1175 T25 lib' -^' ';■ i^" ■v-v- Cornell University Library PE 1175.T25 Compoundlna ot words In Funk & Waanalls' 3 1924 026 632 871 ..«.« '«J^ Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924026632871 THE 310 1 ^ if o ' COMPOUNDING OF WORDS I3tT KuNK & Wagn alls' standard Dictionary .OI^ The English Language: CONTAINING A BRIEF . STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES THAT GOVERN THE COMPOUND- 3F WORDS, WITH A COMPREHENSIVE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF 40,000 TERMS TO WHICH THESE PRINCIPLES ARE APPLIED.. Department Editor, F, HORACE TEALL, AUTHOR OF "THE COMPOUNDING OF ENGLISH WORDS." Funk & Wagnalls Company, NEW YORK. TORONXO. 4 ','-.■■ a paetial list oe tke editors of the yaeious depaetments of Funk & Wagnalls' Standard Dictionary. I. K. FUNK, D.D., EcUtoraln>Ohlef. D. S. GREeORY, D.D., F. A. IHARCH, I.Ii.n., L.H.n., Managing Editor. ConsultlDK Editor. SPELLING AND PRONUNCIATION. F. A. March, LL..!)., li.H.D., Professor of the English Language and Comparative Plii- lology In Lafayette College. CHEMISTRY. Robert Ogden Doremus, M.D., Lli.D., Professor Of Ohemlstry, Toxloology, and Medical Jurispru- dence in the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, and of Ghemlscry and Physics In the College of the City of New York. ASTRONOMY, MATHEMATICS, AND PHYSICS. Simon Newcoinb, Ph.D., IiI^.D., Superintendent of the Nautical Almanac, TJ. S. Navy, Washington. D. C: Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University. ;fi'rank H. Bigelow, M.A., Professor of Terrestrial Magnetism In Its relations to . Meteorology, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C; formerly Assistant at Cordoba Observatory and Professor of Mathematics at Baclue College. Mark W. Harrington, Chief of the U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C. ASSOCIATE EDITOR IN PHYSICS: Arthur E,. Kimball, Ph.D., Professor of Physics In Amherst College. ZOOLOGY. Xlteodore N. Gil], M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Zoology In the Columbian University, Wash- ington, D. C. Ij. O. Howard, First Assistant Entomologist, Division of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Frnest IngersoU, The popular! writer on birds and other animals, and author of Reports to the United States Government on the Oyster Industries, etc. BIOLOGY. Frederick Starr, Ph.D., American Museum of Natural History, New York City. ANATOMY. Frank Baker, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Anatomy, Georgetown University. AVasIiIng- ton, D. ,C.; Honorary Curator of Anatomy In the U. S. National Museum, Smithsonian Institution. ANTHROPOLOGY. Otis Tufton Mason, M.A., Ph.D., Curator of the Department of Ethnology, U. S. National Museum. ' MEDICINE. Frank P. Foster, M.D., Editor of " The New York Medical Journal " and of the " Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary." BACTERIOLOGY. T. Mitchell Prudden, M.D., Director of the Laboratories of Pathology and Bacteriol- ogy ia the College of Physicians and Sur- ' geons. New York City. GEOLOGY. Natlianiel S. Slialer, D.S., Professor of Geology In Harvard University. William B. Dwiglit, M.A., Professor of statural History and Curator of the Museum in Vassar College. MINERALOGY AND CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. George H. 'Williams, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Inorganic Geology In Johns Hopkins University. W. G. Brown, Ph.D., The Bagly Professorship of General and Applied Chemistry in the Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va, BOTANY. Frank H. Knonrlton, M.S., Professorof Botany In the Columbian University; Assistant Paleontologist V. S. Geological Survey, and Honorary Assistant Curator of Botany U. S. National Museum. EVOLUTION. Thomas H. Huxley, 1.1>.D., F.R.S., etc., London, England. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. Hon. T. M. Cooley, I^Li.D., Professor of Law In the University of Michigan ; Chairman . Of the IT. B. Board of Interstate Commerce ; author of " Constitutional Limitations," etc. A. C. Angell, Editor of the last edition (6th) of Cooley's Constitutional Lfmitatlons. Detroit, Mich. INTERNATIONAL LAW. Hon. E. jr. Phelps, L,Ii.D., Kent Professor of Law, Yale University ; ex«MInIster to England, etc. i CRIMINAL LAW. Hon. John Bassett Moore, Third Assistant Secretary of State, U. S. A. ; Professor elect of International Law and Diplomacy, Columbia Col- lege: and Author of Works on " Extradition," " Extradltlonal Crime," etc. ETYMOLOGY. F. A. March, Jr., Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Modern Languages in Lafayette College. G. H. Bals, Ph.D., Author of the "Gothic Glossary." (Dr. Balg has charge of Germanic words from A to G.) r HIBLICAL TERMS. William U. Harper, Ph.D., President of the University of Chicago and Head Professor of Semitic Languages ; formerly Professor of the Se- mitic Languages and Wooisey Professor of Biblical Literature In Yale University. Robert Francis Harper, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Semitic Languages In the University of Chicago. THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY. D. S. Gregory, D.D., Ex-Presldent of Lake Forest University ; formerly profes- sor of English Literature and Mental Sciences in the University of Wooster, Ohio. NAVAL AND NAUTICAL TERMS. Rear Admiral S. B. Liiice, V. S. Navy, President of the U. S. Naval Institute. MILITARY TERMS. Oliver O. Howard, M.A., liLi.D., Ma]or«General U. S. Army ; Chevalier of the Leglol of Honor. GENERAL HISTORY, GRAMMAR, AND RHET- ■ ORIC. # James A. Harrison, lili.D., JL-H-D., Professor of English and Modern Languages in the Wash- ington and Lee University, formerly Professor of History ; also author of *' The History of Spain," " The Story of Greece," etc. AMERICAN HISTORY. Benson J. Ijossing, liL.D., Author of " The Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution," " Pictorial History of the Civil War," etc. [Dr. Losslng's work for this Department was completed before his death.— Pubs.] STATISTICS. Hon. Carroll D. Wright, United States Commissioner of Labor, Washington, D. C. MUSIC. Anton Seidl, Conductor of the Metropolitan Orchestra. Laura C. HolloAvay^Iiangford, President of the Brooklyn Seldl Society. W. J. Henderson, M.A., Music Critic of " The New York Times." PEDAGOGY. Hon. Fmerson E. 'White, TjTj.H., Ex'Presldent Purdue University. Cincinnati, Ohio. Thomas Hughes, S.J., Professor St. Louis University. LITERATURE. Rosslter Johnson, Ph.D., Editor of "Appleton's Annual Cyclopedia" and of "Little Classics." Franels Hovey Stoddard, M.A., Professor' Of the English Language and Literature In the University of the City of New York. 'LIBRARY TERMS (Technical). Frederick Saunders, M.^., Chief Librarian of the Astor Library. BUDDHISTIC TERMS. F. Max Miiller, L,Ij.D., i*rof essor of Comparative Philology in Oxford University, England. ANGLO -AFRICAN WORDS. Henry M. Stanley, The African Explorer, ABORIGINAL WORDS. Daniel G. Brinton, M.A., M.D., Lili.D., Professor of American Archeology and Linguistics In the University of Pennsylvania. ORIENTAL WORDS. 'William Elliot Griffls, D.D., Formerly In Educational Service of the Japanese Govern- ment ; author of the Japanese serles'of Reading Books, "Asiatic History " (Chautauqua series), etc. TERMS PECULIAR TO THE PACIFIC SLOPE. Hubert H. Bancroft, Of San Francisco, Cal., author of " The History of the Pacific States," etc. DEAF-MUTE TERMS. Alexander Graham Bell. WORDS DERIVED DIRECTLY FROM THE GREEK. Charles Forster Smith, Ph.D., Professor of the Greek Language and Literature In "Vander- bllt TJnlversIty. IRRIGATION. li. G. Carpenter, M.S., Professor of Irrigation Engineering, Colorado Agricultural College ; Special Agent U. S. Artesian Wella In- vestigation for Colorado and Mexico. HANDICRAFT OR TRADES TERMS. Robert Grlmshaw, M.E., Ph.D., Author of "Steam Engine Catechism," "Engine Runners' Catechism," "Hints to Power Users," "Hints on House Building," etc. GEMS AND PRECIOUS STONES. George Frederick Kunz, Gem Expert with Messrs.TIfflany & Co.; Special Agent of the U. S. Geological Survey, and of the U. S. Census; Member of the Mlneraloglcal Society of Great Britain and Ireland, tiie Imperial Mlner- aloglcal Soclfety of St. Petersburg, ete'. BUILDING STONES. George P. Merrill, M.S., Ph.D., Curator of Geology In the U. S. National Museum, Smltii- sonlan Institution; Author of "Stones for Building and Decoration," etc. FAULTY PRONUNCIATION AND FAULTY DICTION (Appendix). Alfred Ayres, Author of " The Orthooplst," " The Verbalist," etc. UNIVERSITY DEGREES. Flavel a. Thomas, M.D., Ph.D., M.S., ete. POMOLOGICAL TERMS. Hon. A. A. Crozier, M.S., ut the Agricultural Department, Washington, D.C. APPENDIX: BIOGRAPHICAL, GEOGRAPHICAL, ' , SCRIPTURAL NAMES, ETC.; NOTED NAMES '. OF FICTION ; PSEUDONYMS, ETC. (Under a single alphabet.) Titus Muuson Coan, M.A., M.D. NEW WORDS (Committee of Reference). J.H. Seelye, S.T.D., Lli.D., ex.PresIdent of Am- herst College; E. S. Sheldon, of Harvard University; Charles A. Dana, IjIi.D., of New York city; Edward Everett Hale, D.D., of Boston; James Ormsbee Murray, D.D., Lli.D., of Princeton. AD"VISORY COMMITTEE ON DISPUTED SPELL- ING AND PRONUNCIATION. The following are the members of this committee so far as .arrangements -have been perfected. The names of the other members will be announced later: J. Vettch, lili.D., Professorof Logic and Rhetoric, Uni- versity of Glasgow, Scotland ; Albert S. Cuf^lc, Ph.D., li.H.D^ Professor of the English Language and Literature, Yale University; A. H. ^Sayce, M.A., Professorof Comparative Philology, Member of the Old Testament Revision Committee, author of " The Principles of Comparative Philology," etc.. Queen's College, Oxford, Ensland; Hon. VV. T. Harris, liL.D., Commissioner of Education, U. S., Washing- ton, D. C.; A ll'red H. Roynar, M.A., lil/.D., Dean of Faculty of Arts, Professor of Modern Lan- ruages and English Litbrature, Victoria University, Janada; Moses Colt Tylor, lili.D., L.H.D., Professor American History, Cornell UnlvcrsHy ; John W. Hales, M.A., Professor of English Language, King's College, London, England; Nicholas Murray Butler, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, Ethics, and Psychology, Columbia Col- lege, Editor ** Educational Review'.'; Charles A. H. Tawney, M.A., C.I.E., President of the Univer- sity of Calcutta, India; 'Theodore W. Hnnt, Ph.D., liit.l)., Pi-ofessor of English In Princeton College; William Preston Johnston, liL.D., President of Tulane University, Louisiana ; Monciire D. Convray, M.A., F.A.S. (London); William Hand Bvo^viic, M.D.. Associate Professor of English Literature, Johns Hopkins University; Wm. H. Carpenter, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Ger- manic Languages and Literatures, Columbia College ; C. J. Stille, M.A., lili.D., ex-Provost University of Pennsylvania; Edward S. Joynes, M.A., lili.D., Professor of Modern Languages, Uni- versity of South Carolina; Prof. R. F. lieigiiton, M.A., Ph.D., Gloucester, Mass. ; William Clark, M.A., lili.D., D.C.t., F.R.S.C., Pro- fessor of Phllosopliy, Trinity College, Toronto, Canada; Honi H. Bcrd^vood, Vlcc-Cfianeellor University of Bombay, India; Henry Evans, D.D., Commis- sioner of National Education in Ireland; J.H.Allen, D.p., Cambridge, Mass.; E. Benjamin Andrews, D.D., liL.D., President of Brown University, Pro- vidence, K. L ; Thomas S. Hastings, D.D., lili.D., President and Brown Professor of Sacred Rhetoric, Union Theological Seminary, New York; M. Scheie DeVerc, tli.D., Professor of Modern Languages in the University of Virginia; Cecil F. P. Bancroft, Ph.D., L.H.D., ft-toclpal of Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; James S. Black- well, M.A., Ph.D., l»rotcssor of Hebrew and Semitic Literature, and Modern Languages, University of the State of Missoiu-i; Goldwln Smith, D.C.li., (pxon) lili.D., etc., late Regius Professor of Modern History, Oxford Lecturer In English and Constl. tutlonal History, Toronto, Canada ; Brainerd Kel- logg, lili.D., M.A., Pi-ofessor of the English Language, Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, NY ■ Bishop John H. Vincent,, D.D., lili.Dl,' Chancenor of ChautaiMua: James K. Kosnier, Ph.D., Professorof English and German Literature. Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. :' Thomas W Higginson, Author of Brief Biographies of European Staiesmen, Larger History of the United States, etc nielvil B. Anderson, M.A., Professor of English Literature, Leland Stanford Junior University, Cali- fornia; J. Earle, M. A., Professor of Anglo.^axon. University of Oxford, England : Edward Dowden. g; jLL.D.. Professor of English Literature In the Unversfty of Dublin Ireland; Ai-thur M. Wheeler, M.A., Professor of History, Yale University; R. M. liCavell, M.A., ili.D., Professor of tlie English Language and Literature, Mississippi College; .J as. Wood Davidson, S!'4" S?^11°B'?°. D. C; W. M. Baskervill M.A., Ph.D., Professor of the English Language and Literature, VanderWlt University, Tenn. ; CEflvin Thomas, M.A., Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan ; James Cnppnn, M.A., Professor of the English Language Md .Literature, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada; .^M!,'™'"^.,.?'"'?'',)^?'"'^ n.X}., Iit.D.,8uperIn- tend tag Editor of "The Independent," New York President of the American Oriental Society; J.E. Sandys, liitt.p,/ Fellow and Tutor of St. John's COKTIBTJED ON NEXT PAGE. CHURCH TEEMS. ■ ■ BAPTIST: H. L. WATLAND, D.D., editor of "The National Baptist," Philadelphia. LTTTHEKAN: E. J. WOLF, D.D., Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysburg. METHODIST : ARTHUK EDWARDS, D.D., Chicago. EPISCOPAL : THOMAS EICHET, S.T.D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Genoi-al Theological Seminary, New York. PRESBTTEEIAN : FRANCIS L. PATTON, D.D., LL.D., President of the College of New Jersey, Princeton. REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCH: BISHOP CHARLES EDWARD CHENEY, D.D., Chicago. REFORMED: T. W. CHAMBERS, D.D., LL.D., New York. JEWISH TERMS: ABRAM ISAACS, Ph.D., Professor: Qf German and Hebrew in the University of the City of New York, editor of "The Jewish Magazine." DISCIPLE: REV. J. M. TRIBLE. ROMAN CATHOLIC: RENE I. HOLAIND, S.J., ex.Professor of Ethics at Woodstock, Lecturer on Natural and Canon Law, Georgetown University. UNITARIAN : M. J. SAVAGE, D.D., Boston. UNITED BRETHREN : G. A. FUNKHOUSER, D.D., Dayt.on, Ohio. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN: JAMES HARPER, D.D., LL.D., Pi-esident Of Theological Seminary, Xenla, Ohio. • TJNIVBBSiALIST : I. M. ATWOOD, D.D., President Canton Theological School : etc., etc. OTHER DEPAETMENTS (Pabtiai. List). SOCIALISM: LAURENCE GRONLUND, author of "The Oo.operative Commonwealth," etc.— FRONTIER (U. S.) TERMS: EMMA GHENT CURTIS, author of "The Fate of a Fool," "The Administratrix," etc.— TEMPERANCE AND PROHIBITION: AXEL GCSTAFSON, co.author of "The Foundation of Death," etc. — QUOTATIONS : MISS E. M. WILEY, M.A.- SYNONYMS, ANTONYMS, AND PREPOSITIONS : REV J. C. FERNALD, New York, author of "The Economics of Prohibition" and "The New Womanhood." — PHRENOLOGY : ALBERT TURNER, of Fowler, Wells & Co., New York. — CHESS : W. STEINITZ, editor of "International Chess Magazine," New York, author of " The Modern Chess Instructor."— THEATRICAL TERMS : HARRISON GREY FISKE, editor "The Dramatic Mirror."— COMPOUND WORDS : F. HORACE TEALL, author of " The Compounding of English Words." Ainong the many others employed upon Thb Standaed Dictionabt are I. J. ALLEN, M.D., LL.D., late President Belmont College, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Professor of Institutes of Civil Law ; MISS M. L. AVERY, editorial assistant on the Century Dictionary ; MARCUS BENJAMIN, Ph.D., F.C.S., London ; C. H. A. BJEEREGAARD, ex.Professor Frederlca College, Denmark, and Assistant Librarian of the Astor Library ; ZENAS W. BLISS, lately connected with the Riverside Press, and one of the editors of the Webster's International Dictionary ; W. R. COCHRANE, of the Century Dictionary corps ; REV. J. A. CROCKETT ; MISS M. EWING ; MISS A. M. FLATTERY, M. A. ; J. E. FLEMING B. F. FUNK, Business Manager of the Dictionary Department; W. N. GEDDES, Ph.D.; E. J. HAMILTON, D.D.; G. S. HORN; F. H. HOWE, LL.B.; REV. CHARLES E. LITTLE J. M.W. MOODY; J. W. PALMER, M.D., editorial assistant on the Century Dictionary; BEV. GEORGE W. PLACK ; R. H. RICHARDSON, D.D.; MBS. T. H. KOBEKTS, M.A. KEV. W. C, STLLES ; FRANK H. VIZETELLY ; PKOF, ALEXANDER WILDER, THE STANDARD DICTIONARY IS BEING PUSHED TO COMPLETION AS RAPIDLY AS CONSISTENT WITH THOROUGH WORK. IT WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE TO COMPLETE IT BEFORE NEARLY THE CLOSE OF 1893, NOTWITHSTANDING THE FACT THAT NEARLY TWO HUNDRED PAID EDITORIAL WRITERS ARE ENGAGED UPON ITS MANY DE- PARTMENTS. IT WILL BE A WORK OF SURPASS- ING VALUE WHEN COMPLETED. A. H. SATCE, Professer of Comparative Philology, Oxford, England, writes: '• Judging from the specimens that I have examined, I should say that the Standard Dictionary will deserve all the encomia passed upon it." THEO. 'W. HUNT, Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature at Princeton, writes: "Of the two dictionaries, the revision of Webster and your work, your plan is the better one, and will better meet existing needs. . . . The Century is ^ lexicographical luxury. Yours will be the English People's Word Book." JAMES WOOD DAVIDSON, Washington, D. C, writes: " The use of the Scientific Alphabet in the pronunciations is an excellent fea- tnre, and will no doubt lead to the desired reform. The order of definition and the general plan strike me as distinctly in advance of the present. I believe the work will score a noted success." EDWAKD DOWDEN, Professor of English Literature, University of Dublin, writes : . . " I am s^isfied that the Dictionary will take a place in the highest rank of works of the kind." HENKY M. STANLEY, London, England, writes: i "Your work comes nearest to my idea of a first-class dictionary of any of the kind I have seen." PROF. CLEMENT L. SMITH, Dean of Harvard, and Professor of Latin, Cambridge, Mass., writes: " The plan appears to me admirable, and will make the work in some respects superior to any dictionary I am acquainted with. Placing the etymology after the definition is so obvious an improvement that one now wonders why it was not thought of before." TSB STANDARD DICTIONARY WILL EMBODY MANY NEW PRINCIPLES IN LEXICOGRAPHY. IT WILL CONTAIN NEARLY. 2,800 PACES; OVER 4,000 ILLUSTRATIONS MADE ESPECIALLY FOR THIS WORK; 200,000 WORDS; 700,000 MORE WORDS THAN IN ANY OTHER SINGLE-YOLUME DICTIONARY. Price When Issued, $12.00, At $7.00 to Advance Subscribers. rOR TESTIMONIALS AND SPECIAL TERMS, SEE LAST TWO PAQES, THE COMPOUNDING OF WORDS IliT KuNK & Wagnalls' standard Dictionary Ot' The English Language : CONTi^INING A BRIEF STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES THAT GOVERN THE COMPOUND- ING OF WORDS, WITH A COMPREHENSIVE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF 40,000 TERMS TO WHICH THESE PRINCIPLES ARE APPLIED. Department Editor, F. HORACE TEALL, AUTHOR OF "THE COMPOUNDING OF ENGLISH WORDS." ^ Funk & Wagnalls Company, LONDON. NEW VORKL. TORONTO. lS~6Tr A.2-SH-c^\C| Copyright, 1892, By the FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY. [Registered at Stationers' Hall, London, England.] CUSTOM YEESUS PEINCIPLE. English literature shows great confusion of usage respecting the compounding of words. Probably no familiar phrase could be selected -which can not be found somewhere written as a com- pound word. A very forcible illustration of this is ahovc-all. given in Worcester's dictionary as a compound adverb, although it is really the two words above all, preposition regularly govern- ing its noun — ^with one adverbial meaning, yet never properly written as anything but two words. Some of the most eminent ^\'riters join a certain pair of words into one by means of a hyphen, others eqiially eminent keep these words sepai-ate although the meaning intended to be conveyed by them is the same, and still othei-s join them as one continuous word. All the current dictionaries except the "Webster's Inter- national" have thunder r'storm, Appleton's "American Cyclopaj- dia" has thunder storm, and the "Encyclopaedia Britannica" has thunderstorm. Now, in making a practical dictionary, one of these* three forms m,ust be chosen. If the dictionaiy merely records the fact that three forms of the same name are found in print, and does not show that one is better than the others, how is the person who seeks information, on this point benefited? Every writer chooses, for a term of the kind here discussed, that one of the three forms which he thinks to be presci'ibed by cus- tom ; and custom certainly should be a proper criterion in such I matters. In order, however, to be the basis of decision, custom \ should be founded on principle. The difficulty in this case arises 'from the fact that, beginning apparently with the very earliest period of the language, word=forms have been selected according to individual conceptions of custom concerning the one term in hand, without suiBcient x'eoognition of its analogy with other like terms. Formulation of principles has been neglected or slighted, so that no adequate teaching on the subject has been available, and the fact that one combined term is commonly written in a certain form has not been, and is not now, universally taken as an indication that another exactly similar term should have the same form. Of the makei-s of the works mentioned above, those who wrote thunder-storm would doubtless claim that that is the cus- tomary form, while each of the other forms would be upheld by its users on the same plea. Can all three forms be supported by custom ? Certainly all three are in use, and so are three forms of many other terms ; therefore the following paragraph from a large popular dictionary may be nearly (though not quite) a true record : " Paper is often used adjeotively or in combination, having com- monly an obvious signification ; as, paper cutter or poppr"outter ; paper knife, paper^'knits, or paperknife ; paper maker, paper-^maker, or pcipei-maker ; paper mill or paper-mill ; paper weight, pctpersweight, or paperweight, etc." From the fact that in each instance the two=word form is the first given, we may conclude that the writer of the paragraph prefers that form ; but we can not tell why. What was his reason for noting papermaker as a solid word, and not papercutter f The form is as good for one as for the other. Where did he find paperknife in print? Why does not the same dictionary tell us that honey suckle has been printed as two words ? Why does it not mention golden rod — the name of a plant, and not a rod at all — as two words (so found in some newspapers) ? Of course, however, the dictionary can not tell in individual entries why the forms given are preferred, and the only possible basis for a reasonably consistent practical record is principle. The accompanying list of word»forms is based upon a close inductive study of principles. Many terms of all possible con- structions were selected from a wide range of standard literature, and classified analogically, with the result here shown. It is believed that every form given is analogically indicated by usage, and that most of the forms actually predominate in usage. Necessarily the list embodies some seeming inconsistencies. Many words taking one form may seem at fu'st thought to be just the same in nature as some others that have here a different form, and yet stiU another and a larger selection of terms shows a much closer analogy to those in question. The closest analogy has been sought in all oases as the basis for similarity of form. Absolute logical consistency, though, is impossible. A BEIEF STATEMENT OE PEINCIPLES AND EULES. Comparison of forms as found in the best literature discloses, as regards differences of sense conveyed in the three forms (two words, hyphened compound, and continuous compound), distinc- tions like the following : Iron fence, a fence made of iron ; iron- saw, a saw used to cut iron ; ironwood, a tree with wood like iron. The first of these terms is an adjective and a noun — the fence itself is noted as differing in composition from other fences ; the second is two nouns in literal sense— the saw is not described in the name (it might be any kind of saw, so far as the name indi- cates, except arbitrarily), and iron is merely the name of what is cut ; the third is an adjective and a noun combined in a very arbitrary use, naming neither iron nor wood, but a tree. These distinctions are not artificial inventions, but are shown predominatingly in the language as it is actually written. Any- thing bordered with lace has a lace border, the bordering pattern on figured lace is a lace=border, and a certain moth is called a laceborder because its wings have lace»hke borders. The head of a sheep is a sheep's head, a certain porgy with some resemblance to a sheep's head is called sheep's-head porgy, and another fish with such resemblance is called the sheepshead. A house for children to play with is a toy house, and a business house dealing in toys is a toy-house. Other distinctions, varying with the gram- matical variation, are generally analogous to these, and analogy indicates the following General Principles: 1st. That aU words should be separate when used in regular grammatical relation and construction, unless they are jointly applied in some arbitrary way. 2d. That abnormal association of words generally indicates unification in sense, and hence compounding in form. 3d. That no term in the language should ever change from two words into one (either hyphened or solid) without change of sense. Rules for Compound IVouns. Kule I. — Two nouns used together as one name, in such a way that the first does not convey a descriptive or attributive sense, form a compound noun. 1. When the sense is clearly literal, the hyphen is commonly inserted. Notes. — (1) The only possible rule for two nouns used jointly, each with its full hteral sense, is simply that they form a com- pound word, and should not be written as two words ; but the number of such terms commonly written without the hyphen is eomparativehj small, though others may become solid through establishment in familiar use, and occasionally one may be prop- erly a solid word from the start, because some name closely analo- gous is a solid word. Thus, haUbox, paintbrush, salUmine, slaughter-house, thunder'Shower, etc., are hyphened compounds, each being simply two nouns selected from a phrase like " box for a hat (or for hats);" eyelid, sunbeam, and many others really simi- lar to those above, are established as solid words ; and guncotton was a perfectly justifiable form the first time the name was used, because gunpowde:" was already an established form. (3) Some wordc are so frequently used after and in intimate union with others, in a way that somewhat generalizes them in sense, that they are instinctively treated as if they were mere suffixes, and the unified term is written in solid form. Among these are boy as in footboy, cowboy, etc. ; man as in coachman, footman, hackman, etc.; stick as in candlestick and drumstick; stand as in inkstand ; tree as in axletree, crosstree, etc. ; weed as in milkweed, seaweed, etc. ; work as in brickwork, clockwork, etc. ; ware as in earthenware, chinaware, etc.; way as in railway, stairway, etc. (3) Some other words are so commonly used as the latter element in many special names, that the names are always com- pounded, mostly with the hyphen. Some of these names are blackbird, canary-bird, etc. ; blackfish, goldfish (all names with fish and another monosyllable are made continuous in our list), balloon-fish, etc. ; apple-shell, needle-shell, etc. ; apple-tree, pear- tree, etc. 2. When the application is purely arbitrary, as in arrowhead, a plant with leaves Uke arrow«heads, as in Cottonwood, a tree, etc. , the joining should be close — ^with no hyphen. Rule II. — Every name apparently composed of a plain noun and a noun of agent or a verbal noun, but really conveying the sense of a phi-ase with the suffix -er, -or, or -ing added, should be written as ai compound. Note. — Some such names are vnitten continuously (as housekeeper, shoemaker), and almost any short one may become established in that form ; but the only rule that can be formu- lated is that such a name should not be vsrritten as two words, no matter how new it is nor how long. RuBe III. — Many possessive phrases are used as specific names, mostly of plants and animals, and in such use the phrase becomes a compound word ; as, Aaron' s-beard, lady's-slipper. Note. — Some, though comparatively few, of these names have already become established as continuous words. Prominent instances of sohdifying are ratsbane and sheepshead. A form not so thoroughly established is catspaw, instead of which eat's- paw is often used. Catspaw has, however, sufficient currency to support it as a preferred form. Rule IV, — Any phrase used as a specific name, in any arbitrary application (not simply figurative), is properly in that use a compound noun ; as, forget-me-not, flower-of-an-hour, etc. Notes. — (1) The commonest names covered by this rule con- sist of an adjective and a noun in arbitrary specific application ; as, blackberry, a certain black berry ; bluecoat, a person wearing a blue coat. All such names (with possibly- a few exceptions) should have the solid forni. (2) In speaking of a woman as queen of the prairie, the idea of an actual queen is presented in a merely figurative application; in using the same phrase as a specific name for a plant, the same kind of figurative application is made, but so arbitrarily that com- pounding is indicated — queen-of'the-prairie. Rule V. — A pair of words used as one name, of which the second is a noun, but the first is not really an adjective, should be compounded. Notes. — (1) The reason of this rule is the same as that of the first rule. If the first word of a pair reaUy qualifies, it should remain a separate word — it is an adjective ; if it does not inherently note quality, position, characteristic, or limitation, it is not an adjective. Thus we have such compounds as foster-brother, know-nothing (foster and know are verbs), down-town, up-stream (down and up are adverbs), after-consideration, cross-beam (after and cross are prepositions), etc. ; but in down train, through pas- senger, and all re3,lly similar terms, the first word is a qualifier and properly separate— the sense is "downward (down=going) train," "through=going passenger," etc. (3) Many familiar continuous compounds consist of a verb and an objective noun ; as, pickpocket, breakwater, catchpenny, etc. No such term should have any other form, except that occasion- ally a hyphen may well enough be used because of lonf amiliarity or awkward appearance as a solid word. Thus, one who interferes with the pleasure of others has been called a spoil-sport, and might be called a mar-pleasure, mar-sport, or spoil-pleasure; for a scribbler the name spoil-paper has been used, and for a malicious person spit-poison. All established solid words of this kind are given in the list. '^ Rule VI.— Any two words other than nouns should be com- pounded when arbitrarily associated as a name. Note. — The continuous form is most usual in such joinings, as lockup, breakdown, outlook, lookout, etc. Rule VII. — ^A noun made by adding a suffix to a name com- posed of two words should be compounded ; as, an East-Indian, a New-Yorker. Compounds Other than STouns. Rule. — Any tw6 words arbitrarily associated, in a joint sense not properly inherent in them as separate words, should be com- pounded. Note. — This rule reaUy covers all compounding, including that of nominal words ; and the analogies shown under the rules for nouns apply equally well all through, with slight change accord- ing to the part of speech under consideration. The following are a few special points : 1. When like placed after a noun simply indicates resemblance to the thing named, a hyphen is used in the compound ; but all compounds in which like has a force similar to that of the suffix -ly are continuous — as businesslike, warlike, etc., meaning "Hke that which pertains to business," etc. Similar distinction is equally reasonable in any similar case. 3. Compound adjectives containing an adjective and a parti- ciple, or a noun and a participle, are usually written with a hyphen; as, feeble-minded, hard-hearted, close-mouthed, hammer-headed, etc. Some very familiar words of this kind are always vsrritten continuously, and some others may well enough be so vsrrit- ten, especially when used in connection with a familiar solid form. Thus, barefaced and barefooted are established forms, and bareheaded is not very objectionable ; but bare-legged and bare-ribbed are better than barelegged and bareribbed. 3. An adjective and a participle used jointly are just as prop- erly a compound in the predicate as in the attributive position. Thus, we should write '-the man was good=looking," as everyone does write' " a good4ooking man." In the first of these uses, the error of separation — as, " the man Was good looking " — is not very uncommon ; but there is no reason for a diflference. THE COMPOUNDING OF WORDS ■I3iT- The Standard Dictionary. Aaron' s-beard Aarons'-rod abat-jour abat'Vent abat'Voix abbey'Counter abbey 'laird abbey 'land abbey-lubber abbot ^general abb" wool a=b"C abeUtree able-bodied about <&Ied?e aboveboard abovedeck Abraham -man abscess-root absent-minded absent-mindedness absorption bands absorption lines absorption spectrum abutment crane acceleration-diagram accgmmodationljiU accommodation, cramp accommodation ladder accommodation Jands accommodation road accommodation train accommodation works ac CO untant 'general account-booK accounted ay achejweed ach-root acid green acid magenta acid-pump acid yellow acUman aok=pirate a'Cockbill acorn=cup acoriiaduck acorn^moth acorn=oil acorn sbell acorn -weevil acorn^worm acquittance=rolI acre 'dale action sermon action 'taking acuyari'wood ■Adam'S'llannel Adam's=needle*ancl- thread addendum cir.cle adder=bead adder^bolt adder=fish adder^fly adder^gem adder-grass addei=pike adder'6=l'ern adder's=flower adder's^meat adder's^niouth adder^spit adder'8=spear adder-etone adder' s=tongue adder^'saviolet adder's=wort addlebrain addle= headed addle pate ■ addle=pated addleplot addle^pool addressing^machine adhesion => car adit" level adjusting-cone adjusting-screw adju6ting=tool adjutant=bird adjutant=crane adjutant 'general adjutant'^stork admiraUshell advance=note advantage 'ground adverb phrase advice "boat affeerin^man aforegoing aforenand aforementioned aforenamed aforesaid aforethought aforetime afterbirth after 'body afterbrain afterclap after come aftercrop after sdamp after'' egg after ■=eye afterfeed aftergame after 'gland afterglow aftergrass aftergrowth afterguard after hind after -hold after 'hood after 4 mage aftermath afternoon afternoon^ladies after>note after = pains afterpiece after^rake aftershaft afterthought after = wale afterwash after wash -cistern after = wise after = wit after=witted aft -gate agal=agal agar' agar agaric 'gnat agate = glass agate^shell agate -snail agate»ware age= prayer aggry= beads agleaf ague^bark ague' cake ague 'drop ague-fit ague-grass ague-proof ague* root ague-spell ague 'tree agueweed aide-de-camp aid -prayer aigue=marine aiming-drill aiming=stand air=bag air-balloon air=bath air-bed air-bladder air-blast air 'bone air^box air=brake air-'braving air-^ breather air*brick air=bridge air=brnsh air-bucket air 'buffer air "bug air-huilt air- cam el air-cane air-carbureter air-casing air^-castle air-'cavity air-cell air-chamber alr-chanjbered airpcock air-compressor air-cone air«=cooler air-course air-crossing air-cushion air-cylinder air-dew air "drain air-drawn air "dried air -drill air-drum air-duct air-end way air-engine air -equalizer air-escape air-exhauster air-faucet air- filter air-flue air-fountain air-funnel air-furnace air -gage air-gas air-gate air 'gossamer air-governor air 'grating air ■'gun ail 'heading air-hoiet air-holder air-hole airing-stage air-injector air-jacket air-level air-line air-lock air-locomotive air- logged air-machine air-manometer air-meter air-oven air-passage air-pipe air' pit air-plant air-poise air- port air-proof air-pump air-pyrometer air -receptacle air-regulator air-reservoir air-sac air-scuttle air-settiug air-shaft air-slaked air-soUar air=space air -spring air-stack air -stove air-strake air-thermometer air-thread air 'tight air-trap air-trunk air -tube air-tumbler air -valve air-vesicle air-vessel air-washings airway air-wood aitchbone aitch piece a-la'grecque k la mode a la morte alarm-bell alarm-bird alarm-clock alarm-compass alarm-funnel alarm-gage alarm-gun alarm 'lock alarm-post alarm- watch albi on -metal albumin beer albumin paper alcohol-engme alder-buckthorn alderman-lizard ale-bench aleberry ale-brewer a]e-conner ale-cost ale-draper ale -fed ale-garland ale -gill ale-house ale-pot alerce-tree alC'Silver ale-taster ale- vat ale-washed ale wife . ale -yard ' alfa-grass alienation-office alkali-stiff alk-gum all -amort allbone aller-float aller-trout alley^aw alleyway All-father all-fired all-fours allgood all-hail All-hallow , Allhallowe'en Allhallowmass All-hall own All -hallows All hallow-tide allheal aJlice-shad alligator-apple alligator-fish alligator forceps alligator^pear al 1 i gator-terrapin alligator-tortoise alligator-tree alligator- turtle alligator- wood alligator wreucb allmouth all-over all overishness alloy balance All-saints allseed all-&orts All-souls allspice all where all whither Almain-rivet almond-cake almond-eyed almond-furnace almond-oil THE' COMPOUNDING OF WOEDS almond paste almond-'tree alms- bag alms^box alme^chest alius=deed alms-'dieh. aim B=d rink alms=fee alms=folk almssgate almsgtvep almegiving almshouse almsman almsepot almncantarastaff aloee"\vood alo entree alongshore alougshoreman alongside al=TOot altar =board altar= bread altar "Card altars carpet altar "Cavity altar=chime altar-cloth. altai'Cross altar =curtain altars cushion altar=desk altar^dues altar = fire altar= frontal altar=herse al tar =1 an tern altar sledge altar =liglit altarpiece altar*protector altar«rail altar^screen altar«side altar = slab altar=8tairs altar^stole altar^ stone al tar = table altar = thane altar^tomb alt^horn alto-relievo aludel furnace alum "battery alum = earth alum«rock alum=root alum "Stone amaranth ^feathers amargosO'bark amber^fish amber = seed amber=tree amendment -monger amidships ammersgoose ammunition bread ammunition shoes ammunition stockings ammunition-chest amoeba-'movement ampere»meter ampuUingscloth amy=root anchor«baH anchor^bolt anchor-chock anchor^drag anchor-gate anchorsRoId anchor =hoy anchor = ice anchor=lift anchor^lining anchor^oven anchorsplate anchor-ring auchor^rocket anchor*8hackle anchor=6hot anchor^stock anchor=tripper anchor « watch anchor=>well anchovy- pear andirasgnaca andiroba-oil an=end angel -fish augel=light angei's-eyes angel'Shot anger satrum pets angel-water angely=wood angica-wood angili=wood angle-bar angle "bead angle^beam angle=bevel angle-block anglc=brace angle-bracket angle-brick angle-capital angle^ chuck angle =cock angle = float angle =iron angle -meter angle-modillion angle-plane angle- pod angle -ratter angler^fish angle-shades angle-splice angle-staff angle-tie angle-valve angleworm animal -clutch anise-camphor anise -tree ankle-bone ankle-boot ankle-clonus ankle-deep ankle-jack ankle -jerk ankle-joint ankle-reflex ankle^tie annealmg=arch annealing-box annealing-color annealing-furnace anneallngsQven annealing=pot an on -right ant-bird ant-catcher ant-cow ant-eater ant-egg anthemion frieze anthemion molding ant-hill ant=! hillock antic-mask an timony= blende antimony-bloom antimony-glance ant = king ant'lion aut -shrike ant's-wood ant-thrush ant tree ant- wart ant-wonn ant-wren' anvil-block anvil scupper anvil -dross anvil -vise anybody anyhow anything anyway anyways anywhen anywhere any whither ape-man apes-on ^horseback apex-beat aphis-lion aphis-sugar appleberry apple ^blossom apple brandy apple-bud apple butter apple-core apple -corer apple-cnrculio apple-green apple-headed applejack apple-John apple=juice applesmint apple mose apple-moth apple-parer apple-peel apple-pie (plant) apple-pie order apple-pulp applesscoop apple-seed apple-shell apple-snail apple-tree application-lace apron-lining apron-man apron -piece apron -roll apron = string apse-aisle apse = chapel arachis-oil arbor-chuck arbor-day arbor-vine arbor ^^vitae arc-cosecant arc-cosine arch-band arch = bar arch-board arch-brick arch -buttress archer-fish arch-molding arch-i'tone arcslight arc^plece arc-secant arc-sine arc-tangent arctic-bird a-re argan-oil argan-tree arglesbargle Argus-eyed arg us -pheasant argue-shell ark 'Shell arle-ptiuny arm- band arm- board arm -bone arm-chair arm-chest arm-gaunt arm-great arm=giiards armhole arming-buckle arming-doublet arming-point arming-press arming-spear arming-sword armor-clad, a. armorclad, n. armor -grating armor-plate armor-plated arnior-bhelf armpit arm -rack arm -rest arm-saw arm-scye arm's end arm's length arm=6ling arm -span arm's reach arm-sweep army = cloth army-corps army-list army-wojm arriere-ban arriere-bras arrieresfee arri ere = fief arriere-pensee arriere vassal arridre-voussure arris-fillet arris =guttet arris-piece arrie-rail arrow-grass arrow-head (head of an arrow) arrowhead (plant) arrow-headed arrowleaf arrowroot arrow-shaped arrow-stone arrow tie arrowwood arrows worm arseniC'black arsenic -furnace arsenic-glass arse = smart arsy-versy artilleryscarriage artillery-level artillery =plant artist 'like art* union art-worm asbestos-stove as = ducat ash -barberry ash -bead ash-bin ash-cake ash-candles ash-color ash-colored ash-fire ash-fly ash-furnace ash-hole ashskey ash bleach ash = pit ash ' pi ate aeh=shoot asparagus -bean asparagus-beetle asparagus =etone asper-artery assagai -wood assai-palm assay 'furnace assay-master ase=ear assembly-room ase-head assize sermon ass'ysear ass's-foct astragal -plane astragal -tool atlasofolio atochasgrass atone-maker attachment ■- screw attorney=general attorn ey^general ship auction pitch auction pool audienceschamber audiencesccurt audit-house audit-office auger-bit auger-faucet augersgage augershoJe auger= shell auger-stem auger -twister auiin-ecouty aurora -she 11 autumn-bells avant-bras avant-courier av ant -fosse avant-garde averagesadjuster averagesstater averagestaker away-going awestruck awl -bird awl-clip awl-shaped awl -tree axis 'Cylinder axis -deer axle-adjuster axle-arm axle -bar axle-block axle-box axle-clip axlccollar axle-gage axle -guard axle=nook axle^nut axle-packing axle-pin axle-saddle axle-seat axle-skein axle=sleeve '\ axle' tooth axletree axle=yoke axmaster ax-shaped ax-stone ay-green ayni=wood ay-word azo'blue azo-erythrin azure-stone haag-nouk Babmgton 's-cnrse baby -carriage baby -clothes babysfarm baby-farmer baby 'farming baby=house baby-jumper baby=pin baby -walker bacaba-palm bachel or ' 8 = b uttons backache -brake backache-root back-action back-balance back-band back=bar backsblock back = bond back=bone (bone of the back) backbone (figurative uses) back-casing back ^ cast back -center back -chain back = cloth back-comb back-end back-fillet back'fiap back = frame back-friend back = game back-gear background backhand backhanded baclvhead backhouse backing-boards backing-deals backing'hammer backing-iron backing-metal backings pan IN TUB STANDAED DICTIONARY "back -joint backlash back-liumg back-link backlog back look back 'lye back -mill back-mold back-overman back-painting back piece pack plate back pressure back-racket back "raking back-rent back-rest back-return backrope back-saw back-scraper ' "back-scratcher backset back- settler back-shift backside back'SigM l)ack-8kiiT back slang backslide "back spear back-speed back-speer back-splinting back'Spring back-stafE back-stair, a. back-stairs, a. back-stall back-step Ibackstitch backstone back-stop "back-strap back-strapped back -stream back -string back -stroke back-swimmer back -sword "back-tack back-tool back -trick "back-washed backwater backwood backwoods "backwoodsman backworm backwort l>ack- wounding bacon -beetle bacon weed badak'tapa badger-baiting badger-legged badgers' plane badger '*s-bane "baff-ends baffle-plate "baff-week "bagatelle-board bagatelle -table bag-clasp bag 'fastener bag-filler bag-filter bag-fox baggage scar baggage-check baggage-master baggage -truck bag-holder bag = machine "bag net "bagnut bagpipe l)ag press bag' pudding bag pump bag-reef Ijag-room bag trousers bag wig bag^wornr bail-bond bail -dock Tsall -piece l>ail'= scoop bairn time bairn wort bait-box bait-fish bait-fishing bait^miU bait 'poke bait-rod baked - apple (a certain dried fruit) bakehouse baker-foot baker =kneed baker-legged bakestone baking-powder balaam- basket balaam-box balance-bar balance- barometer balance-'beam balance-bob balance=book balance-bridge balance-crane balance-dynamometer balance • electrometer balance-engine balance-fish balance "frame balance-gate balance 'Tevel balance-pit balance-plow balance=reef balance^rudder balance =rynd balance-sections balance-sheet balance-step balance -thermometer balances valve balance 'Vise balance-wheel balata-gum balata-tree bal-captain bald-faced baldhead bald-headed bald=pated baldric-wise baleen 'knife bale-fire bale = hook bale-tie baling-press balk -line balk -staff ballad -maker balladmonger ballad=opera ballad^singer ballan-wrasse ballast^engine ballast-gettcv ballast-hammer ballast 'heaver ballast hole ballast-lighter ballast' port ballast-trim ball'bearing ball -block ball blue ball -caliber ball-cartridge ball 'Caster ball cock ball = cover ball-field ball 'flower ball^game ball grinder ball gudgeon balling-furnace balling-'gun balling-iron balling-machine balling-tool ball ironstone ball joint ball -lever ball-mine ball mounting balloon boiler balloon 'fish balloon- jib balloon=net balloon ■'Sail balloon -vine ballot-box ball -player ball'proof ball 'rack ballroom baU^screw ball-seater ball "Stock ball-train ball 'trimmer ball 'trolly ball valve ball -vein balm'cricket baim*oil balsam 'apple balsam-bog balsam =herb balsam'poplar balsamroot balsam 'tree balsamweed baluster= shaft baluster -stem bamboo-brier bamboo-palm bamboo-spartridge banana'bird banana-eater banana-cjuit band^axis band 'bird bandbox bands brake band-coupling band-driver bandfish banding-machine bandiug'plane bandlng'ring band-lacing bandle-linen band i; master band-mounting band=nipper8 bandoleer-fruit band' pulley band-robin band-saw band-setter bandsman band spectrum band'String band ^wheeT hand-work bandy -ball bandy-iig bandy-legged handyman baneberry banewort bang-beggar hanghy-post banghy -wallah bangle-ear bangle-eared bang' pitcher bang 'Straw bang'up banister-' cross banjo frame bank -account bank 'bait bank-bill bank'bocli bank -credit bank fence bank-game bank-head bank -hoi id ay bank 'hook banking 'file banking-pin banking-wax bank -level bank^martin bank-note Banko ware bank' pi ate bank = post bank -shot bank-stock bank-swjtllow bank -work banner'plant banner' roll banner "Stone banner-vane baunock-fiuke banquet'hall banquet-house banqueting-hall banqueting-house Bantam' work banyan-tree barathea-cloth Barbados-pride barb 'bolt barber-boat barber-chirurgeon barber* fish barberry barberry -fungus barber 'Surgeon barber'Surgery barb 'feathers barb-pigeon bar-cutter bareback barebacked barebone bare boned barefaced barefoot barefooted bare-gnawn barehanded bareheaded bare-picked bare-pump bare-ribbed bare-worn bar-fee bar-fish bar-frame bargain-chop bargainman bargain=work barge-board barge-couple barge-course bargeman bar gem aster barge -rafter bar-goose bar-gown bar iron bark bed bark-bound barkeeper bark 'feeder barking-ax barking "bill barking -bird barkings iron barking-mallet bark -louse bark -mill bark 'paper bark-pit bark stone bark -stove bark -tanned bar-lathe barley-bigg barley-bird barley 'brake barley-bree barley -broo barley-broth barleycorn barley fever barley-fork barley-island barley'meal barley-sick barley-Bugar barley-water barley-wine bar lift bar-loom bar magnet barmaid barman barmaster barmbrack barm-cloth bar-mining barmy'brained Bamaby-bright barnacle-goose barn door baronet barney-pit barn-gallon barn-grass barnman barn-owl barns- breaking barnstormer barnstorming barn'Swallow barn 'yard barometer-flowers barometer=gage barou'^court bar-post bar-pump barra-boat barrackm aster barrel 'bayonet barrel sbellied barrel 'bolt barrel-bulk barrel curb barrel drain barrel 'filler barrel-fish barrel-gage barrel=nooks ' barrel-lifter barrel loom barrel organ barrel pen barrel pier barrel' plate barrel' saw barrels screw barrel = setter barrel -shaped barrel vault barrel-vise barrel -work barren-spirited barrets cap barrsfish barrier-gate barring out bar-roll barroom barrow =coat barrowman barrow-pig barrow'pump barrow-tram barrow-truck barrowway bars 'gemel bar 'Shear bar-shoe bar-shooting bars=shot bar 'Sight bar-tailed Barthol ome w-tide bar' weir basal -nerved bas'bleu bas-chevalier bascule bridge base 'bag base-ball base-board base-born bases-bred base broom base 'burner base^burning base -court bases=dance base-hearted bases=hit base-line basement story THE COMPOUNDING OF WOKDS baBe=minded base-mindedly base -molding base- !>] ate base-ring base ■rocket baserunning base -spirited basbi=bazouk basil-oil basil tbyme ' basil 'Weed basin --cock basin-grate basining'Cloth basin- plug basin-stopper basin-trap basin-waste basin 'Wrencb. basket=beagle basket button basket cai-riage basket couching basket'-fern basket 'fish basket grate basket-handle baeket-hare basket hilt bask et^ hi 1 ted basket'hoop basket-lizard basket- oak basket^raaking basliet-ofsgold basket-palm basket ^urchin basket-withe basketwood baskftwork basket*worm basking shark bas-relief bass-bar basse-lisse basset-horn bass-goose bass mat basso ^continuo basso-di=camera basBO-ostinato bassO'=profondo basBO -rilievo bass-rope basswood ' bastel -house basting-machine bast-palm bast'tree bat=bolt bateau ^ bridge bate-breeding batemcnt-light batfish bat-fowler bat-fowling bath = cock bath-house bathing-box bathing dress batuing-houee batuing -machine batuing'tub batu-kol bathroom bath -spring bathtu b bath wort batiator-root batman bat-money baton -cross bat-printing bat- shell batsman batten door batter=liead battering =charge nattering -gun battering- piece battering-ram battering=rule battering = train batter =level batter-rule battery-box battery-gun battery-head battery 'shootiug^ battery -wagon bat^ick batting -block batting-machine batting = staff battle-ax battle-bolt battle-brand battle-club battle =cry battle-field battle-liag batt] e-ground battle" lantern battle^mace battle-piece battle-scarred battle-shout battlo-'song battletwlg battle-wnthen battoule-board bauchee^seed bawd-boni bawdy-house baw-money baya bird bay-antler bayberry bayberrv;- tallow bay -birds bay=bolt bay 'breasted bay^cod bay-gall bay-goose bay4eaf bay-mahogany bay man bay- oil bayonet-clasp bayonet clutch bayonet joint bayporpoise bay rum bay-salt bay-stall bay^fce bay window bay-winged bay ' wood bay = yarn bazaar maund beach -birds beach-clam beach-comber beach-tlea beach -grass beach man beach master beacb-pea beacboplum beach' wagon beacon-blaze beacon-fire beacon = tower bead-furnace bead 'loom beadman bead=mold bead-molding bead-plane bead-proof bead-roll bead -sight beadsman bead' snake bead^stuff beadswoman bead-tool bead -tree beadwork beadwork-lathe beaker = cells beakhead beaking-joint beak-iron beak-rufih beak -sheath beam 'bird beam-board beam-caliper beam-center beam -com pass beam- engine beam-feather beam=fi]ling beam gudgeon beam-nook beaming machine beam -knife beam-light beamOine beam -platform beam-roll beam-room beam ^ trawl beam -tree beam-truss beanbelly bean brush bean -cake bean-caper bean -cod bean-crake bean-curd bean dolphin bean-feast bean -fed bean-fly bean-goose bean king bean-meal bean-mill ' bean-sbcller bean shooter bean ^ shot bean-stalk bean=tree bean -trefoil bean-weevil bear-animalcule bear-baiting bearbane bear berry bear bine bear caterpillar bear cloth bearded -grass bearding-line beard-moss bear=dog beardtongue bearer-bar bearer-pin bear-garden bear 'grass bearherd bear-hound , bearing-cloth bearing- feeler bearing-neck bearing-note bearing -rein bearing-robe bear-leader bear-moss bear-mouse bear oak bear pig bear -pit bear's 'bed bear's bilberry bear's -breech bear's'ear beards 'foot bear's garlic bear''S' grape bearskin bear's-weed bear^whelp bearwood bearwort beast 'hide beast's- bane beat = ax beater press beating bracket beating-engine beating hammer beating machine beau ideal beaumont root beau ^peruke beau =^ pot beaU'Semblant beauty --of the -night beauty-sleep beauty-spot beauty- wash beaver ^poison beaver-rat beaverroot beaver tongue beaver-tree bec-de-corbin beche de mer beck-harman beck-iron becuiba-nut bed-ale bed - board bed = bolt bedbug bed-chair bed = clip bedclotnes bedcover bedda^nut bedding-molding bedding-plant bedding -stone bedfast bedfellow bed 'frame bedgown bed 'hangings bed-key bed = ]iuen bed -lounge bedmaker bedmate bed^molding bed' pan bedplate bedpiece bedpost bed-presser bedq^uilt bedridden bed= right bed=rit^ bed = rock bedroom bed=sacking bed ^ screw bedside bed = sore bedspread bed = spring bedstead bed = steps bedstock bedstone bedstraw bed'Swerver bed=thrall bed tick bedticking bedtime bed - tool bed' vein bed way bedwind bed work bed' wrench bee ^ bird bee = block bee -bread beech = coal beech -cherry beeehdrops beech -fern beech • finch beech fungus beech gall beech -Hopper beech 'marten beech -mast beechnut beech = oil beech owl beech ^ wheat bee- culture beefeater beef'-brained beef' cattle beef -eater bee = feed bee -feeder beef=herd beef-kid bee 'flower bee -fly beef'measle ^ beefsteak ^ beefsteak -fungus beefstcak'plant becfsuet=tree beef tea beef'witted beefwood bee = garden bee 'glue bee =gum bee -hawk beeheaded bee -herd beehive beehouse bee-killer bee=king bee ': line bee louse bee -martin ; beemaster bee' moth bee nettle bee^ orchis bee -parasite beer engine beer'faucet beer 'float beer -garden beer -ho use beer -measure beer 'money beer = preserver beer- pull beer-pump beer^saloon beer=shop beerstone beer -swilling bee-Bcap bee=skep beeswax beeswing beet-chards beet-fly beetle=brow beetle-browed beetlehead beetle headed beetle mite beetle stock beeilestone beetling'machine- beetmaster beetmister beet' press beet 'radish beet rave bee -rave bee tree beet root bee-'WoK bee ' worm beforehand beggar -my ^neighbor beggar's basket beggar's=lice beggar's -needle beggar's ticks beggarweed beidel-tiar being place bekko'ware bel accoil belaying bitt belaying pin belfry -owl belfry -turret bell and-hopper bell -animal bell-animalcule bellasombra-tree- bell-bind bell bird bell bloom bell -bottle bell boy bell-buoy bell- cage bell- call bell canopy IN THE STANDAED DICTIONARY bell -Chamber bell "Chuck bell -cord bell -cote bell -crank belles-lettres bell flower bell -founder bell "foundry bell -gable bell -gamba bell^gaBtnila bell glass bell'UaDger bell harp bell jar bell -magnet bell'magpie bellman bell >mare bell 'metal bell -metronome bell mouth bell 'mouthed belbuosed bellows'camera bellows -fish bellows-pump bellovvs-souna, bell -pepper bell -polyp bell = pull bell pump bell-puncn bell -ringer bell roof bell -rope bell-roge bell screw bell 'Shaped bell -sound bell telegraph bell -tower bell trap bell 'turret bell -wether bell -work bell wort bellyache belly-band belly-boards belly -bound belly -brace belly-button belly-cheat belly-chcur belly-chuering belly-churl bully-doublet belly -fretting belly-god bellyiguy belly-piece belly-pinched belly=pipe belly-rail belly -roll belly-slave belly -stay belly=timber belly-vengeance bellyowash belly -worm belt-clamp belt-clasp belt-coupling belt-cutter belt-lacing belt-molding belt-pipe belt- rail belt-saw belt-screw belt-shifter belt-shipper belt-speeder belt-tightener belt-tool bench-clamp bench-drill bench-forge bench -hammer bench -ho ok bench -lathe bench-level bench-mark benchmaster bench-plane bench-reel bench-screw bench -shears bench show bench-stop bench-strip bench-table bench^vise bench-warrant bending-machine bending-strake bend-leather bendy-tree Ben-Israel benjamin -bush beujamin-tree ben-kit ben-nut ben-oil benne^oil ben-teak bent-grass benting-time bequia-sweet berga mot-oil berth- brace berth -deck berthing-rail berth -latch betel -box betel nut betel-pepper better! ng-house between-decks bevel-gear bevel-hub beveling-board beveling-frame beveliug-machine bevel-jack bevel-joint bevel-plater bevel-protractor bevel-rest bevel-square bevel-ways bevel- wheel bevel-wise beyond-sea bez-antler bezoar-goat bias-drawing bibble- babbie bib cock Bible-clerk Bible-oath bible-press bidding-prayer bidet-pan bidri-ware bidri-work bid-stand bier- balk bier-right bigeye bigfoot bighead bighorn bigwig bilberry bile-cyst bile-duct bile -pigment bilestone bilge- board bilge- coad bilge-free bilge-keel bilge-keelson bilge-piece hilgu-plank hilge-pump bilge- water bilgeways bill-board bill-book bill-broker bill-chamber billet-cable billet-doux billet- head billeting-roU billet- master billet-molding billfieh bill-hawk bill-head bill-hook billiard-ball bil lard -cloth billiard-cue billiard-marker billiard-player billiar datable bill-poster bill-scale bill-sticker BUly-biter- Billy-blind billy-gate billy-goat ■ billy-piecer billy-roller billy- web binder-frame binding-piece binding-post binding-screw bind-rail bind web bindweed bindwith bindweed bingstead birch-broom birch-camphor birch-oil birch-water birch wine bird-baiting bird-bolt bird-cage bird-call bird-catcher bird-catching bird-dog bird -duffer bird -eye bird-eyed bird-fancier bird-fauna bird 'foot bird-house blrding-piece hi I'd I ike birdlime bird-louse bird man . bird-net bird-organ bird-pepper bird-plant bird*B- bread bird-seed bird's-eye bird's-foot bird-shot bird' 8 -mouth bird's-nest (soup) bird's-nesting bird-spider bird's -tares bird's-tongue bird-tick bird-wLtted birtfish birth-child birthday birth-hour birthland birthmark birthnlght birthplace birth-rate birthright birthroot birth-sin birth-song birth-strangled birth wort biscuit-oven biscuit-root bishop-bird bishop's-cap bishop's-elder bishop's-hat bishop's-leaves bishop-sleeve blshop*s length bishop's-miter bishop-stool bishop's-weed bishopweed Bismuth blende Bismuth glance bit-brace bitch-wood biting-dragon bit-key bito-tree bit-pincers bit-stock bit-strap bitterblain bitter -bloom bitter bush bitter earth bitter-end bitter-grass bitterhead bitter-herb bitter-king bitterroot bitter salt bitter-spar bitter stem bitter stick bittersweet bitter vetch bitterweed bitter wood bitterwort bitt-head bitting-harness bitting-rigging bitt-pin bitt-stopper blabbev-lipped black spot blaok-avised black back blackball, v. blackband black bass black-beetle black belly blackberry blackbird blackboard folackbonnet blackboy black breast black- browed black-brush blackbur black-burning blackcap black-capped black-cat black cattle blackcoat blackcock black damp black -dog black -draught black-drop blac|;-duck black-dye black -ex tract black fln black fish blackfisher black -flea black -fly blackfoot black-fox black friar black -game black -grass blackguard blackhead black heart black-hearted black helmet black hole black-horse (a lish) black- jack black-knot black lead blacklead, v. blacklcading-machlne blackleg black letter black-liquor black list blacklist, v. black-mack blackmail black -match black mouth black-mouthed black mullet black -neb black nob black-peopled black- pigment black plate black- pot black pudding black-quarter black-rod black root black -Salter black salts black-sampson blackeeed black -she 11 black size blacksmith black-snake black-spaul black -strap black-stripe blaclttail blackthorn black-tongue black turpeth black-varnish tree black- wad black- ward black- wash black -water black whale blackwood black work blackwort blacky top bladder-Dlight bladder-binud bladder-campion bladder-fern biadder-gastrula bladder-green bladder-herb /bladder-kelp bladder-ketmia bladdei-uose bladder-nosed bladdernnt bladder pod bladder-senna bladdersnOut bladder wort bladder- wrack blade-bone bladefish blade-metal blade-mill blade-ore blade-spring blae-lincn blameworthy blanch -farm blanch-holding blanching-liquor bl an c- mange blank book blanket -bar blanket-clause blanket deposit blanketleaf blanket mortgage blanket-piece blanket sheet blanket-sluice blanking-press blast-box blast-engine blast-furnace blast-gate blast-hearth blast-hole blasting-cartridge blasting-fuse blasting-gelatin blasting-mixture blasting- nee die blasting=oil THE COMPOUNDING OF WORDS blast! ng^tube blast" lamp blast-nozzle blast^orifice blast* pipe blast "tec order blay-linen blazing-star bleach-fieUi bleacliing=liqnid bIeaching=powder blcareye blear«eyed blear^eyedness blear=wUted bleedhearts blceding=heart bIeeding«tooth blendcorn blend water bles8ed"berb bleu-de-roi blight-bird blindage-frame blind-ball blind-born blind-fast blindfisli blindfold blind-Harry blind-lift blindman blind man's ball blind man's bellows blind man's holiday blind man's buff blinds ti tell blindworm blink -beer blink-eyed blinking chlckweed blister-beetle blister-liv blister-plaster blister-steel bl0bber«lip blobber-lipped blob-kite blob-lipped blob-tale blockade-runner block-bond block-book block coal block-colors block=furnace blockhead blocking^course blocking=hammer blockmg^kettle blocking-machine blocking=press blocklike block=machiue b]ock=plane block=piiiiting block=ship block tin block=trail block^ti-uck blonde-cendree blond-lace blond-metal blood-baptism blood-bes potted bloodsboltered blood ■'bought blood-cell bloods-consuming "blood-corpuscle blood-cups blood-disk blood=drier blood-drinking blood-finch blood=fine blood liower blood-frozen blood ^guiltiness blood-guiltless blood-guilty blood-heat blood-horse blood-hot bloodhound blood-leech bloodlet blood letter bloodletting blood-mare blood-money blood-orange blood-' pheasant blood-plaque blood-plate blood-poisoning blood pudding blood-red blood-relation blood -relationship bioodroot blood-sacrifice blood-f^liaken bloodshud bloodshcdder bloodsheddiug bloodshot blood-sized blood-sound blood-spavin blood-spiller blood-spilling blood -staiu blood-stained blood -stanch blood-stick bloodstone blood-strange' blocd -stroke bloodsucker blood-sucking blood-swelling blood-swollen bloodthirstiness bloodthirsty blood-tree blood=vascular blood-vessel blood-warm blood -warmed blood-wite bloodwood bloodworm bloodwort bloody-bones bloody-eyed bloody-faced- bloody-fluxed bloody-man's-finger bloody^niiiided- bloody=red bloody=j?ceptered bloody-warrior bloomer-pit bloom-hook blooming-mill blooming-sally bloom-tongs blossonipccker blossoui=^rilier blotting-book blotting-pad blotting-paper blow -ball blow-cock blow-fly blow-eun blow -hole blowing-charge blowing-cylinder blowing-eugine blowing-fan blowing-furnace blowing-house blowing-iron blowing-machine blowing.pipe blowing-pot blowing-snake blowing tube blow-milk blow-off blowout blow-over blowpipe blow-point blow-through blow-tube blow-up blow-valve blow-well blubber-hp blubber-lipped blubber-spade^ blueback bluebell blueberry bluebill blue-billy bluebird blue-black blue-blazer blue-blind bluebonnet bluebottle bluebreast bluebuck bluebush bluebuttons blue cap bluecoat blue cod blue creeper blue-curlK blue devils blue-disease bliie-eyed bluefin bluefish blue glede bluegown blue-grass blue-gum blue-nafit blue hawk bluehearts blue-hot blue jack bluejacket blue-john bluejoint-grass blue kite blue-laid blue- laws blueleg blue-mantle blue mass bl ue-mold bluenose blue ointment blue-paidle blue-paper blue perch blue peter blue pie blue-pigeon blue pike blue pill blue -pipe bluepod bluepoker blue-pot blue pox blue -print blue-printing blue racer blue rock blue ruin bluesides blue snapper blue-spar blue start bluestem bluestocking bluestockingism blue&tone blue tail bluetangle bluethroat blueweed bluewing bluewood bluff-bowed bluff- headed blunderhead blunl-witted blush-rose blushwort boa-constrictor board-clip board-cutter boarding-clerk boarding-house boarding-joist boarding-machine boarding-nettings boarding-ofticer boarding-pike boarding-school board -rack board -rule board school board-wages boarfish boar-spenr boar-stag boarV-tutk boasting-chisel boat hi 11 boat-builder boat-davit boat-fly boat-hook boat-house boat-insect boat-keeper boatman boat-racing boat-rope boat's gripes boat-shaped boat-shell boat-skid boat-song boat-tailed boattails boatwriffht bobbiifMace bobbin-net bobbin- winder bobbin-work bob-cherry bob-fishing bob-lincoln bob-sled bob-sleigh bobstay bobtail , bobtail wig bob- white bob-wing bock beer bock-pot boco-wood bode wash bodhi-tree bodlcin-work bod- worm body-bag body -bolster body -cavity body-cloth body-clothes body-coat body-color body-guard body-hoop body-horse body-loop body-louse body-oil body-plan body-post body -servant body-snatcher body-snatching body-varnish body- wall body- whorl bog-asphodel bog-bi Iberry bog-bean bog-blitter bog-bluiter bog- bull bogbumper bog- butter bog-earth boggle»de-botch boggledy-botch bog-glecle bogjumper bog-land bog-manganese bog-moss bog-myrtle bog-oak bogs-onion bog-orchis bog- ore bog-rush bog-spavin bogsucker bog-trotter bog-trotting bog-violet bog- wood boner-alarm boiler-clamp boiler-feeder boiler-float boiler -iron boiler-keelson boiler-meter boiler-plate boiler-protector boiler-shell boiler-shop boiling-point bois-chene bois-durci bold-beating boldface bold-faced bold-spirited bo Hard -timber bollock-block boll-rot boll-worm bolster- plate bolster-spring bolsterwork bolt-auger bolt-boat bolt-chisel bolt-clipper bolt-cutter bolter-cloth bolt-feeder bolt-head bolt-hole bolt-hook bolting-chest bolting -cloth bolting-cord bolting-house bolting-hutch bolting-mill bolting-millstone bolting-tub bolt-knife bolt-rope bolt'e-head bolt-strake bomahnut bombardier-beetle bombard -man bombard-phrase bomb-chest bomb-ketch bomb-lance bomb-proof bomb-vessel bonace-tree bona-roba bon-chretien bond-rooper bond-debt bond folk bondholder bond land bondmaid bondman bond-paper bond-servant bond-service bond-slave bondsman bondswoman bond-ienant bond-timber bonduc-seeda bondwoman bone-ace bone-ache bone-ash bone-bed bone-binder bone-black bone-breaker bone-breccia bone- brown bone-cartilage bone- cave bone-dog bone-dust IN THE STANDARD DICTIONARY l)one"eartli bone-etiter "bonefish boneflower bone-glass bone-glue bone-lace bone-manure bone-mill bone-naphtha bone-nippers bone-oil bone-phoBphate bone-pot boneset bone-setter bone-setting bone -shark bone-shaw bone-spavin bone-spirit bone- turquoise bone- waste bone-yard boning-rod ■bonnet-block bonnet-fluke bonnet-grass bonnet-laird bonnet-limpet bonnet-macaque "bonnet-monkey bonnet-pepper bonnet-piece bonnet-rouge bonnet-shark bonnet-shell bonnet- worm bonny-dame bonte-quagga bon-ton bony-fish booby-hatch booby-hut booby-hutch book-account bookbinder bookbindery bookbinding bookcase book-clamp book-debt book -fair book-fold "book-formed book-holder book-hunter booking-clerk booking-machine booking-office book-ink bookkeeper bookkeeping book- knowledge bookland book-learned book-learning book-lore book-louse book- madness book-maker book-making took-mark bookmonger book-muslin book-name book-notice book-oath book-plate book-post book-rack book-scorpion bookseller bookselling book-shop book-slide book-stall book-stand book-stone book-store book-trade book*tray book- trimmer book-work bookworm bookwright "boom-boat boom-iron boom-jigger boom-mamsail booraslang boom-tackle boon-day boon-loaf boon -work bootblack boot-catcher boot-clamp boot-closer boot-crimp boot-cufE boot-holder boot-book boot-hose booting-corn bootjack boot-lace boot-last boot-leg bootmaker boot' pattern boo I -powder boot-rack boot-stocking boot-stretcher boot-top boot-topping boot-tree bo-peep border mg- wax border-knife border-land border-lights border-plane border tower border warrant bord-halfpeuny bord-land bord-lode bord-service bore-tree bore-worm boring -anchor boring-bar boring-bit boring-block boring-collar boring-dust boring-gage boring-head boring-machine boring-mill boring-rod boring-sponge boring-table borough court borough English boroQgh-head borough-holder boroughmaster boi oughmonger boroughmongering borough-reeve borough sessions borough town borrow-head borrowing-days bosom-board bosom-spring boBom-stafE bot-fly bath-handgdness both -hand 8 both-sided both-sidedness both-sides bottle-bellied bottle-bird bottle -boot bottle-brush bottle-bump bottle -carrier bottle-case bottle-chart bottle-clip bottle-coaster bottle -cod b ottl e- com pan i n bottle-conjurer bottle-dropsy bottle-fisb bottlefiower botcle-friend bottle-glass bottle-gourd bottle-grass bottle-green bottle-holder bottle-imp bottle-jack bottle-mold bottlenose bottlenose-oil bottle-nosed bottle-ore bottle-pump bottle-rack bottle-screw bottle-stand bottle-stoop bottle-tit bottle-track bottle-tree ' bottle-wax b ottllng-machlne bottling- room bottom-captain bottom-fish bottom-nuhing bottom-glade bottom-grasa bottom-ice bottoming-hole bottoming-tap bottom-land bottom lift bottom-plate bottom -tool bough-house bough -pot boulder-clay boulder-head bouldering-stone boulder-paving boulder-stone bouncing-bet bound bailiff bounty-jumper bouquet-holder bour-tree bo use -team boute-feu bout-hammer bouts-rimes bow -arm ■ bow-backed bow-bearer bow-bell bow -bent bow-billed bow-boy bow-brace bow-case bow-chaser . bow- clavier bow-compass bow drill Bow dye bowed -embowed bower-anchor bower-bird bower-eaves bower-maid bower-thane bower-woman bow file bow-grace bow-hand bow-harpsichord bowhead bow-beaded bowie-knife bow-instrument bow-iron bow-kail bow-knot bowl-alley bow-legged bowline-bridle bowline-cringle bowline-knot bowling-alley bowling-crease bowl) ng-green bowling-ground bowl-machine bowman's-root bow net bow-oar bow pen bow-piece bow-pin bow-saw bow-shot bowsprit-cap bowstafE bowstring bowstring bridge bowstring girder bow-timbers bow window bow-wise bow-wood bow-wow box barrow box beam box bed box car box-coat box coil box-crab box-day box drain box-elder boxfish box frame bos girder boxhaul box-hook boxing-day boxing-glove boxing-machine boxing-match boxing-night boxing-oil box-iron box-keeper box-key box-lobby box-lock box-metal box-money box-office box-packing box plait box-plaiting box-seat box-set box-setter box-slater box slip box snuffers box stall box-strap box-tborn box-tortoise box trap box-turtle box valve boxwood boy bishop boy-blind boy-queller boy's-love boy's play brace-drill brace-head brace-key brace-mold brace-pendant brace -stake bracket-crab bracket-trail brad -awl brad-driver brad-aetter braid-comb braiding-machine brain-bladder brain -box brain-case brain -cavity brain coral brain-fag brain fever brain-maggot brainpan brain-racking brain sand brain-sick brain-sickneee brainstone brainstone coral brain- throb brain- wave brain-work brain-worm brake-bar brake-beam brake-block brake-haneer brake -head brake -hopper brakeman brake-shaft brake-shoe brakesman brake-spool brake-strap brake-van brake-wheel brambleberry bramble -bond bramble -bush bramble-finch brarable-net bramble-rose bramble- worm bran bread branch chuck branch-leaf branch-pilot branch -point brand -goose branding-iron brand-iron brand-mark brand-new brand-spore bran-duster brandy- bottle brandy -fruit brandy- pawnee brandy-snap brantail brant-fox brant-goose brass blacking brass band brass bass brass-color brass-finisher brass-foil brass-founder brass-furnace brass-leaf brass-paved brass-powder brass-smith brass-visaged brass-wind brattice-cloth brawn-fallen brazen-browed brazen face brazen-faced brazen-fisted brazil-cock Brazil-nut Brazil-root brazil-wood brazing-tongs breaching-battery bread-barge bread-basket breadberry bread-cbipper bread -corn bread-crumb breadfruit breadfruit-tree bread-knife bread-making breadmeal breadnut breadroot breadstuff bread -tray bread -tree bread -weight breadwinner breakax breakbones breakcircuit breakdown breakfast THE COMPOUNDING OP WOKDS breakfaet-'cap Tareaksin "break! ngsdiameter breaking^engine breaking»fraiiie "breaking'-w eight break'iron break«lathe breakneck break-off breakpromise breakshare break=>signal breakstafE break=up break'=van breakwater breamflat breast^ backstay breast=^band breast^beam breast-board breast'bone breast'=chaina breast^'Cloth breast^clout breast^deep breast-drill breast-^fast breastsgasket breaBt'=narness breast^keight breast-hign breast=h,ook breasting^knife breaet=knee breast»knot breast-line breast=molding breast-pain breast-pang breastpin breast=plow breast=punip breast-rail breaet-rope breast'-strap breast-^summer breast-wall breastweed bre^t-wheel breast^'wood breastwork breathing-bole breathing-mark breathing^place breathing=pore breathing=sound breathing-space breathing'time breathing=tube breathing-while breath-sound bred-sore breech*band breech-barrow breech-block breech-clout breeches-buoy breeching=boit breeching-hook breeching-loop breech-loader breech-loading bi'eech-mechanisra breech-piece breech-pin breech-screw breech-sight breech-wrench breed-bate breeding- cage breeding=pen breeding- place breeding-season breeze-fly breeze-oven brent-fox brent-goose brent-new brequet-chain brew-house bribe- pander bribery oath bric-il-brac brick-ax brick-barrow brickbat brick-built brl''k-clanip brick-clay brick-dust brick-earth brick-field brickflelder brick-kiln bricklayer bricklaying brick-machine brickmaker brickmaking brick-mason bricknog bricknogging brick-oil brick-press brick tea brick-tile brick-trimmer brickwork brick-yard > bridal-wreath (a plant) bride-ale bride-bed bride-bowl bride-branch bride-cake bride-chamber bride-cup bride-day bride-house bride-knot bride-lace bridemaid brideman bridesmaid bridesmaid! bridesman bridewort bridge -bar bridge-board bridge-deck bridge-head bridge-islet bridge-pit bridge-rail bridge-stone bridge-tower bridge-train bridge-tree bridge-ward bridging-floop bridging-joist bridle-chains bridle-hand bridle-path bridle-port bridle-rein bridle-road bridle-rod bridle stricture bridleway bridle-wise brier-bird brier-root brier-rose f brier-wood brigade major brigadier-general bright-cut bright-harnessed brightwork brim-sand brimstone brimstonewort brindle-moth brine- pan brine-pit brine-pump brine-shrimp brine-spring brine-valve brine-worm bristle-fern bristle-grass bristle-herring bristle-moss bristle-pointed bristletail bristlewort Bristol-board Britain crown britterworta brittle- star broachir)g- press ' broach-post broach -turner broad arrow broadax broad -based broadbill broad-billed broadbrim broad-brimmed broad caSL broadcloth broad-eyed broad-fronted broad -gage broad horn broad -horned broad leaf broadleaf-tree broadmouth broad -piece broad seal broad-seal, v. broad-shouldered broadside broad-sighted broad -speaking broad-spoken broad-spread broad-spreading broad stone broadsword broadtail broad throat broad tool brock-faced broken -backed broken-bellied broken-hearted broken-winded brome-grass bronze-backer bronze-gold bronze-liquid bronze^liq^uor bronze-pamt bronze-powder bronze wing bronzing-machine bronzing-salt brood-capsule brood-cavity brood-cell , brood-mare brood-pouch, brood -6 pace brookfish brooklime brook-mint brook-moss brook- pickerel brook-runner brookside brook -trout brookweed broom-brush broom-bush broom-corn broom -crow berry broom-grass broom-head broom-palm broom -pine broom-rape broom-root broom-sedge broom staff broomstick broom-tree broomweed brother german brother-in-law brother-love brother wort brow-ague brow-autler brow-band ' browbeat brow -bound brownback brown^bess brownbill brown blaze brown-clock brown coal brown-crops brown -george browu-feemer brown-lceming' brown-shullcr brown stone brown stout brown wort brow- post browse- wood brow-snag browspot brow-transom bruisewort brush-bird brush-burn brush-cherry brush-hat brush ing-machine brush- jack brushman brush-monkey brush-ore brush-plow brush -puller brush-tailed brus'h-tongued brush-turkey brush-wheel brushwood buaze-fiber bubble-shell bubbling-fish bubbly-jock buck- ague buck-and-ball buck-basket buck-bean buckboard bucket engine bucket-lift bucket- pitch bucket-rod bucket-shop bucket-valve bucket-wheel buckeye buck-eyed buck-fever buckfinch buckheading buckhorn buckhorn -sight buclt-hound bucking-iron bucking-kier bucking-plate bucking-stool buck-jumper buclile-beggar buckle-horns buckler-fern buckler-fish buckler- headed buckler-mustard buck ling-comb buck-log buck-mackerel buck-moth buck pot buck -saw buck 's-b ear d buck'e«=hom buckshot bucks&in buckfStaJl Bucktail buckthorn buck-tooth buck-wagon buck wash buckwashing buckwheat buckwheat-field buckwheat-tree bud-cell budding-kuife bud=finch buffalo-berry buffalo-bird buffalo-bug bpffalo-chips buffalo-clover buffalo- cod buffalo-fish buffalo-gnat buffalo-grass buffalo -jack buffalo-nut buffalo-perch buffalo robe buff-coat buffer-bar buffer-beam buffer-block buffer-head buffer-spring buffet-stool buffing-block bufliing-Iathe buffing-machine buffing-spring bufling-wheel buff jerkin buff-laced buff leather buffle-duck buffle-head buffle-headed buffle-horn buffle-wood bug- bite bugeye bugfish buggerow-boat buggyboat l>uggy cultivator buggy plow bugle -call bugle-cap bugle-horn bugle-rod bugleweed bugle wort bugseed « bug*=8had bug-word bugwort buhl- saw buhl-work buhr-dresser buhr-driver buhrstone building-block building-iron building lease building-slip building-stance building- wax bukkum-wood bulberry bulge ways bulkhead bull-baiting bull=^eef bullbeggar bull-boat bullbrier bull-calf bull comber bull-dance bulldog bulldoze bullen-bullen buUen-nail bullet-bag bullet-headed bullet-hook bulletin-board bullet-ladle bullet-machiue bullet-mold bullet-probe bullet-proof bullet-screw bullet-shell bullet-tree bullet-wood bull-face bull-faced bull-feast bull-fight bull -fighter bullfinch bullfish bullfiat m THE STANDARD DIGTIONAEY bullfly bullfrog bull-fronted buU-fronta bullhead bull-headed bullhead-plover bullhoof l>UllhUSB l)ullion-bar bullion-fringe bullion-point bull-neck buU-necked bull -net bullnose bullnut buUock's-eye bullock's-heart bullock-shell bull-pine bull pout ibull-puuip bull -ring l)u 11 -roarer bull-rope bull-rush bulls-and-cow8 bull-segg bull's-eye "buire-feather bulPs-foot bull's- mouth bull -snake bu ire-nose bull-spiuk bull-stag bull-stang bull "terrier bull-trout bull-voiced bull -whack bull -whacker l)un-wheel bull-whip bull wort bully*cod bully-head "bully-rook bully-tree bumblebee bumbleberry bumble-footed bumblerobox "bumble-staff Taumboat bum-clock bumper-timber bum plug- post bum-wood bunch-backed bunch berry bunch-fieh buuchflower bunch-'grasa bunch^whale buudle-plllar bundle -sheath bung-drawer bung-hole buugo-tree bung-starter Ijung-st-ave bung-vent , bunker-plate bunko-game bunko-joint bunko-man bnnko-steerer bunt-ear bunter-sandsteia bunt='gaaket banting-crovv bunting-finch Ibunting-iron bunting-lark buut-jigger buntlineBCloth bunt- whip bunya-bunya buoy-rope bur- bark burbot^eel bur^-brick burdock=grass bur- dresser bui-drill bur^drivcr buvfish bur-gage burgage tenant burgage»tenement burg her master "burghmaster bui-glar=alarm burglar^proof bur-grass burial-case Iburial-ground burial=mound burial-place buri-nut burling-iron burling«machine bur-marigold bur-millstone burn-beating burnct^^niotfa burnct-rose burning-hush (as a speci- fic plant-name) burning-fluid burning-glass burnlng-nouse burning-lens burning-mirror burnt offering burnt sacrifice burnt-stone burn wood bur-oak bur- parsley bur- pump burras-pipe burrawaug-aut bur- reed burrel-rty burrel-shot burring-machine burrow- duck bursting- charge burstone burstwort bur-tree burylng-beetle burying-ground burying-Dlace bush-baboler bush-bean bush-block bush buck bushcat bushchat bush-chirper bush-creeper bush-dog bushel -barrel bushelman bus he] woman bush-fighting bush-goat bush-hammer bush-harrow bush-hook bush-lark bush-lawyer bushman bushmaster bush-metal bush-oven bush-quail bushranger bush -shrike bush-tailed bush-tit bushwhacker bushwhacking busybody butcher-crow butcher-meat butcher's-broom butcher' S'prick wood but'^ap butt-bolt but-chain butt end butter-ale butter«and-egge butterball butter-bean butter-bird butter-boat butter- box batterbump butterbur butter-color buttercuj) butter-daisy butter-dock butter-duck butter-fingered butter-fingers butter-fish butterfiip butterflower butterfly butterfly cock butterfly-fish b utterfly-gur n ard butterfly-nose butterfly-orchis butterfly-pea Dutterfly-plant butterfly-ray butterfly-shaped butterfly-shell butterfly valve butterfly-weed butter-knife butterman buttermilk bntter-mold buttermunk butternut butter- pat butter-pot bntter- print butter-scotch biitter=shag butter=stamp butter-tongs butter=tootii butter-tree butter-trier butter-tub butterweed buttor= weight butterwoman butter- worker butter wort buttery-bar buttery-book buttery-hatch but-hinge butt-howel butting-joint butting-machine butting-ring butting- saw butt-joint butt leather buttock-line buttonball button-blank button-bush button -ear button-fastener buttonflower buttonhole button- hook button-lathe button-mold button-nosed button-piece button -quail button -solder button-tool button-tree buttonweed button wood buttress-tower butt-etrap butt- weld buttwoman butty-collier butty-gang buzzard-clock buzzard-hawk buzzard-moth buzz-saw by-aira by-altar by-ball by-bidder by-blow by- book by-businesB by-cause by-common by-concernment by-corner by-dependency by-design by-drinking bv -dweller by-ball by-election by-end by-fellow by-fellowship bygone by-hour by-interest by -intimation by-lane by-law by-lead by-legislation by-matter by-motive by-name by-ordinary by-ordinar by-pass • by-passage by-passer by -past by-path by-peep by-place by -play by-plot by-product by -purpose by -report by-respect byrlaw- court byrlaw-man by=road by-room by^sitter by -speech by^street by-stroke by-talk by-term by-time by-turning by=vifcw by = walk by -walker by-wash bywater byway by -west byword caaingswhale cabbage -bug cabbage-butterfly cabbage-flea cabbage-fly cabbage-maggot cabbage -motn cabbage-oil cabbage -palm cabbage- palmetto cabbage-rose cabbage- tree cabbage- wood cabbage-worm cabin-boy cabinet-maker cabin -mate ■ cable-bend cable-carrier cable-current cable-drilling cable-grip per cable -ho ok cable-laid cable-molding cable -nipper cable-railroad cable •road cablesscrew cable's 'length cable-stopper cable -tier cabletoolfe cableway cab-driver cabman cab 'Stand cacao-butter cacao = nut cache^pot cackling -cheat caddie-fly caddis-shrimp caddie -worm cade "Oil cade-worm cadmium yellow cage=bird cage -guides cagebearing childbed childbirth child bishop child=crowing childish-minded childish^iDindednesB child-'killing child "learnt childlike child wife chill=hardening chilli-coyote chilli-pepper chime^barrel chime=bell chime-ringing chimin g-machine chimneyboard chimney-breast chimney=can chimney-cap chimney-corner chimney-head chimney=hook chimney- jack chimney-jamb chimney-money chimneypiece chimney-pot chimney-shaft chimney-stack chimney-stalk chimney- swallow chimney-sweep chimney-sweeper chimney-swift chimney -top chimney-valve chimney-work china-ale china-clay ■china-grass Chinaman chinaman"'B-hat china-root chinar-tree china-shell china-shop china-stone china-token china-tree chinaware china-withe chin-band chinch-bncr chinchin<:=iron chin-clotli chin-congti chine-hoop chin-jerk chinkapin-nak ■chinkapir^perch fhin-piecM chin-scab chinsing-ivon chin -strap chin-whelk chip -ax chip-bird chip-breaker chip-chop, a. chipchop, n. chipping-bird cbipping-chisel chipping-knife chipping-machine chipping-pioce chipping pparrow chipping squirrel chipping np chieel-draPt chisGl-ed^c^ chisei-point chisel-shaped chisel-tootli chit-book chit-chat chittagong-wood chittamwood cjiive-garlic chock-a-block chock-anrl-block chock-block chock-full chocolate-house chocolate-root chocolate-true choice-note choir-boy choir-office choir-organ choir-pitch choir-ruler choir-screen choir-scrvicc choir-tipprt chokeberry choke-bnre choke-cherry choke-damp choke-full choke-pear choke-pondweed choke- strap choke weed chokewort chola-plaut choosing- stick chop-boat chop-cherry chop-dollar chop-house chop-logic chop-nut chopper- cot chopping-block chopping-board chopping^knife chopping-mill chopping note chopping-tray chop-sticks choral-book chorda-animal chorus-master chow-chow chowder-beer choy-root chrism-child Christ-child christ-cross christcross-row Christmas-tide Christ's-thorn Christ's-tide chrome-alum chrome black chrome-color chrome green ' chrome-iron chrome-ironstone chrome-mica chrome-ocher chrome orange chrome-oxid chrome red chrome yellow chrysalis-shell chub-cheeked chub -faced chub-mackerel chub-sucker chuck-a-by chuck-farthing chuck-full chuckie-Btone chucking-machine chuck-lathe chuckle-head {a head) chucklehead (a person) chuckle-headed chuck-will'sBwidow chum-drlU chump-end chunkhead cjiunk-yard church-ale church-bred church-bug church-due church-gang church-gaitn churchgoer churchgoing church^aw church-hay church-house church-land churchlike church-litten church -loaf churchman churchmanlike church-member church-membership church-mouse' churc.h-o a ted church-owl church-quack church-rate church-scot church-town church-wake churchwarden ch archway churchwoman church-work church-writ churchyard churl's-head churrs-treacle churn-drill churn -jumper churn=milk churn -owl churn-staljf churr-worm chylc-bladdcr chyle-corpuscle chyle-intestine chyle-space chyle-stomach chyme-mass Older brandy cider-mill cider-press cider-tree cider vinegar cigar-bundler cigar-case cigarette -filler cigarette-paper ci'^ar-flsh cl^'ar-holder cigar-maker cigar-making cigar-plant cigat-presa cigar-store cigar-tree cigar-tube cinchona-tree cinder-bed cinder-cone cinder-fall cinder-frame , cinder-notch cinder path cinder pig cinder-sifter cinder-tab cinder- wench cinder-woman cinder- wool cinnabar-green cinnamon-brown cinnamon-fern cinnamon-oil cinnamon-stone cinnamon-suet cinnamon -water cinq-trou cinque-cento cinque-pace cinque-port cinque-spotted ciper-tunnel ciphering-book ciphering-slate cipher-key cipher-tunnel circle-cutter circle-iron circle-reading circle-squarer circling-boy circuit- breaker circuit-closer circuit-rider circulation-coil circulation-stove circus-ring cirl-bunting cirque-couchaut cirrus -sac cirrus-sheath citril-finch citron-oil citron -tree citron -water citron-wood citron-yellow citrus-tree civet-cat civil-suited clack-box clack-dish clack-door clack-goose clack-mill clack-piece clack-seat clack-valve claim-notice claire-cole clair-ob^cure clambake clamber-t-kuU clam-cod clam-cracker clamming-machine clamp-cell clamp -connect! on clamp-coupling clamp-dog clamp-iron clamp-kiln clamp-nail clamp-screw clam-scraper clam-shell clam -tongs clam-worm clang-color clang-tint clansman clapboard clap-bread clap-dish clap-doctor clapmatch clap-net clapperbill clapperclaw clappcr^stay clapper-valve clap eill clap=stick clap-trap claret-cup claret -red claribc-:]=tinte clarinet'Stop claro-obscuro clary-water clasp- hook claap-knifc clasp-lock clasp-nail class-day clasB-feliow class-leader classman classmate classroom class-shooting clatter-goose clause-rolls clawback claw-balk claw- bar claw-foot claw-hammer (a hammer) clawhammer (a coat) claw- hand claw-joint claw'-sick claw-sickness claw- wrench clay-band clay-bead clay-brained clay-built clay-clot clay-cold clay-colored clay-course clay-daubed claying-bar clay-kiln clay -mill clay-pit clay-Btone clay-yellow cleaching-net clean-cut clean-handed cle an ing-hydrant cleaning-machine cleaning-valve clean-limbed clean-shaped cleansing-days cleansing-round cleansing-square cleansing-week cle an sing- vat clean-up clear-cut clear-eyed clear-headed clearing-battery clearing-beck clearing-house clearing-nut clearing-pan clearing-plow clearing-ring clearing-sale clearing-screw clearing-stone clear-melting clear-seeing clear-aeer clear-sighted clear-sightedness clearstarch clearstarcher clearstory clear weed clear wing cleavage-cavity cleavage -cell cleavage-globule cleavage-mass cleaving-knife clecking-time cleft^graft cleft- grafting clench = bolt clench-nail clench-ring clergyman clergywoman click -beetle click-pulley click=wheel cliff-brake cliff-limestone cliff-swallow climbing bov climbing fern climbing-fish climbing-irons climbing perch clinch-built clincher-built clincher-plating clincher -work clingstone clink-shell clinkstone clinkum-clankum clinometer-level clip-candlestick clip-chair clip-finch clip-hook clipper-built clipper-ship clippfish clipping-machine clipping- shears clipping-time clip-plate clip-pulley clip- swage clip-yoke cliyh-clash cloak-anemone cloak-bag cloak-room clock-alarm IN THJ] STANDAKD DICTIONARY clock-beetle clock-case clock-face clock-maker clock -oil clock-setter clock-star clock-Btockin; clock-tower clock=turret clock-watch clockwork clod-breaker clod-crusher clod-fishing clodhopper clodhopping clodpate clodpated clodpoll clog -almanac clog- burnisher clog" dance clog-dancer clog-dancing cloghead clog-hornpipe clog-pack clogweed cloiBter-garth close- banded close-bodied close-compacted close-con cned cloee-conped close-curtained close- fights close-fisted close-fistedness close-handed close-hauled close-hug close-mouthed close-pent close-plane close-point close-quarters close-reef close-season close-stool close-time close-tongued close-work closh-hook closing-machine clothes-basket clothes-brush clothes^dryer clothes-horse clothes-line clothes-moth clothes-pin clothes-press clothes-sprinkler clothes- wringer cloth-halJ cloth-lapper cloth-measure cloth-paper cloth-plate cloth-press cloth-prover cloth-shearer cloth-shop cloth-stitch cloth-stretcher cloth- tester cloth-wheel cloth-worker cloth -yard cloud=born cloud-built cloudburst cloud-capped cloud-compeller cloud-compelling cloud-drift cloud='ki88ing cloudland cloud-rack cloud-ring cloud- topped clough-arch clout=nail clove- bark clove-cinnamon clove-gillyflower clove-hitch elove=hook clovenberry cloven -footed cloven-hoofed clove-nutmeg clove-orange clove-'pink clover^grass clover=huller clover=leaf clover-sick clover-weevil clove wort clownheal clown'e-treacle club-ball club-compasses ^ cliib-fisted '' », clubsfoot (the foot itself) clubfoot (distortion of foot) club-footed club'footedness club-grass clubhaul club-headed club-house club -la IV clubman (who uses a club) cl ub-m an (member of club) club-master club-moss club-palm club room clubroot club -rush club-shaped club-skate , club-topsail clucking-beu clue-garuet - clue-iron clue- jigger clue-line clue-net clump-block clump-boot clumsy-boots clumsy-cleat clufiter-cups cluster-pine cluster-spring clutch -drill clutch -lamp clutchtail coachbell coach-bit coach-box coach 'Colors coach -currier coach-clog coachfellow coach-founder coach-horse coach -leaves coach maker coachman coachmaster coach-oflce coach -screw , coach-stand coach -trimmer coach-wheel coach-whip coach whip-snait ^ coachwood coal -backer coal -barge coal =basin coal-bed coal "bin coal-black coal -box coal-brand coal -braes coal-breaker cofll-buuker coal -car coal= carrier coal-chute coal-drop coal "dust coal-field coal fish coal =fitter coal-gas coal^goose coal-heaver coal^-hod coal-hole coal-hood coal^hoodie coaUhuIk coalman coalmaster coal-measures coal^metc coal = mine coal=ininei coal-mining coal=mouae coal-note coal-oil coal-passer coal -pipe coal'pit coal -plant coal' sack coal -screen coal-scuttle coal-'Ship coal-slacK coal-sledge coal=smut coal=staith coal-stone coal=!?tove ^ coal-tar ' coalpit coal=trimmer coal-viewer coal=whipper coal=whippingr coal* workings coal-works coaly ■=hood coarse-grained coast-guard coast'ice coast line coast-pilot coast-rat coast' waiter coat-armor coat-link coflt^money cobalt 'bloom cobalt blue cobalt'bronze cobalt-crust cobalt-glance cobalt green cobalt'ocher cobalt plating cobaltsvitriol cobalt yellow cobbler-fish cobblestone cob-horse cob house cob-iron cob joe cobJoaf cobnut cob'poke cobra^de-capello cobra-monil cob-stacker cobstone cob wall cobweb cobworm cock-a-hoop cock-ale cock-a»leekie cock =and-bull cockshead cock bill cockboat cock "brass cock -bread cock- broth cockchafer cockcrow cockcrowing cocked -hat cockeye cock-feather cock-fight cock -fighter cock-fighting cock'-garden cockgrass 'cocknead cock-hedge cock ho op cockhorse cockiC'leekie cockin^»main cock-'laird cockle-boat cockle=brained cockle-brillion cockle 'bur cockle^ garden cockle=hat cockle-headed cockle=oa8t cockle-sauce cockle-shell cockle-stair cockle=Btove cockle -wife cock lobster cockloft cock'master cock-match cockmate cock=metal cock-nest cock -penny cockpit cockroach cockscomb cockscomb - grass cocks comb- oyster cocksfoot-grass cockshead cocks pur cockspnr -grass cockstone cock-sure cock-sureness cocktail cock-throwing cock- up, a. cockup, n. (a fish) cock- water cockweb cockweed cockyoly-bird cocoanut cocoanut<=crab cocoanut-oil cocoanut-tree cocoa-oil cocoa-plum cocoa-powder cocoa-tree coco-de-mer coco-wood cocum-butter cocum-oil cocus-wood coddy-moddy codfish codfish ball codfish cake cod-fisher cod -fishery cod-glove cod-flne codling-moth codlins-and-cream cod-liver cod-murderer cod-piece cod-pole cod-Bound coilom-epithelium coffee-bean coffee-berry coffee-blight coffee-borer coffee-bug coffee^cleaner coffee-corn coffee-cup coffee-house coffee-huller colfee-man coffee-mill cotfee-nib coffee-nut coffee-pot coffee- roaster coffee-room coffee-sage coffee-shop coffee-stand coffee-tree coffer-dam coffer-fish cofferwork coffin=boat cofiin^bone coflUn-carrier cbffin-fish coffre-fort cog-bells cog-rail cogware cog-wheel cogwood cohune-oil coil-plate coin-assorter coin-balance coin-counter coining-press coke-barrow coke-omnibus coke-oven coke-tower coking-kiln coking-oven colander-shovel cola-nut cola-seed cold-blooded cold- chisel cold-cream cold-drawn cold-hammer cold-hammering cold-hearted cold-heartedly cold-heartedness cold-kind cold-moving cold-pale cold-served cold-short cold-shot cold-shut cold-sore cold-stoking cold-sweating cold- tankard cold-tinning cole-rape cole-seed cole-slaw cole4it colicroot collar 'awl coUarbags collar-beam collar 'bird collar-block collar-bolt collar-bone collar-cell collar=check collar-launder collar=nail collar -pi ate collar-swage collar -tool collar = work collecting=cane collecting-net collector magistrate college pudding coUery-etick colly-brand color-bearer color-blind color =^blindnes8 color-box color-chart color-circle color-combination color=comparator color-cone color-contrast color-cylinder 14 THE COMPOUNDING OF WOEDS col or "diagram colordoctor color=equation color=p;uard. coloring- matter coloring -tool color-'lake cclor^line colorman color=party color-printing color^reaction color«seusation color=si.nse color- serG;f'ant color=etrilver color=triangle col or -variation color-variety coit=ale colter=neb colt'^evil colt 'like colt -pixy coltsfoot colt's 'tail column^latlie column=rule column-skulls comti= bearer comb=broach. comb-brueh comb-cap comb-frame comb=honey combination lock combing-macbine comb'"jelly comb«paper comb'=pot comb^rat comb-saw come-at=ability come-at=able come^'down come-off come=outer comet-finder coming=floor commandancy='gen.eral coaimander=vn«cbief comma'tipped commissary 'Conrt commis8ary=general commi8sary=eergeant commiseion agent commission merchant committeeman committee='room common place^'book common=senp(', a. commoiisensible - commonweal commonwealth communicationsplate commTinication' valve communion =cloth communion-'Cup communion=rail communion-table commutation ticket companion«ladder companionway compass-board compasB«bowl corapiiBs-box compasB=brick compassacard corapas6=dial compass 'beaded compass^needle compa8S=plane compass -plant compass roof compass'saw compass^signal compas8=timber compass-' window compensation balance compensation bars compensation pendulum. compoBing='frame composing=machine compo8ing=room composing'Tule composing-'Stand composing=stick compre8eion='Cock compression=macbine compromise wheei concert grand concert'=master concert music concert piece concert pitch concbo^grass conch-snell concrcte=press conden6er=gage condensing='Coil conditioning='hou8e cond uct-- money conductor=heaa cone=billec'i cone bit cone clutch coneflower cone=gamba cone- gear cone-granule cone-iU'Cone cone=3oint cone-nose cone'=plate cone pulley cone^seat cone=shelI cone=valve cone wheel confection -pan confession -chair configuration -diagram congee -house congee=water conger=doiist conger=eel congo=eel Congressman conicacute, a. coniC'Ovate, a. conj ngati ng tube conjuring«cup connate -perfoliate connecting-cell connecting=link connecting-rod conning- tower conscience-smitten consecration=cros8 console-table construction=way con sulate-gen eral con8ul=general contact-breaker contact=lever cont«line contour^feather contour-bair contour-'line con tract! on "rule contrary-minded contrast'^diagram contre-ermine contre-lettre contre-vair control -experiment controller general controlling-nozzle cont=spiice convention coin convention dollar converting=furnace cony=burrow cony-fish cony^wool coo=in=new cook=book cook-conner cook-house cook=maid cook-room cook'-wrasse COOl'CUp cool-headed cooling-cup cooling-floor cool -tankard coolweed coolwort coon 'bear coonda^oil coon 'heel coon-oyster coon skin cooper's-wood cootfcot coot-footed coot-grebe copaiba- oil copepod stage copperbell copperbelly cop per -bit copper-bottomed copper captain copper-colored copper-faced copper-fastened copper-glance copperhead copper-laced copper-nickel coppernose copper-nosed copperplate copper- powder copper-rose coppersmith copper-wall copperwing cop per work copper- works copper-worm copping-plate copping-rail cop ping-crown copple=du8t copsewood cop«tube copy-book copyhold copyholder (one who has a copyhold) copy-holder {one who holds copy) copying-ink copying-lathe copyingomacbine copyingopaper copying-pencil copying -press copying-ribbon copy money copyright coquilla-nut coquito-oil coral berry coral-fieh coral -in sect coral -mad coral-plant coral -polyp ^ coral -rag coral root coral -snake coral 'Stitch / coral-tree coral* wood coralwort coral' zone corlDel'-piece corbel-steps corbel -table corbie-crow . cordate-lanceolate cordate'=oblong cordate -sagittate cor-de-chasse cord -grass cord -leaf cord-machine cord-sling cord -stitch cord -wood core-barrel core 'bos core-lifcer core-piece core-print core-valve core-wheel corf-house coriander-seed cork 'bark cork-black cork -board corkbrain cork 'brained cork 'Cutter cork'fossil corking^pin cork -leather cork-machin'' cork-oak cork -press cork-presser cork-pull corkscrew cork'tree corkwood corn-badger 6orn ball corn-beetle corn-bells corn bind corn bottle corn brash corn bread corn cake corn* chandler corn -cleaner corn-cob corn-cockle corn cracker corn-crake corn -crib corn -cutter corn dodger corn-drill cornea^iens cornea-reflex corn -eater cornel-tree corner-chisel corner-cutter corner-drill cornering-machinr corner -piece corner-plate corner»stone corner-tootli corner-valve cornet-&.-piBton8 cornet-stop corn exchange corn -factor corn-field corn -flag corn-floor corn-flower corn -fly corn fritter corn-goose corn -grater corn 'growing corn -hook corn "busker corn-husking cornice-hook cornice-plane corn ice -ring corning-house Cornisnman corn- juice corn^knife corn -land corn -law corn-lift corn -loft corn-marigold corn -meter corn^mill corn-mint corn -moth corn=muller corn -oyster corn -parsley corn^'pipe corn-planter corn 'plaster corn pone corn -popper corn-poppy corn-rent corn -rig corn-rose corn -sal ad corn -sawfly corn'-sheller corn-shucking corn -snake corn -starch corn stone corn'thrips corn -van ' com=vio]et corn-weevil corn -worm coronation -oath coronation-roll corporal'case corporal-clotb corporal 'Cup corporation btop corpse-candle corpse -gate corpse-light corpsc'plant corpse-sheet correcting-plate corundum-point corundum 'tool costal-nerved cost-book costean-pit coster- boy costermonger cost-free cost -sheet costus-root cot-bed cotbetty C6te-r6tie cottar-town cotter-drill cotter-file cotter-plate cotton- blue eotton-broker (i.cotton^cake 'cotton-chopper cottoU'Cleaner cotton-elevator cotton-'fiber cotton -floater cotton-gin cotton-grass cotton -ford cotton-machine cotton =manu factory cotton -manufacture cotton-mill cottonmouth cotton -opener cotton-picker cotton-plant cotton-planter cotton-plantation cotton -powder cotton-press cotton rat cotton -rush cotton -scraper cottoU'Sedge cottonseed cottonseed-cleaner cottonseed-mill cottonseed -oil cotton -shrub cotton-stainer cotton-sweep cottontail cotton thistle cotton -tree cottonweed Cottonwood cotton 'Wool cotton 'Worm cot-town couch-fellow couch-grass couching 'needle coughwort coulomb -meter coumu-oil council-board council -bo ok council 'Chambei council-bouse councilman council-table counsel -keeper counsel-keeping counting-house counting-room count-out IN THE STANDAED DIf;TIONAltV country -base country-bred country-dance countryman couutry-roclc country-seat countryside countrywoman count-wheel county-seat y coupe-gorge couple-close coupling-box coupling-link coupling-pin coupling-pole coupling-strap coupliug'Valve coupon 'killer coursing-hat courting-joint coursing- trial court-baron court-bred court=card court chaplain courtcraft court-day court dress court-dresser court favor court fool court guide court-liand court-house court-lands court-Ieet court-like court-marshal court martial court-martial, -y. court mourning court ^plaster court-rolls court-shift court sword court-tennis courtyard cous-cous couvrC'Uuque cove= bracketing coveuant-breaker coven try =bell Coventry blue coventry=rape cove-plane coverpcloth ■ cover-glass covering^board covering-seed covering=t-trap cover-point cover=sicle cover-slip covert= baron covert-feather cowbane cow-beck cow=Dell cowberry cowbird cow=bIackbird cow-blakes cowboy cow-bunting cow calf cowcatcher cow-chervil cow=cres8 cowdie-gum cow-doctor cow 'feeder cowfish cow-gate cow -grass cow =heel cow-herb cowherd cowhide cow-hitch cow-hocked cow-house cow-keeper cow-killer cow-leech cow-leeching cowlick cowlike cowl-muscle cowl staff cow-man cow-milker cow-oak cow=paps cow-parsley cow- parsnip cow ' path. cow- pea cowpen-Mrd cow- pilot cow-plant cowpock cow-poison cow-pony cowpox cowquakes cowne-pine cowshark cowslip cow-Btone cow=tree cow-troopial cow weed, cow-wheat crab -apple craocatcher crabeater crab-farming crab 'grass crab -lobster crab-louse crab-oil crab-pot ' crab roller crab' 8 -claw crabs'-eyee crabsidle crab spider crabstick crab stock crabstone crab "tree crab- winch crab-wood crab = yaws crack-brained ^ crackle china crackle glass crackle porcelain crackle ware crackskull cracksman cracktryst cradle- bar cradle-cap cradle -clothes cradle-hole cradle 'rocker cradle ' scythe cradle vault craftsman crafts master cragsman craig-lluke crail=capou crakeberry crake-herring crake needles crambo '^ clink crambo- jingle cramp. bark cramp 'bone cramp-drill crampftsh cramp-iron cramp-joiiit cramp- ray cramp=ring cramp-stone cranberry cranberry-gatherer cranberry-tree crane-fly crane-ladle crane-line crane-necked crane -post cranesbill crane^shaft crane-stalk crank -axle crank bird crank =brace crank=hatches crank-hook crank -pin crank 'plane crank-shaft crank = sided crank -wheel crape=cloth. crape 'fish crape-hair crape 'myrtle crappit-head cratch-cradle cravat'goose crawfish crawl=a-bottom crawley-root crayon- board crayon -drawing crazy-bone crazy-quilt crazy weed crazy- work | cream-cake cream cheese cream-colored creamcups cream-faced creamfruit creaming-pan cream- jug cream-laid cream-nut cream-pan cream -pitcher cream-pot cream-slice cream ware cream-'White cream-wove creasing=hammer creasing-tool credence-table credit -union creedsman creek -duck creek-fish cruel-frame creep-hole crerping-disk creeping- jack creeping=jenny creeping-sailor creeping-Hheet creeping-sickness creep-mouse creosote-bush creosote- water crdpe-lisse cresset-light cresset-stone cress^rocket crestfallen crest-tile crewel-stitch crewel-work cribbage-board crib- biter crib-biting cribbJe-bread cri b=dam crib-muzzle cri br ate-p u nctate crib-strap crib work cricket- ball cricket- bat cricket-bird cricket-club cricket-field cricket-fr,og cricket-gaii.c cricket-around cricket-iron cricket-player cricket- playing crimping-board crimping-house crimi>ing-iron crirapi u g=machine crimp = press crimson- warm crinkum-crankum crisping-iron crisping-pin crisscross-row crochet-hook crochet-needle crochet-type crochet- work crock-saw crocodilC'bird crook back crook-backed crookbill crook nock crook -rafter crop-ear crop-eared cropfish crop- hide crop-ore cropple^crown crop weed croquet-ball croquet 'ground croquet=mallet; croquet- player croquet-claying cross -action cross-aisle cross-armed cross-axle cross-banded cross-bauister cross-bar cross- barred cross-bar shot cross-bated cross beak cross-beam cross- bearer cross=bearings cross =^bedding cross 'belt crossbill (a bird) cross-bill (a hill, in law, crossing another) cross-billed cross > birth cross- bit cross = bond cross-bone crossbow cros showman cross-bred cross-breed cross-breeding cross-bun cross-buttock cross-chock cross -cloth cross-clont cross-country cross-course cross-curve crosscut, V. cross-cut, n. and a. cross-days cross -examin ation cross-examine cross-examiner cross-eye cross-eyed cross-fertilizablc cross-fertilization cross-fertilize croBS-lile cross-fire croseflsh crosHfiower croes-fiucan cross-fox cross ' frog cross-furrow cros 6 -garnet cross-gartered cross 'grained cross-guard cross-hair cross-hatching cross -head cross hilt cross 'inter rogatory cross-jack cross-legged cross-lode cross -loop cross-loophole cross-marriages cross 'multiplication cross =nervure cross -pawl crosspiece cross -pile cross-piled cross-pollination cross-purpose cross-quarters cross -question cross -reference cross-road (a road that crosses another) crossroads (place where roads cross) cross-row cross-ruff cross 'Section cross-set cross 'Shed cros8=sill crosE-spider cross-springer cross -staff cross-stitch cross 'Stone cross-summer cross 'tail cross-tie cross-tining crosstree cross = valve cross-vaulting cross- vein cross- vine cross-way cross -webbing cross -week cross- wire crosswort croton=bug croton-oil crouchback crouch-clay crouch -ware crow- bait ' crowbar crow bells crow berry crow- blackbird crow = corn crowdie-time crow-flight crowflower crowfoot crowfoot-halyard- crown-antler crown:' arch crown badge crown -bar crown beard crown-crane ' crow 'needles crow -nest crow-net crown-face crown -gate crown glass crown -grafting- crown -head crown -imperial crownland crown -net crown-pabn crown-paper crownpiece crown=pigeon crown-post crown prince crown-saw crown-scab crown- sheet crown -shell crown-sparrow crown-summit crown- thistle crown-tile crown-valve crown-wheel crown work crow-quill crow-roost crow's -bill 16 THE COMPOUNDING OF WORDS crow's-foot crow ^shrike crow=silk crow''B=neBt crow steps crowetone crow toe crucian carp cruciate ^complicate crnciate=-incunibent crue'»herring cruet=6tand crumb -brush crumb-cloth crumb='knife crumb^of" bread cru8herart dead-spindle dead -stroke dead-thraw dead -tongue dead-water dead-weight dead -well dead-wind dead-wood dead -wool dead -work dead -works deaf -adder deaf -dumbness deaf-mute deaf -muteness deaf -mutism dealfish deal -frame deal -tree dear-bought death-adder death-agony death -bed death-bell death-bird death-blow death-cord death-damp IN THE STANDARD DICTIONARY 17 tleath-dauce death -day- death -fire death-hunter deathlike death-mask death <■ point death-rate death-rattle death -ruckle death's-head death's-herb deathsman death -sough death -stvoKe death -struck death throe death-tick death -token death-trance death-trap death-warrant death-watch (literal) deathwatch (a beetle) death -wound deck-beam deck-bridge . deck-cargo deck -cleat deck-collar deck- curb deck ■'feather deck -flat deck'hand deck = head deck-hook deck -house deckle-edged deckle -strap deck-load deck-molding deck-passage deck- passenger deck-pipe deck'planking deck-plate deck-pump deck-sheet deck'Stopper deck -tackle deck-transom decern nosing-furnace decoy bird decoy duck decrescent -pinnate deed-box deed='(loer deep-laid deep-mouthed deep-piled ' deep-read deep sea, a. deep=seated deep-set deed-waisted deer berry deer fold deer-grass deer' hair deerherd deerhound deer-lick deer=monse deer-neck deer's -hair deerskin deer- stalker deer^stalking deer's-tongue deer- tiger delivery ^roller Della-CruBcan delta -metal dentate =ci Hate dentate-serrate dentate* sinuate .den^tree d epositing-dock . deposit-receipt derm-skeleton derrick-car derrick- crane deecant»viol deeert-c hough desert-falcon desert = hare desert-mouSe desert-palm ' desert-pea desert -snake desk-cloth desk =maker desk -room desk-work despatch-boal: despatch -box despatch 4ube dessert-spooa detaching-hook detector=Tock detent-joint deuxstemps Deva-nagari devil-bean devils bird devil -bolt devil ^carriage devil-dodger devil"fish devil'ln-a-bugh • devil-may-care devil's -apron devira-bird devil's 'bit devil's =edge feather-edged _ feathered -shot featherfieher feather flower featherfoil feather -footed feather-graes featherhead feather-headed feather "heeled feathering -screw featherings-wheel feather-joint feather-maker feather-man feathcr^mosB feather-ore feather-palm feather-pated feather-poke feather^shot feather-spray featheraspring feather -star feather-stitch feathertop feathertop-grasB feather-tract feather-veined feather-weight fa weight) featherweight (a person) featherwing feather- work feeble'=minded f eeble-m i nded nese feed-apron feed-bag feed-clfith feed-door ffeed-hand feed-head feed- heater feeding-bottle feeding-engine feeding=grdnnd f ceding- p 1 a tf o rm feed-motion feed-pipe feed-pump feed -rack feed-regulator feed -roll feed-screw feed-trough feed- water feed-wheel fee-estate fee-farm fee-farmer fee=farming fee-fund fee-grief feeing»market felling-ax felling^machine felling-saw fell -lurking fellow being fellow citizen fellow commoner fellow countryman fellow-craft fellow creatuie fellow-feel fellow-feeler fellow-feeling fellow generator fellow heir fellow helper fellow-like fellow man fellow mortal fellow subject fellow-wheel felly-anger felly = coupling felly -dresser felly-machine fell y=p] ate felon wood felon wort felt- cloth felt-grain feltlng-machine feltmaker felt work femme-de-chambre fen -boat fence-lizard fence-month fence-i)lay fence-time fence- viewer fencing-gage feucing-machine fencing- school fen-cricket fender -beam fender- board fender-bolt fender-pile fen-duck fen-fire fen-fowl fen-goose fen4and fenman fennel-flower fennel-water fen-orchis fen-thrush fer-de-lance fermenting- vat ferment-ou f erment-organt sm f ej-men t-sec r eti on fern-owl fern-palm fern-seed fernshaw ferry-boat ferry-bridge ferryman ferry -master fertilization-tube fescue-grass fesse-point feeting-penny festoon-Dlind fetch -candle fetch-light fete-day fetish-man fetish-snake fetlock-boot fetlock-joint fetter-bone fetter-bush feu-contract feu-duty fever-bark fever-blister feverbush feverfew fever-heat fevernut feverroot fever-sore fever-tree fevertwig feverweed feverwort fiber-cross fiber-faced fiber-gun fiber-plant fiber-stitch fiddle-beetle fiddle=hlock fiddle-bow fiddle-come-faddle fiddle-de-dee fiddle-faddle fiddle-faddler fiddle-fish fiddle-head fiddler-crab fiddle-shaped fiddlestick fiddle-string fiddlewood fidging-fain fid -hole field-ale field =allowance field-artillery field-basil field^-battery field-bean field-bed field-bird field-book field-bug field -carriage field-colors field-cornet field -cricket field-day, field -dog fie I d-d river field-duck field-equipage fieldfare field-glass field-gun field-gunner field -hand field -hospital field-house field-ice field-kirk field-lark field-lens field-lore field-madder field-magnet field-marshal field-marshalship field-martin field-mouse field-night field-notes field-ofiicer field-park field-piece field-plover field-preacher field- preaching field-room field-service field-show field-sparrow field-sports field-staff field-telegraph field-titling field -train field- trial field- vole field-work fiendlike fiery- flare fiery-footed fiery-hot fiery -new fiery -short fife-major fife-rail fi.fi fifty-fold fig-apple fig-banana fig-blue fig-cake fig-duet figeater fig-faun fig-feeder fig-gnat fighting cock fighting-fish fighting-sandpiper fighting- stopper fig-leaf fig-marigold figpecker fig-shell fig-tree figure-casting figure-dance figurehead figure-maker figure-stone fig-wart figwort filbert-gall filbert-tree i file-blant file-card file-carrier file-cleaner file-closer file-cloth file-cutter file-finishing file = firing filefish file-guard file-leader file-marching file-mark file-shell filigree-glass filigree-point filigree^ work filing-board filler-box fillet-cutter fillet = plane fill-horse filling-can filliug=engine filling-thread filter-bed filter= faucet filter-gallery filtering-bag filterings bos filtering-cup filtering-funnel filtering-paper filtering^press filtering-stone filtering-tank filter- paper filter-press filter-pump filth-disease flmble-hemp finback finback'-calf fin-chain finch-backed finch-falcon finch -tauager fin ding- list finding=store findon-haddock find-spot fine-arch fine -cut fined raw fined rawer finedi-awing fine-drawn fine-fingered fine- nosed flne-rollH fine-spoken fine-spun fine-still fine-stiller finetop-grass finfish fin = fold fin-foot(afoot) finfoot (a bird) fin-footed finger-alphabet finger-and-toe finger-bar finger-board finger-bowl fingerbreadth finger=brush finger-coral finger-counting finger-cymbals finger-fern fingerfiower finger-glass finger-grass finger-grip finger-guard finger-fole finger-key fingers mark finger-mirror finger-nut finger-plate finger-point finger-post finger-puff finger-reading finger-shell finger-shield finger 'Sponge finger-stall finger-steel finger-tip fining-forge fining-pot fining-roller finisning-driJl finishing-press finishlng-tool finish-turn finnan -haddock finuer-whale fin-pike fin-ray fin-spine fin-spined fin-toed finweed fin-whale fin-winged fir-apple fir-cone fire-alarm fire-annihilator fire-ant firearm fire-arrow fireback fire-backed fire-ball fire-balloon fire-bar fire- barrel fire-basket fire-bavin fire-beacon fire- bell fire-bill fire -bird fire-blast fire-blight fireboard fire-boat firebody fire -boom fire-bote fire-box firebrand fire-brick fire-bridge fire-brigade fire-brush fire-bucket firebug fire-cage fire-chamber fire-cJay fire-cock fire-company firecracker firecrest fire-crested fire -cross fire-dajip fire department fired-off, a. filre-dog fire-door firedrake fire-drees )i2 fire«eater lire=eating Jiresengine fire-escape fire= extinguisher tire=^eye iire=eyed fire=fau fire=fanged fire^feeder fire=fiend fire^finch fire='lishiug fire^flag fireflare lii'e=fluught fireflirt firefly fire=fork fire=gilding fireagilt fire^god fire=grate fire=guard fire^aolder fire=hole iirc=hook: fire'=h.ouBe flre=hunt fire=hunting tire=hydrant fire=in8u.raiice fire^iron fire=kiln fire=I adder fire=ieave8 firelight fire=lighter firelocic fire=mace fire=main fireman fir e= marble fire^master fire«new fire = office fire=opal fire=ordeal fire-pan tire=^pike fire=pink fireplace fire=plating fire=plug fire^'point fire pohcy fire=pot flre'=proof, a. fireproof, v. fire=quartere fire=raft fire=raising fire=red fire=regu later fire=ron fire=room. fire=screen fire=set fire ''Setting fire=Hhield fire=ship fire=phovel fireside fire=8ilvering fire=spirit fire-^spot fire=steel fire= stick fire^stoue fire=sQrface fire=8wab firetail fire^telegraph fire=tower fire^rap fire«tree fire^'tnbe fire = ward fire-warden fire=water fireweed fire=wood firework fire='Worm fire^' worship fire=wor8hipe fir4n=boud firing=iron firing^machine firiug-'party firingapoint firmerBChisel firm=footed firm=hoofed firm name fir«parrot first^begotten, :Kri?t='born firet=elass firt!t=foot first=fruit first=hand first=^rate fir=tree fir=wood fir=wool fise=dog fi6h=back fieh=backed THE COMPOUNDING OF WOKDS fish=bait fieh-ball fish^bar fish=basket fish^beam fish-bed fish=bellied fish berry fish=bolt fishbone=tree fish'book fish^boom fish«breeder fi6h= breeding fieh^cake fish=can fish=car fishs'carver fish chowder fish'Chum fi8h=coop fishscreel fish-crow fish^cultural fish=culture fish^culturiet fish-davit fish^day fi8h=driver fish=duck fish er= boat fish erf oik fisherman fish=fag fish =f all fish-farm fish'farmer fish-farming fishsflake fish=flour fish-food fish-fork fish-'freezer fish = fungus fish=garta fish'globe fish'glue fi6h=god fi8h=goddess fish^guano fish=tiawk fish=hook fie h= hush an dry i:l8hing=bank8 fishingsboat fi8hing=duck fishing=eagle fi8hing=float fi8hing'=frog fi8hing=ground fishing=hawk fishing=nne fishingsnet fishing out fi8hing=place fiehiDg=room fi8hing=stalion fishingsswivel fish ing= tackle fishingptube fi6h=joint fish=kettle fi8h=ki]ler fi8h=knife fish-ladder fish = line fieh^louse ^ fish^manure fish»inarket fish- maw fish-meal fishmonger fiehmoth fish^net fish of Paradise fish'oil fi8h=owl fish-packing fi8h=pearl fish pie fish«plate fish^poison fish-pomace fish-pond fish-pool fish = pot fishepreeerve fi8h=prong fish-pugh fish = refuse fi8h=roe fi8h=sauce fish^scale fish^scrap flsh^show fish-skin fish-elice fish«s]ide fish=6mother fieheeound fish =8 pear fishes tage fish = store fish-'Mtory fish « strainer fish=tackie fish-tail (tail of a fish) fishtail (an insect) fiph=tongue fish'^torpedo flsh^trap fish« trowel fi8h=van flsh^warden fish way fish = weir fishwife fish woman fi8h'=wood fish=worker fish=working fish" works fish worm, fission'=fungi fi6sure=needle fissure=vein fist-ball fist-law fist^mate fitch^brush fit=rod fitroot fittic'^lan' fitting=shop fitweed five=boater fivefinger five-fingered fivefingers five^finger^tied fiveleaf fivemouths fivcpence fivepenny fives=-court five=spot five^square five=twenty fixed =eyed fixing=bath fiag=bearer flag=captain flageo]et=tones flag* feather flag=lieutenant flagman flag=officer flagpole flag=root fiag=share fiag^Bhip flag side flagstaff flag ■'Station flagstone flagworra flail'Stone flak e= feather flake=roon2 flake=etand flakeewhite flake-'yard flaking=hammer flam e^be are r flam e= bed flame^'bridge flame»cell flame ■'Chamber flame-color flamescoloied flame = engine flameaeyed flameflower flame=of=the=woods fiame»reaction flamC'^'Stop flame=tree flamingo* plant flange^gage flangcjoiiit flange slip flange-pipe flangeerail flange^-turning flange-'Wheel flanging«machine fl an gings press flannel cake flannel-flower flannel»mouthed flap=door flapdragou fiap=eared flapjack flap=keeper flap-mouthed flapper=6kate flap tail flap=tile fiap=valve flare=tin flare«iip flash board flasheflue flash-house flash ing^board flashing-bottle flashing=furnace flashingspoint flash flight flashman flash" pan fiash=pipe flash-point flash-test flash=torch flash-wheel flaskoboard flaek'' clamp flaek^shaped flatbill flatboat flat- bottomed flat-breasted flat car flat-clam flatfish flat-footed flathead flat°headed flat=hoaBe flat=iron flatlong fiat-nosed flat-orchil flat=rod flattening-furnace flatten ing-h earth flattening-mill flatten Jng=ovcn flattening-plate flattening-Btone flatteuing-tool flatter=bJind flatting-coat flatting-furnace flatting-hearth flatting-mill flatting-plate flatting-Etone flatting-tool fiat-tool flattop flat-ware flatworm flaughter=spade flaw-piece flax- bird flax- brake flax-bush flax'^comb flax-cotton flax-dreeser flax-dresBing flax-mill flax-plant flax-puller flaxseed flax weed flax-wench fleabane flea-beetle fleabite fleabitten flea-glass flea-louse fleam -tooth fleaseed fleawort fleece=wool fleet^dike fleet-foot fleet-fooced fleet-milk flesh-ax flesh broth flesh-brush flesh-clogged flesh-color flesh-coiored flesh-crow flesh-eater flesh-flea flesh-fly flesh-fork flesh-hook flesh-hoop fleshing^kniJ: fleeh-juice flesh-knife fleshly-minded flesh-meat fleshmonger flesh-pot flesh-red flesh-Bpicnle flesh-tint flesh -tooth flesh-worm flesh-wound fleur-de-lis fleurs-de-lis fleur-volant fieury-counter«fl flier-lathe flight-arrow flight-feather flight-goose flignt-snaft flight-shooting flight-shot fiimmerball flinging-tree flinking-comb flint glass flint-hearted flint-knacker flint-knapper fiint-knapping fiint-lock (a lock) flintlock (a gun) flint-mill flint-paring flint-rope flint-sponge flintstone flintware IN THE STANDAED DIGTIONARY 23 flintwood flip- dog flipflap flip jack flitch-beam flittcrchack flixwi'cd floa,t-board tloat-eaee flout=copper lloat-flle float-gold float,=gras8 floating-board floating-heart floatiug-island ^ floatlng-lovev floating- pi ate float- mineral float" ore floatstonc float-valve flocic bed flock- duck flocking=fminded free soil free-soil, a, Free-eoiler Free-soilism free-spoken free-spokenness free-8tandiDg freestone free-swimmer free-swimming free-tailed free-thinker free-thinking free-tongued free trade free -trade, &. free-trader free warren free-will, a. free-willed free-willer freewoman free-writer freezing-box freezing-mixture freezing-point freight-car freight-engine freigbt-bouBe f reigh t-1 o c om otive freight- train Frenchman French-tub Frenchwoman fresco-painter fresco-painting fresh-blown fresh-colored freshman fresh -new fresh-run fresh- shot fresh-sophomore fresh-water, a. fresh woman fret-saw fretwork friar-bird friar 's-cap friar's -cowl friar's-crown friar- skate friar'B-lantern friar' s-thistle friction=balls friction-brake friction-breccia friction -card friction-clutch friction-cones friction-coupling friction-gear friction -gearing friction -match friction-plate friction -powder friction -primer friction -sound friction-tight friction-tuDe friction- wheel fried-chicken friendlike frieze-panel frieze-rail friezing-machine frigate-bird frigate-built frigate- mackerel frigate-pelican frillback frilJ-lizard fringe-backed fringe pod fringe-tree frithborg frith soken friths plot frith stool fritting-furnace frizzing-machine frizzling-iron' frock coat frogbit frog-cheese frog-clock frog-crab frog-eater frog-»eating frogfish frog-fishing frog-fly frogfoot frog*graas froghopper frogmouth frog-mouthed frog-orchis frog-plate frog's-bit frog-shell frog's march frog-spawn frog-spit frog-spittle frogstool front! erman frontiersman frost-bearer frost-bird frost-bite frost-blitc frost-bound frost-bntterfliea frostfish frost-line frost-mist frost- nail frost-nailed frost-nipped frostroot frost- smoke frost-valve frostweed frostwork frost wort froth-fly froth-insect froth-spit froth -worm frou-frou fruit-alcohol fruit-bat fruit-bearer fruit-bearing fruit-bud fruit-cake fruit-car fruit-crow fruit=culture fruit-dot frnit-drier fruit-fly fruit-gatherer fruit-bouse fruit-jar fruit-knife fruit-loft fruit-picker fruit-piece fruit-pigeon fruit-press fruit-stand fruit-store fruit-sugar fruit-tree fruit-trencher fruit-worm fuddle cap fudge- wheel fuel-economize fuel-feeder fuel-gas fugie-warrant full -armed full-back full-bagged full-binding fulN blood full-blooded full-bloomed full-blown full-born full -bottom full-bottomed full-bound full-brilliant, u. full-centered full-charged full-dress, a. full -driven fuller's-herb fuUer's-teazel fnller's-thistle fuller's- weed full-eyed full-face full-faced full=fed full'fleshed full-flowing full-fortuned fulUfraught full-gorged full-grown full-handed full-hearted full-hot fulling-mill fulling-soap full-length, a. fullmouth full-mouthed full-orbed f ull-roed ' full-sailed fuU-souled full-summed IN THE STANDARD DICTIONARY 25 full-tide, a. full»toiieii full-tuned full-voiced fnll-winged fumewort funiing-box fuming-pot fund -holder fund -monger fund-mongering funeval-ale fungns-lTeetle fungus-cellulose fnugns-f( ot fungus-gnat fnngus-inidge fungus-stone fnngus-tinder fuunel-like funnel-shaped funnel -top funny-bone funny man fuT-bearing fur- moth furnace-bar furnace-bridge furnace-burning furnaceman fnrniture-plush furniture-print furniture-stop furniture-store furr-chuck furrow-drain furrow -faced furro wing-machine furrow 'Slice furrow- weed Furry -day fur-seal furzechat furze-chirper furze- chitter furze-hacker furze-wren fuse-auger fusee- engine fui^e't^xtr actor fuse-gage fuse-hole fusel-oil fuse -mallet fuse- plug fuse-setter fuse-wheel fnse-wrench fusil-mortar fueing'disk fusing-point fnttock-band futtock-hoop futtock-plates futtock-shronds futtock-stafl fnttock'Stave futtock=timbers fuzz ball fyke-fisherman gable- board gable end gable-ended gable-pole gable roof (characterized by a gable) gable-roofed gab-lever gable window (having ga- ble shape) gable-window (in a gable) gab=lifter gadabout gad-bush gad ding-car gad ding-machine gadfly gad -steel gad -stick gad -whip gaff-hook gaffsman gaff- topsail gage -bar gage = block gage-box gage^cock gage'=concuasioii gage -door gage- glass ga^e- knife gage^ ladder gage- lathe gage- pin gage^play gage- point gage=saw gage- stuff gage* wheel gaging-caliper gaging-rod gaging-rnle gaging-thread gag-law gag-rem gagroot gag-runner gainsgear sjaining-machine gaining-twist gala -day gal a- dress galapee-tree gale- beer gale-day gal i lee -porch gal im eta- wood gall -apple gall -beetle gall-bladder gall -cyst gall -duct gallery furnace gallery picture gallery road gall eta -grass galley-balk galley-bird galley-cabinet galley-fire galley-man galley -news galley -proof galley- punt galley'rack galley-rest galley-slave galley-work gal ley -yarn gall-fly gall-gnat gall-iusect gall=louse gall-maker gall -midge gall-mite gall -moth' gallnut galloper-gun gallon-berry gallou-bird gal low-grass gallowfe-bird gallows-bitts gallows-faced gallows-frame gallows-free gallows-locks gallows-ripe gal 1 ows -stanchions gallows-top gallows-tree gall ^ pipe gallssickness gall-stone gall -wasp gaily- worm gama-grass gambet-sni pe gambling-house gambrel roof game-bag game-bird game-cock game-egg game-fish game-fowl game -hawk gamekeeper game- law game-preserve game-preserver gaming-house gaming- room gaming-table gamma-moth gammoning-hole gammon -pi ate gammon-shackleB gander- party gander-pull gander-pulling gangboard gang-boring gang-by gang-cask gang-cultivator gang=day gang-drill gang edger gang flower ganging -line ganging-plea ganglion-cell gang] I on-corpuscle gangl i u-glo Dule gangm aster gangplank gang-plow gang- press gang-punch gang'-rider gang = saw gangsman gang-there-out gang- tide gangway gangway-ladder gang- week gant^line gape-eyed gape -gaze gapemouth gaping-stock gap-lathe gap-toothed gap-window gar board- plank garboard'wtrake garde- brace garde-collet garde -cou gardo-faude garden =balm garden-bultiam garden-beetle garden bond garden-dormouse garden -engine gardener bird garden er's-garte re garden-flea garden-gate (a pansy) garden-glass garden-house garden 'inite garden-mold garden-net garden-party garden-plot garden-pump garden-snail garden-spider garden -squirt garden -stand garden-stuff garden -sweep garde-nuque garden -war bier garde^queue garde-reine garfish garfowl garland-flower garlic -eater garlic-mustard garlic-shrub garlicwort garnetberry garnet-blende garnet-hinge garnet-rock garnetwork garnish-bolt garret- raster garrison 'artillery garter-fish Uarter king garter-plate garter -ring garter-snake garthman gas^analyzer gas-bag gas-bath gas^mttery gas-black gas-bleaching gas'boiler gas-bracket gas-buoy gas-burner gas-carbon gas 'Check gas-coal gas company gas-compressor gas-condenser gas -drain gas-drip gas-engine gas-engineer gas-field gas-fitter ^ gas-fitting gas-fixture gas °fiame gas-'furnace gas-gage gasXglobe gas-governor gas-gun gas-neater gas = holder gas-house gash-vein gas-indicator gas-jet gasket-iron gas -lamp gaslight gae-lighted gas-lighting gas-lime gas-liquor gas-machine gas-main gas-man gas-meter gas = motor gas -oven gas-pipe gas-plant gas-plate gas-plot gas- pore gas-port gas-purifier gas -range gas-register gas=regulator gas-retort gas 'Ting gas=8and gassing-frame gas - stove gas'tuble gas 'tank gas = tar gas 'trap gas = valve gas- washer gas 'Water gas ' well ga8-\vnrks gatch-decoration gatch-work gate- bill gate- chamber gate-channel gate cud gate fine gate-book gate- house gatekeeper gateman gate- meeting gate-money gate -post gate -road gate-saw gatC'Shutter gate-tower gatC'Valve gate -vein gate ward gateway gathering' board gathering-coal gathering-hoop gathering-iron gathering-note gathering-pallet gathering- peat gathering-rod gathering-string gathering=thread gaud-day gau de-lake gaudy -day gaum-like gauntlet'guard gauntlet'pipe gauntlet'Shield gauntlet^sword gauze-dresser gauze 'tree gauze-winged gavelkind gavel man gay feather gay -you gaze hound gazino^-stock gear - box gear- cutter gearing-chain gearing- wheel gear-v^eel geiger-tree gem -cutting gemel=ring gemel= window gem-engraving gem-peg gem=rin«: gem=sculpture gem shorn gem-stick gem -stone geneat-land genip^tree gentian-bitter gentian-spirit gentianwort gentlefolk gentle= hearted gentleman gentl eman -at-arms gentlemanlike gentlewoman genu8=name Oreorgesman gerbe-fuse germ-area germ -cell germ -cup germ-disease germ -disk germ -form germ -gland germ -hi story germ-layer germ -membrane germ -plasma germ -pore germ-shield germ -stock germ^tube germ-vesicle gerund-grinder gerund-grinding gesture-language gesture-speech get-nothing getting^rock get-up ghostfish ghostland ghost -moth ghost -plant ghost -seer ghost-show ghost-soul 2ii THE COMPOUNDING OF WORDS ghost'Story ghost=\v(ird g:iaut'kettle 0anL-kilier p;iaut powder giaiit=qiieller giani=s\ving gibbet=tree gibble=gabble gib^cat gib-fish gib'keeler giblet'-check giblet=cheek gibetaff gib^tub giddyhead giddy = heacled giddy -paced giddy pate giddy=pated giff-gafE gift-enterprise gift^horse gift'rope gigging=machine gig=lamp gig 'machine gigman gig=mill gig=saddle gig=saw gigeman girdsale gild = brother gildhall gilding=pre8S gilding=tooI gil(ling=was \ gild^rent gil'gTiy gill^arcli ■giIlaroo=trout gill -bar gill^beer gill^box gill = breather gill=cavity gill=chamber gill -cleft gill-comb gill'cover gill=filament gilUfishing gilUflap gill-flirt gill 'frame gillshooter gill 'house gilliiig = machiae gill -lid gilUmachine gil)=membraiie gill'-net gilUnetter gill --netting gill-opening gill ;over=ground gill '0ver=the 'ground gill -plate gili-pluine gill -raker gill-pac gill slit gillyflower=apple gilt-bronze gilt-edged gilthead gimbnl-jawed gimlet-eye gimlet-eyed gin-block gin fizz ginger ale ginger beer gingerbread gingerbread-plum gingerbread-tree ginger bread -work ginger-grass gingernut ginger-pine ginger pop ginger snap ginger wijie gingerwort gingko-tree gin-norBe gin = ho use gin-mill gin uy 'Carriage gin-palace gin ring gin=shop gin fling gin -tackle gin- wheel gipsy -herb gipsy-herring gipsy-moth gipsy- winch gipsywort gip-tub girder bridge girding-beam girding^hool? girdle-belt girdle-bone girdle "knife girdle-swivel girdle-wheel girt-line giveaway gizzard-fallen gizzard -shad gizzard=trout glacierspnow glade-net glad -eye glamberry glance-coal gland-box gland-cock glass-argonaut glass-blower glass-blowing glass-cavity glasschord glass-cloth glass coach glasss-crab glass-cutter glass-cutting glass=diipt glass-engraving glasseye (bird, fish) glass-eyed glass-faced ^ glass-furnace glass- gall glass-gazing glass-glazed glass-grinder glass -grinding glass-hard glass-house glassing- jack glaesing-machine glass- maker glass -making glassman glass-metal glass-mounter glass-oven glass-painter glass- painting glass-paper glass-pot glass -press glass-rope glass-shell glass-shrimp glass-silvering glass-snail glass-snake glass-soap glass -soldering glass-spinning glass-sponge glass-sJJalner gl ass >= staining glass-tiimer glasS'tongs glassware glass-welding glass work glass -worker glas'^'- works glass wort giaze-wheel glazing- barrel glazing-machine glazing-pane;J glazing- wheel glebe-house glebe-land glee-club gleeman gleg-hawk glib-gabbet gliding-plane glimmer-gowk glister-pipe globe-amaranth globe-animal globe-cock globe-daisy globefish globeflower globe lightning globe-ranun cuius globe-runner globe-sight globe-slater globe-thistle globe-trotter globe-trotting globe-tiibe globe valve globigerina-miid globigerina-ooze globigerina-ehells glory-hole glory -pea gloss-buffed glove-band glove- buttoner glove-calf glove-clasp glove- fight glove-hook glove -leather glove^money glove-sheep glove-shield glove-silver glove-sponge glove-stretcher glow-lamp glowworm glue boiler glue -pot gine-size glue stock gluing- press gluten-bread gluten-casein gluten-fibrin glut-herring glycogen -mass gnat-hawk gnat -worm gnome-owl goads man goad-spur goaf-flap go-ahead go-aheadative go-aheadativeness goal -keeper goal' poet goat-antelope goatbeard goatchafer goatfish goathead goatherd goatland goaf-leather goat-marjoram goat-milker goat-moth goat-owl goafs-bane gnai's-heard goat's-foot goafs-horn goatskin goafs-rue goafs-thorn goats tone goatsucker goatweed goatweed-butterfly gobbin-stitch gobble-cock go-between gob 'fire goblet=cell goblet-shaped gob -line gobly-gossit gob=road gobstick go^by go-cart godchild goddaughter go-devil godfather God-fearing God-forsaken godlike god-maker godmother go-down God's acre godsend god's-eye godson God-speed god-tree goer=between goer ^ by goffering-iron goffering-press goggle-eye goggle-eyed gogglenose go-harvest going-barrel going-fusee goings-on going-w^heel goiter-stick gold -bank goldbasket gold-bearing gold-beater gold 'beating gold-book gold-bound goldbreaet goldcrest goldcup gold-cushion gold-digger gold-digging gold-dust golden back goldenboLigh golden bug golden chain golden-cheeked goldenclub golden -created golden-crowned gold-end man goldenear goldeneye golden-eyed golden- flower goldenhead goldenknop goldenmaid goldenpert golden rod goldenrod-tree goldenseal golden -spoon golden -swift golden winged gold-fern gold-field goldfinch gold-finder gold-finished goldfinny goldfish gold-foil gold-hammer (a hammer) goldhammcr (a bird) gold-knife gold-leaf gold-lily gold-mine goid-miner gold -mining gold-mole gold-note gold-of -pleasure gold = paint ' gold-powder gold- proof gold-shell goldsinny gold-size ' goldsmith goldsmith-beetle goldspink gold- stick gold stone goldtail goldthread gold- tressed gold-washer gold -washing go Id wasp gold-worm golf -club golfing-ground goliatn-beetle gombeen-man gonad 'duct gong-bell gong-gong gong'Sammer gong-metal gong- stand good -brother good-by good-conditioned good'day, n. good-even, n. good-evening, «. good-faced good-for-little good-for-nothing good-for-nothingness- good-Henry good-hnmored good-humoredly good-King-Harry good-King-Henry goodman good-minded good"raorning,-?i. good -morrow, ?i. good=natnred good-naturedly good-naturedness good-night, n, goods-engine goods-shed goods-train goods-truck goods -wagon goods-van go od -tem p ered good wife good-will (of a busines8> goody-bread goody-good ' goody-goody goody-goodyism goora-nut goosebeak gooseberry gooseberry-bush gooseberry-moth goose-bird goose- brant goose -corn goose-egg goosefish gooseflesh goosefoot goose-footed goosegog goose-grass goose-green goose -gull gooseherd goose-house goose-mussel gooseneck goose-pimples goose-quill goose-skin goose-step goose -tansy goosetongue goose- winged goosey-gander go-ont gopher-man IN THE STANDARD DICTIONARY ■zl gopherroot gopher- snake gopher-wood (wood) gopherwood (tree) gorcock gor-cvow gore bill gore^strake gorge-curtain goi'ge-hook ^ gorgon'S'head gorse-duck gorsehatch gorsehopper gory -dew goslings green goseipmonger gouge -bit gouge-chisel gouge- furrow gouge-slip gourd mouth gourd-seed sucker gourd-shaped gourd-shell gourd -tree gourdworni gout-stone gout weed gout wort govity-gall governor-block governor-general governor^generalship gowkmeat gownman gown-piece gownsman grab -bag grab 'game grab-hook grab -iron grab -line grace-hoop grace-note grace -stroke grading- shovel graduati o n -engi ne graft-hybrid graft-hybridization grain-alcohol grain- binder grain-bruiser grain-car grain-cradle grain-door grain-dryer graiaing-board graining-colors graining' plate graining- tool grain-leather grain-miil grain -mota grain oil grain ^scale grainsiiian grain soap grain 'Statf grain =tin grain -tree grain- we evil grain- wheel grama-grase gram =centi meter gram-degree grammar-school granat-^nano Grand=Banker grandchild granddaughter grand'ducal grand duke (a dnke) grand-duke (an owl) grande-garde grandfather grandfather-long^legs grand -guard grandma grandmamma grandmother grandnephew graudniece grandpa grandpapa grandparent grand -piece grand -relief grandson granduncle ' granite -porphyry graniteware granny-knot granny's-knofc granulating-macMne granuleacells grape-cure grape-fern grapeflower grapefruit grape-hyacinth grape=juice grape -louse grape=mildew grape-root grape-rot grape-shot grape -stone grape-sugar gi-ape-tree grape-vine grapnel -plant grapple -plant grapple shot grappling-iron grappliug'line grappliug-tongs grass-bar grass-bass grass-bird grass-bleaching grass- character graeschat grass-cloth grass-cutter grass-drake grass-embroidery grassfinch grass-'green grass-grown "grass-hand grasshopper grassh p p er-b e am grasshopper-engine grassh opper-lai-k grasshopper-sparrow grasshopper- warbler grass -land grass -linen grass > moth grassnut grass-oil grass- parr akeet grass=pink grass-plot grass-plover grasS'poly grasequit ' grass ° snake grass-snipe grass- sponge grass -table grass -tree grass-vetch grass 'warbler Grass- week grass-widow grass-widower grass=worm grass^wrack grate-room grate-surface grave-clothes grave-digger gravel 'laspring gravel-mine gravel' pit gravel-plant grave Iroot gravel =Btone grave -robber gravestone graveyard graving-dock graving-piece gravity-railroad gravity-solution gravy-boat grayback gray-bear (a spider) graybeard graybird graycoat gray fish gray-fly grayhead - gray-hen graylord gruystone graywacbe gray-washing gray-weather graywether gray-whaler grazing-ground greaee-box grease-cock grease-cup grease- jack greasewood great-aunt greatcoat great-eyed great-fruited great-grandfather great-grandmother greathead great-hearted great- tailed great-uncle grebe-cloth, greedy-gut greedy-guts gree-gree greenback green bane green bass green -bearded greenben greenbird greenbone greenbrier greenbroom greenchafer green-cloth green -cod green-corn (string of egg- capsules of a whelk) green-eyed greenfinch grt'cnfish glut; 1 lily green-gill green-^'illud green-goose greengrocer green =grown greeuhead green heart greenhorn greenhouse greeiiing-weed green -I aver greenroom green -rot green -sal ted freensand reeh sauce green-sea green shank greensick greensickness green -sloke green -snake green-stall greenstone green wax greenweed green wing greenwithe greenwood griddle =cake grief-muscle grief -shot grithn-male griffin -vulture gri-gri grim-the-collier grinding-bed grindJng-bcnch grinding -block gi'inding-clamp grinding-fi'ame grinding-lathe grinding-machine grinding-mill grinding'plate grinding- roll grinding-slip grinding-tooth grinding-vat grinding-wheel grindlestone grindstone grindstone-grit grinning-muecle -. grip -car gripe-all gripe-penny grip-grass gripman gripping-wheel grip -pulley gripsack grist-mill grit- rock gritstone groaning-malt groceryman grog-blossom grogi-am-yarn grog-shop groin -arch groin-centering groin-point groin -rib gromet wad groom-grubber groom- porter groomsman groove-fellow groove-ram grosbeak gross -headed grotto- work ground-angling ground -annual ground-ash ground -bailiff ground -bait ground -beam ground-beetle groundberry ground-bird ground-cherry ground-cistus ground-cloth ground-cock ground-cuckoo ground-dove ground-down, /t. ground-fast ground-feeder ground-finch ground-fir ground-fish ground-game ground-gru ground -gudgeon ground-nemlock ground-hog ground-hold ground-hornbill ground-ice ground -ivy ground-joint ground-Joist ground-keeper ground-layer ground -laying gi'ound4ine ground-liverwort ground-lizard ground-mail ground-mass ground-mold ground^mullct ground-nest ground-net ground-niche groundnut ground-parrakeet grourid'^pua ground-pearl ground=pig ground- pigeon ground-pine ground-plan ground-plane ground 'plate ground-plot ground-plum ground-rat ground-rent ground-robin ground -roller ground-rope ground-scraper ground-scratcher ground-sea groundseUtree ground-shark groundsill ground-sloth ground ^sluice ground-snake ground-sparrow ground-squirrel ground-starling ground -strake ground-swell ground-table ground-tackle ground-throw ground thrush ground ways ground -wheel groundwork grouFT-spring grouse-pigeon grout-ale grouthead grout-headed growings cell growing-slide growth-form grozing-iron grub-ax grubbing-ax grubbing-hoe grub-hook grub -plank grub -saw grub -stake Grub street grub -time grub worm gru-gru , grunting-ox G string guano -mixer guard-boat guard-book guard- brush guard-cell guard- chain guard -chamber guard-duty guardfish guard-flag guard-house guardian -cell guard-irons guard-mounting guard -plate guard-rail guard-rein ' guard-ring guard-room guai'd-ship guardsman guard-tent guelder-rose guess-rope guess-warp guesswork guest-chamber guest-fly guest-moth guest-room guest-rope guide=bar guide-block guide-book guidecraft guide-eye guide-feather guide-flag guide-post guide-pulley guide-rail guide-roller guide-ropes guide-screw guide-tube guideway 28 THE COMPOUNDING OJ^ WOEDS guide=yoke giiilt=sick tjrLiinea=cloth guinea ■'CO ck gtxinea«corn guinea^ edge gninea=fo\vl guinea-goose guinea«grains gninea-'grass guinea=green giiinea=hen Guineaman guineas pig guinea^worm gulf weed gul=gul gull-billed gu]l=catcher gull=chaser gulleting=file gulIeting'-preBS gulleting=8tick gullet=larval gullet'-saw gullev=trap gullflsli gull^teaser gullyhole gully=hunter gully=month gum "animal gum = boil gumbo=]imbo gum^cietus guni=drop gum dynamite giim='game gumsplant ♦ gum'=pot gum'=rash guni resin gum^stick gum-top tree gum-tree gum" water gum'=wood (wood) gumwood (tree) gun-'barrel gunboat gun^brig gun=captain gun-carriage guncotton gun-'deck gun=fire gun "flint, gun ■'gear gun=barpoon gnn=iron gun=lift gun-lock gunmaker gunman gun-^metal gun=money gunner=fluke gunnerye lieu tenant gunnery=ship gunning^boat gunny bags gunny=clotb gun^'pendulum gun = pit gun =■ port gunpowder gun powder^ manufactur- ing gunpowder-press gun^reach gun=room gun=8earclier gunshot gun-shy gun^shyness gun -slide gun -sling gunsmith gun -stick gun-stock gun = stocker gun 'Stocking gun-tackle gun- wad gun^wadding gun = work gurry-bait gurry =butt gurry "fish gurry-ground gurry^'shark guru^nut gut-formed gut-length gut-scraper gutta-percha gutta-putlh gutta-rambong gutta-shea gutta-singgarip gutta=sundek guttat^ban gutta-trap gutter'blood gutter -boarding gutter-cock gutter flag gutter-hole gutter-snipe gutter- spout gutter=6tick gutter=teetan gutwort guy=rope gyre=carlin habit = cloth habit-maker habit -shirt hack-barrow hackberry hackbolt hack'file hack-hammer hacking-seat hack-iron hackle-bar hackle-feather hackle='fly hackings machine backlog hackman hackney-coach hackney-coachman hackneyman hack -trap hack-watch haddock-tea haft'pipe hag berry hagfish hag-gull hag-moth hag-ridden hag-staff hag' 6 -tooth hag^taper hag-tracks hagweed hag = worm ha 'ha hail-fellow hailstone hail -storm hair bell hair^bird hair-bracket hairbranch-trce hairbreadth hair-brush hair-bulb haircap-moss hair-cell hair^clam haircloth hair-compaeses haircup-flower hair-dividera hair= dress hair-dresser hair-dye hair-eiil hair-feather hair- follicle hair-gland hair-grass hair-knob hair-lace hair-'lichen hair-line hair-net hair-oil hair-i)icker hairpin hair-powder hair^py rites hair = quag hair-sac hair-salt hair's breadth hair^seal hair-shaped hair-sheath hair-space hair-splitter han-'^plitting hair= spring hail -star hair streak hair-stroke hair tail hair-trigger hair trigger" flower hair -work hair -worker hairworm hairy bait hairy crown hairyhead hakesdame hake's-tooth halberd-headed halberd man halberd -shaped halberd- weed half = and-half half -ape half-back half-baked half- baptize half beak half-belt half -bent half bill half-binding half-blood half-blooded half" bloom half -board half-'boarder half-boot half- bound half -bos half bred half-breed half= brilliant half-brother half"Caponiere half=ca6te half"C.nt half -cheek half-chess half-cock half -communion half =crown half =curlew half-deck half-dime half distance half-dollar half' eagle half-face half-faced half -facet half -falconet half -farthing half-feather ' half-fish half-floor half-fou half-guinea half-hatchet half-header half-hearted half-heartedly half'heartedness half-hitch half^holiday half-hose half-hour half-hourly half-kirtle half-length half 'line half-lop half -marrow half -mask half-mast half-measure half -merlon half -moon half -mounting half -mourning half -netted half note half ' pace half pay half -pay, a. halfpenny half -pike half-port half price half-price, a. and adv half- principal half -read half'relief half rest half-round half-royal half-saved half- beas-over half "Shell half -shift half-sighted half-sister half-snipe half^sole half-sovereign half spade half-spear half step half-stitch half-stop half-stuff 'half-suit half -sword half-tangent half- terete half-thought half=tlirow half-tide half-timber half-timbered ha 1 -timer half -tint half-title half-tone half-^ tongue half -trap half-travel half-truth half- virtue half-way half-wit half-witted half-yard half-yarn half-year half-yearly halibut-broom halibut'Slime hall Bible hall house hall-mark Hallowe'en Hallow-eve Hallow-fair Hallowmas Hallow-tide hallway , halter- break halve-net halving-belt halyard -rack ham-beetle hammer-ax hammer- beam hammer-blow hammer-cap hammer-catcher hammer-cloth hammer-dressed hammer-fish hammer-harden hammerhead hammer-headed hammerman hammer-^mark hammer -nail hammer- oyster hammer-pick hamnier-pike hammer-scale hammer-sedge hamm.er-shen hammer-stone hammer-lail hammer-tongs hammerwort hammer - wrought hammock-batten ham mock -cloth hammock-clues hammock-nettings hammock-rack hamstring hand-bag hand = baggage hand -ball hand-barrow hand-bell hand-bill (an implement) handbill (a printed cir- cular) handbook hands borrow hand-bow hand -brace handbreadth hand- bridge hand-buckler hand -cannon hand-car hand-cart hand -claw handcuff hand-director hand -drop handfish hand-flail hand-float handfiower-tree hand -fly hand -footed hand -fork hand-frame hand-gallop hand-gear hand-glass hand-gout hand-grenade hand -grip hand -gripe hand'-guatd hand-guide hand -gyve hand- hammer hand - harmonica hand -heat handhold hand -hole hand -hook hand -iron handkerchief hand-language hand-lathe hand- lead handle-net hand-letter hand -lever hand-line handlining hand-list handlocked hand- loom hand-made handmaid handmaiden handmaid-motfc - hand-mill hand -mirror hand-mold hand- money hand-mortar hand-orchis hand- organ hand -paper hand-pegger hand-plant hand-planler hand-play hand-post hand-pot hand -press hand-promise hand-pnmp IN THE STANDAED DICTIONAEY 29 liaiid-puncli hand-quill liand-i-acklo hand-rail hand-railing hand-running hand-sail hand-sale hand-saw handsaw-fish hand's breadth hand-screen handscrew hand-shake hand-shaking hand-spear handspike handspikeman. handspring hands taff hand-strap hand's turn hand- target hand- taut hand-teunis hand= tight hand-to-hand, a, hand-to»moutli, a. hand" vise hand- waled hand- warmer hand -wheel hand while hand-winped hand-work hand-worked hand- worker hand worm handwrist handwrite handwriting hand-wrought handy-billy handy book handy- daudy handy man hang-choice hangdog hanger- board hanger-on hanging 'bird hanging-guard hanging- moss hadging= needle hangings pear hanging=post hanging' stile hanging tie hanging-tool hangman hangnail hang=neet hang-net han^'worm hank-w(irBted hanky-panky hanse-house hansom cab haphazard happy-go-lucky hap-warm hara-nut harbinger-of-spring harbor-dues harhor*gasket harbor-Tight harbor'-log harbor -master harbors reach harbor- seal harbor-watch hardbake hard beam hardbill hard -bitted hard =bitten hard=boiled hard-bound hard- cured hard -drawn hard -dried hardcning-furnace hardening-kiln hardening-machine harderiing-skin hard-faced hard-favored hard-fa voredne 88 hard-featured hard -fern hard finish hard-fish hard-fisted hard-fought hard -got hard-grained hard-grass hardback hard-handed hard hay hardhead hard-headed hard-hearted hard-heartedly hard-heartedness hard metal hardmouth hard-mouthed hard-nosed hard-pan hard -pear hard-port hard-set hard-shell hard-shelled hardtack hardtail hard-vlsaged hardware hard war em an hardwood-tree hardy-shrew harehrain harebrained hare-eyed barefoot hare-footed hare- hearted harehound hare -kangaroo harelip hare '8- bane hare's-beard hare's-colewort hare's 'ear hare's-foot hare'e-lettuce hare's-palace hare'ti-parsley hare's-tail harestane hare -thistle haricot-bean hark-away harlequin-flower harmala-red harnesB-board harness-cask harness-clamp] harness-leather harness-maker harness -mounting harness-plate harness-tub harness-weaver harnpan harp-lute harpoon -arrow harpoon-fork harpoon =gun harpoon-shuttle harp-pedal harp -seal harp 'Shell harp-shilling harpsichord-gi;aces harpstring harp- style harp- treadle harpy=eagle harpy- footed harry-gad harry-gaud Harry-long-lfegs hart berry hart-crop hart' s-cl over hartshorn hartshorn-plantain harfs-thorn hart's ^tongue harfs- trefoil hart'g-truflles hartwort harum-scarum harvest-apple harvest=bells harvest-bug harvest-doll harvest-feast harvest-field harvest-fish harvest-fly ^ harvest-goose harvest-home harvesting-machine harvest-lady harvest-lord harvest-louse harvestman harvest-mite harvest-month harvest-moon harvest-mouse harvest-queen harvest-spider harvest-tick has='been, n. haskwort hasp-lock hassagay=wood hassock-grass hastlng-apple hasting-pear hasty -footed hasty pudding hasty=witted hatband hat-block hat-body hat-box hat-brust hat-case hatch-bar hatch- boat hatchet-bolt hatchet-face hatchet-faced hatchet- shaped hatchct-stake hatchet-vetch hatching-box hatching-jar hatching trough hatch-ladder hatchway hat-die hat-honor hat-measure hat- mold hat" money hat-piece hat- plant hat-press hat-rack hat- rail hat-roller hat-stand hat -sweat hatted-kit hattUhumayun hatti-sherif hattit-kit hat' tree hat- worship haulage-clip haul-seine hausse-pouch hante-de-barde haute-lisse haute-piece haut-gout haven -master haverbread havercake haver-grass haverstraw hawbuck hawfinch , haw-haw hawk-bell hawkbill hawk -billed hawkbit hawk -boy hawk -eagle Haw key e hawk-eyed hawk -fly hawking-glove hawk-moth hawk-nosed hawknut hawk -owl hawk-parrot hawk's »beard hawk's-bill hawk's-eye hawk-swallow hawk weed hawse- bag hawse-bl^ck hawse-bolster hawse 'buckler hawse-hole hawse -hook hawee-piece hawse -pipe hawse- plug hawser-laid hawse- timber hawse-wood hawsing-iron hawsing-mallet hawthorn hawthorn-grosbeak hawthorn-tree hay-asthma hay-bacillus hay-band hay-bird hay-cap hay-car hay-cart haycock hay-cold hay-cutter hay-elevator hay-fever hay-field hay-fork hay-hook hay- jack hay-knife hay-loader hay-loft hay-maiden hay-maids haymaker hay-market haymow hay-plant hay-press hay-rack hayrick hay-scent hay-seed (seed) hayseed (plant or person) hay-spreader haystack haysuck haysucker hay-tea hay-tedder haythom hay-tit hazard-table hazel -crottles hazel -earth hazel -grouse hazel-hen hazelnut ht.ze]-oil hazel -rag hazel -raw hazel-tree hazel wort headache headache-tree headache-weed head-and-head head-band head-bay head-betony head-block headboard headboom headborough head-case head- cell head-chair headcheese head- chute head- cloth head -coal head-court head- cracker head-cringle head-dress head- earing headfast headfish head-frame head-gate head -gear head-guid* head-house head-hunter head-hunting heading-chisel heading -circler heading-course heading- joint heading-knife headi ng-machlne heading-tool head-kerchief head-kidney head -knee head-knot headland headledge headlight head-line head-lining headlong head-louse head man head-marL head master head-mold head-molding head-money head-netting head-note head-oil head-penny head-piece head-plate head-post head-pump headquarters headrace head-rail head-reach head-rest head- ring head-rope head-sails headshake head-sheets head-shield head-siU head-silver head-skin headsman head-spade headspring head-stall head-station head-stick head-stock ' headstone head*stool headstrong head-swora head-tabling head-timber head = tire head -tone head-turner head-val -. head -veil head -voice head-wark headway head = word head = work head-worker head=yard healall heal = dog healing=herb healing =pyz health-guard health = lift 30 THE COMPOUNDING OF WOEDri health officer heap-cloud heap*keeper hearse-cloth hearseslike heartache heart "beat heart-bird heart- block he art- blood heart-bond heartbreak heartbreaker heartbreakina.' heartbroken heartburn heartburning heartburnt heart=cam heart-clot heart-clover heart-cockle heart-diseaBe heartsease heart-easing heart" eating heart-failure heartfelt heart=free hearth = cinder hearth = cricket heart=heavineB8 heart-'heavy hearth=end8 hearth-money hearth=penny hearth = pi ate hearth = rug hearthetead • hearthstone hearth-tax heart'leaf heart-liverleaf heart»net heart-of=the=earth heart pea heartquake heartrending heart'=robbirg heart =rot heart-scald heartsease heartseed heart« seine heart-service heartshake heart-shaped heart- shell heart-sick heart-sickening heart-sickness heart-sinking heart-snakeroo'' heart^eore heart'Spoon heart-steel heart-etirring heartstrings heart=8truck heart-swelling heart-trefoil heart mrcbin heart- wheel heart-whole he arts wood heart = yarn heat-apoplexy heat-econoniizer heat-engine heater -car heater^plate heater=Bhaped heat-factor heat=fever heat-focue heath-bell heathberry heath-bird heath-clad heath-cock heath-corn heathcup heath-cypress heath -egger heather-bell heather-bleat heather-bleater heather-claw heather-^rasB heather-lintie heather- peeper heather-wooi heath-fowl heath-grass heath-hen heath-honeysucM 3 heath -pea heath-peat heath-poQlt heath-pout heath-snail heath -throstle heath wort heating-back heating-chamber heating-oven heating-pan heating-surface heating-tube heat=potential heat-regulator heat-spectrum heat'spot heat- unit heaven ^born heaven- bred heaven-bright heaven "built heaven-directed heaven -fall en heaveu'^gifted heaven-kissing heavenly-minded heavenly-mindednesB heaven-tree heave-offering heave-shoulder heave-thigh heaving-days heaving-line heavy -armed heavy-handed heavy-headed heavy-hearted heavy-laden heavy-pine heavy-spar . heavy-stone heavy-tailed heavyweight Hebrew-marked he-cab bagetree heckberry heck-box heckle -cell he-clam heddle-eye heddle-hook heddle-yarn hedge-accentor hedge- bed straw hedgebells hedgeberry hedge-bill hedge-binding hedge-bindweed hedge=bird hedgesborn hedge-bote hedge-carpenter hedge-chafer hedge-chanter hedge-chicken hedge -garlic hedgehog hedgehog-cactue hedgehog -fruit hedgehog-grass hedgehog-parsley hedgehog-plant hedgehog- rat hedgehog-thistle hedge-hyssop hedge -jug hedge-knife hedge-laurel hedgemaids hedge -marriage hedge-mike hedge-mushroom hedge-mustard hedge-nettle hedge-parsley hedge-parson hedge-peak hedge-pink hedge-plant hedge --planter hedge-pries^t hedge-rime hedge- row hedge-school hedge = schoolmaster hedge-scissors hedge =shrew hedge-sparrow hedge-Bpeak hedge-spick hedge =spurgie hedge=taper hedge -thorn hedge -vine hedge- violet hedge-warbler hedging-bill hedging-glove heel -ball heel -blank heel-block heel^'bone heel-cutter heeling-error heel-iron heel -jigger heel-jomt heel-knee heel-lift heel-machine heel -pad heeJ-patn heel-piece heelpiece, v* heel = plate heel -post heel-ring heel -rope heel -seat heel-shave heel-tap heeltap, v. heel-tip heel -tool heel -tree heel :> trimmer hegberry hegrirs-skip height'=board heir»=apparency heir apparent heir-land heirloom he- jalap hellbender hell-bent hell-black hell-born hell -broth hell-cat hell -diver hell = doomed hell -driver hell-fire hell = gate hellgrammite'=fiy hell-hag hell-hated hell-haunted hell-hound hell-kite hell-rake helm -bar helm -cloud helmet-beetle helmet- bird helmet-cockatoo helmet^ crab helmet- crest helmet-flower helmet-quail helmet-shaped helmet-shell helm-guard helm-port helmsman help-ale helpmate helpmeet help worthy helter-skelter helter^^skelteriness helve-hammer hemlock-dropwort hemlock-parsley hemlock-pitch hemlock-spruce hemp-agrimony hemp-brake hemp -bray hemp-bush hemp-nettle hemp-palm hemp-resin hemp-seed hemp-tree hempweed hempwort hemstitch hen-and-chickens henbane henbill hen-billed hen bit hen-blindness hen -buckle hen-cavey henceforth henceforward henchman hen-clam hen- coil hen = coop hen- curlew henfish hen-hawk hen-heartei hen-house hen-huzzy hen-mold hen-paidle henpeck henpecked hen-plant hen-roost hen's-bill hen's-foot henware henwife hen woman he-^oak hep^ bramble hep-brier herald -crab herald-mdth herbage-plant herb-bane herb-barbara herbobennet herb-carpenter herb-christopher herb -doctor herb »frankincensf: herb-gerard ^ herb -grace herb-ivy herb-lily herb=loui8a herb-margar it herb-of-grace nerD=paris herb-peter herb "repentance herb-rooert herb-sophia herb -trinity herb-truelove herb-twopence herb-william herbwoman Hercules-beetie Hercules'-club herd -book herdboy herd = grass herding-ground herd's -grass herdsman herds woman hereabout hereabouts hereafter hereat hereaway here-being hereby herefOi herefrom herein hereinafter hereinbefore hereinto hereof hereon hereright hereto heretofore hereunder hereunto hereupon herewith hermit-bird hermit-crab hermit-crow hermit-thrush hermit- warbler hernant= seeds heron's-bill hero-worship hero- worshiper herring-bank herring-bone herring-buss herring-cobs herring-cod herring-curer herring-driver herring-fishery herring =gull herring -hake herring-hog herrings king herring mountain herring=pike herring=pond herring-spink herring- work herself herst-pan hey=go-mad hick-joint hickory -acacia hickory- elm hickory -eucalyptus hickory-girdler hickoryhead hickory-nut hickory-pine hickory-ehad hickory shirt ' hidden-eyed hidden-veined hide-and = seek hide-blown hidebound hide-mill hide-rope hide-scraper hide-stretcher hiding-place hiera-picra higgledy-piggledy higglehaggle high -backed highbinder high -blest high-blooded high-blown high-born high -boy high-bred high-built High -church High-churchism High-churchman high-cockalcrum high-cross high -day high-dilutionist high-fed high -finished high-flavored high-flier high-flown high -flying high-go high-grown high-handed IN THE STANDARD DICTIONARY 31 high'liearted higliholder highhole high'hook high-keyed higbland Highland man higii»line high-liner high-lived liigh-low high-low-jack high-mallow high- mettled high-minded high-mindedness high-necked high-palmed high-pitched high-placed high-pressure, a. high priest high-priesthood high-prieBtly high-priestship high-principled high- proof high-reaching highroad high-souled high-soiuiding high 'Spirited high-stepper high- step ping high-Street high-strung high-taper high-tasted high-toned high-top high -tuned highty-tighty highway highwayman high-wrought hill-ant hillherry hill-hird hill -country hill-digger hill-fever hilUfolk hill-fort hill-francolin hillman hill-mina hill-oat ' hillock- tree hill-partridge hill-plover hillside hill-site hill-sparrow hill-star hill-tit hilltop hillwort himself hiuaa-tree hind berry hind brain hinder-end hinder-night hind-foremost hindgut hindhand hindhead hindsight hinge- band hinge- joint hinge-line hinge-pillar hinge-pin hinge-tooth hinging='poBt hip-bath hip=belt hipberry hip-bone hipbrier hip-girdle ' hip-gout hip-hop hip-joint hip-knob hip-lock "*■ hip-molding hippety-hoppety hippo-sandal hip-rafter. hip-roof hlprose hip-shot hi p= strap hip-tile hip-tree hip-tub hipwort history-painting history -piece hitching-bar hitching-damp hitching- post hitherto hitF-offi hit-or-miss hity-tity hive-bee hive-nest hive-vine hoar frost hoar hound hoarstone hob-a-nob hob-and-nob hobble-bobble hobblo-bush hobby-horse hobbyhorsical hobby-owl hoblike hob-nail hobnail -liver hob-or-nob hobthrush hob thrush-louse hock-cart hockelty-card hockey-cake hockey-load hock-glass hocus-pocns hod*carrier hodden-gray hodding-spade hoddy-pealt hod-elevator hodgepoage hodge-pudding hodman hoe-cake hoe-down hoe-plow hog-ape hog-apple hog-back (aback) hogback (a flshor other thing shaped like the back of a hog) hog- backed hog-bean hog-bed hog-brace hog- caterpillar hog-chain hog-cherry hogchoker hog =cholera hog-colt hog-con stable hog-cote hogs deer hog-fennel hogfish hog- fleece hog- frame hogger-pipe hogging-frame hog = gum hogherd hog-in=armor hog-louse hog=mace hog-mane hog-maned hog-meat hogmolly hog-money hog-monkey hog-mullet hog-nosed hognose-snake hognut hog-peanut hog-pen hog-plum hog-rat hog "reeve hog-ring hog-ringer hog-rubber hog's- back hog's-bane hog's-bean hog's-hread hog-score hog's-fennel hog's-garlic hog's-naw hogshead hog-shearing hog-shouther hogskin hog-snake hog's-pudding ■ hogsty hog'-succory hogsucker hog- wallow hogwash hogweed hogwort hoist-bridge hoisting-apparatua hoisting-crab hoisting-engine hoisting- jack hoistway hoity-toity hoky-poky holdback hold-beam holder-forth holdfast hold -gang holding-ground hole-and-corner hole-dove hole 'Stitch holewort holing -ftx holing-pick hollie- point hollie-stltch hollow-billed hollow-eyed hoUowhead hollow-hearted hollow-horn hollow-horned hollow-meat hollow-plane hollowroot hollow -stock hollow -toned hollow-ware hollowwort holly-fern hollyhock-rose hollyhock-tree holly-laurel holly -oak holly-rose holly-tree holm' cock holm-oak holm-ficreech holm-thrush holus-bolus holy-cruel Holy-Ghost Holy-Ghost pear Holy-Ghost plant holy -hay holy-herb holystone homage- jury home ' born home-bound home=bred home-brew home-brewed homecome home-coming home-felt home-keeping homelike home-made home rule home-ruler homesick homespun homeetall homestead homeward-bound homewort honest-hearted honestone honewort honey-ant honey -badger honey -bag honey-balm honey-basket honey-bear honey- bearei honey-bee honey berry honey -bird honey-blob honey -bloom honeybread i honey -brown honej-buzzard honey-cell honeycomb honey-creeper honey -crock honey dew honey -eater honey-flower honeyfugle honey -garlic honey-guide honey-locust honeyslotus honey-mesquit honeymoon honey -moth honey-mouthed honey-pod honey-pot honey-pots honey-ratel honey-stalk honey-stomach honeystone honey-strainer honey-sucker honeysuckle honey suckle-apple honeysuckle-clover honey suckle -tree honey-sugar honeysweet, n. honey-sweet, a. honey-tongued honey-tube honeyware honeywort honor=coa honor-man honor-point hood -cap hood-cover hood-end hood-gastrula hoodie-crow hooding-end hood-jelly hoodm an -blind hood-mold hood-molding hood-sheaf hood-shy hood top hoodwink hoodwort hoof -bound hoof-cushion hooiing-place ho of -mark hoof-pad hoof-pIck hoof -shaped hoof- spreader hook and eye hooka-stand hook-beaked hook-bill (bill with a hook) hookbill (a salmon) hook-billed hook-block hook -bolt hook-hone hook-climber hooking-frame hook -ladder hook-land hook-money hook-motion hook^net hook-nosed hook -pin hook-plate hook-rope hook-scarf hook-squid hook-sucker hook-swivel hocktip ho ok- tool hookweed hook-wrench hoop-ash hoop-bee hoop -cramp hoop-driver hoop iron hoopko op-plant hoop-Jock hoop-net hoop-petticoat hoop-pine ho op- pole hoop-shell hoop-skirt hoop-snake hoop-tree hooting-owl hoot-owl hoot-toot hop-back hopbine hop-bush hop-clover hop-cushion hop-dog hop-drier hop-factor hop -feeder hop-flea hop=fly I hop-frame hop-frogliy hop-frothfly hop -garden hop-hornbeam hop -jack hop-kiln hop-marjoram hop-medick hop-mildew hop-oil hop-o'-my-thumb hopper-boy* hopper-cake hopper car hopper closet hopper-cock hopper-hood hop-pest hop-picker hop-picking hop pillow hopping-dick hopping-john- hop-pocket hop-pole hop -press hop-raising hop-sacking hop-BCotch hop-setter hop-tree hop -trefoil hop-vine hop-yard horn-band horn-bar hornbeak hornbeam horn -beech hornbill hornbill-cuckoo 3'3 THE COMPOUNDING OP WOEDS hornsblower horn be ok horn-bug horn'=card horu'=coot hornacore horn=cnira8s horn-'disteinper horned rum horn=eel horuet* clear wing hornet-lly hornetamoth I hornflnch hornfish hornefooted horn=lead , horn=machine horn'=mad horn^madness horn mail horn^maker horn^mercury horn=mullet horn s of = plenty horn=owl hornpie horn =p ike hornpipe horn=pith hornpiant horn=plate horn»player horn-pock horn^poppy horn =p out horn=pox horn^prefes horn^'presser horn'=quick8ilver horn=BhaviugB horn=8hoot horn=silver hornsman horusnake hornetone horn = swivel horntail horn»tip hornweed hornwood horn work hornwort hornwrack horny=fieted horny=handed hornyhead horny=hoolet hornywink horror=stricken horror-struck horee^aloes horee=ant horse-arm horse "arm or horee^artillery horseback hor&e=bal in horeebaiie horee=bean horse^beech horee-blob horee=block horse=boat horse^boot horse^bot horse-box hor6e=boy hor8e= bramble horse-breaker horse brier horse=cadger horee^cane horse=capper horse=car horse-cassia horse=chanter horse==chestnub horse^clipper * horse-cloth horse-collar horse=^coper horae«crab hor8e=crevalIe horse-cucumber horse^daisy horse-dealer horse=doctor hor8e='drench horse^elder hor8e='emmet horse^eye horse-faced horse-fair horae-fettler hor^efinch horsefish horseflea-weed horso=fle6h horseflower horse =lly horsefly-weed horsefoot horaefoot^crab horsefoot^enipe horae-furniture horsu-gear horse* gentian hornc-gin horse -ginseng horee-godmother horse«gogs horse-go wan horsesgram horse-guards horsehair horsehair-lichen horsehair- worm horse=halter horsehead horseheal horse-hoe horfae-holder horsehoof horee=hook horse-iron horse- jag horse- jockey horse -jug horse -knacker horse-knob horse-knop horse -lark horse-latitudes horse-laugh horse^'leecii horseleek horae-litter horse- load horse-lot horse»mackerel horseman horse-marine horse-masher horsemaster hcrse-matcli horse-mill horsemint horse-musher hoi'se-mushroom horse-museel horse-nail horse = net horee-uettle horse-paraley horse- path horse-pick horse-piece horse-pile horse-pipe horse-pistol horse -play horse-plum horse-poud, n, horsepond, v. horse-poppy horse-po;?t; horae-power horsepox horse-purelane horse-race horse-racer horse»racing horse-rack horseradish horseradish- tree horse-railroad horse- rake horse-rider horse-riding horse-rough horae-run horse-sense horseshoe boraeshoe-anvil horseshoe bat horseshoe crab horseshoe- head horseshoe-kidney horseshoe-marhine horseshoe vetch horse-shovel horse =8match horse-soldier horse-sorrel horse-sponge horse-stealing horse-stinger horse^sugar horsetail horsetail-lichen hor&etai -tree horse-thief horse-thistle horse-thruth horse-thyme horse-tick horsetongue horne trainer horse-tree horae- trick horse-vetch horse-violet horseway horse weed horse well -grass horse-whim horsewhip horse -winkle horsewoman horsewood horse- worm horse- wrangle? horsing-block horsing-iron horst-beech bose-bib hose-bridge hose-carriage hose- carrier hose-cart hose-clamp hose^company hose-coupling hose-hook hoae-in-bose hoee-jumper hosemau hose-nipple hose-pipe hose=protector hose-reel hose-screw hose-shield hose-union hose- wrench hospital -fever hospital ship hot-and-hot hotbed hot-blooded hot-brained hot-cbitel hotchpot hotchpotch hotel car hot-flue hotfoot hothead hot-headed hothouse hot-livered hot-mouthed hot-plate hot-pot hot-press hot-saw hot-short hot-shot (a foolish fel- low, as making hot shots) hotekull hot-spirited hotspur hot-tempered Hottentot's-bread Hottentot' 8-head Hottentot's-tea hot- wall hot- we 11 houndfish hound-plate hound'e-berry hound-shark hound 's-tongue hound*s=tree hour -bell hour=circle hour-glass hour-hand hour-line hour-plate house-agent house-ball house-boat house-bote housebreaker housebreaking house-car house -cricket houpe-dog house-duty house-engine house -factor housefather house-finch house-flag houee-fly house-fungus household > householder houaekeep housekeeper housekeeping house-lamb houseleek houseleek-tree house-line houeeling-cloth n house-lot houaemaid house-martin houae-master (master or head of a household) house master (schoolmas- ter residing in the schoolhoLise) housemate housemonger housemother house-painter house physician house-pigeon house-place house-proud house-raising house-room house-shrew house-snake house-sparrow house-spider housegtead house steward house surgeon house- swallow house-tax houae-urn houaewarm housewanning housewife ho use Wright housing-box ho using- cloth houBing-frame hout-tout hover-hawk howdy-do however howsoever hubble-bubble hubbleehow huck berry huckie-buckie, huckie backed huckleberry huckle-bone huck-muck hugger-m ugger huia-bird huller-gin hull-gull hulling- machine human -heartedness humankind humblebee humble-mouthed humble-pie humble-plant hum buzz hum-cup humdudgeon hummehng-machine humming-bird humpback humpty-dumpty humus-plant ■ hunchback hundred-court hundred-eyus hundred -legs hundrediuan hundred-penny hundreuu eight hunger- bit hunger-bitten hunger-flower hunger-grass hunger-rot hungerweed hunky-dory hunt-counter hunting-box hunting-cap hunting-case hunting-coat hunting-cog hunting-crop hunting-dog hunting-field hunting-ground hunting-horn hunting-jug huntiug-knife hunting -leopard hunting-seat hunting-shirt hunting-skifif hunting-song hunting-spiaer hunting-eword hunting-tide ' hunting- watch hunting-whip hunt-sergeant huntsman huutsman's-cup huntsman's-horn hunt's-up huou-pine hurdleman hurdle-race hurdy-gurdy hurl bone hurly-burly hurlygush hurly-hacket hurlyhawkie hurly-house hurricaue-deck hurry-burry hurrj'-scurry huree-skin hurst- beech hurtleberry hurtsickle husband-land husbandman hush-bagaty hush-money hush-paddle husk-hackler husking-bee husking-peg hus king-pin hustle-ci^p hut-urn hydrocarbon-furnace hyena-dog hymn-book hymn-singing hymn-tune hymn-writer I beam ice ^anchor ice-apron IN THE STANDAED DICTIONAKY 33 ice-auger ce-bag ce- banner ce-beam ,ce -bearer ce-belt ceberg ce-bird ce-blink ce-'boat ,ce-bone ce-bonnd ;e*box ce-breaker ,ce-brook ,ce-built ,ce- calorimeter ,ce-caKOe ce-cap ce-ciiair ce-cbest ce-cbisel Ct!"Cluw ce-closet ce»cold ce- cream, .ce- crusher ■ce-drift ■ce^ drops ce-elevator .ce=e scape ce-fall, ce-feathers ce-t'ern ce-field ce-fi8hing ,ce-float ce»floe ce-foot ce-fork Lce-fox ice-glasB ,ce-guH -bill ce-book ce-house ce-leaf ce-ledge ■ce-leveler ce-loon ce'inachine ce^'iuallet ceman ce-^mark ce-master .ce= mountain ce-pack ce-paiJ ,ce- paper ce-pick ,ce-pit ce^pitcber ce^plane ce^plant ce^plow ce-poultice ce* quake ice-river iceasaw ice-Bcraper ice*8crew ice- sheet ice-ship ice^spade ice-Bpar ^ ice-stream iee=table ice-tongs ice=walT ice- water ice-'Whale ice-wool icework ice=worn ice-yacht ice-yachting ice«yacht6raan ichneumon-fly icy-pearled ideal-real ideal-realism idle-moss idle-wheel idol -fire idol= shell idol-worship I iron l-advised Isaffected illawarra-palm "11-beseemmg 11-boding ll=bred ]I=breeding Unconditioned 11-deedie 11-defined U-disposed 11-fated ll-'favored ll-favoredly ll-favoreduess 11 -footing 11-humored ll-humoredly Illinois-nut l-judged Wived ill-looked ill-'louking ill -mannered ill-natured ill-naturedly ill-naturedness ill-omened ill-set ill-sorted ill-starred ill-tempered ill-timed ill-treat ill-turned illupi-oil ill will ill-wilier ill-willy ill-wisher image -breaker image-mug image-worship immersion-lens imou-pine imposing-stone imposing-table impregnating-tube improving-furnace in-andoin inasmuch inbearlng inboard inbond inborn inbreaking inburst ineast incense-boat incense-breathing incense-burner incense-burning incense-cedar Inceuse-cup incense -tree inch-pound inch worm in-circle income incomer incoming in-conic increase-twist in-cubic incut index-correction. index-digit index-error index-finger index-gage index-glaBS index-law index-machine Indiaman Indian-arrow Indian-cup Indian -eye Indian ^heart Indian-pipe Indian -poke Indian -root Indian-eal Indian-saul Indian's-dream Indian-shoe Indian-shot india-rubber indigo -berry indigo-bird indigo -broom indigo-copper indigo -finch indigo-miU indigo- plant indigo-enake indigo-weed indraught indraw indrawn induction-balance induction-bridge induction-coil induction-machine induction-pipe induction-port induction-valve induct-pipe indweller indwelling ineunt- point infant-class infant-school infantryman infield, a. in-field influence-machine ingather ingathering ingle-cheek ingle-nook ingleside ingoing ingot-iron ingot-mold ingrowing ingrowth in-hexagon injection-cock injecti on-condenser injection-engine injection-pipe injection-syringe infection -valve injection-water injector- valve ink-bag ink-ball ink-bench inkberry inkberry-weed ink -block ink-bottle ink-brayer ink-cup ink -cylinder ink-duct inkfish ink-fountain ink -gland inkb older inkhorn inking-ball inking-pad inking-roUer inking-table inkicg'trough ink -knife ink-muehroom in- kneed inknut ink-pad ink-pencil ink -plant ink -powder ink-roller ink root ink-sac inkshed ink-slinger inkstand inks tone ink- table ink-well inkwood ink -writer inland inlet inlook in-lot inmate in meat inn bolder innkeeper in -over in-parabola in-patient in-pensioner in-pentahedron in-polygon inpour in pouring input in-quadric in-quadrilateral inq ui Bitor = general inroad inrush insect-fungi insect-gun- in8ect=Let insect-powder inset inshore inside insight in^sole inepection-car inspector-general in-square instead intagliotype intake intakeholder intaker into in-tri angle invert- sugar invoice-book in wall, n. ^ inwheel, ?*. I rail Irish-American Irishman iris-root iris-swallow iron -alum ironbark=tree iron-black iron-bound iron-cased iron 'Chamber iron-clad, a. ironclad, n. iron -clay iron -cloth iron-fisted iron = flint iron -founder iron=foun^y iron -furnace iron-glance iron-grass iron -gray iron-gum tree iron -banded ironhead ironheads iron-hearted ironing-board ironing-box ironing-cloth ironi ng-machine iron-iodide iron-line iron-liquor ironman Ironmaster iron-mold ironmonger Iron -oak iron^ocher iron -red iron-rust iron-sand iron -saw iron-scale iron-shrub iron -sick ironsides iron-sided ironsmith iron- stain ironstone iron-strap iron -tree ironware iron weed iron wood iron -worded ironwork iron- worker iron -works iron wort iron-yellow isabel la-wood ieabel-yellow isinglass-stone islesman issue-pea istle-grass itaka-wood ita-^alm itching-berry itch-insect itch-mite itchweed ivorybill ivory-billed ivory- black ivory- brown ivory-gull ivory -gum ivory nut ivory-palm ivory-paper ivory -paste ivory-porcelain ivory-Bhell ivory-tree ivory type ivory-white ivory-yellow ivy-bindweed ivy-bush ivy-gum ivy-leaf ivy -mantled ivy-owl ivy -tod ivy. tree ivy won ixia-lily jaal-goat jabbering crow qack-adams jackadandy Jack-a-green jackal-buzzard jackalegs Jack-a-Lent ackals-kost : ackanapes ; ack-ape , ack-arch ; ackass ; ackass-brig ; ackasB-deer ; ackass-fish ; ackass-penguin : ackass-rabbit : ack-at»the=hedge ; ack-back ; ack- baker ; ack-bird ; ack-block ; ack-boot ; ack-by-the-hedge ; ack-cdain ; ack-croBstree ; ack-curlew : ackdaw ; ack-engine ; ackfish ; ack -fishing ; ack-flag : ack-frame : ack-friar ; ack-fruit ; ack-hare ; ack-hern : ack-hole : ack-hunting : ack-in-a-bottle , ack-in-a-box ; acking-machine ; ack-in lifting-bridge lifting-day lifting-dog lifting-gate lifting-gear lifting-hitch lifting- jack lifting-machine lifting- piece lifting-pump lifting-rod lifting-screw lifting-set lifting-tongs lifting- wire lift-latch lift-lock lift-pump lift-tenter lift-wall light-apostrophe light- armed light-ball light-barrel light-boat light-box lighthrain light- course light-dues light-elasticity light-equation lighterman lighter -screw lighter-staff light-fingered light-foot light-fonted light-handed light-headed light-headedness light-hearted light-heartedly light-heartednesB light-heeled light-horse light-horseman lighthouse lighthouseman light-iron light-kocper light-legged light-maker light-minded light-mindedness light-moderator light-money lightning-arrester lightning-bug lightning-conductor lightning 'discharger lightning-print lightning>proof 1 ightni n g-pr o tector lightning-rod lightning-tube light-organ light-room light-ship light-spirited light'Struck light=tight light- vessel light-wave lightweight (that whicb has lightweight) light- winged light- witted lightwood lignum-aloes lignum -vitse like-minded lilac-gray lilac-mildew lilac-rust lilacthroat lily-beetle lily-encrinite lily-faced lily-handed lily-hyacinth lily-iron lilyhver (a peiBOii) lily-livered lily- of -the-valley lily-pad lily-star lily-white lima-wood limb-hearing liraher-board limber-bof limber-chain limber-chest Umber-hole limber-strake limb-girdle limb -guard limb-root limeball limeball-light lime-boil lime- burner lime-bush lime-catcher lime- cracker lime-feldspar lime-floor lime-juice lime-juicer lime-kiln lime-light lime-machine lime ointment lime-pit lime-powder lime punch lime-rod lime- sink lime-sour lime-spreader limestone limestone-meter lime-tree lime-t^vig limetwig, v. lime-vial lime-wash limewash, v, lime-water limit-gage limit-point linch-noop linchpin linden -tree line-and-line linear-acute linear-eneate linear-lanceolate linear- oblong line- conch line-coOrdinate line-density line-engraving line-equation line-fish line-fisherman line-fishing line -integral lineman linen-draper linen-muslin linenspanel linen- pro ver linen- scroll line-pin line-riding line-rocket linesman line-squall line-storm line-wire ling-berry (fruit of the ,. ^i^S) hngberry (a plant) ling-bird ling-pink lingthorn lining-brush lining-felt lining-nail lining-paper lining-strip link-block linkboy link-lever . linkman link-motion link -rooming linkwork linnet-finch linnet-hole linseed linseed-cake linseed-meal linseed-mill linseed -oil linsey-woolsey lint-doctor lintstock lintwhite lint-white, a. lintywhite lion- ant lion-dog lion -dragon lionheart (a person) lion-hearted^ lion-hunter lion-leopard liou'iike lion-lizard lion-monkey lion=poisson lion''s-ear lion's-foot 38 THE COMPOUNDING OF WORDS lion'S'lieart Iion"'B''leaf lion's-moutb. lion's-tail lion'e-tooth #, lion's^turnip lion- tailed tion-^toottied lip-bit lip=borii lip=cell lip-comfort lip'^'comforter lip-'devotioii lip-fern hp-flsh li p-good li p»head ]ip=homage lip^hoolc lip^aljor lip=labonou8 lip language lip-ornftment lip=plate iip'protector lip-reading lip=rigliteousneaB ]ip°s^ve lip=service lip-spine lip-' tooth lip "Wisdom lip=wi8e lip -work lip^workmg liquation'' furnace liquation-hearth liqueur=cup liqueur-glass liquid-refrigerator liquor' cock liquor-gage liquor-pump liquor-thief listing-plow list-mill Hst-pan list-pot lint- wheel list work litany-desk litany-stool lit=house lithy^-tree littlebeak little-eaee little-endian little-gude littleAvorth live^-box live-center live-for-ever live "head livelong live-oak liver-color liver'=colored livei'=cnniplaint liver-fluke liverleaf liver-ore liver- pyrites liver-spots liverstone liver=wing liverwort Iivery=coat livery -collar livery -colors livery-cupboard liverysfifih livery-gown liveryman livery -office livery-servant livery-stable live-spindle live- well living-chamber living-room lizard- bait lizard-fish lizard -seeker lizard-stone lizard' s-tongue lizardtail lizard- tailed loading-bar loading-funnel loading -machine loading-plug loading-tongo loading-tray load-line load-penny loaf sugar loam-beatcr loam -board loam-cake loam-niokl loam-molding loam-platG loam-work loan-offlco loan-word lobby-member lobe-berry lobefoot lobe-footed lobe-plate loblolly-bay loblolly- boy loblolly-pine loblolly-sweetwood loblolly -tree lobster-car lobster- chum lobster-claw (claw of a lobster) lobster-claws (an alga) lobster-crawl lobster-louse lobsterman lobster-moth lobster-pot lobster-tail lobster-tailed lobtail, V. lobworm loch-moulinet lock'band lock-bay lock-bolt lock-bond lock-box lock-chain lock-chamber lock-cock lock = cramp lock-down locker- up lockfast lock-faucet lock "gate lock-hatch lock = hole lock -ho ok lock-house locking-pallet locking-plate lockjaw lock-keeper lock-lanyard lockman lock-nail lock-nut lockout lock-paddle lock-piece lock opiate lock-pulley lock-rail lock rand lock-saw lock-sill locksman locksmith lock-spit lock^spitting lock-step lock-stitch lock=string lock-tool lock-tortoise lockup lock- weir lock work loco-disease locomotive-b alance locomotive-boiler locomotive car locomotive-pump loco-plant loco-weed locum-tenency locum-tenens locust-bean locust-berry locust-bird locust-borer locust-eater locust- shrimp locust-tree lodestar lodestone lodestufF lodge =gate lodging-car lodging-house lodging -knee lodh-bark , log-beam log-board log-book log-butter log cabin log-chip log-cock logfish log'frarae loggerhead loggerheat logging-ax logging^bee logging- camp logging-head logging rock log-glass loghead log-headed log house logic-chopping log-line logman log-meaeurer log = perch log -reel logroll log-roller log-rolling log-scale log- si ate log-turner logwood logwood black logwood blue loin-cloth loU-poop lollj^banger lomi-lomi London-pride London -rocket London-tuft long-arc, a. longbeak longbeard longbill long-boat longbow long-breathed long coats long-descended ' long-drawn long-eared long- ears long-exserted long-faced long-field long-finncd long-glass longhand long-haaded long-headedness longhorn long-horned long-leg long-legged long-legs long-lived long-minded long-moss longneck longnose long-off long-on long-primer long-purples long-range, a. long-rest (in music) long-ruffer long-settle longshanks long shawl longshore longshoreman .long-short long-sighted long-sightedness long-slide long-slip long^spun longspur long-staple long-stitch long-stop longstop, v. long- sufferance ■ long-suffering longtail, n. (an animal) long-tail, a. long-tailed long-take longtongue long-tongued long-vipaged long-waisted long-wall, a. long-winded long-windedness long worm lookdown looker-on looking-for looking-glass lookout lookout 'basket loo -mask loom- card loom-comb loom-figured loom-harness loom-picture loom-sheeting loop-bolt loop-head loop-holder loophole looping-snail looping-worm 1 00 pi i gilt loop -test loop work loop worm loop-yoke loose- bodied loose-box loose-house loose-kirtle (a woman) loosening-bar loosestrife loose-work loo-table lop-eared lopez-root lopping-ax lopping-ehears lopseed lopsided loptail lop-wood lord-lieutenancy lordlike lords-and-ladies lordwood losh-hide lote-bnsh lote-fruit lote-tree lot-tree lotus-berry lotus-eater lotu8=tree loud-lunged loud-mouthed lounging-room loup-cervier loup-garou louping-ill loup-the-dike louseberry louse = bur louse-fly louse -herb louse wort lonsybill louver-board louver- window love-affair love-apple love-bird love-broker love-charm love-child love-dart love-favor love-feast love flower love-grass love-in=a-miBt love=in=a-puzzIe love=in'idleness love-knot love-letter love^Iies=bleeding love -lock love-lorn love-lornness love-making loveman love-match love-parrakeet love-parrot love- plant love -potion love-ribbon love-scene love 'Shaft love-sick love-sickness love-song love-spell love-suit love -tap love -token love-tree love-trout love-worth loveworthy loving-cup loving-kindness lowbell low-boy Low-church Low-churchism Low-churchman low-day low-dilutionist low-down low-downer lower-case, a. Low-German, «, lowland low-line low-lived low-minded low-necked low-pressure, a. low-spirited low-BpiritedneBS low-studded low-warp low-worm lozenge-coach lozenge-fret lozenge-goad lozenge -graver ' lozenge-m achine lozenge-molding lozenge-shapea lozenge-spur lozenge-tool lubbeir-cock lubber-grasshopper . lubberhead lubber-hole lubber -line lubberwort lubricant-tester lubricating -oil luck -penny lucky-bag lucky -dad lucky-daddie lucky^hands lucky-minnie IN THE STANDAED DICTIONAEY 39 lucky-proach lucky- stone luffier-boai'd 111 ffer -boarding liifE»hook lufE-tackle lug- a -loaf lugbait lug-bolt lug-foresail luggage-saddle luggage-van lug- mark lug- perch lug-eail lugwonn lukewarm lumber -car lumber-drier Inmber-kiln lumberman lumber-measure lumber- port lumber-room lumber -wagon lumber-yard lum-bead lumpfisb lump-sucker lump sugar lumpy 'jaw luna-moth luna-silkworm luncb -counter luncheon-bar lung fever lung'fish lungflower lung-fjrown lung-Uchen lung*mos8 lung-strongle lung-struck lung-tester lung-worm lungwort lurch-line lurking-place lust-breathed luBt-dieted luster -ware luster- wash lying-down lying-in lying-to lyme-grass lymph -cell lymph-channel lymph-corpuscle lymph -heart lymph-sac lymph- sin us lymph-space lymph-vessel lynrli-law lynx-eyed lyra-way lyre-bat lyre=bird lyreman lyre'pheasant lyretail lyre- lai led lyre-tnrtle ma'am-school macaco-worm macaw-bush macaw-palm macaw-tree mace ^ ale mace -bearer mace ' cup mace -reed machiiie-bolt machine-boy machine gun machine -head machine-made machine-naan machine-minder machine-oven machine ruler machine-shop machine tool machine-twist machine-work mackerel = bait mackerel -boat mackerel-bob mackerel -cock mackerel -gaff mackerel-guide mackerel-gull mackerel -latch, mackereJ-midge mackerel -mint mackerel -pike mackerel -plow mackerel -scad mackerel -scales mackerel-scout mackerel -shark mackerel sky mad'-apple madbrain mad -brained madcap madder-bloom. madder brown madder carmine maddu- rid maddcr-pi'int madder wort mad-doctor Madeira-vine Madeira- wood madel-paroowa mad-headed madhouse madman madnep madpash mad stone madu-nut mad weed mad wort mafurra-tree magazine battery magazine gun magazine rifle magazine stove maggot-eater maggot-snipe mag^loon magma "basalt magnesium-lamp magneto-bell magnifying=gl!iss magnifying-lene magnum-bonum magpie-diver magpie-finch magpie-maki m.agpie-moth magpie-robin magpie-shrike mahogany -birch mahogany "brown mahogany-color mahogany =guu:i mahogany-tree raabwa-b utter mahwa-oil mahwa'tree maid child maidenhair maidenhair-grass maidenhair-tree maidenlike maiden-raeek maiden-nut maiden-pink maiden-plum maiden's blush maiden 's-honesty maiden -skate maiden=tongned maiden-widowed maid-of='the-meadow maid -pale maid eervant mail -bag mail-box mail-car mall -carrier mail-' care mail-catcher mail -cheeked mail-clad mail-coach mail -coif mailod-cheeks mail -guard, mail -hood mail- hose mailing-machine mailing-table mail-master mail-matter mail -net mail -pouch mail-quilt mail-route mail -sack mail-shell mail-stage mail-train main-beam main-boom main=brace main-chocks main-couple main -deck main-de=fer main -hatch main -hold mainland main 'link mainmast mainmastman main-pendant main -pin main' post main-rigging mainroyal mainroyalmast mainsail main -sheet mainspring mainstay mainstaysail main-tack mai ntaining- wheel maintop maintopmast maintopsail maintopsail-yard main-wales main -yard maize- bird maize-eater maize-oil maize-smut maize-thief ma^oe-bitter major-general mai or-generalshlp makebate makegame make-hawk makepeace make -ready maker- up makeshift make-up makeweight making-felt making-iron making- off malc-fcrn male-spirited malletflower mallow-rose mallow wort malm^^tone malt-barn malt-drier malt-dust malt- extract malt-floor malt-horse malt-house malt -kiln malt-mad maltman maltmaster malt-mill malt-rake malt-screen malt-surrogafe malt tea malt-turner mammee-apple mammee -sapota man •■ape man-at-arms man-bound man-car man child man date- bread mandel stone mandoliu'player mandrel" collar mandrel-frame mandrel-lathe mandrel -nose mandrel "Screw man-eater mane = comb man 'engine mane -sheet man -fungus manganese-glaze mange-insect mangel-wurzel mange-mite manger-board mangle -bark mangle-rack mangle-wheel mango-bird mango-fish mango-hummer mangold" wurzel mango 'tree mangrove-bark mangrove-cuckoo mangrove-hen mangrove-snapper manhandle man-hater manhole manhole -cover manifold -paper manifold-writer man jack mankind manlike man-made man midwife man milliner manna-ash manna-croup manna-grass manna-gumtree manna'lichen manna-seeds manners -bit man "of^tlie- earth man-of-war man 'Orchis manor-house manor-seat man-pleaser man^power manroot man-rope man servant mansion -house manslaughter manslayer man stealer manstealing man-sty mantel board mantel-clock mantelpiece mantel-set mantel -shelf manteltree mantis -crab mantiS'Shrimp mantle-animal mantle-breathing mantle-cell man -trap mantua-maker manual-key manure-distributer manurC'drag manure-drill manure-fork manure-hook manure -loader manure-spreader man way man-worship manworthy Manxman Manx worn an many=folded many-headed manyplies manyroot many-sided many-sidedness map -drawing maple-borer maple-cup maple -disease maple-honey maple-molasses maple-sugar maple-syrup maple-tree mai>lichen map-measurer map-mounter map-projection map- study map-turtle marabou -feathers marabou -stork marble-breasted marble-constant marble-cutter marble-edged marble- hand saw marblehead marble-hearted marble-paste marblcpolisher marble-rubber marble*saw marble-scourer marble silk marble -thrush marblewood marble- worker marc hi and march-line March-mad march man mareh-mo V e m ent march -time march-treason march-ward mare's nest mare's-tail margaret-grunt margate-fish margin-draft margin-line margin -tailed marigold=fii!ch marigold window mariposa-lily marish-beetle mark -boat market-basket market- bell market-court market-cross market-day market-fish market -garden market-gardener market-house market-Jew market-lead market-maid marketman market=m aster market'^place market-pot market«town marking<=gage marking-ink marking«iron marking-m achin e marking-nut marking-plow markman markmote marksman markswoman mark-tooth mark worthy marlberry marlbo rough- wheel marl-brick marl-grass marlinespike marline-hitch marl-pit 4U THE COMPOUNDING OF WORDS marleslate marl=8tock marl stone marmaladcplum marmaladeetree marmala-' water marmotssquirrel marplot marrow =bone marrow=cel]8 marrowfat marrow pudding marrow=epooii marrow squash marshalman mar8h=beetle marsh-hellflower mar8li=blackbird marsh bunker mar8h=buttercup mar8h=cinqnefoil inareh=cros8 mareh-'diver mar8h=elcier marsh =fern marsh =f ever marsh fish marsh^flvefinger marsh'flower marsh =gas mareh^goose marsh^grasB marsh =harrier mareh^hawk marsh 'hen marsh=land marshmaliow marsh ■•marigold marPh-^miasma marfh-nnt marsh =parsley marsh apeep marshy pennywort mar8h=pestl e marsh=plover marsh-pullpt marsh^quail marBh-=ring:]et mar8h=robin mar8h=rosemary marshssamphire marsh =8hrew marfih=snipe marsh '=tackey marsh ■'tea mareh=tern marsh-'tit marsh "trefoil m arsh =■ watercress marshwort marsh = wren martel-de^fer marte! in e« chisel martext martin=8nipe martin=s wallow Marti ing=men marvel -monger marvel =of= Per a mary=8ole mash -cooler ma8hing=tiib mash'^machine mash'pnlper maBh=tub ma6h=vat mash^wort mask-ball maek-crab maskflower masking- piece mason =066 maeon-shell masnn-spider mason -swallow maeon=wasp mason work maBoola-boat masa-bell maps-book mass-center mass-day masse -shot mase-house massing-chalice mass-meeting mass-penny mas 8 -priest mass-vector mass- velocity mast- bass mast-carl ine mast-coat master-at-arms master-joint master-key master-lode masterpiece master -sinew master singer master-spring master-stroke master-touch master-wheel masterwork masterwort masthead mast-hoop mast-house mastic "Cement mastic-cloth mastic-herb mastic-tree mastiff =bat masting=honse mast-maker mastman mast'pocket mast-rope mast-tree mat-boat mat-braid match-board match -boarding match-box match -cord matoher-head match-gearing match = nook match ing-machiu e match-joint" match -line match-lock (a lock) matchlock (a musket) matchlockmau match-maker match-making match-pipe match = plane match-plate match-pot match-rifle match -rifling match = safe match -8 hooting match = staff match -terms match- tub match -wheel match-wood mat-grass mating-time matri mony- vine matting-boat matting-loom matting^punch matting-tool mattress- bo at matweed . matwork maudlin-drunk maudlin-fair maul-in-goal matil-oak maulstick Mauritius-weed mavis-skate mawmouth mawseed mawskin maw-worm maxim-monger May=apple maybe May -beetle May-bird May-blob May-bloom May-bloseom May-bug May-bush May-chafer May-cherry maycock maycock-fluke May- curlew May- day May-dew may 'drink Mayfish Mayflower May- fly May-fowl May-game May-garland mayhap May-haw May=hiU May = lady May-lily May- lord May-mom May-pole may-pop May queen may 'Skate may-sucker May-time mayweed may wort mazard-bowl mazarine-blue Mazarin-hood mazer-tree mazer-wood meadow-beauty meadow-bird meadow-bright meadow-brown meadow ^campion meadow -clapper meadow -clover meadow -crake meadow-cress meadow -drake meadow-fern meadow-fescue meadow-foxtail meadow-gallinule meadow-gowan meadow-grass meadow-hen meadow -land meadow-lark meadow-mouse meadow-mussel meadow-ore meadow-parsnip meadow- pea meadow-pine meadow-pink meadow-pipit meadow-queen meadow-rue meadow-saffron meadow* sage meadow-saxifrage meadow-snipe meadowsweet meadow-titling meadowwort meal -ark meal-beetle mealberry meal bread meal-cooler mealie-field mealing-stone mealman mealmonger meal-mom meal 'mouthed meal -offering meal -time meal 'tub meal-worm mealy-bird mealy-mouthed mealy-mouthedness mealy-tree mealy-winged meander-line mean-spirited meantime meanwhile measle-worm measure -moth me^uring-chain measuring-faucet measuring-funnel measu ri n g-gl ass measuring-line measuring-machine measuring-pump measuring-tape meas uri n g- w h eel measuring-worm meat-chopper meat-earth meat-fly meat-hunter meat- maggot meat- off ermg meat pie meatnfe meat-safe meat-saw > meat -tea mecha-meck medal -cup medallion carpet medallion pattern medal =machine medal -tankard median-ventral medicine-bag medicine -chest medicine-man medicine-pannier medicine-seal medicine =stamp medicine-stone medium-sized medlar-tiee medlar- wood medusa-bell medusa-bud Medusa's-head meek-eyed meeting-house meeting-post meeting-seed melancholy-thistle mela-rosa melic' grass mell 'doll mell-supper melon -blubber melon -cactus melon-caterpillar melon-hole melon-oil melon-shaped melon -shell melon -thick melon-thistle melon-tree melon -worm melting"cbamher melting-furnace melting-pan melting-point melting-pot membrane-bone membrane-suture membrane-winged memorandum-book memorial -stone mem-sahib menha d en -fishery mentum -tooth mercury scup mercury-furnace mercury -gatherer mercury ^fjoosefoot mercury-holder Mercury's- violet mercy-seat mercy-stroke mere -stake merestead mercstone mere-tree meridian-circle meridian-mark Merlln'e-grasa mermaid mermaid en mermaid -fish mermaid 's-egg mermaid ■"s-glove mermaid 's-hair mermaid's-head mermaid'e-pnrse mermaid -weed merm an merry-andrew merry-go-down merry-go-round merry-maid merrymake merrymaking merry man merrymeeting merry-night merrythought merrywing merveil-du-jour merwoman meshing-net mesh 'Stick mesh structure mesh work mesitine-spar mesqu it-bean mesquit-grase mesqnit-gum meequit-tree meeean^dog mess-chest mess-cloth mess-deck messenger-at-arms mess -gear mess -kettle mess-kit mess-lock er messmaking messmate meeemate-gum messmate-tree meee-table mess-traps metal -bath metal -casting metal -gage metal-plane metal -saw metal 'Wheel metal -work meteor-cloud meteor-dust me ter-p rover meter -wheel metes tick metewand methinks methyl amine methyl-blue methylconine methylene -blue methyl -salicylic methyl-violet mew-gull mezza-majolica mezzo -rilievo mi ana-bug mica-powder mica-schist mica-slate micr om ete r -bal an ce micrometer' sc re w mi croscope -lamp Mid as 's -ear midbody midbrain mid-cnnples midday midday-flower midden-crow middenstead middle-aged middle-class middle-earth middleman middle -rate middle-sized middle-spear middlC'Stead middleweight (a person of middle weight) mldethmold mid feather mid "gut mid -heaven mid'honr IN THE STAFDAED DICTIONARY 41 mid-impedimeiit midland midlayer midleg Mid-Leiit Tnid-main mid- morn mid-morrow midnight mid 'noon xnid-ocean mid-off mid-nn mid -pa rent mid- parentage midrib mid-!-ea midship midshipman mldshipmite midships midstream mid-styled midsnmmer midsumm er -men mid-snperior mldveiu mid -watch midway midwicivet midwife midwinter migration station migration -wave mildew-bronze mild-spolcen mile-post mile-stone milk-abscees mi Ik-and' water, a. milk-blotch milk-can milk-car milk-cooler milk-crust milk- cure milk-dentition mi Ik -d net mi Ik- factory milk-rever milk fish milk-glass milk-globule milk-hedge milk ^ house milking-stool milking -time milking;- tube milk-kinship milk-ky milk-leg milk-livered milkmaid milkman mi Ik -meat milk-mirror milk-mite milk-molar milk^nuree milk-pail milk-pan mi Ik -pap mi Ik -parsley milk-pea mi Ik -plasma milk-porridge milk-pump milk punch milk-quartz milk-scab milk shake milk-sick Tnilk-sicknees milk-snake milksop mi Iks tone milk-sugar milk-tester milk=thistle milk-thrush mi Ik -tie milk-tooth milk-tree milk-tube milk -vat mi Ik^- vessel milk-vetch milk-walk mi Ik- warm milkweed mt Ik-white milkwoman mi Ik wood milkwort milky-tailed millibar millboard mi 11 board "Cutter mill-cake mill-cinder mill-dam mill-driver miller's-dog miller's-thiimb millet-grass mill-eye mi 11 -feeder mill-file mill-fumace mill -gang • mill- nan d mill -head mill ■= holm mill -hopper mill-hopper alarm mill -horse milUng-cntter milling-machine miMing-tool mi 11 -jade mill man mill -money mill-owner mill- pick mill-pond mill-pool mill -post mill-race mill -ream mill-rine mill-rolls mill-round mill-rynd mill- scale mi 11 -sixpence mill -skate mill'Spindlc millstone millstone-balance millstone-bridge millstone-curb millstone-dress millptone-dreaser millstone-driver millstone^feed millstone grit millstone-hammer millstone-pick millstone-spindle millstone- ventilator mill -tail mill -ward mill weir mill-wheel mill -work millwright miltwaste mimic-'beetle mim-monthed mimosa -bark mina-bird mince-meat mince pie mincing-horee mincing-knife mincing-spade mind-cure mind-curer mind'day mind -healer minding-school mind -reader mind-reading mind -stuff mind-transference mine=captain mine-chamber mine-dial mineral -dresser mineral -holder mingle-mangle minfifer-pin minim rest mining-cami) mining-district mining-region mining-tool minion-like minne-drinking minnesinger minn o w=harnefl8 minstrel -squire mint bush mint-drop mint jnlep mint-mark mintmaster mint sauce mint-stick mint-tree mint-warden minute-book minute-clock minute-glass minute-hand minute 'jack minute-jumper minuteman minute-watch minute-wheel minx-otter mi-parti miracle-monger miracle-play miracle- worker mire- crow mire-drum mire-duck miriti-palm mirror- black mirror-carp mirror-galvanometer mirror-script mirror-writer mischief =maker mischi ef =m aki n g mischief -night missel-tree mission-rooms mission school Miss Nancy Miss-Nancyism mlssoy-bark mist-bow mist-colored mistHower mistletoe "bough mist like mist-rick miet-tree mitch -board mite I' -block miter 'board mittr-box miter-ciit miter-dovetail miter-drain miterflower miter-gage mitering-machine miter-iron miter-jack miter- joint miter-mushroom miter-plane miter'poet miter-shaped miter 'Shell miter-sill miter-square miter-valve miter^wheel miterwort mitis- casting mitis-green mixing-machine mixing-eieve mixture- stop mixty-maxty mizzenmast mizzen -ringing mizzensail moat-hen mob-law mob-master mobsman mob-story moccasinflower moccasin-plant moccasin 'Snake mock-apple mock -bird mockernut mock-heroic mocking-bird mocking-wren mock -orange mock-shadow mock-thrush mock-turtle mock-velvet mode-book modeling-board modelingsclay modeling-loft modeling-plane mo deling 'Stand modeling-tools model -wood mode rator=l am p mohair-shell moist-eyed mold -board mold -box mold -can die mold -cistern mold-facing molding-bed molding-hoard molding-box molding-crane molding-cutter moldingsfile molding-flask molding-frame molding-hole molding-loam molding-machine molding-mill molding^plane molding-plow molding-sand molding-saw molding-table mold-loft mold = stone mold-turner mold warp moldy-hill moldy = rat mole- bat mole-but mole-cast mole-catcher mole-cricket mole-eyed mole-hill mole^hole mole-plant mole -plow mole-rat mole-shrew moleskin mole-spade mole -track mole-tree moll -hern moll- washer moll -wire mollycoddle momic-cloth monad -deme money-bag moneybags (a wealthy person) money-bill money-box money-broker money-changer money-corn money-cowry money* dealer money -drawer money-dropper moneyflower money-grubber money-jobber money-land money-lender money-maker money -making money market money matter money-monger money -mongering money -order money-pot money-scrivener money-spider money-spinner money's worth money-taker moneywort mongrel -skate monitor-lizard monitor 'roof monk -bat monk ^ bird monkey-apple monkey-bag monkey 'block monkey-board monkev-boat monkey-bread monkey-cup monkey-engine monkey flower monkey=gaff monkey-grass monkey'hammer monkey-jacket monkey-pot monkey' press monkey-pump monkey-puzzle monkey 'rail monkey'g-face monkey-shine monkey-spar monkeytail monkey- wheel monkey-wrench monkflsh monk- seal monk-eesm monk"'8=gun monk's-harquebus monk's-hood monk's-rhubarb monk's-seam mont »de-pi6t^ monte-bank monte-jus montero-cap moodooga-oil moody-hearted moonbeam moonbill moon-blasted moon-blind moon-blink moon-box moon -calf moon-creeper moon-culminating moon -culminations moon-daisy moon-dial moon-eye (an eye) mooneye (a fish) moon-face moon-faced moon -fern moon fish moon flaw moonfiower moonglade moon -knife moonlight moon-lighted moonlit mo on -loved moon-madnesa moon-montb mo on -penny mooii'plant moon-raker moon-raking moonrise moon-sail moonseed moonset moon -shaped moon-sheered moonshine moonstone 42 THE COMPOUNDING OP WOEDS moon stricken- iiioonstnick moon -trefoil moonwort moon -year moor«ball moorband moorbcrry moor^- blackbird moor-bred moor=-buzzard moor=coal moor-cock moor=coot Moor dance moor-fowl nioor=game moor=graes moor=hawk moor=heath moor»hen moor-iil mooring=beiitl moorlDK=bitts mooring^block mooring«bridle mooring='C hocks mooringBpall mooringspost mooring^shackle mooring-stump mooring-swivel moorland i\loorman moor-'monkey moorpan nioor=peat mooretone moorstit moor-whin moorwort moose=bird moose'^call raoo8e=deer moo8e=elm moosewood moo8e=yard mootchie-wood moot^bill mopboard mope-eyed mop-fair mop-head (a head) mophead (a person) mop^headed mopstick mopey-eyed moraes-weed more-hough moreover more-pork morning=cap morningtlower morning-gift morning-glory morning=gown morning-land morningoroom morning-speecli morning-sphinx jnorning-Ftar tnorning-tide morocco-head morocco-jaw morris-dance morris^dancer morris-dancing morsing-born mortar-battery mortar^bed mortar-board mortar=boat mortar- carriage mortar-mill mortai'-ves&el mortcloth mort-de-chien mortgage-deed mortier-a-cire mortise-block mortise-bolt mortise-chieel mortise-corner mortise-gage mortise -lock mortise-wheel morti sing-machine mort-safe moseis-boat moBqnito-bar mosquito-canopy mosquito-curtain mosquito-hawk moequito-net mosquito-netting moss-agate moss=aicohol moss-animal moss-animalcule mossback moss-baas mossberry mosB-box mossbunker moss-campion moss-capped moss-cheeper moss-clad moss-coral mo86-=crops moss-duck moss-grown moss-hags mosshead moss-locust moss -owl moss-pink moss-polyp moss-rake moss-rose mops-rush moss-trooper moss-trooping mo 88 -wood moth-blight moth-cicada moth -eat mother- cask mother-cell mother-cloves mother country Mother Hubbard mother-in-law motherland mother-liqnor mother^lode mother-love mother-lye mother-maid mother-naked mother-of-coal mother-of-pearl mother=of-thousands mother-of-thyme mother = of- vinegar mother queen mot her- spot mother tongue mother- vessel mother- water mother -wit motherwort moth -gnat moth-hawk moth-hunter moth-mull en moth^orchid moth -patch moth -pi ant moth-sphinx moth -trap motion =bar motion=distortion motion 'indicator motley-minded motor-car mottle-faced motto -kiss mound' bird mound-builder mound maker mountain-artillery mountain-ash mountain-avens mountain -halm mountain-beauty mountain»heaver mountain-blackbird mountain-blue mountain-bramble mountain-cat mountain chain mountain -cock mountain-cork mountain-cowslip mountain' crab mountain -cranberry mountain -cross monntain-curassow mountain-damson mountain-deer mountain-dew mountain -duck mountain-ebony mountain-fern mountain-fever mountain-finch mountain-flax 'mountain -fringe mountain -grape mountain -green mo untain -g uava mountain -hare mountain'holly mountain-howitzer mountain-] an r el mountain-leather mountain -li corice mountain-linnet mountain 'lion mountain=lover mountain-magnolia mountain-mahoe mountain ^mahogany mountain -man mountain-mango mountain-maple mountain -meal mountain-milk mountain=mint mountain =par8ley mountain -pepper mountain -pine mountain-plum mountain-pride m o untain -rh ubarb mountain-rice mountain =rose mountain-sandwort mountain-'Sheep mountains soap mouhtain-aorrel mountain-sparrow mountain=6pinach mountain ' sweet mountain-tallow mountain-tea mountain-tobacco mountaiU'Witch mountain-wood mounting-block mounting-stand mount=needlework mournful 'Widow mourning 'bride mourning" brooch mourning- cloak mourning cnach mourning-dove mourning livery mourning- piece mourning ring mourning stuff mourning- widow mouse-barley mouse-bird mouse-hur mouse- buttock mouse- chop mouse-color mouse-colored mouse-deer mouse-dun mouse = ear mousefish mouse-grass mo use -hawk mouse-hole mouse-hound Hiouse-hunt mouse-lemur mouse-mill mouse-owl mouse-pea mouse-piece monse-roller mouse -sight mousetail mousetail -grass mouse -thorn mouse-trap mousing-hook mousseline-de-laine mousseline-glass mouth =arm month-blower mouth -case mouth-filling mouth-foot mouth- footed mouth-friend mouth-gage mouth -glass mouth-glue mouth = honor mouth i n g= m achine mouth-made mouth-organ mouth -part mouthpiece mouth-pipe mouth-ring mouthroot movement-cure moving- plant mowing-machine mow-land mow -lot mow -yard M roof M teeth mucilage-canal mucilage-cell mucilage -res ervoir mucilage=slit muck-fork muck-heap muck-hill muckle-hammer muck -midden muclc-pit muck-rake muck -rolls muck-sweat muck-thrift muck-worm (a worm) muckworm (a person) muco-pus mud-bank mud -bass mud-bath mud-bit mud -boat mud-burrower mud -cat mud-cock mud -cone mud -coot mud-crab mud -dauber mud-devU mud-dipper muddlenead muddle-headed m u dd le-headedness mud-drag mud-dredger mud-drum muddy-brained muddy breast muddy-headed muddy-mettled mud-eel mudfish mud -flat mud-frog mud -goose mud -hen mud -hole mud -ho ok mud-laff mucl-lamprey mud -lark mud -lava mud -minnow mud -plantain mud-plover mud-plug mud- puppy mud-rake mud-scow mud-shad mudsill mud-snail mud-snipe mud stone mud-sucker mud -swallow mud -teal mud-terrapin mud-tortoise mud-turtle mud -valve mud- volcano mud -walled mud -wasp mud weed mud -worm mndwort muff-dog muff-glass muffln-cap muflin-man muffin-ring muffle-furnace muffle jaw muffle-painting mug-house mug=hunter mugweed mug wort muir-duck muir-ill muir-poot mulberrv^faced mulberry-germ mulberry-juice mulberry-mass mulberry-rash mulberry- silkworm mulberry-tree mule-armadillo mule canary mule-chair mule-deer mule-doubler mule-driver mulekiller mule-skinner mule-spinner mnleJ-twist mule wort mu ley-axle muley-head mnley-saw mulga -grass mullen-piuk mullen-shark mullet -hawk mullet-smelt mullet-sucker mull -madder mull-muslin multiple poinding multiplying-lens multiplying-machlne multiplying-wheel mumble-the-peg mumbo- jumbo mummy-case mummy-cloth mummy- wheat mumping-day muniment-house muniment-room murumuru-palm muruxi-bark muscle-band muBclebill muscle-case muBcle'Casket muscle-cell muBCle-clot muscle-column muscle-compartment muscle-corpuscle muscle-current muscle-nucleus muscle-plasm muscle-plate muscle-plum muBcle-prism muscle-reading muscle-rod muscle-serum muscle-sugar IN THE STANDAKD DICTIONARY 43 mufilirooin-hitclies mushroom-spawn mushroom-stone mushroom -strainer mushroom-sugar music 'book music-box music-cabinet music-case music-chair music- clamp music-club music-demy music-desk music-folio muBic-hall music- holder music-house music -loft music-mad music-master music-mistresa music -papL-r music-pen music-rack music-recorder music-roll music-school music-shell music-smith music-stand music-stool music -type music -wire muBk-ba^ muBfc-bdll musk -beaver musk-beetle musk-cake musk-cat musk-cattle musk-cavy musk-deer miisk-duck musket 4ock musket-proof musket -rest musket-shot muskflower mnsk-gland musk-hyacinth muskit-grass muskmallow muskmelon musk-mole musk-okra musk- orchis musk-ox musk-pear musk^plant musk -plum muskrat musk-root musk-rose musk=seed musk-sheep musk-shrew musk-thistle musk-tortoiae musk-tree musk-turtle musk-weasel muskwood musky-mole muslin -de-laine muslln-glass muslin-kale musnud'carpet musquash-root mussel-band mussel -bed mussel-bind mussel-digger mussel-duck mussel-eater mussels pecker mussel-shell mustache«cup mustard-leaf mustard-paper mustard plaster mustard-pot mustard poultice mustard-seed mustard-shrub mustard-spoon mustard-token muster-book muster- day muster-file muster-master muster-roll mutation-stop mutton-bird mutton-chop mutton-fish mutton-fiet mutton -ham mutton head mutton-headed mutton-legger mutton -thumper muzzle-bag muzzle-energy muzzle-lashing muzzle-loader muzzle -loading muzzle-sight muzzle-strap muzzle-velocity myriad-minded myrrh -oil myrrh -plaster myrrh -seed myrtle-berry myrtle- bird myrtle-green myrtle- wax myself myth-history nadir- basin nail- bone nail bourne nail-brush nail -ex tractor nalMlddle nail-tile nail-head nail -headed nailing -machine nail-machine nail-maker nail-plate nail-rod nail-selector nail-tailed nailwort naked eyed naked-lady nakedwood namby-pamby name -board name-day name-father name-plate name-saint namesake name-son nancy-pretty nannyberry nanny-goat nap-at-noon nape- crest napha- water napier-cloth napkin 'ring nap-meter nappi ng-machlne nap-warp narras- plant narrow-gage. a. narrow-minded narrow-mindedness uarrow-uosed narrow-souled narrow-work naseberry-bat nassflsh native-born natterjack-toad natty-boxes natural-born nature-deity nature-god nature-myth nature-print nature-printing nature-spirit nature-worship nautch=girl nautilus-cup nave- box uave-hold navel-gall navel-hole navel^ill navel = string navelwort nave-shaped navy- agent navy-biU navy -list navy ' register navy-yard near-by, a. near-dweiler near-hand near= legged near -point near-sighted near - sightedness neat-handed neatherd neat-land nebbuk-tree neb-neb neck- band neck-bearing neck = beef neck-bone neck -break neck-cell neck-chain neck-cloth neck-guard neck -hackle neck-handkerchief neck-kerchief necklace neekl ace-moss necklace -poplar necklace-shaped necklace -tree neck-mold neck-molding neck-piece neck-ring ' neck-strap necktie neck-twine neckwear neck weed neck' yoke nectar-bird nectar-gland need- be needle-annunciator needle-bar needle-bt'am needle-board needle-book needlerbug, needle-case needle-clerk needle-file needle-fish needle-forceps needle-gun needle-holder needle-hool; needle-house needle-in str u ment needle-loom needleraan needle-ore needle- pointed needle-setter needle-shaped needle-sharpener needle-shell needle-epar needle-stone needletail needle4ailed needle-telegraph needle test needle-threader needlewoman needlework needle-woven needle-zeolite neem-bark neem-oil ne'er-be-lickit ne'er-do-good ■ ne'er-do-weel negative -bath negative-rack negro- bug negro-head negro's-head nephelin- basalt nephelin-rock . nephelin 'tephrite nerve -aura nerve-broach nerve ' canal nerve- capping nerve-cell nerve- center nerve-collar nerve-cord nerve -corpuscle nerve-drill nerve-ending nerve-fiber nerve-fibril nerve-fibrilla nerve-force nerve-hill nerve -hillock nerve-motion nerve-needle nerve-obtundent nerve-paste nerve- path nerve-pentagon nerve-plate nerve =rin^ nerve-rudiment nerve-shaken nerve='Stoim nerve-stretching nerve^substance nerve-tire nerve -tissue nerve-track nerve-tube nerve-tuft nerve-tunic nerve-twig nerve- wave nerve- winged n^st-egg nest-pan nest-spring net-berth net-braider net-fern net-fish net-fisherman net -fishery net-fishing nether-formed nether- vert net-loom net-mackerel net-maker net-making net-masonry net-mender net structure netted-carpet netted-veined netting-machine netting-needle nettle* bird nettle-blight nettle-butter fl nettle-cell nettle-clotli nettle-cieeper ncttle-l'ever nettle-fish nettle-geranium netDle-leaf nettle-monger nettle-rash nettle-springe nettle-stuff nettle-tap nettle-thread netcle-tiee nettle wort net-veined network nevermore never-strike nevertheless new-born new-come new-comer new- create New-Englander newfangle newfangled new -fashion new-fashioned new-fledged new-land New "light New-Mexican new-model, v. New-Flatonist new-snd news-agent newsboy news-house news-ink newsman newsmonger news -pamphlet newspaper newspaper-clamp newspaper-file newsroom news- vender news- writer news-yacht New-year New-Yorker next-ways nib-nib nick-eared nickel- bloom nickel -glance nickel-green nickel 'ocher nickel -plated nickel-plating nickel-silver nicker-nuts nicker-pecker nicker-tree nicking-file ' nicking-saw nickname nick=stick niddle-noddle niello -work niepa-bark nigger -fish niggerhair niggerhead nigger-killer night-ape night-bat night- bell night-bird night-blindness night-blooming night- bolt night-born night -brawler night-breeze night-butterfly nightcap night=cart night-chair night-charm nightchurr nightclothes night-cloud night -comei night-crow night -dew night -doctoi night-dog night-dress night -eyed nightfall night-faring night-feeder night-fire night -fish night-fishery night-flier nightflower night-fly night-foe night-fossicker night -fossicking night-foundered night-glass nightgown 44 THE COMPOUNDING OP WOEDS night-hag night-hawk night =heiou night'houyu nightjar night'key nigh t=l amp niglit=latch night'-light night=line night =liner night=long night=magistrate night=man nightmare night^monkey night=moth night* owl night= palsy night^parrot night=partriclgc night-peck nights pi (J tc night=porter night=raven. night=robe night-school niglit= season nightshade nightshirt night'-shoot night-side night" sight night^siiiger night-soil night" sparrow night=spell night=steed night '■stool night'swallow night'=sweat night = taper night-terrors night =tiine night=tripping night -waker night-waking night-walk night 'Walker night = walking night" wanderer night- wan dering night- warbling night-watch night -watcher night-watchman night-witch night- work nighE.=yarJ. nilly-will/ nimble- fiu^T-" red nimble-fo; tjd nimble-pi loued nimble-vViil nimble-witted nimini-pimini ninebark nine -eyed nine-eyes nine- holes nine-killer nine= lived nine-murder ninepegs ninepence ninepins ninety'^knot ninny hammer niopo-snuff ni6po=tree n iota- bark nipcheese nipper-crab nipper -gage nipper-men nipperty-tipperty nipping- claws nipple-cactus nipple-line nipple^piece nipple-pin nipple-seat nipple- shield nipplewort niter- bush niter-cake nit-grass nitta'^tree no-account noble-ending noble-finch nobleman noble-minded noblewoman nobody nob-thatcher nocking 'point noddy-tern node=and=flecnode node^and-spinode node-couple node-cusp node- plane node-triplet nogging-piece nohow noil -yarn noli=me-tangere no»man'e-land nonce-word none -80= pretty none -sparing nonesuch nonsenge»name nonsense -verses noodle-soup noonday noonflower noon-mark no-popery Norseman North- American North-Carol inian north-cock northeast nor them -spell northwest nose-ape nose=bag nose-band nose-bit nosebleed nose-brain noscburn nosefish nose^flute nose > fly nosegay nosegay-tree nose-glasses nose-hole nose-horn nose-key nose4eaf nose-led nose 'Ornament nose-piece nose = pipe nose-ring nosing-motion nosing-plane notch-block notch-board notch-eared notch ing-adz notch ing-machine notchweed notch wing note-book note-paper noteworthy nothinff-gift notice-Doard notion-counter not- 8 elf not-wheat notwithstanding November-moth, nowadays noway noways nowhere nowhither nowise nozzie-clock nozzle-moutn nozzle-plate nulla-nulla null-line numbe ring-machine numbering-press numbering-btamp numbfish numskull nun-bird nun-buoy nun's-cloth nun's-collar nun's-cotton nun*' 6 -thread nun' 8- veiling nur-and- spell nurling-tuol nurse-child nurse^frog nurse-hound nursekeeper nurse-maid nurse-name nurse-pond nursery-maid nurse-shark nursing-bottle nut-bone nutbreaker nut-brown nutcake nut' coal nut-cracker nutcracker (a bird) nut-fastening nutgall nutgrass nuthacker nuthatch nut-hole nut-hook nut jobber nut-iock nut-machine natmeal nutmeg-bird nutmeg- butter nutmeg'flower nutmeg-grater nutmeg -hickory nutmeg- liver nutmeg'Oil nutmeg-pigeon nutmeg-tree nutmeg-wood nut-oil nutpecker nut-pick nut-pine nut-planer nut-rush nut-sedge nutshell nut-tapper nutta-tree nut-topper nut-tree nut-weevil nut-wrench N-way nymph-like oak-apple oak- bark oak- barren oak-beauty oak-beetle oak-chestnut oak -feeding oak-fern oak-fig oak-frog oak-gall oak -hook tip oak-lappet oak -leather oak -lungs oak-opening oak-paper oak-pest oak-plum oak-potato oak -spangle oak- tangle oak -tanned oak-tree oak-wart oak-web Garfish oar- footed oarlap oar-lock oar-propeller oarsman oar-swivel oast house oat = cake oat-flight oat-fowl oat-graes oath-bound oath-breaking oath -rite oat-malt oatmeal oat 'mill oatseed-bird obi-woman object-finder object=glass object-leBson object'object object-soul object- staff object-teaching oblique-angled oblong = ellipsoid oblong-lanceolate oblong-ovate obovate-clavate obovate-cuneate obovate-oblong observation-car obstacle-race obtuse- angled obtuse-angular obtuse-ellipsoid obverse-lunate octave-flute octave-etop octavo-poet octo-bass ocuba-wax odd-come-short odd-come-shortly odd = ends Odd-Fellow odd- looking odd-mark odd-pinnate oddy-doddy ode-factor od-force ceil-de-bo3uf ceil-de-perdrix ofbit ofE-and-on off-bear ofE -bearer offcast off-come off-corn offcut offering- sheet off- flow offhand office-bearer office-book office-holder office-seeker off -reckoning offsaddle offscouring offscum offset offset-glass offset-pipe offset-sheet offset-staff offsetting-blanket offshoot offshore, adv. off-side, adv. offspring offtake often-bearing oftentimes ofttimes ogee-plane ohm -ammeter oil -bag oil- beetle oil -bird oil-bottle oil-box oil- bush oil -cake oil -can oil-car oil -cellar oilcloth oil-cock oil-color oil-cup oil-derrick oil -distributer oil-dregs oil-dried oil -drop oil-factory oil-fuel oil -gage oil -gas oil -gilding oil-gland oil-green oil-hole oil-jack oilman oil-mill oil -nut oil-painting oil-palm oil- plant oil-pret-s oil-pump oil-ring oil-rubber oil- safe oil -sand oil-seed oil-shale oil-shark oilskin oil -smeller oil-spring oil-stock oilstone oilstone-powder oilstone- slips oil-stove oil-tank oil-tawing oil-temper oil-tempered oil -tempering oil-tester oil-tight oil -tree oil-tube oilway oil-w^ell oily -grain old-ewe old-faced - old-fat- bio ned old 'fashionedness old-fogyish old-fogyism old-gentlemanly old-grain old-light old-line old-maid old-maidhood old-maidish old-maidifem old-man old-man's-beard old-man ' s-eyebrow old-man 's-head old-school old'Sightedness old' squaw old-time old-timer oldwife old-witch grass old-womanish old -woman ' s-bitter old-world oleander-fern oleo'Oil oliveback olive-backed olivebark-tree olive-branch olive -green olive-nut olive -oil IN THE STANDAED DICTIONARY 4a olive-ore olive-plum olive- shell olive-tree olive tyrant olive-wood olivewort olive-yard oliviu-diabase olivin-gabbro olivin-norite oUvin-rock omandcr-wood omnibus -box omnl u m-gatherum oncome ou-coming one-and-tnirty one- berry oue-blade one-cro6S one-eyed one-handed one • horse one-ideaed one-leaf oneself one-sidedly one-sidednes8 onfall onga'onga ongoina; on-hanger onion-couch onion-eyed ' onion -fi&h ^ onion-fly onion -grass onion -maggot onion-shell onion-skin onion-smut onlooker onlooking onshore, ado. onstead opal-blue opal- jasper open-air open bill open- breasted open-cast open-doored open-dot open-eyed open-banded open- handedness open-hearted open-heartedly open-beartednesa opening- hit opening-machine open-minded open^mindednesp open-mouthed open-gesame open=steek open-tide open«'ork opera-cloak opera-dancer opera-girls opera-glass opera-hat opera-house opera season opera-singer operating=table opera-troupe opium= eater opium-habit opium linimen*; opium plaster opium-poppy oposs nm-mouse opossum -shrew opossum -shrimp opus-number orange-bird orange-blossom. orange-butter orange-colored oran ge-cro wned orange- dog orange -flower orange-g orange-juice orangeleaf orange -legged orange-'Iily orange-liat Orangeman orange-musk orange-oil orange-pea orange-peel orange»pekoe orange -pippin orangeroot orange-scale orange-seed orange-skin orange-spoon orange-tawny orange-thorn orangetii) orange-wife orange 'Womaii orang-ntan orbflsh orb-like orb -weaver orchard-clam orchard-grass orchard-nouec orchard-oriole orchella-wced orchilla-wued ordeal -root ordeal-tree order-book order-class ordnance office ordnance officer ordnance sergeant ore-deposit ore -hearth ore weed ore wood organ-albumin organ-bench organ-blower organ-bnilder organ-fish • organ-grinder orgiui gun organ -harmonium organ-ling organ-loft organ-piano organ -pipe organ- point organ -rest organ-screen , organ-seat organ-slop oriole-tanager orizaba=root ormolu-varnish orphan asylum orphrey-work orris-pea orris-root osier-ait osier-bed osier-holt osier-peeler ostrich 'board ostrich-farm ostrich-farming ostrich-feather ostrich-fern ostrich-plume otherwhere otherwhile other whiles other-world other worldliness otherworldly otoba-butter otter-canoe otter-dog otter-hound otter- pike otter-frhell otter-shruw otter- spear oual)e=()il ounce land ouster=K'».nain ( All other familiar "words with oHf not here given to be solid.) out-and-out out-and-outer out-at=elbows out-bound outburst- bank out-court out-cut out-edge out-field out-fielder out-fling out-herod cut-lodging ont-nook out-of-door out=of = doors out-of= fashion out-of-the-way out-oven out-over out-parish out-patient out-pensioner out-picket outrigger- hois b out-sale out* servant outside-car out-sole out-street out-talk out-tongue out-top out- travel out-turn out-ward outward-bound out ward -sainted oval-lainceolate ovate-acuminate ovate ■cylindraceouf^ ovate-deltoid ovate -lanceolate ovate-oblong ovate-rotundate ovate-subulate ovate- V entricoso ovato-acuminate ovato-cllipsoidal ovato-oblong oven-bird oven-builder oven-cake oven ' coke oven-tit oven -wood ( All other familiar words with over not here given to be solid. j over-anxiety over-anxious over-anxiously over-brimmed over-chord over-cloth over-confidence over-confldent over-confldently overcup-oak over-curious over-development over-diligent over-discharge overdraw-check over-entreat over-exertion over-exposure over-exquisite over-fired over-fish overnow-basin overflow-bug overflow -gage overflow meeting over-fond over-force over-forward over-forwardness over-fruitful over-gaze over-hair overheating-pipe over-inform over-king overlap- joint overload-magnet overload -switch over-persuade overpick-loom over-picture over-plate over- preach over-production over-purchase over- rack over-rake over-refine over-refinement over-rent over-righteoua over-scrupulous over-scrupulousnesB over-scutched over- soul over-violent ovolo'plane ovum=cycle ovum-product owl-butterfly owlet-moth owl = eyed owl -faced owl-gnat owl -head owl-light owl-monkey owl-moth owl-parrot owl-swallow owl-train own -form own-root Qx-acid ox-antelope ox-balm oxberry oxbiter ox =bow ox-brake ox-cheek oxeye ox-eyed ox-fence ox=fly ox-foot ox-gall ox-goad ox'head oxheal oxheart ox-hide oxhoof ox-horn ox = land oxlip oxman ox-mushroom oxpecker ox- ray ox-reim ox-shoe ox-sole ox-stall ox-team ox-tongue (a tongue) oxtongue (a plant) ox-yoke oyster-bank oyster-bar oyster-bay oyster-bed oyster-bird oyster -boat oyster -bottom oyster- brood oyster catcher oyster -crab oyster-cracker oyster-culture oyster-culturist oyster-dredge oyster-farm oyster-farming oyster-field oyster-fish oyster -fishery yster-fishing jsier-fork oyster 'gage oyster-grass oyster -green oyster -hammer oyster-keg oyster -knife oysterman oyster- mushroom oyster-park oyster-plant oyster -plover oyster-rake oyster-reef oyster-rock oyster -shell oystei-shop oyster ^eign oyster-tongs oyster -wife oyster 'Woman ozone -box ozone -pax>er pace-aisle pace- board pace-eges pace-maker packaging - machine packail pack-animal pack-cinch pack-cloth pack-duck packet-boat packet-day packet-note packet-ship packet- vessel packhorse pack-house pack-ice packing "awl packing-block packing- bolt packing-box packing-case packing-cell packing- crib packing-expander packing.gland packing-leather packing-needle packing-nut packing-officer packing-paper packing-press packing-ring packing-shed packing-sheet packing-stick pack-load packman pack ^ moth pack-mule packneedle pack-rat pack-road pack-saddle packsheet packstalf packthread pack-train pack- wall pack ware packwax packway pad-bracket pad -clinking pad-cloth pad-crimp padding-flue padding-ken paddi ng-m achvno paddle-beam paddle- board paddle-boat paddle-box paddlecock paddle-crab paddle-end paddle-fish paddle- hole paddie-row paddle = shaft paddle-sloop 46 THE COMPOUNDING OF W02DS paddle-stafE paddle-tumbler paddle-wheel paddle wood paddlhig=crab paddock'pipe paddock^rud paddock-stone paddockstool paddy = bird paddy=field paddy '=nielon paddy rpoimder paddywhack pad=elephaut pad=hook padlock pad snag padow='pipe pad=saddle pad«6crew padetop pad = tree page^cord paging^machine pagoda=8toue page da= tree pail=bru6h paiUlathe paiUmachine pail^Btake painstaker painstaking painsworthy paint»box pal at- bridge paint- brusa paint-burner painted-cup painted-grass painted'=lady painter-'Btain. paint-frame paint=mill paint-mixer paint-remover paint-room paintroot paint-btrake paintwork pairing-time pair^toed palace-car palace-court palate^myograph palebelly * palebreast palebuck paleface pale-faced pale-hearted palette-lcnife palier-glissant paling-board paUsade=ceU palieade-paren chyma pali8ade=ti8sue palisade- worm palkee-gharee pall -bearer pallet-arbor pa]let=box pallet- eye pal lets leather pallet'moldino: pallet- tail pall-mall palmbarkstree palm- barley palm -bird palms butter palm=cabbage pal m= cat palm -color palmscrab palm=cro89 palmersworm palmsfiber palmshoney palm-house palm-kale palmsleaf palm-lily palm = marten palm-oil palm- sugar palmstree palm-veined palm-viper palm- warbler palm-wasp palm-wax palm wine palm-worm palmyra-palm. palmyra- tree palmyra- wo '>'' palo-blanco pal $y wort pam ban -manche para ero on -bark pampas-cat pampas-deer pampas = grass pampas-nce pancake pan cake -turner pan -cover pancreas 'ptyalin pandle-whew panel door panel sfurring panel -game panel-house panel'-picture panelsplane panelsplauer panel srail panel sraiser panel ' saw panelsstrip panel sthief panel-truss panel" wheel panel- working pan-fish (any fish for the pan) panfieh (the king-crab) pau=handle (handle of a pan) panhandle (strip of land) pan-ice panic-grass panic-monger panic-stricken panic-struck pan -man pannier-man panningsmachlne Pan-pipe pan-pudding pan-rock panther-lily panther-raotb panther-wood pantile-lath pantile-shop papaw'trce pap-boat paper bark paperbark-tree paper -birch paper-case paper-chase paper-clarap paper-clip paper-cloth paper-coal paper-cutter papers day paper-enamel paper-faced paper-feeder paper-flle paper-f older paper-gage paper gloBser paper-hanger paper-hanging paper-holder paper-hornet papers-knife paper-machine paper=maker paper-making paper^maroler paper-mill paper-mulberry paper-muslin paper-nautilus paper-office paper-pulp paper-puncb paper-reed paper-ruler paper-rush paper- 8 ail or paper-shell paper-size paper-epar paper-splitting paper-stainer paper-tester paper-tree paper-washing paperweight papier-machfi papillate-scabrou.' papmeat papmouth papooseroot pap-pox pap-spoon parachute-light parade-ground parade-rest parade=wall paradise-bird paradise-stock paradiee-tree paraffin-butter paraffin -oil paraffin-ecales paragon ite ' echlBt Para -nut parasol -ant parasol-fir parasol-handle parceling-machin© parcel-lirt parcel-maker parcel -office parcel-paper parcel-post parcel -van parchment- beaver parchment-lace parchment-skin pardon -bell pardon-chair pardon-screen pardon -stall parent-cell parent-form parent -kern el parge- board parm£ --chisel paring 4 ron parjng-knife paring-machine paring-plow ^arings^epade 'arissgarden park-keeper parkleaves parliament-cake Parliament roll pari or- boarder parlor-car parlor-organ parlor-skato parole-arrest parrel -rope parrel-truck parr=maiks parrot beak parrot-bill parrot=bLilifinch. parrot-coal parrot-crossbill parrot-finch parrot'fish parrotfiower parrot-green parrot^greenfinch. parrot-lawyer parrot'S'-bill parrotweed parrot- wrasse par si ey -c am phor parsley -fern parsley 'haw pare ley spiert parsnip-chervil parson-bird parson-gull parson-m-the-pnlpit parting-cup parting-glass parting-line parting rail parting-sand parti ng-ehard par tin g-6 trip parting-tool part-music part-owner partridgeberry partridge -hawk partridge -pea partridge=wood part-singing part song part-writuig party-coated party -col or party-colored party =gold party-] ury party -list party man party -spirited party wall pas cb- egg pasqueflower passage-board passage-money passageway pass-book pass-box pass- by pa68=check passenger-car passenger-elevator passenger- engine passen ger-locomotiv© passenger-pigeon passenger-ship passenger-train passe-partout passer-by pass-guard pass-holder passing-bell passing=braid passing'discorr*' passing-measuit- passing-note passing-place passing = tone passion-flower passion-music passion-oratorio passion-play Passion-tide passion-vine pass-key passman passmaster Passover pass-parole passport pas8-8hoo«iii^ pass-ticket pasBword pass wort pasteboard paste -down paste -eel paste-maker paste-point paste -pot pastern-bone pastern-joint paste-rock paste- wash pastil-paper pastmaster past- perfect pastry-cook pastry-mar. pasture-grass pasture-land pat=a-cake patch -box patchhead patch-polle(J patchwork patent-right patent-rolls pathfinder path-maker patrolman patrol -wagon pattern -book pattern -box pattern -card pattern-chain pattern-'cylinder pattern -drawer pattern-maker pattern-mold er pattern -reader pattern-shop pattern -wheel patter-song patty = cake patty -pun paunch -mat pavement=pipe pavement-rammer paving-beetle paving-machine paving-stone paving-tile pawl-Ditt pawl- press pawnbroker pawn broking pawn cock pawnshop pawn-ticket paw-paw paw-waw pax- board pay-bill pay -car pay-clerk pay-corps pay-day pay -director pay -inspector pay-list paymaster pay mi stress pay-office pay-roll pea- bean pea- beetle peaberry peabird pea-bluflE pea- bone pea = bug pea-busn peace-breaker peace-gild peacemaker peace -off erini; peace-officer peace party peace-pipe pea-chafer peach-black peach-blight peach-blister peach-blossom peachblow peach-borer peach-brake peach brandy peach-color peach-colored peach-down peach -house pea-chick pea-chicken peach-myrtle peacb-oak peach-palm peach-stone peach-tree peach- water peach' wood peach-worm peach wort peach-yellows pea-clara pea coal pea-coat peacock peacock -bittern peacock-blue peacock-butter^ -v peacock-fish peacock- flower IN THE STANDAED DICTIONARY 47 peacock-liatter peacock-iris peacock -pheasant peacock's-tail pea -cod pea- comb pea-crab pea-dove pea-dropper pea= finch pea-flower (a flower) pcaflower (a plant) peafowl pea-green pea-grit pea-gun peahen pea-jacket peak -arch • peak-cleat peak=cret t peak-do wnhaul ■ peak-halyards peak-purchaee pealip ]ieal-ringer peal-ringing pea-maggot pea-meaBle pea-moth peanut peanut='digger pea-ore pea-pheasant pea* pod pca-rakc pear-blight pear-encrinite pea-rifle pea-rise pearlash pearl-barley pearl -bearing pearl -berry pearl-bird pearl-blue pearl-bush pearl -disease pearl-diver pearl -edge pearl -eye pearl -eyed pearl -fishery pearl -fishing pearl-fruit pearl-grain pearl -grass pearl-gray pearl -hen pearling-mill pearl-lashing pearl -mica pearl -moss pearl -moth pearl-mussel pearl=nautiln8 pearl =opal pear^lonse pearl-oyster pearl-plant pearl-powder pearl -purl pearl -sago peal r-s hell pearl side pearl sides pearl -sinter pearl-skipper pearl -spar pearl-stitch pearls tone pearl -tea pearl-tie pearl-tumor pearlweed pearl-white pearl -winning pearlwort pearmonger pea-roe pear-shaped pear-shell pear = slug pear-tree pear- withe peasecod-donblet pease-crow pease-'hook pease-meal pease porridge pease pnddiiig pease soup peaseweep pea-shell pea-shell er pea-shooter pea soup pea-spawn peastone peat-bed peat-bog pcat-charooal peat-coal peat -coke peat-cutter peat-gas peat-hagg peat-macnine pent- moor peat-moBS pea-tree peat-reek peat-soil peat-spade pea- vine pea-weevil pebble-daehing pebhlo-Ieather pebble-paving pebble-powder pebble-stone pebbleware pebbling-machine pecan -nut pecking-bng pedal -point peddler's-basket pedestal-box pedestal-cover pedicel -cell peek-a-boo peel-ax peel-end peel-houBe peeling -ax peeling-iron peel-tower peen-hammer peep-bo peep-eye peep-hole Peep-o'-day Boy peep-show peep-sight peg-fiched peg-float pegging-awl pegging-jack pegging-machine pegging-rammer peggy-chaw peggy-cutthroat peg-joint peg-ladder peg-le^ • peg-btriker peg-strip peg- tankard peg-top peFican-fish pelican-flower pelican 's-foot pelican's-head pellet-powder pell itory-of -Spain pell-mell pelt-rot pelt-wool penang-lawyer pen-case pence-table pencil-blue pencil-case pencil-cedar pencil-compass pencil-flowei- pencii=eharpener pencil -sketch pencil -tree pencil-vaee pen-cutter pendant-tackle pen-driver pendulum-hausse pendulum-level pendulnm'-si)indle pendulnm-wire pen-feather penfish penfold pen-goBsip penguin -duck pengn in=rookery pen-gun penholder pen ■= maker penman pen -master i penny-a-liner penny^a-linerism, penny-bird penny-cress penny-dog penny-fee pennyfiower penny-gaff penny-grass penny -land pe^ny-mail penny-pies penny-purse penny-rent penny-room penny rot pennyroyal pennyweight penny- wisdom penny-wise pennywort pennyworth pen -rack pen-sac pensioning warrant pension-writ penthouse pen-tray pent-roof pen -trough pent-stock pen- wiper penwonian popper-and-salt pepper-bottle pepper-box popper-bush pepper-cake pepper-caster peppercorn pepper-cress pepper-crop pepper-dulee pepper.elder pepper-gi n gerbread peppergrass pepper-mill peppermint peppermint-camphor peppermint-drop peppermint-tree pepper-moth pepper-plant pepper-pod pepper-pot pepper-rod pepperroot pepper^sauce pepper-saxifrage pepper- shrub pepper-tree pepper-vine pepper -water pepperwood pepperwort perch -iron perch-loop perch-peet perch^plate perch =pole perch-Btay percusei on -bu llet percussion-cap percussion-fuse percussion-grinder percuBsion-gnn percussion-hammer percussion-lock .percussion-match percussion-powder percussion-primer percussion-stop percussion-table perfecting machine perfecting press perforating-machine perfume-burner perf u me . f o u n tai n perfume-set permutation-lock perspective-instrument pestilence-weed pestilence- wort pestle-pie ?eter-boat 'eter -pence pething-pole petit-baume petition-crown petlt-maitre petrol eum= car petroleum-ether petroleum-furnace petroleum-still petticoat affair petticoat-breeches petticoat-pensioner petticoat-pipe petticoat-trousers petty -morrel petty-rice petty-whin pew'Chair pew-gaff pewholder pew-opener pew-rent pewter-mill pewterwort pheasant-cuckoo pheasant-duck pheasant-finch pheasant's = eye pheasant-shell pheapaiit-tailed pheasant-Avood phenix-stone phloera-sheath phi ox- worm phonograph-graphophone phosphor-bronze phosphor-copper phosphorus-box phrase-book phraseman phrase-mark phrasemonger physic -nut pia-matral piano-case piano-cover pianoforte pianoforte =player piano -maker piano-music piano-school piano-stool piano-violin pibble-pabble • pickaback pickapack pickax pick back pickcheese picker-bar picker-bend picker el- weed picker-motion picker-staff picket-clamp picket fence picket-guard . picket-Tine picket-machine picket-pin picket-pointer picket -rope pickfcttail picking-peg picking-Stick pickle-cured picklfc-herring pickle-worm pickman pick-mattock pickmaw pickmire ' pick -mirk pick-over pick pack pickpocket pick-pointed pickpurse pick' rake pick tooth pick-up pick wick picot-ribbon picque-work picture-board picture- hook picture-frame picture =gallery picture-lens picture-molding picture -mosaic picture-nail picture-plane picture-rod picture-writing piece- broker piece-dyed piece-goods piece-liquor piece -master piecemeal piece-mold piece-work piece-worker pied-billed pied-fort pied-^^■inged pie-finch pie-mag pieman pie-nanny pi end-check piend-rafter pie-plant pier- arch piercing-drill piercing-file piercing-saw pier-glass pier-table pig-bed pig-boiling pig-cote pig-deer . pigeon berry pigeon-breast pigeon-breasted pigeon-cherry pigeon -express pigeon-fancier pigeon foot pigeon -goose pigeon-grass pigeon-hawk piL'eou-hearted pigeonhole pigeon-bouse pigeon-livered pigeon-match pigeon-pair pigeon -pea pigeon-plum pigeon 's-blood pigeon 's-grass pigeon tail pigeon-toed pigeon-tremex pigeonwing pigeon wood pigeon-woodpecker pig-eyed pig -faced pigfish pigfoot 1 pig-footed pig-headed pige-headedly pig-headednesB pig-hole pig iron pig lead pigment-cell pigment-granule 48 THE COMPOUNDING OF WORDS pigmeiit=inolecule pigment-printing pigment-ppot pig metal pignut pig-pen pig=rat pigroot pig'B»face pigskin pigsticker pigsty pig' 8" wash- pig's -wrack pigtail pika-sqiiirrel pike=fork pike=head (heakof a pike) pikehead (a fish) pike-headed pike-keeper pikeman pikcperch pike-pole pikestaff pike = sucker piketail pile-beam pile bridge pile-builder pile-cap pile-clamp pile dam pile-driver pile dwelling pile-engine pile-hoop pile pier pile-plank pile-shoe pile-start pile-warp pile-weaving pile-wire' pilework pile^worm pile-worn pile wort pilgrim 'bottle piling-iron pillar-block pillar-box pillar -brick pi II ar-com passes pillarsfile pillar-lip pillar-plait piilftr-saint pi 11 -beetle pill-box pill-bug pill-coater pillcorn pill-milleped pillow-bar pillow-bear pillow- beer pillow-block pillowcase pillow-cup pillow =laee pillow-linen pillow-pipe pillow-sham pillow-slip pillow-word pill-tile pill-willet pill-worm pill wort pilori-rat pilot balloon pilot«bird pi lot- boat pilot = bread pilot-cloth pilot'Cngine pilot-fish pilot-flag pilot-houae pilot 'jack pilot-jacket pilot-light pilot-snake pilotweed pilot-whale pimplcmetal pimple =mite pimp-like piila-cloth pinafore pinaster-pine pinball'-Bight pin-block pinborer pin-bush pin case pince-nez pinch bade pinch-bar piuch-cock pin=nherry piuchfiet pinchgut pinching-bar pinching'bug pinching=nur pinchiijg-pin pinching-tongs pinchpenny pinch-plane pinch'point uincb-spotted pin- clover pin-connection pin-cop pinc-pinc pincushion pin -drill pindust pineapple pineapple-cloth pineapple-flower pine- Darren pine- beauty pine=beetle pine- blight, pine-buflfinch pine-carpet pine-chafer pine-clad pine-cloth pine-cone pin6-drops pine-finch pine-grosbeak pine-grouse pine-gum pine-house pine -kernel pine-knot pine -linnet pine-lizard pine-marten pine = mast pinemaw pine-mouse pine-needle pine-nut pine-oil pine-sap pine-siskin pine-snake pine -stove pine-thistle pin e-tree pine- warbler pineweed pine -weevil pine 'Wool pine- worm pin -eyed pin -feather pin-feathered pin-fire pinfish pin-flat pinfold pin-footed pin -grass pin-head pin-headed pin-head sight pinhold pinhole pinion-bone pinion-fi.le piniou-gage pinion -jack pinion =wire pin-joint pinkcheek pinkeye (a disease) pink =eyed pinking-iron pink -needle pinkroot pink-saucer pinkster-flower pink -stern pink-aterned pink weed pinkwood pinky-built pin-lock pin -machine pin-maker pin -mark pin='niill pin-money pinnacle-work pinna -wool pin- necked pin-oak pinpatch pin-pillow pin-point pin-pool pin-poppet pin-rack pin-rail pin-rib pin-rod pin-switch pin -tail pin -tailed pintle-hook pin-tongs pin-tool pint pot pint^pot fa person) pint stoup pin-vise pin wheel pin-winged < pinwork pinworm pious-minded pipe-bender pipe-box pipe-case pipe -clamp pipe-clay pipe-clearer pipe-connection, pipe-coupling pipe-covering pipe-cutter pipe-dance pipe-die pipe-driver pipefish pipe-fitter pipe-flttings pipe-foot pipe-grab pipe -grip pipe-joint pipe-key pipe-layer pipe-laying pipe-lee pipe-line pipe-loop pipe-metal pipemouth pipe-mouthed pipe-oflice pipe -organ pipe-oven pipe-plug pipe-prover pipe -rack pipe-reducer pipe -roll piper-urchin pipe-screwing pipe-staple pipe-stay pipe-stem pipe-stick pipe-stone pipe-stop pipe-threading pipe-tongs pipe-tree pipe-twister pipe- union pipe-vein pipe- vine . pipe-vise pipe-wino pipewood pipework pipe wort pipe- wrench piping crow piping guan piping hare piping-iron piping plover pipit-lark pippin-face pippin-faced pippi n =hearted piqu6-work piquia-oil pirate-fish pirate-perch piri-jiri pirlie-pig pi rogue -rig pish-pash pi shy mew pise-burnt piss-clam pistachio-green pistachio-nut pistacbio-tree pistacite-rock pistol -cane pistol -carbine pistol-grip pistol-pipe pistol -router pistol-shaped pistol-shot pistol-splint piston-head piston -knob piston -packing piston pump piston-rod piston-sleeve piston-spring piston-valve piston-wheel piston-whistle pita-fiber pi tahay a- woodpecker pitapat pita- wood pit-bottom pitch-and-toes pitch-black pitch-blende pitch-block pitch-board \ pitch-boat pitch-cha'n pitch-circle pitch-coal pitch-dark pitcher-raold ^ pitcher-molding pitcher-nose pitcher-plant pitcher-shaped pitcher-vase pitch-faced pitch'-farthing pitchfork pitching-machine pitching-pence pitching-piece pitch ing-Htable pitching-temperature pitching-too! pitching-ycast pitch-kettle pitrhkettled pitch-ladle pitch-line pitch^mineral pitch-opal pitch-oce pitch-piiie pitch-pipe pitch -plaster pitch -point pitch -polisher pitch-pot pitch stone pitch-tankard pitch-tree pitch -wheel pitch-work pit-coal pit-cock pit-crater pit-eye pitfall pit-fish pit-frame pit-game pit-guide pith -ball pit-head pit-headed pith-paper pith -tree pith; work pit-kiln pitman pitman -box pitman -coupling pitman -head pitman press pit-martin pit-mirk pitpan pit-saw pit-sawyer pit- specked pit-viper pit- wood pit- work pivot'boH pivot-bridge pivot-broach , pivot-drill pivot-file pivot-gearing pivot-gun pivot-joint pivot- lathe pivot-man pivot-pin pivot-polisher pivot -span pivot-tooth pix-jury pixy -led pixy-puff pixy-puree pixy-seat pixy-stool pixy- wheel pizan-collar place-brick place- broker place-hunter placeman placemonger place-name place-proud placket-hole plack-pie plague-mark plague-sore plague-spot plambacks plain-chant plain-clay plain -dealer plain -dealing plain-edge, a, plain-hearted piain-heartedness plain-pug plain-singing plainsman plain-song plain-spea\cing plain-spoken plain-wanderer plain-wave plain-work plaiting-machine plait-work plane -bit plane-guide plane-iron plane-plane, a. plane-polarized planer- bar IN THJi STANDARD DICTIONARV 49 I^aner'center plauer-chuek planer -head plimer-tree plauer-vise plane-sailing plane* stock plane-table pi an e-t abler plane-tabling planet-gearing plane-tree itlanet-stricken pUmet-Btruck planet 'Wheel planing-maclilne planinff-mill pi an iBhlng'hanimer planish ing-iron planishing-roller planiehing-stake plank-hook planking-clamp planki ng-machine planking-screw plank-sAeer plantain -cntter plantain-eater plantain-lily plantain -tree plant-aniraal plantation-mill pi ant- bug plant-cane pi ant- cutter plant-disease plan treating pi ant" feeder plant- feeding pi ant- food plan ti ng-ground plant-lonBe plant-marker plant-movement plant-of 'gluttony plashing-tool plash -wheel plasterbill plastering:- machine plaster -mi 11 plaster-stone plastron-de-fer plate armor pi ate -basket plate-bender pi ate- black pi ate -bone plate- box plate-brass plate=bulb pi ate- culture plate^frame plate -gage plate giraer plate glass piate-bat pi ate -holder plate iron plate^key plate-layer plate-leather plate-machine plate mail plate-mark plate matter plate metal plate-mill pi ate- paper plate piece plate-powder pi ate -press plate-printer plate-printing plate-rack plate-rail plate-railway plate-roller plate-shears plate-tracery pi ate- vise plate- warmer pi ate- wheel platform bridge platform car platform carriage platform crane platform scales platform spring plating-hammer platinura-black platinnm-lamp })lay-acting play-actor ])lay-actorism playbill play-book play-day. playfellow playgame playgoer playgoing playground playhouse playing-card playing-passage play-maker playmate play-right playroom plaything playtime playwright plfty-wnter pleading-place pi easan t • spi rited pleasant-tongued pleasure-ground pleasure-house pleasure-train pleasure-trip pledge-cap pledge-ring pleromc' sheath pleu^h-paidle pleurisy-root plotting-machine plotting-Bcale plont-net plover-quail plover-snipe plow -beam plow-bolt plow-bo te plowboy plow-clevie plow-gang plow-gate plow-handle plow-head plowing-machino plow-iron plow-knife plowland plowman plow -point plow-press plow-service plowshare plowshare-bone plow-shoe plow -silver plow-sock plow-staff plow-star plow-stilt plow-swain plow-tail plow-team plow-tree plow- truck plow-wise plow-witcher plowwright plug-arbor plug-basin plng-bayonet plugboard phig-cock plug-finisher pi ngging-f creeps plug hat plng-hole plug- joggle plug-machino plug-rod plug-switch plug-tap ping- tree plug-ugly plug- valve plumb-bob pi umber- block plum-bird plumb-joint plumb -level plumb-line plum" broth plumb-rule plum-budder plum-cake plum-color plum-colored plum-curculio plum duff plume-alum plume-bird plume-bolder plume-maker plume-moth plume-nutmeg plume-plucked. plum-fir plum-gouger plum-juice plum-juniper plum 'loaf plummer-block plummer-box plummet-level plum-moth plump-faced plum-pig plum-pit plum porridge plum pudding plum-puddinger plum-tree plum- weevil plunge-bath plunge-battery plunge-pole plunger-bucket plunger-case plunger-lift plunger-piston plunger-pump plunging-siphon. plusn-copper plush-stitch plush velvet plush velveteen pock-broken pocket-book (a book) pocketbook (a pouch or case, also money or resources) pocket-dial pocket-droi) pocket edition pocket-flap pocket-gopher pocket-hammer pocket-handkerchief PQcket-judgment pocket -knire pocket-lid pocket-money pocket-mouse pocket-net pocket-piece pocket-pistol pocket-rat pocket-relay pocket-sheriff pock-house pock-mark pock-marked" pock-pitted pock-pitten pock=pudding pockwood pod-anger . pod-bit pod-fern pod -gaper pod-lover pod-ipepper pod-sbeU pod -shrimp pod-thistle pod-ware poe-bird poet-musician poet-Bucker pogy-catcher pogy-gull pomt-blank point-circle point- coordinate poiut-eqnation pointer dog point-finder point-hole pointing-machine pointing-stock point-lace point-pair point-paper point-rail pointsman point-sphere noint-tool poison-ash poison -bag poison-bay poisonberry poisonbulb poison -cup poison-dogwood poison-elder poison-fang poieon-gland poison-hemlock poison-ivy poison-nut poison-oak poison:' organ poison-pea poison-plant poison -sac poison-sumac poison -tooth poison -tower poison-tree poison-vine poisonwood poke-bag pokeberry poke bonnet pokfc-milkweed poke-net pokeroot poker-painting poker-i)icture poke- stick pokeweed polar-bilocular polarization-microscope polar-plant polder-land poleax pole-bean pole ' brackets pole-burn polecat polecatweed pole -chain pole-changer pole-crab pole -dab pole-hammer pole-head pole-hook pole-horse pole-lathe pole-mast pole-net pole-pad pole-piece pole- plate pole- prop pole-rack pole-rush pole- sling pole-stall pole-star pole -strap pole -tip pole-torpedo pole-vault pole- van Iting polewig policeman police nippers policy-book policy-holder policy-Khop policy-Slip pollshlng-bed- polishing-cask polishing-disk polishing-hammer polishing-iron polisbing-jack poll shi ng-machine polishing-mill polishlng-paste poll shin g-powder polishing-slate polishing-snake poliebine-stone polishing-tin polishing-wheel polish-powder polka-dot polka gauze polka-iacket poll-adz I poll-book poll-clerk pollen -brush poll en -catarrh i poll en -cell pollen-chamber pollen -fever pollen-gland pollen -grain poll en -ma SB pollen -paste pollen-sac pollen -spore pollen-tube poll-evil polling-booth polling-place polling-sheriff polling-station poll-mad pollman poll -pick poll-suffrage poll-tax polt-foot polyp-colony polyp-stem polyp-stock polystome-fluke pomme-blancbe pomme-de-prairie pompano-shell pond-apple pond -carp pond -dogwood pond-fish pond -hen pond'lily pond-mullet pond-mussel pond-perch pond-pickerel pond-pine pond-scum pond-shrimp pond -snail pond -spice pond-turtle pondweed pontoon bridge pontoon=train pont-volant ponty-sticker pony engine pony-saw pony-truck pooh-pooh. pool-ball pool-room pool -rush pool-seller pool-snipe pool -ticket poona-wood poonay-oil poondy-oil poonga-oil poon-oil poonseed-oil poon-spar poon-wood poop-cabin poop-lantern poor-box poor -farm poorhouse poor-lights poor-man - of -mutton 50 poormaster poor-rate poorospirited poor^spiritednesa poorwiU pop-corn pop-dock pope=Joan pope's='eye pope's =head pope's-noee pop-eyed pop^eyes pop*gun poplarebirch poplar'-borer poplar-'bnde poplar»ciag:ger poplar^girdlcr poplar-gray poplar^iitten poplaiMeaf poplar^lutcstring poplar=root poplav'^epinner poplar^tree poplar^twig poppet=head poppet=valve popping-crease poppy='Ded poppy^bee poppy^bnd poppy=flower poppy==head poppyleaf poppy=mallow poppy=oil poppy=seed poppy^stem pop'^sbop porcelain- cement porcclain-'Clay porcelain ■'col or porcelain-crab porcelain»furnace porcel ain*^ gilding porcelain-'jaeper porcel ain«l ace porcel ain=oven porcel ain-paper porcupine=crab porcupine-disease porcupine^fish porcupine=grass porcnpine^quili porcupine^wood pork-'butcber pork^cbop porkseater pork pie pork^pit pork sausage pork wood poi'pbyrysmotb porphyry»ebell porpoi8e»oil porpoi8e=8kin port-bar port«bit port-caustic port-crayon porte-acid porte='boDbeiir porte-cochere porte'=drapeau port-electric, a. porte=lumiere porte^monnaio porter-bouee port-face port^fire port'^fiange port«hoIe port = hook port»lanyard portlast poi"t-iid pori'lifter portman portman^note port-mote port=pendant portrait-lens portrait -painter portrait-stone portreeve port-rope port" rule port-sale port'=8ash port-sill port -stopper port=tackie port-tackle man porr-town port way port wine popition-finder posi ti on«micrometer posset-ale posset-cup posset-pot pos8um=oak post-adjutant postage-stamp post-angel post-bag post-bill THE COMPOUNDING OF WORDS post-bird post-book post-box postboy post-butt post- captain post-card post-cedar post-chaise post-chariot post-coach post'day post-diseeizin post-diseeizor post-drill post-driver postern-door postern-gate post-free poet-backuey post-haste post- bolder post-hole post-horn post-horse post'house postilion -basque postilion-belt poeting-houBe posting-inn poist-jack post-line postman postmark postmaster postmaster-general postmaster-generalship poet-mill postmistress post-morning post-night post-note post-oak post-office post-paid post'pocket post-rider post ^ road post-stamp post-time post-town post-trader posture-maker posture-making post-wagon post^windlass posy-ring potation-penny potato -beetle potato- bing potato -blight potato- bogle potato 'bread potato-bug potato-digger potato-disease potato-eel potato -fern potato -fungus potato-grant potato-hook potato-mold potato- murrain potato -oat potatb-oil potato-onion potato -pen potato -plant potato-planter potato -rot potato -scoop potato-skin potato-spirit potato-starch potato -sugar potato-vine pot- barley pot-bellied pot-belly (a belly) potbelly fa person, a fish) pot-boiler pot-boiling pot-boy pot-cake pot=celt pot=cheese potcber-engine potching-engine potching-machine pot = claw pot-clep pot-companion potence-file pot-eye pot-fish pot = fisher pot-fisherman pot-gutted pot -hanger pot-hat pot-hellion pot 'helmet pot-herb pot-hole pot-hook (a hook) pothook (a character) pot -bouse pot-hunter pot-hunting pot-knight pot-lace pot- 1 cad pot-lid pot- 1 iq nor pot -luck pot-man pot- marigold pot = metal pot 'miser pot-paper potpie pot-plant pot-plate potrack pot-roast pot-setting potshell potsherd pot-shop pot-shot pot = stick pot-still potstone potter-wasp pottery-tissue pottery-tree pottery-ware potting-cask pot ting-house potting -stick pottle-bellied pottle^- bodied pottle-deep pottle-draught pot-tree pot-valiant pot-valiantry pot- wab bier pot-waller pot* walloper pot- wall oping pot-wheel potwork pot- works pot-wrestler pouch-bone pouchet-box pouch =^1I pouch -gil led pouch-book pouch-maker pouch-mouse pouch-toad pouit-de-soie pouit-foot poultice-boot poultice-shoe poultry -farm poultry-feeder poultry -house poultry-yard pounce-bag pounce-box ., pounce-paper pounce t-box pounce-tree pouncing-machine pound-boat pound- breach pound-cake pound -foolish poundings barrel pounding-machine pound-keeper ponndman poundm aster ponnd-nct pound-rate pound:- scoop pound weight poundwort pouring-gate pouring-hole pouring-stick pousse-cafe pout-net poverty -grass poverty-plant poverty-stricken poverty -struck poverty- weed powder = blower powder-box powder-cart powder-chamber powder-chest powder-division powder-down powder-flag powder-flask powder-gun powder =horn powder-hose powdering -go^vn powdering-mill powdering-tub powder-magazine powder-man powder-mill .powder-mine powder-monkey powder-paper powder-popt powder- pro ver powder-puff powder-room powder-scuttle powdeioshoot power-capstan pciwer- hammer power-house power-lathe power-'lcom power -machine, power -press pox-stone poy-bird practice-ship prad-holder prairie-alligator prairie-'apple prairie-bean prairie-bird prairie-bitters . prairie-brant prairie-burdock prairie-chicken prairie-clover prairie-cocktail prairie-dock prairie-dog prairie -falcon prairie-fly prairie -fox prairie -goose • prairie-grasB prairie- hawk prairie-hen prairie -marrnot prairie-mole prairie- oyster prairie-pigeon prairie -plover prairie-plow prairie-rattler prairie-rattlesnake prairie -rose prairie-schooner prairie-snifje prairie-squirrel prairie-turnip prairie-warbler prairie-wolf praiee-meeting praiseworthy ' prattlebox prayer-bead prayer-book prayer-carpet prayer-cure prayer-meeting prayer-mill prayer-monger prayer-rug prayer-stick prayer=tbong prayer-wheel praying-deek praying-insect praying-mac bine praying-mantis praying- wheel preach er-i n =th e»pulpit preaching-cross prescription-glass presence-chamber pre eence-room present-perfect preserve-jar press-agent press-beam press-bed press-blanket press-blocks press-boards press-boy press -cake presser-bar presser-flyer presser-foot presser-frame press-gang press-girthing pressing -bag pressing-board pressing-iron pressing-plate pressing-roller press -key pressman press-mark press-master press-money press -pack press-pile presB-pin press-plate press-i>rinting press-proof pressroom press-stone pressure -bar pressure- blower pressure-figure pressure-filter pressure-forging pressure-gage pressure-note pressure-register pressure-screw pressure-spot presBWork press-yeast prest-money pretty-grass prettypretty pretty-spoken pnce-cnrrent IN" THE STANDAED DICTIONARY 51 price-list price "tag prick-eared prick ing-noto pricking" wheel prickleoaclc prickle-cell prickle-fish prickle-layer prickle-yellow pricklouse prick-lugged prirkly-ash pricklyback prickly-broom prickly-cedar prickly-grass prickly»pear prickly-pole prickly ospined prickly- withe prick -me-daiiLty prick -post prick -punch prick shot prick-spur prick-the-garter prick-the-Tonse prick -timber prick- wheel prickwood pride-gavel pride- of -Barbados pride-of-China pride-of-Columbia pride- of -India , pride -of- London pride-of-Ohio prie-dien priest-cap priestcraft priestflsh -priest-ill priest-monk prie stridden priest^s-crowu prima- vista primer-pouch primer-seizin prime- staff priming=horn priming-iron priming-machine priming-powder priming-tube priming-wire primroseapeerlese primrose- willow prince's-feather princess-pine prince wood pri nkum-prankum prinpriddle print-broker print-cloth print- cutter print-^eld print-holder printing-body printlng=frame printing-house print! ng=ink' printing-machine printing-office printing -paper printing-press printing=telegraph printing-type printing" wheel print-room print-seller print-shop print-worka prism=train prison-bars prison-base prison-breach prison-breaking prison-fever prison ship pri son -van prittle-prattle privat-docent privateersman privet-hawinnoth privy -fly prize='bol«t prize-court prize-fight prize-fighter prize-fighting prize-list prizeman prize-master prize-money prize-ring probate-duty probe-pointed probe-scissors probing-awl proboscis-monkey proboscis-rat procession-'floweF process-server produce='broker produce exchange produce-merchant profile-board profile-cutter profile-paper profile-piece profiling-machine profit-sharing promise-breach promise "breaker promise-crammed prompt-book prompt- center prompt-note prompt -side prongbuck prong-chuck prongdoe prong 'hoe pronghorn proof-armor pro of- galley proof-glass proof-house proof -leaf proof-mark pro of -paper proof.plane proof -press proof -print proof -printer proof-reader proof-reading proof-sheet proof -spirit proof -BtafE proof-stick proof-text propagating -bench propagating-box propagating-fflass prQpagating-house propeller-engine propell er-mo wer propeller- pump ' propeller-shaft propelljpr-well propeller 'Wheel property-man property-master property-plot property-room property tax prophecy-monger propbetflower prop=ioint prop-stay prop-wood proae-man prose-writer protocol -book proto = compound protr acting-bevel prott- goose proud-hearted proud-pied proud-stomached proving -ground proving- hut proving -press proving-pump provision-car provision-dealer provision-merchant prosy-wedded prune-purple prune- tree pruning-chisel pruning-hook pruning-knife pruning-saw pruning-shears psalm-book psalm-melodicon psalm-singer psalm-singing psalm-tone public-hearted public-minded public = mihdedness public-spirited public-spiritedly pubUc-spiritedness puckball pudding-bag pudding-cloth pudding-faced pudding-fish pudding-grass puddlnghead pudding-headed pudding-pie pudding-sleeve pudding-stone pudding-time pudding -wife puddle-ball puddle=bar puddle-duck puddle-poet puddle-rolls puddling-furnace puddling-machine puddling-rolls puff-adder puffball puff -bird puff-box puffer-pipe puff-fish puffing adder puffing pig puff-netting puff-paste pug-clog pug- faced pug-mill pug-nose (a nose) pugnoee (an eel) pug-nosed pug-piles pug-plling puka-puka puke weed puking-fever pulas-oil pu las-tree pulk-hole pull back pull-cock pull-devil pull-down pulley-block pulley^box pulley-check pulley-clutch. pulley-drum pulley-frame pulley-mortise pulley-sheave pulley-ehell pulley=stand pulley-stone pulley-wheel pulling-jack pulling-out pull-iron pull-off pull-over pull-piece pull -pipes pull-to pulp-boiler pulp-cavity pulp-colors pulp-digester pulp-dresser pulp-engine pulp-grinder pulpin g-raachine pulp -machine pulp-meter pulp-mill pulp-strainer pulp-washer pulque brandy pulse -curve pulsesglass pulse-rate pulse-warmer pulse-wave pulverizing- mi 11 pulza-oil pumice-stone pumie-stone pump-barrel pump-bit pump-bob pump -bolt pump-box pump-brake pump-cart pump-chain pump-cistern pump-coat pump-dale pump-gear pump-handle pump-head pump-hood * pump-house pumping-engine pumping-haft pump-kettle pumpkinhead pumpkin -pi ant pumpkin-seed (a seed) pumpkinseed (a fish, etc.) pumpkin- vine pump-lug pump-pieton pump-plunger pump-room pump-s'raper pump-spear pump-staff pump=stock pump- stopper pump-thunder pump-well puna-wind punch-bowl punch-check punch-cutter punch-glass punch -ho use punching-bag punching-bear punch! n g-raachine punching-presB punch-jug punch-ladle punch-phers punch-prop punctate-striate punctate-sulcate punk -oak punt-fishing punt-gun punteman pun ty -rod pupil-teacher puppetmau puppetm aster puppet-play puppet -player puppet-show puppet-valve puppy -dog puppy-fish puppy-headed purchasc-biock purchase-fall purchase-money purchase-shears purge-cock purging- agaric purging-caseia purging'cock purging-flax purging-nut purification- flowei purl -goods purl-house purlin -post purl man purple-egg purple-fish purple-heart purplellp purple -marbled purple -wood purplewort purple- wreath purpose-like purre-maw purse-bearer purse-bearing purse-boat purse- clasp purse-crab purse-crew puree-cutter puree-davit purse-gang purse-gill purse-gilled purse-leech purse-line purse-mouth purse-net pursenet-fish purse-pinched purse-pride purse -proud purse-ring purse-rope purse-seme purse-seiner purse-silk purse-snap purse -spider purse-strings purse-taking purse-twist purse-weight pursing-block pursiug-gear pursing-line purslane-tree purslane-worm push-button push' car push-hoe push-hole pushing-jack push-pick pnsh-pin puss-clover puss-gentleman, puss-moth pusstail pussy-cat pussy-willow putlog putlog-hole put-off put-pin putting-green putting-stone putty-eye putty-faced putty-knjfe ^ putty-powder puttyroot putty -work put-up puzzle-cup puzzlehead puzzle-headed puzzle-headeduess puzzle- jug puzzle-lock puzzle-monkey puzzle-peg puzzle-ring pye -powder pygmyweed pyramid-shell pyx-cloth pyx 'kerchief pyx-veil qua-bird quack -grass quacksalver quadrant- compass quail-call quail -dove quail-muttou quail-pigeon 52 THE COMPOUNDIlSrG OF WOEDS quail-snipe quakesgrass quaker-bird Qnaker-'Color quaker "grass quaker^moth quaketail quaking-grass quality^binding quam4sh»rat quantity "Culture quantity afuse quarrel -pane quarrel-picker quarry-faced quarry-hawk qnarrying-machine qnarryman quarry -elave quarry- water quarter "angled quarter -aspect quarter ^back quarter^badge quarter-bend quarter-bill quarter-bitts quarter-blanket quarter 'blocks quarter-board quarter-boat quarter-boot quarter-bound quarter-boys quarter- bred quarter-cask quarter-cast quarter- cleft quarter-cloth quarter-day quarter-deck , quarter-decker quarter-evil quarter- face quarter-fast quarter-fishes qua:rter=franc quarter-gallery quarter-grain quarter-guard quarter-gunner quarter-hollow quarter-horse quarter-hung quarter -ill quartering-belt quartering=bl ock quarter! ng-hammer quartering-machine quarter-iron quarter land quarter-light quarter-line quartermaster quartermaster ' general quartermaster-sergeant quarter-netting quartern -loaf quarter-noble quarter note quarter-pace quarter-partition quarter-pieces quarter -pierced quarter plate quarter "point quarter-pointed quarter -rail quarter rest » quarter-round quarter-saver quarter-sawed quarter^ seal quarter-section quarter-sessions quarter-sights quarter-sling quarter-square quarter-staff quarte r-stan chi od quarter-stuff quarter-tackle quarter -timber quarter-tone quarter = trap quarter-turn quarter-undu] ation quarter-vine quarter-waiter quartor-watch quarter-wind quarter-yard quartz -crusher quartz-liquefler quartz-mill quartz-porphyry quartz^-reef quartz-rock quartz-sinter quartz-trachyte quartz -vein quashy-quaaher quassia-tree quaver rest quay-berth queen-apple queen-cell queen-conch queen craft Queen-day queenfish queen -gold queen-Uly queen mother qaeen-of-the=ineadows queen-of =the-prairie queen-poet queen's-arm queen's-delight queen's-flower queen's-lily queen's 'metal queen'8 = pigeon queen's -root queen -stitch queen's- ware queen's^yellow queen -truss queez-madam quenching-tub quenouille-training quercitron-bark quercitron -oak quernstone quick- beam quick-eyed quick-grass quickhatch quick-hedge quick-in-hand quicklime quick-march quick -match quicksand quick-scented quickset quick 'Sighted quick-sigbtednees quicksilver quickstep quick "tempered qujck-witted quick-wittedness quickwood quick -work quieting-chamber quill ai-bark quillback quill-bit quill-coverts quill-driver quill-driving quill-feather quill nib quill pen quilltail quill -turn quill -work quill wort quilting-bee quilting-cotton quilting'frame quince-essence quince-juice quince-seed quince-tree quince wine quink-goose quinsy-berry quinsywort quintuple=nerved quintuple-ribbed quirk- float quirkinpplane quitch-grass quitclaim quitclaimance quit-rent quiver-tree quiz-class quiz-master quizzing-glass quoin-post quotation-mark quote worthy rabbeti ng-machine rabbet-joint rabbet-plane rabbet- saw rabbi tberry rabbit thrush rabbi tear rabbit-eared rabbit-fish rabbit-hutch. rabbit-moth rabbit-rat rabbitroot rabbit-spout rabbit-squirrel rabbit-warren rabble-fish race-card race-cloth race -course race-cup race-ginger race=ground race-horse race = knife race-meeting race-plate race track raceway racing-bell racing-bit racing-calendar rackabonee rackapelt rackarock rack-bar rack-block rack-calipers rack-car rack^compass racket=court racket-ground rackettail racket-tailed rack -hook racking-can racking-cock racking-crook racking- faucet racking-pump racking-table rack -pin rack-rail rack-railway rack-rent rack -renter rack-saw rack-stick rack-tail rack work racoon berry racoon-dog racoon -oyster racoon -perch raddle-hedge radiate -veined radius-bar radius-saw raffle-net raffling "net raff-merchant raft-breasted raft-dog raft- duck rafter-bird rafting-dog raft- like raft-merchant raft- port raft- rope raftsman ragabash ragamuffin rag-bolt rag-bush rag- dust rag-engine rag-fair ragged-lady ragged-robin ragged-sailor ragged-school ragged-staff ragging'frame rag-knife rag-looper ragman ragpicker rag-shop rag-sorter ragstone rag=tag rag-turnsol ragweed rag-wheel rag- wool rag-work ragworm ragwort ran -bender rail-bird rail-bittern rail -board rail-borer rail -brace rail-chair rail-clamp rail-coupling rail-drilling rail -guard railing=post rail-key rail -post rail-punch railroad railroad-car railroad -worm rail-saw rail-snipe rail -splitter rail-straighteuing railway rail way -carriage railway -chair railway company railway crossing railway-frog railway-slide rail way- stitch rail way- switch railway-tie railway-train rain ball rainband rain bird rainbow rainbow-agate rainbow-darter rainbow-fish rainbow-hued rainbow-tinted rainbow -quartz rainbow-troui rainbow-worm rainbow-wrasse rain -box rain-chamber rain-chart , rain-cloud rain-crow rain-doctor rain-door rain 'drop rainfall rainfall -chart rain-fowl rain -gage rain-goose rain-maker rain-map rain-paddock rain -pie rain pour rain-print rain -pro of rain -quail rain-storm rain -tight rain -tree rain -wash rain-water raising- bee raising-board raising'gig raising-hammer raising'knife raising'-pece raising-plate raisin -seed raisin-tree raisin wine rake-dredge rake-head rakehell rake-vein raking-piece rallying-point; ram-bow ram-cat ram -goat ram-fiead ram-headed ramie-fiber ramie-plant ram^line rampart- grenade; rampart-slope rampsman ram-riding ramrod ramrod -bayonet ramshackle ram's-head ram's- horn ramskin ram -stag ram =s tarn ranch -house ranchman randall-grass randan -gig randing-machin& randing-tool randle-balk randle-bar ran die -tree range-finder range -head 8 range-lights range -stove range- table ranging-rod rank-axis rank-curve rank-plane rank=point rank-radiant rank-scented rank-surface- ranneKbalk ransom-bill ransom -free rantle-tree ran-tree rape-butterfly rape-cake rape-oil rape^seed rape-wine rap-full rapier-fish rarebit raree-show rareripe rascal like rasing^ron rasing-knife raspberry raspberry-borer raspberry-bush rasp-house rasping-machine: rasping-mill rasp- palm rasp- pod rasp -punch ratan cane ratany - root rat-catcher ' IN THE STANDARD DICTIONARY 53 rat -catching ratchet-brace ratchet-burner ratchet'COHpUng ratchet'driU ratchet 'jack ratchet-lcver ratchet -pedal ratchet-post ratchet- punch ratchet-rifling ratchet-wheel ratchet- wrench rate-book ratepayer rate paying rate-tithe ratflsh rat -goose rat-hare rat -hole rating-inptrnmeut ration -money rat-kangaroo ratline -stuff rat-mole rat-pit rat-poison ratsbane rat -snake rat's-tail rat-tail rattail (fish, horse, plant) rat-tailed rat- terrier rattlebags rattie-barrel rattle box rattlebrain , rattle-brained rattlebush rattlecap rattlehead rattle-headed rattlepate - rattle-pated rattle skull rattlesnake rattlesnake-fern rattlesnake-grass rattlesnake-'herb rattlesnake-master rattlesnake-plantain rattlesnake-root rattl e sn ake-wc ed rattletrap rattleweed rat tie wing rattle wort rat-trap rave-hook ravel -bread ravel ing = engine raven-cockatoo raven 's-duck raven stone ravine-deer raw-boned raw head rawbide raw-port raw-pot ray-floret ray-flower ray-grass ray-oil razorback > razor-backed razorbill razor-billed razor-blade (blade of a razor) razorblade (an oyster) razor-clam razor -fish razor-grass razor-grinder razor-hone razor->paper razor-paste razor-shell razor-stone / razor-strop reaching-poet reach-me-down reaction-period reaction-time react! on- wheel reading-book reading«boy reading-desk reading-glass reading-lamp reading-pew reading-room reading-stind reading=tal)le ready-made ready-man ready-pole ready -reck oner real-school reamer- bit reaming-iron ream -kit reap>hook reapi ng-machine rear-admiral rear-guard rearhorse rearing-bit reuring-bos reason-piece recefpt-bonk receiving-h'Mise receiving-mngnet recciving-oftiro receiving-sliip receiving-tomb receiving-vault reception-room recitation -room reciting-note reckoning- hook rcckonine-penny reclamation-plow reclining-board reclining-chair recoil-check recoil -escapement recoil-pallet recoil-wave record- oflice recreati on-gronnd , recruiting-ground recrniting-party recrulHng-eergeant red back red-backed red baPs red 'beaked red beard red -bellied redbelly red-belited redberry red-billed redbird red-blooded redbreast red-breasted redbuck redbud red bug redcap red-capped red-carpet red -cheeked red-chestnut redcoat red-cockaded red cod red-corpuscled red-crested red-cross red cusk red dace redding-comb redding-straik reddleman red-dog red drum redecraft redeye red -eyed red -faced red fender , red fighter red -figured redfin redfish red-footed red-green red-gum red-naired red-hand red = handed redhead red-headed redhorn red -horse red-hot red=humped redknees red-lac red-legged red-letter red-litten red-looked red-louse redman (a fish) red metal , red-morocco (a plant) redmouth red-necked red-nosed red oak red-paidle redpoll red-polled red -robin redroot redsear redseed red -shafted redshank redshanks redshare red-short red-shortness red-shouldered red -sided ■ redsides redskin red spider red -staff redstart redetreak redtdil red -tape, a. red -taped red-tapery red-tapism red tapist red=thighud red -throated red thrush red-tipped red top red-tubs reducing-coupling reducing-pri'68 reducing-scale reducing-T reducing-valve red uction -compasses reduction-formula reduction-works red-underwing redware red-wat red water red-water tree redweed red- who Ik red- whiskered redwing red- winged red-withe redwood reedbird reed buck reed -bun ting reed-^rass reed-instrument reed=knife reed-mace reed-mote reed-moth reed-motion reed-organ reed -palm reed 'Pheasant; reed-pipe reed -pit reed -plane reed- sparrow reed-stop reed-thriish reed -tussock reed-wainscot reed- warbler reed = work reed-wren reef-band reef-builder reef-building reef-cringle ^ reef-earing reef-goose reefing- beckets reefing- jacket reefing-point reef -jig reef "jigger reef-knot reef-line reef -oyster reef = pendant reef-point reef-squid reef-tackle reel 'band reel 'bed reel-check re el -click reel-cotton reel-holder reeling- niachine reel-keeper reel-line reel -oven reel -seat reel-stand re flux- valve refrigerating-chamber refrigerating-machine refrigerator-car regard-ring regenerator'^mace regent-bird ^ regent-oriole register -grate register-office register- pi ate register-point registrar-general reglet- plane regulating-screw regulating-valve regulator-box regulator-coek regulator-cover regulator-lever regulator-shaft reneating-furnace reindeer-lichen reindeer»moss rein force-band reinforce-rings rein-holder rein- hook rein 'Orchis rein -slide reinsman rein -snap release-sprin^j; relic-knife relic-mongcT relief 'map relief "perppeclive relief-valvH relief- work relishing-niHf hine remainder-niiin rendering'pa]! rendering-tank rendle-balk rendrock rennet-bag rennet- ferment rennet-whey rennet-wine rent-arrear rent-charge rent-day renter- warden rent-free rent-roll rent-seek rent-service repair-shop replacing-switch request-note request-program requiem-mass rerebrace rere- brake resawing-machine rescue-grass resin -bush resin -cell resin^duct , resin- flnx resin -gland resin -passage resin-tube resistance-box resistance-coil resist- work resonance-box resorcinol-phthalein responde-book reetau rant-car rest-cure rest-harrow resting-cell resting -owing resting-place resting-sporangium reeting-spore res ting-stage •resting-state result-fee resurrect! on -man resurrection-plant retain -wall reticulate- veined retort-holder retort-honse retort-sealer retouching-desk retouching-easel retouching=frame retouching-table return -alkali return=ball return -bead return-bend return cargo return check return-crease return-day returning-board returning-ofllcer return match return-piece return-shock return tag return ticket return-valve revenue-ofiicer reversing-cyljnder rever sing-gear reversing-layer reversing-lever r eversin g=m ach ine reversing-motion reversing-shaft reversing-valve rhea-fiber rhea-grass Rhein- berry Rhine-berry rhinoceros-auk rhinoceros-beetle rhinoceros'bird rhinoceroe-bush rhinoceros-chameleon rhinoceros-horn bill rhinoceros-tick rhodeS'Wood rhodium-gold rhodium-wood rhomb-solid rhomb-spar rhubarb-root rhumb-line rhumb-sailing rib-band rib-baste ribbing-nail ribble-^:arolinian Southdown southeast southernwood southhmd south-seeking south-southerly sou tt\ west sowback sow bane sow-belly sowbread sow -Dug sow-;lrunk sow 'fennel eow-gelder sowing-machine sow-thistle soy- beau soy-pea space-box space- coordinate space-^curvature space-homology space-line space- mark space-perception space-relation space-rule space-writing spacin^-lace spade-bayonet spade-farm spadetish spade- foot, a, epadefoot, n. spade footed spade -graft spadegiiinea spade gun epade-handle spade-husbandry spade-^rou spade -rack spading mac'.iine spae-book spaeman epaewife spake-net spal ding-knife spalJing-floor spalling-haramer 8 pan -beam span- block span -dogs spandrel-wall span-fire now spangling-machine Span ish= Hag spanker-eel spanker 'gafE spanker^mast span-lashing span-long span-new span-piece 8pan*roof span-saw span^shackle spanworm spar-buoy spar-deck spar-dust spare-built sparcrib spark-arrester spark-coil spark-condenser spark-consumer sparked-back, a. sparkle berry spark-netting spar ling-f owl spar-maker sparrow-bill sparrow-grass sparrow-hawk sparrow'Owl sparrowtail sparrow wort Bp art-grass spar -torpedo spatch'cock spatterdash spatter-dock spatter work sp^ttUng-uiachine spawn-brifck spawn -eater spawn-fungus spawn- hatcher spawn Ing'bed spawn ing-ground spawning-screen spawning- season spawn-rising speaking-machine speaking-trumpet speaking-tube speaking voice speal -bone spear-billed spear 'dog spearflsh spear flower spear-foot spear-grass spear-hand spear-head spear-hook spear-javelln epear-Ieafed spear-lily spearman spearmint spear-nail spear-plate spear-thistle spear -widgeon spearwoocT spearwort species-cover species-cycle species-monger species-paper species-sheet speck-block speck-fall speckle-bellied specklebelly speck-moth spectacle-furnace spectacle "gage spectacle-glaps spectacle-maker spectacle -ornament specter-bar specter-candle specter-crab specter-insect specter-lemur specter-shrimp speculum-metal speech ■• center speech-crier speech-day speech make speechmaker speechmaking speech -reading speed-cone speed -gage speed- indicator speed -multiplier speed -pulley speed ^recorder speed-riggers speed -sight speedwell speedy-cut spek-boom spellbind spell-bone spellbound spelling-bee spelling-book spelling- match spell-stopped spell-work spencer-gaff spend -all spending-money spendthrift spermaceti -oil spermaceti-whale sperm-baW sperm-blastoderm sperm-blastula sperm-cell sperm -kernel sperm-morula sperm-nucleus sperm -oil sperm-rope sperm-whale sphere-crystals sphere-yeast sph ex-fly sphinx:=motli spice-apple spiceberry epice-box spicebush spice -cake spice -mill spice-nut spice-shop spice 4ree spice wood spick-and-span spick-and-span new spick-span new spicule-sheath spider-ant spider, band spider "bug spider-catcher spider-cells spider-cot spider-crab spider-diver spider -eater apiderflower spider- fly spider-helmet spider-hunter spider-legs spider-line spider-mite spider-monkey spider-net spider-orchis spider-shell spider-stitch spider-wasp spider-web spider-wheel spiderwork Bpiderwort g|^ spieg61-iron ^p spigot-joint spigot-pot spikebill spike-extractor spikeflsh spike 'grass Bpike-horn (a horn) spikehorn (a deer) spike-lavender spike-nail spikenard -tree epikenoee spike-oil spike-plank spike -rush spike -shell spike-tackle spiketail spike -tailed spike-team spile-borer spile-hole spill-case spill-channel epil let- fishing epilliard-fishmg spil ling-line spill-stream spill-trough spillway spindle-cataract spindle -cell spindle-celled spindle-legged spindle-legs (legs) spindlelegs (a person) spindle-shanked spindle-shanks (legs) spindleshanks (a person) spindle-shaped spindle-sbell spindle-step spindle-stromb spindletail spindle-tree spindle-valve spindle-whorl spindleworm spine-armed spineback spine -bearer spine -bearing spinebelly epinebill splnefoot spine- rayed spinetail spine-tailed spine-tipped spinning-frame spinning-head spinning- jack spinning- jenny spinning-machine spinning ■mill spinning- mite spinning-organ spinning-roller spinning spider spinning-wart spinning-wheel spin ode -curve spinode=torse spin text spiny-eel spiny^finned spiny-skinned spiral tail spire-bearer spire-light spire-steeple spirit-back spirit-blue spirit-brown spirit 'butterfly spirit-duck ' spirit-gum spirit-lamp spiritleaf spirit-level spirit-merchant spirit-meter spirit'rapper spirit-rapping spirit-room spirit-stirring splritweed spirit-world spitball spitbox spit-bug spitchcock spit-curl spit -deep spitfire spit-poison epit-rack spit-sticker spitting-snake spittle-fly spitile-insect spittle • of-the-stars spit- venom spitz-dog spltzflute Bpitzkasten splash-board splash-wing splatterdasn splatter-faced splay-foot splay-footed splay-mouth splay -mouthed spleen-pulp spleen -stone spleen wort splice-grafting splice-piece splicing-fid sp] icing-hammer splicing-shackle splining-machine splint armor splint bandage splint-bone splint-bottomed splint- box splint-coal splinter-bar splinter-bone splinter-netting splmter-proof splint-machine splint-plane split-back splitbeak split-bottomed split-brilliant splitfeet splitfoot 8plit>harness splitmouth split-new splittall splitting-lrtiife splitting-machine splitting-saw split-tongued spoil-bank spoil- five spoil-paper spoilsman spollsmonger spoil-sport spoke-auger spoke-bone spoke-gage I spoke-lathe spoke-pointer spoke-setter spoke-shave spokesman spoke=trimmer spoklng-machine sponge -animalcule sponge-bar sponge-cake sponge-crab sponge ■= cu cumber sponge-diving sponge- farmer sponge -fisher sponge-fishery sponge 'glass sponge-gourd sponge -hock ^onge-moth sponge-Bpicule sponge-tongs sponge -tree sponge wood sponging-house spongy - pubescent spongy-villous spool-cotton spool-holder spooling-machine spooling- wheel spool-stand spoon-bait spoonbeak spoonbill spoon-billed spoon-bit spoon -chisel 66 THE OOMPOUKDING OF WOEDS spcon^drift 6pooTi=fashion spoonllower ppnoii^c;ongc spoon=hook epoonsmeat spooii^net spomissaw ■spoon shaped spooiitail spoon -victuals spoonwood spoon worm «pore=cap8a]e spore^case spore=ce]l spore=fomiation spore=groiip ^pore^plasm epore^sac eportrngshook sportingshouse sportsman sportsmanlike sportswoman spot-T^all spot=leus spotneck spotrump spot^stitch spotted bass spotted»tree spoutfish spout=hole spout=shell spragToad sprat'barley sprat= borer sprat=clay sprat=loon sprat=niew spray aboard spray •'d rain spraying^macbine ■spray=instrument spray=nozzIe spread-eagle spread=eagleism s pre adi n g= add er spreacMng^board spreading'=frame spread i n g^f urn ace spreadiug=machine spread ing= oven spread! ng« plate spree tt ail sprig=bolt sprig-crystal sprigtail sprigotailed spring«back spring balance spring-'band spring- bar spring "beam spring-beauty spring bed spring-beetle spring-bell spring'block spring-' board springcbox spring^buck spring carriage spring cart spring-'flood spring-fly springaforelock spring»gun spring-baas spring-bait springabammer spring- hanger spring-head spring-book spring-house epringing^beetle springing'course springing-bairs springing-line sp ringing-tool springing-^wall spring-jack springsjatch springe-ligament springlike spring«line spring^lock spring mattress spring-net spring-oyster spring-padlock spring-pawl spring-plank spring-pole spring punch spring Fcarcher spring-shackle *pring-stay spring-stud springtail spring-tailed spring'tide (a tide) springtide (time) springtime spring tool spring trap spring valve spring wagon spring-water spring- weir spring worm springwort eprink-buck sprint-race sprint-runner sprits ail sprittail sprocket-wheel sprout-cell sprout-chain sprout-gemma sprout-germination spruce beer spruce-duff spruce-fir sprucc'^grouse spruce-gum spruce ^ocher spruce 'Partridge spruce-pine sprue-hole spun -out spun-varn spur- bunting spurflower spur-fowl spur -gall ^ffir=gally ^Wr=gear spur-gearing spurge-creeper spurge- flax spurge-laurel spurge-nettle spurge-olive spur-hawk spur-heeled spur-'leather spur-legged spurling-line spuruwater apur-pepper spur-pruning spur "royal spur-shell spur-shore spurtle'= blade spur-track spur-tree spur way spur-wheel spurwing spur- winged spurwort spyboat epycraft spy-glass spy-hole spy-money squab-chick squab pie squaiNhoard squam-duck squan-fish square-built square-cut equare-flipper square=framed squarehead square-headed square leg squareman square-rieged squaresair square-set square-shouldered square-spot, a. squarespnt, 77. square-spotted square-stern square-eterned square 'toed square-toes squaring-boards squaring-plow squaring-shears squash-beetle squash-borer squash-bug squashegourd squash-melon squash-vine squat -snipe squat-tag squatting-pill squaw-berry squaw-duck squaw-huckleberry \squawk-duck squawking-thrush squaw-man squaw-mint squaw root • squaw-vine squaw weed squeezing-box squid-fork squid-hound squid-jig squid-jigger squid-jigging squ'd-tbrower squilgee-toggle squill fish squint-e^ed squint-minded squirrel -hot squirrel-corn squirrelcup squirrel -fish squirrel-grass squirrel-hake squirrel -hawk squirrel -lemur squirrel-lock squirrel -monkey squirrel-mouse 8 qu irr el -petau rist squirrel-phalanger squirrel -shrew squirrel tail squirt-gun stabbing-machine stabbing-prese stable-boy stable-call stable-fly stabl eman stable-room stable-stand stack- borer stack-funnel stack-guard stacking-band stacking^belt stacking- stage stack-room stack- St and stack-yard stad die-roof staff-angle staff- bead staff-captain staff-commander staff-degree staff-duty staff-herding staff-hole staff-man staff-notation staff-officer etafl-eergeant staff 'Stone staff-surgeon staff-tree staff- vine stag-beetle stag bush stag- dance stage -box stage -carriage stage-coach stage-craft stage direction stage door stage effect stage-fever stage-forceps stage fright stage -hand stage- house stage-manager stage=micrometer stage =plate stage -pi ay stage-player stage right stage -setter stage-struck stag-evil stage- wagon stage wait stage wbisper stagewright staggerbusb stagger-grass etaggerwort stag-headed stag-born stag-iiorned staghound stag-party stag's -bom stag-tick stag-worm stairbeak staircase staircase-shell stair-foot stair = head stair-rod stairway stair- wire staithwort stake -boat stake-driver stake-head stakeholder stake-hook stake-iron stake^net stake -netter stake -pocket stake-puller stake-rest stalemate stalk -borer etalk-cutter stalk ^ eyed stalking-horse stall-board stall-fed stall-feed stall man stall -pi ate stall -reader stampoalbum stamp-battery stamp-block stamp-collecting stamp-collector stamp-distributer stamp-duty stamp-hammer stamp-head stamping-ground stampi ng-m achine stamping-mill stamping-press stamp-macbine stamp-mill stamp-note stamp -office stanchion-gun. standard-bearer standard -bred standard-grass standard -knee standardwing standby stander-by stander»gra8s standerwort stand-further stand -gall standing-cypress standing-ground standing-press standing-room standing-stool stand-off sthnd-offieh stand-offishness stand-pipe standpoint stand-rest standstill staiie-raw stank-hen staple-house staple-punch, staple-right star-animal star-anise star-apple j((tarbeam star-bearer star=blastlng starblind starboard starbright starbush star-buzzard ^star-capsicum star-catalogue star-chamber starch -cellulose starch -gu in starch -hyacinth starch root starch -star starch-sugar star-cluster star-crossed star-diamond star-drift star-dust star- facet star fin oh starfish starfish-flower starflower star fort starfmit star -gage star -gaze star-gazer star-gazing star-gooseberry star-grass Btar-head star-hyacinth stark naked starlight starlike starlit etar-lizard star-map star-molding star- mouthed star-netting starnose star-nosed star-of -Bethlehem star-of-night 6tar=of-the-earth star pagoda star -pepper star-pile star-pine star-proof star-reed star-rowel star-ruby star-sapphire star- saxifrage star-scaled star-shake star-shell starshine star-shoot star-shot star-slough star-spangled star- spotted IN" THE STANDARD DICTIONARY 67 Btar"8tone «tai tail Stat" thistle Btarthroat startiDg-bar starti ng"bolt starting-engine Btartiug-place starting-point ■starting-post atarting-valve starting- wheel ■star -trap starve -acre star wheel ■star-worm ■Btarwort statecraft State-house state- monger stateroom states -general statesman statesmanlike state- socialism state-socialist states woman station-bill ■station-calendar station-house ■s tati o n ^indic ator station«maBter station -meter station-pointer station-pole station -staff statue dress statute-book statute-fair statute-roll stave-jointer stave- rime staverwort stave-tankard stavewood stay-at-home stay- bar stay-bolt staybusk stay-chain stay cord stay -end stay -foot stay-gage stay-hook staylace stiy^light Btaym^er stay-pile stay-plow stay -rod staysail stay -tackle stay-wedge steadfast steady-going ■Steady-rest steak*crusher stealing-strake -steamboat steamboat-bug steamboat'coal steamboat-rolls steam-boiler steam^box steam-brake steam=car steam-carriage steam-case steam-chamber steam -chest steam-chimney ■steam-cock steam -coil . steam-color steam-crane steam-cntter steam-cylinder steam-dome steam-dredger steam-engine steamer-cap steamer-duck steam -excavator ■steam-fonncain steam -gage steam -gas steam-generator steam -governor steam-gun steam - nammer steam-heat steam -hoist steam -house steam-jacket steam-jet ■steam-joint steam-kettle steam-kitchen steam-launch steam-motor steam = navigation steam -navvy steam ^orgau ■steam -oven steam -packet steam -pan ■steam-pipe £team-plow steam-port steam-power steam -press steam-printing steam -propeller steam -pump steam -radiator steam -ram steam-regulator steam -room steamship steam-space steam-tahle steam-tank steam-tight steam- toe steam-trap steam-tug steam -valve steam-vessel steam-wagon steam-wheel steam -whistle steam -winch steam-worra steam -yacht steel-blue steel -bovw steel boy steel-clad steel-engraving steel -finch steelhead steelmaster steel-mill steel -ore steel -press steel -saw eteelware steelwork steel -worker steel -works steelyard steep -down steep-grass steeplebush steeplechase steeplechaser steeplechasing steeple-crowned steeple-eugine steeple hat steeple-hunting steeple -jack Bteepletop steep-to steep-tub steep-up steep-water steepweed steep wort steerageway steering-compass steering-gear steering-sail steering-wheel steersman steersmate stellate-pilose stem- character stem -clasping stem-climber stem-eel worm stem end stem -head , stem-knee stem -leaf steam-pessary stem-piece stem-sickness stem -stitch stem-winder stench -pipe stench-trap stencil -pen stencil-plate stent-raaster stent-roll fitep'back, a. step bairn step-bit step-box stepbrother . stepchild step-country step -cover step-cut step-dame step-dance stepdaughter stepfather step- fault fitep^-gage step-grate step-ladder stepmother step-parent stepping-point stepping" stone stepsister stepson step-atone step- vein stereotype-block Hcereotype-metal stern- board stern-cap stern = chase stern -chaser , stern -fast stern -frame stern -gallery stern -hook stern -knee stern -port stern-post stern -sheets sternway stern - wheeler sterro-metal Blew -pan stcw-pond stew-pot stick -bait Btick-biig stick-culture Slick-handle stick-helmet sticking-place sticking-plaster s ticking-point stick*insect stick-in-the-mud stick -lac stickleback Btlcklebag stick-play stickseed stick tail sticktight stiff-borne stiffen ing-machine stiffening order stiff-hearted stiff neck stiff-necked stiff-neckedness stifftail stiff-tailed stifle -bone stifle'-joint stifle-shoe stigma-disk . stiU -birth still-born still-burn still = fish still-fisher still-fishing ^ still-house still-hunt still-hunter still-liquor si ill-room still-stand still- watcher stilt-bird stilt- petrel stilt-plover stilt-sandpiper stilt- walker sting-and-ling sting 'bull stingfish stinging-bush stinging^cell sting-moth sting-ray stingtail sting- winkle stink-alive stink-ball stink-bird etink'bug stinkhorn stinking-weed stinking-wood stinkpot stink-rat stink-shad stinkstone stink-trap stink-turtle stink weed stinkwood stipple-graver stirrup 'bar stirrup-bone stirrup-cup stirrup-hose stirrup-iron stirrup-lantern stirrup-leather stirrup-muscle stirrup-oil stirrup-piece stitch -fallen stitching^horse stitch -wheel stitch work stitchwort stock-account stock -bfter stock- blind stock-board stock-book stock-bow stock-breeder stock-broker stock -broking stock-brush etock-buckle stock-car stock -dove stock-duck stock-eikle stock-exchange stock-7arm stock-farmer stock -father stock-feeder stock-fish stock -gang stock-gillyflower stock-hawk stockholder stock -horse stock-indicator stocking-frame stocking-loom stocking-machine stockiiig-maker stocking-yarn stock-jobber stocJc-jobhery stock-jobbing stock-list stockman stock-market stock -morel stock-owl stock-pot stock-printer stock -pump stock-puniehed 8tock=pnrse stock-raiwer stock-ranch stock^range stock -rider stock-room 8tock->;'addle stock-FtHtion stock-still stock-stone stock -tackle stock-taking stock-train stock-whaup stockwork stock-yard stoke-hole stomach-ache stomach -brush stomach* cough stomach-grief stomach-piece stomach plaster stomach-pump stomach -qual;ned stomach -sick stom ach -staggers stomach-sweetbread stomach-timber stomach-tooth stomach-tube stom ach -worm Eton e=ax stone-basil stone-bass stone-bird stone-biter stone-blind stone-blue stone-boat stone-boilers stone-boiling etone-borer stone = bow stone-bramble stone-brash Btonebreak stone-breaker Btone-bruise Btonebuck Btone-butter stone- canal stone-cast stonecat fitone-centiped stone chacker stonechat Btonec hatter etone=c]imber stoned ink stone-clover stone-coal stone-cold stone-color stone-colored stone-coral stone-crab stone-crawfish 8tone=cray stone-cricket stonecrop stone-crush stone-crusher stone-curlew stone-cutter stone-cutting stone-dead stone-deaf stone-devil stone-dresser stone-dumb stone-cater stone-engraving stone-falcon stone-fern stonefish stone-fly stone-fruit stone -gall stone-gatherer stone 'gray stone -grig stone-hammer Btone-hard 68 THE COMPOUNDING OP WORDS 8tone«harmonicon etone-hatch stone-hawk etone-head stone-hearted stone-horse stone=leek stoneplichen stone»lily stone "lobster stone slugger stoneman Btone -marten stone-mason stone- merchant stone -mill stone-m'nt stone-mortar stone- oak 8tone-oil stone=owl stonesparsley stonepecker stone = pine stone-pit Btone= pitch atone- pi over stone- pock stone-rag stone-raw stone-roller etoneroot stone-rue stone-runner stone-saw stone's rast stoneseed stone -shot stone-shower stonesmickle stone-snipe stone 'Sponge stone-sq_narer stone-still stone -stnrgeoa stone-sucker stone -thrush stone-toter stone -walling stoneware stone weed stonework stone- wortat stonewort . stone-yard stony-hearted stool -ball stool -end stool-pigeon stoop-snouldered stop-cock stop 'Collar 8top*cylinder stop-drill stop-finger stop-gap stop-gate stop-hound stop-knob stop-motion, stop = net stop. order stop-over stopper-bolt stopper-hole stopper-knot stopping-brush, stoppi ng«coat stopping-knife etop-'plank stop-plate stop-ridge stop-rod stop-thrust stop-valve stop-watch stopwater stop-wheel stop-work storage-bellows etorax-tree store-city store-farm store -farmer storehouse storekeeper Btorekeeping storeman etoremaster storeroom store-ship stork-billed etork's-bill storm-area storm -beat storm-beaten storm-belt storm-bird storm-bound storm-card storm-center storm-circle storm-cloud storm -cock storm -compass storm-cone storm -current storm-door storm-drum storm = finch storm -flag storm -glass A storm-house storming party storm -kite ^ storm -pane' storm -path storm-pavement storm-petrel storm-proof storm -sail storm -signal storm -stay storm-stayed storm =Etone storm-tossed storm 'track storm- wind storm-window storm-zone story-book story-post story-rod story-teller story-telling story -writer stout-dart stouth-and-routh stout-hearted stout-heartedness stove-coal stove-cover stove-drum, stove-glass stove-hearth stove 'house stove-jack stovepipe stove- pi ant stove-plate stove- polish stove-truck stowaway stowdown stow-wood straddle-bug straddle-legged straddle-pipe straddle-plow straggle-tooth straggling-money straightaway straight-billed straight-cut straight-edge strai ghten ifig-bl ock straightening-maehine straightforward straight-hearted strai ghthorn straight- joint, «. straight-out straight-ribbed straightway straight-winged strainer- vine strainingfbeam straining-leather straining-piece straining-sill strain -normal strain -sheet strain -type strait-hearted strait- jacket strait-laced strait-waistcoat strand-bird stranding-machine strand-mycele strand-mycelium strand -pi over strand-rat strand- wolf strangle -tare strangle weed strap -bolt strap-game strap-head strap-hinge strap- joint strap-laid strap -mounts strap-oil strap-oyster strapping'plate strap-shaped strap-sliein strapwork strapworm strapwort i strawberry strawberry 'bass, strawberry-bed strawberry-blite str awb erry-b n rer strawberry-bush strawberry-clover" strawberry- comb strawberry-crab strawberry-finch / strawberry-geranium strawberry-leaf strawberry-mark strawberry -moth strawberry-pear strawberry-perch strawber ry-plaut strawberry-roan strawberry-shrub straw berry -tomato strawberry-tree strawberry -vine straw berry- worm straw board straw-buff straw-built straw -cat straw-coat straw -color straw-colored straw- cotton straw-cutter straw-drain straw-em broidery straw-fiddle straw-house straw-necked straw-needle straw ' ride strawsmall strawsmear straw -stem straw-stone straw-undcrwing straw-wine straw- worm straw-yard etraw-yellow stray -line stream-anchor stream-cable stream-clock stream-current stream-gold stream-ice stream-line stream -tin stream -wheel stream ' works stream wort street- car street-door street-locomotive street- orderly street-railroad street-sweeper street-walker streetway stretcher-bond stretcher-fly stretcher-mule stretch-halter stretchin sr-f r ame stretching-iron stretchi n g-m a ch i ne stretching-piece striate -plicate striate- punctate striate-sulcate stridulating-or;,an, strike- a -light strike-block strike-fault strike-or-silent strike-pan strike-pay strike-plate striker-arm striker-boat striker-out ,Btriker-plate strikiug-beam striking-plate striking-solution string band string-bark string-bean string-block string-board stritig-coursc string-gage string-halt string- minstrel string orchestra string=organ string-pea string-piece string-plate string wood stringy -bark strip armor striped bass stripetail strip-leaf strip-lights stripping-knlfe stripping-plate stroke-gear stroke- oar stroke-oarsman strokesman strong-back strongbark stronghold strong-knit strongman 's-weed strong-minded stron^-mindedues& strutting-piecft stubble-fleld stubble-goose stubble-land stubble-plow stubble-rake stnbble-tunner stub- book stubborn-shafted stub-damask stub-end stub-feather stub-iron stub-mortise stub-nail stub pen stub-short stub -shot stub- ten on stub-twist stubwort stucco-work stuck-up stud-bolt stud-book studdingsail studdingsail-boom student-parsnip stud -farm stndfish studflower stud -groom stud'-horse stuff-chest stuff-engine stuff-gownsman stuffing-box stufling-brush ' etuffing=machine: stuffing-wheel stum bfi u g-bl o ck stumbling-stone stu m p-extractor 6tun)p-joint stunip-puller stump-tailed stump -tree style- branch stylo-curve stylewort styptic-bur styf)ticweed subject-matter subject-notion subject-object succiru bra-bark sucker-fish sucker-foot sucker-mouthed- sucker-rod sucker-tube suck fish suck -in ^ sucking-bottle sucking-disk sucking-fish sucking-pump su cki ng-stomach suckstone suction -anemometer suction-box suction -chamber suction- fan suction-pipe suction-plate Buction-primer suction-pump suction-valve sud-oil sugar-apple sugar-bean sugar-beat sugarberry sugar -bird sugar -bush sugar -camp sugar candy sugar-cane sugar-coated sugar-grass Sugar -gum eugar-house sugar-huckleberry Bugar-kcttle sugar-loaf sugarloaf (a hat, a hill) sugar-louse sugar-maple siigar-meat sugar-mill sugar-millet sugar. mite sugar-mold sugar-nippers sugar-orchard sugar-packer sugar-pan sugar-pea sugar-pine sugar-plantation sugar-planter sugar- plum sugar-press sugar-refiner sn gar-refinery sugar-refining eugar-squirrel sugar-syrup BU gar-teat sugar-tongs sugar- tree sugar -vinegar suit-shape sulky cultivator eulky harrow sulky plow sulky rake m THE STANDARD DICTIONARY fT9 Bulky ecraper eulls^ piece sulphur-bottom sulphur-concrete eulphur»ore sulphur-rain Bulphnrroot Bulphur-ealt eulphnr-spring, sulphnr-wajer? pulphurweed eulphnr-whale eulphnrwort Bulphnr-vellow Bultambird pul tan -flower sumac-beetle snmbul-root Bum-cnlcuhiB summer-dried Bummer-fflUow eummer-bouse Bummer-llke Bummer-rine Bummer-Pfieming summer-ehine Bummer-stir Bummer-stoue Slimmer-swelling summer time summer-tree summit level Bump-fuse Bump-plank sump-pump Bump-sbaft sump- shot sumpter-cloth sumpter-horse pumpter-mule Bumnter-Dony suu-ausel sun-aulmalcnle sun-bath sunbeam sun-bear sun -beat sun-beaten pun-beetle sun bird sun -bittern sun-blink sun bonnet snnbow Buni'brio:bt sun -broad Bunbnrn sunburned sun -burner Buu burnt sunburst sun -case sun -clad sun-crack snn-cresp sun -dan fe sun-dart sun-dawn Sundny = scbool eun-dazzling fiunder-tree sundew sun-dial sun 'd Off sundown sundowner sun dra -tree sun-dried eun drops sundry-man sun -fern sun -fever pun "figure \ sunfish sunflower sunflower-oil snnfiowfr-seec sun-fruit sun-gem sun -glass sunsglimpse sun-glow sun-god Bun-gold sun -grebe sun-hat sunlight sunlike sun-mvtb sunn hemp sunny-sweet sunny^warm sun-opal sun -perch snn-picture sun -plane sun -plant sun-proof sun -ray sunrise sunrising sun -rose snn-scald sunset sun set -shell Bunsetting sunshade sunshine sunshine-recorder san-Bmitten sun -snake sun 'Southing Bun-spot sun-spurge BUU' squall sun- star sun stead sunstone sun -stricken sunstroke sunstruck sun- tree sun-trout sun -try sunup sun- wake Bun-wheel sun-worship sun-worshiper sun • year sun-yellow Bupper-board supper-time supple-jack supply-roller supply-train sur-aiicr^e sure -end ugh sure-footed Bure-footedly sure-footedness surface car surface -chuck surface-color surface-condenser Burface-enamel surface -fish Burface-gage surface-geology surface-glaze surface-grnb surface-integral surf ace- joint surfaceman surface -mining Burface-motion ' surface-plane surface-printing surf ace-rib surface-road surface-roller surface -tension surface-towing surface-velocity surface-water surf ace- working surfacp-worm surf. icing-machine Burfaring'-plane surf -bird surf -brat Burf-boiitman surf -clam Burf^4nck surfeit-swelled surfeit-water surf-fish surf man surf- scoter surf-smelt surf-whiting surf-worn surgeon -apothecary surgeon -aurist surgeon-dentist surgeon -fish surgeon -gen era! surgeon-generalship sur-master surplice-fee surprise ^cup sur-royal surveyings vessel surveyor- general suspension bridge suspension drill suspension railway swab-pot swab -stick Bwaddleband swaddling-band 6waddling=clntbe8 swaddling-clout swage-block swaging-machine swaging-mallet Bwagman swag- shop swallow-day swallow-fish swal 1 w * flycatcher swallow-hawk swallow=-hole Bwallow=pear swallow-plover swallow-roller swallow-shrike swallow's-nest swallow-stone Bwailow-struck swallowtail swallow-tailed swallow-wing Bwallowwort swamp-apple swamp-ash swamp-beggarticks swamp-blackberry swamp-blackbird swamp-blueberry swamp-broom swamp- cabbage swamp-cot ton wood swamp- crake swamp-cypress . swamp-deer swamp-dock swamp -dogwood swamp-elm swamp-fever swamp-gum swamp-hnre swamp-hellebore swamp-hon swamp-hickory swamp-houeysuckle swamp-lnnd swamp-laurel Bwamp-lily swamp-locust Bwamp-loosestrife swamp-lover swamp-magnolia swam p-mah ogany swamp-maple swam p-mi 1 k weed swamp-moss swamp-muck swamp-oak swamp-ore swamp-owl swamp -partridge swamp-pine swamp pink 8wamp=quajl swamp-robin swamp-rose swamp-sassafras swamp-saxifrage swamp-sparrow swamp-sumac swamp -thistle swamp -war bier swamp weed swamp-willow swampwood swan -animalcule swan -down swan flower swan -goose swan herd swan -hopping swan-maiden swan -mark Bwan -marking swan -mussel swanneck ' swan's-down swan-shot swanskin swan -song Bwan-upping swan wort swape-well sward -cutter swarf -money swarm -cell swarm -spore swartback Bwart-rutter Bwart-star swart- visagred swash -bank Bwash-bucket swash 'buckler swash -letters swash -plate swash way swash-work sway-backed sway ^ bar sway-bracing swear-word sweat-band sweat-box sweat-canal sweat-center sweat-cloth sweat -duct sweat-fiber sweat-gland sweat-house sweating-bath sweating-cloth sweating-fever sweati*hg-house sweating-iron Bweating-pit sweating-room sweating-sicknesB swearing-tub sweat-leather sweat-lodge sweat-stock sweep-bar sweepi ng-car sweeping -day sweep-net sweep-piece sweep-rake sweep-saw sweep-seine sweep-seining sweepstake sweepstakes sweep- washer sweep-washings sweet-apple (a tree) sweet-bay sweet-box sweetbread sweet-breath e^i sweetbrier sweet brier-sponge sweet- fern sweet- flag Bweet-gale sweet-grass Bweet-gnm sweetheart sweet-john sweetleaf sweetlips sweetmeat sweet-nancy sweet-oil sweet-reed Bweetroot sweet-rush sweet-scented sweet-sop sweetsuckcr sweet-tangle sweet-tempered sweet 'Water sweetweed sweet-william sweet-willow sweetwood sweetwort swell 'blind swell-box swell fish swell -keyboard swell-mob swell-mobeman swell 'Organ swell -pedal swell-rule swell-shark swell-toad swift-boat swiftfoot swift-footed ewift'handed swift-heeledj swift-moth swift-winged swill-milk swim-bladder Bwimming-bath swimming-bell swimming-belt swimming-bladder swimming crab swimming-fin swimming-foot swimmi ng-plate swimming-pond swimming-school swimming spider Bwimming'Stone Bwimming=tub swinebread swine- cress Bwine-feather swinefish swine -flesh swine-graes swineherd swine -oat Bwine-penny swine-plague swine-pox Bwine's-bane swine's-cress swine's^feather swine's-grass swine 's-snout swine 's-succcry swinestone swine sty swine-thistle swinew^ard swing-back swing-beam swing-boat swing-bolster swing-bridge swing- chum swing-devil swinge-buckler swing- handle swinging-block swinging boom swinging-post swinging saw swing-jack swing-knife swingle* bar Bwingle-staff swingletail Bwingletree swingletree-h o ok Bwingling-knife Bwingling-machine swingling-staff swingling-tow swing-motion swing-pan swing' plow swing-press swing-saw Bwing-Bhelf swing-stock swing-ewarg THE COMPOirKDING OP WORDS swing-table swing-tool ewingtree ewing-trot swing-wheel 8wipe=beam swish-broom swish:- swash B witch back switch =bar switchboard switcher^gear switchsgrass switch ing=bill switch ing»engine switching=eye 6witching*e:ronnd switching=locomotive switching=neck switching=plng swi-tch 'lantern switch=]ever bwitchman flwitcb- motion switch-signal switch -Horrel switch-stand switch='tender swivel "bridge swivel -eye swivel-eyed fiwivel-gnn swivel -hanger swivel-hook swivel*^ joint swivel -keeper swivel-loom swivel-mnsket swivel -plow swivel'sinker B\vizzle---tick sword --inn sword-bayonet sword-bean sword-bearer sword-belt sword bill sword-blade sword -breaker sword -cane sword -carriage sword craft sword-cut eword -cutler s word -dance sword -dollar sword -fight sword fish swordfishery swordfishing sword-flag sword-flighted sword-gaimtlet sword-grass sword-ffnard sword-hnnd sword-hilt ■sword-knot sword-law sword-lily sword man sword -mat sword-play 8 word -player sword -pommel sword -proof sword -rack sword-sedge sword=- rate thirds man thirteen -lined thirty-second note thistle-bird thistle-butterfly thistle-cock thistle-cropper thistle -Crown thistle-digger thistle-dollar thistle-down thistle-finch thistle-merk thistle-plume thistle=tube thitherto thoft-fellow thole- pin thorn-apple thornback thornback-ray thornbill thorn " bird thorn -broom thorn -bush thorn-devil thorn-headed thorn-hopper thorn-house thorn-oyster thorn stone thorn-Kwine thorntail thorn 'tailed thorough-bass thorough-bolt thorongh-brace thorough-braced thoroughbred thoroughfare thoroughfoot thoroughgoing thorough-joint thorough-paced thoroiigh-pin thorough-shot thorongh-strm thorough wax thorniighwort thorpsman thougiit'fxecuting thought-reader thoughtbick thought-transfer thought-transference though t^trnnsferential thought-wave thousandfold thoueand-legp thread -an imalcule threadbare thread-carrier thread=cell thread-cutter thread -feather thread fin thread-finisher threadfish thread flower thread foot thread-frame thread-gage thread-guide thread-herring thread-leaved thread-mark thread-moss thread-needle thread-th e=n e edl e thread -oiler thread -paper thread-plant , thread 'Shaped thread-tailed thread-waxer thread -winder threadworm three-aged three-awned three -bearded three-birds three-bodied three-coat three-cornered three-decker three-dimensional three farthings threefold three-foot three-footed three-girred three halfpence three-, handed three-hooped three-leaved three-light three 'lobed three-man three-masted three-master three=nerved three-out three- parted threepence threepenny threepenny-piece three-per-cents three-ply three-quarter three-quarters three-quartered three- ribbed threescore three-square three-suited three -thorned three < valved three-way thresher-shark thresher-whale threshing-floor threshing-machine > ^ threshing-mill ^ threshing-place thrice -cock thrift-box throat-band throat-bolt throat-brail throat-cnain throat-halyard throat- jaws throat-latch tbroat«»piece throat-pipe throatroot throat-^eizing throat-strap THE COMPOUNDING OF WORDS throat- sweetbread thro at wort thros tie = cock throstle-^frame - throttl e-damper throttl e-]ever throttl e== valve throiigh^gang through ganging' through-going throu gh»lighted throu ghsmortise throughout through»8tonc throwoack throw bait throw=crank Ihrow-cronk throwing'balls throwing«c]ay throwing^pngine throwing'house thro wing-mill throwing' stick thro wing-table throwing-wheel throw -lathe throw=ofE throw "8 tick thrum=cap thrum -eyed thrum wort thrush -babbler thrush -blackbird thrush -fungus thrush "lichen thrush -nightingale thrush -paste thrush = tit thrust-bearing thrust^box thrust 'hoe thrusting'screw thrust- plane thumb-band thumb -bird thumb-blue thumVcleat thumb-cock thumb-latch thumb-mark thumb-nut thumb-pad ' thumb-piece tbnmb-positioit thumb-i3ot thumb-ring thumb- screw thumb- stall thumb-tack thunder -and- lightning thnnder-ftx thunder-bird thunderblast thundeibolt thunderbolt-beetle thunderburst thund er-carriage thunderclap thunder-cloud thunder -crack tbunder-darter thunder-dirt thunder-'drop thunder-fish thunder -fit tbunderflower thund er-fiy thunder-gust thunder ^hammer thunder -bead thunder headed thunder-house thunder-peal thunder-pick thunder -pi ant thnnder='plump thunder -pump thunder -pumper thunder-shower thundersmith thunder -snake thund ere stone thunder-storm thunderstrike thunderstruck thunder-tube thunder -worm tbwacking-frame thwacking-knife thwarter-ill thwart-hawse thyrse-flower thyself tib-cat tic=bird tic-douloureux: tick -bean tick- eater ticker-in ticket-day ticket-holder ticket-night ticket- porter ticket- punch ticket = writer tick 'hole ticking- work tickle-graea tickseed tick-tack tick-tock tick -trefoil tickweed tide-ball tide-crack tide-current tide -day tide-dial tide-gage tide-gate tide-harbor tide- land tide- lock tide-mark tide- marsh tide-meter tide-mill tide-pool tide-predictor tide -rips tide-rock tide-rode tide-runner tidesman tide -table tide waiter tide-water tide-wave tide-way tide -wheel tiding-well tidytips tie-bar tie-beam tieboy tie-plate tie-rod tiers-argent tier-saw tier-shot tie-strap tie-tie tie-up tie-wig tiger-beetle tiger-bittern tiger-cat tiger-chop tiger-cowry tiger-eye tigerflower tiger-footed tiger =f rog tiger-grass tiger-lily tiger-moth tiger' 6-claw * tiger's-eye tiger's-foot tiger-shark tiger-shell tiger' s-milk tiger- wolf tiger- wood tightening-puUey tig-tag tile- copper tile-creasing tile-drain tile -earth tile-field tilefieh tile -kiln tile -machine tile-ore tile-oven tile-pin tile-red tileroot" tileseed tilestone tile-tea tile-tree tile-works tillage-rake till -alarm tiller- chain tiller-head , tiller-rope tilley-seed tillie'vallie till-lock tilly-seed tilly-vally til-oil til-seed tilt-boat tilt-hammer tilting-fillet tilting-gauntlet til ting-helmet til ting- lance tilting-shield tilting-spear til ting-target tilt-niiU til-tree tilt- up tilt-yard til wood timber-beetle timber-brick timber-cart timberdoodle timber=frame timber-grouse timber-head timber-hitch timber-line timber-lode timber man timber-m erchant timoer -scribe timber -tree timber- wolf timber-work timber 'Worm timber-yard time-alarm time- attack time-ball time-bargain time-beguiling time-bettering tjme-bewasted •time-bill time-book time-candle time-card time-detector time-fuse time-globe time-gun time-honored timekeeper time-lock timely-parted timepiece time-pleaser time-sense time-server time-serving time-sight time-signal time-signature time-table time-thrust time value time-work timoth;^-gra8s tim-whisky tin-bath tin-bound tinclad tincture-press tinder-box tinder-like tinder=ore tine-grass tine-stock tin -floor tin-foil tingis-fly tin -glass tin -glaze tin-ground Tinkar's-root tinkershire Tinker's = weed tin-liquor tinman tin-mordant tinmouth tinning-metal tin-penny tin pint tin-plate, n. tinplate, v. ,tin-pot tin-pulp tin-putty tin- saw tin -scrap tinsel -embroidery- tin -shop tinsman tinsmith tinstone tin -streaming tin "Stuff tint-block tint-drawing tintype tinware tin-witts tin* works ti-palm tip- car tip-cart tip- cat tip-cheese tip-foot ti»plarit tip-paper tippet-grebe tippet-grouse tipping-wagon- tippling-house tip-sled tipstaff tip-stock tip-stretcher tipsy-cake tipsy 'key tip-tilted tiptoe tip-top tip-up tip-w^agon tip worm tire-bender tire-bolt tire-drill tire-heater tireman tire-measurer tire-press tire-roller tire-setter tire-shr inker tiresmith tiring-room tirlie«-whirl6y tirl-mill T iron tissue-paper tissue-secretion titanium-green titan -schorl tit-babbler titbit tithe commissioner tithe-free tithe-gatherer tithe-owner tithe-payer tithe -pig tithe-proctor tithe-steal er tithing^man titlark title-deed ■ title-leaf . title -letter title-page title-sheet title-type titmouse ti-tree titter-totter tittlebat tittle-tattle tit- warbler tityre-tu T joint toadback (a potato) toad-back, a., toad-eater toad-eating toadfish toad = flax toadflower toadhead toad-lily toad-lizard toad-orchis toad-pipe to ad rock toad -rush toad's-cap toadseye toad's-hat toad's-meat toad-snatcher toad-spit toad -spotted toadstone toadstool toasting-fork toaeting-glase toasting-iron toast-master toast-rack toast-water tobacco-beetle tobacco-box tobacco-cutter tobacco-dove tobacco -grater tobacco-heart tobacco-knife tobacco -man tobacco-pipe tobacco-plant tobacco-pouch tobacco -press tobacco-root tobacco-stick tobacco ' stopper tobacco-stripper tobacco-tongs tobacco-wheel tobacco -worm to-be Tobias-fish toboggan- shoot toboggan-slide to'bread to-come to-day toddy-bird toddy-blossom toddy-drawcr toddy-ladle toddy man toddy-palm toddy-stick to-do tod'e-tail tod 'Stove toe-biter toe-cap toe-drop toe-nail toe-piece toe-ring toe 'tights toe-weight tofall toftman toftstead toggle-bolt toggle- harpoon toggle-hole toggle-iron toggle-joint IN THE STANDAKD DICTIONARY 73 toggle-lanyard toggle-press ton et- cap toilet cloth toilet "Cover toilet-cnp - toilet-glass toilet-quilt toilet-service toilet-set toilet-soap toilet -sponge toilet-table toil-worn token -sheet toko 'pat toll-bait toll-bar toll -book tollbooth toll -bridge toll 'Collector toll -corn toll-dish toll-free toll -cat e toll -gatherer tollhonee tolling-lever toll -man tolosa-vvood tolu - tree tomato -gall tomato -pi ant tomato -sauce tomato-sphinx tomato-worm . tomb-bat tomb-bouse - tomboy- tombstone tom-cat tomcod tomfool tom-hurry tommy-noddy tommy-shop torn -noddy tom'iiorry tom-noup to-morrow Tom -pi per Tom-poker torn -pudding tomtit tom-tom torn -trot torn -turkey to-name tone -col or tone -master tone-measurer tone=painting . tone-rel ationship tone-syllable tons: man tongsman tongue- bang tongue-bft'icrer tongue- battery tongue-bird tongue- bit tongue -bone tongue-case tongue-chain tongue -comprMBOr tongue -depressor tongue-doughty tongue-fence tongnefish tongueflower tongue -grafting tongue-grass tongue-bolder tongue-bound tongue- joint tongue-lashing ton gue- membrane tongue-shaped tongue-shell tongue -shot tongue-spatula tongue-test tongue-tie tongue-tied tongue-tooth tongue-tree tongue- valiant tongue "Violet tongue-warrior tongue-work ton gue- worm to-night tonnage-deck . tony-hoop tool -car tool=chest tool -coupling tool-extractor tool-gage tool -holder' tool -mark tool -marking tool -post tool -rest tool -stack tool -stay tool -stock tool-stone toothacb e • toothac bo-grass toothache-tree tootbback tooth-backed tooth -bearer tooth bill tooth-billed tooth-brush tooth-brush tree tooth -carpenter tooth-crees tooth-drawer tooth-drawing toothed tre tooth-filling toothflowcr toothing'plane tooth-key tooth-like tooth' net tooth- ornament tooth-paste toothpick toothpick er tooth'phigger toothy-powder tooth-pulp tooth -rash tooth-ribbon tooth -sac tooth-saw tooth -she 11 tooth-violet tooth-winged toothwort tooth-wound toot-plant toot-poison top-armor topaz -rock top-beam top-block top-boot top-booted top-card top-ch^in top-cloth top-coat ' top-cross top-drain top=draining top-dress top-dressing top-flat top-full top-fuller topgallant topgaJ lant-bul warks topgallant-forecastle topgallantmast topgallantsail topgal 1 an t-ehrouds top-graining top-hamper top-hampered top-heaviness top-heavy topknot top -lantern top-light top.>linlng toplofty top-mail topman topmast topmast-head topmast-shrouds top-maul top-minnow top-minor top-pendant topping-lift top-rail top-rim top-rope topsail topsail-yard top-saw top-sawyer top 'Shaped top-shell topsman top-soil top-soiling top-stone topsyturn topsyturvy top^tackle toptail top-timber top-tool torch -bearer torch-dance torch-fishing torchlight torch-lily torch -race torch PtafE torch -thistle torch-wood (wood) torchwood (a tree) torchwort tom-crenate torn -down tor-ouzel torpedo^ anchor torpedo-boat torpedo-boom torpedo-catcher torpedo-net torpedo-netting torpedo -officer torpedo'school torpedo-spar torpedo-tubo torrent-bow torrent-duck tortoise-beetle tortoise flower tortoise-headed tortoise-plant tortoise-rotifler tortoise-shell tortoise-shelled tortoise-wood toshnail tossy-tail tot-book tote-load tote-road tot-o'er-seas totter-grass touch-and-go touch'body touch-corpuscle touch-down touch'hole touching-stuff touch-me-not touch-needle touch' pan touch-paper touchpiece touchstone touchwood toughbark tough-cake toughhead tourney -helm tous-les-mois towboat tow-cock towel-gourd towel-horse towel-rack towel-roller tower -clock tower-cress ■ tower^mill tower-mustard tower =owI tower-shell towerwort towhead tow-headed tow-hook towing-bitts to wing-bridle towing-hook towing-net towing-path towing-post ' towing-rope towing-timber tow-iron tow-line town-adjutant town-councilor town ^ cress tow-net townfolk town -husband townland town = major town -meeting townsfolk townsman townspeople town talk town-wall tow-path tow-rope toy-block toy -box to -year toyman toy-mutch toy-shop toywort T panel T plate trace-buckle trace-chain tracc'fastener trace-book trace-horse trace = loop trace-mate trachyte-tuff tracings cloth trac i ng-i n str ument tracing-linen tracing-lines traci n g-mach Ine tracing-paper tracing-thread tracings wheel track-boat track- chart track- clearer track-edge track-harness track-hound track- indicator track-layer trackman trackmaster track-pot track- raiser track -road track-scale track-scout track -walker trackway tracti on -a n en ri 8 m traction-engine traction -gearing traction -wheel trade-hall trade-mark trademaster trade-name tradesfolk tradesman tradespeople tradeswon, an trade- union trade-unionism trade-unionist trade -wind traffic-manaffer traffic-return T rail trail -board trail-car trail -eye trail -handspike tralling^spring trailing- wheel trail-net trail-plate train- band train-bearer train -bolt train-boy train -band training-bit tpftining-day trainiug-halter training-level training-pendulum training school training-ship training-wall trainman train -mile train-oil train-road ^ train-rope trnin=tackle train way tram-car tram -Hue trammel-net trammel-wheel tramping-drum tram -plate tram pot tram -pick tram road tram-staff tramway tram -wheel transfer-book transfer-day trans fer=elevator transfer -gilding transfer-ink transfer-paper transfer-press transfer-printing trausfer-reeistance tran sf erring-m achine transfer-work tran sf ormation-scene transit-circle transit-compass transit-duty transit-i n str ument transit-trade tran slating-bcrew transom-knee transom -window transparency-painting transport-rider transport-ship transport-vessel transverse-cnbital transverse-medial transverse-quadrate trap ball trap-bat trap-bittle trap-brilliant trap-cellar trap-cut ' trap = door trapfall trap-fisher trap -hole trap -hook trap-net trappi ng=attachmen t trap-rock trap -seine trap-stair trap-stick trap- tree trap»tuff trap-valve trap' weir trash ^house trash-ice traveler' 8- joy travel er's-tree traveling-bag THE COMPOUNDING OF WORDS traveling-cabinet traveling'cap travel! Dg^carriage traveliDgs'chffit traveli ng-co n vert trave!ing=drees Ira vol soiled travel-'btjiined travel^worn travt-rse-hoard traverpe=circ]e traverse=di'ill traveree='Saw traverse='tal)le trawl-anchor trawl-beam trawl = boat trawlernian trawl-fish trawl-fishermaa trawl-head trawl -keg trawlaline trawl-net trawl-roller trawl- warp tray-cloth treacle-mustard treacle-sleep treacle-=wag tveacJc -water treacle-wnrmseed trearl-behind tread- board treadl e -machine treadmill tread-softly tread wheel treason -felony treasure chest treasnre^city treasureflower treasure-hoase treasure-trove treble-bar treble-dated treble-sinewed - trebletree treck-pot tree -agate tree-aloe tree -asp tree-azalea tree-bear tree -beard tree-beetle tree-boa tree-bug tree-rabbage tree-cactus tree -calf tree -cat tree-celandine treeclimber tree-clippur tree-clover tree-cofliii tree-copul tree-coral iree-coiton tree-coupling tree -crab tree=creeper tree-cricuet tree- crow tree-cuckoo tree-digger tree-dove tree-duck tree-fern tree-finch treefish tree -fly tree - frog tree-fuchsia tree-germander tree-goldonrod iree-goose tree- n air tree- heath tree-hoopoe treehopper tree-houseleek 'tree-iron tree- jobber tree kangaroo tree- lark tree-lily tree- lizard tree- lobster tree-lotus tree-louse tree-lungwort tree-lupine tree-mallow tree-marbling tree-medic tree-mi^nonette trec'-milk tree«mos8 tree-mouse treenail tree-nettle tree-nymph tree- of "Sadness tree-of-the-sun tree- oil tree-onion tree -ore his tree*oyster tree-partridge tree-peony tree -pie tree-pigeon tree- pi pit tree-poke tree -poppy tree-porcupine tree-primrose tree-protector tree^pruner tree-rat tree-remover treeecape tree -^ scraper tree-serpent tree -shrew tree-shrike tree -snake tree-sorrel tree=soul tree-sparrow tree-squirrel "tree-swallow tree -swift tree-tiger tree- toad tree-tomato tree-top tree-violet tree-warbler tree-wax tree-wool tree- worm wood tree -worship tree-worshipei trek-oxen trek-rope trek-tow trellis work trembling-jock trembling-jocky trench-cart trench-cavali6r trencher-cap trencher-coat trencher-critic trencher-friend trencher-knight trencher-law trencherman trencher-mate trencher-plate trench=plow trepan u iug-e levator trephine-saw trespas s -off ering trestle^board trestle-bridge trestletree trestle work trewsman triad -de me tiial-case trial-day trial -fire trial -glasses trial -ground triaj neat trial -jar trial-piece trial -pi ate trial-proof trial -eight trifll-square trial trip tribesman triblet-tubes tribute-money tribute-pitch tribute- work trick = dagger tricker-lock trick-line trickmaker trick-scene trick -sword trick -track trick- wig tricot-stitch trigger-finger trigger-fish trigger-guard trigger -hair trigger-line trigger-plant trip-book trip -cord tripe-de-roche tripeman tripC'Stone tripe- vieaged trip-gear trip-hammer triple-awned triple-crowned triple -grass triple 'headed triple-nerved triple-ribbed tripletail triplet-lily triplicate-ternate tripmadam tripod-jack trippant-counter tripping-line tripping-valve trip-ehaft trip*8kfti trip- slip trithing-reeve Triton"s-horn trivet-table trolley-pole trollflower troll ing-bait trolllng-hook trol ling-rod trolling-spoon troll -plate troolie-palm troop- bird troop-fowl troop-horse troop-ship trophy -cress trophy-lock trophy-money trophywort tropic-bird troth-plight troth -plighted troth- ring trot-line trotter-ljjoiler trotter-oil trouble-mirth trough-battery trough-fault trough -gutter trough^room trough -shell trous-de=loup trout-basket trout-bird trout-colored trout- farm trout-hole trout -hook trout-line trout-louse trout-net trout- perch trout- pickerel trout-rod trout-shad trout-spoon * trout-stream trout-tackle trowel-bayonet trowel beak trucc'breaker truck-bolster truck-farm truck-farmer truck -house trucking-house truck -jack truckle-bed truckle-cheese truckman truckm aster truck-pot truck-shop truck-store true-blue true=born true-bred true-derived true-devoted true=dispo8ing true-divining true-hearted true-heartedness true-love (one who has true love) truelove (a plant) truepenny true -stitch truffle- worm truing=tool trump-card trumped-up trumpet-animalcule trumpet-aeh trumpet-banner trumpet-call trumpet-conch trumpet-creeper trumpet-fish trumpet rtower trumpet-fly trumpet-gall trumpet-gourd trumpet-honeysuckle trumpet-iasmine trumpet- keck trumpet-lamp trumpetleaf trumpet-lily trumpet-major trumpet- mi Ik weed trumpet- reed trumpet-shaped trumpet-shell trumpet-tone trumpet-tongued trumpet-tree trumpet-vine^ trumpet weed trumpetwood trundle-bed trundle-head trundle -shot trundletail trundle-wheel trunk -alarm trunk back trunk'' bearer trunk-brace trunk-breeches trunk-cabin trunk- case trunk-engine trunkfish trunk hose trunk 'light trunk line trunk-nail trunk road trunk-sleeve trunk-stay trunk-turtle trunnion-lathe trunnion-plate trunnion-ring trunnion-sight trunnion-valve truss-beam truss-block truss-bridge trussin ^-machine truss-piece truss-plank truss-rod truss-tackle trustworthy truth-lover truth -teller try-cock try-house trying-plane trying-square try-pot trysail try-sguare trysting-day trysting-place try -works tsetse-fly T square tubbcr-man tubbing- wedge tube-bearing tube-board tube- breather tube-brush tube -casts tube -clamp tube-cleaner tube-clip tube-cock tube^colors tube -compass' tube-coral tubC'Cutter tube-door tube-drawing tube -ferrule tube-filter tubeflower tube -flue tube-foot tube -form tube-germ inatioB tnbe-hearted tube-machine tube-nosed tube-plate tube-plug tube-pouch tube- re tort tuhei ous-rooted tube-sealer tube -scraper tube-shell tnbe-spinner tube-stopper tube- valve tube- vise tube -weaver tube-well tube- worm tube-wrench. tub-fake tubfish tub-gig tub-oar tub-oarsman tub-preacher tub-race tub-saw tub-size tub-sugar tub-thumner tub-thumping tub- wheel tuck-creaser tucker jiu tuck -folder tuck-in tncking-gage tnck-jolnt tuck -marker tuck-neck tuck-out tuck -seine tuck-shop Tudor-flower tue-iron tuff -cone tuftgill tuft-gilled tuft-hunter turt-hunting m TTTE STAISTDARD DICTI0:N^ARY 75 tuftlng-button tugboat tug» carrier tug -hook tact-iron tujgman tugiuntton tug-elide tug- spring tula-worlc tule-wren tulip -ear tnllp-eared tulip-poplar tulip -root tulip -6 hell tulip "tree tuHp-wood tumblehug tumble-car tumble-down tnmbledung tumble-home tumbler-brush tumbler-cart tumbler-dog tumbler»drum tumbler- glass tumbler-holder tumbler»look tumbler-'punch tumbler -stand tumbler-tJink tumbl er-washer tumbleweed tumbling • barrel tumbling-bay tumbling-bob tumbling-box tumbling-net tnmblinga shaft tumbling- trough tumbUn g-^vheel tumika-oil tump-line tum-tum tun "belly tun g- oil tnng-tree tunhoof tuning-cjone tuning-crook tuning-fork tuning=hammer tuning-hovn tnning-'key tnning-knife tuning-lever tuning-peg tuning" pin tuning-slide tuning- wire tun -moot tunnel-disease tunnel -head tnnnel=hole tunnel-kiln tunnel-net tunnel -pit tunnel-shaft tunnel -vault tunnel -weaver tunning-caek tunning-dish tun -shell tup-man turban -shell turban stone turban -top turbinate -lentiform turbine-'l ynamometer turbine-pump turf-ant turf-b-ound turfjfCharcoal turf-clad turf ' cutter turf-drain turfing =iron turfing-spade turf-knife turfman turf-moss turf -plow turf=spade turf-worm turkeyback turkeybeard ■ turkeyberry turkeybercy-tree turkey «bird turkey-bl ossom' turkey- buzzard turkey-call turkey-cock turkey -corn turkey -gnat turkey -gobbler turkey-grass turkey-hen Turkey hone turkey-leather turkey-louse turkey-pea turkey- pen i;urkey-poolt Turkey elate Turkey stone turkey- vulture Turkman Turk''s-cap Turk's -head Tnrk's-turban turmeric -oil turmeric-paper turmeric-plant turmeric- root turmeric-tree turnabout turn-agai n-gentlemeu turnback turn-bench turn-bridge turnbuckle turn cap turncoat turnc'K.k turn-down turned -shells turner-harp turner-hood turn -file tumiug-bridge turninii-carrier turning-chisel turning-engine turning-gage turning-gouge turning-lathe turning-machine turning-mill turning-piece turning-place turning-point turning-rest turning-saw turning-steel turning -tool turnip-aphid turnip-cabbage turnip-cutter turnip-flea turnip-fly turnip 'maggot turnip-parsnip turnip-pest turnip-puller turnip-pulper turnip-radish turnip-rooted turnip-shaped turnip-shell turnip-tailed turnip wood turnkey turnout turnover turnpike turnpike-man turnpike-stair turn -pin turn plate turn-poke turn-row turn = screw turns ick turnside turnsole-blue turnsjiit turnstile turnstile-register turnstone turntable turn -under turn-up turn = wrest turpentine-hack turpentine-moth turpentine-oil turpentine-still turpentine-tree turpeth-mineral turq u oise-green turret-gun turret "head turret-lathe turret ship turtleback turtle-cowry turtle-crawl turtle -deck turtle-dove turtle-egging turtle-footed turtle-grass turtle-head turtle -peg tnrtle-run turtle-shell turtle soup turtle-stone tusk-shell tusk-tenon tusk-vnse tuesah-silk tusser«eilk tusser-worm tussock-caterpillar tussock -grass tussock-moth tussock-sedge tut'Oose tutty^more tut-work tut-worker tut- workman tu-whit tu-whoo twain-cloud twa-loftc'd twayblade 'twecu-brain 'tween-cleck 'tween ^declcs tweezer-case Twelftli-cake Twelfth-day Twelfth-night Twelftli-ticfe twelvemonth twelvepuuce twelveponny twelvo-score twenty fold twentyfourmo twenty-second twice-stabbed twice-told twice-writhen twick-bine twiddling-line twig-blight twig 'borer twig-bug twig-girdler twig-insect twig-pruner twig=rush twin-born twin-cylinder twine-cutter twine-holder twine-machine twine-reeler twinflower twinleaf twinning^ axis twinning ^machine twinning-plane twinning- saw tv^in pair twin-shell twin-spot twin-stock twisted -flower twisted-horn twisted -stalk twisted-stick twisting-crook twisting'forceps twisting = machine twisting-mill twist-joint twist-machine twist-stitch twist tobacco twist- velocity twitch -grass twite-finch twit- lark twitter bit twitter-bone twitter-boned. twit=twat Hwixt- brain two -blocks two 'Cleft two-decker two-edged two-eyes two-faced two-flowered twofold two-forked two-hand two-handed two-headed two-leaved two-legged two -line two^lipped. two-needle two under-servant under-service under-sheriff under-sheriff ry under skinkcr under" sky undcr-tenancy under'tenant" under-timed under-tint under-treated under-water under- witch under- workman under-world ungulite-grit unhai ring-beam unh airing-knife unhai ring-machine unicorn-beetle unicorn-bird unicorn 'fish unicorn -moth unicorn-plant unicorn -root unicorn -shell unicorn 's-horn unicorn-whale union-bow union -cord union -grass union-joint union-pump uijion-room unloading- block unloading-machine up=and-down ( AJl other familiar words with yp not here given to be solid.) upap=tree np-country THE COMPOUNDING OP WOEDS np-curved upholsterer«bee up-peak upper growth upper-machine upper "Stocks upper-tendoin up-'pile up-plight up«plow up-pliick up-pricked up- prop upopntting U'p-stairs up-stream up-street up-sweep up- town up- wind uran-glimmer uran-niica uran-ocher urchin-fish urchin -form uredo-fruit uredo-gonidium u re-ox urnflower urn-shaped utUity-man IT tube uva-ursi vaccination-scar vaccine-farm vaccine-point vacuum -brake vacuum-fllter vacuum-gage vacuum -pan vacuum-pump vacuum-tube vacuum-valve vade=mecum vainglorious vainglory Talise-saddle valley-board valley-piece valley=rafter valonia-oak valve-bucket valve-chamber valve-cock valve-coupling valve-file valve-gear valve-moti.in valve-pallet valve-seat valve -stem valve-taileil valve- view vamper-up "vampire -bat van-courier van-foss vanga-shrikc vanguard vanilla-bean vanilla-grass vanilla -plant vaTmer-hawk vanning-machine vantage-ground vantage -loaf vantage-point vantage-post van-winged vapor- bath vapor-burner vapor-douche vapor- engine vapnrer-moth vapor-inhaler vaporizing-stove vapor-lamp vapor-pan vapor-plane vaporepout vapor^tension Tare-headed vare-widgeon variety- planer variety show variety theater varnishing-day varnish-nnlish varnish-tree varnish -war tie vase-clock vase-painting vat- blue vat-net vaulting-capital vaulting-horse vaulting-pillar vaulting-shaft vaulting-tile vault-light vault shell vault- work vaza- parrot V hob V croze veal -ski Q vem-like veinstone veiu-stufE velvetbreast velvet-bur velvet-cloth velvet-ear velvetflower vel vet = grass velvetleaf velvet-loom velvet-mosa velvet^painting velvet^paper velvet-pile velvet-satin velvetseed velvet- work veneer-cutter veneering -hammer veneer-mill veneer-moth veneer-press veneer-eaw veneer-scraper venire-man venom-albumin venom-duct venom -fang venom -gland venom-globulin venom -mouthed venom-peptone venom-sac venose costate vent-bit vent-bushing vent-cock vent-cover vent- faucet vent-ftather vent-field vent-gage vent-gimlet vent-hole ventilating-hrick ventilating heater ventilating millstone ventilating saw ventilator-deflector ventilator-hoo:l vent-peg vent-piece vent''pin vent-pipe vent=plug vent-punch vent-searcher vent-stopper vent -tube vent-wire Venus's-comb Yenus^s-navelw.ort Venus^s-pride Yenus's-sbcjie Yenus's = slipper verbena-oil verd-antique verdigris -green verge -board verge-e=icapement verge -file verse-anthem verse-colored verse-maker verse^making verseman verse-monger verse-mongering verse-service verse lale verticillate^pilose vervain -mallow vesper-bell vesper-bird vesper-mouee Tesper-5 narrow vestrv board vestry clerk vestryman vestryroom Vesuvius-salt V gage V gear V hook vi-apple vice-admiral vice -admiralty vice-agent vice-bitten vice-chairman vice-chairmanship vice-chamberlain vice-chancellor vice-chancellorship vice-constable vice-consul vice-consulship vice-dean vicegerent vice-governor vice-king vice=legate vice-presidency vice-president vi ce-presidentehip vice -principal vice-queeu vice-rector viceregal vice -regent viceroy vice royal viceroyalty viceroyship vice-sherin vice-treasurer vlce-treaa urershi p vice- warden victualing-bill victual ing-hottse victualing-note victualing- office victualing-ship victualing- yard vicugna=cloth vida-fincli vjde-poche view-halloo viewpoint view-telescope vignetting-glass vign etti n g-ra ask vignetting -paper village-moot Tine-bhc'! vine-bf. re- vine-bower vine'Clad vine-culture vine-curcullo vine-dieeaee vine -dresser vfne-feeder vine -forester vine-fretter vine-gall vinegar-cruet vinegar-eel vinegar-fly vinegar-maker vinegar-plant vinegar-tree vinegar -vard vine-grub vine-hopper vine-land vine-leek vine-louee vine-maple vine-mildew vine-pest vine-plumb vine-puller vine-rake vine-slug vine-tie vine- weevil vinewort vineyard vingt-et-un viol-block violet-blindness violet-blue violet- cress violet-ear violet-ears violet-shell violet- snail violet-tip violet- wood viol in -bow violin-niano viper-fish viper-gourd viper's-buglosB viper's -grass viper's-wine virgin -bom virgin -knot virgin's -bower Yirgin- worship viroia-tallow vis-a-vis vise-bench vise-cap vise-clamp viseman vise-press visit-day visiting-ant visiting. book visiting-card visiting-day vison-weasel vlack-vark V-moth voice-part voice-thrill volant-piece vol -an- vent volley.'gun volt-ammeter volt-ampere volt-coulomb volt-meter volute-compass volute-spring volute-wheel vomic-nut vomit-nut vooga-hole vortex-filament vortex- motion. vortex-tube vortex -wheel vote-recorder voting-paper vow-breach vow-break vow- breaker vow-fellow V -point V tool vulture-raven y vat wabble- saw wabronleaf wad-cutter wadding-sizer wad -hook wad -punch wadset wafer- ash wafer-bread wafer-cake wafer-iron wafer-tongs waffle-iron . wage-earner wage-fund wagen-boom wager -cup wages-fund wages -mau wage-work wage-worker waging-board wagon -bed wagon -boiler wagon -bow wagon -box wagon -brake wagon -breast wagon -ceiling wagon -cou phn g wagon -drag wagon-hammer wagon -headed wagon 'hoist wagon- jack wagon-load wagon-lock wagons-master wagon-roof wagon -roofed wagon -top wagon. train wagon -tree wagon -vault wagon way wagonwright wagtail wagwant wag-wanton wag- wit waif- pole wain-house wain -load wain -rope wainscot-chair wainscot-clock wainscot-oak wainscot -pan el wain=shiUing wainwright waist-anchor waistband waist-belt waist-boat waist -boater waist-cloth waistcoat waist-deep waist -high waist-panel waist-piece waist-rail waist-torque waist-tree wait-fee waiting-maid waiting-room waiting- woman wait- service wait- treble wake -robin wake-time wakon-bird wald flute wald grave waldhorn wale-piece walk-around walking. beam walking-cane walking-dress walking-fan walking-fern walking-flsh walking-foot walking-leaf walking-papers walking-staff walking-stick walking- straw walking-sword walking-ticket walking -twig walking^tyrant walking-wheel walkover wallaby-bush wallaby-grass wall-arcade wall -barley wall-bearing wall -bird IN- THE STANDARD DICTIONARY 77 wall -box wall-clamp M'all-clock wall-crane wall -creeper wall-crees ^ wall-desk wall 'drill wall -engine wall-eye wall-eyed wall -fern wallflower wall-lrnit wall -gecko wall -germander wall-gillyflower wall-grenade wall-hawkweed wall hick wall'ink wall -knot wall -lettuce wftjl-light wail -lizard wall -louse wall-mose wall -net wall-newt wall-painting wall-paper wall-pellUory wall-pennywort wall -pepper wall-pie wall-piece wall -plat wall -plate wall -pocket wall-rib wall-rock wall-rocket wall-rue wall-saltpeter wall-scraner vail -sided wall -space wall-spleen wort wall-spring wall 'tent wall "tooth wall-tower wall-tr^e wall -vase wall-washer wall-wasp wall wort Tvalnut-nioth =.valnut=oil ■walnut-scale walnut-sphinx walnut-tree walrus-bird wamble-cropped wainpum-snake wandering-sailor wane-clnud want- hill wan=thriven wapper-jaw war^ax warble-fly war^cart warcraft ^va^-cry war-dance ward- holding warding- file ward -mote ward -penny wardrobe wardroom wardsman ward wit warega-fly ware-goose warehouse wareHouseman ware room war'=faln warfare war- flail war=flame war- fork war- hammer war-horse warkloom war-knife warlike war = man warm-blooded warm -headed warm-hearted warm- hearted nesB warming-pan warming-stone warm-sided warning-piece warning- wheel war-oflice war-paint war='patli warp- beam warp*dresser warp»> frame warping -bank warping-block warping "Chock warping-book warping-jack warping-machine warping-mill warping- penny warp-laco warp-land war-plume V a r- proof warp-stitch warp- thread warrant-olTlcer warrior-ant warri-warrl war-saddle war- scythe war-ship war-song war tax wart- cress wart-grass wart-herb wart-hog war-thought wart- pock wart-shaped wart-snake wart-spurge wartweed wartwort ■warty-faced war- wasted war- wearied war-whip war-whoop warwolf war-worn wash-back wash-ball wash-basin wash-basket wash-bear wash-beetle wash-board wash-boiler wash- bottle wash-bowl wash-brew wash-clotU wash-d ay wash-dirt washdisb / wash-drawing washer-cutter washer-gage washer-hoop washerman wasberwomau wash-gilding wash -graver wash-house washing-bear washing-crystals washing-drnm washing-en gi n e washing-gonrd washmg-house washing-machine washing-powder washing-rollers washing-shield washing«trommel washing-up washing'Vessel wash-leather washman wash-off washout wash-pot wash-rag wash-stand wash-stuff wash tail wash-tub wasp- bee wasp-beetle wasp-fly wasp -grub wasp-kite wasp-waisted wassaihboul wassail-bowl wassail -bread wassail-candle wassait^cup wassail-horn waste-basket waste -board waste-book waste- card waste -duster waste • gate waste -pal let waste-picker wastC'pipe .waste'preventer waste = trap waste way waste -weir waste=well watch =bil] watch-box ^vatch -candle watch-case watch-case cutter watch-clock watch -dog watch-fire watch-glass watch-guard u'atch-gun watch-header watch-house watchlng-candle watch-jewel watch-key watch- light watchmaker watchmaking watch-mark watch -meeting watch-night watch -officer watch-oil watch -paper watch-peel watch-pocket watch-pole watch -rate watch-spring watch-stand watch -tackle watclj-telescope watch-tower watchword watchwork water-adder water-aerirnony water-aloe water-analysis water-anchor water-antelope water-apple water-arum water-asli water-avens water- back water-bag water-bauiff water-balance water-bar water-barometer water- barrel water-barrow water-basil water-bath water-battery water- bean water-bear water-bearer water-bearing •water-bed water- beech water- beetle water'bellows water- bells water-be tony water-bird water-biscuit water-blackbird water- blast water- blebs water-blink water-blinks water- blob water- blue water- board water -boat water- boatman water-borne water-bottle water-bouget water-bound water -box water-brain water-brash water-hraxy water-break water-breather water=^ridge water-brose water -buck ■water-buckler water-budget water-buffalo water -bug water-butt water-cabbage water-calammt water-caltrop water-can water-cancer water- canker water-cap water- carpet water-carriage water-carrier water-cart water-cask water- cat water-cavy water-celery water- cell water- centiped water -charger water- chat water-check water-chestnut water-chevrotain water-chicken water-ch i ck weed water-chinkapin water-cicada water -clam water -clock water-closet water-cock water-colly water-color water-colored water-coloring water-colorist water-comparator water-cooler water-core watercourse water-cow water-craokcr water-craft water-crake water-crane watercress water-crow water-crowfoot watercup water-cure water-deck water-deer water "deerlet water-devil water-dock water-doctor ' water-dog water-dragon water-dram water-drainage water-dressing water-drinker water-drip water-drop water-dropper water-dropwort water-dust water-eagle water- elder water-elephant water-elevator water-elm water-enjgine water- erin go water-ermme water-extractor waterfall water-farming water-feather water-featherfoil water-fennel water-fern water-fight water-figwort water-filter water-finder water-fire water-fiag water-flannel water-flaxeeed water- flea water-float water-flood water-flounder waterflow water-flowing water-fly water-foot water-fowl water- frame water- fright water-fringe water-furrow water-gage water-gall water-gap water-gas water-ga*e water-gavel water-germander water-gilder water-gilding water-gillyflower water-gladiole water-glass water-god water-grampus water-grass water-gruel water-guard water=gull water-gum water-gut water-hairgrass water-hammer water-hare water-haze water-heater water -hemlock water-hemp water-hen water-hickory water-hoarhounO water-hog water-hole, n, waterhole, d. water-horse water-horsetail water- hyssop water-ice water-inch water4ndicator watering- call watering-can watering=cart watering-house watering-place watering-pot watering-trough water -in jecto* water-j]acket water- joint 7« THE COMPOUNDING OF WORDS ■water-junket water- kelpie ■water-lade water 'laid wator-langnage water-laverock waterlcaf water =1 eg water =lemon water -lene water lentil water«lettuce , water-level water-lily water slime watcr=line watcr=lined water "liverwort water=lizard water -lobelia water =1 ock water=locust waters-logged water =lot water-lotns water *lnng water-liite water-main water • maize waterman water -mantle water -maple water «niarigold water -^mark, n, watermark, v. water-meadow water -measurer watermelon water-meter water-milfoil water -m ill water-mint water "mite water -moccasin water-mole water-monitor watfr -monkey water =nioss water -m nth water-motor water=moii6e *water=mnrraiii water -net water-newt wator-=nixy water "Dut wat'^r^nymph water -oak water -oats water -opoesnm watev -ordeal wate" -organ wate" -ouzel wate* -oven wate •■'OX water 'padda water -pang water-parsley water -parsnip water-parting water-partridge water-pa^^page water- pennywort water- pepper water-persicaria water-pewit water-pkpa«ant water -piet water -piff water=pillar water-pimpernd water^pine water-pipe water=pipit water'pitcher water-plane water-plant water-plantain water -plate water-platter Tater=plow water-poise water' pore water -post water-pot water-power water -pox water =presa water -pri-^m water -privilege water = proof, a. waterproof, n. water-propeller water-pnmp water-puppy water-purpie water ' purslane water-qualm water -q u en ctied water-quintain water -rabbit water -radish, water -rail water -ram water -ranny water-rat water-rate Avater- rattler water»reed water-rent water-ret water-retting water rice water-robin water -rocket water -room water-rose water-rot water-ro nte water -sail water-salamander water-sallow water-sapphire waterscape water-scorpion water-screw water-seal water-sen green water-serpent watershed water -shell water-shield water-shoot water-shrew waterside water-silvering water-sink water-skin water-skipper water-sky water-slater water-smartweed water -smoke waters sriail water -snake water-soak water-socks water- sod den water-soldier water-sorrel water-souchy water-space water-spaniel water-sparrow water-speedweli water-spider water-spike water-spinner waterspout water-sprite water-stairs water-standing water-star water- star grass waters-star wo it water= stream water-strider water-supply water-system water-tabby water-table water- tank water-tap water-target water- 1 at n water-telescope water- thermometer water- thief water-thistle water-thrush water-thyme water-tick water- tiger water-tight water-tightness water-tower water-treader water-tree water=trefoil water-trunk water-tube water-tupelo water = turkey water ^twist water-twyer ■ water-vacuole water -varnish water-vascular water-vini water-violet water-viper water-vole water- wag tail waterway water-weed (any weed In water) waterweed (a particular weed) water-weevil water-wheel water- white water-whorlgrass water-willow water-wing water witch water = withe water-wood water- work water "Worker water- worm water- worn water wort watev -wraith water -yam water-yarrow wattle- bark wattle-bird wattle-crow wattle-gnm wattle-jawB wattle-tree wattle -turkey wattlework wattmeter wave-action wave -breast wave-front wave- goose wave-length wave-line wave- loaf wave-molding wave-motion wave-offering wave = path waver'dragon waver-roller wave -shell wave-surface wave -trap wave- worn waving-frame wavy- barred waw-waw wax berry waxhill wax-bush wax-chandler wax-cloth wax-cluster wax-dolle (a plant) wax ' end waxflower wax-gourd wa;?c-inscct wax-light wax^modeling wax-moth wax-myrtle wax-painting wax-palm wax-paper wax-pine wax-pink wax- pi ant wax-pocket wax-polish wax-red wax-scale wax-tree waxweed waxwing waxwork waxworker wax-worm way baggage way-barley way-beaten way-bill way- bit wayboard way bread wayliung wayfare wayfarer wayfaring wayfaring-tree way-gate waygoing waygoose way -grass waylay way-maker way-mark way passenger way-post way-shaft wayside way-sliding way station way-thistle way- thorn way train way- ward en way- wise wayworn waywort weak-built weak-eyed weak fish weak-handed weak-headed weak -hearted weak -hinged weak-kneed weak-minded weak-mindedness weak-sighted weak-spirited weal-balanced weapon-smith weari n g- appar** wear- plate wease-allan weasel-cat ■v\'easel-coot weasel-duck weasel -faced weasel -fish weasel-lemur weasel-snout weasel-spider weather-beaten weather-bitt weather-bitten weather-blown weather-board weather-board ing weather-bound Weather-box weather- breeder weather -cast weather-caster weather-cloth weather-cock, n. weathercock, v. weather -contact weather -cross weather-dog weather-driven weather-eye wind way wind -wheel windy-footed wine-balong yeast-beer yeast'bittcn yeast-cell yeast-fungus yeast^plant yeast-powder yell-bouse yellow=backed yellow-barred yellow-beak yellow-belUed yellowbelly yellowbill yellow-billed yellowbird yellow-breiwted yellow-browed yellow-covered yellowcrown yellow-crowned yellow-duckwing, a. yellow-eyed yellowfin yellowfish yellow'footed yellow-fronted yellow -golds yellow-gum yellowham yellowhammer yellow -headed yellow-horned yellow -jack yellow-jacket yell owl eg ' yellowlegs yellow°legged yellow-legger yellow-Jine, a. yellow-necked yellowpoll yellow=polled yellow-ringed yellow ■=rocket yellowroot yellowrump yellow-rumped yellow-sally yelloweeed yellow- shafted yellowshank yellowshanks yellowshell yellow'sbins yel lo w -sho u Idered yellow-spotted yellowtail yellow-tailed yellowthroat yellow-throated yellow-top yellowsvented yellowweed yel low -winged yellowwood yellowwort • yellow-wrack yerba-mate yercum=fiber yester-year yew-pine yew-tree ylang-ylang Y-level Y-moth yoke-arbor yoke-bone yoke- devil yoke -elm yokefellow yoke -line yokemate yoke'=rope yoke-toed yolk-bag yolk -cleavage yolk 'duct yolk-gland yolk-sac yolk-segmentation yolk-skm young-eyed youtnlilve Y track yttrinm=garnet yucca=borer yucca-fertilizer Yule-tide zaffer blue zand-mole Zante-wood Z crank zebra-caterpillar zebra- opossum zebra-parrakeet zebra-plant zebra-poison zebra-shark zebra-spider zebra-swallowtai! zebra-wolf zebra- wood zebra-woodpecker zebu-cattle zenith-collimator zenith-distance zenith-sector zenith -telescope ziment- water zinc-amyl ziinc-blende zinc-bloom zinc-colic zinc- ethyl zinc-methyl zinc-plating zinc-salt zinc -spin el zinc -vitriol zircon-syenite -, Z-iron zoga-form zoea-stage zone- axis zoO phyte-trough Zouave- jacket ZnJu-kafir FUNK & WAGNALLS' STANDARD DICTIONARY. The Opinions of Critics who Have Seen the Plan and Portions of the Work '' It will be liailed with delight." The Morning Call, San Francisco. *' St is hound to meet \rith popular Ol- Tor." The Omaha Republican. ** \W"e predict for the Dictionary an un- qualified success." American Farmer, Chicago. " IVjlll he the most complete overissued. . . . It is much needed." The Pittsbui'gh [Pa.] Press. " In many w^ays it will surpass the loading dictionaries/* The Belfast [Me.] Age. "Xhe old days of dictionary monopoly are gone forever." Saturday Evening Post, Burlington, Iowa. '* Bids fair to he a most important ivorh, and deserves hearty welcome." The Detroit Commercial Advertiser. "Invaiuahle to the erudite scholar, as well as to those of hmited attainments." The Evening Star, Philadelphia. "Has very important and decided im- provements on all its predecessors." The Central Melhodist. "... an entirely new plan, that bide fair to Buperacde to a great extent lAioseiiow in use." The Union Farmer, Eochester, Me. " Vhe work is far ahead of any diction- ary of the English language ever published." The Bally Sun, San Francisco, Cal. "A new dictionary, and not a compilation from others, and revealing many points of superiority." HississippI School Journal. " It promises to he the naost sought for by publishers and scholars generally." The Medical Visitor, Chicago. ""Will meet 'with instant acceptance and approval. . . . A comprehensive and mag- nificent work." The Plattsburg [N. Y.] Sentinel. •* Will prove in all probability far supe- rior to all other dictionaries heretofore published." The Cincinnati Medical Journal. *' It is common sense, American, and progressive, a. distinct step forward in the art of flictionary making." The Electrical Review, New York. '* A most complete cyclopedia of our language. . . - The value of such a work can hardly be estimated." Hall's Journal of Health, New York. Complete yet Succinct. —"If they [sample pages] are a fair specimen of the whole work, it will he a complete yet succinct dictionary." Howard Crosby. ISound to Supersede all Others.— ^^ Every- body should procure a" copy of this new dictionary. It is bound to supersede all others." Zanesville [O.] Daily Signal. Will be a Marvel even to Scholars.—" We are persuaded that we are soon to have a dictionary that will be a marvel even to scholars." WeBteru Christian Advocate, Cincinnati. It Solves an Important Puzzle.—" Its ap- i)earance will settle, for some years at least, the puzzle as to which dictionary one should buy." The Indiana Phalanx, Indianapolis, Ind. *' This Ttrill be the completest single vol- ume dictionary ever issued, and its appear- ance will be awaited with great interest." The Boston Home Journal. A ISlesslng to the E:nglish s speaking Race. — '* The sample pages conclusively prove that the Dictionary will be_a blessing to the English-speaking race." The Ledger, Pottstown, Pa. The Way a Distinguished Historian liOoks at It.— "The plan is admirable ... I am sure the innovations ... will he received with uni- versal approval." Benson J. Lossing. *' It is thorough -going and comprehen- sive, and promises to be a radical improvement npon the dictionaries ^ready familiar to the English s speaking people." The St. Joseph Her^d, St. Joseph, Mo, *' It promises to work a miracle in the matter of the arrangement of future works of reference. The arrangement of this work is delightfully simple and concise." The Denver Times, Denver, CoJ. '* A Herculean task. . . Especially praise- worthy. . . , The make-up of the pages, the style of print and the illustrations remind one of the Century oictionary." The Open Court, Chicago. Bold and Well Conceived. — "It presents some novel featm-es, and promises to be more nearly worthy of its title than any work of the kind extant." The Occident, San Francisco, Cal. "Simplicity, accuracy, thoroughness. . . . The pages reveal these qualities in an eminent de- gree. Students of our language will anxiously await the appearance of the volume. ' The School Journal of New York and Chicago. A ISlctionary Based on these Principles liOng Needed. — "There are prominent features about this work that will at once commend it to the public as supplying a long felt want." i The Commercial Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minn. ** The plans are new, and if the ideas presented in the sample pages are carried through the entire work, it will be the most comprehensive and accurate of any similar work ever published." The New England Financier. The Definitions Ittost Complete and i:as- ily to be Understood*— "The method of defining all words is so complete and easily understood that no mis- apprehension iu their meaning can arise." t The Weekly Commercial Eecord, San Francisco. ** It ivill be a great Improvement on any dictionary noiv in use, and invaluable to all per- sons who desire a knowledge of the English language, its orthoepy, orthography, etymology, etc." The Mail, Stockton, Cal. S^very Point of Difference an Improve- ment. — " In a number of important points the new work will be different from any of its predecessors, and each point of difference will be an improvement." The Buriiugton [Iowa] Gazette. '*Thc sample pages mark the greatest improvement over the editions of Web- ster, and the work cannot be placed on the market too soon to meet the requirements of people who use diction- aries." The Plain Speaker, Hazleton, Pa. "This ivork is in the nature of some- thing that has never before been at- tenapted in this line, and that it will fully meet the claims made for it is guaranteed by the prospectus and sample pages." The Daily Tele^ain, Richmond, Ind. Its Utility and Accuracy Manifest.— " It will meet with a demand that is supplied by no other dic- tionarj^ extant. Its utility is at once manifest, and with the eminent scholars engaged in its preparation, its accu- racy cannot he doubted." The Sanitary News, Chicago, A Many-sided Work.— " Instead of being the work of one man with peculiar notions and crotchets, as Webster, "Worcester, and other contemporary lexicons, the * Standard ' will be the work of many brains and pens, like the modern encyclopedia." The Metropolis, New York. It Will Become an Unchallenged Stand- ard.— "We confess to being much struck by the origi- nal and ready advantage of the new scheme. It is a work which will rapidly make its way to the front, and become an unchallenged standard." The Sunny South, Atlanta, Ga. A Stupendous Undertaking.— "We cannot conceive of a much more stupendous undertaking than this. . . . But Funk & Wagnalls are not only going to issue a new dictionary, but one with many changes m method and make-up from the old models." The Daily News, Springfield, Mass. Hovr it Impresses Practical Newspaper Men. — "Newspaper men above all others appreciate the value of a good dictionary, and a careful examina- tion of this forthcoming work convinces us that it is the very best, most comprehensive, and practical ever is- sued." The People, Scranton, Pa. The Most Notable Array of Scholars £ver Engaged upon an American Diction- ary.—" The various departments of the Dictionary are placed in the hands of the leading specialists, presenting the most notable array of scholarship ever engaged on any literary work in this country." The Golden Era, San Francisco. "The tongue ive speak vi^ill have a standard and guide of higher value than it has had since it was spoken, if the sample pages of the 'Standard Dictionary' be any fair gauge of what the entirety is to be, . . . Such a work must be of incal- culable value to the English'speaking race." The Dispatch, Philadelphia, Pa. General Convenience— Common Sense. — " I particularly like your placing the etymology after the definition, as a matter of general convenience ; your placing the general meaning oefore the historical mean- ing, as a mattei of common sense ; and your ' locating ' the quotations, in the interest of scholarship." Gail Hamilton, New York. *' It will be for at least a generation, Ti^hat its name implies, the Standard Dic- tionary of Air language. . . . Since the appear- ance of Johnson's dictionary, every English or Ameri- can lexicographer has adopted it as a model and enlarged upon it. The Standard,. ia its plan, differa widely from its predecessors in many important points." Lapeer County [Mich.] Democrat. Will Sav^ a Great Dealof Trouble.— "The antonyms given in connection with the synonyms will be a good feature not found inthe other one vohime diction- aries. . . All the innovations tend toward convenient order of arrangement, rather than historical order, which does not prevent the one man in a hundred from learning the full history of a word, and saves the other ninety ■ nine a good deal of trouble." The Louisville Daily Times. *' This Dictionary promises to eclipse all of its predecessors. . . The Standard makes so many departures from the oldfashioned ways that its appearance will be a notable literary event. . . Certain it IB that it will contain very much of value that is not to be found in the other dictionaries, while in all things it is up to the times— abreast of modern scholarship, and sup- plying our present needs iu this line to the utmost." The National Publisher and Printer, Louisville, ^y. The methods Far-Sighted and Informed by the Modern Spirit.— " Your Dictionary is sure to do a great service to the public. Especially am I glad of your well-directed efforts to secure desired reforms in the spelling of English words. The introduction of the double hyphen between the members of a compound word seems to me to be most wise. The methods as published have impressed me as particularly faresighted and informed by the modem spirit in the best sense." Frances E. Willard. The IVonder is such a Work was not Attempted Long Ago,—" Funk & Wagnalls, the wellknown publishers, of New York, are engaged upon the Herculean task of compiling a dictionary on a new system. The plan is strangely unique, yet it so well suits the manifold wants of the people that the wonder is it was not attempted long ago, . . . The innovations, which are many, mark an advanced step in dictionary work, and each is designed to accomplish a purpose that all other dictionaries do not touch." The La Crosse [Wis.] Repiiblican' Leader. Incomparably Superior to the Best of the Old Dictionaries.—" The sheets of your new 'Standard Dictionary,' so kindly sent me for criticism, I am, examining with care, and will report results in a few days. The work is incomparably superior to the new Webster (The International), with wnich I have been comparing it."— D. S. Gregory. D.D., formerly President of the Lake Forest University, and Professor of the Mental Sciences in the University of Wooster, Ohio. [This opinion was written before Dr. Gregory was engaged upon the Dictionary.— Pubs.] The Plan for Treatment of Handicraft Terms of Oreat Advantage to Specifica- tion ^Writers.-" In writing specifications it is al- ways desirable to employ trade terms when possible, but how is a man to know the trade terms unless he has been brought up in the trade, and it is manifestly impossible for a specification writer to have been uj) in all the trades. To know that a certain thing is wanted is to know some- thing about it ; and in cases such as mentioned you know where the thing is to be foimd, but do not know how to find its name." E. D. O. Smith, Secretary of the Dodge Mfg. Co., Mishawaka, Ind. No Departures from Recognized Usage without the Sanction of Leading Ameri- can and English Philologists.—" The adop- tion of The Scientific Alphabet ... is a step in the right direction towards much^needed simplicity in the English language. ... It will be observed that no departures from recognized usage have been made which do not have the authority and sanction of the leading philologists of America and England. We believe the work will be, when completed, one which will meet the demands and approval of business men and scholars, and, aside from its use as a mere dictionary, defining words, will have a beneficial influence towards the further development and perfection of the English lan- guage."— The American Mtmufacturer and Iron World, Fittsborg, Pa. ' The Synonyms and Antonyms particularly please me. I like the plan and general appearance. "_Ex.Pres. JrLins H. Sbblyb, Amherst College. . TOUT pntting etymological derivatives at the end rather than at the beginning of each '^^-E woM 1 1^^^^^^^^^ " If the whole work keeps up to the grade of the sample pages, it cannot fail U> stand alone as the dictionary for the people. -Cleveland Gazette, Cleveland, O. THE OFi:N"IOISrS OF CRITICS WHO HAVE SEEN THE PEAN AND PORTIOBJS OF THE WORK. Prof. Skeat, Etymologist, of Cambridge UnlTersity, England, Pleased and Surprised. And Dr. Murray, of Oxford, Editor' of the Celebrated New English Dic- tionary, Commends the 'Work. Prof. W. C. WiLKiHsoN, In a letter from England, writes : "I showed Prof. Skeat the sample pages of "The Standard Dictionary.' He looked them over with the evident interest of a practical lexicographer. ... He approved the introduction of the phonetic element and the exhibition of the tentative scientific alphabet. He expressed the opinion that a spelling ref OBn in the Eng- lish language was certain to come in time, and declared bis confidence in Prof. March as a man thoroughly quali- fied to preside over this department of the Dictionary. He expressly said that you might quote Um as approving the phonetic feature of the Dictionary. ... He was highly pleased with the plan of giving exact refer- ences for the literary quotations, and expressed surprise that it could be accomplished in so little space. The professor seemed pleased with the general look of the work " Dr. Murray, of Oxford University, expressly consents to be quoted publicly by yon in testimony to the follow- ing points : (1) That the introduction of the phonetic element was a desirable recognition of the need of He- formed Spelling, and that Professor March's editorship of tliis department was everytUng that could be asked for ; (2) that as a practical matter, in a popular diction- ary, the ' order of usage ' had the preponderance of rea- sons in its favor ; (3) that the specimen pages of the Standard Dictionary had, on examination, appeared to him to be as well done as was practicable within the nec- essarily small compass of a single volume dictionary." The Plan Admirable and -Mrill Better Meet Existing Needs. Thko. W. Hunt, Professor of Khetoric and English Literature at Princeton, writes : " I have examined carefully the prospectus and sample pages of ' The Standard Dictionary.' The plan is ad- mirable and ought to meet with general acceptance. In a work of this kind, the spholars engaged on it are as important a factor as the plan itself. The cooperation of such scholars as March, Doremus, Newcomb, Harper, Balg, Harrison, etc., should ensure success. ... Of the two dictionaries, the revision of Webster, and your work, your plan is the better one and will better meet ex- isting needs. It has the great vtetue of being unique and independent. Three or four of its features are especially commendable : 1. Placing definitions before etymologies. 2. Giving the preference to present meanings. 8. Reducing technicalities to a minimum. 4. Giving diie emphasis to phonetic spelling. 5. Your treatment of quotations. "These are all excellent features and are found no- where else in such good form. You have also avoided the extreme, as I regard it, of excessive quotations, illus- trations, and cyclopedic matter. I presume a clear ex- planation will be given of the phonetic alphabet, used m the pronunciation of words. [This will be given in the Preface to the Dictionary.— Editor.] It is a Dictionary that will meet the common needs of the people. The Century is a lexicographical luxury. Tours will be The English People's Word Book. The best criticism, however, of your Dictionary that I can send yon is an acceptance blank. I am advising my students to pro- cure it." A Searching Comparison with other Dictionaries by a Prominent Canadian Educator. W. J. Carson, Principal Teacher's Training School, London, Canada, writes : " For some time the teachers of tins city have been holding back from selecting a new dictionary until they could examine the sample pages of the Punk & Wagnalls ' Standard Dictionary.' I have now received and examined the sample pages, comparing them from a io abide with the corresponding portion of ' The Interna- tional Webster ' and ' Worcester.' The following is the result : The page of ' The Standard ' is slighfly larger than the page of ' The International ' and a good deal larger than the page of 'Worcester.' '^The Standard contains about 239 words from a to abide. [The obsoletes, etc., are now removed to Glos- sary in Appendix ; see sample page x.— Editor.] " The International contains about 173 words from a to abide. " The Standard has 17 illustrations from a to abide. " The International has 6 illustrations from a to abide. " Worcester has 4 illustrations from a to abide. " The Illustrations In The Standard are better than the illustrations of either The International or Worcester. " Worcester is oat of the race altogether. " The Standard has clearer print than The Interna- tional and of the same size. " The Standard begins every proper name, and every word compounded from a proper name, and every proper adjective, with a capital letter, and every other word it begins with a small letter. '" The International begins every word with a capital "The Standard gives antonyms. The International does not give antonyms. " The Standard uses the double hyphen to indicate the parts of compound words. The International uses no mark for such purpose. " The Standard gives the author, book, chapter, and section or page, from which its quotations are taken. The International gives only the quotation and author. " The definitions in the Standard I consider are better than the definitions in the International. " The first three words I looked for in The Interna- tional were not in it— one from 'Lnlly's Psychology,' one from Bomanes' 'Origin of the Human Faculty,' one from an article in the Encyclopedia Britannica." A Standard In Reality as In Name. The Saturday Evening Post, Burlington, Iowa, sas'S : " . .As this is the age when old prejudices and customs are laid aside and innovations are of daily trans- piration in our busy and turbulent modern life, there is no reason wljy a new dictionary possessed of such in- trinsic merit should not quickly become the ' Standard ' in reality as well as in name." Xhe Present Usage of Words given the Preference. O. B. Fkothingham, Boston, Mass., writes : " I may say that to me it seems a good thing to publish a work that does not pretend to give a complete history of the English language as it was in the past, but aims to present it as it is used by the best writers now, and in America." The Innovations in the Direction of Im- provement and Reformation. U. S. Senator John ... Ingalls writes : " I have examined the sample pages, of your Dictionary and the rules under which the work is being done. The innovations you propose seem to me to be in the direc- tion of improvement and reformation, and therefore com- mendable." The Best for the Average Reader and for the Scholar. Tlie Examiner, Cleveland, Ohio, says : " There is no doubt but it will be the best Dictionary yet brought out, not only for the average reader, but for the scholar." HOW IT IMPRESSES EDUCATORS. " I do not see hoAv t>ls wori: can be im- proved."— Geo. W. Dbaland, Supt. Public Schools, Perrysville, Ind. " This work vrlll help a good deal towards the needed spelling reform."— President FkanIvLin Carter, Williams College. "I am impressed vrltli Its con.'servatlve urogresslvencss, with its accuracy and complete- Jess."— S. S. Stiver, Principal Bunker Hill [N. T.] Academy. " I am delighted vpltli the principles upon which you are building the Dic- tionary." — 3. Ogden Doremus, of the College of the City of New York. " With merits peculiar to Itself, it com- bines many of the best points of Murray, the Encyclo- pedic, and the Century dictionaries." — M. A. Newell, Newell Institute, Baltimore, Md. A Miracle of Clearness. — " The specimen pages certainly show excellent work. The article on 'A' Is a miracle of condensation and clearness." — Prof. Charles F. Johnson, of Trinity College, Hartford. IVUl Win the Position of the Standard Authority.— "Your simple, accurate, and thorough work must win for your Dictionary of the English Ian-. faage the position of The Standard Authority."— Free. ;. B. RioPEL, Northern Illinois College, HI. Compared with the Century Dictionary. —"I have taken pleasure in comparing it with the Century dictionary. ... It bears the comparison well. In matter of synonyms and antonyms,' it will stand at the head of all American dictionaries."- W. E. Com- ings, Superintendent of Public Schools, Norwalk, Ohio. " In many particulars It Is a decided Im- provement upon any of its predecessors ; the ordei of definitions, the quotations, the etymology, the syno- nyms and antonyms, the illustrations of the correct usp of the accompanying preposition, are new and valuable features." — B. B. Snow, Superintendent of Schools, Au- burn, N. Y. Approving l^'ords from a Profesi'or at Yale.—". . . The innovation of placing the etymology after the definition, while it may startle some people, can hardly be regarded as objectionable per fie, and may fa- cilitate the consultation of the Dictionary on the part of many people. Compression is secured by many excellent devices. In placing Prof. March in charge of the pho- netic notation, you are doing well. The inclusion of synonyms and antonyms is entirely commendable. . . .'* —Albert S. Cook, Professor of the English Languagp and Literature, Yale University. The list price of the Dictionary, Yvhen Issued (which will be before the close of 1892), will be $12.00, bound In ta single volume- bound In two volumes, $14.00. But to all persons who will sign and return the Acceptance Blank (see below), and makeapaymcntof $1.00, only $7.00 will be charged, boundln single volume; $9.00 bound in two volumes. ACCEPTANCE BEAIVK. Sign and Return the Following, or a Copy of It. Funk & Wagnalls Company, 18 and ao Astor Place, New York : I accept voui- offer for a copy ot your Standard Dictionary of the Ensrlisli Language, and herewith forward you One Dollar in advance pavment for the same, and will forward you the remaining *Six Dollars when you notify me that it is ready for delivery. It is understood that if I am not satisfied with the work I shall be at liberty to send it back within three days after I receive it, and you will return my money. Date Signed P-0 State * $2.00 extra will be charged if wanted in two volumes. Piilste: FDBK & WAGNALLS COMPAM. 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