f liiti i Qforitell lUntttetaity: ffiibtatg M^uta, Nem $otk C,.M. Lo^X^rae. . c^Y !y(^^^ Cornell University Library sr 193.J5A512 Jersey sires with their tested daughters 3 1924 003 443 060 Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924003443060 JERSEY SIRES ?'h'Ji§ TESTED DAUGHTERS rjT:- ALSO A COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF TESTED COWS ALL TESTS ACCEPTED B Y T H E AMERICAN JERSEY CATTLE CLUB TO MARCH 31 19 9 NEW YORK PUBLISHED BY THE CLUB MCMIX ' ':"■': r-rcir Copyright, IQOQ By The American Jersey Cattle Club LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS The portraits of bulls used to illustrate this volume are those of animals of which fairly good photographs were obtainable. Their publication does not imply that the bulls are con- sidered as being superior in type to any others in the book, or that they have the larger numbers of tested daughters. Portraits of other bulls would have been included if good photographs could have been secured. Some pictures have been inserted mainly for the historical interest the bulls possess. Facing Page Albert 44 2 Canada's John Bull 8388 3 Champion Flying Fox 61441 8 Chief Engineer 47148. 9 Chromo 26113 14 Domino of Darlington 2459 15 Duke of Darlington 2460 20 Eminent 69631 21 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 26 Fancy's Harry 9777 27 Farmer's Glory 5196 32 Garfield of Woodstock 25621 33 Gilderoy 2107 38 Golden Grand 53658 39 Guenon's Lad 54422 44 Hector Marigold 59121 45 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 50 Hood Farm Pogis 9th 55552 51 Hood Farm Torono 60326 58 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 59 Ida's Rioter of St. L, 13656 66 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 67 Imp. Golden Fern's Lad 65300 74 Interested Prince 58224 75 Journalist 53S4I 80 Little Harry 8808 81 Lord Harry 3445 88 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 4th 26533 89 Facing Page Marigold St. Helier 52657 96 Matilda. 4th's Son 20214 97 Melia Ann's King 56581 104 Melia Ann's Son 22041 105 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 22042 112 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 2d 53696 113 Mercury 432 120 Merry Maiden's 3d Son 60516 121 Oonan's Count 57470 128 Pedro 3187 ^. ... 129 Pedro Royal Marjoram 28560 136 Pedro's Pretty Pogis 33660 137 Prince of Melrose 4819 144 Rex 1330 145 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 152 Rioter's Combination 10363 153 ' Rioter's Jersey Lad 58001 . . .• 160 St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896 161 Signalda 4027 168 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 169 Spermfield Owl 57088 174 Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 175 Tennessee's Tormentor 23498 182' toltec 6831 183 Tormentor 3533 190 Torono 25204 191 Valentine's Oonan 58076 198 Volco of Hood Farm 47734 199 ou TESTS OF JERSEY COWS THEIR RECEPTION AND DEVELOPMENT BY THE AMERICAN JERSEY CATTLE CLUB HE first butter test of a Jersey on record is that of Flora 113, 511 lbs. 2 oz. in fifty weeks, made in 1853. The first collection of butter- tests of Jersey cows in America of which we have any knowledge was made by the late Major Campbell Brown, of Spring Hill, Tenn., and was published in the Country Gentleman of Feb. 23, 1882. The list contains one hundred and eighty-nine tests, the highest week's test being that of Jersey Belle of Scituate, 25 lbs. 3 oz., and the highest year's test that of Eurotas, 778 lbs. First Step Taken by the Club— Test of Bomba Under date of Sept. 29, 1882, the late Mr. A. B. Darling, Fiith Avenue Hotel, New York, addressing the President and Board of Directors of the Club, reports^ a test of Bomba 10330, from July 8 to Sept. 7, 1882, in which she produced 1,918 lbs. milk, from which was churned 174 lbs. 3 oz. butter. Mr. Darling requests the Club to send a representative to conduct a disinterested test of this cow. On Oct. 9 the Board replied that it had no authority to act officially on the proposal, but that it regarded the subject of testing as of vital importance to the breed. The Board, however, sanctioned the offer of Mr. Edward Burnett, who had volunteered to conduct a test of Bomba, and it announced that similar action would be taken in other cases, on request. In the test conducted by Mr. Burnett, Bomba produced 205 lbs. 6 oz. milk, 21 lbs. ii>4 oz. butter, in seven days. The Board ordered Mr. Burnett's report placed upon its minutes. This constituted the first step taken by the Club on the question of official tests made under its authority. At the annual meeting held May 7, 1884, the President reported that the Directors had been considering the question of testing cows for butter production, but no feasible plan had been formulated. However, the Board had appointed committees to test cows in the cases of some applications which had been made. First Book of Butter Tests In 1884 Messrs. Campbell: Brown, Thos. H. Malone, Wm. J. Webster and M. M. Gardner published in book form a list of tests of Jersey cows, made in the United States and Canada, in which the yield of butter was fourteen pounds or more in seven days. These records were accepted on the signatures of the owners vi TESTS OF JERSEY COWS of the cows at the time of the tests or of the persons who had actually made them. Advertisements in the leading stock journals and circulars to owners of Jerseys were the means employed by the compilers in ihe collection of these tests. About twelve hundred tests made prior to Jan. i, 1884, were reported to them and inves- tigated. Five hundred were accepted, and were published in this first volume, including some that had been collected for private reference by Messrs. J. H. Walker, Worcester, Mass., and J. L. Shallcross, Louisville, Ky. What the First Collection of Tests Proved Major Campbell Brown, after a study of these test records, states that no one family of Jerseys shows pre-eminence, that the tests furnished proof of the practical value of Jerseys in the butter dairy, the value of which evidence could not be over- estimated by Jersey breeders, and that he was forced to express his disbelief in Guenon's escutcheon theory as showing butter capacity, in view of the records collected. The significance of this last conclusion will be appreciated if we go back a dozen years, to the annual meeting of the Club in 1872, at which was pre- sented the report of a committee on a scale of points. This report states : "The escutcheon shows, as in a glass, the milk-giving capacity of the cow." . . . "Let us not introduce the escutcheon into the scale in a mean and unworthy way, but handsomely give it the place of honor which its significance deserves." The committee proposed one hundred points for escutcheon,, out of the three hundred points in their scale. The report was accepted and recommended to the members at the next annual meeting, but the escutcheon was given but eight counts in the ,,scaj£_finajly adopted, 1875, $100 being appropriated at the same time to investigate the physiology of the escutcheon. In the scales of points adopted Feb. 11, 1885, and May 6, 1903, the escutcheon is not considered at all. The Club Provides for OflBcial Butter Tests At a meeting of the Board of Directors held Aug. 13, 1884, an amendment to the By-Laws was considered providing for the conduct of official butter-tests under the authority of the Club, committees to be appointed to make the tests. No analysis of the butter was required by the proposed rules. The owner of the cow was required to meet all expenses, and to deposit $5° on making application for a test. At the annual meeting May 6, 1885, the President reported that the By-Laws had been amended to provide for official butter-tests, but that few had been made owing to the expense involved, and recommended that a more economical method should be devised. The meeting turned the matter over to the Board for further consideration, recommending that the quality of the butter produced should be ascertained. It was also suggested at this meeting that the Club take up the work of compiling and publishing private tests that had been inaugurated by Maj. Campbell Brown. Appointment of an Official Tester At the Board meeting May 7, 1885, an amendment to the By-Laws was pro- posed providing for the appointment of an official tester by the Board. June 29, TESTS OF JERSEY COWS vii 1885, new rules for the conduct of official tests went into effect. These rules had been approved by the Board, and state that a sample of the butter made in any test may be taken by the tester for analysis. The question of the appointment of an official tester had been referred by the Board to the Executive Committee, and on June 30, 1885, the committee delegated temporarily the duties of official tester to the President, he to appoint deputies to make tests. At the Board meet- ing Aug. 12, 1885, Major H. E. Alvord was appointed official tester. Nov. 12, 1885, at a meeting of the Board of Directors a proposition was sub- mitted to amend the By-Laws so as to provide for the establishment of a depart- ment "under the charge of the official tester, to encourage, aid, procure, attest, preserve and publish records of meritorious cows as butter-producers and dairy animals." Official Test Plan a " Failure "—Club Takes up Work of Maj. Brown In 1886 Messrs. Campbell Brown, Thos. Ji. Malone and Wm. J. Webster issued a second volume of tests, including all records reported to them from Jan. I, 1884, to July I, 1886. This book contained 720 tests. May 5, 1886, at the annual meeting, the President reported that a reduction had been made in the expense of conducting official tests, but that few had been made. The official tester reported that applications had been made for the conduct of five tests only. At the meeting of the Executive Committee Oct. 20, 1886, Major Alvord, official tester, reported that Major Campbell Brown was then sending him the records of all private tests received by him, v/ith the expectation that the Club would take up the work of publishing them. Major Alvord an- nounced that, in his opinion, official tests were a failure, and he declared his intention to decline -to act any longer as official tester. He resigned at the EeaFd: meeting Nov. 1 8, 1886. " ^ Jan. 4, 1887, at a meeting of the Executive Committee, it was resolved that the private test records received from Major Campbell Brown be accepted by the Club and filed, and also private tests reported by other members. At a Board meeting held Feb. 9, 1887, it was .suggested that the Club continue the work of Maj. Brown in publishing private tests. At the annual meeting May 4, 1887, it was resolved that the Board be author- ized and instructed to receive and publish reports of butter tests of registered Jersey cows ; that this publication should not in any wise be considered an official endorsement of the reliability of the tests, but was intended as a continuation of the work inaugurated by Campbell Brown and others. At the same meeting it was recommended to the Board that the Club encourage official tests and simplify and cheapen the method of conducting them. New Test Methods Tried At a meeting of the Board of Directors, June 15, 1887, a plan for the super- vision and publication of tests, which had been prepared by Major Alvord, was adopted. This plan was designed to carry into effect the wishes of the Club, and provided for the appointment of an official tester and sufficient deputies to acccmmodate all sections of the country; official tests to be accompanied by a viii TESTS OF JERSEY COWS complete chemical analysis of the butter, the owner to pay in advance $40, and $10 for each additional cow after the firsr; where tests resulted in less than 14 lbs. butter per week, all expense involved to be met by the owner of the cow. Mr. W. J. G. Dean was appointed official tester at a salary of $2,500 per annum, his clerical assistance to be at the expense of the Club. A fee of $3 was to be charged for each entry of a test in the Butter-Test Book, no record of less than 14 lbs. in seven days to be accepted. Official Tester Plan a Failure At a Board meeting May i, 1888, the entry fee for tests was reduced to $2, the publication of all private tests that had been accepted was ordered, the salary of the official tester was abolished, and instead he was to be paid at the rate of $10 per day when actually engaged in making tests. It was also declared at this meeting to be the judgment of the Board that the Club should discontinue all connection with the testing of cows. At the annual meeting next day, May 2, 1888, the office of official tester was abolished. June 12, 1888, the Executive Committee altered the test rules to require the person making application for an official test to pay the entire cost thereof, $50 to be deposited on making application. Aug. i, 1888, the Board adopted revised test rules and ordered them sent out for the vote of the Club. The time for the reception of private tests for a new volume was extended to Oct. i, 1888. The Club Issues Its First Book of Tests In January, i88g, the Club issued Vol. I. of "Butter-Tests of Registered Jersey -Cows," containing 197 tests in addition to those collected by Messrs. Campbell Browh~(?? or.-; wiich- latter were included in the list of sires and tested daughters. On the title-page appears this statement: "These butter records have been re- ceived on the affidavits of the managers of the tests or the certificates of the owners of thexows tested, and their publication by the Club shall not in any wise be considered an oificial endorsement of their reliability, but is simply intended as a continuation of the work inaugurated by Major Campbell Brown, T. H. Malone and W. J. Webster, known as 'Butter Tests of Jersey Cows.' " Second Book of Tests Issued by the Club .May 6, 1890, the Board abolished the fee for recording butter-tests, and the annual meeting next day endorsed the action. On June 17 the Board ordered that the date for closing the second volume of tests should be Jan. i, 1891. At the Board meeting Nov. 18, 1890, Mr. J. J. Richardson suggested the consolidation of all the tests on record in the new volume. At this same meeting the Board authorized the purchase of the copyright on the butter test books compiled by Major Campbell Brown and others. The copyright at that time was held by Mr. D. H. Jenkins of the Jersey Bulletin. May 6, 1891, the annual meeting directed that year's records be included in the butter test book, and that all the tests in the Campbell Brown series be incorporated in the book issued by the Club. TESTS OF JERSEY COWS ix In accordance with this official action, in June, 1891, the Club issued "Butter Tests of Registered Jersey Cows, Vol. I., New Series," in which were amalga- mated the tests in Vols. I. and II. of the Campbell Brown series, those in the Vol. I theretofore published by the Club, and all new tests reported to the Club to March 31, 1891. The preface to this book contains the following statements: "The butter records in this volume (except those designated 'official') have been received on the affidavits of the managers of the tests or the certificates of the own- ers of the cows tested, and their publication by the Club shall not in any wise.be considered an official endorsement of their reliability. The tests designated 'official' were made under the supervision of committees appointed by the President of the Cub." The tests in the volume number 1729, of which number thirty-six are "official." The book was sold at $2 per copy. May 27, 1892, the Executive Committee resolved upon the preparation of new rules for official tests. It was considered by the committee that the official tests were too expensive (April 4, 1893), and that the analysis of the butter might be obtained gratis from the experiment stations. Third Volume of Tests Issued by the Club In accordance with action taken by the Board of Directors, another book of butter tests was issued in March, 1894, "Vol. II., New .Series," comprising all tests accepted by the Club from April i, 1891, to Jan. 2, '1894, and also the tests made at the World's Columbian Exposition, numbering in all 622. " Oil Tests " Rejected by Annual Meeting Feb. 27, 1895, the question of accepting "oil tests" — that is, butter fat tests made by the Babcock process — was referred at a meeting of the Executive Com- mittee to a special committee of one for investigation. April 2 this committee reported that "oil tests" might be accepted by the Club if made under proper safe- guards. April 30, 189s, the acceptance of "oil tests" was recommended by the Board of Directors to the annual meeting; but on May i, 1895, the Club, at the .annual meeting, declined to accept the "oil test," or butter fat test, after a long •discussion. " Oil Test " Accepted When Combined With Butter Test The following year, at the annual meeting. May 6, 1896, the Board of Directors was instructed to appoint a special committee ''to take into consideration such modifications or amendments as may be advisable in methods and regulations for making tests of dairy cows," the committee to report to the Board of Directors and the Board to submit the report, with its recommendations thereon, to the next annual meeting. At the next annual meeting, May 5, 1897, the report of the committee on test methods was adopted after amendment, and amendments to the By-Laws, which Tiad been recommended by the Board' of Directors, were ordered submitted to the membership of the Club, the proposed amendments authorizing the conduct by the Cub of butter tests confirmed bv the Babcock. These amendments were adopted by the vote of the membership at large, and June 15, 1897, the Board X TESTS OF JERSEY COWS adopted rules for carrying the new By-Laws into effect, and tlie "confirmed" test was instituted, being a combination or union of a churn test and an "oil test." In 1898 the Executive Committee made some alterations in the confirmed test rules, one being that upon application for a test the applicant be required to deposit a sum covering the amount of the probable expense, as the owner of the cow was required to bear all expenses connected with a test. The rules as adopted re- quired the analysis of a sample of the butter made. The committee now ruled that a complete analysis of a sample of the butter in one churning be required ; and if more than one churning, a determination of the percentage of fat in the case of others would be sufficient. The Club's Fourth Volume of Tests — All Tests Consolidated The need of including all accepted tests in one consolidated list was again felt in 1898, and in 1899 the Club published a volume comprising all tests that had been theretofore published by it and all others which had been accepted to Aug. i, 1898. The preface to the book contains the statements: "The butter records in this volume (except those designated 'official' or 'confirmed,' and those ma'de at the World's Columbian Exposition) have been received for publication on the affidavits of the managers of the tests or the certificates of the owners of the cows tested. The tests designated "official' were made under the supervision of cpm- mittees appointed by the President of the Club. The tests designated '^confirmed' were made in accordance with the rules of the Club requiring the application of the Babcock method of ascertaining the butter-fat to each milking by an appointee of the Club, or by the officials of any State, Provincial or National experiment station," this application of the Babcock method being in addition to test by the churn. The 1899 volume contains 3,854 private butter tests, 88 official butter tests, and thirteen confirmed butter tests, a total of 3,955. One-Half of Expense of Confirmed Tests to be Borne by Club At the annual meeting held May i, 1901, the Club adopted a recommendation from the Board of Directors to the effect that the Club bear one-half of the expense of conducting confirmed butter tests. The Executive Committee on J\Iay 5, 1903, authorized the Secretary to require persons making application for con- firmed or authenticated tests to deposit not less than $40 per cow. Adoption of the Butter-Fat Test Pure and Simple March 12, 1902, at a meeting of the Executive Committee, Mr. Geo. W. Sisson, Jr., offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Mr. H. S. Redfield and adopted: "Resolved, That it is the sense of this committee that the Club shall receive, preserve and publish milk and butter-fat records of Jersey cows, provided that all seven-day records shall be authenticated by a representative of any State, Provincial or National" experiment station or agricultural college, and that all yearly records shall be verified by a monthly check test of at least two days' duration conducted by such representative." TESTS OF JERSEY COWS xi May 7, 1902, the annual meeting declared it to be the duty of the Board of Directors to promulgate rules for the reception and publication of private records of estimated butter-fat production and milk production ; and also declared that the Club looks with favor on making estimated butter fat tests by Babcock where it is impractical to make churn tests ; and that fat tests made by the Babcock process shou'd include a private and authenticated form. June 18, 1902, the Board of Directors, in accordance with the above declaration, authorized the acceptance of "private Babcock fat estimates and authenticated Babcock fat estimates and milk yields," under rules adopted at the same meeting. Reception of Private Butter Tests to be Continued The annual meeting of 1902 also adopted .the following resolution, ofifered by Mr. Geo. W. Sisson, Jr. : "Whereas, The Jersey cow has attained her present high position in the dairy world as the most economical and profitable producer of butter and kindred dairy products largely through a system of priA^ate churned butter tests, which are unique to the breed, and which have been, in the wisdom of the Club, so carefully preserved and compiled as to make them a practical and almost indispensable guide to the breeder in the selection and mating of his animals ; therefore be it "Resolved, By the American Jersey Cattle Club, in annual meeting assembled, that the Club continue as heretofore the reception, preservation and publication of private butter tests of Jersey cows." Performance Register On April 9, 1902, the Executive Committee adopted a plan for the establish- ment of a "Performance Register ' which had been formulated by Messrs. Geo. W. Sisson, Jr., and H. S. Redfield, and on Alay 6 of the same year the Board of Directors confirmed the action of the committee. At the annual meeting, ]\Iay 7, 1902, the proposed Performance Register was ordered referred to the incom- ing Board, and a plan presented to all the members, for consideration not less than three months prior to the next annual meeting. Dec. 19, 1902, Messrs. H. S. Redfield, Geo. W. Sisson, Jr., and Geo. E. Peer, Committee on Performance Register and Scale of Points, presented to the Execu- tive Committee a plan for the proposed Performance Register and new scale of points. The Club's Fifth Volume of Tests In 1902 was issued a supplementary volume of test^, embracing those which had been accepted by the Club from Aug. i, 1898, to July 15, 1902. Tb'- ' contains 1,331 private butter tests and twenty-seven confirmed butter tests, a total of 1,358. Register of Merit Established At a meeting held May 5, 1903, the Board of Directors recommended the re- port of the Committee on Performance Register to the annual meeting. May 6, 1903, the annual meeting approved the plan of the Committee on Performance -xii TESTS OF JERSEY COW'S Register and Scale of Points, and the "Register of Alerit, " was established in accordance therewith. Cows are ehgible to the Register of Merit on authenticated milk, butter or butter-fat records for seven days or for one year, but as the plan has worked out practically, the year's fat records are in the great majority. Time Limit on Private Tests At the annual meeting, May 5, 1909, it was resolved that no private test be accepted after Jan. i, 1910, that was made more than twelve months prior to its report to the Club. Tests Published in Herd Register Volumes Since the issue of the fifth and last volume of butter tests in 1902, the accepted tests have been published in the volumes of the Herd Register, beginning with \^ol. LVII. Up to and including Vol. LXV., the nine volumes contain 1,617 tests. "Jersey Sires With Their Tested Daughters" In all the books of butter tests enumerated above, there were included alpha- betical lists of sires, with the names and records of his tested daughters under the name of each sire. It was not practicable to continue this after the tests were published in the volumes of the Herd Register, on account of the comparatively small number of tests in each volume. For some time the need has been acutely felt of a complete compilation of tests under the names of the sires. Such com- pilation has been authorized by the Executive Committee of the Club, and the present volume is the result, entitled "Jersey Sires with their Tested Daughters." This book contains a list of all the cows whose tests have been accepted by the Qub from the inception of the work of making and publishing tests in 1882 to March 31, 1909, and gives the important items in regard to 6,890 tests, sub- divided as follows: Butter Tests. Private 6,139 Confirmed 57 Made at Columbian Exposition 47 Old Official 41 6,284 Fat Estim.\tes. Authenticated 498 Private 61 - "" 559 Milk Records (one authenticated, 46 private) 47 Total Tests in Volume 6,890 The total number of sires alphabetically listed is 2,492, and under their names are arranged alphabetically the names of 5,954 of their daughters, with their 6,817 tests, a number of covv^s having more than one test. The list of tested cows (be- TESTS OF JERSEY COWS xm ginning on page 201 ) contains the names of 73 cows which have no recorded sires, and so are not found in the Hst of sires. This volume constitutes the largest and most complete collection of tests of Jersey cows that has ever been compiled- The following are the sires, forty-four in number, having fifteen or more tested daughters: Name of Sire. No. OF Daughters. Name of Sire. No. of Daughters^ Exile of St. Lambert 13657 93 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 20121 67 Diploma 16219 55 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 46 St. Lambert Boy 17408 43 King of St. Lambert's King 30752 41 Fancy's Harry 9777 36 Tormentor 5333 35 Melia Ann's Son 22041 33 Pedro 3187 32 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 31 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 30 Landseer's Pogis 15847 30 ^lelia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697 29 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 26 King of St. Lambert 15175 25 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 23 Denise's Tormentor 11823.. 22 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48228 22 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 32 Combination 4389 21 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 21 Stoke Pogis Sth 5987 21 Bisson's Landseer 27520 20 Champion of America 1567 20 Mercury 432 20- Prince of Tennessee 20772 20 Hector Marigold 59121 19 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 19 Toltec 6831 19 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041 18 Torono 25204 i8- Eurotas' Pride 22653 I7 Gilderoy 2107 17 Lord Harry 3445 17 St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896 17 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485 17 Gen. Jamont 42212.-: i6- Recorder 29239 16 Signalda 4027 16 Matilda 4lii's Son 20214 iS Prince of Melrose 4819 is Tormentor 5th 21962 15 Tormentor of Kawkawlin 42880 IS The sires having five or more daughters with year's authenticated tests, nine- teen in number, are as follows : No. OF Name of Sire. Daughters. Tormentor of Kawkawlin 42880 14 Torono 25204 13 Interested Prince 58224 12 Hector Marigold S9121 11 Hood Farm Pogis 9th 5SS52 n Theda's Duke of Portage 41762 10 Spermfield Owl 57088 9 Gertie's Stoke Pogis 56492 8 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 ' 8 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 8 Name of Sire. No. or Daughters. Chief Engineer 47148 7 Flora's Lanison 43813 7 Hood Farm Torono 60326 7 Rioter's Jersey Lad 58001 7 Combination Golden Lad 59292 & Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041 5 ^Marigold St. Helier 52657 5 Portland Prospect 61919 S Valentine's Oonan 58076 S In the various kinds of tests the following are the highest records: Old Official Butter Tests — Seven days— Princess 2d 8046, 46 lbs. 12.5 oz. Confirmed Butter Tests — One year — DoUie's Valentine 105049, 676 lbs. 8.5 oz. Twenty-eight days — ^Dollie's Valentine 105049, 68 lbs. 3 oz. Seven days — Sig Dagmar 147286, 20 lbs. 5 2/5 oz. Authenticated Fat Tests— One year-^Jacoba Irene 146443, 952 lbs. 15.4 oz. fat, 1,121 lbs. 2 oz. butter. 120 days~Loretta D. 141708, 280 lbs. 2.6 oz. fat, 329 lbs. 9.6 oz. butter. Seven days — ^Jacoba Irene 146443, 20 lbs. 8.8 oz. fat, 24 lbs. 2.& oz. butter. xiv- TESTS OF JERSEY COWS Authenticated Milk Tests — One year — Jacoba Irene 146443, 17,253 lbs. 3.2 oz. 120 days — Loretta D. 141708, 5,802 lbs. 11. 2 oz. Private Butter Tests — One year — Bisson's Belle 31 144, 1,028 lbs. 15.6 oz. Thirty days — Exile's Belle 40524, 122 lbs. 6.5 oz. Seven days — Princess of Dorset 85902, 35 lbs. i oz. Private Fat Tests — One year — Gracie Marigold of O. H. 208352, 733 lbs. 14 oz. Thirty days — Oona B. 149105, 61 lbs. 5.4 oz. Seven days — Fanny B. of Orange 171310, 24 lbs. 14.6 oz. Private Milk Records — One year — Fawn of St. Lambert 27942, 14,535 lbs. 12 oz. , Thirty days — Nina Ress of Sennett 2d 196939, 1,652 lbs. 9 oz. Method Employed in Computing Butter Records in this Volume In the cases of the confirmed butter tests and authenticated fat estimates quoted in this volume, butter is estimated from the fat in the milk on the basis of eighty-five per cent, fat in the butter, without allowing for the loss of fat in skim-milk and buttermilk that would result if churning had actually been done in all cases. For the sake of uniformity in putting all tests as far as possible on the same basis, for the purpose of comparison, this plan has been followed in the cases of the tests made at the Columbian and St. Louis Expositions, the result being that these cows in most cases are credited apparently with a less amount of butter than was officially allowed them, for the reason stated above, but more on account of the fact that butter at Chicago was calculated on the basis of eighty per cent, fat and that at St. Louis on the basis of eighty-three per cent. fat in the butter. At St. Louis the test officials estimated skim-milk as being eighty-five per cent, of the whole milk, and as probably containing one-tenth of one per cent, fat, and buttermilk as being ten per cent, of the whole milk and containing two-tenths of one per cent, fat, an^ an amount of fat in accordance with this formula was virtually deducted from the fat in the milk of each cow to obtain the weight of fat available for butter. To illustrate : Of milk testing three per cent, fat, 3,333 lbs. would contain 100 lbs. butter fat; the skim-milk would amount to 2,833 1'^^. and would contain 2.83 lbs. fat; the buttermilk would amount to 333 lbs. and would contain 0.66 lb. fat ; total loss of fat, 3.49 lbs., leaving 96.5 1 lbs. of butter fat available for butter out of the original 100 lbs. On the other hand, of milk testing six per cent, fat, 1,666 lbs. would contain 100 lbs. fat, the skim-milk would amount to but 1,416 lbs., containing 1.42 lbs. fat, the buttermilk to only 166 lbs., containing 0.33 lb. fat, a total loss of only 1.75 lbs., against 3.49 lbs. in the case of three per cent, milk, leaving 98.25 lbs. of the original 100 lbs. fat available for butter. To illustrate the difference between the St. Louis method and that followed in crediting butter in this book, the test of Emma's Rowena may be taken. It TESTS OF JERSEY COWS xv will be found (page 159) that this cow has been credited with 750 lbs. 14 oz. butter eighty-five per cent. fat. If butter is estimated in her case on the St. Louis plan, 10.9028 lbs. fat will have to be deducted from her year's fat yield of 638.25 lbs. to ofifset losses in skim-milk and buttermilk, leaving 627.3472 lbs. fat avail- able for butter, equivalent to 755 lbs. 13.4 oz. butter eighty-three per cent, fat, or to 738 lbs. 0.8 oz. butter eighty-five per cent. fat. In the cases of the old official tests and the private butter tests quoted herein, the butter has been stated just as reported, it not being known in these classes of tests what percentages of fat the milk contained, so that computation of butter on a uniform basis is impossible. Resume and Conclusion The first Hst of tests published, 1882, brought the subject of testing more forcibly to the attention of the Jersey public. In regard to tests made under the surveillance of the Club, the first step was taken in September, 1882, at the instance of the late Mr. A. B. Darling. The book of tests published in 1884 by Major Campbell Brown and his collaborators was the first step from theory to recorded facts in the study of the dairy capacity of Jersey cows. When the Club formally provided for the making of official tests in 1884, the weak point in the rules adopted was that no analysis of the butter made was de- manded, so as to show its composition. On account of the expense to the owners; but few tests were made. In 1885 an attempt was made to facilitate the making of tests by the appointment cf an official tester, and analysis of the butter was allowed, but not demanded. In 1887 the Club took up the work of receiving and publishing private tests that had been begun by Major Campbell Brown. The official tester. Major Alvord, considered official tests to be a failure, and a new method was tried by putting the official tester on a salary, providing him at the same time with clerks to record arid deputies to make the tests. The Club evidently regarded the making of official tests as of great importance. Analysis of the butter was now made com- pulsory, $40 was to be charged for the first cow and $10 for each additional cow tested, besides a fee of $3 for publishing each test. After a year's trial this method also proved a failure, only one or two tests having been made. The Board of Directors, after this experience, declared its conviction that the whole subject of testing should be dropped by the Club. How- ever, to stimulate the reporting of private tests, the fee for publishing them was reduced to $2. In 1889 the first book of private tests was issued by the Club; in 1890 the fee for publishing tests was abolished, and in 1891 a second book of tests was pub- lished. Later in 1891 it was directed that year's tests be accepted. A third vol- ume of tests was issued in 1894. The Board of Directors recommended the adoption of "oil" tests in 1895, but at the annual meeting of that year the Club declined to receive them. The "oir' test is now known as the "fat" test. In 1897 a compromise was effected in a union of the fat test and the churn test in what is known as the "confirmed" test, which is virtually two independent tests of a cow conducted at the same xvi TESTS OF JERSEY COWS time, one by the Babcock process and the other by the churn, practical agreement between the two being required before acceptance of the record. In 1899 the first consolidated volume of tests was published. Eighty-eight of the tests included in it were official. Another volume, issued in 1902, included twenty-seven confirmed tests. In 1902, it having been proposed to adopt the butter fat test without any- accompanying churn test, to reassure those interested, the annual meeting formally voted to continue the acceptance and publication of private butter tests. In 1903 the Club established the "Register of Merit," for which cows may qualify under the rules for "confirmed" butter tests and also by fat tests purely, for seven days or for one year periods, authenticated as provided in the rules. The plans for the "Register of Merit" and the authenticated fat test were drawn up by Messrs. H. S. Redfield, Geo. W. Sisson, Jr., and Geo. E. Peer. After their adoption. Prof. F. W. Woll, of the Wisconsin Agricultural College, wrote: "To my mind, the system of 'authenticated fat estimates' of the American Jersey Cattle Club is the best system of testing cows that has yet been arranged for by any breed association. It is as nearly ideal as can be hoped for under ordinary work- ing conditions on dairy farms." The history of the past seven years fully justifies the professor's judgment, the wisdom of those who formulated the plans and of the Club in adopting them. In the twenty years from 1882 to 1902 there were but one hundred and fifteen tests made under the authority of the Club, although various plans had been adopted to encourage such tests. In the past seven years or so, to Sept. 13, 1909, 580 tests have been accepted, made under Club authority, 423 of them fat tests for year's periods, and at this date there are over 500 cows under year's fat test. The system of authenticated fat tests has proved the only plan that has succeeded in putting on record such long-period tests as are repre- sentative of the numbers and dairy ability of the Jersey breed. The private tests encouraged the making of official tests, and both led up to the public tests at the Chicago and St. Louis World's Expositions, where the Jerseys won such signal victories. The fat test, at first regarded by the Club with con- siderable doubt and misgiving, has been the means of demonstrating, at the St. Louis Exposition, and since then in the year's authenticated tests, the Jersey to be the leading butter cow and the most economical producer of the richest grades of milk. In view of these achievements, and of the grand records presented by nineteen Jersey cows averaging 12,792 lbs. milk, 818 lbs. butter, three of them going over 1,000 lbs. butter, in a year, which records would never have been demonstrated to the world except by the authenticated fat test, surely all doubts as to the great benefit to the breed of this method of testing should be resolved. If the fat test had not been accepted by the Club, we would still be away back in 1893, point- ing to the Jersey victory at the Columbian Exposition; but, the fat test having been adopted, we can point to that and to other and greater victories also. R. M. G. New York, September, 1909. Sires with Their Tested Daughters Period Age Fat Butter Milk ot-TEST of Cow Aaron Stoke Pogis 21705— Sire, Ida's Riotei- of St. L. 13656; dam, Lady Mary of Prospect 19768. Aarene Landseer 2d 116432 16 7.75 2U 7 days 4 9 Aaron's Berta 155590 16 2.5 254 8 7 " 2 Aaron's Queen 155591 14 13 253 7 " 1 11 " *238 9.2 280 10.7 4947 14.4 120 " 5 1 Aaron's Zabar 109931 19 7 276 8 7 " 5 2 Barzie 110934 16 9.5 260 7 " 5 3 Cabrera '133945 13 14.5 245 7 " 3 7 Cherry Pogis of B. 142683 14 6 215 7 " 3 2 July Blossom 2d 137080 16 0.5 264 8 7 " 2 6 Lady McCoy 2d 143128 14 14.5 246 7 " 2 5 Mandana 3d 78778 19 15.75 241 8 7 " 6 3 Milly Barry 134631 17 14.5 279 7 " 3 3 Mojave 143130 14 5 250 7 " 3 3 " 28 g 499 8 14 " 3 3 Olivia Albertine 3d 83438 15 1.75 194 4 7 " 6 2 Zulisca Pogis 78777 18 1.26 251 7 " 5 10 Abe Lincoln 268— Sire, Dick Swivellei- 74; dam, Diana 672. Sylvia 687 15 8 7 days 11 .1 Above Par 21834^Sire, Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658; dam, Solava 20928. Bo-Peep S. 121742 14 4.5 168 7 days 4 1 Butterfly S. 121737 20 14.5 238 8 7 " 8 1 Penelope S. 121738 21 7.5 268 7 " 8 1 Shoofly S. 121740 18 177 8 7 " 6 8 Achmed 2115— Sire, Vespucius 75S ; dam. Caramel 2727. Nelly Cray of Clermont 10905 14 1 7 days 5 1 A. C. t. Pearl H. 27011— Sire, Alrajah 13157; dam, Couch's Lily's Pearl 16793. Tessia H. 94223 15 15 216 12 7 days 2 11 Actor, P.S. 2256 H.C.— Sire, Golden Hero, P.S. 1833 H.C. ; dam, Fontaine A. 152190. Gay Nun 131015 18 1 307 4 7 days * 9 • 70 5 1265 12 30 " 5 9 " " " 11110 ft 1 year 5 7 AotoT 33392— Sire, Alf. Signal 31184 : dam. Duchess Sigletta 54519. Lady Sigletta 128646 18 8 248 2 7 days 3 9 Adams' Express 54126— Sire, Oonan's Harry Toltec 32586; dam. Lord Harry's Gem 104195. Express' Grey Pogis 184633 14 4.8 16 13 288 3.2 7 days 4 9 " 'M 10.6 17 4.2 283 1.6^ 7 " 5 8 Admiral Farragut 2666— Sire, Pierrot 2d 1669 ; dam. Myrtle 2d 211. Beauty of Seekonk 14661 21 3 251 7 days 4 E Cobweb 3d 21325 18 5 214 7 " 3 Adrian Exile 29419— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657 ; dam, Mona's Beauty 50041. Ollie Fisk 124492 16 9 234 3 7 days 5 « N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star {*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AU amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 1 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Advocate 30815— Sire, Herotas 26500; dam, Onwa 59628. Lily Combination 97120 16 2 255 7 days 5 4 Aella's Stoke Pogis 14769— Sire, Pogis S^ictor Hugo 12291; dam, Aella 13525. Miss Nautila 49000 ■. 15 5 215 12 7 days 8 6 Agatha's Flying Fox, P.S. 3256 H.C.— Sire, Champion Flying Fox 61441 ; dam, Agatha of Oaklands 162101. Agatha's Welcome Daisy 187477 18 1 239 7 7 days 4 4 " 35 13 478 15 14 " 4 4 Airy's Rioter of St. t. 37503— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13056; dam, Esclarmonde 59509. Airy's Vinie Hugo 177868 *234 3.8 275 9 5437 120 days -6 6 Airy's Young Vinie Hugo 187381 *13 13.2 16 4 303 7 7 " 8 6 Ajax of St. Lambert 19295— Sire, Sir George of St. Lambert 6030 ; dam, Estelle of St. Lambert 7011. Edith of St. Lambert 2d 67327 21 11 308 7 7 days 5 10 Alaric of Irakeside 6621— Sire, Earl of Lakeside 4050 ; dam. Gazelle of Lakeside 10243. Abbia H. 24221 15 6 326 1 7 days 2 3 Alaric's Milicent 35363 18 5.5 163 8 7 " 5 4 Mercedes' Pet 20579 ^'' ^'^ 351 2 7 " 2 9 Alaric's Hero 48491— Sire, Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 2d 32280; dam, Alaric's Millieent H. 41473. Hebe Milicent 146784 18 2 256 10 7 days 3 1 " " " 20 2.5 252 9 7 " 3 2 " 44 3.5 577 2 16 " 3 2 " " " 67 12 75S 8 21 " 3 2 " 81 11 1087 7 30 " 3 2 Albert 44 — Sire, .Terry 15 ; dam, Frankie 17. Couch's Lily 3237 16 6.5 7 days 5 4 " , 71 31 " 6 Fragrance 4069 15 3 7 " 10 Kitty Colt 2213 15 9.5 214 8 7 " 11 5 Lady Brown 2d 2348 14 3 195- 15 7 " 14 1 Lady Brown 4th 6911 14 12 7 " 5 Lady Love 2d 2212 16 8 7 " 11 6 Lady Mel 2d 1795 183 270 8 61 " 5 2 Albert 2d 1835— Sire, Albert 44; dam. Lady Ives 2d 4332. Bloomfield Lady 6912 14 12 7 days 6 S Rosa Miller 4333 17 7 276 8 7 " 9 10 Alberta's Fancy Harry 30472— Sire, Fancy's Harry 6th 24768; dam. Alberta Signal 18G11. Alberta d'Or 2d 124269 14 13 206 4 7 days 3 Belle Bernice 114954 17 2.5 255 7 " 5 9 Maquilla Dea& 117272 14 192 7 " 3 8 " 16 231 3 7 " 4 T Albert Fair 15920— Sire, Champion Albert 6023; dnm. May Fair 5184. Ada of Orange 2d 65246 17 3 292 7 days 6 S Albert Johnson 29637— Sire, Prince's Kate's Glory 18573; dam, Flossie Johnson 50810. Katy Scituate's Beauty 100259 16 257 10 7 days 5 S N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger if). AH amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. .1 Albert 44 (Page 2) Seven tested daughters. Bred by Wm. B. Dinsraore, Staats- burg, N. Y. ; owned by Silas W. Robbins, Wethersfield, Conn. '<^-(i)r>m 1^'^' V-.: -. . :'^.-^^£:< Canada's John Bull 8388 (Paae 19) Seven tested daughters. Bred by R. H. Stephens, St. Lambert, P. Q. ; owned by T. A. Havemeyer, Mahwah, N. J. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Albert of Amherst Villa 33165- Chief's Charella 61999. Albert's Alba 111721 Albert's Comtesse 111718 Albert's Ideal 111719 Albert's Lobelia 111902 Albert's Vesta 111711 -Sire, Fat King of BUTTEK Amherst Milk 25902; dam, 14 21 15 18 14 117 121 125 106 137 Period OF Test 7 days 7 " ■ 7 " 7 " 7 " Age OF Cow Albert Bex 7724— Sire, Duke of Darlington 2460 ; dam, Couch's Lily 3237. Albert's Cretesia 22881 16 2 7 days Albert's Gem 34006 136 6.88 *160 8 2666 6.4 90 " Albert's Lilley 19489 15 2 322 7 " Albert's Boyalist 10169— Sire, Pearl Jenks 60834 Pearl Jenks 2d Ruby Jenks 66862. Elmwood Royalist 0758 ; dam, 14 14 18 10 18 3 Kitty Colt 2d 3887. 246 7 days 9 1 216 7 " 7 4 254 7 " 8 1 Albert W. 6355— Sire, Plymouth Chief 4152; dam, Qnecn Ellen 13697. Shanenalawn 66892 ' 18 5 260 7 days 6 1 Alcamo 34637 — Sire, Jersey Monarch 14084 ; dam, Alcamo's Fancy 1764S7 *12 S Emma's Pearl 57485. 14 11.4 253 6.4 7 days Aldine 1136 — Sire, Nelusko 479; dam. Gazelle of Mobile 1735. Bettie Dixon 4527 Duchess Caroline 3d 60; Julia Evelyn 6007 Lucky Belle 2d 6037... Starkville Beauty 4897. 15 281 8 7 days 6 11 15 8 224 7 •' 6 2 15 15.5 233 8 7 '■ 6 5 16 14 276 8 7 •• 5 4 14 185 7 " 7 S Alexis of M. 7963— Sire, Sir Archie 3015 ; dam, Mazie Bate 3304. Good Friday 20081 14 12 197 7 days 3 9 Alexis S. King 59893— Sire, Naiad's St. Lambert King 30645; dam, Myrtle S. King 106582 Ethel of Allendale 186781. Naiad's King's Mattie 198680. Alfonso 3013— Sire, Signal 1170; dam, Ro.sa Gamp 2732. Alfaretta C. 34928 Cordelia Signal 6th 83097. Cynthia A. 43721 Harmony 2d 17118 Julia Signal 76428 Lottie Signal 90039 Meme 2d 49946 Zeroda 43723 Alfonso 2d 34264— Sire, Alfonso 3013 ; Farada 2d 111389 Alf. Signal 31184— Sire, Alfonso 3013; Minise Signal 96665 Tormentris of Aurora 93948 7205 1 year 280 days 30 " ? 1 9008 11 4 q 1301 5 4 10 17 12 303 7 " 6 1109 30 " 6 11 1249 11140 11 30 " 1 year 7 days 6 '6 in 10 32. 14 11.5 288 3 9 6 14 5 181 8 7 3 5 20 10 246 7 7 6 19 3 273 3 7 5 1 16 5 206 7 9 9 14 3.5 ' 203 4 7 3 8 18 12.87 ■ 269 12 7 7 5 39 10.25 576 12 16 7 5 16 7 219 7 3 9 dam, Cordelia Signal 33452. 18 13 228 8 dam, Cordelia Signal 4th 73712. 18 4 277 2 15 1.5 230 8 7 days 7 days 7 " 5 1 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (f). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Allegany Chief 2918— Sire, Signal 1170; dam. Corolla 4392, Augustella 63018 U 2 126 7 days 5 Euphorbia 11229 14 9.5 256 3 7 " 4 3 " 23 6.25 131 12 7 " 6 1 Gardiner's Ripple 11693 19 12.5 264 12 7 " 5 Allegany Signal 10178— Sire, Cattaraugus Chief 6020; dam, Agapanthus '7174. Euphorbia 2d 27094 15 0.5 258 8 7 days 5 3 Signal's Ripple 27093 17 5 236 6 7 " 3 4 Almont 2789— Sire, Schinchon 1132 ; dam, Tina 3057. Kitty Potter 9893 18 5 7 days 6 AIney 7502— Sire, Indiaman 2071 ; dam, Aldarice 5301. Nitelis 102722 16 0.5 329 12 7 days 6 Alpenoa 6062— Sire, Duke of Hartford 1179 ; dam. Lady Sarah 4931. Miss Signal 20379 16 4 223 3 7 days 4 Alphadrou 16460— Sire, Elevator 10664; dam, Pretty Rose 27430. Adonia 64699 .'. 19 1 264 4 7 days 7 11 Alpha of Clifton 1824— Sire, Son of Alphea 502; dam. Gray Violet 34S9. Niche's Alpheanette 23336 22 10.5 183 9.5 7 days 2 11 Alphea's Prince Pogis 58407— Sire, handsome Stoke Pogis 52358; dam, Alphea J. 71616. Cana's Alphea 190102 ' 14 5 276 1 7 days 4 8 " 13 2.4 13 7.5 251 4 7 " 4 8 Alphea Star 7487— Sire, Mercury 432 ; dam, Lerna 3634. Conger's M. 32751 16 2.5 183 8 7 days 5 4 Alpheon 6082— Sire, Florinde's Duke 4368 ; dam. Innocent 3749. Alpheon's Belle 27194 tl9 U 217 12 7 days 4 2 Alpheus 1168— Sire, Mercury 432; dam, Europa 176. Crust 4775 15 7 7 days 7 " 16 8 7 " 8 2 Alphens of Springvale 5645— Sire, Auchentoroly 3404 ; dam, Canobie 6964. Alma or Springvale 26951 16 14 229 5 7 days 4 2 Pride of Springvale 20093 19 2 245 7 " 10 4 Southern Pet 26675 18 8 238 10 7 " 4 8 Altaica's Perrot 21441— Sire, Senator Perrot 16281 ; dam, Altaica 25047. Daisy Mekeel 70400 15 5 213 7 days 4 2 American Rioter 13363— Sire, Pedro 3187; dam, Les Cateaux 22002. Ella of Briarcliff 68939 14 201 5 7 days 5 1 Philena of Briarcljfl 68938 15 15.5 219 12 7 " 5 2 Ammon of Brondale 42386— Sire, Winfred H. 17415 ; dam, Gwendoline of Brondale 64&38. June of Brondale 166611 15 8 228 7 days 6 3 Andalusia's Pride 36152— Sire, Eurotas' Domino 27041 ; dam, Pocia of Andalusia "2d 79548. Cheerful of Argyle 118557 17 9 245 4 7 days 3 7 Nora of Argyle 127520 14 10.3 Nun of Argyle 127518 Sallie of Argyle 118555 Topaz of Argyle 127515 '. 14 13.5 221 2 7 3 6 17 3.7 276 7 7 5 7 15 4 219 3 7 3 3 16 6 247 4 7 5 T 18 4 253 12 7 3 7 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Angela's Rioter 20120— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13C56; dam, Angela Grande 32607. Angela's Pet 69776 > 15 12 228 7 days 8 5 Vera McMillan 66520 17 0.5 270 7 " 4 9 Angelo Pogis 29149— Sire, Marcus Angelo 15721; dam, Urtyga 35236. Zizania 127971 15 1.5 270 7 days 4 1 Angelo's Chief 31852— Sire, Geranium's Cliief 18607; dam, Angelo's Torment 39390. Angelo's Leaf 140052 :.... 17 14 268 8 7 days 3 10 Antoinette's Koffee 26010— Sire, King Koffee 5522 ; dam. Lady Antoinette 24391. Ethleel Koffee of Lawn 116757 17 7 212 9 7 days 4 1 Lelia Koffee of Lawn 120982 17 3.5 211 8 7 " 3 1 Mogda ICoffee of Lawn 131396 15 5.5 196 7 7 " 4 Myra F. of Lawn 116758 16 12 264 8 7 " 6 4 Yoethe Koffee of Lawn 121540 IS 8 243 7 " 3 8 " " '' *200 10 236 0.6 4054 9.6 120 " 7 9 Antrascine 4747— Sire, Le Brocq's Prize 3350 ; dam, Carrie of Hillside 8865. Bettie of Edgewood 31162 14 2 217 8 7 days 6 4 Apis- 1206— Sire, Collamore's Atlantic 739; dam. Undine 1864. Ida Bashan 4725 18 270 8 7 days 7 3 Miss Beauty 4053 16 12 251 2 7 " 11 1 Miss Belle 6083 14 15 269 7 " 6 6 " " t22 9 276 7 " 10 5 Applause 34234— Sire, Chromo 26113 ; dam, Onwa 59028. Bea of Lawn 121532 20 2.5 284 1 7 days 5 1 Bennie of Lawn 150765 15 7 245 5 7 " 4 2 Milka of Lawn 153132. 15 6 264 9 7 " 3 8 Pansy Darling of Lawn 2d 147916 15 2 204 13 7 " 4 5 Triple of Lawn 131395 15 217 7 " 4 1 Zelda of Lawn 134153 18 8.5 290 3 7 " 5 2 ■ *14 1.8 16 9.6 306 15.2 7 " 9 9 Aquila 1208— Sire, Saracen 480 ; dam, Kate 1624. La Reine Centennielle 4999 15 9 209 8 7 days 9 4 Arawana's Glencoe 33391— Sire, Matilda's Stoke Pogis 14832 ; dam, Arawana May 16267. Kate Katia 102602 14 243 3 7 days 6 3 Arawana's Glory 8001— Sire, Reed's Farmer's Glory 5457; dam, Arawana 'Fuchsia 9933. Betsy's Glory 45604 14 1 219 13 7 days 7 9 Argo 3737— Sire, Guy Mannering 698 ; dam. Argosy 4320. ■ Miss Dora Deane 24505 ." tl5 5 230 9 7 days 3 11 16 3.5 226 7 " 3 11 " 17 9.63 256 8 7 " 4 10 Arnold's Bronx 3309— Sire, Lord Bronx 2d 1730 ; dam. Coreopsis 4188. Herberta 8811 16 15 231 15 7 days 6 2 Arthur Dunn 42469— Sire, Prince of Pontiac 35516 ; dam, Tessie Dunn 83771. Angle Dunn 144646 '430 10.9 506 10,9 7095 1 year 5 10 Olive Dunn 188832 *671 13.8 790 6.8 9930 4 1 " 8 " *10121 14 1 " 7 U Asgard 1379— Sire, Little Joker 693 ; dam, Celestine 2389. Typha 5870 16 11 234 9 7 days 7 4 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AH amounts are in pounds and oimces and ages are in years and months. 6 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Pekiod Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Ashantee of the Darby 30124— Sire, Ashantee's Royalist 18440 ; dam, Pride's Gem 58944. Ashantee's Daisy of D. 97633 23 5 345 13 7 days 8 3 Asterisk's Stoke Fogis 29182— Sire, Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 22042 ; dam, Asterisk 21349. Fernside 113278 15 3 226 5 7 days 3 5 AEtronomcr 4150— Sire, Hornbeam 2123 ; dam, Little Star 4445. Brunette of Scarsdale 13276 17 240 7 days 4 1 Atamasco 2731— Sire, Padisha 1623 ; dam, Vinca 3525. Arawana Chevre Feuillc 15097 14 9 214 4 7 days 4 1 Athal's Stoke Pogis 24116— Sire, Matilda's Stoke Pogis 14832; dam. Duchess of Athal 10857. M. S. P.'s Primrose 2d 74528 15 11 291 2 7 days 10 3 A-T-7 20701— Sire, Rioter Boom. 1440G; dam. Felicitate 33351. Reber's Belle 62805 17 9 245 7 days 9 9 Augerez' King, F.S. 380 C— Printonette 26121 14 8 181 7 days 2 Augustus Davy 15583 — Sire, Tormentor 3533 ; dam, Augusta Davy 2431. Davy's Dot 41693 14 8 183 8 7 days 11 Aurated Victor Pogis 34615— Sire, Lucy's Stoke Pogis 4th 26533; dam, Au rated Pogis 2d 65'J66. Jewel's Jewel 129528 15 215 7 days 5 1 Lassie Victor Pogis 124698 15 10 287 8 7 " 3 Aurated Victor Fogis 5th 47956— Sire, Aurated Victor Pogis 34615 ; dam, Lottie St. L. 110828. Sapho V. 167529 16 11 261 8 7'days 4 1 Aurorahoreellis 2408- Sire, Umpire 1637 ; dam. Lady of Walnut Grove 4837. Goodbye 27366 16 13 223 7 days 4 8 Income 19472 16 9 251 9 7 " 5 8 Aurora Chief ?0039— Sire, Chief 10663; dam, Verte 12023. Hallie Rice 75777 24 8.5 290 12 7 days 5 5 Mona Caird 75776 '. 25 7.25 362 4 7 " 5 3 " 127 6.75 2064 12 42 '' 5 Z Authority 27197— Sire, Author 18552; dam. Dear Keepsake 27192. Tamarack 69900 14 3 186 4 7 days 5 Z Autocrat 1065— Sire, Yankee, P.S. 27 C. ; dam, Forget-me-not, F.S. 626 C. Lady Wellington of Milton 12234 18 U' 253 7 days 11 S Aventurier 4254— Sire, Columbiad 2d 1515 ; dam, Felicia 3748. Pet of Rose Lawn 11326 18 1 258 5 7 days 4 ' tl5 8.5 246 10 7 " 5 1 Azelda's Wanderer 12997— Sire, Wanderer 3014; dam, Azelda 3872. Azelda's Valhalla 45234 14 5 187 7 days 6 1 Wanderer's Shiloh 65942 ^. 15 215 7 " 5 11 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star {*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amcunts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 7 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Bab's Rioter St. Lambert 28060— Sire, Ruby's Star of St. Lambert 207] 9; dam, Babinette 22049. Dagmar of Florence 3d 146649 14 10 208 14 7 days 4 11 Queen Mab of Florence 129193 15 13 334 7 7 " 8 4 Babylon 4723— Sire, Jacob 1377 ; dam, Echo 2d 57S5. Countess Lowndes 26874 17 8 210 7 days 2 3 Bachelor Comatrio 34636— Sire, Comely's Matilda Rioter 27879 ; dam, Minnie Mar 48(502. Claudia Miles 126078 15 10 345 8 _ 7 days 10 Bachelor of Meridale 40730— Sire, Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 191G9 ; dam, Signodelle 3d 500G7. Gem's Maid 166985 I.t 4 216 7 days 4 8 Bachelor of St. Lambert 4558— Sire, Orlofe 3143 ; dam. Charity of St. Lambert 6638. Fawn of St. Lambert 27942 15 6.5 353 8 7 days 3 9 • 671 6 14535 12 1 year 3 9 Balboa 1244— Sire, Dulse of Grayholdt 1035; dam. Ibex 2724. Maid of Saragossa 9086 16 6 190 5 7 days ' 7 7 Orphan Duchess 3d 21284 16 3 231 12 7 " 6 4 Sunny Lass 6033 14 7 192 12.5 7 " 4 9 Verbena of Fernwood 9088 15 196 13- 7 " 4 7 Baldwin's Frolic 13840— Sire, Koba Jr. 2471; dam. Playful 4893. Lady Delphine 28460 ■ 14 4 277 7 days 8 3 Ballad 20239— Sire, Young Combination 14550 ; dam, Czarina Lenox 31706. Connoisseur 66644 20 13 304 7 days 6 2 Baltimore Boy 837— Sire on I. of J. ; dam, Violet of Oakland 2080. Lady Oaks 2d 5246 15 2 7 days 6 6 Banshee's Stoke Fogis 29261- Sire, Canada's Sir George 18290; dam. Banshee of St. Lambert 69078. Palestine Bess 102970 16 12 260 12 7 days 3 7 " 19 269 8 7 " 4 7 Baritone 1075— Sire, Euclid 520 ; dam. Lady Mary 1148. Empress of Ely 2d 6771 16 8 7 days 5 4 Barker's Dandy 3758— Sire, Dandy Dinmont 1058 ; dam, Dido Hurd 2581. Kate Daisy 8264 14 4 276 4 7 days 6 5 Barney 1491, imp. — Thorndale Belle 5265 14 8 172 7 days 6 6 Baron, P.S. 289 H.C.— Sire, Farmer's Glory 5196 ; dam. Perry Farm Maid, P.S. 178 C. Baron's Rosette 25988 15 4 181 13 7 days 2 6 Baron's Sophie 17615 19 16.87 271 8 7 " 5 1 Baronet 2240— Sire, Lord Lisgar 1066 ; dam, Amelia 484. Baronetti 8426 16 14.5 268 7 days 6 T Bonnie 2d 5742 14 11.5 200 2 7 " 6 & Chamomilla 7562 16 10 223 8 7 " 4 11 Uinta 5743 14 10 234 4 7 " 6 1 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Addais.92923 Baroness Argyle 40498. Fat 159 14.88 46 0.8 Baroness Hugo 47563 Clover of Argyle 76745 Cream's Pride 47570 Czarina of Spring Hill 47568. Dame Lofty 47567 Duchess of Argyle 7th 47569. Elsie Lofty 6*1451 Esther Lofty 68754 Jewel of Argyle 6S752 Nan of Argyle 47561 Onyx of Argyle 76742 Rose of Lome 76744 Period Age Butter Mtlk OF. Test OF Cow G ; dam, Stolen Kisses 1G8G4. 14 3 210 4 7 days 1 8 18 12 310 7 " 4 7 188 2.4 3266 3.2 90 " 6 8 *54 2.8 925 8 30 " 7 15 10.25 237 1.5 7 " 9 11 15 10 213 4 7 " 3 3 17 2 310 7 " 5 2 13 10 278 8 7 " 6 7 15 10 296 7 " 4 2 14 8 229 4 7 " 5 4 18 3 303 7 " 6 1 14 6 226 2 7 " 3 11 18 2 295 8 7 " 3 3 14 5 280 7 " 4 7 18 5 280 8 7 " 2 10 17 3 252 4 7 " 9 8 Saron Neptune 10090— Sire, Baron, P.S. 372 H.C. ; dam, Dora Neptune 20318. Harriet Neptune 52344 18 6.5 315 7 days 5 7 Baron of East View 17630— Sire, Baron of St. Lambert 5286; dam, Lady llary of East View 16659. Tylqsholm Blythesomie 101347. 16 301 8 7 days 7 2 Baron of Glen Bouge 53371— Sire, St. Lambert of Berlin 35750 ; dam, Leonora of Canada 94906. Baron's Glen 171667 14 14.25 247 3.5 7 days 3 3 Baron of Biverside 23793— Sire, Baron Hugo 15208 ; dam, Rose of Argyle 35345. Lightning of St. Lambert 91392 14 2 271 8 7 days 5 11 Baron of St. liambert 5286- Sire, Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 ; dam. Favorite of St. Lambert 5118. Pauline Hugo Pogis 37098 14 14 230 7 days 6 6 Baron of the Isles 9146— Sire, Baronet, P.S. 307 H.C; dam. Lady of the Isles 2d 16652. Lady Elfled 40757 18 213 7 days 4 3 Baron's Hugo Fogis 14008— Sire, Baron of St. Lambert 5286 ; dam, Mermaid of St. Lambert 9771. Baron's Lorna 101623 21 3 260 8 7 days 4 9 Baron's Vesta 108616 17 2 267 9 7 " 4 10 Butterfly's Gingham 137186 17 11.5 264 2.5 7 " 4 2 Barry St. Helier 22065— Sire, Huanuco 12574 ; dam. Almost St. Helier 83084. Bertie Don 2d 74088 IG 14 146 8 7 days 3 2 Bay View Chief 23853— Sire, Chief 10663 ; dam, Lottie B. 10039. Lady of Bay View 66029 16 12 213 4 7 days 2 11 Beacon Comet 675— SLre, Comet 130; dam, Jersey Belle (No. 2) 1527. Zillia 2d 1693 15 2 249 8 7 days 15 10 Beaconsfield 3416— Sire, Top-Sawyer 1404; dam, Brunette Lass 1780. Cherokee Rose 20921 23 10 227 7 days 3 Waxie 19706 20 2.5 218 7 " 7 3 Beatrice C.'s Pogis 38583— Sire, Bajax 28142 ; dam, Beatrice C. 722G7. Mab's Cretesia 159868 20 14 258 14 7 days 7 2 Beauclerc 1882— Sire, Scion 1033; dam, Niobe 99. Nelida 2d 8227 15 2.5 262 2 7 days 3 9 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and . authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and btitter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. Champion Flying Fox 61441 (Page 20 Two tested daughters. Bred by John A. Marett, Island of Jersey; owned by Thos. W. Lawson, Scituate, Mass. Chief Engineer 47 1 48 (Page 24) Eleven tested daughters, seven of them with authenticated tests for one year. Bred by Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa; owned by Estate of W. S. Ladd, Portland, Oregon. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 14 1.5 229 7 days 5 3 14 4 255 6.5 7 5 5 16 266 7 6 15 11.5 308 14 7 7 1 14 11 228 3 7 5 8 15 164 8 7 6 6 16 10 237 7 5 7 _ „ PEHroD Age iAT Butter Milk of Test of Cow Beauty Boy of Jefferson 5753— Sire, Brnwiiy, P.S. 158 H.C. ; dam, Beauty of Lecq 12310. Duchess of Jefferson 17144.. 16 g 241 10 7 days 15 1 Beauty's Greycoat, P.S. 2248 C— Sire, Nunthorpe, P.S. 17C9 H C • dam Fidelitg Beauty, F.S. 7499 C. Imported Grace Darling 145737 15 3 201 4 7 days 5 2 Beauty's Stoke Pogis 14175— Sire, Diana's Rioter 10481 ; dam. Beauty of Lee Farm 15094. Luta Pogis 69501 Madame Pogis 74452 Marie Bash 81441 Mary Brown 81213 Melrose Princess 2d 62003 My Alpha's Beauty 56469 Quinnie Pogis 61924 Beau Voir, P.S. 1668 H.C— Sire, Piepublicain, P.S. 127.J 0. ; dam. Solitaire, F.S. 7458 C. Jessie of St. Lawrence 168504. 19 12 282 10 7 days' 11 2 Beeswax 1931— Sire, Wethersfield 9G6 ; dam, Lilly 2578. Cordelia Baker 8814 17 9 7 days 5 2 Mary Clover 9998 14 15 212 8 7 " 6 4 Bee's 'Wing, P.S. 59 C— Sire, Qrange Skin, P.S. 19 H.C. ; dam, Beeswing, F.S. 210 H.C. Daisy 2d 15761... 15 8 231 8 7 days 7 Bel Caliph 1432— Sire, Belisario 040 ; dam. Calliope 132G. Mollie Garfield 12172 18 7 7 days " 22 12 258 3 7 " 7 2 " 163 1877 12 62 " 6 3 Belisarius of Bayside 34401— Sire, Primjrose Park's Pasha 26203 ; dam. Pride of WiliiamsVille 73214. Eva Roberts 127747 14 1 215 12 7 days 3 1 Belle May's Bioter 49284— Si-re, Mollie's Rioter of St. L. 31332 ; dam. Belle May Blossom 83948. Queen Topaz of the Valley 170189 14 12 275 8 7 days 4 2 Belle's Cowboy 43990— Sire, John of Fairview 19490 ; dam, Belle Dear 112518. Anastasia S. 146432 15 1.1 234 12 7 days 3 2 Bellman's Boy 14003— Sire, Bellman 69C8 ; dam-, Grinnell Lass 11859. Ida Bellman 48273 17 6.5 211 8 7 days 4 Belmont Bioter 22849— Sire, Angela's Rioter 20120 ; dam, Belmont Beauty 2d 51157. Rioter's Drosera 81056 18 4 231 8 7 days 3 11 Bern 18867— Sire, Col. Mapleson 10325; dam, Martha Ann 27888. Alta B. 73003 14 13 215 6 7 days 7 2 Ben Butler of Bovina 2024— Sire, Vermont 893 ; dam. Bertha 2d 2264. Dorothy of Bovina 9373 15 4 205 7 days 5 3 Pride of Bovina 8050 16 9 214 11 7 " 6 Ben D. 24164— Sire, Tinkham's Darlington 12870; dam, Mab of Deerfoot 2d 3590. Whisk of Meridale 131023 15 204 11 7 days 7 3 Bengal 30954— Sire, Herotas 26500 ; dam, Paradox 65003. Mercurina of Hood Farm 113069 14 7.5 226 6 7 days 5 10 N. B. — Cojifirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t)* All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 10 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Ben Hur Pogis 38370— Sire, Eurotas' Hugo Pogis 28476 ; dam, Emma's Pearl 57485. Ben Hur's Diana 176275 m 6.5 16 15.2 260 14.4 7 days 7 1 Ben Hur's Kate 196657 *14 9.8 17 3.1 286 3.2 7 " 6 Ben Hur's Lily 187920 *13 11.7 16 2.5 250 14.4 7 " 5 4 Marvel of Highland 135399 15 U 279 12 7 " 3 6 Ben Nora 2262— Sire, Ben Rajah 795 ; dam, Nora 434. - Emma Hudson 12469 16 2 7 days 4 1 Ben of Maple Grove 21923— Sire, William the Conqueror 7386; dam, Ben's Rosamond 31562. Ben's Bonne 87756. 14 5 231 7 days 6 10 Ben of St. Iiambert 22666— Sire, Rioter St. Lambert Boy 14221 ; dam, Elsie Rex 3044.5. Ethel Bina 86382 14 3 213 7 days 8 7 Ben Rajah 795— Sire, Rajah 340; dam, Eliza 619. Myrtle of Ridgewood 7858 14 1 184 7 days 4 : Ben Weston 3111— Sire, Hamilton 1074; dam, Etta 1756. Comtesse D'Espagne 10308 14 0.5 204 7 days 5 11 Bergen 5567— Sire, Duke of Darlington 24C0 ; ilam, Rachel Ray 1754. Madge Berg 24165 14 273 12 7 days 4 7 Berger, P.S. 278 C— Sii-e, Farmer's Glory .jlOO ; dam. Agille, P.S. 324 C. Miss Bligh 24561 15 2 7 flays 4 Berlin 4507— Sire, Polonius 2513 ; dam, Vinuie 1945. Luella Berlin 16927 14 6 7 days 3 10 Berlin Prince 3360— Sire, John Rex 2761 ; dam, Lady Jlel 429. Guinevere Sinclair 11167 .' 14 9 234 4 7 days 4 C Trixket 16292 14 2.5 188 7 " 7 8 Berry 26432— Sire, Dalton 20117 ; dam, Flincana U751T. Gipsy's Berry Duchess 86124 IS 11.5 312 8 7 days 3 7 " " 28 6.25 328 7 " 6 2 Bertha's Pogis 17993— Sire, Victor Hugo Togis 11256; dam. Bertha Morgan 4770. Arbutus Pogis 67415 15 4 246 7 days 11 6 Lady Grace Pogis of S. 79462 20 5 248 7 " 5 Bertha's Pogis 2d 27065— Sire, Bertha's Pogis 17903 ; dam. Rioter's Judy 82874. Bertha's Royal Daisy 104901 16 2.5 239 7 days 4 5 Bert M. of St. I^ambert 28504— Sire, Rioter of St. Lambert 16.501; dam, Onnolee of Don L. 73289. Annie Bert of O. H. 207436 15 3.6 266 7 days 6 4 Bert's Annie F. 208348 14 8 211 7 " 3 1 Bertram 1883— Sire, Scion 1033; dam, Favorita 3108. Lady Josephine 11560 19 2 g days 4 4 Bessie's Lorne 53342— Sire, Lome of Meridale 34024 ; dam, Bessie Lewis 66379. Mollie Lome 164853 *13 1.8 15 6.8 293 3.2 7 days 6 U N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*) and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a (faeeer fti All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. ^'^' SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 11 Period Age Fat Cutter Milk of Test of Cow^ Bessie's Stoke Pogis 23871 — Sire, Beauty's Stoke Pogis 14175; dam, Bessie Havens 452(34. Belle's Bess 133028 18 2.5 223 9 7 days 7 10- Bessie's Casta 121757 21 11 355 2 7 " 7 0- Casta D.. Pogis 2d 104434 18 5 285 2 7 " 8 9' Casta's Bessie 115364 15 12 233 7 7 " 7 8 Tatty Torment 110222 15 6 187 3.2 7 " 6 3: Bessie's Toltec 19859-Sire, Toltec 6831 ; dam, Bessie Riiss 2d 14649. Dutsy Gordon 2d 108503 14 7.5 160 4 7 days 5 9 Lula Gordon 2d 90067 15 4.5 222 8 7 " 5 2 Best Boy 50538— Sire, Miami 2d 21331 ; dam, Dulce's Pet 106440. Queen Edna Alden 2d 176020 18 8- 293 7 days 5 8' Betsona's Khedive 20271— Sire, Rosona's Koffee 18260; dam, Betsona 1677C. Betsona Khedive Le Gros 111405 15 8 *18 3.8 282 7 days 10 10' Betsy's Stoke Pogis 20490- Sire, Matilda's Stoke Pogis 14832; dam, Betsy of Rochester 23502. Biko 91875 16 4.5 287 9 7 days 7 3 Bianca's Victor 29663— Sire, Sir Hugo oi: St. Lambert 13726 ; dam, Bianca Lass 14907. Victoria Queen 126298 60 1 70 10 998 11.2 30 days 11 5 Bijou, F.S. 65 C— Patterson's Beauty 4760 18 7 days Bill Wilson 40967— Sire, Garfield's Black Prince 24548 ; dam, Jane Vail 684.31. Wilson's Lily 144392 14 13 215 6 7 days 9 3' Billy of Wilmington 48058— Sire, Billy Russell 26;384 ; dam. Matrimony 75370. Dorothy Russell 135659 '. 16 4 294 1 7 days 11 i Billy Russell 26384— Sire, Prince Pogis 10082; dam. Honeymoon of St. Lambert 11221. Between 86664 18 9.25 317 8 7 days 5 5- Bingieta's St. Helier 34340— Sire, Niagara Prince 21115 ; dam, Bingigta 3d 4130.". St. Helier's Regie 128707 24 -3.5 245 6 7 days 2 8 Bingo 1811- Sire, Motley 515; dam, Bessie 139. Mrs. Knickerbocker 19367 15 8 305 8 7 days 6 0- " 16 8.5 190 4 7 " 8 1 Bingo 2d 6749— Sire, Bingo 1811 ; dam, Madge Livingston 6095. Lady Bingo 24160 15 * "2 8 7 days 6 0- Miss Bingo 80096 24 12 255 4 7 " 8 7 Onnolee 23804 '. 16 * 186 * 7 " 6 6. Birom 35187— Sire, Oonan's Pogis 17165; dam. Miss Griselda 34931. X-Ray 114721 17 3 248 7 days 4 9 Bishop 28851— Sire, Gigantic Kex 24187; dam, Merlet.te's Darling 9823. Portfolio 84633 15 5.5 253 2 7 days 4 8 Bishop of Mass. 56653— Sire, Mint of Interlaken 45219 ; dam, Chilioness Queen 82973. Fernwood Fairy 180504 '362 11 426 12 7239 9 1 year 4 10' Bismarck 1423, imp.— Trudie 2d 4084 15 7 days 6 11 Bismarck (Fairbanks') 1277— Sire, Byron 279; dam, Sylvia 687. Narmeoka H. 12323 18 12 381 1 7 days 8 6; N B —Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is. estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). Alt amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 12 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Bdtter Milk of Test of Cow Bismarck of Jersey 12885— Sire, Paddy 899 ; dam, Jennie of the Vale 9553. Sirona 3d 67964 15 8 2B5 15 7 days 13 7 Sisson of Longfield 41076— Sire, Bisson's Pogis 30781 Myrrha's Prize 146902 Bissonise 110476 Bisson's Beauty 95023 Bisson's Emma 100408 Bisson's Ethleel 80921 Bisson's Fancy Pogis 106415. Bisson's Oonan 108518 Bisson's Perfection 103628 Bisson's Pride 108517 Bisson's Royal Queen 131351 Bisson's Signaline 93844 Bisson's Southern Daisy 112992 Bisson's Wandrina 100409 Donney Pogis 3d 100199 Emma Landseer 4tli 109233 Hood Farm Belle 149965 " 12 Hood Farm Bisson 136398 Hood Farm's Fancy 134529 Katie Bisson 100200 Lucy Lee H. 2d 93845 Waxie of Aurora 86955 I; Sam, Lady lerne 70S91. 15 9 165 7 days 2 8 192 G ; dam, Bisson's Belle 31144. 14 11 212 12 7 days ■ 2 5 16 4 166 7 " 4 2 14 3 160 7 " 2 3 14 11.75 211 8 7 " 3 11 14 3.5 232 13 7 " 3 9 17 L5 240 12 7 " 4 ■8 14 9 163 8 7 " 5 3 14 9.5 201 11 7 " 2 1 14 0.5 157 8 7 " 1 11 16 3 196 4 7 4 10 14 3 153 8 7 " 2 2 14 2.5 177 10 7 " 2 4 18 227 15 7 " 2 6 16 0.75 198 8 7 " 4 8 14 9.5 150 8 7 " 2 1 14 5.5 198 13 7 " 4 9 14 4 260 5 7 " 7 3 15 8 221 7 " 4 7 14 6.5 211 1 7 " 4 2 14 7 137 7 " 2 2 15 4 201 1 7 " 7 6 17 4 218 7 " 2 7 Bisson's Iiandseer Jr. 39067— Sire, Bisson's Landseer 27520 ; dam, Eosy Dream 2d 27127. Landseer's Ashantee 118186 ,.... 15 12.5 202 12 7 days 3 1 Bisson's Landseer 7th 40506— Sire, Bisson's Landseer 27520 ; dam, Kate Oxford 2d 69270. Miss Margaret G. 135435 18 4.5 211 10.5 7 days 2 3 Bisson's Landseer's King 57792— Sire, Bisson's Landseer 27520 ; dam. Fancy Wax 37159. Bisson's Rosy Queen 203333 12 6.72 '14 9.8 188 6.4 7 days 2 7 Bisson's Oonan's Hlarry 47316— Sire, Bisson's Landseer 27520; dam, Pearl's Oonan 2d 86105. Oonan's Tess 165338 20 2 296 11 7 days 5 1 " 39 7 669 1 14 " 6 1 Bisson's Pogis 30781 — Sire, Ida's Landseer 17745; dam, Bisson's Belle 31144. Bisson's Idex 133952 17 11 270 7 days 3 11 Bisson's Rosa 97830 15 1.75 176 7.5 7 Marchande 2d 93823 15 9 203 13 7 " " 17 4.5 242 5.75 7 Silver Pogis of O. H. F. 205344 19 2 301 1.6 7 75 8 1228 9.6 30 3 2 4 6 7 7 2 7 2 Bisson's Pogis 5th 36684— Sire, Bisson's Pogis 30781 ; dam, Ida*s Dream 50070. Callie d'Or's Babe 129947 16 10 259 5 7 days 3 3 Bisson's Pogis eogis 30505 ; dam. Miss Bluster 108231. Fair Fortune-Teller 160827 12 11 *U 14.9 257 8 " 14 8.2 •IT 1.2 283 7 days 7 " Bobby, on I. of J.— Fear Not 2d 6061. . . . 216 7 days Bobby, P.S. 208 H.C.— Sire, Vertumnus, P.S. 161 H.C. ; dam, Young Rose, P.S. 43 H.C. Bobby's, Lily 22055..* Bobby's Magnolia 24401.. Damask Rose 22065 18 202 7 days 9 3 15 12 244 7 " 6 6 16 3.25 218 2 7 " 5 5 Bobby F. 42663— Sire, Col. Roney 35106; dam, Bella Franklin 110090. Non^Sa Miller 2d 1S5104 12 3.5 14 6 243 14.4 7 days 8 10 Bobby Welcome Pogis 12514— Sire, Silver's Bunthorne 11082; dam, Brenda of Elmhurst 10762. Janie Caruth 73311 15 4 240 1 7 days 6 4 Bob Dawson 18069- Durex 66320 -Sire, Greatorex's Son 11254; dam, Bessie Morris 26730. 15 10.25 231 4 19 344 8 7 days 7 " Bomba's Son 8372— Sire, Yellow Boy 6381 ; dam, Bomba 10330. Royal Bomba's Daisy 35996 21 5.5 193 11 Bombastic 9931— Sire, Prince of Darlington 5089; dam, Emma Glen 6123. Lynona 36240 16 8 156 i Bonair St. liambert 17600— Sire, Romeo de Bonair 4091 ; dam, Rose of DrafEan 12293. Elsie Rowls of Lawn 71633 14 5 211 11 7 days Bona Lord St. Lambert 24769— Sire, Rioter St. Lambert Boy 14221 ; dam, Bona New Year 47180. Bona Sweet Ida 121117 16 2 279 5 7 days Briar of Mericroft 150034 14 3 209 13 7 " Charity of Mericroft 157246 14 7 228 4 7 " Ida of Mericroft 141488 18 11.75 293 1 7 " Bonnie Blue Pogis 26285— Sire, Squire Lisgar Pogis 15399 ; dam, Bonnie Blue 48724. Bonnie Moll 96616 16 3 245 13 7 days Bonnie's Polonius 10138— Sire, Polonius Rex 5735; dam, Bonnie Fawn 6190. Julia Tyre 45187 I'l 6 228 6 7 days 7 days 7 days 3 1 6 9 6 1 3 1 10 4 1 4 2 5 7 jr. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. Chromo 261 1 3 (Page 25) Thirteen tested daughters, three of them with authenticated tests for one year. Sire of Chroma 3rd of Hood Farm 1 34744, one of the demonstration Jersey herd at St. Louis. Bred by Richardson Bros., Davenport, Iowa; owned by C. I. Hood, Lowell, Mass. Domino of Darlington 2459 (Page 401 Four tested daughters. Bred and owned by A. B. Darling, Ramsey, N. J. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 13 Pekiod Agb Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Boom 24600— Sire, Paymaster 23970 ; dam, Flora Oaks 37980. Boom's Comra 109443 14 14.5 239 13.5 7 days 5 9 Boss of Oakland 6942— Sire, Jethro 5218 ; dam, Gold Princess 8809. Bossette 46166 16 265 7 days 13 9 / Boss of the Cedars 17712 — Sire, Bessus 13517; dam, Rita of Andalusia 29414. Garibaldi'k Kate 2d 56478 IS 2.5 311 7 days 8 3 Pocia of Andalusia 62616 20 15 328 12 7 " 3 6 Bradley Fogis 22891— Sire, Stoke Pogis 5tli 5987; dam, Nell Pogis 31991. Fern Leaflet 88932 16 4 220 7 days 6 2 Jap Pogis 69122 14 7 264 15 7 " 4 10 Bravo, P.S. 2267 H.C.— Sire, Angler, P.S. 1938 H.C. ; dam. White House 2d, P.S. 1232 H.C. Tricolor of Biltmore 131010 14 9 214 7 days 8 7 Bravy 1923— Sire, St. Helier 45 ; dam. Helve 4505. Belle of Riverview 21464 17 12.5 283 4 7 days 4 9 Braxton 1715— Sire, Pertinatti 713 ; dam. Brunette Lass 1780. Creole Maid 11017 16 15 229 7 days 4 3 Brenda's John Bull 20093— Sire, Canada's John Bull 8388 ; dam Brenda of Elmhurst 10762. Brenda's J. B. Clover 107676 15 3 239 8 7 days 7 10 Brenda's J. B. Daisy 124412 *14 4.6 16 13 271 11 7 '.' 11 i Brie 6591— Sire, Oxoli 1922; dam, Safrano 4508. Lady Grace of Upholme 39569 18 4 163 1.5 7 days 7 " 25 5.5 319 12 7 " 7 10 Brier's Fogis 14163^Sire, Diana's Rioter 10481 ; dam. Sweet Brier of. St. Lambert 5481. Cheerful Pogis 61748 21 4.5 286 6 7 days 8 10 . Comely of St. Lambert 2d 41177 20 10 266 8 7 " 3 4 Kitty of St. Lambert 2d 40106 16 5 204 7 " 4 4 Rinora Pogis 40107 '. 19 1.5 239 12 7 " 9 2 St. Lambert's Nora 42132 18 12 391 7 " 6 9 St. Lambert's Pride 53742 , 16 13.5 174 8 7 " 7 7 " 32 0.25 339 14 " 7 7 Brie's Tristan 19249— Sire, Brie 6501 ; dam. Belle Tristan 23500. Serona Hudson 84775 15 U 253 7 days 4 Bright, F.S. 308 C— Moggy Bright 25891 16 6 136 7 days 3 " 21 15 241 4 7 " 6 U Bright Lad 11035— Sire, Augustus 10725; dam, Concorde 18208. Bright Tass 46173 21 1 249 9 7 days 8 10 Brisk 2077— Sire, Star Neal 1495 ; dam, Dolly 2d 1020. Whiting's Daisy 14868 1110.5 229 2 7 days 4 S Bristol Chief 1496— Sire, Wethersfield 900 ; dam, Judy 091. Summerline 8001 1* 6 264 6 7 days 5 5 Broadsword 7149— Sire, Cyprian 0700; dam, AUophane 5142. Mulford's Lizzie Walker 50213 « 5 229 10 7 days 6 N~T— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates arc marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (,). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 16 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS .Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Broadway's Diploma 42735— Sire, Kirkwood 25873 ; dam, Broadway 50883. Diploma's Broadway 132562 17 U 271 13 7 d^s 3 11 Brocq St. liambert 34316— Sire, Canada's Jolin Bull 5th 20092; dam. Baronet's Victory 2d 39176. Judy Brocq 123342 20 7 282 7 days 2 B Broker 873— Sire on I. of J. ; dam, Nora 389. Christmas Nannie 4075 19 7 7 days 9 6 Brooksye 1104 — Sire, Roderick 128; dam, May 2.55. -- — "GoldEar^d 3592 13 2 ....'. 7 days 7 11 Brother Jack 4042— Sire, Cinnabar 1739 ; dam, Phscdra 25G1. City Belle 16539 15 5.5 245 7 days 3 11 Malope 2d 11923 15 10 193 8 7 " 3 8 Zitella 2d 11922 17 8.5 206 3 7 " 3 9 Brown Bessie's Diploma 39344 — Sire, Brown Bessie's Son 31550 ; dam. Sombre 80796. Diploma's Comanca 120502 17 8.5 206 7 7 days 2 3 " 24 6 294 1 7 " 4 2 Bronrn Bessie's Duke 42166 — Sire, Brown Bessie's Son 34550; dam. Brown Bonnie 102406. Brown Bessie's Goldie 121440 15 9 255 8 7 days 6 Brown Bessie's Laura Lee 140963 18 9 256 3 7 " 4 3 Brown Bessie's Modita 128259 15 3 252 7 " 3 Miss Modita 128409 18 14 268 5 7 " 3 Prize Queen 136928 -. 17 2 239 14 7 " 3 Silver Day 149990 14 8 189 8 7 " 5 6 Brown Bessie's Master 53556— Sire, Recorder 29239; dam, Scliool Harm 67264. Miss Parolee 182385 26 6.2 29 13.9 520 1.6 14 days 6 4 Brown Bessie's Bioter 43560 — Sire, Brown Bessie's Duke 42166 ; dam, Calcina S0702. Lady Meroe 152987 *418 8.8 492 6.6 8010 1.6 1 year B Brown Bessie's Son 34550— Sire, Combination 3d 17576 ; dam. Brown Bessie 74997. Brown Bessie 7th of H. F. 119841 14 5 226 13 7 days 2 7 Brown Bessie lath of H. F. 119844 14 8.5 206 1 7 " 4 8 Browir Bessie 18th of H. F. 127645 15 14.5 242 8 7 " 4 3 ' " 22 lO.S ■1343 13 10 " 4 3 " " " " 17 15:5 N258 4 7 " 5 5 Brown' Bessie 20th of H. F. 129552 15 9 \250 i 7 " 5 ' " - 21 13.5 -<355 10 10 " 5 Brown Bessie 24th of H. F. 138515 14 12 224 4 7 " 4 9 Brown Bessie 34th of H. F. 143110 15 217 8 7 " 3 4 Brown Bessie 42d of H. F. 155907 14 3.5 230 9 7 " 2 4 Brown Bessie's Bonita 109265 20 3 '241 4 7 " 4 9 Brown Bessie's Brownie 114433 17 234 4 7 " 3 Brown Bessie's Loreda 102365 14 10 ■^05 9 7 " 4 3 Brown Bessie's Princess 120166 14 4 224 4 7 " 4 Brown Bonnie 102406 18 8 215 8 7 " 4 2 Brown Lassie 92950 ■ lo 7 223 5 V " 2 2 Brown Bessie's Son Htk 50830— Sire, Brown Bessie's Son 34550; dam, Mercurina C4920. Chocolate Maid 151035 14 8 204 13 7 days 3 6 Hazel Fern Figgis 163766 "473 556 7.5 7202 10.6 1 year 4 2 Brown Boy of Hood Farm 55509— Sire, Brown Bessie's Son 4th 47560 ; dam, PUilena S. 70375. Kasette of Brondale 174879 *14 7.5 17 296 4.8 ' 7 days 6 i " " " " *16 10.5 19 9 348 3.2 7 " 78 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AH amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 17 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Brownie':^ Pedro 34232— Sire, Buttercup's Pedro 21029 ; dam, Brownie of Orange 25749. Portia of the Desert 93517 "IT 2.3 20 2.7 301 4 7 days 13 7 " " *B17 3.4 608 7.7 9574 11 1 year 13 7 Brown Lad 39622— Sire, Brown Bessie's Son 34550 ; dam. Miss Comanca 84S02. Brown Lad's liell 136830 15 2 205 12 7 days 2 7 Brown Lad's Pearl 136247 14 12 212 5 7 " 2 8 Brown Lassie's Son 68873— Sire, Diploma's Dairyman 57780 ; dam, Diploma's Brown Lassie 16C688. Brown Lassie's Dairymaid 194114 15-8 258 6 7 days 3 Brown Lassie's Prize 192584 "325 8.8 383 6325 9 1 year 2 2 Browny, P.S. 158 H.C.— Sire, Tom, P.S. 77 H.C. ; dam, Fairy, F.S. 904 C. Beauty 17414 15 194 7 days 5 Miss Browney 7288 16 13 336 7 " 6 10 Rosaline CoUas 11187 14 15 225 8 7 " 11 2 Rosebud of Belle Vue 7702 14 10.5 207 8 7 " 6 2 Royal Beauty 18908 15 2.5 216 4 7 " 6 4 Browny's Golden Lad 52450— Sire, The Owl 54738 ; dam, Maitland Browny 122502. Hood Farm Cordelia 200019 *329 IP 388 2.7 6302 13 1 year 3 4 " " *374 2.8 440 3 6943 3 1 " 4 6 Browser 1624— Sire, Crown Prince 581; dam. Belle 1400. Woodland Maid 8156 14 2 258 6 7 days 6 6 Browsar Coomassie 52355 — Sire, King Coomassie 2d 19545 ; dam, Misty Morn SS725. Thornton's Mary of Fairfield 208301 17 9 222 7 days 6 4 Brunette's Prince 7115— Sire, Prince Hammond 3672; dam, Brunette Hammond 7284. Dorine's Brunette 29309... 20 3 289 8 7 days 3 i Brutus Dew Drop 60321— Sire, Archie St. Lambert 3d 41553 ; dam, Kitty Dew Drop 158764. Brutus' Countess Dew Drop 158943 ' 14 7 259 8 7 days 6 9 Buckstone 26035— Sire, Nightingale's Nugget 22848; dam, Nettie Valette 51160. Kate McCollum 107306 15 12.5 ' 206 7 days 1 9 Budd's King of St. L. 48660— Sire, King of St. Lambert's Boy 44892 ; dam. May Keller 78874. May Julietta 150579 15 9 230 1 7 days 3 10 Buffer 2055— Sire, Lord Monck 304 ; dam, Amelia 484. Moss Rose of St. Lambert 5114 14 0.5 208 7 days 8 2 Pearl of St. Lambert 5527 14 2 247 8 7 " 6 BufEer's Hugo Pogis 15315— Sire, Pogis Victor Hugo 12291 ; dam, Tustina 17068. Mamie H. Pogis 57050 16 14 193 8 7 days 4 9 Buffer's Pogis Hugo 33828— Sire, Vic's Stolse Pogis 29618 ; dam, BufCer's Daisy Pogis 58912. Alimony 100953 15 11,25 200 4 7 days 5 3 Buff Exile 41418— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam. Mocha's Pet's Rheta 37529! Euphemia Mc. 138281 14 194 9.6 7 days 4 11 Bugler 2127— Sire, Lord Lawrence 1414; dam, Blondette 1817. Fannie Bugler 19962 15 2 162 v 7 days 4 1 Bullion 2d 5246— Sire, Bullion 3079 ; dam, Hilda O. 3869. Bessie Russ 2d 14649 15 1.5 196 15 7 days 6 .N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated en the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AH amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months 18 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Fat Butter Milk Bunker 9025— Sire, Stoke Pogis 5tli 5987 ; dam, Sallie Bunker 142(3. Period Age OF Test of Cow Bunker's Kitty 47103 Bunker's Pride 38571 Bunker's Utica Belle 38567.... Bunker's Zinanna 73402 Cora Belmont 2d 48S68 Khedive's Princess 38568 Nellie Bunker 52163 Nutley Dolores 2d 55901 Proctor's Alma Dolores 47107. Proctor's Belle 47106. 14 11.5 18 3.5 15 15 15 19 1 15 4 14 4 15 13 17 10 23 9 16 4 187 264 236 234 308 172 179 167 181 270 186 Bnrnside 1234— Sire, Hughes 954; dam, Clematis 3174. Lobelia 2d 6650 14 7 day: 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 days Butterstar 7799 Maid of Five Oaks 7178. 7 days 17 8 282 10.5 Caliph 1618— Sire, Normandy 1046; dam, Rosette of Staatsburgh 3008. Petite Mere 8516 15 13 197 Callie's Lad 21437— Sire, Chendado 12955; dam, Callie Ann 38133. Daisy Glen 71976 20 3 222 Callis 1696— Sire, Don 611; dam. Calliope 1326. Callie Nan 7959 16 2 252 8 7 days 7 days 7 days 7 days Calvin S. Trut 52360— Sire, Calvin S. Brice 37820 ; dam, Molly Trut 3d 04154. Burnham's Gift 161904 *429 13 605 10.6 6968 12 1 year " *568 9 668 14 9337 4 1 •' Lady Bet W. 153011 *375 9.6 441 14 8006 2 1 " 3 11 4 5 18 4.5 316 8 7 days 4 15 4 273 9 7 " 7 7 7 Butterbred 18270— Sire, Double E. 13231; dam, Brown Maid 24445. Leta of Llorac 70220 15 4.5 242 7 days 4 1 Butter Maker 3098— Sire, Ralph Guild 1917 ; dam. Sugar 4940. Armon 10862 16 13.5 227 5 7 days 3 7 Butternut of Home Farm 6965— Sire, Pedro 3187 ; dam. Filbert 36H0. Wyoming 48849 15 5 234 7 7 days 5 10 Butter Print 1863— Sire, Nelusko 479 ; dam, MoUie Hortou 1734. Valerie 6044 15 13 284 8 7 days 5 Butterstamp, P.S. 101 C— Sire, Trust, F.S. 162 H.C. ; dam, Sultane, P.S. 7 C. Cadet 23958— Sire, John Rioter 20095 ; dam. Design 18481. Cosmetic 75357 19 1 239 8 7 days 4 8 Caen 2317— -Sire, Alpheus 1168; dam. Countess of Normandy 2675. Niva 7523 15 8 201 7 7 days 4 9 Caen Jr. 6522— Sire, Caen 2317 ; dam. Favorite of Staatsburgh 3017. Badger Girl 21463 16 1 260 4.5 7 days 5 1 Csesar of Pittsf ord 33892— Sire, Duke of St. Lambert 16160 ; dam, Exile's Lady Angela 46882. Mabel of Pittsford 111550 18 11.75 307 Caiest, P.S. 2591 H.C— Sire, Fontaine's King, P.S. 2207 H.C. ; dam, Oxford Lass, P.S. 3582 C. Fontaine's Oxford Belle 180250 6 9 4 i N. B. — Confirmed bulter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). Ali amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 19 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Camerlengo 3012— Sire, Signal 1170; dam, Maiden of Jersey 2736. Friz Cam 14655 15 7 217 7 days 4 7 Lady Clarendon 3d 17578 14 5.5 7 " 3 9 Campbell's Rex 6812-Sire, John Rex 2761; dam, Dahlia 401. Dassa Argyle 21180 15 6 224 11 7 days 3 T " 16 14 275 7 " 8 5 Campbell's St. Iiambert 33159— Sii'e, Dauucey SCoke I'ogis 16045; dam. Brown Mercer 198.51. St. L.'s Daisy of Park Farm 117191 IS 3.5 259 2 7 days 6 8 St. L.'s May of Park Farm 125682 18 3 259 4 7 " 6 4 Canada's John Bnll 8388— Sire, Sir George of St. Lambei't 6036 ; dam, Xymph of St. Lambert 1290S. Allie of St. Lambert 2d 43671 15 15 181 7 days 13 3 Cheerful of St. Lambert 2d 43745 22 2 228 8 7 " 4 2 John Bull's Princess 49670 19 11 233 7 " 2 10 Lisgar's Rose 2d 56976 16 n.75 213 11 7 " 5 St. Lambert's Duchess 56504 15 7.5 214 2 7 " 2 7 " 21 7 315 8 7 " 10 6 St. Lambert's Nancy'56o03 18 7 200 8 7 " 2 7 Sheldon's Daisy of St. ,L. 53047 20 11 240 3 7 " 3 2 Canada's John Bull Jr. 15693— Sire, Canada's John Bull 8388; dam, Oaklands Nora 14880. Oaklandi Nora 2d 45967 15 7 207 9 7 days 2 9 19 1 262 13 7 " 6 2 Canada's John Bnll 3d 17750— Sire, Canada's John Bnll 8.S8S ; clam. Croons of St. Lambert i ^-ir ' 1 / - -?tfe i^'t " ^ ' .;-';:7^ irh-« 'W; l'-> '^'^ *•""■(. ':^\ ::^ri^ m Duke of Darlington 2460 (Page 42) Twelve tested daughters. Bred and owned by A. B. Darling, Ramsey, N. J. Eminent 6963 1 I Page 47) Ten tested daughters. Bred by Philip J. Ahier, Island ot Jersey; owned by Bowmont Farms, Salem, Va. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 21 Fat Catono 3761— Sire on 1. of J.; dam. Oiia 7840. Annie Lane 45345 Betsona 16776 Catono's Rosebud 23674 Daisy Hudson 24647 Elsie Lahe 13302 Gladdis Roy 18566 Gradde 22564 Kitty Ona 24209 Lady Ona 50642 Leurona 43271 Rhoda Hudson 4S723.. Rosona 12956 Period Age BUTI rER Milk or Test OF Cow .15- 6 259 7 days 3 10 14 3 227 2 7 ' 3 1 14 5 132 3 7 ' 2 3 ■17 11 304 4 7 ' 5 3 15 4 244 8 7 ' 4 14 7.5 287 8 7 * 9 1 -17 13.5 , 265 3 7 ' 9 8 14 2.5 187 8 7 ' 5 14 11 233 4 7 ' 6 14 216 7 ' 8 10 14 11 262 8 7 ' 5 6 14 4 211- 5 7 * 5 3 -16 7 107 12 7 ' 4 Catono Khedive 34137— Sire, Khedive's Koffee 2d 30312 ; dam, Ona's Lemon Fern 2d 77567. Catono's Grace M. 120202 16 2 231 3 7 days 3 1 Catono's La Pucelle 113490 15 5 219 1 7 " 3 9 Catono Koflee 18716— Sire, Pedro of die Valley 8750; dam, Euclona 2d 43562. Pearl of Riverside 55659 17 5.5 248 7 days 3 4 " 132 4.3 »155 9.8 2653 11.2 90 " 4 3 Catono's Harry 20096— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777 ; dam, Catono's Rosebud 23674. Angelina D. 65514 lo 3.5 232 13 7 days 9 1 Hilda Glenn 81195 27 239 14 7 " 5 2 " 121 7.5 1181 13 35 " 5 2 35 ; dam. Chatelaine 1916. Shiloh Daughter 20378 14 7.6 238 15 7 days 3 2 " 16 7 254 7 " U 1 Chelteu Duke 924— Sire, Pilot Jr. 141 ; dam. Duchess 101. Louisa Hinman 12802 14 7 days 3 9 Chemical Test Jr. 49121— Sire, Chemical Test 25151; dam, Hilda Glenn 81195. C. Test's Glendolena 14S790 14 5.25 200 12 7 days 1 6 Chendado 12955— Sire, Signalda 4027 ; dam, Chenda 4599. Chendado's Maid 45991 16 7.5 189 7 days 8 10 Fanny Mason 45992 IS 5.25 209 7 " 8 7 Helen Walker 53465 19 10.5 241 4 7 " 7 3 Maggie Cyrene 53462 15 15 191 7 " 9 7 Seppie 58689 15 6.5 196 7 " 7 9 _N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (f). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 24 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Cherie's Rioter 14437— Sire, Gipsy's Rioter 59U0 ; dam, Ploughboy'is Cliei-ie 14959. Rioter's Roberta 80469 17 294 8 7 days 4 10 Cherokee's Gold Basis 16945— Sire, Gold Basis 4038; dam, Cherokee Rose 20921. Signalinda 2d 61142 17 12 212 0.5 7 days 4 7 " " " 21 10 208 1 7 " 5 6 Chevalier 14748— Sire, Signalio 7040 ; dam, Eupertina 2d 17520. Eve of Bolton 63665 14 4.5 177 4 7 days 7 10 Miss Milton 51851 24 9.5 241 6 7 " 9 11 Chico of St. Lambert 37419— Sire, Ida of Si. Lambert's Bull 19169; dam, Maggie Slieldon 2358a. Laveta of St. 'L. 159979 14 11 282 4 7 days 6 3 Chief 10663— Sire, Mercury 432; dam. Lady Love 2d 2212. Bay View Queen 60429 14 2 212 8 7 days 4 3 Chief's Charella 61999 23 10.5 213 7 " 4 7 Chiefs Fosie 61998 14 11 216 6 7 " 5 1 Ellenetta of Bay View 48921 21 11 211 4 7 " 7 10 Lady Charella 66187 14 7 220 8 7 " 4 8 Pride of Bay View 61997 16 6 190 6 7 " 4 11 Chief B&ron 2984— Sire, Chelten Duke 924 ; dam, Black Bess 1788. Jaquenetta 10958 14 6 141 12 7 days 3 9 Chief Controller 53026— Sire, Lily Flagg's Stoke Pogis 33378 ; dam, Baclielor's Juliaun, 106174. Belle Baronetti 163613 14 11 199 12 7 days 5 4 " 18 7.5 263 15 7 " 7 6 Chief Engineer 47148— Sire, Brown Bessie's Diploma 39344; dam, Sulphide 88038. Brown Bessie's Lilac 157045 *442 3.4 520 3.9 7959 1 year 3 8 " 14 6 224 7 days 3 10 Brown Bessie's Phillis 148224 1T> 9 250 10 7 " 2 10 Compass' Money Musk 146704 17 14 255 8 7 " 5 10 Golden Chief's Olga 188817 '418 11.2 492 9.4 7738 12.8 1 year 1 10 Goldie's Juno 157041 14 13 207 7 7 days 2 4 Hazel Fern Figgis 3d 198551 *333 4.5 392 1 5904 8 1 year 2 2 Hazel Fern Princess 174428 •378 1.4 444 12.9 6673 14.4 -1 " 2 4 Ladd's Laura Lee 172660 16 4 265 12 7 days 7 4 Lady Mata 2d 209764 •32S 3 386 2 6162 4.8 1 year 2 2 Olga Englena 198B62 '425 6.8 5U0 8 8512 14.4 1 " 2 C Senna Lowndes 174824 '459 1 540 1.2 9066 12.8 I " 2 11 " 15 8 262 7 days 3 2 " 62 13 1052 5 30 " 3 2 'Chief Justice 2d 1643— Sire, Chief Justice 252; dam, Hilda 942. Hilda 2d 5447 23 5 289 7 days 9 4 Hilda D. 6683 18 5 268 8 7 " 6 3 t21 2.5 249 8 7 " 9 4 Chief Modoc 1718— Sire, Hillhurst 1210; dam, Jessey 3116. Countess Europa 35820 17 12 264 5 7 days 9 2 Chief of Clydesdale 36741— Sire, Belle's Alexis 11510 ; dam, Sallie's Beauty 25175. Queen Mab of Ga. 136311 14 12 247 8 7 days 6 9 4Tl ; dam, Ziugara 1939. El Mora Mostar 15955 14 213 7 days 2 i 13 4 231 3 7 " 3 S Velvet Mostar 17533 15 3 202 14 7 " 6 1 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked bv a star ('♦1 =n^ l,„»4.«, ;> estimated on,the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests arc ma?kld by a dair^er m Alt - amounts are m pounds and ounces and ages are m years and months. uagHEr \,j). xvii j Ni^JI^ Fancy's Harry 9777 (Page 55) Thirty-six tested daughters. Bred by W. J. Webster, Colum- bia, Tenn. ; owned by Columbia Jersey Cattle Co., Columbia, Term. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 27 Period Age Fat Bcjttek Milk of Test of Cow Climax of St. Lambert 17553— Sire, Victory of St. Lambert 15838 ; dam, Louis' Grace 29437. Silver Hair 4th 60449 15 10.25 282 8 7 days 5 7 14 " 5 7 28 " 5 7 15 10.25 282 31 0.25 559 60 8.75 1118 207 12 7 days 5 7 341 -7 7 " 3 1 409 11 7 " 3 2 CliTe Duke 1901— Sire, Prize Duke 942 ; dam, Welcome Beauty 1268. Halsie McCurdy 12379 14 3.5 212 8 7 days 7 Oitz 8^49 15 1 293 1 7 " 3 9 " " 15 11 319 8 7 " 6 9 Clotaire 9884— Sire, Royal Oak 6219 ; dam, Floribuudus 2d 14949. Cleodoxa 59311 22 5 235 2 7 days 4 Clotaire's Annie 58319 19 11.5 212 11 7 " 4 10 Clotaire's Beauty 28171 20 4 262 1.5 7 " 7 3 Clotaire's Daisy 45392 18 231 15 7 " 5 2 Cloverine 3510— Sire, Grand Duke Alexis 1040; dam, Kitty Clover 1113. Rupertina 10409 17 1.5 255 C 7 days 5 3 Clover Lad 21069— Sire, Travio 15073; dam. Mulberry of Franklin 7323. Ruth L. 84578 14 12 193 14 7 days 5 Clusius H. 5781— Sire, Homer H. 3683 ; dam, Gilda 2779. Esther B. 24834 14 1 Lucy's Love 20568 14 14 Theda H. 20567 17 1 Coal Hill King of St. L. 32996— Sire, King of St. Lambert 15175 ; dam, St. L. Gazelle 78870. King of St. L.'s Jewel of C. H. 130559 15 8 303 12.8 7 days 7 2 29 9.6 601 9.6 14 " 7 2 Cobden 1871— Sire, Coupon 1024 ; dam, Musette 2073. Frankie's Lass 24900 1 17 3.5 217 8 7 days 6 9 CobonoxL 15744^Sire, Coburn's Prize 6851 ; dam, Mignonette of Grouville 7473. Beech Grove Elsie 67758 14 5.5 188 3 7 days 4 9 Cockade 1979 — Sire, Alpheus 1168; dam, Cocoanut 1694. Forsaken 7520 15 1 7 days 3 8 Cocotto's Rioter 25255— Sire, Rioter's Combination 10363 ; dam, Cocotte 11958. Brownell's Rissa 100167 14 3.5 238 4 7 days 8 7 Coenr de Lion 318, imp. — Maud Lee 2416 23 7 days 9 1 Coenr de Lion, P.S. 140 C— Sire, Rex, P.S. 71 H.C. ; dam, Foug6re, F.S. 914 H.C. Brown Princess 30941 14 9 7 days 7 11 Cognac 21444— Sire, Pogis Tormentor 15967; dam, Ida Ho 27406. Winsome Vana 111986 15 13 229 7 days 6 10 Col. Ballard 26200— Sire, Pedro of the Valley 8750 ; dam. Belle Ballard 14518. Nellie of Hood Farm 144080 14 6 255 14 7 days 4 8 Col. Bex 12975— Sire, Rex 1330 ; dam, Lady Flora 10198. Phcebe Rex 55084 16 0.5 256 5 7 days 7 Colonel Stoke Pogis 18756— Sire, Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 ; dam, Nerissa of Nyack 9692. The Colonel's Daughter 50230 15 4.5 285 2 7 days 5 3 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 28 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Colonsay 3591— Sire, Lenox 1593; dam, Coral 2707. Carrie Lena 2d 19074 14 5.13 219 7 days 5 5 Color Blind 16861— Sire, Duke of Darlington Jr. 8108; dam, Bessie Mansfield 12320. Flora Temple 3d 40086 145 7 *171 1.9 3038 3.2 90 days 7 45 1.6 '63 0.9 923 9.6 30 " 7 3 Colt Jr. 825— Sire, Rob Roy 17 ; dam, Maggie 2054. Chloe Beach 3931 14 8 7 days Celt's Pierrot 23528— Sire, Rosa's Pierrot 12216 ; dam. Belle of Parmington 5th 10240. Pay Little 86189 '. 15 6.76 192 1 7 days 4 2 Colnmbiad 2d 1515— Sire, Columbiad 534; dam, Celesria 1808. Alluring 5541 19 5 7 days 5 6 Aspirante 9272 : 14 7 238 7 " 3 Deoine 6343 14 3 7 " 6 1 Rose of Rose Lawn 9365 14 6 225 7 7 " 6 1 16 3 275 10 7 " 7 Columbiana's Recorder 40010— Sire, Recorder 29239 ; dam, Columbiana 74998. Brown Bessie's Louise 137327 •. 14 2 217 2 7 days 3 4 Column 9622— Sire, Buclseye 2255 ; dam, Gray Beauty 3d 19845. Lorna of Maple Glens 48094 14 242 12 7 days 4 8 Combat 35623— Sire, Chromo 26113 ; dam. False Step G9647. Garnet of Brondale 141885 *13 15.9 16 7.4 288 l.C 7 days 8 8 Combatant 35695— Sire, Chromo 26113 ; dam. Quarto 31828. Zoroanda 4th 106472 16 10 197 14 7 days 3 4 Combination 4389— Sire, Polonius 2513 ; dam, I.ady Mel 429. Belbonnie 29630 14 9 203 7 days 3 Classic 81402 14 13.5 216 7 " 6 _Coma 29330 15 2.5 223 9 7 " 4 9 Comanca 19389 16 3 218 7 " 4 4 Combonnie 40260 14 2 227 1 7 " 3 1 Comeijia 38885 14 2 223 8 7 " 2 6 Comlassa 40671 14 237 10 7 " 3 Commotion 52960 17 6 227 11 7 " 7 Complexia 56774 15 3 249 1 7 " S 10 Crusta 29637 16 10 236 10 7 " 8 Curfew 16498 14 7.5 210 11 7 " 3 8 Ladjr Hugo 29430 16 7 239 8 7 " 3 6 Lorita 33750 15 6.6 231 10 7 " 30 " 120 10.2 *14i 14.8 2320 4.8 , 90 " 9 6 Merftirina 64920 17 lo.B 226 15 7 " 58 Oneida 42100 14 2 202 12 7 " 2 6 " 16 13 • 338 3 7 " 11 8 Paradise 32082 I7 u 227 8 7 " 4 10 Period 42640 16 3 230 u 7 " 3 U Portrait 32592 I5 2.5 243 9 7 " 35 Sparks 41041 16 4.5 236 8 7 " 30 Transcript 31867 17 7 239 7 " 41 Wamla 32083 I7 5.5 262 14 7 " 41 Combination 2d 16957— Sire, Combination 4389; dam. Goodbye 27366. Miss Madrid 49419 14 11 204 13 7 days 3 2 N. B.— Coiifirnied, butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked bv a star (*). and butter iq estimated on the basis of 85% fat m butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a daeirer m All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 29 Fat Combination 3d 17576— Sire, Combination 4389; dam, Coma 29330. Brown Elsie 96595. Celebrity 62011 Compact 52705 Cymbelina 6720;!... Gray Bessie 96596.. Manuscript 74S81.. Oneida 2d 43553.... Smax 48562... Teasel 75358.. Period Age Butter Milk OF Test OF Cow m. Coma 29330. -21 12 272 8 7 days 7 4 14 3 212 2 2 1 16 3 226 8 9 1 14 13 217 4 6 14 i 215 4 5 6 15 1 222 8 5 5 14 14.5 208 11 2 9 -17 4.5 280 1 10 2 16 11.5 243 10 3 1 -20 4 -294 4 4 9 Combination Butter Boy 56768— Sire, Triple Combination 4G03G ; dam, Diploma's Bonita 13S867. Butter Boy's Bessie 160488 14 15 277 2 7 days 6 4 Combination Golden Lad 59292— Sire, Guenon's Lad 54422 ; dam, Startling 94942[ Adelaide Adele 198561 Gertie's Comba 184965 Golden Lad's Commilla 192955. Golden Lad's Matilda 179722... Guenon Borel 184966 Lady Mel Figgis 2d 198668 Upright's Guenora 188820 •370 *349 6.3 7.2 •365 •463 •302 •427 15.8 14.2 14.4 8.7 435 411 15 430 645 356 503 12 1.9 2 9 12 5 6915 7146 260 6998 9178 6202 8463 11.2 4 14.4 14.4 11.2 1 year 1 " 7 days 1 year 1 " 1 " 1 " 3 2 10 4 3 4 Combination Honor 43739— Sire, Despot 25351 ; dam, Brown Lassie 929.30. Dorema O. H. 207771 17 6 281 7 days 4 10 Thelma of O. H. 208344 22 11.5 363 7 " 4 Combine 20238— Sire, Young Combination 14550 ; dam, Islip Lenox 31703. Lady Mary Lenox 105574 16 7.5 252 8 7 days 4 2 Vintonette 62931 19 4 251 7 " 5 5 Comely's Stoke Fogis 19327— Sire, Brier's Pogis 14163 ; dam, Comely of St. Lambert 6G39. Adelaide of St. Lambert 73652 .'... 21 5.75 344 8 7 days 9 6 Comet 130— Sire on I. of J.; dam, English Beauty 449. Abbie Z. 14O02 14 11 " " " 61 2 1406 Commodore Boxbury 1586 — Sire, Roxbury 247; dam. Bouquet 852. Belle Dawson 8270 IS 3 Common 28853— Sire, Speaker 24481 ; dam. Portrait 32592. Diana Darling 151218 ^423 10.2 498 6.3 Dorinda Darling 146249 •256 5.1 300 6 Companion 31467— Sire, Herotas 26500; dam, Plumage 53897. Companion's Mary M- 105601 19 13.5 Lucilla of Menlo 104237 20 4 278 9410 5555 284 271 Compass 16958— Sire, Young Combination 14550; dam, Paradise 320,82. Compass' Blossom 108441. Compass' Juno 108442 . Compass' Pansy 105706.... False Step. 69647 Italica 68775 Modiste 74679 Tapestry 56607 18 12 19 2 16 10 15 7 14 4.5 16 11.5 23 12 289 12 290 6 267 10 199 2 208 13 169 6 313 5 Compeer 2367— Sire, Son of Alphea 562 ; dam, Bella Donna 1727. Forget Me Not O 10564 15 i 220 7 days 30 " 7 days 1 year 120 days 7 days 7 " 7 days 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 days 3 8 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (f). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 30 SIRES WITH THfef*' TESTEDX DAUGHTERS \ Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Compo Boy 2830— Sire, Signal 1170 ; dam, Lucilla 2735. Gazella 3d 9355 16 3 258 8 7 days 6 1 ' 751 6 10074 1 year 8 » Composite 10810— Sire, Compo Boy 2830 ; dam, Blue Belle of Maple Grove 10687. Signal Hinman 44615 IB 12.75 233 12 7 days 5 Comrade 29576— Sire, Diploma 16219; dam. Plumage 53897. Comrade's Rosora 119436 14 5 197 7 days 4 1 Comus 54 — Sire on I. of J. : dam, Diana 77. Plenty 950 14 8 7 days 10 Comus Rex 26804— Sire, Easter Boy 3032 ; dam, Ruth H. 16741. Easter Ona 2d 97158 17 5 283 4 7 days 3 4 Easter Prize Rex 102166 15 246 5 7 " 3 8 Etta Rex 2d 122289 16 7 238 8 7 " 3 2 Lucia Rex 78326 14 10 190 8 7 " 5 7 Concert 16499— Sire, Prize Noble 7321; dam. May Zephyr 20793. Sparkle 56775 17 3 246 4 7 days 3 8 Concord B. 29699— Sire, Al Rubauo 16120 ; dam, Beatrix B. 64736. Clarina B. 98430 14 2 238 7 days 5 7 Conklin's Signal 11050— Sire, Signal Jupiter Chief 8704; dam, Signal Jupiter Queen 18808. Signora Signal 39396 15 215 4 7 days 4 » Conqueror, P.S. 89 H.C.— Sire, Welcome, F.S. 166 H.C. ; dam, Princess, F.S. 769 H.C. Lucilla Kent 8892 16 6 149 8 7 days 7 Cooler 52023— Sire, Coomassie's Triple King 37939 ; dam. Cool 131226. Catchfly of Side View 154657 15 1 263 8 7 days 4 1 Coomassie 1484— Sire, Wethersfield 966; dam, Belle 1225. Deborana 4718 14 8 7 days 3 3 Coomassie and Ona 31038— Sire, Quadruple Ona 25066; dam. Flax 63300. Ona Bunker 113728 14 2.5 231 8 7 days 4 T Coomassie Dick 9815— Sire, Duke of the Shelter 3651 ; dam, Island Queen 8080. Baby Stanton 72397 15 4 226 7 days 8 4 Coomassie's Gilderoy 14672— Sire. King Koffee 5522: dam. Chrome Skin 2d 16158. Lemon Spray 44532 15 1.5 234 S 7 days 5 1 Coomassie's Triple King 37939— Sire, Lalla Rookh's King 31917 ; dam. Presage 44012. Ex Presage 128529 15 5 212 8 7 days 2 S Honesdale 147772 12 4.8 14 7.5 228 9.6 7 " 6 Coomassie Vrelcome 9279— Sire, Maxfield's Young Duke 3708 ; dam. Aureola W. 10461 . Girlie's Glory 46306 15 181 12 7 days 3 B Queen of Cowes 46309 18 3 280 7 " 11 2 Tones 46306 14 9 224 4 7 " 3 $ Ventnor Beauty 46308 16 11 155 8 7 " 3 6 " 17 5.5 240 4 7 " 7 4 Coomassie Welcome 2d 17364— Sire, Coomassie Welcome 9279 ; dam. May Colt 23491. Emma's Pearl 57485 21 365 12 7 days 9 9 N. B. — Confirmed butler-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter i» estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official bittter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 31 Period Agf Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Copake 1387— Sire, Quaker 887; dam, Crearapot 4th 2289. Country Girl 3d 12538 17 11 219 15 7 . ays 11 6 Capper Kettle 29585— Sire, Copper Boy 18977 ; dam, Zampa 3d 7431. Artemilla Lambert 106U0 15 1.5 252 13 7 days 5 1 Corinne's Coomassie 46279— -Sire, Coomassie ^YooIsey 41034 ; dam, Corinue of Potsdam 1062SG. Mary Price 154486 '. 16 12 255 i 7 days 4 3 Corinne's Prince Fogis 46959 — Sire, Ida's Rioter's Prince 32355 ; dam, Corinne Melrose 54455. Princess O. C. 156617 20 13.5 203 7 days 3 8 Cornelius 4204— Sire, Prince of Croton 2490 ; dam, Grinnella 3d 2209. Fragrance 4th 16509 :... 14 7 7 days 3 10 Cornell's Exile 30778— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657 ; dam. Exile's Sallie 61478. Daisy Cornell 134791 14 1 174 6.5 7 days 5 3 Corporal St. Helier 13397— Sire, O'Malley C441 ; dam, Cinderella St. Ilelier 27241. AUie St. Helier 46794 16 13.5 220 8 7 days 3 10 Corporal St. Lambert 18109— Sire, Baron's Hugo Pogis 14008; dam, Annie of St. Lambert 28019. May Otto 64656 ,14 3.5 296 7 days 10 Councillor 4468, imp. — Deletta 21305 14 15.5 145 8 7 days 3 8 Count Bismarck 732— Sire on I. of J. ; dam, Lucy 1827. Myth 2837 14 6 248 7 days 7 Count Cicero, F.S. 398 H.C.— Cicero's Ruby 29040 14 1.5 174 7 7 days 9 11 Count's Fillpail 30975 24 5 170 12 7 " 3 9 Count Coomassie 7542— Sire, Nigel Bruce 4124 ; dam, Daisy Queen 9G19. Elodie 30222 15 5.5 243 8 7 days 5 2' Venna's Zeka 26670 14 0.5 146 8 7 " 43, Count Gold Coast's Boy 52712— Sire, Count Gold Coast 36435; dam, Adorna 80743. Empress Estelene 166157 14 3.4 16 11.4 301 1 7 days 7 9- " 1236 5 30 " 7 9. Count Iiogan 1599 — Sire, Grand Duke Alexis 1040; dam. Belle Logan 2717. Lady Aspinwall 8374 14 190 7 days 5 6 Rockwood Maid 8375 15 4.5 273 2.5 7 " 75. Count of Grovelawn 63083— Sire, Nitrogen 48418 ; dam, Prill of Grovelawn 119593. Mary of Vernon 192798 •370 12 436 3 6946 4 1 year 2 1 Count Potoka 9831— Sire, Lord Lawrence 1414; dam. Countess Potoka 7496. Dame Miller 59260 16 2.5 203 8 7 days 3 10- Count Rioter Pogis 21388— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656; dam, Mary M. Pogis 32455 Amanda Pogis 79412 18 7.25 294 4.5 7 days 6 6 Maudie of St. Lambert 73603 ; 15 7.5 242 7 " 35 Undeniah Pogis 85990 14 2 174 12 7 « 5 j. N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked bv a star m an,! h„tt«, ;= estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked bv a d'aiSer ?"l Alt amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. ^ '' 32 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Count St. George 8403— Sire, Sir George 7656 ; dam, St. CI6mentaise 18163. Fill Pail's Countess 24462 22 8 223 8 7 days 4 Count's Fancy Harry 2d 40996— Sire, Count's Fancy Harry 35521 ; dam, Croton Countess 93462. Austa May 141049 19 10 271 12 7 days 5 2 Cousin Sam 53864— Sire, Rona's Sir Michael 45577; dam, Athal M- 10003^. Mollie of Edgewood 1679B6 *705 12.7 83C 5 14036 8 1 year 7 5 Coventry Boy 5847— Sire, Duke of Mansfield 2277 ; dam, Betty Bowen 9494. Lulu of Riverside 19175 17 198 8 7 days 6 6 Cowboy of St. Lambert 2d 17371— Sire, Cowboy of St. Lambert 3790 ; dam, Bettie Dixon 4527. Tobira 2d 104807 15 11.2 282 6.4 7 days 8 11 Creamer's Sir George 8721 — Sire, Sir George 7656 ; dam. Creamer 24526. Lady White 29213 14 14.75 197 8 7 days 7 6 Cream's Tormentor 34350 — Sire, Tormentor's John 14715 ; dam, Daisy Cream 39319. Bessie Robins 96972 14 3 214 6 7 days 5 2 Cretesia's Albert Pogis 21730— Sire, Montagu Pogis 14784; dam, Albert's Cretesja 22881. Cretesia's Charma S16S5 , '. 16 8 215 15 7 days - 4 6 Cretesia's Dawson 89995 15 1 247 4 7 " 5 Cretesia's Matilda 90Q00 14 11.5 265 8 7 " 3 ': " ■' 15 15 2S4 7 " 4 Cr»tesia's Rachel 89998 16 8 279 8 7 " 4 3 Cretesia's Ramona 148867 15 4 236 8 7 " 9 4 Cretesia's Silverette 74807 17 3 251 7 " 6 2 Cretesia's Taniy 89994 14 8 245 8 7 " 3 6 Cretesia's Temisia 89996 18 7 294 8 7 " 4 1 Cretesia's Violet A. 90051 ' 14 9 270 8 7 " 5 2 Cretesia's Butter Pogis 29964— Sire, Montagu Pogis 14784 ; dam, Cretesia 1865 f. Miss Fillacy's Pogis 147229 lo 8 293 8 7 days 7 3 Cretesia's Rioter Pogis 23072— Sire, Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544 ; dam, Cretesia 13657. Molly Butter Cup 87978 IB 184 7 days 9 8 Critic 540— Sire, Orange Peel 502 ; dam, Cannie 1359. Gilda 2779 14 6 7 days 3 Crocker 19563— Sire, Surcor l2000 ; dam, Bongu 3672. Girletta 61472 15 14 247 12 7 days 4 6 " 17 2 262 12 7 " 5 5 Croons' John Bull 21665— Sire, Canada's John Bull 8388; dam. Crocus of St. Lambert 8351. Sallie of the Ledges 87182 16 6 335 12.8 7 days 3 6 Croton Maid's Duke 6658— Sire, Sweepstakes Duke 1905 ; dam, Croton Maid 5805. Lady Cloud 2d 26825 16 12 229 8 7 days 3 2 Lette Signal 26823 17 2.5 224 8 7 " 3 4 Signal Maid 19361 19 13 274 8 7 " 3 3 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. ■ . Farmer's Glory 5 1 96 (Page 56j Six tested daughters. Bred by F. Le Brocq, Island of Jersey; owned by T. A. Havemeyer, Mahwah, N. J. Garfield of Woodstock 25621 (Page 60) Three daughters with authenticated tests for one year. Bred by F. BiHings, Woodstock, Vt. ; owned by T. F. Marslon, Bay City, Mich. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 33 Fat Croton's Signal 17614— Sire, Signalda 4027 ; dam, Auselma Signal. 183783 Fadette Signal's Queen 109281. Fricka 86460 Princess Haidee Signal 98652.. Retta's Signalla 116849 Sig Dagmar 147286 *538 3.8 Sig Mardag 152078.. Signalorae 147691... Signal's Crown Ptincess 145622.. Signal Susy 147076... Signal's Bijou 60800. Sirona Croton 86597. Butter Milk Period OF Test Age OF Cow Croton Maid 5305. 21 1 274 6 7 days 6 S 40 8 639 15 14 ' 6 8 16 3 206 14 7 ' 3 1 13 2.5 229 7 ' 5 5 16 4 247 7 ' 4 11 17 2 240 3 7 ' 8 8 *19 6 385 13 7 ' 6 3 24 6. 372 2 7 • 6 5 102 4.5 1619 13 31 ' 6 5 132 5 2145 5 41H" 6 5 633 3.5 10559 1 1 year 8 3 17 1 233 15 7 days 5 11 34 1 447 12 14 " 5 11 33 2 534 16 14 " 6 3 21 6' 329 12 7 '■ 7 4 497 7 9105 9 1 year 8 4 IS 7 230 3 7 days 6 2 36 5 458 8 14 " 6 2 16 2 210 7 7 " 6 i 15 1.6 209 4 7 " 3 8 18 10 183 1 7 * 3 6 Croton's Torment 17616- Eiotress Signal 95430 ■Sire, Tormentor 3533 ; dam, Croton Maid 5305. 21 5.5 297 7 7 days 3 , 10 CroMirn Prince Melrose 21790 — Sire, Beautiful Blondine 82051 Calisthenia 137400 Prince of Melrose 4819 ; 16 5 14 5.5 dam. Silver Wave 10844. 241 4 .7 days 6 Crown Prince ot St. L. 20070— Sire, Sir George of St. Lambert 6036; dam, Portia of St. Lambert 27055. Carola's Crown Princess 90321 Lass of Florence 110084 Lily's Crown Princess 76011. Maud's Crown Princess 90320.. Vida's Crown Princess 76010.. Crystal 9324— Sire, Cloverine 3510 ; dam, Chrissy 2d 7720. Darling Pansy 44830 Margaret of Lagonda 35127 14 6 228 9 7 days 3 7 14 14 246 14 7 5 5 ID 12 325 15 7 7 2 39 1 636 6 14 7 2 66 2.5 951 6 21 7 3 75 13.3 1346 12 30 7 3 13 2 214 4 .7 6 1 15 7 214 7 7 4 4 64 12 879 5 30 4 4 17 243 10 7 4 66 13 m 4 30 4 17 8 245 12 7 7 11 16 9 230 7 7 4 9 67 13.5 969 13 30 4 9 r2o 15 1 223 4 7 days 4 11 14 4 209 1 7 " 6 9 Cupid, P.S. 1824 C— Sire, Rosa's Fortescue,.,P.S. 1318 H.C. ; dam. Estimate, F.S. 2744 C. Boulottc 126326 15 1 195 15 7 days 4 1 Cupid's Torment 17763— Sire, Tormentor 3533; dam, Cupid of St. Lambert 5104. Hallie's Cupid 81898 22 10 300 8 7 days 4 10 Cushnoc Jr. 2358— Sire, Cushnoc 1343 ; dam. Mimosa 1869. Evergreen Maid 11636 14 Kosaletta 9339 14 7 days 7 " N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The o'd official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 34 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Pesiod Ag> Fat Butter JiIilk of Test of Cow Czar 251— Sire, Pilot Boy 488; dam, Wanda 1423. Adina 1942 14 i 234 7 days 9 Czar of Lenox 6875— Sire, Lenox 1593 ; dam, St. Ello 363G. Islip Lenox 31703 146 7.4 "172 4.9 3070 90 days 9 6 39 0.8 *45 15 714 9.6 30 " 9 9 Czar of New York 4049— Sire, Azimuth 1412 ; dam. Princess Caroline 2021. Bertha Black 26275 16 14 256 7 days 4 10 Czaretta 17358 14 7 199 7 7 " 3 2 Dainty Boy 2955 — Sire, Pierrot 630 ; dam, Dainty 796. Alabama 7690 15 11 209 1 7 days 10 4 Hattie Douglass 24960 '. 16 5 262 7 " 5 2. Daisy K.'s King 56504— Sire, Marigold Pedro 42G43 ; dam, Daisy K. of St. Lambert 126948. King's Bess of Me-'iale 170985 ,. 15 4 221 5 7 days 4 5 King's Gertrude Matilda 170986 ". 15 6 217 1 7 " S 8 King's Hope of Meridale 170981 16 2.5 239 4 7 " 4 6 Paddy's Beauty's Queen 170987 14 10.5 213 9 7 " 3 10 Daisy Montague's Pogis 29963— Sire, Pogis of Eau Claire 23179 ; dam, Daisy Montague 32771. Pogis' Goldie 101739 16 282 8 7 days 7 7 Daisy's Boss 24566— Sire, Boss of the Cedars 17712; dam, Nero's Daisy 3(!152. Pocia of- Andalusia 2d 79548 21 7.5 257 7 days 2 Daisy's Harry 21500— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777; dam, Whiting's Daisy 14858. Denise Landseer of Lawn 84411... IS 5 226 10 7 days 3 1 Kate Landseer of Lawn 84416 16 5 216 11 7 " 4 7 Rose's Fancy 93047 14 7 199 8 7 " 6 Daisy's Signal 12954— Sire, Signalda 4027; dam, Daisy Brown 12213. Fanfare 49927 16 225 10.5 7 days 3 4 Dalesman 28159— Sire, Young Pogis 2d 24218; dam, Bossette 40166. Baby Berta 106670 14 0.5 210 4 7 days 5 4 Cora Scott 107995 17 14 259 8 7 " 6 Dalton 20117 — Sire, Stoke Pogis 5th 59S7 ; dam, Annie Richmond 12008. Belle Smith 65807 22 8.25 300 7 days 6 Daltonia Pogis 95203 14 14 284 7 " 5 9 Esclarmonde 59509 17 4 251 8 7 " 4 4 Fresh 91786 17 11 231 7 " 5 9 Jimp 86488 31 1.75 471 10 7 " 8 1 Nancy Leberman 87385 19 12.25 228 8 7 " 7 10 Vernon Dolly 52284 21 308 7 " 6 2 Damascus 22222— Sire, Diploma 10219; dam, Paradise 32082. Masher 64950 16 14.5 228 11 7 days 7 6 Parthia 64925 16 11 253 1 7 " 4 2 Regalia 64574 14 12 218 12 7 " 6 " 24 285 14 7 " 6 30 Salute 67682 16 8 219 4 7 " 4 5 Dana 3620, imp.- Lucilla 3d 9786 17 1 222 7 days 4 10 N. B — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 35 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Dan Darling's Bull 21291— Sire, Prince of Melrose 4819; dam, Princess Corinne 48203. Coronet's Fancy 3d 133022 18 3 306 12 7 days 4 4 Dande 1556 — Sire, Tony ; dam. Rose. Flora Lee of Tennessee 7694 16 5 334 7 days 9 » Dandelion's Augustus 19867— Sire, Augustus 10725 ; dam. Dandelion 2d 12258. Tweedledee of Nipsic 60427 14 1 213 8 7 days 7 6. Dandy Monarch 32373— Sire, Jersey Monarch 14084; dam, Nellie of Flanders 22764. Lulu of Spring Brook 112902 16 15 390 ID 7 days 4 11 Daniel Deronda 2291— 'Sire, Thorough-bass 564; dam, Gazella 1880. Sasco Belle 13601 14 7 days 4 » Daniel Webster 403— Sire on I. of J. ; dam, Flosa 292. Royal Princess 2370 17 12 160 7 days 8 7 Dansker 49535— Sire, L. D.'s Earl 42114; dam, Insie's C. of A.'s Gazelle 87931. Dansker's Griselda 157858 15 6 211 14 7 days 3 Darby of St. Lambert 20482— Sire, Sumach 5249 ; dam. Tidy of St. Lambert 2d 31115. Lady Ajax 2d 89637 '. 21 5 306 7 days 5 » Darling Scituate 7499— Sire, Duke of Scituate 3623 ; dam. Duchess of Darlington 13830. Ella Rosewood's Daisy 32787 15 280 7 days 7 Darling's Prince 9513— Sire, Claude 3613; dam. Darling of Jersey 7604. Pansy Darling of Lawn 76637 19 2 233 7 days 5 2 Darlington Landseer 43511— Sire. Hanover's Victor 32^83; dam, Ethleel of Darlington 73803. Lady May of Brook Farm 150343 16 12 243 6 7 days 6 4 Vellum Landseer 150344 15 11 232 14 7 " TO' Date 2624— Sire, Dash of Glastonbury 1959 ; dam, Dilly 2527. Phylhs of Hillcrest 9067 14 12 7 days 3 KV " 16 240 7 " 4 lO' Dauncey Stoke Fogis 16045— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656; dam, La Petite M6re 2d 12810. Prospect's Belle 113024 25 5.5 311 8 7 days 5 11 David of Glynllyn 26760— Sire, Crocker 19563 ; dam, Daisy of Harrington 43098. Holyoke's Leda 2d 98893 14 15 232 4 7 days 5 5- Minnie's Pink 95748 16 275 12 7 " 7 S David Rex 27523— Sire, Chief 10663; dam, Hoppie 11738. Allette of Frankholme 113080 14 14 235 11 7 days 4 10. Day's Romp 24344— Sire, Romp's Torment 8789 ; dam, Day of Oakland 36128. Dubenna 2d 74S20 18 0.5 319 4 7 days 5 1 Dean of Meridale 56828— Sire, Ida's Coquette Pogis 43044; dam, Meridale Beauty Dee 97738. Victorie W. 163253 14 5 224 8 7 days 2 » Decline's King 28669— Sire, King of St. Lambert 15175 ; dam, Deeline 42999. Zetta Deeline 108178 17 7 273 14 7 days 5 11 Deerf oot Boy 1926^Sire, Albion 490 ; dam, Daisy of Deerfoot 3182. Abbie Z. 3d 14742 17 288 7 days 4 10. Mab of Deerfoot 3d 15345 14 0.5 231 3 7 " 6 & I^, B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is- estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 36 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Fat Deerfoot Boy of Somerset 6944— Sire, Fitz Grace G. Parks 29263 1988: Bdtter Milk Period OF 'i EST Age OF Cow dam, Sally Parks 3854. 19 3 257 8 7 days 6 1 De Gruchy 3652— Sire, Pilot, P.S. 183 C. ; dam, Rainetta 8081. Ampelis 5th 17548 15 194 12 De liaval 38062— Sire, Koffee's Noble 14631 ; dam, Albert's Girl 70675. Lady lona ] 66160 14 4 214 2 De I^aval 2d 56995— Sire, De Laval 3S002 ; dam. Our Mary Ann 51756. De Laval's Dolly 211416 *417 9.3 491 4 8389 11 Miss Foxy S. B. 156214 1342 3 " 14 6.43 16 15 321 1 De I^aval 3d 56996— Sire, De Laval 38062; dam. Our Mary Ann 51756. De Laval's Flossie 211181 *501 15.4 690 8 10339 Delaware Darling 3461— Sire, Sarpedon 930 ; dam, Helene 179. Darling of Neatham 20086 15 3 194 Susette C. 18602 14 8 140 Denise's Harry 31152— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777; dam. Rioter's Denise 36057 Oonan's Tormentra 154643 24 3 315 11 Rachel Fancy 169387 23 Ravalita's Denise 133664 21 Tormentor Denise 134035 18 Tormentor's Mistletoe 133306 23 7 days 2 11 7 days 3 5 1 year 7 1 30 days 7 1 7 " 7 2 1 year 7 ."; 7 days 2 4 7 " 3 6 2.5 1 2.5 316 293 271 312 days Denise's Ida's Tormentor 51995 — Sire, Denise's Ida 54942. Rene Tormentress 180641 Oonan's Tormentor 22280; dam, 224 13 Denise's Tormentor 11823 — Sire, Tormentor 3533; dam, Chrome's Denise 131520 Daisette 64004 Denise's Fancy 92500. Denise's Pearl 95757 Jessalitie 2d 38296 Kitti^ Green 88379 Lady Emma C. 57041 Lady Nolia 87972 Lou Tormentor of Lawn 84413. Mjlrtlise 64006 Plument 157256 Pogis Siglise 92889 Rose of Riverside 46953 .'. Tormentor's Broadway 136675.. Tormentor's Content 119129. . . . Tormentor's Daisy 52496. Tormentor's Mattie 117922. Tormentor's Rexea Tormentris 49659 Tornise 54520.. Twinace 141606 Twinise 141607 Devilsheof 866— Sire, Oak Leaf 4769 Ontario 865; 14 17 ...I 15 20 16 15 16 14 15 19 64 14 14 19 14 14 to 15 20 14 15 18 17 14 14 dam, Darkness 1345. 17 Denise 8281. 8 243 1 10 11 4.6 lo.6« 7 10 9 14 1 9 4 8.5 13 14 14.6 6.75 3 264 210 272 270 217 272 178 210 204 646 238 207 254 254 157 172 209 260 209 176 204 265 200 15 5 15 6.5 8 4 8 4 8 7 days 7 days 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 21 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 days 31 " Dexter Montague 17294— Sire, Lord Montague 12385; dam, Jerry Gipsy 16179. Beauty Wynn 45482 14 14.5 204 7 days 6 5 2 4 8 4 6 3 4 5 5 6 5 8 3 2 4 3 7 10 2 7 7 3 9 10 N. B.- -Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked bv on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official buttcr-te' amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months estimated on .the basis' of 85% fa"t rnT,uTter."*The°old°;ffi"iarTu«c"t"esVrarrmlrked'b; i\|eer m'^Au SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 37 Period Ace Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Dexter of Jefferson 5681— Sire, Vei-mont 893; dam, Clara 4th 1541. Clara's Belle 16582 17 9.5 219 2 7 days 9 6 Kitty of Jefferson 2d 12313 14 3 196 6 7 " 11 8 Diamond Earl 3116— Sire, Longfellow 818; dam, Favorita of Qnetiis Co. 282.5. Belle of Vermillion 8798 15 U 252 7 days i 4 Bessie of Clover Leaf 13033 14 2 207 7.5 7 " 4 10 Lil'ian Mostar 10364 14 3 219 12 7 " 4 Diana's Rioter 10481 — Sire, Sir George of St. Lambert G030 ; dam, Diana of St. Lambert (J036. Dinah Alexis 69345 14 8 237 4 7 days 4 2 Letty Coles 2d 48128 21 8 300 15 7 " 7 10 Letty Rioter 73475 20 1 251 6 7 " 4 4 " ; 24 2 318 14 7 " 5 11 Pomona's Violetta Pogis 56246 16 7 208 7.'" 3 5 ' " " 23 2.75 267 4 7 " 8 8 Rioter's Sweet Brier 305S2 17 S.5 254 6 7 " 5 2 18 9 212 7 " 6 3 St. Lambert's Coquette 41070 16 15 257 8 7 " 4 5 Vaniah of St. Lambert 71374 15 205 13 7 " 3 2 Diana's Stoke Pogis 13686— Sire, Diana's Riotn- 10481 ; dam, Diana of St. Lambert 063G. Diana Doon 61539 15 9 236 7 days 4 5 Diana's Top-Sawyer 21310— Sire, Diana's Stoke Pogis 1368G ; dam. La Fantine 24489. Emblem of Del Valle 102384 15 8 317 8 7 days 5 5 Dick 1410— Sire, Count 1403; dam, Countess J14. Molly 3554 15 9 7 days 9 2 Dick, F.S. 171 H.C.— Buckeye Lass 10355 14 4 208 16, 7 days 5 Dick, F.S. 223 C— Beauty of Jersey 7850 19 2 280 15 7 cays 6 4 Dickero 3542— Sire, Trocadero 1422 ; dam, Lily 7th 4711. Pansy K. 23889 14 11.5 7 days 2 1 Dickinson's Sea Gull 2d 7373— Sire, Dicldiison's Sea Gull 2177; dam, Lucie of Glen Dolan 12(360. Clifty Beauty 30249 15 6.5 173 7 days 7 4 Dick Swiveller Jr. 276— Sire, Dick Swiveller 74; dam^ Twilight 977. Countess of Lakeside 12135 19 7 251 7 days 14 1 Jersey 3260 15 6 ' 212 7 " 18 6 Dictator of St. Lambert 2d 48432— Sire, Dictator of St. Lambert 24110; dam. Pet of Collingwood 70018. Maid -Martha 125001 14 13 261 15 7 days *5 2 Dido's Duke 4678— Sire, Duke of Darlington 2400 ; dam, Dido 1234. Thorndale Belle 6th 44885 15 226 6 7 days 7 1 Dido's Rioter Nora's King 67771— Sire, St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896; dam, Dido's Rioter Nora 151712. King Cole's Maiden 212713 15 8 230 10 7 days 2 King's Edna Rake 198768 ^ 15 5 210 6 7 " 2 King's Exile Lady Boon 190994 17 5 271 12 7 " 2 2 Dido's Stoke Pogis 24194— Sire, Pogis Victor Hugo 12291 ; dam, Dido Miss 8759. Maple Glens Elsie Pogis 143086 18 15 277 7 days 5 9 N. B.— Corfiimed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-ttsts are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 38 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Fat Butter Milk Diploma 16219— Sire, Combination 4389; dam, Frankie's Lass 24900. Alexa ©4924 14 15 307 1 Bermuda K. 67534 ;... 14 1 197 14 Bosnia 87608 .-20 2 271 8 Campania 88475 15 2 229 5 " 22 8 .*26 7.5 556 11 Columbiana 74998 18 6 216 4 Composite 58774 14 15 217 " 18 10 288 10 Dariole 64106 ' 16 9 248 6 Delicate 78102 18 15 245 9 Dicomis. 74879 17 8 246 :) Diploma's Belle 103739 16 14 246 12 " 18 12 257 12 Diploma's Bonita 138867 18 8 276 13 Diploma's Clara 103867 15 12.5 233 8 Diploma's Coma 54070 14 10 137 6 Diploma's Diana 131699 15 1 231 Diploma's Elsie 140962 .- "-22 6 266 15 Diploma's Eureka 103865 15 10 227 2 Diploma's Grinnella 145775 -22 9 280 5 Diploma's Loreda 101628 •" 18 1.5 240 14 Diploma's Marissa 95590 16 5 218 4 ODiploma's Pansy 112871 16 3 _ 239 8 Diploma's Phillis 147976 - 22 "I ~ 293 5 Diploma's Princess 104002 17 4 263 7 Diploma's Queen 98151 17 8 263 7 Elturia 80701 14 9 227 4 " ,.. 19 4.9 .*22 11.5 483 6.4 Eurus 60801 14 7 244 3 Fair Maiden of Lawn 106817 18 12 243 Granda 92765 14 3 218 12 Image 68100 16 9 245 14 Itura 61090 14 14 193 14 tijosephina 64921 14 1 218 8 Julippa 69000 15 9 248 2 Marine 53469 16 8 248 Marissa 65285 16 2 267 1 Merrj' Maiden 64949 14 1 170 " 164 12.9 *193 14 3041 3.2 " 54 10.4 '64 4.7 965 Midway 50000 16 2 182 Miss Helen Brice 88340 14 3 252 13 " 18 1.25 304 10 Mocking Bird 61627 17 4 203 8 Nice 68O57.' '. 14 12 184 Ocla 5839S 16 8 255 5 Onwa 6962g ,- 16 5 247 15 '• IS 13.6 282 7 Personia 90231 16 3.25 249 10 Blumage 53887 17 5 266 7 ' Pretty Polly-Perkins- 68360 15 2 226 Keif 58398 19 3 283 12' Relay 703S3 17 2 277 9 Right Bo\»er 56606 18 2 222 8 Romantic Girl 61628 14 5 216 12 Romena 7^300 16 1 284 12 Salixis 83283 16 2 216 12 »Seraph 72817 18 5 298 Shrine 69687 .' 15 1.5 243 Smack 645?5 15 12 229 1 Sombre 80M6 15 14 232 11 ". 18 14 282 5 Transept 63724 -21 8 256 Vintage 53335 14 12 274 3 N. B.— Confirmed butter tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months, Period Age OF Test OF Cow 7 days 4 1 7 " 2 7 '• 6 7 7 " 1 10 21 " 3 7 " 4 5 7 " 3 2 7 " 7 1 7 " 4 7 7 " 5 3 7 " 4 7 7 " 5 3 7 " 6 2 7 " 5 3 7 " 2 7 " 1 11 7 " 6 1 7 " 4 7 " 2 11 7 " 7 4 7 " 4 9 7 " 5 11 7 " 6 1 7 " 6 4 7 " 4 8 7 " 6 .8 7 " 2 9 21 " 2 11 7 " 2 11 7 6 4 7 " 3 10 7 " 9 11 7 " 3 7 " 2 2 7 " 6 g 7 " 11 11 7 " 4 1 7 " 4 90 " 4 8 30 " 5 7 " 2 1 7 " 4 8 7 •■ 5 8 7 " 11 1 7 4 7 7 " 7 7 " 3 1 7 " 8 11 7 *' 5 4 7 " 3 8 7. •' 9 6 7 " 6 2 7 " 5 3 7 " 10 3 7 " 2 1 7 " 8 11 7 " 2 9 7 " 4 2 7 " 6 11 7 " 3 & 7 " 3 7 " 4 1 7 " 9 2 7 " 8 11 (•), and butter is a dagger (t). All -"^^WNJ-J^A^ ,'<*> . Gilderoy2107 (Page 63) Seventeen tested daughters. Bred by H. Borden-Bowen, Bristol, R. I. ; owned by H. M. Howe, Bristol, R. I. Golden Grand 53658 {Pace 66) Five tested daughters, four with authenticated tests for one year. Bred by J. H. Becquet, Island of Jersey; owned by C. A. Sweet, East Aurora, N. Y. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 39 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Diploma 3d 36376— Sire, Diploma 1C219 ; dam, Treasure 79200. Clothilde's Diploma 112266 •... 15 9 205 12 7 days 4 Upright's Maiden 105616 14 8 200 4 7 " 19 " " " 17 8 326 8 7 " 7 3 " 34 10 643 14 " 7 3 Diploma of Millbrook 46123— Sire, Chromo 26113 ; dam, Miss Helen Brice 88340. Harmony of Millbrook 154792 ■ 16 7 270 9 7 days 4 4 Merry Maid of Millbrook 159369 15 ,7.5 229 14 7 " 3 6 Rose of Millbrook 151360 14 's 230 3 7 " 4 11 Treasure of Millbrook 141364 15 5 241 6 7 " 3 10 Diploma's Combination 39962— Sire, Sophomore 24253 ; dam, Daisy Chain 73006. Diploma's Maquilla 135585 14 12 240 7 7 days 2 9 Frances T. 141084 14 15.5 230 6 7 " 2 2 Diploma's Dairyman 57789 — Sire, Minute Gun 34776 ; dam. Diploma's Grinnella 145775. Dairyman's Brown Bessie 175163 '441 5.8 519 4 8327 6.4 1 year 4 9 Dairyman's Juliet 180715 14 2 267 12 7 days 3 10 Diploma's Commilla 184656 15 5 266 5 7 " 2 9 Diploma's Dorinda 200378 15 3 252 3 7 " 4 8 Diploma's Surprise 215824 16 3 303 10 7 " 3 7 Diploma's Golden Gate 50657— Sire, Golden West 43473 ; dam, Brov.n Bessie's Blossom 10920S. Winksette's Regina 149188 *497 13 585 10.6 8874-13 1 year 5 6 Diplomatist 36879— Sire, Chromo 20113 ; dam, I'aradox 65003. Cream of Millbrook 139828 14 8 193 10 7 days 3 3 Daffodil of Millbrook 140974 14 7.5 200 10 7 " 3 6 Discard H. 5763— Sire, Homer H. 3083 ; dam. Lady Lightfoot 2745. Carria H. 14454 16 10 358 10 7 days 4 3 Gilda Mercedes H. 14451 14 8 336 3 7 " 4 8 Distinction's Pride, P.S. 1486 H.C.— Sire, Hillside Lad, P.S. 1163 C. ; dam, Distinction, F.S. 5519 H.O. Pearl Pensee 122504 16 5 237 11 7 days 6 9 Disturbance 9684— Sire, Marjoram's Rioter 5991 ; dam, S.vmbol 6136. Well-to-do 37724 14 3.5 179 8 7 days 3 11 Dixie Prince 18379— Sire, Southern Prince 10700 ; dam, Thekla ol! Clover Nook 33445". Alice of Clovernook 77532 15 3 138 7 days 3 11 Dixie Princess 55658 16 8 164 7 " 53 Hildah of aovernook 51597 19 2.5 221 7 " 7 u Lora of Clovernook 51599 16 2 179 S 7 " 6 "Princess of Clovernook 51698 16 13 146 1 7 " 24 Dr. Ben Franklin 2d 7265— Sire, Dr. Ben Franklin 5338 ; dam, Little Han 8004. Carrie Franklin 25635 14 1 218 7 days 11 9 Doctor H. 2132— Sire, St. Malo Jr. 733; dam, Julia 2d 4902. Lydia Darrach 4903 tl7 14 238 8 7 days 7 2 Doctor of Osborn 32617— Sire, Pogis of Plattsburgh 27489; dam, Nellie Coomassie 62963. Albany's Queen 110551 17 4 263 8 7 days 5 4 Dode 3057— Sire, Emilius 2039 ; dam, Lizzie Ringling 5813. Queen of De Soto 12318 14 13 7 days 2 E N B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat -istimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. Ihe old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 40 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Doesticks 2387— Sire, Teter Norman 1238 ; dam, Dolly 1556. Rainbow 2d 13962 21 8 167 7 days 7 5 D. of D.'s Victor 11726— Sire, Duke of Darlington 2d 6948; dam. Dove 3d 10823. Natalie Victor 73689 17 12 324 12 7 days 5 9 Doge of St. Lambert 17889— Sire, Duke of St. Lambert -16160 ; dam, Charity of St. Lambert 0638. Jeannette of Pittsford 73185 24 15.7 *29 6 601 12.8 21 days 3 Dolly's King 41654— Sire, King Coomassie 2d 19545; dam, Dolly of Edgewood 83345. Esther of Fairfield 208092 17 J3 274 7 days i 1 Matilda of Fairfield 208091 14 9 246 8 7 " 4 4 Mattie Fair 3d 132365 15 11 229 7 " 4 1 Dolphin St. Lambert 16431— Sire, Rioter's Stoke Pogis 11012; dam, Galatea 4tli 13954. Bonny of Woodford 58718 17 4 296 11 7 days 5 Dominie 11135— Sire, Monarch of the Sea 5079; dim. Buckwheat 13840. Preference 26343 15 5 313 2 7 days 4 i Domino of Darlington 2459 — Sire, Sarpedon 930; dam, Beauty of Darlington 5736. Como of Briarcliflf 35849 Hettie of Briarcliff 26621 Leila of Briarcliff 24184 Kobinette 7114.. 14 6 155 7 days 2 6 18 1 185 7 " 4 17 6.5 171 6 7 " 2 6 tl4 10.5 199 6 7 " 2 6 14 1 233 4 7 " 5 3 Dom Pedro 2092— Sire, Iron Bank 1120 ; dam, Lebanon 2616. Dom Pedro's Julian 8631 16 7 days Don 611— Sire, Duke 610; dam, Fawn 470. Belle of Ogden Farm 1570 14 7 days Rene Ogden 1568 15 7 " Don Hugo 19402— Sire, Baron Hugo 15208; dam. Belle of Argyle 18358. Donna Argyle 61456 15 10 231 8 7 days 4 2 Donner 32941— Sire, King Coomassie 9148; dam, Koffee's Gazelle 23707. Andelia's Princess 121086 14 8 267 5 7 days 4 3 Ortlinde 117196 14 13 224 7 " 4 2 Don of Hood Farm 42000— Sire, Pedro Signal Landseer 30212; dam, Donney Pogis 2d 82420 Sassy 133738 17 228 7 days 7 8 Don of St. Lambert 17456— Sire, Brier's Pogis 14163 ; dam, Maggie Sheldon 23583. St. Lambert's Bijou 78174 14 15.5 238 4 7 days 4 6 Don Pedro of Binghamton 2974 — Sire, ^^ernon 1071 ; dam, Zodiac 1914. Attractive Maid 16925 16 13 240 7 days 3 4 " 22 5 264 7 " 5 7 Maid of Berlin 12746 14 8 157 10 7 " 7 1 Dove's Victor 24883— Sire, Pilot of Bowker Farm 6085 ; dam, Dove 5th 14561. Victor's Grace 104384 15 7 256 6 7 days 4 6 Due, P.S. 1751 C— Sire, Golden Lad, P.S. 1242 H.C. ; dam, Rough Briar, F.S. 2692 H.C. Rhoda's Last 127230 18 13 289 4 7 days 10 6 " 78 6 1196 4 30 " 10 6 " " 150 4.5 2335 12 60 " 10 6 K. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*'), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 41 Period Age Fat Buttek Milk of Test of Cow Duchess' Monarch 27303— Sire, Jersey Monarch 14084; dam, Buffalo Duchess 57482. Glenwood Lulie 114966 15 4 282 8 7 days 9 2 " 60 1130 12 28 " ■ 9 2 St. John Duchess 114696 14 7 265 4 7 " 9 7 Dudley 3999— Sire, Butter-Stamp 700 ; dam. Lady Palestine 27G9. Mary's Silver Drop 14235 15 4.5 247 10 7 days 3 6 Duffee 2083— Sire, Aldine 1136 ; dam, Mollie Norton 1734. Blossom's Niobe 13855 16 7.5 243 13 7 days 14 4 Duke Coomassie 8409— Sire, Silver, P.S. 287 C. ; dam, Lucy 18204. Proctor's Dolores 38564 15 10 188 12 7 days 6 Duke F. 6134— Sire, Byron 279; dam, Dazzle 379. Abbie K. 13227 14, 4 224 7 days 10 5 Rosa F. W. 13226 29 12 200 8 7 " 9 1 Snowdrop F. W. 16948 14 8 168 7 " 8 11 Duke Glen Dale 1819 — Sire, Commodore Roxbury 1586; dam, Fawn 850. Urbana 5597 16 7 days 6 Duke Jeannaise 36414 — Sire, Duke of Cloverdale 699-1 ; dam, Princess Jeannaise 53863. Sweet May Lily 119056 15 11.5 267 10 7 days 6 Duke Jr, 2465— Sire, Royal Duke of Ipswich 1590; dam, Hattie of IpsAvich 3922. Winsome of Ipswich 9213 '. 14 7 7 days 5 Duke of Albany 3899— Sire, Grand Duke Alexis 1040 ; dam, Katydidn't 2734. Lady Alexis 26916. .. ; 16 8 244 14 7 days 3 6 Duke of Argyle 1517— Sire, Nestor 773; dam, Marilla 2899. Duchess of Argyle 4th 7571 14 12 154 7 days 6 7 Louise of Lawnfield 14151 14 11.5 268 7 " 6 Duke of Baldwin 7137— Sire, Top Gallant 3051; dam, Rosa Long 5216. Daisy Staunton 46592 16 14 224 4 7 days 9 7 Duke of Belmont Jr. 7794— Sire, Duke of Belmont 4478 ; dam. Duchess of Belmont 9635. Toy 20604 17 8 258 8 7 days 7 8 Duke of Bloomfield 1544— Sire, Rioter 670; dam, Alice Bloomfield 1680. Princess Bowen 9699 14 12 202 14 7 days 6 Princess Mostar 8700 17 3 ' 232 15 7 " 5 Duke of Bowman Hill 35048— Sire, Glynllyn Boy 22396; dam, Alpena 11225. Nancy Groves 2d 129581 17 9 239 6 7 days 10 2 Duke of Brandywine 2213— Sire, Doctor H. 2132; dam, Lilly Morgan 4752. Lydia Darrach 2d 8056 16 7 days 7 2 Lydia Darrach 3d 10662 16 4 ....7 7 " 6 S Lydia Darrach 5th 16677 15 7 '" 3 6 Duke of Burlington 1639— Sire, Modeste's Masse 1093; dam. Favorite of the Elms 1650. Island Chrissie 12007 14 14 247 12 7 days 4 10 Duke of Cloverdale 6994— Sire, Goldemar 3174 ; dam, Princess 2d 8046. Duke's Medusa 43511 18 235 8 7 days 10 8 Faith of Cloverdale 29277 14 2 128 5.5 7 " 2 6 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds amd ounces and ages are in years and months. 42 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Onke of Coonewah 14548— Sire, Lord Ducie 2500; dam, Blanche of Clinclidale 14476. Maggie May of Tupelo 71280 17 6 206 U 7 oays 7 11 20 7 257 1 7 " 11 3 Dnke of Daffodil 1662— Sire, Mack 722; dam, DafiEodil 307. Alice of the Meadows 20748 14 12 243 13 7 days 3 9 Elmwood Duchess 8716 14 206 4 7 " 6 9 Duke of Darlington 2460 — Sire, Sarpedon 930 ; dam, Eurotas 24.54. Bomba 10330 t21 11.5 205 6 7 days 4 " 89 14 31 ■■ 4 Bonnie Grisette 2d 19326 16 12.5 191 12 7 " 4 1 Dolly's Daughter 31392 16 197 10 7 " 6 11 Duchess of Darlington 13830 14 11 274 7 " 8 jloney Belle 25824 20 7.5 267 3 7 " 5 7 Lady Golddust 2d 19861 14 4 270 8 7 " 6 " 23 4 315 9 7 " 6 J^eah Darlington 13836 15 5.5 187 14 7 " 3 1 ""Matilda 5th 18068...; 16 4 146 7 " 2 11 Mother Hubbard 10331 24 1.5 233 8 7 " 5 11 Nazli 10327 15 3.5 232 8 7 " 4 6 Nutley Darling 22412 15 3.5 251 11 7 " 4 3 Paletta of Darlington 16253 27 8 274 4 7 " 6 3 Duke of Darlington 2d 6948— Sire, Duke of Darlington 2460 ; dam, Euphrates 9778. Coomassie Darlton 29519 16 11 221 1 7 days 6 6 Darlymora 37771 14 7 211 12 7 " 5 1 Duke of Darlington 3d 11096— Sire, Duke of Darlington 2460 ; dam, Kobinelte 7114. Parloa 32357 14 10 217 14 7 days 4 U Duke of Grayholdt 1035, imp. — Duenna's Duchess 6508 16 10 239 7 days 5 6 Gazania 4513 14 2 198 7 " 9 U •Morlacchi 2725 14 7 " Duke of Guilford 20295— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657 ; dam, Dove 3d 10823. V. K.'s Gazelle T. 83926 17 4 310 5 7 days 9 1 Duke of Hamburg 5527— Sire, Brother Jack 4042 ; dam. Item 8783. Bessie's Mabel 40939 18 281 7 day* 13 5 Duke of Hill View 22179— Sire, Lady's Rioter 16558; dam, Charlotte Caroline 40400. Coomassie Fawkes 122445 17 8 377 7 days 2 2 Duke of Holley 18644— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657 ; dam, Atlanta of Deerfoot 9020. Exile's Camelia 93668 18 6 305 8 7 days 9 1 Exile's Daffodil 94808 19 10 309 6' 7 " 6 1 Duke of Xngleside 14274 — Sire, Young Duke of Darlington 7231 ; dam, Eveline of Jersey 6781. Amrah of Ingleside 56832 14 2 156 2 7 days 7 3 Bess of Ingleside 2d 69648 19 10.5 240 8 7 " 8 5 Coomassie of Ingleside 74045 17 3.5 266 8 7 " 4 4 Ella of Ingleside 76414 15 3.5 167 3 7 " 4 2 Fawn oi Ingleside 69649 17 9 231 7 " 6 9 Gipsy's Riotess 62482 17 8 245 4 7 " 6 Z Grade A. 54524 15 4 235 7 " 6 2 Jewel of Ingleside 64344 17 1 294 7 " 6 8 Julia Rex of Ingleside 74046 16 3 210 7 " 5 2 Maud of Ingleside 74044 18 5.5 284 8 7 " 6 8 May of Ingleside 56S31 21 7 315 8 7 " 6 7 Mintresse of Ingleside 103128 16 10.5 180 9 7 " 8 1 Pride of Ingleside 64545 20 4.6 287 8 7 " 6 S N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star C) and butter is estm^ated on the basis of 86%, fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dasier m All amounts are in pounds aad ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 43^ Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Duke of Jersey 198— Sire on I. of J. ; dam, Pert 110. Melody 2689 14 1 300 4 7 days 12 J. Duke of Iia Grange 27682— Sife. Uegina's Sir George 13569 ; dam, Wyuka Paragon 2d 271T5. Bessie Wolcott 91417 15 1 241 7 7 days 5 1. Ilinka 91418 17 8 267 2 7 " 5 L Duke of Iiebanon 1880— Sire, Nye 667; dam, Nancy Dawson 1279. Blossie Reynolds 6082 16 3.5 7 days 6 Home Matron 6707 14 153 7 " 5 2 Manoa 6340 16 12 273 1 7 " 6 11 Duke of liincoln 15475— Sire, Tormentor 3533 ; dam, Bisma 3d 1870. Chloe Tormentor of Lawn 71642 14 13.5 199 14 7 days 7 1 Duke of Iiorne 6510— Sire, Duke of Argyle 1517; dam. Duchess of Argyle 3758. Mellie Argyle 20609 14 2 205 8 7 days 2 7 Duke of Magnolia 2826— Sire, Duke of Grayholdt 1035 ; dam, Fleuret 2759. Ette 10315 15 7 229 11 7 days 4 Duke of Maitland, P.S. 2185 H.C.— Sire, Rob Roy, P.S. 1749 0. ; dam. Lady Dawisli, P.S. 4371 H.C. Princess of Maitland 149158 20 219 4 7 days 4 i Duke of Mansfield 2277— Sire, Pierrot 636 ; dam. La Biche 905. Miss Lofty 9718 16 10 222 2 7 days 8 2 Duke of Mansfield's Pierrot 6261— Sire, Duke of Mansfield 2277 ; dam, Betty Bowen 9494. Eva of Snipsic 17650 14 1 232 7 days 3 5 Insie of Riverside 23825 30 5.75' 289 12 7 " 4 Duke of Maplekurst 2290— Sire, Duke of Patterson 1600 ; dam Clari 4200. Litty 8017 14 258 7 days 6 7 Marchioness of Maplehurst 8018 14 6 156 .8 7 " U 3 Duke of Melrose 5185— Sire, Black Defiance 4014; dam, Bonfanti 388. Melrose's Perfection 28895 24 12 252 8 7 days 8 11 Duke of Milf ord 3820— Sire, Baronet 2240 ; dam, Angela 1G82. Benetia 21511 IS 5.33 162 12 7 days 3 2 Duke of Mona 10639— Sire, Winner 5572; dam, Mona W. 11981. Mona's Beauty 50041 15 4 171 7 days 5 3 Duke of Nicola 30521— Sire, Cetewayo's Lemon 28223 ; dam, Nicola 2d 41738. Kathy Rex 104804 14 0.5 241 8 7 days 6 5 Duke of Normandy 3446— Sire, Job 2235 ; da;m, Queenette 5274. Belle of St. John's 2d 29829 15 0.5 175 7 days 3 3 Duke of Oakland 1984— Sire, Black Knight 1759 ; dam, Sweetlieart 4196. Enid 2d 10782 14 7.5 187 8 7 days 2 3 Duke of Ouaquaga 2740— Sire, Bedford 1084 ; dam. Lady Emma 4892. Nan Day 17192 20 4 209 7 days 3 Duke of Oxkow 27160— Sire, Tamarack Chief 16165; dam, Bessie of Oxbow 2d 45445. Belle Pilotta 85860 17 5 288 11 7 days 6 9 N. B. — Con^imed butter-tests and authenticated tat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is. estimated on the basis of ^5% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AIL amounts are in pounds and ounces and iiges are in years and months. 44 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Suke of Portage 1270— Sire, Major of Staatsburgli GTU ; dam, Lady Palestine 2769. Celia Belle 5865 14 3 246 4 7 days 6 8 Ida of Coal Hill 12542 15 0.5 232 7 " 5 Dnke of Ramsey's 6947— Sire, Duke of Darlington 24C0 ; dam, Anna Smith 1.0324. Rosa Ramsey 25X75 15 1 224 7 days 9 4 Duke of St. Albans 11234— Sire, Stoke Pogis 3d 2238; dam. Favorite of St. Lambert 5118. Esther Thorne 36545 14 7.5 250 8 7 days 8 2 St. Albans' Valentine 41707. 22 6 248 a 7 " 7 1 Duke of St. Lambert 16160— Sire, Baron of St. Lambert 5286; dam, Charity of St. Lambert 6638. Duke of St. L.'s Vail's Pet 61970 14 3 236 14 7 days 5 1 Duke's Minnie 42785 20 4 190 7 " 7 6 Katherine of Pittsford 73169 44 .5.3 "52 2.4 1062 4.8 30 " $ 3 Katie of St. Lambert 54776 19 7 235 9 7 " 5 10 Minnie K. of St. Lambert 61965 :... 16 9 235 7 " 6 3 Princess Helene of St. L. 61972 16 9 257 4 7 " 5 10 " 66 6 1079 10 30 " 5 10 St. Lambert's Kate 61975 16 11 259 2 7 " 4 lo St. L.'s Silken Les Gateaux 61964 21 12 262 10 7 " 5-3 Duke of Sassafras 2431— Sire, Rossman 1128; dam, Kizzie 3344. Gem of Sassafras 8434 14 3.5 253 12 7 days 4 3 Duke of'Scituate 3623— Sire, Pharos Jr. 3621; dam-, Jersey Belle of Scituate 7828. Minnie of Scituate 17829 14 4.5 251 7 days 4 7 Duke of Springvale 4290— Sire, Date 2624 ; dam. Maid of Amboy 2929. Maggie of Springvale 15931 18 5 223 2 7 days 5 2 Duke of Thornebrook 3832^-'5ire, Lawrence 61 ; dain, Chiquita 1.578. Carrie's Wonder 15233 14 2.5 7 days 5 Hindoo Rose 14602 14 7 7 " 6 8 Pansita 4th 18109 14 6 248 7 7 " 4 1 Duke of 'Waltham 29037— Sire, Winfield Scott 21364; dam, Marianne of Sunny Side 56891. Brown Nola 116718 IS 14.5 291 1 7 days 3 9 Duke of Wellington 35, imp. — Lassie 1134 15 1.5 122 2 7 days 14 8 Duke (of 'Wellington) 608— Sire, Sark 123; dam, Jersey Belle 1526. Bounty 1606 14 7 days 9 6 Duke of 'Woodlawn 4160— Sire, Brisk 2077; dam. Flower of Mashamoquet Farm 6471. Hypathia 2d 14774 19 13.5 208 8 7 days 3 8 Duke St. Helier 7527— Sire, Glue 3960; dam, Helen St. Plelier 12425. Meines St. Helier 29999 14 1 152 7 7 days 1' 8 Duke Thor 17323— Sire, Eurotas' Duke 8111; dam, Ilaltie Beach 2d 13871. Grace of Glynllyn 67759 14 10 186 14 7 days 5 7 Duke Tkorne 7020— Sire, Dido's Duke 4678 ; dam, Lodeska 104G2. Charity of Argyle 35036 14 10 189 10 7 days 7 9 Joy of Argyle 40495 15 9 281 7 " 4 U Lenore H. 2d 29767 15 3 294 8 7 " 8 5 Dunraven 7950— Sire, Auchentoroly 3494 ; dam, Tenella 6712. Donna Signal 29407 16 1 243 7 days 3 U N. B.—Confirnied butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*) and butter U estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a da^^er ?+1 All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. ■ Guenon's Lad 54422 (Pase 70) Five tested daughters, three with year's authenticated tests. Bred by Philip J. Bree, Island of Jersey; owned by Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky. Hector Marigold 59121 (Page 74) Nineteen tested daughters, eleven with year's authenticated tests. Bred by Chas. A. Sweet, East Aurora, N. Y. ; owned by F. B. Keeney, Belvidere, N. Y. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 45 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Duplex, P,S. 2586 H.C.— Sire, Uncle Peter, P.S. 2115 H.C. ; dam. Souvenir, P.S. 5187 H.C. Uncle Peter's Golden Del 157354 20 297 12 7 days 5 " " 81 1 1341 g 30 " 6 Snrwood 4527— Sire, Top-Sawyer 1404 ; dam, Oonan 1485. Durwood's Lass 19710 16 176 14 7 days 6 1 Earl of Eastmore 18595— Sire, Lord Lyons of Belle Vue 563C; dam, Almond 11747. Almond Blossom 69709 ,. 17 3.75 163 g 7 days 7 11 Earl of Bussellville 11935— Sire, Prince of Darlington 5080; dam. Zephyr B. 9904. Kate Ritchey 5428U ■ 14 7.25 244 6 7 days 9 11 Earl of Willow-Glen 2043— Sire, Majestic 2d 1201 ; dam, Queechy 3827. Mary M. Allison 6308 20 14 254 8 7 days 5 Easter Boy 3032— Sire, Rex 1330 ; dam, Easter Flower 4643. Golden Plover 22388 20 1.75 309 7 days 6 1 Kisberine Rex S1436 16 8 257 12 7 " 13 3 Easter Boy 2d 5310— Sire, Easter Boy 8032 ; dam, Lily of the Valley 7439. Lady Panalphrex 17400 23 9 315 9 7 days 3 3 Eastern Chief, P.S. 171 C— Sire, Welcome, F.S. 202 H.C; dam, Zenobia, P.S. 86 H.C. Eastern Sultane 20298 15 3.33 222 14 7 days 7 9 Eastwood's Pogis 15279— Sire, Duke of St. Albans 11234; dam, Eastwood's Beauty 14529. Easter Pogis 52371 15 3 217 14 7 days 7 1 Echo's Garfield 50857— Sire, Garfield of Woodstock 25621 ; dam, Echo of the Desert 93509. •Marcella of Altama 199921 *407 7.8 479 6 7033 14 1 year 7 1 Eclipse 1449— Sire, Sweepstakes 682 ; dam-, Amelia 2d 1730. Nordheim Creamer 9768 14 196 4 7 days 4 1 Eddy Iiarhin 46358— Sire, Theophilus 34131 ; dam, Helen Larkin 91934. Laura of Bennington 137938 1216 30 days 9 11 " 15 305 12 7 " 9 11 Eddystone 23413— Sire, Rayon U'Or's Best Son 14139; dam, Countess Hebe 2d 45899. Alberta d'Or 76452 14 14 262 2 7 days 7 11 Luna Dean 2d 76466 16 2 246 7 " 8 11 Luna Dean 3d 84309 15 235 12 7 " 7 2 Edgardo 50703— Sire, Vexer 20889 ; dam, Minnie Montague 45474. Galvinarda 173343 19 335 10 7 days 4 2 Jetty Salome 167503 17 12 305 7 " 4 11 Jetty's Peach 173348 20 3 295 8 7 " 3 7 Edgeware 20941— Sire, Flavins 13756; dam, Edna of Verna 34537. Chloe of Biltmore 100419 20 14.5 388 7 days 7 10 " .83 15.75 1606 8 30 " 7 11 Edith's Rioter Boy 54403— Sire, St. Lambert Boy 17408 ; dam, Edith Haley 92643. Dinah of Crestview 172430 13 7.4 15 13.4 262 12 7 days 4 6 Landseer's Bliss 193703 , 13 5 15 10.7 241 12 7 " 5 2 Edward Earle 10462— Sire, Sweepstakes Duke 1905 ; dam. Rose Harebell 3d 3245. Beauty's Crescent 26733 15 15,33 125 7 days 6 10 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 46 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow El£'» King of St. liambert 27081— Sire, Lucy's Stoke Pogis 3d 19374 ; dam, Elf of St. Lambert 49152. Queen of Macedon 10U64 18 12 310 10 7 days 8 2 Elkornah 4401— Sire, Statesman 2407 ; dam, Dolly Hughes 2486. Waiter Girl 12776 16 7 228 7 days 6 8 EUenetta's Chief 34896— Sire, Prince of Amherst 25728; dam, Ellenetta 9446. Chief's Canary 111707 14 7 149 12 7 days 3 10 Chiefs Grace 111901 16 7.5 164 12 7 " 2 11 Chief's lona 111704 ■ 15 12 142 2 7 " 3 4 Chief's Stevia 122187 16 10.5 149 12 7 " 2 1 Ellwood 13382— Sire, McHenry 5890; da.m, Delle 2d 17787. Silver Delle 40691 55 794 8- 29 days 3 Z " ■ " 17 4.5 170 8 7 " 4 a " 18 14.5 237 7 " 6 1 Elm Place Rayon d'Or 17518— Sire, Tau-reau d'Or 11743; dam, Bon d'Or 27976. Rayon d'Or's Chroma 114053 14 15 251 14 7 days 6 7 Elm Place Seneca 21939— Sire, Seneca Chief 4098; dam. May Pansy 37230. Seneca's Frankie 114052 15 7.5 292 9 7 days 7 Elmwood 2322 — Sire, Trusty 1101 ; dam. Brown Bess 2649. English Elm 17600 M 7 114 3 7 days 3 9 Elmwood Carrie's Pogis 19494— Sire, Luey's Stoke Pogis 11544 ; dam, Elmwood Carrie 27698. Becky Z. 71311 1* 2 223 12 7 days 4 » Elmwood Nona's Pogis 24986— Sire, Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544; dam, Elmwood Nona 27549. Dorothy Taylor 99485 15 10 280 3 7 days 4 5 Elmwood Stohe Pogis 26552— Sir-e, Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544; dam. Lady Mel 2d 1795. Elmwood Melissa 4th 82578 14 5 241 10 7 days 4 6 Elocution 31159— Sire, Printer 21881; dam. Flora Brown 75356. Medalist 2d 106545 18 14 267 2 7 days 5 8 Elsie's King of St. t. 56727— Sire, King Hugo Pogis 32504 ; dam, Elsie Bonner 7S864. Ruth of Chippewa 193512 14 2 214 7 days 3 5 Elskwatawa 62151— Sire, Professor Valentine 39408; dam, Ada Hope 121095. Tribal's Rita 180840 16 9 293 12 7 days 4 3 Elsmore 4384— Sire, Duke of Grayholdt 1035 ; dam, Lonette 2719. Sunset of Pleasant View 13071 15 2 235 7 days 5 7 ElyFy 18244— Sire, Steletho 10505; dam, Mary of Bear Lake 6171. Ada Fy 45479 17 4 268 4 7 days 3 11 Eminent, P.S. 1842 H.C.— Sire, Golden Lad, P.S. 1242 H.C. ; dam. Eminence, F.S. 7124 H.C. Efifie Baal 134222 14 10.25 165 10.25 7 days 2 3 Imp. Agenoria's Lass 150265 20 10 276 1 7 " 7 4 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated en the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (f). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 47 Fat Butter Milk Eminent 69631— Sire, Imp. Golden Fern's Lad 65300; dam, Eminence, B\S. Period OF Test Age OF Cow Eminent Brown Princess 157372.. Eminent's Buttercup 187470 Eminent's Evasion 187443. Eminent's Fawn Beauty 195757... Eminent's Jewel 194963 Eminem's Lady Sultanne 171946. Eminent's Snow 185406.. Eminent's Victory 181203. Eminent's Virginia 195830. Lady Eminent 185405 Eminent's Baleigh 69011— Sire, Eminent 69G31 ; dam, Rill, P.S. 6982 H.C Fontaine's Brownie 185409 Raleigh's Dolly Dimple 185408.. Raleigh's Houssie 194967 Raleigh's Nancy Wolff 194965. , Raleigh's Rose 185410 Raleigh's Silver Fern 185407. . . . 17 7 17 ,6 21 1 20 12 20 15 10 20 2 20 — 24 2 14 15 -29 5 16 13 20 11 am, I 16 till 8 16 17 5 16 3 15 5 17 2 273 232 312 284 285 260 297 277 343 265 531 252 280 7124 H.C. 7 days 7 ' 7 ' 7 ' 7 ' 7 ' 7 ' 7 ' 7 ' 7 ' 14 ' 7 ' 7 ' 225 14 244 10 235 11 225 6 282 6 241 4 7 days 7 7 7 7 7 2 S 3 3 2 5 2 2 2 5 2 11 Emperor 287— Sire, Jerry 15; dam, Eve 2d 734. Actress 2311 14 7 days 10 9 Emperor, P.S. 3074 C— Sire, Primrose King, P.S. 2731 0. ; dam, Pretty Fly, P.S. 5815 C. Victoire of the Island 190257 15 8 238 7 days 4' 7 Emperor of St. Lambert 48229— Sire, St. Lambert Boy 17408; dam, Letty Coles 2d 48328. Lady Lctty Lambert 4th 169502 „ 22 4.25 343 7 days 4 J Emperor Royal 28051— Sire, Peggy's Royal Signal 22(ii3 ; dam, Lincoln Daisy 64739. Lincoln Maid's Daisy 160611 15 8 313 8 7 days S 1 Empress' Gold Signal 30591— Sirer Gold Signal 20806; dam, Signal's Empress 57767. Theresa Leonard 104625. 17 7.25 7 days 6 Erie J. 33246— Sire, R. F. Eric 21330 ; dam, Imperial's Omega 13241 Josephine O. 103635 19 12 Eric Pogis 36115— Sire, Eric E. 29500; dam, Imogen M. Pogis 57930, Eric's Daisy 144436 16 9 Erie Chief 13438— Sire, Bruce of Mountain Side 7113 ; dam, Canty 16276. Daisy Harrison 69253, 25 1 Escape 23542— Sire, Halo 10517; dam, Eltekeh 28266. Fatality 101038... Le Mar 38030 Phillida 75481 Signoretla 3d 92497.. 20 15 8 14 5 15 4 234 7 days 4 2 0. 230- 162 9 76. 7 days 4 5 303 4 7 days 8 9 276 256 241 273 8 8 7 days 7 " 7 " 7 " 6 8 9 5 5 11 S e Ethelayia's Boy 27733— Sire, Cloud's Duke 23254 ; dam, Ethelavia 19357. Gretchen Girlie 128560 21 280 7 days 3 10 Ethel's John Bull 29005— Sire, Crocus' John Bull 21665 ; dam, Ethel of Shelburne 46285. Mel's Pearl 135442 18 0.5 282 7 days 4 S Ethel's Stoke Pogis 33489— Sire, Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 ; dam-, Ethel Rioter 61994. Dame Lacy 141592 17 4.25 354 8 7 days 6 10 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butler. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 4B SIRES WITH THEIR 'TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Ethleel 2d's Jubilee 18249— ISire, Southern Prince 10760 ; dam, Ethleel 2d 32291. Elorita 101742 16 4 234 12 7 days 3 7 Ethleel D. S3006 14 Ig 222 10 7 " 3 9 Ethleel Khedive 99698 15 g 132 11.2 7 " 2 3 Jubilethleel 99697 I7 12 199 6.4 7 " 2 6 Prospect's Edwina 2d 86909 18 1 223 7 " 4 10 Roeta 2d 78684 20 1.5 209 8 7 " 7 11 Sigma 78676 16 7 226 7 " 5 18 2.25 230 9 7 " 6 Etbleel 2d's Son 25885— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777 ; dam, Ethleel 2d 32291. Ethleel's Pet 85428 I7 g 209 7 days 4 Ethleel's Harry 15962— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777; dam, Ethleel 18724. Harry's Ethel 63970 U 177 4 7 days 5 7 Miss Perrot 73801 16 236 7 " 5 1 Etbleel's Harry C. 75917— Sire, Silver's General 52206; dam, Silver's Ethleel 1.34322. Sissy's Mary Jackson 206191 12 13.5 15 2 221 14 7 days 6 5 Ethleel's Laudseer 22341— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777 ; dam, Ethleel 18724. Chuffy's Ethel 102195 16 1 250 5 7 days 4 Ethleel's Nervilette 101299 18 7.5 296 1 7 " 6 Ethleel's Nerviona 101300 17 12 211 3 7 " 3 3 Mayhegtal 2d 101298.... 17 14 202 9 7 " 2 11 Ogden's Alice 77590 17 4 294 6 7 " 5 3 Pandora's Box 2d 103221 14 11 203 13 7 " 5 8 Rosora 87622 15 8.5 226 7 " 4 1 Signalda's Ethleel 77599 16 11 217 5 7 " 4 8 Tormentor's Maid's Daisy 82890 15 1.75 212 11.2 7 " 7 9 Ethleel's Oonan 45099— Sire, Oonan's Torment 33743 ; dam, Ethleel Gth 89802. Ethleel of Edgewood 130139 16 2 225 1 7 days 4 Ethleel's Tormentor 32850— Sire, Oonan's Tormentor 22280 ; dam. Fancy Ethleel 03033. Bisson's Southern Daisy 2d 138398 15 12.25 208 8 7 days 3 2 Venus of Woodlawn 123698 17 13 241 2 7 " 5 3 Ethlo's Prince 24119— Sire, Ethlo Tormentor 19189; dam, Maudie of White Lick 29082. Guarder 90825 21 4 279 10 7 days 3 11 Ethlotheel 43260— Sire, Ethleel's Landseer 22341 ; dam, Laontaka 74296. Mattie Fair 2d 125052 14 14 212 14 7 days 5 6 Ethlo Tormentor 19189— Sire, Lord Harry 3445; dam, Kathy Torment 32910. Ethlo's Belle 69053 15 2 206 12 7 days 4 3 Ethlo's Jean 71954 24 6 261 13.6 7 " 5 3 Xthol 19104— Sire, Toltec 2d 11073; dam, Ethleel 2d 32291. Belle Williamson 3d 104290 15 3.5 205 10 7 days 3 9 Tormentor's Oona Toltec 105860 14 12 205 12 7 " 2 9 Variella of Florence 111427 15 11 215 13 7 " 9 2 " *491 3.6 577 14.5 7972 6.4 1 year 12 2 Ettamarius 17762— Sire, Baron Marius Pogis 15630 ; dam, Zoe Etta 32113. Etta Bartlett 80254 15 13.5 239 4 7 days 8 1 Etta Europa 104209 16 U 241 1 7 ■' 52 Bttagem S0258 16 12 215 6 7 " 3 10 Ettarock 81103 16 233 10 7 " 5 11 16 13 239 10 7 " 6 7 Kamaretta 80479 16 7 266 8 7 " 6 Ramapo's Lassie 98413 16 10 226 5 7 " 6 9 Ettarmarius 2d 43721— Sire, Ettamarius 17762; dam, Kamaretta 80479. Etta Leolia 172415 17 13 266 14 7 days 4 8 N. B.— Confirmed butter-lests and authenticated fat estimates are marked bv a star f*1 anri htnt»r i< estimated oft the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked bv a dae^er m All .amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are fh years and months. "»bb=' \.u- "" SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 49 Period Age Fat Buttek Milk of Test of Cow Etzel 3593— Sire, Amir Khan 2573; dam, St. Ello 3636. Eianca Lass 14997 14 3.5 223 8 7 days 4 4 liucinitas 22022— Sire, Rubano 8806 ; dam, Dott Bultercup 16358. Vigola 93269 15 9 277 14 7 days 7 10 Huclid 520— Sire, Lawrence 61 ; dam, Golddrop 222. Ma Belle 4942 15 7 days 8 £npidee 4097— Sire, Duke of Dairlington 2460 ; dam, Leda 799. Beauty Dee 18065 23 3 221 8 7 days 4 3 Dove Dee 18059 27 9 197 U 7 " 4 3 Eupidee's Perfection 20175 15 4 174 7 " 2 6 May Dee 18058 15 10 206 8 7 " 4 6 £npidee of Meridale 56720— Sire, Matilda 4th's Son 20214; dam. Beauty of Meridale 114744. Lady Dee of Meridale 188651 17 9 277 11 7 days 4 2 Meridale Eupidee's Hope 194091 14 9 214 o' 7 " 2 10 Meridale Eupogis 196749 16 4 261 6 7 " 3 1 £urocIydon 4789— Sire, Georgics 2424 ; dam, Torfrida 3506. Lizzette's Mary 12723 14 11 7 days 3 2 £uropa's Duke 4832— Sire, Brown Duke 2190 ; dam, Europa 176. Cream Calla 40233 16 7 262 12 7 days 5 7 Xiurotas' Hugo Fogis 28476— Sire, Eurotas' Victor Hugo 15689; dam, Duke's Blossom 36669. Emma's Pearl 2d 119123 17 5 265 7 days 5 10 Emma's Pearl 3d 126981 18 15 294 7 " 2 11 ^ " 21 3 354 4 7-" 4 11 Emma's Pearl 4th 136333 17 12 280,12 7 " 3 11 XuTotas' Pride 22653— Sire, Eurotas' Victor Hugo 15689 ; dam. Countess Hanover 36675. Adah L. E. 158985 16 12 330 3 7 days 5 1 Beauty's Ann 2d 148113 15 10 250 4 7 " 7 10 Daisy Mc. 95465 17 5 230 7 " 10 11 Esme's Lenore 142825 25 1 340 5 7 " 6 2 Eulalie's Bessie 145501 15 4.5 254 1 7 " 5 7 Kitty Ornament 130541 17 2 237 10 7 " 10 1 Lady Selma 130540 .■ 16 10 238 3 7 " 10 4 Lena Lawrence 130543 '. . 14 5.5 246 11.2 7 " 8 7 Letty Ridgewood 167358 15 12 258 5 7 " 5 Lora Eulalie 135438 14 8 201 13 7 " 6 6 Louise Ridgewood 125278 18 4 287 4 7 " 9 10 Ola's Pride 174290 15 6 221 1 7 " 4 4 Pride's Clare 163460 16 11 271 5 7 " 5 6 Pride's Susan 172907 15 15 222 7 " 4 3 Queen of Selma 83080 15 14 214 14 7 " 12 2 Sally Ornament 125515 21 8.5 397 15 7 " 8 Zina's Brunette 167356 16 14 269 15 7 " 5 2 £urotas' Victor Hugo 15689— Sire, Victor Hugo Pogis 11256 ; dam, Eurotas 2454. Belle of Passaic 85846 17 11 305 4 7 days 6 6 Ethleel's Princess 104837 15 8 251 12 7 " 4 10 Eurotas' Blossom 63134 15 5 290 4 7 " 6 2 Leila Victor 85433 14 1 203 4 7 " 3 5 Miss Albert 63138 17 9 263 7 " 6 8 Nettie's Picture 50960 15 8 299 4 7 " 7 6 Nutshell 2d 50962 19 2 240 1 7 " 4 1 Robinella 63132 15 14 213 7 " 3 6 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts aie in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 50 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butte* Milk of Test of Cow Enroto Fogis te Brocq 19503— Sire, Euroto Pogis 12434 ; dam, Glory's Delight 17517. Kaembe's Maud Eurota 91066 14 2.5 171 5 7 days 1 9 Evangelist 25700— Sire, Compass 16958; dam, Belboma's Beauty 65941. Alnora 112132 16 6 242 1 7 days 4 7 Esc'elsioT of Jersey 949, imp.— Lady Oxford 4860 22 2 310 10 days 3 8 Exile B. 43495— Sire, Wells' Exile 20170; dam, Niona 71379. Mary Ann of Mingo 135229 16 12.5( 304 7 days 4 3 Exile of Athens 41080— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657 ; dam. Exile's Hope 90171. Athens Chromo 134182 16 1 223 7 days 4 7 Silvus' Rose 152862 13 10 233 3.2 7 " 7 3 Exile of Belvidere 53743— Sire, Hermione's Exile 50093 ; dam, Exile's Marjoram 107503. Exile's Miss March 181049 16 6 253 7 days 4 ' 64 2.5 1012 8 28 " 4 Exile of Chestnut Fawn 33199— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 2d 17131 ; dam, Exile's Anita 60657. Exile's Giulia 146355 16 4 239 1 7 days 4 8 Exile of Clearview 36394— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657 ; dam, Grace Adell 50297. Lottie of Clearview 108937 15 2.5 275 14 7 days 4 6 Susan of Clearview 109487 16 5.5 246 8 7 " 5 7 Exile of Filston 38537— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam, Exile's ■ Brookdale Maid 81599. Exile's- Merrideer 112179 14 7.5 242 11 7 days 4 5 Exile of Glen Rouge 37213 — Sire, One Hundred per Cent. I(>o90 ; dam. Marjoram of Glen Rouge 78420. Cassie of Glen Rouge 2d 140769 19 2 295 7 days 3 6 Ethel of Glen Rouge 131019 < 18 9 273 7 " 2 9 Ida B. of St. Lambert 140770 16 0.5 223 6 7 " 2 4 •' " ' " 21 2 301 12 7 " 3 6 May Marjoram 123811 16 5 241 4 7 " 2 7 Exile of Harford 37936— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam,' Leilassie of Sennett 53824. Edith of Harford 143353 14 6 259 7 days 5 5 Exile of Jersey Eawn 29421— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657 ; dam, Isadore Stoke Pogis 37297. Dora's Fawnie Exile 108696 15 12 229 7 days 3 2 Luohla Exile of J. L. 132729 14 5 267 7 " 5 7 ■Pluma of Jersey Lawn 2d 122291 15 6 259 15 7 " 3 10 Robina Exile of J. L. 114368 15 6 285 4 7 " 7 9 Ruthie Exile of J. L. 128862 17 1 308 4 7 " 5 4 Exile of Maine 36332— Sire, Exilb of St. Lambert 13057 ; dam, Mona's Beauty 50041. Pet of Suncook 137782 16 1.5 294 9.6 7 days 6 7 Exile of Meadowbrook 43825— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert l:!li5T ; dam, Miss Rex Golden 36339. Gilderoy Maiden 149626 14 6 241 S 7 days 5 3 " 17 12 259 12 7 " 8 1 " " " 73 10 1128 30 " 8 1 Lambert Glory 149627 15 12 246 8 7 " 6 9 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are m.irked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AH amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in vears and months. A&OO FA E^M i*OClS r' ' ' ' Hood Farm Pogis 40684 (Paee 76) Fourteen tested daughters, eight with year's authenticated tests. Sire of two cows in the Jersey demonstration herd at St. Louis. Bred by M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. ; owned by C. I. Hood, Lowell, Mass. Hood Farm Pogis 9th 55552 (Page 77) Eleven tested daughters, all with authenticated tests for one year. Bred and owned by C. I. Hood, Lowell, Mass. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS SI Period Age Fat Butter Milk oe Test of Cow Exile of Perry 41002— Sire, Exile of St." Lambert 13657; dam, Sunbe.am of Brierdale 77668. Monia O. 128598 19 4.5 280 4 7 days 4 Exile of St. Lambert 13657— Sire, Bachelor of St. Lambert 4558 ; dam, AUie of St. Lambert 24991. Bertha Stoke Pogis 35206 14 15.5 142 7 days 6 O" Bronzie of St. Lambert 49001 tl4 2 234 8 7 " 5 4 Daisy-Seeker 43099..! 14 1 156 7 " 4 6 Elmina of St. Lambert 79110 14 1 220 7 " 7 9 Exile's Acte 130788. -18 2.75 273 7 " 3 1 Exile's Aggie 52764, 14 10.25 141 8 7 " 3 Exiles Alphea 45393 15 14.5 200 6.5 7 " 5 Exile's Angelica 96063 ■.... 14 10 230 8 7* " 8 Exile's Anna 46881 16 12 219 8 7 " 3 9 / Exile's Antoinette 111279 14 7.5 243 8 7 " 2 6 ^ " " " 22 14 337 10 7 " 5 2 Exile's Arcadia 66201 14 4.25 243 8 7 " 3 6 Exile's Ark 101154 14 9.5 263 8 7 " 6 9 "Exile's Belle 40524 .• -^32. 6 230 8 7 " 4 11 *- " " " 122 6.5 902 8 30 " 4 11 Exile's Bessie 49985 18 12.5 198 8 7 " 4 7 Exile's Best Daughter 106401 16 9 291 9 7 " 4 9 Exile's Butterball 65152 15 4 154 7 " 2 7 Exile's Calista 114767 14 4 250 8 7 " 6 9 '^Exile's Claribel 107507 14 5 224 8 7 " 2 11 L " " " ^20 11.5 337 7 " 4 8 Exile's Clio 108124 18 10.5 273 8 7 " 5 Exile's Dainty 107508 16 8 251 7 " 4 7 Exile's Daisy 46885 16 4 244 7 " 2 9 Exile's Dell 67633 14 10.25 191 8 7 " 4 2 Exile's Dewdrop 106104 18 4 326 7 " 4 2 |:xile's Dolly 67452 19 7.5 327 4 , 7 " 5 8 Exile's Dnmbella 79452 14 11 277 4 7 " 6 U Exile's Echo 111276 15 9.75 273 7 " 3 6 Exile's Effie 40526 13 2 202 8 7 " 3 5 Exile's Elf UlSU 14 7.25 206 8 7 " 3 2 Exile's Euphorbia 107926 17 5 247 8 7 " 4 8 Exile's Fair Maid 101156 14 7 240 10 7 " 7 5 Exile's Fawn 40979 15 10 185 7 " 4 1 ^Exile's Flossie 116608 16 12 224 8 7 " 3 9 Exile's Gracie 89447 13 290 8 7 " 7 Exile's Gretchen 79245 16 15.5 230 8 7 " 2 10 Exile's Harriet 100716 16 6.25 221 8 7 " 2 " 31 7.3 448 4 14 " 2 Exile's Hazel 85181 15 13 197 6 7 " 4 4 Exile's Helen 61251 14 4.5 198 7 " 3 11 Exile's lanthe 107685 15 5.5 218 7 " 4 4 Exile's Insie 107506 16 8 264 2 7 " 6 Exile's lone 111105 14 10 238 2 7 " 4 8 Exile's Jessamine 111104 14 1.75 211 7 " 3 2 Exile's Kalmia 111647 IS 15 237 8 7 " 7 9 E.xile's Kite 100834 14 7 275 7 " 6 9 Exile's Kosi 107505 16 2.3 256 8 7 " 3 11 Exile's Lady Alexis 79112 14 4.75 208 8 7 " 3 10 Exile's Lady Angela 468:3 16 11 263 14 7 " 6 3 Exile's Lady Palestine 1C7626 14 14 247 7 " 34 Exile's Lady Star 63943 16 0.25 217 12 7 " 53 ' 35 7.5 517 8 16 " 5 3 Exile's Lizzie 61477 14 8.3 168 8 7 « 2 7 Exile's Lucile 63151 14 6 283 8 7 " 5 6 Exile's Lucy 46883 15 7.75 231 8 7 " 3 10 E^file's Lulu 49984 16 2 328 8 7 " 4 3 " 138 9.7 *163 1 3224 8 90 " 6 6 / [Cfmtinued on next page,] N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a st* (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old ofiicial butter-tests are marked by a, dagger (f). AJL amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years ^nd months. 52 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Exile's Lulu 49984 44 4 *52 1 988 6.4 30 days 6 9 Exile's Marjoram 107503 ,. 15 9 206 7 " 4 11 Exile's May 52765 15 4.25 157 8 7 " 3 7 Exile's Moss Rose 101155 15 4 231 7 " 3 6 Exile's Myrtle 2d 94446 17 13.5 255 8 7 " 5 2 Exile's Nancy 92030 14 7 288 7 " 3 6 Exile's Nina 40522 15 11.5 232 7 " 8 9 " 31 6.5 469 8 14 " 8 9 Exile's Ona 106212 14 3.75 224 8 7 " 2 " -21 14 304 8 7 " 6 U Exile's Onnalinda 65189 15 1.5 158 9.6 7 " 2 8 Exile's Orensa 135S15 15 9 244 7 " 4 Exile's Pauline 37530 16 15 186 7 " 4 3 Exile's Penelope 77182 15 11 242 12 7 " 4 U - " " " 18 3.75 268 8 7 " 5 11 Exile's Pomona 111106 17 182 7 7 " 8 2 Exile's Kamona 111109 16 8.75 310 7 " 4 3 Exile's Rosa 66552 14 0.5 159 8 7 " 3 Exile's Rosalia 111648 1» ,251 7 " 5 6 Exile's Rowena 111107 21 3.25 315 8 7 " 4 Exile's St. Jeannaise 122816 M 9-5 258 7 " 4 U Exile's St. Lambert Oueen 101613 21 7.25 346 8 7 " 4 U Exile's Sappho 114262 19 11 2B6 2 7 " 6 11 " .. .. .' 25 6 341 9 7 " 7 U Exile's Sonia 111645.. .'.'!'!!"! "^0 287 7 " 5 5 Exile's Success' 49986 17 6.5 283 4 7 " 7 8 Exile's Tamara 118796 17 2 ,281 8 7 " 3 2 Ekile's Volie 111282 21 8 317 10 7 " 7 11 Helen Stoke Pogis 31947 17 8 236 8 7 " 3 3 Isadore Stoke Pogis 37297 16 9.5 200 7 " 3 5 Jennie Stoke Pogis 32010 13 10-75 206 8 7 " 6 4 Jessie Stoke Pogis 37291 17 2.5 187 12.8 7 " 7 4 Lena Stoke Pogis 39756 18 8 259 7 " 5 Marilla of St. Lambert 31809 21 13.5 258 14.4 7 " 7 7 Mollie of St. Lambert 34644 15 4 205 7 " 6 Nora Stoke Pogis 34687 16 1 248 8 7 " 3 2 Nutley St. Lambert 58469 16 8 202 7 " 4 3 Ophi of St. Lamberf49004 14 10.5 254 8 7 " 6 2 Otta of St. Lambert 49003 tl5 8.75 219 4 7 " 5 9 Paola Stoke Pokis 34691 19 6.25 234 7 " 3 3 ", 109 10 1385 35 " 5 3 "^23 274 7 " 5 4 Pearl Pogis 38304 16-10.75 203 8 7 " 5 5 Rachel- Spencer 60974 -23 3.25 402 12 7 " 6U " 105 10.5 2004 10 36 " 6 11 September Maid 100718 15 275 8 7 " 6 3 Yuba Stoke Pogi^ 37294 15 14.75 231 7 " 3 3 Yum Yum of St. Lambert 39152 21 4 219 11 7 " 4 9 Zenobia Stoke Pogis 37292 W& 162 8 7 " 3 3 Exile of St. liambert 2d 17131— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam, Giulietta Cooke 32193. Sapolio 61082 , 14 6 227 5 7 days 3 7 Exile of St. Lamliert 3d 17195— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam, Eva Locust 21050. Meta of Maplewood 112680 14 15 251 2 7 days 5 8 Exile of St. I.amliert 4tli 17196— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam. Chiefs Guenn 29266. Exile's Agnes 79796 14 8 302 7 days 4 8 ' 19 7.75 439 7 7 " 10 U Exile's Pansy 79800 17 13 278 12 7 " 4 8 " ' N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AH amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS S3 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Exile of St. I4ambert 16tli 19155— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam, Bobby's Diana 289T8. Clematis of Pittsford 111542 15 1 331 8 7 days 5 4 lone of Pittsford 107718 17 4 319 8 7 " 8 1 Lois of Pittsford Farms 88848 14 9 249 10 7 " 5 3 Exile of St. I.ambert 19tli 20203— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13(557; dam, Lady Livingston 33374. Exile's Lady Livingston 107936 14 12 259 7 days 5 8 Exile of St. Lambert 23d 20712— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam. Cassia 2d 21370. Aunt Mary 4th 95134 15 4 270 7 days 6 3 Belle of Boston 95246 14 10 213 8 7 " 6 10 Carrie Simonds 95974 19 1 306 7 " 5 11 Coy Girl 2d 86792 16 4.25 217 8 7 " 6 2 Gold Gretchen 2d 110566 17 4.75 247 7 " 4 4 Jocal 95182 20 14 268 8 " 7 " 3 11 May Day 60451 16 3.5 179 14.4 7 " 3 1 Runaway 87030 16 10 205 6 7 " 4 2 Exile of St. Lambert 57tli 37833-Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam, Irondequoit Belle 74696. Gretna Coomassie 3d 143061 14 7 228 7 days 4 3 Exile of Scituate 19235— Sire, A'ietor Scitnate 17487; dam. Ocean Lily 32476. Bertha Scituate 75977 14 7 202 4 7 days 3 8 Exile of Sunny Side 28721— Sire, Nelly Wayne's Pogis 17365 ; dam, Queen's Pet 50656. Exile's Gem of C. H. 107807 17 12 276 8 7 days 9 8 Exile's Best Son 2d 44960— Sire, Exile's Best Son 34570 ; dam, Leilassie 3d 80053. Moll of Maplewood 144216 15 4 243 7 days 7 5 Exile's Duke 19795— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam, Daisy Stillson 281 74. Exile's Beauty 61220 16 3 199 7 days 4 9 Exile's King Rioter 57632— Sire, King Rioter of St. L. 49958 ; dam, Exile's Ona 106212. King Rioter's Betsy 175380 15 225 7 days 2 10 King Rioter's Grace 178904 15 8 233 12 7 " 3 4 King Rioter's Naomi 186822 15 6 268 7 " 3 Exile's Nora Boy 56410— Sire, Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48228 ; dam, Nora's Riotress 124870. Far Rockaway's Queen 166070 15 4.5 258 7 days 5 5 Exile's Rebel 28928— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657 ; dam-. Success of St. Lambert 28489 Clara Grace 125863 ' 15 271 7 days 3 Delphina 105895 14 2.75 164 6 7 " 3 3 Hattie Swett 109709 v. 15 10.25 155 12.5 7 " 4 2 Mary Shield 105896 ;. 15 1 254 7 " 4 8 Silver Plumage 106825 14 4 229 7 " 6 Exile's Reformer 3d 60118— Sire, Exile's Reformer 45060; dam, Pedro's Sayda 157899. Belmont Maiden 2d 175278 20 2 2S4 9 7 days 4 Edna Mitchell 190780 18 4 301 6 7 " 3 Exile's Gem's Exile 190779 ~ IS 10 252 10 7 " 2 1 Exile's Lady Boon's BKile 184176 19 6 280 8 7 " 3 2 Exile's Reformer 3d's Son 65982— Sire, Exile's Reformer 3d 60118; dam. Queen Edna Alden 2d 176020. Lydia's Exile 198770 17 8 281 10 7 days 3 Mary's Gem 198769 16 8 280 12 7 " 2 4 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t)- All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 54 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Exile's St. John 20202— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13G57; dam, St. John's Daisy 28388. Exile's Lady Sarah 107938 17 10 252 8 7 days 3 7 Exile's Siberia 43363— Sire, Exile's Tormentor 30099 ; dam, Tormentor's Anise B. 84830. Eurybia 143822 ♦263 9 310 1.1 5439 9.6 120 days 5 5 Exile's Successor 42716— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 33657; dam, Flower of Glen Kouge 2d 55559. Girl of Perry 128599 19 2 303 12 7 days 5 Exile's Tornado 27085— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657 ; dam, Exile's Sallie 61478. Chicora May 123745 14 6 254 4 7 days 4 6 Exile's Victor Hngo 6th 43863— Sire, Exile's Victor Hugo 30937; dam, Big Wjuka 58345. St. Lambert's Duchess of I. 172148 14 U. 254 2 7 days 4 1 " " " ' *12 13.3 15 1.6' 252 2 7 " 5 1 Fabby's Shylock 70334— Sire, Carnation's Fern Lad 63542 ; dam. Fabulous Interest 168515. Shylock's Buxom Beauty 195695 •397 9.4 467 12 7629 6.8 1 year 2 Fadette's Son 16301— Sire, Signal of Hilltop 11811; dam, Fadette of Verna 3d 11122. Etta Lyne 83298 20 5 301 6 7 days 5 11 Fair Corinth 12455— Sire, Corinth 6662; dam. Fair Starlight 7745. Natasqua 65598 t 132 14 '156 5.5 2463 14.4 90 days 5 1 Fair-view Prince 43904— Sire, Meridale Victor Hugo 34025 ; dam, Aurated Pogis 2d 65666. Gertie's Sister 151594 14 12 248 10 7 days 4 " 29 4 486 6 14 " 4 " 15 12' 301 4 7 " 4 U " *395 7 465 3.5 7919 3.2 1 year 4 11 Faith's Prince Pogis 1-5246- Sire, Prince Pogis 10682 ; dam. Faith of Oaklands 19696. Edith's Faith 69724 465 7.8 547 10 7907 6.4 1 year 11 10 " *15 9.1 18 5 272 4.8 7 days 12 Fame's Silver Pedro 40056— Sire, Pedro's Silver Rioter 31320 ; dam, Pedro's Fame 33836. Pedro's Landseer Beauty 165958 *435 0.5 511 12.8 8119 1 year 3 3 Fanchon's King 2637— Sire, Jersey liing 870 ; dam, Fanchon 2d 1958. Countes5 Potoka 7496 18 15 220 9 7 days 4 1 Fancy Ethleel's Pogis 30025— Sire, Ida's Stoke Pogis- 13658 ; dam, E'ancy Ethleel 63033. Fancy's Maybee 104383 15 14 215 8 7 days 3 7 Fancy's Miamotto 104387 lo 12 244 7 " 4 8 Fancy's Nienchen 104377 16 2 205 7 " 4 4 Fancy Farmer 12181 — Sire, Farmer's Glory 5196; dam, Fancy Fan 12657. Flora Rex Carlo 2d 102140 18 2 236 7 days 6 4 Fancy Garfield Pogis 55664 — Sire, Landseer's Merlin 45721 ; dam, Hester's Regina 144388. Amelia of Meridale 176446 , 15 2.6 249 11 7 days 5 1 Fancy Malia 37391— Sire, Fancy's Landseer 12096; dam, Septimalia 22791. Belle of Blythewood 100935 14 14 225 8 7 days 6 5 Fancy's Golden Lad 57139— Sire, Mona's Glory 52915; dam, Moyane's Fancy 78452. Cupid's Gold Lace 180343 *400 11.8 471 7 8628 3.2 . 1 year 3 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter i* estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butler. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 55 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Fancy's Harry 9777— Sire, Lord Harry 3445 ; dam, L.indseer's Fancy 2876. Clarintha 96919 17 0.25 203 13 7 days 2 7 English Elm 3d 62906 17 3 233 7 " 4 Ethlecl 4th 54275 15 156 11.5 7 " 8 6 Ethleel 6th 89802 14 15 241 1 7 " 4 6 Fancy Adonis 103217 14 9.5 223 5 7 " 6 5 Fancy Bee- 37496 15 8 116 8 7 " 3 7 Fancy Nenita J62702 ; 17 6.5 231 13.4 7 " 7 6 Fancy Phlox 49652 14 3 166 9 7 " 3 11 Fancy's Harry's Sadie 77202 14 14 135 7 " 5 9 Fancy Wax 37159 19 3.5 116 7 7 " 2 11 Harmintha 96920 16 7 209 6 7 " 2 7 Harry's Duchess 60289 16 4 206 8 7 " 7 3 Harry's E;rnestine 66232 15 6.5 199 7 " 2 5 Harry's Fanotta 96721 20 2.S 266 8 7 " 3 9 Harry's Fancy 39114 14 6.5 233 12 7 " 5 2 Harry's Fancy Belle 44764 , 14 8 197 7 " 6 2 Harry's May 'Fair 37499 ' 16 1 131 4 7 " 2 5 Harry's Pet 62838 22 11 157 10 7 " 2 9 Harry's Signaline 82419 14 8.5 163 4 7 " 4 6 Lena's Florence 42460 14 8 134 7 7 " 2 9 Leoni Landseer 65317 16 192 12 7 " 7 8 Maqnilla of Hood Farm 113067 14 13.75 218 4 7 " 2 8 Myrrha 3d 50406 14 0.5 119 7 " 6 9 Nannie of Hood Farm 108565 14 5.25 207 11 7 " 4 3 Pitapat ad 86907 19 3.25 218 5 ,7 " 4 10 Rioter's .Denise 3d 70238 17 1.5 196 9 7 " 4 Romping Lass 2d 51989 15 14 148 14 7 " 3 1 ' 21 12 158 12 7 " 5 5 Romp Ogden 5th 43181 17 9 240 4 1 " 4 8 Ruth Morgan 3d 57043 •. 19 6.4 232 6.4 7 " 9 2 Signal Fancy 30812 14 8.6 106 12 7 " 2 8 Signal Mine 2d 60789 17 9.5 267 15 7 " 3 11 Signet's Fancy 58446 14 11 176 8 7 " 4 ' " " " 18 11.5 189 7 " 6 6 Sitka.M. 78680 19 13 211 11 7 " 3 11 Sorina 42993 15 11 217 8 7 " 4 6 " 17 15.5 238 7 " 7 6 Temalema 44761 14 10 219 2 7 " 3 1 Torment 4th 70660 15 1.25 208 6.5 7 " 6 9 Fancy'fS Harry Jr. 24649— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777 ; dam, Ethleel 18724. Deerlick Fancy Mary 99315 .• 14 9.25 227 11 7 days 6 4 Fancy Christmas Night 128730 15 7 174 2 7 " 2 7 " 17 1.5 262 15 7 " 4 5 Harry's Olinda Pogis 136138 14 12 228 9 7 " 5 8 Fancy's Harry 2d 20199— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777; dam, Beeswax 9807. Fanfare 2d 119780 15 12.5 229 15.75 7 days 4 8 Signalbianca 2d 319779 17 0.25 249 15 7 " 4 U Fancy's Harry 6th 24768— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777 ; dam, Maquilla 24043. Casta's Fancy 115499 15 9.5 227 2 7 days 6 9 Clifford's Dora 133427 18 1 243 8 7 " 4 4 Fanciletta 154919 15 9 242 1» 7 " 9 7 Fancy Lucile 133428 18 4 279 10 7 " 7 3 Fancy Meme 79748 16 12 204 12 7 " 2 10 Fancy's Clifford 129298 17 10.5 277 5 7 " 6 4 Harry's False Modesty 154986 14 13.75 203 12 7 " 2 10 Harry's Florrie 86263 14 12 198 3 7 " 4 7 Harry's Nervilette 86262 18 1 213 8 7 " 4 9 May of Weber Farm 133434 16 7.5 250 8 7 " 2 10 , [Continued on next page.] Tj. B. Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 56 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Fat Nerviona 2d 98687. Orie's Fancy 72039 Weber Farm's Cliffbrd 2d 132105. Taney's Jubilee 25205— Sire, Ethleel 2d's Jubilee 18249 Adelaide Saufley 96284 Bonnie Signaldina 108681 Eveline Rose 80512 Fancy Iliana 165337 Jubilee's Belle 162781 Lizinka of Middlebrook 152539. Marchioness Jubilee 134056 Marget of Middlebrook 152782. . Princess Ethleel 120671 •12 1.2 Fancy Milicent 71059 Fancy's Gem 41797 Fancy's Pet 36013 Fancy Torment 56273 Landseer's Content 56985.... Landseer's*Rosamond 56142.. Landseer's Variella 92370.... Period Age Butter Milk OF Test OF Cow 14 3 208 15 7 days 3 23 1 287 1 7 " 5 7 16 10.5 196 4 7 " 4 10 15 4 248 7 " 6 7 3249 ; dam, Fancy Phlox 49652. 16 5 243 15 7 days 3 6 18 4 244 1.5 7 " 2 11 14 6 156 7 " 5 3 20 10 228 8 7 " 4 7 17 5 268 16 7 " 6 10. 14 3.3 240 11.2 7 " 8 6 15 14 207 12 7 " 7 7 20 8. 248 15 7 " 5 8 17 7 243 12 7 " 2 6 iam, Landseer's Fancy 2876. 14 3.5 178 8 7 days 5 1 14 15 171 4 7 " 8 16 4 165 7 " 9 4 It 8.5 139 4 7 " 6 n 16 8 232 2 7 " 4 11 15 5 189 8 7 " 7 11 16 1 231 2 7 " 9 7 I'ancy's Pogis 21797— Sire, Landseer's Pogis 15847; dam, Fancy Wax 37159. Muzio 97423 15 2 214 2 7 days 4 9 Taney's Rubano 34303— Sire, Rubano Houghton 25986 ; dam. Sir Hugo's Fancy 64869. Rubano's Fancy 109719 21 15 . 294 11 7 days 6 Fancy Toltec 21167— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777; dam, Creole Maid 2d 31881. Dempsey's Beauty 62808 14 6 112 10 7 days Fancy Maud Toltec 114046 14 15 196 7 " Fancy S. R. 114030 14 14.5 266 8 7 " Pet's Fancy 80968 17 4 244 8 7 " Tannie's Gold Bngler 31500— Sire, Gold of .St. Lambert 16744 ; dam, Fannie Bugler 19962. Bugler's Bride 101420 15 14 230 12 7 days 6 1 Fannie's Sen 28014— Sire, Gold of St. Lambert 1C744; dam., Fannie Bugler 19962. Nora Clinton 91938 : 18 4 244 10 7 days 4 2 Farmer Bex 8898— Sire, Eeed's Farmer's Glory 5457 ; dam, Etta Rex 11590. Dot's Lily 49220 19 347 1 7 days " 19 291 1 7 " Rexella 69413 14 4 211 11 7 " 10 9 12 6 Farmer's Glory 5196— Sire, Grey King, P.S. 169 H.O. : dam, Bonheiir 14942. Beulah De Gruchy 13480. Farmer's Pride 12284 Geneva 13220 Hilda 2d 14967 Marie S. 12043 Maritana 12039 22 15 15 14 15 16 2 4 11 12.5 6 3.5 308 252 193 10 115 6 192 15 264 12 7 days 7. 7 7 7 7 Fast Boy 2606 — Sire, Bon Ton 1656 ; dam, Artless 3992. Hennette 11624 14 Nibbette 11626 14 Nigella 7895 16 3.5 7 144 8 232 12 215 12 7 days 7 " 7 '■ N. B.— Confirroed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger ft) All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 57 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow FauBt 503— Sire on I. of i. ; dam, Fanny 1343. Miss Bianca 12517 17 14 263 3 7 days 5 11 Miss Bowris 12206 17 8.5 276 3 7 " 6 7 Fai^vette's Boy, P.S. 1735 H.C.— Sire, Golden Lad, P.S. 1242 H.O. ; dam, Fauvetle, P.S. 2024 C. Fauvette Peaceful 126328 18 10 206 6 7 days 3 7 FaTori, P.S. 185 C— Sire, Khedive, P.S. 103 H.C. ; dam-, Favonte, P.S. 76 0. Litta Oaks 19734 :.. 15 5.5 220 7 days 3 7 Favorite's Prize 33042— Sire, Count Verna 18819 ; dam. Hart's Favorite 63409. Vono 89138 14 3 238 13 7 days 4 Fayette Boy 4737— Sire, Fancy Leo 2728 ; dam, Lady Pigot 2d 5798. Lady Cloud 19358 16 10 183 8 7 days 1 10 " 27 6 235 8 7 " 4 Fayette Farmer 48605— Sire, Lord of Edgewood 41193 ; dam, Bess of Edgewood 71178. Myrtle of Fairfield 208090 17 235 8 7 days 6 Fearnanglit 1854— Sire, Grand Dulje Alexis 1040 ; dam, Rosa Gamp 2732. Aldarine 2d 14196 .'. 14 168 8 7 days 7 10 Felix Liandseer 33752— Sire, Fancy's Harry Jr. 24649; dam, Sigralia 57207. Paulina Landseer 111043 18 264 8 7 days 4 2 Fenwick 26451— Sire, Aurora Chief 20039 ; dam. Pride of Aurora 67666. Kitty Sands 77432 18 1.5 230 7 days 4 3 ■ ■• 21 12 277 14 7 " 6 1 Fereor, P.S. 2891 H.C— Sire, Bliie Boy, P.S. 2578 H.C; dam-, Petune's Pet, P.S. 5704 H.C. Blue Belle's Pretty Belle 180295 *340 15 401 1.6 6614 8 1 year 2 1 Fern o« St. Mary 65099— Sire, Mauser, P.S. 2892 H.C. ; dam, Golden Rose of St. Mary 173302. Ethleel Vellum's Fern 186315 15 12 258 2 7 days 4 3 Festive Florin 19967— Sire, Compocop 9354 ; dam. Floret 2d 18564. Pera B. 86761 17 9 ' 253 8 7 days 4 6 Picotu's Bess 86172 17 8.5 263 12 7 " 4 6 Picotu's Ruth 86188 14 8 216 4 7 " 7 5 Fillmore's Otis 59334— Sire, Otis 31382 ; dam, AbJbie St. Lambert 65112. Fillmore's Dainty 165042 15 3.5 285 8 7 days 6 5 " 1145 8 30 " 6 6 Fillmore's Dozy 165188 15 9 294 8 7 " 6 " " 13 4 15 9.6 294 8 7 " 6 " " " 1268 12 30 " 6 Fill Pail's Duke 24650— Sire, Duke of Cloverdale 6994 ; dam, Fill Pail 2d 243S8. Fill Pail's Nancy 95435 18 3 238 7 days 4 3 Sigma 2d 89803 14 15.5 195 14.5 7 " 3 8 Toltec's Silver Princess 201483 20 3 232 4 7 " U 8 Financial King 57788— Sire, Caumais Lad, P.S. 22^7 H.C. ; dam. Finance, P.S. 4611 C. Financial Countess 155100 *12 15.8 15 4.4 232 4,8 7 days 4 10 " .'. *795 4.6 933 10 13248 2.4 1 year, 6 10 " *18 11.3 22 370 4.8 7 days 7 " *36 4.6 42 11 730 1.6 14 " 7 " *14 6.112 16 13.8 214 9.6 7 " 7 lo ■ N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounce.'; and ages are in years and months, 58 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Finis I 7 days 6 7 Hector 2d 2837— Sire, Hector 791; dam, Lady Creamly 1975. Hulla 7898 1^12 226 7 days 5 11 N~"b— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is e'-timated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are m years and months. 74 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Hector Chief 2d 37738— Siie, Bonny Gould 142273 Fat Hector Chief 15896 ; Hector D. 32947— Sire, Incessa's Combination 28474 ; Pulsa Landseer 2d 135911 . Period Butter Milk of Test dam, McMillan's Daisy 13397. IS 24S 8 7 days dam, Little Martha 52456. IG 7 283 0.5 7 days Hector Marigold 59121— Sire, Melia Ann's Son Hector's Adelpha M. A. 1940B3 Hector's Berta 187361 Hector's Berta E. 194057. Hector's Bessette C. 214220. Hector's Cabrera 187366 Hector's Ella Q. 180137 Hector's Fairyana 194139 Hector's Fairy Belle 179909.. Hector's Milly Barry B. 187368. Hector's Mimicry 187365. Hector's Miss March 179907 Hector's Miss March B. 187369.. Hector's Molly 194054 .'... Hector's' Pride, of Scio B. 194063. Hector's Queen 180033 Hector's Wax Kyle B. 194068. Hector's Yoletta 178285 *S85 9 *350 13.6 *378 13.7 *270 4.7 ♦326 7 *369 4.2 *15 13.4 *12 12.9 *613 6 *38? 7.8 *383 13.8 *13 7.2 •13 4.5 *484 8.7 *378 10.5 Hector's Zizania 179905 Pride Melia Marigold 175250. 22041 ; 14 28 453 412 17 445 318 384 15 434 18 15 721 454 16 14 455 15 14 14 15 IS 670 445 16 48 15 dam, 10 11 9 12 11 4 6.8 10 1.1 9.8 11 8 1 2 13.3 3 1 15 10 , 7 13.5 Grace Marigold 210 11 430 8 7045 13 6562 3.2 250 15 6493 15 4961 10 241 6301 299 11.2 Hector of Plymoutli Rock 886, imp, — Bloomer 2d 2321 17 10 65 15 18 6 218 1.6 10659 7 7167 3 228 1 200 15 6230 10 227 1.6 211 228 14 280 10 252 8.5 8027 15 5991 6 255 8 758 8 223 8 6665 15 1162 10 8989 10 287 14 1085 12 312 3 99377. 7 days 14 " 1 year 1 " 7 days 1 year 1 " 1 " 7 days 1 year 7 days 7 " 1 year 1 " 7 days 7 " 1 year 7 days 7 " 7 •' -7 " 7 " 1 year 1 " 7 days 21 " 7 " 1 year 30 days 1 year 7 days 28 " 7 days 13 1 Age OF Cow 5 3 4 4 3 7 3 7 4 9 4 S 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 6 5 4 2 6 3 9 4 1 5 7 3 7 3 10 3 6 4 6 4 2 5 i 3 6 3 1 4 2 6 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 1 Heir of Signal 8080— Sire, Cloverine 8510 ; dam, Signalana 7719. Euphorbia 3d 45359 15 7.5 217 12.B Hellrot 22906— Sire, St. Helier Chief 18417 ; dam, Bessie Walton 20350. Lady Ruthdale 93248 18 4 280 4 7 days 7 3 7 days 8 1 Henry Hudson 27970— Sire, Sophie's Tormentor 20f^83 ; dam, Rhoda Hudson 2d 61196. Gelatine 3d 114531 20 7 374 10 7 days i Henry VTard Beecher 2297— Sire, Colonel Butler 1501 ; dam, Princess of Glenco 3815. Daisey Dixie 9469 U 4 205 7 7 days ( Hero, P.S. 90 H.C.— Sire, Welcome, F.S. 172 H.C. ; dam, Musique, F.S. 1096 H.C. Cocotte 11958 tl4 6 239 14 7 days " 16 8.5 172 15 7 " Daisy of St. Peter's 18175 20 5.5 346 1 7 " Jenny Le Brocq 9757 14 14 7 " Satin Bird 16380 14 15.5 201 8 7 " 9 10 11 3 6 4 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•) and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old ofKcial bntter-tests are marked by a daeeer f+) All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. Imp. Golden Fern's Lad 65300 (Page 83) Two tested daughters. Bred by Philip J. Ahier, Island of Jersey; owned by T. S. Cooper, Coopersburg, Pa. Interested Prince 58224 (Page 84) Twelve tested daughters, all with year's authenticated tests. Bred by John G. Buesnel, Island of Jersey ; owned by R. A. Sibley, Spencer, Mass. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 75 Period Ace Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Herotas -26500— Sire, Lord Dartmouth 6302; dam, Revonah 23187. Calcina 80702 15 3 249 1 7 days 2 8 '■ 18 8 273 4.75 7 " 4 U Loranie 82951 I514 279 14 7 " 6U Silver Merry Maiden 103376 .r- 14 8 219 5 7 " 6 9 Sparta 75000 \ ....'.'.' .'.'.' 21 5 301 7 7 " 4 8 Startling 94942 • I7 I4 233 14 7 " 4 4 Hessong's King Cole 53148— Sire, Hessong's St. Lambert Boy 4.5376; dam, Hessong's Letty Coles 115739. Daisy Cole 173726 *398 12.8 469 2.8 8093 9.6 1 year 4 3 Lady Pandora 173727 439 10.8 517 -4 8371 8 1 " 2 4 Loretta D. 2d 166210 *434 9.S 511 5 7900 6 1 " 6 9 Queen Bellona 173729 439-5.3 516 13.7 8664 12.8 1 " 2 4 " *399 5.3 469 12.8 8118 11.2 1 " 4 2 Hessong'8 St. Lambert Boy 45376— Sire, St. l^ambert Boy 1740S ; dam. Vida's Riotress 9904L Marigold d'Or 150676. is 2 303 10 7 days 3 6 St. Lambert's Vida 6. 135406 14 2 214 7 7 " 7 10 Highland Blade 2164— Sire, Wethersfield 966; dam, Cliloe Daniels 2668. Jennie of the Vale 9553 14 6.5 272 7 days 4 4 ' " 17 7.5 250 7 " 6 5 Highland 'Kago 14349— Sire, Kago 2d 14348 ; dam. Highland Mary 3d 19876. Mas-iena 2d 31188... 17 11 244 7 days 9 Highland Lad 33284— Sire, Count Highland 29088 ; dam. Queen Emma G. 50347. Highland Lady Pogis 102601 14 12.75 213 11 7 days 5 6 Highland Pogis 22146— Sire, Lee Pogis 14795 ; dam, Martha of Highland 2d 35176. Kitty Pedrothorn 2d 84662 16 4 198 7 days 6 11 Hilario St. Iiambert 32623— Sire. Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 ; dam, Normanda's Rose 32790. Fairy Spot 131233 14 12 240 12 7 days 3 2 Minnie Louise 131234 14 4 251 7 " 40 Hilarious 7651— Sire, Footstep 5163; dam, Hilda D. 6683. Analysis 2d 55834 : 20 7.5 242 11 7 days 4 6 Tower View Princess 2d 87452 17 12.5 195 9 7 " 44 Zenie Lisgar 2d 87453 20 14 270 12 7 " 54 Hindoo 2282— Sire, Noble, P.S. 93 H.C. ; dam, Le Gallais' Mermaid 4954. -Maudine of Elmwood 8718 16 15 227 14 7 days 4 7 Hochanum 792— Sire, Bliicher 48 ; dam, Dewdrop 1158. Copper 1979 15 7 7 days 8 Hoffer's Rover 43209— Sire, Fancy's Rover 33158 ; dam, Beauty Bess 87529. Rover's Maggie 135247 15 3 264 15 7 days 2 4 Hohohus 5569 — Sire, Duke of Scituate 3623; dam. Blossom of , Darlington 7111. Nettina of Winnikee 46406 IS 15.5 290 12 7 days 5 i N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star ('), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 7b SIRES WITH THEIR. TESTED DAUGHTERS Holyoke 8147 — Sire, Eupidee Brunhilde Regina, 41742 Holyoke's Leda 52812 Inez of Riverside 51781 Fat Bhtter 4097 ; dam, Belle of Flanders 9949. ' 15 13 Lady Mary of Glynllyn 2d 25498. Lily of Glynllyn 31340 Massey Polo 67010 Matina of Riverside 51783.. Segilinda 41741.. 18 41.5 , 26 71 15 16 22 30 20 27 14 1.5 0.5 2.5 6 6.5 12 - 13 Milk 282 4 265 12 463 p.5 1309 4.5 231 1 227 ,'8 296 0' 354 9 338 8 426 7 193 4 Period OF Test 7 days 7 7 21 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Age OF Cow 10 11 11 14 7 10 10 6 1 7 3 6 4 9 9 11 g Holyoke Marigold 60151— Sire, Holyoke Laura Lee 174432 Melia Ann's Soil- 22041 *278 5.8' 327 14 dam, Tina-Marigold 143328. 7.8 5662 2.4 1 year 1 8 250 7 days 2 Homer H. 3683— Sire, The Squire 1298. Anita H. 12334 Jenny Dodo H. 14448 Madolina H. 12327 Mercedes H. 12326 Theresa H. 14447 : Willimenia H. 12325 Zophar H. 12329. dam, Gilda-2779. :.... 17 4 331 21 19 17 15 20 21 400 2 356 2 315 4 404 14 422 -4 7 days 7 7 7 7 7 7 Homestead Victor Pogis 26535— Sire, King of St. Lambert 2d 17823 ; dam, Homestead St. Lambert 56199. Hazel St. L. 100035 IS 10 314 8 7 days 4 Miss Daisy L. 130961 15 3 263 12 7 " 5 Homestead Victor Fogis 9th. 34924— Sire, Homestead Victor Pogis 26535; dam, Meek Lucy 57879. Zeno Wells 130448 ' 17 2 266 6 7 days 10 10 Honduras 19703— Sire, Nellie's Professor 14475 ; dam. Little Barefoot 16029. Daisy Bell C. 112112 12 1.7 Hi 3.8 253 4 7 days 7 6 Honest King 38268— Sire, King of "St. Lambert 15175 ; dam, Elsie Dee 18057. Honest Butterfly 129994 .' IG 7 219 2 7 days 7 Honest Missie 129993 14 3 181 15.5 7 " 4 4 Rosa Butterfly 163761 20 12 287 12 7 " 8 Honoria's Prince 33516— Sire, Garfield of Woodstock 25621; Princess Bet 164179 15 6 Princess Jen 164180.. 16 6 Princess Wanderer 164547 15 13 dam, Princess Honoria 62548. 275 8 7 days 3 7 266 13 7 " 4 6 304 4 7 " 3 Hood Farm Golden I-ad 64268— Sire, Financial King 57788 ; Belle 2d of Hood Farm 191862 *273 7.5 321 11.6 " " " " " " *409 12.3 482 1 dam. Silent 114438. 6586 8 1 year 8027 12 1 " Hood Farm Pogis 40684— Sire, Oonan's Pogis 17165 ; dam, Kathletta's Fancy 60738. Edy Pogis 163767.. Oonan 4th of Hood Farm 134745. Oonan 7th of Hood Farm 138516. *498 12 11 11.6 14 15 22 19 38 14 586 *14 12 10 2.5 7 9 7 11 15.5 246 249 352 319 621 240 9726 VContinued on next page.'] 7 days 7 " 10 " 7 " 14 " 7 " 1 year 7 days 3 9 5 4 4 7 T, 5 9 10 N. E.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star («), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a daeeer (t) All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS n ■" Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Oonan 8th of Hood Farm 139599 15 14.5 '248 5 7 days 4 9 ' " " " 12 9.3 *14 12.8 ' 211 11 7 " 5 Oonan nth of Hood^Farm 143105 14 8.5 225 15 7 " 2 10 " " " ■•" " " " *498 1.2 585 15.3 9128 6 1 year 4 10 ' ' " *250 8.4 294 11.7 5141 1.6 120 days 6 10 Oonan 14th of Hood Farm 147794 14 3 223 9 7 " 2 11 " ' " " " " 12' 11.4 *li 15.3 287 9 7 " 4 Oonan 15th of Hood Farm 150407 .'' 14 6 238 3 7 " 2 10 Oonan 17th of Hood Farm 152433 15 2 216 1 7 " 3 6 ' " " " *504 692 15 8995 3 1 year 4 9 " " " " " ; 13 7.5 *15 15.4 282 11 7 days 4 10 Oonan 19th of. Hood Farm 154037 *12 5.4 14 8.3 232 14.4 7 " 6 10 Oonan 23d of Hood Farm 163228 *246 ,7 289 14.9 5087 120 " 4 10 Oonan 26th of Hood Farm 153470 -. . •445 6 623 13.5 8274 6 1 year 3 5 Oonan 43d of Hood Farm 176104 .,...,,'• '269 3.6 316 11.7 4880 13 1 " 2 .2 " " " " " ...^ '344 4.6 405 0.7 6634 4 1 " 3 3 Oonan 45th of Hood Farm nVseS "349 12.2 411 7.7 6329 11 1 " 2 3 Oonan 49th of Hood Farm 184793 *292 5.4 343 14.8 5249 14 1 " 1 10 Hood Farju Pogis ^th 55552— Sire, Hood Farm Pogis 40684; dam, Figgis 7610G. Figgis 2d. of Hoo'd Farm 171661 *322 10 379 9 6387 9 1 year 2 1 Figgis 3d" of Hood Farm 171652 -"423 11.4 498 7.8 8871 15 1 " . 4 10 " ' " *464 10.4 646 10 9642 15 1 " 5 11 Figgis 5th of Hood Fwm 171654 *295 12.8 348 .5509 10 1 " 2 5 Figgis Sth of Hood Farm 175779 *305 13.6 369 13.2 5367 6 1 " 2 4 Figgis 11th of Hood Farm 177352 •292 0.4 343 9 6210 11 ' 1 " 2 1 Figgis i7th of Hood Farm 188308 *%i\ 4.3 460 5 7162 10 1 " 3 6 Figgis 20th of Hood Farm 190306 ^473 14.4 657 8.6 8182 1 " 2 5 Figgis 27th of Hood Farm 196930 "423 5.1 498. 6913 4 1 " 3 S Figgis 28th of Hood Farm 198779 ^304 0.9 357 11 5743 11 1 " 2 5 Figgis 2dth of Hood Farm 201845 •288 1.9 338 16 5664 12 ,1 " 2 1 Figgis 31st of Hood Farm 202311 *311 4.4 366 3 5866 10 1 " 3 Hood Farm Torono 60326— Sire, Torouo 25204; dam, Tormentor's Lass 59832. Hood Farm Tonona 2d 189729 *330 2.8 388 7 6848 9 1 year 2 11 Lady Mel Figgis 171641 "381 6 448 10.8 7297 6.4 1 " 2 6 " 14 7 254 7 days 2 7 Lass 3d of Hood Farm 167900 *14 8.2 17 1 261 6.4 7 " 5 2 Lass 4th of Hood Farm 176269 •336 3 396 8.2 5845 4 • 1 year 1 10 Lass 18th of Hood Farm 189732 •456 13 537 7 9034 10 1 " 3 11 Lass 21st of Hood Farm 189738 ♦369 12.4 435 7067 1 " 3 3 Lass 24th of Hood Farm 189741 ^329 6.4 387 8.5 6492 1 " 2 4 Merry Miss 180051 *510 15.5 601 2.2 11152 1 " 2 6 H. O. P. 37104— Sire, Pope St. Lambert 19850; dam, Lily Parmier 59591. ' Dallas Creampot 114868 17 3 226 7 7 days 3 3 Hop's C. B. 121510 14 10 198 13 7 " 4 3 Hopeful, P.S. 2584 H.C.— Sire, Golden, P.S. 2166 H.C. ; dam, St. Brelade's Grey Princess 162124. Hopeful Gray Mousy 180245 14 12 277 '3,2 7 days 7 7 Hopmeadow Gold Coast 59613— Sire, Flo Flo's Gold Coast 50026; dam, Mary Hamilton 2d 88754. Penshurst Flo-Flo 206061 *12 1.15 14 3.2 218 12.8 7 days 4 7 Horace, P.S. 94 H.C— Slrej Nonpareil, P.S. 37 H.C. ; dam, Young I'atricia, P.O. 35 H.C. Matin 7768 17 11 265 4 7 days 9 Hornbeam 2123— Sire, Marius 760 ; dam, Emily Hampton 1912. Troth 6139 16 5 223 4.8 7 days 4 j^^ B. Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is . e-itimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official hutter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 78 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Hot Corn 58674 — Sire, Companion's Tormentor 47650 ; dam, Mirror's Belle 128346. Lutie Kabo 177028 21 8 294 7 days 3 1 Honghton 5886— Sire, Duke of Darlington 2460 ; dam, Myra 2d 6289. Nuphar Houghton 36364 15 3 186 7 7 days 5 6 Houp-La, P.S. 2793 H.C.— Sire, Euclid, P.S. 2239 H.O. ; dam, Oxford Lass, P.S. 3582 C. Gamboge's Gray Princess 180266 18 1 299 7 days 5 4 Huckleberry Finn 25441— Sire, Diploma 16219 ; dam, Clemmie H. 16827. Belturia 87920 U 'J 280 7 days 8 9 Hndson Fogis 66647— Sire, Hood Farm Pogis 9th 55552; dam, Sophie Hudson 76105. Hood Farm Trut 189747 *544 0.8 640 9963 8 1 year 3 3 Hughes 954— Sire on I. of J. ; dam, Daffie 2.522. Gentle of Glastonbury 4651 14 7 days Hugh J. 37569— Site, Captain Fox 23942; dam. Flora G. 38119. Mildred Margaret 112593 14 4 254 7 days 4 9 Hugo Chief of St. Anne's 12070— Sire, Lord Banff 11110; dam, Queen of St. Anne's 25713. Daisy of Malone 36505 18 5 269 7 days 11 2 Massena 4th 47342 14 194 8 7 " 8 7 Topsy of Malone 49478 55 12 790 8 31 " 2 1 " 14 4 192 7 " 2 2 Hugo Lofty 29176— Sire, Baron Hugo 15208; dam, Miss Lofty 9718. Alchesleda 103710 15 6 235 4 7 days 3 7 Hugo Fogis of Elmarch 16318— Sire, Pripce of St. Lambert 5287; dam, Nelida 3d 11360. Imperial Pansy Pogis 49750 12 7.7 "14 10.9 283 1.6 7 days 9 9 Hugo Fogis of St. Anne's 19316— Sire, Orloff's Stoke Pogis 11157; dam, Cora Linn of St. Anne's 27666. Jemele 2d 101437 15 7 247 7 days 4 8 Hugo Fogis W. 59835— Sire, Winnie's Hugo Pogis 35620; dam, Zaua Dimple's Euby 1J3038. Princess of Berea 2d 167204 16 4.5 223 10 7 days 6 3 Hugo's Bonanza 24052— Sire, Welcome Pogis 16588 ; data, PCugo Beauty 31576. Nancy of Glen Rouge 111588 16 4 275 2 7 days 10 3 Queen May of Greenwood 112458 17 14.25 294 6 7 " 5 9 Hulabaloo 6788— Sire, Uproar 4609 ; dam, Emily Hampton 1912. Hulabaloo's Flora 111164 15 13 298 7 days 6 11 Hulda's Duke 23810— Sire, Jay Gould 15S54 ; dam, tlulda R. 16497. Ella's Tina 68408 14 9.75 242 14 7 days 6 3 Hulee 18209— Sire, Tormentor 3533; dam, Silicon 25577. Hazel Lee 76864 16 l.B -237 7 days 2 8 Orange Extra 133951 18 226 7 " 4 9 Hnrd's Dandy 1627— Sire, Wethersfield 966; dam, Kizzie 3344. Princess Inez 6402 14 2 203 14 7 days 9 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star ('), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dageer O). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES VVriH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 79 Peeiod Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Kurd's Ivanhoe 1522— Sire, Zany 551 ; dam, Blooming Beautj' 2584. Orphean 4636 15 7 179 7 days 8 6 Hurrah 2814— Sire, Col. Crockett 1694 ; dam. Village Girl 5744. Goldie La V. 2d 26319 14 1.5 157 7 days 7 2 Hurrah Pansy 12153 14 1.5 166 7 " 4 9 Value 2d 6844 125 3.9 327 7 " 7 4 Hussar 23890— Sire, Diploma 1C219 ; dam, Comanca 19389. Flor 99226 17 0.5 235 12 7 days 6 2 Icaris' Patriot 52743— Sire, Patriot 30159; dam, Icari.s 75327. Zaza of Menio 147312 ^193 14. 228 1.3 4653 11.2 120 days 7 2 Ida and Allie's Iiandseer 43456— Sire, King of St. Lambert 35175; dam, Landseev's Duchess 94257. Edna Jenks 153079'. 15 3 228 7 days 2 11 Massie's Brown Bessie 139829 15 7 284 10 7 " 4 Ida of St. liambert's Bull 19169— Sire, Stoke Pogis 5th 5987; dam, Ida of St. Lambert 24990. Anthology 100975 18 2.25 252 7 days 5 10 Beauty oi Meridale 114744 16 0.75 215 15 7 " 2 6 " 18 12.5 305 2 7 " 3 7 " " " " 20 5 300 14 7 " 4 7 " " " 39 12.5 596 4 14 " 4 7 Diana of Meridale 114745 15 1 210 3 7 " 4 6 Flora of Meridale 124427 17 4.5 235 6 7 " 4 4 Flower. of Meridale 64537 14 1 224 2 7 " 3 1 " 26 11.5 356 8 7 7 " 6 11 Ida Mary Pogis 56126 14 2 150 14 7 " 2 10 Ida's Alpha 64536 15 10 199 12 7 " 3 3 , 25 15.75 280 12 7 " 7 2 Ida's. Mysinda 64868; 16 11 213 8 7 " 2 7 Ida's Rose of St. Lambert 71555 14 15 231 10 7 " 2 2 ' ' " 21 1.5 313 12 7 ' 5 1 " " " " " 40 2.5 607 14 " 5 1 "' " " " " 14 12 *17 5.6 280 2 7 " 7 2 Meridale Beauty Dee 97738 14 9 211 12 7 " 4 3 ~Meridale Coquette 64535 17 202 2 7 " 2 6 Meridale Oaklands Nora 64785 15 1 174 6 T " 2 5 Meridale Paletta 124428 15 11.75 230 12 7 " 3 " 19 5 293 5 7 " 4 1 Meridale Rioter Pink 64534 15 13 252 9 7 " 7 Meridale Sweet Ida 94854 14 5 203 7 " 3 8 " " " " 20 8 320 7 7 " 4 7 Meridale Victoria 94848 -■•• 18 7.25 315 1 7 " 4 9 Nofa Pogis 75345 1* 9 199 6 7 " 2 5 ~" " - '< " 21 14.75 283 8 7 " 5 Pansy of Meridale 128973 14 7 257 8 7 " 3 2 >J?au;etta Pogis 2d 114134 14 6 183 2 7 " 3 9 Priscilla's Ida. Pogis 117750 16 8.75 259 10 7 " 6 8 Queen of Pomona 56250 16 6 188 8 7 " 2 4 Sheldon's Daisy's Ida 101059 14 2 195 7 " 2 1 Sweet Coqueie 135663..* 15 2 252 11 7 " 3 5 Ida of St. Ii.'s Last Son 23601— Sire, Stoke Pogis 5th 5987; dam, Ida of St. Lambert 24990. Ida Signodelle U0369 15 1-5 248 7 7 days 5 6 Kitty's Ida 97736... 18 8 319 6 7 " 4 5 Little Ida Hilda 97739 15 8.. 239 7 " 4 2 N B —Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (f). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 80 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period OF lEST Age OF Cow Fat Butter Milk Ida of St. Ii.'s Stoke Fogis 45111— gii-e, Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 10160; dam, Louisa Obella 37000. Dorry Dale 164773 U 4 234 7 days 3 5 Ida's Champion Rioter 42231— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656; dam, Rebekah I'orrey 80587. Beauty of Richmond Hill 142985 Guenon's Lad's Bluebelle 170915 'SOT Lucille Rioter 130770 Rioter's Golden Lady 151693 Rioter's Lamberta 132165 Rioter's Pretty Queen 149515 Signalina Rioter 130769 Ida's Coquette Fogis 43044— Sire, Ida of St. Lambert's Bull Coquette 41070. Ida Mary's Coquette 148731 Ida's Coquette's Katy 148752 Ida's Troll of Meridale 148743 Matin of Meridale 148750 Meridale Ida's Barbara 198267 Meridale Lois D. 171882 Pearl of Meridale 148817 Veenie of Meridale 148739 Ida's Harry Tormentor 27836— Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19160; dam. Miss Peacock 30871. Ida of Maple Glens 97785 14 5 194 5 7 days 2 2 596 7.5 9122 32.8 1 year 3 9 14 3.5 185 14 7 days 2 7 15 1 209 1 7 " 2 5 15 4 223 6, 7 " 3 4 15 7.75 235 8 7 " 2 g 14 7.5 210 5 7 " 3 1 jert s Bull 19169; dam. St. Lambert's 18 259 U 7 days 6 11 17 3 262 14 7 ' 7 4 16 3 242 4 7 ' 7 3 15 16 240 6 7 ' 6 2 17 3 247 7 ' 3 7 17 9 226 12 7 ' 5 2 14 12 240 8 7 • 6 10 16 3 219 7 ■ • 7 4 14 14 219 7 days 3 4 Ida's liandseer 17745— Sire, Ida's Stoke Pogis 13058; dam, Toltec's Fancy Hisson's Oonan 2d 123265. Dolly Lands.eer 70201 Emma Landseer 3d 110513 Hood Farm '\jVaxie 13G397 Idabel Landseer 88399 Ida's Landse^r's Gold 121641. Ida's Myrrha 97939 Ida's Signaline 108819 Kathletta's, Fancy 60738 Lady Gildcnne 108474..... Landseer's -Gilderine 68048. ... Landsecr's Pitapat 145722 Millie M. 81646.- Ida's meridale Victor 32400— Sire, Ida of St. L.'< Matilda 52857. Ida Skirm 115401 Lively Wit 138886 Ida's Fogis 18000— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13650 Ida's Lassie 77315 Koftee's Duchess 2d 57988 Miss Le Gros' Maid 83645. St. Jeannaise 4th 57990 St. Jeannaise 6th 9G564 ; dam, Tol tec's Fancy 27172. 18 1 245 13 7 days 4 14 10 173 7 " 5 11 37 2.25 672 14.5 14 " 5 8 IG 2.5 239 1 7 " 4 8 15 16.25 299 8 7 " 4 U 14 4 ■ 167 7 " 2 11 14 11 216 8 7 " 3 11 16 10 153 7 " 2 2 17, -6.75 344 ^ 9 . 7 " 7 4 20 15.5 402 8 7 " 6 7 14 7 177 8 7 " 4 7 18 8 237 5 7 " 3 2 17 8.5 190 7 " 8 Last Son 23601 ; dam, St. Heller's 15 8.5 291 4 7 days 5 11 15 1 220 4 7 " 4 11 ; dam. La Petite Pogis 28757. 14 9.26 238 7 days 6 5 16 8 283 12 7 " 6 5 17 1 362 7 " 7 S 18 5.75 203 4 7 " 6 11 15 11 304 7 " 6 1 16 1-2.5 302 i 7 " B 7 Ida's Rioter Fancy 25199- Sire, Ida's Landseer 17745; Clydanna 74641 j.j dam, RosaKe Somers 2C929. 16 256 12 7 days 7 11 Ida's Rioter of Coal Hill 19661— Sire, Dauncey Stoke Pogis 16045 ; Angela of Coal Hill 79380 ]5 7 243' 20 5 291 Marjoram of Coal Hill dam-, Irene C. 48422. 9 7 days 6 B 3 7 " 6 3 estiSat^-o'^nteTals'^»f t ^^.^^t^^t^tl^V^^^^^J^^Z Ha^ ^t"rA\? amounts are m pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months marked by a dagger (tj. AH '- ^- r^TT 1 ;#!i«*»4;S;<^ Journalist 53541 (Page 88) Four tested daughters, all with year's authenticated tests. Bred by C. E. Still, Kirksville, Mo. ; owned by Estate of W. S. Ladd, Portland, Oregon. L ■.•IW45 Little Harry 8808 (Page :03) Twelve tested daughters, two of them in the Jersey herd at the Columbian Exposition. Bred by Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. ; owned by Sam. N. Warren, Spring Hill, Tenn. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 81 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Ida's Rioter of Prospect 45285^5ire, Ida's Kioter of St. L. 13656; dam, Bess Pogis of Prospect 87045. Brunhild of Prospect 138779 14 14.5 264 4 7 days 3 8 Ida's Rioter of St. t. 13656— Sire, Bachelor of St. Lambert 4558; dam, Ida of St. Lam- bert 24990. Calculus 75J85 14 2 198 4 7 days 4 " - 23 11.5 '-347 12 7 " 4 H Crown 75198.. .' ,. 14 14.5 173 7 " 2 10 20 12 310 4 7 " 4 5 Dairymaid of St. Lambert 112483..' 16 12.5 243 12 7 " 3 8 Daisy Hinraan 61537 3—24 10 /.296 4 7 " 5 2 " :. 102 1308 14 31 " 5 3 * " 127 9.9 *150 2.3 2677 12.8 90 " 7 5 Dew 62474 16 7 181 7 " 4 2 Experience 62458 .- 22 13 276 4 7 "* 4 1 Fible 62520 I -26 5.25 304 7 " 6 1 " 52 !■ i-«ll 14 " 6 1 Fancy Work 116422 18 2 " 168 7 " 4 1 Friendship 62460 17 3 276 12 7 " 2 9 Good Advice 62476 •. 19 5.25 215 7 " 4 10 Helpmeet 62459 17 15.5 202 4 7 " 3 9 Highland Ida 38427 18 1.5 279 8 7 " 4 9 Ida Eva 'Pogis 39271 18 6 245 8 7 " 4 Ida Marigold 32615 , » -25 2.5 244 8 I__^ 5 4.- " 164 4.88 *M "4.3' 3448 4.8 90 '^' 7 11 " 48 9.6 '57 2.8 985 12.8 30 " 8 2 Ida's Rioter's Elopement 98412 19 15.25 263 ' 7 " 4 4 Ida Twinkle 36994 ,. 23 2.5 266 4 7 " 4 11 Ida Zoe Pogis 38685 16 2.6 172 6 7 " 3 9 lo of Prospect 123431 18 0.75 256 12 7 " 4 3 Matilda 4th's Daughter 88644 16 10 244 4 7 " 8 3 Matilda of Meridale 57176 14 14 164 13 7 " 3 7 " 18 3 211 7 " 5 10 " " " ""23 5.75 1-307 12 7 " 8 2 Matilda^s Queen of St. L. 93746 18 13.25 219 7 " 4 6 Metaphysics 100974 23 2.25 256 7 " • 3 1 Missal- 109065 21 11.25 238 8 7 " 3 11 Obelisk 100963 .-. 19 8.75 231 8 7 " 5 2 Pomona of Prospect 123426 .-. 20 6.25 215 7 " 2 6 Ribbon of St. Lambert 39450 18 2 206 7 " 8 6 Rioter's Violet Pogis 75342 14 IS 190 14 7 " 3 St. Lambert's Crescent 39711 22 10 294 7 " 5 Snow Bank 75X84 16 7 198 7 " ' 2 11 Spelling School 123427 19 0.25 176 4 7 " 3 5 The Queen's Gift 75186 17 11 152 9 7 " 3 " 22 9 323 12 7 " 6 7 Ida's Rioter of St. L. Jr. 39616— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 1365C ; dam, Ribbon's Ma- tilda 66109. Bessie Lavaun 164774 15 i 226 U 7 days 2 9 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 5th 34947— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656; dam. Frankness 62451. Croatia 125961 " " 191 7 days 4 3 Miss Juanita 119249 17 5.5 262 12.5 7 " 4 8 Ida's Eioter of St. X.. 9tli 41010— Sirs, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 ; dam. Pride of Ingle- side 54545. Integrity 2d 161743 18 ^-^ 337 8 7 days 5 10 Loretta D. 141708 616 607' 0.9 9294 1.6 1 year 5 5 ' *16 10.4 19 9.4 307 3.2 7 days 5 8 .. " " *280 2.6 329 9.6 5802 11.2 120 " 7 8 Miss Tilda 155860 •_ *13 9-6 16 302 5 7 " 7 1 N B— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official Dutter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All t^nounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 82 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat BuiTER Mii.k of Test of Cow Ida's Rioter of St. t. 17th 42228— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 1365G; dam, Mamie II. Pogis 57050. Marjoram of Maplefront 127297 15 1.6 215 3 7 days 2 4 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 18th 42252— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13G.5G ; dam, Candela- brum 75187. Beth of Qearview 131912 15 1.5 254 12 7 days i Dixie of Clearview 139660 17 8 262 12 7 " 3 n Neva of Clearview 124491 18 2.5 258 11 7 " 2 10 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 30th 47704— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13C56 ; dam. Flower of Meridale 64537. Heroine of Prospect 156967. Portia of Prospect 138783... Ruth of Prospect 138931 14 5.75 211 7 days 2 ( 22 8 345 13 7 " 4 4 15 7.75 202 4 7 " 2 6 14 13.5 218 12 7 days 3 4 15 8 240 14 7 " 4 11 16 15 231 8 7 " 3 14 7.5 220 14 7 " 4 3 21 14.6 325 3 7 " 4 Ida's Rioter of St. L.'s Son 28869— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13(550: dam Slav Dao Pogis 30993. , y j^-ta Colza Melrose 93859 May Dee Pogis of C. H. 93568 Son's Princess 118386 Southern Bell of C. H. 93665 Surprise Melrose 93562 Ida's Rioter's Prince 32355— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13050; dam Sister of Charity 62453. Madame Melrosa 103186 16 3 179 15 7 days 2 5 Ida's Rioter Stoke Pogis 26496— Sire, Ida's Itioter of St. L. 13050 ; dam. Sweet Blossom Pogis 36995. Sunny of Cedar Hill 90410 19 5 298 7 days 5 11 Ida's Signal St. Lambert 50584— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 20th 43916- dam An tela 118930. ' ' «Eura Barmaid 180129 16 14.5 275 3 7 days 5 4 Ida's Spot of St. L. 15442-Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656; dam, Spot's Cherie 14973 Ida of Oakland 2d 72061 I5 o.5 185 6 7 days 4 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658— Sire, Bachelor of St. Lambert 4558; dam Ida of m- Lambert 24990. . , ,iaa ot 6t. Bessie Lewis 66379 Calisida 76889 Carida. 37322 Daisy Brown 2d 37325.. Dame Ida 76878... Denise's Ida 54942 Edith Golding 63709.. Gavotte 64205 Heritage 50077 /^Hyacinth Pogis 66020. Idalette Pogis 64220... Ida Longfield 64227. . . . Idarella 41433 Id^'s Dream 50070.. Ida's Fawn 56018. >'32 i 349 7 7 days 8 9 14 4 176 13' 7 " 4 6 lb 6 190 8 7 " 3 11 lb 10.6 256 8 7 " 7 4 16 7.5 224 12 7 " 6 r 15 3.6 244 7 " 9, 3 17 15.5 309 7 " 6 1 9U 6.25 1243 6.5 30 " 7 1 ■, 19 1.26 260 7 " 4 8 14 14 225 7 " 6 ?, 15 4 235 5.5 7 " 7 ? 16 16 240 10 7 " 4 15 6 187 8 7 " 4 3 lb 4.25 223 13.5 7 " 6 8 14 7.5 191 8 7 " 4 3 18 0.5 241 1.26 7 " B 6 15 0.13 204 7 " 3 7 16 0.6 136 14 7 " ?. 7 .40 We 8.6 570 6.5 14 •■ 7 » 1.5 244 13 7 " 3 8 [0. All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are^in years and months. 84 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age IfAt Butter Milk of Test of Cow In-and-in Bred S. P. Third 22595— Sire, Oaklands John Bull 16587; dam, Mermaid of St. LamberL 2d 39309. Ollie Wilkes 77402 14 14 288 4 7 days 6 3 Position 77405 18 218 4 7 " ' 7 4 Inauguration 37786— Sire, Little Harry 8808 ; dam, Oonazoluss 77481. Bessie of Millbrook 139141 14 3 230 1 7 days 6 7 Purity of MiUbrook 135509 15 8 236 5 7 " 3 1 Indiaman 2071 — Sire, Vespucius 758 ; dam, Ibex 2724. Vespucia 17455 14 4 7 days 3 7 Indian 1721— Sire, Vespucius 758; dam. Ibex 2724. May Indian 16075 14 5 110 12 7 days 10 6 Inez Marigold Pogis 58672— Sire, Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 ; dam, Inez of Riverside 51781. Holyoke's Vesta 3d 179462 14 5 225 6 7 days 4 Josie of Eau Claire 2d 179618 17 4 284 1 • 7 " 2 7 Queen Bee of Orchard Farm 179643 14 10 229 15 7 " 3 7 Inez' Stoke Pogis 51942— Sire, Tivoli St. Lambert Pogis 37466; dam, Inez of Riverside 51781. Waxie of Bleak House 2d 218426 15 2 243 6 7 days 3 2 59 6.75 980 4 28 " 3 2 Insie's Victor 16133— Sire, O'Malley 6441 ; dam, Insie of Riverside 23825. Dot Ramsey 2d 87930 14 13.75 214 14 7 days U 7 Insie's C. of A.'s Gazelle 87931 20 0.5 222 15 7 " 10 4 " • " 80 13.25 982 11 30 " 10 4 Interested King, P.S. 2841 C— Sire, Gamboge Hero, P.S. 2416 C. ; dam. Compound In- terest 152193. Madeleine of the Island 177748 14 6.9 16 15.6 256 14 7 days 4 9 Interested Prince 58224— Sire, Alexie, P.S. 2656 H.C. ; dam. Compound Interest 152198. Interested C. Tones 181981 *339 5.3 399 3.4 6186 15 1 year 2 7 Interested Dorothy's Alice 201242 • •331 2 389 9 5109 2 1 " 2 11 Interested Duke's Tones 192241..... ♦367 7.8 432 B.4 6514 1 1 " 2 6 Interested Nutley Tones 188108 "351 10.3 413 11.2 6184 15 1 " 2 9 Interested Owl's Beauty 193937 3427 0.7 502 6 7272 3 1 " 2 9 Interested Rachel 188114 *368 6.3 433 6 6154 6 1 " 3 3 Interested Silverette 188107 "269 1.7 316 9.5 4919 12 1 " 2 2 Interested Spot's Duchess 193926 ^♦352 15.5 415 4 6348 12 1 " 3 7 Interested Veda 181975 ^454 12.2 535 0.3 7248 4 1 " 4 1 Interested Victor's Rachel 188230 *329 10.8 387 13.6 6433 14 1 " 2 1 Interested Violet 188231 *350 5.8 412 3 7416 6 1 " 2 7 Matilda's Interest 188175 "308 4.9 362 11.4 6612 11 1 " 2 9 f" , " "12 14 8.9 289 1.6 7 days 5 3 Intrepid 5511— Sire, Mercury 432; dam, Clothe 2566. Fillpail 16530 15 11 183 13 7 days 2 5 Ionia's June Pogis 46275— Sire, June Pogis 19872 ; dam, Ionia Rioter of St. L. 38681. Blanche of Fairchild 156773 18 12 320 6 7 days 2 11 Iowa Prince 2727— Sire, Sweepstakes Duke 1905 ; dam, Maid of the Mist 2546. Prince's Nellie 23719 14 6 234 12 7 days 5 1 Iowa's Pogis Chief 24060— Sire, Khedive's Pogis Chief 17540; dam, Mehitable Phillips 14285. Sobriquet 68028 21 3 279^ i 7 days 6 11 N. B— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 8? Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Iron Bank 1120— Sirp on I. of J.; dam, Birdie 2G11. Lebanon Daughter 6106 14 4 260 7 days 5 9- Lebanon Lass 6108...'. 14 2 270 8 7 " 5 8 Vaniah 6597 15 9.5 216 4 7 " 7 4^ Willis 2d 4461 16 3 360 11 7 " 5 4 Isaac B. 1951— Sire, Matchem 747; dam, Atheita 2152. Lily of Maple Grove 5079 16 3 204 4 7 days 5 10- Isabella's Combination 34757— Sire, Cocotte's Rioter 25255 ; dam, Isabella's Rioter 63401.^ Combination's Irene 135549 13 15 218 7 days 4 3 Hickory's Rissa 117093 14 10 290 7 " 6 7 Isabelle's Golden I^ad 62833— Sire, Golden Mon Plaisir 5993G ; dam. Golden Isabella 1574C0. Isabelle's Princess 188679 14 202 7 days 2 " 15 12 253 8 7 " 3 0- " "15 3.6 17 14.6 263 2 7 " 4 1 Ishmael Hurd 1548— Sire, Major Tunxes 1547; dam. Buck's Kate 34G3. Meg Mitchell 4187 15 3 7 days 5 7 Ismena's Prince 20041— Sire, Prince of St. Lambert 52S7; dam, Ismena of St. Helier 23366. Maria of St. Lambert 64908 20 3.5 216 8 7 days 5 4 Jack Dasher 932— Sire, Tom Dasher 420 ; dam, Judy 691. Duchess of Argyle 3758 14 13 198 12 7 days 9 9- Jack Frost of St. Lambert 2419— Sire, Buffer 2055; dam. Pride of Windsor 483. Cill of Glen Rouge 13818 16 6 259 7 days 4 4 Coquette of Glen Rouge 17559 15 1.5 209 7 " 3 2 " " " " 22 14 232 10 7 " 9 IL " " " " 93 4 1014 2 31 " 9 11 Honeysuckle of St. Anne's 18674 14 14 285 7 " 3 9 14 14 285 7 " 4 7' Jack Libby 3307— Sire, Sweepstakes Duke 1905 ; dam. Alpha 2d 5352. Lydia Libby U698 15 3 266 4 7 days 4 1. Jack Lyman 71687— Sire, Pierrot L.yman 41822; dam, Dorothy Lyman 109056. Hood .Farm Elsie 193241 *13 7.5 15 13.5 277 11.2 7 days 7 2' Jacqnot, P.S. 63 C— Sire, Stockwell 2d, P.S. 24 H.C. ; dam, Jeanneton, F.S. 237 C. Reception S557 19 S 7 days " 21 4.5 265 7 " 10 2" Jalisco of Sennett 21581— Sire, St. Helier of Sennett 14905; dam, Pyrola of Sennett 33325. Volie of Sennett 2d 78638 M 13 242 7 days 7 0- Jason Jr. 3270— Sire, Jason 1550 ; dam, Lady Reynolds 3808. Rioter Alphea 10091 16 7 7 days 6 3 Rioter Rhea 10092 19 3.5 270 8 7 " 7 4 Jay St. Lambert 32813— Sire, Canada's John Bull 5th 20092; dam, Jayori-L24655.. ■ Emerald's Daisy 100273 22 8 317 8 7 days 4 6 Jazel 3501— Sire, Sweepstakes Duke 1905; dam, Flying, P.S. 18 H.C. Jazel's Maid 11011 "6 250 U 7 days 3 9 Sweet Rock 2d 18256 14.11.5. ...v 7 " 4 , 0' N B— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in. pounds and ounces and ages are in years .->nd months. 86 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Jeffersonian 2d 31299— Sire, JefEersonian 20047; dam, Helene of Hazel Dell 49535. Vestal of Milford 104217 14 3 242 10 7 days 4 8 Jefferson Fogis 39615— Sire, Jupiter Pogis 18192; dam, Duchesss Lacy 40380. Daisy Goff 120961 12 7.7 *14 10.9 236 11.2 7 days 7 3 Jersey Boy, P.S. 92 H.C.— Sire, Welcome, F.S. 172 H.C. ; dam, Soiiris, F.S. 1107 H.C. Oaklands Cora 18853 19 9.5 169 7 days 6 2 Jersey Boy Thalma 12511— Sire, Thalma 4288; dam, Oaklands Cora 18853. Lady Thalma 54701 11 ]2 243 8 7 days 6 6 Jersey Express 5771— Sire, Brisk, F.S. 261 C. ; dam on I. of J. Dilwa 30515 la 10 170 8 7 days 7 1 Jersey Jans 38308 16 4.5 222 8 7 " 2 1 Jersey King 879— Sire, Albert 44 ; dam, Grinnella 1302. Bright Lady 6938 14 12 210 11 7 days 8 2 Jersey King 9458— Sire, Farmer's Glory 5196; dam, Violet, F.S. 997 C. Amanda JVIay 83011 14 15.5 261 7 days 5 8 Florine Value 2d 80910 15 1.5 248 7 " 3 7 Hattie Adams 80909 14 226 15 7 " 3 Susie B. of Springvale 24986 17 5 227 2 7 " 4 7 Virgina 80904 16 11.5 280 13.5 7 " 4 2 Woodland Rose 68381 14 .6.5 247 2 7 " 5 4 Jersey Monarch 14084— Sire, Black Trince of Linden 9063 ; dam, Zingara 3d 22081. Greatsna 85823 16 10.5 247 7 days 4 i Lassie of Dundee 94068 18 1 282 4 7 " 5 3 Monarch's Gazelle 97335 16 9 246 3 7 " 6 8 Jersey Pride 2355— Sire, Paddy 899 ; dam, Fair Kose 2897. Jefferson Albina 12196 14 13 186 7 days 4 3 Jersey Prince 1062— Sire on I. of J.; dam, Hattie 739. ___ Lady Palestine 2769 14 5 7 days 5 3 Jessie's Pogis 16221— Sire, Duke of St. Albans 11234; dam, Jessie W. 18463. Jessie's Boss 96891 16 5.5 256 11.5 7 days 9 11 Jethro 5218— Sire, Indiaman 2071; dam, Ruby Adams 4282. Pandothra 22383 17 5 196 7 days 2 1 Jeweler 1385— Sire, Mogul 532 ; dam, Jewel Beauty 2d 1701. Lady .ulice of Hillcrest 7450 16 3 7 days 4 4 " " " " 18 6 216 7 '• 12 Olive Uranch of Hillcrest 7447 15 7 224 6 7 " 7 4. Tib's Jewel 6808 14 4 228 8 7 " 8 Jim, P.S. 346 H.C— Sire, Farmer's Glory 5196 ; dam, Russy, F.S. 2101 C. Jim's Pride 31376 18 3 178 8 7 days 4 11 Jimmy, on I. of J.— - Young' Fanny 9032 17 o 309 3.2 7 days 3 2 J. J. Signal 40512— Sire, Signalda's Torment 14673; dam, Satala 50074. Execute 140937 14 o 209 10 7 days 4 3 Siglolias 151127 14 7 233 2 7 " 3 6 So Many More 143874 14 15 214 10 7 " 3,3 Very Much More 140733 15 5 238 8 7 " 3 11 24 2 260 2 7 " 6 3 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AU amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. ' , ,. ■ . ,q, SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 87 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Joel of Fittsford Farms 28450— Sire, Duke of St. Lambert 16160; dam, Charity of St. Lambert 6638. Mabel's Gazelle 126815 16 6 212 8 7 days 6 10 " " " 20 9 297 4 7 " 7 9 Joe liozer 7538— Sire, Happy Nicli 4831 ; dam, Jenny Wren 2d 10344. Lady Mitchell 29214 14 12.25 252 9.6 7 days 10 Joey's Stoke Pogis 28463— Sire, Stolse Pogis 5th 5987 ; dam, Joey of Prospect 27022. Patty Altama 138644 m 6.4 14 9.4 208 1 7 days 11 5 Shorty of O. 111979 *446 14.8 525 12.7 8157 '2 1 year 11 9 ' "14 16 7.5 280 8 7 days 12 John Betsy's Fogis 46325— Sire, John Betsy 42084; dam, Kah Pogis 72732. Ettie Denham 3d 181280 16 12 248 7 days 5 3 John Bull, P.S. 2653 C— Sire, Fontaine's King, P.S. 2207 H.C.; dam. Sultana's Rosette 149740. Fontaine of St. Saviour 180243 16 10 199 10 7 days 7 8 John Doe 36794— Sire, St. Helier of Hanover 22984 ; dam, Martoto 50766. AUie of Lake Grove 166827 15 2 278 9 7 days 7 8 Princess of Lake Grove 168012 14 4 235 1 7 " 6 U John Gilpin 2igg—Sire, Graylock 740; dam, Nellie of Orange 5028. Effie of Verna 8928 14 6 216 8.25 7 days 6 1 Emily of Hillside 8073 16 4 229 10 7 " 4 11 John Knox 3289— Sire, Red Cloud 2d 2260 ; dam, Lady Pigot 2d 5798. Aleph Judea 11389 15 1.75 241 8 7'days 3 10 '• 18 1.5 314 13 7 " 5 8 Judith Coleman 11391 17 5 208 8 7 " -2 11 " IS 4 256 10 7 " 4 9 John te Brocq 5424-^Sire, Victor, P.S. 148 H.C. ; dam, Jenny Le Brocq 9757. Brunette Le Gros 3d 23326 14 9 7 days ' 3 1 John Morrison 4551— Sire, Gilroy 1653; dam, Fawnette of Woodstock 3710. Daisy Morrison 14035 25 12.5 254 7 days 4 4 Johnnie Toots 49953— Sire, Cleora's Gold Coast 31385 ; dam. Miss Toots 81036. Gem of Clover H. Farm 153602 *12 5 14 7.7 259 8.8 7 days 7 8 John of Bdlton 38509— Sire, Tennessee of Bolton 27508 ; dam, Ethel Dee 18073. Iris of Bolton 125536 14 222 1 7 days ,3 g' John Bex 2761- Sire, Rex 1830; dam, Usilda 832. Belle of Echo 12432 14 l*-5 222 7 days 3 2 John Bex 6th 4579— Sire, John Rex 2761 ; dam. Dash 3060. Jim's Glory 60527 14 4 181 6 7 days 5 2 John Bidgely 3045— Sire, Young Sir Davy 3034 ; dam. Button 2d 3160. Bessie Kidgely 8293 W U.5 7 days John Bioter 20695— Sire, Complete 15069; dam. Comparison 34677. Spark 62689 2» » 231 8 7 days 5 4 V B —Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ousces and ages are in" years and months. 88 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Fat Butter Milk Johnson's Acme 3656— Sire on I. of J. ; dam, Sylvie Haughton 8088. Acme's fionnie Bess 31509 14 5 221 10 Ruthione 31514 25 12 263 1 Period Age OF Test of Cow 7 days 7 " John Street 6156— Sire, Double Prize 3117; dam, Flirt ol: Ipswich GG07. Countess of Scarsdale 18633 14 6 230 Jo Jones 3441— Sire, Major Lenoir 1577 ; dam, Nellie 3d 1928. Alice Donnal 12726 14 283 11 7 days 7 days 4 4 Joseph, P.S. 2008 C— Sire, Black Diamond, P.S. 172.j H.C. ; dam. Imported Blue Belle 180234. Harrowgate of Biltmore 127233 18 13.75 330 12 7 days 7 7 Journalist 53541 — Sire, Pedro's Handsome Prince 4271J4 ; dam, Ida's Dream 2d 90217. Gertie Hazel Fern 168675 '340 1.4 400 1.6 6850 4.8 1 year 2 6 Golden Glow 3d 179951 *477 14 562 3.3 8878 1.6 1 " 2 9 Journalist's Lass 184970 *376 15.8 443 S 7160 9.6 1 " 1 10 Pedro's Lemola 174823 *457 6.5 538. 2 9341 12.8 1 " 4 7 Jubilee 2125— Sire, Lord Lawrence 1414; dam, Empresa 2790. Rosy Dream 9S08 19 1 141 6 7 days 5 2 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041-Sire, Etbleel 2d's Aust:lma of Florence 2d 190229 Beauty of Florence 202068 Blossom of Florence 164108 Carola of Florence 180327. Crown of Florence 173035. Dagmar of Florence 120863. Geranium of Florence 180142. Jubilee's Kaleta 178824.... Kaleta of Florence 117316. Letty of Florence 110085 Maudine of Florence 127182. Primrose of Florence 142578. Salome of Florence 120864... •236 10.1 *431 15 Duchess of Florence 129372 Ethleel of Florence 172781 •460 9.5 Fern of Florence 164625 " " " " *552 13.8 *414 12.7 Jubilee 20 16 17 70 27S 18 15 30 608 16 16 61 18 37 18 641 18 650 16 •518 7 Signalome of Flor.ence 195090 Sweet Blossom of Florence 197130.. 16 20 79 17 14 21 609 18 20 2a 20 ]9 39 182-10; 1 14 5.5 6 1.5 11.5 0.5 3 11 6.5 14 14 7 2 8 2 3 2 5 15 1 11 dam, Birdie 230 12 243 10 214 14 946 8 4906 4.8 277 13 313 1 598 3 8S10 8.6 185 1*0 285 11 1146 6 350 4 682 3 253 6 7630 14 250 9670 8 233 10 7261 6.8 239 4 255 15 1032 3 238 7 244 12 282 2 9790 9 228 2 315 410 5 292 2 244 11 481 8 Xicliolson 7 days 7 7 30 120 7 7 14 1 year 7 days 7 30 7 14 7 1 year 7 days 1 year 7 days 1 year 7 days 7 30 7 7 7 1 year 7 days 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 14 " 31676. 4 10 3 1 3 10 3 10 8 5 3 1 3 2 3 2 5 1 4 7 6 4 6 5 11 11 8 9 4 10 4 3 2 4 6 5 5 6 4 9 10 7 ,3 9 U 3 11 3 10 3 10 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 2d 62502^3ire, Jubilee of Bois d-Arc 20041 ; dam. Blossom of Florence 164108. Auselma Signal 2d 183784. •450 15 630 7745 0.8 1 yea: .• . j^^i T •''"r'o'^ii'^^*' ana authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on ths basis of 85% fal in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) AU amounts are m pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months u "y i uiggcr u;. ^ _ Lord Harry 3445 (Pago 105) Seventeen tested daughters. Bred and owned by Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, 1 enn. Lucy's Stoke Pogis 4th 26533 (Page 108) Eleven tested daughters. Bred by H. G. Westlake, Hillsdale, N. Y. ; owned by J. E. Gray & Son, Youngstown, Ohio. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Jubilee's Crown Prlnee 64383— Sire, Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041; dam, Vida's Crown Princess 76010. Dagmar of Florence 4th 199346 17 7 266 2 7 days 4 4 Mab's Crown Princess 190101 18 1.5 264 12 7 " 3 9 Sig Dagmar 4th 183912 21 0.5 283 11 7 " 5 4 Sig Dagmar's Crown 20041B 15 1 218 5 7 " 3 B Judge Hateh 45095— Sire, Cognac 21444 ; dam, Epicure 33345. Senone 145260 16 231 4 7 days 4 1 Judge Mayo 5149- Sire, Bel Caliph 1432; dam, Maple Dale 2907. Molhe Garfield 2d 18662 15 14 162 6 7 days 3 4 Judge Post 29173- Sire, Major Warner 25864; dam, Tachette 60638. Lex Talionis 102390 19 306 10 7 days 6 6 Judge Watson 26286— Sire, Exile's Duke 19795; dam, Success of St. Lambert 28489. Minnie Mignon 90972 14 12 225 1 7 days 4 Judkins 7189— Sire, Pogis Chief 3998; dam, BIyra of Maysville 10302. Patience Pogis 61110 , 15 1 262 12 7 days 10 2 Julia's Prince 17938— Sire, Southern Prince 10760 ; dam. Lady Julia G. 10199. Spangled Princess 117978 15 5 197 10 7 days 2 7 Theroigne 92259 18 11 228 11.25 7 " 6 10 June Pogis 19872— Sire, Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 ; dam, May Dee 18058. Fireside 75194 17 2.5 250 4 7 days 3 4 Summer Morning 75197 ; 16 15 162 8 7 " 3 7 " ; 20 0.5 253 4 7 " 4 4 Jupiter Hugo Pogis 14342— Sire, Victor Hugo Pogis 11256; dam, Lulanette 20046. Mary Palestine 52439 16 7 220 8 7 days 8 Jupiter of Meridale 48177— Sire,Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169; dam. Beauty Dee 18065. Jupiter's Daisy 150507 15 3.5 194 3 7 days 3 9 Ulysses's Girl 154531 14 14 215 12 7 " 4 1 " 16 6 241 7 " 4 1 Jupiter Pogis 18192— Sire, Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 ; dam, Juliette of St. Lambert 5483. Asphodel D. 102411 14 1 233 7 days !) 8 Justa Pogis 64863 14 15.25 262 10.5 7 " 3 8 " 129 11.2 '152 9.4 2745 4.8 90 " 4 8 Signal's Ripple 4th 64862 16 10.25 282 8 7 " 3 11 Justice 9949— Sire, Royalist 3d 4500 ; dam. Queen Tamora 9563. Mary Justice 37449 14 9.5 260 12 7 days 3 10 Justice Byan 60342— Sire, Ryan Toltec 50704; dam. Golden Ceres 96336. Just in Time 177907 *14 0.13 16 7.7 262 12.8 7 days 5 7 Kago 1353— Sire, Sam Weller Jr. 1352 ; dam, Victoria 3175. Massena 25732 20 7 210 11 7 days 8 3 " 162 3 . 1499 10 101 " 9 •■ ' 145 8.5 1822 8 61 " IS Kahela 2859— Sire, Lord Byron 707 ; dam, Lady Gwendoline 2873. La Pera 2d 13404 " 8 210 » 7 days 3U n""b —Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on *he basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 90 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Kansas Niobe Duke 7335— Sire, Taylor 1436 ; dam, Cedar Fairy 16017. Princess Chuck 46650 24 14 242 7 days 6 4 Kapper 2033— Sire, Hamilton 1074 ; dam, Kate K. 3d 3731. Mylitta 15668 16 13 271 5 7 days 4 10 Kapper's Victor 12340— Sire, Kapper 2033; dam, Albert's Glover 2900. Moragina 26344 17 3 233 7 days 7 1 Kate Bess' Rioter Boy 58341- Sire, Rioter Boy B. 52027 ; dam, Kate Bess 81670. Olomona Girl 1S0727 15 12 238 8 7 days 6 2 Kate's Tornado 20888— Sire, Tormentor 3533 ; dam, ICate Gordon 8387. Oonan Pogis 59S35 14 6 215 11.2 7 days 7 4 Kathleen's Son 17660— Sire, Litchfield of Lee Farm 8414; dam, Kathleen of St. Lambert 5122. Eastern Maid 67896 15 3 261 7 days 9 B Kathleen Sheldon 94896 14 4 211 7 " 9 10 Saphie's Daughter 84217 17 12 206 7 " 7 4 Kathy's Stoke Pogis 175avj— Sire, Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658; dam, Kathy Torment 32910. Biizz Pogis 82873 14 9.5 276 12 7 days 5 9 16 8 287 14 7 Coomassie Veda 55838 17. 3 237 11 7 Ernestina 2d 77682 14 8 222 9 7 Idlewild Pogis 80271 .'. . 14 11 218 10 7 Kathy Wilson 104631 16 14 246 7 Misselle 73488 16 5.5 167 10 7 Rompogia 90967 22 2.5 281 1 7 " 8 6 Trilby M. 103547 14 4 240 8 7 " 3 7 7 9 4 1 2 7 2 1 6 2 4 3 Kattie's Prince 22315— Sire, SoHthern Prince 10760; dam, ICattie 41431. Rose Woodmere 91092 19 13 231 13 7 days 3 0_ Katy's Matin Glory 18581— Sire, Matin's Glory 9135; dam, Katy Scituate 29300. Susan W. 77128 ._ 14 2 256 2 7 days 11 B Kenil worth 8091— Sire, Tressilian 3784; dam, Madge Wildfire 11857. Fair Dairy-maid 29839 14 8 182 4 7 days 2 4 Kerchunkus 21111 — Sire, Oonan's Signal 11586 ; dam, Martha Lafayette 17158. Pertinette 70348 14 196 7 days 2 3 Keystone of Highland 53089 — Sire, Eurotas' Hugo Pogis 28476 ; dam Emma's P(?arl 57485. Glenwood's Little Wonder 183360 15 236 8 7 days B i Khedive, P.S. 103 H.C.— Sire, Leo, F.S. 198 H.C. ; dam, Coomassie 11874. Blonde 2d 9268 V f 14 4 204 7 days 6 8 Daisy Queen 9619 16 4 7 " Khedive's Fancy 18180 15 3 219 2 7 " 9 3 Ona 7840 : /20 13 149 6 7 " 6 4 " \22 10.5 362 12 7 " 7 4 Princess 2d 8046 ^46 12.5 299 8 7 " 8 Khedive of Sugar Grove 32295— Sire, Grand Khedive 23801 ; dam. Diamond Rose 25944. Dennevirk 135056 16 1 221 8 7 days 4 2 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked bv a star ('•1 anil hntKr i« estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a daeeer ftl All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. . SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 91 Period Age Fat Butter Mile of Test of Cow Khedive's I.andseer 21926— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777; dam, Toltee's Fancy 27172. Khedive's Fairy 66849 15 7 186 8 7 days 6 4 Khedive's Pearl 71056 14 12 199 12 7 " 4 4 Landseer's Croton Maid 82535 14 15.5 176 12 7 " 2 2 Palm Rose 75110 15 1 190 8 7 " 7 3 Eeve 78944 14 0.5 205 8 7 " 2 9 " 21 12 273 9 7 " 6 10 Rosette M. 78677 14 6.4 193 12.8 1 - 4 4 Killarney 5179— Sire, Chief Baron 208i ; dam. Silver Rose 4753. Mollie Davis 26378 ,.... 16 12.5 199 1 7 days 6 6 Kindergarten's Duke 30065— Sire, Quickstep of Elm Court 20742; dam. Kinder- garten 32597. Blanche Ferry 108501.... 16 5 244 4 7 days 2 8 Massey Polo 3d 99378 14 13.5 209 7 " 3 3 King, P.S. 238 C— Sire, Young Prince, P.S. 182 H. C. ; dam, Judy, F.S. 1590 H.C. Brown Coomassie 20322 14 8 163 8 7 days 6 2 Fill Pail 2d 24388 26 2 207 14 7 " 4 ■ Granny's Gem 30406 16 5.25 164 7 " 3 7 " 21 13.18 179 4 7 " 5 8 Khelula 17970 40 14 397 5 14 " 4 8 " 21 8 184 13 7 " 4 9 " : tl4 6.5 184 3 7 " 4 10 King's Beauty 24397 16 13 196 8 7 " 5 2 King's Erica 22096 16 3.25 248 3.75 7 " 4 6 King's Princess 30948 24 5 232 4 7 " 6 King's Trust 18946 36 6.25 15 " 3 " 18 294 14 7 " 3 4 Royal Lady 22078 14 12 198 12 7 " 5 King 2d 11570— Sire, King, P.S. 238 C. ; dam. Fill Pail 24341. King's Antoinette 40456 Ij 1 102 7 days 2 3 King Albert's Rioter 14533— Sire, Rioja 9727 ; dam, Albert's Etliel 21542. Aunt Lera 77855 14 14.88 273 4 7 days 6 5 King Alden 15tli 53189— Sire, King Alden 31887; dam, Ada F. P. Eric 89040. Ruth of Meridale 148753 15 5 248 6 7 days 6 " " " " 18 15 315 12 7 " 8 8 King Allie 14290— Sire, King of Ashantee 6677; dam, AUie Minka 2d 18989. Allie's Emblem 45620 17 7 209 7 days 4 " 20 221 7 ■' 4 1 Allie's Leaf 45617 16 3 228 12 7 " 5 5 Allie's Queen 45618. 15 2 216 11 7 " 4 10 King Arthur 2170— Sire, Tarquin 750; dam. Empress 216. Dona Marina 7049 18 8 171 4 7 days 8 5 Kingbolt of Bolton 58524— Sire, John of Bolton 38509 ; dam, Duchess of Bolton 98150. Fairy Kingbolt 213277 *12 0.5 14 2.4 231 1.3 7 days 6 3 King Bonner King 61788— Sire, King of St. Lambert's King 30752; dam, Elsie Bonier 78864. Carrie Bonner 172834 IS 256 9 7 days 2 11 " 20 7 297 8 7 " 4 10 Mary H. Bonner 185071 15 7 224 2 . 7 " 2 4 " " ■ " " 15 14 276 14 7 " 4 4 N B Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated, on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 92 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Fat King Coomassie, on I. of J.— Inez of Ingleside 28977 Butter 14 12 AIlLK Period OF Test Age OF Cow 7 days 1 10 King Coomassie Jr. 25856— Sire, King Coomassie 9148 ; dam, Coomassie's Trust 44013. Coomassie's Joyful 112685 King's Pretty Princess 139299.. Massena's Trust 112682 Ona's Legacy 130760.. Bertha Thome 74824 ,Eess of Edgewood 71178.. Dolly of Edgewood 83345. Elsie Coomassie 98081.... Ethel McM. 100267 Fanita Coomassie 150095, May of Edgewood 74825.. Nelly Thorn 83344 Star of Edgewood 74823.. 15 6 240 12 7 days 3 i 15 5 225 2 7 " 3 1 23 7 209 8 7 " 4 9 91 5 897 8 30 " 4 10 15 1 180 6 7 " 3 6 L4S ; dam, KoSfee's Giisette 30433. 16 5 210 4 7 days 4 1 20 6 276 . 2 7 " 4 15 4 174 11 7 " 2 7 20 9.6 289 14.4 7 " 6 1 17 12 231 13 7 " 4 9 15 13 270 14 7 " 4 4 15 3 2i9 8 7 " 3 2 18 3 223 2 7 " 3 1 16 7 234 12 7 " 3 i 10 10 213 4 3 King Cotton 25391— Sire, King Coomassie 2d 1954.5; dam, Pridalia 17249. jBelle Cotton 96205 Calico Cotton 143303 Cotton Patchwork 85926.. Gem's Cotton 131114 Isa of Edgewood 96452... Pet Cotton 131526 14 8 226 2 7 days 5 4 21 257 7 " 5 9 16 1 211 11 7 " 4 6 16 4 240 8 7 " 6 » 18 1 224 9 7 " 9 19 12 273 12 7 9 King Jim 24346— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777 ; dam, CEnone 8614. Char King 94793 14 10 194 7 days 7 1 Hebe's Fancy 84314 14 9 230 13 7 " 5 7 Ruby Fair 84594 17 4.5 234 12 7 " 10 7 King John of Woodstock 47869— Sire, King of St. Lambert's Boy 44892; dam. Auspi- cious 68811. Queen Laura Belle 143848.. 15 9 259 12 7 days 4 King Khedive 15886— Sire, Royal Khedive, P.S. 628 H.C. ; dam, Pretty Princess 36344. Khedive's Joyful 88960 17 8 280 i 7 days 5 i King Koffee 5522— Sire, Sir George 7056 ; dam, Coomassie 11874. KofiEee's Grisette 30433 15 7 147 g Koffee's Lily 25515 15 3.5 134 3 King Koffee Jr. 12317- Sire, King Kofifee 5522; dam. Island Star 11870. 7 days 2 8 7 " 2 7 Effie's Girl 103452 King Koffee's Fanny 121589.. King Koffoe's Juliana 161517.. King's June Beauty 108652. .. . King's Sultana 76657 King's Yellow Girl 131210 Weolah of Ingleside 142628... 14 IS 14 23 14 14 14 3.5 4 6 7 8.5 10 6.25 13S> 282 214 288 192 224 283 7 days 7 " 7 •• 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " King Koifee's Count 24405— Sire, King KofCee 5522 ; dam. Fill Pail's Countess 24462. Koffee's Waltz of St. L. 105316 12 9.5 14 13 258 7 days 2 11 King Koffee's Torment 28739— Sire, King Koffee Jr. 12317 ; dam, Romp's Princess 51185, Biserta 2d 151303 'IS 10.6 16 1.2 278 1.6 7 days g i'^\^J~*-'°l',!?'''t^^-''"J'l-"i''l*^ ?"^, a'Jthenticated fat i:stimates are marked by a star (•). and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are maVked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. "iBiscr viy. x^. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 93 King Kyle 30698— Sire, Cinxia's Pansy 137109 Fat Butter Milk Hose Victor 19123 ; dam, Kate Kyle 64434. lb 5 Period OF Test Age OF Cort 290 7 days King of Amherst 25902— Sire, Huanuco 12574; dam, Heatherblossom 9517. King's Charella 80765 King's Fosie 80768 King's Gesnera 98727 King's Lady Natica 8076! King's Nana 1U706 King's Rosella 80767.. King's Stevia 98737... King of Ashantee 6677— Sire, Fairfield 4733; dam, Coomassle 11874. Ashantee's Brunette 65946 Ashantee-'s Lady 35951 Ashantee's Rosy 59258 Lalla Rookh's Queen 65848 King of Belair 21315— Sire, Tormentor 3533; dam, Ethleel 2d 32201. Fanetica 73805 ; 16 8 240 4 15 9.5 160 11 7 days 4 i 15 10 145 12 7 2 9 15 10 158 10 7 2 3 15 8 144 10 7 2 8. 21 7 237 11 7 4 2 40 459 5 14 4 2 15 12.5 205- 14 7 2 9^ 19 Co< 3.5 )massi 191 e 11874. 7 " 2 11 16 7 185 8 7 days 3 8- 16 129 !a 7 " 2 5 14 11 160 7 " 4 & 15 10 226 7 ' 3 » ' days' King of California 34197— Sire, St. Lambert's Hugo 17457; dam, Pansv of Beech- wood 4th 38151. Lilian D. 118290 14 1 245 10 . 7 days King of Chestnut Hill 55075— Sire, St. Heller Albert 47870; dam, Christine of • View 2d 94253. Taidre of Qover Lawn 180767 15 9 255 7 days King of Corfu 50110— Sire, Matilda's Duke 37528; dam. Belle of Corfu 83731. Jacoba Irene 146443.. 587 6 *14 13.1 790 11 *17 U.7 *952 15.4 *20 8.8 691 17 6.9 930 3 20 13.8 1121 - 2 24 2.8 King of Fairview 778— Sire, Rob Roy 17; dam, Eugenie 792. Fair Starlight 7745 17 7.5 Jersey Cream 2d 8519 14 12 10559 4.8 312 3 14252 6.4 344 10.4 17253 3.2 444 6.4 250 1 year 7 days 1 year 7 days 1 year 7 days 7 days 7 " 4 11 Side 5 5. 7 8 7 9' 8 8. 8 10 9 10 9 11 6 S- 5 1 King of Hunt Farm 61697— Sire, George B. Princess of Hunt Farm 187393 Jr. 52689; dam-. Ambassadress 117605. IS 300 9.6 7 days King of Prussia 51563— Sire, Prussian, Prussian Queen 152682 P.S. 2375 H.C. 12 15.4 *15 dam, Dame Pansy 122.510. 4 239 14.4 7 days King of St. Lambert 15175— Sire, Ida's Riotei- of St. L. 13056; dam, Allie of St Lambert 24991. Butterfly of Riverview 3d 85499. Butterfly's Queen 93701 Dainty Doris 85497 Deegold 2d 63082 Elsie Bonner 78864 Elsie of Shadyside 85500 Gazelle's Fawn 93704, King of St. Lambert's -Gem King of St. L.'s Allie 86797. _. 17 265 ' 16 5 228 16 8.5 195 16 2 218 21 299 16 8 200 20 5 251 : >• 25 4.5 333 - 18 227 ' 20 10 291 [Continued on next page,] ■Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by 12 3.2 12 4 14.4 1.6 9 11 7 days 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 7 4 14 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (f). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 94 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Fat King of St. L.'s Armida 150615. King St. Lambert's Pride 160797. . King's Fancy Nenita 114028 King's Gold 63084 King's Lassie 79103 King's Rioter Letty 142295 King's Riotress Nora 142296 May Keller 78874 Melbina 78875 Phillis of St. Lambert 78867 Pomona's May Day Pogis 66249... Oueen Decline 78869 Queen May of St. Lambert 45770. St. L. Gazelle 78870 Sally of St. Lambert 78873 Zetta King 86644 King of St. Iiambert Jr. ' Grace 29437. Emsie of St. Lambert 96428. Eppie Lady Pogis 110638 Grace Sheen 2d 79788 Rush of St. Lambert 61234... 18808— Sire, King of St. Ruth d'Or 115059. Period Age JUTTER Milk OF Test OF Cow 19 2 249 1 7 aays 3 9 38 1.5 489 14 14 " 3 9 22 6 324 12 7 " 4 9 19 12 257 7 •'* 3 8 16 6 241 8 7 " 15 6 18 5 282 7 " 8 3 23 6 318 1 7 " 3 4 23 10 330 3 7 " 3 8 19 8 271 11.2 7 " 6 6 20 2 295 7 " 8 23 12 320 7 " 7 5 15 0.5 188 10 7 " 2 7 20 13.5 290 14.4 7 " 8 2 15 12.5 159 0.5 7 " • 7 5 23 14 299 14 7 " 8 6 16 5 224 7 " 6 8 22 3 312 8 7 7 S Lambert ir.17." ; dan , Louis' 21 1.25 322 11 7 days 4 14 3 . 263 4 7 " 4 14 9.6 229 13 7 " 3 6 14 9.25 270 12 7 " 4 9 17 6.75 252 7 " 7 6 34 12.5 545 15 " 7 6 19 8 294 9 7 " 5 5 King of St. Iiambert 2d 17823— Sire, Lambert 37084. Aurated Pogis 2d 66666 Ho'm.estead Prue 82203 Melia Ann 2d's Pogis 68757 King of St. Lambert 15175; dam, Miss May of St. 16 6 280 5 7 days 4 8 14 13.5 215 6 7 " 4 17 1 296 12 7 " 3 6 King of St. I.ambert 6th 45243— Sire, King of St. Lambert 15175 ; dam, Queen Decline 788U9. . v>! ceu King of St. Lambert's Echo 182546 17 12 241 7 days King of St. L.'s Princess 159684 17 12.5 258 12 7 " King of St. Lambert's King 30752— Sire, Bonner 78864. Ada H. of St. Lambert 163397 Alexia King 170089 Amy H. of St. Lambert 140681 Angela H. of St. Lambert 153506 King of St. Lambert 15175 ; dam, Elsie Babe K. of St. Lambert 133010 Baby K. Pogis 133009 • Comella K. of St. Lambert 132702., Daisy K. of St. Lambert 126948.... Dell K. of St. Lambert 137185 Doris W. 117869 Gazelle of Cherry Farm 163717 Gipsy W. 132879 Harriett J. of St. L. 153612 Keoka H. of St. Lambert 163147... King's Alice Gold 185326. King's Angela 153520 King's Blanche 153450 King's Dimple W. of St. L. 159934. 16 11 14 13 17 15 1 19 5 16 15 20 3 17 S 20 9 20 5 14 9 17 6 16 13 21 4 16 2 16 3 14 5 14 10 14 12 22 1 14 7 245 9 227 189 286 236 233 254 308 295 214 281 223 290 253 226 216 220 206 319 196 9 6.4 6 10 13 11.2 1.6 8 11 1.6 3 14 10 6 14 7 3 6 Wontinued on next page.] Confirnied, butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star The old official butter-tests are marked by 7 days 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 11 6 2 3 11 3 2 8 3 4 2 10 3 4 N. B, _ .„,.., estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in'yearsand months." (*), and butter is a dagger (t). All SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 95 Fat King's Euphorbia 152334 King's Eupidee 163142 King's Fawnette 147367 King's Gazelle Fawn 153509.. King's Huldah H. ISSSiS.... King's Maximum 147232 King's Ora Riotress 143047. Kings Pauline B. 142293.... King's Pogis Maid 142138... King's Priscilla 173007 King's Rioter Max 160935... King's Riotress Elsie 146979 King's Rosa 153511 King's Ruthdale 172832 King's Santa H. 153508 Lady K. of St. Lambert 112294. . . Lady Perfection 2d 128278 Luella K. of St. Lambert 126949. Pogis Fawnette 153243 Ruba K. of St. Lambert 127631... Ruba Stoke Pogis 2d 132703 Santa K. of St. Lambert 127632. Santa Stoke Pogis 2d 128279 Period • Age Gutter Milk OF Test OF Cow 23 1.5 318 3 7 days 3 7 15 4 223 1 7 " 2 3 ■23 2 318 7 " 4 15 2 204 12 7 " 3 19 275 9.4 4680 8 120 " 4 10 26 14 304 5 7 " 7 6 16 212 10 7 " 3 22 1 308 6 7 " 3 2 22 7 309 U 7 " 4 4 17 3 252 10 7 " 3 5 18 3 217 6.4 7 " 3 6 15 6 226 9 7 " 2 2 19 2 310 7 ■■ 3 2 21 2 314 11 7 " 4 3 22 8 306 5 7 " 3 2 15 5 216 1 7 " 3 7 16 4 245 7 7 " 3 3 15 10 242 7 7 " 5 5 24 6 333 6.4 7 " 4 20 6 262 12.8 7 " 3 5 20 6 235 8 7 " 3 7 21 1 326 13 7 " 3 8 18 12.5 290 12.8 # 7 " 4 2 14 12 237 8.2 7 " 4 5 16 8 238 14 7 " S 5 17 10 257 4 7 " 4 3 15 8 215 U.2 7 '■ 6 1 King of St. Iiambert's King Sth 58271 — Sire, King of St. Lambert's King 30T52 ; dam, King's Riotress Elsie li()979. Cora H. of St. Lambert 163148 17 4 225 5 7 days 3 5 King Peto 10541— Sire, Pedro 3187 ; dam, Alice W. of Milton 12852. Celia of Whitehall 68004 17 15 196 15 Empress Pedro 60878 15 1 194 12 , May Pedro 50876 16 4 229 8 Nelope Pedro 60879....: 15 4 219 12 Prusa Pedro 50877 15 8 2]£ 12 King Phil 33443 — Sire, King Cotton 25391 ; dam, Bess of Edgewood 71178. Lizzie Huguenot 189048 19 8 276 8 Stella of Edgewood 114473 14 12 191 3 King Philip of Mt. Hope 2399— Sire, Sam King 2376 ; dam. Norma 3109. Christel 6665 19 5 205 King Pin 1878— Sire, Mercury 432 ; dam, Edna 3d 668. Bessie Bradford 7269 .' 14.2 7 days 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 days 7 " 4 6 9. 3 11 5 3 3 9 7 days 10 7 days King Pogis of Humboldt 53691— Sire, Prince P. Marigold 49372; dam, Golddust Queen 123822. Lucy C. of Humboldt 171296 12 13 13 1.3 240 15 7 days 6 King Bioter of St. Ii. 49958— Sire, Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 ; dam Phillis of St. Lam- bert 78867. Exile's Graziella 157832 19 8-5 271 8 7 days 6 2 King's Cannon Ball 52592— Sire, King KofEee Jr. 12317 ; dam. Bachelor's Princess 106377. Hoodoo Jane 161291 *218 2 256 10 4712 6.4 120 days 4 4 King's Companion 43650— Sire, Companion 31467; dam. King of St. Lambert's Gem 86796. Shinn's Pansy 143697 " 9 233 10 7 days 8 8 Ti.- jj —Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star {*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (f). AU amounts are in pounds and ounces aud ages are in years and months. 14 3 267 6 days 1 4 15 3 293 12 3 4 18 2 307 14 5 23 4 324 8 5 4 16 301 10 3 1 23 5.5 344 10 4 10 96 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow King Signal 12491— Sire, Signalda 2d 6748; dam, Signalia 530^. Beauty of Oakland 45009 15 7 197 2 7 days 4 IL « " " " 17 1 223 1 7 " 5 11 King Signal of Hood Farm 44551— Sire, King of Belair 21315; daip. Monte Sano Belle 77083. King's Nina 162869 »iS9 4.5 575 10 8763 4.8 1 year 7 H King's Bioter Lad 62098-*ire, St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896; dam, King's Riotress Nora 142296. Alexia Riotress King 176723 Lad's Rioter Exile 176725 Lady Riotress Matilda 191582 .' Rioter Lad's First DauKhter 174761 Rioter Lad's Riotress 176724 Riotress Beryl King 191583 Kingston Bob 44529— Sire, Primrose Park's Pasha 26203 ; dam, Victor Hugo's Lizette 65916. May of Elginburg 144045 *12 8 14 11.8 262 9 7 days 8 9 King Tametoa 32129— Sire, Tormentor 5th 21962; dam, Gildercream 39480. Eva Jenks 152851 15 3 230 7 days 2 7 Ida Jenks 138402 15 14 264 7 7 " 3 9 Leslie Jenks 150424 14 13 248 14 7 " 3 7 Lotta Jenks 138626 17 5.5 256 7 " 4 5 Lucile Jenks 138403 16 11.5 198 8 7 " 2 33 6.5 41S 4 14 " 2 King Torment 18609— Sire, King Allie 14290; dam, Angelo's Torment 39390. Grace Torment 87957 14 10.5 232 S 7 days 5 5 King's Nette 123226 17 12 249 8 7 " 5 8 King's Queen 98712 14 12 223 8 7 " 5 1 King Yoknn 7068— Sire, John Le Brocq 5424; dam, Belle Grinnell 4073. Yokun's Princess 35643 tl5 10.25 300 9 7 days 9 11 Kinsman 3338— Sire, Duke of Magnolia 2826 ; dam, Myce 1810. Maudie of White Lick 29682 15 7 189 7 days 6 2 Kinsman of Greenwood 12881— Sire, Kinsman 2d 6004; dam, Ona's Elsie 1S47S. Fedora of Greenwood 46892 20 7 280 7 days 3 11 Kirkmont I^andseer 37045— Sire, Tennessee's Landseer 23015 ; dam, Minnie's Calpurnia 49881. Bonanza Landseer 116428 15 6.6 246 8 7 days 5 2 Statira Landseer 110935 14 9.25 ' 178 4 7 5 Kisber 4377.— Sire, Hero, P.S. 90 H.C. ; dam, Sophie, P.S. 434 C. Syren V. 14619 I7 5 215 12 7 days 5 8 Westphalia 24384 24 9.5 7 ■• 50 Kissam's St. Lambert 43730— Sire, Uxor St. Lambert 40521 ; dam. Lady Kissam 2d 22478. Leiolo of R. F. 145004 18 g 240 7 days 8 2 Kit Carson 17'72— Sire, Livingston 1291 ; dam, Maid of Judah 2429. Austie May 7185 I4 3 ^ ^^^^ 3 j Kitty's Grover of St. L. 56455— Sire, Grover of St. Lambert 338C6; dam, Kitty of St. Lambert 3d 83022. Lithona of St. L. 170300 20 334 8 7 days 6 10 ..■ A ?^'''?^"'. '"'J'Sri''^*' ?""', authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on, the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) All amounts are m pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. Marigold St. Helier 52657 (Page 112) Nine tested daughters, five with year's authenticated tests. Bred by Chas. A. Sweet, East Aurora, N. Y. ; owned by Estate of \V. S. Ladd, Portland, Oregon. Matilda 4th's Son 20214 (Page 114) Fifteen tested daughters. Bred by Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. ; owned by Ayer & McKinney, Philadelphia, Pa. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 97 Period Ace Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Kitty's Royal Hex 6176— Sire, Rex 1330 ; dam, Kitty Cooke 8547. Pansy Blossom 22413 14 13.5 315 1 7 days 5 2 Kitty's Stoke Fogis 19328— Sire, Brier's Pogis 34163 ; dam, Kitty of St. Lambert 6637. Colonia 89822 16 7 252 10 7 days 7 » Knave 1856— Sire, Hughes 954; dam, Dusky 2525. Colt'i La Biche 6399 17 2.5 282 6 7 days 4 8 Knight of St. Louis 3680— Sire on I. of J.; dam, Lily of Les Niemes 7465. Gem of Hope 17102 21 253 8 7 days 4 10 Hallie's Jewel 17113 20 10 197 8 7 " 3 7 Queen of Beauty 17109 23 14 221 4 7 " 6 9 Know Nothing 11638— Sire, Prize Noble 7321; dam, Comeldrie 18259. Lady Crouse 69336 IS 1 305 7 days 5 9 Koffee, F.S. 233 H.C.— Gazelle 15961 14 234 12.8 7 days 8 0- Koffee Dan 43347— Sire, Olarinda's KofEee 25224 ; dam. Miss Retta 105807. Juanita of Emery Farm 166716 14 3 224 7 days 3 1 • " " *12 5.2. 14 8.2 280 13 7 " 4 11 Koffee of Bidgeside 11659— Sire, King KofEee 5522; dam, Attractive ISiaid 1602."i. Lady Pliillis 2d 35629 18 8 260 12 7 days 2 9 Koffce's Caterer 29000— Sire, Sophie's Tormentor 20883 ; dam, Koffee's Kale 58634. Koffee's Jessie 113343 14 3 196 10 7 days 4 9 Koflee's Winnie 113001....' 16 3.6 335 6 7 " 5 " 31 8.5 661 10 .14 " 5 " 38 0.5 799 12 17 " 5 Koffee's Noble 14631 — Sire, King Koffee 5.522; dam. Queen of Ashantee 14.j.j4. Old Noble's Heiress 99083 ID 6.6 231 4 7 days 3 1 Sayda of Aurora 86956 16 11,6 218 8 7 .. « 2 5. Koffee's Welcome 39347— Sire, Gold Coast Duke 28320 ; dam, Ona's Brunette 50277. Brunette 4tli of H. F. 143540 15 213 13 7 days 3 7 Gay Butterfly 132664 14 6,5 222 3 7 " 4 0. Koffee's St. Jeannaise 119783 15 12.5 263 6 7 " 4 3 Welcome Susette 118776 20 14.5 258 4 7 " 5 1 Ko Ko of St. liambert 16527— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam, Clotaire's Beauty 28171. Ko Ko's Allie 59317 15 8.75 191 8 7 days 3 Young Floribundu'fe 4th 59314 16 14 225 7 " 3 1 Kola's Golden Lad 58615— Sire, Golden Love 49475 ; dam-. Golden Kola 127232. Kola's Elmira 194516 14 12 290 4 7 days 3 7 Kola's Rebecca 194522 16 15 271 8 7 " 3 4 Nina K. of Biltmore 194510 16 12 296 4 7 " 3 6 Lady Brisco's Exile 50781— Sire, Lady Mary's Exile 40262 ; dam-, Lad-y Brisco 95892. Nellie Smith 2d 156042 15 13.5 275 .7 7 days 2 11 " " *12 11.2 14 lis 231 7 " 7 10 Prize May's Mayflower 188337 16 6.5 302 0.5 7 " 4 11 Lady d'Or's Son 21048— Sire, Olymph's Champion 13209: dam. Lady d'Or 23039. May Belle's Lady d'Or 74749 15 15 177 8 7 days 2 S N B —Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old oiifjcial butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All rn oiints are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 98 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Pekiod Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Xadjr i;etty's Victor 65020— Sire, Rioter of St. Lambert Jr. 56580; dam, Lady Letty Lambert 124201. Miss Yolande Lambert 199960 *353 9.5 Victor's Lady Lambert 208459 *443 7 Victor's Letty 20S460 *429 4.2 Victor's Susie 208468 *384 15.7 Xady Mary's Chelten Duke 6002— Sire, Ohelten Duke 924; dam, Lady Mary 1148. Lady Dorlena 36105 '. 15 7 249 7 days Xady Mary's Exile 40262 — Sire, Exile's Tormentor 30099 ; dam. Tormentor's Lady Mary 73083. 41C 6003 4 1 year 1 10 521 •11 7241 1.6 1 " 2 2 505 7218 6.4 1 " 2 2 452 14 7304 14.4 1 " 2 5 Lily B. of Brubeck Farm 181165. Millie D. 6th 138340 Prize May's Duchess 2d 132976. •13 0.8 *264 S Tormentor's Prize Pansy 2d 133395. l-l 11 245 9 7 days 2 U 16 1.5 263 7. " 4 15 4 251 6 7 " 6 1 14 13.25 242 15 7 " 2 1 15 4 259 2 7 " 2 11 299 6.5 6725 120 " 8 15 3.75 273 11.5 7 " 3 3 Xady Matilda's Bioter 48311- Sire, St. Lambert Boy 1740S; dam, Lady Matilda Pogis 30270. Bonnie Altetta 164999 16 3.5 221 11 7 days 4 4 la France's Oonan 49436— Sire, Oonan's Torment 33743 ; dam. Princess Fanny 109379. Meme Lr. France 153788 16 1.5 251 4 7 days 4 1 Oonan's Fortune 144459 ■ 16 3.6 194 4 7 " 2 2 Oscar's B'eauty 144463 16 270 11 7 " 4 1 Xaird of St. Xaniliert 44151— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam, Lily Xiobe .5576.5. Laird's Les Cateaux 149558 Laird's Minnie 149559 La Petite of Biltmore 130210.. Lass of Biltmore 142728.. 17 10 304 12 7 days 6 8 72 9 1197 8 30 6 8 14 6.6 252 7 3 4 14 14.5 26S 8 7 7 2 29 11-.6 529 4 14 7 2 17 11 256 7 6 4 71 8 1148 4 30 6 4 X' Allegro 7127— Sire, Lord Harry 3445; dam, Mirtha 3437. Winetka 33669 20 194 8 7 days 2 1 Xambert of Sunny Braes 22154— Sire, Canada's Jobn Bull 3d 17750 ; dam, Thaley 14299. Lady of Knowlton 91648 14 14.5 237 1 7 days 6 10 Xambert's Pride 29730— Sire, Louis Lambert 25371; dam,,Egalit6 43011. Lamberta of Meridale 131731 - 15 3 222 7 days 4 8 Xambert's Pride 2d 46105— Sire, Lambert's Pride 29730; dam, Floss of Ipswich 2d 55424. Dana's Daisy 148063 16 3 274 7 7 days 9 Xamplighter 31543— Sire, Hawkeye Stcyke Pogis 22803; dam, Belle May 25304. Miss Halifax 117479 14 3.5 207 11 7 days 4 8 Xandseer, P.S. 162 C— Sire, Uuke? of Wellington, P.S. 81 H.C. ; dam, Virginia, F.S. 1571 C. Rose of Eden 13437 20 1.5 296 7 days 7 3 Xandseer 331— Sire on I. of J.; dam. Dazzle 379. Fannie Landseer 1969 Landseer's Fancy 2876 Pride of Mashamoquet Farm 6469. 15 9 197 3 7 days 14 5 t21 15 123 10 7 " 10 936 14.75 1 year 11 2 29 0.5 162 8 7 days 11 7 16 1.7S UO 4 7 '■ 13 8 ^. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AH amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 99 Period Aei Fat Buttek Milk of Test of Cow Uandseer's Columbus 30839— Sire, Tennessee's Landseer 23015 ; dam, Tonnentor's Fancy Wax 73212. Landseer's Garfielda 121131. » 15 10 208 6 7 days 6 9 Iiandseer's Diploma 36277— Sire, Lord Landseer 24228 ; dam, Seraph 72217. Keywotha 1618S4 , 16 7.5 294 8 7 days i 11 Skegala 148701 17 7 301 8 7 " 4 11 Iiandseer's Major 25759 — Sire, Pride's Landseer 18590; dam. Alberta Dempsey 40612. Landseer's Lily 87294 .- ., 14 2 177 7 days 4 9 Iiandseer's Merlin 45721— Sire, Landseer's Columbus 30839; dam, Maid of St. Lambert 4th 79823. Biandella 164738 16 1 240 4 7 days 6 4 Merlinia 144003 14 5 230 4 7 " 7 10 " 15 15.5 284 8 7 " 9 6 Iiandseer's Picture 54226 — Sire, Darlington Landseer 43511 ; dam, Little Kate Picture 89921. Ethleel Vellum 172687 16 8 257 14 7 days 4 3 Fay Landseer 153317 15 12 256 10 7 " 5 6 Iiandseer's Fogis 15847— Sire, Pogis Chief 3998; dam, Landseer's Fancy 2876. Belle Lyman 3d 86346 18 2.5 282 15 7 days 5 4 Bessie Landseer 58103 15 ' 1 147 8 7 " 8 4 Bessie Signilda 2d 86341 15 2.5 182 12 7 " 7 2 Bessie Signalda 3d 86349 15 0.5 236 12 7 " 3 Duke's Signal Queen 2d 82418 17 8 313 15 7 " 7 9 Lmma Laods.eer 58104 14 2.5 162 6 7 " 2 9 Fancy's Gem .2d '86342 16 4 215 8 7 " 6 4 Fancy's Gem 4tli 86348 14 191 4 7 " 2 9 Fancy's Pet 2d 85912 14 1 173 12 7 " 2 8 Fancy Wax 2d .83357 14 5.5 158 12 7 " 3 2 Fancy Wax 3d ^86346 14 1 169 7 " 2 10 " " " ' " 20 3.75 206 11.5 7 " 4 9 " " " 21 9.75 328 14.75 7 " 9 10 Harry's Fancy Uelle 2d 82416 14 12.5 157 7 " 4 7 Julia Landseer 56268 14 2.5 91 7 " 1 11 Kate Uurwood 2d 82417 14 1 152 4 7 " 4 6 Kate Oxford 58102 ' 14 15 196 7 " 2 10 "' 16 3 153 8 7 " 6 11 landseer's Hilda 49788 17 229 12 7 " 3 7 Landseer's Pogerie 85743 15 227 12 7 " 4 6 Landseer's Signallne 58101 14 11.87 126 2 7 " 2 3 Landseer's Signal' Queen 66363 14 14 173 15 7 " 3 2 " " ' " " 16 8 224 8 7 " 6 9 Luey Lee H. 5810'6 14 15.5 229 8 7 " 4 10 Slary M. Landseer 93950 16 5.5 226 6 7 " 5 2 Pearl's Oonan 2d 86105 15 1 171 8 7 " 3 Rosetta Landseer 99379 14 4 207 12 7 " 3 7 Royal Boniba's 'Daisy 3d 99553 15 8 225 8 7 " 3 3 Temalema 2d 82411- 16 4 218 8 7 " 3 7 Tolteca 3d 86344..:.. 14 11.5 196 7 " 2 9 Virginia's Oonan 58107 15 3 127 6 7 " 2 Wandrina 2d 82420.-. 15 9.5 230 7 " 3 7 Waxie 2d 83358. ...'. W 8.5 132 7 " 4 Yokun Maid 2d 86563 14 9.5 204 4 7 " 2 11 Iiandseer's Pogis 4th 46718— -Sire, Landseer's Pogis 15847; dam, Calculus- 75185. Insi'e Landseer 140588.? *442 0.9 520 1 7871 2 1 year 8 1 Iiandseer's Tolteo 25426— Sire, Fancy's Landseer 12996 ; dam, Leoni 2d 29750. Landseer's Ethel 74315 15 206 12 7 days 4 11 ]\f B. Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are' marked by a dagger (f) ■ All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 100 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS .,,.,, ~ TTTTT ~~, ': \ 7T7~' ' ■ ' ■-* > ' •' .■' ' ■' '~~ Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Jjanison 15283— Sire, Lord Dartmouth 6302; dam, Lanice 13656. Laniton's Belle 84986 20 5 285 8 7 days 6 6 Lanison's Cora 59315 14 14 171 2 7 ," 2 2 Lanison's Nora 59316 15 6.5 226 11 "' ' t" " 2 1 Lanison's Queen 2d 128773 15 14 222 7 " 6 6 Princess Carmen 58320 16 14 217 9 7 " 3 2 Young Floribundus 3d 69312 19 14.75 230 1 ' 7 " 3 6 lianison Jr. 44334— Sire, Lanison 15283 ; dam. Exile's Alphea 45393. Lanison's Hilda 175829 "SSI 13.9 449 4 7556 8 1 year 3 11 " " " .„ •487-2.7 573 2 9474 1 " 5 2 Lanison's Exile 36306— Sire, Lanison 15283 ; dam, Exile's Alphea 45393. Extricate 119442 14 5.5 235 8 7 days 6 6 Fairy Bellana 145668 19 258 7 " 2 8 Ua Billa's Eminent lad 71770— Sire, Fontaine's Eminent 58225; dam, La Rilla 2d 125913. Eminent's Bess 209719 •418 3.3 492 82'75 1.6 1 year 2 3 Lassie's St. Helier 11724— Sire, St. Helier 45; dam. Lassie 1134. • Belle of Aurora 67665 14 1 187 3 7 days 11 9 Lass' Moy Tormentor 51750 — Sire, Moyane's Tormentor 21690; dam. Tormentor's Lass 59832. Moy's Gilderoy 194653 "14 6.5 16 15.3, 278 7.2 7 days 5 5 Moy's Rosetta 170854 *460 6.2 541 9 9111 1 year 5 11 Laval 506— Sire, Defiance 190 ; dam, Lisette 492. Cupid of St. Lambert 5104 14 0.5 185 8 7 days 14 5 Lily of St. Lambert 6120 14 7 " Lawrence 61— Sire on I. of J.; dam, Clementine, F.S. 232 C. Memento 1913 14 5 235 7 days U 7 Turquoise 1129 14 3 7 " L. D.'s Earl 42114— Sire, Lord Darlington 7285, dam, Victor's Matilda 46834. Earl's Madge 146212 14 3 277 10 7 days 6 i L. D.'s Hugo 17374— Sire, Lord Darlington 7285 ; dam. Dona Marina 7049. Hugo's Lass 107656 14 1.75 282 4.25 7 days 5 6 L. D.'s Victor St. Helier 15286— Sire, Lord Darlington 7285; dam, Pa von 12485. Cinxia's Pavonia 64441 14 7.5 248 7 days 6 1 " K 9 276 3 7 " 6 9 " 18 3 321 8 7 " 7 8 Daisy Morrison 4th 46830 14 11 216 7 " 6 1 Kate Kyle 64434 16 4 244 8 7 " 7 5 St. Helier's Matilda 52857 14 1 148 4 7 " 2 6 Victor's Matilda 46834 14 6 237 4 7 " 6 9' Leader of St. Lambert 50442— Sire, Rector of St. Lambert 27198 ; dami Kitty of St. Lam- bert 8d 83022. Imperia of St. Lambert 160112 17 9 270 13 7 days 8 8 Leander 1184— Sire, Hunter Boy 654; dam-, Jenny Wren 1642. Lady Thurlo-w 12410 17 10 266 2 7 days 5 4 Le Brocq of Clearview 45794— Sire, Oyster, P.S. 2194 H.O. ; dam, Le Brocq's Pet 11771C. Patti of Clearview 149228 16 3.5 251 8 7 days 2 4 Le Brocq's Pride 4871— Sire on I. of J. ; dam, Blue Belle of Maple Grove 10687. Mabel Crockett 18719 14 9 307 g 7 days 2 5 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star H.and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a daeeer (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 101 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow le Brock's Prize 3350— Sire on I. of J. ; dam, Matin 7768. Birdie Le Brocq 17263 14 167 8 7 days 5 1 Elinor Wells 12068 14 183 7 " 3 7 Fairy Le Brocq 15283 14 3 244 7 " 3 4 Fan's Grouville Beauty 10079 19 3 234 6 7 " 5 3 Le Brocq's Pansy Rex 23789 18 6 280 7 " 4 8 Le Broemer 10670 15 7 277 8 7 " .9 9 Le Rosa 10078 U 222 8 7 " 4 3 Marea 10167 , 17 10 203 8 7 " 5 2 Petra 19267 16 6 238 7 " 5 7 Princess Le Erocq 17261 15 8 7 " 4 9 Prize Rose 16309 15 1 183 4 7 " 2 7 Viva Le Brocq 13702 18 3 206 6 7 " 4 6 lieda's Golden Lad 71148— Sire, Senator, P.S. 2759 H.C. ; dam, Ahier's Golden Leda 191677. Victoria of Athenia 172326 •12 4.3 14 6.9 205 11.2 7 days 5 6 Iiemon, F.S. 170 C— Nelly 6456 21 344 7 days 9 Iiemon Peel, P.S. 320 C— Sire, Bobby, P.S. 208 H.C. ; dam. Regalia, F.S. 1904 H.C. Lemon Fern 22140 1 15 1 223 7 days 6 4 Iiemon Peel of Franolieville, P.S. 439 C— Sire, Royal Orange Peel 14355 ; dam, Cyprus, F.S. 2089 C. Milkgood 27828 14 7.5 210 14 7 days 4 Lemon Peel's Duke, P.S. 479 C— Sire, Lemon Peel, P.S. 320 C. ; dam, Polly, P.S. 599 O. Very Pretty 29184 15 2 236 4 7 days 8 1 Lenape 2732— Sire, Vermont 893 ; dam, Magna 2238. Dorizella 20525 15 7 239 3 7 days 9 Gowan 12272 14 i 7 " 4 11 Muriel 5th 19017 16 12.5 192 4 7 " 3 9. Lena's Lenox 6059— -Sire, Lenox 1593 ; dam, Lena 1976. Proctor's Pansy 25688 15 13 276 15 7 days 3 4 Lenox Cash Boy 6804— Sire, Cash Boy 2248 ; dam. Smith's Fairy 6162. Carrie Lena 3d 20077 16 5 195 7 days 2 1 tie 4 197 7 " 2 2 '■ " " 18 11.75 245 7 " 4 2 Spira;a 4th 20075 ■■ 18 5.5 187 7 " 2 7 Lenox Fogis 27365— Sire, Berkshire Pogis 18228 ; dam, Carrie Bloom 83261. Dacie's Lena 100796 22 12 280 6 7 days 2 U Leo, F.S. 198 H.C— Lily of Staatsburgh 5427 W 2.25 7 days 8 2 Leonette's Landseer 20399— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777 ; dam, Leonette 29752. Amy Landseer 74826 16 1 219 12 7 days 6 Qyde Landseer 74834 WO 198 7 " 6 Leonette's Orange 108521 15 212 4 7 " 2 U Mary of Glenoir 59940 18 5 330 8 7 " 7 9 " ■' " " 27 3.5 326 5.5 7 " 8 9 Mirah Landseer 74827 17 1 202 1.5 7 " 5 8 Moll Roberts 110201 14 6.5 199 13 7 " 3 Roxie Landseer 74832 M 13 213 10 7 " 4 1 Sibby Landseer 116107 15 2 217 4 7 " 2 U Virgie Landseer 74831 14 15 242 7 " 7 5 jj B Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 102 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow I. All amcunts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 107 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Xord Montague 12385— Sire, Pedro 3187; dam, Oretesia 13G57. Beauty Montague 57923 14 4 258 7 days 5 8 " " 17 8 257 7 " 6 9 Joan Montague 40787 16 1 246 7 " 5 3 Kate Crecralt 2d 75461 18 3 225 10 7 " 3 10 Mildred Montague 45476 15 5.5 242 7 " 4 Minnie Montague 45474 15 5.5 223 4 7 " 4 1 Miss Montague 57927 14 202 4 7 " 2 8 Silver Montague 45475 16 10 268 4 7 " 4 Iiord of Mountain Side 7111— Sire, Carlo 5559; dam, Coomassie 2d 11969. Rioter Alphea 2d 29676 17 15 238 10 7 days 6 Rioter Carlotta 29667 21 2.5 228 6 7 " 4 1 liord of St. Iiambert 18992— Sire, Brier's Pogis 141G3 ; dam, Jessie Lorne 25213. Ida's Fawnette 113936 23 3.5 301 2 7 days 5 6 Iiord Fogis Tormentor 62015— Sire, Tormentor's Tormentor 52074; dam, Sasanda 50075. Coomassie Petite 190833 16 5 295 6 7 days 3 3 Lady Oonan B. 190835 16 30.5 303 10 7 " 3 10 Lord's Lady Signal 190838 •. 17 3 269 11 7 " 2 8 Princess Lucilla B. 190837 14 2 248 12 7 " 2 4 Tormentor's Pride B. 208107 22 4 316 3 7 " 4 Xord Rex 4113— Sire, Jolin Rex 2761; dam, Kissie Deming G176. Down of Chatsworth 15251 16 12 222 14 7 days 3 11 lord St. Helier 15071— Sire, Brie 6591; dam, Hebfita 15732. Canossa 65243 15 183 8 7 days 2 10 .liOrd Tormentor Pogis 29753— Sire, Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 ; dam, Harrella 32912. Daisy Ida Torment 121824 15 12 224 7 days 2 2 Donna Torment 121282 19 4 257 7 " 2 10 Xord Vernon 37920— Sire, King Khedive 15886 ; dam. Queen's Daughter 66000. Merry Moulton 138325 19 1 348 8 7 days 8 5 Xoretta'a King 65050— Sire, Lorna's King of St. L. King 57389 ; dam, Loretta D. 141708. L. K.'s Fairy 205435 *348 14.6 410 8 6499 4 1 year 2 2 Xorna's King of St. X. King 5 7389- Sire, King of St. Lambert's King 30752; dam, Lorna of Maple Glens 48094. Bellflower Belle 173731 *370 10.4 436 1 6929 6.4 1 year 3 2 Belorna 173732 •339 6.3 399 4.5 5639 8- 1 " 3 2 Edith's Jewel 173733 *365 9.9 430 2.2 5780 11.2 1 " 2 11 Loa's Beauty 173734 *354 3.8 416 12 7027 11.2 1 " 2 10 Xorne 5248— Sire, Lord Lisgar 1066 ; dam. Favorite of St. Lambert 5118. Jessie Lome 25213 16 15 270 8 7 days 2 4 Lome's Diamond 66087 19 318 7 " 7 9 Lome's Marjoram 43327 16 <-5 7 " 2 7 Lome's Pretty Pearl 46683 19 6 278 7 '■ 8 9 Lome's Primrose 66082 16 13 254 7 " 9 5 Marjoram of Linden 43600 22 12 285 7 " 7 9 Oaklands Nora 14880 23 5 153 7 " 4 7 Xorne of Meridale 34024— Sire, Matilda 4th's Son 20214 ; dam, Lady Matilda Pogis 36270. Alphea Elf 4th 134498 *595 13.5 701 13329 12.8 1 year 10 3 Bessie Lewis 2d 116585 15 6 230 6 7 days 4 4 Grace Briggs 134732 *625 3 735 8 13322 6.4 1 year .10 2 Lome's Annie 103073 18 1 242 9 7 days 4 4 Lome's Oonan 135969 *15 6 18 1.3 210 8 7 " 7 9 N B —Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amcurts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 108 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Buttek Milk op Test of Cow Lome Victor Pogis 22214— Sire, Lord Victor Pogis 14499 ; daifl, Gallia Lome Pogis 42324. Kitty Pride Pogis 78134 15 9 240 8 7 days 5 6 Miss Lome 78132 15 9 234 8 7 " 53 Molly May Pogis 102823 15 12 228 7 " 35 Louis of Highland 4854— Sire, Louis 450 ; dam, Martha of Highland 5320. Daisy of Sunnyside 16338 15 1 267 4 7 days 11 11 liOuis of St. Lambert H013— Sire, Sheldon 5250; dam, Mavourneen of St. Lambert 9777. Gem's Louisa 39564 17 194 10 7 days 6 6 Lady Matilda Pogis 36270 21 9 282 5 7 " 43 Louise Obella 37060 • 17 12 265 14 7 " 4 U Lovely Peggy's Signal 39841-Sire, Beat's Signal of Brushy 31241 ; dam, Lovely Peggy 52614. Palestine Princess 142724 11 n 256 7 days 7 9 Lucerne's Oomph 54969— Sire, Imp. Illinois Oomph 54314; dam^ Imp. Lucerne D40677. Golden Arbutus 171591 14 g 247 4 7 days 5 2 Golden Creole 171608 14 5 214 8 7 " 33 Lucifer 2696- Sire, Sweepstakes Duke 1905 ; dam, Lucy 4577. Beatrice of Elmarch 11367 15 2 176 4 7 days 4 10 Sunbeam's Pet 2d 9112 16 4 312 7 '* 5 2 Lucky King 17350— Sire, King 2d 11570; dam. Lucky Star 29096. Lucky Ethel Rex 112602 15 2 257 5 7 days 3 5 Lucky Olive Germ 80256 14 3.5 236 4 7 " 73 Olive Star 81102 15 7 279 6 7 " 33 LucuUus 2695— Sire, Sweepstakes Duke 1905 ; dam, Lucy 4577. Cora of Hillside 25253 14 7 156 1 7 days 4 10 " " " " •• 15 7 300 7 7 " 5 9 Lucy's Bachelor 35538— Sire, Primrose's Bachelor 20799 ; dam, Lucy of South Side 52G1.3. Kate of Hickory Flat 131374 16 3 226 10 7 days 8 4 Lucy's St. Lambert Lome 36940— Sire, Call Him Bine 22597; dam, Lucy Stoke Pogis 72312. Miss Williams 186316 16 12 323 6 7 days 4 6 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544— Sire, Stoke Pogis 3d 2238; dam, Lucy of St. Lambert .5116. Jennie Cream 2d 47466.- 20 5 309 10 7 days 9 11 Melia Ann 3d 68070....- 21 313 4 7 " fig 28 8 375 8 7 ■• 7 5 Quintuple Pogis 44233 14 6 192 6 7 " 2 9 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 4th 26533-Sire, Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544; dam, Oaklands Nora 2d 45967. Homestead Lucy 96325 14 10 228 6 7 days 3 3 17 12 294 8 7 " 44 Homestead Matilda 96448 17 g 220 8 7 " 4 2 Homestead Eowena Pogis 89591 16 7.5 225 8 7 " 3 7 King's Lucy Pogis 111380 18 8 249 8 7 " 37 Louisa D. 90959 16 14 227 12 7 " 'i ^ Lucy's Pauletta 135467 16 11 225 4 7 " 42 Naoma's Lucy Pogis 12S643 I7 12 227 4 7 " 3 9 Nora's Lucy of St. Lambert 138475 IS 6 278 4 7 " 3 7 Pauletta Pogis 3d 135468 I7 5 226 12 7 " 4 Pogis Anna Melia 94973 16 15 193 12 7 " 6 6 Quintuple Pogis' Fille 94975 16 8 244 7 " 4 4 " " " " 19 12 318 8 7 " 7 .N. B— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked bv a stir CI r.„^ k„tt., i^ estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tesS arfmikld by i dalee. m A amounts are m pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. ""KB" a;- "i' SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 109 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow liymington 3767— Sire, Commodore Roxbury 3580; dam, Turbine 3570. Ruby Love 16915 14 12 216 1 7 days 2 U Mabel's Gold Ore 26378— Sire, Mabel's Gold Mine 10811 ; dam, Coomassle Madge 36628. Stalactite 2d 92017 17 10.5 253 5 7 days 7 " " " 34 4.5 508 3 14 " 7 Mabel's Poet 65780— Sire, Qaiest, P.S. 2591 H.C. ; dam, Mabel 35th, P.S. 6311 H.C. Mabel's Blue Belle 180283 20 1 294 2 7 days 4 6 Poet's Faxy 188318 13 8 15 14 244 6 7 " 4 7 Mabone 43085— Sire, Warren's Prince 27973 ; dam, Sigletta 2d 78457. Thaba 149801 14 5 267 1 7 days 2 2 McClellan 4th 85— Sire, McClellan 25 ; dam, Lily 1. Lady Brown 433 14 7 days 8 McClellan's Albert 26965— Sire, King Coo 24400 ; dam, Ethelka 9515. Coomassie's Palma 111609 21 1.5 253 S 7 days 5 4 " " 39 2 507 8 14 " 5 4 McDonald's St. Lambert 49825— Sire, Two Hundred per Cent. 33592 ; dam, Zola of St. Lambert 61066. Lydia Lambert 163865 14 3.75 201 9 7 days 1 6 Macgregor 2178— Sire, Eob Roy 17 ; dam. Pansy 7th 130. Lucy Games' Buttercup 5058 U 229 7 days 8 McGregor Combination 45196— Sire, Founder 20928; dam, Oomba 28896. Kitty McK. 140464 14 6 228 13 7 days 3 11 Mollie McK. 140463 15 4 243 8 7 " 3 11 McHenry 5890— Sire, Lord Charlton 5463 ; dam, Delle 3789. Cream Caroline 17357 16 2 252 8 7 days 10 9 Mack 722— Sire, Clement 115; dam. Sunflower 351. Buttery 3502 14 1 203 7 days 7 9 Mack of Marietta 61364— Sire, Frank Mack 52112; dam, Dot of Marietta 146560. Mack's Marietta Gem 179352 14 8 224 8 7 days 2 8 Magnetic 1428— Sire, Islander 561; dam, Azalea 1443. Magnibel 7976 W 12 7 days 4 6 " 15 2 281 2 7 " 6 5 Magnet Prince 23522— Sire, Champion Magnet 6480 ; dam, Alpheon's Lady 27195. Avileur 108840 *12 15-2 15 3.7 278 9.6 7 days 7 5 Magog 1868— Sire, Warwick 264 ; dam, Queen Bessie 3415. Country Girl 4th 51877 18 2 232 13 7 days 8 7 Magyarland's Exile 41708-Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam, Magyarland 86326. • Magyal-land's Dawson 134762 14 7 299 8 7 days 3 10 Magyarland's Rachel 134761 15 2 248 7 " 4 11 Magyarland's Temisia 134765 17 5.5 269 7 " 4 '■ " " 56 14 903 24 " 4 " " ■' *638 1.3 7,'iO 10.9 10419 4 1 year 6 3 " " " 14 5 *ie 13.4 264 12 7 days 6 4 Maha Bajah 794— Sire, Rajah 340 ; dam, Fleur de Lis 614. Italian 4096 17 13 274 12 7 days 8 6 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on- the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (f). All amciints are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 110 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Mahkeenac 3290— Sire, Cinnabar 1739 ; dam, Europa 170. Angetta 19404 15 4 275 8 , 7 days 6 2 Frolic of Chestnutwood 19405 16 251 4 7 " 5 Frolic's Pride 31667 17 201 12 ' '" t " 4 2 Young Anne Lee 31668 14 7 212 8 7 " 4 2 Majestic Pedro 8043— Sire, Pedro 3187 ; dam, Susie Burnett 11306. Rita o£ Andalusia 29414 24 1 421 . 5 7 days 8 4 Majestic Pedro's Son 9492— Sire, Pedro 3187 ; dam, Royal Princess 2370. Juno of Milton 7152S 15 2 262 7 days 5 7 Major Adams 1044— Sire, Duke of Wellington 35: dam, Lavinia 1079. Jenny Gray 3511 Lucy Gray 2746 Anklet 93500 Beckie Y. Pogis Fair Marigold 89387 High Tea 65577. Scroll 93498 17 15 368 5 7 days 12 5 15 13 7 " 2. 3 9 r ; dam. Lady Appel 801 14 6 219 8 7 days 3 9 17 15.25 205 8 7 " 7 11 16 15 230 6 7 " 2 3 18 1.5 266 8 7 " 7 10 17 6.5 202 7 " 5 7 14 15 201 7 " 4 3 Major Domo 2161— Sire, Autocrat 1065; dam, Meg 073. Melita of Hillcrest 7054 14 2 263 7 days 6 3 Major Dott 7101— Sire, Pertinax 1905; dam, Normanda 3914. Dott Buttercup 16358 16 2 167 6 7 days 3 8 Major Hamilton 30164— Sire, Swatara's Signal 20496; dam. Miss Hamilton 23976. Dairy Dolly 100605 15 253 14 7 days 6 3 Major Marion 6922— Sire, Le Brocq's Prize 3350 ; dam, Louise Marie 8129. Le Brocq's May Belle 27980 14 15 220 4 7 days 9 8 Major Rainey 40171— Sire, Lambertina's Duke 22827; dam, Ada McMahou 81800. Belmont Maiden 131749 '. 15 14 248 12 7 days 8 3 Major Webster 34675— Sire, Bisson's Landseer 27520 ; dam, Rosy Dream 2d 27127. Salem Girl 123370 14 6 231 12 7 days 4 6 Zuby Maree 135697 14 5 225 7 " 3 3 42 6 670 8 21 " 3 3 Mambrino George 40076— Sire, Columbia's George 230SS ; dam, Crocker's Annie Blossom 02120. Zula King 128209 17 2 245 5 7 days 9 6 Manchester's Prospect 2817— Sire, Pierrot 5th 1665 ; dam, Olie 4133. Auraria 10688 15 lo 184 S 7 days 10 2 Jersey Cream 3d 8521 16 5 239 12 7 " 6 1 Manifold Rioter Pogis 26158— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656; dam, Pretty Patty 44108. Belle's Magnetta 120350. Elma's Star 102275 Vionetta Pogis 91978 15 8 214 7 days 5 1 14 12 202 10 7 " 4 3 17 2 250 7 " 6 5 Man of Ipswich 1510— Sire, Agawam 597; dam, Maid of Ipswich 1346. Jennette Darling 10702 16 2 215 7 7 days 9 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a daeger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 111 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Maple Glens Stoke Pogis 34712— Sire, Nicklin 11161; dam, Brown Nightingale 87628. Landseer's Betsy 139724 15 15 224 I , 7 days 6 S Mapleaon 5951— Sire, Uproar 4609; dam, Maple Leaf 4768. Sosia 19198 17 5.5 236 11 7 days 12 0' Mapleton 49283- Sire, Marampo of St. Lambert 24234 ; dam, Daisy Mugwump 61012. Adelaide of Orange 171477 14 3.5 16 11.6 216 8 7 days 4 7 Fanny B. of Orange 171310 24 14.6 29 4.9 354 7 " 4 6- ' * " 22 12 26 12 226 7 " 5 1 Mapleton's Kitty 158790 15 14 18 10.8 232 S 7 " 7' 1 Rosette May 157648 16 5.2 19 3.3 235 7 " 7 2 Maquilla's Harry 22701— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777; dam, Maquilla 2d 37498. Annie Hines 84038 18 6.75 284 3 7 days 6 1 Maquilla's Violet 69774 14 10.5 163 7 " 3 9 " 31 1 186 8 7 " 4 7 Polonia of Riverside 84036 18 10 149 8 7 " 4 0- Marampo of St. Iiambert 24234— Sire, Bachelor of St. Lambert 4558 ; dam, Marapo of St. Lambert 44339. Marampo's Fairy 90493 15 5 226 7 days 8 8 Marampo's Ida 126786 17 3 297 7 " 4 Marampo's Brilliant 30047— Sire, Marampo of St. Lambert 24234; dam, Vagabondia 58726. Katrinka Brilliant 130485 17 4 285 8 7 days 6 7 Marcbande 2d's Torment 58841— Sire, Oonan's Tormentor 22280 ; dam, Marchande 2d 93823. Princess Tormentress 206132 17 10 212 9.6 7 days 3 1 Marcot 726— Sire, Pioneer 368 ; dam, Myce 1810. Golden Princess 4557 18 14 108 8 1 days 9 10 Marcus May 68659— Sire, Khedive's Bisson 37922 ; dam. May of Meridale 103255. Bijou's Miriam 184380 15 3 264 7 days 4 2 Mardi Gras 2927— Sire, Joe Holt 1625 ; dam. Muezzin 3670. Ada S. 18366 16 9 214 1 7 days 3. 6 Belle Mardi 18362 18 0.5 216 12 7 " 6 1 Belle of Lynwood 18364 17 14 220 12 7 " 3 8- Marigold Chief 50360— Sire, Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 ; dam. Calculus 75185. Insie Marigold 163758 17 236 7 days 4 4 Marigold Chief 2d 60459— Sire, Marigold Chief 50360; dam. Monarch's Gazelle 2d 138429. Gloriana Marigold 176587 16 7 225 8 7 days 4 3 Insie Marigold 2d 184948 15 4 245 12 7 " 5 2 Marigold Inez Pogis 59946— Sire, Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 ; dam, Inez of Riverside 51781. Marigold Mary 167282 15 8 • 197 8 7 days 5 2 Marigold Pedro 42643— Sire, Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 ; dam, Lorna 2d 33634. Blossom of Cherry Farm 136323 , ,,... 16 12 187 6 ., 7 days 4 7 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is- estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. . , 112 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Pekioh Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Marigold Fogis 38752— Sire, Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 ; dam, Sadie R. 3d 83729. Elma Genevieve 149010 15 11 240 7 days 3 10 " 30 5 470 10 14 " 3 10 " 23 2 356 1? 7 " 5 8 " 84 9 1380 14. 28 '■ 5 8 Patty Marigold 136082 14 13 244 4.5 7 " 9 7 Eava Marigold 136077 17 12 292 7 " 9 3 " " " 33 8 578 14 " 9 3 Rhyme 125266 ; *457 3.8 637 14.8 8977 1 1 year 7 9 Royal Marigold 136086.... J ;.. 21 10 274 13 7 days 7 9 " 42 2 643 6 14 " 7 9 Marigold Polo 43129— Sire, Major Polo 34969; dam, Fair Marigold 89387. Eunice Marigold 187743 14 10 230 1 7 days 6 Mannie of. Orchard Farm 195420 15 8 240 2 7 " 5 9 Nina Ress of Senoett 2d 196939... 23 8 340 8 7 " 6 5 " " " " " 96 8 1652 9 30 " 6 6 Niobe of Orchard Farm 187741 20 1 250 5 7 " 3 4 Orchard Farm Lass 184214 19 14 275 9 7 " 5 3 Ulricalla of Orchard Farm 187742 21 14 270 8 7 " 3 1 Marigold St. Helier 52657— Sire, Osprey 17^85 ; dam, Fair Marigold 89387. Gertie Alexandra 2d 188813 *286 ' 10 . 3.37 . 3.3 5832 9.6 1 year 2 Golden. Marigold Queen 190002...... 'SSe 1.7^ 395 6.7 6997 9.6 1 " 2 Ida Marigold's Brown Bessie 160450 *432 10.2' 508 1.5.7 7786 8 1 " 5 7 Ida Marigold's Laura Lee 151590 16 2 ,245 2 7 days 2 8 Laura Lee Lily 172458 ..: ; 15 ' 235 7 " 5 " 61-,.2 ■ '1033' 30 " 5 ." . " " *444 1 •522- 6:8 7884 3.2 1 year 5 Laura Lee's Lassie 165T56 15 15 230 7 7 days 2 5 "' " " -.Tie' 15 248 11 7 " 4 2 " 17 S 248 12 7 " 5 3 Oonette 2d 184963 , "326 11 384 5.4 7095 3.2 1 year 1 11 St. Helier's Bfown PhilUs 203403 16 11 270 10 7 days 5 9 St. Helier's Dairy Queen 200377 16 2 266 9 7 " 6 Marigold's Exile King 63232— Sire, Gazelle's King Marigold 55201 ; dam, September Maid 100718. Grace of Venadera 192844 *348 115 410 7.6 6270 5 1 year 2 6 Marigold Stoke Fogis 47296— Sire, Stolce Fogis of Prospect 29121 ; dam, Gertie of Glynllyn 7'1474. Ida Mary 3d 150692 14 2 202 2 7 days 2 7 ' *600 14 589 4 9189 6.4 1 year 6 10 Marins 760— Sire, Willie Boy 434 ; dam, Lady Mary 1148. Calypris 5943 15 4.6 234 7 days 7 1 Chenda 4599 15 9.5 284 7 " 6 6 " 17 1.13 251 7 " 11 4 Evri 5282 15 4 203 8 7 " 8 1 Welma 5942 17 8 252 1 7 " 5 6 Marjoram's Best Fogis 35955— Sire, Marjoram's Stoke Pogis 17203 ; dam, Nettie N. 58307. Queen of Linden Lea 147276 14 5 245 8 7 days 3 3 Marjoram's Hugo Fogis 18311— Sire, Pogis Chief 3998; dam, Marjoram 3239. Juanita's Pet 117197 16 4 211 8 7 days 2 2 Khedive's Fancy 3d 70282 .' 14 6 211 7 " 4 2 Marjoram's Rioter 5991— Sire, Rioter Vulcan 5380; dam. Marjoram 2d 1280.5. Quadruple Pogis 32359 14 1.5 140 13 7 days 2 U N. B.— Confirtned butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimate^ on the basis, of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-te.5ts are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 22042 (Page 117) Eleven tested daughters. Bred by J. P. Pomeroy, Housa- tonic, Mass. ; owned by C. A. Sweet, East Aurora, N. Y. y^^. *rd 14170; dam. El pidee's 15 6.5 291 2 7 days 7 4 15 6.5 232 6 7 * 6 2 16 15 272 1 7 ' 6 10 15 230 4 7 ' 5 9 627 11.5 9088 2 315 • 6 4 220 6 3171 90 ' 6 6 82 15 1123 4 30 ' 6 7 ♦19 15.4 270 3 7 6 8 ]4 8.5 241 12 7 ' 5 2 17 3 259 8 7 ' 6 1 Marion Earle 63908 Millerton Maid 74926 Matilda's Rioter Lad 55076— Sire, St. Lambert Boy 17408; dam, Svveet Brier's Matilda 124176. Lassie W. of St. L. 159935 14 6 230 4 7 days 1 9 Matilda's Stoke Fogis 14832— Sire, Stoke Pogis 5tli 5987 ; dam, Matilda 4th 12816. M. 'S. P.'s Burnside 55497 15 2.5 245 13 7 days 11 2 Saucy Sally 83059 ^ 16 12.5 -270 3 7 " 6 2 , Matilda's Victor Hugo 20244— Sire, Rioter Lisgar 2d 14170 ; dam, L. D.'s Melia 29087. Matilda's Tansy 81311 14 7 189 12 7 days 6 10 Matilda's Queen 72663 16 247 12 7 " 57 Matilda's Rose 81397 15 2 202 8 7 " 77 Mattitnck's Bachelor 20920— Sire, Bachelor of St. Lambert 4558 ; dam, Mattituck 2d 8701. Bertha's Brunette 82336 IS 1 279 12 7 days 6 1 Maud's Euroto Fogis 34864— Sire, Buroto Pogis Le Brocq 19.503 ; dam, Maud of Maole View 39511. Harriet Pogis 123753 16 8.25 265 4 7 days 8 Maud S. lie Brocq's Duke 21649— Sire, Violet's Duke 8436 ; dam, Maud S. Le Brocq 11913. Old Noble's Hannah 163981... 17 14.5 304 7 days 10 3 Maud's Rioter Pogis 25345— Sire, Doubly Diana's Rioter 22529 ; dam Maud's Surprise 58099. Pluma of Jersey Lawn 89954 , 14 237 7 days 3 5 " " " " 17 13.5 308 15 7 " 75 Maud's Rioter St. Lamliert 51635— Sire, Exile of Glen Eouge 37213; dam, Maud of Glen Rouge 103781. Melia Ann 2d's Media 178129 *12 12.65 15 0.7 285 13.6 7 days 6 1 Maury Fogis 31599— Sire, Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658; dam, Lottie Dorey 21578. Ida of Bowlder Ridge 178552 14 6.4 230 4.8 7 days * " " 28 3.2 454 12.8 14 '< 4 Maury Pogis Queen 178917 14 6 237 12 7 '• 53 Winifred Victor Pogis 2d 151698 15 6 273 7 " j j N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are irarked bv a star /*\ ,.,j t, ... estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are markid by a dkl^«- m An amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. ""sscr n/. j\u 116 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test or Cow Manry Fogis Jr. 66827— Sire, Maury Pogis 31599 ; dam, Princess of Dorset's Last 178346. Juniper of' Brookside 2d 206677 18 8 280 6 7 days 3 10 Manry Fogis 3d 37928— Sire, Maury Pogis 31599 ; dam, Carrie's E'ancy 67104. Ethel's Pansy 142938 14 10 249 7 days 4 6 Maury's Rexina 149962 ^...j^ 14 2 233 7 " 4 4 Maury's Tormentor 25113— Sire, Tormentor 3533; dam. Southern Daisy 38292. Moxie's Mode 2d 133253 15 9.25 199 11 7 days 2 6 Prince's Rubetta 2d 133914 14 6.25 140 7 7 " 3 1 Maximum Rioter 18539— Sire, Stolse Pogis Jr. 15300; dam. La Petite M6re 3d 12814. Lady Pedrona 63173 14 9 206 5 7 days 2 U Maximum Rioteress 67328 17 3 288 7 7 " 9 2 Masse 400, imp.— Nannaxie 1SS60 17 4 245 6 7 days 7 5 May's Handsome lad 59155— Sire, Guenon's Lad 54422; dam. May of Weber Farm 133434. Bessie Sears 190898 14 3 268 3 7 days 3 10 May's Pedro 8588— Sire, Pedro 3187 ; dam. May Tliornton 12851. Glen's Festina 25851 17 15 254 10.5 7 days 2 2 Mazeppa Fogis 32246— Sire, Canada's Jolm Bull 8388 ; dam, Carine Pogis 36356. Deoine's Model 14S364 ♦12 12.8 15 0.9 195 12.8 7 days 3 8 " 550 2 647 3.5 9109 9.6 1 year 4 1 Heth Pogis 103241 467 2 649 9 7954 4.8 1 " 8 Miss Jepscn 148651 495 1 682 6.7 8790 1 " 4 1 Meadow King of Farmington 4911— Sire, Joseph 3419; dam, Knave's Dot 10616. Sue Gallagher 15945 S3 1.5 188 11 7 days 4 3 Medway 717— Sire, Mr. Micawber 556; dam, iSTellie 289. Medrena 3939 18 298 7 days 9 3 Mirtha 3437 17 13.5 314 8 7 " 8 9 Meg's Lord Bronx 11537— Sire, Lord Bronx 2d 1730; dam, Meg Mitchell 4187. Bronx Clover Blossom 38676 15 2.5 214 8 7 days 7 2 Idessimus 50508 16 213 8 7 " 10 Melia Ann 3d's Son 59461— Sire, Mint of Interlaken 45219 ; dam, Melia Ann 3d 68070. • Eda Melia Ann 179513 20 5 229 13 7 days 3 3 Martha's Melia Ann 181120 18 8 295 4 7 " 3 " 71 3 1225 11 30 " 3 Melia Ann's Grandson 60469— Sire, Melia Ann's Son 22041; dam, Maud of Glen ■ Rouge 103781. Lady Letty Lambert 6th 190173 18 2 301 7 days 2 7 Maud Melia Ann 3d 180964 6323 4 1 year 1 9 Mermaid's Melia Ann 180965 "IS 1 21 4 402 9 7 days 4 2 Nora's Melia Ann 180962 14 4.5 191 14 7 " 3 6 Melia Ann's King 56581— Sire, Melia Ann's Son 22041 ; dam, Lottie Melia Ann 100775. Dove Melia Ann 165869 18 11 291 7 7 days 3 3 " 108 15' 1705 14 42 " 3 3 Eloise Melia Ann 192804 17 12 274 6 7 " 3 1 Lottie Melia Ann 2d 174214 15 11 212 9 7 " 3 Lulu Melia Ann 1748S] 16 2 232 6 7 " 3 1 Melia Ann of Longview 186237 15 0.5 305 13 7 " 2 7 Melia Ann's Leilassie 169S12 14 7 211 9 7 " 4 4 Unique Melia Ann 174217 ■. . 14 8 271 2 7 " 4 6 N. B.— Confirmed buttor-tests and authenticated fat estimates sre marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-teSts are marked by a dagger (t). All an.ounts are in pounds and ounces atid ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 117 Melia Ann's Son 22041— Sire, Lucy's Adelpha Melia Ann 163524 Cretesia Melia Ann 16C259 Dame of Eau Claire 127862 Dela S. of Eau Ciaire 128005.- Fat Butter Stoke Pogis 11544 ; dam, 15 15.5 . 17 3 14 4 19 3 •210- 8.5 Emma of Eau Claire 127826.. Fairy of Eau Claire 128596... Faith of Eau Claire 120456... Florence Melia Ann 166191.. Gertie of Eau Claire 120019 Gray Miss of Eau Claire 127827. Herpa S. 127829 Inez fflelia Ann 160786 Jolie of Eau Claire 110886. . Josie of Eau Claire 128006. Julia of Eau Claire 120018 Laura of Eau Claire 110739 Eaura of Eau Claire 2d 12^004.. Lela S. of Eau Claire 127S03. . . . Letta of Eau Claire 120021 Mab of Eau Claire 120020 Marion of Eau Claire 120457. . . . Marjorie Melia Ann 157263 Martha of Eau Claire 120022 Massey Melia Ann 14941S »(12 1.5 Melia Ann's Maggie 151622. Millie of Eau Claire 120023. Nancy's Melia Ann 155963 N_qra Ann of St. Lambert 149870... Pearl S. of Eau Claire 127858 Peer's Surprise 144248 '.... Phillis' Melia Ann of St. L. 150049. Princess of Eau Claire 128219 Sara of Eau Claire 128002 24T 10.9 14 14 22 12 It 11 21 5 15 7 17 10.25 IS 17 33 23 15 14 6 22 9 17 8 18 0/ 15 12 17 '^10 16 3 14 10 21 14 17 8 14 13 14 3.7 18 2 35 2 15 5 14 7 18 12 15 5 15 8 18 768 15.3 17 14 17 14 0.5 18 7 Milk Melia Ann 277 248 13 202 10 290 10 10615 14 5042 11.2 267 4 240 8 307 9 214 6 256 8 228 10 262 8 279 2 205 12 416 319 251 248 319 231 268 8 262 10 2 10 221 260 222 294 8 220 14 230 14 274 637 10 231 215 4 293 2 284 4 275 3 218 14452 3.2 278 8 227 8 244 287 1.6 4 Period OF Test 5444. 7 days 7 " 7 " 7 " 1 year 120 days 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 14 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 14 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 1 year 7 days 7 " 7 " 7 " Age OF Cow 3 4 4 3 2 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 4 11 6 1 1 5 7 9 1 3 11 5 5 6 3 2 4 5 11 4 7 7 3 U 11 1 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 22042— Sire, -Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544; clam, Melia Ann 5444. Charm 3d's Pogis 93167. .» Charm- 3d's St. Lambert 96872. Cora Scituate 2d 94979 Lottie Melia Apn 100775 Mary Carmen 125357 Olga 2d's Pogis 118869. Olga -3d's Pyigis 118870. Olga Ann 130317 Pride's Olga .4th 96870.. Pride's Olga .5th 109340.. Pride's Olga ,7th 117287.. 15 14 14 15 21 18 15 20 14 15 23 27 17 16 3.5 8 i 2 0.5 11 0.5 4 3 9 2 3 0.6 7.5- 1 265 1 240 2 245 12 235 13 305/-0 258 10 246 11 255 14 217 8 270-i^2 535 6 242 4 3687' 12 420119 240 12 250' 8 7 days 7 '■ 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 ■' 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 14 " 7 " 7 '■ 7 " 7 " 7 " 10 4 3 9 9 7' 7 10 10 8 11 11 6 8 - f^' .B-— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat e.5timates are marked by a star (•), and butter is S^^^^J- ""-""^ '"''.J' °'i°^° *^'-'" ''■""^'■- ^^^ "'"^ °'S^'^1 butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) Al! amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months-. "j i uaKscr \.^). j\u 118 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Fat Pesiod OF Test Age OF Cow- Butter Milk Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 2d 53696— She, Melia Ann's Stoke Fogis 22042; dam, Grace Marigold 99377. Alexandra Melia Ann 1743U Duchess Melia Ann 195747 Glenna Melia Marigold 176857 Melia Ann Massey 174310. . Melia Ann Signal 196932. Satureia Ann 201245 Sweet Melia Ann 174312.., Trudie Melia Ann 178625.. 15 8 235 60G5 14 3 212 6616 14 7 226 16 10 262 20 2 289 16 10 249 6133 75 14 1036 20 2 256 21 30O 1178 15 4 6 11 15 3 2 1 3 2 9 10 1 year 7 days 1 year 7 days 1 year 7 days 7 •' 7 " 7 " 1 year 28 days 7 " 7 " Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697— Sire, Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544 ; dam, Melia Ann 2d 47464. Allie Victor Pogis 126907 22 8 300 8 7 days 5 1 Ann Victor Pogis 77813 1'4 7 245 12 7 " 50 Belle of Dorset 85905 14 » 232 7 " 4 9 Calla Pogis 142920 19 291 8 7 " 30 Charity Victor Pogis 134217. 14 6 215 8 7 " 2 3 Diana Victor Pogis 100763 14 6 229 8 7 " 1 10 " " 23 1 364 7 " 4 11 Diana Victor Pogis 2d 127710 14 1 221 12 7 " 30 Dora Victor Pogis 100921 18 5 281 12 7 " 31 Dorothy Victor Pogis 144551 16 4 276 13 7 " 2 3 Ella Victor Pogis 100762 19 6 325 g 7 " 4 11 Elsie Victor Pogis 155090 14 8 248 7 " 2 6 " " " " 16 IS 257 5 7 " 4 4 Gertie Victor Pogis 100922 16 3 232 12 7 " 2 9 Glennie M. Victor Pogis 151290 15 235 4 7 " 2 1 Jennie Victor Pogis 142919 20 2.5 335 12 7 " 4 6 Kitty Victor Pogis 85904 19 12 311 4 7 " 6 6 Lillie Victor Pogis 85471 14 4 206 8 7 " 2 5 M. A. V. P. Princess 140976 17 1 219 8 7 " 1 10 Mooly Victor Pogis 141044 15 10 193 g 7 " 2 2 Olga Victor Pogis 127711 17 6 257 7 " 4 Pet Victor Pogis 77812 16 4 243 7 " 8 5 Philena Victor Pogis 127138 17 3 289 7 " 42 Princess of Dorset 85902 35 1 368 7 " 5 2 Princess of Dorset 2d 160858 16 6 264 4 7 " 2 1 Princess of Dorset of B, R. 17S348 14 13.6 261 12.8 7 " 6 9 " " " 29 610 4.8 14 " 6 9 Princess Victor Pogis 132724 16 5 2»5 4 7 " 2 11 Prusa Victor Pogis 134216 16 g 271 ^ 7 " 2 6 Spot Victor Pogis 85901 17 3 226 7 " 2 3 Tormentor Victor Pogis 133021 14 7 237 7 " 2 Winifred Victor Pogis 91658 14 x.75 221 4 1 " 2 5 " 22 9 319 4 7 " 6 6 Melia's Victor Pogis 23357- Sire, Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544; dam, Melia Ann 2d 474C4. Sa 2d 112227 22 276 8 7 days 4 6 " 24 2.B 341 8 7 " 6 9 Mel's Champion 16449— Sire, Alexander Rex 9508; dam, Rose 1124. Mel's Gem 108020 I7 4 273 12.5 7 days 10 3 Mel's Princess 108019 18 2 286 7 7 " 11 2 N.B;— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is cstimatea on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-testa are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 119' Fekiod Fat Butter Milk of 1 est Menephtah 18943— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam, Frau Cloud 31688. Tuaa St. Lambert 59992 17 7.5 187 15.5 7 days " '■ " " 23 1 306 4 7 " Age OF Cow 11 Meprise's Tormentor 11554— Sire, Tormentor 3533; dam, Mfiprise 4898. Meprise Bloomfield 50062 14 14 137 2 7 days 4 Mercer Signal 29815— Sire, Signoretta's Signal 18980 : dam, Alphea Hortense 14904. Mercer's Blanche Signal 101460 15 3 247 5 7 days 8 10 Mercurial Chief 39897— Sire, Chief Harrison 29641 ; dam, Belle of Aurora 6T0*!5. Gean Marigold 130167 Sara Sands 108185 Mercury 432— -Sire, Jupiter 93; dam, Alphea 171. Alphea Jewel 22331 Alphea Star 16532 Alphetta 16631 Ballet Girl 18750 Clytemnestra 2455 Ideal Alphea 18755 lola 4627 Lerna 3634 Lernella 22322 Marvel 13734 Nimble 22335 Nympha;a 5141 Phffidra 2561. . . . Purest 13730. . . . Reality 16537.... Renown 13729.. Richness 16636.. Smoky 13733... Vestina 2458.... Zalnia 8778 Mercury Boy 5721— Sire, Compeer 2367; dam, Little Gus 8776. Waiter Girl 2d 29265 20 6 359 13 7 days 6 11 14 14 282 11 7 " 3 5 14 187 6 7 days 2 2 14 4.5 180 4 7 •' 2 3 14 2.5 186 6 7 " 2 7 14 1 186 13 7 '• 2 1 U 3.5 216 4 7 " 12 3 11 6 182- 10 7 " 2 5 15 2.5 232 10 7 " 7 2 15 12 242 9 7 " 6 14 1.6 191 11 7 " 2 3 15 1 182 9 7 " 2 8 14 10 171 5 7 " 1 9 15 14.5 242 8 7 " 7 3 18 7.5 260 9 7 " 8 2 19 13 263 12 7 " 9 15 4 206 14 7 " 2 15 3.0 185 13 7 '■ 2 2 14 6 196 7 " 3 1 17 5 219 13 7 " 3 7 14 9 198 12 7 " 2 10 14 2 201 1 7 " 12 6 15 tUS 5 8776. 221 8 7 " 4 11 18 14.5 225 8 7 days 5 10 Mercutio 4591— Sire, St. Martin 1482 ; dam, Negress 7651. La Pucelle 16829 15 8 271 2 7 days 7 S Meridale Black Prince 57114— Sire, Nora's B. Stoke Pogis 40507; dam, Freda of Meridale 130606. Robinette of Meridale 176447 15 2 227 2 7 days 4 2 Meridale Defiance 31344— Sire, Matilda 4th's Son 20214; dam. Flower of Glen Rouge 17560. Fern Leaflet 2d 117303. 17 288 9 7 days 4 7 Meridale Diana's King 56371— Sire, Peacock's Rajah 31620 ; dam, Meridale Diana 94931. Claire of Brookside 169607 16 246 2 7 days 5 4 Juniper of Brookside 174674 15 8 275 5 7 " 7 6 Meridale Idabrier 31814— Sire, Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169; dam, St. Lambert's Coquette 41070. Oonan's Sweetbrier 134341 17 12 233 8 7 days 4 0- N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is- estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old ojlicial butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All. amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 120 ~ SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS '^L* Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Meridale Pauline Pogis 25133— Sire, Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19109; dam, Paulettu Pogis 39273. Caro of St. Lambert 90875 17 6 174 S 7 days 3 2 Florence of St. Lambert 95192 16 12 190 8 7 " 3 5 Letitia of St. Lambert 91054 16 174 8 7 " 3 3 Sophia of St. Lambert 95473 16 12 214 1 7 " 5 11 Meridale Pilot Boy 33780— Sire, Matilda 4th's Son 20214 ; dam, Mary Hinman 17619. Pilot's Becky 158692 20 314 7 days 5 6 " " 39 3.5 623 8 14 " 5 6 Meridale Rioter 32645— Sire, Matilda 4th's Son 20214 ; dam, Rioter's Violet Pogis 75342. Gordie Heliotrope 2d 156829 16 2 245 4 7 days 3 9 Meridale Rioter Buffer 46539-Sire, Matilda 4th's Son 20214 ; dam, Meridale Rioter Pink 64534. Pink of Clover Hill 148611 15 11 303 8 7 days 3 2 Meridale Victor Hugo 34025— Sire, Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19109 ; dam, Maggie Shel- don 23583. Melia Anna Romola 141955 14 11 243 7 days 4 1 Meridale's Ruth 161595 '13 4.9 15 10.5 353 4.8 7 " 8 5 Meridale Victor Hugo 4tli 57237— Sire, Meridale Victor Hugo 34025 ; dam, Aurated Pogis 2d 65066. Fillacy of Westonook 186888 ♦463 14.7 545 12.5 9653 9.6 1 year 4 7 Lucy of Westonook 193738 '408 0.8 480 8527 3.2 1 " 3 2 Pridetta of Orchard Farm 166194 20 3 263 13 7 days 4 Ruthetta of Orchard Farm 166197 14 220 5 7 " 3 11 Trilby of Westonook 193737 •371 6 436 14.5 7149 8 1 year 3 8 Merrellan 32122- Sire, Author 18.552; dam. Dear Keepsake 27192. Susie Combination 116285 18 12 259 12 7 days 5 9 Merry Andrew 719- Sire, Monarch of Roxbury 499; dam, Mirth 92. Merry Burlington 7600 15 4 256 7 days 5 3 Merry Boy, on I. of J. — Nightingale of Elmarch 8312 14 2 196 7 days 7 Merry Maiden's Son 54355— Sire, Brown Bessie's Son 345.50 ; dam, Merry Maiden 64949. Merry Maiden's Modita W4617 17 1 268 8 7 days 4 7 " /" *481 7.9 566 7.4 9589 11.2 1 year 4 7 Merry Maiden's 2d Son 59441— Sire, Brown Bessie's Son 34550; dam. Merry Maiden 64949. Merry Maid 2d of Hood Farm 167735 16 12.1 19 11.4 315 7 7 days 6 3 " " " " " " 17 8 316 7 7 " 6 3 Merry Maiden's 3d Son 60516— Sire, Brown Bessie's Son 34550; dam. Merry Maiden 64949. Denmark Merry Maiden 175851 *13 5.6 15 11.3 285 13 7 days 6 8 Hood Farm Pansy 184796 *321 9.7 378 5.7 7014 15 1 year 3 1 King's Gazelle Fawn 2d 192816 14 8 226 8 7 days 2 1 Merry Maiden's Flolea 196038 *359 7 422 13 7445 g 1 year 2 Merry Maiden's Zaza 196135 *317 1 373 6578 1.6 1 " 2 7 Merry Maiden's Zelda 215034 *13 2.6 15 7 294 9.6 7 days 4 6 Messenger, P.S. 223 C— Sire, Cato, P.S. 178 0. ; dam, Diana, F.S. 1608 C. Beaiitjy; Messenger 17450 15 9 245 7 days 4 8 ■ : \ i N. B.— Confirmed, butter-tests and authenticated fat estimites are marked by a star (*), and butter is , estimated on the basis of 85%' fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked bj a dagger (t). AH amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages 'are in years and months. V Mercury 432 (Page 119) Twenty tested daughters. Bred by R. M. Hoe, Hunt's Point, N. Y. ; owned by Herbert Mead, Lake Waccabuc. N. Y. ^Jal^k^^AaA, Merry Maiden's 3d Son 605 16 (Page 120) Six tested daughters, three of them with year's authenticated tests. Bred by C. I. Hood, Lowell, Mass. ; owned by H. C. Taylor, Orfordville, Wis. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 121 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow :M:etali«t 37508— Sire, Mint 23600 ; dam, Portrait 32592. CoimbiHation's Laura Lee 165044 15 4 223 8 7 days 6 2 Metallica 127187 13 1 265 6 7 " 5 1 Iffleteor 453— Sire, Cliff 176 ; dam, Gilt 1176. Estrella 2831 14 12 7 days 5 8 Metropolitan 23888— Sire, Diploma 16219; dam, Loreda 19801. Milly Judd 85898 14 3.5 237 3 7 days 7 2 Mhoon Stoke Fogis 19193— Sire, Cowboy of St. Lambert 3790 ; dam, Mhoon Lady 0500. Championa Pogis M. 75926 ' 15 15 255 5.5 7 days 5 7 JVIicawber 4796— Sire, Mr. Micawber 556; dam, Uosa of Lakeside 2d 10241. Daisy Dell 14662 14 9 179 7 days 13 5 Dolly of Lakeside 10824 14 8 204 8 7 " 7 10 Dove 5th 14561 16 13 253 7 " 14 6 Michael Angelo 10116— Sire, Black Prince of Hanover 2873; dam, Eurotas 2454. Angelo's Torment 39390 22 8 237 1 7 days 5 8 Fashion Plate 62457 15 10.5 268 12 7 " 4 1 Michael Angelo Fogis 19901— Sire, Michael Angelo 10116: dam. Sweet Leona B. 21934. Rockys' Pogis 96272 '.... 13 3 276 7 7 days 4 1 Michael Lambert 23551— Sire, Michael Angelo lOllC ; dam. Fawn of St. Lambert 27942. Midget Princess 131874 15 6.75 269 5.5 7 days 3 11 Michael's Kioter Fogis 39447— Sire, Michael Lambert 23551 ; dam, Whitney's Petite M&re 90187. Grey Betty 129492 20 4.5 362 14 7 days 3 5 Midas of Oxford 5986— Sire, Stoke Pogis 1250; dam, Matilda 3238. Ethel of Shelburne 46285 14 1.5 255 1 7 days 3 4 " 14 8 270 6 7 " 9 5 " " " " 28 13.5 523 14 14 " 9 5 La Petite Mere 3d 12814 16 9 227 6 7 " 5 11 Mikado' of St. Lambert 30156— Sire, Androscoggin 23560; dam. Lady Fa La 54030. Duchess of Pioneer 127659 16 287 5 7 days 8 11 Regina of Spring Brook 121413 14 3 252 7 " 6 5 Miladi's Bufa 18945— Sire, Eufa 7965; dam. Golden Carrie 20409. Grace of St Francis 106189 26 11 391 2 7 days 11 Milicent's Landseer 31 183— Sire, Tennessee's Landseer 23015 ; dam, Alaric's Milicent 35363. Dame Milly 141878 18 15.5 168 8 7 days 1 10 Millennium 4791— Sire, Butter Boy 3243; dam, Millicent 2d 7229. Redacta 26954 }4 5 197 11 7 days 3 9 Millionaire Fogis 29688— Sire, Ida's Pogis 18000 ; dam, Flashy Jessie 4th 57977. Duke's Tessie 2d 118778 14 14 234 P- 7 days 5 3 ' 15 11 297 1 t •• 6 4 " 31 2.5 591 13 U " 6 4 Ida's St. Jeannaise 2d 106316 17 4.25 295 11 7 " 4 10 Pretty Countess 106481 14 9.5 229 7 " 5 8 N. B.— Confirmed butter-*csts and authenticated fat estimates a<-e marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) All amount's are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 122 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS , , Fat Butter Milk Period OF Test Age Of Cow Milo 590— Sire, Lawrence 61 ; dam, Motto 80. > Allie Minka 2982 14 6.5 14 4 14 12 208 8 182 ,77 200 13 7 days 7 " 7 " 8 10 10 8 11 2 Milord, P.S. 213/ C— Sire, Golden Hero, P.S. 1833 H.C. ; dam, Granby, P.S. 4182 B.C. Grisette of the Island 138793 14 13.5 225 5 7 days 3 7 Milton, P.S. 2336 H.C— Sire, Les Fond's Gem, P.S. 2019 H.C. ; dam, Jersey Skater 3d, P.S. 2887 C. Milton's Gentle Ida 168522 21 11 318 7 7 days 7 3 •14 0.4 16 8 279 1.6 7 " 9 3 21 11 318 7 7 days 26 11 390 1 7 " 124 1.5 1879 6 35 " 16 8 279 1.6 7 " 31 15 572 11.2 14 " 15 2 16 2 16 7 19 9 15 9 17 13 18 5 IS 4 16 8 19 9 18 231 4 7 days 7 9 237 8 7 " 9 8 266 6 7 " 7 4 372 7 "■ 7 8 261 1 7 " 6 3 246 3 7 " 8 1 253 8 7 " 5 7 238 7 " 7 10 247 5 7 " 6 10 315 7 " 8 285 6 7 " 8 1 252 11 7 " 7 *27 2.4 Minaret Exile 56933— Sire, Alphea's Clotairo 47368; dam, Lanison's Minnie 3d 134011. Minnie of Sheomet 172600 *400 8.2 471 3 7283 12 1 year 3 Minerva's Pogis 20085— Sire, Harry's Rioter 1G087 ; dam, Minerva Lalje 31606. Beauty's Ann 125277 Esme's Lizzie 126418 Gem's Rosetta 135487 Gretchen Elaine 15S991 Minerva Q. 157625 Nettie of Nubbin Ridge 131975 Victoria Ridgewood 158988 Victoria W. 95451 Viola Ridgewood 138623 Zetta Pulchra 158986 Zina's Clare 143013 Zina's Susan 134780 18 8 Minette's Pedro 50031— Sire, Pedro Royal Marjoram 28560; dam, Pedro's Minette 66092. Pedro's Estella 197245 *605 13.7 712 12 11063 1 year 3 8 Pedro's Matron 168595 *470 0.6 653 1 8487 8 1 " 6 2 Pedro's Ramaposa 181160 *4S1 14 566 14 8622 12.8 1 " 6 1 University Dazie 168596 *545 13.4 642 2 9998 6.4 1 " 5 10 Mingo 948— Sire, Col. O'Brien 646 ; dam. Iris 1635. Molly May 17202 14 15 246 7 days 3 11 Minnie's Duke of Darlington 6934 — Sire, Duke of Darlington 2460; dam, Minnie of Oxford 12806. • " Hawthorn Minnie 26687 18 12 278 7 days 13 10 Minnie's Stoke Pogis 17201 — Sire, Beauty's Stoke Pogis 14175; dam, Minnie Havens 12548. Miss Rainy 66893 15 2 230 6 7 days 7 5 Mint 23600— Sire, Diploma 16219 ; dam, Lorita 33750. Adaphine 101435 15 3 227 12 7 days S 2 Adonia 2d 1U3302 17 6 296 4 7 " 3 9 Lennie 84803 14 6 218 4 7 " 7 3 Minty 2d of Hood Farm 112326 15 3.5 231 8 7 " 3 11 " " " " " " 23 12 362 5 11 " 3 11 Minty 8th of Hood Farm 122257 14 4.5 212 15 7 " 4 4 Minty 19th of Hood Farm 143107 14 4 228 5 7 " 4 2 Oroiine 101906 18 9 279 10 7 " 7 7 Mint of Interlaken 45219— Sire, Mint 23600; dam, (31ory Scituate 67181. ' Antigna 5th 150046 21 2 324 7 days 7 " '< " 42 1 622 2 14 " 7 lone Melia Ann 144343 19 321 1 7 " 5 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 123 Period Age Fat Butter Mile of Test of Cow Minute Gua 34776— Sire, Metaphor 23176 ; dam, Tapestry 56607. Commilla's Prize 184955 18 9 293 7 7 days 4 U Compass' Jewel 150926 14 4 244 5 7 " 2 10 Diploma's Blue Belie 181822 'SOS 3.8 594 6.3 11265 8 1 year 6 7 Diploma's Brown, Bessie 164887 ♦243 6 286 5 5095 9.6 120 days 4 8 Diploma's Brown Lassie 166688 '264 14 311 9.9 5212 11.2 120 " 5 9 Diploma's Browjti Phillis 180163 16 15 280 7 " 4 3 Diploma's Queen of the Dairy 184737 15 9 255 2 7 " 6 2 (Minute Gun's >Commilla 183619 '. 17 9 301 8 7 " 5 11 '"' " " " *471 7.2 554 10.4 10944 1 year 6 10 Miss Flora L^e 173168 14 3 213 4 7 days 3 8 Mins 3410— Sire, Ginx 1536; dam, Fanny Micawber 1804. Pridalia 17249 , 26 4 289 11 7 days 8 Mirabeau 3800— Sire, Browny, P.S. 158 H.C. ; dam. Blossom of the Grange 6958. Variella of Linwood 10954 '. 14 1 228 2 7 days 3 3 Mirama's Rioter 126H— Sire, King Rioter 6075; dam, Mirama 10508. Robinette Rioter 57206 15 268 2 7 days 7 Miramon 1451-Sire, Little Joker 093; dam, JMyra 1480. • Amalthea 11319 15 241 14 7 days 5 1 Mirror 28117— Sire, Diploma 16219; dam, Smax 48562. Mirror's Belle 128346 20 8 271 7 7 days 3 6 Mifrza 1300— Sire, Motley 515; dam, Meg 673. Maud Melinda 12126 •. 17 8 7 days 5 9 Mississippi Rioter 20401— Sire, Prince of Melrose 2d 11015; dam. Southern Pet 26675. Allie Jenks 138406.; 18 10 252 14.5 7 days 4 4 Elma Jenks 119861 18 9 215 6 7 " 4 9 Ethel Jenks. 119860 14 10 244 7 " 5 Hazel Jenks 119862 19 3.5 244 14 7 " 46 Jodie Jenks 76739 18 7 244 10 7 " 6 Little Jenks 124610 17 8.5 224 4 7 " 38 Mattie Jenks 124611 16~ 6.5 226 7 " 37 Pearl Jenks 3d 84869 15 3 186 7 " 49 Pearl Jenks 4th 84872 14 1.5 195 1.5 7 '■ 33 Ruby Jenks 2d 76738 23 3.5 290 4 7 " 5 10 Ruby Jenks 3d 84868 23 4.5 289 9 7»" 52 Ruby Jenks 4th 84871 18 5 236 8 .7 " 32 Ruby Jenks Sth 110694 14 6 207 6 7 '■ 47 " " " " 21 3.5 28» 8 7 " 5 4 Zoe O'Ferrall 111250 14 8.5 257 1 7 " 77 Miss Lily C.'s Rioter 26026— Sire, Byron's Rioter 16009 ; dam, Miss Lily C. 52354. Genevieve Rose 112950 14 7 287 7 days 4 8 Ida Jamison 147907 14 5 240 8 7 " 41 Vivian B. 89614 18 1 241 2 7 " 8 10 Missouri's Rioter 3d 35487— Sire, Missouri's Rioter 19400 ; dam. Bachelor's Girl 47518. Bessie Bate 155373 '680 11.5 800 13 13895 8 1 year 7 8 Missouri Ramaposa 155372 *633 15.7 754 11 12729 6.4 1 " 8 4 Miss Porter's Tormentor 25658— Sire, Tormentsou 21410 ; dam. Miss Porter 20300. Miss Ripter Tormentor 90697 15 14 203 7 days 6 10 Mistletoe's Carlo 12166— Sire, Carlo 5559"; dam, Arthur's Mistletoe 11968. Carlo's Lass 94405 16 15 265 7 days 9 6 Carlo's Last Polly 94628 17 g 273 7 " 6 10 Carlo's Polly Rex 94627 16 12 265 7 " 6 3 N. B -Confirined butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old ofHcial butter-tests are marked by a daeeer m All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 124 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Modita's Golden tad 61255— Sire, Guenon's Lad- 54422 ; dam, Chromo's Modita 121430. Pansy Lincoln 186184 *12 14.5 15 S 271 16 7 days 5 4 Moidore 15911— Sire, Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658; dam, Little Butterstar 20926. Josephine Noble 66441 18 14 261 4 7 days 7 7 Lady Louise D. 58056 22 12 278 7 " 7 8 Molten Gold 12186— Sire, Count St. George 8403; dam, Mary Jane 18185. Miss Naomi 45098 15 3 224 6 7 days 4 9 Monarch of New Jersey 5199— Sire, Elmwood 2322; dam, Lottie Pearsall 26.'52. Goldstraw 3d 14724 14 12 277 7 days 3 10 Mona's Golden Glory 52917- Sire, Mona's Glory 52915; dam, Countess Le Brocq 130362. Dulce Domura 165339 26 237 8 7 days 4 7 Golden Sylvia 165525 26 2.5 252 12 7 4 7 " 50 14.5 534 2 14 " 4 7 Money Pogis 16674— Sire, Louis of St. Lambert 11013; dam, Musquita- 28462. Lady May Jefferson 96591 14 12 235 7 7 days 6 1 Monitor 878— Sire, Rob Roy 17 ; dam, Emma 801. Belle Grinnell 4073 IS 8 7 days 7 11 Monmouth 210— Sire, Earl 81; dam. Lilac 340. Cyrene 4th 480 17 1 240 8 7 days 8 Monmouth Cyrene 6835— Sire, Gaspard of Meadow. Brook 35*25; dam, Cyrene 3d 1239. ■ Lucy McClung 20368 14 3 204 13 7 days 6 7 Monmouth Saddle 6996— Sire, Young Duke 138 ; dam, Carrie 3894. Carrie's Daffodil 15232 14 7.75 7 days 6 Monsieur 1723— Sire, Vespucius 758; dam, Madame 1812. Azelda 2d 7022 15 2 216 5 7 days 5 2 Montague Fogis 14734— Sire, Victor Hugo Pogis 11256; dam, Cretesia 13657. Rex Pogis Belle 54987 14 2 232 4 7 days 11 9 Moore St. Helier 34574— Sire, The Alcalde 27330 ; dam, Kitty Moore 14349. Sapho St. Helier 119039 14 3 283 3 ' 7 days 6 5 Mopco 56861— Sire, Applause 34234; dam, Pansy Darling of Lawn 76ft37. Trilby M. 2d 194715 21 8 298 15 7 days 6 4 Mopsus 1165— Sire, Dolphin 2d 468; dam, Julie Richards 1674. Faustine 10354 14 14.5 225 9 7 days B 5 Miss Willie Jones 6918 16 4 316 8 7 " 7 1 Morgan Victor Hugo 15330— Sire, Morgan A. 6825 ; dam, Oaklands Nora 14880. Fantine of Guilford 64480 19 1 266 3 7 days 6 1 Mortimer B. 40607— Sire, Cicero Tormentor 20228 ; dam, Blulberry of Linden 2d 16718. Margaret Vale 130932 14 7 212 4 7 days 3 1 Moscow 2303— Sire, Vermont 893 ; dam, Magna 5th 3541. Lady Adams 2d 6529 15 3 7 days B 6 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked bv a star (*), and butter is estimEted on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 12S Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Mess Rose Victor 19123— Sire, L. D.'s Victor St. Helier 15286; dam, Moss Rose of Willow- Farm 5194. Moss Rose of Jackson 86709 16 4 299 8 7 days 5 5 Moyane's Tormentor 21690— Sire, Tormentor 3533; dam, Moyane 21595. Fay Signal 2d 134018 14 4 201 8 7 days 4 9 Moyane's Pet 98115 16 12 259 4 7 " 5 2 Tormentor's Fairy 108510 22 363 7 " 4 7 Mr. Guppy 993— Sire, Brutus Woodford 703 ; dam, Lady 1775. Hazalena's Butterfly 10123 14 7 days 8 Mr. Micawber 556, imp. — Countess Micawber 1759 17 1 152 14 7 days 12 2 Much Ado 2405— Sire, Dash of Glastonbury 1959 ; dam. Dandelion 2521. Maggie Martin 9662 .' 17 7 days 6 6 Roll of Honor 13610 '. 14 12 7 " 4 4 Muggy 22004— Sire, Mugwump 15122 ; dam, Lady of Dryden 27642. Diamond's Lass 81767 16 4 172 13 7 days 7 Lily's Daffodil 89469 14 8 190 8 7 " 6 2 Mugwump 15122— Sire, Ramapo 4079; dam. Tulip 14993. Grace Mugwump 48118 14.10 243 8 7 days 12 3 Mulberry Liad 3954— Sire, Antelope 1927 ; dam. Mulberry 1095. Jennie Myrtle 22977 18 1 7 days 4 1 Lilly Mac 22976 14 2 7 " 4 1 Music, P.S. 118 C— Sire, Orange Skin, F.S. 227 C. ; dam, Margotton, F.S. 1042 C. Bella Deiaine 10356 14 2 222 1 7 days 6 Mutiny 17028— Sire, Young Combination 14550; dam, Comedia 3888.5. School Marni 67264 18 4 244 7 days 5 2 My Alpha's Beauty of St. L. 45003— Sire, Eurotas' Pride 22G53 ; dam. My Alpha's Beauty 56469. Dulah's Gladys 152272 16 4 235 11 7 days 10 Myra's Prince Lambert 54793— Sire, Prince Raglan 42589 ; dam. Lady Myra of Riolawn 121897. Prince Lambert's Hallie 154799 16 4.8 19 2.8 309 7 days 6 6 Myron 7157— Sire, Ramapo 4079 ; dam, Myra 2d 6289. Myretta 28231 14 11.25 183 12 7 days 2 8 Myrrha's Bisson 37573-Sire, Bisson's Landseer 27520 ; dam, Ida's Myrrha 97939. Corday Pogis 137468 15 3.25 233 2.75 7 days 3 Mythology 12448— Sire, Caen 2317 ; dam. Queen of Staatsburgh 2d 3548. Moggy 59626 14 8 230 4 7 days 6 3 Naiad's John BuU 21358— Sire, Canada's John Bull 8388; dam. Naiad of St Lambert 12965. Lady Myra of Riolawn 121897 15 8 261 14 7 days 7 6 " ' 30 528 14 " 7 6 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (rt All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 126 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age ' Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Naiad's St. Lambert King 30645— Sire, Canada's Sii- George 18290 ; dam, Naiad of St. Lambert 12965. Amelia S. King 112862 16 2 243 14 7 days 3 10 Lucy S. King 106584 15 14.25 212 8 7 " 2 1 Naiad's St. Lambert King 13tli 41179— Sire, Naiad's St. Lambert King 30645; dam, Sallie of tlie Ledges 87182. 'Allie of Side View 133833 14 10 261 7 days 6 6 Cora of Side View 133835 15 9 271 8 7 " 3 7 Irene of Side View 133834 15 2 263 7 " 3 11 c Nancy's Rioter 8390— Sire, Sir George of St.- Lambert 6036; dam, Nancy of St. Lambert 12964. Amna 35588 < Duchess of Bloomfield 4tli 35584 Nancy's Star 41423 Pogis Oonan 29890 Rioter's Rosaline 35581.. 14 12.5 229 8 7 days 8 3 14 8.5 168 4 7 " 3 2 16 1.63 194 10 7 " 4 1 15 8 204 8 7 " 5 1 17 8 263 12 7 " 9 6 73 5 1128 31 " 9 6 14 14.5 169 8 7 " 4 8 Nancy's Signal Pogis 51340 — Sire, Signal of Maidstone 44177; dam, Lady Nancy Lisgar 86884. Blythesomie Ada 2d 166385 Signal's Blythesomie 2d 169157 ■ Napier, F.S. 275 C— Chestnut's Beauty 21576 14 8 214 8 7 days 6 1 16 4 249 7 " 7 1 15 6 266 2 7 " 6 6 16 10 258 7 days 6 1 18 4.13 273 7 " 7 1 Napier 2d, P.S. 244 C— Sire, Welcome, F.S. 257 C. ; dam, Bubona 2d, P.S. 161 C. Balmoral 2d 13574 14 10 191 10 7 days 4 6 Napoleon 291, imp.— < Bright Eyes 2d 2290 19 6 7 days 12 3 Gipsy 5th 2252 17 2 7 " 13 5 Napoleon, F.S. 249 C— Princess of Ycrba Buena Ranch 12626 15 10 221 7 days 5 10 Napoleon 2d 527— Sire, Major 378 ; dam, Europa 558. Topsey K. 22769 14 7 days Ned 523, imp.— Victoria 3175 19 1 7 days Ned Dean 5387— Sire, Ned Ives 3681 ; dam, Little Han 8004. Iryl Dane 3d 38375 14 15 223 12 7 days 10 Tilda Ives 17707 15 285 7 " 11 4 Nell's Exile of St. L. 28395— Sii-e, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam, Nell of St. Lambert 27959. Exile's Lady of Park Farm 111799 16 4 210 7 days 6 8 Nell's John Bull 21921— Sire, Canada's John Bull 8888; dam, Nell of St. Lambert 27959. Erie Maid of River View 94307 Esther Reid of St. L. 99023 Kitty of Prospect 111121 Vic's Pogis of St. L. 78292. 14 12 207 12 7 days 3 9 39 12 361 10 7 " 6 11 75 15 1550 9 30 " 6 11 19 4.75 230 8 7 " 4 3 15 8.5 241 10 7 " 10 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger I.T;. .^" amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages afe in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 127 PERtoD Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Nelusko 479— Sire, Rajah 340 ; dam, Nelly 55. Belle of Milford 7445 15 6 228 8 7 days 6 10 Gilt Edge 2d 4420 14 7 " Maggie May 3255. 14 2.5* 235 8 7 " 8 2 Nemonette's Kioter 16106— Sire, Rival Rioter 11445; dam, Nemonette 32289. Nerbat 58664 15 7 212 15.5 7 days 6 11 Rioter's. Hortense 51499 15 1.5 222 10 7 " 7 6 Neptune 5368— Sire, Noble 2d, F.S. 256 C. ; dam. Rose, F.S. 802 H.C. Dora Neptune 20318 20 0.5 324 4 7 days 3 3 Neptune, P.S. 151 C — Sire, Grey Prince, F.S. 168 C. ; dam. Mermaid, P.S. 55 O. Polly Neptune 15214 14 7 232 4 7 days 6 4 Neptune 2d, P.S. 206 C— Sire, Scipio of St. Mary's 3107; dam, Mermaid, P.S. 55 C. Queen Neptune 15501 18 13.5 227 12 7 days 4 10 Nero 13, imp.— Effie of Hillside 1521 16 15 290 7 days 11 3 Nero 7266— Sire, Carlo 5559 ; dam. Bossy, P.S. 215 H.G. Dark and Fair 24468 16 9 167 8 7 days 6 2 Lotchen 19823 16 7 248 10 7 " 4 4 Miss Le Dain 27472 14 5.25 228 8 7 " 3 9 Royal Queen 24428 22 6 224 12 7 " 5 5 Nero Chief 2d 4217— Sire, Nero Chief 2951 ; dam, Dolly Newell 4254. Olie's Lady Teazle 12307 16 5 275 4 7 days 3 3 Neroutes 9222— Sire, Frank Warren 1490 ; dam. Little Florence K. 16055. Gray Beauty 3d 19845 19 4 376 7 days 9 4 Nervilette's Harry 29057— Sire, Fancy's Harry 6th 24768 ; dam. Romp's Nervilette 72282. Harry's Fair Lady 103482 25 10.5 323 14 7 days 6 2 Nervilette's Romp 104432 15 6 210 11 7 " 9 10 Nestor of. St. I^ambert 22385— Sire, Canada's John Bull 3d 17750 ; dam, Queenie Hugo 27748. Dainty Rioter of St. L. 81168 15 10 165 8 7 days 2 11 Golden Gem of St. L. 81167 15 3 187 7 " 39 " " " " " 49 4.25 629 8 24 " 3 9 Nestor's Beauty of St. L. 74884 14 119 12 7 " 2 11 Nettie's Rioter Fogis 55384— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 10th 41011 ; dam, Nettie's New Year 99295. Oonan Sponaldo Nettie 177526 *14 15.8 17 10 368 14.4 7 days 6 7 Nettina's Son 41761— Sire, Cretesia's Albert Pogis 21730; dam, Nettina of Winnikee 46406. Nettina's Helfre 122822 14 15.5 232 8 7 days 4 6 Newton Prince 15221— Sire, Prince of Melrose 4819; dam, Humpty Dumpty 25168. Barbara of Melrose 90486 14 7 183 15 7 days 5 « New Year's 4352— Sire, St. Martin 1482 ; dam. More Beautiful 9320. Arietta 3d 14274 14 13.5 295 12 7 days 4 6 New York's Albert Fogis 452;5-T€ire, Ida of St. L.'s Butter Bull 36052; dam Ladv Albert Europus 31861. ' ' Buff of Maple Lane 140628 I554 4 30 days 8 S N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*) and butter iV .j| . .. ...I 1 •;>«^«^. . aw- »-vu *^ aj-^ ^ "(6 Pedro 3187 (Page 137) Thirty-two tested daughters. Bred by A. B. Darhng, Ramsey, N. J. ; owned by Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 129 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Noble Cicero 13562— Sire, Young Cicero 7660; dam, Glory of Elmarch 21521. Rowena of Elm Spring 54613 14 4 195 14.5 7 days 4 Nobleman, P.S. 2071 C Sire, Lowland King, P.S. 1673 H.C. ; dam, Bossy 4th, P.S. 18S4 H.C. Golden Francie 136363 20 14 274 13.5 7 days 3 2 Jtanne of HiUhurst 1667S9 21 11.25 286 10 7 " 4 11 Nobleman, P.S. 2555 H.C— Sire, Aristocrat, P.S. 2280 H.C. ; dam, Gipsy Maid, P.S. 4424 H.C. Island Admiration 171782 14 9 272 7 days 8 Noble o£ Side View 28280— Sire, Pogis of Side View 15978 ; dam, Queen of Clinton 11500. Christine of Side View 2d 94253 Our Daisy Queen 94252 Noble of Sidney 5369— Sire, Noble 901; dam, Maggie of Sidney 11489. Ida of Clinton 25419 15 14 236 7 days 9 Noble Paddy 31072— Sire, Lord Lemon Peel 16972; dam. Queen of Sidney 2d 78748. Dark Rose 101892 Idalco 117140 Iris Noble 117141 Patty Iris 101894 Queen lone 113999 Queen Irene 101893 ., Noble Rex 5174— Sire, Rex 1330; dam, Cliloe Franklin 8247. Chautauqua Queen 26403 14 11 225 13 7 days 2 6 No liicense 16030— Sire, Eurotas' Duke 8111; dam. Secret 2,d 27999. Cherry of Glynllyn 81145 14 4 14 15 211 8 7 days 4 9 15 13 240 f " 4 1 15 14.5 255 8 7 days 3 7 14 itf 173 4 7 " 2 8 16 8 238 7 " 5 9 14 15 190 8 7 " 4 2 16 3 214 8 7 " 3 2 15 12 236 4 7 " 3 9 19 247 214 4 7 days 7 " 4 6 2 1 177 209 213 213 1 15.2 8 5.6 7 days 7 " 7 " 7 " 4 1 3 3 9 11 4 6 343 236 299 8 7 days 7 " 7 " 4 5 9 10 1 Noonday 12961— Sire, Tormentor 3533 ; dam, Silver Rose 4753. Bachelor of St. L.'s Ida 110231 14 9.6 Callinette Pogis 99700 •. 17 8.8 Harry's Ruth Morgan 107773 14 1,6 Silvia Torment 104668 15 11.2 Norajah 812— Sire, Rajah 340; dam, Nora 434. Arawana Buttercup 6052 15 5 Arawana Poppy 6063 15 2 Hazen's Nora 4791 20 5 Nora's B. Stoke Fogis 40507— Sire, Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 ; dam, Oaklands Nora 14880. Bombella of Meridale 183505 15 13 245 10 7 days 4 9 Kissam of Meridale 183504 16 1 256 6 7 " 3 7 Lady Tip of Meridale 183503 17 9 271 - 15 7 " 4 3 Nora's Champion 20739— Sire, Lord Victor Pogis 14499 ; dam. Miss Nora Pogis 43832. Delia Martin 92358 18 12 274 12 7 days 7 11 Nora's Clotaire 39382— Sire, Flora's Knickerbocker 27817: dam, Lanison's Nora 2d 81230 Bertheza 160805 14 6 245 11 7 days 5 2 May Clotaire 123131 IS 9 284 8 7 " 6 8 Nora's Longfellow 7427— Sire, Longfellow of Sugar Grove Herd 4947; dam, Nora Ogden 8597. Maud of Maple View 39511 23 7.5 209 10 7 days 5 11 N. B.— iConfirmed butter-tests and Eiuthenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pound? and ounces and ages are in years and months. 130 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Noremac 26958— Sire, King Coomassle 2d 19545 ; dam, Tlllie Herr 64198. Misty Morn 88725 17 5 289 12 7 days 4 1 Norman B. 7001— Sire, Duke of Mansfield 2277 ; dam, Peggy Daw 12105. Edith Campbell 23011 21 4.5 256 8 7 days 5 3 Normandy 1046-^ Sire, Mack 722 ; dam, Mischief 954. Normanda 3914 -14 14 175 10 7 days 9 9 North Pacific Prize 11459— Sire, North Pacific 4296; dam. Beauty of Park Farm 11484. Damara 65001 16 7 240 2 7 days 3 6 Miralba 65002 14 7 248 2 7 " 3 6 Romantic 61626 15 9 240 11 7 " 2 11 Nortie 36902— Sire, Oil Johnny 21786 ; dam, Allegany Vine 34492. Slafter's Pride 113750 IS 14.5 212 8 7 days 6 7 '■ 35 1.5 419 8 14 " 6 7 Norton 31941— Sire, Remarkable 7662; dam, Pet's Albert 18622. Sadie R. 3d 83729 15 14 174 6 7 days 2 4 20 14.25 283 12 7 " 3 2 Norwood 1077— Sire, Son of Rosa 663 ; dam, Norina 1929. Goldthread 4945 17 9 7 days 4 7 Notary 2d 52197- Sire, Notary 34933; dam, Notary's Golden Girl 131287. Notary's Silver Girl 166158..,. 13 V.24 15 13 249 U 7 days 7 5 Nunthorpe, P.S. 1769 H.C.— Sire, Golden Lad, P.S. 1242 H.C. ; dam, Alicante, P.S. 38S0 H.C. Blue Nun 126626 18 5.5 247 8 7 days 6 10 Nutley Duke 10706— Sire, Duke of Darlington 2460; dam, Nutley Theodora 13583. Sadie's Delight 53392 14 12 299 4 7 days 5 5 Wutley's Favorite 5132— Sire, Oriflamme 2559; dam, Lena's Pride 7371. Nutley Silverette 22410 15 12.25 195 12 7 days 3 4 " 22 7 281 12 7 " 8 5 Nutley's Son 31201— Sire, Cretesia's Albert Pogis 21730; dam, Nutley Silverette 22410. Nettina's Nutley 106897 14 6.5 248 7 days 4 5 Nutley's Tones 122809 13 8 296 8 7 " 3 10 " 18 13.5 315 4 7 " 6 9 " 55 15 955 14 21 " 6 9 " 608 12 698 8.6 10576 6 1 year 8 9 Nutley Tones Owl 67837— Sire, Spermfield Owl 57088 ; dam, Nutley's Tones 122809. Owl's Nettina Tones 193936 •328 5.3 386 4 5804 13 1 year 2 9 Nutshell 729— Sire, Nelusko 479 ; dam, Fanny Ogden 15(54. Pride of the Hill 4877 14 8 7 days 7 2 Oahlands Nora 2d's Son 28034— Sire, King of St. Lambert 2d 17823 ; dam, Oaklands Nora 2d 45967. Rosa Bud Nora Pogis 141966 14 10.5 264 8 7 days 4 1 Sextuple Oaklands Nora 141958 15 12 241 3 7 " 3 S Oa'jklands Nora's Boy 57974 — Sire, Meridale Victor Hugo 34025; dam, Oaklands Nora 2d 45967. Nora's Esther 188059 *16 5 19 3 319 ' 7 days 4 4 N. B.' — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated- fat estimates are marked by a star (*); and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (f). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 131 Period Age Fat Buttek Milk of Test of Cow Oaklands Nora's Meri Boy 47632— Siro, Oaklands Nora 2d's Bull 36491 ; dam, Meridale Kitty 94869. Flower of Linden Lea 155318. 14 8 226 12 T.days 5 1 Hope of Linden Lea 159693 14 9 231 8 7 " 4 8 Linden Lea Lady Lambert 147278 16 1 278 8 7 " 3 2 Oakwood ot Astoria 54447— Sire, Prince Frank 33972 ; dam, Stella L. 86142. Idelle Wood 162410 '. *13 13.9 16 5 257 12.8 7 days 5 7 Odelio 20223— Sire, Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658; dam, Odelle Sales 15564. Bernice of Oovernook 72805 17 1 189 12 7 days 3 5 Elainette's Odelio 102115 14 3.5 206 8 7 " 2 5 Odalette 76888 17 3 281 1.5 7 " 3 4 Pinkey Spry 2d 92953 14 10.5 i 143 8 7 " 2 6 Roxena 64212 14 9.75 253 8 7 " 5 11 " 15 8.5 214 7 " 8 5 Soeurette 2d 86414 18 1.5 217 13 7 " 3 5 Sordella 76S76 15 9 233 8 7 " 3 Successor 72503 17 4 208 12 7 " 4 8 Susan Bell 112146 14 13 225 7 " 3 1 Tormendova 74885 18 8 206 7 " 2 2 " : 19 12 204 7 " 4 6 " 37 11 3S9 14 " 4 6 Witching Hour 54947 16 13.5 196 7 " 6 3 Odelio 2d 30299— Sire, Odelio 20223 ; dam, Satala 50074. Guess Not 2d 133252 16 11.25 224 11.75 7 days 3 3 Odelsign of Lynwood 114421 15 8.5 193 14.75 7 " 3 Odelio 4th 33003— Sire, Odelio 20223 ; dam, Carida 37322. Star of Weldon 147384 *602 11.8 709 1.7 9743 8 1 year 7 4 Odelle's Pogis 25075— Sire, Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 ; dam. Odelle Sales 155G4. My May Pogis 84236 14 5 211 7 days 4 8 Myrtle Vance 84237 14 3 212 7 " 4 8. Young Miss 99631 16 200 8 7 " 4 6 Okubo 1876— 'Sire, Lawrence 61; dam, Mazie 1588. Bronze Leaf 14902 .' 15 1 270 8 7 days 4 9 Irene of Short Hills 5137 14 6.5 237 8 7 " 5 9 Old Hickory 2d 9224— Sire, Old Hickory 9221 ; dam, Nightingale K. 2d 19841. Grace's Nightingale 19855 14 2 186 8 7 days 6 3 Old Tenella's Signal 34802— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777 ; dam, Tenella 6712. Fancy Alice 106402 14 11.5 183 15.5 7 days 3 Hecia Pansy 117535 15 2 251 6 7 " 4 6 Heclatette 119403 16 9.5 221 3.2 7 " 3 2 I Olymph's Koffee 20087— Sire, La Rouge's Koffee 11948 ; dam, Olymph 17957. Koffee's Clarinda 65216 19 9.5 259 14 7 days 8 7 Koffee's Lady Pogis 65219 23 4 253 11 7 " 7 7 Koffee's May Belle 65220 20 5 242 12 7 " 7 6 Olymph Koffee 78803 17 6 272 9 7 " s 6 Omaha 482— Sire on I. of J. ; dam, Omoo 1247. Bryant 4193 14 8 235 7 days 6 4 Mendot'a 3d 26326 IS 6 301 7 " 10 1 Metah's Baby 9710 14 5 239 7 " 7*2 Metah's Queen 4886 17 9 268 2 7 •' 50 Omaha Jr. 15367— Sire, Omaha 482; dam, Metah 1295. Big Bargain 76274 16 4 241 12 7 days 9 11 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 132 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow O'Malley 6441— Sire, St. Helier 45 ; dam, Moss Rose of Willow Farm 5194. Cinxia St. Helier 46730 17 9 238 7 days 5 3 Flight of Willow Farm 24783 20 12 199 7 " 5 1 Ona's Koffee 9745— Sire, King KofCee 5522 ; dam, Ona 7840. May Koffee 45862 15 5.5 226 8 7 days 5 2 Ona's Koffee 2d 17609- Sire, Ona's KofCee 9745; dam, Young Garenne 3d 13648. Annie Linn 82892 15 2 240 10 7 days 2 9 Oneco 918— Sire, Uncas G28; dam, Young Fancy 97. Rosabel Hudson 5704 15 12 7 days 8 2 One Hundred per Cent. 16590— Sire, Stoke Togis 5th .'5987; dam, Leclair's Marjoram 36355. Annie's Prize 86548 19 11.75 261 7 days 5 11 Cassie Marjoram 120666 16 5 250 12 7 " 3 Cassie of Glen Rouge 112456 15 9 244 12 7 " 2 2 f:thel Marjoram 87266 16 11 248 11 7 " 5 8 Heiress of St. Lambert 56507 16 13.5 209 7 " 3 Jetsam's May 62630 14 5 150 8 7 " 2 4 Kitty of Glen Rouge 104279 : 14 1 288 7 " 5 7 \ Madge of Glen Rouge 112455 15 2 250 6 7 " 1 11 ^ JWarjor!^ of Glen Rouge 2d 123634 17 3 260 7 " 2 MermaiVof Glen Rouge 138006 22 9 339 8 7 " 6 1 Molina rf Glen Rouge 123635 16 2.5 225 8 7 " 19 JJaomi 'iJs Glen Rouge 128637 IS 4.5 250 7 " 5 11 Rose of Vlen Rouge 111589 21 0.75 219 7 " 3 3 Sf. Lambert's Nora 3d 111218 17 5 256 7 " 3 Ontario 865— Sire, Black Imperial 255 ; dam, Helen 2180. Maple Leaf 4768 14 12 7 days Oonan's Count 57470— Sire, Oonan's Pogis 7th 47902 ; dam, Countess Matilda 74028. Count's Cosette 188225 *345 4 406 3 6525 1 year 3 9 Count's Laura 182199 *330 4 388 8 5640 4 1 " 3 10 Count's Lois 173149 ♦388 £.5 456 14 7080 10 1 " 3 10 Count's Lotta 198032 '362 4.9 426 4 5914 6.4 1 " 2 3 Oonan's Harry 25877— Sire, Oonan's Tormedtor 22280; dam, Kathletta 19567. Exile's Signal Belle 2d 106097 19 13 197 2.5 7 days 3 9 Oonan's Gretchen 162544 14 6 187 3 7 " 6 2 Oonan's Harry Fogis 36760- Sire, Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 ; dam, Oonan 2d 19569. Bisson's Belle's Queen 203327 *W 7.5 19 6 298 6.4 7 days 7 6 Sigma's Oonan 123754 16 9 266 12.8 7 " 10 3 '' " 68 U 1169 12.8 30 " 10 3 Oonan's Harry Toltec 32586— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777; dam, Creole Maid 2d 31881. Calico Landseer 108740 17 13.5 319 12 7 days 4 10 Oonan's Fogis 17165— Sire, Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658; dam, Oonan 1485. Clara Oonan 2d 97134 19 4 281 6 7 days 5 Dairy Pogis 2d 122593 15 6.75 213 10.75 7 " 4 9 Double-Oon 79317 14 14 206 3.2 7 " 8 2 Fancy's Moyane jr22270 IB 0.5 195 10.75 7 " 2 \" 16 4.5 241 8.75 7 " 3 5 Idoonalda 97128... i 15 4 224 8 7 " 5 4 , Minnie Haut 2d m03 16 1 177 12 7 " 4 3 Nanalda .2d 97130. .| 16 1 249 11 7 " 4 Oonamistle 64469..; 15 4 232 7 " 4 9 Oona^i's-Cinriie 98887 21 1 336 14 7 " 6 8 Oonazelijss 77481 15 2.5 217 7 " 3 10 Topsy's ©onan 97J.32 15 9.5 194 7.5 7 " 34 N. B.— Confirmed buller-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounas and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS M3 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cov> Oonan's Fogis 7tli 47902— Sire, Oonan's Pogis 17165 ; dam, Clara Oonan 78454. Oonan's Lois 163629 '498 11.6 586 11.8 9141 11 1 year 5 9 Oonan's Sprite 163626 *410 489 6.7 7437 13 1 " ' 7 8 Oonan's Victoria 168140 •387 3.4 455 8.7 7262 14 1 " 4 8 Oonan's Rajah 8965— Sire, Lord Harry 3445 ; dam, Oonan 1485. Meme 34921 18 4 207 7 days 8 3 " 37 5 453 8 16 " 8 3 Miss Peacock 30871 16 10 257 1 7 " 5 10 Oonan's J eannette 45616 20 3 261 12 7 " 5 10 Pearl's Oonan 32288 15 ,5.5 180 12 7 " 9 Oonan's Signal 11586— Sire, Toltec 6831; dam, CEnone 8014. Aurelia Essex 80501 17 2 250 7 days 13 11 Iliana 44594 ' 15 5 232 7 " 2 2 Pearl of Oakwood 37722 14 1 186 10 7 " 2 6 Princess Oonan 84369 15 13.5 225 12 7 " 5 1 Oonan's Torment 33743— Sire, Oonan's Harry 25877; dam, Oonan 3d 49955. Rose's Oonan 135935 15 10 282 5 7 days 5 4 " 30 11 556 9 14 " 5 4 Signal Maiden's Oonan 134751 15 1 261 13 7 " 4 7 Oonan's Tormentor 22280— Sire, Tormentor 3533 ; dam, Oonan 1485. Alvoretta 93817 15 14 ITS 8 7 days 3 5 Cinderella's. Oonan 108764 14 9.75 145 3.25 7 " 3 3 Clara Oonan 78454 21 2 145 7 " 5 1 Clara Tormentor 2d 97279 17 6 215 12.5 7 " 5 1 Fanfare 2d's Oonan 163282 15 3.75 209 1.75 '7 " 2 1 Ida's Dream 2d 90217 _,28 6.25 329 2 7 " 5 5 Ida's Dream 3d 131899 14 7.25 199 13.25 7 " 2 5 Ida's Grace 2d 148686 • 16 1.25 217 6.25 7 " 3 6 Ida's Grace's Oonan 138010 16 3.75 197 11.75 7 " 2 9 Kate Gordon 2d 83662 15 5.5 251 5 7 " 5 2 Lady Oonan Pogis 119154 19 6.75 231 3 7 " 5 3 Lily Martin 2d 89080 14 6.5 268 7 " 4 4 Lily Martin 4th 108339 19 9.75 230 6 7 " 4 1 Lily Martin of Lynwood 163102 15 11.5 221 0.75 7 " 2 2 Lily Oonart 79359 14 6.5 215 7 7 " 7 6 Marchande-Oonan 148692 16 15.5 • 218 14.5 7 " 2 6 Marchen 12d119 19 6 257 0.25 7 " 3 1 Marquette Tormentor 131S97 16 14.5 200 7 7 " 2 4 " 19 12.5 270 8.25 7 " 5 7 Marshmelon of Lynwood 123413 22 8 247 10 7 " 4 1 Miss Eyre 2d .103724 21 4.75 312 4 7 " 57 Miss Gracie 86495 ^37 12 414 12 14 ' 3 Miss Roonalda. 97131 23 9.25 257 14.25 7 " 5 U Moxie's Mode" Oonan 163280 15 2.25 199 11.75 7 " 2 Moyane C. 89492 ^37 15.25 433 7.5 14 " 3 6 Nanoonan 9S775 12 6.3 '"'•14 9.3 276 8 7 " 4 2 Narletta 78462 14 10 218 1 7 " 79 Oonan My Pride 148683 ; 14 11.25 181 2.75 7 " 2 2 Oonan of Kenmore 164692 20 8 278'' 8.75 7 " 5 9 Oonan of Riverside 69773 14 9.5 218 7 " 2 9 " 34 3 262 8 7 " 4 7 " «.t34 3 237 7 " 4 7 Oonan's A'da 108337 ^ 20 5.75 235 14.25 7 " 3 10 Oonan's Beta 97280 ' 17 9 233 8 7." 6 2 Oonan's Grace 86489 24 3 258 12 7." 4 8 Oonan's Oonan 89574 17 12.75 221 6.5 7 " 53 Ooney C' 131371 17 223 7." 2 7 " /'33 3 439 U"" 2 7 ^ [Cntlnucd mi next page.} N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star Xi}, and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old- official butter-tests are marked by adagger WT. All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. '^ 134 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Fat Ootsie 131370 Princess of Lynwood 2d 149361.. Rose Woodmere Oonan 148682. . Ruby Glenruby 101056 ^t Sataline 2d 131898 Sigletta 3d 108977 Soconee 3d 114422 Tease of Clovernook 92954.. Thekla's Oonan 138009 Tomassee .2d 133254 Tornella 78453 Ula Oonan 92948.. Period Age Butter Milk or Test OF Cow 15 13 265 7 days 3 11 18 1.25 205 8.75 3 8 14 l3 195 7.5 2 1 It 10 248 12 4 S 31 4 484 8 14 " 4 3 l6 7.5 228 10 2 2 ko 10.5 178 4 3 11 20 1.5 233 15 2 3 15 2 211 11.25 4 14 9.25 140 8 2 4 16 15.25 211 8.25 3 1 14 7.25 246 15 4 3- 15 12 251 1,5 5 2 22 3 298 6 7 " 9 a Oonan's Tormentor Stii 54410 — Sire. Oouaii's Tormentor 22280; dam, Cream Custard 97429. Pride's Lizzie 186172 16 5 271 8 7 days 4 2 •' 45 7 759 20 " 4 2 Oonan's Tormentor Fogis 30505— Sire, Oonan's^Tormentor 22280; dam, Addie I*. 41428. ^thra K. 104562 Dollie's Valentine 105049 Hattie Darnall 105060 Justa Pogis 2d 115494 Oonan's Silverlocks 163361. Oonette 149351 Virginia Taylor 117964 12 13.7 •15 2 213 6.4 7 days 6 2; 678 .11.8 *680 13.8 10218 4.8 1 year 4 15 2.6 *17 13.4 273 9.6 7 days 4 1 12 10.2 *14 13.9 221 7 " 6 8 14 9.13 256 8 7 " 3 11 12 15.6 *15 4.2 216 9.6 7 " 5 1 14 3.5 *16 11.6 310 12.8 7 "■ 3 a 14 5.3 •16 13.7 278 6.4 7 " 3 ^ Ophi's Exile 34653— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657 ; dam, Ophi of St. Lambert 49004. Pauline's Bessie 109978.. 15 12 184 11 7 days Optimus 1607— Sire, Sir Cliarles 131; dam, Carrie 3894. Monmouth Ouchess 3d 4620 14 Monmouth Duchess 4th 7129 IS Warren's Duchess 4622 16 4 160 10 7 days 10 6 196 7 " 8 2 i 260 3 7 " 8 ft Oracle 30340— Sire, Rex Stolje Pogis 19553 ; dam. Great Delight 67755. Tuleema Pogis 100089. 262 Orange Peel 502— Sire, Clement 115 ; dam, Cowslip, F.S. 330 H.C. Lustre 2062 15 8.5 286 Orange Feel 864, imp. — Lady Mary Hampton 4861. . Valma Hoffman 4600 14 21 219 8 Orange Skin 1216— Sire, Orange Peel 2d, P.S. 36 H.C. ; dam, Gloria 3144. Gold Trinket 9518 10 2 240 12 Magnolia Ridgcly 17269 14 8 181 Orawapnm 2833— Sire, Tommy Grey 1099 ; dam, Carrie 7th 2016. Corn 10504 :.... 16 2 Verona 10766 15 1.5 227 Wine 15739 16 4 232 5 7 days 6 7 days 7 days 7 " 7 days 7 " 7 days 7 " 7 " 8 9 Orie's Fan6y Harry 39773— Sire, Nervilette's Harry 29C57 ; dam, Orie's Fancy 72039. Orie's Vexer's Gem 129122 12 7.8 *14 11 244 12.8 7 days Orleans 53»— Sire, Warwick 204; dam, Daisy 656. Stanstead Belle 4709 13 4 220 4 7 days 10 1 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages arc in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 135 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Orlofl 3143— Sire, Lord Lisgar 1066; dam, Ophelie 493. Carrie Pogis 22568 15 9 219 7 days 4 5 Lisgar's Ella 24992 17 314 8 7 " 6 6 Orme, F.S. 1660 H.C.— Sire, Golden Lad, P.S. 1242 H.C. ; dam, Oxfoi:d Daiilia, P.S. 2588 H.O. Little Eminence 122506 21 6 324 5 7 days 5 8 Orphan 891 — Sire, Napoleon 291 ; dam, Olive TC3. Peggy of Staatsburgh 2342 14 1.25 7 days 10 10 Orphan, P.S. 256 C— Sire, Farmer's Glory 5196 ; dam, May Flower, P.S. 95 C. Gay Orphan 25985 18 1 269 2 7 days S 3 114 3.4 •134 5.8 2175 14.4 90 " 11 3 Orr's Chief 19508— Sire, May's Prince 14438; dam, Vetona 2d 38242. May B.'s Belle 121062 15 255 i 7 days 5 9 Osiris 3792— Sire, Pine Cliff 1106 ; dam, Yashti 2555. Countess Godiva 10820 15 7 210 7 days 5 4 Osiris of Fernwood 16078— Sire, Osiris 12189; dam, Magnet's Lass 2G098. Marcia G. 53211 14 11 228 13 7 days 5 '3 Osprey 17385— Sire, Avouola 11205; dam, Erith 4564. Anna Clare 101663 14 8.5 262 1 7 days 6 1 Lizzie Helier 130169 *404 12.5 476 3.4 9223 3.2 1 year 7 4 Olive of One Pine 93449 17 9 282 10 7 days 6 1 Othello 1114— Sire, Tally Ho 880; dam, Theodora 1890. Dark Cloud 9364 15 3.5 256 2 7 days 6 4 Othello of Elmarch 3780— Sire, Don Pierrot 2876 ; dam, Muezzin 3070. Cream of Springvale 16621 15 10 229 7 days 4 1 Othick Pedro 20511— Sire, King Peto 10541; dam, Maud Westfield 17555. Calla Europa 77810 15 4 229 7 days 3 " ••• 20 6 346 14 7 " 5 2 Mooly Pedro 77811 17 3 252 7 " 5 11 Otolie 17219— Sire, Prince of Stratford 0733; dam, Zoraydalia 21341. Crotella 86136 14 13 206 13 7 days 7 11 Outpost 32847— Sire, Odelio 20223 ; dam, Gildercream 39480. Harry's Christel 131326 17 15 249 12 7 days 4 8 Owen St. Iiambert of Lawn 24992— Sire, Bonair St. Lambert 17600; dam, Jane lugleside 18644. Edna F. of Lawn 73545 15 3 209 10 7 days 5 4 Oxford Catono 23192— Sire, Khedive Catono 15274; dam, Hartford Belle 41912. Oxford Catena 6S905 15 11.25 248 7 days 7 4 Oxford Lad's King 64593— Sire, Gedney Farm Oxford Lad 71238; dam, Marsula P.S. 9333 H.C. King's Matilda M. 494850 • 16 289 12 7 days 3 7 Oxford Pride 19160— Sire, Southern Prince 10760; dam, Jazella G. 14191. Buck's Pride 154438 15 9 231 7 days 3 8 Fairy Oxford 66679 jl^^ 17 7.5 236 8 7f " 4 4 3 9 Rosa Oxford 66678 C" 15 0.5 203 7 IS. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*) and butter is estimatea on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official- butter-tests arc marked by a daeeer m All amounts are m pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 136 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS. ' Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Ozoli 1922^Sire, St. Helier 45; dam, Pyrola 4566. Rioter's Violet 33774 14 3 154 7 days 2 1 Wardalia 2d 33970 24 6- 293 7 " 11 8 Oxford Rioter 5992— Sire, Midas of Oxford 5986; dam. La Belle Petite 5472. Bintana 9837 14 3.5 183 15 7 days 3 Lesbie 9179 16 3 187 8 7 " 8 Renini 9181 14 10.5 206 12 7 " 4 4 Silenta 17685 15 10 7 " 6 J Taglioni 9182 14 1 237 1 7 " 6 9 Volie 19465 IS 1 7 " 6 2 Paddy Alpheus 28376— Sire, Noble Alpheus 12332 ; dam, Ella of Sidney 4522. Paddy's Beauty 112843 16 2- 224 1 7 days 13 11 Paddy Wilson 3084— Sire, Burnside 2d 2838 ; dam. Lilac Hanmer 4382. Lady Bidwell 10303 15 12 265 4 7 days 4 Padisha 1623— Sire, Rajah 340; dam, Grisette 59G. Pet Lee 7993 14 12 7 days Palm Nut 4744— Sire, Niobe Duke 2364 ; dam, Palm 5268. Peggy Ford 21713 14 10 189 7 days 2 11 Pansy C.'s Rioter 53304— Sire, SuUane's Rioter 28745; dam. Beauty Pansy Champion 105948. Teresa May Buttercup 137718 17 8.5 273 2 7 days 8 2 " 34 3.5 536 8 14 " 8 2 Pansy Pogis Rioter 14064— Sire, Litchfield 15tb 5802; dam, Violet Pogis 22985. Combination of Lawn 76635 14 2.5 218 3 7 days 4 4 Pansy Albert of Lawn 76634 15 14.5 239 11 7 " 6 7 Pansy's Double Rex 9997— Sire, Niantic 5244 ; dam. Double Bex Pansy 14645. Lass of Burrwood 37437 14 1.5 233 8 7 days 6 2 Pansy's Rubano 40068— Sire, Lulu's Rioter of St. L. 32588; dam, Bubano's Pansy Pogis 94477. Dame of Clover Hill 169522 17 5 287 8 7 days 5 3 Parade 30875— Sire, Diploma 16219 ; dam, Adenda 64104. Diploma's Duchess 124893 18 15 263 12 7 days 4 10 Duchess of Jefferson 2d 118168 • 14 7 227 7 " 2 3 Duchess of Springdale 128304 16 9 239 7 " 4 1 Duchess of Westbranch 119967 21 2 276 14 7 " 4 2 Parole 26114— Sire, Diploma 16219; dam, Paradise 32082. Alteration's Goldie 102097 22 7 329 7 days 6 3 " 87 2.5 1359 30 " 6 3 Harry's Duchess 3d 123282 15 0' 223 7 " 5 11 • ne 9 19 7.7 311 3.2 7 " 10 3 Parole's Duchess 133953 15 11 261 7 " 3 4 Tureen of Lynwood 133251 ■ 16 13 218 12.5 7 " 3 11 Vela Hastings 119615 *450 529 6.6 7486 3 1 year -8 6 Parole of Honor 4291— Sire, Tommy SutlifE 2747; dam, Candace- 7765. Minnie's Ouida 33117 .' 14 260 7 7 days 5 3 Pascarrelle 16603— Sire, Douglass' Knox 8975; dam, Erema 3d 14197. Blanche of Castile 43793 22 1.5 299 7 days 5 7 Pasha, P.S. 64 C— Sire, Battler, P.S. 20 H.C. ; dam, Sultane, P.S. 7 H.C. Faultless 12018 17 5.5 234 13 7 days 8 6 Frugal 14925 17 2.75 229 4 7 9 2 Regina 4th 12732 17 13.6 187 8 7 ' 7 N. B.-Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a .star (*)• and ^""a'ii estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old ofliciaJ butter-tests are marked by a dagger (V- AH amcunts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. Pedro Royal Marjoram 28560 (Page 138) Five tested daughters. Bred by T. S. Cooper, Coopersburg, Pa. ; owned by Geo. Crocker, Ramsey, N. J. Pedro's Pretty Pogis 33660 (Page 139) Eight tested daughters. Bred by T. S. Cooper, Coopersburg, Pa. ; owned by J. Q. Emery & Son, Edgerton, Wis. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 137 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Pasha, P.S. 1901 C— Sire, Biron, P.S. 1375 C; dam, Bashie 7th, P.S. 3204 C. Pristine 126329 14 4.5 165 12 7 days 2 8 Faterson 11 — Sire, St. Clement 10; dam imported. Cowslip 5th 849 15 4 7 days Faiiline's Stoke Pogis 11859— Sire, Stoke Pogis 5tii 5987; dam, Pauline 3d 8290. Goldie Pogis 45423 16 2 206-9 7 days 4 4 Katy Signal 2d 44673 18 8 244 8 7 " 5 6 Rescue of St. Lambert 48939 16 8 181 12 7 " 6 10 Panl Potter 18119— Sire, Eayon d'Or 7516; dam, Bright Eye's Pet 15672. Mirnie Potter 72670.. 14 10 273 .8- 7 days 6 Paul Rioter 31203— Sire, Cretesia's Albert Pogis 21730; dam, Matilda of Maplewood 49723. Pauline Porter 145635 14 11 232 8 7 days 4 Paul's Rita 145634 16 213 4 7 " 4 1 Peacock's Lord HTarry 36049— Sire, Ida of St. L.'s Last Son 23601 ; danj, Miss Peacock 30871. Orange Puff 2d 121584 17 4 218 1 7 days 2 9 Pearleta's Scitnate 17109— Sire, Olga's Scituate 14005; dam, Pearleta 19380. Sadie T. 75896 16 6 268 7 days 5 6 Pearl Rex 4438— Sire, Rex 1330 ; dam, Pearlette 2347. Beauty of Ninon 2d 18444 15 3.5 308 8 7 days 4 Pedro 3187— Sire, Domino of Darlington 2459; dam, Eurotas 2454. Golightiy 25597 18 2 285 8 7 days 4 10 " 23 4 275 11 7 " 7 1 Lorne's Pretty Marjoram 77942 14 14 265 7 " 6 2- Pedro's Belle Rioter 110407 IS 9 251 9 7 " 5 4 Pedro's Bonnie Rainbow 88612 18 5 276 7 " 4 2 Pedro's Dolly 77948 17 10 282 7 " 2 6 Pedro's -Duchess 29581 18 7.5 261 7 " 7 5 Pedro's Fair Marjoram 88489 18 12 275 7 " 4 2 Pedro's Fame 33836 19 12 278 7 " 7 1 Pedro's Golden Harp 66098 15 3 260 7 " 4 5 Pedro's Hansom Marjoram 96934..; 18 6 254 7 " 3 5 Pedro's Happy Maid 88492 26 0.25 287 4 7 " 6 5 Pedro's June 38790 14 6 180 '8 7 " 5 9 Pedro's Lady 36715 18 12 282 7 " 6 Pedro's Mab 40212 16 10 190 8 7 " 4 9 Pedro's Maggie 102922 16 6 241 7 " 4 6 Pedro's Minette 66092 19 8 295 7 " 6 5 Pedro's Pansy 33835 19 10 268 7 " 6 2 Pedro's Phillis 66079 17 9 258 7 " 7 Pedro's Pretty Belle 77946 18 8 261 7 " 5 4 Pedro's Pretty Lass 135067 16 6 248 7 " 1 11 Pedro's Pretty Maggie 102923 18 9 260 7 " 3 11 Pedro's Pretty Marjoram 77947 14 10 244 7 " 2 7 Pedro's Prttty Phillis 102378 17 4 248 7 " 2 2 Pedro's Priscilla 99413 ir 6 265 7 " 3 4 Pedro's Rainbow 66096! 18 15 276 7 " 5 Pedro's Rofeebud 66086 19 4 248 7 " 57 Pedro's Rojral Princess 88485 23 14 295 7 " 3 8 Pedro's Very Pretty 110508 15 4 235 7 " 2 4 Pedro's Young Princess 72310 18 4 252 7 " 2 8 Pxetty Marjolram 77943 19 6 274 7 " 4 Bretty Phillis' Pogis 66100 17 6 258 7 " 53 Skipover 20217 16 5.5 255 8 7 " 3 5 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on th': basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-te.sts are marked by a dagger (t) All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years End months. 138 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Pedro 2d 5419— Sire, Pedro 3187; dam, Magnibel 7976. Pedro Girl 22400 IS 6 233 7 7 days 2 g Pedro 3d 12583— Sire, Pedro 3187; dam, DistafE 18190. Benefit's Daughter 63932 20 370 7 days 8 S / Pedro Grey Marjoram 42793— Sire, Pedro 3187 ; dam, Marjoram of Linden 43600. Pedro's Handsome Pearl 2d 147246 14 11 228 1 7 days 2 3 Pedrolier 12412- Sire, Pedro Thornton 7960; dam. Flora 2d 12279. Pierrot's Beauty 48964 15 11 221 12 7 days 3 Pedro Marjoram Albert 38326^Sire, Pedro Royal Marjoram 28560 ; dam. Miss Albert 63138. Pedro's Golden Beauty 110402 18 231 4 7 days 3 1 Pedro of Cloudland 46575— Sire, Pedro Signal Landseer 30212 ; dam, Madrid's Maid 71326. Cloudland Inez 154108 *12 6.2 14 9 289 '7.2 7 days 6 Cloudland Lois 169324 *15 4.7 17 15.8 275 12 7 " 5 6 Pedro of Darlington 59821- Sire, Pedro Royal Marjoram 28560; dam, Belinda's Daughter 121704. Pearl Villa 183310 *414 5.4 487 7.3 6972 11.2 1 year 3 4 Pedro's Lucerne 183217 *398 2.2 468 6.4 8692 11.2 1 " 3 3 Pedro of Knoxville 26213— Sire, Prospect's Rioter 9189; dam, Pedro's Duchess 29583. Patton's Buttercup 93913 15 9.5 208 9 7 days 6 3 " " 13 5 «15 10.7 204 7 " 6 8 Pedro of I.iuden 26015— Sire, Pedro 1J187 ; dam, Phillis 3d 46681. Rioter's Pretty Belle 88543 15 10 245 7 days 5 Pedro of the Valley 8750— Sire, Catono 3761 ; dam, Rosabel Hudson 5704. Birdsey's Surprise 48326 14 2 255 7 7 days 5 4 Braw Lassie 36221 17 6 174 7 " 9 4 Fancy Ona 34867 15 0.5 224 12 7 " 3 8 Niobe Gordon 3d 44041 14 3 234 12 7 " 3 9 Pedro's Florrie Bell 92110 15 272 8 7 " 7 4 Poppy H. 34865.... 17 5.5 163 9 7 " 4 7 Quail 3d 43568. , 16 12 246 5 7 " 3 10 Pedro of Waterford 50630— Sire, Pedro Royal Marjoram 28560; dam, Pedro's Royal Princess 88485. Frances Eric 148908 18 10 285 8 7 days 8 8 Pedro Ramapo 35331— Sire, Young Pedro 2d 15011 ; dam. Lady Ramaposa 26232. Pedro Ramapo Gem of C. H. 127210 15 237 7 days 4 9 Pedro Royal Marjoram 28560— Sire, Pedro 3187 ; dam, Marjoram 2d 12805. Griselda Marjoram 111166 15 6 230 7 days 1 9 Infanta Pedro Marjoram 88584 17 6 285 7 " 4 2 Pedro's Golden Harp 2d 103365 16 9 236 7 " 3 9 Pedro's Polly Rex 99845 21 t 299 7 " 4 2 Rioter Flora Marjoram 111165 16 4 272 7 " 4 1 Pedro's Country Boy 39408— Sire, Marjoram's Pedro 31321; dam, Lome's Pretty Mar- joram 77942. Griselda Pedro 159247 16 1 252 7 days 7 7 Wilhelmina of Warren 158990 22 2 371 7 " 7 8 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates rre marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests arc marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 139 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Pedro's Duke Fogis 53688— Sire, Pedro Royal Marjoram 28560 ; dam, Pretty Phillis Pogis 66100. Oonan's Fancy Pedro 175834 20 6 317 4 7 days 6 11 Pedro's Gay Duke 42842— Sire, Pedro 3187 ; dam, Pedro's Pretty Duchess 88558. Pedro's Francesville 135946 14 6 224 13 7 days 3 8 Pedro's Rosaline 135955 15 2.5 264 6 7 " 3 5 " 21 8.5 378 3 10 " 3 5 Pedro Sheldon 22865— Sire, Sheldon of St. Lambert 13831 ; dam, Pedrolatia 25436. Pedro's Clara 96361 16 13 282 7 days 4 5 Pedro's Laura B. 96363 14 10 232 8 7 " 3 5 Pedro's Zoe 95697 15 10 240 4 7 " 3 8 Pedro Signal Landseer 30212— Sire, Young Pedro 9033; dam, Signal Mine 2d 60789. Pedro's I'"ancy 4th of H. F. 119842 14 14 240 14 7 days 3 3 Pedro's Fancy 9th of H. F. 140517 14 3 227 11 7 " 4 9 Pedro's Peter 46965— Sire, Pedro 3187; dam, Pedro's Pretty Phillis 102378. Pedro's Fillpail 188788 18 3 258 14 7 days 2 11 Pedro's Pretty Pogis 33660- Sire, Pedro 3187 ; dam, Phillis 3d 46681. Edna Pedro 133190 17 250 4 7 days 4 5 Juanita of Emery Farm 2d 177904 12 3.2" 14 6.6 221 12 7 " 4 10 Pedro's Brown Bessie 168877 12 0.4 14 2.4 215 12 7 " 5 2 Pedro's Pandora 161388 '13 4.7 15 10 279 1.6 7 " 7 3 Pedro's Zilda Pogis 16S360 12 3.5 14 5.9 221 12.8 7 " 6 2 Pedro's Zilda Rioter 161387 12 1.2 14 3.3 222 9.6 7 " 6 3 Stena Pedro 125032 39 13 210 14.5 7 " 4 5 Winnie Pedro Pogis 2d 161628 16 241 7 7 " 3 4 Pedro's Princess' Prince 41346— Sire, Stoke Pogis Cantilever 28266; dam, Pedro's Princess of York 72378. Ona Bunker 2d 122448 15 2 287 4 7 days 3 3 Pedro's Rosebud's Son 25845— Sire, King Khedive 15886 ; dam, Pedro's Rosebud 66086. Tabitha L. 100559 14 1 215 7 days 5 4 Pedro's Silver Rioter 31320— Sire, Prospect's Rioter 9189; dam, Pedro's Pansy 33835. Pedro's Pre^tty Dolly. 102376: IS 13 258 7 days 3 2 Pedro's Pretty Lady 102379 15 12 256 7 " 3 1 Pedro's Pretty Princess 102377 17 6 248 7 " 3 2 J Pedro's Silver Pearl 110401 18 6 253 7 " 3 Pedro's Sir Carlo 50710— Sire, Pedro 3187; dam. Flora Res Carlo 2d 102140. Annie Garfield 170128 20 3 313 8 7 days 5 9 Pedro's Sir Marigold 54510— Sire, General Marigold 45486; dam. Pretty Phillis Pogis 66100. Jolie Marigold 177827 16 8 288 2 7 days 3 3 Phillis Marigold 176966 14 6 262 9 7 " 3 g Roma Marigold 176613 15 2- 277 12 7 " 3 10 Pedro's Texas Prince 55616— Sire, Pedro's Silver Rioter 31320; dam, Pedro's Gay Princess 110405. Katy Pedro of O. H. 208804 18 1 286 7 days 4 8 Pedro's Pet of O. H. 208357 18 6.5 283 7 " 50 Peggy's Boyal Signal 22613— Sire, Royal Beauty's Duke 17315; dam, Peggy Signal 35672. Lady Kate Rex 91751 14 8 239 7 days 2 5 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*) and butter i« estimated on the basis, of 85% fal in bv.tter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a daeeer ftl All amcunts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. "^ 140 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Buttee Milk of Test of Cow Pendexter 30918— Sire, Moss Rose Victor 19123; dam, Lulu of Riverside 19175. Faith of Pittsford 2d 107716 15 12 249 12 7 days 7 2 Perfect Combination 35476— Sire, Huckleberry Finn 25441 ; dam, Regalia 64574. Bijou of Glen Rouge 123109 19 8 278 7 days 5 3 Perfect Pacific 16994— Sire, North Pacific Prize 11459 ; dam. Gem Perfect 31180. Quickstep 85969 17 9 243 7 days 3 10 Perrot, P.S. 342 C— Sire, Bobby, P.S. 208 H.C. ; dam, Royal Beauty 18908. Eastwood Clearwater 30445 27 263 7 days 3 11 Miss Nellie Parker 24988 23 11 240 13 7 " 5 4 Ferret's Baroness 22508 15 14.5 142 6 7 " 6 7 Sylvia Perrot 30963 16 0.5 182 13 7 " 9 8 Pertinatti 713— Sire, Pilot Jr. 141; dam. Pert 110. Pixie 4115 14 184 8 7 days 6 8 Renalba 4117.... 17 4.5 267 8 7 " 6 10 Romp Ogden 2d 4764 , 15 5 265 8 7 " 6 3 Fertinax 1965— Sire, Pertinatti 713 ; dam, Roxana 1761. ^^.elle Williamson 8386 19 10.5 157 6.5 7 days 8 11 ^Bcate Gordon 8387 15 15 194 7 7 " 4 6 ^^lita J. 32184 25 2.5 211 12 7 " 4 1 Pete Marigold 55423— Sire, Lorita's Marigold Pogis 43972 ; dam, Arabella Youell 117122. Sarah of Old Homestead 167111 18 10 218 11 7 days 4 1 Peter 835— Sire, Jack 834 ; dam. Flora 2075. Beauty 2076 15 7 205 6 7 days 16 5 Peter Cooper's Pedro 53524— Sire, Pedro 3187; dam, Wardalia 2d 33970. Pedro's Silver Grey 162943 *12 10 14 13.7 280 8 7 days 5 6 Petite's Meridale Rioter 65010— Sire, Ida's Coquette Pogis 43044 ; dam. Petite Meridale 114837. Meridale Bessie 173028 15 7 246 8 7 days 4 10 Petit Garson 50400— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 5th 34947 ; dam, Petitesse 98572. Midget Petitesge 177293 *436 4.7 513 4.6 6894 4.8 1 year 4 1 Petit Victor 24788— Sire, Eurotas' Victor Hugo 15689 ; dam, La Belle Petite 2d 27571. Coix 85258 15 4 223 7 days 4 2 Extract 3d 85261 14 6 212 7 " 3 U Pet's Landseer 29392— Sire, Landseer's Pogis 15847 ; dam. Fancy's Pet 36013. Davy's Dot 2d 85744 14 4 168 4 7 days 2 11 Pharos 3552, imp.— Belle of Scituate 7977 16 7 days Pharos Jr. 3621— Sire, Pharos 3552 ; dam, Blonde 378. Lass of Scituate 9555 15 14 196 12 7 days 5 1 Phil Bree 2957— Sire, Pierrot 636 ; dam, Annie 793. Ultima 14456 15 12 228 7 days B 3 Philidor, P.S. 276 H.C— Sire, Fanner's Glory 5196 ; dam, Clelie 2d, P.S. 64 C. Gloi-y of Elmarch 21521 15 13.B 204 12 7 days 3 1 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). Ail amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 141 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Philip Noble 51474-Sire, Noble's Son of the Lake 41481; dam, Rose of Chestnut Gorge 132079. Daisy Moak 2d 144877 15 8 230 7 days 3 3 Molly Dutton 144878 ,... 14 2 215 7 " 3 3 Philosopher 32487— Sire, Tennessee's Landseer 23015 ; dam, Tonnentor's Daisy 52496. Odnata 121152....'. 14 14 238 12 7 days 4 6 Pickwick 2d 8915— Sire, Piclswick 3985; dam, Princess of'Mansfield 8070. Jonquil of Bingo Farm 41786 19 3 289 12 7 days 9 2 Picton 3d, P.S. 2715 H.C.— Sire, Aristocrat, I'.S. 2280 H.C. ; dam. Stale Bread 2d, P.S. 2976 O. Island Darkie 181182 16 13 283 4 7 days 7 32 15 567 12 14 " 7 68 8 1197 4 30 " 7 Pierrot, F.S. 143 C— Mischiel Le Brocq 7680 15 7 days Pierrot 2d 1669— Sire, Pierrot 636; dam. Dainty 796. Julia Walker 10133 New London Gipsy 11667 Palestina 4644.: Queen Fannie 10275 Rosy Kate 10276 15 12 8 8 2 4 6 6 10 6 7 days 7 " « 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 days 7 " 7 " 7 " ^^0 14 15 241 #; 14 14 14 14 220 224 163 8 12 4 10 4 8 5 n i 16 14 240 168 8 6 8 4 Pierrot 7th 1667— Sire, Pierrot 636; dam. Pet 811. Palestine Pierrot 24099 Palestine's Last, Daughter 12602 Pierrot's Lady Bacon 12482 Kuth Morgan 24098 Pierrot Bob Boy 23529— Sire, Rosa's Pierrot 12216 ; daJtn, Pogis Pet 14175. Bertha Ward 81970 15 5 ' 268 12 7 days 8 1 Pierrot's Telephone 5440— Sire, Pierrot 7th 1667 ; dam. Little Sister 11666. The Sister 21135 14 4.5 134 8 7 days 7 11 Pilot, P.S. 183 C— Sire, Khedive, P.S. 103 H.O. ; dam, Phillis 18162. Cabinet 22662 Fauchon 2d 18200 Oxford Kate 13646 Pilot's Rose 17958 Pilot's Veronica 18917 Pilot 3549— Sire, Dick Swiveller Jr. 276 ; dam, Nellie 7825. Lady Gilmore 12136 14 14 226 8 7 days 9 6 Pilot Jr. 141— Sire, Pilot 3; dam, Jenny 287. Silver Rose 4753 16 14 264 -7 days 5 } Pilot of Bowher Farm 6085— Sire, Prince of Deerfoot 2540 ; dam. Lady Gilmore 12136. Daisy Pilotta 68852 15 10 149 13 7 days 6 4 14 9 234 9 7 " 6 10 t39 12 243 8 7 " 6 ft 3.75 205 7 " 7 S 20 2 234 7 " 6 1 Musidove 25379 Musidove 3d 61641.. .Topsey Doe 25378. . . 15 2.5 237 14.5 7 days 4 S 17 12 274 7 " 7 2 18 2 267 12 7 " 6 1 15 1 217 7 " 6 4 15 4 219 7 " 6 1 Pine Cli£E 1106— Sire, Cliff 176; dam, St. Catherine 408. St. Perpetua 2d 5557 li 200 7 days i 5 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star ('), and butter is estimated ontho basis of 85% fat m butter The old official butter-tests are marked by a daeeer ftl All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 142 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Finecrof t Pogis 53706— Sire, Landseer's Stoke Pogis 40927 ; dam, Marigold's Ida Pogis 127833. Essie Brown 195995 14 4.5 16 12.8 237 6 7 days 4 11 Planet 1 130— Sire, Mack 722 ; dam. Maiden 1464. Chlora 8325 14 6 172 7 days 8 i Platon, F.S. 310 C— Dewdrop Pansy 19736 19 S 289 7 days 4 2 Plebeian 31020— Sire, Diploma 1G219 ; dam, Tiea.sure 79200. Miss Flora Brown 100532 16 2 238 4 7 days 3 7 • 19 248 8 7 " 4 6 Plough Boy, P.S. 102 C— Sire, Welcome, F.S. 207 C. ; dam. Buttercup, F.S. 848 C. Lille Bonne 8108 19 12 275 7 days 8 10 Plymouth Champion 27227— Sire, Gridley's Duke 2i9S)7; dam, Lily Champion 50009. Agnes Clover 86378 14 12 200 11 7 days 3 10 Pocatello 21953— Sire, Torpedo 2d 16375 ; dam, Sayda 4th 38719. Sayda M. 3d 71134 : 20 10 288 9 7 days 6 3 Poet's Fortune of St. L. 50575— Sire, Poet's Dream of St. L. 33209 ; dam, Nestor's Garda of St. L. 130025. Ouster's Maggie 146800 IS 12 281 8 7 days 8 5 Pogis 7th of Hood Farm 55551— Sire, Hood Farm Pogis 40684; dam, Donney Pogis 2d 82420. Hood Farm Lilian 172797 *36S 13.7 433 15.2 7289 8 1 year 3 2 Pogis' Boom 18295— Sire, Prince of Melrose 2d 11015; dam, Pride of Springvale 20093. Corinne of St. Lambert 76579 15 10 205 7 days 2 11 Pogis Chief 3998— Sire, Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 ; dam, Cherry of St. Lambert 5127. Donney Pogis 38907 16 2.13 143 4 7 days 4 Princess of Hanover 46706 18 12 268 1 7 " 7 Pogis Chief's Tormentor 30327— Sire, Denise's Tormentor 11823 ; dam, Pogis Chief's Lizzie 33497. Pogis Chief's Beauty 116661 14 8 264 8 7 days 4 3 Pogis Combine 53733— Sire, Common 28853 ; dam, Easter Pogis 52371. Lassie Easter Pogis 143523 ' 14 4 236 7 days 2 2 " " " " 17 263 12 7 " 3 3 " *217 13.6 256 4.7 4313 12.8 120 " 5 4 Pogis Cowboy 18779— Sire, Cowboy of St. Lambert 3790; dam, Julia Evelyn 6007. Lassie Pogis Parker 111798 14 U ■ 207 10 7 days 6 11 Ursula Po^pis 2d 131983 18 8 215 7 " 6 9 Pogis Dee of Meridale 56719— Sire, Matilda 4th's Son 20214; dam, Beauty of Meridale 114744. Meridale Matilda Dee 164645 16 8 245 7 7 days 4 Ifl Pogis King St. Lambert 16904— Sire, Pogis Victor Hugo 12291 ; dam, Dido Miss 8759. Euphorbia 4th 70662 17 2 277 15 7 days 6 9 Pogis Lad 19289— Sire, Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658; dam, Daisy Brown 12218. Lass's Jewel 113211. *441 7 519 5 9084 10 1 year 12 S N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 143 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Fogis Maximum 20761— Sire, Stoke Pogis Maximum 15098 ; dam, Lady Panalphrex 17400. Maxminta 85922 15 13.5 210 6 7 days 4 " 19 8 296 13 7 " 6 3 Max Polly 108994 13 8.5 206 8 7 " 3 2 Maxveenie 85583 14 6 214 7 7 " 6 3 Fogis of Eau Claire 23179— Sire, Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544; dam, Cretesia 2d 15397. Beatrice C. 72267 17 290 4 7 days 11 1 Fogis of Glencoe 26107— Sire, Matilda's Stoke Pogis 14832; dam, Arawana May 16207. Vic Howard 90591 15 2 248 1 7 days 7 6 Fogis of Shadow Brook 27926— Sire, Melia Ann's Son 22041 ; dam, Cretesia 2d 15397. Fennel of Glynllyn 109755 17 4 226 5 7 days 2 6 Fogis Whiting 28907— Sire, Colonel A, 20354 ; dam, Kathrina W. 35189. Nanette of Hood Farm 104447 15 8.5 241 2 7 days 4 1 Folonius 2513— Sire, Sarpedon 930; dam, Leda 799. May Evening 16938 17 13 289 13 7 days 9 2 Folonius De Pansy 6625— Sire, Berlin 4507 ; dam, Nelly Pierpont 12531. Countess Bee 32630 14 4 160 7 days 2 1 Fompus 2881— Sire, Ranger 1231; dam, Pet of Maplewood Farm 4854. Bristol Bella 15697 14 7 162 7 7 days 12 8 " 15 3.5 257 8 7 " 15 1 Fonterrin's Duke 14999— Sire, Nonpareil 3d, P.S. 464 H.C. ; dam, ClSopatre du Ponterrin 27264. Belle of River's Bank 48023 15 10 231 3 7 days 6 5 Fope St. Lambert 19850— Sire, Cowboy of St. Lambert 3790 ; dam, Aloysia 2d 21225. Bessie Pope St. Lambert 80352 16 1.25 234 7 days 5 10 Portland Prospect 61919— Sire, Stoke Pogis Oif Prospect 29121; dam, Inez of Riverside 51781. Gertie lyuna 188804 *380 1.5 447 2.7 7574 1.6 1 year 2 3 Inez Hazel Fern 179721 ♦366 l.b 430 11 7208 4.8 1 " 3 10 Pomela 185203 ''SIO 11.8 305 8.4 5181 4.2 1 " 1 10 Portland's Bluebelle 188814 *325 9.4 383 0.7 5486 1 " 1 u Stoke Pogis Laura Lee 188811.... ♦356 11.6 419 10.9 6304 3.2 1 " in Potiphar 19988— Sire, Sir Roger's T. 3938 ; dam, Controller's Josephine 8.530. Moorey of Lawn 68847 21 4 267 8 7 days 4 11 Potomac 153— Sire, Oomns 54; dam, Clara 148. Nellie 1507 14 2 7 days 9 1 Pouch of Gold 4121— Sire, Furcoat 3040; dam. Gilt 4th 4208. Leoline 2d 18315 14 4 173 8 7 days 3 Prairie Queen's Signal 45442— Sire, Pansy K.'s Signal 22392 ; dam, Prairie Queen 32242. Nonine Clay 148079 '16 12 19 11.5 352 12 7 days 8 3 Pretender, P.S. 187 C— Sire, Rusticus, P.S. 109 C. ; dam, Gentille, F.S. 794 H.C. Princess of the Valley 22641 18 12 263 14 7 days 6 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger {+). ' Alt amounts ere in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 144 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Pretty Diamond's Pedro 33927— Sire, Pedro 3187 ; dam, Lome's Pretty Diamond 75272. Pedro's Lady Mary 110626 18 14 234 9 7 days 4 4 Pedro's Little Pet 134910 14 15 241 X " 3 8 Pedro's Little Rex 134909 14 6 233 7 " 4 9 Priamus 28455— Sire, King Rioter 2d 15114; dam, Golden Fleece 40656. Mollie Priamus 137595 15 11 267 4 7 days 10 1 Friamns Boy 53279— Sire, Priamus 28455 ; dam, Etna Fawn 3d 77940. Priamus Maid 147538 14 10 241 13 7 days 7 2 Priamus Queen 147140 16 228 8 7 " 8 2 Pride of New York 19787— Sire, Pride of the Island 5416; dam, Pride's Lady Leonora 82217. Martha D. 66641 17 2 211 14 7 days 4 1 Pride of the Island 5416, imp. — Island Dots 17003 14 9 202 8.5 7 days 1 9 Pride's Lady Frances 39529 16 3.5 225 7 " 5 9 Pride's Lady Lillie 35181 15 0.75 201 1 7 " 8 5 Pride's Lady Rushmore 35182! 15 1 210 7 7 " 8 10 Pride's Lady Sarah 39537 15 1.5 232 2 7 " 5 Pride's Queen 66442 15 8.5 231 8 7 " 3 6 Pride's Landseer 18590— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777 ; dam. Pride of Mashamoquet Farm 6469. Bonnie Bess Landseer 119064 10 5 257 12 7 days 4 7 Geneva M.'s Fancy 104917 16 0.5 195 15 7 " 4 10 Hattie Landseer 72719 14 4 246 14 7 " 6 11 Pride's Dora Dean 93440 16 3 258 4 7 " 10 4 Pride's Pogis 23459— Sire, Matilda's Stoke Pogis 14832 ; dam. Pride of Carolina 28382. Anna Paris 67989 14 0.75 237 14 7 days 7 9 Primrose's Bachelor 20799 — Sire, Bachelor of St. Lambert 4558 ; dam Primrose Sheldon 23120. Bachelor's Juliana 106174 13 4 233 5 7 days 8 Z Bachelor's Juliet 106376 27 3 317 7 7 " 79 Bachelor's Lucille 124708 14 7.5 230 7 " 4 10 Primrose's Carlo 12174— Sire, Carlo 5559; dam. Primrose 11956. Cora of Sandusky 42038 IS 4.5 188 7 days 9 1 Primrose of Summerland 66059 15 4.5 188 9.8 7 " 4 1 Prince, on I. of J. — Flora of St. Peter's 8622 16 5 7 days 3 6 Prince Boulivot 8757— Sire, Governor, P.S. 138 C. ; dam on I. of J. Princess Minette 24042 18 6.5 282 6 7 days 9 10 Prince George 11571— Sire, Sir George 7656; dam, St. Ciementaise 18163. Silicon 25577 IS 13 202 5 7 days 4 t ■V^iolente 28819 17 10.5 2S4 7 " 6 1 Prince Harry 5176— Sire, Lord Harry 3445; dam, Coonie 7817. Cricket's Minnie 26270 15 3.5 106 ■ 7 days 4 S " 16 14 157 9 7 " 6 6 Prince Jeannaise 17074— Sire, L' Allegro 7127; dam, Pilot's St. Jeannalse 25089. Princess Jeannaise 53863 .15,12 201 4 7 days 5 4 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. Prince of Melrose 48 1 9 (Page 146) Fifteen tested daughters. Bred by R. H. Stephens, St. Lam- bert, P. Q. ; owned by Wm. E. Oates, Vicksburg, Miss. Rex 1330 (Page 153) Eleven tested daughters. Bred by John O. Couch, Middle- town, Conn. ; owned by Lyman A. Mills, Middlefield, Conn. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 145 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Prince Milan 23 IS — Sire, Lord Lisgar 1066; dam, Juliet 485. Beauty of Lee Farm 15694 20 12.75 233 12 7 days 5 8 Prince Neddy, P.S. 3038 C— Sire, Golden Lad's Ohampion 57222 ; dam, Farceuse 2d, P.S. 7881 H.O. Prince Neddy's Amolinda 181215 15 255 12 7 days 5 6 Prince Noble 22198— Sire, Alpheou Austerlitz 15363; dam, Pepothe 16842. Loa 107279 479 2.2 563 11 8993 9.6 1 year 7 11 " *15 1.2 17 11.8 280 1.6 7 days 8 Mabellena 107603 496 3.4 583 12.6 8703 4.8 1 year 7 3 " *15 1.8 17 12.5 273 14.4 7 days 7 5 Mabel's Surprise 126876 "15 3 17 14 246 1.6 7 " 6 7 " 452 1.6 631 14 8127 9.6 1 year 7 5 " *447 7.25 525 14.4 8236 8 1 " 9 7 Prince of Amherst 25728— Sire, Bay View Chief 23853; dam, Chief's Charella 61999. Princess Rosalind 87288 15 1 168 13 7 days 3 3 Vera of Amiierst Villa 87290 15 7 167 13 J " 5 8 Prince of Avon 17544 — Sire, Garenne's Cicero 11596; dam, Silver Venus 20270. Baby Princess 57493 14 229 4 7 days 3 6 Millplain Princess 78579 18 2 257 7 " 4 6 Prince of Beech Grove 16234 — Sire, Prince of Melrose 4819; dam. Duchess St. George 22554. Lelia Talbot 96922 , 14 8.5 205 7 days 2 11 Prince of Beechwood, P.S. 1665 C— Sire, Rosy's Wonder, P.S..835 H.C. ; dam. Fanciful Lady, F.S. 4693 C. Imp. Brown Dame 150261 14 8 203 7 7 days 11 8 Prince of Belair 50407— Sire. Ethleel 2d's Jubilee 38249; dam, Harry's May Fair 87499. Volga of Belair 173103 *13 11.2 15 14 226 12 7 days 8 i Prince of Bridgewater 2d 4489— Sire, Prince of Bridgewater 2381 ; dam, Josephine 3d 2878. Hilda B-B-B 17640 15 8 246 g 7 days 3 1 Prince of Broadmoor 8005— Sire, Polo 2264 ; dam, Florimel 3725. Hazelwood 52239 14 1 257 7 days 8 i Prince of Clover Iiawn 36235— Sire, Prince of Jersey Lawn 30256; dam, Orpha of Clinton 3d 75648. Harrietta of Brook Farm 127599 14 10 239 8 7 days 8 7 Prince of Croton 2490— Sire, Tocsin 1912; dam, Glenida 4436. Prince's Bloom 9729 14 3 7 days Prince of Darlington 5089— Sire, Duke of Darlington 2460 ; dam, Beauty of Darlington 5736. Niobomba 26456 14 15 196 7 days 7 Prince of Elmwood 20994— Sire, Remarkable 7662 ; dam, Gertrude T. 34807. Ada of Elmwood 98728 14 2 166 2 7 days 3 10 Prince of Ferncliff 24294— Sire, Duke Leacote 10910 ; dam, JEIodia's Maggie 731G. Granny's Baby 5th 95132 15 8.5 214 8 7 days 4 8 15 10 235 8 7 " 8 10 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and bu'ter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 146 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Fat Butter Prince of M. 2811— Sire, Rex 1330; clam, May Abe!!e 3932. Dura 26001 Lilley Rex 9852 21 14 Milk 282 257 Perio3> Age OF Test of Cow 7 days 7 " Prince of M. 2d 5507— Sire, Prince of M. 2811 ; dam, Belle of Wethersfield 644(i. Sayda 3d 17317 139 14.88 *164 10 3043 1.6 90 days 11 " " 39 2.88 '46 1.5 843 9.6 30 " 11 Prince of Mahaska 16159— Sire, Elevator 10664; dam, Zerelda 27403. Sulphide 88038 18 5 271 6 7 days Prince of Maple Lane 14361— Sire, Jliddlefield Boy 1331; Baronet's Victory 2d 39176 : 17 5 dam, Rioter's Queen 1489."). 231 7 days 4 Prince of Melrose 4819- Bee Princess 40345 Belle Melrose 61920 Busy Melrose 54466 ■Sire, Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 ; dam, Princess of St. Lambert 5484. Busy Princess 48202 Corinne Melrose 54455 Delesline 44474 Fall Leaf's Heiress 54454. Fleecy Princess 40342 Fleeter 61921 Melrose Milly 61917 Melrose's Signal 54830.. Princess Corinne 48203. Romping Miss 54457 Saucy Princess 40350. . . Sunny Pogis 61919 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015- Sire, Prince of Melr St. Lambert 5484. Alberta Hugo 35424 Amanda of St. Lambert 64955 Angelina Pogis 40367 ♦ristina Pogis 36426 Clothilde of St. Lambert 72271 Eppie Pogis 44972 Gipsy Pogis 35422 Hermosa Pogis 40369 Hugo's Joie de Vie 40372 Imogene -Pogis 44967 Jessie Lee Pogis 44969 Katie Putnam 40366 Lady Alice Pogis 30273 Litta Pogis 30275 Lotta Pogis Nannie Pogis Pogis' Dewdrop 40373 Pomona Pogis 40371 Susie Pogis 35425 Victor Hugo's Maggie 30274 Zenobia Pogis 35421 Prince of Melrose 4tli 14362— Sire, Prince of Melrose 4810 ; dam, Oloiidling 18575. Louise Sneed 62594 16 12 299 7 days 10 14 2.6 201 7 7 days 3 17 1.5 260 i 7 " 4 5 .— 21 1.26 289 7 " 5 3 85 2.75 1311 31 " 5 3 17 1.75 257 2 7 " 4 2 16 14 190 8 7 " 4 9 15 9 254 12 7 " 9 10 16 2 210 10 7 " 6 2 14 3 210 14 7 " 6 16 11.5 243 13 7 " 7 10 16 13.5 234 15.5 -7 " 4 4 16 2.5 222 2 7 •' 4 7 15 5.75 217 3 7 " 8 19 1 213 6.5 7 " 7 S — 23 1 296 7 " 6 4 15 11 259 7 7 " 7 7 IS 3.5 249 2 7 " 5 3 17 9.5 281 12 7 " 9 1 •ose 4819; dam. Princess of 17 9 228 7 days 5 S 18 14 197 7 " 5 18 13 218 7 " 3 8 17 2 211 1 7 " 3 11 22 7.5 201 1 7 " 7 9 15 6 226 4 7 " 3 5 18 7 199 8 7 " 3 16 3.5 166 14 7 " 3 s 24 5 243 8 7 " 6 9 IS 13 223 14 7 " 3 S 17 4 180 11 7 " 4 9 16 4 207 6 7 " 3 10 22 8 251 8 7 " 4 4 18 6 236 8 7 " 3 7 16 11 212 1 7 " 3 1 16 11 238 14 7 " 3 8 19 12.5 261 6 7 " 3 9 17 2.5 229 14 7 " 4 4 16 9 245 15 7 " 4 6 18 14 242 8 7 " 3 6 15 lU 183 7 " 3 1 Prince of Milford 7951- Kalma of Milford 52742. . . . -Sire, Pedro 3187; dam, Belle Vivienne 9232. 15 12.b 217 12 7 days 10 5 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and Hulhenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and figes are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 147 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Prince of Montverde 2d 19975— Sire, Prince of Montverde 15372 ; dam, Aiphea Pride 2d 34895. Alphea May of Minden 103269 U 7 295 7 days S 8 Coupon Diamond 103559 14 5 226 14 7 " 3 2 Prince of St. I^ambert 5287— Sire, Stolse Pogis 3d 2238 ; dam, Witch of St. Lambert 5479. Hara of St. Lambert 42128 14 6 237 11 7 days 3 7 " 17 7.5 332 4 7 " 10 6 Mahoning Bess 35834 15 8.75 322 7 7 " 8 10 Princess Zeroda 107242 14 298 7 " 3 9 Prince of Scituate 3888— Sire, Pliaros Jr. 3621 ; dam, Belle of Scitnate 7977. Annie Dale's Princess 12664 19 2.5 335 1 7 days 7 10 Lily Scituate 12665 24 9.5 366 8 7 " 4 11 Prince of Sidney 2665— Sire, Noble 901 ; dam. Dahlia of Babylon 2346. Daisy of Chenango 18582 14 7 252 12 7 days 5 4 Daisy of Guilford 18583 14 6 243 8 7 " 5 2 Prince of Tennessee 20772— Sire, Southern Prince 107C0 ; dam, Jazella G. 14191. Bloomfield Oonan 163281 •208 4 245 4108 1.6 120 days 4 11 Blossom's. Belle 97433 15 6 219 10 7 " 3 2 Cream Custard 97429 19 6.25 229 6.5 7 " 4 4 Die Konigin 124952 14 12.5 194 7.75 7 " 2 6 Idelle's Idea 92510 14 10.75 185 12 '7 " 4 7 Kanjmerfrau 125093 15 4 172 7 " 2 5 Katie's Kind 97434 15- 5.25 199 10 7 " 3 " 22 2.25 270 13.25 7 " 8 8 Marchamle Sd 133818 15 6.25 173 5.75 7 " 2 3 Maumee Girl 118155 '. 15 10.75 223 7 " 4 9 May Cuckoo M. 97417 14 8 203 12.5 7 " 6 6 Miss Mouse 92512 19 8.75 223 0.75 7 " 4 6 Moxie's Mode 97432 16 3.25 199 10.5 7 " 2 6 Nanalda's Princess 148686 15 13 211 10.25 7 " 3 Prince's Christmas Gift 92513 24 12.25 282 15 7 " 4 11 Prince's Eubetta 92785 19 4 196 12.5 7 " 5 Princess of Lynwood 118458 16 0.5 218 11.5 7 " 6 Princess Winnie 63508 21 4.25 272 10.75 7 " 8 5 ScEUrette 4th 133819 16 4.75 160 7.25 7 " 4 5 Siinderin 125092 15 0.5 191 10.5 7 " ^ 6 Siisschen 125091 15 6.75 178 11.75 7 " ^ 7 Prince of the Realm 7842— Sire, Knight of St. Louis 3CS0 ; dam. Princess of St. Saviour's 7470. Bettie's Pet 22550 16 1 180 8 7 days '2 5 Prince of the Valley 2d, P.S. 88 H.C — Sire, Welcome, F.S. 166 H.C. ; dam. Queen of the Valley, F.S. 740 H.C. Faith of Oaklands 19696 17 4 267 7 days 6 6 Prince of Warren 1512 — Sire, Southampton 117; dam, Golddrop 222. Canata 10523 27 248 1 7 days 8 Conover's Beauty 2d 25315 18 0.75 252 7 " 53 Dot of Bear Lake 6170 19 4 213 7 " 6 11 Ida of Bear Lake 6169 16 180 5 7 " 5 Lady Monmouth 15173 15 3 ^ 258 4 7 " 7 Lena Lowndes 23202 14 9 168 7 " 75 Mary of Bear Lake 6171 14 7 7 " 43 " " ■ 15 14 3U 1 7 " 9 3 Prince of Woodstock 5030— Sire, Brisk 2077; dam, Daze 2524. Sunset 15130 16 2.5 210 7 days 3 S N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (f). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 148 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Prince Pedro 10588— Sire, Pedro 3187; dam, Milky Way 7240. Mildred G. 45077 17 5 180 2 7 days 9 9 Well Done 2d 39783 16 7 313 7 " 13 2 Prince Pogis 10682— Sire, Middlefield Boy 1331; dam, Mary Anne of St. Lambert 9770. Lady Larkspur 56051 21 2.75 234 8 7 days 9 6 Mrs. Jack 50805 15 5 247 12 7 " 5 6 No Chemicals 71452 16 9 236 8 7 " 2 8 Princess Chrysantha 34191 . 14 3.5 232 12 7 " 4 3 Prince Pogis' Hugo 15660— Sire, Prince Pogis 10682; dam, Rosette of St. Lambert 5108. Hugo's Countess 68394 157 13.6 *185 11.3 3542 14.4 90 days 5 6 " 39 7 '46 6.4 684 3.2 30 " 5 9 I'rincess Edith Hugo 45120 15 14.5 246 1 7 " 5 10 Tritoma Pogis 44952 16 13 179 15 7 " 6 3 Prince Raglan 42589— Sire, Naiad's John Bull 21358 ; dam, L. D.'s Mabel 29368. Miss Hazelton 2d 148309 •13 7.5 15 13.6 289 9 7 days 7 6 Olive Raglan of Rincon 129805 *437 11.6 514 15.6 9287 2 1 year 7 1 Prince Bidgely 3047— Sire, Orange Skin 1216; dam, Ann liidgely 6788. Niobe of Linwood 11134 14 12 196 8 7 days 5 5 Prince Rob of Hillside 35588— Sire, Lord Darlington 7285 ; dam, Dawn's Dandelion 39908. Victoria's Jubilee 124409 14 9 248 8 7 days 4 6 Prince's Lambert 16490— Sire, Nancy's Kioter 8390; dam. Little Butterstar 20926. Princess Marie G. 120390 13 4.8 ^*15 10.3 251 14.4 7 days 5 8 51 10 '60 11.6 1007 9.6 28 " 5 8 69 8 1139 11.2 32 " 5 8 Princess 2d's Jubilee 33860— Sire, Ethleel 2d's Jubilee 18249 ; dam, Well Met 2d 70665. Duchess of Chilhowee 144340 14 8, 234 4 7 days 5 6 Prince Victor Pogis 14257— Sire, Diana's Rioter 10481 ; dam. Princess Minette 24042. Bettie Pogis 44542 16 7.5 263 4 7 days 9 4 Prince Yokuu 46224— Sire, Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 22042; dam, Yokun's Princess 35043. Joy's Daisy 2d 149527 16 331 4 7 days 4 7 Joy's Dolly 2d 15363.6 14 5 252 2 7 " 5 4 Printer 21881— Sire, Loadstone 2d 17421; dam. Curfew 16408. Belle Jefferson 136329 : 21 7 297 8 7 days 5 8 Prize La France 8162— Sire, Le Brocq's Prize 3350; dam. Fan of Grouville 7458. La France's Pansy Rex 49141 14 10.5 214 12 7 days 5 7 Producer 9367— Sire, Florinde's Duke 4368 ; dam, Felicia 3748. Gretchen of Pevely 46325 15 5.5 204 13 7 daya 3 6 Prof. Huxley 27260— Sire, King Rioter 6075 ; dam, Bessie Wright 4517. Scituate Ruth 2d 89533 17 11.5 252 9 7 days 7 3 Profundo Basso 20321— Sire, Czar of Greenwood 15172 ; dam, Waukesra 19721. Musicale of Greenwood 62932 15 14 194 6 7 days 5 9 Progress, F.S. 286 C— Beauty Romeril 26090 18 9 219 8 7 days 4 7 Delia of Grouville 16428 14 4 7 " 4 3 La Jolie Lizette 16426 16 1 7 " 3 11 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is' estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and monlhs. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 149 Progress 2d, P.S. Moyane 21595 298 H.C.— Sire, Fat Butter Progress, F.S. 286 C. ; clam, 21 12.5 Milk Period OF Test Age OF Cow Violet 2d, P S. 149 H.C. 276 7 days 7 2 Prospect 2047— Sire, Baltimore Boy 837 ; Edith Darby 6246 dam, Venus of Oakland 2083. U 2 233 7 days Prospect's Pedro 11166— Sire, Pedro 3187; dam, Oakland Girl 11103. Queen Pedro 51729 16 8.5 280 4 Prospect's Rioter 9189— Sire, Stoke Pogis 5th 5987; dam, Matilda 4th 12816. 7 days 14 Marjoram's Matilda 77944. Minette of Linden 88563 Pedro's Gay Lady 88561 Pedro's Hansome Phillis 96935. Pedro's Lady Phillis 88486 Pedro's Little Wonder 72379. . . . Pedro's Pretty Duchess 88568... Pedro's Pretty Flower 88542 Pedro's Pretty Gem 69963 Pedro's Pretty Girl 88488 Pedro's Pretty Pansy 75275 Pedro's Princess of York 72378.. Rioter's Lome Primrose 88583... Rioter's Pretty Pearl 75273 19 6 256 7 days 5 10 14 12 211 4 7 " 7 1 16 10 242 7 " 3 3 17 8 240 7 " 3 11 16 4 252 7 " 3 17 14 287 8 7 " 4 9 16 11 238 7 " 4 2 18 6 266 7 " 3 9 18 8 243 7 " 6 11 17 i 271 7 " 2 9 18 4 246 7 " 3 11 15 4 159 8 7 " 4 6 22 0.5 268 10 7 " 7 5 IS 15 258 7 " 6 9 15 8 245 7 " 6 10 Proven Pogis 19594— Sire, Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544 ; dam, Proven 39800. Dido Pogis 67260 15 g 202 2 Pulaski 1932— Sire, John Allen 1494; dam, Lady Orton 2667. Cowles' Nonesuch 6199 .' 14 12 255 7 days '7 days Puritan of Pitt's 42984— Sire, Khedive Catono's Kofifee 20745 ; dam. Lady Picture 31494. Dahlia's Lady Mel 157956 "519 4.2 610 14 10153 13 1 year 7' 3 " "13 10 16 0.6 263 7.2 7 days 7 9 Pnssie's Pogis 25935— Sire, Pogis Wilson 17411 ; dam, Pussie of Elmwood 32834. Clark's Gift 91708 15 4 244 7 days Miss Morehouse 91703 15 5.5 316 4 7 " " " 17 10 377 7 " Pride of Scio 86964 14 7 180 1 7 " Putnam Boy 36417— Sire, Naiad's St. Lambert King 30645; dam, Bodina 29210. Nervine's- Pet 136545 u 8 260 7 days Quaker 887— Sire on I. of J. ; dam, Queen of Staatsburgh 2234. Country Girl 3515 13 12 174 15 Queen's Legacy 29652— Sire, Queen's Own 24938 ; dam, Louis' Prize 63168. Dido B. 112926 15 q 262 3 Quid 25823— Sire, Khedive's Landseer 21926; dam, Beeswax 9807. Lydia McK. 87465 Ig 3,75 217 9 7 days 16 6 Queen Anne's Bamapo 14577— Sire, Ramapo 4679; dam. Queen Anne 1477. Miss March 61083 le 7.5 248 7 days 12 10 33 7 604 14 " 12 10 7 days 3 i .■'^^^J~*'°Ii?'''51^'^- ''"r*^ri^^/^ ?"4 authenticated fat 'estimates are marked by a star (*) and hutt^r U ostimated on , the bas.s of 85% fat m butter. The old official butter-tests are marked hv i H=^„. ^'^a',? amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months, 7 days " 7 , , . . ^ ^ - --,-, N ^» and buttti 4» 1 butter-tests are marked by a dagger (f). All ISO SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS^ Pekjod Age Fat Euttek Milk of Test of Cow Quintuple Victor Fogis 22343— Sire, Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544;. dam, Quintuple Pcgis 44233. Gilderoy's Silver 2d 82449 14 3.5 209 6 7 days 11 9 Quintuple's Daisy 86078 14 5 211 2 7 " 4 8 Quintuple's Florence 86076 15 10 210 4 7 " 5 Quintuple's Wonder 86077 15 14 252 12 7 " 4 8 Signolo's Florence 2d 82446 16 211 7 " 5 10 Bab 22937— Sire, Prince Pogis 10682; dam, Moth of St. Lambert 97T5. Charlotte of Prospect 138748 18 1.5 235 12 7 days 3 9 Wild Crocus 92486 18 2.75 263 8 7 " 4 7 Babbi 2496— Sire, Jachin 1220; dam, Creamery 3358. Mildred of M. 15548 14 2.5 264 7 days 4 S Baccoon's Exile 32745— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13057; dam, Exile's Arcadia 66201. Exile's Barbara E. 206748 18 4 294 7 days 3 g %ile's Barbara M. 193221 17 6 274 10 7 " 2 9 Exile's Cluster's Belle 212041 17 8 294 10 7 " 5 6 Exile's Cluster's Exile 211901 18 5 304 8 7 " 3 8 Exile's Golden Ivy Leaf 186033..... 19 8 297 12 7 " 6 6 Exile's Lady Lambert 206087 19 1 277 7 " 3 4 Exile's Donan Fancy 186032 17 0.5 276 12 7 " 5 4 Exile's Viola M. 214288 , 19 4 280 12 7 " 5 Oonan's Fancy Pedro 2d 194936 20 2 306 10 7 " 3 9 Bachel's Duke 7022— Sire, Duke of Darlington 2400 ; dam, Rachel Ray 1754. Cultured Cream 29196 20 12 '—^ 241 5 7 days 3 11 Duke's Rovvena 37190 14 8 190 12 7 " 11 2 Jennie Cream 30622 17 4 237 10 7 " 4 10 Pride's Olga 37186 19 12 ^ 191 4 7 " 11 7 Real Queen 29198 18 1 '_ 231 1 7 " 3 8 Bajah 340, imp. — Fantine 1271 16 6 262 4 7 days 11 5 Oonan 1485 22 2.5 205 7 7. " 10 10 Bajab Stoke Fogis 25276— Sire, Niche's Stoke Pogis 13448 ; dam, Vivalia 127G0. Dubenna 65024 14 7.5 184 7 days 4 4 Baleigk Lisgar 17981- Sire, Rioter Lisgar 11520; dam, Daisy F. W. 16949. Miss Sassafras 70468 17 2 298 5 7 days 6 1 Haleigh of Angelica 35808— Sire, Raleigh Lisgar 17981 ; dam, Ethel oC Angelica 27236. Lady Jane of Angelica 123611 18 12 259 7 days 5 7 Balpk 957— Sire, St. Helier 45 ; dam, Ibi 071. Genie Wallace 2d 6667 15 4.B 239 7 days 4 7 Florry Keep 6556 14 14 231 8 7 " 5 8 Mhoon Lady 6560 17 3 261 8 7 " 5 6 Mountain Lass 12921 14 9 190 7 " 4 B Balph Guild 1917— Sire, Planet 1130; dam, Myee 1810. Mother Gary 11746 27 1.5 149 7 days 4 6 SalHe Guild 14524 16 240 8 7 " 5 2 Balph Becorder 50484— Sire, Black Recorder 44804; dam, Nora Loadstone 46046. Ralph's Honora 147435 15 288 7 days 6 4 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AH - amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 151 I Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Bamapo 4679— Sire, Miletus 3186; dam, Eurot^s" 2454. Butterstamp tass 19517 16 11 285 8 7 days 3 11 Cornwall Maid 19024 ' 14 9 255 8 7 " 4 2 " 29 12 297 8 7 " 5 3 Lady Ramaposa 26232 17 5.5 245 3 7 " 4 8 Maud's Sultana 19518 16 4 276 14 7 " 4 7 Musquita ^8462 17 3 227 12 7 " 5 6 Ramapo's Pride 35497 14 4 225 7 " 4 10 Bamapo Chieftain 15324— Sire, Ramapo 4679 ; dam, E'avorite of Franklin 25407. Catchfly 4th 47682 17 4 247 7 days 3 3 Catchfly 5th 55483 16 2 274 8 7 " 3 2 Bamapogis 3d 26443— Sire, Kamapogis 15293 ; dam, Clethra 3d 31929. Lois A. 107594 15 14 223 1 7 days 4 5 Lois B. 107595 14 2 228 10 7 " 4 4 Lois Emerson 78529 18 298 13 7 " 7 1 " 33 10.5 588 9 14 " 7 2 Bamapose's Bachelor 25900— Sire, Bachelor of St. Lambert 4558 ; dam, Ramapose 24006. Albert's Gem 3d 91079 18 3 237 4 7 days 10 9 Gertie of Glynllyn 74474 14 8 224-8 7 " 3 5 " " 18 1.5 316 12 7 " 4 11 " " " " 21 2.5 359 7 " 5 1 Lizzie of Glynllyn 74^74....' 21 15.5 323 4 7 " ,5 1 Massey Polo 2d 89216 .' 16 9 211 8 7 " 2 9 Rheta of Glynllyn 74273....- 20 4.5 318 12 7 " 5 1 Bambler of St. Lambert 5285— Sire, Stoke Pogis 3d 2238; dam, Bessy of St. Lambert 5482. Oaklands Lilly 14881 15 4 247 4 7 days 6 10 Rioter's Queen 14895 17 8 314 7 " 4 Rioter's Ruth 14882 19 6.5 235 8 7 " 5 6 Rose of St. Lambert 20426 21 3.5 217 7 " 3 11 Bamchunder 718— Sire, Rajah 340; dam, Nelly 55. Mamie Coburn 3798 17 8 7 days 4 Rose of Hillside 3866....; 14 3.5 152 9 7 " 9 6 Bayou d'Or 7516— Sire, Farmer's Glor^ 5196; dam, Coomassie 11874. Jetty d' Or 39845 15 2 208 15 7 days 7 11 B. Boy 33686— Sire, Signal Lambert Pogis 2^091 ; dam, Russie Hill of Maxwell 8661. Happy Maid's R. Girl 105974 15 2 246 9 7 days 5 3 Beady Money Jack 2986— Sire, Pequabock Chief 2662 ; dam, Village Girl 5744. Clematis 3d 6653 16 1 209 2 7 days 7 Beal Queen's Stohe Pogis 20535— Sire, Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544; dam, Real Queen 29198. Chilioness Queen 82973 26 8 323 4 7 days 5 Duke's Rowena 2d's Queen 79894 H 12 275 14 7 " 5 2 Pride's Olga 2d 79887 22 12 241 6 7 " 5 3 Pride's Olga 3d 79897 18 2 275 2 7 " 6 7 Bebel Bex 41224— Sire, Recorder 29239; dam, Nora Clinton 91938. Anon 149745 16 2 244 8 7 days 3 Ta Tsing 125781 16 1 243 7 " 4 3 " N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 152 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Fekiod Age Fat Butter Milk of Test op Cow Record 22801— Sire, Perfect Pacific 16994; dam, Gem Perfect 31180. Crensa 74203 16 2 276 8 7 days 7 Photo 74201 17 4 233 4 7 " 8 1 Statuesque 64700 14 5 206 14 7 " 10 6 Record-Breaker 38447— Sire, Recorder 29239 ; dam, Paradise 32082. Oak Hill's Little Annie 185901 18 4 283 7 days 7 5 R. B.'s Gillean 199872 15 8 268 7 " 6 10 Recorder 29239— Sire, Combination 3d 17576 ; dam. Brown Bessie 74997. Belle Noble's Bessie 105710 19 5 285 7 days 3 4 Broadway's Brown Bessie 118763 18 4 231 8 7 " 4 2 Brown Bessie's Pansy 105871 15 4 255 6 7 " 6 10 Brown Bessie's, Spark 118165 : 15 3 208 7 " 3 5 Chromo's Maid of Honor 146056 15 8 235 9 7 " 2 4 Elsie's Brown Bessie 106813...'. 16 2 217 7 " 4 5 Hazel Fern Laura Lee 189f26 *394 5.6 463 15 6767 11.2 1 year 2 6 Hep Majesty 160479 12 9.6 'M 13.2 244 13.6 7 days 6 5 Loreda's Brown Bessie 119907 16 11 235 13 7 " 4 8 Miss Retta 105807 20 i 235 4 7 " 3 2 Nicola's Bessie 134550 ,. . 15 12 219 7 " 3 1 Pride of Madelon 105711 16 6 260 5 7 " 2 3 Recorder's Landlady 159146 15 9 254 4 7 " 4 9 Recorder's Pansy 129056 16 12 276 3 7 " 4 4 Relay 2d 184612... ;' *267 12.9 315 1 5537' 6.4 1 year 2 Sparlana ,96506 r 16 14 235 7 days 6 3 Recorder'Sv Apollo 58349— Sire, Recorder 29239 ; dam, Islithanks 90544. Etha La France 179802 15 231 13 7 days 4 3 Rector 1458— Sire, Perlinatti 713 ; dam, Roxana 2d 2532. Bonnie Yost 7943 18 2 226 6 7 days 4 11 Dudu of Linwood 8336 16 15 233 8 7 " 6 1 Leoni 11868 18 7 224 7 " 4 Lucetta 6856 14 3 160 8 7 " 6 11 Rector of St. Lambert 27198— Sire, Canada's John Bull 5th 20092; dam. Brier of St. Lambert 61750. Molinette of St. Lambert 3d 116146 16 S 214 7 days 6 9 Red Cloud 2d 2260— Sire, Red Cloud 529; dam, Famosa 1364. Fancy Juno 6086 15 10 7 days 6 6 Regal George 2d 32610— Sire, Regal George 19676; dam, A,lphea J. 71616. Cana Faith 134458 18 4 327 7 days 5 S Regal Marigold 51092- Sire, Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121; dam, Ella of Endegeest 87376. Marigold of Angelica 156628 16 13 273 8 7 days 2 Regal Kate 160518 14 4.5 226 8 7 " 2 3 Regina's Sir George 13569— Sire, Count St. George 8403; dam, Napier's Pet 18933. Big Wyuka 58345 17 u 245 7 days 7 2 Regina Weston 70290 16 9.6 260 12 7 " 6 * Remarkable 7662— Sire, Intrepid 5511; dam, Caroline 12019. Unique Italio 70046.. 20 12 351 10 7 days 11 7 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates ' are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 (Page 155) Nineteen tested daughters. Bred by G. Smith, Grimsby, Ont. ; owned by E. R. Hicks, Oshkosh, Wis. ^^^^S25:^ii Rioter's Combination 1 0363 (Page 155) Four tested daughters. Bred by R. H. Stephens, St. Lam- bert, P. Q. ; owned by James Stillman, Cornwall, N. Y. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 153 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Remarkable, F.S. 229 C— Caroline 12019 14 8 218 12 7 days 6 11 Mary Jane of Belle Vue 6956 17 7 7 " 4 0. •' " " " " " tl5 2 238 10 7 " 9 Rosa of Belle Vue 6954 18 7.5 205 8 7 " 6 Reminder, P.S. 2052 C— Sire, Nunthorpe, P.S. 1769 H.O. ; dam, Flyaway, P.S. 4856 C. Golden Glow 129238 18 3 186' 7 days 4 5 Reminder's Dinnis 126331 14 3.5 137 4 7 " 2 4 Revenue 1744— Sire, Ben Rajah 795 ; dam, Regina 2d 2475. Bramballetta 10461 16 4 7 days 6 8 Rex 1330— Sire, Colt Jr. 825 ; dam, Couch's Lily 3237. Almeda Rex 10416 15 12 290 4 7 days 6 Arawana Queen 5368 16 9 367 7 " 6 7 Bell Rex 11700 14 10 201 8 7 " 4 10 Carrie Rex 10271 16 7.5 245 12 7 " 6 3 Favorite Rajah Rex 16153 15 4 108 4 7 " 3 Jeannie Piatt 6005 14 4 258 6 7 " 5 4 Lottie Rex 18757 14 4 164 10 7 " 2 1 Louvie 3d 6159 14 13 7 " 5 6 Mabel's Jewel 6251 17 13 305 7 " 7 8 Pet Rex 20166 14 2.5 161 6 7 " 2 .0 Princess Bellwort 6601 15 10.5 256 4 7 " 5 6 Rejt Albert Pogis 37328— Sire, Cronx Pogis 28217; dam, Hepsy Rex 2d 97667. Alberta's Maiden 106242 15 -0 257 7 days 6 Rex Alphea 4509— Sire, Polonius 2513 ; dam, Usilda 2d 6157. Lass Rex Alphea 16965 16 10.75 218 7 days 4 1 Rex Alphea's Rioter 9190- Sire, Rex Alphea 4509; dam, Cupid of Lee Farm 5997. Lily of Elm Spring 61474 19 8 223 10 7 days 10 7 Rex Blossom 9379— Sire, Seneca Chief 4098 ; dam, Minnie B. Rex 9256. Allie L. 32073 14 7 195 9 7 days 9 7 Rex of Jersey 12878— Sire, Lemon's Rex 5458; dam, Annie Grey 11712. Countess Hebe 2d 45899... 14 3 241 7 days 8 3 Rex of Linden I.ea 60573— Sire, Ohico's St. Lambert Pogis 52097; dam, Rex's Queen of St. Lambert 59161. Mary of Hillhaven 189050 14 11 278 1 7 days 2 9 Rex Pogis Belle Pogis 43286— Sire, Bajax 28142 ; dam. Rex Pogis Belle 54987. Beatrice C.'s Belle 129257 17 4 283 14 7 days a 2 Pogis Puin 2d's Lady 131607 16 9 260 10 7 " 4 " " 20 10 300 7 " 4 U " 39 10 588 12 14 " 4 11 R. F. Eric 21330— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657 ; dam. Waiter Girl 2d 29265. Ada Fy 2d 111557 17 278 7 days 4 Eric's Ida 69134 18 223 7 " 7 7 Fena Eric 69137 22 10 323 8 7 " 5 3 Minnie's Pet Jersey 93119 15 6 253 6 7 " 6 4 Richland Parole 47880— Sire, Parole 26114 ; dam, Richland Belle 4^920. Bettie Scott 157806 16 3 280 7 days 6 3 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old ofiBcial butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 154 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS ' Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Bidgely of Hampton 3046— Sire, Orange Skin 1216 ; dam, Button 2d 3160. Naomi's Pride 16745 15 2 190 4 " 7 days 3 S Bicnzi of Winnikee 18948— Sire, Pedro 3187; dam, Darlington Scituate 12493. Temisia of Winnikee 46604 15 3.5 205 12 7 days 5 2 Riga's Exile 42161— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 18657; dam, Ventnor's Duke's Riga 79420. Bertha of Clearview 124607 20 2.5 281 4 7 days 5 S Ringleader 392, imp.— Miss Blanche 2515 20 9 357 0- 10 days 8 3 Biot Act 20520-Sire, Lisgar's Pride 14534 ; dam, Mary Byrd 28443. Chirp 65551 19 12 258 8 7 days 6 4 Bioter 670, imp.— Duchess of Bloomfield 3653 20 0.5 317 8 7 days 8 2 Lady Bloomfield 4704 14 12.5 7 " Letitia 3977 15 5 209 4 7 " 8 5 Su Lu 4705..... tl7 15 241 11 7 " 7 8 Bioter 2d 469, imp.— Eurotas 2&4 ,.. 22 7 216 8 7 days 7 6 " ■■ 778 1 1 year 8 Torfrida 3596 17 6.5 256 3.5 7 days .9 Bioter Hugo Fogis 13457— Sire, OrlofE's Stoke Pogis 11157 ; dam, Niobe of St. Lambert 12969. Gift 39901 21 6 249 7 7 days 4 8 Kioter Alphea 3d 34073 17 1.5 233 2 7 " 3 3 Bioter King Lorne 60856 — Sire, St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896 ; dam. Coquette's Riotress 121698. Minetta's Riotess 195874 15 6.5 286 7 days 4 1 " " " 1190 0.1 30 " 4 1 Bioter of Briareliff 13746— Sire, Darling's Rioter 6383; dam, Florinde's Daughter 18294. Flora of Hamilton 55723 16 4 228 8 7 days 13 1 Bioter of Brook Farm 41458— Sire, Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169; dam. Comely of St. Lambert 2d 41177. Minnie's Ina 2d 164070 ^ 14 5 2i>7 1 7 days 8 4 Rioter's Ethelwyn 162795 '. *452 3.7 532 0.6 8476 8 1 year B 10 Rosena R. 125005 15 6 218 9 7 days 3 5 Temarario 132389 14 4 225 1 7 " 3 7 Bioter of Brook Farm 2d 55536— Sire, Rioter of Brook Farm 41458; dam. Pussy Stoke Pogis 62547. Camilla Rio 168019 '. 15 3 197 6 7 days 2 1 Drusilla Rio 168016 18 202 7 " 2 4 Bioter of Brookside 18702— Sire, Lord Victor Pogis 14499; dam, Lotus Queen 38660. Gem Nehushta 73258 15 6 204 8 7 days 6 1 Bioter of Kirkland 35811— Sire, Rioter Berg Pride 22773; dam, Daisy of Chenango 18582. Faustina Rioter 119237 18 7.25 240 4 7 days 2 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated, fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and btitter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH "Their tested daughters 155 Fekiod Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Rioter of Macomb 40448— Sire, Belle of Oxford's Rioter 30233 ; dam, Rioter's . Gietchen 76449. Bordereau 136U79 18 9 298 1 7 days 5 5 Rioter's Lorlie 1353B9 16 1 268 10 7 " 5 7 Rioter of Maple Glens 21887— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 2d 15997; dam, Gray Beauty 3d 198-45. Maple Glens Gold Lorna 84017 15 1 225 4 7 days 6 8 Rioter of Peach Hill 26779— Sire, Rioto 12599 ; dam, Boxie Pogis 45062. Nancy Lee of St. Lambert 110316 16 211 7 days 6 11 Rioter of Rocky Farm 18183— Sire, Earl Rioter 10715; dam, Lilinm Excelsum 24945. Lilium Ex^celsum 2d 66040 14 5 210 8 7 days 3 i Rioter of St. Lambert 16501— Sire, King of St. Lambert 15175; dam. May Day Stoke Pogis 28353. Arene of St. Lambert 144557 15 5 184 14 7 days 6 11 Bright Eyes St. Lambert 2d 72699 19 5 317 7 " 4 11 Martha of Moore Park 103749 14 10.5 201 2 7 " 3 10 Maud Signal 2d 68664 .J2 4 255 14 7 " 7 4 Mirtha of St. Lambert 135126 ..-22 11 326 13 7 " 6 4 Nola of St. Lambert 157000 16 2 285 13 7 " 4 4 Orie's Gem of St. Lambert 85472 18 4 317 3 7 " 5 4 Rex's Queen of St. Lambert 59161 16 2 155 IS 7 " 7 8 Rioter's Baby 106100 19 12 298 7 " 5 1 Rioter's Esse,81901 16 7 159 8 7 " 4 5 " -31 6.75 323 8 14 " 4 5 Rioter's Fawn 69168 20 2 289 7 " 6 10 Rioter's Melia Ann 140379 14 1 197 14 7 " 6 1 Rioter's Normanda 102441 15 8 210 7 " 4 2 Rioter's Rilma 128403 15 13 254 8 7 " 3 5 Rioter's Success 141621 16 8 230 5 7 " 6 Rioter's Sunshine 75108 15 10 244 11 7 " 6 Rioter's Thelma 135683 14 7 212 9 7 " 3 7 Sally Ann of St. I^arahert 135405 14 8.5 237 1 7 " 7 6 Velvet Queen 112795 15 8 257 8 7 " 7 2 Rioter of St. Lambert Jr. 56580— ^ire, Rioter of St. Lambert 16501- dam Phlllis nf St. Lambert 78867. ' Exile's Coquette of St. L. 4th 173065 20 2 .'!26 1.5 7 days 3 9 Lady Letty Lambert 5th 177636 '. ^19 10.25 322 -0 7 " 33 Maud Melia Ann 5th 193093 ^^17 4 ZIZ 12 7 " 34 Mel's Cactus 2d 201227 14 14.5 223 15 7 " 2 1 Mel's Pearl 2d 177635 15 6 226 8 7 " 33 Rioter's Maud Melia Ann 201025 797I x 1 year 1 10 St. Lambert's Lucy B. 178932 ^21 7 329 4 7 days 4 4 St. Lambert's Lucy C. 189457 14 14 232 '0 7 " 22 Rioter of St. Lambert 6tb 28893— Sire, Rioter of St. Lambert 16501- dam TSpIHtio Pogis 39430. ' ' ^«"»a Riota Pet 136609 15 15 277 2 7 days 6 11 ■ Rioter's Combination 10363— Sire, Stoke Pogis Sd 2238: dam, Pride of Windsor 483 Alarm of Highland 41864 16 252 4 7 dav, « n Calma of Briarcliff 52599 14 7.5 jOO' 1 7 " 4 Careta Pogis 42784 15 1.25 295 2 7 " k d Cleora of Cornwall 63408 18 8 261 5 7 " o ' 3 5 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked bv a star i*\ „_j 1. .^ estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are markldbv i d'alS.r ^r«"^^',1 amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. "^^sger \j\). ah 156 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Rioter's Exile of St. Ii. 48228— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam, Letty Rioter 73475. Alexia Hugo Exile 170243 l9 3 254 8 7 days 4 7 Exile's Alexia 152315 22 3 326 10 7 " 3 Exile's Barbara D. 154270 17 8 269 12 7 " 8 7 Exile's Briar Coquette 151536 23 12 332 12 7 " 3 U Exile's Cluster 176989 21 2 294 10 7 " 6 3 Exile's Coquette of St. L. 161406 19 3 286 5 7 " 3 Exile's Dido B. 153276 22 2.6 315 4 7 " 2 10 Exile's Emsie 147467 19 12 290 6 7 " 2 8 Exile's Golden Barbara 175S31 20 6 322 12 7 " 5 10 Exile's Hugo Lassie 152391 22 3 328 6 7 " 3 1 Exile's Hugo Maiden 152392 15 2 246 3 7 " 3 Exile's Lady Boon 163078 18 10 287 10 7 " 7 Exile's Lady Matilda 162314 23 6 319 6 7 " 3 Exile's Mary B. 145753 18 1.25 272 8 7 " 3 1 ' 22 0.5 301 2 - 7 ■• 41 Exile's Maud Coquette 143807 23 4 324 7 7 " 4 1 Exile's Maximum 145706 16 282 7 " 4 7 Exile's Rachel Torment 175833 19 2 307 7 " 2 9 " 1329 12 30 " 2 8 Exile's Rioter Letty 2d 173384 21 3 280 10 7 " 6 9 Hugo Riotress Elf 152126 23 3 322 5 7 " 3 1 Letty's Fancy 160320 20 9 337 7 " 7 4 Riotress Exile Boon 151729 20 4 301 7 " 5 4 Vivienne's Allie Pogis 153242 22 6 317 2 7 " 3 Rioter's Jersey Lad 58001— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 11th 41012; dam. Lad's Lily 99422. Jersey Lad's Molly 194163 *382 14 450 7 6176 7 1 year 2 6 Jersey Lad's Myra 194161 *12 14.3 15 2.7 214 14 7 days 4 2 " " *430 11.3 506 11.4 7124 10 1 year 5 1 Jersey Lad's Rosa 198398 *376 10 441 14.9 6203 9 1 " 3 1 R.J. L> Brownie 177010 "414 10 487 13 6612 5 1 " 5 1 R. J. L. Luna 177009 *12 6.3 14 9.S 258 1 7 days 4 l« " *431 2 507 3.5 7363 6 1 year 4 10 Rosedale Excellent 173776 *459 15.6 541 2 8300 13 1 " 5 8 Venus Lurelia 173773 1136 30 days 4 7 *493 12.24 680 14.4 9402 7 1 year 4 8 " " *13 0.18 15 4.9 264 1 7 days 4 9 Bioter's Pride 11694— Sire, Stoke Pogis 3d 2238; dam. Pride of Windsor 483. Charming of St. Lambert 69077 15 4 137 7 days 2 3 Marjoram's Delle 82954 19 12 280 7 " 2 9 Pride's St. Lambert Lady 82955 18 12 299 14 7 " 3 9 Bioter's Victory 16446— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656; dam, That Lass o' Lowrie's '9128. Ella Europa 61062 14 15.5 208 2 7 days 5 Rioter Vulcan 5380— Sire, Stolte Pogis 1259 ; dam, Violet 3d 3240. Cupid's Jersey Maid 35040 45 3.4 *53 3 1028 11 30 days 8 Mintha 12812 16 249 8 7 " 6 3 Bival 3762— Sire, Jolly, F.S. 230 C. ; dam, Daisy, F.S. 884 C. Rival's Ochra 10172 19 10.5 225 14 7 days 6 4 Rival Rioter 11445— Sire, Young Rival 9082; dam, Rioter's Sylvie 34893. Mary Fallon 80220 17 1.25 218 8 7 days 4 6 Biverside Prince 35107— Sire, Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 22042; dam, Yokun's Princess 35643. Pride's Olga 3d's Princess 96874 17 3.5 233 8 7 days 6 8 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates arc marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (1). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 157 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Riverside Stoke Fogis 29235— Sire, Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169; dam, St. Lambert's- Coquette 41070. June Sweets 2d 87967 15 11 283 6 7 days 4 6. Roanoke 1448— Sire, Beechnut 109 ; dam, Princesse 366. Golden Skin 10861 16 8 Gold Lace 10726 14 13 " 21 1 Robbins 953— Sire, Albert 44 ; dam, Victoria 2d 419. Dusky 2525 16 10 Robert of Green Iiawn 27007— Sire, Tormentor's Rival 16687 ; dam, -Empress of Swede's Run 46585. Fruitland May 93002 14 5 248 10 7 days 4 8. Rob Roy 17, imp.— Eugenie 2d 1623 14 7 days 254 ■0 7 days 7 " 7 - 3 4 9 n 285 6.5 1 7 davs R 3 Rocco 4517— Sire, Diamond Earl 3116; dam, Panti 1937. Citchfly 25405 18 4 207 7 days 8 2' Cora of Arcadia 16151 15 200 4 7 " 5 4- Rockwood Beau 44733— Sire, Fauvette's Boy, P.S. 1735 H.C. ; dam, Silent 114438. Gwavas 154166 19 14.5 350 7 days 4 tL Rococo 8791— Sire, Tormentor 3533; dam, Rosaline of Glenmore 3179. Girl's Daisy 52983 15 10.5 219 7 days 13 5- Rococo's Tem 115119 15 13 222 12 7 " i », Rodney 1941— Sire, Lenape Chief 1052; dam. Undine 1703. Lady Oxford 2d 15101 14 7 202 13 7 days 5 10' Roger 121— Sire, Jupiter 122; dam, Jessie 1006. lo 5th 280 17 8 7 days 12 8^ Roi Rene 23730— Sire, Lord Victor Pogis 14499 ; dam. Flora D. 3d 19532. Lady Dorcas 74348 14 10 243 4 7 days 5 5- Borneo de Bonair 4091— Sire, Stoke Pogis 3d 2238; dam. Jessamine of St. Lambert 5125. Belle Bonair 33960 16 3.5 267 7 7 days 4 5- Polly Bonair 42849 18 7 182 8 -i '• g 3, Romeo of Sacramento 3030— Sire, Volunteer 1253 ; dam, Creampot 5th 2322. Oleta 15625 15 12 251 8 7 days 16 2: Romp Ogden 5th's Harry 34640— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777; dam, Romp Ogden 5th 43181. Fancy Reber 140825 16 11.5 271 13 7 days 6 4 Romp's Torment 8789— Sire, Tormentor 3533 ; dam. Romp Ogden 3d 5458. Mayhegtal 64454 16 3 246 B Nelly Torment 61903 15 7 233 2 Panache 62055 16 1 195 12 Romp's Nervilette 72282 17 10 242 14 Romp's Pansy 60919 16 4 215 8 Romp's Princess 51185 154 15.5 *182 5 2984 6.4 " 42 1.3 '49 8 704 11.2 7 days 4 4 7 " 5 i 7 " 4 5 7 " 3 5 7 " 12 5 90 " 6 2 30 " 6 5. N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked bv a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old ofiScial butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) -All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 158 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Fat Butter Milk Homp's Tormentor 7126— Sire, Tormentor 3533; dam, Ilomp Ogden 3d 5458, Period Age OF Test or Cow Belle of Rydal Grange 41787. Foolish 64069 Marno B. 3636S Romping Mirth 64070 Sister Sue 58447 16 6 17 0.5 16 10 17 0.5 19 9 232 306 205 260 335 7 days 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 " 7 5 8 2. 5 2 7 3 6 U Komulus, P.S. 181 C— Sire, Hero, P.S. 90 B.C.; dam, Stella, P.S. 705 O. Mousy 2d 14962 17 1 Ilory O'More 3236— Sire, Bertrand 664 ; dam, Sea Gull 4th 1077. Nerissa of Nyack 9692 15 1 Sosaire's Golden Lad 64554— Sire, Golden Grand 53658 Lad's Rosaire 15227. Bessie Rosaire 194558 Inez Rosaire 205906 Pride's Olga Rosaire 194383 Ria Rosaire 194381 Rosaire's Olga 4th's Pride 179509.. *836 15.8 *16 5.44 14 10 28 15 18 7 16 9 16 10 15 14 22 8 83 9 984 11 19 3.5 248 8 dam. Golden 229 12 458 2 255 8 214 10 266 14 213 2 330 14 1262 4 14104 13.6 293 14.4 7 days 6 3 7 days 7 days 14 7 7 7 7 7 28 1 year 7 days 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 g 3 4 2 3 3 4 3 4 4 6 4 11 Rosalie's Fogis 27654— Sire, Gipsy's Lorne Pogis 20340 ; dam, Rosalie of Meadville 50238. Daisy Harris 92471 •. 17 4.25 235 7 days 4 10 Boscoe Pogis 16194— Sire, Stoke Pogis 5th 5987; dam, Royal Maiden 18488. Royal Dorothy 72314 14 2 270 7 days Bosebay's Golden of Biltmore 64233— Sire, Golden Mon Plaisir 59936; dam. Golden Rosebay 157333. Golden Minerva 182249 '454 1.7 634 3.9 Bosette's Golden Lad 57498— Sire, Orlando, P.S. 2535 H.C. Rosette 149740. Lady Brookhill Rosette 176498 *314 13 370 7 7643 8 1 year dam, Sultana's 5542 6.4 1 year 11 1 3 10 2 £ Bossman 1128— Sire, Pilot Jr. 141; dam, Rosa 122. Rosetta of Whiteland 6112 27 2.75 201 7 days 14 i Bosy King 4433— Sire, Tormentor 3533 ; dam. Silver Rose 4753. Maquilla 24043 21 1 149 10 Bosy Bioter 23456— Sire, Rioter's Pride 11694; dam. Signal's Rose 23422. Daphne's Kathleen 85656 14 6.75 249 12 Bosy's Toltec 19001— Sire, Toltec 2d 11073; dam, Rosy Dream 9808. Cutlet 53603 16 8 220 8 7 days 7 days 2 10 6 1 7 days 10 7 Bosy's VTonder, P.S. 835 H.C Sire, Wolseley 16090 ; dam. Rosy 2d, P.S. 11S5 H.C. Mermaid of the Island 138787. Tulip of the Island 138788.... Bough, P.S. 239 C— Sire, Oato, P.S. 178 C. ; dam, Dovey 14927. Perry Farm Golden Cloud 22872 Young Cherry 3d 14980 17 2.6 268 12 7 days 9 11 21 3 277 10 7 " 10 16 7.5 302 9 7 ■' 9 1 19 vey 8.6' 14927. 309 3 7 " 9 2 18 9 208 7 days 6 14 7.5 201 8.5 7 " 4 4 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts aie in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 159 Period Age Fat Butter Mii.k op Test of Cow Bover of St. Iiambert 28333— Sire, Beauty's Stoke Pogis 14175 ; dam, Ideal Melrose 54458. Rover's Swan 106934 16 3 251 7 days 5 2 Rowena's Duke 44054— Sire, Kindergarten's Duke 30065 ; dam, Duke's Rowena 37190. Emma's Rowena 146877 *638 4 750 14 10383 10 1 year 6 11 " 15 10 ns 6 267 10.4 7 days 7 " " 13 12.2 'W 3 237 13 7 " 7 6 Boxana's Gilderoy 11585— Sire, Gold Basis 4038; dam, Variella of Linwood 10954. Hattie N. 45433 15 14.5 150 9.5 7 days 5 8 Boxbury 247— Sire, Commodore 229 ; dam, Rose 709. Angela 1682 : 14 2 7 days Boyal Ace 54462— Sire, Mia Jerry 49453 ; dam, Belmont Maiden 131749. Edna Rake 176958 18 2 238 7 days 3 3 Boyal Allen 28149— Sire, Allen town Black Prince 18422; dam. Princess of Fair Oaks 39768. Minnie's Lady Allen 102925 17 10 240 7 days 3 6 Boyal Champion of America 9796 — Sire, Champion's Son 3286; dam, Fides 2d 1576. Cressida Fabiana 109819 14 7 276 11 7 days 10 2 Boyal Daisy's lad 40263— Sire, Judy's Lad 27064 ; dam. Royal Daisy 25214. Royal Lady Grace Daisy 114787 14 6.6 204 14.5 7 days 4 Boyal Daisy's Bioter 29553— Sire, Angelo's Lad 14625 ; dam. Royal Daisy 25214. Bonnie Fairy 100498 15 7 247 7 days 5 8 " " " 16 9 290 7 " 5 11 Boyalist 2d 3791— Sire, Royalist 2906; dam, Golden Era 6457. Royalist's Daisy 19187 21 9.5 236 7 days 9 5 Boyalist 3d 4500— Sire, Royalist 2906 ; dam, Nelly 645C. Elmwood Daisy 2d 34193 16 3 227 7 days 10 7 Kate Pansy 15177 15 1 204 6 7 " 4 8 Boyalist 6tli 4977— Sire, Royalist 2906; dam, Menanda 6460. Black Teat 32932 16 11 239 9 7 days 11 3 Boyal Oak; P.S. 2024 H.C.— Sire, Pioneer, P.S. 1602 H.C. ; dam. Oak Lass, P.S. 3473 H.C. Casina of Clearview 155428 18 15 291 8 7 days 4 10 Boyalty 7210— Sire, Pedro 3187; dam, Royal Princess 2370. Pedroletta 26597 16 6.5 269 10 7 days 4 Boy Brick 5637— Sire, Glen Roy 2131 ; dam, Bessie Brick 4838. Embla Brick 15690 14 3 199 7 days 3 10 Biibano 8806— Sire. Sir George of St. Lambert 0036 ; dam, Nina of St. Lambert 12963. Aggie of St. Lambert 37085 14 2,5 134 4 7 days 3 1 Miss May of St. Lambert 37084 15 14 138 4 7 Rllbano's Normanda 68927 21 4.5 271 7 Rubano's Sydonia 54706 14 4 233 7 " 28 6 454 0' 14 Rubano's Valentine 54703 20 3 291 6 7 2 2 6 1 12 4 12 4 6 3 Bubano's Stoke Fogis 23760— Sire, Rubano 8806 ; dam, Sydonia oth 41703. Ruba H. Pogis 81944 18 1.5 270 7 days N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests a«d authenticated fat estimates are marked'by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 160 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age F«T Butter Milk of Test of Cow Ruby P.'s Prince Mink 31860— Sire, Prince Mink S, 24584; dam, Ruby P. 49871. Orange Dot i44692 16 258 7 days 3 6 Ruby's Harry 15664— Sire, Faa^^s Harry 9777; dam, Ruby Torment 32989. Early Morn 50661 ,.»... 14 12 236 7 days 6 " " " 17 13.25 248 6.4 7 " 9 11 Guess Not 57142 20 8 266 8.5 7 " 7 5 Ruby Tiptoe 78960 16 12.5 187 8 7 " 4 6 Ruby's St. Lambert 20878— Sire, Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 ; dam, Ruby St. L. 34751. Fluff of St. 'Lambert 102146 18 7 316 2 7 days 6 10 Ruby's Star of St. Lambert 20719— Sire, King of St. Lambert 15175; dam. Ruby St. L. 34751. Clover of St. Lambert 60945 Kittura of St. Lambert 78344. . Rowena of- St. Lambert 71526. . Ruby's Valentine 81780.. Star's Valentine 81778... 16 14.25 203 8 7 days 4 1 94 6.25 1169 6.5 42 " 4 1 18 4.25 227 8 7 " 5 70 3 1028 4 31 " 5 1 18 8.75 217 4 7 " 6' 11 108 2.5 1467 12 42 " 6 8 20 4 272 7 " 6 9 39 6.25 627 12 14 " 6 9 14 7 221 14 7 " 2 3 16 2 277 7 7 " 2 C Rudolph of St. Lambert 7th 60275— Sire, Rudolph of St. Lambert 37274; dam, Odolia 95007. Ruette 186283 *13 10 16 0.5 287 8 7 days 5 Rufa of St. Francis 27322— Sire, Miladi's Rufa 18945; dam. Duchess Godiva 24377. Agnes of St. Francis 106191 27 6 415 6 7 days 10 6 Ruler, P.S. 2081 H.C.— Sire. Golden Lad, P.S. 1242 H.C. ; dam, Happy Waverley, F.S. 5423 H.C. Rowena's Daisy 161056 17 8 298 1.6 7 days 9 5 " 20 6 S06 15 7 " 10 9 Rupert 1456— Sire, Pertinatti 713 ; dam, Roxaiia 1761. Roonan 5133 18 2 284 7 days 8 7 " " 20 4 297 7 7 " 8 » Ruth's Black Prince 47155— Sire, Garfield's Black Prince 24548 ; dam, Ruth Alphea 45496. Powys 144951 16 225 12 7 days 8 3 Ryan 9891— Sire, Gold Basis 4038; dam, Jazel's Maid 11011. Queryan 42140 16 2 252 7 days 10 St. Helier 45, imp.— Chroma 4572 lanthe 4562 Meines 3d 7741 Oxalis 2d 15631 Pavon 12485 Safrano 4568 Silene 4307 ?n 6 days 7 g 3 16 10 20 1 272 6 15 197 11 4 14 8 134 8 2 1 14 2.5 180 8 8 7 14 St. Helier Berkshire 21030— Sire, Avonola 11265; dam, Hebfita 15732. Ria Alexandra 83752 14 lo 254 12 7 days 3 7 St. Helier Boy 11884— Sire, Duke of Stratford 6732; dam, Vesuvie 4569. St. Helier Gem 35438 16 o.5 218 7 days 5 N. B.— Confirnied butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) Ali amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. Rioter's Jersey Lad 58001 (Page 156) Seven tested daughters, all of them with year's authenticated tests. Bred by D. K. Shoop, Wauseon, Ohio; owned by T. F. Marston, Bay City, Mich. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 161 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow St. Helier Brave 17343— Sire, Young Bravy 12659; dam, Ree Rose 38273. Daisy Leto 72404 18 1 221 8 7 days 8 5 St. Helier Chief 18417— Siie, Avonola 11265; dam, Four-o'Clock 36299. Satureia 94933 14 1.5 212 13 7 days 7 9^ St. Helier of Idleside 12200— Sire, Brie 6591 ; dam, Chromatella 2d 14599. Chromatess 51578." 25 0.5 314 7 days 8 3 St. Helier of Sheomet 61765- Sire, Toi-mentor's Signal B. 53643; dam, Olive O'Malley 6443.1 Comely of Sheomet 187159 *437 5.7 514 8 7642 10 1 year 3 11 Lassie of Sheomet 180927 'SSS 1.8 .'!97 12.4 4813 14 1 " 2 11 — >01ive of Sheomet 187161 *(374 14 441 6450 4 1 " 3 9 St. Helier's Sagamore 21708— Sire, Avonola 11265; dam, Lunella of Noroton. 18312. Dot. K. 85158 , IS 8'- 259 1 7 days 6 7 St. Ion 18876— Sire, Burr's St. Helier 14288: dam, Butter-Tub St. Helier 31117. Elena of Oakdale 84162 19 4 302 13 7 days , -5 0' St. Jacob 6438— Sire, Pisk Jr. 3578; dam. Saucy 5231. Gingerbread 5th 37681 18 9.75 248 8 7 days 9 2 Idana 27974 14 10 201 7 7 " 5 8 St. John, P.S. 316 C — Sire, Carlo 5559; dam, Unique, P.S. 1035 G. ^ St. John's Daisy 28388 15 4 196 8 7 days 5 10' St. Lambert Boy 17408— Sire, Canada's John Bull 8388; dam, Oaklands Nora 14880. Ajax Riotress 113709 16 266 7 7 days 3 6- Alexia Riotress 150933 21 5 318 14 7 " 4 4 Barbara Lambert 105208 15 11 204 7 " 4 4 Blanche Pomeroy 105013 16 9,5 245 S 7 " 4 2: Blanche's Riotress B. 126564 19 4 306 11 .■ " 4 10 Coquette's Riotress 121698 21 1.25 296 3 7 " 3 lO' Cosette of St. Lambert 105015 15 7.75 203 6 7 " 4 9 Edith's Lass 145809 16 10 262 10 7 " 2 1ft- Elinor Wells 2d 72071 14 0.06 198 8 7 " 5 0' Emsie's Riotress 120104.' 23 2 321 11 7 " 5 11 Eoline of St. Lambert ld4819 19 1 296 12 7 " 3 8- ^Euphorbia's Riotress 124185 20 12 310 4 7 " 4 1 Ida B. Matilda 146808: ' 23 1 320 3 7 " 6 5- Lady" Letty Lambert 124201 24 12 324 8 7 " 5 9- Lady Matilda St. L. 124696 23 3 326 8 7 '! 5 11 Laraba 79039 , 20 3 272 10 7 " 4 1 Lauritress 104970 14 13 253 7 " 9 10' JVIaid's Riotress 140925.', 21 14 307 9 7 " 4 »• Matilda's Riotress 124187 17 1 281 1.5 7 " i & Nora's Riotress 124S70f 25 1 343 4 7 " 4 6. Rioter's Edith 133001. .'._. 21 3.5 305 6 7 " 3 10 Rioter's Judea B. 150932 18 2 276 5 7 " 5 1 Rroter's Letty 110450 21 9.5 296 4 7 " 4 0' Riotress Hugo Vivienne 154622 18 1 232 15 7 " 3 T Riotress Nonnie 163378/ 23 2 324 9 7 " 4 6 Riotress of St. L. 124695 23 2.5 312 2.5 7 " 4 1 gt. Lambert B. Kate 105205 15 265 14 7 " 4 2 St. Lambert Boy's Mattife 145701 22 11 322 2 7 " 4. 1 Srt. Lambert's Babette 991^ 15 0.75 241 9 7 " 3 T gt. Lambert's Dido 150905 19 8 312 13 7 " 3 11 St. Lambert's Edith 113706 19 11.5 291 4 7 " 3 10 S,t. Lambert's Emsie 1459J9 23 8 339 ID 7 " 4 7' . [Ctmtinited on next page.} ' N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star ('), and butter is. estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AVI amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 162 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test or Cow St. Lambert's Hugo Barbra 146109 18 4 301 7 days 3 2 St. Lambert's Letty 114804 22 8.5 312 12 7 " 4 3 St. Lambert's Letty Coles 145931 22 14 312 10 7 " 4 St. Lambert's Mary 132829 22 14 298 7 " 4 8 St. Lambert's Maximum 118698 20 9 314 7 7 " 5 1 St. Lambert's Nora B. 124869 24 5 321 10.5 7 " 4 1 S't. Lambert's Rexina 113609 16 2 257 7 " 4 2 St. Lambert's Rinora 125183 23 6 319 12 7 " 3 9 ^t. Lambert's Riotress 106220 24 6 337 8 7 " 4 11 Sallie B. Lambert 114683 19 8 303 5 7 " 6 3 Sallie Pomeroy 98806 14 10 222 11 7 " 3 7 St. Iiambert Boy 4tli 57778— Sire, St. Lambert Boy 17408; dam, St. Lambert's Emsie 14.5929. Blanche's Lass 161920 18 1 265 9 7 days 2 1 Hugo Emsie King 192288 15 7 211 7 " 3 6 Matie of St. Lambert 170512 16 284 10 7 " 6 4 " 63 1203 13 30 " 6 4 Nora Hugo Duchess 169939 15 5 230 4 7 " 4 6 St. Lambert Eurotas 161919 18 2 259 1 7 " 2 St. Lambert's Daisette 157950 16 8 236 5 7 " 2 St. Lambert Butter King 32019— Sire, Naiad's St. Lambert King 30045; dam. Exile's Butterball 65152. Butter Jean 129811 14 0.2 *16 7.7 290 12.8 7 days 3 9 " 55 5 *65 1.3 1133 2.3 28 " 3 9 St. Iiambert Gilderoy 20210— Sire, Cowboy of St. Lambert 3790; dam, Gildedleaf 21686. Kitty of Seguin 74347 15 6.25 298 5 7 days 6 St. Iiambert Hugo Pogis 19591— Sire, Lucy's Stoke Pogls 11544; dam, Maudine Olh 8940. Bernice Hugo Pogis 65729 24 4 328 7 days 10 6 St. Iiambert of Bellaire 49583— Sire, St. Lambert Boy 17408; dam. Rioter's Letty 310450. Miss Buller 148082 15 13 214 11 7 days 6 6 St. Iiambert of Clearview 32102-gire, Signal of Belvedere 24890; dam, Ada of St. Lambert 61881. Dolly of Clearview 124490 16 12 236 12 7 days E 5 Ida May of Clearview 139655 23 8.5 291 12 7 " 3 t Nellie of Clearview 109124 16 5 264 12 7 " 6 » Viola of Clearview 101378 17 11 267 15 7 " 5 8 St. Lambert of Clinton. 59024— Sire, Ida of St. Ii.'s Grandson 49736 ; dam, Republic Ann 113825. Beauty of Hartwick 168349 15 10 216 7 7 days 5 S , t St. Lambert of Delhi 13361— Sire, Rioter's Pride 11694; dam. Witch of St. Lambert 5479. Lady Windsor of B. 53938 15 12 257 7 days 11 4 St. Lambert of Green Lawn 31275— Sire, Sir Arthur of St. Lambert 26207; dam, Brookdale Charm 39635. Maidie of Green Lawn 125695 15 2 263 8 7 days 6, 4 St. Lambert of Idylwild 17579— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam, Nell Pomroy 31731. L.'s Coomassie 198833 22 7 369 7 days 8 S " 91 8 1491 12 30 " 8 6 St. Lambert of Prospect 43211— Sire, One Hundred per Cent. 16590; dam, Cheerful of St. Lambert 2d 43745. Laura McD. of St. Lambert 128122 17 2 233 9 7 days 3 7 Zingarce of Prospect 134320 17 15.5 271 7 " 3 8 N. E. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. "The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All am.ounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 163 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow St. Iiambert Perrot 23689— Sire, Menephtah 18943; dam, Sylvia Perrot 30963. Belle of Corfu 83731 15 8 209 4 7 days 3 2 Queen of Corfu 83732 15 190 12 7 " 2 U " " " 21 0.5 272 8 7 " 4 5 Sit. Lambert's Hugo 17457— Sire, Brier's Pogis 14363; dam, Queenie Hugo 27748. Alphea's Queen Hugo 112570 15 6 276 7 days 4 1 Coming Girl 3d 71794 17 14 227 10 7 " 3 8 St, Lambert's Jobn Bull 16618— Sire, Canada's John Bull 8388; dam, Mavourneen of St. Lambert 9777. Amelia Pogis 53796 16 14 238 11 7 days 4 6 Aurora Pogis 5379S 15 9 166 14 7 " 4 10 Helene of St. Lambert 73601 20 1.5 207 7 7 " 3 10 Hugo's Golden Sheen 61804 17 9 241 7 7 " 3 6 Miss Patti Rosa 73607 , 17 15 226 4 7 " 7 4 Nellie Hugo 53793 20 242 6 7 " 4 1 Pogis' Twilight 53794 19 1 234 9 7 " 3 8 St. Lambert's Alphea 74100 20 0.5 271 8 7 " 4 6 St. Lambert's Zenobia 76023 20 0.75 318 5 7 " 9 Seiiorita Pogis 53791 16 211 8 7 " 4 Ursula Pogis 61311 18 8.5 228 7 " 9 St. Lambert's Monarch 25802— Sire, St. Lambert's Jobn Bull 16618 ; dam, Victor Hugo's Maggie 30274. Monarch's Star 80232 18 4 237 7 days 4 10 St. Lambert's Novelty 58932— Sire, Gigi of St. Lambert 33674; dam, Novelty of St. Lambert 137089. St. Lambert's Theda 184489 16 15 238 7 7 days 6 1 St. Lambert's Bioter King 54896— Sire, King of St. Lambert 15175 ; dam, St. Lambert's Kiotress 100220. Coquette Hugo King 17Q091 15 224 5 7 days 3 6 Dido King Rioter 17024^ 15 12 225 7 7 " 3 2 Exile's Hugo King 163083 18 2 324 12 7 " 41 King's Alexia 163510.. 16 2 234 11 7 " 2 Kinfe's Emsie of St. L. 163100 21 14 328 7 7 " 4 g King's Ida Eric 170003 14 12 210 11 7 " 2 7 King's Nora Riotress 177033 15 12 223 6 7 " 6 2 King's Rinbra B. .180966 15 11 226 2 7 " 30 " " " 30 12 444 10.5 14 " 3 King's Rinor& of St. L. 163512 20 2 316 4 7 " 3 10 King's Rioter 'Fawn 16996S 16 2 222 12 7 " 2 1 Letty Rioter R. 19481^ 23 1 318 4 7 " 4 6 Letty Rioter.'s Rioter Queen leUSe 14 6 205 4 7 " 4 3 Maximum' Riotress King 184361 *415 12 489 2 7396 10 1 year 3 2 Nor^s E(fith Lass 155134 17 12 305 11 7 days 7 2 Ora Hugo, King 163509 IS 1 229 5 7 " 2 1 Rioter Letty King 164050 28 8.5 317 6 7 " 55 Volie Rioter 196029 15 7 231 5 7 " 2 7 St. Martin 1482— Sire on I. of J. ; dam, Beauty 5311. Enigma 5360 15 6 234 4 7 days 6 St. Nick 7224— Sire, Mercury 432; dam, Azila 1256. St. Nick's Flora 16195 14 7 days St. Omer's King 58129— Sire, King of St. Lambert's King 30752; dam, Zetta King 85644. King's Clorinda of St. Omer 188714 "12 7.33 14 10 260 11.2 7 days 6 S N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 164 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow St. Fogis of Prospect 35550— Sire, Muskingum Rioter Pogis 30473; dam, Beckie Y. Pogis 63069. Mary Jane of Cedar Grove 125447 20 4 239 8 7 days 4 5 40 479 6 14 " 4 5 St. Valentine 2251— Sire, Mercury 432; dam, Clotho 2566. Colie 8309 18 4 241 14 7 days 5 8 Saladin 447— Sire, Cadmus 4 ; dam. Woodbine 517. Embla 4799 17 8 7 days 6 6 Rosaline of Glenmore 3179 17 10 18il 7 " 8 9 " 17 12 206 7 " 11 Sam 980— Sire on I. of J.; dam, Eugenie 792. Salsoda 3721 14 7 7 days Sam Patch 51158— Sire, Cliief Gill 34941; dam. Belle of Derby 42279. Alice Eree 177940 *13 7.2 15 13 257 14.4 7 days 6 May's Tantrum 177943 'U 15 17 9 311 8 7 " 4 9 Samson 1079 — Sire, Waterpower 756; dam, Ocean Queen 1405. Bronzie 9368 21 6 138 8 7 days 11 Merlette 4988 16 297 13 7 " 6 4 Samson Jr. 2723— Sire, Dexter of Stfiatsburgh 1942; dam, Susie 2d 778. Calista of Newark 13296..; 15 9 195 12 7 days 5 2 Flora Lee 13294 14 1 199 12 7 " 4 2 Phoebe N. 26401 15 3 240 8 7 " 4 3 Sans-Feur, F.S. 201 H.C.— Buttercup 17285 16 5 295 7 days 9 9 Fan of Grouville 7468 15 263 12 7 " 8 4 , Fear Not 6059 17 3 256 7 " 7 Sapolio's Exile 33445— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657 ; dam, Sapolio 61082. Athens Delight 117552 15 15 199 7 days 5 S Athens Glory 134352 16 10 229 7 " 4 3 Athens Sapolio 134183 16 15.5 307 7 " 4 6 Exile's Star of Athens 117553 15 8 178 7 " 5 3 Pauhne of Athens 117777 19 11 248 7 " 6 6 Sarah's Prince 41440— Sire, Eva's Prince 28686 : dam, Sarah Palestine 52440. Zera King 171490 16 12 259 7 days 6 P Zetta King 2d 159488 16 12 219 2 7 " 6 4 Saturn 94, imp.—' Alphea 371 15 6 7 days Saulie 33223— Sire, Calliope Darling 33131 ; dam, Alexarchia 23452. Sensa 87569 21 3 320 2 7 days 5 7 Sayda's Heir 45360— Sire, Koffee's Guy Pawkes 39309 ; dam, Sayda's Princess 67385. Sayda's Queen of Ventnor 168033 *442 6.15 520 6 7399 14 1 year 3 3 " " " " 15 237 10 7 days 3 4 Sayda's Prince 28501— Sire, Pocatdlo 21953 ; dam, Sayda 3d 17317. Jessie's -Sayda 106697 16 10 207 4 7 days 3 6 Sayda's Gertrude 117027 14 3 227 2 7 " 5 1 Sayda's Victor Hugo 51270— Sire, Corolla 3d's Lisgar 46777; dam, Sayda 4th 38719. Sayda's Princess Lois 201371 *297 6.7 349 14.4 6767 4 1 year 2 6 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star ("), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AH amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 165 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Scales' Stoke Pogis 30098— Sire, Kathy's Stoke Pogis 17566 ; dam, Heritage 50077. Ida's Little Wonder 104961 14 7 209 4 7 days 2 9 Scepter 5417— Sire, Tamerlane 4287 ; dam, Lesble 9179. Scepter's Beauty 23234 14 0.5 107 14 7 days 5 6 Schinchon 1132— Sire, Pierrot 636; dam, Beauty 804. Polly Clover 7052 16 15 285 8 7 days 6 9 Scientist 38743— Sire, Victor H. Pogis 31911 ; dam, Mamie H. Pogis 57050. Scimassiella 111678 17 1 224 8 7 days 3 2 Scion 1033— Sire, Red Knig'ht 666; dam, Cybele 3d 3270. Charmer 4771 14 12 257 11 7 days 7 B Scion of St. liambert Jr. 26719— Sire, Scion of St. Lambert 20844 ; dam, Proctor's Belle 47106. Pomfret Princess 119079 15 4 251 1 7 days 6 11 Scituate Beauty D. 148791 14 14 258 7 " 3 5 Scituate F. W. 24624— Sire, Rioscita's Duke 18339 ; dam, Rosa P. W. 13226. Quachette F. W. 83654 15 3 254 12 7 days 6 Scituate Pedro 17797— Sire, Pedro Victor 9494; dam, Pedro Girl 22400. Salona Pedro 108924 14 1 243 15 7 days 7 1 Scituate's Prize 7206— Sire, Prince of Scituate 3888 ; dam. Matin 7768. Athlete 28137 14 8 213 10 7 days ' 2 3 citnate's Tormentor 37260— Sire, Victor Scituate 17487 ; dam, Earl's Aurora 40600. Banshee's Mulberry 119642 15 7 242 7 days 3 5 Secretary 4074 — Sire, Brown Prince 2583 ; dam, Elsie Dinsmore 58.84. Daffy Wilcox 2d 18317 15 5 256 7 7 days 4 2 Seneca Chief 4098— Sire, Lord Sbaftesburj- 2499 ; dam. May Blossom 5657. Daisy Stillson 28174 15 3 225 7 days 4 6 Ciiulietta Cooke 32193 21 13.5 257 4 7 " 6 Oleo 38475 18 1 256 7 " 6 4 Seneca's Mocha 23355 20 3 406 9 7 " 6 U Seneca's Victor 24085— Sire, Victor P. W. 16548; dam, Seneca's Gipsy 87123. Gail Rivers 135684 18 11 286 2 7 days 6 2 Sensa's Pride 44155— Sire, Fringe's St. Helier 27634; dam, Sensa 87569. Artea's Pride 2d 157803 17 15 283 8 7 days 6 3 Artea's Pride 3d 175934 17 5.5 279 8 7 " 5 3 Georgie's Mary 3d 130941 14 280 7 " 10 1 Georgie's Mary 4th 157798 18 12.5 272 8 7 " 6 10 Rosa's Glory 157795 *208 7.4 245 3.9 4923 12.8 120 " 5 2 Rosa's Spots 183673 1-1 9 235 8 7 " 5 7' Sensible 143262 17 8 311 1 7 " 8 1 " 33 9.5 634 5 14 " 8 1 Tidy Lady 183672 14 11 290 7 " 6 2 Seward's Torment 39331— Sire, Goldie's Torment 31676; dam, Belbonnie 2d 40491. Orange Star 116210 20 12 249 4 7 days 5 8 Shade's Darling Duke 17752— Sire, Darling's Prince 9513 ; dam. Evening Shade 2d 30738. Nettie Underwood 117007 14 6 233 14 7 days 5 3 " *568 4.8 668 9.4 10992 10 1 year 10 S N B —Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 166 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Fat Butter Milk op Test Sharpshooter of Atlanta 3011— Sire, Grand Duke Alexis 1040; dam, Zina 2d 3082, Tenella 2d 19521 18 12 314 7 days Age OF Cow Sheldon 5250— Sire, Lome 5248 Maggie Sheldon 23583 Sheldon's Daisy 30692 dam, Hebe of St. Lanihert 5117. 21 5 17 12 214 7 days 7 " Sheldon of St. Lambert 13831— Sire, Rioter's Pride 11694; dam, Elaine of St. Lambert 27053. Nora Sheldon 43590 17 6 233 3 7 days Pine Tree Clara B5042 17 3 251 12 7 " Sheldon Fogis 22659— Sirs Corinth Pogis 94280 Sheldon's Maud SG187 Lord Victor Pogis 14499 ; dam, 14 7 14 15 Sherbet's Coomassie 24115— Sire, Trust's Koffee 12056; dam. Sherbet 7191. Coomassie L. 73273 15 1 296 10 Sherbet's Koffee 18512— Sire, Trust's Koffee 12056; dam. Sherbet 7191. Agnes of Clovernook 72553 Leila of Clovernook 72554 , Tiger Lill 69771 Shirley 1613— Sire, Mogul 532; dam, Belle of Prospect 2d 14326 Queen of Prospect 11997 Nlobe 4th 509. Sig 9528— Sire, Sir Signal 3018: dam, Adora 18569. Sig Eurota i Signal, F.S. 278 C— Lottie Dorey 21578 Young Gazelle 19837.... Signal 1170— Sire, Aldarine 5301 Belle of Patterson Croton Maid 5305.. Edwina 6713 Fanny Taylor 6714. Geranium 2d 7838.. OJnone 8614 Marius 760; dam, Pansy Morris 2060. Optima 6715. . . . Signalana 7719. Tenella 6712.... Valhalla 5300... Signal Jr. 7166— Sire, Signal 1170; dam, Alda 3873. Crotonia Signal , 89308 Edy Signal 19430 Haidee Signal 86448 Signal Maiden 42793.. Signalona 72105 Signal's Empress 577C7 Signal's Rhoda 98651 Tancreda Signal 27789 Young Jersey Maiden 42794.. 7 days Eveline of Jersey 6781. 203 8 7 days 8 241 8 7 " 5 16 9.5 192 3.5 7 days 2 7 14 2 206 7.5 7 " 4 9 15 200 8 7 " 4 8 19 204 7 days 5 1 14 2 225 8 7 " 3 3 15 1.5 301 U 7 days 5 4 16 12.5 175 8 7 days 8 10 14 11 7 " 4 5 )0. 15 1.6 232 15 7 days 6 3 16 6 241 10 7 " 5 3 21 11.5 254 6 7 " 5 2 15 13 7 ■' 4 6 15 12 223 7 " 5 8 26 4.75 244 12.5 7 " 7 6 15 14 185 12 7 " 5 6 18 15 139 7 7 " 7 8 19 2 191 4 7 " 7 9 16 4 225 6 7 " 6 2 ?? 1.5 8 7 " 7 " 14 " 7 days 4 n 16 34 6 7 18 212 4 1 16 8 260 8 7 " 5 20 2 304 7 " 6 11 79 11 1264 4 31 " 6 11 15 3.5 246 8 7 " 4 9 14 3 189 12 7 " 2 15 10 196 7 " ■ 6 1 18 5 240 15 7 " 13 10 16 6.5 318 10 7 " 5 10 14 5.6 186 4 7 " 8 8 21 8.5 310 8 7 " 8 4 15 10.5 218 7 " 10 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and ?uthenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butler. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 167 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Signal Ben Signal 27186— Sire, Geranium's Chief 18607; dam, Geranium 2d 7838. Ben's Bijou 86599 18 6 180 7 7 days 3 Ben's Fairy 144785 16 8 247 8 7 " 7 U Ben's Nettie 118137 15 3 239 15 7 " 2 10 Maidena 117919 16 12 265 7 " 10 8 Signalbert 18840— Sire, Signalda 4027; dam, Spirsea 4th 20075. Signalbjanoa 54948 15 5 204 0.5 7 days 2 8 Signalda 4027— Sire, Signal 1170; dam, Alda 3873. Birdie i>fichoIson 31676. .: 18 13 214 10 7 days i 11 Clover Bud 5th 27743 14 134 12.5 7 " 2 8 Eterna 27134 14 4.25 169 8' 7 " 5 10 Lilly Signalda 23227 17 10 158 14 7 " 5 2 Madam Zophee 31679 _. 16 2.5 226 6 7 " 4 Nanalda 32917....: .^. 14 2.13 137 7 7 " 4 11 Siesta 37321 15 11 207 O 7 " 5 Sigletta 32915 16 182 12 7 " 4 8 Signalda Bloomfield 30694 16 3.75 226 8 7 " 2 11 Signalda's Duchess 32173..... 14 3 213 7 " 2 4 Signalda's Rosebud 35683 18 10.13 309 7 " 3 10 Signaldella 24107 18 1.75 7 " 1 11 Signetilia 16333 18 5.5 233 8 7 " 3 11 Signora Reid 27125 16 8.38 241 8 7 " 3 9 Sirona 27128 21 2 179 8 7 " 7 Solava 20928 IS 3.6 210 8 7 " 4 5 Signalda 2d 6748— Sire, Signalda 4027 ; dam, Sadie's Choice 7979. ^■ Nal Day 26563 19 13 210 7 days 2 3 Signalda's Torment 14673— Sire, Signalda 4027; dam, Odelle Sales 15564. Analysis 3d 82870 14 1 155 6 7 days 2 3 Annabel Lee 56S33 22 3 279 4 7 " 5 4 Chump 81289 14 13 149 4 7 " 2 8 Jennie Fordyce 57169 13 6.5 218 1 7 " 2 5 Jessie Wilson 76121 14 8 197 7 7 " 5 3 Monte Sano Belle 77683 16 15.5 181 4 7 " 6 3 Satin Signal 108498 15 14 223 7 " 4 1 Shelta F. 56437 20 0.5 275 4 7 " 5 Signilla M. 55839 21 4 225 2 7 " 3 10 Signola M. 76122 14 10 200 3 7 " 2 8 SignaldL's Tormentor 9298— Sire, Signalda 4027; dam. Burlesque 9527. Miss p'Arcy 62596 15 256 8 7 days 5 9 Signal Dick 32034— Sire, Signal Bell 20942 ; dam, Hilda's Darling 59527. Minni\ P.'s Nehushta 121998 15 10.5 237 7 days 7 i " 17 3 266 10 7- " 8 2 Signaldini\ 8556— Sire, Cloverine 3510; dam, Signalana 7719. Gem of Ellasleigh 38532 '. 16 10 ' 221 7 days 11 Miamis Signaldini 43891 17 14.5 318 3 7 " 8 9 Signaldo Alexis 1 505 1— Sire, Signaldo 9323; dam. Rupertina 10409. Chrysi^pe 53373 14 W 316 7 days 9 1 Francesville 63367 16 6 232 8 7 " 9 6 Petra's Signal 53376 14 12 203 7 " 9 S Signaldo's Pansy 53366 16 0.5 306 7 " 10 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts' are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 168 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Signal Duke 12661— Sire, Croton Maid's Duke 6658; dam, Fanny Taylor 6714. Cupid's Cloud 74040 17 2 264 7 days 4 8 Hallie Signal 61726 18 12 251 7 " 3 6 Nettie Signal 37837 18 8 249 7 " 6 7 Signal Maid 4th 67492 15 8 237 7 " 5 2 Signal Duke of Alfred 11927— Sire, Red Cloudlet 7560; dam, Gardiner's Thistle 11338. Signal Duke's Creamer 60812 14 7 201 1 7 days 2 9 Susa's Darling 44915 15 12 225 3 7 " 5 6 Signal Hub Melrose 37112- Sire, Crown Prince Melrose 21790; dam. Gold Melrose 61922. Alice Compeer of O. H. 207430 21 9 339 7 days 12 4 Hub's Pogis Gem 199274 20 2 412 7 " 9 1 Katy of Oak Hill 208696 21 1 320 8 7 " 7 6 Oak Hill's Jessamine 207432 15 8 245 7 " 6 10 Signalia's Siberia 67227— Sire, Exile's Siberia 4336.3 ; dam, Signalia Simils 2d 071112. Eurybia's Daughter 185366 *311 8.4 366 8 5343 8 1 year 2 3 " •469 7.9 540 9 7840 8 1 " 4 7 Signalio 7649— Sire, Footstep 5163 ; dam, Sabina 10970. Signalinda 27002 18 7 234 14,5 7 days 4 4 Signoretta 21546 680 6.5 7621 1 year 3 2 Signal tad 12199— Sire, Signal Jr. 7106; dam, Khoda 2d 16097. Cordelia Signal 2d 44489 17 6 237 7 days 2 10 Cordelia Signal 3d 57808 17 8 194 8 7"" 6 4 Signally Signal 8875— Sire, Signalda 4027 ; dam, Aldarine 5301. Zelie de-Lussan 48681 20 1 324*0 7 days 7 " " 450 5 6864 8 6 mos. 7 "^ " 20 7 326 8 7 days 7 1 " 86 13 1446 8 31 " 7 1 Signal Maid's Duke 21742— Sire, Signal Chief 8932; dam, Sign.al Alaid 19301. Signal's Gold Foil 90508 15 4 272 7 days 6 8 Signal Maximum 27286— Sire, Signal Jr. 7166: dam, Aldarine 3d 27482. Grade Signal 146253 16 7.5 291 7 days 7 3 Sigmanella 117023 20 2 276 12 7 " 3 3 Signal Oak of Brnshy 29008— Sire, Live Oak of Brushy 16155 ; dam, Croton's Croizette 45708. Nellie Signal of Brushy 100012 14 11.5 276 10 7 days 6 7 Signal's Mary of Brushy 92366 14 9.5 220 8 7 " 5 3 Signal of Maidstone 44177-Sire, Thrifty Lad 18313; dam, Susa Drew 38521. Barmaid's Eurotas 2d 158318 16 14 261 15 7 days 7 1 " " 33 8.5 525 1 14 " 7 1 " " 18 13 311 13 7 " 9 1 Signal of Meadow Brook B7954-Sire, Signal of Gordon 11550; dam, Signal's Bess 4S442. Annie Kate 74369 12 0.2 "14 2 241 7 days 7 10 Signal of Springwood 28545— Sire, Howard Signal 12664; dam. Signal's Roxette 47142. Clara Signal of Lawn 85686 IB 15 153 14 7 days 3 1 Signalona's Ben 32929— Sire, Signal Ben Signal 27186 ; dam, Signalona 72105. Signalona's Gem 134219 14 4.5 214 4 7 days 2 3 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*) and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% .fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a daKBer (tl All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. Signalda 4027 (Page 167) Sixteen tested daughters. Bred by J. A. Hayt, Patterson, N. Y. ; owned by Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. Sophie's Tormentor 20883 (Paee 173) Twenty-two tested daughters. Bred by M. C. Campbell, Spring Hill, Tenn. ; owned by C. H. Stevens & Co., Canton Centre, Conn. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 169 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Signalona's Ben Signal 43521— Sire, Signal Ben Signal 27186; dam, Signalona 72105. Kaleta Signal 148620 21 13 251 12 7 days 5 U SB 10 1050 7 30 " 5 11 " 20 U 307 11 7 " 6 10- Letty Signal 156718 14 12 210 12 7 " 4 4 Little Lona 147078 15 13 251 14 7 " 5 4 Miss Maud Signal 166915 19 14 280 14 7 " 4 10' '419 5 493 5 7974 13.6 1 year 5 11 Retta's Sedate 3d 145644 16 10.5 245 14 7 days 7 t Sadie Landseer Signal 159330 18 238 7 " 4 6. " 34 13 462 14 " 4 6 " 25 9.5 293 9 7 " 5 7 " " 48 14.5 581 14 " 5 7 " *554 9 652 6 10385 13 1 year 6 7 Signarola 147592 15 2 236 8 7 days 5 5 '■ 30 463 13 14 " 5 & Signal's Palm Rose 160361 *619 2.8 611 8681 15.4 1 year 6 9^ Signal Sawyer 16786— Sire, Compo Boy 2d 10426; dam, Emblem 2d 7732. Lady Maud of Cinque Park 2d 71548 14 1.25 265 7 days 7 2 Signal's Crown Prince 61621— Sire, Signalona's Ben Signal 43521; dam, Oarola'a Crown Princess 90321. Duchess Crown 191067 20 7 260 7 7 days 4 9 Signal's Sweet Rose 195866 ,;. .■ 15 5 233 13 7 " 4 2 Signal'8 I.addie 11100— Sire, Chief of the Miamis 2958; dam, Gcldie C. 8104. Signal's Rosa May 50092 21 3 245 8 7 days 11 8 Yum Yum Signal 40688 16 7 198 12 7 " 6 3- Signal's Maxim 42489— Sire, Patterson Signal 37951 ; dam, Sigrhoda 105954. Diploma's Delta 200379 15 10 273 5 7 days 7 3; Maxim's Browff Bessie 182792 *13 1.8 15 6.8 272 8 7 " 5 6 Maxim's Marguerite 200376 16 3 265 8 7 " 7 0- Maxim's Marjorie 185361 16-2 253 7 7 " 6 Signal's Brown Lassie 182986 17 2 248 14 7 " 3 11 Signal's Lady Diploma 132366 16 249 4 7 " 4 1 Signal's Laura Lee 173981 14 15 249 8 7 " 2 9- Signal's Odelio 33001— Sire, Odelio 20223; dam, Signalda's Rosebud 35583. Fair Fancy Signal 115565 18 2.75 254- 7 7 days 9 0' Gusta Signal 130225 14 4 195 7 " 5 11 " 20 274 7 " 6 10 Signal's Rebel 32928— Sire, Croton's Signal 17614 ; dam. Geranium 2d 7838. Signal's Garland 116048 15 2 239 7 days 2 9- Signal Success 28864— Sire, Signal Jr. 7166 ; dam. Duchess of Croton 6717. Signala Marcelina 86674 17 14 289 12 7 days 7 9' " 33 8.5 541 1 14 " 7 9' Signia 29385— Sire, Escape 23542; dam, Signoretta 21546. Arbute 92496 17 11 304 7 days 7 11 Lemorna 92879 17 302 7 " 9 8 Milba 103296 15 6 284 7 " 8 1 Ortler 103298 It 2 254 8 7 " 7 Signia's Footprint 130731 14 5.33 250 7 " 7 fr Signia's Nona 101043 14 12 249 7 " 10- Sig-Nig 18659— Sire, Signally Signal 8875; dam, Sigbyrnie 27695. Sallie Grimes 79122 16 2 248 4 7 days 5 »■ N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is- estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. Tlie old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AU amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 170 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Signoretta's Signal 18980— Sire, Signal of Hilltop llSll ; dam, Slgnoretta 21546. Sedate's Retta 86596 16 8 153 8 7 days i 1 Sig Pogis 22806— Sire, Ida's Stoke Pogis 13G58 ; dam, Sigletta 32915. Dosia Pogis 89049 IG 10.25 195 8 7 days 2 5 Hearty Pogis 81297 18 13.75 220 7 " 5 Hollie Pogissa 110490 16 3.25 213 7 " 2 3 Made Pogis 103539 15 1.13 197 6 7 " 3 1 Pogis' Kane 102854 17 204 7 " 1 11 Rene of Hillside 2d 142686 19 2.25 240 13.5 7 " 2 1 Retta Pogis 81132 16 3.25 143 8 7 " 3 4 Saucy Pogis 103B35 17 2 25 220 7 " 2 3 Sprite Pogis 98530 18 6 266 3.75 7 " 6 3 Wild Rose Bloom 110583 17 1.25 248 7 " 3 2 Silver, P.S. 287 C— Sire, BolAy, P.S.^08 H.C. ; dam, Daisy, F.S. 1496 C. Cream Lily 24015 16 221 7 days 4 1 Les Marais' Dell 20314 15 8.5 189 4 7 " 4 9 Silver Sheen 26210 19 2 282 4 7 " 11 4 Silver Duke 7125— Sire, Lord Ducie 2500; dam, Silver Rose 4753. Katie Herr 39970 15 8.5 222 10 7 days 7 i Thornleaf 39969 15 12 214 5 7 " 6 9 Silver Glance 20306— Sire, Stoke Pogis Htli 5987; dam, Rho A. 10950. Paulina Pogis 97681 16 6 218 13 7 days 7 7 Winnie Pedro Pogis 97952 15 186 4 7 " 10 2 Silver Hair, F.S. 279 C— Silver Venus 20270.. 16 3.75 205 7 days 5 11 Silver Mine 1658— Sire, Silverlocks Jr. ()99; dam, Minerva 1529. Countess Coomassie 19339 16 10 260 12 7 days 4 4 Nancy Lovelock 15511 -. 17 9 207 8 7 " 4 Siloam 17623 18 9.5 230 12.5 7 " 3 4 Silvia Baker 8793 20 10 121 12 7 " 6 10 Simcoe 39497— Sire, Brocq St. Lan>bert 34316; dam, Adelaide of St. Lambert 73652. Adelaide's Daughter 129440 14 n.5 242 7 days 5 1 Sindbad 12294— Sire, Rayon d'Or 7516; dam, Katie Kohlmau 7270. Wapello 56044 14 12 204 » 7 days 4 1 Sir Alpha 6378— Sire, Washita 3813; dam, Gray Violet 3489. Miss Julia 26701 21 1.5 265 7 days 6 5 Sir Charles 131, imp. — Carrie 3894 16 8 7 days Sir Davy 84^ Sire on I. of J. ; dam, Jersey Maid 94. Beulah of Baltimore 3270 14 6.5 7 days 7 4 Sir Farmington 3316— Sire, Prince of Croton 2490; dam, Belle of Farmington 3d 4060. Belle of Wayne 16457 17 9.5 230 8 7 days 5 9 Sir Florian 11578— Sire, Florian, P.S. 373 C. ; dam. Lady Blonde 22042. Doris of Mt. Pleasant 73330 14 7 235 8 7 days 6 9 Kegina Gilford 49891 14 11 167 4 7 " 3 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 171 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Sir Gen. Jamont 58050— Sire, Gen. Jamont 42212; dam, Cream Princess 64800. Hood Farm Venita 185039 *520 13.7 612 12 10924 6 1 year 3 7 " " " *U S 17 0.9 322 5.6 7 days 3 9 " " " *479 13 Hi 6 9755 1 year 4 10 Sir George 7656— Sire, Gu.y Fawkes, F.S. 251 H.C. ; dam, Brown Bess 13092. Liberty 2d 16717 .■ 14 6.5 186 10 7 days 2 11 Young Garenne 3d 13648 16 3.5 7 " 4 5 Sir George of St. Lambert 6036— Sire, Stoke Pogis 3d 2238; dam, Pride of Windsor 483. Irene of St. Lambert 2d 75759 15 5 259 8 7 days 6 9 Lass Pogis 4740 14 14 268 12 7 " 6 2 Rioter's Nora 21778 15 9 223 7 " 2 10 Success of St. Lambert 28489 16 2 238 4 7 " 4 8 Vivienne Pogis 41547 15 1 314 7 " 6 1 Sir Hadley J. 58945— Sire, Pride of Prospect Hill 43G84 ; dam, Addie H. 120595. Fernwood Echo 196342 *297 14 350 7 6629 8 1 year 2 3 Lady Jane of Fernwood 196635 *313 1.6 368 5 6606 2 1 " .3 1 Sir Harry, F.S. 314 C— Comtesse de St. Ouen 22600 15 8.5 228 3 7 days 4 Sir Harry Gordon 40510— Sire, Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485; dam, Mary Gordon 41429. Ida Beverley Gordon 194841 *12 7.4 14 10 269 4.8 7 days 8 Sir Harry Torment 48525— Sire, Harry Torment's Signal 39846; dam, Emma B. Etiileel 105209. Landseer's Beth 154598 15 14 264 8 7 days 5 4 Sir Hugo B. 480H— Sire, Sir Joshua 32847; dam, Hugo's Joy 95782. Hugo's Sylva 123664 15 2 225 ' 7 days 10 3 Sir Hugo of Grinnell 23242— Sire, Sir Hugo of St. Lambert 18726 ; dam, Silver Hill 20905. Nell B. 110225 14 5 225 7 days 7 2 Sir Hugo of St. Lambert 13726— Sire, OrlofE 8143; dam, Lucy of St. Lambert 5116. Mary of Lodi 88517. 15 1 224 8 7 days 5 10 Sir Jamboree 33161— Sire, Dalton 20117; dam, Dolly Darlo 32200. Economy of St. Lambert 162207 17 3.5 317 8 7 days 8 Sir Joseph Peck 4978— Sire, Dainty Boy 2955; dam, Mel 6tli 2041. Laundress 2d 24649 ; 14 9 138 7 days 4 7 Sir Julian Fauncef ote 22149- Sire, Kirby Baritone 16003 ; dam, Delle 5tli 37095. Caroline Pauncefote 62919 16 8 149 14 7 days 5 3 Sir June, P.S. 1917 H.C— Sire, Silver Sea, P.S. 1475 H.C; dam, Wyandotte 2d, P.S. 8810 H.C. Channel Queen 138791 14 0.5 237 7 days 4 4 " 17 9 265 4 7 " 6 Sir Lawrence Angelo 19628— Sire, Michael Angelo 10116; dam, Cretia A. 6017. Dodona A. 88102 16 10,75 249 7 days 3 10 Sir Oonan Pogis 26521— Sire,'Oonan's Pogis 17165; dam, Miamotto 48691. Tormentor's Fawn 2d 94485 15 4 216 8 7 days 4 9 " " " 18 8 267 8 7 " 5 8 N. B. — Confirnled butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*),' and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 172 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Bhttek Milk of Test of Cow Sir Pedro Fogis 16010— Sire, Rioter's Combination 30363; dam, Anecdote 12119. Kitty Kringel 57120 16 8 229 12 7 days 5 5 Sir Roger's T. 3938— Sire, Victor, P.S. 148 H.C. ; dam, Stella T. 7501. Lucy T. 48200 16 12.7 194 3 7 days 6 & Sir Samuel Cunard 2231— Sire, Scotia 1154; dam, Locust' 3(531. Alhena 15995 16 3 7 days 4 8 Sir Signal 3018— Sire, Signal 1170; dam, Rhoda 1102. Corinne Moore 35748 19 8 270 9 7 days 7 i Sir Signaller 12490— Sire, Tormodo 834S ; dam, Portieve 17579. Pride of Edgewood 64199 17 2 202 7 7 days 5 11 Sir Silex 35028— Sire, Mabel's Gold Ore 26378 ; dam, Bisilicate 4th 91986. Kobalt 112334 14 9.5 235 4 7 days 5 3. Sir Watkin, P.S. 2991 H.C.— Sire, Financial King 57788; dam, Golden Lad's Creampot 162061. Dove-Like 181186 16 6 297 7 days 4 9 " 32 2 595 8 14 " 4 9 Sister's Time 51658— Sire, Easter-Time 37693; dam. Queen Gold's Sister 105747. Double Time 157531 12 8.5 14 11.9 293 8 7 days 6 6 " '20 6.2 23 15 410 14.4 7 " 9 2 Sitanda 20221— Sire, Signalda 4027 ; dam, Mary Jane of Belle Vue 6956. Callie Nan 2d 64207 23 1 302 7 days 4 6 Cara Mia 64224 , 15 9.25 216 7 " 3 4 Sitanda's Rose 64958 24 12 301 7 " 6 2 Skinner, P.S. 1620 C— Sire, Golden Lad, P.S. 1242 H.C. ; dam, Orpheiine, F. S. 3385 H.C. Crocus Bud 125591 21 4 281 12 7 days 4 9 Smith of Darlington 2458 — Sire on I. of J. ; dam. Premium of Darlington 5572. Anna Smith 10324 15 6 278 4 7 days 1 9 Nellie Darlington 5956 . 15 3 194 4 7 " 10 6 Smith's St. I.ambert 30332— Sire, Elf's King of St. Lambert 27081 ; dam, Flower of Glen Rouge 2d 55559. Bo-Peep's Maid 100538 14 2 Darby's Lady Ajax 2d 158049 15 12 Edith Haley 92643 22 1.5 Edith Hugo Pogis 105045 IB 8.5 Queen of the Evergreens 127280 18 11 Rioter's Matchless 2d 123453 15 Smith's Lady Ajax 168048 14 12 Smoke Smith 4844— Sire, Brigand 1899 ; dam, Selika 1805. Atlanta's Beauty 12949 21 3 i Grace Pansy 2d 18764 17 15 ! " 121 0.5 *142 6 Lucy Cobb 15133 18 6.5 Snap, F.S. 301 C— Snap's Dainty 18958 14 203 7 days 5 5 Snap of St. Iiambert 18569— Sire, Bachelor of St. Lambert 4558; dam. Eclipse 14427. Social Beauty 2d 82830 17 226 7 days 8 9 275 12 7 days 3 4 295 8 7 " 5 8 304 14 7 " 4 6 290 10 7 " 3 7 279 5 7 " 5 7 201 7 " 4 3 269 8 7 " 5 S 146 7 days 3 6 236 15 7 " 3 10 2344 6.4 90 " 10 4 229 7 '■ 3 9 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old oflicial butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and agea are in years and months. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 173 Fat Butter Snedens 4882— Sire, A^ Bud 3317; dam, Edie 2001. Alice McClellan 25237 15 2 Mona's Mab 31524 15 7 Snob 26574— Sire, Diploma 16219; dam, Clara's Belle 16582. Lady Lyndon Lee 105617 16 2 Milk 233 12 204 12 227 Period Age OF Test of Cow 7 days 7 " days Soapstone 14377— Sire, Duke of Darlington 2460; dam. Pearl Armstrong 2670. Panola 85344 17 3.75 278 15 7 days Soconee's Tormentor 53187 — Sire, Oouan's Tormentor 22280; dam, Soconee 76895. Soconee's Ida 175670 *14 5.5 16 13.9 312 6.4 7 days Solid South 4711- Sire, Butter Boy 3243; dam. Lulu Wing 6292. Serita 15520 17 2 158 Son of Jessie 40806— Sire, Atricia's Rufa 30329 ; dam, .Tessie of Edeuside 26199. May Belle St. Helier 125292 15 2 231 7 days Son of Kosa 663— Sire, Maxse 400 ; dam, Bosa 122. Sultana 2d 11798 15 285 7 days Son of the Duchess 57069— Sire, Rioter of St. Lambert 16.501; dam, KofEee's Duchess 2d 57988. Mertha's Duchess 170810 *412 14.8 485 12.7 " *487 13.5 573 14,9 Spot's Duchess 170812. *421 495 10.6 7448 14 9680 1 1402 6 7895 1 1 year 1 " 30 days 1 year Creamal 76104 Elphie May 69396.. Elsie Wolcott 76103. Figgis 76106.. 12 12.10 16 1.3 Liphie 69395 Mama 76108 Missdldine 69393 Nina^ Gordon 76101 Pansy's Thoughts 69400. 5 8 11 3 9 5 2 7 days 6 4 2 8 3 3 4 3 6 2 4 1 Son's Melrose of St. t. 52021— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L.'s Son 28869; dam. Romping Miss 54457. Little Brqwny Melrose 208379 , 18 5 269 7 days 2 11 Lizzie Record-Breaker 2d 208375 15 5.5 254 7 " 3 10 Sophie's Khediiire 52368— Sire, Ian Maclaren 43808; dam, Sopliona 70110. Fairy's Sophie 176562 14 7 216 8 7 days 3 Sophie's Fairy 176559 14 12 214 7 " 2 8 Sophie's lone 157260. .f. 15 4 227 7 " 3 8 Sophie's Omega 173761 14 7 271 7 " 4 4 Sophie's Tormentor 20883— Sire, Tormentor 3533; dam, Baron's Sophie 17615. PhileJia S. 70375 Pink 'King 69394 Sophie Ist pf Hood Farm 131236 Sophie 2d o£ Hood Karm 131236 '- lOimtinued on next page.] N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 15 252 7 days 7 11 16 4.5 227 8 7 9 17 11.5 •■274 2 9 14 6.5 232 11 7 4 *15 1 258 ,2 U 1 14 10.5 .263 13 7 3 ■19 15 ,329 4 10 7 38 10 649 6 14 ' 10 7 S2 9.5 1421 7 31 ' 10 7 '18 14.6 293 7 U 14 6.5 215 7 8 4 16 12 258 6 2 16 0.75 240 11 8 9 14 3.5 219 4 7 6 17 6 248 5 6 9 33 503 14 14 ' 6 10 18 9.5 265 6 7 1 16 4.5 239 5 8 17 2.5 253 10 4 5 15 S . 262 15 3 3 174 SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Sophie 3d of Hood Farm 132005.. Sophie 4th of Hood Farm 131559. Sophie Sth of Hood Farm 143231. . Sophie Sth of Hood Farm 143233.. Sophie lOth of Hood Farm 143234. .. ^ (, .. „ .. .. Sophie Hudson 76105 Sophie's I.ily 87023. Sophona- 7G110 Wilha 76102. Fat •478 1? 9.9 12.4 Sophomore 24253— Sire, Diploma 16219; dam, Paradise 32082. Marian Holton 101478. Vidalia 101047 Period Age Butter Milk OF Test or Cow 14 11.5 205 14 7 days 3 14 13 240 4 7 " 5 3 21 3 342 8 10 " 5 3 16 14.5 270 13 7 " 5 2 14 9 230 2 7 •' 4 15 2.5 231 10 7 " 6 563 1.3 8683 8 1 year 6 1 •15 0.4 278 1 7 days 6 2 19 12.5 335 2 7 " 7 2 v/2^ 0.5 468 5 10 " 7 2 16 15.5 267 6 7 " 8 2 16 0.75 247 13 7 " 6 2 -^2 4.75 354 12 10 " 6 2 l(i 5.75 242 4 7 " C 9 It 6.5 223 14 7 " 9 10 djse 32082. 14 12 222 7 days 3 11 14 8 217 7 '■ 3 6 Sorona's Prince Fogis 16319— Sire, Prince of St. Lambert 5287; dam, Sorona's Princess 18924. Jessie Belle B. 100285 14 2 197 2 7 days Southampton 117, imp. — Witch-Hazel 1360 14 7 days Southern Prince 10760— Sire, Foi-get-me-not 6291; dam, Oxford Kate 13G46. Biederkeit 52257. Marchande 52258.. Princess Malita 66676 Richland Belle 46920 Silvia of Linwood 61008.. Soeurette 52256 Southern Daisy 38292 Southern Princess 36320.. Witcning 42252 Seuthirille Boy 4271— Sire, Major Domo 2161 ; dam, Drina W. 6900. Nuna 18669.. Sovereign, F.S. 307 C— Sovereign's Elsie 15793 231 12 7 days 14 3 Sozius 43555— Sire, Ettamarius 17762; dam, Sozetta 80980. Sokamria 140936 16 1 Spangle's Boy 6229— Sire, Pierrot 7th 1667 ; dam. Spangle 4141. Countess of Lome 20822 11 14 Madame Argyle 19476 14 6 Sparks Dee 8365— Sire, Eupidee 4097 ; dam, Veege 12504. Sparks' Maid 45575 16 6 " 19 8 3 10 Southern Duke 35777— Sire, Ida's Rioter of St. L.'s Son 288G9 ; dam. Southern Pet's Pogia 80226. Eegina of Cedar Hill 111995 15 8.5 295 13 7 days 14 10 134 .7 days 2 9 IS 2 236 5 6 22 1.25 178 6 10 IS 12.25 215 5 5 23 14.25 175 6.5 6 6 20 8.75 205 8 3 11 15 5 171 9 10 16 5.6 183 11.2 6 1 17 4.75 216 5 1 97 0.5 1023 15.75 30 7 9 14 11 108 8 2 3 16 4 205 8 2 17 14.5 192 3 3 10 221 10 7 days 7 days 3 4 11 207 196 10 7 7 days 4 3 3 6 279 345 8 11 7 days 7 " 8 11 4 2 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (+) All amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. * . -.^*«^ '■■'SF»ERMFIELQ OWL ' '^S Spermfield Owl 57088 (Page 175) Ten tested daughters, nine with authenticated tests for one year. Bred by Wm. Rockefeller, Tarrytown, N. Y. ; owned by R. A. Sibley, Spencer, Mass. Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 {Page 177) Twenty-one tested daughters. Bred by P. Leclair, Winooski, Vt. ; owned by Miller & Sibley, Franklin, Pa. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 175 Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Spermfield Owl 57088— Sire, The Owl 54738; dam, Spermfield Lassie 129540. Owlettina, 176053 *518 5.6 609 13.2 10572 3.2 1 year 3 5 " " ■ 15 10 284 4.8 7 days 3 7 " 62 3 1109 8 30 " 3 7 Spermfield Owl's Alice 186848. •374 14 441 6909 9 1 year 3 3 Spermfield Owl's Maid 194226 '386 5.7 454 8 6664 3 1 " 2 7 Spermfield Owl's Matilda 194130 *n 1.6 20 2 341 3.2 7 days 4 4 Spermfield Owl's Mertha 170849... r *455 10 536 0.5 8423 6 1 year 3 1 " " " " 'IS 10 16 0.6 271 6.4 7 days 3 2 SpermfieiVi Owl's Nettina 170823 *442 2.5 520 2.9 7591 7 1 year 2 11 Spermfield Owl's Rachel 181979 •360 3.4 423 12.5 7285 15 1 " 2 10 Spermfield Owl's Silverette 193930 *484 12 570 5 9359 8 1 " 3 8 Spermfield Owl's Spot 170826 •344 14.4 405 12.2 7455 '3 1 " 3 5 Spermfield Owl's Veda 186587 ^345 14 406 14.6 6554 9 1 " 2 8 Spokane 23440— Sire, Fancy's Harry 9777 ; dam, Ruby Torment 32989. Donna Le Brocq 99305 14 6 211 7 days 5 7 First Prize 95323 15 4 '249 12 7-" 4 9 Francesville 2d 99307 15 10 278 8 7 " 4 6 Milk Well 99301 14 4 259 8 7 " 5 4 15 13.5 296 9 7 " 8 4 Spotless 1860— Sire, Knave 1856; dam, Fantie 3066. Eva Horner 3d 24663 15 2 132 8 7 days i 2 Spring Brook Exile 57715— Sire, Exile's Diadochus 48439; dam, Ophi of St. Lambert 49004. Spring Brook Bonnie 173533 12 7 14 10 206 7 days 5 8 Spring Brook Lily 185129 12 11.2 14 15 285 6.4 7 " 4 5 " 1218 9.6 30 " 4 6 Sciuantum Prince 27564— Sire, Shade's Darling Duke 17752; dam, Nellie Carlyle 47028. Mack's Pansy Princess 125013 14 3 286 3 7 days 5 2 Squire Deerfoot 7835— Sire, Vanantrim 7391: dam, Daisy of Deerfoot 3d 4932. Felsticea 17083 16 3 245 14 7 days 3 10 Stamp 8609— Sire, Stand Point 4508 ; dam, Dessie 4th 12903. Ruby Love 2d 32058 '. 14 1 166 5 7 days 1 11 Standard 553— Sire on I. of J.; dam imported. Maid of Amboy 2929 16 1 7 days 6 6 Stand Point 7th 7929— Sire, Stand Point 4508; dam, Belmeda 6229. I^dy Woodbine 26803 14 2 ' 107 8 7 days 6 1 Star Dnke 8438— Sire, Duke of Darlington 2460 ; dam. Rose Belle of Darlington 11822. Miss Puritan 34204 18 5 357 11 7 days 8 6 Star F. 83(54— Sire, Byron 279 ; dam, Sylvia 687. Roland's Bonnie 2d 18054 19 2 217 7 days 4 11 Star Weal 1495— Sire, Monitor 878: dam, Lucy Neal 3d 418. Kobe's Marcella 4597 14 13 234 10 7 days 16 7 I Star of Glynllyn 31097— Sirtf, Tumroar 19C56: dam, Inez of Riverside 51781. Dora of Glynllyn 95993 17 9 166 9 7 days 3 7 Star of St. Lambert 17832— Sire, Victor Hugo Pogis 11256; dam, Diana of Somerset 29562. Alphea J. 71616 14 13 341 12 7 days 11 E N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*) and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) All Amounts are in pounds and ounces and ages are in years and months. 176 ■ SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS Period Age Fat Butter Milk of Test of Cow Star's Rioter Pride 53745— Sire, Rioter's Pride 11694 ; dam, Star Caroline 55610. Maggie's Star Caroline 161861 14 12 224 8 7 days 6 5 Statesman 2407— Sire, Csesarea, F.S. 214 H.C. ; dam, Sylvie Simon 4534. Sally Leavitt 2d 10471 ■'. 15 12 220 7 days 10 9 Statesman Jr. 7328— 'Sire, Statesman 2407: dam, Baxter's Nankeen 7593. Rosa of Frisby Hill 36080 16 ' 3.25 216 4 7 days 6 10 Steamboat 4422— Sire, Dexter of Staatsburgh 1942; dam, Susie 3d 2297. Leneca 17178 15 0.25 7 days 3 9 Steletho 10505— Sire, Dudley 3999; dam, Dot of Bear Lake 6170. Dot of Rocky Ford 40763 15 1 246 8 7 days 6 5 Mary's Pet 40772 15 7.5 209 8 7 " 6 2 Silver Steletho 40765 IS 0.5 241 8 7 " 6 S Steuben 4751— Sire, Norwood 1077: dam, Joey 2d 2919. Belle Steuben 20115 16 10 230 7 days 5 1 Stiletto 8320— Sire, Pedro 3187; dam, Shortia 11023. Lorna 2d 33634 17 9 203 4 7 days 10 4 Stockbridge Chief 37255— Sire, Sunswick 31516; dam. Sunbeam of Ethelwyn 49512. Eda Aberle 139163 17 12 273 14 7 days 8 1 Ruth Berkeley 139166 17 5 212 12 7 " 7 3 Stockholder 7214— Sire, Duke of Darlington 2460; dam, Reception 3d 11025. Lora Nicholson 27135 19 12.75 236 " 7 days 4 7 Stockholder 2d 15616— Sire, Stockholder 7214; dam. Rose of Glynllyn 14037. Daisy Delafield B9230 20 11 266 7 ' 7 days 5 i Stokentor 25422— Sire, Denise's Tormentor 11823 ; dam. Duchess Sigletta 54519. Lizentris 81821 14 13 207 7 days 6 5 Stoke Fogis 1259, imp.— >I^a Petite Mere 2d 12810 16 7 346 Leclair's Marjoram 36355..-. .' 15 3 v^' 110 Marjoram 2d 12805 ' '. Matilda 4th 12816..' '. 16 7 660 4 U_ 15 3v^ 15 279 7.5 t21 8.5 u- 336 Stoke Pogis Jr. 15300— Sire, Stoke Pogis 3259; dam, Matilda 2d 5471. Matilda of Maplewood 49723 14 15 208 12 Violet of Maplewood 49724 14 10.25 192 4 Stoke Pogis 2d 2414— Sire, Stoke Pogis 12.59; dam. Marjoram 3239. Minnie of Oxford 12806 16 1 " 17 247 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238— Sire, Stoke Pogis 1259; dam, Marjoram 3239. Allie of St. Lambert 24991 26 12 329 Brenda of Elmhurst. 10762. 20 8 201 Cheerful of St. Lambert 8348 20 8 239 8 Columbine of St. Lambert 8350 19 1 263 8 Cora of St. Lambert 8347 , 21 6.75 239 8 Cowslip of St. Lambert.-8349 17 12 229 8 Crocus of St. Lambert ^351 17 12 282 ' [Continued ' Volco of Hood Farm 47734 (Page 195) Three tested daughters, two with year's authenticated tests. Bred and owned by C. I. Hood, Lowell, Mass. SIRES WITH THEIR TESTED DAUGHTERS 199 Feriod OF Test Fat Buttek Milk Young Combination 14550— Sire, Combination 4389; dam, Goodbye 273G6. Indulgence 50105 17 1 271 8 7 days Patrol 40490 15 i 242 12 7 " Vidalinne 50101 14 2 211 7 " Vilify 50107 14 S 227 14 7 " Age OF Cow 7 10 8 Young Concord 1406— Sire, Concord 1405; dam, Molly 3554. Moss Rose of Willow Farm 5194 23 1 228 5 7 days 12 Young Duke 138 — Sire, Malcolm 71; dam. Duchess 101. Carrie's Beauty 14601 14 My Queen 12614 15 7.5 7 days 7 " Young Exile 37539— Sire, Exile of St. Lambert 13657; dam, Giulietta Cooke 32198. Exile's Etta 130771 17 1 214 11 7 days 2 10 Exile's Rubea 122194 IS 3.5 189 2 7 " 3 1 Exile's Torenia 122198 18 247 8 7 " 3 Young Garenne's Duke 6863— Sire, Cicero 7057; dam, Xoung- Garenue 13641. Khelula of Briarcliff 46799 18 2.5 241 6 7 days 5 1 Vera of Briarcliff 28687 15 1 129 .8 7 " 2 4 Viola of Briarcliff 37617 14 8 152 9 7 " 2 2 Young Jupiter 12157- Sire, Jupiter of Beechwood 6866; Pearl's Lemon 41646 17 dam. Arietta 5115. 5.25 320 7 days 3 11 Young Neptune 17656- Jane Neptune 52345 • Sire, Baron Neptune 10000: dam, Dora Neptune 20318. 19 4.5 308 7 days Young Pedro 9033— Sire, Pedro 3187 ; dam, llioter Alpbea 10091. Beauty of Hamilton 55827.. Cliansonnette 2d 29672 Dicta 55221 Eurotisama 29668 Fanella 2d 64578... Howdy 55119 Patona 55117 Pedronina 34803.... Riotress 3d 63166. . Young Lass 67471. Young Pedro 2d 15011— Sire, Young Pedro 9033; Butterstamp Pedro 56383 Clem Pedro 73961 Limited Pedro 56382 Lulu Pedro 71902.. 15 15 227 8 7 days 3 8 16 9 237 14 7 " 4 2 20 9 255 2 7 " 4 7 20 13.5 246 14 7 " 2 10 M'i 9 1 year days 4 11 27 1.5 267 10 7 5 1 15 6 235 11 7 " 4 4 15 3.5 237 11 7 " 3 6 16 14.5 227 3 7 (( 4 5 21 3 248 6 7 " 6 6 17 3.5 252 11 7 " 3 4 IV 3.5 252 9 7 " 2 11 am. AmitS 18877 14 8 232 6 7 days 3 3 20 8 259 9 7 " 5 9 14 259 15 7 " 3 S 21 7 288 7 " 4 4 17 4 328 7 r« 4 1 31 4 611 8 13 " 4 1 Young Prince, P.S. 182 K.C.— Sire, Khedive, P.S. 103 H.C. ; dam, Princesse, F.S. 1294 H.C. Miss Porter 20300. 16 180 15 7. 102411 14 Aspirante 9272 Athens Chromo 134182. Athens Delight 117552. Athens Glory 134352 . . . 14 16 15 16 Athens Sapolio 134183 16 Athlete 28137 14 Atlanta's Beauty 12949 21 Atlantis of Biltmore 153990 16 Atricia 6029 15 Attractive Maid 16925 22 Augerez Girl 17015, imp 14 Augustella 63018 14 Aunt Lera 77855 14 Aunt Mary 4th 95134 15 Auntybel 12582 '.... 14 Auraria 10688 15 Aurated Pogis 2d 65666 16 Aurelia Essex 80501 17 Aurora Pogis 53798 15 Auselma 37798 14 Auselma of Florence 2d 190229 20 Auselma Signal 183783 21 Auselma Signal 2d 183784 '530 Austa May 141049 19 Austie May 7185 14 Avileur 108840...'. 'IS Azelda 2d 7022 15 Azelda's Valhalla 45234 14 Azuline 2d 3888 14 Page. 45219 122 129 6 2 Norajah 812 129 9 Hex 1330 153 11 Signia 29385 169 4 Bertha's Pogis 17993 10 Rioter of St. Lambert 16301 155 Young Baron 702 198 5 ,- New Year's 4Z^j2 , 127 .5 Butter Maker 8098 is Lord Bronx 2d 1730 104 Sensa's Pride 44155 165 5 ........ Sensa's Pride 44155 165 5 Coppei- Kettle 2958.5 31 King of Ashantee 6677 Ashantee of the Darby 30124. King of Ashantee 6677 King of Ashantee 6677 13 Toltec's Prince 21961 Jupiter Pogis 18192 Columbiad 2d 1515 Exile of Athens 41080 93 93 184 89 28 60 Sapolio's Exile 33445 164 Sapolio's Exile 33445 164 Sapolio's Exile 33445 164 Scituate's Prize 7206 165 Smoke Smith 4844 172 Warren's Jersey King 45704 196 Blondin 3d 1935 13 Don Pedro of Binghamton 2974 40 88 Allegany Chief 2918 4 King Albert's Rioter 14533 91 Exile of St. Lambert 23d 20712 53 Guy Fawkes, F.S. 251, H.C 71 Manchester's Prospect 2817 110 King of St. Lambert 2d 17823 94 Oonan's Signal 11586 133 St. Lambert's John Bull 16618 163 Happy Boy 9846 7a Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041 88 Croton's Signal 17614 33 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 2d 62502 88 Count's Fancy Harry 2d 40996.. Kit Carson 1772 7 Magnet Prince 23522 Monsieur 1723 124 Azelda's Wanderer 12997 6 75 The Hub 1009 183 8 (1 yr.) . 10 3 32 96 109 Babe K. of St. Lambert 133010 16 Babetta Darlington 141945 16 Baby Berta 106670 14 Baby K. Pogis 133009 20 Baby Mar 115089 16 Baby Princess 57493 14 Baby Stanton 72397 15 Bachelor of St. li.^s Ida 110231 14 Bachelor's Juliana 1,06174 15 Bachelor's Juliet 106376 27 14 16 Bachelor's Lucille 124708 Badger Girl 21463 15 King of St. Lambert's King 30762. . 94 6 Tommy Wonder 47655 185 0.5 Dalesman 28159 34 3 King of St. I^ambert's King 30752.. 94 6 Tormentor Catono 17004 187 Prince of Avon 17544 145 4 Coomassie Dick 9815 30 9.6 Noonday 12961 129 4 Primrose's Bachelor 20799 1** 3 Primrose's Bachelor 20799 1<* 7.5 Primrose's Bachelor 20799 14* 1 Caen Jr. 6522 18 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked -by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AH amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 205 Name of Tested Cow. Badger Girl 4th 87488 15 Ballet Girl 187.50 14 Balmoral 3d 13674 14 Banshee's Mulberry 119648 15 Barbara Altama 157078 *5a8 Barbara Lambert 105208 15 Barbara of Melrose 90486 14 Barget 169018 14 Barmaid's Eurotas 2d 158318 18 Baroness Argyle 40498 *188 Baroness Hugo 47563 15 Butter. 13 1 10 7 4.8 (lyr.).. 11 Baronet's Victory 2d 39176... Baronetti 8425 Baronetti of Ingleside lo2059. Baronetti's Rose 132152 17 16 *292 16 Baronne's Mary 164315 ♦615 14 21 15 19 17 19 16 Baron's Glen 171667.. Baron"s Lorna 101623. Baron's Rosette 26988. Baron's Sophie 17615 . Baron's Vesta 108616. Bartlea 112381 Barzie 110934 Bay View Queen 60429 14 B. D. Exile, 106286 18 Bea of Lawn 121632 20 Beatrice C. 72267 17 Beatrice C.'s Belle 129257 ". . . 17 Beatrice of Elraarch 11367 16 Beautiful Blondine 82051 16 Beauty 2076 15- Beauty 17414 16 Beauty Bismarck 4967 14 Beauty Blucher 308 14 Beauty Dee 18065 23 Beauty Messenger 17460 16 Beauty Montague 57923 , . . . 17 Beauty of Florence 202068 16 Beauty of Glencoe 2d 83066 14 Beauty of Hamilton 56827 15 Beauty of Hartwick 168349 15 Beauty of Jersey 7860 19 Beauty of Lee Farm 15694 20 Beauty of Meridale 114744 20 Beauty of Ninon 2d 18444 16 Beauty of Oakland 4,5009 17 Beauty of Richmond Hill 142985 14 Beauty of Seekonk 14651. Beauty Romeril 26090 Beauty's Ann 126277 Beauty's Ann 2d 148113 . . 7 4 13 2.4 (90 d.). 10.25 Sire. Page. Gold of St. Lambert 16744 68 Mercury 432 119 Napier 2d, P.S. 244, C 126 Scituate's Tormentor 37260 ■ 165 Garfield of Woodstock 25621 60 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 Newton Prince 16221 127 Gilderoy King 62686 64 Signal of Maidstone 44177 168 Baron Hugo 15208 8 Baron Hugo 15208 8 Prince of Maple Lane 14361 146 14.5 11 4 8.5 14.26. 3 4 15.87. 2 12.5 . 9.5 . 2 10 3.5 . 4 2 - . 5 7 1 3 (120 d.). (1 yr.) . . Baronet 2240 Fred Mayfield 44032 Fred Mayfield 44032 Tormentor of Kawkawlin 42880.... Baron of Glen Rouge 5.'!371 Baron's Hugo Pogis 14008 Baron, P.S. 289, H.C Baron, P j^ asfl' H.r. 7 59 59 188 Baron's Hugo Pogis 14008 8 Geranium's Leo 2d 33738 62 Aaron Stoke Pogis 21706 1 Chief 10663 24 Wells' Exile 20170 196 Applause 34234 5 Pogis of Eau Claire 23' 79 143 Rex Pogis Belle Pogis 43286 153 Lucifer 2696 ,. Crown Prince Me'.rose 21790. Peter 835 Browny, P.S. 158, H.C 21 18 ■. 15 16 Beauty's Crescent 26733 16 Beauty Wynn 45482 14 Beckie Y. Pogis 63069 .'. 17 Becky Z. 71311 14 Beech Grove Elsie 67758 Beech Leaf 99381 S. . . Bee Princess 40345 Beeswax 9807 Belbonnie 29630 Bella Bristol 136080 Bella Delaine 10356 Bella Marigold 94124 Bella of Glen Rouge' 138736 18 Belle 2d of Hood Farm 191862 •482 7 6.5 . 16 10 2 12.75. 5 3.6 . 1 5 3 9 2 10 15.38. 14.6 . 15.26. 2 5.5 . 3.5 . 2.6 . 5 9 10 2 3 4.75. 1 (lyr.).. 108 140 17 Litchfield 674 102 Bliicher 49 13 Eupidee 4097 49 Messenger, P.S. 223, C 120 Lord Montague 12385 107 Jubilee of Bois d'Aj-c 29401 88 Haddie's Stoke Pogis 19458 71 Young Pedro 9033 199 St. Lambert of Clinton 59024 163 Dick, F.S. 223, C 37 Prince Milan 2318 145 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169... 79 Pearl Rex 4438 137 King Signal 12491 96 Ida's Champion Rioter 42231 80 Admiral Fari-agut 2666 Progress, F.S. 286, C 148 Minerva's Pogis 20085 122 49 46 36 Eurotas' Pride 22653 Edward Earle 10462 Dexter Montague 17294. Major Appel Pogis 17861 110 Elmwood Carrie's Pogis 19494 46 Cobonon 15744 27 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 Prince of Melrose 4819 146 Top-Sawyer 1404 186 Combination 4389 28 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 Music, P.S. 118, C 125 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 Two Hundred per Cent. 33592 191 Hood Farm Golden Lad 64268 76 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 2p6 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. BeHe Baronetti 163613 Belle Bernice 114954 Belle Bonair 33960 Bella Cotton 90205 Belle Dame 2d 22043 Belle Dawson 8270 Belle France 22697, imp Be:le Garner 23683 Belle Grinnell 4073 Bc;le Grinnell 3d 16503 Belle Jefferson 130329 B.lle Lyman 28522 Belle Lyman 3d 8C340 Belle Mardi 18362 Belle Melrose 619;o Belle Miller 60488 Belle Noble's Bessie 105710 Bell Ensign 66702 B.lle of Aurora 67065 Belle of Blythewood 100935 Bele of Boston 95246 Belle of Corfu 83731 Belle of Dorset 85905 Belle of Echo 12432 IS 17 16 14 18 18 16 16 18 14 21 16 18 IS 17 15 19 15 14 14 14 15 14 14 Belle of Lynwood 18304 17 Belle of Milford 7445 Belle of Ogden Farm 1570 Belle of Passaic 85846 Belle of Patterson 5604 Belle of Prospect 2d 14326' Belle of River's Bank 48023 B.lle of Riverview ;,'1464 Be:ie of Rydal Grange 41737 Be'.le of St. John's 2d 29329 Be'.le of Scituate 7977 .' Belle of Valley View 92885 Belle of Vermillion S798 Belle of Wayne 16457 Belle Piiotta 85S60.". Belle's Bess 133028 Bel'.e's Charity 82217 Belle's Esperanza 12053 Belle's Magnetta 120350 Belle Smith 65807 Belle's Silver Bell 146313 .'. Belle's Silver Bell 2d 179165 Belle Steuben 20115 Belle Thome 13369 Belle Williamson 8386 Belle Williamson 3d 104290 Belle Yakout 3S020 Bellflower Belle 173731 Bellita 4553 Bell Rex 11700 Belmeda 6229 Belmont Maiden 131749 Belmont Maiden 2d 176278 Belnina 19189 Eelorna 173732 Belturia 87920 Benefit's Daughter 63932 Benetia 21611 Ben Hur's Diana 176275 Ben Hur's Kate 198657 Ben Hur's Lily 1S7920 Butter. 7.5 ... 2.5 ... 3.5 ... 15 14 17 16 19 15 17 16 15 16 17 15 17 17 18 17 15 15 22 14 16 16 14 19 15 16 *436 17 14 18 15 20 17 ♦399 14 20 16 *16 17 16 12 3 10.6 . 3 8 2 7 3.5 . 2.5 . 0.5 . 1.5 . 2.75. SiEE. Pace. Chief Controller .63D86 24 Alberta's Fancy Harry 30472 2 Romeo de Bonair 4091 157 King Cotton 25391 92 Carlo 5559 20 Commodore Roxbury 1586 29 13.5 1 14 10 S 9 14.5 14 6 11 6 10 12.5 6 0.5 14 14 9.5 6 2.5 1 9.5 8.25 14 5 , 10 ' 11 10.5 3.5 13 1 (lyr.). 10 12 14 2 3.2.) 4.5 (1 yr.). 9 Litchfield 15th 5802 Monitor 878 Lord Anglesea 4637 Printer 21881 General Lyman 6631 Landseer's Pogls 15847 Mardi Gras 2927 Prince of Melrose 4S19 Valley King 19752 Recorder 29239 Champion's Ensign 9642 Lassie's St. Helier 11724 Fancy Malia 37391 ; . . . Exile of St. Lambert 23d 20712 St. Lambert Perrot 23689 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697 John Rex 2761 Mardi Gras 3987 Nelusko 479 Don .611 Eurotas' Victor Hugo 15689 Signal 1170 S.Hirley 1613 Ponterrin's Duke 14999 Bravy 1923 Romp's Tormentor 7126 Duke of Normandy 3446 Pharos 3552 Vankee Stoke Pogis 9th 24086 Diamond Earle 3116 Sir Farmington 3316 Duke of Oxbow 27160 Bessie's Stoke Pogis 23871 Charity Boy 11765 Uproar 4609 Manifold Rioter Pogis 26158 Dalton 20117 Little Hopeful 38897 Tornan's Harry Gordon 40406 Steuben 4 :'51 Niobe Duke 2364 Pertinax 1965 Etljol 19104 Yakout 6842 Lorna's King of St. L. King 57389.. Hamilton 1074 Rex 1330 Superb 1966 Major Rainey 40171 Exile's Reformer 3d 60118 Tormentor 3633 Lorna's King of St. L. King 57389.". Huckleberry Finn 25441 Pedro 3d 12583 Duke of Milford 3820 Ben Hur Pogis 38370 Ben Hur Pogis 38370 Ben Hur Pogis 38370 102 124 104 14S 62 99 111 146 192 168 22 100 64 33 163 118 87 111 187 40 49 166 166 143 IS 138 43 140 ^ 198 ' 37 170 43 11 23 193 110 34 103 189 176 128 140 48 198 107 71 153 180 110 63 186 107 78 138 43' 10 10 10 . ^- B — Confirmed butter-tes's and authent'cated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter i' estnnated on the bas^s of 85% fat in butter The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED . COWS 207 Name of Tested Cow. Bennie of Lawn 150766 15 Ben's Bijou 86599 18 Ben's Bonne 87756 Ben's Fairy 144785 Ben's Nettie 118137 Bermuda R. 67534 Bernice Hugo Pogis 65729... Bernice of Clovernook 73805. Berta of Brondale 66564 Bertha 18918, imp Bertha Black 26276 Bertha Morgan 4770 Bertha of Clearview 124607. Bertlia's Brunette ,82336 Bertha Scituate 76977 14 16 15 14 24 17 14 15 16 19 20 18 14 Bertha's Royal Daisy 104901 16 Bertha Stewart 99882 Bertha Stoke Pogis 35206 Bertha Thorne 74824 Bertha Ward 81970 Bertheza 160805 Bertie Briggs 6213 Bertie Don 2d 74088 Bert's Annie F. 208348 17 14 16 15 14 14 16 14 Berylla 2d 15117 15 *800 14 16 15 15 32 15 • 14 14 15 16 18 14 14 14 15 21 14 15 15 18 15 20 Bessie Bate 155373 Bessie Bradford 7269 Bessie Bradford 2d 7271 Bessie Landseer 58103 Bessie Lavaun 164774 Bessie Lewis 66379 Bessie Lewis 2d 116585 Bessie of Clover Leaf 13033 . . . . Bessie of Millbrook 139141 Bessie of Montverde 18496 Bessie Pope St. Lambert 80352. Bessie Prince 69450 Bessie Ridgely 8293 Bessie Robins 96972 ■ Bessie Rosaire 194568 Bessie Russ 2d 14649 Bessie's Casta 121767 Bessie Sears 190898 Bessie Signalda 2d 86341 Bessie Signalda 3d 86349 Bessie's Mabel 40939 Bessie Wolcott 91417 Bess of Edgewood 71178 Bess of Ingleside 2d 59648 19 Bess Pogis of Prospect 87045 Bet Arlington 8970 Beth of Clear.view 131912 Betsona 16776 Betsona Khedive Le Gros 111405 Betsy Marjoram 65145 Betsy of Rochester 23662 Betsy's G'-Ory 45604 Bettie Dixon 4527 Betlie of Edgewood 31162 Bettie Pogis 44.542 Bettie S::ott 157806 Bettie's Pet 22550 Betty Oldam 117965 Between 86664 Beulah De Gruchy 13480 29 18 15 14 •18 15 14 14 15 14 16 16 16 15 18 22 Butter. 7 6 5 1 4 1 1 14 6 2.5 1 7 2.5 15.5 5 5 6 4.5 14 8 13 13 2 2 1 4 4 6 2 3 6 1.25. 11.5 . 11.5 . 3 10 1.5 . 11 3 2.5 . 0.5 . 1 6 10.5 . 1.7.5. 11 1.5 . SiKE. Page. Applause 34234 5 Signal Ben Signal 27186 167 Ben of Maple Grove 21923 10 S'.gnal Ben Signal 27186 167 S'.gnal Ben Signal 27186 167 Diploma 16219 38 St. Lambert Hugo Pogis 19591 162 Odelio 20223 131 Wilhelm H. 16396 196 (lyr.). 7 . . 10.5 . 1 2 7.5 . 3 1 9.25. 2 Czar of New York 4049 34 Lopez 313 • • • • 103 Riga's Exile 42161 154 Mattituck's Bachelor 20920 115 Exile of Scituate 19235 63 Bertha's Pogis 2d 27066 ■ 10 Chieftain Pogis 2.5035 25 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 51 King Coomassie 2d 19545 92 Pierrot Rob Roy 23529 141 Nora's Clotaire 39382 129 Young Baron 702 198 Barry St. Helier 22065 ■ 8 Bert M. of St. Lambert 28504 10 Golden Lion 5239 67 Missouri's Rioter 3d 35487 123 King Pin 1878 95 Bluetooth 1821 : 13 Landseer's Pogis 15847 99 Ida's Rioter of St. L. Jr. 39616.:.. 81 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 82 Lome of Meridale 34024 107 Diamond Earl 3116 37 Inauguration 37786 84 Lord Ducie 2500 104 Pope St. Lambert 19850 143 Black Prince of Taxus 14472 13 John Ridgely 3045 87 Cream's Tormentor 34350 32 Eosaire's Golden Lad 64654 158 Bullion 2d 6246..' 17 Bessie's Stoke Pogis 23871 11 May's Handsome Lad 591.55 116 Landseer's Pogis 15847 99 Landseer's Pogis 15847 99 Duke of Hamburg 5527 42 Duke of La Grange 27682 43 King .Coomassie 2d 19545 92 Duke of Ingleside 14274 42 Gipsy's Lome Pogis 20346 64 Fitz 1988 58 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 18th 42252... 82 Catono 3761 21 Betsona's Khedive 20271 11 Marjoram's Signal 11183 113 Catoctin 2692 20 Arawana's Glory 8001 5 Aldlne 1136 3 Antrascine 4747 5 Prince Victor Pogis 14S57 148 Richland Parole 47880 153 Prince of the Realm 7842 147 Bluster 22798 14 Billy Russell 26384 11 Farmer's Glory 5196 56 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 208 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Beulah of Baltimore 3270 Bianca Lass 14997 Biandella 164738 Bicora ad 91188 Biederkeit 53S67 Big Bargain 76274 16 Big Wyulca 58345 17 Bijou of Glen Rouge 123109 19 Bijou of St. Lambert 6112 15 Bijou Ogston 8210 18 Bijou's Miriam 184380 Biko 91875 Biltmore's Allegory 129859 Bi'.tmore's Butterfly 129861 Biltmore's Daisy Girl 160718 Biltinore's Jeanette 159297 16 Biltmore's Patty 129860 14 Biltmore's Pet 169556 16 Biltmore's Queenie 159287 16 Biltmore's Rebecca 169275 19 Biltmore's Rose 160717 17 Bintana 9837 14 Birdie 2611, imp 20 Birdie Le Brocq 17263 14 Butter. 6.5 ... 3.6 ... 1 Birdie Nicholson 31676... Birdsey's Surprise 48326 . ..? 18 14 Biserta 2d 151303 "IB 14 16 Bissonise 110476. Bisson' Bisson' Bisson' Bisson' Bisson' Bisson' Bisson' Bisson' Bisson' Bisson' Bisson' Bisso: Bisson' Bisson' Bisson' Bisson' Bisson Bisson' s Beauty 96023 Belle 31144 1028 s Belle's Queen 203337 *19 Emma 100408 14 s Ethleel 80981 14 s Fancy Pogis 106415 17 s Idex 133962 17 s Oonan 108618 14 s Oonan 2d 123266 18 s Perfection 103628 14 s Pride 108517 14 s Rosa 97830 15 s Rosy Queen 203333 "14 s Royal Queen 131351 16 Signaline 93844 14 14 15 18 17 16 14 IS 22 18 IS 18 . 19 s Southern Daisy 112992 s Soutliern Daisy 2d 138398 s 'Wandrina 100409 Black Nellie Bly 208345 Black Teat 32932 Blanche Duncan 2d 73333 Blanche Ferry 108501 Blanche of Castile 43793 Blanche of Fairchild 156773 Blanche Pomeroy 106013 Blanche's Lass 161920 Blanche's Riotress B. 1,'366.64 Blizz Pogis 82873 16 Blonde 2d 9268 14 Blondine's Pet 2d 121647 16 Bloomer 2d 2321 18 Bloomfield Lady 6912 14 Bloomfield Oonan 163281 *246 Bloomfield Tormentris 122148 22 Bloom of Amherst Villa 70507 18 Blossie Reynolds 6082 16 Blossom of Cherry Farm 136323 16 1.25. 11 8 4 15 3 4.5 2 12 6 11 15 9.5 7 5 3.5 13 2 1.2 11 (10 d.). Sire. Page. Sir Davy 84 170 Etzel 3593 49 Landseer's Merlin 45721 99 Biveno of Ogston 13253 12 Southern Prince 10760 174 Omaha Jr. 15367 131 Regina's Sir George 13569 152 Perfect Combination 35476 140 Lord Lisgar 1066 106 Sweepstakes Duke 1905 '.. 180 Marcus May 68669 Ill Betsy's Stoke Pogis 20490 11 Trevarth 39280 190 Trevarth 39280 190 Tormeloonan 46690 186 Trevarth 39280 190 Trevarth 39280 190 Tormeloonan 46590 186 ■Warren's Jersey King 46704 196 Trevarth 39280 190 Trevarth 39280 190 Oxoli 1922 '. 136 16.6 (lyr.). 6 11.75. 1.5 . 11 9 1 9.5 . 0.6 . 1.75. 9.8 . 8 3 2.5 . 13.26. 9.5 . 11 11.76. 6 1.5 . 12 9.5 . 1 4 8 4 11 12 7.5 10 3,5 12 (120 d.). Le Brocq's Prize 3350 101 Signalda 4027 167 Pedro of the Valley 8750 138 King Koffee's Torment 28739 98 Bisson's Landseer 27520 12 Bisson's Landseer 37620 12 Carlos, on I. of J 20 Oonan's Harry Pogis 30760 132 Bisson's Landseer 27620 12 Bisson's Landseer 27530 12 Bisson's Landseer 37520 12 Bisson's Pogis 30781 12 Bisson's Landseer 27520 12 Ida's Landseer 17745 80 Bisson's Landseer 27620 18 Bisson's Landseer 27630 18 Bisson's Pogis 30781 18 Bisson's Landseer's King 57792 ... 18 Bisson's Landseer 27520 18 Bisson's Landseer 27620 13 Bisson's Landseer 37520 12 Ethleel's Tormentor 32850 48 Bisson's Landseer 27520 12 Graceful Marigold 51967 68 Royalist 6th 4977 159 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485 189 Kindergarten's Duke 30065 91 Pascarrelle 16603 136 Ionia's June Pogis 46376.' 84 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 St. Lambert Boy 4th 57778 162 St. Lambert Boy 17408 101 Kathy's Stoke Pogis 17566 90 Khedive, P.S. 103, H.C 90 Massiehugo 86674 113 Hector of Plymouth Rock 888 74 Albert 2d 1835 2 Prince of Tennessee 20772 147 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 30485 189 G. F. Train 18868 63 Duke of Lebanon 1880 43 Marigold Pedro 42643 Ill N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 209 Name of Tested Cow. Blossom of Florence 164108 '278 Blossom of Valley View 1S2463 20 Blossom's Belle 97433 15 Blossom's Niobe 13865 16 Blue Belle Princess 157364 1.5 Blue Belle's Pretty Belle 180295 *401 Blue Nun 126635 18 Bluster's Jeannette 160893 *16 Bluster's Mabel 164453 *483 Bluster's Pip 101165 *18 Blythesomie Ada 2d 166385 16 Bobby's Lily 22055 18 Bobby's Magnolia 24401 15 Bomba 10330 t21 Bomba of Bleak House 216420 18 Bombella of Meridale 183606 15 Bona Sweet Ida 121117 16 Bonanza Landseer 116428 15 Bonnie 2d 5742 1* Bonnie Altetta 164099 16 Bonnie Bess Landseer 119064 16 Bonnie Fairy 100498 16 Bonnie Grisette 2d 19,526 16 Bonnie Moll 95616 16 Bonnie's Goldie 176320 *636 Bonnie Signaldina 108681 18 Bonnie Wherry 115088 20 Bonnie Yost 7943 18 Bonny Gould 142273 18 Bonny of Woodford 68718 17 Boom's Comra 109443 14 Bo-Peep S. 121742 14 Bo-Peep's Maid 100638 14 Bordereau 136079 18 Bosnia 87608 20 Bessette 46166 16 Bossie Louise 103743 15 Boulotte 126326 15 Bounty 1606 1* Box 2d 4297 1* Bramballetta 10461 16 Braw Lassie 36221 17 Brenda of Elmhurst 10762 20 Brenda's J. B. Clover 107676 15 Brenda's J. B. Daisy 124412 *16 Brenhilda 7649 16 Briar of Mericroft 160084 14 Bridal Rose 74883 23 Bride of Evergreen 72022 30 Bride of Evergreen 3d 90473 17 Brier of St. Lambert 61760 18 Bright Eyes 2d 2290 19 Bright Eyes St. Lambert 3d 72699 19 Bright Lady 6938 14 Bright Tass 46173 21 Bristol Bella 16697 15 Broadway 60883 16 Broadway's Brown Bessie 118763 ". 18 Bronx Clover Blossom 38676 15 Bronze Leaf 14902 15 Bronzie 9368 31 Bronzie of St. Lambert 49001 tl4 Brown Bessie 74997 *209 Brown Bessie 7th of H. F. 119841 14 Brown Bessie 10th of H. F. 119844 14 Butter. Sire. Page. 6 (120 d.) . Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041 88 8 Glenwood Scituate 2d 47568 64 6 Prince of Tennessee 20772 14^7 7.5 DufEee 2083 *1 1 Blue Boy, P.S. 2678, H.C 13 1.6 (lyr.).. Fereor, P.S. 3891, H.C 57 5.5 Nunthorpe, P.S. 1769, H.C 130 11.9 Bluster 32798 1* 16.3 (lyr.).. Tormandy 37728 186 13.7 Bluster 23798 1* 4 Nancy's Signal Pogis 51340 136 Bobby, P.S. 208, H.C 1^ IS Bobby, P.S. 208, H.C 1* 11.5 Duke of Darlington 2460 42 4 Channel King 62763 23 13 Nora's B. Stoke Pogis 40507 129 3 Bona Lord St. Lambert 24769 14 6.5 Kirkmont Landseer 37045 96 11.5 Baronet 2240 7 3.5 Lady Matilda's Rioter 48311 98 5 Pride's Landseer 18690 144 9 Royal Daisy's Rioter 39653 169 12.5 Duke of Darlington 2460 42 3 Bonnie Blue Pogis 26285 14 10.6 (lyr.).. Golden Lad of Pomf ret 58673 66 4 Fancy's Jubilee 26205 56 4 Tormentor Catono 17004 187 3 Rector 1458 153 Hector Chief 3d 37738 74 4 Dolphin St. Lambert 16431 40 14.5 Boom 24600 15 4.6 Above Par 21834 1 2 Smith's St. Lambert 30332 172 9 Rioter of Macomb 40448 155 2 Diploma 16319 38 Boss of Oakland 6943 15 3 Toltec's Signal 29501 185 1 Cupid, P.S. 1834, C 33 Duke of Wellington 608 44 3 Hector 791 73 4 Revenue 1744 153 6 Pedro of the Valley 8750 138 8 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 176 3 Brenda's John Bull 20093 15 13 Brenda's John Bull 20093 15 8 Granger 1591 69 3 Bona Lord St. Lambert 34769 14 8 Tenella's Alexis 13170 181 Gold of St. Lambert 16744 68 1 Winder 39955 197 4 Canada's John Bull 3d 17750 19 6 i-Iapoleon 291 126 5 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 155 13 Jersey King 879 86 1 Bright Lad 11035 15 3.5 Pompus 3881 143 8 Lisgar's Pride 14534 102 4 Recorder 39239 152 2.5 Meg's Lord Bronx 11537 116 1 Okubo 1876 131 6 Samson 1079 164 3 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 51 8.8 (90d.).. Volco 7890 195 5 Brown Bessie's Son 34550 16 8.5 Brown Bessie's Son 34550 16 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven day:,, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 210 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Brown Bessie 18th of H. F. 127545... Brown Bessie 20th of H. F. 129552... Brown Bessie 24th of H. F. 138615... Brown Bessie 34th of H. F. 143110... Brown Bessie 42d of ri. F. 165907 Brown Bessie's Bonita 109265 Brown Bessie's Brownie 114433 Brown Bessie's Goldie 121440 Brown Bessie's Laura Lee 140963 Brown Bessie's Lilac 157045 Brown Bessie's Loreda 102365 Brown Bessie's Louise 137327 Brown Bessie's Modita 128259 Brown Bessie's Pansy 105877 Brown Bessie's Phillis 148224 Brown Bessie's Princess 120166 Brown Bessie's Spark 118165 Brown Bessie Stalonia 179720 ' *431 Brown Bessie's Welcome 2d 188366 *465 Brown Bonnie 102406 Brown Coomassie 20323 Browneli's Rissa 100167 Brown Elsie 96595 Brown Flora 2d 96694 Brown Lad's Bell 136830 Brown Lad's Pearl 136247 Brown Lassie 92950 Brown Lassie's Dairyma'd 194114 Brown Lassie's Prize 192584 Brown Nola 116718 Brown Princess 30941 ? Brunette 4th of H. F. 143540 Brunette Hammond 7284, imp Brunette Landseer 109904 Brunette Lass 1780, imp Brunette Le Gros 97.55 Brunette Le Gros 3d 23326 Brunette of Scarsdale 13276 Brunette Star 27270 Brunhilde Regina 41742 Brunhild of Prospect 138779 Brutus' Countess Dew Drop 158943 14 Bryant 4193 14 Buckeye Lass 10365 14 Buckmentor 62846 , 14 Buck's Pride 154438 15 Buff of Maple Lane 140628 1554 Bugler's Pride 101420 15 Bunker's Kitty 47103 14 Bunker's Pride 38571 18 Bunker's Utica Belle 38667 15 Bunker's Zinanna 73402 16 Burnham's Gift 161904 *668 Busy Bee 6336 16 Busy Bee 2d 25166 15 Busy Melrose 64456 21 Busy Princess* 48202 17 Butter Boy's Bessie 160488'. 14 22 21 14 16 14 20 17 15 18 620 14 14 16 15 15 14 16 Buttercup 17286 16 Butterfly of Riverview 3d 8:499 Butterfly S. 121737 17 20 Butterfly's Gingham 137186 17 Butterfly's Maid 101269 1,5 Butterfly's Queen 93701 16 Butter Jean 129811 *16 Butter. 10.5 ... 13.5 ... 12 3.5 ... 3.9 (lyr.). 10 2 SlEE. Brown Bessie's Son 34550... Brown Bessie's Son 34550... Brown Bessie's Son 34650... Brown Bessie's Son 24560... Brown Bessie's Son 34560... Brown Bessie's Son 84650... Brown Bessie's Son 34660... Brown Bessie's Duke 42166. Brown Bessie's Duke 42166. Chief Engineer 47148 Brown Bessie's Son 34650... Columbiana's Recorder 40010. Brown Bessie's Duke 42166. Page. 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 24 16 28 16 4 9 4 3 13. 7 (1 yr.) . (lyr.). Recorder 29239 162 Chief Engineer 47148 Brown Bessie's Son 34550 24 16 Recorder 29239 152 12 2 2 IS 7 8 (1 yr.) . 14.5 9 Chromo 26113 Gertie's Stoke Pogis 66492. Brown Bessie's Son 34550. King, P.S. 238, C Cocotte's Rioter 25266 Combination 3d 17576 2.5 63 16 91 27 29 Volco 7890 195 Brown Lad 39622 Brown Lad 39622 Brown Bessie's Son 34550. Brown Lassie's Son 68873. . Brown Lassie's Son 68873. Duke of Waltham 89037... Cceur de Lion, P.S. 140, C. Koftee's Welcome 39347... 17 17 16 17 17 44 27 97 13.25. 10 15 9 10 13 14.6 . 7 Toltec 6th 14507 184 1.25. 1.75. 15 B 14.5 . 11.5 . 5.9 . 5 7.7 . Tom, P.S. 77, H.C 185 John Le Brocq 5424 87 Astronomer 4150 6 Cicero 7657 26 Holyoke 8147 76 Ida's Rioter of Prospect 45285 81 Brutus D'ew Drop 00321 17 Omaha 482 131 Dick, F.S. 171, H.C 37 Little Tormentor 17996 103 Oxford Pride 19160 135 New York's Albert Pogis 45215 127 Fannie's Gold Bugler 31500 66 Bunker 9026 18 Bunker 9025 18 Bunker 9025 18 Bunker 9025 18 Calvin S. Trut 62360 18 Top-Sawyer 1404 186 Carnival 5110 20 Prince of Melrose 4819 146 Prince of Melrose 4819 146 Combination Butter Boy 567G8 29 4 10 9 4 (mk., 30 d.) 14 11.5 3.6 16 14 4 (lyr.).. Sans-Peur, F.S. 20], H.C '164 King of St. Lambert •15175 93 Above Par 21834 1 Baron's Hugo Pog!s 14008 8 Gold Coast Jr. 9217 65 King of St. Lambert 15176 93 St. Lambert Butter King 32019 1?2 _ N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenf'cated fat .estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old oflicial butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 211 Name of Tested Cow. . Buttqrstamp Lass 19517 16 Btltterstamp Pedro 60383 U Eutterstar 7799 18 Buttery 3502 1* Btittery 2d 27138 15 Buxom Beauty 164785 16 Byblis 4th 53661 16 Cabbie Oak 90061 .' Cabinet 22662 Cabrera 133945 Calcina 80702 Calcium 79733 Calcu'.us 75185 Calico Cotton 143303 Calico Landsecr 108740 Calisida 76889 Csf.ista of Newark 13296 Calisthenia 137400 falla Europa 77810 Calla Pogis 142920 Callie d'Or's Babe 129947 Callie Nan 7959 Ca'lie Nan 2d 64207 ' Callinette Pogis 99700 Calma of Briarc'.iff 62599 Caltharine 6th of Hood Farm 172724 "412 Calypris 5943 16 Calyx T. 98204 Camelia 2d 11188 Camilla Rio 168019 Camille of Foxhall 147112 Campania 88475 Cana Faith 134458 Cana's Alphea 1901C2 Canata 10623 Cande'abrum 76187 Cannie M. 10698 CanSssa 65243 Cara Mia 64224 Cara Mia 2d 93827 Caressa 88474 Careta Pogis 42784 Carida 37322 Carlo's Daisy 16702 14 Carlo's Lass 94405 Cario's Last Polly 04628 Carlo's Poily Rex 94627 Carlo's Rosebud 18223 Carlotta Tom 76228 Carl's Queen 94610 Carola of Fiorence 180327 Carola's Crown Princess 90321 Caroline 12019 Caroline Pauncefcte 62919 Caro of St. Lambert 90S76 Carria H. 14454 Carrie 3894 Carrie Bonner 172834 Carrie Franklin 25636 Carrie Goid 66348 Cai-rie Lena 2d 19074 Carrfe Lena 3d 20077 Carrie Pogis 22668 Carrie Rex 10271 BuTTEK. Sire. Page. 11 Ramapo 4679 151 8 Young Pedro 3d 15011 199 4.5 Butterstamp, P.S. 101, C 18 1 Mack 722 109 0.6 Lord Harry 3445 105 4 Xit, P.S. 2343, H.C 198 12.25 Blossom's Lord 19191 13 Live Oak of Brushy 16165 103 14 12 15 10 15 14. 18 8 16 16 23 11. 21 17 13. 14 4 15 9 14 6. 20 6 19 16 10 16 2 23 1 17 ■ 8. 14 7. 112 6 16 4. 15- 9. 20 3 15 3 15 4 '26 7. 18 4 16 7, 27 17 13 16 1 15 15 9 16 6 17 6 15 1 16 6 14 9 16 15 17 6 16 12 15 8 14 5 16 7 18 1 19 12 14 8 16 8 17 6 16 10 16 8 20 7 14 1 16 8 14 5, 18 11. 15 9 16 7. Pilot, P.S. 183, C .5 Aaron Stoke Pogis 21705. Herotas 26500 ... 141 1 75 Upright 6147 193 .5 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 King Cotton 2f 391 92 .6 Oonan's Harry Toltec 32686 132 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 82 Samson Jr. 2723 164 .5 Crown Prince Melrose 21790 33 Othick Pedro 20611 135 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697 118 Bisson's Pogis 5th 36684 12 Callis 1696 18 Sitanda 20221 172 .8 Noonday 12961 129 .5 Rioter's <;ombination 10363 155 (1 yr.) . . Volco of Hood Farm 47734 195 .6 Marius 760 IK .5 Lida's Duke 27097 102 Grey King, P.S. 169, H.C 70 Rioter of Brook Farm 2d .55536 164 Titus S. 61426 184 .5(21d.).. Diploma 16219 38 Regal George 2d 32610 152 ..5 Alphea's Prince Pogis 68407 4 Prince of Warren 1512 147 Stoke Pogis 6th 5937 177 Cardinal of Rosland 3336 20 Lord St. Helier 16071 107 .26 Sitanda 20221 172 .5 Tormentor 5th 21962 187 Upright 6147 198 .25 Rioter's Combination 10363 155 Ida's Stoke Pogis 136.58 82 .5 Carlo 6569 20 Mistletoe's Car'.o 12166 123 Mistletoe's Cario 12166 123 Mistletoe's Cario 12166 123 '. Carlo 5569 20 Champion of Silver Bluff 7378 22 Carl Ritt 23973 20 .6 .... Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 2D041 88 Crown Prince of St. L, 20070 33 Remarkable, F.S. 229, C 153 Sir Julian Pauncefote 22149 171 Meridale Pauline Pogis 26133 120 Discard H. 5763 '. 39 Sir Charles 131 170 King Bonner King 61788 91 Dr. Ben Franklin 2d 7265 39 Gold of St. Lambert 16744 68 .13 Coionsay 3591 28 .75 Lenox Cash Boy 6804 101 Orloff 3143 135 .5 Rex 1330 1.53 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*5, and butter is estimated on the basis of 85 % fat in butter. The^ old ofilicial butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) . 'AH amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 212 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Carrie's Beauty 14601 14 Carrie's Daffodil 15232 14 Carrie Simonds 96974 19 Carrie's Wonder 1.5233 14 Casina of Clearview 165428 18 Cassia 2d 21370 20 Cassie Marjoram 120666 16 Cassie of Glen Rouge 112456 15 Cassie of Glen Rouge 2d 140769 19 Casta D. Pogis 2d 104434 18 Casta's Belle 56148 14 Casta's Bessie 115364 1.5 Casta's Fancy 115499 15 Catchfly 25405 18 Catchfly 3d .35499 15 Catchfly 4th 47682 17 Catchfly 5th 55483 16 Catchfly of Side View 154657 15 Catono's Grace M. 120202 16 Catono's Kate 59976 18 Catono's La Pucelle 113490 15 Catono's Mistletoe 96967 19 Catono's Rosebud 23674 14 Caucus Maid 69525 16 Cecile of Biltmore 147050 15 Celebrity 62011 14 Celeste Altama 198752 *477 Celestia 2d 29482 16 Celia Belle .6866 14 Celia of Whitehall 68004 17 Cenie Wallace 2d 6557 ' 16 Ceres Ryan 2d 112818 16 Cerita of Meadow Brook 5056 17 Cetewayo's Daisy 18230 16 Cetewayo's Dorcas 20287.... 16 Cetewayo's Lily 18950 1 17 Cetewayo's Silver Bell 18962 17 Chamomil:a 7562 16 Championa Pogis M. 76926 15 Champion Azuline 80542' 18 Champion Flower 20887 14 Champion's Chloe 12'355 15 Chancery 37987 18 Channel Queen 138791 17 Chansonnette 5695 16 Chansonnette 2d 29672 16 Charity of Argyle 36036 14 Charity of Mericroft 157246 14 Charity Victor Pogis 134217 14 Char King 94793 14 Charlotta Toka 200335 15 Charlotte Ooud 99890 14 Charlotte of Prospect 138748 18 Charm 3d's Pogis 93167 IS Charm 3d's St. Lambert 96872 14 Charmer 4771 14 Charming of St. Lambert 69077 16 Chautauqua Queen 26403 14 Cheerful of Argyle 118557 17 Cheerful of St. Lambert 8348 , 20 Cheerful of St. Lambert 2d 43745 22 Cheerful Pogis 61748 21 Che!ka 79033 14 Chemung Maid 34704 14 Chenda 4699 17 Butter. Sike. Page. 7.6 Voung Duke 138 199 7.76 Monmouth Laddie 6996 12* 1 Exile of St. Lambert 23d 20712 5S 2.5 Duke of Thornebrook 3832 44 16 Royal Oak, P.S. 2024, H.C 169 10.26 Yankee 1003 198 5 One Hundred per Cent. 16690 132 9 One Hundred per Cent. 16590 132 2 Exile of Glen Rouge 37213 SO 5 Bessie's Stoke Pogis 23871 11 15 Casta's CKampion 11794 20^ 12 Bessie's Stoke Pogis 23871 11 9.5 Fancy's Harry 6th 24768 55 4 Rocco 4617 167 7 Master Richmond 7429 ilS 4 Ramapo Chieftain 15324 161 2 Ramapo Chieftain 15324 161 1 Cooler 52023 '30 2 Catono Khedive 34137 21 0.6 Gold Basis 5th 15725 65 5 Catono Khedive 34137 21 3 Tormentor Catono 17004 187 5 Catono 3761 21 8 Bluster 22798 1* 11.26 Tormeloonan 46690 18S 3 Combination 3d 17576 29 13.5 (lyr.).. Tormentor of Kawkawlin 42880 188 13 Florinde's Duke 4368 58 3 Duke of Portage 1270 4* 15 King Peto 10641 95 4.6 Ralph 957 15W 12 Gold Bugler 20036 65 8 Troubadour 481 199 4 Cetewayo, P.S. 224, C 21 2.25 Cetewayo, P.S. 224, C 21 Cetewayo, P.S. 224, C 21 2.5 Cetewayo, P.S. 224, C 21 10 Baronet 2240 7 16 Mhoon Stoke Pogis 19193 121 0.5 Champion of America 1567 22 6 Champion of America 1567 22 5.5 Champion of America 1667 22 10 Niburn 7658 128 9 Sir June, P.S. 1917, H.C 171 4 Westchester 1266 19S 9 Young Pedro 9033 199 10 Duke Thorne 7020 44 7 Bona Lord St. Lambert 24769 ...... . 14 6 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697 118 10 King Jim 24346 92 Lord Bouck 42887 10* 7 Flying Cloud 2f946 68 1.5 Eab 22937 160 3.5 Melia Ann's Stbke Pogis 22048 IIT 8 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 22043 117 12 Scion 1033 165 4 Rioter's Pride 11694 15S 11 Nob!e Rex 5174 129 9 Andalusia's Pride 36168 t 8 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 17S 2 Canada's John Bull 8388 19 4.6 Brier's Pogis 14163 15 13.86 Tormentor 5th 21962., . ./ 187 15 Tug Wilson 9680 191 1.13 Marius 760 112 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 213 Name of Tested Cow. Chenda 3d 43346 15 Chendado's Maid 45991 16 Cherokee Rose 209S1 23 Cherry of Glynllyn 81145 19 Cherry Pogis of B. 143883 14 Chestnuts 63449 15 Chestnut's Beauty 31676 18 Chicora May 133745 14 Chief's Beauty 39391 30 Chief's Bright Eyes 147383 15 Chief's Canary 111707 14 Chief's Charella 61999 33 Chief's Flora Mac 76086 18 Chief's Fosie 61998 14 Chief's Grace 111901 16 Chief's lona 111704 15 Chiefs Malita 25186 16 Chief's Queen 69967. Chief's Stevia 133187 Chilioness Queen 82973 .'"T?^6 China's Pogis Bee 122492 17 Chinqua 27384 Chirp 66551 Chloe 4th 4612 Chloe Beach 3931 Chloe of Biltmore 100419 Chloe of Bolton 81340 Chloe Tormentor of Lawn 71643 Chlora 8325 Chocolate Maid 161036 Chrissy 1448, imp 16 Chrissy 2d 7720 16 Chrissy 3d 16615 14 19 30 17 14 19 30 •230 14 Butter. 7 7.5 ... 10 i ... 6 7.35... 4.13... Sire. Page. Tormentor 3533 186 Chendado 12965 23 Beaconsfield 3416 8 No License 16030 129 Aaron's Stoke Pogis 21705 1 Upright 6147 193" 5.5 8 7 10.5 3 11 7.5 13 8.5 10.5 Napier, F.S. 375, C. Exile's Tornado 27085 Chief of the Miamis 2958. Chief of the Cliffs 23038.. Ellenetta's Chief 34896.... Chief 10663 Canisteo Chief 39313 Chief 10663 Ellenetta's Chief 34896 Ellenetta's Chief 34896 126 54 25 25 46 24 SO 24 46 46 Sultan Chief 3316 180 Geranium's Chief 18607. Ellenetta's Chief 34896. Real Queen's Stoke Pogis 30535.. 62 46 151 Christel 6565 Christina Marigold of O. H. 208350. Christina Pogis 35486 Christine of Side View 2d 94353 ; Christmas Nannie 4075 Chroma 4672 Chroma 3d of Hood Farm 134744... Chroma 9th of Hood Farm 1.51210... 8 14 11 6 15.25. 2 15 7 China's Rioter Pogis 35900 25 Telegraph 9457 181 Riot Act 20520 154 Yankee 1003 198 Colt Jr. 825 28 Edgeware 20941 45 Viking of Bolton 34881 194 Duke of Lincoln 1.6475 43 Planet 1130 142 Brown Bessie's Son 11th 60830 16 Grand Duke Alexis 1040 69 Grand Duke Alexis 1040 69 King Philip of Mt. Hope 2399 95 Graceful Marigold 61967 68 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 146 Noble of Side View 28280 129 16 Chroma 24th of Hood Farm 172725 '372 Chromatess 51578 Chrome Skin 7881 Chromia E. 97511 Chromoline of Argyle 103709 Chrome's Denise 131520 Chromo's Jewel 97042 Chromo's Maid of Honor 146056 Chromo's Modita 121439 Chromo's Pansy 114416 Chi^)mo's Princess 121906 Chrysippe 53373 Chuffy's Ethel 103195 Chump 81289 14 Cicero's Jolie 18246 18 I Cicero's Juno 16726 17 Cicero's Mabel 18238 15 Cicero's Ruby 29040 14 Cigarette 2489 14 Cill of Glen Rouge 13818 16 Cinderella's Oonan 108764 14 Cinxia St. Holier 46730 17 Cinxia's Pansy 137109 ". 15 Cinxia's Pavonia 64441 18 5.8 (120 d.). 7 13 (lyr.).. 0.5 10 12 Broker 873 St. Helier 45 160 25 25 25 Chromo 26113 Chromo 26113 Ctiromo 26113 St. Helier of Idleside 12200 161 Gilderoy 2107 63 Chromo 26113. 25 8 Chromo 26113 '35 8 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 9 Chromo 26113 25 8 Recorder 39339 152 7 Chromo 36113 35 2.5 Chromo 26113 25 11 Chromo 36113 35 14 Signaldo Alexis 15051 167 1 Eth'.eel's Landseer 32341 48 13 Signaldo Torment 14673 167 3 Cicero 7667 26 2 Cicero 7667 26 2 Cicero 7657 26 1.5 Count Cicero, F.S. 398, H.C 31 4 Milo 590 122 6 Jack Frost of St. Lambert 3419 85 9.75 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 9 O'Malley 6441 .' 132 5 King Kyle 30698 93 3 L. D'.'s Victor St. Helier 15286 100 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (♦), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 214 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. City Belle 16639 15 Claire of Brookside 169607 16 Clara C. Magnet 31563 14 Clara Grace 125863 15 Clara of Altama 198397 *631 Clara Oonan 78454 C:ara Oonan 2d 97134 Clara's Belle 16582 Clara Signala 112386 Clara Signal of Lawn 86586. Clara Tormentor 2d 97279.. Clarina B. 98430 Clarintha 96919 21 19 17 15 15 17 14 17 Clarion Girl 161289 *262 Clark's Gift 91708 Classic 21402 Claudia May 121066 Claudia May 2d 190760. 15 14 14 15 Claudia May 3d 190761 15 Claudia Miles 126078 Clematis 3d 6653 Clematis of Pittsford 111642 Clematis of St. Lambert 5478 Clem Pedro 73961 Clem Pogis. 49932 Cleodoxa S9311 Cleora of Cornwall 63408 Clifford's Dora 133427 15 16 15 14 20 23 22 IS 18 Cliity Beauty 30249 15 17 19 20 18 22 14 15 18 Cocotte 11968 16 Coix 85258 Colie 8309 Colonia 89822 Colt's La Biche 6399. 15 IS 16 17 Columbia Beauty 30263 15 Columbiana 74998 18 Columbine of St. Lambert S360 19 Colza Melrose 93869 14 Coma 29330 15 Comanca 193S9 16 Combination of Lawn 76635 14 Butter. 5.5 ... 11 4 2 4 9, 15 4 (lyr.).. C'ochette Pogis 82371 Gotaire's Annie 58319 Clotaire's Beauty 28171 Clotaire's Daisy 45392 Clothilde of St. Lambert 72271 Clothilde's Diploma 112366 - 15 Cloudland Inez 16410S *14 Cloudland Lois 169324 *17 Clough Fell Whitefoot »06601 15 Clover Bloom 2d 12736 14 Clover Bud 4th 18992 16 Clover Bud 5th 27743 14 Clover Mel 16159 14 Clover of Argyle 76745 15 Clover of Bay View 65424 18 Clover of St. Lambert 60945 18 Clover's Regina 146193 15 Clover Trut 161903 14 Cubs 2d 16725 14 ■Cluster's Maggie 146800 18 Clydanna 74641 14 Clyde Landseer 74834 Clytemnestra 2456 Cobweb 3d 21325 2 0.25 13 (120 d). 4 13.5 11 5 7 10 1 1 3 4.5 5 8 1 6.5 11.6 4 7.5 15.8 14 14 25. 10 14 4 6 1 7 12 15 3.5 5 8.5 4 4 7 2.5 1 1 13.5 2.5 2.5 Sire. Page. Brother Jack 4042 16 Meridale Diana's • King 56371 119 Champion Magnet 6480 22 Exile's Rebel 28928 53 Tormentor of Kawkawlin 42880 188 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 Oonan's Pogis 17165 132 Dexter of Jefferson 5681 37 Geranium's Leo 2d 33738 62 Signal of Springwood 28646 168 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 Concord B. 29699 SO Fancy's Harry 9777 65 Friar's Duke 36414 69 Pussie's Pogis 25936 140 Combination 4389 28 Matilda .Sth's Stoke Pogis 31342.... 114 Garfield's Gaffar 46803 60 Garfield's Gaffar 46803 60 Bachelor Comatrio 34636 7 Ready Money Jack 2986 151 Exile of St. Lambert 16th 19156 63 Lord Lisgar 1066 106 Young Pedro 2d 16011 199 Victor Pogis 16592 194 Clotaire 9884 27 Rioter's Combination 10363 155 Fancy's Harry 6th 24768 55 Dickinson's Sea Gull 2d 7378 37 Handy's Stoke Pogis 18810 72- Clotaire 9884 27 Clotaire 9884 27 Clotaire 9884 27 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 14S Diploma 3d 36376 3^ Pedro of Cloudland 46575 138 Pedro of Cloudland 46675 138 Vida's Signal St, L. 58197 104 Lord Clive 3313 104 Lord Harry 3445 105 Signalda 4027 167 Gilderoy 2107 63 Baron Hugo 15208 8 Verte's Chief 16276 192 Ruby's Star of St. Lambert 20719.. 160 Woodstock Stoke Pogis 26620 197 Hanover Hugo 40394 72 Traveler, P.S. 280, C 190 Poet's Fortune of St. L. 50676 142 Ida's Rioter Fancy 25199 SO Leonette's Landseer 20399 101 Mercury 432 119 Admiral Farragut 2666 1 Hero, P.S. 90, H.C 74 Petit Victor 24788 140 St. Valentine 2251 164 Kitty's Stoke Pogis 19328 97 Knave 1856 97 Toltec 6831 184 Diploma 16219 ag Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 176 Ida's Rioter of St. L.'s Son S8869.. 82 Combination 4389 28 Combination 4389 28 Pansy Pogis Rioter 14064 136 N B— Confirmed butter-tes's and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (♦), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a da/ger (t) All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 215 Name of Tested Cow. Combination's Irene 13,6649 15 Combination's Laura Lee 165044 15 Combonnie 40260 1* Comedia 38885 1* Comella K. of St. Lambert 132702 20 Cornelia W. of St. L. 156800 15 Comely of St. Lambert Sd 41177 20 Comely of Sheomet 187169 *514 Coming Girl 3d 71794 17 14 18 17 14 16 19 18 14 19 17 16 15 18 14 14 15 14 16 20 IS 14 16 17 15 18 17 16 15 21 17 17 15 14 Butter. 15 4 2 2 Comlassa 40671 Commilla's Prize 184956 Commotion 52960 Ccmo of Briarcliff 35849 Compact 6270.5 Companion's Mary M. 106601 Compass' Blossom 108441 Compass' Jewel 150926 Compass' Juno 108442 Compass' Money Musk 146704 Compass' Pansy 105706 Complexia 56774 Composite 58774 Compressa 56756 Comrade's Rosora 119436 Comtesse de St. Ouen 22600 Comtesse D'Espagne 10308 Conger's M. 32751 Connoisseur 65644 Conover's Beauty 2d 26315 Content of Linwood 6950,' imp....'. Coomassie Darlton 29519 Coomassie Fawkes ,122446 Coomassie L. 73273 Coomassie of Bleak House 199859. Coomassie of Ingleside 74046 Coomassie Petite 190838 Coomassie's Joyful 113685 Coomassie's Palma 111609 Coomassie Veda 55838 Cooper's Quachette 104167 Copper 1979 Copper Queen 63659 Coquette Hugo King 170091 15 Coquette of Bleak House 161526 Coquette of Glen Rouge 17559 Coquette of Glen Rouge 2d 64931 Coquette's Moily 23841 Coquette's Riotress 131698 Cora Belmont 2d 48868 Cora H. of St. Lambert 163148 16 22 21 14 21 19 17 Coral B. 186809 •17 Cora of Arcadia 18151 16 Cora of Hillside 35363 16 Cora of St. Lambert 8347 21 Cora of Sandusky 42038 15 Cora of Side View 133836 15 Cora's Beauty 92179 16 Cora Scituate 3d 94979 14 Cora Scott 107995 17 Corday Pogis 137468 15 Cordelia Baker 8814 17 Cordelia Signal 33452 18 Cordelia Signal 2d 44489 17 Cordelia Signal 3d 57808 17 Cordelia Signal 5th 83097 14 Sire. Page. .Isabella's Combination 34757 85 . Metalist 37508 121 . Combination 4389 28 . Combination 4389 38 9 King of St. Lambert's King 30752. . 94 4 Gazelle's King of St. L. 49640.... 61 10 Brier's Pogis 14163 15 8 (lyr.).. St. Helier of Sheomet 61765 161 14 St. Lambert's Hugo 17457 163 Combination 4389 28 9 Minute Gun 34776 123 6 ;. Combination 4389 28 6 . . ■. Domino of Darlington 2459 40 3 Combination 3d 17676 39 13.5 Companion 31467. Compass 16968 29 Minute Gun 34776 123 Compass 16958 29 Chief Engineer 47148 34 Compass 16958 29 Combination 4389 28 Diploma 16219 38 Upright 6147 192 Comrade 29576 12 4 2 14 10 3 10 13.5 5 8.5 0.5 Ben Weston 3111. 2.5 Alphea Star 7487. 13 Ballad 20239 0.75 13 30 Sir Harry, F.S. 314, C 171 10 4 7 Prince of Warren 1612 147 11 Duke of Darlington 2d 6948. 8 Duke of Hill View 32179... 1 ^.. Sherbet's Coomassie 24115... 6 Channel King 62762 3.5 Duke of Ingleside 14274 ." Lord Pogis Tormentor 62015 King Coomassie Jr. 26866 5 McClellan's Albert 36965 Kathy's- Stoke Pogis 17566 5 Thomas Cooper 36014 Hockanum 792 Golden Ray 10669 St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896 Champion of Marilla 53076 Jack Frost of St. Lambert 2419 Chief of St. Lambert 18863 Lofty 2866 36 St. Lambert Boy 17408 Bunker 9036 4 Kingof St. Lambert's King 6th 58271 2.5 Grand Golden Lad 59200 Rocco 4517 7 LucuUus 2695 6.7,5 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 4.5 Primrose's Carlo 13174 9 Naiad's St. Lambert King 13th 41179 9 Victor F. W. 16548 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 33042 14 Dalesmr\n 38159 3.25 Myrrha's Bisson 37573 9 Beeswax 1931 16.5 Wanderer 3014 6 Signal Lad 12199 8 Signal Lad 12199 5 Alfonso 3013 42 42 166 33 42 107 92 109 90 183 75 67 163 22 85 25 103 161 Ih 95 69 157 108 176 144 126 198 117 34 125 9 196 168 168 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) AH amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces 2l6 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Corinna 2d 6594 Corinne Melrose 54455 Corinne Moore 35748 Corinne of St. Lambert 76679 Corihne's DoUie Rex 110987 16 16 19 15 15 Corinth Pogis 94280 14 Corn 10504 16 Cornwall Maid 19024 29 Coronet's Fancy Sd 133022 18 Coronilla 8367 14 Cosette of St. Lambert 105015 15 Cosette's Matilda 86967 16 Cosmetic 75357 19 Costa Rica 64570 21 Cottage Lass 5332 17 Cotton Patchwork 86926 16 Couch's, Lily 3237 16 Countess 114, imp 16 Countess Alberta 42922 14 Countess Bee 32630 14 Countess Buttercup 13505 14 Countess Coomassie 19339 16 Countess Europa 35820 17 Countess Gilderine 29027 16 Countess Gisela of Be'.le Vue 9571 15 Countess Godiva 10820 15 Countess Hebe 2d 45899 14 Countess Lowndes 26874 17 Countess Matilda 74928 *19- Countess Micawber 1769 17 Countess of Croton 5307 15 Countess of Lakeside 1213.5 19 Countess of Lome 20822 .\ 14 Countess of Scarsdale 18633 14 Countess of Warren 3896 14 Countess Potoka 7496 18 Countess Queen 13519 18 Countess Stoke Pogis 62540 16 Country Girl 3515 16 Country Girl 3d 12538 17 Country Girl 4th 61877 JiS.. Count's Cosette 188225 *fo6 " Count's Fi:lpail 30975 24 Count's Laura 182199 *388 Count's Lois 173149 *456 Count's Lotta 198032 •426 Coupon Diamond 103.559 14 Cowles' Nonesuch 6199 14 Cowry 4432 14 Cowslip 6th 849 15 Cowslip of Rockwell 115354 14 Cows:ip of St. Lambert 8349 17 Coy Girl 2d 86792 16 Creamal 76104 16 Cream Calla 40233 16 Cream Caroline 17357 16 Cream Custard 97429 19 Creamer 2467 14 Cream Lily 24015 16 Cream of Millbrook 139828 14 Cream of Sidney 17028 17 Cream of Springvale 16621 15 Cream Princess 3d 138688 17 Cream's Pride 47570 17 Crensa 74203 16 Butter. Sire. Page. 7 Graycoat 1105 69 14 Prince of Melrose 4819 146 8 Sir Signal 3018 172 10 Pogis' Boom 18295 142 4 Chieftain Rex 29707 25 7 Sheldon Pogis 22669 166 2 Orawapum 2833 134 12 Ramapo 4679 161 3 Dan Darling's Bull 21291 35 7 Champion of America 1567 22 7.75 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 15 Matilda's Perfection 17100 115 1 Cadet 23968 18 6.5 Upright 6147 192 7 Guy Mannering 698 71 1 King Cotton 26391 92 5.5 Albert 44 2 Champion Albert 6023 21 Polonius De Pansy 6625 143 Young Baltimore Boy 2048 198 Silver Mine 1658 170 Chief Modoc 1718 24 10.5 Gold Basis 4038 65 11 Lord Lawrence 1414 106 7 Osiris 3792 135 3 Rex of Jersey 12878 153 8 Babylon 4723 7 15.4 Matilda's Perfection 17100 115 1 Mr. Micawber 566 125 12 Grand Duke Alexis 1040 69 7 Dick Swiveller Jn. 276 37 14 Spangle's Boy 6229 174 6 John Street 6156 88 Hector 129 73 15 Fanchon's King 2637 64 S Gen. Rosser 4189 68 3 Garfield Stoke Pogis 15963 60 12 Quaker 887 149 11 Copake 1387 31 2 Magog 1868 109 5 (lyr.).. Oonan's Count 67470 138 6 Count Cicero, F.S. 398, H.C 31 8 (lyr.).. Oonan's Count 57470 132 14 (lyr.).. Oonan's Count 57470 132 4 (lyr.).. Oonan's Count 57470 132 5 Prince of Montverde 2d 19975 147 12 Pulaski 1932 149 1 The Squire 1298 183 4 Paterson 11 137 13.5 Warren's Prince 27973 196 12 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 176 4.25 Exile of St. Lambert 23d 20712 63 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 173 7 Europa's Duke 4832 49 2 McHenry 6890 109 6.25 Prince of Tennessee 20772 147 1 Tom Dasher 420 185 Silver, P.S. 287, C 170 8 Diplomatist 36879 39 2.6 Noble 901 128 10 Othello of Elmarch 3780 135 3.5 Matilda Sd's Dauncey 32841 114 2 Baron Hugo 15208 8 2 Record 22801 152 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a-dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is slated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 217 Name of Tested Cow. Creole Maid 11017 Creole Maid 2d 31881 Crescent's Rachel 74738 Cressida Fabiana 109819 Cretesia 13657 Cretesia Melia Ann 166359 Cretesia's Charma 81685 Cretesia's Dawson 89995 Cretesia's Matilda 90000 Cretesia's Rachel 89998 Cretesia's Eamona 148867 Cretesia's Silverette 74807 Cretesia's Tartiy 89994 , Cretesia's Temisia 89996 Cretesia's Violet A. 90051 Cretesia Titus 176536 Cricket's Minnie 26270 , Croatia 125961 Crocus Bud 125591 Crocus of St, Lambert 8351 Crotella 86136 Crotonia Signal 89308 Croton Maid 5305 Croton Maid 4th 26729 Crown 75198 16 14 15 14 20 17 15 15 15 16 15 17 14 18 14 17 15 14 21 17 14 18 21 19 20 Crown of Florence 173035 *508 Crust 4775 16 Crusta 29637 16 C. Test's Glendolena 148790 14 Cultured Cream 29196 20 Cupid of Lee Farm 5997 14 Cupid of St. Lambert 5104 14 Cupid's Cloud 74040 17 Cupid's Gold Lace 180343 *471 Cupid's Jersey Maid 35040. Curfew 16498 Cutlet 53603 Cymbelina 67201 Cynthia A. 43721 Cyrene 4th 480 Cyrene of Clearview 151337. Czaretta 17358 ♦SS 14 15 14 20 17 18 14 Czarina of Spring Hill 47568 15 Butter. Sibe. 15 Braxton 1715 1 Toltec 6831 Guy Mannering Pogis 16365. 7 1 3 Pace. 16 . 184 71 Royal Champion of America 9796.. 159 Lord Dartmouth 6302 , 104 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 8 Cretesia's Albert Pogis 21730. 1 Cretesia's Albert Pogis 21730. 15 Cretesia's Albert Pogis 21730. 8 Cretesia's Albert Pogis 21730. 4 Cretesia's Albert Pogii 21730. 3 Cretesia's Albert Pogis 21730. 8 Cretesia's Albert Pogis 21730. 7 Cretesia's Albert Pogis 21730. 9 Cretesia's Albert Pogis 21730. 32 32 32 32 14 4 12 *3 Titus S. 51426 184 Prince Harry 5176 144 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 5th 34947 81 Skinner, P.S. 1620, C 172 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 176 Otolie 17219 135 166 8 Signal Jr. 7166 11.5 Signal 1170... (1 yr.) . . 166 186 81 88 4 28 23 Tormentor 3533 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041 8 Alpheus 1168 10 Combination 4389 5.25 Chemical Test Jr. 49121 12 Rachel's Duke 7022 150 6 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 177 0.5 Laval 506 100 2 Signal Duke 12661 168 7 (1 yr.) . . Fancy's Golden Lad 57139 54 3 (30d.)i . Rioter Vulcan 5380 156 7.5 Combination 4389 28 8 Rosy's Toltec 19001 158 13 Combination 3d 17576 29 10 Alfonso 3013 3 1 Monmouth 210 124 7.5 Captain 3d, P.S. 2235, H.C • 20 7 Czar of New York 4049 34 10 Baron Hugo 15208 8 Dade's Lena 100796 22 Daffodil of Millbrook 14097^ 14 Daffy of St. Lambert 69894 14 Daffy Wilcox 2d 18317 15 Daga L. 136779 15 Dagmar of Florence 120863 18 Dagmar of Florence 3d 146649 14 Dagmar of Florence 4th 199346 17 Dahlia's Lady Mel 157956 *610 Dainty Doris 85497 16 Dainty Rioter of St. L. 81168 15 15 15 Dairy 2d 3891 Dairy C. 12227 Dairy Dolly 100605 15 Dairymaid of St. Lambert 112483 16 Dairyman's Brown Bessie 175163 'SIO Dairyman's Juliet 180715 14 Dairy Pogis 2d 122593 15 Dairy Pride 4th 21681 16 Daisette 64004 17 Daisette's Tormentress 106532 21 (lyr.).. 12 7.5 7 5 15 11 10 7 14 8.5 10 5.5 0.5 12.5 4 (1 yr.) . . 2 6.75 1 1.87 Lenox Pogis 27365 101 Diplomatist 36879 39 Canada's John Bull 5th 20092 19 Secretary 4074 165 Gold Winder 36447 68 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041 88 Bab's Rioter St. Lambert 28060 7 Jubilee's Crown Prince 64383 89 Puritan of Pitt's 42984 149 King of St. Lambert 15175 93 Nestor of St. Lambert 22385 127 The Hub 1009 183 Champion of America 1567 22 Major Hamilton 30164 110 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13956 81 Diploma's Dairyman 57789 39 Diploma's Dairyman 57789 39 Oonan's Pogis 17165 132 Victor, P.S. 148, H.C 193 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20486 189 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tes's and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 2l8 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name op Tested Cow. Daisey Dixie 9469 1* Daisy 2d 15761 16' Daisy Bell C. IIZIIS *1* Daisy Brown 13318 !■? Daisy Brown 2d 37S35 15 Daisy Clementaise 77341 14 Daisy Cole 173726 **69 Daisy Cornell 134791 14 Daisy Delafield 69230 20 Daisy Dell 14562 14 Daisy Glen 71976 20 Daisy Goft 120961 *14 Daisy Grant 1445, imp 15 Daisy Harris 92471 17 Daisy Harrison 69253 25 Daisy Hinman 61537 *160 Daisy Hudson 24647 17 Daisy Ida Torment 181824 15 Daisy K. of St. Lambert 126948 20 Daisy Leto 72404 18 Daisy Mc. 95465 17 Daisy Mekeel 70400 15 Daisy Moak 2d 144877 15 Daisy Morrison 14035 .- 25 Daisy Morrison 3d 40300 14 Daisy Morrison 4th 46830 , 14 Daisy of Belhurst 3114 16 Daisy of Chenango 18582 14 Daisy of Clermont 3492 14 Daisy of Denison 53137 15 Daisy of Dryden 77778 16 Daisy of Guilford 18583 14 Daisy of Hillside Farm 6025 16 Daisy of Lisbon 156126 15 Daisy of Malone 36505 18 Daisy of St. Peter's 18175 20 Daisy of Sunnyside 1G338 15 Daisy Pilotta 68852 17 Daisy Queen 9619 16 14 16 16 17 14 16 16 14 16 16 17 15 15 16 16 17 14 16 16 15 28 14 15 16 16 16 Daisy-Seeker 43099 Daisy Staunton 46592 Daisy Stillson 28174 Dallas Creampot 114868 Daltonia Pogis 95203 Damara 65001 Damask Rose 22065 Dame Gladys 136712 Dame Hugo 166910 Dame Ida 76878 Dame Lacy 141592 Dame Lofty 47567 Dame Higgles 103601 Dame Miller 59260 Dame Milly 141878 Dame of Clover Hill 159622... Dame of Eau Claire 127862... Dana's Daisy 148063 Dandelion 2521, imp Dansker's Griselda 157858 Daphne of Arcadia 21.710 Daphne's Kathleen 85656 Darby's Lady Ajax 2d 168049. Darctta 62579 Dariole 64106 Dark and Fair 24468 Butter. Sire. Page, 4 Henry Ward Beecher 2297 74 8 -. Bee's Wirg, P.S. 69, C 9 3.8 Honduras 19703 76 6.5 Tormentor 3533 186 10.5 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 82 5 Georgia 10606 62 2.8 (lyr.).. Hessong's King Cole 53148 75 Cornell's Exile 30778 31 Stockholder 2d 15616 176 Micawber 4796 121 Callie's Lad 21437 18 Jefferson Pogis 39615 86 1 11 9 3 10.9 25 Rosalie's Pogis 27654 Erie Chief 13438 3 (90 d.) . . Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 Catono 3761 Lord Tormentor Pogis 29753 King of St. Lambert's King 30752 . St. Helier Brave 17343 Eurotas' Pride 22653 Altaica's Perrot 21441 Philip Noble 51474 5 John Morrison 4551 Winner's Lisgar 11557 L. D.'s Victor St. Helier 15286... Graylock 740 Prince of Sidney 2665 Gerald 895 Qara's Rioter Pogis 18317 Georgia 10606 Prince of Sidney 2665 Blondin 3d 1935 Torment's Cicero 47744 Hugo Chief of St. Anne's 12070.. .5 Hero, P.S. 90, H.C Louis of Highland 4854 Pilot of Bowker Farm 6085 Khedive, P.S. 103, H.C Exile of St. Lambert 13657 Duke of Baldwin 7137 Seneca Chief 4098 H. O. P. 37104 Dalton 20117 North Pacific Prize 11459 .25 Bobby, P. S. 208, H.C Viaduct 42113 :.. Lord Hugo Signal 53833 .5 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 .26 Ethel's Stoke Pogis 33489 Baron Hugo 15208 .5 Tinkham's Butter Boy 24549 .6 Count Potoka 9831 .5 Milicent's Landseer 31183 Pansy's Rubano 40068 Melia Ann's Son 22041 Lambert's Pride 2d 46105 158 47 81 21 107 94 161 49 4 141 87 197 100 69 147 62 26 62 147 13 189 78 74 108 141 90 51 41 165 77 34 130 14 193 106 82 47 S 184 31 121 136 117 98 6 Dansker 49535 35 12 Talmadge 3992 180 5.75 Rosy Rioter 23466 158 12 Smith's St. Lambert 30332 172 8 Upright 6147 192 9 Diploma 16219 38 9 Nero 7266 127 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS ;i9 Name of Tested Cow. Dark Cloud 9364 15 Dark Rose 101892 ,. . 15 Darling of Neatham S0086 15 Darling Pansy 44830 15 Darlymora 37771 14 Dassa Argyle 21180 16 Datura Marigold 143334 17 Dauncey Victor 130873 14 Davy's Dot 41693 14 Davy's Dot 2d 85744 14 D. D.'s Coomassie 63673 14 Deborana 4718 14 Deegold 3d 63082 15 Deerlick Fancy Mary 99315 14 Deerlick Petra Pogis 99987 14 Deerlick Pojoram 99988 15 Dela S. of Eau Claire 128005 *247 De Laval's Dolly 311416 *491 De Laval's Flossie 311181 'SOO Delesline 44474 15 Deletta 31305 14 Delia Martin .93358 18 Delia of Grouville 16438 14 Delicate 78102 ; 18 Delight's Darling 45700 15 Dell K. of St. Lambert 1371S5 14 Delphina 105895 14 Dempsey's Beauty 62808 14 Derise 8281 17 Denise Landseer of Lawn 84411 18 Denise's Fancy 92500 15 Der.ise's Ida 54942 17 Denise's Pearl 95757 30 Denmark Merry Maiden 175851 *15 Dennevirk 135056 16 Deoine 6343 14 Deoine'.s Model 148364 647 Derjava 59830 Desda Pogis 58344 Design 18481 Dew 63474 Dewdrop Pansy 19736 Dia 13658 Diamond Rose 35944, imp. Diamond's L;ss 81767 Diana Doon 61539 Diana H. 55684 Diana of Meridale 114745 Diana of St. Lambert 6636... Diana Victor Pogis 100763 Diana Victor Pogis 2d 127710. Dicomis 74879 Dicta 55221 Dido B. 113926 Dido King Rioter 170245 Dido Pogis 67360 .Die Konigin 124953 14 Dilemma of Clovernook 117395. Dilwa 30515 Dimple 3248 Dinah Alexis 69345 Dirah of Crestview 172430 Diploma's Belle 103739. 16 15 16 14 15 18 Diploma's Blue Belle 181823 *694 Butter. 3.5 ... 14.5 ... 3IEE. Pace. Othello 1114 135 Noble Paddy 31072 13S Delaware Darling 3461 36 Crystal 9334 33 Duke .of Darlington 2d 6948 43 Campbell's Rex 6813 '. 19 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29131 178 18 14 17 16 19 15 14 16 Diana Darling 151218 *498 15 18 "15 16 23 14 17 20 15 15 15 15.5 Victor of Sylvan Glen 34182 194 8 Augustus Davy 15583 Pet's Landseer 29392 140 Happy Coomassie 12142 72 Coomassie 1484 30 King of St. Lambert 16175 93 Fancy's Harry Jr. 24649 55 Stoke Pogis' Perfection 6984 179 Stoke Pogis' Perfection 5984 179 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 De Laval 2d 56996 36 De Laval 3d 56996 36 Prince of Melrose 4819 146 Councillor 4468 31 Nora's Champion 20739 129 4 2 8 2 9.25 9.6 7 10.9 4 (120 d.). (lyr.).. (lyr.).. 15.5 13 4 15 5 (lyr.). 13.5 7 4 6.3 (lyr.). Progress, F.S. 386, C 148 Diploma 16219 38 Grace's Duke of Darlington 8289... C9 King of St. Lambert's King 30752.. 94 Exile's Rebel 38928.. 53 Fancy Toltec 31167 56 Top-Sawyer 1404 186 Daisy's Harry 21500 34 Denise's Tormentor 11833 36 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 82 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 Merry Maiden's 3d Son 60516 120 Khedive of Sug-r Grove 32395 90 Columbiad 3d 1515 • 28 Mazeppa Pogis 32246 116 Lord Harry 3445 105 Stolfe Pogis Prince 11005 179 Finis Lawrence 4107 58 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 Platon, F.S. 310, C 142 Lord Dartmouth 6302 104 1 1 8 9 12 9 12.5 . 3.25. 10 11 13.4 13 6.3 (lyr.). Muggy 32004 125 Common 28853 39 Diana's Stoke Pogis 13686 37 Harvey Osban 11919 73 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 79 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 177 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 30697 118 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 30697 118 Diploma 16219 38 Young Pedro 9033 199 Queen's Legacy 29652 149 St. Lambert's Rioter Kirg 54896... 163 Proven Pogis 19594 149 Prince of Tenressee 30772 147 Little Harry 8808 103 Jersey Express 5771 86 Wallace Barnes 1364 195 Diana's Rioter 10481 37 Edith's Rioter Boy 54403 45 Diploma 16319 38 Minute Gun 34776 .' 123: N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old officfal butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma Diploma' Diploma Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Diploma' Name of Tested Cow. s Bonita 138867 18 s Broadway 132562 17 s Brown Bessie 164887 *286 s Brown Lassie 166688 '311 Butter. 16 15 14 24 15 15 15 15 18 s Duchess 2d 166416 '14 s Brown Phillis 180163. s Clara 103867 s Coma 54070 s Comanca 120602 s Commilla 184666 s Delta 200379 Diana 131699 .' Dorinda 200378 s Duchess 124893 s Elsie 140962 s Eureka 103865.. . s Grinnella 145775. 22 15 22 14 5 9. 15 12.5 10 6 5 10 1 3 15 13.9 6 10 (120 d.). (120 d.). s' Lily 2d 205419 *445 3 (lyr.). I's Loreda 101528 18 I's Maquilla 135685 14 Marissa 95590 16 I's Pansy 112871 16 I's Phillis 147976 22 i's Princess 104002 17 i's Queen 98151 17 i's Queen of the Dairy 184737 15 i's Surprise 215824 16 Dixie Landseer 88681 15 Dixie of Clearview 139660 17 Dixie Princess 55658 16 Dixie Princess 2d 119494 15 Dodona A. 88102 16 Dollie's 'Valentine 105049 •680 Dollie Thompson 148299 -. 18 Dolly Bond 82662 18 Dolly Doyle «2788 15 Dolly Landseer 70201 14 Dolly of Clearview 124490 16 Dolly of Edgewood 83345 20 Dolly of Lakeside 10824 14 Dolly's Daughter 31392 16 Domett 88179 Dom Pedro's Julian 8631 Dona Marina 7049 Doiia Perfecta 125077 Doiia Theresa 168175 Donna Argyle 61456 Donna Le Brocq 99305 Donna Signal 29407 Donna Torment 121282 Donney Pogis 38907 Donney Pogis 2d 82426 Donney Pogis 3d 100199 Donnona's Nectarine 40098 Dora 4th 3936 Dora Doon 12909 Dora Lowndes 64136 Dora Neptune 20318 Dora of Glynllyn 95993 Dora of Westonook 161917 Dora's Fawnie Exile 108696...' Dora Victor Pogis 100921 Dorchester Maid 101385 Dorema O. H. 207771 Dorinda Darling 146249 1.5 12 5 3 1 4 8 9 3 6.5 16 16 18 14 *14 15 14 16 19 16 17 16 16 25 15 16 20 17 15 15 18 22 17 *300 11.25 10.75 13.8 (lyr.). 3 4.5' 10 12 9.5 8 2 2 10 6 1 4 2.13. 1.25. 0.75. 6 2 15 0.5 . 9 2 12 5 1 6 6 (120 d.). Sire. Pace. Diploma 16219 38 Broadway's Diploma 42735 16 Minute Gun 34776 123 Minute Gun 34776 123 Minute Gun 34776 123 Diploma 16219 88 Diploma 16219 38 Brown Bessie's Diploma 39844 16 Diploma's Dairyman 57789 39 Signal's Maxim 42489 169 Diploma 16219 88 Diploma's Dairyman 57789 39 Parade 30875 136 Golden Lad's Carlo 57736 67 Diploma 16219 38 Diploma 16219 38 Diploma 16219 38 Gertie's Stoke Pogis 56492 63 Diploma 16219 38 Diploma's Combination 39962 39 Diploma 16219 38 Diploma 16219 38 Diploma 16219 38 Diploma 16219 88 Diploma 16219 88 Minute Gun 34776 123 Diploma's Dairyman 57789 39 Tormentor 5th 21962 187 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 18th 42858... 82 Dixie Prince 18379 39 Little Harry 8808 103 Sir Lawrence Angelo 19628 171 Oonan's Tormentor Pogis 30505 134 Ninetta's Son 29074 128 Sumach 5249 180 Tom Doyle 4695 185 Ida's Landseer 17745 80 St. Lambert of Clearview 32102... 162 King Coomjssie 2d 19545 92 Micawber 4796 121 Duke of Darlington 8460 42 Bluster 22798 14 Dom Pedro 2092 40 King Arthur 2170 91 Toltec's Signal 29501 185 Toltec's Signal 29501 185 Don Hugo 19402 40 Spokane 83440 175 Dunraven 7950 44 Lord Tormentor Pogis 29753 107 Pogis Chief 3998 142 Tennessee's Landseer 23015 188 Bisson's Landseer 87520 18 Champion Albert 6023 - 21 Vermont 893 192 Top-Sawyer 1404 186 Warren Lowndes 17591 195 Neptune 5868 127 Star of Glynllyn 31097 175 59 60 118 65 2» 29 Fritz of Glynllyn 36579 Exile of Jersey Lawn 29481 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 80697 Gold Coast Jr. 9817 Combination Honor 43739 Common 28853 N. B. — Cfnfirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 221 Name of Tested Cow. Dorine's Brunette 89309 20 Doris Gay Darling 301431 *330 Doris of Mt. Pleasant 73330 14 Doris W. 117869 17 Dorizella 20525 15 Dorothy Marigold 124908 15 15 19 16 15 16 14 16 14 15 19 15 14 19 16 14 Dorothy of Bovina 9373 Dorothy of Glen Rouge 128856. Dorothy Russell 135659 Dorothy Taylor 99486 Dorothy Victor Pogis 144551... Dorry Dale 164773 Dosia Pogis 890^9 Dot Badger Girl 101417 Dot K. 85168 Dot of Bear Lake 6170 Dot of Rocky Ford 40763 Dot Ramsey 2d 87930 Dot's Lily 49220 Dott Buttercup 16358 Douhle-Oon 79317 Butter. Sike. Page. 3 Brunette's Prince 7115 17 6' (lyr.).. Guenon's Gay Lad 67140 70 7 Sir Florian 11578 170 5 King of St. Lambert's King 30752 . . 94 7 Lenape 2732 101 1.5 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29131 178 4 Ben Butler of Bovina 2024 9 ... Two Hundred per Cent. 33592 191 ... Billy of Wilmington 48068 II ... Elmwood Nona's Pogis 24986 46 ... Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697 118 ... Ida of St. L.'s Stoke Pogis 45111.. 80 ... Sig Pogis 23806 170 Double Time 157531 *33 Douskha 63439 Dove 5th 14561 Dove Dee 18059 Dove-Like 181186 Dove Melia Ann 165869... Down of Chatsworth 15361. Drusilla Rio 168015 Dubenna 65024 Dubenna 2d 74930 Duchess Caroline 3d 6039.. Duchess Crown 191067 15 16 37 16 18 16 18 14 18 16 20 Duchess Jessie 152733 18 16 15 35 14 Duchess Marigold 137919.. Duchess Melia Ann 195747. Duchess Noble 37090 Duchess of Argyle 3758. . . . Duchess of Argyle 4th 7571 14 Duchess of Argyle 7th 47569 14 Duchess of Bloomfield 3663 20 Duchess of Bloomfield 3d 13350 17 Duchess of Bloomfield 3d 15580 15 Duchess of Bloomfield 4th 35584 14 Duchess of Bolton 98160, 34 Duchess of Chilhowee 144340 14 Duchess of Darlington 13830 14 Duchess of Florence 129373 18 Duchess of Jefferson 17144 16 Duchess of Jefferson 3d 118168 14 Duchess of Pioneer 127659 ... : 16 Duchess of St. Lambert 5111 15 Duchess of Springdale 138304 16 Duchess of the Island 138789 16 Duchess of Westbranch 119967 21 Dudu of Linwood 8336 16 Duenna's Duchess 5508 16 Duke of St. L.'s Vail's Pet 61970 14 Duke's Jessie 3d 118778 15 Duke's Lallena 161518 14 Duke's Medusa 43511 IS Duke's Minnie 43785 20 Duke's Pierrot Lady 31033 21 Duke's Rowena 37190 14 Duke's Rowena 2d's Queen 79894 18 7 4 10 4 4 10.35 1 Winder 29955 197 8 St. Helier's Sagamore 31708 161 4 Prince of Warren 1512 147 1 Steletho 10505 176 13.75 Insie's Victor 16133 84 Farmer Rex 8898 56 3 Major Dot 7101 110 14 Oonan's Pogis 17165 132 15 Sister's Time 51658 172 5.76 Bloomfield's Pogis 17209 13 13 Micawber 4796 131 9 Eupidee 4097 49 6 Sir Watkin, P.S. 3991, H.C 172 11 Melia Ann's King 66581 116 12 Lord Rex 4113 107 Rioter of Brook Farm Zd 55536 154 7.5 .. .. Rajah Stoke Pogis 35276 160 0.5 Day's Romp 24344 35 8 Aldine 1136 S 7 Signal's Crown Prince 61621 169 8 Grand Duke Serge 53803 69 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 39131 178 8 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 2d 63696. . 118 8 Noble 4th 6246 138 13 ^ Jack Dasher 933 85 12 Duke of Argyle 1517 41 8 Bafbn Hugo 15308 8 0.5 .' Rioter 670 Isi 4.44 Tormentor 3533 186 1 Lord Harry 3445 105 8.6 Nancy's Rioter 8390 136 4 Viking of Bolton 34881 194 8 Princess 2d's Jubilee 33860 148 11 Duke of Darlington 2460 42 6.5 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 39041 88 9 Beauty Boy of Jefferson 5753 9 7 Parade 30875 136 Mikado of St. Lambert 30156 121 11 Lord Lisgar 1066 106 9 Parade 30875 136 10.5 Noble, P.S. 1177, H.C 128 3 Parade 30876 '. 136 15 Rector 1458 '. 152 10 Duke of Grayholdt 1035 42: 3 Duke of St. Lambert 16160 44 11 Millionaire Pogis 39688 121 14 Gray Friar's Duke 42764 69 Duke of Cloverdale 6994 41 4 Duke of St. Lambert 16160 44 12 Sweepstakes Duke 1905 180 8 Rachel's Duke 7022 150 13 Real Queen's Stoke Pogis 20535... 151 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Duke's Rowena 7th 11S610 22 Duke's Signal Queen 2d 82418 17 Dulah's Gladys 162272 16 Dulce Domum 165339 26 Dura 26001 21 Durex 66320 19 Durwood's Lass 19710 18 Dusky 2626 16 Dutsy Gordon 2d 108603 14 Butter. Sire. Page. Fritz of Glynllyn 36579 59 Landseer's Pogis 15847 99 My Alpha's Beauty of St. L. 46003. 125 Mona's Golden Glory 52917 124 Prince of M. 8811 146 Bob Dawson 18069 14 Durwood 4627 45 Robbins 953 167 4 5 10 7.5 Bessie's Toltec 19859 . 11 Earl's Madge 146212 14 Early Morn 60661 17 Eastern Maid 67896 16 Eastern Sultane 20298 15 Easter Ona 3d 97158 17 Easter Pogis 62371 15 Easter Prize Rex 102166 16 East Lake Girl 121127 19 Eastwood Clearwater 30445 27 Echo's Pride Altama 130827 *635 Echo's Pride of Shelmar 195096 *629 3 13.25. Economy of St. Lambert 162207. Eda Aberle 139163 Eda Melia Ann 179613 Edessa 21844 Edessa 3d 52043 , Editha Westray 89756 Edith Campbell 23011 Edith Darby 6246 Edith Golding 63709 Edith Haley 92643 Edith Hugo Pogis 105046 Edith of Harford 143353 Edith of St. Lambert 2d 67327.. Edith's'Faith 69724 Edith's Lass 145809 Edna Allison 130560 Edna F. of Lswn 7354^... Edna Hayes 90901 Edna Jenks 153079 Edna Mitchell 190780 Edna of Verna 34537 Edna Pedro 133190 Edna Rake 176958 Edwina 6713 Edy Pogis 163767 Edy Signal 19430 Effie Baal 134222 Effie of Hillside 1621 Effie of Verna 8928 Effie's Girl 103452 Elainette's Odelio 102115. 16 16 15 15 15 18 80 17 IS 15 14 16 14 16 14 14 14 Eldermaid 163684 *17 Elegantie 11943 Elena of Oakdile 84162. Elenora Mc. 136081 Elinor Kirk 120287 Elinor Wells 18068 Elinor Wells 2d 72071. . Elite 4299 Ella Europa 61068 Ella Golden 149S09.... Ella L. 84123 Ella of Briarcliff 17 17 20 16 14 19 81 14 19 22 15 14 21 '18 Edith's Jewel 173733 *430 (1-yr.). (lyr.). 11 6 8.8 (lyr.). 10 9 3 6 4 2.6 . 2 13 12 8 . 10.85. 15 14 19 15 17 14 14 14 14 390 14 14 3.5 4 3 4 1 0.06 2 16.5 1 (180 d.). 12 L. D.'s Earl 42114 Ruby's Harry 16664 Kathleen's Son 17660., Eastern Chief, P.S. 171, C Comus Rex 26804 Eastwood's Pogis 16879 Comus Rex 26804 Gay King 30180 Perrot, P.S. 342, C Garfield of Woodstock 86621 Tormentor of Kawkawlin 48880.... Sir Jamboree 33161 Stockbridge Chief 37255 Melia Ann 3d's Son 59461 Footstep 5163 Halo 10517 Great Combination 20386 Norman B. 7001 Prospect 8047 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13668 Smith's St. Lambert 30332 Smith's St. Lambert 30332 Exile of Harford 37936 Ajax of St. Lambert 19295 Faitli's Prince Pogis 15846 Lorna's King of St. L. King 57389. St. Lambert Boy 17408 Mary M. Allison's Son 88525 Owen St. Lambert of Lawn 24992. . Tormentor's Rioter 81964 Ida and AUie's Landseer 43456.... Exile's Reformer 3d 60118 Pedro's Pretty Pogis 33660 Pedro's Pretty Pogis 33660 Royal Ace 54462 Signal 1170 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 Signal Jr. 7166 Eminent, P.S. 1842, H.C Nero 13 John Gilpin 8199 King Koffee Jr. 18317 Odelio 20883 Biuff Chief 50492 Wallenstein 2261 St. Ion 18876 Ventnor Prince Cowes 40uG0 Geranium's Leo 2d 33738 Le Brocq's Prize 3350 St. Lambert Boy 17408 Hamilton 1074 Rioter's Victory 16446 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 Yumroar 19656 American Rioter 13363 100 160 90 45 30 45 3D 61 140 60 188 171 176 116 58 71 69 130 149 88 172 172 50 2 54 107 161 113 135 188 79 53 139 139 169 166 76 166 46 127 87 92 131 13 195 161 198 62 101 161 71 156 178 200 4 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis oi 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All _^_^_j Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 223 Name of Tested Cow, Ella of Endegeest 87376 19 Ella of Ingleside T0414 15 Ella Rosewood's Daisy 32787 15 Ella's Tina 68408 14 Ella Victor Pogis 100762 19 Ella Webster of Meridale 183709 Ellenetta of Bay View 48921 Elma Genevieve 149010 Elma Jenks 119861 Elma Marigold 100630 Elma's Star 102275 Butter. 12.5 ... 16 21 15 18 17 14 Elmina of St. Lambert 79110 14 18 15 16 14 Elmira of Pittsford 111633.. El Mora Mostar 16955 Elmwood Daisy 2d 34193.... Elmwood Duchess 8716 Elmwood Lady Pogis 182823. Elmwood Melissa 4th 82678 . . Elodie 30222 Eloise Mella Ann 192804 Elorita 101742 Elphie May 69396 Elsie Bonner 78864 Elsie Coomassie 08081 Elsie Harribee 91834 Elsie Lane 13302 Elsie Lofty 61451 Elsie of Shadyside 86600 Elsie Rowls of Lawn 71633.. Elsie's Brown Bessie 106813.. 14 15 16 17 21 17 18 15 18 20 14 16 Elsie's Lady 81493 : 14 Elsie Victor Pogis 155090 16 Elsie Wolcott 76103 *16 Eltekeh 28266 tl6 Elturia 80701 *22 16 17 14 15 22 16 17 *492 17 21 20 20 20 24 14 16 17 16 14 14 37 14 21 21 17 21 17 Elvina of Meridale 134141 Embla 4799 Embla Brick 15690 Emblem of Del Valle 102384 Emerald's Daisy 100273 Emily of Hillside 8073 Eminent Brown Princess 157372 Eminent's Bess 209719 Eminent's Buttercup 187470 Eminent's Evasion 187443 Eminent's Fawn Beauty 195757 Eminent's Jewel 194963 Eminent's Lady Sultanne 171946 Eminent's Snow 185406 Eminent's Victory 181203 Eminent's Virginia 195830 Emma B. Ethleel 105209 Emma Hudson 12469 Emma Landseer 58104 Emma Landseer 2d 69220 Emma Landseer 3d 110513 Emma Landseer 4th 109233 Emma of Eau Claire 127826 Emma's Pearl 57485 Emma's Pearl 2d 119123 Emma's Pearl 3d 126981 Emma's Pearl 4th 136383 Emma's Rowena 146877 *750 Empress 6th 3203 17 Empress Estelene 166167 16 n 9.76. 6 11 11 11 13.5 12 1 1 4 3 0.9 (lyr.). 5 6.5 12 4 11.6 12 8.5 i 13 1 4 11.5 8.5 (21 d.). SiEE. Pace. Lord Hugo Pogis 23673 106 Duke of Ingleside 14274 42 Darling Scituate 7499 35 Hulda's Duke 23810 78 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697 118 The Seer 67089 : 183 Chief 10663 24 Marigold Pogis 38762 112 Mississippi Rioter 20401 123 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 Manifold Rioter Pogis 26158 110 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 51 Clark's Perfection 31657 26 Clifton Monarch 3546 26 Royalist 3d 4500 159 Duke of Daffodil 1662 42 Gertie's Stoke Pogis 56492 63 Elmwood Stoke Pogis 26562 46 Count Coomassie 7542 31 Melia Ann's King 66581 116 Ethleel 2d's Jubilee 18249 48 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 173 King of St. Lambert 16175 93 King Coomassie 2d 19545 92 Success of Pa. 23374 180 Catono 3761 21 Baron Hugo 15208 8 King of St. Lambert 16176 Bonair St. Lambert 17600 Recorder 29239 93 14 .. 162 Nightingale's Rioter 14935 128 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697 118 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 173 Footstep 6163, 58 Diploma 16219 38 Garfield's Black Prince 24548. Saladin 447 60 164 Roy Brick 5637 159 37 85 4 7 (lyr.).. 6 1 12 6 2 2 16 13 10 2 2.5 2.76 2.25 (14 d.). Diana's Top-Sawyer 21310 Jay St Lambert 32813 John Gilpin 2199 Eminent 69631 La Rilla's Eminent Lad 71770. Eminent 69631 69631 69631 69631 69631 69631 69631 69631 Eminent Eminent Eminent Eminent Eminent Eminent Eminent 4r 100 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 12 14 (lyr.).. 9 . 75 11.4 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485 189 Ben Nora 2262 10 Landseer's Pogis 15847 99 Tennessee's Landseer 23015 182 Ida's Landseer 17745 80 Bisson's Landseer 27620 12 Melia Ann's Son 22041 li7 Coomassie Welcome 2d 17364 30 Eurotas' Hugo Pogis 28476 49 Eurotas' Hugo Pogis 28476 49 Eurotas' Hugo Pogis 28476 49 Rowena's Duke 44064 159 Vermont 893 192 Count Gold Coast's Boy 52712 31 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 224 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Eppie Lady Pogis 110638 Eppie Pogis 44972 Eric's Daisy 144436 Eric's Ida 69134 Erie Maid of River View 94307. Ernestina Sd 77683 Esclarmonde 59509 Esme's Eulalie 88509 Esme's Lenore 14S825 Esme's Lizzie 126472 Essie Brown 195995 Estelle Landseer 105042 Esther B. 24834 Esther Lofty 68754 Esther of Fairfield 208092 Esther Reid of St. L. 99023 Esther Thorne 35545 Estrella 2831- Etelka Tolemy 93807 Eterna 27134 Etha La France 179802 Ethel Bina 86382 Ethel Jenks 119860 Ethelka 2d 14128 Ethel McM. 100267 Ethel Marigold G. 208807 Ethel Marjoram 87266 Ethel of Allendale 186781 Ethel of Bolton 116769 Ethel of Glen Rouge 131019 Ethel of Shelburne 46285 Ethel's Pansy 142938 Ethleel 18724 1 1.25. 2 7 3 7.5 . 6 1 3 6 9 12 8 4 1 2 12.8 . Name of Tested Cow. Butter. Empress of Ely 2d 6771 16 Empress Pedro 50878 15 Emsie of St. Lambert 95428 21 Emsie's Riotress 120104 23 English Elm 17600 1* English Elm 3d 62906 17 Enid 2d 10783 1* Enigma 5360 15 Eoline of St. Lambert 104819 19 14 15 16 18 14 14 17 20 25 16 16 17 14 14 17 19 14 14 14 14 15 14 14 15 15 18 16 9008 16 18 14 14 19 1 6 13 13 7.5 12 9 4.25 3 10 4 13 0.25 11 11 (Mk. 380 d.) 2 9 Ethleel 2d 32291 t 30 15 15 14 14 15 17 16 Ethleel of Florence 172781 *641 Ethleel 4th 54375 Ethleel 5th 70653 Ethleel 6th 89803 Ethleel D. 83006 Ethleel Khedive 99698 Ethleel Koffee of Lawn 113757. Ethleel of Edgewood 130139 Ethleel's Nervilette 101299 Ethleel's Nerviona 101300 Ethleel's Pet 86428 Ethleel's Princess 1048?7 Ethleel Vellum 172687 Ethleel Vellum's Fern 186315. Ethlo's Belle 69053 Ethlo's Jean 71954 Etiquette 4300 Etta Allman 12185 Etta Bartlett 80254 Etta Europa 104309 Ettagem 80268 Etta Kinloch 133972 18 17 17 15 16 16 15 24 15 15 16 15 16 16 10 14 15 6.5 15 1.6 8 7 2 14 7.5 12 (lyr.).. Sire. Page. Baritone 1075 7 King Peto 10641 95 King of St. Lambert Jr. 18808 94 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 Elmwood 2333 46 I Fancy's Harry 9777 65 Duke of Oakland 1984 43 St. Martin 1482 163 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 King of St. Lambert Jr. 18808 94 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 146 Eric Pogis 36115 47 R. F. Eric 21330 163 Nell's John Bull 31921 136 Kathy's Stoke Pogis 17566 90 Dalton 20117 34 Mary M. Allison's Son 33525 113 Eurotas' Pride 22653 49 Minerva's Pogis 20085 132 Pinecroft Pogis 53706 142 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485 189 Clusius H. 5781 37 Baron Hugo 15208 8 Dolly's King 41664 40 Nell's John Bull 21921 126 Duke of St. Albans 11234 44 Meteor 463 121 Tormentor 6th 21962 187 Signalda 4027 167 Recorder's Apollo 58349 162 Ben of St. Lambert 22666 10 Mississippi Rioter 20401 123 Thomaston 4600 183 King Coomassie 2d 19545 92 Graceful Marigold 2d 76813 68 One Hundred per Cent. 16590 132 Alexis S. King 59893 3 Tennessee of Bolton 27508 182 Exile of Glen Rouge 37213 60 Midas of Oxford 5986 121 Maury Pogis 3d 37928 116 Tormentor 3533 186 Lord Harry 3445 105 Fancy's Harry 9777 55 Lord Harry 3445 105 Fancy's Harry 9777 65 Ethleel 2d's Jubilee 18249 48 Ethleel 2d's Jubilee 18349 48 8 12 2 6 8 6 13.5 11 12 8.5 Antoinette's Koffee 36010... Ethleel's Oonan 46099 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 39041.. Ethleel's Landseer 22341 Ethleel's Landseer 22341 Ethleel 2d's Son 25885 Eurotas' Victor Hugo 15689. Landseer's Picture 54336.... 5 48 88 48 48 . 48 49 . 99 Fern of St. Mary 65099 67 Ethlo Tormentor 19189 Ethlo Tormentor 19189 Hamilton 1074 Gen. Marion 2298 Ettamarius 17763 Ettamarius 17763 Ettamarius 17762 Chief of St. Lambert 2d 22940.. 48 48 71 62 48 48 48 25 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old offic'a' butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All ainnunts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 225 Name of Tested Cow. Etta Leolia 172415 Etta Lyne 83298 Etta M. 2d 30820 Etta of Bay View 66028 Etta Rex 2d 122289 Ettarock 81103 Etta 10315 Ettie Denham 3d 181280 Ettie Palmer 4th 47481 Eudora 1863, imp Eudora of Barre 12419 Eufielda 62546 17 20 14 22 16 •. 16 15 18 16 16 16 14 Eugenia Feverproof 146314 19 Eugenie 2d 1623 14 Eugenie 2d 12733 14 Eugenie Chouteau 6186 24 Eulalia Bismarck 117502 23 Eulalie's Bessie 145501 15 Eunice Marigold 187743 14 Euphemia Mc. 138281 14 Euphonia 6783 1 16 Euphorbia 11229 23 Euphorbia 2d 27094 15 Euphorbia 3d 45359 15 Euphorbia 4th 70662 Euphorbia's Riotress 124185 Eupidee's Perfection 20175 Eura Barmaid 180129 Eureen of Lawn 61372 Eureka McHenry 8341 Euro Polono ^2d 101052 Butter, IS 5 14 13 ... 7 IS 7 ... 12 5 2 Eurotas 8454 . '. 778 Eurbtas' Blossom 63134 Eurotas B. of Biltmore 167829 Eurotas Vellum 172203 Eurotisama 29668 945 Eurus 60801 , 14 Eurybia 143822 *310 Eurybia's Daughter 186366 *540 Eva Horner Sd 24663 15 Eva Jenks 152851 15 Eva of Snipsic 17650 14 Eva of Verna 15228 21 Eva Roberts 127747 14 Evelina of Verna 10971 tl9 Eveline Altama 169698 *494 Eveline of Jersey 6781 18 Eveline Rose 80512 14 Evelita S. of Meridale 167428 16 Evelyn B. 93481 14 Evelyn of Venadera 169271 *538 14 14 Eve of Bolton 63665. .. Eve of Christmas 9473. Evergreen Maid 11536 14 Evri 5288 15 Execute 1409S7 14 Exile's Acte 130788 18 Exile's Aggie 58764 14 Exile's Agnes 79796 19 Exile's Alexia 152315 82 Exile's Alphea 45393 .' 15 Exile's Angelica 96063 14 Exile's Anna 46881 16 Exile's Antoinette 111279 22 Exile's Arcadia 66201 r 14 SiKE. Page. Ettamarius 2d 43721 48 Fadette's Son 16301 54 Gold Mine 7272 67 G. F. Train 18868 63 Comus Rex 26804 30 Ettamarius 17768 48 Duke of Magnolia 8886 43 John Betsy's Pogis 46325 87 Troy's Duke 13003 191 IS 2 8 12 4.5 . 10 0.5 . 6.85. 0.5 . 7.5 . 17 2 80 12 15 4 16 14 15 8 14 14 8 '78 1 1'5 5 15 11 14 11 (lyr.). 9 (1 yr.) . 7 1.1 9 2 3 1 13 1 10.5 5 (180 d.) . (1 yr.) . . (1 yr.) . . 6 10 4 2.S (lyr.).. 4.5 5.25 4 6 2.75 10.85 7.75 3 14.5 10 18 14 4.85 Tasso of Mount Waite 8334 Garfield Stoke Pogis 15963 Little Hopeful 38897 Rob Roy 17 Gilderoy 8107 Master 723 Carlton Chief 27728 Eurotas' Pride 22653 Marigold Polo 43129 Buff Exile 41418 Gilroy 1653 Allegany Chief 2918 Allegany Signal 10178 Heir of Signal 8080 Pogis King St. Lambert 16904 St. Lambert Boy 17408 Eupidee 4097 Ida's Signal St. Lambert 60584 Lord Hugo 15830 Hector 3814 Wine 29964 Rioter 2d 469 Eurotas' Victor Hugo 15689 Golden Boy of Biltmore 66889 Hanover Hugo 40394 Young Pedro 9033 Diploma 16219 Exile's Siberia 43363 Signalia's Siberia 67887 Spotless 1860 King Tametoa 32129 Duke of Mansfield's Pierrot 6261 . . Wanderer 3014 Belisarius of Bayside 34401 Wanderer 3014 Tormentor of Kawkawlin 42880 .... Grey Prince, F.S. 168, C Fancy's Jubilee 25205 Tola 8d 49827 Canisteo Chief 29312 Harry B. Gordon 47246 - Chevalier 14748 Cash Boy 2248 Cusbnoc Jr. 2358 Marius 760 J. J. Signal 40512 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 Exile of St. Lambert 4th 17196 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48228 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 181 60 103 157 63 113 20 49 112 17 64 4 4 74 142 161 49 82 105 7S 197 164 49 65 72 199 38 64 168 175 96 43 195 9 195 188 70 56 184 20 73 24 80 33 118 86 61 61 62 156 51 51 51 51 51 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official^ butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 226 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Exile' Exile' Exile' Exile Exile Exile Exile Exile' Exile Exile Exile Exile Exile Exile' Exile' Exile Exile Exile Exile Exile Exil Exile Exile' Exile' Exile' Exile Exile Exile' Exile' Exile Exile Exile' Exile Exile Exile' Exile' Exile' Exile Exile' Exile Exile' Exile Exile Exile Exile Exile' Exile' Exile' Exile Exile' Exile' Exile Exile' Exile Exile Exile Exile' Exile' Exile Exile Exile' Exile Exile' Exile Exile' Name of Tested Cow. Ark 101164 Barbara D. 154370 Barbara E. 206T48 Barbara il. 193821 Beauty 61230 Belle 40624 Bessie 49985 Best Daughter 106401 Briar Coquette 161536 Butterball 65152 Calista 114757 Camelia 93668 Claribel 107507 Clio 108124 Cluster 175989 Cluster's Belle 212041 Cluster's Exile 211901 Coquette of St. L. 161406 Coquette of St. L. 4th 173065. Daffodil 94808 Dainty 107608 Daisy 46886 Dell 67533 Dewdrop 106104 Dido B. 153276 Dolly 67452 Dumbella 79452 Echo 111276 Effie 40526 Elf 111811 Emsie 147467 Etta 130771 Euphorbia 107926 Fair Maid 101156 Fawn 40979 Flo 167280 Flossie 116608 Gem of C. H. 107807 Gem's Exile 190779 Giulia 146355 Golden Barbara 176831 Golden Ivy Leaf 186033 Gracie 89447 : Graziella 157832 Gretchen 79245 Harriet 100716 Hazel 85181 Helen 61261 Hugo King 163083 Hugo Lassie 162391 Hugo Maiden 152392 lanthe 107085 Insie 107606 lone 111105 Jessamine 111104 Kalmia 111647 Kite 100834 1 Kosi 107606 Lady Alexis 79112 Lady Angela 46882 ; Lady Boon 163078 ; Lady Boon's Exile 184176 . . ; Lady Lambert 206087 1 Lady Livingston 107936 i Lady Matilda 152314 14 17 18 17 16 32 18 16 23 15 14 ' IS 20 18 21 17 18 19 80 19 16 16 14 18 23 19 14 15 15 14 19 17 17 14 15 14 16 17 18 16 30 19 15 19 16 16 15 14 19 22 15 15 16 14 14 18 14 16 14 15 18 19 19 14 33 Butter. Sire. ' Page. 9.5 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 51 8 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48328 156 4 Raccoon's Exile 32745 150 6 Raccoon's Exile 32745 150 3 Exile's Duke 19795 63 6 Exile of St. LTmbert 13657 61 12.5 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 51 9 Exile of St. L-mbert 13657 51 13 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48238 156 4 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 51 4 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 61 6 Duke of Holley 18644 42 11.5 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 51 10.5 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 51 2 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48228 156 8 Raccoon's Exile 32745 150 6 Raccoon's Exile 33745 150 3 10 10.25 E 4 E Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48228.. Rioter of St. Lambert Jr. 66580. Duke of Holley 18644 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 Exile of St. Lambert 13667 le of St. Lambert 13667 le of St. Lambert 13657 156 155 43 51 51 51 51 3.5 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48328 156 7.5 Exile 11 Exile 9.75 Exile 3 Exile 7.25 Exile 12 of St. Lambert 13657 51 of St. Lambert 13657 51 of St. Lambert 13657 51 of St. Lambert 13667 51 of St. Lambert 13657 51 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48228 156 Young Exile 37539 199 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 51 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 51 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 51 10.7 'Woodside Exile 64584 197 12 12 10 4 6 Exile of St. Lambert 136E7... Exile of Sunnyside 38721 Exile's Reformer 3d 60118 Exile of Chestnut Fawn 33199. 51 53 63 50 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48238 156 Raccoon's Exile 33745 160 ... Exile of St. Lambert 13657. ... King Rioter of St. L. 49958. ... Exile of St. Lambert 13657. 6.35 Exile of St. Lambert 13657. 15.5 13 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 4.5 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 3 St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896 3 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48238 156 2 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48228 156 51 95 51 51 61 61 163 5.5 Exile of St. 8 Exile of St. 10 Exile of St. 1.75 Exile of St. 15 Exile of St. 7 Exile of St. 2.5 Exile of St. 4.75 Exile of St. 11 Exile of St. 10 Rioter's Exile Lambert 13657 Lambert 13667 Lambert 13657 Lambert 13657 Lambert 13657 Lambert Lambert Lambert Lambert of St, 13657. .. 13657. . . 13657... 13657... L. 48328. 6 1 12 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 156 53 Exile's Reformer 3d 60118 Raccoon's Exile 32745 150 Exile of St, Lambert 19th 30203... 53 •Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48228 156 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authent'cated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 227 Exile' Exile^ Exile Exile' Exile' Exile Exile Exile' Exile' Exile' Exile Exile Exile Exile Jlxile Exile Exile Exile Exile Exile' Exile' Exile' Exile Exile Exile Exile' Exile Exile Exile' Exile' Exile' Exile' Exile' Exile Exile' Exile' Exile Exile' Exile Exile' Exile Exile Exile' Exile Exile Name of Tested Cow. s Lady of Park Farm 111799 16 s Lady Palestine 107686 s Lady Sarah 107938 s Lady Star 63943 s Lizzie 61477 s Lucile 65151 s Lucy 46883 s Lulu 49984 s Marjoram 107503 s Mary B. 145753 s Maud Coquette 143807 s Maximum 145705 s May 53765 s Merrideer 112179 s Miss March 181049 s Moss Rose 101155 5 Myrtle 2d 94446 s Nancy 92030 s Nina 40522 s Ona 106212 s Onnalinda 65189 s Oonan Fancy 186832 s Orensa 135815 s Pansy 79800 s Pauline 37530 s Penelope 77182 s Pomona 111106 s Rachel Torment 175833 s Ramona 111109 s Rioter Letty 2d 173384 s Rosa 66552 s Rosalie 111648 s Rowena 111107 s Rubea 123194 s St. Jeannaise 122816 St. Lambert Queen 101613.... s Sappho 114362! 25 Fable 63520 Fadette of Canaan 14807 Fadette of 'Verna 3d 11122 Fadette Signal 39473 Fadette Signal's Queen 109381. 14 17 16 14 14 15 •163 15 33 •33 16 15 14 16 15 17 14 15 21 16 17 15 17 16 18 17 19 16 21 14 15 21 18 14 31 ;'s Signal Belle 2d 106097 19 Sonia 111645 14 Star of Athens 117563 15 Success 49986 17 Tamara 118796 17 Torenia 133198 18 Viola M. 214288 ' 19 Volie 111283 31 Experience 62458 33 , Ex Presage 128639 15 Express 69674 18 Express' Grey Pogis 184633 "17 Extract 3d 85261 14 Extricate 119442 14 36 16 32 20 16 Fair Dairy-maid 39839 14 Fair Fancy Signal 116565 18 Fair Fortune-Teller 160837 *17 Fair Huntress 98086 16 Fair Lady 6722 1 18 Fair Maiden of Lawn 106817 18 Fair Marigold 89387 18 Fair Starlight 7746 17 Butter. 4 14 10 0.35... Sire. Page. Nell's Exile of St. L. 28395 126 Exile of St. Lambert 13667 51 Exile's St. John 20202 54 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 51 8.5 Exile of St. Lambert 13657. 6 Exile of St. Lambert 13657. 7.75 Exile of St. Lambert 13657. 1 (90 d.).. Exile of St. Lambert 13657. 9 Exile of St. Lambert 13657. 51 51 51 51 62 0.5 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48228 156 4 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48338 150 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48338 166 4.26 Exile of St. Lambert 13667 53 7.5 Exile of Filston 38537 50 6 Exile of Belvidere 63743 60 4 Exile of St. Lambert 13667 52 13.5 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 62 7 Exile of St. Lambert 13667 52 11.5 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 62 14 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 52 1.6 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 62 0.6 Raccoon's Exile 33745...: 160 9 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 62 13 .. .. Exile of St. Lambert 4th 17196... 52 15 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 52 3.75 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 63 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 52 2 Rioter's Exile of St, L. 48228 156 8.75 Exile of St. Lambert 13667 52 3 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48228 156 0.6 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 52 Exile of St, Lambert 13667 62 3.25 Exile of St. Lambert 13667 52 3.6 Young Exile 37539 199 9.5 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 63 7.35 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 63 6 Exile of St. Lambert 13667 52 13 Oonan's Harry 35877 133 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 53 8 Sapolio's Exile 33446 164 6.5 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 52 2 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 53 Young Exile 37639 190 4 Raccoon's Exile 33745 150 8 Exile of St. Lambert 13667 53 13 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 5 Coomassie's Triple King 37939 30 5 Gold Ridge 18961 68 4.3 Adams' Express 64136 1 6 Petit 'Victor 24788 140 5.6 Lanison's Exile 36306 100 5.25 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13666 81 1.6 Wanderer 3014 195 8.5 Wanderer 3014 195 14.6 Chief of the Miamis 2968 25 3 Croton's Signal 17614 33 8 Kenilworth 8091 90 2.76 Signal's Odelio 33001 169 1.3 Bluster's Tormentor 53669 14 11 Texas Tartar 37513 182 Guy Mannering 698 71 12 Diploma 16319 38 1-5 Major Appel Pogis 17861 110 7.5 King of Fairview 778 93 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked Dy a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 228 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Fairy Bellana 145668 19 Fairy Kingbolt 318277 *14 Fairy Le Brocq 16283 14 Fairy of Eau Claire 128596 14 Fairy of Verna 2d 10973 20 Fairy Oxford 66679 17 Fairy Queen of St. Brelade's 7464 19 Fairy Spot 1312S3 14 Fairy's Sophie 176662 14 Fairy Star 115113 16 Faith of Cloverdale 29277 14 Faith of Eau Claire 120456 22 Faith of Oaklands 19696 17 Faith of Pittsf ord 2d 107716 15 Fall Colt 103940 14 Fall Leaf 8687 14 Fall Leaf's Heiress 54454 16 False Step 69647 15 FanSletta 154919 15 Fancy Adonis 103217 14 Fancy Alice 106402 Fancy Bee 37496 Fancy Christmas Night 128730 Fancy Iliana 165337 Butter. Siee. Lanison's Exile 36306 2.4 Kingbolt of Bolton 58524. 3 Le Brocq's Prize 3350 14 Melia Ann's Son 22041 3.75 Wanderer 3014 7.5 Oxford Pride 19160 7.25 Sweepstakes' Duke ■ 1905 . . . 12 7 6 2 12 14 15 17 20 Fancy Juno 6086 15 Fancy Lucile 133428 18 Fancy Maud Toltec 114046 14 Fancy Meme 79748 16 Fancy Milicent 7^(^69 14 Fancy Nenita ^^2 17 Fancy Ona 34867 15 Fancy PMox 49662... i 14 Fancy Rater 140826.. ( .i... 16 Fancy's Clifford 129298 ././.... 17 Fancy's Gem 41797 '. 14 Fancy's Gem 2d 86342 '. 16 Fancy's Gem 4th 86348 14 Fancy's Harry's Sadie 77202 14 Fancy's Maybee 104383 15 Fancy's Miamotto 104387 15 Fancy's Moyane 122270 16 Fancy's Nienchen 104377 16 Fancy's Pet 36013 16 Fancy's Pet 2d 86912 14 Fancy S. E. 114030 14 Fancy Torment 56273 ■. 14 Fancy Wax 37169 19 Fancy Wax 2d 83357 14 Fancy Wax 3d 86345 21 Fancy Work 116422 18 Fandango 12908 Fanella 2d 64578 Fanetica 73805 Fanfare 49927 Fanfare 2d 119780 Fanfare 2d's Oonan 163882. Fanita Coomassie 150096.... Fannie Bugler 19962 Fannie Landseer 1969 18 15 16 16 15 16 15 15 16 Fannie's Fairy 67304 19 Fanny B. of Orange 171310 29 Fanny Mason 45992 18 Fanny of Cream Brook 13930 17 Fanny of Yerba Buena Sd 10689 14 Fanny Taylor 6714 15 8, H.C 12 Hilario St. Lambert 32623. Sophie's Khedive 52368 .. . Zamorah's Pogis 29185 Duke of Cloverdale 6994.. Melia Ann's Son 22041 Princeof the Valley 2d, P.S. Pendexter 30918 8 Marjoram's Rioter 2d 34603 8 Lord Lawrence 1414 2 Prince of Melrose 4819 7 Compass 16958 9 Fancy's Harry 6th 24768 9.5 Fancy's Harry 9777 11 . 5 Old Tenella's Signal 34802 8 Fancy's Harry 9777 1.5 Fancy's Harry Jr. 24649 10 Fancy's Jubilee 25205 10 Red Cloud 2d 2260 4 Fancy's Harry 6th 24768 16 Fancy Toltec 21167 12 Fancy's Harry 6th 24768 3.5 Fancy's Landseer 12996 6.5 Fancy's Harry 9777 0.5 Pedro of the Valley 8750 3 Fancy's Harry 9777 " 11.5 Romp Ogden 5th's Harry 34640 10.5 Fancy's Harry 6th 24768 15 Fancy's Landseer 12996 4 Landseer's Pogis 15847 Landseer's Pogis 16847 14 Fancy's Harry 9777.. 14 Fancy Ethleel's Pogis 30026 12 Fancy Ethleel's Pogis 30026 4.5 Oonan's Pogis 17166 2 Fancy Ethleel's Pogis 30025 4 Fancy's Landseer 12996 1 .' Landseer's Pogis 15847 14.5 Fancy Toltec 21167 8.5 Fancy's Landseer 12996 3.5 Fancy's Harry 9777 5.5 Landseer's Pogis 15847 9.75 Landseer's Pogis 16847 2 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 5 Top-Sawyer 1404 , 6 Young Pedro 9033 8 King of Belair 21315 Daisy's Signal 12954 12.5 Fancy's Harry 2d 20199 3.76 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 3 King Coomassie 2d 19545 2 Bugler 2127 9 Landseer 331 8 Gold of St. Lambert 16744 4.9 Mapleton 49283 5.85 Chendado 18966 8 Waxy 2116 14 Victor of Yerba Buena 3809 12 Signal 1170 Page, 109 91 101 iir ' 195- 135. 180 75- 17? 800' 41 iir 147 140 lis; lOS 14S 29- 55- 55- 131 55- 55- 56- 150 55- 56- 65- 5S 55 13& 55. 157 55.. 5S 9» 9» 55- 54 54- 138 54 56- 99^ 56- 55- 99' 9» 81 186. 199 9S 34 55- 13S 9Z IT 9» 6S , 111 2S , 196 . 194 . 166 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 229 Name of Tested Cow. Butter. Fan of Grouville 7468 15 Pan's Grouville Beauty 10079 19 3 Fantine 1271 16 6 Fantine of Guilford 64480 19 1 Tarada 2d 111389 18 13 Parmer's Pride 12284 15 4 Parmer's Rose of Biltmore 194485 15 12 Par Rockaway's Queen 166070 15 4.5 ... Fashion Plate 62467 16 10.6 .., Fatality 101038 20 Tatima of Ramblewood 136120 16 1 Pauchon 2d 18200 14 9 Faultless 12018 17 5.6 . . Faustina Rioter 119237 18 7.25.. Paustine 10364 14 14.5.. Fauvette Peaceful 126328 18 10 Favorite of Avon 13438 17 7.78.. Favorite of the Elms 1656, imp 16 4 Favorite Rajah Rex 16163 15 4 Fawn of Ingleside 69649 17 Fawn of St. Lambert 27942 571 Fawn's Easter Lily 170338 11642 Sire. Page. Sans-Peur, F.S. 201, H.C 164 Le Brocq's Prize 3350 101 Rajah 340 130 Morgan Victor Hugo 15330 124 Alfonso 2d 34264 3 Farmer's Glory 5196 56 Trevarth 39280 190 Exile's Nora Boy 66410 53 Michael Angelo 10116 121 Escape 23542 47 Vit's Rambler 49906 195 Pilot, P.S. 183, C 141 Pasha, P.S. 64, C 136 Rioter of Kirkland 35811 164 Mopsus 1166 124 Fauvette's Boy, P.S. 1735, H.C... 57 Grey King, P.S. 169, H.C 70 Fawn Tormentor of Lawn 71639 Fay Landseer 153317 Fay Signal 2d 134018 Pear Not 6059 Fear Not 2d 6061 Fedora of Greenwood 46892 Felsticea 17083 Pena Eric 69137 Fenella of Bolton 2d 116768 Fennel of Glynllyn 109766 Permentor 2d's Pet 114603 Fern Leaflet 88932 Pern Leaflet 2d 117303 Pern of Florence 164626 *660 Fernside 113278 15 Pernwood Echo 196342 *350 Pernwood Fairy 180604 *426 Fidelia 6817, imp 14 Fides 2d 1576 Figgis 76106 Figgis 2d 120186 Figgis 2d of Hood Farm 171661 Figgis 3d of Hood Farm 171662 *546 Figgis 5th of Hood Farm 171654 *348 Figgis 8th of Hood Farm 175779 "SSO Figgis 11th of Hood Farm 177352 *343 Figgis 17th of Hood Farm 188308 *460 Figgis 20th of Hood Farm 190306 *557 Figgis 27th of Hood Farm 196930 *498 Piggis,28th of Hood Farm 198779 *367 Figgis 29th of Hood Farm 201845 •338 Figgis 31st of Hood Farm 202311 *366 Pillacy of. Westonook 185888 *645 Fillmore's Dainty 165042 15 Fillmore's Dozy- 165188 15 Fillpail 16630 15 Fill Pail 2d 24388 20 Pill Pail's Countess 24462 22 Fill Pail's Nancy 95435 18 Financial Countess 155100 •935' Fireside 76194 17 First Prize 95323 15 Flashy Jessie 9722 17 Rex 1330 163 Duke of Ingleside 14274 42 Bachelor of St. Lambert 4558 7 Wanderer's Klondike 48797 195 Tormentor's John 14715 188 Landseer's Picture 54226 99 Moyane's Tormentor 21690 125 Sans-Peur, F.S. 201, H.C 164 Bobby, on I. of J 14 Kinsman of Greenwood 12881 96 Squire Deerfoot 7835 175 E. F. Eric 21330 153 Tennessee of Bolton ajs08 182 Pogis of Shadow Brook 27926 ...■-... 143 Tancreda's Signal King 35742 ..'.... 181 Bradley Pogis 22891 15 Meridale Defiance 31344 119 (1 yr.) . . Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041 88 Asterisk's Stoke Pogis 29182 6 Sir Hadley J. 68945 171 Bishop of Mass. 56663 11 6 (1 yr.) . . 15 (mk., 1 yr.) 2 12 4 7 3 10 4 8 4 7 3 7 12 (1 yr.) . (lyr.). 14 ♦18 15 379 14.6 2.5 9 10 13.2 9 5 g'.S 11 15 12.2 3.6 9.6 11 2 8 3 10 2.5 4 15 (1 yr.) . (1 yr.) . (1 yr.) . (lyr).. (1 yr.) . (1 yr.) . (lyr.). (1 yr.) . (1 yr.) . (lyr.). (lyr.). (lyr.). (1 yr.) . Hannibal 618 72 Sophie's Tormentor 20833 173 Haltec 32113 71 Hood Farm Pogis 9th 55652 77 Hood Farm Pogis 9th 55552 77 Hood Farm Pogis 9th 65563 77 Hood Farm Pogis 9th 56652 77 Hood Farm Pogis 9th 66562 77 Hood Farm Pogis 9th 65653 77 Hood Farm Pogis 9th 55563 77 Hood Farm Pogis 9th 55562 77 Hood Farm Pogis 9th 65552 77 Hood Farm Pogis 9th 56552 77 Hood Farm Pogis 9th 55552 77 Meridale Victor Hugo 4th 57237... 120 Fillmore's Otis 59334 57 Fillmore's Otis 59334 57 Intrepid 5511 : . . 84 King, P.S. 238, C 91 Count St. George 8403 32 Fill Pail's Duke 24660 57 Financial King 57788 57 June Pogis 19872 89 Spokane 23440 175 Flash 2532 58 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is •estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter The old ofiic;a] butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 230 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Fleda Badger Girl 101416 Fleece 185G8 Fleecy Princess 40342 Fleeter 61921 Fleurette of Linwood 12918 Flight of Willow Farm 24783.... Flor 99226 Flora 113, imp Flora B. 12446 Flora Lee 13294 Flora Lee of Tennessee 7694... Flora Lee R. 173461 Flora of Hamilton 55723 Flora of Meridale 124427 Flora of St. Peter's 8622 Flora Pansy 2d 78678 Flora Rex Carlo 2d 103140 Butter. 14 17 16 16 16 20 17 511 ...... 14 14 10 17 ]G 17 16 15 j8 Flora Temple 3d 40086 •171 Florence Billot 7849 Florence Melia Ann 1C6191 Florence of Elma 205355 Florence of Hunt Farm 194551. Florence of St. Lambert 95192.. Floret 9969 Floribundus 2d 14949 Florine of Biltmore 130209 Florine Value 2d 80910 Floiodora B. 161116 Florrie May Baker 10728 Florry Keep 6556 14 21 15 17 16 17 18 14 15 20 14 14 Flory of the Oaks 8141, imp 14 Flotilla St. Helier 166198 Flower of Glen Rouge 17660 Flower of Glen Rouge 2J 55569. Flower of Linden Lea 155318... Flower of Maiilla 134036 Flower of Meridale 64637 Fluff of St. Lambert 102146 18 14 16 26 18 Flying Fox's Gertie 173803 *484 Fontaine of St. Saviour 180243 16 Fontaine's Brownie 185409 16 Fontaine's Oxford Belle 180250- 17 Foolish 64069 17 Forest Queen 12229 16 Forget-me-not 5809 .. ; 15 Forget Me Not O 10564 16 Forsaken 7520 16 Forty-Four 139090 16 Founder's Beth 94109 15 Founder's Pet 94107 17 Fountain of Wealth 106464 14 Foxie N. 192276 15 Fox's Belle of Grouville 180279 21 Fragrance 4059 15 Fragrance 4th 16509 14 Frances C. Magnet 22904 14 Frances Eric 148908 IS Frances -T. 141084 14 Francesville 63367 16 Francesville 2d 99307 16 Frankie's Lass 24900 17 Frankness 62461 18 Freda of Meridale 130606 16 13.5 11.5 13.5 12 0.5 Sire. Page. Winder 29955 197 The Hub 1009 183 Prince of Melrose 4819 146 Prince of MeIfose,4819 146 Top-Sawyer 1404 186 O'Malley 6441 132 Hussar 23890 79 (350 d.). 4 4.5 10.8 2 1.0 (90 d.). 13 2 4 12 6 8 io 1.5 7 ,8 14 .Uncle Toby Brown 5814 Samson Jr. 2723 Dande 1566 He of St, Lambert 41604 Rioter of Briarcliff 13740 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169. Prince, on I. of J Tormentor Jr. 15005 Fancy Farmer 12181 Color Blind 16861 Sweepstakes Duke 1906 Melia Ann's Son 22041 General Polo 62795 George B. Jr. 52689 Meridale Pauline Pogis 26133... Superb 1956 Victor, P.S. 148, H.C Tormentor's Harry 29920 Jersey King 9468 Temisia's Son 60161 Thorndale 2682 Ralph 957 66 6 (30 d.).. .75. .6 . 14. 13. 8 6 11.5 7 0.1 (lyr.). 10 Friar's Duke's Ethel 136852. 19 0.6 16 8 4 1 4 8 2 5 7 13.6 10 15.5 6 10 3.5 4 2 11 14 Titus S. 61426 Lord McDuff 6147 Canada's John Bull 3d 17750 Oaklands Nora's Meri Boy 47632. Champion of Glen Rouge 43241... Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169.. Ruby's St. Lambert 20878 Golden Fern's Fox C2458 John Bull, P.S. 2653, C Eminent's Raleigh 69011 Caiest, P.S. 2691, H.C Romp's Tormentor 7126 Champion of America 1567 Sweepstakes Duke 1905 Compeer 2367 Cockade 1979 Gen. Jamont 42212 Founder 20928 Founder 20928 Winder 29955 Glffar's Pedro 57406 Champion Flying Fox 61441 Albert 44 . Cornelius 4204 Champion Magnet 6480 Pedro of Waterford 60630 Diploma's Combination 39962 Sigraldo Alexis 15061 . Spokane 23440 , , . Cobden 1871 Stoke Pogis 6th 5987 Garfield's Black Prince 24548 Dalton 20117 Friar's Duke 36416 191 ■ 164 35 83 164 79 144 187 64 28 180 117 62 62 120 180 193 188 86 181 183 150 184 106 19 131 22 79 160 66 87 47 18 168 22 180 29 27 61 69 59 197 60 21 2 31 22 138 39 167 175 27 177 60 34 69 . N. B — Confirmed butter-tes's and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estnnpted on the bas's of 86% fat in butier. The old officia' butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 231 Name of Tested Cow. Friar's Lady 36119 14 Fricka 86450 15 Friendship 62460 17 15 17 14 15 16 17 17 14 14 15 15 Fringe 16875 Frisky Elsie 81590 Frisky Miss 18572 Friz Cam 14655 Frolic of Chestnutwood 19406. Frolic's Pride 31667 Frugal 14926 Fruitland May 93002 Frushia Wilson 47432 Fugue 169889 Fulda Stoke Pogis 44992 Butter. Sire. Page. 2.5 Grey Friar 7627 : 70 2.5 Croton's Signal 17614 33 . 3 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656.- 81 Forget-me-not 6291 59 1.5 Tamaroa Rex 18604 181 Lord Longford 3997 106 7 Camerlengo 3012 Mahkeenac 3290 Mahkeen-c 3290 2.75 Pasha, P.S. 64, C 6 Robert of Green Lawn 27007. 4.5 Little Harry 8808 14 Gilderoy King 62686 8 19 110 110 136 157 103 64 Yankee Stoke Pogis 15904 198 Gabriel Champion 14102 17 Gaffar's Suebell 190763 17 Gailie Gifford 149641 *679 Gail Rivers 135684 18 Gala 1375, imp 16 Galvinarda 173343 19 Gambetta's Topsy 42376 16 Gamboge's Gray Princess 180266 18 Gamma 4147 14 Gardiner's Ripple 11693 19 Garella 62541 23 Garfield Golden Pogis 148472 14 Garfield's Princess 62544.. Garibaldi's Kate 2d 56478. 22 18 Garnet of Brondale 141885-. "16 Gavotte 64205 Gay Butterfly 132664. Gay Girlie 114485 Gay Nan 2d 169785.. . Gay Nun 131015 Gay Riotress 106999. Gazania 4513 8 Champion of America 1567.. 12 . 5 Garfield's Gaffar 46803 14.8 (lyr.).. Tormentor's St. Clare 46493. 11 Seneca's Victor 24086 15 14 15 15 18 Gay Orphan 26985 , *134 16 14 Gazella 3d 9365 761 Gazellathirdella 89407 Gazelle 15961 Gazelle of Cherry Farm 153717.. Gazelle of Mobile 1735, imp Gazelle's Fawn 93704 Gazelle's Tillie 170196 Gazelle W. of St. L. 156799 Gean Marigold 130167 Gelatine 3d 114631 Gem Nehushta 73258 Gem of Clover H. Farm 163603. Gem of Ellasleigh 38632 Gem of Hope 17102 Gem of St. Cloud 7342 Gem of Sassafras 8434 Gem's Cotton 131114 Gem's Louisa 39664..... Gem's Maid 166985 Gem's Rosetta 135437 General's Hilda 118984 Geneva 13220 , . . . Geneva M.'s Fancy 104917 Geneva S. 57170 Genevieve Rose 112950 Gentle of Glastonbury 4651 Georgiadear 11508 16 14 15 14 25 19 15 20 2^ 15 *14 16 21 14 14 16' 17 15 16 14 15 16 15 14 14 18 Edgardo 50703 5 Gambetta M. 10013 Houp-La, P.S. 3793, H.C Milo 590 6 Allegany Chief 3918 Garfield Stoke Pogis 15963 .- Garfield's Gaffar 46803 Garfield Stoke Pogis 16963 5 Boss of the Cedars 17712 4 Combat 35623 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13668 ,5 Koffee's Welcome 39347 Lexboro' 35022 75 Matilda's Lord Pogis 40609 Actor, P.S. 2256, H.C 8(90d.).. Orphan, P.S 256, C .■ Imperial Rex Rioter 34096 Duke of Grayholdt 1035 (lyr.).. Compo Boy 2830 Gazella's Signal 15600 Koffee, F.S. 333, H.C King of St. Lambert's King 30752. 5 King of St. Lambert 15175 Matilda's Euroto Pogis 50109.. Gazelle's King of St. L. 49640. Mercurial Chief 39897 Henry Hudson 27970 Rioter of Brookside 18702 7 Johnnie Toots 49963 Signaldine 8566 Knight of St. Louis 3680 5 Tristram Shandy 1767 5 Duke of Sassafras 2431 King Cotton 26391 Louis of St. Lambert 11013 .. . Ba-'-elor of Mcridale 40730 Minerva's Pogis 30086 Geix ral Signal 27185 Farmer's Glory 5196 5 Pride's Landseer 18690 5 Sue's Signal 144'i7 Miss Lily C.'s Rioter 36026 Hughes 954 Cargo 5370 60 188 165 45 60 78 122 4 60 60 60' 15 28 82 97 102 116 1 136 83 42 30 61 97 94 93 116 61 119 74 154 87 167 97 190 44 93 108 7 132 62 56 144 180 123 7S 20 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authent-'nated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. "Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 232 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Gecrgie's Mary 3d 130941 14 Georgie's Mary 4th 157798 IS Geranium M 7838 86 Geranium Leaf 2d 56869 22 Geranium of Florence 18014S *488 Gertie Alexandra 151595 *473 Gertie Alexandra 8d 188813 *337 Gertie Girletta 169745 16 Gertie Hazel Fern 168675 *400 Gertie Hugo 159747 S6 Gertie lyuna 188804 *447 Gertie Marigold 160785 18 Gertie Melia Ann 151696 80 Gertie of Beechlands 2d 189588 *491 Gertie of Eau Claire 180019 15 Gertie of Glynllyn 74474 81 Gertie's Black Beauty 176961 *544 Gertie's Brown Bessie 175476 *663 Gertie's Comba 184966 '411 Gertie's Lily 196749 *608 Gertie's Sister 151594 *465 Butter, 12.5 4.75 7 (1 yr.) . 3.5 (lyr.). 3.3 (lyr.). 13 1.6 (lyr.). i (1 yr.) . 2.7 5.5 1 12 7 2.5 10 13 (lyr.). Gertie Victor Pogis 100922 . . . Gertie Zimmer 159748 Gertrude A. 130949 Gertrude of Meridale 170976. Gerty of Peach Hill 77773 . . . Gift 39901 Gilda 2779 Gilda Mercedes H. 14461 Gilded Pansy 20652 Gilded Queen 42089 Gildercream 39480 Gilderine of Linwood 24488.. Gilderoy Maiden 149626 Gilderoy P. 16 22 16 16 14 21 14 14 15 14 17 15 17 15 Gilderoy's Enid 32924 14 Gilderoy's Idex 42027 19 Gilderoy's Silver 2d 82449 14 Gilfilia Pogis 38688 14 Gilt Edge 2d 4420 14 Gilt Edge C. 12223 1 14 Giltedge Signal Queen 69665 17 Giltedge Thrifty Bess 92021 19 Gilt Lady 2d 33969 14 Gingerbread 5th 37681 18 Gipsy 5th 2262 17 Gipsy Bess of Prospect 96928 22 Gipsy Pogis 35422 18 Gipsy's Berry Duchess 86124 28 Gipsy's Pride 2d 29365 27 Gipsy's Riotress 62482 17 Gipsy W. 132879 21 Girletta 61472 17 Girletta 4th 109264 15 Girlie's Glory 46305 15 Girlie's Matilda 122948 15 Girlie's N. C. Tones 170806 *427 Girlie's Rachel 122811 15 Girlie's Theda 122815 15 Girl of Perry 128599 ,. 19 Girl's Daisy 52983 15 Giulietta Cooke 32193 21 G. K. M.'s Pinafore 175887 15 Gladdis Roy 18566 17 Gladdis Roy 2d 65652 18 (1 yr.) . (1 yr.) . 1.9 (lyr.). 13 (lyr.). 3.5 (lyr.). 3 11 12 7 , 2.5 6 6 Sire. Page. Sensa's Pride 44155 165 Sensa's Pride 44155 165 Signal 1170 166 Leonidas' Germ 14289 102 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041 88 Gen. Jamont 42212 61 Marigold St. Helier 52657 112 Gen. Jamont 42218 61 Journalist 53641 88 Gen. Jamont 42212 61 Portland Prospect 61919 143 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 Gen. Jamont 42212 61 Gertie's Stoke Pogis 56492 63 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 Ramapose's Bachelor 25900 151 Gertie's Stoke Pogis 56492 63 Gertie's Stoke Pogis 56492 63 Combination Golden Lad 59292 29 Gertie's Stoke Pogis 56492 63 Fairview Prince 43904 54 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697... 118 Gen. Jamont 42212 61 Matilda 5th's Stoke Pogis 31342... 114 Garfield's Gaiftr 46803 60 Young Weston 18439 200 Rioter Hugo Pogis 13457 154 32 39 22 63 63 65 50 Critic 540 8 Discard H. 6763 5 Champion of America 1667 9.5. Gilderoy 2107 Gilderoy 2107 7 Gold Basis 4038 12 Exile of Meadowbrook 43825 3 Stoke Pogis' Perfection 5984 179 4 Gilderoy 2107 63 Gilderoy 2107 63 3.6 Quintuple Victor Pogis 22343 160 2.5 Stoke Pogis 5th 6987 177 Nelusko 479 127 3.5 Champion of America 1667 22 10 Thrifty Lad 18313 183 13 Thrifty Lad 18313 183 7 Lord Darlington 7285 104 9.75 St. Jacob 6438 161 2 Napoleon 291 126 10.6 Gipsy's Lome Pogis 20346 64 7 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 146 6.25 Berry 26432 10 12 Tuscarora of Clermont 7232 191 8 Duke of Ingleside 14274 42 4 King of St. Lambert's King 30752. 94 2 Crocker 19563 32 8.5 Glynllyn Boy 22396 64 Coomassie Welcome 9279 30 8.5 Girlie's Albert 40567 64 1.4 (lyr.).. Girlie's Albert 40567 64 1-5 Girlie's Albert 40567 64 6.5 Girlie's Albert 40567 64 2 Exile's Successor 42716 54 10.5 Rococo 8791 157 13-5 Seneca Chief 4098 165 9 Gazelle's King Marigold 66201 61 13.6 Catono 3761 21 18 Gold Basis 5th 15726 66 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tes's and authent-cated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat m butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dauger (+) All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces INDEX TO TESTED COWS 233 Name of Tested Cow. Gladdys Gaily 20878 16 Gladys of Belle Vue 9569 , 16 Gladys of Foxhall 147113 14 Gladys Yakna 100801 *14 Glenfield 125637 Glenna Marigold 143337 Glenna Melia Marigold 176857 BUTTEK. 1.38 7 17 16 14 Glennie M. Victor Pogis 151290 15 Glen's Festina ,25851 17 Glenwood Lulie 114966 15 Glenwood's Little Goldie 190856 14 Glenwood's Little Wonder 183360 15 Gloriana Marigold 176687 16 Glory of Elmarch 21521 13 Goddess of Staatsburgh 5252 14 Gold Baby 105745 17 Gold Badger 67301 16 Gold Drop's Maud 115575 16 18 14 22 18 16 Gold Ear 2d 3592. Golden Arbutus 171591 Golden Beatrice 157326 Golden Blaze's Anemone 139478. Golden Blaze's Rose 139479 Golden Blaze's Rosy 1495^. 14 Golden Blyth's Lady 140595 15 Golden Chief's Olga 188817 *492 Golden Creole 171508 14 Golden Dewdrop 96551 23 Golden Espagnole 149414 16 Golden Eve 187642 *14 Golden Fern's Rainbow 161068 15 Golden Firefly 178278 1126 Golden Francie 136363 20 Golden Gem of St. L. 81167 15 Golden Glow 129238 18 Golden Glow 3d 179951 *562 Golden Grandelloe 174825 •448 Golden Grand Olga 160904 •647 Golden Kate L. of Biltmore 178864 14 Golden Kola 127232 17 Golden Lactea 157643 *660 Golden Lad Brown Beauty 146272 15 Golden Lad's Bounty 190550 , *14 Golden Lad,'s Commilla 192955 15 Golden Lad's Daisy 136499 19 Golden Lad's Dame 174430 ^384 Golden Lad's Grinnella 191172 15 Golden Lad's Margaret 190991 14 Golden Lad's Matilda 179722 *430 Golden Lad's Rosaire 115227 14 Golden Lady Bug 91412 14 Golden Lass of St. John's 149150 16 Golden Love's Garland 146088'. 14 Golden Marie Vale 183271 ' 18 Golden Marigold Queen 190002 •395 Golden Marsh 173431 *477 Golden Massey Polo 168693 *506 Golden Minerva 182249 •534 Golden Naiad 161052 Golden Ora 127228 Golden Peter's Rose 159086. Golden Plover 22388 Golden Princess 4657 Golden Sheen 25561 Golden Skin 10861 18 16 18 20 18 14 16 15 4 10 7 13.5 8 12 7 6.5 0.75 13 10 15 9.4 30 13.75 3 14.5 9 (mk. 14 3 3 3.3 (lyr 9.6 (lyr. 10.8 (1 yr, 15 8.5 yr yr 6.6 (1 9 3.8 2 2 8.9 7 9 14.75 7 3 13 6.7 (lyr. 6.6 (1 yr, 7 (1 yr, 3.9 (lyr. 1.5 1.5 10 1.75 14 4.5 70 178 118 118 116 41 66 90 Sire. Page. Tormentor 3533 186 Lord Lawrence 1414 106 Titus S. 51426 184 Yakna 34056 198 Guenon, P.S. 1998, C Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 2d 53696.. Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697 May's Pedro 8688 Duchess' Monarch 27303 Golden Lad of Glenwood Farm 62057 Keystone of Highland 53089 Marigold Chief 2d 60459 HI Philidor, P.S. 276, H.C 140 Vermont 893 192 Gold Bugler 20036 66 Gold of St. Lambert 16744 68 Sunmaid's Gold Drop 34272 180 Brookside 1104 " 18 Lucerne's Oomph 54969 108 Golden Lad, P.S. 1242, H.C 66 Golden Blaze 49474 65 Golden Blaze 49474 65 Golden Blaze 49474 60 Golden Blyth 49215 60 Chief Engineer 47148 24 Lucerne's Oomph 54969 108 Gold Coast Jr. 9217 65 Golden Grand 53658 66 Greylock of Rosenvec 63847 70 Imp. Golden Fern's Lad 65300 83 Golden Fox 62166 66 Nobleman, P.S. 2071, C 129 Nestor of St. Lambert 22385 127 Reminder, P.S. 2052, C 153 Journalist 53541 88 Grand Coin 59791 Golden Grand 63658 Golden Love 49475 Golden Lad, P.S. 1242, H.C Golden Grand 53658 Golden Lad, P.S. 1242, H.C Golden Lad's Carlo 57736 Combination Golden Lad 59292.. Golden Lad 2d, P.S. 2023, H.C... Grand Coin 59791 Golden Lad's Carlo 57736 Golden Lad's Carlo 57736 Combination Golden Lad 59292.. Golden Lad, P.S. 1242, H.C Gold Coast Jr. 9217 Golden Lad, P.S. 1242, H.C Golden Love 49475 Golden Lad of Glenworth 59682... 66 Marigold St. Helier 52657 112 Golden Grand 53658 66 Golden Grand 53668 66 Rosebay's Golden of Biltmore 64233 168 Golden Lad, P.S. 1242, H.C 66 Golden Lad, P.S. 1242, H.C 66 Golden Lad of St. Peter's 57223... 66 Easter Boy 3032 45 M«cot 726 Ill Happy Cicero 10601 , 72 Rowoke 1448 157 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old ofEcial butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 234 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Golden Susette 96563 17 Golden Sylvia 166586 26 Golden Tricolor 1272S7 •■ 15 Golden Trudie 34535 1* Golden Violet 30136 15 Golden Wave 138794 1* Golden Waxie 136086 16 Golden Zoe 3976 16 Goldfly 69573 18 Gold Gem 72024 15 Butter. 6 2.5 ... ■14.6 ... 9 4.5 ... Gold Gretchen 2d 110666 Goldie Garfield 148384 Goldie La V. 2d 26319 Goldie Pogis 45423 Goldie's Floradora 162931 Goldie's Juno 157041 Gold Lace 10726 Gold Maid 98787 Gold Mark 10727 Gold Pedro's Favorite 102593. Gold Princess 8809 17 15 14 16 15 14 21 16 14 14 14 Goldsette of La Palma 181126 •468 Gold Son's Fancy 184678 14 Goldstraw 3d 14724 14 Goldthread 4946 17 Gold Trinket 9518 16 Gold Violet 85078 17 Goldy S. Deerlick 141987 15 Golightly 26597 23 Good Advice 62476 19 Goodbye 27366 16 Good Friday 20081 14 Good Maid 124833 18 Gordie Heliotrope 2d 156829 16 Gordonetta 19570 17 Gorgeous Rosebud 181095! *240 Gowan 12272 14 Grace Briggs 134732 ,. *735 Grace Darling of O. H. 207434 21 Grace Davy 8292 22 Grace Felch 8291 16 Graceful Girlie 198941 21 Grace G. Parks 29363 19 Grace Harribee 91836 20 Grace M. 10697 15 Grace Marie 160969 14 Grace Marigold 99377 20 Grace Mugwump 48118 14 Grace of Glynllyn 67769 14 Grace of Lowland 2d 162866 17 Grace of St. Francis 106189 26 Grace of Venadera 193844 *410 Grace Pansy 2d 18764 *142 Grace Sheen 8d 79788 14 Grace's Nightingale 19855 14 Grace's Pride 61018 15 Grace Torment 87957 14 Grade A. 64534 15 Gracie Marigold of O. H. 308363... 863 Gracie Signal 146353 16 Gradde 22564 14 Granda 92765 14 Granny's Baby 5th 95132 15 Granny's Gem 30406 21 Gray Beauty 3d 19845 •. 19 13 12 4.76. 10 1.5 . 0.5 13 1 14.75 14 7 13 10.7 (1 yr.). 12 12 2 1 14.5 . 4 5.35. 13 12 3.75. 4.7 (120 d.). 4 8 (1 yr.) . . 3 6.5 3 3 3 3 7.5 1 10 10 11 7.6 (lyr.). 6 (90 d.). 9.5 2 7 10.5 4 6 7. (1 yr.) . .5 . 2.6 . 3 •10 13.16. • 4 Sire. Page. Gold Coast Jr. 9217 65 Mona's Golden Glory 52917 124 Golden Lad, P.S. 1242, H.C 66 Gold Finder 2225 67 Golden Rule 4785 67 Clemenceau, P.S. 1988, H.C 26 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 Golden Ear 1025 65 Gold Ridge 18961 .■ 68 Gold of St. Lambert 16744...: 68 Exile of St. Lambert 23d 20712 53 Garfield's Gaflar 46803 60 Hurrah 2814 79 Pauline's Stoke Pogis 11859 137 Goldie's Torment 31676 67 Chief Engineer 47148 24 Roanoke 1448 lit Gold Base Boy 27116 64 Gilderoy 2107 63 Gold Pedro 14474 68 Charlie Kittredge 1247 23 Golden of Biltmore 60082 67 Golden Lad's Gold Son 57432 67 Monarch of New Jersey 5199 '. 124 Norwood 1077 130 Orange Skin 1216 134 Violetta's Hugo Pogis 15740 194 Virginia's Lad 39590 195 Pedro 3187 137 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 Kuroraboreellis 2408 6 Al5as~Trf~.JL 7963.; 3 Too Good 32375 186 Meridale Rioter 32645 120 Lord Harry 3445 105 Gorgeous 54124 68 Lenape 3732 101 Lome of Meridale 34024 107 Graceful Marigold 51987 68 Young Sir Davy 3034 199 Ike Felch 1292 83 Graceful Marigold 51967 68 Deerfoot Boy of Somerset 6944 36 Grisette's Koffee 26008 70 Cardinal of Rosland 3335 20 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 Mugwump 16122 125 Duke Thor 17323 44 Glory's Tormentor 42751 64 Miladi's Ruf a 18945 121 Marigold's Exile King 63232 112 Smoke Smith 4844 172 King of St. Lambert Jr. 18808 94 Old Hickory 2d 9224 131 Geranium's Rajah 18605 63 King Torment 18609 96 Duke of Ingleside 14274 42 Graceful Marigold 51967 68 Signal Maximum 27286 168 Catono 3761 21 Diploma 16219 S8 Prince of Fernclifl 24294 145 King, P.S. 238, C 91 Nerontes 9222 127 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). Al' amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 235 Name of Tested Cow. Gray Bessie 96596 14 Gray Miss of Eau Claire 1S7837 17 Greatsena 85823 16 Gretchen Elaine 158991 19 Gretchen Girlie 128560 21 Gretchen of Pevely 46325 15 Gretna Coomassie 3d 143061 14 Grey Betty 129492 20 Grey Friar's Bess 26128 22 Grey Jessamine 17444 14 Grinnell Lass 11859 16 Griselda Marjoram 111166 15 Griselda Pedro 159247 16 Grisette of the Island 138793 14 Guarder 90835 21 Guenita 163783 14 Guenon Borel 184966 "545 Guenon's Baronetti 164989 15 Guenon's Lad's Bluebelle 170915 *596 Guenon's Lad's Gem 155108 *520 Guenon's Lad's Love 154988 *564 Guenon's Lad's Prize 164029 *456 Guess Not 57142 20 Guess Not 2d 133252 16 Guinevere Sinclair 11167 14 Gusta Signal 120225 20 Gwavas 154166 19 Haidee Signal 86448 . . . •. 20 Hallie Kinloch 80148 33 Hallie Marigold 124911 14 Hallie Rice 75777 24 Hallie's Cupid 81898 22 Hallie Signal 61726 18 Hallie's Jewel 17113 20 Halsie McCurdy 12379 14 Hamley's Blanchia 210788 14 Handsome Myra 14244 21 Handy's Daisy 74017 16 Handy's Madame 73938 16 Hanover's Vesta 173692 14 Happy Blossom 18218 19 Happy Maid's R. Girl 105974 15 Happy May Girl 75588 14 Happy Winn 35358 18 Hara of St. Lambert 42128 17 Harmintha 96920 16 Harmony 2d 17118 19 Harmony of Millbrook 154793 16 Harriet Neptune 52344 18 Harriet Pogis 123753 16 Harrietta Leonida 114897 18 Harrietta of Brook Farm 127599 14 Harriett J. of St. L. 153512 16 Harrowgate of Biltmore 127233 18 Harryella 139072 16 Harry's Christel 131326 17 Harry's Clarissa 118445 21 Harry's Coomassie 113022 22 Harry's Duchess 60289 16 Harry's Duchess 3d 123282 *19 Harry's Ernestine 66232 15' Harry's Ethel 63970 14 Harry's Eurotas 149568 17 BuTTEK, SiEE. Page. 4 Combination 3d 17576 29 10.25 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 10.5 Jersey Monarch 14084 86 9 Minerva's Pogis 20085 133 Ethelavia's Boy 27733 47 5.5 Producer 9367 148 7 Exile of St. Lambert 57th 37833 53 4.5 Michael's Rioter Pogis 39447 121 Grey Friar 7627 70 Grey of the West, F.S. 317, H.C. . . 70 The Marquis 3805 183 Pedro Royal Marjoram 28560 138 Pedro's Country Boy 39408 138 13.5 Milord, 4 Ethlo's P.S. 2137, H.C 122 Prince 24119 48 3 Guenon's Lad 64422 70 13 (lyr.).. Combination Golden Lad 59393 39 3.26 Guenon's Lad 64422 70 7.5 (lyr.).. Ida's Champion Rioter 42231 80 15.3 (lyr.).. Guenon's Lad 54422 70 3.. 5 (lyr.).. Guenon's Lad 54422 70 6 (lyr.).. Guenon's Lad 54423 70 8 Ruby's Harry 15664 160 11.25 Odelio 2d 30299 131 9 Berlin Prince 3360 10 Signal's Odelio 33001 169 14.5 Rockwood Beau 44733 157 Signal Jr. 7166 166 Chief of St. Lambert 2d 22940 25 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 .5 Aurora Chief 20039 6 Cupid's Torment 17763 33 Signal Duke 12661 168 Knight of St. Louis 3680 97 ,5 Clive Duke 1901 27 Hamley's Golden Lad, P.S. 3128, H.C. 72 Grey, F.S. 344, H.C 70 Handy's Stoke Pogis 18810 72 Handy's Stoke Pogis 18810'. 72 Hanover Hugo 40394 72 Happy, P.S. 211, C 72 R. Boy 33686 151 .6 Happy Marquis 36801 73 Winner 5672 197 .5 ,. Prince of St. Lambert 5287 147 Fancy's Harry 9777 65 Alfonso 3013 3 Diploma of Millbrook 46133 39 .6 Baron Neptune 10090 8 .35 Maud's Eurota Pogis 34864 115 Lord Harry 4th 28885 j . . 105 Prince of Clover Lawn 36235. • 145 King of St. Lainbert's King 30752. 94 75 Joseph, P.S. 2008, C 88 Lord Harry 2d 27288 105 Outpost 32847 135 .6 Harry Torment's Signal 39846 73 75 Harry Torment's Signal 39846 73 Fancy's Harry 9777 55 7 Parole 26114 136 5 Fancy's Harry 9777 55 Ethleel's Harry 15963 48 Tormentor's Harry 39930 188 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 236 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Butter. Harry's Fair Lady 103483 23 10.5... Harry's False Modesty 154986 14 13.75. . . Harry's Fancita 96731 SO 8.5 ... Harry's Fancy 39114 14 6.5 ... Harry's Fancy Belle 44764 14 Harry's Fancy Belle 2d 82416 14 Harry's Florrie 86263 14 Harry's Gemavia 120416 16 Harry's May Bud 111817 14 Harry's May Fair 37490 16 Harry's Nervilette 86262 18 Harry's Nina 109332 28 Harry's Olinda Pogis 136138 14 22 17 14 14 20 14 14 14 *14 16 14 15 15 18 14 14 •556 •392 •463 Harry's Oonan Fancy 125182 23 Harry's Pet 52838 Harry's Rovaiti 115843 Harry's Ruth Morgan 107773 Harry's Signaline 82419 Harry's Signaline 2d 82428 Hartwick Belle 7722 Hatita 34538 Hattie Adams 80909 Hattie Darnall 105060 Hattie Douglass 24960 Hattie Landseer 72719 Hattie N. 45433 Hattie Swett 109709 Hawthorn Minnie 26687 Hazalena's Butterfly 10123 Hazel Fan 3d 143352 Hazel Fern Figgis 163766 Hazel Fern Figgis 3d 198551 Hazel Fern Laura Lee 189726 Hazel Fern Princess 174428 ^444 Hazel Jenks 119862 19 Hazel Lee 76864 16 Hazel St. L. 100036 18 Hazelwood 52239 14 Hazen's Bess 7329 24 Hazen's Nora 4791 20 Hearty Pogis 81297 18 Hebe Milicent 146784 22 Hebe's Fancy 84314 14 Hecia Pansy 117535 15 Heclatette 119403 16 Hector's Adelpha M. A. 194053 *453 Hector's Berta 187361 •412 Hector's Berta B. 194057 ^446 Hector's Bossette C. 214220 "318 Hector's Cabrera 187366 ^384 Hector's Ella Q. 180137 15 Hector's Fairyana 194139 ^434 Hector's Fairy Belle 179909 •721 Hector's Milly Barry B, 187368 ^454 Hector's Mimicry 187365 ^455 Hector's Miss March 179907 ^15 Hector's Miss March B. 187369 14 Hector's Molly 194054 14 Hector's Pride of Scio B. 194063 15 Hector's Queen 180033 •570 •445 16 15 16 18 12.5 . 12 11 i:,.5 . 1 1 9 12 5 11 0.25. 1.6 . 8.5 . 11 8 15 13.9 . 55 55 65 Hector's Wax Kyle B. 194068. Hector's Yoletta 178285 Hector's Zizania 179905 Heiress of Canada 94908...... Heiress of St. Lambert 56507. 4 14.5 10.25 12 4 7.5 (lyr.). 1 (1 yr.) . 15 (lyr.). 12.9 (lyr.). 3.5 1.5 10 1 11 2 9.5 9 12 11 4 (lyr.). (lyr.). (lyr.). (lyr.). (lyr.). 6.8 (1 yr.). 9.8 (lyr.). 11 (lyr.). (lyr.). 2 13.3 3 1 15 7 13.5 6 6.5 13.5 (lyr.). (lyr.). Sire. Page. Nervilette's Harry 29057 127 Fancy's Harry 6th 24768 55 Fancy's Harry 9777 65 Fancy's Harry 9777 Fancy's Harry 9777 Landseer's Pogis 15847 Fancy's Harry 6th 24768 Lord Harry -Sd 27288 105 Little Barry's Wonder 35289 103 Fancy's Harry 9777 65 Fancy's Harry 6th 34768 55 Leoni's Harry 37789 102 Fancy's Harry Jr. 24649 55 Harry Torment's Signal 39846 73 Fancy's Harry 9777 65 Harry Torment's Signal 39846 73 Noonday 12961 129 Fancy's Harry 9777 65 Tennessee's Tormento: 23498 182 Grand Duke Alexis 1040 69 Footstep 5163 68 Jersey King 9458 86 Oonan's Tormentor Pogis 30505 134 Dainty Boy 2955 34 Pride's Landseer 18590 144 Roxana's Gilderoy 11685 169 Exile's Rebel 38928 53 Minnie's Duke of Darlington 6934. 133 Mr. Guppy 993 135 George M. 46197 62 Brown Bessie's Son lllh 60830 16 Chief Engineer 47148 24 Recorder 29239 153 Chief Engineer 47148 24 Mississippi Rioter 30401 123 Hulee 18309 78 Homestead Victor Pogi- 36535 76 Prince of Broadmoor 8006 145 Lord Bronx 2d 1730 104 Norajah 812 129 Sig Pogis 22806 170 Alaric's Hero 48491 2 King Jim 24346 92 Old Tenella's Signal 34802 131 Old Tenella's Signal 34802 131 Hector Marigold 59121 74 Hector. Marigold 69121 74 Hector Marigold 59121 74 Hector Marigold 59121 74 Hector Marigold 69121 74 Hector Marigold 59121 74 Hector Marigold 59121 74 Hector Marigold 59121 74 Hector Marigold 59121 74 Hector Marigold 69121 74 Hector Marigold 59131 74 Hector Marigold 69121 74 Hector Marigold 59131 74 Hector Marigold 59121 74 Hector Marigold 69121 74 Hector Marigold 59121 74 Hector Marigold 59121 74 Hector Marigold 6912". 74 Canada's John Bull 5th 20092 19 One Hundred per Cent. 16590 132 N. B — Confirmed butter-tes's and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 237 Name op Tested Cow. Helen Barry 56840 18 Helena of St. Lambert 73601.: 20 Helen of Brook Farm 142541 ' 17' Helen Stoke Pogis 31947 17 Helen Walker 53465 Helpmeet 62469 Hennette 11624 Herberta 8811. . .' 19 17 14 16 Heritage 60077 15 *14 '. 14 16 14 18 14 Her Majesty 160479 Hermione C. 90598 '. . . Hermosa Pogis 40369 Heroine of Prospect 156967 Herpa S. 127829 Hertha 26102, imp Heth Pogis 103241 549 Hettie of Briarcliff 26621 18 Hickory's Rissa 117093 14 18 14 18 17 Butter. She. Page. 7 Little Harry 8808 103 1.5 St. Lambert's John Bull 16618 163 4 Hanover Hugo 40394 72 8 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 52 10.5 Chendado 12955 2i 15.5 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 3.6 Fast Boy 2606 50 15 Arnold's Bronx 3309 5 15 Ida's Stoke Pogis 136£8 82 13.2 Recorder 29239 152 11 Fritz Pogis of Glynllyn 28042 60 3.6 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 14(5 6.75 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 30th 47704... 82 6 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 12 Highland Ida 38427 Highland Lady Pogis 102601. High Spirits of Lawn 61371. High Tea 65577 Hilda 18178, imp. 16 Hilda 2d 6447 Hilda 2d 14967 Hilda A. 2d 11120 23 14 20 Hilda A. 3d 16636 1 17 Hilda B-B-B 17640 Hilda D. 6683 Hilda Glenn 81195 Hildah of Clovernook 51697 Hindoo Rose 14602 Hinds' Tormentor of Lawn 71640.. Hoey Rex 82364 Hollie Pogissa 110490 Holyoke Laura Lee 174432 Holyoke's Leda 62812 Holyoke's Leda 2d 98893 Holyoke's Vesta 3d 179462 Home Matron 6707 Homestead Lucy 96325 Homestead Matilda 96448 Homestead Pogis 44231 .' Homestead Prue 82203 Homestead Rowena Pogis 89591... Honesdale 147772 Honest Butterfly 129994 Honest Missie 129993 Honey Belle 25824 •. Honeydrop 10033 Honeymoon of St. Lambert 11221. Honeysuckle of St. Anne's 18674.. Hood Farm Bisson 136398 15 Hood Farm Caltharine 143960 16 Hood Farm Cordelia 200019 *440 Hood Farm Elsie 193241 •16 Hood Farm Golden Pet 173895 ♦14 Hood Farm Kathletta's Fancy 178404 •380 Hood Farm Lilian 172797 "433 Hood Farm Merry Onwa 186199 *332 Hood Farm Pansy 184796 •378 Hood Farm's Fancy 134529 14 Hood Farm Tonona 2d 189729 *388 Hood Farm Trut 189747 *640 9 (lyr.).. 1 10 1.5 12.75 7 6.5 4 5 12.5 1 Mazeppa Pogis 32246 116 Domino of Darlington 2459 40 Isabella's Combination 34757 85 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 Highland Lad 33284 IS Lord Hugo 16830 105 Major Appel Pogis 17861 110 Chief Justice 2d 1643 24 Farmer's Glory 5196 56 Wanderer 3014 195 16 .. tsi .. 27 19 14 14 14 16 . . •327 18 14 14 14 17 17 14 14 16 14 16 14 2n 14 20 14 Hood Farm Belle 149965 *14 2.6 2.6 7 7 3.25 7.8 (lyr.). 11.5 15 5 12 11 13.5 7.5 7.6 7 3 7.6 0.5 5.26 14 4 8 6 3 (lyr.). 13.5 5.8 6.6 (lyr.). 15.2 (lyr.). 6.8 (lyr.). 5.7 (lyr.). 6.5 7 (lyr.). (lyr.). Footstep 5163 68 Prince of Bridgewater 2d 4489 145 Chief Justice 2d 1643 24 Catono's Harry 20096 21 Dixie Prince 18379 39 Duke of Thornebrook 3832 44 Tormentor's John 14715 188 Hazel's Rex 7443 73 Sig Pogis 22806 170 Holyoke Marigold 60151 76 Holyoke 8147 76 David of Glynllyn 26760 35 Inez Marigold Pogis 58672 84 Duke of Lebanon 1880 43 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 4th 26533 108 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 4th 26633 108 Cill's Stoke Pogis 14149 26 King of St. Lambert 2d l'i'823 94 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 4th 26633 108 Coomassie's Triple Kin^ 37939 30 Honest King 38268 76 Honest King 38268 76 Duke of Darlington 2460 42 Guy Warwick 1450 71 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 177 Jack Frost of St. Lambert 2419 86 Bisson's Landseer 27620 12 Bisson's Landseer 27520 12 Volco of Hood Farm 47734 195 Browny's Golden Lad 62460 17 Jack Lyman 71687 85 Furor, P.S. 2786, C 60 Torono 25204 , 189 Pogis 7th of Hood Farm 66551 142 Chromo 26113 25 Merry Maiden's 3d Son 60616 120 Bisson's Landseer 27620 12 Hood Farm Torono 60326 77 Hudson Pogis 66647 78 N. B.^Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated oh the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 238 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Hood Farm Venita 186039 *612 Hood Farm Waxie 136397 15 Hoodoo Jane 161291 *266 Hopeful Gray Mousy 180245 14 Hope of Linden Lea 169693 14 Hopmeadow Boneset 156428 *457 Hop's C. B. 121510 14 Howdy 55119 15 Howland Nightingale 33291 14 H.'s Orange Dot of Springside 200708 17 Hub's Pogis Gem 199274 20 Hub's Pogis Gem 2d 208351 16 Hugo Emsie King 192288 16 Hugo Princess 2d 139086 16 Hugo Riotress Elf 152126 23 Hugo's Claremont 172690 16 Hugo's Countess 68394 *186 Hugo's Golden Sheen 61804 17 Hugo's Joie de Vie 40372 24 Hugo's Lass 107656 14 Hugo's Ona 172210 15 Hugo's Sylva 123664 15 15 14 19 14 16 19 Butter. 12 (1 yr.) . . Hulabaloo's Flora 111164. Huldah Turner 93480 Hulla 7898 Hurrah Pansy 12163 Hyacinth Pogis 56020 Hypathia 2d 14774 10 (124 d.). 12 9 14.2 (1 yr.). . 10 3.5 1 12 "2 2.5 ■. .. 7 13 75. 11.3 (90 d.).. 9 5 1 12 2 13 2 12 1.6 8 13.6 Sire. Page. Sir Gen. Jamont 58050 171 Ida's Landseer 17745 80 King's Cannon Ball 52692 95 Hopeful, P.S. 2584, H.C 77 Oaklands Nora's Meri Boy 47632.. 131 Flo Flo's Gold Coast 50026 58 H. O. P. 37104 77 Young Pedro 9033 199 Weston 6285 196 Tornan's Harry Gordon 40406 189 Signal Hub Melrose 37112 168 Graceful Marigold 61967 68 St. Lambert Boy 4th 57778 162 Gen. Jamont 42212 61 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48228 156 Hanover Hugo 40394 72 Prince Pogis' Hugo 15660 148 St. Lambert's John Bull 16618 163 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 140 L. D.'s Hugo 17374 100 Hanover Hugo 40394 72 Sir Hugo B. 48011 171 Hulabaloo 6788 Canisteo Chief 29312 Hector 2d 2837 Hurrah 2814 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658.. Duke of Woodlawn 4160. 78 20 73 79 82 44 lanthe 4562 16 Ida Bashan 4725 IS Idabel Landseer 88399 15 Ida Bellman 48273 17 Ida Beverley Gordon 194841 *14 Ida B. Matilda 145808 23 Ida B. of St. Lambert 140770 21 Ida Eva Pogis 39271 18 Ida Jamison 14r907 14 Ida Jenks 138402 15 Idalco 117140 14 Idalene 11841 15 Idaletta of Glen Rouge 141141 17 Idalette Pogis 64220 15 Ida Longfield 64227 18 Ida Marigold 32615 "193 Ida Marigold's Brown Bessie 160460 *508 Ida Marigold's Laura Lee 151590 16 Ida Mary 3d 150692 *589 Ida Mary Pogis 66126 Ida Mary's Coquette 148731 Ida May of Clearview 139655 Idana 27974 Ida of Bear Lake 6169 14 IS 23 14 16 Ida of Bowlder Ridge 178662 14 Ida of Clinton 26419 Ida of Coal- Hill 12542 Ida of Elma 92316 Ida of Maple Glens 97786 Ida of Mericroft 141488 Ida of Oakland 2d 72061 '. . . . Ida of St. Lambert 24990 Ida Peloo 178288 ? Idarella 41433 Ida's Alpha 64536 ■. Ida's Coquette Katy 148752 15 15 14 14 18 15 t 30 •590 15 25 17 St. Holier 45 Apis 1206 25 Ida's Landseer 17745 . 5 Bellman's Boy 14003 . . 4 4, 15.7 2 4' 2 8.5 10 6 14 10 14 11 2 11 15 3 160 5 8 9 Sir Harry Gordon 40510 171 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 Exile of Glen Rouge 37213 50 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 Miss Lily C.'s Rioter 26026 123 King Tametoa 32129 96 Noble Paddy 31072 129 5 Cecoo 1673 21 Two Hundred per . Cent. 33592 191 25 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13668 82 6 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 82 3 (90 d.).. Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 7 (lyr.).. Marigold St. Helier 52667 112 Marigold St. Helier 62657 112 (lyr.).. Marigold Stoke Pogis 47296 112 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169... 79 Ida's Coquette Pogis 43044 80 St. Lambert of Clearview 32102 162 St. Jacob 6438 161 Prince of Warren 1512 147 .4 Maury Pogis 31699 115 Noble of Sidney 5369 129 .6 Duke of Portage 1270 44 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 Ida's Harry Tormentor 27836 80 .75 Bona Lord St. Lambert 24769 14 .6 Ida's Spot of St. L. 16442 82 .5 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238..., 177 .3 (lyr.).. Clematis King 52258 26 .13 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 82 .75 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169... 79 Ida's Coquette Pogis 43044 80 N. B. — ^Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 239 Name of Tested Cow. Ida's Dream 50070 Ida's Dieam ad 90217 Ida's Dream 3d 131899 Ida's Dream's Bloomfield 138008. Ida's Fawn 56018 Ida's Fawnette 113936 Ida's Grace 56019 Ida's Grace 2d 148686 Ida's Grace's Oonan 138010 16 28 14 14 16 23 14 16 16 Ida Signodelle 110369 15 Ida Skirm 115401 15 Ida's Landseer's Gold 121641 14 Ida's Lassie 77315 14 Ida's Little Wonder 104961 -14 Ida's Lucille 99400 17 Ida's Myrrha 97939 14 Ida's Mysinda 64868 16 Ida's Nan 49967. 16 Ida's Rioter's Elopement 98412 19 Ida's Rose of St. Lambert 71665 , *17 Ida's St. Jeannaise 2d 106316 17 Ida's Signaline 108819 15 Idas Troll of Meridale 148743 16 Ida Twinkle 36994 23 Ida Wax of Bleak House 222046 19 Ida Zoe Pogis 38685 , 16 Ideal 11842 14 Ideal Alphea 18755 14 Idelle's Idea 92610 14 Idelle Wood 162410 *16 Idessimus 50508 16 Idlewild Pogis 80271 i4 Idoonalda 97128 , 15 Iliana 44594 15 Ilinka 91418 17 Illinois Queen 160133 16 Image 68100 16 Imogene Pogis 44967 18 Imperial Pansy Pogis 49760 *14 Imperial Riotress 30259 18 In;perial's Omega 2d 19664 14 Imperia of St. Lambert 160112 17 Imp. Agenoria's Lass 150265 20 Imp. . Brown Dame 150261 14 Imp. Gipsy 150262 16 Imported Grace Darling 145737 15 Imp. Interest 2d 188603 16 Imported La Foret's Veda 157706 14 Imp. Lincoln 144517 16 Imp. Young Rhoda 150269 14 Income 19472 16 Indulgence 60105 17 Inez Hazel Fern 179721 •430 Inez Marigold 143330 16 Inez Melia Ann 160786 23 Inez of Ingleside 28977 14 Inez of Riverside 61781 26 Inez of Riverside 3d 174313 14 Inez Eosaire 205906 18 Infanta Pedro Marjoram 88684 17 Insie Landseer 140588 ♦520 Insie- Marigold 163758 17 Insie Marigold 2d 184948 16 Insie of Riverside 23826 30 Insie's C. of A.'s Gazelle 87931 20 Butter. Sire. Page. 0.6 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 82 6.25 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 7.25 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 14.5 Tormentor 6th 21962 187 1.5 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13668 82 3.5 Lord of St. Lambert 18992 107 0.5 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658..' 83 1.25 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 3.75 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 1.5 Ida of St. L.'s Last Son 23601 79 8.5 Ida's Meridale Victor 33400 80 4 Ida's Landseer 17745 80 9.26 Ida's Pogis 18000 , 80 7 Scales' Stoke Pogis 30098 165 4.25 Lord Harry 5th 29753 105 11 Ida's Landseer 17745 80 11' Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 79 6 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 83 15.25 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13666 81 6.6 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169.. 7& 4.26 Millionaire Pogis 29688 121 10 Ida's Landseer 17746 80 3 Ida's Coquette Pogis 43044 80 2.5 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 2 Channel King 62762 23 2.5 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 12.6 Cecco 1673 21 6 Mercury 432 119 10.75 Prince of Tennessee 20772 147 5 Oakwood of Aslori^ 64447 131 Meg's Lord Bronx 11537 116 11 Kathy's Stoke Pogis 17666 90 4 Oonan's Pogis 17166 132 5 Oonan's Signal 11586 133 8 Duke of La Grange 37682 43 11 Imp. Illinois Oomph 64314 83 9 Diploma 16219 38 13 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 146 10.9 Hugo Pogis of Elmarch 16318 78 4 Tug Wilson 9680 191 14 Imperial 2d 5264 _ 83 9 Leader of St Lambert 50442 100 10 .'. Eminent, P.S. 1842, H.C 46 8 Prince of Beechwood, P.S. 1665, C. . 145 7 Golden Coast, P.S. 1817, H.C 66 3 Beauty's Greycoat, P.S. 2248, C 9 11 Imp. Interested Lad 66296 83 4 Tim, P.S. 2427, C 183 2 The Ov/l 54738 183 12 Guy, P.S. 2269, C 71 9 Atiroraboreellis 2408 6 1 Young Combination 14550 199 11 (lyr.).. Portland Prospect 61919 143 4 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29131 178 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 12 King Coomassie, on I. of J 92 1.5 Holyoke 8147 76 4 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29131 178 7 Rosaire's Golden Lad 64654 158 6 Pedro Royal Marjoram 28560 138 1 (lyr.).. Landseer's Pogis 4th 46718 99 Marigold Chief 50360 Ill 4 Marigold Chief 2d 60459 Ill 5.75 Duke of Mansfield's Pierrot 6261... 43 0.6 Insie's Victor 16133 84 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 240 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Integrity 3d 161743 18 Interested C. Tones 181981 ^399 Interested Dorothy's Alice 201S42 *389 Interested Duke's Tones 193241 "432 Interested Nutley Tones 188108 *413 Interested Owl's Beauty 193937 *502 Interested Rachel 188114 *433 Interested Silverette 188107 *316 Interested Spot's Duchess 193926 *415 Interested Veda 181975 *535 Interested Victor's Rachel 188230 •387 Interested Violet 188231 "412 lo 6th 280 17 lola 4627 15 lola F. 85529 •23 lone Melia Ann 144343 19 lone of Pittsford 107718 17 lo of Prospect 123431 18 Irene of St. Lambert 2d 75759 15 Irene of Short Hills 6137 14 Irene of Side View 133834 15 Iris N'pble 117141 16 Iris of) Bolton 125536 14 Irond^uoit Belle 74696 14 Iryl Dane 3d 38376 14 Isabejle's Princess 188679 *17 Isadore Stoke Pogis 37297 16 Isa /of Edgewood 96452 18 Islatta Admiration 171782 14 Islahd Chrissie 12007 14 Island Darkie 181182 16 Island Dots 17003 14 Island Star 11876 21 Islip Lenox 31703 *172 Islithanks 90544 17 Italian 4096 17 Italica 58775 14 Itura 61090 14 luka of Riverview 2d 61271 17 Iva C. 125274 15 Iveagh's Dency of Althea 194792 15 Ivy Tormento 121700 16 Jacoba Irene 146443 ^1121 Jane Neptune 62345 19 Janet C. Hawlej; 168690 19 Janet Glynllyn 194388 14 Janie Caruth 73311 15 Jap Pogis 69122 14 Jaquenetta 10958 14 Jazella G. 14191 20 Jazel's Maid 11011 14 Jean Ingelow 42515 17 Jeanne Le Has 2476 15 Jeanne of Hillhurst 166789 21 Jeannette Geranium 61023 14 Jeannette of Pittsford 73185 *29 Jeannie Piatt 6005 .' 14 Jefferson Albina 12196 14 Jemele 2d 101437 15 Jennette Darling 10702 16 Jennie 766, imp 14 Jennie Badger 74912 14 Jennie Cream 30622 17 Jennie Cream 2d 47466 20 BuTTES. Sire. Page. 4.6 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 9th 41010... 81 3.4 (lyr.).. Interested Prince 68284 84 9 (1 yr.) . . Interested Prince 58224 84 5.4 (lyr.).. Interested Prince 58224 84 11.2 (1 yr.) . . Interested Prince 58224 84 6 (lyr.).. Interested Prince 68224 81 6 (1 yr.) . . Interested Prince 68224 84 9.5 (lyr.).. Interested Prince 68224 84 4 (1 yr.) . . Interested Prince 58224 84 0.3 (1 yr.) . . Interested Prince 58224 84 13.6 (lyr.).. Interested Prince 58824 84 3 (1 yr.) . . Interested Prince 58884 84 8 Roger 121 157 2.6 Mercury 432 119 12 (21 d.).. Gold of St. Lambert 16744 68 Mint of Interlaken 45219 122 4 Exile of- St. Lambert 16th 19155. .. 53 0.75 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 5 Sir George of St. Lambert 6036 171 6.6 Okubo 1876 131 2 Naiad's St. Lambert King 13th 41179 126 8 Noble Paddy 31072 129 John of Bolton 38509 87 3 Chief of St. Lambert 18863 25 15 Ned Dean 5387 126 14.6 Isabelle's Golden Lad 62833 85 9.5 Exile of St. Lambert 13667 52 1 King Cotton 25391 92 9 Nobleman, P.S. 2665, H.C 129 14 Duke of Burlington 1639 41 13 Picton 3d, P.S. 2715, H.C 141 9 Pride of the Island 6416 144 3 Guy Fawkes, F.S. 251, H.C 71 4.9 (90 d.).. Czar of Lenox 6875 34 2 Trump 22048 191 13 Maha Rajah 794 109 4.0 Compass 16958 29 14 - Diploma 16219 38 12 ;... Flora Lee's Victor Hugo 17C75 68 4 Harry Pierrot 30907.. 73 7.5 Fontaine C.'s Owl 63130 « 58 1.25 Harry Torment's Signal 39846 73 8 (lyr.).. Ring of Corfu 50110 93 4.5 Young Neptune 17666 193 7 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 7 Gertie's Son 66463 63 4 Bobby Welcome Pogis 12614 14 7 Bradley Pogis 22891 15 6 ■ Chief Baron 2984 84 7 Gold Basis 4038 65 6 Jazel 3501 85 7 Chief of the Miamis 2958 85 8 Noble, F.S. 71, H.C 128 11.25 Nobleman, P.S. 2071, C 129 4 Geranium's Chief 18607 62 6 (21 d.).. Doge of St. Lambert 17889 40 4 Rex 1330 163 13 Jersey Pride 8355 8S 7 Hugo Pogis of St. Anne's 19316 78 2 Man of Ipswich 1510 110 9 .' 9 4 5 Gold of St. Lambert 16744 68 Rachel's Duke 7022 160 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11644 108 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 241 Butter. Sire. Pace. 5.5 Signalda's Torment 14673 167 1 Mulberry Lad 3954 125 7.5 Highland Blade 2164 75 10.75 Exile of St. Lambert 13657.^ 58 2.5 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697 118 8 Homer H. 8683 76 15 Major Adams 1044 110 14 Hero, P.S. 90, H.C 74 10 Marked Copy 38113 113 6 Dick Swiveller Jr. 276 37 6 Captain Fox 23942 20 (lyr.).. Victor 3650 193 Tom Dasher 420 185 12 King of Fairview 778 93 5 Manchester's Prospect 2817 110 4.5 Jersey Express 5771 86 7 (1 yr.) . . Rioter's Jersey Lad 58001 156 11.4 (lyr.).. Rioter's Jersey Lad 68001 156 14.9 (lyr.).. Rioter's Jersey Lad 68001 166 Grey King, P.S. 169, H.C 70 6 Gillo, on L of J 64 4.5 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 ,9 (1 yr.) . . Willson's Exile 44066 197 2- Sorona's Prince Pogis 16319 174 2 Champion of America 1667 22 7 Tycoon Jr. 1212 191 4 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 146 15 Lome 6248 107 12 Beau Voir, P.S. 1668, H.C 9 5.6 Jessie's Pogis 16221 86 10 Sayda's Prince 28501 164 2.6 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 62 8 Signalda's Torment 14673 167 5 One Hundred per Cent. 16590 132 2 Rayon d'Or 7516 151 1 Taureau d'Or 11743 181 12 Edgardo 50703 45 3 Edgardo 50703 45 2 Baron Hugo 16208 8 1 Duke of Ingleside 14274 42 Aurated Victor Pogis 34615 6 12 (1 yr.) . . Lord Letta of Meridale 56716 106 1.75 Dalton 20117 34 4 John Rex 6th 4579 87 3 Jim, P.S. 346, H.C 86 1 Lord Montague 12385 107 14 Exile of St. Lambert 23d 20712 53 7 Mississippi Rioter 20401 12g 14 Canada's John Bull 8388 19 8 Pedro's Sir Marigold 64610 139 Melia Ann's Son 22041 II7 13.5 Lord Lisgar 1066 106 3 Pickwick 2d 8915 141 1 Diploma 16219 38 1 Matilda 5th's Stoke Pogis 31342 114 14 Moidore 15911 124 12 Eric J. 33246 47 10 The Seer 67089 183 9 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 4 Inez Marigold Pogis 68672 84 8 (lyr.).. Journalist 63541 88 9 Duke Thorne 7020 44 Prince Yokun 46234 148 5 Prince Yokun 46224 148 i Wells' Exile 20170 196 N. B. — Confirmed biJtter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*) and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a daKger (t) AH amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces Name of Tested Cow. Jennie Fordyce 67169 15 Jennie Myrtle 22977 18 Jennie of the Vale 9563 17 Jennie Stoke Pogis 32010 15 Jennie Victot Pogis 142919 20 Jenny Dodo H. 14448 21 Jenny Gray 3511 17 Jenny Le Brocq 9757 14 Jenny's First Copy 114697 16 Jersey 3260 15 Jersey Belle of Belmont 68337 14 Jersey Belle of Scituate 7828 705 Jersey Cream 3151 17 Jersey Cream 2d 8519 14 Jersey Cream 3d 8521 16 Jersey Jane 38308 16 Jersey Lad's Molly 194163 *450 Jersey Lad's Myra 194161 *506 Jersey Lad's Rosa 198398 *441 Jersey Lily 14044 15 Jessaline 26099 16 Jessaline 2d 38296 16 Jessie Altama 197264 '419 Jessie Belle B. 100285 14 Jessie Leavenworth 8248 14 Jessie Lee of Labyrinth 6290 14 Jessie Lee Pogis 44969 17 Jessie Lome 26213 16 Jessie of St. Lawrence 168504 19 Jessie's Boss 96891 16 Jessie's Sayda 105697 15 Jessie Stoke Pogis 37291 17 Jessie Wilson 76121 14 Jetsam's May 62530 14 Jetty d'Or 39845 15 Jetty d'Or 2d 62403 17 Jetty Salome 167503 17 Jetty's Peach 173348 20 Jewel of Argyle 68762 18 Jewel of Ingleside 54544 .' 17 Jewel's Jewel 129628 15 Jewel's Thelma 194580 *493 Jimp 86488 31 Jim's Glory 60527 14 Jim's Pride 31376 18 Joan Montague 40787 ■ 16 Jocal 95182 20 Jodie Jenks 76739 18 John Bull's Princess 49670 19 jolie Marigold 177827 16 Jolie of Eau Claire 110886 15 Jolie of St. Lambert 5126 15 Jonquil of Bingo Farm 41786 19 Josephina 64921 14 Josephine Hope 121064 21 Josephine Noble 66441 18 Josephine O. 103635 19 Josephine of Meridale 183711 15 Josie of Eau Claire 128006 22 Josie of Eau Claire 2d 179618 17 Journalist's Lass 184970 *443 Joy of Argyle 40495 15 Joy's Daisy 2d 149527 16 Joy's Dolly 2d 153636 14 J. S. Exile 105495 15 242 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Juanita E. 111068 15 Juanita of Emery Farm 166716 *li Juanita of Emery Farm 8d 177904 14 Juanita's Pet 117197 16 Jubilee's Belle 152781 17 Jubilee's Kaleta 178824 16 Jubilethleel 99697 17 Judith Coleman 11391 18 Judy Brocq 123342 20 Judy of Riverside 16495 21 Julia Baker 6th 105837 17 Julia Evelyn 6007 15 Julia Landseer 66268 14 Julia of Eau Claire 120018 17 Julia Rex of Ingleside 74046 16 Julia Signal 76428 16 Julia Tyre 45187 14 Julia Walker 10133 IS Juliet's Golden Glow 179470 16 Juliette Guion 13143 14 Julippa 69000 15 July Blossom 2d 137080 16 June of Brondale 166611 15 June's. Mite 203868 14 June Sweets 59978 14 June Sweets 2d 87967 15 Juniper of Brookside 174674 15 Juniper of Brookside 8d 206677 18 Juno of Milton 71528 16 Jupiter's Daisy 150507 16 Justa B. 142006 16 Justa Pogis 64863 *162 Justa Pogis 2d 115494 14 Just in Time 177907 *16 Kaembe's Maud Eurota 91066 14 Kaleta 2d 38810 16 Kaleta of Florence 117316 20 Kaleta Signal 148620 21 Kalma of Milford 62742 Kamaretta 80479. . ., Kammerfrau 125093 Kasette of Brondale 174879.-... Kate Crecraft 40783 Kate Crecraft 2d 76461 Kate Daisy 8264 Kate Devol 163241 Kate Durwood 2d 82417 Kate Gordon 8387 Kate Gordon 2d 83662 Kate H. of Brook Farm 161907. Kate Katia 102602 Kate Kyle 64434 Kate" Landseer of Lawn 84415.. Kate McCollum 107306 Kate of Biltmore 131014 Kate of Hickory Flat 131374... Kate Oxford 68102 Kate Oxford 2d 69270 Kate Pansy 15177 Kate Ritchey 64283 Katherine Matilda 139148 Katherine of Pittsford 73169... Kathleen Sheldon 94896 Kathletta 19667 Butter. Sire. Page. 8 Toltec's Signal 29501 186 8.2 Koffee Dan 43347 97 6.6 Pedro's Pretty Pogis 33660 139 4 Marjoram's Hugo Pogis 18311 112 6 Fancy's Jubilee 25206 ". 56 8 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041 88 12 Ethleel 2d's Jubilee 18249 48 4 John Knox 3289 87 7 Brocq St. Lambert 34316 16 4.5 Wessex 3638 19« 8 Gridley's Duke 24997 70 15.5 Aldine 1136 S 2.5 Landseer's Pogis 15847 99 8 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 3 Duke of Ingleside 14274 43 5 Alfonso 3013 8 6 Bonnie's Polonius 10138 14 18 Pierrot 2d 1669 141 10 Gray Friar's Duke 42764 69 4 Walnut Chief 3130 195 9 Diploma 16219 38 0.5 Aaron Stoke Pogis 21706 1 8 Ammon of Brondale 42386 4 Vermont's Royal Pedro 62528 192 8.6 Gold Basis 5th 15726 65 Riverside Stoke Pogis 29235 157 Meridale Diana's King 66371 119 Maury Pogis Jr. 66827 116 Majestic Pedro's Son 9492 110 11 3.5 Jupiter of Meridale 48177 10.25 Bluster 22798 9.4 (90 d.).. Jupiter Pogis 18192 9.13 Oonan's Tormentor Pogis 30505.. 7.7 Justice Ryan 60342 89 14 89 134 89 16 16 15 *19 14 18 14 22 14 15 16 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 14 15 14 14 •62 14 22 2.6 14 2 13 12.5 7 4 9 1 16 6.5 8 4 5 12.5 6.5 3 4 1 7.25 4 2.4 (30 d.). 12.6 Euroto Pogis Le Brocq 19503 60 Lord Harry 3445 105 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041 88 Signalona's Ben Signal 43521 169 Prince of Milford 7951 146 Ettamarius 17762 48 Prince of Tennessee 20772 147 Brown Boy of Hood Farm 56509... 16 Champion's Loyal 12673 23 Lord Montague 12386 107 Barker's Dandy 3758 7 Tormentor's Tormentor 52074 189 Landseer's Pogis 16847 99 Pertinax 1966 140 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 Hanover Hugo 40394 72 Arawana's Glencoe 33391 6 L. D.'s Victor St. Helier 16286 100 Daisy's Harry 21500 34 Buckstone 26035 17 Tormentor's Harry 29920 188 Lucy's Bachelor 36638 108 Landseer's Pogis 16847 99 Tennessee's Landseer 23016 182 Royalist 3d 4500 169 Earl of Russellville 11935 45 Matilda 5th's Stoke Pogis 31342 114 Duke of St. Lambert 16160 44 Kathleen's Son 17660 90 Lord Harry 8445 105 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 243 Name of Tested Cow. Kathletta's Fancy 60738 17 Kathy. Rex 104804 14 Kathy Torment 32910 16 Kathy Wilson 104631 '. 16 Katie Bisson 100200 Katie Herr 39970 Katie of St. Lambert 647^6.. Katie Putnam 40366 Katie's Kind 97434 Katrinlia Brilliant 130485 Kattie 41431 Katydidn't 2734, imp Katy of Oak Hill 208696 Katy of Oak Hill 2d 208803. . Katy Pedro of O. H. 208804. 14 15 19 16 22 17 14 14 21 25 18 Katy Scituate's Beauty 100259 16 Katy Signal 2d 44673 16 Keoka H. of St. Lambert 163147 15 Key wotha 1J31864 16 Khedive's Fairy 66849 15 Khedive's Fancy 18180 15 Khedive's Fancy 3d 70282 14 Khedive's Joyful 88960 17 Khedive's Pearl 71056 14 Khedive's Princess 38568 15 Khedive's Ula 153129 23 Khelula 17970 21 Khelula of Briarcliff 46799 18 King Cole's Maiden 212713 15 King Koffee's Fanny 121589 18 King Koffee's Juliana 161517 - 14 King of St. Lambert's Echo 182546 17 King of St. Lambert's Gem 86796 18 King of St. L.'s Allie 86797 20 King of St. L.'s Armida 150615 19 King of St. L.'s Jewel of C. H. 130559 15 King of St. L.'s Princess 159684 17 King Rioter's Betsy 175380 15 King Rioter's Grace 178904 King Rioter's Naomi 186822 King St. Lambert's Pride 150797 King's Alexia 163510 King's Alice Gold 185326 King's Angela 153520 King's Antoinette 40456 King's Beauty 24397 15 15 22 16 14 14 15 16 King's Beauty Eve 208454 ♦327 15 22 15 . *14 14 15 21 16 King's Bess of Meridale 170985 King's Blanche 153450 King's Charella 80765 King's Clorinda of St. Omer 188714 King's Dimple W. of St. L. 159934 King's Edna Rake 198768 King's Emsie of St. L. 163100 King's Erica 22096 King's Euphorbia 152334 23 King's Eupidee 163142 15 King's Exile Lady Boon 190994 17 King's Fancy Nenita 114028 19 King's Fawnette 147367 23 King's Fosie 80768 15 King's Gazelle Fawn 153509 ♦275 King's Gazelle Fawn 2d 192816 14 King's Gertrude Matilda 170986 15 King's Gesnera 98727 15 Butter. 6.75... 0.5 ... 13.6 ... 14 7 ... 8.5 ... 7 4 2.25... 4 8.5 ... 12 1 15 1 Sire. Ida's Landseer 17745 Duke of Nicola 30521 Tormentor 3633 Kathy's Stoke Pogis 17566. Bisson's Landseer 27520.. Page. 80 43 ... 186 90 12 Silver Duke 7125 170 Duke of St. Lambert 16160 44 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 146 Prince of Tennessee 20772 147 Marampo's Brilliant 30047 Ill Tormentor 3533 186 3 7.5 7 12 4 4 8 2.5 12 ,0 10 2 .8 13. 6 6 2 10 12 1 13 5 (lyr.).. 4 1 9.5 10 7 5 14 3.25 1.5 4 6 12 2 10 9.4 (120 d.). 6 10 Signal Hub Melrose 37112 Graceful Marigold 51967 Pedro's Texas Prince 55616 Albert Johnson 29637 Pauline's Stoke Pogis 11859 King of St. Lambert's King 30752. Landseer's Diploma 36277 Khedive's Landseer 21926 Khedive, P.S. 103, H.C Marjoram's Hugo Pogis 18311 King Khedive 15886 Khedive's Landseer 21926 Bunker 9035 , Tormentor's Tormentor 53074 King, P.S. 338, C Young Garonne's Duke 6863 Dido's Rioter Nora's King 67771.. King Koffee Jr. 12317 King Koffee Jr. 12317 King of St. Lambert 6th 45343 King of St. Lambert 15176 King of St. Lambert 15175 King of St. Lambert 16175 Coal Hill King of St. L. 32996 King of St. Lambert 6th 45243 Exile's King Rioter 57633 Exile's King Rioter 57633 Exile's King Rioter 57633 King of St. Lambert 15175 St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896... King of St. Lambert's King 30752 , . King of St. Lambert's King 30752 . . King 2d 11570 King, P.S. 238, C Golden King of Biltmore 66963 . . . Daisy K.'s King 56504 King of St. Lambert's King 30752. . King of Amherst 25903 St. Omer's King 58139 King of St. Lambert's King 30752. Dido's Rioter Nora's King 67771 . . St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896... King, P.S. 338, C King of St. Lambert's King 30752. King of St. Lambert's King 30752. Dido's Rioter Nora's King 67771 . . King of St. Lambert 15175 King of St. Lambert's King 30752. King of Amherst 25902 King of St. Lambert's King 30752. Merry Maiden's 3d Son 60516 Daisy K.'s King 56604 King of Amherst 25902 168 68 139 2 137 94 99 91 90 112 93 91 18 189 91 199 37 92 92 94 94 27 94 53 53 53 94 163 94 94 91 91 66 34 94 93 163 94 37 163 91 95 95 37 94 95 93 95 120 34 93 N.B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (♦), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t) All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 244 INDEX TO TESTED COWS King' King' King' King' King' King King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' King' Name of Tested Cow. s Gold 63084 16 5 Hope of Meridale 170981 16 s Hulda H. 153518 16 s Ida Eric 170003 14 s June Beauty 108652 33 s Lady iN'atica 80769 15 s Lassie 79103 18 s Little Daisy 208466 •343 s Lucy Pogis 111380. s Mafilda M. 194850. s Maximum 147232.. s Nana 111706 s Nette 123226 -18 16 28 21 17 Nina 162869 *575 Nora Riotress 177033 15 Ora Riotress 143047 22 Pauline B. 142293 17 ;'s Pogis Girl 191204 15 t's Pogis Maid 142138 16 ;'s Pretty Princess 139299 15 Princess 30948 24 ;'s Priscilla 173007 15 ;'s Queen 98712 14 ;'s Einora B. 180966 15 ;'s Rinora of St. L. 163518 80 Rioter Fawn 169963 15 !'s Rioter Letty 142295 23 Rioter Max 150935 81 Riotress Elsie 146979 28 Riotress Nora 142296 Sis t's Rosa 153611 15 r's Rosella 80767 16 t's Ruthdale 172832 16 ;'s Santa H. 153608 15 Stevia 98737 19 Sultana 76667 14 ;'s Trust 18946 18 ;'s Yellow Girl 131210 14 Kisberine Rex 31436 , 16 Kissam of Meridale 183604 15 Kittie Green 88379 16 Kittura of St. Lambert 78344 18 Kitty Better 32911 15 Kitty Black Prince 104472 14 Kitty Clover 1113, imp 14 Kitty Clover 2d 16099 14 Kitty Colt 8813 Kitty Kildufl: 101055 16 Kitty Kringel 57180 16 Kitty Livingston 34303 15 Kitty McK. 140464 14 Kitty of Glen Rouge 104279 14 Kitty of Jefferson 8d 12313 14 Kitty of Prospect 111121 Kitty of St. Lambert 6637 Kitty of St. Lambert 2d 40106 Kitty of Seguin 74347 Kitty Ona 24209 Kitty Ornament 130541 Kitty Pedrothorn 2d 84562 Kitty Potter 9893 Kitty Pride Pogis 78134 Kitty Sands 77432 Kitty's Ida 97736 Kitty's Matilda 75349 19 16 16 16 14 17 15 18 15 81 18 14 Butter. Sire. Page. 6 King of St. Lambert 16175 9* 2.5 Daisy K.'s King 56504 34:' King of St. Lambert's King 30762. 95 12 St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896.. 16S 7 King Koffee Jr. 12317 98 8 King of Amherst 26902 9S 6 King of St. L&mbert 16176 94" (lyr.).. Golden King of Biltmore 66963 66- 8 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 26533 lOS Oxford Lad's King 64693 135 1 King of St. Lambert's King 30752. 95 7 -4 King of Amherst 25902 9S 12 ' King Torment 18609 96 10 (lyr.).. King Signal of Hood Farm 44661.. 95 12 St. Lambert's Rioter King 64896... 16a 7 King of St. Lambert's King 30758., 95 3 King of St. Lambert's King 30752. 95 7.5 Fontaine's King 65641 58; 3 King of St. Lambert's King ,30768. 95 5 King Coomassie Jr. 85856 92; 6 King, P.S. 838, C 91 6 King of St. Lambert's King 30758. 95 12 King Torment 18609 96- 11 St. Lambert's Rioter King 64896... 16S 2 St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896... 163; 2 St. Lambert's Rioter King 64896... 16S 6 King of St. Lambert 18175 94 8 King of St. Lambert's King 30753. 95 8 King of St. Lambert's King 30758. 95 10 King of St. Lambert 16176 94 5 King of St. Lambert's King 30768. 95 12.5 King of Amherst 25902 9S 4 King of St. Lambert's King 30762. 95 10 King of St. Lambert's King 30752. 95 3.5 King of Amherst 36902 9S 8.6 King Koffee Jr. 13317 92 King, P.S. 238, C 91 10 King Koffee Jr. 12317 98; 8 Easter Boy 3032 45 1 Nora's B. Stoke Pogis 40607 139 Denise's Tormentor 11883 36 8.75 Ruby's Star of St. Lambert 80719.. 16» 14.38 Lord Harry 3445 105, 0.5 Wine 89964 197 16 Grand Duke Alexis 1040 69' 6 Albert 44 2 12.6 Wine 89954 197 8 Sir Pedro Pogis 16010 HZ 3 Gen. James A. Garfield 14874 61 6 McGregor Combination 46196 10» 1 One Hundred per Cen:. 16590 132; 3 Dexter of Jefferson 6681 37 4.76 Nell's John Bull 21931 12S 11 Stoke Pogis 3d 8838 177 6 Brier's- Pogis 14163 15 6.25 St. Lambert Gilderoy 80210 16» 11 Catono 8761 21 2 Eurotas' Pride 22653 49' 4 Highland Pogis 22146 75 5 Almont 8789 4- 9 Lome Victor Pogis 88814 lOS 12 Fenwick 264.61 57 8 ..J. Ida of St. L.'s Last Son 83601 79 3 ..' Matilda 4th's Son 80814 114 16 9 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 245 Name op Tested Cow. Kitty Victor Pogis 85904 19 Kobalt 113334 14 Xobe's Marcella 4597 14 Koffee's Clarinda 65216 19 Koffee's Duchess 2d 57988 17 Koffee's Grisette 30433 15 Koffee's Jessie 113343 14 Koffee's Lady Pogis 65219 23 Koffee's Lily 25515 15 Koffee's May Belle 65220 20 Koffee's St. Jeannaise 119783 15 Koffee's Waltz of St. L. 106316 14 Koffee's Winnie 113001 16 Koffmadge 2d 77790 16 Ko Ko's AUie 59317 15 Kola's Elmira 194516 14 Kola's Rebecca 194622 16 Kosi 3431, imp 14 Butter. Siee. Page. 12 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697... 118 9.5 Sir Silex 35028 172 13 Star Neal 1495 175 9.5 Olymph's Koffee 20087 131 1 Ida's Pogis 18000 7 King Koffee 5522 3 Koffee's Caterer 29000. 80 92 97 4 Olymph's Koffee 20087 131 3.5 King Koffee 5622. 92 5 ". ... Olymph's Koffee 20087 131 12.5 Koffee's Welcome 39347 97 13 King Koffee's Count 24405 92 3.5 Koffee's Caterer 29000 14 Chieftain Pogis 25035 8.75 Ko Ko of St. Lambert 16527. 12 Kola's Golden Lad 58615 15 Kola's Golden Lad 58615 7 97 25 97 97 97 La Belle Petite 5472 La Chasse Flirt 127236 Lactine 10680 Ladd's Laura Lee 172660 Lad's Rioter Exile 176726 Lady . Adams 2d 6529 Lady Ajax 2d 89637 Lady Alexis 26916 Lady Alice of Hillcrest 7450 Lady Alice of the Wilderness 12207 Lady Alice Pogis 30273 Lady Anna Pogis 62734 Lady Antoinette 24391 Lady Appel 8612 Lady Armington 7610 iady Aspinwall 8374 Lady Aurora 98734 Lady Bet W. 163011 Lady Bidwell 10303 Lady Bingo 24160 Xady Bloomfield 4704 Lady Bountiful 17946, imp Xady Bowen 354, imp . i Lady Brookhill Rosette 176498 Lady Brown 433 Xady Brown 2d 2348 Lady Brown 4th 6911 Xady Caroline of St. Aubin's 11372, imp . . Xady Cecilia 24821 Xady Charella 66187 Xady Clarendon 3d 17578 Xady Qeveland 30251 Xady Cloud 19358 Xady Cloud 2d 26825 Xady Creamly 4tH 19077 Xady Crouse 69336 Xady Dartmouth 23159 Xady Debby of Hunt Farm 183114 Xady Dee of Meridale 188661 Xady Delphine 28460 Xady Dorcas 74348 Xady Dorlena 36105 Lady Elfled 40757 Xady Emily Kilduff 101063 Xady Eminent 185405 Xady Emma C. 57041 15 8 16 9 17 1.5 16 4 15 3 15 3 21 5 16 S 18 6 15 14 22 8 20 4 21 6 18 3 17 8 14 14 10 ■441 14 15 12 15 4 14 12.5 14 15.6 16 8 370 7 14 14 3 14 12 14 15 1 14 7 14 6.5 17 1 27 6 16 12 17 6.5 18 1 21 13 15 17 9 14 4 14 10 15 7 18 14 4 20 11 16 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 177 Golden Xad, P.S. 1242, H.C 60 Gilderoy 2107 63 Chief Engineer 47148 24 King's Rioter Xad 62098 96 Moscow 2303 '. '. . 124 Darby' of St. Lambert 20482 35 Duke of Albany 3899 41 Jeweler 1385 86 Gilderoy 2107 C3 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015. 146 Leo Pogis 10786 102 Garibaldi, P.S. 242, H.C 60 Young St. Martin 2219 199 Von Bismarck 3d 1780 195 Count Logan 1599 31 Hans of Amherst Villa 27461 .'. 72 (1 yr.) . . Calvin S. Trut 52360 18 Paddy Wilson 3084 136 Bingo 2d 6749 . . 11 Rioter 670 154 (1 yr.) . Rosette's Golden Lad 67498 158 McClellan 4th 85 ' 109 Albert 44 2 Albert 44 '. . . 2 Whip 2638 196 Chief 10663 Camerlengo 3012 Lord Alfred 5215 Fayette Boy 4737 Croton Maid's Duke 6668 Blossom's Tennessee 6060 Know Nothing 11638 Lord Dartmouth 6302 lot George B. Jr. 52689 62 Eupidee of Meridale 56720 49 Baldwin's Frolic 13840 .7 Eoi Rene 23730 167 Lady Mary's Chelten Duke 6002 98 Baron of the Isles 9146 8 Grisette's Koffee 26008 70 Eminent 69631 47 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 24 19 104 67 32 13 97 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old ofScial butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 246 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady L»dy Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Lady Name of Tested Cow. Fair SS103 19 Fawn of St. Anne's 10920 16 Gilderine 108474 SO Gilmore 12136 14 Golddust 2d 19861 23 Grace Marigold of O. PI. 308346 19 Grace of Upliolme 39669 20 Grace Pogis of S. 79462 20 Gray of Hilltop 6850 18 Gray of Hilltop 2d 14641 14 Gray of Hilltop 3d 14642 14- Greville 12930 14 Hugo 29430 16 lona f66160 14 Iveagh 163574 17 Ives 3d 6740 14 Jane of Angelica 123611 18 Jane of Fernwoo'd 196635 *368 Butter. 10 12.5 ... 15.5 ... 14 4 5.5 ... 5 12 18 2 6 7 4 6.6 . .. Jane of St. Peter's 7476 Jane of St. Peter's 8d 62536. Josephine 11560 Julia G. 16199 Kate Rex 91751 Kingscote 26086 K. of St. Lambert 112294... Lantana 98733 r. 16 14 19 18 14 15 24 19 Larkspur 56051 21 15 24 Laura Lee 129716 Letty Lambert 184201 Letty Lambert 4th 169608. Letty Lambert 5th 177636. Letty Lambert 6th 190173. Livingston 33374 Longfield 83634 Louise 4339 iouise D. 68056 Love 2d 8812 Lyndon Lee 105617 McCoy 2d 143128-. McDowell 37414 Marjoram 183887 Mary Ethleel 110626 Mary Hampton 4861 Mary Lenox 105574. 19 18 15 30 15 22 16 16 14 15 81 82 14 16 Mary of Glynllyn 8d 25498 15 Mary of Prospect 19768 Mata 121778 Mata 2d 809764 Matilda Pogis 36270 Matilda St. L. 124696 Maud of Cinque Park 8d 71548... May Jefferson 96691 May of Brook Farm 150343 Mel 8d 1795 183 Mel Figgis 171641 *448 Mel Figgis 2d 198558 '^356 Meroe 152987 *492 Mitchell 89814 14 Monmouth 15173 15 Musa 98730 16 Myra of Riolawn 181897 16 Negelia 98735 16 Nolia 87978 14 Oaks 2d 6246 15 of Bay View 66089 16 18 5 (lyr.). 5 2 (8d.).. 8 10 6 3.75. 9 12 4.85. 10.35. 2 13 12 8 8 14.5 18 11 14 5 7.5 2.5 15.5 5.6 2 (1 yr.) . 1.25 12 12 (61 d.). 10.8 (lyr.). 5 (lyr.). 6.6 (lyr.). 13.25 Sire. Page. , Cicero, 7657 86 Victor Hugo 197 194 Ida's Landseer 17745 80 Pilot 3549 141 Duke of Darlington 8460 48 Graceful Marigold 51967 68 Brie 6591 15 Bertha's Pogis 17993 10 Wethersfield 966 196 Champion of Hilltop 1839 83 Champion of Hilltop 1839 82 Champion of America 1567 83 Combination 4389 28 De Laval 38062 36 Champion Flying Fox 61441 31 Success 2097 180 Raleigh of Angelica 35808 ■.. l?b Sir Hadley J. 68945 17i Grey King, P.S. 169, H.C 70 Garfield Stoke Pogis 16963 60 Bertram 1883 10 Gold Basis 4038 65 Peggy's Royal Signal 33613 139 Vertumnus, P.S. 161, H.C 193 King of St. Lambert's King 30753. 95 Hans of Amherst Villa 87451 78 Prince Pogis 10682 148 Triple Combination 46036 190 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 Emperor of St. Lambert 48239 47 Rioter of St. Lambert Jr. 56580... 165 Melia Ann's Grandson 60469 116 Garibaldi H. 7106 61 Cicero 7657 26 Graycoat 1105 _. 69 Moidore 15911 124 Albert 44 % Snob 86574 173 Aaron Stoke Pogis 21705 1 Truxton 4664 191 Canada's John Bull 5th 80092 19 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 80485 189 Orange Peel 864 134 Combine 30838 29 Holyoke 8147 76 Stoke Pogis 5th 6987 177 Bluster 23798 14 Chief Engineer 47148 84 Louis of St. Lambert 11013 108 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 Signal Sawyer 16786 169 Money Pogis 16674 124 9.5 8 6 8 12 35 8 77 29 16 87 Darlington Landseer 43511 Albert 44 Hood Farm Torono Combination Golden Lad 69293... Brown Bessie's Rioter 43560 Joe Lozer 7538 Prince of Warren 1512 '. 147 Hans of Amherst Villa 27451 78 Naiad's John Bull 21368 125 Hans of Amherst Villa 27451 72 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 Baltimore Boy 837 7 Bay View Chief 23853 S N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is. stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 247 Name of Tssted Cow. Lady of Belle- -Vue 7.706- '. 15 Lady of Dryden 87643 16 Lady of KnowUon 91648 14 Lady of Malone 35734 18 20 14 16 19 83 14 14 Lady of Union Valley 101733 Lady Ona 50643 Lady Oonan B. 190835 Lady Oonan Pogis 119164 Lady Oxford 4860 Lady Oxford 2d 15101 Lady -Palestine 3769 Lady Panalphrex 17400 23 Lady Pandora 173737 517 Lady Pedrona 63173 14 Lady Perfection 2d 128278 20 Petite 100563 15 Phillis 18240 18 Lady Phillis 2d 35629 18 Lady Queree 197652 *412 Lady Ramaposa 26333 Lady Rareripe 33081 Lady Laay 17 16 Lady Riotress Matilda 191682 18 17 19 Lady Robin 1119, imp. Lady Rubea 98731 Butter. Sire. Page. 11 Lord Lawrence 1414 106 , 3 Sultan .of New York 6186 ISO 14.5 , Lambert of Sunny Braes 83164 98 Tarquin 3d 8203 181 .7.5 , Lex Linmore 18633 103 Catono 3761 21 10.5 Lord Pogis Tormentor 62015 107 6.75 - Oonan's , Tormentor 22280 133 2 (10 d.).. Excelsior of Jersey 949 60 -7 Rodney 1941 157 5 Jersey Prince 1062 86 9 Easter Boy 2d 6310 45 4 (lyr.).. Hessong's King Cole 53148 75 9 Maximum Rioter 18539 ' 116 8 King of St. Lambert's King 30753. 95 11 Leo of Glynllyn 32015 102 15 Forget-me-not 6391 59 8 Koffee of Ridgeside 11659 97 7 (lyr.).. Fox's King, P.S. 3323, H.C 59 5.6 Ramapo 4679 151 1 '. . . Tormentor 8d 7184 187 Z King's Rioter Lad 13.25 '. Lady Ruthdale 93348 18 Lady St. Helier of S. 51380. Lady's Blossom 18491 Lady Selma 130540 Lady Sigletta 128645 Lady Superior 22885 Lady Thalma 64701 Lady Ihurlow 13410 Lady Tip of Meridale 183503. Lady Torenia 98738 Lady Vain 18673 Lady Velvetine 15771. Lady -Vernonia 195785 16 Lady Wanamaker 93468 Lady Wellington of Milton 13234 Lady White 29213 Lady Windsor of B. 53938 .. *16 18 14 15 Lady Woodbine 26803 14 15 15 14 La Fantine 24489 La Financiere 11970 La France's Pansy Rex 49141 La France's Pogis 99986 21 . 17 14 16 30 15 30 16 15 21 17 15 16 . 15 15 15 . 16 14 15 Laird's Les Cateaux 149568 Laird's Minnie 149559 La Jolie Lizette 16486 ... ". Lalla Rookh of Sugar Grove 16883. Lalla Rookh's Queen 66848 Lamba 79039 Lamberta of Meridale 131731 Lambert Glory 149637 Lampedo 46204 Landeck 101039 Landseer's Ashantee 118186 Landseer's Beth 154598 Landseer's Betsy 139724 Landseer's Blanche 98803 Landseer's Bliss 193703 Landseer's Content 56985 Landseer's Croton Maid 82535 Landseer's Ethel 74315 20 20 16 18 16 14 Lady Thekla 98270 15 17, 17 14 17 17 15 4 9.5 Hans of Amherst Villa 27451 73 Hellrot 22908 74 Lord Allison 16402 104 15.75 Hard Trials 6050 72 10 Eurotas' Pride 33663 49 8 Actor 33392 X 5 Grey, F.S. 244, H.C 70 12 Jersey, Boy. Thalma 12611 86 4.26 Little Harry 8808 103 10 Leander 1184 100 9 Nora's B. Stoke Pogis 40507 129 9 Hans of Amherst Villa. 37451 72 9 Lord Longford 3997 106 3 Vertumnus, P.S. 161, H.C 193 Claudius, P.S. 1536, C 26 Stoke Pogis' Perfection 5984 179 Autocrat 1065 6 .76 Creamer's Sir George 8721 32 St. Lambert of Delhi 13361 163 Stand Point 7th 7929 175 , Top-Sawyer 1404 186 25 Grey. King, P.S. 169, H.C 70 5 Prize , La France 8163 148 5 Stoke Pogis' Perfection 5984 179 Laird of St. Lambert 44151 9S 5 Laird of St., Lambert 44161 98 Progress, F.S. 286, C 148 Marquis of Lossie 3612 113 King of Ashantee 6677 93 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 Lambert's Pride 89730 98 Exile of Meadowbrook 43835 50 Gold Plate 10733 68 Godman 33432. 64 ,5 Bisson's Landseer Jr. 39067 12 Sir Harry Torment 48626 171 Maple Glens Stoke Pogis 34713... Ill 5 Lord Harry Landseer 30855 105 7 Edith's Rioter Boy 54403 45 Fancy's Landseer 18996 66 5 Khedive's Landseer 81926 91 Landseer's Toltec 26426 99 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Landseer's Fancy S876 936 Landseer's Fancy 2d 43184 15 Landseer's Fancy 3d 70663 15 Landseer's Garfielda 131131 15 Landseer's Gilderine 68048 14 Landseer's Hilda 49788 17 Landseer's Lily 87894 14 Landseer's Pitapat 146723 18 Landseer's Pogene 85743 /. . 15 Landseer's Regina 85988 ./.... 17 Landseer's Rosamond 56143 15 Landseer's Signaline '58101 14 Landseer's Signal Queen 66363 16 Landseer's Variella 92370 16 Lanison's Belle 84986 } 80 Lanison's Cora 59315 t 14 Lanison's Flossy 171567 , *436 Lanison's Hilda 175839 *573 Lanison's Jolie 195824 *368 Lanison's Kuemhild 203894 *637 Lanison's Mazie 196541 •515 Lanison's Nora 59316 15 Lanison's Queen 3d 188773.' '. 15 Lanison's Violet of S. 196261 *385 Lanison's Yolette 179748 *397 La Pera 8d 13404 14 La Petite Mere 8d 18810 660 La Petite Mere 3d 18814 16 La Petite of Biltmore 130810 14 La Petite Pogis 28757'. y80 La Pucelle 16839 16 La Reine Centennielle 4999 15 La Septieme 13433, imp 17 Lass 3d of Hood Farm 167900 *17 Lass 4th of Hood Farm 176269 •395 Lass 18th of Hood Farm 189732 ^537 Lass 21st of Hood Farm 189738 ^435 Lass 24th of Hood Farm 189741 *387 Lassetta Meridale 188050 •514 Lassie 1134 15 Lassie Easter Pogis 143523 *256 Lassie of Dundee 94068 18 Lassie of Sheomet 180987 *397 Lassie Pogis Parker 111798. Lassie Victor Pogis 124598. Lassie W. of St. L. 159935. Lass of Biltmore 142728... Lass of Burrwood 37437... Lass of Florence 110084... Lass of Scituate 9655 Lass Pogis 40740 Lass Rex Alphea 16965. 14 15 14 IT 14 15 15 14 16 Lass Signal 16308 20 *519 14 16 Lass's Jewel 113211 Laundress 2d 24649 Laura Lee 2d 128023 Laura Lee Lily 173458 Laura Lee's Lassie 165766 Laura McD. of St. Lambert 128122 Laura of Bennington 137938 Laura of Eau Claire 110739 Laura of Eau Claire 2d 128004 Laura.'s Inez 154613 ■ '489 Laurie Pansy Champion 20396 14 Lauritress 104970 14 Butter. 14.75 (lyr.). 0.5 14.5 10 7 '. . . . 2 Sire. Page. Landseer 331 , 98 Toltec 6831 184 Toltec 6831 184 6 11.87. 14 11.3 (lyr.). 2 (1 yr.) . 4 (1 yr.) . 7 (1 yr.) . 3.5 (lyr.). 6.5 14 8 (1 yr.) . 5.3 (lyr.). 4 (1 yr.) . 9 14.5 10.75 9 10 1 8.3 (lyr.).. 7 (1 yr.) . . (1 yr.) . . 8.6 (lyr.).. 8 (lyr.)., Landseer's Columbus 30839 99 Ida's Landseer 17746 80 Landseer's Pogis 16847 99 Landseer's Major 86759 99 Ida's Landseer 17745 80 Landseer's Pogis 15847 99 Lord Landseer 84238 106 Fancy's Landseer 13996 56 Landseer's Pogis 15847 99 Landseer's Pogis 15847 99 Fancy's Landseer 12996 56 Lanison 15283 100 Lanison 15283 100 Flora's Lanison 43813 68 Lanison Jr. 44334 100 Flora's Lanison 43813 68 Flora's Lanison 43813 58 Flora's Lanison 43813 58 Lanison 16283 100 Lanison 15283 100 Flora's Lanison 43813 58 Flora's Lanison 43813 58 Kahela 3859 89 Stoke Pogis 1359 170 Midas of Oxford 6986 131 Laird of St. Lambert 44151 98 Titan 8648 . ; 184 Mercutio 4591 119 Aquila 1208 6 Hood Farm Torono 60326 Hood Farm Torono 60326 Hood Farm Torono 60386 Hood Farm Torono 60386 Hood Farm Torono 60326 Lord Letta of Meridale 55716. 4.7 (180 d.). 1 12.4 (lyr.).. 11 10 6 11 1.5 2 14 14 10.75 : 2 6 (lyr.).. : 9 4 6.8 (lyr.).. : 8 2 8.3 (lyr.)... : 5.5 13 77 77 77 77 77 106 Duke of Wellington 35 44 Pogis Combine 63733 142 Jersey Monarch 14084 86 St. Helier of Sheomet 61766 161 Pogis Cowboy 18779 148 Aurated Victor Pogis 34615 6 Matilda's Rioter Lad 55076 115 Laird of St. Lambert 44151 98 Pansy's Double Rex 9997 136 Crown Prince of St. L. 80070 33 Pharos Jr. 3681 140 Sir George of St. Lambert 6036... 171 Rex Alphea 4509 153 Chief of the Miamis 2958 25 Pogis Lad 19289 143 Sir Joseph Peck 4978 171 Chromo 86113 25 Marigold St. Helier 62657 118 Marigold St. Helier 62667 118 St. Lambert of Prospect 43211 162 Eddy LarEiH" 46358 45 Melia Ann's Son 23041 117 Melia Ann's Son 28041 117 Fritz of Glynllyn 36579 69 Champion's Son 3886 83 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 249 Name of Tested Cow. Laveta of St, L. 159979 14 La Xfiolette 3d 63604 14 La Vivienne 2d 1324, imp 16 L. D.'s Helita 29366 14 L. D.'s Mabel 29368 14 L. D.'s Melia 2908Y 20 Leaf Pogis 130184 14 Butter. 11 r ... Sire. Page. Chico of St. Lambert 37419 24 Garfield Stoke Pogis 15963 60 Leah Darlington 13836 Lebanon Daughter 6106 Lebanon Lass 6108 Le Brocq's May Belle 27980.. Le Brocq's Pansy Eex 23789. Le Broemer 10670 Leclair's Marjoram 36355.... Leda Marigold 168855 15 14 14 14 18 15 15 20 Lemon Twig 42088 Lemorna 92879 Lena Golddust 192703 Lena Hogan 41506 Lena Lawrence 130543... Lena Lowndes 23203 Lena's Florence 42460.... Lena's Florence 2d 78688. Lena Stoke Pogis 39756... Leneca 17178 Lennie 84803 Lenore H. 2d 29767 Leolias 112388 Leoline 3d 18316 Leonetta H. 67514 Leonette 29752 Leonette's Orange 108531 15 Leoni 11868 Leoni 2d 29760 Leonice 2d 8342 Lecnie of Linwood 35319 Leoni Landseer 65317. Leonora of Canada 94906 Leo's Star 112380 Lerna 3634 Lernella 23332 Le I^osa 10078 Le Roy's Pet 94106 Lesbia of Meadowbrook 172881 .,. Lesbie 9179 Leslie Jenks 150424 Les Marais' Dell 20314 Leta May 83171 Leta of Llorac 70220 Letitia 3977 Letitia Hunter 36575 Letitia of St. Lambert 91054 18 15 16 14 16 22 14 16 14 14 20 16 16 14 15 15 16 15 17 16 Le Gros' Lily of the Valley 2d 13386 19 10 Leila of Briarclift 34184 Leila of Clovernook 72554 Leila Stratton 25198 Leila Victor 86433 Leiolo of R. F. 146004 Lela S. of Eau Claire 127863 Lelia Koffee of Lawn 120982 Lelia Talbot 98933 Le Mar 88030 Lemon Fern 32140 Lemon's Flossie 71314 17 14 17 14 16 17 17 14 15, 15 14 Lemon Spray 44532 15 17 17 16 16 14 14 14 14 18 15 14 16 20 14 16 15 ,5 Lord Darlington 7285 104 Lord Darlington 7385 104 Lord Darlington 7386 104 ,5 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29131 178 ,5 Duke of Darlington 2460 42 Iron Bank 1120 85 Iron Bank 1120 .85 Major Marion 6933 110 Le Brocq's Prize 3360 101 Le Brocq's Prize 3350 101 Stoke Pogis 1269 176 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 ,25 Tom McGreevy 1692 185 ,5 Domino of Darlington 3459 40 Sherbet's Koffee 18612 166 Lord Lawrence 1414 106 Eurotas' Victor Hugo 16689 49 Kissam's St. Lambert 43730 96 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 ,5 Antoinette's Koffee 26010 5 ,5 Prince of Beech Grove 16234 145 Escape 23542 47 Lemon Peel, P.S. 330, C 101 ,76 Nihilist of St. Lambert 18366 138 ,5 Coomassie's Gilderoy 14672 30 Gilderoy 2107 63 Signia 29385 169 Little Champion 63590 103 Champion Royal 7983 33 ,5 Eurotas' Pride 22653 49 Prince of Warren 1512 147 Fancy's Harry 9777 65 ,5 Toltec 6831 184 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 • 62 ,25 Steamboat 4432 176 Mint 23600 123 Duke Thorne 7030 44 Geranium's Leo 2d 33738 62 Pouch of Gold 4121 143 ,5 Tamy's Rioter 15288 181 Toltec 6831 184 Leonette's Landseer 20399 101 Rector 1468 152 Toltec 6831 184 Gil Bias 1193 63 Gold Basis 4038 65 Fancy's Harry 9777 55 Canada's John Bull 6th 20092 19 Geranium's Leo 2d 33738 62 Mercury 432 119 .5 Mercury 433 119 Le Brocq's Prize 33^0 101 Founder 30938 59 Gilderoy King 52686 64 , Oxoli 1922 136 King Tametoa 32129 96 ,5 Silver, P.S. 387, C 170 Tenella's Tormentor 22387 181 ,5 Butterbred 18270 18 Rioter 670 154 Black Diamoiid V. 4970 13 Meridale Pauline Pogis 25133 130 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old. oflicial butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 2SP INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Lett* of Eau Claire 120021 16 Lette Signal 26823 17 Lelty Coles 3d 48128 21 Letty of Florence 110085 17 Letty Ridgewood 1673S8 15 Letty Rioter 73475 24 Letty Rioter E. 194817 23 Letty Rioter's Rioter Queen ,161186 14 Letty's Fancy 160320 20 Letty Signal 166718 14 Leurona 43271 14 Lex Talionis 102390 19 . Liberty 2d 16717 14 Lida Mullin 9198 16 Light Foot Pogis 57531 14 . Lightning of St. Lambert 91392 14 Lilian D. 118290 H Lilium Excelsum 24945 17 Lilium Excelsum 2d 66040 14 Lille Bonne 8108 19 , Lilley Rex 9853. . , 14 Lilley Rex Pogis 62645 1« Lillian Mostar 10364 14 Lillie Pope 8589 14 Lillie Victor Pogis 85471 14 Lilly Cross 13796 14 Lilly Mac 22976 '. 14 Lilly of Leeds 17059 14 Lilly Signalda 23227 17 Lily A.'s Jewel 178546 *14 Lily B. of Brubeck Farm 181165 *15 Lily Combination 97120 16 Lily Darling 11713, imp 15 Lily Garfield V9819 *34 Lily Gordon 143317 •14 Lily Martin 49954 *158 LUy Martin 3d 89080 ' 14 Lily Martin 4th 10S339 19 Lily Martin 5th 124276 16 Lily Martin of Lynwood 163103 15 Lily Niobe 55766 31 Lily of Burr Oaks 11001 15 Lily of Elm Spring 61474 19 Lily of Glynllyn 31340 16 Lily of Maple Grove 5079 16 Lily of Riverside 19699 14 Lily of St. Lambert 6120 14 Lily of Staatsburgh 5427 14 Lily Oonan 79359 14 Lily Scituate 12665 24 Lily's Crown Princess 76011 15 Lily's Daffodil 89469 14 Limited Pedro 58382 21 Lincoln Maid's Daisy 160611 15 Linden Lea Lady Lambert 147278 16 Lionette 18038 17 Liphie 69395 14 Lisetta Johnson 5321 15 Lisgar's Ella 24993 17 Lisgar's Rose 2d 56976 16 Lithona of St. L. 170300 20 'Litta Oaks 19734 15 Litta Pogis 30276 18 Little Accident 16578 16 Little Browny Melrose 308379 18 Butter. Sike. Page. 3 Melia Ann's Son 32041 117 2.5 Croton Maid's Duke 6668 32 8 Diana's Rioter 10481 37 3 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041 88 12 Eurotas' Pride 33653 49 2 Diana's Rioter 10481 37 1 St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896 ... 163 6 St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896... 163 9 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48338 166 12 Signalona's Ben Signal 43521 169 11 Catono 3761 21 Judge Post 29173 89 6.5 Sir George 7656 171 8 Superb 1956 180 11 Tombigbee Cowboy 18372 185 2 '.. Baron of Riverside 23793 8 1 King of California 34197 93 0.5, Velpeau 2146 192 5 Rioter of Rocky Farm 18183 155 12 Plough Boy, P.S. 102, C 142 7 Prince of M. 2811 146 9 Garfield Stoke Pogis 15963 60 3 Diamond Earl 3116 37 5 Master 733 113 4 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697... 118 3 Hector 791 73 2 Mulberry Lad 3954 125 9 Hazel Eye 2d 7822 73 10 Signalda 4027 167 10.2 Lily A.'s Stoke Pogis 60666 102 4 Lady Mary's Exile 40262 98 2 Advocate 30815 2 9 1.7 (21 d.).. Garfield Stoke Pogis 15963 60 4.2 Vexoozel 30406 193 15 (90 d.).. Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 83 6.5 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 9.76 Oonan's Tormentor 33280 133 13.5 Little Harry 8808 103 11.5 Oonan's Tormentor 32280 133 6.6 Niobe's Stoke Pogis 13448 128 13 Ike Felch 1292 83 8 Rex 'Alphea's Rioter 9190 163 Holyoke 8147 76 3 Isaac B. 1961 85 9 Blossom's Tennessee 6060 13 Laval 606 100 2.25 Leo, F.S. 198, H.C 101 6.5 Oonan's Tormentor 22380 133 9.5 Prince of Scituate 3888 147 7 Crown Prince of St. L. 20070 33 8 Muggy 22004 125 7 Young Pedro 2d 15011 199 8 Emperor Royal 28051 47 1 Oaklands N'ora's Meri Boy 47632... 131 1 Cicero 7657 26. 6.5 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 173 10 Hamilton 1074 71 Orloff 3143 135 11.76 Canada's John Bull 8388 19 Kitty's Grover of St. L. 56465 96 6.6 Favori, P.S. 185, C 57 6 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 -. . . 146 10.5 Toltec 6831 184 5 Son's Melrose of St. L. 53021 173 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AH amounts are Tor seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 251 Name or Tested Cow- Little Butterstar 20926 14 Little Creepy 130022 16 Little Eminence 122506 21 Little Girletta 139087 15 Little Goldie 38671 *170 Little Ida Hilda 97739 15 Little Jenks 124610 17 Little Lass 28612 17 Little Lona 147078 15 Little Maquilla 112475 20 Little Mistiss 62849 14 Little Meysie 84230 15 Little Myers 104650 16 Little Ppgis 32613 16 Little Princess Potoka 79285 14 Little Ria 139089 22 Little Rue 167923 14 Little. Texas 84229 17 Little, Tipsey 79398 15 Little Torment 15681 23 Little, Valentiiie 202782 , 18 Litty , 8017 14 Litza, ,6338 14 Lively of Clearview 161338 15 Lively Wit 138886 15 Lizentris 81821 14 Lizinica of Middlebrook 162539 *14 Lizzette's Mary 12723 14 Lizzie D. 10408 16 Lizzie Helier 130169 •476 Lizzie Huguenot 189048 19 Lizzie of Glynllyn 74274 21 Lizzie Record-Breaiter 2d 208376 15 Lizzie V. 158798 .■ 15 L. K.'s Fairy 205435 *410 Loa 107279 663 Loa's' Beauty 173734 *416 Lobelia 2d 6650 14 Lodia of Biltmore 131018 15 Loessin Fancy 91699 18 Lois A. 107594 15 Lois B. 107595 14 Lois Emerson 78529 18 Lois of Pittsford Farms 88848 14 Lolette's Princess 191476 ♦15 Lolette's Prize 177169 ♦662 Lolly Darling 78006. 16 Lolly of Edgewood 130119 17 Lora Eulalie 135438 14 Lora Martin 88381 19 Lora Nicholson 27135. . 19 Loranje 83961 15 Lora of Clovernook 51599 16 Lord Fife's Joliette 30591 16 Lord Hallock's Princess 96924 14 Lord Harry's Lucy 86091 16 Lord Landseer's Daisy 161683 14 Lord's Lady Signal 190838 17 Loreda 19801 17 Loreda's Brown Bessie 119907 16 Lorelle 12913 14 Loretta D. 141708 607 Loretta D. 2d 166210 ^511 Lorilla 87505 • .' 16 Lorita 33760 ♦141 Butter. Sire. Page. 12.5 Tormentor 3633 186 Lord Hallock 29589 105 6 Orme, P.S. 1660, H.C 135 13 Gen. Jamont 42212 61 13.5 (90d.).. Little Harry 8808 103 8 Ida of St. L.'s Last Son 23601 79 8.5 Mississippi Rioter 20401 123 6 Tormentor 3533 186 13 Signalona's Ben Signal 43621 169 0.5 Little Harry 8808 103 3 Little Tormentor 17995 103 6 Little Tormentor 17995 103 8 Leo of Glynllyn 32016 102 1 Stoke Pogis 5th 6987 177 3 Little Tormentor 17995 103 Gen. Jamont 43312 61 1 He of St. Lambert 41604 83 9.5 Little Tormentor 17995 103 6 Little Tormentor 17996 103 2.5 Tormentor 3633 186 9 Will's Exile 60850 197 Duke of Maplehurst 2290 43 3 Top-Sawyer 1404 186 2 Lively, P.S. 2218, C 103 1 Ida's Meridale Victor 32400 80 13 Stokentor 35432 176 3.3 Fancy's Jubilee 25205 66 11 Euroclydon 4789 49 15 Superb 1956 180 3.4 (lyr.).. Osprey 17386 135 8 ...' King Phil 33443 96 15.5 Ramapose's Bachelor 25900 151 5.6 Son's Melrose of St. L. 53021 173 5.6 Sunmaid's Gold Drop 34372 180 8 (1 yr.) . . Loretta's King 66050 107 11 (lyr.).. Prince Noble 22198 145 12 (lyr.).. Lorna's King of St. L. King 57389. 107 6 Burnside- 1234 18 13.5 Tormeloonan 46590 186 8 Lisgar's Victor 26887 102 14 Ramapogis 3d 26443 151 2 Ramapogis 3d 26443 151 .0 Ramapogis 3d 26443 151 9 Exile of St. Lambert 16th 19155.. 53 14.8 Grand Golden Lad 59300 69 3 (1 yr.) . . Fortune-Hunter 60886 59 6 Glorene's King 23813 64 4 Vexer 20889 193 8 Eurota^' Pride 22653 49 6 Tony Lumpkin 31154 186 13.75 Stockholder 7214 176 14 Herotas 26500 75 2 Dixie Prince 18379 39 2 Lord Fife 6148 104 1 Lord Hallock 29589 105 5 Lord Harry 3d 27964 105 12 Lord Landseer 24238 106 3 Lord Pogis Tormentor 63015 107 13 Glue 3960 64 11 Recorder 29239 162 7 Lord Lawrence 1414 106 0.9 (lyr.).. Ida's Rioter of St. L. 9th 41010... 81 5 (lyr.).. Hessong's King Cole 63148 75 2 Toltec's Signal 29601 185 14.8 (90d.).. Combination 4389 28 N., B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (♦) , and butter is estimated on thp basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). A14 amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. ' 252 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Lorna Sd 33634 Lorna of Biltmore 153437 Lorna of Maple Glens 48094 l/orna's Winner 80376 Lome's Annie 108073 Lome's Diamond 66087 Lome's Marjoram 43337 17 16 14 20 18 .: 19 16 Lome's Oonan 135969 "18 Lome's Pretty Marjoram 77942. Lome's Pretty Pearl 46683 Lome's Primrose 66082 Lorraine 1435, imp Lotchen 19823 Lotta Jenks 138626 Lotta Pogis 40368 Lottie Barker 64211 Lottie Dorey 21578 Lottie Melia Ann 100775 Lottie Melia Ann 2d 174214 Lottie of Clearview 108937 Lottie Rex 18757 , 14 19 16 14 16 17 16 15 16 21 15 16 14 Lottie Signal 90039 ■ 14 Louisa D. 90959 Louisa Doming 23469 Louisa Hinman 12802 Louisa of Riverside 69769 Louise Obella 37060 Louise of Lawnfield 14151 Louise Ridgewood 125278 Louise Sneed 62594 Lou Tormentor of Lawn 84413 Louvie 3d 6159 Lovelorn of Biltmore 194493 Love's Azalea 194490 Love's Nancy of Biltmore 193067 Love's Phillis of Biltmore 194487 L.'s Coomassie 198833 L. Toltec's First 130688 ■ Luani 37989 Lucetta 6856 , Lucia Rex 78326 Lucie of Bay View 66027 Lucile Jenks 138403 Lucile Marigold of O. H. 208360 Lucile of Pearl Hill 91151 Lucilla 2736, imp Lucilla 3d 9786 Lucilla Kent 8892 Lucilla of Menlo 104237 Lucille Rioter 130770 Lucky Belle 2d 6037 Lucky Ethel Rex 112602 Lucky Olive Germ 80256 Lucy Cobb 16133 Lucy C. of Humboldt 171296 Lucy Gaines' Buttercup 5058 Lucy Gray 2746 Lucy Lee H. 68106 Lucy" Lee H. 2d 93846 Lucy MoClung 20368 Lucy of Wabash 9741, imp Lucy of Westonook 193738 *480 Lucy Prince 110888 20 Lucy S. King 106E84 15 Lucy's Love 20568 14 Butter. 9 12 10 1 Sire, Page. . Stiletto 8320 176 .' Trevarth 39280 190 .Column 9622 28 . Nightingale's Nugget 22848 128 .■ Lome of Meridale 34024..: 107 . Lome 5248 , 107 4.5 Lome 5248 107 1.3 Lome of Meridale 34024 107 14 Pedro 3187 137 6 Lome 5248 107 12 ■ Lome 5248 107 8 7 Nero 7266 127 6.6 King Tametoa 32129 96 11 Prince of Melrose 2d 11016 146 11.5 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 83 12.5 Signal, F.S. 278, C 166 2 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 22042 117 11 Melia Ann's King 86681 116 2.5 Exile of Clearview 36394 60 4 Rex 1330 153 3.5 Alfonse 3013 3 14 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 4th 26533 108 16 Tunxes Chief 3706 191 Chelten Duke 924 23 8 Lord Harry 3445 105 12 Louis of St. Lambert 11013 108 11.5 Duke of Argyle 1517 41 4 Eurotas' Pride 22663 49 13 Prince of Melrose 4th 14362 146 3 Denise's Tormentor 11833 36 13 Rex 1330 153 8 Golden Love 49478 67 8 Golden Love 49475 67 5 Golden Love 49478 67 Golden Love 49475 67 7 St. Lambert of Idylwild 17579 162 13.25 Little Toltec 24446 103 Niburn 7658 128' 3 Rector 1458 152 10 Comus Rex 26804 30 8 G. F. Train 18868 63 11.5 King Tametoa 32129 96 8 Graceful Marigold 51967 68 4 Gray Beauty's Rioter 27131 69 1 Dana 3620 34 6 Conqueror, P.S. 89, H.C 3D 4 ' Companion 31467 29 3.8 Ida's Champion Rioter 42231 80 14 Aldine 1136 3 2 Lucky King 17360 108 3.6 Lucky King 17360 108 6.5 Smoke Smith 4844 1.3 King Pogis of Humboldt 83691. Macgregor 2178 13 Major Adams 1044 16.5 Landseer's Pogis 16847 4 Bisson's Landseer 27520 12 3 Monmouth Gyrene 6835 124 0.25 (lyr.).. Meridale Victor Hugo 4th 57.237... 120 3.5 Matilda Sd'S Dauncey 32841 114 14.25 Naiad's St. Lambert King 30645... 126 14 Clusius H. '8781 27 172 96 109 110 99 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (*). All amounts ar» for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 253 Name of Tested Cow. Lucy's' Paiiletta 136467 Lucy T. 48200 Lucy Tormentor 6S847 Lueila Berlin 16987 Luella K. of St. Lambert 126949. Lula Gordon 2d 90067 Lula M. 32643 Lulu Melia Ann 174881 Lulu of Riverside 19175 '. Lulu of Spring Brook 112902 Lulu Pedro 71902 Luna Dean 8d 76456 Luna Dean 3d 84309 Luna K. 140380 Luohla Exile of J. L. 132729 Lustre 2062 16 16 14 14 20 15 16 16 17 16 17 15 16 16 14 15 Luta Pogis 69601 14 Luteefy 46313 Lutie Kabo 177028 Lydia D. 2d 97860 Lydia Darrach 4903 Lydia Darrach 2d 8066 Lydia Darrach 3d 10662 ButterT Sire. Page, 11 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 4th 26633 108 12. 7 Sir Roger's T. 3938 172 8 Little Tormentor 17996 lOS 6 Berlin 4507 10 6 King of St. Lambert's King 30762. 95 4.6 Bessie's Toltec 19869 11 14 21 *14 tl7 16 16 Lydia Darrach 6th 16677 15 Lydia Davis 128718 '14 Lydia Lambert 163865 14 Lydia Libby 11698 15 Lydia McK. 87465 16 Lydia's ' Exile 198770 17 Lynona 36240 16 Zalma's Mercury 6983 200 Melia Ann's King 56681 116 Coventry Boy 5847 32 Dandy Monarch 32373 35 Young Pedro 2d 15011 199 Eddystone 23413 45 Eddystone 23413 45 Uno of St. Lambert 38948 J91 Exile of Jersey Lawn 29421 .60 Orangepeel 502 134 9 .. 184 78 6 2 15 4 2 12 5 8.5 1.6 Beauty's Stoke Pogis 14175 . 6 Titan 8548 8 Hot Corn 58674 10.8 14 4 Lord Gordon 24901 105 Doctor H. 2132 Duke of Brandywine 2213. Duke of Brandywine 2213. Duke of Brandywine 2213. 39 41 41 41 14 109 1.5 Bluster 22798 3.75 McDonald's St. Lambert 49825. 3 Jack Libby 3307 85 5.75 Quid 25823 149 8 Exile's Reformer 3d's Son 66982... 63 8 .— Bombastic 9931 14 Mabel Crockett 18719 Mabella of Biltmore 163009. Ma Belle 4942 14 15 15 Mabellena 107603 ' *17 Mabel of Pittsford 111550.. Mabel's Blue Belle 180283. Mabel's Gazelle 126815 Mabel's Jewel 6261 18 20 20 17 Mabel's Surprise 126876 *525 14 14 20 18 14 Mab of Deerfoot 3d 16345 Mab of Eau Claire 120020 Mab's Cretesia 169868 Mab's Crown Princess 190101. Mab's Dido 163375 Macella 3d 149721 *15 Macie Pogis 103639 15 Mack's Marietta Gem 179352 14 Mack's Pansy Princess 126013 14 Maculae 24277 15 Madame Argyle 19476 14 Madame Melrosa 103185 16 Madame Pogis 74452 14 Madam Zophee 31679 16 Madeleine of the Island 177748 16 Madge i8904, imp. . . '. 19 Madge Berg 24166 14 Madge of Foxhall 168571 : 16 Madge of Glen Rouge 112465 16 Madolina H. 12327. Madora Gold 67302. Maggie C. 12216... 19 17 14 M,,:ggie' Cyrene 53462 15 19 17 Maggie' McM. 14073. Maggie" Martin 9562 . 9 Le Brocq's Pride 4871 100 8.5 Trevarth 39280 190 Euclid 520 49 12.5 Prince Noble 22198 ' 145 11.75 Cicsar of Pittsford 33892 18 1 Mabel's Poet 65780 109 9 Joel of Pittsford Farms 28450 87 13 Rex 1330 , 16» 14.4 (lyr.).. Prince Noble 22198 145 0.5 Deerfoot Boy 1926 35 10 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 14 Beatrice C.'s Pogis 38683 8 1.5 Jubilee's Crown Prince 64383 89 7 Gold Standard of Sparta 50726 68 7.8 Guernsey Exile 49340 71 1.13 Sig Pogis 22806 170 8 Mack of Marietta 61364 109 3 Squantum Prince 27564 175 3 Thalma 4288 182 6 Spangle's Boy 6229 174 3 Ida's Rioter's Prince 32355 88 4 Beauty's Stoke Pogis 14175 9- 2.5 Signalda 4027 167 Interested King, P.S. 2841, C 84 15. 2 10 8 4 1 6 15 g 6 Bergen 5567 la Gen. Jamont 42212 61 One Hundred per Cent. 16590 132 Homer H. 3683 76 Gold of St. Lambert 16744 6S Champion of America 1667........ 28 Chendado 12966 23 Thorndale 2682 ;. 183 Much Ado 8406 125 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 254 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Maggie May 3865 Maggie May 2d 12986 Maggie May of Tupelo 71380 Maggie of St. Lambert 9776. 14 14 80 16 Maggie of Springvale 15931 18 Maggie Rex 88683 17 Maggie Rule 31940 21 Maggie Sheldon 23583 21 Maggie's Star Caroline 161861 -. . . 14 Magna 2238, imp 19 Magnibel 7976 15 Magnolia Ridgely 17269 14 Magy^rlani^6326 17 Magyarland's Dawson 134762 14 Magyarland's Rachel 134761 15 Magyarland's Temisia 134766 •750 15 16 14 15 14 16 15 14 14 Butter. 2.6 ... 6 7 3 5 2.6 ... 5 5 12 1 Mahoning Bess 35834 Maidena 117919 Maiden of Jersey 2736, imp... Maidie of Green Lawn 185695. Maid Martha 185001 Maid of Amboy 8929 Maid of Avranches 6959 Maid of Berlin 12746 Maid of Concord 168452 Maid of Edgewood 111690 Maid of Fernwood 2d 29010... Maid of Five Oaks 7178 Maid of Safagossa 9086". Maid of Tanglewood 51606 Maid of the Elms 6960, imp.. Maid of the Elms 18938, imp. Maid of the Elms 3d 16554... Maid of Yokun 8d 86360 Maid's Riotress 140926 Maitland Browny 182502 17 15 16 16 16 16 16 14 81 18 Malope 2d 11923 ". 15 ... f21 ... 17 16 14 19 15 16 16 18 15 14 Mamelle 20804 Mamie Coburn 3798 ■. , Mamie H. Pogis 57050...'. Mamie Thorn 117030 Mandana 3d 78778 Mannie of Orchard Farm 196420. Manoa 6340 Manuscript 74881 Maple Glens Elsie Pogis 143086.. Maple Glens Gold Lorna 84017... Maple Leaf 4768 Mapleton's Kitty 168790. 18 Maquilla 24043 21 Maquilla Dean 117278 16 Maquilla of Hood Farm 113067 14 Maquilla's Violet 09774 31 Marampo's Fairy 90493 16 Marampo's Ida 186786 17 Marburi 37991 16 Marcella of Altama 199981 '479 Marchande 58868 83 Marchande 8d 93883 Marchande 3d 133S18 Marchande Oonan 148693 Marchen 186119 March Ida Pogis 101188 Marchioness Jubilee 134056 15 Marchioness of Maplehurst 8018 14 Sire. Page. Nelusko 478 127 Champion of America 1567 22 Duke of Coonewah 14548 42 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 177 Duke of Springvale 4390 44 Cash Boy 3248 30 Yoko 3951 198 Sheldon 6860 166 Star's Rioter Pride 63746 176 10.9 (1 yr.). 8.75 18 11 Magnetic 1488 Orange Skin 1216 Trial, P.S. 1187, H.C Magyarland's Exile 41708... Magyarland's Exile 41708... Magyarland's Exile 41708... Prince of St. Lambert 6287. Signal Ben Signal 27186 13 1 11 4 6 14.6 . 4 4 14 3 10 8.26. 8 14 13 15.75. 8 18 1 15 1 18 10.8 . ' 1 13.75. 'i > . 5 St. Lambert of Green Lawn 31876. Dictator of St. Lambert 8d 48432.. Standard 553 Tommy, on I of J Don Pedro of Binghamton 8974... Haltono 3d 49278 Vexer 20889 Uproar 4th 5964 Butterstamp, P.S. 101, C Balboa 1244 Marjoram's Stoke Pogis 17203 109 134 190 109 109 109 147 167 162 37 175 185 40 71 193 192 18 7 113 12 6 (lyr.). 14.25 4.5 6.25 15.6 4.5 (31 d.). 14 6 Lord Lawrence 1414 106 Tennessee's Tormentor 23498 182 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 Valorous, P.S. 1197, H.C 192 Brother Jack 4048 16. Gold Basis 4038 65 Ramchunder 718 161 puffer's Hugo Pogis 15315 17 Vexer 20889 193 Aaron Stoke Pogis 21705 1 Marigold Polo 43129 112 Duke of Lebanon 1880 43 Combination 3d 17576 29 Dido's Stoke Pogis 24194 37 Rioter of Maple Glens 21887 165 Ontario 865 132 Mapleton 49283 Ill Rosy King 4433 158 Alberta's Fancy Harry 30472 2 Fancy's Harry 9777 65 Maquilla's Harry 22701 Ill Marampo of St. Lambert 24234 111 Marampo of St. Lambert 24234 111 Niburn 7058 138 Echo's Garfield 50857 .'. 45 Southern Prince 10760 174 Bisson's Pogis 30781 12 Prince of Tennessee 20778 147 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 Oonan's Tormentor 28280 133 Master Le Brocq 82047 113 Fancy's Jubilee 85205 56 Duke of Maplehurst 2290 43 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 255 Name or Tested Cow. Marcia G. 53211 14 Marea 10167 IT Margaret L. W. 168239 17 Margaret of Lagonda 36127 14 Margaret Vale 130932 14 Margery Golden 183950 *453 Margery Jourdain 102845 1? Marget of Middlebrook 152782 20 Marian Holton 101478 14 Maria of St. Lambert 64908 20 Marie Bash 81441 18 Marie C. Magnet 22903 15 Marie S. 12043 15 Marie's Maud 78467 18 Marigold Beauty 130168 20 Marigold d'Or 150576 18 Marigold Mary 167282 15 Marigold Massey 130318 17 Marigold of Angelica 156628 16 .Marigold of Bleak House 173761 15 Marigold Princess 117638 16 Marigold Queen 143326 14 Marilla Marigold 143333 21 Maril'la of St. Lambert 31809 21 Marine 53459 16 Marion Earle 63908 14 Marion Hill 40777 15 Marion of Eau Claire 120457 21 Marion Weed 170195 15 Marissa 65285 16 Maritana 12039 16 Marjoram 3239, imp ^6 Marjorain 2d 12805 15 Marjoram of Coal Hill 82339 20 Marjoram of Glen Rouge 78420 22 Marjoram of Glen Rouge- 2d 123634 17 Marjoram of Linden 43600 28 Marjoram of Maplefront 127297 15 Marjoram's Delle 82954 19 Marjoram's Matilda 77944 19 Marjorie Marigold 130170 14 Marjorie Melia Ann 157263 17 Marna 76108 16 Marno B. 56368 16 Marpetra 10284 ^ 14 Marquette Tormentor 131897 19 Marsh Marigold 143336 18 Marshmelon of Lynwood 123413 22 Mars' Satellite 91179 17 Martha Altama 183538 *485 Martha D. 66641 17 Martha Hall 2d 57901 14 Martha Lafayette 17158 17 Martha of Eau Claire 120022 14 Martha of Moore Park 103749 14 Martha's Melia Ann 181120 18 Marvel 13734 15 Marvel of Highland 136399... 15 Mary Anne of St. Lambert 9770 t 36 Mary Ann Hazel Fern 174827 *547 Mary Ann of Mingo 135229 16 Mary Brown 81213 15 Mary Carmen 125357 18 Mary Clover 9998 14 Mary Fallon 80220 ,... 17 Butter. Sire. Page. 11 Osiris of Fernwood 16078 135 10 Le Brocq's Prize 3350...' 101 15 Chancellor of Prospect 53914 23 4 Crystal 9324 33 7 Mortimer B. 40607 124 3.2 (1 yr.) . . Golden of Biltmore 60082 67 4 Marquis of St. Lambert 18395 113 8 Fancy's Jubilee 25205 56 12 Sophomore 24253 174 3.5 Ismena's Prince 20041 85 Beauty's Stoke Pogis 14175 9 8 Champion Magnet 6480 22 6 Farmer's Glory 6196 * 56 2 Nihilist of St. Lambert 18256 128 4 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 2 Hessong's St. Lambert Boy 45376.. 75 8 Marigold Inez Pogis 59946 Ill 2 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 13 Regal Marigold 51092 152 10 Stoke Pogis of Waxie 54777 179 12 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 89121 178 11 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 4 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 13.6 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 52 8 Diploma 16219 .■ 38 8.5 Matilda's Perfection ,17100 115 1 Black Diamond V. 4970 13 14 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 5 Matilda's Eurota Pogis 50109 115 2 Diploma 16219 38 3.5 Farmer's Glory 5196 56 ^P Stoke Pogis 1259 ; 176 ''5 Ida's Rioter of Coal Hill 19661 80 1?V?5 Canada's John Bull 5th 20092 19 3 One Hundred per Cent. 16590 132 12 Lome 5248 107 1.5 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 17th 42228.. 82 12 ' Rioter's Pride 11694 156 6 Prospect's Rioter 9189 149 2.5 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29131 178 8 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 —12 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 173 10 Romp's Tormentor 7126 158 6 Marpetro 3352 113 12.5 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 1.5 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 8 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 4 Mars Pogis 32050 113 14.9 (lyr.).. Tormentor of Kawkawlin 42880 188 2 Pride of New York 19787 144 10 Champion's Loyal 12673 83 6 Lord Harry 3445 105 13 Melia Ann's Son 82041 117 10.5 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 155 8 Melia Ann 3d's Son 59461 116 1 Mercury 432 119 11 Ben Hur Pogis 38370 10 12.85 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 177 4 (1 yr.) . . Grand Coin 69791. 69 12.5 Exile B. 43495 50 11.5 Beauty's Stoke Pogis 14175 9 0.5 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 22042 117 15 Beeswax 1931 . ; . ; ; 9 1.25 Rival Rioter 11445; 156 N. B.— Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old oiHcial butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for s.even days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. ■ ' -- 2S6 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Mary Gordon 41429 18 Mary H. Bonner 186071 16 Mary Hinman 17619 15 23 17 20 14 20 16 16 16 16 14 27 14 15 14 18 Mary Idagold 88186 Mary jane of Belle Vue 6956 Mary Jane of Cedar Grove 125447. Mary Justice 37449 Mary M. Allison 6308 Mary M. Landseer 93950 Mary M. Pogis 32455 Mr.ry Odelle 127252 Mary of Bear Lake 6171 Mary of Gilderoy 11219 Mary of Glenoir 59940 Mary of Hillhaven 189050 Mary of Lodi 88517 Mary of Pleasant View 13448 Mary of Seekonk 158672 Mary of Vernon 192798 *436 Mary Palestine 52439 Mary Price 164486 Mary's Gem 198769 , Mary Shield 105896 Mary's Nightingale 87263 Mary's Pet- 40772 Mary's Silver Drop 14235 Masher 64960 Massena 25732 Massena 2d 31188 Massena 4th 47342 Massena of Orchard Farm 166190. Massena's Trust 112682 Massey Marigold 117630 Massey Melia Ann 149418 Massey Polo 67010 Massey Polo 2d 89216 Massey Polo 3d 99378 Massie's Brown Bessie 139829 Master's Lady 111622 Matchless Marigold 164168 16 16 16 15, 14, 15 ... . 16 16 20 17 14 15 23 17 18> 30 16 14 16 15 18 Mate of Elm Spring 64459 14 Mathilda Frey 101057 Matie pf St. Lambert 170612. Matilda 3238, imp 16 15 17 Matilda 4th 12816 t21 Matilda 4th's Daughter 88644 16 Matilda 5th 18068 16 Matilda 6th 39290 20 Matilda Ann Darling 105398 14 Matilda Hazel Fern 168576 *392 Matilda Hilda 76346 14 Matilda Hope 138895 Matilda Mysinda 84487 Matilda of Fairfield 208091 Matilda of Maplewood 49723 Matilda of Meridale 57176 Matilda of the Ledges 97740 Matilda Red 139083 Matilda's Bright Ebony 167588 Matilda's Gift 131599 Matilda's Idalia 164457 Matilda's Interest 188175 Matilda's Matilda 75348 Matilda's Pansy 81311 Matilda's Queen 72663 10 15 14 14 23 16 14 16 16 16 362 17. 14 16 , Butter. Sire. Page. 6.25 Lord Harry 3446 105 14 King Bonner King 61788 91 11.5 -Stoke. Pogis 5th 5987 177 9 Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 177 7 Remarkable, F.S. 229, C... 153 4 St. Pogis of Prospect 36550 164 9.5-. Justice 9949 89 14 Earl of Willow Glen 2043 45 5.5 Landseer's Pogis 16847 99 4.5 Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 177 9 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485 189 .... Prince of Warren 151£ 147 . . . Gilderoy 2107 6S ... Leonette's Landseer 20399 101 ... Rex of Linden Lea 60573 153 14 4 3.5 11 1 6 4 3 7 12 Sir Hugo of St. Lambert 13726.. William Devries 6064 171 19fS Gen. Jamont 42212 61 31 89 31 83 53 128 (lyr.).. Count of Grovelawn 63083 Jupiter Hugo Pogis 14342 Corinne's Coomassie 46279 Exile's Reformer 3d's Son 65982 . . . Exile's Rebel 7.5 Steletho 10505 176 4.6 Dudley 3999 41 14.6 Damascus 22222 34 7 Kago 1353 8» 11 Highland Kago 14349 75 Hugo Chief of St. Anne's 12070... 78 14 ,Gen. Jamont 42212 61 7 King Coomassie Jr. 26856 92 0.5 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 2 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 6.5, Holyoke 8147 7S 9 "Ramapose's Bachelor 25900 151 13 . 6 Kindergarten's Duke 30065 91 7 5.5 14 5 13 8.5 10 4 1 1 1.3 (lyr.).. 4 Ida and Allie's Landseer 43456 79 Master Le Brocq 32047 IIS Lord Marigold 50430 106 Cicero Tormentor 20228 26 Wine 29954 197 St. Lambert Boy 4th 57778 162 9 15 5.75. 9.6 . 9 3 12 H.4 . 2.5 7 (lyr.).. Stoke Pogis 1259 176 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 Duke of Darlington 2460 42 Lord Darlington 7285 104 Matilda's Lisgar 21374 115 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 Matilda 4th's Son 20214 114- Matilda 5th's Stoke Pogis 31342 114 Matilda 4th's Son 20214 114 Dolly's King 41654 40 .Stoke Pogis Jr. 15300 176 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 Matilda 4th's Son 20214 114- Gen. Jamont 42212.' 61 Matilda 4th's Butter Bull 47699 114- Matilda's Duke 37523 114 Matilda 4th's Butter Bull 47699... lit interested Prince 68224 84 Matilda 4th's- Son 20214 114 Matilda!s Victor Hugo 20244 115 Mivtilda's .Victor Hugo 20244 115 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butler. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds ind ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 2S7 Namk of Tested Cow. Matilda's Queen of St. L. 93746 18 Matilda's Riotress 134187 17 Matilda's Rose 81397 > 15 Matilda's Tea Rose 163954 14 Matin 7768 17 Matina Marigold 117635 18 Matina of Beechlands 149411 16 Matina of Riverside 61783 27 Matin of Meridale 148750 15 Matlie 3d 9879 14 Mattie Fair 108815 15 Mattie Fair 2d 125052 14 Mattie Fair 3d 132365 15 Mattie Jenks 124611 16 Mattie Tormentor 62841 16 Maud Drew 38522 17 Maude Brown 85756 15 Maudie of St. Lambert 73603 15 Maudie of White Lick 2'9682 15 Maudine of Elmwood 8718 16 Maudine of Florence 127182 *609 Maud Lee 2416 23 Maud Lee 2d 8839 14 Maud Marigold 124906 '. . . 15 Maud Melia Ann 3d 180964 6323 Maud Melia Ann 5th 193093. Maud Melinda 12126 Maud Miami Jr. 69131 Maud of Glen Rouge 103781.. Maud of Ingleside 74044.... Maud of Maple View 39511.. Maud's Crown Princess 90320 Maud Signal 2d 68664 Maud's Sultana 19518 Maumee Girl 118155 Maury Pogis Queen 178917 Maury's Rexina 149962 Mavourneen of St. Lambert 9777. M. A. V. P. Princess 140976 Maxim's Marguerite 200376. Maxim's Marjorie 186361... Maximum Riotress 67328... BuTTEH. 13.25... 1 2 17 17 14 22 18 23 Maud Pogis 24240 14 ... 17 22 ... .16 ... 15 14 14 15 17 Maxim's Brown Bessie 182792 *15 16 16 17 11 11.5 2.5 13 15 13 14 11 6.5 5.5 12 7.5 7 15 15 (lyr.).. 12.5 4 (mk., 1 yr.) 4 8 10 5.5 . 7.6 . 12.75. 8 4 4 10.75. Maximum Riotress King 184361 *489 2 (lyr.). Maxminta 85922 Max Polly 108994 Maxveenie 86583 19 15 14 Maybee H. 60620 18 ... 20 16 15 Maybel Gordon 168963 May Belle St. Helier 125292 May Belle's Lady d'Or 74749 May Blossom 5657 18 May B.'s Belle 121062 15 May Bud of Monmouth 128864 May Clotaire 123131 '. 18 May Cuckoo M. 97417 14 May Day 60451 16 May Day Stoke Pogis 28353 19 May Dee 18058 15 May Dee Pogis 36993 20 May Dee Pogis of C. H. 93568 16 May Evening 15938 17 May Fair 5184 16 Mayhegtal 644^4 16 8.5 6 4 2 15 11 16 8 3.5 0.5 10 5.5 8 13 7. SiEE. Page. Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13666 81 St, Lambert Boy 17408 161 Matilda's Victor Hugo 20244 115 Matilda 4th's Butter Bull 47699 114 Horace, P.S. 94, H.C 77 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 Holyoke 8147 '. 76 Ida's Coquette Pogis 43044 80 Charlie Kittredge 1247 23 Lord Hallock 29589 105 Ethlotheel 43260 48 Dolly's King 41654 40 Mississippi Rioter 20401 123 Little Tormentor 17996 103 Cattaraugus Chief 6026 31 Ida's Stoke Pogis 2d 16864 83 Count Rioter Pogis 31388 31 Kinsman 3338 96 Hindoo 2282 75 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041 88 Cceur de Lion 318 27 Wormwood 1746 198 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 Melia Ann's Grandson 60469 116 Rioter of St. Lambert Jr. 56680... 165 Mirza 1300 123 Little Miami 22076 103 Canada's John Bull 6th 30092 19 Duke of Ingleside 14274 42 Nora's Longfellow 7427 129 West Wind 4289 196 Crown Prince of St. L. 30070 33 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 155 Ramapo 4679 161 Prince of Tennessee 20772 147 Maury Pogis 31699 115 Maury Pogis 3d 37928 lift Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 177 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 30697... 118 Signal's Maxim 42489 169- Signal's Maxim 42489 169- Signal's Maxim 42489 169 Maximum Rioter 18539 lis St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896... 163 Pogis Maximum 20761 143; Pogis Maximum 20761 148 Pogis Maximum 20761 14? Tamy's -Rioter 15288 181 Lord Harry Gordon 25S76 105- Son of Jessie 40806 , 173. Lady d'Or's Son 31048 97 Litchfield 674 102 Orr's . Chief 19508 135- Happy Marquis 26801 72 Nora's Clotaire 39383 139 Prince of Tennessee 20772 147 Exile of St. Lambert 33d 20712 5S Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 177 Eqpidee 4097 49 Stpke. Pogis. 6th 5987 177 Ida's -Rioter, of St. L.'s Son 38869. . 82 Pplonius, ,2513 14a Guy , Mwtieririg 698 71 Pomp,'? . TpTPJWt .8789 167 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts 'are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and Ounces. 258 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Mayhegtal 2d 101298 May Indian 16075 May Julietta 150579 May Keller 78874 May Koffee 45862 May Lankton 16872 May Love of Biltmore 177963 May Marjoram 123811 May Naomi 92277 17 14 15 19 15 16 16 16 14 May of Edgewood 74825 18 May of Elginburg 144045 *14 May of Ingleside 66831 21 May of Weber Farm 1S3434 16 May Otto 64666 14 May Pedro 50876 15 May's Grand Duchess 62607 15 May's Tantrum 177943 "l? May Toltena 50405.... 14 May Violet 30S50 18 Medalist 8d 106545 18 Medrena 3939 18 Meg Mitchell 4187 15 Meines 3d 7741 20 Meines St. Helier 29999 14 Melbina 78875 20 Melia Ann 6444 18 Melia Ann 2d 47464 18 Melia Ann 2d's Media 178129 *15 Melia Ann 8d's' Pogis 68767 17 Melia Ann 3d 68070 28 Melia Anna Romola 141955 14 Melia Ann Maqsey 174310 14 Melia Ann of Longview 186237 15 Melia Ann Signal 196932 16 Melia Ann's Leilassie 169812 14 Melia Ann's Maggie 151622 15 Melita of Hillcrest 7064 14 Mellie Argyle 20609 14 Melody 2689 ■ 14 Melrose Lass 106926 21 Melrose Milly 61917 16 Melrose Princess 2d 62003 14 Melrose's Perfection 28895 24 Melrose's Signal 54830 15 Mel's Cactus 2d 201227 14 Mel's Gem 108020 17 Mel's Pearl 136442 18 Mel's Pearl 2d 177635 15 Mel's Princess 108019 ■ 18 Meme 34921 18 Meme 2d 49946 18 Meme La France 163788 16 Memento 1913 14 Mendota 3d 26326 15 Meprise Bloomfield 50068 14 Mercedes H. 12826 17 Mercedes' Pet 80570 17 Mercer's Blanche Signal 101460 15 Mercurina 64920 17 Mercurina of Hood Farm 113069 14 Meridale Alphea 164642 14 ■ Meridale Beauty Dee 97738 14 Meridale Bessie 173028 15 Meridale Coquette 64535 17 Meridale Diana 94931 17 Butter. Sire. Page. 14 Ethleel's Landseer 22341 48 5 Indian 1721 84 9 Budd's King of St. L. 48660 17 8 King of St. Lambert 1517S.... 94 5.5 Ona's Koifee 9745 132 1.5 Civil Eights 7223 .; 26 13 Golden Love 49475 67 5 Exile of Glen Rouge 37813 60 10.5 _ Golden Ray 10669 67 8 King Coomassie 2d 19645 98 11.8 Kingston Bob 44529 96 ■? Duke of Ingleside 14274 42 7.5 Fancy's Harry 6th 24768 65 3.5 Corporal St. Lambert 18109 31 i King Peto 10541 95 3.5 Clermont's Victor Pogis 20026 26 9 Sam Patch 51158 .. .-. 164 5.37 Toltec 6831 184 11.5 Lord Alfred 5215 104 14 Elocution 31159 46 Medway 717 116 3 Ishmael Hurd 1548 85 1 St. Helier 45 160 1 Duke of St. Helier 7527 44 2 King of St. Lambert 15175 94 0.5 Lord Aylmer 1067 104 6 Lord Darlington 7285 104 0.7 Maud's Rioter St. Lambert 51635.. 115 1 .: King of St. Lambert 2d 17823 94 8 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544 108 11 Meridale Victor Hugo 34025 120 7 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 2d 53696. . 118 0.5 Melia Ann's King 56681 116 10 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 2d 53696. 118 7 Melia Ann's King 56581 116 5 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 8 Major Domo 2161 110 2 Duke of Lome 6510 43 1 Duke of Jersey 198 43 11.25.! Fisher 29104 58 2.5 Prince of Melrose 4819 146 11 Beauty's Stoke Pogis 14175 9 12 ■ Duke of Melrose 5185 43 5.75 Prince of Melrose 4819 148 14.5 Rioter of St. Lambert Jr. 56580 155 4 Mel's Champion 16449 118 0.5 Ethel's John Bull 29005 47 6 Rioter of St. Lambert Jr. 56580 155 2 Mel's Champion 16449 118 4 Oonan's Rajah 8965 133 12.87 Alfonso 3013 3 1.5 La France's Oonan 49436 98 5 Lawrence 61 100 6 Omaha 482 131 14 Meprise's Tormentor 11554 119 12 Homer H. 3683 76 1.5 Alaric of Lakeside 6621 2 3 Mercer Signal 29815 119 10.5 Combination 4389 28 7.5 Bengal 30954 9 8 Garfield's Black Prince 24548 60 9 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 79 7 P«tite's Meridale Rioter 65010 140 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 79 11 Matilda.4th's Son 20214 114 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*)> and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old oflicial butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All ■ amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 259 Name of Tested Cow. Meridale Eupidee's Hope 194091 14 Meridale Eupogis 196749 16 Meridale Flora Matilda 170974 14 Meridale Haidee 124430 14 Meridale Honoria 176442 17 Meridale Ida's Barbara 198267 17 Meridale Lois D. 171882 17 Meridale Matilda Dee 164645 16 Meridale Oaklands Nora 6478B 15 Meridale Paletta 124428 19 Meridale Phinora 119398 14 Meridale Rioter Pink 64534 15 Meiidale's Best Matilda 170971 15 Meridale's Ruth 161595 "IS Meridale Sweet Ida 94854 20 Meridale Victoria 94848 18 Merlette 4988 16 Merlinia 144003 15 Mermaid of Glen Rouge 138006 22 Mermaid of St. Lambert 9771 t 25 Mermaid of the Island 138787 81 Mermaid's Melia Ann 180965 21 Merry Burlington 7600 15 Merry Lass of Berkshire 194714 *475 Merry Maid 2d of Hood Farm 167735 19 Merry Maiden 64949 *193 Merry Maiden's Daughter 168608 *399 Merry Maiden's Flolea 196038 *422 Merry Maiden's Modita 164617 *566 Merry Maiden's Zaza 196135 "373 Merry Maiden's Zelda 215034 'IS Merry Maid of Millbrook 159369 15 Merry Miss 180051 'OOl Merry Moulton 138325 19 Mertha's Duchess 170810 •573 BUTTEE. SiHE. 9 Eupidee of Meridale 56720 . 4 12 Merty of Peach Hill 77774.. Metah's Baby 9710 Metah's^ Queen 4886 Metallica 127187 Meta of Maplewood 112680. Metaphysics 100974 Mette D. 47433 Mhoon Lady 6560 Miaclara 48690 Miamis Signaldini 43891 .... Miamotto 48691 14 14 IT 18 14 23 14 17 14 17 16 Midget Petitesse 177293 'SIS 15 16 15 17 14 15 14 15 14 16 14 14 15 17 16 17 14 17 Midget Princess 131874 Midway 50000 Milba 103296; Mildred G. 46077 Mildred Margaret 112593 Mildred Montague 45476 Mildred of M. 15548 Milka of Lawn 153132 Milkgood 27828 Milkmaid Felch 12339 Milkmaid of Burr Oaks 9035. Milk Weed 16402, imp Milk Well 99301 Milky Way 18865, imp Milla Garfield 148385 Millerton Maid 74926 Millie -D. 5th 138340 Millie .M.- 81646 7.4 (lyr.).. (1 yr.) . . Eupidee of Meridale 56720 Garfield's Gaffar 46803 2 Matilda 4th's Son 20214 15 Gaff ar's Pedro 67406 3 Ida's Coquette Pogis 43044 9 Ida's Coquette Pogis- 43044 8 Pogis Dee of Meridale 56719 1 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 6 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 9 Garfield's Black Prince 24548 13 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 7.5 Garfield's Gaffar 46803 10.5 Meridale Victor Hugo 34025 8 Ma of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 7 . 26 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 Samson 1079 15.5 Landseer's Merlin 45721. 9 One Hundred per Cent. 16590 13.5 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 3 Rosy's Wonder, P.S. 835, H.C 4 Melia Ann's Grandson 60469 4 Merry Andrew 719 1 (1 yr.) . . General Tom Scot 56292 11.4 Merry Maiden's 2d Son 59441 14 (90 d.).. Diploma 16219 '. 14.8 (lyr.).. Volco of Hood Farm 47734 13 (1 yr.) . . Merry Maiden's 3d Son 60516 Merry Maiden's Son 54355 Merry Maiden's 3d Son 60516 7 Merry Maiden's 3d Son 60516 7.5 Diploma of Millbrook 46123 2.2 (lyr.).. Hood Farm Torono 60326 1 Lord Vernon 37920 14.9 (lyr.).. Son of the Duchess 5'i069 4.5 Young Weston 18439 5 Omaha 482 9 .... Omaha 4^7.. 1 Metalist 37608 15 Exile of St. Lambert 3d 17195 2.25 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13666 12 Little Harry 8808 3 Ralph 957 8 Chief of the Miamis 2968 14.5 Signaldini 8556 Chief of the Miamis 2958 4.6 (lyr.).. Petit Garcjon 50400 6 . 75 Michael Lambert 23551 2 Diploma 16219 6 Signia 29385 5 Prince Pedro 10588 4 Hugh J. 37569 5.5 Lord Montague 12385 2.5 Rabbi 2496 « Applause 34234 7.5 LemonPeelofFrancheville,P.S.439,C. 7.5 Ike Felch 1292 5 Ike Felch 1292 7 , 13.5 Spokane 23440 8.5 5 Garfield's Gaffar 46803 3 Matilda's Perfection' 17100 13.25 Lady Mary's Exile -40262 6.5 Ida's Landseer 17745 Page. 49 49 60- 114 60 80 80 142 79 79 60 79 60 120 79 79 164 99 132 177 158 116 120 62 120 38 195 120 120 120 120 39 77 107 173 200 131 131 121 52 81 103 150 25 167 26 140 181 38 169 148 78 107 150 5 101 83 83 175 60 115 98 80 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is- stated in -pounds and ounces. 26o INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Millie . of Eau Claire 130023 18 MiUplain Princess TSSTO , 18 Milly Barry 134631 17 Milly judd 85898 14 Milton's Gentle Ida 16858S "lO Minerva Q. 167625 15 Minetta's Riotress 196874 15 Minette of Linden 88663 14 Minette of St. Lambert 9774 17 Minise Signal 96665 18 Mink 2d 3890 19 Mink 3d 4868 14 Minna Rajah 14847 16 Minnie C. 2d 48414 16 Minnie Hauk 2d 99103 16 Minnie Kersey 19895 14 Minnie Lee 2d 12941 14 Minnie Louise 131234 14 Minnie Mignon 90972 14 Minnie Montague 46474 15 Minnie of Oxford 12806 17 Minnie of Scituate 17829 14 Minnie of Sheomet 172600 *471 Minnie Parker 38718 26 Minnie P.'s Nehushta 121998 17 Minnie Rioter 21336 15 Minnie R. of St. Lambert 61965 16 Minnie's Ina 2d 164070 14 Minnie's Lady Allen 102925 \... 17 Minnie's Ouida 33117 14 Minnie's Pet Jersey 93119 15 Minnie's Pink 95748 16 Minnie's Riotress 141444 18 Mintha 12812 15 Mintha Tormentress 110448 22 Mintresse of Ingleside 103128 16 Minty 2d of Hood Farm 112326 15 Minty 8th of Hood Farm 122267 14 Minty 19th of Hood Farm 143107 14 Minute Gun's Commilla 183619 •564 Mirah Landseer 74827 17 Miralba 66002 14 Miranda of Bolton 100226 21 Mirnie Potter 72670 14 Mirror's Belle 128346 20 Mirtha 3437 17 Mirtha of St. Lambert 136126 22 Mischief Le Brocq 7680 .15 Miss Ackley of Brook Farm 172808 14 Missal 109066 21 Miss Albert 63138 17 Miss Alexander 2d 26064 15 Miss Allie St. Lambert 2d 99260 16 Miss Badger 109794 14 Miss Beauty 4063 16 Miss Belle 6083 t 88 Miss Bianca 12617 17 Miss Bingo 80096 24 Miss Blanche 2515 20 Miss Bligh 24561 15 Miss Bluster 108231 *15 Miss Bowris 12206 17 Miss Browney 7288 16 Miss Buller 148082 16 Miss Cisneros 131026 20 BuTTEH. Sire. Page. 12 Melia. Ann's Son 22041 lir .2 , Princp of Avon 17544 145 14.5 Aaron Stoke Pogis 21705 L ,3.5 Metropolitan 23888 12L 8 Milton, P.S. 2336, H.C 122: 9 .Minerva's Pogis 20085 122: 6.6 Rioter King Lome 60856 164, 1.2 Prospect's Rioter 9189 149- .4 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 177- 4 Alf. Signal 31184 3; 11 The Hub 1009 18S: 9 The Hub 1009 183- 8 Marmaduke's King of Hearts 2949 11* 14 Gen. U. S. Grant 14822 62- 1 Oonan's Pogis 17165 132- 11 Watson 3451 19ff 3 Champion of Americ- 1667 22; 4 Hilario St. Lambert 32623 75. 12 Judge Watson 26286 89- 5.5 Lord Montague 12385 107" Stoke Pogis 2d 2414 176- 4.5 Duke of Scituate 3623 44- 3 (1 yr.) . . Minaret Exile 56933 12^ 2.6 Gilderoy 6th 7426 63 3 Signal Dick 32034 167 10 Greatorex 4218 70- 9 Duke of St. Lambert 16160 44 5 ' Rioter of Brook Farm 41458 154- 10 Royal Allen 28149 159- Parole of Honor 4291 136- 6 R. F. Eric 21330 16S David of Glynllyn 26760 35- 6 Vida's Stoke Pogis 47856 194 Rioter Vulcan 5380 156 9.25 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485 ISg' 10.5 Duke of Ingleside 14274 42 3.5 Mint 23600 12* 4.5 Mint 23600 .' 12» 4 Mint 23600 laa 10.4 (lyr.).. Minute Gun 34776 123. 1 '. Leonette's Landseer 20399 101 7 North Pacific Prize 11469 130 4 Viking of Bolton 24881 194 10 Paul Potter 12119 137 8 Mirror 28117 18S 13.6 Medway 717 116. 11 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 155- Pierrot, F.S. 143, C 14L 2 Hanover Hugo 40394 72: 11.25 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 9 Eurotas' Victor Hugo 156^9 49> 10 Carlo 5559 20- 12.6 Marjoram's Stoke Pogis 17203 113. 10 ; Winder 20966 197 12 Apis 1806 5- 9 Apis 1806 ... : 5- 14 Faust 603 67 12 Bingo 2d 6749 11 9 (10 d.).. Ringleader 392 154 2 Berger, P.S. 278, C 10- 8 Bluster 22798 14 .8.6 Faust 503 57 13 Browny, P.S. 158, H.C 17" 13 St. Lambert of Bellaire 49583 168- ,3 Matchless, P.S. 1831, H.C 114 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and buffer is. estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 261 M: Mi Mi M: M: Mi Mi M: M: M; M Mi M: M .M: M; M: M: M: M: Mi M Mi Mi M: M: M M: M Mi ■.Mi M: M: M: M Mi M: M: Mi M: Mi Mi Mi M M: M Mi M Mi M: M: M: M: M: M Mi M: M: M: Mi M: Mi M: Mi Name of Tested Cow. ss Clifford 87962 ss Clifford Sd 56149 ss Clifford 3d 63360 iss Clifford 5th 63364 17 16 15 14 ss Daisy L. 130961 15 15 17 16 16 21 ss D'Arcy 62596 ss Dora Deane 24605. sseldine 69393 sselle 73488 ss Eyre 2d 103724. . . ss Fillacy's Pogis 147229 15 ss Flora Brown 100632 19 ss Flora Lee 173168 14 ss Foxy S. B. 155214 16 ss Golden 2d 112540 15 ss Gracie 86495 37 ss Gracie 2d 121218 17 ss iHalif ax 117479 14 ss iHazelton 2d 148309-. "IS ss iHelen Brice 88340 18 ss Jepson 148651 582 ss Juanita 119249 17 ss Julia 26701 _ 21 ss Katie W. 47366 15 ss Le Dain 87472 14 ss Le Gros' Maid 83645 18 ss Lofty 9718 16 ss Lome 78132 15 ss Madrid 49419 14 ss March 61083 ' 16 ss Margaret G. 136435 18 iss Masy of Bleak House 193637 16 Maud Signal 166915 '493 . ss May of St. Lambert 37084 15 ss iMilton 51851 ss Modita 128^)9 ss iMontague 57937 ss Morehouse 91703.... iss Mouse 92512 ss Naomi 45098 ss Naqtila 49000 ss Nellie Parker 24988. 84 18 14 17 19 15 15 23 ssouri Ramaposa 165378 *754 ss Parolee 182985 ' iss Patti Rosa 73607 ss Peacock 30871 ss Perrot 73801 iss Polo of Bleak iHouse 816072. iss Porter 80300 iss Puritan 34204 ss Rainy 66893 ss Remarkable 33446 ss Retta 105807 ss Rioter Tormentor 90697 ss Roonalda 97131 ss Sassafras 70468 ss Satanella 31644 29 17 16 16 15 16 18 15 16 20 15 23 17 80 ss Signal 20379 16 iss Thankful 8d 131969. iss Tilda 165860 ss Vermont 7698, imp.. ss Vesta 108765 ss Williams 185316 ss Willie Jones 6918. 24 *lo 16 14 16 16 ss. Yolande Lambert 199960 "416 Butter. Sire. Page. •16.5 Gold Rope 6139 68 4.6 Casta's Champion 11794 20 2.5 Stoke Pogis Trio 15448 179 7 Stoke Pogis Trio 15448 179 3 Homestead Victor Pogis 86535 76 Signalda's Tormentor 9298 . . ._ 167 9.63 Argo 3737 .' 6 0.75 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 173 5.6 Kathy's Stoke Pogis 17566 90 4.75 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 8 Cretesia's Butter Pogis 29964 32 Plebeian 31020 148 3 Minute Gun 34776 123 15 De Laval 2d 56995 36 10 Winder 29955 197 12 (14 d.).. Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 1.75 Little Harry 8808 103 3.6 Lamplighter 31543 98 13.6 Prince Raglan 42589 148 1.26 Diploma 16219 38 6.7 (lyr.).. Mazeppa Pogis 32246 116 5.5 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 5th 34947... 81 1.5 Sir Alpha 6378 170 11.76 Gilderoy 5th 7426 63 5.25 Nero 7266 127 5.75 Ida's Pogis 18000 80 10 Duke of Mansfield 2277 43 9 Lome Victor Pogis 22214 108 11 Combination 2d 16957 28 7.5 Queen Anne's Ramapo 14577 149 4.5 Bisson's Landseer 7th 40506 12 Channel King 62768 23 5 (lyr.).. Signalona's Ben Signal 43581 169 14 Rubano 8806 159 9.5 Chevalier 14748 24 '14 Brown Bessie's Duke 48166 16 Lord Montague 18385 107 10 Pussie's Pogis 25935 149 8.75 Prince of Tennessee 20772 147 3 Molten Gold 12186 . .' 184 5 Aella's Stoke Pogis 14769 8 11 ". Perrot, P.S. 348. C 140 14 (lyr.).. Missouri's Rioter 3d 35487 123 IS. 9 (14d.).. Brown Bessie's Master 53656 16 15 St. Lambert's John Bull 16618 163 10 Oonan's Rajah 8965 133 Ethleel's Harry 15962 48 6 Channel King 68768 23 6 Young Prince, P.S. 188, H.C 199 6 Star Duke 8438 175 2 Minnie's Stoke Pogis 17801 182 2.5 Gold Basis 4038 65 1 Recorder 39239 158 14 Miss Porter's Tormentor 25658 183 9.25 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 2 Raleigh Lisgar 17981 150 6 Master Vermont 4304 113 4 Alpenoa 6062 4 4.5 Valentine K. 29503 : 192 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 9th 41010... 81 5 2 Victor Holyoke 32484 193 18 Lucy's St. Lambert Lome 36940 108 4 Mopsus 1165 184 (1 yr.) . . Lady Letty's Victor 65020 98 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven, days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 262 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Mistress of Bleak House 195432 Mistress of Bleak House 2d 196433 Misty Morn 88725 Mitten 13368 Mittretta's Rose 66192 Mocha's Pft's Rheta 37529 Mocking Bird 61627 Modiste 74879 Modita 16626 Mogda Koffee of Lawn 131396 Moggy 59626 Moggy Bright 26891 Mojave 143130 Molina of Glen Rouge 123635 Molinette of St. Lambert 73741 Molinette of St. Lambert 3d 116146 Mollie Davis 26378 Mollie Garfield 12172 , Mollie Garfield 2d 18662 Mollie Lome 164863 Mollie McK. 140463 Mollie of Edgewood 167966 Mollie of Glen Rouge 129125 Mollie of St. Lambert 34644 Mollie Priamus 137596 Mollie St. Helier 2d 98389 Mollie's Fancy 69728 Moll of Maplewood 144316 Moll Roberts 110201 Molly 3554 Molly Butter Cup 87978 , Molly Dutton 144878 Molly Gibson 116939 Molly May 17202 Molly May Pogis 102823 Mona 3d 23134 • Mona Caird 75776 Mona Caird Marigold 124910 Monarch's Gazelle ^97335 Monarch's Gazelle 2d 138429 Monarch's Gazelle 3d 147674 Monarch's Star 80232 Mona's Beauty 50041 Mona's Mab 31524 Monmouth Duchess 3896 Monmouth Duchess 3d 4620 Monmouth Duchess 4th 7129 Monocacy Dimple 9680 Mon Plaisir Lily 26969, imp Mon Plaisir of Verba Buena Ranch 12622, imp. Montana Bella 186807 Monte Sano Belle 77683 .' Mooly Pedro 77811 • Mooly Victor Pogis 141044 Moonah's Pet 7484 Moorey of Lawn 68847 Moragina 26344 Morganza Queen 77791 Morlacchi 27S5 Morna O. 128698 Mosa 69691 Moss Rose of Jackson 86709 Moss Rose of St. Lambert 5114 Moss Rose of Willow Farm 5194 Mother Cary 11746 23 16 17 15 15 14 17 16 16 15 14 21 14 16 18 16 16 22 15 •16 16 *830 15 15 16 14 14 15 14 15 15 14 17 14 15 14 26 14 16 20 20 18 16 16 14 14 18 14 16 IS •14 16 17 16 15 21 17 16 14 19 14 16 14 23 27 Butter. 4 SiRE. Page. General Polo 52796 62 8 Channel King 62762 23 5 Noremac 26958 130 11 Niobe Duke 2364 128 0.5 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13668 83 2.5 Chippewa 5739 25 4 Diploma 16219 38 11.5 Compass 16968 29 8 Tony Calypso 3354 185 5.5 Antoinette's Koffee 26010 5 8 Mythology 12448 125 16 Bright, F.S. 308, C 15 6 Aaron Stoke Pogis 21705 1 2.5 One Hundred per Cent. 16690 132 8 Canada's John Bull 5th 20092 19 8 Rector of St. Lambert 27198 152 12.5 Killarney 5179 91 12 Bel Caliph 1432 9 14 Judge Mayo 5149 89 (lyr.).. Bessie's Lome 63342 10 McGregor Combination 45196 109 Cousin Sam 53864 32 Two Hundred per Cent. 33692 191 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 62 Priamus 28455 ' 14* Warren's Duke 21380 19S Texas Pogis 20194 182 Exile's Best Son 2d 44960 53 .5 Leonette's Landseer 20399 101 Dick 1410 '. 37 Cretesia's Rioter Pogis 23072 32 Philip Noble 51474 141 Yogi 37702 198 Mingo 948 122 Lome Victor Pogis 22214 108 Tom Kenelm 11023 185 7.25 Aurora Chief 20039 6 0.5 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 39121 178 9 Jersey Monarch 140S4 86 3 Victor F. W. 5th 29413 19S 1 Gloriana's Son 56757 64 4 St. Lambert's Monarch 25802 16S Duke of Mona 10639. 43 Snedens 4882 173 Hector 129 73 Optimus 1607 134 Optimus 1607 134 Blennerhasset 3334 IS 7 7 4 3 2.5 13 13.2 Grand Golden Lad 69200. 16.5 Signalda's Torment 14673 69 167 3 Othick Pedro 20511 135 10 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697.. 118 6 Marniaduke 483 ' 113 4 Potiphar 19988 143 3 Kapper's Victor 12340 90 2.75 Chieftain Pogis 25035 25 Duke of Grayholdt 1036 42 4.5 Exile of Perry 41002 51 6 Lexicon 23110 -„ 102 4 Moss Rose Victor 19133 126 0.5 Buffer 2065 17 1 Young Concord 1406 199 1.5 Ralph Guild 1917 160 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AH amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is slated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 263 9 1 3.25...' 9.35 8. 85 18.6 16.3 (14 d.). 18 16.3 9 (lyr.). 5 Name of Tested Cow. Bdtter, Mother Hubbard 10331 24 1.5 . . . Moth of St. Lambert 9775 16 8 Mountain Lass 129S1 14 Mousy 8d 14968 17 Moxie's Mode 97432 16 Moxie's Mode 2d 133263 15 Moxie's Mode Oonan 163280 15 Moyane 21595 81 Moyane C. 86498 37 Moyane's Pet 98116 16 Moy's Gilderoy 194663 •16 Moy's Rosetta 170854 *541 Mrs. Jaclc 50805 15 Mrs. Kniclterbocker 19367 16 M. S. P.'s Burnside 56497 15 M. S. P.'s Primrose Sd 74688 15 Mulberry 22031 14 Mulford's Lizzie Walker 50213 16 Muriel 6th 19017 16 Musa Marigold 143338 14 Musicale of Greenwood 62932 15 Musidove 25379 18 Musidove 3d 61641 16 Musquita 28468 17 Muzio 97423 15 My Alpha's Beauty 66469 15 Mylitta 15668 16 My May Pogis 84236 14 My Queen 12614 16 Myra F. of Lawn 116758 16 Myra Glynllyn 194380 _. . 19 Myra Tormentor 84227 15 8.5 11 3 5 12.6 3 14 2 1 3 2 13 6 Myretta 28231 ' 14 Myrrha 11299 16 -Myrrha 3d 60406 Myrrha's Prize 146908 Myrtle 8d 811 Myrtle of Fairfield 208090 Myrtle of Ridgewood 7868 Myrtle Vance 84237 Myrtle Vibert 127672 Myrtlise 64006 Mysinda 2d 42260 Myth 8837 14 15 16 17 14 14 14 19 18 14 18 8 11.5 . 11.85. 1 0.5 . 9 18 1 3 5 Sire. Page. Duke of Darlington 8460 42 Stoke Pogis 3d 2338 177 Ralph 957 150 Romulus, P.S. 181, H.C 168 Prince- of Tennessee 20772 147 Maury's Tormentor 25113 116 Oonan's Tormentor 338S0 133 Progress 2d, P.S. 898, H.C 149 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 Moyane's Tormentor 21690 125 Lass' Moy Tormentor 51750 100 Lass" Moy Tormentor 61750 100 Prince Pogis 10688 148 Bingo 1811 11 Matilda's Stoke Pogis 14838 115 Athal's Stoke Pogis 24116 6 Victor, P.S. 148, H.C 193 Broadsword 7149 16 Lenape 2732 101 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 178 Prof undo Basso 20321 148 Pilot of Bowker Farm 6085 141 Pilot of Bowker Farm 6086. . .,. 141 Ramapo 4679 151 Fancy's Pogis 21797 66 Beauty's Stoke Pogis 14175 9 Kapper 2033 90 Odelle's Pogis 85076 131 Young Duke 138 199 Antoinette's Koftee 26010 5 Gertie's Son 66463 63 Little Tormentor 17996 103 Myron 7167 135 Top-Sawyer 1404 186 Fancy's Harry 9777 55 Bisson of Longfield 41076 12 Bliicher 2d 102 13 Fayette Farmer 48605 57 Ben Rajah 795 10 Odelle's Pogis 26075 131 Vibert Stoke Pogis 35549 193 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 83 Count Bismarck 733 31 .25. Naiad of St. Lambert 12965 t22 2. Naiad's King's Mattie 198680 17 12 Nal Day 26553 i9 13 Nanalda 32917 14 8.13. Nanalda 3d 97130 16 1 Nanalda's Princess 148685 15 13 Nance of Glen Rouge 129469 17 7 Nancy Groves 3d 129681 17 9 Nancy Leberman 87385 19 18.25. Nancy Lee 7618 26 8.5. Nancy Lee of St. Lambert 110316 18 Nancy Lovelock 15511 17 9 Nancy Lowndes 2d 79363 14 5.5 . Nancy of Glen Rouge 111588 16 4 Nancy of St. Lambert 12964 14 5 Nancy O'Neil 147733 59 6 Nancy's Melia Ann 155963 15 5 Nancy's Star 41423 , 16 1. Nan Day 17193 80 4 Nanella 78463 15 9 (38 d.). Stoke Pogis 3d 3338 177 Alexis S. King 59893 3 Signalda 8d 6748 167 Signalda 4087 '167 Oonan's Pogis 17166 138 Prince of Tennessee 80772 147 Two Hundred per Cent. 33692 191 Duke of Bowman Hill 35048 41 Dalton 30117 34 Claimant, P.S. 84, H.C 26 Rioter of Peach Hill 36779 155 Silver Mine 1668 170 Warren's Prince 87973 196 Hugo's Bonanza 84053 78 Stoke Pogis 3d 3338 177 Carlyle Boy 36367 30 Melia Ann's Son 32041 117 Nancy's Rioter 8390 136 Duke of Ouaquaga 8740 43 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13660 83 N. B, — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 264 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow, Nanette of Hood Farm 104447. . . . Nannaxie 18860 Nannie of Hood Farm 108665 Nannie Pogis 63786 Nan of Argyle 47661 Nan of. Ethelwyn 49602 Nan of St. Lambert 69463 Nanoonan 98776 Naoma's Lucy Pogis 128643 Naomi of Glen Rouge 128637 Naomi's Pride 16746 Narda 38012 Narletta 78462 Narmeoka H. 12323 Natalie Marigold 130319 Natalie Victor 73689 15 17 14 16 14 16 15 *14 17 18 15 16 14 18 16 17 Natasqua 65598 *166 Butter. 8.5 ... 4 6.26... 11 5 12.5 ... 9 9.3 ... 12 4.5 ... Nazell 3d 98271.. Nazli 10327 Neitherme 64670. Nelida 2d 8227... Nell B. 110225... 16 15 15 15 14 Nellie 15Q7 14 Nellie Alphea 61274 Nellie Bunker 52163 Nellie Darlington 5956 Nellie Hugo 63793 Nellie McD. of St. Lambert 128121 Nellie of Clearview 109184 Nellie of Hood Farm 144080 Nellie of St. Lambert 69458 Nellie Signal of Brushy 100012 Nellie's Orphan 141030 Nelly 2402, imp Nelly 6456 Nelly Gray of Clermont 10906. Nelly Thorn 83344 Nelly Torment 61903 Nelope Pedro 50879 Nerbat 68664 Nerissa of Nyack 9692 15 Nerobella's Blossom 48051 Nervilette's Romp 104432 Nervine 26932 Nervine's Pet 136645 Nerviona 43678 Nerviona 2d 98687 Nestor's Beauty of St. L. 74884 Nettie H. of Brook Farm 153315 Nettie N. 58307 Nettie Newcastle 168333 Nettie of Nubbin Ridge 131976 Nettie Signal 37837 N ettie's New Year 99296 Nettie's Picture 50960 Nettie Underwood 117007 *( Nettina of Winnikee 46406 Nettina's Helf re 122822 Nettina Silverette 89997 Nettina's Nutley 106897 Neva of Clearview 124491 New Design 135183 ' New London Gipsy 11667 New Maud Lee 16614 14 14 16 20 16 16 14 23 14 Nellie Smith 2d 156042 *14 15 16 .... 21 14 16 15 15 16 2 1 10 12 3.5 .12 6.5 (90 d.). 8.5 3.6 1 2.5 5 2 1.5 4 3 7.5 6 6 12 11.5 15 14 1 7 7 4 7 1 1 6 1. 8 15 1 4 8 13 9.4 (lyr.). 15.5 15.5 14.5 6.5 8.5 Sire. Page. Pogis Whiting 28907 143 Maxse 400 116 Fancy's Harry 9777 55 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 146 Baron Hugo 15208 8 Champion of Ethelwyn 14308 22 Canada's John Bull 5th 80098 19 Oonan's Tormentor 88880 133 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 4th 26633 IDS One Hundred per Cent. 16590 132 Ridgely of Hampton 3046 164 Tormentor 3533 186 Oonan's Tormentor 22880 133 Bismarck (Fairbanks') 1877 11 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 89181 179 D. of D.'s Victor 11726 40 Fair Corinth 12465 64 Little Harry 8808 103 Duke of Darlington 2460 42 Tormentor 2d 7124 187 Beauclerc 1882 8 Sir Hugo of Grinnell 83242 171 Potomac 153 143 Champion of the West 14271 22 Bunker 9025 18 Smith of Darlington 2458 172 St. Lambert's John Bull 16618 163 Niobe's St. Lambert King 39846 . . . 188 St. Lambert of Clearview 32108 162 Col. Ballard 26200 _ 87 Canada's John Bull 6th 80098 19 Signal Oak of Brushy 29008 168 Lady Brisco's Exile 60781 97 Victor Rioter of St. L. 39688 194 101 1 92 157 95 127 158 184 187 184 149 21 56 187 78 179 194 128 168 179 49 165 75 127 188 130 10 Lemon, F.S. 170, C Achmed 8115 King Coomassie 2d 19645 Romp's Torment 8789 King Peto 10541 Nemonette's Rioter 16106 Rory O'More 3836 Toltec 2d 11073 ; Nervilette's. Harry 89057 Tisquantum, P.S. 268, H.C Putnam Boy 36417 Catonoson 9667 Fancy's Harry 6th 84768 Nestor of St. Lambert 22385 Hanover Hugo 40394 Stoke Pogis Prince 11005 Vida's Stoke Pogis 47856 Minerva's" Pogis 20085 Signal Duke 12661 Stoke Pogis' Perfection 5984 Eurotas' Victor Hugo 15689 Shade's Darling Duke 17752 Hohokus 5569 Nettina's Son 41761 Ninetta's Son 29074 Nutley's Son 31201 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 18th 48252.. Toltec's Signal 29501 Pierrot 2d 1669 Glue 3960 185 141 64 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and ai'thent'cated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is Stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 265 Name of Tested Cow. Nibbette 11625 Nibble 6796 Nice 68027 Nicola E. 97614 Nicola's Bessie 134650 Nicomis 68026 Nicotine's Pet 125592 Nienchen 48698 Nigella 7896 . 14 14 14 16 15 14 20 17 16 Nightingale K. 8d 19841 16 14 14 14 16 25 23 Butter. 7 15 12 2 12 Nightingale of Elmarch 8318 Nimble 22335 Nina Gordon 76101 Nina K. of Biltmore 194610 Nina Ress of Sennett 103282 Nina Ress of Sennett 2d 196939 Ninetta's Duchess 141693 *19 Niobe 99, imp 14 Niobe Gordon 3d 44041 14 Niobe Marigold 108363 15 Niobe of Linwood 11134 14 Niobe of Orchard Farm 187741 20 Niobe of St. Lambert 12969 t 21 Niobe's Alpheanette 23336 22 Niobe's Alpheanette 3d 39459 19 Niobomba 26456 14 Nita Belle D. 126593 21 Nitelis 102722 16 Niva 7523 15 Noble Charity 67245 18 No Chemicals 71452 16 Nola of St. Lambert 157000 16 Nonda Miller 2d 185104 14 Nonine Clay 148079 •19 Nonnie Pogis 41432 18 Nonsuch of Linwood 29028 Nora Ann of St. Lambert 149870 Nora Clinton 91938 Nora Gwin 123914 14 15 18 15 Nora Hugo Duchess 169939 15 Noraline of Glen Rouge 159063 .... 17 Nora of Argyle 127520 '17 Nora of Glen Rouge 69452. Nora of St. Lambert 12962. Nora Pogis 75345 Nora's Edith Lass 165134. Nora's Esther 188059 Nora Sheldon 43590 16 22 21 17 '19 17 Nora's Lucy of St. Lambert 138475 18 14 25 16 16 14 14 15 21 15 Nora's Melia Ann 180962 Nora's Riotress 124870 Nora Stoke Pogis 34687 Nora Tormentor of Lawn*99738 Nordheim Creamer 9758 Normanda 3914. Notary's Silver Girl 166158 Nuna 18669 Nun of Argyle 127518 Nuphar Houghton 36364 15 Nutley Darling 22412 ,15 Nutley Dolores 13797 23 Nutley Dolores 2d 55901 15 Nutley St. Lambert 58469 16 Nutley Silverette 22410 22 Nutley's Tones 122809 698 SiEE. Page. Fast Boy 2606 56 The Squire 1298 183 Diploma 16219 38 Toltec's Signal 29501 185 Recorder 29239 152 Upright 6147 192 H.C. 66 25 56 59 120 119 1 Golden Hero, P.S. 1833 8 ChufiFy Chief 17625 3 Fast Boy 2606 8 Frank Warren 1490... 2 Merry Boy, on I. of J. 10 Mercury 432 3.5 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 173 12 Kola's Golden Lad 68615 97 11 Glenwood of Sennett 85643 64 8 Marigold Polo 43129 112 6.8 Theda's Duke of Portage 41768 188 3 Pedro of the Valley 8750 .5 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 Prince Ridgely 3047 Marigold Polo 43129 .26 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 .5 Alpha of Clifton 1824 .5 Yellow Boy 6381 ' Prince of Darlington 5089 5 Golden Hero, P.S. 1833, H.C .5 Alney 7^02 Caen 2317 ^ Charity Boy 11765 Prince Pogis 10688 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 Bobby F. 42663 .5 Prairie Queen's Signal 45442 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13668 .5 GoIq Basis 4038 Melia Ann's Son 22041 Fannie's Son 28014 Lord Harry Pogis 27999 St. Lambert Boy 4th 57778 Canada's John Bull 5th Jr. 60028. .7 Andalusia's Pride 36152 Canada's John Bull 5th 20098 Stoke Pogis 3d 8238 .75 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169... St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896.. Oaklands Nora's Boy 57974 Sheldon of St. Lambert 13831 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 4th 26533 5 Melia Ann's Grandsoi. 60469 St. Lambert Boy 17408 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 Tormentor's Last 24930 Eclipse 1449 Normandy 1046 Notary 8d 62197 ;... Southville Boy 4271 Andalusia's Pride 36162 Houghton 5886 3.5 .' Duke of Darlington 2460 2 Tommy, P.S. 249, C 3 Bunker 9025 8 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 7 Nutley's Favorite 5132 8.5 (lyr.).. Nutley's Son 31201 138 179 148 112 177 4 198 145 66 4 18 23 148 155 14 143 83 65 117 56 105 168 19 4 19 177 79 163 130 166 108 116 161 52 188 45 130 130 174 4 78 42 185 18 52 130 130 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 266 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Nutshell 2d 50962 19 Nymphsa 5141 18 Nymph of St. Lambert 12968 24 Butter. Sire. Page. 2 Eurotas' Victor Hugo 15689 49 7.5 Mercury 432 119 14 Stoke Pogis 3d 2238 177 Oak Hill's Buttercup 206931 18 Oak Hill's Cyclone 209896 16 Oak Hill's Jessamine 207432 15 Oak Hill's Little Annie 185901 18 Oak Hill's Little Browny 199086 23 Oakland Girl 11103 14 Oaklands Cora 18863 19 Oaklands Lilly 14881 15 Oaklands Nora 14880 23 Oaklands Nora 2d 46967 ' 19 Oak Leaf 4769 17 Obelisk 100963 19 Ocia 68396 16 Odalette 76888 17 Odelle Sales 15664 16 Odelsign of Lynwood 114421 15 Odnata 121152 14 CEnone 8614 18 Ogden's Alice 77590 17 Ogstree 90943 14 Oitz 8649 15 Oktibbeha Duchess 4422 17 Ola's Pride 174290 15 Old Noble's Hannah 163981 17 Old Noble's Heire^ 99083 15 Oleo 38476 18 Oleta 16625 , 16 Olga 2d's Pogis 118869 15 Olga 3d's Marigold 168691 *518 Olga 3d's Pogis 118870... 20 Olga 4th's Pride 160791.'. *19 Olga Ann 130317 20 Olga. Ann Marigold 168218 *623 Olga-Englena 198562 *500 Olga Guenella 188803 ♦362 Olga H. 60619 15 Olga Marigold 143331 15 Olga of the Glen 160790 *477 Olga Victor Pogis 127711 17 Olie's Lady Teazle 12307 16 Olive Branch of Hillcrest 7447 16 Olive Dunn 188832 *790 Olive of One Pine 93449 17 Olive of Sheomet 187161 *441 Clive Raglan of Rincon 129805 *614 Olive Star 81102 Olivia Albertine 3d 83438 Olivia Marigold 108187 ' OIlie Fisk 124492 OIlie Wilkes 77402 Olomona Girl 180727 Olymph 17967 Olymph Koffee 78803 -17 Ona .7840 , 22 Ona Bunker 113728 Ona Bunker 2d 122448 Ona's Legacy 130760 Oneida 42100 Oneida 2d 43553 Onnolee 23804 Onwa. 69628 . 7.5 . 0.5 . 8 4 4.5 . 10.5 . 9.5 . 4 6 1 10 8.75. 15.38. 8.5 . 14 16 4 2 11 4 14.5 6.5 1 12 11 12.9 (1 yr.)., 0.5 13.7 3 5.2 (lyr.).. 8 (lyr.).. 9.6 (lyr.).. 4 14.5 13.3 (lyr.).. 5 7 6.8 (1 yr.).. 9 (lyr.).. 15.25 (lyr.). 7 1.75 0.6 14 12 13.06. 6 10.5 . 2.5 . 1 13 4 13.5 Tenella's Frost 26548 Graceful Marigold 51967 Signal Hub Melrose 37112 Record-Breaker 38447 Graceful Marigold 51967 Thorndale 2682 Jersey Boy, P.S. 92, H.C Rambler of St. Lambert 6285 Lome 6248 Canada's John Bull Jr. 15693 Devilshoof 866 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 Diploma 16219 Odelio 20223 Tormentor 3533 Odelio 2d 30299 Philosopher 32487 Signal 1170 Ethleel's Xandseer 22341 Biveno of Ogston 13253 Clive Duke 1901 The Hub 1009 Eurotas' Pride 22663 Maud S. Le Brocq's Duke 21649.. Koffee's Noble 14631 Seneca Chief 4098 Romeo of Sacramento 3030 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 22042... Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29181 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 22042... Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 22042 . . . Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 Chief Engineer 47148 Guenon's Lad 2d 62304 Tamy's Rioter 15288 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 Stoke Poap of Prospect 29121 Melia An7s Victor Pogis 20697.. Nero Chief 2d 4217 Jeweler 1386 ■ nhur Dunn 42469 Osprey 17385 St. Helier of Sheomet 61765 Prince Raglan 42589 Lucky King 17350 Aaron Stoke Pogis 21705 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 Adrian Exile 29419 Inand-In Bred S. P. Third 22595. Kate Bess' Rioter Boy 58341 Vertumnus, P.S. 161, H.C Olymph's Koffee 20087 Khedive, P.S. 103, H.C Coomassie and Ona 31038 . , Pedro's Princess' Prince 41346... King Coomassie Jr. 26856 Combination 4389 Combination 3d 17676 Bingo- 8d 6749 Diploma- 16219 181 68 168 152 68 183 86 161 107 19 36 81 38 131 186 131 141 166 43 12 27 183 49 115 97 165 157 117 179 117 179 117 179 24 71 181 179 179 118 127 86 S 135 161 148 108 1 179 1 81 90 193 131 90 30 139 92 28 29 11 38 N. "B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in oounds and ounces. - • INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Onyx of Argyle 76748 18 Oona B. 149105 •14 Oonamistle 64469 15 Oonan 1485 23 Oonan 2d 19669 18 Oonan 3d 49955 14 Oonan 4th of Hood Farm 134745 19 Oonan 7th of Hopd Farm 138616 ,. . . *686 Oonan 8th of Hood Farm 139699 *14 Oonan 11th of Hood Farm 143106 ♦586 Oonan 14th of Hood Farm 147794 *14 Oonan 15th of Hood Farm 150407 14 Oonan 17th of Hood Farm 162433 •692 Oonan 19th of Hood Farm 154037 *14 Oonan 23d of Hood Farm 163228 *389 Oonan 25th of Hood Farm 153470 •523 Oonan 43d of Hood Farm 176104 *406 Oonan 45th of Hood Farm 177353 •411 Oonan 49th of Hood Farm 184793 *343 Oonan My Pride 148683 14 Oonan of Kenmore 164692 20 Oonan of Riverside 69773 t 34 Oonan Pogis 59836 14 Oonan's Alda 108337 20 Oonan's Beta 97280 17 Oonan's Bijou 2d 182195 •593 Oonan's Cinnie 98887 21 ,Oonan's Countess 3d 198029 *548 Oonan's Fancy 31887 19 Oonan's Fancy Pedro 175834 20 Oonan's Fancy Pedro 2d 194936 20 Oonan's Fortune 144459 16 Oonan's Grace 86489 24 Oonan's Gretchen 162644 14 Oonan's Jeannette 46616 20 Oonan's Lois 163629 •586 Oonan's Moss Rose 2d 182198 *408 Oonan's Oonan 99574 17 Oonan Sponaldo Nettie 177626 ^17 Oonan^s Silverlocks 163361 •IS Oonan's Sprite 163626 *489 Oonan's Sweetbrier 134341... » 17 Oonan's Tess 166338 20 Oonan's Tormentra 164543 24 Oonan's Ula 152969 23 Oonan's Victoria 168140 *465 Oonazeluss 77481 15 Oonette 149351 "lO Oonette 2d 184963 *384 Ooney C. 131371 17 Ootsie 131370 16 Opaline 7590 / 15 OpheHe of Meridale 114747 16 Ophi of St. Lambert 49004 14 Optima 6716 19 Ora Hugo King 163609 18 Orange Dot 144592 16 Orange Extra 133961 18 Orange Puff 2d 121584 17 20 15 17 19 18 . . 15 Butter. 5 5.6 4 2.5 4.26 15.6 7 11 (1 yr.) . . 12.8 16.3 (1 yr.).. 15.3 6 15 (lyr.).. 8.3 14.9 (120 d.). 15.5 (1 yr.). . 0.7 (lyr.).. 7.7 (lyr.).. 14.8 (1 yr.). , 11.26 8 3 Orange Star 116210 Ora of Forester 54698 Ora Vibert 119685 Orchard Farm Lass 184214 Orchard Farm's Success 190920. Orie's Fancy , 72039 5.76. 13 (1 yr.) . . 1 i~ (lyr.).. 10.75 6 2 3.6 , 11.8 (1 yr.). , 5.8 (lyr.).. 12.76 10 4.2 6.7 (lyr.)., 12 2 3 5 8.7 (lyr.).. 2.6 11.6 5.4 (lyr.).. 12 Z' 7.6 10.6 2 1 4 12 12 11 14 10.5 Sire. Baron Hugo 16208 .^^ 8 Bluster 22798 ....yf... 14 Oonan's Pogis 17165. ... .^X^ 132 Rajah 340 ^. 150 Lord Harry 3446 105. Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 83 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 76 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 76 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 77 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 77 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 77 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 77 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 77 Hood Farm Pogis 40684. ~ 77 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 77 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 77 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 77 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 77 Hood Farm Pogis 40684 77 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 Kate's Tornado 20888 89 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 Valentine's Oonan 68076 192 Oonan's Pogis 17165 132 Valentine's Oonan 68076 192 Toltec 6831 184 Pedro's Duke Pogis 53688 139 Raccoon's Exile 32745 150 La France's Oonan 49436 98 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 Oonan's ifarry 26877 132 Oonan's Raj^h 8965 133 Oonan's Pogis^ 7th 47902 133 Valentine's Oonan 58076 W2 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 Nettie's Rioter Pogis 56384 127 Oonan's Tormentor Pogis 30605 134 Oonan's Pogis 7th 47902 133 Meridale Idabrier 31814 119 Bisson's Oonan's Harry 47316 12 Denise's Harry 31152 36 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485 189 Oonan's Pogis 7th 47902 .'. 133 Oonan's Pogis 17165 132 Oonan's Tormentor Pogis 30605 134 Marigold St. Helier 52667 112 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 133 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 134 Top-Sawyer 1404 186 Matilda 4th's Son 20214 114 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 52 Signal 1170 166 St. Lambert's Rioter King J4896... 163 Ruby P.'s Prince Mink 31860 160 Hulee 18209 78 Peacock's Lord Harry 36049 137 Seward's Torment 39331 165 Blackstone of Orange 8337 13 Vibert Stoke Pogis 25549 193 Marigold Polo 43129 112 Temisia's- Son 60161 181 Fancy's Harry 6th 24768 56 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star J*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). Alf' amounts are for, seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. ------- - - - 268 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name op Tested Cow. Orie's Gem of St. Lambert 85472 18 Orie's. Vexer's Gem 129122 *14 Orofine 101906 18 Orphan Duchess 3d 21284 16 Orphan Girl Altama 183704 *44S Orphan Mary Anne 2d 131754 18 Orphean 4636 15 Ortler 103298 14 Ortlinde 117195 14 Oscar's Beauty 144463 16 Osie of Evergreen 101411 i. 16 Otta of St. Lambert 49003 T15 Ouleout Monmouth 143547 16 Our Daisy Queeh 94852 16 Owlettina 176053 *609 Owl's Island Queen 184679 . . . , 14 Owl's Nettina Tones 193936 *386 Oxalis 2d 15631 15 Oxford Catena 68905 15 Oxford Kate 13646 t 39 Oxford Lass of the Island 190258 14 Butter. 4 11 9 3 4.5 (lyr.).. 1 7 8 13 13.5 8.75 1 13 13.2 (lyr.).. 4 (lyr.). 11.25 12 4 Sire. Page. Rioter of St. Lamliert 16501 155 Orie's Fancy Harry 39773 134 Mint 23600 122 Balboa 1244 7 Tormentor of Kawkawlin 42880 188 Lord Allison St. Helier 33436 104 Kurd's Ivanhoe 1522 79 Signia 29385 169 Donner 32941 40 La France's Oonan 49436 98 Winder 29955 197 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 52 Matilda 5th Stoke Pogis 31342 114 Noble of Side View 28280 129 Spermfield Owl 57088 175 Fontaine C.'s Owl 63130 58 Nutley Tones Owl 67837 130 St. Helier 45 160 Oxford Catono 23192 '. . . 135 Pilot, P.S. 183, C 141 Gedney Farm Oxford Lad 71238... 61 Paddy's Beauty 112843 16 Paddy's Beauty's Queen 170987 14 Paddy's Matilda 148379 17 Paddy's Matilda 2d 170973 17 15 19 21 14 14 Palestina 4644' Palestine Bess 102970 Palestine of Oxford 42194 Palestine Pierrot 24099 Palestine Princess 142724 Palestine's Last Daughter 12602 14 Paletta of Darlington 16255 27 Paletta of Darlington 2d 75343 Palm Rose 75110 P. A. Matilda 148376 Panache 62055 Pandora's Box 2d 103221 Pandothra 22383 Panola 85344 Pansita 4th 18109 Pansy 1019 574 Pansy Albert of Lawn 76634 16 Pansy Blossom 22413 14 Pansy Darling of Lawn 76637 19 Pansy Darling of Lawn 2d ^147916 . . . ; 15 Pansy Dec. 99294 16 Pansy K. 23889 14 Pansy Lincoln 186184 'IS Pansy of Meridale 128973 14 Pansy of Venadera 183948 *408 Pansy Patterson 18612 15 Pansy's Thoughts 69400 17 Paola Stoke Pogis 34691 23 Pa Pogis 72500 : . Paradise 32082 Paradise 2d 97112 Paradox!^65003 Parloa 32367 Parole's Duchess 133963 Parthia 64925 Patience Pogis 61110 Patina Pogis 110784 Patona 55117 Patrol 40490 2 10.5 12 9 8 16.5 . 1 4 1 11 5 3.75. 6 8 (1 yr.) . . 14.5 13.5 2 4.5 11.5 3 7 1 16 6 1 11 4 9 10 11 11 1 2.5 14.6 4 (1 yr.) . Paddy Alpheus 28376 136 Daisy K.'s King 86604 34 Matilda Sth's Stoke Pogis 31342... 114 Garfield's Gaffar 46803 60 Pierrot 2d 1669 141 Banshee's Stoke Pogis 29261 7 Yoko 3951. 198 Pierrot 7th 1667 141 Lovely Peggy's Signal 39841 108 Pierrot 7th 1667, 141 Duke of Darlington 2460 48 Lord Lisgar Pogis 12149 106 Khedive!s Landseer 21926 91 Matilda Sth's Stoke Pogis 31342... 114 Romp's Torment 8789 157 Ethleel's Landseer 82341 48 Jethro 5218 86 Soapstone 14377 173 Duke of Thornbrook 3832 44 Living Storm 173 103 Pansy Pogis Rioter 14064 136 Kitty's Royal Rex 6176 97 Darling's Prince 9613 35 Applause 34234 6 Stoke Pogis' Perfection 5984 179 Dickero 3542 37 Modita's Golden Lad 61255 124 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169... 79 Harry B. Gordon 47246 73 Black Diamond V. 4970 13 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 173 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 52 Vibert Stoke Pogis 25549 193 Combination 4389 28 Toltec's Signal 29501 185 Upright- 6147 192 Duke of Darlington 3d 11096 42 Parole 26114 136 Damascus 22222 34 Judkins 7189 89 Vibert Stoke Pogis 25549 193 Young Pedro 9033 199 Young Combination 14550 199 N. B. — Confirtned butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED .COWS 269 Name of Tested Cow. Patterson's Beauty 4760 18 Patti of Clearview 149228 16 Patten's Buttercup 93913 '. -15 Patty Altama 138644 *14 Patty Iris 101894 14 Patty Marigold 136082 '. . . 14 Patty Polonius 3d 38677 16 Pauletta Pogis 39273 17 Pauletta Pogis 2d 114134 14 Pauletta Pogis 3d 135463 17 Paulina Landseer 111043 18 Paulina Pogis 97681 16 Pauline Hugo Pogis 37098 14 Pauline of Athens 117777 19 Pauline .Porter 145635 14 Pauline's Bessie 109978 15 Pauline Vivienne 11305 16 Paul's Rita 146634 16 Pavon 12486 14 Pay Little 86189 15 Pearl Armstrong 2670 21 . Pearl Banks 85758 14 Pearl Jenks 50834 14 Pearl Jenks 2d 68908 18 Pearl Jenks 3d 84869 15 Pearl Jenks 4th 84872 14 Pearl of Meridale 148817 14 Pearl of Oakwood 37722 14 Pearl of Riverside 55659 *155 Pearl of St. 'Lambert 6527 14 Pearl Pensee 182604 - 16 Pearl Pogis 38304 16 Pearl's Lemon 41646 17 Pearl S. of Eau Claire 127858 18 Pearl's Oonan 32288 15 Pearl's Oonan 2d 86105 15 Pearl Villa 183310 i *487 Peasant 65401 21 Pedro Girl 22400 18 -Pedroletta 26597 16 Pedronina 34803 21 Pedro Ramapo Gem of C. H. 127210 15 Pedro's Ambia 112188 i4 Pedro's Belle Rioter 110407 15 Pedro's Bonnie Rainbow 88612 18 Pedro's Browff Bessie 168877 14 Pedro's Clara 96361 16 Pedro's Dolly 77948 17 Pedro's Duchess 29581 • 18 Pedro's Estella 197245 *712 Pedro's Fair Marjoram 88489 18 Pedro's t^ame 33836 19 Pedro's Fancy 4th of H. F. 119842 14 Pedro's Fancy 9th of H. F. 140517 14 Pedro's Fillpail 188788 18 Pedro's Florrie Bell 92110 16 Pedro's Francesville 136946 14 Pedro's Gay Lady 88661 16 Pedro's Golden Beauty 110402 : 18 Pedro's Golden Harp 66098 15 Pedro's Golden Harp 2d 103365 16 Pedro's Handsome Pearl 2d 147246 14 Pedro's Handsome Phillis 96935 17 Pedro's Hansom Marjoram 96934 18 Pedro's Happy Maid 88492 26 Butter. Sire. Page. Bijou, F.S. 65, C 11 3.5 Le Brocq of Clearview 45794 100 10.7 Pedro of Knoxville 26213 138 9.4 Joey's Stoke Pogis 28463 87 15 Noble Paddy 31072 129 13 Marigold Pogis 38752 112 10 Wosie 6802 198 12 Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 177 6 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 79 5 Lucy's Stoke Pogis' 4th 26533 108 Felix Landseer 33752 57 6 Silver Glance 20306 170 14 Baron of St. Lambert 5286 8 11 Sapolio's Exile 33445 164 11 Paul Rioter 31203 137 12 Ophi's Exile 34653 134 13 Black Defiance 4014 13 Paul Rioter 31203 137 8 St. Helier 46 160 6.75 Colt's Pierrot 23528 28 10 Young Baron 702 198 11 Ida's Stoke Pogis 2d 16864 83 14 Albert's Royalist 10169 3 10 Albert's Royalist 10169 3 3 Mississippi Rioter 20401 123 1.6 Mississippi Rioter 20401 123 12 Ida's Coquette Pogis 48044 80 1 . . ., Oonan's Signal 11586 133 9.8 (90 d.) . . Catono Koffee 18716 21 2 Buffer 2065 17 6 Distinction's Pride, P. S. 1486, H.C. 39 10.75 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 52 5.25 Young Jupiter 12157 199 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 5.6 Oonan's Rajah 8966 133 1 Landseer's Pogis 15847 99 7.3 (lyr.).. Pedro of Darlington 69821 138 15.5 Lord Harry 3446 105 6 Pedro 2d 5419 138 .6.5 Royalty 7210 169 3 Young Pedro 9033 199 Pedro Ramapo 36331 138 8.5 Gold Pedro 14474 68 9 ...- Pedro 3187 137 5 Pedro 3187 137 2.4 Pedro's Pretty Pogis 33660 139 13 Pedro Sheldon 22865 139 10 Pedro 3187 137 7.5 Pedro ,3187 137 12 (lyr.).. Minette's Pedro 50031 122 12 Pedro 3187 137 12 Pedro 3187... 137 14 Pedro Signal Landseer 30212 139 3 Pedro Signal Landseer 30212 139 3 Pedro's Peter 46966 , 139 Pedro of the Valley 8750 138 6 Pedro's Gay Duke 42842 139 10 Prospect's Rioter 9189 (#.... 149 Pedro Marjoram Aloert 38326 138 3 Pedro 3187 137 9 Pedro Royal Marjoram 28560-.-. 138 11 Pedro Grey Marjoram 42793 138 8 ,. . . Prospect's Rioter 9189 149 6 Pedro 3187 137 0.25 Pedro 3187 137 fj B. ^Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estiinated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are inarked by a dagger (f). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 270 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Pedro's Irmene 102598 17 Pedro's June 38790 14 Pedro's Lady 36715 18 Pedro's Lady Mary 110626 18 Pedro's Lady Phillis 88486 16 Pedro's Landseer Beauty 165958 *511 Pedro's Laura B. 96363 14 Pedro's Lemola 174S23 *538 Pedro's Little Pet 134910 14 Pedr.o's Little Rex 134909 14 Pedro's Little Wonder 72379 17 Pedro's Lucerne 183217 *468 Pedro's Mab 40212 16 Pedro's Maggie 102922 16 Pedro's Matron 168595 •553 Pedro's Minette 66092 ._ 19 Pedro's Pandora 161388 *15 Pedro's Pansy 33835 19 Pedro's Pet of O. H. 208357 18 Pedro's Phillis 66079 17 Pedro's Pink of Glencoe 112177 14 Pedro's Polly Rex 99845 21 Pedro's Pretty Belle 77946 18 Pedro's Pretty Dolly 102376 18 Pedro's Pretty Duchess 88568 16 Pedro's Pretty Flower 88642 18 Pedro's Pretty Gem 69953 18 Pedro's Pretty Girl 88488 17 Pedro's Pretty Lady 102379 15 Pedro's Pretty Lass 136067 16 Pedro's Pretty Maggie 108923 18 Pedro's Pretty Marjoram 77947 14 Pedro's Pretty Pansy 75276 18 Pedro's Pretty Phillis 102378 17 Pedro's Pretty Princess 102377 17 Pedro's Princess of York 72378 28 Pedro's Priscilla 99413 17 Pedro's Rainbow 66096 18 Pedro's Ramaposa 181160 '566 Pedro's Rosaline 135966 21 Pedro's Rosebud 66086 19 Pedro's Royal Princess 88485 23 Pedro's Silver Grey 168943 *14 Pedro's Silver Pearl 110401 18. Pedro's Very Pretty 110508 15 I>;dro's Young Princess 78310 18 Pedro's Zilda Pogis 168360 14 Pedro's Zilda Rioter 161387 14 Pedro's Zoe 95697 16 Peeky Wang Foo 134788 16 Peer's Surprise 144248 *768 Peggie Tormentor 98103 16 Peggy Ford 21713 14 Peggy of Staatsburgh 2342 14 Peggy Scituate 76986 14 Pendule 2d 16709 16 Penelope S. 121738 21 Penshurst Flo-Flo 206061 *14 Pera B. 86761 17 Percie 14937 t 14 Period 42640 16 Pernahon's Jarley 98903 15 Perrot's Baroness 22508 15 Perry Farm Golden Cloud 22872 18 Personia 90231 16 Butter. Sise. Page. 3 Gold Pedro 14474 68 6 Pedro 3187 137 12 Pedro 3187 137 14 Pretty Diamond's Pedro 33927 144 4 Prospect's Rioter 9189 149 12.8 (lyr.).. Fame's Silver Pedro 40056 54 10 Pedro Sheldon 22865 139 2 (1 yr.) . . Journalist 53541 88 16 Pretty Diamond's Pedro 33927 144 6 Pretty Diamond's Pedro 33937 144 14 Prospect's Rioter 9189 149 6.4 (lyr.).. Pedro of Darlington 59821 138 10 Pedro 3187 137 6 Pedro 3187 137 1 (1 yr.) . . Minette's j:'edro 50031 122 8 Pedro 3187 137 10 Pedro's Pretty Pogis 33660 139 10 Pedro 3187 137 6.5 Pedro's Texas Prince 55616 139 9 Pedro 3187 137 2.6 Gold Pedro 14474 68 4 Pedro's Royal Marjoram 28560 138 8 Pedro 3187 137 13 Pedro's Silver Rioter 31320 139 11 Prospect's Rioter 9189 149 6 Prospect's Rioter 9189 149 8 Prospect's Rioter 9189 149 4 Prospect's Rioter 9189 149 12 Pedro's Silver Rioter 31380 139 6 Pedro 3187 137 9 Pedro 3187 137 10 Pedro 3187 137 4 ; Prospect's Rioter 9189 149 4 Pedro 3187 137 6 Pedro's .Silver Rioter 31320 139 0.5 Prospect's Rioter 9189 149 6 Pedro 3187 137 16 Pedro 3187 137 14 (lyr.).. Minette's Pedro 50031 122 8.6 (10 d.).. Pedro's Gsy Duke 48842 139 4 Pedro 3187 137 14 Pedro 3187 137 13.7 Peter Cooper's Pedro 53524 140 6 Pedro's Silver Rioter 31320 139 4 Pedro 3187 137 4 Pedro 3187 ^ 137 5.9 .... Pedro's Pretty Pogis 33660 139 3.3 Pedro's Pretty Pogis 33660 139 10 Pedro Slieldon 82865 ;. 139 9.25 Tormentor of Greenwood 33341 ... . 188 16.3 (1 yr.) . . Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 2 Tormentor 5th 21962 ■. . . 187 10 Palm Nut 4744 136 1.25 Orphan 891 135 15.5 Stoke Pogis de Scituate 81981 177 6 Cicero 7667 86 7.6 Above Par 21834 , 1 3.8 Hopmeadow Gold Coast S9613 77 9 Festive Florin 19967 67 6.5 Golden Lion 6239 67 3 Combination 4389 88 14 Tormentor's Jersey King 2d 30984 . . 188 14.6 Perrot, P.S, 342, C 140 9 Rough, P.S. 839, C 168 3.85 Diploma 16219 38 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a ster (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (f). • All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 271 Name of Tested Cow. Pertinette 70348 14 Perty W. 41731 14 Pet Anna 1608 14 Pet Clover 14684 16 Pet Cotton 131526 .• 19 Petite Mere 8516 15 Petite Meridale 114837 14 Pet Lee 7993 14 Pet of Maplewood Farm 4854 15 Pet of Rose Lawn 11326 tl5 Pet of Suncook 137783 16 Petra 19_267 16 Petra's Lady 99791 15 Petra's Signal 53376 ■ 14 Pet Rex 30166 14 Pet's Fancy 80968 17 Pet's Torment 92255 15 Pet Victor Pogis 77812 16 Phiedra 8561 19 Piiarnace Fawn 149194 14 Philadelphia 23476 18 Philena of Briarcliff 68938 15 Philena S. 70375 18 Philena Victor Pogis 137138 17 Phillida 75481 14 Phillis 3d 46681 18 Phillis Marigold 176966 • 14 Phillis' Melia Ann of St. L. 160049 17 Phillis of St. Lambert 78867 83 Phlox 16399 21 Phlox 3d 31888 15 Phcebe N. 25401 15 Phoebe Rex 55084 16 Phoebe's Charity 59008 15 Photo 74801 17 Photograph 39483 16 Phrynore of Allentown 3d 126321 14 Phyllis of Foxhall 155966 _. . . . 16 Phyllis of Hillcrest 9067 '. . . . 16 Picotu's Bess 86172 17 Picotu's Ruth 86188 14 Pierrot's Beauty 48964 15 Pierrot's Lady Bacon 13483 16 Pilot's Becky 158692 20 Pilot's Rose 17958 18 Pilot's Veronica 18917 30 Pinafore 8d 15072 15 Pinecroft's Leto 139921 14 Pine Tree Clara 55042 ." 17 Piney Woods Maid 103602 15 Pinkey Spry 18316 16 Pinkey Spry 3d 92953 14 Pinkie of St. Lambert 184163 22 Pink of Clover Hill 148611 15 Pink of Edgewood 145598 15 Pink of Meridale 114748 18 Pink Ring 69394 16 Pink Ring 3d 110478 14 Pink Snowflakes 114693 14 Pinky Arbutus 166751 19 Pisgah Fern 194502 14 Pitapat 11136 16 Pitapat 2d 86907 19 Pixie 4115 14 Platina Cary 73375 17 Butter. Sire. Page. Kerchunkus 21111 90 2 Great Ado 4227 69 Marmion 359 113 8 Granite Rock 4391 69 12 King Cotton 25391 98 13 Caliph 1618 18 13 Matilda 4th's Son 80314 114 13 Padisha 1623 136 8 Victor 797 193 8.5 Aventurier 4254 6 1.5 Exile of Maine 36338 50 6 Le Brocq's Prize 3350 101 10. 5 Stoke Pogis' Perfection 179 12 ■ Signaldo Alexis 15051 167 8.5 Rex 1330 153 4 Fancy Toltec 21167 56 14 Tennessee's Tormentor 23498 182 4 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697 118 13 Mercury 438 • 119 13 Garfield's Black Prince 24548 60 1 Forget-me-not 6891 69 15.6 American Rioter 13363 4 9.5 Sophie's Tormentor 30883 173 3 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 30697 118 5 , Escape 83543 47 13 Stoke Pogis of Linden 10568 178 6 Pedro's Sir Marigold 54510 139 14 Melia Ann's Son 23041 117 18 King of St. Lambert 15175 94 11 Guy Mannering 698 71 6 Toltec 6831 184 3 Samson Jr. 2733 104 0.5 Col. Rex 18975 87 0.5 Charity Boy 11766 23 4 Record 23801 152 13 Golden Art 10998 65 8 Fritz of Glynllyn 36679 59 8 Fritz of Glynllyn 36579 59 Date. 2634 35 8.5 Festive Florin 19967 57 8 :.. Festive Florin 19967 57 11 Pedrolicr 12412 138 10 Pierrot 7th 1667 141 Meridale Pilot Boy 33780 120 3.76 Pilot, P.S. 183, C 141 2 Pilot, P.S. 183, C i;i 8 Vermonter 5680 ; 193 2.5 Vibert Stoke Pogis 85549 193 3 Sheldon of St. Lambert 13831 166 11.35 Tinkham's Butter Boy 84549 184 18 Tormentor 3533 187 10.5 Odelio 20283 131 10 Will's Exile 60850 197 11 Meridale Rioter Buffer 46539 180 14 Stoke Pogis of Edgewood 49835... 177 10 Matilda 4th's Son 30214 114 4.6 Sophie's Tormentor 80883 173 13 Gold Coast Duke 28389 66 3 Haltec 38113 71 8 Vexer 2d 57874 193 6 Blue Belle's Flying Fox 64762 13 5 Tormentor 3633 187 3.36 Fancy's Harry 9777 55 Pertinatti 713 140 7.36... Twice Signal 9582 191 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 272 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Pledge 59214 17 Plenty 950 14 Plum 13228 17 Plumage 63897 17 Pluma of Jersey Lawn 89954 17 Pluma of Jersey Lawn 2d 122291 15 Butter. 9.5 ... 8 Plument 157256 Plumida 23621 Pocia of Andalusia 62616 Pocia of Andalusia 2d 79548. Poet's Faxy 188318 Poga Minka 108865 Pogis Anna Melia 94973 Pogis' Bess 116328 Pogis' Bess 2d 130948 Pogis Chief's Beauty 116661.. Pogis' Dewdrop 40373 Pogis Fawnette 153243 Pogis' Goldie 101739 Ida May 50063 May 26950 May Matilda 75347 May's Pride 58677 Pogis Oonan 29890 Pogis' P. A. 116329 Pogis Puin 2d's Lady 131607. Pogis' Rene 102854 Pogis Siglise 92889 Pogis' Twilight 53794 Point Lace 62471 Polly Bonair 42849 Polly Clover 7052 Polly Neptune 15214 Polonia of Riverside 84036... Polynia 10763 Pogis' Pogis' Pogis' Pogis' 14 15 20 21 15 15 16 18 14 14 19 21 16 24 18 22 15 17 18 20 17 14 19 17 18 16 14 18 16 Pomela 185203 *365 13.5 6 7 0.5 15 7.5 14 13.6 12 12 8 12.5 1 1 2 3 2 8 10 10 10 1 Pomf ret Princess 119079 Pomona of Prospect 123426 Pomona Pogis 40371 Pomona's Coquette 52832 Pomona's Ida of St. L. 59565 Pomona's May Day Pogis 66249. Pomona's Violetta Pogis 56246... Pope's Flora 18697 Poppy H. 34865 Portfolio 84633 Portia of Prospect 138783. Portie of St. Lambert 160079. Portland's Bluebelle 188814... Portrait 32592. Position 77405 Postscript 39366 Powys 144951 Praxitella 50072 Preference 26343 Pretty Countess 106481 Pretty Flirt 28791 16 Pretty Marjoram 77943 Pretty Patty 44108 Pretty Phillis Pogis 66100 Pretty Polly Perkins 68360 Pretty Prattler 99080 Priamus Maid 147538 Friamus Queen 147140 15 20 17 14 23 15 23 14 17 16 , 22 Portia of the Desert 93517 *608 7 15 7 10 7 8.4 (lyr.).. 4 6.25 2.5 10 11 0.6 2 . 76 5.5 5.6 17 7.7 (lyr.). 4 0.7 (lyr.). 15 2 18 14 1 16 14 4 15 6 14 9 16 19 6 19 1 17 6 15 2 21 8 14 10 16 Sire. Pace. Upright 6147 192 Comus 54 30 Gen. Rosser 4189 62 Diploma 16219 38 Maud's Rioter Pogis 25345 115 Exile of Jersey Lawn 29421 50 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 Warpole 3500 195 Boss of the Cedars 17712 15 Daisy's Boss 24566 34 Mabel's Poet 65780 109 Gilt Edge Pogis 20316 r. . . 64 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 4th 26533 108 Matilda 5th's' Stoke Pogis 31342 114 Matilda 5th's Stoke Pogis 31342 114 Pogis Chief's Tormentor 30327 142 Prince of Melrose 8d 11015 146 King of St. Lambert's King 30752 . . 95 Daisy Montague's Pogis 29963 34 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 83 Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 177 Matilda 4th's Son 20214 114 Guy Mannering Pogis 16366 71 Nancy's Rioter 8390 126 Matilda 6fh's Stoke Pogis 31342 114 Rex Pogis Belle Pogis 43286 153 Sig Pogis 22806 170 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 St. Lambert's John Bull 16618 163 Matilda 4th's Son 20214 114 Romeo de Bonair 4091 157 Schinchon 1132 165 Neptune, P.S. 161, C 127 Maquilla's Harry 22701 Ill Grand Duke Alexis 1040 69 Portland Prospect 61919 143 Scion of St. Lambert Jr. 26719 165 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 146 Canada's John Bull 3d 17750 19 Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 177 King of St. Lambert 15175 94 Diana's Rioter 10481 37 The Pope's Bull 2965 183 Pedro of the Valley 8750 138 Bishop 28851 11 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 30th 47704... 82 Brownie's Pedro 34232 17 Gigi of St. Lambert 33674 63 Portland Prospect 61919 143 Combination 4389 28 In-and-In Bred S. P. Third 22595.. 84 Golden Art 10998 65 Ruth's Black Prince 47155 160 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13668 83 Dominie 11135 40 Millionaire Pogis 29688 121 FJorian, P.S. 373, C 68 Pedro 3187 137 Stoke Pogis 6th 5987 177 Pedro 3187 137 Diploma 16219 38 Fritz Pogis of Glynllyn 28048 60 Priamus Boy 58279 144 Priamus Boy 53279 144 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 273 Name of Tested Cow. Pridalia 17249 86 Pridalia of Edgewood 184587 19 Pride Marigold 143339 14 Pride Melia Marigold 176360 17 Pride of Bay View 61997 16 Pride of Beechlands 168700 *505 Pride of Bovina 8050 16 Pride of Edgewood 64199 17 20 16 16 17 17 14 19 14 18 14 14 16 16 16 Pride of Ingleside 64546 Pride of Madelon 105711 Pride of Mashamoquet Farm 6469 Pride of Morganza 100366 Piide of Rosemond 74449 Pride of Scio 86964 Pride of Springvale 20093 Pride of tile Hill 4877 Pride of the Manor 22652, imp Pride of Winslow 2613, imp Pride's Bess 141857 Pride's Clare 163460 Pride's Dora Dean 93440 Pride's Lady Frances 39689 Pride's Lady Lillie 35181 15 Pride's Lady Eushmore 36188 15 Pride's Lady Sarah 39637 15 Pride's Lizzie 186172 16 Pride's Olga 37186 19 Pride's Olga 8d 79887 , 88 Pride's Olga 3d 79897 18 Pride's Olga 3d's Princess 96874 17 Pride's Olga 4th 96870 87 Pride's Olga ,4th's Daughter 179507 14 Pride's Olga 6th 109340 Pride's Olga 5th's Daughter 179506. Pride's Olga 7th 117287 Pride's Olga Rosaire 194383 Pride's Queen 66443 Pride's St. Lambert Lady 82956 Pride's Susan 173907 Pridetta of Orchard Farm 166194... Primrose 11966 Primrose of Florence 143578 Primrose of Summerland 66059 Prince Lambert's Hallie 154799 Prince Neddy's Amolinda 181815 Prince's :^loom 9729 Prince's Christmas Gift 92513 Prince's Nellie 23719 Prince's Rubetta 93785 Prince's Rubetta 8d 133914 Princess 836, imp Princess 3d 8046 Princess Aurea Pogis 39866 Princess Bellwort 6801 , Princess Bet 164179 Princess Bisson 154593 Princess Bowen 9699 Princess Carmen 58380 Princess Chrysantha 34191 Princess Chuck 46860 Princess Corinne 48203 Princess Cross 2d 80649 Princess Edith Hugo 46180 Princess Ethleel 180671 Princess Gunhilda 128661 17 21 16 16 15 18 15 20 81 IS 15 19 15 14 84 14 19 14 14 f46 17 15 16 14 14 16 14 24 19 30 15 17 14 Butter. Sire. " Page. 4 Minx 3410 123 13 Vexer 20889 193 4 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 39121 179 10 Hector Marigold 59121 74 6 Chief 10663 84 7.5 (lyr.).. Stoke Pogis of Prospect 89181 179 9 .-.. Ben Butler of Bovina 3084 9 2 Sir Signaller 12490 173 4.5 Duke of Ingleside 14374 42 6 -. . Recorder 89839 153 1.75 Landseer 331 98 2 Harold Landseer 34875 73 14.5 Tamaroa Rex 18604 181 7 Pussie's Pogis 25935 149 2 Alpheus of Springvale 5645 4 8 Nutshell 729 130 10 6 Bisson's Pogis 6th 36686 18 Eurotas' Pride 22663 49 Pride's Landseer 18690 144 5 Pride of the Island 5416 144 75 Pride of the Island 5416 144 Pride of the Island 5416 144 5 Pride of the Island 6416 144 Oonan's Tormentor 8th 54410 134 Rachel's Duke 7028 166 -Real Queen's Stoke Pogis 30635 161 Real Queen's Stoke Pogis 30635 161 ,5 Riverside Prince 35107 156 5 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 88042 117 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 179 5 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 22042 117, Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29181 179 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 22042 117 Rosaire's Golden Lad .64664 158 6 Pride of the Island 5416 144 Rioter's Pride 11694 156 Eurotas' Pride 22663 49 Meridale Victor Hugo 4th 57337... 180 Tom, P.S. 77, H.C 185 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 39041 88 5 Primrose's Carlo 13174 144 8 Myra's Prince Lambert 64793 125 Prince Neddy, P.S. 3038, C 145 Prince of Croton 8490 145 26 Prince of Tennessee 20778 147 Iowa Prince 8737 84 Prince of Tennessee 80772 147 36 Maury's Tormentor 85113 116 5 Khedive, P.S. 103, H.C. 6 Stoke Pogis 6th 5987 . . . 90 177 163 76 13 41 5 Rex 1330 Honoria's Prince 3351*5 Bisson's Pogis 6th 36685 Duke of Bloomfield 1544 Lanison 15383 100 6 Prince Pogis 10688 148 Kansas Niobe Duke 7336 90 Prince of Melrose 4819 146 Charity Boy 11766 83 6 ,. Prince Pogis' Hugo 15660 148 Fancy's Jubilee 35305 56 Gretchen's Prince 38979 70 -Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a .star (*). and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter, The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All N. B.- ^.,„mated c - -- . - . amounts are for seven days, unless ■otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 274 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Princess Eaidee Signal 98652 16 Princess Helene of St. L. 61972 16 Princess Honoria 62548 "164 Princess Inez 5402 14 Princess Jeannaise 53863 • 15 Butter. 4 Princess Jen 164180 Princess Le Brocq 17261.. Princess Lucilla B. 190837 Princess Malita 66676 16 15 14 20 Princess Marie G. 120390 *lo 5.5 (90 d.). 2 12 5 Sire. Croton's Signal 17614 Duke pf St. Lambert 16160. Garfield Stoke Pogis 15963.. Princess Mary of Woodlawn 11663. Princess Minette 24042 Princess Mostar 9700 Princess O. C. 156617 Princess of Ashantee 13467, imp.... Princess of Berea 2d 157204 Princess of Clovernook 51598 Princess of Dorset 85902 Princess of Dorset 2d 150858 Princess of Dorset of B. R. 178348. Princess of Eau Claire 128219 Princess of Hanover 46706 Princess of Hunt Farm 187393 Princess of Lake Grove 168012 Princess of Lynwood 118458 Princess of Lynwood 2d 149361 Princess of Maitland 149158. Princess of St. Saviour's 7470 Princess of the Valley 22641 Princess of Verba Buena Ranch 12626. Princess Oonan 84369 Princess Ora 66374 Princess Rioter 29588 Princess Rosalind 87288 Princess Sheila 7297 Princess Sosia 112753 Princess Tormentress 206132 Princess Victor Pogis 132724 Princess Wanderer 164547 Princess Wellington 82643 Princess White Water 21137 Princess Winnie 63508 Princess Zeroda 107242 Printonette 26121 Priscilla Pogis 39270 Priscilla's Ida Pogis 117750 Pristine 126329 Prize May's Duchess 2d 132976 Prize May's Mayflower 188337 Prize Queen 136928 Prize Rose 16309 Proctor's Alma Dolores 47107 Proctor's Belle 47106 Proctor's Dolores 38564 Proctor's Pansy 26688 Prospect's Belle 113024 Prospect's Edwina 2d 86909 Prospect's Lady Peel 123354 Prusa Pedro 50877 Prusa Victor Pogis 134216 Prussian Queen 152682 *15 Pulsa Landseer 2d 135911 16 Purest 13730 16 Purity of Millbrook 135609 15 15 16 14 17 15 16 15 17 16 16 16 14 21 14 14 18 16 14 299 16 17 16 23 16 15 15 25 18 19 15 16 2 8.75. 10.3 . 4 6.0 . .1 13.5 . 12 4.6 . 13 1 6 13.6 . 6 12 4 0.5 . 1.25. 10.5 . 12 10 10 13.5 . 6 6 1 4.5 . Page. 33 41 60 Kurd's Dandy 1627 78 Prince Jeannaise 17074 144 Honoria's Prince 33516 76 Le Brocq's Prize 3350 101 LjOrd Pogis Tormentor 62015 107 Southern Prince 10760 174 Prince's Lambert 16490 148 Gilderoy 2107 63 Prince Boulivot 8757 144 Duke of Bloomfield 1544 41 Corinne's Prince Pogis 46959 31 Hugo Pogis W. 69836 Dixie Prince 18379 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697 . . . Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697... Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697... Melia Ann's Son 22041 Pogis Chief 3998 King of Hunt Farm 61697 John Doe 36794 Prince of Tennessee 20778 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 Duke of Maitland, P.S. 2185, H.C. Noble, P.S. 93, H.C Pretender, P.S. 187, C 10 5 13 78 39 118 118 118. 117 142 93 87 147 134 43 128 143 126 133 194 13 145 22 188 111 118 76 195 58 147 147 6 177 79 137 98 97 16 101 18 18 41 101 35 48 66 95 118 93 74 119 81 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked fcy a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 6.5 8.76 4.5 6.5 (120 d.). 6.5 2 1 4 10 13 5.5 1 12.5 8 8 4 7 4 Napoleon, F.S. 249, C Oonan's Signal 11586 Victor Hugo Signal 12135 Black Prince of Linden 9063 Prince of Amherst 25728 Champion of America 1567 Tormentor's Rioter 21964 Marchande 2d's Tormentor 58841. Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697... Honorita's Prince 33516 Warder 28372 Finis Lawrence 4107 Prince of Tennessee 20772 Prince of St. Lambert 5287 Augerez' King, F.S. 380, C Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169.. Pasha, P.S. 1901, C Lady Mary's Exile 40262 Lady Brisco's Exile 50781 Brown Bessie's Duke 42166 Le Brocq's Prize 3350 Bunker 9025 Bunker 9085 Duke Coomassie 8409 Lena's Lenox 6059 Dauncey Stoke Pogis 16045 Ethleel 2d's Jubilee 18249 Gold Coast Welcome 16208 King Peto 10541 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697... King of Prussia 51663 Hector D. 32947 Mercury 432 Inauguration 37786 INDEX TO TESTED COWS 275 Name of Tested' Cow. Pussy Stoke Pogis 62547 Pyrrha 6100 16 Butter. 1 14.5 ... Sire. Page. Garfield Stoke Pogis 15963 60 Zeus 2634 200 Quachette 17091 19 Quachette F. W. 83654 15 Quadra's Ouleout 143549 16 Quadruple Pogis 32359 14 Quail 3d 43568 ; 16 Queen Bee of Orchard Farm 179643...... 14 Queen Bellona 173729 *469 Queen Decline 78869 20 Queen Dodona 42375 14 Queen Edna Alden 131284 16 Queen Edna Alden 2d 176020 18 Queen Fannie 10275 14 Queen lone 113999 .* 16 Queen Irene 101893 15 Queen Laura Belle' . 43848 15 Queen Mab of Florence 129193 15 Queen Mab of Ga. 136311 14 Queen Mary 6212 14 Queen Mary of Woodlawn 11659 22 Queen May of Greenwood 112458 17 Queen May of St. Lambert 45770 15 Queen Neptune 15501 18 Queen of Ashantee 14554 15 Queen of Beauty 17109 23 Queen of Chenango 17771 14 Queen of Qinton 11500 15 Queen of Corfu 83732 21 Queen of Cowes 46309 ' 18 Queen of Dela'ware 17029 18 Queen of De Soto 12318 14 Queen of Hocking Signal 2d 148014 14 Queen of Linden Lea 147276 14 Queen of Macedon 101464 18 Queen of Nubbin Ridge 14528 17 Queen of Pomona 56250 16 Queen of Prospect 11997 14 Queen of Selma 83080 15 Queen of the Evergreens 127280 18 Queen of Tremont 2d 196112 *16 Queen Pedro 51729 16 Queen Statira 3d 116433 17 Queen Topaz of the 'Valley 170189 14 Queryan 42140 '. 16 Quickstep 85969 17 Quinnie Pogis 61924 16 Quintuple Pogis 44233 14 Quintuple Pogis' Fille 94975 19 Quintuple's Daisy 86078 14 Quintuple's Florence 86076 15 Quintuple's Wonder 86077 15 Rachel Benfon 138276 14 Rachel B. of Biltmore 177983 16 Rachel Fancy 159387 23 Rachel Spencer 50974 23 Rachel's Tamy 89987 14 Racquet's Tormentress 113701 21 Rainbow 2d 13962 21 Rajah's Coomassiella 131992 14 Raleigh's Dolly Dimple 185408 16 Raleigh's Houssie 194967 17 Raleigh's Nancy Wolff 194965 16 5 Waukesha 5330 196 Scituate F. W. 24624 155 5 Matilda 5th's Stoke Pogis 31342 114 ,5 ■. .. Marjoram's Rioter 5991 112 Pedro of the 'Valley 8750 138 Inez Marigold Pogis 58673 84 .8 (lyr.).. Hessong's King Cole 53148 75 .5 King of St. Lambert 15175 94 Gambetta M. 10012 60 Captain Spencer 33880 20 Best Boy 50538 11 Pierrot 2d 1669 141 Noble Paddy 31072 129 Noble Paddy 31072 129 King John of Woodstock 47869 92 Bab's Rioter St. Lambert 28060 7 Chief of Clydesdale 36741 24 .5 Top-Sawyer 1404 186 Gilderoy 2107 63 .25 Hugo's Bonanza 24052 78 .5 King of St. Lambert 15175 94 .5 Neptune 2d, P. S. 206, C 127 Guy Fawkes, F.S. 261, H.C 71, Knight of St. Louis 3680 97 Tamerlane 4287 181 Noble 901 128 .5 St. Lambert Perrot 23689 163 Coomassie Welcome 9279 30 Noble 901 : 128 Dode 3067 39 Carrie's Signal Odelio 52215 20 Marjoram's Best Pogis 35955 112 Elf's King of St. Lambert 27081... "' 46 Sweepstakes Duke 1905 180 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 79 Shirley 1613 166 Eurotas' Pride 22653 49 Smith's St. Lambert 30332 172 .2 Haley's St. Lambert Boy 60945 71 5 Prospect's Pedro 11166 149 9 . 75 Tennessee's Landseer 23015 182 12 Belle May's Rioter 49284 9 2 Ryan 9891 160 9 Perfect Pacific 16994 140 10 Beauty's Stoke Pogis 14176 9 6 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 11544 108 12 Lucy's Stoke Pogis 4th 26533 108 5 Quintuple Victor Pogis 22343 '. 150 10 Quintuple Victor Pogis 22343 150 14 Quintuple Victor Pogis 22343 150 Lora's Rioto 26691 104 Golden Boy of Biltmore 55889 65 .5 Denise's Harry .■51163 36 .25 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 62 ,6 Lord Aimer H. 24081 104 3 4 4 8 12 5 25. Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485 189 Doesticks 2387 40 Gray Rajah 28715 69 Eminent's Raleigh 69011 47 Eminent's Raleigh 69011 47 Eminent's Raleigh 69011 47 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*). and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and 'ounces. 276 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Kal'eigh's' Rose 186410 16 Raleigh's Silver Fern 186407 IV Ralph's Honora 147435 15 Ramapo's Lassie 98413 16 Ramapo's Pride 35497 14 Rarity 2d 7724 14 Ravalita's Denise 133664 '21 Rava Marigold 136077 17 Rayon d'Or's Chroma 114063 14 R. B.'s Gillean 199872 15 Reality 16537 16 Real Queen 29198 18 Reljer's Belle 62806 17 Reception 8567 21 Recorder's Landlady 169146 16 Recorder's Pansy 129066 16 Redacta 26964 14 Regalia 64674 24 Regal Kate 160518 • 14 Regina 8d 2475 14 Regina 4th 12732 ^. 17 Regina Betty 144387 '. 16 Regina Gilford 49891 14 Regina of Cedar Hill 111995 15 Regina of Spring jrook 181413 14 I^gina Weston 70290 16 Reif 58398 19 Relay 70353 17 Relay 2d 184612 *315 Reminder's Dinnis 126331 14 Renalba 4117 17 Renalda's Harriet 122366 21 Rene of Hillside 12962 18 Rene of Hillside 2d 142686 19 Rene Ogden 1668 16 Rene Tormentress 180541 X4 Renin! 9181 14 Renown 13729 14 Rescue of St. Lambert 48939 16 Retta Pogis 81132 10 Retta's Sedate 3d 146644. 16 Retta's Signalla 116849 17 Reve 78944 21 Rexella 69413 14 Rex Pogis Belle 64987 14 Rex's Queen of St. Lambert 59161 16 Rhea Signal 150931 21 Rheta of Glynllyn 74273 20 Rho A. Pogis 39269 14 Rhoda Hudson 48723 14 Rhoda's Last 127230 1^ Rhyme 125266 *637 Ria Alexandra 83752 14 Ria Rosaire 194381 16 Ribbon of St. Lambert 39460 ,. 18 Ribbon's Gift 77375 18 Ribbon's Matilda 66109 10 Ribbon's Queen 66321 10 Richland Belle 46920 15 Richness 16536 17 Right Bower 56606 18 Rinora Pogis 40107 19 Riotaletta 2d 34495 ' 15 Riota Pet 136609 15 Rioter Alphea 10091 16 Butter. Sire. Page. 5 Eminent's Raleigh 69011 47 2 Eminent's Raleigh 69011 47 Ralph Recorder 50484 ISO 10 Ettamarius 17762 4S 4 Ramapo 4679 151 2 Flash 8532 5S 1 Denise's Harry 31162 3S 12 Marigold Pogis 38762 11^ 16 'Elm Place Rayon d'Or 17518 4© 8 Record-Breaker 38447 15» 3.5 Mercury 432 lia^ 1 Rachel's Duke 7022 150 9 A-T-7 20701 &■ 4.6 Jacques, P.S. 63, C 85. 9 Recorder 39239 152 12 Recorder 29239 152 5 Millennium 4791 121 Damascus 28222 34 4.5 Regal Marigold 61098 152; 8 Noble, F.S. 104, H.C 128- 13.6 Pasha, P.S. 64, C 13S 13 Woodstock Stoke Pogis 85680 197 11 Sir Florian 11678 170 8.5 Southern Duke 36777 174 3 Mikado of St. Lambert 30156 121 9.5 Regina's Sir George 13569 152 3 Diploma 16219 38 2 Diploma 16219 3S 1 (lyr.).. Recorder 29239 162 3.5 Reminder, P.S. 2062, C 163 4.6 Pertinatti 713 140 5 Harry Torment's Signal 39846 7S 1 Tormentor 3633 187 2.26 Sig Pogis 22806 ITO' Don 611 40 10 Denise's Ida's Tormentor 51995.... 3S 10.5 Oxoli 1982 136 6 Mercury 432 119 8 Pauline's Stoke Pogis 11859 137 3.26 Sig Pogis 22806 170 10.6 Signalona's Ben Signal 43'521 169 2 Croton's Signal 17614 33: 12 Khedive's Landseer 21926 91 4 Farmer Rex 8898 56 2 Montague Pogis 14734 12t 2 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 165 1.5 Harry Torment's Signal 39846 73 4.5 Ramapose's Bachelor 25900 161 15 Stoke Pogis 5th 6987 177 4 Catono 3761 81 13 Due, P.S. 1751, C 40 14.8 (lyr.).. Marigold Pogis 38758 112 10 St. Helier Berkshire 81030 160 10 Rosaire's Golden Lad 64564 158 2 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 SI 1 Stoke Pogis Bulletin 16619 177 4 Matilda 4th's Son 20214 lit 1 Stoke Pogis Bulletin 16619 177 6 Southern Prince 10760 174 5 Mercury 432 119 2 Diploma 16219 38 1.5 Brier's Pogis 14163 15 15.5 Golden Ray 10669 67 15 Rioter of St. Lambert 8th 28893 155 7 Jason Jr. 3270 85 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated pn the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 277 Name op Tested Cow. :Rioter Alphea ad 29676 ■ 17 Eioter Alphea 3d 34073 Eioter Carlotta 89667 Eioter Flora Marjoram 111165 Kioter Lad's First Daughter 174761. Hioter Lad's Eiotress 178724 JRioter Letty King 164050 JRioter Pink of Berlin Rioter Rhea lfl092. JRioter' Sioter' JRioter' IRioter' IRioter Rioter' JRioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter Rioter Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter' Rioter 17 . 21 16 . 83 16 83 . tl9 19 Baby ^06100 19 Denise 3d 70838 17 s Drosera 81056 18 s Edith 133001 81 s Esse 81901 18 s Ethelwyn 162795 *532 20 . 15 15 18 '. 15 81 16 18 15 s Maud Melia Ann 201025 7971 14 15 15 15 15 Butter. 15 1.5 ... 2.5 ... s Fawn 69188 s Golden Lady 151693.. s Hortense 51499 s Judea B. 150938 Lamberta 138165 s Letty 110450 s Lorlie 135359 s Lornc Primrose 88583. s Matchless 8d 123453.. s Melia Ann 140379 s Nora 81778 s Normanda 102441 s Pretty Belle 88543 s Pretty Pearl 75873 s Pretty Queen 149515 15. s Queen 14895 17 s Eilma 188403 15 s Roberta 80469 17 s Rosaline 35581 14 Ruth 14882 19 s Success 141681 16 s Sunshine 75108 15 s Sweet Brier 30582 18 s Thelma 135683 14 s Violet 33774 14 s Violet Pogis 75342 14 s Violetta 79391 14 s Zoe 19769 14 Riotress 3d 63168 17 Riotress Beryl King 191583 23 Riotress Exile Boon 151729 20 Riotress Hugo Vivienne 154622 18 Riotress Nonnie 163378 23 Riotress of St. L. 184695 23 Riotress' Ruby 167765 -. 20 Riotress Signal 95430 21 Rissa 16014, imp. 19 Rita of Andalusia 29414 24 Rival's Ochra 10172 19 R. J. L. Brownie 177010 *487 R. J. L. Luna 177009 *507 Robina Exile of J. L. 114368 15- Robin Butterfly 146899 *544 Eobinella- 63138 15 Robinette 7114 14 Robinette of Meridale 176447 15 Robinette Rioter 57806 • 15 Rochelle 15574 • 13 Rockwood Maid 8375 15 4 4 8.5 14 3.5 18 1.5 4 3.5 7 0.6 (lyr.). 1 1.5 8 4 9.5 1 35 1 (mk., 1 yr.) 1 10 8 7.75. 8 13 14.5 . 8.5 . 10 9 ; 3 15 7.5 18 3.5 5.5 4 1 8 8.5 5.5 1 10.5 13 (lyr.). 3.5 (lyr.). SiEE. Pace. Lord of Mountain Side 7111 107 Rioter Hugo Pogi^ 13457 1^4 Lord of Mpuntain Side 7111 107 Pedro Royal Marjoram 28560 138 King's Rioter Lad 62098 98 King's Rioter Lad 62098 98 St. Lambert's Rioter King 54898... 163 Stoke Pogis 3d 8238 177 Jason Jr. 3870 85 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 155 Fancy's Harry 9777 55 Belmont Rioter 88849 9 St. Lambert Boy 17408 181 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 155 Rioter of Brook Farm 41458 154 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 155 Ida's Champion Rioter 42231 80 Nemonette's Rioter 16108 127 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 Ida's Champion Rioter 42831 80 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 Rioter of Macomb 40448 155 Prospect's Rioter 9189 149 Smith's St. Lambert 30332 178 Rioter of St. Lambert Jr. 56580 155 Rioter of St. Lambert 18501 155 Sir George of St. Lambert 8036 171 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 155 Pedro of Linden 26015 138 Prospect's Rioter 9189 149 Ida's Champion Rioter 48231 80 Rambler of St. Lambert 5285 151 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 155 Cherie's Rioter 14437 24 Nancy's Rioter 8390 126 Rambler of St. Lambert 5285 151, Rioter of St. Lambert 18501 155 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 155 Diana's Rioter 10481 37 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 155 Oxford Rioter 5992 136 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 Violet Sd's Rioter 23470 194 Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 177 Young Pedro 9033 199 King's Rioter Lad 82098 96 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48228 156 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 Sweet Blossom's Rioter 42230 180 Croton's Torment 17616 33 11.3 (lyr.). 14 1 2 10 4.5 Majestic Pedro 8043 110 Rival 3782 156 Rioter's Jersey Lad 58001 166 Rioter's Jersey Lad 58001 156 Exile of Jersey Lawn 29421 50 Storrs' Argyle 48894 179 Eurotas' Victor Hugo 15889 49 Domino of Darlington 2459 40 Meridale Black Prince 57114 119 Mirama's Rioter 12611 12S Lord Harry 3445 105 Count Logan 1599 31 N. B. Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 278 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name or Tested Cow. Rockys' Pogis 96272 18 Rococo's Tem 115119 Roeta 2d 78684 Roland's Bonnie 2d 18054 .-. Roll of Honor 13610 Roma Marigold 176613 Romantic 61626 Romantic Girl 61628 Romena 72300 Romena of Hood Farm 114887 Romeo's Gem 82598 Romeril's Primula 197655 16 20 19 14 15 15 14 16 15 17 16 Butter. 3 13 1.5 ... 2 12 2 Romping Lass 11021. . . . '. 15 Romping l^ass 2d 61989 Romping Mirth 64070 Romping Miss 54457 Romp Ogden 2d 4764 Romp Ogden 3d 5458 Romp Ogden 5th 43181 Rompogia 90967 Romp's Nervilette 72282 Romp's Pansy 60919 Romp's Princess 51185 21 17 23 15 15 17 22 17 16 *182 Rona Tormentor 158126 10321 Roonan 6133 20 Rosabel Hudson 5704 15 Rosa Bud Nora Pogis 141956 14 Rosa Butterfly 153761 20 Rosa F. W. 13226 29 Rosa Hudson 2d 87631 16 Rosaire's Olga 4th's Pride 1-79609 , *984 14 14 17 17 18 16 15 14 15 16 5 1 11 4 8 12 0.5 1 5 14 Rosaletta 9339 Rosaline Collas 11187 Rosaline of Glenmore 3179. Rosa Miller 4333 Rosa of Belle Vue 6954 Rosa of Frisby Hill 36080.. Rosa Oxford 66678 Rosa Oxford 2d 127909 Rosa Ramsey 25875 Rosa Russell 81549 2.5 10 4 5 (90 d.).. 9 (mk., 1 yr.) 4 12 10.5 12 12 14.5 11 (lyr.).. 15 12 7 7.5 3.25 0.5 12 10.5 10.5 Rosa's Glory 157795 •245 3.9 (120d.). Rosa's Spots 183673 Rose 240, imp Rosebud of Allerton 6352 Rosebud of Belle Vue 7702 Rose Cottage Beauty 99542 Rosedale Excellent 173775 Rose H. White 127106 RoSelaine 7167 Rosella of Bay View 66032 Rosena R. 125005 Rose of Eden 13437 Rose of Glen Rouge 111589 Rose of Hillside 3866 Rose of Lome 76744 Rose of Millbrook 151360 Rose of Oxford 13469 Rose of Riverside 46953 Rose of Rose Lawn 9365 Rose of St. Lambert 20426 Rose Pogis 24626 Rose's Fancy 93047 Rose's Oonan 135935 Rosetta Landseer 99379 14 17 19 14 14 *541 15 15 18 15 20 21 14 17 14 16 19 16 21, 15 14 15, 14 Sire. Page. Michael Angelo Pogis 19901 121 Rococo 8791 157 Ethleel 2d's Jubilee 18249 48 Star F. 8364 175 Much Ado 2405 125 Pedro's Sir Marigold 54510 139 North Pacific Prize 11459 130 Diploma 16219 38 Diploma 16219 38 Lord Landseer 24228 106 Leonidas' Germ 14289 102 Golden Marquis 61426 67 Tormentor 3533 187 Fancy's Harry 9777 65 Romp's Tormentor 7126 158 Prince of Melrose 4819 146 Pertinatti 713 140 Top-Sawyer 1404 186 Fancy's Harry 9777 55 Kathy's Stoke Pogis 17666 90 Romp's Torment 8789 167 Romp's Torment 8789 167 Romp's Torment 8789 157 Tormentor's St. Clare 46493 188 Rupert 1456 160 Oneco 918 132 Oaklands Nora 2d's Son 28034 130 Honest King 38368 76 Duke F. 6134 41 Tormentor Jr. 15005 187 Rosaire's Golden Lad 64654 158 Cushnoc Jr. 2368 33 Browny, P.S. 158, H.C 17 Saladin 447 164 Albert 2d 1835 2 Remarkable, F.S. 229, C 153 Statesman Jr. 7328 176 Oxford Pride 19160 135 Tormentor 5th- 21962 187 Duke of Ramsey's 6947 44 Ida's Stoke Pogis 2d 16864 83 Sensa's Pride 44165 165 Sensa's Pride 44155 165 Fortunatus 1152 59 Browny, P.S. 168, H.C 17 Torlandseer 22102 186 2 (1 yr.) . . Rioter's Jersey Lad 58001 156 .2 Hazel Bluff 24089 73 1 Grand Duke Alexis 1040 69 10 G. F. Train 18868 63 6 , Rioter of Brook Farm 41458 154 .1.6 .Landseer, P.S. 162, C 98 .0.75 One Hundred per Cent. 16590 132 3.5 Ramchunder 718 -. 151 3 Baron Hugo 16208...: 8 3 Diploma of Millbrook 46123 39 14.5 Tormentor 3633 187 9 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 3 Columbiad 2d 1515 28 .3.5 Rambler of St, .X-ambert 6285 151 2.5 _ Stoke .Pogis of Linden 10558 178 .7 Daisy'.p Harry 21600 34 10 Oon.an's Torment 33743 133 .i Landseer'.s Pogis 15847 99 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by astar^C*) and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 279 Name or Tested Cow. Rosetta of Whiteland 6112 Rosette M. 78677 27 14 Rosette May 157648 16 Rosette of St. Lambert 5108 Rose Woodmer^ 91092 Rose Woodmere Oonan 148682 Rosona 12956 Rosora 87622 14 19 14 16 15 Rosulka 170732 "ISZ Rosy Dream 9808 Rosy Dream 2d 27127 Rosy Kate 10276 Rotus Irene 98171 Roulette 50080 Roulette of Biltmore 178859 Rover's Maggie 135247 Rover's Swan 106034. Rowena Inez 137675 Rowena of Elm Spring 54613 Rowena of St. Lambert 71526 Rowena's Daisy 161056 Roxana Marigold of O. H. 208349. Roxana of Prospect 138766 Roxena 64212 Roxie Landseer 74832 Royal Beauty 18908 Royal Bomba's Daisy 36996 Royal Bomba's Daisy 3d 99553 Royal Daisy 25214 .« Royal Dorothy 72314 19 17 14 16 14 14 15 16 17 14 20 20 18 20 15 14 15 21 15 20 14 Royalist's Daisy 19187 21 Royal Lady 22078 Royal Lady Grace Daisy 114787. Royal Marigold 136086 Royal Princess 2370 Royal Queen 24428 Royal Rose 86791 14 14 21 17 22 20 Royal Sister 12451 14 19 18 18 18 21 21 14 Ruby Jenks 6th 110694. Ruby Love 16915 Ruby Love 2d 32058 Ruby of Springvale 14505. Ruby's Valentine 81780 . . . Ruby Tiptoe 78960 BtjTTEK. Sire. Page. 2.75 .... Rossman 1128 158 6.4 Khedive's Landseer 21926 91 5.2 Mapleton 49283 Ill 3.5 Lord Lisgar 1066 106 13 Kattie's Prince S2315 90 13 Oonan's Tormentor 22880 134 7 Catono 3761 21 8.6 Ethleel's Landseer 22341 48 13.2 (lyr.).. Chromo Argyle 53174 25 1 Jubilee 2125 88 11 Toltec 6831 184 4 Pierrot 2d 1669 141 2 Grand Khedive 23801 69 5.5 Torrance 17872 190 0.5 Forfarshire 64769 58 3 Hoffer's Rover 43209 75 3 Rover of St. Lambert 28333 15« 1 Fritz of Glynllyn 36579 59 4 Noble Cicero 13562. . . ; 129 4 Ruby's Star of St. Lambert 20719.. 160 6 Ruler, P.S. 2081, H.C 160 7 Graceful Marigold 51967 68 13 Two Hundred per Cent. 33592 191 8.5 Odelio 20223 131 13 Leonette's Landseer 20399 101 2.6 Browny, P.S. 158, H.C 17 5.5 Bomba's Son 8372 14 8 9 2 9.5 12 Rozel Lass 20268, imp Rozel of Clearview 156429 Ruba H. Pogis 81944 Ruba K. of St. Lambert 127631 Rubano's Fancy 109719 Rubano's Normanda 68927 Rubano's Sydonia 54706. . . . ; Rubano's Valentine 64703 20 Ruba Stoke Pogis 2d 132703 16 Ruby Fair 84594 17, Ruby Glenruby 101056 17 Ruby Jenks 56862 18 Ruby Jenks 2d 76738 23 Ruby Jenks 3d 84868 23 Ruby Jenks 4th 84871 18 . . . Landseer's Pogis 15847 99 . . . Yellow Boy 6381 198 . . . Roscoe Pogis 16194 158 ... Royalist 2d 3791 159 . . . King, P.S. 238, C 91 5.6 Kiyal Daisy's Lad 40263 159 . . . Marigold Pogis 38752 112 . . . Daniel Webster 403 35 . . . Nero 7266 127 . . . Chairman 29883 21 ... Vesper's Royal Son 2946 193 10 12 21 14 14 ; 14 14 16 Ruby Torment 32989 16 Ruette 186283 ; *16 Runaway 87030 16 Rupertina- 10409 ; 17 Rush of St. Lambert 61234 17 6 Russet Duchess 160014 *484 10 '4 11 9.5 12.6 Imp. Golden Fern's Lad 66300 1.5 Rubano's Stoke Pogis 23760 12.6 King of St. Lambert's King 30752 . . 15 Fancy's Rubano 34303 4.5 Rubano 8806 4 Rubano 8806 3 Rubano 8806 8 King of St. Lambert's King 30752 . . .5 King Jim 24346 .... Oonan's Tormentor 22280 Albert's Royalist 10169 5 ; Mississippi Rioter 20401 6 Mississippi Rioter 20401 Mississippi Rioter 20401 5 Mississippi Rioter 20401 ; Lymington 3767 i Stamp 8609 Tunlaw Boy 2866 Ruby's Star of St. Lambert 20719.. 5 Ruby's Harry 16664 Tormentor 3533 5 Rudolph of St. Lambert 7th 60275. Exile of St. Lambert 23d 20718 5 Cloverine 3610 75 King of St. Lambert Jr. 18808 7 (lyr.).. Matilda's Duke 37523... 169 95 56 159 159 159 95 92 134 3 123 183 183 183 109 175 191 160 160 187 160 53 87 94 114 N. B. — Confir'med biitter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star {*), and butter is estimated on, the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old oiGcial butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated.- Butter is stated in pounds- and ounces. 28o INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Ruth Berkeley 139166 17 Ruth d'Or 116059 19 Ruthetta of Orchard Farm 166197 14 Euthie Exile of J. L. 128862 17 Ruthie Rex Pogis 100326 15 Ruthione 31514 25 Ruth L. 84578 14 Ruth Marigold 124909 16 Ruth Morgan 24098 14 Ruth Morgan 3d 57043 19 Ruth of Chippewa 193512 14 Ruth of Edgewood 130124 18 Ruth of Meridale 148763 18 Ruth of Prospect 138931 15 Butter. 5 Sire. Page. Stockbridge Chief 37255 176 8 King of St. Lambert Jr. 18808 Meridale Victor Hugo 4th 57237... 1 Exile of Jersey Lawn 29421 . 75 Imperial Rex Rioter 24096 12 Johnson's Acme 3656 . . .'. 12 Clover Lad 21069 2.5 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 39121 94 120 50 83 88 27 179 '6 Pierrot 7th 1667 141 6.4 Fancy's Harry 9777 65 2 Elsie's King of St. L. 56737 46 10 Vexer 20889 193 15 King Alden 15th 63189 91 7.75 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 30th 47704... 82 Sa 2d 112237 24 Sadie Landseer Signal 159330 *652 Sadie Le Pet 77100 23 Sadie Marigold 125265 17 Sadie R. 3d 83729 20 Sadie's Delight 53393 14 Sadie T. 75896 16 Safety 13463, imp 15 Safrano 4568 14 St. Albans' Valentine 41707 23 St. Clare Trixy 149640 *555 St. Helier Gem 35438 15 St. Helier's Brown Phillis 203403 18 St. Helier's Dairy Queen 200377 16 St. Helier's Matilda 62857 14 St. Helier's Regie 128707 24 St. Jeannaise 15789 17 15 16 17 14 15 15 22 18 15 14 20 15 14 16 22 16 19 21 2.5 Melia's Victor Pogis 33357 118 6 (lyr.).. Signalona's Ben Signal 43521 169 5 Founder 20928 59 4.5 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 179 14.25 Norton 31941 130 12 Nutley Duke 10706 130 6 Pearleta's Scituate 17109 137 St. Jeannaise 4th 57990 St. Jeannaise 5th 96554 St. Jeannaise 8th 115389 St. John Duchess' 114696 ^,St. John's Daisy 28388 St. Lambert B. Kate 106205 St. Lambert Boy's Mattie 145701. St. Lambert Eurotas 161919 St. Lambert Hebe 54069 St. Lambert Leslie 150490 St. Lambert's Alphea 74100 St. Lambert's Babette 99185 St. Lambert's Bijou 78174 St. Lambert's Coquette 41070 St. Lambert's Crescent 39711 St. Lambert's Daisette 157960... St. Lambert's Dido 160906 St. Lambert's Duchess 56504 St. Lambert's Duchess of I. 172148 'IS St. Lambert's Edith 113708. St. Lambert's Emsie 145929. St. Lambert's Fawn 48100... 19 17 St. Lambert's Hugo Barbara 146109 18 St. Lambert's Kate 61976 16 St. Lambert's Letty 114804 22 St. Lambert's Letty Coles 145931 22 St. Lambert's Lucy 94543 23 St. Lambert's Lucy B. 178932 21 St. Lambert's Lucy C. 189457 14 St. Lambert's Mary 1^2829 22 St. Lambert's Maximum 118698 20 St. Lambert's Nancy 66503 18 St. Lambert's Nora 42132 18 2.5 3.3 (lyr.).. 0.5 11 2 1 3.5 8.6 11 12.5 11.75 7 4 11 2 5 6 0.5 0.76 16.6 15 10 8 7 1.6 11.5 8 10 4 11 8.5 14 10 7 14 14 9 7 12 St. Helier 46 160 Duke of St. Albans 11334 44 Tormentor's St. Clare 46493 188 St. Helier Boy 11884 160 Marigold St. Helier 52657 112 Marigold ^t. Helier 52657 113 L. D.'s Victor St. Helier 16286 100 Bingieta's St. Helier 34340 11 Happy, P.S. 311, C 72 Ida's Pogis 18000 80 Ida's Pogis 18000 80 Too Good 32376 186 Duchess' Monarch 37303 41 St. John, P.S. 316, C 161 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 St. Lambert Boy 4th 57778 163 George of St. Lambert 17200 62 Hamlet of St. Lambert 3d 49985... 72 St. Lambert's John Bull 16618 163 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 Don of St. Lambert 17456 40 Diana's Rioter 10481 37 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13666 81 St. Lambert Boy 4th 57778 162 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 Canada's John Bull 8388 19 Exile's Victor Hugo 6th 43863 54 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 St. Lambert Boy 17408 161 Ida's Stoke Pogis Lad 15501 83 St. Lambert Boy 17408 162 Duke of St. Lambert 16160 44 St. Lambert Boy 17408 162 St. Lambert Boy 17408 162 Canada's John Bull 5th 20092 19 Rioter of St. Lambert Jr. 56680 155 Rioter of St. Lambert Jr. 56580 155 St. Lambert Boy 17408 162 St. Lambert Boy 17408 162 Canada's John Bull 8388 19 Brier's Pogis 14163 16 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is i>^stimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 281 Name of Tested Cow. St. Lambert's Nora 3d 111218 St. Lambert's Nora B. 134869 St. Lambert's Pride 53742 St. Lambert's Rexitia 113609 '. St. Lamberfa Rinora 186183 St. Lambert's Riotress 106220 St. Lambert's Theda 184489 St. Lambert's Vida O. 135406 St. Lambert's Violet 25278 St. Lambert's Zenobia 76023 St. L. Gazelle 78870 22 St. L.'s Daisy of Park Farm 117191 18 St. L.'s May of Park Farm 125682 18 St. L.'s Silken Les Cateaux 61964 21 St. Nick's Flora 16195 14 St. Perpetua 8d 5557 14 Salem Girl 123370 14 Salixis 83283 16 Sallie B. Lambert 114683 19 Sallie Grimes 79122 16 Sallie Guild 14524 16 Sallie of Argyle 118556 16 Sallie of the Ledges 87182 16 Sallie Pomeroy 98806 14 Sally Ann of St. Lambert 136406 14 Sally Leavitt 2d 10471 15 Sally of St. Lambert 78873 16 Sally Ornament 125515 21 Salome of Florence 120864 25 Salona Pedro 108934 14 Salsoda 3721 14 Salute 67682 16 Salvia Marigold 143336 14 Sandgate 123509 20 Sands Marigold 130316 18 Santa K. of St. Lambert 127632 17 Santa Stoke Pogis 91680 19 Santa Stoke Pogis 2d 128379 15 Saphie's Daughter 84217 17 Sapho St. Helier 119039 14 Sapho V. 167529 16 Sapolio 61082 14 Sarah of Old Homestead 167111 18 Sara of Eau Claire 128002 IS Sara Sands 108185 14 Sasanda 50075 22 Sasanda's Tormentris 131699 33 Sasco Belle 13601 14 Sassy 133738 17 Satala 60074 16 Sataline 64213 17 Sataline 3d 131898 16 Satin Bird 16380 14 Satin Signal 108498 16 Satureia 94933 14 Satureia Ann 201245 20 Saucy Pogis 103535 17 Saucy Princess 40360. 15 Saucy Sally 83059 16 Saugus Lass 30542 14 Sayda 3d 17317 *164 Sayda M. 46195 22 Sayda M. 3d 71134 20 Sayda of Aurora 86956 16 Sayda's Gertrude 117027 14 Butter. Siee. Page. 5 One Hundred per Cent. 16590 132 5 St. Lambert Boy 17408. 163 13.5 Brier's Pogis 14163 15 2 St. Lambert Boy 17408 162 6 St. Lambert Boy 17408 162 « St. Lambert Boy 17408 162 15' St. Lambert's Novelty 68932 163 2 Hessong's St. Lambert Boy 45376.. 75 18 Stunner 9679 180 0.75 St. Lambert's John Bull 16618 163 14 King of St. Lambert 15175 94 3.5 Campbell's St. Lambert 33159 19 3 Campbell's St. Lambert 33159 19 18 Duke of St. Lambert 16160 44 St. Nick 7334 163 Pine Cliff 1106 141 6 Major Webster 34675 110 8 Diploma 16219 38 8 St. Lambert Boy 17408 162 2 Sig-Nig 18659 169 Ralph Guild 1917 150 6 Andalusia's Pride 36152 4 6 Crocus' John Bull 21665 33 10 St. Lambert Boy 17408 162 8.5. Rioter of St. Lambert 16601 156 12 Statesman 2407 176 5 King of St. Lambert 15175 94 8.5 Eurotas' Pride 33653' 49 6 , Jubilee of Bois d' Arc 39041 88 1 Scituate Pedro 17797 165 7 Sam 980 164 8 Damascus 22222 34 12 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29131 179 10.5 Golden Lad, P.S. 1242, H.C 66 2 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 179 10 King of St. Lambert's King 30753 . . 95 1.5 Letty's Snap 27796 103 8 King of St. Lambert's King 30753.. 95 13 Kathleen's Son 17660.' 90 3 Moore St. Helier 34674 124 11 Aurated Victor Pogis 5th 47956 6 6 Exile of St. Lambert 2d 17131 52 10 ' Pete Marigold 55433 140 7 Melia Ann's Son 22041 117 14 Mercurial Chief 39897 119 1.5 Tormentor 3533 ■. . . 187 13 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485 189 Daniel Deronda 2291 36 Don of Hood Farm 42000 40 2.5 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 83 6.6 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 83 7.5 Oonan's Tormentor 22380 134 15.5 Hero, P.S. 90, H.C 74 14 Signalda'^ Torment 14673 167 1.5 St. Helier Chief 18417 161 2 3Ielia Ann's Stoke Pogis 2d 53696. . 118 2.25 Sig Pogis 22806 170 11 Prince of Melrose 4819 146 12.5 Matilda's Stoke Pogis 14832 115 9 Lord Darlington 7385 104 10 (90 d.).. Prince of M. 8d 6507 146 11.5 Torpedo 8671 190 10 .; Pocatello 81963 142 11.5 , Koilee's Noble 14631 97 3 Sayda's Prince 88501 164 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 282 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Sayda's Princess Lois 201371 *349 Sayda's Queen of Ventnor 168033 *o20 Scepter's Beauty 83234 School Marm 67264 Scimassiella 111678 Scituate Beauty. D. 148791. Scituate Ruth 2d 89533... 14 18 17 14 17 Scot's Belle 195756 *557 Scroll 93498 14 Sedate 11119 18 Sedate 2d 20389 15 Sedate's Retta 86596 16 Seekonk Pride 134309 16 Segilinda 41741 14 Selita J. 32184 25 Seneca's Frankie 114052 15 Seneca's Mocha 23355 20 Senna Lowndes 174824 "540 Senone 145260 16 Senorita of St. Lambert 98665 15 Senorita Pogis 53791 18 Scnsa 87569 21 Sensible 143262 17 Seppie 58689 15 September Maid 100718 15 Seraph 72217 Seraphine 2d 37451 Serita 15520 Serona Hudson 84775 Sextuple Oaklands Nora 141958 Shanenalawn 56892 18 15 17 15 15 18 Sheba Rex 47429 *184 Sheldon's Daisy 30592 17 Sheldon's Daisy of St. L. 53047 20 Sheldon's Daisy's Ida 101059 14 Sheldon's Maud 86187 14 Shelta F. 56437 20 Shiloh Daughter 20378 16 Shinn's Pansy 143697 17 Shoofly S. 121740 18 Shorty of O. 111979 •525 Shrine 59627 15 Shylock's Buxom Beauty 195695 *467 Sibby 87742 16 Sibby Landseer 116107 15 Sibyl of Altama 193830 •586 Sibyl's Beauty 25941 18 Sibyl's Fancy 25942 17 Sibyl's Princess 193831 *417 imp. Sicilienne 25010, Siesta 37321.... Sig Dagmar 147286 Sig Dagmar 4th 183912 Sig Dagmar's Crown 200415 Sig Eurota 64898 Sigleonella 70091 Sigletta 32915 Sigletta 3d 108977 Siglolias 151127 Sigma 78676 Sigma 2d 89803 Sigmanella 117023 Sig-Mardag 162078 17 Sigma's Oonan 123754 16 Signala Marcelina 86674 17 8.6 Holyoke 2.5 7.5 EuTTEK. Sire. Page. 14.4 (lyr.).. Sayda's Victor Hugo 51270 164 6 (lyr.).. Sayda's Heir 45360 164, 0.5 Scepter 5417 165 4 Mutiny 17028 125 1 Scientist 38743 ; 165 14 Scion of St. Lambert Jr. 26719 165 11.6 Prof. Huxley 27260 148 5.7 (lyr.).. Great Scot, P.S. 2153, H.C .... 70 15 Major Appel Pogis 17861 110 13 Wanderer 3014 195 8 Master Vermont 4304 113 8 Signoretta's Signal 18980 170 7 Little Harry of Lenox 43527 103 8147 76 Pertinax 1966 140 Elm Place Seneca 21939 46 Seneca Chief 4098 165 Cnief Engineer 47148 24 Judge Hatch 45096 89 8.5 Tombigbee Cowboy 18372 185 St. Lambert's John Bull 16618 163 3 Saulie 33223 164 8 Sensa's Pride 4^165 165 6.5 Chendado 12955 23 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 52 Diploma 16219 38 Suzerain 8408 180 Solid South 4711 173 Brie's Tristan 19249 15 Oaklands Nora 2d's Son 28034 130 Albert W. 6355 3 Windsor Rex 14493 197 Sheldon 5250 166 Canada's John Bull 8388 19 2 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 79 16 Sheldon Pogis 22659 166 0.5 Signalda's Torment 14673 167 2 (lyr.). 1 (90 d.).. 7 Chatelaine's Dayton 5311 . 9 King's Companion 43650. Above Par 21834 7 (lyr.).. Joey's Stoke Pogis 28463. 6 Diploma 16219 (lyr.).. Fabby's Shylock 70334 5 ........ Gridley's Duke 24997 23 96 1 ...; 87 38 54 70 Leonette's Landseer 20399 101 12 1 18 4 8 4.4 (1 yr.). ....... 10.9 (lyr.). 11 11 Signalda 4027 3.6 (lyr.).. Croton's Signal 17614 0.5 Jubilee's Crown Prince 64383 1 Jubilee's Crown Prince 64383 1.5 Sig 9528 9.75 Leonidas 3010 Tormentor of Kawkawlin 42880 Forget-me-not 6291 Forget-me-not 6291 Willson's Exile 44065 21 16 15 21 46—0 188 59 59 197 89 89 166 102 Signalda 4027 jfiL 10.5 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 134 7 J. J. Signal 40512 86 8.25 Ethleel 2d's Jubilee 18249 48 15.5 Fill Pail's Duke 84650 57 2 Signal Maximum 87286 168 1 Croton's Signal 17614 33 9 Oonan's Harry Pogis 30760 132 14 Signal Success 28864 169 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 283 Name op Tested Cow. Signalana 7719 15 Signalbianca 54948 15 Signalbianca 2d 119779 17 Signalda Bloomfield 30694 16 Signalda's- Duchess ■ 32173 14 Signalda's' Ethleel 77599 16 Signalda's Rosebud 35S83 18 Signaldella 84107 18 Signaldo's tansy 53366 16 Signal Duke's Creamer 60812 14 Signal Fancy 30818 14 Signal Fancy of Lawn 73540 15 Signal Hinman 44616 16 Signalina Rioter 130769 14 Signalinda 87002 18 Signalinda 2d 61142 21 Signal Maid 19361 19 Signal Maid 4th 67492 15 Signal Maiden 42793 15 Signal Maiden's Oonan 134751 16 Signal Mattie 113952 15 Signal Mine 8d 60789 17 Signal of Raceland 84299 18 Signalome 147591 "497 Signalome of Florence 196090 SO Signalona 78106 18 Signalona's Gem 134819 14 Signal Queen 30869 *160 Signal's Bijou 60800 15 Signal's Blythesomie 8d 169157 16 Signal's Brown Lassie 182986 17 Signal's Crown Princess 146528 , 18 Signal's Crusta 97341 15 Signal's Empress 57767 16 Signal's Fancita 118330 21 Signal's Garland 116048 15 Signal's Gold Foil 90508 15 Signal's Lady Diploma 132356 16 Signal's Laura Lee 173981 14 Signal's Lily Flagg 31035 t 27 Signal's Mary of Brushy 98366. .'. 14 Signal's Mistletoe 153061 23 Signal's New Geranium 134117 21 Signal's Palm Rose 160361 "Oil Signal's Rhoda 98661 14 Signal's Ripple 27093 17 Signal's Ripple 4th 64868 16 Signal's Rosa May 50092 21 Signal's Sweet Rose 195866 15 SignalSusy 147D76 16 Signarola 147598 15 Signetilia 16333 18 Signet's Fancy 58446 18 Signia's Footprint 1307^1 14 Signia's Nona 10104S 14 Signilla M. 55839 81 Signodelle 3d 50067 17 Signola M. 76122 ... , 14 Signolo's Florence 8d 88446 16 Signora Bruce 154547 *573 Signora Reid 87125 16 Signora Reid 2d 93808 : 15 Signora Signal 39896 > 15 Signoretta 21546 V ■ . 680 Signoretta 3d 92497 > . . . 15 BuTTEK. SlEE. Page. 4 Signal 1170 166 5 Signalbert 18840 167 0.25 , Fancy's Harry 2d 20199 65 3.75 Signalda 4027 167 3 Signalda 4087 167 11 Ethleel's Landseer 82341 48 10.13 Signalda 4087 167 1 . 75 Signalda 4087 167 0.5 Signaldo Alexis 15051 167 7 Signal Duke of Alfred 11927 168 8.6 Fancy's Harry 9777 65 1 Tormentor's John 14715 188 18.75 Composite 10810 30 7.5 Ida's Champion Rioter 48231 80 7 Signalio 7649 168 10 Cherokee's Gold Basis 16945 24 13 Croton Maid's Duke 6658 32 8 Signal Duke 18661 168 3.5 Signal Jr. 7166 166 1 Oonan's Torment 33743 133 7.6 Tenella's Best 19736 181 9.5 Fancy's Harry 9777 55 6 Wasp 16358 196 7 (lyr-).. Croton's Signal 17614 " 33 6 Jubilee of BoiS d'Arc 29041 88 6 Signal Jr. 7166 166 4.5 Signalona's Ben 32989 '. 168 5.6 (90 d.).. Chief of the Miamis 8958 85 1.5 Croton's Signal 17614.; 33 6 Nancy's Signal Pogis 51340 186 2 . . .' Signal's Maxim 48489 169 7 Croton's Signal 17614 33 3.5 Toltec's Signal 29501 185 6.6 Signal Jr. 7166 166 0.6 Harry Torment's Signal 39846 73 2 Signal's Rebel 38988 169 4 Signal Maid's Duke 21748 168 Signal's Maxim 42489 169 15 Signal's Maxim 48489 169 3.5 Georgian 6073 68 9.5 Signal Oak of Brushy 29008 168 1.6 Harry Torment's Signal 39846 73 15.6 Geranium's Leo 29482 62 (lyr.).. Signalona's Ben Signal. 43551 169 6.5 Signal Jr. 7166 166 5 Allegany Signal 10178 4 10.85 Jupiter Pogis 18198 89 3 Signal's Laddie 11100 169 6 Signal's Crown Prince 61621 169 8 Croton's Signal 17614 33 2 Signalona's Ben Signal 43521 169 6.5 Signalda 4027 167 11.5 Fancy's Harry 9777 56 5.33 Signia 29385 169 18 ...; Signia 89385 163 4 Signalda's Torment 14673 167 1.5 Ida's Stoke Pogis 13658 83 10 Signalda's Torment 14673 167 Quintuple Victor Pogis 82343 150 18.5 (lyr.).. Harry B. Gordon 47246 73 8.38 Signalda 4087 167 10.5 Tormentor 5th 81968 187 Conklin's Signal 11050 SO 6.5 (lyr.).. Signalio 7649 168 4 Escape 83548 47 N B. — Confirmed butter-tests and anthenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and batter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (f). AH amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 284 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Silene 4307 Silene Marigold 143343 Silenta 17685 Silicon 25577 Silistria 30264, imp Silkey Morrill 17058 Siloam 17623 Silver Belle C. 90600 14 14 15 18 16 14 18 16 Silver Cloud 13461, imp 15 14 18 16 15 14 16 Butter. 6 10 13 1 7 9.5 ... 2.5 ... 2 Silver Day 149990 Silver Delle 40691 Silveretta 6862 Silver Hair 4th 60449 Silver Merry Maiden 103376. Silver Montague 45475 Silver Plumage 106825 14 Silver Pogis of O. H. F. 205344. Silver Rose 4753 , Silver Sheen 26210 Silver Steletho 40766 Silver Venus 20270 Silver Wave 10844 Silvia Baker 8793 Silvia of Linwood 61008 Silvia Torment 104668 Sllvus' Rose 162862 Sirona 27128'. Sirona 3d 67964 Sirona Croton 86597 Sissy's Mary Jackson 206191. 19 16 19 18 16 19 20 16 15 16 21 16 18 15 Sister Dorothy 2607, imp iS Sister of Charity 62453 24 Sister Rex 13194 16 Sister Sue 58447 19 Sitanda's Rose 64958 24 Sitka M. 78680 19 Sitka's Star 104707 14 Sixty-Six 128687 17 Skegala 148701 17 Skipover 80217 16 Slaf ter's Pride 113760 18 Smack 64675 15 Smax 48562 16 Smith's Lady Ajax 168048 14 Smoky 13733 ' 14 Snap's Dainty 18968 14 Snow Bank 75184 16 Snowdrop F. W. 16948 14 Snowfiake Pogis 3d 123922 22 Sobriquet 68028 21 Social Beauty 2d 82830 17 Soconee 76895 40 Soconee 2d 114420 16 Soconee 3d 114422 20 Soconee's Ida 175670 *1S Sceurette 62266 17 Sceurette 2d 86414 18 Sceurette 4th 133819 16 Sokamria 140936 16 Solava 20928 15 So Many More 143874 14 Sombre 80796 18 Son's Princess 118386 16 Sophia of St. Lambert 96473 16 Sophie 1st of Hood Farm 131235 17 Sire. Page. St. Helier 45 160 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 179 Oxoli 1922 136 Prince George 11571 144 Hazel. Eye 1614 Silver Mine 1668 Fritz Pogis of Glynllyn 28042. 14.5 . 9 10.25. 8 10 4 2 14 2 0.6 . 3.75. 10 6.6 . 11.2 . 10 2 8 10 2 14.05. Brown Bessie's Duke 42166... Ellwood 13382 Champion of America 1567... Climax of St. Lambert 17563. Herotas 26500 Lord Montague 12386 Exile's Rebel 28928 Bisson's Pogis 30781 Pilot Jr. 141 Silver, P.S. 287, C Steletho 10505 Silver Hair, F.S. 879, C The Hub 1009 Silver Mine 1658 Southern Prince 10760 Noonday 18961 Exile of Athens 41080 Signalda 4087 Bismarck of Jersey 12885.... Croton's Signal 17614 Ethleel's Harry C. 76917 12 13 9 6.5 14.5 12 11.5 12 9 7 1.75 (14 d.), 1.5 13.9 4.75 1.5 4.75 1 15 14 15 12 2.5 Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 Cash Boy 2248 Romp's Tormentor 7126 Sitanda 20221 Fancy's Harry 9777 Toltec of Bedford 34302 Gen. Jamont 42212 Landseer's Diploma 36277 Pedro 3187 Nortie "36908 Diploma 16219 Combination 3d 17576 Smith's St. Lambert 30332 Mercury 432 Snap, F.S. 301, C Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13666 Duke F. 6134 Lord Harry Pogis 27999 Iowa's Pogis Chief 24060 Snap of St. Lambert 18569 ... Ida's Stoke Pogis 18658 Tormentor 5th 21968 Oonan's Tormentor 82280 Soconee's Tormentor 63187 Southern Prince 10760 Odelio 80223 Prince of Tennessee 20772 Sozius 43655 -. . . Signalda 4027 J. J. Signal 40518 Diploma 16219 Ida's Rioter of St. L.'s Son 28869. Meridale Pauline Pogis 26133 Sophie's Tormentor 80883 73 170 60 10 46 88 27 75 107 53 12 141 170 176 170 183 170 174 129 SO 16? 12 33 48 177 80 158 178 55 184 61 99 137 130 38 29 178 119 172 81 41 105 84 172 83 187 134 173 174 131 147 174 167 86 33 82 120 173 N. B. — iConfirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 285 Name of Tested Cow. Sophie 2d of Hood Farm 131336 16 Sophie 3d of Hood Farm 138005 14 Sophie 4th of Hood Farm 131559 81 Sophie 6th of Hood Farm 134351 14 Sophie 7th of Hood Farm 134353 18 Sopliie 8th of Hood Farm 143331 16 Sophie 9th of Hood Farm 143233 14 Sophie 10th of Hood Farm 143334 *563 Sophie 14th of Hood Farm 189733 *447 Sophie 19th of Hood Farm 189748 *465 Sophie Hudson 76105 19 Sophie Lowndes 141195 17 Sophie's Fairy 176659 14 Sophie's lone 157360 16 Sopllie's Lily 87023 ; 16 Sophie's Omega 173761 14 Sophona 76110 18 Sordella 76876 15 Sorina 48993 17 Sosia 19198 - 17 Southern Belle 18570 16 Southern Bell of C. H. 93565 14 Southern Daisy 38398 14 Southern Pet 36675 18 Southern Princess 36330 16 Sovereign's Elsie 16793 14 Spangled Princess 117978 15 Spark 62689 20 Sparkle 56775 17 Sparkling 41042 14 Sparks 41041 '. 16 Sparks' Maid 45676 19 Sparta 75000 21 Spartana 96506 16 Spelling School 133487 19 Spermfield Owl's Alice 186848 •441 Sparks' Maid 46675 19 Spermfield Owl's Matilda 194130 ♦20 Spermfield Owl's Mertha 170849 •536 Spermfield Owl's Nettina 170833 •520 Spermfield Owl's Rachel 181979 *433 Spermfield Owl's Silverette 193930 ^570 Spermfield Owl's Spot 170826 ^405 Spermfield Owl's Veda 186687 •406 Spiraea 4th 80075 18 Spot's Duchess 170818 *495 Spot Victor Pogis 85901 17 Spring Brook Bonnie 173533 14 Spring Brook Lily 186139 14 Sprite Pogis 98530 18 Stalactite 2d 93017 , 17 Stanstead Belle 4709 15 Starkville Beauty 4897 14 Star of Edgewood 74823 16 Star of Mahoning 16579 14 Star of Weldon 147384 *709 Star's Valentine 81778 16 Startling 94942 17 Statira Landseer 110935 14 Statuesque 64700 1* Stella of Edgewood 114473 14 Stelletta Midget 133695 14 Stena Pedro 135038 -. 19 Sterling Merit 68456 15 Stoke Pogis Laura Lee 188811 *419 Butter. Siee. Page. 8 Sophie's Tormentor 30883 173 11 . 5 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 174 3 (10 d.)!. Sophie's Tormentor 20883 174 3.5 Torono 26304 189 Torono 35304 189 14.5 Sophie's Tormentor 80883 174 9 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 174 1.3 (lyr.).. Sophie's Tormentor 30883 174 8 (lyr.).. Fort Hill Farm Chief 62859 59 13 (lyr.).. Fort Hill Farm Chief 62859 69 12.5 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 174 Torono 25304 189 12 -Sophie's Khedive 62368 173 4 Sophie's Khedive 62368 173 15.5 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 174 7 Sophie's Khedive 62368 173 5.76 Sophie's Tormentor 80883 174 9 Odelio 20233 131 15.5 Fancy's Harry 9777. 65 5.6 Mapleson 5951 Ill Lord Longford 3997 106 7.5 Ida's Rioter of St. L.'s Son 28869.. 82 11 Southern Prince 10760 174 8 Alpheus of Springvale 5646 4 4 Southern Prince 10760 174 3 Sovereign, F.S. 307, C 174 5 Julia's Prince 17938... -iS 3 John Rioter 80695 87 3 Concert 16499 30 1 Citizen 13186 86 4.6 Combination 4389 88 8 Sparks Dee 8365 174 5 Herotas 26500 75 14 Recorder 29239 162 0.25 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 (lyr.).. Spermfield Owl 07088 175 8 Spermfield Owl 57088 175 2 Spermfield Owl 57088 175 0.6 (lyr.).. Spermfield Owl 57088 175 2.9 (lyr.).. Spermfield Owl 57088 175 13.6 (lyr.).. Spermfield Owl 67088 175 5 (1 yr.) . . Spermfield Owl 57088 175 12.2 (lyr.).. Spermfield Owl 57088 175 14.6 (lyr.).. Spermfield Owl 57088 175 5.6 Lenox Cash Boy 6804 101 10.6 (lyr,).. Son of the Duchess 57069 173 3 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 30697 118 10 Spring Brook Exile 67715 175 16 Spring Brook Exile 57715 175 6 Sig Pogis 33806 170 10.5 Mabel's Gold Ore 26378 109 i Orleans 533 . ._. 134 Aldine 1136 . .". 3 10 King Coomassie 2d 19545 9Z 7 Lewis' Ringgold 6379 102 1.7 (lyr.).. Odelio 4th 33003 131 2 Ruby's Star of St. Lambert 20719. . . 160 14 Herotas 26500 75 9.35 Kirkmont Landseer 37045 96 5 Record 32801 162 13 King Phil 33443 95 12 Ten Strike 29699 182 13 Pedro's Pretty Pogis 33660 139 4 Stoke Pogis 5th 5987 177 10.9 (lyr.).. Portland Prospect 61919 143 N. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger -(t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 286 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name 'OF Tested Cow. Stoke Pogis' Regina 48309 *58 Stake's Tipsey 99380 ' 14 Stolen Kisses 16864, imp Storm-Beaten of Lawn 61375 Straiglitf ace 74206 Success of St. Lambert 28489 Successor 72503 Sudie S;. Helier 40235 Sue Gallagher 15945 Sulphide 88038 Sultana 2d 11798 Sultan's Sultane 32854 16 18 15 16 17 18 23 18 15 16 Su Lu 4705 t 17 Summerline 8001 IS Summer Morning 76197 20 Sunbeam's Pet 2d 9113 16 Siinderin 125092 15 Sunny Lass 6033 14 Sunny of Cedar Hill 90410 19 Sunny Pogis 61919 17 Sunset 16130 16 Sunset of Pleasant View 13071 15 Sunswick Dolly 91844 15 Surprise Melrose 93562 21 Susa Drev/ 38521 21 Susan Altama 197261 *573 Suscn Bell 112146 Susanna Frank 18261 Susan of Beechlands 168854. Susan of Clearview 109487.. Susan's Daughter 195697 Susan W. 77128 Susa's Darling 44916 Susette C. 18602 14 14 *360 16 14 14 15 14 Susette Marigold 134907 15 Susie B. of Springvale 34986 Susie Combination 116285 Susie Marigold of O. H. 208356 Susie Metorah 123128 Susie Pogis 35426 Susie v. 54855 Siisschen 125091 Sweet Blossom of Florence 197130 Sweet Blossom Pogis 36995 Sweet Brier of St. Lambert 5481 Sweet Brier's Matilda 134176 Sweet Coquette 135663 Sweet Dorothy 159743 Sweet Leona B. 21934 Sweet Lily of Meridale 94267 Sweet May Lily 119056 Sweet Melia Ann 174312 . ._. Swtet Perrot 100749 '. Sweet Rock 2d 18256 Sweet Sixteen 10682 Swing 135332 Sylvia 687 Sylvia Marigold 108183 Sylvia Perrot 30963 Syren V. 14619 Tabitha L. 100559 Taglioni 9182 Taidre of Clover Lawn 180767. Tait's Beauty 121331 Butter. 1.6 (30 d.). 7.5 14 Sire. Page. Stoke Pogis of Linden 10558 178 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 39131 179 3.5 17 18 19 16 16 14 15 19 16 22 18 15 20 14 16 15 16 17 14 14 15 15 17 16 17 14 14 15 18 2.6 5 9 14 6.75 15 1.5 10 12 3 10 1.5 8.5 11.5 10 2 11.5 15 1.5 0.5 5 Lord Hugo 15830 105 Gigantic Rex 24187 63 Sir George of St. Lambert 6036... 171 Odelio 20223 131 Yakout 6843 198 Meadow King of Farmington 4911.. 116 Prince of Mahaska 16159 146 Son of Rosa 663 173 Sultan of St. Saviour's 5338 180 Rioter 670.. 154 Bristol Chief 1476 15 June Pogis 19873 89 Lucifer 2696 ...'. 108 Prince of Tennessee 20773 ,147 Balboa 1344 7 Ida's Rioter Stoke Pogis 36496 83 Prince of Melrose 4819 146 Prince of Woodstock 5030 147 Elsmore 4384 46 Fritz Pogis of Glynllyn 28042 60 Ida's Rioter of St. L.'s Son 28869.. 83 Cattaraugus Chief 6026 31 Garfield of Woodstock 25621 60 Odelio 20323 131 Frank 309 59 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 179 Exile of Clearview 36394 50 Golden Love 49475 67 Katy's Matin Glory 18581 90 Signal Duke of Alfred 11927 168 Delaware Darling 3461 36 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 179 Jersey King 9458 86 Merrellan 32133 120 Graceful Marigold 51967 68 Toltec's Signal 29501 186 Prince of Melrose 3d 11015 146 Charley Willis 14866 23 Prince of Tennessee 20772 147 Jubilee of Bois d'Arc 29041 88 Stoke Pogis 6th 5987 177 Lord Lisgar 1066 106 Matilda 4th's Son 20214 114 Ida of St. Lambert's Bull 19169 79 Gen. Jamont 43312 61 Stoke Pogis 6th 5987 177 Matilda 4th's Son 20314 114 Duke Jeannaise 36414 41 Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 2d 63696.. 118 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29131 179 Jazel 3601 85 Gilderoy 2107 63 Harry's Combination 41668 73 Abe Lincoln 268 1 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 39121 179 Perrot, P.S. 343, C 140 Kisber 4377 96 1.5 6 4 1 15 6 0.6 4 0.6 7 5 9.5 2.5 3 12 14.6 1 5.3 (lyr.). 13 1.8 (lyr.). 6.6 11 2 13 Pedro's Rosebud's Son 25845 139 Oxoli 1933 ' 136 King of Chestnut Hill 55075 93 Van Amburgh 32416 192 N'. B. — ^Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked" by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 287 Name of Tested Cow. Talaney 69361 15 Butter. Tamarack 69900 Tamasese Lady 147063 Tamasese Naomi 188774 Tancreda Signal 87789 Tancreda Torment 114090. Tapestry 66607 Ta Tsing 1S6781 Tatty Torment 110328 Teacher's Pet 60348 Teasel 75368 Tease of Clovernook 93964., Telka 8037, imp Temalema 44761 Temalema 2d 83411 Temarario 132389 Temisia of Winnikee 46604. Temisia's Interested Veda Tena's Coomassie 163780.., Tenella 6712 Tenella 2d 19631 14 17 14 81 15 . . .■ 23 16 15 18 30 16 14 14 16 14 16 193928 "eeo 80 22 18 Teresa May Buttercup 137718 17 Terry's Pet 96861 16 Tessia H. 94323 15 Tette 20802 tl7 Thaba 149801 14 Thaley 14299 16 The Colonel's Daughter 50330 15 Theda H. 20567 17 Theda's Belle 106891 16 Theda's Bertha B. 150640 '471 The Duke's Cretesia'» Tones 170813 *545 "I'he Duke's Dorothy 170818 *563 The Duke's Dorothy Maid 170852 *368 The Duke's Esther C. 170811. *16 The Duke's Girlie Rachel 170860 *511 The Duke's Golden Belle 170814 *454 The Duke's Golden Queen 170861 "423 The Duke's Grace Darling 170837 *466 The Duke's Nutley Violet 170846 *430 The Duke's Rachel Spencer 170846 •450 The Duke's V. B. Rose 170848 'eiO Thekla of Clover Nook 33446 15 Thekla's Oonan 138009 14 Thelma of O. H. 308344 33 The Owl's Queen 186994 *14 The Queen's Gift 76186 22 Theresa H. 14447 15 Theresa Leonard 104625 ' 17 Therese G. 16390 17 Therese M. 8364 14 Theroigne 93369 18 The Seer's Alberta 166162 *651 The Seer's Frankie. 184336 *615 The Sister 21136 The Widow's Daughter 11607. Thisbe 2d 2201. Thorndale Belle 5265 Thorndale Belle 3d 10469 14 19 19 14 16 Thorndalf Belle 6th 44885 15 Thornleaf Thornton's Mary of Fairfield 308301 17 Tib's Jewel 6808 1* Tidy Lady 183678 1* Tidy of St. Lambert 31114 14 3 10 15 8.5 1 Sire. Page. Texas Wanderer 14463 .' 182 Authority 27197 6 Tamasese of Bay View 39903 181 Tamasese of Bay View 39903 181 Signal Jr. 7166 166 Tancreda's Signal King 36742 181 12 Compass 16958. 29 Rebel Rex 41234 • 151 Bessie's Stoke Pogis 23871 11 Teacher 15983 181 Combination 3d 17576 89 Oonan's Tormentor 82280 134 10 4 4 3.5 0.5 (1 yr.) 1 1 13 8 13 15 6 6 13 4 1 2 Fancy's Harry 9777 65 Landseer's Pogis 15847 99 Rioter of Brook Farm 41468 '. . 154 Rienzi of Winnikee 18948 164 Temisia's Duke 67836 181 .5 Winnie's Stoke Pogis 19921 197 .6 Signal 1170 ....'. 166 Sharpshooter of Atlanta 3011 166 .5 Pansy C.'s Rioter 53304; 136 Terry of Clermont 16873 182 '. . A. C. L. Pearl H. 27011 1 Gold Basis 4038 66 Mabone 43085 109 Guy Fawkes, F.S. 261, H.C 71 .6 Colonel Stoke Pogis 18766 27 Clusius H. 5781 27 Theda's Son 31202 188 Theda's King 35165 182 (lyr.). (lyr.). (lyr.). (lyr.). Theda's Duke of Portage 41762 182 Theda's Duke of Portage 41763 182 .7 (lyr.).. Theda's Duke of Portage 41763 182 Theda's Duke of Portage 41762 183 8 (lyr.).. Theda's Duke of Portage 41762 183. 8 (lyr.).. Theda's Duke of Portage 41762 182 (lyr.).. Theda's Duke of Portage 41763 182 6 (lyr.).. Theda's Duke of Portage 41762 182 7 (lyr.).. Theda's Duke of Portage 41762 182 4 (lyr.).. Theda's Duke of Portage 41763 182 4' (1 yr.) . . Theda's Duke of Portage 41763 182 Gold Basis 4038 66 .86 Oonan's Tormentor 33280 134 5 Combination Honor 43739 29 7 . . ._ Fontaine's Owl 60846 58 9 Ida's Rioter of St. L. 13656 81 3 Homer H. 3683 76 7.36 Empress' Gold Signal 30691 47 .8 Champion of Indiana 3076 22 2 Champion of America 1567 23 11 Julia's Prince 17938 89 6 (lyr.).. The Seer 57089 183 6 (lyr.).. The Seer 57089 183 .5 Pierrot's Telephone 6440 141 .5 Cargo 6370 20 .5 Cliff 176 26 , Barney 1491 7 Niobe Duke 2364 138 Dido's Duke 4678 .. .' 37 Silver Duke 7185 170 Browser Coomassie 53355 17 Jeweler 1385 86 Sensa's Pride 44156 166 Lord Monck 304 106 N B — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*). and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Tiger Lill 69771 Tilda Ives 17707 Tillie Texas 6S840 Tillie Tucker 141756 Tina Marigold 143328. 15 15 15 14 16 Tinney 2d 26353 17 Tip's Ida 159443 *16 Titus' Maid 149407 • ■ 14 Tobira 8400 15 Tobira 2d 104807 15 Tolonga 76868 15 Tolteca 44762 14 Tolteca 3d 86344 14 Toltecida 2d 96030 16 Toltec's Alice 31885 17 Toltec's Fancy 27172 27 Toltec's Nan 70199 14 Toltec's Romp 78690 16 Toltec's Rponan 64664 19 Toltec's Sally 94461 17 Toltec's Silver Princess 201483 20 Toltec's Silvia 86911 17 Toltia 97612 ,15 Toma May 74836 14 Tomassee 76875 17 Tomassee 2d 133264 16 Tonca's Estella 208337 19 Tonca's Fanny of O. H. 208801 15 Tones 46306. 14 Tonnage Girl 103331 16 Tonona 2d of Jlood Farm 161204 ♦665 Tonona 3d of Hood Farm 163721 *14 Tonona 6th of Hood Farm 163183 *707 Tonona 7th of Hood Farm l57724 *649 Tonona 9th of Hood Farm 172718 *532 Tonona 10th of Hood Farm 171663 •671 Tonona 11th of Hood Farm 172721 ♦380 Tonona 12th of Hood Farm 172722 *601 Tonona 18th of Hood Farm 177684 ♦416 Tonona 20th of Hood Farm 172723 ^395 Tonona 22d of Hood Farm 180932 •411 Tonona 26th of Hood Farm 184795 *490 Tonona of Fort Hill Farm 168669 ♦555 Topaz of Argyle 127615 18 Topaz of Wood'lawn 11661 16 Topsey Doe 25378 16 Topsey K. 22769 ; 14 Topsy of Malone 49478 '. 14 Topsy's Oonan 97132 15 Torfrida 3596 17 Toridex 76873 14 Torlona 76872 17 Tormandy's Lass 152587 ^15 Tormendova 748857 19 Tormendova 2d 118161 15 Torment 15579 17 Torment 4th 70660 15 Tormento Coomassie 110447 22 Torment of Bleak House 203627 14 Tormentor Denise 134036 18 Tormentor's Barbara 98801 17 Tormentor's Bloomfield 55530 22 Tormentor's Broadway 136575 14 Tormentor's Browny 73079 14 Tormentor's Choice 152864 . . . ^ 22 ~ BuTTEK. Sire. Page. .... Sherbet's Koffee 18612 166 .... Ned Dean 5387 126 13 Little Tormentor 17995 103 4 Tormentor 6th 21962.." 187 4.5 ..' Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 179 12 .- Hazel Eye 1514 73 9.6 Grand Marigold 49898 69 13 Titus S. 61486 184 13 Champion of America 1667 22 11.2 Cowboy of St. Lambert 2d 17371.. 33 5.6 Toltec 6831 184 11.6 Toltec 6831 184 11.5 Landseer's Pogis 15847 99 6 Vexer 20889 193 10 Toltec 6831 ' 184 5.5 Toltec 6831 184 Toltec's Prince 21961 184 9.5...; Toltec 6831 184 7.5 Toltec 6831 '. 184 2.26 Toltec 6th 14507 184 3 Fill Pail's Duke 24660 6T 1.26 Toltec 6831.. 184 8 Toltec's Signal 29501 186 13 Tombeau 25S47 186 6 Tormentor 6th 21962 187 16.26 Oonan's Tormentor 2228,0 134 5.5 Tonca 33794 186 3.5 Tonca 33794 186 9 Coomassie Welcome 9279 30 1.5 Tonnage 30000 185 1.6 (lyr.).. Torono 26204 189 13.7 Torono 25204 189 1.1 (lyr.).. Torono 26204 189 4 (lyr.).. Torono 26204 189 4.2 (lyr.).. Torono 25204 189 5 (lyr.).. Torono 25204 189 7.6 (lyr.).. Torono 25204 189 2 (lyr.).. Torono 25204 189 2.8 (lyr.).. Torono 25204 , 189 3.3 (lyr.).. Torono 25204 189 2.8 (lyr.).. Torono 25204 189 7^3 (lyr.).. Torono 25204 190 8 (lyr.).. Torono 25204 190 4 Andalusia's Pride 36162 4 4 Gilderoy 2107 63 4 Pilot of Bowker Farm 6085 141 Napoleon 2d 527 126 4 Hugo Chief of St. Anne's 12070... 78 9.5 Oonan's Pogis 17165 138 6.5 Rioter 2d 469 154 13 Tormentor 5th 21962 187 1.5 Tormentor 7th 22911 187 2.9 Tormandy 37728 186 12 Odelio 20223 131 9 Tormentor 5th 21962 187 8.5 Tormentor 3633 187 1.25 Fancy's Harry 9777 65 2 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485 189 10.5 Channel King 62762 23 4 Denise's Harry 31152 •. . . 36 3 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485 189 5.5 Tormentor 3533 187 14 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 14 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485 189 8 Tormentor's Tormentor 62074 189 N. B. — iConfirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter Is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 289 Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Tormentor' Name op Tested Cow, s Cinderella 19564 s Clarissa 154673 s Content 119129 s Daisy 52496 .' 15 22 15 20 s Ethlo 142247 17 s Fairy 108510 22 s Fancy Wax 73212 15 19 18 14 19 19 16 s Favorite 36873 s Fawn 2d 94485 s Idex 64209 s Isis 73360 s Lass 59832 s Laura 98346 Luna Altama 185638 *476 s Maid's Daisy 82890 16 s Mattie 117922 14 s Mistletoe 133305 23 s Olive Altama 201743 ♦518 s Oonan Fancy 160112 s Oona Toltec 105860 s Pride B. 208107 s Ravalita 97909. s Rexea 38906. . . 18 14 22 s Prize Pansy 2d 133395 15 15 15 s Rosa of A. 181578 •517 s Rosebud 50069 14 s Signadello 157947 18 14 14 14 14 18 15 16 15 15 17 17 16 s Silver 36058 s Spirffia 42248 s Su Lu 54943 Tormentor Victor Pogis 133021. Tormentris 49659 Tormentris of Aurora 93948 Tormintha 37327 Tormo T. of Biltmbre 178440 Tornella 78453 Tornise 64520 Torono's Lilian 137820 Toroonan's ' Duchess 184079 Torpedo Exile 105287 16 Torraline 54945 17 Torrancella 69827 17 Tortilla 56528 18 Tower View Princess 2d 87452 17 Toy 20604 17 Transcript 31867 17 Transept 63724 21 Treasure 79200 17 Treasure of Millbrook 141364 15 Tremona 93017 17 Trenie 17770 14 Trevarth's Bianca 149560 18 Trevarth's Nancy 149666 17 Trevarth's Puritan 149663 16 Trevarth's Xarama 153356 15 Tribal's Rita 180840 15 Tricolor of Biltmore 131010 14 Trident 88647 1'? Trilby M. 103547 1* Trilby M. 2d 194715 21 Trilby of Westonook 193737 *436 Triple of Lawn 131395 15 Tritoma Pogis 44952 16 Trixket 16292 1« Troth 6139 16 Hotter. Siee. Page. 8.5 Tormentor 3533 187 7 Tormentor's Tormentor 52074 189 9 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 8.5 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 5.5 Tormentor's Tormentor 52074 189 Moyane's Tormentor 21690 126 ■4 . 5 ^^ Tormentor 3533 187 2 .Tormentor 3533 187 8 Sir Oonan Pogis 26521 171 9 Tormentor 3533 187 7 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485 189 8.5 Tormentor 3633 187 9.5 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20485 189 7.7 (lyr.).. Tormentor of Kawkawlin 42880 188 1.75 Ethleel's Landseer 22341 48 13 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 2.5 Denise's Harry 31152 36 13 (lyr.).. Tormentor of Kawkawlin 42880 188 3 Tormentor's Tormentor 52074 189 12 Ethol 19104 48 4 Lord Pogis Tormentor 62015 107 3.75 Lady Mary's Exile 40262 98 11 . 75 Tormentor Stoke Pogis 20486 189 14 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 6.2 (lyr.).. Tormentor of Kawkawlin 42880 188 2 Tormentor 3533 187 1 Tormentor's Tormentor 62074 189 7.5 Tormentor 3533 187 " Tormentor 3533 187 13 Tormentor 3533 187 7 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697... 118 14.5 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 1.6 Alf. Signal 31184 3 10.25 Tormentor 3533 187 1 Trevarth 39280 190 12 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 134 6.75 Denise's Tormentor 11823 36 12 Torono 25204 '. 190 12 Toroonan Prince 59265 190 4.5 Wells' Exile 20170 196 6.75 Torrance 17872 190 8.5 Torrance 17872 190 4.5 Tormentor 3533 187 12.5 Hilarious 7651 76. 8 Duke of Belmont Jr. 7794 41 7 Combination 4389 28 8 Diploma 16219 38 5 Upright 6147 192 6 Diploma of Millbrook 46123.' 39 2 Chromo 26113 25 10 Tamerlane 4287 181 0.5 Trevarth 39280 190 13 Trevarth 39280 190 8 Trevarth 39280 190 8 Trevarth 39280 190 9 Elskwatawa 62151 46 9 Bravo, P.S. 2267, H.C 16 4.5 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 179 4 Kathy's Stoke Pogis 17566 90 8 Mopco 56861 124 14.5 (lyr.).. Meridale Victor Hugo 4th 57237... 120 Applause 34234 6 13 Prince Pogis' Hugo 16660 148 2.5 Berlin Prince 3360 10 5 Hornbeam 2123 77 N B— 'Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (»), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (1). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated m pounds and ounces. 290 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Trudie 2d 4084 Trudie Melia Ann 178685 True Rex Pogis 105467 Trustee's Czarina 140916 Trustee's Sweetheart 128628.. Trut 8090 Tuiia Perrot 46357 Tuaa St, Lambert 59992 Tuiia St. L. of Aurora 89388. Tuleema Pogis 100089 Tulip of the Island 138788... Turquoise 1129 15 21 15 23 16 14 19 23 17 16 19 14 Tureen of Lynwood 133251 16 14 14 14 16 16 Tweedledee of Nipsic 60427... Twinace 141606 Twinise 141607 Tylesholm Blythesomie 101347. Typha 6870 Butter. Sisei Page. Bismarck 1423 H Melia Ann's Stoke Pogis 2d 53696. 118 11.25 Imperial Rex Rioter 24096 83 4 Trustee 28728 191 3 Trustee 28728 191 3 Lord Francis 1857 104 6.5 Thotmes 17157 183 1 Menephtah 18943 119 1 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 179 4 Oracle 30340 134 8.5 Rosy's Wonder, P.S. 835, H.C 158 3 13 Lawrence 61 ' 100 Parole 26114 136 1 Dandelion's Augustus 19867. 3 Denise's Tormentor 11823... 2 Denise's Tormentor 11823... Baron of East View 17630.. 11 Asgard 1379 35 36 36 8 5 Uinta 5743 14 Ula Oonan 92948 22 Ulricalla 22235 18 Ulricalla of Orchard Farm 187742 21 Ultima 14466 15 Ulysses's Girl 164531 16 Una of St. Lambert 80117 17 Uncle Peter's Golden Del 157354 20 Undeniah Pogis 85990 14 Unique Italic 70046 20 Unique Melia Ann 174217 14 University Dazie 168596 ♦642 Upper Ten 37603 14 Upright's Brownie 103755 15 Upright's Cretona 188819 *430 Upright's Guenora 188820. Upright's Maiden 105616. Urbana 6597 Ursula Pogis 61811 Ursula Pogis 2d 131983... Utilla 11216 *603 17 16 18 18 16 10 3 14 14 12 6 14 2 12 8 2 (lyr.).. 14 8 8.5 8 (1 yr.) . . (lyr.).. Baronet 2240 7 Oonan's Tormentor 22280 134 Wessex 3638 196 Marigold Polo 43129 112 Phil Bree 2957 140 Jupiter of Meridale 48177 89 Canada's Sir George 18290 19 Duplex, P.S. 2586, H.C 46 Count Rioter Pogis 21388 31 Remarkable 7662 152 Melia Ann's King 56581 116 Minette's Pedro 50031 122 Citizen 13186 26 Upright 6147 192 Guenon's Lad 2d 62304 71 Combination Golden Lad 59292 29 Diploma 3d 36376 39 Duke Glen Dale 1819 41 St. Lambert's John Bull 16618 163 Pogis Cowboy 18779 142 Frankfort 2990 59 Valentine of Trinity 7460 19 Valentine's Alice 161804 16 Valentine's Countess 188028 *426 Valentine's Daisy Dell 182192 *437 Valerie 6044 Valhalla 5300 Valita 2d 150906. 15 16 19 Valita's Fancy 115842 17 Valma Hoffman 4500 21 Value 2d 6844 1 25 Value Belle 33080 16 Vaniah 6597.... 16 Vaniah of St. Lambert 71S74 . 16 Variella of Florence 111427 *677 Variella of Linwood 10954 14 Veenie of Meridale 148739 16 Vela Hastings 119615 *529 16 14 16 16 14 14 14 Vellum Landseer 160344. Velveteen 7703, imp Velvet Mostar 17533 Velvet Queen 112796 Vemicou 79322 Vemist 79323 Venice 18192, imp 5 Sweepstakes Duke 1905 180 6 Bluster 22798 14 (lyr.).. Valentine's Oonan 58076 192 (lyr.).. Valentine's Oonan 58076..' 192 Butter Print 1863 18 Signal 1170 166 Tormentor's 'Tormentor 62074 189 25 Harry Torment's Signal 39846 73 Orange Peel 864 134 9 Hurrah 2814 79 Champion of Kansas 4586 22 .5 Iron Bank 1120 Diana's Rioter 10481. 6 (1 yr.). . Ethol 19104 6.6 (lyr.).. 11 13.5 85 37 48 Mirabeau 3800 123 Ida's Coquette Pogis 43044 80 Parole 26114 136 Darlington Landseer 43511 35 Clifton Monarch 3546 26 Rioter of St. Lambert 16501 156 Vexer 20889 193 .Vexer 20889 193 N. B. — 'Confirmed butter-tests and "authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked hy a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 291 Name of Tested Cow. Venna's Zeka 26670 14 Ventnor Beauty 46308 17 Venus 118 14 Venus Lurelia 173773 'SSO Venus of Woodlawn 123698 17 Vera McMillan 66520 17 Vera of Amherst Villa 87290 15 Vera of Briarcliff 28687 15 Verbena of Fernwood 9088 15 Vernon Dolly 52284 21 Verona 10766 15 Very Much More 140733 24 Very Pretty 29184 15 Vesper 1395, imp 14 Vespucia 17455 14 Vestal of Milford 104217 Vestina 2458 , Vexanella 79306 Vic Howard 90591 Vic's Pogis of St. L. 78292... Victoire of the Island 190257. Victor Hugo's Maggie 30274.. Victoria 3175 Victoria of Athenia 172326... Victoria Queen 126298 Victoria Eidgewood 158988... Victoria Rose 190318 Victoria's Jubilee 124409 14 14 16 15 15 15 18 16 *14 70 18 16 14 Victoria's Orange Star 194606 15 Victoria W. 95451 18 Victorie W. 163253 14 ■ Victor's Grace 104384 15 Victor's Lady 52691 15 Victor's Lady Lambert 208459 *521 Victor's Letty 208460 *505 Victor's Matilda 46834 14 Victor's May 97958 18 Victor's Susie 208468 *452 Victory 16379, imp 15 Vidalia 101047 14 Vidalinne 50101 14 Vida's Crown Princess 76010 16 Vieva 3d 7642 '. 16 Vigola 93269 15 Vigo Princess 60806 18 Vilify 50107 14 Vinala H. 61835 16 Vina Marigold 108186 14 Vintage 53335 14 Vintonette 62931 19 Viola of Briarcliff 37617 14 Viola of Clearview 101378 17 Viola Ridgewood 138623 16 Violente 28819 17 Violet 3d 3240, imp ." 15 Violet Denis,on 49997 14 Violet Marigold 143329 16 Violet of Glencairn 10221 14 Violet of Maplewood 49724 14 Vionetta Pbgis 91978 17 Viozetta Pogis 56294 14 Virgie Landseer 74831 14 Virgina 80904 16 Virginia Altama 183703 *677 Virgiiiia's Oonan 58107 15 Bdttes. 0.5 5.5 11 14.4 (lyr.). 13 0.5 7 1 1.5 2 2 4 Sire. Page. Count Coomassie 7542 31 Coomassie Welcome 9279 30 Typhoon 77 191 Rioter's Jersey Lad 58001 156 Ethleel's Tormentor 32850 48 Angela's Rioter 20120 5 Prince of Amherst 25728 145 Young Garenne's Duke 6863 199 Balboa 1244 7 Dalton 20117 34 Orawapum 2833 134 J. J. Signal 40512 86 Lemon Peel's Duke, P.S. 479, C... 101 2 8.5 14 1 6. 10 4 5- 7 14 11 6 (30 d.). 84 (lyr.). (lyr.). 14 (lyr.). 4.5 Indiaman 2071 Jeftersonian 2d 31299 86 Mercury 432 119 Vexer 20889 193 Pogis of Glencoe 26107 143 Nell's John Bull 21921 126 Emperor, P.S. 3074, C 47 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 146 Ned 523 126 Leda's Golden Lad 71148 101 Bianca's Victor 29663 11 Minerva's Pogis 20085 122 Gilderoy King 52686 64 Prince Rob of Hillside 35588 148 Victoria's Champion Lad 59197.... 194 Minerva's Pogis 20085 122 Dean of Meridale 56828 35 Dove's Victor 24883 40 Victor F. W. 16648 193 Lady Letty's Victor 65020 98 Lady Letty's Victor 65020 98 L. D.'s Victor St. Helier 15286 100 Victor Scituate 2d 26330 194 Lady Letty's Victor 65020 98 5 9 3 8.5- 12 4 8 11 8 10.5 8 13.5 Sophomore '24253 174 Young Combination 14550 199 Crown Prince of St.-L. 20070 33 Sydney 3282 180 Eucinitas 22022 49 Vigo King 19238 194 Young Combination 14550 199 Tamy's Rioter 15288 181 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121...... 179 Diploma 16219 38 Combine 20238 29 Young Garenne's Duke 6863 199 St. Lambert of Clearview 32102 162 Minerva's Pogis 20085 122 Prince George 11571 144 Lord Harry 3445 105 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 179 Fortunatus 1152 59 Stoke Pogis Jr. 15300 176 Manifold Rioter Pogis 26158 110 Violator 17940 194 Leonette's Landseer 20399. 101 Jersey King 9468 86 ■Tormentor of Kawkawlin 42880 188 • Landseer's Pogis 15847 99 4 10.25 ,. 2 6.5 15 11.5 10 (lyr.). N. B. — ^Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 86% fat in butter. The old official butter^tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. 292 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Virginia Taylor 117964 *16 18 16 18 15 32 17 17 14 Voleda Brown Bessie 179724 ' *314 Volga of Belair 173103 Volie 19465 Volie of Sennett 2d 78638 Volie Rioter 196029 Vono 89138 Viva Le Brocq 13702 Vivian 15813 Vivian B. 89614 Vivienne Pogis 41547 Vivienne's AUie Pogis 163242. Vixen 7691 V. K.'s Gazelle T. 83926 V. K.'s May 41929 •15 18 14 15 14 Butter. Sire. 13.7 Oonan's Tormentor Pogis 30505 3 1 1 ,3 (lyr.).. Page, 134 Le Brocq's Prize 3350 101 Black Defiance 4014 is Miss Lily C.'s Rioter 26026 12S Sir George of St. Lambert 6036 . 171 Rioter's Exile of St. L. 48228 156 Top-Sawyer 1404 186 Duke of Guilford 20295 42 Victor's King 12678 194 Voicedro 63433 195 Prince of Belair 50407 145 Oxoli 1922 136 Jalisco of Sennett 21581 85 St. Lambert's Rioter King 54896.. 16S Favorite's Prize 33042 57 Waiter Girl 12776 16 Waiter Girl 2d 29265 18 Walkyrie 5708 14 Wamla 38083 17 Wanderer's Shiloh 65942 15 Wandrina 2d 82420 15 Wapello 66044 14 Wardalia 2d 33970 24 Warren's Duchess 4622 16 Warren's Duchess 3d 26836 17 Waukesra 19721 16 Waxie 19706 20 Waxie 2d 83358 14 Waxie Marigold 108188 16 Waxie of Aurora 86966 17 Waxie of Bleak House 174858 17 Waxie of Bleak House 2d 218426 15 Weber Farm's Clifford 2d 132105 15 Webster Pet 4103' 14 Webster's Best 148377 16 Weed's Cretesia 82603 17 Weelah of Ingleside 142628 14 Welcome Susette 118776 20 Well Done 25987 19 Well Done 2d 39783 16 Well-to-do 37724 14 Welma 5942 17 Westphalia 24384 84 Whisk of Meridale 131023 15 White Frost 17431, imp 16 Whiting's Daisy 14858 14 Wild Crocus 92486 18 Wild Rose Bloom 110583 17 Wilhelmina of Warren 158990 22 Willia 76102 14 Willimenia H. 12325 20 Willis 2d 4461 16 Wilmot's Eva 107844 14 Wilson's Lily 144392 14 Winder Gem 90447 14 Wine 15739 16 Winetka 33669 80 Winifred Marigold 124912 *ie Winifred Victor Pogis 91658 28 Winifred Victor Pogis 2d 151698 15 Winksette 99280 23 Winksette's Regina 149188 *585 Winnie Dimple 188347 14 Winnie Pedro Pogis 97952 15 Elkornah 4401 46 .5 Mercury Boy 6721 119 Ginx 1636 64 ,5 Combination 4389 28 Azelda's Wanderer 12997 6 .5 Landseer's Pogis 16847 99 Sindbad 12294 170 Oxford Rioter 5998 136 Optimus 1607 134 5 Champion's Son 3286 23 Tom Brown 8940 185 ,5 Beaconsfield 3416 8 5 Landseer's ^ogis 15847 99 ,5 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29181 179 Bisson's Landseer 27580 12 Stoke Pogis of Waxie 54777 179 Inez' Stoke Pogis 51942 84 Fancy's Harry 6th 24768 56 Champion of America 1667 22 Matilda 5th's Stoke Pogis 31342 114 Ninetta's Son 29074 128 25 King Koffee Jr. 12317. . . 5 Koffee's Welcome 39347. Forget-i.'e-not 6291 92 97 69 Prince Peiro 10588 148 .5 Disturbance 9684. 39- Marius 760 112 96 g' 5 Kisber 4377. . Ben D. 24164. 6 Brisk 2077 15 76 Rab 88937 150' 25 Sig Pogis 22806 170 Pedro's Country Boy 39408 13a 5 Sophie's Tormentor 20883 174 Homer H. 3683 76 Iron Bank 1120 ^ 86- Wilmot Pogis 31217 19r Bill Wilson 40967 11 Winder 29955 ■. 197 Orawapum 2833 134 ,L' Allegro 7187 98 Stoke Pogis of Prospect 29121 179 Melia Ann's Victor Pogis 20697 118 Maury Pogis 31699 115 Lord Landseer S4228 106 6 (1 yr.) . . Diploma's Golden Gate 50657 39^ Wingate's Harry 35886 197 Silver Glance 20306 170- N. B.— .Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (•), and butter is. estimated on the basis of 85% fat in batter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). AIL amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. INDEX TO TESTED COWS 293 Name of Tested Cow. "Winnie Pedro Pogis 2d 161628 16 Winsome of Ipswich 9213 14 "Winsome "Vana 111986 15 "Witch-Hazel 1360 14 "Witch-I-Iazel 4th 6131 18 "Witching 42262 17 "Witching Hour 54947 16 "Wonder's "Vada 127605 17 "Woodland Maid 8156 14 "Woodland Maid ^d 19666 ' 14 "Woodland Rose 68381 14 "Woodstock Lady 80619 'Zl "Woodstock Mystery 77746 *24 "W^orthy Noble 19629 15 "VVybie 595 17 "Wyoming 48849 15 Butter, 7 13 2.87... 14.6 ... 13.5 ... 2 6.5 10.7 (21 d.)., 10.9 (21 d.). , 9.5 4 5 Sire. Page. Pedro's Pretty Pogis 33660 139 Duke Jr. 2i65 41 Cognac 21444 27 Southampton 117 174 Lord Lawrence 1414 106 Southern Prince 10760 174 Odelio 20223 131 Tenella's Frost 26648 181 Browser 1624 17 Cazique 3103 21 Jersey King 9468 86 Woodstock Chief 21172 197 Woodstock Chief 21172 197 Noble 4th 6246 128 Charleston 1 23 Butternut of Home Farm 6965 18 :i\arama 76887. Xarifina 34176. X-Eay 114721. Xyst 101247... 17 7.25 Tormentor 5th 21962 187 14 9 Trailer 7160 190 17 3 Birom 35187 11 23 6.6 Gipsy's Lome Pogis 30346 64 Yankee Girl 2d 29261. "Vellow Belle 69780. .. Yellow Locust 10679. . 14 14 14 Yoethe Koffee of Lawn 121540 ♦236 19073 16 2d 86563 14 Yokun Maid Yokun Maid Yokun's Princess 35643 1 16 21 16 14 14 15 17 17 19 16 16 14 Yoletta 116942 York's Pretty Miss 140448 Young Anne Lee. 31668 Young Cherry 3d 14980 Young Duchess 497, imp Young Fanny 9032 Young Floribundus 28172 Young Floribundus 3d 59312.. Young Floribundus 4th 59314. Young Garenne 3d 13648 Young Gazelle 19837 Young Jersey Maiden 42794 15 Young Lass 67471 Young Miss 99631. .- , You Yang 171799 ' Yuba Stoke Pogis 37294 Yum Yum of St. Lambert 39162 Yum Yum Signal 40688 17 16 14 15 21 16 7 9.5 10.6 0.6 (120 d.). 6 9.5 10.25 2 9 7 7, 5 Catoctin 2692 20 Yellow Star 13472 198 Gilderoy 2107 63 Antoinette's Koffee 26010 5 Yokun Chief 4399 198 Landseer's Pogis 16847 99 King Yokun 7068 96 Yogi 37702 198 Frederick of Menlo 48878 59 Mahkeenac 3290 110 Rough, P.S. 239, C 168 12.75. 14.75. 14 3.5 . 11 10.5 . 3.5 . 4 14.75. 4 7 Jimmy, on I. of J 86 Theron 6722 183 Lanison 16283 100 Ko Ko of St. Lambert 16527 97 Sir George 7656 171 Signal, F.S. 278, C 166 Signal Jr. 7166 166 Young Pedro 9033 199 Odelle's Pogis 25076 '. . . 131 The Rook, P.S. 2712, H.C 183 Exile of St. Lambert 13667 62 Exile of St. Lambert 13667 62 Signal's Laddie 11100 169 Zalma 8778 16 Zaza of Menlo 147312 '228 Zelda of Lawn 134163 .. , 18 Zelie de Lussan 48681 460 Zelie's Zilpah 109344 17 Zenie Lisgar 2d 87453 Zenitza 19190 Zenobia Pogis 35421 Zenobia Stoke Pogis 37292. Zeno Wells 130448 Zera King 171490 Zeroda 43723 Zetta Decline 108178 Zetta Kiilg 85644 Zetta King 2d 169488 Zetta Pulchra 168986 Zillah of Bolton 116770 20 17 16 15 17 16 16 17 22 16 19 14 5 Mercury 432 1.3 (120 d.). Icaris' Patriot 62743. 8.5 Applause 34234 5 (6 mos.) Signally Signal 8875. Zelie's Boy 30249. Hilarious 7661.... 14 6.6 Tormentor 3533 10 Prince of Melrose 2d 11015 8 Exile of St. Lambert 13657 2 Homestead Victor Pogis 9th 34924. 12 Sarah's Prince 41440 7 Alfonso 3013 7 Deeline's King 28669 3 King of St. Lambert 15175 12 Sarah's Prince 41440 9 Minerva's Pogis 20085 10 Tennessee of Bolton 27608 119 79 6 168 200 75 187 146 52 76 164 3 35 94 164 122 182 N. B. — ^Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on the basis of 867o fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t;. All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces. '294 INDEX TO TESTED COWS Name of Tested Cow. Zillia 2d 1693 Zina's Brunette 167356 Zina's Clare 143013 Zina's Susan 134780 15 16 18 18 Butter. 14 Zingaree of Prospect 134320 17 15.5 Zitella 2d 11922 Zizania 127971 Zee Henry 6693 Zee O'Ferrall 111250 Zophar H. 12329,. Zoroanda 4th 106472 Zuby Maree 135697 14 Zula King 128209 , 17 Zulisca Pogis 78777 IS Zunilda 2d 93811 15 Sire. Page, Beacon Comet 675 8 Eurotas' Pride 826'53 49 Minerva's Pogisr.20086.- 182 Minerva's Pogis 20085 182 St. Lambert of Prospect 43211 168 8.5 Brother Jack 4042 16 1,5 Angelo Pogis 29149 6 14.75 Greysteel 1294 70 8.5 Mississigpi Rioter 80401 123 3 Home,r H. 3683 76 10 Combatant 35695 28 5 Major Webster 34675 110 2 Mambrino George 40076 110 1.85 Aaron Stoke Pogis 21705 1 14 Tormentor 6th 21962 187 _^ '^. B. — Confirmed butter-tests and authenticated fat estimates are marked by a star (*), and butter is estimated on tile basis of 85% fat in butter. The old official butter-tests are marked by a dagger (t). All amounts are for seven days, unless otherwise stated. Butter is stated in pounds and ounces.