\Jba2- New York State College of Agriculture At Cornell University Ithaca, N. Y. Library DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCJS AND LABOR , OF .THE PuiiEAU OF SXANDARpS I'm/ .; ■,'■.■■'.■''■. ■ ■■' . ■'■W; . S. W, STRATTON, Pjrectc»R No. 10 LEGAL WEIGHTS (IN POUNDS) PER BUSHEL OF VARIOUS COMMODITIES i;2d Edition] Issued Mas' 1$. 1911 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1911' Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/cletails/cu31924002966376 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR Circular OF THE Bureau of Standards S. W. STRATTON. Director No. 10 LEGAL WEIGHTS (IN POUNDS) PER BUSHEL OF VARIOUS COMMODITIES [2ca EctltJon] Issued May IS, 1911 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 19U LEGAL WEIGHTS (IN POUNDS) PER BUSHEL OF VARIOUS COMMODITIES CONTENTS I. Introduction 3 II. Commodities for which bushel weights have been adopted in but one or two States 5 III. Commodities for which bushel weights have been more widely adopted . . 7 Alfalfa seed to coal 7 Coke to Indian com 8 Kaffir com to popcorn g Potatoes to wheat 10 I. INTRODUCTION. This circular shows simply the legal weights per bushel of various commodities, as fixed by national legislation mainly for customs purposes or by the State legislatures for purposes of commerce within the States. In many cases these weights differ considerably in the different States and in the cases of only a few commodities, such as wheat, oats, and pease, are the legal weights uniform throughout the entire cotmtry. It should not be assumed that the legal weights herein given represent a volume equal to the bushel of 2150.42 cubic inches (United States bushel). On accoimt of the variations in the densities of commodities in different localities and in different seasons, it is impossible to fix with any degree of certainty the weight of a given volume. The best that could be done would be to give the average of all localities for a number of years. Inasmuch, however, as the weight of a given volume of any commodity, such as potatoes, apples, coal, com, etc., can only be approximately fixed, it is important in trans- actions involving such measures that it be distinctly understood which bushel is meant, viz, the volume of 2 1 50.42 cubic inches or a certain num- ber of pounds called a bushel, which might be quite a different amount. On accotmt of the impossibility of reconciling these two definitions of the bushel, it is recommended that all sales be made by weight, as is now the practice in wheat transactions. The aim has been to cover all available legislation up to the time of going to press (May 15, 191 1). 87363°— It 3 Legal Weights per Bushel of Commodities 5 n. COMMODITIES FOR WHICH BUSHEL WEIGHTS HAVE BEEN ADOPTED IN BCT ONE OR TWO STATES Alsike (or Swedish) seed, 60 pounds (Maryland and Oklahoma). Beggarweed seed, 62 pounds (Florida). Bermuda grass seed, 40 pounds (Oklahoma) . Blackberries; 30 pounds (Iowa) ; 48 poimds (Tennessee) ; dried, 28 pounds (Tennessee). Blueberries, 42 pounds (Minnesota) . Bromus inermus, 14 pounds (North Dakota). Burr clover, in hulls, 8 pounds (North Carolina) . Cabbage, 50 pounds (Tennessee) . Canary seed, 60 pounds (Tennessee) ; 50 pounds (Iowa) . Cantaloupe melon, 50 pounds (Tennessee) . Caster seed, 50 pounds (Maryland) . Cement, 80 poimds (Tennessee) . ■ Cherries, 40 pounds (Iowa) ; with stems, 56 pounds (Tennessee) ; without stems, 64 pounds (Tennessee) . Chufa, 54 pounds (Florida) . Cotton seed, staple, 42 potmds (South Carolina) . Culm, 80 pounds (Maryland) . Currants, 40 pounds (Iowa and Minnesota) . Feed, 50 pounds (Massachusetts) . Fescue, seed of all the, except the tall and meadow fescue, 14 pioimds (North Carolina) . Fescue, tall and meadow fescue grass seed, 24 pounds (North Carolina). Grapes, 40 pounds (Iowa) ; with stems, 48 pounds (Tennessee) ; without stems, 60 pounds (Tennessee). Guavas, 54 pounds (Florida) . Hominy, 60 pounds (Ohio) ; 62 pounds (Tennessee) . Horseradish, 50 pounds (Tennessee) . Italian rye-grass seed, 20 pounds (Tennessee) . Japan clover in hulls, 25 pounds (North Carolina). Johnson grass, 28 poimds (Arkansas); 25 pounds (North Carolina). Kale, 30 pounds (Tennessee) . Land plaster, 100 pounds (Tennessee). Lentils, 60 pounds (North Carolina) . I/Uceme, 60 pounds (North Carolina) . Lupines, 60 potmds (North Carolina) . 6 Circular of the Bureau of Standards Meadow seed, tall, 14 pounds (North Carolina). Meal ( ?) , 46 pounds (Alabama) ; unbolted, 48 pounds (Alabama) . Middlings, fine, 40 pounds (Indiana) ; coarse middlings, 30 pounds (Indiana). Millet, Japanese barnyard, 35 povinds (Massachusetts and New Hampshire). Mustard, 30 pounds (Tennessee) . Mustard seed, 58 pounds (North Carolina) . Oat grass seed, 14 pounds (North Carolina). Plums, 40 pounds (Florida) ; 64 pounds (Tennessee) ; dried, 28 pounds (Michigan) . Prunes, dried, 28 pounds (Idaho) ; green, 45 pounds (Idaho) . Radish seed, 50 pounds (Iowa) . Raspberries, 32 poimds (Iowa and Kansas) ; 48 pounds (Tennessee). Rhubarb, 50 pounds (Tennessee) . Sage, 4 pounds (Tennessee) . Salads, 30 poimds (Tennessee) . Sand, 130 pounds (Iowa). Seed of brome grasses, 14 pounds (North Carolina). Spinach, 30 pounds (Tennessee) . Strawberries, 32 pounds (Iowa); 48 pounds (Tennessee). Sugar cane seed (amber), 57 pounds (New Jersey). Sunflower seed, 24 pounds (North Carolina). Teosinte, 59 pounds (North Carolina) . Velvet grass seed, 7 pounds (Tennessee) . Vetches, 60 pounds (North Carolina) . In the following pages is given an alphabetical list of 84 commodities, for which legal weights (in pounds) per bushel have been more generally adopted by States. Special explanations or conditions affecting the defini- tion are printed in foot notes to these tables. Legal Weignis per Bushel of Commodities \ m. COMMODITIES FOR WHICH BUSHEL WEIGHTS HAVE BEEN MORE WIDELY ADOPTED ■g 3 Apples 1 >> Beans n •0 n 1 J .d 1 1 •0 Coal i 1 pq - a 8 \< as 5 1 d a U 2 1 1 s 01 tJ. s 48 47 45 48 50 48 48 " "eo' 2 55 = 60 50 42 80 24 Ark 8 50 24 14 20 43 52 40 52 48 60 Cal 60 60 :4 60 60 80 80 48 25 «60 20 50 20 20 80 Del S48 24 24 48 47 48 1160 60 48 20 '20 Ga 14 52 60 80 Idaho ^^^ 111 24 25 24 24 24 48 48 48 48 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 43 43 60 60 8 60 60 60 46 46 46 46 MS 56 56 14 14 14 »14 14 20 52 50 52 50 56 60 60 60 60 60 80 Ind 80 60 60 43 3 48 20 20 20 50 50 50 20 Rn Knn<^ 80 Kv 76 76 76 7(i Me 44 ■"48' 48 S50 60 60 "60 60 60 6 60 12 60 60 60 60 2 11 60 10 JO 'ia'46' 46 '"46" 46 60 "86' "50' "50' "56' 60 60 48 50 50 50 Md eo 23 25 22 28 26 24 14 "u 14 14 14 14 14 • B 20 20 20 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 64 80 Mass . . 43 48 50 48 52 52 52 50 48 50 Mich 80 Minn '26' 20 20 20 20 20 57 45 20 30 Miss 80 Mo 43 45 M8 348 48 50 50 50 30 76 Mont Nebr 24 24 25 25 80 50 50 50 N. H N.J . N.Mex N. Y 48 8 43 50 50 48 45 25 43 48 48 43 48 46 47 48 60 18 60 60 60 60 20 '26' '46' 30 48 SO 42 SO 52 42 48 48 SO 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 N. C 146 '""46" 56 60 14 HSO N. Dak. 80 Ohio 24 24 28 50 SO 70 14 20 30 80 80 Pa 50 IS 10 18 20 i'75 30 R.I . 48 25 40 60 46 50 20 S. C... S. Dak 48 48 48 60 12 18 60 60 """45' 60 50 ",\a 20 20 20 30 42 42 50 42 60 IS 60 60 80 3 50 45 24 28 40 SO 22 22 SO sn Tex no Utah Vt 46 48 43 48 48 48 62 60 60 48 52 42 52 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 Va 28 28 25 25 14 57 80 »45 W.Va 60 60 Wis 50 50 20 50 Wyo 1 ^ Not defined. 2 Small white beans, 60 pounds. 3 Green apples. / * Sugar beets said mangel-wurzel . ^Shelled beans, 60 pounds; velvet beans, 78 pounds. " White beans. 'Wheat bran. 8 Green unshelled beans, 56 pounds. ^English blue-grass seed, 22 pounds; native blue-grass seed, 14 pounds 19 Also castor seed. '1 Soy beans, 58 pounds. '2 Green imshelled beans, 30 pounds. ^3 Soy beans. ^* Free from hulls. 15 Comercially dry, for all hard woods. 18 Fifteen pounds commercially dry, for all soft woods. 1' Standard weight in borough of Greensburg. 18 Dried beans. 13 Red and white. ™ Idaho law repealed in 1905. 8 Circular of the Bureau of Standards III. Commodities for which Bushei* Weights Have Been More Widely Adopted — Continued 1 u Com" Com meal Cotton seed 1 1 1 & •a 1 (a 1 g a u a> U a a H 8 1 ■9| 5 ■a i „ l| o O Si si O i B'g as u n ^ an « S 01 1= tJ. s 56 48 56 Ala 70 75 56 32 Ariz 54 Ark 70 74 56 48 33i 56 Cal 52 Colo 70 50 50 44 se 44 30 55 45 56 Del 44 48 56 D. C " Fla 70 56 56 48 48 32 30 46 Ga 70 56 8 44 Hawaii 56 Tflniip " Zil 70 a «70 »70 75 56 56 56 55 56 48 50 50 56 8 44 44 44 44 44 Ind 33 38 >50 48 56 56 56 40 " Vfl' 8 50 50 50 50 Ky '70 56 56 50 La Me 8 50 48 50 50 H 44 45 45 45 Md. no 56 •50 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 55 56 50 Mass 44 30 32 40 36 10 56 Mich • 70 70 72 70 44 50 44 44 44 44 48 50 48 50 48 50 50 50 Mlnvi 40 «8 Miss 48 50 50 50 48 50 44 48 32 33 56 56 56 56 56 56 55 Mo 48 Mont 70 70 Nebr. 8 Nev 170 •SO N. H 32 45 56 N J 56 N. Mez N. Y 50 48 44 44 30 55 55 56 56 56 45 56 N C 70 70 68 70 30 44 "50 56 N Dak "j'2 56 56 56 Ohio 40 44 44 50 Okla 50 32 48 Orez 56 Pa 40 40 ' 58 56 70 56 50 "48 44 30 56 44 SO s c 43 "30 70 70 70 "74 72 56 56 56 56 56 56 40 50 48 28 32 48 48 8 44 44 50 48 48 Tez TTtRh Vt 45 12 56 Va 70 56 50 32 56 56 56 56 8 44 48 56 W Va 56 Wis 50 44 30 IS 50 8 44 48 56 » Not defined. 2 Corn in ear, 70 pounds until Dec. r next after grown; 68 pounds thereafter. 8 Sweet corn. * In the cob. ^ Indian corn in ear. * Unwashed plastering hair, 8 pounds; washed plaster- ing hair, 4 pounds. ' Corn in ear, from Nov. i to May i following, 70 pounds; 68 pounds from May 1 to Nov. i. > Indian-corn meal. * Cracked corn. w Shelled. ** Free from hulls. 1^ Standard weight bushel com meal, bolted or unbolted, 48 pounds. ^3 Except the see^ of long staple cotton, of which the weight shall be 43 pounds. ^* Green unshelled com, zoo pounds. 15 Green. "See also "Popcorn," "Indian com," and " KafiQr com." *' See note ^ on p.^ 7. Legal Weights per Bushel of Commodities g III. Commodities Por which Bushei, Weights Have Been More Widely Adopted— Continued i Lime ^ 1 1 Onions •a ! 1 K ■g i |1< Peaches d ft 1 Pease 1 ■0 Ri a a 1 a 1 I m ■n a L It ¥ "I 1 g u. s 34 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 60 60 Ala 38 33 Ariz Ark 50 57 14 33 33 60 Cal Colo 80 70 57 52 45 33 33 60 Del D. C- Fla ... 50 32 32 32 56 57 ^ !54 33 33 33 22 *25 60 Ga 80 60 Hawaii Idaho ^.. 111 80 38 <35 '"so" 50 50 50 32 32 32 32 «32 57 48 57 57 57 33 33 33 33 Ittd 6 30 14 14 33 32 55 42 52 56 56 56 80 48 48 '"m 20 50 "Vm 60 «70 'fc^n^ 80 35 32 28 56 Kv 9 36 14 *24 Me 32 "32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 30 . 52 57 52 54 52 57 57 57 57 57 52 57 45 60 "60 60 60 60 60 "60 60 60 '60 60 60 Md . 80 70 70 80 <34 "SO 14 12 40 48 22 U20 Mass 45 33 28 15 28 33 33 58 Mich 50 48 50 50 "'so' 50 14 14 33 42 M^s 80 38 38 30 30 32 *24 Mo 16 28 14 36 44 50 48 48 45 56 80 80 Nebr 25 32 33 33 Nev 50 45 48 48 50 1533 1533 33 «56 M" H 70 "20 58 N. T . N Mex N. Y 70 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 57 57 52 55 57 33 60 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 14 22 80 70 80 34 38 48 48 33 28 18 42 Okla IS 28 14 36 44 22 48 45 56 Fa 50 50 R.I 70 38 50 50 43 33 •60 S C S Dak 80 19 32 32 32 52 "56 57 60 60 T«Tin . 80 so 50 50 22 28 14 33 50 23 50 50 26 28 23 2<56 30 70 32 30 32 32 32 52 57 60 25 60 80 38 50 28 14 34 40 2S 33 33 32 22 Wash M5 W Va 70 80 =6 34 50 57 44 60 Wvo » Not defined. » Green peaches. " Green. * MsJt rye. 6 Top sets; bottom sets 33 pounds. B Shelled, 56 pounds. 'Shelled, dry. * Strike measure. * Bottom onion sets. 10 German and American, n Shelled. '2 Peaches (peeled); unpeeled 32 pounds. '3 Cowpeas. 1* Roasted; green 22 pounds. *6 Not stated whether peeled or unpeeled. '^ Top onion sets. " Including spilt peas. ^8 In the ear. " Slacked lime, 40 pounds. ^0 German, Missouri, and Tennessee mil- let seeds. ^ Matured onions. 23 Bottom onion sets, 32 poimds. 23 Matured. " Matured pears, 56 pounds; dried pears, 26 pounds. *5 Black-eyed pease. 26 Barley malt. ^ Includes "Rice coth." ^ "Rice com." » See note ^, p. 7. lo Circular of the Bureau of Standards III. CoMMODiTTGs FOR WHICH BusHEi, WEIGHTS HAVE BEEN MoRE WIDELY ADOPTED — Continued Potatoes 1 CO t 1 i i 1 i 1 Salt 1 1 n 1 ■2 ra 1 1 Tor- nips I 1 S' 01 ^ CO 1 l4 U H il 1 u. s 60 56 56 56 56 54 56 56 An Ala 55 60 55 60 Ariz.. 60 Ark 60 50 14 50 50 60 57 60 Cal m Colo 60 60 80 45 fin 54 45 60 50 50 70 20 50 (iO Del fiO D. C 60 Fla 60 55 60 60 48 56 56 56 60 56 54 55 fin Ga 43 45 fiO Hawaii fin Idaho 9 111 50 55 46 50 55 60 56 56 56 56 56 56 50 56 56 56 56 56 55 56 56 56 56 56 so' 80 80 50 55 50 45 45 45 45 45 50 56 55 55 55 55 60 fin Ind 60 60 60 6 60 fin Iowa 48 50 14 50 2 50 50 35 50 fin Kass fin Kv 5i fin fin Me 60 60 60 60 50 "S6 60 56 50 70 70 70 50 fin Md 60 54 56 55 60 56 50 S14 '26" 50 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 60 56 60 55 58 fin "eb' 60 60 60 48 45 50 fin Mich <14 <14 fin Minn 50 52 .... 57 42 42 fin Miss 50 50 50 50 80 45 56" 56 55 "so" 55 56 55 fin Mo <14 50 42 fin Mont 60 fin Nebr . 50 50 54 54 60 50 50 fin Nev 60 6 60 6n N.H 60 48 50 50 70 20 fin N.J fin N. Mex * N.Y 54 56 46 50 55 60 60 60 45 44 .... 50 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 70 20 45 45 45 45 45 fin N.C 6 56 50 <14 50 '46" 56 45 50 60 60 60 6 50 fin N. Dak 80 fin Ohio 6 60 fin Okla 60 50 <14 50 .... 80 50 42 fin Oreff . ... 60 56 fin Pa :: '62 50 85 70 fin R.I 54 60 50 20 45 56 50 fin S.C S.Dak 46 50 55 60 60 60 56 56 56 80 50 50 45 42 45 45 56" 55 60 50 55 fin Tenn 48 n4 50 50 fin Tra. fin Utah Vt 60 56 56 56 56 56 70 50 45 45 60 55 sfin Va 56 56 12 fin Wash.. 60 60 60 fin W. Va 45 45 fin Wis 54 50 45 56 50 50 70 20 42 fiO Wyo * Not defined. ' Sorghum saccharatum seed. 3 Red top grass seed (chafE); fancy 3a pounds. * Seed. ^ Irish potatoes. ■ Free from hulls. ' Ground salt, 70 pounds. B India wheat, 46 potmds. See note ®. p. 7- Cornell University Library QC89.U5A21911 Legal weights (In pounds) per bushel of 3 1924 002 966 376