425 M82 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, UNITED STATES COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE A EEPORT ON THE INFLUENCE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS" BT WILLIS L. MOORE, LL. D., So. D Chief of the U.S. Weather Bureau Note. — When Professor Willis L. Moore was before the Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives in 1909, to explain the estimates for the Weather Bureau, a discussion arose as to the influence of forests on climate and on the run-off of water. Professor Moore stated that he was then mak- ing some studies on the subject which might lead to some definite conclu- sions, and he was requested by the chairman of the committee to continue these studies and make a report when they were concluded. This has been done, and the report submitted by Professor Moore, which follows, is printed by direction of the committee. WASIIIXtiTClX GOVERNS KXT 1 'M \ ; I \ ( J OFFICP: r,ii(i Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924000432777 THE INFLUENCE OF FORESTS OX CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. By Wans L. Moore, LL. D., Sc. D., Chuf U. S. Weather Bureau. INTRODUCTION. One of the most important problems before the American people to-day is the protection of their natural resources against either the preed of those who would monopolize them for their own individual benefit or those who, while well meaning, would through ignorance destroy our heritage and leave posterity poor. In tlie discussion of matters concerned with the conservation of the natural resources of the nation, some of which may involve the expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars and the employment for years to come of thousands of public officials, a consideration of the relation of forests to climate, floods, and low water is vitally important. VVliile much has been written on this subject, but little of it has emanated from meteorologists or from those in the public service who have been actively engaged in the forecasting or river stages, both of high and of low water. In the prosecution of such duty these officials have become acquainted with the physical facts involved in the problem and are therefore well fitted to speak on the relation of such facts to stream flow. THE AUTHOR ACKNOWLEDGES A CHANGE OF OPINION. It has frequently been stated that forests control the flow of streams, both in high-water stages and in low-water stages, and that the climate is so materially affected by the cutting away of the forests that droughts have largely increased and that the well-being of future generations is seriously menaced. It is my purpose to present facts and figures that do not support these views, some of which, especially those that pertain to the flow of streams, were held by me up to a "few years ago — until a careful study of our own and other records and of tlio incidents of history caused me to modify my opinions. I sliall eiHieavor not to be dogmatic, but rather to present the reasons for the conclusions that I now entertain, with, so far as 1 i!;v Iv, .-'.j; Mi;il und Idsforical evidence to sustain them. And 1 iv-fTve t'lf- n'.:lil in chi.ii'j-c (jr -till further morlify my views if the pr; s<-'iit. 'wii I'f i!''V\' l:ir!s and fiirnif- render such a course logical, all'! d') not en idr)' thai 1 hiiall ;-tulti[y myself in so doing. 3 » HIE ixFi.rExn: of forests ox climate axd o^r floods. FO!;"srs su()i-i.i) be protected. There are so many reasons ^v\\y forests should be protected by the state and the nation and economically conserved in the interests of the whole peo]ile tliat it is doing an injury to a good cause to attempt to brmg to its support the false reasoning"and mistaken conclusions of enthusiasts, no matter how well meaning they may be or how devoted to high and lofty purposes. Conservation of national resources is national econom}', just as conservation of private resources is personal econom}'. But whether personal economy is beneficial or harmful to the individual and his children depends upon the extent and nature of that economy; and the same thing is equally true of a nation. Conservation that pre- vents the practical use of individual or national resources is like unto the economy of the timid servant that hid his master's talent in the earth, and in large measure deserves the same condemnation. There should be neither wasteful use of resources nor that greatest waste of all, total disuse of them, but that economical use which in the end will have jielded the greatest good to the greatest number. Preservation of the forests, cutting wisely, but never more than they reproduce, enables us to draw from a perpetual supply a certain quantity of material for buildings, for furniture, and for fuel. But of course the forested land yields not a handful of wheat nor of com and mal'es hut a wretclied substitute for the pasture upon which to feed milch cows and heef cattle. These conflicting interests, the pleading of the poor man's chiklren for bread and meat and the cry of the country for the lumber that only a woodland can furnish would, if there were no other interests to modify the result, somewhere find an inevitable balance. But just as the body is more important than its raiment, so, too, is 'its food more important than its shelter; and therefore in every country the general tendency, with growth of popu- lation, is to con r ai fori st lands into cultivated fields, and this tendency should not be discouraged unless it can be shown that deforestation has augmented drougliis and floods, and I believe that it can not be soshown; I believe that forests should he preserved for themselves alone, or not at all. The average virgin forest is wasteful as a source of lumber and of fuel. It is only here and there that a tree is found of proper growth and suitable species for first-class material. As a lumber producer a forest of this kind is analogous to a cornfield planted in scattering hills here and yonder, instead of being cultivated throughout its extent and planted with that regularity and closeness of spacing that will produce the maximum yield. If the expense is not found to be too great in comparison with the return, forests should be cultivated with the same care both as to species and as to distribution, and pos- sibly, too, as to rotation, that the intelligent farmer uses in planting his fields. In this way returns equal to what we now get could be secured from a mucli smaller forested area, and there can be no valid objection to decreasing the area where homes and a weU-fed people take the place of irild nnln'oh and the vrildrrness. It is found that in some limited areas where the forest is cleared awiiv, till! soil, owin;.' to its nfiturc and slojie, will not admit of suc- cess!' u'l ciiltiviition. It niav v, ash so badly under heavy rains as to become unfit even for reforc-^ting. In others, owing to the nature THE INFLUENCE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. 5 of tlie siirfiice, cultivation is impossible. These are fit places for lociil control, provided such control is commercially feasible, but not for national control, unless it can be demonstrated that the conditions at these places materially affect the navigability of streams or harmfully affect the climate of the continent at large. The great value of forests as fuel producers is admitted on every hfind, and because of the growing cost of coal their importance in tHs particular is likely to increase rather than diminish, and of course without them the woild would be deprived of that beautiful building m^aterial which from the earliest ages it has used so freely and regarded &si indispensable, but which in the future may be used in a less ratio &a the use of noncombustible materials, like concrete, stone, and st eel, becomes more general, and certainly their use will increase. No niason in addition to these can be needed to justify an immediate and vigorous effort on the part of individuals, and especially on the part of goverimients, to teach and to insure the wisest national use — that is , wisest use when both the present and the future are properly con- si dered — of all existing forests, and also where and how best to secure other forested areas. Nevertheless additional reasons are urged, and in some cases urged as the paramount reasons for forest conservation, which will not stand the test of investigation. EFFECT OF FOREST ON CLIMATE. It is often said that the climate of a given place depends upon the e3:tent and proximity of wooded areas; that the number of rainy days and the total amount ot rainfall are modified by change of forest ejctent; that the depth of floods, the shallowness of low water, and ti e regularity of flow are all profoundly modified by changing the proportion of fields to forests in the watershed. Now, the extent and even the nature of these influences is not a matter, as often is implied, of universal agreement. In regard to change of climate, regardless of the cause, trustworthy records of temperature, of rainfall, and of other meteorological elements do not cc>ver a sufficient range of time to furnish all the data necessary for a statistical solution of this problem. However, there appears to be plenty of evidence that there have been times in the remote past when the salt seas both of Asia and of America had surfaces of greatly increased size over those that now exist. There is evidence also that in certain of tliese regions trees once grew more abundantly than is now the case.kThis, however, must not be taken as proof thatihere has been a decrease of rainfall due to destruction of the forests/ It is true that the forests have diminished— in some cases wholly van- ished—and it is also true that the evidence strongly supports the assumption of a decrease in rainfall, and therefore, of course, of a grciter or less change of climate; but this decrease of precipitation mi^rlit better be regarded as the cause rather than as the result of till" l»arren condition of the soil. There is no evidence that the for- ests were ever more extensive in Alaska and in other high-latitude cuiiiiiiios thiin thev now arc. Nevertheless, in these countries, too, JK^l :i< in arid rc;-c ilicv supiH'rf oases. All but f. ur conio to an end in the zoni' of veiri'ta'ion, wii.re they spread out and 'Iwapjiear en er naturally or because used for irrigation, lieuce it i-= nupossible to del eruuno whether THE I^'FLUEXCE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. 7 . r r.it they have dci-roa^od in loiiirth. At the lower ends of the other four, old channels ire unmd lined with dead forests, whii.-h ])rove that the streams once extended from S to -5 milea farther than is now tlie case before finally becoming swallowed up in (he eand. FORESTS IN EVIDENCE AFTER STREAMS HAVE DRIED UP. The fact that dead forests stand long after the streams have receded see77is to prove that they are the last to disappear rather than the first, and therefore that their removal did not precede the drought but rather that the forests ceased to exist when the rainfall became deficient. Lnmistakable evidence is found of the existence of extensive forests in Arizona and New Mexico, where only the petrified trunks of trees now remain. It can not be said that man removed these forests and brought on the drought. LOCAL CLIMATIC INFLUENCES OF FORESTS. One may conclude from the evidence gathered from many sources that summer temperature is slightly less in the forests and in their neighborhood, especially to the leeward, than it is in corresponding cleared sections. Forest temperature is also slightly higher during cold weather than is that of open fields, due presumably to the inter- ference of the trees, even when of the deciduous type, with free ground radiation. The increase of winter temperature, however, is not equal to the decrease of that of summer, the season during which most vegetation needs .ill of the heat it can get; and, therefore, it happens that, wooded areas may slightly retard the growth of crops in their neighborhood, as if 5>iid to be the case in the uplands of Mauritius. Witli regard to the eS'ects of forests on rainfall, I quote the follow- in_' fi'im recent writings of Prof. Cleveland Abbe, who is the senior professor of the Weather Bureau and a member of the National Academy of Science. He says: It is a pity that the errors of past centuries should still continue to be disseminated lot! 2 after scientific research has overthrown them. It is easy to start false theories and t.j believe them, because they are generally simple and plausible, but long years of ■work are necessary before we get at the secrets of nature. In this day and generation, the idf-a that forests either increase or diminish the quantity of rain that falls from the clouds is not worthy to be entertained by rational, intelligent men. Gauges exposed over forests universally catch more than gauges exposed at the same elevation in the open. Professor Abbe explams this as follows: Tlio main tnjublo consists'in the assumption that the water caught and measured i" •!:'■ r;'in pauLMjcorreetly represents the rainfall. Perhaps the most interesting ob;er- v.i'i'jh- iiearij];,' directly on this question are tho-e made by Brandis and Blanford in h iia. '.. iiere rain Kau^es were placed Ijoth on the ground and above the tree tops at '),'- h^.-ijiit of GO feet in well-watered rej.'ion-. Thehi^'h fjau'/os in the forest rerorded i j.f-r ' ' 'it ^'ri_\itcr catch than those at the same hei;,'lit in the open fields, and the low •.-1 ..'■ - ',1 the ^Touiid in cleared .-puce- in the forc-t lmvc 2 jjcr cent (rr' atcr c;itf h tlian o|i' ,■! Iiimls. But tlie-e li 'urc- do ii'.t prove tluil the fore.-t received more lij- clear ;iri.as, :illhoiiL'h at fir t -i_'ht tlj' y would .-i-cin to confirm th;it idea. i I.I. , it llic I'orc-t L'iini"-' were b'-it r -hcli<.r.;d from the v.'ind than tliO (piicn- . . ..ii.'c- ;ind thi.H c.iii-ed tlietn to catrh a l.irj. r )irHi,ortiori of ttie r.iiii thut fell. ,j ■. ;■ 'c h:i - -.;\ i-r.d ,-.;iirce- of err'.r tluit niM-t be- Ci-.-e-i i-Ml' d ani'i ailo\'.i-d fi"T, :i.' ■ I ■ ii-oroIo-.-ical a|)piir;;!.u-. -•• f'.i.d v, c may not u e ciiide and inij)cr[(;ct (■ c|ii.. L ,,f llic- V. ind in dirniiii-liii.j the f ,,icli r,[ the ram 'jmvji- lia- lrc(|uiMitly ( ' ,. '.. -I.i;.;ated -iiice the fir-t -tudie- b}' .Mil.le in l^I!l, and llie Jjre-ent slate of OUT 8 TUE INFLUENCE OF FORESTS OX CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. kiiov^i-Io(lcnwa.-ro-aviiiriiiL:!ysiimmarizoa * * * in 1SS7 in an Appendix to Bulletin ' • P"'>'i^ H'd by the Fnrivtry l>ivi-i..ii, United States Department of Agriculture. Tins Bulletin, edited by 1'.. K. l-'ernow, "the father of American forestry," recounts the various metliod.-i appropriate to the determi;-..uion of the true amount of precipi- t.itiou, and it^ bearing on theories of forest inliueneos. It appears that in ordinary rainfalls we have a mixture of large and email drops of water descending with various velocities that depend on their size, density, and the resistance of the air. Particles of hail descend even faster than drops of water, but flakes of snow fall more slowly. When the wind strikes the side of a rain gauge the deflected currents move pa.<=t this obstacle more rapidly, and there is an invisible layisr of wind above the open mouth of the gauge, whose horizontal motion is more rapid than that of the wind higher up. Some of "the lar,-er falling drops mav descend with a rapidity sufficient to penetrate this swiftly mo-iini: layer of air, biit the slower ones will be carried over to leeward and manyVill miss the gauge. The resulting loss of rain will depend upon both the horizontal velocity of the wind and the vertical velocity of descent of the rain. _ The fact that the deficit increases with the velocity of the wind (which ia less over the forest) has also been proven in a different way, Viz. by shielding the gauge from the wind, when the deficit becomes greatly reduced in value. Professors Henry, Nipher, Boemsteln, Hellmann, all of them eminent investigators, agree in this con- clusion. Of two gauges exposed at the same elevation above the ground, one over the open fields and the other over a forest, just above th« tops of the trees, the one over the forest will catch considerably moij'e ram, because the friction of the trees reduces the velocity of the winjd and it does not rush across the open end of the gau^e ■with the same speed that it does across the gauge over the open fields. ; The influence of a forest upon the rainfall is therefore only ap- parent; it may increase or diminish the catch of the gauge, but not the quantity of rain falling from the cloud. Professor Abbe further saj*s : Tf gauges are raised up year by year, the deficit increases; if gauges in open fields become surrounded by growing trees or higher buildings, the deficit decreases. .The climate has not changed, but the errors of the record have done so. Those who wifih to restore the good old times before the forests were cut down, when rain and snow came plentifully and regularly, have only to lower and shelter their rain gauges atd snow gauges and, presto, the climate has chans-ed to correspond. When rain is falling on a forested region, about 2o per cent ia temporarily held far above the ground on the leaves and branches of the trees. In thia minutely divided condition, exposed to the action of the wind, the drops evaporate freely, so that the forest atmosphere becomes saturated and decidedly less moisture^ reaches the grouiid to be absorbed in the forest humus than on an egual volume of soil outside the fore&t. A special climate is therefore maintained within a forested area. The temperature is lowered and the relative humidity is increased, but there is no evidence that this local forest climate extends outside the forest or affects exterior conditions to any important extent. Of course, the climate under a tree or a tent or within a houue differs from that outside, but these are local mattere quite foreign to the broad ques- tion, Do forests affect climate?' The climate within a house is not the climate of the whole city, nor is the climate of a ravine that of the surrounding fields. One thermometer or rain gauge iii the open air does not give the climate of a State or watershed. The various and restricted uses of the word "climate" have led to our confusion. LOCAL TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE.5 DUE TO CHARACTER OF SOIL COVERING. As tlie result of iiiv('sti;:;atiuns bezun in "Wisfonsin by the author ovf-r fifLoca ^-(■)l^s vj:n and continuf-'l durin;,' the pa~t throe or four yeiirs \iy Vn<':. Henry J. Cox, of the Wf-^ithcr Biiroaii, we hayo, found t};:it Hiir[.ri-in/ i^ -nils iirc obfjiini-d rn f.vo suri'a<(.-s of jiroriscly llio siMDO lovcl on injja'-''nt liojil,, r.no *' 28.0 M -.n:;.r ' .m. Kmj.,., 1 - >- l'"wi .31.5 -.17.0 ()r .f.^ Vi or lS71-l'i"'. cO.i >..':. :■:,. .-.'.br.. I'-r--!')';'. (JT' ''■'. Mo \-'^i-\'i'f J1.7 ;«.3 K<';' '.•- lov.a lS7-'-r>'/. ;i4.3 THE INFLUENCE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. 13 f 1 Ihchu ^ ' - J- - IB3A t ::::::::. less 1, :../.._ /ese T" i ia37 -;' ::S:;: /esa 1 1839 '":; — 'i 1840 "n" Z._ I8AI ^ A la^z -;' " 7' /8i3 -- - ' - ? /«4* ,._ -,- 184-5 _____ _ s ^ 2 -_ s is'ie / !=;; IBA-9 ^' _._ __ "s. laso ! 'i'" '"s. ::_ : ^ I -"7 ie54 f -_ — - __ 7 ' 1855 \' ::::::: -s • 1357 _L_ " . ? L__ - \!^Sr- C^' : _. _.:) 'ssz ^1 1363 ""^S. "■-S,. _ _ ~ ' . . '1865 — ' '" y~~ " ::__ . , ___ .:--=L^_._Li||7 J.-,).-- I'ttj _,^' \ie69 ^^ ,'- [4|;e. _ _ _ ^ ^ \I37/ ^>. ._ - . ---_ * 1 leiz — __^^--- - -- _ .. _ MS73_ ■^s ^ iia74 — - "" [" "" : :: : 2 \ leis y 1 ie77 - - - ""s^ - -- -^ " / 1 /eao — -- -- ^ " "" " ;; _ ^^_3- / jt :::::: __-- V, iieas 3s" " " _|_--s, 1 ^v 'Mi^ -<-- ;°;; 1 '^' '^^ I — ^r-^^^^- - - ----- ---^ / , ._ ll._ !6-'.-'J _„ .^___. -) _ j- 1 1 , -'-'1 '^- - T\ . i._, -. -- ,...\,v...±tl. _ ' ~ ■ - ^-1 \M--"^ 1 14 THE INFLUESTCE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FIX)ODS. The annual fluctuation in procipitation for two fliffcrcnt parts of the United States, viz, New England and the Ohio Valley, is L'rapliic- ally shown in li^'ure 2. The New England curve was constructed from the data for Boston, New Bedford, and Providence, at which points fairly accurate rainfall measurements have been made dating bark to 1836. The Ohio Valley curve is based upon rainfall measurements made at Marietta, Portsmouth^ and Cincinnati. The_ heavy horizontal Hnes m the diagram represent the normal precipitation. The amount that the actual fall of any year exceeded or fell short of the normal may be found by noting the intersections of the curved hnes with the smaller horizontal hnes, whose values are given in inches on the left margin. If periods of heavy and hght rain- fall alternated regularlv, the hnes of departure from the normal (the curved line) would rise and fall in a series of bends or inflec- tions precisely as the temperature rises and falls with the alternation of day and night. Reference to the diagram itself will best show how closely the rainfall of the two regions approaches any sort of periodic- ity. The Ohio Valley curve is more symmetrical than that of New England, and there appears to be a rough periodicity of about nine years in it. Thus there were periods of heavy rainfall about 1837, 1847, 1858, 1866, 1875, 1882, and 1890, and of drought in 1839, 1856, 1863, 1871, 1878, 1886, and 1895. A comparison of the two curves illustrates the fact elsewhere referred to that the rainfall over a region so large as the L'nited States is not by any means uniform in its distribution. Thus the period of relatively light rainfall in New England during 1880-1883 was one of heavy rainfall in the Ohio Valley and elsewhere in the great interior valleys. Likewise in 1878 there was heavy rainfall in New England and light rainfall in the Ohio Valley. In New England, where deforestation hegan early in our history and h,as been extensive, the mean of the fluctuations in the rain curve is a steady rise since 1836 wp to a few years ago^ and in the Ohio Valley, where the forest area has been greatly diimmshed, there is no decrease of rainfaU shown by the average of the fluctuations of the curve. These facts are important and can not be successfully aisputed. GOVERNMENT RECORDS VERSUS RECOLLECTIONS OF OLDEST INEABI- TANTS. It is the duty of the United States Weather Bureau to publish information with regard to climatic conditions; and in this connec- tion I would call particular attention to the fact that the goverrmient records are in a class separate and distinct from the recollections of the oldest inhabitants, which are entirely untrustworthy, no matter how truthful the persons intend to be. These recollections do not justify the claim that the forests have increased precipitation, for it is almost the universal opinion of the maturer man that the climate is milder and that the snows are less deep than when ho was a lioy. lie remembers tlie long tramp to the little rod schoolliouso in snow knee deep, but lie fails to take into ccmsidoration the fact that a snow knee deep to a boy of nine years of ago is no inconvenience to a man of six feet two. liujuau rofoUeetion can only recall from the diiii pa?t unusual storms — conditions that were abnormal, and these al>nor- maltics are what the man of fifty or sixty years to-day believes to THE IKFLVKKCE OF FOI;i:^TS OX CLIMATE AND OK" FLOODS. 15 havo li(-(Mi tlie avoraij;,' wIkmi ho Mas youns;. In other words, the mdiviihial rcM'^Uectidu sho\il(l be cfivcn little weight in determining a matter tliat requires eareful cnleiilation and the preservation oi accurate daily records before anything like safe conclusions can be reached. THE EFFECT OF FORESTS OX FLOODS. I have always held to the opinion that the cutting away of forests has had little or no appreciable effect on the amount of precipitation or on the general temperature. But until recent years I did believe that deforestation hacf an important and beneficial effect on the con- servation; that is, on the economical use of the rainfall, and that forests restricted the run-off. But study and investigation have caused me to modify my views. Professor Abbe says: The cultivated soil outside the forest, when plowed and broken open down to a depth of S inches, acta as a sponfje to retain water quite as well as does the ordinary humus of a forest, especinlly when we consider that under a forest less rain actually enters the humus. In fact such measiu'ements as have been made show that the amount iii water that is eventually given up from the forest humus varies but little from that given up in the course of time by the unforested, cultivated soil. The total run-off ir im the two regions does not eventually differ greatly, but it does differ in the spf ed . However, it may be neither the amount nor the speed of run-off from the soil that determines the occurrence of river floods. We must distinguish between the soil run-off and the river run-off. When water has once entered the river channel its movements are determined wholly by the force of gravity, the curvattu-e, the section, and the slope of the channel. Floods may occur in every small tributary and yet these waters may so enter the main channel as to produce only a gentle rise through- out ir- whole lensth. At other times the smaller elementary floods may conspire and produce a specially disastrous flood in the main channel. Therefore the occurrence of di-astrous floods does not depend on rainfall alone or wholly on soil run-off, but equally and principally on the relative times at which floods occur in the individual tributaries, and the tiine required by them all to reach and combine at any given point in the main channel. This is a tangled problem, since the result must depend upon the slope of the ground; the nature and condition of the soil; the nature of the forest, whether deciduous or evergreen; the nature of the gen- eral climate of the place, whether it has cold, snowy winters or rainy ones, and whetlier the spring merges gradually or abruptly into sum- mer; upon the use or treatment of the cleared surface; and probably upon other conditions. The foresters are generally in accord in the belief that the forests exercise a marked restraining influence on floods and a conserving influence on precipitation, even if they do not actually increase, by an appreciable amount, the rainfall. On the other side, army and civilian engineers and meteorologists generally believe that the broken, cultivated, permeable soil, which is covered for a greater portion of each vear with millions of the rootlets of growing grasses and cereals, is efjiiidlv as good a conserver of the rainfall as the forest area itself, even tlunigli the latter has the advantage of the deep boring of large roots intirtlie siil>stratum; that tlie evergreen forests prevent the driftinir of tfie snow and at the same time tlicir heavy foli.-ige j)rolects tl:.- -ri'r.v IVom tlie sun and jjeiniits ,t slow melting, which is all ;:',-o!!;''l bvthe l'r)M-1 rover until il is saturated, and tlien w il li ftullier },' ;it tin; v.-uter breaks oui in a flonfi; that the function of de(iopulated. The date palm, the vine, and the fig tree will grow there as luxuriantly to-day as in the old Biblical days, if artificial irrigation is used, as was formerly done. It is not believed that the cutting of the cedars of Lebanon has had anything to do with the dryness of the adjacent regions. At the tenth International Congress of Irrigation, held at Milan in 1905, papers were presented by representatives from France, Gcriiiany, Italy, Austria, and Russia, ki which the writers heartily favored "the protection of the forests and their cultivation. But tliese writers were unanimous in the opinion that forests exercise little influence upon either the high water or the low water of rivers. In tliis connection I will quote from Col. H. M. Chittenden, M. Am. Soc ('. E., volume 34, page 944, Proceedings of the Society of Civil Hn/iiiciT^, as follows: T ,, ,..,.,.; nil-,- rrii'Tiiled statemont that floods are increa.^ing in frequency and ■; , ci,rii[>,T' d '.vith fornu-r time.-', has nothing to sujjport it. 'i'hfre are. it is ',,•" , ;;.,,,■- .,..h<-n llui/'l- are iin^re fr';(|ueiit, than at others, and lia^ly conclusions II , . I -. ... II al ,■' li times; but, takiiig the record^ year after year for cou-idi r- '^i.l';] , ! ii(n-li ill."- ■>'.-nrlh coD.-iderii.'/ i.- ili-co\'crablo. Tlif; e.\ phi rial ion of l)i:~cj jpf-rio'J of lii-h waiiT, like the on.- wav prevailing, must, of course, be Bought in pre- 20 THE I^-FL^"i;^ci: of forests on climate and on floods. cipitation. That is ■\vlipro floods cnmc from, and it is very slrnnge that those who are looking so eaprcrly for a cause of thosp floods jump at an indirect cause and leave the direct one entirely untouilied. In the records of precipitation, wherever they exist, will be found a full and complete explanation of every one of the floods that have seemed unusually frequent and eovcre in recent years. THE SOURCE OF FLOOD ■\VATERS IN THE UNITED STATES. Before one can o;ct a comprehensive idea of the magnitude of the problem involved in the creation of the floods of the United States, it will be necessary for him to first study chart A, which gives a tvpical illustration of the cyclonic storms that frequently form on the Rocky ^Mountain Plateau, either on its northern, central, or southern portions. Under the influence of gravity air flows from regions where the pressure is great toward the regions where it is less. In the case illustrated by this chart the atmosphere, as indicated by the direction in which the arrows point, is flowing from the region marked "high," which is central over the Carolinas, toward the region where the pressure is low, which is central over Montana, and the vaporous atmosphere that rises from the Gulf of Mexico and the adjacent ocean is carried far into the interior of the continent. Conditions similar to these occur many times each month, and as a result the eastern and central portions of the United States are bathed in a succession of rains which, as shown by chart B, gradually thin out and largely disappear on the eastward edge of the Rocky Mountain Plateau, because the currents of air from the Gull' of Mexico do not reach farther inland. STATEMENT BY MK. BAILEY WILLIS. In the May issue, 1909, of the magazine entitled "Conservation," page 2G2, Mr. Bailej^ Willis makes the statement: The moisture which falls upon North America in the form of rain and snow comes chiefly from the Pacific Ocean. A smaller proportion, rising from the Gulf of Mexico and the V.'est Indian seas, falls upon the eastern United States. It is true that chart B, giving the normal annual precipitation indicates that the Pacific Ocean furnishes precipitation that is heavy along the immediate coast, but that it is the principal source, as Mr Willis says, of the moisture that falls upon the North American Con- tinent, is not borne out by the facts exhibited by the precipitation chart herein produced and by the inflowing currents of air that are ■showTi on chart A. The range of mountains on the Pacific coast intercepts the inflow of the vaporous atmosphere, which is comparatively shallow, and precipitates its aqueous vapor on the windward side of the range, and mainly on the north half of the windward side, because storms seldom enter from the southern half. To be sure, some of the scant precipitation that falls on tho plateau does drift over the tops of those mountains, but tho amount is small. Certain it is that the Paci-fio Ocean lias little influcTicc on tlie precipitation of the eastern half of the I'ltited vSlales, which fact is well uiulcistood hy mctcoroio- gi<"ts; and I i)elievc Unit mo^t of tlieni will join mo in the belief tliat the oniv wav that man could materially all'ecl the rainfaU of the eastern 'half of the United States would ))e to erect a rnoiiiitam barrier THE INFLUENCE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. 21 22 THE INFLUENCE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. 10,000 foot hi^li skirting the Gulf and South Atlantic coasts. Of course this is impossible, but if nature had erected it there would ho no question al)out floods in the Ohio and the Mississippi rivers and their tributaries, for there would be neither rivers nor tributaries; just as on the Pacific coast, the rain would fall on the ocean sido of the mountains, and the world's greatest granary would be a barren waste. Prof. Frank H. Bigelow, on page 17 of A Manual for Observers in Climatology and Evaporation, says: All this distribution of the general circulating currents, and the consequent pre- cipitation, would occur whether there were forests or not growmcj ou the land rna--r j. It may be proper to say that the forests follow the precipitation and do not prened'' it. There can be no question but that the action of the sun on tlie waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the adjacent ocean heavily cliaijre the air with water vapor, and that this vaporous atmosphere is carried inland by the circulation of the air in such storms as are described in a preceding paragraph and illustrated on chart A, and that the effect is shown on chart B in the form of heavy precipitation in the region of the Gulf, which gradually shades away toward the Rocky Mountains. It IS therefore apparent that the precipitation that causes floods in the eastern half of the United States is from the aqueous vapor that is raised up from the vast waters to the south and southeast of our continent, and that the supply is inexhaustible. Our rainfall, then, is the result of such fundamentally igreat causes as not to he appre- ciably affected by the planting or cutting away afforests, or by any of the operations of man in changing the maracter of the surface covering of the continent, although to statistically and positively settle the question beyond the possibility of argument it would be necessary to have scientific data of temperature, rainfall, and the height of rivers, beginning at the first settlement of the continent and con- tinuing through to the present time. Such records, of course, are not in existence. But the fundamental fact that the precipitation of the United States is due to the great hemispherical circulation of the air, and to the relation of the great bodies of water to land, and the direction of the vaporous-bearing currents, and the trend of mountain systems is something that can be positively shown. Mr. Wilhs further says, in the same issue of Conservation, page 265, that: The mountains are wet because they are high, and they are heavily forested because they are wet. But there is also a reciprocal action of the forests on the wetness, for the radiation from the dark-green expanse is comparatively uniform and promotes frequent and steady rains. Were the mountains bare they would, like the bared sierras of Spain, receive occasional but violent downpours and send down excej.-^ive and disastrous floods, even more disastrous than now. * * * For in so far a.^ we clothe the surface with green crops we lower the temperature of therismgairaiul lavor precipitation on the verdure-covered plain. It would be difficidt to either confirm or disprove this stateniont of Mr Willis. Certain it is that the rain is precipitated larjxoly from air masses that exist at a considerable distance from tlio smhieo of the earth, and that the influence that Mr. Wilhs doscrihos is m a thin stratum of air close to the earth. Karoly is this stnUtim satu- rated cvon durini,' the fall of rain. If, then, the. piocosses tluM >^ describes do not bring the an- to the saturation point, aiul it the TUE IXFLUF.^'CE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. 23 24 THE IXFLUEXCE OF FORESTS Olf CLIMATE AKD ON FLOODS. nrocipitntiou occurs in tho regions above those afTected by these local suriaec conthtioiis, I am unablo to see how the rain can be either increased or decreased in its amount. Certain it is that most of tho loadinc: inctoorologists of tho world are of the opinion that the rainfall on continents is caused by the fundamentally great operations of nature as described above. EROSION. iVnother effect of deforestation, that of erosion, is of importance but of unequal importance in different sections. In level countries it makes but Uttle difference in this particular whether the ground is waste, cultivated, o densely forested, while in hilly or mountainous sections the result is different. When the soil becomes well sodded with grass, erosion is little worse in fields than in the woods, but usually the fields are cultivated from time to time, and occasions come when the best of care and cultivation can not prevent the formation of bad gullies that injure both the gullied fields and those of the lower grounds that are overflowed. Of course, though, a field ■with an occasional wash yields more food material than the same area covered by a forest of any kind, so that only in exceptional cases — those in which erosion would probably be unavoidaole and ruinous — is this a sufficient argument against clearing away the woods and the planting of crops in their stead, for the time is came when we should not only increase the yield per acre hy wise rotation of crops on cultivated ground, hut clear wp and seed to wheat, com, grcLSS, ana fruits m,iUions of acres that now he idle under brush or forest. In other words, every acre that wiU grow food for the people, and thereby reduce its cost and furnish sustenance for our increasing population and the teeming milHons that are on the way to these snores, should be so employed ; the remainder should ijrow timber that should be protected in its growth. Man and beast ove the cooling shade, and the eye is pleased by the beauty of the wooded landscape. Therefore begin with the children and teach them to plant trees along the highways and byways and on the barren spots that will not produce food. Thus may we approach this prob- lem rationally, with the object of gaining the greatest good for the greatest number for the longest period of time. BATIO OF THE FORESTED AREA, OR MOUNTAIN WATERSHEDS, TO THE TOTAL WATERSHED. I am of the opinion that not enough consideration has been given to the relative magnitude of the areas involved in the creation of floods. A flood in any given stream is usually caused by the pre- cipitation over its entire watershed or over those of the major tribu- taries and is affected but comparatively little in a region hke that of tho Oliio basin by the precipitation over the extreme upper reaches, usually tlio forested area, or any othcr_arca that could be reforested without seriously encroaching upon tho rich alluvial plains. A criticid exiunination of Cliart C, wluch shows the entire river system of the Oiiio basin and gives tho exact limits of its bound- aries and wliii-U al-ii indicates tlie elevations, shows what a compara- tivclv' sniiiU area in relation to the total catchment basin hcs at THE INFLUENCE OF FOBESTS ON CXIMATE AND ON FLOODS. 25 elevations of more than 1,000 or 1,500 feet above sea level. Tliis chart furnishes a conclusive answer to those who behove that floorls, except, of course, torrents in the mountain creeks, are caused by the precipitation on the comparatively small area of the water- sheds at the headwaters of rivers. If it be granted that forests control the flow of streams, and I doubt that they do except as stated above, it will be necessary, in order to have an appreciable effect on navigable or other important rivers, to reforest areas many times in excess of anything that so far have been contemplated. The rugged mountain slopes and tops, where land has little value, are unimportant as flood producers. It will be necessary actually to reforest the lower slopes and valleys where the land is ofareat value and where it should be devoted to agricultural purposes. I can not escape this conclusion. ABE FLOODS INCREASING? Two papers have recently appeared, in both of which the argu- ment is made that there is a marked tendency toward increasmg flood frequency as a result of deforestation. The first of these Sapers in point of time was that of Mr. M. O. Leighton, Chief Hy- rographer United States Geological Survey." The second paper appeared in volume 2, Senate Document No. 676, beginning at page 112, and later as Forest Service Circular No. 176, January 11, 1910, under the signatures of Mr. WilUam L. Hall, Assistant Forester, and Mr. Hu Maxwell, expert. \ Before entering upon a discussion of these papers I wish to ^draw attention to the following statement in the last-named paper, page 3 : * * * Both the Geological Survey and the Forest Service have secured data,b and the results warrant the statement that unmistakably floods are steadily on the increase in some of our most important rivers. I wish to remark in connection with this statement that substan- tially all of the data used by the authors of the papers above men- tioned were drawn from the records of the United States Weather Bureau." In Water-Supply Paper No. 234 the author has made a diagrammatic arrangement of data composed of annual and decennial means, whereby he shows an apparent progressive increase in the number of flood days at Wheeling, W. Va., and other points, without a pro- portionate increase in the amoimt of precipitation. It appears to me that his argument is defective in at least two particulars. First. The flood or danger stage of the rivers at the various places discussed by him was long ago fixed by the Weather Bureau as being at the point where the river either overflows its banks or damages property adjacent thereto. Mr. Leighton has disregarded these points and arbitrarily assumed, for the purpose of his discussion, a o Report of National Conservation Commission, p. 95, and Water-Siinplv rain r No. 234. !>The italio? Tro mine. (Author.) cin Water-Suppiy Pnper No. 234 the imprestiion seems to bo given that the amhor'.-j researches and conchision.i are based on a considcr.ition of river dwchiiriro nuMsure- ments. It i.s proper to state that river dischnrijj.iuoa.^urcmcnts wore lioeun uiuIit ; he direction of the United States Geological Survey in lS9(i and that p;uii;i' roailiiv_-.-i of heights of rivers were begun by the United States Signal Service, now Wcatln-r liureau, in 1874. 26 THE INFLUEKCE OP FOBESTS ON CLIMATE AKD ON FLOODS. considerably lower stage in each case, so that his argument fails completely so far as it relates to flood frequency; for example, at WheeUng, W. Va., he assumes a stage of 20 feet, whereas the r)hio at that point is not in flood until a stage of 36 feet is reached. What the author is discussing is therefore not floods as such, but moderate stages of the river. "What appears to me to be a second defect in the author's argument lies in his acceptance of the total number of so-called flood days (20 feet or more being a day of flood) divided by the annual pre- cipitation as an indication of flood intensity, since the annual rain- fall, as he himself acknowledges," bears little or no relation to floods. Greater floods may occur during a year of deficient precipitation than during one of excessive annual precipitation if the proper pro- Eortion of the rainfall be concentrated over a limited area in a mited time. An examination of the data for Chattanooga, Tenn., given by that author, discloses the fact that there has not been any increase in the number of so-called flood days at that place. The average amount of precipitation for each daify river stage of 20 feet or more, as de- termined by him, is almost exactly the same for the two periods, 1884 to 1895 and 1896 to 1907, inclusive. But in the number of actual jiood days, as determined by Professor Frankenfield, th& official in charge of the Weather Bureau river and flood service, that is, 33 feet or over (and the river does not reach the danger or flood stage until it stands 33 feet above low water), there was a consideraole decrease in the second period, in harmony with the precipitation. I understand that when Mr. Leighton s^jeaks of "the ratio of the annual number of days of flood to annual precipitation," he means the number of days (stage above 20 feet) in each year divided by the total precipitation for the year. Thus, if the number of flood da3-s in any one year is 20, and the total precipitation is 40 inches, the ratio would be 20 divided by 40, or 0.5. These ratios are totaled in eleven-year periods and the average of each period obtained. The average for the first eleven years^ as obtained oy him, was 0.38, and of the second, 0.48, indicating, m his opinion, an increase in flood intensity during the second eleven-year period, as 1 inch of rain made only 0.38 of a flood during the first period, while in the second period 1 inch of rain made 0.48 of a flood. In other words, during the first eleven-year period 1 inch of rain made only 38 per cent of 20 feet of water, or 7.6 feet; while during the second period 1 inch of rain made 48 per cent of 20 feet of water, or 9.6 feet. This line of reasoning leads to wrong conclusions, as it is certain that the ratios obtained by dividing the number of days that a cer- tain gage reading was reached or maintained by the annual, or for that matter by any other, precipitation, without entering into the problem the exact height of water gives a meaningless result. It appears to me to be a fatal method of reasoning to take sinii>ly the number of days that a stage of 20 foot was ronchod, without roeard to heights above 20 foot. Therefore, if on a cortiiin numl>or oi d:ivs the gage reading was cxactlv 20 foot, one would got prooi.-;ol_v '.\\o same quotient as he would if on the same number of days the ii;i;ic readings were hvrgoly in excess of 20 foot. a Pago 22, Water-Supply Paper No. 23-1. THE IXFLUENCK OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. 27 I now come to that part of the discussion in Water-Supply Paper No. 234 which has boon widely quoted by the adherents of the forest- control idea, viz, tlie proposition that, although the flood periods in the Tennessee liavo decreased in later years due to diniinishcd pre- cipitation, the flood tendencies have increased. This idea, like others that have been put forward in this connection, is important if it can be substantiated; and if it is prcn'^en, then it is incumbent upon the author of that paper to show that the increase is duo to deforestation, which he docs not do. I have no data as to the area that has been cleared or that has been allowed to revert to forests, but it can not be great in twelve years. This whole matter of the influence of forests upon climate and floods is so important to the nation in planning a correct economic policy for the future that we should move cautiously and be sure that we are building safely and wisely. I am heart and soul with the noble men and women who, as individuals or collectively, are striving to protect and conserve in the interests of the whole people the nation's resources of forest and field and of minerals and water power, and in this opinion I am generally and strongly sustained by the scientific staff or the Weather Bureau. With regard to the matters of which this paper specifically treats I wish for the freest, fuUest, and fairest discussion and investigation, with the end in view of correcting error if there be such and of finding common ground upon which all well-meaning persons may stand. Those whose official reports differ from mine I believe to be as honest and as sincere in. their investigations and conclusions as I know myself to be. To return to Supply Paper No. 234, referred to above, I quote as follows from page 23: The results for the Tennessee basin cover twenty-four years, from 1884 to 1907, inclusive. * * * Summing up the flood-producing rains for the twenty-four year period, it i.' found that the total is 335, of which 313 occurred from December to May, inclu-'ivo, and the remaining 22 during the other portion of the year. It is apparent tLat the number of such rains from June to November is not sufficient to afford a basis of comparison . Therefore only the December to May floods will be considered . * * * On dividing the period covered by these 313 floods equally, two consecutive twelve- year periods are afforded, which give a basis of comparison. The floods in the later period, resulting from a given depth of storm precipitation, are clearly shown to be more severe than in the earlier period. The method of presentation further makes it po?fible to compute the increase in flood tendency due to deforestation in the Ten- nessee. »»»♦»« * If we now divide the number of flood days by the number of storms the result will be the number of days per storm. Days offload per storm. Perlorl. Storms In inches precipitated. 1 to 1.5. 1.5 to 2. 2 to 2..';. 2.5 to 3. .3 to 3.5. 3.5to4. 4 to 4. 5. 4.5 to 5. 0.7 .1 0.5 .0 2.5 2.0 LSI 2.G 2.7 1 3.2 5 fi S 8.1 7 I- i't-\''*n !;u;f jncrr^a-sc .^'0 - 17 V'TIV. - 'l.! ■' V! 1 22 20 33 '1 hi; :i!L"-)inii.- Film of l.hi; iibovc pcrci'ulnjn-H i^ \i<.) ;,ii'l the u,viTa'.,'o is 18.75, v.-hich ti. 111.1 i:;) l.h(- i'lliM.l..s I'f defor<.'.-l;ilio?i ou I'UU-ol'f from IHol to 1907, inclusive. 2S TirF, TXFLUEXCE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. I invito attention to tho figures given in this table "Days of flood per storm." If the riin-ofl" in the second period was greater than in tho first, duo to deforestation, would not the latter show a uniform and progressive influence increasing as the amount of rainfall in- creased?" How, then, does it happen that a decrease in run-off of 43 per cent is shown for rains of intensity 1 inch to 1.5 inches, while m the next higher grade of intensity, viz, 1.5 to 2 inches, an increase of SO per cent is shown ? In the next higher grade, viz, 2 to 2.5 inches, the increase drops to 4 per cent. These results founded, in my judg- ment, on incorrect premises, are both inconsistent and meaningless. To " divide the number of flood days by the number of storms " gives no valuable quotient, for the gage readings selected as floods are not floods, but only moderate stages, and no account is taken of the actual height of the water, and ^diile the conclusion is reached that there is an increase in flood intensity of 18.75 per cent in the Tennes- see basin in the past twelve j-ears due to deforestation, no records or other evidence are presented' that there is not as much forest area in this basin as there was twelve A-ears ago; or that, if there is a decrease, it would be sufficient to account for such a large increase in flood intensity. But— and here is the most important matter in the consideration of ilr. Leighton's conclusions — no matter how complete the data may be, or how fundamentally sound and fair its collation and group- ing, the comparison, the one with the other, of such short periods as those measured by only twelve years, can not give results with regard to changes in climate and floods that will permit the most skilled mete- orologist or engineer to draw fundamental conclusions that can have any value. Precisely the same amount of rain falling in the two periods and no change whatever in forest or cultivated area might produce largely differing results on floods, depending on the sequence with which it fell over the different tributaries and how it was con- centrated or scattered, and on many other complicated conditions of run-off, such as the coinciding of the flood volume from one tribu- tary with that of another, instead of each passing down the main stream at different times. There is also the difficulty of securing accurate precipitation data. Whenever the height of the gage is altered or other change made in its environment that disturbs the flow of the air currents the read- ings of one period may not fairly be compared the one with the other. These defects vitiate the precipitation data of many stations of the Weather Bureau, especially those in large and growing cities, and can only be remedied by the Government controlling for a long period of years an area at each station so large that it can determine the exposure and keep it constant. Another tray oj comparing the precipitation and the river stages of the Tennessee hitsivs. — I give in the following table tho rainfall at Clii'.ttanooga and Knoxvillc scparatclj' for the months December to Mav, inclusive, U>\' Oiich of the twenty-four years considered in ^Va't(■r-'-^l^)])l_v ]*:ipor No. 234; also the total number of days of river sta;;('.s of 20 feel, inul above on tho Cliiittanooga gage. The rainfall so tal)u!:iti'(| inrludof? only the heavy rains, and tho arrangement a('i,;/|iii" til iutensitv is precisely th(! same as that followed in Wator- Sui.j.ly I'alHT .\. >o. THE INFLUENCE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. 29 Eeavij rains at Chattanooga and Knoxville, Tenn., during six months of each year (December, 1883, to May, 1907). 1 to l.S Inches. 1.5 to 2 inches. 2 to 2.5 Inches. 2.5 to 3 Inches. December-May, 1883-1907. Num- ber of rains. Total amount. Num- ber of rains. Total amount. INum- 1 bcr of rains. Total amount. Num- ber of rains. Total amount. First half: Chattanooga 57 44 68.65 51.01 16 26 27.54 45.59 8 13 17.83 29.44 13 4 I 35.67 Knoxville 11.04 Total 101 119.66 42 73. 13 21 47.27 17 46.71 Mean ".■;■■:: " w . ".:/ i Second half: Chattanooga 52 48 62.48 55.87 11 21 i 18.18 i 35.47 12 10 26.28 9 22. 19 10 24.13 KnoxTiUe 27.48 Total 100 118.35 32 53.65 i 22 48.47 19 51.61 Mean 1 i 1 ! 1 December-May, 1883-1907. 3 to 3.5 Inches. 3.5 to 4 inches. 4 to 4.5 Inches. 4.5 + Inches. ?™; Total Num- ber of rains. Total Jf™: amount. ^Y„?' Total amount. Num- ber of rains. Total amount. Grand total. First half: Chattanooga 4 4 13.45 12.70 4 1 15.07 3.78 2 2 8.58 8.79 6 4 33.43 22.04 220.22 184.39 Enozville Total 8 26.15 5 18.85 4 17.37 10 55.47 404.61 202.30 Mean Second half: Chattanooga 4 5 13.41 16.17 2 2 7.71 7.46 2 8.38 4 23.27 183.84 164.64 KnoxTiUe Total 9 29.58 4 15.17 2 8.38 4 23.27 Mean 348.48 174.24 The data of the above table have been divided into two periods of twelve years each, with the following results: First period. Total number of heavy rains at Chattanooga XXO Total number of heavy rains at Knoxville ..!.!!!.].!!!!!!! 100 Total : ^ 210 Total amount of the above heavy rains as per table, 404.61 inches. Dividinc this total by two, to get the approximate average of the heavy rains for the ■watershed, we get 202.30 inches. Total number of days with stages of 20 feet or more at Chattanooga 166 Dividing the amount of the heavy rains in the watershed by the number of days with a river stage of 20 feet or over, we get -??^--?°=1.220 inches as the amount of rain- ibb fall that probably produced one day of a stage of water in the river of 20 feet or more. 30 THE INFLUENCE OF FOEESTS OK CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. Second period . Total nunil)cr of heavy rains at Chattanooga ^° Total number of heavy rains at Knoxvillc ^ Total 1^2 Total amount of the above heavy rains, 348.48 inches. , , , Dividing this total aa before, we get as an approximate average of the hea'.\- rains in the watershed 174.24 inches. Total number of days with stages of 20 feet or over in the river 141 Dividing as before, we get as the probable amount of rainfall in the second period required to produce a day of 20 feet or over in the river, 1.236 inches, as against IMt) inches in the first period. The diflference between the line of reasoning employed in getting the above results and those given in Water-Supply Paper Ac. 2.34 is that the author of the latter attempts to difFerentiate between the stages produced by rains of varying intensity and to assign to such rains a given number of so-called "flood days," while in this paper the assertion is made that in the first period there were a given number of days with a stage of 20 feet and over in the river, and that during that tune the heavy or flood-produaiiig rains amounted to so much. Dividing, then, the total of the flood-producing rains by the corre- sponding number of days with a st^ of 20 feet or over, the results given above are reached, viz, that for the first period it took 1.22 mches of rainfall to produce a day with a 20-foot sta^e in the river. These figures contradict the contention that an equal depth of rain in the last period as compared with the first produced more sevure floods in the river. I onfy present them to snow how ea^' it is to arrange data so as to prove both sides to a question. While this line of inquiry is open to less objection than that followed by Leigh- ton, it does conform to the plan of the latter in so far as it uses the number of days that the river stood at or above 20 feet, instead of taking into consideration the actual height of the water. The most that can be said is that this form of inquiry shows no increase in flood intensity. Rainfall arid run-off of the Ohio Basin. — We now come to a different and more reliable form of investigating this question of the relation of precipitation to run-off. We have no direct method of measuring the run-off, but we can reach a fair approximation to it by a comparison of the rainfall and river data for any given watershed. If, for example, the surtaco conditions over any considerable part of a watershed have been materially changed by deforestation or other means, and if, as claimed, such change operates to increase the run-off, then the flow of water in the streams after the change has been brought about should be greater for equal depth of precipitation. This method is a rough one, to be sure, but it appears to be the only one permitted by the records as they exist. Cincinnati, Ohio, has been chosen as the point whoso river observa- tions are best adapted to our purpose, although some olijcction to that place lies in the constriction or the natural river channel c:i'i-:i\l by the encroachment on the banks of the stream by various artiiirial structures. The station at Pittsburg, Pa., is bettor situatcii for comparative purposes, but the low-water stages at that place of THE INFLUENCE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. 31 lato yoars have boon vitiatocl by the construction of the Davis Ishind (Uiin. The constriictit)n of dams at several places in other rivers has hnverod the value of low river gauge readings for comparative purposes. In the tables whicli follow I have given the actual mean monthly stage of the Ohio at Cincinnati for every month of the period 1S71 to 1908. Tlie average of these monthly means has been computed for the first period of nineteen years; these averages have been suramod up for the twelve months of the year, and that sum has been divided by twelve in order to get the annual mean. The number so obtained, 17.3 feet, is therefore the average stage of the river for the entire nineteen years, as computed from all of the daily stages for that period. In like manner the average stage of the river for the second period of years has been computed and is given in the following table : Mean monthly and annual river stages in the Ohio River at Cincinnati, Ohio, for the period 1871-1908. [In fe«t and tenths.] Year. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Dot. Nov. Dec. Annual. 1S71 14.6 14.0 22.6 29.7 18.3 31.4 2.S. 1 20.0 23.2 29.2 20.7 42.0 18.1 24.5 2.5.6 24.7 20.4 20.2 2.i.2 3.3.0 31.8 23. 8 12.7 17.3 2S.3 14.1 14.4 3j.3 31.8 18.7 1.5.8 10.9 23.1 19.4 14.9 2l',. -S 4.-,. 7 2J. 23. 8 2.3.1 14.1 29.4 27.9 16.7 a3.9 18.4 24.2 26.6 28.3 3.3.1 44.0 48.6 54.4 15.6 2(1. 48.4 20.1 24.1 37. 9 46. 8 24.5 41.1 27.2 1.3.9 23.6 30. 3 25.0 2.5.9 24.5 13 8 25.3 13.3 21.4 23.7 34.4 2.5.6 28.0 24.2 32. S 35.2 27.2 34.2 20.3 36.5 17.1 20.6 29.4 2.3.0 20.9 40.0 37.2 2.5.4 25.8 22.6 27.4 22.5 40.3 31.3 40.1 2S.9 16.5 25.8 29.2 31. r. 23.9 25.4 23.1 14.5 22.9 24.6 29.4 18.2 30.0 24.5 26.5 37.4 24.0 2,3.8 19.0 31.7 30,0 31.5 26.8 19.1 24.4 26.1 26.3 27.1 26.7 17.8 39.5 26.7 32.9 26.6 19.7 30.3 23.9 35.8 25.1 27.6 26.3 21.8 11.8 25.6 20.7 14.7 18.2 17.4 22.0 11.4 15.8 16.1 30.6 49.0 17.5 15.0 22.0 20.6 13.8 16. 32.5 9.8 2.3.2 36.1 16.9 12.3 12.3 23.1 23.7 17.4 11.2 2.5.5 13.6 12.0 20.1 25.2 14.3 22.5 30.8 20.0 20.2 20.1 8.2 10.9 9.2 7.8 11.8 10.1 12.1 12.5 7.1 14.0 16.5 26.5 61.5 11.3 14.7 15.5 14.8 10.4 25.2 19.8 18.9 23.1 14.9 12.3 6. .5 11.7 12.8 11.7 13.6 10.8 28.1 11.0 13.5 16.2 16.3 12.5 27.2 12.9 1.5.8 1.5.5 15.6 7.1 11.9 13.3 6.1 25.0 11.8 11.3 9.0 5.6 9.4 7.8 16.9 12.9 8.5 6.8 1.3.8 5.7 14.6 18.5 10.8 1.3.0 11.6 8.3 5.6 7.5 22.1 13.9 8.6 8.4 9.5 13.1 19.4 12.7 13. 5 15.8 10.1 18.3 10.0 11.4 12.2 11.8 S.l 8.4 10.0 9.0 26.7 10.6 6.5 10.6 9.9 8.4 4.9 13.7 8.7 6.5 12.5 10.0 4.9 12.1 12.2 9.7 11.2 7.7 4.8 4.3 6.1 20.1 10.3 20.2 8.0 7.9 9.6 9.9 6.7 6.3 12.9 14.4 13.5 8.6 10.0 10.1 10.0 5.4 5.1 6.6 4.2 S.l 16.8 6.2 13.7 6.9 7.0 3.6 13.9 4.4 3.6 11.0 5.4 3.3 16.4 6.7 20.8 9.7 5.7 7.2 4.8 4.9 6.7 4.8 7.7 5.1 5.0 10.9 4.4 8.2 5.0 10.2 10.1 12.1 4.4 7.6 7.8 7.7 3.2 4.2 7.3 5.4 7.4 10.7 5.1 6.0 3.2 4.6 4.4 9.0 7.9 3.9 8.5 5.2 3.3 17.9 8.0 21.2 4.9 4.3 10.5 4.6 3.0 14.8 3.5 10.1 3.9 4.3 6.4 7.6 6.6 3.8 10.8 13.3 10.6 3.6 6.6 7.8 7.2 6.5 10.0 15.6 4.6 15.9 11.7 12.1 '14.8 5.4 10.4 14.8 8.7 38.0 4.4 15.5 12.2 3.6 27.4 24.6 24.2 9.6 6.4 9.5 6.6 3.4 13.8 8.0 17.1 6.4 10.3 5.6 0.3 7.3 4.2 12.0 15.8 17.0 4.8 13.5 9.9 11 7 7.3 10.5 28.6 13.4 24.3 12.1 15.1 29.1 19.2 18.1 25.0 12.7 32.2 12.2 18.1 19.4 6.1 10.2 23.9 17.3 18.9 11.1 16.5 12.0 9.4 19.7 17.8 18.7 13.4 19.2 20.6 20.9 9.6 4.6 23.6 23.3 19.4 6.2 18.1 16.3 17.2 1,S7.' 1873 1S74 1S7:. 1S7C 1S77 1S7^ 1N7V 1.S<|| ls,s; IS'-:' 1SS-, InM K^■ 1>-J l^.'-T ISn^ ISVI lv>, I'-'M 1-^'c l-'i.-; IS'.M l^V IWO 1897 l,S9,s ISM 1900 19fjl .. .. \v-i 19. 2 .37 2 IC»i3 .39.7 20.3 21.4 13.9 22.0 32.2 20.3 211.8 28.1 42.5 34.6 33.3 2ii.3 40.1 41.9 20.1 .32. 9 29.5 13'U. . . I!ii|.'. I'll',, 1'<(I7 l',i,v ll.-L.ri: l'^71-1'-s'l IVKJ-lM-l. ... '.h7l-l:,ii'< 17.3 17.6 17.4 T!, .■|,VC|-;l''( ,T, 0,M;tlUcil. ()l pi('ci|>)!.-i,l irjji rci uri! , ill 1:;|'_' ' precipitation for tlic watorsliod has not been so easily^ liy in ix'-cptioriul cu-rs arc (.■ontinuous mpusuremenl.'^ of .•i'v;»il;i,blc for coinp.-irativc studios. Tlie ^^'ovornnitMit V cities arc of neci'.^^ity made from gauges whose iiume- 32 THE IJTFLUENCE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. diate environment has been changed repeatedly in the course of a long series of years, and it was for this reason that the rain-gauge records from Cincinnati and Pittsburg were ignored. The points selected — • viz, North Lewisburg and Portsmouth, Ohio, and Confluence and Franklin, Pa.— -are the best and practically the only long-period rec- ords available in this watershed. A better distribution tnroughout the watershed woidd have been preferred, but it is not possible to obtain it. The precipitation, like the river stages, has been computed in periods of nineteen years each. The tables follow: Annual precipitation in the Ohio watershed for the period 1S71 to 1908, inclvMve. [In Inches and tenths.! Year. North Lew- isburg, Ohio. Ports- mouth, Ohio. Confluence, Pa. Franklin, Pa. For the watershed. 1871 28.6 37.2 340 43.2 42.0 37.3 440 4&4 46.4 440 45.8 48.9 343 3&8 4a6 35.0 47.6 30.8 45.2 442 40.2 49.1 39.6 29.0 48.3 43.5 52L2 34.0 32.5 29.6 36.6 28.7 35.4 «35.1 «I33.7 <«37.6 aai 39.8 3ai 39.0 30.7 3L1 46.2 3&3 45.7 41.2 35.0 29.9 35.6 49.0 40.8 56.2 4&5 42.3 37.3 45.3 40.7 48.3 39.3 57.6 42.8 441 37.9 36.2 31.2 39.9 49.1 481 42.9 346 39 7 37.2 37.3 29.2 43.3 444 42.3 40.0 41.1 40.9 41.0 a27.7 "SLO <>41.4 1 39. 4 39.1 46.1 45.0 41.1 3a 8 49.2 41.4 55.1 49.8 42.1 39.3 441 >31.2 6 47.3 400 60.1 57.5 3&4 43.4 42.1 35.1 50.2 45.8 53.2 48.9 440 41.2 45.9 3&3 31.4 61.1 48.7 55.8 42.1 41.5 46.0 418 347 41.6 649 47.4 45.8 46.9 43.5 40.1 37.7 340 39.1 45.8 41.3 42.0 446 38.8 40.8 49.2 43.8 68.5 <:51.4 '!47.6 C4a7 «43.3 <:33.5 «41.2 39 6 391 32.8 31.7 42.2 39.1 45.6 40.8 45.1 «40.2 «42.3 «41.1 42.7 42.3 42.5 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 Uean: 41.3 1890-1908 41.8 41.6 o Record of Pittsburg, Pa. * Record of Lock No. 4, Pennsylvania. e Record of Warren, Pa. d Record of Columbus, Ohio. ' Record of Parkers, Fa. Summarizing the above, we have: Average stare of the Ohio River at Cincinnati, Ohio: Feet. 1S71 tols^ti 17.3 lS90tol90S 17-5 AverriKP, prpcititation in the Ohio watershed, as detenninod from the stations above named: Inches. 1871lol^vi jJ-3 ISOOtol'Ab ^1'8 THE INFLUENCE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. 33 I consider that the results secured from the discussion of the firecipitation and the gauge readings in the Oliio basin, as given in the oregoing tables, form one of the most important contributions made by this paper. Here we have avoided the using of indefinite and meaningless data, and have taken the longest period of time for which accurate records can be secured on a watershed that is suitable for this line of inquiry. We have not simply counted the number of days that the river stood above some arbitrarily selected stage with- out taking into consideration the exact height of the river. Neither have we divided the gauge readings by some arbitrarily selected portion of precipitation data. On the contrary, we have endeavored to profit by the errors of previous investigations, and to lay the foundation of an inquiry that would mean something when we reached the end of our computations. For this reason we have selected a typical station on the main stream that drains the Ohio Basin and have discussed rainfall data that are the most accurate of any in the region, having been subject to less errors due to varying environ- ments. Any deductions made from an inquiry founded with less care, or from data of a less degree of accuracy, must bring results from which it would be unsafe to form definite conclusions. Now let us see what is the result. The average stage of the river for the first nineteen years is 17.3 feet, and for the last nineteen years 17.5 feet, showing that there is practically no change in the run-off of the Ohio Basin between the first period and the last. When we examine the average precipitation over the watershed that is drained by this-rirver we find that for the first nineteen years it was 41,3 inches, and for the last nineteen-year period it was 41.8 inches, a sUght increase in precipitation for the latter period that agrees precisely with the slightly greater average flow of water. There is a perfect agreement here oetween the precipitation and the flow of the stream. I do not know what has been, the area deforested in this valley during the thirty-eight years under discussion, but whatever it is it seems to be apparent that such altering of the relation of forest area to cultivated area has had no appreciable «ffect on the flow of the Ohio River. I am aware of the fact that by the studying of short periods of data on small tributary streams, and especially by the grouping of data dissimilar from what is employed in this discussion, all manner of results may be shown. I believe that the reader vnU acknowledge that I have shown in the several preceding paragraphs that the average discharge of the Ohio River, where I presume deforestation has heen as great as in any other part of the country during recent time, has not changed for a period oj thirty-eight years, except as caused hy precipitation. It will now he inter- esting to Tcnow how the two periods compare with regard to extremely high water and extremely low water, and this wiU he discussed in the coming pages. High water and low water on the rivers of the Ohio hasin. — I had Prof. H. C. Frankenfield, Chief of the River and Flood Division of the Weather Bureau, compile the data from one station on the Cumber- land, three on tlie Tennessee, and five on the Ohio, and establish the average high water for the four wet months, January to April, and the average low water for the four dry months, July to October. He thcu 26320—10 3 34 TllK INFLUE^■CE OF FOKESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. took the departure from the normal, both for tlic precipitation and for the height of the rivers, and found that tlie average high water was no higher and the average low water was no lower for the last half of the period than for the first half. The difFonmcos were so sHght as to he inappreciable, but what cnanges occurred were in favor of the low water being slightly higher and the flood waters slightly less. There were variations in the periods and intensities of Hoods that bear a direct and proper relation to the precipitation. In making his report, Professor Frankenfield points to the fact that the low-water stages at Pittsburg, Pa., and Nashville, Tenn., are not fairly com- parable with those of the other stations on account of permanent pool stages caused bj dams operated during the low-water season tor purposes of navigation. The first dam below Pittsburg was placed m operation in 1885, and that at Nashville in 1904. The effect of these dams is to furnish higher low-water stages than would result without them. The effect upon the normal low-water stage at Nashville was not marked, but at Pittsburg it was perceptible. However, in his conclusions he did not make allowance for the slightly higher low-water stages at Pittsburg on account of the dam, but when included with the other stages of the river this defect probably is not apparent. According to our line of reasoning, which we believe to be fair and conservative, it is shown that the average discharge of the Ohio River is not greater as the result of deforestation during the last nineteen years than during the preceding like period, and that the average high water in the rivers of the entire basin, which includes the Tennessee, the Cumberland, and the Ohio, is not higher and the low water is not lower. Are real flood stages more numerous than formerly? — The next line of inquiry will be for the purpose of determining whether or not there has been in recent time an increase in the number of days that these rivers were at or above the flood stage, and in making this inquin'' exact flood stages will be used, not simply gauge readings less than flood. Again I called on Professor Frankenfield to prepare the necessary data. As the data was not complete with regard to flood stages for the first ten years of the period that we have been dis- cussing, he took a period of ten years less in length, beginning with 1879, and as the result of his computations we have tne following table 36 THE INFLTjEXCE OF FOEESIS OK CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. the forepart of the first fourtcen-ycar period, especially that which caused the famous 1SS2 flood, places such a jirepondcrance of flood days in the first period that it would be unfair to claim that there has been anv such permanent decrease in flood intensity as is shown by this table. It is jriren for what it is worth, and furtner to emphasize the fact that conchisions on which fundamental theories or policies are based should not be founded upon short-period data. Whilel am strongly of the opinion that there is no permanent increase in the number of flood davs for the rivers of the United States as a whole, between the last fifty years and the preceding fifty years, I should not rely upon such short-jseriod data as is contained in this table to sustain mj- belief. But if these data of twenty-eight years, which shows such a marked decrease in flood intensity of the rivers of the Ohio Valley, and which are founded upon unquestionably accurate data, are not sufficient evidence for a scientific man to claim statistical proof of the decrease of floods, what shall one say of the statements made by Messrs. Hall and Maxwell, of the Forest Service, in volume 2, Senate Document No. 676, in a paper on "Surface conditions and stream flow," which begins at page 112, as follows: THE TEXDEXCY IS TOWARD IXCREASED FLOODS. On the Potomac River, for which measurements are given for eighteen years, the number of floods during the first half of the period was 19; during the second half, 26; while the number of days of flood in the first half was 33, and in the second half, 57. On the Monongahela River measurements are given for twenty-two years. During the firet half of the period there were 30 floods; during the second half, 52. The num- ber of days of flood during the first half of the period was 55; during the second half, 100. On the Ohio River measurements are given for twenty-six years. During the first half of the period there were 46 floods; during the second half, 59. The number of days of flood during the first LrJf was 143; during the second half, 188. On the Cumberland River measurements were given for eighteen years. During the first half of the period there were 32 floods; during the second half, 43. The num- ber of days of flood during the nr-t half was 89; during the second half, 102. On the Wateree Rivermeasurements have gone on for ei-^teen years. In the first half of the period the number of floods was 46; in the second half, 70. The number of davs of flood in the first half of the period was 147 , in the last half, 187. On the Savannah River measurements have continued for eighteen years. During the first half of the period the number of floods was 47; during the second half, 58. The number of davs of flood durin-r the first period was 116 ; during the second half, 170. On the Allojrhenv River me^.-=urement3 arc given for thirty-four years. During the first half of the period there were 39 floods; during the second half, 53. The number of days of flood during the first half was 92; during the second half, 131. On the Tennessee River measurements have been taken for thirty-four yeare. Dur- ing the first half of the period there were 32 floods; during the second half, 33. ine number of days of flood durini' the first half was 173; during the second half (in this case there was a falling-off;, 137. The conclusions arrived at by the authors are, in my judgment, faulty, because: , , ,. , ^, • •*„ First. The shortness of the period of observations at the majority of the stations discussed. n i ^ r <. •„ u„;„u+c, Second. The arbitrarv assumption as flood stages of certam heights of water much below that necessary to cause a flood. As to the period of observations: Those ol us who are accustomed to he crirapitation of normals or "lean values have always realized how Mtrln v-iliie thev p'-^^-ss unless obtainod from data covering a how httlG ^'^1 'e t '^> P.J-J • ^ „i' teiiiperature normals, which lone; period ot M; - / .-^a IIow mu.h more must it bo true S^'^ed^iluri^n'S Vlv^i-^ige data, with their wide extremes and THE INFLUENCE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. 37 irregular fluctuations? As a matter of fact any average of river con- ditions, or any mean annual precipitation determined from ten or fifteen years' observations, would be of little or no value in a discus- sion of this character, and when two of these short-period normals are compared with each other the actual errors would probably be multiplied. Second, opinions may differ, of course, as to what constitutes a flood, but the Weather Bureau (and engineers generally) have uni- formly defined a river to be in flood when it reached a stage above which damage would be caused, practically the bank-full stage. This being so, it would appear reasonable and proper that this definition of the term should be accepted and data discussed accordingly. If the flood stage at a given point is 18 feet, an assumption of a lower or a higher figure for purposes of investigating the frequency of floods must necessarily be misleading. I will now ta!ke up the rivers in the order named in the quotation and give the net result of Professor Frankenfield's inquiry as to the number of real floods: Potomac. — On the Potomac River the number of floods has not increased, but there were more days of a 12-foot stage in the last period than in the first. The explanation of this increase is found in the precipitation. MonongaTiela. — On the Monongahela River, using data for Lock No. 4, Pennsylvania, 40 miles above Pittsburg, there were two more floods in the second period as compared with the first, the figures being 13 and 11, respectively. Two of the days of flood occurred in March, 1907, as a result of abnormal weather conditions over the watershed. Ohio at Wheeling. — There was an increase in the number of floods at Wheeling, but said increase is not shown farther down the river than Parkersburg. It (the increase) disappeared below the mouth of the Great Kanawha, as indicated by the Cincinnati records. The reason ascribed for this increase in flood frequency is an increase in short-period heavy rains. The same conditions appear to have obtained in the Allegheny at Freeport. Cumberland. — There has been no increase in flood conditions in the Cumberland. Wateree.— There was a marked increase in the number of flood days on this river during the second period. On the other hand, the pre- cipitation in the watershed shows a like marked increase. Savannah. — The record for the Savannah River at Augusta shows a marked decrease in the second period as compared with the first. Allegheny at Freeport. — See Wheeling. Tennessee. — See detailed discussion on this river in another part of this paper. COXCLUSIONS. (1) Any marked climatic changes that may have taken place are of wide extent and not local, arc appreciable only when measured m eeoio'ac periods, and evidence is strong that tlic cuttmg away of tlie Wst" Iiiis had notbin;,' to do ^vith the crcatmg or the augmentmg of drou'Jits in anv piirt of the world. , .• u v,,^ „. (2) PrcciTiitution ('Oiitrols lorestation, but forestation has little or no elfcct u])i>ii j)rocipitatiou. 38 THE INFLUENCE OF FORESTS ON CLIMATE AND ON FLOODS. (3) Any local modificatiou of temperature and humirlitv caused by the presence or absence of forest covering, the buiidinirs of villages and cities, etc., could not extend upward more than a "few hundred feet, and in this stratum of air saturation rarely occurs, even durino' ramfall, whereas precipitation is the result of conditions that exist at such altitudes as not to be controlled or affected by the small thermal irregularities of the surface air. (4) During the period of accurate observations, the amount of precipitation has not increased or decreased to an extent worthy of consideration. (5) Floods are caused by excessive precipitation, and the source of the precipitation over the central and eastern portions of the United States is the vapor borne by the warm southerly winds from the Gulf of Mexico and the adjacent ocean into the interior of the country, but little from the Pacific Ocean crossing the Eocky Mountains. (6) Compared with the total area of a given watershed, that of the headwaters is usually small and, except locally in mountain streams, their run-off would not be sufficient to cause floods, even if deforesta- tion allowed a greater and quicker run-off. Granting for the sake of argument that deforestation might be responsible for general floods over a watershed, it would be necessary, in order to prevent them, to reforest the lower levels with their vastly greater areas, an impossi- bility xinless valuable agricultural lands are to be abandoned as food- producing areas. (7) The run-off of our rivers is not materially affected by any other factor than the precipitation. (8) The high waters are not higher, and the low waters are not lower than formerly. In fact, there appears to be a tendency in late years toward a slightly better low-water flow in summer. (9) Floods are not of greater frequency and longer duration than formerly.