(Jfornell UniuctHita ffitbtatg aitlfara, Sfm ^nrk FROM THE BENNO LOEWY LIBRARY COLLECTED BY BENNO LOEWY 18S4.1919 BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/cletails/cu31924031350683 PAH/S ADDRESS, IS BOULEVARD ST.-MARTIN. Catalogue OF Stanbar^, IRare 8. -. rf« ^?i}/('(;//«7«, 1881. $ I 50 *^* Tire & petit nombre. 7 ADRIANA OU LES passions d'une italienne. Par Durdent. 3 vols. i2mo. half cloth, uncut. Paris, 1812. $ 5 00 8 AIMfi-MARTIN. Plan d'une Bibliotheque Universelle. Etudes des livres fui peuvent servir a I'Histoire Litte'raire et Philosophique du Genre Ilumain suivi du catalogue des CAefs-d'CEuvre de toutes les langues etc. 8vo. half morocco. Paris, 1837. $ 2 5" E. F. BONA VENTURE, Bookseller, 9 ALCORAN DE MAHOMET. Translate d'Arabe en Francois par U Sieur dvRyer. i2mo. newly bound in imitation of old calf, red top. Paris, 1 719. $ 4 00 *** Fine copy entirely uncut of a rare and curious book. 10 ALLEN Lewis F. Rural Architecture, Farms, Houses, Cottages, and oui Baildings. Flates i/his/ra/ed. i2mo. cloth. New York, (n.d.) $ o 75 11 AMADIS DE GAULE PAR PAGfiS. i6mo. paper. Paris, Academic des Bibliophiles, 1868. $ I 25 %* Limited edition on Holland paper. 12 AMERICAN PORTRAIT Gallery of eminent and Distinguished American Statesmen and Generals, being a series of proof engravings, mostly taken at the time of life when their reputations were made by the best artists of the day. I vol. folio, half mor. New York. (N.D.) $ 5 00 13 AMERICAN PRINTER. A Manual of Typography containing com- plete instructions for beginners. Illustrated, i2ino. cloth. Philadel- phia, 1873. $ 1 00 14 AMOURS PASTORALES DE DAPHNIS ET CHLOfi, escrites en grec par Longus et translat^es par Amyot. With nice frontispiece and vignettes engraved by \\V>Al.. I2mo. half calf. Bouillon, 1776. $ 4 00 15 ANACREONTIS etaliorum lyricorum aliquot poetarum odce. In easdem H.Stephani obsetvationes. 12 mo calf. Rate. Parisiis apud Morelium et ■ Stephanus, 1556. $ 2 50 16 ANECDOTES PIQUANTES, DE BACHAUMONT, MAIROBERT ETC. Pour servir a I'Histoire de la Soci^t^ Fran9aise a la fin du rfegne dc Louis xv avec des notes par Gay. Etched frontispiece by Chauvet on India paper. Thick I2mo. paper. Bruxelles, Gay, 1881. $ 4 00 *** Limited edition on Holland paper. 17 ANGEL, HENRY. Practical, Plane Gsomktry and Projection. 12 mo. cloth. London, 1880. $ I Oo t8 ANTIQUITfiS fiTRUSQUES, Grecques et Romaines, gravees par David, avec leurs explications par d'HANCARVlLLE. With a series of 360 fine colored plates. 5 volumes calf, gilt backs and edges Paris, 1 785- 1 788 $ 25 00 *¥* Fine copy. 19 ANTIQUITfiS INfiDITES DE L'ATTIQUE. Contenant les restes d'Architecture d'ELEUs'is, Rhammus, Sunium et Thoricus par la Sp- ci^tiS des Dilettanti, traduit par Hittorff, With (x> fine plates. Folio half morocco. Paris, Firmin Didat, 1832. $ 00 1152 Broadway <5r* 2 Barclay Street New York. 3 zo APPARTEMENTS prives de S. M. l'ImpIratrice au Palais DES Tuileries, d^cor^s par Lefuel publics par Rouyer. Illustrated with 20 finely engraved plates Folio in portfolio. Paris, 1867. $ 8 00 21 ARABESQUES. Nouvelle Collection d' Arabesques propres k la de- coration des appartements, dessinees a Rome parLAVALL^E PoussiN et autres c^lfebres artistes et gravies par Guyot, pr^c^dee d'une notice et d'une explication des planches par Le NoiR. A series of ^o beautiful plates of decoration. i vol. 4to. half cloth. Paris, Crapelet, impri- meur. (n.d.) $ 5 00 22 ARCHITECTURE BYZANTINE, ou Recueil de Monuments des premiers temps du Christianisme en Orient pr&^dd de recherches histori- ques et Arch^ologiques par Texier et Popplewell Pullan. IVith a series of 'JO fine lithographic plates and chrotno-lithographs of Architec- ture, Decoration, Views etc. Folio cloth, gilt edges. Londres, 1864. $ 25 00 23 ARCHITECTURE. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE PUBLIC BUILD- INGS OF LONDON with historical and descriptive accounts of each edifice. Illustrated with 140 beautiful plates. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth uncut. London 1825. $ 6 00 24 ARCHITECTURE PITTORESQUE EN SUISSE, Ou choix de Constructions Rustiques prises dans toutes les parties de la Suisse. Des- sinees et gravies par A. et E. Varin. Illustrated with ^finely en- graved plates. Folio in cover. Paris, Morel, l86i. $ 6 50 25 ARCHITECTURE. The New York Sketch Book of a series or 48 Architectur.m. Designs of prominent Buildings. 4to. bound in half morocco. Boston, 1874. $ 3 00 26 ARMENGAUD. Les Chefs-d'ceuvre de l'Art Chretien. Illus- trated with many beautiful wood engravings, portraits, borders etc. One vol. 4to. cloth, gilt edges. Paris, Lahure, 1858. $ 3 5° *,* Fine work, printed on heavy paper. 27 ARNOLD, CECILE. .\n Index to Shakesperian thought. A col- lection of passages from the Plays and Poems of Shakespere. I vol. 8vo. cloth new. New York and London 1880. $ 2 00 28 ART A TRAVERS LES MCEURS. Par Henry Havard. Beauti- fully Illustrated with several hundred engravings in the text and 2^^ full- page plates, mainly by the DujARDiN Process. Text printed on heavy calendered paper, Imperial 8vo. in ornamental cloth, full gilt leaves. Paris, Quantin, 1882. $ 9 00 29 ART D'AIMER. Nouveau poeme en six chants par M * * *. Illus- trated with % plates. l2mo. full old green morocco,gilt edges Londres, 1763. $ 4 00 E. F. BONAVENTURE, Bookseller, 30 APPLETON'S Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine Work and Engineering. Illustrated with 4000 Engravings on wood. 2 vols. 4to. half morocco. New York, 1866. $ 7 5° 31 ART DE DESOPILER LA RATE. Sive de modo C... prudenter. En prenant chaque feuillet pour se T... le D... entremele de quelques bonnes choses par A. Jos. Panckoucke. i2mo. calf. Galupolli de Calabre, I'an des folies, 175884 [1754]. $ 10 00 *** Receuil de facSties calembours, histoires amusantes, morceaux scatolo^ques etc. The lirst and best edition with the catalogue ot the Elzevir Press. 32 ARTDEPfiTER. Essai tli^ori-physique et m^thodique al'usagedes personnes constipees, graves et aust^res, des dames melancoliques etc, suivi de I'histoire de Pet-en-1'Air ou Ton trouve Torigine des vuidan- geurs. l6mo. paper. Frontispice. En Westphalie. chex Florent^ Bruxelles, 1867. $ 3 5° *»* Only 200 copies printed on Holland paper. No. 75. 33 ART (l'). Revue Hebdomadaire Illustree. Without the Etchings- Hundteds of fine illustrations. First year. Vol. 3. Small folio half crushed brown levant morocco. Gilt top. Paris, 1875. $500 THE SAME. Second year vol. 4. $ c 00 Also without Etchings. Half red crushed levant morocco. Gilt top. 34 ART STUDIES From Nature as applied to Design for the use of Ar- chitects Designers, and Manufacturers. Thin 8vo. cloth gilt edges. Nu- merous Illustrations. London, 1872. $ i so 35 ARTS SOMPTUAIRES DU se AU i7e SifiCLE. Par Ferdinand Sere. Illustrated with 224 chromo lithographs of Costumes, Furniture, Arms and Armour, Musical Instruments etc., etc. One thick 4to vol' bound in half red morocco. Paris, i8i;i. a- ' jj s> 25 00 36 ARTEMUS WARD. The Genial Showman. Being reminiscences of the life of Artemus Ward and pictures of a showman's career in the Western World. By Edward P Hurgston. With Colored Illustrations 2 vols, crown. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, J. C. Holten. n. d . $ 5 00 37 BABBITT, E. D. The Principles of Light and Color, i vol 8vo Cloth. Illustrated with 204 wood cuts and 4 Colored Ennrdvin^l New York, 1878. ^^ ■*■■ iji 2 50 38 BACHELET ET DEZOBRY. Dictionnaire general des lettres des Beaux-Arts et des Sciences morales et Politiques. 2 \ ols. Royal' Svo half brown morocco, marbled edges. Paris 1862 4 ' ■ •P 7 5° 39 BALZAC. Histoire de la grandeur et de la decadence de Cesar Birot TEAU parfumeur, par M. De Balzac. 2 vols. 8vo half calf Pari. 1838. ■ ^"'> V Original edition of one of BALZAC'S best books. °° 1152 Broadway &* 2 Barclay Street New York. 5 40 BALZAC. Les Contes Drolatiques coUigez ez abbayes de Touraine et mis en lumiere par le sieur DE Balzac, pour I'esbatteraent des Panta- gru^listes et non aultres. Illustrated wit/m2^ designs by G. DoRE. 8vo. half morocco. Paris, 1855. $ 6 00 *** Rare. First Dorfi edition. Brilliant impressions of these wood cuts. 41 BALZAC, H DE. Drole Stories collected from the abbeys of Touraine. With Moke's illustrations. i2mo. cloth. New York, k.d. (new). $ 2 50 42 BARDSLEY, CHAS. W. Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature. i2mo. Cloth. New York, 1880. new. $ i 00 43 BARHAM, RICH'D HARRIS. The Ongoldsby Legends: or Mirth and Marvels. 2 vols. 8vo. Boards, with the illustrations of George Cruikshank. India impressions. Phila. Porter &' Coates, 1885. $ 8 00 ^*^ Limited edition of 400 copies on Holland paper, of which this is No. 130. 44 BASTEROT, Comte de. Traits ^l^mentaire du Jeu des fichecs. Avec cent parties desjoueurs les plus c^l^bres prec^d^ de melanges historiques anecdotiques et litteraires. With plate. 8 vols, half morocco. Paris, 1863. $ 2 so 45 BATISSIER. Histoire de I'art Monumental dans I'Antiquites et auMoy- en-Age, suivie d'un traits de la peinture sur verre. Numerous illustrations throughout the text and plates in colors. Royal 8vo. half calf. Paris 1845. . $ 5 00 46 BAUDELAIRE. Les Epaves Galanteries. i2mo. paper. Bruxelles, 1874. $ 4 00 %* Ce volume rare est un recueil de pieces condamnees ou inedites, que Baudelaire p'ublia immediatement avant sa terrible maladie. 47 BAUSSET. M6nioircs Anecdotiques sur I'interi^ur du Palais, et sur quelques evenements de I'Empire depuis, 1805 jusqu'au ler mai 1814, pour servir a I'histoire de NapoliiON. 4 vols. 8vo. half calf. Portraits and 120 facsimile. Paris, 1828. $ 5 00 48 BEAUMONT, de L'£pee et les Fe.mmes. Illustrated with Jive origi- nal illustrations /ly M.EISSOSIER. 410. half red crtished levant morocco gilt top, uncut, by RoussELE. Pans, youaurt, 1881. $ 12 00 *,* Superb copy of this beautiful book containing the charming plates after Meis- sioner especially made for this work. 49 BAVIAD AND M^VIAD, THE. By Wn.LL\M GiFFORD. 12 mo. half morocco. London. Murray. 181 1. $ : 00 50 BEAUX-ARTS en FRANCE et a I'litranger. L'Annee Artistique par Champier. IVitli woJ engravings. 8vo. full cloth Paris. Quanlin. 1881-1882. $2 50 E. F. BONAVENTURE,BookseUer, 51 BELGIUM AND NASSAU, or the Continental Tourist. A series of 79 very fi7iely executed steel engravings, with descriptive letter press. Bound in one i,to vol. Full green crushed levant morocco. Tooling in back and sides, inside borders. Gilt edges. By Wright. London, 1840. $ 10 00 52 BEN JOHNSON. The Works of. With notes, critical and explana- tory, and a biographical memoir by V'li'LUKfA GiFFORD. 3 vols. 12 mo. half calf, neat marbled edges. London. Holten. N. D. $ 8 00 53 BfiRANGER. Oiuvres completes de Beranger. Edition unique revue par I'auteur. Illustrated with 104 beautiful steel engravings by Grandville, Johannot, Charlet, Raffet etc. Portraits and fac- similes. 4 vols, half green calf, marbled edges. Also supplement aux ceuvres de Beranger. Paper. Together 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834. $ 25 00 %* Fine edition with the scarce volume of Chansons ^rotiques. 54 BERGERAT. Th£ophile Gautier. Peintre.. fitude suivie du cata- logue de son oeuvre peint, dessini^ et grav6. 8vo. paper. Paris, 1877. $ I 00 *„* Only no copies printed. 55 BERNARD CEuvres completes de M. Bernard. I'Art d' Aimer. Po&ies diverses etc. Engraved Frontispiece. 18 mo. marbled calf, gilt edges Londres. Cazin 1777. .$ 2 00 56 BERNIS. Po&ies diverses du Cardinal de Ber.nis avec une notice bio- bibliographique par Drujon. 8 vo. paper, uncut. Portrait and etched vignettes by Gaujean. Paris. Quaiitin. 1882 $ 3 50 57 BEWICK COLLECTOR, The. A descriptive catalogue of the works of Thos. and John Bewick. Illustrated with 112 cuts. 8vo. cloth un- cut, London, 1866. $ 4 50 58 BIBLIOTI-i£QUE DES MERVEILLES. Publiee sous la direction de Ed. Charton. Illustrated with mdny designs in the text. i2mo. blue cloth, red edges. Paris, 1869-1881. Flammarion. Merveilles Cde.stes. HELtNE M. Galeries Souterraines. SouREL. Fond de la Men Sauzay. La Verrerie depuis les temps les plus recules. Lesbazeii.les. Les Colosses anciens modernes. Masson. Le D^vouement. Cazin. La Chaleur. MOYNET. L'Envers du Theatre, Machines et Decorations, SiMO.MN. Le Monde Souterrain. Marzy . L'Hydraulique. MoiTESSioR. La Lumiere. Renard. Les Phares. ViARDOT. Merveilles de la Sculpture. idem. Merveilles de la Peinture. 2 vols. Each volume, it 1 2c 1 1 52 Broadway b' 2 Barclay Street New York. 7 59 BIBLI0TH6QUE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT DES BEAUX-ARTS. Publiee sous le patronage de rAdministration des Beaux-Arts. Small 8vo. cloth, stained covers, of which the following have appeared: Delaborde. La Gravure. Gerspach. La Mosaique. Chesneau. La Peinture Anglaise. Duval. L'Anatomie Artistique. MuNTZ. La Tapisserie. COLLIGNON. L'Archeologie. Grecque. idem. La Mythologie Figur^e. Bayet. L'Art Byzantin. Martha. Archeologie Etrusque. Lavoix. Histoire de la Musique. Lecoy de i,a Makche. Les Manuscrit et Miniatures. Adeline. Lexique des Termes d'Art. LosTALOT. Les Proc^d^s de la Gravure. Wautens. La Peinture Flamande. Lenormant. Monnaies et M^dailles. Havard. La Peinture Hollandaise: Paris. Quantin. Price each, $ i 50 60 BIGLAND. Histoire d'Espagne depuis la plus ancienne ^poque, traduite et continuee par le comte M. Dumas. 3 vols. 8vo. half calf, map. Paris. Didot. 1823. $ 2 00 61 BILDER zu BREHUIS THIERLEBEN. Erste Abtheilung Zoo- logie. Systematisch geordvet auf 55 Tafelu. 4to. cloth. Leipzig $ 3 00 62 BIOGRAPl-IIA DRAMATICA, or a companion to the playhouse : with an introductory view of the rise and progress of the British stage^ by David Erskine Baker. 2 vols. 8vo. old calf. London, 1782. $ 3 50 63 BIOGRAPHIE UNIVERSELLE ou Dictionnaire H ,,torique depuis le commencement du monde jusqu'i nos jours. Publiee sous la direction de Weiss. Illustrated tvith fine steel engraved Portraits. 6 vols. Roy- al 8vO. half purple morocco. Paris, 1841. $ 15 00 64 BLANCHEMAIN. Po&ies de Prosper Blanchemain. 12 mo. half purple morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1858. $ 4 00 #*♦ Original edition. Only 250 Copies printed. 65 BLASONS. S'ensuivent les Blasons Anatomiques du corps f(5minin, ensemble les contre-blasons, avec les figures, etc. 16 mo. finely bound in half crushed red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. By Rousselle. Amsterdam, 1866. $ 6 00 *,* Only 104 copies printed on Holland paper. No. 38. 66 BOCACE. Contes et Nouvelles de Bocace, florentin traduction libre. Les figures sont nouvellement gravies par les meilleurs maitres, sur les desseins de RoMAiN" de HOOGE. 2 vols. 12 mo.- calf, red edges. Col- ogne. Gaillard. 1702. $ 12 00 *„* Rare and fine edition. Wuh spirited copper plates. E. F. BONAVENTURE,Bookseller, 67 BOCACE. Contes et Nouvelles. 2 vols. I2mo. marbled calf, red edges. Landres, 1744. $ 4 00 68 BOCCACCIO. The Decameron, or Ten Days Entertain.ment. Witli. the illustrations by ^ivoiWPC^'a and the rare set of Mll.t^^ plates. Thick crown, 8vo. clolh, (new). $ 3 5° 69 BOILEAU, ABBE. De l'Adus des nudittez de Gorge. Discoui:s sur la nudite des mamelles des femmes par un Reverend Pfere Capucin. In one vol. i2mo. half crushed green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by ROUSSELI.E. $ 6 00 %* Only 200 copies printed. Papier verg6, 70 BOILEAU. CEuvres poetiques de Boileau-Despreaux, avec notices, variantes, annotations et index par LoUAXDRE. I2mo. half red morocco. Portrait. Paris, 1863. $ I 50 71 BOILEAU-DESPREAUX. CEuvres poetiques, collationnees sur les editions originates. 2 vols. I2mo paper, uncut. Paris, Delartie. $ i 00 72 BOUILLET. Dictionnaire universel d'histoire et de G(5ographie. Com- prenant I'Histoire proprement dite, la Biographic universelle, la Mytho- logie Ancienne et ^^oderne, etc. 2 vols, royal 8vo. half morocco. Paris, lS4S- .$ 3 50 73 BOURXE, W. O. History of the Public School Society of the City of New York, with portraits of the Presidents of the Society. 8vo. half calf, marbled edges. New York, Putnam, 1873. $ 3 5° 74 BOUTELL, CHAS. Arms and Armour in Antiquity and the Middle Ages : Also a descriptive notice of Modern Weapons, with numerous Jine illustrations. i2mo. cloth, stamped cover, (new), gilt top, uncut. Lon- don, 1872. $ 2 50 75 BRANTOME. Les vies des dames galantes par messire de BouR- DEILLE, seigneur de Brantome, augment^es de notes critiques et histo- riques par Vignon. Illustrated with a set of Jine e/ehin<'-s iy Cuam- pollion after Pille. 3 vols. i2mo paper, parchment covers. Paris, ■879- .$ 12 00 *.,.* Elegant edition. 76 BRANTOME. CEuvres Completes de P. de Bourdeille, abbe de Brant6me avec notices litteraires par Buchon. Vies des dames galantes, Vies des dames illustres, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. half green morocco Paris, 1842. ^ g j^ 77 BRAZIER. Chroniques des Petits Theatres de Paris, avec notes par d'HEYLLl. 2 vols. i2mo. paper, uncut, parchment covers. Paris, Jiouvevre, 1883. J; , , ' $ 4 50 78 BRES. Mythologie des Dames. Illustrated with 10 vignettes colored by hand. i6mo. full old red morocco, tooling on sides, gilt ed-res Paris, Janet, N. D. " $ 2" 50 1 1 5 2 Broadway &' 2 Barclay Street New York. 9 79 BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, compiled and arranged by the Rev. Chas. Hole. i2mo. cloth. New York, 1881. 75 80 BRIFFAULT. Le Secret de Rome au XIXe siecle. Le Peuple, la Cour, I'Eglise. Illustrated with 200 desigjis. Royal 8vo. full calf. Paris 1846. $ 4 00 81 BRITISH THliATRE, or a collection of Plays which are acted at The Theatres Royal, with biographical and critical remarks by Mrs. Ixch- BALD. 25 vols. i2mo. calf, marbled edges. Illustrated with \2^very finely engraved plates. London, 1808. $ 35 00 82 BROWNING, MRS. Poetical Works of. Complete in one volume, with 7nany illustrations. i2mo. half calf, marbled edges. New York, 1871. $ I 75 83 BRUNO, JEAN. Les Mis^res des GuEUX. Illustrated by Covs.'SS.-i Large 8vo. half red morocco. Paris, 1872. $ 2 00 84 BUCHANAN, ROBT. The Fleshly School of Poetry and other Phe- nomena of the day. l2mo. paper. London, Shahan &' Co. Out of print. Very rare. $ 3 5° 85 BUCHOZ. Nouveau Traits Physique et liconomique de toutes les plantes qui croissent sur la surface du globe ; contenant leurs families, genres, espfeces, les endroits ou on les trouve, leur culture, la mani^re de les employer, leurs propriet^s, leurs usages pour I'ornement et la d&oration des jardins, etc. With 65 finely colored plates. Folio, calf, gilt edges. Paris, 1787. $ 10 00 86 BURE'FPE. Histoire de France depuis I'etablissement des Francs dans la Gaule jusqu'en 1830. 2 vols, large 8vo. half morocco. 500 designs by David. Paris, 1840. $ 7 5° 87 BURFORD Cottage and its Robin- Red-Breasts. With fine steel engra- ved plate andvignctte. i2mo. clo. uncut rare. London 1835. $ I 50 88 BUSSY-RABUTIN. Les Memoires de messire Roger de Rabutin, conite DE BussY. 3 vols. 12 mo. half red morocco. Paris, l5g6. $ 7 50 *v!* Memoires secrets. 89 BUTLER, SAMUEL. Hudibras, (Text in French and English) 15 plates by Hogarck, and portrait. 2vols. i2mo. half calf. London 1819. $ 6 00 ' *** Fine clean copy of a second edition. Rare, 90 BUTLER, SAMUEL. Hudibras in three parts, written in the time of the late wars. 2 vols l2mo. old calf Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1779. $ 2 GO 91 BUXTORFI, JOANNIS. De abbreviaturis Hebraicis : Cui accesserunt operis Falmudici brevis recensio, item Bibliotheca Rabbinica nova, ordine alphabetico disposita. Thick i2mo. parchment. Basilse, 1640. $ 5 00 «.* Rare. lo E. F. BONAVENTURE,Booksiller, 92 BYRON, LORD. "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage." (Second edi- tion). And the "Giaour," 1 81 5, the two in one volume. Illustrated with 6 beautiful plates by Stothard. 8vo. bound in full levant morocco, tooling on covers and back, inside borders. Double of Moire antique, gilt edges. London, John Murray, i8i2-'l5. $ 7 5° V Beautiful specimen of EnRlish binding. Color of leather a little faded. Book in fine condition. Splendid impression of plates. 93 BYRON, LORD. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. A Romance and other Poems. 8vo. calf. London, John Murray, 1812. $ 2 00 94 BYRON. Poetical Works of, with portrait and view of Newstead Ab- bey. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, John Murray, 1846. $ 2 75 95 BYRON. CEuvres completes de Lord Byron, avec notes et commen- taires, comprenant ses m^moires publics par Th. Moore, traduction par Haulin, Paris. 12 vols. 8vo. half cloth, uncut. Paris, 1835. $ 1200 96 CALEDONIA ILLUSTRATED In a series of Views taken ex- pressly for this work, by W. H. Bartlett, T. Allous, etc., with text by W.M. Beattie. With \(kj very fine steel engravings and one portrait. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, gilt edges. London, (N.D.) $ 10 00 97 CAPELLE. Contes, Anecdotes, Chansons, et Poesies diverses. With a set of vignettes. i6mo. half morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1S18. $ 4 00 *»* Po6sies 16g6res. 98 CASSELL'S BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY. Containing original Memoirs of the most eminent men and women of all ages and countries. i,i5o pps. thick 8vo. half red morocco, cloth sides, gilt edges. Illus- trated with many fine portraits. London, Cassell df Co., (N.D.) NEW. $ 5 00 99 CASTELAR, E. Life of Lord Byron and other sketches. Translated by Mrs. Arthur Arnold. i2mo. cloth, new. New York, 1876. $ I 00 100 CATULLUS. Tibullus et Propertius accedunt fragmenta Cornelis Gallo inscripta. I2mo. old calf, gilt edges. Frontispieces, portraits, and nice head and tale pieces. hugdvLni, Batavor7im, 1743. $ 3 00 101 CAVALRY. Its History and Tactics. By Capt. L. E. Nolan. Colored plates. i2mo. cloth, uncut. London, i860. ^ i 00 102 CAYLUS. Les Sonnettes ou M^moires de M. le marquis D... anx- quels on a joint Vhistoire d'une comedienne qui a quitt^ le spectacle par de Caylus. With 3 pretty etchings on India paper. 3 parts in one vol- ume, i2mo. paper. Bruxelles, 1882. $ 4 00 *,* Tir6 i petit nombre. 103 CAZIN. P^riode initiale du petit format a vignettes et figures. Collection Cazin par Corroenne. l8mo. paper, uncut. Paris, 1880. $ 3 00 ,% Limited edition on Holland paper. 1 152 Broadway & 2 Barclay Street New York. 11 104 CAZIN. Le Petit. Format a figures, collection parisienne in i8mo. Vraie collection de Cazin. i8mo. paper, uncut. Paris, Rouveyre, 1879. $ 3 00 *^* Limited edition on Holland paper. 105 CAZOTTE. Le Diable amoureux, pr^fape de Pons, variantes et biblio- graphic. 8vo. paper, uncut. Portrait, facsimile and etchings by BuHOT. Paris, Quantin, 1878 $ 3 S° 106 CERVANTES, MIGUEL DE. Galatea, a pastoral romance from the Spanish, izmo. cloth, uncut. London, Bohu, 1867. $ i 00 107 CERVANTES, MIGUEL DE. Don Qhichotte, Traduit et an- not^ par Louis Viardot, Numerous cuts by Tony Johannot inserted in the text, besides 2 ivoodcut frontispieces on India paper, etc. 2 vols, royal 8vo. red calf. Paris, 1836. $ 10 00 108 CERVANTES. Histoire de I'admirable Don Quichotte de la Manche, traduite par FiLLEAU DE Saint Martin prec^d^e de la vie de Michel DE Cervantes. 5 vols, full purple calf, stamped covers, marbled edges. Paris, 1830. $ 7 5° 109 CHAFFERS, WM. Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain of the Renaissance and Modern periods. 1,000 pages, with 3,000 Potter's Marks and illustrations Thick 8vo. cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1874. $ 10 CO no CHAM. L'Art de r^ussir dans le monde. Proc^d^ simple et facile pour se faire Jeter a la porte en fort peu de temps. A series of 21 plates of caricatures. 4to boards, original binding. Rare. Paris, (n.d.) $ 3 50 111 CHAM. Les Tatonnements de Jean Bidoux, dans la carri^re mili- taire. A series of \^ plates and caricatures. 4to. boards, original bind- ing. Rare. Paris, (N.D.) $ 3 5° 112 CHAMPFLEURY. Histoire de la Caricature sous la R^publique, I'Empire et la Restauration. Illustrated with numerous wood cuts and colored plate. i2mo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, (n.d.) $ 2 so 113 CHATEAUBRIAND. Atala. lllustrl de 30 grandes compositions par GusTAVE Dore et de vignettes sur bois. Folio fuU red cloth, uncut edges. Paris, Hachette, 1863. $ 9 00 %* Original edition. 114 CHATEAUBRIAND, A. De. Atala ou les amours de deux sauvages ; suivi de R^n^. Compositions de Levy gravees a Veau forte, Dessins de GiACOMELLi graves sur bois. i6mo. paper, parchment cover. Paris, Jouaust, 1877. $ 6 00 *-* Nice illustrated edition with bordered text. E. F. BONAVENTURE,Booksdler, U5 CHATEAUBRIAND. CEuvres complies de M. le vicomte de Cha- teaubriand. Portrait. 5 vols, large 8vo. half calf. Paris, Lefevre, 1836. $ 4 00 1 16 CHAULIEU. CEuvres de I'abb^ de Chauueu augment^es d'lin grand nombre de pieces par DE Saint Marc. Charming vignettes by Cochin, engraved by Fessard. 2 vols. 121110. calf, red edges. Paris, 1750. $ I 50 117 CHAUVIGNfi. Traits de Decoration sur Porcelaine et faience, pre- cede d'une notice historique sur I'art c^ramique. I2mo. paper. Paris, 1880. $ I 00 118 CHEFS-D'CEUVRE D'ART AU LUXE.MBOURG. Public sous la direction de Montrosier, avec le concours litteraire de Banville, Champfleury, Claretie, Coppee, Daudet, Gautier, Houssaye, Ja.n'in, Lamartine, G. Sand, Sjlvestre, etc. Illitstrated with beautiful portraits and many fine wood cuts, views, far-similes etc. Folio boards, uncut. Paris, Baschet, 1881. $ 7 5° 119 CHfiNIER. CEuvres poetiques de Andre de Chenier, avec notice et notes par G. DE Chenier. 3 vols. i6nio. bound in full crushed red levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Thevexet. Etched portrait by Rajo.N'. Paris, Lemerre, 1874. $ 15 00 120 CHESS. Forbes, Duncan, L.L.D. The History of Chess; from the time of the early invention of the game in India till the period of its establishment in Western and Central Europe. Svo. red cloth, uncut. New. London, i860. $ 3 00 121 CHEVIGNE. COMTE De. Les Contes R6mois. Portraits et dessins de E. Meissonier. I2mo. half red morocco. Paris, Levy, i85i. $ 7 50 122 CHEVIGNfi. Comte De. Les Contes R6mois. Illustrated with portraits and numerous designs by M'E,\ssoiiiEV.. i2mo. half calf, uncut. Paris, Levy, 1864. $ 7 Co 123 CHEVRIER, M. de. Amuseme.nis des Dames. Les trois C. M^- moires d'une honnSte femme. Les Ridicules du Si6cle. Le Colporteur. 3 vols. I2mo. half black morocco, marbled edges. $ 5 00 124 CHOISEUL GALLERY. Recueil d'Estampes gravies d'Apres les tableaux du cabinet de Monseigneur le Due DE Choiseul. ll'ith 121 fine old copper-plate engravings. 4to. half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1 771. $ 25 00 125 CHOIX DE POfiSIES. Contenant la Pancharis de Bonnefo.vs, les baisers. de Jean Second, des morceaux des Pontes anciens et modernes. 2 vols. i8mo. marbled calf, gilt edges. Londres, Cazin, 1786. $ 4 00 *^* Collection de jolis poem?s Ifijjers. 1 152 Broadway bf 2 Barclay Street New York. 13 126 CHOLlfcRES. Les Apres Disnees du Seigneur de CholiJ:res. Du manage. De la puissance maritale, etc. l6 mo. neatly bound in half crushed red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. By Rousselle. Brux- elles. 1863. $ 7 5° *»* Limited edition. Only lOO copies printed on Holland pader. 127 CHRONICK DER ALTENCHRIST LICHEN KIRCHEN AUS EUSEBIO, RUFFINO SOZOMENO, Theodoreto, Tercuu.iano Justino Cypriano, und Plinio, durch D. Caspar Hedio verteutscht. i vol. 4to. old calf. Strassburg, 1530. $ 12 00 *♦* A very handsomely printed old book, in a fine state of preservation. 128 CHRONIQUE SCANDALEUSE DE PARIS, ou histoire des mauvais lieuxpar S.^UVAL. With illustrations on Japanese paper. 8 vo. paper. Bruxelles. Gay. 1883. $ 3 50 ** Limited edition. Holland paper copy. 129 CICERONIS. M. T. Ciceronis, Epistolae ad atticum, Brutum ct quin- tum Fratrem. 12 mo. vellum. Lugduni, apud Seb. Gryphium. 1540. $ S 00 *^* Rare edition. 130 CIRCLE OF THE SCIENCES. A Cyclopedia of Experimental, Chem- ical, Mathematical and Mechanical Philosophy and Natural History. Edited by James Wylde. With hundreds of illustrations. 4 vols, large Svo. half mor occo, marbled edges. London, N. D. $ 9 00 131 CLADEL, Par-devant notaire avec une preface de H. Fran'ce. Square i6mo. full blue cloth, uncut. Bruxelles. Kistemaekers. 18S0. $ 2 so *** Limited edition. 132 CLARK, Wm. J. Jr. The Great American Sculptures. Illustrated with 12 superb steel engravings, India proofs. \X.o. cloth, new, gilt edges. Phila., George Barrie, (N.D.) $ 3 50 133 CLAUDEL ET LAROQUE. Pratique de I'Art de Construire. Majon- ncrie, Terrasse et Platrerie, connaissances relatives a I'estimation des travaux du batiment. Svo. 750 pages, half morocco. Paris, 1863. $ 4 00 134 CLAUDEL J. Aide-memoire des Ingfinieurs, des Architectes, etc. Partie Theorique et Tables. 8vo. 1,100 pages, half morocco. Paris, 1871. $ 4 00 135 CLAUDEL, J. Formules, tables, et renseignements usuels. Aide memoire des Ingenieurs, des Architectes, etc. Partie pratique avec figures dans Ic texte. Paris, 1872. $ 5 00 136 CLEMENT, CLAR.\ E. Painters, Sculptors, E.\gravers, Archi- tects, and their Works; a handbook. With numerous illustrations and monograms. i2mo. nevi', cloth, red edges. Boston, i88i. $ 2 50 14 E. F. BONAVENTURE,Bookseller, 137 CLUB BOOK, The. Being original tales. Two volumes in one. I2mo. cloth. New York, Harpers, 1836. $ o 90 138 CODE CIVIL DES FRANfAIS. fidition originale et seule officielle. I2mo. half morocco, marbled edges. Paris, Impr. de la Republique, 1804. $ ' 50 139 CODE DE L'AMOUR, ou les d&isions de Cithfere. Two volumes in one. igmo. half Russia, tooled back, gilt edges. Amsterdam, 1776. Rare. $ 5 0° 140 COLARDEAU. Theatre et autres ceuvres de Ch. P. Colardeau. Lettre d'H^oise a Abailard. Temple de Guide, etc. Portrait and 11 fine plates by MONNET. 2 vols. i2mo. calf. Paris, 1 792. $ 6 00 141 COLLECTION OF FIFTY CARTOONS of Eminent Personages, from the Whitehall Review, i vol. 4to. cloth. London, 18S0. $ 3 5° 142 COLLEZIONE SCELTA dei Monumenti Sepolcrali del Comime Cimeitro di Bologna per cura di Natale Salvardi. A Series 0/60 brilliant copper engravings. Folio half green moroceo, uncut. Bologna, 1835. $ 20 00 %* A very fine copy. 143 COL. WAYNE'S Orderly Book of the Northern Army at Ticonderoga and Mt. Independauce, from Oct. 17th, 1776, to Jan. 8th, 1777. With biographical atid explanatory notes and an appendix. I vol. 4to. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Portrait inserted. Albany, J. Munsell, 1859. $ 10 00 *** Very rare. Large paper copy. 1+4 COMPfiRE MATHIEU. Le Compare Mathieu ou les higarrurcs de I'esprit humain; par I'abbe DuLAURENS. With a set of plates. 4 vols. iSmo. full blue cloth, uncut. $ 6 00 %* Roman licencieux. 145 CONSTITUTION de I'Hotel du Roule ou les cent une propositions de la trJs-c^lebre madame Paris. i6mo. half green morocco. Neuchatel, 1872. $ 4 00 *"* Bibliotheque libre. Only 100 copies printed. 146 CONTES mis en vers par uu petit cousin de Rabeais. (d'Aqnin.) Svo. old calf, red edges. Paris, 1775. Lacks title page. $ 4 00 ** Rare volume de pofisies libres. 147 CORDIER. Bibliographie des CEuvres de BEAUMARcirAis. Portrait. d'apres Cochin. 8vo. paper, uncut. Paris, Qnantin, 1883. $ 3 "" 00 1152 Broadway fir" 2 Barclay Street New York. 15 148 CORNEILLE BLESSEBOIS. CEuvres satyriqucs, L'Eogen'IE Marthe Le Hayer ou mademoiselle de Scay. Filon r^duit a mettre cinq centre un, etc. i2mo. paper. Proiitispiece on India paper. Leyde, 1867. $ 4 00 %* Only 204 copies printed. This is on HoUand paper. No. 24. 149 COSTUME.— VECELLIO (C^sare) HABITI ANTICHI et MO- DERNI. 313 beatitiful full-length portraits representing the Costume of all Nations chiefly from the designs of Titian, 2 vols.; also — EsSAl Histokique, et BiBLiOGRAPHiyUE sur l'Histoire de la Gravure SUR Bois par Ambroise Firmin Didot, pour faire suite aux Costumes Anciens et Modernes de Cesare Vecellio. Together 3 vols. Svo. half dark green crushedd levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Rousselle. Paris, Didot, i86o-'63. $ 15 00 The above is a neYir edition of this famous series of Costumes which were designed and partly executed by the great painter Ttitan. The original edition has become exceedingly rare and dear. These wood cuts are beautifully executed, and present all the spirit of the originals. The descriptions are given in Italian and French. The aljove lot in- cludes Didut's Work on Wood engraving, which was published as an . appendix to the "Costumes" of Vecellio. %* The same, paper covers, uncut edges, S 7 50. 150 COSTUME. Mali.iot. Recherches sur les costumes, les moeurs, les usages religieux, civils et militaires des anciens peuples d'aprfes les auteurs celfcbres et les monuments antiques, publie par P. ^Marti.v. With T^iSi plates representing more than 4,000 different costumes. 3 vols 4to. half calf, uncut. Paris, Didot, 1804. $ l^ 00 151 COSTUMES du i8e Siccle tir^s des Pres Saint-Gervais; avec I'Autoris- ation de MM. V. Sardou, Ph. Gillie and Ch. Lecoc, 20 Eaux-fortes de A. Guillaumot Fils. India proofs, 4to. Paris, 1874. $ 9 50 152 COSTUMES du Directoire tires des Merveilleuses avec urie lettre de V. Sardou. 30 Eaux fortes par A. Glillaumot Fils. India proof. 4to. Paris, 1S75. $ 7 50 153 COURTISANES DU SECOND EMPIRE. Marguerite Bellan- GER. Editio7i avec lettres autographes. Svo. paper. Bruxelles, 1871. $ 2 00 154 COWPER, V.'M. Table Talk and other Poems, i vol. i2mo. ful green polished calf, marbled edges, back gilt, inside tooling. London 181 7. $ 3 00 155 CRfiBILLON FILS. Le has.ird du coin du feu. i6mo. paper. Paris, Liseux, 1 88 1. $ 2 00 *,* Tiri -^ pcLit nonibre. 1 6 E. F. BONAVENTURE,BookselUr, 155 CROQUIS D'ANIMAUX, par Renouard. io finely execuhd Pen Sketches of Ani?>ials from Nature. Colored. 4to. boards. Paris, 1884. $2 5° 157 CRUIKSHANK, Geo. The Travels and surprising adventures of Baron MUNCHAUSEN. Illustrated with 23 engravings from the Baron's own design, and 5 wood cuts by Geo. Cruikshank. I2mo. cloth, uncut. London, 1869. $ 3 5° 158 CRUIKSHANK'S Fairy Library. "Puss in Books," " Hop O'Wy Thumb," "Jack and the Bean Stalk," "Cinderella." In one volume. i2mo. cloth. With illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. London, (n.d.) $ 2 50 159 CRUIKSPL^FK, Geo. Ainsworth's Macazi?;e. A miscellany of Romance, General Literature and Art, edited by Wm. Harrison Ains- WORTH, and illustrated by Geo. Cruiksh.ank. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. London, 1842. $ 5 00 *»* Contains "The Miser's Daughter" complete. The Binding is somev/bat rubbed. Contents in e.xcellent order. 160 CRUIKSHANK, Geo. Ainsworth, Wm. Harrison. "The Miser's Daughter." A Tale with illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. Svo cloth, uncut. London, (n.d.) $ 3 00 161 CRUIKSHANK, Geo. Geo. Ainsworth's Magazine. With plates by C. Cruikshank. Vol. i. 8vo half calf, London 1842. $ i 00 162 CRUIKSHANK Geo. Fielding H. History of Tom. Jones. A Foundling. With memoir of author by Tao^. RoscoE. With illustra- tions by George Cruikshank. 2 vols. i2mo, half cloth. London, 1831. $ 3 00 163 CRUIKSHANK, Geo. Fielding H. The History of Amelia. With illustrations by Geo. Cruiksh.ank. 2 vols. i2mo. cloth. London, 1832. , $ 3 00 %* Some of the leaves loose, but otherwise perfect and complete. 164 CRUIKSHANK, Geo. Memoirs of Joseph Grimai.di by Boz. With illustrations by Gy,o. Cruikshank. 12 mo cloth. London, n. d. $ 2 go 155 CRUIKSHANK, Geo. The Snow Storm. A Christmas story, by Mrs. Gore.' With illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank 12 mo. cioth. London. N. D. $ i 00 166 CRUIKSHANK, Geo. New Years D.iY. A winter's tale by Mrs Gore. With illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank. London, 1846. $ i 00 167 CRUIKSKANK, Geo. Maxwell, W. H. History of the Irish Re- bellion in 1 798. With fine portraits and 20 fine illustrations (5r Geo Cruikshank. Svo. cloth uncut. London, 1871, $ ^ 00 1 152 Broadway &' 2 Barclay Street New York. 17 168 CRUIKSHANK, Geo' Smollet, T., The miscellaneous works of. With memoir by Thos. Roscoe. With portrait of S-Moixet; with illustralions by Geo. Cruiksha.nk. Thick royal 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1852. $ 5 00 169 CRUIKSHANK, Geo. Peter Schlemihl, from the German of A. vo.N- Chanusso. With plates by Geo. Cruikshank. Thin i2mo. cloth. Rare. London, 1861. $ 2 00 170 CRUIKSHANK, Geo. Life of, in two epochs, by Blan'chard Jerrold. 2 vols. I2mo. cloth, nncut, new. With mcnieroiis specimens of his plates. New York, Scribner, 1882. $ 5 00 171 CUPID AND PSYCHC. a Mythological Tale from the Golden Ass of Apuleius. Thin 410. boards, uncut. With plates. London, 1800. $ 7 50 *^,* Large paper copy of this beautifully printed book, with 4 charming plates after the designs by Cipriani. 172 CUPID A.\D PSYCHfi. A Mythological Tale from the Golden Ass of Apuleius, from the second Anonymous London edition of 1800, to which many omissions are supplied with 2 copper engravings. Thin 8vo. half parchment. Charleston, 1842. $ 2 50 173 CURIOSITfiS BIOGRAPHIQUES par LuDovic Lalanne. Eunu- ques. Particularit^s Physiques, Bizarreries et goflts singuliers, Fecondite, Supplices, Femmes Guerri^res, Erreurs populaires, etc. i2mo. half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1858. $ i 50 174 CURWEN, HENRY. A History of Booksellers. The old and the new. With portrait and illustrations. I2mo. cloth, uncut. London, (N.D.) $ I 75 175 CYMBALUM MUNDI ou Dialogues Satyriques sur differens Sujets. par BoNAVENTURE DES Periers avec leltre critique par Marchand. r2mo. half calf. Engraved frontispiece and coppcr-plaees by B. Picart. Amsterdam, 1732. $ 3 00 176 DANTE ALIGHIERI. La Divina Comedia cive I'lnferno, il Purga- torio, ed il Paradise. A series of 100 plates in outline, engraved by Soi-ia Giacomei-I.i, to illustrate Dante. 8vo. half calf, marble edge, rare. Paris, (n.d.) $ 7 So 177 DARWIN, CHARLES. De I'origine des espfeces par selection naturelle ou des lois de transformation des etres organises, avec additions de I'auteur. i2mo. paper, 640 pps. Paris, (.\.D.) $ i 25 178 DfiBAT de Deux Demoyselles, I'une nomm^e la Noyrf. et I'autre la Fannie, suivi de la vie de Saint Harenc et d'autres poesies du XVe si^cle, avec des notes et un glossaire. 8vo. hall blue levant morocco, uncut. Paris, Didot, 1825. $ 5 00 1 8 E. F. BONAVENTURE,Bookseller, 179 DECAMERON. Or, Tex Days' Entertainment of BoccAccio. A revised translation, by W. K. Kelly, With portrait and \o illustrations, drawn and engraved by Leopold Flameng. i vol. i2mo. red cloth, uncut edges. $ 2 00 180 D£CENCE ET VOLUPTfi, ou les tentations par M. Auguste. 3 vols, i6mo. unbound. Paris, 1808. $ 3 00 181 DECLOUX ET DOtJRY. Histoire arch^ologique, descriptive et graphique de la Sainte-Chapelle du Palais. With a series 0/2$ beautiful plates in gold and colors. Folio half red morocco, gilt top. Paris, Alorcl, 1865. $ 20 00 182 DECREMPS. La Magie Blanche devoilee ou explication de tours sur- prenans, ouvrage orne de lOi figures. Testament, codicille et petitcs aventures de Jerome Sharp, professeur de physique amusante, con- tenant des tours ing^nieux et des lemons utiles, avec 183 figures, 5 vols. in 4, 8vo. half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1793. $ 7 5a 183 DEFOE, DANIEL. Life of Colonel Jack. i2mo. cloth, uncut. Oxford, 1840. $ o 75 184 DEFOE. Adventures de Robinson Cruso^ par Daniel de Foe. With numerous illustrations by Grandville. Royal 8vo. half morocco, marbled edges. Paris, 1840. $ 4 00 185 DE LA CHATRE, MAURICE. HISTOIRE DES PAPES, Crimes, Meurtres, Empoisonnements, Parricides, Adulteres, Incestes des Pontiles Romanis, depuis Saint-Pierre jusqu'a nos jours. Illustrated with full page plates, many of an erotic character, after the "elite des artistes de Paris." 10 vols, royal Svo. half morocco. Paris, 1844. $ 25 00 This remarkable work also salaciously indulges in the alleged — "Mys- t^res d'lniquit^s de la Cour de Rome ; la Sainte Inquisition ; Abomina- tions des Convents; des Ordres Keligjeux; des Dominicains, des Carmes, des Franciscains, Bernardius, etc., etc.; des Jcsuites Icurs Constitutions, leurs Doctrines, leurs Envahissements ; leurs Attentants • des Grands Reformateurs, Jean Huss, Jerome de Prague, Luther' Calvin; Crimes des Rois, des Reines et des Empereurs." 156 DE LA FOSSE, JEAN CHARLES. Algemeen Kunstenaars Hand Boek of Schatkamer voor alle beoefenaaren van Kunsten en Handwerken. A collection of 102 copper-plates of Monuments, Archi- tectural Ornaments, Fountains, Medallions, Trophies, Emblems, Vases Tombs, Chandeliers, Sculptures, etc., etc. Beautifully engraved by Jean de Witt. Folio half crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Petit. Amsterdam, (n.d.) 4 21; 00 157 DELAVIGNE. Messdniennes, et Chants Populaires par C. Delavigne. Portrait and numerous illustrations. Royal Svo. half brown morocco" Paris, 1840. ^ 2 so 188 DELILLE. L'Homme des Champs ou les G^orgiques fran9oises With a set of beautiful vignettes. Svo. calf. Paris, 1805. $ 1 i;o 1 1 £2 Broadway & 2 Barclay Street New York. 1 9 189 DELILLE, J. CEuvres completes avec notes de Parseval, Choiseul, GoUFFlER, Aime-Martin, etc. Large 8vo. half red morocco. Portrait. Paris, Didot, 1863. $ 3 5° 190 DELVAU, ALFRED. Dictionnaire de la Langue Verte. fidition augment^e d'un supplement par Fustier. Large and thick i2mo. paper, uncut. Paris, 1883. $ 4 op ** The best dictionary of French slang, words and phrases. 191 DELVAU, ALFRED. Les Heures Parisiennes. With a series of it, beautiful etchings by B^nassit. Fine portrait etched by Valentin on the cover. Large l2mo. paper, uncut. Paris, 1882. $ 3 5° *** Fine edition on Holland paper. 192 DEMOUSTIER. Lettres sur la Mythologie. Portrait and t,/^ beautiful plates of nudes, by Monnet. 6 vols, in 3, i2rao. calf, gilt edges. Paris, 1803. $ 15 00 *♦* Papier v^lin copy. 193 DEMOUSTIER. Lettres a Emilie sur la Mythologie. 3 vols. 24mo. old red morocco, gilt edges. Illustrated with a set of fine vignettes. Paris, 1819. $ 6 00 194 DEPPING. Les Jeunes Voyageurs en France ou lettres sur les d^par- temens. Illustrated with \Q0 views and maps. 6 vols, half calf. Paris, 1824. $ 3 50 19s De QUINCY, THOS. Letters to a Young Man, a»d other Papers. 121110. cloth. Boston, 1854. $ o 75 196 DESBILLONS. FabulEe CEsopiae, curis posterioribus omnes fere emendatje. i2mo. old red morocco, back and sides tooled, gilt edges. Parisiis, Barbou, 1769. $ 5 00 197 DESCRIPTIONS Pittoresques des Jardins du Goflt les plus modernes, orne'es de 28 Planches, i vol. 8vo. newly bound in half calf. Leipzig, 1802. $ 2 50 198 DESFORGES. Le Poete ou M^moires d'un homme de lettres Merits par lui-ni6me. With a set of % pretty vipiettes. 8 vols, in 4, i8mo. hall calf. Hambourg, 1799. $ 20 00 %* Roman galant. Tres rare. 199 DESLANDES. RiSflexions sur les grands hommes qui sont morts en plaisantant augment^es d'epitaphes et autres pieces curieuses. l2mo. boards. Amsterdam, 1776. $ 2 po *#* Curious and interesting book. 200 DEVOTIONS DE Mad. De BETHZAMOOTH. La retraite, les tentations et les confessions de la marquise de Montcormillon par I'abb^ DuvERNET. i2mo. paper, uncut. Bruxelles, 1880. $ 4 00 20 E. F. BONA VENTURE, Bookseller, 201 DEZOBRY ET BACHELET. ' Dictionnaire General de Biographic et d'Histoire, de Mythologie,de Geographic Ancienne ct Modcrne comparee des Antiquit^s et des Institutions Greques Romaiiies Franjaises et ^trang^rcs, 2 vols, thiclt large 8vo. half morocco, cloth sides. Paris, 1857. $ 7 50 202 DICKENS. ORIGINAL EDITION. MASTER HUMPHREY'S CLOCK. By Chas. Dicke.ns. IVith illustrations by Geo. Catter- MOLE and Haelot Browne. 3 vols Royal 410. cloth. London. Chapman &= Hall. 1840. $ 17 50 203 DICKENS DICTIONARY, The. A Key to the characters and prin- cipal incidents in the tales of ChaS. Dickens. Portrait. I2mo. cloth, Boston, 1872. $ o 75 204 DICTIONNAIRE DE LA CONVERSATION, et de la lecture, inven- 'taire raisonne des notions generales les plus indispensables a tout parune Societe de Savans sous la! direction de DuCKETT. 16 vols. Royal 8vo. half red morocco, marbled edges. Paris. Firviin Didot. 1863. $30 00 205 DICTIONNAIRE DES ROMANS Anciens et Modernes ou M(5thode pour lire les Romans avec uu choix des meilleures productions par Mafx, with the Supplement. Portrait. 8vo. paper. Paris, 1819. $ 2 00 %* Curious and useful bibliographical work. 206 DICTIONNAIRE GfiNfiRAL ANGLAIS— FRANfAIS et FRAN- 5AIS — ANGLAIS r^dig^ d'apr&s Johnson, Webster, Richardson, etc., par Spiers. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, new. Paris, 1869, 1874. $ 5 00 207 DIDEROT. La Religieuse, 1760-1871. i6mo. paper. France et Belgique, 1871. .$ 3 00 208 DIDEROT. Les Bijoux Indiscrets. £dition augmentte de notes, Illustrated with a set of plates. 2 vols. I2mo. paper. Bru-telles, Gay. 1881. $ 6 00 209 BIDEROT. Le Neveu de Rameau. Texte revu avec notice, notes, bibliographic par Isamuert. 8vo. paper, uncut. Portrait, facsimile and etchings. Paris, Quantin, 1883. $ 3 5° 210 DINAUX, A. Les SociSt^s Badines, Bachiques, Chantantes et Litti- raires, leur Plistoire et leurs Travaux. Revu par Brunet. With fine portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, paper covers, uncut. Paris, 1867. $ 4 00 211 DISRAELI, ISAAC. Curiosities of literature. 4 vols. i2mo. cloth, uncut. With portrait. Boston, 1858. $ 6 00 *x* Fine clean copy of William Vcazie's beautiful edition. Long out of print. 212 DODDRIDGE, JOS. Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars of Virginia and Pennsylvania, from 1763 to 17S3. i vol. i2mo. cloth. Albany, 1 8 76. $ I co 213 DONNE, JOHN D.D. Devotions, with two sermons, to which is pre- fixed his life, by Isaac Walton, izmo. cloth, uncut. London Pickering, 1840. | j qq 1152 Broadway &' 2 Barclay Street New York. 2 1 214 DORAT. Reponse de Valcour 4 Zeila prec^d^e d'une lettre de I'auteur a une femme qu'il ne connait pas. 8vo. half cloth, entirely uncut. With charming 'jignettes by Y.i%Y.ti, engraved by de Longueil. Paris, Jony, 1766. $ 5 00 %* Rare in this condition. 215 DORAT. Mes Fantaisies. fidition consid^rablement augment^e. Fine frontispiece and vignette by ElSEN, engraved by de Longueil. 8vo. halt calf, red edges. Paris, Delalain, 1770. $ 4 00 %* Limited edition on Holland paper. 216 DOWNING, A. J. Cottage Residences, or a series of designs for Rural cottages and Cottage Villas. Nitmerous engravings, i vol. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1868. $ i 75 217 DRYDEN, JOHN. Fables from BoccACio and Chauce.x. A new edition. Illustrated with plates by ?>votw.kv.xiT. I vol. i2mo. half calf. Rare. London, 1806. $ 4 00 218 DUCLOS, CEUVRES DE. 6 parts in 3 vols. Svo. cloth. Paris, 1821. $ 4 50 *«* M^inoires secrets. Confessions du comte de * * *. M^moires sur les mceurs. R^gence. HibLoire de maaame dh Luz, etc. 219 DULAURENS. Arretin Moderne. 2 vols, in I, i2mo. half red mor- occo. Rome, 1783. $ 6 00 *** Ouvrai,re ceieore. 220 DULAURENS. Le Compare Mathieu on les bigarrures de I'esprit humain. With vignettes. 4 parts in 2 vols, boards. Paris, 1801. $ 2 50 221 DULAURENS, ABBfi. La Chandelle d'Arras, poeme heroi-comique. i2mo. calf. Londres, 1774. $ 4 00 222 DUMAS, ALEXANDRE, FiLS. La Dame aux Camillas. Preface par J. jANi.N'. Royal Svo. half maroon levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, bound in original cover by Rousselle. Witli a fine etched portrait. Paris, Uvy, 1872. $ 8 00 *,* Holland paper copy. 223 DUPONT. Histoire de l'Imprimerie. 2 vols, thick i2mo. paper, uncut, parchment covers. Paris, Rouveyre, 1880. $ 5 00 224 DUPUIS. Histoire de J&usalem on explication du plan de Jerusalem et de ses faubourgs. i2mo. half calf. Bruxelles, 1844. $ i 00 225 DURER, ALBERT. Album. A Collection of the most Celebrated Wood-cuts by Albert Durer. Newly engraved in exact iac-simile, under the direction of W. V. Kaulbach, by the best engravers. Im- pressions on India paper. Square folio, boards. Nuremberg, (N.D.) $ 10 00 E. F. BONAVENTURE, Bookseller, 226 EDINBURG ESSAYS by Members of the University. I vol. 8vo. half calf, parchment corners. With portrait of POE. Edinburgh, 1857. $ 2 50 227 ELEMENTS OF CIVIL ARCHITECTURE, THE. According to Vitruvius and other Ancient and most approved practice of Modern Authors, especially Palladio, by Henry Aldrich. 8vo. calf. Plates. Rare. Oxford, 1789. $ 4 5° 228 ELIOT, GEO. Essays. i2mo. cloth. New. New York, i8S^. $ I 00 229 ELIOT, GEO. " Theopiirastus Such." The Spanish Gypsy, Jubal and other Poems. In i vol. i2mo cloth. New. New York, 1884. $ I 00 230 ELLIS, SIR HENRY. Original letters illustrative of English History, including numerous royal letters. IVith i^ fine portraits {^sotneivhat foxed.) 4 vols. i2mo. cloth, uncut. London, Bentley, 1846. $ 5 GO 231 ELZEVIR PRESS. Le Syndicat du Pape Alexandre VII avec son voyage en I'autre monde. i2mo. blue morocco, gilt edges. By Simier. Rare. N. P., 1669. $ 3 00 232 EMANUEL, HARRY. Diamonds and Precious Stones ; their history, value, and distinguishing characteristics, with simple tests for their identification. I2mo. cloth. With plates. New York, 1873. $ i: 00 233 ENCYCLOPEDIANA. Recueil d' Anecdotes Anciennes, Modernes et Contemporaines tir6 des livres rares et curieux, manuscrits, etc. Royal 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1843. $ 2 00 234 ERASME. £loge de la Folie, traduit par De La Veau.x. Dessins de Hans Holbein. 8vo. half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, Delarue, (N.D.) $ 4 50 %* Tir6 ^ petit nombre. 235 ERASME. Le Pderinage, traduction nouvelle par Develay. 24mo. half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Facsimile of old wood-cut. Paris, Jouaust, 1872. $ 2 00 236 fiTINCELLE. Carnet d'un Mondain. Gazette Parisienne, anec- dotique et curieuse. With numerous illustrations in black, gold, and colors, by Ferdinandus. 2 vols. 8vo. paper, uncut, with fine illustrated covers. Paris Rouveyre, 1 881 and 1882. $ 5 00 237 IilTRENNES Lyriques, Anacrtontiques pour I'ann^e 1786. Charming vignette by CocHlN, engraved by Gaucher. i2mo. bound in full old red morocco, tooled back and sides, gilt edges. Paris, 1786. $ 6 00 *^* Fine specimen of old French binding, in a fresh and well-preserved condition. 1 152 Broadway, &• 2 Barclay Street New York. 23 238 EVERETT, EDW. Life of Geo. Washington. Illustrated, i vol. 8vo, full Turkey morocco, gilt, edges. New York, i860. $ 3 50 239 FACfiTIES. Douze Fac^ties repfoduites en fac-simile; I'Ordre des Cocus. 4to in sheets. Bruxelles, Gay, 1881. $ 3 00 *.* Facetious illustrations. Limited edition. 240 FACfiTIES Rfivolutionnaires sur madame de Polignac. Le boudoir, la maladie, Confession et repentir, Conference avec La Motte, lettre, agonie, adieux. l6mo. paper. Neuchatel, 1872. $ 3 5° *;,* Only lao copies printed. No. 52. 241 FENCING. La Marche. Traite de I'Ep^e. With many wood en- gravings by M. Roy. Small 8vo. paper, uncut. Illustrated cover. Paris, 1884. $ 3 50 242 FARCES. A Collection of Farces and other afterpieces ; selected by Mrs. Lvchbald. 7 vols. i2mo. calf, marbled edges. London, 1809. $ 7 so 243 FAUBLAS. Les aventures du chevalier DE Faublas par LouvET DE CouvRAY. Illustrated with % steel plates ^_)/ Marillier, Blanchard, etc. 4 vols. l2mo. half brown morocco, tooled backs. Bruxelles, liozez, 1881. $ 10 00 244 FAUJAS-SAINT-FOND. Histoire naturelle de la montagne de Saint- Pierre de Maestricht. With iA'R.l> Devinci, etched by ¥i.k1a^.~\G. I2mo. cloth. Boston, 1874. $ I 25 302 HAMILTON. Count Anthony. Fairy Tales and Romances. Trans- lated by the French. IVith porti-ait of author. I2mo. cloth, uncut. London, Bohn, 1849. $ 3 50 *4,* Rare, original Bohn edition. Fine clean copy. 303 HAMILTON, ANTOINE. Memoires du comte DE Grammo.nt. Histoire amoureuse de la cour d'Angleterre sous Charles I. Preface et notes par PiFTEAU. Illustrated with frontispiece and 6 fine etchings by Chauvet. 8vo. bound in half crushed blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. $ 7 50 %* Fine ediLion on Holland paper. 304 HAMILTON. Memoires de Grammont et contes par Antoine Hamilton, pr^ced^s d'une notice par Auger. Illustrated xuith portraits and fne plates after MoKV.kV . 8vo. half green morocco, marbled edges. Paris, 1861. $ 5 00 305 H,\YDN'S Universal Index of Biography, from the creation to the present time. Edited by J. B. Payne. Thick 8vo. cloth, uncut. Lon- don, E. Moxon &' Son, 1870. $ 3 5° 306 HENAULT, PRESIDENT. Nouvel ahrigi chronologique de I'histoire de France contenant les guerres, batailles, sieges, etc. Beautiful vig- nettes by Cochin, i vol. 410. calt, gilt edges. Paris, 1752. $ 4 00 307 HERSCHEL, SIR JOHN F. \V. Outlines of Astronomy. Numer- ous plates and viood-cuts. i2mo. cloth. New York, 1869. ■ $ o 75 308 HISTOIRE DE FRANCE. Nouvel abr^g^ chronologique de I'histoire de France contenant les ev^nemens, les guerres, batailles, sieges, nos lois, nos moeurs, nos usages, etc. 3 vols. Svo. half morocco, marbled edges. Rouen, 1789. $ 2 00 309 HISTOIRE DES FARCEURS OiLfeBRES. Illustrated. Large Svo. half green morocco. Paris, (.N.D. ) * ^ ^^ 1152 Broadway &" 2 Barclay Street New York. 29 310 HOGARTH, WILLIAM. The works of, consisting of 148 wj^awtw^j, engraved in the best style by CooKE and DAVENPORT, with descriptions by the Rev. John Trusler. 2 vols. 410. cloth, gilt edges. London, (N.D.) $ 10 00 311 HOLLAND, J. G. The Life of Abraham Lincoln, i vol. 8vo. half calf. With portrait. Springfield, 1866. $ 2 00 312 HOMER'S ILIAD. Translated by Alex. Pope. With the entire series of Flaxman's designs. I vol. l2mo. cloth, uncut. London, Bohn, 1876. $ 2 00 313 HOMER'S ODYSSEY. Translated by Alex. Pope. With the entire series 0/ Flaxman's designs, i vol. 12 mo. cloth, uncut. London, Bohnt 1873. $ 2 00 314 HOOD, THOS. Poems OF. Withzz charming vie7us after the designs by BiRKET Foster. 4to. cloth, gilt edges. London, Moxon, 1871. $ S 00 315 HOUSSAYE. Mademoiselle Cl6opatre. Histoire parisienne par ARSfeNE HousSAYE. 8vo. bound in full dark morocco, gilt edges. Portrait. Paris, 1864. $ 2 Jo 316 HOW TO LIVE, AND THAT WELL. In All Estates and Times, Especially When Helps and Comforts Fail. 1 vol, thick iSmo. half calf, top gilt. London, 1607. $ 2 00 317 HUGO, VICTOR. Chatimknts. 24mo. half red morocco. Genive et New Vork, 1853. $ 2 09 "* First edition. Rare. 318 HUGO, VICTOR. L'Annee Terrible. Illustrations de Leopold Flamknc. 8vo. half brown morocco, cloth sides, gilt edges. Paris, 1873. . $ 4 00 319 HUGO, VICTOR. Les MiSERABLES. Illustrated with zoo designs by Brion. Large 8vo. half green morocco. Paris, 1865. $ 5 00 320 HUGO, VICTOR. CEuvRES. 10 vols, square l2mo. half morocco, marbled edges. Francfort, (n.d.) $ 10 00 321 HULME, F. EDWARD. Suggestions in Floral Design. Illustrated -aiith 52 colored plates. I vol. 410. cloth. New. London and New Vork, (N.D.) $ 10 00 322 HUMBOLDT, ALEX. VON. KosMOS. Entwurf einer Physischen Weltbeschreibung. 4 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Stuttgart, 1845. $ 7 50 \ ^ Good edition of this celebrated work. 323 HUME, DAVID. The History of England, from the Invasion of , Julius Cesar 10 the Abdication of James II. New edition. 6 vols. i2mo. half Russia, marbled edges. New. Philadelphia, 1881. $ 10 00 30 E. F. BONAVENTURE, Bookseller, 324 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, for the years 1870 and 1871. 2 vols, large 410. half Turkey morocco, cloth sides. $ 5 00 324a LONDON GRAPHIC, for the years 1870 and 1871. 2 vols, large 4to. half Turkey morocco, cloth sides, bound uniform with above lot. $ S 00 325 INDUSTRIAL ARTS IN SPAIN By Juan F. Riano. With numerous Illustrations. I2rao. cloth. New. London, 1879. $ I 5° 326 IRELAND. Its Scenery and Antiquities. Illustrated with 120 very fitie engravings^ from drawings by W. H. Bartlett. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, gilt edges. London, (N.D.) $ 10 00 327 IRVING, WASHINGTON. Bracebridge Hall or the Humorists. A Medley by Geoffrey Craaon. Author's revised edition. 8vo. full green morocco, gilt edges. Fine copy. New York, G. P. Putnam, i860. $ 3 SO *** With the charming illustrations oi Schmolze, 328 IRVING, WASHINGTON. The Kauterskill Edition of his works. Complete and unabridged. One large 8vo. volume, full brown morocco, stamped covers, gilt edges. With numerous illustrations. New York, 1880. $ 5 00 329 IRVING, WASHINGTON, Life and Letters of, By his nephew, Pierre M. Irving. i2mo. cloth. Illustrated. New York, Putnam, 1862. $ 4 00 330 JAMESON, MRS. Court Beauties of the Reign of Charles I, from the originals in the Royal Gallery at Windsor. By Sir Peter Lely and others. Engraved in the highest style of the art, by THOMPSON, Wright, Scriver, etc,, etc. 410. cloth, red edges. New. London, Ilolten, N.D. $ 10 00 %* Presentation edition, with 21 charming potraits in proof state. 331 JAMESON, Mrs. Anna. The Heroines of Shakespeare. Their mor- al, poetical and historical characteristics. With 24 steel-engravings. 8vo. cloth, (new). Phila. N. D. $3 00 332 JANSEN. Essai sur I'origine de la gravure en bois et en taille-douce et sur la connoissance des estampes des XVe et XVIe si^cles, oil il est parlS de I'origine des cartes, du papier de coton et de lin, de la calligraphic, des miniatures des anciens manuscrits, des filigranes des papiers, etc. With T.Q folding-plates. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1808. $ 3 00 333 JEAFFRESON, J. C. The real Lord Byron. New views of the Poet's life. i2mo. cloth, new. Boston, 1883. $ , qo 334 JENTY, C. N. Demonstration de la matrice d'une femme grosse et de son enfant Ji terme. Ouvrage en six planches peintes d'aprfes nature et dispos^es de fa9on i donner I'id^e la plus exacte de I'^tat de grossesse. Texte gravi et ome de jolis encadrements decoratifs de Martinet. Folio- Boards. Paris, 1759. $ 7 SO 1152 Broadway, 6* 2 Barclay Street New York. 31 335 JEWITT, Llewellyn. F. S. A. The History of Ceramic Art in Great Britain, from pre-historic times to the present day. With nearly 2000 engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, gilt top. uncut, new. New York, Scribner &• Co. 1878. $ 6 00 336 JOINVILLE, Sire Jean De. Histoire de St. Louis, texte original, accompagni d'une traduction par M. Natalis De Wailly. Illus- trated with ntimerous wood-cuts and chromo-lithographic plates, i vol. Royal 4to. half crushed red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris. Didot. 1874. $ 7 SO 337 JONES, OWEN. Grammar of Ornament. A series of 112 exquisi- tively colored plates, executed in chromo-lithography, comprising 3000 examples of the Decoration of all Ages and Nations, with descriptive let- ter-press, illustrated with wood-cuts. Folio, cloth, gilt edges. $ 27 00 \* This new edition is a reproduction of the larger work on a smaller scale; a few of the plates which could not be reduced have been printed on a larger scale, and the same arcistic matter has been extended from lOO to 112 plates. 338 JOHNSON, BEN. The Works of. With a memoir by Barry Corn- wall. With portrait and engraved title. Thick Royal 8vo cloth, uncut. London. Moxon, 1838. $ 5 00 339 JOURNAL DE POLICE des inspecteursde M. Sartines. Documents sur le r^gne de Louis XV. i2mo. paper. Bruxelles, 1863. $ 2 00 %* Chronique secrdtc des moeurs des femmes de la cour et de la conduite des fiUes publiques. 340 JOURNEE DE L'AMOUR ou Heures de Cythfere ; par BoUFFERS, VoiSENON, Fa V art, la comtesse de Turpin, etc. With a series of nice copper-plates and culs-de-lempe by Taunay. I vol. 8vo. paper, entirely uncut. A. Gnide, 1776. $ 7 50 *#* Recueil de poiSsies Ifigdres ^crites par la soci^t^ litt6raire dite I'Ordre de la Table-Ronde. Volume ires-rare, tiri a petit nombre et non mis dans le commerce 341 JULLIEN. La Com6die et la Galanterie au XVIIIe Si^cle. 8vo.* paper, uncut. Fine frontispiece and vignettes etched by de Mai.van. Paris, Rouveyre, 1879. $ 3 5° 342 JULLIEN. La Ville et la Cour au XVIIIe Slide. 8vo. paper, uncut. Fine frontispiece and vignettes etched by DE JIalval. Paris, Rouveyre, 1881. $ 3 5° 343 KEIGHTLEY, P . Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy. With la fine plates etched by \V. H. Brooke, F. S. .1. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Lon- don, 183 1. $ 3 5° *^* Fine clean copy. 344 KELLY, WALTER KEATING. Syria and the Holy Land. Their Scenery and their People. Profusely illustrated. 8vo. half crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, Chapman &' Hall, 1844. $ 3 00 E. F. BONAVENTURE^Boakseller, 345 KNICKERBOCKER GALLERY. A Testimonial to the Editor of the K'nickerliocker Magazine, from its Contributors. IVith 48 very Jine for- trnils on steel of eminent authors. I vol. 8vo. full green morocco, stamped covers, gilt edges. New York, 1855. $ 5 °° *v;- Fine copy of scarce book. 346 KNIGHT'S PICTORIAL GALLERY OF ARTS. Illustrated with nearly ^000 wood-cuts and sieel engravings. — USEFUL ARTS. Agri- culture and Manufactures.— FINE ARTS. Agriculture, Sculpture and Painting. 2 vols. 4to. cloth, gilt edges. London, (N.D.) $ 7 50 347 KOSSUTH. Souvenirs et ecrits de mon exil. P&iode de la guerre d'ltalie. Royal 8vo. paper. I-'inely etched portrait. Paris, :88o. $ 2 50 348 KRUDENER, Madamk de. Valerie, priSface de Parisot, variantes et bibliographie. 8vo. paper, uncut. Portrait, facsimile and fine etchings by M. Le].0[R. Paris, Quantin, 1878. $ 3 5° 349 LA BAUMELLE. Mes pensees avec le supplement. i6mo. vellum. Berlin, 1761. -I; I 50 ■^«* Curious and rare book. 350 LABLEE ET MAR£CHAL. Essais de poesies l^gerc suivis d'un songe. l6mo. half red morocco. Geneve, 1775. $5 00 •, - Rare. 351 LABOULAYE, Edouard. Histoire des fitats Unis. 2 vols. i2mo. paper, uncut. Paris, 1877. $ 3 5° 352 LACOMBE. Dictionnaire du vieux langage fran9ois enrichi de passages tires des nianuscriis en vers et en prose. 2 vols. 8 vo. calf. Paris, 1766. $ 5 00 %* Useful to Che reader of the old French classics. 353 LACROIX, Paul. The XVIUth Century. Its Instittntions, Cus- toms, and Costumes. France r7oo to 1789. Illustrated with 2\ chromo- lithographs and ■^$1 wood-engravings, i vol. Royal 8vo. half red morocco, stamped covers, uncut. London, N. D. $ 8 00 354 LADY OF SHALOTT. A Poem Illumiuated by Howard Pyl.\, in a series of beautiful plates in colors. Small 4to. cloth, gilt edges. New York, Dodd, Mead iV Co., (N.D.) $ 2 50 355 LA P'AYETTE, Madame de. La Princesse de Clfeves, preface de H. Taine, variantes et bibliographie. 8vo. paper, uncut. Portrait, fac- simile and etchings by "M-KSSOii. Paris, Quantin, 1878. $ 3 50 356 LA FONTAINE. Contes et nouvelles en vers enrichis de tailles-douces par RoMAIN DE HooGE. 2 vols in i, i2mo. vellum.. Amsterdam, Brunei, 1 709. if 10 00 %* Very rare edition, with facetious plates to eadi tale. 1152 Broadway, &• 2 Barclay Street NewYork. 33 357 LA FONTAINE. Contes et nouvelles. Edition illustr^e par Johannot, BouLANGER, Fragonard, etc. Imperial 8vo. half dark green morocco, uncut. Paris, Bourdin, (N.D.) $ 7 SO %* Rare edition. First impression of tlic wood-cuts. 358 LA FONTAINE. Contes de M. de La Fontaine. Nouvelle Edition corrigee sur celle de 1669, enrichie de I'explication des termes du vieux langage. With a series of finely etched vignettes to each tale. 2 vols. l2mo. half calf. Paris, 1808. $ 10 00 %* Rare edition. 359 LA FONTAINE. Psyche. Compositions de Le\'Y, graves a I'eau- forte et dessins de Giacomelli graves sur bois. l6mo. paper, parchment cover. Paris, Jouaust, 1880. $ 6 00 %* Illustrated edition witli borders around text. 360 LA FONTAINE. Fables, pr^cM^es d'une notice par Sainte-Beuve. With a set of portraits and beautiful steel engravings by T. Johannot. Svo. half morocco, cloth sides, gilt edges. Paris, 1858. $ 4 50 361 LAFONTAINE. CEuvres Completes. Finely illustrated with portrait and plates by Staal. 7 vols. 8vo. Very fine edition bound in half red morocco, back tooled, gilt top, uncut. Paris, Gamier, (N.D.) $ 30 00 362 LA FONTAINE. OJuvres CoMPi-tTES de J. La Fontaine pr6c£- d^es d'une notice sur sa vie avec les notes les plus importantes. Svo. half calf. Portrait and copper-plates. Paris, 181 7. $ 2 50 363 LA GRANGE-CHANCEL. Les Philippiques, odes. Edition definitive avec remarques in^dites. 8vo. paper. Paris, 1876. $ 2 50 *^* Curieux ouvrage sui; la conduite et les d^baucties du Regent. 364 LAMARTINE, A. de. Histoire des Girondins. Illustrated with portraits and wood-cuts. 3 vols, royal Svo. hall green morocco. Paris, 1865-1866. $ 7 SO 365 LAMARTINE. Cours familier de Litterature. 4 vols, royal Svo. half red morocco. Portrait. Paris, 1857. $ 5 00 366 LAMB, MARY and CHARLES. Poems, Letters and Remains. First collected with Reminiscences and Notes by W. Carew Hazlitt. With portrait and facsimile and illustrations of their favorite haunts in Lon- don and the suburbs. Svo. half Roxburg, gilt top. London, 1874. $ 3 50 ",* A fine copy. 367 LARCHEY. Les Excentricit^s du Langage. i2mo. half red morocco, uncut. Paris, 1865. $ 2 50 368 LA ROCHEJAQUELEIN. M^moires de madame la marquise de La ROCHEJAQUELEIN, ecrits par elle-mfime. Portrait and maps. Thick Svo. paper. Paris, 1817. $ I 50 *^* Very interesting memoira. 34 E- -F. BONAVENTURE,Bookseller, 369 LA SABLIERE. Madrigaux de La Saeliere. Suivis d'tin appen- clice par Blanche.main. i6mo. paper. Paris Libr. des bibliophiles, i&n- ' $ I 25 370 LATHAM, WILFRED. The States of the River Platte. 8vo. half calf, marbled edges. London, 186S. $ i 50 371 LAUZUN. Memoires du due de Lauzun, (i 747-1 783) avec une etude sur la vie de I'auteur par Louis Lacour. i2mo. half red morocco. Paris, Potilet. Malassis, 1858. $ 4 00 *^* The best edition without suppression. Edition condamnee. 372 LAUZUN. Memoires de M. le due DE Lauzun. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1822. $ 3 00 %* Scandalous memoirs, 373 LEBRUN. GLuvres Choisies pr^c^dees d'une notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages par M. D. 8vo. half morocco, marbled edges. Portrait. Paris, 1829. $ 2 00 374 LECKY, W. E. H. History of the Rise and Influence of Rationalism in Europe. 2 vols. i2mo. cloth. Nevf. New York, 1883. $ 2 00 375 LE CLERC. Pratique de la G^om^trie sur le papier et sur le terrain With numerous copper-plates. i2mo. calf. Paris, 1735. $ 2 50 376 LEESER, ISAAC. Discourses on the Jewish Religion. 6 vols. i2mo. cloth. Philadelphia, $ 5 00 377 LEFORT. Francisco Goya, ^tude biographique et critique suivie de I'essai d'un catalogue raisonn^ de son oeuvre. Portrait. 8vo. half cloth. Paris, 1877. $ 2 50 378 LEGOUVfi. Le M^rite des Femmes. Edition augment^e de Podsies 241110. full green calf, tooled back and sides, gilt edges. Vignettes by PoURVOYEUR. Paris, Janet, 1825. $ 2 50 •,* Fine copy. 379 LEJOUJOU DES DEMOISELLES. Rare and faceHons booJi illus- trated with beautiful nude frontispiece and title by ElSEN, engraved by Le Mire, and 55 erotic plates containing " Le Cocuage," " Les Seins Dicouverts," " Les Filles de Joie," " Le bon Doigt," etc., etc. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1752. $ 20 00 380 LE LENDEMAIN du dernier jour d'un condamn^. i2mo. half calf Very rare. Paris, 1829. • $ 2 00 %* Parody on Dernier jour d'un condamniS by Victor Hugo, 381 LE NORMAND, Mlle. Les Souvenirs proph^tiques d'une Sibylle. Curious frontispiece. 8vo. full morocco, ornamental borders on covers tooled by hand, tooling on back, inside borders, gilt edges, fly-leaves moire antique. From the collection of Louis Philippe, bearing his coat of arms on both covers, by SiMiER, Relieur du Roi. Paris, 1814. $ 6 00 1 152 Broadway b" 2 Barclay Street New York. 35 382 LEONARD DE VINCY. CEavre de Principes de Dessin Dessin^s et graves par Leonard de Vincy, peintre eminent. A series of ^ fine plates. Folio half calf, uncut. Paris.' $1000 383 LEPAUTRE. Collection des plus belles compositions de Lepautre gravfie par Decloux et Doury. A series of 100 beautiful plates of decoration, etc. Folio half morocco. Paris, j5/«re/, (n.d.) $ 17 50 384 LE ROUX. Dictionnaire Comique, Satyrique, Burlesque, libre et proverbial avec explication de toutes les mani^res de parler libres, bur- lesques, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. newly bound in imitation of old calf, red edges. Amsterdam, 1787. $ 7 50 %* Rare and curious book. 385 LE SAGE. The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane ; translated by T. Smollet. Illustrated with 500 wood engravings by GiGOUX. Thick 8vo. cloth. New York, 1868. $ 2 00 386 LE SAGE. Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane. Prfic^d^e d'une pre- face par Reynald. Portrait and 12 beautiful etchings by DE Los Rios. 4 vols. l2mo. paper, uncut. Paris, Jouaust, 1879. $ 15 00 387 LE SAGE. Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane, Edition corig^e par I'auteur avec notes historiques et littiraires par de Neufchateau. IVith a set of vignettes by 'D^SEii'SE.. 3 vols. 8 vo. half calf. Paris, Lefevre, 1820. $ 7 SO 388 LE SAGE. Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane. 4 vols. i8mo. half calf. Paris, 181 5. $ 3 00 389 LE SAGE. Le Diable Boiteux, precede d'une notice sur Le Sage par J. Janin. Illustrated by Tony Johannot. Royal 4to. half green morocco. Paris, Bourdin, 1840. $ 6 00 390 LE SAGE. Oiuvres publi^es avec notes et notices par A. P. Malassis, Anatole France et F. Dillaye. 7 vols, small i2mo. paper, parch- ment covers. Frontispiece with portrait etched by Mouzifes. Paris, Lemerre, 1878-1879. $ 12 00 " V Gil Bias. Diable Boiteux TWatre. 391 "LES PARISIENNES." A series of very amusing and humorous sketches of gay Paris life by Gr^vin and Huart. With appropriate descriptions. One large Svo. vol. 796 pp. half morocco, paper sides. Paris, (N.D.) $ 5 00 392 LESSINGS. Sammtliche Werke. in einem Boude. 8vo. half red morocco. Portrait. Leipzig, 1841. $ 300 393 LES TRAPPISTES. A series of 10 etchings by LAN50N. Folio in handsome cloth cover. Paris, Quantin, r883. $ 8 00 %* Limited edition of 350 copies of which this is No. i6a. The plates were dcatroyed. 36 £. F. BONAVENTURE, Bookseller, 394 LES YEUX, ouvrage curieux et galant compose pour le divertissement d'une dame de quality par J. P. N. DU C, dit V. (Nic DU Commun, dit ViRoN). — LE NEZ ouvrage curieux, galant et badin. — LEsTfixoNS, ouvrage curieux, galant et badin. Poesies diverses du sieur DU Commun. In i vol. i2mo. half morocco. Amsterdam, I735-I73^' $ ID 00 %*Very rare book with 2 copper engravings. 395 LETPRES D'UNE FEMME du XlVe Sifecle. With vignette and illus- trations. l8mo. marbled calf, gilt edges. $ 2 50 396 LEVER, Charles. The Irish Dragoon. With plates by ViMZ. 2 vols. i2mo. cloth, uncut. London, (n.d.) $ 2 00 397 Levy Michel. Traite d'Hygifene Publique et privee. 2 thick vols. 8vo. half morocco. Vzx\% Bailliere, 1862. $ S 00 398 LIBER SACRUM ARMENIA. 24mo. bound in full old red morocco, gilt back, ornamental and emblematic tooling on both covers, gilt edges. 1772. $ 5 00 399 LIFE OF Alexander von Humboldt by Prof. Karl Bruhns and Jane and Caroline Lassell. 2 vols. 8 vo. cloth, uncut, new. London,, 1873. $ 5 00 400 LIFE AND TIMES OF Chas. SUMNER, By Elias lILl&O'S. Portrait. I vol. i2mo. cloth. New york, 1874. $ o 75 401 LIFE AND HABITS OF WILD AMIMALS The. Illustrated from designs by Joseph Wolf, with letter-press by D. G. Elliot. 410 cloth, gilt edges. New York. Harpers. 1877. $ 3 5° 402 LIPPINCOTT'S Pronouncing Gazetteer or Geographical Dictionary, of the World. One hundred-thousand places mentioned. 1 thick 8vo. vol. 2317 pp. full sheep. Philadelphia, 1866. $ 4 co 403 LISTENER. Caliban par deux ermites de M^nilmontant rentrSs dans le monde; 2 vols. 8vo. half calf, marbled edges. Paris, 1833. $ 4 00 *»* Original edition with author's signature. 404 LOCKE ET LEIBNITZ. CEuvres, contenant I'essai sur I'entendement humain, accompagn^ de notes par Thurot. Large 8 vo, half calf. Paris. Didot. 1839. $ i 00 405 LOISELEUR. Les Points obscurs de la vie de MoLlfiRE. Ann&s d'^tude, de lutte, de vie nomade et de gloire, mariage et manage de MoLliRE. 8vo. finely bound half crushed green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by KovsiZl.^, fine portrait engraved by Lalauze. Paris. Liseux. 1877. $ 5 00 406 LOMMEL, Dr. E. The Nature of Light, with a general account o Physical optics. i2mo. cloth. New York, 1876. $ I 25 407 LONGUS. Les Amours pastorales de Daphnis et Chlo£, translatdes par Amvot. Engtaved frontispiece. i8mo. marbled caif, gilt edges. Londres. Cazin. 1780. $ 3 00 1 152 Broadway, &= 2 Barclay Street NewYork. 37 408 LOSSING, B. J. The Home of Washington or Mt. Vernon and its associations. Numerous engravings, i vol. full morocco, gilt edges. New York, N. D. $ 3 50 409 LOUVET DE COUVRAY. Les aventures du chevalier de Faublas. Ilhistraled with 300 designs by BarOiN, Franjais et Nanteuil prSc^d^es d'une notice par Phillipon de La Madelaine. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. half morocco. Rare edition. Paris, 1842. $ 12 00 410 LUBKE, Dr. Wilhelm. Ecclesiastical Art in Germany during the Middle Ages. Translated by L. A. Wheatley. With 184 engravings. Fourth edition. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Edinburgh and London 1877. $ 3 50 411 LUCIEN. Dialogues des Courtisanes, traduction et notices par Pons. l6mo. bound in full crushed green levant morocco, inside border, gilt edges. Paris. Quantin. 1881. $ 7 5° %* Fiire edition with ornamental borders on every page and fine vignettes in gold and colored throughout the text by Scott and Meauville, out of print. 412 LUCILLE. By Owen Meredith. Illustrated, i vol. 8vo. cloth, gilt edges. New York, N. D. $ 2 00 413 LUCRETH CARI (Titi). De Rerum natura, libri sex. i2mo. old calf, gilt edges. Frontispiece and 6 fine copper-plates by Van Mieris en- graved by DUFLOS. Lutetiae Parisiorum Coustelier, 1744. $ 4 00 414 MABERLEY, J. The Print Collector. An introduction to the Knowledge Necessary for Forming a Collection of Ancient Prints, with an appendix containing Fielding's Treatioe on the Practice of Engrav- ing. Edited with Notes, an account of Etching and Etchers, and a Bi- bliography of Engraving, Ijy Robert Hoe, Jr. 10 plates. Small 4to cloth, puljlishedat $ 6 00, uncut, gilt top. New York., iSSo. $ 3 So 415 MAGASIN PITTORESQUE r^dig^ sous la direction de Edouard Charton. 5 vols. Royal 8vo. half green calf. Illustrated with num- erous wood-cuts. Paris, 1841-1845. $ 6 00 416 MAHAFFEV, Rev. J. P. A History of Classical Greek Literature. 2 vols. I2mo. cloth. New York. Harper Brothers. 1880. $ 3 00 417 MARCY, Gen. R. B. Tliirty Years of Army Life on the Border. 8vo. cloth. Illustrated. New York. Ilaipers. 1874. $ 2 00 418 MARGUERITE de NAVARRE. L'Heptam^ron de la reine Mar- guerite de N.w are avec introduction, index et notes par Fraxk. 3 vols. i6mo. paper, parchment covers. Porlrjil niiJ 'nood-cuts by Saiiib. Paris. Lisetix. 1879. $ 7 50 *»* Lirailod edition. 38 E. F. BONA VENTURE, Bookseller, 419 MARGUERITES DE la Marguerite des Princesses. Texte de I'edition de 1547 avec notes etglossaire par Frank. 4 vols. i6mo. parchment covers. Portrait and facsimiles of old wood-cuts. Paris. Libr. des Bibliophiles. 1873. $ 12 00 420 MARMONTEL. Belisaire. With 4 fine copper-flates. 8vo. calf, red edges. Paris, 1767. $ 4 00 421 MARK TWAIN. (Sam'i.. L. Clemens). 'Huckleberry Finn.' Mark Twain's last book Square 8vo. cloth, (new). New York, 1885. $ 2 75 422 'Life on the Mississippi,' 8vo cloth, (new). Hartford, 1884 $ 3 SO 423 The 'Adventures of Tom Sawyer.' 8vo. cloth. Many illustra- tions. Hartford, 1884. $ 2 75 424 'Sketches, old and new.' 8vo. cloth, (new). Afany illustrations. Hartford, 1884. $ z 75 425 'A Tramp Abroad.' 8vo. cloth. (New). Many illusiraiions. Hartford, 1880. $ 2 75 426 'The Gilded Age.' 8vo. cloth. (New). Many illustrations. Hartford, 1874. $ 2 75 427 'The Innocents Abroad.' 8vo. half morocco, maibled edges Many illustrations. Hartlord, 1878. $ 3 5° 428a — : 'The Innocents Abroad.' In cloth. New. $ 2 75 428 'Roughing it' 8vo half morocco, marbled edges. With many illustrations. Hartford, 1872. $ 3 5° 428s 'Roughing it.' In cloth. New. $ 3 00 429 MAROT. CEuvres de Clement Marot, valet de chambre de Fran9ois ler roy de France, augment^es tant de diverses poesies v^ritables que de celles qu'on lui a attributes avec les ouvrages de son p^re 8t de son fils. 6 vols. izmo. parchment. La Haye. Gosse. 1731. $ 12 00 430 MARSHALL, JOHN. The Life of George Washington. With portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. full sheep. Philadelphia. N. D. $ 2 Co 431 MASTERPIECES of the International Exhibition 3 vols. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. With hundreds of fine steel-engravings, wood-cuts etc Philadelphia. $ 7 50 1 152 Broadway &" 2 Barclay Street New York. 39 432 MfiMOIRES d'une femme de cliambre Merits par elle-mSme en 1786 2 vols, in one, l2mo. paper, uncut. Bruxelles. Gay. 1883. $ 4 00 433 MEMOIRS OF Maximillian de Bethune. Buke of Sully. Trans- lated from the French. With map and portrait. 6 vols. l2mo. old calf. London, 1763. $ 6 oo 434 MERCIER DE COMPIEGNE. Sloge du Sein des Femmes; ouvrage curieux dans lequel ou examine s'il doit etre decouvert, s'il est permis de le toucher, quelles sont ses vertus, sa forme, son langage, les moyens de la conserver, etc. fidition consid^rablement augmentee. With numerous vignettes throughout the texts 8vo. finely bound half crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, Barrand, 1873. $ 7 50 435 MERIAN, M. de. Histoire G^n^rale d^s Insectes de Surinam et de tout I'Europe contenant leurs descriptions, figures, metamorphoses de mSme que les descriptions des plantes, fleurs et fruit dont ils se nouris- sent, etc., augmentee par BucHOZ. 3 vols. 324 large plates — His- toire Naturelle et raison^e des differens oiseaux qui habitent le globe,con tenant leurs noms en differentes Ungues, leurs dimensions leur caractfere et leurs usages, etc. 2 vols. 85 plates — Dissertations sur la generation et les transformations des insectes et traite des changements des poissons. 72 //flto 1726 pp. Together in 3 vols, folio, calf. Paris, 1771-1772. ' $ 30 00 436 M£R0. Odes ANACRtoNTiQUES, Contes en vers et autres pieces de poesies, suivies de C6me de Medic is. i8mo. calf, gilt edges. Londres, Casin, 1781. $ I 00 437 M£TRAL. Les Esclaves. 2 vols. 8vo. paper. Paris, Houdaille, 1836. $ 4 00 *** Original edition, entirely uncut, 438 METTERNICH. Memoires, ducuments et ecrits divers laisses par le prince de Metternich Chancelier de Cour et d'£tat publiis par son fils. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. paper. Paris, 1880. $ 4 00 439 MICHELET, Jules. The Bird. With 210 illustrations l>y Gi\co- MEI.LI. 8vo. cloth, gilt edges. London, 1869. $ 6 00 440 MICHELET, J. Abrege d'Histoire de France. Moyen-Age et temps Modernes. 2 vols. l2mo. paper. Paris, 1 881. $ 2 50 441 MICHELET. Bible de l'Humanite. i2mo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1864. $ i 50 442 MIGNE, Abbe. Dictionnaire Universel de Mythologie An- CIENNE et Moderne. Large 8vo. half morocco. Paris, 1855. $ 4 00 40 E. F. BONAVENTURE,Bookseller- 443 MALLAIS' GALLERY, THE. A series of the most renowned works of MiLLAIS, reproduced in heliotypes. With a sketch of the life and works of the artist. 410. cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1878. $ 3 5° 444 MINSTRELSY of the Scottish Border. Consisting of historical and romantic Ballads. 3 vols. I2mo. old calf. Edinburgh, 1810. $ 4 50 445 MILJIAN, BOWLES, WILSON axd BARRY CORNWALL. The Poetical Works of. i vol. 8vo. bound in full antique morocco, tooling on back and sides, inside borders, gilt edges. Portraits by BAugoN.N'ET Paris, 1829. $ 6 00 446 MILTON, John. Paradise Lost. 2 vols. And Paradise Re- gained. 2 vols. Together 4 vols. With notes of various authors by Thomas Newton. Portraits and plates. 8vo. old calf. London, 1778-1785. $ 10 00 447 MILTON, John, The Prose Works of. 5 vols. i2mo. half calf marbled edges. With portrait. London, Bohn, (N. D). $ 9 00 448 MIRECOURT, Portraits et Silhouettes du XIXe Sieci.e. Histoire contemporain. 8vo. paper. Portraits. Paris, 1868. $ I 50 449 MODERN PRECEPTOR, The; or a general course of education, containing introductory treatises on Language Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, etc., etc. /llustratedwith maps and plates by ]onn DouGALL. 2 vols. 8vo. polished calf. London, 1810 $ 3 00 450 MODERN THEATRE. The. A Collection of successful Modern Plays, as acted at the Theatre Royal, London. Selected by Mrs Inch- bold. 10 vols. i2mo. calf. London, 1811. $ 10 00 451 MOKE, H. G. Histoire de la Litt^rature Fran^aise. Ilhtsttated. 4 vols, in 2, i2mo. half mcrocco. $ 3 00 452 M0LI£RE. La vie de M. de Moli6re; par J. E. Le Gali.ois, sieur de GRlMAREST,r^impression de I'edition originaire avec notice par P. Malassis. l6mo. paper, parchment cover. Fine etching by Lalauze. Paris, LiseuXy 1877. $ i 7c 453 MOLlfeRE, The Works of. In French and English. 10 vols. i2mo. newly bound in full calf, red edges. London, 1755. $ j, qo *,* A useful edition for the Student of French. Containing French and En'lish on opposite pages. " *» 1 152 Broadway, & 2 Barclay Street NewYork. 41' 454 M0LI£RE. Les Intrigues de MoLlfeRE et celles de sa Femmc Histoire de la GUERIN avec pielace et notes par LiVET. 8vo. finely bound in half crushed green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Rous- SELLE. Fine portrait etched by' Lalau!ze. Paris Liseux, 1877. $ 5 00 455 MOLISRE, The Dramatic Works of. Translated into English prose by Chas. Heron Wall. 3.vols.'i2mo. cloth, uncut. Portrait. London, Bohn, 1876.' $ 4 SO 456 M0LI£RE. Les oeuvres de monsieur DE MoLlfiRE. Nouvelle Edition revue, corrig^e et augmentee; enriehia de figures en ■ taille-doace. ■ 4 rol.- i2mo. calf. Utrecht, 1713. $ lo 00 %* Rare edition. 457 MOLlfiRE. CEuvRES Completes. Avec notes expHcatives, arne'es de 20 portraits en pied calorie's representant les principaux personnages de chaque pike, pre'cdde'es d'une introduction par J. Janin. Large Svo. half green morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1868. ' $ 6 00 45 8 MOLlfeRE. CEuvres avec des notes de tous les commentateurs. 2 vols l2mo. half red morocco. Portrait. Paris, Didat, iSy^. $'3 5° 459 MONTAIGNE. Essais de Michel de Monta igne. IVitA afinepor. trait. 3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt edges. Paris, Bastien, 1783. $ 7-50 460 MONTESQUIEU. CEuvres. -Nouvelle Edition plus corrtcte et plus completes que les pr^c^dentes. 5 vols. Svo. calf. Portrait and maps. Paris, Bastien, 1788. $ 7 SO 461 MONTIFAUD, Marc de. Voyages Fantastiqnes de Cyrand Ber- gerac,, publics avec introduction et notes. 1 2mo. paper, uncut, parch- ment cover. Paris, Jovaust, 1875. $ 4 00 %* Very curious. Only 320 copies printed. 462 MONTJOIE. Histoire de la Conjuration de L. P. J. d'Orl£ans, surnomtne figalit^. 3 vols. Svo. paper. Paris, 1834. $ 2 50 463 MOORE,. EDWARD. The Dramatic Works OF. Consisting of "The Foundling," "Gil Bias," and " The Gamester. " With fine copper-plate portraits. I vol. l2mo. polished calf. Rire. London, 1988. $ 4 00 464 MOORE,. (Jacob Baiiey.) Lives of the Governors of New Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay, from 1620 to 1692. With portrait. Svo. cloth. Boston, 1851. $ 2 00 42 E. F. B6NAVENTURE,Eookseller, 465 MORIN, ARTHUR. Resistance des Mat^riaux. With plates. 2 vdls. 8vo. half morocco. Paris, 1862. $ 4 00 466 MORIN, ARTHUR. M&anique Pratique. £tudes sur la Ventilation. With plates 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Paris, 1863. $ 5 00 467 MULLEN, SAMUEL. The "Pilgrim of Beauty," the "Cottager's Sabbath," and other Poems. With 23 beautiful -vignette illustrations. Svo. vjllum, gilt top, uncut. London, Chapman Is' Hall, 1844. $ 2 50 468 MUSfiE DE VERSAILLES, ou tableaux de I'Histoire de France avec un texte explicatif. Illustrated with 57 beautiful steel engravings of notable events in French History. 4to. cloth, gilt edges. Paris, 1856. $ 15 00 4683 MUS£E. Hero et Leandre. Notices par Pons. i6mo. bound in full crushed red levant, gilt edges. Paris, Quantin, 1879. $ 6 00 \* Fine edition with ornamental borders on every pa^e, and vi^^nettcs through- out the text by M^aulle. 469 MUSfiUM DE FLORENCE ou Collection des Pierres gravies, statues, mSdailles et Peintures qui se trouvent a Florence, grav^ par David avec explications par MuLOT. With 267 fine engravings. 3 vols. 4to. calf, gilt edges. Paris, 1787. * $ 17 50 470 MUSSET. Voyage en Italie et en Sicile en 1843 par Paul de MussET. i2mo. bound in full ealf, gilt back, marbled edges. Paris, 1851. $250 471 MUSSET, ALFRED DE. PofisiES Nouvelles. Nouvelle Edition. i2mo. half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1857. $ i 75 472 MUSSET, ALFRED DE. CEuvres. 5 vols, half morocco. Paris 1848-1860. $ S 00 \* Contes, Nouvelles. Com6dies. Poesies Nouvelles. CEuvres Posthumes. 473 NANA IN German. Nana, Roman von Emile Zola. 2 Bde. Mit illustrationen. Broch. Budapest, 1881. $ 3 00 474 NAPOLfiON. Anecdotes du temps de Napoleon I. Recueillies par Marco DE Saint-Hilaire. i2mo. half calf. Paris, 1854. $ 1 00 475 NICHOLS. The Story of the Great March. Map and illustra- tions. i2mo. cloth. New York, 1865. $ o 75 476 NORVINS. Histoire de Napoleon. Edition omie de 56 vignettes portraits, cartes et plans. 4 vols. Svo. half red calf, tooled backs. Paris, 1839. $ 10 00 1 152 Broadway fir" 2 Barclay Street New York. 43 477 NOUVELLE COLLECTION JANET. i6ino. Cloth, uncut, Paris 1867. Price, each, $ i 00 La Fayette. Princesse de Cloves, i vol. FURETIERE. Roman Bourgeois. 2 vols. Malherbe. Poesies, i vol. " Aventures de Til Ulespifegle. i vol. Romant de Jehan de Paris, i vol; Reconnaissance de Sakountala. i vol. Lesage. Diable Boiteux. 2 vols. Paul et Virginie. i vol. Baron. L'Homme a bonnes fortunes, i vol. Montesquieu. Lettres Persanes. 2 vols. 478 NOUVELLES fiTRENNES SPIRITUELLES. With wood-cuts. 24mo. old binding in red raoroccco, tooled back and sides. Paris, 1800. $ I 00 479 OLD MASTERS. The Princes of Art, Painters, Sculptors and Engra- vers, by Mrs. S. R. Urbino. i2mo. cloth. Illustrated. Boston, 1870. $ I 50 480 OPfiRA SECRET AU XVIIIe SiMe 1770-1790. Aventures et intrigues secretes racont^es d'apr^s les papiers in^dits par Jullien. 8vo. paper, uncut. Frsntispiece and fine vignettes etched by DE Malval. Paris, Rouveyre, 1880. $ 3 50 481 OPPENHEIM. Connaissances n^cessaires a un amateur d'objets d'art et de curiosity, contenant le nom des objets, la date des ^poques de fabrication, les prix commerciaux, etc. 8vo. paper, uncut, parchment cover. Paris, Rouveyre, 1879. $ 2 o» 482 ORAISONS FUNfiBRES de BOSSUET, FLECHIER et autres orateurs avec des notes historiques par Dussault, preced^es de discourg sur I'oraison fun^bre par Villemain, etc. 3 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1837. $ 10 00 483 ORBIGNY, (D'). Voyage Pittoresque dans les deux Am&iques. R^- sumS general de tous les voyages de Colomb, Garcilazo de la Vega HuMBoLDi', Hamilton, Chastellux, Mackenzie, Franklin, etc., etc. Illustrated with maps, portraits, and numerous views. Royal 8vo. half calf, m.-irbled edges. Paris, 1836. $ 3 5° 484 OUR ENGINES OF WAR and how we got to make them, by Capt. JbRVIS. i2mo. cloth, uncut. Many fine illustrations. London, 1859. $ I 00 44 E. F- BONA VENTURE, Bookseller, 485 OVIDE. GEuvi-es Galantes et Amoureuses d'Ovide. — I'Art d'aimer. — Le Remede d'amour. — H^ro et L^andre, etc. 2 vols. i8mo. calf, gilt edges. Londi-es, Cazin, 1785. . $ 4 3° 486 PALAIS ROYAL, LE. Ou les Filles en bonne Fortune, coup d'oeil sur les maisons de jeu, les filles publiques, les tabagies, les marchandes de modes, les cafes, les bons mots de ces demoiselles, etc. i8mo. paper. Paris, 181 7. $ 4 00 487 PAPESSE JEANNE, LA. fitude historique, et litt^raire par Philoji- NESTE Junior. Illustrated tvitk curiaus wood-cuts. I2mo. paper. Bruxelles, Gay. 1S80. $ 3 5° %* Limited edition. 488 PARIS. Plan Routiek de la Ville de Paris et de ses Faubourgs oil se trouvent indiqu^s tous les changements operas et les projets d'embellissement present^ a MuRAT, Mar^chal de I'Empire par Picquet. Folio, mounted on linen, in 8vo. case. Paris, 1804. $ 3 00 489 PARNY. Les Galanteries de la Bible, suivies Ces Rosecroix. i8mo. paper. Bruxelles, 1827. ' $ 3 5° 490 PARNY, EVARISTE. CEuvres. Poesies firotiques. " Guerre des dieux," " Galanteries de la Bible," etc. 5 vols. i6mo. paper. Paris, 1808. $ 15 00 491 PARTON, JAS. Life of Andrew Jackso.n. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Portrait. New York, i86i. $ 4 50 492 PASSAVANT, J. D. Le Peintre-GraveuT, contenant I'Histoire de la Gravure sur Bois, sur Metal et an Burin jusque vers la fin du XVIe sifecle, etc. avec, un catalogue supplementaire au Peintre- Graveur de Bartsch. Portrait. 6 vols. 8vo. uncut. Leipsic, i860. $ 12 CO 493 PAULIN. Traits d'Architecture Th^orique et Pratique a I'usage des Architectes, Ma?ons, Charpentiers, Sculpteurs, etc., pric^d^ d'elements de Geometric avec ^SplancAcs tirees de ViGNOLE, Palladio, Scamozzi, Michel-Ange, etc. Folio, half cloth. Paris, n.d. $ 5 00 494 PAXTON'S FLOWER GARDEN. By John Lindley and Joseph Paxton-. With 10^ finely engraved plates of Flo7uers in their natural colors. 3 vols. 4to. cloth, gilt edges. London, iS50-'5i. $2000 *^* A fine copy of a rare and valuable book. 495 PEIGNOT. Manuel du Bibliophile ou Traite du choix des Livres. 2 vols. 8vo. calf, red edges. Dijon, 1823. $ 6 ou *„* Rare and useful book. 1 1 52 Broadway &• 2 Barclay Street New York. 45 496 PEIGNOT. Recherches Historiques et Litteraires sur les danses des mort. et sur I'origine des cartes a jouer. liluttra/ed. Svo. half morocco Paris, 1826. $ 6 00 %* Very rare. 497 PERRY, WALTER C. Greek and Roman Sculpture. IVM 268 i//us- trations on wood. Thick 8vo. cloth, gilt top, uncut. London and New York, 1882. $ 4 00 498 PERSIAN ARCHITECTURE. Monuments Modernes de la Perse. Mesur^s, Dessin^s et decrits par Pascal Coste, Architecture. Illus- trated with ^0 very fine plates and Chromolithographs of Architecture and Decoration. Folio in port-folio. Paris, Morel, 1867. $ 27 50 499 PETIT-SENN. CEuvres. Prose et Po^sie. 2 vols . 8vo. half calf. Berne, 1840. $ 3 50 *♦* La femme qui porte les culottes. Le Mauvais sujet, etc 500 PETRARCA. Le Rime di Francesco Petrarca. 2 vols. i8mo. green parchment. Londra, Cazin, 1 784. $ 3 00 501 PfiTRONE. Traduction entiere de Petrone suivant le nouveau ma- nuscrit trouv^ a Bellegrade en 1688 avec les remarques et additions par NoDOT., 2 vols. l2mo. half red levant morocco, red tops. Engraved frontispiece and copper-plates. Cologne, a la Sphere, 1693. $10 00 %• Edition rare de cette histoire secrete des g^alaateries et debauches de Tem- pereur Nfiron et de ses favoris. 502 PICCOLOMINI Alessandro. La Raffaela. Dialogue de la gentille Education des femmes, traduction avec texte italien en regard par BoNNEAU. i2mo. paper, uncut. Paris, Liseux, 1884. $ 6 50 %* Kdition unique, only 150 cobies printed. 503 PIGUALT LEBRUN. Le Citateur. 2 vols, in one, i2mo. half morocco, uncut. Banibourg, 1803. $ 4 00 *^* First edition. Ouvrage plussieurs fois condamn^, 504 PIGAULT-LEBRUN, CEuvres. 18 vols, in 9. i2mo. half calf, mar- bled edges. Paris, 1 82 1. $ 5 00 %* Le bsau-pere et le gendre. Le gargon Sans Souci. Les Cenf- Jours Une Mac6doine. L'Observateur. Tableaux de Soci^t^. 505 PINDAR, PETER, Works of. 3 vols. l2mo. old calf. With por- trait. London, 1797. $ 2 56 506 PLEASURES OF RELIGION. A Poem. 1 vol. thin i6mo. full crushed morocco, tooling on sides and back. Nevir York, 1820. $ i 25 *^* The above was written by Susan DeWitt. 46 E. F. BONAVENTURE,Bm>kseller, 507 PLUTARCHS LIVES. Translated from the Greek. With notes and a /(/^ 0/" Plutarch by Aubrey Stuart. 4 vols. i2mo. cloth, new, uncut. London, Bohn, 1883. $ 6 00 508 PLUTARQUE FRANf AIS, vies des hommes et des femmes illustres de la France depuis le Ve siecle jusqu'i nos jours, fond^ par Mennechet publie sous la direction de Hadot- With a series of \?& finely engraved portraits on India paper. 6 vols. Royal 8vo. half purdle morocco. Paris, 1844. $ 35 00 509 POE, EDGARD. CEvres Completes. Traduction par Baudelaire. 3 vols. l2mo, half calf. Paris, Levy, 1878. $ 5 00 510 POfiSIES SATYRIQUES du XVIIIe Sitele. 2 vols. iSmo. marbled calf, gilt edges. Engraved titles by ^KS.\\.uxs^. Londres, Ca2««, 1788. $ 4 00 511 POET^ Tr6s elegantissimi, emendati et aucti, Michael Marullus, HiERONYMUS Angerianus, Joannes Secundus. i2mo. old calf, red edges. Parisiis, apud D. Duvallium, 1582. $ 7 So *,* Very scarce edition of the facetious works of these celebrated authors. 512 POETICAL DECAMERON, or Ten Conversations on English Poets and Poetry, by J. Payne Collyer. 2 vols. i2mo. half old calf. Edin- burg, iSzo. $ 4 00 513 POGGE. Un vieillard doit-il se marier ? Dialogue de PoGGE, traduit par BoNNEAU. l6mo. paper. Paris, Liseux, 1877. $ 1 50 *,* Tird & petit nombre. 514 POLYCHROMATIC DECORATION, as applied to Buildings in the Mediaeval Styles, jf' plates in colors and gold, and descriptive text by W. F. G. Audsley. 4to. cloth. New. London, Henry Sotheran, 1882. " $ 8 00 515 POLYCHROMATIC ORNAMENT. 100 plates in gold, silver, and colors, comprising 0^2,000 specimens of the styles of Ancient, Oriental and Mediaval Art, and including the Renaissance and XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries, selected and arranged for practical use by A. Racinet, with Explanatory Text and a general introduction. Folio, cloth, gilt edges. $ 35 00 516 PONSARD. Joyeuset^es du R. P. La Cayorne. Fine etched frontis piece by Henry Somm. Small 8vo. paper. Paris, Lemonnyer, 1882. $ 2 00 *«* Poesies libres, limited editioiL IIS* Broadway, &" 2 Barclay Street New York. 47 517 POPE. Les Chef-d'CEuvres de Pope, Traduits par Marmontkl madame DU Boccage. iSmo. calf, gilt edges. Londres, Cazin, 17SS. $ I 50 518 PORTRAITS, A Collection OF. Consistingof 64 Portraits of Distin guished Characters ; British and Foreign. JVith a short biography of each person. 8vo. half morocco, gilt edges. London, 1823. $ 9 00 *,* Portraits very finely executed. 519 POTTERY AND PORCELAIN, From early tunes to the Philadelphia Exposition of 1876, by Charles Wyllys Elliott. With 165 illustra- tions, and numerous monograms, i vol. 8vo. cloth, gilt edges. New. New York, 1878. $ 3 5° 520 POULLAIN GALLERY. Collection de 120 Estampes, Gravies, d'aprfes les Tableaux et Dessins qui composaient le Cabinet de M, PoULLAiN. With 120 very fine copper-plates. 4to. half red morocco- gilt top. uncut. Paris, 1781. $ 25 00 521 PREVOST, GABRIEL. Le Nu, le Vfitement la Parure chez I'Homme et chez la Femme. i2mo. paper, uncut. Paris, 1884. $ I 50 522 PRICHARD, JAMES COWLES. The Natural°History of Man. Third edition enlarged. With 50 colored plates, 5 steel engravings, and 97 engravings on wood. Thick royal 8vo. cloth, uncut edges, 677 pps. London, 1848. $ 4 00 *»* Lower margins of some of the pages sliglitly water-stained. 523 'PRIOR, MATHEW. Poems on several occasions, i vol. l2mo. old calf. With pottrait of Prior. (One of the covers loose.) London, I7S4- $ 4 00 524 PROCTOR, RICH'D A. Transits of Venus. A Popular account of Past and Coming Transits. i2mo. cloth, uncut. 20 plates; 12 colored, and TiT wood-cuts, London, 1874. $ i 50 525 PROSTITUTION- De I'extinction de la prostitution par Meugy, suivi du discours de M. DupiN sur le luxe effrini des ferames. i2mo. paper, (N.D.) $ l 00 526 PRYDE, JAS. A Treatise on Mathematics. i2mo. cloth. Glasgow, 1868. $ o 75 527 PUGINS GOTHIC FURNITURE. 2(> fine copper plates, i vol. thin 4to. cloth. London, W. Ackemiann, (N.D.) $ 2 50 528 PULLING, F. S. Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds. lamo. cloth. Por- trait. London, 1880. $ o 75 48 E. F. BONAVENTURE, Bookseller, 529 QUEEN VICTORIA. Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands, from 1848 to 1861. Edited by Arthur Keeps. i2mo. cloth. Illustrated. New York, Harpers, 1868. $ I 25 530 QUINCY, JOSIAH. A Municipal History of the Town and City of Boston during two centuries. With illustrations. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1852. $ 2 50 *,* Very rare. Containing many poems not in other editions. 531 RABELAIS, FRANCIS. The Works of. Translated from the FrencI by OZELL, illustrated with explanatory notes by M. Le Du Chat and others. Frontispieces, vignette portraits, etc. 4 vols. I2mo. calf. Scarce. L. Evans, 1784. $ 14 00 *,* One of the very best English translations, based on the translation of Sir Thos. Urquhart. 532 RABELAIS. CEuvres de mattre Rabelais suivies des remarques par Le MOTTEUX. With 1 portrait and a set of "J^ fi-ne copper-plates. 3 vols. 8vo. half calf, tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, 1798. $ 15 00 *»* Fine copy. 533 RABELAIS. CEuvres de F. Rabel.\is, augment^es de variantes, notes explicatives et historiques par L. Jacob, bibliophile. i2mo. full raorocco, gilt edges, tooling on back and sides. Paris, 1845. $ 3 00 %* Very curiously bound. The title on back reading, " Paroissien Complet." 534 RABELAIS de poche avec un dictionnaire pantagruilique par Noel. l6mo. paper. Paris, Libr. des bibliophiles, 1879. $ 1 25 535 RACINE. A series of \\% beautiful engravings after Prudhon, G£rard, Girodet, etc., for illustrating the Tragedies de Racine. vol. 8vo. boards. $ 4 00 536 RAG FAIR, The, and other Reveries by L. Clarkson. With illustra- tions. I vol. 4to. cloth, gilt edges. Phila., 1879. $ 2 50 537 RAMfiE. La Locomotion. Histoire des Chars, Carrosses, Omnibus, et Voitures de tons genres. Illustri de 20 gravures. l2mo. paper. Paris, 1856. $ I 50 53S RASPAIL, F. V. Histoire Naturelle de la Sant^ et de la Maladie chez les Veg^taux et chez les Animaux en g^n^ral et en particulier chez I'Homme; suivie du formulaire de traitement hygi6nique et curatif. Avec figures snr bois et l^ planches gravies sur acier. 3 vols. 8vo. half blue morocco. Paris, 1846. $ 7 50 539 ROYNAL. Les naufragSs ou vingt mois sur un r^cif des iles Auckland, R^cit authentique. Illustrated with 40 designs by de Neuville, and map. Royal 8vo. half morocco, cloth sides, gilt edges. Paris, 1870. $3 5° I1S2 Broadway, &" 2 Barclay Street NewYork. 49 540 READ, T. BUCHANAN. Drifting. Illustrated from designs by Miss L. B. Humphrey. i2mo. elegantly bound in full Turkey morocco, stamped cover, gilt edges. Phila., 1881. $ 2 50 541 RECUEIL D'ANTIQUITfiS £GYPTIENNES, fitrusques Grecques et Romaines. With no finely engraved plates. Tree calf, red edges. Paris, 1752. $ 8 00 542 REGNARD. CEuvres de J. F. Regnard, suivies des oeuvres choisies de N. Destouches. Royal 8vo. half calf, uncut. Portrait. Paris, 1836. $ 3 50 543 REGNIER. CEuvres de Mathurin R^gnier avec preface, notes et glossaire par Lacour. i2mo. half red morocco. Paris, Jouaust, 1876. $ 2 50 544 REIBAUD. J6r6me Paturot i la recherche d'une position sociale Illustrated with many very humorous wood engravings by Grandville Royal 8vo. half calf. Paris, 1848. $ S 00 545 REMAINS of the Rev. Edmund D. Geiffin. Compiled by Fran- cis Griffin. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Portrait. New York, 1831. $ 4 00 546 REMBRANDT. Catalogue raisonn^ de toutes les pieces qui forment I'ceuvre de Rembrandt, compost par feuM. Gersaint et mis au jour avec augmentations par Helle et Glomy. Supplement par P. Yver. l2mo. call, marbled edges. Etched portrait. Paris and Amsterdam, 1751-1756- $ 3 00 547 RENAULD DE BEAUJEU. Le Bel Inconnu ou Giglain fils de messire Gauvain et de la Fte aux Blanches Mains public par Hippeau 8vo. half morocco. Paris, i860. $ 3 CO *♦* Only 350 copies printed. 548 REPRINT OF DURER'S LITTLE PASSION. Passio Christi Alberto Durer Nnrenbergensi cum varii generis carminibus Fratis Benedicti Chelidonii Musophili. The Pass ion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pourtrayed by Abert durer, edited by Henry Cole. Thin 8vo. cloth, (new). London, 1870. $ 3 50 549 R£TIF de la BRETONNE. La vie de mon p^re. Illustrated with portraits and 14 coppet -plates.. 2 vols. l2mo. half cloth. Neuchatel •788- $ 8 o<^ *»* Very rare. 550 R£TIF de la BRETONNE. Le Pornographe ou idees d'un hon- nSte homme sur les prostitutes propre 4 privenir les malheurs qu'occas- sionne le publicisme des femmes, avec des notes historiques. Frontis- piece etched by CvLAvyxv. i2mo. paper, Bruxelles, Gay, 1879. $ 3 50 *i,*Limited edition on Holland paper. 50 E. F. BONAVENTURE, Bookseller, 551 RliTIF DE LA BRETONNE. Louise et Ther^se public par le bibliophile Jac0I5. With etching by Lalauze. i2mo. paper. Paris, Jouaust, 1881. $ 2 00 \* Tir6 a trfes petit nombre. 552 RICHELIEU. Testament politique du cardinal due de Richelieu. 2 vols, in one, I2mo. vellum. Amsterdam, Desbordes. 1696. $ 3 00 553 RIMES GAULOISES. Un million de rimes gauloises, fleur de la poesie drolatique et badine depuis le XVe Si&cle, recueillie par de BoUGV. Thick 24mo. half red morocco. Paris, 1858. $ 2 00 554 ROBERT ADRIEN. Contes fantasques. Illust7-ated by H. Castelli. Royal 8vo. half morocco. Paris, (n. d. ) $15° 555 ROGERS, SAMUEL. Poems. First edition. With the charming steel-engravings after Stot hard and TURNER. Small 8vo. bound in full green Turkey morocco, elaborate tooling on covers and back. In- side dentelles, gilt edges. By Simpson and Renshaw. London, 1834. $ 30 00 ^*» Beautifnl clean copy of this rare book 556 ROPER'S ENGINEER'S HANDY-BOOK. Containing a full ex- planation of the Steam-Engine Indicator, and its use and advantages to Engineers and Steam Users . with formulae for estimating the power of all classes of Steam-Engines. With illustrations by Stephen Roper, Engineer. i6mo. tuck, gilt edges. $ 3 00 557 ROPER'S HAND-BOOK OF MODERN STEAM FIRE-ENGINES, including the Running, Care and Management of Steam Fire-Engines and Fire-Pumps. With illustrations by STEPHEN Roper, Engineer. Fourth Edition. i6mo. tuck, gilt edges. $ 3 00 558 ROPER'S HAND-BOOK OF LAND AND MARINE ENGINES, including the Modeling, Construction, Running and Management of Land and Marine Engines and Boilers. Fully illustrated by Stephen Roper, Engineer. 600 pp., Tenth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. l6mo. tuck, gilt edges. $ 3 00 559 ROPER'S QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR ENGINEERS. This little book contains all the Questions that Engineers will be asked when undergoing an examination for the purpose of procuring licenses to run either Stationary, Locomotive, or Marine Engines and Boilers. By Stephen Roper, Engineer. i6mo. Tuck, gilt edges. $ 2 50 560 ROPER'S USE AND ABUSE OF THE STEAM-BOILER, includ- ing its Care and Management. With illustrations. This is the only book ever published in this country devoted exclusively to Steam-Boil- ers. By Stephen Roper, Engineer. Sixth Edition. i8mo. tuek, gilt edge. $ 2 00 1 1 5 2 Broadway 6* 2 Barclay Street New York. 5 1 561 ROPER'S HAND-BOOK OF THE LOCOMOTIVE, including the Modeling, and Management of Locomotives, Engines and Boilers. Fully illustrated by Stephen Roper, Engineer. Eleventh Edition, Revised Enlarged and Corrected. i8mo. tuck, gilt edge. $ 2 00 562 ROPER'S CATHECHISM OF HIGH PRESSURE OR NON-CON- DENSING STEAM-ENGINES, including the Modeling, Construction Running and Management of Steam-Engines and Boilers. With illus- trations by Stephen Roper, Engineer. Tv^fentieth Edition Revised and Enlarged. i8mo. tuck, gilt edges. $ 2 00 563 ROSCOE, WM. Life of Lorenzo DE Medici. Called the Magnifi cient. I vol. l2mo. cloth. With portrait. London, Bohn, 1846. $ I 5° 564 ROUSSEAU, J. J. The Confessions of. In 5 vols. i2mo. calf. London. 1790. $ 10 00 *^ Very rare. Containing everything usually suppressed in other editions. 565 ROUSSEAU, J. J. Eloisa, or a series of original letters translated from the French, together vifith "The Sequel of Julia." or the new "Eloisa." 3 vols. i2mo. old calf. Phila. 1796. $ 4 00 566 ROUSSEAU, Juge de Jean-Jacques. Dialogues. ^ vols. i8mo bound in full old red morocco, tooled back and sides, gilt edges. Lon- dres, Caziu, 1782. $ 5 00 *,* Binding in good condition. 567 ROUSSEAU. CEuvres Completes de J. J. Rousseau, avec des ^claircissements et des notes historiques par AUGUIS: "Nouvelle H^loise," "Emile," "Confessions," "Contrat Social," " Dictionnaire de Musique," "Correspondance," "Discours," etc. With a series of portraits and beautiful plates by Deveria. 27 vols. 8vo. half calf, marbled edges. Paris. Dalibon, 1825. $ 35 00 *v* Edition on fine papier vfilin, with the illustrations on India paper. 568 ROUSSEAU. GEUVRES Choisies. 2 vols. rSmo. marbled calf, gilt edges. Amsterdam, Cazin, 1 777. $ 3 00 569 RUSKIN, JOHN. The queen of the Air, being a study of the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm. l2mo. cloth. New York, 1869. $ i 00 570 SAAVEDRA. (.Miguel de Cervantes.) The F.xemplary Novels of. Translated from the Spanish. Portrait. i2mo. cloth, uncut- London, Bohn, 1855. $ 2 50 52 E. F. BONAVENTURE, Bookseller, 571 SACCHETTI. NouvELLES Choisies de Franco Sacchetti, bour- geois de Florence, traduites par BoNNEAU. i6mo. paper. Paris, Liseux^ 1879. $ 6 00 %* Only 300 copies printed. 572 SACRED QUOTATIONS, or Scripture Themes and Thoughts, as paraphrased by the Poets. Arranged by Rev. H. H. Weld. Thick 8vo. bound in full brown Turkey morocco, stamped cover, gilt edges. Finely illustrated. Neve York, 1869. $35" 573 SAINTINE. La Mythologie du Rhin. Illustrated by Gustave DoRE. Large 8vo. half green morocco, clcth sides, gilt edges. Paris, 1862. $ 3 50 574 SAINT-PIERRE, Bernardin de. Paul et Virginie. Illustrated •with many designs by DE Le Charlerie throughout the texte. ^.to.cloth, uncut. Paris, Lemerre, 1868. $ 6 00 575 SAINT-PIERRE. Paul et Virginie par Bernardin de Saint. Pierre, preface de J. Claretie, variantes et bibliographic. 8vo. paper, uncut. Portrait and fine etchings by Regamey. Paris, Quantin, 1878. $ 3 50 576 SAINT-PIERRE. Bernardin de. CEuvres. Mises en ordre par Aime-Martin. 2 vols, large 8vo. half morocco, marbled edges. Por- trait after GiRODET. Paris, 1840. $ 4 00 577 SAINT-LAMBERT. Les Saisons, Poeme. With a fine plate by Desenne. Royal 8vo. bound in full green calf, tooled back and sides, marbled edges. Paris, 1823. $ 4 50 578 SALON CATALOGUES. Catalogues Illustr^s du Salon de 1879, i88o, 1881, 1882, 1883 et 1S84, contenant 1,850 reproductions d'aprfes les dessins originaux des artistes, publics sous la direction de F. G. Dumas, avec les supplements. 6 vols. 8 vo. half green cloth, uncut. Paris, Basehet, I 879-1884. $ 15 00 %* Complete set. 579 SALON CATALOGUE. Paris-Salon 1882 par L. Enaui.t. Illus- tratedwith ifiphoto-gravures. 8vo. red cloth, gilt top. Paris, 1882. $ 2 25 580 SALVfiTAT. Le9ons de C^ramique comprenant la chimie technologic et pyrotechnic applicables i la decoration des poteries. With ^yg wood- cuts'. 2 vols, finely bound in half crushed brown levant moroccco, gilt tops, uncut, by Rousselle. Paris, 1S57. $ 5 00 58r SANDEAU, JULES. Olivier. iSmo. half red calf. First edition. Rare. Paris, Lifvy, 1854. $ i 50 ' 1152 Broadway &" 2 Barclay Street New York. 53 582 SAPHO. Poesies suivies de differents poesies dans le meirie genre i8mo. marbled calf, gilt edges. Amsterdam, Cazin, iTu. $ 2 00 583 SARAH BERNHARDT. Dans les Nuages, impressions d'une Chaise. Illustrated with fine wood eni>ravings by Geo. Clairin. i vol. 410. paper. Paris, Charpenti'er. $ 2 50 584 SAXE, J. G. Poems of. Second edition. i2mo. cloth. Boston, 1850. $ I 00 585 SCARRON. Le Roman Comique public avec preface par BouRCJii. Portrait and fine etchings by L. Flaaif.ng. 3 vols. i2mo. paper, uncut. Paris. Jouaust, 1880. $ 12 00 586 SCARRON. Le Roman Comique. fidition annotee et precede d'une introduction par Fournel. 2 vols. i6mo. half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, Janet, 1857. $ 4 00 587 SCHILLER'S Don Carlos and other Dramas. Translated from the German. i2mo. cloth. Illustrated. London, Bohn, 1847. $ i 00 588 SCHMID. CoNTES DE ScHMiD, Traduction de I'abbe Macker. Numerous wood-cuts by Staal. i2mo. half morocco, cloth sides, gilt ■ edges. Paris, (N.D.) $ i 75 589 SCOTT, JOHN. The Poetical Works of. i vol. 8vo. old calf. Illus- trated by Stothard, Angelica, Kauffmann, Blake, Bartolozzi, Heath. 'Loni.on, printed for J. Buckland, i';Z2. $400 *«* Fine clean copy. See " RedgauntleU " letter 7 for reference to this book. 590 SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Poetical Works of. Illustrated. 8vo. full TuAey morocco, gilt edges. New York, (N.D.) $ i: 50 591 SECRET HISTORY of the Court of Berlin. By Count Mirabeau. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco- London, 1789. $ 5 00 *^* Very rare and curious. 592 SEGUR. Histoire de Napoleon et de la Grande-Armee pendant Fannie 1812, par le general comte de Skgur. Map. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. $ I 50 593 SERAIL. Histoire g(;n(5ralle du Serrail et de la Cour du Grand Seig- neur Empereur des Turcs. Otl se voit le tableau des passions humaines et les exemples des inconstantes prosperitez de la cour par Michel Bai'DIER de Languedoc. Histoire de la Cour du Roy de le Chine par le mSme. In i vol. 4to. half morocco. Engraved title and plate by Picart. Very scarce. Paris, Cramoisy, 1631. $ 6 00 594 SHAKESPERE. The Plays and Poems of. With a Historical account of the English Stage, and Notes by Edmond Malone. ii vols, small 8vo. calf. Portrait and illustrations. London, 1790. $ 15 00 54 E. F. BONAVENTURE, Bookseller, 595 SHAKESPERE. Works of. Imperial Edition, edited by Charles Knight. With about 50 fine steel engravings and 6 portraits from paintings by the best Modern Artists. 2 vols. 4to. full red levant mor- occo, tooling on back and covers. New. London, (N.D.) $2750 *»* A very fine copy. 596 SHAKESPERE, WM. The Complete Works of. Comprising his Plays and Poems. With Dr. Johnson's preface. 8vo. full sheep. Illustrated. New. Chicago, 1882. $ 2 50 597 SHAKESPEARE'S DRAMATISCHE WERKE. Ubersetzt von August Wilhelm von Schlegel und Ludivig Tieck. Erste illus- trirte ausgabe. 8 vols. i2mo. half morocco. Berlin, Grote, 1874. $ 10 00 59S SHE GALLANTS. The. A Comedy as it is Acted at the Theatre in Little-Lincoln's-Inn Fields. Thin 8vo. old calf. London, 1713. $ 2 50' 599 SHELDON, G. W. American Painters. With 83 examples of their work engraved on wood. 4to. cloth, gilt edges. New. New York; 1879. $ 3 00 600 SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE. The Works of. With his Life. Por- trait. 2 vols. l2mo. cloth, uncut. London, 1834, $ 4 00 601 SHERIDAN, RICHARD BRINSLEY. The Speeches of the Right Honorable. With a sketch of his life and fine portrait. 3 vols. 8vo cloth, uncut. London, Bohn, 1842. $ 7 50 602 SI£GE DE PARIS. Tablettes d'u.n Mobile. Journal historique et anecdotique du Si^ge de Paris, par de Villiers et de Targes. i2mo. half crushed red levant morocco, uncut. Paris, 1871. $ 2 50 603 SILVESTRE. Le Conte de l'Archer. Chroniques da temp passe, par Armand Silvestre, aquarelles de PoiRSON gravies par GlLLOT, impression chromotypographique par hxav^^. 8vo. paper, ^un- cut, fine cover printed in gold and colors. Paris, 1883. $ 7 50 604 SMYTH, Wm. Lectures on the History of The French Revolution; 2 vols. i2mo. half calf, marbled edges. Lon,don, Bohn, i86o. $ 3 00 605 SOCI£t£ GALANTE et littiraire au XVIIIe Si^cle par H. BoN- HOMME. 8vo. paper, uncut. Frontispiece ond vignettes etched by dk Malval. Paris, Rouveyre, 1880. $ 3 5° 606 SOCRATES. Ecclesiastical History of. In seven books, i vol. i2mo. cloth, uncut. London, Bohn, 1853. $ I jj 1 1 52 Broadway, &" 2 Barclay Street NewYork. 55 607 SONGES DROLATIQUES, LES, de Pantagruel, ou sont contenues plusieurs figures de I'invention de maistre Francois Rabelais; et derni^re oeuvre d'ICEl.Y, pour la receration des Bons Esprits. A Paris. Par Richard Breton, 1565. — Reprint of the above. Supplement aux oeuvres de Francois Rabelias. Suile de 120 gravures sm- hois. i2mo. paper, Paris, Tross, 1870. $ 2 50 608 SONGS OF LIFE. Selected from many sources- With numerous illusti ations from original designs by Darley, Hennessy, Etynge, etc. Square 8vo. half morocco, gilt edges. NewYork. Scribners, 1870. $ I 75 609 SOUVENIRS D'UNE COCODETTE Merits par elle-mSme. Illus- trated with frontispiece and etched plates by Chauvet. 8vo. finely bound in half crushed red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. $ 15 00 *Y* Limited edition, Large paper copy with double slate of the plates. 610 SPOONER, S. Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors and Ar- chitects and Curiosities of Art. 3 vols. i2mo. cloth. New York, (n.d). $ 3 50 611 SPOONER, S. M. D. A Biogpaphical History of the Fine Arts, Being memoirs of the lives and works of eminent Painters, En- gravers, Sculptors and Architects. From the earliest ages to the pres- ent time. With chronological table of Artists and their Schools. Plates of monograms etc. 2 vols. 8vo. green cloth. New York, 1867. $ 12 00 *^* Out of print. A useful work to the collector of En^avinifs, etc, 612 STAEL, MADAME DE. An Historical Novel by Amei.y Bolte. l2mo. cloth. New 'S'ork, 1869. $ o 75 613 STERNE, LAWRENCE. Works of, complete. Containing I. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gent. II. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. III. Letters and Life of Author. 10 vols. l2mo. old calf. Illustrated with portrait and very curious set of plates. London, 1793. $ 12 00 614 STERNE. Voyage Sentimental, traduction nouvelle pr^c^dte d'un essai our la vie et les ouvrages de Sterne par S. Jamin. Illustrated with fine wood-engravings, on India paper and numerous designs with text by Tony Johannot. Royal 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Paris, Bourdin, (N. D). $ 7 50 *,* First edition. 615 STONE, WM. L, The Campaign of Lieut, Gen. John Burgoyne and the Expedition of Lieut. Col., Barry St. Lbger. Illustrations. I vol. l2mo. cloth. Albany, J. Munsell, 1877. $ i 25 5 6 E. F. BONAVENTURE, Bookseller, 6i6 STORIES OF THE EAST. From Herodotus, by Rev. Alfred J. Church. With colored illustrations from ancient frescoes and sculptures. I vol. i2mo. cloth. New. New York, Scribners, 1881. $ 1 50 617 STOTHERT, J. French and Spanish Painters. Illustrated with a fine portrait of Horace Vernet, and 20 beautiful etchings by Leopold Flameng, p. Rajon, L. Gaucherel Boilvin, etc., etc. 4to. cloth, gilt edges. New. London, n.d. $ 5 go 618 -STRICKLAND, AGNES. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest. With portraits. 6 vols. i2mo. cloth. New. Lon- don, Bohn, 1877. $ 1 1 00 619 STRUTT, JOSEPH. The Sports and the Pastimes of the People of England. Edited by William Hone, i vol. i2mo. cloth, uncut. Illustrated with 140 engravings from ancient mannscripfs. London, Chatto i5r= Windus, 1876. $ 3 5° 620 SUNSHINE AND SHOWERS. Their influence throughout creation, by Andrew Steinmetz. i2mo. cloth, uncut. Illustrated. London. 1867. $ I 00 621 SWIFT, DEAN. Choice Works of. \ vol. i2mo. cloth. Illustrated. Boston, N.D. $ I 25 622 SWIFT. Voyages DE Gulliver. 4 vols. i8mo. green calf, gilt edges. Pans, Didot, 1797. $ 4 00 623 SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES Laus Veneris and other Poems and Ballads. i2mo cloth, blue edges. Rare. London and New York, 1866. $ 2 00 a 623 Complete Works of. 8vo. cloth, uncut, gilt top. New York, (n.d.) $ 2 50 624 TASSE. Jerusalem DELiVRfeE."Po^me du Tasse. Frontispiece and vignettes. 2 vols. i8mo. marbled calf, gilt edges. Londres, Cazin^ 1780. $ 3 00 625 TEGETMEIER, W. B. The Poultry Book. Comprising the Breeding and Management of Profitable and Ornamental Poultry. New edition greatly enlarged. Illustrated with 30 beautifnl chromo-lithographs and numerous wood-cuts throughrut the text. Royal 8vo. half Roxburg, London, 1873. $ 5 00 626 TEMPLE DE GNIDE, Reu, corrig^ et augment^. With a set of finely engraved vignettes. 12mo. calf, red edges. Londres, N.D. $ 3 00 1 1 52 Broadway is" 2 Barclay Street New York, 57 627 TENNYSON, ALFRED. Idylls of the King. i2mo. cloth. Boston, 1859. $ I 50 62S TERNISIEN D'HAUDRICOURT. Pastes de la Nation Fran9aise. Oavrage present^ au Roi. Containing about 300 very fiue engravings representing scenes in the History of France, with engraved descriptions. 3 vols. 4to. bound in half red morocco, tooling on backs, gilt edges. $ 25 00 *,.* A masfniiicant copy of this rare book. 629 THACKERAV, WM. M. "The Orphan of Pimlico," and other sketches, fragments and drawings,, being fac-similes of original pen and ink draw- ings, with descriptive letter-press, i vol. 4to. half morocco. Phila., 1876. $ 4 00 630 THE CONSTITUTION of the Several States of the Union and United States, including The Declaration of Independence and Articles of Con- federation. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1857. $ i 50 631 THE POST-MAN Robbed of His Mail, or, the Pocket-Book Open. Being a collection of miscellaneous letters, serious and comical, amorous and gallant, among which are the lovers' sighs, or The Amours of the Beautilul Stremunia and Alphonso the Wise, King of Castile, with her Passionate Letters to the King on his choosing another Mistress. I vol. l6mo. newly bound in parchment, red edges. London, 1719- $ 7 50 *»* Very rare and curious. 632 THIERRY. History of the Conquest of England by the Normans. Translated by Wm. Hazlitt. 2 vols. l2mo. cloth, uncut. London, £ohn, 1 86 1. $ 3 00 633 THIERS, A. HisTOiRE de la Revolution Fran^aise. 7 vols, in 4, i2mo. half morocco, red edges. Portrait. 1854. $ 7 50 634 THOMSON, JAS. The Seasons. With engraved illustrations, i vol. full morocco, stamped cover, gilt edges, inside borders. New York, Harpers. $ 3 5° 635 THOMPSON. Les Saisons, Poime. Engraved title and 4 fine vignettes. l8mo. calf, gilt edges. Londres, Cazin, N.D. $ 4 00 636 THOMSON, JAS. Works of. With his last corrections and improve- ments. 3 vols. 1 2mo. calf. With portrait and 12 fine plates by ?iTOt:iiakt> BuRNEY, etc. London, 1788. $ 6 50 637 TITIAN GALLERY, The. A series of 24 of the most renowned works of Titia.n reproduced. With a sketch of the life and works ot the Artist. 4to. cloth, new, gilt edges. Boston, 1877. $ 3 SO S8 E. F. BONA VENTURE, Bookseller, 638 TRAITfi CURIEUX des charmes de I'Amour conjugal dans ce monde et dans I'autre. Ouvrage de Siwedenborg, traduit par de Brumore. I2mo. paper. Bruxelles, Gay, 1881. $ 4 00 639 VALLEIX. Guide du MiDECiN Praticien. Resum^ gte^ral de paihologie interne et de therapeutique appliquees, augment^ par le docteur Lorain. With wood engravings. 5 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Paris, 1866. $ 10 00 640 UZANNE. Les Surprises du Cceur. 8vo. paper, uncut, very pretty cover. Illustrated by P. AvRIL. Charmingly etched frontispiece. Paris, Jiouveyre, 1881. $ 2 50 641 VASEY, GEO. The Natural History of Bulls, Bisons and Buffalos. 72 wood engravings by the Author, i vol. 8vo. half calf, marbled edges. London, 1 85 7. $ 3 00 64Z VENICE. Un mois a Venise ou recueil de vues piltoresqes dessinu^es par DE FoRBiN et Dejuinne, avec texte historique et explicative. A series of beautifitl lithographic plates on India paper. Large folio, half green morocco, uncut. Paris, 1825. $ 6 00 643 VIE SECRETTE de Louise Marie Adelaide de Bourbon Pen- THIEVRE, duchesse D'Orl^ans avec ses correspondences. Colored portrait. i8mo. paper. Londres, 1790. $ 3 00 *,* Very rare. 644 VIEWS IN NORTH WALES, From original Drawir gs by T. L. RowBOTHAM, vpifh Archaeological, Historical, Poetical and Descriptive Notes by Rev. W. J. Loffie. Square 8vo. cloth, gilt edges. With 6 facsimiles of water-colors and 6 vigneotes.. London and New York, 1875. $ 2 00 645 VILLAS and cottages. A series of Designs prepared for execu- tion in the United States by C. Vaux. Illustrated with 370 engravings. I vol. 8vo. clcth. New York, 1864. % j. qq 646 VIOLLET LE DUC. Entretiens sur I'Architecture. 200 designs in the text and T,() fine plates. 2 vols. 8vo. half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. I vol. of plates, some in gold and colors. Oblong 4to. same binding. Together, 3 vols. Rare. Paris, 1863-1872. $ 20 00 647 VIVIEN. Histoire g^n^rale de la Revolution Fran9aise, de I'Empire, de la; Restauration, de la Monarchie, jusqu'i 1840. Illustrated with fine steel portraits, engravings and views. 410. royal 8vo. half red calf Paris. 1845. $ g 00 1 152 Broadway, &" 2 Barclay Street New York. 59 648 VOLTAIRE. Candideou l'optimisme. 2 vols, in i, i2mo. half calf red edges. Berlin, 1778. $ 3 5° %* Roman l^ger, supprim^ a son apparition. 649 VOLTAIRE. La Henriade, Poiime. Edition collationn^e sur les textes originanx. With a set of portraits and 10 fine vignettes by Leprince. i2mo. half Russia, marbled edges. Paris, 1833. $ 3 50 950 VOLTAIRE. Romans de Voltaire '-Candide." Princesse de Babylone. "L'ingenu. " Zadig. Lettrers d'Amabed suivies du "Taureau Blanc." Portrait and etchings by L,\avil.l,Y,K}AlK. 5 vols. I2tno. pap- er uncut. Paris, fouaust, 1878. $ 15 00 651 VOLTAIRE, CEuvres completes avec des notes et une notice historique Sur la vie de Voltaire, llhistrated with portrait and a beautiful set of plates by Moreau. 13. vols. Royal 8 vo. half calf, gilt tops, uncut. Paris, Fume, 1835, $ 45 00 %* Fine copy. 652 VOLTAIRE. Chef d'ceuvres Dramatiques. Illustrated with 13 vignettes by Macret. 4 vols. l8mo. calf, gilt edgrs. Paris, 1808. ' $ 6 00 653 WALPOLE, HORACE. Anecdotes ot Painting in England. With some account of the principal Artists. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Lon- don. Chatto (St* Windtis, 1S76. $ 9 oo 654 WALTON AND COTTON. The complete Angler or the Contempla- tive man's Recreation, with lives of the authors and variorum notes, Historical and practical. With portrait and many very fine engravings, portraits, etc. I vol. i2mo. cloth, uncut. London, Bohn, 1876. $ 2 50 655 WEBSTER, NOAH, L. L. D. An American Dictionary of the Engo- lisli Language. Thoroughly revised and greatly enlarged and improved. Large 4to. full sheep. Springfield, 1885. $ 8 50 656 WHITE AND BLACK. The Outcome of a visit to the United States. I vol. i2mo. cloth. N. Y., 1879. $ i 00 657 WHITE ROSE OF YORK, THE. The Chronicle of. A series of historical fr.agments, proclamations, Letters and other contemporary documents, relating to the reign of King Edward the Fourth. Illus- trated. 8vo. half roxburgh, uncut. London, Bohn, 1845. $ 2 00 6!;8 WHITMAN, WALT. Leaves of Grass. i vol. l2mo. cloth, (new). With portrait. Boston, Thayer 6* Eldridge, year 85 of the States, i8t)0-'oi. $ 4 50 6o E. F. BONAVENTURE, Bookseller, 659 WILLSHIRE. An Introduction to the Study and Collection of An- cient Prints. Revised and enlarged edition, Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. half Roxburgh, gilt top, uncut. Rare. London, 1877. $ 9 00 *♦* A fine clean copy. 660 WIT AND HUMOUR. The World of. Edited by George M. Fenn IVitA many illustratsons. 8vo. cloth, new. London and New York, N. D. $ 3 °° 661 WOOD. The Elements of Analytical Mechanics. Svo. cloth, new. New York, 1876. $ 2 00 662 WRIGHT, THOS. Womankind in Western Europe from the earliest times to the Seventeenth Century. I vol. small 4to. cloth, gilt edges, illustrated with wfine chromo-lithographs and hundreds of wood-engrav- ings. London, 1819. $ 5 00 663 YOUNG LADIES BOOK. A manual of elegant recreations, Arts, Sciences and Accomplishments. Witk 1200 wood-cuts and an engrav- ing. I vol. thick i2mo. cloth, uncut. London' Bohn, N. D. $ 2 50 664 YOUNG, JOHN RUSSELL. Around the Worlds with General Grant; in 1877, 1878 and 1879' With 800 illustrations. 2 vols. Svo. half calf, marbled edges. New York, N. D. $ 7 5° 665 "ZELLS' POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIA." A Complete Dictionary of the English Language. By L. Colange. Illustrated with nearly 3000 engravings and 35 large colored maps. 2 vols, 4to. bound in half brown morocco, marbled edges, new. Philadelphia, 1878. $ If 00 666 ZELLS' DESCRIPTIVE HAND ATLAS OF THE WORLD. Con- taining 2.q very Jine maps, flags of all nations and many illustrations. 4to, halt Russia, 1879. $ $ 00 *,* Rare, out of print, "Mc IN PREP^^¥I8N. '^ A Catalogue of Valuable, Rare and Choice Books, both English and Foreign. Manuscripts and Books of Hours : In Rich Bindings by TRAUTZ, BAUZONNET, LORTIC, CUZIN, DAVID, ALLO, CHAMBOLLE, DURU, MATHEWS, BEDFORD, LAEHNSDORFF, RIVlfiRE, etc., etc. And A FINE 0OLLE0TION OP OLD BIEDINGS, Containing Specimens by GROLIER, EVE, DEROME, ROGER PAYNE, DU SEUIL, etc., etc. Also Catalogue of ftcbinga anb £nara\>ingd. E. F. BONAVENTURE 115a Broadway, New York. Just Ipublisbeb. President Cromwell. A PLAY IN POUR A CTS. By George Alfred Townsend, ("Gate.") Tills striking historical tableau is a close study oi Oliver Ciiomwell's life and quality in his native and familiar scenes at Huntingdon, Saint Ives, Ely, Cambridge, Grantham, Boston and other places, which the author visited for this purpose and with the intention of making Cromwell the "first rough-casted model" of the American Presidents. The moral undertone of the piece is the struggle in Crom- well's family and surroundings to make him a King and the play concludes with the scene of his inauguration as Protector. The plot of SiNDERCOME against his life is the main staple of the action, but charming pictures of Oliver's domestic living vary the strong events, and the American characters like Roger Williams are introduced. Of thjs unique Republican play only aoo copies will be printed, on fine paper, and with broad margin, suitable for fine library binding and for the insertion of illustrations. Every copy will be verified by the author's number and autograph. Price per Copy, ....93 OO Money or check to the order of E. F. BONAVENTURE, lis a Broadway, New York. ALBERT E. FRECHE, Printer, 131 & 133 Blaackw Str., N. Y. BftOfu)tip>DeBowe-T«e BothschUd, Ferdinand HeiVmth, A. De Neu- vUle, Qeorges Vibert, Eugene Lami, Jules Jacquemart, Charles De&rt, James Tissot, and others. 8 parts, folio. — Lbs grands PEINTRB8 FRANCAIS BT BTRANGBR8. 8 parts, folio. Together 16 parts. Paris, Launette. $175 00 Out of print and scarce. Le Llvre sur la SooiStS d'Aquarelllstes franc^is forme vingt-quatre etudes de seize pa^es in-S" colombier, imprirafi sur magnifique papier velin des papeteries du Marais Chaque 6tude se compose de cinq sujets en photographie tirfe en oouleur, dans le texte et nors texte, formant une illustration exceptionelle sous forme de frontispice, culs-de-lampe et planches hors texte. Une quantity de dessins 9. la plume, etudes, croquis, iet6s & profusion dans le texte com- pl&tent la collaboration de chaque artiste. 2 AUBERT (Edouard). Tresor de I'Abbaye de Saint Maurice d'Agaune. Large 4to, half morocco, top edge gilt. Paris, Jouaust, 1873. 15 00 With 45 plates of antiquities, many of them highly finished in gold and colors. 3 BALZAC (Honore de). - Physiologic du Mariage ou Mgditations de philosopliie Iclectique, sur le bonheur et le malheur conjugal, publieespar un jeune celibataire. Pans, Levavasseur, 1830. 2 vol. in-8, mar. gant de SuedS, tr. dor. (Rousselle). 50 00 Edition origiuale. Exemplaire dord sur M- moins. 4 BARTSCH (Adam). Le Peintre graveur. Nouvelle edition. 21 vols, half crushed levant morocco, top gilt, uncut. A Leipzig, c/iez J. A. Bartsch, 1854. 100 00 Fine copy of a rare book necessary to every print collector. 5 BELL'S Edition of Shakespere's Plays, as they are now performed at the Theatres Royal in London. With Notes by the Authors ot the Dramatic Censor. Illustrated with 76 portraits of actors, scenes from plays, etc. 9 vols. 12mo, calf. Very rare. London, John Bell, 1774. 30 00 Portraits of Garrick, Bensley, King, Youn^e, Sheridan, Mrs. Hartley, Yates, Barry, Macklm, Mrs. Siddons, etc., etc. Fine set for illustrating. 6 BERQUIN. Idylles par M. Ber- quin. 1 frontispiece and 24 exquisite plates designed by Marillier, and engraved by Gaucher and Delaun^y. 2 vols, in one. 16mo, beautifully bound in full red crushed levant morocco, tooled back, filets on covers, edges gilt by (Pouillet). Paris, 1775. 45 CO' Proof impression ot the plates. 7 BERTAUT. Les oeuvres poetiques de Mr. Bertaut, Evesque de Sees Abbe d'Aunay, premier aumosnier de la Royne. Dernifere edition, augmentees de plus de moitie outre les precedentes impressions. A Paris, chez Toussainct L>u Bray, rue Sainct Jacques aux Espies moeurs : Et en sa Bouticque au Palais en la gallerie des prisonniers, 1620. Relie en plein maroquin rouge du levant dorures aux petits fers sur le dos, trois filets et armes sur les plats, dentelle interieure, by (Trautz-Bauzonnet). 50 00 8 BIBLIOGRAPHIE des Ouvrages relatifs fi, I'Amour, aux Femmes, au Mari- age. et des Livres facetieux, pantagruel- iques, etc., par M. le C. d'l***. 6 vol?. in-12, pap. de Hollande, demie reliure, m. rouge tete doree. Turin et San-Remo, JuUs Gay, 1871-1878. 35 00 Le Bibliophile Jacob, dans une charmaute Pre- face au Catalogue des Livres de feu Albert de la Fizeliere, appelle I'attention des Amateurs sur ces petits volumes "qu'on trouvera en grand nombre, et des plus curieux, dans la section des Homans, des Coutes et Nouvelles, des Histoires galantes, etc.", ot il ajoute: *'Ces petits livres sont tous rares et pen connus, bien que le f ameux comte d'l***, qui n'etait autre quePoulet-Malas- sis, V Arbiter deliciarum, le bibliographe discret et rai£in6 des galanteries du xvnie si^cle. ait traite la matifire ex^professo dans son excellente Biblio- graphie des ouvrages relatifs a V Amour, aux Femmes etau Mariage." Lonis the XV. Prayer Book. 9 BINDING. — OFFICE db la SE- MAINE SAINTE S. 1 'Usage de Rome et de Paris, en Latin et en FranQois, avec I'Ex- plication des Ceremonies de I'Bglise et des Instructions, PriSres et Courtes Reflexions sur les Mystlres et Oflices que Ton celSbre dans cette Sainte Semaine par Monsieur I'Abbe de Bellegarde. With engraved title, plates, head and tailpieces. Thick 8 vo, fine old red morocco gilt extra tooled, edges gilt. Paris, Jacques Collombat, 1732. 75 00 A relic of JU)uis the Fifteenth, King of France, with every page ruled in red ink. The above is a very magnificent piece of eighteenth century French binding. The sides are heavily tooled ■with pointille ornaments in gold. The back is toolea with fleiirs-de-lys, the lilies of France. The sides are covered with designs of a regal character. The royal crown, interlaced "liS," and in the centre the King's arms surrounded with the order of Saint Esprit, etc. Later on it appears to have been the property of a French cardinal whose heraldic book-plate is inserted. Above the arms are a cardinars hat, an archbishop's mitre and crosier, and a ducal , coronet. 10 BINDING.— L'OFFICE DB LA SEMAINE SAINTE EN LATIN ET EN FRANCAIS, A L'USAGE DE ROME ET DE PARIS, AVEC DES REFLEXIONS ET MEDITATIONS. PRIERES ET IN- STRUCTIONS POUR LA CONFESSION ET COMMUNION, POUR L'USAGE DE LA MAISON DE MADAME LA DA UPBINE. Paris, MDCCXLV (1745). 75 00 Bound in full dark citron morocco, vei-y rich gildlDg covering entirely the sides and back. A sumptuous Specimen of ornamental French bind- ing by Padeloup. . On the side and back of this copy are the Arms of Louis the XV.^King of ^France, 11 BINDING. SANSOVINO.— L'His- toria di casa Orsini. In Venetia, appresso Bernardino elFllippo Stagnini fratelli, 1565, In-fol. le plat recto: mar. vert k comp. de mosaique de mar. rouge avec arabesques en or, el I'autre plat: mar. rouge, mosa'fque de mar. vert, avec les mSmes ornements en or, dos de mSrae, double de moire verte et rouge, large dent. int. tr. dor. avec en- veloppe de mar. rouge. (B. Petit). 200 00 Un des plus rares ouvrages de Sansovino, Su- perbe exemplaire aux couleurs de la famille Orsini. Rare volume, illustrated with fine portraits en- graved on copper, In a very original mosaic bind- ing, tooling all over the covers, as shown by the reproduction herewith. The binding is a chef- d'oeuvre of Petit, and is enclosed in a red morocco envelope. 12 BINDING— Style Le Gascon,— Le Nouveau Testament de notre Seigneur Jesua Christ traduit en frang ais selou I'edi- tion Vulgate avec les differences du greo. A Mens, chez Oaspa/rd Migeot, 1667. 2 vol. petit in 8 reliure de I'epoque en maro quin rouge, fllets dos et coins ornes a petlts fers tran. doreea. 60 00 La reliure est d*une rare €16gance les fers du dos et ceux des coins dessinSs dans le m&me gout sont d'une exquise d^licatesse et d'une I^g6ret6 incom- parable. L'exemplaire provient de la collection de Lord Gosford. 13 BINDING. Reoherches pratiques. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 15 00 Fine binding, gilt and blind toolings on covers and back, from the Duchesse de Berry collection, bearing her coat-of-arms on the covers. 14 BINDING. Notices Historiques, sur les tableaux de la Galerie de S. A. R. Mgr. le Due d'Orleans par Vatout. Portraits. 3 vols, folio, richement relies en plein ma- roquiu rouge, dos orn6s, filets, comparti. ments et mosaiques a I'eventail sur les plats, double de sole bleue, tranches do- rees. (Simier, relieur du Roi.) Paris, 1826. 125 00 Exemplaire en grand papier ayant a^artenu, au roi Louift Phillippe donttes armes sonffrappeee sur les plats. Magnifique specimen d'une des rares relidures a mosaique ex6cut^es h cette 6poque, dans un parfait etftt de conservation. 15 BINDING. From the Library of Marguerite de Navarre, bound by Gloms Eve. PLVTARCHI Oheroasei. .Vitae comparatee illustrium vivoru Grsecorum et Roraanorum . . Herm^nno Cruserio I. C, interprete, Lugduni, apud Antonium GrypMum, 1566-67. 8 vol, in 12.— Thesaurus Plutarchi . . super moralia Autore Francisco Le Tort Andegauo, . Parisiis, apud lownnem Poupy, 1577. 3 tomes en 1 vol. in 13. Ens. 4 vol. les trois premiers en mar. r. le quatriSme en mar. vert, riches comp. tr. dor. {Mel. anc.) (656-1). 800 00 Exemplaire bien conservfi ayant appartenu k la reine Marguerite de Valois^ couvert d'une dfili- cieuse relieure dont les plats et le dos, dorfis en plein, sont sem6s de Us et de marguerites. Sur le plat sup^rieur de chaque volume, se trouvent ses armes; sur le plat oppos6 un pied de marguerite entourS de la devise: Expectata non eVudet. Delicieuse reliure de Clovis Eve, relieur de Henri IV. • 16 BOCCACE (Jean). Le Decameron de Jean Boccace. 5 vols. 8vo, superbly bound in full blue crushed levant morocco, tooled backs, fllet on covers, edges gilt, inside borders, by (David). Londres-Paris, 1757-1761. 175 00 Illustrated with 5 frontispieces, 1 portrait, 110 plates and 97 head and tail pieces by Qravelot, BOTicher and Eisen. Engraved by Aliatne^Baquoy, .Flipart, Legrand, etc., etc. A magnificent copy of this very rai-e edition. 17 BOCCACCI, G. II Decamerone di messer Giovanni Boccaci, cittadino Fioren- tino, si come lo diedero alle stampe gll SSri Giunti I'anno 1527. 1 vol. 12mo, bound in full red levant crushed morocco, edges gilt, borders inside, by (Cuzin), in Amsterdamo, 1665. 50 00 A splendid copy of this fine Elzevirian Edition. 18 BOILEAU DESPREAUX : (Eu- vres diverses du Sr. Boileau Despreaux : avec le traite du sublime, ou du Merveilleux dans le discours. Traduit du Grec de Longus. Nouvelle edition reveue et aug- mentee. Engraved frontispieces, 2 vols. No. JO. 16mo, bound in full red crushed levant morocco, tooled back, filets on covers, in- side borders, edges gilt, by (Lortic). Paris, 1701. 45 00 19 BOSWELL (Jas.) Life of Samuel Johnson; together with The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, illustrated itith many fine steel engravings, 4 vols. ; and Johnsoniana: Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, ^Dith many illustrations, 1 vol. Together 5 vols. Small 4to, boards, uncut. London, Bell & Sons, 1884. 65 00 Iiimited edition of 104 copies on Whatman paper, of whioli this is No. 51. Printed by Chas. Whit- tingham. 30 BRANTOME : Seigneur De. Les Vies des Dames Galantes, tirees des me- moires de Messire Pierre de Bourdeille, Seigneur de Brantome. D'aprSs I'edition originale de 1666, et les copies et manuscrits de la Bibliothfeque nationale. Augmentees de Notes Critiques et Historiques, et d'une notice sur Brantome per Eugfene Vignon. Illusti'ated with a set of etchings hy Vham- pollion. 3 vols. 12mo, bound in mil dark red crushed levant morocco (super extra), gilt edges, inside borders, by (Emile Eous- selle), original covers bound in. Paris, Arnaud et Labat, 1879. 30 00 31 BRANTOME. (Euvres du Seig- neur de Brantome. Nouvelle edition con- siderablement augmentfee et accompagnee de remarques historiques et critiques. 15 vols, in 13mo. Superbly bound in full red levant morocco, gilt back and edges, filets on covers, inside borders by (Bertrand). A La Haye, 1740. 85 00 33 BRANTOME. Les Vies des Dames Galantes tir§es des Memoires de Messire Pierre de Bourdielle, Seigneur de Bran- tome d'apres I'Bdiiion de 1666 et les Copies et Manuscrits de la BibliothSque Nationale, Augmentees de Notes Critiques et His- toriques et d'une Notice sur Brantome par Engine Vignon. With illustrations after H. Ptlle, etched by Cliampollion. 3 vols., small 8vo, fresh crushed levant morocco, broad inside gold borders, rounded corners, top edges gilt, others uncut, with the front covers bound in (Kousselle). Paris, 1879. 30 00 33 BREVIARIUMMonasticumordinis Sancti Benedicti ad usum Congregationus Sancti Mauri in Gallia, Pars Hiemalis. 4 vols., 12mo„ maroquin rouge, large dentelle 18e sificle sur les plats, dos orne tranches dorfies (Derome). Parisiis, 1736. 50 00 A very fine specimen of Derome binding. 34 BRITISH ANTHOLOGY (The). Or Poetical Library. Illustrated with a se< of very fine steel engravings by Finden, Heath, Smith, etc., after WestaM. 8 vols, in 4. 16mo, handsomely bound in half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, tops gilt, other edges uncut, by (Rousselle). London, 1825. 25 00 25 BRULLIOT (F.) Dictionnaire des Monogrammes, Marques Figur6es, Lettres Initiales, NomsAbregfis, etc., aveclesquels les Peintres, Dessinateurs, Graveurs et Sculpteurs, ont desiane leurs Noms. Nou- velle edition revue, coiTigee et augmentee. The 3 parts, with Appendices, in 1 vol. Thick 4to, half morocco. Munich, 1832-4. 32 50 Best edition. Editiok de Luxe of the HUNTEB." ' BOOK- 36 BURTON (Jolin Hill). The Book- Hunter. New edition, with a Memoir of the Author. Handsomely printed on hand- made paper, and illustrated with a portrait on India paper, etched by Hole, from a char- acteristic photograph; also a view in Burton's Library and vignettes of Craighouse and Dalmeny, from drawings by Miss Rose Bur ton, engraved by Miss E. P. Burton, and ornamental headpieces and initial letters. Thick-4to, fresh cloth, totally uncut. Edinburgh, 1882. 20 00 27 BURTON (Robt.) Anatomy of Mel- ancholy — what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptoms, prognostics, and the several cures of it. Frontispiece. 3 vols., large 8vo, fresh green morocco, sides and back tooled, gilt edges. London, 1800. 25 00 Fine copy, in the original binding. The great Johnson has praised tne " Anatomy of Melancholy " in the warmest terms, and the ludicrous Sterne has interwoven many parts of it into his own popular performance. Milton did not disdain to build two of his finest poems on it; and a host of inferior writers have embellished their worJcs with beauties not their own, culled from a performance which they had not the jus- tice even to mention. " The book, in my opinion, most useful to a man who wishes to acquire the reputation of being well-read, with the least trouble, is, ' Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy.' "—Lord Byhon. 38 BURTON'S Anatomy of Melan- choly — what it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptoms, prognostics, and several cures of it. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. London, 1826. 7 00 39 CERVANTES-SAAVEDRA (Mi- guel de). Life and Exploits of the In- genious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha translated from the Original Spanish', by Charles Jarvis, Esq., now Carefully Revised and Corrected; with a New Translation of the Spanish Poetry, to which is prefixed a Copious and New Life of Cervantes; including a Critique on the Quixote, also a Chronological Plan of the Work. Illustrated with portraits and plates by Stothard — Proofs hefoi'e Letters^ also Map of Spain. 4 vols., large 8vo, handsomely bound in paneled russia elegant, gilt edges. London, Wm. Miller, 1801. 45 00 Large paper and proofs before letters of the beautiful Stothard plates. A splendidly bound copy, but foxed somewhat in parts. From the library and with the heraldic pooK-plate of " Will- iam Stanley Goddard, D.D., Winchester College." " C'est un vrai chef d'oeuvre typographique." The finest edition of Don Quixote, who " is to Europe in general what Ariosto is to Italy and Shakespeare to England— the one book to which the slightest allusions may be made without affectation, but not missed without credit. Nu- merous translations and countless editions of them in every language bespea,k its adaptation to mankind; and no writer has been ftmnd para- doxical enough to withhold his admiration." Hall AM. 30 COLLECTION ANTIQUE : con- taining the following Works: Apulee L' Amour et Psyche. Paris, 1878. Longus. Daphnis et Chloe. Paris, 1878. Ovide. Les Amours. Paris, 1879. Musee. Hero et Leandre. Paris, 1879. Tatius. Leucippe et Clitophon. Paris, 1880. Lucien. Dialogues des Courtisanes. Paris, 1881. Virgile. Les Bucoliques. Paris, 1881. A{)polonius de Rhodes. Jason et MedSe. ' Paris, 1883. Anaoreon et Sapho. Paris, 1883. Horace. Odes et Bpodes. Paris, 1883. Theocrite les Idylles. 1885. Properce Les Elegies. 1886. Together 13 vols. All illustrated with beautiful- vignettes printed in colors and gold, ornamental borders, illuminated capitals, etc. 16mo, elegantly and uniformly hound in full dark blue crushed levant morocco (super extra), full tooled backs, edges gilt, inside borders, original covers bound in, by (Rousselle). 110 00 Beautiful copies of these charmingly printed little volumes, from the celebrated publishing house of Quantin. 31 COLLECTION complete de cin- quante portraits des personnages historiques etfemmes cel^bres dusificle de Louis XIV., graves au burin par M. L. C6roni d'aprfes les eraaux de Petitot du musee national du Louvre. Gr. in 4. Half levant morocco, top gilt, uncut edges. 35 00 Tres-polie collection, ainsi compos6e: Anne d'Autriche, Anne de Gonzague, Barbezieux, Catl- nat, Christine de Suede, Colbert, Madame de Com- balet, Princesse de Conde, Madame Deshoulieres, Le Grand Dauphin, Mademoiselle Dupre, Mademoiselle de Fontanges, Gaston d'Orleans, Le Cotnte de Grignan, Madame de Grignan, Henriette d'Angleterre, La Rochefoucauld, Madame de La Suze, Madame deLa Valliere, Madame de Longueville, Le Marquis de Lavardin, Louis XIv. deux portraits differents; Monsieur, f rere de Louis XIv. ; Madame de Lu- dres, Madame de Maintenon, Malezieux, Mar- guerite de Lorraine, Marie de Bourbon, Marie- Louise d'Orleans, Marie-Therese d'Autriche, Duchesse de Mazarin, Madame de Montbazon, Madame de Montespan, Madame de Montpepsier, Ninon de Lenclos, Comtesse d'Olonne, Petitot, Duchesse de Portsmouth, Richelieu, Sarrau, Madame Scarron ; Madame de Sevigne, deux por- traits dlfferents; Madame de Thianges, Tourville, Turenne, Made de Valois, Villarceaux, Villars. Ces portraits peuvent servir a I'illustration des Lettres de Madame de Sevigne et des Memoires de Saint-Simon. 33 COLLECTION DES CLAS- SIQUES FRANCAIS, avec les notes de tous les commentateurs. A Paris, dies Lef^vre (imprimerie de Jules Didot), 1821- 1828. 73 vol. — Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Molifire, par Jules Tasche- reau. Paris, Brissot-Thivars, 1838. — His- toire de la vie et ' des ouvrages de La Fon- taine, par C.-A. Walckenaer. Paris, JHfep- veu, 1884. — Ensemble 75 vol. gr. in-8, portr. etflg., demi-rel. mar. rouge, dos et coins, t§te dor., non rognSs. 1200 00 Tres bel exemplaire, en grand papier jesus veliUj auquel on a ajoutS les figures suivantes: Boileau, la suite des figures dessinge par Mo- ream en double 6tat, avant et avec la lettre; la suite publige par Desenne en double etat sur pa- pier blanc et sur papier de Chine, avant la lettre; la suite dessinee par Choqu£t, fepreuve^ avant la lettre; une suite non sign6e, epreuves avant la lettre; la suite publi4e par Maise-. le portrait de Boileau grav6 par Savart Ensemble 58 pieces. Bossuet, 3 portraits gravfis par 2)equevauviUierB, Boy et Saint- Auhin. Comeille, la suite des figures dessinfie par Gravetot,' la suite dessinge par Moreau, 6preuves en double 6tat, avant et avec la lettre, et le por- trait de Ficquei. Ensemble 83 pieces. Crebillon, la suite des figures dessinSe par MarUUer, fipreuves avant la lettre; la suite des- sinfie par Moreau, fipreuves en double 6tat, avant et avec la lettre, et le portrait de Crfibillon grav6 par Ficquet, Ensemble 31 pieces. F6nelon, la suite des figures dessin6e par Maril- Her, 6preuves avant la lettre; la suite dessinfie par Lefevre fipreuves en double 6tat, avant et avec la lettre; la suite dessinfie par Moreau, Epreuves en double 6tat, avant et avec la lettre, etle portrait de FSnelon grav« par Ficquet. Ensemble 128 pieces. . La Fontaine, la suite de« figures dessinee par Moreau, publi§6 en 1814, fipreuves avant la lettre; la suite desslnSe par Tony Johannot, 6preuves avant la lettre; la suite dessinee par Bergeret, gpreuves avant la lettre, et 32 portraits de diftto- ents personnages, dont celui de La Fontaine grav§ par Ficquet, 6preuve dite au ruisseau blanc. En- semble 82 pieces. La Rochefoucauld, 3 portraits, dont celui grav6 par Ohoffard, d'aprSs Petitot. Le Sage, Gil Bias, la suite des figures dessinee par Smirke, gpreuves, lettres grises, tires sur papier de Chine, et portrait de Le Sage gravfi par SaintrAubln, en double 6tat. Malherbe, 10 portrait de diff^rents personnages, No. II. dont Malherbe et Henry IV., graves par Saint- Aubin. , MoliSre, la premiere suite de figures dessinfie par iforcau, par I'Mition publiSe en 1773; la seconds suite publiSe par Renouard, fipreuves en double 6tat, avant et avec la lettre\ les deux suites de Desenne in-8 et in 18, fipreuves avant la lettre, et le portrait de Moli^re gravfi par Ficqvet. Ensem- ble 130 pieces. Montesquieu la suite des figures dessinge par Moreau et Peyron, et 6 pieces gravges par LafitU et Deveria, pour le temple de Gnide, §preuves tirftes sur papier de Chine. Ensemble 20 pieces. Bacine, la suite des figures dessinte par Grave- lot^ 6preuves avant la lettre ; la suite dessin€e par Moreau, fipreuves en double 6tat avant et avec la lettre; la suite deBsinSe par Prudhon, Gerard, etc.. avant la lettre; la suite dessin^e par Desenne, 6preuvres avant la lettre, et le portrait de Racine grav§ par Savart. Ensemble 66 pieces. Total des portraits et figures: 660 pigces. Large paper copy, and extra illustrated with 650 portraits andptates, moMy in proof state. A fine and rare complete set of this French classique. 33 COMBE (William). Doctor Syntax's Tour in search of the Picturesque, in search of Consolation and in search of a Wife. 3 vols., 8vo, new cloth, uncut. 'With 80 coU ored illustrations by T. Rowlandson. Lon- don, n. d. 7 50 34 COSTUME .— Vecellio (Cesare). Hahiti Antichi et Moderni di tutto il Hon- do. 513 beautiful full-length portraits repre- senting the costumes of all nations, chiefly from the designs of Titian. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt top. Paris, Didot, 1860. 12 00 The above is a new edition of this famous series of costumes which were designed and partly exe- cuted by the great painter, Titian. The original edition has become exceedingly rare and dear. These woodcuts are beautifully executed, and present all the spirit of the originals. The descrip- tions are given in Italian and French. 85 COSTUMES historictues des Xlle, XlVe et XVe sificles, dessines et graves par Paul Mercuri avec texte historique et de- scriptions par C. Bonaard. Nouvelle edi- tion avec introduction, par C. Blanc. Paris, Levy fiis, 1860 (3 vol.), suivis de costumes historiques des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siScles, par Leclievalier et Chevignard. graves par Diches, Flameng, Laguillermie, executes par Duplessis (2 vol.) Paris, Levy, 1867. 5 vols, in 4, finely hound in half red crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. 90 00 TrSs bonne condition du premier tirage des figures en couleur. 36 COWPER (Wm.) The Works of, comprising his Poems, Correspondence and Translations. Portraits, engraved vignettes, etc. 15 vols., foolscap 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1835. 10 00 With exquisitely engraved portraits and vig- nettes. 37 (CRUIKSHANK, Geo.) The Beau- ties of Washington Irving. Illustrated from dravAnga by Geo. Cruikshank. 16mo, half calf, neat, gilt back and sides. Lon- don, 1835. 5 00 38 CRUIKSHANK (Geo.) The His- tory of Amelia, by Henry Fielding. Illus- trated by Geo. Cruikshank. 12mo, 2 vols, half calf. London, 1832. 4 00 39 CRUIKSHANK. The Comic Li- brary. Containing The Humorist, or a new Family Album of Endless Entertain- ment. Cruikshank's Ofiering of Mirth: or, the Evergreen of Fun. Also, the Odd Volume; or Book of Variety, containing over 150 illustrations by Bobt. Cruikshank. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. London, n. d. 7 50 40 CRUIKSHANK'S Omnibus. Con- taining all the original designs on steel and wood by Geo. Cruikshank. 1 vol. 8vo, cloth. London, 1869. 3 50 41 D'AVENANT (Sir William). The Dramatic Works of, with Prefatory Me- moir and Notes. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth, un- cut. London and Edinburgh, 1872. 9 00 Very handsome reprint of old edition on fine paper. 42 DELVAU (Alfred). Les Heures Parisiennes. With 25 etchings by Emile Benacsit. Small 8vo, bound in half red crushed levant morocco, gilt back, top gilt, edges uncut. Paris, 1882. 7 50 43 DIBDIN. Bibliomania: or Book- Madness: a Bibliographical Eomance, in Six Parts. Illustrated with cuts and the Imther and Calvin plate. Thick 8vo, russia gilt, edges gilt, jointed. London, printed for the author, 1811. 12 50 Very rare second edition, with the additional Vol. § title, and with the heraldic book-plate of "James Comerford," also with extra fiy-leaves at commencement. " It would now be useless to pass an encomium on this work, as its meritt^ are so fully established as to have more than doubled the original price of a volume now with difficulty to be obtained." — Gentleman'' s- Magazine. " You have contrived to strew flowers over a path which, in other hands, would have proved a very dull one; and all Bibliomanes must remem- ber* you long, as he who first united their an- tiquarian details with good-humored raillery and cheerfulness." — Sir Waltek Scott to De. Dib- DIN. 44 DIBDIN. The Library Companion; or. The Young Man's Guide, and the Old Man's Comfort, in the Choice of a Library. By the Rev. T. F. Dibdin. Thick 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1824. 12 50 Original edition with the " Breeches " story. Lowndes says — "This work contains much cur- ioxis and important bibliographical Information 10 not elsewhere to be found, and will at all times be consulted, as a work of reference, by the Bib- liographer, Biographer and Historian, It is only the first portion; a second volume was to have appeared. Large paper, published at £5 5s. Dent, pt. i. 611, morocco, £3 148. Second edition (with a few corrections, but omitting the Cracherode breeches story, etc.), London, 1825, 8vo. Published £1 7s. Large paper at £5 5s. A postscript con- taining a reply to the critiques on this work in the British Critic, Westminster and Quarterly Re- views, of which a few copies only were pi-inted for private distributions. 8vo, pp. 36." 45 DICKENS (Charles). The Posthu- mous Papers of The Pickwick Club. With 43 illustrations by Phiz and B. Sey- mour. 8vo, bound in full dark blue crushed levant morocco (super extra), tooled back, filets on covers, inside borders, by (David). London, Chapman & Hall, 1863. 20 00 46 DICKENS. First Edition.— Dick- ens (Charles). The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. With illustrations by Phiz. 8vo, superbly bound in maroon crushed levant morocco (super extra), full tooled back, filets on covers, inside bor- ders, edges gilt, by (David). London, Chap- man & EaU, l&iA. 2500 47 DICKENS. First Edition.— Hard Times for These Times. 12mo, bound in full brown crushed levant morocco (super extra), back and sides tooled, edges gilt, by (Rousselle). London, Bradbury & mans, 1854. 15 00 48 DICKENS. First Edition.— Dick- ens (Charles). Dombey and Son. With illustrations by H. K. Browne. 8vo, su- perbly bound in full crimson crushedlevant morocco (super extra), tooled back, filets on covers, edges gilt, inside borders, by (David). London, Bradbury le and Sablot Brovme. 5 vols, royal 4to, half levant morocco, top gilt, uncut edges. London, Chapman & Hall, 1840. 30 52 DOCUMENTS SUE LESMOEUES Dir XVIIIe SIECLE, publie&s avec Pre- faces, Notes et Index par Octave Uzanne. Chacun des 4 volumes de cette petite col- lection a pour but de peiudre un milieu social bien distinct: la cour, la galanterie, le theatre, la litterature; une preface, des notes et eclaircissements abondants et un index font de ces volumes, non seulement un ouvrage de bibliophile, mais aussi un livre excellent §, consulter pourTes travail- leurs, les curieux et les bibliographes. I. — La Chronique scandaleuse. Eaux-fortes de Lalauze et Mongin. Epuisee. II. — Anecdotes sur la Csse Du Barry. Eaux-fortes de Lalauze et Gaujean. III. — La Gazette de Cythfere. Eauxfortes fortes de Gaujean. IV. — Moeurs secretes du XVIIIe sificle. Eaux-fortes de Paul Avril et Gaujean. Four volumes large 8vo, India paper, bound in full levant morocco, gilt on uncut edges. Paris, 1883. 120 00 Fine edition, limited to 25 copies, in an elegant binding by Rousselle and out of print. The same. On Holland paper, 4 vols, half levant morocco, top gilt, uncut edges (Rousselle). Paris, 1888. 86 00 53 DOR AT. Fables Nouvelles. A La Haye et se trouve d Paris, cJiez Delalain, 1773, 2 part, en 1 vol. in-8, fig., mar. vert, comp. de fil. plains et pointilles, fleurons sur le dos et aux angles, dent, int., double de mar. rouge, dentelle 18e Siecle aux petits fers tr. dor. (Trautz-Bauzounet.) 400 00 Superbe exemplaire du premier tirage en grand papier, admirablement reU6. D61icieuses illustra- tions de Marillier, qui rivalisent de gout et d'exe- cution avec les ravissantes compositions d^Eisen pour les Baisers. 54 DORAT. Les Baisers, precedes du mois de mai, Poeme — titre rouge et noir. Frontispice, vignettes et cuts de lampe des- sines par Eisen et Marillier. 8vo, maro- quin bleu, dos orne, trois filets, double de mar. rouge, large dentelle 18e Sificle, tSte dore n. rog. exemplaire relie sur brochure. A la Haye et se trouve a Paris dies, Delalain, 1773. 150 00 Beautiful copy on large paper in a fine binding by Rousselle. 55 DROZ (Guslave). Monsieur, Mad- ame et Bebe. Illustrations de Edmond Morin, and a fine portrait of the author by 11 Leopold Fla/meng. Large Svo, bound in half purple crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1878. 15 00 Very handsome copy with original cover bound in. 56 A. DUMAS fils. La Dame aux CamSlias. Preface par M. Jules Janin. Paris, Michel Livyfrbres, 1873, in-8, portr., half levant morocco, top gilt, uncut edges. 7 50 Edition spficiale revue et corrigfie par I'auteur aveo le portrait de MUe. Marie Duplessis, gravg a I'eau-forte par Le Rat, et avec la Preface revue corrigee et developpSepar J. Janin. Un des 600 exemplaires numSrotSs, tir& Bur papier de HoUande. 57 EDITION DE LUXE OF LA- FONTAINE'S NOVELS AND TALES IN ENGLISH. Lafontaine, J. De. Tales and Novels. Illustrated with the 85 original designs hy Eisen and 3 por- traits engraved by Mequet. 2 vols. 8vo, superbly bound in full blue crushed levant morocco (super extra), elaborate design of lace tooled on covers and backs, mosaics of blue, inside borders, edges gilt by (Rous- selle). New York, published by E. F. Bon- aventure. 135 00 Magnificently bound copy. This is No. B of 100 copies on Japan paper. The same. On China paper (unbound). 80 GO Whatman paper. 70 00 Holland paper. 60 00 Papier velin. All sold 58 EPISTOL.ffi elarorum virorum se- lectee de quamplurimis optimse. Parisiis, apwd B. Turrisanum. . . in Aldida biblio- fheca, 1556, in-16, mar. La Vail, fleurons 3, I'ancre aldine, dent. int. tr. dor. (Cape.) 20 00 Bel exemplaire de oette jolie Edition. 59 FAUBLAS.— LES AMOURS DU CHEVALIER DE FAUBLAS, par Louvet de Couvray. 4 vols. 8vo, plein maroquin bleu, Jansfiniste, double ae maroquin orange, dorure aux petits fers, semi de roses et d'ornements dentelle (David). Paris, Ambroise Tardieu, 1821. 175 00 Superb copy, extra illustrated ; le. Proofs and eaux-tortes pures added to the set, belonging to the work. 2e. The set of eight plates in two states, bistre and black, proofs on Japan paper engraved by Vhmnpotlion after MariUier. Se. The set of twenty plates by Rosier and Xwckl. The Hosiers m proofs before letters. The Marckl in two states: impression on vellum and the rare proofs on ludia paper. 4e. The set of twenty-seven plates by Demame, Dutertre, MUe. Gerard, MariUier, Manmau and Monea, engraved by Baquoy, Ckauffart, Delaunay, Dilvaux^ Mir, St-Aubin, etc., etc. Very scarce. 6e. The set of eleven plates by Deveria, also m proof state. All together ninety plates, which with the ex- quisite binding by David makes an entirely unique copy. 60 FENELON. Les Avantures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse, par feu Messire Francois de Solignac de la Mothe Fenelon, nouvelle edition, enrichie de gramires en taitle-dowee 4o, mar. rouge dos orne, filets et ornements aux angles tranches dorees. (Derome), Amsterdam, 1734. 75 00 Bel exemplaire aux armes de la maison de France dans une belle reliure de Derome, illustr6 d'un frontispice par Picard, 1 fieuron surte titre. 1 portrait de Ftoelon gravg par Brevet, m figures Sar Picart, 24 vignettes et 'H culs-de-lampe par luflos, Folkema. etc. Un des plus beaux livres qu'on puisse voir. (See Cohen.) 61 FRAGONARD (Honore de). Set of Fifh^-seven Plates to illustrate the Tales and Novels of La Fontaine. Superbly executed Etchings by Martial, after the Masterly and Spirited Designs of Fragon- AEB. Small folio. Paris, Houquette, 1682. 100 00 A lirthited number of copies of this magnificent work were published in Paris, at 5O0 francs each. The artist, Honore Fragonard, was bom at Nice in 1733, and died in 1806. Spooner says : " He studied under Boucher, and having carried off the grand prize of the Academy, he went to Rome with the Royal pension. On his return to Paris, he was elected a Royal Academician in 1765, on which oc- casion he painted his fine picture of ' Callirrhoe ' as his reception piece, which was much admired. His next work was the ' Visitation of the Virgin,' for the Duke of Grammont. He soon, however, left the path of high and noble subjects which he had hitherto followed, and painted bacchanals, conversations and subjects of French manners, many of which had an exceedingly licentious tendency." The same, printed on bistre. 100 00 The same, eaux-fortes pures. 100 00 63 FRENCH PORTRAITS.— Icon- OGRAPHIE DES CoNTBMPOBAIlfS, OU POR- TRAITS des Personnages dont les noms se rattachent plus particulierement, soit par leurs Actions soit par leurs Ecrits aux DIVERS EVBNEMENTS qui ont eu lieu en France, depuis 1789, jusqu'a 1839, avec les facsimiles de I'eeriture de chacun d'eux, lithographies par les plus hoMles artistes d'aprh Us Peintures, Sculptures et Bessins de M. David, Gerard, Gros, GiRODET, H. Vbrnet, R. Lbfbvre, Kin- son, BoiLLV, Saint-Atjbin, Guerin, Jacqdes, Houdbn, Chadubt, Lebrtjn, etc., public par F. S. Delpech. 300 most finely executed lithographs, brilliant impres- sions. 3 vols, folio, half red morocco, un- cut. Paris, 1832. 45 00 This is the most interesting and finest collection of French authentic portraits of Court beauties, men of letters, art, sciences, etc., etc., ever pub- lished, with facsimile autographs of eachmdi- vidual. 12 63 GALERIE THEATRALE ou Col- lection des Portraits en Pied des Princi- paux Acteurs des Premiers Theatres de la Capitale. A OoUection of 144 full-length portraits of the most celebrated artists of the French stage — with the beautiful plates and title colored — also numerous illustrations in the text, all after the designs of ilie best French painters. 2 vols . large 4to, in cloth portfolio. Paris, Barraud, 1872. 30 00 Limitecl edition of 99 copies with the illustrations in the text. This superb and beautiful collection includes the actors and actresses of the French stage from the time of Molifere down to our centuiy. 64 GOLDSMITH (Oliver). The Mis- cellaneous Works of, Including a variety of Pieces now first collected. 4 vols. 12mo, half calf, marbled edges. New Phila., 1880. 7 50 65 GOLDSMITH (Oliver). Works of. Edited by Peter Cunningham. 4 vols. 8vo, bound in full polished calf extra, gilt tops, uncut. With portrait and four en- graved titles. London, John Murray, 1854. 22 00 66 GONCOURT (Ed. et J. De). L' Amour au 18e Sificle. Illustrated with eteJied frontispiece and vignettes by BoUvin, and border round each page. 12mo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, un- cut, by (Eousselle). Paris, Dentu, 1875. 6 50 Charming little volume. 67 GONCOURT (Edmond et Jules (le). L'Art du Dix-huitieme Sifecle. Illus- trated with a large number of fine fac- simile plates of drawings in different tints. 2 vols. 4to, elegantly bound in three quar- ter red crushed levant morocco (super extra), elaboiately tooled backs, mosaics of blue morocco, top gilt, other edges uncut (Eousselle). Paris, Quaniin, 1880. 55 00 Limited edition, on Holland paper. 68 GOWER (John). Oonfessio Aman- tis: edited and collated with the best manuscripts by Dr. R. Pauli. 3 vols, royal 8vo, calf, red edges. London, 1857. 14 00 Elegantly printed at the Chiswick Press. 69 GRAMMONT. Memoires de la vie du Comte de Grammout, contenant particuliSrement L'Histoire amoureuse de la cour D'Angleterre, sous le RSgne de Charles II. 16mo, full brown crushed levant morocco (super extra), gilt edges, inside borders, by (Brany). A Cologne, chee Pierre Marteau, 1713. 27 00 First edition, Tery rare. 70 GRESSET, CEuvres de. A Paris, Chez Ant.-Aug. Benouard, 1811. 2 vols, in 1 . Port, et fig. — Le Parrain magnifique, poeme en dix chants, ouvrage posthume de Gresset. A Paris, Cliez Ant.-Aug. Be- nouard, 1810. In 8 vols. Port et fig. Veau brun, dos orng, fil., tr. dor. 15 50 Fine copy, with the 8 charming illustrations by Moreau. 71 GUIZOT(M.) L'Histoire de France depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'en 1789, racontee a mes petits-enf ants, 5 vols. ; and Histoire de France depuis 1789 jusqu'en 1848, 2 vols. Together 7 vols. 4to. Illus- trated with upwards of 600 wood engravings (most of them full-page), from designs by De NeuviUe. Elegantly bound in half light brown crushed levant morocco (extra), gilt backs, tops gilt, other edges uncut, by (Eousselle). Paris, Hachette, 1879. 60 00 Very fine copy of the original edition. 71* GUIZOT. A Popular History of France, from the Earliest Times, by M. Guizot. With 340 illustrations by distin- guished artists and numerous portraits and steel engravings. 6 vols, large 8vo, half dark red levant morocco, top edges gilt, uncut edges. Boston, 1869. 35 00 72 HAMILTON (Antoine). Memoires de Grammont et Contes, precedes d'une notice par Auger, de I'academie francaise. lUusirated with 9 fine portraits and 8 plates after Moreau le jeune. 8vo, half brown crushed levant moroooco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1861. 9 00 73 HAWTHORNE (Nath.) Trans- formation, or The Eomance of Monte Beni. Illustrated. 3 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt edges, uncut. London. Smith, Elder & Co.. 1860. 8 50 74 HEPTAMERON des Nouvelles de trSs-haute et trfis illustre princesse Margue- rite d'Angouleme, reine de Navarre, publie sur les manuscrits avec les notes de Le Eoux de Lincy et de Montaiglon. With a series Of eha/rming plates and vignettes. 8 vols. 8vo, finely bound half crushed blue levant morocco, gilt backs, with red mo- saics, gilt tops, uncut, by (Eousselle). Paris, Eudes, 1880. 65 00 Bel exemplaire sur papier van Gelder avec double suite des figures de Freudenberg hors texte, en noir et en bistre. 75 HOR.E. Gr. in-8, de 170 ff., minia- tures, bordures et lettres ornees, velours violet, tr. dor. 800 00 Superbe MANUscRrr sur velin, execute en France dans la premiere moiti6 du xv. si^cle. II est orn6 de vinqt-qdatre pbtites miniatures au calendrier, et de dix-neuf grandes. Le calendrier, en francais, occupe les douze pre- 13 miers feuillets, et est 6crit en or, azur et carmin. Les petites miniatures que le d6corent sont plac6es par deux sur la meme page et enchass^es dans la Dordure. Celles du bas, de forme circulaire, rep- rgsentent les signes du zodiaxjue ; les peintures lat6ralea, de forme rectangulaire ont pour sujets des scenes emprunt6es aux occupations cham- §6tres propres L chaque mois ou aux passe-temps e la vie rurale. Ou y trouvera d'interessants de- tails du costume. Les grandes miniatures sont toutes rectangu- lalres, ointrfies par le haut. Leur largeur est presque uniformemals leur hauteiu- est variable. Toutes ces peintures ne sont pas de la mgme main ; quel-ques-unes, tree finement executfies, laissent voir rinfluence incontestable de I'art flamand. L'omementation du volume est d'une grande richesse, car toutes les pages ont sur trois cotes une large bordure. Comma dans presque tous les manuscrits de cette 6poque, les principes d6cora- tif s'du XIV. siecle, consistant en rinceaux fllif ormes gamis de feuillage dor6, s'y trouvent combines avec les principes nouveaux, introduisant la flore et la f aune r6elles. La texte est s^pare de la bor- dure sur In cote lateral par un listel a fond d'or avec de petits ornements en couleur, et, dans les pages & miniatures, ces listels se dSveloppent en ime seconde bordure qui enserre le texte et la geinture stu* trois cot6s. De belles initiales, des outs de lignes, en or et eu couleur, sont semSs 4 profusion dans le volume. 76 HOUSSAYE (ArsSne, ancien direc- teur de la Comedie Pran^aise). Moli6re, sa Femme et sa Fille. Magnificently illustrated with full-page etchings, woodengramngs, etc., mgnettes, head and tail pieces^xyrtraits, scenes in the life of Moliire, scenes in his plays — numerous rubrications throughmit the work, rubricated title, etc., etc.; also many illustrations in red. Square folio, fresh three-quarters red crushed levant morocco, extra gilt, green morocco mosaic let into the back, top edge gilt, others uncut. Paris, Dentu, 1880. 35 00 No. 150 of a' limited edition of 500 copies in all, of which the above is one of the Holland paper copies printed by Francois Dehons, and sealed with the "cachet deMoliSre" in red wax. The above copy has the parchment paper covers bound in. 77 IMPERIAL COURTS of France, England, Russia, Prussia, Sardinia and Austria. Illustrated with 41 finely -executed engra/Bings of portraits. With Biographical Notices by Wm. CuUen Bryant. 1 vol. 8vo, full turkey morocco, gilt edges, tool- ing on sides and back. N. Y., 1864. 7 50 78 JACKSON and CHATTO. Trea- tise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical. With 445 beautiful woodcuts, including facsimiles from the works of Albert Durer, Bewick, etc. Thick large 8vo, fresh half crushed blue levant morocco gilt, edges gilt. London, 1861. 14 00 New and improved edition of this valuable and hithei'to scarce work, with a new chapter on the artists of the present day, by H. G. Bohn, and nearly 160 additional engravings. " The history of wood engraving is a noble vol- ume, unique in its way, and no library will be complete without it. Mr. Jackson's reputation rests upon a firm basis — his name is attached to some of the brightest and best of the modern engravings. He is one of the few living pupils of Bewick — and one who follows in the steps and supports the reputation of his celebrated master." — Polytechnic Journal. Handsomely Botjnd Set of Mks. Jame- son's WOBKS. 79 JAMESON (Mrs. Anna). Art Works, viz. : I. Legends of the Madonna, as represented in the Pine Arts. With drawings by, the author and numerous woodcuts. London, 1867. II. Legends of the Monastic Orders. With etchings by the author and many woodcuts. London, 1867. III. Sacred and Legendary Art. Illustrated with etchirigs and numerous woodcuts. 2 vols. London, 1866. IV. History of our Lord, as exemplified in Works of Art with that of His Types ; St. John Baptist and other Persons of the Old and New Testament. Continued and Completed by Lady Eastlake. With etchings and many wood engravings from paintings, mosaics and ancient ivory cart- ings. 2 vols. London, 1865. Together 6 vols. 4to, cloth. London, 1865^7. 35 00 80 JANIN (Jules). Barnave. 4 vols. 13mo, half crushed levant morocco, gilt back with mosaics, gilt edges, other edges uncut (by Rousselle). First edition. Paris, 1831. 12 00 81 JEWITT. History of Ceramic Art in Great Britain, from prehistoric times to the present day. Illustrated with nearly 2,000 illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut edges. N. Y., Scribners, 1878. 6 00 83 JOHNSON (John). Typographia, or the Printers' Instructor ; including an Account of the Origin of Printing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the Sixteenth Century, [etc.] Fronts, and en- graved titles on woods, on India paper, and cuts. 2 vols. 8vo, half levant morocco, top gilt, uncut (Mathews). London, 1834. 25 00 Large paper. "An extremely useful book." — Lowndes. Allibone states that the author was assisted in its compilation by Drs. Bibdin, Wilkins and Fry, the Rev. H. Baker and others. He adds: " It is a valuable work. " 14 83 KEATS (John). The Poetical Works and other Writings of, now first brought together, including Poems and numerous Letters not before published. Edited, with Notes and Appendices, by Harry Buxton Forman. Illustrated with portraits, mews, etahings, fac-dmiles of letters, dec. 4 vols. 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, Beeves and. Turner, 1883. • 22 50 Beautiful edition, printed by the Chiswick Press, on fine laid paper. 84 LA BORDE Choix de Chansons mises en musique par M. de La Borde, Premier Valet-de-Charabre ordinaire du roi, Gouverneur du Louvi-e, ornees d'Es- tampes par J. M. Moreau. Dedie a Madame La Danphine. 4 vols. 4to, Holland paper, bound in full red levant morocco, top gilt, uncut edges by (Rousselle). Rouen, 1881. 150 00 Very fine copy, bound in ancient red levant mo- rocco, " dentelles aux petits fers," printed on Holland paper, text and musique engraved and illustrated with 1 title, 4 frontispieces, 1 portrait of La Borde, and 100 plates by Moreau, finely engraved; an extra set on India paper inserted. 85 LAMB (Chas.). The Works of. In 5 vols. 12mo, half calf, marbled edges. With portrait. N.Y., WiddUton, \%n. 10 00 Large Paper Copy of Layater. 86 LA^^ATER (Gaspard). L'Art de Connaitre les Hommes par la Physionomie. Nouvelle Edition, corrigfo et dispos6e dans un ordre plus methodique, precedee d'une notice historique sur I'auteur; augmentSe d'une exposition des recherches ou des opinions de La Ghambre, de Parta, de Camper, de Gall, sur la Physionomie, d'une hlstoire anatomique et physiologique de la face avec des figures coloriSes ; et d'un trfes grand nombre d'articles nou- veaux sur les caractferes des Passions, des temperamens et des maladies par M. Mo- reau, docteur en medicine. Illustrated with 500 engraved plates, some in the text, but mostly full-page ' and portraits — vignette titles. 10 vols, large 4to, boards, uncut. Paris, 1806-9. 75 00 Large paper, proofs, and ■with many of the plates tinted. "The popularity it [Lavater's 'Physiognomy'] immediately acquired was due, in some measm*e, to the fact that many of the heads were portraits, and his descriptions often a good-humored satire upon well-known characters,''— EiCH. 87 LA CLEF D'AMOUR. PoBme public d'aprfis un manuscrit du 14e Sificle par Edwin Tross avec une introduction et des Remarques par H. M. Michelant. 13mo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut edges, by (Rousselle). Lyon, 1866. 8 00 88 LA FEMME jugee par Les Grands Ecrivains des Deux Sexes, ou la Pemme devant Dieu, devant la Nature, devant la Loi, et devant la Societe. Illustrated with set of fine steel engravings. 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocce, gilt back and top, uncut. Paris, 1855. 12 00 89 LA FONTAINE. (Euvres com- pletes de J. de La Fontaine, precedees d'une nouvelle notice sur sa vie. De Virn- primerie de GrapeUt. A Paris, ehez Lefewe, 1814. 6 tomes in-8, portr. etfig., full calf, gilt edges. 75 00 Tres-bel exemplaire aveC les lagnifiques fignjres de Moreau de la premiere su.^ avant la lettre. C'est pour cette edition que les vignettes de Mo- reaii ont ete faites; elles ont ete mSdiocrement regravges une seconde f ois pour une Edition pub- liee en 1832. Ces vignettes ont ete adjug6es 485 f r. et les frais a la vente Sieurin, No. 375. 90 LA FONTAINE. Contes et Nou- velles en Vers — Reimpression de I'Edition de Paris, Didot, 1795, r§vue, angmentee d'une Notice par M, Anatole de Montalg- lon. Illustrated with superbly executed etch- ings by B. Ma/rtial, after the erotic, masterly and spirited designs of Fragona/rd; also por- trait of tlie artist, and engraved title and table, the last na/med with portrait of La Fontaine. 2 vols. 4to, bound in full blue levant morocco, back and sides gilt, inside borders, gilt edges, bound by (Rousselle). Paris, 1888. 150 00 Portrait of La Fontaine by Edelinck inserted. Japan proof edition-de-luxe, with the etchings in two states, plain and bistre— and the whole of the text also printed on paper specially imported for the work from the Imperial Manufactory of Japan. Only too copies on Japan paper were issued to subscribers with the etchings m two states, and of one of which the plain set is before letters. The total cost of this copy was 500 francs, in parts. 91 LA FONTAINE (J. De). Contes et Nouvelles en vers. With portrait of La Fontaine and Eisen by Ficguet and the 85 plates and vignettes by Eisen. 2 vols. 8vo, superbly bound in full dark blue crushed levant morocco (super extra), tooled back, filets on covers double of red levant mor- occo, with elaborate tooling and mosaics of blue morocco, gilt ou uncut .edges, by (Rousselle). Paris, Barraud, 1874. 90 00 Magnificent copy of reprint of famous fermiers Generaux edition. Only 100 copies printed on china paper, of which this copy is No. 94. 6 ^ .' --. . . . - ... ' "f BjgBBB-* I ^J ^gsgsri^ ' 1^, ^K ^S^^^^k ^^^^^! 1, V-F^^ ^r^i'i r^^ ^^U 1 '^ !^^*OS|fc/ ^^ .>^ ;! Si« frtr 1' i.i— : _ — ^i 'LIBRI PROPHET ARUM." Lyons, 1542. Rare Mosaic Binding. $75. 15 98 LA FONTAINE. Fables De. Edi- tion iUiutree de 75 eaux-fortes par A. Delierre. 2 vols. 4lo, superbly bound in full crimson crushed levant morocco (super extra), full gilt back, elaborately tooled lace border on covers, inside borders, full gilt on uncut edges, by (Rousselle). Fa.na,QiianUn,1683. 125 00 Limited edition of 100, of wliich this is No. 93. Printed on Chinese paper, with etchings in double state. Proofs on Japanese and Holland paper. 93* The same on Holland paper, bound in half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back, mosaics of red morocco, gilt tops, uncut (Rousselle). 65 00 93 LA MOTTE (Houdard De). Fables dediees au Roy, par M. de la Motte. Illus- trated with 1 portrait engraved by Edelinek, 1 vignette on iitle,l frontispiece hy Coypel, and 100 vignettes by Coypel, Oillot, Edelinek, t&e. , engraved by Cochin, Edelinek, &c. 4to, su- perbly bound in full red crushed levant morocco (super extra), gilt edges, inside borders, by (Reymann). A Paris, chez Che- goire Dupuis, 1719. 40 00 A magnificent copy. 94 LE SAGE. Asmodeus; or, the Devil on Two Sticks, vpilh Biographical Notice of the Author, by Jules Janin, translated by Joseph Thomas. Original edition. Illustrated by Tony Johannot, and extra illiMtrated with the Lalauze and the Monzies sets of portraits and proof etchings. Bound in full red levant morocco, mosaic on back and gilt, covers tooled in Duteuil style, top gilt, uncut edges. London, 1841. 50 00 Some critics have pronounced the " Diable Boi- teux " superior to Gil Bias. Sir Walter Scott says of this delightful romance — *' There is no book in existence in which so much of the human character, under all its various shades and phases, is described in so few words, as in the ' Diable Boiteux.' The fancy, the light- ness, the spirit and the vivacity of the enchanting pen of Le Sage are everywhere visible. To quote examples would be to quote the work through almost every page. No work has afforded a greater stock of passages, which have been gen- erally employed as apophthegms, or illustrations of human nature and actions. " If there is anything like truth in Gray's opin- ion, that to lie upon a couch and read new novels was no bad idea of Paradise, how would that beatitude be enhanced, could human genius afford us another ' Gil Bias ' or a ' Devil on Two Sticks r " 95 LE SAGE (Alain Rene). The Ad- ventures of Gil Bias de Santillane, trans- lated from the French by Tobias Smollett, M.D. lUiistrated with the 15 highly finished and colored engravings known as the McLean series and from drawings designed expresdy for this edition. 3 vols. 8vo, fresh half red morocco gilt, edges gilt. London, 1810. 15 00 A very scarce and well-executed edition. " The fancy, the lightness, the spirit and the vivacity of the enchanting pen of Le Sage." — Sir Walter Scott. 96 LE SAGE. Les Avantures de Gil Bias de Santillane, par Monsieur Le Sage. Nouvelle edition. Avec de belles figures. 4 vols. 16mo, bound in two, full levant crushed morocco, tooled backs and sides, edges gilt, by (Cape). A Amsterdam et a Leipzig, chez Arkstee et Merkus, 1767. 40 00 97 LETTRES de Heloise et d'Abai- lard; edition ornee de huit figures gravees par les meilleurs artistes de Paris, d'apr^s les dessins et sous la direction de Moreau le jeune. A Paris, chez J. B. Fournier le jeune et fils, de I'impr. de Didot le jeune, > 1796. 3 vols, gr. in-4, flg., demi-rel. mar. vert, tete doree n. rogne. 75 00 Superbe exemplaire en grand papier v€lin avec es figures de Moreau avwnt et avec la lettre. Tr^ rare. 98 LES AVENTURES Romanesques d'un Comte D'Artois. D'Apr^s un ancien manuscrit, orne de dessins de la biblio- thSque nationale, par Mme. Alice Hurtel. Illustrated with numerous fuU-page illumina- tions, illuminated title and capital letters and vignettes throughout the text. 12mo, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut (David). Paris, 1883. 15 00 99 LES MARGUERITES DE LA MARGUERITE DES PRINCESSES. Texte de I'edition de 1547. Publie avec in- troduction, notes et glossaire par Felix Frank. Illustrated with portrait and fac- similes of woodcuts from original edition. 4 vols. 16mo, beautifully bound in full brown crushed levant morocco, tooled wreath on euch cover, gilt on uncut edges, inside border, by (Marius Michel). Paris, JovMUst, 1873. 50 00 Limited edition of 432 copies, of which this is No. 395. A superb copy. 100 LES MILLE ET UNE NUITS, Contes Arabes, Traduits en Francais par Galland. Nouvelle edition, revue, accom- pagnee de notes, et publiee par M. Edouard Gauttier. Illustrated with 21 very fine en- gravings by Chasselat in 8 different states; proofs on plain paper, proofs on India paper and impressions with title; 63 plates in all. 7 vols. 8vo, superbly bound in full purple crimpled morocco, elaborate tooling on back and sides, full gilt edges, by (Thou- venin). Paris, 1832. 85 00 16 101 LES FEMMES BLONDES Se- lon les Peintres de L'Ecole de Venise, par Deux Venitiens. 8vo, half red crushed levaut morocco, gilt top uncut, by (E. Rous- selle). Paris, AnbTy, 1865. 6 50 Large paper copy of limited edition of 56 copies. 103 LONGFELLOW (H. "W.). The Poetical Works of, 4 vols. ; Prose "Works of, 3 vols. Together 6 vols. 13mo, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Bos- ton, Biverside Press, 1883. 15 00 A very handsome edition. 103 LUBKE. Ecclesiastical Art in Germany during the Middle Ages, trans- lated with Appendix by L. A. Wheatley. Illustrated with 184 engravings. Large 8vo, cloth. Edinburgh, 1877. 3 50 " To all interested in the study of ecclesiastical art the appearance of this volume will be wel- come, both on account of the vast research which it exhibits and the number and evident utility of the illustrations." 104 MABERLY (J.) The Print Col- lector: an Introduction to the Knowledge Necessary for Forming a Collection of Ancient Prints, with an Appendix con- taining Fielding's Treatise on the Practice of Engraving. Numerous illustrations. 4to, cloth, gilt top edge, others uncut. N.Y., 1880. 3 00 Edited with Notes, an Account of Contem- porary Etchings and Etchers, and a Bibliography of Engravings, by Robert Hoe, Jr. 105 MANUEL DES TOILETTES, dSdie aux Dames. 1 vol. 12mo. lUtistre de 37 gravures sur cuime representant Us portraits et cmffures de la periode de Ma/rie Antoinette. Relie en maroquin vert clair, bouquet de fleurs en mosalque et dorure de fantaisie sur le dos et sur les plats, tranches dorees, par (Duru). 75 00 *** Charming little volume, containing 37 fine copper engravings, showing the extravagance of that gallant period. Extremely rare. 106 MAROT (Clement). Les (Euvres de Clement Marot de Cahors, Yalet de Chambre du Roy. 2 vols. 24mo, bound in full red crimped morocco, backs and sides tooled, edges gilt. A La Haye, 1700. 60 00 Very rare edition from the Elzevier collection. 107 MARRYAT (Joseph). A History of Pottery and Porcelain, Mediaeval and Modern, by Joseph Marryat. Illustrated ■with numerous fine wood engravings in the text and full-page chromo-lithographs in colors, marks and monograms. Large 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, John Murray, 1857. 13 00 108 MERIMEE (Prosper). Colomba. First Edition. 8vo, superbly bound in full maroon crushed levant morocco, in- side border, edges gilt (full margin), by (Marius Michel). Paris, 1841. 35 00 A fine copy of original edition, in splendid binding. Magniflcent Edition of Milton's " Paradise Lost." 109 MILTON (John). Le Paradis Perdu, traduction de Chateaubriand pre- cede de Rgflexions sur la Vie et les Ecrits de Milton par Lamarline. Illustrated with 35 magnificent steel engravings, including portraits of Milton, Chateaubriand and Lamartine — a complete set in perfect state of the plates on India paper. Large folio, cloth. Paris, 1855. 30 00 Sold by subscription. 110 MINIATURES of the Middle Ages: a Collection of the Finest, and es- pecially those of the; XlVth and XVth Centuries, the Epochs in which the Minia- ture Painters flourished, whose works are preserved and admired in the most re- nowned Ecclesiastical and Laical Libraries of Germany. 73 beautifully executed chromo- litliogra/phic facsimiles, in gold and colors, of some of the best examples of medieval illumination. 8vo, fresh brown levant morocco, back and inside borders tooled aux petits fers, top edge gilt, others un- cut. 25 00 These charming specimens of chromo-litho- graphic illumination were produced in Vienna. 111 MOLIERE. Vie de. Avec des jugements sur ses ouvrages. 18mo, bound in full red morocco, gilt back and edges, filets on covers, inside borders by (Pouil- let). Paris, 1739. 7 50 113 MOLIERE. Les CEuvres de Mon- sieur de Molifere. Paris: Claude Bojrbin, 1663. 3 vol. in 13. Frontispice gr. par Chauveau S chaque vol. — mar. rouge, dos orne, quatre filets sur les plats et orne- ments aux petits fers aux angles, double de mar. bleu de ciel, compartiments dores en plein, ornements speciaux aux petits fers, tr. dorees (Trautz-Bauzonnet). 900 00 *,* Preciense et rarissme edition, la premiere qui ait ete faite de la rgunion des pieces de Molifere, avec une pagination suivie, EUe contient: Tom. ler, I'Etourdi, le Depit amoureux, les Pr^cieuses, Sganar- elle. Tome 3e, I'Ecole des maris, les Fa- cheux, I'Ecole des femmes, la Critique de I'Ecole des femmes, les Plaislrs de I'isle enchantee. Les frontispices trfes-jolis et 17 bien gravfis, sont differents pour cbaque volume. Bel exemplaire, grand de marges et bien conserve. 113 MONTAIGNE. Les Essais de Michel, seigneur de Montaigne. Nouvelle edition, exacteraent purgee des defauts des precedentes. selon le vray original ; et en- richie & augmentde aux marges du nom des Autlieurs qui y sont citez, & de la version de leurs PasBages, avec des obser- vations trSs-importantes & necessaires pour le soulagement du lecteur. Ensemble la vie I'Autbeur, & deux tables, I'une des chapitres, & I'autre des principales ma- tiSres, de beaucoup plus ample & plus utile que oelles des derniSres Editions. A Amsterdam, cJiez Anthoine Michiels Li- braire, 1659. 3 vol. in 13, front. grav6, mar. vert, dos orne, trois filets, double de mar. rouge, dent. Ohamillard tr. dor. reli§ par (Cuzin). 300 00 *#* Edition Elzevlrienne hauteur 154 miUim. Superbe reliure de Cuzin. Bare. 113a MONTAIGNE The same. 3 vols. 8vo, full brown levant morocco, ducal arms on covers, inside borders, gilt on marble edges by (Cuzin). Amsterdam, 1659. 135 00 *#* A very fine copy in a charming binding by Cuzin. Rare portrait by H(m}n-aken inserted. 113i MONTAIGNE. The same. 3 vols. 8vo, full red morocco, by (David). 85 00 114 DE MUSSET (Alfred). (Euvres Completes De, avec Lettres Inedites vari- antes, notes. Index, fac-simile notice bio- graphique par son frfire. Edition Dediee aux amis du Poete, Ornee de 38 Dessins de M. Bida et 1 portrait grave sous la Direction de M. Henriquel Dupont par les meilleurs artistes. 10 vols, royal 8vo. Superbly bound in half dark yellow crushed levant morocco (super extra), backs tooled,mosaics of green morocco.tops gilt, other edges uncut, by (David). Paris, Oharpentier. 1866. ' 135 00 Limited edition on Holland paper, printed for the friends of A. De Musset. Ilie illustrations in proof state. 115 NOSTRADAMUS. Les Vrayes Centuries et Propheties de Maistre Michel Nostradamus. Oft se void represents tout ce q^ui s'est passe, tant en France, Espagne, Italic, Alemagne (s«c), Angleterre,qu'autres parties du monde. Revues & corrigees suyvant les premieres editions imprimees en Avignon, en I'an & ^ Lyon en 1558, & autres. Avec la Vie de I'autheur. A Am- sterdam, Chez Jean Jansson, A Waesberge, I'an 1668, pet. in-13, portr, et front, grav6, mar. bleu fonc§ dos orne dentelles sur les plats armes, relie par Simier relleur du roi. 50 00 Tres-bel exemplaire d'un des plus joUs volumes de la Collection des Elzevier. Hauteur : 131 mil- lim^. 116 NOUVELLESHEURESGOTH- IQUES, d'aprSs les Manuscrits des Bib- liothfeques Nationales et Particulieres. Nearly 200 pages of exquisite medieval m-na- mentaiion, chromolithographed in gold and colon after ancient missals, together with large miniatures, etc. Small 4to, crushed levant maroon morocco.gilt edges by (Rous- selle.) Paris, Leroy, Secail & Die., n. d. 35 00 117 OPENHEIM (Ancel). Connais- sances necessaires i un amateur d'Objets d'Art et de Curiosite. Paris, Bouveyre, 1879 and Guichard, De L'Ameublement et de la Decoration Interieure de nos appaite- ments. Paris, 1880. The two bound in one vol. 8vo, half red crushed levant mor- occo, gilt top, uncut. 6 50 118 OVID : The Metamorphoses : The Heroides, The Amours, Art of Love, etc. ; The Fasti, Tristia, etc. Literally translated by Henry T. Kiley. Together 3 vols. 13mo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut (extra). London, Balm, 1869-1870. 9 00 119 OVIDE. Les Metamorphoses d' Ovide avec des remarques et des explica- tions historiques par M. I'abbe Banier, ouvrage enrichi de figures en taille-douce, gravees parB. Picart et autres habiles mai- tres. Amsterdam, T. Westein, 1732. 3 vols, in-folio, relie en un vol. mar. rouge du levant large dentelle 18e SiScle sur les plats dos orne tr. dorees, by (Rousselle). 145 00 Magnifique ouvrage admirablement reli6, illustrfi d'un frontispice, 2 fleurons, 1 vignette, 134 gravures sur cuivi'e et 3 grandes planches tirees a part dans le deuxieme vol. (page S64), en tout 130 figures. A sumptuous book in a fine binding. 120 PETITS CONTEURS DU XVIII SIECLE. Publies avec notices biobibliographiques, par Octave Uzanne. I. Contes de I'Abbe de Voisenon,de 1' Aca- demic fran^aise, II. Contes du Chevalier de Boufflers, de I'Acad. francaise. III. Faceties du Comte de Caylus, de I'Acad. des inscriptions. IV. Contes dialogues de Crebillon flls, Censeur royal. V. Contes d'Augustin de Moncrif. de I'Acad. francaise. VI. Contes du Chevalier de la Morli^re {Angola), 18 VII. Contes de Duclos, de I'Academie franpaise. VIII. Contes de Cazotte. IX. Contes de_Restif de la Bretonne. X. Comes du isaron de Besenval. XI. Contes de Fromaget. XII. Contes de Godard d'Aucour. Cette collection fait revivre toute une Spoque romanci^re et donne un ensemble frappant des moeurs legeres d'avant la Revolution. Une importante Etude bio- grapbique et lilteraire et une Bibliographic raisonnee des oeuvres de I'auteur accom- pagnent cbaque volume. L'illustration comprend un portrait grave S. I'eau-forte, un fac-siniile d'autographe, des en-tSles et des culs-de-lampe t i'eau-forte dans le gout du XVIIIe Sifecle. EAUX-FOETBS POUR ILLTJSTREE LES PBTIT8 CONTBTJKS. Chaque illustration comprend un front- ispice allSgorique representant I'esprit d'ensemble du volume et 5 sujets qui fixent les scenes les plus charm antes du conte. I. Voisenon. Compositions et gravures de Gery-Bichard. II. Boufflers. Compositions de A. Poir- son, gravees par A. Mongm. III. Caylus. Compositions de Dubouchet, gravees par Hanriot. IV. Crebillon fils. Compositions et grav- ures de Millius V. Moucrif . Compositions de Paul Avril, gravees par A. Mongin. VI. La MorliSre. Heliogravures d'aprSs les compositions de Charles Lepec. VII. Duclos. Compositions et gravures de Los Rios. VIII. Cazotte. Compositions et gravures de Gery-Bichard. IX. Restif. Compositions et gravures de Mongin. X. Besenval. Compositions de Paul Avril, gravees par Taluet. XI. Fromaget. Heliogravures d'aprfes les compositions de Paul Avril. XII. Godard d'Aucour. Reproduction en fac simile de gravures du XVIII e SiScle. Together 13 vols. 8vo,printed on Holland paper. Illustrated with fine etchings. Bound In half levant morocco, top gilt, uncut edges. Paris, 1878-83. 110 00 121 PETITS POETES DU XVIIIe SIECLE. Publics avec notices bio-bibliographiques Sous la direction de Oetam Uzanne. Les amateurs trouveront dans cette nouvelle s6rie I'anthologie politique de la plus grande partie du sifecle dernier. La plupart des dedaignes et des oubli6s y sont mis en lu- miere; les galants faiseures de bouquets t Chloris, les petits-maitres musques, les joyeux representants de I'esprit francaisy paraissent a leur tour. Chaque pofete est preced6 d'une notice ecrite par les ecrivains les plus autorises de nos jours pour remettre en valeur la litterature du passe. Des notes et des gclaircissements facilitent la lecture des textes. Nous avons adopte pour cette collection le format coquet in-8o ecu, qui nous a paru le mieux convenir aux poesies qui s'y trouvent en belles marges et dans une longueur de page harmonieuse. II ne sera pas fait de r§impression de cette col- lection. Comme pour les PeJt'^s Contears, l'illustration comprend un portrait k I'eau- forte, un facsimile d'autographe, des en- tStes et des culs-de-lampe §. I'eau-forte et sur bois du plus gracieux effet. ' I. Po6sies de Joseph Vade. Preface de M. Georges Lecocq. II. Poesies de Piron. Preface de M. Hon- org Bonhomme. III. Poesies du Chevalier Bertin. Prgface de M. EugSne Asse. IV. Poesies de Desforges-Maillard. Pref- ace de M. Honors Bonhomme. V. Pogsies de Lattaignant. Preface de M. Ernest Jullien. VI. Pogsies de Gilbert. Preface de M. Paul Perret. VII. Poesies de Bernis. Pr6face de M. Maurice Tourneux. VIII. Poesies de Gresset. Preface de M. Der6me. IX. Poesies de Gentil-Bernard. Preface de M. Drujon. X. Poesies de MalfilStre. Preface de M. Der6me. XI. Poesies du Chevalier Bonnard. Preface de M. Martin Dairvault. XII. Pogsies de Bouffiers. Preface de M. O. Uzanne. Que de gaite, de facilite, d'esprit nat- ure! on rencontr6 dans ces ceuvres ! Cea jolies chansons, ces bouquets singuliers, ces lettres facgtieuses sont autant d'ceuvres originales, autant de miroirs fideles des mceurs et du langage epice du penple d'alors. Ajoutons que des ornements typo- graphiques, graves spgcialement pourcetle collection, se marient de la fapon la plus No. 127. 19 harmonieuse aux vignettes it I'eau-foite des Dieilleurs giaveurs. Ce sont la, vraitnent, des livres de delicats. Togetlier 13 vols. 8w., ludf levant mm'occo, top gilt, uncut edges (Rousselle). Paris, 1879-86. 65 00 Out of print and scarce. Half Moon's Fictographic Autobiog- raphy. 123 MS.— PICTOGRAPHIC AU- TOBIOGRAPHY OF HALF MOON, an Uncpapa Sioux Chief, who was killed in the battle of the Rosebud, June 18th, 1876, and who with foUr other Chiefs was found lying in state on the Custer battle- field, June 38th, 1876. Consisting of 77 rude colored crayon sketches by the Chief Half Moon, mounted on linen, and which are preceded by a port/rait, other original sketches and explanatory manusaript in ink by Wil- liam IT Craft, pen artist. Thick small 4to, fresh red russia extra gilt, inside gold tooling, etc. 60 00 Unique original North American Indian Auto- biography. There is a note at the commencement of the picture MS. to the effect that " This history was talten from Half Moon's dead body by Ser- geant John E. Nelson, of Lieut. Eowe's Co., Sec- ond Cavalry, as certifled to by Lieut. Rowe and Major James S. Brisbin, Second Cavalry." The descriptive MS. further states: " It is the custom of the Sioux warrior, as was thecustom with the warriors of the Six Nations, the Natchez, the Illin- ois and other semi-centaur savages, to record by illustrations or pictures their several exploits in battle and the chase. In the history of the trans Mississippi tribes, those who have relied for sub- sistence upon the immense herds of buffalo, elk and antelope which ranged on the plains— these pictorial records have mainly been executed on tile dressed skins of animals ; though in some few instances Jesuit Missionaries testify to having seen these records handsomely and profusely illustra- ted on the inner bark of the Cottonwood tree. The Missionaries taught them the uses and purposes of paper, and the Government agents have always liberally supplied them with colored crayons. This book was originally the property of one J.S. Moore, who, in company with twenty-flve others, left Nebraska City June 15th, 1866, for Montana. In September, 1868, Moore started to return to Nebraska, but on passing through the Big Horn country was killed and scalped by Half Moon. On page 56 [of the Autobiography] is supposed to be an illut^tratlon of this encounter. Pattee, Sand- ford, Cliandler and others (see page 55) returned to Nebraska City and are now residing in that vicinity." 123 PIERS PLOUGHMAN. The Vision and the creed of. Newly imprinted with notes and a glossary by Thos. Wright, M. A. 2 vols. 16ino, bound in full green turkey morocco, tooling on back and cov- ers, edged stamped and gilt, by (Hayday). London, Pickering, 1843. 15 00 134 PREVOST I'abbe). Histoire de ManonLescaut etdu Clievalierdes Grieux. A Paris, de I'imprimerie de P. Vidot I'aine et se vend c/iex Bleuet jeune, an V (1797), 3 vol. in-12, maroq. rouge, fil., dent., tr. dor., double en maroq. vert, a fil., gardes en moire. (Trautz Bauzonnet.) 650 00 125 PROVENANCE ILLUSTRE. Jac. Augusti Thuani Historiarum sui tera- poris. Parisiis, apud viduam Mamerti Patis- sonii typographi Regij in officina Boberii Stephani, 1604. 1 vol. in folio, relie en velin flexible, tranches dor§es. 400 00 " Superbe et rarissime exemplalre aux armes de Henri IV. roi de France frapp6es sur les plats de la reliure. Aux quatre angles est frappS un H. surmonte de la couroune royale 6galement en or. Les reliures de cette provenance sont excessive- ment rare« et recherchfies; la notre est dans une condition irreprochable et nous pouvons afflrmer qu'il n'eu existe pas de pareille sur tout le marche counu." 136 PROVENANCE ILLUSTRE. Chroa-Genesie ou generation des couleurs, contre le systSme de Newton, ptirMr. Gau- tier, pcnsionnaire du roi. 2 vols. 8vo, ma- roquin rouge, dosorne, trois filets, tranches dorees. Paris, 1751. 75 00 *»* Belle reliure de Derome aux armes de Mme. de Pompadour, Bindings of the library of Mme. de Pompadour, especially those by Derome, are very scarce. 127 PROVENANCE ILLUSTRE. Livre de A. Gellii Luculentissimi Scriptoris Noctes Atticse. Colonise, opera et irnpenso Joannis Soleris, Anuol53(i iu-8, froutispice grave mar. brun. 325 00 *#* Reliure aux armes de Henri II. et de Diane de Poitiers provenance illustre des plus recher- ch6es, sur les plats deux doubles filets dorgs for- mant compartimenr. aux quatre milieux, les chiff- res entrelac6s D H accompagngs de flem's de lys, au centre des plats les armes de France accom- pagn^es du croissant U'embl6me favori de la belle Diane) &droite eta. gauche duquellinitlale du roi Henri II. se trouve repetfee. Reliure d'une grancle fraicheur dans un parfait 6tat de conservation. 128 RABELAIS. Les cinq livres de F. Rabelais avec une notice par le Biblio- phile Jacob, Yariantes et Glossaire par P. Cheron. 4 vols. in-S,papier, de chine, mar. rouge ancien, dosorne, trois filets, dentelles int. tranches dorees sur temoins (Cham- boUe). Paris, Librairie des Bibliophiles. 175 00 Limited edition on India paper containing the etchings by Boilvin in two states, to 15 copies, of which this is No. 8. The rare set by Deveria, proofs on India paper, and the .^et by Bracque^ irumd, proofs on Holland paper, inserted; also a number of fine portraits or Rabelais. Beautifully bound by ChamDoUe Duru, gilt on uncut edges. Out of print arxd scarce. 20 129 RACINE. (Euvres completes avec les notes de tous lea commentateurs, pub- liees par Aime-Martia. Paris, Lefe^re, 1833. 6 vol. in 8. Figures, dos et coins, maroquin rouge, filets, dos orne, t6te dor6e, nou rogne. (Amand.) 150 00 Magniflque exemplaire en grand papier velin contenant: 1. La suite des figures de I'fidition par Gerard Girodetf Prudhon, etc.^ avant la lettre. 2. La suite des gravures de Moremi et du por- trait de Saint Aubin. 3. La suite des figures de i>cse?ins avant la lettre et d'un portrait grav6 par Johahnot en trois 6tats, eau forte, avant et avec la lettre. 4. La suite du portrait et des eaux-fortes de Foulquier, tirees a part sur chine. 5. Et 30 jolis portraits anciens et modemes, la plupart en ^preuves d'artistes et en plusieurs etats, eaux-fortes et avant la lettre sur Japon et sur chine, eravfis par Gaillard, Dvjpreel, Soliman, Cavernier, Lalauze, etc. En tout 100 pi6ces de gravure. 130 RECUEIL des plus belles Epi- grammes des PoStes Francois, Depuls Ma rot jusqu'a present. Avec des notes his- toriques et critiques et un traite de la vraye et de la fausse Beaute dans les ouvrages D'esprit; traduit du Latin de Mrs. De Port Royal. 8 vols. 16mo, bound in full maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, inside borders by (Belz). Paris, 1698. 13 00 131 REMBRANDT. The Complete Works of. With Description and Notes by Charles Blanc, reproduced under the supervision of Firmin Delangle, and form- ing a Catalogue Raisonne of all of Rem- brandt's plates, with reproductions in fac- simile of the whole of his etchings, by a new process which dispenses entirely with retouching, comprising in all tliree hundred and fifty-six plates. The work is in one volume, royal folio, a portfolio of same size, and a portfolio 24x31. The royal folio volume contains the text as revised by Mr. Charles Blanc, and the small portfolio all the plates the size of which admits of their being included. The others are put in the large .portfolio. The volumes are bound in clolh, sufficiently strong to take the place of a permanent binding, but leav- ing the margins intact. The edition con- sists of 500 copies. 400 copies, letter-press on papier velin, plates on Holland paper. 125 00 132 REMY BELLEAU. (Euvrescom- plfits de Remy Belleau, nouvelle edition publiee d'aprfis les textes primitifs avec variantes et notes par A. Gouverneur. 8 vols, in 8vo, plein maroquin rouge fonc6, dentelle interieure, tr. dorees. (Brany.) Paris, 1867. 145 00 A fine copy, printed on Holland paper and limited to 140 copies, in a sumptuous binding, covers and back (melyitooled in Qrolier style. 133 ROGERS (Samuel). Italy, a Poem, 1830; and Poems, 1834. Beautifully illus- trated with exquisite engravings, after Sioi- hard and Turner. Brilliant impressions. 3 vols, large 13mo, bound in full green levant morocco, super extra, richly gilt back and edges, paneled gilt sides, petits fers et mosaics, inside dentelle border, bound by (Zaehnsdorf). 3 vols. London, 1830-34. 60 00 Original edition, fine copy free from stains. 134 ROGERS (Samuel). Italy, a Poem. Elegantly printed on extra paper, and illustrated with fifty-six beautiful engrav- ings by Finden, from drawings by Turner and Stothard. Crown 8vo, bound in blu6 crushed levant morocco, both sides beauti- fully tooled, inside double of .red morocco, dentelles petits fers, mosaic, gilt on uncut edges, bound by (Rousselle). London, 1830. A magnificent copy of the original edition. ROGERS. Poems. Bound in red and doublfe in blue. Together 3 vols. 8vo. 100 00 135 SAINT PIERRE (Bernardin de). Paul et Virginie. Royal 8vo, elegantly bound in full red crushed levant morocco, back tooled, mosaics of green morocco, gilt edges, by (Rousselle). Paris, Curmer, Hue ate. Anne, 1838. 65 00 Beautiful copy of the first edition, with tlie '''■ pst in- teresting Papyri; Persian, Indian, Chinese, and ot}ier Oriental MSB.; Hebrew, Greek and Latin MS8. of the Holy Scrip- tures; Missals, Breviaries, etc., the Picture Writings of the New World, and otlier Docu- ments, many of the greatest importance no less for their artistic beauty than for histori- cal value. 2 vols, folio, the text in 2 vols, large 8vo. Together 4 vols. Fresh half red levant morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1850. 150 00 Quite uncommon and rarely offered for sale. It was published at £63, i. e., $315. The best work on the manuscript literature of ancient and medieval times. The finest possible specimens are given of MSS. in every European and Oriental language; of such languages as Greek and Latin many specimens of every century and every style are represented. The number of reproductions of Italian, French and German Miniatures is very considerable. This is, perhaps, the finest book in the world, and the most interesting to the scholar and the man of taste. Three hundred fac-similes of the choicest manuscripts in Europe need no other recommendation than to state the fact. The French edition of this work cost nearly twenty thousand pounds in getting up. Only 250 copies were printed, of which the King of France took 66 for libraries in the various departments, and the remainder were subscribed for in Russia and Germany. 142 SONNETS ET E A U X - FORTES. Un trSs beau volume in-4, imprime sur papier verge des Vosges. (£n- tiferement epuise.) Cet ouvrages n'a ete tire qu'a 350 exemplaires. Les planches ont ete detruites aprfis qu'un tirage justifi- catif en a StS fait ct dfepose ^ la Bibli- othfique nationale, department des estampes. L'excrnplaire que nous oflrons est un des 25 sur papier Whatman avec double Stat des planches dans une jolie reliure en demi-mar. bleu, t coins, dore en t§te, n. rog., par (Reymann). Superbe. 150 00 Sonnets de MM. Jean Aicard, Autran, Theodore de Banville, Auguste Barbier, Louis Bouilhet, Henri Cazalis, Leon Cladel, Francois Ooppee, Antoni Deschamps, Emile Deschamps, Leon Dierx, Emmanuel des Essarts, Anatole France, Theophile Gautier, Albert Glatigny, Edouard Grenier, Jose-Maria de Heredia, Ernest d'Hervilly , Arsene Houssaye, Georges Lafenestre, Victor de Laprade, Laurent Fichat, Leconte de Lisle, Andre Leraoyne, Luzarche, Gabriel Marc, Catulle Mendes, .Judith Mendes, Albert Menat, Paul Meu- rice, Claudius Popelin, Armand Renaud, L.-X. de Ricard, Sainte-Beuve, Josephin Soulary, Sully Prudhomme, Armand Silvestre, Andre Theuriet, Auguste Vacquerie, Leon Valade, Paul Verlaine, Jean Viretoii. Eaux-fortes de MM. Tancrede Abraham, Boilvin, Bracquemond, Corot, Courtry, Daubigny. Gustave Dore, Edwards, Ehrmann, Feyen-PeiTin, Leopold Flameng, Francais, Gau- cherel, Gerome Giacometti, V. Giraud, Hedouin, Jules Hereau, G. Howard, Victor Hugo, Jacque- mart, Jongkindt, Jundt, Lalanne, Lansyer, Emile Levy, Leys, Manet, Michelin, Millet, Ed. Morin, Celestin Nanteuil, Claudius Popelm, Queyroy, Rajon, Ranvier, Felix Regamey, Kibot, Seymour- Harden, Solon, Veyrassat. Fine copy, containing the rare original etching by F. Millet (the Spinner) which sold in the Mor- fan sale for $38, is here in two states; etchings y Seymour-Haaen, " ' ' ' all in two states. Corot, Dore, Leys, etc.. etc.. 23 143 TAVERNIER. Les Six Voyages de J.-B. Tavernier, en Turquie, ea Perse et aux lades. Suivant la copie imprimee a, Paris. Amsterdam, Johannes i)an Som- eren, 1678. Nouvelle relation de I'interieur du serail du Grand Seigneur, contenant plusieurs singularitez qui jusqu" ici n'ont point ete mises en lumiSre, par J.-B. Ta- vernier. Amsterdam, Joh. van Someren, 1673. Ensemble 3 vols, relies en 3 vols. 12mo. Frontispiece and plates. Elegantly bound in full-red crushed levant morocco, ' gilt edges (Lortic). 85 00 Jolie editioa qui se joint a la collection des Elze- virs. Les trois volumes r^unis sont rares. 144 THIERS (Adolphe). History of the Consulate and Empire of France under Napoleon. Translated, with Notes and Additions, by D. Poibes Campbell and H. "W. Herbert. 5 vols., 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. With many fine portraits and illustrations. Phila., 1881. 15 00 145 THOMAS D'AQUIN (S.) Doi aurei opusculioveroTractati delo angelico Doctore Scto Thomaso de Aquino. El primo del modo de la cfessione e purity de conscieta. El secundo de li divini cos- tumi, dechiaratie vulgarizati dal. .Maiestro Guasparre da Perosia. Perusia, 1510, pet. iD-4, goth. mar. vert, compartiments en mosai'que de mar. noir genre Grolier, dent, int. tr. dor. (Rapariier.) 75 00 Tr6s rare. 146 UZANNE (Octave). L' EVEN- TAIL. With the exquisite illustrations of Paul Avril in curious tints. 8vo, bound in full blue crushed levant morocco (super extra), back and top gilt, inside borders, edges uncut (by Amand). Original satin and illuminated cover bound in. Paris, Quantin, 1883. Same. L'OMBRELLE. Bound as com- panion to above in full red crushed levant. ,A very fine set. The two 100 00 146* UZANNE (Octave). Les Surprises du Coeur. llluxtrated with etche^ frontispiece and numerous vignettes. 8vo, bound in half blue crushed levant raorocco, gilt back and top, uncut. lUurainited cover bound in by (Rousselle). Fans, Eouveyre, 1881. 5 50 147 VIRGIL SOLIS. Biblischen Fig- uren desz [Alten und] Neuwon Testaments gar kunstlich gerissen. Durch den weit- herpumpteu Vergilium Solis. Illustrated with so?ne 330 plates from the burin of Virgil Soils, including one title and colophon pages. Oblong small 4to, vellum gilt, inside doubl? with vellum, large holders aux petits fers, with monogram "VS" on the side, red edges. Frankfort, 1563. 75 00 A rare set of the biblical plates of this celebrated "Little Master." *' His works prove him to have possessed a fer- tile invention, and though the design is stiff and formal, some of them possess great merit."— Spooner. 148 VOLTAIRE. Select Works. le. Pucelle d'Orleans. Poeme en 31 cliants. Illustrated with a portrait of Joan of Are and 21 facetious plates by Mbreaii. 1 vol. 3e. Romans et Contes. Illustrated with plates by Moreau. 2 vols. Se. La Henriade. Poeme en dix chants. Illustrated with portrait of Henri IV. and 10 plates by Moreau. 1 vol. 4e. Dialogues et Entretlens philosoph- iques. 1 vol. 5e. Faceties. 1 vol. 6e. Contes en vers, Satyres et poesies melees, 1 vol. 7e. Poemes. 1 vol. 8e. Lettres inedites. 1 vol. 9e. Epitres et Stances. 1 vol. lOe. Siecle de Louis XIV. 2 vols, lie. Siecle de Louis XV. 1 vol. 13e. Vie de Voltaire. 1 vol. Together 14 vols. 8vo. Illustrated with numerous fine portraits engraned by St. Aubin and charming, plates after Moreau. Bound in full dark blue calf, blmd and ornamen- tal toolings in gold, marble edges. Paris, Benouard, 1833. 135 00 A veiy fine set in a fresh binding and perfect condition. 149 VOLTAIRE. La Pucelle d'Or- leans, PoBme divisS en vingt Chants, avec des Notes. Illustrated with a set of fine plates by Oravelot. 8vo, bound in full mo- rocco, tooled back and sides, gilt edges, by (Derome). 1763. 25 00 Fine copy in old morocco binding. 150 VOLTAIRE. Romans et Contes, de M. de Voltaire. A Bouillon, aux depens de la Societe lypographique, 1778. 3 vols, in 8, portr., front, et fig., veau granit. 85 00 Trfis bel exemplaire. 151 -VOLTAIRE. La Henriade, en dix chaats,Precedee, accompagneeestsuivie de toutes les pifeces relatives h, ce Poeme et ^ la Poesie Epique en general; Auxquelles on a joint le temple du gout, les Discours sur riiomme, les Pofimes de Fontenoy, etc., etc. 4to, bound in blue levant morocco, inside double in "mar. gant de SuMe" filets and gilt tooling in Grolier style, gilt edges. GSneve, 1768. 75 00 Very fine copy, containing fine front., the plates by Oravelot , and extra illustrated by the 23 insertion of portraits of Voltaire and Henry IV., and the two sets of plates by Mmreau le jevme in fine impressions. VoiiTATRE's Maid of Okleanb — Ustiqub Copy. 152 VOLTAIRE (F. M. A. de). La Pucelle d'Orleans — PoBme en Vingt-un Chants. Illustrated ly numerous plates ly Marillier, Le Bn/rbier, 'Moreau, Monsieau, Monnet and others, also portraits, as well as inserted extra illustrations, the Japan proofs of Duplessis-Beriaux, the set of 21 plates by Moreau, the very ra/re facetious set not signed, and 16 portraits of Voltaire, Joan of Arc, Frederic the Oreat, etc., etc. 2 vols, large 8vo, blue levant morocco, back and sides gilt, inside double of red morocco laces "bordure aux petits fers," top gilt, uncut edges (Chambolle Duru). Paris, an VII. 275 00 Unique and very pM copy of tliis exceedingly rare edition of Voltaire's Joan of Arc. Of Vol- taire's tales, it is said that there is more variety in his subjects than in La Fontaine, rot a woman seduced or a , husband deceived. Sensuality is more decent, and with the exception of a small number of pieces, the production of his early youth, the tone of libertmism is banished. Vol- taire adopts a violent and brilliant cynicism for the punishment of vice and hypocrisy. 153 WAGE'S Chronicle of the Eoman Conquest. Master Wace, His Chronicle of the Norman Conquest, from the Roman de laKose. Translated, with Notes, by Edgar Taylor. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, full calf, gilt edges. London, Pickering, 1837. 8 50 Only 350 copies printed. 154 WALKER. Beauty; illustrated chiefly by an analysis and classification of Beauty in Woman, preceded by a critical view of the general hypotheses respecting beauty, by Hume, Hogarth, BurUe, Knight, Alison, etc. . . . and followed by a similar view of the hypotheses of beauty in sculpture and painting, by Leonardo da Vinci, Winckelraann, Mengs, etc., by Alexander Walker. Illustrated by draw- ings from life by Henry Howard, Professor of Painting to the Boyal Academy. Large 8vo, bound in full light green levant mo- rocco, inside double gilt on uncut edges (David). London, 1836. 135 00 Superbe volume dans une d^licieuse reliure de David, en mar. vSrt olair, fllets de mos. rouge sur le dos et sur les plats dorure aux petits fers, d'en- trelats et de roses, double de mar. rouge dentelle Chamillard et dorure de roses. Extra illustrated with 22 proofs of Cupids on Japan paper after Eisen, 8 etchings of nudes, 24 steel engravings, proofs of beauties, 12 nudes from life. Together 66 plates, all proofs. Weigel's Eare Ennstcatalog. 155 WEIGEL (Rudolph). KUNST- . CATALOG, i. e., Catalog von Kunst- sachen und Bilchern welche in der Anstalt fllr Kunst und Literatur. 6 vols. 8vo, fresh half crushed red levant morocco, edges uncut. Leipzig, 18[38]-66. 35 ( Rare. Complete and a good copy of this splen- did print authority, contaming the whole thirty- five numbers and the general index to the entire work. TVestwood's lUnminated Manuscript. 156 WESTWOOD (J. O., M. A.). Miniatures and Ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish Manuscripts. With a Descrip- tive Text to each Plate, serving as a History of British Palaeography and Pictorial Art. IlluKtrated in a series of over fifty superb plates, most elaborately exe- cuted in exact facsimile of the originals in gold and colors — drawn on stone by W. B. Tyman, and chromo-lithographed by Hay and Son. Thick large folio, fresh half crushed levant morocco extra gilt, cloth sides, edges gilt, by P. Bedford. London, Quaritch, 1868. 175 00 The entire edition of this valuable work was limited to 200 copies, and the stones were then destroyed. The price to subscribers was £37 17e., and to non-subscribers £21. This is one of the most sumptuous works ever executed and illus- trates a phase of art unique and absolutely won- derful. " To most persons this 'dark age' (*. c, from the Roman Occupation of England to the Norman Conquest), as it has been termed, will scarcely be supposed capable of affording materials for such a " history; and indeed, with the exception of a \erj few examples given by Strutt, Astle and Shaw, no opportunity has been afforded to the public of judging of the marvellous beauty and excessive intricacy of the ornamentation and designs of Anglo-Saxon and Irish Manuscripts, until the publication of my ' Palseographia Sacra Pictoria,' in which I devotea many plates to these marvels of art. The study of these Manuscripts has, indeed, brought out the singular fact that, at a period when the fine arts may be said to have been al- most extinct in Italy and other parts of the Con- tinent—namely, from the fifth to the end of the eighth century— a style of art has been established, cultivated and brought to a wonderful state of perfection in these islands, absolutely distinct from that of all other parts of the civilized world, and which was adopted and imitated in the schools founded on the Continent by Charlemagne, as well as in the monastic establishments fonnded or visited by Anglo-Saxon and Irish missionaries, many of whiiih subsequently became the most famous seats of learning." — ^Westwood. 157 WILSON (John W.). Collection de, Expose dans la Galerie du Cercle Artistique et Litteraire de Bruxelles. Il- lustrated with 60 etchings after the worTts of great ancient and modem masters by La- lavze, Waltner, Ba^on, Oaucherel, Gilbert, Hedouin, Lancon, Lemaire and others. Large 4to, sewed, uncut. Paris, 1873. 30 CO 24 158 WRIGHT (Thomas). Womankind in Western Europe, from the Earliest Times to the Seventeenth Century. Illus- trated by 1\ chromo-lithographie plates and numerous liigMy-finished woodcuts. Small 4to, fresh tree marbled calf, gilt sides, gilt edges, by Mansell, successor to Hayday. London, 1869. 9 00 "The volume is quite an encyclopeedia on a special subject." " An elaborate and careful summary of aU that one of our most learned antiquaries, after years of •pleasant labor on a very pleasant subject, has been able to learn as to the condition of women from the earliest period." — London Times. 159 WALPOLE (Horace) and G. VERTUE. Anbcdotbs of Painting in England, and CataloRue of English En- f ravers. Also EDWARDS' Anecdotes of 'ainters. Togethbr, 6 vols, in 4. Choice impressions of the numerous beautiful Por- traits. 4to. Russia extra, gilt edges, very neat. Strawberry Hill, 1762-1808, $45 00 *' It is the fashion to underrate Horace Walpole; firstly., because he was a nobleman ; and secondly, because he was a gentleman ; but to say nothing of the composition of his incomparable letters, and of the Castle of Otranto, he is the ' Uitimus Romanorum,' the author of the Mysterious Mother, a tragedy of the highest order, and not a ptding love-play. He is the father of the first romance, and of the first tragedy in our language, and surely worthy of a higher place than any living writer, be he who he may." — Byrok. 160 WALTON AND COTTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER ; or. The Con- templative Man's Recreation. Illustrated by Steel and Wood Engravings.- 2 vols. , large 8vo. Half morocco, gilt top. Lon- don, 1860. |26 50 This edition has the beautiful Piclcering Plates, and is a large paper copy. of 0tanbarb, Hore axib Valuable CnflUfii) ants Motti^n loofesi 3n €mx^ Bimul) of iCiterature iHang in <^rti0tic jBinbings E. F- BONAVENTURE, 1152 Broabroon ^^ 2 Sarclaj) 0trcet, (VICTORIA HOTEL.) (ASTOR HOUSE.) NcBO Uork 1886. Additions to my stock are being made constantly ; both by direct consignments from abroad and by the purchase of libraries and private collections. As I visit the European Bookmarts annually, and have made arrangements with the principal publishers there, I receive all the choicest Publications {especially Parisian), as soon as issued. I have on hand a large assortment of 'Etchings and Engravings — both Ancient and Modern — many in fine proof state, also A very large collection of Portraits and Prints for Book Illustra- ting. A Portfolio of Etchings and Engravings will be sent to any part of the Country on approval. This Catalogue, also a Catalogue of FTCnch Novels^ will be mailed free to any address on application. Correspondence is Solicited. E. F. BONAVENTURE, 1152 Broadway, New York. Catalogue* 1 ADAMS (W. H. Davenport). The Mysteries of the Ocean, from the French of Arthur Mangin . With 1 30 illustrations by W. Freeman and J. Noel. 8vo, full red morocco, gilt back and sides, edges gilt. London, 1870. $7 50 3 AINSWORTH (Wm. H.) Jack Sheppard. A Romance. With illustra- tions by Geo. OruiksJiank. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1864 4 00 3 AMYOT. Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et Chlo§, traduites du Grec de Longus par Amyot. Illustrated with a set of^ beautiful plates by Oerard. 4to, half citron crushed levant morocco, back tooled, mosaics of green, gilt top, other edges uncut. A Paris, Didot, 18 JO. 30 00 4 ANACREON, SAPHO, BION et MOSCHUS, traduction nouvelle en Prose, suivie de la Veillee des Pgtes de Venus, et D'un choix de Pifices de diffe- reus Auteurs. Illustrated with a set of ex- quisite plates and vignettes by Msen. 8vo, superbly bound in full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt back and edges, filets on covers, inside borders by (Reymann). A Paphos et se trouve 3, Paris, chez le Boucher, 1773. 100 00 5 ANTHOLOGIEdesProsateursFran- cais depuis le 12e sificle jusqu'A nos jours. 1.2mo, half red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, Lemerre, n. d. 4 00 6 AQUARELLISTS — Society of French Aquarellists. Text by the best French Critics. IHustraied with plates in pliotogramre. Printed in tint, and with designs in facsimile by Louis Leloir, Edou- ard Detaille, Oustave Dore, JulienLe Slant, Jules Worms, Mtgene Lambert, EdouoTd De Beammont, Mme. La Baronne, N. De Bothschild, Ferdinand Seilbuth, A. De Neu- ville, Georges Vibeit, Fhigine La/mi, Jules Jacquemart, Charles Delort, James Tissot and others. 8 parts, folio. Paris, Goupil & Co., 1883. 90 00 The Same. Grande edition de luxe, limited to one hundred copies. On Japan paper. 225 00 7 ART JOURNAL (The). From be- ginning 1849 to 1875, including Illustrated Catalogues of the Exhibitions 1851, 1862 and 1867. 30 vols. 4to, half red turkey morocco, gilt edges, new. London. 180 00 A perfect, fresh, clean set of this handsome and entertaining jomnal, filled with fine steel plate and wood engravings, illustrating and exhibiting the beat artistic work of the times in scuh)ture, painting, engraving, furniture, silver and gold work, and other decorative arts. 8 ART RECREATIONS, being a complete guide to Pencil Drawing, Oil Painting, Water-Color Painting, etc., etc., by Mme. Urbino, Prof. Day and others. Many fine illustrations. 1 vol. 12mo, cloth, Boston, 1861. 2 50 9 AUTOGRAPHIC ALBUM. A Col- lection of Four Hundred and Seventy fac- similes of holograph writings of Royal, Noble and Distinguished Men and Women of various nations. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. London, 1866. 4 00 10 BANVARD (John). The Private Life of a King, embodying the Suppressed Memoirs of the Prince of Wales. 13mo, cloth. N. Y., 1875. 3 00 11 BARDSLEY(C. W.) English Sur- names: Their Sources and Significations. Thick 13mo, cloth, uncut. London, Chatto & Windus, 1875. 3 00 13 BARHAM (Rich'd Harris). The Ingoldsby Legends: or Mirth and Marvels. 3 vols. 8vo, boards. With the illustrations of George Cruikshank. India impressions. Phila., Porter & Coates, 1885. 7 50 Limited edition of 400 copies on Holland paper, of which this is No. 130. 13 BARTON and CASTLE. The British Flora Medica: a History of the Medicinal Plants of Great Britain. With 48 colored plates. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lon- don, Chatto & Windus, 1877. 4 50 14 BAUDELAIRE (Charles). Les Epaves. Frontispiece by Felicien Bops. 13mo, half red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut (Rousselle). Bruxelles, 1874. 8 00 15 BEAUTIES of Claude Lorraine: Consisting of Twenty-four Landscapes, selected from the Liber Veritatis, and en- graved on steel by emicent engravers. Small folio, half red levant morocco, cloth sides, uncut edges. London, 1835. 15 00 A handsome work, with brilliant impressions of the plates. 16 BELL'S Edition of Shakespere's Plays, as they are now performed at the Theatres Royal in London. With Notes by the Authors of the Dramatic Censor. Illustrated with 76 portraits of actors, scenes from plays, etc. 9 vols. 12mo, calf. Very rare. London, John Bell, 1774. 30 00 17 BENVENUTO CELLINI, or fevre medailleur, sculpteur, recherches sur sa vie, sur son ceuvre et sur les pieces qui lui 2 Bont attribuees par Eugene Plon. lllus- tratedwith many fine etchings, photogra/mires, etc., etc. 4to, bound in half green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, edges uncut. Paris, 1883. 35 00 18 BERANGER (P. J. De). CEuvres computes — nouvelle Edition revue par I'auteur. Illustrated with 53 exquisite en- gramngs after designs Tyy Oha/rlet, Lemud, JoJiarmot, etc., wiA portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, half red morocco. Paris, 1851. 15 00 19 BERNARD (P. J.) OEuvres com- pletes de Bernard. A Paris, de I'imprimerie de Didot le jeune, I'an IroisiSme (1794), in 8 papier velin, mar. rouge, ornements sur les plats dos orne, dentelleint, double detabis. tr. dor. Rel. ancienne. 45 00 Fine copy with " t&moins " in original binding. 20 BEWICK (Thomas). Notes by F. C. Stephens on a Collection of Drawings and Woodcuts by Thomas Bewick ex- hibited at the Fine Art Society Rooms, 1880 ; also a complete list of all works illustrated by Thomas and John Bewick, with their various editions. With 33 illus- 1/rations from original wood blocks. 4to, bound in imitatien old calf, yellow edges. London, 1881. 7 50 21 BOCCACE (Jean). Le Decameron de Jean Boccace. 5 vols. 8vo, superbly bound in full red crushed levant morocco, tooled backs, filet on covers, edges gilt, inside borders, by (David). Londres-Paris, 1757-1761. 300 00 Illustrated with 5 frontispieces, 1 portrait, 110 ^ates and 97 head and tail pieces oy Gravelot, Boucher smd Eisen. Engraved by Aliame, Baquoy, Flipart, Legrand, etc., etc. A magnificent copy of this very rare edition. 22 BOILEAU DESPREAUX : CEu- vres diverses du Sr. Boileau Despreaux : avec le traitedu sublime, ou du Merveilleux dans le discours. Traduit du Grec de Longus. Nouvelle edition reveue et aug- ment6e. Engraved frontispieces. 2 vols. 16mo, bound in full red crushed levant morocco, tooled back, filets on covers, in- side borders, edges gilt, byPouillet. Paris, 1701. 30 00 38 BOSWELL (Jas.) Life of Samuel Johnson: together with The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, illustrated with many fine steel engravings, 4 vols.; and Johnsoniana: Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, with many Ul/ustrations, 1 vol. Together 5 vols. Small 4to, boards, uncut. London, Bell & Sons, 1884. 80 00 Limited edition of 104 copies on Whatman paper, of which this is No. Bl. Prmtedby Chas. Whittmg' ham. 24 BOSWELL (James). The Life of Samuel Johnson, including a Journal of his Tour to the Hebrides. 4 vols. 12mo, half calf, marbled edges. (New.) Phila- delphia, 1878. 7 50 25 BRANDT (S.) Ship of Fools, translated by Barclay, a faithful Reprint of the Pynson edition of 1509, with Intro- duction, Notes, and Glossary, by Jamieson. Nearly 120 quaint and interesting facsimile wood engravings from the Basle edition of 1497. 2 vols, crown 4to, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1874. 11 00 A reproduction of an extremely curious, inter- esting, and once widely popular Satire under the allegory of a Ship freighted with Fools of all kinds, ranks ane professions. The text of Pynson's edition has been printed intact to preserve so interesting a monument of the English Language. So valuable a contribution to the illustration of Mediaeval Life and Literature — as well as to the history of Early Wood Engravmg— has seldom appeared. 26 BRANTOME : Seigneur De. Les Vies des Dames Galantes, tirees des me- moires de Messire Pierre de Bourdeille, Seigneur de Brantome. D'aprfis I'edition originale de 1666, et les copies et manuscrits de la BibliothJque nationale. Augmentees de Notes Critiques et Historiques, et d'une notice sur Brantome per Engine Vignon. Illustrated with a set of etchings Tyy Cham- poUion. 3 vols. 13mo, bound in full dark blue crushed levant morocco (super extra), gilt edges, inside borders, by (Emile Rous- selle), original covers bound in. Paris, Arnaud et Labai, 1879. 30 00 27 BRITISH ANTHOLOGY (The). Or Poetical Library. Illustrated with a set of wry fine steel engravings by Mnden, Beatli, Smith, etc., after Westall. H vols, in 4. 16mo, handsomely bound in half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, tops gilt, other edges uncut, by (Rousselle), London, 1825. 25 00 37* BROUGHAM (Henry Lord). Speeches of, upon questions relating to Public Rights, Duties and Interests. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco, marbled edges. Edinburgh, 1838. 10 00 28 BRYANT (Wm. Cullen). Poetical Works of. Illustrated by 100 engravings from designs by Birket Foster, Harry Fenn, etc. 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. New York, n. d. 3 50 29 BURNS (Robert). Works of, with Life, by Allan Cunningham. .Illustrated with portrait, engraved frontispiece and fac- similes. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, Bohn, 1858. 8 Ott 30 BURNS (Robert). The Poetical Works of, with a Memoir and portrait. 3 vols, in 1. Thick 12mo, half green mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut. (New.) JBoston, "■ ■■ ~ 3 50 81 BURKE (Edmund). Complete Works of. 9 vols. 13mo, full calf, marbled edges. London, Bohn, 1864. 15 00 A fine copy. 33 BURTON'S Anatomy of Melan- choly — what it is, with all the kinds, causes, sjnoiptoms, prognostics, and several cures of it. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, red edges, London, 1836. 7 00 Elegant Copy of the Sbtbntibn- VOLTJME BtROST. 33 BYRON (Lord). Works of, with his Letters and Journals and his Life, by Thomas Moore. PorPraUs, engra/eed vig- nettea, tables, fronts., etc. 17 vols, foolscap 8vo, new half morocco gilt, top edges gilt. London, 1833-33. 35 00 The exquisite portraits and vignette titles were engraved by Finden from drawings by Turner, Stansfield and others. 34 CAMPBELL (Thomas). The Plea- sures of Hope, with other Poems. 16mo, bound in full red crimped morocco, tooled back, border on covers, inside borders, edges gilt by (Bozerian). Edinburgh, 1803. 5 00 Illustrated with a set of exquisite plates by Heath, Kttler, etc. 35 CENTLIVRE (Mrs.). The Dramatic Works of, with a new account of her Life. 3 voUs. ISmo, boards, uncut. London, 1873. 10 00 Reprint of edition of 1761. 36 CERVANTES (Miguel de). Don Quixote de la Mancha. With many fine il- Imtraiions. 8vo, half morocco, marbled edges. London, Bohn, 1863. 4 00 37 CERVANTES (Miguel de). The History of Don Quixote of La Mancha, translated from the Spanish by Motteux. Illustrated with 16 m-iginal etchings by B. de los Bios. 4 vols. 13mo, cloth, uncut edges. London, 1880. 10 00 Very finely printed edition on laid paper, with a charming set of etchings. 38 CHAIR A PLAISIR parLucien V. Meunier. Illustrations de A. Ferdinandus. ISmo, elegantly bound in full blue crushed levant morocco (super extra), gilt back, filets on covers, inside borders, edges gilt. Illum- inated cover bound in by (Rousselle). Paris, Bomeyre, 1883. 15 00 Limited editioh of 50 copies on China paper. This is No. 31. 39 CHAMBURE. Napoleon et ses Contemporains. Suite de gravures repre- sentant les traits d'hSroisme, de clemence, de generosite, de popularite, avec texte, publiee par Aug. de Chambure. Paris, J. Benouard, 1828. in-4, portr. et fig. demi- rel. mar. rouge, non rogne. 30 00 Fine Illustrations by Eaffet, Deveria, proofs on India paper. Rare. 40 CHAMPFLEURY (M.) LesPr&res Le Nain. 3 woodcuts inserted. 8vo, bound in half red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by (Rousselle). Paris, 1863. 13 00 Copy with autograph of Champfleury on false title-page, original cover bound in. 41 CHAMPFLEURY. Le Violon de Faience. Dessins en couleur par M. Emile Benard, eaux-fortea pa/r M. J. Adeline. 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. Paris, Dentu, 1877. 13 00 43 CHATTO (William Andrew). Facts and Speculations on the Origin and History of Playing Cards. Illustrated with numer- ous fine plates, many of them colored. 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. London, 1848. 5 00 43CHEVIGNE(Comtede). LesContes Remois. DouziSme edition precedee de La Muse Champenoise par Louis Lacour. Des- sins de Jules Worms, graves d Veau-forte par Paul Bajon. 13mo, half red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Paris, Jouaust, 1877. 13 00 Umited edition of 210 copies on Holland paper. 44CHEVIGNE(Comtede). LesContes Remois. Wit7t fine portrait and set of charm- ing iUustrations by Meissonier. 13mo, beautifully bound in full red crushed levant morocco, gilt edges, inside borders, original cover bound in by (Rousselle). Paris, 1864. 15 00 45 CLARKE (Mary Cowden). World- Noted Women or types of womanly attri- butes of all lands and ages. Illustrated with 17 beautiful engravings. 1 vol. 8vo, full brown morocco, gilt edges, tooling on back and sides N. Y., 1871. 7 50 46 COLLECTION ANTIQUE : con- taining the following Works : Apulee L' Amour et Psyche. Paris, 1878. Longus. Daphnis et Chloe. Paris, 1878. Ovide. Les Amours. Paris, 1879. Musee. Hero et Leandre. Paris, 1879. Tatius. Leucippe et Clitophon. Paris, 1880. Lucien. Dialogues des Courtisanes. Paris, 1881. Virgile. Les Bucoliques. Paris, 1881. Appolonius de Rhodes. Jason et Medee. Paris, 1888. Anacreon et Sapho. Paris, 1883. Horace. Odes et Epodes. Paris, 1883. Together 10 vols. All illustrated with beautiful vignettes printed in colors and gold, ornamental borders, Illuminated capitals, etc. 16mo, elegantly and uniformly bound in full dark blue crushed levant morocco (super extra), full tooled backs, edges gilt, inside borders, original covers bound in, by (Rousselle). 90 00 Beautiful copies of these charmingly printed littl© volumes, from the celebrated publishing house of Quantin. 47 COLLECTION of Landscapes, Views, Shipping and Animals, by Vernet, Vivares, Snyders, etc. 90 copper-plates. 4to, half levant morocco, marbled edges. Lou- don, 1830. 10 00 48 COMBE (William). Doctor Syntax's tour in search of the Picturesque, in search of Consolation and in search of a Wife. 3 vols. 8vo, new cloth, uncut. With 80 col- wed illustrations by T. Mewlandson. Lon- don, n. d. 7 50 49 CONTES et NOUVELLES en Vers par Voltaire, Vergier, Senece, Per- rault, Moncriff, etc. 3 vols. 13mo, half yellow crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges, by (Bertrand). A Geneve, 1804. 18 00 Beautiful edition on papier velin. Illustrated by the spirited designs of Duplessis Bertaux, an in- serted portrait of Voltaire Dj "' ■ ■' tif ul plates by Desenne. 50 CORNEILLE (P.) CEuvres de. Avec les Notes de Tous les Commentateurs. 13 vols. 8vo, bound in half green crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, other edges un- cut, by (Simier). Paris, JHdot, i854. 65 00 Superb copy, illustrated by a portrait and set of fine plates by Bayalos, and the msertion of a por- trait of Comeille engraved by Ficquet. 51 C O S T U M E.— Vecellio (Cesare). Hablti Antichi et Moderni. 513 beautiful full-length portraits rep^'esenting the Oostumes of all Nations, chiefly from the designs of Titian. 3 Tols. ; also — Essai Historique et Bibliographique sur I'Histoire de la Grav- ure sur Bois par Ambroise Pirmin Didot, pour f aire suite aux Costumes Anciens et Modernes de Cesare Vecellio. Together 8 vols. 8vo, paper, uncut. Paris, IMdot, 1860-63. 9 00 The above is a new edition of this famous series of Costumes which were des^ued and partly ex- ecuted by the great painter Titian. The original edition has become exceedingly rare and dear. These woodcuts are beautifully executed, and pre- sent all the spirit of the originals. The descrip- tions are given in Italian and French. The above lot includes Didot's Work on Wood Engraving, which was published as an appendix to the " Cos- tumes " of vecellio. 53 COWPER (Wm.) The Works of, comprising his Poems, Correspondence and Translations. Portraits, engraved vignettes, eta. 15 vols, foolscap 8vo, cloth, uncut, London, 1835. 13 00 With exquisitely engraved portrait and vig- nettes. 53 CRUIKSHANK (Geo.) " The Uni- versal Songster," or Museum of Mirth. Forming the most complete, extensive, auil valuable collection of ancient and modern songs in the English language. With a plate containing 8 portraits, 6 humorous frontispieces and 39 woodcuts bg 0-eo. Gruik- shank. 3 vols. 8vo, in original cloth, un- cut edges. London, 1834. 20 00 Fii-st edition . Very fine, clean copy, 54 CRUIKSHANK (Geo.) The Same. New edition. 3 vols. 8vo, half Roxburglie. uncut edges. 9 00 55 CRUIKSHANK— (Smollett T.) The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, in which are included Memoirs of a Lady of Quality. With illustrations by Oeo. Ci-uikihank, 3 vols. 13mo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1831. 7 50 56 CRUIKSHANK. Fifty-one Original Fables, with Morals and Ethical Index, written by Birch. EnibeUished with 85 original designs by Eobert Oruikshank. Thin 8vo, neatly bound in half brown morocco, back gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1833. 7 50 Beautiful, clean copy. 57 CRUIKSHANK. Points of Misery ; or Fables for Mankind. Prose and Verse, chiefly original. By Charles Weslmacott. Illustrated with 30 designs by Robert Cruik- shank. Thin 8vo, neatly bound in dark calf, back gilt, marbled edges. London, 1833. 7 50 Rare. Fine clean copy. 58 CRUIKSHANK (Geo.) The Queen's Matrimonial Ladder ; a National Toy. With 14 step scenes and 18 otlier cuts. Thin 8vo, cloth. London, ]830. 4 00 Containing the rare extra folded plate. 59 CRUIKSHANK (Geo.) TheManin the Moon. With 15 cuts. Thin 8vo, newly bound in cloth. London, 1830. 3 GO 60 CRUIKSHANK (Geo.) The Inun- dation, or Pardon and Peace, by Mrs. Gore. With plates by Geo. Oruiksluink. 13mo, half morocco (neat), gilt top, uncut. Lon- don, n. d. 3 50 61 CRUIKSHANK (Geo.) The Right Divine of Kings to Govern Wrong! With illustrations by Oeo. Cfruikahank. 'Thin 8vo, cloth. London, 1831. 2 50 63 CRUIKSHANK(Geo.) The Polit- ical Showman at Home ! Exhibiting his Cabinet of Curiosities and Creatures — All Alive. With 34 cuts. Thin 8vo, cloth. London, 1831. 3 50 63 CRUIKSHANK (Geo.) The Polit- ical House that Jack Built. With 13 cuts. Thin 8vo, cloth. London, 1830. 3 50 64 CRUIKSHANK (Geo.) "Non mi Ricordo !" Thin 8vo, cloth. London, 1820. 3 50 65 CRUIKSHANK (Geo.) The Spirit of Despotism. Dedicated to Lord Castle- reagh. Thin 8vo, cloth, Ba/re. London, 1831. 3 50 66 CRUIKSHANK (Geo.) The Snow Storm: a Christmas Story, by Mrs. Gore. With illustrations by Geo. Oruikshank. 12mo, half morocco (neat), gilt top, uncut. London, n. d. 3 00 67 CURTIS (Benj. R.) Memoir of, with some of his Professional and Miscel- laneous Writing.'!. Edited by his Son. With portrait and illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. Boston, 1879. 5 00 68 CURTIUS (Prof. Dr. E.) The His- tory of Greece, translated by A. W. Ward. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut, N. Y., Scrib- n&r, 1876. 6 00 69 CYMBALUM MUNDI, ou Dia- logues, Satyriques sur differens Sujets, par Bonaventure des Periers. Frontispiece and set of very curious illustrations. 16mo, half calf, marbled edges. Amsterdam, 1733. 3 50 70 D'AVENANT (Sir William). The Dramatic Works of, with Prefatory Me- moir and Notes. 5 vols. 13mo, cloth, un- cut. London and Edinburgh, 1873. 10 00 Very handsome reprint of old edition on fine paper. 71 DE BEAUMONT (Ed.) L'fipee et les Femmes. Illustrated with 5 designs by Meissonier and the insertion of 3 fine etch- ings and 1 c^per engraving after Moreau. 4to, half red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by (Rousselle). Piris, Jouaust, 1881. 33 50 Limited edition of 500 copies. 72 DE FOREST (Julia B.) A Short History of Art. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. N. Y., n. d. 3 50 73 DE FAVRE. Les Qimtre Heures de la Toilette des Dames. Pofeme Erotique en Quatre Chants. Illustrated with a set of beautiful plates and vignettes by Leclere; 3 frontispieces in double state. 8vo, half brown crushed levant morocco, tooled back, gilt top, uncut (Rousselle). Paris, Lemonnyer, 1883. 15 00 Limited larpre paper edition on Cliina paper. Original cover bound in. 73* The same copy, on Japan paper. Willi set of vignettes, in double state, inserted. 20 00 74 DEMOUSTIER. Lettres a Emile sur la Mythologie. A Paris chez Ant. Aug. Renouard, 1809. 8vo, 6 parts in 3 vols., elegantly bound in a fine old red morocco binding, tooling on backs, orna- mental borders on covers, edges gilt, by (Bozerian). 100 00 Very fine copy with portrait and 36 plates by Moreau in proof state. 75 DELVAU (Alfred). Les Heures Parisiennes. With 35 etchings by Emile Benassit. Small 8vo, bound in half red crushed levant morocco, gilt back, top gilt, edges uncut. Paris, 1883. 7 50 76 DE LOLME (J. L.) The Constitu- tion of England, or Account of the English Government. 8vo, full red crimped mor- occo, gilt edges. London, 1816. 3 50 77 DICKENS. Original edition. Mas- ter Humphrey's Clock. By Chas. Dickens. With illustrations by Oeo. Gattermole and JBablot Browne. 8 vols, royal 4to, cloth. London, Oha/pman & Hall, 1840. 17 50 78 DRYDEN (John). Fables from Boc- caccio and Chaucer. Illustrated with pretty vignettes. 13mo, handsomely bound in full blue crushed levant morocco (super extra), gilt back, filets on covers, inside deutelle borders, top gilt, other edges un- cut, by (Rousselle). Chiswick, printed by C. Wittingham, 1822. 15 00 Fine clean copy of this rare edition. 79 DES HOULLIERES (Mrae. (Euvres Choisies de. 12mo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, other edges uncut, by (Rousselle). Paris, Jouaust, 1883. 13 00 Limited edition on Cliina paper of 20 copies, of which this is No. 18. Illustrated with frontispiece etched by Lalauze in 3 states. Portraits of Mme. Des HoulliSres, by Delaunay and by Savart, in- serted. 80 DIBDIN (Rev. T. F.) The Library Companion, or the Young Man's Guide and the Old Man's Comfort in the Choice of a Librai-y. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. London, 1834. 10 00 A fine copy. Scarce. 6 81 DICKENS (Charles). The Posthu- mous Papers of The Pickwick Club. With 43 illustrations by Phiz and B. Seymour. 8vo, bound in full dark blue crushed levant morocco (super extra), tooled back, filets on covers, inside borders, by (David). London, Chapman & Hall, 1863. 20 00 82 DICKENS. First Edition.— Bleak House. With illustrations by H. K. Browne (Phiz). 8vo, elegantly bound in full dark blue crushed levant morocco (super extra), edges gilt, back tooled, filets on covers, in- side borders, by (Rousselle). London, Bradhury & Kmns, 1853. 25 00 A magnificent copy. 83 DICKENS. First Edition.— Dick ens (Charles). Dombey and Son. With illustrations by H. K. Browne. 8vo, su- perbly bound in full crimson crushed levant morocco (super extra), tooled back, filets on covers, edges gilt, inside borders, by (David). London, BraShury & Enans, 1848. 25 00 84 DICKENS. First Edition.- Hard Times for These Times. 13mo, bound in full brown crushed levant morocco (super extra), back and sides tooled, edges gilt, by (Rousselle). London, Bradbury & Mans, 1854. 15 00 85 DICKENS. First Edition.— Little Dorrit, by Chas. Dickens. With illustra- tions by H. K. Browne ( Phi^. 8vo, half red levant morocco, marbled edges, with original covers bound in. London, Brad- bury & Mans, 1857. 12 00 86 DICKENS. First Edition.— Dick- ens (Charles). Our Mutual Friend. With illustrations by Marcus Stone. 2 vols. 8vo, superbly bound in full dark green crushed levant morocco (super extra), tooled backs, filets on covers, edges gilt, inside borders, by (David). London, Chapman & Hall, 1865. 35 00 The Same. 2 vols, in 1. Cloth, uncut. 7 50 87 DICKENS. First Edition.— Dick- en s (Charles). The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. With illustrations by Phiz. 8vo, superbly bound in maroon crushed levant morocco (super extra), full tooled back, filets on covers, inside bor- ders, edges gilt, by (David). London, Chap- man & Hall, 1844. 25 00 88 DICKENS. First Edition. —Dick- ens (Charles). The Mystery of Edwin Drood. With 12 illustrations of 8. L. Fildes and a portrait. 8vo, superbly bound in full brown crushed levant morocco (super extra), tooled back, filets on covers, inside borders, edges gilt, by (David). London, Chapman & Hall, 1870. 15 00 89 DICKENS (Chas.) Sketches by Boz. With a frontispieae by George Cruik- shanh. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1850. 3 50 90 DIDEROT. Le Neveu de Rameau Dialogue. Ouvrage posthume et Inedit. Frontispieee. 8vo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, edges uncut (Bertrand). Paris, Delaunay, 1831. 10 00 First Edition. 91 DIDEROT. Les Bijoux Indiscrets. Illustrated with a set of fine copper-plates and mgneites. 12mo, elegantly bound In full red crushed levant morocco, tooled back, filets on covers, edges gilt, inside borders, by (Rousselle). A Amsterdam, 1773. 35 00 93 DISRAELI (Isaac). Curiosities of Literature, with portrait, 4 vols, in 3 ; Amenities of Literature, 2 vols, in 1 ; Ca- lamities and Quarrels of Authors, 2 vols, in 1 ; and Literary Characters, 1 vol. To- gether 6 vols. Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y., 1881. 13 50 93 DORAT. Les Baisers, precedes du mois de mai, Poeme — titre rouge et noir. Frontispiece, vignettes et culs de la/mpe dessines par Eisen et Marillier. 8vo, marsquin bleu, dos orne, large dentelle (18e Silcle) sur les plats, double de maroquin rouge, semis de roses et de marguerites, tranches dorees (Lortic). 400 00 Superb copy of the rare first edition in a most sumptuous binding by Lortic. The inside double of red crushed levant is completely gilt with dai- sies and hearts pierced by an'ows, extra fly leaves of red moire antique to match double. Les Baisers de Dorat is known as the Chef d'oeuvre of 18th century books. The graceful and exquisite illustrations of Eisen have never been equalled. 94 DORAT. Fables Nouvelles. 8vo. Illustrated with % frontispieces by Be Ohendt, 1 plate engraved by Be Launay, and 99 vig- nettes and 99 /lead and tail pieces by MariUier. Elegantly bound in full red crushed levant morocco (super-extra), gilt back and sides, edges gilt, by (Bedford). A la Haye et se trouve 3. Paris cliez Delalain, 1773. 350 00 Beautiful copy of the rare first edition on large paper. Splendid, impression of the exquisite plates. 95 DORAT. Les Tourterelles de Zelmis, Poeme en trois chants. Illustrated with the charming plates by Eisen in red, bistre and black (3 states), besides numerous pretty head and tail pieces, gvo, half red cnished lovant morocco, back and top gilt, edges uncut (Rousselle). Paris, Lemonnyer, 1880. 6 50 Limited edition of 150 copies, on Japan paper. 96 DORE'S History of the Crusades.— Michaud. Histoire des Croisades. lUmlrated wUhlQO magnificent illustrations by Qustaiie Bore. 3 vols, folio, bound in full crimson crushed levant morocco, tooling on back and covers, edges gilt, inside borders, by (Dupre). Paris, 1877. 135 00 Magnifleent copy of this fine work in a most ele- gant binding. The plates in this .edition are the first issued, and the impressions exceptionally fine. 97 DROZ (Gustave). Monsieur, Mad- ame et Bebe. Illustrations de Edmond Morin, and a fine portrait of the autlwr by Leopold Flameng. Large 8vo, bound in half purple crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1878. 13 50 Very handsome copy with original cover bomid In. 98 DUMAS fils. La Bame aux Came- lias; preface par M. Jules Janin. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, original cover bound in, by (Rousselle). Paris, 1873. 8 00 99 ERASMUS in Praise of Folly. Il- lustrated with many curious cuts, designed, drawn and etched by Hans Holbein, with por- trait. Life of Erasmus and his Epistle ad- dressed to Sir Thos. More. 1 vol. 8vo, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, lieews and Turner, 1876. 4 50 A very finely printed edition. 100 EUPHORMIONIS, SIVE JO. BARCLAII, SATYR ICON, NUNC PRIMUM IN SEX PARTES DISPER- TITUM, ET NOTIS ILLUSTRATUM, ACCESBIT OONSPIRATIO ANGLI- CANA. 8vo, full crimped green morocco, uncut. (Thouvenin.) Lug.-Batav., 1674. 20 00 Very rare and best edition. 101 EXCURSIONS in Normandy, il- lustrations of the character, manners, cus- toms and traditions of the people, by Fred- erick Schoberl. 2 vols 13mo, cloth, uncut, Many fine plates. London, 1841. 3 50 103 FACETIES du Comte De Caylus, de I'academie des inscriptions, avec une Notice bio-bibliographique par Octave Uzanne. Etched portrait and illustrations and numerous vignettes. 8vo, half red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, Quantin, 1879. 6 00 103 FIGUIER (Louis). Earth and Sea, translated, edited aud enlarged by W. H. Davenport Adams. With 250 illusiratvms by Freeman, Oiacomelli, Foulguier, Biou, etc., etc. 8vo, bound in full green turkey morocco, tooling on sides and back, edges gilt. London, 1870. 8 00 104 FITZGERALD (Percy). A new History of the English Stage, from the Res- toration to the liberty of the theatres. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1882. 7 50 105 FLAUBERT (Gustave). Madame Bovary— Moeurs de Province. Illustrated with a set of inserted etchings by Boilmn, 2 vols, bound in 1. 13mo, elegantly bound in full dark blue crushed levant morocco (super-extra), full tooled back, filets on cov- ers, edges gilt, by (Rousselle). Paris, 1857. 20 00 Fine copy of the first edition. 106 FRAGONARD (Honore de). Set of Fifty-seven Plates to illustrate the Tales and Novels of La Fontaine. Superbly executed Etchings by Maetial, after the Masterly and Spirited Designs of Fkagon- ARD. Small folio. Paris, Souquette, 1883. 100 00 A limited number of copies qf this magnificent work were published in Paris, at 500 francs each. The artist. Honors Fragonard, was born at Nice in 1733, and died in 1806. Spoonersays: "He studied under Boucher, and having carried off the grand prize of the Academy, he went to Rome with the Royal pension. On his return to Paris he was elected a Royal Academician in 1765, on which oc- casion he painted his fine picture of ' Callirrhoe ' as his reception piece, which was much admired. His next work was the ' Visitation of the Virgin * for the Duke of Grammont. He soon, however, left the path of high and noble subjects which he had hitherto followed, and painted bacchanals, conversations, and subjects of French manners, many of which had an exceedingly licentious tendency." The same, printed on bistre. 100 00 The same, eaux-fortes pures. 100 00 107 FROISSART (Sir John). Chron- icles of England, France, Spain and tlie adjoining countries. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, half Roxburg. London, Routledge, 1874. 9 00 108 FROISSART (Sire Jean). Les Chroniques: qui traitent des Merveilleux Empires, nobles aventures et Faits D'Armes, en France, Angleterre, etc., avec notes, etc., par A. C. Buchow. 8 vols, octavo, full calf, stamped covers, marbled edges. Paris, 1835. 10 00 109 GESSNER (M.). (Euvres Com- plettes De — . 3 vols. 32mo, bound in full morocco, tooling on back and sides, edges 8 gilt. Ilhtsfrafed by the set of exquisite plates iy MwriXLUr, engraved by N. De Launay — GenSve, Oazin, 1786. Very rare. 13 50 110 GIBBON (Edward). History of the Decline and Pall of the Roman Empire. With Milman's Notes. 6 vols, half calf, marbled edges. New. Phila., 1881. 13 00 111 GLADY (Alberic). Jouir. 13mo, half red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, with original cover bound in. Paris, Glady Frh-es, 1875. 6 50 Limited edition of 100 copies, of which this is No. Si. 113 GOLDSMITH (Oliver). Works of. Edited by Peter Cunningham. 4 vols- 8vo, bound in full polished calf, extra, gilt tops, uncut. With portrait and four en- graved titles. London, John Murray, 1854. 35 00 113 GOLDSMITH (Oliver). The Mis- cellaneous Works of, including a variety of Pieces now first collected. 4 vols. ISmo, half calf, marbled edges. J^ew. Phila., 1880. 8 00 114 GONCOURT (Edmond et Jules de.) L'Art du Dix-huitieme SiScle. Illus- trated with a large number of fine faa- aimile plates of drawings in different tints. 3 vols. 4to, elegantly bound in three-quar- ter red cmshed levant morocco (super extra), elaborately tooled backs, mosaics of blue morocco, top gilt, other edges uncut (Rousselle). Paris, Quantin, 1880. 60 00 Limited edition, on Holland paper. 115 GONCOURT (Ed. et J. De). L'Amour au 18e Si6cle. Illustrated with etclied frontispiece and vignettes by Boilmn, and bolder around each page. 13mo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, un- cut, by Rousselle. Paris, jD«?ite, 1875. 7 50 115* GOWER (John). Confessio Aman- tis: edited and collated with the best manuscripts by Dr. R. Pauli. 3 vols, royal 8vo, calf, red edges. London. 1857. 15 00 Elegantly printed at the Caiiswick Press. 116 GRAMMAR OF ORNAMENT BY OWEN JONES. Illustrated with 3,000 examples from va/rious styles of Orna- ment of all ages and countries, beautifully PBINTBD IN COLORS, and heightened with gold and silver. Small folio, new cloth, gilt. London, 1865. 87 50 This valuable Encyclopeedia, or Orammar of Ornament, has not only been adopted as a class- boolc in all the English Government schools, but also by the principal schools of the Continent, where the importance to Art of this invaluable collection, and of the principles explained in the text by which Mr. Owen Jones has sought to guide the student to its use, have been fully recognized and honored. 117 GRAMMONT. Memoires de la vie du Comte de Grammont, contenant particuliJrement L'Histoire amoureuse de lacour D'Angleterre, sous le Rfegne de Charles II. 16mo, full brown crushed levant morocco (super extra), gilt edges, inside borders, by Brany. A Cologne, cfiez Pierre Marteau, 1713. 30 00 First edition, very rare. 117* GRESSET, ffiuvres de. A Paris. Ohez Ant.-Aug. BenovMrd, 1811. 3 vols, in 1. port, etfig. — Le Parrain magnifique, poEme en dix chants, ouvrage posthume de Gresset. A Paris. Gliez Ant.-Aug Renouard, 1810. In 8 vols. Fort, etfig. Veau brun, dos orne, fil., tr. dor. 15 00 Pine copy, with the 8 charming illustrations by Moreau. 118 HALL (Mrs. S. C). Midsummer Eve: a Fairy Tale of Love. With numer- ous fine illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. London, 1848. ,3 00 119 HAMERTON (Philip Gilbert). The Unknown River. With 37 etchings by the author. 8vo, bound in full turkey morocco, gilt edges. Bare. Boston, 1873. 15 00 130 HAMERTON (Philip Gilbert). The Etcher's Hand-Book. Giving au Ac- count of the old processes, and of processes recently discovered. Illustrated with etch- ings by the author. 13mo, cloth. London, 1871. • 3 00 121 HANDBOOK OF PAINTING. " The Italian Schools," based on the hand- book of Kugler. Fourth edition, edited by Lady Eattlake. With many fine illus- trations. 2 vols. ISmo, half crimson crushed levant morocco, (extra). Gilt back, edges gilt, by (Dupre). London, 1874. 10 00 131* HANDBOOK OF PAINTING. " The German, Flemish and Dutch Schools," based on the handbook of Kug- ler. Enlarged and for the most part re- written by Dr. Waagen. With numerous fine plates. 3 vols. 13mo, full tree calf extra, gilt backs, gilt borders on covers, edges gilt. London, John Murray, 1860. 9 00 123 HANDBOOK OF PAINTING. " The Italian Schools." Translated from the German of Kugler. Edited with notes by Chas. L. Eastlake. New edition. With 100 illustrations. 3 vols. 12mo, full tree calf extra, gilt back, gilt borders on covers, edges gUt. London, John Murray, 1869. 9 00 9 123 HARDING (J. D.) The Costumps 1 of the French Pyrenees, drawn by J. D. Harding. 30 finely colored plates. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1833. 10 00 134 HARTSHORNE (Rev. C. H., M. A.) The Book Rarities of the University of Cambridge. Illustrated by Original Letters and Notes, Biographical, Litei'ary and Antiquarian. Vront. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt, marbled sides and edges. London, 1829. 7 50 Large paper. Published at £3 12s. 6d. 135 HAWTHORNE (Nalh.) Trans- formation, or The Romance of Monie Beni. Illustrated. 3 vols. 12mo, half mor- occo, gilt edges, uncut. London, Smith, EUler & Co., 1860. 9 00 136 HENRY MERRITT. Art Criti- cism and Romance. With recollections and 33 etchings by Anna Lea Merritt. 2 vols. 13mo, clolh, uncut. London, 1879. 6 50 127 HEPTAMERONdesNouvellesde trSs-haute et Ir^s illustre princesse Margue- rite d'AngoulSme, reine de Navarre publie sur les manuscrits avec les notes de Le Roux de Lincy et de Moutaiglon. With a series of charming plates and vignettes. vols. 8vo, finely bound half crushed blue levant morocco, gilt baclts, with red mo- saics, gilt tops, uncut, by Rousselle. Paris, Eudes, 1880. 60 00 Bel exemplaire sur papier van Gelder avec double suite des figures de Freudenberg, hors texte en noir et en bistre. 128 HERBERT (Wm. Henry). Sup- plement to Frank Forrester's Fish and Fishing of the United States and British Provinces. 8vo, cloth. Colored plate. N. Y., 1850. 2 00 139 HOFFMAN. Contes Fantasliques De. Traduction nouvelle, precedes de sou- venirs Intimes sur la vie de I'auteur par P. Christian. 8vo, half red crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Illustrated by Oavarni. Paris, 1856. 7 50 130 HOLBEIN (Hans). Der Todten- tanz Oder Triumph des Todes. With 48 fine facsimile copper engravings by Ghr. Mechel. Text by C. Weiss. 13mo, half daik crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut (Rousselle). Uttwdl am Bodensee, n. d. 6 00 131 HOTCHKIN (Rev. James H.) A History of the Purchase and Settlement of Western New York— It's Rise, Progress and present State. Illustrated. 8vo, half calf, gilt top. N. Y., 1848. 8 00 133 HUGO (V.) Cromwell, Drame. Fir-st edition. 8vo, elegantly brund in full dark blue crushed levant morocco (super extra), back tooled, filets on covers, inside borders, edges gilt, by (Rousselle). Paris, 1838. 30 00 133 HUGO (Victor). The Legend of the Centuries: translated by Geo. S. Bur- leigh. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt edges. N. Y., 1867. 8 Oo 134 HORE DIVE VIRGINIS MARIE SECUNDUM VERAM SUM ROMAN- UM IMPRESSUM PARISIIS, ANNO 1516 OPERA THIELMAN KERBER. 8vo, printed throughout on vellum, each frame enclosed by an ornamental border representing sacred and grotesque scenes. 30 full-page wood engravings and a great number of beautiful initial letters illumi- nated in gold and colors. Elegantly bound in full brown crushed levant morocco (super extra), gilt edges, double of purple morocco, ornamental borders, fly leaf of moire antique, by (David). 90 00 A beautiful book, printed entirely on parcb- meut (from the press of Thielman Kerver). 135 HUME (David). The History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Csesar to the Revolution in 1688. With portrait. 6 vols. 8vo, red cloth, gill tops, other edges uncut. 'S.Y., Harpers, 1879. 11 00 Handsomely printed in clear, large type on fine paper. 136 IMBERT. Le Jugement de PSris, Poeme en 4 chants, Suivi d'oeuvies mel6es, nouvelle edition, corrigee et augmentee Illustrated with engraved title, 4 plates by Moi'eau and 4 vignettes. 8vo, elegantly bound in full red crushed levant morocco (super extra), gilt back, filets on covers, edges gilt, inside border (Rousselle). Ams- terdam, 1774. 30 00 Beautifully printed book with the charming illustrations of Moreau. 137 IMPERIAL COURTS of France, England, Russia, Prussia, Sardinia aud Austria. Illustrated with 41 finely-executed engravings of portraits. With Biographical Notices by Wm. CuUen Bryant. 1 vol. 8vo, full turkey morocco, gilt edges, tool- ing on sides and back. N.Y.,1864. 7 50 138 INGELO'W (Jean). The Shepherd Ladv and other Poems. Square 8vo, cloth, gilt "edges. Boston, 1876. 1 50 139 IRVING (Washington). Works of. New edition revised. 16 vols. 12mo, half ca,f, marbled edges. New York, Putnam, 1857. 25 00 10 139* IRVING CWashiDgton). Oliver Goldsmith. A Biography. Illustrated with numerous full-page and other illustrations. 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges. N. Y., 1849. 3 50 140 JANIN (Jules). Barnave. 4 vols. ISmo, half crushed levant morocco, gilt back with mosaics, gilt edges, other edges uncut (by Rousselle). First edition. Paris, 1831. 13 00 141 JEWITT. Histoiy of Ceramic Art in Great Britiiin, from prehistoric times to the present day. Illustrated with nearly 3,000 illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut edges. N. Y., Scribners, 1878. 6 00 143 JOHNSON (John). Typographia, or the Printer's Instructor; including an Account of the Origin of Printing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the Sixteenth Century ; [etc.] SVonts. and en- graved titles on wood, on india paper, and cuts. 3 vols. 8vo, boards, entirely uncut. London, 1834. 35 00 Large paper. " An extremely useful book." — Lowndes. Allibone states that the author was assisted in its compilation by Drs. Dibdin, Wilfeins and Fry, theEev. H. Baker and others. He adds: "It is a valuable work." 143 KARR (Alphonse). Voyage autour de Mon Jardin. lllustre par MM. Free- man, L. Marvy, Steinhall, Meissonier, Oa- tiarni, Davhigny et Oatenacci. 8vo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt top and back, edges uncut. Paris, Curmer, 1851. 35 00 Very handsome copy. Rare. 144 KEATS (John). The Poetical Works and other Writings of, now first brought together, including Poems and numerous Letters not before published. Edited, with Notes and Appendices, by Harry Buxton Porman. Illustrated with portraits, mews, etchings, facsimiles of letters, &a. 4 vols. 8vo, half bine crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Loudon, Eee-oes and Turner, 1883. " 35 00 Beautiful edition, printed by the Chiswick Press, on fine laid paper. 145 KNIGHT (Chas.) Half Hours with the Best Authors. Illustrated with portraits. 4 vols. 13mo, cloth uncut. London, n. d. 7 50 146 KNICKERBOCKER (Diedrich) (Washington Irving). A History of New York from the beginning of the World to the eud of the Dutch Dynasty. Illustrated. 13mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1834. 5 00 Fine copy of a rare edition. 147 KNICKERBOCKER GALL- ERY. A Testimonial to the Editor of the Knickerbocker Magazine, from its Contribu- tors. With 48 very fine porirn its on steel of eminent authors. 1 vol. 8vo, full green morocco, stamped covers, gilt edges. New York, 1855. 5 00 Fine copy of scarce book. 148 LA BORDE. Choix de Chansons raises en Musique par M. De La Borde, Premier Valet de Chambre ordinaire du Roi Gouverneur du Louvre, Ornfies D'Es- tampes par J. M. Moreau, dediees a Mad- ame LaDauphine. 4 vols, large 8vo, bound in lialf blue crushed levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, other edges uncut, by (RiviSre). A Paris, cliez De Lormel, 1773. 130 00 Reprint of the above by J. Lemonnyer, Rouen, 1881. The music and all of letter- press engraved. Plates in three states (black, bistre and red). Presentation copy, on japan paper. 149 LA BRUYERE : Les Caractferes De. Aiiec 18 &ravures a I'eau-forte par V. Foulquier. Large 8vo, half dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, other edges uncut, by Smeers. Tours, 1867. 30 00 A charming volume with set of exquisite etch- ings. 150 LA BRUYERE. Les CaractSres De. Suivis des caractfirea de Theophraste, traduits du grec par le M§me. 3 vols. 8vo, elegantly bound in half green calf, blind tooling on backs by Cap^. Portrait. Paris, 1839. 7 50 151 L' ANGLAIS MANGEUR D'OP- lUM. Traduit de I'anglais et augmente par Alfred De Musset avec une Notice par M. Arthur Heultard. 4to, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut edges. By Pouillet. Paris, 1878. 5 00 French translation of De Foe's opium eater. 153 LA CLEF Et'AMOUR, Poeme public d'aprfis un manuscrit du 14e SiScle par Edwin Tross avec une introduction et des Remarques par H. M. Michelant. 13mo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut edges, by Rousselle. Lyon, 1866. 8 00 158 LACLOS (Ch. de). Les Liaisons dangereuses, ou lettres recueillies dans une Society et Publiees pour I'instruction de quelquesautresparC. deL. . . . (Choderlos de Laclos.) Londrea, 1796. 3 vols. 8vo. mar., rouge, ornementssur les plats, dosorne. 60 00 Fine copy containing the charming set of plates by Monnet. 11 154 LA DANSE DES MORTS. DessinSe par Hans Holbein, graves sur Pierre par Joseph Schlotthauer, expliquee par Hlppolyte Fortoul. Small 4to, bound in half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, n. d. 12 00 155 LA FEMME jugee par Les Grands Ecrivains des Deux Sexes, ou la Femme devant Dleu, devant la Nature, devant la Loi, et devant la Soci6t§. Illus- trated with set of fine atedengrcmings. 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back and top, uncut, Paris, 1855. 12 00 156 EDITION DE LUXE OF LA- FONTAINE'S NOVELS AND TALES IN ENGLISH. Lafontaine, J. De. Tales and Novels. Illustrated with the 85 original designs by Eisen and 2 por- traits engraved hy Piequet. 2 vols, 8vo, su- perbly bound in full blue crushed levant morocco (super extra), elaborate design of lace tooled on covers and backs, mosaics of blue, inside borders, edges gilt by Rous- selle. New York, published by E. F. Bon- aventure, 1883. 125 00 Magnifloently bound copy. This is No. 5 of 100 copies on Japan paper. The same. On China paper (unbound), 80 00 70 00 60 00 Whatman paper. ^—^ Holland paper. Papier velin. All sold. 157 LAFONTAINE (J. De). Contes et Nouvelles en vers. With portrait of La- fontaine and Eisen by Fiequet and the 85 plates and mgnettes by Eisen. 2 vols, 8vo, superbly bound in full dark blue crushed levant morocco (super extra), tooled back, filets on covers, double of red levant mor- occo, with elaborate tooling and mosaics of blue morocco, gilt on uncut edges, by (Rousselle.) Paris, Barraud, 1874. 90 00 Magnificent copy of reprint of famous Fermiers Generaux edition. Onfy 100 copies printed on china paper, of which this copy is No. 94. 158 LAFONTAINE. Fables De. Edi- tion illustree de 75 eaiix-fortespar A Delierre. 2 vols, 4to, superbly bound in full crimson crushed levant morocco (super extra), full gilt back, elaborately tooled lace border on covers, inside borders, full gilt on uncut edges, by (Rousselle). Paris, Quantin, 1883. 125 00 Limited edition of 100, of which this is No. 93. Printed on Chinese paper, with etchings in double state. Proofs on Japanese and Holland paper. 158* The same on Holland paper, bound in half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back, mosaics of red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. (Rousselle.) 65 00 159 LAFONTAINE (J. De). Fables Choisies : Mises en vers, par Mons. De La Fontaine, et par lui reveuSs, corrigees et augmentees de nouveau. Frontispiece by Bomain De Hooge and set of plates by H. Cause. 2 vols, 16mo, bound in full red crushed levant morocco, elaborately tooled back, filets on covers, edges gilt, inside bor- ders, by (David.) A la Haye, 1688. 30 00 160 LA GRANDE DANSE MACA- BRE des Hommes et des Femmes prece- d6e Du Diet des Trois mors et Des Trois vifs, du Debat du Corps et de I'ame. et De la complainte De I'ame Damnee, 4to, half brown morocco, gUt top, uncut. Paris, BaOliev, 1850. 7 50 Fac-simile reprint of edition of 1486. Illustrated with many curious woodcuts in fac-simile. 161 LAMB (Chas.) The Works of. In 5 vols. 13mo, half calf, marbled edges. With portrait. N. Y., Widdleton, 1871. 12 00 162 LAMOTTE(HoudardDe.) Fables dediees au Roy, par M. de la Motte. Illus- trated with 1 portrait engraved by Edelinok, 1 vignette on title, 1 frontispiece by Ooypel, and 100 vignettes by Ooypel, Oillot, Edelinck, f^-5z-g>c1 £. r. BONAVENTURE, Libraries and smaller collections of Books Purchased for Cash or Taken in Exchange. Libraries Catalogued and Appraised Book Auction Sales. E. F. Bonaventuee gives his per- sonal attention to orders on Book Sales in New York, Paris, London, etc., using for his patrons the same discrimination as in buying for him- self. Terms, five per cent, on amount of purchases in New York ; ten per cent, elsewhere. E. F. BonA-Ventuee also catalogues and prepares libraries, print collections, etc., for auction sale. When ordering, please give the number, first word, and price of each lot required. Remittances must be made, in all cases, by draft on New York, Post OflSce Order or Eegistered Letter. 1 AINSWORTH (W. H.) Star Chamber, an Historical Romance. Illustrated by Phiz. 8vo, cloth. London, 1857. 3 50 3 AINSWORTH (W. H ) Rookwood, a Romance. With illustrations by Sir John CHlbert. 8vo, cloth. London, 1857. a 00 3 AINSWORTH (W. H.) Ovingdean Grange. Illustrated hyHablot K.Browne. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1860. 3 50 4 ANACREON Odes. Translated by Thomas Moore. With 54 illustrative designs, by Oirodet de Boussy, mostly of nudes. Oblong small 4 to, cloth, gilt London, n. d 3 50 6 ANGLING. Supplement to Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing of America. Colored Front. Small 4to, cloth. JSew York, 1850. 3 00 6 BARTLETT (W. H.) Scenery and An- tiquities of Ireland, with Historical and Descriptive Text, by T. Stirling Coyne, N. P. Willis, etc. 'illustrated by 130 steel engravings from drawings by Bartlett. 3 vols. 4to, green cloth, gilt edges. London, Virtue, n. d. 7 50 7 BELGIUM AND NASSAU, or The Continental Tourist. Profusely illust- rated vnth charming steel engravings on India paper. Thick 4to, green le- vant morocco elegant, gilt edges. Lon- don, 1840. 6 50 Eare, and proofs on India paper. Bound up with the above is Cooke's "Italian Scenery, with de- scriptions by T. L. Donaldson." London, 1886. This makes 179 plates in all. 8. BEWICK.— BLOOMFIELD (Robert) The Farmer's Boy; a Rural Poem, Page wood cuts, by Bewick. 8vo, bound by Bozerian, in tree marbled calf gilt, edges gilt. London, 1801. 3 50 Large paper, and printed by Bensley. A flue copy. 9 BEWICK —GOLDSMITH & PARNELL. Poems. Illustrated with numerous wood engravings by John and Thomas Bewick. 4to, fresh half crushed levant morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut, by Rousselle. London, 1804. 6 50 Rare, and printed by W. Bulmer. 10 BEWICK COLLECTOR. Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of John and Thomas Bewick, by Thomas Hugo. With numerous wood outs. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1866. 3 50 11 BOCCACCIO. Decameron, or Ten Days' Entertainment. Translated from the Italian, with Remarks on Life and Writings of Boccaccio. Portrait en- graved by Sievier, also inserted por- trait and plates on India by Mameng. 8vo, fresh crushed brown levant mor- occo, gilt, inlaid blue leather on back, inside gold borders, edges gilt, by Rous- selle. London, 1820. 35 00 Rare edition and unique, having inserted the India Plates of Leopold Flameng. 12 BOUTELL (Charles.) Arms and Ar- mor in Antiquity and Middle Ages, from the French of Lacombe. Numerous wood engravings, some full page Small civo, cloth, top edge gilt. London, 1872. 2 50 13 BRITISH ANTHOLOGY, OR POETI- CAL LIBRARY. Illustrated uiith exquis- ite vignette plates designed by R. West- all, R. A. 8 vols, in 4, 24mo. Fresh half blue crushed levant morocco gilt, top ed?es gilt, others uncut. London, John tiharpe, 1824-25. 30 UO 14 BUNYAN (John.) Pilgrim's Pro- gress, with Lite of Bunyanby Southey. Portrait, plates by Martin, and wood engravings. 8vo, calf gilt, edges gilt. London, John Murray, 1830. 3 50 John Major's edition, and rare. 15 SURGES (Sii T. B., Bart.) Birih and Triumph of Love, a Poem. Exquis- ite plates of Cupids, Portrait and Dedi- cation engraved by P. W. Tomkins. 4to. Handsome tree marbled calf, pan- elled and gilt. London. 1796. 13 00 16 BURKE (Edmund.) Works and Life by Prior. Portrait. 9 vols, small 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1854-64. 12 00 17 BURTON (John Hill.) The Book Hunter, etc. New edition, with memoir of author. Portrait. Thick 4to. Cloth, totally uncut. Edinburgh, 1883. 13 00 No. 851 of limited edition of 1,000 copies. 18 BUSBY (Thomas.) General History of Music. Condensed from the Works of Sir John Hawkins and Charles Burney. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf. London, 1819. 3 50 19 BYRON (Lord.) Lara, a Tale, and Jacqueline, a Tale. Small 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt, by Rousselle. London, Murray, 1814. 3 50 Original edition and rare. 30 BYRON (Lord.) Don Juan. 5 vols, small 8vo. Fresh half red morocco, top edges gilt, others uncut. Original edi- tion. London, 1830-23. 25 00 21 BYRON (Lord.) Sardanapalua, a Tragedy ; TwoFoscari, a Tragedy ; Cain, a Mystery. 8vo, fresh half maroon crushed levant morocco, top edge gilt, bv Rousselle. London, J. Murray, 1821.' 7 50 Original edition and rare. 23 CATTERMOLE (Richard.) The Great Civil War of the Times of Charles I. and Cromwell. With highly finished steel engravings by George Cattermole. Large 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. London, 1866. 4 00 33 CERVANTES (M. de). Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated from the Span- ish by Charles Jarvis Illustrated with the characteristic wood engravings of Tony Johannot. 3 vols, large 8vo, fresh half polished yellow calf gilt, edges gilt. London, 1837-39. 15 00 34 CERVANTES (M. de.) The Ingenious Knight Don Quixote de la Mancha. A new translation by Duffield, with Notes of Bowie, Pellicer, Clemencia and other commentators. 3 vols. 8vo, olpth, un- cut. London, 1881. 6 50 25 CHAFFERS (William.) Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain of the Renaissance and Modern Periods, with historical notices of each manu- factory, preceded by an introductory essay on the Vasa Fiotilia of the Greek, Roman, British and Mediaeval Eras. Fourth edition. Revised and consider- ably augmented. With S, 000 potters'' marks and illustrations. Thick large 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt, others uncut. London, 1874. 6 50 36 CHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPAEDIA. A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the People. Illustrated. 10 vols, large 8vo, cloth. Phila., 1886. 7 50 37 CHATTOCK (R. S.) Practical Notes on Etching. Etched plates and tuts. 4to. cloth. New York and London, 1883. 2 00 38 COLLIER (J. Payne.) Bibliographical and critical account of the rarest books in the English language. Alphabetically- arranged. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut, N. Y.,1886. 15 00 Large paper and only 75 copies printed. 39 COLLIER (J. Payne.) Poetical De- cameron, or Conversations on English Poets and Poetry of Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 3 vols, small 8vo, half calf. Edinburgh, 1820. 4 50 30 COMBE (William.) Tours of Doctor Syntax. Colored plates by T. Rowland- son. 3 vols, large 8vo. cloth. Lon- don, n. d. 7 50 31 COTTON (Charles.) Soarronides, or Virgil Travestie, a Mock Poem in Eng- lish Burlesque. 13mo, sheep, London. 1735. 3 50 33 CRUIKSHANK (George.) Comic Al- manac, merry tales humorous poetry, qrups and oddities by Thackeray, Albert Smith, Gilbert A. Beckett, and the Brothers Mayhew. First and second series. 183'i-1853. With many hundreds of illustrations by Oeorge Cruikshank and other artists. 3 vols., thick small »vo. cloth, uncut. London, n. d. 4 50 33 CRUIKSHANK (George.) Puss in Boots. Edited and illustrated vrith etchings on steel by George Cruikshank. Small 4to, boards. London, Alfred Arnold, n. d. 2 00 34 CRUIKSHANK— AINSWDRTH(W. H.) The Miser's Daughter a Tale. With illustrationsby George Cruikshank. Hvo cloth. London 1855. 7 50 Original edition and tiright impressiens of the 35 CRUIKSHANK— AINSWORTH(W.H.) ^Vindsor Castle, an historical romance. Illustrated by George Cruikshank and Tony Johannot, with portrait and de- signs on loood by W. A. Delamotte. 8vo, cloth. Original edition. London, 1853 6 00 36 CRUIKSHANK— FIELDING (Henry.) Adventures of Joseph Andrews. With plates by George Cruikshank. Small 8vo, cloth, uncut. London. 1833. 3 50 Bright impressions of the plates, 37 CRUIKSHANK— FIELDING (Henry. History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, wiih Memoir liy Roscoe. With charac- teristic plates Iry George Cruikshank. 3 vols, small 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 188]. 5 00 Nice copy, with bright impressions of Cruik- shank's original etchings. 37 CRUIKSHANK-GOLDSMITH (Oliver.) Vicar of Wakefield. With illustrations by George Cruikshank, and steel por- trait. Small 8vo, fresh half green mo- rocco gilt, top ©"ige gilt. London, James Cochrane. 1833. 7 50 38 CRUIKSHANK— GORE (Wm.) New Year's Day, a Winter's Tale. With plates by George Cruikshank. Saiall 8vo. fresh lialf crushed blue levant mo- rocco, top edge gilt, by Rousselle. Lon- don, n. d 6 50 Bare, and a good copy. 89 CRUIKSHANK-IRVING (Washing- ton.) Beauties of. With charming wood cuts engraved by Thompson from drawings by Oeorge Cruikshank. Small 8vo, half yellow calf gilt, top edge gilt. London, 1835. " 5 00 40 CRUIKSHANK-IRVING (Washing- ton.) History of New York, by Diedrich Knickerbocker. Illustrated with the plates of George Cruikshank. Small Bvo, calf, marbled edges. London, 183(1. 3.50 Clean copy, in neat binding, of this rare edition 41 CRUIKSHANK— RHODES (W. B.) Bombastes Furioso, a Burlesque Tra^c Opera. With illustrations by G. Cruik- shank. Small 4to, cloth. London, Chiswick Press, 1873. 1 00 , 42 DIBDIN (Thomas F.) Bibliomania, or Book Madness, a Bibliographical Ro- mance. Illustrated with portraits and cuts. Large 8vo, half green mo- rocco, top gilt edge, Roxbughe style. London, 1876. 4 50 43 DIBDIN. Another copy of the same, with the illustrations on India paper. Large paper copy. 7 50 43^ DICKENS (Charles.) Little Dorrit, With illustrations by H. K. Browne. 8vo, half calf gilt, marbled edges. Lon- don, 1857. 10 00 First edition, and in good condition. 44 DICKENS (Charles.) Master Hum- phrey's Clock. With illustrations by George Cattermole and Hablot Browne. 3 vols, large 8vo, fresh half red crush- ed levant morocco, top edges gilt. Lon- don 1840-41. 3,5 00 Original edition, and a beautiful copy. 45 DICKENS Charles.) Mystery of Ed- win Drood. Portraits and plates by S. L. Filders. 8vo, cloth. London, 1870. 5 00 46 DRAMA. The Gallants, A Comedy; Grranville'sHeroickLove.a Comedy; The Jew of Venice. 3 vols, in 1. Small Svo, fresh half crushed levant morocco, top edge gilt, by Rousselle. London, 1713. 8 00 47 EARLY TEUTONIC, ITALIAN AND FRENCH MASTERS. Translated and edited from the Dohme Series, by A. H, Keane, M. A. I. Profusely illustrated with wood engravings, some full page. Thick large Svo, half red morocco, gilt, cloth sides, top edge gilt, others uncut. Loudon, 1880. 6 50 48 EVANS (Edward.) Catalogue of a Collection of Engraved Portraits, com- prising nearly 30,000 Prints. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf, cloth sides, marbled edges. London, u. d. lu 00 49 FAULMANN [Karl.) lUustrirte Ges- chiohte der Buchdrucherk unst mit Be- sonderer Berucksiohtung ihrer Tech- nischen Eutwicklung bis zur Gegenwart. With numerous fac similes, some of munuseripts in gold and colors. Thick 4to, half morocco, top edge gilt. Vienna, 1882. 9 00 50 FIGUIER (Louis.) Earth and Sea, translated, edited and enlarged by W. H. Davenport Adams. Illustrated with 350 engravings by Freeman, Cfiacomelli and others. Large 8vo, green morocco gilt, edges gilt. London, 1870. 4 50 51 FLAXMAN. — Homer's Odyssey, translated by Alexander Pope. Illus- trated with the designs of Flaxman. Small Svo, cloth. London, 1876. 3 00 52 FRANCIS (Francis.) A Rook on Angling. Steel portrait and plates. Small 8vo, cloth. London, 1880 3 50 Fifth edition, revised and improved, ot this complete treatise on the art of angling in every branch 58 GAVARNI IN LONDON. Sketches of Life and Character, with Illustrative Essays by Popular Writers, edited by Albert Smith. Page illustrations. Large Svo, cloth, gilt edges. London, 1849. ' 6 00 54 GERMAN TOURISTS, edited by Wolff and Doering, translated by Lloyd. Illustrated with steel engravings. Sm all Svo, morocco, gilt edges. London, 1837. 1 50 55 GESSNER (S.) Death of Abe), in Five Books. Portrait, engraved title and plates by Stothard, also inserted portrait on Japan paper. Large Svo, fresh half crushed levant morocco, top edge gilt. Large paper. London, 1797. 7 50 56 GOLDSMITH (Oliver.) "Works, edited by Peter Cunningham, F. S. A. Front, and charming vignette titles. 4 vols. Svo, fresh polished yellow calf gilt, top edges gilt. London, John Murray, 1854. 20 00 Best library edition and in large type. 57 GOWER(John.) ConfessioAmantis, edited and collated with the best manu- scripts, by Dr. Eeinhold Pauli. 3 vols. Svo, calf, bevelled sides, gilt edges. London, 1S57. 14 00 Beautifully printed by C. Whittingham at the Chiswick Press. 58 HALL (Mr.andMrs. S. C.) Ireland, Its Scenery, Character, etc. Profusely illustrated with steel and wood engra- vings. 3 vols, large Svo, half calf, mar- bled sides and edges. London, 1841-43. 17 50 Original edition and good impressions of the illustrations. 59 HALLAM (Henry.) Literature of Europe, Constitutional Hisi oiy of Eng- land and Europe during Middle Ages. 8 vols, in 6, small Svo. Fresh half yellow calf, gilt. New York, 1880. 15 00 60 HAMERTON (P. G.) Etcher's Hand- book. With charming etchings by the author. Small Svo, cloth. London, 1871. 5 00 61 HAMILTON (Anthony.) Memoirsof Count Grammont. With notes and illus- trations. 8 vols, small Svo, fresh half crushed blue levant morocco, top gilt edge, others uncut. London, iSlS. 7 50 62 HAMILTON (Anthony.) Memoirs of the Court of Charles the Second, by Count Grammont. Portrait of Nell Gfwynne. Small Svo, fresh half red mo- rocco, top edge gilt, others uncut, by Rousselle. London, 1S46. 5 50 Bobn's extra volume and rare. 63 HANSARD (G A.) Book of Arch- ery, bemg complete history and practice of the art, ancient and modern. Numer- ous steel plates. Svo, cloth. London 1841-45. a 00 .64 HARTSHORNE (C. H.) Book Rari- ties in the UniverBity of Cambridge. With facsimiles. Large Svo, half green morocco, marbled sides and edges. Lon- don, 1839. 5 00 Large paper copy of this excellent bibliographi- cal work. 65 HAWTHORNE (Nathaniel.) Trans- formation, or the Romance of Monte Beni. 3 vols, small 8vo, half green mo- rocco gilt, top edges gUt. London, 1860. 6 50 66 HAYES (Richard.) Negociator's Magazine. 8vo, calf. London, 1739. 3 50 67 HO WITT (William and Mary.) Stor- ies of English and Foreign Life. Nu- merous plates. Small 8to, cloth. Lon- don. 1853. 2 00 68 HUGO (Victor.) Legend of the Cen- turies, Translated by Geo. S. Burleigh. 4to, half morocco, gilt. New York, 1867 2 SO 69 ILLUMINATED CALENDAR. With border and miniatures eocecuted by Owen Jones in gold and colors from, the" Hours of Anne of Brittany." Large 8vo, boards, gilt edges. 7 50 70 IMPERIAL COURTS of France, Eng- land, Russia, Prussia, Sardinia and Aus- tria, with Biographical Sketches and an Introduction by William Cullen Bryant, edited by W. H. Bidwell. Illustrated with portraits of imperial sovereigns and their cabinet ministers. Thick large 8vo, morocco, bevelled sides, gilt New York, 1864. 7 50 71 IRVING (Washington.) Portraits and plates. 14 vols, small 8vo, half mor- occo, gilt. London, n. d. 18 00 73 JAOQUEMART(Albert.)History of the Ceramic Art. A Descriptive and Philo- sophical Study of Pottery of AU Ages and All Nations. Translated by Mrs. Bury PaUiser. With 300 woodcuts by H. Catenacci and Jules Jacquemart. 12 engravings in aquafortis byJu'esJaque- mart, ana 1000 marks and monograms. Thick large 8vo, cloth gilt, bevelled sides, gilt edges. London, 1873, 15 00 73 JACKSON AND CHATTO. Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical iind Practi- cal. With hundreds of illustrations on wood. Large 8vo, fresh half crushed blue levant morocco, gilt, edges gilt. London, 1861 9 00 Second edition, with new chapter on artists of the present day. 74 JEANNE D'ARC, surnamed " La Pu- celle d'Orleans," Memoirs of, with the History of Her Times. Portrait, front, and mews. 2 vols., fresh half crushed red levant morocco, gilt top edges, others uncut. London. 1834. 10 00 75 JEWITT(Lle«-ellynn.) Ceramic Art of Great Britain . Illustrated with near- ly 2000 wood engravings. Thick large 8vo, fresh blue cloth. London, n. d. 6 00 76 JONSON (Ben.) Works, with Notes Critical and Explanatory, and a Biographical Memoir by William Gif- ford. Edited by Francis Cunningham. Vignette portrait on titles. 3 vols: small 8vo, half yellow calf, gilt. London.n. d. 7 50 77 KEATS (John.) Poetical Works and Other Writings, now first brought to- gether, including Poems and Numerous Letters not before published. Edited, with Notes and Appendices, by Harry Buxton Forman. Etched plates, por- traits and mews. 4 vgls. 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco, top edges gUt. London, 1883. 2-> 50 78 KELLY (James.) Complete Collection of Scottish Proverbs Explaiued and Made Intelligible to the English Reader. 8vo. Bound by Cecil and Larkins in sprinkled calf, gilt. London, 1731. 5 00 78i LANDSCAPE ALBUM or Gr.at Britain Illustrated, with Descriptions of Scenery by Thomas Moule. Illustra- ted loith 119 steel plates after the de- signs of W. Westall. 2 vols, small 8vo, half morocco, cloth sides, gilt edges. London, 1833. 4 50 79 LONGFELLOW (H. W.) Poeticaland Prose Works. Portrait. 6 vols, small 8vo., fresh half red morocco gilt, top edges gilt, others uncut. Boston, Riverside Press, 1883. 15 00 80 LUBKE (Wilhelm.) Outlines of the History of Art. Edited by Clarence Cook. Profusely illustrated. 2 vols, 8vo, half red morocco gilt, top edges gilt, others uncut. New York, 1881. 8 50 81 MAINTENON (Madame d>-.) Secret Corresponaence of, with the Princess des Ursins. Translated from the French. Inserted portraits and plates. 3 vols. 8vo. half crushed led levant morofco, top edges gilt. London, 1827. 15 00 82 MARGUERITE, QUEEN OF NA- VARRE. Heptameron, or Tales and Novels, now First Completely Done into English Prose and Verse, from the Orig- inal French, by Arthur Macheu. Illus- trated with exquisite ingravings by Leopold Flameng, also portrait, 8vo, elegantly bound by Kaufman in light blue crushed levant morocco, with red morocco inlaid into corners and backs, inside gold borders, gilt edges. London, privately printed, 1886. 35 00 Superb copy, masnifloently bound. 83 MARRYAT (Joseph.) History of Pottery and Porcelain, Medieval and Modern. With colored plates and nu- merous wood cuts. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London. 1857. 7 50 Second edition, revised and augmented. 84 MATHEWS (Charles.) The London Mathews, Comedian's Trip to America, Colored Front. Philadelphia, 1824 ; Mr. Mathews' Memorandum Book, front ; Mr. Mathews' Comic Annual for 1832, Colored Front. 3 vols in 1, small 8vo. half crushed levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt. Philddelphia and London, 1824-32. 6 50 85 MILTON AND MARVELL. Poetical \V'orks, with Memoir of each. Two portraits Small 8vo, fresh half green morocco, top edges gilt. Laige paper. Boston, Riverside Press, n. d. 5 00 86 MOORE (Thomas.1 Lalla RooUh, an Oriental Romance. With 69 original drawings by John Tenniel, engraved by the Dalziels; also ornamental pages of Persian designs. 4to, cloth, bevelled sides, gilt edges. London, 1861. 5 50 87 MUSICAL MISCELLANY. Being a Collection of Choice Songs set to the Violin and Flute, by the Most Eminent Masters; also Lyric Poems. Fronts. 6 vols, in S. 12mo, calf, rebacked. Lon- don, 1729-31 10 00 88 OLAUS MAGNUS, ARCHBISHOP OF UPSALL, AND METROPOLITAN OF SWEDEN. Compendious History of the Goths, Swedes and Vandals, and other Northern Nations. Small folio, half calf. Very rare. London, 1658. 7 50 89 ORDERLY BOOK of the Northern Army at Ticonderoga and Mount Inde- pendence, from Oct. 17, 1776 to Jan. 8, 1777. with Biographical and Explanato- ry Notes, and an Appendix. Portrait of Oen Oates, and facsimile map ; also inserted portrait of Anthony Wayne. 4to half morocco, top edge gilt. Alba- ny, 1859. 10 00 Large paper, and limited edition. 90 OTTLEY (Henry.) Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Recent and Living Painters and Engravers. Large »vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1866. 3 50 91 PERCY (Thomas.) Reliques of An- cient English Poetry, consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs and other pieces of our Earlier Poets. Engraved front, vignette titles, head and tail pieces. 3 vols, small 8vo, tree marbled calf, gilt, citron edges. London, J. Dodsley, 1775, 6 00 Bare, with MS. note apparently by J. J. Rous- seau, with autograph on fty-leaf . 93 PERRY (W. C.) Greek and Roman Sculpture, a popular Introduction to History of Greek and Roman Sculpture. With 268 illustrations on wood. Thick 4to, cloth, gilt top edge, others uncut. London, 1882. 3 50 93 PETRONIUS ARBITER. Satirical Works in Prose and Verse, with his Life and Character by St. Evremont. Frontispiece and plates. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1708. 15 00 94 "PHIZ" Thirty etchings by "Phiz,"' (Hablot K. Browne) in illustration of the "Chronicles of Crime," including one by G. Cruikshank. 8vo. 5 00 95 PIERS PLOUGHMAN, Vision and Creed of. Newly imprinted, with notes and a glossary by Thomas Wright. Fac- simile fronts, and rubricated. 2 vols, small 8vo, green morocco, gilt gauffered edges by Hayday. London, William Pickering-, 1832. 12 00 Very scarce and beautifully printed by C. WMt- tingham. 96 PLANCHE (J. R.) A Cyclopedia of Costume or Dictionary of Dress — Gener- al History of Costume in Europe. Nu- merous wood engravings and colored 4to, cloth. London, n.d. 4 50 97 POPE (Alexander.) Works, with his last Corrections. Additions and Im- provements. Published by Warburton, with Occasional Notes. With etched plates by Bavenet and others. 9 vols, small 8vo, fresh half crushed blue levant morocco, top edges gilt, by Rousselle. London, 1751. 25 00 Clean copy (jf this excellent edition. 98 PRESCOTT (W. H.) History of the Conquest of Mexico. 3 vols, small Svo, fresh half crushed dark green levant morocco, top edges gilt. London, 1P50. 7 50 99 PREVOST D'EXILES (A.F.)Manoii Lescaut. Profusely illustrated with wood engravings, some full page, from the designs of Tony Johannot. Large 8vo, fredi half maroon morocco, top edge gilt. Rare. London, 1841. 10 00 Original edition of the English translation, with good impressions of the illustrations. 100 PUCKLE (James.) The Club, in a Dialogue between Father and Son. Steel portrait and charming woodcuts by Thurston. Large 8vo, half red mo- rocco. London, 1817. 6 50 Bare, limited edition and reprinted from Lon- don edition of 1711. 101 PUNCH'S SNAPDRAGONS FOR CHRISTMAS. Illustrated with steel en- gravings by John Leech. Small 8vo, fresh half crushed green levant morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut, by Rous- selle. London, Punch Office, 1845. 3 50 108 REYNOLDS (G. W. M.) Mysteries of London. With numerous illustra- tions, more or less facetious, by G. Stiff. 3 vols, large 8vo, fresh half levant mo- rocco, top edges gilt. London, 1846-47. 20 00 103 REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua.) Complete works of, with original memoir and an- ecdotes of the author. 3 vols, small 8vo, bound by "Thierry, Sr. de Petit-Simier." London, McLean, 1834. 5 00 104 REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua.) Cata- logue Raisonne of the engraved works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, P. R. A., from 1755 to 1820, with short biographical sketch of each engraver, by Hamilton. Large 8vo, cloth. London, lSi4. 4 00 105 RICHARDSON (Samuel.) Clarissa Harlowe. or the History of a Young Lady. Etched plates, including an in- serted set of Chodowieeki's designs. 8 vols, small 8vo, fresh half crushed blue levant morocco, top edges gilt. Lon- don, 1774. 30 00 106 RITCHIE (Leitch.) Ireland Pictur- esque and Romantic. With 19 steel en- gravings from drawings by D. Maelise and T. VreswicJc. 4to, morocco, gilt edges. London, 1888. 2 50 Original edition, bright impressions of the plates 107 ROEMER(J.) Cavalry, its History. Management and Uses in War. 8vo, morocco, gilt beveled sides, gilt edges. N. Y., 1868 5 00 108 ROGERS (Samuel.) Poems. Illus- trated with wood engravings by L. Clen- nellfroin. drawings by T. Stothard, R.A. Title on India paper. Small 8vo, bound by Rousseile in dark green crushed le- vant morocco, inside gold borders, gilt edges. London, 1816. 10 00 Beautiful copy of the original edition. 109 ROSCOE (Thomas.) Tourist in Switzerland and Italy. Illustrated with steel engravings after the originals of S. Prout. Small 8 vo, morocco gilt edges. London, 1830. 2 50 110 SHAKESPEARE. Dramatic Works, with life and glossary. Charming vig- nette titles engraved on wood after Thurston's designs. 8 vols. 32m o cloth, uncut. Chiswick, C. and C. Whitting- ham, 1838. 12 00 111 SHAKESPEARE'S WORKS. Text carefully restored according to first editions, with notes, etc., by Hudson. 12 vols, small 8vo, limp calf, rounded corners , gilt edges. Boston, 1883. 15 00 112 SHAKESPEARE. CoUection of nearly fiO Portraits of Shakespeare, Views, Actors and Actresses in Shakes- pearean Characters, etc., after Burney, Romberg, etc. Mounted to large 8vo, half sheep. 25 00 Rare, and mostly from Bell's British Library or British Theatre. Includes portraits of Mrs. Sid- don, Kemble, JWacklin. 118 SHAKESPEARE (William.) Collec- tion of some fifty designs by Thurston, engraved by Rhodes to Tegg's 1815 edi- tion of Shakespeare, in 12 volumes. Also portrait by Hopwood. All on In- dia paper. Large 8vo, half morocco. London, 1815. 25 00 Bare proof set on India paper. 114 SHERIDAN (Richard Brinsley.) Speeches, with Sketch of his Life. Edi- ted by "A Constitutional Friend." Portrait. 3 vols 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1842. B 50 115S0URINDRD MOHUN TAGORE. Ten Principal Avataras of the Hindus, with a Short History of Each Incarnation and Directions for the Representation of the Murtiis as Tableaux Vivants. 12 plates, mounted, 4to, half crushed lev- ant morocco, gilt top edge. Calcutta, 1880. 7 50 Dedicated to Owen Meredith. Lord Lytton. 116 SPIRIT OF PRAISE. A Collection of Hymns, Old and New. Front, and numerous wood engravings. Small 4to, tree marbled calf gilt, edges gilt. London, n. d. 3 50 117 STEPHENS (George F. S. A.) The Old Northern Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England, now First Collected and Deciphered Illustrated with fine portraits, many hundreds of facsimiles, and illustrations partly in gold, silver and bronze, and Runic Al- phabets, introducing appendices, word lists, etc. 3 vols, folio, half morocco, cloth sides. London and Kopenhaven, 1866-68 50 00 Very Scarce. Note in MS. — " John Russell Smith, of London, England (the publisher of the work), advertised in London in 1869, and stated tnat he had but three copies left, and that on the sale of one he would increase the price of the others. This work is worth In London to-day from 25 guineas to 30 guineas a copy." 118 STODDARD (Richard Henry.) Loves and Heroines of the Poets. Num- erous charmingly executed plates, mostly portraits. Large 8vo, brown morocco, bevelled sides, gilt edges. New York, 1861. 7 50 119 STOTHERT (James.) French and Spanish Painters, with Critical and Bio- graphical Account of the Artists of the French and Spanish Schools. With beautifully executed etchings by Flam- eng, Boilvin, Oaillard, Hedouin, Moran and others. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. London, n. d. 5 00 120 STURT (J.) The Orthodox Com- municant by Way of Meditation. Num- erous beautifully executed vignettes, bor- ders and initial letters engraved and designed by Sturt. Small 8vo, vellum, red edges. London, 1731. 7 50 Very rare, and the entire volume printed from engraved plates by the famous engraver Sturt. 131 SWIFT (Jonathan) Works, contain- ing additional Letters, Tracts and Poems not hitherto published, with Notes and a Life of the Author by Sir Walter Scott. Portrait, facsimile, etc. 19 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1883-4. 50 00 Edition de Luxe published at S76, No 616 of Um- ited edition of 760 copies. 133 SWINBURNE (A. 0.) Laus Veneris and Other Poems. Small 8vo, cloth. First American edition. N. Y., 1866. 3 00 133 TAINE (H. A.) History of English Literature, translated by H. Van Laun. 3 vols. 8vo, tree marbled calf gilt, mar- bled edges. Edinburgh, 1873. 8 50 134 TAYLOR (Tom.) Ballads and Songs of Brittany, translated from the "Bar- saz-Breiz" of Vicomte Hersart de la Villemarque, with some of the Original Melodies harmonized by Mrs. Tom Tay- lor. With illustrations by Tissot, Millais, Tenniel, Keene, Corbould and H. K. Browne . Small 4to, elegantly bound, bv Alfred Matthews, in red crushed levant morocco, elegant, with blue crushed levant morocco double extra gilt, with colored leather mosaics at comers, gilt edges. London, 1865 35 00 12.3 1 HACKER AY (W. M.) Christmas Books— Mrs. Perkins's Ball, Our Street, Dr. Birch. With illustrations by the author. Hmall 4to, morocco gUt, mar- bled edges. London, 1857. 3 50 126 THOMSON (James.) Seasons, edit- ed by Bolton Corney. With wood en- gravings after the original illustrations of Creswich, Horsley and others. 4to, morocco, gUt, edges gilt. N. Y., n. d. 5 00 137 THOMSON (James) Works, with his last corrections and improvements, with Life of Author. Illustrated with inserted portrait and plates. 3 vols, small 8vo, fresh half crushed dark green levant morocco, top edges gilt. Lon- don, 1788. 10 00 138 TREDWELL (D. M.) Monograph on Privately Illustrated Books, a Plea for Bibliomania. Large 8vo, sewed, to- tally uncut. Brooklyn, 1881. 2 50 Large paper and limited edition. 139. TURNER (Francis C.) Short His- tory of Art. With numerous illustra- tions, some full page. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges, others uncut. London, 1886. 3 50 130 VELAZQUEZ AND MURILLO. De- scriptive and Historical Catalogue of Works of. Etched portraits by Lalauze, etc. , on India paper. Large 8vo, cloth, totally uncut. London. 1888. 5 00 Comprises a classified list of paintings by Velaz- quez and Murillo, with descriptions, t!teir history from the earliest known dates, names of the pres- ent and former owners, sales m which they have appeared, and engravings after them ; also, lists of lost or unidentiiSed pictures, a brief accouut of the lives and works of the disciples of these art- ists, a bibliography and complete index by Charles B. Curtis. 131 VOLTAIRE (F. M. A. de.) Dram- atic Works. Translated by Francklin. Illustrated with fronts, ana series of in- serted plates by Desenne. 7 vols. l2mo, fresh half red morocco, top edges gilt. London, 1769-74. 20 00 133 WALLACK (Lester.) Memories of Fifty Years, witii an Introduction by Lawrence Hutton. With portraits and facsimiles. 4to, loose in portfolio and folded ready for binding. New York, 1889. 9 00 No. 108 of limited edition of 50O copies. 183 WARTON (Thomas.) History of English Poetry from the close of the Eleventh Century. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, fresh half red morocco, top edges gilt, others uncut. London, 1824. 15 DO 134 WASHINGTON (George.) Life, by Edward Everett. Two steel portraits. 8vo, morocco, beveled sides, gilt edges. Large paper. New York, 1861'. 2 50 135 WASHINGTON (George.) Life of, by Irving. Portrait and plates. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1855-59. 8 50 136 WASHINGTON. Home of , or Mount Vernon and Its Associations, Historical, Biographical and Pictorial. Profusely illustrated. Small 4to, cloth, gilt edges. New York, n. d. 1 75 137 WASHINGTON (George.) Engraved Portraits of, with Notices of Originals, and Biographical Sketches of the Paint- ers, by W. S. Baker. 4to, cloth, totally uncut. Philadelphia, 1880. 7 50 138 WHITMAN (Walt.) Leaves of Grass. Portrait. Thick, small 8vo, cloth. Bos- ton, 1860-61. 2 50 139 WILLIAMS (H. W.) Select Views in Greece. With numerous steel plates. 2 vols, in 1. Large 8vo, fresh blue cloth, gilt edges. London, 1839. 3 50 140 WILLSHIRE (W. H,) Introduction to the Study and Collection of Ancient Prints. With facsimile plates. 3 vols. Large 8vo, half morocco, top edges gilt, Eoxburghe style. London, 1877. 7 50 141 WREATH OF BEAUTY. Edited by John R. G. Hassard. Illustrated with many steel engravings. Thick, large 8vo, fresh green morocco gilt, beveled sides, inside gold borders, gilt edges, New York, 1864. 6 50 The text is from Hood, Poe, Keats, Shelley, Thackeray, etc. 142 WRIGHT (Thomas.) Womankind in Western Europe from the Earliest Times to the Seventeenth Century. Profusely illustrated with wood engravings, also colored front., title and plates. 4to. Russia gilt, edges gilt. London, 1869. 10 00 MS.— PICT06RAPHIC AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF HALF MOON, an Uncpapa Sioux Chief, who was killed in the battle of the Rosebud, June 18th, 1876, and who with four other Chiefs was found lying in state on the Custer battlefield, June 28tb, 1876, Consisting of 77 rude colored crayon sketches by the Chief Half Moon, mount- ed on linen, and which are preceded by a portrait, other original sketches and ex- planatory manuscript in ink by William H. Craft, pen artid. Thick small 4to, fresh red russia extra gilt, inside gold tooling, etc. 60 00 Unique original North American Indian Autobiography. There is a note at the commencement of this picture MS. to the effect that " This history was taken from Half Moon's dead body by Sergeant John E. Nelson, of Lieut. Rowe's Co., Second Cavalry, as certified to by Lieut. Rowe and Major James S. Brisbin, Second Cavalry." The descriptive MS. further states : "It is the custom of the Sioux warrior, as was the custom with the warriors of the Six Nations, the Natchez, the Illinois and other semi-centaur savages, to record by illustrations or pictures their several exploits in battle and the chase. In the histoiy of the trans-Mississippi tribes, those who have relied for subsistence upon the immense berds of buffalo, elk and antelope which ranged on the plains— these pictorial records have mainly been executed on the dressed sldns of animals; though in some few instances Jesuit Mission- aries testify to having seen these records handsomely and profusely illusfrated on the inner bark of the Cottonwood tree. The Missionaries taught them the uses and purposes of paper, and the Uovernment agents have always liberally supplied them with colored crayons. This book was originally tlie prop- erty of one J. S. Moore, who, in company with twenty-flve others, left Nebraska City Jime 1.5th, ISIii., for Montana. In September, 1868, Moore started to return to Nebraska, but on passing through the Big llorn country was killed and scalped by Half Moon. On page 56 [of the Autobiography] is sup - posedto be an illustration of this encounter. Pattee, Sandford, Chandler and others (see page 55) re, turned to Nebraska City and are now residing in that vicinity." 10 LA F01:TAINE (Jean de). Tales and Novels in Verse, niustrated with the 85 original engravings by Eisen. S vols. 8vo, sewed, uncut. Japanese Paper. -New York and Paris, 18b3. 90 00 LA FONTAINE. The same on India Paper. Sewed, uncut. 80 00 A few only of the above are now left. 100 copies were printed on Japanese paper, and 50 on India paper. These were only issued by subscription, and since the whole of the rest of the edition— 2 on parchment, 50 on Whatman paper, 75 on Holland paper and 125 on VeUn paper— have been disposed of by the. publisher, collectors should avail themselves at as early a date as possible of the very limited number of remaining copies on Japanese and India papers. We cannot do better than quote the following from the circular issued by us when calling for sub- scribers : — " We offer to amateurs of precious books and to booksellers this unique translation in English of the ' Tales and Novels in Verse of J. de La Fontaine.' ' 'The original edition, published in London in 1814, from which our edition is taken, is attributed to Thomas Moore, and is so very rare and so preciously guarded by the. possessors thai; many English booksellers doubt even of its existence. "Appropriate illustrations of this masterpiece of gayety and humor being necessary, we could not make a happier choice than the marvellous iUustrations of Eisen, composed for the celebrated edition of the ' Fermiers-Gfeneraux,' edited 1762, of which we have been able to acquire the original oopper- " We borrow from MM. de Goncourt, who may always be quoted with confidence on questions per- taining to the merits of a French art ist of the eighteenth century, the following lines : " ' Among the Livres de luxe and Books of Art of the eighteenth century, there is one which is a marvel and a chef-d'oeuvre, an example without an equal of the richness of a book. This work, the great monument and triumph of the vignette, which rises above and crowns all other illustrations of the day, it is needless to state to all amateurs, is the Tales of La Fontaine, known as the edition of the Fermiers-Generaux, a truly royal book of the last Mecoenean financiers ; one of the grandest of the intelligent and sensual outlays of money of the reign of Louis SV., and an inimitable model of gallant engraving applied to the illustration of light narrative ' " We have been desirous that the letter-press of our work should be, in every respect, worthy of the illustrations, and to this end we have confided it to one of our best houses." MABERLY (J.) The Print Collector, an introduction to the knowledge of an- cient prints, with suggestions as to the mode of collecting, edited, with an intro- duction and notes, by Robert Hoe, Jr. With etchings and other illustrations by J. F. Sabin, etc. Thick large 8vo, fresh half crushed brown levant morocco, top edges gilt. New York, 1880. 3 .'iO Published at $6.00. " The book commends itself alone without comment to all collectors and lovers of -prints, and it is so wholly without rivals in its comprehensiveness and accuracy that its publication makes it at once a necessary part of every collector's library, while as a history of engraving and kindred arts it is inval- uable to all classes of intelligent readers." — New York i^ening Post. PARIS SALONS de 1880, 1881. 18«3, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887 et 1888. Su- perbly illustrated with numerous photogravures and etchings, also many illustra- tions in the text. 9 vols, large 8vo, and 4to, fresh red cloth. Paris, Ludovic Bas- chet, 1B80-88. 185 00 This charming set of art works, which embraces pictorial representations of all the best pictures and statuary that have been produced in Europe during the last nine years, includes the three rare vol- umes of 1880, '81 and '88. For the first of these the publisher has a standing offer of 200 francs to complete sets. WEST WOOD f J. O., M A.) Miniatures and Ornaments of Anglo Saxon and Irish Manuscripts. With a Descriptive Text to each Plate, serving as a History of Urit- isfi Palaeography aad Pictorial Art. Illustrated in a series of over fifty superb plates, most elaborately executed in exact facsimile of the originals in gold and colors— drawn on stoneby W. R. Tymms and chromo lithographed by Day efe anb (jperiobicafa, Current literature, i^.;, I Barclay Stkeet, under the Astor House, ,1 NEW YORK CiTY. PMet.Qup^O£Mne-TMuTZ-Bnuzori»eT u She liMioiJ0le^^ (Jafatogup of Valttafjlt, ]&art anti KntccfBtiJiB i ^, ?. -Ponaiipnfurp, i2[l)£ Stttx Carlo, Broadway and 31st St., (itttV. TS®^^' ^ ^^^^fe^'^^V^^^^^^Ss ii»««^;>iMttlMiM mmm i \e\iE BBS SB! K. K. BONAVKKTURE has 'now ready and will mail free on application (Jatalogue of Etchings and £ngravings, ^ ETS.OF Prints for £xtra-Illustration. * IN THE PRESS: . '■ ^^, Catalogue of Books of the Highest Rarity, ILLUSTRATED WITH FAC-SIMILES OF BINDINGS, ILLUM4NATI0NS, Etc. The above will be mailed on receipt of 25 cents, and the amount credited to purchases from any of our catalogues. Catalogues will be issued from time to time, for which Collectors, especially those ^frho have not hitherto received them, are requested to send their Names and Addresses to E. F. BONAVENTURE, the San Carlo, Broadway and 31st St. E. F. BONAVENTURE always keeps in Stock and is ready to purchase for Cash any of the following ; MAGNIFICENT MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS, Illuminated in Gold and Colors; VELLUM PRINTED AND ILLUMINATED HOURS by Kkrver, Hardouin, Pigouchet, Vostre and others ; HISTORICAL BINDINGS OF THE HIGHEST INTEREST, from Royal Libraries and of " Provenance Illustre " : IN- CUNABLES AND BLACK LETTERS; FIRST EDITIONS; ALDINES AND ELZEVIRS. ART GALLERIES; SUPERB VOLUMES OF RARITY, Encased in Bindings of Trautz-Bauzonnet, ChamboUe-Duru, Marius Michel, Lortic and the most Famous Binders ; EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH ILLUSTRATED WORKS; ENGLISH BELLES LETTRES AND ALL BRANCHES OF LITERA- TURE ; WORKS ILLUSTRATED BY CRUIKSHANK, ROWLANDSON, LEECH, ETC.; RARE AMERICANA. MEZZOTINTS, LINE ENGRAVINGS in Rare States and Proofs of all kinds; PORTRAITS, SETS OF PLATES,. VIEWS, feTC, for Extra Illustrative Purposes. '"gUz m^lxopoXt/' Catalogue of books FOR SALE AT THE PRICES ANNEXED, BY B, 3f. J5onat>en^ure, BH.OAD'WAV AKiD THIRXY-KIItSX ST., NEW York. Libraries and smaller Collections of Books, also Portfolios of Prints, Purchased for Cash or Taken in Exchange.. Collections Catalogued and Appraised. Book and Print Auction Sales. — E. F. Bona venture gives his personal attention to orders on Book and Engraving Sales in New York, Paris, London, etc., using for his patrons the same discrimination as in buying for himself. When ordering, please give the number, first word and price of each lot required. Remittances must be made in all cases by draft on New York, Post Office Order on Station E, New York City, or Registered Letter. 1. A'KEMPIS (Thomas). De Imitatione Christi Libri Quatuor. Exquisitely illustrated with woodcut borders after Holbein, etc., also initial letters. Small 4to, fresh half crushed levant morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut, covers bound in. Paris, Tross, 1868. 9 00 2. ALBUM, Containing a Collection of Etchings and Prints, some Very Rare, by or after Ostade, Lebas, Rembrandt, Le Prince, Romanet, Van Dyck, Masquelier, Fra Bartotomeo, Poussin, Raffaello, Sandrart and others. Large 4to, red crinkled morocco, elegant. 35 °° 3. ALDUS.— Silii Italici de Bello Pvnico Secvndo XVIL Libri nvper Diligentissime Castigati. Small 8vo, bound by Duru, in crushed red levant morocco, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Venice, 1523. 15 °° Very Rare and splendid example of the famous press of the Aldi, with their printer's mark on the first and last leaves. It is printed entirely in Italic type. 4. [ALEXANDER VII.]— Le Syndicat du Pape, avec son Voyage en I'Autre Monde. Minimo, crinkled purple morocco, gilt edges, by Simier. ^Ehevir^ 1669. 2 00 5. AMMAN (Jost). Im frauwenzimmer wirt Vermeldt von Allerley Schonen Kleidungen vnnd Trachten. Numerous facsimile illustrations of women by Amman. Small 4to, fresh stamped morocco. Frankfort, 1586, (reprint) 1880. 6 50 6. ANECDOTES Piquantes de Bachaumont, Mairobert, etc., pour Servir a I'Histoire de la Societd Francaise a la Fin du Regne de Louis XV. (1762-1774), avec des Notes et une Table Bio-bibliographique Publi6es par Jean Gay, Membra de ITnstitut National de Geneve. Etched front, by Chauvet on India paper. Small 8vo, fresh half crushed levant morocco gilt, top edges gilt, others uncut. Brussels, Gay et Douce, 1881. 7 50 Limited edition printed on handmade paper. This volume, which is compiled from a number of others, has a quantity of facetious anecdotes which were buried in old memoirs until rescued in this shape by M. Gay, the eminent publisher, who has added notes and a bio-bibliographic table. 7. ANTHOLOGIE des Poetes et des Prosateurs Francais jusqu'a nos Jours. 2 vols, small 8vo, fresh half crushed red levant morocco, top edges gilt, others uncut. Paris, Lemerre, n. d. 8 00 The poetical volume of this valuable French anthology not only includes extracts from the early French writers, but also from the modern French Romantic school of HugOj Gautier, Baudelaire, etc. 8. APULEIUS. — Les Metamorphoses ou I'Ane d'Or d'Apulee Philosophe Platonicien. Nouvelle Edition. - 3 — Illustrated with portrait and numerous plates. 2 vols. 8vo, mottled calf, gilt. Paris, Bastien, 1787. 10 00 Rare edition of this most extraordinary work, with the Latin and French text on opposite pages. It was edited by the Abbe Compain de Saint Martin. 9. AUDSLEY (George A.) and BOWES (James L.). Keramic Art of Japan. Large Svo, cloth gilt, top edge gilt. London, 1881. 8 00 Profusely illustrated with engravings and plates, many of which are beautifully colored, some in gold and colors. Published at two guineas. 10. BAILLON (Comte de). Histoire de Louise de Lor- raine, Reine de France, 1553-1601. Portrait. Small Svo, half morocco, inlaid blue leather on back, top edge gilt, others uncut. Large paper. Paris, Techener, 1884. 3 5° 11. BALLADES, Fabliaux et Traditions du Moyen Age. Illustrated with numerous miniatures in gold and color, painted by hand, also initial letters illuminated by hand. 8vo, half red morocco. Paris, Didot, n. d. 15 00 Very rare and printed in black letter. Unique copy. The alleged i date of this curious volume is 1435. At the end is a glossary. 12. BALZAC (Honore de). Droll Stories Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine. Illustrated with 425 designs by Gustave DorL Crown Svo, cloth, top edge gilt. London, 1S74. TO 00 Original edition in English and complete uncastrated translation. 13. BALZAC. Physiologic du Mariage ou Meditations de Philosophie Electique sur le Bonheur et le Malheur Conjugal Publiees par " un Jeune Celibataire." 2 vols, small Svo, bound by Rousselle in crushed brown levant morocco gilt, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, others uncut. Paris, 1830. 30 00 Original edition. Scarce and curious work on marriage. 14. BARBEY D'AUREVILLY (Jules). Poesies Com- ment^es par Lui-Meme. Vignette coat-of-arms on title. Large Svo, finely bound by ChamboUe-Duru in maroon — 4 — crushed levant morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges temoins and gilt, covers bound in. Brussels, 1870. 20 00 Limited edition of 72 copies, the above being large paper and on papier verge. This curious volume of poetry is by the author of that facetious volume ' ' Dandysme et Brummell. " 15. BEAUCHAMPS (Godard de). Amours d'Ismene et d'Ismenias. Frontispiece by Marillier. i2mo, fine old red morocco gilt, edges gilt. Londres, 1783. 3 50 Choice copy of the Cazin edition. 16. BERANGER (P. J. de). CEuvres Anciennes— Chan- sons ; Nouvelle Edition revue par I'Auteur avec les Dix Chansons publiees en 1847, 2 vols.; also — Dernieres Chansons de Beranger de 1834 a 1851 avec un Preface de I'Auteur, i vol. — Illustrated with portrait, engraved title and steel plates by Charlet, A. de Lemud, Johannot, Grenier, /acgue, Pauguet, Penouilly, de Rudder, Raffet, Sandoz, Balin, Brunei, Colin, Darodes, Doherty, Goutieres, Massart, Morel, Lalaisse, Nargeot and Palee, also fac- simile letter ; also OEuvres Posthumes (including) Ma Biographic, etc., portraits and plates. Together 4 vols. Large 8vo, fresh half calf gilt, top edges gilt. Paris, 1860-65. 25 00 Handsome set, with bright impressions of the delightfully designed and beautifully executed steel plates. 17. BERANGER. Chansons. 2 vols. 24mo, half calf. Paris, 182 1. 3 00 18. BERGERAC (Cyrano). Voyages Fantastiques, Pub- lies avec une Introduction et des Notes par Marc de Montifaud. Small 8vo, bound by Affolter in half crushed green levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. Paris, Jouaust, 1875. 3 50 Number 230 of limited edition of 320 copies printed on toned paper. Dean Swift is said to have conceived the idea of his ' ' Gul- liver's Travels " from the book " Estat et Empire du Soleil et de la Lune " of Bergerac, whose wildness and eccentricity of life was on a par with the singularity of his works. 19. BEWICK. — LE GRAND'S Fabliaux or Tales, Abridged from French Manuscripts of the Xllth and Xlllth Centuries, Selected and Translated into English Verse, with Preface and Notes. Illustrated with wood- — 5 — cuts by Bewick. 2 vols, small 4to, marbled calf gilt. London, Bulmer, 1796-1800. 8 50 20. BIBLE MYTHS and other Parallels in Religion. Thick large 8vo, cloth, uncut. 3 50 21. BILLAUD (Victor). Le Livre des Baisers. Etched frontispiece and 39 pen and ink designs by Henry Somm. Small Svo, handsomely bound by Rousselle in half dark blue crushed levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. Rouen, 1879. 4 00 Charming copy of this delighful volume with the covers bound in. 22. 3Jlacft ILtXXtt. — Sumaire, ou Epitome du Liure de Asse Fait par le Commandemet, du Roy par Maistre Guillaume Bude Cofeissier, dudit Seignr. et Maistre des Requestes Ordinaires de son Hotel par le dit Bude, Reueu et Additionne oustre les pr^cedentes Impres- sions. Minimo, bound by Thompson in morocco, inside gold borders, gilt edges. Paris, 1538. 12 50 Very rare and excellent example of early Parisian typography and being one of the most famous works of Budaeus, whom Erasmus styled "the prodigy of France." This celebrated Hellenist died in 1543. 23. iSlaCit 3Lttt0t. — Rationale Diuinorum officioru. Edictu. p. Reuerendissimi in xporem et dnm. dominu Guillielmum Durati. With illuminated initial letters — and title illuminated in gold and colors, with border and coat-of-arms — '■'gules a Latin cross argent between four roundles of the same." Folio, oaken boards. Venice, 1482. 17 so Very Rare. Printed in gothic types, double columns. The volume is in excellent condition, although a few margins are stained. On the blank leaves at the beginning and end are many memoranda in early i6th century handwriting. No printer's name appears in the colophon of the volume, but the types are probably those of Nicholas Jenson. 24. BLANCHEMAIN (Prosper). Poesies. Portrait. Small 8vo, fresh half crushed levant morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut, by Amand. Paris, Paul Masgana, 1858. 10 00 Presentation copy from the author to Augusta Aubry, with auto- graph inscription and signature on cover, which is bound in, and also letter from the same to the same and signed " P. B." — 6 — 25- BOCCACCIO. Decameron, or Ten Days' Entertain- ment. Translated from the Italian, with Remarks on Life and Writings of Boccaccio. Portrait engraved by Sievier, also inserted portrait and plates on India by Flameng. 8vo, crushed levant morocco gilt, inlaid blue leather on back, inside gold borders, edges gilt, by Rous- selle. London, 1820. 25 00 Rare edition, and having inserted the India Plates of Leopold Flameng. 26. BOCCACCIO. Les Dix Journees de Jean Boccacce, Traduction de Le Macon Reimprimee par les Soins de D. Jouaust avec Notice Notes at Glossaire par M. Paul Lacroix. Illustrated with 1 1 charming etchings by Leo- pold Flameng, also inserted title-pages from the Paris 1802 edition and portraits. 4 vols, small 8vo, fresh half red morocco gilt, top edges gilt, others uncut, by Trioullier, Successeur de Petit-Simier. Paris, Librairie des Biblio- philes, 1873. 40 °o Fine extra-illustrated copy of this charming limited edition of Jouast. 27. BOOK OF Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments. Profusely illustrated with wood engrav- ings after the works of the great painters, also numerous illuminated full-pages, borders in various colors, rubrica- tions, fancy initial letters, etc. Thick 4to. Bound by Francis Bedford in crushed brown levant morocco gilt, edges gilt. London, 1845. 16 00 Fine copy of this now rare and beautifully illustrated and illumi- nated Common Prayer published by John Murray. 28. BOOK OF ScoTisH Pasquils, etc., 1827; A Second Book of Scotish Pasquils, etc., 1828; a Third Book of Scotish Pasquils, etc., 1828. Curious wood blocks on titles. 3 vols, in i. Small 8vo, green crinkled morocco extra, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1827-28. i6 00 Very Rare. Privately printed. This humorous volume contains many curious pieces. 29. BOSSANGE (Hector). Ma Bibliotheque Fran^aise. Small 8voj half red morocco, top edge gilt. Paris, 1855. 3 00 Presentation copy, vide MS. on half title. 30. BOUHOURS. Les Entretiens d'Ariste et d'Eugene. Engraved frontispiece. Minitno, bound by Simier in russia gilt, edges gilt. Amsterdam, J/'<9rZ'/ 160. PREVOST (A. F.). History of Manon Lescaut and of the Chevalier des Grieux, with a Preface by Guy de Maupessant. Numerous etchings, borders, vignettes, etc., after the original designs of Maurice Leloir. Large 4to, fresh cloth, top edge gilt, others uncut. Paris and Phila- delphia, 1888. 12 00 Handsome edition. The plates, vignettes and borders are etched by Louis Ruet and Jules Huyot. 161. RABELAIS (Francis). Works, Treating of the Lives, Heroick Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and his Son Pantagruel, with Life of Author. 4 vols., snfiall 8vo, sprinkled calf gilt, citron edges, by F. Bedford. London, 1664-94. 55 °o Rare. Translated, with notes, by Sir Thomas Urchard and Le Motteux. 162. RABELAIS. CEuvres Publiees sous le Titre de Faits et Dits du Geant Gargantua et de son Fils Pantagruel, avec la Prognostications Pantagruelines I'Epitre du Limousin, la Creme Philosophale et deux Epitres a deux — 32 — Vieilles de Moeurs et d'Humeurs Differentes. Plates. 6 vols, in 5. Small 8vo, half morocco, top edges gilt. Amsterdam, 171 1. 9 °° Rare edition. Edited by Le Duchat and La Monnoye. 163. RABELAIS. (Euvres de, Suivies des Remarques Publides en Anglois par M. Le Motteux et Traduites en Francois par C. D. M. Nouvelle Edition. Illustrated with portraits, numerous plates, views, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt, top edges gilt, others uncut (some pp. mended). Paris, An VI. 15 °° 164. RABELAIS. Las Quatre Livres, Suivis du Manuscrit du Cinquieme Livre Publiees par les Soins de MM. A. de Montaiglon et Louis Lecour. 3 vols. 8vo, bound by Canape in crushed brown levant morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Paris, 1868. 35 00 Handsome limited edition, of which the above is No. 76. 165. RABELAIS. Les Cinq Livres de, Publiees avec desVari- antes et un Glossaire par P. Cheron. With 1 1 etchings, inclusive of portrait by E. Boilvin. 5 vols, small 8vo, half citron morocco, top edges gilt. Paris, 1876-77. 25 00 Clean copy, as good as new, of the excellent edition Jouaust. t 166. REDGRAVE (Richard and Samuel). A Century of Painters of the English School, with Critical Notices of their Works, and an Account of the Progress of Art in England. 2 vols. 8vo, tree marbled calf gilt, marbled edges. London, 1866. 11 00 167. RICCOBONI (Louis). Histoire du Theatre Italien, avec un Catalogue des Tragedies et Comedies, 1550- 1660. Plan and plates of theatrical costumes, etc., en- graved title. 8vo, vellum, red edges. Paris, 1727. 12 00 Rare, bound up with Riccoboni's "dell' Arte Representativa Capitoli Sei," 172S. 168. RICHARDSON (Samuel). Clarissa Harlowe, or the History of a Young Lady. Etched plates, including an — 33 — inserted set of Chodowiecki's designs. 8 vols, small 8vo fresh half crushed blue levant morocco, top edges gilt. London, 1774. , 20 00 169. ROVILLE (Gvillavme a). Recueil de I'Antiqve Pre- excellence de Gavle et des Gavloys. Minimo, vellum. Poictiers, 1546. 4 50 Rare and bound in leaf of old choir book with two large illumi- nated initials. 170. ROUSSEAU (Jean Jacques). Pygmalion. Illustrated with the exquisite etchings of Moreau, Le Jeune and Ma- rillier in three states. Large 4to, three-quarters crushed levant morocco, top edge gilt, by Rousselle, covers bound in. Paris, 1775. 10 00 Numbered copy of limited issue of 25 examples of this charming reprint on China Paper and the text entirely engraved by Drouet. The original of this work and libretto by Berquin is worth in Paris 225 to 250 francs. 171. ROUSSEAU. Another copy of the same. 4to, half green morocco, top edge gilt, covers bound in. 15 00 Japan paper, Large Paper copy and No. 64 of limited issue of 100 copies and with the exquisite vignettes and plates of Moreau in three states. 172. ROYAUMONT (Sieur de). L'Histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament avec des Explications. Illus- trated with numerous copper-plates to the number of nearly three hundred in the text. Thick small 8vo, vellum, red edges. Brussels, 1747. 6 50 173. SAINTINE (X. B.). Myths of the Rhine, translated from the French by Scheie de Vere. With numerous illustrations from the designs of Gustave Dor^. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. N. Y. 1875. 4 00 174. [SAINT LAMBERT (Jean Franfois).] Les Saisons, Po&me. With engraved front., vignettes and plates by or after Gravelot, Le Prince, St. Aubin, Choffard, Prevost, Rousseau and Delaunay. 8vo, bound by Rousselle in crushed dark blue levant morocco gilt, inside gold bor- ders, gilt edges. Amsterdam (Paris), 1773. 20 00 Rare and a beautiful copy. Saint Lambert, the author of this ver- — 34 — sion of the " Seasons," tells of his indebtedness to and the difference in his treatment of the subject sung so delightfully by James Thom- son, whose " Seasons " were translated into the French by — J. R. F. de Lure, 1801, Mme. Bontemps, 1796, and J. Poulin, 1802, The notes to " Las Saisons " are very full. There are also some fugitive poetry. "Oriental fables," and three stories at the end, namely— " L'Abenaki," "Sara Th " " Zimeo." The first named of these is based on an American Indian plot. " C'est le seul ouvrage de notre siicle qui passera a la posterite." — Voltaire. 175. SAINT-PIERRE (Bernardin de). Paul et Virginie, Preface de Jules Claretie, avec Variantes et Biblio- graphic. With etchings by Fr. Regamey, also portrait. Small 8vo, fresh half mottled calf gilt, red edges. Paris, Quantin, 1878. 4 5° Printed on vellum' paper with carmine borders. 176. ST. PIERRE. Paul et Virginie, la Chaumiere In- dienne, etc. Charming plates by Corbould. 2 vols, in i. Small 8vo, bound by Thouvenin in calf extra gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt (some pages foxed). Paris, 1829. 3 50 Very scarce, and printed by Firmin Didot. 177. SAPPHO. — The Adventures of Sappho, Poetess of Mitylene, translation from the Greek Original, Newly Discovered. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue morocco, top edges gilt. Large Paper. London, 1789. 12 50 178. SARTINES (M. de). Journal des Inspecteurs de. Premiere S^rie, 1761-64. Small 8vo, fresh half red crushed levant morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut. Brussels, 1863. 4 00 Principally relating to the assignations of the French aristocracy and demi-monde, with complete record of results of espionage of the French police of the middle of i8th century. 179. SCARRON (Paul). Whole Comical Works, translated by Thos. Brown, Richard Savage and others. Engraved portrait and title. 2 vols. i6mo, sheep. London, 1759. 7 SO Rare. Includes all Scarron's Novels and Histories, the '' Inno- cent Adultery," the "Generous Lover," etc. — 35 — i8o. SCARRON. Le Virgile Travesti, en Vers Bur- lesques ; Precede d'une Etude sur le Burlesque, par V. Fournel. Small 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top edge. Paris, 1858. 3 50 181. SEA SONG and River Rhyme from Chaucer to Ten- nyson, with New Poem by A. C. Swinburne. With 1 2 etchings. Small 4to, cloth, top edge gilt, others uncut. London, 1887. 2 50 182. SHAKESPEARE. Photo-lithographic Fac-simile of the First Folio Edition of Shakespeare's Works, 1623, executed by R. W. Preston, from the matchless copies in Bridgewater House and the British Museum, under the superintendence of H. Staunton. Portrait. Thick folio, brown calf gilt, edges gilt. London, Day &• Son, 1866. 32 50 The " first folio " is the only edition of the poet's works which is entitled to any authority as regards the accuracy of the text, and in this respect the above facsimile, being done by photo-lithography, can be relied on by scholars as absolutely trustworthy. 183. SPORTING, edited by Nimrod, with Literary Contri- butions by Thomas Hood, John Hamilton Reynolds. Embellished with plates and vignettes, illustrative of Brit- ish field sports from pictures painted by Gainsborough, Landseer, Cooper, Hancock, Lewis, Barraud, etc. Large 4to, red morocco, gilt edges. London, 1838. 18 50 184. STERNE (Laurence). Voyage Sentimentale en France, Traduit de 1' Anglais. Illustrated with charming woodcuts in the text. Small 8vo, half blue crushed mo- rocco, top edge gilt. Paris, n. d. 3 00 185. STRADA (Famianus). Prolusiones Academicse. En- graved title. 4to, red morocco gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges. Rome, 1617. 6 00 Rare. Fine old contemporary morocco binding, and from the library of the Earl of Jersey. 186. SUCKLING (Sir John). Fragmenta Aurea, a collec- tion of all his Incomparable Pieces. Third Editipn, with -36 - some new Additions. Portrait. i2mo, calf, gilt, re- backed. London, 1658. 7 5° Rare, including "A Supplement of an Imperfect Copy of Verses of Mr. William Shakespear's," etc. 187. SWIFT (Jonathan). Travels into Several Remote Na- tions of the World, by Lemuel Gulliver, with Copious Notes, Life of Author and Essay on Satirical Fiction by W. C. Taylot, LL.D. Illustrated with upwards of \oo wood engravings from designs by Grandville. Large 8vo, cloth, uncut. London (1840). 6 50 Fine clean copy with wide margins suitable for extra illustrations, for which we have a large number of sets for insertion . 188. [SWIFT (Jonathan).] Voyages de Gulliver. Illus- trated with humorous plates by Le Febvre, engraved by Masquelier. 4 vols, small 8vo, blue morocco, inside gold borders, gilt edges, by Smeers. Paris, Leclerc, i860. 12 00 Large paper, and No. 137 of 150 examples. On page 8g of Vol. I will be found the singular plate of Gulliver extinguishing the burn- ing of the palace of the Lilliputian monarch. 189. TASSO (Torquato). Aminta Favola Boschereccia. Plates and vignette head pieces by Cochin. Small 8vo, half red levant morocco, top edge gilt, by J. Canape. Paris, 1813. 4 50 Rare, printed by Didot. The plates (nudes) are also proofs before letters. 190. TENNYSON (Alfred). Poems. 2 vols, small 8vo, half morocco, top edges gilt, others uncut. Boston, 1842. 3 50 Rare first American edition- 191. THESSALUS (Felix). Traits de L'Origine du Lan- gage ou Formation et Deformation des Mots. 8vo, half crushed levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. Brussels, Gay et Douce, 1882. 5 00 Limited edition of 300 copies, the above being No. 84. 37 192. THOUSAND NIGHTS and One Night: now First Completely Done into English Prose and Verse, from the Original Arabic by John Payne. Illustrated ivith 2 1 exquisitely executed etchings by Adolphe Lalauze. 9 vols, large 8vo, vellum gilt, top edges gilt, others uncut. New York, 1884. 60 00 No. 19 of limited edition on Holland paper printed for subscribers only. The above is the first complete translation of the great Arabic compendium of romantic fiction that has been attempted in any lan- guage. 193. TRESSAN (Comte de). Histoire de Gerard de Nevers et de la Belle Euriant sa Mie. Engraved plates from the designs of Moreau le Jeune. Minimo, elegantly bound by Lanscelin in crushed green levant morocco gilt, rounded corners, inside gilt borders, edges gilt on marble. Paris, 1792. 12 00 Charming example of the Didot press. 194. TRIMMER (Mrs. Mary). Natural History. Numer- ous woodcuts by S. Williams. 2 vols. 32mo, cloth, uncut. Chiswick, C. Whittington, 1826. i 75 195. TROLLOPE (Frances). The Vicar of Wrexhill. Illustrated with etched plates by Hervieu. 3 vols, small 8vo, half calf. London, 1837. 3 50 196. UCHARD (Mario). My Uncle Barbassou. Illus- trated with 40 etchings by Paul Avril. Large 8vo, fresh cloth, uncut. London, 1888. 9 00 197. VADE (J. J.). Lettres de la Grenouillere, Suivies de Quatre Bouquets Poissards, Rdimpression des Editions Originales avec Notice par Georges d'Heyli. Etched front, by Guillamot fils. Small 8vo, half red morocco crushed levant, top edge gilt, others uncut, cover bound in. Paris, 1885. 3 50 Number 143 of limited edition of 211 copies, the above being on Holland paper. -38 - 198. VADE. La Pipe Cass6e, Poeme Epitragipoissardi- heroicomique. Illustrated with exquisite etched vignettes. Small 8vo, bound by Canape-Belz in half green crushed levant morocco, top edge gilt. Paris, Velin, n. d. 4 50 Limited edition, with inserted proofs on Japan paper of the beau- tiful etchings, also cover bound in with the same in three states. 199. VALADES (D.). Rhetorica Christiana. Curious illus- trations, including engraved title. 4to, vellum, red edges (foxed). Perugia, 1579. 7 50 Rare. Illustrated with remarltable plates, including a head with phrenological divisions, above which is — ' ' F. D. Valades, Inven- tor." 200. VANDERH^GHEN (F.). Histoire de la Gilde Souveraine des Couleuvriniers, Arquebusiers et Canon- niers dite Chef-Confrerie de Saint Antoine a Gand. JVu- merous plates, some folded and one a facsimile in gold and colors. Large 8vo, fresh three-quarters crushed levant morocco, top edge gilt, others uncut, by Aifolter. Gand, 1866. 7 50 Presentation Copy from the author to Paul Lacroix, with MS. in his writing. A valuable contribution to the history of the guilds and medieval secret societies. 201. VAPEREAU (G.). Dictionnaire Universel des Con- temporains contenant toutes les Personnes Notables de la France et des Pays Etrangers. Thick large 8vo, half red morocco, cloth sides. Paris, 1880. 12 00 Fifth and last edition, entirely reconstructed and considerably en- larged. ' 202. VEMAR (A.). Grammaire de 1' Amour a I'Usage des Gens du Monde. Minimo, half morocco, top edge gilt. Paris, 1859 3 00 To the above is conjoined the same author's erotic dictionary. 203. VINCENT (John). Fowling, a Poem, Descriptive of Grouse, Partridge, Pheasant, Woodcock, Duck and Snipe Shooting. i2mo, half morocco, uncut. Edin- burgh, 1812. 3 50 — 39 — 204. VOLTAIRE (F. M. A. de). La Pucelle d'Orleans, Poeme en Vingt et Un Chants. Numerous plates and vignettes, also inserted plates. 2 vols, small 8vo, bound by Rousselle in crushed red levant morocco extra, inside gold borders, gilt edges. Rouen, 1880. 25 00 Unique copy of limited edition of 150 copies on Whatman paper. This beautiful large paper edition has added an extra set on Japan paper of the Duplessis-Bertaux vignettes, as well as portraits of Voltaire, that of Scriven in two states, and of Lazalet in three states, a fine impression of the Hopwood portrait, Voltaire seated before medallions of his various characters, in two states, and others in two states. 205. VOLTAIRE.— La Pucelle d'Orleans, Poeme Divisd en Vingt Chants avec des Notes, nouvelle Edition corrigde, augmentee et coUationde sur le Manuscrit de I'Auteur. With facetious plates. Small Svo, bound by Derome in red morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt on red, white and gold end papers. (Paris), 1762. 22 50 Very rare edition of this famous work. 206. VOLTAIRE. La Henriade. Poeme. Plates. Min- imo, morocco, gilt. .Paris, Janet, 1817. 3 00 207. VOLTAIRE. Candide ou I'Optimisme Edition Origi- nale suivie d'une Lettre de M. Demad et de Notes et Variantes. Etched portrait of Voltaire. Large Svo, yellow calf gilt, edges gilt. Paris, Academic des Biblio- philes, 1869. 7 50 No. 46 of Limited Edition reprinted from the original of 1759 by Jouaust. The above is on " papier verge. " 208. VOLTAIRE. Romances, Tales and Smaller Pieces. 2 vols. Svo, sheep. Rare. London, Dodsley, 1794. 15 00 209. WATELET. L'Art de Peindre Poeme, avec des Re- flexions sur Peinture. Exquisitely illustrated with vig- nettes, head and tail pieces, portraits of painters, and plates. 1 2mo, calf gilt, edges gilt. Paris, 1760. 4 00 Rare; stamped on the fore side with the name of — " Le Mis. d'Estampes." — 40 — 210. WRIGHT (Thomas). Womankind in Western Europe, from the EarUest Times to the Seventeenth Century. Profusely illustrated with numerous wood engravings, also plates and title illuminated in gold and colors. Small 4to, calf gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt. London, 3869. 10 00 LIFE SIZE PORTRAITS. "N APOLEON~THE GREAT," ETCHED BY S. HOLLYER and A. BARRY. Height without margin, 24^ inches; width, 18^. Remark Proofs on Japan Paper 15 00 Remark Proofs on Holland Paper 12 00 Impressions on Holland Paper 10 00 This grand life-sized head of Napoleon was etched by two American artists after the celebrated painting by David. The features of the Emperor are given the vigor and strong traits of all the C^sars combined. This etching is a half-length of the "Petit Caporal," who is habited in the uniform of the Old Guard and wears on his breast the decoration of the Iron Crown and the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor. "GEORGE WASHINGTON," ETCHED BY HENRY LEFORT. Height without margin, 24^ inches; width, 21^. Open Letter Proofs 15 00 This splendid portrait of " Pater Patrise " was etched by the famous French artist Lefort. It bears the inscription — " Henri Lefort, deline- avit et sculpsit." The etcher took as his model the three-quarter face head and epauletted continental-uniformed bust of the portrait by Gilbert Stuart, of which Washington AUston wrote: " A nobler personification of wisdom and goodness, reposing in the majesty of a serene conscience, is not to be found on canvas." Lefort has not only thoroughly incorpo- rated into his magnificent work of art all that AUston suggested, but has dealt with the dark shades and light effects as forcibly as Rembrandt ever did in any of his masterpieces of etching. ' ' To an American no other portrait can possess the interest and sig- nificance which will be always attached to that of Washington; and if in contemplating it, we feel impressed with the nobility of his character, the dignity of his manhood, his truth and patriotism, what better page can we study and what better life can we imitate and while considering the acts and results of his life, be, at the same time, forcibly reminded of the prominent events of the early history of the Republic, which, although comparatively recent in date, we, in the rapid changes of the present, already look back upon with a feeling of antiquity, but not, we hope, in a spirit of forgetfulness." — W. S. Baker. A MAGNIFICENT WEDDING PRESENT, PRICE— TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS. AN ELEGANTLY HAND-CARYED OAK CABINET CONTAINING TWENTY YOLDMES OP goiJld's ornithological worKs, Uniformly Printed in Imperial Folio, viz. : — The TROCHILID^, or HUMMING BIRDS, With 360 hand-colored plates 5 volumes . The ODONTOPHORIN^, or PARTRIDGES of AMERICA, With 32 hand-colored plates ; i volume. The RAMPHASTID.E, or FAMILY of TOUCANS, With 52 hand-colored plates .- i volume. The TROGONID^,VHIS.TLER, Etc., • RARE lilNE ENGRAVINGS and MEZZeTINtS, BARTOLOZZI, BEHAM, CLAUDE LORRAINE, DURER, EDELINCK, EARLOM.: VAL. GREEN, FIQUET,.MASSON, NANTEUIL, REMBRANDT, SMITH, STRANGE, VAN.DYCK, WOOLLETT, WA-TSON, WILLE, Etc.,, IHOSTI.Y IPj' EXCEPXIOXAL STATES. PORTFOLIOS OF SELECTED EXAMPLES SENT ON APPROVAL TO OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS. AN INSPECTION SOLICITED AT M^e |ar2, §aplo llph fc^om^, BROAowAYiANb 31st st. -paUCLAS TAYLOR, PRINT EK, NKW YORK. r*sm ^^p^^ sJ^&^m^^^S^ £jw //'" ml '^^^m ^^fwh ii_!^L_^ i£r>s?^^'--v vgfesi^..*r=^.^^y fS^ v\ |i PAOfLOKp. -DeflOMe-T«;iU72-S/l020WweT 1 ''%\it liMio^0le^^ (|afaIoguF of atlje 0on QTarlo, BBOADAWAT &.THIETY-FIBST ST, Nein ¥orft. ^ SS^ii^SSSSSSisSSSSiseiSS^^SSaSftsSN^SiiSSSSii^S^^ i^SaSSSi^S!iS>SSSSSSiii^Ss^iSiisiiS!SiS^^^»< o z t/3 > a o pq z <: o o < *'%\it ^iUioT^oU." Catalogue of books FOR SALE AT THE F FOR SALE AT THE PRICES ANNEXED, BY "©ft* S>aH Qazio, broadmtav akd thirtv-first st., k. v. Cable Address, " Bonaventur, New York." Libraries and smaller Collections of Books, also Portfolios of Prints, Purchased for Cash or Taken in Exchange. Collections Catalogued and Appraised. Book and Print Auction Sales. — E. F. Bona venture gives his personal attention to orders on Book and Engraving Sales in New York, Paris, London, etc., using for his patrons the same discrimination as in buying for himself. When ordering, please give the number, first word and price of each lot required. Remittances must be made in all cases by draft on New York, Post Office Order on Station E, New York City, or Registered Letter. I. ABRAHAM (Nicolas, Sieur de la Framboisiere). La , Fontaine Minerale de Chenay. Minimo, magnificently bound by Cap^ in dark green crushed levant morocco, super-elegant, pointille lace work tooling, inside gold borders. Reims, 1606. 40 00 Excessively rare and one of two copies printed on vellum. This reprint was executed at Reims in 1855 and formed part of the " Bibliotheque de L'Amateur Remois." The tooling is fully equal to the best work of Trautz-Bauzonnet. 2. A'KEMPIS (Thomas). Imitation de Jesus Christ, Traduction Nouvelle. With engraved frontispiece, plates and vignette by Mariette, with proof impression of vignette added, also portrait of Louis XIV. by Edelinck. Small 8vo, bound by Lortic in crushed blui levant mo- rocco, Jansen style, with elegantly gold tooled doubl6 of red crushed levant morocco, leather joints, crimson watered silk ends, edges gilt on marble. Paris, Dezel- lier, 1692. 95 00 Rare, clean and handsome copy in chamois-lined drop case. 3. ALBINOVANI (C. P.). Elegise III. et Fragmenta ; cum Interpretatione et Notis Scaligeri, Lindenbruchii, Heinsii, Goralli et aliorum. Front, and numismatic por- traits. Small 8vo, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, b)' Padeloup. Amsterdam, 1703. 12 50 Very rare and good example of Padeloup. This copy belonged to Beckf ord the author of ' ' Vathek " and was previously in the Lamoignon library, i. «., " Bibliotheca Lamoniana," and bears that book-plate. 4. ALDUS.— Epistolse Clarorvm Virorvm Selectse de qvam Plvrimis Optimse ad Incan- dam Nostrorum Temporum Elo- quentiam. With the Aldine mark " anchor and dolphin " on the title and last leaf. Minimo. Bound by Cap6 in brown morocco, in- side gold borders, tooled on the sides with the emblem of the Aldi within a floriated design, gilt edges. Paris, apud Bernardum Turrisanum, via lacobea in Aldina Bibliotheca, 1556. 15 00 Rare and charming little bibelot, entirely printed in Italic types. Renouard in his " Annales des Aides," Vol. 2, p. 407, says : " Ces Lettres furent reiraprimees dans la m^me annee [1556] k Paris, en petit in 12, par B. Turrisan, ce (jui a fait croire i D. Clement, que P. Manuce en avoit donne deux editions dans la meme annee." 5. ALEXANDRI Ab Alexandrio Ivrisperiti Neapolrtani Genialivm Diervm Libri Sex, Varia ac Recondita Ervdi- 3 -- tione Referti. Curious cut of printing office of sixteenth century on title. Folio, bound by Duru in crushed red levant morocco, rounded corners, inside gold dentelle borders, edges gilt on rharble. Paris, John Roigny, 1539- 25 °o Clean handsome copy of this rare book, and fine specimen of Parisian typography of the first half of the sixteenth century. 6. ALLETZ (Edouard). Esquisses Poetiques de la Vie. Minimo, smooth red morocco, gilt. Paris, 1841. 5 00 Fine piece of ' ' provenance " stamped on both sides with a ducal crown, below which is the monogram " L. H. E." 7. ALMANACK ROYAL An nee Bissextile, 1760. 8vo, handsome contemporaneous red morocco binding, cov- ered with gold tooling on the back and sides, in the centre of which is an heraldic achievement with crown, mantle and orders — above the shield " three lions ram- pant, crowned " is the motto " Re que Diou." Paris, 1760. 25 00 Rare and splendid specimen of Eighteenth Century binding. 8. Slnne of Austria.— RANGOUSE (Sr. de) Lettres Heroiques au Grands de- I'Estat. Small 8vo, mottled calf gilt, edges gilt. Paris, 1645. 75 00 Excessively rare and printed at the expense of the author at " I'lmprimerie des Nouueaux Car- acteres, Inuentez par P. Moreau." This is the copy which the author presented to Anne of Austria, mother of Louis XIV., and to whom, while Queen Regent, he dedicated the work. * It also con- tains, printed in curious Moreau Italic types, letters addressed to Cardinal Mazarin, Due de Guise, Due d'Espernon, Due de Sully, La Rochefoucald, Marshal Tu- renne. Due de St. Simon and other famous personages of the period. The volume is more im- portant, however, as an example of binding. Surmounted by a regal crown and surrounded by a girdle, are on both sides the arms of [Arms of Anne of Austria.] France, impaling Spain and Aus- tria, as shown in the cut herewith. The sides are paneled, and at the four comers between the fillets are the monogram "A A " and regal crown. These are repeated in a smaller size four times on the back of the volume. g. APPIAN (P.). — Inscriptionis sacro sanctae vetvstatis non illae qyidem Romanse, sed totivs fere orbis svmmo stvdio ac Maximis impensis Terra Mariae conquisit» feliciter incipiunt Magnifico viro domino Raymvndo Fvggero invictis svmorvm Csesaris Caroli Qvinti ac Ferdinandi Romanoru. Regis a eonsiliis, bonarum lite- ratu mecaenati incomparabili Petrus Apianus matiiema- tic' I ngolstadien & Barptholomeus Amantius Poeta, D. D. Profusely illustrated and every page surrounded by ornamental borders. Small folio, elegantly bound by Rousselle in crushed levant morocco, inside gold borders, gilt edges. VagolAaAX^inaedibvs P.Apiani,\'-,T,/i,. 45 00 Very rare. Valuable on account of the woodcuts of Roman anti- quities, inscriptions, etc. 10. BALZAC (Honore de). Physiologic du Mariage, ou Meditations de Philosophic Eclectique sur le Bonheur et le Malheur Conjugal publiees par " un Jeune Celibi- taire." 2 vols., 8vo, bound by "Trioullier sr. de Petit- Simier," in crushed dark blue levant morocco gilt, inside gold borders, rounded corners, top edges gilt, others uncut. Paris, Levavasseur, 1830. 50 00 Very rare and original edition of this celebrated work on marriage, by the celebrated author of the " Contes Drolatiques." 11. BALZAC. Les Contes Drolatiques, Colligez ez Ab- bayes du Touraine. Illustrated with 425 7vood engrav- ings after the original designs of Gustave Dord. 8vo, half morocco, cloth sides, marbled edges. Paris, ;/. d. 5 00 12. BELLEAU (Remy). Oiuvres Completes, Nouvelle Edition Publiee d'apres les Textes Primitifs, avec Vari- antes et Notes, par A. Gouverneur. 2 inserted portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, bound by Brany in crushed maroon levant morocco, elegantly tooled on the back and sides with Gothic floriation in ornamental compartments, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Paris, 1867. 145 00 Large paper, and one of a limited edition of 125 copies printed on Holland paper. Belleau, who died in 1577, was one of the seven French poets who formed what was called " the French Pleiades. " Ronsard was the chief. — 5 — 13. BERANGER. — Illustrations for, consisting of— set of 52 plates for "Chansons Anciennes," open letter proofs on India Paper; set of 14 plates for "Chansons Der- niferes," India proofs before letters; set of 10 plates for " Ma Biographie," India proofs before letters — by or after Pauquet, Tony Johannot, Charlet, Jacque, Dau- bigny and others; to which are added portraits, namely — Napoleon, India proof; Lafitte, India proof before let- ters; Madam Emil de Girardin, proof before letters; Henri Monnier, portrait colored by hand surrounded by colored vignettes; and rare portraits of Beranger, one being in two states. Large 8vo, bound by Marius Michel in crushed red levant morocco, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble. 125 00 Fine collection containing the best Beranger plates, superb impres- sions. At the beginning of the volume is an original autograph letter of three pages signed by Beranger and entirely in his handwriting, dated " Tours, 27 Juillet, 1828," and addressed to M. Bazot. 14. BERQUIN (A.). Idylles. Engraved title and exquisite plates, some facetious, from the designs of Marillier. Square 4to, handsomely bound by Vernon in crushed red levant morocco extra gilt, inside gold borders, with coat of arms on the side, gilt edges. Paris, Ruault, 1775 25 00 Original edition and a fine copy printed on heavy laid paper. Cohen says, "les beaux exemplaires sont en papier velin avec les figures avant les numeros — 400 a 500 francs." The above copy is on vellum paper, and has the impressions of the plates before letters. 15. BERTAUT (Jean). CEuvres Poetiqves de Mr. Ber- tavt, Evesqve de Seez Abbe d'Aunay, Premier Aumos- nier de la Royne, Derniere Edition Augmentees de plus de Moitie outre les Precedentes Impressions. Small 8vo, crushed red levant morocco extra, inside gold border^, gilt edges on marble. Paris, Tovssainct dv Bray, 1620. . 35 00 Handsome copy of this rare work bound by Trautz-Bauzonnet and stamped in gold on the sides with the coronet of the ' ' Premier Marqvis de France." Every page is ruled with carmine lines. Pages 389 and 390 consist of separate title page of " Recveil de Qvelqves Vers Amovrevx par le Sieur Bertavt." When Bertaut the friend and poet of both Henry III. and Henry IV. of France was elevated to the Bishopric of Seez in Normandy, he endeavored to suppress his erotic verses. 6 — i6. BEROALDE de VERVILLE. Moyen de Parvenir, Contenant la Raison de Tout ce qui a EtCj'Est, et Sera. Derniere Edition. Exactement Corrigde et Augmentee d'une Table des Matieres. 2 vols, minimo, fine old crushed green levant morocco extra gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges. «. /., n. d. 35 °° Excessively rare edition of this curious work. The title bears this bogus imprint, "Nulle Part, 100070038." The " IWoyen de Parve- nir " is justly classed as one of the Shandy library. " Extremely curious from the striking pictures which it offers of the manners and knowledge of the age. From him, I suspect, Sterne took Mr. Shandy's repartee to Obadiah." — Ferriar. 17. [BEROALDE de VERVILLE.] Le Moyen de Par- venir. 2 vols., minimo, bound by Alio in red crushed levant morocco, inside gold borders, gilt edges on marble. n.p., n. d. 20 00 Very scarce. This was doubtless printed by the Elzevirs at Ley- den, as their printer's mark of "an old man beneath an olive tree " i.s on both titles, and of which the imprints only read "A * * * * * * 100070057." There is an admirable frontispiece to the first volume, showing a group of ecclesiastics and semi-nude women, one of whom is holding an oval portrait of the author head downwards. 18. iSlacfe ILctter.— TURRECREMATA (John de, Cardinal). Exposito Brevis et Utilis super toto Psal- terio. Folio, russia gilt, morocco rebacked, edges gilt on red. Mainz, Peter Schoeffer, 1474. 32 50 Excessively rare, and printed in the same Gothic types as the Valerius Max- ^ imus of 1471 by Schoeffer, but having the first words of each psalm in large missal characters, the ini- tials painted in by hand f F^ WIiS ^T£iiW/ll^ ^-~:2 ^^^^^ tf\ in red, and the colophon •'- *'^^™'*''™'''^-^'^^'^^ ^ /S^^B V i printed in red ink. This is the first Mainz edi- tion of Turrecremata, and one of the notable books printed by Schoeffer after he left the employ of his master, John Guttenberg, and after the death of his partner and father-in- law, John Fflst, in 1466. Schoeffer never had a print- er's mark of his own, but continued to use those of Guttenberg and FUst, and which will be found below the colophon of the above concluding: — " Mogune. impssa. Anno dni. MCCCCLXXIIII tercio Idus sep- tembris p. petiu. Schoyffer de Gemszheim ftliciter est consumata. " The above is not only interesting as a fine specimen of the typo- graphy of the associate of the Inventor of Printing, but as one of the earliest editions of a commentary on the Psalms, that enjoyed great celebrity in various quarters for a long period of time. 19. JJIatft ILetttr.— MAMOTRECTUS, sive Expositio in Singulos Libros Bibliorum per Singula Capitula. Small 4to, old red morocco, extra gilt, rebacked. Venice, Franz Renner, of Heilbronn, and Nicholas, of Frankfort, 1476. 22 50 Very rare, with the capital letters added by hand in red. The last page is mended. According to Serna Santander, the author of this work was John Marchesinus, a priest of the order of Friars Minor, and a native of Reggio, who composed it in 1466, for the use of the less instructed in his own profession. It contains, according to the same authority — I. An exposition of the phrases of the Bible and of the prologues of St. Jerome; 2. Two little treatises of orthography and of accents ; 3. A short declaration of the months, festivals, etc., of the Jewish Priests. 4. An explanation of ancient words and terms in hymns, homilies, etc. 5. A declaration of the rules of the Friars Minor. " The title is variously written, Mommotrectus, Mammatrectus , Mammatrectus, Mammetractus, Mammonothreptus, obviously meaning that it is intended as mothet's milk to those clergymen who are infants in professional knowledge. " — Beloe. 20. iSlacfe Hetter.— DIVES and pauper. 4to, bound by Francis Bedford in brown morocco extra gilt, panelled sides, gilt edges. London, Richard Pyn- son, 1493. 225 00 Excessively rare, and the first work printed with a date by Pynson, who ranks as the fifth known printer in England, and follows after — I. William Caxton; 2, Theodore Rood; 3. William, of Mecheln; and 4, Wynkyn de Worde. The colophon reads: — " Here endith a corapendiouse treatise dyalogue. of Dives & paup. That is to say, the riche & the pore fructuously tretyng upon the X. comand- mentes. fynisshed the X. day of Juyl the yere of oure lord god. M.cccc.LXXXXili. Emprentyd by me Richarde Pynson at the temple barre . of London . Deo gracias." Quaritch priced an imperfect copy in his " Monuments of the Early Printers " (1888) at ;^I05, i. e., $525. The above copy, which came from the Library of ' ' Frederick Perkins, , Chipstead Place, Kent," and has that collector's heraldic "ex-libris" on an end paper, also six leaves at the beginning and one at the end in fac-simile. It was formerly stated by bibliographers that "Dives and Pauper" should have at the end a blank leaf with the printer's device, but this is now generally denied, as no such copy appears to be known. Out- side Althorp a perfect copy hardly exists, and the whole number, in any condition, barely make up a half dozen. Even with the above- noted fac-similes the present is a most desirable copy in every way. According to Ant. k Wood the author was Henry Parker, a Car- melite of Doncaster, D.D. Cantab., whom it got into- trouble from the outspokenness of its denunciation of contemporary sins and fol- lies. It begins as follows: — " Riche and pore have like cuminge into this worlde. & like outgoyng but their livyng in this worlde is unlike. What shulde comfort a pore man ayenst grutchyng and what wyekednesses. folowe lovers of richesses. " The- book is very full of curious and suggestive matter, historical allusions and racy, proverbial phrases. The style of the dialogue appears in the following specimen: — '/ Dives, thou art the more fole. But it is a comon proverbe. A foles bolte is sone shotte. Abyde and aunswere and I wol ley an hundryd pounde that I shall preve thee by gode argumentes that he is but a fole whiche wyl not bisye him to be riche." 21. JSIaCft ILftter.— BREVE et. utile oms. fere sen.- tentias, questiones et coclusiones. in tertio et quarto sententiarum libris, etc. Small 4to, bound in fresh crushed levant morocco, inside gold dentelle borders, edges gilt. Paris, n. d. 15 00 Excessively rare black letter, and from the press of Jehan Petit, whose printer's mark is on the page preceding the index, on the recto of which is a curious page woodblock, in which appear Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Devil and other sacred personages. 22. JSlatt ILrtter.— more. The Workes of Sir Thomas More Knyght, sometyme Lorde Chauncellour of England, wrytten by him in the Englysh tonge. Woodcut title and initials. Very thick 4to, dark blue morocco, inside gold borders. London, Printed at the costes and charges of John Cawood, John Waly and Richarde Tottell, Anno 1557. 125 00 Very rare and complete with the rare unpaged leaves at the begin- ning containing the youthful poems of the author of the "Utopia" and that between pp. 1138-39 " Sir Thomas More to the Christian reader," correcting an error in " Salem and Byzance." The above copy has the inserted heraldic book plate of " Frances Mary Richardson Currer." It is in clean condition and genuine throughout, with wide margins. The title and last leaf are inlaid, and some of the margins carefully mended. Quaritch asked £^^/^. 73 5° Second and enlarged edition, with all the plates re-drawn. Dedi- cated to Professor Temminck, of Leyden. The Toucans form a most curious and interesting group of American birds, and Mr. Gould has illustrated the different species in his usual splendid manner. When we mention that all the plates were executed by his late wife, we need add nothing to recommend them. 108. GOULD. The Odontophorinae, or Partridges of America (with Copious Descriptions). Illustrated with 32 plates, colored by hand. Impl. folio, fresh morocco extra, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorff. London, published by the Author, 1850. 63 00 Dedicated to Prince Charles Lucien Bonaparte. " This," says Mr. Gould. " the result of twenty years' investigation of the subject, is perhaps the most perfect as well as the most impor- tant of the Author's Ornithological Monographs." He further says: " The interest which attaches to this work is threefold. First, it displays, even to the most unpracticed eye, the broad distinction which subsists between the Partridges of America and those of Europe ; secondly, the species are all remarkable for the elegance of theirforms and for the chaste beauty of their coloring; and thirdly, at no distant date these birds will be regarded in America, as our partridges in Europe are, as game, and perhaps preserved by law — their flesh being as delicate for the table as that of our ordinary bird, from which, however, they differ considerably in the structure of the beak, and in general habits and economy." 109. GOULD. Synopsis of the Birds of Australia and the Adjacent Islands (with Copious Descriptions). With 7 2 hand-colored plates. Large 8vo, fresh half morocco gilt, edges gilt. 'London, published by the Author,i8^'j-s8. 25 00 " The object of the present publication," says the author," is in the first instance to make known and record in an eligible form the vast accessions which Science has latterly acquired from this portion of the globe ; and in order to render it of real value and utility to the men of Science of all countries, he has given, besides a Latin and English description, measurements, synonyms, etc., a. figure of the head of the natural size of every species, a feature not to be found in preceding Works of a similar nature, and by which each bird may at once be distinguished, hitherto a matter of some difficulty, particu- larly in those that are nearly allied." — 39 — no. GOULD. Handbook to the Birds of Australia. 2 vols. large 8vo, cloth. 'LonAon, published by the Author, 1865. 12 50 The Author says that since the publication of his — " folio work on the Birds of Australia, many new species have been discovered, and much additional information acquired respecting those comprised therein; it therefore appeared to me that a careful resume of the entire subject in octavo form, without plates, would be useful to the possessor of the folio edition, as well as to the many persons in Aus- tralia who are now turning their attention to the Ornithology of the country in which they are resident." "The two volumes (he also says) contain a considerable amount of interesting information, and descriptions of many species not in the folio edition. " 111. GOWER (John). Confessio Amantis, Edited and Collated with the Best Manuscripts, by Dr. Rheinold Pauli. 3 vols. 8vo, calf, bevelled sides, gilt edges. London, 1857. 14 00 Beautifully printed by C. Whittingham at the Chiswick Press. 112. GRANGER (J.). Biographical History of England, with a Variety of Anecdotes and Memoirs of a Great Number of Persons. 6 vols, large 8vo, bound by Hayday in yellow calf gilt, lemon edges. London, 1824. 35 00 Fifth edition with 400 additional lives. The above is an unique copy and has inserted the Richardson series of portraits and also others, some inlaid carefully to size. 113. GRUEL (Leon, Binder). Manuel Historique et Bibliographique de I'Amateur des Reliures. Superbly illustrated with fac- similes of bindings, many in gold and colors ; also numerous facsimile titles, etc , in the text. Large 4to, splendidly bound by Lortic in crushed dark green levant morocco, blind tooled in panels, broad inside gold borders, brocaded silk double and ends, edges gilt on marble, covers bound in. Paris, 1887. 150 00 Limited edition of 50 copies on Japan paper, the above being No. 9. It is extra-illustrated with a complete set of the Jacquemart plates of historical bindings. This volume furnishes a complete record of the annals of book- binding from the carved ivory and enamelled reliures, with jewels, of medievalism before the invention of printing, to the rude wooden covered and stamped pigskins of the 15th and 1 6th centuries, down to modern examples. It also contains a bibliography of book- binding. Vide Number 240 of this catalogue, for an example of binding exe- cuted by the author of this work. — 40 — 114. "GYP." Autour du Divorce. With the plates in two states. Small 8vo, bound by Thierry in crushed dark blue levant morocco, colored mosaic leather on back, inside gold borders, top edge gilt, others uncut, cover bound in. Paris, 1886. 12 00 115. HALEVY (Ludovic). Criquette. Small 8vo, beauti- fully bound by Rousselle in crushed blue levant morocco, tooled and mosaiced on the sides and backs with flowers in colored leathers, inside gold borders, leather joints and flowered damask .silk ends, top edges gilt, covers bound in. Paris, Calmann Levy, 1883. 60 00 Unique copy and extra illustrated with the insertion of 8 exquisite original aquarelles by Fernandez, including a special title by the same in gold and colors. 116. HALL (Mr. and Mrs. S. C). Ireland, Its Scenery, Character, etc. Profusely illustrated with steel and wood engravings. 3 vols, large 8vo, half calf, marbled sides and edges. London, 1841-43. 15 00 Original edition and good impressions of the illustrations. 117. HAMILTON (Antoine, Comte). Memoires de la Vie du Comte de Grammont, Contenant Particulidrement I'Histoire Amoureuse de la Cour d'Angleterre sous le Regne de Charles II. Rubricated title. i2mo, bound by Brany in crushed levant morocco, inside gold border, edges " temoins " gilt on marble. Cologne, Pierre Marteau, 1713. 22 150 Original edition and of great rarity. 118. HAMILTON. M6moires du Comte de Grammont. Illustrated with 72 portraits of the famous personages mentioned in this facetious work. 4to, red morocco gilt inside gold borders, gilt edges. London, Edwards, (1792.) 40 00 Fine copy of this handsome edition, including the 77 pages of " Notes et Eclaircissements " which are of ten wanting. With the inserted heraldic book-plates of "Thomas Kynaston " and "Rees Goring Thomas." 119. HAMILTON. Memoires du Comte de Grammont, avec Preface deH. Gausseron. Illustrated with portraits, plates etched by L. Boisson after the originals by Delort. Large — 41 [Fac-simile of Double to Binding by Lortic on " Memoires de Grammont," Paris, 1888. Number 119 OF THIS Catalogue.] — 42 — 8vo, splendidly bound by Lortic in crushed blue levant morocco, extra gilt on the sides and back in the style of Du Seuil, with doubl6 of crushed red morocco, super- elegantly tooled with Pompadour lace dentelle bolder, as shown in the page illustration herewith, enc^s of crimson brocaded silk, edges gilt, with covers bound in and in leather-lined drop case. Paris, 1888. 165 00 Unique large paper copy of this handsome edition and No. 330 of limited edition on "papier velin de Marais." To this copy have been added a number of very choicely selected additional plates, aftiong them being an additional set of the Delort-Boisson series on Japan paper before letters of which very few were printed, and the set of the handsome Chauvet plates in two states and on China paper. Also the portrait of Hamilton by Boisson in two states and" other rare portraits in early states. 1 120. HAWKINS (Rush C). Titles of the First Books from the Earliest Presses, established in different Cities, Towns and Monasteries in Europe before the end of the Fifteenth Century, with Brief Notes upon their Printers. Illustrated with reproductions of early types and first en- gravings of the printing press — handsomely printed on heavy paper by De Vinne. Large 4to, cloth, uncut. N. Y. and London, 1884. 10 00 Limited edition of 300 copies, numbered. Dedicated to 'Father Antonio Ceriani, Director of the Ambrosian Library at Milan, Italy — ■ " as a slight evidence of my respect for his character, admiration for his great learning, appreciation of his friendship and kindly interest in my bibUographical occupations." 121. HENRI QUATRE. Histoire du Roi Henri-Le-Grand par Messire Hardouin de Perefixe, Precepteur du Roi Louis XIV., et depuis Eveque de Rhodez. Large 8vo, bound by Cap6 in dark blue levant morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt. Ydsi^, Renouard, \%i.(i. 65 00 Unique large paper copy, and printed by Crapelet. This splendid volume has inserted many rare portraits and engravings, among others a set of pl-ates before letters by Moreau le Jeune, some in early states, also portraits of Henri Quatre, Mazarin, to whom the work is dedicated; Sully, Louis XIV., Jeanne d'Albret, Gaultier, i5o8; De Marcenay, Tho. de Leu, St. Aubin, Choffard, etc. 122. HERISSAYE (Seigneur de la). Contes et Discovrs d'Evtrapel. Small 8vo, bound by Thibaron-Joly in 43 crushed red levant morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Rennes, 1603. 25 00 Very rare and from the private royal library of France, with the stamp on title " Bibliotheque du Roi — Palais Royal." 123. HEROS (Les) de la Ligue ou la Procession Monacale, Conduitte par Louis XIV., pour la Conversion des Pro- testans de son Royaume. 24 mezzotint caricatures of James II. of England, Pere la Chaise, Archbishops, Bishops and others. 4to, bound by Thibaron-Joly in crushed red levant morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt. Paris, chez Pire Peters, 1681. 55 °° Extremely rare first edition, printed in Holland with broad margins. 124. HOLBEIN (Hans). Icones Veteris Testamenti. With 90 illustrations of the Old Testament engraved on wood from designs by Holbein. Small 8vo, bound by Rousselle in crushed levant morocco, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, others uncut. London, William Picker- ing, 1830. 25 00 Beautiful copy of this edition printed by Chas. Whittingham. Dibdin writes; — " The pencil of Holbein throws a charm and an in- terest about this volume which I have rarely felt in any other similar production." r25. HOLY BIBLE, of the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocrypha, woodcut title, London, Norton and Bill, 1629 ; also the Psalmes in Meeter by Sternhold and Hopkins, with Songs, Metrical Versions of the Belief, etc., and Private Prayers, London, Statioiiers Co., 1629. In I vol. Small 8vo, handsomely bound in old black morocco extra, the sides and back covered with fine gold tooling in the Harleian style, gilt edges, with 8 silver corners, also centre pieces and clasps, all in elegant open-work and chased. London, 1629. 60 00 Very rare and ruled throughout in red ink. The above superior edition is not mentioned by Lowndes. The present copy has notes of births, etc. in the family of Graveley Hurst extending from 1705 to 1833- 126. HORACE. — Quintus Horatius Flaccus, Opera. Ex- quisitely engraved frontispiece after Stothard and title. — 44 — Minimo, crushed lemon morocco gilt, inside gold bor- ders, top edge gilt, others uncut. London, 1824. 10 00 Rare and handsome copy of Pickering's minuscule edition, printed with the microscopic types of Corrall. 127. HORACE. Another copy of the same. Bound in half morocco gilt, top edge gilt. 6 50 128. HORACE. — Quintus Horatius Flaccus ad Lectiones Probatiores Diligenter Emendatus et Interpunctione Nova Seepius Illustrata. Small 8vo, calf, gilt. Glas- gow, 1760. 3 50 Rare and a fine example of the types of Robert and Andrew Foulis. 129. HORACE. — Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera Omnia, with a Commentary by Arthur John Macleane, M.A. 8vo, half morocco, cloth sides, marbled edges. London, 1853. 4 00 130. jE^O^tn. — Fine twelvemo example in veau fauve of binding belonging to the famous bibliopegist. Count d'Hoym, stamped in gold on the sides with his arms, coronet, collar and order, the whole surrounded with floriated wreath, the back stamped in gold with fleurs- de-lys and other tooling. 6 00 131. li^O^tn. — P. Virgilii Maronis Opera. Front, by Du Guernier. i2mo, bound by Padeloup in yellow calf gilt, arms stamped in gold on the sides, edges gilt on marble, in green morocco leather-lined drop case. London, Jacob Tonson, 17 15. 75 00 Superb example with the arms of the Count d'Hoym. 132. HUGO (Hermann). Pia Desideria. Illustrated with numerous engraved plates, also title. Minimo, half mo- rocco gilt, edges gilt. Antwerp, 1645. 5 00 Rare little volume and full of curious plates of emblems. 133- KllUOTtUatCtf JWS.— HOR^ BEAT^ MARI^ VIRGINIS ad Usum Romanum cum Calendario. Consisting 0/212 pages of Gothic script on the finest 45 vellum, with wide margins, 20 lines to the page, magnifi- cently decorated in gold and colors, with 4 miniatures, 32 floriated borders, 19 large initials and 1,205 smaller. 4to, bound by Derome in fine old red morocco, tooled gilt back, inside gold borders, gilt edges. 315 00 Unique, tall and finely illuminated Fifteenth century manuscript. It came from the library of the Duke of Hamilton, at Hamilton Palace. It was executed by a Franco-Flemish artist, ^ and measures eight and three-eighths inches by five and five-eighths. On the fly-leaf is the following inscription : — ' ' Bono accepi -a domino Carolo Augusto de Madai Med. Doct. Consiliario aulic Princ. Anhaltino dotheniensis Glauchted. III. Aug. 1813. Dr. J. F. L. Duffer, M. D. " and on end paper is an inserted heraldic book-plate. The illuminations are of the finest quality of medieval workman- ship. The four miniatures are of the Evangelists and superb exam- ples. The borders are filled vdth birds, insects, animals and fruit, depicted most naturally. Nearly all the large initials are beautifully floriated in highly burnished gold and brilliant colors, but some have designs in gold diaper on a colored ground. One has the eagle of St. John, another the emblems of the Passion, still another an eagle displayed and yet another a lion rampant. 134 KllumtnateTl JWS.— BIBLIA sacra. Consisting of 1,11^ pages of aborted vellum, with many handsome ini- tial letters in gold and colors, the opening one representing a monk seated at a desk and writing ; also hundreds of initial letters in colors, with delicate pen scroll work. Small 8vo, bound in eighteenth century crushed red levant morocco gilt, edges gilt on marble. 200 00 Unique, most remarkable manuscript of the thirteenth century. This wonderful little volume, the smallest Bible known, and measur- ing four and seven-eighths inches tall, three and one-fourth inches wide and an inch and a quarter thick, contains the entire Holy Scriptures. It is a veritable ' ' minuscule, " and the text, which is microscopic, is written on the finest and thinnest vellum, made from what are the mucuous membranes, rather than the skins, of aborted calves. This marvellous curid, which must have taken many decades for the scribe to have completed the Gothic text, is from internal evidence over 650 years old. The names of some of its former owners will be found at the com- mencement. One was " C. K. Gardell" and another, a Bishop, presented it to the Marquis Beauregard. There is also a coat-of- arms — " semee of fleurs-de-lys with a differential mark in chief." 135. Kllumfnatea JWS.— liber precum. AvoI- ume of illuminated MS. prayers most beautifully executed, and consisting of 202 leaves or ^04 pages of vellum manu- script, on which there are 178 borders illuminated in gold - 46 - and colors and all different, also one page miniature, with capital letter, two coats-of-arms with mottoes, and hundreds of numerous fine initials in gold and colors in the text. Thick small 4to, handsomely bound by Chambolle-Duru in crushed levant morocco, blind tooled. 135 00 Unique, vellum, illuminated original manuscript of the fifteenth century. The calendar is old French, but the text following is in Latin. The page miniature represents the "Descent of the Holy Ghost," and in the centre is the Virgin Mother habited in blue. The bojders are very beautiful, the colors bright and the gold highly burnished. There are two heraldic emblazonments. The first at the end of the calendar is — " azure, 2 ears of corn or, in base a mullet argent, and in chief on a fess or, a rose gules." Above is the motto — " Scio cvi credidi et certvs svm." The other embazonment, and which like that just described, seems to have been added at a later date, is an impaled shield. The "baron" side bears the same arms, but the ' ' f emme " impalement is — ' ' argent a chevron gules between three trefoils gules, in chief a five-pointed star." The motto above is — " Mihi adhserere deo bonvm est. " 136- Knumfnatftr J«S. — missale romanum CUM Calendario. Consisting of 804 vellum pages of red and black Gothic script, with 3 illuminated miniatures within capitals and with page borders, 2 large colored capitals with colored borders, 1,365 capitals with red and violet ink pen scroll work, and thousands of other capitals with pen colored scroll work. Thick 4to, bound in red plush, with leather joints. 85 00 Unique original manuscript of early fifteenth century Italian exe- cution and measuring fully three inches in thickness. This grand Latin missal is a splendid specimen, and the vellum is of superior quality. The text is written in a clear bold hand, and is rubricated throughout. The thousands upon thousands of initials are most admirably drawn, and the scroll work which decorates them exhibits the best characteristics of the illuminational school of Lombardy. Two of the paintings are slightly rubbed. The opening page follow! ing the calendar has the sacred letters, "I. H. S." in black and gold. A large initial letter has within it a figure of our Savior showing the stigmata and holding a torch downward. At the bottom of the page is a heraldic shield—" on a chief or, an eagle displayed sable, in base azure two crossed jambes, or.," the last named being finished at the top with a tjiree-quarter cross. The whole page is surrounded by a bold Gothic border in gold and colors, and on the right-hand side is a kneeling tonsured ecclesiastic holding in his hand a beretta. He is habited in black and is overshadowed by a tree in blossom. On folio CCVII. are two other initial letters with a border. One heightened with gold depicts the Savior. A very fine minia- ture of St. Bernard is on folio CCCXL. — 47 — - 137- KlluniinatcTt jws.— breviarium roman- UM. A handsomely executed Latin Breviary, with Calen- dar, consisting of -^26 leaves or 1^2 pages of Latin text written in black and red Gothic script on fine vellum, with 21 page borders and large initials beautifully executed in gold and colors, also hundreds of smaller initials. Thick small 4to, bound by ChamboUe-Duru in crushed levant morocco, blind tooled, edges temoins, and in leather- lined drop case. 85 00 Unique original vellum manuscript of the Fifteenth Century and of French origin. The borders are very exquisite productions, and there are carefully worked out in them fruits and flowers. The initial letters are handsomely executed. 138. KllttminaUtr j«arge folio, morocco gilt, gold inside borders, leather hinges, edges gilt. Lon- don, 1839. 30 00 Unique and very rare. This consists of lithographic plates, with texts privately issued by the London Society of Antiquaries, and in this copy the plates are most beautifully illuminated by hand in gold, silver and colors — the metal work being damascened in places. The title is a beautiful piece of original illumination and is most chaste in its design and execution. 146. Kncunaftle.— CORNELII CELSI de Medicina Liber. 4to, fine old russia, gilt. Florence, " a Nicola Impres- sus,'" 1478. 75 00 Extremely rare and large uncut copy of the ' ' Editio princeps " of Celsus, with the arms in gilt on sides of " M. WodhuU," also his autograph and MSS. on fly-leaf. This is one of the rarest of all the First Editions of the Latin Classics. This copy has a very handsome opening initial letter " U." illuminated in gold and colors. " Premiere edition, tres rare. Plus d'une fois ou a annonce cette edition sous la date de 1475, parce qu'en eflet, il existe des exempl. dans lesquels a ete grattee assez adroitement la derni^re ligne de la date:-- | M | CCCCL 1 XXV | III. | Mais ce serait i tort qu'on vou- drait s'autoriser d'unpareil exemplaire pour constaterl'existence d'une edition qui, selon toute apparence, n'existe pas." — BRtlNET. 147- KnCUnafilC— PLOTINI opera Omnia, e Grteco in Latinum Translata a Marsilio Ficino. Thick folio, bound by Silani in tree marbled calf gilt, edges gilt. Florence, impressit ex archetypo Antoniivs Miscominvs, 1492. 15 00 Editio princeps of this extremely rare Latin Version and a fine tall and perfect copy. The Horace printed on vellum by Miscomini at Florence in 1482 was priced ;^350, i. e., $1,750, in Quaritch's " Monuments of the Early Printers," 1888. Brunet calls the above Plotinus— " Edition fort belle, et la premiere de cette version Latine; on doit trouver a la fin 2ff. separes qui renferment ' Emendatio in Plotinum.' " Ficinus, the editor of this Incunable, is said to have been — " cer- tainly more of a Pagan than a Christian, although he also wrote a work on the Christian religion. The story runs that he appeared after his death to his friend and fellow Platonist Mercati, to bear tes- timony to the truth of his arguments for the immortality of the soul." 148. ISOCRATIS Sententise Graeco Latinse, additis, ubi operae precium uisum est, Annotationibus, notatisque — 53 — locis, etc. Portrait and coat of -arms. Thick i2mo, su- perbly bound in brown morocco super extra gilt, gauf- fered gilt edges, with tie ribbons, in dark green morocco leather-lined drop case. Basle, ex officina Hervagiana, 1572- 13s °° Very rare edition, and a superb example of contemporary i6th century binding. The sides and back are tooled in a Grolieresque manner, but the designs on the two sides are different. That on the verso consists of a large oval in the centre, made up with Gothic floriation somewhat crosswise — around are small crosses — and in the corners are interlaced Gothic work. The recto is panelled, except in the centre, which is of smaller oval shape than on the verso. There are the two following letterings: — " Clarissimo, IC. D. Chris- tophoro. Fabio. Ivlio, Syndico Norimbergensi. " — " Isocratica Gnomologia, Anno D. MDLXXII." 149. JACQUEMART (Albert) et LE BLANT (Edmond). Histoire Artistique Industrielle et Commerciale de la Porcelaine, Accompagnde de Recherches sur les Sujets et Emblenies qui la decorent, les Marques et Inscrip- tions qui font Reconnaitre les Fabriques d'ou elle Sort, les Variations de Prix qu'ont Obtenus les Principaux Objets Connus et les Collections ou ils sont Conserves Aujourd'hui. Illustrated with etchings by Jules Jacque- mart. Thick folio, bound in three-quarters brown crushed levant morocco gilt, with imitation Japanese lacquer sides, totally uncut, by Rubain. Paris, Techener, 1862. 35 00 A limited edition only of this valuable work was printed for the subscribers, whose names will be found on the three pages following the title. 150. JONES (Sir William, Poet and Orientalist). Works, 6 vols.; also — Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Corre- spondence of Sir William Jones, by Lord Teignmouth. Portraits, plates and facsimiles. 7 vols, large 4to, russia gilt, edges gilt, by H. Walther. London, 17 99- 1804. 37 5° Splendid copy on thick and large paper. This was Lord Teign- mouth's own set, and has his heraldic book-plate inserted. The copy from having belonged to the biographer of Sir William Jones and editor of his works, thus acquires a value greater than it might from the mere fact of its being large paper. " In the course of a short life. Sir William Jones acquired a degree of knowledge which the ordinary faculties of men, if they were — 54 — blessed with antediluvian longevity, could scarcely hope to surpass. His learning threw light on the Laws of Greece and India on the general Literature of Asia, and on the History of the family of na- tions." — Thomas Campbell. 151. KALIDASA. Sakoontala; or, the Lost Ring, an Indian Drama. Translated into English, Prose and Verse from the Sanskrit, by Monier Williams, M.A. Exquisite wood engravings by Sulman within handsome polychromatic borders, also exquisite borders around almost every page, vignettes, etc., in gold and colors. Small 4to, turkey morocco gilt, edges gilt, by Zaehnsdorf. Hert- ford, 1855. 25 00 Rare and a clean, well bound copy of this spirited translation and perfect specimen of decorative Oriental printing ever produced, Monier Williams, in his introduction, says: — " With reference to the illustrations and polychromatic borders, with which the volume has been enriched, I should state that the artist has availed himself of some beautiful illuminated MSS and that no expense or trouble has been spared to ensure accuracy and correctness in the delineation of the landscape and figures; and to adapt the costumes, as far as possible, to the usages of the age in which the drama was performed." 152. KEATS (John). Poetical Works and Other Writings, now first brought together, including Poems and numer- ous Letters not before published. Edited, with Notes and Appendices, by Harry Buxton Forman. Etched plates, portraits and views. 4 vols. 8vo, half blue crushed levant morocco, top edges gilt. London, 1883. 22 50 153. LA FONTAINE (Jeande).— | Contes | et | Nouvelles I en Vers | par M. de La Fontaine | . 2 vols, small 8vo, magnificently bound by Cape in full crushed crim- son levant morocco extra, inside gold borders, rounded corners and gilt edges. A Amsterdam (Paris, Barbou), 1762. 185 00 Superb copy in unrivalled condition of the beautiful edition, "des Fermiers Generaux, avec une Notice par Diderot." This example, which is the genuine original edition, has brilliant impressions of the portraits, the numerous plates by Eisen, and charming head and tail pieces, vignettes, etc. Among the " Livres de luxe" of the eighteenth century there is one which is a marvel and a chef-d'oeuvre, an example without an equal in the richness of a book. This work, the great monument and triumph of the "vignette," which rises above and crowns all other illustrations of the day, it is needless to state to all amateurs, 55 is the Tales of La Fontaine known as the edition of the "' Fermiers- Generaux" a truly royal book of the last Meccenean financiers; one of the grandest of the intelligent and sensual outlays of money of the reign of Louis the Fifteenth, and an inimitable model of gallant engraving applied to the illustration of light narrative. 154. LA FONTAINE. Fables. Illustrated with beautiful etchings after the designs of A. Delierre. 2 vols, large 4to, handsomely bound by Rousselle in crushed red levant morocco, with beautiful gold lace tooling on the sides, inside gold borders, edges gilt. Paris, Quantin, 1883. 95 00 No. 93 of limited edition of 100 copies on China and Whatman papers, of which the above is on China, with the plates and vignettes in two states. 155. LA FONTAINE. Fables Choisies, mises en Vers et par Luy Reveues, Corrigees et Augment^es du Nouveau. Copper-plates by J. Cause. 2 vols, small 8vo, fresh red crushed levant morocco gilt, paneled sides, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble, by David. La Haye, Henry van Bulderen, 1688-94. 45 00 Very rare edition with five parts and separate paginations, in two volumes. 156. LA FONTAINE. Les Amours de Psyche et Cupi- don, Pr^c^d^s du Poeme d'Adonis. Illustrated with charming etchings engraved by Coiny after the originals of Raffaello. 2 vols, in i. Minimo, red crinkled morocco gilt, edges gilt. Paris, n. d. 15 00 Rare edition, published by the engraver, Coiny. 157. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD (Due de). Reflexions, ou Sentences et Maximes Morales, avec un Examen Critique par L. Aime-Martin. Fine proof portrait after Petitot. Large 8vo, elegantly bound by Doll in crushed purple levant morocco, extra gilt, with lace tooled borders on the sides, inside gold borders, edges gilt. Paris, 1822. 22 50 Large paper and a superb example of the press of Crapelet, and printed on heavy hand-made paper. 158. [LA SALE (Antoine de)?]. Quinze Joyes de Mariage, avec des Notes et un Glossaire par D. Jouaust et une _S6 - Preface by Louis yibach. Illustrated with exquisite etch- ings in vignette by Lalauze and in two states. 8vo, superbly bound by Lortic in red levant morocco, sides paneled, blind and gold tooled, with lovely double of crushed blue levant morocco, dentelle borders, leather joints, blue watered silk ends, edges gilt on marble and with covers bound in. Fans, J'ouaust, 1887. no 00 Magnificent large paper copy and number 8 of limited edition of 1 5 copies printed on China paper. The volume is in chamois-lined drop case. 159. LA SALE. Another copy of the same, elegantly bound by ChamboUe-Duru in crushed blue levant mo- rocco, gilt, with double of red crushed levant morocco, with broad gold inside borders, edges gilt. 90 00 Large paper and number 6 of limited edition of 15 copies entirely printed on China paper. The beautiful etchings are in two states, one being proofs on China paper. 160. LE SAGE (Alain Rene). Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane, Pr^cdd^e d'une Preface par H. Reynald. Illustrated with beautiful etchings by Los Rios, proof s before letters. 4 vols. 8vo, bound by Chambolle-Duru in crushed red levant morocco, gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt. Paris, Jouaust, 1879. 185 00 Unique, large paper and number 14 of limited edition of 20 copies entirely printed on China paper. This beautiful copy has many inserted plates added. Among them are a beautiful set of the Smirke plates, open letter India proofs mounted on Japan, the set of the Pille-Lemerre etchings and the Jouaust set of plates in two states, before and after letters. 161. LONGUS. Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et de Chloe, Traduction Nouvelle (par De Bure de St. Faux- bin). Illustrated with a splendid series of 2g engravings by Martini, designed after those of the Regent D'' Orleans, and the whole BEAUTiFuf-Lv colored by hand. 4to superbly bound by Bozerian in green morocco, extra gilt, mosaiced in red on the back, inside gold borders, pink watered silk ends, gilt edges. Paris, de I'lmprim- crie de Monsieur, \i%'j. 125 00 Unique copy of this extremely rare edition printed on vellum paper, with the large types of Didot and the beautiful plates, includ- ing " les petits pieds, " colored by hand. — 57 -^ 162. ILotttJS XKXK. — J. A. CoMENii Janua Linguarutti Reserata, cum Graece versione Theodori Simonii Hol- sati, Innumeris in Locis Emendata a Stephano Curcel- laeo. Small 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. Amsterdam, Daniel Elzevir, 1665. 35 00 Very rare and with the printer's mark of the Elzevirs on the title. This voliime has the impaled arms of Louis the Thirteenth on both sides — above is a large crown, around are collars and stars of orders, and below the arms of France and Navarre, a monogram composed of the letter " L " and a crown. On the back of the book are fleurs- de-lys. The fly-leaf has a manuscript inscription dated 1677, commencing, " Ex Regis Maiestatis Munificentia," and ending with the signa- ture "J A San Mauricio." Below are two seals in red wax, one with a coronet and monogram, the other heraldic. 163. HotttS XKTJ. — Histoire de I'lnqvisition d'Espagne Expos^e par Exemples pour Etre Mieux Entendue en ces Derniers Temps. Small 8vo, superbly bound in red morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt. Paris, 1568. 85 00 Excessively rare, and Louis the Fourteenth's own copy, stamped with the King's arms on the sides, and with the crown and mono- gram five times repeated on the back of this curious volume, which is carefully preserved in a green morocco drop case. The author of the work was Reginaldus Gonsal Montanus, and in this volume he attacks the Inquisition and gives a list of Protestant martyrs, the first specified being Jean Ponce de Leon. Montanus himself was one of the victims later. It was in 1572 that the Massacre of St. Bartholomew took place, and four years after the date on the title- page of the volume. On the last page is "a lion rampant," above which is the signature " J. Marline." 164. fLOUtS XV, — Office de la Semaine Sainte en Latin et en Francpois, a I'Usage de Rome et de Paris, avec des Reflexions et Meditations, etc. With plates by Scotin. 8vo, magnificently bound by Padeloup in morocco super-elegant, inside gold borders, gold end papers, edges gilt. Paris, 1745. 75 00 Splendid example of Padeloup binding as well as of Provenance lUuslre, the above having been the Prayer Book of King Louis the Fifteenth. It was lately in the library of Firmin-Didot and has inserted his leather ex-libris. The tooling is most elaborate, the sides being one mass of poin- tille work of the highest order. In the centre are the arms and crown of the King and repeated five times on the back and eight times on the sides are his crown and interlaced monogram. The borders on the sides and the back are tooled with the fleurs-de-lys. The floriations, Gothic ornamentation and geometrical details on the sides evince the masterful and most careful endeavors of Padeloup's handiwork. _S8- 165. JLotttS XU.— SILVAIN, Traitd du Sublime a Mon- sieur Despreaux. Small 8vo, fine old crushed red levant morocco gilt, edges gilt, and in green morocco leather- lined drop case. Paris, 1732. 35 °° Rare volume of the controversy on the " Sublime " that Boileau was engaged in with some of the most famous literary men of his epoch. This copy came from the private library of Louis the H if- teenth, is stamped on both sides with his arms," crowns, orders, etc. , and on the back with fleurs-de-lys; crown and the King's interlaced monogram. There are two inserted heraldic book-plates, one being of Will- iam South worth. 166. ILotttS XT7.— Office de la Semaine Sainte a I'Usage de la Maison du Roy par Monsieur I'Abbe de Belle- garde. Engraved title and numerous copper-plates, also head and tail pieces on wood, and every page carefully ruled in carmine ink. 8vo, superbly bound in red morocco with pointille tooling amid geometrical and floriated designs, worked into crowns, orbs, fleurs-de-lys, mono- grams, etc., and in the centre of both sides the arms of Louis Quinze, surmounted by a crown and surrounded by the collars of orders, inside gold borders, gilt edges. Paris, 1732. 65 00 Magnificent example of royal binding, and which, after it left the possession of King Louis the Fifteenth, came into the possession of the Cardinal and Duke whose heraldic book-plate is inserted on an end paper. 167. ILOtttS X17)I. — Almanach Royal, Ann6e Commune MDCCXCI. Folded map of France. 8vo, splendidly bound by D6rome in crushed red levant morocco ele- gant, inside gold borders, blue end papers, edges gilt on red. Paris, 1791. 65 00 Interesting relic of the unfortunate monarch Louis XVI. and which became his property after his attempted flight from Paris in 1790 and two years before his head fell under the guillotine. The tooling on this volume exhibits the artistic work of the "French binders even during the throes of the Revolution. The back is tooled with urns and fleurs-de-lys and the sides with charming lace effects on the borders, more particularly at the comers. In the centre are the crown, chivalric orders and arms, the last named being on a dark leather mosaiced on the rich red which covers this very handsome volume. 168. ILottlS 3|f)lll9pe.— BUFFON (G. L. L.). Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux, 3 vols, of text and three separate volumes of plates designed by Martinet and colored by hand. — 59 — Together 6 vols. Large 4to. Bpund by D^rome in fine old red morocco extra gilt, edges gilt. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1770-74 150 00 Unique and superb copy from the library of King Louis Philippe. It is stamped on the titles with royal library stamp ' ' Bibliotheque du Roi, Neuilly." On an endpaper is the following MS. memorandum : " Legue par M. Danton \ son ami devoue M. Phillippe de St. Albin. Fanny Danton, II. Fevrier 1870. Achete a la vente de Louis Philippe." This magnificent copy is superbly tooled, with the lilies of France on the backs and outside borders on the sides, the corners of which have handsome floriated designs. In the centre of the sides of all the volumes are the arms of the Due de Penthi^vre, a scion of the royal house of France on the wrong side of the blanket. This heraldic achievement consists of a shield with the lilies of France, and is marked across from the sinister with the sign of bastardy. There are flags, orders, a ducal crown, etc., surrounding the arms. King Louis Philippe, great-grandfather of the present Duke of Orleans, who is now a prisoner at Clairvaux, inherited these volumes from his father, Philippe Egalite, Due D'Orleans, who was beheaded in 1793. Louis Philippe's mother was Louise de Penthievre, daughter of the Due de Penthievre, who was a son of the Comte de Tou- louse, one of the illegitimate issue of King Louis XIV., by his mistress Madame de Montespan. 169. LOUVET DE COUVRAY. Les Amours du Cheva- lier de Faublas, avec une Preface par Hippolyte Four- nier. Superbly illustrated with the designs of Paul Avril etched by Monzies. 5 vols. 8vo, bound by David in dark blue crushed levant morocco with red mosaics, extra gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt, covers bound in. Paris, Jouaust, 1884. 13s 00 Unique and beautiful large paper copy and entirely printed on China paper of which the above is No. 1 8 of 20 copies. The etch- ings are in two states before and after letters and to these have been added a set of the Marckal plates on Japan paper and others by Maril- lier. 170. MABERLY (J.). The Print Collector, an introduc- tion to the knowledge of ancient prints, with sugges- tions as to the mode of collecting. Edited, with an In- troduction and Notes, by Robert Hoe, Jr. With etch- ings and other illustrations. Thick large 8vo, cloth, top edge gilt. New York, 1880. 3 5° Published at $6.00. " The book commends itself alone without comment to all collectors and lovers of prints, and it is so wholly without rivals in its comprehensiveness and accuracy that its publica- tion makes it at once a necessary part of every collector's library, while as a history of engraving and kindred arts it is invaluable to all classes of intelligent readers ." — New York Evening Post. — 6o — 171. iWS. — PICTOGRAPHIC AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF HALF MOON, an Uncpapa Sioux Chief, who was killed in the battle of the Rosebud, June i8th, 1876, and who with four other Chiefs was found lying in state on the Custer battlefield, June 28th, I876. Consisting of 7 7 rude colored crayon sketches by the Chief Half Moon, mounted on linen, and which are preceded by a portrait, other original sketches and explanatory manuscript in ink by William H. Craft, pen artist. Thick small 4to, fresh red russia extra gilt, inside gold tooling, etc. Unique original North American Indian Autobiography, and of which a full description, with thirteen illustrations, is given in ' ' Frank Leslie's Monthly for March, 1890. There is a note at the com- mencement of this picture MS. to the effect that " This history was taken from Half Moon's dead body by. Sergeant John R. Nelson, of Lieut. Rowe's Co. , Second Cavalry, as certified to by Lieut. Rowe and Major James S. Brisbin, Second Cavalry.'' The descriptive MS. further states : — "It is the custom of the Sioux warrior, as was the custom with the warriors of the Six Nations, the Natchez, the Illinois and other semi-centaur savages, to record by illustrations or pictures their several exploits in battle and the chase. In the his- tory of the trans-Mississippi tribes, those who have relied for sub- sistence upon the immense herds of buffalo, elk and antelope which ranged on the plains — these pictorial records have mainly been exe- cuted on the dressed skins of animals ; though in some few in- stances Jesuit Missionaries testify to having seen these records handsomely and profusely illustrated on the inner bark of the cotton- wood tree. The Missionaries taught them the uses and purposes of paper, and the Government agents have always liberally supplied them with colored crayons. This book was originally the property of one J. S. Moore, who, in company of twenty-five others, left Nebraska City, June 15th, 1866, for Montana. In September, 1S68, Moore started to return to Nebraska, but on passing through the Big Horn country was killed and scalped by Half Moon. On page 56 (of the Autobiography) is supposed to be an illustration of this encounter. Pattee, Sandford, Chandler and others (see page 55) re- turned to Nebraska City and are now residing in that vicinity." Those interested in North American pictography will do well to read Captain Gray's account of this Indian literary curiosity in " Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly," referred to above, and in the course of which the writer stated : ' ' The bibliophile is not a dog in the manger. He guards his prizes with great care, but if he instinctively knows you to be one of the clan, you can ramble among his alcoves and shelves, gloat over Aldines and Elzevirs, and wish for the wealth of a Crcesus that you might take home with you all those volumes, enriched with the bind- ings of David, Lortic, Trautz-Bauzonnet and Chambolle-Duru. " In such a treasure-house the writer the other day came across a strange, unique, yet intensely modern, book. He had wandered into the literary salon of Mr. Edmund F. Bonaventure, at the San Carlo— a delightful ' lounge ' for the bibliophile or art student. ""There is something American,' said the connoisseur, handing 6i — over a handsomely bound book. It was a pictographic autobiography of Half-Moon — otherwise called Big Turtle — a Sioux chief, killed in the battle of the Rosebud, June l8th, 1876, and who, with four other chiefs, was found lying in state on the Custer battlefield, June 28th, 1876. The book appealed at once to ' one's business and bosom,' for it contained seventy-seven colored crayon sketches, the work of the dead warrior's own hand, depicting various events and deeds of his by no means passive life. This pictorial chronicle was taken from Half Moon's dead body by Sergeant John R. Nelson, of Lieu- tenant Rowe's troop, Second Cavalry, as certified to by Lieutenant Rowe and Major James S. Brisbin, of the same regiment " 172. MARGUERITE, QUEEN OF NAVARRE. Hep- tameron; or. Tales and Novels, now first 'completely done into English Prose and Verse, from the Original French, by Arthur Machen. Illustrated with exquisite engravings by Leopold Flameng, also portrait. 8vo, ele- gantly bound by Kaufman in light blue crushed levant morocco, with red morocco inlaid into corners and backs, inside gold borders, gilt edges. London, 1886. 25 00 Superb copy, magnificently bound. Privately printed. 173- SWatte Antoinette.— A volume of the " Cabinet des Fdes" from the Pri- vate Library of Marie An- toinette, Queen of Louis XVL, and stamped in gold on both sides of the cover with the arms of France and Austria, each blazon oval and the two sur- mounted by a royal crown. This octavo volume is also tooled on the back. 75 00 Rare and most desirable speci- men. [Arms of Marie Antoinette.] 174. MAROT.— I IAN MAROT-I deCaen svr les Devx | heureux Voyages de Genes & Venisevicto- | rieusement mys a fin. Par le treschrestien Roy | Loys Douziesme de ce nom. Pere du Peuple. | Et veritablement escriptz par iceluy Ian Ma- ( rot, alors Poete & Escriuain de la — 62 — tres magnani | me Royne Anne, Duchesse de Bretaigne, & I depuys, valet de chambre du treschrestie Roy ] Francoys, premier du nom. | Small 8vo, bound by Duru in red crushed levant morocco, dentelle gold in- side borders, edges gilt on marble. Paris, ce present Liure fort acheue dimprimer le XXII. lour de lanuier, M.D.XXX.II. pour Pierre Rouset. diet le Faulcheur,par Maistre Geuffroy Tory de Bourges, Imprimeur du Roy, 1532. 40 00 Excessively rare, original edition, and very fine copy. Brunei says in regard to this volume : — " Edition en lettres rondes, la plus ancienne que nous connaissions de ces poesies. Elle a ete publiee par Clement Marot, qui y a joint une Epistre au Roy." 175. MATHEWS (Charles). A most Amusing and Inter- esting Collection of Illustrations to the Celebrated " At Homes'' of Charles Mathews, "the Elder," consisting of 100 portraits (including 2 fine impressions of that in mezzo- tint by C. Turner, and i as the " Old Scotch Lady '' after Chalori) and humorous engravings, some by Cruik- shank, and mostly representing his different impersonations, above \2q playbills and cuttings, and 22 Books of the En- tertainments, together with an Autograph Letter, the whole mounted on cartridge paper, and bound in i thick vol. large folio, half morocco, top edges gilt. 135 00 Unique collection. This volume came from the collection of "John Dilloti," vphose autograph appears on the fly-leaf, and who has given on the same a long description of the contents of this unique volume- Mr. Dillon commenced his account by stating that " A large portion of the contents of this volume I bad from Mr. Tayleure, formerly an actor, but who latterly kept a shop, selling theatrical pictures, autographs, etc., near St. Martin's Church. I understood he had them from Mrs. Mathews after her having written the Life of her husband. The volume has cost me much trouble to arrange chronologically." The following different Entertainments were produced under the general title of " Charles Mathews at Home." The first was " Mail Coach Adventures," which was succeeded by "A Trip to Paris," "Country Cousins," "Air, Earth and Water,'' "Youthful Days," " Polly Packet," " Trip to America," " Memorandum Book " " Invi- tations," " Home Circuit," "Wanted a Partner," "Spring Meeting," and "Comic Annuals." These all appeared in the order named, and are more or less illustrated in the present collection. Many of the engravings are proof impressions, and some are colored. The books of the entertainments are as a whole exceedingly rare. - 63 - 176. MENDES (Catulle). Les lies d'Amour. Illustrated ■with 6 etchings and 38 original designs by G. Fraipont. 4to, bound in white vellum, on the fore side being painted by hand a landscape, quiver of arrows, etc, in- side gold borders, top edge gilt, covers bound in. Paris, Frinzine, 1886. 50 00 Uniquely bound copy of this limited edition, of which the above is an example on Japan paper. 177. MERIMEE (Prosper). Colomba. 8vo, bound by Marius Michel in crushed crimson levant morocco, in- side gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Paris, 1841. 25 00 "Edition originale." Handsomely bound and clean copy with wide margins. 178. MOLIERE (J. B. P. de). Dramatic Works, Rendered into English by Henri Van Laun, with a Prefatory Memoir, Introductory Notices, Appendices and Notes. Illustrated with the admirable series of etchings specially made for this edition by Adolphe Lalauze. 6 vols, large 8vo, handsomely bound in crushed red levant morocco gilt, with double of blue crushed levant mosaiced with colored leathers and gold, consisting of some 1,300 roses in mosaic on the entire double, top edge gilt, others uncut. Edinburgh, Wm. Paterson, 1875-76. 150 00 Large paper, unique copy, and with the beautiful etchings of Adolphe Lalaure on China paper before the letters, to which are added six extra portraits in early states. 179. MONTAIGNE— Essais de Michel, Seigneur de Montaigne, nouvelle edition exactement pvrgee des Defavts des precedentes, selon le vray original : Et enrichie et augmentee aux marges du nom des Autheurs qui y sont citez et de la Version de leurs Passages avec des Obser\-ations tres importantes et necessaires pour le soulagement du Lecteur; ensemble la Vie de I'Autheur et deux Tables, I'une des Chapitres, et I'autre des prin- cipales matieres, de beaucoup plus ample et plus utile que celles des dernieres Editions. 2 engraved portraits of Montaigne, one inserted and by Houbraken, the other on false title by Clouet. 3 vols, minimo, elegantly bound - 64 — by Cuzin in crushed levant morocco, rounded corners, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Amsterdam, Anthoine Michiels, 1659. ^5 °° Very rare and an exceedingly fine copy stamped in gold on the sides with coronet, quartered shield and supporters. The blazon of the arms is—" first and fourth, azure a wheat sheaf proper, second and third ermine noir." The supporters are—" a savage man hold- ing a club and a lion rampant." These are stamped on both sides of the three volumes. Some copies of this edition are printed in three volumes like the above, but with the imprint " Bruxelles, Francois Foppens, libraire et imprimeur." The buffalo head cut of the Elzevirs will be found in the edition. Brunei devotes half a page to an argument to show that this edition was not printed by the Elzevirs at Leyden, to whom it has been attributed. Whether it was or not, it Is generally recognized as the Elzevir edition and is fully equal in beauty, with its rubricated titles, to any works issued from their presses. 180. MONTAIGNE. Another copy of the same edition. 3 vols, beautifully bound by Cuzin and Maillard in crushed green levant morocco, extra gilt, with crushed red levant morocco double with dentelle borders, leather joints, edges gilt on marble. 225 00 Superb copy with extremely wide margins and one of the best examples knowui Purchased for 1,400 francs in Paris, vide inserted cutting. 181. MONTESQUIEU (C. de S.). Temple de Guide, Nouvelle Edition. With plates and vignettes engraved by Le Mire after the designs of Eisen, the text engraved by Drouet. 4to, superbly bound by Lortic in crushed blue levant morocco, elegantly tooled on the back and sides " a I'oiseau " in the style of Du Sueil with Pompadour lace work, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Paris, Le Mire, 1772. 175 00 Magnificent large paper copy of this famous ' ' chef d'ceuvre " of l8th century illustration, and which is dedicated to King George III. This copy has the ex libris of James Hartmann and there will be found inserted a catalogue cutting of an example somewhat similar, priced 1250 francs. 182. NAPOLEON, et ses Contemporaines, avec Texte par Auguste de Chambure. Thick 4to, magnificently bound in crushed green levant morocco, with super extra of an unique Napoleonic style, panelled compartments com- posed of Greek borders. Imperial bees, crowned eagles and " N," and in the centre the heraldic blazon 6f the -6s [Fac-simile of Binding on Unique Large Paper Copy of "Napoleon ET Ses Contemporains." Number 182 of this Catalogue.] — 66 — Empire, as shown in the illustration herewith, and double with crushed white levant morocco, gilt dentelle borders and a " semis " of the emblematic violet of the Napoleons mosaiced in gold and violet, watered green silk ends, top edge gilt, others uncut and in leather- lined drop case. Paris, 1824. 325 00 Unique large; paper copy, containing the proof set on India paper • . of the Deveria series and numerous portraits inserted, making 107 plates in all, among which are those by Steube, India proof of Napoleon and Marie Louise, printed in colors; Napoleon and Josephine in coronation costumes after Isabey and Percier, set of 4; the Charlet portrait of the Emperor; the Richomme portrait, India open letter proof; " Famille Imperiale " by Rochard; the excessively rare portraits of Napoleon with iron crown by Longhi and the King of Rome by Raphael Morghen; Hats of the Emperor; etc., etc. 183. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Life of, by William Hazlitt. tVM numerous extra illustrations. 3 vols, thick 8vo, handsomely bound by Hathaway, of Boston, in crimson turkey morocco, super extra, top edges gilt, others uncut. Phila., Lippincott, 1876. 75 00 Unique and magnificent copy, in which there are all told 263 plates, including many very rare portraits. Special title-pages were ■ printed for this copy. Such an example as the above rarely occurs for sale. The plates were very carefully chosen and comprise portraits, all the battle scenes, views of places, relatives, marshals, statesmen, etc., connected with the eventful career of the " Little Corporal." 184. NAPOLEON. Costumes Militaires, 1789-1815, with Preface by A. Guillaumot Fils. 50 colored plates, designed and lithographed by Charlet, of French military costumes during the Revolution and Empire. Large 4to, loose in portfolio. Paris, 1886. 15 00 Limited edition of 100 copies. Includes six portraits of the Great Emperor, a^ the military school, at the Tuilleries, on the battle field, and in various military costumes, exhibiting the different periods of his career. 185. NORTHCOTE (James). One Hundred Fables, Original and Selected, also Second Series of the same, with Memoir. Illustrated by 560 engravings on wood after the designs of William Harvey. 2 vols. 8vo, bound by Rousselle in crushed dark blue levant morocco, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, others uncut. London, 1828-33. 25 00 Rare. These beautiful compositions were the fruit of the leisure hours of Northcote the celebrated Painter. 186. NOVUM TESTAMENTUM breues variarum Tra- lationu. Annotationes, adiecta veterum Latinoru. Ex- emplarium manu scriptorum diuersa lectione. 2 vols, in i. Small 8vo, bound in fine old morocco gilt, hand- - 67 [Fac-simile of a Contemporaneous Grolier Binding on a "Novum Testamentum," printed by Estienne at Paris in 1541. Number 186 OF THIS Catalogue.] — 68 — somely gold tooled on the back and sides with geometri- cal and interlaced designs and floriation, edges gilt. Paris, Ro. Estienne, 1541. 65 00 Excessively rare, a superb example of binding in the style of Grolier and of contemporaneous date with that famous bibliophile. It came from the Firmin-Didot collection, and has every page of the text ruled in carmine. The page illustration herewith gives a good general idea of the tooling. 187. OFFICE de la Vierge Marie pour tous les temps de I'ann^e. Fine engraved title and copper-plates by Sebastian Govion to the Calendar and in the style of manuscript Books of Hours, the text finely printed in red and black. Small 8vo, elegantly bound in contemporary orange morocco, the sides and back elaborately gold tooled in diagonals, gilt edges. Paris, Gabriel Clopeiau, 162 1. 35 00 Very rare; from the library of — " The Right Honble, Robert James Lord Petre Thorndon in Essex." ^ This fine old volume contains also, with a separate title dated 1623. " Orations Devotes, pour tous Chrestiens et Catholiqves, composees par le R. P. Cotun. " The present edition is not in the rich collection of foreign Liturgies in the British Museum. 188. ORDO pivini Officii Recitandi, Sacrique Peragendi, a Capitulo Romano et Clero SS. Cathedralis Rom. Eccl. Papalis Lateranensis ad. Annum MDCCCXXXV. a Jos. Cartono Dispositus. 8vo, calf extra, gilt. Rome (1635). S 00 Rare. Stamped in gold on both sides with the heraldic bearings af\i tassellated hat of a Cardinal. 189. PASCAL.— I Pensees | de | M. Pascal | sur la Re- ligion I et sur«Quelques | Autres Sujets, | Qui ont este trouvdes apres sa mort | parmy ses Papiers. | Minimo, elegantly bound by Lortic in crushed red levant morocco extra gilt, inside dentelle gold borders, rounded corners, - 69 - edges gilt on marble, in leathei-lined drop case. Paris, Guillaume Desprez, 1670. §5 00 Excessively rare, original edition and priced 500 francs in an inserted Morgand-Fatout cutting. 190. PELLETIER.— | Evres | Poetiqves de | laqves Pel- ■ etier dv Mans, | Intitulez Louaflges. | Aveq quelques autres Ecriz du meme Auteur, | ancores non publi^z. | Le Contenu et an la Page suivante. | 4to, elegantly bound by Niedree, in crushed red levant morocco gilt, inside gold dentelle borders, edges gilt on marble. Paris, chez Robert Coulombel, rue S. Ian de Latran, a PAnseigne d''Alde, 1581. 125 00 Extremely rare and excellent copy of this curious work by Pelletier. On the title is the assumed device of Coulumbel, ' ' the anchor, dol- phin and name of ' Aldus.' " This copy came from the library of the Right Hon. Charles Bathurst, of Lydney Park, and has his inserted book-plate. A full account of this remarkable poetical and philological curi- osity will be found on page 372 and number 2297 of the " Bulletin de la Librairie Morgand et Fatout," 1876-78, where a copy of this volume is priced 1,000 francs. 191. PERRAULT (Charles). Contes des Fees en Prose et en Vers, Nouvelle Edition Revue et Corrigee sur les Editions Originales et Pr^c^d^e d'une Lettre Critique par Ch. Giraud de I'Institut. Superbly illustrated with plates, vignettes and portraits. Thick small 8vo, bound by Canape-Belz in crushed red levant morocco gilt, in- side gold borders, gilt edges on marble. Paris, a Plm- primerie Imperiale, 1 864. 45 00 Large paper and number 83 of limited edition. This beautiful copy has the portrait, plates and vignettes in five states and four of these are printed in tints before letters on China paper. The text is printed on heavy laid paper. Some of the designs are those of Eisen and the rest are by equally eminent artists. — 7° — * 192. PERRAULT. Contes des Fees en Prose et en Vers, Deuxieme Edition Revue et Corrigde sur les Editions Originales et Pr^c6d6e d'une Lettre Critique par Ch. Giraud. Charming vignette illustrations and proof s before all letters of the plates, also portraits by Eisen, etc. 8vo, bound by Smeers in red crushed levant morocco gilj, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Lyons, 1865. 30 00 Large paper and printed on heavy toned laid paper. 193. PERRAULT. Les Hommes Illustres qui ont Paru en France pendant ce Siecle. Illustrated with frontispiece and I02 very fine portraits of illustrious Frenchmen of the Y'jth century by EdeUtuk and Lubin. 2 vols, in i. Folio, russia extra, gilt edges. Paris, 1697-1700. 60 00 Fine original impressions of tiiis remarlcable series of portraits of the most famous Frenchmen of the reign of Louis Quatorze. It includes both the rare portraits of Ant. Arnauld and Blaise Pascal which were rigidly suppressed by the Jesuits, and also those of Thomassin and Du Cange which were engraved to take their places. Thomas Frog- nail Dibdin says of this gallery of portraits: — " There is no previous work to be put in competition with it." 194. PLUMSTEAD (W. H.). Beauties of Melody, Collec- tion of Most Popular Airs, Duets, Glees, etc., of Most Esteemed Authors, Ancient and Modern, also Selection of Best Irish and Scotch Melodies. With musical score. 8vo, half crushed levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. London (1840). 7 50 Unique copy with inserted portraits of: — John Braham, to whom the work is dedicated, plate of eight portraits of singers and ballad- ists, "-also of Handel, Mozart, Haydn, etc. 195. POE (Edgar). Histoires Extraordinaires et Nouvelles Histoires Extraordinaires, Traduites par Charles Baude- laire. Illustrated with portrait by Chiffart, frontispiece and numerous etchings by Abot, Wogel, Herpin, Meyer, — 71 — Ferat, Laurens, etc. 2 vols, large 8vo, bound by Marius Michel in crushed maroon levant morocco, inside gold ribTson borders and with handsome brocaded silk ends, top edges gilt, others uncut, covers bound in. Paris, Quantin, 1884. 35 00 Elegant edition de luxe printed on papier verge. 196. 'j^ompatlOUt. — Gautier, Chroa-Genesie ou Genera- tion des Couleurs centre le Systeme de Newton. Fold- ing plates. 2 vols, small 8vo, fine crushed red levant morocco gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges. Paris, 1750. 75 00 Very rare and from the library of Madame de Pompadour, mistres of Louis the Fifteenth, with her coronet, arms — "three towers" — and mantling stamped in gold on the sides of both volumes. 197. POULLAIN. — Collection of 120 Engravings after the Pictures and Works of Art which compose the Gallery of M. Poullain, preceded by an Historical Account of the Lives of the Painters represented in the Collection. With etchings and engravings executed by Choffard, Dom- brun, Macret and others. 4to, bound by Chambolle-Duru in crushed maroon levant morocco, with handsome double of crushed blue levant morocco, semee of " Fleurs de Lys," within dentelle borders, morocco joints, edges gilt on marble and in chamois lined drop case. Paris, Bason et Poignant, 17 81. 100 00 198. PREVOST D'EXILES (A. F.). Manon Lescaut. 8vo, bound by Bertrand in crushed blue levant morocco, in- side gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Amsterdam, I7S3- 35 0° Unique copy and one of twenty printed entirely on China paper. Many inserted plates and etchings by or after Flameng, Leclerc and Hedouin, also portraits of the author. This copy of this fac-simile reprint by Jouaust once belonged to and has the ' ' ex libris " inserted of "Jules Janin.'' — 72 — 199- PREVOST d'EXILES. Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du Chevalier des Grieux. 2 vols, small 8vo, magnifi- cently bound by Chambolle-Duru, as shown in the illus- tration herewith, and in crushed blue levant morocco, with flowers tooled in gold and mosaiced in colored leathers on the back and sides, with splendid double of crushed brown levant morocco beautifully tooled, blue watered silk ends, edges gilt temoins, and the whole in leather lined drop case. Paris, Leclerc, i860. 150 00 Large paper, unique, and printed on vellum paper with the types of Ch. Lahure. This magnificent copy is enhanced by the insertion of a set of specially designed and beautifully executed original draw- ings by F. Coindre in light tints, with a special title-page to the first volume and head of ' ' Manon " for frontispiece. There are also added portraits of the author and the sets, of etched plates for Manon Lescaut by Desenne, Lef evre and Monzies — these are all rare and fine proofs; — also the extremely rare set of "eaux-fortes pures " of Desenne. 200. PREVOST d'EXILES. Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du Chevalier des Grieux, Pr^c^d6 d'une Etude par Arsfene Houssaye. Illustrated with the beautiful etchings of Hedouin. 2 vols. 8vo, bound by Rousselle in dark blue crushed levant morocco gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges, covers bound in. Paris, yij^a^i/, 1874. 45 00 Unique large paper copy and entirely printed on China paper; the above being one of fifteen copies. There have been added the set of proofs of the Hedouin etchings before letters, a set of the Chauvet. etchings before letters, also two sets of the Flameng etchings, one being proofs before and the other after letters. 201. PTOLEMY. — Geographia Vniversalis, Vetvs et Nova, Complectens Clavdi Ptolemsei Alexandrini Enarrationis Libros VIII., quorum primus noua translatione Pirck- heimheri, etc. Profusely illustrated with maps, charts, etc., also delightful engraved borders on wood, initial letters, etc. Folio, bound by Rousselle in crushed levant mo- rocco, inside gold borders, gilt edges. Basle, apvd Hen- ricvm Petrvm, 1542. 60 00 Very rare and one of the most sought after editions of Ptolemy no* only on account of the fact that it is Sebastian Munster's, but that the borders were designed by Holbein. An interesting feature of the volume is the cosmography. In the "mappemund" we find— "America seu Insula Brasilij," above which lie Cuba, Hispaniola, Terra Florida, Francisia, beneath which and " Terra Nova sine de — 73 — [Fac-Simile of Mosaic Binding by Chambolle-Duru on an Unique Copy of " Manon Lescaut." Number igg of this Catalogue.] — 74 — Bacalhos," runs a passage labelled "Per hoc fretu iter path ad Molucas." There is also the map — " Novse Insvlae XVII., Nova Ta- bvla," on the reverse of which is the description. 202. PTOLEMY. — Geographise Clavdii Ptolemaei Alexan- drini, Philosophi ac Mathematici Praestatissimi, Libri VIII., partim a Bilibaldo Pirckheymero translati ac commentario illustrati, etc. Profusely illustrated with maps, charts, etc., and the borders of Holbein. Folio, bound by Rousselle in crushed levant morocco, inside gold borders, gilt edges. [Basle, 1552.] 5000 Very rare and one of the best editions of Ptolemy. It has on the back of the title a full length portrait of Sebastian Munster. The maps of the world and those in which the American Continent appear, although giving different conceptions of America to what we are accustomed, are a decided improvement on those appearing in the preceding described volume. 203. QUERLON (Meunier de). Les Graces Title engraved by Moreau, front, by Boucher, and plates by Moreau en- graved by De Launay, de Longueil, Massard and Simonet, also head and tail pieces. 8vo, superbly bound by Lortic as shown in the illustration herewith, and in crushed blue levant morocco, tooled " k I'oiseau " in the style of Du Seuil, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Vzx'is, Laurent Prault, 1769. 85 00 Large paper and a splendid copy printed on heavy laid paper. The proofs of the plates are open letter and are brilliant impressions. This original edition is quite rare and particularly so in large paper, copies selling in Paris for 700 francs. It has a chamois-lined drop case. 204. RABELAIS (Francis). Works. Translated from the French and Illustrated with Explanatory Notes by Le Du Chat and others. Fronts, and vignette portrait of Rabelais on title. 4 vols. i2mo, smooth red morocco, edges gilt. London, 1784. 22 50 Rare and fine binding in the style of Roger Payne. 75 — [F AC-SIMILE OF Binding by Lortic on a Large Paeer Copy of Graces," Paris, 1769. Number 203 of this Catalogue.] 'Les - 76- 205. RACINE (Jean). CEuvres. Frontispieces and plates. 2 vols, small 8vo, magnificently bound by Trautz-Bau- zonnet in crushed red levant morocco gilt, with superb double of red levant morocco, with broad Pompadour lace borders, leather joints, edges gilt on marble. Paris, 1687. 225 00 Splendid copy of this very rare and the second original edition. It was published in the lifetime of the dramatist. It contains the " Phsedrus," which was not to be found in previous editions. 206. RACINE. CEuvres. Frontispieces and plates. 2 vols, small 8vo, superbly bound by David in crushed red levant morocco tooled in gold on the backs, with' crushed blue I I levant morocco double, broad dentelle borders, gilt edges on marble and in leather-lined drop case. Paris, Claude Barbin, 1697. 200 00 Superb copy of an excessively rare and sought after edition of Racine. The first edition of his works, in which will be found " Esther" and " Athalie," and the last printed in the lifetime of this most classic of the dramatic poets of France. Vide inserted cata- logue cutting of a copy priced 1 500 francs. 207. RACINE. CEuvres de, Nouvelle Edition Revue sur les Plus Anciennes Impressions et les Autographes et Aug- mentde de Morceaux Inedits, des Variantes, de Notices, de Notes, d'un Lexique des Mots et Locutions Remar- quables par Paul Mesnard, portrait, plates by Moreau le Jeune, etc., 8 vols, thick 8vo ; also, Racine Album, chromo-lithographed coats-of-arms, tinted and other fac- similes, medals, maps, views, etc., 4to Together 9 vols. Fresh half green crushed levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. Paris, 1865-73. 45 00 The best modern library and deluxe edition. " Racine's grace and melody of diction are exquisite, and his refined tenderness of feeling often melting into profound pathos breaks out through all the barriers imposed by the unities and the simple plots, and the monotony of the rhymed Alexandrine verse. " — Spalding. — 77 - 208. REPTON (Humphrey). Odd Whims and Miscellanies. Numerous colored plates after the originals of the author. 2 vols, in I. Small 8vo, smooth morocco, extra gilt. London, 1804. 11 50 Rare. Printed on thick paper by Bulmer. It includes pieces " On Love,'' " On Dissipation," " On Cheating," "On Fashion," " Voyage to the Moon," etc. 209. RIDER'S British Merlin, for 1768, with Notes on Hus- bandry, Fairs, High Roads, etc, etc. Small Svo. hand- somely bound in contemporary red morocco extra, with flap, the whole covered ^with ornamental gold tooling, gilt edges, with silver clasps, also interleaved and with vellum tablets for notes. London, H. Woodfall, 1768. 10 00 Rare almanack. " Compiled for his Country's Benefit by Cardanus Rider.'' The binding is a superb example of the Eighteenth Cen- tury English or Harleian style of reliure. 210. ROGERS (Samuel). Italy, a Poem, London, 1830 ; also Poems by Samuel Rogers, London, 1834. Together 2 vols. Illustrated with the charming steel engravings by Finden after the original designs of Turner and Stothard. 8vo, bound by Zaehnsdorff in light green crushed mo- rocco extra, red mosaic leather on back and sides, inside gold borders, edges gilt. London, 1830-34. 75 °° Handsome copies of these beautiful editions. Exquisite is a most thoroughly appropriate description for these vol- umes illustrative of the " Italy" and " Poems " of the celebrated beau, banker and poet. The enormous wealth of the author enabled him to command the best talents of the best artists of his time, and it is stated that he spent ;^ 10,000 in the illustration of the "Italy" alone. J. M. 'W. Turner, Prout, Thomas Stothard and others rivaled them- selves, and the genius of design was in turn rivaled by marvelously skilled engravers. - 78 - 211. RONDELET (Guilaume). Histoire Entiere des Pois- sons Composde Premierement en Latin, Maintenant Traduite en Francois. Profusely illustrated with wood engravings of fish, also printer'' s marks on titles. 2 vols. in I. 4to, beautifully bound by Rousselle in crushed levant morocco, inside gold borders, edges gilt. Lyons, Mace Bonhome,.\ii^%. 35 00 Extremely rare and with fine portrait of the author, William Ron- delet. who was Regent of Medicine at the University of Montpellier and who was eulogized by Izaak Walton in his " Compleat Angler." 212. ROUSSEAU (Jean Jacques). CEuvres, avec des Notes Historiques (par Petitain). With numerous plates, some inserted. 22 vols, large 8vo, elegantly bound in crinkled maroon morocco gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt, by Simier. Paris, chez Lefevre de I' Itnprimerie de Crapelet, 1819-20. 225 00 Large paper, and printed on vellum paper. This unique copy has 64 plates, the complete set of Moreau, Dupreel, Chattelat. etc., the complete set of Desenne before letters, and the 19 " eaux-f ortes, " limited to 60 impressions. It also has the extremely rare portrait of Rousseau, " eau-forte pure," that Sieurin was ignorant of. See his catalogue, page 6g. A copy bound by Simier, but not unique like the above, was lately priced 1200 f ranees. See cutting inserted. 213. ROUSSEAU. Pygmalion, Scene Lyrique Suivi d'une Idylle par Berquin, Reimpression Textuelle sur I'Edition Originale de 1775. With plates by Moreau le Jeune, and vignettes by Marillier, the text printed from engraved plates. 4to, crushed blue levant morocco, broad inside gold borders, brocaded damask satin ends, leather joints. Paris, 1775. 25 00 Number 226 of limited edition and on Holland paper, with two sets of vignettes inserted and in two states. This edition is a fac- simile reprint by Lemonnyer, 1883. 214. RUSKIN (John). The Stones of Venice. With nu- tnerous colored and other illustrations drawn by the author. 3 vols, large 8vo, half crushed olive levant morocco, top edges gilt, others uncut. London, Smith, Elder &= Co., 1858-67. 75 00 Fine copy, nearly new, of the second and best edition, which is in- finitely superior to either the third edition of 1867-74 or " new and — 79 — [Fac-simile Portrait of William Rondelet, from his " Histoire Entiere DES POISSONS," printed AT LYONS IN 1558. NUMBER 211 OF THIS CAT- ALOGUE.] — 8o — complete " of 1886, in which the original plates engraved in line by Armytage, Le Keux and Cuff, from drawings by Ruskin, are consid- erably worn. In the 1886 edition the six mezzotint plates had to be facsimiled through overwear. 215. SAINT PIERRE (J. Bernardin H. de). Paul et Vir- ginie. Plates by Longueil, Girardet, etc., after Moreau and Vernet. 32mo, elegantly bound in smooth red mo- rocco gilt, edges gilt, watered silk ends, and in red mo- rocco case, also gilt tooled to match. Paris, Vlmprimerie de Monsieur, 1789. * 30 00 Very rare original edition in splendid condition and handsome bind- ing of the "Paul et Virginie," and a copy of which was priced 1800 francs, vide inserted cutting. Bound up with the above is ' ' Souvenir de Graces," 1815, with charming plates after Angelica Kaufman and others. 216. SAINT PIERRE. Paul et Virginie. Beautifully illustrated with plates on India paper, also wood engravings in the text, portrait, etc. Large Svo, bound by Reymann in crushed blue levant morocco extra, with the ribbon design of Marius Michel, tooled in gold by Dumont, in- side gold borders, edges gilt on marble. Paris, Curmer, 1838. 60 00 Large paper and in splendid condition, with brilliant impressions of the wood engravings after Meissonier, Francais, Descamps, Tony Johannot, etc., to which are added other plates, some of which are India proofs. The page wood engravings are proofs before letters. 217. SAINT PIERRE. Paul et Virginie. Preface by J. Janin. Illustrated with beautiful etchings by Flatneng, after the originals of Emil Levy and designs of Giacomelli engraved in vignette on wood by Rouget and Sargent. Small 8vo, elegantly bound by Rousselle in crushed blue levant morocco, with double of crushed lemon levant morocco gilt, leather joints. Paris, /bww/, 1875. 32 00 Unique Whatman paper copy of this beautiful edition published by the " Librarie des Bibliophiles," with carmine borders, to which are added the delightful series of Lalauze etchings on China paper, portrait of Saint Pierre by Hopwood and other plates, some of which are inlaid. 218. SAINT SIMON (Due de). M^moires Complets et Authentiques sur le Siecle de Louis XIV., et la R^gence. 2 1 vols. 8vo, half calf, marbled sides and edges. Paris, 1829-30. 22 00 Best edition, and published for the first time from the original manuscript written by the hand of the author. 219. SANDRART (J. de). Academia Noblissimse Artis Pictoriae. Profusely illustrated with copper-plates and consisting of portraits of celebrated artists, sculptors and engravers, as well as examples after their works, also vignettes and engraved front. Thick folio, vellum. Nu- remberg, 1683. 30 00 Very rare. This copy came from the Wellesley and Earl Morton collections, and is a most important work by the eminent painter and engraver Joachim de Sandrart. He had the honor of being selected during the pontificate of Urban VIII., whose portrait he painted, as one of the twelve most eminent painters in Italy, to paint an equal number of pictures. Among the twelve artists thus associated were Poussin, Guido, Domenichino, Andrea Sacchi and Guercino. 220. SANSOVINO (Francesco). Historia di Casa Orsini. Illustrated with fine copper portraits of the Orsini family, also armorial plate on title. 4tD, magnificently bound by Petit, after the Maioli style, as shown in the illustration herewith, and in mosaiced crushed levant morocco, super gilt, inside gold borders, watered silk ends, edges temoins and gilt on marble and in loose morocco cover. Venice, Bernardino and Filippo Stagnini, 1565. 200 00 Excessively rare work of Sansovino and in an unique binding, a chef-d-ceuvre of Petit, who not only has taken the Maioli style as his pattern, but improved on it in a strangely novel manner. The volume relates to the Orsinis, whose family colors are green and red. Petit made the cover parti-colored — thus on the recto side the mosaic is red on a green body, whereas on the verso it is green on a red body. On the back where the red and green morocco unite, this artistic treatment shows up most admirably. The silk ends are treated in the same way ; those at the front are red, at the back green. The flori- ated arabesque decoration in gold with the admixture of mosaic on a different ground make up a very rich effect. The dentelle inside bor- ders are superb. The illustrative plate, handsome as it is, does not and no illustration could do justice to this magnificent reliure. This beautiful binding forms the text for a special illustrated arti- cle, entitled " Classic Styles in Book Binding "in " Paper and Press " for January, i8go. In the course of that article, from the pen of Mr. Ingersoll Lockwood, we are told: — " On the next page of Paper AND Press there will be found a fine half-tone reproduction of an art-binding by Petit, about one-half the size of the original, specially made for Paper and Press. By comparing it with the small cut of a Maioli binding sixteenth century, Italian school, centring this page. 82 it will be at once apparent that this eminent French artist, while he gave his work the cachet ol his own individuality, yet contented him- self with the adoption of one of the accepted classic styles of book ornamentation. Several of the French and English art-binders have taken strong grounds against all servile imitation of the ' classic styles,' by which reference is intended to the designs of Maioli, Grolier, Eve, Le Gascon, Roger Payne, Padeloup, Derome, etc. These French and English binders take the position — a very dan- gerous one it would seem — that the ornamentation of a book cover should shadow forth the nature of its contents The charm of such a composition as this piece of tooling, by Petit, lies theiein, that it was the work of ' small views, ' that by his ingenuity he knew how to combine these scores of ' small views " until the beautiful ensem- ble was attained. The design differs on each cover. On the recto the leather is green morocco, with red illumination and gold tooling. "The verso, however, is clad in red morocco, the inlay being in black, the tooling remaining the same. The two leathers meet in the centre of the back,- the joint being most skillfully concealed by the tooling. . . . The beauty of a well-tooled oval, circle or interlace is the utter inability of the eye to detect the joints of the gauges. This test of tooling by Petit stands this test admirably This beautiful plate will call for the binder's closest study, and serve as model and guide, even if only one or two of its graceful combinations be made use of. Acknowledgments are due to E. F. Bonaventure, the well-known bibliopole and proprietor of the admirable library of rare books and fine bindings, New York, for permission to photo- graph the Petit cover." 221. SCOTT (Sir Walter). The Waverley Novels, the Splendid .Abbotsford Edition, with the finest possible impressiorls of the 2,000 woodcuts and 120 steel plates exe- cuted purposely for the edition, 12 vols., Edinburgh, 1842- 47; also — SCOTT'S Poetical Works, with all his Introductions and Notes, also Various Readings and Editor's Notes, with portrait by Raeburn and steel plates after Turner, Edin- burgh, 1 85 1. Together 13 vols. Large 8vo, elegantly bound in smooth dark "green morocco extra gilt, top edges gilt. Edinburgh, 1842-51. 315 00 Unique and superb set of Scott. The Abbotsford Edition of the " Waverley Novels," the largest and handsomest in existence, has now become scarce. The above copy is an original edition. The illustrations comprise engravings on steel and wood by the most notable artists of the day, including Stanfield, Wilkie, Turner, Mar- tin, Landseer, Roberts, Maclise, Allan, Harvey, Mac Ian, K. Meadows, Phiz, Fairholt, Miller, Goodall, Horsburgh, Wilmore, Brandard, etc. ^ The "Poetical Works" include all the plates published with the above edition which matches the Abbotsford Waverley in size. §3- [Fac-simile of Mosaic Binding by Petit on a Copy of Sansovino's Venice, 1565. Dumber 220 of this Catalogue.] ' Casa Orsini ,' -§4- This magnificent set has several hundred steel plates added, includ- ing the Cruikshank etchings, India proofs of the plates of the 1829- 33 Cadell edition, and other choice extra engravings in illustration of Scott, including a special original design for a title page. 222. SHAKESPEAR (William). Comedies, Histories and Tragedies, published according to the true Original Copies. Unto which is added, Seven Plays never before printed in folio, viz., Pericles Prince of Tyre, The Lon- don Prodigal, The History of Thomas Lord Cromwel, Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cobham, The Puritan Widow, A Yorkshire Tragedy, The Tragedy of Locrine. With fine impression of the Droeshout portrait. Folio, russia gilt, rebacked, marbled edges. London, 1685. 150 00 Fourth Folio. A good, sound, tall, fine and large copy, with the exception of the corner of. one leaf torn. With inserted heraldic book-plate of — ^" Theod. H. Broadhead." This copy measures 14 inches by 8 and three-quarters. The original por- trait was used for the Fourth Folio after having been retouched. It here occupies the upper part of a leaf preceding the title, having beneath it the metrical lines of Ben Jonson "To the Reader." 223. SHAKSPEARE. Works, revised from the Best Authorities, with a Memoir and Essay on his Genius by Barry Cornwall ; also Annotations and Introductory Remarks on the Plays by Many Distinguished Writers. Illustv,ated with nearly 1,000 wood engravings from designs by Kenny Meadows. 3 vols, large 8vo, green morocco extra gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges. London, Robert Tyas, 1843. 14 00 Original edition and fine copy, with brilliant impressions of the admirable wood engravings after the characteristic originals of Kenny Meadows. 224. SHAKESPEARE. Dramatic Worts, with Life and Glossary. Charming vignette titles engraved on wood after Thurston's designs. 8 vols. 32mo, cloth, uncut. Chiswick, C. and C. Whittingham, 1828. 10 00 225. SHAKESPEARE. Works, Text Carefully Restored According to First Editions, with Notes, etc., by Hudson. 1 2 vols, small 8vo, limp calf, rounded corners, gilt edges. Boston, 1883. 12 00 226. SHAKESPEARE. Collection of nearly 50 Portraits of Shakespeare, Views, Actors and Actresses in Shakespearean - 85 - Characters, etc., after Burney, Romberg, etc. Mounted to large 8vo, half sheep. 22 50 Rare, and mostly from Bell's British Library or British Theatre. Includes portraits of Mrs. Siddons, Kemble, Macklin. 227. SHAKESPEARE. Collection of some fifty designs by Thurston, engraved by Rhodes to Tegg^ s iSii, edition of Shakespeare in 12 volumes, also portrait by Hopwood, all on India paper. Large 8vo, half morocco. London, 1815. • 22 50 Rare proof set on India paper. 228. STOTHARD (Thomas, R. A.). Life of, with Per- sonal Reminiscences by Mrs Bray. With numerous illustrations from Stothard's works. 4to, turkey morocco gilt, bevelled sides, inside gold borders, top edge gilt. London, Murray, 1851. 11 00 Handsome copy of this beautiful volume, with the text and illus- trations as clean as new. The portrait is on India paper and the wood engravings in sepia tint. 229. SUE (Eugene). The Mysteries of Paris. Profusely illustrated with steel plates and page wood engravings — - also numerous woodcuts in the text. 3 vols, large 8vo, elegantly bound by Riviere in fresh yellow calf extra gilt, inside gold borders, edges gilt. London, Chapman and Hall, 1845-46. 45 00 Unique copy of the rare original and best English edition, with extra inserted plates. 230. SUE. Another copy of the same. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. 18 00 Clean copy, in good condition, of the original edition. 231 SWIFT (Jonathan). Travels into Several Remote Na- tions of the World, by Lemuel Gulliver. With Copious Notes, a Life of the Author, and an Essay on Satirical Fiction by W. C. Taylor, LL.D. Illustrated with up- wards of 400 wood engravings, from designs by Grandville. Large 8vo, elegantly bound by Rousselle in dark brown crushed levant morocco gilt, with double of crushed blue — 86 — levant morocco gilt, top edge gilt, others uncut. Lon- don (1840). 65 00 Unique copy of the original edition, with Grandville's illustrations. The above grand copy of this famous English satire has added a set of the illustrations to Gulliver's Travels by Adolphe Lalauze before the letters, as well as a set of the Le Febvre plates, carefully inlaid to size. 232 SWIFT. Works, Containing Additional Letters, Tracts and Poems not Hitherto Published, with Notes and a Life of the Author by Sir Walter Scott. Portrait, fac- simile, etc. 19 vols.' 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1883-4. 50 00 Edition de luxe, published at $76. No. 5 1 5 of limited edition of 750 copies. 233. THEOCRITUS. Idylles de, Traduites par J. B. Gail Professeur de Litterature Grecque au College de France. Illustrated with portraits of the author and translator by Le Barbier and charming etched plates after Moreau, Le Bar- bier and others. 2 vols, small 8vo, elegantly bound by ChamboUe-Duru in crushed green morocpo extra gilt, in- side gold borders, gilt edges on marble. Paris?, Didot, An 4. 40 00 Large paper and a superb copy, with brilliant impressions of the plates. At the end of the second volume are the " ' Poems of Sappho. " This copy, which has proofs before inscription of the etch- ings, has the book-plate inserted of the " Bibliotheque Genard." 234. TERENCE.— Publius Terentius Afer, Opera. Por- trait and engraved title. Minimo, crushed red morocco, inside gold borders, edges gilt on marble. London, 1823. 7 5° Very rare and fine copy of Pickering's diamond edition, printed with the microscopic types of Corrall. 235. THEVET (Andrea). 'Historia dell' India America detta Altramente Francia Antartica Tradotta di Francese in Lingva Italiana, da M. Givseppe Horologgi. Square minimo, beautifully bound by Rousselle in fresh crushed levant morocco gilt, rounded corners, inside gold borders, gilt edges. Venice, 156 1. 18 00 Rare volume of early Americana, printed entirely in italics, with 87 delightful woodcut initial letters, head and tail pieces and printer's mark, on title-page and last leaf, of Gabrielle Giolito de Ferrari. ' ' Cette traduction n'est pas moins rare que I'original Francais. Non citee par Ternaux." — Leclerc's " Bibliotheca Americana." 236. THOMSON (James). The Seasons, Embellished with engravings on wood by Bewick from Thurston's designs. 8vo, bound by Thierry, successor of Petit-Simier in crushed green levant morocco elegant, top edge gilt, others uncut, inside gold borders. London, T. Bensley, 1805. 50 00 Unique copy, extra illustrated with inserted plates by or after Stothard, Ramsey, Reading, Audinet, Hamilton, Singleton and others. 237- JKIjOtt (J. ^. trf).^Petri Rami ver Omandvi, Philo- sophise: et Eloquentivae Regii Professoris Celeberrimi, Comentariorum de Religione Christiana, Libri Quatuor. Eivsdem Vita A Theophilo Banosio Pescripta. Small 8vo, morocco gilt. Frankfort, Apud Andream Wechelum, 1577. " 25 00 Very rare, with the printer's mark on title and last page. This volume was printed five years after the murder of the author in the " Massacre of St. Bartholomew." He was more popularly known as Pierre de La Ramee. Nearly all his works were suppressed, more particularly those written against the teachings of Aristotle, and for attacking which he was accused of impiety. This great precursor of Descartes, who embraced the Reformed Religion in 1562, founded a School of Philosophy called Ramists, who were numerous in France and England. This copy has further interest in the fact of its having belonged to Chancellor de Thou. The monogram of the great Bibliophile is repeated five times on the back and his coat-of- arms with the legend " lac Avgvst. Thvanvs " is stamped on gold on both sides. Later it came into the Heber library and was stamped on the fly leaf, " Bibliotheca Heberiana." 238. THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS, Commonly Called, in England, the Arabian Nights' Entertainments — a new Translation from the Arabic, with Copious Notes by Edward William Lane. Illustrated by many hundred engravings on wood from origitial designs by William Harvey^ also a large number of inserted plates. 3 vols, large 8vo, superbly bound by Rousselle in crushed red levant morocco, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, others uncut. 'London, Charles Knight, \?>y)-i,\. no 00 Unique copy gf the original edition of this beautifully embellished work. This is not only as clean as new, but a far taller and cleaner copy than is usually offered for sale. The extra illustrations have been most carefully selected and include four distinct and complete sets — those of Wattier, Lalarize, Chasselat and Smirke. The Lalauze set is on India paper, the Chasselat series are proofs before the title and the Smirke set India proofs. The additional plates include engravings and etchings by or after I.alauze, Smirke, Outhewaite, Godefroy, Wattier, Chasselat, Colin, Neagle, Lejeune, Delvaux, Geoffray, Rouargue, Raimbach, Parker, Warren, Nargeot, etc., etc. 239. TURNER (J. M. W.). Picturesque Views in Eng- land and Wales, with Descriptive and Historic Illustra. tions by H. E. Lloyd. Illustrated with g6 plates of views from drawings by J. M. W. Turner, engraved under the superintendence of Charles Heath. 2 vols. 4to, red mo- rocco gilt, edges gilt. London, 1838. 75 00 The ' ' England and Wales " of Turner has always been considered his greatest work. John Ruskin says with reference to the above work: "J. M. W. Turner is the only man who has ever given an entire transcript of the whole system of nature, and is, in this point of view, the only perfect landscape painter whom the world has ever seen." 240. VIAU (Theophile de). Le Parnasse Satyrique de Sieur Theophile. Minimo, superbly bound by Gruel, as shown in the illustration herewith, and in dark blue crushed levant morocco beautifully extra tooled, with crushed red levant double and paneled, leather joints, edges gilt on marble and in morocco drop case. n. p., 1660. 125 00 Rare and early edition of this celebrated work and superb speci- men of modern binding by Gruel, the distinguished author of num- ber 113 of this Catalogue. Theophile de Viau, who commenced authorship as a tragic writer, soon degenerated into a satirical and obscene versifier.' He was exiled from France in 1619 for having published immoral and blas- phemous writings. For the publication of the above work in 1622 the Sieur Theophile was condemned to be burnt alive, but the sen- tence was changed to perpetual exile. Later he returned secretly to Paris and died at the age of thirty-six in the hotel of the Duke de Montmorency. 241. VOITVRE (Vincenti). Les GEvvres de Monsievr de Voitvre, Septiesme Edition, Reueue, Corrigee et Aug- mentee. Portrait and engraved title. i2mo, bound by Boyer in mosaiced morocco gilt, double, edges gilt on gg- [Fac-simile of Bindtng by Gruel on the 1660 Edition of "Parnasse Satyrique." Number 240 of this Cata- logue. — 90 — marble and in green morocco leather-lined drop case. Paris, Thomas lolly, 166^. ^35 °° Very rare and extremely fine example of Boyer binding. The volume is bound in brown morocco, and on the back is mosaiced red morocco of various shapes charmingly tooled. The sides have mosaiced in the centre yellow morocco and around the same are oblong borders of red morocco of which the tooling is pointille arranged triangularly, crosswise, circular, etc. The double is crushed red morocco, with a Chamillart dentelle border. Every page is ruled around the margins with carmine lines, and on an end paper is the morocco " ex libris " of James Hartmann. 242. VOLTAIRE (Fran9ois Marie Arouet del. Miscel- laneous Works, viz. : — I. Maid of Orleans, or La Pucelle, of Voltaire. Trans- lated into English Verse, with Notes, Explanatory, Critical, Historical and Biographical, by W. H. Ire- land. Extra-illustrated with the insertion of 200 plates, many of great rarity. 2 vols. 8vo, bound by Chambolle-Duru in crushed crimson levant morocco, super-extra, inside gold borders, gilt edges, in leather- lined drop case. London, John Miller, 1822. II. Romances, Tales and Smaller Pieces of M. de Vol- taire. Extra-illustrated with the insertion of ^opiates, many of great rarity. 2 vols. 8vo, bound by Cham- bolle-Duru in crushed dark blue levant morocco elegant, inside gold borders, edges gilt, in leather- lined drop case. London, P. Dodsley, 1794. III. Dramatic Works of M. de Voltaire. Translated from the French by Hugh Downman, M.A., and Rev. David Williams. Extra-illustrated with the insertion of 30 plates, some of rarity. 2 vols. 8vo, bound by Chambolle-Duru in crushed dark red levant morocco super-extra, inside gold borders, edges gilt, in leather- lined drop case. London, J. Walker, 1781. Together 6 vols, in 3 drop cases as above. 485 00 Unique and magnificent set, having inserted some 270 plates, among which are many scarce portraits and proofs of great rarity in early states. These six beautifully illustrated and bound volumes must be examined to be thoroughly appreciated. — 91 — 243- VOLTAIRE. Romans et Contes. Beautifully illus- trated with portrait of Voltaire, plates by Monnet, Maril- lier, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, bound by Thibaron- Joly in crushed red levant morocco gilt, inside gold dentelle borders, gilt . edges. Bouillon, aux Depens de la Societe Typographique, ly?^' 225 00 Unique large paper copy, with exquisite set of the Moreau plates before letters inserted. 244. VOLTAIRE. La Heririade, avec des Remarques et des Notes Historiques, Scientifiques et Litteraires. Pro- fusely illustrated with inserted portraits and plates in various states, many of which are of great rarity. Thick large 8vo, superbly bound by David in crushed red levant morocco gilt extra, tooled by Dumont, with beautiful ' crushed blue levant double tooled "a I'oiseau," leather joints, top edge gilt. Paris, Dalibon, 1825. 145 00 Handsome unique large paper copy of this sumptuous edition printed on heavy paper. There have been added to this copy the sets of plates of Moreau, Pauquet and Desenne illustrating the " Hen- riade," as well as a number of portraits, some of great rarity, for instance, the Desenne portrait of Henry IV. is in three states, two before letters and two on China paper. The Desenne plates are on China paper and in two states and the Pauquet series are needle proofs and in two states. Some of the Moreau plates are before letters. 245. VOLTAIRE. LaPucelled'Orleans.PoemeenVingtet Un Chants. With numerous plates designed and engraved by Gaucher, Le Barbier, Marillier, Monnet, Monsiau, Baquoy, Choffard, Delignon, Delvaux, Duhamel, Dupreel, Lemire, Lingee, Malbeste, Patas, Pauquet, Ponce et Ro- manet. 2 vols, large 4to, bound by Chambolle-Duru in crushed red levant morocco, elegantly tooled, inside gold borders, edges gilt temoins. Paris, Didot, An III. (1795)- ' 35° °° Magnificent and unique example of this superb edition. To it have been added a large number of rare portraits of Voltaire and sets of plates, among which are the following ; — i, Monsiau, Marillier, etc., set of 21 plates ; 2, the set of 21 plates of Moreau le jeune, to which set is added 8 proofs before letters of the same ; 3, the com- plete set of 21 plates of Gravelot in two states, with beautiful bor- ders, proofs before all letters ; 4, the complete set of 21 plates of Desenne. The portraits include : — 12 heads of Voltaire on one sheet, with the stamp " Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite" ; portrait 92 frontispiece of Moreau, with inscription — " II ote aux Nations le Bandeau de I'Erreur " ; rare portrait by St. Aubin ; full-length portrait of "Voltaire i Ferney" ; "Esquisse." after nature made at Ferney in 1769 ; rare St. Aubin portrait of Voltaire, in two states, one, a pure etching before the tablet ; the St. Aubin portrait of "Jeanne d'Arc" in two states ; the Desenne portrait of "Jeanne d'Arc," in needle proof; Cochin frontispiece of Charles VII. and "La Pucelle"; portraits of Frederick the Great, and Charles VII. by Desenne, needle proofs ; one plate containing 35 vignette heads of Voltaire ; the Marillier frontispiece of Voltaire surrounded by vignettes ; statue of Voltaire in the Comedie Fran9aise ; rare full- length portrait of Voltaire with perruque; 2 portraits of " La Pucelle" by Delvaux ; and 2 unique frontispieces. 246. VOLTAIRE. La Pucelle d'Orleans, suivi de Cori- sandre. Illustrated with exquisite engravings. i8mo, bound by Hering in red crinkled morocco gilt, inside gold borders, gilt edges. Paris, 1824. 25 00 Beautiful copy of this charming Firmin-Didot edition, with the plates, open letter proofs on India paper, and the example being one of 20 copies on thick paper. 247. VOLTAIRE. Select Works : I. Pucelle d'Orleans. Poeme en 2 1 chants. Illustrated with a portrait of Joan of Arc and 21 plates by Moreau. II. Romans et Contes. Illustrated with plates by Mo- reau. 2 vols. III. La Henriade. Poeme en dix chants. Illustrated with portrait of Henri IV. and \o plates by Moreau. IV. Dialogues et Entretiens Philosophiques. V. Faceties. VI. Contes en vers, Satyres et Podsies M^ldes. VII. Po6mes. VIII. Lettres Inedites. IX. Epitres et Stances. X. Siecle de Louis XIV. 2 vols. XL Siecle de Louis XV. XII. Vie de Voltaire. Together 14 vols. 8vo. Illustrated with numerous fine portraits engraved by St. Aubin and charming plates after Moreau. Bound in full dark blue calf, blind and orna- mental toolings in gold, marble edges. Paris, Renouard, 1822. , 75 00 A very fine set in a neat binding and perfect condition. — 93 — 248. UZANNE (Octave). Son Altesse la Femme. With 10 beautiful full-page illustrations designed by Henri Gervex, Gonzalez, Kratke, Lynch, Moreau and Ropes, engraved on copper, colored and printed by the new process of Debucourt ; also 1 1 very charming and delicate illustra- tions at the beginning of each chapter, consisting of wood- cuts, etchings, aquatints, etc., designed in harmony with the various subjects of the work and numerous vignettes and tail pieces; also — UZANNE. La Fran^aise du Siecle, Modes — Moeurs — Usages. Illustrated " a Vaquarelle " by Albert Lynch, and with colored etchings by Eugene Gaujean — also nu- merous vignettes, head and tail pieces, rubricated title, etc. Together 2 vols. Large 8vo, magnificently bound by David in crushed levant morocco extra, rounded cor- ners, broad inside gold borders and mosaiced in red, white and blue colored leathers, with appropriate tool- ing, ribbed silk ends. Paris, Quantin, 1885-86. 150 00 Japan paper copies of these magnificent volumes. " Son Altesse " being number 100 and "La Fran9aise " No. 88, and of both of which there were only 100 numbered copies printed. The head pieces and ■ initial letters to each chapter are duplicated without the text. The cover of " Son Altesse " is bound in, and that of " La Fran- ^aise," as well as front, are in two states. The volumes are uni- formly bound, but in order to make a distinction " La Franjaise," of which the bkck is mosaiced in red, is bound in dark blue, and " Son Altesse " in red. 249. UZANNE. L'Ombrelle, le Gant, le Manchon. With exquisite illustrations in tint after the original designs of Paul Avril; also: — UZANNE. L'Eventail. Exquisitely illustrated like the preceding, with tinted designs and borders after the originals of Paul Avril. Together 2 vols. Large 8vo, superbly bound by David in fresh crushed levant morocco gilt, inside gold borders, top edges gUt, with the covers both illuminated and on satin bound in. Paris, Quantin, 1882-83. 9° °° Limited editions of these beautiful works. " I/Eventail " was bound by Amand in dark blue, and " I'Ombrelle " in red by Rous- selle to match. — 94 — 250. WALLACK (Lester). Memories of Fifty Years, with an Introduction by Lawrence Hutton. With portraits and facsimiles. 4to, loose in portfolio and folded ready for binding. New York, 1889. 7 So No. 108 of limited edition of 500 copies. 251. WALTON (Izaak). and COTTON (Charles). Com- plete Angler or Contemplative Man's Recreation; being a Discourse of Rivers, Fish-Ponds, Fish and Fishing, and Instructions How to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a Clear Stream. With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. Illustrated with 61 plates or vignettes of portraits, views, and other embellishments by or after Stothard, Fox, Worthington, Cooke, Armytage, Inskipp, etc. 2 vols. 4to, elegantly bound by Rousselle in crushed blue levant morocco extra gilt, inside gold borders, top edges gilt, others uncut. London, i860. 65 00 Handsome copy of this second edition of the Pickering edition, but with the engraved false title of 1832. 252. WILLIAMSON (Thomas). Oriental Field Sports, being a Complete, Detailed and Accurate Description of the Wild Sports of the East. With numerous colored plates by Samuel Howitt. 2 vols. 4to, crinkled morocco gilt, edges gilt. London, 1819. 3250 Rare fine large paper copy. These interesting volumes not only give a number of original and authentic anecdotes, but also the natural history of the elephant, the rhinoceros, the tiger, the leopard, the bear, the deer, the buffalo, the wolf, the wild hog, the jackall, the wild dog, the civet, also many domesticated animals of the orient, as well as different species of feathered game, fishes and serpents. E). K. BONAVENTURE has now ready and will mail free on application [Jatalogue of £tchings and £ngravings, ALSO OF ^ETs OF Hrints for £xtra-Illustration. Now^ Ready Catalogue of §tandard and Interesting 3ooks. Catalogues will be issued from time to time, for which Collectors, especially those who have not hitherto received them, are requested to send their Names any Addresses to E. F. BONAVENTURE, the San Carlo, Broadway and 31st St. E. F. BONAVENTURE always keeps in Stock and is ready to purchase for Cash and of the following : MEDIEVAL VELLUM MANUSCRIPTS, lUunvinated in Gold and Colors; PRINTED AND ILLUMINATED VELLUM HOURS by Kerver, Hardouin, PiGOUCHET, VoSTRE and pth ers ; HISTORICAL BINDINGS OF THE HIGHEST INTEREST, from Royal Libraries and of " Provenance lUustfe " : IN- CUNABLES AND BLACK LETTERS; FIRST EDITIONS; ALDINES AND ELZEVIRS. ART GALLERIES; SUPERB VOLUMES OF RARITY, Encased in Bindings of Trautz-Bauzonnet, Chambolle-Duru, Marius Michel, Lortic and the most Famous Binders; EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH ILLUSTRATED WORKS; ENGLISH BELLES LET.TRES AND ALL BRANCHES OF LITERA- TURE; WORKS ILLUSTRATED BY CRUIKSHANK, ROWLANDSON, LEECH, ETC.; RARE AMERICANA. MEZZOTINTS. LINE ENGRAVINGS in Rare States and Proofs of all kinds; -PORTRAITS, SETS OF PLATES, VIEWS, ETC., for Extra Illustrative Purposes. Dainter. Etchings:" K. F" BONAVENTURE particularly desires to call the attention of AMATEURS AND CONNOISSEURS TO HIS SPLENDID COLLECTION OF Jainter j^tctiings, ■wliioln embraces^ ttie best examples of the most farno-us masters, * ." ' botln old and rriod'ern, INCLUDING BUHOT, BRACQUEMOND, COROT, DELACROIX, GAILLARD, GUERARD, hadenI JACQUEMART, LALANNE, LEGROS, MEISSONIER, MERYON, WHISTLER, Etc., mosTLv i?7 excbptioInai, states, ALSO RARE 12INE ENGRAVINGS and MEZZeTlNTS, BARTOLOZZI, BEHAM, CLAUDE LORRAINE, DURER, EDELINCK, EARLOM, , VAL. GREEN, FIQUET, KAUFFMANN, MASSOiST, NANTEUIL, ' REMBRANDT, SHARP, SMITH, STRANGE, VAN DYCK, WOOLLETT, WATSON, WILLE, Etc. PORTFOLIOS OF SELECTED EXAMPLES SENT ON APPROVAL TO ^OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS. AN INSPECTION SOLICITED AT l\ie ian Sap>Ip M^t ^oom^, broadway and sier sx. dougIas tavloh, pbintek, new vobk. CATALOGUE OF |ltl\inp and |;;nflrariitg» ALSO OF SETS OF PRINTS FOR EXTRA ILLUSTRATION E. F. BONAVENTURE THE SAN CARLO Broadway and Thirty-First Street NEW YORK CITY. »*& E. F. Bonaventure " Le Pont des Rochers." Height, 8^ ; width, \/^%. Impressions on Parchment, without Title $6.00 Impressions on Japan, without Title 4.00 Philip Gilbert Hamerton thus writes in " Etching and Etchers" respecting this famous native of Lyons:— "My admiration for Appian's work as an etcher (he is a charming painter also) was already great several years ago, but the more I see how rare his qualities are in contemporary art, or in any art, the more I feel disposed to value them." " Port de San Remo." Height, 9>^; width, I3>^. Impressions on Parchment, without Title $6.00 Impressions on Japan, without Title 4.00 One of the best of Appian's popular etchings, and a marine. To the right of the plate is seen the dome of San Remo on the water front, and to the left fishing smacks. " Entree du Village d'Artemare (Ain)." Height, 8; width, 5%. Impressions on Holland Paper t2.S0 A rutty road, with a few trees on both sides, leading over a bridge towards a few village houses. BECHADE, after CHEVILLARD. " Voluptas Voluptatum." Height, 4% ; width, 3. Impressions on Holland Paper $1.00 This slightly humorous etching, after the original in the 1877 Salon, shows a French Abb^ indulging in a pinch of snuff. E. F. Bonaventure CAREY, after AUBLET. " Une Boucherie k Trdport." Height, 6^; width, sX- Impressions on Japan Paper, without Title $' -So Interior yard of a slaughter-house. A butcher is holding the head of a sheep, that has just been killed over a bucket, into which is pouring the blood from the victim's throat. CASANOVA (A.). " Fin Gourmet." Height, loX ; width, 7^. Impressions on Holland Paper $2. 50 This etching which is full of quiet humor depicts a sandalled monk of massive proportions, seated in an arm chair, drinking a " petite tasse " of " caf^ noir," the best conclusion to a good dinner. " Le Siffleur de Linotte." Height, \o% ; width, ^%. Impressions on Holland Paper, without Title $2. 50 Seated at a table is a man in eighteenth century costume, who is teaching a linnet to sing by whistling. CHAUVEL (Th^ophile). " Paysage aux Tulipes." Height, 8^ ; width, 13^^. Parchment Proofs $5-5° Hitchcock, the well known American artist, executed the painting from which the above was etched. A young woman, scissors in hand, is E. F. Bonaventure walking through a large tulip garden, considering what selection she shall .make from the carefully cultured beds. The back ground is composed of long rambling outhouses seen from between the trees. Chauvel obtained the Second " Prix de Rome " in 1854, and two medals for lithography at Salons. He was a pupil of Picot, Bellel and Aligny. He made his mark as a landscape painter, afterwards he— ' ' studied lithography under Jules Laurens and reproduces most happily the works of Corot, Bonington, Theodore Rousseau,' Diaz and Isabey. LatSr he has made etchings which are much praised by other artists. He was one of the jurors for the Exposition of 1878." COROT (Jean-Baptiste-Camille). " Paysage d'ltalie." Height, 5^ ; width, 9. Impressions on Holland Paper fe-S° One of the best of the very few original painter-etchings executed by Corot and which, as Hamerton suggests : — " have one merit and charm — they do certainly recall to mind, by association of ideas, his charming work in oil, so full of the sweetest poetical sentiment Corot is a sensitive dreamer, dwelling in a world of his own.'' " Souvenir de Toscane." Height, 4^ ; width, 7. Proofs on Holland Paper $3.50 Exquisite morceau showing a domed building between the trees and exhibiting in this work of Corot, as in those of Millet, — "the rapid, decisive expression of the central idea of the picture. '' This particular point, in relation to Corot and Millet, was made by Mr. W. J. Stillman in his lecture before the Union League Club of New York, COURTRY (C). " The Print Connoisseurs." Height, 1% ; width, 5^. Proofs on Japan Paper, with Remark and Signed $12.00 Proofs on Parchment, with Remark and Signed 17. 50 This etching, after Meissonier, shows two eighteenth century connois- seurs — one apparently a painter, the other an amateur — examining a E. F. Bonaventure portfolio. On the table of the studio are artists' materials, brushes, etc. On the walls are unframed pictures. The remark is an admirable vignette portrait of Meissonier. '^ COUTIL (Leon). " End of the Day's Work," after J. F. Millet. Height, 10^ ; width, 133^. Impressions on Parchment, Remark Proof I9.00 Impressions on Japan, Remark Proof 5.00 This etching, characteristic as it is of Coutil's work, is even yet more so of the painter of "the Angelus." It has embodied all the peculiar excellencies of Millet's style. " Beau Temps." Height, i)%; width, 11. Proofs on Japan Paper $2. 50 An exquisite piece of etching by this pupil of Bracquemond and a water scene in which are seen two young ladies rowing, with swans swimming around them. The perspective of the lake and trees in the distance are full of color effect. Teysonni^res, the famous etcher, is said to have declared that he learned more from one of Coutil' s plates than from any others. ♦^ DELBOS. " In the Bois de Boulogne." Height, 6; width, ^Y%. Impressions on Japan Paper without Title $2. 50 A lady seated beneath a tree watching the passers-by. DESBROSSES (L). " The Willow Trees by the Lakeside." Height, 19}^ ; width, 14. Remark Proofs on Japan $10.00 Desbrosses is one of the leaders of the modern French school of modern French engravers, who, as Theodore Child suggests, create on'g^inl E. F. Bonaventure productions and do not limit their efforts to simply reproducing the works of another. Desbrpsses, like them, affirms his originality, his character and his personal vision. He considers that the definitive states of an engraving ought to be judged only from choice proofs, either printed by the artist himself or under his surveillance and bearing his personal imprimatur. Thus the " Peintres Graveurs " hope to bring into existence a public of amateurs vifho will seek only fine proofs and ilite of connois- seurs who will appreciate " la belle ^preuve " as they already appreciate original paintings. In reality " la belle ^preuve " is a picture in black and white, of which there can only exist thirty or forty copies at the outside, for after that the plate gets worn, and the proofs no longer have the qua- lities and the charms which constitute a fine proof in the eyes of the connoisseur. There is therefore every reason for paying high prices for fine proofs of engravings which are not only in conception, but also in every detail of their manufacture, the direct work of the artist. " Les Baigneuses du Tyrol." Height, 19^ ; width, 13^. Remark Proofs on Parchment $I5'00 Japan Paper Proofs 10.00 Splendid plate, after Corot, himself an etcher, and whose etchings — "have one merit and charm — they do certainly recall to mind, by association of ideas, his charming work in oil, so full of the sweetest poetical sentiment." This plate, as its principal point, presents a grand old forest tree partially submerged in a Tyrolean lake. It is a companion plate to the preceding. " La Mare aux Vaches." Height, 16^ ; width, I3>^. Proofs on Parchment $10.00 Proofs on Japan 6.00 Cattle drinking from a pool and which have made their way through a sunny forest glade, constitute the strong feature in this woodland study. " The Old Orchard." Height, wyi.; width, 18. Proofs on Parchment $10.00 Proofs on Japan 5.oo A strong etching with admirable work in sky and foliage. Cattle are grazing on the herbage in an old orchard. In the foreground is a rivulet's bank. E. F. Bonaventure " Le Vieux Pont." Height, i6X; width, 13. Signed Proofs on Parchment ^10.00 Signed Proofs on Japan 5.oo Splendid example showing the technique of Desbrosses and his power over light and shade in landscape effects. Trees, water, a ruined bridge, are here treated with masterly power. A companion to "La Mare aux Vaches. '' DETAILLE (J.-B.-E.). "The Uhlan." Height, 1 1 ; width, 8. Impressions on Japan Paper ?3.S0 This popular, but scarce etching, and its creator, the famous pupil of Meissonier, are thus referred to by Hamerton : — " Detaille, who has become celebrated as a painter very early in life, etches with consummate ease and skill, which may be attributed to his habit of making clever croquis of what he sees, for subsequent use in his pictures. His two plates, ' Un Uhlan ' and ' Trompette de Chasseurs,' are as good as anything well can be in that light-handed, sketchy manner, being full of the • closest observation expressed with admirable ease. Any critic can say that these are ' mere sketches,' because all the paper is not blackened ; but he who knows what good drawing is, and where to look for it, will find more of it in a horse's leg by Detaille, sketched from memory in five minutes, than in many a labored engraving." " The Cuirassier." Height, 1 1 ; width, 8. Impressions on Japan Paper $3-50 A companion etching to the preceding and like it most admirably depicting a soldier on horseback. FLAMENG (Leopold). " Ronde de Nuit," after Rembrandt. Height, \2}i\ width, 15;^. Impressions on Holland Paper $8.00 Companion piece to Flameng's etching of the "Hundred Guilder Print," which follows. E. F. Bonaventure " Flaraeng is really one of those illustrious men whose labors make epochs in the history of the fine arts." — Hamerton. " Christ Healing the Sick," known as the "Hundred Guilder Print," after Rembrandt. Height, IJ^ ; width, ii. Impressions on Holland Paper Hamerton writes: — "He (Flameng) produced a copy of one of Rembrandt's most difficult and complicated etchings — a. copy which cer- tainly far exceeds the most perfect photograph in accuracy, whilst at the same time it possesses, as a piece of execution in etching, ajl those technical merits for which Rembrandt himself was famous. It is not an exaggeration of the truth to affirm that there exists in Europe in our own day a man who may be said to possess the hand and eye of Rembrandt It may be difficult to convey to the reader that full apprehension of the wonder of such a work as this. In a certain sense it may be boldly affirmed that as a technical performance merely, such a copy as this is even more wonderful than the original plate itself." " Un Pere de I'Eglise." Height, II : width, 8}4. Impressions on Holland Paper $2.00 Splendid study of head and of a somewhat Rembrandtesque type. It represents a mitred and aged ecclesiastic reading from an old tome. " Madame de Pompadour." Height, sH ; width, 4%. Proofs on India Paper, before Letters $3-5° Proofs on India Paper, with the Title , i .50 This delightful portrait is after the original pastel of Maurice Quentin de la Tour, in the Louvre. "The Blue Boy." Height, pX ; width, 4^. Proofs on India Paper, before all Letters $3.50 Gainsborough's famous masterpiece is presented in this etching in Flameng's most delightful manner. E. F. Bonaventure GAUJEAN. " A Feline Family." Height, 7; width, 9. Proofs on Parchment, before all Letters $7.50 A delightful etching, after the original painting by the celebrated artist of cats, L. Eug. Lambert. One little kitten is in a work-bcjx, another is watching her, another is playing with a ball of worsted, while still another is trying to clamber on to the table. The guardian mother cat is more interested in a pair of birds in a cage than in her offspring. GAUJEAN, after CHAPLIN. " Wetking Dreams." ^Height, 9^; width, (>%,. Japan Paper Proofs, without Title $5 .00 Exquisite semi-nude and printed in color showing delicate flesh tints. ^ GAUTI-ER (LuciEN). " Notre-Dame de Paris." Height, 14^ ; width, 20^. Proofs on Japan Paper before all Letters, Signed 17-50 A splendid architectural plate by one of the best modern French etchers. This view of the grand cathedral church of Paris is taken from the south-east and shows one entire side of the building. The beautiful gothic details of the lovely lady chapel, the stately towers, the flying buttresses, the delicate window tracery, and the "tout ensemble" of this triumph of the highest type of medievelism appeal at once to the cultured eye of the connoisseur. The surrounding accompaniments of the Seine in which fishermen are plying the gentle sport, the bridge across the glassy river, and the verdant trees above which the Tour Saint- Jacques is seen in the distance, make up a masterful example of the burin. GERY-BICHARD. " The Amateur-Artist." Height, 7^; width, sX- Proofs on Japan Paper, before all Letters $8.50 Meissonier's work is here reproduced with all the force of the original, which shows an eighteenth century painter seated on a camp-stool E. F. Bonaventure copying a sketch of a recumbent nude. The background consists of canvases against a wall, on one portion of which is chalked an equestrian figure. GILBERT (AcHiLLE). " A Cavalier." Height, 8J4:; width, 5^. Proofs on Parchment, with Remark and Signed $lo.oo This superb etching faithfully reproduces — " the brilliancy and fire of Meissonier," from whose original it is taken. Gilbert, who is one of the most accurate draughtsmen living, was one of the jurors for awarding the prizes at the Paris Salon of 1885, but made his reputation international in his etching of Charles Jacque's " La Sortie." GILBERT (J.). " Un Nuage." Height, 9 ; widght, ^%. Impressions on Holland Paper $1 .00 This charming etching, after the original painting of J. Rongee, illustrates a lover's quarrel. Some jar has occurred between a cavalier and his lady-love, while wandering through the woods. He, with averted face, is beating down the wild flowers, while she, holding a spray in her hands, walks with downcast eyes. GRAVESANDE (Charles Storm van S'). " Fishing Boats, near Rotterdam." Height, 7; width, 9>^. Impressions before Title $3.50 The above is presented as one out of many other plates of Gravesande kept in stock. It is a good representative example of the etchings of this eminent Dutch artist, of whom John Williamson Palmer says : — " I find Gravesande the ideal painter-etcher, — a maker of illusions rather than of lines, — whose lines are so fused and lost in the perfect whole that we see and feel what is done, with never a thought for the means whereby it got itself done. It is a comfort to sit down before the work of such an artist as this." E. F. Bonaventure HADEN (Francis Seymour). " Egham Lock." Height, S^ ; width, Zy^. Proofs in First State, before the Change $15.00 " Francis Seymour Haden is an artist of rare endowment and consum- mate practical skill In a few weeks one of the busiest surgeons in London found himself one of its most celebrated artists A never ending subject of wonder to me in Haden's work is that it is not only art, but pure art — art reigning unopposed in its own realm." — Hamerton. "Old Chelsea out of Whistler's Window, 1863." Height, 6% ; width, 8^. Proofs in First State, before the Change |iS.oo Very rare state of this celebrated etching of Seymour Haden which gives an unique view of the Thames and Chelsea, with remarkable Rembrandtesque sky effect. HOLLYER (S.) and BARRY (A.). " Napoleon the Great." Height, 2i,y2 ; width, i8>^. Remark Proofs on Japan Paper $15.00 Remark Proofs on Holland Paper 12.00 Impressions on Holland Paper 10.00 This grand life-sized head of Napoleon is after the celebrated painting by David. The features of the Emperor are given the vigor and strong traits of all the CiEsars combined. This etching is a half length of Napoleon, who is habited in the uniform of the Old Guard and wears on his breast the decoration of the Iron Crown and the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor. HUNT (Leigh). " The Dock at Calais." Height, 4^ ; width, 6. Proofs on Japan Paper $2. 50 Original painter-etching dated 1886. " That the craft of the healer of the sick should contribute to a special field of art some of its most distinguished members is worth a note. We E. F. Bonaventurc all know of Dr. Seymour Haden, and of Dr. Leroy Minton Yale, as etchers. Now I see, by the printsellers' windows, that Dr. Leigh Hunt has entered into rivalry with his powerful predecessors Dr. Hunt as an etcher can sustain criticism with any of his professional compeers. He has a keen eye for the picturesque, an acute sympathy with the poetic phases of nature, and exhibits much skill in his mastery of his medium, while his draughtmanship betrays an observant eye and a well trained hand." — Town Topics. JACQUE (Charles). Rural Landscapes, Farm Interiors and Exteriors, and other Similar Subjects. — 20 Etchings in all. Height and width varying. Impressions on Japan and Holland Papers without Titles. $2.50 and $2.00 each. It is almost unnecessary to describe the twenty etchings I have in all by this master, whose works have merited a volume of one hundred and fifty pages from the pen of J. J. Guiffrey, and whose larger and more important etchings command the highest price in both America and Europe. As Jules Claretie remarks: — "The time is long past when Charles Jacque gave for a few francs, engravings that now sell at fabulous rates,'' as for instance a proof of his etching of — "a Girl Knitting," which sold at a Paris sale in 1872 for $820. The above plates, of which I have secured a considerable number in variety, range from 7^ and 5 inches in width to SJ^ and 3 inches in height. JACQUEMART (J.) "An Imperial Reception." Height, 7^; width, 11^. Impressions on Holland Paper, without Title $3.00 This spirited etching, after the original painting of Meissonier, depicts the Empress Eugenie and late Prince Imperial, surrounded by officials, reviewing a procession of clergy and rural magnates. The "Cent- Gardes " on horseback, to the left of the plate, are good examples of Meissonier's soldiers. E. F. Bonaventure 13 JAZINSKI, after MONTEGUT. " Love in the Moon." Height, 16X; width, <)%. Parchment Remark Proofs $15.00 Proofs on Japan Paper g.oo This delightful conception is in itself a romance of love by the light of the moon. But in this case, however, it is the moon itself that is loved, for out of her pellucid depths has appeared a vision of the lady love of a gallant troubadour, who, guitar on back, is with uncovered head, saluting in rhapsody the nude form of his beloved. JAZINSKI, after L£ FEBVRE. " Diva Vittoria Colonna." Height, loX ! width, 1%. Parchment Remark Proofs $lo.oo Japan Remark Proofs 6.00 Handsome portrait of the famous friend of Tasso, Ariosto and Michael Angelo, and whose elevated character, intellectual gifts and personal beauty are done justice to in this speaking etching. She was one of the loveliest characters of medievalism, was ever surrounded by the good and learned, and apparently seemed to have lived solely to afford solace and help to the needy and devote herself to all the nobler charities of life. This etching is interesting as to costume. JAZINSKI, after VIG^E LE BRUN. " Femme au Manchon." Height, 14; width II. Parchment Remark Proofs $15.00 Japan Remark Proofs 9.00 . The original painting of this charming etching is best known as the "Lady with Muff," and is after the famous portrait in the Louvre, by Madame Marie Louise Elisabeth Vig6e Le Brun, who was honored by admission to the Academies of Paris, Bologna, St. Luke at Rome, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Geneva and others. During her ninety years of life, she painted 662 portraits, 1 5 compositions and 200 landscapes. Her 14 E. F. Bonaventure heads are much in the style of Greuze, whose genre she accepted as her "metier,"' after copying the works of Rubens and Rembrandt. Her portraits of Marie Antoinette, Madame de Stael, Lady Hamilton, Lord Byron and George the Fourth are world famous. The above is of herself. It depicts the artist's sunny face, with sparkling eyes and kissful lips, beneath a broad-brimmed Rembrandt hat. Her hands are buried deep in a monster muff — hence the title of the painting. JONGKIND. " The Port of Antwerp." Height, 6; width, 9^. Impressions on Holland or Japan Paper, without Title S^-S" A critic has written: — "This etching is considered to be the most effective of Jongkind's plates. Although seemingly coarse, it has a strong effect when framed." " Windmills of Holland." Height, 5^ ; width, 9. Impressions on Holland or Japan Paper, without Title $2.50 Hamerton says : — " Jongkind is invaluable to the student of etching as an example of simple line work pushed to its utmost extreme. He gives as few lines as possible never dissimulating them." LALAUZE (Adolphe). " Children." Height, about 6^ ; width, 4)^. Impressions on Holland Paper, without Titles. The set of five, $7.50 This series of five etchings displays charming groups of little children as follows : Two little girls practising a duet on the piano; a small child feeding her yet smaller brother ; two tots of girls rocking the baby ; two more engaged in the same occupation ; a little girl in the woods with basket of flowers in one hand and bouquet in the other. E. F. Bonaventure 15 LELOIR (Louis-Alexandre). " Un Gentilhomme." Height, 7^; width, 10 j^. Impressions on Holland Paper, before the Title $3-5° Although many of the aquarelles of this famous artist have been etched, the above is the only original etching done by him. Only the bust of this Spanish gentleman, with ruff around his neck and broad-brimmed hat on head, is given. MARVY (Louis). Landscapes, Rural Scenes, etc., after Diaz, Berthault, Tournamine, Lef^vre. Leroux, etc. Collection of 20 Impressions on India Paper, before the Titles. The set of twenty, $15.00 The above consist of two series of etchings which are treated in a some- what mezzotinto manner. The sizes of the plates vary. One series is oblong, the other upright, numbering 20 of each. ♦^ MASSON (A.). " Return from the Fields." Height, 13 ; width, 19. Parchment Remark Proofs $9.00 Japan Remark Proofs 5.00 Four female farm hands of the French peasant type, made so popular by Millet, are here seen returning from the labors of the day through a winding path in the fields. -I* MONGIN (A.). " Le Liseur de Manuscrits." Height, 6 %; width, 4^. Proofs on Japan Paper, before all Letters $8. 50 Charming etching after Meissonier's original. It depicts an eighteenth century student holding some papers in his hand. He is seated before a table, under which his legs are crossed. Behind him are tapestry, a decor- ated screen and a cabinet upon which are heaped books, portfolio, etc. i6 E. F. Bonaventure NEUVILLE (A. de). " Mobiles k la Tranch^e — ^Sifege de Paris." Height, 7; width, \o]^. Impressions on Holland Paper $2. 50 A group of mobiles, in this painter-etching, are seated, mostly sleeping, behind a low rampart. OUDART (F]5;lix). " Sous Bois." Height, 12^ ; width, 9^^. Impressions.on Japan or Holland Paper $2.50 'Charming woodland scene. It delineates a glade in spring-time, with a stag to the left of the picture. " In the Snow." Height, 12^ ; width, 9^ . Impressions On Japan or Holland Paper $2.50 Companion etching to the preceding, and a similar subject, but in this, the trees are denuded of foliage, and the ground is covered with snow in which stands boldly out in relief a stag. RUDAUX (E,). " II m'aime un peu, beaucoup." " Passablement, pas du tout." Height, loX ; width, lyi. Impressions on Holland Paper, the Pair $3.00 A charming pair. They both represent' village maidens, endeavoring to discover how much or how little they are loved, by the aid of botanical experimentalization . " Rural Flirtations." Height, \a'% ; width, •}%. Impressions on Holland Paper, without Titles, the Pair $3.00 These painter-etchings depict in each a pair of rural lovers. In the one a hunter is making love to a charming paysanne, and in the other an artist has neglected his brush to flirt on a rustic bridge. E. F. Bonaventure 17 VAN MARCKE (Em.). " Un Coin d'Herbage." Height, 5J<; width, 9;^. Impressions on Japan Paper, without Title $2.50 A group of cattle, such as only Van Marcke can satisfactorily represent, are either browsing or drowsing in the corner of a field near a pool of water. ♦^ ETCHINGS. A series of sixteen Beautifully Executed Etchings, by or after Famous Modern French Masters, including some Charming Original Painter-Etchings. All Impressions on China Paper, the Set $25.00 This delightful series includes the following works of art : — Beyer, " Les Bceufs," after Rosa Bonheur ; Budischovski (Ed.), " Le Benedi- cite," after Chardin ; Daubigny, " Le Printemps;" CoUignon (F. J.), "Passage du Gu^, " after Jules Dupre; H^douin (Edmond), "La Chasse," " Glaneuses ^ Chambaudoin," "La P6che," and " L' Agricul- ture ; " Lefman (F.), " Le Fumeur," after Vetter, and "II y a Cent Ans;" Marvy (L.), " Bretagne — Paysans Dansant," after Cabat; "Wood and River Scene,'' after Corot, and " Effet de Nuit dans un Marais," after Th. Rousseau; Masson (A.), "Les Glaneuses," after J. F. Millet; Metzmacher, "La Fanaison," after Armand Leleux ; Veyrassat (J.), " Le Gouter des Moissonneurs " (original); " Le Gou- ter,'' after Ed. Frfere; " Soleil Couche", after Daubigny, and "Les Vaches a I'Abreuvoir," after Troyon. P Of traits of Washington and Lincoln LEFORT (Henry). " George Washington." Height, 24^; width, 21^. Open Letter Proofs $15.00 This splendid portrait of " Pater Patri^ " was etched by tlie famous French artist Lefort. It bears the inscription — '* Henri Lefort, delineavit et sculpsit." The etcher toolc as his model the three-quarter face head and epauletted continental-uniformed bust of the pqrtrait by Gilbert Stuart, of which Washington Allston wrote: "A nobler personification of wisdom and goodness, reposing in the majesty of a serene conscience, is not to be found on canvas." Lefort has not only thoroughly incorpor- ated into his magnificent work of art all that Allston suggested, but has dealt with the dark shades and light effects as forcibly as Rembrandt ever did in any of his masterpieces of etching. "To an American no other portrait can possess the interest and significance which will be always attached to that of Washington; and if in contemplating it, we feel impressed with the nobility of his character, the dignity of his manhood, his truth and patriotism, what better page can we study and what better life can we imitate and while considering the acts and results of his life, be, at the same time, forcibly reminded of the prominent events of the early history of the Republic, which, although comparatively recent in date, we, in the rapid changes of the present, already look back upon with a feeling of antiquity, but not, we hope, in a spirit of forgetfulness." — W. S. Baker. E. F. Bonaventure MARSHALL (William E.). " George Washington." Height, 13X; width, \\%. Impressions with Facsimile Autograph $5.00 Engraved in Une by the best engraver of portraits in this country, William E. Marshall, after the original oil painting by Gilbert Stuart, in the Boston Athenffium. " Marshall's Washington has an established reputation, and occupies as an engraving, in the popular mind, the same relative position, which the original does as a painting." — Baker's " Engraved Portraits of Washington." GUGLER (H.). " Abraham Lincoln." Height, 29^ ; width, 23. India Proof Impressions $10.00 Magnificent portrait of the emancipator, after the celebrated picture of John H. Littlefield. It is a life sized head and presents the features of the martyr-president in noble, but rugged grandeur. The face is three quarters. The oval surrounding the portrait makes a wreath — one half of which is of laurel— the other of oak leaves and acorns, joined in the center by broken shackles. Part ll.-CHOICE SETS OP Carefully Selected Book lllustFations Recently Imported by E. F- BONAVENTURE The San Carlo, Broadway and 31st St. BOCCACCIO. — Set of eleven Etchings, by Flameng, to illustrate the " Decameron." $10.00 CERVANTES (Miguel DE).— Set of seventeen Etch . ings, designed by J. WORMS, and one Portrait etched by RiCARDO de Los Rios, to illustrate "Don Quixotte." Before Letters $25.00 CERVANTES.— The same, but Proofs before all Letters. Limited issue of 30 impressions. . . $47.50 CERVANTES.— Set of sixteen Etchings, by Los RiO.S, to illustrate " Don Quixotte." Japan Proofs before Letters, limited to 80 impressions . . . $18.00 DEFOE (Daniel). — Set of nine Plates, by MouiL- LERON, to illustrate "Robinson Crusoe." . . . $7.50 DEFOE. — The same before Letters $12.00 E. F. Bonaventure DEMOUSTIER (C. A.).— Set of thirty-seven Engrav- ings, after MOREAU, to illustrate "les Lettres k Emilie." China Paper $10.00 DORAT (C. J.). — Set of forty-seven charming Vi- gnettes of Cupids and Nudes, to illustrate the "Kisses" of DORAT, by ElSEN, Proof Impres- sions, without the Text, on Japan Paper. 8vo, in portfolio and only 100 copies printed $20.00 FORREST (Edwin).— Portrait of, by G. L. Ancel. Proofs Impressions on Japan Paper, signed and numbered - $1-50 A fine characteristic head of the great American tragedian, exhibiting his strongly marked features, so full of intellectual vigor. The whole of .the Japan edition of this plate, numbered I to 32, was secured by E. F. Bonaventure. This etching measures four and a quarter inches high, by two and seven eighths wide. GAUTIER (Theophile). — Set of seventeen Etch- ings, by Champollion, after the original designs of G. TOUDOUZE, to illustrate " Mademoiselle de Maupin." Limited issue of 125. Impressions in two states, on Japan, either before or with Let- ters $50.00 GAUTIER. — The same, on "Papier Velin," with Letters $25.00 GCETHE (J. W. Von).— Set of seven Plates, Portrait and six Designs, after J. P. Laurens, etched by Champollion, to illustrate " Faust." S7-50 GCETHE. — The same, before Letters $12.00 GCETHE. — Set of seven Etchings, by Lalauze, to illustrate the " Sorrows of Werther." Before Let- ters $9-00 E. F. Bonaventure GCETHE.— The same, but Proofs before all Let- ters. Limited issue of 30 impressions .... $15.00 GOLDSMITH (Oliver).— Set of nine Etchings, by Lalauze, to illustrate the " Vicar of Wakefield." Before Letters $9-00 GOLDSMITH.— Set of Proofs of the same, before all Letters. Limited issue of 30 impressions... $13.50 HAMILTON (Anthony).— Collection of Portraits engraved by Saint-Aubin, suitable to illustrate " Grammont's Memories," i. e. BoiLEAU, BOSSUET, BouRDALOUE, Chaulieu, Corneille, Crebillon, M^^ Deshoulieres, Gresset, La Fontaine, La Rochefoucauld, Le Sage, Mably, Mal- herbe, MoLifeRE, Montesquieu, Pascal, Reg- NiER, Rousseau, Voltaire^ Proofs of each, on China Paper $.50 HENRIQUEL-DUPONT.— "Portrait of Rachel, the great French tragedienne." Impressions on Hol- land or India Papers, without Title $4.00 The above Etching measures nine inches in lieight by five and three- eighths wide. Splendid example of Henriquel-Dupont's work, and after the original drawing of H. Lehmann, made in 1851. Henriquel-Dupont was made a member of the French Institute and an officer of the Legion of Honor in recognition of his fame as an engraver. He studied under Bervic and Pierre Gu^rin. Henriquel-Dupont's repro- duction of the " Hemicycle," after Paul Delaroche, cost him ten years of labor and is one of his most celebrated works. HUGO (Victor).— Set of one hundred Plates, by the best etchers, after the compositions of FRANgoiS Flameng, in illustration of the " Complete Works " of Hugo. 8vo $45.00 E. F. Bonavetiture 23 HUGO. — The same Set, but on Japan before Let- ters $90.00 LABORDE (J. B. de).— Set of one hundred and seven fine Plates and a Portrait to illustrate " Les Chan- sons de Laborde." Designed by MOREAU and Le Barbier. Impressions on India Paper. Royal Octavo, in Portfolio $25.00 LA FONTAINE (Jean de)— Set of seventy-two Etchings, after Oudry, by Courtry, Greux, Lemaire, Le Rat, Martinez, Mongin, Mon- ZIES, Rousselle, to illustrate the " Fables of La Fontaine." $18.00 LA FONTAINE.— The same on either China, What- man or " Grand-Hollande," before Letters. . $ 1 8.00 LA FONTAINE.— Set of Etchings, designed by Em. Adam, and one Portrait, by Lerat, to illustrate the " Fables." Before Letters $20.00 LA FONTAINE — The same, but Proofs before all Letters. Limited issue of 30 impressions. . .$30.00 LA FONTAINE.— Set of thirteen Plates to illus- trate the " Fables," including Portrait of La FON- TAINE, by Flameng, and twelve Heliogravures or Etchings by Hedouin, Flameng, Courtry, Laguillermie and Lefort, after Bodmer, J. L. Brown, Daubigny, Detaille, Gerome, L. Le- LOiR, Em. Levy, H. Levy, Millet, Ph. Rous- seau, Ale. Stevens and Worms $9.00 LA FONTAINE. — Proofs before Letters of the same $12.00 24 £• P- Bonaventure LA FONTAINE.— The same. Proofs before all Let- ters $22.50 LA FONTAINE.— One hundred Plates to illustrate the " Novels and Tales " of La Fontaine, after the originals of Fragonard. Elegantly printed on Japan Paper. Quarto, in neat Portfolio. ... $25.00 LA FONTAINE.— Set of six Plates, by Ramberg. Supplementary to the Fragonard Set. Quarto. Japan Proofs $8.00 LA FONTAINE. — Eighty-five Engravings to illus- trate the " Novels and Tales," from the original Plates of ElSEN. Proofs on Japan Paper, 8vo, in Portfolio, printed in black $30.00 LA FONTAINE.— Set of seventy-eight very fine Plates, by DuplessiS-Bertaux, for illustrating the " Novels and Tales " of La Fontaine. Proofs on Japan Paper, Bvo, in Portfolio $20.00 LA FONTAINE.— Set of ten Etchings, designed by Edouard DE Beaumont, and one Portrait by BoiL- VIN, to illustrate the " Novels and Tales."... $10.00 LA FONTAINE.— The same, but Proofs before all Letters. Limited issue of 30 impressions.. $27.50 LA FONTAINE.— Set of forty Etchings, after FRA- GONARD, Lancret, etc., to illustrate the " Novels and Tales." $12.00 LA FONTAINE.— The same, on China and " Grand- Hollande," before Letters $24.00 E. F. Bonaventure LAMARTINE (A. DE).— Set of forty steel Portraits, after Raffet, to illustrate the " History of the Girondists." 8vo $io.oo LAMARTINE.— The same, in large 8vo $15.00 LAMARTINE.— Set of thirty-two Octavo Portraits to illustrate the " History of the Restoration.". $8.00 LE SAGE. (A. R.).— Set of thirteen Etchings, by Rl- CARDO DE Los RiOS, to illustrate " Gil Bias.".. $12.00 LE SAGE.— The same before Letters $15.00 LE SAGE.— Set of sixteen Etchings, by LouiS MON- ZIES, after the designs of HENRI PiLLE, to illustrate " Gil Bias." $7-50. LE SAGE. — The same before Letters, on either China or " Grand-Hollande." $12.00 LE SAGE.— Set of twelve Etchings, by Los RiOS, to illustrate " Gil Bias." Japan Proofs before Let- ters, limited to 80 impressions $15.00 LE SAGE.— Set of nine Etchings, by Lalauze, to illustrate the " Devil on Two Sticks." $7-50 LE SAGE.— The same before Letters $12.00 LE SAGE.— Set of nine Etchings, by LOUIS MON- . ZIES, after H. PiLLE, to illustrate the " Devil on Two Sticks." $5-oo LE SAGE.— The same before Letters, on either China, Whatman or " Grand-Hollande." .... $7.50 2 6 E. F. Bonaveniure LE SAGE.— Set of four Etchings, by Los RiOS, in illustration of the " Devil on Two Sticks." Japan Proofs belore Letters, limited to 80 impres- sions $6.00 LONGUS.— Set of seven Etchings, by BoiLViN, after the designs of Prud'hon, to illustrate " Daphnis and Chloe." $4-00 LONGUS. — The same on China Paper, before Let- ters $7-50 LONGUS. — Set of twenty-eight Beautiful Illusrations, by Prud'hon, Gerard and Eisen, to illustrate " Daphnis and Chloe." 8vo $10.00 LOUVET DE COUVRAY (J. B.).— Set of fifteen Etchings, designed by Paul Avril, and one Portrait by MONZIES, to illustrate the "Amours of the Chevalier de Faublas." Before Letters.. $22.50 LOUVET DE COUVRAY.— The same, but Proofs before all Letters. Limited issue of 30 impres- sions $3S-00 LOUVET DE COUVRAY.— Set of eight Etchings, in illustration of " Faublas," by Champollion. Proofs in black and bistre on Japan Paper. Svo.. . . $6.00 MARGARET OF NAVARRE.— Set of eighteen Etchings, by Martinez, after Freudenberg, to illustrate the " Heptameron." . . . . ? $5-00 MARGARET OF NAVARRE.— The sam.e on either China, Japan, Holland or Whatman Papers. Before Letters $7-50 E. F. Bonaveniure 27 MARGARET OF NAVARRE. —Set of eight Etch- ings, by Flameng, and Portrait of Margaret of Navarre, to illustrate the " Heptameron.".. $6.00 MOLIERE. (J. B. P. De) —Set of thirty-five Etchings, by BOILVIN, COURTRY, RAJON, GaUCHEREL, MI- Lius, Massard, Greux, Mongin, Le Rat, Mar- tinet, after BOUCHER, to illustrate the " Works of Molifere." 8vo $12.00 MOLIERE. — The same before Letters, on either Holland or Whatman Papers $30.00 MOLIERE.— Set of three Portraits, thirty-three Plates and two Fleurons, after Boucher, Coy- pel and Cochin, etched by T. DE Mare, to illustrate the "Works of Molifere." $15.00 MOLIERE. — The same, but Proofs before Letters, on either Japan or Holland Paper, and either " eau forte pure," in black or in bistre, being six States in all $35-oo MOLIERE.— Set of thirty-one Plates, after the des- igns of Moreau le Jeune, to illustrate the " Works of Molifere." $7-5o MOLIERE.— The same on China Paper $10.00 MOLIERE.— Another Collection to illustrate the same, nineteen Plates, after the designs of Horace Vernet, Desenne, Johannot and Hersent. China Paper, large 8vo $5.00 MUSSET (Alfred de).— Set of forty-two Etchings to illustrate the " Works of Musset," and engraved by Louis Monzies, after Henry Pille. The four series $i5-oo 28 E. F. Bonaventure MUSSET.— Portrait of, by Landelle, after POL- LETT, the Plate measuring five and a half inches high by four wide. Impressions on Japan Paper, without Title $2.50 Admirably executed head of De Musset, the famous romanticist, and representing him in the prime of manhood. NAPOLEON I. — Set of twenty-six steel Engravings to illustrate NORVINS' " Life of Napoleon.".. $5.00 • PERRAULT (Charles).— Set of twelve Etchings, by Lalauze, to illustrate the " Fairy Tales."... $9.00 PERRAULT.— The same before Letters $18.00 PERRAULT.— Set of thirteen Etchings, by L. MON- ZIES, after the designs of H. PiLLE, to illustrate the " Fairy Tales." PERRAULT.— Set of twenty-one Plates, Portraits, Vignettes and " Culs-de-Lampe," to illustrate the " Fairy Tales." 8vo $5.00 POE (Edgar Allan).— Set of twenty-six Plates, to illustrate " Poe's Tales," etched by Abot, Chif- FLART, Ferat, Herjun, J. P. Laurens, MiJaulle, Meyer, Vierge and Wogel $9.00 POE. — The same Set, but on Japan Paper. . . $18.00 PRfiVOST D'EXILES (A. F.).— Set of Etchings, by Flameng, in illutsration of " Manon Les- caut." $6.00 PRfiVOST D'EXILES.— The same Set, but before all Letters $15.00 E. F. Bonaventure 29 PREVOST D'EXILES.— Set of six Etchings, by Hedouin, to illustrate " Manon Lescaut." . . $6.00 PROVOST D'EXILES.— Set of nine Etchings, by Louis Monzies, aften Gravelot and Pasquier, to illustrate " Manon Lescaut." $4.00 PREVOST D'EXILES.— The same on either China, Holland or Whatman Papers, before Letters. $7.50 QUERLON (Meunier de). — Set of seven Plates, by Cochin, to illustrate the "Origine des Graces". Proofs on Japan Paper. 8vo 5.00 RABELAIS (pRANgois). — Set of eleven Etchings, by BOILVIN, to illustrate the " Works of Rabe- lais." ■ S7-50 RABELAIS.— The same, before Letters $18.00 RABELAIS. — Set of sixteen Painter-Etchings, by Bracquemond $7.50 ROUSSEAU (Jean Jacques).— Portrait and set of Plates, by Deveria, to illustrate the "Complete Works." Proofs on India Paper. 4to $25.00 ROUSSEAU.— Set of thirteen Etchings before Let- ters, by Hedouin, to illustrate the " Confes- sions " $18.50 ROUSSEAU and BERQUIN.— Set of nine Illustra- tions, by Moreau le Jeune, to illustrate " Pyg- malion." Proofs on Japan Paper $7-5o 30 E. F. Bonaventure SAINT-PIERRE (Bernardin de).— Set of six Etch- ings, by Laguillermie, to illustrate " Paul and Virginia." $6.00 SAINT-PIERRE. — The same, Proofs before Let- ters $12.00 SAINT-PIERRE.— Set of seven Painter-Etchings, by Edmond Hedouin, to illustrate " Paul and Vir- ginia." $4.50 SCOTT (Sir Walter).— Set of fifty-nine Vignettes and Portraits on steel, after the originals of Raffet, 8vo, to illustrate the " Works of Scott." SHAKESPEARE (William).— Set of thirty-six Etchings, by Louis MONZIES, after the designs of H. PiLLE, to illustrate the "Works of Shakes- peare." The two series $12.00 SHAKESPEARE.— The same on either Japan, China, Whatman or Holland Paper, before Let- ters $16.00 STERNE (Lawrence).— Set of six Etchings, by Hedouin, to illustrate the "Sentimental Jour- ney." $6.00 STERNE. — The same, before Letters $10.00 SWIFT (Jonathan).— Set of nine Etchings, by Lalauze, to illustrate " Gulliver's Travels.". $6.50 SWIFT. — The same, before Letters $10.50 "THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS." — Set of twenty-one Etchings, by Lalauze, before Letters, to illustrate this famous Oriental Work $30.00 E. F. Bonaventure 31 THIERS (Adolphe). — Set of seventy-five steel Engravings, by the best artists, after the designs of Karl Girardet, Sandoz, Charpentier and Massard, to illustrate the " History of the Con- sulate and Empire." 8vo $10.00 THIERS — The same, on China Paper $15.00 THIERS. — Another Collection of sixteen Engravings, thirty Vignettes and thirty Portraits, engraved by the best artists, after the designs of Raffet, large 8vo $7.50 THIERS. — The same, on China Paper $12.00 PORTRAITS. — A grand series of sixteen finely Etched Portraits of Distinguished Contemporaries in Art, Literature and of the Stage. All Im- pressions on China Paper, the Set $24.00 Includes the following Portraits: — " Auber," by Ed. H^douin, after Paul Delaroche ; " Plonor^ de Balzac," by Paul Chenay, after Boulanger ; " Hector Berlioz," by Metzmacher, after Nadar; "Rosa Bonheur," by Ch. Geofifroy, after Aug. Bonheur; "Madame Borghi-Mamo," by Geoffroy; " F^licien David," by Metzmacher; "Decamps," by Masson, after Decamps; "Eugene Delacroix," by A. Masson; "Alexandre Dumas," by Geoffroy ; " Emile de Girardin," by Masson; " Ingres," by Masson; "Rachel," by Flameng; "Madame Ristori," by Geoffroy; " Jules Sandeau, " by Metzmacher, after Henri Lehmann ; " Verdi," by Ch. Geoffroy ; " Horace Vernet," by Masson. VIGNETTES and CULS-DE-LAMPE.— A Set of eight Plates of " Cupids " $4.00 32 E, F. Bonaventurc NAPOLEON AND THE OLD GUARD. "COSTUMES MILITAIRES," 1789-181S, DESIGNED and LITHOGRAPHED BY CHARLET, WITH NOTICE BY A. GUILLAUMOT Fils. FIFTY FOLIO HAND COLORED PLATES Loose in half cloth portfolio, Limited to an Edition of one hundred. Price per set $i7-5o This most interesting collection exhibits in fifty spirited plates colored by hand the Military Costumes of France during the Revolution and First Empire, and includes seven different portraits of the Great Napoleon, dating from the time when he was a pupil at the Military School until the year 1812. He is also portrayed at the Tuileries as Emperor, as general-in-chief of the army of Italy, as commanding in the field, and in his favorite chasseur and grenadier uniforms. There are also depicted the French Guard (July 14th, 1789), the Regiment of Flanders, and the Swiss officers and guards at the outbreak of the Revolution. Fusiliers, grenadiers, chasseurs, artillery, lancers, mame- lukes, gendarmes and others are represented, both officers and men, not forgetting color-sergeants and drum-majors. In most of these designs, Charlet has brought into the perspective " the Little Corporal " either on horseback, or on foot, or reconnoitring, or overlooking with eagle-eye the heroes of France. Charlet in some of these truly artistic pictures has given us the more humorous phases of military life, of which he will ever rank as one of the most famous delineators. Victor Fournel in his "Artistes Fran9ais Contemporains "calls Charlet — who died on December 30th, 1845, the day he finished his " Bonaparte, General of the Army of Italy 1796 " in the above collection — ' ' the Stranger of the Pencil. ' ' Like the author of the " King of Yvetot, ' ' the subjects of his genius were the warlike, the patriotic, the sentimental, the liberal and the comic. He partook of all the beliefs, passions and hatreds, and ever placed himself at the service of the same ideas and sentiments that actuated B^ranger, K. K. BONAVENTTURE Has now ready, and will mail free on application a CATALO&OE OF STANDARD AND INTERESTING BOOKS NOW READY CATALOGUE ILLUSTRATED WITH FAC-SIMILES OF BINDINGS, ETC. The above will be mailed on receipt of 25 cents, and the amount credited to purchases from any of our catalogues. Catalogues will be issued from time to time^ for which collectors^ es- pecially those who have not hitherto received them, are requested to send their Names and Addresses to E. F. BONA VENTURE, the San Carlo, Broadway and ^ist .St. E. F. BONAVENTURE always keeps in stock, and is ready to pur- chase for Cash any of the following : Medieval Vellum Manuscripts, Illuminated in Gold and Colors; Printed and Illuminated Vellum Hours by Kerver, Hardouin, PiGOUCHET, VosTRE and others : Historical Bindings of tlie High- est Interest, from Royal Libraries and of ' Provenance Illustre ; " Incunables and Black Letters ; First Editions ; Aldines and Elzevirs. 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GREEN, PIQUET, MASSON, NANTEUIL, REMBRANDT, SMITH, SHARP, STRANGE, VAN DYCK, WOOLLET, WATSON, WILLE, Etc. PORTFOLIOS OF SELECTED EXAMPLES SENT ON APPROVAL TO OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS. AN INSPECTION SOLICITED AT e ^an G^arlo ^rt Rooms, Broadway & sist st. r,OUIS WEISS & CO., I'BINTEKS, Il6 FULTON ST., N. V.