinity avenue. Morton, Amasa, teamster, over 1 Water street. Hattie, (wife) over 1 Water street. Morton, Leander W, salesman. East road. Mary C, (wife) East road. Moss, Mrs Jacob, Eice road. Moshier, Mrs Sarah, 92 Shady avenue. Mott, Leo, farm hand, 215 State street. Mott, Peter, 60 Sharp street. Mott, Prank, laborer, State road. Mott, George, laborer. State road. Mott, John, farmer. No 3 road. Mott, James J, painter, 12 Railroad street. Ella, (wife) 12 Railroad street. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 19T Moyer, George, section boss on railroad, 137 Shady. Alice, (wife) 137 Shady avenue. Moyer, Andrew, county home. Muhlberger, WiUiam, plumber, State street. Barbara, (wife) Statb street. Muhlberger, Mrs Katherine, State street. MuUin, N Elizabeth, elocutionist, 90 Eiver street. MuUin, Mrs Elizabeth, 90 Eiver street. Mundschenk, Frank, farmer. Eiver road. Ada, (wife) Eiver road. Murphy, Eichard, farmer. West road. Annie, (wife) West road. Murray, Luke, teamster, 121 Trinity avenue. Josephine, (wife) 121 Trinity avenue. Murray, Eoswell F, merchant, 119 State street. Lucy C, (wife) 119 State street. Murray's Book Store, 119 State street. Narrows, Abraham, marble cutter. State street. Narrows, Mrs Mattie, State street. Neeley, David, laborer, Bostwick street., Neeley, Mrs Phebe, Bostwick street. Nefsey, James, retired farmer, 28 Elm street. Nefsey, Mrs Mary, 28 Elm street. Nevin, Stephen D, machinist, (Nevin & Wetmore) 24 Campbell street. Nevin, Mrs Kate, 24 Campbell street. Nevin & Wetmore, machine shop and foundry, near railroad. Newman, W M, laborer, 13 Water street. Newman, Mrs May, 13 Water street. Newman, J Ferris, 55 Stowe. street. Newman, Mrs Cornelia, 55 Stowe street. Nicholas, W A, hvery and sale stables. Shady avenue, near depot. 198 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Nicholas, Mrs Belle, Shady avenue, Nicholas, Henry, liveryman, Water street. Nicholas, Mrs Etta E, Water street. NiebergaU. Fred, mechanic, 17 Water street. NiebergaU, Mrs Kate, 17 Water street. Noon, Thomas J, carpenter, Trinity Extension. Noon, Mrs Elizabeth, Trinity Extension. North, John G, farmer. No 3 road. North, Mrs Jennie E, No 3 road. Norton, Mrs Augusta, teacher, 6 Park Place. Northam, Henry C, 23 Clinton street. Northrup, Joseph F, 145 Shady avenue. Nortz, Henry J, 14 Terrace Place. Nortz, Mrs Adaline, 14 Terrace Place. Nye, James F, farmer, 48 Sharp street. Nye, Mrs Maria A, 48 Sharp street. Oatman, Mrs Harriet, over Loson's shoe store. O'Brien, Helen, Bostwick street. O'Brien, Frances, Bostwick street. O'Brien, George, mechanic, Bostwick street. O'Brien, William, teamster. Valley street. O'Brien, Dennis, teamster. Valley street. O'Brien, Charles, teamster. VaUey street. O'Brien, WiUiam, laborer, VaUey street. O'Brien, Fred, farmer. West road. O'Brien, Mrs Lena, West road. Obits, Mrs Julia, 11 Elm street. O'Connor, Timothy, 51 Shady avenue. O'Connor, Mrs May, 51 Shady avenue. O'Donoghue, Charles M, plumber, 60 Church St. O'Donoghue, Mrs Charlotte, 60 Church street. Odd Fellows Hall, Euscoe block, 3rd floor. O'Grady, Mrs Mary, 36 Eiver street. O'Hara, Dennis, cabinet maker, 124 Trinity ave. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 199 O'Hara, Mrs Lizzie, 124 Trinity avenue. O'Hara, Martin Eugene, barber shop, 1 State St. O'Hara, Martin Eugene, barber, 88 Stowe street. O'Hara, Mrs Maud E, 88 Stowe street. O'Hara, William, insurance agent, Cascade ave. O'Hara, Mrs Carrie, Cascade avenue. O'Hora, Ella, tailoress, 28 Jackson street. O'Keefe, Mrs Catheriae, 21 Valley street. O'Keefe, Ella, 21 Valley street. Oliver, WiUiara, Jr, 74 Clinton street. Oliver, Ida Frances, 74 Clinton street. O'Niel, Michael, miner, 96 Stowe street. O'Niel, Mrs Margaret, 96 Stowe street. O'Eourke, Rev Father John H, pastor of St. Peter's Catholic church. Osborn, William, painter, Stowe street. Osborn, Mrs Maggie, Stowe street. Osborn, Charles A, paiater. Water street. Osborn, Mrs Charles, Water street. Osborn, Mrs EsteUa, Dayan street. - Osborn, Charles, farmer. East road. Osborn, | Cornelia, East road. Ostrander, WiUiam, mechanic, 20 No 3 road. Ostrander, Mrs Emma, 20 No 3 road. Owens, WiUiam L, casket maker, 102 Dayan St. Owens, I Jennie A, 102 Dayan street. Owens, Clayton, book-keeper, 5 Bostwick street. Owens, I Jennie, 5 Bostwick street. Parker, Lena, dressmaker, 159 Shady avenue. ' Parker, W D, 159 Shady avenue. Parker, | Asenath, 159 Shady avenue. Parker, Lester B, lumber merchant. Park avenue. Parker, | Adele, Park avenue. Parker, Glenn, Park avenue. 200 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Parker, Fay, Park avenue. Parker, Roy D, mechanic, 54 Church street. Parker, | Emma, 54 Church street. Parker, James, mason, Water street. Parker, | Libbie, dressmaker, Water street! Passenger, A G, retired farmer. State street. Passenger, | Sarah, State street. Passenger, .1 Helen E, State street. Patterson, Lorenzo, laborer, 19 Water street. Patterson, Floyd, lumberman, 19 Water street. Patterson, Arthur, 24 Water street. Patterson, | May, 24 Water street. Patten, W Frank, flour and feed store, 26 Shady. Patten, W Frank, merchant. Park avenue. Patten, | Mae C, Park avenue. Patten, Prank B, farmer. No 3 road. Patten, | Mary C, No 3 road. Patten, Charlotte, No 3 road. Peake's grocery store, 29 Shady, E E Peake, prop. Peake, Emory E, merchant, 29 Shady avenue. Peake, | Edna, 29 Shady avenue. Pease, | F E, 6 Elm street. Peebles, I Martha, 60 Cascade avenue. Peebles, Eulela, 60 Cascade avenue. Peebles, Gertrud--, railliaer, 60 Cascade avenue. Peebles, Frank E, farmer, Kiits road. Peebles, Merritt A, farmer, Kitts road. Peebles, Miss school teacher, Kitts road, Peeler, Charles, farmer. East road. Peeler, | Olive, East road. Pelton, Charles E, merchant, 281 State street. Pelton, I Louise D, 28 L State street.' Pelton, ^ Esther, bds Clinton street. Pelo, Lena, domestic, 40 Trinity avenue. Peters, William, farmer, Stowe street road. Peters, | Elizabeth, Stowe street road. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLB. 201 Petrie, Marcus, laborer, River road. Petrie, Willis, laborer, River, road. Petrie, I Jerome, River road. Petrie, Charles, laborer, River road. Petrie, William, laborer, Smith Landing road. Petrie, | Janette, housekeeper. Smith Landing road. Petrie, M L, cheesemaker, Sulphur Spring road. Petrie, | Addie, Sulphur Spring road. . Petrie, Carrie, 22 Easton street. Petrie, | Rebecca, 22 Easton street. Petrie, Archibald, bds 113 Shady avenue. Pfeiffer, Fred W, cigarmaker, Trinity avenue. Pfeiffer, | Elizabeth, Trinity avenue. Pfister, John, 180 Shady avenue. Pfister, I Emily, 180 Shady avenue. Pfister, Fay D, bds 180 Shady avenue. Phalon, James B, painter, 8 River street . Phalon, Dennis A, engineer, 8 River street. Phalon, i Bridget, 8 River street. -Phalon, Minnie R, 8 River street. Phalon, I Kate, 8 River street. Phalon, Philander, farmer, Gardners Corners road. Phalon, I Rosalie, Gardners Corners road. Phelps, Foster, canner, bus 21 Dewitt street. Phelps, I Ella, Campbell street. Phelps, Nellie, Campbell street. Phelps, Thomas, editor, Clinton street. Phelps,- I Leona, Clinton street. Phillips, Lyman S, harness store, T State street. Phillips, Orin G, farmer, 341 State street. Phillips, i Martha, 341 State street. Phillips, Caroline, 341 State street. Phillips, Ralph, farmer, 345 State street. Phillips, Jennie S, 345 State street. Phillips, I Matilda, Railroad street. Phillips, I Oliva, 62 Jackson street. 202 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWTILLE. Phillips, Clara, book- keeper, 13 Easton street. Phillips, Edward, carpenter, 13 Easton street. Phillips, Henry A , editor, (Journal & Kepublican) 111 Dayan street. Phillips, I Christina, 111 Dayan street. Phillips, George S, compositor, 111 Dayan street. Phillips, MacGregor A, 111 Dayan street- Phillips, James B, farmer, River road. Phillips, I Addie, River road. Phinney, William G, farmer, East road. Phinney, £ Mae, East road. Pitcher, Eugene, laborer, 24 Cascade avenue> Pitcher, | Celia, 24 Cascade avenue. Place, Mina, teacher, bds 143 Park avenue. Plopper, Francis, laborer. River road. Plopper, I Lizzie, River road. Plopper, Charles, constable, Smith Landing road> Plopper, I Mary, Smith Landing road. Plopper, Melvin, laborer. Smith Landing road.. Plopper, Eluha, laborer, Smith Landing road. Plopper, Ray D, farmer, East road- Plopper, I Gertie, East road. Plopper, Herbert G, farmer. East road. Plopper, I Eunice J, East road. Plopper, Charles D, farmer, East road. Plopper, Howard S, farmer, East road . Porter, Henry C, insurance agent, Shady avenue. Porter, | Anna, Shady avenue. Pottey, Lester W, laborer. East road. Pottey, Stella, East road . Prame, Jerome B, mechanic, 54 River street. Prame, ^ Ida G, 84 River street. Prame, John M, Hambhns Corners road. Prame, Mrs Lottie, Hamblins Corners road. Pratt, Walter J, insurance agent, Stowe street,. (office Easton block.) TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 203- Preiser, Jacob, carpenter, 60 Shady avenue. Preiser, | Caroline, 60 Shady avenue. Preiser, Eosa, dressmaker, 60 Shady avenue. Provenga, Alexander, mechanic. East road. Provenga, | Nellie, East road. Priest, Mrs Emma, housekeeper, Stowe street. Priest, Avis L, teacher, bds Stowe street road. Puffer. Alvah. mechanic. East road. Puffer, Mrs Mary A, East i-oad. Puffer, G-eorge W, farmer, East road. Puffer, Clarence F, agent, 156 Trinity avenue. Puffer, Mrs Adele, 156 Trinity avenue. Quinn, John, harness and shoe store, 106 State 8t_ Quinn, John, merchant. State street. Quinn, Mrs Ida M, State street. Radell, Mrs Bhzabeth, 15 Elm street. Radley, Petfer, farmer, No 3 road. Radley, Mrs Anna E, No 3 road. Ralsten, James H, retired farmer, 49 Dayan street- Ealsten, Mrs Catherine, 49 Dayan street. Ralph, Eeubin, laborer. Smith Landing road. Ralph, Mrs Jane, Smith Landing road. Ramsey, Charles Gr, teamster. Shady avenue. Ramsey, Mrs Mary, Bhady ayenue. Ramsey, Frank J, painter, 19 "Water street. Ramsey, Mrs Josephine, 19 Water street. Ramsey, Ward L, laborer, 135 Park avenue. Ramsey, Mrs Anna S, 135 Park avenue. Ramsey, Miss Cora, milliner, 135 Park avenue. Rauhe, Lydia, clerk, bds Park Place. Rauhe, Minnie, clerk, bds Park Place. Rauhe. Charles, farmer. State road. Rauhe, Mrs Eliza, State road. Ray, James Edward, mechanic, 52 South State St.. Ray, Mrs Jennie, 52 South State state street. Rea, Clarissa A, State road. -.204: TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Rebner, John, laborer, State road. Reed, Josephine, 151 Shady avenue. Reed, Felanese, 151 Shady avenue. Reed, Willard V, painter, 172 Shady avenue. Reed, Harriett S, 172 Shady avenue. ;Reed, Effie S, 172 Shady avenue. Reed, Fred A, painter, 172, Shady avenue. Heed, Merraime, painter, 9 Cascade avenue. Reed, Mrs Ida C, 9 Cascade avenue. TJeed, Robert 0, printer, 9 Cascade avenue. Reed, Mrs Amy, 233 State street. Reed, George, law student, 238 State street. Reed, Anna H, 238 State street. Reed, Nathaniel F, farmer, East road, ileed, Carrie, East road. Heed, Charles, farmer, East road. JReed, Mrs Sarah A, East road. Reed, Welland J, East road. jReed, Jesse B, East road. jReed, William H, farmer, State road. Reed, Helen, State road. .Reed, Elihu, farmer, State road. Reed, Edward, farmer. State road . Reed, Nettie, State road. jReese, Horace, dairy inspector, cor Park & Trinity. Reese, Mrs Elizabeth, cor Park and Trinity aves. Reese, Adellia, 76 Stowe street. Rees, William K, farmer, State road. Rees, Howard, farmer. State road. Rees, Walter, farmer, State road, ■ JOHN QUINN SELLS E. P. Reede's Ladies' and Gent's Shoes; also Harnesses, Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases, Telescopes •of all l(inds, Fur Coats, Robes, Gloves, Mittens, Blankets and Whips, as Cheap as the Cheapest. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 205- Eefinot, Victor, salesman, State road . Eeflnot, Mrs Lillian, State road. Eefinot, Adolph, farmer, State road. Eefinot, John V, farmer, State road. Eefinot, Mrs Mary, State road . Eefinot, Henry, farmer, State road. Eennie, Thomas, farmer, 1 2 Jefferson street. Eennie, Mrs Mary, 12 Jefferson. Eennick, George, cheesemaker, Stowe street. Eennick, Mrs Bertha, Stowe street. Eenaux, Augustus, bds Y6 Stowe street. Eich, William, contractor and builder, 25 Stewart st.. Eich, Mrs Helen E, 25 Stewart street. Eich, Mabel, teacher, 25 Stewart street. Eichardson produce Store, Dayan street. Eichardson, Frank J, 38 Clinton street. Eichardson, Eva, 38 Clinton street. Eichardson, S Brown, merchant, 133 Dayan street- Eichardson, Mrs Frances, 133 Dayan street. Eichardson, Harold, student, 133 Dayan street. Eichardson, Eufus, J, merchant, Dayan street. Eichardson, Mrs, Frances, Dayan street. Eick, C F, clothing store. State street, residence- 132 Park avenue. Eick, Lydia, 132 Park avenue. Eivers, Elizabeth, laundress, bds Elm street. Eichter, C, locksmith, 69 Dayan street. Eice, Philip A, farmer, Wilson road, Eice, Ellen C, Wilson road. Eice, John M, farmer. No 3 road. Eice, Mrs Emma W, No 3 road. Eice,- Nelhe E, bds No 3 road. Eice, Delia- C, bds No 3 road. Eice, Charles S, farmer, Eice road. Eice, Mrs Elizabeth, Eice, road. Eice, Leonard, farmer, Eice road. 206 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Rice, Mrs Alice, Rice road. nice, Charles J, farmer, Rice road. nice, Vera A, bds Rice road. Roberts, Mrs Jennif', 63 Railroad street. Robinson, William V, merchant. East road. Robinson, Mrs Susan G, East road . Robinsqn, Fay L, clerk, bds Ea,st road. Robinson, Earl, driver, bds East road. -Robinson, Mrs Fanny L, nurse. Water street. Robinson, Laid, laborer, State road. Rodgers, Frederick, farmer, Beaches Bridge road- Rodgers, Mrs Cora, Beaches Bridge road. Rogers, Mrs Louisa, Shady avenue. Rogers, Henry, retired farmer, 201 State street. Rogers, Laura, 201 State street. Rogers, Mrs Joseph, widow, Ridge road. Root, Egbert, sells farm implements. East road. -Root, Mrs Pauline, East road. Root, Howard, bds East road Ross, Mary J, 103 Park avenue. Rose, Earnest, blacksmith, bds 36 River street. Rose, Mrs Mary, 36 River street. Hoss, Fred M, mechanic, East road. Ross, Mrs Ina, East road. Ross, Howard D, farmer. East road. Ross, Mrs Frankie, East road. Ross, Jesse W, milk dealer, East road. Ross, Samuel N, farmer. Beaches Bridge road. Rops, Mrs Martha J, Beaches Bridge road. Rosenbarker, John, farmer, West road. Rosenbarker, Eva, West road. -^i A. A. COPELEY 1^ FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE, LOWVILLE, . N. Y. TOWN AND VILIjAGE OF LOWVILLE. 207 Hoth, Jacob, mechanic, 123 Trinity avenue. Both, Clara. 123 Trinity avenue. iloutstone, Jacob, merchant, State street. Eoutstone, Mrs Etta, State street. iJoutstone, Jacob, clothing store. State street, near bridge. Roxby, Mrs Lurenda, housekeeper, 1& Elm street. Euggles, Mrs Susan, State street. Huggles, Miss Anna, State street. Rugg, Mrs T B, 36 Campbell street. Hugg, Grace, 36 Campbell street. Humble, Charles A, merchant, over 91 State St. Rumble, Mrs C Annie, over 91 State street. JRumble's Supply House, 98 State street. Humble, Charles, carpenter, 7 Water street. Rumble, Mrs Florence, 7 Water street. Rumble, Lucinda D, 98 Valley street. Huprich, John, mason. Trinity Extension. Ruprich, Libbie, Trinity Extension. Ruprich, Claude, VaUey street. Ruprich, Mrs Barbara A, Valley street. Ruprich, Charles, tailor, Valley street. Hyan's Candy store, 182 State, C H Ryan, prop. Ryan, Michael J, 16 Highland avenue. Ryan, Mrs Anna, 16 Highland avenue. Ryan, Miss Sadie, 16 Highland avenue. Ryan, Charles H, candymaker. 98 Valley street. Ryan, Mrs Minnie A, 98 Valley street. Hyel, Hiram H, lawyer, 51 Clinton street. Hyel, Mrs Sarah, 51 Clinton street. JByel, Miss Emma N, teacher, 51 CHnton street. -Ryel, Miss Sarah K, teacher, 51 Clinton street. iSackett. Martin J, retired farmer, 63 Dayan street. .Sackett, Mrs Susan, 63 Dayan street. SaUsbiiry, George, flour and feed store. Shady ave. 208 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Salisbury, George, merchant, Park avenue. Salisbury, Mrs Lettie, Park avenue. Salisbury, Mrs Mary A, 94 South State street. Salisbury, Mary, dressmaker, 94 South State St. Salisbury, Flora J, milliner, 94 South State street, Salisbury. Walter S, clerk, 94 South State street. Salisbury, Margaretta, 94 South State street. Salisbury, Alma, book-keeper. 94 South State St. Salisbury, C 0, clerk, 18 Canipbell street. Salisbury, Mrs Lamonie, 18 Campbell street. Salisburg, Mrs Nellie, 25 River str,eet. Schack,- Mathias, farmer, cross road between East and State roads. Schack, Mrs Catherine, cross rd btw East and State. Schantz, Daniel, farmer, West road. Schantz, Mrs Harriet, West road. Schermerhorn, B L, grocery store, 132 State street. Schermerhorn, Barnum L, merchant, 5 Jackson St. Schermerhorn, Mrs Elizabeth, 5 Jackson street. Schermerhorn, Minnie, teacher, bds 31 Clinton St. Schermerhorn, Mrs Cornelia 5 Jackson street. Scherer, George P, carpenter, bds 1 Water street. Scherer, Charles A, mechanic, bds 1 Water street. Scherer, WiUiam E, bartender, 130 State street. Scherer, Jacob, farmer. River road. Scherer, Mrs Mary, River road. Schmid, Mrs Anna M, 48 Trinity avenue. Schorge, Adam W, farmer, East road. Schorge, Mrs Sarah A, East road. Schloop, William, farmer. River road. Before Renewing Your FIRE INSURANCE See A. A. GOPELEY. Best Old Line Gomoaniesm low RATES. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 209 Schloop, Mrs Celia, Eiver road. Schoolcraft, Mrs Florence E, 68 Stowe street. Schraub, Fred C, law office over Stoddard & Bate- man's dry goods store, State street. Schraub, Mrs Salome, 38 Dayan street. Schraub, Frederick C, lawyer, 38 Dayan street. Scott, Louis A, cor Trinity and Park avenues. Scott, Mrs Warren L, 101 Dayan street. Scott, Charles A, insurance agent, State street. Scott, Miss Emma, State street. Scofield, Mrs Charles, Water street. Searl, Quartus M, liveryman, 29 Dewitt street. Searl, Edith M, 29 Dewitt street. Searl, George, cheesemaker, 35 South State street, Searl, Mrs Lillian J, 35 South State street. Searl, Leland B, 246 State street. Searl, Mrs NeUie, 246 State street. Sears, Julia E, 36 Stewart street. Searl, Mrs Daniie, 22 Easton street. Searl, Anson M, Dayan street. Searl, Mrs Electa C, Dayan. Searl, Allen E, horseman, Dayan Street. Searl, Jay W, cheesemaker, Sulphur Springs road. Searl, Ethelbert, farmer. West road. Searl, Mrs Lydia, West road. Searl, Mrs Jeanette, West road. Sears, Nelson, farmer, 160 Trinity avenue. Sears, Elizabeth. 160 Trinity avenue. Sears, Leona, 160 Trinity avenue. Sears, Andrew S, constable, 35 Stewart street. Sears, Mrs Angeline E, 35 Stewart street. Seaver, Lorenzo Gr, mechanic. Shady avenue. SeaVer, Mrs Nellie M, Shady avenue. Seckner, L Or, mechanic, Jefferson street. 210 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Seckuer, Mrs Lucy A, Jefferson street. Segovis, M N, mechanic, 10 Highland avenue. Segovis, Mrs Eleanor, 10 Highland avenue. Segovis, John, 8 Highland avenue. Segovis, Mrs Nancy, 8 Highland avenue. Servey, Anna, dressmaker, 82 Dayan street. Seymour, William M, 25 South State street. Seymour, Mrs Maria C, 25 South State street. Seymour, Levi, merchant, bds Stowe street. Sharp, Mrs Nancy, 201 Shady avenue. Sharp, Albert, 201 Shady avenue. Sharp, Ira, 35 Elm street. Sharp, Mrs Ella, 35 Elm street. Sheeley, W D, mechanic, Easton street. Sheeley, Mrs Carrie, Easton street. Sheldon, Emma, State street. Sheldon, Emma J, 65 Dayan street. Sheldon, Olive A, bds No 3 road. Shepard, Mary, 11 Bostwick street. Shepard, Mrs Minnie, 45 Campbell street. Shepard, George, clerk, 46 Campbell street. Shepaid, Halsey S, grocer, Jackson street. Shepard, Mrs Olive, Jackson street. Sherwood, Mary, 72 Dayan street. Sherwood, George, bank teller. Trinity avenue. Sherwood, Mrs Emma, Trinity avenue. Sherwood, Miller G, book-keeper, bds Trinity ave. Shumway, Mrs Maria, 11 Elm street. Shumway, Eannie, 11 Elm street. Siedell, Charles S, marbleworker, 79 South State st. Siedell, Mrs Julia C, 79 South State Street. Siegel, Mrs Margaret, 6 Stowe street. Siegel, John P, laborer, 5 Stowe street. ' Simes, Louisa, bds East road. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 211 Simmons, Mrs Margaret, 21 Elm street. Simmons, 'Daniel, gardner, 68 Clinton street. Simmons, Mrs Jeanette, 68 Clinton street. Simmons, Frank B, gardner, 68 Boulevard. Simmons, Mrs M, Boulevard. Singer, William, butcher, State street. Singer, Mrs Julia, State street. Slack, Henry, telegi-aph operator, State street. Slack, Mrs Katherine, State street. Slater, John, clerk, 48 Stewart street. Slater, Mrs Barbara, 48 Stewai-t street. Sliter, Otto G, clothing store, 26 Shady avenue. Sliter, Eoy H, clerk, 47 Eailroad street. Sliter, Mrs Jessie, 47 Eailroad street. Shter, Otto G, merchant, 340 State street. Sliter, Mrs Flora A, 340 State street. Sliter, Wesley, laborer, West road.. Smith, Charles, mechanic. Shady avenue. Smith, Anna L, 72 Shady avenue. Smith, Henry, farmer. Trinity avenue. Smith, Mrs Nora, Trinity avenue. Smith, E J, contractor and builder, 35 Trinity ave. Smith, Mrs Anna, 35 Trinity avenue. Smith, Thomas, mechanic, 35 Trinity avenue. Smith, Clinton, tailor, 35 Dewitt street. Smith, Henry, mason, Bostwick street. Smith, Mrs Mary E, Bostwick street. Smith, W Wadsworth, tailor, 1 Stewart street. Smith, Mrs Mildred, 1 Stewart streets Smith, Carrie, 262 State street. All Kinds of SURETY BONDS Furnished liy A. A. Copeiey. Largest AGCident Insurance Company in tlie World...r 212 TOWN AND VILLAGE OP LOWVILLE. Smith, Mary, domestic, 31 Clinton street, Smith, George, farmer, 123 Chnton street. Smith, Mrs Mary E, 123 Chnton street. Smith, Gertrude, miUiner, bds 123 Clinton street. Smith, Eoyal E, bds 123 Clinton street. Smith, Celestia, bds Dayan street. Smiley, E Eeu, compositor, lOS Dayan street. Smiley, Mrs Inez, 108 Dayan street. Smith, Edward, painter, Cascade avenue. Smith, Mrs Rosella, Cascade avenue. Smith, Mrs Nellie M, 77 Stowe street. Smith, Frank, Wilson road. Smithling, Gilbert W, farmer. East road. Smithling; Mrs Jeanette, East road. Smithling, Hermon, bds East road. Snell, Sidney S, civil engineer, 183 Shady avenue. Snell, Mrs Jennie, 183 Shady avenue. Snell, Enos, farmer, East road. Snell, Mrs Mary B, East road. Snider, Damon W, clerk, Easton street. Snider, Mrs Genevieve, Easton street. Snyder, Fay C, merchant, 228 State street. Snyder, Mrs Hattie, 228 State street. Sousley, Martha, 92 Park avenue. Spencer, Clinton, farmer, Dayan street. Spencer, Mrs Anabell, Dayan street. Spraker, Charles C, mechanic, 18 Sharp street. Spraker, Mrs Clara, 18 Sharp street. Springsteen, C E, carpenter, 29 River street. Springsteen, Mrs Mary E, 29 River street. Starring, James H, 144 Dayan street. Starring, Mrs Catherine, 144 Dayan street. Stafford, Elmer E, teamster, 60 Water street. Stanford, Mrs Ahce M, 60 Water street. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 213 Steele, Ada M, millinery store, 3 Shady avenue. Steele, Emory, stage driver, 28 Forest avenue. Steele, Mrs Alma, 28 Forest avenue. Steele, Ada M, merchant, 28 Forest avenue. Steele, Pearl, telegraph operator, 28 Forest avenue. SteU, Christian, tailor, 42 Shady avenue. Stell, Mrs Christian, 42, Shady avenue. SteU, Barney H, butcher, Campbell street. SteU, Mrs Catherine, CampbeU street. SteU, Hermon, tailor, 57 Church street. SteU, Mrs EUzabeth, 57 Churrh street Stell, Charles H, tailor, bds 57 Church street. Stell, Anna L, teacher, bds 57 Cuurch street. .Stephens, Mrs Jacob, 10 Park Place. Stephens, Lena, 10 Park Place. Stephens, Loren H, retired farmer, 353 State street. Stephens, Mrs CeUa, 353 State street. Stephens, Fred A, mechanic, Woodlawn avenue. Stephens, Clinton C, mechanic, Woodlawn avenue. Sterhng, Mrs Sarada A, HambUns Corners road. Sterling, Florence, HambUns Corners road. Stevens, M N, traveUng salesman, 113 Shady ave. Stevens, Mrs Emma, 113 Shady avenue. Stevens, WiUiam, clerk, 74 Bostwick street. Stevens, Mrs'Mattie, 74 Bostwick street. Stevens, Mrs Elizabeth, cor Elm st and Park ave. Stevens, Elizabeth B, telephone operator, cor Elm and Park avenue. Stevens, R Kent, clerk, cor Elm street and Park ave. Stevens, W W, State road. Stevens, Mrs W W State road. Stevens, Chafes R, constable, 69 Stowe street. Stevens, Mrs Susan, 69 Stowe street. Stevens, Charles, 27 VaUey street. 214 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Stevens, Mrs Eliza, 27 Valley street. Stevens, William B, farmer, State road. Stevens, Mrs Maria, State road. Stewart, John S, cai^penter, 225 State street. Stillman's blacksmith shop, end of Water street. Stillman, William S, blacksmith, East road. Stillman, Mrs Jennie M, East road. Stillman, Benjamin F, bds East road. St John, Alonzo, mechanic, Forest avenue. Stoddard, Mrs Caroline, Stowe street. Stoddard, Clara, E, bds Stowe street. Stoddard, Leona E, bds Stowe street. Stoddard, Sheridan, farmer, Hambhns Corners rd. Stoddard, Mrs Vina, Hambhns Corners road. Stoddard, Duane, farmer. West road. Stoddard, Mrs Elsie, West road. Stoddard, Frank, book-keeper, 90 Park avenue. Stoddard, Mrs Belle, 90 Park avenue. Stoddard, Morgan A, merchant, cor Park and Trin- ity avenues. Stoddard, Mrs Anna M, cor Park and Trinity aves. Stoddard, Waite J, retired farmer, 38 Easton treet. Stoddard, Mrs Elva, 38 Easton street. Stoddard, Amasa, merchant, 130 Dayan street. Stoddard, Mrs Julia, 130 Dayan street? Stoddard, AG, 104 Dayan street. Stoddard, Mrs Ehzabeth L, 104 Dayan street. Stoddard, Cora Belle, bds 104 Dayan street. Stoddard, Ferdinand Heber, clerk, 104 Dayan St. Stoddard, Morgan A, hardware store, 167 State St. Stoddard & Bateman, dry goods store, cor State and Dayan streets, Amasa S Stoddard and Eussell E Bateman. Stoddard, George H, farmer, State road. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 215 Stoddard, Hattie E, State road. Stoffel, Kate, domestic, 61 Shady avenue. Stoffel, Michael, laborer, Chnton street. Stoffel, Mary, housekeeper,- Clinton street. Stoffle, Mrs Louise, 98 Stowe street. Stoffel, Nicholas, farmer. East road. Stoffel, Mrs Laura, East road. Stoffel, John, farmer, Sulphur Springs road. Stoffel, Mrs Nancy, Sulphur Springs road. Stoffel, Michael, laborer, Sulphur Springs road. Stoffel, Nicholas, laborer, Sulphur Springs road. Stowell, Edward M, grocery, 16 Shady avenue. StoweU, George W, merchant, 30 Shady avenue. StoweU, Mrs Lena, 30 Shady avenue. StoweU, George W. grocery, 32 Shady avenue. StoweU, Charles, laborer, 48 Lanpher street. StoweU, Charles, laborer. East road. Stowell, LeRoy. laborer. East road. St Peter's Eoman Catholic Church, cor 'Church St Highland avenue. Strader, Elizabeth, dressmaker, 32 Shady avenue. Strader, Elijah, farmer, Gardners Corners road. Strader, Mrs Abigail, Gardners Corners road. Strader, Leland, Gardners Comers road. Strader, Gertrude, Gardners Corners road. Strife, Mrs Eachael, 40 Shady avenue. Strife, Thomas, mechanic, 123 Trinity avenue. Strife House, cor State and Stowe Sts, Mrs Chris- tina Strife, prop, C. N. Wright, mgr. Strife, George, teamster, 116 State street. Strife, Anna, domestic, 281 State street. Strife, Prank, driver, 66 Water street. Strife, Mrs Mary, 65 Water street. Sturtze, Godfrey, carpenter, 203 Trinity avenue. 216 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Sturtze, Mrs Kate, 203 Trinity avenue. Sturtze, Frank, 197 Trinity avenue. Sturtze, Mrs Elizabeth, 197 Trinity avenue. SulUvan, John, laborer,- 38 River street. Sullivan, Mrs Ellen, 38 River street. SulUvan, Mrs Julia E, 96 Stowe street. Sullivan, Daniel, street commissioner, 82 Clinton St. Sullivan, Mary, 32 Clinton street. Sunderhaft, Paul, chief of police, 48 Railroad street. Sunderhaft, Mrs Jennie, 48 Railroad street. Sunderhaft, Eugene, clerk, bds iS Railroad street. Sunderhaft, Sebastian, Stowe street. Sunderhaft, Charles, mechanic bds Stowe street. Sunderhaft, Mrs Eva, Stowe street. Sunderhaft, John, gardner, 9 Jefferson street. Sutphen, Thaddeus, drayman. Church street. Sutphen, Mrs Clara, Church street. Sutphen, John, farmer, West road. Sutphen, Alvin J, West road. Sutphen, Leon, painter, 89 Dayan street. Sutphen, Mrs Florence, 89 Dayan street. Sykes, Newton B, farmer, Barnes Corners road. Talcott, Gardner W, farmer >tate road. Talcott, Jennie M, State road. Talcott, Mrs Eunice, 87 VaUey street. Tardy, Joseph S, Jewelry store, 173 State street. Tarpy, Mary, domestic, 130 State street. Tardy, Joseph S, merchant, Bostwick street. Tardy, Mrs. Fannie, Bostwick street. Tarpy, Patrick, night watchman, 195 Trinity ave. tl^Don't fall to see A. A. OOPELEY bofore Re- no wing your Fire Insurance. He will give you the Best Companies at the Lowest ffates.°'S« TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 217 Tarpy, Mrs Delia, 195 Trinity avenue. Taylor, Mrs James, Campbell street. Tedmon, Ferdinand S, retired mer, 117 Shady ave. Tedmon, Mrs Amy, 117 Shady avenue. Terry, Peter, farmer, East road. Terry, Mrs Theresa, East Eoad. TerreUian, Stephen, farmer, West rOad. TerreUian, Mrs Stephen, West road. Terry, Nicholas, farmer, Eidge road. Terry, Mrs Anna, Eidge road. Thomas, James 0, 22 Hyland avenue. Thomas, Mae E, teacher, 22 Highland avenue. Thomas, Edith C, 22 Highland avenue. Thompson, Mrs Unice, 201 Shady avenue. Thompson, Lewis, laborer, State road. Thompson, Mrs Emma. State road. Thompson. Jacob, laborer State road. Tiffany, Mrs Anna E, dressmaker, 97 State street. Tiff, Charles, farmer, 20 Valley street. Tiff, Mrs Dorcas, 20 VaUey street. Tiff, Henry, bds East road. Tilmont, Kate, domestic, 115 State street. Towsley, Franklin B, 4 CUnton street. .Towsley, Lillian E, 4 CUnton street. Touissant, Lewis F, painter. East road. Touissant, Mrs Honora, East road. Touissant, Edmond L, paper hanger. East road. Touissant, Mrs Hannah, East road. Touissant, John P, mason. East road. Trinity Church, cor State street and Trinity ave; E B Doolittle, rector. Tschume, Nellie M, 302 >tate street. Turple, Sarah, 32 Shady avenue. Turner, Hon Henry E, county judge, 31 Clinton. 218 TOWN AND VILL.VGE OF LOWVILLB. Turner, Neel, 31 Clinton street. Turner, Joseph, carpenter, 41 Valley street. Turner. Mrs Jane, 41 Valley street. Turk, Peter, laborer, 60 VaUey street. Turk, Mrs Minnie, 60 Valley Street. Tutle, Mrs Harriet, clerk, bds 268 State street- Twining, Cassius H, farmer. East road. Twining, Mrs Minnie M,. East road. VanAernam, Archibald, milk station, 6 Park Place.. VanAernam, Ella F, 6 Park Place. VanAntwerp, Jennie, clerk, bds 10 Elm street. VanDressen, Geo, restaurant keeper, Dayan street. VanDressen, W D, blacksmith shop, State street. VanDressen, Mrs Carrie, dressmaker, Y Lanpher St.. VanDressen, W D, blacksmith, State street. VanDressen, Mrs Mary J, State Street. VanDressen, Mrs Catherine 8, tailoress, QQ Stowe.. VanDressen, Ela, painter,. Valley street. VanDressen, Mrs Maggie M, Valley street. VanDyke, George B, Presbyterian min, 274 State. VanDyke, Mrs Mary, 274 State street. VanNamee, James M, mechanic, 20- Sharp street.. VanNamee, Mrs Emehne, 20 Sharp street. VanNamee, E A, printer, over 125 State streets.. VanNamee, Mrs Harriet, over 125 State street. VanNatter, George, laborer, Smith Landing road.. VanNatter, William, laborer, Smith Landing road. VanNatter, Abner, laborer. Ridge road. VanNatter, Mrs Jane, Ridge road. VanWagner, Fred J, mechanic, Highland avenue.. VanWagner, Mrs Dora, Highland avenue. VanWagner, Salina, 49 Cascade avenue. Veroneau, Mrs F, Cascade avenue. Veroneau, Jennie, Cascade avenue. Virkler, Benjamin J, tobacco dealer, 140 State street' residence 133 Park avenue. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 219- Virkler, Euphene, 133 Park avenue. Virkler & Seymour's grocery, 13 South State street.. Virkler, Alpheus G, merchant, over 13 South State. Virkler, Joshua, farmer, Eidge road. Virkler, Mrs Louisa, Eidge road. Wagner, Lena, domestic, 76 Dayan street. Wallace, Mrs Emily, State road. Wallace, Mrs Marrietta W, State road. Wallace, John M, farmer, State road. Walter, William F, blacksmith, bds 9 Dewitt street.. Walter, Cora E, 9 Dewitt street. Wandover, Walter, farmer, Beaches Bridge road. Wandover, Mary, Beaches Bridge road. Wandoverj Benjamin^ Beaches Bridge road. Wantz, Enos, retired farmer, 23 Water street. Wantz, Mrs Mary, 23 Water street. Wantz, Elizabeth, milliner, 97 South State street. Wantz, Margaret, dressmaker, 97 South State street.. Waters, V L, dry goods store, 152 State street; resi- dence, 254 State street. Waters, Mrs Sarah, 254 State street. Waters, Mrs Augusta, 26 S State street. Waters, Mrs Euth. 268 State street. Waters, Herbert M, farmer. Boulevard. Waters, Nathan A, farmer. Boulevard. Waters, Sarah, housekeepr, Boulevard. Waters, John M, lime makef. East roa,d. Waters, Mrs Mary, East road. Waters, Mary, East road. Waters, Clinton, iceman. East road. Ward, Thomas, carpenter, 17 Easton streets Ward, Mrs Hannah^ 17 Easton street. Ward, Jennie, 17 Easton street. Ward, William N, farmer, Eiver road. Ward, Mrs Lottie A, Eiver road. Warren, Edward, farmer, Wilson road. :220 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Warren, Mrs Mary N, Wilson road . Warren, Joseph, farmer, East road. Warren, Mrs Barbara, East road. "Webb, Mrs Caroline, 176 Dayan street. "Weber, Philip, European Hotel 130 State street. Weber, Mrs Flora, 130 State street. IVeber, Henry F, dry goods store, 108 State street; bds 14 Elm street. liVebster, Mason S, agl implements, 210 State street. Webster, Mrs Hattie, 210 State street. Webster, Freman B, farmer, Hamblin Corners rd. IVebster, Mrs Eectowille, Hamblin Corners road. liVelch, J T, saloon, 32 Shady ave; residence same. Welch, Mrs Matilda, 32 Shady avenue. Weller, Nellie, dressmaker, Park avenue. IVeller, Mrs Ealph, Park avenue. Weller, Alden S, farmer. No 3 road. Weller, Mrs Lizzie 0, No 3 road. Weller, Mrs Elizabeth, No 3 road. Weller, Perry D, farmer, No 3 road. Weller, Mrs Louisa, No 3 road. Weller, Farnam, lineman, Stowe street. Weller, Mrs Louisa, Stowe street. Weller, Mrs Jane, Stowe street. Wentworth, William S, farmer. River road. Wentworth, Mrs Harriet, River road. Wentv/orth, Helen, River road. Wentworth, Estella, tailoress. Water street. West, D C, lumber mfr. State street. West, Mrs May, State street. West, George, farmer, bds 41 Valley street. Wetmore Electric Co, shop 33 Shady avenue. Wetmore, Mrs Nancy, 33 Stowe street. White, Mrs Cordelia, Elm street. White, Bridget, Clinton street. White, Mary, Clinton street. TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. 22L Wickham, "vVilliam, mechanic, Dayan street. Wickham, Mrs Elnora, Dayan street. Wider, Julian, teamster, 4Y Bostwick street. Wider, George, teamster, 5T Church street. Wider, Mrs Emily, 57 Church street. Wider, Chas R, electrician, bds 57 Church street.. Wider, Eobert, bds 57 Church street. Wider, Mrs Elizabeth, 11 Collins street. Wider, Estella, teacher, 1 1 Collins street. Wider, Clara, milliner, 11 Collins street. Wider, Nellie, milliner, 11 Collins street. Wider, Ada, 11 Collins street. Wilbur, Charles, mechanic, bds Eating House- Wilbur, Carrie P, 303 State street. Wilcox, Jonas J, farmer. State road. Wilcox, Mrs Hattie E, State road. Wilcox, William H, farmer. State road. Wilcox, Mae B, State road. Wilcox, Anna M, State road. Wilcox, Emma M, housekeeper, State road. Wilcox, Chauncey W, farmer, State road. Wilcox, Mrs Mary J, State road. Wilder, Frank E, painter, 176 Dayan street. Wilder, Mrs Celia S, 176 Dayan street. Wilder, Fred, farmer. State road. Williams, Pierce &, Trinity avenue. Williams, Mrs. Louise, Trinity avenue. Williams, Perry G, 75 Trinity avenue. Williams, Miss Emma, domestic, Clinton street. Williams, T E, saloon and billiard parlors, 191 andi! 192- State street. Williams, E E, meat market, 115 State street. Williams, Edward E, merchant, 838 State street. Williams, Mrs Ida, 338 State street. WilUams, WiUiam A, lineman, bds 47 Bostwick. Williams, T E, merchant, cor State and Campbell.. S22 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Williams, Mrs Anna E, cor State and Campbell Sts. Williams, (Jhas D, traveling salesman, HEaston. Williams, Mrs Jessie, laundress, 26 Valley street. Williams, Matilda, bds East road. Williams, Hester, State road. Wilson, J Edmund, farmer, Wilson road. Wilson, John L, 158 Park avenue. Wilson, Mrs Permelia, 158 Park avenue. Wilson, Jennie, 15 Bostwick street. Wilson, Miss Minnie, nuise, 22 Elm street. Windecker, William H, 11 Easton street. Windecker, Carrie J, dressmaker, 11 Easton street. Windecker, W S, farmer. Day an street. Windecker, Mrs Irene, Dayan street. Windecker, Mi's William, 36 Trinity avenue. Windecker, Lulu, 36 Trinity avenue. Windover, Ervin, laborer, 15 Water street. Windover, Mrs Lettie, 15 Water street. Windsor House, L H Spencer, prop, 137 State street. Wisner, Charles, contractor and builder, 34' Forest avenue. Wisner, Mrs Catherine, 34 Forest avenue. Wisner, Minnie L, 34 Forest avenue. Wisner, Henry, contractor and builder, 1 Sharp St. Wisner, Mrs Emma, 7 Sharp street. Wisner, Frank C, contractor and builder, 19 Water. Wisner, Mrs Clara C, 19 Water street. Wise, George G, grocery and bakery, 196 State St. Wise, George G, merchant, 39 Dayan street. Wise, Mrs Augusta F, 39 Dayan street. Woeltje, Frank, laborer, Stowe street road. Wood, Julius H, insurance agent, office Smiley block, cor State and Dayan streets. Wood, Julius H, insurance agent, State street. Wood, Mrs Frances, State street. Wood, Clarence, painter, 19 Sharp street. o « o o '• o « o o o -• o « o '• o « o <• o >• o o o o '• o o « o « o o o o A. B. FAIRBANKS, o * •- DEALER IN -• <• o • o o o o -^ BICYCLES ^ AND ■ ©icycle Sundries. GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. Everything repaired, including Bicycles, Guns, Revolvers, Locks, Saws, Wringers, Umbrellas, Etc. Furniture Repaired, Upholstered, Etc. A. B. FAIRBANKS, J LOWVILLE, N. Y 224 TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE. Wood, Mrs Bessie, 19 Sharp street. Wood, Jerome, farmer, Gardners Corners road. Wood, Mrs Martha, Gardners Corners road. Wood, Iva, bds Gardners Corners road. Wood, Jessie, bds Gardners Corners road. Wood, Orlin, bds Gardners Corners road. Wright, Joseph, gardner, Smith Landing road. Wright, Harriet 0, housekeeper. Smith Landing rd. Wright, M S G, bds Smith Landing road. Wright, Susan, laundress, Smith Landing road. Wright, Avius G, gardner, East road. Wright, Mrs Esther, East road. Wynn, Fred, farmer, cor Trinity and Park aves. Wynu, Mrs Clara, cor Trinity and Park avenues. Yandeau, Joseph, engineer. Cascade avenue. Yandeau, Mrs Sarah Cornelia, Cascade avenue. Yancey, Simon, farmer, Gardners Corners road. Yancey, Mrs Ruth, Gardners Corners road. York, William E, shoe shop, 28 Shady avenue; residence 108 Eiver street. York, Mrs W E, 108 River street. Yousey, Christopher F, miller, 57 Park avenue. Yousey, Mrs Anna, 57 Park avenue. Yousey, William, book-keeper, 57 Park avenue. Yousey, Miss Ellen, 57 Park avenue- Yousey's Flour and Feed Mill, Shady avenue near railroad, C F Yousey, prop. • x8t6. igoa. 9 1 E. E. FOOTE, 1 o o • The Windmill Man, f * • o o Wholesale and Retail Dealer. 5 I I I Aermotor Power and ? • Pumping Windmills, • I § • Iron Pipe and Fittings. Wood and • • Iron Pumps, all sizes and kinds. Steel • • and Wood Water Tanks. Ag-ent for • o o Deering Harvester Co. O . . O • Mowers, Rakes and Binders. Twme • • and Oil. • O ^ • 2 • ? • Agricultural Implements. J 2 • • o • Call for Catalogues, Prices, Terms, etc. g 1 • • ^ ^ ^ o o • o 2 • g Corner State and Mill Streets, • • Lowville, N. Y. ? • o • ________ _ _ _ o § E. E. FOOTE, o e:.eo9o«o«o4|o«o«o«o9oSo9o«oiao«o9o9oCio0o«oi c » e o • o Fred C. Jacques, I o The Popular Trading Center. f Dry Goods, Millinery, Wall Paper o o ■ ^ _ , o o A/Til 1-1 m<=i-rTr 2 • § \A7all Vcr^f-f § o 9 • 2. o • ? This store is prepared to demonstrate ^ ? to your entire satisfaction that for style, « • for variety, for worth in merchandise and « o the prices asked they are not equalled in § ? the town. Time and care are continual- « o ly spent gathering together the choicest « o and best goods from the markets. We « o have a complete line of Black and Color- « f ed Dress Goods Cloaks, Suits and Furs, « 5 Linens, Laces and Trimmings, Hosiery 9 — - — — o • o O g and Underwear, Millinery, Wall Paper, g Window shades, etc. We cordially invite you to make this store a visit. I Fred C. Jacques, | • • o o g 133 State St., Lowville, N. Y. g o o • ^ ^ ^ «_ _ «-.• o9otto9o9o9o9oSoSo9o9oAo9oSo9o9BoAo*o*oSo9o PAGE. Town of Lowville 1 Area of Town 5 The First Settlers 6 Names of Inhabitants, First Census 10 Supervisors of the Town 13 Village of LowviUe 15 The LowviUe Banks 17 Presbyterian Church 22 Methodist Church 24 Baptist Church 27 Trinity Episcopal Church 30 St. Peter's Church (Catholic) 33 Unitarian Church 35 The Pubhc Schools 37 Lowville Academy 38 The Bostwick Seminary 41 Lewis County Agricultural Society 43 Newspapers 45 Court House 47 County Clerk's Office 48 County Jail 49 County Poor House 49 Lowville Rural Cemetery 60 Guilford D. Bailey Post, G. A. E 53 The Masonic Bodies 56 I. 0. 0. F «i K. 0. T. M <5i I. 0. G. T «<^ I. O. F 68 The Lowville Club 6^ Adirondack Waterworks ^-3 The New Town Hall T-t John E. Haberer's Furniture Factory. 77 Iron Foundry and Machine Shop 77 Asbestos Burial Casket Co 78 The LowviUe Lumber & Mfg. Co 79 Wetmore Electric Co 79 The Lowville Milk & Creanii Co SI Village Officers S3 Boards of Health 89 Fire Department 90 People and Environment 91 Pictures of Eesidents and Eesidences ; . . 97 Directory 129 Hoirfl C. Biniam, Marble Dealer, BINGHAM BLOCK. Monuments, Headstones, ■ :l|| ill — 'W^ll Tablets, Etc., of the J " *f'^ || finest quality and most 'I _ j"" Jif'up-to-date styles. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Quality and Price. George J. Haberer, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, A Large Stock of Furniture in Modern Styles. Right Prices at All Times. First-Class Outfits and Service in the Undertaking Department.