BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF HENRY W. SAGE 1891 BX4659.S4'T69"""'"''""-"'"'^ olln 3 1924 029 417 874 Overs €^ 'W '^ Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. UaltnUxsi of t>cotti0l) faints aleii^arjs of WITH PERSONAL NOTICES OF THOSE OF ALBA, LAUDONIA, & STRATHCLYDE 3n attempt to fir tfje Distticts of tf)eii' seueral amissions anD ti)e Cfturcbes tobere tijep taerc cbieflg ban in iRcmemtJtancc BY ALEXANDER PENROSE FORBES, D.C.L. BISHOP OF BRECHIN EDMONSTON AND DOUGLAS, 88 PRINCES STREET MDCCCLXXII 1 ^/L C/lL /\S^ 3-^.^3 PHnted by R. Clark, Edinburgh. TO WILLIAM REEVES, D.D. AND TO WILLIAM FORBES SKENE. LL.D. WHO HAVE LABOUEED SO SUCCESSFULLY IN ELUCIDATING THE EARLY RELIGIOUS HISTORY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE COUNTRIES THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED. Contents. Peeface ....... Appendix I. Forms of Exorcism II. Collation of certain Ancient Kalendars III. The Dunkeld Litany KALENDAEIUM DETJMMONDIEajISE Kalendarium de Hyrdmanistoun Kalendarium de Culenros Kalendarium de Nova Farina BIalendarium quoddam Celticum Kalendarium de Aebtjthnott KALENDAEnnu: BEEViARn Aberdonensis Scottish Enteies in the Maetyrology of Aberdeen Adam King's Kalendar .... Dempster's Menologium Sootoeum Scottish Enteies in the Kalendar of David Oamerarius Kalendae feom the Scottish Seevice Book op 1637 Alphabetical List of Saints .... ix— li liii Iv Ivi 1 33 51 65 79 93 109 125 139 173 231 245 259 Facsimile of two pages of the Drummond Missal to face page 1. ^Lhhn'oUtii^ns. A. Abbot. H. Hermit. I P. Presbyter. B. Bishop. K. King. Q. Queen. C. Confessor. M. Martyr. T. V'irgin. N. S. A. New Statistical Account of Scotland : Edinb. 1834-45. 0. S. A. Statistical Account of Scotland : Edinb. 1791-9. V. D. A. View of the Diocese of Aberdeeri;^ (CSle^ti®&» for the Hfefc6ry of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff. Spalding Club.) a«l|)oritjej0f CiteU. AcaiEKms .(L. d'^ Yei&wn .«Jip,oii .Scrij)tQruin SpioiJegium : 13 tpxa. Taris. a-.665-1667. Acta Dominorum ConciKj et Sessifiois. MS. General Eegisier Hpjuse. .^Engus the Culdee, Felire of. MS. i» jBofllgiaii Library. Audfirson ,(^.), Sekctus dipJomaturo et jiumismatum Scotise: ^dinh- 173F. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, ed. B. Thorpe : 2 vols. Lond. 18'61. Annales JMonasJidi, ed. jR. H. Xuard. 5 .torn. : Lond. .1864-9,. Annales TJltonienses. [O'Conor, Eerum Hibernicarum Scriptoreg, torn. jv.J Anselmus, S., Opera toiwda : Pari«. 1,675^ Arbuthnott Missal. — ^liber Aocksip Beati Teicenani de Arbuthnott : Burntisland, 1864. Archaeologia SfioJaca, _4 yola. 1792-1S57. Angustinus, S., Opera omnia, 12 torn. : Antwerp. 1700-3. Bjeda, Historia Ecclesiastica Gsntis Angkruua : Cantab. 17,22j Oxon. 1846. De Virtutibus Sti. Cudberti Lindisfarn. Ep. (Canisii Lect. Antiq. t. ii.) Baloze ((S.), Cajfttiolaria Begiffii ^FEaaeoHim, 3 tom. ; Pasis. iS77^ .Bannat:pie Misc^any (Bann. lOlub), 3 vols.:: Edinb. 1827-i!5. Barbour (J.), The Brus. (Spalding Club) : Aberdeen, 1866. Baroanius (C.),IMaityrologiura.Bonaannm;: Mogvmt. J63i. Annales Ecclesiastici, 19 vols. : Antwerp. 1589. Bellenden (X), .Histoiy And (Shronicles of SiiotiUtad, 2 vols.,: ^doib. 18.21- ^emardug, S., Opera (Sfinninai, 3 iam. : .Paris. 1835. Bibliotheca maxima veterum patrum, 27 torn. : Lugdun. 1677. Blaejifs Atlas — Cosmiograpbia Blaviana,, 11 torn. : iAtaBtelod. JM3-5. Boethius (H.), ScoitoramHiBtorise:: .Paris. 157S. Murthlacensium et Aberdonensium episcoporum vitse. (Bann. Club) : Edinb. 1825. Bollandus (J.), etc., Acta Sandtorum 'quotqmrt tirto orbe cdlnntawwal a'CathoUcis Scriptoribus celebrautur (1 Jan.-29 Oct.), 57 torn. : Antwerp. Tongerl. etBrux. 1B4-3-1867. Bona (J.), Opera omnia : Antwerp. 1677. M AUTHOEITIES CITED. Breviarium Aberdonense, 2 torn. : Lond. 1852-3. Meldense: Meldis, 1824. Bucherius (iEgid.), In Victorii Aquit. Canon. Pasch. Comment. : Antwerp. 1633. Butler (A), Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Saints, 12 vols. : Lond. 1812-13. Cameraritjs (D.), De Scotorum Fortitudine : Paris. 1631. Canisius (H.), Thesaurus Monumentorum Ecclesiasticorum, ed. Basnage : Antwerp. 1720. Capgrave (J.), Nova Legenda Anglie : Lond. 1516. Caulfield (R.), Life of S. Fin Barre : Lond. 1864. Cave (W.), Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Litteraria, 2 torn. : Oxon. 1740-3. Ceillier (R.), Histoire g^n6rale des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques, 25 torn. : Paris, 1729-82. Challoner (R), Memorial of British Piety : Lond. 1761. Chalmers (G.), Caledonia, 3 vols. : Edinb. 1807-24. Charge of the Temporality of Kirklands north of the Forth. MS. General Register House. Chartularies of Balmerino and Lindores. (Abbotsford Club) : Edinb. 1841. Christian Remembrancer : Lond. 1843-69. Chronicon de Lanercost. (Bann. and Maitl. Clubs) : Edinb. 1839. Chronica de MaUros. (Bannatyne Club) : Edinb. 1835.' Chronicon Scotorum, ed. W. M. Hennessy: Lond. 1866. Colgan (J.), Acta Sanctorum veteris et majoris Scotise seu Hiberniae : Lovanii, 1645. Triadis Thaumaturgse Acta : Lovanii, 1647. Cusack (M. F.), Life of S. Patrick: Kenmare, 1859. Dean of Lismore's Book, ed. Rev. T. M'Lauchlan and W. F. Skene : Edinb. 1862. Dempster (T.), Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Scotorum, 2 tom. (Bannatyne Club) : Edinb. 1829. De Prosecutione Opens BoUandiani quod Acta Sanctorum inscribitur : Namurci, 1838. Douglas (Sir R.), Peerage of Scotland, ed. J. P. Wood, 2 vols. : Edinb. 1813. Du Cange (C. Dufresne dom.), Glossarium medise et infimse Latinitatis, 7 tom. : Paris. 1840-50. Duchesne (A), Historise Normannorum Scriptores Antiqui : Lut. Paris. 1619. Dugdale (Sir W.), Monasticon Anglicanum, 8 tom : Lond. 1817-30. Eadmer, Vita Anselmi : Paris. 1675. Eyre (Archbishop), Life of S. Cuthbert : London, 1849. Ferraeius (Ph.), Catalogus Generalis Sanctorum qui in Martyrologio Romano non sunt: Venet. 1625. AUTHOEITIES CITED. iii Fleming (Patricius), Collectanea Sacra, seu S. Columbani necnon alioram aliquot a vetere Scotiel seu HiberniS, antiquoram Sanctorum acta et opuscula : Lovanii, 1667. Fordun (J.), Scotichronicon, ed. Goodall, 2 torn. : Edinb. 1759. Four Masters, Annals of Ireland, by the. Ed. J. O'Donovan, 7 vols. : Dublin, 1848-51. Fraser (W.), The Eed Book of Grandtully, 2 vols. : Edinb. 1868. The Chiefs of Colquhoun and their country, 2 vols. : Edinb. 1869. Gallia Christiana, 16 torn. : Paris. 1715-1866. Gavantus (B.), Thesaurus sacrorum rituum: August. Vindel. 1763. Gentleman's Magazine : London, 1731-1872. Gregorius Magnus, Opera omnia. Edit. Benedictin. 4 tom. : Paris. 1705. Grub (G.), Ecclesiastical History of Scotland, 4 vols. : Edinb. 1861. Haddan (A W.) and Stubbs (W.), Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents, vols. i. iii. : Oxford, 1869-71. Hampson (R. T.), Medii Aevi Kalendarium, 2 vols. : Lond. 1841. Hardy (Sir T. D.), Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland, 3 vols. : 1862-71. Hay (Augustin), Scotia Sacra. MS. in Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. Heylin (P.), Cyprianus Anglicus : Lond. 1668. Hibbert (S.), Description of the Shetland Islands : Edinb. 1822. Histoire de la statue miraculeuse de N6tre Dame de Bon Succes : Bruxelles, 1854. Innes (C), Eecords of the Diocese of Caithness. (Bannatyne Miscellany, vol. ii.) Innes (T.), Critical Essay on the Ancient Inhabitants of Scotland, 2 vols. : Lond. 1729. Civil and Ecclesiastical History of Scotland. (Spalding Club) : Aber- deen, 1853. Innocentins III., Epistolse, 2 tom. : Paris, 1 682. Jervisb (A), The Land of the Lindsays : Edinb. 1863. Memorials of Angus and Meams : Edinb. 1861. Glamis : Its History and Antiquities : Edinb. 1861. Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions in the N.-E. of Scotland. (In preparation.) Johnstone (J.), Antiquitates Celto-Normannicas : Copenhagen, 1786. Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Eecord : Lond. 1848-68. Jubinal (A), La 16gende Latine de S. Brandaine : Paris, 1836. Keith (A), View of the Diocese of Aberdeen (quoted as V. D. A.) [Collections on the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff. (Spalding Club) : Aberdeen, 1843.] iv AUTH'OEITIES CITED. Keith (Bp. E.), Catalogue x)i ihe Kshops of Scotland, ei. Biissd:: Ediufe. 1824. Kelly's Kalendar of Irish Saints. Bee Martyralogy of .TaHaght. Kingsley (C), The Hermits : Lond. 1870. Knox (J.), History of the Kefonnation in Scotland. Ed. JX Labg, .for &,imat-y»e Club and Wodrow Sodety, 2 vols. :: Edinb, 1846-48. Laing (D.), Preface to the Breviary of Aberdeen : Edinb. 1855. Lanigan (J.), Ecclesiastical History of Ireland^ 4 vols, i Dublin^ 182;^ Leslseus (J.), De origine et moribus et rebus gestis Scotorum : Koms, 1675. Liber S. Marie de Calchou. (Bannatyne Club)-: Edinb. 1846. Liber Cartarum Prioratus S. Andree. (Bannatyne Club) : Edinfe. 1841. Liber Cartarum Sancti Crucis. (Bannatyne Club) : Edinb. 1841. Liber Ecclesie Beati Terrenani de Arbuthnott': Burntisland, 1864. Liber Ecclesie de Scon. (Bannatyne and Maitland Clubs) ; Edinb. 1843. Liber Insule Missarum. (Bannatyne Club) : Edinb. 1847. Liber Eesponsionum in Scaccario Eegum Scotise. MS. Gen. EegiSter House. Lobineau (C A.), La Vie des Saints ,de Br6t^gne : Eennes, 1725. MjtBiLLON (J.), Acta 'Sanctorum Orfinis S. TSenedicti, '9 tom.: Vsiis. 1668-1701. Macdonald (J.), Historical notice of the Broch. J^Proceed. Soc. Antiq. Scot. vol. iv. p. 357.] Macfarlane (W.), Geographical Collections, '3 vols. MS. in Adrocates' liJbrary, Edinburgh. Macfirbis (D.), Genealogies. MS. in the possesion of the Earl -of Eoden. M'Ure (J.), View of the City of Glasgow : Glasg. 175.6. Major (J.), De Gestis Sootorum-^Historia Majoris jBritannise,: Edinb, 1740. Malmesbury (W. of), De Gestis Eegum Anglorum, ed. Hardy, 2 vols.; Lond. 1840. Mansi (J. D.) ConcUia, 6 tom. [Supplementum ad Concilia Veneto-Lahheana.] Venet. 1729. Mason (W. S.), Statistical Account or Parocliial Survey of Ireland, 3 vols. : Dublin, 1814-19. Martene (E.) et Durand (U.), Thesaurus Novns Anecdotorum, 5 ■is&m. : Paris. 1717. Martin (M.), Description of the Western Islands of Scotland : Lond. 1716. Martyrologium Eomanum : Mogunt. 1631. Martyrologium Eomanum Usuardi monachi, ed. J. B. Sollerius : Antwerp. 1714. Martyrology of Donegal: Dublin, 1864. Martyrology of Tallaght: Dublin, 1857. Messingham (T.), Florilegium Insulse Sandtorum": Paaris. 1624. Miscellany of the Spalding Club, 5 vols. : Aberdeen, 1841-52. Mitchell (A), On various Superstitions in the N.-W. Hi^lands and Islands. [Proceed. Soc. Aatiq. Scot. vol. iv. p. 2'51.'] AUTKOEETIES CITED. v Molanus (J.), Ifldiculi& Sanctorum Belgii^ Antwerp. 1583. Montalemberfc (C. de), Les Moines d'Ocddentj 3 torn. : Paris.. 1868i Moran (P.), Papers in Irish Ecclesiastical Eecord : Dublin, 1868-71. Muir (T.), Characteristics of old Church Architecture, etc^ in. the- Mainland and Western Islands of Scotland : Edinb, L86L KeSNiuS, Historia Britonum, ed. J. Sterenson (Eng. Historical Ifociety) : Lond. 1838. Nicolas (Sir H.), Chronology of History: Lond. 1835. Nicolson (W.), Scottish Historical Library: Lond. 1702. Notes and Queries: Load. 1849-72. O'CoSofe (C), Rerum Hibemicarum Scripfores Veteres, 4 torn. : Bucldnghamise, 1814-26. O'Conor (M.), Military History of the Irish Nation : Dublin, 1845. O'Curry (K), Manuscript Materials for the History of Ireland : Dublin, 1861.' 0'DonoT?'an (J.), The Tribes and Customs of Hy Fiachrach. (Irish Aichseol. Soc.) : Dublin, 1844. O^Hanlon (J.), Life of S. Malachy Morgair : Dublin, 1859. Oliver (dr.), Collections towards Illustrating the Biography of Scots, English, and Irish Members of the Society of Jesus : Lond. 1845. Origines Paroehiales Scotise, 2 torn. (Bannatyne Club) : Edinb. 1850-55, Orkneyinga Saga : Hafnise, 1786. Ormond (Marqufe o^, life of S. Kannechus (privately printed). Paeis (Matth.), Historia Major : Tiguri, 1589. Patricius, S., Synodi, C^iones, Opuscula et Fragmenta; ed. J. L. YiUanueva: Dublin, 1835. Pellicia (A A.), De Christianse Ecclesiae Politia, 3 torn.: Colon. adEhen. 1828-38. Petrie (G.), Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland, and Uses of the Round Towers : Dublin, 1845. [Tpans. Roy. Irish Acad. vol. xx.] Pinkerton (J.), Vitse Antiquse Sanctorum Scotise : Lond. 1789. — r r ^ r — Hlstory of Scotland^ 2 vols. : Lond. 1797/ Pitra (J. B.), l^tudes sur les Collections des Actes des Saints : Paris, 1850. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy : Dublin, 1841-69. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland i Edinb. 1855-71. Prosper Aquitanus, S., Opera omnia j Venetiis, 1744. Raine (J.), S. Cuthbert, with an Account of the State in which his Remains were found upon opening his Tomb in 1827 : Durham, 1828. vi AUTHOEITIES CITED. Eaine (J.), History and Antiquities of North Durham : Lond. 1852. Eees (R), Essay on the Welsh Saints : Lond. 1836. Eees (W. J.), Lives of the Cambro-British Saints: Llandovery, 1853. Eeeves (W.), Description of Nendrum: Dublin, 1845. Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Down, Connor, and Dtomore : Dublin, 1847. Acts of Bishop Colton. (Msh Archaeological Society) : Dublin, 1860. Adamnani Vita S. Columbse. (Bannatyne Club and Lish Archseolog. Soc): Dublin, 1857, The Culdees of the British Islands : Dublin, 1864. Memoir on Tiree (Ulster Jour, of Archaeology, ii. 233). M'Cana's Itinerary (ibid, ii 44). Paper on the Codex Maelbrighte (Proceed. Eoy. Irish Acad. v. 45). Marianus Scotus of Eatisbon (ibid. viL 290). Paper on the Island of Sanda (ibid. viii. 132). Paper on S. Anianus and Marinus (ibid. viii. 295). Essay on Ecclesiastical Bells in the possession of Archbishop Beres- ford (ibid. viii. p. 441). S. Maebubha and his Churches (Proceed. Soc. Antiq. of Scot. iii. 258). Eeginaldus Dunelmensis, Libellus de admirandis S. Cuthberti virtutibus, ed. J. Eaine. (Surtees Society) : Durham, 1835. Libellus de Vita S. Godrici, ed. J. Stevenson. (Surtees Society): Durham, 1845. Eegister of Acts and Decreets of the Lords of CouncU and Session. MS. Gen. Eegister House. Eegister of Confirmed Testaments, Commissariot of S. Andrews and other Commis- sariots. MS. General Eegister House. Eegistrum Vetus de Aberbrothoc. (Bannatyne Club) : Edinb. 1848, Eegistrum Nigrum de Aberbrothoc. (Bannatyne Club) : Edinb. 1856. Eegistrum Episcopatus Aberdonensis, 2 torn. (Maitland and Spalding Clubs) : Edinb. 1845. Eegistrum Episcopatus Brechinensis, 2 torn. (Bannatyne Club) : Aberd. 1856, Eegistrum de Dunfermelyn. (Bannatyne Club): Edinb. 1842. Eegistrum Episcopatus Glasguensis, 2 tom. (Bannatyne and Maitland Clubs) : Edinb. 1843. Eegistrum Magni Sigilli Eegum Scotorum. MS. Gen. Eegister House. Eegistrum Episcopatus Moraviensis. (Bannatyne Club) : Edinb. 1837. Eegistrum Honoris de Morton, 2 tom. (Bannatyne Club) : Edinb. 1853. Eegistrum Monasterii de Passelet. (Maitland Club) : Edinb. 1832. Eegistrum Cartarum ecclesie S. Egidii de EdinburgL (Bannatyne Club) : Edinb. 1859. AUTHOEITIES CITED. vii Eegistrum Prioratus S. Andree. (Bannatyne Club): Edinb. 1841. Eegistrum Secret! SigiUi Eegum ScotorunL MS. Gen. Eegister House. Eetours — Inquisitionum ad Capellaia Dommi Eegis (Scotise) retomatarum abbre- viatio, 3 torn.: Edinb. 1811-16. Eituale Ecclesie Dunelmensis, ed. Stevenson. (Surtees Society) : Durham, 1840. Eobertson (E. W.), Scotland under her Early Kings, 2 vols. : Edinb. 1862. Eobertson (Joseph), Collections for the History of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff. (Spalding Club) : Aberd. 1843. • Antiquities of the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff, 4 vols. (Spalding Club) : Aberd. 1847-69. Inventories of Mary Queen of Scots. (Bannatyne Club) : Edinb. 1863. Statuta Ecclesie Scoticane, 2 torn. (Bannatyne Club): Edinb. 1866. Eobertson (W.), Index to Eecords of Charters : Edinb. 1798. Salinas (J.), S. Hilarii Vita: Eomse, 1731. Scotland, Statistical Account of Scotland (quoted as 0. S. A.), 21 vols. : Edinb. 1791-99. New Statistical Account of Scotland (quoted as N. S. A.), 15 vols. : Edinb. 1834-45. Shaw (L.), History of the Province of Moray : Edinb. 1775. Sidonius ApoUinaris, Opera: Paris. 1614. Skene (W. F.), Chronicles of the Picts and Scots : Edinb. 1867. Notice of Early Ecclesiastical Settlements at S. Andrews (Proceed- ings of Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. iv.) Four Ancient Books of Wales, 2 vols. : Edinb, 1868. Smith (J.), Life of S. Columba: Edinb. 1798. Sollerius (J. B.), Acta S. Eumoldi: Antwerp. 1718. Spottiswoode Miscellany. (Spottiswoode Society), 2 vols. : Edinb. 1844-5. Stewart (W.), Buik of the Cronicles of Scotland, 3 vols. ; Lond. 1858. Stuart (J.), Sculptured Stones of Scotland, 2 vols. (Spalding Club) : Aberd. 1856 ; Edinb. 1867. Eecords of the Priory of the Isle of May : Edinb. 1868. Book (rf Deer. (Spalding Club) : Edinb. 1870. Symeon Dunelmensis, Opera et Collectanea. (Surtees Society) : Durham, 1868. Theiner (Aug.), Vetera Monumenta Hibemorum et Scotorum Historiam illus- trantia: Eomse, 1864. Todd (J. H.), S. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland : Dublin, 1864. Liber Hymnorum (Irish Archaeological Soc), 2 parts : Dublin, 1855-70. viii AUTHOEITIES CITED. Torfaeus (Th.), Orcades: Havnise, 1697. Transactions of the Eoyal Irish Academy: Dublin, 1787-1871. Trithemius (Jo.), De Viris illustribus Ord. S. Benedicti : Colon. Agripp. 1575. Tytler (P. F.), History of Scotland, 9 vols. : Edinb. 1828-40. Ulster Journal of Archaeology : Lond. 1851-61. Ussher (Abp. J.), The Whole Works o^ ed. C. E. Ekington, 17 vols. : Dublin, 1847-64. Usuardus, Martyrologium Eomanum, ed. J. B. Sollerius : Antwerp, 1714. Wachtendonck (J. Van), Vita, Passio et Miracula S. Eumoldi : Mechlin. 1638. Wattenbach, Die Kongregation der Schotten Kloster in Deutschland. [Translated in Ulster Journal of Archaeology, vol. vii. pp. 227-295.] Wion (J.), Lignum Vitae : Lovan. 1598. Wright (W.), Ancient Syrian Documents : Lond. 1864. preface. JO those who do not appreciate the value of a Kalendar, the following work may seem to be labour lost : but it must be borne iu mind that a Kalendar is in a sense an abridg- ment of ecclesiastical history in general, and where it exhibits local peculiarities, it sums up the results of the most remarkable fruits of Christianity in the country to which it belongs. Siuce the very institution of Christianity implies that a daUy pubKc worship is offered to God, it became necessary in the primi- tive ages that a table should be formed in which the names of the several festivals were recorded ; and, consequently, at a very early period, the Fathers of the Church began to employ the Roman Fasti, altering those things which were opposed to the spirit of the new religion. Thus, the feasts of the saiuts took the place of those of the pagan deities, and the Sunday Letter that of the Literse Nundinales- There existed, indeed, in Christian times, both a civil and a religious Kalendar — the first for the advantage of those engaged in secular business ; the second, in which, for religious purposes, were noted the obits of the bishops, and the birthdays of the martjors.^ In this manner the ecclesiastical Kalendar grew out of a combination of the secular Fasti with the Diptychs, in which were inscribed the names of those who were commemorated in the Holy Mysteries. Even if we reject, as apocryphal, the statement of the Liber Pontificalis, that S. Clement appointed seven notaries to record the Acts of the Martyrs in the different communes of Eome, it cannot be denied that the funda- mental and characteristic conception of Christian burial led to the 1 Pellicia (AL Axir.), de Politia Christ. Eccl. etc., ed. Bitter, torn. i. pp. 244-255 (Colon, ad Rhen. 1829). a X PEEFACE. idea of collecting the Acts of the Martyrs. The catacombs, with their confraternities of fossores, their arcosolia, and tombs, decorated with the emblems of martyrdom, led on to the record of the deposition or burial of the individual Christians buried therein.^ This is seen in a little martyrology of the Eoman Church — the oldest document of the kind — ^in which the death and burial of some of the Popes down to Julius I., and of some of the martyrs, chiefiy Eoman, are recorded.^ Thus, out of the heathen Fasti sprung the Christian Kalendars, and the Kalendars soon grew into Martjrrolo- gies. The Kalendar was the rule of the services of a single church ; the Martyrology was a compilation from local Kalendars, united to an abridgment of the acts of individual saints, though this latter element was posterior in point of time. Beyond the locality of the scene of the martyrdom and country of the saint no details were at first given. The work which has most decidedly left its mark upon the Church was one by Eusebius, now lost, termed "De Martyribus." It seems to have been fuller and more circumstantial than kalendars or martyrologies usually are, and the use which S. Jerome made of it has always caused it to be regarded as the foundation of this form of ecclesiastical history. Baronius combats the idea that the letters of S. Jerome and of Chromatins and Heliodorus on this subject are otherwise than forgeries f but the authority of Wala- fiddus Strabo, and of Beeda, is sufficiently weighty to incline us to the belief that S. Jerome did indeed make some translation of the original work of Eusebius.* This work of Eusebius became rare in the East from the sixth century. S. Etdogius of Alexandria wrote to S. Gregory the Great to obtain a copy in vain ; — ^but, ia the West, some traces of it ^ Etudes siir la Oolleotion des Aotes des Saintes, par le Card. Pitra, p. 4 (Paris, 1850). " Bucherii (jEgid.) in Victorii Aquitani Canon. Pasch. Comment., p. 266 (Ant v. 1633). ' S. Gregorii Epist. viii. 29, 0pp. torn. ii. p. 916, Ed. Bened. (Paris, 1708). * Martyrologimn Eomanum, Auctore Csesare Baronio, Prsecapitulatio, vi. vii. (Mogun- tise, 1631). PEEFACE. xi remained. John of Hamburg, a Carthusian of Prague, in a letter addressed to Henry Olemann in 1408, cites a work which he calls the "Five Thousand Crowns," and attributes to Eusebius.^ It is not impossible, however, that we possess this compilation of Eusebius, ia the little Syriac Martyrology, written in 412, and published by Wright, to whom we are also indebted for the publication of some curious accounts of the early martyrs in Edessa, and the East.^ It is stiU a question whether the Martyrology of S. Jerome now exists; scholars are inclined to believe that it does, though not without some subsequent interpolations. The ancient martyrology printed by D'Achery* is probably his work, and is in substance " the one codex," into which were collected the names of aU the martyrs with their passions, which is referred to by Pope S. Gregory in his answer to the Bishop of Alexandria, already alluded to. This was printed from a MS. at Corbey. Other MSS. of the work are referred to by the learned Eosweyd in his preface to the Martyrology of the Venerable Baeda in the Acta Sanctorum.* That of Eptemach is one of the most remarkable. A Kalendar was composed at Eome, in a.d. 448, by Polemius Sylvius, addressed to S. Eucherius of Lyons, in which, as in some others anterior to the seventh century, both the Christian and the heathen feasts are inserted.® Of this the Bollandists have given the month of January and a few specimens of the remainder. Then comes the Kalendar of Carthage, composed in a.d. 483, and discovered by Mabillon in the Abbey of S. Grermain des Pres. Another, edited by Frontius, is regarded by Pinius as next in the order of time ; and Hampson takes notice of a MS. of the 1 Htra, fitudea, etc., p. xv. 2 See Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Eecord, new series, vol. viii. 1865-6, pp. 45, 423 ; also, Ancient Syriac Documents relative to the earliest establishment of Christianity in Edessa and the neighbouring countries, translated by W. Cureton, with a preface by W. Wright, Ph.D. (London : WUliams and Norgate, 1864.) ' Spidlegium, torn. iv. pp. 617-762 ; SpicU., t. ii. init., ed. De la Baire, 1723. * VoL vii., Martii, torn. ii. p. 5. ° Eampson's Ealendaria Medil Myi, t. i. 390 ; Act. Sanct. Prsef. Gen. t. i. p. xMv. xii PEEFACE. seyentli century, also in S. Germain des Pres, in which is found a kalendar.^ This brings us down to the Martjrrology of Baeda, the genuineness of which is doubted by Cave,^ but, as it now appears, upon no sufficient grounds. It comes to us in its present form with the addi- tions made by the learned Floras, sub-deacon of the church of Lyons in the ninth century, and contemporary of Hrabanus Maurus.^ He lived before Ado and Usuardus, who, adopting the previous labours of the earlier martyrologists, made their collections the great autho- rity for the hagiology of the Church. They were followed by Notker of S. GaU, whose work is published by Canisius.* So late as the eleventh century we find at the beginning of a Gelasian Sacramen- tary, preserved in the Mediceo-Laurentian Library at Florence, and probably used ia the great church of that city, a Martyrology of Bseda. The reader is referred to a Kalendar of the year A.D. 826, given by D'Achery;^ to the Liber Comitis of Stephen Baluze;* to that in Martene and Durand;'^ and to an English Martyrology of Baeda, given also by D'Achery.^ The present work having to do with the Kalendars of the West only, nothing need be said here of the Greek Mensea, Menologia or Synaxaria, or of the Kalendars of the different Eastern Churches. Those who wish to enter upon this branch of study wUl find much that is interesting in the writings of Cardinal Pitra.® Did our limits permit we might be tempted to enter into an account of the numerous Anglo-Saxon Kalendars which remain to us, such as that in Leofric's Sacramentary, which, from the absence of ^ Hanipson, ubi supra. ' Hist. Lit. vol. i. p. 613. ' Vide Bsedse Hist. Eccl. Latine et Saxonice una cum reliq[uis ejus operibua historicis Latine ; edidit Georgius Smith, Cantab. 1722, pp. 327-460. * In his Lectt. Antiq. t. ii, pars 3, ed. Basnage. ' Spicilegium, t. x. p. 130 ; t. iL 64, ed. De la Barre. ° Capitularia Eegum Francornm, App. t. ii. col. 1309-1351. ' Thesaur. Nov. Anecdot. tom. v. coL 63. 8 Tom. X. 126 ; t. ii. 23, ed. De la Barre. » fitudes sur la Collection des Actes des Saintes, par Les ER. PP. Jdsuites Bollan- distes, par le Cardinal Pitra : Paris, 1850 ; Dissertation prdliminaire, pp. xvi.-xl. PEEFACE. xiii the Festival of S. Swithun, who died a.d. 861, must be held to be anterior to that date, or the Menologium Poeticum in the British Museum,^ which is certainly antecedent to the year 1000. But, as our immediate work is connected with two only of the families of Kalendars, we must confine ourselves to a few observations on them. They are, first, the Irish Kalendars; and, secondly, those of the mediaeval Church of England and Scotland. The Irish Kalendars occupy a very important place in this study ; first, from their antiquity, and next, from their purity. The con- dition of the MSS. which still remain to us gives the most satisfactory proof of the age in which they were composed, and the different fes- tologies act as a mutual corroboration in regard to authenticity. The Festology of .^Ingus the Culdee, still existing in manuscript, has been glossed, but has not been tampered with. Indeed, there has been no possible motive to induce men to alter the text ; and the deep traditional veneration in Ireland for a holy book as such has tended to protect it. Moreover, it forms a testimony concurrent with the great stream of the traditional hagiology of the West ; for the attitude of the Celtic Church towards the rest of Europe is a very interesting point in ecclesiastical history. Separated by the sea, by distance, by race, by politics, from the great centres of Christian civilisation, Ireland developed her own line of Christian thought, and her own form of Christian polity, as evidenced in the tribal, as opposed to the diocesan, episcopate. Nor was this influence confined to their native land. The Irish missionaries, spread over Europe from Iceland to Tarentum, carrying with them their own learning, and to some degree their own rites — sometimes well received, more often the objects of national jealousy to the people among whom they sojourned — formed an important element in the civilisation of the West. The special value of the Irish Kalendars, from the hagiological point of view, is, that all of them being mixed kalendars, i.e. exhibit- ing both the Saints of the Church of Ireland, and also Saints of the ^ Cotton, Tiberius, B. i. xiv PKEFACE. rest of the Catholic Church, they synchronise so nearly with the Martyrologies of Floras, Ado, and Usuardus ; and therefore with that of Baeda in its present form. Derived at an early period from the Continent, or it may have been from Africa, these Irish documents present to us early forms of the original Martyrology of the Latin Church ; and thus we are able to make many interesting comparisons. The author of the article on jEngus the Culdee, in the great col- lection of the BoUandists,^ conjectures that in the longer Marlyrology, which that saint, along with Maelruain, compiled, is embodied the Eusebian and the Hieronymian works so much desiderated by scholars, " Ut hinc merito liceat conjicere quod prior ejus pars continens in- numeros Sanctos in Martyrologio Eomano et aliis omissos, sit Mar- tyrologium illud Hieronymi vel Eusebii a multis vetustis scriptoribus ssepe laudatum, et a modernis diu desideratum ; vel saltem ex eodem compUatum."^ The reader will find in Colgan's great work,* in the Introduction to the Martyrology of Donegal,* and in Professor O'Curry's Lectures,^ all that is known to scholars of those Irish Kalendars. These are : — I. The Martyrology of Tamhlacht, preserved in certain leaves be- longing to the Book of Leinster, now in S. Isidore's at Eome. It was the joint work of S. jEngus and the Abbot Maelruain, who, ac- cording to Dr. Lanigan,^ died a.d. 788. It has been published by the Eev. Matthew KeUy, D.D.^ II, The Martyrology of ^ngus the Culdee, which is preserved, together with the ancient glosses and annotations, in three vellum manuscripts ; two in the Bodleian Library,^ and one in the library of ^ Acta Sanctorum, Maxtii, torn. ii. p. 87. " Sub xi. Martii, p. 87. ^ Acta Sanctorum Veteris et Majoris Scotise sive Hibemise, pp. 4-6 (Lovan. 1645). See tbe enumeration of the MSS. of the Felire, in O'Curry's Lectnies, p. 363. * Introduction, p. xiii. (Dublin, 1864). ^ MS. Materials for the History of Ireland (Dublin, 1861). ° Eccles. Hist, of Ireland, vol. iii. p. 234. ' The Martyrology of Tallagh, etc. (Dublin, 1857). 8 Laud, 610 ; and Kawl. B. 505, at the end of a large MS. voL of Lives of Irish Saints. PREFACE. XV the Royal Irish Academy.^ It also exists ia a paper copy made from an independent authority in the early part of the seventeenth cen- tury, and now deposited, with many other compilations of the Irish Franciscans, in the Burgundian Library at Brussels.^ The date of this work must be referred to the beginning of the ninth century.^ III. The Martyrology of Maelmuire or Marianus O'Gorman, which dates about the year 1167, and of which there is no earlier copy known than a paper one written in the early part of the seventeenth century, and preserved among the Irish Franciscan col- lections in the Burgundian Library of Brussels. IV. The Kalendar of Cashel, assigned by Colgan to the year 1030, which is now unfortunately lost. To these we have to add the very interesting Kalendar of the Dkummond Missal, now for the first time communicated to the public. Like that of Tamhlacht, it is not perfect, one leaf, containing the Saints from the 22d of September to the 10th of October inclusive, being amissing. The Martyrology of ^ngus gives the following account of the sources from which itself is drawn ; and being the most ancient but one, aU subsequent Irish ones may be referred to the same : — Though smooth be our book In impetuous diction, It is not humility nor pride That has collected its many parts. The great parts (books) of Ambrose ; The works of Elair (Hilary) in full ; All that was written by Hieronymus ; The Martyrology of Eusebius ; The hosts of the books of Erin. From illustrious companies We have drawn the great numbers, The Kalendar of the men of the Gaedhil. ' At the beginning of the MS. vol. called the Ledbhar Breac. " See ProfesBor O'Curry's Lectures on the MS. Materials of Ancient Irish History, p. 26. ' Lanigan, Eccles. Hist, of Ireland, vol. iiL p. 245. xvi PEEFACE. On turning to the authors who are here mentioned, we do not find among the genuine works of S. Ambrose, or of either of the S. Hilarys, any lives of the saints. Among the works of S. Ambrose is a spurious treatise, the Acts of the Martyrdom of S. Sebastian, so doubtful that it is not admitted at aU into the Benedictine edition.^ As regards S. HUary of Arles,^ a treatise entitled " Ejusdem beati Genesii iasigne miraculum a beato HUario Arelatensi Episcopo con- scriptum," was first published in Surius,^ and though objected to by Quesnel, whom Cave* quotes as saying, "stylum potius redolet Honorati MassUiensis quern et testatur Gennadius plura ad vitas sanctorum patrum pertinentia scripsisse," has been accepted by succeeding editors.^ The remaining authorities are Hieronymus and Eusebius. Bear- ing in mind the uncritical spirit displayed in the matter of Hilary and Ambrose, however excusable at that early time, we cannot lay too much stress on the reference to these. It is evident at least that Martjrrologies, believed to be those of Eusebius and S. Jerome, were under the eyes of the Irish compilers, and that therefore in the ninth century documents professing to be these very Martyrologies actually existed in Ireland, and although later evidence as to their being seen by scholars is to be found. It may, however, be that these ancient documents, in a pure form, had ere this found their way to Ireland ; and if so, we owe the preservation of what has so long been lost to her venerable church. The learned BoUandists wUl be seen to incline to this opinion.® But it must be observed that, as time went on in Ireland, other foreign influences came to bear upon Irish hagiology. The ^ See Ceillier, Histoire des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques, torn. vii. p. 572 (Paris, 1738); and Gave, Hist. Lit. vol. i. p. 261 (Oxon. 1740). " Hist. Lit. vol. i. p. 416. ' Aug. 25, t. iv. p. 892. * Hist. Lit. vol. i. p. 416. ' Joan. Salinas (Eomse, 1731) ; the Ballerini (0pp. S. Leon. Magni, t. ii. 343 ed. 1756) ; also by the BoUandists, after a fresh collation, Aug. torn. v. p. 133. ° See p. xiv. iupra. PEEFACE. xvu Drummond Kalendar exhibits a great variation from the Felice of iEngus in the case of the non-Irish saints, while it keeps close to the more ancient authority in the case of the Irish ones. This may be illustrated by a comparison of the two kalendars for a month. To assist the process, the Martyrology of Baeda, without the additions of Floras, is added. Drummond. B^da. ^NGUS. 8. 9. 10. H. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Circumcision. Esodir, Manchini, Scoithin. Bodanis, Fintan, Finnluh. Aqvulinus with his troops. Calling of Simeon, Ciar. Julianus, Bapt. of Christ. Lucianus, Beginning of Lent of Jesus. Ecimonus, Ercnait, Kechtan. Faelan, Felix, Vitalis. Milid, Diarmait. Crucif. of Peter, Eetum from Egypt. Muscentus Laidcend. Sothnge, Elair. Passion of Lucerus, Eelix, Flann, Finn. Ita. Fursa et Comites. Company crucified on fest. of Anthony. Magnifying of Peter, Death of B. V. M. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Oct.Kat., Circumcls., Osinus 1. et alii. Macarius, Manchinus, Sco- 2. thinus. Anteros, Fintan, and Finn- 3. log. Titus. 4. Thelesfoms, Ciar, 5. Epiphania, Macra. 6. Jejunium Christi. 7. Severinus, Ercnat, Nectan. 8. Julianus Basilissa, Vitalis, 9. Felan. Faulus Heremita, Diarmait. 10. Eeversio de Egypto. 11. Satyrus, Ladchend. 12. xl. Militea, Sulpicius. 13. Felix, Glucerus. 14. 19. Death of Mary and Martha. 19. Fest. of Old Paul. 20. Molaca, Moece, Sapaist, 20. Oenn. 21. Fuinohe, Ferdm, Agna. 21. 22. ComgaU's daughters, Va- 22. f rihus, Felix. 23. Cebrianus, Clement. 23. 24. BabaiU and 3 weaklings. 24. 25. Paul. 25. 26. Folicarpus and host. 26. 27. Muirgen, Agna, and 10 W. 27. 28. Acobran, 8 WW., host of 28. Miserianus. 29. Ipolitus, Paulus, Gillas, 29. Constantinus. 30. 150 Martyrs, Enan. 30. 31. Aedt, Moel^nfaid, Brigh, 31. Barrfin, Circumcisio, Almachiras. Anteros, Gfenovefa. Epiphania. Paulus Heremita, Melchi- ades. Satirus. Ambacuc, Mechia, Maurus, 15. Ita. Marcellus, Fursey. 16. Antonius. 17. Chair of Peter, Prisca, An- 18. nouncement of assump- tion of Mary to the faith- ful Bomans. GermanicuSjMarius, Martha, 19. Audifax, Ambaku. Fabianus, Sebastian, Mo- 20. laca, Oenin, Fechin. Agnes, Fanchi, Femini. 21. Vmcent, Virgines Comgael, 22. Colman. Emerentiana. 23. Timothy. BabilU cum 3 24. discipulis, Manchanus. Paul, Annanias. 25. Policarpus. 26. Chrysostom, Mmgeilt. 27. Agnes 2d a Nativitate. 28. Eipolitus, Paulus, Gillas, 29. Constantinus. Matthias, Enan. 30. Aedh, Maclanfaed, Brigida. 81. Satyrus, etc. Hilarius. Felix. MarceUus. Antonius, Pseusippus, etc. Prisca. Fabianus, Sebastianus. Vincentius, Anastasius. Emerentiana. Timotheus, Babyllus. Gregorius, Projecti. Polycarpus. Agnes de Fativ. Fapia et Maurus. xviii PEEFACE. It will be seen from tliis comparison that the Drummond Kalendar is derived from various sources. We find, first of all, that it has drawn its entries from the old Eoman kalendars, such as are given in Usuard and Baronius. The saints, who are, as it were, the joint inheritance of the Western and Eastern Churches, and who form the foundation of all martyrologies, are represented here. Again, we have in the list of Irish saints a very close adherence to that in the Felire or Festology of jEngus the Culdee, showing that, in the cen- turies which elapsed between the two docxunents, the old saints had maintained their authority and pre-eminence over the other saints whose names are recorded in the martyrologies of Tamhlacht, Marianus, and Donegal. But the great difficulty of the Drummond Kalendar is to account for the insertion of others of the non-Irish saints who are represented by the words " hoc quoque die," and who are found in the Felire. In the present state of our knowledge of Irish hagiology, we can say nothing as to their source. Dr. Eeeves, in a MS. communication, thinks that they are probably taken at second hand from some ^ngusius Auctus. If we had a perfect copy of the kalendar of Tamhlacht, it would be of great use, but I have hitherto been imable to obtain one. The next kalendar presented to the reader is the Kalendab op Herdmanston. It is from an antiphonary, in a good hand of the thirteenth century, with ornamental initial letters and rubrics, which, however, are so defaced by damp as to be in many places illegible. The psalter is in a larger hand. That the volume was in use, not only in Scotland, but in the family of the gifted St. Clairs of Herdmanston, is evident, not only from the insertion of the names of Scottish saints, and of the dates of such battles as Dupplin and Halidon Hill, which perhaps had a melancholy interest to the family, but from several obits, and records of the dedication of certain churches in the diocese of S. Andrews. On the upper margin of the first folio is this inscription, in a thirteenth-century hand, " Iste PEEFACE. xix liber est Johaimis de Sco. Claro de capella sua de Hyrdmanniston," which chapel, in the parish of Salton, and county of Haddington, was founded by John de St. Clair early in the thirteenth century. There are on a blank leaf at the beginning of the volume some curious charms against a cattle-plague, called lowngsocht, which we know, from the Chronicle of Lanercost, p. 85, raged in the Lothians in a.d. 1268.^ It will be seen how closely this kalendar foUows the use of Sarum. In the preface to the Arbuthnott Missal, the present editor, in conjunction with his brother, the Kev. George Hay Forbes, of Burntisland, has gone into some details as to the history of the Sarum service-books, their reform by S. Osmund, and their adoption in Scotland. He has also reprinted the important letter on the subject by Thomas Innes, first communicated to the public in the Miscellany of the Spalding Club.^ It is unnecessary to repeat what has there been said. English missals of an early date are exces- sively rare. It is doubtful whether there is any complete one earlier than the eleventh century. In dealing with the kalendar it is sufficient to coUate the entries of the month of January in Leofric's Sacramentary,^ with those in the most ancient of the MS. Kalendars in Cambridge, and with those of the Arlington Breviary of the fifteenth century, presented by the Eight Hon. Sir David Dundas to the late Bishop Denison, and by him bequeathed to the Chapter of Salisbury, to exhibit the measure of change which took place as time went on.* S. Austin of Canterbury of course introduced the Koman Kalendar of his time, probably an early form of the Martyrologium Eomanum ; but we have evidence that he used the latitude granted to him by Pope Gregory in this as in other things, and, not to speak of Gaulish entries, even the hostile British Church was not wholly unre- ^ See Appendix I. ^ Aibuthnott Missal, Preface, lvi.-lxv. ; Spalding Misc., voL ii p. 364. ' Public Library, Cambridge, Cod. MS. No. 279, anno 969, olim 918 et 678. 4 See Appendix II. XX PEEFACE. presented, althougli difference of race, language, and rites, had its influence. It would be curious to trace out the presence of the holy men, who, without formal canonisation, were by the force of a local cultus, first popularly, and then with the sanction of the ecclesiastical authority, regarded as saiats. The authority of Bseda, whose Mar- tyxology soon became popular throughout Europe, helped to fix the English lists. It must be borne in mind, however, that want of system is a feature of most kalendars. They were written for practical use, more to serve as an index to the books to which they belonged, than to give a conspectus of the saint-worship of the epoch. Mr. Maskell, who is a great authority, on English service-books, says : — "This is found to be the case with almost all MS. service-books from the twelfth to the fifteenth century. The missal kalendar is seldom com- plete, and the earlier printed missals follow the same plan. On the other hand, curiously enough, the Horae, Prjrmers, and Enchiridions, which are not service-books iu the public sense, contained most com- plete kalendars. For example, the so-called Bedford Missal, a.d. 1420, which is in fact a book of Hours, has, if I remember rightly, no blank day in the kalendar." Another point is the gradual alteration, by the accretion of new saints, as time elapsed. The same authority continues : " There is no question whatever that additions were made to the kalendar, merely as and because time went on. The date of a MS. is often decided by the kalendar." The Kalendae of Culeoss, though in some respects less inte- resting than the preceding one, is given because by its colophon we know it to be reaUy Scotch. "Me fieri fecit Ricardus Merchel, quondam abbas de Culenros, quem Deus salvet hie et in evum." Culross, even after the invention of printing, was a great school of ecclesiastical caligraphy.-' In the Treasurer's Accounts of King James IV., which in many ways throw light on the religious customs 1 See note 2, p. civi. Preface to Dr. J. Eobertson's Inventories of Mary Queen of Soots • Edin. 1863. PEEFACE. xxi • of the time, we find various entries on the subject. The kalendar now printed is taken from a Psalter in the Advocates' Library, numbered 8. 8. 11. It formed part of the collection of Sir James Balfour, Lyon King of Arms in the seventeenth century, who de- scribes it as "Psalterium Ricardi MareshUl, Abbatis de Culenros vel Culros in anno 1305." The style of the writiug, however, sug- gests a later date. Culross was a Cistercian house, founded in 1217,^ on an already existing religious establishment, which traditionally stretched back to the days of S. Servanus, and S. Kentigem whose mother, S. Thenew, gave birth to him there. This kalendar is a witness to the complete AngHcanisation of the Scottish Church which took place after the epoch of S. Margaret. It will be seen how very few of the Celtic saints occur among its entries, and therefore we must believe that, whUe they retained a veneration for the ancient founder of the place, who was joined to the Blessed Virgin in the dedication of the church, the Cistercians of Culross very much ignored what had gone before, and cut themselves off in sentiment from the old historical Church of Scotiand. The collision between the foreign and the Celtic elements took place under very different conditions in the three countries of Eng- land, Scotiand, and Ireland. In the first of these, after the unfortu- nate issue of the conference between S. Austin and the British Bishops, the adherents of the latter withdrew to their fastnesses, and maintained a religious nationality, which was not broken down till the Reformation, while S. Austin and his followers confined their missionary labours to the heathen Saxons and Angles. In Scotland a mighty revolution was produced by the efforts of S. Margaret, her husband and sons, acting as the instruments of the great continental civilisation which attended on the triumph of the cause of the Church under Gregory VII. In Ireland the ancient ways under- went the smallest change. The national saints retained their hold 1 Chron. Mailros, p. 129, ed. Stevenson. xxii PEEFACE. • upon the faith of the people, and their cultus was only modified, but not superseded by the foreign and continental influences brought to bear upon it. In these similar processes we find the agents different. The monastic expression of the Saxon Church was found in the Benedictine order ; the Anglicanisation of the Scottish Church came through the Cistercians and Canons of S. Augustine : while Ireland owed the moulding of her old worship very much to the friars. In Scotland the change was very thorough. The adoption of the Sarum Use, the extinction of the old " barbarous rite," the transforma- tion of the eflfete Culdee establishments into chapters and convents, receive a remarkable illustration from such kalendars as that of Culross. They become the gauges of the change. With the exception of S. Servanus, S. Felan, and S. Fyndoca, there are no Celtic entries. Introduced from England the Cistercian body brought with them their own office and their own saints. Nor was this illustrated in the case of one order only. The monks of Culross were Cistercians, but it was the same among the Austin canons. In the Eitual of Holyrood,^ we find that the kalendar is purely English, the only Scottish saints being Monan, Baldred, Duthac, Kessog, Constantine — aU in March ; and S. Ninian, in a later hand. In an interesting martyrology which foUows the kalendars no mention is made of them. StiU the old saints were not entirely forgotten. In the first fervour of the new reform they remained in the background, at a later time to vindicate their place in the kalendar and public services. Not only did the more barbarous Highlanders, who came into little connection with the Saxon civilisation, maintain their old worship, but localities hallowed by ancient recollections continued to retain their sacred character. The holy wells were stiU frequented; the sick and feeble, attracted to them in hopes of a cure, returned healed to ^ A manuscript in the possession of Mr. Pringle of Yair, made up of a variety of matter, described in the preface of the Liber Cartarum Sancte Crucis, by Cosmo Innes, Esq. (Bannatyne Club). PEEFACE. xxiii their homes, and increased the reputation of the ancient saint. The actual relics of the holy dead still claimed and received a continued reverence. S. Mungo's sacred body still rested at Glasgow, that of S. Ternan at Banchory, that of S. Palladius at Fordun ; and where the local veneration was strong, as in the case of the first of these, the divines of the eleventh century were not slow in gathering up the ancient recollections : old Scotic Lives were translated into the glow- ing and devout language of the Vulgate, and the holy men of Strath- clyde and Erin of earlier ages were made to speak like S. Bernard or the Abbot Guarricus. From the time of the war of succession the tide began to turn in favour of the Scottish saints. Possibly the deep enmity against England told in this respect ; and the part that S. Felan was believed to have taken at the battle of Bannockbum tended to restore his order to favour in the estimation of the Scotch. This, at least, is clear, that in the thirteenth century, when churches were dedicated to the Catholic saints, the old Celtic saints were not superseded; and we encounter the remarkable fact of double dedications, like those recorded in the Eegister of the Priory of S. Andrews, where S. Lau- rence is associated with S. Coman at Eossieclerah, and S. Stephen with S. Moanus at Portmoak.^ A curious instance of this combination of local and external Saints is exhibited in the popular religion more than a hundred years later, in the reign of Kobert II., A.D. 1379. In that year a pestilence raged in England, but the Scottish borderers ceased not to make in- roads upon it, " to preserve themselves from the plague which the English said, God in His grace had sent for their repentance, the Scots using this prayer in their own idiom : — Gode and Saint Mungo, Saint Romayn, and Saint Andrew, schield us this day fro Goddis grace and thefoule death that Englishmen dien upon."^ ^ Regiflt. Pr. S. And. p. 348. ' Pinkerton, History of Scotland (quoting Walsingham, 234), vol. i. p. 20. (London, 1797.) XXIV PEEFACE. What has been said of the gradual restoration of the native Saints to favour is confirmed by the inspection of an interesting Portiforium or Breviary, belonging to the Most Noble the Marquis of Bute, which has been obtained for me by the good offices of John Godwin, Esq., his librarian. It is a small volume (6^ by i^ inches), containing 349 pages of veUum, written after the middle of the fifteenth century, and still in the original oaken boards. It evidently belonged to some Cathedral in Scotland, not specified, in which there were a bishop and a dean (f. 936), an altar of the Apostles (f. 266), of S. Stephen (I 24), and of S. Thomas of Canterbury (f. 30). It contains the usual Proprium de Tempore, Kalendar, Psalter, and Proprium Sanctorum, but the latter does not add much to our knowledge of the Scottish Saints. The Kalendar is beautifully written. In the month of May (xvi. Kal. Jun.), is a record of the battle of Brechin, between Lords Crawford and Huntly : — " Brechin anno domini 1452. Conflictus hie stabit." And at vii. Kal. Jun. " Coronacio Jacobi primi apud Sconam in die dominica anno domini M°cccc°xxiiij°." These are both in the same handwriting as the Kalendar. There are in a later hand the obits of Andr' Barclay, xvii. Kal. Mail, and Mortimer. The Barclays were a great family in Angus and the Mearns. The Mortimers possessed Gray and Foubs on the confines of Perthshire. Now, when we compare the entries in this Kalendar with those in the Herdmanston and Culross lists, we find a much stronger representation of the native element. The following are the additional names : — Jan. Non, Id. iiij. Kal. Feb. S. Wlstani. Mar. vj. Non. iiij. Non. iij. Non. S. Edwardi reg. S. Kentigemi. S. Cedde. S. Adriani. S. Albini. Mar. vij- Id. S. Conani. Tj- Id. S. Kessogi. V. Id. S. Constantini & mar. iij- Id. S. Oswini reg mar. reg. PEEFACE. XXV Mar. ij. Id. S. Leonis pape & mar. zvij. Kal. Ap. S. Bonefaoij pape. xiiij. Kal Translaoio Maxie Magd. Apr. KaL S. Gilterti epi. iiij. Non. S. Eicardi epL iij. Id. S. CntUacL iij. Kal.Maij Transl. S. EdmundL Maij vij. Id. TransL S. Andree. zvij. KaL Jun. S. Brandani. Jun. V. Id. S. Columbe abbatis. Id. S. Antonij. xvj. Kal. JuL Transl. S. Bicardi epi. zij. KaL S. MolocL iiij. Kal. Oct. S. ConwaUi. Oct. viij. KaL Nov. S. Memoci. The following are in the original text of this Kalendar, which, in the Kalendars of Herdmanston and Cuboss, are added in later hands : — S. Blasij. 1 S. Baldrede. S. MonanL | S. AldelmL S. Servani. But a still more remarkable fact mxist be noted. In a later hand occur the names of two obscure Irish Saints— S. Bean and S. Mobhi — ^the only record which exists of a cixltus of S. Mobhi in Scotland. " Feme, in Eoss, was an abbacy founded by Ferquhard, the first Earl of Boss, in the reign of King Alexander II. It was annexed to the Bishopric of Eoss in the 20th Parliament of King James VI., in the year 1607, and is frequently called in charters Abbacia de Nova Farina. Mr. Patrick Hamilton, abbot of this place, was the first called in question for religion at the dawning of the Eeformation, and burnt at the gate of St. Salvator's College, in St. Andrews, in the year 1527."^ The abbey was founded about a.d. 1230, in the parish of Edder- toxm, as a daughter-house of the Prsemonstratensian establishment at Whithorn, Malcolm of Galloway being the first abbot. In the presi- dency of his successor, Malcolm of Nig, in consequence of the ferocity of the inhabitants, it was moved to another site, twelve miles S.E. from the first, whence it came to be called Nova Farina or Nova ' Keith's Scottish Bishops, ed. 1824, p. 400. C xxvi PEEFACE. Femia. Twenty-one abbots presided over it, whose names are still known,^ of wbom the most remarkable was Finlay M'Fead, who died in 1485, and Donald Dunoon, a man of great learning, who succeeded to Patrick Hamilton^ and died in a.d. 1540. After the Eeformation the Abbey Church was used for service, until Sunday the 10th of October 1742, when the roof fell down upon the congregation. The gentry had seats in the niches, and so were saved, and the minister Mr. David Eoss, was protected by the sound- ing board ; but " vast numbers were wounded, and forty were dug out whose bodies were so smashed and disfigured, as that they could hardly be known ; so that they were buried promiscuously without ceremony."* The Kalendar now printed is from a manuscript in the possession of the Duke of Sutherland at Dunrobin Castle. I regret that I have not been able to obtain a loan of it, but by favour of that accurate antiquary, the Eev. James Maxwell Joass, minister of Golspie, I am enabled to supply the following account of it. After stating that he can find no reference in the charter-room at Dunrobin as to the time when the Kalendar came into the possession of the family, and that it has been bound siace 1844, judging from the wire-date on the iuterleaved paper, he proceeds — " The ' Kalendar op Feknb,' now at Dunrobin, is a folio on vellum, consisting of six leaves written on both sides. It bears no date, but belongs probably to the close of the fifteenth century. " Attached to it, as now (recently) bound, are two leaves which seem to have belonged to a separate volume. They contain part of the oflB.ces for * The Nativity of St. Stephen the Proto-martyr,' and ' St. John the Apostle and Evangelist.' There are also two leaves now bound with the book at the beginning. One of these is only of half-breadth, and contains the following lines in a later hand : — Quia wyl w* reson ande lycht Pe mercy of God Almycht ^ See list in New Statist. Account, Koss and Cromarty, p. 441. 2 Scots Magazine, October 1742, p. 485. PEEFACE. xxvii Ask ande haff for hym. and hys Ffor tribulacion or for mys Ffrende or ffa ht wyl forestall Ffor ony dysess ]?at may ffall Sway Jjat his askyn rychtwys be Pe Soverane God wyl giit it fre Ande Ipe rubric sais He wyll it gnt w*in x dais Eftyr Ip" messis endit be Throw his grete benignete On xiij daes all in feyre Quhat tyme ye lykis in Jje yheir Plr ar Tpe messis foUowande As latyn me may undyrstande " Prima missa de adventu dSi fiat adventus dfii offic?' Ad te dm etc " Scdii de natiuitate oflSc? down to " Deciatcia de angelis oia fiant sicut in festo sci Michaelis Archang. " On the same piece of parchment is an outline of our Saviour on the Cross, and fifteen musical notes, which seem to have been those of a chant. " The leaves occupied by the Kalendar are in good preservation, but much stained by age and probably by galls. All the originally imoccupied spaces, along the margin and elsewhere, are crowded with notes, obituary and otherwise. Some of these seem to have been written over previous entries of the same sort. " The following are a few specimens : — Jan'- The third day of Januarie ye yeir of god m v° fyftie sevin yeirs }>e dortor of feme wes brint be negligence of ane boy callit huchon m^cuUo. Obitus honorabilis viri Johannis Mckenzie de kintaill 1560. The V day of Januar fresell lord lovet decessit m°lxxvi (There is probably an omission in this dais.) The ziij day of Januar ^e zeir of god ane mv'^Lsziiij yeirs ane honorabil man huchon Eos of telle decessit, quhom god assolze. xxviii PEEFACE. Ob. vilhelmi scdi comitis de ros qui obiit apud delny xxviij die mesis Januarij ano dni in''ccc°xxiL The 29 of this moneth 1643 heu ros oflf telle wt twa of his serviandes died sud- denly in ane chamer in the Oastell of Cromartie and was buried at feme the second of ffeh^ the same yeir. The first day of Januar 1572 the castell of Edinbrugh seigit by J^e Englismen and haldin be >e lard of graneiss. " At the foot of p. 1 occurs the foEowing : — Giff sanct paullis day be fair and cleir Than saUe be ane happie yeir, Giff it chances to snaw or rain Than salle dew all kynd of grane And gif J>e wind do flie on loft Than wer sail vex ye Countrie oft And giff J>e clouds mak darke ]>e skye Baith nowte and foull that yeir sail die. (Chambers, in his "Book of Days," vol. i. p. 157, gives a version slightly different.) Feb. 13 Februarii 1571 obiit M"" Donaldus freser Archidiaconus Eossen qui occisusfuit apud allfurd. The viij of februar anno 1587 Marie Quein of Scotland wes crewalie murderit in england the xxv yeir of hir renge. Ob. dni vilhelmi comitis rossie q fabricauit et reparauit eccliam none fern, qq obiit ap^ delny ix die mesis februarij ano dni moccc^bcxi. Obitus allexander feme 20 febraa. apud balnacherie et sepultus in feme 1595. Ob. bone memorie valteri de lesly coitis de ross q obiit penultimo die mesis febraarii apud perth ano dni mo, octogesimo prime. Obitus Kenethi M^Kenzie domini de Kintaill 27 hujus 1611. Obitus bone memorie quondam donaldi denoun Abbatis de feme qui obiit Infra monesterium eiusd none die mensis febma. anno dni millesimo quad™" quadra- gesimo Cujus anime ppiciet deus Amen. Maech. Alex, dunbar miles obiit 1" die mesis Marchij ano dni 1497. Undecimo hujus obiit margareta muirsone apud canonarii rossen 1555. Obitus Joannes Stuart comitis de mar filius tercius Jaco^' ij 1502. Obitus georgii lermond epi Aberdonen 1530 xviij mcii. 27 hujus obiit Jacobus 6 Magnse Britannise GaUise et hibemise Eex 1625. Tabula perpetua ad inveniendum Pascha. April. on dominus de Lovat obijt 8 huius Anno 1633. The xij day apryU Catharene M^Kenrie deptit in daan and wes erdit in ]je mome in feme she beand Lady of balnagown 1592. PEEFACE. xxix The 27 day of Appryle 1650, Muntrois withe ane greatt copanie ofif Weriours wes discofitt be att Oragconachane in Stracharron. May. 9 huius 1623 obiit alexander douglas, episcopus moravien. ob. dni vil™' Gomitis de ros maii ano dfii m^ccolxxiiij. The 19 of Maye the hous of miltoun wes brint negUgentli be ane keais nest. Ob. Walteri ros de balnagovin q interfectus fuit apud tane xij die mesis maij ano dni m^v^xxiij. June. The 12 of June 1636 Greorge Marques ofif Huntlye Lord gordoune departitt this lyfe at dundie. The xix day of June 1566 the queine wes lychter of ane prince callit James Stewert Jje VI Kyng of >' . July, Ob. bone memorie dni Alex fiylquhous epi rossen. q obiit vi die mesis Julij ano dfii m° ccc° nonagesimo octauo, 10 Julij 1613 obiit Katharine Vaus de Lochslin. Aug. The xix day of August 1561 Marie quene of Scotland came hame & landit in leith. Sept. The xvii day of September the yeir of god 1569 Nicolas ros coSoedater of feme provest of tane decessit quhom god assolze. Oct. Obitus Isobelle Kinnard Sponse ma thome ros abbatis feme apud tane et sepulta in feme 5 octobris 1603. Nov. The viij day of this instand beand grand fiyday 1583 Capitaine James ros brodyr sone to Jje lard of Achlossin and Patrick zoat w* him wer slane in tane in Andro rossis Ohalmir at viij horis afore none or J>' by be nicolas ros & Walter ross w* I'air coplisis. Dec. Jacobus quintus rex Scocie obiit 15 decembris in falkland 1542. 8 hujus 1558 obiit inr laures mathesone vir doctus in arte gramatica. The Kalendar of Feme is succeeded by what is termed Kalen- XXX PEEFACE, BARIUM QUODDAM Celticum. It belongs to a collection of Gaelic manuscripts in the Advocates' Library (No. 3 of Manuscript Catalogue), and is bound up with a treatise on medicine, but the writing, wbicli is beautiful, proclaims it to be originally distiact from it. Mr, Skene, who is well qualified to judge in such a matter, is inclined to think, from the nature of the language, that it is certainly Scottish, and, imperfect as it is, it is inserted here as representing the Celtic element in the Scotican Church. The only other service-book of the kind is a little book of Hours, of the fifteenth century, alleged to have been formerly in use of the nuns of lona, which bears the book-plate of Sir Hugh Paterson of Bannockbum, 1709, and is now in the hands of his descendant, Hugh James Eollo, Esq. I think it very doubtful whether its alleged history is true. There are, indeed, some Gaelic characters to be traced, but they seem to have been written merely to mystify people. The only true record in the book is the name of Mr. Eobert Kirk, Dec. 7, 1677. He was minister of Balquhidder, and gave one of the first versions of the Psalms in the Gaelic lan- guage.^ Notes in his handwriting, both in Latin and Gaelic, are to be found throughout the book of Hours, which is purely Eoman, without any local peculiarities. In studying the Celtic Kalendar it will be observed that the few saints who are given are the saints likely to be in power on the west coast of Scotland. S. Brigit, S. Ciaran (of Saighir), S. Senan, S. Patrick, S. Brandan, S. Colimicille, S. Molaisse, and S- Martin. The latest saint in the kalendar is S. Francis, who was canonised on the lethof July 1228. I have thought it right to reproduce the ELsxendab op the Arbuthnott Missal. A description of its liturgical peculiarities will be found in the preface to the edition printed at Burntisland, pp. Lsv.-lxix. It should be mentioned that it does not correspond exactly ^ Old Statistiral Account, ^ol. vL p. 95. PEEFACE. xxxi with the sanctorale of the book itself, as is also the case with the Breviary of Aberdeen. I should have hesitated to reprint the Kalendae of the Breviary of Aberdeen in consideration of the beautiful edition of 1854, had it not been for the manuscript additions which I found in the copy preserved at Glamis Castle, for the inspection of which I am indebted to the courtesy of the Eight Hon. Claude Earl of Strathmore and Kiaghom. Of the four ancient copies known to be stni in existence, the Glamis example, and that preserved in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates, are thus marked, while that in the Edinburgh University Library is clean, and there is no kalendar in the imperfect one in King's College, Aberdeen. The Scottish habit of bringing printed lists to a closer uniformity with actual practice by additions in ink, is illustrated by the copy of the Sarum Missal preserved at Blairs, and described by the Eev. Thomas Innes as having been in the possession of James Gordon, Chancellor of Murray, in which are added " the names of our local saints in write." ^ But another reason for giving the kalendar of this breviary may be found in the great importance of the book in any hagiological work, as well as in the use which has been made of the lections from it in the biographical notices of the Scottish saints, at the end of this volume. The whole history of the Lections in Breviaries which contain lives of saints is very interesting, and hitherto almost un- trodden ground. Bona^ says that a Council of Carthage "etiam pas- siones martyrum legi ia ecclesia permisit, cum anniversarii dies eorum celebrantur," and mentions the singular caution of the Church of Eome in forbidding the reading of the lives of the Fathers the authors of which were unknown. Gavantus* points to the saying of S. Augustine, in his 2d Sermon on S. Stephen, " Cum aliorum mar- * See Mr. Laing's Preface to Breviary of Aberdeen, p. xviL ° De Divina Psalmodia, c. xvi. p. 853, ed. Antwerp, 1677. ' Thesaurus Sac. Eit., torn, ii p. 143, ed, Aug. Vindel, 1763. xxxii PEEFACE. tyrum vix gesta inveniamus, qass in solemnitatibus eorum recitare possimus, hujus passio in libro canonico est," cites tlie concession of the Council of MUevi that the passions of the martyrs might be read on their anniversaries, and refers to the rules of S. Caesarius and S. Aurelian for a recognition of the custom. Eesistance to it is found in the Council of Laodicea, can. 59, and ia the works of Agobard, Bishop of Lyons,^ but it gradually asserted itseK. The acts of the martjrrs were read in the mass before the epistle, but this prevailed chiefly in the chm-ches of Gaul and Spain. The process seems to have been as follows : — ^First, the passions of the martyrs, which were read at mass before the Epistle, came to be used in the Canonical Hours, and so edif5dng were they found to be that nine and sometimes twelve lections were read at the different noctums. After a time. Holy Scripture and the homilies of the saints reasserted their position, and whUe three lections of the saints' lives continued to be read in church, a portion of the martyr- ology and certaia lives of the saints were read in the refectory at meals. Then, when new ofl&ces were made, selections from some accredited life, probably the part containing some edifying miracle, was selected. Lastly, neat little epitomes, framed specially for the purpose of inser- tion in the Breviary, were composed, and formed the three lections of the second noctum. A study of the sources from which the lections in the Breviary of Aberdeen were selected by Bishop Elphinstone would repay the toil expended on it. The title-page is suggestive — t IBimiwcii afierDon^Its ao percelctJiis eccfie %cotor? potillitmu? tjfum ct confuetuDine Par0 Ijgemalis : nz tpe et De fci0 ac tiauitico pfafterio congxuenter per ferias nimio : cum 3fnuitatoiij0 &gmni0 antipfjonis capitulis Kefponforijs i)0?is feriai? c6mco?aciorafj9 g M cutriculfi nemo coe imr? pIurimai^Q? ^gtnft gt matronal? ac Diuerfoi? fcoi? legeliis : q fparfim in incerto antea ijagafiantur: 1 S. Agobardi Liber de Correctione Antiphonarii, c. xvii. ; Maxima Bib. Vet. Patr. t. xiv. p. 324 (Lugdun. 1677). PEEFACE. xxxiii cum l^alentiario et xtmbiM tmivm tabula spetua tiatiifa? atti0 anifictig $ De nouo auuitis facetBotiti9 plurimfi(3^ neceiTatijg i Cwfjurgefi oppino toalteri cf)epma mercatoys ip5fis impielTa JTetijuarijs ttitt)us« anno falutiis ntz $ g£e. ir ^. Cupia et qiuiseteitmft. The "necnon conmume sanctorum plurimaxumque virginum et matronarum ac diversorum sanctorum legendis, quae sparsim in incerto antea vagabantur," indicates tte process by which this remark- able work was formed. We have occasionally allusions to ancient books from which they profess to be taken ; and we have the opportunity of verifying one of the lives, that of S. Kentigem, by a coinparison with an ancient life preserved in the British Museum, on which Professor Cosmo Innes remarks : " It is important to observe that this great record of our Chiirch legends bears the test of comparison with those ancient lives of the Saints from which it was compiled ; and this adds weight to the mass of history there recorded of what materials have perished."^ Elsewhere we find transcripts from the veracious history of Baeda, Irish sources were also freely used, and it is a remarkable fact that in the Breviary of Aberdeen no traces can be found of that jealousy of Ireland which distinguishes the works of the hagiological authors of Scotland in the succeeding centuries. Our indebtedness to the mother church of Ireland is ungrudgingly acknowledged. Thus S. Brigida's life is abridged from that by Cogitosus, which is given by Colgan in the Trias Thaumaturga, pp. 518-526. That of S. Brandan refers to a little old book. It was not till the quarrels arose as to the possession of the Ger- man monasteries, that the bitter feeliugs of the Scots and Irish hagio- logists exhibit themselves in the treatment of history.^ ^ Preface to the Eegistrum Episcop. Gflasguensis, p. ix. 2 See Die Kongregation der Soltotten kloster in Deutsohland, in Quast und Otte's Zeit- schrift fiir Christliche Archaologie und Kunst, 1856 ; translated in the Ulster Journal of Archaeology, p. 36. d xxxiv PEEFACE. I reprint from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland/ the Scottish entries in the Martjrrology of Aberdeen. In a preliminary notice by David Laing, Esq., LL.D., it is stated that the " Martyrologium secundum usum Ecclesie Aberdonensis" was pre- sented to the University Library, Edinburgh, by Laurence Charteris, Professor of Divinity, in the year 1677. It is a MS. in folio, written in the early part of the sixteenth century. From the persons whose names are commemorated in the accompanying obituary (not here reproduced) the volume originally seems to have belonged to the Cathedral Church of Murray. The last of the pre-Eeformation documents, which is given in Appendix III., is the Litany said to have been used by the Culdees at Dunkeld. It was first printed in " Notes and Queries" by Dr. J. G. F. Gordon of Glasgow, from the manuscripts of Prior Marianus Brockie, of S. James' Monastery at Eatisbon. Dr. Gordon states that Father (Servanus) Thomson (formerly a monk of Dunfermline) preserved it in the library of the convent, where Father Brockie found it. It is an interestiug piece, but not entirely above suspicion ; that is to say, the date which the prayer for the kiug would indi- cate is an impossible one. Girig is the King Gregory who was solemnly crowned at Scone in 875, and reigned about twelve years.^ Yet we find S. David Eex among the intercessions. Again, the presence of Crathlinthus shows that it must have been drawn up after the time of Boece, which is confirmed by the latinity of the prayer at the conclusion. The expression " AJmificus" does not occur, apparently, before 1046.^ The debased form " recensitorum " also indicates a very late epoch ; and the theological formula, " Tecum in ccbIo regnantium," is that of the decree on the saints in the canons of the CoimcU of Trent. Again, no Culdean litany would speak of the 1 Vol. ii. part ii p. 256. 2 Fordur, Scotick, lib. iv. c. 17, vol. L p. 198, ed. Goodall. ^ Vide Du Cange, ad verb. PEEFACE. XXXV Pope as " Summo et tiniversali Papae Romano." Frequent as was the intercourse between tlie Scotican churches and Rome, active as was the Papal interference with the Culdees in the days of their decline, this peculiar form would not be used till the Hildebrandine ideas prevailed in Scotland. However, though this litany in its present form has no just pretensions to the extreme antiquity assigned to it, there is no reason to believe that it is not a pre-Reformation document. Yea, rather, it seems to bear upon its face traces of the same spirit which dictated the publication of the Breviary of Aberdeen. Just as in that valu- able work we see evidences of the desire to systematise the native hagiology by the incorporation of the old legends and lives ; so in this litany we see the increased light thrown on Scottish history by Boece's publication employed to excite the devotion of the people. The light may have proved to be an ignis fatuus, as those who discredit Boece would maintain ; but we must respect the motive that woidd thus seek to rekindle the flames of devotion at the lamp of history. Probably the present form is based upon an elder docu- ment. In any case the compilation is not likely to have been made at Ratisbon. There is too much local colouring. There is the absence of any allusion to the unspeakable calamities that had befallen the ancient Church. An ideal litany for the restored Catholic Chxu:ch of Scotland would not specially pray against catherans, robbers, and wolves. It would have some allusion to the progress and effects of heresy. On the whole, then, I am disposed to believe that it is a genuine document, really connected with the diocese of Dunkeld. As a matter of fact, we know that by the exertions of Bishop George Brown, who presided over the diocese from 1484 tiU. 1515, a great effort at reformation took place. " This Bishop has the reputation of having been a very good man, and a strict observer of discipline, and that he wrought no small reformation in aU parts of his diocese."* ^ Keitli's Scottish Eishops, p. 92, ed. Buseel, xxxvi PEEFACE. The Kalendar op Adam King is prefixed to his translation of the Catechism of the Jesuit Canisius. It is termed " Cathechisme or School Instruction of Christian Eeligion. At Paris, imprinted be Peter Hyry, 1588." The Scottish entries in it are given in Keith's " Catalogue of Scottish Bishops."^ It is quoted as high authority by- Dempster, Camerarius, and the learned author of " A View of the Diocese of Aberdeen," published in the " Collections on the Shires of Aberdeen and Banff,"^ whose name was Alexander Keith. He was Episcopal clergyman at Cruden, where he died on the 27th of October 1763. Adam King, afterwards of Dryden, was a regent in the University of Paris, where he taught philosophy. In 1 5 8 8 he translated Canisius' Catechism. After this, apparently, he conformed to the times; for before the end of the sixteenth centuty he came to Edinburgh, where he passed advocate, and was made a commissary in 1600. He married Margaret Vans or Vans, who survived him. He had two brothers, Alexander, and James who acted as Alexander's executor. In the Ketours, Edinburgh, No. 397, we find — "Edin,, March 17, 1618, Magister Adamus King de Dreden, unus commissariorum de Edinburgh, hseres Magistri Alexandri King de Dredden firatris in tenementis in Edinburgh." There is some of his poetry in the " Delieiee Poetarum Scotorum." Dempster mentions him as alive in Edinburgh. He continued to act as commissary till his death in 1620. He seems to have been a man of literary tastes, and to have possessed a good library. In his will there is an item of money owing by Mr. Kobert Monro of CamptUloch for the defunct's Library, 2000 merks (£112 : 10s.) ; item by James (Law), Archbishop of Glasgow, 500 merks (£25). I am indebted for this information to my learned Mend David Laing, Esq., LL.D., to whom the science of antiquities owes so miich. ^ p. 375, ed. Russel. ^ gpalding Club, 1843. PEEFACE. xxxvii It has not been thought necessary to print in extenso the whole Kalendar given by David CAMEEAnrus in his book " De Scotorum Fortitudine ;" at the same time, a work on the Scottish Saints would have been incomplete without some representation of it. Although very uncritical, and often incorrect, it contains facts concerning them which are to be found nowhere else. Just as in Adam King's Kalendar we find the distinctest traces of the influence of the Breviary of Aberdeen, so in this more ambitious performance we notice the effect of the work of King. It may be said to stand midway between King and Dempster, and in some respects is more valuable than either. An attempt is made by the author to take it out of the category of dry history, and to make it subservient to edification — some of the more affective acts and words of the worthies represented having much prominence conferred on them. For the work was written in the interests of the Soman Catholic Reaction. It emanates from the press of Paris : " Sumptibus Petri BaiUet, vi& Jacobaea, sub GaUo et Leone Eepente ;" and is dedicated in terms more of argument than of adula- tion, to King Charles I., firom whom, at this time, both the Scottish and English Eoman Catholics expected much. It bears the date of 1631, and appears never to have come to a second edition. Conse- quently it is a rare volume. David Camerarius must not be confused with his namesake of Ormond, a Lord of Session in Queen Mary's time, who was afterwards banished his country, came to Paris ia 1571, and published a history, in which there is much relating to Scotland, mainly drawn from Boece, and testifying to the existence of Veremundus.'' After the publication of his work at Paris, dedicated to Mary Queen of Scots, in 1579, he returned to Scotland in 1586. The author, whose work we have abridged in the text, is called Fiutrseus, of Fintray, and belonged to a family of whom more than one distinguished himself by a literary career on the continent.^ » Innes, Crit. Essay, p. 296. * E^., we find " Hierarcha et imperatoi ex institutis et disciplinis Fatrum, opera et xxxviii PEEFACE. Innes^ speaks of him as being " in great credit at Eome and elsewhere abroad ;" and as among the " most learned of our countaymen " who " have used aU possible diligence in searching everywhere abroad after all remains of our history and antiquities." In 1641 he succeeded R Alexander Pittendreich as Principal of the Scots CoUege at Paris, and occupied that position till 1650, when F. George Leith of Aberdeenshire, succeeded to him for one year, on whose demission Gilbert Blackhal presided from 1660 tiU 1682. Besides the " De Scotorum Fortitudine," he wrote a work " De Statu homiuis veteris simul ac novse Ecclesise et Infidelium Conversione. Catalauni, 1627;" and he took a part in the ecclesiastical politics of his creed and country, in protesting against the appointment of the Bishop of Chalcedon as Ordinary of Scotland. The Mbnologium op Thomas Dempster is a work akin to his Historia Ecclesiastica, a posthumous work republished by the Banna- tyne Club. It is unnecessary to repeat what is known about Thomas Dempster, aU which may be found in the preface to the last-mentioned book. All that is required here is to indicate the authorities from which the Menologium here reprinted is drawn. They are eighteen in number. Some are printed books ; some seem to have been in manuscript, and are now lost ; indeed the late Bishop Kyle, who was very competent to speak on the subject, pressed upon me the fact that when he had had the power to verify Dempster he had stood the test ; that his books were very incorrectly printed ; and that both he and Camerarius had access to sources now lost. His authorities, such as I have been able to verify, are as foUows : — 1. B. Breviarium Scoticum, Tnaxime Aberdonense. " Breviarium studio Gulielmi Camerarii Scoti Fiatrsei, Sacrse Theologise Doctoris, etc. ; Paris., 1637." By the same author we have also " Scoticanae Ecclesise Infautia, virilis setas, senectus ; Paris. 1643." " Disputationes Theologicse ; Paris., 1639." " Disputationes PhilosopMcse ; Paris. 1636." " Antiquitatis de Novitate Victoria ; Fastemburgi, 1634." He was a member of the Congregation of the Oratory. ^ Crit. Essay, p. 578. PKEFACE. xxxix Aberdonense, Pars estiva (et pars hyemalis)" : Chepman, 1509-10. Reprinted by Toovey, in 1854, for the Bannatyne and Maitland Clubs, with a valuable preface by Mr. David Laing. 2. B. Breviarium proprice Ecclesice. This of course varies in each case. 3. M. Martyrologium Romanum illustriss. Baronii. " Martyr- ologium Eomanum Gregorii XIII. jussu editum. Romse, 1586." 4 . MA . Martyrologium A nglicum. " Capgravi Legenda Anglise. " Colophon, — " Explicit (Nova Legenda Anglie) impresa Lodonias in domo Winadi de Worde : commorantis ad signum solis : in vico nticupato (the flete strete). Anno Dni mcccccxvi., xxvi. die Feb- ruarii." There is also an edition by Caxton. It is moulded on the earlier work of John of Tinmouth, a MS. of which was greatly injured by the fire which did so much harm to the Cottonian Collection. 5. MG. Martyrologium Garthusianum ; aut Ganisii, Adami Wala^seris. I have been unable to identify this book. 6. V. Ustiordus Garoli Magni Gapellanus. " Martyrologium Usuardi Monachi, opera et studio J. B. SoUerii. S. J. Antwerp, 1714." 7. W. Amoldus Wion Monachus Benedictinus. " Lignum Vitae omamentum et decus Ecclesise in 5 libros divisum, in quibus totius sanctiss. reUgionis divi Benedicti initia, viri dignitate, doctrina, sanctitate ac principatu claii, describuntur : et fiructus qui per nos S.R.E, accesserunt fusissime expHcantur. Auctore D. Amoldo Vvion, Belga, Duacensi Monach. S. Benedict de Mantua Ord. Div. Benedicti nigrorum Congregationis Cassinensis, alias S. Justin, de Padua. Venetiis, apud Georgium Angelerium, mdxcv." 8. ML. Joannes Molanus Theologus Lovaniensis. " Natales Sanctorum Belgii et eorundem chronica recapitulatio, auctore Joanne Molano, cive et doctore Theologo Lovaniensi : Lovanii, 1595." He added to Usuardus. 9. S. Scotichronicon a Magno Macullone exscriptwm. " Johamiis de Fordun Scotichronicon genuinum, una cum ejusdem supplemento ac xl PEEFACE. continuatione, e codicibus MSS. eruit ediditque Tho. Heamius Oxon. 1722." Also " Joannis de Fordun Scotichronicon .... cura Walteri Goodall, Edinb. 1759." Magnus Macculloch was one of tbe many transcribers of Fordun. He lived after 1450. See a note by Euddiman in Heame's Fordun, p. 1378, also Bisbop Nicolson's " Scot- tish Historical Library," p. 32 ; and a note by Mr. Laing in his edition of the poems of Eobert Henryson, p. 228. 10. G. Collectanea Gilberti Bruni, ffenrici Sinclari, etc. These precious documents have perished. Gilbert Brown was the eminent Abbot of the Cistercian Monastery of Sweetheart. Henry Sinclair, a book-collector and man of great culture, was of the Eoslin family. He was Dean of Glasgow, and afterwards Bishop of Eoss. He encouraged Ferrerius to continue Boece, but dying suddenly, failed to supply him with the materials which he had promised.^ 11. BT. Hector Boethius historicus Scotorum. "Scotorvm his- toriae a prima gentis origine cum aliarum & rerum & gentium illus- tratione non vulgari Quae omnia impressa quidem sunt lodoci Badii Ascensii typis & opera ; impensis autem nobUis & prsedocti viri Hectoris Boethii Deidonani, a quo sunt & condita & edita, 1527." This edition contains seventeen books. To the second (Paris, 1574) two books were added, and a continuation by J. Ferrerius. The work was translated into English by Eaphael Holinshed, in the first volume of his " Chronicles," and into lowland Scots by Master John Bellenden, Archdeacon of Murray (Edinb., Thomas Davidson, 1541). There is a reprint of BeUenden's translation, in two volumes, pub- lished at Edinburgh in 1821. 12. K. Kalendariimi Adami Regii, Jacohi Gheynm, etc. Cheyne was of Amage, lived about 1580, and was known for a work " De Sphsera," and for other treatises. 13. Gh. Gonstantinus Ghinius Ganonicus S. Salvatoris. "Sanc- torum canonicorum natales, Constantino Ghinio Lenensi, Can. Eeg. S. Salvatoris, Ord. S. Aug., auctore, quos nedum a Joanne de Nigra- ^ See Bishop Nicolson's Scottish. Historical Library, p. 38. PEEFACE. xli valle, olim S. R. E. Bibliothecario, sed et ab aliis gravissimis auctoribus summo studio et labore collegit. Venetiis, mdcxxi." 14. T. Joannes Trithemius, Abbas Spainhaimensis. " Joannis Trithemii Spanbeimensis primo, deinde D. Jacobi Majoris apud Her- bipolim Abbatis, vixi suo sevo doctissimi, primse partis opera historica quotquot hactenus reperiri potuerunt omnia. Francofurti, mdci." 1 5. P. Petrm de Natalibus JEpiscopus Equilinus. " Catalogus Sanc- torum, vitas, passiones et miracula commodissime annectens ex variis voluminibus selectus. Quern edidit reverendissimus iu Christo pater Petrus de Natalibus, Venetus, D. G. Ep. EquHiuus. Lugduni, 1542." 1 6. F. Joannes Fordanus, aut ejus continuator. " The Scotichroni- con" was not always quoted by its author's name. Many copies existed in the different monasteries, where it was read at refection, and took their names from that monasteiy. Thus Camerarius quotes it as " Chronica Skonensia." " 'Twere endless to compute into how many several chronicles this of Fordun has been multiplyed. For, being in every monastery of the kingdom, under the anonymous name of Scotichronicon, it commonly borrowed a sirname from the place to which it belonged." — (Bishop Nicolson's Scottish Hist. Library, p. 92.) 17. H. Raphael Holinshedus, aut Rogerus Eovedenus. "The firste [and second] volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande, conteyning : — The description and chronicles of England from the first inhabiting vnto the Conquest : the description and chronicles of Scotland from the first original! of the Scottes nation till the yeare of our Lorde 1571 : the description and chronicles of Yrelande, likewise from the firste originall of that nation vntiU the yeare 1547 : Faithfully gathered and set forth by Eaphaell Holin- shed : At London, imprinted for Lucas Harrison, 1577." " Rogeri Houedeni Annalium pars prior et posterior." — (Rerum AngUcarum Scriptores, ed. Henr. Savile. Francof. 1601.) A new edition, in four volumes (Lond. 1868-71), edited by William Stubbs, M,A., has just been published imder the direction of the Master of the Rolls. xlii PEEFACE. 18. N.S. Notherus Balhulus, S. Galli Monachus. "Maxtjo-olo- gium Notkeri, cognomento Balbidi^Monaclii S. Galli, a Canisio primum ex Bibliotheca S. Galli publicatum." — (Canisii Lectiones Antiquae, torn. ii. p*. iii. p. 85.) In printing tlie Kalendak of the Praybr-Book: foe the Chuech OP Scotland in the time of Charles L, it must be stated tbat its history, is very obscure. Little authentic information beyond that which is told in the life of Archbishop Laud has come down to us. Nothing is preserved in Sion CoUege or in the Lambeth Library. Archbishop Maxwell's papers are lost. He ended his days in the See of Tuam, where the archives have been destroyed by fire. And the darkness which envelopes the whole subject is not lessened in the matter of the Kalendar. We can only guess at the motives which generally prompted the selection of certain saints. A Scottish Kalendar, however, was nothing new, even after the Eeformation. In " The CL. Psalmes of David in Meter, for the use of the Kirk of Scotland. Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautrol- lier, dwelling in the Blackfriers, 1587," popularly called "John Knox's Prayer-book," we find a very curious Kalendar and list of the " Faires " in Scotland. The first has various entries of facts in secular and religious history ; e.g., " The 6 (Maii) Eome wes taken be the Duke of Burbone, an. 1527." "The 15* God did rayne Manna on the people, Exod. XV." "The 16 (Julii) Eome wes overthrowin bye the GaUis before Christe's birth 376 zeiris." On " The 8 day Johne Hus wes brunt in the Counsele of Constance for the trueth, 1415." There are also the Feasts of the Apostles, the assumption of Mary, Sainct Laurence, Marie Magdalene, Sainct Martin, and the like. The list of fairs is noteworthy as the first of the kind. The next step was retrograde. In the MS. Prayer-book in the British Museum,^ which was drawn up by the Scottish Bishops, "^ A description of it by the Rev. Alexander Irwin, Precentor of Armagh, vrill be found in the British Magazine, yoI, ixviii pp. 26, 148, 364, 621 ; voL xxix. pp. 169, 539. PEEFACE. xliii mainly by the Archbishop and Bishop Coupar of Gallbway, and submitted in the year 1616 to King James, whose death prevented anything more being done ia the matter, no Saiats' days whatever are mentioned in the Kalendar, and no chapters from the Apocrypha are introduced. Christmas, Good Friday, Easter Day, Ascension, and Whitsunday, are alone observed. In 1629, as is well known, Charles I. revived the design of putting forth a Service-book for the Church of Scotland, and, although he and Archbishop Laud wished to enforce the English prayer-book, it was finally agreed, on the recommendation of the native Bishops, that Scotland should have a book of its own. Accordingly an order of ser- vice was drawn up by Bishop Wedderbum, which was sent to London for revision, and formed the groundwork of that of 1637. In it we find not only a Kalendar, but one upon which great pains and care have been bestowed. The King wrote to the Scotch Privy Council tokeep iu the Kalendar the Saints of the Blood KoyaVand "that in their Kalendar they should keep such Catholic Saints as were ia the English, such of the Saints as were most pieculiar to that kingdom (especially those which were of the Blood Eoyal and some of the most holy Bishops) being added to them ; but that, in no case, S. George and S. Patrick be omitted." Not only are the old Saiats of Sarum Use, who have been preserved in the Anglican Prayer-book represented, but recourse has been had to the pre-Keformation Service-books, most probably to the Breviary of Aberdeen. Of purely Scottish Saints, we have King David, Mungo, Colman, Patrick, Cuthbert, GUbert, Serf, Columba, Palladius, Ninian, Adanman, Margaret, and Drostan. An edition of this work was put forth at the expense of the Earl of Wia- ton in 1712. It bears date, " Edinburgh, printed by James Watson, and sold at his shop, opposite the Luckenbooths, mdccxii. From the copy printed at Edinburgh in the year 1637, by Eobert Young, printer to King Charles the First." In it the Kalendar is given with some very slight variations in the spelling. In a Prayer-book issued 1 Heylin, Cyprianus Ai^licus, p. 325 : London, 1688. xliv PREFACE. by the late Dr. Torry, Bishop of S, Andrews, in the year 1851, the same Kalendar is repeated. Thus far we have supplied contributions to the hagiology of Scot- land, a subject to which little attention has hitherto been paid. Beyond the materials now exhibited there exists very little. Alban Butler, ia his Life of S. Bega, at September 6, mentions the Manu- script Kalendar kept at the Scots College in Paris. This is now lost. The Carthusian Herman Grevenius, in his additions to Usuardus, must have had access to a Scottish list of Saints. Ferrarius, in his " Catalogus GeneraHs Sanctorum qui in Martyrologio Eomano non sunt" (Venetiis, 1625), must have had probably that of Adam King. He quotes the Breviary of Aberdeen, and the now lost Collectanea of Gilbert Brown, Abbot of Sweetheart. A few words are necessary as to the method pursued in the alphabetical notices. Completeness, either as to the dedications, or the incidents in the life of each saint, is unattainable. Frequently, in the course of the work, new consecrations have been discovered ; it has therefore been deemed sufficient to approximate to accuracy. The space also has forbidden that every detail in the lives should be given, but care has been taken to reproduce as fully as may be aU that had reference to modern Scotland in. the sometimes volumiaous biographies. Again, it has been necessary to pass over the dedica- tions to those saiuts who are the common inheritance of the whole of Christendom. It would be difficult to make a complete list of these, and the investigation would supply nothing distinctive as to the con- ditions of the mediaeval Church of Scotland in contradistinction to the rest of the Christian world. But dedications to some of the less known saints are very suggestive ; such as S. Dorothy of Croy in Nairnshire ; S. ApoUinaris of Inverurie ; S. HUary of Drumblait ; S. Peter the Deacon at KUcrenan, Again, attention ought to be directed to the English entries ; such as S. Laurence of Canterbury at Conveth ; . S. Cuthbert and S. Boisil in the old kingdom of Ber- nicia : and to the French, such as S. GUes of Edinburgh ; S. Agil PEEFACE. 3dv of Balmerinocli ; and S. Bruoc of Eothesay. The French names are the inheritance of the Normans through the Sarum Use, It is doubtful whether the later French influence, which told so pro- foundly on the manners and language of Scotland in the time of the Stewart dynasty, has left any mark in church dedications. It was an age of religious decline ; and although the fifteenth century witnessed in this country the establishment of many noble foundations, especially the Collegiate Churches, which in the main date from that period, yet we see nothing to incline us to believe that the GaUican Church told upon her Scottish sister in any way analogous to the effect which French society at that epoch produced upon civil life in Scotland. Beyond the question of dedications the legends of some of the saints contain valuable historical matter. In the almost entire dearth of authentic information with regard to the history of Scotland before the time of S. Margaret — a dearth relieved only by the notices in Bede, by the Irish and Welsh Annals, by Adamnan's Life of S. Columba, by the Northern Sagas, and by the Pictish Chronicle — we are thankful for the slightest hints with regard to the politics and conditions of life of those obscure times. With every abatement caused by the uncritical nature of the compositions, we get from the legends a very definite picture of a state of society, in which violence and barbarism alternate with results of strong religious con- viction, and in which we seem to discover those forms of civil and ecclesiastical life which are manifested to us in the other nations of the Celtic family. We should not have exhibited the whole case had we suppressed all the miracles which form so great a proportion of the incidents in the lives. Some of these are such as to excite a smile upon the gravest countenance. The nature of this work, being untheological, precludes the necessity of touching on this subject from any other than a literary point of view. Even those who reject them must admit their historic value as illustrations of the domestic life and manners of epochs of which we know so little. It is hardly necessary to dwell upon the general interest which ought to attach xlvi PEEFACE. itself to a work on the hagiology of Scotland. The nineteenth century, an age of reconstruction in art, in letters, in faith, has nobly avenged the scepticism of the preceding age, which scoflFed at everything. The recognition of the services of the mediaeval Church has become a principle in the treatment of history. No author dare now boast, " I know nothing of the ages that knew nothing." It was a groundless fear of the poet when he said — " Impiaque aBtemam timuerunt sseciola noctem." The lamp of human knowledge, sometimes flickering, sometimes in danger of being extinguished, has been passed on from hand to hand. The darkest ages had their luminaries, and the foundations of modem thought and modem civilisation, of modern ideas and modem institutions, were laid in the decay of the old empire. In the virgin civilisation and consecration of the new and powerful northern races, who, while they scourged the effeminacy and sin of the life of the lower empire, laid deep the foundations of the edifice of modem life, the great vivifying power which saved the world from the corruption of impurity, and from the strong hand of brute force, was the Catholic Church. And if this were the case with Europe generally, Scotland, in the modem sense, was no exception to the universal rule. Our earliest record of Scotic life, in the pages of S. Adamaaxis History ofS. Golvmba, exhibits the struggle of the super- natural ideas, often indeed allied to brute force, against brute force pure and simple. We see the excesses of the rough tyranny of the re^'M^i modified and subdued by the influence of the Church acting on convictions often caused by sign and portent. Supernatural ideas become most potent factors in the politics of the kingdoms, and in the intercourse between the governors and the governed. The institutions of social life exhibit the impress of religion. Thus, S. Nathalan appears not merely as an honoured saint in the Meams and Deeside, but as a great agriculturist and improver. The miracles of S. Gilbert show that tacks and leases of fisheries in the northern waters were as weU PEEFACE. xlvii understood in his time as in the present day. The earliest mitigation of slavery is discovered in the inalienable rights which the convents obtained over those unfortunate persons whom the community ac- quired. Henceforward they were safe from being sold on account of the " great necessities" of their master. The first dawn of farming, as distinguished from cultivation by the proprietor, occurs in a lease granted by the convent of Scone to an ancestor of the Hays. The emancipation of women from degrading servitudes was associated with the name of S. Adamnan. The art of weaving is mentioned in connection with S. Ebba's monastic establishment in East Lothian. That of caligraphy is illustrated by the book of the Gospiels and Psalters which were so laboriously and skilfully copied by so many of the ascetic scribes. The wattled chapels, wooden shrines, and stone oratories of the Scotic missionaries — stUl more, the bolder efforts in stone at Whithem and Restennet — were the first shadowings forth of the minsters and cathedrals of the best days of pointed architecture. The deep respect for man as such, and the recogni- tion of his rights to fi:eedom and maintenance, are attested by the constant testimony to the choice of the laity in the selection of their kings and prelates. The Eunnymede of Scotland was on the Mount of Faith at Scone, when Constantine the king, and Kellach the bishop, with the Scots, vowed that the laws and disciplines of faith, and the rites of the churches, and of the Gospels likewise, should be observed. But a work of this kind has relations not merely to politics and the progress of a nation, but to its very topography. We may read somewhat of its civil and ecclesiastical history in the dedications of its local churches. We find present traces in names, sometimes strangely transformed, of the cultus of the ancient saints in every province in Scotland. The earliest of the Christian civilisations of this country is that of S. Ninian of Whithem, and here we find his association with Gaul commemorated in dedications to S. Mathurinus and S. Martin of Tours. In the old kingdom of Bemicia, from Edin- xlviii PEEFACE. burgh, to Neweastle-on-Tyne, we recognise its existence in tlie re- membrance of S. Cutbbert, S. BoisH, S. Eata, S. Ebba, S. Baldred ; and in Stratbclyde the recollections of the old Cumbrian kingdom, of which Alcluyd was the capital, are stiU. associated with the names of S. Kentigem and S. Inan, S. Cadoc and S. Nethan. All over Scotland we note the close connection of this country with Ireland, although naturally it is in Argyleshire that we find the strongest evidence of the connection of the Dalriadic Septs with their brethren of Erin ; and through this province, above all, does our country claim a share in that wonderful Christian civilisation and culture which is the glory of Ireland. The power of Hy is represented by the frequent dedications to S. Columba and S. Adamnan, the latter often under strange modifications. Go to the extreme north, and while you find there also Irish influences in S. Fergus, S. Fymbarr, and S. Duthac, you feel also the effect of the Norwegian power, and Cruden and Grease give shriues to S. Olave, and Kirkwall a temple to S. Magnus the Martyr. Come round into the purely Pictish countries of Banff, Aberdeen, and Eoncaxdineshire, and you find there a more native growth of such saints as S. Talari- can of Fordyce, S. Devenick of Banquhory, S. Teman of Banchory, and S. Fumack of Botriphnie. In Angus there is a mixture of in- fluences. Churches consecrated to the purely Irish S. Fechin and Mochonog exist within a few miles of those who have the Columbite Aidan and Colman for their patrons. Cross the Tay into Fife, and beside a purely native element represented by S. Servanus and S. Moanus, you have iudications of the earliest Irish colony. S. Cainnich at S. Andrews, S. Hithemais at Markinch, S. Brigida at Abemethy, occupy the ground afterwards credited with missions from Patras and martyrs from Pannonia. Even in the centre of Scotland, in the wild districts of upper Perthshire, Ireland is still present in the persons of S. Fillan of Glendochart, and S. Adamnan in Dull. Nay, France herself sends back her Celtic visitants in the person of S. Fiacre of Nigg ; while the civilisation of Italy touches PREFACE. xHx these distant lands through the medium of S. Bonifacius Quiritinus, who founded five churches in honour of S. Peter, indicating thereby the presence of a certain Eoman influence in Scotland; and of S. Palladius, who, sent by Pope S. Celestine to the already Christian Scots of Ireland, ended his days at Fordoun in the Meams. One word is necessary in regard to the selection of the^ names in the Alphabetical Notices. The subject being the Saiats of modern Scotland, I have not thought it necessary to insert notices of those who, in imcritical times, have been claimed as Scotchmen, from the fact of their being termed Scoti, either in Ireland or on the Con- tinent. This cuts off a great many who occur in the Hagiologists of the seventeenth century. On the other hand, I have given notices of some Irish saints who are mentioned in the Breviaries and Church Kalendars, because they have been the objects of cultus in Scotland, and have been connected with it either locally or littirgicaUy. Thus S. Fiacre is given for the sake of Nigg ; S. Fursey for his death in Britannia ; S. Foillan, because referred to in the legend of S. Congan ; S. MobM, because he occurs in a purely Scottish Kalendar. Again, I have given some paragraphs on the strength of the attestations of the eminent sanctity of their subjects — such as Agnes de Bumevyle, Guido of Lindores, or Adam de Lewenax — even though there is no proof of any formal process of canonisation. The conditions of sanctity in those early times were imcertain. No formal process, certainly no reference to Eome, was required to put a departed worthy on the roU of the saints. The proofs of holiness in the technical sense, in addition to piety and blamelessness of life, were miracles, and these proofs were estimated apparently by the voice of the people.^ A good man died. Signs were believed to be wrought at his tomb, or by his intercession. The multitude flocked to the place, and his claim to sanctity was carried by acclamation. Some- times politics had their influence. When William the Conqueror 1 Vide the Life of S. Guthlac, as abridged_by Ordericus Vitalis, lib. iv. in Duchesne's Smptor. Hist. Normann. p. 539. / 1 PEEFACE. beheaded Earl Waltheof for treason, the Saxon monks at Croyland took him for a saint, and he was so accepted by the English. The Very Eev. E. W. Church, Dean of S. Paul's, to whom I am indebted for this information, directs my attention to a curious conversation between Lanfranc and S. Ansehn, on the title to sanctity of Arch- bishop Elphege,^ in which it is put on substantial grounds alone ; and Anselm, after an argument, ends by persuading Lanfranc that Elphege was to be treated as a saint. This naturally led to abuse. S. Anselm wrote two letters,^ to restrain the cultus of the saiats who had re^ ceived the title without due, i.e. without episcopal, authorisation ; and in the Council of London, a.d. 1102, a canon is passed against it and other superstitious usages. To conclude, a devout writer, imbued with the spirit of the mediaeval piety, has thus elegantly expressed himself : — " The lives of the Saints of the middle ages are like the ruins of their own monasteries, lonely and melancholy fragment^ which are but iadica^ tions of a beauty which has passed away from the earth."* With some limitations, and with better hopes for the future of humanity, I subscribe to this sentiment ; but it is right to say, that in the prosecution of my work I have tried to eliminate, as far as may be, everythiag but the historical aspect of the question. The sentimental and religious aspect on the one hand, the critical and the destructive on the other, I have left to others. I have contented myself with seeking to place before my readers the starting point from which either line of thought may be pursued — ^viz., the historical facts which have come down to us, the sources fi-om which these historical facts are known, and the traces in the present geography of the country which illustrate them. A lithographic representation of two pages of the Drummond Missal, executed by Messrs. Johnston of Edinburgh, is given. The 1 Eadmer in Vit. Anselm, lib. i. p. 10 ; Paris, 1675. 2 Ep. iii. 51, p. 386, and iv. 10, p. 43 ; Ed. Paris, 1675. " Life of S. Waltheof. Lives of the English Saints, No. xiv. p. 15. London, 1845. PEEFACE. li verso contains the last page of the Kalendar, the recto the exorcism with which the work commences. It must be regarded as an in- teresting specimen of the Irish calligraphy of the eleventh century, to which epoch the Missal is probably assigned. There only remains to me the grateful task of acknowledging the help which has been so generously and courteously bestowed upon the work by many eminent scholars : — by the Eev. Dr. Eeeves, the great master of the subject of Irish hagiology and antiquities ; by W. F. Skene, Esq., LL.D., an eminent Celtic scholar, whose ingenuity and felicity of suggestion are only equalled by his solid learning ; by the laborious and careful John Stuart, Esq., LL.D. ; by the Eev. Canon A. W. Haddan ; by the accurate David Laing, Esq., LL.D., of the Signet Library, Edinburgh ; by the late deeply-lamented Daniel Eock, D.D. ; by Philip E. Pusey, Esq., M.A., of Christ Church, Oxford ; by the Eev. W. D. Macray, M.A., of the Bodleian Library ; by Henry Bradshaw, Esq., M.A., of the University Library, Cam- bridge ; by the Eev. James M. Joass, minister of Golspie ; by Andrew Jervise, Esq. ; by the Very Eev, Patrick Moran, D.D., of Dublin ; by the learned Father Victor de Buck, the admirable literary successor of the BoUandists ; by the Eev. Eoger Eowson Lingard Guthrie, M.A. ; by the Eev. Joseph Stevenson, of S. Mary's CoUege, Oscott ; and by Thomas Dickson, Esq., of the Eegister House, Edinburgh, who promises to be a worthy successor of the eminent Dr. Joseph Eobertson, and to whose careful revision, valuable suggestions, and unremitting attention, this work owes what measure of perfection it has attained to. :^penliijr to i^reface* APPENDIX I. The following forms of exorcism against murrain are found, as is stated in the Preface (p. xix,), on the blank leaf of a service-book which belonged to the Chapel of Herdmanston in East Lothian. The first part, as far as the words " gaJilee, etc.," is in a hand of the fourteenth century. The remainder is in a later hand, with the exception of the words " In principio . . . deum, etc.," which are in the same hand as the first part. The name "lowngsocht" means simply lung-disease (Anglo-Sax Suht, disease), and the disorder was probably similar to the pleuro-pneumonia which has made such ravages among cattle in our own time. Its visitations were perhaps frequent. A notice of its prevalence in 1598 vdll be found in the Miscellany of the Spalding Club, voL L p. 120. Mentem spontaneam sanctam uoluntatem et honorem dei patris et bestiarum liberacionem + In nomine patris + et filij + et spiritus sancti amen + Coniuro te morbum qui dicitur lowngsocht per uirtutem qninque wlnerum ihesu christi et per preciosum sanguinem eius per quem redempti sumus et per quinque gaudia dulsissime matris sue marie et per dulsissimum lac quod de uberibus matris sue suxit vt non habeas plus potestatem inter ista animaJia migrare aut amplius nocere contra mandatum regale nostri redemp- toris super flumine et flumen et sicut beatus natus quem maria in suo aluo peperit fuit onmibus damnatis uera redempcio et medicina ita sit istud carmen istis animalibus intra [inter que] nomiuatur et portatnr uera salus contra istud morbum quod dicitur lowngsocht per uirtutem istius carminis ut non habeas plus potestatem nocere neque mouere vbi istud carmen nominatur uel portatur quam demones potestatem contra uoluntatem dei + In nomine patris et + filij + et spiritus sancti + Amen. Hv APPENDIX TO PEEFACE. Sequencia sancti euangelij secundum lucam . Gloria tibi domine. In illo tempore loquente ihesu ad turbas extoUens uocem quedem mulier de tuiba dixit illi beatus uenter qui te portauit et ubera que suxisti at ille dixit quinimmo beati qui audiunt uerbum dei et custodiimt illud. Sequencia sancti euangelii secundum lucam . Gloria tibi domine. In illo tempore missus est angelus gabriel a deo in ciuitatem galilee etc. Eequire in quarta feria iiij temporum ante natale domini. Sequencia sancti euangelii secundum iohannem. In principio erat uerbum et uerbum erat apud deum etc. Eequire in alta missa in natali domini. Carmen pro lonsoucht. In nomine patris + et filij + et spiritus sancti + amen ++ Deus benedicat greges istos sicut benedixit greges in deserto et per uirtutem illorum uerborum quod nocet non nocebit morbo de lonsoucht nee aliquo alio morbo caduco in uirtute et per uirtutem sancte brigide sicut Deus deditpotestatem ei benedicere omnia animalia in terra amen ++. Nov >ai sal tak a best and mak a bor in Jje horn and ]7ar in put })is forsaid charm and tak a peny and bov in ]>e bestis hevyd and gar a voman gan to sant brid and offer it in hir nam and tak haly vater and cast on Jiam as J>ai gan furth fra >e charmyng non plus et cet. P^ % , - - 1 1 i -8" -s i! &-g 3 •§. 1 11^ 1 o ii Si30 1-5 oi w ■* I I •J -J *> 3 'd 6§^ ii-irHi-ii-irHr- a 513 Del Ceo? 31nnocenaum. iii f c $ Ce fl. rir (B 3R03I3 tiiii JF tJiii 310 €pip5ia Dfii. Dupler r. (^ m 318 Claues irr. rtii a t)i ^0 ^ci luciani pftiti. t)T6 t) 310 C iiii 310 riii D iii 310 a Dies 8t toras • xii • Bojc uero • xii • Principium muntii renou !^ec Duo foUHcia factum @et noctes equant aries Poft martis nonas u6i Cum pmanfierit tJis feptima Pars concurrentes feptem KALENDAEIUM DE HYEDMANISTOUN. 39 W^ ■EegulaHeriaM- Eegulatferiaf'r- 1*^ R Ptimus $ uniien9 efl mortis uulnere plenus. W • Prima afcenfio Dm aD celos. ^ci 3iOW ante portam Latinam. ^ci 3lo&anms arcfjiepi CtJorac. mem. loui 310 ijii 310 Cranf fo 5i iBictoIai. iii fc. tJi 310 ^coif (^orDiani $ Q)imaci)i. in fc gt Ce 0. t) 30 iiii 310 @)coi? il3erei $ ac&illei $ pancracij. iii fc gt Ce 0. m 310 ii 310 31D(H^ mi lif 3funij. jrtJi ID as as ^ol in gemifi. jriiii lif ^U Dunfiani arcfjiepi. riii fef ix fc. xi X ix \iiii fif fef Itf lif kf tijr tiii (25 t)i riiiia t) iii IB iiii C iii xi£>ii [Sici aiDelmi epi ? pf. ir fc. fi p9 trinit9 etiefiit meO fc nt s. tjrfiano.] €sta0 oritur, mem. ^its mala l)ora»r • ^ci auffulJini angloi? [epi]. ix ft. as as ftf ®ci ©ermani epi. fef fef fef iii f c $ Ce 0. ^ci felicis pp. ®ce petroniUe iiirg. iii fc fine Ce 0. ^erta minug fortiet cum uulnera loena remomet agaius U Dies ♦ xxxi ♦ luna uero • xxx' • Dies $t f)oras • rtij • iBor uero • tiiij • KALENDAMUM DE HYEDMANISTOUN. 41 Eegularisfeciaf-iji' Eeplarisfttnaf»ni' Denus paleCcit quintieniis fetiera tieCctt. (B . 1 U ^ ^a iRicbomeHis mat iii fc et Ce fl. rir jr iiii jB %6j¥ a^atcelUni t ijetti mat in fc t Ce fl. [3(nuital tJiii (25 iii I13 Dupf.] jrtJia ii 113 i) 15 IB2DJI3 ^ancti IBonefacij epi gt mat iii f c gt Ce 0. [3(nuita! Uupf .] C iiiii 3IiS Wtim9 termin9 pentecofle0. riii D tJii 310 ii (ZE t)i 310 ^coijr a^etiatoi $ <2DslDattii epoi? [$ ^ci 2BiUi epi $ confeObt etotat] iii f c $ Ce 0. iF t) 3(0 CtanCfo tci eaomunDi arcbiepi. [iptini t feliciani r6it9 rpin D tiiii 310 t)]co£ euOacS anno Diii Q^' ♦ cc° ♦ seragefimo.] X ^apiencia. ©iff. Dies mala ^ota'i[)iia> t)i§. iSatiuitas Domini, ^anfti ^teplDi prot|)omat ^an£ti 31otis apf i $ euangf e. ^cotum 31nnocencium. ^anfti Cliome arcf)iepi $ mat ^ci ^ilueflri pp gt pf. jFinis primi emftoiifmi. Prima patat luftum nullum Dat • tiii" • ftuftum. Decemfiet U Dies ♦ xxxi • luna uero • xxix > Dies U Ijoras ♦ tji • Box uero ♦ jctoiij • Malmhaxium tie €nlmxos. III. iBtalenUarium tie tnUnxos. DV/ 3[anuatiusStWe0^rrrD']' JLunau'^mr' Hi 3 JLlii. Citcficifio Dfli. nj f. IB iiii B £Dcl fa fiQ)5i. com. xi C iij I© ©cl fci iofeanis euangf . com. D ij 313 SDct f. innocencium. coin, rir (!E Jl3onas ©ci fci tfjome miis!. tiigf . coin. Miii S iJiiJ 318 OEpipbama Dfli. jrij I. ij m. <3 Mii 311) Claues tmioi? septuag. JrtJj a tJj 318 t) OB tj 318 ^ci felani a55is. C iiii 318 PauU jjmi ftecemite. fci aaiilll epi. rij f . xiii D iij 318 CSmemoraco epoi? $ a55m Defunftoi?. i) e a 318 JT 31DQ^ 2Dct epiploic TO f . fjiUarij f remigij ^oi?, r <5 rir fef [JFetituarijG. ffeticis in pinci0 c5. a jrtJiij fef ^ci mauri a55i0. c6. rtJiij OB riJij Itf 9@arcefli mtis. c6. tiij C jrtjj fif ^peufippi eleulippi meleulippi m. amonij pf. rij t D itj fef Prifce uirgis $ mcis. co. rt) (ZB niii fef iiij iF jriij W ®. fafiiani $ fetiaftiani in. xii f . j m. <3 xii fef agnetis tJitginis $ ni. nj f . j m. xii 9 W fef aiincencij mtis. xii f . j m. iTBx fef ^» einenciane uirgis f m. coin. C ir fef ix D iJiij W Conflfio gancti pauli. pefti epi f m. co. (B tJij W xnii jr ui iif 54 KALENDAKIUM DE CULENEOS. t)j (J5 t) Itf agnetis ecOo. com. 3 iiij Itf 3Iuliam epi $ pf. rij f . j m. xiiii IB ii) fef til € a M l^oQ tui hdS feti^ ti" Deciam ibi fac terminfi Irjc* DK JFetiruarius. D JQIA ^cetJriffiDeJJg. xi ci iacom apf i. ic^ofiiti $ cucuGati in. xii t niijDtJij W ®ce anne mattis matie. Hi <& ni W JFti ftf il3a?atei $ celfl $ pantaleomiS in. n ® ittj fef ffelicis epi $ iri. c5. Siplicij fanflini t Iieat^ in. a iii as t atiDon $ fenneii in. c5. tic fit luna ptima jCijCBij id! aetmani epi $ conf. c£i. tt^^m^xxx^ caltufl lune. 60 KALENDAKIUM DE CULENEOS. MauguQug. i Uii cXJLLI. ao uicia (ci pet^ Ccov maclialieoi;. cd* mmi jrtij D iiij JI3 fci Cepftani p^e gt m. co. t) OE iij 113 3[nuenco f£i fiQjftanj iJtftomns. nj f . i ni. JF ij JI3 riij (25 Jl3onas fci Dfiici confeff. jrtj f . j ni. a a tJiij 318 ^ixti pape gt ni. co. feliciCSmj $ ag^iti ^ t)ij 310 K)omU ept co. r C ijj 315 Ciriaci cum foe f. co. Di) 310 iiigf. iRomanjm. c5. rtjiij OE iiii 310 ®. lautlcij mfis. xii f. i) m. tJij jr iij 310 CitJurcij mfts. co. Corona Oni nft. ® a 310 ri) a 3I^O© gpoliti focio^q^ eius. iiij 'IB xiv W ©eptemf)?. tJigf . co. €nmi ptiSCri. C jctJiij W aiTumpcio fee marie, nj f. ii m. njDjrtJij fef J dB m iif ©cl fei laurencij. co. fi©Smeci0 mJis. c5. JF rtJ ftf ag^iti mris. co. iv <& xiiii W a xiii lif 'BemarDi a5fiis. nj f . ij m. jctjij 'Id nj fef tij C rj feJ ©cl affumpconis. jrtj f . j ni. Cimot^i $ fppJ)ori5i. co. Dr ftf jriiij ($ ir fef 'Bartf)olomei ^fi. jrij f . j ni. autf^n9 oritur. m JF iiiij fef genefij mEis. co. m ^ Hi ^ ffelici0 9 aDau£ti mrm. co. e ii ftf KALENDAEIUM DE CULENEOS. 61 M"; jctijjr^ULli. prifcim^s. c5. (ZBgiDi) a^i0. c5* t) & iiii B bit mutantut ^acte. a Hi B xiii 16 a B ^arcetU n^g. co. Ctanflaco Hi cuttSti. a C iSonas ID mi 318 X (B W W euurcti epi. c5. JF tij 310 iSatiuitas 0te mari0. rij f . ii m. antianj m. c5. jdoio <2^ t) 310 0Otlitant mfi0. co. t)tj a iii) 310 15 Hi 310 pcotlii 9 iacincti co. jrt) C ij 310 iiijD 312:>ai® (B jrtJiij 6J [SDctofJi?]. (ZEraltaco fee ctucig. Cotnelij cppriSi. co. xU S tan ftf il3ic6omeDi0 m. ) ® jct)) Ikf (Bnfemiz utrgims $ m. Bintg) epi. lucie $ geiai. a jcD iiS m lamderti epi $ tn. iv 15 riii) ftf a&CoIuco dm $ famittarifi n£oi?. C jcii) M ^t(imni a^ig. co. jnoiiDri) fef tiigif. (ZEpinorQ autitpnale. tjj (B xi fef @)ci matfiei apfi $ euangjf. rij f. ii m. if r itf a^autici) di fociig Cuig. rij f . ) tn. riiij Dii kf Itatecine uitg $ in. vii t i in. rira t)j Itf tiii) IB ti 1^ agricole $ uitali0 in. co. C iii) itf rtij D iii ftf ^atumini in. co. tJigf. ttigf. n (ZE ii kf rci antitee apf i. ni f . ii itt. 64 KALENDAEIUM DE CULENEOS. Decemfii?. iF .i^il Crifanti mauri gt narie ni. co« degi ^i. riij (5 iiii B- ii2i Hi B xlBii B QL 3l3onas jrtjiu D iJiij 318 fci nicfjolai epi. jrtj f . xj m. tjij (ZE tiij 315 ©ci tci anDree. c5. JF tij 310 Concepco 0e matie. rij t ii m. jct)(5 1) 310 iiii Si iiii 315 OB iij 318 Damasci ft)'. co. rij C ij 18 J D 3D©® lucie tJitgiiai ro f . ii m. € jrir liJ ix JF rtiiij W 05 rtJij fef ®£e tjarfiare tiirg. ca rijija m feJ ©fapia. nilBxti M C riiij fef xiiii O riij fef iij (B xii M Cbome ^f i. xii t ii m. if w kf xi<3 X fef a ijc iif tjigit rir OB iJiij W Batiuitas Dni nK i5u xK xii f . tiuj C tJij M fci flep|)ani protl)omti0. xii f. D t)j Itf m iohmis ^fi $ euangl. xii f. jctjj (ZE ij W Ccoi? innocencili. jrtj f. ti jr iiij fe? fci tftome arcftiepi. nj f. (J5 iij iX xHi a ij 6f ^ilueflri W- me fieri fecit ticatD9 matciiel quoDS atitias tie culetos que 8$ (aluet tiic $ in euum. Maltntiaxinm tie iiJota farina. IV. StalenDattutn tie llJotja $axina. •, 3iaamE3I([|%. I?Ifi Pttma Dteis! menfis et Ceptima mmcat in enfi0. tti 2iSSt *^ Circumcifio aDomini h Uii H^. i)£tatia ^anfti ^tepftant vi c iii jl^. i3Dfitat)a ^an£ti 3loftanni$« (Senopftefe uitgint?. D ii US. £Dftaua ^anStocum Innocencium. xix e BflDiS. Miii f tJiii 3[ti (ZEpftepftanie Domini. ff Uii 30 m a t)i 318 t) ti t) 3[JS c iiii 310 m Q iii 318 a e ii 318 SDftatia epfnpftanie. laemime et $)inarii. f 3I2:>9I^ X S rir ffiif jFefttuatiu0. jFelicis ptefftiteri. a JrtJiii M jrtJiii ft jrtJii fBS a^arcelU pape. Mil c rtJi m D jrtj iKf priCce uirginis et martpris. jna e riiii i&f a^atie et e@attfte matt^um. iiii f riii ffiif ifaftiani et ^eftafiiani martgrum. ff rii m agnetis uirginis. xii a jrf Mf ajincencii et Heuite martprum. i ft X IKT (Smetenciane uirgini0. c ir m Cimotftei ^ofioli. ix D t)iii Ef eonuerfio Pauli. e t)ii m xaii f Ui m U ff tJ Ef a0;neti0 ij". a iiii m xiiii ft iii m Hi c ii m 68 KALENDAEIUM DE NOVA FAEINA. •. Jl \U^,tC*»W»**»*J|V*^^. |51ttius 0t unDenuis ett motti0 uulnere pienu0. A (25iftetti epiftopi. t> Xi\ 313. xxx c \\ 313, amiJtofii Qjxfcopi. tiiii D 3SHD313. ailtima intencio lune pasc&aUs. rtii e t)ui 318 Prima intencio lune togarionum. t) f iJii 310 tJi 310 riii at) 310 ii tJ iiii 310 c iii 310 Leonispape. r D ii 30 e 3Dai® jrtJiii f rtiiii ffiif a^aii. Citiumi et (Haieriani martprum. tjii g jrtJii M Claues rogacionum. a jciJi ffitf jcti t) jda M Oonnani Cociorumque eius. ^ot in tauro. iiii c vxix M Wsxxcm tenninus pafcfje. xxxx m m e jrii ISJ i f ]rf m g r mf \x a ir ffiif (J5corgii martpri0. ti tiiii EF ©iiefteri confeflKiris. rtJii c iiii M 9©arri euuangeafie. Oltimum paCcfia. i)i D tJi mr Cleti p^e et mattpri?. e tJ M [mplfrio epifcopi confeflforis.] riiii f \\\\ M (Hitalis martgris. \\\ g \\\ W Claue0 penticofie0. a \\ M Primu0 xm afcenljoni0. KAIEroAEIUM DE NOVA FAEINA. 71 ,BE—"-"-— rt t)«£^LJ p{)iiippt et 3|aco{)i apoQoIotum. c t)i 313. rir 5 t) 319. 3lnuencio crucis. aierannri cum iodis fuis. niii e tiii 313. f iii 313. m g a 313. MannijSi ante portam latinam. n a 3SflD3S. b t)m m nit c ton 310 Primus terminus penticofies. Ctanaacio ^anati anDree. ii D t)i 3Iti Congaitt ati&atiis. (S^otHiani et (iEpimac^i. e t) 319 r f iiii 318 3I3erei et aclJiUei et pancracii. iii 310 ^arie aD martites. ma a a 310 m tj 3i2:>(H^ c jrtJii M 3[unij. jct) D ]ct)i mf iiii e jct) ]^ ^ol in geminos. f riiii M Potenciane uitginiis. rii g riii IB^ i a rii m h xi m ix t X M Slltimuis tetminusi rogacionum. D ix m xnii e Miii M SIrdani pape. t)i f iJii M auffufiini angliorum. ff i)i ffitf jriiii a ti m iii t) mi m c iii m xi n a M Petronille uirginis. V2 KALENDAEIUM DE NOVA FAEINA. •- 3iai3i33[a3«). njf'i Denus palefcit quinDenus feDera neCcit. ejl 1!J Bicfiomznis martpri0. xix f iiii 113. s^arcellini et Petri. Uii S iU 113. m a a 113. \) f) JI3a)JI3. c Wi 310 a3Itimu0 terminus penticofles. [Commetnoracio Bot-- xiii n Mii 310 tjarti.] a e U m f i) 310 Columfie aGtiatis. Primi et jFeliciani. X ff itti 318 [a^argarete regine. ix • I" a tit 310 TBamatie apofloU. jrtJiii ft ii 310 OBaiiliDis ♦ Cirini ♦ aialoris • JSa^arii • martprum. iJii c 'ii)B% ailtimum penticofien. 5 rijiii m 3luHj. ^ol fiucium efl malo. rij e jrtjii M aiiti et agonefli martgrum. iiii f jrtJi W Cirici et 3IuUtte martgrum. g rt) m iBotumi afttiatis. xH a jriiii m 8@arci et o^arcelUni martprunt. i ti xiii m (Seruafii et Prot|)alii martprum. c rii m ix D n m e X m aifiani ntartpris. ©igilia. rtitt f ir mf t)i g Miii m 5l3atiuitas ^anfti 3lo6annis tiaptifle. a ijii m Q^oloci epifcopi. riui ti i)i M 3lo6aimis et Pautt. ^anfti Dutftaci qjifcopi. iii C t) m D ittt m JLeonis pape. Oigilia. xi e iii m Petri et Pauli. f ii m Commemoracio ©anfti pauli. KALENDAEIUM DE NOVA FARINA. 73 Ulfi CriDenus maftat mi nmmm lafiefaftat. xiv g X^Ld ©aatia %mm M^mis fiaptifle. tiiii a U 313. (Hifitacio iBeate aiarie. l^rocelfi et a^attiniam. fi t) B. rtji c iiu il3. Cranflacio ©anfti agattini epifcopi. ti iii 313. e it 313. ©ftatia apolJotorum. xiii f 3l3fiD3i3. IBofiUi et fociorum. a s tiiii 3fi a m W ©ftatia iBeate fi^arie. ]c 6 tji 3(8 ^Qjtern frattum. CD 310 Cranflacio ^anfti OBeneDifti afifiatis. rDiti D tiii 3|0 tiii e lit 310 f it 310 JD 312;>9I@) Diuifio apofiolorum. Dies caniculares. an a jctiit M augufii. ti ttii M Eenelmi regis et martgris. rii c ]ct) itf [Cranflacio %mSd Cbome martpris.] ^ol in leone. i D xiiii M [amulptji martgris.] e xiii M a^argarete uirginis et mart^s. ir f ni M Prarenis uirginis. g jri !^ a@arie a^agnaiene. )rt)ii a jc fBS apolinaris Qjifcopi. Mi 6 ix M Crifline uirginis. (Higilia. c tiiii M 3[aco&i apofloli. Cliriliofori martpris. xiiii D KJii m iii t ni M ^eptem Dormiencium. ft) M ^ampfonis ^ifcopi. xi g an ffitf JFelicis p^e. ^implicii cum fociis Cuis. jTir a iii f^f atiDon et @)ennen martprum. ti a M (3mtim epifcopi. 74 KALENDAEIUM DE NOVA FAEINA. aai^^^cai^. tjl^ Prima necat fortem flemitque fecunDa ctxhattmi, Uii c JSLJ an uincula ^anfti Petri, s^acljatieorum martprum. rtii D iiii B, ^tepfjani pape et martpri0» t) e iii 113. 3Inuenrio ^anfti ^tepfjani. ©amattelis 3Sicl)0liemi atJiton. f a 313. 'Bratijani confefforig. xiii g; JI3® J13. ©fuuaini regis et martpris. tt a iJiii 315 ^ixti pape. Jfelialfimi et ag^iti, tJ i)ii 310 Donati epifcopi. r c t)i 310 Ciriari cum foriis fuis. ti tJ 310 Eomani mattpris. Oigitta. rtJiii e iiii 3(0 JLaurenrii Diaconi. tJii f iii 310 Citjurcii mattgrig. ii 310 xa a 31Dax@ gpoliti martprisi cum fociis fuis. iiii b xix IBif ^eptemtiris. ©iffilia. c v^iii mf xii n rtJii m i t xbi M ©ftatia ^anfti JLaurenrii. f ]rti ffiiF agapiti martpris. ^ol in tiirgine. it g jriiii M 99agni mattpris. a riii m riJii b xii m U c xi M SDftatja ^anfte a^arie. Cljimotfjei et ^imp&oriani. D r l^f CI)imotl)ei et appolinaris. Oigitta. xiiii e ix M IBartbolomei apofioli. iii f ijiii m g tJii m xi a Mi m iRuffi martgris. t) i) ffiif auguOini epifcopi et confelftris. xix c iiii l&f Decoflario ^anfti 3[o&annis tiaptifle. tiiii D iii M jFettris et auDafti martprum. e ii l&f CranCaao ^anfti ji3iniani. KALENDAEIUM DE NOVA FAEINA. 75 I31fj Cercia Ceptemtiris et Denus fett mate memtiris. m f ^L^l^ aggitiij aiJijatis. Prifci martpris. ti ff u» ^» ©cuf emfiottfmus. 3 Hi B. m b a B. ©aatia ^anfti auffuffini. ii c 3132DII3. D Dili 3ID r e tJtt m f t)i 3ia il3atiuitas TBeate s©arie uirginis, auriani martpris. ftJiii fl; D 3(0 (J5orgonu martpri0. Mii a iui 3[ti 6 in 310 lProt|)i et 3[acinai martgrum. ru c ii 318 an D 3i!oai® e rtiiii M €)£tot)tig. €raltacio ^anfte ctuci0. Cornell et Cipriani, rii f xtiii M £D£taua ^anfte ^arie. BicbomeDis mart^tis. i jct)i iif HSiniani Qiifcopi et confe0'ori0. lamtietti mart^ris. a ]rt) iBif ^olinlitJra. ix t> xiiii M c xiii m mi D rii ffitf ©iffilia. Mi t xi fS£ d^atbei ^oQoU et euuangelifie. f jc M ^aurici cum focii0 fuis. xiiii Q ix W! Hi a Miii t^f 60acolmi atitiati?. tj t)ii M TBatri Qjifcopi. xi c \A m D tJ M Cofme et Damiani martprum. xix e iiii M niii f Hi ffiif 9@ict)aeli0 arcfjangeli. g ii ffiif 3feronimi prefliiteri. 76 KALENDAEIUM DE NOVA FAEINA. • HY\ Ccrciu0 et Denus efl ttcut mors attenus. -J laemip Qjifcopi. aetmani epifcopi. t) 6 t)i 313. m. c u 113. \\ D iiii J13. JFtanciOi confelToris. e iii 13. r f ii J13. g ii3^j^. ^atctiti pape. a^atcetu et amulet mart^rum. ]rtJiu 9 iJtti 310 tiii 6 tJii 310 Dionifii cum fociis X\x\%. c loi 310 (!5ereoms cum fociis fuis. rt) D ti 310 Cranflacio fanfti aupflmi epifcopi. \\\\ e \\\\ 310 f iii 310 Congani atitiatis. x\\ g M 310 Calirte pape et martpri0. i a 3fDe^ 6 jrtjii M nsouemliris. Eeptt confelToris. ir c ]ci)i mf D rt) ffiif Luce euuangelifie. taxi e riiii W t)i f nii Ef g rii IBtf ^noecim milia uirginum. riiii a ]ri Ef \\\ fir iBif ^euerini epifcopi et confelToris. c \x m x\ D tjiii m Crifpini et Crifpiniani martprum. e i)ii Ef rir f iJi M aiigilia. \3iii g ij mf ^gmonis et 31uDe. a m m rtJi tJ \\\ M i) c ii m Cluintini et jFoillani. (Higilia. KALENDAEIUM DE NOVA FAKINA. 77 Hf^\ ^corpiuia; efi auintus et tercius aD mala cmctu0. -« jTeflum omnium (anftotum. m e iiii 313. Commemoracio omnium filDdium Defunftorum. €utb' tietti cum focii0 fuis. a f Hi 113. agat&ie epifcopi et confefforis. a 313. r a 3I3©II3. b t)iii 3[d iLeonatHi a&batis. jctJiii c toii 3(0 t)ii Q t)i 3[Zi IXuatuot cotonatotum. e t) 3[Q CtieoDoti matt^rig. rt) f iiii SIQ 6@attini p^e et confeflbriis. mi iii 310 $attini Qjifcopi. a^enne mattpris. a a 310 [Cljeonaci aWatis. ir^fc] rii b 3i^U% IBricii Qjifcopi. i c xMiii Wl Decemtitis. (ZEDtiani epifcopi. u juii M [9®acuti epifcopi et confeflOris.] ix z m M i t(\ M jrtjii riiii i^ tji a m m b rii lEaf'jFrecaniQjiCcopietconfeiariiB;. nxii c ri 1^ [Prefentacio ^anfte ei^arie t)it0ini0.] Hi D jc M Cecilie uir0inis et martpris. e ix M dementis p^e et martpris. jFelicitatis. jrt f tJiii M CtifO0oni martgtig. tiii M I&attine uir0ini$ et martpri0. xix 2i \A M Lini pape et matt^tiis. \Aii f) t) 1^ c mi m rxA ti iii M ^atutini mat^0. 9li0ilia. t) e ii M antiree ^oflott. 78 KALENDAEIUM DE NOVA FAKINA. m ^ei^Umm eranguts uitofm Denu0 et angut0. xiii g iin 319. a 2i in B. X h a JI9. c JI3©1I3. taiii D iJiii 310 Ji3pcl)0lai episcopi. tiii e iJii 310 Dftaua ©anfti anDrec. f t)i 30 Concepcio ^anfte o^arie. It) S i) 310 iiu a iiii 310 ti iii 30 C)amafci pape et martpris. Hi c u 310 i n 312^{H^ iLucie uirgirais et tnartpris. z xix M Biifym cum fociis mis. ir f rtJiii M ictiii Ef jrtJii a ]rt)i mf t)i ti ri) ffiif c xiiii M xiiii D xiii ilf (Higitta. iii e jcii M Ct)ome apoflott. t xi m xi Q X m 2i ix m Oigilia. xix b iJiii M [Jl3atiuitas tjomini. tripler.] tiiii c tiii M ^t^{)ani ptotljomartpris. D tji ffiif [31oannii5 apoflott.] riJi e t) M ^anftorum 3Innocencium. M f iiii M Cbome atc{)iepiCcopi. g in M [Dutfjaci epifcopi.] riii a ii Ef ^iiueflri pape. Malmtaxinm quoDtiam Celttcum. V. Maltrthaxinm quoDtiam Celttcum* JANUAEIUS. ae la deg ar xx. (Thirty-one days.) amedon oidhchi tig esca namis so. (At midnight comes this month's moon.) I iii 2 a Kalend. iiii No. la nodlag beg. (Little Christmas day.) 3 xi c iii No. 4 ti ii No. 5 xix e Nonas. uigilia. 6 viii f viii Id. epifania dni. 7 vii Id. 8 xvi a vi Id. 9 V ti V Id. lO II xiii c iiii iii Id. Id. sol in aquaria. 12 ii e ii Id. 13 f Idus. 14 X 15 a xix El. xviiiKl. Tebruarii.] 16 xviii Ltl xvii Kl. 17 vii c xvi Kl. 18 D XV Kl, conuersio sancti pauli. 19 XV e xiv Kl 20 iiii f xiii Kl. ochd nuaire sa lo. (Eight hours in the day.) 21 xii Kl. 22 xii a xi Kl. 23 i t) X Kl. 24 c ix Kl. 25 ix viii Kl. 26 e vii Kl, 27 xvii f vi Kl. 28 vi' V Kl. 29 a iiii Kl, ' 30 xiiii ti iii Kl. 31 iii c ii Kl. se uaire dJi sanoidhche. (Sixteen hours in the night.) 82 KAXENDARIUM CELTICUM. FEBRUAEIUS. Angairm ancoilich tig esca na mis so. (At cockcrow comes this month's moon.) I D Kalend, Fel brige. (S. Bridget's feast.) 2 xi e iii No. Fel muire. (S. Mar/s feast.) 3 xix f iii No. 4 viii ff ii No. 5 a Nonas. 6 xvi ti viii Id. 7 V c vii Id. 8 D "vi Id. 9 xiii e V Id. lo ii f iiii Id. II ff iii Id. 12 X a ii Id. 13 fi Idus. 14 xviii c xvi Kl. Marcij.] Sol in pise. 15 vii D XV Kl. 16 e xiiii . Kl. 17 XV f xiii Kl 18 iiii xii Kl. 19 a xi Kl. deich nuair salo 7 14 sanoidhche. (Ten hours in the 20 xii I) X Kl. day, and fotirteen in the night.) 21 i c ix Kl. 22 D viii Kl. Cathedra sancte petre. 23 ix e vii Kl. 24 f vi Kl. F. mathias. 25 xvii ff V Kl. 26 vi a iiii Kl 27 h iii Kl, 28 xiiii c ii Kl. KALENDAEIUM CELTICUM. 83 . MARCIUS. Andreadh oidche tig escca. (Through the night the moon comes.) I iii D Kalend. 2 vi No. 3 xi f V No. 4 iiii No. 5 xix a Ul No. 6 viii b ii No. F. ciarain saigre. (Feast of Ciaran of Saigir,) 7 c Nonas. 8 jcvi D viii Id. 9 V e vii Id. F. seanain. (Feast of Senanus.) lO f yi Id. II xiii V Id. 12 ii a iiii Id. F. gregoir. (Feast of Gregory.) 13 iii Id. Sol in aries. Equinocium uernale. 14 X c ii Id. 15 ti Idus, 16 xviii0 xvii L Kl. [Aprilis.] 17 vii f xvi KI. F. padmig. (Feast of Patrick.) 18 XV Kl. 19 XV a xiiii IKl. 20 iiii b xiii Kl 21 c xii Kl. da uair dii i 3a lo. (Twelve hours in the day.) 22 xii D xi Kl, 23 i e X Kl. 24 f ix Kl. 25 ix viii Kl. 26 a vii Kl. 27 xvii b vi Kl. 28 vi c V Kl. 29 ti iiii Kl. 30 xiiii e iii Kl. 31 iii f ii Kl. da uair dH sanoidhche. (Twelve hours in the night.) 84 KALENDAEIUM CELTICUM. APRILIS. Isin maidia tig esga sa mi so. (In tlie morning comes the moon this month.) XV I s Kalend. iiii 2 xi a iiii No. 3 t iii No. xii 4 xix c ii No. i 5 viii D Nonas. 6 xvi c viii Id. ix 7 V f vii Id. 8 s; vi Id. xvii 9 xiii a V Id. vi lO ii t) iiii Id. II c iii Id. xiiii 12 X n ii Id. iii 13 e Idus. H xviii f xviii '. Kl. [Maij.] xi 15 vii s xvii Kl. i6 a xvi Kl. XIX 17 XV ti XV Kl, Sol in tauro. viii i8 iiii c xiiii Kl. 19 n xiii Kl. 20 xii xii Kl. 21 i f ti Kl. 22 ff X Kl. 14 dii salo 10 nuaire sanoidhchi. (Fourteen in 23 ix a ix Kl. the day ; ten hours in the night.) 24 ti viii Kl. 25 xvii c vii Kl. F. marcius suibiscel. (F. of Mark the Evangelist.) 26 vi D vi Kl. 27 V Kl. 28 xiiii f iiii Kl. 29 iii ff iii Kl. 30 a ii Kl. KALEKDAEIUM CELTICUM. 85 MAYUS. Treatli erge greine tig esca. (At sunrise comes the moon.) I xi (j Kalend. Pilipi et iacobi. 2 C vi No. F. na croiche. (Feast of the Crosj 3 xix D V No. 4 viii Z iiii No. 5 f iii No. 6 xvi g ii No. 7 V a Nonas. 8 t) viii Id. 9 xiii C vii Id. lo ii 5 vi Id. II e V Id. 12 X f iiii Id. 13 g iii Id. 14 xviii a ii Id. Sol in gemine. 15 vii b Idus. F. brenaind. (Feast of Brennan.) i5 C xvii Kl. Jnnii. 17 XV tJ xvi Kl. 18 iiii e XV Kl. 19 f xiv Kl. 20 xii g xiii K\. 21 i a xii Kl. 22 h xi Kl. 23 ix C X Kl. 24 D ix Kl. 25 xvii L viii Kl. 26 vi f vii Kl. 27 g vi Kl. 28 xiiii L a V Kl. 29 iii ij iiii Kl. 30 31 xi C iii Kl. tl ii KL Ochd nuaire sanoidhche. (Eighi (Eight hours in the night.) 86 KALENDAEII7M CELTICUM. JUNIUS. Amedon lai tig esca samiso. (At midday comes the moon this month.) I e Kalend, Deich la xx samiso. (Thirty days in this month.) 2 xix f iiii No. 3 viii iii No. 4 xvi a ii No. 5 V t) Nonas. 6 c viii Id. 7 xiii D vii Id. 8 ii e vi Id. 9 f V Id. F. colaim cille. (Feast of Colm Cille.) lO X iiii Id. II a iii Id. F. barnabais. (Feast of Barnabas.) 12 xviii ti ii Id. 13 vii c J [dus. 14 D xviii Kl. [Julii.] Solus sdicium estiuale. 15 XV e xvii Kl. 16 iiii f xvi Kl. 17 XV Kl. Sol in cancro. 18 xii a yii'ii Kl. 19 i b xiii Kl. 20 c xii Kl. ochd nuaire x salo. (Eighteen hours in the day.) 21 ix ti xi Kl. 22 e x Kl 23 xvii f ix Kl. uigilia. 24 vi viii Kl, F. eoin. (Feast of John.) 25 a vii Kl. 26 xiiii h vi Kl. 27 iii c V Kl. 28 D iiii Kl. 29 xi e iii Kl. F. pedair 7 poil. (Feast of Peter and Paul.) 30 f ii Kl. KALENDAEIUM CELTICUM. 87 JULIUS. 31 la sa miso. (Thirty-one days in this month.) 1 xix g Kalend. i noin tig escca. (At nones comes the moon.) 2 viii a vi No. uisitacio beate marie. 3 i) V No. - 4 xvi C iiii No. 5 V D iii No. 6 ii No. 7 xiii f Nonas. 8 ii g viii Id. 9 a vii Id. 10 X Jj vi Id. 11 C V Id. 1 2 xviii D uii Id. 13 vii iii Id. 14 f ii Id. Incipiunt caniculares. 1 5 XV g Idus. In la do scavil nahabsdail. (The day of the dispersion 16 iiii a xvii Kl. [Augusti.] of the Apostles.) 17 b xvi Kl. Augustus. 18 xii C XV Kl. Sol in leone. 19 i D xiv Kl. 20 xiii Kl. F. san mairgreg. (Feast of S. Margaret ?) 21 ix f xii Kl. 16 salo 8 nuaire sanoidhce. (Sixteen in the day, eight hours in the night.) 22 xi Kl. muire madalen. (Mary Magdalene.) 23 xvii a X KJi. 24 vi 6 ix KL 25 C viii Kl. F. sansem. 26 xiiii U vii Kl. 27 iii vi Kl. 28 f V Kl. 29 xi g iv Kl. 30 a iii Kl. 31 xjx 6 ii KL KALENDAKIUM CELTIOUM. AUGUSTUS, Eider noio. 7 esbartaui tig esca sa miso. (Between nones and vespers comes the moon this month,) I viii C-Kalend. Feil pedair. (Feast of Peter.) 2 xvi D iiii No. 3 V t iii No. 4 f ii No. 5 xiii Nonas. 6 ii a viii Id. 7 6 vii Id. 8 X C vi Id. 9 D y Id. lo xviii iiii Id. Lauras martir. (Laurence the Tna,rtyT.) II vii f iii Id. 12 ff ii Id, 13 XV a Idus. 14 iiii Ij xix Kl, [Septembris.] uigUia. 15 C xvii Kl. C. Fheil muire, (Feast of Mary.) 16 xii D xvii Kl, 17 i xvi Kl, Finiunt caniculares. 18 f XV Kl. Sol in uirgine. 19 ix g xiv Kl. 20 a xiii Kl. 14 salo. (Fourteen in the day.) 21 xvii t) xii Kl 22 vi C xi Kl. 23 D X Kl. 24 xiiii ix Kl. F. parthaloin. (Feast of Bartholomew.) 25 iii f viii Kl. 26 ff vii Kl. 27 xi a vi Kl, 28 6 V Kl. 29 xix C iiii Kl. 30 viii D iii Kl. 31 ii Kl. 10 nuaire sanoidhche. (Ten hours in the night.) KALENDAEIUM CELTICUM. 89 SEPTEMBER. Ann sanesbartain tig escea samiso. (In the vespers comes the moon this month.) I xvi f Kalend. 2 V ff iiii No. 3 a iii No. 4 xiii tl ii No. 5 ii C Nonas. 6 B viii Id. 7 X Z vii Id. 8 f vi Id. F. mnire mor. (Feast of Great Mary.) 9 xviii ff V Id. lo vii a mi Id. II tl iii Id. 12 XV C ii Id. F. molaise. (Feast of Molios.) 13 iiii D ] [dus. 14 t xviii L Kl. Octobris. F. na croiche. (Feast of the Cross.) 15 xii f xvii Kl. 16 i g xvi Kl. 17 a XV Kl. SolinHbra. 18 ix tj xiv Kl. Sol in libra. 19 C xiii Kl. F. salo. (Feast in the day.) 20 xvii D xii Kl. 21 vi 0' xi Kl. F. matha apli. (Feast of Matthew the Apostle.) 22 f X Kl. 23 xiiii g ix Kl. 24 iii a viii Kl. 25 t) vii Kl. 26 xi C vi Kl 27 n V Kl. 28 xix iv Kl. 29 viii f iii Kl. F. michil. (Feast of Michael.) 30 ii Kl. N 90 KALENDARIUM CELTICUM. OCTOBER. A tosach oidhchi tig e. Bamiso. (At the beginning of the night comes the moon this month.) 1 xvi a Kalend. 2 V I) vi No. 3 xiii C V No. F. san fronseis. (Feast of S. Francis.) 4 ii 5 iiii No. 5 e iii No. 6 X f ii No. 7 Nonas. 8 xviii a viii Id. 9 vii ft vii Id. 10 C vi Id. 1 1 XV IJ V Id. li iiii iv Id. 13 f iii Id. 14 xii g ii Id. 15 i a Idus. 16 b xvii KI. Novimbris. 17 ix C xvi Kl. 18 D XV Kl. Lucas suibiscel. (Luke the Evangelist.) 19 xvii xiv Kl. Sol in scorpione. 20 vi f xiii Kl. 21 g; xii Kl. aen mile deg banogh. (Eleven thousand virgins.) 22 xiiii a xi Kl. deich nuaire salo. (Ten hours in the day.) 23 iii fix Kl, Kl. Kl. Kl. Kl. Kl. F. simoin is iudais. (Feast of Simon and Judas.) Kl. Kl. Kl. 14 sanoidhche. (Fourteen in the night.) 24 C IX 25 xi D vii 26 e vii 27 xix f vi 28 viii V 29 a iiii 30 xvi 6 iii 31 V c ii KALENDAEIUM CELTICUM. 91 NOVEMBBE. 1. 6 uair doidhchi tig & saioiso. (At the sixth hour of uight comes the moon this month.) I D Kal( 3nd. La samhna. (Hallowmass day.) 2 xiii iiii No. : F. na marb. (Feast of the dead.) 3 ii f iii No. 4 ff ii No. 5 X a Nonas. 6 b viii Id. 7 xviii C vii Id. 8 vii D vi Id. 9 e V Id. lO XV f iv Id. II iiii S iii Id. F. martain. (Feast of Ma,rtin.) 12 a ii Id. 13 xii ii Idus. 14 i C xviii Kl. Dedmbiis. 15 tl xvii Kl. 16 ix xvi Kl. 17 f XV Kl. Sol in sagitario. 18 xvii g xiiii Kl. 19 vi a xiii Kl. 20 tj xii Kl. 21 xiiii . C xi Kl. 22 iii t X Kl. 23 ix KL S rniaire salo. (iHght hours in the day.) 24 xi f viii Kl 25 g vii Kl. F. catriijaa. (f eaafc of Ca&eraae.) 26 xix a vi Kl 27 viii tJ V Kl 28 C iiii Kl. 29 xvi D iii Kl. uigilia. 30 V ii Kl. F andreas apli. (Feast of Andrew 1k& Apostle.) 16 saiwidhcbe. (Sixteaa in the night.) 92 KALENDAKIUM CELTICUM. DECEMBEE. Atreadhan nahoidhchi tig escca samiso. (At night comes the moon this month.) I f Kalend. 2 ii iiii No. 3 a iii No. 4 X b ii No. 5 c Nonas. 6 xviii ti viii Id. P. san nicculas. (Feast of S. Nicholas.) 7 vii e vii Id. 8 f vi Id. Concepcio beate marie. 9 XV V Id. lo iiii a iv Id. II t) iii Id. 12 xii c ii Id. F. finden. (Feast of Findan.) 13 i n [dus. Januarius. Lucie uirgiais. 14 c xix Kl. [Januarii.] Solus sticium iemale. 15 ix f xviii Kl. Solus sticium. 16 ff xvii Kl. 17 xvii a xvi Kl." 18 vi t) XV Kl. Sol in capricornu ioib fare grein. 19 c xiv Kl. 20 xiiii D xiii Kl. uigUia. 21 iii e xiL Kl. F. tomas apii. (Feast of Thomas the Apostle.) 22 f xi Kl. 23 xi ff X Kl. 6 nuaire salo. (Six hours in the day.) 24 a ix Kl. 25 xix ft viii Kl. la nodlag. (Christmas day.) 26 viii c vii Kl. F. sdefain mairtir. (Feast of Stephen the martyr.) 27 ti vi Kl. F. eoin. (Feast of John.) 28 xvi e V Kl. innocencium. 29 V f iv Kl. F. tomas. (Feast of Thomas.) 30 iii Kl. 31 xiii a ii Kl. Siluester papa. 18 nuaire sanoidhchi. (Eighteen hours in the night.) Maimhamm tie ZtWt^mtt VI. Maltnhaxinm tit :^xhvit\^mtu Hf^. Prima Dies mefis ♦ $ feptia ttficat ut efis. ^ Circficifio tJfii. minus Dupler. ivfc. b iiii 113. 2>ci fci aepftani jptftomtis. iiifc. ri c iii I13. ®cJ <^o 3lo$is apfi $ cuagettfle. iii fc. ii 113, Dd Ceo? 3[nnocecifi mi?. iiifc. rir e 1I3©1I3. ®c^ ^ft tijome mtis. %>. cDtoarHi reg gt c5f. nt quift? tin mcoria. tjiii f tJiii 318 coi? tJiti $ monefli mr?, 31nuii Hup. iii Fc. an ( m M Ct" fci ricattii epi. irFc. a9e8 FcDe citico $ 3lulicta mfiti?. riJ 3KF %. tiotul^bi a5fiis. 3[nuil Oup. iii Fc. ®ol in cancro. rii a xiiii l&F S>. marci gt marceUiani ini?. 31nuil Uup. iii Fc. i i) riii l&F Cr° fee ingarete regine. 8 6n. ir Fc. a^e' 8e geruafio $ iJttjafio miili?. c rii itf Cr" f ci eDtoattii teg $ mat. ir Fc. n' fee ftierit in rl*. tiic fi3t Uc iii Fc. 3lnuif Hup. ir D ri mF e r M %ii aiftani jptfjomJig anglorfi. fine erflone. ir Fc. ttJii f ir 1^ ^ce etfteilirene uirg no mfig. iii Fc cfi B", fL Oig. Mi g ijiii l&F iBatiuitas fci 3(o5is fiaptifle. minus Dup. ir Fc. a iJii W ®. motoci epi $ cof. Dup fin. ir Fc. xiiii b U M ^coi? 3iOW $ pautt ini?. 3[nuil tup. iii Fc. iii c ti m n an M ^a leonis pape. m Fc. cfi 313». ir ©igiiia. ri e iii M apFotfi petti $ pauli. minus Dupler. ir Fc. f a l&F CSmeotaco fci pauli. 3[nuii ttipler. ir Fc. II il3or Wet Ijotas ♦ tii ♦ Dies ueto ♦ rtiiii. 102 KALEKDAEIUM DE AEBUTHNOTT. HY\ Certiecimus maftat ■■ 3fuUi Denus labefaftat. A ^. mm. epi. \x f c. ^eO fc De oci fci 3fo6anis tiaptifle. tJiii a tii 113. ©ifitaco 5te marie uirg. mai9 tup. ggc' tie iJcelTo $ mattiniano. t De fco ftogtibuno. $ ce ^fis petto t ti i) K3» paulo ful) filencio. jiji c iui 313. Cr° fci martini epi. ir fc. a^eDie Fc De apfis. tt D iii JI3. e ii ji3. ©cl apfoi?. 31nui{ trip. \x fc. ^. palaDei fcototfi apfi epi f Doct f. ir fc. xxvi i 3B©J13. Cr° Cci tf)ome cStua! afepi f mris. minus Dup. ir fc. ii 0; "m, 310 c Dies cSiculares icipifit. a \A\ m r 6 t[)i 310 ^coi? fepte frm xi\% 3fnuil Dup. \\\ fc. c ti 310 Ct" ^\ 5nOti a56is. ir f c. n' fee fuerit i rl' ♦ tfic fiant W rtiiii D \\\\ M n' iii fc. 31nuil0up. tiii e iii 310 f ii 30 rtJ g 3IDai^ Ct" fci ftogtf)uni epi focq? eius. ir fc. iiii a riJii M augufii. tj riji Ef ^ci Itenelmi regis u mris. 3fnuil Dup. iii fc. rii c ri) iM" ^. amulpfji epi $ m!is. iii f c. ©ol in leone. i D riiii mf e riii ffitf §)ce mergatete uirg $ mris. fine erpone. irfc. ir f rii M %, prareuis uirg non m!is. iii fc. g ri itf ^. marie magtialene. f. ir fc. Oil' ne fco axaance* gefilo a55e. riJii a r i&f %li appoUinaris epi u mris. Hi fc i)i tJ ir M %, rpine uirg $ mris. iii fc. cfi I19". c (Higilia. c tJiii fflif ^. 3[aco6i apfi. iferi9 Dup. ir fc. 9@e* De rpofiiro gt cucufato mtili?. riiii D iiii M %U anne matris marie. Dup fin. ir fc. iii e i)i fitf ^co2?'t)ii»Dormieafitni?. 31nui{Dup. iiifc. ft) M%, fanqjfonis epi. 3Inuil Dup. iii fc. a^e* De fco pantaleone mfe. KALEKDAEIUM DE AEBUTHNOTT. 103 ri g ttii m §>. feUcis fimpttcij fauftini $ tieatricis! mi?. 31nuit Dup. Hi ft, rir a iii ffiif ^coi? atmon gt fines in?. 3Inutt Dup. iii fc. ti ii m ^U germani epi gt conf. Hi ft, c Bojc {)atiet totas • tjitt • Dies ueto • ri)i. Hf\ Prima necat fort^flemitq^ fcOa cofjortem. !J ao uicla fci pet'. 3In«tttrip. irfc. me' tie macljalieis w&ib^, jrtJi D iiii J13. ^ci fiep^i pape at mtis, 3[nuif Dup, iii fc. i) e iii 13. DeDicacoeccfieDear&utftnot 3[nuecoftifiep5i^t|)om£is f ii 113. focq^ eius. fit ejcpone. irfc. riii Q I132D1S. @. oftoalDi teg $ mKs. ir fc. ®. Dfiia tmt ix fc. ii a MHi 3fi CrSsfipraco ifiu v\ tt f. ir f c. %, firti focq^ eius mi?. fipe«. tJ tiii 310 ^ci Donati epi f mris. ^e«. iii fc. r c tJi 3lfi ^. cgriari focq^ eius mi?. 3Inuil Dup. ^5". iii fc. D t) 310 ®. romani miis. iii f c cii 313°. a^e^. c (Higiiia. itJiii e iiii 310 ^, iauterij mris. f. ix f c. ^ci blam epi. Dup fitn. ix f c. tJii f iii 310 ®ci tgtjurrij mEis. 31nuif Dup. iii ft. ii 310 jrt) a ;jD(H^ %ci ppoliti focq^ eius nil?. 31nuil Dup. iii fc. iiii b xix M @)eptetiris. @>. eufetiij cof. iii fc. cfl 113". c (Higilia. c jrtJiii ffitf aiTfipco 5te marie uirgis. principal Dup. ix fc. ni D jrtJii mf i e Jrtji ffikf SDcl fci lautencij. Dies caniculares finifttur. a^e" tin. f rt) Ef ^. agapiti mtis. Qie" tin. ^ol in uirgine. ix g Jriiii ffiif ^. mapi mtis. S©e« tin, a xiii m rtjii ti Jrii M Di c ri M ©ci aflOOpt 3[nui! trip, ir fc. Cimotfjei u fimpftoriani rni?. fi0e^ 104 KALENDAEIUM DE AEBUTHNOTT. n X Mf Cimot|)0i $ appottmaris rni?. Hi Jc. cfi S°. c (Hig. riiit e ir ffilf 'Bartfjolomei apfi. I(m9 fi» ir fc. a^e" De fco aunoeno tit f uttt M epo. g tJii mr ri a til i&f ©ci Eupfji mag. 3fnuii Dup. iii fc. ]cir t) t) M auguflitti ejpi $ Doct ifm9 cup. ir fc. a@5« De fco l)ermete mie. c iiii ffiUf DecoHaco fci Mi0 6api0. Jnuiftrip. irfc. S^e^De fca fatJina uirgine. tiiii D Hi m %. felicis f aDaufti mi?. 3fnui! Dup. iii fc. z a M %ct cutljtiurge uirg no mUs, 3[nuii Dup. iii fc. c jl3or Ijatjct Soras ♦ j: ♦ Dies uero • riiii. t?lf1 ^^^^ fQJtemtiris gt Deitus fert mala mebris. not f JSLJ ^. egiDi) a^is. ir fc. 6©eDie fc De fco ptifco m£e. ti g iiii H3. a iii 313. riii tJ a 113. Ct" fci cutb5ti epi. ijcfc. n' fee fuertt i rl* tfic fiSt fjic iii f c. 3Inuif Dup. a c JI3©II3. ®a tiertini aSDig. iii fc. cit B". D Diii 310 X e Dii 310 f Di 310 5l3atiuita0 5te marie uirg. maius Dup. ix f c. riJiii g t) 310 ®ci gorgonij mHs. 9©e« tm. Dii a iiii 310 €quinoaift autfinate. tJ iii 310 ©CO? iJtfji $ 3[acinai tni?. 8©e« tin. rD c ii 310 iiii D 312D(K® e rDiii ffiif SDftotris. €raltaco fee crucis. min9 Dup. ix fc. 8@e0 fc. De mfiD?. xii f rtiii M ffl)ct fee marie. 31nuil trip, ix, f c. ^. murDaci epi $ conf. ir f c. KALENDAEIUM DE AEBUTHNOTT. 105 i g rtii f$X ^. Biniani epi. tl f. ix ft, 8i0e« De miitJ? eufemia ^c. %cz eDitfte uirg no mtis, ix f c. a rt) mf ^. latierti epi f mr. Hi Jc. ^ol i Mtm, IX t xiiii M c xiii W jrtjii D ni IBtf c dligiUa. toi e ri ffltf ®. mat|)ei aptt $ euangfifle. iferi9 Dup. ix fc. f r IKP @. mauricij foop eius mi?, fine erpone. ix ft, xiia e ix M ^, aoamnani a^tiig. ix fc. ^eO fc. ne fca tecia uirgine Hi a Wii ffiif nomEe. tl tjii lEtf @n firmini ^i gt mKs. iii ft. xi c U ffitf @. Cipriani epi $ 3lulline uirg mi?. 3[nuif Hup. iii f c. rir D i) ffitf @). malmfiij epi $ mtig. ir fc. e@eO fc De cofma u Damiano mEiti?. e iiii Ef ^ci coualli conC ij; fc. niii f iii ffi^F ^ci miclja^ arcljangfi. inferi9 Dup. ix fc. ii iif ®. 3[etonimi p5ri $ Doftoris. inferi9 Dup. ir f c. c iQojc I)a6et f)ora0 • rii • Dies uero • xii. ©CCHDTBCia. «, HfT Cercius t Denus t ficut mors atienus. ^ ^. remigij germani gtc. irfc. 9@eDie fc De tco meioro mre. ij 6 iji 513. %ci leoDegarij ejpi at mfis. iii fc. riii c 11 jB. ii D iiii 113. ^ti ftancifci conf. ir fc. e iii 113. ]c f ii JI3. %U flDis uir§ gt mtis. iii fc. 3I3©3I3. ^. marci marcelli $ apulei mi?. 3[nuil Dup. iii f c. ]ctiiii a Uii 318 ®ce treDuane uirg no mSs. ijc f c. Mii b iiii 310 ^. Dionifij focq? eius nil?, fine erpone. ijc fc. c tji Iii ®. gereonis focig eius rni?. iii fc. 106 KALENDAEIUM DE AEBUTHNOTT. rtj D t) 310 ®. canici a55i0. ix f c. 9@efl fc tie Bigafio focq^ eius iiii e uii 310 mnft?. f iii 310 Cr° fa eDtoartii teg. inferi9 Dup. fine erpone. ir fc. rii g ii 3(0 ^. ftalirti pape $ mris. 3[nuit Dup. iii fc. i a 312^(a^ ®. toolftani epi ^ conf. ix fc. ft rtJtt iRf Il3ou5t)ri0. ^cimicljaefinmotetfitja. 31nuilttip. irfc. ix c riji m D rtj ffiif ®. luce eua'^ 3lnferi9 o. ir fc. 9@e« De fco iufio mEe. xnii e xiiii M [®oI in fcorpione. tJi f nil m g )rii ffiif ^caj? ♦ jrt • milium uirginii $ mi?. ir f c. xiiii a ri Ef iii b X Ef ®ci romani epi gt conf. iii fc, cii JI3°. c ir m xi D tiiii M ^. meimoci epi. ix fc. ^eO fc De fci0 crifpino f crif* ]cir e ijii l&f piniano mEiti?. f W mf caiiffitta. tjiii g ij m apfoi? fpmonis $ 3[uDe. inferi9 Dup. ix fc. a iui m rtJi ti iii m ti c ii IStf ^ci quitini mtig. iii fc. cfi 313". c 2ligilia. c il3or 6at>et fioras • xiiii • Dies uero • r. 3I3!©(H€9@'2e(CJa. I31fj ©cotDius efl quitus • $ tercius e nece cinftus. D Jl&I^ jFin oim fcorfi. mains Dup. irfc. riii e iiii JI3. Comeoraco aiai?. ir fc. 995« De fco euflac foc^ eius mtf aD ijefp et mai De fca maria. ii f iii B, ^ce tienefreDe uirg $ mcis. ir fc. 5 ii 113. r a II3HDIS. b Miii 310 ^ci leonatDi a58is. ir f c rDiii c Mii 3f0 KALENDAEIUM DE AEBUTHNOTT. 107 tJii d Di 3ifl %ci moroci epi. ix f c. ageiS f c De quatuor coronatis mfiti?. e ti 310 ^n faluatotiis. tr £tn. tr f c. ^e^ De fco t{)eoDoto mSe. rt) f iiii 3lfl iiii g m 310 ^. mattini epi gt cof. fi fiSi. iv f c. 905=' tie fanfto mefia m£e. a it 310 ^. maunct) epi $ conf. Dup 6n. tjt fc. ai^em« De Ceo matttno. xii b 3I2D9I^ @). tiricij epi t conf. 3[nui{ Dup. iii fc. 9|em» De fco martino. i c rtJiii M Dec^firis. D rtiii m ^. ma^uti epi $ cof. iv fc. a^eDie fc. De fanfto martino. ir e riii m CrSfitus fee mgarete regine. frii. ix f c. %, eDmitDi arcl)iepi. ir f c. f rti i&f ®. iJUffoniiB! epi fft erpo'. ir fc. a^eO De fco aniano epo. ®oI i fagittario. jrtiii jriiii m ^d fci mattini. 3[nuit Dup. m fc. tii a jriii ffitf ti rii m ^U eaDmfiDi regis $ mRg. fine erpone. ix f c. riiii c ri m Pfitaco 5te marie tiirg. min9 Dupler. ir fc. mux M ^ce cecilie uirgis gt mfis. iine ejcpone. ir fc. e ix ffitf ^ci clematis p^e $ mti0. ir fc. agem^ De fca felicitate uirg $ mf e. ri f tJiii m ^ci grifogoni mfis. 3fnui! Dujp. m fc. xix g tJii M ^ce featerine uirg $ m!i0. Dup frii iJne erpone. ix fc. a tii l&f ^ci lini p^e et mris. m fc. t)iii & 10 m c iui i^ rDi D iii IKf @. fatumini $ fifinnij ihi?. iii fc cfl B", aiigilia. t) e ii lEtf ^ci anDree ^fi. maiu0 Dup. ix f c. c JI3or 6afiet ftoras ♦ xni • Dies uero > tJiii. 108 KALENDAEIUM DE AEBUTHNOTT. HY\ Septimus erSguis iiirofus tien9 wi anpis, A ^, eugij e^i $ cof. ir fc. 8@e0 fc D0 od fci anDrec \\ iiii 113. [apfi. a \\\ JI3. r ti ii J13. ^ce tiattjate uirg gt mR0. ir fc. flj^eH fc De ocl fci anDrec apfi. c JI3©II3. ®ci memoci a55 t conf. ir fc. a^eO fc De oci fa anDrce ^f i. rtJiii D tiiii :jO ^l\ Jl3ic|)0lai epi f conf. 8 fm fine erpone. ir f c. tjii e tJii 3(0 2Dci fci anDree apfi. 3[nuii trip. ir fc. f tii 3(8 Cocepco 5te matic uir§. minus Dup. ir fc. ri) u m m a iiii 3(8 g)Olflicia ftpemale. ft iii :J8 rii c \i :S8 i 8 3|D9J^ ^ce lucie uirgis gt mEis. fine erpone. ir fc. e rir M 3(anuarii. ^cimag;nimns.8upfitn. DroflSi aBft. ir fc. ir f rtJiii M ^ ^ .- . g tm m ® ©apiena. rtJii a rtji W t)i t) rt) Ef @ol in capricomo. c riiii Ef riiii 8 riii M (Higilia. i\\ e rii i^f ®ci tfiome apfi. inferi9 8up. fine erpone. ir fc. f ri Ef ri r M%. fearrani e^i t conf. ir fc. rir a ir l^f ^ligifia. 6 tjiii iSf Batiuitas 8fli nEi 315u r'. principale 8upler. ir fc. \m c ijii m %U ftep&ani ;)tf)omns. minus 8up. ir f c. 8 8i M %. 31o5is apfi t euSgfifle. minus 8up. ir f c. rtii e 8 W %im 3[nnoc5cifi mi?, minus 8up. ir fc. 8 f \\\\ M %l\ tfiome arcljiepi gt mtis. minus 8up. ir f c. \\\ mf riii a \\ M ^. filuefiri epi $ cof. ir f c. 9@e8 fc 8e natiuitate. c ji3or f)a8et boras • r8iii • 8ies uero • 8i. Maltmaxium BretJiartt Mttnomms. VII. Malmtiaxinm mxMaxii Mtxt^mzMs. aute9 *^ *i 7 3[anuanu0 Ijatiet nits xxxi. Luna iicro vvx. n6er9 Jt^ ,1^ ji^or batiet to^ais rtii. Hie? toero ttiii. in fi. 3lanuara Circficifionis Dfli mm9 Dup. ft iiii JI2 ©fta. fti fiepfjani iii. lec. cfi reg. c|)0?i. xi t in 13 (25enouefe Jigi. no mat. meO f De oft. f. iol). eua. ir. f . D P?iiiie ©a. fcoi? ino. mr. Hi, le. cfl re. djo. xix z iBonis c (Uigitta epipfjanie. ttiii f Wi 3|D €pq){)anie Dftt p^incipale Hiyiler. tJii 318 EStigeme matto. meO. f . iS oc. ir. f Claues Irr. rtji ,^ tti 3lfl iSatfialani epi gt pfef. meO. f. oc. ijc. f. D ti t) ttiu0 JFelant atibatis meO lee. De oe. tr. tee. e mi 3(0 l^acoie legal euSge. (^iDit tolbeis nili ! Do. euenetit. riii 5 iii 310 ©oUaquario. it e PiiDie^O ^ae Hie legat !)?ao. (Keterem fiomini. f 3Hiif)us ffitStigemi efji ^ pfef. mai9 Du. X Q xix M JFetJi?. jTelicis pftip. 3Inuit fimp. iii. lee. fi. jDiii fef 90auti afifia. 31nui. fimp. iii. f. itJiiili rtJii Itf JTutfei af). meO f. te. f. marcello mi?, ir. lee. tJii c jrtii fef amonii at), mefl lee. 0. f. fulpicio epo ir. f. Q rto kf P^ifee ))gi. inuita. fimp. iii. f. ptimalrr. xa e xiiii W iiii f riii Itf iFafJiani gt fetiafliani. mr ir. f c. g jrii fef agnetj J5g. $ mar. ir. Jc. (Kpnnini epi f pf. ir. lee. xii JFi. ti fef ©incencii martgrj ir. lectio. i b X fef c ix fef ir D t)iii ftf C5uetfioni0 pauli apfi. iui. ttip cit me. De fft5 p^eieato. e tJii Itf [ir. lee. rtJii f Mi Itf 3luliani epi $ pfef. 3lnui. fimp. iii. lee. 112 KALENDAEIUM BEEVIAEII ABEEDONENSIS. tJi tJ M apetis fecunuo inuita. fimp. Hi, lec. /i iiii fef ©oloci epi et confet ir. lec. Claue0 vi. xiii b Hi kf (25lafciam epi et cofefli). ir. lec. iii c PiiDie itf a^oDoci epi et confeflb. ir. lec. IT omnia fefia trifi lectionii g ifra Irr. cotlgfit fjatiet inuitato. fimplicia et fempet aD matutina0 Dicuntut. cfi noft. Mtt^ aD Quatta feriS in capite ieiu. qfli De eiis fit feruicifi. 3fn auaD^a tiero Mit^ an ofta. pafcfie nic&il fiet De fef. iii lec. nifi tni meo aD tiefpetas et aD matutinas De fanfta matia que p^eceDet. memo^ia De fanfto fpititu. aure9 *^ "M F jFeb2uari9 fj? Dies, rrtiiii. OBt i fiiferto. rrir. nfier9 «I-fe ,1^ JLuna. rrir Jl3or Ijafiet Ijoias. riiii. ^itsi, r. D jrefjtuarii IBiiffiDe Dirginis no martp?i0. ir. lec. ri e iiii B Purificacionis lite matie mains Dupler. rir f iii B TBlafii epi et mi? ir lec. ^iii P^iDie s^oDani abliatis ir left. /I il3oni0 agat&e SJgi et mi? ir lec. rtii tJ Miii 310 aieDafii et amSDi epoi? 3fn fim iii fc. t) c \iii 30 ©Wcflq^ j|jma luna fuerit p9 fef. fee agatfte &gi jpria Do D ui 310 iDe feques erit quaDia. riii e ti 3ID Plima. rl. a f iiii 310 ^colaflice SJffi 3In fimp iii left. iii 310 ®ol in pifciljus. r a. P?iDie [^ce appollonie uirgis u mat] I) 31DitJus [CrSfla" fee .... ] rtJiii c rt)i9@arcii aialetini epi et mi? 3fn fimp iii lec. Dii D rti fef e xiiii fef 3[uliane ^0i et mi? 3In fim iii lec. rtJ f riii fef JFinnaniepietpfirlec. iiii rii fef ColmSni epi et pfef ir lec. /I ri fef locus tJiferti. xii t) X i c ix ti Miii iv e iJii f U mi ff tJ Mi JHL iiii t in xiiii c Pjiriie KALENDAEIUM BEEVIAEII ABEEDONENSIS. 113 fef annos fitiri g ptes uii e(iua0, Oltima Irr. Itf CG poteris Dni i)ii:ej;t9 atielTe Dignetut. ftf CatfjeUje C petti 3[n tri ix t (Her incujit. iKf 8!iatf)ie apH mm9 (i. locus biUxti, kf %i an9 tiifertiUs fue. qtta Die a catf)e» t fef petri iciufiue fiet fef. t matbie et. JF. l!a fef liis numeretur. 3Ieiunioi;r auatuo; t^o^a. Pofl cinere0 pneuma : pofi crucem pol!^ iuciS a^etcutii et Deneris faliliato ieiunia fient ^i feflfi putificacionis fteate marie tiirginis infta. irr. contigerit Cemper Uicetur Ceauencia an milTam et Qmiliter in feflo annunciacionis tieate marie tJirginis» Ctuoiicuni)^ feCtum ix lec a capite ieiunii tifq^ an quarta feria ante pafcba licet tuplei: feflum fuerit Cemp fiet folenis meo. De ieiunio an tiefperas et an matutinas De fefio f? no ati milTg jBam poCt milTam He Die fiet miffa De ieiunio quotiDie : totraq^ aD pjincipale altare. aure9 *^ TT 6©arcius Ijafiet Dies, jcrri. Luna, xxx, nfier9 JQ> JLJ. 3l3or ijafiet f)o?as. xil ^ies. ni. Hi D si^arcii s^onanipfirf a^amaniepipfirf. DauiDepipfirlec. e tJi 315 CeDOe epi pf ir lec. jri f i) 313 g an B Ztmmi epi et m^ focio^ftq^ eiuis mi; ix t xix fi. Hi 313 l^ci mmni t^i ix fc] tJiii 6 PiiDie OBalDieni epi et pf. ijc lec. c 3l3oni0 Ctiome De aquino Dofito. ir. f. meo De p pe. et fe. mi;; xai D tiiii 3D Dut|)aciepietpfmi9eir. t) e Ui 31D l%ci feUci0 epi et cof. ix lec,] f Di 318 melToffi epi cofef. ir. lec. ®ol in ariete. Xiii g t) 3Ifl C5fl5tini regis $ mi?, ir f. Claue0 pafc&e. 114 KALEKDAEIUM BEEVIAEII ABEEDONENSIS. u Ji. iiii 310 (J5regxi?u pap0 mm9 Dup ix left. i) iU 310 ffiieuoce tJirgi. no martp?is ix lec. r c WiMz [©nlionauentureepietDoaocDu^f.] (Ultima Quauiage, n 310itiu0 [@a longini mris ir. f c] xtiiii rijii ajjUs TBonifacii epi et pf mai9 Dup. ijii f jctji fef IPatricii epi et pf mi9 ir i. 3inttoit9 noe in arclja. rt) Irf Jf iniani epi pf ix f c. rt) igc jrtiii fef 31ofepft pf. fe. CrSfla. marie magO ir f. an b xiii lif Cuciitbertiepipfirf. c xii fef 'Biifiiai ati ix t Cafifa aD iue. pafcba rtii. rii ti ]ri Itf ip?imft pafcfta. IP^ia Uia I nigto nfieto ti a finiftris i e jc l^f iueto et I£a Do. ioe Mnti (uo o^Dine apte tic pafcatiis f ix fef agtiofces. xiii ix t)iii ^ annitciacionis Diiice. mai9 nup. ii /i iJii fef Citicfii? fef. ix. t ifra paf. Diti eue. nic&il fef. erit nifi rtJii t) Hi ItF fuetit Wig p9 Do. i oc paf. x Mi c M iS pofl marti0 no. Mti Ut noua lila rentes 1} an itf 9@or(g Hies Driica tercia paf. tenet. jrtiiii xiiii e iii feJ SDIaui reg et mi?, ir. f. IReguli afj. ijc. f . loii iii { Wlitit [@)ci reguU epi D^ f. ©Itiomcii.] ^i feiia fanfto^um olaui mart^|i0 et reguU atitiatis infta pafiSone Do. cStigerit feu oc. paC ttanffetri Detient loiDei? Dies olaui Mt(^ aD quartas. fefs augulii quo Die palSo eiufDem celeb^atut et fanfti teguti Dfig aD ctafiinum mic|)aeli0 De monte tum&a nifi in eccleitis De eifDem DeDicatis aure9 *^ "T F ap?ilis fjatJet Dies. xxx. luna. xxix, nfier9 «Cj; jLJL Box UM fioias. r. Dies Deto. xiiiu ajjtts 3|etonimi pfifi et Docto. min9 Dup. Cgobia Dictit pofl j)t!)um atq^ iacintlt l^eto nhz ^utiiftgas iutiit^ poQ ioigiitS$ matbei aDonap Poa {£tm coCma Oat)i0 |)ifio;ia macbatieo atiapiat aure9 *^ *T F ®cto6er ftatet Hies rrn. Huna. rrr. nfler9 JQ; JLJ. Box bafiet tjoias. riiii* Dies tiero. r. jrtJi /I ©ctofi^is iRemigii germani et amSDi epoi? meO Ic tie C melojo ix f. n h ni JI3 JLeotiegarii mi? 3ln (i iii f. riii c t) 113 a tj iiii 113 jFrancifci pfief. ir. let. [^ii oli epi pf. ix f c] e iii B X f P?itiie ifitiis tJirgi* et mi?. 31n Hup iii lee. g Bonis flgatci marceUi et epulei mi? 31n iS. iii. fc. Jrtjiii JJ. tjiii 318 CtiDuane i^gi. non mi?, ix. lec. tiii 6 tiii 3I13I Dionifii ruftici et eieutfjerii mi?, ix left. c tii 310 (Seteonis focio?f«» zi9 mi?, iii. 1 3fn fim. jrt) tJ ti 310 Canici ati. meO lec. De fcto nicfjafio ir fc. iiii e iiii 318 [^citoplftiHiepipfirfc] ^ol in fcogjione f iii 310 Cogani aft. ix. f . JFicane et fintioce pfriSi? JJgi. ijc. f c. Jrii PiiDie Calirte pape et mi? 3ln a iii f. i .^ 31tiilJus C^ci toplfrani epi pf. ix. ft. ettiemreDe ^gis no mris.] b xtiii il3oultu? 6©icl)aelis tie mote tfifta ix f. Colmani epi ix f. ix c jdoi itf laepU at), ix f nifit fact fue i qDja. D )rtj Itf luce euSgeliOe min9. tiup. jDii e xiiii fef [^ce ftetJifuiDe iJgis no riiris.] t)i f xiii xii xiiii f±xi iii i) X c ix ri D tJiii e iJii viv f toi totii 9; iJ j-±. an m b iii t) c WvJiit 122 KALENDAEIUM BKEVIAEII ABEKDONENSIS. Iif [^ci mflDi atJliatJ ir f c] itf ^aa? lonoecl miUG iiginfi. ir. f c. fi^QDi al). ir. lec. kf [%lm fmttm t^9 et pfef.] fef iRomani epi pf. 31n fimp. iii. lec. fi©emoci epi pf meO f De fcti0 crifpino et ctifpiniano mi? ir f. fer Xeani epi pf. ir. lec. fef aiigilia. fef apoCoIoi? fpmoni0 et iuDe min9 Dupler. fef i&ennere iJirgi et mat. ir lec. fif Calaricani epi pf. ir lec. iBt^z ^Si no mi? meO f tie f quitino ir f IPoft iuoa fpmone fubiungag e^ecfjiele. J^pfioiia 2IiW Mm 9ure9 •^ 'T F jsouetier ijatiet Dies. rrr. luna. rrir. nfler9 JO^ ,1-J- ii3or bafiet Ijoias. rtii. ^m tieto. iiiii. D il3oue6?is JFefiiuitatis oium fSctoi? maius dupler. riii e iiii iB Comlojaciois oium fiDelift ir fc. a f iii 113 'iBage et maure pftimai? ^gi ir f. Cnglacii a66a. ir I g P?itiie r fi. Jl3onis ft tiiii 3fi leonarlJi at) ir f. (HtiilftyjiDi epi gt mi? ir f . rtiiii c t)ii 310 t)ii ti tii 310 8©oioci epi. pf.me0.fc.De mat. ir.fc.®etuaDii pfef. ir.fc. e t) 310 Cfjeoooii rni?. iii. f, rtJ f iiii 310 iiii g iii 310 9@attim epi pfe. mi9 ou ^ol i fagittatio ji. p?iDie ^acfjatii epi pf. mai9 JLeuim epi mt ir. f. rii ti 310it>us TB^icii epi pfef. ir. f. Deuimci epi pfef. ir. fc. i c riJiii M Decetii? a^otiam e. pf. ir. f. me. f. oc. mat. D rtJii fel a^acfiuti epi pfef. meO. f . oe oc. f ci mattim. ir e rtoi fel 8©atgatete tegie fcocie ir Ic. meO. fc. tie oct f rti fel aniani epi pf. meO. f f ftugoe $ tin me. oc. rtiii g xiiii kl jFerguaani epi pfef. meO. f. oc. f. mat. ir. F. KALENDAEIUM BEEVIAEII ABEEDONENSIS. 123 t)i M. xiii ftl ^ecane figi. no m?. ir. fc» in Die macfjarii. ti rii III niii en fel Piefentacionis tite matie ^gi. minus tiup. iii D r Itl Ceeilie iJirginis et mar. ir. lee. e ir ftl Clem^tJ pap. gt mi?, ir. f. $ tin me. 8 fettci. ini?. ri f tJiii Itf (Srifogoni mar. 3Inuita. Dupler Hi, f c. g ijii fil l^atfterine tJirginis et mard?. min9 Dupler. nt M. tJi fel Lini pape et martgrj inuita. fimpler. tiiii b t) itl e iin i^ rtii D iii fel Datamini mar. HI lec. c Oigilia » e Piinie feal ano^eeapoMimaiusDiqjIer ariuent9 Dili feijuil folenia ttni. l^ifioiia afpiciens aure9 V^ *1 F Decefier ftaliet Dies wjri. JLuna iiero. xxx> nfier9 «*-!; .A-JL jRor l)atiet |)o?as rtiiii Dies ^o tii. f itf. DecStJ? Cligii epi confeflfo. meO. fc. De octa. ir. fc. riii g iiii ji3 Ctfjemani epi pfef. meO. f c. De octa. ir. lec. ii fi. iii 113 r ft P?iDie TBarftare %i. $ mar. meO fc. De octa. ir. fc. c Bonis rtjiii D \Aii 3Ifi 3l3ici)olai epi pfef. gt tin meo. De oc. min9 8. XAi e fAi 318 SDcta. fci anDiee inuitato. tripler ir. lec. f t)i \A Cocepcionis tite marie ^^, mains Dupie. rt) ij 3D an a. an 310 D iii 31D rii c P?iDie3[D i D 3[DitJus ILucie IJ. f rni?. ir. iec tin mio De traf. mapi mar. e rir iii. 3fanuarii Djollani a&Da. ir. f. ir f riJiii lil g rioii itl ^ fapiecia Bulle Deiceps aD Dji £lSt pees. rtJii ^ riJi itl Di tJ rt) fel a^aniri epi et confef. ir. lec. 124 KALENDAEIUM BKEVIAEII ABEEDONENSIS. c rim &I fel [3[uUam e?i pfeiTortsJ kl Ctiome apfl minus Dupler. Ill (Btbtmnici epi u confeffo. ix, lee. fel a^a^ote A ft mi?, ijc f, Carani epi pfe. ir. fc. iFotini epi III OigiUa [m?. ir. f. Ill 3l3atiuitati0 tifti nofln iefu rpi p^icipale. ill ^tojljani piot&omartp. maius Dupler. Ill 3lof)anni0 apfi et euange. maius tiupler. fel ^ctoi? innocencifi martpi? maius Dupler. fel Cf)ome epi et martp. ir. lee. fel tin a. MM^ ^ilueflti pape mefl. lee. De oeta c CtuoDefiq^ fefiit in aliaua nftiea atiuent9 nfti a pma eue. lieet Hupler fefift fuerit (nifi fei^it loei ftietit eeleti^anS tiel DeDieaeionis eeelefie aut teliquiarfi) ffi tietiet ttanfferti : fen Dftiea p^ima nullatenus Differti tiefiet jipter quotieft^ fefiC. c jFefla f aeto^um Carani et fotini nifi i eo?um eeelefiis trSfferri Detiem tifqj pofi oeta. epip^anie et tune De ipfis fiet feruieium Dtii eouenieneius polTunt eele&iari. xiiii D riii Hi e rii f ri xi 8; X Jri-ix xix b tJiii niii c iJii D t)i rtJi e t) d f iiii ff Hi t)Cottisj) entries intbe VIII. ^tottisif) €ntxits in tije ^partprologp of Ztitthttn. IlSrCIPIT MAETYEOLOGIUM SECUNDUM VSUM ECCLESIE ABEEDONENSIS. iij. KV. Januarij. — In Scotia Sancti Duthaci episcopi et confes- soris, vij. Idus Januarij. — In Scocia apud Inchcalzertli Sancte Kenti- gerne matarone que non libidinis ardore aed mente incorrupta sola propaginis Integra voluntate Felanum mire sanctitatis virum Scoto- rum populo doctorem peperit salutarem. V. Idus Januarij. — In Scocia Sancti Felani abbatis apud Sta-ath- fiUane qui a puericie primordiis tanta discipline regiditate camem afflixit vt posterum sensualitatis et viciorum refrenendi motus pre- beret exemplum. Pridie Idus Januarij. — In Scotia Sancti Nathalani episcopi et confessoris apud ecclesiam de Tullich Aberdonensis dyocisis qui vicia motusque sensuales tarn stricta modestie lege temperabat vt apud iUius regionis incolas insigni sanctitatis preconio celebretur. Idihus Januarij. — In Scotia Sancti Kentigerni episcopi apud sedem suam Glasguensem qui tante sanctitatis honore per vtriusque hominis intigerrimam puritatem tanteque caritatis et continencie per vite austeritatem tantorumque radiabat miraculorum vt angelorum foueretur eloquio virtute et gracia vt non solum apud Scotos verum 128 MAETYEOLOGY OF ABEEDEEK eeiam apud Anglos et Hybemos singularis liabeatur aduocatus. Ita vt Anglorum historiographus precipuus venerabilis Beda inter cetera Kentigemi laudxxm precoma sic ait : Sicut Lucifer inter Stellas ita Kentigemus inter Britannic sanctos emicuit quern eius contemperanius sanctissimus abbas Columba longa peregrinatione ob sua preclara merita corporaliter visitabat in qua visitatione varia ostensa sunt miracvda, xij. KV. Februarij. — In Scotia apud Kilvionyn Sancti Viruuni episcopi et confessoris qui adeo vite et morum honestate presentis vite miserabiles compescuit insolencias vt ia cenobio ibidem fabri- cato multi a variis morborum Beati Vimiini precibus sunt curati languoribus. iiii. KV. Februarij. — In Scotia apud Dummeth. Aberdonensis dyocesis Sancti Voloci episcopi et confessoris. De quo ecclesia ibi- dem dedicata est ia qua quanto deuocius eiusdem celebratur memoria tanto mundi buius nequam deuicit inquinamenta. Pridie KV. Februarij. — Eodem die Sancti Modoci episcopi et confessoris apud Kilmodok. Pridie N. Februarij. — In Scotia Sancti Modani abbatis apud Fyntbre cuius honore ecclesia ipsa dedicatur. Reliquiisque Modani et miraculorum variorum choruscantibus decorati. xiij. KV. Marcij. — In Scocia Sancti Finiani presbyteri et con- fessoris magne virtutis viri. xij. EI. Marcij. — In Scocia Sancti Cobnanni episcopi et confes- soris sepultus dyocesi Eossensi apud Terbert. Cuius vite sanctitas morum bonestas et virtutum merita ad eius gesta veneranda fideli populo prebent incrementa. KT. Marcij. — In Scotia Sancti Monani confessoris apud Inuere in Fyfe ad quern locum fama sanctitatis Monani tam de vrbibus quam de agris valgus innumerabile tam validorvim quam languidorum ad beneficia Monani consequenda continue confluit. MAETYEOLOGY OF ABEEDEEN. 129 Eodem die in Scocia Sancti Memani episcopi et confessoris apud Aberkerdor Morauiensis diocesis qui ibidem presentis vite miserias non vrbium delicias non vestium decorem non curialium ambicionem sed horrenda carnis afflictione et paiiperum continua cura et sollici- tudine diem ibidem clausit extremum. Cuius caput et reliquie vt balsamo odorifere vniuerso illius prouincie populo sanitatis et leticie indies prestant incrementa. PHdie N. Marcij. — In Scocia Sancti Baldredi episcopi Beati Kentigemi suffraganij apud Tynnjnngham qui aurea et regalia tecta non elegit nee mundi pompis obediuit sed Christi Adncula tota deuo- tione amplexus talibus clarebat miraculis qualibus gaudebat erudi- mentis. viij. Idus Marcij. — In Scotia Sancti Duthaci episcopi apud Tayn qui eructuantium opulenta conuiuia spreuit : qui plausui populi non acquievit : nee principibus placere studuit grandem exaltationem anime estimans minime attentari et mundum sub pedibus habere : cui txinc regum obsequia spernenti nunc non solum reges sed et vniuer- sale vulgus Britannie et Ybemie peregrinando gracia eiusdem preci- bus et clarissimis miraculis Uluminantur. vj. Idus Marcij. — In Scotia apud eeclesiam de Lus natalis Beati Kessogi episcopi cuius et ipse patronus vbi veneratus clarat mira- culis nee immerito veneratur in terris vbi viuendi modum quesiuit in cells. V. Idus Marcij. — In Scotia natalis Sancti Constantini regis et martjrris de quo ecclesia de Gowan Kenneil et Dunnecbtyn : qui aureo dyademate relicto spretis vndique buius lacrimabUis vaUis vanis oblectamentis de terreno rege celestis regis volens esse sectator et nuncius barbarice gentis non veritus feritatem exosa ieiumis membra pud Kentyr Christum confitendo gloribso obtuHt martyrio vt eterno frueretur gaudio. Pridie Idus Marcij.— In Scocia Sancte Keuoce virginis non mar- tyris apud Kyle de qua ibidem ecclesia que Keuoce non minimis s 130 MARTYEOLOGY OF ABERDEEN. miraculis decoratur et a populo vndique vicino laudibus et deuotione frequentatur. xvj. KV. Aprilis. — ^In Scotia natalis Sancti Patricij episcopi et confessoris qui primus ibidem Christum euuangelizauit. XV. KV. Aprilis. —In Scotia Sancti Finniani episcopi et confes- soris qui abiectis calcatisque viciis orationi et ieiuniis vacare studuit gloriosumque sanctitatis nomen promeruit et miraculis claruit. Quarto KV. Aprilis. — Ipso die deposicio Sancti Eustracij abbatis monasterij Luxoniensis. Item Sancti Columbani. KV. Aprilis. — In Scocia Sancti GHberti episcopi apud cathedra- lem ciuitatem suam de Domocb : qui actiue et contemplatiue secutus vite tramitem tanta industria imbutus infloruit vt apud illustrissimos Scotorum reges felicis memorie VUhelmum et Alexandrum filium suum siugularis in republica elegitur admissus est patronis. Hie contra rabiem iadomitarum et sUuestrium gentium castra edificans et clerum discipline mansuetudine instruens memoratum inclitissi- mum Alexandrum principem Catbiaensem gentem ob scelus in eorum episcopum perpetratum iusticie securitate penitus delere volentem sua caritate mitigauit. Et non veritus predicessoris necem Ulius ecclesie regimen voluit animarum plusquam deUciarum copiam optans vbi nunc et in vita tam corporibus quam animabus refrigerij salutaris prestat auxHium. KV. Maij. — In VaUia Sancti Aseph discipuli Sancti Kentigerni de quo ecclesia cathedralis in eadem prouincia cuius pacientia et vite sanctitudo lUius regionis incolis viuendi normam egregiam et fidei constanciam admonuit. •jy'. Idus Maij. — In Scocia Sancti CongaUi abbatis apud mona- sterium de Drumcongal cuius merita longe lateque difiFusa miraculis non desunt clarere impolluta mente calcauit et immerito qui presentis vite infamiam et immundicie calumniam tanquam Christi pauper paupertatis et paciencie posterum prebebat exemplum. MAETYEOLOGY OF ABEEDEEN. 131 xvij. KV. Junij. — In Scocia natalis Saucti Brandani abbatis apud regalem insulam de Bute cuius vite et peregrinationis marisque et terrarum copiosa gesta et stupenda miracula enarrare nemo morta- lium de facili possit que non sermonibus explicanda sed gloriosis signis quibus indies claret comprobanda. vij. KV. Junij. — In Britanniis Sancti Augustini episcopi et con- fessoris qui missus a Beato Gregorio primus genti Anglorum Christi euuangelium predicauit. vij. Idus Junij. — In Scotia Sancti Colmoci episcopi et confessoris apud Incbmabomo sepultus de quo in insula monasterium canoni- corurn regulare vita patrocinante Colmoco Deo famulancium vbi tanto iocundius celebrantur sua natalicia quanto salubrius claruerunt eius miracula. V. Idus Junij. — In Scotia Sancti Columbe presbyteri et confes- soris magne et mirande virtutis viri. Pridie Idus Junij.- — In Scotia natalis sancti Terrenani Pictorum archipresulis apud ecclesiam de Banquoreffcemy sepultus quem Sanctus PaUadius Scotorum apostolus de sancto fonte leuauit adul- tumque Eome Gregorio magno commendauit. A quo tanta sciencia septem annis eruditus est vt per eimdem ad pontificatus apicem promoueretur ; Euuangelistarum quoque quatuor voluminibus me- tallo inclusis argento auro texto in superficie fabricatis remunerare- tur : quorum Matbei euuangeliste volumen adhuc apud Banquory : cuius miracula si curiosus aliquis inuestigare voluerit inter cetera in Britannie finibus miranda singularis. Habetur caput Terrenani ad- mirationis ita quod caro caracteris corone sue sacro oleo vncte ad miUe centum annos nostris indignis oculis intuentibus manet incor- rupta. Sed et alia continue corruscantia miracula videant qui eius legendam legunt Erat enim Beati Mauricii contemporaneus et beremi cultor deuotissimus. XV. KV. Julij. — In Britannia Sancti Botulpbi abbatis de quo com- 132 MAETYEOLOGY OF ABEEDEEK memoratio. In Hybernia Sancti confessoris et prophecie spiritu pleni Moloci episcopi et confessoris. xlij. KT. Julij. — ^Natalis Sancte Margarite regine Scocie heredis Anglie de qua insigne cenobium de Dunfermling vbi continentie caritatisque sue almifica merita adeo notabilia admirantur vt non solum pauperes aluit et vestiuit sed et leprosis ex nimia compassione pedes lauit et os.culabatur. Cuius stadium erat pauperum inopie subuenire relegiosorum cenobiis manus adiutrices porrigere operibus misericordie incessanter vacare. Ita vt miraculorum indiciis illustri- bus suis sequacibus sanctitatis preberet exemplxim. vij. KV. Julij. — In Scocia Sancti Moloci episcopi cuius reliquie gloriose apud Eosmarky : varie de eo dedicantur ecclesie. Huius est Lismorensis ecclesia cathedralis : floruit miraculis a iuuentute et adhuc floret ita vt tanto tempore preclara sua poscentibus patebunt patrocinia quanto perhennia sue sanctitati conceduntur premia. KV. Julij. — In Scocia Sancti Seruani episcopi. Hie ex Canani- orum prosapia patre Obeth matre uero Alixa Arable regis filia genitus reHcta Chananeorum regione et cognacione sua alias regiones varias perlustrans et animarum salutem requirens vsque ad Scociam clara sanctorum comitatus caterua peruenit et apud Culros vbi sue requiescunt reliquie tanta vite solitudine et carnis abstinencie in partibus iUis corporis lasciuiam refrenabat vt preclara sua miracula posterum stupenda merito Seruanum summe extol- lendum laudibus efferunt et sine fine in celestibus regnaturum instnuant. Item octaue lohannis Baptiste. Eodem die in Britannia Sancti Rummaldi Scoti episcopi et martyris apud ducale opidum Machli- niensis qui tanto labore et studio vbiriorem eteme vite contendebat adipisci gloriam vt relicto natali solo soli Deo adherens et martyrium sciciens clariorem estimans consequi premij triumpbum quanto arden- cius gentflium se opponeret iaculis qui Machliniensi glorioso occubuit martyrio optatam promerendo felicitatem. Cuius reliquie splendi- dissimo suo sarcophago argentoque fulgido auro texto apud princi- MAETYEOLOGY OE ABEEDEEK 133 palem Machlinie ecclesiam nomini suo dedieatam vbi crebris claret miraculia et multiplicibus decoratur beneficiis. Pridie N. Julij. — In Scocia Sancti Palladii Scotorum apostoli qui secundum Bedam et Sigibertum bistoriographos per beatissimum dominum Celestinum a Beato Petro Papam quadragesimum primum anno incamationis quadiingentesimo vicesimo nono ad Scotiam cum suis sodalibus pro fide predicanda transmissus fait. Eius discipulus erat Beatus Terrenanus et multos tarn Scotos quam Pictos gentili- tatis errore seductos ad Christi fidem conuertit mediantibus vite sue sanctitate et signorum claritate. Cuius corpus apud Fordoune et reliquie nostris diebus in quadam capella ibidem translate. iij. Idus Julij. — In Britannia minori Sancti Turiani episcopi et confessoris mire simpKcitatis et innocencie viri. V. Idus Augusti. — ^In Scocia Mochoat confessoris. iiij. Idus Augusti. — In Insula de Boit Sancti Blani episcopi et confessoris. ix. ET. Septermhris. — ^^In Scocia Sancti Yarcbardi episcopi apud Kyncardin Aberdonensis dyocesis. Cuius memoria pie censetur esse veneranda et laudibus dignis extollenda. Qui caduca et vana buius mundi calcando et celestibus desideriis inberendo pauper Christi purissimam in presente elegit vitam vt largam eterne vite consequeretur beatitudinem. vj. KV. Septemhris. — In Scotia Sancti Malrubij martyris : sepul- tus apud Appilborss Kossensis dyocesis. Cuius tanto sperabatur in partibus illis beatitudo in patria quanto eiusdem miranda apud illam indomitam gentem comprobatur probitas et patiencia. . . . Augustuduno Sancti Fiacri episcopi. iij. KT. Septemhris. — Eodem die Fiacri abbatis. Pridie KT. Septemhris. — In Britannia tran situs Sancti Aydani 134 MAETYEOLOGY OF ABEEDEEN. primi Lindisfernensis episcopi et confessoris cuius animam Sanctus Cuthbertus vidit in celis ab angelis deferri. KV. Septemhris. — In pago Neumacensi Sancti Egidii abbatis. V. Idus Septemhris. — In Ybemia Sancti Kyrani viri Dei cuius vita Claris miraculis in Christi ecclesia refulsit. Decimo Septimo KV. Octobris. — In Scocia Sancti Mirini episcopi et confessoris apud Pasletum cuius ibidem cenobium sumptuosa dedicatum structura iUustrium Scotorum regum mentis Merini dotatum vbi varia miraculosa sanctitatis sue patent indicia. Decimo Sexto Kl'. Octobris. — In Scocia Sancti Niniani episcopi et confessoris : sepultus apud cathedrale cenobium Candidecase. Cuius reliquie tanta clarent miraculorum choruscatione ut non solum ilium ibidem visitantibus prodesse tantum ad sanitatem morborum quantum incolis tocius prouincie ad temporalis comodi iacrementum sed et de cecorum claudorum et languidorum curationibus legant Scotorum Anglorum Yberniencium Niuiani deuoti cultores quantum iUis in parribus profuit et indies ad salutem prodesse non desinit. X. KV. Octobris. — In Scocia Sancti Lolani episcopi et confes- soris de Kyncardin prope Stirling et ibidem sepultus qui sicut presentis vite virtutum tramite studuit obprobria deuitare ita celestis glorie signorum magnitudine participem se probat cele- brari. ix. KV. Octobris. — In Scocia Sancti Adampnani abbatis cuius re- liquie in sancta Yensi insula mirandis clarent signorum prodigiis quem Sanctus Columba antequam nasceretur precinebat et doctorem catholicum futurum predicabat. vij. KV. Octobris. — Sancti Fimbarri episcopi CatMnensis qui diem ibidem clausit extremum cuius vite temporancia ferocem iUam gentem celestis vite pabulo refertam Deo reddidit acceptabilem. . . . In Ybemia Sancti Barri episcopi et confessoris. MAETYEOLOGY OF ABEEDEEN. 135 ■w/. KV. Octohris. — In Ybernia Saaacti Colmani confeasoria viri Dei inter suos diuinia scripturia eruditiaaimi. iiij. KV. Octohris. — In Scocia Sancti Machani epiaeopi. Hie apud Campai in Lenox aepultus : vite et virtutum apeculum aingu- lare. Gentem iUam moribua et fide inatructam aua exhortatione a viciia ad vitam reduxit. Eodem die in Scocia apud Inchenan Sancti Coniialli confeaaoris cuina predicatio preclaram aanctitatis aue excellenciam aignorum choruacatione poateria morum prebet incrementum. viij. Idus Octohris. — Item in Scocia Sancte Treduane virginis non maiiyria apud Leatalrig que ibidem honorifice apud capeUam Eegiam aepulta miraculia claret. iij. Idus Octohris. — In Scocia Sancti Congani abbatis de quo ec- cleaia de Turreff : Eodem die in Scocia Sancte Fincane Virginia non martyria de qua eat eccleaia in dyoceai Dunblanenae : Eodem die Scocia aancte Findoce Virginia non martyria de qua et eccleaia infra dyoceaim Dunblanenaem : Quarum omnium vita et aanctitaa aignorum multitudine predi- catur. xvij. KV. Nouemhris. — In Scocia Sancti Eeguli abbatia apud ec- clesiam de Kylrewni. Eodem die in Scocia Sancti Colmanni epiaeopi et confeaaoria. xij. KV. Nouemhris. — In Scocia Sancti Mundi abbatis apud KU- mond in Cowan qui ibidem apud Uliua prouincie incolaa mirandis effertur laudibua. viij. KV. Nouemhris. — Eodem die in Scocia apud Kilmemoch Sancti Mernoci epiaeopi et confeaaoria. mj. KV. Nouemhris. — Eodem die natalia Beati Beani epiaeopi apud Fowlia in Stratheme. 136 MAETYKOLOGY OF ABEEDEEN. iiij. KV. Nouemhris. — Eodem die in Scocia apud Kyrkyner in Galwedia Sancte Kennere virginis non martyris. iij. KV. Nouemhris. — In Scocia Sancti Talaricani episcopi et confessoris cuius vite et virtutum merita apud ecclesiam de Fordis in eiusdem honore dedicatam celebrari non desinunt. iij. N. Nouemhris. — In Scocia Sanctarum Baye et Maure virginiun non martyrum apud Kylmawar. Eodem die in Scocia Sancti Englacij abbatis de quo ecclesia de Terwes. Eodem die ia Scocia Sancti Nidani apud Midmar confessoris : quorum omnium vita laudabUis. V. Idus Nouemhris. — In Scocia Sancti Moroci episcopi cuius ecclesia cum sepultura apud Lekraw prope Striueliug. Pridie Idus Nouemhris. — Depositio Sancti Cutbberti episcopi Turonis ciuitatis GaUie : depositio Sancti Mauricii eiusdem ciuitatis archiepiscopi qui apud Scotos Machorius nominatur apud Hybernicos vero Mocbrumma. Eodem die apud Gandauum in Flandria natalis Sancti Liuini Scoti episcopi et martyris cuius cenobium cum sepultura extra muros eiusdem cimtatis vbi multiplicibus laudum et virtutum effertur preconiis. Idihus Nouemhris. — In Scocia Sancti Diuinici confessoris. xviij. KV. Decemhris. — In Scocia Sancti Modani episcopi et con- fessoris apud Falkirk cuius vita sancta et conuersatio fuit deuota. xvij. KV. Decemhris. — In Scocia Sancti Machuti episcopi et con- fessoris qui apud Lesmabage claret miraculis. Eodem die in Scocia apud Glammis floret Fergusius episcopus Sanctus. Quarto N. Decemhris. — In Scocia apud Eatbyn Aberdonensis MAETYEOLOGY OF ABEEDEEN. 137 diocesis Deo deuotus Sanctus Ethemanus episcopus fama Celebris et conuersatione sanctus. Pridie Idus Decemhris. — In Ybemia Sancti Finnani abbatis viri eruditissimi in Scripturis diuinis. Idihus Decemhris. — Eodem die in Scotia apud Kyrkwal Magni Martyris ibidem celebratur festiuitas. xiac. Kl'. Jantmrij. — In Scocia apud Abirdour Aberdonensis diocesis Sancti Drostani abbatis, Eeliquie gloriose cuius virtutum signa laudibus merito sunt extoUenda. DedrrM quinto KV. Jamiarij. In Scocia Sancti Maniri episcopi gloriosi, cuius sanctitas sinceris mentibus est predicanda. xj. KV. Januarij. — In Scocia apud Lauthreis Ethemasius epis- copus vite mirande sanctitatis et gracia plenus. X. KV. Janvxirij. — In Scocia Sancte Mazote virginis non martyris vnius nouem virginum de qua ecclesia de Dubnaok. Cuius vite pudicitia- ibidem predicatur. Eodem die Sancti Carani episcopi cuius ecclesia de Fetheresso. Eodem die in Scocia sancti AUoci episcopi. Eodem die Sancti Diaconani confessoris apud Keg Aberdonensis diocesis. Ipso die Sancti Fotini episcopi et martyris apud Neyg Sancti Andree diocesis. Zham mns's Maitnhax. IX. Zham Mine's Maltntiax. EXCERPTS FROM " Ane Kallendar perpetuale contining baith THE AWLD AND NEW KaLLENDAR, WiTH DYUERS VTHERS THINGIS PERTINING THAIRTO, VERIE PROFITABLE FOR ALL SORT OF MEN : MAID BE M. AdAME KING, PROFESSEUR OF PhILOSOPHB AND Mathematikis, at Paris." — ^At Paris. Imprented be Peter Hyry. 1588. lANVAR HATH 31 Dayis. 1 Newermes quhilk is ye circumcision of christ vnder Augustus. 1 2 S. Machare abbot in -^gypt vnder Constantine ye greit. 314 3 S. Anthere Pape and mart, vnder Maxim. 239 4 S. Titus S. Paulis disciple bischop of Candie vnder traia. 94 5 S. Telesphorus Pape and mart, at rome vnder Antonius Pius. FAST 139 6 Vphaliday when christ vas reueled first to ye gentiles be ye starre whilk guydit ye thre kingis to bethleem. 1 Christ was baptiseit and did go to ye wyldemes. 30 Christ ky thed his first miracle in turning ye valter in to vyn. 3 1 7 S. Kentigeme vidoue in Scotland. 560 S. Luciane preist and mart, at Nicomedia vnder Maximi. 252 8 S. Nethalen bischop, in scotlad and conf. 452 S. Seuerine bischop at neaples and confess, vnder nerua. 99 9 S. Filane abbot in Scotland, 703 S. luliane moimk at antioche vnder Diocletiane and Maxi. 290 10 S. Nicanor diacon. Mart, at Cypre vnder Claudius. 45 142 ADAM KING'S KALENDAR Ianvar hath 31 Dayis. lis. Iginius Pape and Mart, vnder Antonius plus. 154 12 S. Europius, Tigrius, and olympiasMartyres vnder honorius and Theodosius. 406 1 3 S. Mungo bischop of Glascowe in Scotland vnder King Con- WaUe. 578 The 40. sowldartis martyxes at rome vnder Galienus. 260 14 S. Hilarie bischop of Poictiers vnder valentiniane. 370 S. Foelix mart, at pineis vnder diocletiane. 280 S. Pontianus Mart, at Spoletum vnder Antonius pius. 154 15 S. Paul ye first Eremit in Mgvpte vnder Aureliane. 260 S. Maure abbot ia Anion disciple to S. Benedict vnder Tiberius pius. 582 16 S. Marcel pape and mart, vnder Galerius and constans. 308 S. Puree patron of perone in Pacardie in France oye to Eugenius 4. king of Scotland vnder king doneuald. 635 17 S. Antone Eremit in ^gipt vnder constantine ye greit. 324 18 S. peters seat at rome vnder Claudius. 44 S. Prisca virgine and mart, at rome vnder Claudius. 45 19 SS. Marius his wyf and baimeis martyres at rome vnder Claudius. 48 S. Germanicus mart, at smyma vnder Antonius verus and lucius auxeUus. 163 20 S. Fabiane pape and mart, vnder decius. 252 S. Sebastiane mart, vnder Diocletiane. 302 21 S. Agnes virgine and mart, vnder diocletiane. 304 S. Wimine bischop in Scotland. 715 22 S. Vvincente mai-t. at Valence in spaignie vnder maxi- minus. 301 S. Anastasius abbot and mart, with vther 70. mart, vnder heraclius. 635 23 S. Emerentiane virgine and mart, at rome vnder decius. 304 24 S. Timothie bischop of Ephesus mart, disciple to S. Paul under nero. 64 S. babyla bischop and mart, vnder decius. 254 25 The couersion of S. Paul vnder Tiberius. 34 S. Ananias quha baptiseit S. Paul vnder caligula. 40 ADAM KING'S KALENDAR 143 Ianvar hath 31 Dayis. 26 S. Polycarp bischop of smyma disciple to s. Ihone ye apost. vnder M. Anton, and lucins aurelius. 1 70 27 S. Ihone Cbrysostome bischop of costantinople vnder Arcadius and honorius. 407 S. Vitalianus pape vnder constans. 671 28 S. Charls ye greit emperour quhome with achaius king of Scotland contractit ye lige of france he deit ye 70. zeir of his empire. 814 S. C3niQe bischop of alexandiia vnder Theodosius. 412 29 S. Makwolok bischop in Scotland. 720 S. Valerius bischop of Treuers disciple to s. Peter vnder vespatiane. 71 30 S. Makglastiane bischop in scotlad vnder king achaius. 814 S. Aldegunde virgin and abbotesse at molbodium vnder heraclius. 643 31 S. Modoche bischop in Scotland vnder crathlintus king. 318 Noe send furthe ye rauen whilk retumeit nocht, and yair- efter ane dowe frome ye arke whilk returneit yat seme day befoir christ. 2464 FEBRVAE HATH 28 Dayes. 1 S. Ignati^ bischop of antioch. threid efter S. Peter and Mart, at Rome vnder traianus. lio S. Bryde virgine in Scotland vnder king conranus. 524 2 Kandelmes whilk is ye purificatione of our lady vnder Augustus. 1 S. Cornelius centurione at csesarea quha baptiseit be S. Peter was bischop yairof vnder calig. 46 3 S. Blase bischop of Sebaste in capadocia and mart, vnder diocletiane, 281 4 S. Modane abbot in Scotland vnder king conranus. 507 S. Phileas bischop of Thebe in Mgypte and mart, vnder maximianus. 240 S. Agatha virgine and mart, at Catanes in Sicile vnder Decius. 253 144 ADAM KING'S KALENDAE. Febrvar hath 28 Dayes. 6 S. Dorothea virgine and mart, at Csesarea Cappadocise vnder Diocletiane. 282 S. Amandus bischop of traiectum vnder constans. 661 S. Vedastus bischop of adarte vnder lustinus ye zounger. 563 7 S. Konane bischop in Scotland and confess, vnder king malduine. 603 S. Augurius bischop in Hand vnder valentiniane. 361 S. Moyses bischop to ye Saracenis under valentiniane. 379 Noa send frome ye ark ane vther dow whilk retumeit yat nycht with ane branche of oliue : befoir Christ. 2305 8 S. Corinthe virgine and mart, at alexadria vnder Decius. 252 9 S. ApoHonie virgine and mart, at alexandria vnder decius. 252 10 S. Scolastik sister to S. Benedict virgine vnder iustiuiane. 353 S. Soter virgine and mart, in ye eist vnder diocletiane. 272 lis. Seuerine abbot at agenna vnder lusti. 530 S. Desiderius Cofess. and bischop at lyons in France ye zeir is iucertane. 12 S. Eulalia virgine and maxtyr iu spaiazie vnder diocletiane. 283 13 S. Gregore 2. Pape vnder leo and constat. 715 S, Agabus Prophete at Antioche ye tyme of ye apostils quhom of S. luk maids metione iu ye actes cap. 11. S. Sacharias Prophete hard S. Michael ye angel pray for lerusale befoir Christ. 472 14 S. Valentine preist and mart, at Eome vnder Claudius. 46 Noa send out ye thrid dow vich returneit nocht : befoir Christ. 2305 15 S. Faustine and iouita mart, at brixia vnder Adrianus. 120 S. Crato mart, at Rome with his vif and Christ did end his fast of 40. dayes in ye wildemes. 30 16 S. Onesimus disciple to S. Paul and bischop of Ephesus ordeneit be him mart, at rome vnder traianus. 100 S. luliana virgine and mart, at cunis vnder Maximinus. 280 17 S. finnane bischop of northumberland and confess, in Scotland vnder king ferquharde ye 2. 674 S, Fintane pryor in Scotland, 973 S. Policronius bisch. of babilon in persia mart, vnder Decius. 252 ADAM KING'S KALENDAE, 145 Febrvar hath 28 Dayes. 18 S. simeon bisch. of lerusalem vnder traianus. 102 S. Colman success, to S. Finnane and cofess. in scotl. 689 19 S. Gabinus preist and mart, at rome vnder dioclet. 289 The translation of the thre kingis quha comme to christ Thair bodis to coloinge vnder frederic. 1174 20 S. sadoth bisch. and with him 120 mart, at persis vnder king sapor and constatinus arianus emperour. 343 21 79 mart, at sicile vnder diocletiane. 286 22 S. Peters seate at antioche the space of 7. zeiris vnder caligula. 36 S. Papias bisch. at hierapolitane disciple to s. Ihone ye apost. vnder traianus. 100 The boUding of ye kirk of hierusalem efter ye captiuitie of babilon vas endit befoir christ. 467 72 Mart, at firmium vnder Maximianus. 287 Fast. 24 S. Mathias day quha was electit be ye apost. In ludas Place mart, at luriland vnder vespatiane 74 25 S. Tarasius Patriarche of Constantinople vnder Charles ye greit. ' 806 SS. Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus Claudius vith vthers Martt. at Mgypte vnder Numerianus. 384 26 S. Alexander bisch. of Alexandria vnder Constantine ye greit. 318 Moses deit and was bureit be ye angels in ye mont Nebo : befoir christ. 1469 27 S. Leander bisch. of hispalis apostle of ye gothis vnder phocas. 599 28 S. Eomane abbot in Lionois first herenite in France vnder lustiniane. 538 Quhen it is leip zeir Februar hes 29 dayis : The feist of S. Mathias is transfereit to ye 25 day : swa both ye 24 and 25 dayis is caUit 6 Kal. and ye Dominical lettre is changeit in ye formair. V 146 ADAM KING'S KAIJINDAE. MAKCHE HATH 31 Dayis. 1 S. Mynnane arcMdeacon and confess, in scotlad vnder king constantine ye 2. 879 S. Marnane bisch. and confess, in scotl. vnder king indulphe. 655 S, Albine bisch. of angeirs in France confess, vnder Charles ye greit. 910 2 S. Cedde bisch. of ye mers in scot, vnder Constantine ye 5. 746 S. Simplicius Pape vnder zeno. 471 3 SS. Marinus and Asterius Martt. at palestine vnder Vale- riarnis. 260 S. Kunegunde spouse to Hery 2 emper. 1005 4 S. Adriane bisch. of S. Andrew mart, in scotl. be ye dannes vnder king Constantine ye 2. 874 S. Lucius Pape and Mart, vnder Valeriane and Galienus. 255 The persecutione of ye ennimeis of ye lewis throw aU ye impyre of persia at ye requeist of queue esther befoir Christ. 461 The victorie of ludas Machabseus aganes Nicanor lew- tennent to ye king of Syria befoir Christ. 159 5 S. Phocas Mart, at Antioche vnder galer. 307 S. Eusebius Pape and mart, vnder constantine ye greit. 310 S. Hadrianus mart, at palestina vnder diocletiane. 300 6 S. Baldrede bischop of glascow success, to S. Mugo and cofess. vnder king Aidanus. 608 S. Fredoline cof. Scotisma vnder Anastasi. 500 7 S. Thomas of aquine confess, of ye ordre of blak freres. 1274 SS. Perpetua and felicitas martyres at tiburti vnder Vale- rianus and Galienus. 254 8, S. Duthake bischope and cofess. in scot, vnder king Alex- ander 2. 1249 S. Pontius diacon to S. Cypriane mart, at Carthage vnder Galienus. 255 9 The 40 mart, at Sebaste in armenia minor vnder licinius. 313 10 S. Makkessage bisch. and cof in scotl. 520 SS. Alexander and caius martt. at apamania vnder An- toninus verus. 1 79 ADAM KING'S KAIEKDAE. 147 Marche hath 31 Dayis. S. Hemelia confess, scotisma vnder king dungallus. 722 11 Costantin king of Scotland was Moke and mart, vnder king Eugenius 3. 536 S. Willame mart, in inglad vnder Frideric ye first. 1154 S. Vindiciane bischope of Cambray in picardie vnder Clotarius ye 3 king of frace. 674 12 S. Gregore I. Pape, cofess. and doctor of ye kirk vnder Mauritius and Phocas. 599 S. Peter chambreehyld to dioeletiane mart, at nicomedia vnder dioeletiane. 306 13 S. Kennoche virg. in Scotland vnder king Malcoline 2. 1007 S. Nicephore Patriarche of costantinople vnder ludoicus pius. 815 14 47. mart, at rome baptiseit be S. Peter vnder Nero. 50 S. Zacharias pape vnder constan. ye 6. 752 15 S. Longinus mart, at csesarea capadociae quha perseit our lordis syd with ye speir vnder Claudius. 45 16 S. Boniface bischope of ross. send out of Italic in scotl. vnder king Eugenius 2. 620 Christ raisit Lazarus frome daith. 34 17 Patrikmes S. Patrik bischope cofess. and apostile of Trland send be pape cglestinus ye I. vnder king Eugenius 2. 435 18 S, Finnane bischope confess, in Scotland vnder king fer- quhard 2. 660 St. Cyrille bischope of hierusalem vnder iuliane ye apostat. 362 19 S. losephe spouss to our lady vnder Augustus. 1 S. Marie ye sister of lazarus did inoynt ye feit of our lord at bethania. 34 20 S. Cuthbert bischop and confess, in Scotland vnder Eugenius ye 5. 689 21 S. Benet abbot at cassinum confess, vnder iustiniane I. 535 22 S. Paule bischope of narbon disciple of ye apostils vnder vespasiane. 71 23 SS. Victorianus and frametius mart, in afrik vnder huner. kig of ye vadals. 440 148 ADAM KING'S KALENDAE. Marche hath 31 Dayis. Christ eit ye paschall labe with his disciplis and institutit ye sacr^ce of his bodie and bloud in ye mess, efter supper. 34 25 Oure lady day in lentron whilk is ye annunciatione of our lady vnder Augustus befoir Christ. 1 The creatione of ye warld befoir Christ. 3961 The immolation of Isaac be Abraham befoir Christ. 1899 S. Ihone ye baptist was heidit in prisone be herode. 33 Melchizedec sacrifeit breid and wyne in figure of ye bodie and bloud of our lord whilk is offerit in ye messe befour Christ. 1932 26 S. Castulus mart, at rome vnder diocletiane. 306 27 S. Ihonq her emit of -^gipte vnder theodosius ye greit. 380 28 S. Sixtus 3. pape vnder theodosius ye zounger. 436 29 SS. Armogassus archiminus and saturus mart, in afrik vnder gensericus king of ye wandals. 436 30 S. Ole king of norwege and mart, vnder henrieye crowkit. 1012 31 S. Fcelix pape and mart, vnder zeno. 486 APEYLL HATH 30 Dayis. 1 S. Gilbert bischop of Cathenes vnder king williame. 1170 S. Theodora wirgin and mart, at rome vnder Aureleanus. 274 S. Hugo bischop of gratianople vnder Henry ye 5. 1107 2 S. Marie of -^Egipte poenitent vnder lustinus. 526 S. Theodosia mart, at Csesarea Cappadocise vnder diocle- tiane. 290 S. Fracis de paula institutour of ye ordor of ye minimeis vnder Maximiliane ye freist. 1507 3 SS. Agape and chionia martt. at thessalonica vnder dio- cletiane. 282 4 S. Ambrose doctor of ye kirk and bisch. of Millane vnder Theodosius and arcadius. 399 5 S, Tigemake bisch. and confess, in Scotland vnder king alphine. 823 ADAM KING'S KALENDAE. 149 Apryll hath 30 Dayis. S. Vincentius confess, of ye ordre of blak freiris vnder frederic 2. 1240 6 S. Bercham bischop and confess, in Scotland vnder king kennede. 839 S. sixtus I. Pape and mart, vnder Adrianus. 128 S. Cselestinus Pape success, to Bonifacius vnder Theodos. ye zounger. 428 7 S. Egesippus historiographe vnder tra. 120 Plato was borne befoir Christ. 427 8 S. Dionysius bischop of corinthe vnder M. Antonius and lucius Aure. commodus, 170 Assuerus king of perse gaiff out ane edict aganes ye lews befoir Christ. 462 9 S. Prochorus oye to S. steine ye first mart, and ane of ye first 7. deacons vnder tiberius, 34 The lews celebratit ye first paschal lambe in -^gypt befoir Christ. 1508 Thay celebratit ye thrid paschal lambe at lericho efter yat thay had passit ye wild ernes befoir christ. 1468 10. S. Ezechiel prophete mart, at babylon befoir christ. 566 S. ApoUonius preist mart, at alexandria vnder commodus and Seuerus. 195 Manna feilzeit ye peple of Israeli at lericho befoir Christ. 1468 11. S. Leo I. Pape doctor of ye kirk and confess, vnder leo I. Emperour. 462 S. Philippe bischop of candie vnder M. Antonius and L. aurelius. 1 70 12 S. luHus I. pape and confess, vnder costantius arrianus. 335 S. zeno bisch. and mart, vnder Galienus. 258 13 S. Guinoche bischop and confess, in scotl. vnder king Ethus. 875 S. lustinus ye philosophe mart, vnder M. Antonius and L. Aurelius. 183 14 SS. Tiburtius, valerianus, and maximus martt. at rome vnder commodus. 1 74 150 ADAM KING'S KALENDAR Apeyll hath 30 Dayis. 15. S. Munde abbot and confess, in argyle vnder king ken- nede 2. 962 SS. Olimpias and maximus martt. at perse vnder decius. 253 16 S. Mans mart, in Orknay vnder king Alexander 1104 The vallis of hierico fell downe miraculuslie after yat ye peple of Israel had circuit yame 7. tymes befoir Christ. 1468 17 S. Anicet. pape and mart. vnd. Ant. pius. 159 S. Donane Abot and confess, in Scotland vnder king Machabeda. 240 18 SS. Eleutherius bisch. of messena and anthia his mother mart vnder Adria. 130 Moses turneit ye salt waiter in freche in ye vildernes befoir Christ. 1508 19 S. Timon ane of ye first 7. deacones mart, at corinthe vnder Nero. 60 S. Leo 9. pape vnder henry ye 3. 1049 20 SS. Sulpitius and sermlianus mart, at rome vnder traianus. 94 21. S. Simeon bischop of seleucia mart, vith vthers d3niers at persia vnder king sapor and constantine ye greit. 305 S. Anselme bischop of Cambriche and confess, vnder henry ye 3. ^ 1055 Komnlus markit ye circuit of ye waUis of rome and slew his brother Eem9 befoir Christ. 351 22 S. Gains pape and mart, vnder Diocletiane. 284 S. Sother pape and mart, vnder Anto. 171 S. Agapetus pape vnder iustiniane. 536 23 S, George mart, at diospoli in perse vnder diocletiane. 282 24 S. MeUitus bischop and confess, vnder Tiberius 2. 596 Troye efter ten zeiris seage was tane and brount be ye Grecians befoir Christ. 1180 25 S, Mark ye Euangelist apostle of alexandria Mart, vnder Nero. 64 26 S. Cletus pape secunde efter S. peter mart, at rome vnder diocletiane. 96 27 S. Anastasius pape vnder arcadius. 404 ADAM KING'S KALENDAR 151 Apryll hath 30 Day is. 28 S, Vitalis mart, at rauenna father to Geruasi^ and protasi^ mart. vnd. Nero. 50 Noe by godis commande come out of ye arK befoir Christ. 2305 29 Tithicus deacon disciple to S. Paula vnder Nero. 60 SS. Agapius and secundinus bischops martt. vnd. vale- rianus. 258 30 S. Euirinus mart, at rome vnder traianus. 116 MAII HATH 31 Dayes. f S. PhUipe Apostle of scythia and Phrigia vnder 1 Beltane. •< Nero. 62 (S. lames Apost. of Jerusalem mart, vnder Nero. 63 S. Asaphe disciple to s. mungo bischop and confess, in scotl. vnder king Aidanus. 608 S. Vltanus confess, brother to s. furse scotisman vnder doneualde. 635 2 S. Athanase bischop of alexandria vnder valentiniane and valens, 371 3 The halie rude Day of finding of ye halie croce at Jeru- salem be Helene mother to Constantine ye greit. 336 S. Alexander pape and mart, vnder Tra. 110 4 S. Monica ye mother of s. Augustine vnder Theodosius ye 2. 390 S. sUuanus bischop of aza in iewrilad mart, vnder diocle- tiane. 306 S. Cyriacus bischop of ierusalem and mart, quha fande ye halie rude vnder constantine. 336 5 S. Augustine was couertit to ye catholik faith be s. Am- broise at millane vnder Gratianus and valentinianus. 382 S. Hylarius bischop of arles in france vnder valentinianus and valens. 370 6 Ihone ye Apostle was castin in hotte oile at rome vnder domitianus. 96 S. Euodius bischop of ierusalem institutit be ye Apostils vnder vespatia. 73 152 ADAM KING'S KALENDAR Maii hath 31 Dayes. 7 S. DomiciUa virgine and mart, vnder domitiane. 92 The apparitione of ye starnes in forme of ye croce at ieru- salem vnder Constantins. 344 8 S. Gibriane confess. Scotsman vnder king conranus. 532 The appering of s. Michael archangele in Italic at sipon- tum. vnder Anastasius. 495 9 S. Gregoire Nazianzene callit ye theologe vnder valentini- ane and Theodosius. 390 The translatione of s. Andro his body to Constantinople be Constantius. 45 10 SS. Gordianus and Epimachus mart, at rome vnder luliane ye apostate. 62 11 S. Mamertus bischop of viene in frace and confess, vnder zeno. 466 The peple of Israel being in ye "wildernes resaweth manna frome ye hewen befoir Christ. 1508 12 Noe entereit in ye ark befoir Christ. S. Pancratius mart, at rome vnder diocletiane. 286 S. Epiphanius bischop of salimina in cipre vnder arcadius. 400 S. Congall abot of haliwode and conf. ia Scotland vnder king malcome 2. 1013 13 S. seruatius bischop of tungria confess, vnder Theodosius. 395 S. Gongnlfus mart, at burgmidie vnder Constantine ye 4. 680 14 S. Boniface mart, at rome vnder diocletiane and Maxi- miniane. 286 15 S. Torquatns with his companzongis ordineit bischops be ye apostils and send in spanzie vnder Nero. 70 S. Dympna virgin dochter to ye king of irland marteriseid be hir alwin father vnder leo ye 3. 720 16 Peregrinus bischop of antisiodore and mart, vnder Anto- nius plus. 144 S. Brandane abot and confess, in scotl. vnder king mal- colme. 1066 17 S. Torpetes disciple of ye apostlis mart, vnder Nero. 70 18 S. Connalle first archdeacon of glascow disciple to S. Mmigo vnder Kiag Eugenius ye 4. 612 ADAM KING'S KALENDAE. 153 t Maii hath 31 Dayes. S. Faelix bischop mart, at spoletium vnder Maximiane. 299 19 S. Potentiana virgin romane vnder Antonius pius. 140 S. Yues Aduocat in. bartinie confess, vnder Charles ye 4. 1347 20 S. BasUla virgin and mart, vnder Galienus. 260 S. Bemardinus confess, of ye order of gray freiris vnder friderike ye 3. 1441 21 S. Helene mother to constantine ye greit quha fand ye halie rude vnder hir sone. 343 22 S. Castus and semUius martt. in afric vnder gordianus. 241 23 S. Desiderius bischop of langers vnder honorius and Theodosius. 411 24 S. Manahen gonemour of ye fourt part of iewriland vnder herode Prophete vnder tiberius. 34 25 S. Vrbane I. pape Mart, vnder alexander seuerus. 226 26 S. Eleutherius pape and mart, vnder M. Antonius. 178 27 S. Ihone pape mart, be ye arianes vnder lustinus. 525 28 S. Germane bischop of paris and confess, vnder lustinus ye zounger. 574 29 S. Conon and his sone mart, at Iconium isaurise vnder Aurelianus. 279 Constantinople was tane be Mahometes 2 Empereur of ye turkis. 1453 30 S. Fcelix Pape and mart, at rome vnder Aurelianus. 274 31 S. Petronilla virgin vnder nero. 70 IVKII HATH 30 Dayis. 1 S. Panplulus preist and mart, at csesarea palestinge vnder maximianus. 295 S. Claude bischop of viene vnder Constantinus and licinius. 322 2 SS. MarceUinus preist and peter exorcist mart, ad rome vnder diocletiane. 283 S. Erasmus bischop and mart, at Campania vnder Maxi- minianus. 290 X 154 ADAM KING'S KALENDAK. IvNii hath 30 Dayis. 3 S. Clotildis quene of France spouse to king clodoueus vnder iustinus. 522 SS. Pergentinus and Laurentinus brother mart, vnder Decius. 252 4 S. Quirinus bischop and mart, at sciscia in sclauonie vnder Maximia. 310 S. Metrophanes patriarche of Constantinople vnder con- stantinus arriannus. 336 5 S. Boniface scotisman apostle of germanie mart, in frisland vnder leo ye 3. 738 SS. Martianus Meander and apollonius martt. at ^gipt vnder Vitellius. 70 6 S. Colme bischop and confess, in Scotland vnder king ken- nethe 3. 1000 S. Claude archbischop of bisuntium vnder lustinianus 2. 625 Alexander ye greit was borne and ye same day ye temple of diana at Ephesus was broimt befoir Christ. 353 7 S. Paule bischop of Constantinople mart, at cucusa capa- docise vnder costantius arrianus. 350 8 S. Syre sister to S. Fiacre and king Eugenius ye 4 his dochter vnder kiug ferqhuarde in Scotland. 643 S. Medarde bischop of Noyon in Frace iuder lustiniane. 537 9 SS. Primus and felicianus mart, at rome vnder Diocletiane. 281 S. Come abbot and confess, in scotl. vnder king aidanus. 605 10 S. BasUides with vther 22. martt. at rome vnder Aure- lianus. 273 lis. Barnabas Apost. mart, at cypre vnder Nero. 50 SS. Felix and fortunatus martt. at aquileia iu ItaHe vnder Diocletiane and Maximiniane. 299 12 S. Tarnane archbischop of ye pichtes ordineit be s. padie vnder king Eugenius 2. 455 SS. Nabor and nazarius mart, at rome vnder Diocletiane. 282 13 S. Antone of padua capuciane vnder friderik ye 2. 1231 14 Elisseus ye prophete bureit in samaria palestina befoir Christ. 850 S. Basile bischop of csesarea doctor of ye kirk vnder valens. 369 ADAM KnTG'S KALENDAE. 155 IvNii hath 30 Dayis. 15 SS. Vitus modestus and crescentia Martt. in Sicilia vnder diocletiane. 283 The concUe of nice begowth quhair ye arrianisme was codamneit as hseresie vnder Siluest. Pape and Cost. Emper. 328 16 S. Ferreolus and fenrutius discipleis to S. Irene mart. vnder marc, Antonius. 1 75 17 S. Paula virgine mart, in spanzie vnder diocletiane. 286 Elias ye prophete and iostitor of ye ordre of carmeHtis was reseweit to ye hewenis in ane chariot of fyre befoir chr. 808 18 SS. Marcus and MarceUinus martt. at rome vnder dio- cletiane and Maxim. 289 19 SS. Geruatsius and Prothasius brether martt. at miUane vnder Nero. 51 The translatione of S. Margarite quene of Scotland hir bodie to dumferHne vnder King Alexander ye 3. 1251 20 S. sUuerius pape and mart, vnder lustiniane. 536 21 S. Albanus bischop of Moguntia mart, vnder Theo- dosius I. 424 The raine ataincheit ye 40. day efter noa entereit ye ark befoir christ. 2305 22 S. Paulinus bischop of nola in italic vnder Theodosius 2. 421 10 Thowsand mart, in ye mont ararath besydis Alexandria vnder Adrianus and Antonius. 116 23 S. Ihone preist and mart, vnder lulianus ye apostat. fast. 366 24 Midsomerday wlulk is ye birth of s. Ihone ye baptist. vnder Augustus Caesar befoir Christ sax monethis. 25 S. Molonache bischop and confess, in Scotland disciple to s. Brandane vnder king Eugenius 4. 629 S. sosipatris disciple to s. Paule vnder domitianus. 94 26 SS. Paule and Ihone brether mart, at rome ynder luliane, 364 27 S. Cresces disciple to s. Paule bischop of galatia vnder Nero. 70 The 7. brether quha fleing ye persecutione of decius to 156 ADAM KING'S KALENDAE. IvNii hath 30 Day is, Ephesus effcer 181 zeixis sleiping awalkeit vnder walentiiiiane. 432 28 S. Leo Pape and confess, vnder lustinus. 686 S. Irenseus bischop of Lion disciple to s. Polycarpe mart. vnder seuerus. 203 Alexander ye greit monarche deit at babylon befoir Christ, 323 SS. Peter and Paule mart, at rome vnder Nero. 70 30 S. Lucina vir. disc, of S. Pet. vnder Nero. 70 IVLII HATH 31 Dayis. 1 S. Serflfe bischop of orknay and confess, vnder king Euge- nius 2. 443 S. Eomulde sone to ye king of scotlad archbishop and mart, at machlene vnder constantinus pogonatus. 670 Aaro deit at ye mont hor befoir christ. 1470 2 The visitatione of our lady institut festual be pape vrba- nus 6. 1388 SS. Processus and Martinianus mart, at rome vnder nero. 58 3 S. Guthagon sone to ye king of Scotland confess, banisched for ye catholik faith in flanders vnder diocletiane. 99 S. Anatolius patriarche of Constantinople vnder valen- tinianus. 453 lerusalem efter 18 monethis seage was taking be nabucho- donosor befoir Christ. 585 4 S. Vdalricus bischop of augusta and confess, vnder henry ye I. 924 Oseas prophete befoir christ. 821 Aggaeus prophete befoir christ. 518 5 S. Domitius mart, at syria vnder Domitiane. 97 S. Zoa mart, at rome vnder diocletiane and Maximiniane. 299 6. S. Padie or PaUadius apostUe of Scotland send be Pape cselestine ye first vnder Eugenius 2. 423 Esayas ye Prophete was cuttit in twa partis be Manasses king of iewda and bureit at rogel befoir Christ. 708 ADAM KING'S KALENDAE. 157 IvLii hath. 31 Dajds. The Capitole of rome was brunt befoir Christ. 80 7 S. Pantenus preist disciple to S. Mark ye apostle vnder Caligula. 39 Romulus ye first king of ye romanes Ewaniseit at ye dowbe of Caprea swa yat yair is na certaintie of his daith befor Christ. 715 King Edward ye I. of Ingland was slane be ye king of Scotland at carlie. 1307 8 SS. AquUa and prisciUa his wyff Toder Nero. 72 S. Kiliane bischop of herbipolis Scotisman vnder heracHus, 630 9 SS. Anatholia and audax Martt. At tyrus vnder decius. 252 10 The 7 brother sones of S. fcelicite Martt. at rome vnder Antoninus. 136 lis. Pius pape ad Mart, vnder Antonius. 144 Moyses discending frome ye mont sina brak ye tables of ye law befoir Christ. 508 12 S. Hermagoife bischop of aquilege disciple to S. Mark euangeliste Mart, vnder nero. 63 13 S. Anacletus pape and Mart, vnder domitiane. 82 S. Anacletus pape and mart, vnder domitiane. 71 14 S. Phocas bischop of siuopis mart, vnder Traianus. 119 S. Bonauentura Cardinal confess, vnder Rodolph. 1275 15 The 9. virgines dochters to s. donewalde vnder king eugenius ye 7. In Scotland. 712 The departing of ye apostls in ye haiU world to preche vnder Claudius. 45 Jerusalem was takin be ye Christianes vnder godefride of beloinge. 1099 16 S. Eustachius bischop of antioche confess, vnder Con- stantius. 329 17 S. Alexius confess, at rome vnder Arcadius. 398 18 S- Thennow vidow mother of s. mungo vnder king Euge- nius 2. In scot. 445 S. Matemus bischop disciple to s. peter vnder Nero. 51 19 S. Epaphras bischop of ye colossians ordineit be S. Paule and mart, vnder Nero. 70 158 ADAM KING'S KALENDAR. IvLii hath 31 Dayis. S. Symmachus pape vnder Anastasius. 502 20 S. Joseph callit iustus mart, in lewriland vnder vespatiane. 73 S. Margarite virgin and mart, at antioche vnder maximiaus. 243 21 Daniel ye prophete befoir Christ. - 527 S. Praxedes virgin at rome vnder Antonius pius. 141 22 Marie Magdalene quha diet at Marsils in france vnder titus. 84 23 S. Apollinaris bischop of rauenna ordineit be s. peter and mart, vnder vespatiane. 74 24 S. Christana virgin and mart, at tyrus vnder dioeletiane. fast. 285 25 lames Apostle brother to s. Ihone mart, vnder herode at lerusalem. 45 26 S. Anne ye mother of our lady vnder Augustus. 1 27 S. Pantaleemon mart, at nicomedia vnder dioeletiane. 307 Nehemias bigowth to repaire lerusalem befoir Christ. 453 28 S. Victor pape and mart, vnder seuerus. 195 S. Innocentius pape confess, vnder honorius. 416 29 S. Die king of swadine and mart, vnder Conradus. 1028 30 SS. Abdon and sennes martt. at rome vnder decius. 254 31 S. Germane bischop of antisiodore, vnder theodosius catho- licus. 422 AVGVST HATH 31 Dayis. Lawmesse Day quihen s. P^ter was castin in prisone be herod vnder Claudius. 45 The 7. brether of ye Machabetis was martyriseit with yair mother and maistair eleazarius be antiochus befoir Christ. 165 S. Steine pape and Mart, vnder valeriane. 256 The romanes was defait be hannibal at ye Cannes befoir Christ. 212 The finding of ye bodie of S. Steine first Mart, at lerusale vnder honorius. 415 ADAM KING'S KALENDAE. 159 AvGVST hath 31 Dayis. 4 S. Dominik Institutour of ye blak frereis vnder friderik 2. 1221 S. Aristarchus disciple to S. Paule bischop of ye thessa- lonians vnder nero. 67 5 S. Osualde king of Ingland Mart, vnder Constantiae 3. 643 6 The transfiguratione of Christ on ye hUl Thabor vnder Tiberius. 32 S. Sixtus II. pape and Mart, vnder decius. 257 S. hormisda pape vnder zeno. 516 7 S. donatus biscop of aretium and Mart, vnder luliane ye apostat. 362 lerusalem with ye temple of Salomon was brownt be ye Chaldeans befoir Christ. 566 8 S. Cyriacus Mart, at rome vnder diocletiane. 285 9 §. Eomane man of veir conuertit be ye cofessione of S. laurence Mart, at rome vnder decius. fast. 252 10 S. Laurence archidiacon and mart, at rome vnder decius. 252 S. Blane bischop and confess, in Scotland quhom fra doblane is named vnder kink kennete 3. 1000 King franfois 2 spouse to quene marie of Scotland deit impoisoneit. 1536 11 S. Susanna niepce to s. Gains pape and mart, at rome under diocletiane. 302 The resaiwing of ye crowne of thomes quhair with our lord was crowneit fro ye infidels be s. ludoik king offrace. 1232 12 S. Claire virgin vnder conradus 4. 1253 13 S. Hippolitus Mart, at rome vnder decius. 258 14 S. Eusebius preist and confess, at rome vnder constantius arrianus. 347 S. Gregorius preist and Mart, at rome vnder ye same emperour. fast. 347 15 The Assumptione of our lady vnder Tiberius caUit first lady day. 35 16 S. Vrsatius heremeit and confess, vnder liciuius. 256 S. Amulphe bischop of metz confess, vnder constantinus 4. 641 S. Rock confess, at lion in france vnder friderike 2. 1322 160 ADAM KING'S KAIJINDAE. AvGVST hath 31 Dayis. 17 S. Mametes baime and mart, at Csesarea cappadocise vnder Aurelianus. 271 S. lero preist and mart, in holland vnder ludouik ye 2. 870 1 8 S. Inane confess, at iruine in Scotland vnder king kennede ye I. 839 S. Agapitus mart, at praeneste vnder Aurelianus. 271 19 S. lulius senatour ad mart, at rome vnder Commodus. 187 S. Andro coronelle of men of weir mart, with 2597. of his armie vnder avirelianus. 275 20 S. Bemarde abbot of clareual vnder friderik ye I. 1154 S. Samuel prophete befoir Christ. 1111 His bodie was transportit frome lewriland to thrace be Augustus Arcadius. 404 21 S. Anastasius mart, at salona vnder Aureleanus. 272 22 S. Sophronianus mart, at Augustodunum vnder Aurelianus. 274 S. Timothie mart, at rome vnder diocletiane. 308 23 S. Zachaeus bischop of Jerusalem ye 4. fra S. lames vnder Galba. fast. 68 24 S. Bartolomie Apostle mart. In ye indeis vnder vespatiane. 71 S. Erchade bischop and confess, in Scotland vnder king malcohne I. 933 25 S. Ludoik Idg of frace he deit ia afrik. 1227 S. Genesius mart, at rome vnder diocletiane. 306 26 S. Zepherinus pape and mart, at rome vnder seuerus and Antonius. 204 27 S. Makube heremeit and mart, be ye daneis at mame in scot, vnder king malcolme 2. 1024 S. Eufus mart, at capua vnder Titus. 80 2 8 S. Augustiue bischop of hippo in Afrik, doctor of ye kirk ane greit ennimie to all heretikis vnder Theodosius zotiger. 430 29 The beheiding or rather finding of s. Ihone baptiest heid vnder Tiberius. 31 30 S. Fiacre abbot and cofess. sone to Eugenius ye 4 king of Scotland he lyis besyd Meaux in France. 643 31 S. Aidane bischop of northumberland scotisman. vnder king donald. 637 ADAM KING'S EALEKDAE. 161 SEPTEMBEE hath 30 Dates. 1 S. Geles abot of arls in Prouance patro of Ediabourge vnder Charles ye greit. 788 losua conductor of ye lewis suscessor to Moyses deit befoir Christ. 1436 The 12. brether martt. at beneuentum vnder Valerianus and galienus. 258 2 S. luste bischop and heremeit by Lion in France vnder Aurelianus. 279 3 S. Phoebe virgin disciple to S. Paule vnder Nero. 55 S. Serapia virg. and mart, vnder Adria. lis SS. Euphemia, dorothea, Tecla and Erasma martt. at aqui- leia vnder Nero. 64 4 S. MarceUe mart, at Cabilon vnder Antonius. 170 5 S. Victorin mart, at rome vnder Nerua. 98 S. Bertinus abot, vnder lustiniane ye 2. 698 6 S. Onesiphorus disciple to ye Apostols vnder Nero. 63 S. Lsetus bischop and mart, vnder zeno. 479 7 S. Ihone mart, vnder diocletiane and Maximiane. 306 S. Eegina virgin and mart, at augustodunum, vnder decius. 244 8 The letter lady day of harweist quk is ye birth of or lady befoir christ. 14 S. Adriane mart, vith vther 23. martt. at Nicomedia vnder diocletiane. 298 Jerusalem according to ye prophesie of christ was vtterly brount and distroyet be vespatiane. 73 9 S. Gorgone mart, at nicomedia vnder diocletiane. 288 S. sergius Pape vnder lustiniane ye 2. 702 S. Queranus abot in scotlad vnder king Ethus. 876 10 S. Hilarius Pape vnder zeno. 465^ S. Theodardus bischop of leodium and mart, vnder constans. 655 11 SS. Protus and hyacinthus mart, at rome vnder Galienus. 267 SS. FoeHx and regula mart, vnder diocl. 302 12 S. Guido confess, in brabate vnder Henry ye 5. 1112 13 S. Amatus bischop and confess, at dowa vnder lustiniane ye 2. 690 Y 162 ADAM KING'S KALENDAE. Septembbb, hath 30 Dayes. 14 The exaltatione of ye halie croce be heraclius callit hahe rude day. 614 S. Cornelius pape and mart, vnder deci. 252 S. Cypriane bischop of Carthage and mart, vnder Vale- rianus and galienus. 258 15 S. Nicomedes preist disciple to S. Peter and mart, atrome vnder domitiane. 90 S. Mirine abot of paslay and confess, in Scotland under king finbarmache. 369 16 S. Niniane bischop of Quhyteme and confess, in Scotland quhen as we was exyleid be ye romanes. 437 S. Eupheme virgin and mart, vnder diocletiane. 290 17 S. Lamberte bischop of leodium and mart, vnder pipinus. 760 The boUdmg of ye wallis of Jerusalem was perfaitit be nehemia befoir Christ. 453 S. Francis resaweit ye Impressiones of Christis 5. woundis on ye mont aluema neirby assisium. 1212 1 8 S. Methodius bischop of tyrus mart, at chalcis in greice vnder diocletiane. 301 S. satyrus brother to s. Ambroise confess, vnder valens and gratianus. 380 19 S. lanuarius bischop and mart, at beneuetum vnder dio- cletiane and maximiniane. 304 20 S. fausta virgia and mart, vnder diocletiane and maxi- miniane. 304 S. Eustache with his wyff ad bairnes martt. vnder Adri- anus. 18 Eomulus and Eemus was borne befoir Christ. fast. 770 21 Mathew apostle and Euageliste Mart, in sethiopia vnder vitellius. 60 22 S. Maurice with 6666. martt. at Sedimum vnder diocletiane and Maximiaianus. 307 S. Lolane bischop and confess. In scotlande vnder king dunkane. 1034 23 S. Linus pape success, to s. Peter and mart, vnder Nero. 70 S. Liberius pape and cofess. vnder luliane ye apostate. 362 ADAM KING'S KALENDAE. 163 September hath 30 Dayes. S. Thewnan abbot and cofess. in Scotland maister to king eugenius ye 6. 684 24 S. Audochins Thyrsis and foelix martt, at augustodunum vnder Aureliane. 274 S. Grerarde biscbop and mart, in hungarie vnder Nero. 74 25 S. Barre first bischop of Cathenesse and cofess. vnder king Malcolms ye 3. 1074 S. Cleopbas ane of ye 72. disciples of Christ mart, at Emaus vnder Nero. 69 26 S. lustiaa virgin mart. ,vnder diocletiane. 290 27 SS. Cosme and Damiane martt at aegea vnder diocletiane. 310 28 S. wencelaus king of Boheme mart, vnder otto ye I. 974 S. Machane bischop and cofess. in Scotland vnder king donalde. 856 29 Michelmes whiLk is ye dedicatione of S. Michelis kirk ia mont garganus vnder Anastasius. 500 30 S. Hieremie preist doctor and Cardinale of ye catholik and romane kirk vnder Theodosius zounger. 420 OCTOBER HATH 31 Dayis. S. Remy bischop of remys in france vnder leo zounger and zeno. 471 Pompeius effcer ye defait of pharsalia fled to ^gypt quhair he was beheideit be ptolomeus zounger befoir Christ. 45 S. Leodegarius bischop of augustodunum and mart, vnder constantinus ye 5. 480 The arke of ye couenant of ye lord was borne into ye temple of Salomon befoir christ. 1020 S. Dionyse areopagite bischop S, Paulis disciple and mart. in france vnder domitiane. 99 S. Francis institutour of ye ordre of gray freries confess. vnder friderike 2. 1226 SS. Crispus and Gaius disciples to S. Paule vnder Nero. 69 164 ADAM KING'S KALENDAE. October hath 31 Dayes.. 5 S. Placidus with vthers dyuers martt. at sicile vnder iustiniane. 547 6 S. Bruno cofess. institutour of ye chartreux mounkis vnder henry 4. 1086 S. sagax disciple to S. Paule vnder Titus. 83 1 S. Marke pape and confess, vnder constantinus ye greit. 336 SS. Marcellus and apuleius disciples to S. Peter and martt. vnder domitiane. 93 8 S. Triduane virg. in scotlad vnder king conranus. 532 SS. benedicta and pelagia virgiues and mart, vnder cams. 286 9 SS. Dionyse preist caUit rustike and Eleutherius mart, at paris vnder selianus hermanus. 120 Abraham deit befoir christ. 1837 10 S. Gereon with vthers 318 martt. vnder Maximianus. 303 11 S. Andronicus with vthers dyuers mart, at cilitia vnder diocletiane. 301 12 The 4976. mart, in afrike vnder hunerik king of ye vandals. 479 13 S. Conuallane abbot in Scotland and confess, vnder king Conranus. 527 S. Fincane and findoche virginis in Scotland vnder ye same. 526 S. Carpe, disciple to s. Paule mart, at troades vnder vitellius. 59 S. TheophUus bischop of Antioche s. efter s. Peter vnder selius aurel. 181 14 S. Calixtus pape and mart, vnder Alexander seuerus. 123 S. Donatianus bischop of Eemys vnder Constantius and Galerius. 308 15 S. Culmane bischop and cofess. in Scotland vnder king Conranus. 512 16 S. Galle abbot in. Scotland vnder king Conranus. 590 17 S. Eeule abbot in Scotland vnder king Eugenius ye I. 368 S. heron bischop of antioche disciple to S. Ignace vnder traianus. 119 The arke of noa destitut of waiter rested on ye montaineis of araxath in armenia befoir Christ. 2308 ADAM KING'S KALENDAR 165 October hath 31 Dayes. 1 8 S. Luck apostle ad Euangelist quha deit a bjlihinia vnder domitiaue. 90 S. Monon scotisman mart, at arduena vnder Arcadius. 404 19 S. Ptolomeus and lucius mart, at alexandria in segipt vnder antonius plus. 144 20 S. Caprasius mart, at egennes in france vnder Maxi- miniane. 306 21 S. Halation abbot and heremeit vnder constantius. 351 The 11000, Virginia martt. at coloinge in germanie vnder valentiniane. 450 22 S. Abericus bischop of herapolis disciple to ye Apostils vnder Titus. 85 S. Seuerus bischop of rauena vnder Caracalca. 200 23 S. Theodoricus preist and mart, vnder Iiiliane ye apostat, 366 S. Seuerine bischop of Coloinge vnder Theodosius Catho- licus. 384 24 S. faelix bischop with audactus and ianuarius preistis martt. vnder diocletiane. 301 S, Euergistus bischop of Coloinge success, to S. Seuerine mart, vnder honorius and Theodosius. 414 25 S. Mamoke bischop and confess, in Scotland deit at KU- maronoke in cuninghame vnder king Crathlinthus. 322 SS. Crispine and Crispiniane mart, at suesson vnder dio- cletiane. 301 26 S. Bean first bischop of murthlie kirk, whUk bischopric was transfereit to Aberdene vnder king malcolme 2. 1010 27 Vincetius, sabinus and Christeta martt. in spanzie vnder Kodolphus. fast. 1285 28 SS. Simon and iude Apostils and mart, in perse vnder Traianus. 103 S. Cyrilla dochter to Decius the Emperour martt. vnder Claudius. 271 29 S. Kenneir scotiswoman and ane of ye 11000. virginis mart, at coloigne vnder valentiniane. 450 S. Narcissus bischop of lerusalem vnder seuerus and Antoninus. 197 166 ADAM KING'S KALENDAE. OcTOBEE hath. 31 Dayes. 30 S. Serapio bischop of Antioche vnder commodus. 182 S. Tarkin bischop and confess, in Scotland vnder king soluathius. 889 31 S. Quintine apostle of Veromandia. mart, vnder Maximi- anus. 290 S. FoUlane bischop scotisman martt. in gennanie under iustiniane. 530 NOVEMBER hath 30 Dayes. Hallaw mes whilk is ye feist of al Sanctis institute be pape Gregore 4. fest vnder ludoike ye godlie. 835 S. Caesarius and lulianus mart, at terracina in italic vnder Claudius. 44 S. Beye virgin in Scotland vnder king donald. 896 The commemoratione of all saulis fidelis Institute festuall be pape Gregorius 5. vnder otto 3. 989 S. Maure virgin in Scotland quhomfra kilmaures in cun- ninghame is caUit vnder king donald. 899 S. Victorinus bischop and mart, vnder diocletiane. 301 S. Quartus bischop of berythia disciple to S. Paule vnder traianus. 94 S. Hubert bischop of leodiu vnder leo 4. 731 S. Englate bischop and confess, in Scotland vnder king kennete 3. 966 S. Pierius preist vnder PhiUippe empero. 249 SS. Vitalis and Agricola mart, at boulloinge in Italic vnder maximiane. 306 S. Zacharia prophete s. Ihone baptist his father vnder Tiberius. 14 S. Malachie bischop in. Irland. 1143 S. Leonarde confess, vnder Anastasius. 404 S. WUbrodde bischop and confess, in frisland scotisman vnder Iustiniane. 688 Prosdocimus bischop of padua ordineit be s. Peter vnder Titus. 82 ADAM KING'S KALENDAR 167 November hath 30 Dayes. S. Engelbertus archbischop of colonia agrippina and mart. vnder friderike 2. 1225 8 SS. Claudius, Nicostratus, Simphorianus, Castorius and simplicius mart, vnder diocletiane, 301 S. Moroke confess, in Scotland vnder king Achaius. 817 S. Geruade confess, and bischop of murray vnder king Achaius. 812 9 S. Theodore Mart, vnder Maximianus. 307 10 S. Triphon respicius and Nympha mart, vnder decius. 252 lis. Martine bischop of Tours in France vnder Theodosius, caUit Martimes. 386 S. Mennas, mart, in Phrygia vnder diocletiane. 301 12 S. Martine pape and mart, vnder costantius. 652 S. Machare bischop and confess, vnder king soluathius in Scotland. 887 S. Leuine bischop and mart, at gent in Flanders scotis- man vnder Theodosius. 384 13 S. Kihane, bischop and confess, in Franconia scotisman vnder lustinian. 2. 687 S. DeuinLke bischop and confess, in Scotland vnder king soluathius. 887 14 S. Clementinus Theodatus and phUominus mart, vnder Nero. 70 S. Middame patron of fiUorthe bischop and confess, in Scotland vnder king conranus. 503 15 S. Mathute scotisman bischop and cofess. at Santonas vnder iustiniane. 553 S. Fcelix bischop of nola in Italic vith vther 30. mart. vnder Maximinus. 284 16 S. Margeret queue of Scotland spouse to king malcolme ye 3. this day scho deit. 1097 S. Eucherius bischop of lion in france vnder Valentiniane and Martianus. 453 17 S. Dinyse bischop of Alexandria confess, vnder valerianus and galienus. 258 S, Anianus bischop of Orleans in france vnder honorius. 404 168 ADAM KING'S KALENDAE. * November hath 30 Dayes. i S, Gregore callit Thaumaturgus bischop of neocaesarea mart, vnder galienus. 267 S. Terguse bischop and cofess. in Scotland Patron of glames vnder king Conranus. 505 18 SS. Eomane and barula mart, at antioche vnder dio- cletiane. 291 19 S. Pontiane pape mart, vnder Maxi. 236 S. Gelasius Pape vnder Anastasius. 495 20 S. Maxence dochter to ye king of Scotland and mart, at ye brige callit frome hir brige of S, Maxence in france vnder constantinus. 742 S. Proclus patriarche of Constantinople vnder Valentiniane. 438 21 The presentation of our lady in ye temple vnder Augustus institut festuaU be Pape pius 2. 1464 22 S. Cicile virgin and mart, at Kome vnder Adrianus. 224 23 S. Clemente pape mart, vnder Tra. 99 24 S. Chrysogonus mart, at rome vnder Diocletiane. 302 25 S. Katherine virgin and mart, at alexandria vnder Max- entius. 305 26 S. Peter bischop of Alexandria mart, vnder Maximinus. 306 27 S. Ode virgin dochter to ye king of Scotland vnder lusti- niane 2. 700 28 S. Sosthenes disciple to s. Paule vnder Nero. 52 S. Gregore 3. pape vnder Leo 3. 741 29 S. Satuminus mart, at Tolose vnder Nero. fast. 52 30 S. Andro apostle Patron of Scotland, mart, in achaia vnder vespatiane. 76 DECEMBER hath 31 Dates. 1 S. Eloy bischop of noion in picardie scotisman vnder con- stats. 657 S. Ansanus mart, vnder Diocletiane. 301 2 S. Bibiane virgin and mart, at Eome vnder luliane ye apostat. 364 ADAM KING'S KA.LENDAE. 169 December hath 31 Dayes. 3 S. Claude with his sones and 70. vthers mart, at Eome vader Numerianus. 288 4 S. Barbara virgia and mart, at Nicomedia vnder Maxi- mianus. 305 SS. Sophronius and Olimpius martt. at Eome vnder valerianus and galienus, 258 5 S. crispine virgin and mart, in Afrike vnder Diocletiane. 301 S. Sabbas abbot and confess, in cappadocia vnder lusti- niane. 530 6 S. Nicole bischop of Myra and confess, vnder constantinus. 343 7 S. Agathon mart, at Alexandria vnder Decius. 252 S. Ambroise was ordinet bischop of MiUane vnder Valen- tiniane. 373 8 The conception of our lady institut festuaU be Pape Sixtus 4. 1466 S. Eutichianus pape and mart, vnder Aurelianus. 282 S. Macarius mart, at alexandria vnder Decius. 252 9 S. Locadia virg. mar. at Tolete in spazie vnder diocletiane. 302 10 S. Melchiades pape and mart, vnder Constantine ye greit. 304 SS. Carpophorus preist and Abundius mart, vnder Dio- cletiane. 301 Bellisarius recowereit rome frome ye Gothis vnder iusti- niane. 537 lis. Damasus Pape vnder Theodosius. 387 S. Thraso mart, vnder Maximinus. 238 12 S. Paule bischop of Narbon disciple to S. Pavle ye Apostole vnder Nero. 5 1 SS.^ionisia Mercuria and ammonaria martt. at Alexandria vnder Decius. 252 13 S. Lucia virgin and mart, at Syracusas in sicUe vnder Diocletiane. 302 S. Autberte bischop of Cambray vnder Constans. 643 14 S. Drostane mounke and confess, in Scotland mother brother to king Achaius. 587 S. Spiridon bischop of cypre confess, vnder Maximiniane. 310 170 ADAM KING'S KALENDAE. December hath 31 Dayes. 15 S. Valeriane bisehop and confess, in afrike vnder luliane ye apostate. ' 353 1 6 S. Evirardiis duke of foroiulium and confess, vnder ludoike ye godlie. 840 The pandectis of ye ciuile law was publischeit be iusti- niane. 534 1 7 S. Lazarus quha was raisit frome daith be christ bisehop and mart, at marsUs in france vnder domitiane. 84 18 S. Manere bisehop and confess, in Scotland vnder king dungalle. 824 S, Gatiane bisehop of tours and confess, vnder Nero. 52 19 S. Nemesius mart, in jEgipte vnder Decius. 252 20 S. Ammon, zeno, ptolome, ingenuus, and theophilus, martt. at alexandria vnder decius. 252 S. Philogonius bisehop of antioche vnder Constantinus and Ucinius. fast. 318 21 S. Thomas Apostle mart, in ye indis vnder vespatiane, 75 22 S. Ethernane bisehop and confess, disciple to S. Colme in Scotland vnder king aidanus. 582 S. Schirion mart, at alexandria vnder Decius. 252 23 S. Victoria virgin mart, at rome vnder Decius. 252 24 The 40. virgin mart, at antioche vnder Decius. fast. 252 25 Zulday whUk is ye birth of our salueour lesus Christ vnder Augustus Caesar ye zere of ye world. 3962 Charles ye greit was declaireit Emperour ye first of ger- manie be Pa. Leo. 4. 801 Willame ye bastard of normandie callit ye conquerour haiffand conquesit ingland was crowneit king yairof 1067 26 S. Stewin first mart, in iewrilad vnder Tiberius. 34 S. Dinyse pape vnder flauius claudius. 271 S. Zosimus pape vnder Theodosius 2. 420 27 S. Ihone Apostle and Euangelist he deit at Ephesus vnder traianus. 100 28 The Innocentis whilkis was slane be king Herode. 1 29 Dauide king of iewriland and prophete before Christ. 1042 ADAM XING'S' KALENDAE. 171 December ha^ 31 Dayes. S. Thomas bischop of Canterbelrie mart, in Ingland vnder king lieiuy ye 2. 1174 The Code of ye Ciuile lawe was perfaitit and publischeit be lustiniane. 535 30 S. Sabinus bischop with vthers dyuers martt. at spoletum vnder maximinianus. 304 31 S. Siluester Pape vnder Constantine ye greit. 314 Nebuchadnezar beseaged ierusalem ye seconde tyme befoir Christ. 588 £©enolo0tum it)cotorum* X. MENOLOGIUM SCOTORUM In quo nullus nisi Scotus gente aut conversatione quod ex omnium gentium monimentis pio studio DEI GLORIAE SANCTORUM HONORI PATELE OENAMENTO Colligit Publicat S; Inseribit ILLUSTEISSIMO PEINCIPI M(EC.^aiATI SUO D. MAFSMO. S. R. E. CARD. BARBERINO Scotorwm, Protectori THOMAS DEMPSTEBUS BARO BE MUBESK, IC. Scotiis Profess. Emimens. Opus Ecclesiasticse Hierarchiae ac Monasticae vitse dignitati augendse hseresi in Scotia vigenti confundendae operose utile. BONONIiE, TYPIS NICOLAI TEBALDINI. M.DCXXII. ^perwrum permissu. m Illusteissimo Peincipi MAPHAEO S. K. E. CAEDINALI BAEBEEINO Scotorum Protectori ac Suo. Thomas Dempsteru». MiLLE & sexcentos Scotiae cives & ex Ms dclxxix Sanctos ad normam Martyrologii Eomani recensitos, tuis auspiciis, si tu addixeris, Princeps optime, recidivatu donare instituo, & omnes Europae gentes per- currens, tot retro saecula digero, utriusque exempla sexus conquirens, veteris Ecclesiae Scoticae typmn ob oculos pono, ut novatores con- fandam, omnes enim quos tac tabella oblatos vides, S. E. E. filii devoti & vel regnaiunt, ut sua omnia ad alterius regis gloriam com- ponerent, vel auctoritate Eomani Pontificis in terris Ecclesias rexerunt, vel monastico voto addicti in terris vixerunt, & in coelis debitum Sanctis operibus bonorem ab eadem sortiuntur, Et ut tu amplissima autoritate squaUidam nostratis Ecclesiae & desolatam imagiuem in nobis membris indignis, refocUlas & erigis, ita Sanctorum Scotorum precibus omnia fidens patrocinii adoream, quam mortales rependere non valemus, animae illae beatorum desuper distillabunt. Et ecce S. Principi Apostolorum Petro Eomae successerunt Inno- centius I., Bonifacius IL, Cyriacus, Clemens VI., linealiter a SS. Malcobno & Margareta regibus descendens ait Scotichronicon, sunt qui Adrianum IV. annumerent, sed apud me haudquaquam Kquidum reor. Petri eiusdem Antiochenam sedem tenuerunt Jacobus cum Ursulanis virgiueo choro associandus, Bemardus cognomento Sapiens bello sacro copiarum ductor, Simon de Kramonda Carmelitani ordinis omamentum. Constantinopoli ex aula Augusta secundam in terris sedem Anatolius est moderatus, praedatrici licet synodo Ephesi electus, tamen sanctissitno Leoni rationem fidei suae petenti tradidit, & ab ea pacificatorias accipere meruit. Si Italiam lustro, video cum voluptate summa Sybares noxiarum delitiarum oblitas, Dei verbum a 2a 178 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. Donate accepisse, & Ennii Rudias, & Lupios ab eodem edoctos, Tarentinos a Cataldo, Sutrienses a Deicola, Placentinos a Fulchio, Verbanos a Leuino, Faventiam ab ^miliano, Fsesulas a Donate Andrea & Brigida, Bobienses atribus Columbanis & Attala, Appennini incolas a Peregrino, Mediolanenses, Inalpinos & Ticinenses a Guni- baldo & Guniforte germanis. In Germania eminentissimi sunt fidei plantatores, & Ecclesiarum fundatores Scoti, Herbipoli sunt Kilianus, Totnanus, Colomanus, Erualdus, Burcbardus, Macarius, Christianus, Moguntiae Bonifacius tot gentium Apostolus, Lullus, Sigibertus Egebertus, Aicbstadii Vvillibaldus, Trebeti Doban, Argentinae Arbogastus & Florentius, Treveris Hildulfus, Geresina Siciliae regina & alii, Eatisbonae Gailbaldus & Eberbardus, Mykeleburgi Joannes, Saltzburgi Joannes alter, Constantiae tertius Joannes. Helvetii babent Galium apostolum suum, MarceUum Scbolarcbam, Eapertum Monacbum. Colonia Cyriaco papa gaudet, Jacobo An- tiocbeno Patriarcba, Ui-sula & magna sociarum eoborte Mim- boriuo, Helia et aliis. Fulda Eabano Mauro, Amnicbado, Mariano & sociis. Vindelicorum salutis author coluntur Beatus & Vinnibal- dus, Bohaemorum Adelbertus & Eudbertus, Avarorum Kunialdus, Noricorum Trudbertus, Bavarorum Otgerus. Notissimi sunt Pader- bomae Patemus, Erfordiae Adelarius : Vvendelini sepulcbrum in populosam civitatem excrevit, Althonis clari tituli : Austria Colo- mannum patronum & mart3rrem invocat suum. Amanus, Armualis, Corbicanus, Cbunilda pro fide omnes hie perpessi, Echarium vero tanti fecit S. Bruno, ut vitam actaque ipsius describenda putarit. Eusebium cognomento Inclusum cum apostolo suo Beato Ehseti venerantur : Valuidonun Foronnanum Vestphalia Geronem & Her- mannum, Vvigbrordum & Maurinum. Martis Castra Lucii regis cum sorore Emerita corpus beat, Viennae Macarius & Sanctinus magno pietatis fructu jacent. Per Belgium eunti occurrunt non singulares aJiqui viri sancti, sed cohortes & legiones integrae. Traiectenses ostentant VviUibrordum & Dysignatum, HoUandi Hieronem, Artesii Bertirium & Bertuinum, Friaones cum Bonifacio & Lii sociis martjrrii, Eichardima cognomento Sacristam, Egbertum & Herebertum, Ver- denses Suitbertum, Erlulfum, CeuHonem, Pattonem, Tanconem, Eor- tilam, Isingerum & Harruchum, Atrebatenses Celsum, ChUlenum Apostolum, Vulganium : Gandaui pretiosa est memoria Livini, Mach- MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 179 iniae Eumoldi, Valciodori Eloquii, apud Mosae accolas Fridolini tot csenobiorum fundatoris, in Hannonia Dysibodii, Oostkerkae Gutha- goni, Guidulfi, Ghillonis, quorum res Gregorius Dominicanus scri- bendas desumpsit : in eodem illo traetu Richardae Augustae eminet sanctitas, Leodii Odda virgo, Gerpiniae Rolendis, Ehodae Pleebelmi & Vvironis,Cameraci Autbodus Scotorum peregrinantium&euangelium seminantium catervas evocat, Adilia hospitio suscipit, Madelgarius Francus Palatinus & Hibemiae gubemator fovet, quorum duces Etto & Adalgisus. In Galliis quam nobile nostrates a pietate nomen adepti sint dicant Tullenses, quos Mansuetus principis apostolorum discipulus erudivit, Eoma emissus, in Burgundia Luxovium Scotorum est opus, Cistersiensisordovitam recidivam Stephano Hardingorependit, Fursaeo Foillano & Vltano principibus Mombolo & Mononi multa debet Picardia seu Morinorum regio, ut & Ingenoco, Madoco, Quada- noco : religiosissime Xanctones rexerunt Amual & socii, Altissio- dorenses Claudius, Eedonenses Marbodus Euanx, Ebegienses Faustus, Meldenses Faro, Chilleni frater, Nouiomum Eligius, Teroanam Vvin- fridus, Aletenses Machutus, Compendienses Eoselinus, Carpentor- actum Oronius Modestus, Taurinenses Claudius: Parisios iHustrat doctrina & sanctitate Alcuinus Caroli Magni praeceptor, cum sociis tribus Sanctis, Ebotomagum MeUanius Probus a S. Stephano I, P P. eo destinatus, prestites Lotharingiae seu Lotharii regni, Austrasiaeque sunt Amulfus nostratis Vvendelini frater, Lucia virgc cognomiae de Monte, Campaniae & Briae Fiacrius cum Syra sorore, Lingones tuetur Florentinus, confinia Alexander cum sorore Mechtilde qui octo poste- riores Eegum Hbeii sunt, ut & Clarus Normaniae patronus. Vellem Mc Scotorum pietatem intueri longius latiusque se expandentem & serio reputare quid Eemenses debeant Abeli, qui Sancto Eigoberto Franco successit, quid Macrae virgini Crathlinti regis filiae & Gutha- gonis sorori, BeUovacenses Maxentiae & Barbantio, Nannetes Similiano Ambianenses Firmino, Sansidonenses Sidonio, Dolenses Samsoni, Leonenses Golueneo, Nivemates Adeodato primum Eremicolae, tum antistiti ? In Hispanica historia plena quasi segete omnibus saeculis Sancti Scoti numerantur, sed cum iUa ad manum non sit, & sileant nostrates, alteri tempori cura ea reservatur, nunc autem unico exemplo ccntentus ero Gulielmi regis filii, qui Eremitica diu ibi vita tolerata clarissimum ei regno jubar splendet Sordere diritate Mahometana 180 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. Graeciam oppressam non sinit Coelius Sedulius. In Britanniam Romani juris provinciam trajicio, & Albanum primum Martyrem cum suo doctore AmpHbalo Culdeo veneror, duos Davides habet Vvallia & Asaphum Kentigerni discipulum ; a csecis idololatriae latibulis ad veri boni culturam Mercii vocantur ab Adda Betta, Diuina, Cuthberto, Finnano, Aidano, Vvinfcido, qui populos pie instituerunt, & Ecclesias sancte rexerunt, quibus adde Saxonum decus Adelmiun, Lindisfarnae Tudam Egredum Higbaldum, Bathoniae Bodecam, Leichfeldiae Trumherum, Coventriae Cellachum, Hagulstadae Eatam; Malmes- buriam fundat Maildulphus cognomento Paedagogus, Benchoram Congellus, Bosanbame DicuUus, Oxoniam Joannes, natione Scotus, cognomento Magister, regis Alfred! prseceptor & mart5T. Celebria in banc gentem facta sunt Cormani qui primus apostolus Aidanum prse- cessit. Etbelberti, Connani, Cibtaci, Boisili, nomina sunt inibi vivacia, Cantabrigiam pretiosum Pandionae virginis regis filiae corpus beat, Dunelmum Turgoti : sceptrum ipsum honorat MatbUda cognomento Bona, tot regum tot Imperatorum parens Malcolmi & Margaretae regum filia. Ulterius tendentibus in Oceano obviae jacent Haebudes & Acmodes feraciores sanctorum Scotorum quam glebae, ubi Macbillas Brigidam aliasque virgines primum velavit & post eum Aidanus : ubi Congellus, Catanus tot nullibus prefuerunt Monacbis : bic Blanus natus, cujus vita etiam a conceptione miraculorum plena : bic monas- teria populorum septentrionalium scbolae, regum Scotorum sepulturae. Sodorensi antistiti eo saeculo subjectae in Deucaledonio sinu Orcades fidem bauserunt a Macbuto, Servano & Nennio. Sanguine suo consecra- runt Adamus & Serlo : Fortunatae insulae salutis suae autores adorant Brandanos Malocum Molonatbum Moob & alios : Noruegia & Islandia grato pietatis affectu Magnum venerantur, Begam & Kentigernum, bos Serfus praecessit, secuti sunt Erlulfus & Buo. Hirlandia adbuc idola coleret, nisi Scotorum studiis longaque patientia veros Cbristi cultus accepisset, nam Patricius cum sorore sua Lupita & magna cselestique Scotorum patrum frequentia gentem eam, ut potuit, LX. annorum sudoribus, Euangelii luce perfudit, bic Daria sanctissimae Ursulae mater KUdariam a nomine & incolatu suo appellatam nobUitavit licet alii non ipsi sed reliquiis ejus eo advectis tribuant. Kenicus KiLkenniam bonorat, Eonnanus Kibonan, Carolus Corcagiam, Dutbacus universam terram Ulius Insulae Ulustrant, Ecclesiastica MENOLOGIUM SOOTICUM. 181 Hierarchia a Joanne Paparone & Joanne Cumino Cardinalibus Scotis : splendor hodiemus si quis sit, a Beato Eoberto Venantio, qui Didy- mus alter, trium Pontificum maximorum legatus, vitia multa populi clerique Hirlandici prsedicationibus piissimis detersit. Haec est ilia Hirlandia quae veteribus Hibemia & lernia nunquam Scotiae nomen habuit, licet Monacbi Scoti earn regionem instituentes omnes ordines a se fundatos Scotorum appeUatione honestassent. Portenta quae addunt de Scotia Minore et Majore, Veteri et Nova, quam a Geo- grapHs et Historicis sunt aliena, nemo melius Illustriss. V. D. novit, et ego paratus sum causa cadere, si unquam id ullius nisi Hirlandi, autoris loco ostendi possit. Verum e longinqua peregrinatione domum redeamus, et non omnia tempora actave percurramus, nee religiosas episcoporum, Abbatum, Monachorum aut Monialium sedes excutiamus, sed unicam illam aulam sub annum Mxc. intueamur, plura siquidem sanctitatis exempla unica ea suppeditabit, quam uUum totius orbis regnum, cum Roma omnis pietatis arce non con- tendimus ; ac primum Malcolmus conjugis suae Margaretae meri- torum ac vitae sequax, Alwinum Canonicum Eegularem suorum actuum testem habet ut et Ula Turgotum S. Andreae antistitem : ex eadem aula Bernardus in Orientem copias ducit,Rievallem Benedictinus Eabredus administrat, hujus soror Christiana, mater Agatha, virginei chori omamentum : David deinde regnat, eodemque Alwino utitur, et monasterio S. Crucis praeficit, ut et Everardmn Halincutstrain, et Simonem Soltreiae, fratres ejus, Vualthenus abbas, Edmundus monachus, uterque Cistertiensis, soror Mathilda ex sanetimoniali regina, tot regum et Augustorum parens, filius Gualterus ecelesiastici ordinis decus ejusdemque nepotes Malcolmus qui a puritate Virgo dictus, et Vvilhelmus a fortitudine Leo vocatus reges, cum illo Eduardus Aberdoniae praesul,cum isto Adamus et Grilbertus Catenesiae antistites, qui omnes sanctorum albo inscripti, plane decent, qualis reliqua regni facies sub talibus principibus fuisset, nam Mobile mutatur semper cum principe vulgus. Edgarum et Alexandrum reges Margaretae, ex Malcolmo liberos non advocavi, nee Henricum Huntintoniae comitem Davidis filium Mal- colmique ac Vvilhelmi patrem, et si Uli Ecclesiam Dei liberalissime ditarint, multaque monasteria condideriat, quia Sanctis adnumeratos non reperi, ut reliquos : non tamen praeteribo Edgarum omnium Scoto- 182 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. rum regum primum a S. Godrico S. Andreae episcopo inunctum : Tot sanctos unico saeculo non sparsim per totum regnum, sed in regia^ id est una in domo, et Scotiae gloriosum, et Deo acceptissimum cliarior- que eo nomine et conunendatior illustriss. V. D. tutela tanti regni esse debet, ut fuit semper, nee vero aliter sperare patiuntur Majores tui Barberini et Barbadori Florentinae olim Eeipublicae destinae, summo ea in civitate, Europae ocello, semper gradu, armormn et literarum exuviis inclyti, atque horum qxiidem clarissimum nomen est etiam a libertate nata, istis hsereditaria propemodum doctrina et per successores transmissa, ignorare hoc non possunt, qui Joanuem Bocacium mel merum Hetrusci sermonis legerunt aut heroica illius urbis acta perscrutari voluerunt, in quibus rara triumplii pompa sine Barbadoris aut Barberinis, nee alio nomine plxiries notati fasti. Atenim injurius sum qui ornamentum a decessoribus peregrinum Illustriss V. D, inquire, cum ipsa sit omnia solidae virtutis, erudi- tionis, humanitatis, religionis epitome, ut literati per Genium ipsius ejerare soleant et quod rarissimi exempli sed iagentium meritorum est, Transalpini pariter atque Itali sequali virtutis sestimatione paria eulogia ingeminant, nee ultima in hoc agmiae Scotia fiitura, si quos ego ex quatuor peregrinorum autorum millibus Scotos hos tuos sanctos fide magna, opera indefessa, eximio ia S. E. E. visibUemque Petri successorem et patriam meam affectu, ut offeruntur, suscipere ac tueri Illustriss. V. D. non aspemetur, et suos facers. Vale Msecsenas faventissime, Bononia Prid. Kal. Junias Die S. Simeonis Scoti Frisiorum Apostoli mddxxii. INDEX MENOLOGII SCOTICL Abel 20. Jun. 2. JuL 5. Aug. 23. Septembr. Actae 6. Aug. Adae 13. Sept. Adalbert! 23. Ap. 25. Jun. 20. Oct. Adamanni 31. Jan. 22. 23. Sept. Adanmani 31. Jan. 23. Sept Adalgisi 2. Jun. Adelarii 20. Apr. Adeodati. 19. Jun. Adelmi 25. Mail, Adriani 4. Mart. 1. Apr. 2. Aug. AdiHae 30. Jun. 6. Dec, Aegidii 1 . Sept Aemiliani 6. 12. Nov. Aidani 31. Aug. Alcuini 19. Mali. Albuini 5. Mart. 26. Oct Albani 22. Jun. Althonis 7. Febr. 15. Sept Almi 13. Deer. Anmichadi 30. Jan. 1. Feb. Andreae 4. 26. Aug. 17. Sept. 30. Nov. Alfred! 23. Jul. AmpMbali 24. 26. Jun. Anatolii 13. Apr. 8. Oct Anonymi 12. Jan. 5. 19. Jan. AriTiiaTii 16. Dec. AnnualU 2. Octob. Angeli custodis 1. Mar. Antoninae 19. Jan. Arbogasti 21. JuL Amualis 2. Oct Amulfi 1. MaiL 18. Jul. 16. Aug. Asaphi 1. 2. Mail. Attalae 10. 30. Mart. Auguli 7. Feb. Aurelisa 15. Oct. Authodi 21. Nov. B Baldredi 6. Mar. Bamiti 5. Jan. 6. Aug. Barbantii 24. Octob. Barnabas 11. Jan. Barreae 23. Aug. 24. Sept. Barri 25. Sept Batheni 5. 7. Jun. 11. Sept Beani 26. Octob. 16. Dec. Beati 9. Mail. Begae 6. Sept Bedae 10. Mali. 26. MaiL Beuedictae 21. Oct. Berthami 6. Apr. Bereoti 24. Feb. Bertini 2. MaiL 16. Ju. 16. Jul. 5. Aug. Bemardi 15. JuL 10. Dec. Eenigni 8. Aug. Bertuini 16. Mail. 11. Sep. 11. Nov. Bettae 14. Aug. Bey 1. Nov. Bigitani 15. Jan. Blak 7. Jan. Blaani 19. JuL 10. Aug. Blanci 3. Mart. Boisili 7. Aug. Bothani 18. Jan. Brandani 11. Jan. 16. Mail. 14. 18. Jun. 19. 20. Dec. Brigidae 1. Feb. 20. Aug. ( P. P. 16. Mart. Bomfacii < Germaniarum Apost 5. 19. ( Jun. 1. 30. Nov. 2. Dee. 184 INDEX MENOLOGII SCOTICI. Brixii 12. Aug. Burchardi 2. 25. Feb. 11. 14. Oct. Caducani 20. Jan. Cauonici Kegul. 19. Apr. Calani 28. Nov. Candidi 3. Mait. Caroli 28. Dec. Camoci 15. Jim. Catani 17. Mail. Cataldi 8. 10. Mali. Ceddae 2. 3. Mart. Celsi 26. JuL CeUacH 14. Feb. Ceolfridi 25. Sep. 26. Oct. Chilleni 13. Nov. Cemlonis 21. Aug. ClriBtianse 7. Sept. Christiancise 21. Oct. Christiani 11. Aug. Chionani 8. Mar. 8. Apr. Chroniaci 21. MaiL Clari 18. Febr. 18., Jul. Claudii 20. 30. Mart. CleomatsB 21. Oct. Colman 18. Feb. 7. Jn. 9. 13. 15. Octr. Colmoci 4. Mail. Colonati 17. Mart. Cobni 6. Jun. Columbae 9. Jun. Columbani 13. Feb. 31. Aug. 15. Sep. 21. 22. Nov. Comi 9. Jun. ComogeUi 20. Dec. Comini 16. Oct. Congani 24. Nov. Conuani 14. Oct. 24. Dec. Conani 8. Mart. Connani 24. Nov. CongaUi 12. Mail. Congelli 10. Mart. 10. Mali. Constantini 11. Mart. Constantinae 21. Oct. Conuallani 13. Oct. ConuaUi 8. Mail. 2. Jun. 13. Oct. Corbicani 25. Jun. Cormani 12. Mart. Crucis 9. Mail. 17. Sep. Cuthberti 19. Mar. 4. Sep. Cyriaci 28. Apr. 21. Oct. D Dagami 22. Mart. Damiaoi 1. Jun. Darise 21. Oct. Davidis regis 3. Jan. 24. 26. Mail. 14. Sep. Davidis episcopi 4. Jan. 1. Mart. 30. Mail. Davidis martyris 23. Dec. Deicolae 18. Jan. 19. Jun. Derdulacbae 1. Feb. Deuinici 13. Nov. Diculli 11. Feb. 1. Jun. Dimai 16. Nov. Donani 17. 18. Apr. Donati 22. Octob. Donortii 20. Aug. Dorani 2. Nov. Doneualdi 15. Jul. Domitii 21. Apr. Drostani 28. Jan. 19. Nov. 14. 20. Dec. Durei 27. Jan. Duthaci 8. Mar. 11. Sep. Dunstani 28. Jan. 16. Nov. Dympnae 15. 20. 30. Maii. Dysibodi 8. Jun. 8. Jul. 8. 28. 29. Sep., 1. Nov. E Eatae 7. Maii. Egbert! 24. April. 25. Jun. 15. Nov. Ealredi 5. 15. Jan. Ecclesiae dedicatio 15. Jan. 5. Mar. 22. 26. April. 6. 16. 30. Jul. 11. 26. Nov. 13. Dec, Ebbae 22. Aug. Echarii 25. Aug. Edilti-udis 18. 23. Jun. Egeberti 15. Nov. Egredi 25. Aug. Elisii 15. Jan. 16. Oct. Eligii 14. Maii. 25. Jun. 1. Dec. Eloquii 8. Oct. 3. Dec. Emeritae 26. Maii. 3. Dec. Englatii 26. Sep. 3. Nov. Eoglodii 3. Oct. Erenei 15. Feb. Erentrudis 30. Jun. 3. Sep. Eriulfi 22. Jan. Erthadi 24. Jul. 24. Aug. Erwaldi 19. Jan. Ethelredae 29. Aug. Ethemani 24. Jan. 22. Dec. INDEX MENOLOGII SCOf ICI. 185 Ettonis 10. Jul Eunochi 2. Oct. Euerardi 9. Mali. Eusebii 30. Sep. Euchini 28. Aug. Eustasii 29. Mar, 12. Oct. Failbei 25. Jan. 3. Jun. 6. Oct. Faronis 28. Oct. Fausti 17. Jan. Fiacrii 30. Aug. Fidelia 23. Mali Filani 9. Jan. Findbam 25. Sept. Finnani 16. 23. Feb. 16. 18. Mart. Fintanae 13. Oct. Fintani 17. Feb. 15. Nov. Firmini 3. Jan. 25. Sep. Florentii 10. Maii. 7. Nov. Florentini 26. Jan. Foillani 16. Jan. 3. Sep. 30. 31. Oct. Forannani 30. April Fothadi 4. Jun. Fredegandi 17. JuL 4. Dec. Franeisci 21. Feb. Fridolini 3. Jan. 6. 7. Mart. Fulchii 26. Oct. Furssei 16. Jan. 4. 25. Feb. 28. Sep. G Oallani 2. Sep. Galli 20. 28. feb. 16. 17. Oct. Oalteri 3. Mali. Geresinae 12. feb. Gerebemae 15. 20. 30. Maii. Geronis 19. Feb. Gemadii 8. Nov. GMUonis 1. Oct. Germani 5. Dec. Gibriani 8. Maii. Gilberti 4. Feb. 1. April. GUdae 29. Jan. Gisibaiii 10. 24. Sep. Gobbani 23. Nov. Golgi 29. Nov. Godrici 21. Maii. Goluenei 24. 27. Jun. Goscelini 17. Mart. GuUelmi 6. Jan. Guinothi 13. Apr. Gunibaldi 8. Feb. Gunifortis 22. Aug. Guidonis 17. Jun. Gundiberti 29. Mail. Guthagoni 3. Jul. 1. Oct. H Hamiltonii 7. April. EarrucM 15. Jul. Hebredi 29. Dec. Helani 7. Oct. Heliae 3. 12. April. 11. Nov. Heine 31. Aug. Hermanni 2. April. Eieronis 17. Aug. Higbaldi 13. Aug. Hildulfi 23. Jun. 11. Jul. 8. Nov. HuneUni 10. Mart. Hildeberti 21. Dee. Hngonis 1. Jan. I lacobi 25. Jul. 21. Oct. Imago Deiparae 12. Dec. Inani 18. JuL 18. Aug. Innocentii 14. Maii. 28. JuL loannis 7. Jan. 28. Feb. 10. Nov. bis 7. April. 8. Aug. 8. Nov. 15. Dec. lonae 28. Jun. Ingenoci 10. Feb. Isingeri 21. Mart, ludoci 13. Dec. K Eanici 11. Oct. Kennethi 9. Mar. Kennothae 13. Mart. Kentigemi 13. Jan. Kenneirae 29. Oct. Kentillae 28. April. Eeuini 3. Jun. Kiliani 13. Feb. 8. Jul. 13. Nov. Eiriani 5. Mart. Kortilae 28. Mar. Kundocaris 9. Apr. Eunegundis 16. Jun. 3. Jul. Kunialdi 12. 24. Sept. Eunerae 5. Jan. 12. Jun. 28. Oct. Lacini 19. 20. Mar. Laclami 25. Dec. 2b 186 INDEX MENOLOGIl SCOTICI. Lanretanae virginis 12. Dec. Laustrani 11. Apr. Lesmonis 9. Dec. Leofronae 30. Jul. Liberti 14. Jul. Libuini 25. Jun. Liuini 27. 28. Jun. 16, 25. Jul. 11, 12. Nov. Lolani 22. Sep. Luoii 3. Dec. Luciae 21. Oct. Lulli 16. Oct. Lupitae 27. Sep. M Machuti 15. Nov. Maccsei 11. Apr. 5. Oct. Machillae 4. Oct. Machorii 15. Jan. 12. Nov. Macrae 6. Jan. Maglastiani 30. Jan. Magilmumenis 9. Feb. MaUdulfi 4. Nov. Magni 6. Sept. Makkessagi 10, Mart. MakuoloM 29. Jan. Malcallini 21. Jan. Malcobni 29. 30. Jul. 15. Oct. 13, 23, Nov, 9, 25, Dec, Malachi 10. Apr. Maldodi 14. Maii. Malimbsei 26, Jul, Mabrubi 27, Jul, 27. Aug. Manerri. 18. Dec. MarceUi 17. Dec. Marini 16. Dec. Mariani 29, Apr, 6, 10, Oct, Marise 18. Feb. 3. Maii Margatae 10. 19. Jun. 16, Nov, Mansueti 19, Mart, 3. Sep, Martini 4, Jul, 11, Nov, Mamani 2, Mart. Mamokdubi 22. Feb. Marnoci 8. Nov. 25. Oct. Mathani 12, Nov. Mathildae 16. Nov, MathuU 15, Nov, Maurae 2, Nov, Maurini 10, Jun. 13. Oct. Maxentiae 24. Oct. 20. Nov. Mazotae 22. 23. Dec. Medothi 31. Jan. Mechtildis 26. Feb, Medani 14, April, Mechtundis 16, Jun, 3, Jul, Mellanii 22, Oct. 22. Nov. Melchiadis 17. Nov. Merinati 8. Nov. Merini 6. Feb. Metbodii 14. Mar. Michaelis 18. Nov. Middani 19. Nov, Minnani 1. Mart, Mirini 15. Sep. Modani 5. Feb. 14. Nov. Modestae 4. Nov. Modesti 5, Dec, Modooi 23, Oct. 8. Sep. MolocL 1 6. Apr. Molonathi 25. Jun. Mombuli 9. MaiL 18. Nov. Mononis 18. Oct. Monani 22. 24. Dec. Moochi 19. Dec. Mordaci 5. Oct. Mottomagi 18. Maii. Moueani 8, Sep. Mundi 15. April. N Nanini 21. Sep. Nethaleni 8. Jan. Neoti 31. Jul. Nerii 14. Sep. Neuhal 3. Feb. Nicolai 9. Maii. 6. Dec. Niniani 16. 20. Sep. Nouati 20. Jun. Oddae 27. Sep. 27. 28. Nov. OdiUae 18. JuL 21. Nov. Odranni 27. Oct. Ogilbii 28. Feb. Odonis 25. Mart. Ogrini 26. Feb. Ogani 26. 27. Feb. Onani 23. Dec. Oronii 2. Sep. 5. 29. Dec. OrbiUae 2. Jan. 5. Dec. Osberti 9. Oct. 9. Nov. Osmannae 16. Jun. 22. Nov. Osualdi 2. Jan. 24. Mart. INDEX MENOLOGII SCOTICI. 187 Otgeri 10. Sep. Othae 13. Oct. Palladii 6. Jul. 10. Sep. 7. Dec. Pandionae 26. Mart. 25. Nov. Pantaleonis 20. Feb. 27. 28. Jul. Paschasii 12. Dec. Patemi 10. April. Patricii 17. Mar. 22. Aug. Patriciani 10. Oct. Fattonis 31. Mart. Petrani 5. JuL Peregrmi 16. Mail 1. Aug. 8. Dec. Pirminii 3. Nov. Plechelmi 15. Jul. Potentianae 19. Mali. Praxedis 21. Jul, Prisd 22. April. Q Querani 7. Jan. 9. Sep. Quintigemae 7. Jan. Quadanoci 22. Aug. 5. Nov. Quintini Kennedii 22. Aug. E Babani 4. Jan. 4. Feb. 19. Maii. Eaperti 22. Jul. 7, Sep. Reginald! 12. Feb. Reguli 17. Sep. 17. Oct. Bibiani S. JuL Kiarii 16. 28. ApriL Bichardae 18. Aug. 18. Sep. Richardi 2. Nov. 1. 31. Dec. Eoberti 13. Nov. 24. Dec. Bolendis 14. MaiL 13. Jun. Ronnani 7. Feb. 11. Dec. Rortilae 19. Sep. Eudberti 27. Mart. 20. Jul. 24. 25. Sep. Rumoldi 1. 24. Jul. 1. Aug. 18. Sep. 17. 18. 27. Oct. Euthii 27. Dec. S Sabinae 5. Nov. Sadoci 1. ApriL Sacerdotis 4. Mart. Samsonis 28. JuL Santannae 19. Nov. Sanctini 2. April. Sarani 23. Jan. 10. Mar. 18. MaiL Sedulii 13. Jan. 13. Jun. 28. Dec. Scaadalai 11. Jan. 6. Maii. Segenii 14. Jan. 7. ApriL Serfi 1. Jul. 1. Aug. Segeani 10. Jun. Senilis 21. Jun. Serlonis 13. Sep. 31. Dec. Seruani 1. Jan. 13. Maii. 31. Dec. Sidonii 24. Aug. Silani 31. MaiL Siluestri 11. Jun. 15. Aug. Siluenei 4. Jul. 15. Aug. Siluani 10. Jan. 14, MaiL Simeonis 31. MaiL SimUiani 16. Jun. Simonis 29. Sep. Solonji 19. Aug. Soghani 27. Febr. Sophani 27. Feb. Stephani 17. Apr. Stellani 29. Jun, Stolbrandi 2. Jan. Suiberti 1. Mar. 4. Sep. Summiuae 8. Jul. Syrae 8. Jun. T Tanconis 13. 16. Feb. Taraghtae 4. Feb. Tarkini 30. Oct. Tamani 12. Jun. 1. JuL Tergusi 17. Nov. Thebaculi 9. Jul. Theliai 26. Dec. Theomatae 21. Nov. Thennae 18. JuL Thevvnani 23. Sept. Theodori 7. 19. Mar. 9. 17. 19. Septr. Thomae Lawdir 4. Nov. Tigemaci 4. Apr. 5. Maii. Tigemasi 5. Apr. Totnani 17. Mart. 13. Feb. 8. Jul. Trumwini 2. Dec. Tresani 3. Dec. Triduanae 8. Oct. Tudae 21. Oct. Tyn*6 1. Jan. Turiani 13. Jul. Turgoti 23. Oct. 9. 16. Nov. 188 INDEX MENOLOGII SCOTICI. V w VvaJpurgae 25. Feb. 27. Apr. 1. Mali. 4. Aug. 21. Sept. Vvaltheni 22. Mali. 12. Jul. 3. 4. Aug. Vvasnulphi 10. Jan. 1. Oct. Vdardi 5. Jul. Vvendelini 21. Oct. Verani 11. Sep. 11. Nov. 3. Dec. Vrrenae 21. Oct. Vigiani 4. Jan. Vvillielnii 6. Jan. 22. April. "Vigbrordi 27. Maii. VviUibaldi 1. Maii. 7. Jul. 8. Nov. Vvinibaldi 1. Maii. 24, Sep. VviUibrandis 16. Jun. 3. Jul. VviUibrordi 19. Oct. 6. 7. 21. 22. No. Vviltridi 24. April. Vimini 21. Jan. Vvinfridi 3. Jan. Vvinini 6. 28. Maii. Vvinniani 13. Jul. Vvinoci 23. Mar. 18. Sep. 6. Nov. 30. Dec. Virginum commemoratio 12. Jan. 8. 15. 30 JuL Virgilii 25. Oct. Vii^oi 11. Maii. Vltani 1. 2. MaiL Vvironis 8. Maii. Vvlganii 29. Oct. 2. Nov. Vrsulae 21. Oct. 19. Jun. £©enolostum ^totitnm. JANUAKIUS. I. In Insulis Scoticis Servani Orcadum ApostoK T. BT. F. in Maikos Tynae cognomento Boni S. Vvaltheni discipuli & Cellerarii. S. In aestuario Bodotriae Hugonis Maiae Prioris qui obiit anno 1269, S. F. II. Brechini Stolbrandi Maxtyris translatio facta per Albinum Episcopum loci. C. B. OrbUlae virgiriis. B. Legatio S. Osuualdi regis Angliae ad Scotos pro fide indipiscenda & mittendis doctoribus. S. C. III. Davidis regis ex Anglica captivitate reditus. H. Wiafridus regis filius priori nomine deposito Fridolinus vocatur. Bruscb. IV. Abirbrotbi natalis Vigiani monacM Cluniacensis & Episcopi, e cujus coemiterio crux nulla vi baereticorum aveUi ac ne iucendi qui- dem, licet lignea, unquam potuit. C. Bencborae in AngHa Davidis episcopi. B. Fuldae obitus Hrabani Maxiri Abbatis, Arcbiepiscopi Moguntini & Academiae Parisiensis fundatoris. YV. V. KievaUe Ealredi Abbatis qui SS. Malcolmo & Margaretae regibus cbarissimus. Licostb. opido Keinen elevatio Kunerae virgiois S. Ursulae comitis, & came propinquae, quam decenter coUocavit S. WiUibrordus. ML. in Axgadia Bamiti S. Brandani socii. B. VI. In Catbenes GuHebni Episcopi. K. Ehemis Macrae virginis & Martyris, quae Cratblinti regis filia cum fratre S. Gutbagono patriam egressa, a Bictiovaro praeside caesa. M. B. VII. Glascoae Quintigemae viduae. K. Edimburgi Beati Joannis Blak Domiaicani Martyris sanguine & scriptis clarissimi. C. Aber- lemnone Querani Abbatis Culdei. B. IIX. In Scotia Nethaleni Episcopi qui cum S. Palladio floruit. K. 190 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. IX. In lacu Levinio natalis piissimi confessoris Filani Abbatis Argadiensis, ad cujus pretiosas reliquias magnus concursus fiebat. K. X. Dunblani Siluani ArcMepiscopi qui S. Kumoldo successit. B. in Belgio WasnulpM elevatio. ML. XI. Bamfiae Brandani monachi. W. Scandalai monacbi. C. XII. Duarum virginum soronun SS. Gunifortis & Gnnibaldi quae in Germania Martyrium passae. GuaU. XIII. Glascoae Kentigemi Episcopi & confessoris, qui Eugenii regis filius WaUos ad fidem convertit, & eonun Apostolus dici meruit. ML. In Graecia Sedulii Episcopi & confessoris cognomento Dei amantis, poesi sacra inclyti. Gropper. Ambiani natalis Firmini martyris & episcopi primi. Constant. Fel. XIV. In InsuHs Segemi abbatis translatio. C. XV. Dunkelden Bigitani episcopi & confessoris. B. Coloniae Vbiorum Martiniano Scotorum Coenobio coUocatio reliquiarum EUfii, quas ex Grandensi urbe Lotharingiae S. Bruno Archiepiscopus eo detuUt, ac deinde Walramus, ex poenitentia a Pontifice data, boc loco reparato Scotisque aeternum concesso, isto die pretiosum illud pignus decenter collocavit anno 936. B, Aberdoniae dedicatio Ecclesiae S. Macborii Metropoli. B. XVL Peronse inventio Furssei & FoUlani. W. XVIL Ebegii in Gallia Fausti episcopi & confessoris, qui S. Colum- bani praeceptor ex abbate Cirenense ad honorem episcopalem evectus est. N. XIIX. In Lamirmure Botbani episcopi & ccenobii sanctimonalium ei consecratio. B. Sutrii Deicolae Abbatis, qui S. Columbano successit, sed non Bobiensi. P, XIX. In Franconia Erwaldi Monacbi, gentis illius Apostoli. T. In Germania Antoninae Ursulanae. B. XX. Bencborae Caducani episcopi, qui Ottreidi principis Gualwei- orum frater, beUo civili pulsus, incredibili sanctitate floruit. C. B. Alan. Tur. XXI. In Scotia Vvimuii episcopi. K. Verduni Malcalini Abbatis, qui in Scotia natus regulari disciplina in Hibemia educatus. W. S. XXII. Verdae Erlulfi Episcopi & confessoris. B. XXIII. In Scotia Sarani Doctoris, qui suos ad Pascha Eomano more celebrandum induxit. C. MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 191 XXIV. In lona Ethemani abbatia & episcopi. S. B, XXV. In Argadia Failbei abbatis S. Columbae familiaris, pietatc mirabilis. B. XXVI. InLingonibus Florentini Regis filii cujus acta leguntur, & sepulckrum in amplum monasterium excrevit, miraculorum gloria fre- quentatum. B. XXVII. Georgii Duraei Dunfirmelini abbatis & martyris qui pro Christi fide cervices dedit. W. XXIIX. In Levinia Dunstani Abbatis qui regi optimo Aidano a sacra confessione fait. BT. XXIX. Makwoloci episcopi & confessoris. K. GUdae Quarti con- fessoris, Historiae etiam scriptione iUustriss. W. XXX. Fuldae depositio Anmicbadi monachi. W. in Kyntyre Maglastiani episcopi. K. XXXI. Coludii Adamanni abbatis. F. Insula Huyi Adamanni abbatis. B. Methodi episcopi & Culdei. B. FEBRUAEII. I. In Scotia Brigidae virginis, quae decepto sponso terreno, velum virgioitatis in InsuHs Scoticis Hebridibus a S. MacbUla accepit, iu cujus testimonium aridum altaris lignum attactu reviruit. M. Fuldae Anmicliadi monacM translatio. Cratep, Frisingae Dardalucbae vir. B. II. Herbipoli natalis Burcbardi episcopi, qui secimdus sedit. VV. III. In Scotia Neuhal Abbatis ab Hsereticis occisi. VV. IV. Peronae Furssei abbatis. VV. in Moravia GUberti episcopi, sanctissimi Scoticae Ecclesiae Vindicis. B. Moguntiae commemoratio Hrabani Archiepiscopi. W. Taraghtae virginis. MA. V. In Scotia Modani episcopi. K. VI. Merini monacbi BasUiani, qui Patris cum S. Regulo veniens pretiosas S. Andreae ApostoU regni protectoris reliquias intulit. BT. VII. Ronnani episcopi qui in Levinia excessit. C. Altomunster Althonis fundatoris. Hund. In Anglia Augurii presbyteri & mart. Gh. IIX. Com. Gunibaldi martyris, & peregriai. Guall. 192 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. IX. In Anglia Beati Magilmumensis, qui Doctor Scotorum audit. Ingulf. X. Atrebati beati Ingenoci abbatis S. Bertioi. B. XI. Bosanhami Diculli Eremitae fundatoris. Ferr. XII. Chanriae beati Keginaldi episcopi & CardinaKs. C. Treviris coenobio S. MattMae Geresinae reginae SicUiae S. Ursulae materterae, quae cum filio unico & quatuor filiabus eo venit, ac miraculorum gloria irmumerisque signis clara reputatur. B. XIII. Herbipoli Kiliani & sociorum Apostolorum gentis & mar- tyrum. W. Verdae Tanconis episcopi. B. Sutrii Columbani abbatis cognomento Eeclusi. ML. XIV. Licbfeldiae Ceolathi episcopi, qui postea Lindisfamam Archiepiscopus sanctissime rexit. C. XV. In Marria Erenaei confessoris & Eremitae C. XVI. Verdae Tanconis episcopi canonizationis festum. W. in Anglia Finnani episcopi & gentis Ulius Apostoli. K. XVII. In Scotia Fiatani prioris. ML. qui postea episcopatum gessit. Constant. Fel. XIIX. Inter Lutetiam & Ehotomagum clari Eremitae, qui regis filius Gulielmus antea dictus, dominae loci caecae oculorum usum reddidit poenitenti quem precibus ademerat peccanti. ML. BT. In Scotia Colmanni confess. K. Fodringbam castro beatae Mariae reginae passio, quae constans post xix. annorum durissimam haereticorum custodiam caesa est. XIX. Coloniae in monasterio Scotorum S. Pantaleonis Geronis abbatis ut in passione S. Maurini habetur. XX. In Helvetiis GaUi abbatis Eremitae & Apostoli. VV. com- memoratio capitis S. Pantaleonis, quod ad Scotorum Coloniae mona- sterium Henricus de Vlmine mUes attulit. ML. XXI. Aberdoniae beati Francisci SS. Trinitatis monachi, qui direpto ab baereticis monasterio suo, per gradus sacri loci tractus, eliso cerebro triumpbum duxit. C. XXII. In Banzenocb Mamokdubi Eremitae. S. XXIII. In Anglia Finnani eximiae sanctitatis viri. MA. XXIV. In Scotia Berecti monacbi. M. XXV. Peronae Fursaei abbatis translatio. VV. In Heidenheitn Vvalpurgae virginis & Abbatissae primae, quae fratrum suorum SS. MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 193 Vvillibaldi & Vvinibaldi res gestas historico stylo executa est. B. Herbipoli Burcliardi episcopi, qui S. Kiliano suceedens, gentis illius Apostolus, eum cum sociis elevavit. Galesin. XXVI. Lapiona villa Mechtildis virginis & regis filiae, quae cum fratre suo S. Alexandre mundi delitias spemens, in Eremum secessit. Cantiprat. In Grermania Ogani Antistitis, B. Ibidem Ogrini itidem episcopi & confessoris, cujus acta extant. B. XXVII. Rhodae Oddae virginis, loci patronae & regis filiae, cujus pretiosum corpus Otbbertus episcopus elevavit. Gh. Item Soghani & Sopbani episcoporum, quos alii praecedenti die locant. MC. B. XXIIX. Ad lacum Acronianum Galli Abbatis, qui S. Columbano Magistro Alpes trajiciente, ibi substitit. ML. Glascuae beati Joannis OgUbii Societatis Jesu presbyteri, qui celebrate sacro captus multarum noctium dierumque in somnio tortus, in foro publico vitam laqueo finivit, aut verius mutavit : extant Romae acta a seipso in custodia conscripta. MARTIUS. I. In Scotia solemnitas Angeli omnium bominum custodis a S. Davide rege introducta. S. Verdae Suiberti episcopi primi, prae- sente Carolo Magno canonizatio, VV. Menevae in Anglia Davidis episcopi. ML. In Scotia Minnani Archidiaconi. K. II. Eboraci in Anglia Ceddae Arcbiepiscopi, qui prius Orientalium Anglorum Apostolus, episcopus Leicbfeldise steterat. B. In Scotia Mamani episcopi & confessoris. K. III. Eeliquiae Ceddae in Scotiam Ulatae & in Dundrain religiose collocatse. K. in Appenini jugo Candidi confessoris, qui S. Peregrini famulus, ibidem cum eo requiescit, vulgo Blancus dictvis & Dno super- fuit. S. IV. In Maia insulo Adriani maximi Scotorum episcopi & mar- tyris, qui a Danis irrumpentibus, cum multis utriusque sexus miUi- bus & onmis ordinis caesus in coelum migravit. K. BT. Glascoae sacerdotis Anonymi martyris, qui a Barone Boidio captus, ad ludi- brium, ceu piacularis hostia, circunductus, una cum vestimentis sacris exustus. C. 2c 194 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. V. In Mailros consecratio Ecclesiae & confirmatio donationum omnium ei a S. Vvillielmo rege concessarum. B. Kiriani episcopi. Florar. VI. In Austrasia Fridolini cognomento Peregrini seu Viatoris, qui octo monasteriorum conditor & regis filius, gentium ad Mosam jacentium & Ehaetorum Apostolus censetur. VV. Prestoni Baldredi episcopi, cujus corpus, divina virtute, ad dissidia fidelium sopienda triplicatum reperitur. BT. K. VII. In Scotia commemoratio Theodori Archiepiscopi, qui ad Anglos Eoma destinatus, Scotiam accessu suo honoravit. B. Seckingi elevatio Fridolini Viatoris. K. IIX. Oppido Thana Duthaci Kossiae episcopi, cujus sanctitas cre- bris miraculis comprobata. K. in Scotia Conani episcopi, & Chronani monachi. BT. IX. In Glentanir Kennethi episcopi sanctissimi, B. X. In Vissenaken Himelini confessoris, qui nee a pontifice Komano, nee ab episcopo loci in Sanctorum album adscriptus, mira- cula tamen celebrem reddiderunt, & templa ei dedicata frequentantur. ML. In Scotia Sarani episcopi, cujus pretiosae reliquiae in Tung- land recondebantur. B. Bobii Attalae abbatis, qui S. Columbano suc- cessit, & Scotus putatur. ML. In Leuinia Makkessagi episcopi, cujus nomen a militibus operose imploratur, & ipse militari habitu, cum sagittis, arcu tenso, depingitur. K. Bencborae CongeUi abbatis fundatoris. ML. XI. Ad S. Andreae Constantini III. regis, qui monasticae quieti sceptrum postposuit. K. XII. In Scotia Cormani episcopi, Angliae ApostoH. BT. XIII. In Scotia Kenneir virginis sanctissimae. K. XIV. In Montanis Scotiae, qui Hibernia dicuntur, Medotbi. B. XV. Insula & monasterio Hui Albuini abbatis, qui praedicans foris euangelium Thuringiorum Apostolus est. T. XVI. In Memia ad Eosmarken natalis Bonifacii episcopi Eos- sensis, qui pontificatu maximo deposito, totam Scotiam concionando & mysteria sacra celebrando, pio labore lustravit. BT. K. B. Fionani abbatis, qui in Hibernia obiit. MC. XVII. HerbipoU Colonati monachi & martyris, Franconiae Apo- stoli, una cum socio Totnano. W. In Hibernia Patricii gentis Apostoli, MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 195' qui LX annos totos in ceruicis durissimae populo convertendo ad laboravit. M, in Mailros beati Jocelini abbatis & postea GrlascUensis episcopi, qui S. VviUelmum regem sacro fonte suscepit. H. XIIX. In Scotia Finnani episcopi & Northumbriae Apostoli. K. XIX. In Argadia Mansueti episcopi, qui rem Christianam, Con- cUio I. Turonensi in Gallia promovit, socius sanctorum Perpetui Turonensis, Guyaxi Rbotomagensis, Thalassii Andegauensis, Victurii Cenomanensis. B. Theodori Archiepiscopi. ML. Lacini seu Laetini episc. MC. XX. Dunelmi depositio Cutbberti episcopi, ML. In Scotia Lacini episcopi. Altissiodori Claudii episc. Academiae Parisiensis fundatoris. W. XXI. Verdae Isingeri episcopi septimi & confessoris. MA. XXII. In Scotia Dagami, qui episcopatum gerens, a sede Aposto- lica monitus, errorem, in paschate celebrando ex more Asiaticorum, deposuit. B T. XXIII. Bergis in Hannonia Vvinoci abbatis translatio. W. XXIV. Perthi in VaUe virtuosa beati Osualdi, qui Cartbusianos in Scotiam primus intolit. B. S. XXV. Dunfrisii beati Oddonis, qui Franciscanos in Scotiam invexit. S. XXVI. Rustica ad Cantabrigiam villa Pandionae virginis regis filiae, cujus acta Richardus Eltesleius scripsit. Pits. XXVII. Juvauise Eudberti Archiepiscopi primi, qui Ducum Scotiae sanguine ortus, ex sede Vvormatiensi, Bohaemorum & Boiari- orum Apostolus babetur, & sedem illam fundavit. B. XXIIX. Verdae Kortilae episcopi, qui sextus sedem tenuit. MA. XXIX. Luxovii Eustasii abbatis, qui e Scotia S. Columbanum secutus, in Burgundia beato fine odormivit. W. B. XXX. Bobii Attalae abbatis. M. Altissiodori Claudii episcopi, Academiae Parisiensis fundatoris. W. BT. XXXI. Verdae Pattonis episcopi sedes illius secundi. VV. 196 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. APRILIS. I. In Moravia Gilbert! Cathenensis Episcopi, qui Ecclesiam Scoticam contra Anglorum impotentiam pie & strenue tutatus. K. Adriani abbatis. B. Sadoci confessoris. B. II. In Scotia Hermanni presbyteri, qui gentem suam ad catho- licae Ecclesiae unionem in pascbate observando perduxit. B. III. Coloniae Heliae Scotorum peregrinorum abbatis cognomento Solitarii, spiritu propbetico clari, qui utrumque ccenobium S. Martini & S. Pantaleonis rexit. Marian. IV. In Scotia ad sedem animaxum Tigemaci abbatis, ML. V. Tigemaci episcopi. K. M. male Tigernasum vocant. ML. VI. Eirkuae Bertbami episcopi Orcadum sanctissimi. K. VII. In Insulis Scoticis Sigenii Abbatis. MA. In Scotia beati Joannis Hanultonii S. Andreae Archiepiscopi, & regni primatis, qui ab bsereticis arbori appensus, felici exitu functus est. C. IIX. Cbronani presbyteri. elevatio. B. T. Florar. IX. In Germania Kundacaris monachi & Apostoli qui dum gentem a caeca infidelitatis umbra in apertam Euangelii lucem trabit, Martyr esse meruit. B. X. Fuldae Patemi monachi cognomento Inclusi, miraculoso exitu perfuncti. VV. In Argadia Malacbi Lismorensis episcopi. S. ML. XI. Laustrani, qui Scotis suis veram pascatis observationem per- suasit. S. Insula Buta Maccsei vatis S. Patricii Hibemorum Apostoli discipuH. B. XII. Natalis Heliae Solitarii Scotorum Abbatis. Sigeb. XIII. In Eossia Guinotbi Episcopi. K. Constantinopoli confir- matio pacifica Anatolii Patriarcbae, quem Uteris suis apostolieis S. Leo PP. admisit, ut ex Epistola xl. liquet, & Zonaras miracu- lorum operatorem loquitur. Tom. iii. XIV. Medani episcopi B. BT. XV. In Orcadibus Mundi abbatis sanctitate mirabUis. K. XVI. In Haebud. b. Moloci episcopi, comitis & discipuli S. Bran- dani, B, XVII. Stepbani Hardingi Cistertiensis ordinis fundatoris. M. MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 197 Donani abbatis patroni in Achterles, cujus baculus circulatus 'cuilibet langori medebatur. K. XIIX. In Buchania Donani ejusdem abbatis elevatio. K. B. XIX. Cantuariae multorum Canonicorum S. Augustini Regularium, qui ad capitulum generale acciti a Barbaris martyrium passi sunt. P. Gh. XX. Herfordiae Adelarii episcopi primi translatio, qui Franconiae Apostolus, Scotis suis monasterium erexit. W. XXI. In Scotia Domitii abbatis S. Columbae discipuli. BT. B. XXII. DingwaUi Prisci Episcopi & Culdei. B. BT. XXIII. In Bohsemia Adalberti episcopi & apostoli. W. XXIV. Eboraci Vvilfridi Archiepiscopi, qui sacras literas in Scotia didicit. Malmesb. Domi in Sutberlandia Egberti presbyteri. B. W. XXV. Viennae Sanctini primi Scotorum abbatis. Laz. XXVI. Centula Riarii abbatis. Maurolyc. Const. Fel. Sconae monasterii dedicatio munificentia Alexandri regis praesentis sub annum 1124. S. XXVII. In Heidenheim nataHs Vvalpurgae virginis cujus gloria miraculis comscat. V. T. XXTTX . Verdae, KentUlae episcopi, qui Scotorum decimus earn sedem moderatus. B : Vvalpurgae virginis commemoratio. VV. lib. 4. cap. 28. Coloniae translatio reliquiarum Cyriaci PP. qui cum sedisset anno 1. mensibus 10. diebus 20. fastigio iUo cessit, & ad Martjrrium S. Ursulam secutus. P. unde versus in Chronico Chronicorum pag. 1261. Clemens Gyriace papatwm renuis Ad nutum Vrsulce decedens strenuus Triremihus ad Vbios. Centula Eiarii abbatis singularis exempli viri. P. XXIX. Fuldae Mariani monachi & historici clarissimi, qui Dionysii Exigui Abbatis Komani cyclum paschalem correxit, & reliquiae in Scotiam ad Crucem Regalem delatae. B. XXX. Valuidori depositio Forannani abbatis, qui episcopali titulo ad convertendas gentes omatus cum in Scotia Arcbiepiscopatum gessisset, ML. hoc est, cum Scotorum Antistitum maximus fuisset, cumtdatus gloria excessit. Gh. S. 198 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. MAIUS. I. In VVallia Asaphi episcopi & Apostoli, qui S. Kentigemum e patria secutus, nomen suum loco reliquit, in summa sanctimonia obdor- miens. W. Furnis Vltani abbatis qui fratribus suis SS. Fursaeo & Foil- lano regis Scotorum filia natis supervixit & Scotis monasterium erexit ML. Vvillibaldi, Winibaldi & Vvalpurgae translatio. ML. Metis Amulpbi episcopi elevatio, qui S. Vvendelini Scotorum regis filii frater scribitur, YV. lib. 3. pag. 346. In Scotia luctuosus Catbolicae Ecclesiae status diraque presulum, religiosorum, & Christiani populi persecutio, vera religione Apostolica Komana, publico trium ordiuum decreto, sic factiosi vetitos suos congressus vocarunt, Edinburgi exterminari jussa anno 1559, & Haeretici violentia, non rations vicerunt. C. II. SitMu Bertini abbatis elevatio, VV. Deirae Ultani Eremitae. K. In Vvallia Asapbi episcopi & apostoli, hoc die ibi culti. MA. III. Apud Pontiseram Gualteri S. Davidis regis filii qui episcopatu S. Andreae contempt©, monachum induit, & miraculorum gloria resplen- duit. VV. V. Lacu Levino liberatio miraculosa Beatae Mariae, regiuae quo majestatem suam Christianissimam perditi & improbi perdueUes subditi sui iatruserant, & divinitus egredientem Archiepiscopus S. Andreae suscepit, cum Baronibus Claudio HamUtonio, Setonio, Flei- minio, Heerisio & aliis, C. IV. Bamfiae Cobnoci episcopi, miri coneionatoris B. BT. V. In Scotia Tigemaci Abbatis inuentio. B. in Gareotha ad mon- tem Aureum Scandalai monachi. MA. VI. Votum recuperandae libertatis a Vvallasio emissum & S. Vvi- nino conceptum, contra tyrannidem Angli Edwardi Scotiam asserendi, Abingt. In Halutcustram Euerardi abbatis primi. S. VII. Hagulstadiae Eatae episcopi, qui ex Abbate MaUrosiae Apo- stolus Nordanymbrorum & Lindisfamae Arcbiepiscopus, inter clarissima Scotiae lumina censendus. Sur. IIX. Dumblani Vvironis Arcbiepiscopi, ut tunc moris erat nulli certae sedi alligati, qui etiam ab infantia miraeulis emicuit, Pipini regis confessarius. W. B. K. Ehemensi territorio Gibriani confessoris cum septem fratribus & duabus sororibus, qui omnes miracuHs iaclaru- erunt, & vel a sede Apostolica, vel a loci Antistite elevati, Sanctisque MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 199 adnumerati. ML. Tarenti Cataldi episcopi, Apostolici viri, depositio, qui lona Scotorum Insula oriundus, eo profectus. Gh, IX. Latioiaci Mombuli abbatis depositio. W. Apud Pebles Lau- doniae vicum, inventio & effosio mirabilis cujusdam sanctae Crucis. S. ibidem loci inventio & elevatio Nicolai episcopi & Culdei. S. In Hel- vetiis Beati viri integerrimi gentis illius Apostoli S. Petri Apostoli dis- cipuli, primi in occidente Monacbi, a sancto Bamaba Apostolo in Scotia preedicante conversi. M. ML. MC. X. Combas monasterio CongeUi abbatis, qui Bencborensem in Hibemia faimliam, amplius quam nulle monacMs ibi collocatis, fun- davit. ML. Tarenti inventio pretiosi corporis Cataldi Episcopi. Gh. Argentinae Florentii Eremitae & episcopi, qui cum Sanctis Hndulpbo, Arbogasto & Adeodato Scotiam egressus, sedem Ulam rexit, monas- terium Scotis condidit. Sur. XL In Murebulkmar Virgnoi Eremitae. Adaman. XII. Monasterio Sacri Nemoris Haly Woode Congalli abbatis, religiosa continentia clari. K. XIII. In Pomona Orcadum maxima Servani Apostoli. K. XIV. Eomae assumptio Innocentii primi ad Pontificatum Maxi- mum. Const. Fel. Dumblani SUuani viri religiosissimi, qui ex Archi- diacono factus est Archiepiscopus & S. Liuino Gandauensium Apostolo successit. B : Haraeus. festum ibi cum novem lectionibus. Gerpiniae inter Tudinium & Fossas Kolendis virgiuis, quae ia GaUia nobiUb. orta parentibus, cum a Scotorum regis filio ia conjugem expeteretur, maluit Christo nubere, ad quern in fuga terreni sponsi migravit. ML. In Hibemia Maldodi episcopi, natione Scoti, viri in omnibus sanctis- simi, qui miranda patientia et exemplo genti iUi prsefuit. MC. XV. In monasterio S. FUani occultatio Dympnae virgiois, quae patris sui regis Hirlandiae, idololatrae & iucaestum spirantis, amplexus declinans, ibi latuit. K. B, Ibidem Gerebemi presbyteri, qiu Djrmpnam erudivit & fugae comes & martyrii in Belgio particeps. B. XVI. Birra coenobio Brandani abbatis, vita & morte mirabilis. M. Mstoria tamen vitae ejus, & acta ab eo, ut referuntur, sunt apo- crjrplia : depiQgitur cum Merula dexterae protensae insidente. In Belgio Bertuini abbatis & apostoli. P. In Apennino inter Lucam & Mutinam Peregrini regis filii, qui iuauditorum signorum opifex, elevatus est a lxiv. Flaminiae aut iEmiliae episcopis. Peregr. Carpius. 200 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. XVII. Insula Buta Cathani episcopi, qui S. Blani ex Bertha sorore avunculus, unde Kilcathan locus dietus. Georg. Newton. XIIX. Euonii in Loma ConuaUi Archidiaconi, S. Kentigemi discipuli. K. Ad Mulum Galvviae Sarani episcopi. Pet. Canis : B. In Hibemia Mottomagi confessoris. Idem. XIX. Turonis Maiore Monasterio Alcuini Abbatis ex Leuita, qui Caroli Magni prseceptor & Academiae Parisiensis fundator, ex Acbaii Scotorum regis legato, hie depositus magnis virtutibus enituit. VV. ML. B : Fuldae depositio Hrabani Mauri Abbatis S. Alcuini in omnibus socii sed junioris. ML. Eomae Potentianae virgiois, quae S. Pudentis Senatoris ex Beata Claudia Scota filia. M. XX. In Belgio passio Dympnae virginis Hibernae quae patrem suum incaestuosissimum idololatram advenisse sentiens, e Scotia fugit, & hie Christo immolata est. Const. Fel. Ibidem Gerebemi presbyteri decoUatio hie Inuerlothaeae natus coenobii conditor. B. XXI. Manuallo monasterio Chroniaci abbatis & episcopi. B : Fano S. Andreae Godrici Eremitae & episcopi, prophetica scientia Ulustris. S. B. XXII. In MaUros Vvaltheni abbatis, qui regis filius ex sancta ilia & benedicta generatione Sanctorum Maleolmi & Margaretae ortus, episcopatum Santandreanum & Archiepiscopatum Eboracensem, cum esset canonice electus, respuit & indicato sepulchri loco, hie, hie, inquit, est requies mea : sic multorum miraculorum patrator obdor- mivit, tam munificus in pauperes, ut cum alimenta monachorum elargiendo consumpsisset, & arcta annona incidisset, fruges horreorum duplicarit. S. XXIII. Territorio Argentinensi natalis Fidelis Eremitae, qui sancto Florentio semper adhaesit, & eo ad honorem episcopalem assumpto, ipse quoque Archidiaconatum administravit. B : XXIV. Monasterio S. Crucis sub monte Doloroso natalis Davidis regis, qui regium patrimonium psene totum in Ecclesiam erogavit, episcopatus quatuor, monasteria utrique sexui septemdecim fundavit & ornavit. S. B : BT. Martyrologium loci. XXV. Shireburni Adhelmi Episcopi, qui cum S. Maidulpho Scotia egressus, Saxonum in Anglia Apostolus, claram miraculis vitam duxit. W. XXVI. In Mailros Bedae monachi Angli commemoratio, qui MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 201 aliquot annos ibi loci degit. S. Trimontii Emeritae sororis S. Lucii regis, quae eo fratrem Euangelii praedicationi intentum secuta, pau- periem Christianam splendori regio praetulit. B : ML. Davidis regis depositio. S. XXVII. In Boiaria Vvigbrordi gentis Apostoli. Laz. XXIIX. In Kintyre Vvinini presbyteri, eujus cellae adhaerebat fons omnibus languoribus & morbis inveteratis sanandis oportunus. H. XXIX. Ehemis Grundiberti martyris. B : XXX. Ghele pago translatio reliquiarum Dympnae virginis Hibemae, & Gerebemi presbyteri Scoti ejus institutoris & magistri, B : ML. In arce Santandreana martyrium Davidis Betonii, Arcbi- episcopi, Cardinalis, Apostolicae sedis legati, quern haeretici indigne babuerunt, strangularunt, e fenestra indutum purpura suspenderunt, & ne quid ludibriL sacrilegae impietati deesset, in os defuncti con- minxerunt non alia causa quam quia haeresim nascentem ingenti cura suppressisset, autores fuere diu antea meditati sceleris, feralis Ule Knoxius Calvini catulus, Normanus Leslaeus comitis Eothesii filius, Joannes ejus patruus, GuUelmus Kirkaldius Grangii hseres, Kirknaichel- lus & Georgius Sopbocardius vulgo Vvyssart Lutberanus, qui omnes misere, nullus sua morte, defuncti, & Sopbocardius ante scelus admis- sum haereseos crimine condemnatus, ultrici flammae datus, cum ad stipitem duceretur, Cardinalis mortem, ceu propheta, cum minis praedixit, quam sciebat inter nefarios jam conclusam. C. Tbuan. XXXI. In Frisia Simeonis, gentis illius Apostoli. Canis. SUani cognomento Peregrini & episcopi. MA. JUNIUS. I. Cummemaldiae Damiani presbyteri, qui S. Andreae reliquias a S. Regulo allatas recepit. BT. Bosanbame monasterio DicuUi Ere- mitae fundatoris elevatio. B : II. Monasterio divini juris ConnaUi episcopi, S. Columbae discipuli. BT. B. in Belgio Adalgisi Apostoli. ML. III. In Trioit depositio FaUbei abbatis. C. Keuini abbatis, in Insulis Scoticis oriundi. Girald. 2d 202 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. IV. Kilreuli Fothadi episcopi primi, qui in Scotia sedem certain habuerit, & ornamenta Ecclesiae suae multa contulit, inter alia Euangelium argentea theca inclusit, quae nomen ipsius praeferebat. S. V. Docko Frisiae oppido passio Bonifacii Archiepiscopi Mogun- tini Germaniarum Apostoli, & Apostolici a latere Legati, qui indo- mitae genti praedicans, peremptus est cum iii. sociis, qui omnes Scoti aut Angli, & instituti Benedictini fuisse produntur. V. M. W. Insula Himba Batheni abbatis, qui S. Columbae secretarius fait. N. VI. Kirkuae Colmi Orcadum Apostoli. K. VII. In Helvetiis Batheni abbatis, & S. Columbae discipuli com- memoratio, puto, importatis eo reliquiis. N. Lindisfamae Colmani Archiepiscopi, Northumbriae Apostoli,. miraculis inclyti. ML. IIX. In Belgio Dysibodi episcopi, qui multum in Hirlandia ad abolendos nefariae impietatis ritus adlaboravit. W. Sur. In Cam- pania Syrae regis filiae, S. Fiacrii sororis. ML. BT. IX. In Insulis Scoticis Columbae presbyteri admirabilis vitae viri, qui Hibemus ortu in Scotia xxx. annis haesit, regibus familiaris, oflBcia pietatis, quae Scotis Apostolis suis Hibemia debebat, indefesse rependens. M. V. N. S. Eodem die Comi abbatis. K. X'. Innerlotheae Segiani presbyteri, qui S, Honorii I. PP. literis admonitus, Scotos suos, ad pascatis Eomano ritu celebrationem ad- duxit. BT. B. Coloniae Maurini martyris in Scotorum S. Pantaleonis coenobio. W. In Scotia Margaretae reginae, quae per insidias fraude equitis Angli marito suo S. Malcolmo occiso, superesse noluit. BT. Const. Fel. XI. In Scotia Barnabae Apostoli, qui gentem eam a sanctissimo Apostolorum principe Petro aditam, postea penetravit & multos in ea ad Christum convertit, et in his S. Beatum, qui postea S. Petri. Eomae discipulus fuit & Helvetiorum Apostolus. MC. In Marria Silvestri S. Palladii Socii. B. P. XII. Kinkamiae Tarnanipictorum Archiepiscopi. K. Urbe Eeinensi Kunerae virginis Ursulanae per S. VviUibrordum Scotum Archiepis- copum translatio & reliquiarum collocatio. ML. XIII. Eelatio reliquiarum Sedulii in Graecia episcopi, quae in Kil- winniri monasterio reconditae. B : Gerpiniae Eolendis per Obertum Leodiensem episcopum elevatio. ML. XIV. Insulis Brandani abbatis. Maurolyc. MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 203 XV. Baraei in Marraea Camoci episcopi Culdei. B. BT. XVL Sithiu Inventio corporis Bertini. ML. Osmannae virginis. Sur. Erscheli elevatio virgiaum Ursulanarum Mechtundis Vvilbrandis & Kunegundis quae postrema celebrior ob processum extantem est. ML. apud Nannetes SimUiani qui abbas Cauriacensis S. Ethbini prseceptor, peregrinus in Aremoricos delatus, mirabili electione, in- credibUi sanctitate prsefuit. VV. XVII. Londoris monasterio Beati Guidonis abbatis primi, qui cum monasterium a fundamentis exstruxisset,& magna vitae austeritate xxiix. annis praefuisset, pio ad fratres sermone babito, blandb & renidenti vultu in domino obdormivit. S. XVIII. Brandani abbatis et episcopi ait Petrus Cluniacensis. In Coldingham Ediltrudis reginae Angliae, quae sanctimonialis obiit. T. lib 3. Cap 122. XIX. Dunfirmelini Margaretae reginae translatio. K. Nivemis Adeodati episcopi, S. Argobasti, socii. W. XXI. Komae Novati presbyteri Beatae Claudiae Scotae filii. M. V. Eodem die AbeUs Belgarum Apostoli, Archiepiscopi Rhemensis a Lobiensi monasterio ad Bincbiense oppidum translatio anno 1409. ML. XXI. In Scotia Senilis S. Columbani praeceptoris. P. XXII. Verolamii Albani primi illius Insulae martyris persecu- tione Diocletiani M. V. N. B. XXIII. Treueris HUdTilpbi Archiepiscopi SS. Argobasti & Florentii, Fidelis & Adeodati socii. W. In Coldingam Ediltrudis Angliae reginae elevatio. Galesin. XXIV. In Aremoricis Golueni Leonensis episcopi W. nonnuUi Scotum putant, sed ego delibero. Vvestmonasterii translatio reliqui- arum sanctissimi Amphibali, qui S. Albanum instituerat. Vvestmon. XXV. Leuini translatio. VV. Machliniae natalis Rumoldi Sco- torum Archiepiscopi, Dumblanensem ille sedem in Scotia, non Dublinensem in Hibemia regebat, id probant insignia Scotici regni ab Archiepiscopo loci gestata. Miraeus. In Egmonda Adalberti gentis Apostoli. VV. In Frisia Egberti Apostoli. Sur. In Scotia Molonathi episcopi S. Brandani discipuli. K. Nouiocomi Eligii episcopi, Antuerpiensium patroni & Apostoli translatio. Maurolyc. In Anglia secunda translatio pretiosi corporis Amphibali anno 1177. H. Ad 204 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. Bannokbum miraculum brachii Filani, quo rex Eobertus, sub noctem intempestam ad altare orans, mirifice coufirmatus, Angliae rege Edwardo trepide fugitivo, Anglos ad L. millia caecidit, adeoque ea acie vires regni Anglicani fregit, ut multa postea saecula nihil rei magnae in Scotos gesserit. S. B. BT. H. XXVI. In Belgio Corbicani, qui gentis Apostolus S. Adalgiso comes haeserat. C. XXVII. In Aremorica Leonensis episcopi Goluenei. Cenal. Gan- daui Livini Apostoli secunda translatio per Abbatem Eremboldum facta. ML. XXIIX. lonae diseipuli discipulorum S. Columbani viri sanetis- simi. MA. In Hautem elevatio Livini Arcbiepiscopi per Theodoricum Cameracensem antistitem anno 842. ML. XXIX. In Bucbania Stellani presbyteri, qui suos ad Eomanum pascatis observandi ritum deduxit. B. BT. XXX. Orpii Adiliae virginis Scotorum in Belgio peregrinantium hospitis. ML. Saltzburgi Erentrudis virgiais abbatissae, sanctorum Kudberti & Trudberti Apostolorum illius tractus sororis. ML. JULIUS. I. Macbliniae Eumoldi Apostoli, cujus natalis cum coiacidisset cum S. Praecursoris festo, in bunc diem differendus fuit. ML. In Insulis Serfi primi illius populi Apostoli. B. In Lismore Tamani Archiepis- copi, & Silvestrium Scotorum, id est Hibernorum Apostoli. S. II. Lobio Abelis abbatis, Eemensis Arcbiepiscopi, Belgarum Apo- stoli translatio anno 1409. ML. III. Oostkerkae Guthagoni confessoris, regis filii, qui divino amore tactus, regnum terrenum sprevit, ut cceleste obtineret. B. K. ML. in Eiscbel natalis Vvilbrandis Vrsulanae. W. ibidem prope Constantiam Mechtundis Ursulanae. W. Eodem die Kunegundis harum Sociae. ML. F. IV. KUreuli Siluenei Canonici, qui advenientem S. Eegulum cum reliquiis S. Andreae Apostoli suscepit. B. Coloniae Martini Scotorum patroni translatio. Adelbaud. MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 205 V. Remensi territorio Petrani presbyteri. B. Brechini Beati Vdardi episcopi, qui prius monachus Cuprensis Deiparae virgin! devotissimus ferebatur. B. C. VI. In Memia Palladii Diaconi S. E. E. Cardinalis Scotonim Apostoli a S. Ccelestino papa missi, ut Scotos, diu antea in Christum credentes, a Pelagiana peste in Anglia grassante, tutaretur. K. B. BT. VII. In Thuringia VviUibaldi Eistetensis episcopi primi, et gentis Apostoli. W. F. IIX. In Franconia Kiliani, Totnani, Colmani & Erwaldi mona- chorum, gentis Apostolorum, qui a GeUana martyrio affici jussi. M. Ribiani episcopi. S. In Noruegia Summivae virginis & septem sociarum. Canis. In Treuerico translatio Dysibodi. ML. IX. In Scotia Thebaculi monachi Basiliani S. Reguli Patrensis socii B. BT. X. Laetiis Ettonis episcopi & confessoris, Germaniae inferioris Apostoli, qui in Hibemiam ad regenda monasteria concessit, & inde in Belgium eductus per Madelgarium Hannoniae comitem, qui sanc- torum albo adscriptus Vincentius dictus, & Hirlandiae gubemator destinatus ab aula a rege Pipino, per aliquot annos ibidem haeserat. ML.F. XI. Treueris HUdulplii Archiepiscopi. W. XII. Maik'osiae elevatio sanctissimi abbatis Vvaltheni, cujus bor- tatu S. David rex frater monasteria fundarat, ut & frater alius Simon comes Albamerlae duo monasteria Nortbamptoniae in Anglia erexerat, & nepos Henricus comes Huntindoniensis ad augendum divinum cul- tum animum adjecit. S. XIII. Vvinniani episcopi. K. B. Thuriani episcopi, cujus acta habentur, MC. XIV. Liberti in Scotiam reliquiarum translatio. B. XV. Verdae Harruchi abbatis Amarbaricensis, & episcopi octavi, & martyris : B : Abemethae Donevaldi agricolae, & filiarum novem Sanctis adscriptarum, quarum domicUium quercus, patrum memoria, ostendebatur annosa, & miracula Ecclesiolae vetustissimae parietinis insculpta, ab hsereticis nuper profanata & abolita. K. BT. B. In Oudenzeel Plechebni episcopi Candidae Casae, Belgii Apostoli, Euremundae patroni. T. ML. In Palestina sancta Civitas a Chris- 206 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. tianis, ductu Godefredi Bullionei, capta, quo in bello Beatus Bernardus cognomento Sapiens, S. Margaretae confessor & Antioctenus patii- archa, & Alanus Ferranus S. Malcolmi regis filius, operam praeclarum navarunt. S. XVI. Sitliiu Bertini abbatis per Folquinum abbatem translatio. VV. In Scotia dedicatio Ecclesiae monasterii Dryburgensis. S. XVII. Argenton monasterio Fridegandis confessoris. ML. XIIX. Wruiai Inani Eremitae & confessoris, qui Picticum exci- dium praedixit, cujus hortatu Kennethus rex beUum lUud anitnose suscepit. K. Metis Arnulfi, qui S. Vvendelini frater, Eremita obiit. VV. apud Sequanos Clari regis filii cujus acta habentur, W. apud Dalgamocb, Thennae viduae S. Kentigemi matris, miraculosae mulieris. B. K. Huyi OdUiae Ursulanae translatio. VV. XIX. Dunblani Blani episcopi primi qm in Insula Buta ab ignoto juvene, vi compressa matre Bertba, genitus, & cum ea in exigua cimba sine fundo mari Oceano, ut perderetur, a S. Cathano avunculo commissus, divina providentia servatus, matre ab ave miraculose pasta, appulitque in portum Beutorne, ubi a Sanctis CongaUo & Kennetho repertus, sacro fonte levatus, educatusque est, & ab avunculo ordina- tus, impetrata a Papa Kom. benedictione, filium Kegis "triduanum ad vitam revocavit in Anglia, & sedem suam fixit Dunblani, quo nullus in Scotia sanctior. S. XX. Juvavise inventio reliquiarum Kudberti Archiepiscopi a Wichardo anno 1312. B : XXL Argentiaae Argobasti episcopi. M, MC. Eomae Praxedis virginis Beatae Claudiae Scotae filiae. ML. XXII. SangaUensi monasterio Eaperti scbolarchae viri doctissimi & sanctissimi. Metzler. XXIII. In MaOros Alfredi regis Nortbumberland, qui privatus in pueritia in Scotia Ckristianam fidem didicerat, & regnum adeptus, & mundi pertaesus, sceptro monasticam tonsuram praetulit, & monachum induit, assumptusque e Mailros ad Lindisfamensem Archiepiscopatum. S. B. F. XX, Machliniae Eumoldi Arcbiepiscopi. Galesia. In Scotia Erthadi episcopi, qui regi pusimo Malcolmo I. charus ftdt. K. B. XXV. Gandavi Liviai Archiepiscopi translatio. W. Herbipoli Jacobi Majoris Scotorum patroni. T. F. MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 207 XXVI. In Scotia Malimbaei Eremitae & martyris. K. Lensii Celsi presbjrteri. B. XXVII. Mamae Malrubi Eremitae & martyris a Danis interfecti, K. Coloniae Scotorum patroni Pantaleonis translatio, cujus monas- terium Sanctorum ferax est. ML. B. XXIIX. Eomae Innocentii papae primi, qui Eudoxiam excom- municans, satis docuit saeculare Imperium aetemae Ecclesiasticae Hierarchiae subjici debere. M. Dolae Sampsonis episcopi, qui sanc- torum Brandani & Maclouii discipulus, GaUicanam monarchiam mentis suis illustrat. W. XXIX. Dunfirmelini elevatio Malcolmi IV. regis Christianissimi, cognomento virginis, cujus sanctitatem & magna apud Deum merita, S. Godricus vidit & praedixit, & Gulielmus Neubrigensis Anglus non tacuit. S. XXX. In Anglia Sanctarum multarum virginum, quae, cum S. Leofrona, a Danis captae, ludibrio expositae, decimatae, crudeliterque necatae. S. Dunelmi fundatio templi augustissimi S. Cutbberto dedi- cati a S. Malcolmo III. rege, rogatu S. Turgoti prioris & Santandreani episcopi. H. XXXI. Neoti monachi, a quo restaurata Academia Oxoniensis, quem quidam Anglum faciunt. W. AUGUSTUS. I. In Belgio Rumoldi Apostoli. Sur. Mutinae & Lucae Peregrini regis filii & !^emitae. Carp. Watsinkoi reliquianun Serfi relatio, quae miraculo ibi substiterunt, nee avelli inde potuerunt. B. C. II. Santandreano monasterio iUatio & reconditio reliquiarum Adriani episcopi & mart, e Maia Insula aUatarum per Malisium epis- copum. B : III. In Mailros Vvaltheni abbatis elevatio. S. IV. Verduni Vvalpurgae virginis. ML. In MaUros obitus Vval- theni senis sanctissimi, &, ut puto, abbatis, regis filii. H. Feesulis Andreae Archidiaconi S, Donati socii, cujus corpus in templo S. Mar- tini de Mensula in Fsesulanis montibus maximo concursu, ingenti 208 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. religione, crebritate miraculorum frequentatur. B : plene Philippus Villanius in Actis. V. Lobiis Abelis Lotharingiae Apostoli, Rhemorum Arcbiepiscopi. ML. B. VI. In Galweia beati Actae Candidae Casae episcopi. B : Dreg- borni Bamiti rebquiamni veneratio. C. VII. Maibosiae Boisi abbatis, S. Cutbberti discipuli. W. IIX. Passio beati Joannis Abercrombii presbyteri, qui a Sathanae ministris propter fidem peremptus. C. IX. Lesmobago Benigni presbyteri. C. X. In Scotia Blaani episcopi & confessoris, qui circa anniun mil- lesimum vivebat. K. BT. XL Herbipoli Cbristiani secundi Scotorum abbatis. T. XII. Cbanriae seu Canonriae beati Brixii, qui Prior in Lesmobago, Moraviae episcopus renuntiatus, sanctissime vixit. S. F. XIII. Bearnensi monasterio Higbaldi abbatis, qui iis in partibus, sua aetate, sanctissimus Scotorum Anglorum, & Hirlandorum doctor extitit. B. W. ML. XIV. In Nortbumbria Beati Bettae gentis Apostoli, qui cum S. Aidano e Scotia veniens innumeram multitudinem pio labore convertit & Penda rege praesente baptizavit. B. F. XV. In Scotia Silvestri presbyteri, qui S. PaUadii comes contra Pelagianos strenue depugnavit. B. C. XVI. Amulfi episcopi translatio. VV. XVII. Egmondae Hieronis presbyteri, Cimbrorum Apostoli & martyris, magnorum operum viri, cujus caput Northwici, passionis loco, requiescit. W. ML. & ut dicebat ille. Gb. Rebus in amissis Hiero saepissime pallet malim cum ratione & majori Sancti laude Rebus in amissis Hiero sanctissime polles. XIIX. Drouoci Juani confessoris, qui Argadiam pestUenti morbo liberavit. K. Audlovv Eicbardis Gregorii regis filiae, & Imperatricis Carolo Crasso nuptae, quae falso adulterii cum Lutwardo VerceUensi cpiscopo accusata, crimen vomeris igniti probatione dUuit, & a marito, divortio voluntario facto, secedens, Canonissarum collegium erexit, ibique in Vosagi cacumine sanctissime obiit. W. T. lib. 3. cap. 314. extant acta. MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 209 XIX. In Marria Solonii presbyteri, qui S. Palladium Apostolum sepelivit. B. XX. Aberdoniae Donortii episcopi Murthlacensis, qui S. Beano successit. B : In montibus Fsesulanis Brigidae virginis, quae ad fra- trem suum Archidiaconum S. Andream e Scotia venit, & magna Christianae vitae continentia hie obiit. B : XXI. Verdae CeuUonis episcopi, qui unus ex iis fuit, quos historia loquitur Scotos a Carolo Magno, ob beUicam in Saxones fortitudinem, praemio honoratos & hie colloeatos. B. XXII. Coldingham in Marchia Ebbae Angliae reginae & virginis martyris, cujus nomen promontorium in Bodotriae sestuario adhue servat. Aistolf. Monasterio Crucis regalis obitus Beati Quintini Kennedii abbatis, Comitis Cassilii fratris, qui admiranda constantia sex annis totis cum haeresi naseente & jam confirmata conflixit, ad extremum lento veneno consumptus, corruptoque sanguine excessit. C. Mediolani Gumfortis martyris qui cum duas sorores in Germania barbarorum gladio interemptas amisisset, & frater ipsius Comi occu- buisset caesus pro Christo, ipse sagittis eonfixus a paganis, inde Ticinum. abiit, & in paupertina vetulae domo animam beatam coelo reddidit, & tugurium iUud in templum versum est, & ille civitatis patronus colitxu", actaque in sanctuario Papiae extant. M. eodem die ad KUpatrik in Scotia nativitas Patricii & in Hiberniam navigatio, cujus memoriam servat scopulus in Glotta, qui in medio flumine situs impune plenis velis illatas naves innocuus excipit, nee laedit. C. AudomaropoH Beati Quadanoci monachi S. Vvinoci socii, sanctitate inclyti. B : XXIII. Barreae episcopi & eonfessoris. MC. XXIV. Natalis Erthadi episcopi K. B. Sansidoniensi monasterio Sidonii abbatis primi, cujus reliquiae Dunkelden Ulatae. C. XXV. In Cimbris Echarii eonfessoris & apostoli, qui ad Euangebi opus cum SS. Guthagono & Maera se accinxit. S. C. B. Lindisfarnae beati Egredi Archiepiseopi. B. XXVI. Fsesulis Andreae Arehidiaeoni translatio. B : XXVII. In Scotia Mahnibi Eremitae. K. XXIIX. In Scotia Euchini episcopi cognomento Dei timentis. BT. C. XXIX. Coldinghame Ethelredae reginae & virginis. B : XXX. Meldensi territorio Fiacrii Eremitae regis filii qui Eugenio 2e 210 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. IV. patre suo defuncto, eadem kora praesciens se ad regnum vocan- dum, ardentibus precibus lepram impetravit, quae abeimtibus legatis abivit, nee temere ullus Dei sanctus majoribua signis inclaruit. ML. BT. K. XXXI. In Northumbria Aidani Apostoli, Lindisfamensis archiepis- copi, qui regulam Benedictinam reformavit & S. Heinam primam conuentualem. suae patriae monialem velavit W. BT. Bobii Colum- bani & Attalae abbatum translatio anno 1482. facta. VV. SEPTEMBER. I. Edimburgi ^gidii patroni. ML. II. Gallani Abbatis. B. Carpentoracti Oromi modesti episcapi, sancti per omnia antistitis. C. III. TuUi Mansueti primi episcopi & Apostoli, qui Eoma a S. Petro Apostolorum principe, magistro suo, eo destinatus, comes in via haesit S. Clementi pontificis patruo, fanuliaris Sanctis GaUiarum Apostolis Martiali Lemovicensium, Juliano Cenomanorum, Materno Treviren- sium, Sixto Ehemensium, Frontoni Petragoricensium, Memmio Cata- launorum, & magna vitae observantia populum informavit. M. P. & diem hunc gentili superstitione fimestum laetum & auspicatum reddidit. Peronae Foillani abbatis translatio. ML. In Boiis Erentrudis virginis translatio. W. IV. Verdae commemoratio canonizationis Suiberti primi sedis episcopi, facta praesente S. Carolo Magno a Leone III. Pontifice, sive, ut alii perperam ab Honorio III. Sur. Dunelmiae Cuthberti praesulis, monachi MaiLrosiensis. MA. V. Audomaropoli Bertini Abbatis. ML. in Bavaria Althonis abbatis primi in Altomunster & conditoris, qui miraculis plenus ibi quievit. MA. VI. In Scotia loco KUbeg Begae virginis magnorum operum, quae Norvegiam laboribus suis Christo lucrata dicitur, imde Norvegia, quasi Norbegia. K. B. In Orcadibus Magni Ularum gentium Apostoli & martyris, quem Scotum faciunt, K. C. VII. In Helvetiis Eaperti SangaUensis elevatio qui scholarcba MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 211 doctissimus & monaclms sanctissimus, ibi obdormivit. C. In Scotia Christianae virginis & monialis, S. Margaretae reginae sororis. MA. Modoci episcopi & Culdei. B. BT. IIX. -Dysibodi episcopi. W. In Kippan Moveani abbatis loci iilius patroni de quo mira narrantur. S. IX. In Scotia Querani abbatis. M. V. Ibidem Theodori Arcbi- episcopi commemoratio. ML. X. In Brabantia Orgeri episcopi, apostoli, Kuremiondae patroni. ML. In Boiaria Gisibarii presbjrteri, qid a S. Eudberto in Britanniam missus, cum sanctorum virorum qui in vinea domini laborarent, sup- plemento rediit. MC. Votimi & juramentum multorum procerum Scotorum S. PaUadio Apostolo conceptum, pro Hberanda a servitute factionis Anglicanae Scotia. H. XI. Monasterio divini ruris Batbeni abbatis Insula Himba reli- quiarum adportatio eo, & reconditio. C. ad pontem Steruilini mtra- eulum Duthaci, quo Angli clade ingenti fusi. H. S. XII. Kimialdi Auarum Apostoli Saltzburgi depositio. B. XIIL In Cathenes Adami episcopi & martyris, qui quod dignita- tem Ecclesiae suae pie tueretur, a comite loci in ardentem fumum conjectus in cineres resolutus in coelum evolavit, rex vero Alexander II. tarn indigne atrox id & impium facinus tulit, ut autores exquisitissimis suppliciia subderet, prsesentesque & consentientes genitalibus exsectis privarit, ne tarn nefarii flagitii perpetratores haeredes gignerent: extant Ccelestini IV. PP. bullae regi, de tarn insigniter vindicata ecclesia, gratias agentis & collaudantis, & locus martyrio vicinus Testiculorum coUis audit. S. BT. Ibidem Serlonis monachi Maikosiensis & mar- tyris, qui cum praesule Adamo eadem perpessus. S. XIV. Kilreuli Nerii monachi Basiliani S. Eeguli comitis, quern alii presbyterum faciunt. BT. B. XV. Pasleti Mirini abbatis, quem nonnuUi ponunt sub Fincor- macho rege sub annum cccLXix. K. C. XVI. In Picbalandia Niniani gentis iilius Apostoli, & Candidae Casae episcopi, cujus vita tota miraculorum scena est, & sepulchrum Britannorum Hirlandorumque peregrinationibus frequentatissimum. ML. XVII. Exaltatio S. Crucis, cujus pars Brechini asservabatur. C. In Fifa Sanctissimarum S. Andreae reliquiarum in Albionem descen- 212 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. sus, quas attulit Eegulus Patrensis, ut Tabulae Abernethae continebant, ubi primum depositae fuere. S. Secunda Tbeodori Archiepiscopi Scotiae visitatio. C XIIX. Andelow Eicbardis Augustae & virginis. W. Bergis Vvinoci abbatis translatio. ML. Macbliniae Eumoldi Archiepiscopi translatio. ML. XIX. In Scotia Columbani episcopi, non Benedictini iUius, sed Canonici Eegularis, qui Scotos ab errore pascatis orientalis obser- vationis abduxit. B. C. Verdae Kortilae episcopi & confessoris ele- vatio. B : XX. In pictorum regno natalis Niniani episcopi & apostoli, qui ia exilium a Eomanis actus. K. XXI. Nanini confessoris K.B. MC. Vvalpurgae virginis translatio. Vvolfbard. XXII. In Scotia Lolani episcopi. K. MaUrosiae Adamnani abbatis, Scotorum episcopi, & Northumbriae apostoli, qui eo in munere S. Aida- num praecessit. BT. XXIII. Insula Huy Adamanni abbatis. ML. In Scotia Thennani abbatis. K. Ebemis Abelis Archiepiscopi qui, MUone a MarteUo ex- pulso, S. Eigoberto successor jungitur. T. B. Coluener. XXIV. In Boiis Gisibarii Auarum Apostoli. S. Eudberti dis- cipuli. B. Aichstadii Vvinibaldi abbatis translatio. W. In Scotia Barreae episcopi & confessoris. MC. Juvaviae Eudberti Archiepiscopi primi translatio. Eberhard. XXV. In Anglia Ceolfridi abbatis, qui Scotus a quibusdam habetur & S. Joannis cognomento Magistri socius, qui cum eo ex Gallia in Angliam trajecit, & vita clarus Archiepiscopus Cantuariae quievit. C. In Cathenes Barri, seu Findbarri episcopi undecunque sanctissimi, qui etiam Hirlandiam praedicatione sua iUustravit. B. K. Ambiani Firmioi gentis Apostoli, episcopi primi & martjrris. P. hoc die Eudberti trans- lationem nonnulU celebrant. V. XXVI. In Scotia Englatii episcopi, qui crebris praedicationibus Scotiam cum maximo &nctu lustravit. BT. B. XXVII. Lupitae virginis, quae fratrem suum S. Patricium ad convertendam Hirlandiam properantem secuta, ita vixit, ut sanctissi- mis adnumeretur. C. XXIIX. Eeconditio reliquiarum Dysibodi in loculum marmoreum MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 213 retro summum altare anno 1143. Dodechin. Fursaei inventio, quarto ab obitu ipsius anno facta & miraculis probata. W. XXIX. Dysibodi reliquias reconditas quidam hoc die ponunt. W. Saltrei sive Sonltre Simonis abbatis primi, qui a S. Vvaltheno coUo- catus. S. XXX. In Scotia Eusebii presbyteri, qui S. Andreae reliquias in Scotiam advectas reverenter suscepit. B. BT. OCTOBEE. I. Oostkerkae Guthagoni regis filii, qui in. Lotharingia ante pere- grinationem Eomanam susceptam cum Sancta Macra sorore substiterat, sed Eoma reversus, ea pro fide martyrio afiecta, in Belgium contendit, & conversatus est apud Brugas ia Knocke, & sepultus apud Oostkerk, & domino per eum miracula faciente, translatus est per Gerardum Tomacensem episcopum anno 1159, ML. Ibidem GhUlonis S. Gutha- goni famuli, qui a corpore domini cum elevaretur, aveUi non potuit, ut Gregorius Dominicanus curatus loci scribit, cujus reliquiae ia muro per canceUos ferreos in capsa coHocatae cemuntur. ML. MA. Condati in Hamionia Vvasnulfi episcopi, qui vitam suam Deiparae virgini penitus consecravit. ML. II. Sithiu Eunochi monachi non S. Vvinoci socii, sed S. Colum- bani discipuli, MC. In Franconia Arnualis sancti patris Kiliani dis- cipuli, Herbipolensium Apostoli. MC. III. lona Insula Eoglodii abbatis, viri Dei. C. IV. In Buta Machillae episcopi, qui S. Brigidam velavit. B. BT. V. In Argadia Murdachi Culdei, cognomento Bardi, qui adeo fer- venter beatam Dei genitricem colebat ut imago decenter, pro more & devotione populi, vestita calceum unum ei in signum benevolentiae demiserit, quo furti deiude accusato & sacrUegii, tota multitudine spectante, orans alteram calceum recipere ab imagine miraculose dilapsum meruit, quod cum a miUe retro annis actum, quasi hestemum recenti fama viget in ea gente & recolitur. B. C. Dunkelden Maccaei S. Patricii discipuli. B. 214 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. VI. Failbei abbatis visiones supematurales de futuro Scotiae statu. B. Coloniae & Fuldae Mariani monachi & historici. C. B. VII. In Pago Buxiolus depositio Helani presbyteri. ML. IIX. Chaleedone celebratio Concilii Oecumenici. IV. cui adfuit Marcianus Augustus, & S. Leone papa absente praesedit Anatolius Constantinopolitanus Patriarclia, & in confessu Dcxxx. Patrum Eutycbiani condemnati, & miraculo victijUtVigilii Tridentini scriptis constat. Vvalciodoro Eloquii abbatis Belgarum ApostoH. VV. in GaUia Tridunae virguiis, quae ardenter ad eo virginitatis lauream afFectavit, ut terreno suo amatori erutos miserit oculos, quos iUe laudasset, ut Christo sponso adhaereret iUibata. K. quo viso procus dicitur cum lachrymis ingemuisse, & addidisse Heu ? qua lege, oculi, virgo fortissima, pcEnam Quam meruere mei, sustinuere tux ? IX. Dumblani beati Osberti episcopi, rhetoris, poetae, philosophi & theologi, sed eas virtutes sanctitate vincebat, & excessit anno 1231. S. B. In Austria translatio ossium venerabilium Colomanni regis filii, martyris & gentis patroni. Laz. Hb. xii. Com. Eeip. cap. vii. ad fanum S. Andreae Turgoti episcopi consecratio. X. In Scotia Patriciani facundissimi divini verbi preconis & epis- copi. BT. B. Ratisbonae Mariani abbatis cognomento Inclusi, Scotorum monasterii fundatoris anno 1163. Laz. Migrat. lib. vii. pag. cccxii. B. XI. In Scotia Kenici aut Canici abbatis, qui in Hirlandiam traji- ciens, Osseriam iucolatu suo beavit, a quo iUa KUkennia dicta. M. S. B. Herbipoli Burcbardi episcopi secundL B. W. XII. Luxovii Eustasii abbatis, qui cum S. Columbano magistro Scotiam deserens, in Burgundia eidem successit C. scio eum a multis G-allum baberi, & forte verius. XIII. In Austria Colomanni regis filii martyris. M. Lindisfamae Colmanni ArcMepiscopi.'VV. Monasterio Scotorum Coloniae S. Panta- leonis inventio Maurini martyris anno 964. Sur. In Scotia Fintanae & 0th ae virginum. K. ibidem ConuaUi ArcHdiaconi abbatis sancti Kentigemi discipuli. K. in Insula lona ConuaUani abbatis, qui optima regis Ferquhardi fuit prseceptor. C. K. B. XIV. Herbipoli Burcbardi Kiliani successoris. Egilward. XV. In Scotia Colmanni episcopi. K. Dunfirmelini Malcolmi MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 215 regis III. qui S. Margaretae maritus, angeli in aula verius, quam regis vitam duxit, tot Sanctorum parens, quot nullus orbis Christiani. ML. Item Aureliae virgrois Ursulanae. Ganis. XVI. In Helvetiis depositio Galli abbatis. N. TuUi Elisii regis filii & martyris. ML, In Scotia Comini abbatis. MA. Moguntiae Lulh archiepiscopi S. Bomfacii consanguinei & successoris. S. XVII. Natalis Eegoli Patrensis, a quo fanum S. Andrea Kilreulum dictum. K. Galli abbatis translatio. N. Machliniae Eumoldi archie- piscopi adventus. MA. XIIX. In Arduenna Mononis abbatis, qui eo, Angeli monitu & ductu, e Scotia venerat. ML. Exmioldi translatio. ML. XIX. Eptemaco monasterio translatio VVillibrordi episcopi & gentis Apostoli. W. XX. In Bohaemia Adalberti episcopi & Apostoli. W. XXI. Teloa depositio Wendelini multorum coenobiorum funda- toris regis filii & Germaniarum inferiorum apostoli. W. Coloniae ad Ehenum passio Ursulae & undecim millium cum ea virginum, magna ex parte Scotarum aut Anglarum. M. Haec regis Scotiae Christianis- simi filia AngHae regis fiHo desponsata P. & pater quidem fuit regio tantum sanguine, non autem rex, more eo saeculo solemni. Eodem die & loco Cyriaci papae qui invito clero & Cardinalibus, cum S. Ur- sula ad martyrii palmam oontendit, ideo nomen albo pontificum erasum. P. Ibidem Jacobi Patriarcliae Antiocbeni, qui cum Eomae negotia expediret Ecclesiae suae adveniente S. Ursula, eam secutus, cum iUa etiam passus. P. Eodem die Verenae, Benedictae, Luciae, Constantinae virginum & martyrum Ursulae comitum, item ex eodem choro Theomatae, Cleomatae & Christianciae Ursulani Martyrii partici- pum, quarum mirabUem elevationem & transmigrationem habet Caesarius Cistertiensis lib. 8. cap. 85. In Scotia Dariae Matronae admirabilis sanctissimaeque S. Ursulae matris, a qua in Hirlandia Kildaria nomen accepit. K. B. Lindisfamae Tudae Anglorum apostoli & sedis illius archiepiscopi. B : XXII. Fsesulis Donati episcopi, qui cum peregrinus eo reliquias sanctorum veneraturus advenisset, ut urbem introiit^campanae omnes, sponte sua, nullo tangente, insonuerunt, & Ecclesiam ingresso, cereae luminaque, quae celebrandis defancti antistitis exequiis praeparata, per se accensae, prsesagio sanctitatis illuxerunt. B : M. Ehoto- 216 MENOLOGIUM SCOTIOUM. magi Mellanii Probi ArcMepiscopi, qui a S, Stephano I. PP. eo destinatus, ut S. Damasus ia Pontificali loquitur, multis ia via mira- culis, magna ibi iimocentiae fama decessit. Grh, ab Angelus electus erat. P. XXIII. In Scotia Modoci pontificis Culdei. C. BT. In Scotia Tur- goti S. Margaretae confessoris, Dunelmise prioris, S. Andreae Episcopi. H. BT. S. item Turgoti MonacM Maibosiensis. H. XXIV. BeUovacensi territorio Maxentiae virginis regis filiae & martyris, cujus nomen vicus servat, sanctae Maxentiae Pons dictus. MA. Ibidem Barbantii S. Maxentiae famuli & Christi martyris, qui pari pcEna inflicta mercedem in coeHs accepit. Buklan. XXV. In Kunningamia Mamoci episcopi Culdei, unde loco nomen Kilmarnok. K. XXVI. In Anglia CeoLfridi. ML. Murtblaci Beani episcopi primi, virtute admirabUis K. BT. Placentiae Fulchii episcopi, qui ad Ulam sedem a Ticinensi translatus, ab infantia ipsa Dei amorem cordi suo impressit, Theologicis studiis & scriptis maximus. Gh. Insula Huy Albuini episcopi Frislariensis primi commemoratio, qui Tburingiorum apostolus ibi loci excessit. T. XXVII. Machliniam relatio reHquiarum Eumoldi. ML. In Hi- bemia Odraimi presbyteri & martyris, qui S. Patricium e Scotia eo secutus, ab Hirlandis Idololatris pro Christo enectus. B.MC. XXIIX. Meldis Faronis episcopi, qui S. CMlleni Scoti Atrebaten- sium Apostoli frater. Gh. W. Sur. B : Opido Eemensi Kunerae vir- ginis Ursulanae, quae martyrium HunnorumColoniensevitavit quidem, sed a regina loci mantili strangulata, immaculati pudoris custos occu- buit. ML. XXIX. Coloniae passio Keinnerae virginis & martyris, S. Ursulam secutae, cujus reliquiae domum relatae. K. Atrebati Vulganii presbyt. ML. B. XXX. Fossis monasterio FoiHani abbatis. Maurolyc. In Lismore Tarkini episcopi Sodorensis vita miraculosi, qui Ecclesiae Picticae monimenta coUegit & posteritati, regno jam deleto tradidit ne sacrae memoriae perirent. C.K. XXXI. FoiQani abbatis translatio. K. Eadulf. Breda. MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 217 NOVEMBER. I. Translatio Fuldam reliquiarum Bonifacii Germaniarum apostoli anno 819. facta. Franc. Pithoeus. Eodem die translatio reliquiarum Dysibodi. Dodechin. In Scotia Bey virginis sanctissimae, Donaldo VI. regi fatoiliaris. K. II. In Kuningam Maurae virginis, anachoreticae vitae abstinentia clarissimae, quae pervenit ad S. Constantiniun III. regem, unde locus Kilmaure. K. Lensii suburbio Atrebati Vulgami confessoris. B. Lu- tetia in Suburbano Beati Ricbardi a S. Victore, qui sanctitatem scriptis commendavit. Trull. In Anglia coronatio Matbildae regiaae cogno- mento Bonae, S. Malcolmi III. regis filia. H. Item Doraiii episcopi. III. In Scotia Englatii episcopi, qui Picticam halosin vidit & ante beUum deflevit. K. In Boiis & Avaribus Pirminii primi gentis apo- stoU. M. hie Augiae divitis abbas primus, infidelium conversioni pluri- mum adlaboravit, ab Augia Insula serpentes fugavit, alius a Meldensi prsesule. Laz. lib. vii. Migrat. pag. ccxxxi. rV. In Anglia Maidulphi presbyteri cognomento paedagogi, qui celebre monasterium Malmesburiense fundavit. B. Dunkelden Beati Thomae Lawdir episcopi, qui pauperum pater, & orpbanorum tutor dicebatur. B : S. Treveris Modestae virginis & abbatissae, sororis sancti Vvillibrordi, quae in regimine monasterii quod horreum dicitur. S. Irminae Dagoberti Francorum regis filiae successit, miracubs in- clyta. B. V. In Marcbia Scotiae Sabinae S. Cuthberti aviae. F. Sitbiu Beati Quadanoci monacbi & confessoris S. Vvinoci comitis & discipuli. B : Sur. VI. Faventiae in Italia elevatio iEmiliani episcopi peregrinantis, qui Roma redeundo, ibi excessit. P. Gh. In Voromholt translatio Vvinoci. W. In Frisia depositio WHlibrordi Traiectensis praesidis & apostoli, qui a S. Sergio PP. sacerdos ordinatus, turn episcopus, prae- dicatione Evangelica Germanias illustrat. K. F. VII. Monasterio ad Bruscbium amnem Scotorum Florentii Argen- tiaensis episcopi quarti, fundatoris, qui Rathildim Dagoberti regis filiam, a nativitate surdam, caecam & mutam sanavit, auriumque, oculorum & 2f 218 MENOLOGIUM SGOTICUM. linguae usum miraculose restituit. M. hoc die alii depositionem Vvilli- brordi celebrant. W. IIX. Treveris Hildulpbi arcbiepiscopi, qui in. Alsatia cum Sanctis Argobasto, Florentio & Adeodato & Fideli Eremiticam exercuit. ML. In Scotia Marnoci confessoris Acbaio regi charissimi. K. Elgini Gervadii Moraviensis episcopi, qui sub Acbaio rege, foederis cum Gallia perpetuum feriendi autor fuit, & Sanctis Alcuino, Clemente, Ka- bano, & Joanne ad S. Carolum Magnum a mandatis, ipse in Scotia sub- stitit, ut populum verbo & exemplo iastraeret. K. Coloniae obitus Beati Joannis Duns Minoritae, qui Doctoris SubtUis nomen meritus, Theologorum suo aevo nulli secundus, Begardos verbo, Haereticos omnes ubique gentium alios scripto confudit, summum Ecelesiae Ca- thobcae ornamentum, cui vigilia natabs oranti, Deipara virgo filiolum suum infantem dedit. Cbron. Franc. IX. Kikeuli Merinati Diaconi Culdei, Sancti Damiani frater : hie pignus unicum regni reliquias sanctissimi Andreae cum veneration e suscepit, & eodem anno excessit. F. BT. B. In Scotia Tvirgoti epis- copi Santandreani. X. Mahnesburio Joannis cognomento Magistri, Martyris, Aluredi regis & liberorum in AngHa praeceptoris, qui scriptis nobilissimus, puerorum graphiis, sancti Cassiani iastar, confixus, divini luminis ad tumulum radiantis favore dignus fuit, qui lucem multis noctibus igneam indulsit. BT. B : F. H. pag. ccxli. Ehetrae in. Vandalia Joannis MaonopoHtani episcopi, qui Christo adhaerens, per ludibrium circun- ductus, manibus pedibusque rescissis, capite amputato, gloriosa morte, gentis apostolus, defunctus. W. XI. In Hauteia Livini Heliae & sociorum. ML. Vencii Verani episcopi, sancti Gibriani fratris. W. F. BT. Non longe Namurco Ber- tuini abbatis,qui Scotia, cum Sanctis Dei viris Ettone & Eloquio, egressus in Belgio mrrifice enituit. ML. S. Coloniae Martini Scotici monas- terii patroni, cujus historiam Herbumus Archiepiscopus & Kicherius abbas conscripsere. B : In Scotia Dryburgensis Ecelesiae dedicatio anno 1150 cum tum primum Praemonstratensis ordo eo venisset. H. XII. In Scotia Mathani episcopi, quem nostri Xantonum faciunt in GaDiis episcopum. K. Gandavi depositio Livini ApostoH gentis & Archiepiscopi Scotiae. K. ML. Faventiae depositio jEmiliani peregri- nantis episcopi, qui extra muros ad S. Clementis sepultus, diu ignotus MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 219 latuit, donee sui corporis gloriam amoto saepius foeno, & tumuli ia- festoribus iterato percussis, revelante Domino, prodidit, turn a Ber- nardino comite, Theodoliudae uxoris rogatu, ad sanctae Mariae intra muros translatus, multorum signorum autor, civitatis nobilissimae patronus colitur. Gh. Maurolyc. P. acta ibi MSS. ad PP. Francis- canos sunt. Aberdoniae veteri Machorii sedis illius patroni. B. XIII. In Scotia Devinici episcopi & confessoris. K. In Francia Kiliani presbyteri & confessoris. V. ML. Albiniaci ChiUeni Atreba- tensium apostoli, qui vitrum minutim fractum, integrum pincernae restituit. Gh. Sur. Parisiis beati Eoberti Venantii Archiepiscopi Ardmacan & Hibemiae primatis, a nativitate caeci, qui trium pontifi- cum maximorum legatus Concilio Tridentino interfuit, & Didymus alter, mirabili charitatis affectus, Hirlandos a barbarie & legum con- temptu concionibus assiduis retraxit. C. Anevici depositio Malcolmi III. regis, qui Anglorum fraude interiit. H. XIV. In Buchania Modani episcopi & patroni in Fillortli Fraseri- orum patrimonio. K. XV. Aleti in Aremoricis Machuti seu Maclouii piissimi Christi confessoris & episcopi, qui Gemblaci quiescit. ML. In Scotia Matbuli episc. K. an idem 1 In Hibernia Fintani cognomento Inclusi, qui gentem earn, trajiciens, multis beneficii& affecit. Gales. Fuldae Ege- berti abbatis. B : XVI. Dunfirmelini depositio Margaretae reginae, tot SS. parentis K. ML. B. In Anglia Mathildae reginae, SS. Malcolmi & Margaretae regum filia, sanctimonialis velata, inde educta Henrico 11. regi denupsit, & Bona cognomentum meruit. Sur. In Scotia Dunstani abbatis viri undecimque perfecti. C. Ibidem Dimai abbatis, S. Sigenii discipuli. B. Item Turgoti monachi Maibrosiensis, qui Scotia beato fine obdor- mivit. H. XVII. In Glammes Fergusi pontificis & patroni, qui Conrano regi aequitatis amorem persuasit. K. ClaravaUe Melchiadis monacbi, qui S. Bernardi socius ibi obdormivit. B : XIIX. Mombuli abbatis ML. In Scotia Michaelis abbatis, quem S. MalacMas sanavit, ut scribit S. Bemardus. XIX. In Scotia Middani episcopi Culdei. K. Drostani monachi, regis Eugenii avunculi. BT. Santannae virginis. F. MA. XX. In Picardia Maxentiae virginis. K. 220 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. XXI. Bobii Columbani abbatis, qui Scotia egressus, cum Hirlan- diam Galliamque apostolica vita informasset, Luxovio in Burgundia condito relicto in Helvetiis S. Gallo, in Italiam descendit, & loco ab AgUolpho Longobardorum rege impetrato, Bobium excitavit, ibique senectutis & bonorum operum plenus requievit. W. In Picardia Aut- bodi S. Fursaei discipuli, nescio an antistitis Cameraci ? an Lauduni Clati ? ML. OdUiae Ursulanae. Canis. Eomae consecratio Willi- brordi a S. Sergio papa, qui eum Clementem vocavit. P.F. XXII. Bobii Columbani Monacbi, cujus vita & moriendi modus longe mirabilis. W. Osmannae virginis. MA. XXIII. In Anglia Gobbani abbatis. B. Castro AniAdco transitus Malcolmi III. regis, ut aliis visum. H. XXIV. In Scotia Congani abbatis. S. Insula Hui Connani abbat. B.F. XXV. In Anglia Pandionae virginis regis filiae. C. B. XXVI. Eeconciliatio Scoticae Ecclesiae in pascate celebrando cum Catholica Ecclesia. C. B. XXVII. Taxandriae Oddae Virginis, regis filiae, quae ad sepul- chrum S. Lamberti videndi facultatem cum recuperasset, virginitatem Deo vovit & Ehodae patrona est. Gh.. K. XXVIII. In Scotia Calani episcopi Culdei. C. BT. F. Kbodae hoc die colunt Odam virginem patronam. ML. XXIX. Loquhabria Golgi abbatis. C. B. Adaman. XXX. In Scotia Andreae apostoli patroni. K. M. Eomae conse- cratio Bonifacii Germanorum apostoli a Gregorio 11. papa, qui nomen Vvinfridi in Bonifacii mutavit. VV. DECEMBER I. Nouiomagi Eligii episcopi, qui Sanctorum corpora aviro & gemmis adomavit. K. In Frisia Eichardi cognomento Sacristae, monacbi Dundranensis. B : II. Eomae Bonifacii ordinatio. Eaban. In regno Pictorum Trum- wiai episcopi, abbatis Ebercumi & Benedictiai. W. H. T. III. In Scotia baptizatio Lucii regis per Timothoeum S. Paidi MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 221 discipulum cum Emerita sorore. Const. Fel. In Campania Galliae Tresani, Verani, Gennani, fratrum. ML. Latiniaco depositio Eloquii abbatis, confessoris, apostoli. VV. quern alii presbyterum tantum vocant. Gh. IV. In Belgio depositio Pridegandis confessoris. B : V. Eheiiais. Orbillae -virginis. B: In Libumia Modesti pontificis & apostoli S. Bonifacii comitis. C. VL Aberdoniae Novae Nicolai Mirensis patroni. K. B ; Orpii visitatio reliquiarum Adiliae peregrinantium Scotorum hospitae, cujus fons mirabiHs durat. ML, VII. PaUadii apostoli cum sociis appulsus. C. B. IIX. Mutinae translatio reliquiarum Peregrini regis filii, quae Luca aUatae. B : IX. Glentanire Lesmonis abbatis Eremitae, unde Lesmohago «& Kil- lesmon loca B.C. Edinburgi transitus Malcolmi IV. regis cognomento Virginis, qui Ecclesiasticam dignitatem mire promovit. Chron. Chr. X. In Scotia Crux contra hostes Christi sumpta. C. S. XL In Scotia Ronnani presbyteri, a quo Kilronan. B. C. F. XII. Dedicatio Lauretanae imaginis ad fanum S. Germani prope Setoniam. C. Domi in Sutherland Paschasii, qui ad S. Victorem papam a Donaldo rege missus orator, Doctores Christianos impe- travit. B. C. XIII. Pontini ludoci regis filii. ML. consecratio monasterii Balmurenocli & Almo abbati primo cessio. S. XrV. In Scotia ad S. Andream Drostani monacbi. K. XV. Constantiae Joannis episcopi S. GaUi discipuli. B. XVI. Murthlaci Beani episcopi primi M. BT. In Boiis Marini episcopi & Anniani Archidiaconi martyrum. B : XVII. SangaUi MarceUi monachi & scbolarchae, sancti Notkeri Balbuli praeceptoris sanctissimi. B : C. XIIX. In Scotia Manerri episcopi, cujus imaginem colens rex DongaUus, sui saecuH principes omnes superavit. K. XIX. Brandani abbatis, qui a Moocb invitatus, septentrionis Insulas circumivit, & pietate imbuit. T. K. P. XX. Natalis Brandani, & in Scotiam reditus. T. XXI. Cenomanis Hildeberti episcopi S. Sedulii Scoti Graecorum episcopi preceptoris. T. C. 222 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. XXII. In Scotia Ethemani episcopi, qui in Insulis Scotieis natus, sancti Columbae disciptilus fait K. W. Abemethae ad quercum Mazotae virginis sancti Donevaldi filiae, quae inter alia sanctitatis argumenta, anseres feros, quorum ibi maxima tum copia, populari, ut solebant, segetes & sata vetuit nee posthac tota ea regione anser ullus visus, duratque etiamnum miraculi fides. K, BT. B. In Maia translatio in chorum & coUocatio Monani arcbidiaconi, qui cum S. Adriano & aliis, a Danis martyrium passus. K. XXIII. In Scotia Onani Diaconi viri incomparabilis. C. Elevatio Mazotae virginis. K. Eboraci beati Davidis Douglas, qui ab EUza- betha Angla securi percussus. C. XXIV. In Maia martyrum reliquiarum reconditio. F. K. Tur- raviae Connani viri in omnibus Deo placentis. B : Sconae depositio Eoberti abbatis, qui exinde translatus primus sancti Andreae prior fuit, & omnes regni abbates dignitate superabat, gloriam post obitum miracula loquebantur, piam religiosamque vitam liber revelationum ipsius, qui etiamnum extat, testatur. S. XXV. Dunfirmelini elevatio Malcokni IV. regis. C. Bethebniae Lachlani qui sub Pictorum excidium incredibili miraculorum frequentia claruerat, de quo mira narrantur. B. XXVI. Landaffae Tbeliai episcopi, sancti Davidis discipuli, Merlini Caledonii socii, viri per omnia sancti. C. B. Mombuli abbatis translationem quidam hie celebrant. C. XXVII. In Scotia Euthii episcopi. S. Columbae discipuli. S. B. T. XXIIX. Carcagiae Caroli episcopi, qui a S. Malacbia gravi morbo sanatus, & antistes consecratus, ut S. Bernardus scribit. B : Cauae reliquiarum Sedulii depositio & veneratio. B : an Scoti ? XXIX. In Cathenes commemoratio Oronii Modesti, qui inde egressus, in GaUiis doctrina & sanctitate floruit. B : In Scotia Hebredi presbyteri. B. C. XXX. Bergis Winoci abbatis translatio anno 902. Meyer. XXXI. In Frisia natalis Eicbardi Sacristae, qui Dundrano Scotiae monasterio exiens, in Anglia diu substitit, & pluximos sacros libros exscribens a Deo praemium meruit, ut dextera, corpore reliquo cor- rupto, intacta & vivida, per multos annos, viseretur. Gh. In Insulis Servani earum apostoH. C. B. In Cathenes Serlonis monachi & MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 223 martyris, cum S. Adamo episcopo cremati, & reliquiae hoc die Mailrosiam illatae. S. B : Vos autem sancti, Dei amici, orate pro me, misero peccatore, et dum carnis hoc gurgustio coerceor, et cum sarcinam hanc mortalitatis deposuero. Amen. PIO INVICTO EEUDITO SCOTIAE CLEKO. Negligentes majores nostros, qui vivorum domi forisque sanctorum vel nullam vel exiguam memoriam scripto commisere, aut verius, vindicem divinae voluntatis manum, quae peccatis nostris offensa, Ecclesiae nostrae successionem, nisi interrupte, ad nos venire non est passa, Et in iis Apostolicis, hujus gentis viris, quos Scotos esse & nos probamus, & eruditi omnes fatentur, quantum . caecutimus ? Etenim cum nuUum sub coelo regnum numerosiores & augustiores reliquias haberet, hodie quid earum rerum, nisi lessus funebris super- est? manca apud peregrinos commemoratio, lenta apud nostrates cura, nulla patrum sollicitudo, rabiosa vicinorum invidentia, amens & caecum plagium ? Ecce, proh nefas ! carent die natali, sancti qui sequuntur. Aatha S. Margaretae Reginae mater. Alexander R. F. in Lotharingia. Ambianus Guldens episcopus ia Scotia. Amphibalus episcopus ibidem. Anonymi & Anonymae multi sanctitatis praeclarae, quorum certa memoria, dies incertus. Barinthus S. Brandani praeceptor in Scotia. Buo Bardus in Silvestri Scotia sen Hibernia. Buo Apostolus Islandiae circa annum Dcccc. Cahinnechus, Abbas in Insixlis. Cailtanus abbas in Sutherlandia. Candidus socius S. Alcuini in Gallia, Coganus Abbas in Scotia & ut puto in Marria. Columbanus episcopus Longimensis. 224 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. Chuvilda virgo & martyr, in Bavaria, Chromanus episcopus in Scotiae montanis. i. Hibemia. B. Claudia uxor S. Pudentis Senatoris Eomae. Clemens episcopus Altissiodorensis. B. Clemens episcopus Dumblani S. Dominici discipvilus. Conleatus Episcopus S. Brigidae coaevus. Convallanus cognomento Senior in Scotia. Cormacus episcopus in Scotia. Cormacus abbas poeta in Argadia. B. Cornelius Ziricbzea in Belgio. Cummenius Albus abbas in Scotia. DicuUus abbas S. Fursaei socius Peronae. B. DanielCarthusianus Martyr in Scotia. Doban S, Bonifacii socius in Germania. Donatus episcopus Lupiis prope Eudias in Italia. B. Duneus martjrrio a Gensiis affectus in Belgio. Duffus Eex in Scotia & martyr. Dwina Apostolus Northumbriae in. Scotia. Dysignatus Eegis nepos episcopus Trajecti. Eberhardus Episcopus Eatisponae in Germania. Edilwaldus abbas Mailros Archiepiscopus Lindissae. Eduardus episcopus Aberdoniae in Scotia. B. Euanx episcopus Eedonum in Gallia. B. Gul. Elphinston Societatis JESU Novitius Eomae. Erlulfus Apostolus Islandiae anno Dccoc. Ernanus abbas iu Buta iu Scotia. Fastidius episcopus Pictorum. Faucianus episcopus Brechirii. ConcUio II. Matisconensi in Gallia sub rege S. Gunthranno subscripsit. Fergusius Comes Galweiae canonicus Eegularis in Scotia. Ferranus episcopus Guldens in Scotia. Fetbuo abbas in Scotia. Fiadocha virgo in Scotia. Frithwaldus episcopus Candidae Casae. Gains Martyr ia Maia Insula. Gailbaldus episcopus. B. Ganfredus S. Bemardi discipulus & scriba. MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 225 Gaxnadus episcopus Brechini. Gisualdus Monachus in Belgio. Gualaferus S. Rumoldi socius Machliniae. Gillenus abbas in Scotia. Glacianus Martyr in Maia. Godelbertus poeta Celebris in Scotia. Gulielmus regis filius Eremita m Hispania. Hadrous abbas in Belgio. Herebertus Frisiae Apostolus S. Bonifacii collega. Hermanus abbas Scotorum Coloniae. B. Adam Hangaliside Carthusianus Perthi, Hjlwaris virgo S. Odae comes in Belgio. lotha Ursxdana Coloniae. B. Ingelramus episcopus Glascoae. B. lonathas episcopus Dumblanensis CarmeUta. Levinus episcopus Verbanus in Italia. Liberia virgo soror S. Elifii in Germania. Lucia cognomento de Monte K. F. in Lotharingia. Lugadius abbas in Badgenoch. Madocus episcopus Guldens in Scotia, unde Kilmadock. Maurus S. Ursulae pater, Rex, id est Regis frater. Menalocbus episcopus ia Belgio. Menna virgo S. Elifii comes. Merilolanus martyr Rhemis in Campania. B. Mauritius abbas confessor Roberti Brusii regis. Nectanus episcopus Aberdoniae. B. Osbertus abbas de Kelso. Pectwinus episcopus Candidae Casae. Possennia virgo S. Gibriani soror in Campania. Promptia virgo soror ejusdem- B. Patricius Martyr ia Scotia. Potentinus Abbas S. Columbani discipulus. Priscus episcopus Guldens in Scotia. Queranua episcopus Guldens, circa annum ccciv. Salustius confessor S. Dysibodio aequalis. Sigebertus abbas Fuldae Archiepiscopus Moguntiae. Tigemacus confessor S. Mariani praeceptor. 2g 226 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. Totaneus abbas in lona S. Columbae discipulus. B. Tbelesinus Merlini praeceptor Eremita, Tliomianus episcopus in Scotia. Tressanus confessor in Belgio. Trumberus conditor Ingetbbngensis coenobii in Anglia. Trudbertus abbas Boiorum Apost. S. Rudberti frater. Vasenus Maikosiae abbas ia Scotia. Vettebnus episcopus Candidae Casae in Scotia. Vvilliebnus Eex Scotiae. Nee hi soli natalibus carent apud me, & in actis S.R.E. quod sciam, omnibus, sed & multorum notitia me fugit aliorum, quibus temporaria haec vita deest, licet aevitema in coelo fruantur & poti- antur; & vero ubi tot iUustrium coenobiorum patres, ubi Ulorum acta, quos ex S. Andreae solius sede permagno numero Divis adscriptos Boethius loquitur ? ego non plures, quam ill. eruo : ubi Dumbla- nensis apud Georgium Neutonum sancti xxiv. ? ego solos iv. novi : ex Dunkeldensibus Sanctis xiix. ego longe pauciores habeo, quam quos Alexander MiUus praeterit iadictos, quasi notissimos. Glascoensis Ecclesia XL. Sanctos, non episcopos, venerabatur, Anti- stites XI. pudet me paucitatis tarn infeHcis : in Sodorensi & Lismorensi sede altae pene mibi tenebrae : lonam, Butam, Pomonam, Hebrides & Orcadas, quis pro dignitate tangat aut praesumat? Beamum, Lin- dissam, Bencboram, Scotorum colonias taceo, & pauculos mibi submini- stravit Eruditissimorum altrix Maibosia, post Cassiaum matrem, nulli in toto orbe monasterio scriptorum gravitate aut sanctorum meritis & numero cessura. Ad ultimum ubi Domiuicani, Franciscani Augustiniani, CarmeHtae, Cartbusiani, Trinitarii, aut Betblemitae sancti ? cum ut supra docui, non minus in Scotia frequentes familias, quam ullo Europae regno haberent, tamen in eorum actis Italos, Gallos, Hispanos, Belgas, Gennanos, Polonos, Siculos, magna copia & sanctitate reperias, Scotos aut raros, aut nuUos, non sane, quod iUis multos non dederit Scotia, sed quia nostratibus silentibus, moni- mentisque corruptis, peregrini bomines res nostras nee curabant nee juvare poterant. quid ? quod ne ecclesiarum solemnitates ne peregrina- tionum celebritates supersiat, & inaudito exemplb, duplice clade pre- mimur, patria baeresi infecta & sanctorum abolito in terns honore, ut vix patrocinium, catbolico ritu, implorare possimus. Felices prae nobis MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 227 sunt Arabes, Tartan, Turcae, Graeci, adeoque ipsa rebellionis altrix Constantinopolis, quia licet iufidelitatis contagio ibi grassetur, moni- menta tamen iu tuto sunt. Vestrum erit ergo viri pii, vestrum opus, invicti catbolicae veritatis assertores, gloriose ea perficere, quae ego jejune exorsus, delineavi rudi poenicUlio vividioribus a vobis obducenda coloribus quod spero avidus & afflictim a Deo, Virgine matre, & Sanctis Scotis contendo, oroque ut in dies crescat. Deo gloria Ecclesiae splendor Piis fervor Scotiae fama Haeresi confusio & propudium. Suis locis inferenda. Die XXII. Aprilis Beati Vvillielnii episcopi Glascoensis, qui S. Margaretae reginae reli- quias transtulit, & decenter aurea capsa collocavit. S. Die XIX. Junii Bononiae ad D. Francisci depositio Eeliquiarum Bonifacii martyris, Deicolae abbatis, Ursulae virginis & martyris, cum capitibus quatuor sociarum ipsius. B : Die VII. Julii Fano S. Andreae Metropolitanae Ecclesiae consecratio per episco- pum loci Gulielmum Lambertonum factae anno 1318, & eodem die & anno donatio multi census eidem Ecclesiae, per regem Robertum Brussium bellorum Anglicanorum victorem, coneessa. S. Die XIV, Septembris Miraculosa S. Crucis Monasterii Edinburgensis fundatio, & Canoni- corum Regularium ibi coUocatio, nam dum rex S. David eo die S. Crucis festo venatum pergit, in densissima silva cervum habet obvium, qui feroci incursu eum equo disjectum vulnerat & dum ferae comu rex comprehendit, sacram Crucis imaginem, non comu, manu videt, in cujus facti memoriam, S. Alwiuo confessore & secretario suo 228 MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. suadente, eodem illo loco quo vulneratus erat, nobilissimum coenobium erexit & S. Alwino concessit, priori nomine Abergaire abolito, S. Crucis monasterium vocavit, ibique Angeli admonitu, sacram earn crucem, quam cervus in manu reliquit, felix venator, devote collocavit. S. Die V. Aprilis Florentia reparata jussu Caroli Magni per Gulielmum Achaii Scotorum Regis fratrem, quern Imperator Komam tendens ei operi praefecit, hie ergo & moenia angustiora facta extendit & pontem, quern veterem vocant, Arnum stravit & Leonem, Kegibus Scotis gentUitium stemma, urbis portis apposuit, & ut Leones publice alerentur, perpetuo sanxit. Anno 802. BT. Constantius Felix. Die XI. Julii. Ptolemais Christianis reddita per OHverium Scotum Saracenicae turmae praefectum, qui urbem patefecit Davidi S. Vvillielmi Regis Scotorum fratri. Anno 1191. BT. Const, Fel. Die 16, Augusti, Hoe die Alaricus per Aemiliam, Urbem Romam, sub meridiem ingressus, anno 411, & cum eo Scotica legio, ductu Fergusii II regis qui libros multos manuscriptos in Scotiam praedae partem, abstuHt exportandos, qui aetate Hectoris Boethii durabant, sed Hgeretici con- sumpserunt. BT. Claudianus de beUo Getico. Die 24. Augusti. Hie dies GaUiae luctuosus, fractis ad Vernolium copiis, ubi quin- que mUlia ceciderunt, in his Dictator Gallicorum exercituum & duo Equitum Magistri, Mareschallos vocant, Scoti numerantur, praeclaro foederis inter duo ilia regna eulogio, Angli victores ad duo millia caesi. Hist. GaU. anno 1405. Hoc eodem die Scoticus Hercules, invictus patriae suae vindex, ac veluti murfls, Gulielmus WaUassius a suis traditus, Londini diris cruciatibus enectus ac exenteratus est, qui fertur omnibus suis ex- peditionibus ecclesiastico ordini honorem summum exhibuisse, nee unquam monasterium aut presbyterum monialemve violasse, ferunt etiam exempto corde locutum, & sanctissimae Dei genitrici animam suam enixe commendasse. H. MENOLOGIUM SCOTICUM. 229 NOTAEUM RATIO. B. Breviarium Scoticum, maxime Aberdonense. B : Breviarium propriae Ecclesiae. M. Martyrologium Romanum Illustrissimi Baronii. MA. Martyrologium Anglicmn. MC. Martyrologium Carthusianum aut Canisii, Adami Vvalasseris. V. Vsuardus GaroH Magni capeUanus. W. Arnoldus Vuion, Monachus Benedictinus. ML. Joamies Molanus, Theologus Lovaniensis. S. Scotichronicon a Magno MacuUone exscriptum. C^ CoUectauea GUberti Bruni, Henrici Sinclari &c. BT. Hector Boethius, Historicus Scotorum. K. Kalendarium Adami Regii, Jacobi Cheynaei &c. Gh. Constantinus Ghinius, Canonicus S. Salvatoris. T. Joannes Trithemius, abbas Spainhaimensis. P. Petrus de Natalibus Episcopus Equilinus. F. Joannes Fordanus aut ejus continuator. H. Raphael Holinshedus, aut Rogerus Hovedenus, N. S. Notkerus Balbulus, S, GaUi monachus. H. Lunae ratio ab aliis petatur. D. Homob. Paen. pro Illustriss. & Reverendiss. Card, Axchiepisc, Bonon, Imprimatur. Fr. Hier. Gottardus Castoldus pro Reverendiss. P. Inq. Bonon. ^cotttsi) €ntxitsi intfje MaUnhax of a>a)3tt> Camerariu0. XL t)tottt0l) entries intfie Malznhax of SDatJtD Camerariug. JANUAKIUS. 1 Die. Sancta Mathildis virgo & Eegis Scotiae filia. 2 Die. Sanctus Congallus Abbas Bencborensis Monasterij in Scotia. Hoc eodem die Sanctus Matbissus Episcopus & Confessor in Scotia. 3 Die. Sanctae Posenna & Promptia Scotae vna cuin sex aliis fratribus. 4 Die. Sanctus Cbromanus siue Cbronanus Episcopus & Confessor. Fuit bic sanctus Celebris admodum apud Cuningamenses in Scotia. 5 Die. Sanctus Kodulpbus Episcopus Aberdonensis. 7 Die. Sancta Kentigema Vidua. 8 Die. Sanctus Natbalanus vel Netbebnus Episcopus. 9 Die. Sanctus FUlanus seu Filanus Abbas Fifani illius Monasterij cui Pettinuimeum nomen. 11 Die. Sanctus David Scotiae Eex,quatuor Episcopatuum& quatuor- decim Monasteriorum fundator. 13 Die. Sanctus Bamitus Confessor. Videatur Scoti-Cbronicon. Alij eius diem festum ponunt 5 Januarij. Eodem die S. Kentigernus Arcbiepiscopus Glascuensis qui & Mungo, id est, dilecte mi, dictus est. Sancta Mancina virgo apud Hebridianos miraculorum gloria celeberrima. Beatus Accas, Actas, Areas, Episcopus Hagulstadiensis in Anglia & Candidae Casae in Scotia. 2h 234 SCOTTISH ENTEIES IN THE Eodem die. Sanctus Bigitanus Episcopus in Scotia. Eodem die. Sanctus Furseus Abbas. 18 Die. Sanctus Viminus Episcopus & Confessor qui & Vimius dictus est. Hie sanctus ex Abbate cuiusdam monasterij Fifanae prouinciae in Scotia factus est Episcopus. 23 Die. Sanctus Adamannus Eugenij VI. Scotorum Regis praeceptor, foederis cum Brudaeo Pictorum Rege consUiator. Boetius lib. 9 hist. Eius reliquiae in Moravia conseruabantur, teste Fordano in suk historic, 25 Die. Sanctus Eoglodius Monachus & Confessor apud Galouidianos sanctitate vitae & miraculorum gloria Celebris. 26 Die. Sanctus Conon sine Conanus Episcopus Sodorensis. 27 Die. S. Adamannus Abbas Coludius. 29 Die. Sanctus Maknolocus Episcopus & Confessor. 31 Die. Sanctus Adamannus Abbas Huenais. Hoc eodem die S. Modocus Episcopus & Confessor sancti- tate vitae & miraculis clarus in e^ Scotiae parte, quae ab eodem Kilmodok (quasi locus, Modoco sacer) indigitatur. FEBRUARIUS. 1 Die. Sancta Brigida virgo, cuius vita miraculis maximis claruit. Hoc die S. Fintanus Confessor, alij Finnanum seu Sinanum vocant Martyrologium Romanum eius festum ponit 17 buius mensis die. Paupertati fertur fuisse addictissimus. 3 Die. Sanctus Fotbadus Episcopus & Confessor qui Malcolmo Scot- orum Regi buius nominis II. erat k confessionibus & consilijs. 4 Die. Sanctus Modanus Abbas Drijburgensis. 6 Die. Sanctus Ronanus, quern Beda Ronan & Ronanum vocat. Hie Sanctus relict^ Scotifl Apostolorum limina, quae in summa apud Scotos semper veneratione fuere, inuisenda suscepit. 9 Die. Sanctus Erehardus vel Erchardua Confessor. 12 Die. Sanctus Maneteus Abbas, Celebris habetur in Hebridibus In- sulis praecipu^ in lona Insula. 14 Die. Sanctus Conranus vel Conrannu^ Episcopus & Confessor. KALENDAE OF DAVID CAMEEAEIUS. 235 1 7 Die. Sanctus Finnanus Bpiseopus & Confessor. 18 Die. Sanctus Colmannus Bpiseopus & Confessor. 20 Die. Sanctus Coganus Abbas. Fuit Mc Sanctus Sanctae Kentigemae frater. 22 Die. Beatus Brixius Episcopus Moraviensis. 23 Die. Sanctus Boisilus Confessor & Abbas Mailrosiae in Scoti^. 24 Die. Sanctus Berectus Monachus & Confessor qui profuit & vitae sanctissimae exemplo & praedicatione. 25 Die. Sanctus CaUtanus Abbas. 28 Die. Sanctus Nennius Abbas Benehorensis Monasterij in Insula Hebridum Hu. Eodem die Sanctus Cormaclius Presbyter & Confessor. MARTIUS. 1 Die. Sanctus Marnanus Episcopus & Confessor. Hoc eodem die S. Monanus Martyr in Fifst provinci^ & adiacentibus Maiae Insulae regionibus ob noiracula Celebris. 3 Die Sancta Christiana Virgo soror Sanctae Margaretae Scotorum reginae. 4 Die. Sanctus Adrianus vel Hadrianus Archiepiscopus S. Andreae & Martyr. 7 Die. Sanctus Colmanus Episcopus Lindisfamesium Apostolus Nordanimbrorum & Haebridum. 8 Die. Sanctus Duthacus Confessor & Episcopus Rossensis, in Eossia & Morauia Scotiae prouincijs sanctitatis opinione clarus. 9 Die. Sanctus Cobnus Episcopus Orcadum Insularti de eo consule Annales Scoticos. 10 Die. Sanctus Makkessogus qui & Kessogus dictus est Cofessor & Episcopus in Boina Scotie prouincia miraculorum glori4 Celebris. Hoc eodem etiam die sancta Kennocha Virgo in Coila Scotiae prouincia Celebris. 11 Die. Sanctus Constantinus Martyr & Scotorum Rex seeundus hoc nomine. 12 Die. Sanctus Fetno Confessor. 236 SCOTTISH ENTEIES IN THE 13 Die. Sanctus Viganus Confessor & Anachoreta in Leuina prouincia Celebris. 14 Die, Sanctus Conmanus Abbas Huensis. 15 Die. Sanctus Conleatus Sodorensis Episcopus. 16 Die. Sanctus Bonifacius Rossensis Episcopus. 17 Die. Sanctus Patricius Confessor, Episcopus & Hibemorum Apos- tolus. 19 Die. Sanctus Clemens Episcopus Dumblanensis in Scotia non DubUnensis ia Hybemia. 20 Die. Sanctus Cormanus vel Comanus primus Apostolus Nordan- imbrorum. 22 Die. Sanctus Ibar, vel Ibarus Episcopus & Confessor. 24 Die. Sanctus Duumchadus vel Dunicbadus Abbas Hoyensis In- sulae virorum Sanctorum fertiHssimae, praefuit annos multos Hoyensi monasterio non sine sanctitatis & mira- culorum fama. 29 Die. Sanctus Baldredus Confessor, Episcopus Glascuensis apud Dinastas & Principes viros magnae auctoritatis & gratiae. APEILIS. 1 Die. Sanctus Gilbertus Episcopus & Confessor in Catbanesia Scotiae prouiacia. 2 Die. Sancta Ebba Virgo & Martyr Abbatissa. 3 Die. Sanctus Dimaus vel Diaaus Episcopus in Scotia. 4 Die. Beatus Conuallus Eex hoc nomine primus. 5 Die. Sanctus Tigernacus Episcopus & Confessor. 6 Die. Sanctus Bercbamus vel Bertbanus Episcopus Orcadensis & Confessor. 7 Die. Sanctus Sigenius Abbas Bencborensis monasterij in Insult Hoyensi. 11 Die. Sanctus Gudlocus Confessor ia Merchi^ Scotiae prouincia vitae sanctitate & miraculorum gloria Celebris. 13 Die. Sanctus Guiuocbus Confessor & Episcopus. 15 Die. Sanctus Mundus Abbas, sanctitate vitae & miraculis Celebris ad baec nostra tempora in prouincia Argatbelia. 16 Die. Sanctus Mannus siue Magnus Episcopus & Martyr. KALENDAE OF DAVID CAMEEAEIUS. 237 18 Die. Sanctus Eduardus Episcopus Aberdonensis, 19 Die. Sanctus Columbanus Abbas reclusus. 20 Die. Sanctus Sernanus Episcopus & Confessor & Orcadensium Apostolus. 22 Die. Sancta Etbebeda "Virgo in Coldingbam. 26 Die. Sanctus Erenaeus Abbas. 27 Die. Sanctus Eusebius Sancti Eeguli socius. 29 Die. Sanctus Middanus Abbas monasterij Sacrum Boscum dicti ordinis Sancti Benedicti in Niddisdalia Scotiae prouinci^. MAIUS. 2 Die. Sanctus Columbanus Episcopus apud Scotos Celebris. 3 Die. Sanctus Walterus vel Gualterus Abbas MaUrossensis. 5 Die. Sanctus Scandalaus Confessor. 12 Die. Sanctus CongaUus Abbas Eathurelfigi monasterij in Scotia. 15 Die. Sanctus Chromanus presbiter & confessor in Memia Scotiae prouincia. 16 Die. Sanctus Brandanus Abbas Apostolus Orcadum & Scoticarum iasularum. Hoc eodem die S. Brandanus Abbas Culrossiae. Hoc eodem etiam die sanctus Bentbus Confessor. 17 Die. Sanctus Conuallus Abbas & Sancti Kentigerni k teneris annis discipulus. Hoc eodem die sanctus Cathanus Episcopus in Buta Scotiae InsuM. 23 Die. Sanctus Gruillelmus Mart37r gloriosissimus. 24 Die. Sanctus Ferranus Episcopus Culdaeus ia Scotid. 27 Die. Sancta Fintana virgo. 29 Die. Sanctus Dagamus Episcopus & Confessor in GaUoidia Scotiae prouincia. 31 Die. Sancta Findocba virgo. JUNIUS.- 2 Die. Sanctus Ceolacbus, Cellacus, Colathus vel Colachus Episcopus Lindisfamiae & Leichfeldensis, Apostolus Merciorum. 238 SCOTTISH ENTEIES IX THE Hoc eodem die sanctus Damianus sancti Reguli comes. Hoc eodem etiam die sanctus Malcolmus Scotorum Kex hoc nomine tertius, & martyr. 3 Die. Sanctus Trefanus Confessor. 4 Die. Sanctus Fothardus, vel Fotliadus. 5 Die. Sanctus Eobanus Martyr. 6 Die. Sanctus Columba Confessor & Presbyter. Hoe eodem die sanctus Fimbarus Episcopus & Confessor. Hoc eodem die sanctus Viuianus Episcopus. 8 Die. Sancta Syra virgo & Abbatissa. Hoc eodem die Celebris habetur apud Scotos sanctus Columba Abbas. 9 Die. Sanctus Comus Abbas. 10 Die. Sancta Margareta Scotorum Eegina. 1 1 Die. Sanctus Gains Martyr in Mai4 Insula. 12 Die. Sanctus Ternanus Episcopus & Confessor & post Ninianimi sanctum Pictorum Australium veluti Apostolus. 1 4 Die. Sanctus Colmannus M. Abbas. 15 Die. Sanctus Camocus Episcopus Culdaeus. 19 Die. Sanctus Duthacus Episcopus Eossiae sepidtus in oppido Trua. 21 Die. Sanctus Geruadius Episcopus Brecbinensis in Scoti4. 23 Die. Sanctus GUlenus comes sancti Columbani. 25 Die. Sanctus Molonachus sine Molocbus Episcopus & Confessor qui pro viribus in Marria Scotiae prouinci^ proximorum saluti studuit. 27 Die. Sanctus Godricus Eremita Archiepiscopus sancti Andree. 28 Die. Sanctus Merenus Abbas in celebri illo apud Scotos monasterio cui Benebora nomen. JULIUS. 2 Die. Sanctus Cahinnicus Abbas miraculis & vitae puritate apud Hebridianos & Orcadenses Scotos Celebris. 5 Die. Sancta Moduenna Virgo in Laudonia & Galouida Scotiae pro- uincijs Celebris. 6 Die. Sanctus Palladius Episcopus & Scotorum velut Apostolus missus h, Ccelestino Komano Pontifice in Scotiam. KALENDAE OF DAVID CAMEEAEIUS. 239 9 Die. Sancta Ktmera Virgo. 11 Die. Sanctus Drastanus Abbas & Confessor. 12 Die. Sanctus Doneualdus aliter Donaldus cum nouem filiabus, 13 Die. Sanctus loannes Episcopus Dumkeldensis & sancti Andreae ArcMepiscopus, 15 Die. Sanctus Plechelinus Episcopus Candidae Casae. 16 Die. Sancta Macra virgo Eegis Scotiae filia. 17 Die. Sanctus Golgus Abbas. 18 Die. Sancta Thametis, aliis Thennat Scotorum Eegina, & in Glot- tiana praesertim Scotiae prouincia eeleberrima. Hoc eodem die Sanctus Claras Regis Scotiae filius. 19 Die. Sanctus Dimannus Abbas. Coelo ipsum dedit Strahnauernia Scotiae prouincia sub Christi annum 670. Hoc eodem die sanctus Blanus Epscopus Dumblanensis. 20 Die. Sanctus Onanus Diaconus Rossensis. 26 Die. Sanctus Chamnecus confessor, sancto Columbae cbarissimus. Hoc eodem die sanctus Colmolcus Confessor Sc Episcopus in Scotia. 30 Die. Sanctus Saranus. AUGUSTUS. 1 Die. Sanctus Diuma, 2 Die. Sanctus Dermitius Presbyter & Confessor. 7 Die. Sanctus Cibthacus Episcopus in Scotia. 10 Die. Sanctus Blanus Episcopus Sodorensis. Ab illo ciuitas Ula cui Dumblan nomen in Scotia, indigitatur, 15 Die. Sanctus Cormaehus vel Cormacus Episcopus Murthacensis vel Aberdonensis. 19 Die. Sanctus Donotius Epi^opus Aberdonensis, 20 Die. Sanctus Stolbrandus Episcopus & Martyr h Danis in Maia Insula. 21 Die. Sancta Firicana virgo Eremita filia sancti Doneualdi, de quo suprL 23 Die. Sanctus Nectanus Episcopus Aberdonensis, apud Davidem Scotorum Begem tanta vabiit gratia, vt omnium in repub- lica negotiorum momenta ab lUius nutu & consilio Rex merito pendere voluerit. 240 SCOTTISH ENTEIES IN THE 24 Die. Sanctus Erchadus vel Ertliadus Episcopus in Scotia. 25 Die. Sanctus Eonnanus. 27 Die. Sanctus Malrubius Martyr h, Noruegis. Celebris habetur in Memia. 29 Die. Sanctus Fiacrius Eugenij Scotorum Eegis hoc nomine quarti filius. 30 Die. Sanctus Aidanus Confessor, Lindisfemensis Episcopus & Anglorum Apostolus ex Hoy insult una Hebridum ad Anglos ad Christi fidem conuertendos missus. SEPTEMBEE. 1 Die. Sanctus Glascianus Episcopus & Confessor in Morauia Scotiae prouinci^ Celebris. 2 Die. Sanctus Odranus. 7 Die. Sanctus Magnus Abbas. 8 Die. Sancta Bega virgo. 11 Die. Sanctus Queranus Abbas FoUensis in Scotia. 13 Die. Sanctus Batbeneus Confessor. 14 Die. Sanctus ConuaUus Monacbus qui h teneUa aetate in nobUi illo monasterio, cui Crux Eegalis nomen, prima iecit funda- menta virtutis, vnde & Celebris babebatur ob sanctitatis famam, in iUa Scotiae prouincia cui Caricta nomen. Hoc eodem die celebratur translatio sancti Blani Episcopi Dumblanensis in Scotia. 15 Die. Sanctus Adam Episcopus Catbenensis in Scotia. 17 Die. Sanctus Miriaus Abbas Paslatensis in Scotia, & postea Neubotelensis in Laudonia Scotiae prouincia Celebris. 18 Die. Sanctus Ninianus Diui Martini nepos in GaUouidia Scotiae prouincia celeberrimus, ac Candidae Casae in Scoti^, Scoticfe Qubytborne Episcopus. 22 Die. Sanctus Domitius presbiter. 24 Die. Sanctus Lolanus Episcopus & Confessor apud Duncanum Scotorum Eegem magn& in auctoritate & gratis. 25 Die. Sanctus Adamannus Episcopus, Nortbumbrorum Apostolus. 26 Die. Sanctus Thevuanus Abbas & Confessor. 29 Die. Sanctus Barrus seu Finlarrus Confessor & prilnus Episcopus Catbanesiae. KALENDAE OF DAVID CAMEKARIUS. 241 30 Die. Sanctus Machanus Episcopus & Confessor. Hoc eodem die sanctus Malchus Episcopus Sodorensis in Scoti&. Hoc eodem etiam die sanctus Coganus Abbas in Lochabria Scotiae prouincii Celebris. OCTOBER. 1. Die. Sanctus Priscus Episcopus, in Canteira praesertim prouinci^ Celebris, & Eegi Conrano perfanuliaris. 5. Die. Sanctus Conuallanus Abbas lonae, Episcopus in Seotii Fer- guhardi Regis praeceptor. 6 Die. Sanctus Cominus Abbas Deirae familiaris sancti Columbae. 7 Die. Santus Macceus cum sancto Patricio Scotia egressus. 8 Die. Sancta Triduana Virgo sanctissima apud Scotos celeberrima. 9 Die. Sanctus MathUla, induit sanctam Brigiddam. 11 Die. Sanctus Canicus sine Kenicus Abbas. 17 Die. Sanctus Regulus Abbas, qui sancti Andreae reliquias in Scotiam detulit. 18 Die. Sanctus Monon Martyr sine Mommon. 19 Die. Sancta VdUina Scotorum Regina & Martyr Regis Eugenij k Maximo occisi vxor magnae virtutis & animi mulier. 22 Die. Sanctus Kieranus. 24 Die. Sancta Maxentia Virgo & Martyr, Mordaci Scotorum Regis fiHa. 29 Die. Sanctus Albuinus Monachus Huensis, Apostolus Thurin- gorum, Episcopus Frislariae. NOVEMBER. 1 Die. Sancta Beia Virgo & Abbatissa magno fuit in honore apud Donaldum Scotorum Regem huius nominis sextum. Hoc eodem etiam die sanctus DuflFas Scotorum Rex. 2 Die. Sancta Maura Virgo miraculis Celebris k qua locus Ule Kil- maure dictus in prouincia Cuninghamiae indigitatur. 3 Die. Sanctus Gobbanus. 4 Die. Sanctus Dorauus Episcopus. 5 Die. Sanctus Englatius Episcopus & Confessor. Magna fuit in 2i 242 SCOTTISH ENTEIES IN THE Strathbogia opmione sanctitatis & miraculorum gloria Celebris. 6 Die. Sanctus Vinocus Abbas. 8 Die. Sanctus Morocus Abbas antiquissimi illius apud Scotos monasterij cui Dunkel siue Duncalidonia nomen. 9 Die. Sanctus Gernadius Episcopus Morauiensis. 10 Die. Sanctus loannes Scotus Martyr. 13 Die. Sanctus . Macarius Episcopus Aberdonensis. Hoc eodem die sanctus Deuinicus Episcopus in Anglia. 14 Die. Sanctus Medanus Episcopus & Confessor. Celebris habetur in Bucbania Scotiae prouincia. 15 Die. Sanctus Maclouius siue Machutus Episcopus & Confessor, 18 Die. Sanctus Tergusius Episcopus & Confessor. Maguo fuit in houore apud Conranum Kegem. 25 Die. Sanctus Mamochus Episcopus & Confessor. Magna fuit in auctoritate & gratia apud Cratblintbum Scotorum Eegem. Magn& fuit in Cymingami^ veneratione & sanctitatis fama. 26 Die. Sanctus Eattanus siue Eatta Abbas MaUrossenais monasterij. 27 Die. Sanctus Albinus Confessor & Episcopus qui in Huensi Scotiae Insula Diui Columbae monasterium ingressus sanctitate vitae & miraculis omnibus praeluxit. Hoc eodem die Sancta Oda virgo & Eugenij sancti Regis Scotiae fiHa, tarn in Scoti^ quam in Flandria ob vitae sanctitatem & miraculorum multitudinem Celebris. 28 Die. Sanctus Patricianus Episcopus Celebris in ea Scotiae pro- uincia, cui Sutherlandia nomen. 29 Die. Sancta Kenneira, vel Kenneua, vel Kunera Sanctae Vrsulae socia. 30 Die. Sanctus Tarkiuus Episcopus & Confessor. 31 Die. Sanctus Foillanus Episcopus & Martyr. DECEMBER. 1 Die. Sancta Dardulacha. 2 Die. Sanctus lunanus Confessor. Apud Kennetbum secundum boc nomine Scotiae Regem gratia & autboritate plurimum valuit. 3 Die. Sanctus Malcolmus hoc nomine quartus Scotorum Rex. KALENDAE OF DAVID CAMEKAEIUS. 243 5 Die. SanctusAmphibalusCuldaeusScotorumsyluestrium Apostolus. 6 Die. Sanctus Blaitllinacus Martyr. 7 Die. Sanctus Gallanus Monaclius & Confessor. Celebris habetur in Insula lona & adiacentibus. 9 Die. Sanctus Coninanus Abbas Huensis. 11 Die. Sanctus Coganus. 12 Die. Sanctus Canicus. 16 Die. Sanctus Beanus Episcopus MurtUacensis Dicecesis. 18 Die. Sanctus Mauerius Episcopus & Confessor. 20 Die. Sanctus Comogellus Abbas. 21 Die. Sanctus Etbemanus Abbas & Confessor, sancti^olumbae ex fratre nepos. 22 Die. Sanctus Constantinus Eex, buius nominis tertius, bumanae vitae odio iuflammatus regno se abdicauit, vitamque suam Deo in Ccenobio D. Andreae consecrauit, in quo posted gloriosam mortem confecit. 23 Die. Sanctus Caranus Episcopus & Confessor. 25 Die. Sanctus Bathanus Episcopus & Confessor in Scotia universa, sed praesertim in Scbetlandia & Thule Insulis, Celebris. 26 Die. Sanctus Mofutacus Confessor. Celebris habebatur in Aber- donensi Dioecesi. 27 Die. Sanctus Tuda Episcopus Northumbrorum. 29 Die. Sanctus Onanus Sacerdos & Eremita, Celebris in ea Scotiae parte, ciu The Gars of Gauri nomen. 30 Die. Sanctus Etbbinus. 31 Die. Sancta Brigida Virgo & Soror sancti Andreae Archidiaconi. S>cotti0|) Maiznt^ax. t>cotti0l^ Maltnt^ax. lANUARIE HATH XXXI DAYES. Thk MooifE . SXX. ( riseth Sonne faUeth ) { 7. min. 12. fhoure. ^ 1 ( 4. min. 48. i MOB Pka 1. Lesson. JJING 2. Lesson. EVEilTmG Pkatek. 1. Lesson, i 2. Lesson. xix 1 a Eidend. Ciramieision,. i Gen. 17 Rom. ii Deur. x Colos. 2 viii 2 b iiii No. ii Gen. 1 Mat. i Gen. ii Rom. i 3 c iii No. iii iii ii iiii ii vi 4 d Prid. No. iiii V iii vi iii 5 e Nonas. V vii iiii viii iiii 6 f vm Id. Epvphanie. vi Esay. Ix Luk. iii Esay. 49 Job. ii xiii 7 g vii Id. vii Gen. ix Mat. V Gen. xi Rom. V • • u 8 a vi Id. Lucian. viii xii vi • •• XUl vi 9 b V Id. ix xiiii vii XV vii X 10 c iv Id. X xvi viii xvii viii 11 d m Id. David King. xi xviii ix xix ix xviii 12 e Prid. Id. Sol in aquomo. xii XX X xxi X vii 13 f Idus. Mnngo Bishop. xiii xxii xi xxiii xi 14 g xix kl. Febraarii. xiiii xxiiii xii XXV xii XV 15 a xviii kl. XV xxvi xiii xxvii xiii iiii 16 b xvii fcl. xvi xxviii xiiii TTIT xiiii 17 c xvi kl. xvii XXX XV xxxi XV xii 18 d XV kl. Prisca. xviii xxxii xvi xxxiii xvi i 19 e xiv kl. xix xxxiii xvii XXXV iCor. i 20 f xiii kl. Fabian. XX xxxvii xviii xxxvlii ii ix 21 g xii kl. Agnes. xxi xxxix xix xl iii 22 a xi kl. Vincent. xxii xii XX xiii iiii XTli 23 b X kl. xxiii xiiii xxi xliiii V tI 24 c ix kl. Fast. xxiiii xlv xxii xlvi vi 25 d VIU kl. Convers. Paul. XiV Wisd. 1 Act. 22 Wisd. ii Act. 26 xiiii 26 e vii kl. xxvi Gen. 47 Mat. 23 Gen. 48 1 Cor. 7 iii 27 f vi kl. xxvii xlix xxiiii i V 28 g V kl. xxviii Exod. 1 XXV Exod. ii ix xii 29 a iiii kl. xxix iii xxvi iiii X xix 30 b iii kl. XXX V xxvii vi xi vii 31 c Prid. kl. xxxi vii xxviii viii xii 248 SCOTTISH KALENDAR FEBRUAEiJH HATH XXVHI DAYES. The Moone xxx. .•* ( riseth ) ( 7. min. 14. 1 MORNING EVENING Snnne i } houre. { faUeth 4.iniTi, 46. Pbatek. 1. Lesson. 2. Lesson. Peaybk. 1. Lesson. 1 2. Lesson. 1 d Kalend. Fast. ii Fxod. 9 Mar. 1 Exod. X 1 Cor. 13 xvi 2 e iiii No, Purif.ofB.Mary iii Wisd. 4 ii Wisd. 6 xiiii V 3 f iii No. Blasii. iiii Exod. xi iii Exod. 12 XV 4 g Prid. No. V xiii iiii xiiii xvi xiii 5 a Nonas. Agathe. vi XV V xvi 2 Cor. i ii 6 b viii Id. vii xvii vi xviii ii 7 c vii Id. viii xix vii XX iii 8 d vi Id. ix xxi viii xxii • ••■ uu 9 e V Id. X xxiii ix xxiiii V xviii 10 f iiii Id. xi xxxii X xxxiii vi vii 11 g iii Id. Sol in pisdbus. ^ xxxiiii xi XXXV vii 12 a Prid. Id. xiii xl xii Lev. 9 viii XV 13 b Idus. xiiii Lev. 12 xiii xvi ix iiii 14 c xvi kl. Valentine. XV xviii •giiii xix X 15 d XV kl. March. xvi XX XV xxi xi xii 16 e xiiii kl. xvii xxiii xvi xxiiii xii 17 f xiii kl. xviii XXV Luk.di.i xxvi xiii 18 g xii kl. Colman. xix xxvii di.i Num. V Gal. 1 X 19 a xi kl. XX Num. 6 ii viii ii 20 b X kl. xxi ix iii X iii xvii 21 c ix kl. xxii xi iiii xii iiii vi 22 d viii kl. xxlii xiii V xiiii V 23 24 e f vii kl. vi kl. Fast. xxiui XV vi xvi vi xiiii 8. MattMas. XXV xvii vii XX Epkes. i iii 25 g V kl. xxvi xxi viii xxii ii 26 a iiii kl. xxvii xxiii ix xxiiii iii vi 27 b iii kl. xxvii XXV X xxvii , iiii 28 c Prid. kl. xxix xxx xi xxxi V SCOTTISH KALENDAK. 249 MARCH HATH XXXI DAYES. The Moone XXX. ( riseth 1 I 6. min. 18. i MORNING EVENING Sonne ^ honre. < 1 Pkaybr. Peayek. t falleth ( 5. min. 42. S 1. Lesson. 2. Lesson. 1. Lesson. 2. Lesson. xi\ 1 d Kalend. David. XXX Num.32 Luk. xii Nu. 36 Ephe. 6 ■viii 2 e \i No. Cedde. i xxxvi xiii Deut. i Phil, i 3 f V No. ii - Deut. ii xiiii iii ii xvi 4 g iiii No. iii iiii XV V iii V 5 a iii No. iiii vi xvi vii iiii 6 b Prid. No. V viii xvii ix Colos. i xiii 7 c Nonas. Perpetue. vi X xviii xi ii ii 8 d viii Id. vii xii xix xiii iii 9 e vii Id. viii XV XX xvi iiii X 10 f vi Id. ix xvii xxi xviii 1 Thes. i 11 g V Id. Const. 3. King. X XIX xxii XX ii xviii 12 a iiii Id. Gregorie. xi xxi xxiii xxii iii Tii 13 b iii Id. Sol in Ariete. xii xxiii xxiiii xxiiii iiii 14 c Prid. Id. xiii XXV John i xxvi V XV 15 d [dus. xiiii xxvii ii xxviii 2 The. i iiii 16 e xvii kl. Aprilis. XV xxix iii XXX ■ ii 17 f xvi kl. Patrick. xvi xxxi iiii xxxii iii xii 18 g XV kl. Cyril Bishop. xvii xxxiii V xxxiiii iTim. i i 19 a xiiii kl. xviii Josua i vi JoBua ii ii. iii 20 b xiii kl. Cuthberi; Bish. xix iii vii iiii iiii ix 21 c xii kl. Benedict. XX V viii vi V 22 d xi kl. xxi vii ix viii vi xyii 23 e X kl. xxii ix X X 2 Tim. i vi 24 f ix kl. Fast. xxiii xiiii xi XX ii 25 g viii kl. Awnun.of Marie. xxiiii Eccle. ii xii Eccle. iii iii xiiii 26 a vii kl. XXV Jos. xxii xiii Jos. 23 iiii iii 27 b vi kl. Init. Beg. Carol. xxvi xxiiii xiiii Judg. i Titus i 28 c V kl. xxvii Judg. ii XV iii ii. iii xi 29 d iiii kl. xxviii iiii xvi V Philem. 30 e iii kl. YXIY vi xvii vii Hebr. i xix 31 f Prid. kl. XXX viii xviii ix ii 2k 250. SOOTTISH KALENDAR. APRIL HATH XXX DATES. The Moone xxix. ( riseth 1 Sonne < > houre. ( faUeth 5. min. 15. 6. min. 45. 1 MOE] Pba^ 1. Lesson. houre. < 1 Pkatbb. Pkayee. ( falleth ) ( 6. mm. 4. 1. Lesson. 2. Lesson. 1. Lesson. 2. Lesson. 1 a Kalend. Remig. i Ezek, 5. Mark 4 Ezek. 6 1 Cor. 16 X 2 b vi No. ii vii V viii 2 Cor. 1 3 c V No. iii ix vi xi ii xviii 4 d iiii No. iiii xii vii xiii iii Tii 5 e iii No. V xiiii viii XV iiii 6 f Prid. No, Faith. vi xvi ix xvii V XV 1 g Nonas. vii xviii X xix vi iiii 8 a viiii Id. viii XX xi xxi vii 9 b vii Id. Denis. ix xxii xii xxiii viii xi 10 c vi Id. X xxiiii xiii XXV ix ii 11 d V Id. xi xxxiiii xiv XXXV X 12 e iiii Id. Sol m Scorpio. xii xxxvi XV xxxvii xi ix 13 f iii Id. Edward. xiii Dan. i xvi Dan. 2 xii 14 g Prid. Id. xiiii iii Luk. di, i iiii xiii xvii 15 a Idus. XV V di. i vi Gal. 1 16 b xvii kl. Novembris. xvi vii ii viii ii vi 17 c xvi kl. Ethelrede. xvii ix iii X iii xiii 18 d XV kl. Luke Evang. xviii xi iiii xii iiii iii 19 e xiiii kl. xix Hosea 1 v Hosea ii V 20 f xiii kl. XX iii vi iiii vi xi 21 g xii kl. xxi V vii vi Ephes. 1 xix 22 a xi kl. xxii vii viii viii ii 23 b X kl. xxiii ix ix X iii viii 24 c ix kl. xxiiii xi X xii iiii 25 d viii kl. Crispine. XXV xiii xi xiiii V xvi 26 e vii kl. xxvi Joel i xii Joel ii vi V 27 f vi kl. Fast. xxvii iii xiii Amos i Phil, i 28 g V kl. Simon & Jvde. xxviii Amos ii xiiii iii ii xii 29 a iiii kl. xxix iiii XV V • •• m ii 30 b iii kl. XXX vi xvi vii iiii 31 c Prid. Fast. xxxi Pro. 11 xvii Pro. 12 Col. i SCOTTISH KALENDAE. 257 NOVEMBER HATH XXX DAYES. Thf. Moone XXIX. risett 1 7.inm. 23. i MORNING EVENING Sanne < > hooie. < a Pbaybb. Peavbk. faUeth (4.TniTi, 37. 1 1. Lesson. 2. Lesson. 1. Lesson. 2. Lesson. X 1 d Kalend. All Samts. i Wisd. 3 Heb.xi.xii Wisd. 5 Rev. 19 2 e iiii No. ii Amos 8 Luk. 18 Amos 9 Colos. 2 XTui 3 f iii No. iu Obad. 1 xix Jonah i iii Tii 4 g Prid. No. iv Jonah ii XX iii iiii 5 a Nonas. Powder-treason. V iiii xxi Micah i 1 Thes. i XV 6 b Tiii Id. Leonard. vi Mica ii xxii iii ii iiii 7 c vii Id. vii iiii xxiii V iii 8 d vi Id. viii vi xxiiii vii iiii xii 9 e V Id. ix Nah. i John i Nah. ii V X 10 f iiii Id. X Abac, i ii Abac, ii 2 Thes. i • 1 11 g iii Id. S. Martin. xi iii iii Zeph. i ii 12 a Prid. Id. Sol in Sagit. xii Zeph. ii iiii iii iii 13 b Idus. Brice. xiii Hag. i V Hag. ii 1 Tim. i xvii 14 c xviii kl. Decembris. xiv Zech. i vi Zech. ii ii. iii ■vi 15 d xvii kl. Machute. XV iii vii iiii iiii 16 e xvi kl. Mai^aret Q. xvi V viii vi V xiiii 17 f XV kl. Hugh Bishop. xvii vii ix viii vi iii 18 g xiiii kl. xviii ix X X 2 Tim. i 19 a xiii kL Natof K.Charles. xix xi xi xii ii xi 20 b xiv kL Edmimd King. XX xiii xii xiiii iii xix 21 c xi kl. xxi MaL 1 xiii MaL ii iiii viii 22 d X kl. xxii iii xiiii iiii Titus, i 23 e ix kl. Cicilie. xxiii iChro. X XV C ii. iii 24 f viii kl. Clement. xxiv xiii xvi iChr.l4 Philem. xvi 25 g vii kl. XXV XV xvii xvi Hebr. i V 26 a vi kl. Katherine. xxvi xvii xviii xviii ii 27 b V kl. Ode Virgin. xxvii xix xix XX iii inii 28 c iiii kL xxviii xxi XX xxii iiii ii 29 d iii kl. Fast. xxix xxviii xxi xxix V i 30 e Prid. kL Andrew Apostle. XXX ii Chro. i Acts 1 iiChr. ii " 2l 258 SCOTTISH KALENDAE. DECEMBER HATH XXXI DAYES. Thf, Moone XXX, (riseth ) 1 7. min. 12. 1 MORNING EVENING Sunne { j houre. \ "i Pkaybk. Pbayee. ( faUeth ) I 4. min. 48. S 1. Lesson. 2. Lesson. 1. Lesson. 2. Lesson. 1 f Kalend. i 2Chro.v Acts 2 2 Chro, 6 Hebr, 7 xviii 2 g iiii No. ii vii iii viii viii Tii 3 a iii No. iii ix iiii X ix 4 b Prid, No. Drostane. iiii xi- V xii X XV 5 c Nonas. V xiii vi xiiii xi iiii 6 d Tiii Id. Nicholas Bish. vi XV di. vii xvi xii 7 e vii Id. vii xvii di. vii xviii xiii xii 8 f vi Id. Cone, of Marie. viii xix viii XX Jam, i i 9 g V Id. ix xxi ix xxii ii 10 9 iiii Id. X xxiii X xxiiii iii ix 11 b iii Id. xi XXV xi xxvi iiii 12 c Prid. Id. Sol in Cajoric. xii xxvii xii xxviii V xvii 13 d Idus. Lucy Virgin, xiii xxix xiii XXX iPet. i 14 e xix H. Januarii. •yiiii xxxi xiiii xxxii ii vi 15 f xviii kl. XV xxxiii XV xxxiiii iii xiii 16 g xvii kl. sapientia. xvi XXXV xvi xxxvi iiii iii 17 9 xvi kl. xvii Esay. 47 xvii Esay, 48 V 18 b XV kl. xviii xlix xviii 1 2 Pet. 1 xi 19 c xiiii kl. xix Ii xix Iii ii xix 20 d xiii kl. Fast. XX Iiii XX liiii iii 21 e xii kl. Thomas Apostle. xxi Pro. 23 xxi Pro. 24 iJoh. 1 viii 22 f xi kl. xxii Esay. 55 xxii Esay. 56 ii 23 g X kl. xxiii Ivii xxiii Iviii iii xvi 24 a ix U. Fast. xxiiii lix xxiiii Ix iiii T 25 b viii kl. Christmas. XXV Esay. ix Lnk. ii Esay. vii Titus 3 26 c vii kl. 8. Steven. xxvi Prov. 28 Act. 6. 7 Eccle. 4 Acts 7 xiii 27 d vi kl. 8. Johm. xxvii Eccles, 5 Revel. 1 vi Rev. xxii ii 28 e V kl. Innocents. xxviii Exod. 1 Acts 25 Jer. 31 1 Job. 5 29 f iiii kl. xxix Esay. 61 xxvi Esay. 62 2 John X 30 g iii kl. XXX Ixiii xxvii Ixiiii 3 John 31 a Prid. kl. Silvester Bish. xxxi Ixv xxviii Ixvi Jude Zl^l^amttai 3Ltft of faints. Z\p\^af)tUtai JLtft of faints. ABBANUS, B. Chaemaig. See BoNiFACius and ABBE, V. See Ebba. ACCA, B., C, February 19. Bishop of Hexham, circa 740.-^Acca, the dis- ciple of Boso, who went to Rome with S. Wilfrid, succeeded him in the see of Hagustald or Hexham. He was bishop there when Bseda, whose friend he was, closes his history. Some events of his life are given in Bseda's Eccles. History, lib. V. c. 20; see also iii 13; iv. 14; V. 19, 20. There exists among that author's works a letter of Acca to him, in which he exhorts him to illus- trate the Sacred Scriptures, especially the Gospel of S. Luke. — (Cave, Hist. Lit. vol. i p. 619 a, Oxon. 1740.) Other events of his life are given by Simeon of Durham and Bichard of Hexham. A part of his chasuble was kept among the relics at Durham. — (Index Beliquiarum EccL Dunelm., Appendix to Smith's Baeda, p. 741.) Acca appears in the Scottish Kalen- dars of Dempster and Camerarius. The first, at August 6, has " In Galloway the day of Blessed Acta, Bishop of Candida Oasa." The latter, at January 16, has " Blessed Accas, Actas, Areas, Bishop of Hexham in England, and of Candida Casa in Scotland." His claim to a place in Scottish Martyrologies is asserted by his having "prepared" theSee of Candida Casa, to use the words of Eichard of Hexham, and, further, supported by the ingenious speculation of Mr. W. F. Skene, who, having regard to the dedi- cations of the respective churches, and to the mysterious account of Acca's absence for two years, no ofie knew where, sup- poses that he was the founder of one of the Christian settlements at S. Andrews. — (See Notice of Early Eccl. Settlements at S. Andrews, by W. F. Skene, Proceed. Antiq. Soc. Scot., iv. p. 314.) ADAM, B. Sept. 15. Bishop of Caithness, A.D. 1222. — ^The early eccle- siastical history of Caithness is involved in extreme obscurity. Both tradition and the dedication of the churches, indicated by the names of S. Barr, S. Ciaran, and S. Fergus, point to an original Irish Christian civilisation ; on the other hand, the traces of Norse in- fluence are those of rapine and violence. With the exception of an interesting paper preserved at Dunrobin (Orig. Par. vol. ii. pref. p. xix.), describing the con- stitution of the Chapter of the Cathe- dral, there are no very early docu- ments which belong to it. Even the precise time of the creation of the bishopric is unknown. The first authen- tic evidence of its existence is a charter of King David, in which he makes known to all his subjects, "French, 262 ADAM. English, and Scotch" (francis, anglicis, et scottis), that, for the extension of God's house, and the propagation of holy rehgion, he had bestowed Urchard on the Abbot and Monks of Dunfermlyn. — (Regist. de Dunfermelyn, p. 18.) This is attested by Bishop Andrew (of Caith- ness), who had been himself a monk of that abbey, and who died there in 1185. The condition of Caithness seems to have been very barbarous. The Norse earls made it their battle-ground (Orkneyinga Saga, p. 407 ; Torfseus, lib. i. 38). The power of the Scottish monarchs was feeble, although that of the Pope made itself felt in these extreme regions. — (Ep. Innocentii III. lib. v. No. 77.) In an attempted mediation between the Caithness men, who had submitted to the king, and the Norse earls, the next bishop, John, was cruelly mutilated (Fordun, Scotichron. lib. viii. c. 62, vol. i. p. 516, Ed. GoodaU) ; and the fate of Adam, who came after him, was still more terrible. According to Fordun, "after many sufferings, he merited the society of the saints, along with his monk Serlo. After the fierce threats of the impious, after the marks of the blows and cruel wounds, after the beating of a James, and the stoning of a Stephen, he underwent the fire of a Lawrence, and was burnt in his own house at HaUdrke, where his body, roasted with fire and livid with bruises, was found entire under a heap of stones, and honourably buried in the church." Fordun places this within the week of the Octav. of the Nat. of the B. V., 1221. The cause of this outrage was that he exacted " his tithes and other ecclesi- astical dues." John, Earl of Caithness, because he neglected to succour the bishop, was held an accomplice, and mulcted by King Alexander in a large sum of money, and in a large part of his dominions. Camerarius (De fortitudine Scoto- rum, p. 173), with his usual careless- ness, refers to a buU of consecration by Pope Celestine IV. Pope Celestine IV. died before he was consecrated, and neither the Bullarium Magnum nor Theiner's Documenta contain any bull by him; yet that Bishop Adam was re- garded as a saint may be learnt from the terms in which Fordun speaks of him. Fordun, however, is not correct in his date by one year. Adam, who was Abbot of Melrose, was elected on the 5th of August 1213, and consecrated on the 11th of May 1214. The Orkneyinga Saga says that he was a foundling. King WilUam sent him to enforce the tithes in Caithness. The usage was to take a span of butter for every twenty cows. Adam raised the payment, ex- acting that span first from fifteen, then from twelve, and at last from ten. The people rose in rebellion, and the Earl refused to compose the dissension. The populace rushed to the place where the bishop and his party were drink- ing. Serlo was first murdered, and the bishop, according to the Saga, wished to compromise the matter, but the people in their rage consigned him to the flames on the octave of the Nat. B. V. M., 1222.— (Records of the Bishopric of Caithness, prefatory notice by Cosmo Innes, Esq. ; Bannatyne Mis- cellany, vol. iii. p. 9.) The rapacity of the clergy at this time is attested by many of the documents ADAM. 263 of the period. The Annales Monastici, edited by H. E. Luard, such as the An- nales Prioratiis de DunstapM (London, Longmans, 1866), exhibit the terms on which the great abbeys stood with their neighbours. Excommunications often followed on the refusal to pay ecclesias- tical dues. At a later epoch, it is Chau- cer's commendation of the good Parson, " Ful loth were him to cursen for his tithes.'' ADAM of Lewenax. Circa A.D. 1262. — It is hardly possible to exag- gerate the power of the reforma- tion which owed its existence to the rise of the Cistercian Order. Never, perhaps, has an influence so purely spiritual been brought to bear upon the world. It was in no sense like the establishment of the Franciscans and Dominicans, or again of the Protestant Eeformation, a question of religious or secular politics. It was as purely re- li^ous as anything on the human side of the Church can be. The fresh hopes of humanity, now that men had ceased to fear the end of the world at the con- clusion of the one thousand years after Christ; the devotional aspect of the crusading spirit, exhibiting itself in a tender and reverential love for the sacred scenes of our Lord's converse on earth ; the practical results of the great struggle between the Church and the Empire in the question of the inves- titures ; the social effects of the daily increasing consolidation of the feudal system; all predisposed men's minds for a great reform, which received its direction from the winning and com- manding genius of S. Bernard. The collision with Abelard gave it an intel- lectual direction, and the ideas of the time expressed themselves in stone and lime in the sublimest forms of the first- pointed Gothic. Scotland felt the influence profoundly. Not to speak of the three abbeys of the Cistercian Reform of Vallis Caulium — viz.,Pluscardine, Beauly,and Axdchattan, we have to point to thirteen abbeys for men — viz., Melrose, Newbottle, Holmcul- tram, Dundrennan, Kinloss, Coupar, Glen- luce, Saddel, Cubes, Deer, BaJmerinoch, Sweetheart, and Mauchline ; and to thir- teen houses for women — ^viz., Berwick, S. Bothan, Three Fountains, Elbottle, Gulane, Coldstream, Eccles, Manuel, Haddington, North Berwick, Elcho, S. Leonards near Perth, and S. Mary's Wynd in Edinburgh, as evidence of the power and popularity of the great order ; while the spiritual condition of these, at least in the time of their first fervour, is best indicated by such exquisite bio- graphies as JoceUne's life of S. Ken- tigem, and S. .lElred's Life of S. Nioian (assuming that it is really to be attributed to him), in which the actions of the early saints are clothed in the language of the twelfth century, and the turn of expression modelled on the Vulgate version of the Scriptures. Evidences of an extraordinary sanctity also occur in the historical notices of some of the earlier abbots and monks, such as the subject of this present notice. Adam was a Cistercian of great hoS- ness in Melrose, who for twenty years never lay upon a bed, but slept sitting or lying before the altar of the Blessed Virgin, in her chapel at Old Melrose, at the door of which in the day-time he recited the Psalter, and bestowed alms on 264 ADAMANNUS— ADAMNAN, the poor who visited the sanctuary. He gave his benediction to all his visitors, and among these to King Alexander II. — (Chronica de Mailros, pp. 188-9.) ADAMANNUS, January 31. Post A.D. 686 (Camerarius de Fort. p. 74). — Adamannus, of the Irish race, was a monk at Coldingham in the time of S. Ebba, who, having in his youth been guilty of some wicked action, for which, when he came to himself, he conceived an extraordinary horror, betook himself to an Irish confessor, who, after im- posing on him a life of penance (in which he was to eat only twice a week), re- tired to his native land and died. Adamannus took the fact of his never returning as a voice from God to con- tinue his penance through life, " and as he had begun that course through fear of God, in penitence for his fault, so he still continued the same unremittingly for the divine love and in hope of his reward. On viewing the lofty buildings of Coldingham he burst into tears, and on being interrogated as to the cause, he told a vision he had had, in which the burning down of the abbey was prophesied, because both the men and women (it was, like Sempringham, for both sexes) indulged in too much sleep, the little houses built for prayer were con- verted into places for feasting, drinking, talking, and other delights; the very dedi- cated virgins applying themselves to weave fine garments, either to adorn themselves or gain the admiration of strange men. He told S. Ebba, but added that the evil was not to take place in her days. The nuns repented, but afterwards returned to their former wickedness, and the doom fell upon the monasteryas it was threat- ened." — (Bseda, lib. iv. c. 25. Fide Acta Sanct., Jan. 1, fol. 738.) ADAMNAN, Abbot, September 23, A.D. 704. — ^The name of this great saint and author, to whom the antiquary owes so much with regard to a most important chapter in the history of the Church, and whose contribution to ecclesiastical annals is so valuable, occurs under various modifications. Aunan, Euhan, Onan, Eonan, Ounan, in Ireland ; Theunan, Skeulan, Teunan, Eonan, Fidamnan, Eunende, Arnold, Amty, in Scotland, are corruptions of a name written indifferently Adamnanus, Adampnanus or Adomnanus, Edheu- nanus, Eudananus, Odanodanus, and sup- posed to signify the little Adam. — (See Adamnani Vita S. Columbae, Dr. Eeeves' edition, pp. xl. and 256, 342.) His biography in the Breviary of Aberdeen (part. est. fol. 114) is taken from an Irish life, of which a copy is preserved among the O'Clery MSS. at Brussels, and is to the efiect that he was of the noble race of CinaJ, his pedigree being as follows : — Conall Gulban. Fergus Cennfada Sedna Colman Aedh Tinne Kiala. I Enna. Barrindan. Duach. Segnine. Bonan Bonnat. Adamnan S. Oolumba presignified his birth, and gave him the monastic habit (a gross ADAMNAlf. 265 anachronism), and sent him to Lismore. On the death of Abbot Failbhe he was elected in his stead, and ruled the con- vent wisely, distinguished by virtues and miracles. Defeating the Evil One, he made himself a cell in his old age where he might more freely bestow himself upon God. One day, not ap- pearing at the Divine office, the brethren found him consoled by the vision of a Boy of exquisite beauty. At length, he came to the end of his pUgrimage, and blessing the people, and refreshed by the Sacred Viaticum, he rendered his soul to God, and was buried in Hy. The vision of the Child Jesus is nar- rated at length in the Martyrology of Donegal, p. 255, Ed. Todd. The Mar- tyrology adds that the glory of heaven and the pains of hell were revealed to him as contained in the Vision of Adam- nan, which is stiU preserved in the Leabhar nah Uidhre, and in the Leabhar Breac. His life of S. Columba is the solitary record of a portion of the history of the Church of Scotland, and, with the exception of Beeda and the Pictish Chronicle, the chief trustworthy monu- ment till we come to the Margaretan reformation. He also wrote from the dictation of Arculphus an account of the Holy Land. It is given by Mabillon from the Corbey and Vatican MSS., and from a printed copy by the Jesuit Gretser. — (Acta SS. O, Ben. part. ii. p. 456.) He is said to have written a Life of S. Patrick, some poems, a festology, a history of teland, and an epitome of its laws. According to the Annals of Ulster, S. Adamnan was bom in A.D. 624 (623). In his youth he had relations with Fin- nachta the Festive, King of Ireland, eventually becoming his " soul's friend," or confessor. He professed at Hy dur- ing the Abbacy of Segine. A voyage to obtain timber for the Monastery is the only event we know of his ordinary monastic life. — (Adamnani Vita S. Col- umbse, Eeeves' Ed. p. 177.) In 679 he was chosen Abbot at the age of fifty-five. Being the teacher of the exiled Aldfrid of Northumberland, he was successfully employed to negotiate the ransom of some Irish captives in 688. On a second visit to North- umberland, two years after, he became the advocate of the Catholic tonsure and Easter. He frequently visited his native land, e.g. in 692, when " Qua- tuordecim annos post pausam Failbei ad Hibemiam pergit ;" and in 697, on which latter occasion, Dedit legem inno- centium populis, i.e. women were forbid- den to take part in battles. — (Eeeves' Adamnan, p. 178, note.) A "Synod under the Abbot's auspices" was held at Tara, when the Cain Adamnain or Canons of Adamnan was enacted. The last seven years of his life, with occa- sional visits to his monastery, seem to have been spent in Ireland, where he continued to advocate the Catholic Easter. He died ra 704. His relics were carried into Ireland, and his law renewed in 727 (726). The relics were restored to Hy. — (Skene's Chronicles of Picts and Scots, pp. 74, 355.) The Mar- tyrology of Aberdeen states that they were there in 1520. His chief churches in Scotland were — 1. Furvi, where the ruins of his chapel stand va. the middle of a plantation of stunted firs and alders, on a little emi- 2m 266 ADAMNANUS— ADEIAN. nence rising from a swampy bottom, with a rivulet enclosing it on the nortih side — (N. S. A., Aberdeenshire, p. 593) ; 2. Forglen or Teunan-kirk ; 3. Aboyne, where are the Skeulan Tree and the Skeulan Well ; 4. Tannadice, where we have S. Arnold's Seat ; 5. Sanda, the Insula Awyn ; 6, KiUeunan, in the parish of Kilkerran, in Cantyre ; 7. Dal- meny, where was his chantry ; 8. Camp- sie, where there is S. Adamnan's Acre ; 9. Kinneff, where is an old house called S, Amty's Cell; and 10. Dull, where we find the Feil Eonan, a fair held on October 6 (see Reeves' Ancient Churches of Armagh, p. 47), the Tober- Eonan, in the garden of the Manse ; while farther down the glen there is Craig-Euny, Market-Euny, and a natural fissure in the rock called the Footmark of S. Eonan. The Church of GrantuUy is dedicated to him along with the Blessed Virgin, S. Andrew, and S. Beanus (see Sir William Stewart's Eed Book of Grantully, p. 77.) His popularity in Scotland may have been increased by his prophecy that Scotland was to extend from the Tyne northward, which was supposed to be fulfilled in Kenneth Macalpin (Pordun's Scotichron. vol. i. p. 1 88 ; ed. Groodall). At Durham a figure on the altar-screen of S. Jerome has this inscription, " Sanctus Adampnanus mon- achus et abbas." — (Rites of Durham, etc., p. 115, Surtees Society.) ADAMNANUS. — Fordun, describing Inchkeith, which is probably the Urbs Giudi of Bseda, says, that an Abbot Adamnan presided in it, who honour- ably received S. Servanus with his companions in the island, at his first arrival in Scotland. The Cupar MS. makes him bestow upon him the island on Lochleven. — (Fordun, lib. i. c. 6. t. i. p. 6 ; Ussher's Wks., vol. vi., 221 ; Chron. Index, 488. See also the Life of S. Ser- vanus, in Chronicles of the Picts and Scots, p. 416.) ADAMNANUS. January23.— Came- rarius, on the authority of Boethius, lib. ix., at this day gives an Adamannus, coun- cillor of Eugenius VI. in his treaty with Brudeus, King of the Picts. His relics are preserved in Moray, as Fordun testi- fies in his history. On this the Bollan- dist remarks, " S. Adamannus, Eug. VI. Scotorum Regis, praeceptor. Ita David Camerarius. Non est hie alius ab Adam- nano Hyense, de quo 23 Sept. — (Acta Sanct., Jan., tom. iii. p. 66.) ADRIAN and his Companions, Mar- tyrs. March 4. — The account of these Saints in the Breviary of Aberdeen is as follows : — S. Adrian was bom in the parts of Hungary and province of Panno- nia; he was of royal descent, and of episcopal rank ; his diligence in the sacred order being testified by the many clerics and seculars who were his com- panions. Desiring to benefit other nations, and inflamed with zeal for the Christian religion, he betook himself to the eastern parts of Scotia, then occupied by the Picts, having along with him 6606 companions, among whom the most notable were Glodianus, who was crowned with martyrdom, Gayus, and Monanus, white-robed confessors, Sto- brandus and other bishops, adorned with the mitre. The names of the rest are written in purple blood in the book ADEIAK 267 of life. These did many signs and wonders in the midst of the Picts, but at length desiring a habitation of their own, they expelled the demons and wild beasts from the Island of Maya, and there made a place of prayer. They occupied themselves in devotion until the Danes, who had devastated all Britannia, which is now called Anglia, landed on the island, when the holy con- fessors of God opposed them with the spiritual weapons of the heavenly warfare. The enemy not brooking this, fell vio- lently on the blessed Adrian, the victim of the Lord, with swords, and crowned him with a glorious martyrdom; and in order that concerning them the words of the prophet should be verified anew, where the disconsolate Eachel is said to have bewailed her children, these most cruel executioners made an attack upon that holy and heavenly multitude who persevered in the confession of Christ, and who, like sheep, fell before their swords in the Isle of May, where the martyrs of God, who in this life loved to serve Him together, in death were not sepa- rated. There was one spirit in them and one faith. In that Isle of May there was anciently erected a monastery of fair coursed masonry (tabulatu), which was destroyed by the Angles, but the church remains to this day much visited for its miracles by the people, and thither women come in hopes of offspring. There is also a celebrated cemetery, where the bodies of the martyrs repose. It is well known that in A.D. 795 the ravages of the Danes in Ireland, and their attacks on the monasteries, drove into exile many of the ecclesiastics. The Irish clergy were very fond of leaving their homes for foreign parts, and their irregular ministrations were the sub- ject of much church legislation (Con- cil. CabiUon. A.D. 813, Canon 43; Concil. Cealcyth. A.D. 816, Canon 5; Concil. Meldense, A.D. 84:5,Canon 10). It is pro- bable that S. Adrian was one of these. Kenneth macAlpin (a.d. 840-855) had transferred the bishopric of the Picts from Abemethy to CiQ-Ilighmonaigh, now the Church of S. Rule at St. Andrews. But it is not likely that an Irishman, in antagonism to a member of the stronger race of the Picts, should have been ap- pointed to the high political of&ce of chief bishop in Pictland. Adrian was doubtless a bishop without a see, accord- ing to a discipline then very prevalent in his native country. — (Todd's S. Patrick, pp. 36-48.) One does not see why Pannonia or Hungary should be the locality whence the Irish saint is said to have come, unless, as was not uncommon in those un- critical ages, a confusion arising from simi- larity of name was the cause. The 4th of March in the kalendars of the Catholic Church is assigned to a S. Adrian of Nicomedia, and in the Brussels Auc- tariiun of Usuardus, we find a S. Gagius, who seems to correspond with the Gayus of the Aberdeen legend. " Apud Nicomediam natale beati Adrian! cum aliis viginti tribus qui omnes sub Diocle- tiano post multa suppUcia crurifragio martyrium consummaverunt. Ipso die passio S. Gagii Palatini in mare mersi et aliorum viginti septem." — (Usuarded. Sollerius, Antwerp, 1 7 1 4, p. 1 38.) On the 5th of March in Usuardus (ed Molanus, p. 139), there is "Cesarese Palestinse Sancti Adriani martyres." But the 268 ADEIAN— AGNES. saint with whom we have to do is he whom TJsuardus describes as, "in Hibemia, Sancti Moggradonis Episcopi et confessoris hactenus ignoti." The honorific " mo " added to the Celtic name Odran gives a name similar to Macgidran, to whom are dedicated the churches of Lindores and Flisk, where he appears as S. Muggins, both within the parochia of S. Andrew.— (N. S. A., Fife, p. 601.) Here he appears also as Muckolinus. — (Commissary Eecords, St. Andrews.) He appears in the dedication of a church near Dron, Exmacgirdle ; also, possibly, at Mugdrum ; and as Magidrin he appears in Macduffs Cross. There is a S. Odran at March 6th in the Martyrology of Donegal. Fordun makes the number of S. Adrian's companions to be one hundred. The legend has this measure of corroboration — First, that there was a fight between the Scots and Danes in 875, the very year to which the martyrdom of S. Adrian is referred. Occisi sunt Scoti co Achcochlam (Pict. Chron.) Secondly, the number of bishops — "summi sacerdotes infiala decorati" ■ — is quite in accordance with ancient Irish use.— (Todd's S. Patrick, p. 27.) Mr. Skene draws attention to Boece's statement that the martyrs were "ex Scotis Anglisque gregarie collectis;" and surmises that the Angles may have re- presented the Church of Acca, who, driven from Northumberland, had founded a bishopric among the Picts in A.D. 732, and the Scotti or Irish, the Church of Adrian, who, in some of the lists, is placed at the head of the bishops of S. Andrews. — (See Eecords of the Priory of the Isle of May, edited by John Stuart, LL.D., 1868; Notes of Early Ecclesiastical Settle- ments at S. Andrews, by W. F. Skene, in Proceedings of Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. iv. p. 316.) AELEED. January 12, A.D. 1166, — ^S. Aebed (otherwise called Ailredus, Alredus, ^h-edus, Elredus, Adelredus, Adilredus, Altredus, Athelredus, Eabe- dus,Hailredus, Eleredus, Ethebedus, Alu- redus, Ealfredus, and Valredus), passed his noviciate at Eievaulx, and then betook himself to the Scottish court, where King David would have promoted him to the episcopate, but he preferred to return to his monastery, where he assumed the habit. He was first made Abbot of Eevesby and then of Eievaulx, where he was afiSicted with a sore disease of stone and wrthritica passio. He wrote the lives of S. David and S. Margaret, thirty-two homilies on the burden of Babylon, three books on spiritual heirship, ten books on the nature of the soul, and many letters. He went into Galloway, at that time most barbarous — bestiales homines et barbarum omne quod gignit — ^where he converted the ferocious prince. Worn out with austerities and disease, he died in the 57th year of his age. — (See his life in Capgrave's Legenda Aurea ; also Acta Sanct., Jan. tom. i. p. 748.) AGNES.— In 1270, in the autumn, Agnes de Bumevyle, a young lady in bad health, Uving at Spot in family with her widowed mother, and loving virginity, petitioned that the Friars should be summoned from Haddington. On their arrival, she made her confession, and publicly took a vow of perpetual chas- tity. That night, as the two brethren. AIDAN— ALBUINUS. 269 dismissed to a certain chapel to rest, had %he heads of their couches arranged at the steps of the altar, and, conversing among themselves concerning God, held vigil, they suddenly heard a voice, sharply but not loudly, exclaiming thrice. Arise, she is just departing ! Both heard the sound, and on entering the hall found her just expiring, and commending her to God, sent forth her immaculate spirit to him. — (Chron. de Lanercost, p, 90. Bannat. Club Edition.) AIDAN, B. C. August 31, a.d. 651. — The legend of S. Aidan, in the Breviary of Aberdeen, is founded on the narrative of Bseda. — (Hist. Eccles. iiL 14-17, v. 24.) It relates his mission to Northumbria on the return of the more austere bishop who had failed, his reception by King Oswald who interpreted for him, his erection of various churches, and his death after seventeen years' episcopate. It also gives the account of the vision of S. Cuthbert at the hour of his death. The Martyrology of Aberdeen thus records it : — "In Britannia transitus Sti. Aydani primi Lindesfemensis epis- copi et confessoris cujus animam Sanctus Cuthbertus vidit in cselis ab angelis deferri." The Felire of .