1896 \|i ai 1te*..W 1590. 046209 GforngU Utttttetoitg library 3tl[ara, ■Nwi fark FROM THE BENNO LOEWY LIBRARY COLLECTED BY BENNO LOEWY 1854-1919 BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY The date shows when this Tohtme was token. 9kcoi the! To renew this book copv the call No. and give to ! ubrarian. HOME USE RULES All books subject to recall All borrowers must regis- ter in the library to borrow books for home use. All books must be re- " turned at end of college year for inspection and repairs. Limited books mtxst be returned within the four week limit and not renewed. Students must return all books before leaving town. Officers should arrange for the return of books wanted during ■ their absence from town. Volumes of £Jeriodicals and of pamphlets are held in the library as much as possible. For special pur- poses they are given out for^ a limited time. Borrowers should not use their library privileges for the bene&t of othe; persons. Books of special value and gift books, when the giver wishes it, are not allowed to circulate. Readers are asked to re- port all cases of boc^s marked or mutilated. Do not deface books by marks and writtnc. Cornell University Library HS445.N54 A2 1896 Constitution of the most worshipful Gran 3 1924 030 300 507 olin.anx Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924030300507 CONSTITUTION MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE ANCIENT AND HONORABLE FRATERNITY Free and Accepted Masons THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Adopted June lOth, A.-. L.-. S^^9- Amended to A.-. L.-. §8g6. ALSO THE GENERAL REGULATIONS, DECISIONS, AND FORMS Revised A.-. L.-. j8g6, A. D. i8g6. CONCORD; PRINTED FOR THE GRAND LODGE. 1S96. h^^rui^o. PREFACE. M.-. W.-. Brother John J. Bell, in the introduction to the original compilation, said : "At the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge in June, A.-. L.-. 5S67, numerous amendments to the Constitu- tion having been proposed, which seemed to indicate a desire and necessity for a thorough revision of that instrument, the foIlov\nng resolution was adopted : " '■ Resolved^ That a Committee of three be appointed to revise the Grand Constitution and General Regulations of this Grand Lodge, and report at the next Semi-Annual Com- munication ; and that all amendments now pending, or that may be proposed at this Communication, be referred to said Cominittee.' " Bros. John J. Bell, John A. Harris, and \Villiam Barrett were appointed the Committee for that purpose. "At the Annual Communication in June, A.-. L.-. 5S6S, the Committee submitted their report in print, which was read and copies thereof distributed to the members present. The consideration of the proposed new Constitution was postponed to the Annual Communication, A.-. L.-. 5S69, at which time it was taken up and carefully considered, such amendments made thereto as seemed to be required, and finally adopted. "By a subsequent resolution, the undersigned was re- quested to prepare forms and directions for the use of the Lodges under the new Constitution, to be printed as an appendix to the Constitution. 4 PREFACE. " I have endeavored, in pursuance of that request, to pre- pare such forms and directions as are necessary to the proper discharge of the duties required by the Constitution. "An index has also been prepared, which, it is hoped, will render all parts of the Constitution readily accessible to all." This edition is simply a revision of the Constitution of 1869, with such amendments as have since been enacted. Included herein is a sj'nopsis of approved decisions and rulings in cases before Grand Lodge. This is but a digest, and when possible the full text, as it appears in the proceedings to which reference is made, should be examined. The digest embraces all decisions and rul- ings since the adoption of the present Constitution. Masters and secretaries should become familiar with both Constitution and digest. CONSTITUTION. PART I. OF THE GRAND LODGE. ARTICLE I. STYLE AND TITLE. Section i. The style and title of the Grand Lodge is: " The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New Hamp- shire." ARTICLE II. officers and members, their style and title. Section 2. The Grand Lodge consists of its Offi- cers, and the Masters and Wardens, for the time being, of the several particular Lodges under its jurisdiction, or their legally appointed Proxies, and one Representa- tive of each Lodge, to be elected by its members; to- gether with all Past Grand Masters, Past Deputy Grand Masters, Past Grand Wardens, and Past District Dep- ut)' Grand Masters, while they retain their allegiance to this Grand Lodge, and the members of the Committees on Jurisprudence, and Trials and Appeals. 6 COi\'ST/TUT/Lhy. Section 3. The Officers of the Grand Lodge are, in addition to the Grand IMaster, whose style is Most Worshipful : a Deputy Grand Master, a Senior Grand Warden, a Junior Grand Warden, a District Deputy Grand Master in each District. a Grand Treasurer, a Grand Secretary, a Grand Lecturer for the State, a Grand Lecturer in each District, two Grand Chaplains, whose style is Right Wor- shiptul : a Senior Grand Deacon, a Junior Grand Deacon, a Grand Marshal. four Grand Stewards. a Grand Sword Bearer, two Grand Pursuivants, whose style is Worshipful ; a Grand Tyler, who is not entitled to any vote in the Grand Lodge. Section 4. The appointment of the Proxy of the Master or Warden of a particular Lodge to represent him in the Grand Lodge shall be in writing, signed by the Principal, and shall designate at what Communica- tion of the Grand Lodge the Proxy shall act, and shall be for one Communication only, and shall be void if the Principal appear in person. Section 5. All Officers and members of the Grand Lodge must be Master Masons, holding allegiance to this Grand Lodge. Representatives of particular Lodges must be members of the Lodges they respec- tiyely represent. Section 6. No Master or Warden of a particular Lodge can be chosen the Representative of said Lodge in the Grand Lodge. CONSTITUTION. 7 ARTICLE III. COMMUNICATIONS. Section 7. The Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge shall be holden in Concord on the third Wednesday of May, at 11 o'clock A. m. Section 8. The Semi-Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge shall be holden on the Festival of St. John the Evangelist, at such place as the Grand Lodge shall at the Annual Communication direct. If the Grand Lodge shall give no direction, the Semi-Annual Communication shall be holden at Manchester, at 11 o'clock A. M. Section 9. If the Festival of St. John the Evange- list shall fall upon Saturday, Sunday, or Monda}', the Semi-Annual Communication shall be held on the Tuesday following. Section id. At the Semi-Annual Communication no business shall be transacted but the exemplification of the Work and Lectures, excepting that an}- business may be presented and ordered to lie over to the next Annual Communication, or be referred to a committee, but without debate.. Section ii. Special Communications may be called as the Grand Lodge or Grand Master may direct. ARTICLE IV. POWERS OF THE GRAND LODGE. _ Section 12. The Grand Lodge, by the ancient Con- stitution and usages of the Fraternity, is the supreme authority in Masonry, and has the power to determine what Masonry is. And is invested with certain original and essential powers and privileges belonging to the ancient Craft, and shall have power especially — b CONSTITUTIOX. First. — To decide what Masonic bodies are regular, wherein symbolic Masonry is used, shown, or made a part of the ceremonies. Second. — To prohibit the Masons of its obedience from practicing as Masonic anj' other rites than those which it declares to be Masonic ; and from using an\- of its esoteric ceremonies as Masonic ceremonies in an}^ other body than those it shall hold to be Masonic. Third. — To enact and enforce all Laws and Regu- lations for the government of the Fraternity, and to alter, amend, and repeal the same at pleasure. Fourth. — To constitute new Lodges, b}' granting Dispensations and Warrants under seal : and for good cause, to suspend, revoke, or annul the same at pleasure. Fifth. — To establish and preserve a uniform mode of Working and Lectures, under the sanction of the ancient landmarks and customs of Masonry. Sixth. — To assess and collect from the several Lodges under its jurisdiction, such sums of money as may be deemed necessary for the benelit of the Craft. Seventh. — To hear and determine all questions of dispute between two or more Lodges. Eighth. — To hear and decide all cases of appeal from the decision of particular Lodges. JCinth. — To demand and receive such fees and charges for granting Dispensations, W^arrants, Certifi- cates, and Diplomas, as ma}' be reasonable. Tenth. — To hear and decide all charges and com- plaints against an}- Officer of the Grand Lodge, and to inflict such punishment on the delinquent and guilt}- as mav appear just and proper. Eleventh. — To exercise all such powers, and per- form all such acts, as by custom are exercised and performed by Grand Lodges. But in no case to alter, deface, or remove the ancient established landmarks of Masonrv. CONSTITUTION. 9 ARTICLE V. QUALIFICATION, ELECTION, AND INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. Section 13. No Brother shall be eligible to the office of Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Warden, or District Deputy Grand Master, unless he shall have been regularly elected and duly installed Master of a duly constituted Lodge, and faithfully discharged his duties in such office for the term for which he was elected. And no one of the Officers above named, during his continuance in office, shall be Master or Warden of a particular Lodge. Nor shall the Master of any particular Lodge be eligible to either of the above named offices in the Grand Lodge, during his continuance in office as Master. Section 14. The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Wardens, Grand Treasurer, and Grand Secretary shall be chosen by ballot. The other Officers shall be appointed by the Grand Master. In all cases of ballot, a majority shall be necessary to make a choice. Section 15. The Officers of the Grand Lodge, elected and appointed, shall be installed at the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, as soon after their election and appointment as may be. The Grand Master shall be installed by his immediate predecessor; or, in his absence, by the senior Past Grand Master present, and in the absence of such Past Grand Master, by the senior Past Master ^present ; preference, how- ever, being given to Past Grand Officers, according to their rank. Section 16. In case the Grand Master elect be absent at the time of installation, he may be installed at such time and place, and by such person, as the Grand lO CONSTITUTION. Lodge may specially authorize and appoint, unless he declines to accept said office. Section 17. All elected or appointed Grand Officers, if present, shall be installed in open Grand Lodge. If any elected or appointed Grand Officer be absent at such time of installation, he may be installed by some person speciall}' authorized, in manner provided for the installation of the Grand Master, as set forth in the preceding section. No Officer required bv the Con- stitution to take an obligation prior to his installation, can be installed by pro.xy. Section 18. The several Grand Officers, previous to their installation, shall make the following declaration: " L A. B., do solemnly promise, on the honor of a Mason, that I will perform the duties of the office of , to the best of mj- abilities, agreeably to the Con- stitution of this Grand Lodge and the ancient usages and landmarks of Masonry." Section 19. All Grand Officers, elected or appointed, when installed, shall be proclaimed by the Grand Mar- shal, and shall hold their respective offices until their successors are duly elected and installed. Section 20. No elected Officer of the Grand Lodge, or of any particular Lodge, can act as such until he is dulv installed. ARTICLE VI. POWER AND DUTY OF GRAND OFFICERS. Section 21. The Grand Master shall preside over and govern the Grand Lodge at all its Communications. Section 22. The Grand Master has power and authority, during the recess of the Grand Lodge, to grant Dispensations to new Lodges, to continue in force until the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge ; to arrest the Dispensation or Warrant of any COlXSTITUTJOX. 1 1 Lodge, for good cause, until the next Communication of the Grand Lodge ; and for dereliction of duty, or other unmasonic conduct, he may suspend a Brother or Lodge until the next Communication of the Grand Lodge, when he shall present the reason for such arrest or suspension, in writing. He may convene the Grand Lodge at pleasure, giving reasonable notice thereof to the Lodges and members, of the time and place in- tended for the meeting, and stating therein the object of it. Section 23. The Grand Master may convene any Lodge within his jurisdiction, preside therein (with his Officers or otherwise), inspect their proceedings, and require their conformity to the regulations and edicts of the Grand Lodge. Section 24. The Grand Master shall, at least once in a year, by himself', his Deputy or District Deputy, visit all the Lodges under this jurisdiction, examine into their conduct, their records, and proceedings; cor- rect irregularities and prevent innovations ; and make a report of his doings to the Grand Lodge at its Annual Communication. Section 25. The Grand Master has authorit}' from time to time, as he may think for the good of Masonry, to divide the State into Districts, and assign their limits. Every newly constituted Lodge shall be assigned by him to some District, and notice given to the District Deputy Grand Master of the same. Section 26. The Grand Master may appoint a special Deputy or Deputies to constitute a new Lodge or Lodges, or for any other purpose to be specified in such appointment. Section 27. The Grand Master shall appoint all Com- mittees of the Grand Lodge, when presiding therein, unless otherwise ordered, and shall give the casting 12 COXST/TO'T/OA'. vote whenever, in anj' question before the Grand Lodge, there shall be an equal number of votes. Section 28. The Grand Master ma}- grant Dispen- sations for processions and for conferring Degrees, and do all other acts and deeds that are warranted and required of him b}^ the regulations and ancient custom* of the Fraternit}-. Section 29. It shall be the duty of the Grand Master, or presiding Officer, at the Semi-Annual Com- munications of the Grand Lodge, to give, or cause to be given. Exemplification of the Work and Lectures in each degree. Section 30. It shall be the duty of the Deputy Grand Master to attend all the Communications of the Grand Lodge, and to render to the Grand Master such assistance as may be required of him ; and in the absence of the Grand Master he shall preside in Grand Lodge, and perform such duties and possess such authority, while presiding, as appertain to the Grand Master. Section 31. In case of the death, or removal from the State, of the Grand Master, the Deputv Grand Master shall, e.\ officio, exercise all the powers and perform all the duties of the Grand Master, as herein provided, until the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge ; and during the temporarv absence of the Grand Master, he shall exercise and perform like powers and duties. Section 32. It shall be the dut}- of the Grand Wardens to assist the Grand Master in the Grand Lodge ; and, \\hen required, they are to attend in the examination of an}' particular Lodge, and act as his Wardens. Section 33. In the absence of the Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand War- CONSTITUTION. 13 den shall preside over the Grand Lodge ; and in his absence, the Junior Grand Warden ; and in the absence of all these, then the Past Grand Masters, Past Deputy Grand Masters, and Past Grand Wardens, according to seniority ; and if no Officer of either grade be present, the senior Past Master is to preside, unless he waive his right to another Brother who is Past Master. In either of these cases the presiding Officer, unless he be Past Grand Master, shall wear the jewel of the Deputy Grand Master. Section 34. The Grand Treasurer shall have the custody and charge of the funds of the Grand Lodge ; and shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, give bond with surety or sureties, to the satisfaction of the Grand Master and Grand Wardens, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his trust ; and shall, from time to time, invest all unappropriated funds in his hands, in such manner as the Grand Lodge or Grand Master ma\' direct. Section 35. He shall lay before the Grand Lodge, on the tirst day of the Annual Communication thereof, a statement of his accounts, exhibiting the amount received and paid out, and on what account, with the respective dates of receipts and disbursements. Section 36. He shall receive all moneys from the Grand Secretary, as well as all other moneys paid to the Grand Lodge ; shall pay all bills passed by the Committee on Finance ; shall have in his care all War- rants, Records, Seals, and Clothing returned to the Grand Lodge ; shall annually render to the Grand Lodge a statement of his accounts, together with the vouchers, with a schedule of the funds of the Grand Lodge ; and shall deliver to his successor in office the funds and other property of the Grand Lodge, taking duplicate receipts therefor, one of which he shall deposit 1 4 COA 'ST/TC/T/OA ' with the Grand Secretaiy. He shall also take charge of the Jewels, Furniture, and Clothing of the Grand Lodge, and keep a record of the Officers to whom any of the Jewels, Clothing, etc., shall be delivered, and shall take a receipt therefor in such form as the Grand Lodge or Grand Master mav direct. Section 37. The Grand Treasurer shall receive annually, as a full compensation for his services, one per cent, upon all monej's in the treasury-. Section 38. The Grand Secretary shall attend upon the Communications of the Grand Lodge, observe and record the proceedings thereof, and preserve the same in suitable books kept for that purpose. He shall summon the members to attend all meetings of the Grand Lodge, in such manner as the Grand Lodge or Grand iNIaster ma^- direct. He shall receive all peti- tions, applications, and appeals, and lay them before the Grand Master. He shall have the custody of the Seal of the Grand Lodge. He shall engross, attest, and affix the Seal to all Warrants, Commissions, Diplomas, and Certificates, when ordered by the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge. He shall keep a list of all the Lodges under this jurisdiction, according to seniorit}-. Section 39. The Grand Secretary shall furnish the Chairman of every Committee with a copy of the vote of his appointment, and attend all Committees with the records and papers of his office, when required ; and shall record all reports of Committees which ma}- be accepted by the Grand Lodge. Section 40. The Grand Secretary shall, as soon as may be, after its several Communications, forward to each member of the Grand Lodge such number of copies of the Edicts and Regulations of the Grand Lodge, including a list of the Grand Officers for the time being, as shall be directed by the Grand Master ; and CONSTITUTION. 15 all such other transactions of the Grand Lodge as may be necessarj' for the information and regulation of the particular Lodges. Section 41. The Grand Secretar}-, when required, shall cause a transcript of the Journal of Proceedings of the Grand Lodge to be printed, as soon after the Annual Communication as the same can be done, and shall forward a copy thereof to each of the Grand Lodges of the United States, and also to the Grand Lodges of such foreign States as maj' be in communi- cation with this Grand Lodge, and one copy to each member of this Grand Lodge, and one cop}^ also to each particular Lodge. Section 42. The Grand Secretary shall transmit to the Secretaries of the particular Lodges all the neces- sary blanks and instructions for their use; and, during the intervals of the Communications of the Grand Lodge, under the direction of the Grand Master, answer all communications addressed on the subject of Masonry. Section 43. The Grand Secretary shall collect and receive all fees and sums of money which shall become due to the Grand Lodge, and pay the same over to the Grand Treasurer ; shall open and keep an account with each particular Lodge, and report a statement thereof at each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge ; and, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall give bond, with sufficient surety or sureties to the satis- faction of the Grand Master and Grand Wardens, con- ditioned for the faithful discharge of his trust. Section 44. The Grand Secretary- shall, at the Annual Communication, make a report of his doings in his office to the Grand Lodge, with a statement of his accounts. Section 45. The District Deputy Grand Masters shall visit the several Lodges in their respective Dis- 1 6 COXST/TCTJOX. tricts once, at least, in eveiy year ; preside in the same, when present: and shall inspect their by-laws, the state and condition of their finances, records, and mode of working : but if unable to visit any Lodge, they may appoint some suitable Brother to perform that duty. Section 46. The District Deputy Grand ;Masters shall communicate to the Lodges all such Edicts and Regulations of the Grand Lodge as may be received by them from the Grand Secretary : shall, on or before the first day of May in each year, make a detailed report of their doings to the Grand ^Master : and they shall attend annually in the Grand Lodge. They shall be reimbursed their expenses in visiting Lodges, their accounts being first examined and passed by the Com- mittee on Finance. Section 47. Each District Deputy Grand Master shall keep a book of records, in which he shall record every official act performed by him with the date thereof. Section 48. It shall be incumbent on the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Wardens, District Deputy Grand Masters, and Grand Lecturers, severally to improve and perfect themselves in the Sublime Arts and Work appertaining to the several Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master ^lason ; and to make themselves masters of the several Masonic Lectures and ancient Charges belonging to those De- grees ; to consult with each other and with Masters of particular Lodges for the purpose of adopting measures suitable and proper for diffusing a knowledge of said Lectures and Charges, and a uniform mode of Workincr in the several Lodges throughout this jurisdiction ; and the better to effect this laudable purpose, the Deputy- Grand Master and Grand Wardens are severally hereby authorized and empowered to visit and preside in every and any Lodge in this State ; and the District Deputy CONSTITUTION. 1 7 Grand Masters are hereby severally required to visit, as often as practicable, the several Lodges within their respective Districts, and are hereby authorized and empowered to preside in the same ; all the above named Officers are authorized to examine the doings of the several Lodges, correct irregularities, and give such directions and instructions as the good of the Fraternity may require ; always adhering to the ancient landmarks of the Order and the requirements of this Constitution. Section 49. The Grand Lecturer for the State shall be appointed for three years ; and it shall be his duty to instruct the Grand Lecturers in their work, and he shall call them together at least once in each year for the purpose of such instruction. The Grand Lecturers are to instruct the several Lodges within their respective Districts in the Work and Lectures of the several Degrees, and once in each year shall visit the same for that purpose ; and the Grand Lodge shall pay the expenses the Grand Lecturers may necessarily incur in visiting and instructing the Lodges. Section 50. The Grand Chaplains shall attend the Communications of the Grand Lodge, and perform such clerical duties as may be suitable to the occasion, and as are established by Masonic usage. Section 51. The Grand Deacons shall assist within the Grand Lodge in such duties as appertain to their office, and attend the Grand Master in processions. Section 52. The Grand Marshal shall direct the organization of the Grand Lodge before it is opened ; collect from the members and petitioners in the Grand Lodge all communications, and place them before the Grand Master ; shall introduce visitors ; shall direct the formation of processions ; regulate all festivals and refreshments, and shall communicate or execute all commands of the Grand Master not otherwise provided for. 2 1 8 CONSTITUT/OiX. Section 53. The Grand Stewards shall properly dis- tribute the Jewels and Clothing, and collect the same at the closing of the Grand Lodge, and place them in charge of the Grand Treasurer; and shall, under the direction of the Grand Marshal, provide suitably for the Grand Lodge at every Communication. Section 54. The Grand Sword Bearer is to attend the Grand Master, and assist the Grand Marshal in the discharge of his duties. Section 55. The Grand Pursuivants are to attend to the Officers, members, and visitors : to see that the}^ appear in Grand Lodge suitably clothed, and under the direction of the Grand Marshal, that they take their proper stations. In all public processions of the Grand Lodge, they shall precede and assist the Grand Marshal. Section 56. The Grand Tyler shall guard the outer door. ARTICLE VII. STATIONS, JEWELS, AND CLOTHING. Section 57. The stations of the Officers in Grand Lodge are as follows : The M.-. W.'. Graxd Master, In the East., at the head of the Grand Lodge. The R.-. W.-. Deputy Grand Master, In the East., next to and left of the M. ■ . W • . Grand ^ faster. The R.-. W.-. Senior Grand Warden, I?i the J J 'est. The R.-. W.-. Junior Grand Warden, In the South. CONSTITUTION. 1 9 The M.-. W.-. Past Grand Masters, In the East, at the right of the M.-. W. . Grand Master., and the Junior Past Grand Master next to the Grand Master. The R.-. W. . Past Deputy Grand Masters, In the East, at the right of the Past Grand Masters. The R.-. W.-. Past Grand Wardens, In the East, at the right of the Past Deputy Grand Masters. The R.-. W.-. District Deputy Grand Masters, In the East, on the left of the Deputy Grand Master. The R. ■. W.-. Past District Deputy Grand Masters, In the East, on the left of the District Deputy Grand Masters. The R.-. W.-. Grand Treasurer, On the right, in front of the Grand Master. The R.-. W.-. Grand Secretary, On the left, in front of the Grand Alaster. The R.-. W. •. Grand Lecturers, In the East, in front of the District Dep7ity Grand Masters. The R.-. W ■. and Rev. Grand Chaplains, In the East, the Senior in front zipon the right of the Grand Master, and between him aiid the Past Junior Grand Master ; and the Jiuiior in front upon the left of the Grand Master, and between him and the Deputy Grand Master. The W.-. Grand Marshal, Up07i the left of the Grand Master, in front of the Grand Secretary. 20 COXSTITUT/OX. The W.- Senior Grand Deacon, Upoit the right of the Grand Master, in front of the Grand Treasurer. The \V. . Junior Grand Deacon, In the West, on the right of the Senior Grand Jl'ardc//. The W.-. Grand Stewards, /n the South, tzco upon -the right, and t-co upon the left of the fujiior Grand Warden, . one Stc-vard in front of the other. The W •. Grand Sword Bearer, At the left of the Grand Marshal. The W.-. Grand Pursuivants, JCear the doors of entrance to the Grand Lodge. Section 5S. The Jewels of the Grand Officers are : The Grand Master : The Compass extended upon the sextant of a circle, to the angle of 45", with the Square within the Compass, and above the Square an Eve irradiated, within a Triangle, also irradiated, upon an Oval within the Compass. Past Grand Masters : The same as the Grand Master, except the Square. Deputy Grand Master : The Compass opened to the angle of 45^" athwart the Square ; within the Compass, a Pentalpha. Senior Grand Warden: The Level. Junior Grand JVarde/i : The Plumb. District Deputy Grand Masters: The Compass opened to the angle of 45" athwart the Square ; within the Compass, a Sun irradiated. Grand Treasurer : Cross Keys. Grand Secretary : Cross Pens. CONSTITUTION. 21 Grand Lecturers: The 47th proposition of Euclid in silver upon a Triangle in gold ; within the Square, a letter G. Grand Chaplains : The open Bible upon a Triangle irradiated. Grand Deacons : The Dove and Olive Branch. Grand Marshal: Cross Batons. Grand Stewards : The Cornucopia athwart the Com- pass, open to the angle of 45°. Grand Sword Bearer : Cross Swords. Grand Ptirsuivants : Sword and Baton crossed. Grand Tyler : A Sword pendent. All the Jewels, except those of the Grand Master, Past Grand Masters, Deputy Grand Master, and Dis- trict Deputy Grand Masters, to be placed within a Circle. Section 59. The Officers of the Grand Lodge shall wear their appropriate Jewel appended to a purple velvet collar and a white apron trimmed with purple. The Masters and Wardens of particular Lodges shall wear their appropriate Jewels appended to a blue velvet collar and a plain white apron. Representatives of Lodges shall wear a white apron, which may be trimmed with purple. And no member of the Grand Lodge shall be allowed to speak or vote in Grand Lodge unless he be properly clothed. COKSTITUTIOK. PART II. OF PARTICULAR LODGES. ARTICLE VIII. DISPENSATIONS AND WARRANTS FOR NEW LODGES. Section 6o. Dispensations for holding new Lodges may be issued by the Grand Master, or the Grand Lodge, on the petition of not less than seven Master Masons of known skill and good standing. Section 6i. Every petition for a Dispensation or Warrant to form a new Lodge shall be accompanied by the approbation and recommendation of the two Lodges, subordinate to this Grand Lodge, nearest the place where the new Lodge is to be held, by vote of said Lodges at stated Communications, notice having been given at previous stated Communications, and of the District Deputy Grand Master of the District, vouching for the moral and Masonic ability of the petitioners, and recommending the Grand Lodge to grant them a Dispensation or Warrant. Section 62. If any Lodge shall unreasonably refuse its approbation and recommendation for the establish- ment of a new Lodge, the petitioners may apply to the Grand Master, who shall appoint a commission of three Past Masters, of Lodges not in the immediate vicinage, who shall receive such statement in writing as the petitioners may see fit to make; and such statement in writing as the Lodge, after due notice, may see fit to make ; shall hear such testimon}- on each side as the petitioners and the Lodge may offer, and reduce the substance of the same to writing ; thej^ shall make such CONSTITUTION. 23 investigation on their own part, as shall enable them to form an intelligent judgment of the question, whether the good of Masonry would be promoted by the forma- tion of such new Lodge ; and shall report the state- ments on either side, the testimony, and their own investigations and conclusions to the next Annual Com- munication of the Grand Lodge, which shall consider the same, and may thereupon refuse or grant a Dispen- sation or Warrant, for such new Lodge, as the good of Masonr}' may seem to them to demand, notwithstanding the refusal of such Lodge to approve or recommend the same. Section 63. Every petition for a new Lodge shall also be accompanied by the Certificate of the Grand Lecturer of the District, that he has examined the Master and Wardens nominated in the petition, and found them well skilled in the entire Work and Lectures of Ancient Craft Masonry. Section 64. If a majority of the petitioners are members of a regularly constituted Lodge, under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, they shall also obtain a Certificate from the Master and Wardens of the Lodge of which they are members, sanctioning the separation and their erection into a new Lodge. Section 65. The fee for such Dispensation shall be twenty-five dollars, to be paid to the Grand Secretary, and every Dispensation shall be returned to the Grand Lodge, at the next Annual Communication, together with an attested transcript of all the proceedings, and the By-Laws of the Lodge working under the same. If these be approved by the Grand Lodge, a Warrant of Constitution may be issued to the petitioners, bearing even date with the Dispensation, for which they shall pay to the Grand Secretary the further sum of fifty dollars, seven of which shall be for the Grand Secretary. 24 CONST/Ti'T/OX. Section 66. The form of a Petition for Dispensation shall be in substance as follow s : " To ike Most Worshipful Grand JMastcr of Ancient , Free and Accepted J/asons in A^ezv Hampshire. "We, the undersigned, being Master INIasons of good standing, and having the prosperity of the Craft at heart, are anxious to exert our best endeavors to pro- mote and diffuse the genuine principles of Freemasonry ; and for the con\-enience of our respective dwellings, and other good reasons, we are desirous of forming a new Lodge, to be named Lodge. We, there- fore, with the approbation of the District Deputy Grand Master, and the two Lodges nearest the place where the new Lodge is to be held, respectfully pra\ for a Dispensation empowering us to meet as a regular Lodge at , and there discharge the duties of Ancient Craft Rlasonry, in a constitutional manner, according to the forms of the Order, and the laws of the Grand Lodge. And we have nominated and do recommend Brother A B to be the first Master ; Brother C D to be the first Senior ■ Warden, and Brother E F to be the first Junior Warden of said Lodge. The prayer of this petition being granted, we promise strict obedience to the commands of the Grand Master, and the laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge." Section 67. Before a new Lodge shall be consti- tuted, the Grand Master, or his Deputv, who shall be appointed to constitute such Lodge, shall recei\e the dimits or recommendations of all Brothers who shall .become members of such new Lodge. Section 68. Every new Lodge shall be solemnl}- constituted, dedicated, and consecrated, by the Grand Master and his Officers, or b}' some competent Brother especially appointed b}' him for the purpose. CONSTITUTION-. 25 Section 69. No new Lodge is recognized, or its Officers entitled to vote in this Grand Lodge, unless it be regularly constituted, solemnly dedicated, and con- secrated, and no Officer of a Lodge working under Dis- pensation is entitled to a seat as Representative in the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE IX. OF REMOVAL OF LODGES. Section 70. Whenever the members of a Lodge wish to remove it from one town to another, or more than two miles from where the meetings have usually been held, the Master shall summon every member of the Lodge to attend a stated communication, notice having been given at a previous stated communication, for the express purpose of taking the subject of removal into consideration. Section 71. If the Lodge shall deem such removal expedient, they shall present a petition for that purpose to the Grand Lodge, which petition shall be signed b}- not less than three-fourths of the members of the Lodge desiring a removal, and shall be accompanied with certificates from the two nearest Lodges, testifying their approbation of the proposed measure. Section 72. If the Grand Lodge, on such petition, shall deem it proper to grant the prayer of the petition, the Warrant of the Lodge to be removed shall be pre- sented to the Grand Secretary, who shall indorse on it the vote of the Grand Lodge removing the particular Lodge, which vote shall be signed by the Grand Master and countersigned by the Grand Secretar}', and for which the Lodge to be removed shall pay to the Grand Secretary the sum of ten dollars. 2b COiXSTIJUTION. ARTICLE X. SURRENDER, FORFEITURE, AND REVOCATION OF WARRANTS. Section 73. If any particular Lodge shall see fit to surrender its Warrant, whether or not with the intention of resuming it at a future period, it shall be the duty of the last Master, Treasurer, and Secretary of such Lodge, to deliver to the Grand Treasurer, with the Warrant, the by-laws, records, seal, clothing, funds, and other property of the Lodge of every description : and all the property of a Lodge surrendering its War- rant, with the intention of resuming it, shall be held by the Grand Lodge in trust until such time as the Warrant shall be restored, or the intention of reclaiming it abandoned. Section 74. The interest of all funds and property of a Lodge whose Warrant is surrendered with the intention of resuming it, and all funds or property of a Lodge whose Wai-rant is surrendered absolutely, belong to the Grand Lodge, for such uses as it may direct. Section 75. Every Lodge that shall neglect or refuse to pay its dues to the Grand Lodge, or to make regular returns, or to be represented in the Grand Lodge for two years, or shall neglect to assemble for Work for the space of one year, shall be stricken from the Grand Lodge books, be deprived of the benefits of Masonry, and its Warrant forfeited. Section 76. Upon the revocation or forfeiture of the Warrant of any Lodge, it shall be the duty of the last Master, Treasurer, and Secretary thereof, to surrender to the Grand Treasurer the Warrant, books, papers, jewels, and furniture of said Lodge, within six months from the time of such revocation or forfeiture ; and all members of a Lodge who shall refuse to make such CONSTITUTION. 27 surrender, or who shall vote to divide the funds among themselves, or to appropriate them in any other way than is here designated, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of the rules and regulations of Masonry. Section 77. No Warrant which has been surren- dered, (whether with the intention of resuming it or not,) forfeited, or revoked, shall be restored, unless upon the petition of seven Master Masons, of whom four at least of the petitioners for its restoration were members of the Lodge at the time of its surrender. And it shall be the duty of the petitioners to notify the District Deputy Grand Master of the District, and the two Lodges nearest their residence, of their intention to petition for the restoration. Section 78. If at any time it shall be found neces- sary to suspend or cancel the Warrant of any Lodge for irregular or unmasonic conduct, the members of said Lodge who were implicated in such irregular or unmasonic conduct at the time of its having incurred such penalty, shall be disqualified to join or visit anj' other Lodge, without special permission from the Grand Lodge, obtained on memorial. Section 79. Any Mason assisting at the work of a Lodge, knowing its Warrant to have been suspended or cancelled, shall be liable to expulsion from the rights of Masonry. Section 80. Every Warranted Lodge is a constit- uent part of the Grand Lodge, in which body all the power of the Fraternity resides ; and no authority, except that possessed by the Grand Lodge, can annul, abrogate, or destroy the power of a Warrant. If, therefore, the majority of a Lodge should determine to leave the Institution, or that Lodge, the Constitution, or power of assembling, remains with the rest of the mem- bers who adhere to their allegiance. If the number. 28 CONSTITUTIOX. however, be reduced to less than seven, the Warrant shall be returned, agreeably to the regulation in such cases provided. Section 8i. If the Master and Wardens of any Lodge be summoned to attend, or to produce the War- rant, books, papers, or accounts of their Lodge to the Grand ^Master, or the District Deputy Grand Master within whose jurisdiction it is located, or to any com- mittee authorized by the Grand Lodge, and shall refuse to comply, or give satisfactor}- reasons for non-com- pliance, they may be suspended, and the proceedings shall be notified to the Grand Lodge, when, in case of contumac\', expulsion, suspension, or revocation of Warrant shall be the penalt}'. ARTICLE XI. RENEWAL OF WARRANTS. Section 82. If the Warrant of any Lodge shall accidental]}' be destroj-ed by fire, or otherwise, the Grand Secretary shall, b}' authority of the Grand Master, on application of said Lodge, furnish a new Warrant, or a certified copy of the original, said Lodge paying the necessarv expense for preparing the same. ARTICLE XII. POWERS AND duties. Section S3. All Lodges under this jurisdiction have a right to convene as Free and Accepted INIasons, to receive and enter Apprentices, pass Fellow Crafts, and raise Master Masons, and establish fees therefor ; to choose Officers annually, establish funds for charitable purposes, and transact all matters appertaining to Masonry, agreeably to their Warrants, the laws of the Grand Lodge, and the ancient usages of the Craft. CONSTITUTION. 29 Section 84. It shall be the duty of every Master or presiding Officer of a Lodge, when notified of the intended official visit of the District Deputy Grand Master, to convene his Lodge, receive him as the Rep- resentative of the Grand Lodge, resign to him the Chair while making his official communication, and submit to his inspection the By-Laws, Records, and mode of Working. Section 85. Every Lodge under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge shall pay for the support thereof to the Grand Secretary the sum of one dollar for each and every candidate initiated in such Lodge, and an annual sum equal to twenty-five cents for each and every mem- ber thereof. Section 86. Every Lodge shall annually make a return of its Officers and members, the names of those who have been made Masons, passed to the degree of Fellow Craft, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in such Lodge, during the year ending April fifteenth next preceding, with the date thereof; and of such other matters as may be required by the Grand Secretary ; which shall be returned to the Grand Secretary, with the dues to the Grand Lodge, on or before the first day of May. Section 87. No Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons can legally assemble in this State under a War- rant granted by any foreign Masonic power. Section 88. The fee demanded by a Lodge for con- ferring the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason shall not be less than twenty-five dollars, including the fee to the Grand Lodge ; and no Lodge under this jurisdiction shall take notes of hand for fees, or grant any time of credit therefor. Section 89. No Lodge shall confer either of the deo-rees of Ancient Craft Masonry upon more than one 30 COXSTITL'T/OX. candidate at the same time and bj' the same ceremony, or more than five degrees at the same Communication, or on the same day. Section 90. No Lodge shall appropriate or use its funds, or any part thereof, for anv other object than charitable or other Masonic purposes. No Lodge shall tax its members for the purpose of creating a fund for the payment of fixed sick or other benefits. Sectiox 91. No business shall be transacted in a Lodge of Entered Apprentices or of Fellow Crafts except that pertaining to the Work and Lectures of those degrees. All general business, such as the elec- tion and installation of Officers, the discussion of ques- tions relating to the general interests of the Fraternity, and the local afli'airs of the Lodge, shall be transacted in a Master's Lodge. Section 92. No Lodge shall encourage, promote, or permit the deliver}- of anv Masonic Lectures which have not been sanctioned and authorized by the Grand Lodge. Nor shall any Mason be permitted to deliver such Lectures under this jurisdiction. Section 93. The discussion of anv subject not of a strictly Masonic character is prohibited in every Lodge under this jurisdiction. Section 94. No Lodge shall form a public proces- sion, funeral processions excepted, without permission from the Grand Master. Section 95. No one beneath the degree of Master Mason shall be buried with Masonic honors and the formalities of the Order. It is the duty of a Lodge of which a Brother is a member, or the nearest Lodge, to attend and perform the usual ^Masonic burial service over deceased JNIaster Masons, when requested so to do by the deceased or his nearest relatives. Section 96. Everv Lodge shall transmit to the Grand Secretary, immediatel}' after their adoption, a CONSTITUTION. 3 1 copy of its By-Laws, for the examination of the Grand Lodge ; and whenever the By-Laws of any Lodge shall be altered or amended, a copy of the same thus altered or amended shall be transmitted as above directed. In the recess of the Grand Lodge, the By-Laws of any Lodge, or any amendment or alteration of them, may be submitted to the Grand Master, and if approved by him, shall be in force until the next Annual Communi- cation of the Grand Lodge. Section 97. No Lodge shall have power to suspend temporarily any of the provisions of its By-Laws, nor alter or amend the same, unless such suspension, alter- ation, or amendment shall have been proposed and entered on the records of the Lodge at a previous stated Communication ; and in no case shall any such proposed suspension, alteration, or amendment be acted upon except at a stated Communication. Section 98. Every Lodge shall be furnished by the Grand Lodge with necessary blank Returns, on mak- ing due application therefor to the Grand Secretary. Blank Diplomas shall also be furnished to the particular Lodges by the Grand Secretary, as the Lodges may severally require, they paying the Grand Lodge for each Diploma the sum of one dollar, or the cost thereof. The Grand Secretary shall receive from the hands of- the Grand Lodge the sum of fifty cents for each Diploma furnished a particular Lodge, as his fee for sealing and certif3'ing the same. ARTICLE XIII. OFFICERS. Section 99. No Brother can be elected or appointed an Officer of a Lodge, unless he be a member of such Lodge, except the Tyler, who shall, however, be a member of sorrie Lodge. And no officer duly elected 32 coxsT/rrr/ox. or appointed and installed, can resign his office during the term thereof; nor shall his office become vacant from anv cause except by death, expulsion, or suspen- sion. If at any time the first three offices of a Lodge shall become vacant, the Lodge may, under and by virtue of a dispensation from the Grand Master, fill them by an election held at a stated Communication, notice thereof having been given at a previous stated Communication, or by written or printed notice sent to each member of the Lodge, at least one week before such election. In the absence of any officer of the Lodge, the Master shall fill the office by pro tempore appointment. Section' ioo. No Brother is eligible to the office of Master of a Lodge who has not served acceptably as a Warden in some regularh" constituted Lodge under the jurisdiction of this or some other Grand Lodge, at least six months ; except where a new Lodge is to be formed, or where no such Warden can be found. Section ioi. The ^Master of every Lodge under this jurisdiction shall be installed by some Officer of the Grand Lodge, who is authorized by this Constitu- tion to preside in a particular Lodge, or by some regular Past Master. Section 102. No special Communication of a Lodge shall be called without the order of the Master ; in his absence, that of the Senior Warden; in the absence of both, that of the Junior Warden ; or in the absence of these three Officers, that of the three oldest Master Masons, members of the Lodge. Section 103. The Master of a Lodge has the special charge of its Warrant, and it is his duty to see that it is carefully preserved. It must be present when the Lodge is opened. Section 104. The Constitution of this Grand Lodge, and the By-Laws of each particular Lodge, so far as CONSTITUTION. 33 they relate to the election and qualification of Officers of particular Lodges, shall be read at every Annual Communication of each Lodge prior to the choice of its Officers. PART III OF INDIVIDUALS. ARTICLE XIV. OF CANDIDATES AND BALLOTING. Section 105. By the ancient regulations, the physi- cal deformity of an individual operates as a bar to his admission into the Fraternity. But as this regulation was adopted tor the government of the Craft, at a period when they united the character of operative with that of speculative Masons, this Grand Lodge authorizes such a construction of the regulation as that, when the deform- ity of the candidate is not such as to prevent him from being instructed in the arts and mysterifes of Free- masonry, and does not amount to an inability honestly to acquire the means of subsistence, the admission will not be an infringement upon the ancient landmarks, but will- be consistent with the spirit of our Institution. Section 106. The petition of every candidate for initiation in any Lodge must be printed or in writing, signed by the applicant, stating his age, residence, occupation, and whether he has ever made application to, and been rejected by, any other Lodge ; and be accompanied by the recommendation of not less than two members of the Lodge. 3 34 C0A\STrruTi0N. Section 107. No candidate for initiation sliall be proposed or balloted for at a special Communication, nor be balloted for, until his application has laid over for the consideration of the members at least four weeks, without first obtaining a Dispensation therefor; nor shall a candidate in an_y event be balloted for, into whose moral character a strict inquir}- has not been made. Section 108. No Lodge under this jurisdiction shall receive the application of any one to be made a Mason, or to be passed, or raised, unless the prescribed fee for the degrees petitioned for has been previously deposited in the hands of the Secretar}'. If the candidate for the degrees, when balloted for, be rejected, the sum' so deposited shall be returned to him. Section 109. Everv candidate must apply to the Lodge nearest his residence, by the nearest traveled way. Section iio. No application of an}' person for the degrees shall be entertained by anj- Lodge, unless he shall have resided within the jurisdiction of the Lodge to which application is made, at least tweh-e months next preceding said application, except as provided in the two following sections. Section hi. If an}- person wishes for initiation in any Lodge, who resides without the jurisdiction of such Lodge, but in this State, he shall first obtain the unani- mous consent of the Lodge within whose jurisdiction he resides, by vote of the Lodge, at a stated Communica- tion, notice thereof having been given at a previous stated Communication, which consent, under seal of the Lodge, shall be annexed to his application. If there be more than one Lodge in his place of residence, the consent and recommendation of one of them shall be sufficient. CONSTITUTION. 35 Section 112. If any person wishes for initiation in an}' Lodge, wlio resides without the State, he shall first obtain the consent of the Lodge within whose jurisdic- tion he resides, by unanimous vote, at a stated Com- munication, and the permission in writing of the Grand Master within whose jurisdiction he resides, \\'hich con- sent and permission shall be annexed to his application. Section 113. No petition for initiation, or applica- tion for membership, shall be withdrawn. Section 114. A rejected applicant for the degrees cannot again present his petition to any Lodge within twelve months of his rejection. Section 115. No candidate whose application may be rejected b}- a Lodge, shall be initiated in any Lodge other than the one which rejected him, unless the Lodge recommend him to another Lodge by a unanimous vote — the vote to be taken bv the secret ballot, at a stated Communication, notice thereof having been given at a previous stated Communication. And if an}- Mason knowingly assist, or recommend for initiation, to anj^ Lodge whatever, any candidate, rejected as aforesaid, except as above provided, such Mason shall be expelled from the Institution. Section 116. The general rule which governs the Order in the admission of members and candidates is, that such admission is to be sanctioned bj- entire unanimit}' ; and so sacred and fundamental does the Grand Lodge conceive this rule to be, that no candi- date shall be initiated in any Lodge without a clear and unanimous ballot in his favor. E\'erv member present s"hall ballot on the application unless excused by the Lodge. Section 117. There shall be but one ballot for all the degrees. An}- member of the Lodge after ballot, and before the conferring of the degree, may make his J 6 COXST/TUTIOX. objections to the Master privately, and without giving his reasons ; and such an objection shall be a rejection and have the same elTect as if made bv ballot. The fact of objection only, without the name of the member making the objection, shall be entered on the records. Sectiom ii8. Every candidate for Masonry shall, before initiation, give an unqualified atfirmative answer to the following questions : " Do vou sincerelv declare upon your honor, before these witnesses, that, unbiased by friends, and unin- fluenced bv mercenary' motives, vou freeh" and volun- tarilv otfer yourself a candidate for the mysteries of Masonrv ? " Do vou sincerelv declare, upon \-our honor, before these witnesses, that vou are prompted to solicit the privileges of ^Masonry h\ a favorable opinion conceived of the Institution, a desire of knowledge, and a sincere wish of being serviceable to vour tellow creatures? '' Do you sincerelv declare, upon vour honor, before these witnesses, that you will cheerfully conform to all the ancient established usages and customs of the Fraternitv ? ' ARTICLE AT. OF AD\"ANCEMEXT AXD DISPENSATIONS. Section 119. Xo Brother shall be advanced to a higher degree in Masonry, without having been first examined by the Master in open Lodge, and shown such proficiency in the preceding degree as to repeat the whole of the tirst section of the lecture, together wixh all the means of recognition, with knowledge of their meaning. Section 120. Xo candidate can be admitted to more than one degree at the same time, except bv Dispensa- tion. All Entered Apprentices must work one month COXST/TL'T/OA'. 37 as such before they can be passed to the degree of Fellow Craft. All Fellow Crafts must work in a Lodge of Fellow Crafts one month before thej' can be raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Section 121. When application tor the degree of Fellow Craft or Master Mason is made to anv Lodge, other than that in which the applicant was initiated or passed, it shall be accompanied b)' the consent of the Lodge in which he was initiated or passed, by unani- mous vote, at a stated Communication, which consent shall be under seal of the Lodge, and shall be annexed to the application. Section 122. Whenever a Dispensation is granted for conferring degrees, it shall be the dutj" of the Officer granting the same, to require and receive of the Lodge to whom the same may be granted, the sum of five dollars for the Dispensation, which shall be paid to the Grand Secretar}? for the use of the Grand Lodge ; and the Lodge shall require of the candidate ten dollars in addition to their usual fee. ARTICLE XVI. OF IME^MBERS. Section i23.. No Brother shall be admitted a mem- ber of any particular Lodge, until he has been raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Ever}' Master Mason raised in any Lodge, may become a member thereof by signing the By-Laws. A Brother raised in a Lodge, who does not sign the Bj'-Laws within six months, stands towards the Lodge as anv other non- affiliate, and can become a member onh' in the same manner as though made in another Lodge. If a case of mere carelessness or inadvertence, the Lodge mav, in its discretion, remit the adjoining fee. Li such case he may join another Lodge without a dimit : as having 38 COXST/TU'TJOX. never been a member of a Lodge, he could not dimit therefrom. Every candidate tor membership not raised in the Lodge, or raised more than six months before, must be proposed at a stated Communication, and be balloted for at a subsequent stated Communication of the Lodge, and accepted by unanimous ballot. Section 124. No Brother shall be a member of more than one Lodge, nor shall he hold more than one office in the same Lodge, at the same time. Section 125. xYnj' Brother desiring to change his membership from one particular Lodge to another, shall apply to the Lodge for a recommendation to such other Lodge, which if no sufficient objection appears shall be granted, and shall be in writing under seal of the Lodge, and shall be presented with his application for membei^- ship to such other Lodge, when, if elected to member- ship in the new Lodge, his membership in his old Lodge shall cease from that time : if not elected, his membership in the old Lodge shall remain unaffected. The Secretary of the Lodge to which application for membership is made shall immediatel}' notit'y the other Lodge of the decision of the Lodge on such application. Section 126. The removal of a Brother into another jurisdiction does not. of itselt", authorize his name to be stricken from the roll of the Lodge of which he' is a member. Section 127. Anv Brother who has been discharged from inembership for the non-payment of dues, shall not be admitted to membership in any other Lodge until the same are paid or remitted. And any Master Mason who shall voluntarily remain non-affiliated for the term of one year shall not have the right to visit any Lodge, join any procession, receive relief from Lodge funds, or burial. Section 12S. A visiting Brother has a right to call for the Warrant of the Lodge he desires to visit. COXSTJTCT/OX. 39 PART IV. TRIALS AND PENALTIES. ARTICLE XVII. TRIALS AND PENALTIES. Section 129. Whenever a member of a Lodge, or a Brother, shall be accused of any offence, which, if proved, would subject him to suspension or expulsion, he shall have a fair and impartial trial, and the pro- ceedings shall be conducted substantially as follows : Rule I. The accusation shall be made in writing, under the signature of a Master Mason, and given in charge to the Secretary of a Lodge, who, under the direction of the Master, shall serve, or cause the accused to be served, with an attested copy of the charges, and shall give him seasonable notice of the time and place of hearing, if his residence be knovi^n. Ride 2. The examination of the charges shall be had in a Lodge specially notified and convened for the purpose, at which none but members of the Lodge, or of the Grand Lodge, shall be admitted, except as counsel or witnesses ; and the Master shall issue to every member thereof, whose residence is known, a written or printed summons to be present at such Lodge. If the accused does not appear at the trial in person or by counsel, or file in writing a plea of guilty in proper form, the Master shall cause a plea of not guilty to be entered in his behalf; and shall also appoint some suit- able Brother to act as counsel for him, whose duty shall be to see that the rights of the accused are observed and his defence, if any, properly made. 40 CONSTITUTION. Rule J. The accused ma}' select any Brother for his counsel, and the witnesses shall testify on their honor, and if Masons, on their honor as such. Hearsa}' evi- dence shall be excluded. Ride ^. If the witnesses can not or will not attend the Lodge, their depositions may be taken and read as evidence. Reasonable notice of the time and place of taking each deposition shall be given in writing to the opposite party, by the person appointed to take the same ; the deponent shall gi^■e his testimony on his honor; both parties mav be present with their counsel, and put such questions to the deponent as thev please and are relevant. The deposition, ha^■ing been reduced to writing, shall be read to, and then signed by, the deponent, and sealed up in his presence, and returned unopened to the Lodge. Rule j. In all cases the Lodge shall vote upon the question of the guilt of the accused, even if he file a plea of guiltv. The question, " /j the accused giiiltx or not g-id/Zv ?'' shall be distinctly put to each member of the Lodge, bv name, commencino' with the younirest. The Secretar}' shall record the answer as given. Rule 6. If the accused shall be found guilty, the question shall then be taken on the grade of punish- ment in the following order : 1st. " Shall the accused be expelled?" If two-thirds of those voting do not vote for expulsion — . 2d. " Shall the accused be suspended?" If two-thirds of those voting do not vote for suspension, the punish- ment of reprimand by the Master shall be imposed as of course without further vote of the Lodge, and the Master shall proceed at once to administer the repri- mand in open Lodge. If the vote of the Lodge be suspension or expulsion, the Master shall declare the accused suspended or expelled, in accordance with the vote of the Lodge. CONSTITUTJON. 41 Rule 7. A sentence of suspension or expulsion shall not take full effect until confirmed by this Grand Lodge ; but shall operate as suspension of the delinquent in the meantime. Rule 8. The Lodge shall appoint some Brother to take minutes of the evidence, which shall be preserved on the files of the Lodge, but not entered upon the- records. Rule p. ,The Secretary shall keep a full record of all proceedings, and if the verdict be suspension or expul- sion, shall transmit within thirt}- da3'-s, and before the meeting of the Grand Lodge, to the Grand Master, for the use of the Committee on Trials and Appeals, a full copy of all the evidence, charges, specifications, notices, services of same, and of all things in an}' way pertain- ing to the trial, which copy shall be signed b^- the Master and attested b}' the Secretarv, under seal. Rule 10. Either parl\- mav appeal from the decision of the Lodge or rulings of the Master, which appeal must be in \\'riting, signed by the appellant and filed with the Secretary of the Lodge within one month of the decision, and must set forth the reason wh^• he makes the appeal. The appellant shall give at least ten daj's' notice in writing to the other partv of such appeal, prior to the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge. Section 130. In taking the vote upon the questions, "Is the accused guilty or not guilty?" "Shall the accused be expelled?" "Shall the accused be sus- pended ? " every Brother present must vote unless excused by unanimous vote of the Lodge. Section 131. Masonic punishments are expulsion, suspension for an indefinite period, suspension for a definite period, and reprimand, which shall be admin- istered by the Master in open Lodge. 4^ COXST/TO'T/OA-. Section 132. Xo Mason, whose suspension or expul- sion has been confirmed by this Grand Lodge, shall be restored to the privileges of Masonry, except b}' a unani- mous vote of the members present when such restoration may be acted on, of the Lodge b}^ which he- was so expelled or suspended, and with the consent and appro- bation of the Grand Lodge. Section 133. The application for restoration shall be in writing, signed bv the applicant, presented to the Lodge at a stated Communication, when a time shall be appointed by the Lodge for its consideration at some stated Communication. Everv application for restora- tion shall contain the time and cause of suspension or expulsion, and shall be referred to a committee for investigation, and such committee, in their report, shall state the reasons for their recommendations to the Lodge for action thereon. Section 134. Ever}- Lodge is required to keep a careful watch over the conduct of its members ; and should anv member of a Lodge be addicted to profanity, intemperance, lewdness, or gambling, or be charged with any other violation of his ^^Lisonic duties and obligations, it shall be the dut}- of such Lodge immedi- atelv to institute an inquiry into the facts of the case, and if the Brother charged with offending be found guiltv, the Lodge is required, as justice shall demand, to reprimand the offender, suspend or expel him tVom all the rights and privileges of ^Masonry, until a thorough reformation takes place. Section 135. Particular Lodges have power, and mav take cognizance of anv immoral or unmasonic conduct of a sojourning Brother ; that is, in cases where the offender is a member of an\' Lodge within the United States, the Lodge in whose precinct he may be accused of immoral or unmasonic conduct, may inquire into and report the same to the Lodge whereof CONSTITUTION. 43 ' he is a member, that he may be there tried ; and in • cases where the accused is not a member of any such Lodge, the Lodge within whose jurisdiction the offence shall have been committed, may proceed as against a member thereof, and censure, suspend, or expel the offender, as the nature of the offence may require. Section 136. A Lodge or Brother offending against any law or regulation of the Craft, or of the Grand Lodge, to the breach of which no penalty is attached, shall, at the discretion of the Grand Lodge, or particu- lar Lodge having jurisdiction of the case, be subject to admonition, suspension, or expulsion. Section 137. It shall not be competent for a Lodge to try its Master. Any five members of the Lodge, or the District Deputy Grand Master, ma}' impeach him before the Grand Master, who shall order an investiga- tion of the charges ; and if in his opinion they are well founded, and of a character to justify the proceeding, he may suspend the delinquent, and summon him to appear at the next Communication of the Grand Lodge, to show cause why he should not be dealt with according to the regulations and usages in such cases established. Section 138. An expulsion or suspension of a Brother from a Royal Arch Chapter, or a Commandery of Knights Templar, shall not operate as an expulsion or suspension from the Lodge of which he is a member. Section 139. No Lodge shall suspend or expel a member from the rights of Masonry for non-payment of dues. The penalty of such delinquency shall be forfeiture or suspension of membership ; and that only after due trial, as in other Masonic misdemeanors. Section 140. Whenever the Grand Lodge shall finally reverse or abrogate the decision of a particular Lodge, suspending or expelling a Brother from all the rights and privileges of Freemasonry, because adjudged inno- cent of the offence with which he was charged, he shall 44 COXS'I7TL/nOA'. therebj' be restored to all such rights and privileges, including membership in the Lodge from which he was thereb)' suspended or expelled. Section 141. The Grand Lodge has power to \.r\ and punish its own members for anj- offence. In case ot complaint against anv member of the Grand Lodge, Master of any particular Lodge, or any Lodge, the Grand Master may refer the same to a Committee of five Past Masters, b\- a commission under his hand and seal, who shall notify the parties and proceed with the hearing agreeably to the rules for the regulation of par- ticular Lodges, so far as the same mav be applicable, and shall forthwith return to the Grand Master, with the commission, attested copies of all their proceedings, together with their findings in both matters of law and fact, with an^- recommendation thev deem proper. Upon such return the Grand blaster maj- restore the accused or suspend him till the pleasure of the Grand Lodge be known, and shall submit all the papers to the Grand Lodge at the next Annual Communication, for their action. The Grand Master, or other Officer who may for the time being lawfully' act as such, shall, in all prosecutions against Lodges or their Masters, before any trial shall be had, seasonablv appoint suitable counsel or managers to prosecute and substantiate the charges so preferred. In all proceedings relative to the trial of a Lodge of which the Grand Master is a mem- ber, the Officer next in rank, who is not a member or otherwise incapacitated, shall act as Grand Master. Section 142. Xo Lodge, or anv member thereof, shall, without permission of the Grand Lodge, publish, or in anv wa}' make known the expulsion of a Brother, except to the Fraternity, or within the Lodge, farther than to state verball}- the fact, whenever the honor, interests, or reputation of Masonrv mav seem to de- mand it. COA'ST/TUT/LhV. 45 P^RT V. MISCELLANEOUS REGULATIONS. ARTICLE XVIIl. OF COMMITTEES, ETC. Section T43. The Grand Master and the Grand Wardens, for the time being, shall constitute a Com- mittee of Charity. Section 14-1. No Lodge, or Officer, or member of a Lodge shall, under any circumstances, give a certifi- cate or recommendation to enable a Mason to go from Lodge to Lodge as a pauper, or in an itinerant manner to apply to Lodges for relief. Section 145. The Grand Master, or presiding Offi- cer, shall, at each Annual Communication, nominate the following Committees, to consist of three each, to be confirmed by the Grand Lodge, and continue in office until the next Annual Communication, namely: A Committee on Credentials ; on Finance : on Foreign Correspondence ; on Unfinished Business ; on Lodges ; on Returns ; on Doings of Grand Officers ; on Trials and Appeals : on Jurisprudence. Section 146. The Grand Master may refer any question of law or usage arising in the recess of the Grand Lodge, to the Committee on Jurisprudence, who 46 COXST/TC 'T/OX. may report to the Grand Master, or to the Grand Lodge at its next Annual Communication. Section 147. Alh Committees, chosen or appointed, shall report their proceedings in writing, at the same Communication with their appointment, unless other- wise directed by the Grand Lodge. The first Brother chosen or appointed shall be chairman, and shall duly notify each of the Committee of the time and place of meeting. Section 14S. The expenses of all Committees shall be paid bj' the Grand Lodge. Section 149. Xo vote passed in the Grand Lodge, or in a particular Lodge, can be reconsidered by a less number than were present when the vote was passed. Section 150. No Officer or member of this Grand Lodge shall be entitled to more than one vote, either in his own right or as proxy. Section 151. i\t ever}' Communication of the Grand Lodge, the records of the preceding Communication shall be read bv the Grand Secretarv before the Lodge proceeds to business, unless otherwise ordered b}' vote of the Grand Lodge. Section 152. Xo portion of the funds of this Grand Lodge shall be appropriated or used for any purpose, except for defraying the necessary expenses of the Grand Lodge, the promotion of the interests of the Institution, and the relief of distressed worthv Brethren, their widows and orphans. ARTICLE XIX. RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF GRAND LODGE. Section 153. Ride i. None but members of the Grand Lodge, Past Officers of other Grand Lodges excepted, shall be present at the opening of the same, nor shall anv visitor be admitted during the session COXST/TL'T/OX. 47 except by permission of the Grand Master, and b}' vote of the Grand Lodge. Rule 2. Members and visitors shall keep the seats assigned them, except the Grand Marshal, and Officers whose duties may call them about the Lodge. Rule J. All resolutions shall be submitted in writing, before there shall be any debate upon them ; as shall all motions, if the presiding Officer, or any Brother, desire it. Rule jj.. In all elections, and upon every question which may come before the Grand Lodge for decision, each member present shall be entitled to one vote only, except upon a call of any five members belonging to as manv different Lodges, in which case the vote shall be taken by Lodges, and each Lodge represented shall then be entitled to four votes, all of which shall be on the same side ; and the representatives of each Lodge respecti\-el3' mav decide on which side of the question the votes of their Lodge shall be cast. The other members of the Grand Lodge shall be entitled to one vote each. A member cannot delegate his right of voting to another. Rule J. Each member shall vote on all questions, unless excused by the Grand Lodge. Rale 6. Every member who speaks shall rise, and remain standing, addressing himself to the Grand Pre- siding Officer; nor shall he be interrupted unless by a call to order from the presiding Officer, or from some member of the Grand Lodge. Rule y. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received, except to la}- on the table, to commit, to amend, or to postpone, which motions shall take precedence in the order abo\'e named. Rule 8. A motion to amend, until decided, shall pre- clude all other amendments of the main Question. 48 CO.VSTITC'TIOX. Rule p. Any member may call for a division of the question, where the same will admit of it. J?!i/e 10. No new motion, which totally changes the subject matter on which the original motion was intended to operate, shall be adtnitted, under color of amendment, as a substitute for the motion under debate. I?tile II. No member, except one of the majority which decided the question, shall be allowed to move for a reconsideration. Rule 12. After a motion is stated h\ the Grand Presiding Officer, it shall be deemed to be in the pos- session of the Grand Lodge, but ma}- be withdrawn by the mover at any time before decision or amendment. Ride ij. There shall be no debate upon an^• question after it has been put by the Grand Presiding Officer. Rule //. All motions and reports may be committed at the pleasure of the Grand Lodge. Ricle Ij. While the Grand Presiding Officer is ad- dressing the Grand Lodge, or putting a question, or a Brother is speaking, no member shall entertain any private discourse, or pass between the speaker and the chair. Rule 16. No Brother shall leave the Grand Lodge during tlie session, without permission of the Grand blaster. Rule ly. No Brother shall speak more than twice upon the same question, unless to explain, without per- mission from the Grand Lodge. ARTICLE XX. AMENDMENTS. Section 154. The Grand Lodge shall have full power and authoritv to make such amendments, altera- tions, and additions to this Constitution, at any regular Communication, as they shall think proper and expe- CONSTITUTION. 49 dient for the benefit of the Craft ; -provided, such amend- ment, alteration, or addition be proposed in writing, at an Annual Communication of this Grand Lodge, be filed with the Grand Secretary, and lay over for consid- eration till the next Annual Communication ; and such proposed amendment, alteration, or addition, when acted upon, may be amended as the Grand Lodge shall deem proper ; provided, also, that the ancient land- marks of Masonry be carefully preserved. DIQEST OF Regulhtions, Approved Decisions, md Rulings OK GRAND LODGE. ADJOURN. Lodges never adjourn. 1877, PP- 18, 47. ADVANCEMENT. A candidate should present himself for advancement within a reasonable time. 1877, pp. 18, 47. In case of failure to do so, his case should be referred to a committee to report whether the candidate stands in same position as when ballot was taken. 1895. pp. 237, 276. Aid to a sojourner is a free gift and no claim can be made for reimbursement. t88o, p. 53 ; 1883, p. 224 ; 1896, p. 59. A recommendation must not be given anyone to enable them to apply for aid. 1881, pp. 29, 65. DIGEST. BALl.OT. A Stated Communication being held on the wrong date, the ballots taken were illegal, and the ballots should be taken at the next stated Communication. 1896, pp. 33, 68. BY-LAWS . The By-Laws of particular Lodges should contain only rules lor its own government in matters net regu- lated bj' any other law. 1879, p. 47 ; 1884, p. 52. By-Laws of particular Lodges should not contain an order of business. The ^Master controls the business of the Lodge. 1884, p. 52 : 1892, p. 260. CEREMONIES. The G.'. H.-. S.'. should be giyen in opening and closing the Lodge in lull form. 1895, pp. 238, 261. In closing the Lodge the word stated must be used instead of the word regular. 1893, p. 68. See " Processions. ' See "Aid." See " AVarrant.' See " Processions.' CHARITY. CHARTER. CLOTHING. DIGEST. 53 COMMITTEES. Except at the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, whenever any vacancy shall occur in any of" the standing committees, or when it shall be made to appear that an\r member of such committees will be unable to attend any hearing before such committees, or any session thereof, or is disqualified to act by rea- son of being or having been a part}' or of counsel in the matter, the Grand Master shall appoint some suitable Mason to fill such vacancy, or to stand for the time being in the stead of the member so disqualified or unable to attend, and such appointee shall have the same powers as any other member of such committee. At the Annual Communication, such vacancies, or the places of the members unable to attend or act or dis- qualified, as aforesaid, shall be filled by the Grand Lodge upon the nomination of its presiding officer. 1871, p. 174. At any time after the Annual Communication, the Grand Master may submit any question or matter to the appropriate standing committee, who shall carefullj' consider the same, and, if requested by him, shall forth- with report to him the result of their examination — otherwise, to the Grand Lodge at its next Annual Com- munication ; and the Grand Master, as soon as the same shall have been received and examined by him, shall place in the hands of the Committee on Trials and Appeals, for their examination, all appeals and records of the proceedings in Masonic trials, which Committee shall have the same powers in vacation as at the Annual Communications. 1871, p. 175. See "Investigation." 54 DIGEST. DEGREES. See " Halls," " Legitimate Masonr}'."' DIMIT. A member of a Lodge in good standing and clear upon the books is entitled to a dimit. 1876, p. 17 ; 1877, pp. 18, 47 ; 1887, pp. 29, 51. A dimit cannot be granted by a Lodge without the consent of the Brother. 187s, p. 51. Lapse of time from dimission to application for affili- ation is not a bar to the reception of the dimit. 1878, pp. 19, 55. DIPLOMA. It is not necessary for a visiting Brother to have a diploma. 1895. pp. 238, 261. Do:\nciLE. See " Residence." DUES. It is unmasonic to collect dues bv legal process. 1880, pp. 20, 67 ; 1881, pp. 56, 57. EGYPTIAN RITE. The Egyptian Rite is not recognized as ^lasonic. 1S81, pp. 29, 65. See " Legitimate Freemasonry." FRANCE. Communication with, or recognition of, the Grand Orient of France forbidden. 1878, p. 54. DIGEST. 55 FUNERALS. A Past Master may preside at a funeral in the absence of the Master and Wardens at the request of the Master. 1895, pp. 238, 261. See "Processions." HALLS. Masonic Lodges shall not rent their rooms to, nor allow them to be occupied by, any body that is not rec- ognized as legitimate by the regularly constituted Masonic bodies in New Hampshire. 1890, p. 79; 1894, p. 171. The Grand Lodge prohibits the conferring in any room or rooms dedicated to Freemasonry, of an}^ degree or degrees not recognized by the regularly con- stituted Masonic bodies in New Hampshire. 1871, p. 143. A Lodge, should it deem it for the best good of Masonry, may permit a Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star to meet in their rooms. 1895, p. 260. See " Legitimate Freemasonry." INCORPORATION. Lodges are prohibited from obtaining charters or assuming corporate powers under the General Laws. 1880, p. 20; 1881, p. 65. INVESTIGATION. It is hereby made the duty of committees on the character of applicants for initiation, to report upon each of the following named points : 1. What is the applicant's age? 2. Where is his residence (specifying locality in town or citv as near as may be), and has he a legal residence in the place of his present domicile? 5 6 DIGEST. 3. Is he married or single, and if married, is he living with his wife? 4. What is his occupation, and where is he employed ? 5. Is he physically qualified for admission? 6. Is he addicted to the intemperate use of intoxicat- ing liquors? 7. Does he gamble, or associate with bad characters? 8. Does he habitually use profane or indecent language? 9. Has he a good character among his neighbors? 10. Does he possess sufficient education and intelli- gence to understand and value the principles of Free- masonry ? 11. Has he previously made application for the degrees, and if so, when and where? 12. Are there anv other facts known to the committee which should properly be brought to the attention of the Lodge before balloting? 1888, p. 152. A committee must be appointed on an application for affiliation. 1895, pp. 238, 261. JURISDICTION. One who loses his residence must regain it b}- a twelve months' residence. 1878, pp. 20, 55. A rejected candidate removing to the jurisdiction of another Lodge, cannot make application to the rejecting Lodge without the consent of the Lodge where he resides. 1887, pp. 28, 50. The jurisdiction of the Lodge of former residence ceases as soon as a man begins to gain a new residence. 1887, pp. 28, 50. DIGEST. 57 A refusal to waive jurisdiction over a candidate is not a rejection. 1887, pp. 28,51. The Grand Master has no authority to change the jurisdictional lines between two Lodges. 1888, pp. 123, 146. Application for membership maj' be made by a Brother residing without the jurisdiction of the Lodge. 1895, pp. 238, 261. The Lodge to which a non-resident wishes to appl)' may ask for a waiver of jurisdiction in behalf of the candidate. 1888, p. 159. In case of the violation of the jurisdictional rights of one Lodge by another, by unlawfully receiving the application of a candidate, or bj' conferring upon such an}' degree of Masonry, the Lodge so offending shall pay to the Lodge whose rights have been invaded, the fee received, and shall suffer such further penalty as the Grand Lodge may see fit to impose. 1886, p. 269. Where there is more than one Lodge in place of residence, the consent and recommendation of one is sufficient waiver of jurisdiction. 1877, pp. 18, 47. Jurisdictional lines between Sullivan and Rockingham Lodges defined. 1888, pp. 158-160. LOTTERY. Particular Lodges are forbidden to engage in lotteries or other gambling enterprises. 1883, pp. 222, 247. S DIGEST. LEGITIMATE FREEMASONRY. For the purpose of preserving the integrity of our organization and making known to the members of the Fraternity its position in relation to the bodies which it regards as rightful and legitimate, the Grand Lodge hereby declares and recognizes as lawful, regular, and Masonic, the following designated bodies and their subordinates, established within its jurisdiction, namely : The General Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the United States. The Grand Royal Arch Chapters of the several states and territories of the United States. The Royal Arch Chapters and other bodies under their jurisdiction. The General Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of the United States. The Grand Councils of Royal and Select Masters of the several states and territories of the United States. The Councils of Royal and Select Masters under their jurisdiction. The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States. The Grand Commanderies of Knights Templar of the several states and territories of the United States. The Commanderies of Knights Templar under their jurisdiction. The Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scot- tish Rite, for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, of which Henry L. Palmer is most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander. The various bodies under the jurisdiction of said Supreme Council, with all the powers, privileges and prerogatives belonging to them, and incident to the enjoyment thereof by them respectively. 1895, p. 268. DIGEST. 59 MASONIC CLOTHING. See " Processions." MEMBERSHIP. A Lodge rejecting an applicant for membership does not thereby gain jurisdiction over him. 1895, pp. 238, 261. One whose membership is forfeited can only be restored by unanimous ballot. 1884, pp. 25, 57. One suspended from membership may be restored by a two-thirds vote. 1884, pp. 25, 57. Honorary membership is not recognized by Grand Lodge. 1871, p. 159. See "Jurisdiction." NAME. A Brother who changes his name should have the fact recorded on the Lodge books. 1878, pp. 20, 55. See " Warrant." NON-AFFILIATE. A Brother receiving one or two degrees in a Lodge and then removing and receiving the remaining degree or degrees in another Lodge and failing to become a member of the latter is a non-affiliate. 1887, pp. 29, 51. See " Membership." 6o DIGEST. NON-PAYMENT OF DUES. It is not necessary that the charges in case of non- paj-ment of dues be read in open Lodge previous to a trial, although it would be better to do so. 1896, pp. 33, 68. See " Trials." OBJECTION. The right of objection after ballot does not apply to a Brother not a member of the Lodge. 1896, pp. 33, 68. ORDER OF BUSINESS. See " By-Laws.'' PHYSICAL IMPERFECTION. An applicant who has lost the thumb and second finger of his right hand is ineligible. 1S77, pp. 18, 47. An applicant who has lost his left arm below the elbow is ineligible. 1878, pp. 20, 55. POWERS OF GRAND LODGE. The Grand Lodge can exercise no powers in viola- tion of its Constitution. 1882, p. 148. PROCESSIONS. Masons should not appear in public as such, except for Masonic work. 1877, pp. 18, 47. None but Master Masons can I'oin Masonic proces- sions, and attend Masonic funerals. 1881, p. 54. DIGEST. 6 1 Masons should not appear in public at a funeral, or other time wearing Masonic clothing, unless the Lodge is open on the Master Mason degree and takes a part. 1888, p. 153. A Lodge cannot appear in public at a funeral, unless Masonic burial is performed. 1895, pp. 237, 261. REIMBURSEMENT. See "Aid." RELIEF. See " Aid." RESIDENCE. A man's legal residence is his Masonic residence. IS84, pp. 25, 46. 57. By residing temporarily in a place a man does not gain a Masonic residence. 1884, pp. 25, 46, 57. Residence coupled with the intention of remaining permanently is required to make the place of residence the domicile. 1887, p. 69. See "Jurisdiction." RETURNS. Every Lodge in making returns to Grand Lodge, must give the names in full. 1871, p. 175. RESTORE. See " Membership." 62 DIGEST. SEAL. Every Lodge shall have a seal, and furnish an imprint thereof in such manner as the Grand Secretary ma}- prescribe, to be filed with the records of Grand Lodge. 1873. P- 58- The seal of the Lodge must not be used on a certifi- cate to enable any one to apph' for aid. 1881, pp. 29, 65. TRIALS. Accused may waive exceptions and advantages. 1871, p. 150. Accused may testify. 1870, p. 56; 1871, p. 157. Admissible. The Master decides what evidence is admissible. 1871, p. 172. Affidavits not admissible as evidence. 1871, p. 172. Amended. Charges cannot be amended by introdu- cing a new offence. 1871, p. 172. Appeal. The right of appeal is inherent in every Mason. 1871, p. 149; 1872, p. 93. Appeal. Either side may appeal from the decision of the Lodge. 1S72, p. 93. Attendance. It is the dutj- of members to see that a Brother has justice by attending his trial. 1874, p. 49. DIGEST. di Charges. Although a date may be alleged, it need not be proved precisely as laid. 1872, p. 88 ; 1890, p. 73. Defect in form of charges should be disregarded if the substance thereof can be gathered from the description. 1871, p. 171. The preferring of charges does not deprive the accused of his right to vote in the Lodge. 1883, p. 247. It is the official duty of the Junior Warden to prefer charges. 1871, p. 151. Charges and Specitications, distinction between. 1871, p. 161. Criminal. A Lodge at the trial of a member is a criminal, not a civil, court. 1873, p. 49. Default cannot be taken by the non-appearance of the accused. 1873, p. 49. Evidence. A decree of judgment of divorce on ground of adulter}- is not competent. 1891, p. 160. Letters are hearsay and not admissible as evidence. 1870, p. 60; 1872, p. 96; 1880, p. 59. Matter told witness by third party in absence of the accused is hearsay and incompetent. 1881, p. 48. Record of conviction of crime in a civil court is hearsay and not admissible. 1873, p. 51 ; 1S84, p. 56 : 1896, p. 60. 64 DIGEST. Members who have not heard all the evidence mav vote on the question of guilt. 1571, p. 15S. Grand Lodge reserves the right to revise the sentence of a particular Lodge. 1572. pp. 93, 95 ; 1874, p. 51 ; 1880, p. 65. Guilty. A plea of guilt_y cannot be entered by the Lodge or counsel without consent of the accused. 1^73' P- 49- Impeachment of a Master defined. 1570, p. 62. Incompetent. See •' Evidence." Junior Warden. It is the official dutv of the Junior Warden to prefer charges. 1871, p. 151. Master. Impeachment of defined. 1870, p. 62. Decides what evidence is admissible. 1871, pp. 148, 172. Decides when a trial shall be held. 1571, p. 148; 1S76, p. 41. ]Mav, if he deems it proper, give instruction to the Lodee relating to the case on trial. 1896, p. 67. Notice. Defect in mailing notice cured by appear- ance of the accused for trial. 1893, p. 57- Notice to the accused should be such as would allow him time to procure counsel and the attendance of wit- nesses, and to properly prepare his case. 1872, pp. 94, 97. DIGEST. 65 Due diligence must be used to ascertain the address of the accused. 1872, p. 95; 1881, p. 50. Non-payment of Dues. Transcript in cases of trials for non-payment of dues should not be sent to the Grand Master, except in case of appeal. 1876, p. 39. Outlaw. Masonic offences do not outlaw by lapse of time. 1896, p. 67. Penalty. When a Lodge, after conviction of the accused, fails to inflict penalty commensurate with the crime it is the duty of the Grand Lodge to do so. 1890, p. 76. Plea of guilty cannot be entered by the Lodge or counsel without consent of the accused. 1873, p. 49. Sentence of a particular Lodge may be revised by the Grand Lodge. 1872, pp. 93, 95 ; 1874, p- 51 ; 1880, p. 65. Specification may be indefinitely postponed. 1872, p. 91. Distinction between charges and specifications. 1871, p. 161. Transcript of trial, what it should contain. 1876, p. 45: 1877, p. 41. Record of the Lodge and minutes of testimony should be kept separate. 1885, p. 179. When the record fails to show what took place, or what took place is unfit to be written, it may be sup- plied by oral statement before the Committee. 1871, p. 156, 66 DIGEST. Manner of conducting trials. 1877, pp. 41, 42, 43. Manner of conducting trials for non-payment of dues. 1893, p. 52. Tyler if he does not hear the evidence should te excused from voting. 1872, p. 91. Voting. Separate votes should be taken on each specification. 1896, pp. 64, 66. ?*Iembers who have not heard all the evidence may vote on the question of guilt.^ 1871, p. 158. If the Tyler does not hear the evidence he should be excused from voting. 1872, p. 91. VISITATION. Visitation is, in general, a right, but it is not a limit- less right. The Master has the power to exclude. 1876, p. 35 ; iSSo, p. 70. The Master controls the admission of visitors. 1871, p. 148. See " Diploma.'" WAIVER OF JURISDICTION. See "Jurisdiction."' ■WARRANT. The Grand Lodge will not grant a warrant to a Lodge to be named after any living person. 1880, p. 86. FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS Prepared by order of the Grand Lodge, and directed to be -printed vjith the Constitution. [1] FORM OF APPOINTMENT OF PROXY, IN GRAND LODGE, OF MASTER OR WARDEN OF A PARTICULAR LODGE. ( Section 4.) To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New Hampshire : I hereby appoint Brother , my proxy, to represent me, as of Lodge, No. , at the (se?ni-) Annual Com- munication of the Grand Lodge, to beholden at , on the day of , i8 Witness my hand and seal at , this day of , A.-. L. 58 , A. D. i8 [L. S.J A. B., of Lodge, No. FORM OF DEPUTATION BY THE GRAND MASTER. { Section 26.) To all the Fraternity to whom these Presents shall come : Know ye. That I, , Grand Master of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in New Hampshire, reposing full trust and confidence in the care, skill, and good con- duct of our (R.- W.-.) Brother , do hereby appoint and depute the said (if. IV.-.) Brother , in my name and place, to fully constitute, solemnly consecrate, and dedicate Lodge, No. , to whom a Warrant of Constitution has been issued by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, and to install its Officers in 68 FORMS. (due) foj'iii, according to the ancient usages and customs of the Craft ; at such time within days thereof, as the said shall appoint, and for so doing this sliall be his sufficient Warrant. Given under my hand and seal, at , this day of , A.-. L.-. 58 , A. D. 18 . [L. s.] A. B., Grand Master. In place of the clause in italics, clauses may be inserted : To dedicate a Hall, lay a Corner Stone, or perform any other act, which it may be the desire of the Grand Master to have done. [3] FORM OF GRAND TREASURER'S BOND. ( Section 34.) Know all Men by these Presents : That we, of , in the County of , and State of New Hampshire, as Principal ; and , and , of , as Sureties, are holden and stand firmly bound unto , Grand Master of Masons in New Hampshire, in trust for the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New Hampshire, in the sum of dollars, to the pay- ment whereof, we hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves and our heirs respectively, firmly by these Presents, sealed with our seals, and dated this day of , A. D. i8 The condition of this obligation is such. That if the said , who has been elected Grand Treasurer of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge aforesaid, shall well and truly discharge and perform all the duties of Grand Treasurer of said Grand Lodge, for the term of one year, and for such farther term or terms as he may be re-elected, according to the Constitution and General Regulations of said Grand Lodge, and especially shall safely keep all funds and other property of said Grand Lodge, or which may be deposited with said Grand Lodge, shall keep true and just accounts of the same, pay such orders as may be drawn upon him agreeably to said Constitution and General Regulations, or the vote of said Grand Lodge, and annually, and at such other times as may be required by the Grand Lodge, or the Grand Master, lay before said Grand Lodge, or Grand Master, a particular statement of his accounts, and of the funds and property FORMS. 69 in his hands, and at the close of his term, shall pay over and deliver to his successor in said office of Grand Treasurer, all books, papers, funds, or property of any kind in his possession as Grand Treasurer, then this obligation to be void. A. B. [L. s.j C. D. [L. s.] E. F. [L. s.] [4] FORM OF GRAND SECRETARY'S BOND. ( Section 43.) Know all Men by these Presents ; That we, , of , in the County of , and State of New Hampshire, as Principal ; and , and , of , as Sureties, are holden and stand firmly bound unto , Grand Master of Masons in New Hampshire, in trust for the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New Hampshire, in the sum of dollars, to the payment whereof, we hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves and our heirs respectively, firmly by these Presents, sealed with our seals, and dated this day of , A. D. 18 . The condition of this obligation is such. That if the said , who has been elected Grand Secretary of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge aforesaid, shall well and truly discharge and perform all the duties of Grand Secretary of said Grand Lodge, for the term of one year, and for such farther term or terms as he may be re-elected, according to the Constitution and General Regulations of said Grand Lodge, and especially shall receive all moneys that may be paid to him as Grand Secretary, and pay the same over to the Grand Treas- urer, keep accurate accounts between said Grand Lodge and the particular Lodges, and annually, and at such other times as may be required by the Grand Lodge, or Grand Master, lay before said Grand Lodge, or Grand Master, a statement of his accounts, and of the accounts between said Grand Lodge and the particular Lodges, and at the close of his term, deliver to his successor in said office of Grand Secretary, all books, papers, funds, or property of any kind in his possession as Grand Secretary, then this obligation to be void. A. B. [L. s.] C. D. [L. s.] E. F. [L. s.] 70 FORMS. The Constitution requires certain steps to be taken before a Dispensation shall be granted for a new Lodge. It is believed that the Forms following contain nothing but what is essential should appear before the Dispen- sation be granted. The Brethren desirous of forming a new Lodge first prepare and sign a petition therefor, in the form pre- scribed in Section 66 of the Constitution ; this petition is then submitted to the two nearest Lodges subordinate to the Grand Lodge, for their approbation and recommeft-- dation, at stated Communications of such Lodges, notice: thereof having been given at previous stated Communi- cations. [5] FORM OF APPROBATION AXD RECOMMENDATION BY NEAREST PARTICULAR LODGE. (Section 61.) At a stated Communication of Lodge, No. , holden at , on the day of , a. . L. . 58 , A. D. 18 The petition of several Brethren, praying for a Dispensation tO' open a new Lodge at , in the County of , was duly laid before the Lodge, pursuant to notice given at a stated Communication on the day of , A. . L. 58 , A. D. 18 , when it was Resolved, That this Lodge, being fully satisfied that the petitioners are Master Masons in good standing, and being prepared to vouch for their moral character and Masonic abilities, does approve the forma- tion of such new Lodge, and recommend that the Dispensation prayed for be granted them, A true copy of the record., Pl. s.l ''^- B., Secretary. Lodge, A'o. Having obtained such approbation and recommenda- tion from the two nearest Lodges, the petition and recommendations should be submitted to the D.-. D.-. G.-. M.-. of the District, lor his approval and recom- mendation. FORMS. 71 [6] FORM OF APPROVAL AND RECOMMENDATION BY D.'. D.'. G.'. M.'. ( Section 61.) The petition of several Bretliren, praying for a Dispensation to open a new Lodge at , in the County of , with the approbation and recommendation of Lodge, No. holden at , miles from the proposed location of said new Lodge, and of Lodge, No. , holden at , miles from said proposed location, has been laid before me ; and being fully satisfied that the petitioners are Master Masons, and being prepared to vouch for their moral character and Masonic abilities, and believing such new Lodge will be for the good of the Craft, I approve the formation of such new Lodge, and recommend that the Dispensation prayed for be granted to them. Dated this day of , A. . L. 58 , A. D. 18 A. B., D.-. D. G. . M.- Masonic Dist. If a majority of the petitioners are members of a regular Lodge Under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge, they must also have the certificate of the Master and Wardens sanctioning the separation. ['] FORM OF SANCTION OF MASTER AND WARDENS. ( Sectiok 64.) The petition of several Brethren, a majority of whom are members of Lodge, No. , praying for a Dispensation to open a new Lodge at , in the County of , has been laid before us, and having considered the same, we hereby sanction and approve the separation of said Brethren from Lodge, No. , and the formation of such new Lodge. Given under our hands at , this day of , A.-. L. 58 , A. D. 18 . A. B., Master, \ C. D., Senior Warden, \ Lodge, A/'o. E. F., Junior Warden, \ 72 FORMS. The Master and Wardens named in the Dispensation, then go before the Grand Lecturer of the District, and are by him examined as to their skill in the Work and Lectures, which should be entire familiarity with all the Work and Lectures in the three degrees. [8] FORM OF GRAXD LECTURER'S CERTIFICATE, (Section 63.) In accordance with the provisions of Sec. 63 of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, I have carefully- and fully examined , recommended to be Master, and , and , recom- mended to be Senior and Junior Wardens, of a new Lodge, to be opened at , in the County of , and find them well skilled in the entire Work and Lectures of Ancient Craft Masonry. Given under my hand at , this day of , A. L. 58 , A. D. 18 A. B., Grand Lecturer, Masonic Dist. These several papers having been procured, should be forwarded, with the receipt of the Grand Secretary for the Dispensation fee, to the Grand Master, who will consider the same, and if he deem it best for the interests of the whole Craft, he will issue his Dispensa- tion, which may be in the following form : [9] FORM OF DISPENSATION. (Sections 22 and 60.) To all whorn it may concerii : Know ye. That I, , Grand Master of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in New Hampshire, having received a petition from a constitutional number of Bret,hren, who have been properly vouched for as Master Alasons in good standing, setting forth, that having the honor and prosperity of the Craft at heart, they are desirous of establishing a new Lodge at , and requesting a Dispensation FORMS. 73 for the same ; which petition is accompanied by the approbation and recommendation of the two Lodges subordinate to this Grand Lodge nearest the place where the new Lodge is to be held, and of the District Deputy Grand Master of that District, and the certificate of the Grand Lecturer, that he has examined the Master and Wardens nominated in the petition, and found them well skilled in the entire Work and Lectures of Ancient Craft Masonry, and the sanction of the Master and Wardens of Lodge, No. , of which a majority of the petitioners are members: and good and sufficient cause appear- ing to me for granting the prayer of said petition : I do, by virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, and the ancient usages of the Craft, grant this my Dispensation, empowering Brothers , , , to meet as a regular Lodge at , by the name of Lodge ; and I do hereby appoint Brother , to act as Master, Brother , to act as Senior Warden, and Brother , to act as Junior Warden of the said Lodge : and I do further authorize the said Brethren to enter Apprentices, pass Fellow Crafts, and raise Master Masons, according to the ancient usages and landmarks of the Craft, and the Constitution and Regula- tions of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, and not otherwise. And this my Dispensation shall continue in force until the next Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, at which time I require and enjoin the said Brethren to return this Dispensation to the Grand Lodge aforesaid, together with an attested transcript of all their proceedings under the same, and their By-Laws, that the said Grand Lodge may advise thereon. Given under my hand, and the seal of the Grand Lodge, at , this day of , A. L. 58 , A. D. 18 . [L- S.] A. B., Grand Master. C. D., Grand Secretary. At the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, the new Lodge returns to the Grand Lodge the Dispensation, with an attested transcript of their pro- ceedings under it, and the By-Laws they have adopted. It is not absolutely required that they should present a petition for a Warrant, yet that course would seeni advisable, and such petition may be in the following form : 74 FORMS. [10] FORM OF PETITION FOR WARRANT OF CONSTITUTION. To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New Hampshire : The undersigned respectfully represent, that they have, for some time past, met as a regular Lodge at , under the name of Lodge, by virtue of a Dispensation from Most Worshipful . Grand llaster of Anoient Free and Accepted Masons in New Hampshire, which Dispensation with an attested transcript of our proceedings, and our By-Laws, is herewith returned. We would therefore pray, that a Warrant of Constitution be granted us for the said Lodge, which prayer being granted, we prom- ise strict obedience to the Constitution and Regulations of the Grand Lodge, and regular attendance on its Communications. Dated the day of , A. . L. 58 , A. D. 18 If a Lodge vote to remove, in accordance with Sec- tions 70 and 71 of the Constitution, the following forms may be used. [11] FORM OF PETITION FOR REMOVAL OF A LODGE. (Section 71.) To the A/ost Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of N'ew Hampshire : The undersigned respectfully represent, that Lodge, No. , has heretofore met at , in the County of , that we are desirous to remove said Lodge to ; that at a stated Communication of said Lodge, held on the day of , A. . L. 58 , notice of our desire to remove was openly given in said Lodge ; that every member of said Lodge was specially sum- moned to attend a stated Communication of said Lodge, held on the day of , A.- L. 58 , for the express purpose of taking the subject of removal into consideration, at which last Communication the Lodge deemed such removal expedient ; that there are members of said Lodge : wherefore, we pray for permission to remove said Lodge to Dated the day of , A.-. L.- 58 , A. D. 18 . /■'OA\us. 75 This petition siiould be accompanied by a copy of the Proceedings of the Lodge in the matter, attested by the Secretary, and the certificate of the Master and Secretary of the number of members. It must also be accompanied by the approbation of the two nearest Lodges. [12] FORM OF APPROBATION FOR REMOVAL OF LODGE BY THE NEAREST PARTICULAR LODGES. (Section 71.) At a stated Communication of Lodge, No. , holden at , , on the day of , A. . L. 58 , A. D. 18 Tlie vote of Lodge, No. , heretofore meeting at , in the County of , deeming its removal to expedient, was duly laid before the Lodge ; when it was Resolved. That this Lodge approve the removal of Lodge, No. , from , to A true copy of the records. [L. S.J A. B., Secretary. If it is desired to revive a dormant Lodge in accord- ance with the provisions of Sec. 77 of the Constitution, the following forms may be used. [13] FORM OF PETITION FOR RESTORATION OF WARRANT WHICH HAS BEEN SURRENDERED WITH THE INTENTION OF RESUMING IT. (Section 77.) To the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in New Hampshire : The undersigned. Master Masons, respectfully represent, that on the day of , A.-. L.- 58 , Lodge, No. , hold- ing a Warrant of Constitution from the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, for certain reasons surrendered their War- rant to the said Grand Lodge, with the intention, expressed in said surrender, of resuming the same at some future and more Auspicious 76 FORMS. period ; that we are now desirous of resuming the said Warrant, and of working under the same ; wherefore we (the first having been members of said Lodge at the time of such surrender), pray tliat the said \\'arrant, together with the By-Laws, records, seal, clothing, funds, and other property of said Lodge, may be restored to us, and we be authorized to meet and work as a regular Lodge, agree- ably to the Constitution and General Regulations of the Grand Lodge, and the ancient landmarks of the Craft. Dated at , this day of , A. . L. 58 , A. D. i8 . To be signed by at least seven Master Masons, at least four of whom were members of the Lodge at the time of its surrender of the Warrant. [U] FORM OF PETITIOX FOR RESTORATION OF WARRANT WHICH HAS BEEN SURRENDERED ABSOLUTELY, FORFEITED, OR REVOKED. (Section 77.) To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Frateriiity of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Xew Ha?npshire : The undersigned, Master Masons, respectfully represent, that on the day of , x. . L. 58 , the Warrant of Constitution of Lodge, No. , was {^surrendered to said Grand Lodge) , (declared to be forfeited by said Grand Lodge) , {revoked by said Grand Lodge) . That we are desirous of reviving the said Lodge : where- fore we, (the first having been members of said Lodge at the time of such [surrender'] , \_forfeitiire, and not having been implicated in any improper or unmasonic conduct] , [i-evocation, and not having been implicated in any imftroper or unmaso?iic conduct] ), pray that the said Warrant may be restored to us, and we be authorized to meet and work as a regular Lodge, agreeably to the Constitution and Gen- eral Regulations of the Grand Lodge, and the ancient landmarks of the Craft. Dated at , this day of , A. . L. 58 . , A. D. 18 To be signed by at least seven Master jNIasons, at least four of whom were members of the Lodge at the time of the surrender, forfeiture, or revocation of its Warrant. FORMS. 77 Under the Constitution, it is believed this can only be done by the Grand Lodge, and not by the Grand Master. Accompanying either of the above petitions, should be the approval of the two nearest Lodges in this State, and of the D.-. D.-. G.-. M.-. [15] FORM OF APPROBATION FOR RESTORATION OF WARRANT BY NEAREST PARTICULAR LODGES. (SECTIO^■ 77.) At a stated Communication of Lodge, No. , holden at , on the day of , A.-. L. . 58 , A. D. 18 The petition of several Brethren, at least four of whom were mem- bers of Lodge, No. , whose Warrant has been (^surrendered^, {forfeited'), (revoked), praying for the restoration of such Warrant, was duly laid before the Lodge, when it was Resolved, That this Lodge approve the restoration of the Warrant of Lodge, No. , to the petitioners therefor. A tj^e copy of the records. [L. s.] A. B.. Secretary. [16] FORM OF APPROVAL BY D.'. D.'. G.'. M.'. OF RESTORATION OF WARRANT. ( Section 77.) The petition of several Brethren, at least four of whom were mem- bers of Lodge, No. , whose Warrant has been (surrendered), (^forfeited), [revoked), praying for the restoration of such Warrant, with the approbation of Lodge, No. , holden at miles from said Lodge, and Lodge, No. , holden at , miles from said Lodge, No. , has been laid before me, and being satistied that the petitioners are Master iVIasons, of whom the first were members of said Lodge, No. , and believing such restoration will be for the good of the Craft, I approve the restoration of said Warrant. Dated this day of , A. L.-. 58 , A. D. 18 . A. B., D.-. D.-. G.-. M.-. Masonic Dist. 78 FORMS. The form of return is to be prescribed by the Grand Secretary from time to time, and as the necessary blanks are furnished the Lodcjes, it is deemed unnec- essarj' to give any form here. The return should give the exact date of every degree conferred in the Lodge for the 3'ear, in the order in which the degrees were conferred, and this, although the candidate was returned the previous year, as having received a lower degree. It should contain the full name of each Officer and member. It should be made out and sent, with the dues, to the Grand Secretary immediately after the 15th of April, and before the first day of May, and in no event should it be retained till the meeting of the Grand Lodge. The petition of every candidate must be printed or in writing, signed by the applicant. FORM OF PETITIOX TO BE MADE A JIASOX. (Section 106.) To Hie U'orshipful Master, U'ari/c'/is, and Bretliren of Lodge, A'o. , of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons : The petition of tiie subscriber, respectfully represents, that having long entertained a favorable opinion of your ancient Institution, he is desirous, if found worthy, of being admitted a member thereof. He has before made application as a candidate to Full name. Place of residence, Born in the town of , State of , on the day of , A. D. 18 Occupation, (Signed.) A. B. FORMS. 79 [18] FORM OF RECOMMENDATION OF CANDIDATE. (Section 106.) We are personally acquainted with the above applicant, and from a confidence in his integrity, and the uprightness of his intentions, recommend and propose him as a proper candidate for the mysteries of Freemasonry. A. B. C. D. Great care should be taken in filling out the petition to ascertain definitely the domicile of the applicant, and whether he had ever applied to any Lodge for the degrees in Freemasonry. [19] FORM OF CONSE^'T BY A LODGE, THAT A CANDIDATE WITHIN THEIR JURISDICTION MAY APPLY TO ANOTHER LODGE. (SECTIOMS 111 AND 112.) At a stated communication of Lodge, No. , (on the Registry of the J/.- Jf. • Grand Lodge of ,) holden at , on the day of , A.-. L.- 58 , A. D. 18 The application of , resident of , within the jurisdiction of this Lodge, for the consent of this Lodge, that he may apply for and receive the degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry in Lodge, No. , holden at , was duly laid before the Lodge, when it was unanimously Resolved, That this Lodge consent, that may apply for and receive the degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry in Lodge, No. , holden at , they making due inquiry into his character. A true copy of the records. [I., s.] A. B., Secretary. The words in parenthesis to be inserted when the Lodge is not subordinate to the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, otherwise omitted. 8o FORMS. [20] FORM OF PERMISSION, BY THE GRAND MASTER OF ANOTHER STATE, FOR THE APPLICATION FOR THE DEGREES IN ANY LODGE IN THIS STATE. (Section 112.) To all to whom these Presents shall come : Whereas, application has been made to me, by , a resident of , within the jurisdiction of Lodge, No. , on the Registry of the M . VV. ■ Grand Lodge of , for permission to apply for and receive the degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry in Lodge, No. , on the Registry of the Grand Lodge of New Hamp- shire, which application is accompanied by the consent of said Lodge, No. , granted at a stated Communication, which consent under the seal of the Lodge is hereto annexed. Therefore, Know ye, that I, , Grand IVtaster of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in , hereby grant this, my permisson, that the said , may apply for and receive the degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry in said Lodge, No. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and private seal, this day of , A.- L. . 58 , A. D. 18 [L. s.] A. B., Grand Master. [21] FORM OF CONSENT THAT A REJECTED CANDIDATE MAY APPLY TO ANOTHER LODGE. (Section 115.) At a stated Communication of Lodge, No. , holden at , on the day of , A.-. L.- 58 , A. d. 18 The application of , who was rejected in this Lodge on the day of , A. L. . 58 , A. D. 18 , on his application to be made a Mason, for the recommendation of this Lodge to Lodge, No. , was duly laid before the Lodge, pursuant to notice given at a stated Communication on the day of , A. L. 58 , A. D. r8 , when the secret ballot having been passed, he was thereby unanimously recommended to said Lodge, No. A true copy of the records. [L. S.] A. B., Secretary. FORMS. Si [22] FORM OF CONSENT THAT E.'. A.'. OR F.'. C. MAY APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE THE REMAINING DEGREES IN ANOTHER LODGE. ( Section 121.) At a stated Communication of Lodge, No. , holden at , on tlie day of , A. . L.-. 58 , A. D. 18 . The application of , wfio was initiated as an E.-. A.-, on the day of , A.- L. 58 , A. D. 18 , and passed to the degree of F.- . C.-. on the day of A. . L. . 58 , A. D. 1 8 , in this Lodge, for the consent of this Lodge, that he may apply for and receive the remaining degrees in Lodge, No. , was duly laid before the Lodge, when it was Resolved, That this Lodge consent that , an E.-. A. . (^or a F.-. C.-.), may apply for and receive the remaining degrees in Lodge, No. , they making due inquiry into his character. A true copy of the records. [L. s.] A. B., Secretary. [23] FORM OF RECOMMENDATION TO JOIN ANOTHER LODGE. (Section 125.) To all whom it 7nay concern : This is to certify that Brother is, at the date of these presents, a Master Mason in good and regular standing, and a mem- ber of Lodge, No. , and having paid all dues, and being free from all charges, he is, at his own request, by vote of said Lodge, recommended to Lodge, No. , for membership therein ; if elected and received in said Lodge, No. , then his mem- bership in this Lodge shall cease from the date of such reception ; if not received by said Lodge, then his membership in this Lodge remains unaffected hereby. Given under my hand and the seal of the Xodge, at , this day of , A.-. L.-. 58 , A. D. 18 . [L. S.J A. B., Secretary, Lodge, No. 82 FOR.l/S. The above should be used whenever it is desired to change the membership from one Lodge to another. The Secretary of the Lodge to which application for membership is made should immediately notify the other Lodge of the decision of the Lodge on the appli- cation. If it is desired to retire from the Lodge mem- bership altogether, the following may be used : FORM OF DIMIT. To "vulioin it may concern : This is to certify that Brother is, at the date of these presents, a Master Mason in good and regular standing, and having paid all dues, and being free from all charges, he is, at his own request, by vote of the Lodge, dimitled from membership in Lodge, No. , under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire. Given under my hand and the seal of the Lodge, at , this day of , A. L. 58 , A. D. 18 [L. S.] A. B., Secretary. Lodge, JVo. FOE.MS OF TRIALS AND APPEALS. (Sectiox 129.) The first step toward a Masonic Trial is to prefer ■charges, or make a complaint. The requisites of a complaint are, that it be brief, and yet definite ; clearl}' pointing out the nature of the offense charged, with an accurate specification of the time, place, and circum- stances of its commission. This may be preferred by any Brother, but more appropriately, hy the Junior Warden, under whose charge the Brethren are when at refreshment. FORMS. 83 [25] FORM OF COMPLAINT. (Rule 1.) To the Worshipful Master , Wanfeiis, and Brethren of Lodge, jVo. : Brother is hereby charged with immoral and unmasonic conduct in the matters following : First specification, That the said , on the day of , A . L . 58 , in a public street at , was in a state of intoxication from the nse of strong and spirituous liquors, in viola- tion of his duty as a Mason, and to the scandal and disgrace of the Craft. Second specification, Ttuit the said , on the day of , A . . L . 5 8 , at said , and at divers other tinies and places between that time and the date of these charges, was intox- icated by strong and spirituous liquors, although admonished therefor by the Master and Wardens of this Lodge, in violation of Ins duty as a Mason, and to the scandal and disgrace of the Craft. It is therefore demanded, that the said be tried for the said offenses according to Masonic law and usage. Dated the day of , A. . L.-. 58 , A. D. 18 A. B., Junior ITardeji. A new specification sliould be added for each sepa- rate state of facts constituting a Masonic offense. The specification should be stated as it is expected to be proved, with reasonable certainty as to time, place, and circumstances, shortly, but distinctlj'. A few forms are given, but it is obviously impossible to prepare a form for each case that may occur ; it is hoped, as no techni- cality is required, the forms given may suggest the form in other cases. [26] FOR SLANDER. That the said did, on the day of , A.-. L.-. 58 , at , in the presence and hearing of and others, use the following slanderous words of and concerning (here insert the name of person or I^odge slatidered), (then set out the words used as near as possible). 84 FORMS. [27] FOR CHEATING. That the said , on the day of , A.-. L. . 58 , at , did wrong, cheat, and defraud (here insert the name of the person or Lodge defrauded), by (here insert a description of the method of cheating used). [28] FOR THREATENING TO INJURE THE LODGE BY BLACKBALLING CANDIDATES. That the said , on the day of , A. L. . 58 , at , did threaten to impede the work of the Lodge, by an improper use of the blackball, in the following language (here insert the laji- guage used as petfectly as possible). The charge should be given to the Secretary ; the Master then directs a special Communication of the Lodge to be called to act upon the subject, and also directs the Secretary to notif}- the accused, by serving him with an attested copy of the charges and specifica- tions, and a summons for his appearance before the Lodge. [29] FORM OF NOTICE TO THE ACCUSED. (Rule 1.) To Brother Take notice, that the within (or foregoing) is a copy of the com- plaint and specifications preferred against you in Lodge, No. ; and that the Worshipful Master has called a special Communication of said Lodge, to be held on the day of A. L. 58 , A. D. 18 , at o'clock, p. Ji., to consider said charges, and you are summoned and required to be present at the Lodge-room of said Lodge at that time, to make answer to said com- plaint and specifications, and receive the award of the Lodge thereon. Dated the day of , A. L.-. 58 , A. D. 18 A. B.. Secretary, Lodge, A'o. FORMS. 85 The Constitution requires the notice to be a season- able one, — that is, such notice as will give the accused time to obtain counsel, if he desires, to answer the charges, and to procure his evidence ; no absolute rule as to time can be given, as what would be seasonable would vary with the nature of the charge, and the distance of the accused and witnesses from the Lodge. It should always be such that the same may be fairly heard. The Secretary should keep a duplicate copy of the notice to the accused, which should be attached to the original complaint and specifications, and upon which he should make a return of the time and manner of service. [30] FORM OF RETURN OF SERVICE OF NOTICE TO THE ACCUSED. ( Rule 1.) I certify that on the day of , A.-. L.- 58 , A. D. iS , (I gave the within-named , in hand), a notice, of which the above is a true copy, together with a true and attested copy of the charges and specifications hereto attached. Dated the day of , a. . l. 58 , a. d. 18 A. B., Secretary, Lodge, No. In place of the clause in parenthesis may be either of the following, as the truth ma}' be : [31] (I left at the abode of the within-named , enclosed in an envelope, securely sealed and directed to him). [32] (I deposited in the post-office at , enclosed in an envel- ope, securely sealed, and directed as follows {give the direction on the letter exactly as sent), "If not called for within ten days return to 86 FORMS. , , N. H.," and paid the postage thereon, which letter has [«(7^] been returned to me). The Secretary should also notify the Complainant. [33] FORM OF XOTICE TO COMPLAIXAXT. To BrotJier Take notice, that the Worshipful Master has called a special Com- munication of Lodge, No. , at the Lodge-room of said Lodge, on , the day of , A. L. 58 , a. d. 18 , at o'clocl:, p. M., to consider the charges and specifications made by you against Brother , and Brother has been duly notified to be present. Dated the day of , A. . L. 58 , A. D. iS A. B., Secretary, Lodge, No. To this a return should be made in the same manner as of the notice to the accused, the form of which may be altered for the purpose. The accused should, at the day of hearing, make answer to the charges in writing. The following form is recommended : [34] FORJI OF ANSWER BY ACCUSED. A. B., in answer to the charges and specifications against him says, that he is not guilty of either of them as set forth by the accuser. Dated the day of , a. . l.-. 58 , a. d. 18 A. B. The answer may var}^ according to the facts in each case. The specifications may be admitted in part, and denied in part, or admitted and other matters pleaded in extenuation or mitigation. But as any advantage of that kind can as well be had at the trial on a general denial of the whole charge, it will usually be found that the form given will be most convenient. FORMS. 87 To procure the attendance of witnesses on either side, if they are Masons, the Master will issue a summons to compel their attendance, which they are bound to obey, and should they refuse, without sufficient excuse, they may be punished therefor, as guilty of unmasonic con- duct. They may attend voluntarily, when of course no summons is necessary. If they are not Masons, their attendance is of course wholly voluntary. [3.5] FORM OF SUMMONS TO MASON AS WITNESS. To Brother You are hereby summoned and required to attend a special Com- munication of Lodge, No. , to be held at their Lodge- room, on , the day of A. L.-, 58 , A. D. 18 , at o'clock, P. M., and there testify what you know relative to a com- plaint made by Brother against Brother Dated the day of , A.- L.-. 58 , A. D. 18 A. B., Master, Lodge, No. . The person serving the summons should make upon a copy of it a return of the time and mode of service. [36] FORil OF RETURN OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS OF WITNESS. I certify that on the day of , A. L.- 58 , A. D. iS ,1 gave to the within-named , in hand, a summons, of which the above is a true copy. A. B. If the service was made in any other mode, as by leaving it at his house, etc., the return should state the exact mode of service. Should occasion arise for taking the deposition of a witness, the Master should issue a commission to some suitable person, if possible a Master Mason, to take such deposition. »» FORMS. [37] FORM OF COMMISSION TO TAKE DEPOSITION. (Rule 4.) To You are hereby authorized to take the deposition in writing of , of what he linows relating to a complaint and spec- ifications made to Lodge, No. , by Brother against Brother You will give reasonable notice, in writing, to both parties, of the time and place appointed by you for taking such deposition ; the deponent will testify upoti his honor; both parties may be present with their counsel, and put such questions as they may please and are relevant. If any question be proposed to the propriety or relevancy of which objection is made, you will write the question at length as asked ; you will then write the objection, after which you will propose the question to the deponent, and write his answer, in the exact words used by him as near as possible. The deposition being completed, you will read the same to the deponent, and after he has signed it, you will securely seal the same, together with this commission and your return of your doings thereon, in an envelope in liis presence, and return the same to Lodge, No. Dated the day of , A. . L. 58 , A. D. 18 A. B., Master, Lodge, A\i. [38] NOTICE TO PARTIES OF TAKING DEPOSITION. (Rule 4.) 7^1? Brother and BrotJier Take notice. That on the day of , A.- L. 58 A. D. 18 , at , in , at o'clock in the noon, by virtue of a commission sent to me from Worshipful Brother , IVIaster of Lodge, No. , I shall take the deposition of , of what he knows relating to a complaint and speci- fications made to Lodge, No. , by Brother against Brother Dated the day of , A. . L. . 58 , A. D. 18 A. B., appointed to take such deposition. FORMS. 89 A return of the service should be made as in other cases. No particular form is necessary in the deposition, the only object being to give, so far as practicable, the lan- guage and manner of the witness. If either party desires it, the questions and answers may both be written. If objection is made to any question as lead- ing or irrelevant, or for any other cause, the question, the objection, and the answer should each be written, that the Lodge may judge of the propriety of the question and answer. If any objection is made to the person appointed to take the deposition, or to any other part of the proceedings, it should be made and noted in the return to the commission. The commencement of the deposition mav be as follows : [39] FORM OF COMMENCEMENT OF DEPOSITION. (Rule 4.) I, , of , on my honor {as a Mason), depose and say, etc. [40] FORM OF RETURN ON COMMISSION TO TAKE A DEPOSITION. (Rule 4.) Pursuant to the annexed commission, on the day of , A.-. L.'. 58 , A. D. 18 ,1 notified both the parties in writing, that on the day of , A. . L.-. 58 , A. D. 18 , at in , at o'clock, in the noon, I should take the deposition of the said , and at said time and place the appended deposition was given, the parties being pfesent and put- ting such questions as they pleased. After such deposition had been reduced to writing, it was by me read to said deponent, who after- ward signed the same. go FORMS. (T/ie accused objected to tlie person appointed to take the deposition^ because he was not a Mason.) (The complainant objected to the caption, because the notice given him was too short to enable him to get his counsel present.) Dated the day of , a. l. 58 , A. D. 18 A . B . , appointed to take such deposition. If either party was not present, the return should show who was present and who absent. If any other objection is made to the deposition, or any part of it, the person appointed to take it will not attempt to judge of the validity of the objection, but will return it, with such facts as may be necessary to the proper understanding of it, to the Lodge for their judg- ment. He should place the commission, copy of notice to the parties, return of service thereon, and the deposi- tion, in an envelope, securely seal the same, and direct it as follows : [41] FOEil OF DIRECTION OX SEALED ENVELOPE CONTAINING DEPO- SITION AND OTHER PAPERS. To Lodge, A'o. , of Ancient Free and Accepted Masoiis : Enclosed is the deposition and accompanying papers of , taken to be used in the matter of the complaint of Brother against Brother , now pending in said Lodge. Taken and sealed up by me, in the presence of the deponent, this day of , A. . L. 58 , A. D. 18 A . B . , appointed to take such depwsition. If any papers are produced, they should be marked with letters or numbers, and referred to thereby in the deposition, and then attached to it. On the da}- appointed, the Master opens a special Com- munication of the Lodge on the third degree, when the complaint, specifications, notices to the accused and to the FORMS.- 91 complainant, and the answer of the accused are read. If any objection exists to the regularity of any of the proceedings, it should then be made, when the Master will determine it. There being none, or having been overruled, the evidence is then presented. If any objec- tion is made to any part of the evidence, the Master will determine it. The evidence having all been pre- sented, the counsel or the parties will be permitted to make such remarks, pertinent to the case, as they may wish, when the parties with their counsel will retire, and the Lodge will then proceed to determine the question of guilt and the nature of the punishment. [42] FORM OF KECOED OF SPECIAL COMMUNICATION FOE THE PURPOSE OF MASONIC TRIAL. (EULE 0.) A special Communication of Lodge, No. , of A. . F,-. and A.-. M. ., was held at , on , the day of , A. L. 58 , A. D. 18 , at o'clock, p. M. Present: W.-. A. B., Master, etc. (The full Christian and surname, ■with the initials at least of all middle names, of all Officers and members should appear.. If there are visitors, as none can be ad?nitted but members of ihe Grand Lodge, the record should show their rank, and their right as members of the Grand Lodge). The Lodge was opened in due form on the third degree in Masonry. This Communication was called for the special purpose of consider- ing the complaint and specifications made by Brother against Brother The complaint, specifications, notices, returns, and answer of the accused, having been read. Brother was appointed to take minutes of the evidence, etc., to be preserved on the files of the Lodge. The evidence, as well on the part of the accused as on that of the complainant, was then presented and heard by the Lodge. The parties with their counsel then retired. 92 FORMS. The question, "Is the accused guilty or not guilty?" was then dis- tinctly put to each member of the Lodge present, by name, com- mencing with the )-oungest, when the following Brethren said he was guilty : (Here give the names of all those who voted guilty). And the following Brethren said he was not guilty: (Here give the names of all those who voted not guilty). A majority of the members present find the accused to be guilty. The question, "Shall the accused be expelled?" was then put in the same manner, when the following Brethren voted yes : (Here give the names of those in the affirmative). And the following Brethren voted no : (Here give the jiames of those in the negative). Two thirds not having voted in favor of expulsion, the question, " Shall the accused be suspended?" was then put in the same manner, when the following Brethren voted yes : (Here give the names of those in the affirmative). And the following Brethren voted no : (Here give the names of those in the negative). Two thirds 'not having voted in favor of suspension, the Master then ordered thai the accused be reprimanded. Brother was then introduced, when the Master pro- ceeded to administer the reprimand in open Lodge. There being no farther business, the Lodge was closed in due form and in harmony, until the next stated Communication. Attest: A. B., Secretary. If two thirds vote for either expulsion or suspension, of course the Lodge proceeds no farther with the ques- tion of the grade of punishment. Except in case of suspension the Lodge must determine in same manner whether the suspension be definite or indefinite. The Constitution requires that some Brother be appointed to take minutes of the evidence, etc. The record of the evidence should also show all objections to the regularity of the proceedings, or to the admission of evidence. FORMS. 93 [43] FORM OJ RECORD OF EVIDENCE, ETC., ON THE TRIAL. (Rule 8.) At a special Communication of Lodge, No. , held at , on tlie day of , A. . l.-. 58 , a. d. 18 , for the purpose of considering the complaint and specifications made by Brother against Brother , the following complaint and specifications were read : (Here copy the complaint and specifications). The notices to the accused and the complainant, with the returns to the same, were then read, as follows : (Here copy the notices and returns). Brother , being then asked what answer he had to make to the said complaint and specifications, submitted the following answer: (Here copy the answer). Brother requested that , not a Mason, might be admitted to assist him as his counsel, which was refused by the Master, it being contrary to Masonic usage to admit as counsel any person not a Mason. Brother then requested Brother to assist him as his counsel, who consented to do so. Brother then objected to the second specification as not being sufficiently definite and certain, which was overruled by the Master. Brother was then called as a witness by the com- plainant, in support of said charges, and testified as a Master Mason as follows : 1 reside in , am a member of Lodge, No. , in good and regular standing. I am acquainted with Brother ; I saw him on Main street in , on the day of , A. L.-. 58 . I was on the opposite side of the street ; he appeared to be much intox- icated, Objection was made to witness testifying as to the appearance of the accused, saying that he should state what the accused did, and how he acted ; stating his appearance being but stating his conclusion from what he saw; but the objection was overruled. I saw him five or ten minutes; he reeled as he walked, etc., (as the facts may be). 94 FORMS. On cross-examination he further testified : I knew that Brother had been sick for several da}S. Am a physician; do not think Brother 's reeling and staggering while walking was the result of weakness caused by his sickness. Can con- ceive of a man's being so weak from sickness long continued as to reel like a man intoxicated. Am certain this could not have been the case with Brother Have none but the kindest feelings towards Brother .AIa\' have said he was drinking too much of late, etc. The Lodge having been properly cautioned. Air. was then called as a witness by the complainant and testified on his honor, as follows : (Here give tfie testimony as in the case of tJie first witness). On cross-examination .Mr. further testified, etc. (Here give the cross-examination). The complainant then offered the deposition of Brother Objection was made to this deposition, because the person ap- pointed to take it was not a JIason. which was overruled bv the .Master. Objection was further made because the notice given the accused was too short to enable him to get his counsel present, which appear- ing to be the fact, the deposition was rejected. (Or) it appearing that the counsel relied on was not a .Mason, and could not have appeared, and that the accu.sed was present and asked such questions as he saw fit, the objection was overruled, and the deposition was read and is hereto annexed, marked (A). The evidence on the part of the complainant here closed. The evidence was then closed. Attest: A. B.. appointed to take mimites of the evidence. These minutes are thus given in a somewhat extended form, because they present a convenient way of call- ing attention to certain facts and proceedings in the course of a trial. Thus, the statement of objections bv either party, and the grounds of them, and the decision thereon, both of which should always be stated; that a person not a Mason was not permitted to act as counsel, but that the accused had or had not counsel ; that the first witness testified in his character as a Master FORMS. 95 Mason ; that the Lodge was properly cautioned before the admission of the second witness, who was not a Mason, and made his statement on his honor; that the testiihony is taken down as near as practicable in the words of the witness, etc. In case the accused is suspended or expelled, it ma}' be desirable that he should be officially informed of it. [44] FORM OF NOTICE OF CONVICTION. To Take notice, that at a special Communication of Lodge, No. lield at , on the day of , A, L.- 58 A. D. 18 , upon consideration of the complaint and specifications made by Brother against }oii, it was adjudged and determined by the Lodge that you are guilty of the offence charged in said complaint and specifications, and that you be expelled (or s/is- pended) from all the rights and privileges of Masonry. Attest: A. B., Secretary, Lodge, No. It is the duty of the Secretar}-, in case of expulsion or suspension within thirty days, and before the meeting of the Grand Lodge, to transmit full copies of everything relating to the trial to the Grand Master. This is required to enable the Grand Master and the Com- mittee on Trials and Appeals to examine them, and if any informality exists, send them back to the Lodge for correction. If the Secretar}' omits therefore to put in everything, he will be called upon to furnish the whole series anew, and corrected. [45] FORM OF REPORT TO GRAND MASTER. (Rule 9.) To the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in New Hampshire : The following are true copies of all the papers and proceedings, in and by Lodge, No. , in the matter of the complaint made 96 FORMS. by Brother against Brother (Here copy everything). [L. s.] A. B., Master, Attest : Lodge, No. . CD., Secretary, Lodge, No. If no appeal has been taken b}^ either party, the Committee on Trials and Appeals, to whom the papers will be referred, will not ordinarily hear anything from any one, but will examine the papers to see that every- thing has been done in a formally correct manner, and that the conclusion is justified by the evidence, and if so they will recommend its confirmation, or such other action by the Grand Lodge as may be deemed just. If either party desires to be heard by the Grand Lodge, he should appeal from the decision or ruling which he deems wrong. [46] FORM OF APPEAL. ( Rule 10.) To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the .-Incient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New Hampshire : The undersigned appeals to you, from the decision of Lodge, No. , made on the day of , A. L. 58 , A. D. 18 , in passing sentence of suspension upon him, and specifies the following as the grounds of his appeal: 1st. Because the Lodge erred in not permitting Mr. to appear and assist him as his counsel. 2d. Because the second specification of the charge is not suflS- ciently definite and certain. 3d. Because the Lodge erred in receiving testimony as to appearances of intoxication. 4th. Because the Lodge erred in admitting the deposition of , which was taken before a person not a Mason. 5th. Because the Lodge erred in admitting the same deposition, although no seasonable notice was given the accused of the taking thereof. FORMS. 97 6th. Because the evidence was not sufficient to warrant the verdict of the Lodge. 7th. Because the Lodge erred in fixing the penalty of suspension by a mere majority vote. All of which appears by the papers, proceedings, and evidence in the case. Dated the day of , a. . l.-. 58 , a. d. 18 A. B. This appeal must be filed with the Secretary, within one month of the decision, and is returned by him to the Grand Master, with the other papers and proceedings in the case. It may be desirable for the appellant to retain a copy and have it at the Grand Lodge. [47] NOTICE OF APPEAL. (Rule 10.) To Take notice, that I have taken an appeal from the decision of Lodge, No. , in the matter of tlie complaint and speci- fications made by you against me, and that I shall prosecute the same at the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, on the day of , A.- L. . 58 , A. D. 18 A. B. This notice should be served as other notices, and a return made, which the appellant should have with him at the Grand Lodge. The appeal by the complainant, and notice, should be like the above, with the necessary alterations, which can easily be made. [48] FORM OF PETITION FOR RESTORATION. (Section 133.) To the Worshipful Master, Wardens, and Brethren of Lodge, No. Respectfully represents , that on the day of , A.-. L.-. 58 , A. D. 18 , he was expelled (or suspended) 7 98 FORMS. from all the rights and privileges of Masonry, by said Lodge, No. , and he now prays, that with the consent and appro- bation of the Grand Lodge, he may be restored to his rights and privileges as a Master ;\Iason. Dated the day of , a. . l. . 58 , a. d. 18 A. B. Should the ballot be favorable, a copy of the petition and action of the Lodge thereon, should be communi- cated to the Grand Lodge, at its next Annual Commu- nication. [49] FORM OF RECOMMENDATION TO THE GRAND LODGE OF THE RESTORATION OF AN EXPELLED OR SUSPENDED MASON. (SeCTION-S 133 AND 133.) At a stated Communication of Lodge, No. , held at , on the day of , A.-. L. . 58 , A. D. 18 , the following petition was presented : (Heie copy the petition for restoration). Which was received, and the stated Communication on the day of , A. L. 58 , A. D. 18 , was appointed for its consideration, and it was referred to a Committee consisting of Brothers , , and Attest: A. 'h.. Secretary. Lodge, Xo. At a stated Communication of Lodge, Xo. , held at , on the day of A. L. . 58 , a. d. 18 The Committee, to whom had been referred the petition of . for restoration to the rights and privileges of JJasonrv, made their report as follows : {Here copy their report). Whereupon, the ballot being passed, the Lodge -s-oted unanimously in favor of such restoration, and it was : Voted, That it be recommended to the Grand Lodge to consent to and approve the restoration of to the rights and privileges of Masonry. A. B., Secretary, Lodge, Xo. The Committee should state in their report the reasons for their recommendations to the Lodge. FORMS. 99 [50] FORM OF IMPEACHMENT OF MASTER OF, A LODGE. (Section 137.) To the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons i7i New Hampshire : The undersigned, , , , , five members in good and regidar standing of Lodge, No. , (or District Deputy Grand Master of the Masonic District), hereby impeach W.-. liro. , IVtaster of (said) Lodge, No. , of unmasonic conduct in the matters following : (Here insert specifications of the conduct complained of). Dated the day of , A. . L. . 58 , A. D. 18 . ( To be signed 'by the Impeackers.) The complaint against any member of the Grand Lodge, by an individual Brother against a Lodge, or by one Lodge against another, may be in similar form to the complaint in a particular Lodge (Form 25), except the address, which should be, " Zb the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in Nexv Hampshire." Upon receiv- ing the impeachment ot' a Master, or the complaint against a member of the Grand Lodge, or a particular Lodge, the Grand Master issues a commission for trial. [51] FORM OF COMMISSION FOR TRIAL IN GRAND LODGE. (Section 141.) To R.- W.-. Brothers Know ye, that I, , Grand Master of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in New Hampshire, by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge, and ancient Masonic usage, hereby appoint and commission you to examine and try the matters named in the annexed impeachment (or complaint and specifications). In performing this duty, you will cause the accused to be served with an attested copy of the complaint and specifications, and notify both lOO FORMS. parties of the time appointed by you for hearing the matter, a reason- able time 1)efore such hearing. Vou will proceed witli the trial, according to Masonic law and usage, agreeably to the rules for the regulation of trials in particular Lodges, so far as the same may be applicable, and return to me, with this commission, attested copies of all your proceedings, together with your findings in both matters of law and fact, with any recommendations you may think proper. Witness my hand and private seal, this day of , A. . L. 58 , A. D. 18 . A. B., Grand Master. FORM OF NOTICE TO THE ACCUSED. To (^insert proper iiavie and title of the accused) : Take notice, that the annexed is a true copy of the complaint and specifications preferred agamst you to the .Most Worshipful , Grand Master of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in New Hamp- shire, on the day of , A. L. 58 , A. D. 18 , and that we have been appointed by him a Committee to hear and try the same, and that we will meet for that purpose at , on , the day of , A. L. 58 , A. D. 18 , at o'clock in the noon, at which time you are hereby summoned and required to appear, and then and there make answer to said complaint, and be heard thereon. Dated the day of , A. L. 58 , A. D. 18 ( To be signed b\ the Committee.) [53] FORM OF NOTICE TO THE COMPLAINANT. To Take notice, that we have been appointed by the .Most Worshipful Grand .Master of Ancient Free and Accepted .Masons in New Hamp- shire, a Committee to hear and try the complaint and specifications preferred by you against , on the da\' of A.- L. 58 , .\. D. 18 , and that we will meet for that purpose at , on , the day of , a. l. 58 , A. D. 18 , at o'clock in the noon, and the accused has been notified to be present. Dated the day of , A. L.- 58 , A. D. r8 {Signed by the Committee.) FORMS. lOI The names of all may be signed by the Chairman, he adding, " Bj^ , Chairman." Returns should be made of the service of these notices, as in Form 30. The accused having received notice of the complaint, etc., and of the appointment of the Committee, if he has any objection to either of the Committee, should make his challenge, that the Grand Master, if satisfied there is ground for it, may supply the vacancy. If there be probable ground for objection, the Brother challenged should remove all question by resignation. The answer of the accused maj- be as in Form 34, or may be more particular. See the directions follo\ving Form 30. The summons of witnesses, and depositions, may be similar to the forms in particular Lodges, and be issued by the Chairman of the Committee. At the time appointed, the Committee meet and appoint one of their number to act as Clerk. The Constitution provides that the first named shall be Chairman. The trial will then proceed as in a partic- ular Lodgfe. [54] FORM OF RETURN TO GOMMISSIOK, To the Most Worshipful , Grand Master of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons in New Hampshire : The Committee appointed by the annexed commission, having caused the accused to be served with an attested copy of the com- plaint and specifications, and notified both parties of the time and place appointed by them to hear and try the cause, as will appear by the notices and returns hereto annexed, marked " A" and " B," met at , on , the day of , A.-. L.-. 58 A. D. 18 , at o'clock in the noon. I02 FORMS. Present — R.-. W.-. Bro. Brother was appointed to act as Clerk of the Committee. The complaint and specifications annexed to the commission were then read. The notices to the accused and to the complainant, with the returns to the same, hereto annexed and marked "A"' and " B," were then read. The accused, being then asked what answer he had to make to the said complaint and specifications, submitted the answer, hereto annexed, marked "C." (T/ie record of the trial is then given as in Form 43. j The evidence being closed, after hearing both parties, we have found and determined (^here ijisert the findings both of law and fact). We therefore recommend (^here itisert such recoimnendations of punishij!ent, as to the Committee seem just). All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated the day of , A.-. L.-. 58 , A. D. iS . A. B., ' C. D., E. F., \ Committee. G. H., j J. L., J Should the Committee fail to finish the hearing at one sitting, the return should show at what hour, and to what time and place, the hearing was adjourned, and at the commencement of the next sitting, the hour and place, when and where, it was recommenced, and who were present. [55] FORM OF AD.JOURNMENT, ETC., OF HEARING. The Committee then at o'clock, IM., adjourned till at o'clock, Ji., at the same place. FORMS. 103 On , the day of , a. . l.-. 58 , a. d. 18 , at o'clock in the noon, the Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present — R. . W. Bro. , etc. If the Committee recommend the suspension or rev- ocation of the Warrant of a Lodge, they will also return the names of those members whom they find were con- cerned in the irregular or unmasonic conduct. See Section 78. [.56] FORil OF XOTICE BY GRAND MASTER OF SUSPENSION, AND SUMMONS TO ATTEND THE NEXT GRAND LODGE. (To Individual.) To Brother Talve notice, that the Committee appointed to hear and try the com- plaint made against you on the day of , A. L. 58 , A. D. 18 , by , having fully heard the matter, have found and determined (^here insert so iniicli of the findiytgs as is necessary), and recommend ^here insert the recommendation). You are therefore suspended from all the rights and privileges of Freemasonry, till the pleasure of the Grand Lodge be known, and are summoned and required to attend the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, on the day of May next. Dated the day of , A. . L. 58 , A. D. 18 A. B., Grand Master. [57] FORM OF NOTICE BY GRAND MASTER OF SUSPENSION, AND SUMMONS TO ATTEND THE NEXT GRAND LODGE. (To A Lodge.) To the Worshipful Master , U'ardejis, and Brethren of Lodge, A'o. Take notice (as in Form ^6 to the dose of the recommendation) . The Warrant of your Lodge is therefore suspended, till the pleasure of the Grand Lodge be known, and you are summoned and required to attend the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge on the day of May next, and to bring with you the Warrant and I04 FORA/S. records of your Lodge, with all books and papers in any wise relating to the said complaint, or referred to in the hearing before the said Committee. Dated the day of , A. . L. 58 . A. D. 18 A. B., Grand Master. [58] FORM OF SUiMiMOXS TO JIEMBERS IMPLICATED. ( Section 78.) To Brothers (here insert all the names returned by the Committee) : Take notice, that by the return of the Committee, duly commis- sioned to hear and try the complaint made by against Lodge, No. , it appears that you and each of you were implicated in the irregular and unmasonic conduct com- plained of. You are therefore summoned and required to attend the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, on the day of May next, at which time the Grand Lodge will act on such return. Dated the day of , a. l. 58 , A. D. 18 A. B., Grand Master . A return of the service of each of the last three notices should be made to the Grand Master, to be b}' him returned to the Grand Lodge with the other papers. At the Grand Lodge, the Committee on Trials and Appeals, to whom the papers will be reterred, will not ordinarih- hear anv further testimony than appears in the return to the Commission, unless notice has been given that such evidence will be offered, but will deter- mine the matter upon the evidence alread\' taken. [59] NOTICE OF IXTEXTIOX TO OFFER NEW TESTIMONY. To Take notice, that upon the hearing of the complaint, and return of the commission issued thereon, by against the undersigned will offer evidence to prove (here state luhat it is intended to prove). Dated the day of . a. l. 58 , a. d. 18 A. B. FORMS. 105 If new evidence is offered, of course rebutting evi- dence will be received without notice. The following form of records has been prepared, at the suggestion of many Brethren, who have had occa- sion to observe the loose way in which the records of some Lodges are kept. No obligation exists upon any Lodge to observe this form ; and perhaps other forms may be in use equally, and perhaps more, distinct. Nor is it supposed that all the business here given could ever occur at any one Lodge meeting. It is hoped that it will furnish to Secretaries a model, which may assist man}' of them in what is to them an unaccustomed duty. One or two general suggestions may be pardoned. It is to be presumed that all Lodge meetings are regular, although some of them are statedly held in pursuance of the By-Laws, and others s^ec/ff/Zy called by the Master. To distinguish a meeting therefore, as " regular, ^^ means nothing. The full Christian and surnames with initials of all other names, of ever)- Brother pres- ent, should appear. If there be two of the same name, the whole of the middle name should be given, or the individuals otherwise distinguished. The capacity in which Brothers-appear, as Officers, members, or visitors, should also be designated. If a Brother is temporarily acting in an office, it is neater and better to place " fl5 " or " acting as," before the name of the office, than p. t. or pro tern., after it. The record should show all money received at that Communication, which includes all received by the Secretary since the last Communica- tion. [60] FORM OF LODGE RECORD. A stated Communication of Strict Observance Lodge, Xo. 100, of A.-. F.-. and A. M. ., was held 2A Freemasons Hallm Kilkenny, on Thursday, the Twenty-fonrt/i Azy oi "June, A. . i,. 5869, A. D. 1869, at 7^ o'cloclc P. M. io6 FORMS. PRESENT. Officers. W. . Benjamin F. Preston, M. Bro. Joseph VV, Webb, S. W. James Anderson, as J. W. John Knowlton, Treas. Horace Chase, Sec. John Dean Oliver, S.- D. .Anthony Sayre, J. . D. Emanuel Rebold, Chap. Christopher Wren, .Mar. Charles E. Starr, S. . Stew. Amos Dermott, J. . Stew. John Doe, T}ler. W. George Payne, P.-. .AI. Stephen .Morin, P.- M. Bro. Members. William .Morgan. John Davis Oliver. Frederic Dalcho. Moses M. Hayes. Isaac DaCosta. I'isitors. M R W. Alexander M. Winn, G. .M. ., Fraternal Lodge, Xo. 71, Farmington. W. . Henry O. Kent, D. . D.-. G. . .M. . lothDist., North Star Lodge, No. 8. Lancaster. Bro. Jeremy Cross, Solar Lodge, No. 14, Bath, ile. The Lodge was opened in due form on the third degree in .Masonry. The records of the stated Communication, May 27th, and of the special Communications, June loth and 19th, were read and approved. The petition of Mr. Andrew Jackson for the degrees in Free- masonry, recommended by Brothers Anthony Sayre and Emanuel Rebold, and accompanied by the fee, was received and referred to a Committee for investigation. The petition of Mr. Abraham Lincoln for the degrees in Free- masonry, recommended by Brothers John Knowlton and James Anderson, accompanied by the consent of Rising \'irtue Lodge, No. 10, Bangor, Maine, and the permission-of M. W. John H. Lynde, Grand .Master of Masons in Alaine, and by the fee, was received, and referred to a Committee for investigation. The petition of Brother Joseph Balsamo. an Entered Apprentice, for advancement, recommended by Brothers Charles E. Starr and Horace Cha.se, accompanied by the consent of St. John's Lodge, Xo. I, in which he was initiated, and the fee. was received, and referred to a Committee for investigation. The Committee on the petition of Mr. Albert Pike to receive the degrees, reported thereon, whereupon he was balloted for and rejected ; and the W. .Master directed his fee to be returned. FORMS. 107 The Committee on the petition of John O. A. Fellows reported thereon, wliereupon he was balloted for and elected. The Committee on the petition of Brother Henry Fowle, to be admitted a member of this Lodge, reported thereon, whereupon he was balloted for and elected. A Communication from Rising Sun Lodge, No. 39, at Nashua, asking information about one James Buchanan, was read and referred to a Committee consisting of Brothers George Payne, Emanuel Rebold, and John Knowlton. A Communication from Mrs. Martha Jones, the widow of our late Brother John Jones, was read. Voted, That the W.-. Master draw his order on the Treasurer for the sum of twenty-five dollars, and pay the same to Mrs. Martha Jones. A Communication from Pythagoras Lodge, No. 1, at New York, on the register of the Grand Lodge of Hamburg, was read and ordered to be placed on file. The Committee appointed at the special Communication, June 19th, to prepare resolutions expressive of the feelings of this Lodge, on the death of our late Brother, John Jones, submitted the following : ^here i7isert the resolutions), which were adopted. The Committee appointed at the last stated Communication, to agree with the owner for the use of Freemasons Hall, reported : That they had taken a lease of the Hall for five years, at the rate of fifty dollars a year, — which report was accepted and the lease ratified. The bill of Wood & Hall, for sundry articles furnished the Lodge, amounting to $23.65, was presented, when it was — Ordered, That the bill of Wood & Hall be paid. The bill of Kilkenney Cornet Band, for services June 19th, was presented, and referred to a Committee consisting of the Master and Wardens. The bill of the Tyler, for washing aprons, amounting to $1.87, was presented, when it was — Ordered, That the bill of John Doe be paid. The Lodge of Master Masons was then closed, and a Lodge of Entered Apprentices opened in its stead. Mr. John Q. A. Fellows, a candidate for initiation, being in waiting, was duly prepared, brought forward, and initiated as an Entered Apprentice, in due and ancient form. Brother Arthur Craig, an Entered Apprentice, was then examined as to his proficiency in the first degree, which being satisfactory : Io8 FORMS. The Lodge of Entered Apprentices was closed, and a Lodge of Fellow Crafts opened in its stead. Brother Arthur Craig, an Entered Apprentice, being in waiting, was duly prepared, brought forward, and passed to the degree of Fellow Craft, in due and ancient form. Brother William Martin, a Fellow Craft, was then examined as to his proficiency in the second degree, which being satisfactory : The Lodge of Fellow Crafts was closed, and a Lodge of Master Masons opened in its stead. Brother William Martin, a Fellow Craft, being in waiting, was duly prepared, brought forward, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, in due and ancient form. Brother William Martin signed the By-Laws, and became a member of the Lodge. The records of the evening were then read for correction, and approved. There being no further business, the Lodge was closed in due form, and in harmony, till the next stated Communication. Receipts : Mr. Andrew Jackson, fee, 525.00 " Abraham Lincoln, " 25.00 Brother Isaac Da Costa, dues, i.oo " Frederic Dalcho, " i .00 A true record. Attest; Horace Chase, Secretarv. INDEX TO CONSTITUTION, This Index contains no reference to tlie Digest. Tliat is in itself an index. SEC. PAGE. Accusation Rule 1, 129 39 Accused to be notified and have copy ol charges Rule 1, 129 39 to have counsel Rule 3, 129 40 Advancement in another Lodge 121 37 only after examination 119 36 time of waiting for 120 36 Amendment changing subject matter Rule 10, 153 48 of Constitution 1.54 48 only one at a time Rule 8, 153 47 Annual Communications of Grand Lodge 7 7 of particular Lodges, Constitution and By-Laws to be read 104 32 Appeal, how taken Rule 10, 129 41 Appeals, etc., to be received by Grand Secretary, etc 38 14 Ballot, members must vote on 116 35 must be at stated Communication 107 34 must be unanimous 116 35 objection after 117 35 single for all the degrees 117 35 Benefit, Lodge cannot have fixed 90 30 Blanks, etc., furnished by Grand Secretary 42 16 Bond of Grand Secretary 43 15 of Grand Treasurer 34 13 Brothers must all vote in trials 130 41 Burial, non-affiliates not entitled to 127 38 Business may be presented at Semi-Aniiual 10 7 not at Semi-Annual 10 7 to be done in Master's Lodge 91 30 By-Laws, amendments, how made 97 31 cannot be suspended 97 31 etc., to be read before election 104 32 may be temporarily approved by Grand Master 96 30 to be approved by Grand Lodge 96 30 to be returned with Dispensation 65 23 Candidate advanced in another Lodge, when 121 37 from out of the State 112 35 must apply to the nearest Lodge 109 34 must have resided in jurisdiction twelve months.. 110 34 must be proposed four weeks 107 34 112 LVDEX. SEC. PAGE. C'AXDiD.iTE must lie proposer! at .stated Commmiicatiou 107 34 not to be balloteil for till strict inquiry 107 34 only one at a time 89 29 only one degree at a time 120 36 out of the jurisdiction but in the State Ill 31 rejected cannot apply elsewhere 115 35 requisites of petition of 106 33 to assent to questions 118 36 CASTING vote of Grand Master, when 27 11 Certificate, etc.. Grand Secretary to engross, etc 38 14 to seek relief forbidden , 144 45 Chair:man of Committees 147 46 Chapter or Comniandery, expulsion or suspension in 138 43 Charge Rule 1, i-'9 39 Ch.arity, Committee on 143 45 Clothing in Grand Lodge 59 21 Co:\iMAXDERY or Chapter, expulsion or suspension in 138 43 Commissions, etc.. Grand Secretary to engross, etc 38 14 Committees, Chairman 147 46 expenses of 148 46 on Charity 143 45 on Jurisprudence 146 45 on Jurisprudence are members of Grand Lodge.. 2 5 on Trials and Appeals are members of Grand Lodge 2 5 Standing 145 45 to be appointed by the Grand blaster 27 11 when to report 147 46 CoMMCxiCATioN. Annual, of particular Lodges, Constitution and By-Laws to be read 104 32 ot particular Lodge, hoNv called 102 32 Communications ( if Grand Lodge 7-11 7 Compensation of Grand Treasurer 37 14 Complaint Rule 1, 129 39 C(.>NSENT for advancement in another Lodge 121 37 if two Lodges, consent of one sufficient Ill 34 of Lodge that another Lodge may do work 111-112 34-35 that rejected applicant may apply elsewhere, how uiven 115 35 Constitution, etc., to be read before election 104 32 Copies, in trials, to he sent (irand Master Rule 9, 129 41 Counsel of accused Rule 3, 129 40 to he appointed Rule 2, 129 39 Credit for lees forbidden 88 29 Degrees, tee for 88 29 fee must be deposited with application 108 34 limit of, on the same day 89 29 only one at a time 120 36 Depositions in trials Rule 4, 129 40 Deputa' Grand JNIaster cannot be Master or Warden 13 9 duties of 30-31 12 eligibility for 13 9 if Grand blaster dead, etc., to act 31 12 to act during temporary absence of Grand -Master 31 12 INDEX. 113 SEC. PAGE. Deputy Grand Master to assist (xi-and Master 30 12 to preside in absence of Grand Master, . 30 12 to visit Lodges 48 16 De.stiuc Til >x of Warrant 82 28 DiJiiT, installed OtKcers cannot gg 31 DmiTS of petitioners for new Lodge 67 24 Diplomas, blank, to be furnished 98 31 etc.. Grand .Secretary to engross, ete 38 ]4 Grand Secretary's fee for gs 31 Discussions prohibited 93 30 D.'. D.'. G.'. M.'. cannot be Master or Warden 13 g duties of 45-48 15-I6 eligibility for 13 g Lodge to be convened to receive 84 29 may appoint special Deputy, when 45 is reimbursed their expenses 46 16 to communicate Edicts, etc 40 16 to keep records 47 \% to report before May 1 to G.'. M.' 46 16 to visit Lodges, etc 46 15 DiSPE>'SATiox, fee for, for degrees 1-32 37 fee for, for new Lodge 65 23 for new Lodge, accompanied by recommenda- tion of two nearest Lodges, etc 61 22 for new Ijodge. i>y whom issued 60 22 for new Lodge, I'equisites for 60-ce 22-24 for processions and degrees to be granted by the Grand Master 28 12 ixrand Master may arrest 22 10 granted by Grand ^Master to new Lodges 22 10 petition for 66 24 sanction of i\f aster and AA'ardens for 64 23 to be returned to Grand Lodge, etc 65 23 Disqualification of members implicated on rcN'ocation of Warrant 78 27 Districts assigned by Grand Master 25 11 Division of (luestion Rnle 9, 153 48 Dues, member discharged for non-payment of, not admitteil to any other Lodge 127 38 tolii'and Loilye 85 2a Duty of D.'. D.'. G.'. M.' 4.5-48 15-10 of Deputy (irand Master 30-31 12 of Grand Chaplains 50 17 of (irand Deacons 51 17 of Grand Lecturers 49 17 of (irand Marshal 52 17 of Grand Master 21-29 10-12 of Granil Pursuivants 55 18 of Grand Secretary 38-44 14-15 of Grand Stewards 53 18 of Grand Sword Bearer 54 18 of Grand Treasurer 34-37 13-14 of Grand Tyler .56 18 of Grand "Wardi-iis 32-33 12 114 IXDEX. SEC. Edicts, etc., to be sent to members by Grand Secretary 40 Electios of Otiicers in Grand Lodge, majority elects 14 Constitution and By-Laws to be read before 104 Eligibility to be Master of Lodge 100 to oflice in Grand Lodge 13 Evidence, hearsay, excluded Rule 3, 129 Examination for advancement 119 of cliarges Rule 2, 12!) Exemplification of work at Semi-Annual 10 Expenses D.'. D.'. G.'. JI.'. to be reimbursed 46 of Committees 148 Expulsion or suspension, copy of proceedings to be sent to Grand blaster Rule 0, 129 or suspension, to lie confirmed by Grand Lodge Rule 7, 120 or suspension, effect of, before confirmation. Rule 7, 129 not to be published 142 Fee for degrees 88 must be paid before application received lOS Forfeiture of Warrant 7o members implicated, disqualified 78 property, etc., surrendered to Grand Lodge 76 refusal to surrender property, or vote to divide, penalty 76 Funds, by whom invested 34 cannot tax to create 90 for charitable purposes only 90 for what purposes used 152 Funerals 95 Grand Chaplains, duty of 50 Grand Deacons, duty of 51 Grand Lodge, dues to 85 how constituted 2 Officers of 3 Ofiticers and members of, must be Master Masons. holding allegiance to Grand Lodge 5 powers of 12 style and title of 1 to tiT its own members, etc 141 trials in 141 who are members of 2 Grand Lecturer, for the ,State 3 appointed for three years 49 duty of 49 Grand Lecturers, tlieir duties 49 to meet each year 49 to visit Lodges 48-49 Grand Marshal, duty of 52 to proclaim Officers installed 19 Grand Master, by whom installed 15 cannot he Master or Warden..., 13 duties of 21-29 eligibility for 13 14 9 32 32 9 40 36 39 7 16 46 41 41 44 29 34 26 26 26 13 30 30 46 6 6 5 44 44 17 17 17 17 16-17 17 10 9 9 10-12 9 INDEX. 115 SEC. PAGE. Grand JIfister, if absent, how installed 16 9 in recess of Grand Lodge may approve By-Laws 96 30 may appoint special Deputies 26 11 may convene particular Lodge, etc 23 11 may convene the Grand Lodge, how 22 10 may grant Dispensations for processions and for conferring Degrees . .' 28 12 may refer to Committee on Jurisprudence 146 45 may suspend a Brother or Lodge 22 10 to appoint all Committees 27 11 to arrest Dispensation or AVairant 22 10 to assign Districts 25 11 to assign every new Lodge to some District 2B n to exemplify AA'ork and Lectures at Semi- Animal Communications 2!i 12 to grant Dispensations to new Lodges 22 10 to give casting vote, when 27 11 to give reason for suspension 22 10 to preside in Grand Lodge 21 10 to visit, etc.. Lodges each year 24 11 Grand Officers, Jewels of as I'O stations of 67 is to hold until their successors are elected and installed 19 10 Grand Pursuivants, duty of 55 is Grand Secretary, bond of 43 15 duties of 38-44 14-15 to answer communications 42 15 to attend Committees with records, etc 39 14 to collect money and pay to Grand Treasurer 43 15 to engross, etc., all Warrants, etc 38 14 to furnish Chairmen of Committees with copy of vote of appointmen t 39 14 to furnish necessary blanks, etc 42 15 to have custody of the Seal 38 14 to keep account with particular Lodges 43 15 to keep list of Lodges 33 14 to make report 44 jg to observe and record proceedings 33 14 to print and distribute proceedings 41 15 to receive all petitions, etc 38 14 to record reports of Committees 39 14 to send Edicts and Regulations and list of Officers to each member 40 14 to summon meetings of Grand Lodge 33 14 GRAND^Stewards, duty of 53 13 Grand Sword Bearer, duty of 54 ]3 Grand Treasurer, compensation of 37 14 dutiesof 34.37 13.14 to deliver property to successor and take receipts 36 13 to have charge of funds 34 13 tohavechargeof Jewels, etc., of GrandLodge 36 14 to give bond 34 13 to invest funds 34 13 ,Il6 IXDEX. SEC. PAGE. Graxd Treasui'er to receive mouey and pay bills 36 13 to report his accounts 35-36 13 to take care of all Warrants, records, etc 36 13 to take receipt for Jewels, etc , delivered. . . 36 13 Grand Tyler, duty of 56 18 has no A"ote in Grand Lodge 3 6 Grand Wardens cannot he Master nr Warden 13 9 duties of ■ 33-33 12 eligibility for 13 9 to assist Grand JMaster 32 12 to succeed, when 33 12 to visit Lodges -18 16 Hearsay evidence excluded Rule 3, I2n 40 IxiTiATiox, objection to 117 35 questions to candidate lis 36 IxsTALLATiox, no Othcer to act till installed 20 10 not to be by proxy 17 10 obligation IS 10 of Grand Lodge, when 15 9 of Grand ]N[aster, bj' \^'hom 1.' 9 of x y must be member of same Lodge 5 6 of Master or Warden 2 5 of ^Master or Warden for one Communication only, 4 6 of Blaster or Warden to be in writing 4 6 of Master or Warden void if principal appear 4 6 of Officer to be installed forbidden 17 10 Publication of expulsions 142 44 Punishment, how determined Rule 6, 129 40 Punishments 131-136 41-13 Qualifications, physical , of candidates 105 33 Question, division of Rule 9, 153 48 in trials, mode of taking Rule 5, 129 40 on pvinishment, how taken Rule 6, 129 40 put to candidate 118 36 INDEX. 119 Receipt for Jewels, etc., to be taken by Grand Treasurer Recommendation for new Lodge, reiiuisites of for relief forbidden for removal of Lodge if unreasonably refused to change membership Reconsideration of vote who may move Rule 11, Records, D,'. D.'. G.'. M.'. to keep to be road Refusal of Master and Wardens to obey summons to surrender property on surrender or forfeiture of Warrant Regulations to be sent to members by Grand Secretary Rejected applicant can only apply to same Lodge applicant, consent to apply elsewhere, how given.. applicant must wait twelve months ' by objection.s of member Relief, non-aftiliates not entitled to Removal does not forfeit membership of Lodge of Lodge, consent of nearest Lodges of Lodge, every member to be summoned of Lodge, fee for of Lodge must be by vote of Grand Lodge of Lodge, petition for of Lodge to be acted on at stated Communications, after notice of Lodge to be endorsed on Charter Reports of Committees of D.-. D.-. G.-. M.- of Committees to be recorded of Grand Secretary of Grand Treasurer 35-36 of trial. Secretary to send Grand Master Rule 9, Representatives, Lodges U.'. D.'. not entitled to members of Lodge they represent not Master or AVaiden Residence of candidate out of jurisdiction 111-112 of twelve months required Resign, installed Oflicers cannot Resolutions and motions to be in writing Rule 3, Restoration 132-133 of Warrant Returns and dues not paid for two years blanks to be furnished of Lodges Reversal of decision restores 10 membership Revival of Lodge Revocation —see forfeiture Rules of order Sanction of Master and Wardens for new Lodge Seal of Graml Lodge in custody of Grand Secretary Secretary to notify accused, etc Rule 1, to transmit report of trial to (Jrand Master. Rule 9, SEC. PAGE. 3G 13 61 22 1« 45 71 25 62 22 125 38 U9 46 153 48 47 16 151 46 81 28 76 26 40 14 115 35 115 35 114 35 117 35 127 38 126 38 70-72 25 71 25 70 26 72 25 72 25 71 25 70 25 72 25 147 46 46 16 39 14 44 15 35-36 13 129 M 69 25 5 6 6 6 11-112 34-35 no 34 99 31 153 47 32-133 42 77 27 75 26 98 31 86 29 140 43 77 27 75 26 153 46 154 23 38 14 129 39 129 41 I20 IiVDEX. SEC. PAGE. Semi-Anxual exemplification of Work 10 7 Communication, no biisiness at 10 7 Communication, time of 8-9 7 So.jorRXERS, trial of 135 42 Speaker to rise and remain standing Rule 6, 153 47 Speciai. Communications 11 7 Comraimications of Grand Lodge to be called br Grand Master, when and how 22 10 Communications of particular Lodge, how called 102 32 Deputies, l.lrand JIaster maj appoint 26 11 Sta^'dixg Committees 1-15 4.5 Stations of Grand OfHcers 57 IS Style and title of Grand Lodge 1 5 and title of Officers of the Grand Lodge 3 6 .SuccEssKJX in office 33 12 SU3I5HIXS to attend trial Rule 2. 129 39 Surrender, not while seven adhere 80 27 of Warrant 73-74 26 of Warrant — Grand Lodge entitled to property, etc 74 26 of Warraut — Master and Secretary to deliver up property, etc 73 26 of Warrant — refusal to surrender property or ^ ote to divide 76 26 of Warrant to be resumed 73 26 Sl^spensiun by Grand blaster 22 10 or expulsion — ci ipy of proceedings to be sent to GrandMaster Rule 9, 129 41 orexpulsion — effectof beforecontirmation Rule 7, 129 41 or expulsion to be confirmed by the Grand Lodge Rule 7, 129 41 may be definite or indefinite 131 41 Tax, cannot to create benefit fund 90 30 Ti-ME of Annual Communication 7 7 of Semi-Annual Communication S-n 7 Traxscript of proceedings to be returned with dispensation.. 65 23 Trials, every Brother must vote 130 41 if accused does not appear. Master appoints counsel. .. Rule 2, 129 .39 in Grand Lodge 141 44 Master must declare the result of vote Rule 6, 129 40 of sojourners 135 42 plea must be entered Rule 2, 129 39 question of guilt must be voted on Rirle 5, 129 40 rules for 129 39 Tyler, membership of 99 31 vacant only by death, expulsion, or suspension 99 31 Tacan-cy, how filled 99 31 Visitation of D.'. D.. li.. M.' 4.5-48 15-16 of Lodges 48 16 Visiting Brother may call for Warrant 128 38 Visitors, when admitted in Grand Lodge Rule 1, 153 46 Vote, every member must Rules, 153 47 how taken in Grand Lodge Rule 4, 153 47 to divide funds on surrender or forfeiture of Warrant. . . 76 26 INDEX. 121 SEC. Warden not Representative 6 proxy of, for one Communication only 4 proxy of, to be in writing 1 proxy void if principal appear 4 Waebakt, etc., Grand Secretary to engross, etc 38 fee for 65 Grand Master may arrest 22 in charge of Master 103 lost or destroyed 82 must be present at opening 103 not lost while .seven adhere 80 not from any foreign power 87 records, etc.. Grand Treasurer to take care of 36 restoration of 77 surrender of —see surrender 73-74 visiting Brother may call for 128 when granted 65 Witnesses Eule 3, 120 may give deposition , when Rule 4, 129 Withdrawal of petition forbidden 113 WoKK and Lectures, Grand Master to exemplify, at Senii- Annual Communications 29 neglected for one year 75 ol forfeited Lodge, penalty for assisting in 7D page. 6 6 14 23 10 32 28 32 27 29 13 27 26 38 23 40 40 35 12 26 27 INDEX TO FORMS. Accused, answer by 86 notice to 8i-100 Adjournment of hearing in trial before commission from Grand Lodge 102 Answer by accused 86 Appeal 96 notice of 97 Appointment of proxy 67 Approbation of D.'. D.'. G.'. M.'. for new Lodge 71 of D.'. D.'. G.'. M/. for restoration of Warrant 77 of nearest Lodge for new Lodge 70 of nearest Lodge to removal of Lodge 75 of nearest Lodge for restoration of Warrant 77 Bond of Grand Secretary 69 of Grand Treasurer 68 Candidate, consent tliat he may apply to another Lodge 79 permission of Grand Master to receive degrees in this State 80 petition to he made a Mason 78 recommendation of 79 rejected, consent to apply to another Lodge SO Caption of deposition 89 Charges 83 CoMjiENCEMEXT of deposition 89 Commission by Grand Master 67 for trial in (irand Lodge 99 for trial in (irand Lodge, adjournment of hearing 102 for trial in Grand Lodge, return to 101 of proxy 67 to take deposition 88 Complainant, notice to 86-100 Complaint and specifications 83 in Grand Lodge 99 Consent that candidate may apply to another Lodge 70 that E.'. A.', or F.'. C.'. may apply to another Lodge for advancement 81 that rejected candidate may apply to another Lodge 80 Conviction, notice of • 95 Deposition, commencement of commission to take direction on back of envelope, containing. notice to parties of taking return on commission to take 124 INDEX. PAGE. Deputatiox by Grand Master 67 DiMIT 82 Direction on back of envelope containing deposition 90 DisPExsATiox for new Lodge 1- D.'. D.'. G.'. M.'., approval and recommendation of, for new Lodge ... 71 approval of restoration of Warrant 77 ExTERED Apprentice, consent that he may apply to another Lodge for advancement , 81 EviDEXCE, etc., record of, on trial 93 Fellow Craft, consent that he may apply to another Lodge for advancement SI Graxd Lecturer's certificate of qualiincation of ILister and AVardens of new Lodge 72 Lodge, commission for trial in 99 Lodge, return to commission for trial in ' 101 iMaster, notice of suspension by, and summons to attend Grand Lodge, to individual 103 Jf aster, notice of suspension by, and summons to attend Grand Lodge, to Lodge 103 .Secretary's bond 60 Treasurer's bond 68 Impeachment of Master of a Lodge 99 Lectceeb, Grand, certificate of qualification of Master and Wardens of new Lodge 72 Lodge, approval of D.'. D.'. G.'. M.'. for restoration of Warrant of 77 approval of nearest Lodge for removal of 73 approbation of nearest Lodge for restoration of Warrant of. . . 77 consent that candidate may apply to another Lodge 79 consent that E.'. A.', or F.'. C. may apply to another Lodge for advancement SI consent that rejected candidate may apply to another Lodge SO petition for remo^"al of 74 petition for restoration of Warrant surrendered with inten- tion of resuming it 7,5 petition for restoration of Warrant surrendered absolutely, forfeited or revoked 76 recommendation to join another Lodge 81 record 105 Master of a Lodge, impeachment of 09 Members implicated in unmasonic conduct, summons to 104 Mejibership, recommendation to change 31 New Lodge, approbation and recommendation of nearest Lodge 70 Lodge, approval and recommendation of D.'. D.'. G.'. M.'. (or ... 71 Lodge, dispensation for 72 Lodge, Grand Lecturer's certificate of ciualification of Master and Wardens 72 Lodge, petition for Warrant for 74 Lodge, sanction of Master and Wardens for 71 New testimony, notice of intention to offer 104 Notice by Grand IMaster of suspension, etc., to individual 103 by Grand Master of suspension, etc., to Lodge 103 INDEX. 125 PAGE. Notice of appeal 97 of conviction 95 of intention to otter new testimony 104 to accnsed 84-100 to complainant 86-100 to parties of taking deposition 88 Permission by Grand Master tliat candidate may receive degrees in this State , . . . 80 Petition for removal of Ixidge 74 for restoration 97 for restoration of ^Varrant surrendered with intention to resume it 75 for restoration of Warrant surrendered absolutely, forfeited or revoked 76 for Warrant for new Lodge 74 to be made a Mason 78 Proxy, appointment of 67 Eecojijiendation for restoration, to Grand Lodge 98 ofcandidate 79 of D.-. D.-. G.'. M.'. for new Lodge 71 of nearest Lodge for new Lodge 70 to join anotlier Lodge 81 Record of Lodge 105 of evidence, etc., on trial 93 of special Communication for trial 91 Re.iected candidate, crnsent to apply to another Lodge 80 Removal of Lodge, approbation of nearest Lodges 75 of Lodge, petition for 74 Report to Grand Master, of trial 95 Restoration, of Warrant, approval of D.'. D.'. G.'. M.' 77 of Warrant, approbation of nearest Lodge 77 of Warrant, petition for when surrendered with inten- tion to resume 75 of Warrant, petition for i\lieii surrendered absolutely, forfeited or revriked 7G petition for 97 recommendation to (xrand Lodge for 98 Return of service of notice to accused, personal 85 of service of notice to accu,sed, by leaving at abode 85 of service of notice to accused, by mail 85 of service of summons of witness 87 on commission to take ileposition 89 to commission for trial in Grand Lodge 101 Sanction of Master and Wardens to formation of new Lodge 71 Specifications of complaint or charges 83-84 Su.MjK >i\s, etc., by Grand Master, to attend Grand Lodge, to individual 103 etc., by Grand Master, to attend Grand Lodge, to Lodge. . . 103 to Mason as witness 87 to members implicated in unmasonic conduct 104 Trial in Grand Lodge, commission for 99 Trials 82 Warrant for new Lodge, petition for 74 Witness, summons for, if Mason 87 n