■A'A-^'.-Vv'-*' er Hil CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS ONE OF A COLLECTION MADE BY BENNO LOEWY 1854-1919 AND BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY DATE DUE ^' ^^ •^, Cornell University Library CT103 .H41 1870 universal index of biograp^^^^^^^ Haydn's olin 3 1924 029 776 238 The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029776238 H AYD N'S UNIVERSAL INDEX OF BIOGRAPHY; CONTAINING THE CHIEF EVENTS IN THE LIVES OF EMINENT PERSONS OF ALL AGES AND NATIONS, ARRANGED CHRONOLOGICALLY, AND CAREFULLY DATED ; PRECEDED BY THE BIOGRAPHIES AND GENEALOGIES OF THE CHIEF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ROYAL HOUSES OF THE WORLD. HAYDN'S UNIVERSAL Index of Biography FROM THE CREATION TO THE PRESENT TIME, FOR THE USE OF THE STATESMAN, THE HISTORIAN, AND THE JOURNALIST. ( EDITED BY J. BERTRAND PAY/NE, M.R.I., F.R.S.L., F. Geog. Soc. (London and Paris), Member of the Society of Antiquaries of Normandy, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. LONDON: E. MOXON, SON, AND CO., DOVER STREET. 1870. cr H "^ 1 /\Uijz i EDINBTJROH : PRINTED BY SANSON AND COMPANY. PREFACE. The Putlisliers of Haydn's Diction^aky of Dates, (a -work which, under their careful supervision, has been completely remodelled,) had long formed a plan for a Dictioxary of Biography, which, in my opinion, is an indis- pensable companion to the older M"ork. Long prior to the communication of this design to me, I had formed a strong desire to compile such a hook, because, during some years' experience as a journalist, I had keenly felt its need. A well-read man of average memory recollects, in the main, the salient features in the history of a nation and of a man ; but his retention must indeed be prodigious if he can carry about with him those dates which are absolutely necessary for the purposes of writing or of compari- son. It is to give to the public a copious, if not an exhaustive. Date-book of Biography, which, while portable, shall be somewhat wider in conception than most manuals of a like order, that the labour necessary for its care- ful construction has been undertaken ; and to render it worthy of the repu- tation gained by the Digtionaey of Dates no care and reading have been spared. The day of the month, where possible to be obtained, has been added to the year of each event recorded ; and to save trouble in refer- ence, the tabular form has been made use of wherever a number of occur- rences come under one common head. In the labour of compilation, I have been assisted by Mr Benjamin Alncent, the Editor of the Dictionaky OF Dates ; and to the organization of record which he has established in connection with that work I attribute much of what is meritoriously exact in the foUowing pages. It is my great ambition that the Index OF BiOGEAPHY shaU be found no unworthy confrere of the Dictioxary of Dates, and that these two works shall be deemed standard authorities in the thousand-and-one instances in daily life which render a reference to such adjutores memorice necessary or convenient. J. BERTRAND PAYNE. AUSTRIA. In 800, ( 'luirlemagno, who liad mldod ti> liis horoilitary domiiiionH the greator part (if (}(3nnany iiml Itiil^', iiml II imiiion (it Simin, rcKuiivod, I'l-om |n)i)o L(3() III., tho iiiipurial crowii wHli Iho rovivuil titloH (if ( 'inHiir and l(in|i(inii- (if Uoniu, Ho wan Buoocjejod by oifflit iiiii|ii.in)rH (jf liia fiiuiily, llui luHl (if wliiiiii, IjduiH IV., diod in (ji^. ('(iiinid, dulc(jo£ IiVanoonia, wiw tliuu clooUid iiiii|iiinii', ami tlio iiii|i(iiiid ordWTi I'omaimid cltsolivo until tlid dinmiliiti(in of tliu (Juiinan uuipiro in iSoO. Alllidunh tlid onipovorH wuru (il(JOtL'd, tliuy mi(joi««lod (iiicIl (itliiir, with fcjw (JXw|>ti(iiiH, hy dyniiHtiuH. TliiiH, iiftdi' tho doath of tidurad, Ikmry, Hurnamud thu Fdwlur, duko of Baxuny, waH cIouUkI, whoBo HiuHniHam'H, Otlui 1., Olho J [., OUki I] I., and Jfonry II. woro aluo IiIh doac(jn- daiitBt Aft(ji' llimcy II. oauio ( 'diiiiul of l^'caiidiiuia, said to havo buun doaocuidod fiiini Otho I., wild wiiH fdlliiwud by hirt Hun Ilonry III., hiM grandson J I onry I V. , and bin gvuitt, gi-andeon lldiiry V. ('iinniil df Stialiia waH nuxl oloutud in II25. Jlo waH tho Hon of AL;iidH, thvughtor o£ Honry IV., and of h'rddoriuk, cinuit df lldbunataufon, who waH cruatud did^n of Suabia. Ilia family gavo six imi|ioi'orB, and ruignod till i2Gij. Then anocoedod tho famonH Kmldliili of Ilaim- bnrn', wlioBo doH(!iiii(lant — thvongli tho fouuilo lino of Maria Thorosa, who nianiud Francis I., d\dui of Ijorraiiio -now roignH in AiiHlria. In i8o6, attof Bavaria, Wurtombnrg, Haih^n, IIchho Dannntadt, NaHsan, and sov(.iral otbor yiatoB woro forniud into llio ('diifodoralioii of tho IJIiiiui, tho lOniporor Tranoia roaignod tho titlo of lOniiioriii' of (ionnany, and tdoU that of IOiii|ionir of Austria. Tho (Idiifiiduralion of tho Rhino hiHtod till 1813. In 1815, tlio udngi'uSH of Vienna OBtablished tho (iovmanio (loiifodoration, oompoaud of all tho indupondont StatuB of (.lormany. At tlio I)iot of tliia cdiifodoration, which hold its aittinga at I"ranlcfort-dn-lho-J\laiii, Austria pruuidod and hold a casting voto. Tho (loniiaiiii^ ('iiiifodi'ratldn was ovortbrown by IM-uHNJa in tho war of iS(j6, and tho North Ooriiian Oonfodoratidii was aftorwai'da foi-iiiod, niidor tho load of Prussia. 'I'lio dllioial namo for tho AuHtriaii ddniiiiiniis, luldptod siiKio Nov. I4, 1H68, is " Aiistrn-IIuiigaiian Monarohy." riiANOW JoHici'iL ((Ibai'los) I., ompordr df Austria, king of Kun{,'m'y, of I iolioniia, &(!., oldest Hon df tho iii'obduko FranolH (^liarlus .ldH(^ph, and of tho arohduohosa Sophia l^'rodorioa Dorothy A\'illiolLuiiia, daiigbtor of Maximilian 1., king of llavaria, was born Au^'iiat iS, 1830. Ilia odiicatiou was oarofuUy attondod to, and ho is said to bo woU ac(iuainted with all tho languages spokon in his dominiona. In iS.|,S, Hlion tho oxiHtonoo of tho ompiro was throatoned by tho iiiaurrootion in Hungary, and tho anoooaaivo riainga in Viooua, it was thought that tlw aooosaion to tho tlirono of a young jirinoo, as yot uuodiiuoolod with politics, would do much to allay tho disoontont which cxiatod tlirouglioiit tho Btatoa of Auatria. Ilia father accordingly nmouiu'od bis olaini to tho tlirono, and the Miiqicror I'V'rdinond I., hia undo, \\'ho was without ohildi'cM, abdicated iu Wb favour, Dec. 2, iS-lS. 'rho oonimonocraont of hia reign was besot with diillcultics. Tho Italian jiroviucca, supported by Sardinia, woro in open revolt, raid Hungary had oonatitutod itaolf a ropublio uiidor Koasuth. The Italian inaurroctidu was soon fiuellod by tho (lociai\'o victory gixinod by general Kadotsld at Novara, whieli oom]iollcd Sardinia to ano for peace and pay tho exiieuacs of tho war. Tho cni|ioi-or was then onablod to coucoiilrate hia forcca against Ilungiu'y, and being aaBiatod by a lidaaimi ai'iny, sent by tho onipuror JSicholaa, that Idugdoui wiia after a very abort time brought to anbtniaaion. Having regained all his dominiona by tho capitulation of '\''onico, tho emperor sought to re- cover tho various prcrdgalivcs which had lieoo rolinipiiahed, in lS.|S, by his prodecoaaor. Ho diabandod the uaiional guard, abolished tho liberty of tho jirosa, and anmdlod tho conatitntion, wliicli ho hfniselt had gi'iuited to his anbjoota, in l\larcli, 1849, In order, as much aa poaaiblo, to ooutralisso his powor, ho abollBhod tho ciibloms duos botwoon tho Uerman proviiicea of liia AUSTRIA. empire, and those of Hungary and Italy. In 1855, lie signed a concordat witli the pope, by ■nrhioh the clergy acquired many important privileges ; among others, the right of controlling the press and superintending pubhc education. When hostilities broke out between Turkey and Eussia he joined the Western Powers in the treaty of alliance of Dec. 2, 1854, but ne-per took an active part in the war. In 1859, when Sardinia entered into alliance with Prance for the liberation of Lombardy and Venice, he sustained a series of reverses, ending in the loss of the battle of Solferino, at which he was present, which compelled his army to abandon the whole of Lombardy and retire to Venetia. He then signed the treaty of ViUafranca, by which Venetia was guaranteed to him. In the following year, troubles again arose in Hungary and the Venetian territories, which induced him to re-establish the ancient constitutions of Hungary, Croatia and Transylvania, and at the same time to concentrate a powerful force in Venice, to oppose the movement for Italian unity, which had triumphed in the greater part of the Peninsula. In 1864, he joined Prussia, in the expedition against Denmark to enforce the views of the German Confederation, with regard to the duchies of Sleswig and Holstein, and a dispute having arisen between Austria and Prussia, in consequence of the appropriation of Holstein by Prussia, an oilensive and defensive alliance was entered into between the last named country and Italy, by which it was arranged that in the event of Austria's not acceding to the demands of Prussia to disarm, each should attack her at the same moment. Austria, in the war of seven weeks which followed, beiag thus obliged to divide her forces, found herself at an immense disadvantage ; she, nevertheless, gained a signal victory over the Itahans at Custozza, and the Austrian fleet greatly distinguished itself at Lissa ; she was, however, unable to resist Prussia and her allies — •whose strength, both materially and morally, was greatly increased by the needle gun, and, after several reverses, sustained a decisive defeat at Sadowa. It was then that the emperor gave up the Venetian territory to the Emperor of the French, who at once entered into negotia- tions with Prussia, which resulted in the treaty of peace concluded at Prague, Aug. 23, 1866, by which the emperor of Austria agreed to recognise a new formation of Germany, in which Austria should take no part ; and in that between Austria and Italy, by which Venetia was ceded to the latter country. The emperor married, April 24, 1854, Elizabeth Ameha Eugdnie, the daughter of Maximilian Joseph, duke in Bavaria, and ha« issue : — 1. Gisella Louisa Mary, 6. July 12, 1S56. 2. Eodolph Francis Charles Joseph, 5. Aug. 21, 185S. 3. Mary Matilda Valeria Ameha, 5. April 22, 1S68. EMPERUK.S Ut LrERMANY. House of CiiABLEMAONE. 1, CHAELEMAQNB, 814. 2. L0DI3, lo DcboDnalro, 810, 3. LOTH AIRE I., S55. 4. LODIS II., 875. Louia, King of Ha^'uria. I AlpgJB. Carloman, SSO. 7. CHAULES, t/u) Fat, 888. 3. ARNOLD, 899. Luitgarde. Otto, D. of Saxony. House of Saxony. n. HENRTI.,93G. 9. LEWIS IT., 012. Bcgoo, Count of Parifl, I I 6 LOtllS III.. EboranliiB. the StainnKrei; 8S0. Eutles- Conmd, D. oCFruQCoiiIa. JO. CONRAD I. 12. OTHO I., the Great, 973. j Ludolph, D. of Pmnconia. IS, OTHO II., I 9S3. Otho, D, of Franconia. 1 1 14. OTHO III., Henry, D. of Fnmconia. Baldwin : Baldnin 1: Baldwin III., 9G1. Arnold II., 988. 1 Baldwin IV., 1034. Baldwin v., 1067. Henry, D. of Bavaria. MatilJa. Eildcea rJe. ' Thierry 1,, Count of Holland. Thierry 11., 947. Thierry III., 088. Arnold, 095, Thierry 17., 1039. Florcntl-.lOCl. Thierry T.1091. FlorentII.,1122. 1 Thierry VI. ,1163. 1002. House of Franconia. 16. conrad il, 1039. 17. henry iii.. 1056. IB. HBNItTIV.,1106. Hermann, Count of Northeim. Sigftled I. Sigfried II. Henry, D. of Saxony. Ri jm. hcircM of Sasopy. ~iO. LOTHAIRB II. RY II., 1021. ■William, the Conqueror, of England. Henry I,, of England, 1135. EmprcM Matilda. 11G7. Earl of Anjou. Henry II., 1189. Florent III., 1190; ■William I., 1223. Florent IV., 1236. 23. WILLIAM II., 1230. 19. HENRY v., 1125. Henry, Duke of Bavaria. 26. OTHO IV., 1213. John, Lackland, 1216. 29. RICHARD, 1272. I Berengera. House of Suabia. Ptederiok, Duka of Suabia, 1139. 21, CONRAD III. 23. FREDERICK L, BarbaroBfia, 1197. 23. HENRY VI., 1197. 26. FREDERICK II., 1250. 27. cAnRAD IV., 1251. 24. PHILIP, 1208. Alphouso IX., King of Leon. Ferdinand III., KinK of Leon and Caatile, 1252. 30. ALPHONSO X., King of Castile, and Emperot of Germany, 1231. Hugh, Count of AUatia. Gerard, of Lonaine. Adalbert, 1034. Gerard, 1W6. Goutran , Count of Hapsbnrg, 945. 31. EODOLPH I., descended from Goutram, Count of Bapsburg, elected Emperor, 1273, died 1291. at Gisella. S3. ALBERT L, Frederick, Count of Luxemburg. I I 35. FRBDEEI Ernien Sonne 1U30. Henry. Ermensonne. Henry, 1280. Henry, 1283. 3i. HENRY VII., 1313. John, King of Bohemia, 1346. S7. CHARLES IV., 1378, I Loula, D. of Barana. Albert, tJie JVUe, 1353. Wise Albert, the Astrologer, 1390. Albert, the Patimt, 1404. I 41, ALBERT II., 1439. Leopold. Ernest, 1427. Rodolph. 1319. Adolph, 1327. Robert II., 1398. 39. ROBERT, 1410. 43. MAXIMILIAN L, 1519. Philip. 88. WEHCESLAS, 1411 55. FRANCIS I., doBcended from Gerard, D. of Lorraine, Elected Emperor, 1745, A. 1765. Maria Theresa, of Austria. 40. BiEismund, 1437. 46. MAXIMILIAN U., 1576. Charles, 1596. SO. LOUIS v., 1347. Stephen, 1375. Jobn, 1397. Ernest, 1438. Albert III., 1460. Albert IV., 1505. I William IV. I Albert V., 1573. William v., 1626. Maximilian I., 1651. Ferdinand, 1679. 47. RODOLPH II., 1612. 49. FERDINAND II., 1637. Maximilian JL, I 1626. 60. FERDINAND III., 1C57. ( 1 54. Charlea VII. 52. JOSEPH L, 1711. 53. Charles VI., 1740. Mary TherCRa FrauciB, of Lorraine. 56. JOSEPH a, 1790. 67. leopold ii., 1792. 63. francis ii. Emperohs of Austria. 1, FRANCIS I., (PranoiB IL of Germany). 18 35. Caroline Augusta, of Bavaiia. 2. FERDINAND I., abdicated 1 Francis Charles J Uary Anne Caroline f la, of Sardinia. Sopliia Frederica Dorothy Wiihclmina, of Bararia. ]\rariaClementinfl, G-isella Louiiia Maria, 8. FRANCIS JOSEPH I., b. 1330, Ferdinand Eliaaboth Amelia Eugenia, Majiimiliaa bom 1837. - h?^.P\' Eodil^h FranoiB Charles « v.v ■.■ -in™, ^f^i'y Annunciada, Emp. of Mexico. 1367. igabella Pbiloraena Charlotte MariaAmelia, Sabazia, of Naples. of Belgium. ! B Louis Joseph Louis Joseph Maria. Anthony Victor, Fmncis Ferdinand Cliarlea Louis Joseph Maria. BADEN. Heeman, count of Zahringen and Hoehberg, a grandson of Berthold who was count of Breisgau in the nth century, having acquired, by marriage, the territory of Baden, combined hia various possessions into one state, and assumed the title of Margrave of Baden. His descendants added considerably to their territory, which, however, was also, from time to time, divided amongst collateral branches of the family. At the death of Cliristapher in 1547 the Mar- graviate was divided between his two sons, Bemhard and Ernest ; the former inheriting Baden Baden, and the latter becoming founder of the line of Baden Durlach. At the death of Augustus WilHam George in 177 1 the line of Baden Baden became extinct, and the territory reverted to Charles Frederick Margrave of Baden Durlach, who became an Elector of the Em- pire in 1803, and Grand-Duke in 1806. At the congress of Vienna Baden would probably have been shared between Austria and Bavaria, had not the Emperor Alexander, the son- in-law of the Grand-Duke, insisted that it should remain " one and indivisible." Charles Frederick died in iSll, and was succeeded by his grandson Charles Louis Frederick, his eldest son, Charles Louis, having died before him. The third Grand-Duke was Louis WiUiam Augustus, the second son of Charles Frederick, who was succeeded by his half-brother, Charles Leopold Frederick. The present Grand-Duke, Feedekick WUUam Louis, is the second son of Charles Leopold Frederick, and was born, September 9, 1S26. At the death of his father, April 24, 1852, he assumed the government as regent — his elder brother, Louis, being unfit to rule in consequence of physical and mental infirmities — and took the title of Grand-Duke, September 5, 1856. On the 7th December 1S53 he narrowly escaped assassination. During his reign great contentions have occurred between the government, the religion of which is evangelical, and the Eoman CathoUc clergy. By a proclamation of April 7, i860, the Grand-Duke established the inde- pendence of the Eoman Catholic Church in his dominions, and the rights of both churches are now equally respected. He married, on the 20th September 1856, Louisa Mary Elizabeth, the daughter of William L, king of Prussia, by whom he has issue : — 1. Frederick William Louis Leopold Augustus, bom July 9, 1857. 2. Sophia Mary Victoria, born August 7, 1862. 3. Louis William Charles Frederick Berthold, bom June 12, 1865. DESCENT OF THE GRAND-DUKES OF BADEN. LanduluB, Count of Hapsburg. LacduloB, Count of Brlsgau. Berthold, Dulie of ZabrlDgen. Hennaii, Count of ZakriDgeu and Hocbbcrg, 1074. Margraves of Eaden. 1 . HERMAN, 113 0. Juditb, kuLreaa of Badon. 2. EEnaiAN II.. 1160. 3. HERMAN IIL, IIM. ■5. HERMAN IT., 1243. 5. HERMAN v., 125a Frederick, 1263. 9. FREDERICE II., 1333. 9. HERMAN IX.. 1S53. Rodolph v., 1348. Frederick III.. 1353. 10. RODOLPH Till., 1372. fi. RODOLPH I., 1233. 7. HERMAN Tl., 1291. Rodolph II., 1235. Bodolph HI., 1332. Herman Vll. Bodobh VI., 135L 11. RODOLPH X., 139L 12. BEENHARD I., 1431. 13. JAMES I., 1453. 14. CHARLES 1., 1475. 15. CHRISTOPHER 1., 1527. Margraves of Baden Baden". 1. bernhard it., 1537. 2. PHILIBERT. 1569. 3. PHILIP, 158B. Christopher, 1675. 4. EDWARD, 1600. 5. WILLIAM, 1677. Ferdinand, 1691. 6. L0U13 WILLIAM, 1707. I I Margraves of Baden Dttrlach. i. ERNE3T, 1553. I 2. CHARLES, 1577. I S. ERNEST FREDEIUCE, 1604. 7. L0DI3 George. Grand Dukes of Baden. .. AUGUSTUS WILLIAM GEORGE, 1771. I 4. GEORGE FREDERICE, 1638. I 5. FREDERICK T., 1059. I 6. FREDERICK VI., 1677. 7. FREDERICK VII.. 1709. a CHARLES WILLIAM, 1733. Frederick. 1732. 1. CHARLES FREDERICK, 1811. Charlea Louis, 1801. 8. LOUIS WILLIAM William Auguatus, LoniRa Mar; Elizabeth, of Prussia, bora 1838. I BAVARIA. The dukedom of Bavaria was conferred upon Otho the Great, Count of Wittelsbaoh, ancestor of the present dynasty, by the emperor Frederick Barbarossa in 1 1 80, and to this was added, m 1215, the palatinate of the Rhine. The duchy was in 1623 raised into an electorate by the emperor Ferdinand II. ; but the territories acquired by the dukes of Bavaria were at various times divided between rival claimants. The tipper Palatinate was again united to Bavaria in 1648, and the palatinate of the Rhine in 1777, when, upon the failure of the durect male line by the death of Maximilian Joseph I., without issue, the electorate of Bavaria devolved upon the elector palatine Charles Theodore, in accordance with the terms of the treaty of Pavia made m 1329, and confirmed by the late elector in 1774. The elector, Charles Theodore, died also with- out issue in 1799; and the branch of Sulsbach becoming thereby extinct, he was succeeded by Maximilian Joseph, duke of Deux-Ponts, the first sovereign of the reigning branch of the house of Wittelsbach. Bavaria was raised to the rank of a kingdom by the treaty of Pressburg in 1805. J, , Til ■ Louis II. (Louis Otho Frederick WiUiam), king of Bavaria and count palatine of the Rhme, was bom at the palace of Nymphenbiu-g, near Munich, August 25, 1845. He is the elder of the two sons of the late king, Maximilian II., by the princess Frederica Frances Augusta Mary Hedwiga (who was born 15 Oct. 1825, and is still living), second daughter of the late prince Frederick WiUiam Charles of Prussia. The revolutionary events that agitated so many of the states of Europe in the early part of 1848 having forced upon king Louis I. the necessity for political and administrative reforms that he could not have efliected to the satisfaction of his people, owing mainly to the influence acquired over him by the notorious Lola Montes, whom he had created countess of Landsf eld, he had the wisdom to save the crown for his dynasty by abdicating, March 21, in favour of his eldest son, Maximilian Joseph, who occupied the Bavarian throne until his death on March 10, 1864. He was succeeded by the reigning sovereign, who had only attained his majority in the preceding year, and had hitherto taken no part in state affairs. Highly endowed by nature, both in mind and body, his education was superintended at first with the greatest care by his mother, and subsequently by count La Eosfe and Keutenant von WUiffen, his classical studies being directed by professor Steininger. He ascended the throne at a time when the questions of the Zollverein and of Schleswig- Holstein were still pending, and Bavaria was endeavouring to constitute herself a mediator, and to rally round her the secondary states of Germany in opposition to the pretensions of Austria and of Prussia. At first the young king evinced an inclination to take the reins of government into his own hands, and showed more decision and capacity for business than had characterised his father. This tendency combined with his affability to render him very popular, and this impression was strengthened by his speech at the opening of the chambers at the commencement of 1865, which was pacific and fuU of good intentions towards Germany, and in reply to which an address was voted expressive of devotion to his dynasty, and grateful remembrance of the late sovereign. The administration of public affairs still remained in the hands of Herr Von Schrenk, who was replaced before the end of 1864 by Herr Von der Pfordten, without causing any change in the policy of Bavaria. The first independent act of the new sovereign was to invite to Munich the eminent composer, Richard Wagner, as well known by his visionary and revolutionary opinions as by his musical failures. This event is said to have been caused by the king, having once been much impressed by the periormance of Wagner's " Lohengrin," a romantic opera founded on the legend of the Knight of the Swan, which is connected with the old castle of Hohenschwangau, where king Louis had passed his childhood. This intimacy gave rise to a rumour that the composer, under pretence of instructing the king in music, had introduced to his notice the philosophical works of Biichner and Feuerbach. All parties united to oppose this sinister influence, and an urgent remonstrance having been addressed to the king by the people of Munich, Herr Wagner was dismissed early in 1866. No party has, however, been able to obtain any ascendency over the king, who has since maintained an almost complete isolation. The vacillation of Bavaria in 1866, in the great conflict for supremacy in Germany between Prussia and Austria, the ultimate alliance of her forces with those of the latter power, and the unfavourable terms of the Bavaro-Prussian treaty of peace, are events of which the responsibility must be considered to rest with his chief minister at that period, Herr Von der Pfordten, rather than with the sovereign. Herr Von der Pfordten was replaced at the close of 1866 by the prince of Hohenlohe-SchiUingsfiirst, who still remains at the head of affairs. Louis II. is as yet unmarried, and rumours have been often circulated that he has a strong inclination to abdicate in favour of his younger brother, the prince Otho William Leopold Adal- bert Waldemar, bom April 27, 1848. The ex-king, Louis I., died at Nice, 29 Feb. 1868, in the eighty-second year of his age. DESCENT OF THE KINGS OF BAVARIA. Leopold, Lord of BamTla. Arnolph. Gatberga, daugbtor of Itodolpti, Duko of Lower Bavaria. SertliolduH. "Wornui. Batio, Count of AbeDBberg, Otbo II. , Count of Sohoyem. Otho III., Count of Wittelabach. Otho IV., Count of "Wittelflbach. Dukes of Batahia. I 1. OTHO I. I 2. LODIS I. B. OTHO II. 4. LOUIS II. 6. EODOLPH L 6. BODOLPH IL ).ETJPEKTIII., Smperor of Genu an 7. II. LOmSIV., 12. FREDERICK I. Frederick, Elector Palatine. Palatine of Simmcm. I STEPHEN IL, Duke of £avaria Ingoldatadt. LOUIS, Duke of Bavana Ingoldatadt. LOUIS, Duke of Bavarm Ingoldatadt. HENRY, Duko of Bavaria Laadibut. LOUIS, Duke of Bavaria Landibut. JOHN, Duke of Bavaria Munich, 1307. ERNEST, Duke of Bavana Muniob, 1^. ALBEIIT III.. Duke of Bavana Municb, UCO. AT,BBIlTIV..DnkO'>f Oiavarja Muoicb. 1605. li. LOUIS T. Elector PalatiD& Rupert, IS. FRE- Palatiueof iUza.d.ofl'ERICKlI. Siia-"™ Geo. Diveij Duke of Bavaria land abut, 16. OTTO HENBT. "^^* DERICKHL. Elector Palatine. 18. L0UI3 TI., Elector Palatmo. i 20. PBEDEHICK T., Elector Palatine. I 21. CHARLES LOUIS, Elector Palatine. AueustoB. Cbrifltian August uB, Tbeodore, Jobn. 26. CHARLES THEODUltB, ■ Palatine of Sulzbacb, Elector Palatine of Eavaria. Chmtian t., Palatine of BiacbtTciler. CbriBtianll., Palatine of Eirkenfeld. Chriitian IIL, Palatino of Eirkenfeld. Frederick. FERDINAND. Elector of Bavaria, 1C79. JJASIMILIAN. Elector of Bavana. CHARLES Albert, Elector of Bavaria, (Charles Vll,, Emperor of Gennany, 1745.) CHARLES MAXIMILIAN Josepb, Ekctor of Bavana. Kings of Batajiia. MAXIMILIAN T. JoBCpb, 1325. lOUIS I., Charles AugUBtus, Cbarlotte AuguRta, 1786-lSnS, abdicated Ia48 . now Caroline, of Tberesa Cbarlotte, 4c., Auitria, born 1792. of Boxe Altenburg, born 1792. I Charles Theodore, Elizabeth bom 1795. Louisa, born IBOl. MAXIMILIAN II. Matilda Caroline, &c., Joseph 1864. bom 1813. Otho Frederic, King of Greece, 1867. Adelgonda Aagnsta, &c., Alexandra Amelia, born 1823. bora 1826. BELGIUM. The history of the royal family of Belgium is that of the house of Saxony to the birth of Leo- pold the first king of the Belgians. Ernest, the eldest son of Trancis duke of Saxe Coburg Saalfeld, succeeded to his father's dukedom in 1806 ; and, having married the daughter of the duke of Saxe Gotha, who died without heirs male, succeeded also to the dominions of that prince in 1825. His brother Leopold was bom on the i6th of December 1790. At the age of fifteen he was well acquainted with the classical and also with the principal modem languages, and had studied the sciences and public law. The marriage of his sister with the grand Luke Conatantiae, induced him to enter the service of Russia, which he was, however, obUged to leave in 1810 to attend to the affairs of Saxe Coburg, after which he travelled till 1813. He then re- entered the Eussian army, and served with much distinction in the campaigns which terminated by the entry of the allies into Paris and the final overthrow of Napoleon. At the visit of the allied sovereigns to this country, he had accompanied the Emperor Alexander, and it was then that he had become acquainted with the Princess Charlotte, whom he married. May 2d, 1816, when a pension was granted to him of ;^5o,ooo a year. After the death of the princess in 1817, he lived in retirement at Claremont till the begi nnin g of 1 830, when he was oiiered the crown of Greece. Having refused this offer, he was soon afterwards requested to accept that of Belgium, which he did on the 12th July 1831. He made his entry into Brussels on the 2ist, from which date he gave up ;£'3S,ooo of the pension he had derived from England, stipulating only that the Claremont estate should be kept up. In 1830, he married the Princess Louisa of Orleans, daughter of Louis Philippe, and in the same year hostilities were commenced against Belgium by HoUand, when a Erench army came to the assistance of the Belgians, and took the citadel of Antwerp. It was not till the loth April 1839, however, that the differences between Belgium and Holland were finally settled by treaty. In 1833 was promulgated the constitution of Belgium, which is one of the most liberal in Europe. It insures civil and poli- tical equahty, the right of meeting, the equality of all religions, and the liberty of the press. The executive power is placed in the hands of the Mng, the legislative power is confided to two cham- bers elected by what amounts almost to universal suffrage. It was always the greatest desire of Ejng Leopold I. to rule according to the provisions of this constitution and to satisfy public opinion, which he had great tact in ascertaining. The most serious difficulties of his reign were occa- sioned by the antagonism of the two great parties (the catholic and the liberal) which have divided Belgium. Each of these, by turn, has had the ascendency, and they still continue to exist. Belgium passed through the critical period of 1848 without any serious commotion, although some feeble republican manifestations were made. In i860 vague rumours of annexation to Erance produced a number of loyal addresses to the king, and gave rise to the volunteer move- ment throughout the country. The Belgian government has entered into treaties of commerce with Erance, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Sweden and Norway. Conventions have also been entered into with Erance and other countries for the protection of literary and artistic pro- perty, by which Belgian piracy has been virtually abolished. Leopold I. died December 10, 1865, and was succeeded by his son LEOPOLD (Louis Philip Maria Victor) II. , who was bom April 9, 1835. In the speech which he made to both chambers of the legislature on the day of his inau- guration, Dec. 17, 1866, he said, "I shall religiously follow the example and precepts of my father, I will be a Belgian from my heart and soul. I love those great institutions which guarantee order and liberty, and which are the most solid bases of the throne." The respect and admiration which the king has always evinced for parliamentary liberty, have nobly redeemed these words. In Oct. 1 866 he and his subjects gained great popularity among Englishmen, by the magnificent manner in which they received and entertained a large body of English volun- teers who had gone over to celebrate the anniversary of Belgian national independence. In the return visit, the following year, the Belgian volunteers were greeted in London with equal cordiality and enthusiasm. Before his accession to the throne. King Leopold II. travelled through Egypt, Lower Nubia, and Sinai, and is the only reigning sovereign who has ever visited India and Chioa. In 1866 he was created a knight of the garter. On the 22d January 1869, he experienced deep affliction at the loss of his only son, the prince royal, Leopold, Duke of Brabant, who died after a lingering illness in his tenth year. In Nov. 1869, the king visited London, was entertained by the Queen, and by the Corporation of London, and received an immense deputation from the Officers of the Army, Navy, and Volunteers, accompanied by the Mayors of most of the cities of Great Britain. Leopold II. married (Aug. 22, 1853) Maria Henrietta Anne, archduchess of Austria, by whom he has surviving issue, I. Louisa Maria Amelia, bom Feb. 18, 1858 ; 2. Stephanie Clotilda Louisa Herminia Maria Charlotte, bom May 21, 1864. The heir presumptive is Philip, count of Flanders, brother to the king. o )-l w w p^ o o w W H pq O H W o en W P as 1 I P JB BRAZIL, Brazil, from its discovery almost simultaneously by Vicente Yaiiez Pinzon and Pedi-o Alvarez Cabral in 1 500, untU recent times has been the most important possession of Portugal beyond the seas. Many attempts were made from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century by the French and Dutch to gain a settlement on its coasts, but each alilce eventually failed. The French invasion of Portugal in 1807 having compelled the royal house of Braganza to leave that country, they retired to Brazil, and landed there in 1808. In 1815 Brazil was raised by John VI. to the rank of a Idngdom, and his eldest son, Dom Pedro, was left by him as regent upon his return to Portugal in 182 1. The speedy recall of the regent by the Cortes at Lisbon brought to a climax the growing discontent of the Brazilians with the Portuguese government, and Dom Pedro was urged to refuse compliance with the orders that he had received. The independence of Brazil was declared in 1822, and Dom Pedro crowned emperor, but these acts were not recognised by Portugal until 1825. Upon the death of king John VI. in 1826, the crown of Portugal devolved upon the emperor Dom Pedro, the two countries thus being again united under the same sovereign. The emperor, however, resigned the Portuguese throne to his daughter. Dona Maria da Gloria, in order that the old discontent with the mother country might not be revived. Nevertheless, disputes that arose between the emperor and the Chamber of Deputies, and the disordered state of the national finances, increased the universal dissatisfaction to such an extent that Dom Pedro resolved to abdicate, April 7, 1831, in favour of his infant son, the present emperor. Dom Pedro I. died at Lisbon, September 24, 1834, at the age of thirty-six. Dom Pedro II. d'Alcantara (John Charles Leopold Salvador Bibiano Francis Xavier de Paul Leocadio Michael Gabriel Kaphael Gonzaga), Emperor of Brazil, only son of the emperor Dom Pedro I., and his iirst wife, the empress Maria Leopoldina Caroline Josephine, second daughter of Francis I., Emperor of Austria, was born at Eio Janeiro, December 2, 1825. He ascended the throne in accordance with the act of abdication of his father, signed at Boavista, April 7, 1 83 1, under the guardianship of the celebrated JosiS Bonifacio de Andrada e SUva. The affairs of the empire were directed by a council of regency of three persons until October 1835, when Diogo Antonio Feijo became sole regent. He was replaced in September 1837 by Pedro de Araujo Lima, afterwards marquess of OHnda, who held the office until the majority of the young emperor, which was fixed for the completion of his eighteenth year. His aptitude for business and his popularity were, however, bo great that he was declared of age by the Chambers, July 23, 1840. He accordingly assumed the reins of government, and his coronation took place July 18, 1841. His highly cultivated abilities and varied attainments bear ample testimony to the care with which his education was directed by the eminent statesman who was his guardian. The chief measures of his reign have been directed with much success to the increase of the commercial and agricultural prosperity of Brazil, and to the extinction of slavery throughout the empire. He is also a warm patron of science, literature, and of all industrial enter- prises. The wreck and plunder of the British ship "Prince of Wales" in i86i,at Albardilo, on the coast of Brazil, and the murder of some of the crew, led to reprisals on the part of the British, and eventually, in 1863, to a suspension of diplomatic intercourse between the two countries, which was not resumed until more than two years after. The decision of the late king of the Belgians in favour of Brazil, in further disputes that arose vrith Great Britain out of this affair, tended greatly to establish the Brazilian prestige in Europe. The war ivith Kosas, the dictator of Buenos Ayi-es, in 1851-52, and that which broke out with Paraguay at the close of 1864, in which Brazil has been allied with Uruguay and the Argentine Confederation, and which has lasted with progressive fortune to the present time, have stiU further extended the influ- ence of the Empire, the Emperor himself leading the army against the forces of Lopez, but latterly it has been under the command of the count of Eu. The actual President of the ministry is the Viscount de Itaborahy. Dom Pedro II. married in person, September 4, 1843, the princess Thehksa Christina Maria, fourth daughter of the late Francis I., king of the Two SiciUea. The empress was bom March 14, 1822, and has had issue, besides two sons who died in infancy, two dauThters ; 1. The Princess Imperial Dona Isabella Christina Leopoldina Augusta" MichaeUa Gabriella Eaphaella Gonzaga, bom July 29, 1846, audmai-ried at Eio Janeiro, October 15, 1864, to Louis Philip Maria Ferdinand Gaston of Orleans, count of Eu, (born April 28 1842 ) eldest son of Louis, duke of Nemours, and grandson of Louis Philippe, late king' of the French. She is the heiress presumptive to the throne. 2. Princess Dona Leopoldina Theresa Frances Caroline Michaella Gabriella Eaphaella Gonzaga, born July 13, 1847, aid married December 15, 1864, to prince Louis Aunmtm Maria Eudes of Saxe-Coburg-Cohary, (born August 9, 1845,) second son of prince Augustus of Saxe-Coburg-Cohary, and grandson of Louis Philippe, late king of the French, by whom she has issue three sons, Pedro, born March 19, 1866, Augustus bom December 6, 1867, and Josi, born May 21, 1869. ' in i-i^s < Pi m <^ o p! O w w H o Q Q If - t — 3 = » 3" 'I a £"5 BRUNSWICK. The foimder of the family of Brunswick is generally considered to be Albert A^zo, margrave of Este, -wbo, towards the end of the eleventh century, married Cunigunda, a daughter of Guelph of the family of the counts of Altdorf. His son, Guelph I., acquired the dukedom of Bavaria, and inherited all the possessions of the Guelph fanuly. His successors continued to add to their territory, principally by their alliances, until their dominions reached from Italy to the Baltic. The great grandson of Guelph I., Henry the Lion, however was deprived of Bavaria, Saxony, Austria, and other possessions by ban of the empire, in 1 1 79, for having seized Holstein and Mecklenburg, and was allowed to retain only Luneburg, Kalenberg, Gottingen, Grubenhagen, and Brunswick WoKenbuttel. Otto, the grandson of Henry the Lion, was the first to receive the title of Duke of Brunswick. At his death, his possessions were divided between his two sous Albert and John, but became united again, under Magnus IL, in consequence of the ex- tinction of the line founded by John. Magnus left four sons, of whom Frederick, his immediate successor, became Emperor of Germany ; Bernard continued the main line, and Henry founded the intermediate line of Brunswick, which became extinct in 1634. Ernest, a descendant of Bernard, inherited Brunswick and Luneburg. His eldest son Henry, duke of Luneburg Danneburg, founded the line of Brunswick WoUenbuttel, and WUliam, his younger son, that of Brunswick Luneburg. The great grandson of the latter, George Louis, became king of England in 1 7 14. At the death of Augustus, the son of Henry, the line of Brunswick Wolfenbuttel, was divided into two branches. Ferdinand Albert, the son of Augustus, inherited the duchy of Bevem, and founded the line of that name, and his nephews, Augustus William and Louis Eodolphus, dying without male issue, be succeeded to their title and reunited the territory. During the reign of his great grandson Charles William Ferdinand, who was killed at the battle of Auerstadt, Brunswick was occupied by the French, and taken to form the kingdom of Westphalia. Frederick WiUiam, son of the last mentioned, a general in the English service, distinguished himself greatly in the war against France, at the head of 7,000 of bis own troops, including his celebrated regiment of Hussars, the Black Brunswickers. In 1813, he was enabled to assume the government of his dominions, but at the return of Napoleon from Elba, again took the field, and was killed at Quatre Bras, June 16, 1S15, leaving two sons to the guardianship of their uncle, the Prince Regent of England, afterwards George IV. Charles (Frederick Augustus WilUam) the elder, was bom October 30, 1804, and Augustus Louis WiUiam Maximilian Frederick, April 25, 1806. Their infancy was passed in exile; first, in Sweden, with their mother, afterwards at Baden and Vienna, and ultimately in Eng- land. At the death of their father, Charles succeeded to the duchy, which was governed during bis minority, by Count Munster, the regent's minister at Hanover. He was declared of age, in October, 1823, and, two years afterwards, ruled in person. During his seven years' reign he was constantly at variance with his uncle, George IV. of England, as to the disposal of his private fortune. Finally, by what Prince Mettemich termed a " revolution de famille " he was forced to quit his duchy, and further declared incapable of reigning by the Germanic Diet. His brother, who was then at Berlin, immediately assumed the government, and was re- cognised by the Diet and by his family, as the legal successor, April 25, 1831. His rule at first, did not give entire satisfation, but, in 184S and 1849, he established trial by jury, the equality of all religions before the law, liberty of the press, and various other liberal measures, which had probably the effect of preventing a revolution in his dominions, during that critical period. Neither the reigning duke nor his brother has issue, and at their death the duchy would have reverted to the house of Hanover, had not that family been deprived of its territories, Brunswick now forms part of the North German Confederation, DESCENT OF THE DUKES OF BRUNSWICK. Albfltt Azzo II.. MargraTO of EbIo, 1031. Canipmaa, daugbtor of Quolpli II., of tho fumlly of tLo CoantB of Altdorf, Dukes of Bavahia. created by the Emperor Heney rv. in 1071. Guolpb. 1101, Henry, (A* Black, 1125. Heniy, the Proud, 11S9. Henry, tnc Lion, Duke of Saxoay, B rungBJcTi, and Lunetiurg, 1195, Matilda) daughter of Henry II., Eiog of Eogloud. DtTKEs OF Brunswick. Willia m of Wincbcater, Duhe of luneburg, 1 218, Beleu, of Denmark. OTHO, first Duke of BruMwiok Lunebure, 1252. ALBEHT, ttie Oreat, 1278. 1 ALBEET, the Fat, 1318. WIllIAM, Duke of Bninswick. 1292. MAGNTIEI L, 1368. MAQNQS IL, 1373. 1 BERNARD. 1434. Margaret, of Sasonj. OTHO, Pake of Lunebiirg, 151G. FKEDEEICK, the Jtui, 1478. OTHO, the Magnanimom, Duke of luneburg, 1171, HESEY, ike Young, 1532. EENEST, Duko of Zelle, 1546. \__ Henry, Duke of Luneburg Danneberg, 1598, William, Duke of Zdie and Luneburg, 1692. I ERNEST, Duke of CHRISTIAN, Duke of ATJGITBTUS, Duke of EREDEEICK, Duke of GEORGE, Duke of PERDINAND ALBERT Duke of Enumwick Luneburg. jirunawick Luneburg. Prunswick LuaetKirs- Bmnawick Luneburg. HauoTer, 1641. Brunswick Bevem, 1687. ^"°'^ Eleanor, of Hesse DanuBtadt. FERDINAND, 1735. Amelia, of Brunswick. I I I I ChriBtian, Duke of Zelle. George William. 1705. Emcst, flret Elector of HanoTcr, 1 CHARLES, Duke of Brunawick, 1760. Eieanora Deamiers, Sophia. CHARLES WILLIAM, 1B05. Sophia. GEORGE I., 1727, King of Englt j George L, Kjng of England, FREDERICK WILLIAM. 1815. I ^K^^^]?? ^^R^INAHD WILLIAM, ADQUBTU3 LOUIS WILLIAM, bora 1S06, born 160* ; deposed by the Diet, 1S30. DENMARK. The ancient kingdoms o£ Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, were united by the treaty or union of Calmarin 1397 under queen Margaret, who has been styled the Semiramis of the North, and this union continued until Sweden, led by Gustavus Vasa in 1521, enforced its separation from the two other kingdoms. In 1448 the late royal house of Oldenburg ascended the throne in the person of Christian, count of Oldenburg, who was also elected count of _ Holstein and duke of Schleswig m 1459. His descendants were elected kings without intermission until 1665, when Frederick III. changed the elective into an hereditary and absolute monarchy vested in his own family. Norway remained annexed to Denmark until 1 8 14, when it was ceded to Sweden by the treaty of Kiel in exchange for Pomerania and Etigen, which were again ex- changed in 181 5 with Prussia for the duchy of Lauenburg. The Oldenburg dynasty was ter- minated by the death without issue of king Frederick VII., November 15, 1863, when the crown devolved upon the reigning sovereign by virtue of the Protocol of Warsaw, May 24 — June 5, 1851, and of the conference-protocol concluded in London, May 8, 1852, by the great European powers, and following the law of the Danish succession passed July 31, 1853, by which the throne was settled in the line of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg. Cheistian IX., King of Denmark, of the Vandals and of the Goths, duke of Slesvig, Holstein, Stormarsken, Ditmarsken, Lauenborg, and Oldenborg, is the fourth son of the late duke Frede- rick William Paul Leopold of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg, by the duchess Louisa Caroline, daughter of the landgrave Charles of Hesse-Cassel. He was bom at the castle of Luisenlund near Schleswig, April 8, 181 S, and for some time occupied the post of inspector- general and commander-in-chief of the Danish cavalry. When the insurrection broke out in the duchies in 1848, he was the only prince of the house of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Gliicks- burg who remained in the miUtary service of Denmark during the war of 1848-50. He ascended the throne in accordance with the above-mentioned acts upon the decease of king Frederick VII., November 15, 1863, at a time when the relations between Denmark and the Duchies had assumed a most critical aspect. His first act was to give his assent to the new constitution that had been passed by the rigsraad. Duke Frederick of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg- Augustenburg immediately asserted his claims to the sovereignty of the duchies, although his father duke Christian had renounced in favour of Denmark, December 30, 1852, all his rights to them for a compensation of 3,500,000 dollars. The aspect of affairs was thus com- pletely changed, and the diet of the Germanic Confederation resolved to support the preten- sions of duke Frederick. Federal execution was decreed at Frankfort, December 21, 1863, and the Saxon and Hanoverian troops entered Altona. The Danes thereupon retired from Holstein in order to avoid a coUision with the federal army. Dissensions, however, arose be- tween Austria and Prussia and the rest of the Germanic Confederation, and resulted in an alliance of the former powers to secure to themselves the entire direction of the war in oppo- sition to the wishes of the Diet. The Austrian and Prussian troops occupied Holstein, and invaded Schleswig after overcoming by mere force of numbers the heroic defence of the Danes. An eventful campaign ensued for the possession of the duchies, and after many desperate con- tests the decisive assault by the allies of the fortifications of Duppel, the bombardment of Alsen, and the occupation of Jutland, led to the termination of hostilities by a treaty of peace signed at Vienna, October 30, 1864. By this treaty the king of Denmark renounced all his rights to the duchies of Schleswig, Holstein, and Lauenburg, and placed them at the disposal of the allies. He also consented to a rectification of the Danish frontier, and to the indemnification by the duchies of the allies for the expenses incurred by them diu-ing the war. The inhabitants of the duchies were accordingly released from their allegiance, November 16, 1864. The only subsequent events of importance have been the new constitution, sanctioned by the king in July 1866, and the treaty for sale of the Danish West Indian islands of St. Thomas and St. John to the United States in October 1867 for ;£'i, 500,000, which, however, has not been as yet ratified by the latter power. The now president of the ministry is the count Christian Emil Krag-Juel-Vind-Frijs de Frijsenborg. King Christian married. May 26, 1842, Louise Wilhehnine Frederikke Caroline Auguste Julie, princess of Fressen-Cassel, daughter of the late landgrave WiUiam of Hesse-Cassel, and of the princess Louise Charlotte of Demnark, sister of king Christian VIII. The queen was born September 7, 1817, and has issue : — 1. The Crown Prince Christian Frederih William Carl, general, heir-apparent to the throne. bom June 3, 1843. He married, July 28, 1869, the princess Louisa, only child of Charles XV., king of Sweden and Norway, who was born October 31, 1851. 2. Princess Alexandra Caroline Marie Charlotte Louise JuHe, bom December I, 1S44, and married March 10, 1863, to Albert Edioard, prince of Wales. 3. Prince Christian Wilhelm Ferdinand Adolph Georg, bom December 24, 1845, now King Georg I. of the Hellenes. 4. Princess Maria Sophia Frederikke Dagmar, bom November 26, 1847, now grandduchesa Maria Feodorovna. Married, November 9, i856, Alexander Alexandrovitch, czarevitch of Russia. 5. Princess Thyra Amalia Caroline Charlotte Anna, bora September 29, 1853. 6. Prince FaWenwr, bom October 27, 1858. DESCENT OF THE KINGS OF DENMARK. Theodoria, the ForttinaU, Count of Oldenburg, I«0. 1. CB aiSTIAU I., elooted King of Dan mark, H48, died lia. Doiotby, widoiT of Chilatophei, Eiog of Dennmik. I. CBBISTIAN II., deposed 1523, died 15Sa Jobn, 1517. 13. CHRISTIAN TIL, 180S. li. FBEDSEICE TI., 18^. 6. CHKISTIAJS HI., 1659. 0. HLEDSBICE II., 158S. 7. CHaiSTIAN IV., 16i8. 8. FEBDERICK lU., 1670. 9. CBElSTLiN T.,'1699. 10. PHEDEEICK rV„ 1730, Ij. CHMSTIAH VI., 17«. 12. FEEDEHICE V., ] Sophia, of UeckleDbuTg-Schweiin. 15 CHRiaTLAW VIIL, IMS. 16. FEEDEKICK VIL, 1863. John, Duke of Sondeibure, died Aleuader, 1627. Charles AnguetnB. Fiodericft, of Schlieben. Frederick William Paul leopold, of Scblenrjg. HolateiD-Sonderburg-GluckBburg, 1831 . Irtiuiaa Caroline, of Be»e. 17. CHRISTIAN IX., bom ] ChriBtiau Frederio Will Charle», b. 18*3. Louisa Josephine Bugeoia, of Svedea, b. 1851. . Alexandra Caroline Chrigtiaa William Mary Sophia Uaij Charlotte Louisa Ferdinand Adolphns Frederica Dagmar, now Julia, b. 18i4. George, King of Qreece, b. 1846. fllaria Fcodoiovna, — — ^ b.l847. EGY PT. Egypt, which had been under the sovereignty of the Borge^h or Circassian Mamelukes since 1382, was taken by Selim I., Sultan of the Turks, in 1517. It then became tributary to Turkey, and was governed by Mame- luke beys under a pacha, appointed by the sultan, till the French invasion of 1799. The French having been dispossessed in iSoi by the English, the Turkish government was restored. Mehemet AU, a man of humble origin, who had been raised to high command in the Turkish army, was at that time with his corps of Albanians at Cairo, and became popular on account of the strict discipline and order which he maintained among his own troops, whose behaviour contrasted favourably with that of the Mamelukes, who had rendered themselves odious by numerous acts of violence. Having been proclaimed pacha in 1804, Mehemet Ali refused the dignity, which was then conferred on Khurshed. The latter, however, in a short period, became detested on account of his exactions, and then Mehemet Ali declared against him, and, with the support of the sheiks and backed by the interest of France, was appointed to the PashaHc of Egypt by the Sultan in 1806. The first few years of his reign were passed in contentions with the Mamelukes, whose power, however, he effectually subdued by the massacre of their chiefs in 1811. Having overcome opposition in Egypt, the efforts of Mehemet Ali were directed to the accomplishment of a scheme for emancipating himself from the yoke of Turkey ; and in 1830 a circumstance occurred which served him, as a pretext, for setting the authority of his sovereign at defiance. Several thousand fellahs had quitted Egypt, and settled at Acre. On the refusal of Abdallah, the Pasha of that city, to give them up, Mehemet Ali sent an expedition, under the command of his reputed son, Ibrahim, to enforce his demands. This expedition, on account of a serious outbreak of cholera, did not start till the following year, when Syria was invaded, and the towns of Gaza, Jaffa, and CaifFa soon surrendered. Acre resisted longer and made a heroic defence, but was, at length, taken by assault after a six months' siege. The invasion of Syria being a clear act of rebellion, the Sultan decreed the deposition of the viceroy and his son, and sent an army against them. The Turks were defeated at Homs (Emesa), 19th July, 1832, and again at Konieh, December 20, 1832, when the forces of the Sultan were so completely shattered that the empire itself was, for a moment, at the mercy of the conqueror. The principal European powers then intervened and matters were arranged, for a time, by the treaty of Kutahieh, May 14, 1833, Syria remaining in the possession of Ibrahim. The systematic evasion, on the part of the Pacha, of all obligations entered into between the Porte and other coimtries, especially England and Austria, compelled the Sultan, in order to maintain good relations abroad, to enforce his authority by arms. He was again unsuccessful in the field (Jxme 24, 1839), and had the further mortification of seeing the Turkish admiral pass over, with his fleet, to the enemy, {July 14, 1839). The triumph of the Pacha then seemed complete. Negotiations were attempted by the principal powers, but France, whose influence had always been paramount with the Pacha, could not be brought to countenance any measures of coercion against him. England, Austria, Prussia, and Kussia, therefore, signed the treaty of London, without France, and began operations immediately. Sidon, Beyrout, and Acre were captured, and the Egyptians were driven out of Syria. On the other hand, the Sultan was prevailed upon by the powers to make the Pachalic of Egypt hereditary in the family of Mehemet Ali. Mehemet Ali abdicated in favour of his adopted son Ibrahim in Sept. 1848, and died Aug. 2, 1849. Ibrahim reigned only a few months, dying Nov. 10, 1848. The successors of Ibrahim were Abbas, the son of Tussun Bey, Mehemet'a eldest son, who died, July 14, 1854 ; Said, the fourth son of Mehemet, who died, Jan. 18, 1863. Ismail Pacha, the present "Viceroy, who has assumed the title of Khedive, is the second son of Ibrahim, and was born at Cairo in the year of the Hegira 1248, (1832). He was educated with his eldest brother, Ahmed Eifaat, at the Staff College at Paris. On his return to Egypt in 1849, he joined the party then opposed to the Viceroy Abbas. In 1855, he was sent by his uncle, Mohammed Said, on a confidential mission to the court of France, and on his return, through Italy, visited the Pope, to whom he was the bearer of an auto- graph letter of the Viceroy, accompanied by magnificent presents. In the absence of Said from Egypt in 1861, he carried on the government, and at the end of the same year took command of an army sent to subdue some revolted tribes on the frontiers. He succeeded to the pachalic at the death of his uncle Said, on the i8th January, 1S63. One of his first cares was to promote the cultivation of cotton, the supply of which had become very much diminished in conse- quence of the American civil war. In Nov. 1866, he established an Assembly of Deputies, which, however, has the power of discussing such subjects only as the Viceroy chooses to lay J)efore it. The policy of the Viceroy, which, in accordance with that of his family, seems to be directed to the ultimate emancipation of Egypt from the sovereignty of the Porte, lately threatened to cause a rupture between him and his suzerain. He has, however, thought proper to accept the conditions set forth in a late firman of the Sultan, requuing that all taxes should be levied in the Sultan's name, that no new taxes should be imposed without necessity, and that no new foreign loan should be contracted without the Sultan's authorisation. He has also intimated his willingness to surrender to the Porte the breech-loaders and iron-clads which had been ordered by him. The reign of Ismail Pacha will be remembered in connection with the completion, in 1869, of the canal through the Isthmus of Suez ; a work commenced in 1859, during the pachalic of Said, and carried tlirough, with indomitable energy and perseverance, by its projector, M. Ferdinand de Lesseps, now Duke of Suez, in spite of considerable opposition from various quarters, as well as from the present Viceroy himself at the beginning of his reign. Should the canal be able to retain a sufficient depth of water, it will greatly facilitate traffic between the shores of the Mediterranean and countries on. the Indian ocean. SUCCESSION OF THE VICEROYS OF EGYPT. 2. IBBAHIM, IMS. Ahmad Blb»t, 1853. 1. MKHEMET ALT, 130648, abdicated ; died 1M9. 8. ABBAS, 1651. 5. ISUAIL, bom 1832. Biustapha, bom 13S2. Uehemed, bom 18f7. FRANCE LEGITIMIST. Henet rV., the first prince of the house of Bourbon, who reigned in Trance, came to the throne in August 1589, when the family of Valois became extinct at the death of Henry III. The Bourbons reigned without interruption until 1 791, when Louis XVI., the fifth sovereign of the line, was deposed during the revolution, Jan. 20, 1793, and subsequently executed. In 1814 the dynasty was restored for a short period in the person of Louis XVIIL, who was, however, obKged to leave France on the return of Napoleon from Elba, but was brought back agaiu by the allies after the battle of Waterloo in 18 15. At his death, in 1824, he was suc- ceeded by his brother, Charles X., who reigned till July 1830, when, in consequence of the ordinances which he issued, suppressing the liberty of the press, and reconstituting the Chamber of Deputies, a revolution took place in Paris, which ended in the expulsion of the elder branch of the Bourbon family from the country. Henry Charles Ferdinand Maria Dieudonn^ d'Artois, duke of Bordeaux, and count of Chambord, (Henry V. of France), the representative of the elder branch of the house of Bour- bon, was bom at Paris on the 29th of September 1820. He is the son of Charles Ferdinand d'Artois, duke of Berry, who was assassinated, Feb. 13, 1820, and of Caroline Ferdinanda Louisa, daughter of Francis I., king of Naples, now the widow of the Marquis Luochesi PaUi Campo PignateUi. After the revolution of July 1830, his uncle, the Duke of Angouleme, having renomiced his rights to the throne as eldest son of Charles X., the latter abdicated in his favour, and he was proclaimed King of France, under the name of Henry the Fifth, in the presence of the troops assembled at Eamboufllet. His reign, however, never had any practical existence, and he accompanied his family into exUe. For the next six years he resided by turns at Holyrood House, Prague, and Goritz, after which he spent a few years in visiting the miKtary establishments of the principal countries of Europe, in most of which he was treated with honours which are usually only paid to de facto sovereigns. At the end of 1843 he settled for a time in London at a house in Belgrave Square, where he established his court, and received the homage of the principal members of the legiti- mist party. Not having thought proper to take any active measures to advance his cause, when the revolu- tion of February 1848 drove Louis Philippe from the throne, the political acts of the Duke of Bordeaux have been limited principally to declarations in favour of the temporal power of the Pope, to keeping together the members of the legitimate party, and to endeavouring to effect a union with the Orleans branch of his family, in order that his prospects may be the better should circimistances ever arise in his favour. On the l6th November 1846, he married Maria Theresa Beatrix Gaetana, the eldest daughter of the Duke of Modena, and up to the present time (Nov, 1869) has no children. FEANCE— LEGITIMIST. House of Bourbon. phabamokd, «7. I CLODIO, lis. I Albro. Vaubertiu, G2S. AniMrt. Arnold, 60L St. Arnold, 640, Anchiie*, 679. I Pepin, of HCriita), 714. ChUdebrand. Nebelong, Count of A.utiin uid Bor^ndj, Theodebert, Count of AlaBcan or Aatan. I Bcbert the Sanm. aoben, thi Strong, 666, Count of Odona, Ihike of Fanc«. SOBEKT 923. Bngb, Of Great, 956, Count of Ftrix. HT7GH CAPET, 997. I Bobert, 1031. HSNBT I., 1060. PHILIP L, 1108. lOUIS TL, 1137. 3 vn., : louis vn., 1180. PHILIP IL, I22S. LOUIS Via, 1226. I BT. LOUIS OL, VffZ. I Bobert, Count of Clennont, fith son of Louis IX., Kins of Prance, 1317. Lonia L, fint Duke of Bourbon, ISU. jKniei, Count of Mftrcbe, 136L John I.. 1393. Lonifl, Count of Vendome, lUS, John IL, 1477. Prancii, 1495. Cb&Tlea, 1537. Anthony, King of Navarre, 1562. HBSSY IV.. 1610. 1. Uargaret of Valoia. 2. Mary of Medicia. LOUIS IIIL, 1643. Philip L, Duke of Orleans, [See France — OrltantitJ] LOUIS XrV., 1TI5. Lonia, Dauphin, 1711. Lools, Dulce of Borgondy, 1712. lOUIS XV., 1774. LOUIS XTL, 1793. I I LOUIS XVn., 1795. j ( LouU Antbonj, Charles Ferdinand, Dauphin- Duke of Berry, aa«aMm&ted Feb. 14, 1850 . Oaj-olioe Ferdinanda Lonlra, dauf;hter of Ferdinand I., EiDg of the Two Siciliei , b. Hot. 5, 1798. HEHET Charlei Ferdinand Maria DieudooDfi, Duke of Bordeaux, b. Sept. 29, 1820. Mar7 Thereta Beatrice Gsetaua, Archdacbenof Austria, eldest daughter of Francis IT., Duke of Hodena, b. July 14, 1317. FRANCE IMPERIAL. The vast empire of Charlemagne, including not only the ancient I"ranconia, but likewise Saxony, Tipper Italy, Spain, and Burgundy, became dismembered diiring the feeble reign of hie son and successor, Louis le Debonnaire, and the Carlovingian dynasty came to an end "with the death of Louis the Indolent in 987. Hugues Capet was thereupon elected king by the nobles, and the crown remained in his family until the decease of Charles IV. in 1328, when it passed to the house of Valois in the person of Philip VI., and continued in that line until the assassination of Henry III. in 1589. Henry, king of Navarre, then ascended the throne and established the dynasty of the Bom:bons, who reigned until overthrown by the Kevolution of 1792. The E«- publio was then constituted, but was virtually terminated by the appointment of Napoleon Bonaparte as first consul in 1799. The empire was proclaimed May 18, 1804, and finally ended with the abdication of Napoleon I., June 22, 1815. The restoration of the Bourbon dynasty followed, but was of short duration, for on the 30th of July, 1830, Charles X. was deposed, and the succession transferred to the younger branch of the Bourbons, the house of Orleans. Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans, was raised to the throne, August 9, 1830, and occupied it until February 24, 1848, when he was compelled to abdicate. France was then declared a KepubHc, and Louis Napoleon Bonaparte elected president, which office he held until December 2, 1852, when he was proclaimed emperor. Napoleon III. , (Charles Louis Napoleon), Emperor of the French, is the third son of Louis Bona- parte, sometime king of Holland, brother of the emperor Napoleon I., by his wife Eugenie Hor- tense de Beauharnais, daughter of the empress Josephine by her first marriage. He was bom at the palace of his mother, rue Cerate (now Lafitte), April 20, 1 808, and was baptized by cardinal Fesch at the palace of Fontaiuebleau, November 10, 1810, the emperor Napoleon and the empress Maria Louisa being sponsors. At the age of seven commenced his training in the school of adver- sity, when he left France as an exile. His education was most carefully conducted by his mother, and he went through the usual curriculum at the gymnasium of Augsburg. In 1824 they fixed their residence at Arenenbergon the lake of Constance, and he became an officer in the federal army. After having been engaged, in 1830, in the vain effort of the Italians to regain their independ- ence, he resolved on making at Strasbourg, October 30, 1836, the rash attempt to gain possession of the throne of France. The affair proved a miserable failure, and he was arrested and exiled to America. He however soon returned to England, and on the 6th of August, 1840, made a second descent upon the French coast near Boulogne, but was again captured and sentenced to imprisonment for life. Sent to the fortress of Ham, he remained there until May 25, 1846, when he succeeded in effecting his escape to England iu the disguise of a carpenter. Here he resided until the revolution of 1848 broke out, when he was elected a member of the National Assembly. This honour he at first decUued ; but upon being afterwards re-elected, he accepted the position, and took his seat on the 26th of September. The choice of a president of the Eepublic ensued on the loth of December, and Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was elected by an overwhelming majority. On the 2d of December, 185 1, by a cowp-d'itat he dissolved the National Assembly and decreed universal suffrage, and on the 22d of the same month was elected presi- dent for ten years. The re-establishment of the empire in the person and family of the prince- president was voted by the senate, November 7, 1852, and this being fuUy ratified by the voice of the nation, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was proclaimed emperor, December 2, 1852, by the title of Napoleon III. The marriage of the emperor with Mademoiselle de Montijo, countess of FRANCE IMPERIAL. Teba, took place January 29, 1853, in November of which year an attempt was made to assas- sinate the emperor. The Crimean war, in which France and England were allied with Turkey against Kussia, commenced in March 1854, and after many glorious victories was ended by the treaty of Paris in March 1856. In AprU 1855, the emperor and empress visited London, and later in the same year two attempts were made upon the life of the emperor. Besides these, his assassination was attempted by Orsini and his accomplices in January 1858, as he was going to the opera. The Italian war arose in May 1859, and France entered into an alliance with Sardinia against Austria. The emperor himself took the command of the French army throughout the campaign, and defeated the Austrians at the battle of Magenta, June 4^ and again at Solferino, June 24. Peace was agreed to at Villa Franca, July 12, and the emperor returned to Paris, the empress having been left regent during his absence. The annexa- tion of Savoy and Nice, March 24, i86o, formed a sequel to the war, and in February the greatest part of the principality of Monaco was purchased for four million francs. War was declared against Mexico, April 16, 1S62, of which the only result was the placing of the unfortunate archduke Maximilian upon the throne of that country. The convention with Italy for the evacuation of Rome was concluded September 15, 1864, in accordance with which the French troops left the Holy City in December 1865, but were at a later period compelled by unforeseen events to return. During these eventful years the emperor has been aided by many trusted friends, among whom may be named the count Walewski, the duke de Momy, the duke de Persigny, and M. Rouher, who was minister of state from October 1863 imtH July 1869, when he resigned in consequence of the adoption by the emperor of reforms demanded by the liberal majority of the legislative assembly. M. Rouher however still remained the chief adviser of the emperor until December 1869, when a liberal cabinet was formed under the presidency of M. Emile OUivier. During the long years of his exile, as well as since his accession, the emperor Napoleon has been much devoted to the study of history, and of military and engineering science. His " Reveries politiques," published in 1832, " Id(5es Napolfoniennes," 1839, " Fragments his- toriques, ou Comparaison des Revolutions de 1688 et 1830," 1841, and "Etudes sur le Pass^ et I'Avenir de TArtiUerie," 1846-63, his " Melanges," collected and republished in his " OEuvres," 1856, and lastly, his " Histoire de Jules C^sar," 1865-66, the two volumes of which already issued have been translated into several European languages — all bear indubitable testimony to his great ability and profound knowledge of historical events. The emperor married, January 29, 1853, Marie Eugenie de Montijo de Guzman y Porto- Carrero, countess of Teba, second daughter of Manoel, count of Montijo and of Teba, and duke of Peneranda. She was born at Granada, May 5, 1826, and has one son, the Prince Imperial Na^poleon Eugene Louis John Joseph, who was bom at the palace of the Tuileries, March 16, 1856. FRANCE— IMPERIAL. OIOVANHI BONAPARTH, ConnJof TWTiio.lieS. GIovkddI Bonaparto, Sjndlo of AnlOt Urlng 1250. Ildobnuido, liTlng 12G0. ' BoniomUknt, d. 1303. Branch op Florence. Comdo. Comdo, Fodoitft of aionnk, Ha.1. Branch of Sahzana. Nloolo, A. Bbout 1307. Jaoo po — FrodoTlgU Jaoopo, Branch op San Miniato, Ml] Ptetro - Cattu-lna Alblul. Bcuedott~Toniua Albartl. Pictro Antoalo. GloTannl. BRANCH OF CORSICA. Jaoopo, Wring 1527. FlU|>po, Ut1d| 14M. Coare. IWIofi 14S9. Oabrlolb, tiring 1607. Antouta— PranoMoo ModUdL Goroalmn, llTing 1001. FraDooiou, llvlag 1020. Sobaitlano, b. 1G03, UtIdk 1008. Carlo, living 1G81. Oluioppo. llTlng 1703. BobaitUuo, liTlDf 1720. NapolooDfl, IItIqs 1704. Olnionpa, I UvlDfl 17G0. Inbolltt-Lulgl d'OniaDO. d. 1810, loavlDg luuD. I Iiuolano, Arahdaaooii nf AJaaolo. d. ITOa. FRANCE ORLEANIST. The Orleans dynasty in France lasted from the overthrow of Charles X. in July 1830, to that of Louis Phillippe on the 24th of February 1848. Louis Philippe Albert d'Orleans, count of Paris, representative of the Orleans branch of the house of Bourbon, is the eldest son of Ferdinand Philip Louis Charles Henry Joseph, duke of Orleans, eldest son of King Louis Philip, and of Helena Louisa Elizabeth, daughter of Frede- rick Louis, Prince of Mecldenburg Schwerin, and was bom August 24, 1838. His father had always been a favourite with the French people. He had been educated at the College of Louis le Grand, like the son of a private gentleman, and had carried off prizes without a suspicion having ever arisen of his having gained them except by merit. He had afterwards distinguished himself in two campaigns in Africa, and also at the siege of Antwerp, and had endeared him- self to the poor by many an act of charity. Had his Hfe been spared, it is not unreasonable to suppose that his influence would have become powerful in the councils of his father, and that the events of the last quarter of a century would have been considerably modified, not only in France, but in Europe. The diike died in consequence of a fall from his carriage in July 1842. The Count de Paris was then but four years old. Five and a half years later the revolution of February drove his grandfather from power, and then took place the most momentous occurrence of the young prince's life, an occurrence which nearly had the effect o£ placing him on the throne. On the 24th of February the Chamber of Deputies was summoned to meet at three o'clock. Most of the members had already arrived at half-past twelve, and were scattered in the various offices adjoining the great chamber, discussing the momentous events then taking place in Paris. Before one o'clock the President, at the request of the members present, declared the sitting to be opened, and ordered business to begin. At that moment M. Dupiu entered the chamber, accompanied by the Duchess of Orleans, and the Duke de Nemours, the Duchess leading her two little sons, the Count de Paris and the Duke de Chartres. M. Dupin announced that, " In consequence of the events which had taken place, the King had abdicated in favour of H.E.H. the Coimt de Paris, and had constituted the Duchess of Orleans regent." Here arose cries of ' ' Vive le Eoi ! Vive le Prince ! Vive la E^gente ! " "Gentlemen," contiaued M. Dupin, "these cheers, so gratifying to the new king and to the regent, are not the first which have greeted them. They have just traversed the Tuileries and the Place de la Concorde on foot, with no other escort than the people and the national guard. Gentlemen, it is the most earnest desire of the regent to govern in accordance with the wishes of the people for the public good, and for the glory and prosperity of France." These words were received vpith renewed cries of " Vive le Roi ! " and M. Dupin urged the president to record that the new king and the regent had been accepted by acclamation by the Chamber. The president was about to comply, when he was interrupted by M. Lamartiue, who moved that the sitting should be suspended. A number of strangers, consisting of mechanics, students, national guards, and others, some armed with muskets and swords, had, by this time, made their way into the Chamber. The Duke de Nemours and several deputies urged the duchess to retire. She, however, kept her place. General Oudinot said, ' ' If the duchess wishes to leave, we will accompany her ; if she chooses to remain, let her do so, and she will do well, for she will be protected by our devotion." The pressure of strangers kept increasing, the deputies were being driven into the centre of the room. The duchess then retired towards the steps leading to the door under the clock, and took up her position on the last row of seats. The president called in vain on the strangers to retire. M. Marie, after many endeavours to get a hearing, said, " That a law already existed, fixing the regency on the Duke of Nemours, and that the Chamber had no power to create a regency ; their immediate duty was to form a pro- visional government." MM. Cr^mieux, OdiUon, Barrot, Ledru Rollin, and LarochejaqueKn, followed to the same purpose ; the multitude all the time continued waving flags, brandishing weapons, and shouting, " Down with the king." M. Chevalier, who was not a member, here rose and said, " Beware of proclaiming the Count of Paris without authority, but only let the duchess and the count have the courage to show themselves on the boulevards in the midst of the people, and the national guard and I will answer for their safety ; and, if the people do not raise him to power — " .... All eyes were now turned towards the seats lately occupied by the duchess and her family, but the royal party had left. The remainder of the speaker's words were drowned in cries of "Vive la RiSpublique." The prince's chance was lost. Since 1848 the prince has resided principally in England, with the exception of a short period during the American war, when he and his brother served in the Federal army on the staff of General MacCleUan. The count is said to be the author of an article in the Berne des Deva Monties, entitled "L'AJlemagne et ses Tendences NonveUes." The Count of Paris married on the 30th May, 1864, Mary Isabella, the daughter of the Duke of Montpensier, and has issue — I. Mar^ AmeUa Louisa Helen, born Sept. 28, 1865. ^ 2. Loms Philip Kobert, bom Feb. 6, 1869. FRANCE— ORLEANIST. IiOoiB XIII., King of France, 1&&. [See France— Legitimitt^ Philip I., Duke of Orleans. Philip n. tmco under Lou loois, 1752. Louii PhUip, 1778. Philip. 1793. Ferdinand Philip Louis Charlea Hem; Joiepb, Duke of Orleans, 1S12. Helfici Louisa Elizabeth, of Sleckteiiburg Schweriu. LOUIS PHILIP. Iluke of Orleanf. Elected Sing iu 1830. Abdicated in f&vour of bia grond- Bon, Louis Philip Albert, Count of Pons. Louis Charles Philip Raphael, Duke of NemouiH. Victoria Augusta Antoinette, of Baxe-Cob urg-Qotha. Maria Clementina Carobne Leopoldina Clotilda. Augustus Louis Victor, of Saxe-Coburg-Gotba. Franclj Perdinand Philip Louis Prince of Joinville. Louis Philip Maria Ferdinand Philip Maria, Gaston, Count Duke of Alencon, of Eu. b. 1&12. b. 1»H. Isabella Christina Sophia Cbarlotta Leopoldina, of BrariL Augnstina, of Bavaria, b, 1&17. Margaret Blanche Adelaide Mar;, Mary Amelin b. ISkl. Caroline Louisa Victoria, b. 1857. Louisa Victoria Mary Amelia Sophia, bora July 9, 1369. Bcnr^ Eageoe Philip Louis, Duke of Aumale, b. 18 Maria Caroline Augusta, of the Two Sicilies, Petor Phihp John Mana, Duke of Penthiiyre, b.is^ Antony Maria Philip Louis, Duke of Montpensier, b.1824. Maria LoaiBa Fcrdinanda, dater of IsabeUa II. LOTJIS PHILIP Albert, Count of Pans. Marv Isabella, daugnter of the Duke of Montpensier. Bobert Philip Louis Eugene Ferdinand, Duke of Cbartrea. Frances Mary Amelia, daughter of the Prince of JoinTiile. Mary lonls Philip Amelia, Eobert, b. 1865. b. 1869. Mary Isabella, h. 1SJ9. Count ol Paris. Ferdinand Maria Henry Charles, . b. 1859. Maria de laa Uercedea, &o., b.im. Louis Maria Philip Anthony, b. 1867. GREAT BRITAIN. The Stuart dynasty having boon torminatoil in 1 7 1 4 liy tho doatli of Quoon Anno, and tlio oxili^ of Pi'inoo Jamos, uanally oallod the Pi'oteudor, tho only siifNiviny; oliild of Kiiii;- Jivnio.i II., tho crown of Great Britain and Ireland waa ti'iuisfoiTod to tho llmiso of Hauovor, in noLXirdanoo with the provisions of tho Aft of Settlement of 1700. lloorgo Louis, Eloolor of Hanovor, son of the Eleotress Sophia, and grandson of Elizabeth, IJiu-ou of iHiluiuia, tho eldest daughter of James I., thereupon ascended the British throne as (Joorga I., and aJtei- an unpopular roign of noai'ly thirteen yeai's, was suoceodud in 1727 by his sou, doorgo II., at whoso doeonso, in 1760, the crown devolved upon his gi-andson, George III., the oldest son of Fredoriek, rrinoo of Walia, and father of (u'orge IV., AVilliiuu IV., and Edward, OuUo of Kent, tho father of our present most gracious sovereign. Alexandbtna Victoria, Qiieen of Groat Britiun and Iroliuid, is tho only daughter of Edward, Duke of Kent, foiuih son of George III., and of tho I'riueeas \'ii'ti>iia Jlai y Louisa of Saxo-roliiug-Saalfeld, fourth and youngest daughtei- of l<'raneis, Duke of Siixe-l\>lnu'g- Soalfeld, and widow of Emioh Chai'los, Prince of Leiningon. Sho wiui born at Kensington Palace on the 24th of May 1819, her pai'onts having liasteniid their return fioui Leln- ingen in order that their child might bo "born a Briton," aiul baptized there ou tlio 2j^l\i of Jime, the sponsors being tho Prince Regent, the Emperor Alexander of livissia, tho Quron- Dowagor of Wurtemberg, and the Diiolu'Ns-Dowager of Saxe-Oobnrg-Simlfold. ITpou tho sudden death of the Duke of Kent, January 23, 1820, tho euro and education of tho young Princess devolved upon her mother, who was greatly aided in her ard\ions taslc by her brother Leopold, the late King of tlie Belgians, by whose advice tho superintendenoo of hor studies was at first intrusted to tho Baroness Lehzon, who was replaced at a later pei-lod by tho talented Dncheas of Northumberland. The Princess Victoria ascended the throno at the doooaso of hor uncle, William IV., on tho 20th of Juno 1837, when she had just completed her eighteenth year, and was crowned in Wostminstor Abbey, June 28, 183S, amidst tho most onthusiastio deniojiatratiouH of loyal offoo- tion. Two years subseriuently sho mamed, February 10, 1840, hor cousin. Prince Ii'raucis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel of Soxo-Ooburg-Gotha, who was lioni August 26, 1819, and styled "Princo Honsort" by royal warrant, dated Juno 25, 1857. Tlio administi'ation of public affairs was retained from tho dato of tho late lung's death until August 1841 by Lord GREAT BRITAIN. Melbourne, who had instruoted her Majesty in the principles of the constitution previously to her accession. The chief events of this period were the adoption of Sir Rowland HiU'a scheme of the penny postage, and the outbreak of the war with China in March 1839, which did not termiuate until August 1842, when the Melbourne cabiuet had given way to the Tory government of Sir Robert Peel. About this time two infamous attempts were made to assassiuate her Majesty, by firing at her whilst driving in the parka ; the first by Edward Oxford, June 10, 1840, the second by John Francis, May 30, 1842; both happily were aUke unsuccessful. In the autumn of 1843, the Queen went to Ranee on a visit to Louis Philippe at the Chateau d'Eu, and two years later paid her first visit to Germany. The railway mania and the anti-com-law agitation engrossed public attention during the year 1845, ^^^ en June 26, 1846, the act for the repeal of the com laws received the royal assent. This was followed in the next month by the resignation of the Peel ministry, and the formation of an admin- istration by Lord John Russell. At the close of 1845, the Sikh war broke out, and after a series of brilliant victories, was terminated by the annexation of the Punjab to the British dominions March 29, 1849. The next salient feature of the present reign was the Great Exhibition of 1851, which was opened by her Majesty on May I, and owed its complete success to the ex- ertions of the Prince Consort. In February 1852, the Russell ministry yielded up the reins of government to Lord Derby, who was, however, unable to retain them longer than December following, when Lord Aberdeen came into oifice at the head of a coahtiou ministry. The eastern question soon after assumed a serious aspect, and in March 1854 led to the alliance of Great Britain vrith France and Turkey, and the declaration of war against Russia. The Crimean war ensued, marked by the glorious achievements of the Alma., Balaklava, and Inker- mann, and brought to an end by the storming of Sevastopol in September 1855, and the treaty of Paris, March 30, 1856. Meantime, an adverse vote in the House of Commons, respecting the conduct of the war, caused the resignation of Lord Aberdeen in February 1855, and the recon- struction of the ministry by Lord Pahnerston, and in the same year a visit of the Emperor and Empress of the French to London was returned by the Queen and Prince Consort visiting Paris. War again arose with China in October I856, and after the capture of Canton, was concluded by the treaty of Tien-tsin, June 26, 1858. The mutiny of the Indian army was, however, by far the most serious event that has occmxed since the Crimean war, threatening as it did the very existence of our Indian empire. The outbreak began in March 1857, accom- panied by fearful atrocities, and spread rapidly throughout Bengal. Delhi and Cawnpore were retaken and Lucknow reheved by the exertions of Sir H. Havelock and Lord Clyde, but the pacification of the country was not accomplished before May 1859. Previously to this, the sovereignty of the East India Company had ceased, September i, 1858, and her Majesty had been proclaimed Empress throughout India. The retmrn to office of Lord Derby in February 1858, was followed by the formation of the Pahnerston cabinet in June 1859. The Chinese war recommenced in August i860, but was finally terminated two months later by the surrender of Pekin. Early in the year 1 861 the decease of the Duchess of Kent cast a gloom over the royal household, which was ere long deepened a hundred-fold by the sudden death of the Prince Consort, December 14, and which has never yet been entirely dispelled. The International Exhibition of 1862 shed some radiance upon that year, but this was destined soon to be obscured by the great distress cauSed by the cotton famine that ensued upon the outbreak of the civil war in the United States. The decease of Lord Pahnerston, October 18, 1865, caused a rearrangement of the government under the premiership of Lord RusseU, who resigned in June 1866, on account of being defeated upon his Reform BUI. The control of State affairs GREAT BRITAIN. for n third time devolved upon Lord Derby, who was snocosaful in roiii-osaing the Fonian dia- turbancea, and in passing the Reform Act of 1S67, to which the Eoform Acta for Scotland and Ireland of 1 868 formed the sequel. In Fobruaiy 1868, Lord Derby was compelled by ill- health to resign the load of the Conservative party to Mr Diaraoli, who hold oifico until tho ensuing December. The helm of State has since that time been dii-ectcd liy Mr Oladatono who has already signalised his administration by tho act for the disestablishment of tho Irish Church. Her Majesty haa always devoted much time to literature and ai-t, and contributed largely to the "Eai-ly Yeai's of lI.E.Ii. the Trinoe Consort," published in 1867, aiuoe which she haa published "Leaves from the Journal of om' Life iu the Highlonda," iSoS. The Queen haa issue : — 1. Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Princess Royal, h. 21 Nov. 1840, m. 25 Jiui. 1S5S, to Frederick William, Crown Prince of Prussia. 2. Albert Edwai-d, Princo of Wales, and Duke of Cornwall, J. 9 Nov. 1 841, m. 10 March, 1863, to the Princess Alcximdra Oiiniliuo Mary Choi-lotto Louisa Julia, (6. i Doo. 1844,) eldest daughter of Christian IX., reigning Iving of Denmark, by whom he has issue ; — (i.) Albert Victor Christian Edward, h. 8. Jan. 1864 ; (2.) (ionrgo Eredoriolc Ernest Albert, h. 3 June, 1865 ; (3.) Louisa Victoria Aloxaniba Dagmai', h. 20 Fob. 1867 ; (4.) Victoria Alexandra Olga Mary, 6. 6 July, 1868; (5.) Maud Charlotte Mary Vic- toria, b. 26 Nov. 1869. 3. Alice Maud Mary, J. 25 April, i S43, m. I July, I S62, to Prince Frederick William Louis Charlea of Heaae. 4. Alfred Ernest Albert, Dulce of Edinburgh, Captain R.N., h. 6 August, 1X44. 5. Helena Augusta Victoria, 5. 25 May, 1846, m. 5 July, 1866, to Prince Frederick Chris- tian Charles Augustus of Sohleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, 6. Louisa Carolina Alberta, 6. 18 March, 1848. 7. Arthur William Patrick Albert, Lieutenant R.E., b. 1 May, 1850. 8. Leopold George Duncan Albert, b. 7 April, 1853. 9. Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore, i. 14 April, 1 85 7. DESCENT OF THE SOVEREIGNS OF GREAT BRITAIN. I. EGBEUT, Sine of Bngl&ud, d. 837. a. KTHKLWDLP, d. 867. S, ^nELBALD, £«), 6. EIUBULBD 1., S71. S. ATHBLSTAN, MO. & EDMUND I« 947. ll BDWTN. 959. IS. EDWARD U.,Uu'MMtyr.97 S- U- ETHKLRTtD TI .. IftlC Blet'ra. I Sdiiuk. KicltKrd I., D. of Konniuidj. Edwud. 16. EDMUND II., IronddoB, 1016. »d. . Haniy 1., K. of Engluid. L Wl] 23. WILLIAM IL, Rufu, UOO. S4. SRHRY 1., 1135. Adcla. AUud, of SootUnd. '^Stophou, Count of UU -< i 25. STEPHEN, of Blob. U54. Ednrd, the BImIc Ptinoo, 1^^ SS. aiCHARIt IL, 1S99. 4L HESRY Till.. 1M7. Emperot Hooty V., 1125. | QeoSny, Count of Anjou, 1160. RT n., 27. RICHARD, Cir.do-Uon, 1199. 39. HENRY m., 1272. 50. EDWARD I., 1307. 51. EDWARD U., 1327. I 82. EDWARD HI., 1377. I John of Otunt, Duke of lAQoastcr, IS99. S*. HENRY IV., 141S. 35. HENRY V.. 1422. 36. HENRY VI., 1461. Jotm, Bui of SomcncL JahD. Ednmnd, Duko of York. Blohkrd, Dokc of York. Richu-d. Duko of York. Bdntmd, Duke of Riotuuond. 40. HENRY Vn.. 1509. Ellnboth, of Yoik. S5. EDWARD T., 40.U(uu;VII.,lS09. Mary. & EDWARD VL, 155S. 43. MARY, IS.'iS. 44. ELIZiBETH, 1603. J&moi IV., King of SooLlud. Jkinoi v., Eins of ScoUuid. Maiy. Qneen of SootlMd.lSST. Houix, Lord Duvlc;. 45. JAMES I. of Bofluid. ud VL of SooUwd, 1G25. Charloi Bnudon, Duke of Suffolk. Lady Jtmo Qrcy, 1554. < CHA] .BXK3 I., 1649. 47. CHARLES n., 1635. 4S. JAMES H., 16^ 48. MARY, 1694. 50. ANNE, 1714. WUliftm, Princo of Onnga 49. WILLIAM m., 1703. Prcdoriok, £. of Bohomia. Sophia, kooini n tho Elootrftw of H miotot. Brnoat-Aufustut, Elector of BmorKick. fiL GEORGE I., 1?27. 52. GEORGE H., 1780. Fredciiok. Prioco of W&los, 175L 53. GEORGE III., ISaO. SI. 0B< [OBGE IV., 1330. Prodoriok, n. of York, 55. WILUAM IV.^SS?. Edw»rd'. D. of Konfe 1327, 1S20. I Erncst- Auenitiia, D, of Cuiat^r^ iKn^ ftnd E^ of HknoTor, ISSl. AupiJfiH Pr(HUnot Ihitc of StlRKOX, 1S4& lok. Adolphn*- Proderiok, D, of Oam- bridce, ISSO. 66. AlfjnuidriM -VTCTORIA. Qtipob of Great Brit»ip. K 1319. PrandK Albert .Angnrtna- ChtrloKEmnmmel , Duko of Su;ony, rdnoo of aaxo-Coburg-Goth&, b: 1SI9, m. 1S40, d. ISSL An*rt-Bd«»ri, Alfped-EraMt-AIbcrt, P.ofWKlo».KlM l. D.of BdinbTirgh, Alflxudn-Cuolinol *^ ^^*' Mvy.C!h»]ott«-Looi!tt. Jnlii, rrlneui of Duunuk. b. 1S44, nu 1363. Cciatlotto. , Augusta. ElicabcUi. AjuoUa. Arthur-'^atiaffl- rfttnck-Alboit, M35(i. Loopald.Ooor^ Danoan- Albert, b.lS53. Tietoria-Adcialde- AUofrjaaud- Hdena-Aniraita- Mai7-I*ui«», Mary, Victoria, b. 1S40. b. 1S4S. b. 1846. I/iul8a~ BcatTi»-Marj- Carollro- Vtotcrift- Albcrta, Poodorc, b. 184S. b. 1SS7. 6«or»-?rMeri ek .Bmot- JUbwt, b. Id6&. GREECE. The olasBio land of Greece, after having been subject to the Turkish yoko for throe centuries, regained her independence by the treaty of Adrianople in 1 829, at the close of an heroic struggle that lasted for upwards of eight years. The sovcruiynty of the nowly-conatituted kingdom was offered in 1830 to the .late Idng of the Belgians, then Prince Leopold of Saxe-Oobourg-Saalfeld, but he thought it prudent to decline the honour. Tho choice of the three protecting powers, Great Britain, France, and Russia, by a treaty concluded at London, May 7, 1832, then fell upon Prince Otho, second son of Louis I., king of Bavaria, who iiscondod the throne of t!ri;ooe as Otho I. The government was carried on by a regency under the presidency of Count Ludwig von Armansporg until .Tune I, 1835, when it was assumed by the young king upon tho comple- tion of his twentieth year. His rule, although well-intentioned towards his adopted country, utterly failed to eidist the sympathies of his people, and a long and troubled ruign was at length closed by his flight and deposition, October, 22, 1S62. He died in oxilo at lianilifrg in Bavaria, July 26, 1867, aged 52. The throne having thus become vacant, it was by universal suffrage conferred upon Prince Alfred of (ircat Britain by 230,016 out of 241,202 v»tes, the young Dulte of Leuohtenberg, nephew of the Emperor Alexander II. of Russia, bomg also a candidate. He was declared Idng by the National Assembly, February 3, 1863, but the preferred crovm was not ac- cepted by the British Government. It was then proposed to the Duke of Saxe-CIoburg-flolha that he should become a candidate for the vacant throne, but he decUned after some negotiations aa to the conditions upon which he would consent, one of which w;lh that he should govoro Greece only until his nephew, tho Prince of Coburg-Cohary, should be old enough to aasiune tho government. The Duke d'Aumale and King Ferdinand of Portugal having also declined to bo nominated for the sovereignty, it was resolved by the National Assembly, March 18, 1863, to offer it to Prince Wilham of Schleswig-Hnlntuin-Sonderburg-Gliu'lcBburg, the reigning sovereign. George I. (Christian William Ferdinand Adolphns (ioiirge), Idng of the Hellenes, was bom December 24, 1845. He is the second son of Christian l.\., tho present king of Denmark, by his queen, Louisa, third daughter of the late Landgi-avo William of Hesse-CIaasel, and is brother of the Princess of Wales and of the Czarovna of Itunaia, tho Princess Dagmar. Prince William entered the Danish naval service, in which ho holds tho rank of admiral. He was proclaimed by the National Assembly at Athens as King George 1., March 30, 1863, and the venerable admiral Kanaris proceeded to Copenhagen to make a formal offer of the crown, with the con- Bout of Great Britain, France, and Russia, the three protecting powers, on condition of the annexation of the Ionian Islands to ( \ reece. This was accepted on I'rinco William's behalf by the late King Frederick VII. of Denmark, .Tunu 6, 1863. Tho newly-cloctod king was declared of age June 27 ; he arrived at Athens, October 30, and took tho oath to the constitution on the following day. On Sciitumber 12, 1863, ho signed an act giving precedence over himself to his younger brother, rrinco Waldemar, and his issue, in the lino of succeBsion to the throne of Denmark. Tho stipulated annexation to Greece of the Ionian Islands toolc place May 28, 1864, and a visit was paid to them by the Idng a few days afterwords. In Novombcr 1864 a now constitution was passed by tho National Assembly and accepted by tho sovereign. The succeed- ing years of his roign have been phiefly marked by endoiivours to improve the financial position of the state, by frequent chan^us of ministry, and by the popular sympathy manifested towards the Cretan insurrectionists, which almost involved the ccmutry in war with tho Ottoman empire. The principal statesman at tho head of affairs have been j'.albis, Kanaris, KournouudouroB, Boidgaris, and Zaimis, who is the actual president of the council. King George married, October 27, 1867, in the chapel of tho Winter Palace at St. Petersburg, tho Grand-Duchess Oloa ( 'imstantinovna, eldest daughter of tho Grand-Duke (Jonstantine Nicolaievitch of Russia, and niece of the Emperor Alexander II. His uncle. Prince John of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-GUickKbiirg was api)ointod regent during the king's absence from Greece. The Queen of the Hellenes was bom, Soptemhor 3, 1 85 1, and has two sons, Constaniine, Duke of Spai-ta, born at Athens, August 2, 186S, who is tho hek aijparont to tho Hellenic throne, and George, count of Corfu, bom June 24, iS6y. GREECE. House of Bavaria. lo nii, King of Bavitria, torn 1795. Dlicrosn CHiarloUo Loulaa Ficdciioa AmoLiu, of S&xo Altonborg, born 1702. Maximilian II., Joioph, Matilda Elug of BftTSilii, b. 1811. Cnrolino, £0., born 1813. OTHO PREDBRICK Ittl-pold ChartoB, &o., L0DI3, boro Judo 1, 1815, born 1621. Kinc of Qroeao from Fob. tf 1833, toOoC. 23,1802; dlod July 20, 1807. j^^^.^^^ born 1826. Ailolponda Augusta, Ac, born 1S23. FranolB V. of Austria RBto, bom 1779. House of Denmark. Aloxandm Carollno, Christian 'William Alol|>biiB QEOROB, born 1845, Aoooptcd orown of Grccoo, Juno G. 1S63. Olga, dauE^btorof the Granil Duko CouHtautlno nicolalovltch, bomlS61, Constantino, Duko of SparU, bomises. Goorgo, Count of CoTftit bora 1869. HANOVER. The founder of the present house of Hanover was William, the second son of Ernest, duke of Brunswick Luneburg, of the illustrious family of Guelph, who acquired the duchy of Luneburg in 1549, to which, in 1585, he added the county of Diepholz. He was succeeded, successively, by his sons, Ernest, Christian, Augustus, who obtained the principality of Calenberg, and the county of Hoya, and Frederick. The successors of Frederick were Christian Louis and George William, iirst and second sons of the above mentioned William. George William died in 1 705 without male issue, and was succeeded by his younger brother, Ernest Augustus, who married Sophia, grand-daughter of James I., and received, in 1692, the title of Elector of Hanover. His son, George Louis, (George I. of England), united the territories of Luneburg into one state, which was further augmented, during the northern war in 1716, by the duchies of Bremen and Verden ; in 1803 by Osnaburgh ; and in 1814 and 1815 by Hilderheim, East Eriesland, and other places. In 1803 Hanover was occupied by the French. In 1806 it was given by Napoleon I. to the king of Prussia, and in the following year the greater part of it was combined with the newly-created kiagdom of Westphalia. In 1813 it reverted to its former sovereign, and in 1814 was erected into a kingdom. Hanover continued a part of the British empire until the death of William IV. in 1837, when it came iato the possession of Ernest Augustus, duke of Cumberland, fifth son of George III., by virtue of the law regulating the succession in the Guelphic German dominions, which gives preference to the male branch. George V., the son of Ernest Augustus, by the Princess Frederica Sophia Charlotte of Mecklenburg Strelitz, was born, May 27, 1819. At an early age he lost his sight, and it was doubtful whether it would be possible for him, on account of his infirmity, to rule the kingdom. His father, however, took the precaution to have the question settled at an early period by a decree, ordering that all documents presented to the future sovereign, for signature, should be read to him in the presence of a committee of twelve witnesses, and countersigned by their secretary. He succeeded his father, Nov. 18, 185 1. During the fifteen years of his reign the prosperity of his country was greatly promoted by the establishment of docks and harbours at Harburg, Geestemunde, Emden, Leer, and Papenburg, and by the construction of numerous roads and railways ; while international commerce was benefited by the abolition of the Staden dues. Luring the war in the Crimea he remained neutral, and would not permit reoraiting to take place in his dominions for the service of England. In the war which Prussia waged against Austria and the Germanic Confederation, he defended the confederation, and, accom- panied by his son, the crown-prince Ernest Augustus, led his army to the field and was present at the battle of Langensalza, which he won over a body of Prussians and Coburgers. On the following day, however, being surrounded by an army three times superior to his own in nmn- bers, he was obliged to capitulate. At the termination of the war, the kingdom of Hanover was annexed to Prussia by decree of Sept. 20, i866, against which King George protested before all the courts of Europe. Since the loss of his dominions King George has resided at Hietzing near Vienna. He is passionately fond of music, and has composed several pieces. He married, Feb. 18, 1843, Alexandra Maria, the daughter of Joseph, duke of Saxe-Alten- burg, and has issue : — 1. Ernest Augustus WiUiam Adolphus George Frederick, bom Sept. 21, 1845. 2. Frederica Sophia Mary Henrietta Amelia Theresa, bom Jan. 9, 1848. 3. Mary Ernestine Josephine Adolphiue Henrietta Theresa Elizabeth Alexandra, bom Dec. 3, 1849. DESCENT OF THE KINGS OF HANOVER. Albert Auo II., of £atc, 1081. Dukes of Bavaria. Guelph, UOL Honiy, the Btatk, 1125. Henry, t?u Frond, 11S9. fieniy, the Lion, 1195, Dubs of Saxony, Bnmswick, and lunebure. Dukes of Bkukswick. William, of Limetmrg, 1213. Otho, the Youvff, 1252. Albert, the Great, 1279. Albert, the Fat, 1318. Magnufl L, 13C8. Bernard, 1431. Frederick, th^ Just, li78, Otlio, the MagnaniTnotu, HTL Hcnty, the Youvg, 1532. Ernest, of Zi;Ile, 1516. Dukes of Brunstvick-Hanover. ■William, of Zelle, 1592. George, 16iL EB.SEST, first Elector of HnnoTer, 1693. GEORGE I., King of Great Britain aad Ireland, 1727. GEORGE IL, King of Great Britain and Ireland, 1760. I Frederick IdniB, 1751. GEOEOE nX.. Kjog of Great Britain and Ireland. 1B20. Ctiarlotte, of Mecklenburg. GEORGE IV., Eing of Great Bntain and Ireland, and Elector of Hanover, 1830. Elector of Hanovei. 1837. Edward. Diiko of Kent. 1620. Victoria, of ^axe-Cobiirg.Saalfeld. Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland. ERSEST, Duke of Cnmberland, Bucceeded M the throne of Hanorer by virtue of the Salic law, at the death of William IV., and became firgt King of Hanover. Fredeiica, of Meckienburg-Strelitz. GEORGE v.. born 1319- Aleiandnna Mary Wilhelmina Catharine Charlotte Theresa Henrietta Louisa Pauline Biizabeth Frederics Georgina, of Saxe-Alteubuifi. Emest Aagngtng William Adolpbofl George Frederick, bom I&IS. Frederica Sophia Mary Henrietta Amelia Theresa, twinms. Mary Ernestine Josephine Adolpliine Henneua Theresa Eliiaheth, Alexandra, born 1819. HAYTI AND SAINT DOMINGO. The island of St. Domingo, the second in extent of the West Indies, was discovered by Columbus, in December, 1492. It remained a Spanish colony until 1630, when its western portion was captured by French buccaneers. This portion became a colony of France in 1677, and remained so tiU 1791, when the black population revolted, and two years later massacred nearly all the whites. Toussaint L'Ouverture, the chief of the insurgents, was recognised by the French Directory as general in chief of the troops in 1 794. In 1795, the eastern part of the island was ceded to France by Spain. Toussaint L'Ouverture, however, attempted to establish an independent republic in 1 801, but, in the following year, was taken prisoner by the French who sent him to France, where he died shortly after. In consequence of a fresh insurrection raised by general Dessalines, a negro, the French evacuated the island in 1803. Dessalines was raised to power, October 8, i S04, under the title of Emperor, and styled James the First, and was assassinated, Oct. 17, i8o5. In 1808, the empire was divided into two parts; the blacks forming a monarchy under Christophe, a man of colour, who styled himself Henry I., king of Hayti ; and the Mulattos constituting themselves a republic, under the presidency of Pethion. The latter was succeeded in 1818 by Boyer, who, at the death of Christophe, who committed suicide in 1820, was elected regent for Hfe, over both States, and recognised by France in 1825. He was, however, deposed in 1843, when St. Domingo declared itself a republic, and chose for its president Pedro Santana, who was recognised by France in 1848, and by Great Britain in 1850. In March, 1861, during the presidency of Jos^ Valdevende, St. Domingo declared for annexation to Spain, and the offer was accepted by the Queen, on the 20th May. In 1863, it revolted against the Spanish authority, and after a war of two years, Spain renounced her sovereignty over the state by a royal decree, dated May J, 1865, and the Spanish troops finally evacuated the country in September following. General Buenaventura Baez was then elected President of the Republic, but was driven away in consequence of a revolution organised by Pimentel in June, 1866; he returned, however, but the whole country revolted against him, and civil war continued until March, 1869, when general Cabral, the ex-President, promised submission and fidelity to President Baez. The project formed by the latter of giving up the Bay of Samana to the United States aroused much discontent. By the latest intelligence from New York, dated January 10, 1S70, it appears that Commissioner Perry is in treaty with President Baez for the annexation of St. Domingo to the United States. Hayti, after the successive short reigns of several presidents, elected General Soulouque who took the title of emperor, August 26, 1849, and styled himseK Faustin I. His government having proved very tyrannical, an insurrection took place at Gonaives in December, 1858, when General Gef&ard was proclaimed president of the republic of Hayti by the French provinces of Artibonite and the " Nord." General Geffrard appears to have governed with wisdom and moderation. In 1862 a conspiracy, at the head of which was General Legros, occasioned the condemnation to death of twelve persons whose sentence, however, was commuted by President Geffrard into that of imprisonment. Another revolt occurred in 1865, under Salnave, which was suppressed, partly by the assistance of a British squadron, which, in consequence of an insult to the British consul by Salnave, bombarded the forts of Cape Hayti, after which the government troops took the place by assault, and Salnave made his escape to St. Domingo. Revolts occurred again in July, 1866, and in March, 1867, when President Geffrard abdicated and sailed for Jamaica. On the 1 6th June following. General Salnave was elected president for four years. Another revolution began in July, 1868, since which time civil war has been chronic in the state. By the latest advices received from Hayti, we learn that President Salnave was captured, by the revolutionary party, and having been tried by court-martial, was shot, Jan, 10, 1870. HAYTI AND SAINT DOMINGO. TOUSSAINT L' OUVEETtmE, Geueral-in-Clucf, 17W-1&02. iTke Island held Jyy France, 1802-3.1 JA^ES I, (Jean Jaojnea Deualinea.' Bmperor of Hajti, 1804-S. iThe laana divided.] HAYTI. HE^•ET CHRISTOPHB, President, 1807- IL Emperor u Henry I,, lBll-20. SAINT DOMINGO. ALEXANDEB PETIOX, Pieiident, 1807-18. [TTie two States united, 1820.1 JEAN PIERaB BOTER, Pieudent, 1820-4S, JEAN PIEREE BOYEE, Fieildeat, 161543. LThe Island again dlvid€d.^ PIERROT, Pregideat, l&iS-iB. JEAN BAPTISTE RICHB, President, 1&1&47. FAUSTIS SOULOUQUB, President, 1647-19. Emperoi as FATJ5TIN I., 1619-59. NICOLAS FABIE GEFFEARD, President, 1852-07. TtTRIS 8ALNAVE, Preiident, 1BG7. PEDRO SASTA5A, Preudent, 1814-19. BOSAVESTURA BASZ, Preoident, 1619-53. PEDRO SAi'TANA, President, 1Sd;1-56. BONATESTCRA BAEZ, President, 1657-58. JOSE DESIDERIO VALVERDE, President, 1858-61. [SaitU Domingo re-united to Spain, 1861-65.1 JOSE MARIA CABEAL, Provisional President, 16G5. BONAVESTURA BAEZ, President, 1865-06. JOSE MARIA CABEAL, President, l£GC-08. BONAVE.VTDEA BAEZ, Pieiident, 1608. HOLLAND. The House of Nassau, although its early history may be open to some doubt, is certainly one of the most ancient and illustrious of Europe. Its genealogy can be traced to Otho, count of Nassau, a, general in the army of Henry the Fowler, emperor of Germany, Henry II., his descendant, left two sons, Walram, from whom are descended the branches of Nassau, Wies- baden, "WeUberg, and Idstein ; and Otho the founder of the branch of DUlemburg, Orange, and Siegen. William, called the elder, a descendant of the latter, shared the patrimony with his brother Henry, obtaining for his portion the counties of Nassau, Dillemburg, Beilstein, and Diest. It was he who introduced the protestant rehgion into his dominions. William, prince of Orange, one of his sons, became chief of the united provinces of the Netherlands in their struggle against Spain for independence, and was assassinated by Balthasar Gerard in 1584. At his death, the principality of Orange devolved successively upon his sons Philip William, who was a catholic and favoured the pretensions of Spain ; Maurice, stadholder of the Netherlands, and Frederick Henry, also stadholder. William II., the son of the last named, was the father of WUliam III., who, by his marriage with Mary, the daughter of James II., became king of England. Henrica Emilia, daughter of Frederick Henry, married Frederick William, count of Nassau Dietz, whose father, Ernest Casimir, count of Dietz, was the grandson, and whose grandfather, John, court of DiUemburg, was the son of William the elder. From Frederick Henry and Henrica Emilia followed, in the direct line, Henry Casimir, John William, William IV., who became hereditary stadholder, and William "V., who retired on the invasion of the French in 1795. The House of Orange was restored in 1S13, when William, the son of the last mentioned, assumed the title of king of the Netherlands. He was succeeded in the direct line by William II. and the present king. William (Alexander Paul Frederick Louis) III., the eldest son of WUliam II. and Anne Paulovna, the sister of the emperor Nicholas, was bom February 19, 1817, and came to the throne, at the death of his father, March 17, 1849. During his reign the provisions of the new constitution, which came into force shortly before his accession, have been carried out in a most liberal spirit. Many important reforms have also been effected in the administration of the law, in the working of the post office, &c. A treaty has been concluded with Belgium for the abolition of the Scheldt dues, and many privileges, formerly exclusively enjoyed by the Dutch shipping interest, have been extended to traders of other countries. The finances, also, have reached so healthy a condition that the receipts have, for many years past, exceeded the expenses, the king, himself, having given an early example of economy, by considerably reduciug the civil list, which in the budget of 1869 is put down at only 750,000 florins. Keligious equaUty is established in the Netherlands, and the king has allowed the court of Home to establish ecclesiastical dignities. The prosperity of the country has also been much enhanced by the construction of railways and canals, the draining of the lake of Haarlem, and various other important works. In 1 866 occurred a difficulty which threatened to kindle a war in Europe. Prussia having acquired a great accession of territory by her war against Austria, France, among other demands, insisted that no political union should continue to exist between Germany and any territory belonging to the Netherlands, and, consequently, that the Prussian garrison should be withdrawn from the fortress of Luxemburg. Prussia, unwilling to accede to this demand, pretended, in a dispatch addressed to the Netherlands' government, that her troops occupied the town not only as a federal garrison, but by virtue of the treaties of 18 16 and 1856 between Holland and Prussia. The Dutch government in its reply, however, decUned to admit a solu- tion of the question which endeavoured to reconcile the dissolution of the German confederation ■ndth the presence of Prussian troops in Luxemburg, especially as Luxemburg had been declared a federal fortress as far back as 1 8 14 and 181 5. After much angry feeling had been excited, the matter was settled at a conference held at London, under the presidency of Lord Stanley, by the representatives of the powers who had signed the treaty of 1 839, and it was agreed that Luxemburg should remain under the sovereignty of the house of Orange Nassau, that it should be neutral, and that its fortress should be demolished. In September, 1868, the Eoman catholic bishops published a declaration against the law of 1857, on public education, which law, however, the Chamber of Deputies refused to modify. With regard to the late acts of the Dutch legislature it may be mentioned that, in December, 1868, a large majority in the Chamber of Deputies (53 to 8), voted against the abolition of capital punishment, and that the two chambers have since abolished stamps on newspapers. King Wdliam III. married, on the i8th June, 1839, Sophia Frederica Matilda, daughter of William I. , king of AVurtemberg, and has issue : — 1. William Nicholas Alexander Frederick Charles Henry, prince of Orange, bom September 4, 1840. 2. WiUiain Alexander Charles Henry Frederick, bom Aug. 25, 1851. DESCENT OF THE KINGS OF HOLLAND. CovNTS OF Nassau. Otho I.,9T2. Walram I., 1020. Waliam II., 10C& Eobert, lUO. Walmm III., 115& Henry I.,119D. OtholI..12ia Henry II., 1254. Otho, 1J!92. I Henry III., 1323. Otho, 13G9. JohD, 1400. Eagelbert, 1U2. John 11., 1475. John HI., 1510. Wiilian), ttie Elder, 1559. Stadholders of the Netherlands. 1. WTT.T.T A W, the Oreai, Prince of Orange, mwawiinated 1&S4. Count of DeUembnrg, Ernr'fit Casimir, Count of Dletz. S. MAUllICB, Prince of Orange, 1613. 2. PHILIP WILLIAM, Prince of Orange, 1626. 4. FREDERICK HENHY, Prince of Orange, 1647. 5. WILLIAM n.. Prince of Orange. 16 50. Mary, daughter of Cbarlea L, Eing of Great Bntain. 6. WILLIiM III., Prince of Orange, King of Great Britain, 1 702. Mary, daughter of James IL, Of Great Biitain, 1691 Henry Caaimir, 1696. 7. JOHN WILLLAM, 17U. 8. WILLLAJ« IV., 1751. 9. WILLIAM v., abdicated 1S02, died 1806. I Kings of the Netherlands. 1. WILLIAM I., King of the Netherlands, IBIS. Henrica Amelia. 2. "WILLIAM H.. 1849. Anna Paulonia, of Eiuaia, 1S65. Wiltralmina Frederick Luuisa, born 1823. Charlea XV., of Sweden. D FredericlE I William Nicola*, &.lcsander Frederick Charles Henry, born 1S40- William Alexander Cliarles Henry Frederick, born 18SL ITALY. HnirBERT I., viceroy of Aries and count o£ Maurienne, the son'of Berthold of Saxony, who Kved in the eleventh century, is generally considered by genealogists to be the founder of the royal family of Savoy. Having obtained Chablais and the Valais as a recompence for services ren- dered to Germany in the field, he left the lordships of Savoy, Maurienne and the Valais to his son Amadous, at whose death they came into the possession of his brother Otho, who, by his marriage with the daughter of the Marquess Manfred, had already acquired the marquessate of Susa with Turin, Pignerol, the vaUey of Aosta, and other places. Peter, the eldest son of Otho, dying without male heirs, the whole of the territory came into the possession of Amadous II., his second son. Amadeus II. was succeeded in the direct line by Humbert II., Amadous III., Humbert III., Thomas I., Amadeus IV., and Boniface. The last dying without male issue, his uncle Peter took possession of the crown. Peter was succeeded by his next brother, Philip, archbishop of Lyons, at whose death, without issue, the crown descended to his nephew, Amadeus V., the second son of Thomas, an elder brother of Peter and Philip, who had died during the reign of Boniface. Amadeus V., called the Great, added considerably to his dominions, and defended Rhodes against the Turks. After Amadeus V. the succession fol- lowed in the direct line in the persons of Aymon, Amadeus VI., Amadeus VII., and Amadeus VIII. In the reign of the last mentioned. Savoy was erected into a duchy by the Emperor Sigismund. Amadeus VIII. abdicated in 1434 in favour of his son Louis, and was afterwards elected pope under the name of Felix V. In 1449 he renounced the tiara, and died in 1451. Louis, his son, added parts of Novara and other places to his territories. Amadeus IX., and PhiUbert I., followed in direct succession. The latter, who died at the age of seventeen, was succeeded by his brother, Charles, then 14 years old. Charles conquered Saluzzo and Carma- gnola, and acquired the title of king of Cyprus by the will of Charlotte, widow of Louis of Savoy, his imcle. He was succeeded by his son, Charles II., at whose death, in 1496, the line of Ama- deus IX. becoming extinct, Philip, the son of Louis, came to the throne, who was followed by Philibert II. and Charles III., his firat and second sons, after whom followed in direct succession Emmanuel PhUibert, Charles Emmanuel the Great, Victor Amadeus I., and Prancis Hyacinth I. The last dying at the age of six, after a reign of one year, was succeeded by his brother, Charles Emmanuel II., in whose reign some of the most magnificent structures of Turin were erected, and the passage was cut through Monteviso. Victor Amadeus II., the son of Charles Emmanuel II., followed, who, after the war of the Spanish succession, was made king of SioUy by the treaty of Utrecht in 1713, but exchanged that title for that of king of Sardinia. In 1730 he abdicated in favour of his son, Charles Emmanuel III., by whom he was afterwards imprisoned, and died in 1 732. Victor Amadeus III. and Charles Emmanuel IV. followed in direct succession. The former having joined with other powers of Europe to put down the French revolution, lost Savoy, and the latter, after having been deprived of aU his possessions with the exception of the island of Sardioia, abdicated in 1802. Victor Emmanuel I., his brother, succeeded, but Sardinia was incorporated into the kingdom of Italy in 1805, and remained part of the French empire till the fall of Napoleon in 18 14, when Victor Emmanuel was restored. The congress of Vienna re- eatabhshed the limits of the kingdom of Sardinia as they had been in 1792. Victor Emmanuel was succeeded in 1821 by his brother, Charles FeUx, at whose death, without issue, in 1831, the crown devolved upon Charles Albert, the father of the present king of Italy, a descendant of Thomas Francis, prince of Carignano, a younger son of Charles Emmanuel I, ITALY. Victor Emmanubi, (Maria Albert Eugene Ferdinand Thomas) II. is the son of Charles Albert king of Sardinia, and Queen Theresa, the daughter of Ferdinand, grand-duke of Tuscany, and WM bom March 14, 1S20. In 1S49 he accompanied his father in the war agaiast Austria, and was wounded at the battle of Goito. After the defeat of the Sardinian army at Novara. March 23, 1849, he succeeded to the crown by the abdication of his father. Allowing the idea of Italian unity to remain in abeyance for a time, he inaugurated his reign, under the able mimstry of the Marquess d'Azeglio, and afterwards of Count Cavour, by accomplishing various important internal reforms, such as establishing order in the finances, reorganising the army, &c. At the proposal of Count Cavour, the privileges of the clergy were very much curtailed, and public education was taken out of the hands of the religious corporations, by whom it had hitherto been monopolised. On the loth April, 1855, he entered into a convention with Eng- land and France to assist in the war against Eussia, and sent 15,000 men to the Crimea, under the command of General La Marmora, who greatly distinguished themselves at the battle of the Tchernaya. About this time, the king lost within a short period, his mother, his wife, his brother, and his youngest child, and he himself suffered a serious illness. The organs of the ultramontane party both in Italy and France did not faU to attribute this to the wrath of heaven. The king, however, continued resolutely in his course. In 1857, Austria remonstrated against the attacks of the free Sardinian press, but obtaining no satisfaction from Count Cavour, diplomatic relations between the two countries were broken off, and it was felt that peace would not be of long duration. In the autumn of 1858, Count Cavour paid a memorable visit to the Emperor Napoleon at Plombiferes, at which the future course of the French and Sardinian governments is considered to have been arranged. On the new year's day following, the emperor, at his reception, declared to the Austrian ambassador that the " relations between France and Austria were not so good as formerly." On the 30th January, 1859, the alliance between Sardinia and France was cemented by the marriage of the Princess Clotilda, the daughter of the king, with Prince Napoleon, the emperor's cousin. The king, in his speech at the opening of parliament this year, said that "cries of woe had reached him from all parts of Italy." Both Austria and Sardinia had, in the meantime, been increasing their forces and strengthening their positions to the utmost. Austria, however, began hostUities, on tlie 26th April, by crossing the Ticino, and, on the following day, Victor Emmanuel took the field. The emperor of the French declared war against Austria, on the 3d of May, and he also joined his army. The allies were successful at MontebeUo, Palestro (where the king displayed great personal valour) Magenta, Malegnano, and finally at Solferino, at which last battle the emperors of France and Austria, and the king of Italy were present. Lombardy was then ia the possession of the allies, and the war was brought to a close, without any attempt being made on Venetia, where the Austrians were exceedingly strong, by the emperor of the French and the emperor of Austria signing preliminaries of peace at Villafranca, to Sardinia. The revolted states of Tuscany, Parma, Modena, and Eomagna were soon after, at their request, annexed to Sardinia. The expedition of Garibaldi to Sicily and Naples, at first diplomatically disavowed by Count Cavour, afterwards, received support from the Sardinian government, who sent an expedition through the territories of XJmbria and the Marches, lately taken from the Pope, and completed the conquest of the Idngdom of the Two Sicilies by the capture of Gaeta. In the case of all these annexations the mshes of the people were ascertained by universal suffrage, and in a year and a half from the com- mencement of the Austrian war, Victor Emmanuel was in possession of the whole of Italy, with the exception of Rome and the Venetian provinces, and took the title of king of Italy, by virtue of a law passed 17th March, 1861. The difficulty of the Italian government, after this, was to restrain the premature action of Garibaldi and his party, impatient for the annexation of the rest of the peninsula. Prior to the breaking out of hostilities between Austria and Prussia in 1 856, the king of Italy had concluded a treaty of alliance with the latter comitry, and on the l8th June declared war against Austria, on the pretext that Austria had notified her intention of defending the German confederation against Prussia. The king joined the army ITALY. on the 2 1st, leaving the government in the hands of the prince of Carignano. In the war which followed, the king's two sons, Humbert and Amadeus, displayed great bravery, and the latter received a wound in the chest. The Italians took Borgoforte, and were successful in some minor engagements, but were repulsed, with heavy loss, at Custozza, and were defeated at the naval battle of Lissa. Austria, however, being unsuccessful against the Prussians, ceded "Veaetia to Prance. In October following, France gave up Venice to a communal council of that city, and on the 4th November the king of Italy received a deputation from Venetia, transmitting to him the result of a popular vote, by which all the "Venetian provinces declared their desire for annexa- tion to Italy. After this, the only portion of Italy not in the possession of the king was Home, with its surrounding territory. There were, however, serious difficulties in the way of its acquisition. On the 15th September, 1864, the king had signed with the French govern- ment a treaty for the departure, within two years, of the French troops from Pome, in which he had guaranteed that the papal territory should not be attacked from without, and that Florence should be made the capital of his kingdom. The French troops, in consequence, had quitted Rome in Dec. 1866. The aspirations of the ItaUan people for the possession of Rome had been put into form by a resolution which had been passed almost unanimously by the senate and the chamber of deputies as far back as 1 86 1, to the effect that Pome ought to be the capital of Italy, but that it ought to be acquired by moral means. When, therefore, in Oct. 1867, Garibaldi published a proclamation in Florence, inviting the nation to join in an expedition against Pome, the Italian government, not wishing to lose popularity, took no measures to pre- vent him from carrying his scheme into execution. But matters did not turn out as they had done in Sicily and Naples. France immediately sent troops to assist the pope, and uphold the treaty of September, and G-aribaldi was defeated at Montana. The Poman question has since remained in abeyance, and the Italian government has, during the last two years, directed its chief attention to matters of finance. King Victor Emmanuel, who from his personal uprightness, has acquired the well-deserved appellation of Ri Galantuomo, married, on the 12th of April, 1842, Mary Adelaide Frances Painera Elizabeth Clotilda, the daughter of Painer, archduke of Austria, by whom (who died Jan. 20, 1855), he has surviving issue : — 1. Clotilda Maria Theresa Louisa, bom March 2, 1843 ; married, January 30, 1859, to Prince Napoleon Joseph Charles Paul Bonaparte. 2. Humbert Painer Charles Emmanuel John Maria Ferdinand Eugene, prince of Piedmont, born March 14, 1844 ; married, April 22, 1868, to Maria Margaret Theresa Jane, princess of Savoy, who has issue : — Victor Emmanuel Ferdinand Maria Januarius, prince of Naples, bom Nov. 1 1, 1869. 3. Amadeus Ferdinand Maria, duke of Aosta, born May 30, 1845 ; married May 30, 1867, to INIaria Victoria Charlotte Henrietta Jane, the daughter of prince Charles Emmanuel dal Pozzo della Cistema, and has issue : — Emmanuel PhiUbert Victor Eugene Albert Genoa Joseph Maria, duke of Apulia, bom Jan. 13, 1869. 4. Maria Pia, bom November 16, 1847 ; married, Oct. 6, 1862, to Louis, king of Portugal. DESCENT OF THE KING OF ITALY. COFSTS OF SATOr. L BEHOLD, IQSa. 2. HintBEBT, lOlS. I 8L A3IADBrS L lOtT. a. OTTO, 1060. 4. AXADBUS n., lore. I 5. HC3LBEBT IL, UOSL tt AilAPEUS HL. Ui9. :. HUMBERT m, 118SL e. THOMAS, 1233. I 9. AHADBTB W. 10. BOi-IFACE. U. PETEB, 1263. 18. ASADETS T., 1323. I It EDWARD, 1329. I 15. AIXON, U13. I 16. AMADETS VL, 1SS3. I ir. AMADBUS TIL, 1S91- l^p. PA-sODeoa UL Savoy made a Dxiehy by the Emperor Siffismund, 1-116. Dukes of Satot. 1. AaiADBUS TUL, 115L £. 1003. H6i 1 JUtADEVs IS., u; 7. PHILIP, tine (ctt«. t PHmBEBT L, US. Lonii HL, K. of i'a^ie Clarlotte- iovj XL of PnBce. 10. ESMASTBL PHIUBEBT, 1550. i IL CHAELBS BUaiASUEL, 1681 li TICTOB AMADEUS L, ISST. Vktor Acadeox. 174L TiebK Arrmiiwn Loois, 1730. r. CHABIE ALBERT, l?i3. 8. TTCTOE EXMASTBI H., b. l^P. SIbs of Sardinia, l^iS ; Kt ?g of lafj, 1S6L li. CHARLES ESQIAyTEL IL, 1675. I The Duchy of Savoy beeomet the Kingdom of Sardinia, Ktkgs of Sabihsia. 2. CHABLE EMilASTEL lH. 1773. a nCTOE AJIADBTS HL, liW. 6. rTTARr.is; feus. Horabert Baioer Qiada Baumanet Jdin Uun PcriuBod Eogene, Frinee erf Kedmont, b. l&H. lEkiik Marpues ^n«rcn Jsa«, " ' > of EsTOT- ADadem Fenlin&iid Maiia. Diike<)f Aoata, b. ISio. 1/Niii L, Kias of PonvgaL Tktor BniTniond Fsdinaad Hvi& Jaooaria, Kdnw of Naplo, b.l869. LUCCA. LnooA, a small territory in the north of Italy, on the shores of the Mediterranean, at one time a Eoman colony, passed under successive rulers until 1370, when it purchased its freedom of the emperor Charles IV. for 200,000 florins. After this it retained its independence until the invasion of the French, and was styled the most serene republic of Lucca, (La serenissima Ee- pubbhca di Lucca). In 1805, it was united to Piombino, and formed into a principaUty by Napoleon I., who assigned it to his sister Eliza, the wife of colonel Bacciocohi. After the fall of Napoleon, the congress of "Vienna created Lucca a duchy, and conferred it on Maria Louisa, the daughter of Charles IV., of Spain, and widow of Louis, king of Etruria, and her children ; the conditions being that, should the duchess or her children come into possession of the duchy of Parma, or should the family become extinct, the duchy of Lucca should be united to the Grand-Duchy of Tuscany. Maria Louisa assumed the reins of government in 1818, and died March 13, 1824. Chakles Louis, her son and successor was bom 23rd December, 1799' Being assured of one day obtaining the duchy of Parma, he does not appear to have taken a great personal interest in the affairs of the lesser state, the government of which he left to his ministers. After the death of the Marquess di Mansi, the finances of the duchy fell into apparently hopeless con- fusion, through the mismanagement of his successor, and the duke experienced much anxiety in consequence. He was extricated from his difficulty, .however, by the administrative skUl of a young native of Yorkshire, who had entered his service as groom, and on whom he subsequently confered the title of baron. Baron Ward had a genius for diplomacy, and was, above all, an honest man. When the duke had discovered his merits, he left the management of affairs entirely to him. "He consiilted him (says Sir Bernard Burke in his Vicissitudes of Eamilies) in many perplexed and difficult cases, and he invariably found such benefit from the advice of his new counsellor that he began to regard him as almost infallible." In 1S38, the duke attended the coronation of the Emperor of Austria, at Milan, as king of Lombardy, and then proceeded to England to be present at that of Her Majesty Queen Vic- toria. In 1S47, when it was clear, from the state of health of the archduchess Maria Louisa, that the sovereignty of Parma would soon devolve upon him, he ceded Lucca to Leopold, grand-duke of Tuscany, October 5, 1847 ; but his escape from the cares of state was not of long duration. Maria Louisa died on the i8th of the following month, when he was required to assume the sovereignty of Parma. Here again he was relieved from much trouble by haron Ward, who, according to the above-named authority, governed the Italian principality, although generally residing at Vienna, where he was accredited Minister Plenipotentiary. When troubles arose in 1848, the duke established a regency, which was replaced by a provisional government a few days afterwards. He quitted the duchy on the 19th of April, renouncing the sovereignty in favour of his son, Eerdinand Charles, March 14, 1849. Charles Louis, since his abdication, has resided principally on his Tuscan estate near Viareggio. He married, September 5, 1820, Maria Theresa Eerdinanda Fehcia Gaetana Pia, daughter of Victor Emmanuel I., king of Sardinia, and had issue, one daughter, who died in infancy, and the above-named son Ferdinand Charles, who was born Jan. 14, 1823, and assassinated, March 27, 1854. Ferdinand Charles married Louisa Maria Theresa of Bourbon, the daughter of the duke of Berry, and had issue, Eobert Charles Louis Maria, heir to the families of Plantagenet, Stuart, Tudor and Bourbon, born 19th July, 1848, and married ^April 5, 1869) to Maria Pia, the daughter of Gaetan, count of Girgenti, Infant of Spain. DESCENT OF THE DUKE OF LUCCA. Alexondcr Fameae, (Pope Pou] III.,) 1S49. BCTKES OF PaHMA. Peter, aasaasinated IMT, Octavius, 1S3G. Alexander, 1592. Bainutiua I., 1622. OdoorduB, 1616. Eaicutius II., 1694. Odoatdui, 1G93. Philip v., Kine of epam, 1746. Chatlei m., King of SpaiQ, 178S. Charles IT., of Spain, 1S03 . Louisa Maiia Theresa. Philip, Duke of Panna, 1755. Ferdinand Maria Louis, 1E02. CH ARtBg (Loaifl), Duke of lueca. born 1709. lUana Tlieresa Perdinanda FelicitJi Ciactana Pia, daughter of Victor Emmaauel, Kjug of Sardinia. FERDINAND CHAELE3 (Joseph Maria Victor Baltbaaar.) Duke of Parma, 18.54. % Charlotte, hnm 1802. IdaximiUan, ol' Saxouj. Margaret Maria Theresa Henrietta, born 1847 Charles Slaria, of Spain. Maria Pia dea GmcCB, of tlieTwo Sicilies, bom 1849. Alice Maria Caroline Perdinanda BacLel Jane PUilouiena, bom ia-19. Ferdiuaud IT,, Groud-Duke of Xuscanr. Henry Charlen loiiia George Abraham Paul Maiia, born 1351. MEXICO, Benito Juarez, the present president of Mexico, is descended from the Indian race of the Tapatecos, and was born in lSo2. Although without the advantage o£ fortune, he was enabled, by his ovm efforts, to acquire a regular education. He graduated in the eoUege of Oaxaoa, studied law, and, in 1830, became a member of the Institute of Arts and Sciences of Mexico. In 1833 he was elected member of the Chamber of Deputies, and successively held the important posts of Professor of Canon Law at the Institute of Oaxaca, secretary to the Supreme Tribunal of Justice, substitute judge of the same, civil judge of the iirst instance, and attorney -general of Oaxaca. In 1846 he became a member of Congress, where he advocated the secularization of church property. In 185 1 he became president of the Supreme Court of Justice. When President Comonfort was compelled to make way for President Zuloaga, in January, 1858, Juarez, who was then chief of the constitutional party, refused to recognise the new president, and established a government of his own at Vera Cruz. Civil war ensued, but without any important result during the presidency of Zuloaga. When Zuloaga was deposed in December, 1858, and General Miramon placed in power, the latter laid siege to Yera Cruz, but was obliged to retire to defend Mexico, which was threatened by the constitutional party. In April, 1859, the government of the United States, which had previously recognised General Miramon, being unable to obtain the ratification of a treaty for placing the provinces of Chihuahua and Sonora, situated on the highway to the Gulf of California, under the protec- tion of the United States, transferred its confidence to Juarez, who made the concessions required. This was a triumph to the latter, who turned his advantage to account by at once confiscating the property of the clergy, estabUshing civil marriage, carrying on the railway from Vera Cruz to Mexico, and performing and promising many other • important acts. In the meantime the civil war continued, but Juarez had the immense advantage of being well supplied with funds from the custom-house of Vera Cruz, while money was scarce in the treasury of his rival. On the 22d of December, i-85o. General Miramon was finally defeated at the battle of San Miguelito, and Juarez entered Mexico on January II, 1861. He immediately dismissed the officials of the previous government, expelled the representatives of foreign powers who had shown sympathy with General Miramon, and, after having been recognised by England and Prance, caused himself to be re-elected to the presidency, June II, 1 86 1. His difficulties, however, were not over. Depending for funds on forced loans, confiscations, and extortions of all kinds, and being, consequently, unable to meet his engagements, he passed a decree, on June 17th, i86r, suspending for two years payments to creditors of the state. This violation of good faith induced England, France, and Spain to combine in an armed expedition to enforce their claims. England and Spain, having declared themselves satisfied with concessions promised to them, withdrew from the expedition, and France was left to carry on the war alone. Juarez made preparations for a stout resistance, and obtained a loan of 25,000,000 dollars from the United States, pledging as security several provinces of Mexico. The French received a check at Puebla, but, after receiving reinforcements under General Forey, succeeded in occupying the country from the coast to the city of Mexico. Juarez, in the meantime, though obUged to fall back, never ceased to keep a semblance of government in some part or other of the Mexican territory. An assembly of notables having met at Mexico, July 8, 1863, to deliberate on the future form of government, decided — I. That Mexico should adopt a limited hereditary monarchy under a Catholic prince. 2. That the sovereign should bear the title of emperor. 3. That the imperial crown should be offered to the Archduke Ferdinand Maximihan of Austria. 4. That, should the Archduke Maximilian be prevented from accepting the offer, the Emperor Napoleon III. should be requested to designate some other CathoUc prince. A deputation was sent to the archduke at his seat at Miramar, who accepted the crown on the conditions that the whole Mexican nation should confirm the wishes of the capital, and that the integrity of the new empire should be sufficiently guaranteed. These conditions being obtained, he gave up his claims to the Austrian succession, and departed for Mexico. He arrived at Vera Cruz, May 28, 1864, where he was weU received by the native population, and made his entry into the city of Mexico on the 1 2th of June following. The emperor initiated several reforms, and his reign, had it been permitted to continue, would doubtless have been a boon to the country. He was, however, engaged in a constant struggle not only with the supporters of Juarez, but with those of General Ortega, who claimed the presidency for himself. There were also other opponents to his rule, supported by bands of filibusters organised in the United States. After the departure of the French army, which was withdrawn at the beginning of 1S67, he left Mexico at the head of all his available troops, and marched on Queretaro, which he reached on February 19. After a brave defence, this city was taken (May 15) by General Escobedo. The emperor was made prisoner of war, and on the 19th of June following condemned to death by a council of war, and shot, together with Generals Miramon and Mejia, notwith- standing the protests of the European powers. Since the overthrow of the empire. President Juarez has had to contend against several serious insurrections raised by Martinez, Ortega, and Negrete, candidates for the presidency. In June, 1869, General Vega endeavoured to organise an independent confederation in the northern part of the republic. SUCCESSION OF THE RULERS OF MEXICO. MEXICX), from its conqueit by the SpaaiardB in 1521, until it acquired its Indepandenoe, ttob governed by yioeroys nominnted by the King of Spain, In 1821, after a atmggle extending over elevea years, it threw off the Spanish joke, and hai since been ruled by the followiDB Emperora, Pieaidents, ftDd Dictators :— AUGtIsrOB ITTJRBIDE, Generalissimo, 1821. AUGUSTINE ITURBIDE, Emperor, 1822 Generals GUBRREEO, BBAVO, and NEGRETE, Dictiitors 1823. General O. TICTOEIA, President, 1824, Genertit PEDBAZA, President, 1627. General GUERRERO, President, 1828- General GUERRERO, Dictator, 1829. General BUSTAMENTE, President, 1830^ General PEDRA2A, President, 1832. General SANTA ANNA, President. 1835, JOSEPH J. CARD, President, 1B36. General BUSTAMENTE, President, 1837. General FARIAS, Dictator, 1840. Guneral BUSTAMENTE, President, 1841. General SANTA ANNA, Dictator, 184L General CAHA1I20. President, 1845. General HEREERA, President, 1845. General PAREDES, President, 1817. General ARISTA, President, 1850. Br M. J. CEBALLOS, President, 1852. S. M. LOMBARDINI, President, 1853. General BANTA ANNA, President, 1863. J. ALVAB-BZ, President, 1855. General COMONFOHT, President, 1S56. P. ZULOAGA, President ; BENITO JUAREZ, Anti- President, 1858. General MIRAMON. President; B. JUAREZ, Anti -President, 1869-60. BENITO JUAREZ, President. 1661. MAXIMILIAN, Emperor, 1864. BEJSIIO JUAREZ, Presidect, 1867. MONACO. Situated upon the confines of France and of Italy, the little state of Monaco is bounded on the south by the gulf of Genoa, on the north and east by Savoy, and on the west by the department of Var. The sovereignty of this territory has been vested in the noble Genoese family of Grimaldi ever since the year g68, when the Emperor Otho I. bestowed upon Grimaldi I. the fortress and lordship of Monaco, from which he had expelled the Saracens. One of his descen- dants, Charles the Great, led the renowned Genoese archers and perished in their discomfiture at the battle of Cr^cy in 1346. After having been since 1450 under the protection of Spain, Honorius II., in 1553, invoked the protection of Francis I. of France, but soon returned to his allegiance to the king of Spain, and fought valiantly at the battle of Lepanto ; Honorius II., his grandson, in 1641, drove the Spaniards from his dominions, and by the treaty of P^ronne again placed them under the protectorate of France. For this act his Milanese and Neapolitan posses- sions were confiscated by Spain, and he received from Louis XIV., as compensation for these losses, the duchy of Valentioois and other estates. The direct male line of the Grimaldi princes of Monaco became extinct upon the death of Prince Anthony, February 26, 1731, when the principality was carried into the house of Matignon by the marriage of his eldest daughter, Louisa Hippolyta, with Jacques Frangois de L^onor Goyon-Matignon, count of Torigny, who assumed the surname and arms of Grimaldi, and received the duchy of Valentinois upon hia marriage in 1715. United to France in 1 793, by decree of the national convention, Monaco regained its inde- pendence in 1814 under Honorius V., and by the treaty of Paris, November 20, 1815, was placed under the military protectorate of Sardinia. In 1848 the communes of Mentone and Koquebrune revolted against the authority of his brother and successor Florestan I., and demanded to be annexed to Piedmont. This was decreed by Charles Albert, king of Sar- dinia, September 18, 1848, and Mentone and Roquebrune were occupied by his troops, but upon appeal to France their annexation was suspended, and the Sardinian troops withdrawn. Florestan I., who in his younger days had been an actor at the theatre of the Ambigu-Comique, died at Paris on the 20th of June, 1856. Charles III., Honorius, prince of Monaco, and duke of Valentinois, is the only son of Flore- stan I., prince of Monaco, by his wife the Princess Maria Louisa Caroline GabrieUa Gibert de Lametz, who was bom, July 18, 1793, and is stiU living. He was bom on the 8th of December 1818, and in 1853 endeavoured to excite at Mentone a pubUc demonstration in his favour against his father. No sooner, however, was he recognised, than the people rose against him, and he owed his safe escape to the national guard and Sardinian carabineers, who escorted him to prison and thence to Genoa, where he was at once released. He succeeded his father, June 20, 1856, and on the 2d of Febraary 186 1 he ceded to France his sovereign rights over the communes of Mentone and Koquebmne, receiving as indemnity the sum of four million francs. These communes now form part of the department of the Alpes Maritimes. Monaco, with its beautiful chateau, and its casino, was alone reserved by Prince Charles, who resides for six months alternately there and at Paris. Prince Charles married, September 28, 1846, Antoinette Ghislaine, countess of MfSrode, who was born September 28, 1828, and died February 10, 1864, leaving issue an only son, Albert Honorius Charles, duke of Valentinois, a lieutenant in the French navy, bom November 13, 184S, and married September 21, 1869, to the Lady Mary Victoria Hamilton-Douglas, (5. II Dec. 1850), only daughter of WiUiam, late duke of Hamilton, Brandon, and ChStelherault, and the Princess Marie of Baden. DESCENT OF THE PRINCES OF MONACO. GOIDO I., Prince of Monaco. GBIAIALDO I., Lord of Mooaco, IlviDg 020. Crlgpln, founder of the liouso of Boo- Crispin- Grim&l do Giballin, tlvinfl 960. GRIMALDO 11. I GUIDO n. I GUIMAIDO UL, living H84. HUBERT, died 1223, or 1232. GRIMAUDO IT., 1210-1257. FRAKCIS. died 1293. RAINER I., died 1311. B.AINEB iL, died 1830. CHARLES I., the Great, died 1346. BAIHEB, UL, died 1407. JOHN I., died 1454. CATALAN, died 1457. CLAUDIA -LAMBERT GUIMALDI, died 1493. JOHN II., died 1605. LUCIAN, died 1525. HONOEIUS L, died 1581.=lBabella Grimaldi, of Montaiidion. I pEARLlg II„ died 15S9. Francia, died 1533. HERCULE3 I., died 1604. EOHOBIUS II., 1699.1G6a HERCULES II., 1624-165L LOUIS 1., 1642-1701. ANTHONY, 1661-1731. LOUISA HIPPOLYTA, 1697-1731.- JacqueB Franfoifl L&Dnor de Goyon-Matignon, died 1751, EONORIUa v., 1776-1341. Albert Honoriua Cliarle8,-^Msry Victoria, daiigbter of William, eleventh bom 1S48, Duke of HamilCon, Bmndoa, and CliateUieraiUt, b«m 1350. PARMA. Paema and Plaoentia were erected into a duchy in 154S, in which year they were given by pope Paul III. to his natural son, Peter Louis Farnese, in whose family they remained until the death of duke Antonio in 1731, when the male line of the Famese dynasty became extinct, and their dominions passed to the house of Bourbon by reason of the marriage of Elizabeth Parnese with Philip V. of Spain. Don Carlos, their son, succeeded duke Antonio, and in 1735 became king of the Two Sicilies, whereupon he ceded his duchy to the house of Austria, in whose possession it remained until it was transferred by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, October 18, 1748, to Philip, brother of Don Carlos. In 1801, Louis, duke of Parma, was made king of Etruria, and the duchy united to Prance until April 1814, when Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla were conferred by the treaty of Paris on the archduchess Maria Louisa of Austria, wife of the emperor Napoleon I. The ex-empress Maria Louisa died December 17, 1847, ^^ the dachy of GuastaUa became annexed to Modena, whilst Parma and Placentia devolved upon Charles Louis, duke of Lucca, who resigned Lucca to the grand-duke of Tuscany, in accord- ance with the arrangements of previous treaties. Charles Louis was the son of Louis I., king of Etruria, whom he succeeded as Louis II., May 27, 1803, but was deprived of his kingdom by Napoleon in 1807, whilst yet a child. Bom December 22, 1799, he succeeded to the duchy of Lucca upon the decease of his mother, the Infanta Maria Louisa, March 13, 1824. He assumed the dukedom of Parma as Charles II., and after a, short reign abdicated, March 14, 1849, in favour of his son, Perdinand Charles, and has since resided at Viareggio in Tuscany. Charles III. reigned five years, during which his dominions were ruled from Vienna with remarkable intelligence and dexterity by baron Ward, who was at the same time prime minister and minister-plenipotentiary to Austria. Ward, although originally but a Yorkshire groom, had by his integrity and aptitude for business won for himself the confidence and esteem of Charles Louis, duke of Lucca, who made him a minister of state, and intrusted him with the absolute direction of state affairs. His talent for diplomacy was so great as to lead prince Metternich to style him a " heaven-born diplomatist." Govenmient by a foreigner, and with the moral support of Austria, caused, however, great public discontent, untU at last the duke was stabbed in the streets of Parma, March 26, 1854, and died from his wound on the following day. PoBEET (Charles Louis Maria of Bourbon), Duke of Parma and Placentia, the elder son of the late duke Charles III. and Louisa Maria Theresa, daughter of Ferdinand, duke of Berry, was bom July 9, 1848. Being a minor at the death of hia father, March 27, 1854, he succeeded to the dukedom under the regency of his mother, who immediately dismissed baron Ward, and governed the duchy until the outbreak of the war in Italy, when the Parmesans established a provisional government, and compelled the duchess-regent and her son to retire into Switzerland, May I, 1859. The revolutionary movement proved successful, and Farina was made dictator until the annexation of Parma and Placentia to Sardinia was voted, September 12, 1859, and they were incorporated with that kingdom by the royal decree of March 18, i860. The duchess Louisa, who was sister of the Count de Chambord, died at Venice, February I, 1864. Duke Robert, who now resides at Frohsdorf in Lower Austria, is presumptive heir to the most ancient dynasties of Europe. He will succeed the duke of Bordeaux as undoubted lineal heir of the royal house of Bourbon, and will be also heir of the ancient Celtic kings of Scotland, through the elder hue of Baliol. He is moreover co-heir of the Stuart, Tudor, and Plantagenet kings of Great Britain. He has one brother, Henry, count of Bardi, born 12 Feb- ruary, 185 1, and two sisters, Margaret, born i January, 1847, and married 4 Febmary, 1S67, to the Infant Don Carlos of Spain, and Alice, bom 27 December, 1849, and married January II, 1 858, to Ferdinand IV., grand duke of Tuscany. DESCENT OF THE GRAND-DUKES OF PARMA. Haarr IL, PIftntageaet, King of Bngluid. John. Henrr IIL Sdmrd I. Edward II. I Edward III. Jolio, of Gaunt. John Batufort, Earl of Someniet. John, Duke of Somerset. M argaret, daughter and h eir. Etdmund Tudor. Heniy TIL Margaret, erentngl heir . James IT., of ScotLaod. Jamej T., of Scotland. Mary, Queen of Scotland. James I., of England. ChaileB I. Henrietta, etentual eo-heirew . Puke of Orleans, Anne Nary, Tletoi Amadeus II., Emg of Sardinia. Mary Adelaide , i LoiiiB, Duke of Burgundy. Charles X. Charles Ferdinand d'Aitols, Duke of BerrL Pop6 Paul Itt), 1645. PhUIp V„ of Spain, 1746. Aleundei Famose, 2. 0CTATITJ3, Duke of Ponna and Placentia, 15M. 3L ALEXANDEQ. Duke of Parma, ISdZ. i. EAINUTICS I., Duke of Parma, 1622. 6. 0D0AEDU3 I., Duke of Parma, 164C. 6. EAIHUTIUS n., Duke of Parma, 1d9*. Charles IT. King of Spain, 1808. 10, PHIUP, Duke of Parma. 178S. U, FEBDINAUD, Duke of Forma, 1802. ' Lou ts, Eing of Etniria, 1B 03. Maria Louisa Josephine, 1821. 18. CHAErLE S n.. King of Etniria, Duke of tucoa , bom 1799. Mar; Theresa, of Sardinia. IJ. FERDINAND CHARLES III., 185 4. Louisa Maria Theresa, of Bourbon, 1864. Henry Charles Ferdinand Moiia Dicudoojig d'Artolf, Duke of Bordeaux. Louisa Maria Theresa. Charles Maria, of Spain. Alice Mary Caroline Ferdinanda Bachel Jaue FMIomena, bom 1849. Henry Charles Lanls George Abraham Paul Maria bom 1851. PERSIA. The founder of the reigning dynasty of Persia was Agha Muhammad Khan Kajar who, after Persia had for many years been torn by civil war, acquired the sovereignty by his victory over Luft Ali Khan Zend in 1795. Agha Muhammad was assassinated in 1797, ^i"! succeeded by his nephew, Shah Fatah Ali, who, in his wars with Russia, lost most of his provinces on the Caspian, together with Erivan and the country of the Araxes. His successor was Muhammad, a grandson of Patah Ali and father of Nasr Eddin, the present shah. Nase Eddin was bom in 1820, and succeeded to the throne, October 13, 1848. Prom the geographical position of the Persian dominions it is almost impossible for a ruler of that country to avoid being swayed either by Enghsh or by Russian influence, and the present shah has doubtless, at different times, submitted to each. At the beginning of the war between Russia and Turkey he declared his neutrality, but, shortly before its close, entered into a treaty with Russia. In the follovring year, in consequence of the occupation of Herat by Persian troops, the government of India declared war against him (Nov. I, 1856). After a few months' of hostiKtiea, during which General Outram captm-ed Karrack, Bushir, and other places, a treaty of peace was signed, at Paris, by Lord Cowley and the Persian ambassador, in which ample satisfaction was given to England. The shah has had wars with several neighbouring states, and has lately been successful in an expedition against the Turcomans. Shah Nasr Eddin has always shown a disposition to advance the welfare of his subjects by adopting, whenever possible, the civilisation of Europe. His army is drilled after the European method, a navy is in process of formation, and the electric telegraph has been intro- duced into his dominions. The children of the Shah are — 1. Muzafler-Eddin, heir apparent, bom in 1850. 2. DjUal-Eddauleh, bom in 1853. SUCCESSION OF THE SHAHS OF PERSIA, OF THE DYNASTY OF THE KAJARS. Muhammad Hiifiain Khan, L AGHA arUHAJlIMAD KHAH KAJAK. Eusaia Euli Khan. 2. FATAH ALL 3. MUHAMMAD SHAH. 4. NASE EDDIN. POPE PIUS IX. GiovAiiNi Mastai Feketti, Pope Pius IX., was bom at Sinigaglia in 1792, and educated at the College of "Volterra. At the age of eighteen, being compelled, in consequence of bad health, to abstain as much as possible from mental labour, he left College, and, after a short period, entered the corps of noble guards in the service of the Pope. His health, however, still continu- ing bad, he left the army, and, having entered the Church, was made Archbishop of Spoleto in 1827, Bishop of Imola in 1832, Cardnial in 1840, and became Pope, at the death of Gregory XVI., in 1846. His first acts as Pontiff, while they filled most of the higher clergy and officials with dismay, greatly excited the enthusiasm of the populace, and, for a time, Pius IX. was the most popular man in Italy. He dismissed his Swiss Guard ; granted an unconditional amnesty to all persons suffering punishment for political offences ; named a commission to reform the law ; diminished the expenses of the court ; and granted a constitution, which was promulgated on the 14th March, 1848. The liberal party, however, excited by the insurrectionary movements in other states of Italy, and by the French revolution of February 1848, clamoured for concessions which the Government had never intended to make. One of the most earnest wishes of the people was that the Papal States should take an active part in assisting Lombardy and Venice to gain their independence. The Pope, on the other hand, unwilling to offend Austria, delayed giving way to the popular cry as long as possible, but at length sent an army of observation of 17,000 men under General Durando. Durando, disobeying his instructions, actively assisted the insurgents, in consequence of which his conduct was immediately disavowed by the Pope. Great agitation followed. Several ministers succeeded each other without allaying the discon- tent, the last of whom, Eossi, was assassinated on the steps of the Chamber of Deputies. An insurrection arose the day afterwards, and the Pope left his dominions for Gaeta, in the terri- tory of the king of Naples. A constituent assembly was elected at Rome by universal suffrage, which decreed the over- throw of the Pope as temporal sovereign, and proclaimed a democi-atic republic, M;uzini, Armellini, and Saffi, being named triumvirs. The Pope, in the meantime, sought the assist- ance of France, Austria, Spain, and Naples, and France hastened to respond to the call in order to be in the field before Austria ; the principal conditions being that a general amnesty should be proclaimed ; that the Government should be secularised ; and that the law should be carried out according to the Code Napoleon. Rome was besieged and taken by the French, under General Oudinot. The Pope, however, did not return immediately, but sent three Cardi- nals, of known conservative principles, as commissioners to rule in his name ; and it was not till the 4th of April that he re-entered his dominions. When Sardinia, supported by France, declared war against Austria, the integrity of the Roman States was guaranteed. The Emperor Napoleon even formed a scheme for estabhshing a confederation of Italian States, over which the Pope was to preside. A rising, however, took place in the legations, which ended in their being annexed to Sardinia ; and, notwithstanding the gallant efforts of the Papal ai-my, chiefly raised for the protection of the Roman territory, and placed under the command of General Lamoricifere, little of that territory now remains in the possession of the Pope, besides Rome and Civita Vecchia. By the convention of September 15, 1864, between the Emperor Napoleon and the King of Italy, the integrity of the Papal territory was again guaranteed. Florence was to be made the capital of Italy, and the French troops were to be withdra-wn from Rome in two years. The troops were withdrawn by France, but the Italian government allowed General Garibaldi, in October, 1 867, to concentrate his followers at Montana^ with the view of creating a general rising for the purpose of effecting the annexation of the remainder of the Roman territory to Italy. The Garibaldini were encountered by the Papal troops, assisted by a French detach- ment sent by the Emperor to cause the convention of September to be respected, and completely routed. Having mentioned the principal acts of Piua IX, as prince, it remains to state that, as pon- tiff, he established the Roman hierarchy in England in 1850, signed a concordat with Austria in 1855 ; pubhshed the celebrated Encyclical letter in 1864 ; and is now occupied with the CEcumenical Council, which began its deliberations in December last. In the arts and sciences Pius IX. is a most distinguished proficient ; his attainments in the chief European languages, and his memory with regai'd to men and things, is far beyond the average ; while his benignity and purity of life are admitted by the professors of all creeds. D-5 2pS9S9 SSS9B 11 "H.3 51- S S d * fi « « eJ .« S 5^ 5 a* W'B - a « S 3 _ S S 9 « Ill I SaSSSBSS SSSsS i ISS8I § issaiilli^SSSliiiSa&ISSSiSgmggSiSia sSsiSS R ?; n o Pi Ph o di M -<) t3 K H < O O 2; o ^ w 14 o C/3 u B a 3 a g'^ c a a a a e g 35 ■3 = gq '=d llll '■a i 5 3 El's - ■? 4 #01 ■3 '3 . S^SkS'H ss -,'5 '-5 .2 "'pet •I sll S . . . . i s, I its'? " ■ = . .^ .1 . . .s w3 (§5 I -S- s. 1^ 'pi H^iS^g^S"" ajScql K0O3 " 15 5 !>■ 2 S „«cdKoSaj gS3 ''^S '~"J^3S^?i?i tgl ir . -^ 1 .a . B 3 p5M^(2^pi-«]rtrt . =1,: ■I'^.i; 3 ^ 5. ir§ g?BaSsaSglsSg|legHal23SiasSSgM'Sga|3 SSBsHSSo cb -' ^ M ?? d M cd ■".ft-COPi PORTUGAL. In the wars which Alfonso, king of Castile, waged against the Moors, he was very much assisted by Henry of Burgundy, a descendant of Hugh Capet, to whom, as a reward for his services, he gave his natural daughter Theresa in marriage, with the government of the northern part of what now constitutes the kingdom of Portugal. The son of Henry, Alfonso Henriques, extended his territory by conquest as far as the Tagus, and gained the memorable battle of Ourlque, in which he is said to have defeated 300,000 men commanded by five Moorish kings. After the victory, which took place July 25, 1139, he was hailed king by his troops, and from that date is reckoned the foundation of the Portuguese monarchy. Alfonso Henriques was succeeded by his son and his grandson, Sancho I. and Alfonso II,, who both gained important victories over the Moors. Sancho II., the son of the latter, was deposed by Pope Innocent IV. owing to priestly intrigues, and to the influence exerted over him by his queen. He was succeeded by his brother, Alfonso III., who added to his kingdom the province of Algarve. The successors of Alfonso III., in the direct male line, were Denys — who founded the university of Coimbra, formerly seated at Lisbon — Alfonso IV., Peter the Cruel, and Ferdinand I. On the death of the last, without male heirs, the crown was claimed by the husband of Beatrix, his daughter, John I., king of Castile. By the Portuguese law of succes- sion, a daughter might succeed to the crown in default of sons, provided she were not married to a foreigner. Beatrix, by her marriage having forfeited her right, the next in succession was Don John, King Pedro's legi- timate son, by Ines de Castro. As he, however, was in the captivity of the king of Castile, the cortes elected John, a natural son of Pedro, who promised to deliver up his authority to his brother if ever he should regain his freedom. John I., whose reign was distinguished by the maritime expedition, and geographical discoveries of his third son, Prince Henry, was succeeded in the direct male line by Edward, Alfonso V., and John II. The last dying without issue, the crown devolved on Emanuel, the grandson of Edward, in whose reign took place the memorable expedition of Vasco da Gama to India, round the Cape of Good Hope. Emanuel was followed by his son, John III,, who was succeeded by Sebastian, his grandson. This prince, who had taken an army to Africa to assist Muley Mahomet to gain the throne of Morocco was defeated, and probably killed at the battle of Alca^arquivir, although his fate was involved in an uncertainty which enabled two or three pseudo-Sebastians to claim the crown. The only male of the royal family then surviving was Henry, a son of King Emanuel, and a cardinal, at whose death, after a reign of two years, the sovereignty was claimed by seven different candidates. Philip II. of Spain, who claimed, in right of his mother Isabel, the eldest daughter of King Emanuel, succeeded, though not without the assistance of an army imder the duke of Alva, which defeated the forces of Antony, prior of Crato — an illegitimate son of Louis, Emanuel's third son — who had been proclaimed king. Portugal remained in the possession of the kings of Spain, of the house of Austria, Philip II., Philip III., and P hili p TV. for sixty years, when the principal nobles succeeded in throwing off the yoke, and placing on the throne John, duke of Braganza, who was descended from King Emanuel, and also from John I. Portugal has been governed by the house of Braganza to the present time, with the exception of a short period during which it was occupied by the French. The sovereigns of this family have succeeded in the following order : — Alfonso VI , son of John IV. , was dethroned and imprisoned in 1667, and died 1683. Pedro II. died in 1706. John v., son of Pedro II., died 1750. Joseph I., son of the preceding, in whose reign Portugal attained a high degree of prosperity, under the administration of his eminent minister the Marquis of Pombal, died 1777. Blary I,, the daughter of Joseph, married her uncle, Don Pedro, (Pedro III.,) and governed jointly with him until she became insane, in 1790, when her son, John VI., became regent, and at her death, in 1816, king. It was during his regency that Portugal was invaded by the French, and, being unable to offer any effective resistance, the royal family took refuge in Brazil, In 1815 John VI raised that possession into a Idngdom, but the cortes insisting that he shoidd reside in Europe, he returned to Lisbon in 1821, leaving Don Pedro the prince royal at Eio. The latter, in 1822, assumed the sovereignty of Brazil, and his title was recognised in 1825 by the king of Portugal. At the death of John VI., March 10, 1S26, the Emperor Pedro of Brazil was proclaimed king of Portugal, as Pedro IV., but immediately abdicated in favour of his eldest daughter, Maria da Gloria, who, it was agreed, should marry her imcle, Don Miguel, who claimed the crown. Don Miguel, however, afterwards refused to fulfil the agreement, and pro- claimed himself king of Portugal. This led to the civil war which resulted in the overthrow of Don Miguel, and the secure establishment of Donna Maria on the throne in 1834. Her immediate successor was Pedro v., who was followed by Dom Luis I., (Louis Philip Maria Ferdinand Peter d' Alcantara Anthony Michael Raphael Gabriel Gonzaga Xavier Francis d'Assis John Julius Augustus Wolfaudus de Braganza Bourbon), king of Portugal and of the Algarves, second son of the late Queen Donna Maria II. da Gloria, by her second marriage with the Prince Ferdinand Augustus Francis Anthony of Saxe-Coburg-Cohary, was born on the 31st of October 1838. The troubled reign of Queen Donna Maria having ended with her death on the 15th of November 1853, the crown devolved upon her eldest son, who ascended the throne as Dom Pedro V., under the regency of his father. King Ferdinand, he being then a minor. He visited England. France, Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland, in company with his brother the duke of Oporto, the present sovereign, and married, in 1857, the Princess Stephanie of HohenzoUern Sigmaringen. Her untimely death from diphtheria took place July 16, 1859, and in little more than two years she was followed to the grave by the king, who was carried off by gastric fever on the nth of November 1861. He was succeeded on the throne by his brother, the duke of Oporto, as Dom Luis I., who was at that time a captain in the Portuguese navy. Like the late king he takes much interest in public affairs, and has continued the government of his kingdom upon liberal constitutional principles, Dom Luis married, on tlie 6th of October 1862, the Princess Maria Pia (born i6th October 1847), younger daughter of Victor Emanuel, king of Italy, by whom he has issue two sons : — 1, Charles Ferdinand, prince royal, born September 28, 1863, 2. Alphonso Henry Napoleon, duke of Oporto, born July 31, 1865. King Ferdinand, the father of the sovereign, was born October 29, 1816. He has recently declined to accept the crown of Spain, having previously refused that of Greece, which was offered to him upon the dethronement of King Otho. DESCENT OF THE KINGS OF PORTUGAL. Huguca Cnpot, Eiog of Pmuce, 097. Bobort, EiDg of Franco, 1031. Kobort, Duko of BurEundr, ICiTG. Hcttty, of Burfiundy, IOCS. Henry, of Bunrundr. Thcieaa, lieircBs of Portugal. 1. ALPHOKSO I., Eing of Portugal, 1185. 2. SANCHO I., 1211. I a. ALPHONSO II., 1223. 4. 8ASCH0 II., 1246. 6. ALPHONgO III., 1279. 6. DENia, 1325. 7. ALPHOKSO IV., 1357. 3. PETER I., the Cruel, 18G7. ■. FEBDIKAHD I.. 1383. 10. JOHN I.. H33. gon of Peter I. by TfiercM lorer Pliilippa, eldest sister of Heury IV. of England. 11. EDWABD, 1438. 12. ALPHONSO v., H81, 13. JOHN II., Ii95. DuLofT Beattis, of Portugal. U. EMMANUEL, 1521. 15. JOHN III., 1557. John, 1564. I 16. SEBASTIAN, 1578. Emperor Cbacles V. 18. PHILIP II., of Spain, 1593. 19. PHILIP III., IG21. I 20. PHILIP IV., expelled 1640. Alpbonso, Duko of Cnganza, 1461. Ferdinand I,, Duke of Brnganza, 1474. Poidinaud II., Duke of Braganza, 14S3. James. Duke of Bmganxa, 1513. Ilicodosius I., Duko of Braganza. John. Dnke of Braptpza, 1562. Caihariuo, of Portugal. 22. ALPHONSO VI., deposed 1663. TheodosiuB II., Duko of Bragnnza, 1630. 21. JOHN IV„ King of Portugal, 1656. 23. PETER II., 1706 *il. JOHN v., 1750. 25. JOSEPH, 1777. 26 . MAHY, 1816 . i.PETEB III., her uncle,! 27. JOHN VI., 1826. 26. PETER III., 1786. PETHB IV., abdieated 1826, Peter I., Emperor of Brazil, abdicated 1831, died 1834. Micuel, 1866. Declared liimsolf King of Portugal, June 30, 132S. Pe ter II., Emperor of Brazil, bom 1825. Theresa Chriatina Maria, of Naples. 28. MARIA II. da Gloria, 1853. 29. PETER v., 1801. 80. LOUIS I. , bom 183 8. Maria Fia, daughter of Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy. George, Duke of Saiony. PRUSSIA. The house of Hohenzollem, from which the present royal family of Prussia is descended, is known to have existed, as far back as the year 800. Frederick VIII. of Hohenzollem, having purchased the maxgravate of Brandenburg, was made Elector of Brandenburg by the Emperoi Sigismund in 1415. In 1 60S, John Sigismund, the ninth elector, by his marriage with Anne of Prussia, added to his dominions the duchies of Prussia, of Cleves, and of Juliers. The electorate suffered greatly during the thirty years' war which began 16 18 in the reign of Greorge William, but recovered its prosperity by the prudent government of his successor, Frederick William, called the Great Elector. Frederick WiUiam was succeeded by his son Frederick, who declared himself king of Prussia^ and was, in return for great services rendered by him against France, in the war of the Spanish succession, recognised as such by the Emperor Leopold in 1701. He was suc- ceeded by Frederick William I. in 1713, by Frederick II. (the Great) in 1740, in whose reign were annexed Silesia and the provinces dismembered from Poland ; by Frederick William II., in 1787 ; by Frederick William III., in 1797; by Frederick William IV., in 1840; and by William I., the present king, in i86i. William I. (Frederick William Lewis) king of Prussia, the second son of Frederick William III., was bom on the 22d March, 1797. He entered the army at an early age, and served in the campaigns of 18 13 aud 1 81 5. While presumptive heir to the crown he took an active part in politics, and sat in the first Prussian Diet. During the troubles of 1848, being unpopular on account of his absolutist principles, he retired for a short time to England. On his return he was elected a member of the Prussian National Assembly ; soon afterwards he took the command of the troops sent by Prussia to quell the insurrection in Baden. During the Crimean war, the Prince of Prussia was very much opposed to the neutral policy adopted by his country. His accession to the throne took place at the death of his brother on the 2d of January, i86l, and he was crowned with great pomp at Koenigsburg on the l8th of October following, when he declared that he held his crown from God alone. It had always been the ardent desire of King WiUiam — as it had been that of several of his ancestors — to raise the forces of Prussia to the highest possible pitch of power and efficiency ; and he had not been long on the throne before he began to carry his views into effect by very considerably increasing the army and navy, and adding to the strength of the frontier defences. This policy, however, did not find favour with the representatives of the nation, and successive Chambers of Deputies were dissolved for refusing to pass the budget for mihtary expenses. At length the ministry, 4. Ernest Frederick, Duke of Sase-Saalfeld, 1800. Francis Frederick AntOD;, Duke of Saxe-Saalfcld, 1S06. EENBST AntoDy Charles Loaia, Duke of Saze-Coburg and Gotha, 1814. ERNEST (An gnrtna Charles John leopold Alexander) IL Alexandrina Irouisa Amelia Frederick Elisabeth Sophia, daughter of Leopold. Giand-Duko Of fiodcn, bom 1S20. Albert Francis Angnfltna. 1819-1861 . Victoria, Queeu of Great Bntaia and Ireland, bom 1819. Albort Edirard, Prince of Wales, bom 1841. renounced his Hghta to the Alfred, Buke of Edlnburah, duoby in fUTom of hia broihcr, April 1», 18ft3. wm Itm. SAXONY. "When the family of Albert the Bear, Marquess of Salzwedel, to which the duchy of Saxony had belonged, became extinct by the death of Albert III. in 1422, the duchy with the title of elector was conferred by the Emperor Sigismimd on Frederick the Warlike, margrave of Misnia (Meissen), supposed to have been descended from Wittikind, the leader of the Saxons in their wars against Charlemagne. Frederick was succeeded by his son Frederick the Good, at whose death, in 1464, the territory was divided between his two sons, Ernest and Albert. From the former are descended the families of Saxe-Altenburg, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Saxe-Mein- nigen, and Saxe-Weimar, and from the latter the present royal house of Saxony. Ernest succeeded to the electoral dignity, which after him devolved successively on his two sons Frederick the Wise and John the Constant. The latter was succeeded by John Frederick, his son, who, having headed the Protestant league of Smalkald, was placed under the ban of the Empire and deprived of the electorate, which was transferred to Maurice, margrave of Misnia, grandson of Albert. Maurice was a great supporter of the Protestant cause, and concluded with the Emperor Charles V. the convention of Passau, which secured religious liberty to the Protestants of Germany. At his death, the electorate devolved on his brother Augustus, in whose reign his cousin John George, at the instigation of an adventurer named Grumbach, laid claim to the electorate, and attempted to raise a revolt against the Emperor Maximilian II. On the refusal of John George to give up Grumbach, Augustus was ordered by the emperor to enforce the demand, which he did by taking Gotha, putting Grumbach and others to death, and sending John George captive to Vienna. Augustus was succeeded by his son Christian, whose two sons. Christian and John George, followed in. succession. After John George, the electoral crown descended, in the direct line, through John George II., John George III., and John George IV., who was succeeded by his brother Frederick Augustus, who became king of Poland. The last was succeeded in the direct line by Frederick Augustus II., who also obtained the crown of Poland, Frederick Christian and Frederick Augustus, on whom the Emperor Napoleon conferred the title of king, with great accessions of territory, a large portion of which, however, was ceded to Prussia by the congress of Vienna. Frederick Augustus was succeeded by his brother, Antony Clement, who, dying without male issue, was succeeded by his nephew, the late king, Frederick Augustus II., the son of Buke Maximilian, who renounced his claim to the throne. John (Nepomucene Maria Joseph), the present king of Saxony, is the younger son of Duke Maximilian and Caroline Maria Theresa, daughter of Ferdinand, Duke of Parma, and was born December 12th, 1801. His education was superintended by General Forell, Baron Weisenberg, and General Watzdorf. In 1821 he was appointed a member of the College of Finance, of which he subsequently became vice-president. After the events of 1830, he became president of a commission to maintain public order, and commander of the civic guard. By the new constitution of the kingdom, which he had assisted in drawing up, he acquired a seat in the first chamber as prince of the blood, where, besides taking an active part in the debates, he proposed several important reforms in the penal and criminal codes which were adopted by the Diet. Since his acces- sion to the throne, August gth, 1854, he has introduced several liberal measures and much improved the administration of justice by appointing justices of the peace throughout his dominions, notwithstanding the opposition of the nobility, jealous of their own privileges. In the Itussian war his sympathies were entirely with the czar. When Prussia and Austria, after the Danish war, submitted to the German diet the conven- tion of Gastein, one clause of which secured Lauenburg to Prussia, in consideration of a siun of money to be paid to Austria, the king of Saxony protested and asserted his own pretensions to that duchy. In November 1865, the king concluded a treaty of commerce with Italy, and formally recognised that kingdom. In June 1866, when Austria declared against the legality of the Prussian occupation of Holstein, and proposed the intervention of the Confederation and the mobilization of the federal army. Saxony was one of the powers which supported the motion. After the conclusion of the German war, the king of Saxony did not imme- diately accept the invitation of Prussia (dated July i6th, 1866) to form a new confederation, but concluded a separate treaty with that power on the 21st October following, by which it was settled that Saxony should become a member of the North German Cofiifederation and pay ten millions of thalers, and that her troops should be incorporated with the confederate army under the king of Prussia. The king of Saxony has a great taste for literary and arehfoological pursuits. In 1824 he became president of the Society of Antiquaries of Saxony, and in 1852 and 1853 presided at the German Society of History and Antiquities. He has published a translation, in blank verse, of Dante's Divina Commedia, under the pseu- donym of Philalethes, and a history of Romagna from 1274 to 1304. King John married, on the 21st November 1822, Amelia Augusta, the daughter of Maximilian, king of Bavaria, and has issue — 1. Frederick Augustus Albert Antony Ferdinand Joseph Charles Maria Baptist Nepomucene William Xavier George FideUs, born April 23, 1828. Married, June 18, 1853, to Caroline Frederica Frances Stephanie Amelia Cecilia, daughter of Prince Gustavus Vasa, born Aug. 5, 1S33. 2. Mary Elizabeth Maximiliana Louisa Amelia Frances Sophia Leopoldina Anne Baptista Nepomucena, bom Feb. 4, 1830. Married, April 22, 1850, to Ferdinand Maria Albert Amadeus Philibert Vincent, prince of Sardinia. 3. Frederick Augustus George Louis William Maximilian Charles Maria Nepomucene Baptist Xavier Cyriacus Romanus, born Aug. 8, 1832. Married, May n, 1859, to Mary Anne, daughter of Ferdinand, king of Portugal, born July 21, 1843, and has issue— 1. Matilda Mary Augusta Victoria Leopoldina Caroline Louisa Frances Josephine, born March 19, 1863. 2. Frederick Augustus John Louis Charles Gustavus Gregory Philip, born May 25, 1865. 3. Mary Josepha Louisa Philippina Elizabeth Pia Angelica Margarita, born May 31, 1867. 4. John George Pius Charles Leopold Maria Januarius Anacletus, born July u, 1869. DESCENT OF THE KINGS OF SAXONY. Uatilda, helreu of Miaoift. MIargraves of Misnia. THIMO. CONEAD, (ft* Pious, U67. OTTO, the Rich, 1189. WITIEIND, Duka of Saxooy. WITIEIND ir. DIBTGREUD3. DITMARD8. DIETRICDS. EDO. Counts Palatine of Saxony, FEEDERICK r. FREDERICK II. FREDERICK IIL I FREDERICK IT, I FREDERICK V. ALBERT, the Proud, 1195. DIETRICUS, 1197. EEKRT, the lUuitrioui, 12S7. ALBERT, the Degenerate, 12B8. FREDERICK the Bitten, 1314. FREDERICK, the Grave, or Severe. 1319. FREDERICK, the ra«sn(,139L Electors of Saxony. I FREDERICK, the JVarliie, 1128. FREDERICK, the Good. IIW. Dukes of Saxony. Frrfcriok III., 1625. Joha Constant, 1532. GEORGE, the Rich, 1^39. CHRISTIAN II., 1610. HENRY Piufl, 1541. Electors of Saxony. MAURICE, 1553. JOHN GEORGE L, 1656. JOHN GEORGE IL, 1630. AUGUSTUS. 1686. CHEI3TIAM I., 159L JOHN GEORGE IT., 1694. AUGUSI PREDBEicK Augustus t.. Elector of Saauuy, auil Kiog of Poland, 1733. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS II., Elector ol Snauaj, and King of Folaud, 1763. frederick christian, 1763. Kings of Saxony. I. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS L, 1827. 2. ANTHONY CLEMENT, 1836. MAXIMILIAN. la.^ . Cnrolino Maria Tliereao, daugliter Of Ferdiunad, Duke of Parma. ^ I 8. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS II., 1S51. 4. JOHN Nopomuoeno MarU Jonopl), bom 1801, Amelia Augusta, duugLtcr of Moaimilian, King of RaYaria, bom 18D1, Mary BUiabelli, &c., Caroline Frederics, &c., daughter of GuGtavos, Ferdinand Maria, of Sardinia, 1855. BTafyAnno, daughter ofWaria II. da Gloria, Queen of Portugal. Duke of HolBteia-Qottorp. I Matilda Mary AnsoBta &0 , bora 1863, SPAIN. Spain, formed into one kingdom in 15 12 by the union of Leon and Castile witli Aragon, at the marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, and by the subsequent conquest of Granada and Navarre, was ruled by Ferdinand the Catholic until his death in 1516, when the crown devolved upon the house of Austria in consequence of the marriage of Joanna of Castile, the daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, with the archduke Philip of A.ustria. The archduke Charles, their son, succeeded Ferdinand upon the throne of Spain, and in 1 5 19 became the emperor Charles V. of Germany. He resigned the Spanish crown in 1556 to his son, Philip II., and it continued in the Austrian line untU the decease, without issue, of Charles II. in 1 700, who by his vrUl nominated as his successor Philip, duke of Aiijou, grandson of Louis XIV. of France, the first sovereign of the Bourbon dynasty, whose rule has lasted until the present time, excepting only the brief period from 1808 to 1813, during which time the throne was occupied by Joseph Bonaparte. Isabella II., (Maria Isabella Louisa), Queen of Spain, is the elder daughter of the late king Ferdinand VII., by his fourth wife, the princess Maria Christina Ferdinanda, (who was bom April 27, 1 806, and is now the wife of Fernando Munoz, duke of Kianzarfes), second daughter of Francis I., king of the Two Sicilies. She was bom at Madrid, October 10, 1830, and when only three years of age, September 29, 1833, succeeded her father on the throne of Spain, the SaUc law having been abolished by the late kiag in her favour by the pragmatic sanction of March 29, 1830, to the exclusion of her uncles, Don Carlos and Don Francisco, During her minority the regency was assumed by queen Christina, who immediately found herself involved in the war of succession with the adherents of Don Carlos. The civil war lasted for seven years, when Don Carlos took refuge in France, and in October 1840 queen Christina resigned her power into the hands of marshal Espartero, who was soon after declared by the Cortes regent during the queen's minority. Insurrections in favour of the queen-mother broke out in various towns, but were quelled, until at length a successful revolution drove Espartero from office in July 1843. Isabella, although only thirteen years old, was declared by the Cortes to be of age, November 8, 1843, ^^^ marshal Narvaez appointed president of the ministry. This was followed by the return of queen Christina, and the marriages of the queen to her cousin, Don Francisco d'Assisi, and of her sister the Infanta Maria Louisa to Antoine, Duke of Montpensier, fifth son of Louis Philippe, king of the French, on the loth of October 1846, — events that caused a, serious disturbance of the friendly relations of this country with France and Spain. In May 1848 the British envoy, Sir Henry Lyttou Bulwer, was ordered to leave Madrid, and diplomatic intercourse was not resumed until April 1850. In January 1851 marshal Narvaez resigned, and ministerial changes followed in quick succession. An attempt was made, February 2, 1852, by a Franciscan monk, named Merino, to assassinate the Queen as she was going to the church of Atocha at Madrid, but she escaped with only a slight stab. This led to reactionary measures, and in July 1854 a military insurrection agaia placed Espartero in power. He retained office until July 1 856, when a new cabinet was formed by marshal O'Donnell, by whom the war with Morocco that broke out in October 1859 was successfully ended in March, i860. O'Donnell resigned in February 1863, but, after frequent changes and conspiracies, returned to office in June 1865. January 1866 was marked by a military insurrection at Aranjuez led by general Prim, which was the prologue to the more serious outbreak that occurred at Madrid on the 22d of June, and which was not sup- pressed without much bloodshed. This caused the resignation of O'Donnell and the recall of Narvaez, at whose death, April 23, i858, a new ministry was formed by Senor Gonzalez Bravo. The severe and repressive measures adopted agaiost the reactionists, the abolition of the free- dom of the press, and other causes, lighted the fires of revolution. On the 1 8th of September 1 868, admiral Topete hoisted the insurgent flag in Cadiz Bay, and was immediately joined by marshal Serrano and general Prim, who had been, in former days, loaded by favours from the queen. In eleven days the revolution triumphed, and on the 30th of September, queen Isabella left San Sebastian to seek an asylum in France. The throne was the same day declared vacant, and a provisional government established, which at once reversed the policy of the late govern- ment. A new constitution was promulgated, June 6, 1869, and the monarchical form of government thereby continued. Meanwhile, until the succession to the throne may be decided, the government of the country is carried on by marshal Serrano, duke de la Torre, as regent, who wag sworn into office June 18, 1869, and is aided by a ministry of which general Prim is president. Queen Isabella, who has since taken up her residence in the Avenue du Eoi de Home at Paris, was married, October 10, 1846, to her cousin Don Feanoisco d'Assisi Maria Fernando, duke of Cadiz, eldest son of the Infant Don Francisco de Paula, who was bom May 13, 1822, and by whom she has surviving issue ; — 1. Maria Isabella, bom 20 ^December, 185 1, and married 14 May, 1868, to prince Gaetano Maria Federico, count of Girgenti, brother of the ex-king Francis II. of the Two Sicilies. 2. Alfonso Francisco Pelayo Fernando Pio Juan de Maria de la Concepoion Gregorio, prince of Asturias, bom 27 November, 1857. 3. Maria del Pilar, bom 4 June, 1861. 4. Maria de la Paz, born 23 June, 1862. 5. Maria Eulalia, born 12 Febmary, 1864. DESCENT OF THE QUEEN OF SPAIN. 1. INIGO AEISTA, elected King of Navmo. 2. GARCIA INIGO.Klngof NaTorro and Aiugon. Uriaca, heircu of Amgoa. 3 SASCHO, 1034 . Obtained Caatillo by mariiaze, and other States by conquest, and prooUlmed himself filuna beireuot itmperor of S^m. Hit three sods divided tho ompiro into the klugdoma of Cutllie. NtTatre, CaatiUe aud Leon, and Anigoa. Navajrre. I Castille and Leon. 4. GARCIAS, 1051. ARA.GON. I JERDINAND I. marrioB holress of Leon, 1065. S. BABCHO, 1076. EwnireB, of CalahoTia. lUniSreav of Mouoon. SAKCHO L, 1072. ALPHONSO I. of CaBtUlcTI. of Leon, 1109. _ EAMIRES I., 1063. SAKCHO RAMIRES, 1094. I TJRRACA, 1126. 6. Itamirei, 1150- 7, Sancho, 1191. Kaymond, of FraQche Comtfi. Alphanao Till., 1157. Castille. | Leon. Thibault, of 8ancbo 11., 1153. AlphopioIX.,1214. Eleanor, of England. FERDINAND II., 1188. ALPHONSO IX., 1230. Thibault, ms. Thibault II„ 1251. PBTEEL, 1101. ALPHONSO I., 1134. KAMIRE8, 1147. FBTRONILLA, 1173. Kaymond, of Barcelona. ALPHONSO II., 1196. JAMES I., 1273. PETER III,, 1285. ALPHONSO in., 129C. Philip IT., of Fiance. J LOins{X.ofFmnce.1 JANE, 13^. CHAEI£S, 13S6. I CHARLES, 1425. I BLAN CHE. 1441. John li., Kiag of Aiagon. BLBANOR, 1479. G fttton, Prince of Vienna . Uogdalene, of France. Castille and Leon. FERDINAND in., 1252, ALPHONSO X., 1284. I SANCHO IT., 1295. FKEDINABD IT., 1812, ALPHONSO XI., 1350. JAMES II„ 1327, ALPHONSO IT., 1336. I PETER IV.; 1387. JOHN, 1395. MARTIN, 1410. PETER, 1369, HENRY II., 1379. JOHN L, 1390. Eleanor, of Aiagon. CATHARINE, 1517. HENRY IIL, 1406. JOHN IL, 1454. FERDINAND I., 1416. AntboDy, of Bourbon. HENRT m., of Navaire. [Henry IV., of France, 1610.1 [The Kingdom of Navarre vu then united to France.] lODIS [Xm., of France,] 1S43, LOUIS [XIV.. of France,] 1715 . lUaiy IhereU) of Spain. HENRY IV., depoied 1405. Feidlnand, of Aragon. ALPHONSO v., 1458. JOHN II., 1479. I»bel, Queen of Caatltle. JANE, rteroMtif. fhlUp of Austria. House of Atjste.ia. CHARLES v., ] .1 PHILIP II., 1598. I PHILIP III., 1621, I PHIUP IV., 1665. CHARLES II.. 1700. Louiaa, of Orleans. House of Boubbon. PHILIP v., 1746. FERDINAND, 1759. Mary Iklagd^eae, of PortugaL CHARLES IIL, 1783. Alary Amelia Cbriatiua, of Saxony. CHARLES IV. FERDINAND TIL, 1633. Maria ISABELLA II., Maria Loniaa Ferdinanda, born 1832. Anthony, Duke of Montpen^er, SWEDEN AND NORWAY. Chakms XV. (Charles Louis Eugene), King of Sweden and Norway, of the Goths, and of the Vandals, was bom on the 3d of May 1826. He is the eldest eon of the late king Oscar I., by his queen, the princess Josephine Majdmiliana Eugenie, (who was bom March 14th, 1807, and is still living), eldest daughter of Eugene de Beauhamais, viceroy of Italy, and afterwards duke of Leuohtenberg. He is grandson of the celebrated marshal Bemadotte, who reigned over these kingdoms as Charles XIV. John. The kingdoms of Sweden and Norway were united in 1814, in which year Norway, which had belonged to Denmark since 1397, was ceded to Sweden by the treaty of Kiel. Marshal Bemadotte, prince of Ponte Corvo, was the first sovereign of the reigning dynasty, having been in iSlo elected crown-prince and presumptive heir to VJTig Charles XIII., who had no children. The aged king at once transferred to him the cares of government, and he succeeded to the throne upon the death of Charles XIII. on the Sth of February i8l8. He was succeeded, 8th March 1844, by his son Oscar, who governed imtil September 25th, 1857, when iUness compelled him to transfer the reins of government to his son, the present sovereign, who was appointed regent. He ascended the throne upon the decease of his father, on the 8th of July 1859, and was crowned at Stockholm, May 3rd, and at Trondhjem August 5th, i860. His reign has been hitherto peaceful, notwithstanding the close proximity to his kingdoms of the seat of war in Schleswig and Holstein in 1864, and the sympathies of his subjects with the Danes in their desperate struggle with Austria and Prussia to retain pos- session of those duchies. Some of the most important events, since 1809, in the history of the kingdom have taken place during the sway of king Charles XV. These are, a fundamental change in the constitution by the establishment of a parliament composed of two elective cham- bers, the establishment of free-trade, the de facto abolition of capital punishment, and the greatly extended Kberty of conscience. His Majesty is an artist and poet of considerable ability and in 1 858 published " Id^es et Reflexions sur les mouvements de la Tactique modeme.'' He married, June 19th, 1850, the princess WUhelmina Frederica Alexandra Anna Zouisa of Orange, bom 5th August 1828, elder daughter of prince WiUiam Frederick Charles of the Netherlands, by whom he has an only daughter, Zouisa Josephine Eugenie, who was bom on the 31st of October 1851, and married the crown-prince of Denmark, July 28th, 1869. The heir presumptive to the Swedish and Norwegian crowns is his next surviving brother, the prince Oscar Frederic, duke of Ostrogothia, who was bom January 2l3t, 1829, and married June, 6th, 1857, the princess Sophia Wilhelmina Marianna Henrietta, (bom 9th July 1836), youngest daughter of William, late duke of Nassau, by whom he has issue, — 1. Oscar Qustmms Adolphus, duke of Wermland, bom l6th June 1858. 2. Oscar Charles Augustus, duke of Gothia, bom 15th Nov. 1859. 3. Oscar Clmrks William, duke of Westrogothia, bom 27th Feb. 1861. 4. Eugine Napoleon Nicholas, duke of Nericia, bom 1st Aug. 1865. DESCENT OF THE KINGS OF SWEDEN. Erio Taso, Duke of Gripsliolm, deacended from the ancient Kings of Sireden. 1. GUSTAVDS TA3A, elected Kiog, 1523, died 1560. I I 2. EKIC XIV., deposed 1563, died 1578. &. JOHN in., 1592. t SIGISaiUa'D, detliroaed 1604, died 1S32. 5. CHAIILE3 IX., 1611. Catharine, 1633. 6. GUSTAVUS ADOLPEUS, 1652. MargraTB of Baden. Albertioft, of B aden. Chriatian Auguilua, of Holatem-Gottorp. Family of Holstein. 1 3. adolphps fbederice, 177 1. Lomaa, of Piussi;i. Fabiily of Beux Fonts. 8. chahles X., 1 10. CHAEIES XII , 171 11. ULRICA, 1741. 12. FREDERICK, of Eeue-CiLUc], 1751. 14. GUSTATtrS in., 1792. Sophia, of DcomtLrk. 15 . GUSTATPS IV.. dethroned 1 Dorothy, of Bftden. > Family of Bernadotte. 1. CHAEIE3 XIV., JOHN Baptiato Julea Bemadotte, 1S44, a distinguisLtd Freocti marehal, uommated to succeed Charles XIII. Eugcoia BerDardine Diaitie. 2. OSCAR I. . laso. Joaephine Maximiliana Eugenia, bom 1E07> Wilhelmina Prederica Alesamlnna Anne I^uisa, of Orange, bum 1823. Christian Prederick William Charles, of Denmark, bom 1843. Oscar Prederick, bom 1829. MJcholns AnpistuB, born 1831. TURKEY. The Turks are descended from a tribe of Tartars which, in the middle of the eighth century, settled in Armenia, and afterwards spread over a great part of Asia Minor. In 1298, their dominions were united into a single state by Othman, one of their chiefs, who assumed the sovereignty under the title of sultan, and whose family rules in Turkey at the present day. The Turks rapidly increased their dominions at the expense of the declining empire of the East, which was finally overthrown by the taking of Constantinople in 1453, by the seventh sultan Mahomet II. After this the Turkish empire continued to extend itself, and by the middle of the sixteenth century included Greece, a part of Italy, Egypt, Syria, the islands of the Archi- pelago, Rhodes, and Cyprus. In 1571, Turkish conquest received a check at the battle of Lepanto, where the navy of Selim was destroyed by the combined fleets of Spain, Venice, Genoa, Malta, and the Pope, under the command of Don Juan of Austria. In the course of the follow- ing himdred and fifty years the Turks took Candia and retook the Morea, but also sustained serious reverses, and before the middle of the eighteenth century their power began to decline. Their fleet was defeated by England and Russia in 1770. The Russians took the Crimea in 1784, and Turkey sufltered greatly in a war with Austria and Russia in 1787-91. In 1807, she was again engaged in hostUities with England and Russia, which ended in the treaty concluded with Riissia at Bucharest in 1812, by which it was stipulated that the river Pruth should be the boundary of the two empires. In 182 1 began the movement in Greece to throw off the Turkish yoke, which resulted in the independence of the Greek nation in 1829. The years 1828-29 w^re occupied by another war with Russia. In 183 1, the Pacha of Egypt revolted against the sultan, took Acre, and advanced to within eighty leagues of Constantinople. The sultan then invoked the assistance of Russia. The differences between the sultan and his vassal were settled by the interference of the western powers, who induced the sultan to make the pashalic of Egypt here- ditary in the family of Mehemet-Ali. In 1853 arose the dispute between the Greek and Latin churches as to the possession of the holy places in Palestine, which led to the last war with Russia, in which Turkey was assisted by England, France, and Sardinia. During the war with Russia, an insurrection arose in Epirus and Albania, which was fomented by the Greek govern- ment. HostiUties took place, in consequence, between Greece and Turkey, to stop which England sent troops to the Piraeus, upon which the king of Greece promised to observe strict neutraUty. In i860, in consequence of a great massacre of Christians at Damascus, principally by the Druses, Erauce sent an army which, together with Turkish troops under Fuad Pacha, attacked them and compelled them to deliver up their chiefs, several of whom were condemned to die. In the following year (Jime 25), the late sultan Abdul Medjid died, and was succeeded by his brother. Abdul Azis, the present sultan, is the second son of Sultan Mahmud, and was bom on the 9th February 1830. He is well acquainted with the EngUsh and French languages, and with the politics of the day. He began his reign by many important reforms. He reduced the civil list from 70,000,000 to 12,000,000 piastres ; recognised the equaUty of all his, subjects, of what- ever religion ; and declared his intention of having but one wife. His general, Omer Pasha, completely put down a serious insurrection in Montenegro, and a more formidable rebellion in Candia was also quelled, notwithstanding the assistance continually afibrded to the Cretans by bands of volunteers organised in Greece. Abdul Azis appears fuUy to possess the capacity of maintaining unaided his sovereignty in his own dominions, and has shown his determination to resist any undue assumption of inde- pendence on the part of his powerful vassal, the pasha of Egypt. His children are — 1. Yussuf Izzeddin, bom Oct. 9, 1857. 2. Sultana SaUh^, born Aug. 10, 1862. 3. Mahmud DjemU Eddin, bom Nov. 20, 1862. 4. Mechmed Selim, bom Oct. 8, 1866. 5. Abdul Medjid, bom June 27, 1868. DESCENT OF THE SULTAN OF TURKEY fNoTE. — Solyman and Mum eaoh reigned over a part of the empire onlj, and are not usually counted ftmong tlio Sultans of Tuikej.] 0TT0MA2f Dynasty. 1. OTEMAN I., 1326, 2. OKCHAN, 1360. 3. AilUHATH, 1389. 9. BAJAZET I., Ii03. 6. MAHOMET I., 1421. 6. AMUEATH 11., U51. 7. MAHOMET II. Took Constantinople in 1153 ; died USL e. BAJAZET II., 1512. 9. SELIM I., 1520. I 10. SOLYMAN, 1566. I 11. SELIM II., 1574. 12. AMURATH III., 1695. I 13. MAHOMET III., 1003. I 14. ACHMET I., 1617. 15. MD3TAPHA I., 1518. . OTHMAN, 1622. 17. AMUEAOIH IV., 16*3. 1 18. LBEAHIM, 1618. I 20. SOLYMAN II., 169L 21. ACHMET II., 1648. 1757. DULE 26. MUSTAPHA III., 1773. 27. AB AMED, or Achmet IV., 17S9. 1 28. SELIM UI. 29. MUSTAPHA IV. 30 MAHMUD II., 1339. 31. AEDUL MEDJID, 186L 1 Sultana Adile. born 1825. Mabomuiad All Pasha. 32. ABDDL AZIS P esent Sultan, bom 1830. Hot) nm mad Monrad, heir presumptive, born 1840. G Pons, and 7 I>au6ljters. auf IzMiJdin, Bultona S-»lihe. boru 1867. born 1862. bom 1802. Moliamms'l Selim, bom 1666. Ab-iul Medjid born 18C8. TUSCANY. The powerful mediaeval republic of Florence, wHch anciently formed part of the Lombard kingdom, and rose in the fifteenth century under the government of the Medici to be the fore- most of the Italian repubhos, was made a duchy in 1531, and Alessandro de' Medici became its first duke. He was succeeded in 1537 by Cosmo de' Medici, sumamed the Great, who was invested by pope Pius V. with the title of grand-duke of Tuscany, August 24, 1569. The Medici dynasty became extinct upon the death of Giovanni Gastone, the seventh grand-dnke, July 9, 1737, and Tuscany was given by the treaty of Vienna to Francis, duke of Lorraine, the husband of the empress Maria Theresa, who became in 1745 emperor of Germany. Upon his decease in 1765 Tuscany was inherited by his second son, Leopold, who also became emperor of Germany in 1 790, and thereupon transferred the grand-duchy to his son Ferdinand, who was expelled by the French in 1801, and his states merged in the new Idngdom of Etruria. Etruria was in turn engulphed by France in 1807, and Ehza Bonaparte, eldest sister of the emperor Napoleon, and wife of prince Bacciocchi, made Grand-Duchess of Tuscany in 1809. Upon the abdication of Napoleon in 1814, Ferdinand III. was restored to his dominions, and eifected many judicious reforms. He died June 18, 1824, and was succeeded by his son, Leopold II., who was bom October 3, 1797, and continued the conciliatory measures of his father. The duchy of Lucca was ceded to Tuscany in 1847. In February 1849 an insurrection at Florence drove Leopold from his capital, but he was restored by the aid of Austrian troops, and thenceforward adopted a retrograde policy, which eventually resulted in his departure from Florence, April 27, 1859, and the formation of a provisional government. On the 21st of July 1859, he abdicated in favour of his son, prince Ferdinand, and died at Eome, January 28, 1870. He was distinguished by great love for literature and art, and Florence owes to him much that has rendered her so fascinating to the artist, connoisseur, and man of letters. Feedinand IV. (Salvator Maria Joseph John Baptist Francis Louis Gonzaga Eaphael Plainer Januarius), Grand-Duke of Tuscany and Archduke of Austria, is the eldest son of the grand-duke Leopold II., and of his second wife, the princess Maria Antoinette Anne, (6. 19 December, 1814,) daughter of Francis I., Idng of the Two Sicilies. He was bom June 10, 1835, and succeeded his father by virtue of his act of abdication, July 21, 1859, but the con- stituent assembly of Tuscany declared against the house of Hapsburg-Lorraine, and voted for annexation to Sardinia. The grand-duchy of Tuscany was united to the dominions of the king of Sardinia by the royal decree of March 22, i860, against which act the grand-duke in vain protested, and Florence was made the capital of the newly-created kingdom of Italy, December II, 1864. The grand-duke Ferdinand IV. has been twice married; first, November 24, 1856, to the princess Anne, daughter of John, king of Saxony, who was born January 4, 1836, and died February 10, 1859, leaving issue a daughter, Marie Antoinette, b. 10 January, 1858 ; secondly, January 12, 1868, to Alice, younger daughter of Charles III., late duke of Parma, who was bom December 27, 1849, and is sister of Robert, duke of Parma and Placentia. DESCENT OF THE GRAND-DUKES OF TUSCANY, House op Medict. Giovanni do' Medioi, 1360-1'1£9, •^Picoarda Buori. lORENZO I.,- Clarice the Magnificent, Prince of Floreaoe, 11484492. j Coamo, d. 1461. GITTIIANO I., Friuae of Florence, U63-li73, GiuHo, nat. son, Pope as Clement VII., d. 1534. Giovanni =I)IariaSahiati, Lorenzino, 1614-1548. PIETRO II,=Alftnsina, Giovanni. 1*71-1603. [ d. 1520. Pope aa Leo X., 1475-1621. lOUENZO II., -Madeleine DuiteofUrbi . ]aat legitimate descendant of Cosmo I. , 1492-1519. de la Tour, Counlesa iif Auvetgne, d. 1519. I Eleanora.ofToledo- I.COSMO I , ffte(?«a(,"Camilla MartelU, GIULIANO II.,=Plii]iborte, d. 15C2. j 1519-1674, Grand Duke of d. 1590. Duke of of Savoy. 1 Tuscany, 1 509. NenlOurn, I 1478-1616. Ippolito, nat. Bon, Cardinal, isii-isas. Asdrubate, lat. B< d.l666. 2. FRANCIS I. ■ MAEIA, 1541-15S7. Bianca 3- PEBDINANDl.^ChriHtina, Potw, of 1564-1604. ALESSANDRO, nat. ^ATargberita, son, 1510-1537, daugliter of Duke of Florence, the Emperor 1532. Cliartes V. Giulio, = luorezia nat. ton, Gaetani. d. 1600. I EIeanora= Viacenzo Maria^HenrylV,, Antonio, Gonzttga, 1573-1642. King 1676-1621. Duke of Mantua. of Franco, 1553-1610. 4.C0SM0II.,'=MariaMadeleiia, Pranoi: Cbarlee, Cardinal, I Natural Sous. CoBmo=lucrcria Gaetani, Angelica, d. 163G. Leopold, Cardinal, 1617-1675. 7. JOnN GASTON,=.Anne Maria Prancea, of 1671-1737, last of Saxo laueniiirg, d. 1741. the HousQ of UcdicJ. House of Hapsburg- Lorraine. Joieph II., Empeioi of Germany, I74I-1790. I m.,G Prancia n., Emperor of Genaany, 1768-1835. 10. PEEDIHAND III., Gnmd-Diike, 1790, deposed 180L Kingdom of Etruria. lOUIS, 1773-1803, King, 1801=Maria louiia, of Spain, d. 1824. CHARLES LOUIS, 1799-1849, King, 1803-1807. [Tuscany merged in Kingdom of Italy, 1807-1809.J ELIZA BONAPARTE, Giand-Duohem, 1809-1814. House of Hapsburg-Lorraine. 10. PEBDIHAND m., 1769-1824, restored 1814=Louiea Amelia, daughter of Ferdinand IV., King of the Two Sicilies. Maria Anna, of Saxony, 1799-1832=' 11. LEOPOLD II., 1797-1870, abdicated 1859. =Marie Antoinette, daughter of Pranois I., I King of the Two Sioilica, bom 1814. Isabella, "Francis b, 1834. de Faula, Count of Xrapani, b. 1827. Anne, d. of=12. FERDINAND IV., John, b. IS35. King of Saxony, 1836-1859. ^Alice, d. of Cbariea = Cbarles III., Salvator, Duke of b. 1839. b. 1849. Maria Immaculate, d. of Francis II., Sinn of the Two Sic^ieB, b. 1844. Maria — Charles, Iiotusa, Prince of b. 1845. Iflonburg- Birstein, ti.lSS8. I. John JTepomuceDe, . b. 1852. TWO SICILIES. The kingdoms of Naples and Sicily, first united in 1085 under count Eoger I., continued under one sovereign until the deposition in Sicily of Charles of Anjou in 1282, by the revolutica well known as the " Sicilian Vespers." Sicily then fell under the dominion of Spain, and to this power the kingdom of Naples also became subject in 1503, under Ferdiaand the Catholic. They remained in this condition until 1707, when Naples, and in 1718 Sicily, came into the possession of the archduke Charles of Austria, afterwards the emperor Charles VI. of Ger- many. He did not however retain them long, but surrendered them to Spain in 1734, when Charles, son of Philip V., king of Spain, was made king of the Two SicUies, and they became vested in the Bourbon dynasty. The Two Sicilies were again separated in 1806, when the emperor Napoleon placed his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, on the throne of Naples, and Ferdinand IV. retired to Sicily. In 1S08 Joseph Bonaparte was transferred to Spain, and the Neapolitan crown was conferred by Napoleon on his brother-in-law, Joachim Murat. The Bourbon dynasty was restored in 1815, when Terdinand IV. re-ascended the throne as Ferdinand I., king of the Two Sicilies. He died January 4, 1825, and his descendants reigned over these kingdoms until they were merged into the kingdom of Italy in 1861. Feanois II. (d'Assisi Maria Leopold), King of the Two SioiUes and of Jerusalem, is the eldest son of the late king Ferdinand II., by his first marriage with the princess Maria Chria- Una Caroline Josephine Gaetana Eliza, daughter of Victor Emmanuel I., king of Sardinia. He was bom January 16, 1836, and succeeded to the throne upon the death of his father. May 22, 1859, giving hopes that he would rule his kingdom with greater regard for the wishes of his subjects than had been the policy of his predecessor. These expectations were however not fulfilled, and on the 26th of March i85o the foreign ambassadors were constrained to address a collective note to the king, urging upon him the necessity for reform. This remaining unheeded, an insurrection broke out in Sicily in April i860. Garibaldi landed with a body of volunteera at Marsala, May 1 1 , proclaimed himself dictator, took Palermo by storm, and totally defeated the royal army at Melazzo, July 20. Prior to this the king had announced a liberal change in his government, but the revolution rapidly spread to Naples, and the king and queen were forced to abandon the capital, and take refuge in the castle of Gaeta, September 6, i860, which surrendered to the Sardinian troops under general Cialdini on the 13th of February 1861, after a gallant defence of six months' duration, forming one of the most stirring mihtaiy episodes of modem times. For his intrepidity, the king received from the principal European powers their highest decorations, and the queen was presented with the military cross of St. George of Kussia, and is the only lady thus distinguished. Garibaldi assumed the dictatorship until the arrival of king Victor Emmanuel, and on the 21st of October i860 the annexation of Naples to Sardinia was voted for almost unanimously. After the fall of Gaeta the king retired to his palace in Kome, and has been unceasing in his efforts to regain his throne. The king married by proxy at Munich, January 8, and in person at Bari, Febraary 3, 1859, the duchess Maria Sophia Amelia, third daughter of Maximilian Joseph, duke of Bavaria, and younger sister of the empress of Austria. She was bom at Possenhofen, October 4, 1 84 1, and won the admiration of Europe by the undaunted courage and true heroism she displayed during the protracted siege of Gaeta. Her Majesty has one daughter, Christina Pia Maria Giuseppa Elizabetta Ferdinanda NataJina Ephesia, bom at Kome, December 24, 1869. TaDorcd, of Normnndy. Roger, Count of Slolly, 1101. 1. EOQEH, crowDod King by tho Popo, 116i. daughter of Oarama, K. or Navarre. 4. TAHCKED, 1192 a. WILLIAM I., S. 'WILLIAM II., lies. 11B9 a. CONSTANTIA. Bmp. Hcury VI. of Suabla, 1107. House of Suabia. 7. fredeeickil,1260. Foter III., E. of Aragou aud of Sicily, 1286. Kings of Naples— House of Anjou. Kikqs of Sicily— House of Araqon. IouIb nil., E. of Fmnce, 1226. 8. COHEAD IV., 1254. 10. CONEADIS. 12C7. 1270. Philip in., 12S5. CbarloB of Valoii. I PbJIlp VI, 1350. John II., ISfii. /LonJt. 11. Chatlea L, 1285. 12. Charles II.. I8P9. Uaty, heiieii of Suugary. 2. JAMES, 129G. Alphomo, 1336. Peter IV., 1387. III. FREDERICK II., 1387. V. 10013,1355. JohoL.K. of Caitilo and Leon. House op Castile. X. Ferdinand I., Eleanor of CiutiUe. iX. MARTIN, tfte Elder, 1410. I Till. MARTIN, ttte You-nffer, H09 . Mary. VII. MARY, 1402. IS. ALPHONSO I., K. of Naples and Sicily, 1458. 19. FERDINAND I., E. of Naples, H«. Cbarlea C Robert. T I ^ 14. ANDREW, 1345. Charles, Dnke of Ccblabiia. 14. Jane, 1382. XL JOHN n.. K. of Sicily, 1479. )INANI ic. 1516. iKkbeUa, of Caatile. John, bukoof 20. ALPHONSO IL, 22. FREDERICK _ L,„ Durazio, 1335. 1495. II., deposed 1501. Jane. 1555. I I PhlUpI.,of Auatrin. i 21. FERDINAND! . I LOblS. "8C. I I Charlei. Margaret. 15. CHAELE^ III. 16. LADISLAS. 17. Janclla. House of Austria. t. CHARLES T„ Emperor of GonnaDy, 15S3. 25. PHILIP II., of Spain, 1598. 26. PHILIP IIL, 1621. 27. PHILIP IV., 1665. Ferdinand I., Emoeror, 1564. Charles, 1596. Ferdinand II., Emperor, 1637. Ferdinand III., 1657. ariaTl Catharine. Charles Emanuel, Duke of Savoy. House of Savoy. AmadeuB I., 1637. Charles Emanuel II., 1675. XIU. AMADEUS II Maria Tberesa. Louis XIV., of Fmnce. House of Bourbon". Louis, the Dauphin. 29. PHILIP v., 1746. 81. ChAlES, 1788. 32. FERDINAND. I 23. CHARLES IL, 1700. g. FRANCIS 1,1830. FERDIN. AND IL 1859. Mary Christina, Mary Theresa of Sardinia, 1836. Isabella, of Austria, 1867. Caroline Charles d'Artois, Duke of Berry, 1820. Henry, Duke of Bordeaux, SII., Louis Maria, born 1838. Mary Victoria Louisa Philiberta, of Savoy, b. 1814. Ferdinanda Louisa, Henry, Duke of Aumale. Leopold II., of Tuscany, 1797-1870. Theresa Chriitina Mary, born 1822 . Pedro II., of Brazil. Louis Charles Fraucis de Maria Jaaeph, Paula Louia born I6a4. EmiDanuel, Mary Januaria, &o., b. XHiv.. ^ of Brazil. Maiy IsalKlla I Annonciada. &c.. Mary Annonciada, I, Count dl Caserta. Maiy Sopbi Amelia, of Bavaria. CliTistina Pta Maria, bom 1869 Alphonso Maria Joaopb, Couut of Caserta, born 1S41. , Matilda Ludovica Duohesa of Bavaria. I Mary Antoinette Maria Theresa Madeleine, Josephine. born 1867. f Mary Annonoiadn Isabella, born 1S43. Mary Imroacufata Clementina, born 1844. Gaetan Maria Frederick, born 1846. Maria Pia dea Graces, bom 1849. Pascal Maria, born 1852. Mary Isabella Robert, Cliarlos, of Prances, of Spain, Duke of Parma. TuBoany. born 1851. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ITltssbs Simpson Geant, president of the United States of America, is of Scotoh descent, and was bom at Point Pleasant, Clermont County, in the state of Ohio, on the 27th of April, 1822. At the age of seventeen he entered the military college of West Point, which he left, in 1843, with the rank of brevet second lieutenant in the 4th regiment of infantry. In 1846 he served in the Mexican war, and was promoted for his bravery to the rank of brevet captain. In 1854 he quitted the service, entered into the leather trade, and married Miss Julia Dent. He after- wards settled at Galena in Illinois. At the breaking out of the civil war he took service ia the United States army, and passed rapidly through the ranks of colonel, brigadier-general of the volunteers of lUinois, commander-in- chief of the army of West Tennessee, and major-general, and distinguished himself greatly at various battles and skirmishes, especially at Paducah, Tort Donelson, Pittsburg-Landing, and at the siege of Corinth, where he was at inrst second in command under General Halleck, and after- wards commander-jg-chief. The failure of General Sherman before Vicksbiu'g induced the Federal Government to appoint General Grant in his stead, (Dec. 27, 1862). After a succession of obstinate engagements, the outworks of that town were carried one by one, and Gfheral Pemberton with over 30,000 men surrendered unconditionally on July 14. In October 1863 he was selected to replace General Eosencranz, and, on the 2d March 1864, was appointed by President Lincoln commander-in-chief of the forces of the union. His plan appears to have been to surround the confederates, and to advance on Eichmond by however slow degrees, and at whatever cost in men and money. Making the Potomac his base of operations, he directed three divisions against the confederates, he himself, with one of them, threatening the army of Lee. He at iirst made httle progress, and his army received some checks in front of Peters- burg. The battle of the Wildemess, one of the many actions in this campaign, lasted five days, and terminated in Grant's favour, but with a fearful loss. Other engagements, dis- astrous for both armies, but especially discouraging to the federal troops, obliged General Grant to retire from his position in Pottsylvania. In June, however, after having secured the James Eiver, he was enabled to lay siege to Petersburg, one of the keys to Eichmond. Several obsti- nately contested conflicts took place before that city, in one of which, on the i8th June, the federals lost more than 8000 men. At this period, although, on the whole. Grant himself was gaining ground, his generals suffered frequent defeat, and Lee was enabled several times to cross the Eappahanoc and the Potomac, and threaten Washington. Grant nevertheless pursued, with inflexible determination, his operations against Petersburg, which, after eight months' siege, and much bloodshed, surrendered, April 18, 1865. The surrender of Eichmond immediately followed. Aiter this, the cause of the confederates was hopeless. Their resources were exhausted, and no means existed to renew them. Eesistance being no longer possible, Lee and the other confederate generals laid down their arms, and the union was restored. After the war, in the summer of 1865, General Grant visited New England and Canada, and, later in the year, made a tour of inspection through the Southern States. In 1867 he became secretary ad interim in the place of Mr Stanton, suspended by President Johnson, but gave up the keys of office when the senate passed a resolution disapproving the President's act. On the 2 1 st of May 1 868, at the National EepubKcan Convention assembled at Chicago, he was nominated as candidate for the presidency of the republic by General Logan, chairman of the delegation from Illinois. In a letter which he addressed to the president of the Convention, accepting the no min ation, he said, " It is impossible ... to lay down a policy to be adhered to, right or wrong, through an administration of four years. ... A purely administrative officer should always be left free to execute the will of the people. . . . Peace and universal prosperity will lighten the burden of taxation, wMle it constantly reduces the national debt. Let us have peace." General Grant was elected President on the 3d of November 1868, and succeeded President Johnson, March 4, 1869. In his inaugural proclamation he promised to govern according to law ; and, among other things, said, " Let it be understood that there must be no repudiation of a single farthing of the public debt." Prom his last message to Congress, Dec. 6, 1869, we gather that he is in favour of a gradual return to specie payment. That the people and govern- ment of the United States warmly sympathise with Cuba in its impending struggle, but that the insurgents have not yet established a de facto government entitling them to recognition aa beUigerents. That he approves the rejection of Mr E. Johnson's Alabama treaty, and declares that its provisions were inadequate for the settlement of the grave wrong sustained by the United States. SUCCESSION OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AIMERICA, FROM THE ACCEPTATION OF THE CONSTITUTION. L GBOBGE WASHI5GT05, S. JOH? ADAMS, 3, THOMAS JEPFEESOS', 4. JAJTE? MASI505, £ JAHES JTTSBOB, . 6 J0H3 QXnsCT ADAMS, 7. A5DBSW JACE505, B. HARTEJ VAF BrSES, •9. "WILLIASI HE5IIT HAEBI50S*, 10. J0H3 TTtKB, , JL JAMS K50X POLE, •12. ZACHAST TATLOE, 13. WTT.T.AHp riLLMOEE, 14. rBASEUS FIEBCS, 15. J AM1« BUCHASAS, •16. AITRATTAV tlSCOLJ, IT. ASDKEW J0H5S05, IS. ULYSSES FTMTSOJ GBA5I, fom April SO, 17S9 to Mirdi 4, 1733 „ Mircli i. 1733 „ 1797 1797 „ laa .> » IS'Jl „ 1805 „ „ 1S05 „ 1809 mo „ 1813 „ 1B13 „ IS17 iii7 „ ifia „ laa „ 19S „ 1525 „ 1S29 1829 „ 1533 „ li-'S „ 1337 ., 15=7 „ 18U l&U to Aprfl i. 1S41 April 4, ISll to Mucb 4, 1&45 „ March 4, ISiS „ 1&19 „ ISa to July 3, IBM Jaiy 9, 1850 to March 4, 1S53 „ March 4, 1853 „ 1857 1E57 ■ ly^ „ 1»1 • 1855 „ t, ^^^^ to '^Piil ^< l^f*^ „ Apra 15, 1865 to March 4, 1863 „ Match 4, 1S69 ' DiedirtilleliiaSoe.' WURTEMBERG. The history of the royal family of Wurteniberg is very uncertain before the time of TJIrich, who was count ofWurtemberg from 1246 to 1265. He considerably enlarged Ha dominions and left two sons, Ulrich and Eberhardj who each ruled in succession. The latter, who obtained the surname of Illustrious, made war on the imperial cities, entered into a confederacy against the emperors Rudolph and Albert, and, at the death of the latter, was a candidate for the imperial crown. When Henry, count of Luxemburg, was elected emperor, Eberhard was put under the ban of the empire for his hostility to the cities and deprived of his dominions, but regained them by the assistance of his brother-in-law, the Margrave Eudolph of Baden, at the death of the emperor in 1313. He was succeeded in 1325 by his grandson TJIrich III., who left two sons, Eberhard II. and TJIrich IV., who reigned together, until the death of TJWch, in 1366, when Eberhard reigned alone till 1392. Eberhard was succeeded by his grand- son and great grandson Eberhard III. and Eberard IV. The latter left two sons, Louis and TJIrich, who reigned together until the younger became of age, in 1433, when they divided their patrimony. In 1482, Eberhard, the son of TJIrich, gave up his territory to his cousin, Eberhard V., the son of Louis, for an annuity, and the country thus became reunited. Eber- hard reigned wisely and with great advantage to his subjects, and received from the emperor Maximilian the title of duke of Wurtemberg and Teck. His cousin who had previously resigned in his favour, succeeded at his death, as Eberhard VI., but was deposed by the emperor, who conferred the duchy on his cousin TJIrich VI., who reigned tiU 1550. TJIrich was followed successively by his son and grandson, Christopher and Louis the Pius, and the last dying without issue, the duchy devolved on Frederick I., sumamed the Magnanimous, the son of George, duke of Mompelgard and brother of TJIrich VI. Erederick was succeeded in the direct line by John Erederick, Eberhard VII., William Louis, and Eberhard Louis, the last being succeeded, in 1 733, by his cousin, Charles Alexander, the son of Frederick Charles, William Louis's brother. Charles Alexander left three sons, Charles Eugene, Louis Eugene, and Frederick Eugene, who reigned in succession after him. The French revolution began before the death of the last mentioned, and Wurtemberg suffered much in the wars which followed. Duke Frederick Eugene was succeeded in 1797 by his son, Frederick William Charles, who in the war between France and Austria in 1805 joined France, and in the following year received the title of king from the emperor Napoleon. Frederick I. was succeeded in 1816 by his son, William I., the late king. To biTn Wurtemberg is indebted for the constitution by which it is now governed and for numerous liberal measures, among others for a decree extending the liberty of the press. He was opposed to the German con- stitution established at Frankfort in 1849 ; refused to recognise the king of Prussia as Emperor of Germany in 1850; and greatly assisted in replacing the Germanic confederation on its ancient basis. Having been born in 1781, William I. was, before his death, on the 25th June, 1864, the oldest reigning monarch of Europe. He was succeeded by his son, the present king — Chakles (Frederick Alexander) I., who was born, 6th March, 1 823, and married on the 13th July, 1846, Olga, the daughter of Nicholas, emperor of Eussia. DESCENT OF THE KINGS OF WURTEMBERG. Albeit) Lord of Bcutolibacb. Eberhttrd I., Lord of BcMtoIabach. Hildeeacdo, diugbtor of Bmpcror Cbailai)iag&e< Ebcibard IL, Lord of QcutclBbaob. £micli, Lord of BcuteUbacb. Hour;, Lord of BeuteUbach. tFlrio I., Lord of Bcutelabaob. Albert, Lord of Bcutclabach, Wurtomberg, und LoireuEtclii. 1. WilUrgla. 2. Ulrio. Count of Wuitcmberg. 8. John, Count of Wurtemberg. 4. Louie, Count of Wuitemborg. B. Honry, Count of Wurtemberg. 6. Eborhard L, Couot of "Wurtemberg. 7. Ulrio VI., Count of "Wurteaiberg, 1265. 8. Ulrio TIL, Count of Wurtemberg. 9. EberUard 11., Count of Wuttembere, W26. 10, Ulric IS., Count of Wurtembcrg, 134*. 11. Bberbaid III., Count of Wurtemberg, 1392, TJlriQ XI., Count of Wuitemborg, 1388, 12. Eberbard IV,, Count of "Wurtembcrg, lil7. 13. Eberhaid V., Count of Wuitemberg, lil9. i. Louif, Count of Wurtemberg, 1450. 1. EBEEHABD I., Duke of Wurtembeig, U 16, Ulrio XII., Count of Wurtemberg, UBO. 3. EBEKHAIID IL, Duke of Wurtemberg, dopoaed li93. 8. HENBT, Duke of Wurtemberg, 1519, i. tTLRIC, Duke of Wiirtemborg, 1550. George. 5. CHEISTOPHBE, 1568. 7. PREDEEICK, the Naffnani-motu, Duke of Wurtemberg, 1G08. 6. LOUIS PIUS, 1593. 8. JOHN FEEDEEICK, Duto of Wurtemb erg-Stuttgart, ana Neuatadt, 1G28. X. EBEEHARD III., Duke of Wurtemberg-Stuttgart, 1674. ^ 2. WILLIAM LOUIS, Duke of Wurtemberg, 1677. 8. EBEEHABD LOUIS, Duke of Wurtemberg, 173S. Frederick Claries I 4. CHABLE3 ALEXANDER, Duke of Wurtemborg, 1737. L FEEDEEICK IL, Duke. Made King in 1605, under the name of FEEDEEICK L, 1816. g. WILLIAM fPrederiok Cbarleg) L, 15M- Catbarine Paulovna, Pauline Theresa of Euaaia, 1819. Louiaa, of Wurtemberg, bom 1800. Paul Cbarlea Frederick Auguatua. 1952. Cathaiuie Charlotte, of Saze- Altenburg, 1847. Mary Proderica Charlotte, born 1816. Sophia Bred erica Matilda, bom 1813. William III., of Holland, bora 1817. Catbarine Frederica S. CHAELE3 I., Augusta Wilhelmlna Frederick Charles Augustus, of Wurtemberg, born 1808. Fredor Alexander, born 1828. Hennanu Bernard Gei^e, of Baie-Weimar, bom 1825. Frederica Charlotte Mary, now Helena Paulovna, bom 1 807, Michael, Grand -Duke of EuBsia, 1819. Frederick Charles Aug us tu a, bom 1608. Catharine Frederica Charlotte, of Wurtemberg, bom 1B2L HAYDN'S UNIVERSAL INDEX OF BIOGRAPHY. AAG ABD Aagaaed, Ciiristiaji, Danish Latm poet ; &. 27 Jan. 1616 ; "wrote " Threiii Hyperboraei" on the death of Christian IT., &c. ; d. 5 Feb. 1664. AiGAiRD, Xiels. brother, Danish scholar ; t. 1612 ; d. 23 Jan. 1657. A AT.ST, see Adst. Abailakd, see Abelard. Abano, Pietro d' (Petrus de Apono), Itahan physician and alchemist ; h. abont 1250 ; nar- rowly escaped bnming by the Inqnisition ; his " Conciliator Differentianim Philosophonxm et Medieorum" printed 1472; d. about 1316. Abascal, Jos^ Pemando, Spanish statesman ; t. 1743 ; assisted to defend the Harannahs against the English, 1 796 ; for his able govern- ment of Xew Grahcia made " Marques de la Concordia Espanola del Peru" by the Cortes, 30 May, 1812; d. 30 June, 1821. Abaii, or Aebate, Niccolo dell', Italian fresco painter; 6. 1512 ; d. 1571. Aeauzit, Pirmin, French philosopher and scholar; friend of Newton; 5. II jSTot. 1679 ; d. 20 March, 1 767. A^BADIE, d', brothers, Prench travellers : An- toine, 6. 1810 ; Amould ilichel, 6. 1815 ; ex- plored Ethiopia, i S3 7-45, 1853-54. Aebadie, Jacques, Prench Protestant theolo- gian, dean of Ejllaloe ; b. 1658 ; friend of mar- shal Schomberg ; present at his death at battle of the Boyne, i July, 1690; d. 25 Sept. 1727. Abbas I. — m., shahs of Persia. I. the great ; &. 1557 ; shall, 1587 d. Jan, 3628 II. 6. 1629 ; shah, 1642 ... d. i665 in. b. 1732 ; last of the Sophi dynasty . . d. 1736 Abbas-Pacha, viceroy of Egypt; t. 181 3; succeeded his uncle Ibrahim, 10 Nov. 1848; promoted railway from Alexandria to Cairo, 1851; d. 14 July, 1854, Abbot, Charles, b. 14 Oct. 1757; speaker of house of commons, 10 Peb. 1802-17; baron Colchester, 3 June, 181 7; d. 8 May, 1S29. Abbot, George, b. 29 Oct. 1562; archbishop of Canterbury, 1610 ; accidentally killed a park- keeper, 24 July, 1622 ; opposed the tyranny of the government, 1626-33 J <^- 4 -^i^- 1633. Abbot, George, nephew; b. 1600; published " Paraphrase of the Book of Job," 1 640 ; " VindiciEe Sabbatae," 1641 ; d. 4 Feb. 1648. Abbott, Charles. I. 7 Oct. 1 762 ; chief justice of the king's bench, iSiS; created baron Ten- terden, 30 April, 1827 ; d. 4 Nov. 1S32. Abbott, Jacob, American writer (for the young); 6. 1803. Abdallah-bes-Abdelmottalie, father of Ma- homet; 6. about 545 ; d. 570. Abdallatif, Arab physician and philosopher ; h. 1 162; favourite of Saladin; d. 8 Nov. 123 1. Abd-el-Kader, Arab chief ; b. i S07. Preached a holy war to expel the French ; raised lo.cxxj men ; vigorously, but unsuccessfully, b^eged Oian . . .... 1832 Eecognised by the Prench as emir of Mascara, by treaty 'soon broken) . . 26 Feb. 1S34 Carried on a guerilla warfare . . . 1835-36 Thoroughly defeated by Bugeaud ; recognised the French supremacy, .... 30 May. 1837 War renewed; declared a rebel; Algiers annexed to Prance Feb. 1S42 The emir incited the Moors to attack the French ; defeated by Bugeaud at Isly 14 Au^. i S44 Surrendered to Lamorici&re . 23 Dec. 1S47 Taken to Fiance and imprisoned . Feb. 1 84 8 Released by Louis Napoleon 16 Oct. 1S52 Resided at Broussa tiE .... Feb. 1855 At Damascus, rescued many Christians from the massacre .... July, i860 Visited Paris and London .... Aug. 1865 Abd-EI^Wahab, founder of the TTahabites, a fierce Arab sect; 6. 1692; d. 14 June, 17S7. Abdeeahman I. — v., Ommiade caliphs of Spaim L chosen ruler of the Saracens in Spain, 754 ; took Cordova, and became calipli, 755 ; insti- tuted academies, laudius, 49 ; prevailed on him to adopt her son Nero ; poisoned Claudius, 54 ; lolled by order of Nero, March, 60. Aguesseau, Henri d', French lawyer and scholar ; 6. 27 Nov. 1668 ; chancellor of France, 1717; d. 9 Feb. 1751. Aguilar, Grace; b. 1S16; wrote "Home In- fluence," "Women of Israel;" d. July, 1847. Aguillon, Fran9ois d', Belgian Jesuit mathe- matician; it. 1567; in his " Traits d' Optique" first spoke of stereographic projection, 1613 ; d. 20 March, 1 6 1 7. Ahab, king of Israel, B.C. 918-897. Ahaz, king of Judah, B.C. 742-726. Ahaziah, king of Israel, B.C. 898-896. Ahaziah, king of Judah, B.C. 885-884. Ahmed I. — III., sultans of Turkey. I. b. 1590: sultan, 1603 . ...(?. 1617 II. 6. 1643 ; sultan, 1691 d. 1695 III. h. 1673: sultan, 1702; received Charles XII. of Sweden, 1709 : deposed by Janissaries, 30 Sept. 1730: ci. in prison, . . . April, 1739 Aid AN, Saint, bishop of Lindisfame ; d. 651. Aignan, Etienne, French dramatist and politician ; b. 1773 ! wrote " La Mort de Louis XVI.," 1793; d. 25 Nov. 1824. AlKIN, Arthur, mineralogist ; 6. 19 May, 1773 ; secretary to society of arts, 1817-40; d. 15 April, 1854. AlKIN, John, M.D., scientific writer; b. 15 Jan. 1747 ; d. 7 Dec. 1822. AlKIN, Lucy, daughter, historian and poet ; 6.6N0V. 1781 ; published "Court of Elizabeth," 1818; "Court of James I.," 1822; d. 29 Jan. 1864 ; see also BarbauJd. AlKMAN, WiUiam, Scotch portrait painter; 5. 1682; d. 1731. Ailly, Pierre d', (de Alliaco,) French cardinal ; " The Hammer of Heretics," and " The Eagle of French Doctors;" b. 1350 ; d. 1420 or 1425. AiLRED, abbot of Eevesby; b. 11 09; d. 1 166. AiNSWOETH, Henry, nonconformist divine ; translator of the pentateuch, psahns, and song of Solomon; d. 1623. AiNSWORTH, Robert, Latin scholar; 5. Sept. 1 660 ; published his Latin dictionary, 1 736 ; d. 4 April, 1743. AiNSWORTH, William Francis, surgeon and geographer ; b. g Nov. 1 807 ; published " Tra- vels in Asia Jlinor," 1842. AiNSWORTHJ WiUiam Harrison, novelist ; b. 4 Feb. 1805; published "Eookwood," 1834; Jack Sheppard," 1839; " Guy Fawkes," 1841. Airy, George Biddell, astronomer, b. 27 July, iSoi ; elected Lucasian professor at Cam- bridge, 1826; director of the new observatory there, 1828; astronomer-royal, 1835 ; his pen- dulum experiments to determine the density of the earth, 1826, 1828, 1854. AiSLABiE, John, chancellor of the exchequer, March, 1 7 18; imphcated in the South Sea bubble; resigned, 23 Jan. 1 72 1. AiTON, William, botanist ; b. 1 73 1 ; superin- tendent of Kew gardens, 1759; published " Hortus Kewensis," 1789; d. i Feb. 1793. AiTZEMA, Lieuwe van, Dutch historian; 6. 19 Nov. 1600 ; published "History of the United Provinces," 1655-71 ; d. 23 Feb. 1669. AjALA, Martin Perez de, Spanish bishop ; b. 1504; published "Traditiones ApostolicEe," 1562 ; d. 1566. Akbab, the Great, emperor of Hindostan; b. 14 Oct. 1542; emperor, 1556; d. Sept. 1605. Akenside, Mark, M.D., poet ; 6. 9 Nov. 1 721; published "Pleasures of Imagination," 1744; d. 23 June, 1770. ALA ALB Alabastee, William, theologian ; h. about 1567 ; published "Lexicon Pentaglotton," 1637 ; d. April, 1640. Alain de Lille (Alanus de Insulis) ; the " uni- versal doctor;" 6. 1114 ; d. about 1203. AljVND, Sir John, see ForUscue. Alakcon y Mendoza, Juan Ruiz de, Spanish American dramatist; d. after 1634. Alard, Lambert, German historian ; h. 27 Jan. x6o2 ; d. 29 March, 1672. Alaeio I., king- of the Visigoths ; made alliance ■with the emperor Theodosius, 395 ; sacked Rome, 24 Aug. 410, and died soon after. Alamo II., Idng of the Visigoths, 4S4 ; de- feated and slain by Clovis at Vougl(5 near Poi- tiers, 507. Alasco, or a Lasco, John, Polish bishop ; I. 1499 ; abjured Catholicism, and came to Eng- land about 1545; returned to Poland; d. 13 Jan. 1560. Alava, Bsquivel Diego de, Spanish bishop of Cordova ; wrote "De ConciUis UniversaUbus," pubUshed 1582 ; d. 16 Peb. 1562. Alava, Miguel Eicardo de, Spanish states- man; 6. 1771 ; abandoned king Joseph and joined Wellington, 1811 ; retired to England, 1823; returned to Spain, 1833; ambassador in England, 1834; France, 1835; d. in Prance, 1843. AiEAN, Saint, British protomartyr, about 2S5. Albani, Prancesco, Bolognese painter ; b. ly March, 1578 ; d. 4 Oct. 1660. Albani, Giovanni Francesco, Italian cardinal and statesman; 6. 1720; cardinal, 1747; pro- moted the election of Pius VII., 1800 ; d. 1809. Albani, Giovanni Girolamo, Italian cardinal ; i. 3 Jan. 1504; d. 23 April, 1591. Albany, dukes of, regents of Scotland. KoBERT Stewart, b. 1339 ; regent, 1389-98 ; caused his nephew David, dnke of Eotbesay, to be murdered, 1405 ; regent, 1406 ; d. 3 Sept. 1420. Murdoch, son, regent, 1420 ; resigned to James I., who returned from his captivity in England, 1424 ; he and his family tried and executed, May, 1424. John, made regent, 1514 ; retired to France in disgust at disaffection, 1524 ; killed at Pavia, 1525. Albany, Louisa, countess of, daughter of count von Stolberg ; b. 1753 ; married prince Charles Edward Stuart, 1772 ; left him for a convent, 1780 ; lived with Aliieri, 17S8 ; d. 29 Jan. 1824. Aleemaele, see Keppel and Monk. Albeegati Capacelli, Francesco, marquess d', ItaUan actor; b. 29 April, 1728; named the "Garrick of Italy;" d. 16 March, 1804. Albekgotti, Francesco, Italian jurist, called "Doctor soUdse Veritatis ;" b. 1304 ; d. 1376. Albbroni, GiuHo, Italian cardinal; b. 31 May, 1664 ; prime minister of Spain, 1 7 14 J dismissed, Deo. 1719; d. 26 June, 1752. Albert Azzo, lord of Este, married Cune- gonda, heiress of the Guelphs, 1047 ; (issue, Guelph, duke of Bavaria, founder of the house of Brunswick ;) d. 1097. Albert, archduke of Austria; b. 1559 ! ^ ^^^' dinal and archbishop of Toledo ; resigned, and married Isabella of Spain, becoming governor of the low countries, 1598 ; defeated by the Dutch at Nieuport, 2 July, 1 600 ; d. 1 62 1 . Albeet, archduke of Austria, commander-in- chief of the Austrian army ; b. 3 Aug. 181 7 ; governor-general of Hungary, 1 85 1 -60 ; defeated the Italian army at Custozza, 24 June, 1866. Albert I. — III., margraves of Brandenburg. I. the Bear, b. 1106 ; made margrave, 11 34; duke of Saxony, 1138; lost his states in war; recovered them, and made an imperial prince, 1142; visited the Holy Land, 1158 ; d. 18 Nov. 11 70. II. margrave, 1206: d. 23 Feb. 1221. III. (named Achilles and Ulysses), b. 24 Nov. 1414 ; margrave, 1470: d. 11 March, i486. Albert of Brandenburg, grand master of the Teutonic order, 1 5 1 2 ; d. 20 March, 1 568. Made an imperial ecclesiastic prince . . . 1525 Turned protestant ; expelled the knights, and became first duke of Prussia 1525 Put to the ban of the empire . 1532 Albert, duke of Brunswick, the Great ; divided his states at his death, 15 Aug. 1278. Albert I., II., emperors of Germany. I. b. 1248 ; duke of Austria, 1282 ; defeated Adolphus of Nassau, and became emperor, 1298 , revolt of the Swiss, 1307 ; assassinated by his nephew John, i May,, 1308. II. b. '10 Aug. 1397 : duke of Austria, 1404 ; emperor, 1438 ; an able ruler; d. 27 Oct. 1439. Albert I.— III., dukes and electors of Saxony. I. duke, 1212 . . ''■ 1260 II. duke, 1260 . . eror, 1180; mur- dered by Andronicus Comnenus . . . 11S3 III. Angelus ; dethroned and blinded his brother Isaac, 1 195: expelled by the crusaders, July, 1203 : returned to Greece, and blinded Alexis v., 1204; .... ci. some years after 1210 IV. Angelus ; emperor, 29 July, 1203 ; murdered, 28 Jan. 1204 V. Ducas, called "Murtzuphlus ;" emperor, 8 Feb. 1204; killed by the crusaders after their capture of Constantinople on . .12 April, 1204 Alexis I. — IV. , Comnenus, emperors of Trebizond. I. b. 1182; founded the empire, April, 1204; d. Feb. 1222 II. b. 1282 ; emperor, 1297 . d. 1330 III. emperor, Dec. 1349 ... d. 1390 IV. emperoi", 1412 ; murdered, about 1446 Alexis, czar of Russia; h. 10 March, 1629; succeeded his father, Michael, 13 July, 1645; victorious over the Poles, Ib54; over Swedes, 1658; over Cossacks, 1667; d. 29 Jan. 1676. Alexis, son of Peter the Great, czar of Russia; h. 28 Feb. 1690; conspired against his father, tried and sentenced to death ; d. 7 July, 17 18. Aleyn, Charles, poet ; wrote " Battles of Crescey and Poictiers," 1631 ; d. about 1643. Alfani, Italian painters ; Domenico, 6. about 1483; d. after 1553; Orazio, son, h. 1510; d. Dec. 1583. Alfarabius, Arab philosopher ; d. 950. Alfieei, Vittorio, Italian poet; h. 17 Jan. 1749; his Cleopatra acted at Turin, 1775; devotedly attached to Louisa, countess of Al- bany; d. 8 Oct. 1803. Alfonso T,~V., kings of Aragon. I. " The Battler ; " king, 1104; married Urraca, daughter of Alfonso VI., king of Leon and Cas- tile ; king of Castile, 1109-1114 ; victorious over the Moors ; killed in battle . 17 July, 1134 II. king, 1162 d. 20 April, 1196 TIL king, annexed the Balearic isles, 1285 ; d. 18 June, 1291 IV. king, 1327 (i. 24 June, 1336 V. king, 1416; conquered Naples, 1442; tZ. 27 June, 1458 Alfonso I. — XI., kings of Leon and Castile. I. of Asturias. the Catholic ; b. 693 ; king, 739 ; greatly enlarged his kingdom by conquest . d. 757 IT, of Asturias and Leon, the Chaste ; b. 758 ; king, 791 ... . . . . d. 842 III. the Great ; b. 848 ; king, 866 ; annexed Navarre as an hereditary fief, 873 ; victorious over the Mahometans, 907-910 ; compelled to abdicate, 910 d. 20 Dec. 910 IV. king, 925 ; became a monk, 630 ; attempted to reclaim his crown, but defeated . . d. 931 V. b. 994 ; king, 999 ; married his son to the heiress of Castile, 1026 ; killed at the siege of Viseo 5 May, 1028 VI. of Leon ; b. 1030; king, 1065; I. of Castile on the assassination of Sancho I., 1072 ; epoch of the Cid Rodrigo . . . «. 30 June, iioq (Vll.)kingof Aragon,with his ^rife Urraca, daugh- ter of Alfonso VI., nog ; marriage annulled 1114 ALF 11 ALL VII. Raymond, of Leon, II, of Castile, caUed " The Emperor ;" 6. 1106; king, 1126; d. 21 Aug. 1157 VIII. of Leon, III. of Castile; king, 1158; en- couraged education . d. 5 Aug. 1214 IX. of Leon only: king, 1188 . . d. 1230 X. (or IX.) of Leon, IV. of Castile, called the "Wise ; b. 1223 : king, 1252 ; the Alphonsine astronomical tables compiled, the ^Scriptures translated, and new laws promulgated under Ms auspices . . . . (i. 4 April, 1284 XI. of Leon, V. of Castile ; king, 1312 ; success- ful against the Mooi-s . . d. 26 March, 1350 Alfonso I., II., kings of Naples. I. (V. of Aragon) ; conquered Naples, 1442 ; d. 27 June, 1458 II. 6. 1448 : king, 1494 . d. ig jSov. 1495 Alfonso I. — VI., kings of Portugal. I. count, 1096 ; proclaimed king, after defeating the Moors at Ourique, 1137 ; took Lisbon, 1147 : d. 6 Dec. 1185 II. king, I2I2 . . . . (?. 25 March, 1223 III. 6. 1210 ; king, 124S ; acquired Algarve ; d. 16 Feb. 1279 IV. the Brave : 6. 1290 : king, 1325 ; defeated the Moors : commanded the death of his son's wife, liiez de Castro, 1354 d. 28 May, 1357 V. 6. 1432 ; king, 1438 . . d. 28 Aug. 148 1 Vr. b. 1643; king, 1656: excessively profligate; deposed by conspiracy of his wife and brother, 1668 ; . . ((. 12 Sept. 1683 Alfobd, Charles Kichard, bishop of Victoria ; i. 1816; consecrated, 1S67. Alfokd, Henry, dean of Canterbury ; i. 7 Oct. 1810; published "Poems," 1831 ; "School of the Heart," 1835 ; " Greek Testament," 1841-61 ; dean, 1S57. Alfokd, Michael, Jesuit historian; i. 1587 ; his " Annales ecclesiastici et civiles Erittanno- rum," &c. published, 1663; d. 165 1. Alfred, king of Northumbria, 686; d. 14 Dec. 705. Alfbed, the Great, king of England, 6. S49 ; d. 28 Oct. goi. Sent to Home, and anointed by the pope . 854 Succeeded his brother Ethelred . 23 April, 871 After seven years' conflict with the Danes, com- pelled to retire to Athelney .... S7S The Danes defeated ; Guthrum and others bap- tized, and given large territories . . May, 878 The Danes acknowledged Alfred's sovereignty 880 Defeated the Danes at Eochester, and captured part of their fleet . 885 Ilepaired London 886 Commenced his Anglo-Saxon translations . 888 Defeated the Danes at Farnham and Bemfleet 894 Constructed a powerful navy and stopped the Danish invasions, . 897 Alfred, or Alfkio, abbot of Malmesbury ; bishop of Crediton, 990 ; d. about 999. Alfked, or Aldred, monk of Beverley ; wrote "Annales, sive Historia de gestis regum Bri- tanuiffi;" d. ii26or 1136. Alfred, prince, youngest son of George III. ; i. 22 Sept. 1 780; d. 20 Aug. 1782. Alfred, duke of Edinburgh, second son of Queen Victoria ; 5. 6 Aug. 1 844. Entered the " Euryalus " as naval cadet Nov. 1858 Elected king of Greece, but declined . Dec. 1862 Elected master of the Trinity house 15 March, 1866 Created duke of Edinburgh and earl of Kent 24 Ma3% 1866 Appointed captain of the " Galatea " . Jan. 1867 .Arrived at Melbourne . . . 23 Nov. 1867 Escaped assassination at Sydney, shot in the back by O'Farrell, 12 March : sailed for England, 4 April ; arrived at Spithead, 26 June, 1868 Algardi, Alessandro, Italian sculptor; i. about 1600 ; executed the "Fuega d'Attila," an enormous alto-relievo ; d. 10 June, 1654. -Algarotti, Francesco, count, Italian critic and philosopher ; 6. 11 Dec. 1712; wrote "Neu- tonianisnio per le Dame," 1733; d. 3 March, 1764. Alghazzali, Arab philosopher; b. 1058; d. mi. -A LGHISI, Francesco, Italian musical composer ; I. 2 June, 1 666 ; d. 29 March, 1 743. Alghisi, Tommaso, Italian surgeon; i. 17 Sept. l66g ; d. 24 Sept. 1713. Alhazen, Arab geometrician ; wrote " Opticce Thesaurus," published in Latin, 1572; c^. 1038. Ali Bey, (Bobrowski, ) Polish scholar ; chief dragoman of the Sultan Mahomet IV. ; trans- lated the Bible into Turkish; d. 1675. Ali Bey, a Mameluke chief ; b. 1728; ob- tained supreme power, and sought to regene- rate Egypt, 1766; invaded Syria, but defeated, 1770; d. 1773. Ali Bey, pseudonym of Domingo Badia y Leblich, Spanish traveller ; b. 1766; travelled in the East and in North Africa as an Arab ; published "Voyages en Asie et en Afrique," 1814; d. 30 Aug. 1818. Ali Pacha, Albanian chief; b. about 1741; usurped the pachalic of Janina, 1 788 ; massacred the Suliotes, Dec. 1803 ; surrendered, and treacherously put to death, 5 Feb. 1822. Alibaud, Louis, fired at king Louis Philippe, 25 June; executed, II July, 1836. Alibrandi, Geronimo, Sicilian painter, called the Raphael of Messina; i. 1470; d. 1524. Alice Maud Maky', princess, second daughter of queen Victoria ; b. 25 April, 1S43; married prince Louis of Hesse-Darmstadt, I July, 1862. Alison, Archibald, Scotch essayist; b. 1757; published " Essays on Taste," 1790; d. 1839. Alison, Sir Archibald, bart., son, Scottish historian ; 6. 29 Dec. 1792; published "His- tory of Europe," 1839-42; d. 23 May, 1867. Alkjiaar, Hendrils van, Dutch poet ; first translated and published " Eeyneke de Voss," (" Eeynard the Fox,") 1498. Allainval, L^onor Jean Christine Soula-s d', French dramatist; b. about 1700; d. 2 May, 1753- Allah, Andrew, scholar; b. April, 1655; d. 17 June, 1685. Allan, David, painter, termed " the Scotch Hogarth;" b. 13 Feb. 1744; d- 6 Aug. 1796. Allan, George, antiquary ; published Hegge's "Legendof St. Cuthbert," 1777; d. 18 May, 1800. Allan, Thomas, Scotch mineralogist; 6. 17 July, 1777; d. 12 Sept. 1833. ALL 12 ALM Allan, Sir William, Scotcli historical painter; I. 1782; A.RA., 1825; RA., 1S35; P.K.S.A., 1838; Imighted, 1842; d. 23 Feb. 1850. Allaed, Guy, French genealogist ; b. 1 645 ; published " EibUothE:que de DauphinsS," i68o; d. 1716. Allakd, Jean Frangois, French general ; h. 1785 ; entered the service of Eunjeet Singh, chief of the Silshs, and organised his army, 1822; d. 23 Jan. 1839. Allaedice, !Robert Barclay, captain, Scotch pedestrian; h. 25 Aug. 1779; claimed the earldom of Airth, 1839; d. 8 May, 1S54. Allatius, or Allacci, Leo, Greeli; scholar, librarian of the Vatican; h. 1 5 86; d. 19 Jan. 1669. Allectus, Roman general ; murdered Ca- rausius, and became emperor in Britain, 293 ; defeated and slain by Asclepiodotus, general of Constantius, 296. Allegeain, Christophe Gabriel, French .sculptor; h. 1710; d. 17 April, 1795. Allegei, Alessandro, Italian poet; d. about 1596; his "Eime" published, 1605-13. Allegei, Antonio, called Correggio, Italian painter ; h. 1494 ; his chefs-d'oeuvre are " St. Jerome" at Parma, and " Nativity" ("Notte") at Dresden; d. 5 March, 1534. Allegei, Gregorio, Italian musical composer ; h. about 1580; d. 18 Feb. 1652. Allein, Joseph, nonconformist divine ; h. 1633; published "Alarm to imconverted Sinners," 1672; d. Nov. 1668. Allein, Eichard, nonconformist divine; b. 1611 ; published " Vindicife Pietatis," 1663; d. 22 Dec. 1 68 1. Allen, Alexander, philologist ; 6.21 Sept. 1814; published "Eclog« Ciceronian^," 1839; d. 6 Nov. 1842. Allen, Ethan, American colonist, colonel of the " Green Mountain Boys ; " founded the state of Vermont during the war of independ- ence; prisoner in England, 1775-78; published '• Narrative of his captivity," 1779; d. 13 Feb. 1789. Allen, John, archbishop of Dublin ; b. about 1476; made by Wolsey chancellor of Ireland and archbishop, 1528; murdered, 28 July, 1534. Allen, Joseph W., landscape painter ; 6. 1803; d. 26 Aug. 1852. Allen, or Alletn, Thomas, antiquary and mathematician; 6. 21 Dec. 1542; d. 30 Sept. 1632. Allen, Thomas, antiquary and topographer ; b. 1803; pubhshed "History of Lambeth," 1827; "History of London," 1827-28; "His- tory of county of York," 1828-31 ; d. 20 July, 1833. Allen, Alan, or Allbyn, William, cardinal ; b. 1532 ; left England at the accession of Eliza- beth, 1558; made cardinal, 1587; incited Philip II. to invade England; published "De- fence of the doctrine of Catholics concernincj Purgatory," 1565; "Admonition to the no^ bility and people of England," 1588; d. 6 Oct. 1594- Allen, William, chemist and philanthropist b. 29 Aug. 1 770; d. 30 Dec. 1S43. Allen, WiUiam, D.D., American author b. 2 Jan. 1784; published "American bio graphical and historical Dictionary," 1809, the first issued in the United States. Alljistkee, or Allestet, Eichard, D.D. ; b. March, 1619; fought in the civU war; with a band of students defended Oxford for the king; d. 28 Jan. 1681. Alletz, Pons Augustin, French miscellaneous writer; b. 1703; d. 7 March, 1785. Alley, William, bishop of Exeter ; b. about 1500 ; consecrated, 1560; pubhshed "Poor Man's Library," 1565; translated the Penta- teuch for the Bishop's Bible \ d. 15 April, 1571. Alleyn, Edward, actor ; b. i Sept. 1566 ; built Fortune theatre, Cripplegate, i6oo; pur- chased manor of Dulwich, 1606; began to build Dulwich coUege, 16 13; endowed the college, 21 June, 1619; d. there, 25 Nov. 1626. Allioni, Carlo, Italian botanist ; b. 1 728 wrote "Flora Pedemontana," 1785 ; d. 1804. Alloisi, Baldassare, Bologuese painter b. 1578; d. 1638. Alloei, Alessandro, called Bronzino, Floren- tine painter; 6. 3 May, 1535 ; painted " Sacri- fice of Abraham ; " d. 22 Sept. 1607. Alloei, Cristofano, son, Florentine painter b. 17 Oct. 1577 ; d. 1621. Allston, Washington, American historical painter and poet; b. 1779; d. 9 June, 1843. Almageo, Diego de, Spanish navigator ; b. 1475 ; accompanied Pizarro in his conquest of Peru, 1532; revolted, and put to death by Pizarro, July, 1538. Almageo, Diego de, son, governor of Pei-u ; 6. about 1520; killed Pizarro, and was exe- cuted, Sept. 1542. Al-Maiioun, see Mamoun. Al-Mansur, or Almansoe, the Invincible, second Abbasside caliph, 754 ; favoured learn- ing ; built Bagdad, about 762; d. 18 Oct. 775. Almeida, Apollinario, Portuguese mission- ary; b. 1587; lolled in Abyssinia, 1638. Almeida, Brites de, the Portuguese Joan of Arc; supported John I., king of Portugal, in the deliverance of his country from Castile at the battle of Albajurrota, 14 Aug. 1385. Almeida, Francisco de, first Portuguese viceroy in India, 1505 ; defeated Egyptian fleet, 1508 ; murdered at Saldanha bay, I March, 1510. Almeida, Louren90 de, son, Portuguese na- vigator ; killed, 1508. Almeida, Manoel de, Portuguese Jesuit mis- sionary in India and Abyssinia; b. 1580; d. 1646. ALM 13 Almeloveen, Theodorus Janssonius van, Dutch physician ; b. 24 July, 1657 ; pub- lished " Onomasticon Kerum inventarum," 1684; d. 29 July, 1712. Almon, John, publicist ; i. 1 73S ; condemned for selling copies of the "Letters of Junius;" established the " Parliamentary Eegister," 1774; d. 12 Dec. 1805. Alompra, founder of the reigning dynasty of Bunuah; b. about 1711; d. 15 May, 1760. Alpheoe, Saint, archbishop of Canterbury, 1006; seized and imprisoned by the Danes, loii; killed, 19 April, 1012. Alpini, Prospero, Venetian physician and botanist; b. 1553; published " De Plantis Jllgypti," 1592; d. 5 Feb. 1617. Alsop, Anthony, B.D., Latin poet ; his "Odes" published, 1751 ; d. 16 June, 1727. Alsop, Vincent, nonconformist divine ; at- tacked Sherlock in his "Anti Sozzo," 167S ! d. 28 May, 1703. Alsted, Johann Heinrich, German theologian and historian; b. 1588; published "Encyclo- paedia," i&io ; d. 8 Nov. 1638. Alston, Charles, Scotch botanist and phy- sician; 6. 1683; d. 22 Nov. 1760. Alstkomer, Jonas, Swedish patriot ; b. 7 Jan. 1685 ; introduced cotton, silk, and woollen manufactures into Sweden ; d. 2 June, 1 76 1 . Altdokpee, Albrecht, German painter and engraver; b. 1488; d. 1538. jG.TEN, Carl August, count, Hanoverian general and statesman; b. 20 Oct. 1764; d. 20 April, 1840. Altek, Franz Carl, German Jesuit and scholar ; b. 27 Jan. 1 749 ; edited " Novum Testa- mentum ad codicem Vindobonensem Grsece," 1786-87; d. 29 March, 1804. Althamek, Andreas, German reformer ; 6. 1498; d. 1564. Althen, Ehan, a Persian ; I. 1 7 1 1 ; first cul- tivated madder in France, 1763; d. 1774. Althusen, or Althusius, Jan, Dutch jurist ; b. 1556; d. 1638. Altilio, Gabriello, Italian Latin poet ; I. about 1440; d. about 1501. Alting, German Protestant theologians : Heineich, b. 17 Feb. 1583; pubhshed "Historia ecclesiastica Palatina," 1644 ; d. 25 Aug. 1644. Jacob, son, 6. 27 Sept. 1618 ; d. 20 Aug. 1679. Alting, Menso, Dutch geographer; 6. 1636; published "Notitia Germanias Inferioris," 1697 ; " Descriptio Frisise," 1701 ; d. 1712. Alheed, monk of Beverley, see A l.fred. Alva, or Alba, Fernando Alvarez, duke of, Spanish general and statesman ; 6. 1508; d. 12 Jan. 1582. Invaded the papal states by order of Philip II. 1556 Sent to quell the rebellion in the Netherlands 1567 Governed with great severity ; treacherously exe- cuted counts Egmont and Horn . . 5 June, 1568 Captured Alkmaar, but failed at Haarlem ; re- called, after having put to death about 18,000 persons . . . . Dec. 1573 AMA Alvaxley, lord, see Arden. Alvak.vdo, Pedro de, companion of Cortes in his conquest of Mexico, 1519-20; conquered Guatemala, 1523; killed in a conflict with the Indians, 1541. Alvaeez, Francisco, Portuguese missionary in Abyssinia, 1515-27; d. after 1540. Alvarotto, Jacopo, Italian jurist; b. 13S5 ; d. 18 June, 1453. Alvensleben, Philipp Carl von, count, Prus- sian statesman; 6. 16 Deo. 1745; d. 21 Oct. 1S02. Alviano, Bartolommeo, Venetian general; defeated the emperor Maximilian in Friuli, 1508; defeated at AgnadeEo, 14 May, 1509; d. 7 Oct. 1515. Alvinzi, Joseph, Austrian general; b. 1735 ; defeated by Bonaparte at Areola, 15-17 Nov. 1796; and at Eivoli, 14-16 Jan. 1797; d. 27 ISIov. 1810. Amadeus I. — IX., counts and dukes of Savoy. I. count of Maurienne only, 1048 . d, about 1072 II. first count of Savoy, tio8 . d. i April, 1148 III. count, 1233: supported the emperor Frede- ric II., greatly favoured by him, 1241 : d. 24 June, 1253 IV. or V. the Great, count .... 1285 IV. or V. tlie Great ; b. 1249 ; count, 1285 ; helped tlie Ivnights to defend Rhodes against the Turks, 1315 d. j6 Oct. 1323 VI. the Green ; 6. 1334 ; count, 1343 ; acquired Piedmont, 1382 . . . . d. 2 March, 1383 VII. the Red : b. 1360 ; count, 1383 ; acquired Nice and other places, 1388 . . d. i Nov. 1391 VIII. the pacific : b. 1383 : count, 1391 : made dulce by the emperor Sigismund, 1417 ; resigned, and became a monk .at Bipaglia, 1434 : elected pope as Felix V., April, 1440 ; resigned, and re- tired to RipagUa, April, 1449 d. 7 Jan. 1451 IX. b. 143s ; duke, 1465 . d. 28 March, 1472 Amaleio, or Aenadld, chief of the crusade against the Albigenses, 1209; d. 29 Sept. 1225. Amalteo, brothers, Italian -writers : CoRNELlo, physician: b. 1530: wrote "Proteus," a poem predicting tlie battle of Lepanto, 1572; d. 1603. Gbronimo, philosopher and physician ; 6. 1506 ; d. 24 Oct. 1574. Giovanni Battista, secretary of pope Pius IV. ; 6. 1525 ; wrote Latin epigrams ; d. 1573. A MAMA, Sixtinus, Dutch Protestant theolo- gian; b. 13 Oct. 1593; published " Anti-Bar- barus Biblicus," 1628; d. 9 Nov. 1629. Amaei, Michele, Italian historian, poet, and Arabic scholar ; b. 7 July, 1 806 ; minister of finance in the Sicilian revolution, I S48. Amaseo, Eomolo, Italian scholar ; 6. 24 June, 1489; d. 1552. Amasis, king of Egypt, B.C. 569 ;^ d. 525. Amato, Giovanni Antonio d', Italian painters : the elder, b. 1475; d. 1555; the younger, nephew, b. 1535 ; d. 1598. Amal'et I., count of Joppa, king of Jeru- salem, 1165; d. II July, 1173. Ajiauey II., king of Cyprus and Jerusalem, 1 1 94; d. I April, 1205. Amadry, or Amaleicus, of Chartres, French theologian and philosopher ; d. about 1204. Amaziah, king of Judah, B.C. 839-810. AMB 14 AMO Ameeegee, Christoph, German painter; h. about 1490; d. after 1568. Ambeeley, John Kussell, viscount, eldest son of Earl Russell; b. 10 Dec. 1842; M.P. for Nottingham, 1866-68. Amboise, Franjois d', French writer ; h, 1550 ; published " Discours touchant la vraie et par- faite," 1577; d. 1620. Amboise, G-eorge d', cardinal; h. 1460; the able minister of Louis XII. of France, 1494 ; d. 25 May, 15 10. AiiBEOGi, Domenico degli, called "Menichino del Brizio," Bolognese painter; d. about 1660. Ameeogio, Teseo, Italian orientalist ; h, 1469 ; published " Introductio in Chaldaicam lin- guam," 1539; d. 1540. Ambrose, Saint ; h. 340 ; bishop of Milan, 374 ; zealously opposed paganism, 384 ; and Arian- ism, 385 ; enjoined penance on Theodosius for massacre at Thessalonica, 390 ; d, 4 April, 397. Ameilhon, Hubert Pascal, French antiquary; 6. 7 April, 1 730 ; published " Histoire du com- merce des Egyptiens," 1766; d. 23 Nov. 181 1. Amelia, Princess, youngest and favourite daughter of George III. ; h. 7 Aug. 1783; d. 2 Nov. 1810. Amelot de la Hodssate, Abraham Nicolas, French publicist ; h. Feb. 1634 ; published " Histoire du Gouvemement de Venise," 1676 ; d. 8 Dec. 1706. AirELOTTE, Denis, French oratorian; h. i6o5; published his translation of the New Testa- ment, 1666; d. 7 Oct. 1678. Amelunghi, Girolamo, called " II Gobbo da Pisa," Italian bmdesque poet ; published " La Gigantea," 1547. Amenophis, kings of Egypt. I. about B.C. 1778. II. B.C. 1687. III. B.C. 1493; the Pharaoh of Exodus. IV. B.C. 1322. Ameebach, Johann, German printer at Basle, 148 1 ; termed by Erasmus " the best of men ;" printed first edition of St. Augustin's works, 1506; d. 1528. Ameebach, Veit, German writer ; 6. 1487 ; published "De Philosophia naturali," 1549; d. 1557. Ames, Fisher, American jurist and orator ; h. 9 April, 1758 : friend and supporter of Washington ; wrote "E.ssays on Democracy;" d. 4 July, 1808. Ames, Joseph, secretary of the society of anti- quaries; h. 23 Jan. 1689; published "Typo- graphical Antiquities," 1749; d. 7 Oct. 1759. Ames, William, D.D., Puritan divine ; 6. 1576; published " Puritauismus Angli- canus," 1610; d. 14 Nov. 1633. Amheest, Jeffrey Amherst, lord, K.B., field- marshal ; b. 29 Jan. 1 71 7; captured Louis- burg and Cape Breton, 26 July, 1758; also Montreal, 7 Sept. 1760; created baron Am- herst, 20 May, 1776; d. 3 Aug. 1797. Amheest, William Pitt Amherst, earl; b. 14 Jan. 1773; d. 13 March, 1857. Succeeded his uncle ... 3 Aug. 1797 Went to China as ambassador 8 P'eb. 1816 Eeturned unsuccessful ... 30 July, 1817 Governor-general of India, i Aug. 1823 — loMarch, 1828 Created earl . . .19 Dec. 1826 Amhuest, Nicholas, political writer; 6. about 1700 ; expelled St. John's college, Oxford, June, 1719; published " The Craftsman," at- tacking Sir Robert Walpole's administration, 1727; d. 27 April, 1742. Amici, Giovanni Battista, Italian physicist and astronomer ; 6. 25 March, 1 786 ; constructed his dioptric microscope, which has led to many discoveries, 1827; d. 10 April, 1863. Amiot, Joseph, French Jesuit missionary ; b. 1 7 1 8 ; went to China, 1750; arrived at Pekin, 22 Aug. 1751 ; published " Dictionnaire Tartare-Mantchou-Fran9ois," 1789-90; d. 1794. Amman, Johann, German botanist ; b. 1 707 ; published " Stirpium rariorum in Imperio Rutheno Icones," 1739; d. 1741. Amman, Johann Conrad, German physician for the deaf and dumb; h. 1669; published " Surdus loqueus," 1692; d. about 1730. Amman, Jost, German painter and wood- engraver; b. 1539 ; published " Panopha," 1564;" " Charta lusoria," 1588; d. 1591. Ammanati, Bartolommeo, Florentine archi- tect ; b. 1 5 II ; built the Ponte deUa Trinity, a bridge over the Arno at Florence; d. 1592. Ammianus Maecellinus, Roman historian; fl. 370-390. Ammieato, Scipione, Italian publicist ; b. 27 Sept. 1531; patronized by the Medici; pub- lished " Istorie Florentine," 1600-41; "Delle FamigUe nobili Napolitane," 1580-1651; d. 30 Jan. 1601. Ammon, Christoph Friedrich von, German protestant preacher ; b. 16 Jan. 1766; published in German, " Sketch of a pure Biblical Theo- logy," 1801-2; d. 21 May, 1820. AMMONio,Andrea,Italiaiipoet; b. li/JT', became Latin secretary to Henry VIII., 1513;^. 1517. Ammonius Saooas, founder of the Neo-Pla- tonists at Alexandria, 201 ; teacher of Origen and Plotinus ; d, 243. Amon, king of Judah; reigned, B.C. 643-641. Amontons, Guillaume, French mechanician; 5. 31 Aug. 1663 ; invented a conical barometer, 1695 ; air thermometer, 1702 ; a telegraph system, about 1684; d. 11 Oct. 1705. Amoet, Eusebius, German theologian; 6. 15 Nov. 1 692 ; published " Scutum Kempense, seu Vindicise IV. librorum de Imitatione Christi," 1728; d. 5 Feb. 1775. Amoey, Thomas, presbyterian theologian ; b. Jan. 1 700 ; published " Dialogue on Devo- tion," 1733; d. 24 June, 1774. Amoey, Thomas, humorist; b. about 169 1; published "Life of John Buncle," 1756-66; d. 25 Nov. 1788. AMO Amos, Hebrew prophet ; prophesied in Israel, about B.C. 808-784. AmpJire, Andrei Marie, French mathematician and physicist ; b. 22 Jan. 1775; published his discoveries in electro-magnetism, 1820 ; in electro-dynamics, 1822-26; d. 10 June, 1836. Amp£re, Jean Jacques Antoine, son, Trench historian; b. 12 Aug. 1800; published " Hi.s- toire Utt&aire de la France," 1840 ; d. 27 March, 1864. Amphilochius, Saint, Greek father ; d. about 395- Amsdokf, Nioolaus von, German theologian ; I. 3 Dec. 1483 ; friend and assistant of Luther ; preached reform, 1524; bishop of Naumburg, 1542-47; d. 14 May, 1565. Amueath, or MtjHAD, I.— IV., Ottoman sul- tans. I. sultan 1360 Took Adrianople and made it his capital . 1361 Greatly enlarged his empire by conquest 1363-87 Killed after his victory at Kossora, by a wounded enemy 1389 II. sultan ... .... 1421 Besieged Constantinople, compelled to retire by rebellion of Mustapha, wlio was defeated and beheaded .... 1422 War with Venice ; Thessalonica taken 1433 Victorious over the Sei-vians .... 1438 Defeated by Hunlades and Scanderbeg; truce of Segedin; abdication of Amurath . . 1443 Defeated Ladislas of Hungary and his allies at Varna, Ladislas killed and Huniades maile prisoner 10 Nov. 1444 His second abdication : returned to power, and quelled the revolted Janissaries . 1445 Invaded Greece 1446 Defeated the invading Hungarians under Huni- ades at Kossora 17 Oct. T448 Died 9 Feb. 1451 III. sultan, murdered his five brothers . . 1574 Made a commercial treaty with queen Eliza- beth . . . 1579 Invaded Hungary . . , . 1592 Conquered Kaab . ... 1594 Died 18 Jan. 1595 IV. termed, from his excessive cruelty, the Otto- man Nero : sultan .... 1623 Suppressed revolt of the Janissaries 1631 Invaded Persia . . 1634 Captured Bagdad 24 Dec. 1638 Died of fever . . 9 Feb. 1640 Amtntas I. — III., kings of Macedon. I- king, about B. c 507 . rf. 480 II. king, about B.C. 430 III. joined the Spartans in the Olynthian wars, B.C. 382 . d. 370 Amyot, Jacques, French prelate and classic writer; b. 30 Oct. 1513 ; bishop of Auxerre, 1 570; great improver of French prose; d. 6 Feb. 1593, Amtot, Thomas, antiquary; b. 7 Jan. 1775 ; d. 28 Sept. 1850. Amyeaut, Amykaldus, or Amueault, Mo'ise, French Protestant theologian; b. Sept. 1596; endeavoured to reconcile the Protestant churches ; d. July, 1664. Anaoharsis, Scythian traveller; arrived at Athens, about B.C. 592. 15 AND Anacletus, or Cletu.?, Saint, pope ; elected, 78; d. 91. Anacletus, anti-pope; reigned 1130-1138. Anacreon, Greek lyric poet; b. about B.C. 563; resided with Polycrates at Samos, 532- 522 ; d. about 478. Anaeesto, Paoluccio, fu-st doge of Venice ; elected, 697; d. 717. Anastasius I,, II,, emperors of the East. I. emperor .... , 491 Fortified Constantinople ... . 507 Favoured toleration and remitted taxes 492-513 Died . 9 July, 513 II. emperor . Compelled to abdicate Attempted to regain his crown ; slain Anastasids I. — IV., popes. 713 7x6 721 d. d. d. T4 Dec 17 Nov d 2 Dec. 401 493 913 1154 I. Saint, pope, ^^ II. Saint, pope, 496 III. pope, 911 IV. pope, 1153 Anaxagoeas, Greek philosopher; b. about 499 ; taught at Athens, B.C. 480 ; accused of impiety, retired to Lampsacus, 432 ; d. 42S. Anaximandee, Greek natural pldlosopher, of Miletus ; b. B.C. 610 ; reputed inventor of maps ; d. about 547. Ancelot, Jacques Arsfene Francois Polycarpe, French dramatist ; h. 9 Feb. 1794; d. 1854. Anchieta, Jos^, Portuguese Jesuit missionary in Brazil; b. 1533 ; d. 9 June, 1597. Ancillon, Charles, French Protestant his- torian; b. 29 July, 1659; d. 5 July, 1715. Ancillon, David, French publicist; b. 17 March, 1617 ; published "Apologie de Luther," 1666; d. 3 Sept, 1692. Ancillon, Johann Peter Friedrich, Prussian statesman and historian; b. 30 April, 1766; published "Tableau des Revolutions," 1806; d. 10 April, 1837. Ancee, d', marshal, see Concini. Ancus Mae-tius, fourth king of Eome ; reigned, B.C. 638-614. Andeesen, Hans Christian, Danish novelist ; b. 2 April, 1805. Andersen, or Andre^e, Lars, Swedish priest and statesman ; b. 1480 ; became chancellor to Gustavus Vasa ; caused the reformed doctrines to be adopted by the diet, 1527 ; published the first Swedish New Testament; d. 1552. Anderson, A dam, Scotch writer ; b. about 1692 ; published " History of Commerce," 1762 ; d. 10 Jan. 1765. Anderson, Alexander,M.D., naturalist ; wrote on the bituminous lake of Trinidad, 1789 ; d. 1813. Anderson, David, D.D. ; b. 1814 ; bishop of Rupert's Land, 1849-64. Anderson, Sir Edmund, judge ; b. about 1531 ; chief justice of the common pleas. May, 1582; wrote "Reports," published 1664-65; d. I Aug. 1605. Anderson, Sir George William, K. C.B., governor of Ceylon; b. 1791; d. 17 Jan. 1857. AND 16 AND Anderson, James, Scotch historian ; 6. 5 Aug. 1662 ; published " Collections relating to Mary, queen of Scotland," 1724-28 ; " Selectus Diplo- matum et Numismatum Scotise Thesaurus," 1739 ; d- 3 April, 1728. Anderson, James, D.D., Scotch genealogist ; published " Eoyal Genealogies," 1732; d. 28 May, 1739. Anderson, James, Scotch agriculturist ; ^- ^739 j published "Recreations in Agricul- ture," 1799-1802; d. 15 Oct. 1808. Anderson, Johaun, German jurist and geo- grapher; 6. 14 March, 1674; employed diplo- matically by Frederick IV. of Denmark, 1 7 1 1 ; his " Natural History of Iceland and Green- land" published, 1746 ; d. 3 May, 1743. Anderson, John, Scotch minister ; 6. 1671 ; published "Defence of the Presbyterians," 1714; d. 1720. Anderson, John, M.D., Scotch natural phi- losopher; h. 1726; founded the Andersonian Institution, Glasgow; d. 13 June, 1796. Anderson, Robert, Scotch physician ; h. 7 Jan. 1750 ; edited " British Poets," 1792-1807 ; d. 20 Feb. 1830. Anderson, Robert, poet; 6. 1 Feb. 1770 ; published " Ballads in the Cumberland Dia- lect," 1805 ; d. 27 Sept. 1833. Anderson, Walter, D.D., Scotch historian; b. about 1720 ; published " History of France," 1769 ; d. 31 Aug. 1800. Andocides, Greek orator ; h. B.C. 467 ; com- manded the fleet at Corcyra, 432 ; exiled for advising peace ; d. 391. AxDR-iDA E SiLVA, Jos^ Bonifacio, naturalist and principal founder of Brazilian independ- ence; h. 13 June, 1765 ; d. 6 April, 1838. Andral, Gabriel, French physician ; h. 6 Nov. 1797; published " Clinique m&iica\e," 1824. Andrasst, Julius, count, Hungarian states- man; 6. 28 May, 1823; nominated president of an independent Hungarian ministry, 17 Feb. 1867. AndriI;, Johann, German musical composer ; h. 28 March, 1 741 ; composed "Der Tiipfer," and other operas ; ec. 1615 Kegent for lier son, Louis XIV.^ with cardinal Mazarine as minister, 1643-51 . . d. 20 Jan. 1666 Anne of Beaujeu, daughter of Louis XI. of T^rance ; h. about 1422 ; regent for her brother, Charles VIII., 1483 ; subdued Brittany, 1488 ; d. 1522. Anne of Bohemia, queen of Richard II. of England ; married, 14 Jan. 1382; favoured the Reformation, 1386 ; d. 7 June, 1394. Anne Boletn, queen of Henry VIII. ; 5. about 1510; married, 14 Nov. 1532; accused of adultery, 2 May ; beheaded, 19 May, 1536. Anne of Brittany, daughter of the last duke ; i. 1476 ; compelled to marry Charles VIII. of France, when the duchy was annexed, 149 1 ; married Louis XII., 1498 ; d. 9 Jan. 15 14. Anne of Cleves, queen of Henry VIII. ; married, 6 Jan. 1 540 ; divorced, same year ; d. at Chelsea, 17 July, 1557. Anne of Denmark, queen of James I. ; h. 1574; married, 20 Aug. 1590; d. 3 March, 1619. Anne Nevill, queen of Richard III. ; married to Edward, prince of Wales, 1470 ; to Richard, duke of Gloucester, 1473 ; queen, 1483 ; d. 16 March, 1485. Anne, queen of Great Britain, younger daughter of James II. by his wife, Anne Hyde ; h. 6 Feb. 1665; d. i Aug. 1714. Married prince George of Denmark . 28 July, 1683 Porsook her father at the Kevolution . Nov. 1688 Her son William, duke of Gloucester, born 24 July, 1689 ; died . . - 30 July, 1700 Became queen at the death of "VViUiam III,, 8 March ; crowned .... 23 April, 1702 Queen Anne's Bounty for the poorer clergy insti- tuted Feb. 1704 Subjected to the influence of Mrs Masham (who supplanted the ducliess of Marlborough) . 1706 Assented to the act for the union with Scotland 6 March, 1707 Her husband, prince George, died . . 28 Oct. 1708 Dismissed the Whig government and the duke of Marlborougli Dec. 1711 Anne of Hungary, daughter of Ladislaus VI., king of Hungary and Bohemia; b. 23 July, 1503 ; married to Ferdinand of Austria, 1521 ; sustained his courage against the Turks; d. 27 Jan. 1547. Anne, empress of Russia, daughter of Ivan V. ; b. 9 Feb. 1694; married Frederick William, duke of Courland, 1 710, who died 1711; em- press, 29 Jan. 1730* tyrannical, cruel rule of her favourite Biren, 1732-40; made peace with the Turks at Belgrade, 1739; destroyed the powerful Dolgorouki family, 1739; d. 29 Oct. 1740. Anne Amelia, princess of Prussia, musical composer; b. 9 Nov. J 723; d. 30 March, 1787. Annebaut, Claude d', French marshal and admiral; concluded peace between Francis I. and Henry VIII., about 1549; d. 2N0V. 1552. Annesley, see J. Annett, Peter, deistical writer ; published "The Free Inquirer," 1762; imprisoned and pilloried; d. 1778. Annius de Viterbo, (Giovanni Nanni), Italian preaching friar; b. 1432; patronised at Rome; published "Tractatus de Imperio Turcarum," 1 47 1; uttered prophecies founded on Reve- lation in his " De futuris Christianorum Triumphia in Turcas,'' 1480; " Antiquitates Varise" (literary forgeries), 1498; d. 13N0V. 1502. Anquetil Dupekeon, Abraham Hyacinthe, French oriental scholar ; J. 7 Dec. 1731 ; pub- lished translation of "Zend-Avesta," 1771; d. 1 7 Jan. 1S05. Anquetil Ddpekeon, Louis Pierre, brother, Frenchhistorian; b. 21 Jan. 1723; rf. 6Sept. 1808. Ansaldi, Casto Innocente, Italian antiquary ; b. 7 May, 17 10; published "De Martyribus sine Sanguine," 1739; d. 1779. Anschaire, (Anscarius, or Ansgerius), the apostle of the North, French missionary to Scandinavia; b. 8 Sept. 801 ; created first arch- bishop of Hamburg, 832 ; d. 3 Feb. 804. Ansdell, Richard, A.R.A., animal painter ; b. 1815; A.R.A., 1861. Anselm, Saint, bishop of Lucca; zealously opposed the emperor Henry IV. and supported the pope, 1061 ; d. 18 March, 10S6. Anselm, Saint, archbishop of Canterbury; b. at Aosta, 1034; d. 2i April, 1109. Abbot of Bee 1078 Archbishop : expelled for resisting encroachments of William II. . . . 1093 Reinstated by Henry I noo Disputed with him respecting investitures 1102 And retired to Rome . 1103 Reinstated . 1106 Anselm, of Laon, " scholastic doctor," restorer of theological study in Fran ce ; d. 1 5 July, 1 1 1 7. Ansilme, Antoine, French preacher; b. 13 Jan. 1652; published " Sermons pour I'Avent," &c., 1731; d. 8 Aug. 1737. Anselmi, Michel Angelo, Italian painter ; I. 1491; d. 1554. Anson, George Anson, lord, commodore; b. 23 April, 1697; cii-cinnnavigated the globe, 18 Sept. 1740 — 15 June, 1744; defeated the French fleet off Finisterre, 3 May, 1 747 ; d. 6 June, 1762. Anspach, Elizabeth Berkeley, margravine of ; b. Dec. 1750; married, first, William Lord Craven, 10 May, 1767; secondly, margrave of Anspach, Nov. 1791 ; published her "Memoirs," 1825 ; d. 13 Jan. 1828. Ansted, David Thomas, geologist; b. 1814. Anstey, Christopher, satiric poet ; &. 3 1 Oct. 1724; published "New Bath Guide," 1766; d. 1S05. Anstis, John, garter king-at-arms ; b. 28 Sept. 1669; published the "Register of the Order," 1724; d. 4 March, 1744. Anstis, John, son, garter king-at-arms ; b. about 1708; d. 5 Deo. 1754. AXT 19 AIJT Antalcidas. a Lacedsmonian ; relieved the fleet of Sicolochiis, B.C. 3 88; made " j)eace of Antalcidas " -with Artaxerxes of Persia, gi^Tng the Lacedaemonians the rule in Greece, 3S7. A51AKAH, Arab warrior and poet ; jl. 6th cen- tmy. A>~rELJii, Joseph, French ecclesiastical his- torian : 6. 25 July, 1648 ; published " De ^tate S. Martini," 1693; d. 21 June. 1697. Ajsxesos, Saint, pope; elected, 21 ^Cov. 235 ; d. 3 Jan- 236. AjsTHEinus, emperor of the TVest, 467 ; hired the Bretons to defend Gaul, 470 ; killed at the siege of Kome, 1 1 July, 472. A xT TTFMT rs^ archltect of the church of St. ScipLia at Constantinople, 532. An'thon, Charles, American classical scholar ; 6. 1797; published ''Horace," with an excel- lent commentary. 1830 ; d. 29 July, 1S67. AsTHOSIE, Francis, quack and alchemist ; i. 1550 ; announced as medicine, potable gold, " Aunmi potabQe," 1610; d. 26 May. 1623. AsTIGOSrs. Greek general under Alexander, B.C. 323 ; wars with his colleagues, 320, 319 ; defeated by a coalition, and slain at Ipsus, 301. AsTiGO^vUS, made king of Judea by the Parthians, B.C. 40 ; defeated by Herod ; exe- cuted by Antony, 37. AsTiGOSTS Dosos, king of Macedon, B.C. 229 ; supported Achsean league ; defeated Cleomenes II. of Sparta at SeUasia, 222; d. 220. ANTiGoycs G0XATAF5. king of Macedon, B.C. 277 ; expelled by Pyrrhus, 273 ; regained his throne, 272 ; patronised Hterature, 269 ; de- feated Alexander of Epirus, 266 ; d. 239. A^rmiACO, Marcantonio, Italian Hellenist; 6. about 1473; taught Greek at Ferrara, 1532; d. 1552. Antise. !Maur Francois d', see Danttne. Axnsot's, favoxrrite of the emperor Hadrian ; drowned in the !N^ile, 122. AsnocHTS I. — X., kings of Syria. I. Soter, son of Seleucns Nicator ; Ving, b. c. 2S0 ; tilled in battle with tlie Gauls .... 261 n. Tlieus : Mug, b.c. 261 ; weakened Syria by war with Egypt ; poisoned by his wife, Laodice . 246 IIL the Great; king. B.C. 223; made war onPtolemy, Mng of Egypt, acquired Palestine, 218 ; defeated at ilaphia, lost his conquests, 217 ; defeated Sc^pas and the Greek allies of Ptolemy at Paneas, 198 ; received Hannibal, a fugitive, 195 ; defeated by the liomans at Thermopylae, 191 ; and by Scipio and the Komans near Magnesia, 190 ; made peace with Eome, surrendering part of Asia Minor, tc., 188 ; dismissed Hannibal, 188 ; kiiledby his subjects 187 IV. Epiphanes ; king, B.C. 175 : nearly conquered Egypt, 171-168 ; commanded by the Eomans to retire ; cmeUy persecuted the Jews, and plun- dered Jerusalem, 168 ; successfnily resisted by ' the Jews under the Maccabees, 166 . . c2. 164 V. EupatorjMng, with his father, B.C. 166; alone, under Lysias, 164 : much of his kingdom con- quered by the Parthians ; murdered by Deme- trius Soter ... 162 VI. by some not recognised as king : made no- minal king by Tryphon, B.C. 142 ; killed by him 140 VI. (or VII,) Sidetes, or Euergetes : defeated, and knied Tryphon, B.C. 139 : king on the captivity of his brother, Demetrius Nicator, 137 : be- sieged and took Jerusalem ; made favourable peace with the Jews, 133 ; invaded Parthia, 129; defeated and slain 128 VII. (or VIII.) Grypus; king, B.C. 125 : resisted by his mother and Alexander Zebina, 125 ; killed Zebina, 123 ; poisoned his mother, 121 ; expelled by his half-brother, Antiochus Cyzi- cenus, 113 : shared Syria with him, iii ; assas- sinated 96 VIII. (or IX,) Cyzicenus : defeated by Seleucns, sou of GrjTJUs, and killed" . . B.C. 95 IX. (or X.) Eusebes ; king, B.C. 95 ; overcame Philip and Antiochus X. ; deposed . 83 X. (or XI,) Epiphanes; defeated by Antiochus IX., and killed in battle, Ajntipatee, (father of Cassander), made regent of Macedon by Alexander, when entering on Persian war, B.c. 334 ; defeated confederates at Cranon,322; solerulerof Macedon, 331; c?. 319- AxTIPATER, (son of Cassauder), contended for throne of ilacedon, B.C. 296; murdered ^said by Demetrius Poliorcetes), 294- A>"nPHON, oldest of the ten Attic orators, teacher of Thucydides ; 6. about B.C. 479 ; con- demned and executed for treason, 411. AsTiQUUS, Johannes, Dutch portrait painter ; 5. II Oct. 1702; d. 1750. Antisthenes, founder of the sect of the Cynics ; pupil of Socrates, and present at his death; Jl. B.C. 426-371. Antodje, Paul (Jabriel, French Jesuit; 5. 21 Jan. 1679; published "Theologia, Moralis universa," 1726; d. 22 Jan. 1743. AjNTOioiAKCHi, Francesco, Corsican physician toiN'apoleon I.; published " Demiers Moments de Ifapolfon," 1823; d. 3 April, 1838. AjiTOXELLI, Giacomo, Italian cardinal; 5. 2 April, l8o5; cardinal, 1S47; president of the council of ministers at Kome, 10 March; re- signed. May, 1848 ; resumed office, April, 1850 ; his resignation not accepted by the pope, March, 1863. AsTO>TXUS Pits, Eoman emperor; 5. 19 Sept. 86 ; succeeded Hadrian, July, 138; his wall ia Britain buHt by LoUius Urbicus, 140; forbade persecution of the Christians, 151 ; d. 7 March, 161. AuTOKIO, of Padua, Portuguese saint; 6. 15 Aug. 1 1 95; said to have preached to the fishes; d. 13 June, 1231. AsTOTTio, Dom, prior of Crato, titular king of Portugal, grandson of Emmanuel; 6. 1531 ; deprived of his rights by PMhp II. of Spain, 1580; appealed to foreign powers for help, 1585 ; defeated; d. at Paris, 26 Aug. 1595. AUTONIUS, Marcus, Eoman orator; 6. B.C. 143 ; killed by Marius, 70. Ajstoxius, Marcus, Eoman triumvir, nephew of Juhus Caesar; 6. B.C. 83; d. 30. Tribtme of the people ; fled to Julius Csesar in Gaul 49 Ck)nsul ; present at Caesar's murder ... 44 ANT 20 ARA Quai-relled with Octavius ; declared a public ■enemy 43 A triumvir with Octavius and Lcpidua ; caused death of Giccro ... . -43 Rained battle of Philippi . . Oct. 42 Married Octavia, siBter of Octaviua . . 40 Triumvirate renewed for live years 31 Dec. 38 Enslaved by Cleopatra .... .36 Invaded Armenia, and brought its Iting, Arta- vasdes, to Alexandria . . ... 34 Bivorced Octavia 33 Prepared for war with Octavius, and wintered at Patrre with Cleopatra . . . 32 His fleet defeated at Actium . 2 Sept. 31 Committed suicide by poison . 30 Antony, Saint, abbot; reputed founder of monachism in the Bast; h. 251; withdrew tu the mountains of eastern Egypt, 285 ; preached In Egypt, 305 ; rf. 17 Jan. 356. Antony of Bourbon, didce of Vend6me, 6. 22 April, 1 5 1 8 ; married Jeanne d' Albret, heiress of Lower Navarre, 20 Oct. 1548; became king and father of Henry IV. of Erance ; lieut- tenant-general of France, 1 560 ; rf. of a wound at the siege of Rouen, 17 Nov. 1562. Anvari, Persian poet and astronomer ; d. about 1200. Anvillk, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', Erench geogia|>lR'r; b. II July, 1697; pub- lished "(Icograpliio anoienne," 1766; d. 28 Jan. 1782. Apelles, Greek painter, patronised by Philip and Alexander of Macedon ; Jl. about B.C. 352- 308. Apelles, Marcionite heretic, denied the resuiTection of the body, &c. ; Jl. about 1 88. Apeb Aurius, prietorian prefect ; kept secret the death of his father-in-law, Numerian, and j-uled in his name ; killed by Diocletian, 2S4. Apian, Peter, German astronomer and mathe- matician; b. 1495; favoured by Charles V. ; published "Astronomicum Caisai-eum," 154OJ d. 21 April, 1552. Apioius, Marcus (laliiuK, Roman epicure; hanged himself at tlie jirospect of poverty; fi- I4-37- Apion, Greek grammarian at Alexandria; fl. about 38. Apollinarts, (father and son), paraphrased the Scriptures into books of poetry, rhetoric, and philosophy, for educational purposes, about 362. Ai'ollinarius, Claudius, bishop of Hierapolis, ( h-eek father ; addressed an " Apology for the Eaith" to Marcus Aurelius, about 170. Apollinaris, Sidonius, see Sidonius. Apollodobus, (iruek grammarian; ft. about B.C. 140 ; also, Greek painter ; fi. about b.o. 408. Apollooobu.4 of Damascus, architect; built Trajan's column, bridges, arches, &c., 105-113. Apdllonio, Jacopo, Italian painter; b. about 1584; d. 1654. Apollonius of Tyana, mystic philosopher ; claimed to be a divine legislator ; b. about B.o. 3 ; visited Persia and India, A.D. 45 ; Rome, 66 ; d. about 98. Apollonius Perg jEUS, mathematician ; wrote on "t'onic Sections; "/. about B.o. 222. Apollonius Rhodius, Greek poet and gi-ani- marian, author of the "Ai'gonautica;"/. about B.o. 235-188. Appel, Jacob, Dutch landscajje painter ; h. 29 Nov. 1680; d. 7 May, 1751. Appekley, Charles James, (Ninu-od), writer on sporting aifaii-s ; 6. 1777; d. 19 May, 1843. Appian, Greek historian of Rome; ^. about 98- 161. Appiani, Italian fresco painters : Francesco, 6. 1702 ; d. ijg-z. Anduka, b. 17S4: patronised by Napoleon I. ; d. 1818. Appius Claudius, see Claudius, Appold, John George, inventor ; b. 14 April, 1800; exhibited his centrifugal pump at gi-eat exhibition, 1851 ; d. 31 Aug. 1865. Appuleius, or Apuleius, author of the " Golden Ass;" fl. about 130-174. Ai'HiES, (Pharaoh Hophra), long of Egypt, B.O. 596; defeated and dethroned by Amasis, 570- Aprosio, Luigi, afterwards Angelico, called " II Padre Vintimiglia," Italian monk; b. 19 Oct. 1607 ; wTote " Biblioteca Aprosiana," 1673; d. 23 Feb. i68l. AyUAPENDENTE, SCO Fabricius. Aquaviva, Andrea, see Acquaviva. AuUAViVA, Claude, able general of the Jesuits; b. 1542; d. 31 Jan. 1615. Aquila, translated the Old Testament into Greek tor the Jews, about 1 30. Aquila, Serafino deU', ItaUan poet; 6. 1466; patronised by Cesare Borgia; d. 10 Aug. 1 500. Aquin, Philippe d', Erench Hebraist; pub- lished " Dictionarium HebriEo-Chaldseo-Tal- mudico-Rabhiuicum," 1629; "Dissertation du Tabernacle," 1623; d. 1650. Aquinas, Thomas, tSaint, the " AngeUc Doc- tor;" b. 1224 or 1227; taught at Naples, 1272; d. 7 Jlarch, 1274. Arago, Dominique Erangois, Erench physicist and astronomer; 6. 26 Feb. 1786; d. 2 Oct. 1853- Moa-surod an arc of the meridian in Spain . 1806 Appointed perpetual .secretary of tlie Academy of Sciences at Faris 1830 Publislied researclies in polarised light, 1819 ; in magnetism and electricity, 1820-26 ; " Astro- nomie populaire," 1834; on chemical action of light 1843, &c. Visited England 1816 and 1834 Member of the provisional government . May, 1848 AiiAGO, ICtienne, brother, French dramatist and politician; h. 7 Fch. 1803; active republi- can; fought at the barricades, Jidy, 1 830; member of the constituent assembly, Dec. 1 848 ; banished, I)uc. 1849. AiiALDi, AlessandrOj Italian painter ; d. about 1528. AiiAM, Eugene, schoolmaster; h. 1704; exe- cuted (for murder of Daniel Clarke in 1746), 6 Aug. 1759. AEA 21 ARE Aii.\XDA, Pedro Abarca de Bolea, conde de ; i, 21 Bee. i;iS; as prime minister of Spain, a reformer of abuses, and an enemy of England, 1766-73; d. 1799. AiuNzio, or A-RASTIDS, Giulio Cesare, Italian physician; J. about 1530; rf, 15S9. AiiATDS, Greek general ; h. B.e. 271 ; elected prsetor of the Achsean league ; endeavoured to restore Grecian unityand freedom, 245 ; poison- ed by Philip A\ of Macedon, 213. Akatus, Greek poet ; author of " Phteno- mena," an astronomical poem : .rf. B.c. 270. Arbacks, founder of the Median empire ; reigned B.o. 876-S4S. Arbogast, Louis Frangois Antoine, French mathematician; 6. 1759; d. S April, 1803. Akbogastks, Gallic officer ; intrusted "svith the defence of the west, 391 ; killed Taleutinian II., and set up Eugenius, 392 ; defeated ; killed himself soon after, 6 Sept. 394. Arbowo di Gattisara, Mercurino, Italian cardinal and diplomatist; 6. 1465; employed in France by Maximilian, 150S ; cardinal, 1529; d. 5 June, iS3a Arbkisskllks, Robert d', French monk; h. 1047 > founded the order of Foutevrault, 1096 ; the order confirmed by the pope, 26 March, 1106; d. 25 Feb. 1117. Arbcthsot, John, M.D. ; 6. 1675 ; author of "John Bull," ""Mivrtinus Scriblerusj" d. 27 Feb. 1735. Arc, Jeanne d', see Dare. Abcadits, son of Theodosius I., emperor of the East ; 6. 3S3 ; emperor, 395 ; d. I May, 40S. ArcSre, Louis Etienne, French historian and agriculturist; 6. i6qS; published "Histoirede Itoohelle," 17565-7: d. 7 Feb. 1782. Akcesilacs, Athenian philosopher; founder of the ne\r academy, E.C. 27S : d. 241. Arcet. Jean d', French physicist ; 6. 7 Sept. 1725: d. 12 Feb. 1801. Archdall, Mervyn, Irish antiquary ; 6.1723: published " Monasticon Hibemicum," 17S6; d. 6 Aug. 1 79 1. -VKCHDKKHf, Eichard, Irish Jesoit; ft. about 1619; published "Of Miracles," 1667; d. 3 Aug. 1693. Archelacs, king of Macedon, B.C. 413; as- sassinated, 399, Archelaus, supporter of Mithridates ; de- feated by Sylla near Caieroneia, E,a 86, AKCHELArs. son. married Berenice, and reigned with her in Egypr. B.C, 56 ; killed in battle with the Komans, 55. ARCHFXArs, son of Herod ; made ethnatch of Jndea by Augustus, B-C. 3 ; banished by him, A.I>. 7. " ^ Archexholz. Johann Wilhelm Ton, German hMorian ; 6. 3 Sept, 1 745 : publfehed in Ger- man, "EngLmd and It;\ly." 17S5 ; "History of the Seven Years" War, " 1793; d. 28 Fek 1S12. Archer, Frederick Scott, inventor of " iodised collodion," invaluable in photography, 1851 j d. 2 May, 1857. Archek, John Wykeham, painter and anti- quary; 6. 2 Aug. 1806; published "Vestiges of Old Loudon," 1851 ; d. 25 M.ay, 1864. Archiac, Etienne Jules Adolphe Desmier de Saint-Simon, vicomte d', French geologist ; 6. 24 Sept. 1802 ; published " Histou^ des progr^ de la Geologic," 1S47-60. Archias, founder of S\T-acuse, b.c. 734. Abchias, Greek poet, whose Roman citizen- ship was defended by Cicero, B.c. 61. AioHiDAllcs I. — ^V,, kings of Sparta, , I. king about b,c, 668 n. king, E.0, 469 : invaded Attica, 43T . d. 427 HI, gained the " tearless victory "" .withont losing a man) over the Peloponnesians, B.C. 367 ; king, 361 ; assisted the Fhocians in the sacred war, 556 : joined the Tarentines ; killed in Italy . 338 I V. defeated by Demetrius Poliorcetes B.C. 296 V. king, B.C 240 : mnxdered . . , 224 Akchilochus, satiric Greek poet ; inventor of regular Iambics; fl. about B.c, 714-676, Archimedes, geometer; 6. b.c. 2S7; assisted in defence of Syracuse, 214; killed there, 212. Archttas of Tarentum, Greek philosopher; inventor of pulley, vice, &c. ; redeemed Plato when sold for a slave by Dionysius, B.C. 360. Akco. Xiecolo d', conte, Italian Latin poet ; b. 3 Dee. 1479 ; d. 1546. Arcudi, Alessandro Tommaso, Italian satirist ; h. 1655 ; published " Anatomia degl' Ipocriti," 1699; d. 171S. Arden, Edward; ft. 1531; executed for high treason, 20 Dec 1583, Ardex, Eichard Pepper, lord Alvanley: h. 1745 ; solicitor-general, 17S2 ; attomey-genenU, 17S4; master of the roDs, 4 June, 17SS: chief- justice of the common pleas, and bai'on, 22 May, 1801 ; d. 19 March, 1S04. Akdeks, John, surgeon; .rf, about 1370. Arditi, Luigi, Italian musical composer ; 6, 16 July, 1S25, Ardoots, marchese d' Ivrea; deprived and declared a public enemy, 999; king of Italy, 1002 ; defeated by the emi)eror Henry II., 1004; regained Pavia. ttc. looS; d. 1015. Ardshir, or Artaxzkxes; defeated Arta- banus, king of Parthia, hist of the Arsacidfe, and founded the dynasty of the Sassanidfe, kings of Persia, with the title of Shahinshah, " king of kings," 226 : warred, without result, with Alexander Severus tall his death, 237 ; and with Armenia tdU his own death, 240. Aresm. (or De la Sable), Antoine d', French jurist and macaronic poet; wrote "De Arte Dansandi," "Meygr»Entreprisa,"S:c;(i. 1544. Arex'a, or HiKEXA, Jacopo, Italian jurist ; wrote '" Compendium MoraUuni," &c, about 132a Aren-dt, Martin Frederic, Danish antiquary ; ft, 1769; travelled through Europe; d. 1S2.}. ARE 22 AKI Aresi, Paolo, Italian theologian; 6. 1574; wrote commentaries on Aristotle, the Canticles, &c. ; cZ. 13 June, 1644, Aket^us, Greek physician ; fl. ist century. Aketino, or Akezzo, Guido d', alleged inventor of the musical gamut; h. about 995. Aeetino, Leonardo, see Bruni. Aeetino, Spinello, Italian fresco painter ; i. about 1316; d. about 1408. Aketius, Petro, Italian satirist, termed the "Scourge of princes," but reaUy their flatterer ; h. 20 April, 1492; patronised by Francis I. of France, the Medici, &o. ; d. 1557. AKrvEDSOS, Johan A., Swedish chemist; i. 12 Jan. 1792 ; discovered the metal lithium, 181 7; d. 23 Oct. 1841. Akgall, John, theologian ; h. about 1 540 ; published "De vera Poenitentia," 1604; d. Oct. 1606. Abgall, Richard, religious poet; published " The Song of Songs," and " The Bride's Orna- ments," 1 62 1. Aegand, Aim^, Swiss chemist ; h. 1755; in- ventor of the Argand lamp, first made in Loudon, 1782; d. 24 Oct. 1S03. Aegelandek, Friedrich Wilhelm August, German astronomer; 6. 22 March, 1799; pub- lished " L^ranometria nova," 1843. Aegellati, Filippo, Italian bibliographer ; J. 1685; assisted Muratori in his " Rerum ItaUcarum Scriptores," 1723-39 ; published " Bibliotheca Scriptorum Mediolanensium," 1745; d,- 25 Jan. 1755. Aegens, Jean Baptiste de Boyer, marquis d,' French writer ; 6. 24 June, 1704; served some years as a soldier; published "Lettres Juives," 1754; "Lettres Chinoises," 1755; "Lettres Cabalistiques," (all published as "PhUosophie du bon Sens," 1768); d. II June, 1771. Aegensola, brothers, Spanish poets and his- torians ; LuPEKCio Leonardo de, dramatist ; h. 1563 : d. 1613. BAriTHOLOME Leonaedo DE, h. 1564: published *' Conquesta de la Islas Molucas," 1609 ; " Anales de Aragon," 1630 ; d. 26 Feb. 1631. Aegenson, Marc Pierre d', French statesman ; 6. 1696 ; patronised literature, the " Ency- clopedic," &c. ; disgraced and exiled, 1757; d. 1764. Aegentebio, Giovanni, Italian physician ; b. 1513; published "De Consultandi Ratione," 1551; d. 1572. AEGENTKi, Bertrand d', French jurist; h. 1519; published "Histoire de Bretagne," 1582; d. 13 Feb. 1590. Aegenti!]!;, Charles du Plessis d', French pre- late; h. 16 May, 1673; bishop of Tulle, 1725; published "Analyse de la Foi," 1698; d. 27 Oct. 1740. Aegenville, Antoine Joseph Dezallier d', French naturalist ; h. about 1680 ; a compiler of the great " Encyclopddie ; d. 29 Nov. 1765. Aegoli, Italian writers : Andrea, mathematician ; 6. 1570; published "Eplie- merides," Jor 1628 to 1700; " De Diebus critiois," 1652 ; d. 27 Sept. 1657. Giovanni, son, poet : h. about 1609 ; published " En- dimione," 1626; d. about 1660. Aegonne, Noel, or Eonaventure d', French Carthusian; b. 1640; published " Traite de la lecture des Pferes de I'Eglise," 1668; (under the name of Vigneul Marville) " Mflanges d' Histoire et de Litt^rature," 1699 ; d. 28 Jan. 1704. , Argyll, see Canvphdl. Aegyropoulos, Joannes, Greek scholar; came from Cimstantinople into Italy ; taught Greek at Padua, 1434; translated Ajristotle; d. after 1489. Ariarathes I. — VII., kings of Cappadocia. I. defeated and slain by Perdiccas B.C. 322 II. recovered Cappadocia . B.C. 315 III . . . d. B.C. 220 IV". joined Antiochus III. against Eome ; sued for peace, B.C. 188 d. 163 V. king, E.G. 163 : expelled by Demetrius Soter, 158 : restored by the Romans, 157 ; slain in battle 130 YI. king, B.C. 130 : slain by Mithridates 96 VII. VIII. deposed by Mithridates, about B.C. 96 IX. king, B.C. 42: deposed, and slain by Antony 36 Arias Mohtano, Benito, Spanish biblical scholar; b. 1527; edited the Antwerp Poly- glott Bible, 1569-73; d. 1598. Arid^us, see Arrhidcuus. Aeiobarzanes I. — III., kings of Cappadocia. I. made king by the Romans, B.C. 93: expelled byTigranes ; restored, go ; resigned to his son 63 II. king, B.C. 63; assassinated about . . 51 III. king, about B.C. 51 ; slain by Cassius 42 Aeiobarzanes I. — III., kings of Pontus. I. uncertain, about E.c 400 II. king, B.c 363 : rebelled against Persia, 362 ; made a citizen of Athens, 352 . d. 337 III. king, B.C. 266 . d. about 240 Aeiosto, Lodovico, Itali. z6Sj ; collected oriental MSS. for the Vatican ; compiled a catalogue, " Bibliotlieca Orientalis," 17T9-28 ; d. 13 Jan. 1768. Stefano Evodio, b. 1707 ; d. 24 Nov. 1782. Giuseppe Luigi, &. about 1710: published "Codex Liturgicus Ecclesise Universae," 1749-63 ; d. g Feb. 1782. SiMONE, 6. 20 Feb. 1752 ; d. 7 April 1851. AssEE, bishop of Sherborne ; wrote life of his friend king Alfred ; d. 910. AssEEETO, Giovacchino, Genoese painter ; b. 1600; d. 1649. AssHETON, WilKam, D.D. ; b. 1641 ; published " Toleration disapproved and condemned by authority," 1674-76; d. Sept. 1711. AssoucT, Charles Coypeau d', French bur- lesque poet; b. about 1604; d. about 1 679. AsT, Georg Anton Friedrich, German philo- sopher and scholar ; b. 1778; edited Plato, i8ig- 32; published " Lexicon Platonicum," 1834-39; d. 30 Dec. 1841. AsTBHEY, Samuel, potter ; b. about 1678 ; greatly unproved the manufacture; d. 1 743. AsTELL, Mary, scholar; 6. 1668; published " Letters concerning the Love of God," 1695 ; " Reflections on Marriage," 1700; d. 11 May, 1731- AsTLE, Thomas, antiquary; b. about 1734; published " Origin and Progress of Writing," 1784; d. I Dec. 1803; his valuable library bought by the Royal Institution, London, 1804. AsTLEY, Jacob Astley, lord, royalist general; created baron, 1645; d. Feb. 1651. AsTLEY, John, portrait painter; d. 14N0V. 1787. Astley, Philip, equestrian ; b. f742 ; built his amphitheatre, 1780; burned, 16 Aug. 1794; rebuilt and opened, 6 April, 1 795 ; pubUshed "Modem Riding-master," 1775; d. 20 Oct. 1814. Aston, Sir Arthur, royalist commander ; governor of Drogheda ; dJ. Aug. 1649. AsTON, Sir Thomas, bart., high sheriff of Cheshire; d. of wounds, 24 March, 1645. ASTOE, John Jacob, a German merchant; b. 17 July, 1763; settled in America, 1784; greatly increased the fur trade, making an enormous fortune ; founded Astoria on the Columbia, 181 1 ; bequeathed funds to estabUsh the public Astor library (126,000 volumes) at New York; d. 29 March, 1848. AsTEUC, Jean, French physician; 6. 19 March, 1684; published " De Morbis Venereis," 1736; "Doutes sur 1' Inoculation," 1756; d. 5 May, 1766. AsTDLFHUS, king of Lombardy, 749 ; <^' 75^- AsTYAGES, last king of Media, gTandfather of Cyrus, B.C. 595-560. Atahuaipa, last king of Peru; Idded by Pizarro, 29 Aug. 1533. Ataulphus, see Adolphus. AtHjU/AEIC, Gothic Idng of Italy, 526 ; d. 534. Athaliah, queen of Judah; usurped the throne, B.C. 884; slain, 878. Athanaeic, Gothic chief ; warred mthValens ; made peace, visited Theodosius at Constanti- nople, II Jan. 369; d. 25 Jan. 381. ATH 27 AUB Athanasius, Saint; 5. 296; d. 2 May, 373. Caused the council of Alexandria to be held against Arius . . . . 321 Opposed the Avians at Nice . . . 325 Elected bishop of Alexandria . . 326 Falsely accused and banished to Gaul 336 Restored 337 Deposed by synod of Antioch ; fled to Konae, and introduced monachism .... 341 Restored, 342 : and returned to Alexandria 349 Again deposed, 355 ; expelled . 356 Again restored, and again banislied . . 362 Finally returned to Alexandria 367 Athahasius, (Astric), Saint, apostle of the Hungarians; 6. 954; crowned king Stephen, 997 ; d. 10 Sept. 1044. Athelstan, king of England ; b. about 895 ; Idog, 925 ; victorious in* Scotland, 933 ; and over the Danes, Scots, and Welsh at Brunan- burh, 937; d. 27 Oct. 941. ATHEN.ffius, of N aucratis, philosopher ; anthor of the " Deipnosophistae," (banquet of the learned) ; fl. 228. Athenagokas, Christian Platonist ; addressed an "Apology" to the emperor Marcus Aure- Uus, 1 68. Athlone, Godart de GinkeU, earl of, Dutch officer; I. 1640; defeated the Irish and French at Aughrim, 12 July, 1691 ; created earl, 4 March, 1692; d. n Feb. 1720. Athole, Walter Stewart, earl of ; murdered James I. of Scotland at Perth, 20 Feb. 1437 ; ; beheaded, April, 1437. Athole, John Murray, duke of ; 6. 6 May, 1729; succeeded, 1764; sold his rights over the isle of Man to the British government for ;;:7o,ooo, 1765; d. 5 Nov. 1774. Atkinson, Thomas Wilham, architect ; i. about 1799 ; published " Oriental and Western Siberia," 1857 ; d. 13 Aug. 1861. Atktns, Sir Kobert, judge; b, 1621 ; made , justice of the common pleas, 1672 ; opposed ', the court ; dismissed or resigned, 1680 ; chief baron of the exchequer, 1689; d. 1709. Atktms, Sir Robert, son ; b. 1 646 ; wrote "History of Gloucestershire," published 1712; d. 29 Oct. 17U. Atlat, James, bishop of Hereford; b. 181 7; vicar of Leeds, 1859-68; consecrated, 1S68. Attaignant, Gabriel Charles de 1', French abb^ and poet; b. 1697; d. 10 Jan. 1779. Attalus I. — III., kings of Pergamus. I. defeated the Galatian invaders, B.C. 241: de- feated fleet of Pliilip V. of Macedon, 201 d. 197 II. king, B.C. 159 d. 138 III. king, B.C. 138; bequeathed his kingdom to the Romans ... <^. 133 Attaixjs, made emperor of Home by Alaric, 409; deposed by him, 410. Attak, Ferid Ud-dln, Persian poet; ft. 11 19; murdered, 1221. Attekbuet, Francis, bishop of Eochester ; b. 6 March, 1662; consecrated, 17 13; suspected of treason, and committed to the tower, 24 Aug. 1722 ; deprived and banished, 27 May, 1723; c/. 15 Feb. 1732. Attious, Titus Pomponius, friend of Cicero ; b. B.C. 109 ; resided at Athens, 85-65 ; d. 32. Atticus Hebodes, Greek rhetorician ; b. about 104 ; greatly adorned Athens and Attica ; d. 180. AttiIuV, called the " Scourge of God," king of the Huns, 434; d. 453. Dictated peace to the Eastern empire . . . 433 Invaded Gaul ; defeated by the Visigoths at Toulouse 439 Defeated at Chalons by Aetius ; retired to Pan- nonia ... .... 451 Invaded Italy ; destroyed Aqnileia : received money from Pope Leo, and returned home 452 Attiket, Jean Denis, French Jesuit painter ; 6. 31 July, 1702; sailed for China, 1737; d. at Pekin, 17 Dec. 1768. Attwood, George, mathematician ; b. 1 745 j invented "Attwood's machine" for proving, by a falling weight, the laws of accelerated motion, 1 784 ; pubhBhed " Dissertation on the construction of Arches," 1801 ; d. II July, 1807. Attwood, Thomas, musical composer ; b. 1767 ; wrote many fine anthems ; organist at St. Paul's cathedral, 1795; d. 24 March, 1838. AuBEB, Daniel Franjois Esprit, French musical composer ; b. 29 Jan. 1 784 ; produced his first opera, " Le St^jour milataire," 1S13 ; "Muette de Portici," (MasanieUo), 1828; " Era Diavolo," 1830. AuBEETIN, Edme, French protestant minister ; ^- 1595 ; published "Eucharistie de lAncienne Eglise," 1629; d. 5 April, 1652. AuBERY, Antoine, French historian ; b. 18 May, 1616 ; published "Histoire des Car- dinaux," 1642-49; d. 29 Jan. 1695. AuBERT, Louis, French historian ; published " M^moires poiu* servir k I'Histoire de Hollande," 1680; d. 1687. AuBESPINE, Gabriel d', bishop of Orleans, diplomatist; 6. 26 Jan. 1579; d. 15 Aug. 1639. ^ AuBIGN^, Theodore Agrippa d , Huguenot historian ; b. 8 Feb. 1550 ; joined the Huguenot band; 1567; entered service of the king of Navarre (Henry IV.), 156S; published "His- toire Universelle, 1550-1601," 1616 ; exiled through the queen, 1620; d. 29 April, 1630. AuBiONi, see Maintenon and Merle. AuBLET, Jean Baptiste Christophe Fus^e, French botanist ; b. 4 Nov. 1 720 ; visited the Mauritius, 1753; explored Guyana, 1762; pub- lished " Histoire des Plantes de la Guyane," 1775; d. 6 May, 1778. AuBEEY, John, naturalist and antiquary ; 6. 12 March, 1626; published "Miscellanies," 1696; d. 1697. AuBEiET, Claude, French painter and bota- nist; b. 1651 ; d. 1743. AUB 28 AUG Adbuisson de Voisms, Jean F. d', French civil engineer; i. i6 April, 1769; pubUshed "Gfognosie," 1819; researches on subterranean heat, 1806; on vapour, 1810; on hydraulics, 1826-30; d.2i Aug. 1 84 1. AUBUSSON, Pierre d', French cardinal ; b. 1423 ; grand-master of the order of St. John of Jerusalem, 1476 ; courageously defended Rhodes against the Turks, from 4 Dec. 1479 ; compelled them to raise the siege, 27 July, 1480 ; made generalissimo of the Christian army against the Turks, 1481 ; d. 15 July, 1503. AucHJiUTT, Sir Samuel, general; i. 1756; stormed Montevideo, the Giljraltar of America, 3 Feb. 1807; took Batavia, &o., in Java, 4-8 Aug. 181 1; d. II Aug. 1822. Auckland, see Eden. AuDiEOS, propagator of the anthropomorphite heresy (that God had a human form); d. about 37°- AuDE, Jean, French dramatist; 6. 12 Dec. 1755; d. Oct. 1841. AuDEEEKT, Jean Baptiste, French naturalist, painter, and engraver ; b. 1759; d. 1800. AuDiFFREDi, Giovanni Battista, Italian astro- nomer; b. 1714; d. 3 July, 1794. AuDiFEET, Jean Baptiste d", French geo- grapher; b. 1657; d. 1733. AuDiGUiEK, Vital d', seigneur de la Menor, French adventurer and novelist ; b. about 1569; assassinated at Paris, 1624. AuDLET, lords : James Tucket, killed at tlie battle of Blaokheath, 1458 or 1455. James Toohet, leader of the Comisli rebels ; defeated at Blaokheath, and beheaded, 22 June, 1497. Thomas Audley ; 6. 1488 ; lord keeper, 1532 ; lord chancellor,i533; created baron, 1538; d. 3oAprU, 1544. AuDOUiN, Jean Victor, French entomologist ; b. 27 April, 1797 ; d. 9 Nov. 1841. AuDOum, Pierre, French engraver; 6. 1768; d. 1822. AuDBAN, French artists : Claude, engraver : b. 1592 ; d. 1677. Sons of Claude : — Claude, painter ; 6. 1639 ; d. 1684. Gi^RAliD, painter and engraver; b. 1640; d. 1703. Geemain, engraver ; b. 1631 ; d. 1710. Sons of Germain ; — Benoit, engraver ; b. 1661 : d. 1721. Claude, designer ; b. 1685 ; d. 1734. Jean, painter ; b. 1667 ; d. 1756. Louis, engraver; b. 1670; d. 77 12. AuDCBON, John James, American naturalist ; 6. 4 May, 1780; began to publish "Birds of America," 1825 ; "Quadrupeds," 1S28 ; " Orni- thological BiogTaphy," 1831 ; d. 27 Jan. 1851. AuEEBAOH, Berthold, popular German writer ■ i. 28 Feb. i8i2. AuGENEO, Orazio, Italian physician ; b. about 1527 ; d. 1603. AuGEE, Athauase, French philologist ; b. 12 Dec. 1734; d. 7 Nov. 1792. AuGEK, Edmond, French Jesuit; b. 1515; published "P(5dagogue dAnnes h, un Prmce Chretien," 1568; d. 17 June, 1591. AuGEE, Louis Simon, French journalist and critic ; b. 29 Dec. 1772 ; published " Mflanges phUosophiques et litt&aires," 1805; d. 2 Jan 1829. AuGEEEAU, Pierre Frangois Charles, due de Castiglione, French marshal ; 6. 11 Nov. 1757; captain in the army, 1793 ; defeated the Austrians at Castiglione, 3-5 Aug. 1796; de- serted alternately Louis XVIII. and Napoleon ; and repulsed by both, 1814-15; d. 12 J-ane, 1816. Adgiee, GuiUaume Victor Emile, French dramatist; 6. 17 Sept. 1820. Augusta, of Saxe-Gotha, mother of George III. ; married Frederick, prince of Wales, 27 April, 1736 ; d. 8 Feb. 1772. Augusta, duchess of Brunswick, daughter of preceding, and mother of queen Caroline ; 6. II Aug. 1737 ; d. 23 March, 1813. Augusta, of Hesse Cassel, duchess of Cam- bridge ; b. 25 July, 1797 ; married Adolphus, duke of Cambridge, 7 May, 1818. ! Augusta, grand-duchess of Mecklenburg- j Strelitz, daughter'; 6. 19 July, 1822 ; married, ! 28 June, 1843. Augusta Sophia, daughter of George III, ; b. 8 Nov. 1768 ; d. 22 Sept. 1840. AUGUSTENBUEG, dukes of. Christian, duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg- Augustenburg : b. 19 July, 1798 ; headed insurrection against Denmark, 1848 ; renounced his duchy for sum of money, 1852 ; d. 12 March, 1869, FfiEDERioK, son ; b. 6 July, 1829 ; claimed theducliies on the death of Frederick Til. of Denmark, 15 Nov. 1S63 ; his claims nullified by treaty of Gastein, 14 Aug. 1865. Christian, brother ; b. 22 Jan. 1831 ; married prin- cess Helena of Great Britain, 5 July, 1866. AuGUSTi, Johaun Christian Wilhelm, German theologian and archaeologist; b. 27 Oct. 1771 ; ' d. 28 April, 1 84 1. Augustine, Saint; 5. 13 Nov. 354; converted by St. Ambrose, and baptized, 387 ; bishop of Hippo, 395 ; commenced his work, " De Civi- tate Dei," 411 ; opposed Pelagius, 415 ; d. 28 Aug. 430. Augustine, or Austin, Saint, the monk ; sent to England by the pope ; preached at Canterbury, 596 ; made bishop, 601 ; founded the cathedral, 602 ; d. 26 May, 605. AuGUSTULus, Romulus, last Roman emperor of the West ; proclaimed, 475 ; deposed by Odoacer, 476. Augustus, emperor of Rome, grand-nephew of Julius Cfesar; b. 23 Sept. B.C. 63; d. at Nola, 19 Aug. A.D. 14. Claimed his uncle's inheritance . . B.C. 44 Triumvir with Antony and Lepidus . . .43 Defeated Brutus and Cassius at Philippi . Oct. 42 Concluded treaty of Misenum with Sextus Pom- Pfiius .... . . ,39 Triumvirate renewed . ' ' . . 37 AUG 29 AVE Defeated Sextiis ... .36 Eupture with Antony .... 33 Defeated him at Actiuni . . 2 Sept. 31 Closed the temple of Jamis, and celebrated his triumph, &o 29 Eesigned his authority, which was restored to him, witli the titles of " Imperator" and "Au- gustus" 27 Suppressed revolts, and again closed the temple of Janus . . .25 Progress through Greece, &c. . . . 21-19 Celebrated the secular games ; ordered publica- tion of the iEneid . . . . 17 Became Pontifex ]\Iaximus . . .12 Completed the theatre of Marcellus 11 The month SeitiHs named Augustus . 8 Adopted iVIarcus and Tiberius . . . a.d. 4 Made Judea a Roman province ; banished Ovid 6 Augustus, kings of Poland, see Frederick Augustus, electors of Saxon}/. Augustus I. II., electors of Saxony. I. the Pious ; b. 31 July, 1526 ; elector, 1553 ; re- stored unity among the Lutherans d. ii Feb. 1586 II. see Frederick Aitgnstu-^. AuLisio, Domenico d', Italian scholar ; &. 14 Jan. 1639 ; d. 29 Jan. 1717. AuLNOY or AuNOY, Marie Catherine JumeUe de Bemeville, comtesse d' ; 6. 1650; published "Fairy Tales" (White Cat, &c. ) ; d Jan. 1705. AuLUS Gellius, see Gellius. AuMALE, Henri, due d', fourth son of Louis Philippe, king of the French; 6. 16 Jan. 1S22. Fought bravely in Africa . . . 1840 Escaped assassination in Paris . 13 Sept. 1841 Returned to Africa, and defeated the Arabs at Ain Taguir ... 16 May, 1843 Made governor of Algeria . . 21 Sept. 1847 Submitted to the Revolution and retired, 3 March, 1848 Published "Lettre sur I'liistoire de France," 1861 ; "Institutions miUtaires de la France," 1867; "Histoire des Princes de Condg," . 1869 AuKELiAN, emperor of Borne; h. about 213; d. March, 275. Acltnowledged emperor . . Aug. 270 Gave up Dacia to the Goths . . 270 Rebuilt walls of Rome 271 Captured Palmyra and Zenobia ; killed Longinus 273 Defeated Tetricus at Chalons ; reunited the em- pire, and triumphed at Rome ... 274 Assassinated byMucapor on his march to Persia 275 AuKELius Antoninus, Marcus, emperor of Home; 6. 121 ; d. 17 March, 180. Adopted by Antoninus and married to Faustina 139 Adopted Lucius Verus as colleague . March, 161 Settled eastern affairs at Smyrna, and attended lectures of Aristides ; lectured at Athens himself 1 76 Defeated the Marcomanni . 176 AuKELius Victor, Roman historian; wrote " Lives of the Ctesars;" ji. about 360. AUKEOLUS, Roman emperor ; proclaimed after defeating and kiUing Macrinus ; invaded Italy and took Milan, 267 ; taken and slain by Claudius at Milan, 268. AuEIA, Vincenzo, Italian poet and antiquary; I. 5 Aug. 1625 ; published " Historia crono- logica de' Vicerfe di Sicflia," 1697; d. 6 Dec. 1710. AuKOSALLUS, Matthaeus, German philologist ; i. about 1480; helped Luther ia translating the Bible ; published "De Ebrajis Nominibus," 1526; d. 10 Nov. 1543. AuKUNGZEEE, great mogul; h. 22 Oct. i5i8; d. 12 Feb. 1707. Dethroned his father. Shah Jelian ; overcame and slew his elder brothers 1658 Attacked by the Malrrattas under Serradji; and by the Afi'ghans . , 1670 AusoNius, Decimus Magnus, Latin poet ; consul, 379 ; d. about 394. Austen, Jane, noveUst of domestic life; 6. 16 Dec. 1785 ; published " Sense and Sensibility," 181 1 ; d. 18 July, 1817. Austin, John, Konianist theologian; h. 161 3; published "The Christian Moderator," 1651 ; d. 1669. Austin, John, jurist; h. 1790; married Sarah Taylor, 1820; published "Province of Juris- prudence determined," 1S32; d. 17 Dec. 1859; Sarah, his wife, translator from the German ; 6. 1793; pubUshed her husband's "Lectures on Jurisprudence," 1861-63 \ ^- ^ -^'^g- 1867. AuTELZ, GuiUaume des, French poet ; b. 1529; d. about 1599. AuTEEOCHE, see Chappe d' AuterocJie. AuTHAEis, Gothic king of Lombardy, 574; d. 591. AuTOLTCUS, Greek mathematician; Jl. about B.C. 330. AuTOMNE, Bernard, French jurist ; h. 1567; published " Conf(^rence du Droit Eomain aveo le Droit Fran9ais," 1644; d. 1666. AuVBEGNE, Antohie d', French musician; h. 4 Oct. 1713; his "Troquers" (considered the first comic opera) performed, 1723; d. 12 Feb. 1797. AuvEBGNE, Latour d', see Zatour. AuviGNY, Jean du Castre d', French writer ; b. 1712; wrote " Vies des Hommes lUustres de la France," published 1744; d. 27 June, 1743. AuzouT, Adrien, French astronomer ; in- vented a micrometer, 1667; d. 1 69 1. AvALOS, Ferdinando Francesco d', marohese de Pescara, Neapolitan soldier in the service of Francis I. of France ; b. 1590; d. 4N0V. 1525. AvAHZI, Giovanni Maria, Italian scholar ; 6. 23 Aug. 1564; d. 2 March, 1622. AvAUX, Claude Mesmes, comte d', French diplomatist; b. 1595; employed by Mazaria; d. 19 Nov. 1650. AvED, Jacques Andr^ Joseph, French portrait painter; b. 1702; d. 1766. AVELLINO, Onofrio, Itahan painter; b. 1 6 74; d. 1741. AVENTINUS, Johaimes (Thiirmaier), Bavarian chronicler ; b. 1466 ; wrote " Annales Boiorum," printed 1554; d- 9 Jan. 1534. AVEBANI, Benedetto, Italian writer; b. 19 July, 1645; d. 28 Dec. 1707. AvEKANI, Giuseppe, Italian jurist and physi- cist; b. 1662; d. 24 Aug. 1738. AvEKDT, Clement Charles Frangois de 1', French jurist; b. 1723; published "Code P&al," 1752; guillotined, 24 Nov. 1793. AVE 30 BAB AvEKRoiJs, (Ibn Eoahd,) Arabic physician, philosopher, and commentator on Aristotle; d. 12 Deo. 1 198. AvicENNA, Aben Sina, called " prince of phy- sicians," Arabic philosopher ; h. 980 ; wrote "Canon Medicinse;" d. June, 1037. AviLA, Gil Gonzalez de, Spanish antiquary ; h. about 1577; published " Antiguedades de Salamanca," 1606; " Teatro de las Grandezas de Madrid," 1623; " Vida y Hechos del Key Henrique III,," 1638; d. i May, 1658. AviLER, AugTistin Charles d', French archi- tect; b. 1653; employed at Montpellier ; pub- lished "Coursd' Architecture," 1738-55 ; d. 1700. AvisA, or Ha WISE, queen consort of John, king of England; divorced, 1200. AvisoN, Charles, musical composer ; h. about 1 7 10; published "Essay on Musical Expres- sion," 1752; d. 10 May, 1770. AviTus, emperor of the West, 455 ; abdicated; d. 456. AvEiGNT, Charles Joseph Lceillard d', French poet; J), about 1760; his "Jeanne d'Arc h Kouen," a tragedy, performed, 1819; d. 17 Sept. 1823. AvKiaNT, Hyaointhe EobillarJ d', French Jesuit historian ; b. 1675; his " M^moires his- toriques," 1600- 1716, published, 1725; d. 24 April, 1 7 19. AxTEL, Daniel, colonel, parliamentarian regi- cide; executed, 19 Oct. 1660. Ayala, Balthasar de, Flemish jurist ; b. about 1548; published " De Jure et Officiis beUicis," 1582; d. 16 Aug. 15S4. At ALA, Pedro Lopez de, Spanish chronicler ; b. 1332 ; fought against Peter the cruel at Najera,,3 April, 1367; d. 1407. Ayeshah, wife of Mahomet; b. 611 ; d. 677. Aylesbury, Sir Thomas, mathematician ; b. 1576; d. 1657. Aylmek, John, bishop of London; b. 1521 ; preceptor to Lady Jane Grey ; consecrated, 1576 ; helped Fox with his " Acts and Monu- ments ;" published answer to John Knox's " Blast against the government of Women," 1559; d. 3 June, 1594. Aylopfe, Sir Joseph, bart., antiquary ; b. 1 70S ; published " Calendars of Ancient Char- ters," 1772; d. 19 April, 1781. Aylward, Theodore, musician ; composed anthems; d. 1 80 1. Aymae, see Ademar, Ayres, John, calligrapher ; published " Arith- metic," 1693; "Tutor to Penmanship," 1695- 98; d. about 1705. Atkton, Edmund, musical composer ; b. 1 734 ; wrote church music; d. 23 May, 1808. Ayscough, George Edward, dramatist ; his " Semiramis" performed, 1776; d. I40ct. 1779. Ayscough, Samuel, assistant librarian of the British Museum; 5. 1745; published "Index to Shakespeare," 1790; d. 30 Oct. 1804. Ayscue, or Ayscough, Sir George, admiral • served under the parliament ; captured the Scilly isles, 1651; aided Blake in lus victories over the Dutch, 1652; taken prisoner, Jime 1666; d. about 1674. Ayton, Sir Robert, Scottish poet; b. 1570; friend of Hobbes, Jonson, &o. ; d. March, 1638. Aytoun, WilUam Edmonstoune, Scottish poet and scholar, known also by the pseudonym " Bon Gaultier ;" b. 1813 ; professor of rhetoric, Edinburgh, 1845 ; published " Lays of Scottish Cavaliers," 1848; d. 4 Aug. 1865. AzAEA, Felix de, Spanish naturalist; b. 18 May, 1 746 ; explored Paraguay, &c. , and de- scribed the natural history, 1780-1801 ; d. 1811. AzARA, Jos^ Nicolas de, Spanish diplomatist; h. 1 73 1; ambassador at Eome ; helped the abo- lition of the order of the Jesuits; edited the works of Mengs, 1780 ; d. 26 Jan. 1804. AzAEiAH, king of Judah, see Uzziah. AzEGLio, Massimo TapareUi d', marchese, Italian statesman and author; b. 2 Oct. 1798; published his patriotic romance, "Ettore Piera- mosco," 1833; president of the council of ministers at Turin, May, 1849; replaced by count Cavour, 20 Oct. 1852; d. 11 Jan. 1866. AzoR, Juan, Spanish Jesuit theologian ; *• 1533 ; published " Institutiones Morales," much attacked by the Dominicans and Jan- senists; d. 1603. Azpilcueta, Juan, "Navarre," Spanish tra- veller; d. 1555. Azpilcueta, Martin, " Doctor Navarro," Spanish canonist ; 6. 13 Dec. 1493 ; d. 22 June, 1586. Azo, or Azzo, Porzio, Italian jurist; wrote " Summa Codicis," " Summa Institutionum ; " d. about 1230. AzHNI, Domenico Alberto, Italian jurist; b. Aug. 1749; published " Sistema universale," 1786-88; "HistoiredeSardaigne," 1802; d. 23 Jan. 1827. Azzi ne' Fobti, Faustina d', ItaKan poetess ; b. I March, 1650; d. 4 May, 1 724. Azzo, see Albert and Este. AzzoGUiDl, Valerio Felice, Bolognese anti- quary; 6. 1651 ; d. 18 April, 1728. AzzoLiNl, Decio, Italian cardinal; h. 1623; created cardinal, 1664; d. 1689. B Baader, Franz Xavier von, German mystical philosopher; b. 1765; d. 23 May, 1841. Baan, Jan van, Dutch portrait painter and patriot; b. 20 Feb. 1633; d. 1702. BiViVSHA, Idng of Israel ; reigned, B.C. 954-930. Baba, Ali, first independent dey of Algiers; elected, 1710; favoured the English, 1716; d. 1718. BAB 31 BAG Babbage, Charles, matliematician ; h. 26 Deo, 1792. Began his calculating machine .... 1823 Suspended the construction after it was so far complete as to print a table of logarithms from I to 100,000 . . . 1833 Elected professor at Cambridge .... 1S28 Published " Decline of Science," 1830 ; "Economy of Manufactures," 1832 ; " Passages in the Life of a Philosopher" . . . 1864 Baber, founder of the Mogul empire in India ; b. 14 Feb. 1483 ; sovereign of Ferghana, 1495 ; first invaded India, 17 Feb. 15 19; defeated sultan Ibrahim, and completed his conquest, 21 April, 1526 ; d. 26 Dec. 1530. Baber, Kev. Henry Hervey ; 5. 22 Aug. 1775 ; keeper of the printed books in the British Museum, 1812-37 ; edited "Vetus Testamentum Graecum e codice MS. Alexan- drino," 1816-28; d. 28 March, 1869. Babetjf, Frangois Noel, (sumamed Caius Gracchus), French politician ; 6. 1 764 ; founded the journal, "Tribun du Peuple," 1794; con- spired against the French directory to obtain agrarian laws, May, 1796; committed suicide when condemned, 27 May, 1797- Babhj, Frangois, French theologian ; h. 6 Deo. 1651 ; published "Conf&ences du diocfese d' Angers;" d. 19 Dec. 1734. Babinet, Jacques, French physicist ; I. 5 March, 1794; improved the air-pump, &c. Babington, Benjamin Guy, M.D. ; h. 1 794 ; helped to found Epidemiological Society, 1850; published translation of Hecker's " Epidemics of the Middle Ages," 1859; d. 8 April, i866. Babington, Charles Cardale, botanist ; 6. 1808 ; published "Manual of British Botany," 1843. Babington, Churchill, scholar, nattiralist, and archeeologist ; b. 1821; edited "Oration of Hyperides against Demosthenes," 1850 ; elected Disney professor of archeology at Cambridge, 1865. Babington, Gervase, bishop of Worcester, bibhcal commentator ; b. about 1550 ; d. 17 May, 1610. Babington, "William, M.D., mineralogist ; b. June, 1756; d. 29 April, 1833. Baeo, Joseph Maria, German dramatist ; b. 1756; wrote " Otho von Wittelsbach," 1782; d. 5 Feb. 1822. Babrius, Greek fabuKst; fl. about ist cen- tury B.C. Babyngton, or Babington, Anthony, con- spirator ; joined Savage's plot to kiU queen Ehzabeth, and release Mary, queen of Scots ; executed, 20 Sept. 1586. Bacchini, Benedetto, Italian Jesuit scholar ; b. 31 Aug. 1651 ; d. I Sept. 1721. Bacchis, king of Corinth ; Jl. B.C. 925. Baoch"jiides, Greek lyric poet ; Jl. B.C. 450. Baccio da Monte Lupo, Florentine sculptor and architect; b. about 1455; d. about 1533. Baocio della Porta, see Bartolommeo. Baooioochi, F(51ix Pascal, prince, French general ; b. 1762; married Elisa Bonaparte, sister of Napoleon I., 5 May, 1797 ; crowned prince of Piombino and Lucca, to July, 1805 ; d. 28 April, 1841. See Bonaparte, Marie Anne Elisa. Bach, a family of German musicians, at one time a hundred in number, of whom the most eminent were the following : JoHANN Sebasttan ; b. 21 March, 16S5 ; author of " Passionsmusik;" d. 28 July, 1750. Sons : — "WiLHELM Friedemann : h. 1710 : d. I July, 1784. Carl PniLirp Emanuel ; b. 1714 ; d. 14 Dec. 1788. JoKANN Christoph Friedricu ; 6. 1 732 ; d. 26 Feb. 1795. JoHANN Christian ; &. 1735 ; d. Jan. 1782. Bachaumont, Louis, French writer; b. about 1600; his " Memoires secrets " published, 1777; d. 28 April, 1771. Bache, Alexander Dallas, American physi- cist, grandson of Franklin ; 6. 19 July, 1806 ; superintendent of the United States coast survey, 1843 ; d. 17 Feb. 1867. Bache, Franklin, M.D., brother, chemist ; b. 25 Oct. 1792 ; published (with Dr Wood) " Dispensatory of the United States," 1833 ; d. 19 March, 1864. Bachelier, Jean Jacques, French historical and flower painter ; b. 1724 ; d. 13 April, 1806. Bachman, John, D.D., American naturalist ; b. 1790; assisted Audubon in his "Birds of America," 1825-38, and "Viviparous Quad- rupeds of North America," 1846-54. Baciccio, or Bacciccio, Giovanni Battista Gauli, Genoese painter ; b. 1639 ; d. 1709. Back, Sir George, admiral, arctic navigator ; b. 6 Nov. 1796; went with Beechy and FrankUn in their arctic voyage, 1818 ; with Franldin, 1825 ; in search of Sir J. Boss, 1833-35 J co™' manded the "Terror" in expedition of 1836-7 ; published "Narrative," 183S ; knighted, 1839. Backer, Dutch historical painters : — Adriaan ; b. 1643 ; d. 1686 ; Jacob; b. 1609 ; d. 27 Aug. 1641: Backhutsen, Ludolf, see Balchwisen. Backhouse, WiUiam, alchemist; 6. 1593 5 d. 30 May, 1662. Bacon, Francis, son of Sir Nicolas, lord Verulam ; b. 22 Jan. 1561 ; d. g April, 1626. Made solicitor-general, 1607; attorney-general . 1613 Lord high chancellor, and lord Verulam Jan. 1618 Viscount St. Alban's Jan. 1620 For accepting presents, sentenced to be deprived, fined, and imprisoned : sentence remitted . 1621 Published "Novum Organum," 1620; "De Aug- mentis Scientiarum" . . - 1624 Bacon, John, Pv,.A., sculptor; h. 24 Nov. 1740; A.RA., 1770; R.A., 1778; d. 7 Aug. 1799. Bacon, Sir Nicholas, statesman; b. 15 10; made lord keeper, 1558 ; opposed giving up Mary, queen of Scots, 1571, but asserted the right of the Stuarts to the throne ; d. 20 Feb. 1579- BAG BAI Bacon, Roger, philosopher; b. about 1214; a cordelier at Paris, about 1240; proposed to the pope to rectify the calendar, 1 264; sent him his "Opus Majus," 1265; his works con- demned as "suspected novelties," 1278; d. at Oxford, II J>me, 1292. Baconthoep, or Bacon, John, " the resolute doctor;" wrote commentary on the "Master of the Sentences;" d. about 1346. Badius, Jodocus, Flemish printer and satiric poet; 6.1462; settled at Lyons, 149 1 ; removed to Paris, about 1500; d. 1535. Baeck, Abraham, Swedish naturalist ; i. 1713; d. 1795. Baehe, Johann Christian Felix, German philologist and historian; b. 13 June, 179S; published " Geschichte der Romischen Litera- tur," 1828 ; edited Herodotus, 1830-35. Baer, Carl Ernst von, Esthonian physiologist ; b. 28 Feb. 1792 ; demonstrated the origin of all animals to be identical, and their development a progress from the general to the special, 1828. Baffin, William, navigator; b. about 1584; pilot under Hudson, 1 61 2-16 ; killed at a siege near Ormuz, in Persia, 23 May, 1622. Bagaed, C^sar, French sculptor ; b. 1 639 ; d. 1709. Bagfoed, John, antiquary; b. 1657; d. 1716. Baggallat, Sir Richard, lawyer; b. 1816; solicitor-general, Sept. — Dec. 1868. Bagger, John, Lutheran bishop of Copen- hagen ; b. 1646; travelled in England, &o. ; opposed the reception of the banished French protestants, 1684; d. 1693. Baggesen, Jens, Danish poet (wrote in Ger- man); b. 15 Feb. 1764; d. 3 Oct. 1826. Baglione, Giovanni, Roman painter ; b. about 1573; d. after 1642. Baglivi, Giorgio, Italian physician and philo- sopher; b. Sept. 1669; d. March, 1707. Bagoas, Persian general ; poisoned Ochus and his sons, and made Arses king, B.C. 338 ; killed Arses, and made Darius Codomanus king, who put him to death, 336. Bagot, Sir Charles, G.C.E., diplomatist ; b. 23 Sept. 1781 ; governor-general of Canada, Oct. 1841 ; d. there, 18 May, 1843. Bagot, Richard, bishop of Bath and Wells ; b. 22 Nov. 1782; bishop of Oxford, 1829; of Bath and WeUs, 1845 ', d. 1$ May, 1854. Bagration, Peter, prince, Russian general; b, about 1765 ; d. of wounds, 24 Sept. l8l2. Bahe, Johan Fredrik, Swedish chemist ; 6. 1 7 July, 1815. Bahram, or Vaeanes, Persian general ; re- pulsed the Turks, 586 ; defeated by the Romans ; revolted when censured, 589; usurped the throne, 590; retired and died, 591. Baian, chief of the Avars ; harassed Thrace, 587 ; made peace with Priscus, 593 ; troubled the empire, 598-626. Baier, Johann Jacob, German botanist; b. 1677; d. 14 July, 1735. Baiee, Johann Wilhelm, the elder, German theologian; b. 1647; published "Compendium Theologiae positivae," 1686; d. 1695. Baif, Lazare de, French scholar and poet ; patronised by Francis I., and friend of Ronsard ; d. 1547. Baikie, Wilham Balfour, M.D., African ex- plorer; b. 1820; d. 12 Dec. 1864. Bailey, Nathan, philologist ; published " Ety- mological English Dictionary," 1722; d. 1742. Bailey, Peter, journalist and humorous poet; d. 25 Jan. 1823. Bailey, Philip James, poet ; b. 22 April, 1816 ; published " Festus," 1839 ; " The Mystic " 1855; "The Age," 1858. Bailey, Thomas, topographer; b. 1785; pub- lished "Annals of Nottinghamshire," 1852-55 • d. 23 Oct. 1856. Baillet, Adrien, French critic; 6. 13 June, 1649; published "Jugements des Savants," 1685-6; d. 21 Jan. 1706. Bailleul, Jacques Charles, French lawyer and politician ; b. 1762 ; d. 16 March, 1843. Baillie, Joanna, poet and dramatist ; b. 1762 ; published "Plays on the Passions," 1798-1812; d. 23 Feb. 1 85 1. Baillie, Matthew, M.D., anatomist (nephew of John Hunter); b. 27 Oct. 1761 ; published " Morbid Anatomy of the Human Body," 1795 ; d. 23 Sept. 1823. Bailly, Jean Sylvain, French astronomer and politician ; b. 15 Sept. 1736 ; published " Histoire de 1' Astronomic," 1775-87 ; president of the national assembly; opposed its dissolu- tion, 20 June, 1789 ; mayor of Paris, 16 July — 18 Nov. 1791 ; guillotined, 12 Nov. 1793. Baily, Edward Hodges, R.A., sculptor ; b. 10 March, 1788; A.R.A., 1817; executed "Eve at the Fountain," 1813; R.A., 1821; d. 22 May, 1867. Baily, Francis, astronomer; b. 28 April, 1774; reorganised the " Nautical Almanac ; " principal founder of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1820; published "Doctrine of Life Annuities and Insurances," 1810-13; <^- 3° -A-ug' 1844. Bain, Alexander, Scotch philosopher ; b. 1818; published "The Senses and the Intellect," 1855 ; "The Emotions and the Will," 1859 ; pro- fessor of logic at Aberdeen, i860. Bainbridge, Bainerigge, or Bambridge, Christopher, cardinal ; bishop of Durham, 1 507 ; archbishop of York, 1508 ; ambassador to Rome; poisoned, 14 July, 1 5 14. Bainbkldge, John, astronomer ; b. 1582; pub- lished "Description of the Comet of 1618," 1619; d. 3 Nov. 1643. Baines, Edward, nonconformist; b. 1774; published " History of Lancashire," 1836; M.P. for Leeds, 1833-41 ; d. 3 Aug. 1848. BAI 33 EAL BAINES5, Edward, M.P., son; 6.1800; published "History of the Cotton Manufacture," 1835; became editor of the "Leeds Mercury," 1848; elected M.P. for Leeds, 1859. Baird, Sir David, Scotch general ; b. 6 Dec. 1757; stormed Seringapatam, 4 May, 1799; took the Cape of Good Hope, 8 Jan. 1806 ; d. 18 Aug. 1829. Bajazet, or Batazed, I., II., Ottoman sultans. I. Ilderim ; b. 1347 ; sultan of the Ottomans . 1389 Defeated Sigismund of Hungary and his allies at Nicopolis 28 Sept. 1396 Defeated and made prisoner by Timur at the battle of Angora, 28 July, 1402 ; d. in captivity, 1403 II. 6. 1447 : sultan of Turkey . 1481 Conquered Bosnia and Croatia . . . 1481-83 Ravaged Albania, and made the Venetians seek peace; compelled to abdicate by his son, SeUm, 1511 Put to death . . . 26 May, 1512 Baker, David or Augustin, Benedictine monk ; ^- 1575 ; S^^^ lip study of the law; made col- lections for a history of his order ; d. 1 64 1. Baker, George, topographer; 6. 1781; pub- lished " History of the county of Northamp- ton," 1822-41 ; d. 12 Oct. 1851. Baker, Henry, naturalist; h. 8 May, 1698; founded a deaf and dumb institution, and the Bakerian lecture ; d. 25 Nov. 1774. Baker, John, K.A., flower-painter; b. 1736 ; R.A., 1768; d. 1 77 1. Baker, SirRichardjhistorianand poet ; J.about 1568; published his "Chronicle," 164 1; d. 18 Feb. 1645. Baker, Sir Samuel White, African explorer ; b. 8 June, 182 1 ; discovered Lake Albert N'Yanza, one of the sources of the White Nile, 14 March, 1864; knighted, and published "The Ajbert N'Yanza," 1866; placed by the viceroy of Egypt at the head of a force to put down slave trade by the tribes on the Nile basin, I April 1869; made a pasha, June, 1869. Baker, Rev. Thomas, antiquary; b. 1656; published " Reflections on Learning," 1699 ; d. 1740. Bakewell, Robert, agriculturist ; b. 1726 ; introduced the Dishley or new Leicester breed of cattle; d. i Oct. 1795. Bakewell, Robert, geologist ; b. about 1 768 ; d. 15 Aug. 1843. Eakhuisen, or Backhutsen, LudoK, Dutch marine painter and engraver; 6. 18 Dee. 1631 ; d. 7 Nov. 1 709. Balaed, Antoine J&ome, French chemist; b. 30 Sept. 1802. Balbi, Adriano, Venetian geographer; h. 25 April, 1 782 ; published " Atlas ethnographique du Globe," 1826; d. 14 March, 1848. Balbinds, Roman emperor ; elected with Maxi- mus, April, 238 ; both put to death by the populace, Aug. 238. Baleis, Giovanni Battista, Italian botanist ; b. 1765; pubUshed " Flora Taurinensis," 1806; "Flore Lyonnaise," 1827-28; d. 13 Feb. 1831. Bi\LBOA, Vasco Nufiez de, called "Conquis- tador," Spanish navigator ; b. 1475; discovered the Pacific ocean, 25 Sept. 1513; unjustly ac- cused and beheaded by Pedro Arias de Avila, the Spanish governor of Darieu, 1517. Balbus, Roman statesman and author, friend of Cffisar and Cicero ; /. about 72. Baxchen, John, admiral ; b. 1669; wrecked and dro-wned, 3 Oct. 1744. Balde, Jacob, German Jesuit poet, called the " Horace of Germany ; " b. 1603; published " SylviE Lyrics," 1648 ; " Poemata," 1660 ; d. 9 Aug. 1 668. Balderic, called Le Rouge, bishop of Noyon, French chronicler; d. 1097. Balderic, or Baudrt, bishop of Dole, French chronicler ; d. 7 Jan. 1 1 30. Baldi, Bernardino, of Urbino ; ItaKan mathe- matician and poet; b. 6 June, 1553; wrote " Cronica de' Matematici," published 1707; translated " Hero," &;c., 1573; d. 12 Oct. 161 7. Baldi, Lazzaro, Florentine painter; b. about 1623; d. 1703. Baldin GER, Ernst Gottfried, German physician and botanist; 6. 13 May, 1738; published (in German), " Biographies of Living German Physicians and Naturalists," 1768; d. 21 Jan. 1804. Baldinl'COI, Filippo, Italian historian ; b. about 1624; published "Notizie de' Profes- sore del Disegno da Cimabue," (1260- 1670), 1681-88; d. I Jan. 1696. Baldovinetti, Alessio, Florentine painter ; b. 1424; d. 1499. Balducci, Francesco, Italian Anacreontic poet; b. about 1600; ivrote " Rime, " published, 1645 ; d. 1642. Balducci, Giovaimi, Italian painter; b. about 1560 ; d. i5oo. Balduccio, Giovanni, Italian sculptor ; b. about 1300; d. about 1347. Baldung, Johann (Grun), Swabian painter and engraver; b. about 1470 ; d. 1550. Baldus de Ubaldis, Petrus, Italian jurist; b. 1324; d. 28 April, 1400. BALD'mN I., II., Latin emperors of the East : I. (IX. count of Flandersj ; 6. 1171: crowned, 9 May, 1204 ; defeated and taken prisoner by the Bulgarians, 14 April, 1205 . d. about 1206 II. Courtenay: 6. 1217 ; emperor, 1228: struggled with the Greeks, and solicited help from Europe, 1237-45 : fled from Constantinople, which was taken by his enemies, July, 1261 d. 1273 Baldwdj I. — IX., coimts of Flanders. I. carried off Judith, daughter of Charles the Bald of France ; created count : . . d. 879 II. count, 879 : married Elfrith, daughter of Alfred of England, 891 . d. gi8 III. count (with Arnulf), qiB . . . rf. 965 IV. count, 989 ; quarrelled with the emperor Henry II., 1007 . d. 1036 V. count 1036 Defeated and subdued by the emperor Heniy III. 1049 Married his daughter Matilda to William, duke of Normandy (I. of England) . . , 1052 Regent for Philip I. of France, 1060 . d. 1067 C BAL BAM "\'~r. tha-Good, count, 1067 . . . . e Bourg ; elected king, 11 18: defeated the Turks at Antioch, 11 19; taken prisoner by the Saracens, and ransomed, 1124 . d. 21 Aug. 1131 III. king, 1142 ; took Ascalon, Aug. 1T53 . d. ii6j 2V. king, 1173 : defeated by Saladin, 1178-9 : re- signed to his nephew, 1183 d. 16 March, 11S6 Y. king, 1183 d. 1185 Baldwin, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbm'y ,■ bishop of Worcester, II 80; archbishop, 1184; accompanied Richard I, to Palestine ; d. at the siege of Acre, 19 Nov. 11 90. Baldwin, or Baldwine, William, corrector of the press for Whitchurch ; published' " Treatise of moral philosophic," 1547 ; " jMirror for Magistrates," 1574. Bale, John, bishop of Ossory; 6. 21 Nov. 1495 ; became protestant, 1529 ; published '■ lUustrium raaioris Britannias Scriptorum SUm- jnarium," 1548; expelled, and retired to Holland, 1553 ; returned to England, 155S ; d. Not. 1563, Bales, Peter, calligrapher ; b. 1547; pub- lished " Brachygraphy, or Writing Schoole- master," 1590; d. about 1610. Balfe, Michael William, Irish musical com- poser; h. 15 May, 1808; -vvrote "Siege of Kochelle," "Bohemian Girl," " Maid of Artois," '■Rose of Castile," &c. Balfour, Alexander, Scotch novelist and- poet; h. 1767; d. 18 Sept. 1829. Balfoue, Sir James, lord president of the court of session in Scotland, 1567; intriguing politician; d. 1583. Balfour, John Hutton, M.D., Scotch bota- nist; b. 15 Sept. 1808; published ''Class-book of Botany," 1854. Balgut, John, theologian; b. i685; pub- lished "Essay on Redemption," 1741 ; d. 21 Sept. 1748. Baliol, kings of Scotland : JouN, b. about 1259: claimed crown of Scotland, 1290; declared king by Edward I. of England, Nov. 3292: renounced his feudal subjection to him, 5 April, T2g5 ; taken prisoner at the battle of Dunbar, 27 April : resigned 2 July, 1296 : d. in France, 1314. Edward, son of John ; claimed crown ; landed in Eife : crowned at Scone : defeated by Douglas at Annan; driven to England, 1332; restored by Edward III., July, 1333 ; hated by the Scots ; fled to Carlisle, Dec. 1334: brought back by Edward III., 1335 ; sold his claim to Edward, 1355 ; d, 1363 Ball, John, priest; imprisoned for heresy; said to have been the author of the lines, " Wlien Adam delved and Eve span. Where was then the gentleman ? " released by the rebels; executed, 2 July, 1381. Ball, J ohn, puritan ; b. 1585; published " Treatise on the grounds of the Christian ReUgion," 1630; d. 1640. Ball, Nicholas, Irish judge; b. 1 791; attorney-general for Ireland, 1838; a justice of the common pleas, 1839; d. 15 Jan. 1865. Ballantine, James, Scotch painter; 6. n June, 1808 ; published " Life of David Roberts, R.A.," 1866. Ballantine, William, lawyer; b. 1814; serjeant-at-law, 1863. Ballanttne, John, Scotch publisher and printer; friend of Sir Walter Scott; b. about 1776; d. 1821. Ballenden, or Bellenden, James, Scotch poet ; published " History and chronicles of Scotland," 1536; d. 1550. Ballestekos, Francisco, Spanish general ; b. 1770; commanded against the French; deprived for opposing Wellington, 1808 ; be- came minister of war, 1815; dismissed, 1816; cajoled the liberals, and made general of their army agamst the French invasion ; signed the insidious peace with the due d'Angouleme, 1823 ; d. in France 28 June, 1832. Balun, Claude, French goldsmith ; b. 1615 ; employed by Louis XIV ; copied works of Poussin; d. 22 Jan. 1678. Balmerino, Ai-thur Elphinstone, lord ; b. 1688; beheaded for rebellion, 18 Aug. 1746. Baltaed, Victor, French architect; b. 1805; restored the churches of St. Eustache and St. Germain-des-Prfes at Paris, and designed with M. Callet the HaUes centrales; published " Villa M(5dicis h Rome," 1847-48. BaltimorI';, Cecil Calvert, lord ; proprietor of colony of Maryland, (granted to his father, George, by charter) 20 June, 1632, settled by catholics, Feb. 1634; d. 1676. Balue, Jean de la, French cardinal ; b. about 142 1 ; favoured by Louis XL, 1464; imprisoned by him in a cage for his intrigues against him, 1469 ; released, and honourably received at Rome, 1480; sent as legate to Paris, 1484; d. Oct. 149 1. Baluze, Etienne, French historian; b. 24 Dec. 1630 ; published "Regum Francorum Capitularia," 1677, " Histoire de la Maison d'Auvergne," 1709; exiled for the latter, 1710; d. 28 July, 1718. Balzac, Honor^ de, French novelist; b. 20 May, 1 799 ; published his first romance, " Le dernier Chouan " and "Peau de Chagrin," 1829; d. 18 Aug. 1850. Balzac, Jean Louis Guez, seigneur de, French writer; b. 1594; pubhshed his Lettres, 1624-36; "Lettres choisies," 1647; d. 18 Feb. 1654. Bambocci, Antonio, Italian sculptor, painter and caster; 6. about 1368; d. 1435. Bambridge, see Bainbridge. Bampton, John, canon of Salisbury, founder of the Bampton Lectures, Oxford; d. 175 1. BAN 35 BAR Bancroft, Edward, M.D. ; published " Ex- perimental Kesearches concerning Philosopliy of Permanent Colours," 1794; d. 8 Sept. 1821. Bancroft, George, American statesman and historian; b. 3 Oct. 1800; published "History of the United States," 1S34-66; minister to London, 1846-49; to Berlin, 1867. Banchoft, Richard, archbishop of Canterbury ; superintendent of the authorised version of the Bible; i. Sept. 1544; bishop of London, 1597; archbishop, 1604; defended the Church at the Hampton Court conference, 1604; d. 2 Nov. 1610. Bandello, Matteo, Italian novelist ; h. 1480; bishop of Agen about 1550; published " Novelle," 1554-73; cZ. 1562. Bandinelli, Baccio, Florentine sculptor ; b. 1487; d. 1560. BjVNDINI, Angelo Maria, Italian antiquary; b. 25 Sept. 1726; published" Life of Americus Vespucoius," 1745; d. 1800. Banduei, Anselmo, Italian Benedictine ; b. 1671 ; published " Imperium Orientals," 1712 ; d. 14 Jan. 1743. Bang, Thomas, Danish orientalist; b. 1600; d. 27 Oct. 1661. Banim, John, Irish novelist; b. 1800; pub- lished "Tales of the O'Hara Eamily," 1825-27; d. I Aug. 1842. Banks, Sir Joseph, hart., K.B., naturalist ; I. 4 Jan. 1743; accompanied Cook in his lirst voyage, 1768-71; baronet, 1781 ; a founder of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, March, 1799; d. 19 June, 1820. Banks, Thomas Christopher, genealogist ; b. 1 764 ; published " Dormant and extinct Baronage of England," 1807-9; 'f- 30 Sept. 1854. Banks, Thomas, R.A., sculptor; b. 22 Dec. 1735; d. 2 Feb. 1S05. IJankr, Nathaniel Prentis, American states- man and general; b. 20 Jan. 1816; governor of Massachusetts, 1857 ; became major-general in the federal army during the civil war. Bannatyne, George, Scotch antiquary ; col- lected "Ancient Scottish Poems," 1568. Bannieb, or Banee, Johan, able Swedish general; J. 23 June, 1595; beat the Saxons near Chemnitz, 4 April, 1639; d. Dec. 164 1. Bannister, John, " Gentleman Jack," come- dian; b. 1760; d. 8 Nov. 1836. Baraguay d'Hilliehs, Louis, marshal of Prance; b. 6 Sept. 1795; served in Russia, 1812; ambassador at Constantinople, 1853-54; commanded in the Baltic during the war with Russia, and took part in the capture of Bomar- sund, 16 Aug, 1854. Barante, Amable Guillaume Prosper Bmgifere baron de, French historian and statesman ; b. 10 June, 1782; served under Napoleon I. and Louis Philippe ; published " Histoire des Dues de Bourgogue," 1824-28; d. 22 Nov. i865. Baeanzano, Giovanni Antonio (Redemptus), Piedmontese philosopher ; b. .1 590 ; friend 0£ Bacon; published "Uranoscopia," 1617; "Cam- pus philosophicus," 1620; d. 23 Dec. 1622. Baratieb, Johann Phihpp, precocious Ger- man scholar; b. 1 72 1; d. 1740. Barbacena, Felisberto Caldeira Brant, mar- quis de, Brazilian statesman; b. 1772; nego- tiated the separation of Brazil from Portugal ; treaty signed, 23 Aug. 1823 ; d. 10 June, 1842. Barbadillo, Alonso Geronimo de Salas, Span- ish poet and novelist; b. about 1580; d. 1630. Barbaro, Ermolao, Venetian diplomatist, philosopher, and reviver of learning ; i. 2 1 May, 1454; d. 14 June, 1495. Barbaro, Francesco, Italian magistrate, scholar, and orator ; b. 1398 ; successfully defended Brescia against the Milanese, 1438 ; wrote " De Re Uxori^," pubhshed 154S ; d. 1454. Barbarossa, see Frederic /., emperor. Barbarossa, sovereigns of Algiers. HoRUSH, &. at Mitylene, about 1474 ; became a Mahometan as Horush. about 1494 ; became pirate, about 1504 ; killed the sheik, and pro- claimed himself sultan of Algiers, 1516 ; de- feated and slain by the Spaniards . . . 1518 Hayreddin, succeeded his brother, 1518: forti- fied Algiers, 1530 ; seized Tunis, 1532 ; in service of the Porte, ravaged coasts of Italy and Sicily, 1534-43 ■ ... d. 1546 ExVBBATJLD, Anna Letitia, educational writer ; h. (Aikin), 20 June, 1 743 ; married Rev. R. Barbauld, 1774; d. 9 March, 1825. Eaebazan, Amauld Guilhem, sire de, French warrior ; fought for Charles VII., and named by him, " Chevalier sans reproche," and "Res- taurateur du royaume de France ; " d. of his wounds, 1432. BaeeeaU de la BEUYiJKE, Jean Louis, French geographer; b. 29 June, 1 7 10; published "Mapmonde historique," 1759; c/. 20 Nov. 17S1. Baeberini, Maffeo, pope, see Urban VIII. Baebiiis, Armand, ardent French socialist ; b. in Guadeloupe, 1810. Imprisoned for being concerned in the insurrec- tions in Paris . . . April, 1S34; JMay, 1839 President of the Socialist club : demanded establishment of a democratic and social re- public 4 May, 184S Partook in the attack on the government 15 May, 1848 Condemned to perpetual imprisonment 2 April, 1849 Released by the emperor Napoleon, and exiled himself . . 1854 Baebeyeac, Jean, French jurist ; i. 15 March, 1674; published " Traiti? de Jen," 1709; d. 3 March, 1744. Baebiek du Bocage, Jean Denis, French geographer ; b. 28 April, 1760 ; assisted Choiseul-Gouffier in the " Voyage pittoresque de la Grfece," 1824 ; d. 28 Deo. 1825. Baeboo, French printers, 1539-1S08. Barbour, or Barber, John, Scotch historian ; b. about 1316; wrote " The Bruce;" d. about 1395- BAR 80 BAE, Barcham, or Babkajf, John, clergyman ; b. about 1572; AVTote "Display of Heraldry," published by Guillim, 1610; d. 25 March, 1642, Barclay, Alexander, monk of Ely, poet ; his "Castell of Labour," printed 1506 ; " Stultifera Nauis," "The Ship of Fooles," 1509. Barclay, Robert, Scottish quaker ; h. 23 Dec. 1648; published his "Apology for the true Christian Divinity," 1676; d. 3 Oct. 1690. Barclay de Tolly, Michael, prince, Russian general; h. 1759; minister of war, iSlo; author of the successful plan of defence against Napoleon, 1S12; d. 25 May, 1818. Bardanes, proclaimed emperor at Cherson, as Philippicus, 711 ; assassinated, 713. Bardon, Michel Franjois Dandrd, French painter and engraver ; b. 1 700 ; published " Traitc^ de Peinture," 1765; d. 1783. Barebones, (Barbon), Praise God, leather- seller ; M.P. for London in Cromwell's par- liamient w^hich met 4 Sept. 1654; op>posed the restoration, 1659-60. Bareith, Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, mar- gravine of, sister of Frederick the Great ; b. 3 July, 1709 ; married prince of Bareith, 20 Nov. 1 73 1; d. 14 Oct. 1748; her "Memoirs" published, 18 1 3. Barere de Vieuzao, Bertrand, French revo- lutionary writer, the " Anacreon of the Guil- lotine;" b. 10 Sept. 1755; helped to create the revolutionary anny, and inaugurate the reign of terror, Sept. 1793; banished as a regicide, 1 8 1 6 ; returned to Paris, 1 830 ; elected a deputy, 1832; d. 15 Jan. 1841. Baretti, Giuseppe, Italian lexicographer ; b. 22 March, 1716; pubHshed " ItaUan and Fjnglish Dictionary," 1 771 ; " Spanish and English Dictionary, 1778; rf. 5 May, 1789. Barham, Rev. Richard Harris, essayist and poet ; b. 6 Dec. 1 788 ; began to publish " In- goldsby Legends," 1837; d. 17 June, 1845. Baring, Alexander, lord Ashburton ; b. 27 Oct. 1 774 ; president of the board of trade, Dec. 1S34 — April, 1835; created baron, 10 April, 1835 ; concluded treaty at Washington, g Aug. 1842; d. 13 May, 1848. Baring, Charles, bishop of Durham; b. 1807; bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, 1856; tran- slated, 1861. Baring, Francis Thornhill, lord Northbrook, statesman ; b.20 April, 1 796 ; chancellor of the exchequer, 1839-41 ; first lord of the admiralty, 1849-52; created baron, 1865; d.. 6 Sept. 1866. Barker, Christopher, printer to queen Eliza- beth; d. 29 Nov. 1599. Barker, Henry Aston, painter of panoramas ; b. 1774; d. 19 July, 1S56. Barker, Robert, Irish painter ; b. 1 739 ; in- vented the panorama, first exhibited at Edin- burgh, 1788; 0!. 8 April, 1806. Barker, Thomas, astronomer and meteorolo- gist ; b. about 1721 ; rf. 29 Dec. 1809. Barkly', Sir Plenry, governor of Mauritius ,' b. 1815 ; governor of British Guiana, 1848-53; of Jamaica, 1853-56; of Victoria, 1856-63; of Mauritius, 1863; K.C.B., 1853. Baelaam, Greek monk and mathematician ; d. about 1348. Barletta, Gabriele, Italian preacher, re- nowned for satirical eloquence ; b. about 1400. Barlow, Joel, American poet and statesman ; 6. about 1755; wrote revolutionary songs, 1778; at Paris assisted at the opening of the French revolution, 1789 ; minister plenipotentiary at Paris, i8n ; d. 26 Dec. 1812. Barlow, Peter, mathematician ; 5. 13 Oct. 1776; published "Mathematical Dictionary," 1813 ; " Machinery and Manufactures of Great Britain," 1837; "Essay on Magnetic Attrac- tion," 1820 ; d. I March, 1862. Barlow, William, natural philosophers; father, d. 1568; son, d. 1625. Barlowe, WiUiam, bishop of Chichester ; favoured by Henry VIII., and helped him in suppressing the monasteries ; bishop of St Asaph, 1535 ; converted to protestantism, and married ; imprisoned by Mary ; translated to Chichester, 1559; d. Aug. 1568. Barnabas, Saint, sent to preach to the Gen- tiles, 38. Barnard, lady Anne, poet, daughter of James Lindsay, earl of Balcarres ; b. 8 Dec. 1750; wrote " Auld Robin Gray;" married to Sir Andrew Barnard, 1793 ; d. 8 May, 1825. Barnard, Sir John ; b. 1685 ; introduced the act against stock -jobbing passed 1734; lord mayor, 1738; d. 2g Aug. 1764. Baenave, Antoine Pierre Joseph, French statesman and advocate ; b. 22 Oct. 1761 , president of the national assembly, 25 Oct. 1790; retired, 30 Sept. 1791 ; accused of con- spiracy, tried, and executed, 30 Nov. 1793. Barnaud, Nicolas, French protestant philo- sopher ; \vrote " Cabinet du Roi de la France," printed 1581 ; and "Le Miroir des Fran9ois ;" /. 1 6th century. Barnes, Juliana, see Berners. Barnes, Albert, American nonconformist divine; b. 1 Dec. 1798; author of the popular commentaries on the New Testament, and on Job, Isaiah, and Daniel. Barnes, Joshua, theologian and historian; b. 10 Jan. 1654; published "History of Ed- ward III.," 1688; d. 3 Aug. 1712. Barnes, Robert, theologian ; wrote " Lives of the Popes," published 1536; burnt for heresy, 30 July, 1540. Barnes, Thomas, editor of the " Times ; '' b. 1785; d. 7 May, 1841. Barneveldt, Johan van Olden, grand pen- sionary of Holland; b. 1547; offered the sovereignty of the Netherlands to queen Eliza- beth, 29 June, 1585; negociated the truce of twelve years, 9 April, 1609 ; adopted the party BAE, 87 EAR of Anninius, whose tenets were condemned by the synod of Dort, 9 May, 1619; executed by prince Maurice for imaginary crimes, 1 3 May, 1619. Bahnum, Phinehas Taylor, American show- man ; i. 1810 ; brought out Tom Thumb, 1845 ; published his "Life," 1855; his museum at New York burnt, 13 July, 1865. Baboche, Pierre Jules, Trench statesman ; h. 8 Nov. 1802 ; promoted the refoiTU banquet of 22 Feb. ; signed the accusation of Guizot, 23 Feb. 1848; opposed the radical party; minister of the interior, 1850-51 ; of foreign affairs, April — Oct. 185 1 ; president of the council of state, i85l ; minister of justice, 1S63-69. Bakonio, or Baeonius, Cesare, Italian car- dinal ; 6. 30 Aug. 1538; published "Annales Ecclesiastici," 15SS-93; d. 30 June, 1607. Barral, Jean Augustin, French agricultural chemist; b. l8ig; ascended with M. Bixio in a balloon (for scientific purposes) 23,000 feet, 29 June and 27 July, 1850. Barras, Paul, Frangois Jean Nicolas, comte de, French politician; b. 30 June, 1755 ; (i. 29 Jan. 1829. Aided in the attack on the Bastille, 14 July, 1789 Voted for execution of Louis XVI. . iS Jan. 17(13 Assisted to depose liobespierre . 27 July, 1794 Elected president of the convention . 4 Feb. 1795 A member of the directory, i Nov. 1795 — 10 Nov. 1799 Often intrigued with the royalists 1805-14 Baere, Jean Frangois le Ffevre, chevalier de la ; b. 1 747 ; executed in a horrible manner for mutilating a crucifix, i July, 1766. Baereswil, Louis Charles, French chemist; b. 13 Dec. 1817. Barrett, Elizabeth, see Browning. Barrett, John, orientalist ; b. 1753; published " Enquiry into the origin of the Con.stellations," 1800 ; d. 15 Nov. 1821. Baeei, or Baeey, Gerald, (Giraldus Cambren- sis), English historian ; b. about 1 146 ; preached the crusade to the Welsh, 1 188; wrote " Itine- rarium CambritO," and " TopogTaphia Hiber- ni«;" d, about 1222. BARRiiiRE, Jean de la, French monastic re- former; b. 1544; founded the order of Feuil- lants, recognised by Sixtus V., 5 Sept. 1586; d. in prison at Pome, 1600. Barrington, Daines, jurist and meteorologist ; h. 1727 ; published " Observations on the Statutes," 1766; d. II March, 1800. Bareihgton, John Shute, viscount, scholar ; J. 167S; published " Miscellanea sacra," 1725; d. 1734. Barrington, John Shute, son, bishop of Dur- ham, 6. 1734; wrote against Eomanisra; d, 27 March, 1826. Baeeos, Joao de, Portuguese historian and geographer ; b. about 1496 ; published his " Asia Portugueza," 1552-63; d. 1570. Barrot, Camille Hyaointhe Odilon, French statesman ; 6. 1 9 J uly, 1 79 1 ; aa president of the society "Aide-toi, le Ciel t'aidera," pro- moted the revolution of July, 1 830 ; opposed the ministries of Louis Philippe until 1 840 ; pre- sident of the council, 20 Deo. 1S48 — 31 Oct. 1849. B ARRO w, Isaac, theologian and mathematician ; b. Oct. 1630; Lucasian professor at Cambridge, 1663-69; published " Lectiones opticfE et geo- metrioEe," 1669; rf. 4 May, 1677. Barrow, Sir John, bart., traveller ; S. 19 June, 1764; travelled in Africa, 1797-8; accompanied Lord Macartney to China, and published a journal of the embassy, 1807 ; secretary of the admiralty, 1S04-45 ; created baronet, 1S35 ; d. 23 Nov. 1848. Baeeuel, Augustin de, French Jesuit ; b. 2 Oct. 1741 ; wrote against the revolution, 1792 ; in favour of the consulate, 1800; published " De I'Autoriti? du Pape," 1803 ; d. 5 Oct. 1820. Barruel, Jean Pierre, French chemist ; b. 1780; d. 17 Aug. 1838. Barrtjel-Beauveht, Antoine Joseph, comte de, French politician; b. 17 Jan. 1756; wrote in "Actes des Apotres," 1790; oii'ered to be hostage for Louis XVI. at Varennes, June, 1791; published "Vie de Eousseau," 17^9 J "Actes des Philosophes et des Eepublicains," 1S07 ; condemned for false accusation ; be- came insane and committed suicide, Jan. 1817. Barry, Sir Charles, E.A., architect ; h. 23 May, 1795 ; designed Travellers' Club, Ee- form Club, Bridgewater House, and Houses of Parhament ; A.E.A., 1840 ; R.A., 1842 ; knighted, 1852; d. 12 May, i860. Barry, Edward Matthew, E.A., son, archi- tect; b. 1831 ; A.R.A., 1 861; E.A., 1869. Barry, James, R.A., historical painter; 6. 11 Oct. 1 741 ; published "Inquiry into the ob- structions to the acquisition of the Arts in England," 1775 ; began the six pictures at the Society of Arts, 1777 ; (i 22 Feb. 1806. Barry, George, theologian and topographer ; 6. 1748; pubhshed "History of the Orkney Isles," 1S05 ; d. Sept. 1805. Barry, Marie Jeanne Gomard de Vaubernier, comtesse du, last mistress of Louis XV. ; 6. 19 Aug. 1746; ostensibly married to the comte du°Barry; presented at court, 22 April, 1769 ; banished at the king's death, 10 May, 1774; visited England, July, 1792; retiuned to Paris ; condemned to death and executed, 7 Dec. 1793. Barry, Martin, physiologist; b. 1802; d. 27 April, 1855. Barky, bpranger, Irish actor, rival of Garriok and Quin; b. 20 Nov. 1719; d. ITJT. Bart, or Barth, Jean, French naval hero ; b. 1651 ; defeated Dutch fleet frequently, 1690-94; d. 2 7 April, 1702. Baetas, Guillaume de Salluste du, Gascon poet; b. about 1544; wrote "La premifere Semaine, on la Creation;" d. 1590. BAR BAS Bakth, Gaspar von, German scholar; b. 22 June, 1587 ; ^^s "Adversaria" published, 1624; d. 17 Sept. 1658. Baeth, Pleinrich, German traveller ; h. 18 April, 1821 ; explored the coasts of the Medi- terranean, 1845-47; published his "Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa," 1849-55, and 1857; d. 25 Nov. 1865. Barthe, Felix, French lawyer and statesman ; h. 28 July, 1795 ; minister of public instruction, 28 Dee. 1830; of justice, 13 March, 1831 — 4 April, 1834. BarthiSlemon, Franjois Hippolyte, French musician and composer;';. 1731; t'. 14 July, 1808. Baethj!;lemt, Augusts Marseille, French satiric poet; b. 1 796; published "Le Fils de I'Homme," 1829 ; frequently fined and im- prisoned ; pensioned by Louis Philippe, but immediately attacked him, 1832. Barth^lemy, Francois, marquis de, French diplomatist ; b. 20 Oct. 1747 ; fled from the enmity of the directory, 1797 ; recalled and favoured by Bonaparte, Feb. iSoo; submitted to the restoration, and made a peer, June, 1 8 14 ; minister of state, 181 5 ; d. 3 April, 1830. Barth^ilemt, Jean Jacques, French scholar; h. 20 Jan. 1 7 16; published " Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grfece," 1788; d. 30 April, 1795. Barthelemy St. Hilaibe, Jiiles, French scholar and politician; 6. 19 Aug. 1S05 ; sei-ved under the provisional government, Feb. 1 848 ; joined the Bonapartist party, Dec. 1848; op- posed the coup-d'etat, Dec. 1851. Barthez, Paul Joseph, French medical philo- sopher; 6. II Dec. 1734; published "Nouveaux ^Mmens de la science de I'Homme," 1778; d. 15 Oct. 1806. Bartholinus (Berthelsen), Danish natural philosophers : Caspab, 6. 12 Feb. 1585 ; rf. 13 July, 1629. Thomas, 6. 20 Oct, i6i6 : d. 4 Dec. 16S0. EliASMUa, b. 13 Aug. 1625 ; discovered refraction in calcttreous spar, 1669 : (/. 4 Nov, 1698. CASPAitT., h. 10 Sept. 1655 ; d. ii June, 1738. Bartlemann, see BarthHemon. Bartlett, John Eussell, American ethnolo- gist ; b. 23 Oct. 1805 ; explored Mexico, 1850-53; pubhshed "Dictionary of American- isms," 184S. Bartlett, William Henry, topographical artist; 6. 26 March, 1809; published "Walks in and about Jerusalem," 1845; "The Nile Boat," 1849; d. 25 Sept. 1854. Baetolini, Lorenzo, Italian sculptor ; b. about 1778; d. 20 Jan. 1850. Bartolooci, Giulio, Italian orientalist ; b. 1613; published "Bibliotheca magna Kabbi- nica," 1675-93; rf. I Nov. 1687. Baetolommeo, Fra, called Baccio deUa Porta, Florentine painter ; h. 1469; d. 6 Oct. 1517. Eaetolozzt, Francesco, R.A., Italian en- graver; b. 21 Sept. 1728; resided long in Eng- land ; settled at Lisbon, 1802 ; cZ. 1815. Barton, Bernard, Quaker poet; h. 17S4; published "Poems," 1820; d. 19 Feb. 1849. Barton, Elizabeth, the " holy maid of Kent ; " uttered pretended revelations against Henry VIII. ; executed with her associates, 2 1 April, 1534- Barton, Sir John, of the royal mint ; b. 25 Aug. 177 1 ; invented a floating compass, an atmometer, &c. ; d. 25 Aug. 1834. Bartram, John, American botanist ; b. 1 701 ; pubhshed " Description of East Florida," 1769 ; d. Sept. 1777. Baeuffaldi, Geronimo, Italian scholar ; b. 15 Jan. 1740; published "Vita di Ludovico Ariosto," 1807 ; d. Feb. 1817. Barye, j\jitoine Louis, French sculptor ; b. 24 Sept. 1795. Baschi, Matteo, Italian visionary, reformer of the minor friars, (termed " Capuchins," from the covering of the head introduced by him), 1528; d. 1552. Basevi, George, architect ; b. 1 794 ; designed FitzwiUiam Museum, Cambridge, 1837; lalled by falling from a tower of Ely cathedral, 16 Oct. 1845. Basedow, Johann Georg, German educational reformer; b. 8 Sept. 1723; published "Ele- mentar-Werke," and oj^ened a " Philanthropi- num," to try his method, at Dessau, 1774 ; d. 25 July, 1790. Basil, Saint ; b. 329 ; a recluse, 358-370 ; elected bishop of Csesarea (but retained his ascetic Mfe), 370; d. i Jan. 379. Basil I., II., emperors of the East : I. the Macedonian, originally an outcast ; b. about 82O : murdered Michael III., and be- caine emperor 24 Sept, 867 Disciplined the array and renovated the empire, S72 Defeated the Arabs and recovered provinces, 874-S76 Revised the laws of Justinian, 877 , (/, 1 March, 886 II, b. 958 : emperor, 976 ; generally victorious ; conquered and subdued the Bulgarians, 988-1018 d. Dec. T025. Ba.sil, emperor of Trebizond, 1332; d. 1340. Basiliscds, Greek commander ; defeated by Genserio in an expedition against Carthage, 468 ; usurped the throne at Constantinople, 475 ; deposed by Zeno, and starved to death, 477- Basin, or Bazin, Thomas, French bishop and chronicler; b. 1402; joined the "League of the Public Good," 1464 ; bitterly persecuted by Louis XL, 1464-74; d. 30 Dec. 1491. Baskerville, John, printer, of Birmingham ; 6. 1706; invented vellum paper ; rf.8Jan.1775. Basnage, Benjamin, French Calvinist; b. 1 580; published "Traitf5 de 1' Eglise," 1612; d. 1652. Basnage, Jacques de Beauval, son of Samuel ; b. 8 Aug. 1653 ; published "Histoire del'EgUse," 1699 ; "Histoire des Juifs," in continuation of Josephus, 1707; d. 22 Dec. 1723. Basnage, Samuel, French ecclesiastical his- torian ; b. 1638; published "Histoire des Eglises I?,(5formi5es," 1690; d. 1691. BAS 39 BAU Bass, George, surgeon ; discovered Bass's Straits, 1797; d. after 1798. Bassano, Italian painters : Francesco da Ponte, b. about T475 : d. abnut 1530. Jacopo da Ponte, son ; 6. 1510 : U. 13 Feb. 1592. FjiANCEsco da Ponte, son ; 0. 1550 ; d. 4 July, 1592. Lbanduo DA Ponte, brother : h. 1558; d. 1623. Bassano, Hugues Bernard Maret, duo de, French statesman; b. I March, 1763; sent to England ; dismissed for deception, 1792; secre- tary to Napoleon I. , Nov. 1 799 ; made duke, and minister of foreign affairs, 181 1 ; joined Napoleon; banished, 1S15 ; recalled, July, 1830; d. 13 May, 1839. Eassantin, Scotch astrologer ; b. about 1504; wrote " Astronomia," printed 1599; d. 1568. Bassompiekke, Frangois de, baron, French general; b. 12 April, 1579; marshal of France, 1622 ; fought at siege of Kochelle, taken, 28 Oct. 1623 ; imprisoned {for ten years) in the Bastille for political intrigues, 23 Feb. 1631 ; d. 12 Oct. 1646; his " MiJmoires," 1598-1631, published 1665. Bastiat, Fredi^ric, French political econo- mist; h. 29 June, 1801 ; published "Pro- tectionisme et Communisme," 1849; d. 24 Bee. 1850. Bastide, Jules, French author; b. 21 Nov. 1800; opposed the restoration, 1 81 5; and Louis Philippe, 1 830 ; fled to England ; con- demned to death, 1832 ; tried and acquitted, 1 834 ; minister of foreign affairs under the republic. May — Dec. 1848. Bateman, Kate Josephine, American actress ; b. 1842; appeared in England, 1863-65; married Mr. G. Crowe, Oct. 1866. Bates, Edward, American lawyer and states- man; b. 1793; d. 25 March, 1S69. Bath, see Pidteney. Bathilde, Saint, queen of Clovis II. of France ; d. 680. Bathori, princes of Transylvania. Stephen Zapolv, prince, 1571 : king of Poland, 1575 : victorious over Eussla, 1579 ; d. 15&6. Chiustopheb, brother, prince, 1575 ; d. 1581. SiGlSMoND, brother, prince, 1581 ; abdicated; d. 27 March, 1613. Gabor, elected t6o8 ; suppressed a revolt, 1610 : attempted to kill Bethlem Gabor, his deliverer ; himself assassinated, 11 Oct. 161 3. Bathbkst family : Allen, &. Nov. 1684 ; d^. 16 Sept. 1775. Henby, statesman ; h. 22 May, 1762 ; secretary for the colonies, 1809 ; president of the council, 1828 ; d.. 26 July, 1834. Henry, b. 1744: bishop of Norwich, 1805; voted for catholic emancipation, and reform in parlia- ment, 1821-32 : d. 5 April, 1837. Bathuest, Kalph, dean of Wells, poet and physiologist ; b. 1620; published " Pr^lectiones de Respiratione," 1654; d. 14 June, 1704. Bathyani, Hungarian family. Castmir, count . . . . 6. 4 June, 1807 Travelled in Europe and England ; an active liberal 1840-44 Successful in war against the Croats, Nov. Dec. 1848 Supported independence of Hungary ; declared, 14 April ; foreign minister under Kossuth : fled to Turkey . . Aug. t/. in exile , . 13 July, Louis . . . , b. Entered the army .... Joined the liberal party in the diet 18. Supported Kossuth . . . . President of the ministry . . . March Endeavoured to maintain union of Austria and Hungary Sept. Arrested by Windischgriitz ; imprisoned Jan. Tried and shot . 6 Oct. 1849 1854 1809 1835 to-44 1847 1849 Batou, alleged grandson of Geng"his Khan ; settled the golden horde at Kapzak, 1235 ; invaded Kussia, 1236 ; set up Yaroslav as tributary, 1238 ; ravaged Hungary and Poland, 1241 ; repelled at Olmutz ; retreated, 1243 ; d. 1254. Batsch, August Johann, German chemist and naturaUst ; b. 28 Oct. 1761 ; d. 29 Sept. 1802. Battus I. — IV., Greek kings of Gyrene ; fl. about B.C. 640 — 466. Battaglini, , Marco, bishop of Nocera and Cesena, Italian historian; b. 25 March, 1645; d. 19 Sept. 1717. Battely, John, D.D., antiquary ; b. 1647 ; wrote " Antiquitates Rutupinse," published 1711 ; d. 10 Oct. 1708. Battishill, Jonathan, musical composer; b. 1738; his opera "Alcmena" performed, 1764; d. 10 Dec. 1801. Batty, Robert, lieut.-colonel ; b. 1789; pub- lished "French Scenery," 1822; "German Scenery," 1S23; d. 20 Nov. 1848. Baudelocque, Jean Louis, French surgeon ; b. 1746; pubUshed " Principes 'des Accouche- ments," 1775 ; d. i May, 1810. Baudelot de Dairval, Charles C(;sar, French antiquary; b. 29 Nov. 1648; bequeathed his library and collections to the Acad^mie des Inscriptions; d. 27 June, 1722. Baudier, Dominique, Dutch historian and poet; 6. 1564; d. 22 Aug. 1613. Baudier, Michel, historiographer of France ; b. about 1589 ; d. 1654. Baudin des Ardennes, Pierre Charles Louis, French politician; b. 18 Dec. 1748; d. 14 Oct. 1799. Batjdrillart, Jacques Joseph, French agri- culturist ; b. 20 May, 1774 ; chief administrator of French forests, 1802; published "Instruc- tion sur la culture du Bois," 1805 ; d. 24 March, 1832. Bauer, Brano, German historian and theo- logian ; 5. 5 Sept. 1809. Bauhin, Jean, Swiss physician and naturalist ; b. 1 541 ; author of " Historia universalis Plan- tarum ;" d. 1613. Baulot, or Baulieu, Jacques, called Frfere Jacques, French lithotomist ; 6. 165 1 ; d. 1720. BAUMi;, Antoine, French chemist ; b. 26 Feb. 1728; d. 13 Oct. 1805. BAU 40 BEA Badmb des Dossat, Jacques Fran9ois de la, Prench poet ; b. 1 705 ; published "La Chris- tiade," 1753; d. 30 April, 1756. Baumek, Johann Wilhelm, German physician ; h. 10 Sept. 1719 ; published " Historia naturalis Lapidum Pretiosorum," 1771 ; d. 4 Aug. 1788. Baumgaeten, Alexander Gottlieb, German I)hilosopher ; b. 17 June, 1714 ; published '■ iEsthetica," 1750; d. 26 May, 1762. Bauhe, Jacques de la, French Latin poet and editor; b. 15 April, 1649; d. 21 Oct. 1726. BAVID.S, Roman poet ; stigmatised by \ irgil ; (1. about B.C. 35. Baxteh, Andrew, Scotch philosopher ; b. about 1 686; published "Inquiry into the nature of the Human Soul," 1737 ; d. 23 April, 1750. Baxter, George, wood-engraver ; b. 1 805 ; improved oil-colour printing, 1836; d. 11 Jan. 1867. Baxter, Richard, nonconformist ; 5. 12 Xov. 1615 ; declined two bishoprics; lost his living by the act of uniformity, 1662 ; imprisoned, June, 16S5 — Nov. 1686; published "Saints' Everlasting Re.st," 1650 ; '' Call to the Uncon- verted," 1669 ; d. 8 Dec. 1691. Baxter, William, nephew, classical antiquary ; b. 1650; pubHshed "Anacreon," 1695 ; "Glos- sarium Antiquitatum Britannicarum," 1719 ; (/. 31 May, 1723. Batakd, Pierre du Terrell, seigneur de, called " Chevalier sans peur et sans reproche ;" 6. 1475 ; entered service of the duke of Savoy, 1488 ; of Charles VIII. of Prance, 1493 ; went with him to Italy, 1495 ; saved the army by his per- sonal bravery, 1 505 ; killed in battle, 30 April, 1524. Batazid, see Bajaut. Bayer, Gottlieb Siegfried, nephew of Johann, German orientalist; b. 1694; pubhshed "Museum Sinicum," ^Chinese grammar, &c.) ; rf. 21 Peb. 1738- Bayer, Johann, German theologian and astro- nomer, called " Os Protestantium ;" published " XJranometria," (or " Ccelum Stellatum Chris- tianum,") 1603; d. 1660. Bayer', Pierre, French chemist; J. 1725; published "Opuscules chimiques," 1798; d. 1798. Bayle, Pierre, philosopher and historian ; b. 18 Nov. 1647 ; began to publish his "Nouvelles de la Rt^publique des Lettres," 1681; " Dictionnaire Historique," 1697-99; d. 28 Dec. 1706. Bayley, Sir John, judge; h. 3 Aug. 1763; published " Summary of the law of Bills of Exchange," 1789 ; "Book of Common Prayer with Notes," 1824 ; d. 10 Aug. 1841. Bay'LEy, Lewis, bishop of Bangor ; b, about 1565; consecrated, i6i6; published "Practice of L'iety," 1619; d. 1631. Bayly, Thomas Haynes, lyric poet ; b. 1797 ; d. 22 April, 1839. Bazalgette, Joseph WilUam, civil engineer ; b. 1819 ; appointed engineer-in-chief to the metropolitan board of works, 1855. Bazaine, Fran9ois Achille, marshal of France ; b. i8ll ; served in Algeria and the Crimea ; commanded the French army in Mexico, 1863 ; marshal, 5 Sept. 1S64. Bazaed, Amand, French philosopher, a St. Simonian and founder of the French carbonari ; b. 19 Sept. 1791 ; d. 29 July, 1832. Baziee, Claude, French revolutionist ; h. 1 764; executed, 5 April, 1794. Bazley, Thomas, M.P., cotton-spinner ; b. 1797; one of the founders of the anti-corn-law league, 1838 ; elected M.P. for Manchester, 1858. Beale, Lionel Smith, M.B., physiologist ; b. 1828; published "The Microscope in its application to Practical Medicine," 1861. Beard, John, singer and actor; b. 17 16; d. 1791. Beaton, Scottish ecclesiastics and statesmen ; James, archbishop of Glasgow ; chancellor and a guardian of James V., 1515: archbishop of St. Andrews and primate, 1522 , . t^. 1539 David, nephew; l>. 1494: archbishop of St. Andrews, 1539 ; chief of the regency, Dec. 1542 ; bitterly persecuted the protestants, 1542-46; assassinated by a party of reformers 29 May, 1546 Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodoee, princess, fifth daughter of queen Victoria; 6. 14 April, 1857- Beatson, Robert, Scotch historian; b. 1742; published " Pohtical Index to the Histories of Great Britain and Ireland," 1786; "Naval and Military Memoirs," 1790-1804; d. l8 April, 1818. Beattie, James, Scottish poet ; 6. 25 Oct. 1735; professor of philosophy at Aberdeen, 1760; published "Es.say on Truth," 1770; "The Minstrel," 1771-74; "Essays on Poetry and Music," 1776; d. 18 Aug. 1803. Beaucaire de Begoillon, Frangois, arch- bishop of Mentz; b. 15 14; pubhshed "Rerum Gallioanarum Conmientaria," 1562 ; declared for ecclesiastical reform, and resigned his see ; d. 1591. Beaucleek, Topham; b. 1739; friend of Dr John.son; a founder of "The Club," 1764; d. 1780. Beaufort, Francois de Venddme, due de, grandson of Henry IV., a restless warrior and partizan; 5. Jan. i6i6; termed "RoideshaUes," about 1649; commanded the fleet in expedi- tions against the African corsairs, 1664-65 ; killed while defending Candia against the Turks, 25 June, 1669. Beaufort, Henry, cardinal, son of John of Gaunt; b. about 1370; bishop of Winchester, 1404; quarrelled with Humphry, duke of Gloucester, the regent, 1425 ; cardinal, 1426 ; BEA 41 EEC promoted marriage of Henry VI, with Margaret of Anjou, 1445; d. II April, 1447. Beaufokt, Louis de, French historian, pre- cursor of Niebuhr ; published " Histoire de la Et^publique Romaine," 1766; d. 1795. Eeaufoet, Margaret, countess of lliohmond, daughter of John Beaufort ; h. 1441 ; married Edmund Tudor, earl of Kichmond, 1455 ; mother of Henry VII., 1456 ; founded Christ's College, 1505; and endowed St. John's, 1505, &c. ; d. 29 June, 1 509. Beaufoy, Mark, physicist and astronomer; h. 1764; made many "Nautical and Hydraulic Experiments;" d. 4 May, 1S27. Beadhabnais, Eugfene, French general and statesman; 6. 3 Sept. 1781 ; his mother, Josephine, married to Napoleon Bonaparte, 8 March, 1 796 ; commanded army of Italy and took Trieste, 18 May, 1809 ; served in the grand army in Russia and Gei'many, 1812-1813; d. 22 Feb. 1824. Beauhabnais, EugiSnie Hortense de ; h. at Paris, 10 April, 1783 ; married to Louis Bona- parte, 4 Jan. 1802; queen of Holland, 1806-10; mother of Louis Napoleon, 20 April, 1808; d. at Arenenberg, 5 Oct. 1837. Beauhabnais, Josephine de, see Josephine. Beaxihaechais, Pierre Augustin Caron de, French dramatist; h. 24 Jan. 1732; first re- presentation of his " Barbier de Si^ville," 23 Feb. 1775 ; "Mariagede Figaro," 27 April, 1784; pub- lished his Memoirs, 1774-93; d. 19 May, 1799. Beaumont, Francis, dramatist ; h. 1586 ; wrote dramas conjointly with John Fletcher ; d. about 1616. Beaumont, Sir George Howland, painter ; h. Nov. 1753; gave a collection of pictures to the national gallery, 1826; d. 7 Feb. 1827. Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Elie de, French en- gineer and geologist ; 6. 25 Sept. 1798; pub- lished memoirs on geology of France, vrith maps, 1833-41 ; perpetual secretary of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, 1856. Beaumont, Sir John, poet brother of Francis; h. 1582; his "Bosworth Feld" pubhshed, 1629; d. 1628. Beaumont, Joseph, theologian and poet ; i. 1615; published "Psyche, or Love's Myste- ries," 1652 ; d. 1699. Beaueegaed, Peter Gustave Toussaint, American confederate general ; b. 1 82 1 ; bombarded Fort Sumter, Charleston, 1 2 April, 1861 ; commanded at the first battle of Bull- run, 21 July, 1861 ; successfully defended Charleston, 1863 ; after its surrender, joined Lee at Richmond, Feb. 1865. Beaueieu, Gaspard Guillard de, French edu- cational writer ; J. 3 July, 1728; published "Elfeve de la Nature," 1790; d. 5 Oct. 1795. Beausobee, Isaac de, French protestant theo- logian and historian; b. 8 March, 1659; d. 6 June, 1738. IjEauvais, Guillaume, French numismatist ; /). 1698; published "Histoire des Enijiereurs Romains par les M(5dailles," 1 767; d. 29 Sept. 1773- Beauvais, Jean Baptiste-Charles, bishop of Senez, eloquent preacher; b. 1731 ; deputy from Paris to the states general, 1 789 ; d. 4 April, 1790. Beauvilliees, Antoine. French cook; 5. 1754; published "Art de Cuisinier," 1814; d. 31 Jan. 18 1 7. Be AVEE, Philip, navigator ; J. 28 Feb. 1766; vainly endeavoured to found a colony on the isle of Bulama, West Africa, 1792; d. 5 April, 1813. Beazley, Samuel, architect and dramatist ; b, 1786; designed the Lyceum theatre; d. 12 Oct. 1851. Beccadelli, Antonio, called Panormita, Italian historian; b. 1394; wrote "De dictis et factis Alphonsi Regis," printed 1485; d. 1471. Beccadelli, Ludovico, Italian historian ; i. 27 Jan. 1502; wrote "Life of Cardinal Pole;'' printed 1563; d. 17 Oct. 1572. Beccafumi, see MccoHno. Beccaei, Jacopo Bartolommeo, Bolognese physician and chemist; b. 25 July, 16S2; d. 18 Jan. 1766. Beccabia, Cesare Bonesana, marchese de, Italian philosopher; b. 15 ilarch, 1738 ; pub- lished "Treatise on Crimes and Punishments" (in ItaUan), 1764; d. 28 Nov. 1794. Beccabia, Giovanni Battista, Italian physi- cist; b. 3 Oct. 1716; d. 22 May, 1781. Bechee, Alfred Julius, German professor of music and political \vriter; b. about 1804; organised the academic legion at Vienna, and took part in the uisurrection ; taken and shot, 17 June, 1848. Bechee, Johann Joachim, chemist; b. 1635; published " Qildipus Chymicus," 1664; d. Oct. 1682. Bechee, Elizabeth, lady, see O'Neill. Beck, Anthony de, bishop of Durham; led the van at battle of Falkirk, 22 July, 1298; d. 1311. Beck, Lewis C, American chemist and mineralogist; b. 1798; d. 20 April, 1853. Beckee, Nicolaus, Geiman poet; b. 1 816; wrote the "Hymn to the Rhine," contaitjing the lines, " they shall not have it — the German Rhine," when Thiers spoke of enlarging the French frontier, 1840; d. 28 Aug. 1S45. Becket, Thomas \ Saint, archbishop of Canterbury; b. 1 1 19; d. 29 Dec. II 70. Chancellor to Henry TI iiS5 Elected archbishop of Canterbury ; soon after re- signed the chancellorship . . 24 May. 1162 Quarrelled with the king ; condemned for mal- administration while chancellor, and suspended from office ; appealed to the pope, and fled to France Oct. 1164 Excommunicated the bishops who submitted to the council of Clarendon . June, 11 66 BEG 42 BEK Formally reconciled to Henry at Fretville, 22 July 1T70 Keturned to Canterbury, 3 Dec. ; excommuni- cated certain bishops: tlirough angry words of tlie king, murdered in his cathedral 29 Dec. 11 70 Henry did penance at his tomb 12 July, 11 74 Beckfohd, "William, lord mayor of London ; b. 1705; mayor, 1763, and 1770 ; replied boldly to George III. reproving the corporation, 23 May, 1770 ; d. 21 June, 1770. Beckfohd, William, son; b. 1760; pubKshed "Vathek" in French, 1784; settled in Por- tugal, 1794 ; built Eonthill ; d. 2 May, 1844. Beckington, Thomas, bishop of Bath and Wells; b. about 1385; tutor of king Henry VI. ; assisted in negociating the peace of Arras, 1435; consecrated bishop, 13 Oct. 1443; lord privy seal, 1446 ; fostered literature and the arts; d. 14 Jan. 1465. Beckmann, Johann, German physicist; b. 4 June, 1739 ; published (in German) "History of Inventions," 1780-1805; d. 4 Feb. 1811. B^CLAED, Pierre Augustin, French anatomist and physician; b. 17 Oct. 1785; published "Filaments d'Anatomie g^u^rale," 1S23; d. 17 March, 1825. Becon, or Beacon, Thomas, reformer; b. 15 12; wrote " Newes out of Heaven," 1541 ; "Pota- cion for Lent," 1542, &c. ; d. about 1570. Becqueeel, Alexandre Edmond, French phy- sicist ; b. 24 March, 1820 ; published "Traits de I'Eleotricitd," 1855. Becquebel, Antoine Cdsar, father of preced- ing, French physicist ; b. 7 March, 1788; pub- lished "Traitd de I'Electricit^ et du Mag- ni^tisme," 1834-40; "Traitc5 de Physiipie," 1 842-44. Bectoz, Claudine de. " la sceur scholastique," French abbess of St. Ilonorat ; b. about 14S0 ; '/■ 1547- Beda, Noel, French theologian, syndic of the Sorbonne ; persecuted Robert Estienne and other protestants; d. 8 Feb. 1537. Beda, or Bede, Venerable, liistorian and astronomer ; b. about 673 ; completed his " Historia Ecclesiastica," about 731; (/. 26 May, 735. Beddoes, Thomas, M.D., physicist, (teacher of Humphrey Davy); b. 15 April, 1760; founded Pneumatic Institute at Bristol, 1798; d. 24 Dec. 1808. Bedell, William, bishop of Kilmore ; b. 1570; encouraged the translation of the Bible into Irish; d. 7 Feb. 1642. Bbdfoed, dukes of : John, third son of Henry TV. ; b. 1390 ; duke, 1415 : regent of France, [422 . d. 13 Sept. 1435 William Russell, earl, 1641 ; fought for the parliament, 1642 ; joined the king, 1643 ; created duke, II IVIay, 1694 . . . d. 7 Sept. 1700 JonN, statesman : 6. 1710 ; duke. 1732 ; first lord of the admiralty, Nov. 1744; lordlieutenantoflre- land, 1757,1759; lord president, i^ov. 1763: ^°^' structed a terrestrial globe, (said to have led to the discovery of America), 1492 ; d, 29 July, 1506. Behjien, Jacob, see Bolime. Behn, Aphra, novelist and dramatist; d. 16 April, 1689. Behnes, William, sculptor; b. 1 800; d. 3 Jan. 1864. Beheens, Georg, German chemist; b. 1662; published " Hercynia Curiosa," 1703; d. IJ12. Behkens, Thomas Georg, German physicist ; b. 17 Jan. 1775 ; invented an electrometer, termed " Bohnenbei'ger's ;" d. 22 Jan. 1813. Behring (or Bering), Veit, Russian navigator ; b. about 1680; discovered Behring's Straits, 1728; d. 8 Dec. 1741. Bek, see Beck. Beke, Charles Tilston, scholar and geographer ; b. 10 Oct. 1800; travelled in Abyssinia, 1851; published " Sources of the Nile," i860. Bekker, Balthasar, Dutch theologian ; 6. 20 March, 1634 ; published " De Betooverde Weereld," (World Bewitched,) 1691 ; d. 11 June, 1698. Bekker, Elisabeth Wolf, Dutch novelist and poet; b. 25 July, 1733; d. 5 Nov. 1804. BEK 43 BEL Bekkbk, Emamiel, German philologist ; h. 1785 ; edited Plato (1814-21) and other classics. Bel, Matthias, Hungarian historian ; h. 16S4; pubhshed " Prodromus Hungarife," 1723 ; d. 1749- Bela I. — TV., kings of Hungary : I. king, after killing his brother Andrew in battle 1060 d .1063 IT. king, 1131 d. H41 III. king, 1173; recovered Croatia and Dalmatia 1181 t^. 1 196 IV. king, 1235 : driven from Hungary by the Golden Horde, 1241 : defeated them, and reco- vered his kingdom, 1245 d. 1270 Belohee, Sir Edward, vice-admiral ; 6. 1799; commanded " Sulphur" in voyage round the world, 1836-42 ; published " Kan'ative," and knighted, 1843; sailed in search of Sir John Franklin, April, 1852 ; abandoned his ships, April, 1S54; returned to England, Oct. 1854; K.C.B., 1S67. Belokedi, Eichard, coimt, Austrian states- man; 6. 12 Feb. 1S23 ; appointed viceroy of Bohemia, 24 May, 1 864 ; president of the im- perial council of ministers, 1S65-67. Belidor, Bernard Forest de, French general and mathematician ; 6. 1693 \ published v/orks on military architecture, hydraulics, &c., 1720-53; d. 8 Sept. 1761. Beling, Richard, Irish soldier; 6. 1613 ; wrote " Vindicise CathohcEe Hibernite," (1641-49) ; d. 1677. Belisarius, Roman general under Justinian ; h. about 505; d. 13 March, 565. Served under Justin . , . 520-27 Checked inroads of Persians . . . 529-32 Quelled the Nike conflict of the Circus factions 532 Victorious in Africa . . 533"34 Conquered Sicily .... 53S Captured Naples, and defended Rome 537 Took Uavenna, Dec. 53Q : recalled . 540 Checked the Persian invasion , 541, 542 Defended Rome from Totila . 547 Expelled Bulgarians from Thrace 559 Bell, Andrew, Scotch educationist; h. 1752; introduced a system of mutual instruction at Madras, where he became chaplain, 1789; established many schools in London, &c., 1807, et seq. ; d. 27 Jan. 1832. Bell, Benjamin, surgeon ; h. 1749; published "System of Surgery," 1783-7; "On Ulcers," 1778, &c. ; d. 1806. Bell, Sir Charles, Scotch physiologist ; 6. 1 774 ; published " Essays on the Anatomy of Ex- pression," 1806 ; announced his discovery of the distinction between the nerves of motion and sensation, 18 10; published papers on the nervous system, 1821 ; "Animal Mechanics," 1828-9; " Bridgewater Treatise on the Hand," 1834; d. 27 April, 1842. Bell, Currer, see Bronte. Bell, Henry, Scotch engineer; h. 7 April, 1767; constructed a steam-boat, the Comet, which first sailed on the Clyde, Jan. 1812 ; d. 14 Nov. 1830. Bell, John, Scotch surgeon; i. 12 March, 1763; published "Anatomy of the Human Body," 1793-1802; "Principles of Surgery," 1 801 ; rf. 15 April, 1820. Bell, John, sculptor; b. 181 2; executed the " Eagle -slayer," Wellington monument in Guildhall, and Guards' Memorial. Bell, Patrick, Scotch minister ; invented a reaping machine, 1826; received a testimonial for it, 15 Jan. 1868; d. May, 1869. Bell, Robert, miscellaneous wTiter ; i. 10 .Jan. I Scx) ; wrote History of Russia, Lives of Eng- lish Poets, &c. ; Life of Canning, i 846 ; d. 12 April, 1867. Bell, Thomas, naturalist ; 5. 11 Oct. 1792; published "British Reptiles," 1829; "British Quadrupeds," 1836. Bellamy, Anne-George, Irish actress ; h. 30 -ip"l, 1733; d. 1788. Bellamy, Jacob, Dutch patriotic poet ; &. 1 2 Nov. 1757; d. u March, 1786. Bellaeminus, Robert, cardinal, controversial writer; I. 4 Oct. 1542; published " Disputa- tiones de Contrcjversiis Fidei," 1587; d. 17 Sept. 1 62 1. Bellay, Guillaume du, seigneur de Langey, French general and diplomatist ; b. 1491 ; wrote memoirs of his times ; d. 9 Jan. 1 543. Bellay, Jean du, French diplomatist ; b. 1492 ; ambassador in London, 1527; archbishop of Paris, 1532; cardinal, 1535; wrote memoirs of his times; d. 16 Feb. 1560. Bellay, Joachim du, named " the French Ovid" and "prince of the sonnet;" b. about 1524; d. I Jan. 1560. Belleau, Remy, French poet (one of the seven Pleiades, of whom Ronsard was chief) ; d. 6 March, 1577. Belleible, Charles Louis Auguste Fouquet, due de, French marshal; b. 22 Sept. 1684; general of the French auxiliaries in Germany, Aug. 1 74 1; conducted their skiKul but disas- trous retreat from Prague, Dec. 1742; made minister of war, 1750; d. 26 Jan. 1 76 1. Bellenger, Fran9ois, French philologist ; b. 1688; published translations of Dionysius of Halicamassus, 1723; Plutarch, 17^9, &c. ; d. 12 April, 1749. Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, French hydro- grapher ; b. 1703; published " Le Neptune Fran9ais," "Marine Charts," 1753 ; d. 21 March, 1772. Bellingham, John, murderer; b. about 1,771 ; assassinated Mr Spencer Percival at the house of commons, 11 May ; executed, 1 8 May, 1812. Bellini, Venetian painters : Jacopo d. about 1740 Gentile, son : h. J421 d. 23 Feb. 1507 Giovanni, 0. 1426 . ". 15 ^ov. 1516 Bellini, Lorenzo, Italian scholar ; b. 3 Sept. 1643; d. 8 Jan. 1704. BEL ii BEN Bellini, Vincenzo, Sicilian musical composer ; b. 3 Nov. 1802; wrote "Somnambula" and "Norma," 1831; "I Puritani," 1834; d. 24 Sept. 1835. BKLLOCy, Pierre, French satiric poet ; 6. 1 645 ; d. 4 Oct. 1 704. Belloei, Giovanni Pietro, Italian antiquary ; i. 1615; published "Veteres Arcus," 1690; " Admiranda Eomananim Antiquitatum," 1693; d. 1696. Bellot, Joseph Rend, I'rench lieutenant; h. March, 1826; sailed with Kennedy (June, 185 1) and with Inglefield (June, 1853) in search of Sir John ErankUn ; accidentally drowned, 18 Aug. 1853. Belmas, Louis, termed "the last of the French constitutional bishops ; " b. 11 Aug. 1757 ; maintained liberties of the French church against the papacy, 1782 ; made bishop of Cambray, 1802; d. 21 July, 1 841. Beloe, Wilham, classical scholar; b. 1756; published translation of Herodotus, 1 79'! ; Aulus GelUus, 1795; d. 11 April, 1817. Belos, Pierre, French naturalist; b. about 15 17; travelled in the east; pubhshed his " Observations," 1553 ; " Histoire iNaturelle des Poissons," 1551, &c. ; d. April, 1564. B^loste, AugTistin, French surgeon; b. 1654; published "Chirurgeon de THCipital," 1696; d. 15 July, 1730. Belsham, Thomas, unitarian minister; b. 15 April, 1750; d. II Nov. 1829. Belsham, William, political writer; b. 1753; published " Memoirs of Kings of Great Britain of the House of Brunswick," 1793-5; ''■ 1 7 Nov. 1827. Belshazzae, king of Babylon; B.C. 555 ; con- quered by Cyrus, 538. Belsunce de Castel Moron, Henri F. de ; b. 4 Dec. 1671 ; bishop of Marseilles, 1709 ; active reliever of sufferers by the great plague, 1720-1 ; d. 4 June, 1755. Beltkaffio, Giovanni Antonio, Italian painter; b. 1467 ; d. 1516. Belville, John Henry, astronomer ; b. 1796; d. July, 1856. Belzoni, Giovanni Battista, Italian traveller and antiquary; b. about 1778; came to Lon- don, and exhibited hydraulic experiments, 1803, ct seq. ; travelled over Europe ; settled in Egypt, 1815 ; brought statues of Jupiter Memnon, &c., to London, 1819 ; and pubhshed his " Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries within the Pyramids," &c., 1820-I ; returned to Africa, 1823 ; d. in Africa, 3 Dec. 1823. Beii, Joseph, Polish general and military engineer; b, 1795; d. at Aleppo, 10 Deo. 1850. Fought under Davoust in Poland . , 1812 Captain in Russian service 1819 Long imprisoned fur alleged insubordination ; released . .... . 182=; Commanded in Polish insurrection 1830-1 And in Hungarian revolution . . . 1848-q CaiJtured Hermanstadt twice, 11 March, and s Aug. 1849 Defeated at Temeswar ; fled to Turkey 9 Aug. 1849 Embraced Islamisra, named Amurath pacha ; settled at Aleppo, Feb. ; defended Christians there against the Mahometans . Nov. 1850 Bembo, Pietro, Italian poet, reviver of litera- ture ; 6. 20 May, 1470 ; historiogi-apher of Venice, 1486-1530; private secretai-y to Pope Leo X., 1513; cardinal, 1538; d. 18 Jan. 1547- Benavidio, Marco, "Mantuano," ItaUan jurist ; b. 25 Nov. 1489 ; d. 2 April, 1582. Benbow, John, commodore ; 6. about 1650 ; bombarded St. ilalo, 17, 18 Nov. 1693 ! unsuc- cessful in attack on French fleet off Carthagena through the cowardice of his captains, and wounded, 19 Aug. 1702 ; d. 4 Nov. 1702. Benedek, Ludwig von, Austrian general ; b. 1804; governor of Hungary part of i860; defeated by the Prussians at Kbnigsgratz, 3 July, 1866. Benedetti, Vincent, French diplomatist ; b. about 1815 ; envoy to Italy, 1861-63; ambas- sador to Prussia, 1864. Benedict I. — XIV. Popes. I. Bonosus, pope, 574 . . , d. 30 July, 578 II. Pope, 684 . . d. J May, 685 III. Pope, 17 July, 855 . d. 8 April, 858 IV. Pope, 6 April, 900 . d. 20 Oct. 903 V. Pope, 964 . . d 5 July, 965 VI. Pope, 20 Dec. 972 . killed in prison, 974 VII. Pope, 975 . . . . d. t July, 984 VIII. Pope, 17 June, 1012: expelled; restored by, and crowned the emperor Henry II., 1014 ; d. 10 July, 1024 IX. Pope, 1033 ; expelled for his simony and vices, 1048 d. penitent 1034 X. Giovanni di Velletri, anti-pope, 1058 ; de- posed .... d. 18 Jan. 1059 XI. Nicolo Eoccasini, pope, Oct. 1303 ; poisoned 6 July, 1304 XII. Jacques Fournier, pope at Avignon, 1334; a reformer . ... i/. 25 April, 1342 (XIII. Anti-pope), Pedro de Luna, at Avignon, 1394 . d. ^ Oct. 1424 XIII. Vicenzo Orsino ; 6. 2 Feb. 1649 ; pope, 29 May, T724 : celebrated a jubilee, X725 ; d. 21 Feb. 1730 XIV. Prospero Lambertini ; b. 13 Mar. 1675 ; pope, 17 Aug. 1740 ; favoured the Stuarts, 1747 : d. 3 May, 1758 Benedict, St., founder of western monachism ; b. 480 ; retired from the world about 497 ; collected disciples, 520-7 ; founded a monastery at Monte Casino in Campania, 529 ; d. about 542. Benedict, see Siscop. Benedict d'Aniane, St., monastic reformer ; b. about 750 ; retired from his monastery, and founded a new one, about 7S2 ; compiled " Codex Regularum ;" d. 821. Benedict, Julius, German musician and com- poser ; b. 27 Nov. 1805 ; came to England, 1835; produced "Gipsy's Warning," 1838; " Lily of Killarney," 1862. Bengel, Johann Albert, German theologian BEX 45 BER and scholar ; 6. 24 June, 16S7 ; published "Novum Testamentum Grtecum," 1734 ; d. 2 Dec. 1752. Bengek, Elizabeth Ogilvy, historian ; h. 1778 ; published "Memoirs of Anne Boleyn," 1821 ; "Memoirs of Mary, queen of Scots," 1S23 ; cl. 9 Jan. 1827. Ben-Hadad, king of Syria; warred with Ahab, king of Israel, B.C. 901 ; killed bv Hazael, 885. Benjamin of Tudela, Spanish rabbi and traveller in the East, 1 160-1 173. Bennet, Abraham, electric an ; 6. 1 7 50 ; in- vented the gold leaf electrometer, 17S6 ; pub- lished "Experiments on Electricity, 1789; d. May, 1799. Bennet, Benjamin, nonconformist minister ; b. 1674; pubUshed " Christian Oratory," 1728; d. I Sept. 1726. Bennet, Christopher, physician ; i. about 1617 ; published " Theatri Tabidorum Vesti- bulum," 1654; d. I May, 1655. Bennet, Robert ; published " Concordance of Synonymous Words in Scripture," 1657 ; d. 6 April, 1687. Bennet, Henry, see J rlinr/ton. Bennet, James, D.D., dissenting minister ; J). 1774; "wrote, with David Bogue, "History of the Dissenters," published 1808, et seq. ; d. 4 Dec. 1862. Bennett, "William Stemdale, musician and composer; i. 13 April, 18 16; professor at Cambridge, 1856; produced "May Queen," 1858. Benningsen, Levin A. T., Russian general ; h. at Bnmswiok, 1 74S : fought in Poland, 1 79 1 ; in Persia, 1795 ; a conspirator against the czar Paul, March, i8oi ; fought against the French, 1805-7; succeeded Kutusoff, 181 2; greatly aided in the victory at Leipzic, 16-19 *-*ct. 1813 ; retired into Hanover, 1818; d. 1826. Benoit, Anglo-Norman Trouvfere, favoured by Henry II. (1154-89) ; wrote "Histoire en vers des Dues de Normandie." Benseeade, Isaac; French poet and drama- tist; b. 1612; d. 19 Oct. i6gi. Benson, George, nonconformist writer; b. 1699 ; " History of the First Planting of Christianity," 1735; d. 6 April, 1672. Bentham, Jeremy, the " utilitarian " philoso- pher ; 6. 1 5 Feb. 1 747 ; published " Fragment on Government, " 1776; " Defence of Usury, " 1787; "Panopticon, or Inspection house," 1791 ; "Draught of a code for France," 1790-I ; d. 6 June, 1832. Bentham, Su- Samuel, brother of Jeremy, naval engineer ; J. 11 Jan. 1757; travelled in Russia, 1780; Ueut.-col. in Russian army, 1784; returned to England, 1791; appointed inspector-general of naval work, 25 March, 1 796 ; made many reforms ; the office abolished, 28 Nov. 1812; d. 31 May, 1831. Bentinck, dukes of Portland : William, favoiu-ite of William III. . . h. 1649 Created earl of Portland . . g April, 16S9 Negotiated the treaty of Ryswick, 1697; and Partition treaty .... . 1699 Impeached and acquitted, 1701 . (i. 23 Nov. 1709 2. William, 0. 1708 ; acquired the Barberini or Portland vase, in the British museum ; ^. 1 May, 1762 3. William, Henky Cavenoimh ; b. 14 April 1738; duke, 14 April, 173S; lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 1782 ; first lord of the treasury, 1783: chancellor of the university of Oxford, 1792: home secretary, 1794 ; lord president of the council, iSoi ; first lord of the treasury, March, 1807 ... ... 30 Oct. 1809 4. William, Henry Cavendish Eentinck- ScoTT : 0. 24 June, 1768 ; lord president of the council, 1827 . , . . rf. 27 March, 1854 5. William, John Cavendisi-i ; &. 18 Sept. 1800: duke, 27 March, 1854. Bentinck, Lord George Frederick Cavendish, statesman ; b. 27 Feb. 1802 ; private secretary to Canning, 1827; became leader of the country (protectionist) party, 1846; d. 21 Sept. 1848. Bentinck, Lord William Henry, statesman ; b. 14 Sept. 1774; captain-general of Sicily, 1812; governor-general of India, 1828-35; abolished suttees ; declared illegal, 14 Dec. 1829; d, 17 June, 1839. Bentivoglio, Guido, Italian cardinal, 1579; wrote memoirs of his times, 1629, &c. ; d. 7 Sept. 1644. Bentley, Joseph Clayton, line-engTaver ; b. 1809; d. 9 Oct. 1851. Bentley, Richard, classical scholar; b. 27 Jan. 1662; published "Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris, 1699; master of Trinity college, Cambridge, I Feb. 1 700 ; involved in disputes with the fellows, &c., 1709-3S; pub- lished Horace, 1711; d. 14 July, 1742. Benzel, Eric, Swedish theologian; b. 1642; edited the Swedish Bible, published 1 703 ; d. 17 Feb. 1709. Benzel, Eric, son ; b. 1675 ; published " Monumenta Sueco-Gothica," and "Ulphilas lUustrata ; " d. 1743. Benzeneeeg, Johann Friedrich, German astro- nomer; b, 5 May, 1777; published "Researches on Meteors," &c., 1798; d. 8 June, 1S46. BiiEANGEH, Pierre Jean de, French song- writer; b. 19 Aug. 1780; d. 16 July, 1857. Began to write 1802 Published his works . . 1S03 Refused the office of censor .... 1815 For his satirical sungs condemned to imprison- ment ... 8 Dec. 1S21, and 10 Uec. 1828 Released, refused honours and recompense, July, 1830 Elected deputy for the assembly ; declined to sit . May, 184S Beeaud, Laurent, French physicist ; b. 5 March, 1 702 ; pubUshed ' ' Physique des Corps Animfe," 1755 ; d. 26 June, 1777. Bekauld, Nicolas, French scholar ; b. 1473 ; preceptor of Admiral Coligny and others ; published " Dictionnaire Grec et Latin," 1521, &c. ; d. 1550. Beechett, Pierre, French painter; b. 1659; d. 1720. BEll 46 BEE, Beecheue (Berchorius), Pierre, French, Benedictine ; wrote ' ' Rediictorium, Eeperto- rum et Dictionarium Morale utriusque Testa- menti," (printed 1474); d. 1 362. Beechtold, Leopold, count, philanthropic tra- veller; b. 1758; cL 26 July, 1809. Berengakia of Navarre, married to Eichard I. of England, 12 May, 1191 ; d. about 1230. Bekengabius, (Beeengek), of Tours, theolo- gian and philosopher; punished for denying transubstantiation, 1050 ; compelled to recant ; retracted, 1059 ; recanted again, 1079 ; d. 6 Jan. 108S. Beeengee I. II., kings of Italy : I. duke of Friuli, claimed the crown . 888 Defeated by Guido di Spoleto . . 889 Conquered him and became king . . . 898 AVars with the Hungarians and Louis of Aries, whom he took prisoner and blinded . 904 Declared emperor of the west . . . 915 Assassinated at Verona . March, 924 II. marquis of Ivrea ; crowned king 5 Dec. 950 AVars with Albert Azzo . . 953 Conquered by Otho . . . 961 Beeengee, Laurent Pierre, French writer; &. 28 Nov. 1 749 ; published ' ' La Morale en action," 1783; "Soirees Proven5ales, " 1786; d. 1822. Beeesford, Eev, James, humorous poet ; h. 1764; published "Miseries of Hunran Life," 1806; d. Sept. 1840. Beeesfoed, William Carr Eeresford, viscount, Irish general ; b. 2 Oct. 1 768 ; defeated Soult at Albuera, 16 May 181 1; created baron, 17 May, 1814; viscount, 28 March, 1823; d. 8 Jan. 1854. Bergemann, Carl Wilhelm, German chemist and mineralogist ; b. 16 Feb. 1804. Bekgen, Carl August von, German phj'sicist ; h. II Aug. 1704; d. 7 Oct. 1759. Berghaus, Henrich Karl Wilhelm, German geographical engineer; b. 3 May, 1797; pub- lished his ' ' Physikalisoher Atlas "in 90 sheets, 1838-48. Beeghem, or Beechem, Nicolas, Dutch painter; b. 1624; d. 18 Fek 1683. Bekgiee, Nicolas, French historian ; b. 1567; published "Histoire des Grands Chemins de TEmpire Eomain," 1622; d. 15 Sejpt. 1623. Bekgmann, Torbern Olof, Swerlish physicist ; h. 9 or 20 March, 1735; pubhshed " Historia Chemia;," 1782; and many memoirs, 1 755, et seq. ; d. 8 July, 1 784. Berigaed, (or Beauregarde), Claude. French philosopher; b. about 1 59 1 ; his " C'irculus Pisanus," (commentary on Aristotle's physics), published, 1661 ; d, 1664. Beeington, Joseph, historian; b. about 1760; pubhshed " Lives of Abelard and Heloise," 1784; "History of the Eeigns of Henry 11. and his Sons," 1 790 ; " Literary History of the Middle Ages," 1814; d. i Dec. 1827. Beriot, Charles, Auguste de, Belgian violin- ist; b. 20 Feb. 1802; married Madame Mali- bran, 1836. Berkeley, George, bishop, Irish philosopher ; b. 12 March, 16S4 ; published " New Theory of Vision," 1709; " Principles of Human Know- ledge," 1710; "The Minute Philosopher," 1732; bishop of Cloyne, 1733; d. 14 Jan. 1753. Berkeley, Eev. Miles Joseph, botanist ; &. 1S03 ; published "Cryptogamic Botany," 1857. Berkenhodt, John, physician and naturalist ; b. about 1730; published " Clavis AngUca Lingua Botanicffi Linna9i," 1764; " Pharma- copoea Medici," &c., 1782; d. 3 April, 1791. Beeliohingen, Goetz von, " with the iron hand," German warrior; d. 23 July, 1562. Beelioz, Louis Hector, French musical com- poser lb. II Deo. 1 803 ; wrote " Hymn tobert, leader in the revolution at Vienna, March to Oct. ; executed, 9 Nov. 184S. Blumenbach, Johann Priediich, German physiologist; b. II May, 1752; published " Handbook of Natural History," 1779-80 ; "Manual of Comparative Anatomy," 1805; d. 22 Jan. 1840. Blunt, John James, B.D. ; b. 1 794 ; lady Margaret professor of divinity at Cambridge, 1839-55; d- 17 June, 1855. Bluteau, Raphael, Portuguese lexicographer ; i. 4 Dec. 1638; published " Vocabulario Por- tug-uez e Latino," 1712-21; d. 13 Peb. 1734. BoABDiL, see Ahdallah. Bo ADEN, James, dramatist and critic ; h. 1762; published "Memoirs of Mrs Inchbald," 1823; " Memoirs of J. P. Kemble," 1825, &e.; d. 1839. BoADiCEA, (BouDiOEA, Or Bunduca), queen of the Iceni ; rose to revenge the oppression of the Eomans ; burnt London ; defeated by Sue- tonius Pauhnus; d. 61. Eoccacino, Italian painters : BoooACio, b. about 1460; d. about 1518. His son, Camillo, b. 151 1 ; d. 1546. BoccA Di Feero, Lnigi, Italian physician and scholar; 6.1482; taught philosophy and letters at Bologna and Rome ; d. 3 May, 1545. His nephew, Geeonimo, jurist ; b. 1552; published " Consultationes," 1623; d. I March, 1623. Boccaccio, Giovanni, Italian novelist and poet, father of Italian prose ; 6. 13 13; lectured on Dante at Plorence, 1373; wrote "Decame- rone," including description of the plague at Florence of 1348; d. 21 Dec. 1375. BoccAGE, Marie Anne le Page, French poet, (said to be " Form^ Venus arte Minerva) ; h. 22 Oct. 1710; published "La Colombiade," 1749; d. 8 Aug. 1802. Boccalini, Trajano, Italian satirist; h. 1556; his " Ragguagli di Pamaso, " pubUshed, 161 2; d. 16 Nov. 1613. BocCANEEA, Simon, first doge of Venice ; elected by acclamation, 1339. His son Bat- tista elected, 1400. BoccHEEiNl, Lnigi, Italian instrumental com- poser; b. 14 Jan. 1740; worked hard for a small pension at Madrid; d. 1806. BocoHOEIS, king of Egypt; fl. B.C. 812. BoccHUS, king of Mauritania ; gave up Ju- gurtha to the Romans for part of Numidia, B.C. 106. BooooLD, see John of Leyden. BoccoNE, Paolo, (afterwards Silvio), Sicihan naturalist; 6. 24 April, 1633; d. 22 Dec. 1704. BocHAET, Samuel, French theologian; b. 30 May, 1599; published " Geographia Sacra," 1 646 ; " Hierozoicon, sive de Animalibus Scrip- turae Sanctaa," 1663; d. 16 May, 1667. BoCK, John, Flemish poet; b. 27 July, 1555; travelled from Italy to Russia ; d, 13 Jan. 1609. Bode, Christoph August, German orientalist ; h. 28 Dec. 1 722 ; edited the Gospel of Matthew in Ethiopic, 1 749 ; in Persian, 1 750 ; d. 7 March, 1796. Bode, Johann Joachim, German musician and philosopher ; h. 16 Jan. 1730 ; joined Weishaupt, the founder of Illuminism, about 1763; d. 13 Dec. 1793. Bode, Johann Elert, German astronomer ; 6. 19 Jan. 1747 ; published Berhn Astronomi- cal Year-BoQte''^fdr 1776-1829 ; d. 23 Nov. 1826. BoDiN, Jean, French political writer ; b. about 1530; his "Six Livres de la Ri^pubhque," printed, 1576; d. 1596. EoDLEY, Sir Thomas, scholar and diplomatist ; b. 2 March, 1544; employed in embassies by Elizabeth, 1585-97; founded Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1598; d. 28 Jan. l6l2. BoDMEE, Johann Jacob, German poet and re- former of German Uterature; b. 9 July, 1698 ; d. 2 Jan. 1783. BoDONi, Giovanni Battista, printer at Parma ; b. 16 Feb. 1740; printed his "Manuale Tipo- grafico," 178S; " Homer," in folio, 1808; rf. 20 Nov. 1813. BOE BOL BoECE, see BoetJtius. BoECKH, Au^Tist, German scholar and philo- logist ; b. 24 Xov. 1785 ; edited Plato and other classics: published the "Public Economy of Athens," (in Germani, 1S17; d. 3 Aug. 1S67. BoEHM, Joseph George, Gennan astronomer and physicist : h. 27 March, 1S07. BoEHM, (BoEBDTE, or Behmesi, Jacob, Ger- man mystic; 6. 1375; published "Aurora," (containing alleged revelation from Gk>d}, 1612 ; af. 18 XoT. 1624. BoEBHAATE, Herman. Dutch physician and chemist; b. 31 Dec. 166S; pubhshed "Apho- rismi," 1709; "Elementa ChemiEe,'' 1732; d. 23 Sept. 1738. BoEB^'E, Ludwig, German journalist and translator; b. 22 May, 17S6 ; d. 12 Feb. 1S37. BoETHTCS, Amcius Manlius Torquatus Seve- rinus, Eoman philoscipher : 6. about 470 ; con- structed water-clock, itc, ^03 ; prime minister of Theodoric. king of Italy, 504 ; unjustly im- prisoned ; WTOto ' ' De Consolatione Philoso- phic," 523; strangled, 23 Oct. 326. BoETHirs, or Boece, Hector, Scottish his- torian; b. about 1465: "History of Scotland," published, 1526; d. about 1536. B; published "Nineveh and its Palaces," 3d ed., 1857. BoNONCINI, Giovanni, Italian musician ; b. about 1660; unsuccessful rival of Handel about 1727; d. about 1760. BoNosus, Eoman general ; proclaimed em- peror by his soldiers in Germany ; subdued by Probus; killed himself, 281. BoNPLAHD, Aim^, French naturalist; h. 22 Aug. 1773; accompanied Humboldt in travels in America, 1 799- 1805; employed by the em- press Josephine at Malmaison, 1805-1814; pro- ceeded to South America ; received with jealousy; seized by Francia, the dictator of Paraguay, 3 Dec. 1821 ; released, 2 Feb. 1830; since resided in Brazil; d. 1858. BoNSDOBFF, Pehr Adolph von, physicist of Finland; b. 27 Oct. 1 791 \ d. II Jan. 1839. BoNSTETTEN, Charles Victor de, Swiss philo- sopher ; 6. 3 Sept. 1 745 ; published ' ' Eecher- ches sur la Nature et les Lois de 1' Imagination, " 1807; "Etudes sur I'Homme," 1821 ; d. 3 Feb. 1832. BoNTEM.S, (BoNTEMPs), Marie Jeanne de Chatillon, French poet; b. 14 Jan. 1718 ; translated Thomson's "Seasons," 1759; d. 18 April, 1768. BoNZI, Pietro Paolo, Italian painter ; (named Gobbo da Cortona, de' Frutti, or de' Carracci), about 1550. BooDT, Anselme Boeoe de, Flemish naturalist ; published "Gemmarum et Lapidum Historia, " 1609 ; d. about 1634. Boole, George, mathematician and metaphy- sician; b. 2 Nov. 1815 ; published his "New Method of Analysis," 1844; "Mathematical Theory of Logic and Probabilities," 1853 ; "Laws of Thought," 1S54 ; d. 8 Dec. 1864. Boon, Daniel, North American coloniser ; b. Feb. 1735; left North Carolina for the forests, I May, 1 769 ; founded Boonsborough, and other places; d. 26 Sept. 1820. BoONEN, Arnold, Dutch portrait painter ; b. 16 Dec. 1669; employed by nearly all the monarchs of Europe ; 6. 2 Oct. 1729. Booth, ' Barton, tragedian and dramatist ; b. about 1681 ; appeared at Drury Lane, 1781 ; d. 10 May, 1733. Booth, Sir Felix, distiller in London ; b, 1775 ; paid expenses of Koss's second voyage, 1839 ; d. 1850. Booth, Junius Brutus, actor, rival of Kean ; b. I May, 1796; d. 30 Nov. 1852. His son, John Wilkes, assassinated President Lincoln at Washington, 14 April; fled; killed, 26 April, 1865; re-interred with his family, 26 June, 1869. Bopp, Franz, German philologist and orien- talist ; b. 14 Sept. 1791 ; published "Compara- tive Grammar," 1S33-49; "Glossarium Sans- critum," 1840. BoEDA, Jean Charles, French physicist and geographer; b. 4 May, 1733; travelled to determine the latitude and longitude, 1771-2; recommended the decimal system of weights and measures, 1788; d. 20 Feb. 1 799. BoPlDE, Andrew, physician and poet, (the original "Merry Andrew"); b. about 1500; wrote "Breviary of Health," "Principles of Astronomy," "Merie Tales;" d. 1549. See La Boi'de. Bordeaux, Henri Charles Ferdinand, due de, son of Charles Ferdinand d'Artois, due de Berri, and grandson of Charles X., king of France ; h. 29 Sept. 1820 ; married princess Theresa, archduchess of Austria Este, 16 Nov. 1846 ; met the due de Nemours at Frohsdorf, when the two branches of the Bourbons are said to have been reconciled, Nov. 1853 ; VTTote letters expressing his readiness to appear in France when called on, 1 866. BoEDELON, Laurent, French theologian and dramatist; b. 1653; d. 6 April, 1730. BoKDONI, Antonio Maria, Italian physicist ; h. 20 July, 1789; d. 26 March, i860. BoEEL, Pierre, French physician, chemist, and antiquary ; b. about 1620 ; pubUshed "Tresor des Keoherches et Antiquitds Gau- loises ;" and " De Vero Telescopii Inventore," 1655; d. 1689. BoEELLi, Giovanni Alfonso, Italian physicist ; b. 28 Jan. 1 608; published "Euclides Eesti- tutus," 1658; "De Motionibus Naturalijjus," 1670; invented a diving-bell; d. 31 Dec. 1679. BOE, BOS BoEGHESE, Italian family, see Paul V., Pope. GiovAN Batiista, ambassador of Philip V. at Eome ; d. 1717. Marco Antonio, viceroy of Naples, 1721. Camillo married Pauline Bouaparte, ^vidow of general Leclerc, 1803 ; d. 1832. BoKGHiKi, Vincenzo, Italian antiquary ; 6. 29 Oct. 1515; d. IS Aug. 1580. Borgia, or Boja, a Spanisli family, see Alex- ander VI. and Callistus III., Popes. BoKGiA, Caesar, son of Pope Alexander VI., priest, warrior, and statesman ; killed in battle in Spain, 12 March, 1507. Student at Pisa ; made archbisliop of Pampeluna and cardinal .... . . 1492 Said to have murdered his brother, Giovanni, duke of Oandia; seized his territories, and be- came a laic ........ 1497 Married Charlotte, sister of the king of Navarre 1499 Named general of the Papal army . . . 1500 Made himself master of Paenza and other cities, and killed many persons . . . 1501-2 At his father's death, 18 Aug., deprived of his gains, and imprisoned by pope JuUus II. . 1503 Released : retired to Navarre, and attacked the Castilians 1 504-7 Boegia, Lucrezia, daughter of pope Alex- ander VI. ; divorced from Giovanni Sforza, and married to Alphonso of Arragon, 1497 ; who was murdered (probably by (Jaesar Borgia), 1500 ; married to Alfonso d'Este, end of 1501 ; d. 1523. Boegia, Stefano, Italian cardinal, antiquary ; T). 1 73 1 ; laborious collector of antiquities ; founded a museum at Velletri ; assisted to restore the administration of pubUc affairs at Home, 1800-4 ; d. at Lyons on his journey to Paris with the pope to cro\vn Napoleon, 1804. BoEGNis, Giuseppe Antonio, Italian physicist ; h. about 1781 ; published " Traits de M^canique appUqude aux Arts," 1818-23. BoEGO, see Pozzo. BoEiE, Pierre Pose Dumoulin, missionary and bishop ; 6. 20 Peb. I S08 ; arrived at Macao, 15 July, 1830 ; persecuted and put to death in Cochin China, 24 Nov. 183S. BoEis GoDUNOV, czar of Russia, 1598; cau.seda revolt by his cruelty, 1604; killed himself , 1605. BoRLACE, Edmund, Irish historian and anti- quary ; published ' ' Reduction of Ireland in 1172," 1675; "History of Irish Rebellion," 1680; d. 1682. BoELASE, Rev. AVilliam, antiquary and natu- ralist; h. 2 Eeb. 1696; published "Antiqui- ties of Cornwall," 1754; "Natural History of Cornwall," 1758; d. 31 Aug. 1772. BoEN, Ignaz von, German mineralogist ; 6. 26 Dec. 1642; his "MtStallurgie," published, 1787; d. 24 July, 1 79 1. BoEOWLASKi, count, Pohsh dwarf; l. 1739; d. Sept. 1837. BoREOMEO, St. Carlo; h. 1538; archbishop of Milan and cardinal, 1560; devoted himself to relief of sufferers by the plague, 1576; d. 3 Nov. 1 5 84. BoEEOMEO, Federico; b. 1564; succeeded his uncle as archbLshop of Milan, 1595 ; greatly reUcved sufferers by the famine, 1627-8 ; and by the plague, 1630; d. 22 Sept. 1631. BoEROMINI, Francesco, eccentric Italian archi- tect ; h. 1599; worked under Bernini, 1629; committed suicide, 1667. BoEEOW, George, traveller and linguist ; h. 1803; published "ZincaU," 1841 ; "Bible in Spain," 1843. BoEY DE St. V INCEST, JeanBaptiste Marcellin, baron, French physicist ; 6. 1 780 ; accompanied Baudin in his voyage, 1800; published "Voyage dans les iles d'Afiique," 1804; attached to the staff of Marshal Ney, 1808; proscribed and banished, 15 July, 181 5; returned to France; charged with superintendence of the scientific expedition to the Morea, 1829; d. 23 Dec. 1S46. Bos (Bosch, or Bosco), Jerome, Dutch painter; h. about 1450; d. 1500. Bos, Lambert, German scholar; h. 23 Nov. 1670; published work on " Greek Ellipses," 1 702 ; rf. 3 or 6 Jan. 1 7 1 7. Eosc, Louis Augustin Guillaume, French naturalist; h. 29 Jan. 1759; d. 10 July, 1828. BosCAN, Almogave Juan, Spanish poet ; h. about 1500; works published, 1543; d. 1544- BosCAWEN, Edward, admiral ; b. g Aug. 1 71 1; defeated the French at Lagos bay, on 17, 18 Aug. 1759; d. 10 Jan. 1671. IJosCH, Bathasar Vanden, Dutch painter ; 6. 1675 ; d. 1715. BoscoviCH, Ruggiero Giuseppe, Italian physi- cist and astronomer; b. 18 May, 1711 ; became a Jesuit, 1725; discovered the sun's equator and rotation by observing the spots, 1736; his "Elementa Uni versa Matheseos," published, 1755 ; d. 13 Feb. 1787. BosE, Georg Matthias, inventor of the con- ductor in the electric machine ; b. 22 Sept. 1 710; published " De Attractione et Eleo- tricitate," 173S; d. 17 Sept. 1761. Bosio, Fran9ois Joseph, baron, French sculp- tor ; b. 19 March, 1769; employed by Napo- leon and Josephine ; d. 29 July, 1845. Bosio (Bosius), Giacomo, Italian historian ; wrote "Istorie della Sacra Beligione di San Giovanni Gierosolimitano," printed, 1594. His nephew Antonio, published " Roma Sotter- ranea," 1632 ; d. I629. Boso, created duke of Lombardy and Pro- vence, Feb. 876 ; styled king of Provence, Aries, and Burgundy, 879 ; d. Jan 888. Bosquet, Pierre Fran9ois Joseph, French marshal; b. 8 Nov. 1810; served in Algeria, 1834-53; in the Crimea, 1854-55; d. 3 Feb. 1861. Bossi, Giuseppe Carlo, harone di, Italian diplomatist and poet ; b. 15 Nov. 1758; d. 20 Jan. 1823. Bossi, Giuseppe, Italian painter; b. 11 Aug. 1777; d. 15 Dec. 1815. BOS 60 BOtr Eossu, Jl4n6 de, French counsellor and critic, friend of Boileau; b. i6 March, 1631 ; d. 14 March, 1680. BossuET, Jacques B^nigne, French bishop and orator; 6. 28 Sept. 1627; d. 12 April, 1704. Appointed preceptor of the dauphin, (for whom he composed his " Discours sur I'Histoire Uni- verselle," and other worlcs) .... 1670 Made bisliop of Meaux, 16S1 : published " His- toire des Variations des Eglises Protestantes" 168S Opposed Madame Guyon and the Quietists . 1693-4 Quarrel with Feuelon 1697-9 BossuT, Charles, French physicist ; 6. 11 Aug. 1730; published " Histoire des Mathe- matiques," 1862; d. 14 Jan. 1814. BosTOOK, John, M.D., physiologist and phy- sicist; b. 1774; d. 6 Aug. 1846. Boston, Thomas, Scottish theologian ; J. 7 March, 1676; published "Fourfold State," 1720; d. 20 May, 1732. BoswELL, Sir Alexander, (son of James), poet; h. 1775; killed by James Stuart in a duel, 26 March, 1822. BoswELL, James, Scotch biographer ; i. 29 Oct. 1 740 ; came to London ; introduced to Dr Johnson, 16 May, 1763 ; published "Life of Dr Johnson," 1790; d. 19 May, 1795- BoswoKTH, Joseph, linguist ; 6. 1 788 ; pub- lished "Anglo-Saxon Dictionary," 1838 and 1S48. BoTAL, Leonardo, Italian physician and dis- coverer in physiology, Jl. 1550. BoTELHO, Nuiio Alvarez, Portuguese naviga- tor; governor of Portuguese India, 1628; rescued Malacca, and named "father of the cormtry;" blo^vn up in his ship, 26 March, 1630. BoTEEO, (Benisius), Giovanno, Italian scholar and politician; b. 1540; secretary of cardinal Carlo Borromeo, 1581; published ' ' Delia Eagione di Stato," 1583; d. 16 17. BoTFIELD, Beriah, antiquary; b. 1807; pub- lished " Notes on Cathedral Libraries," &c., 1 849, et seq. ; supported the investigations at Wroxeter, 1861-3; d. 7 Aug. 1863. Both, Jan and Andries, brothers, Flemish painters ; b. about 1610; d. about 1650. BoTHWELL, James Hepburn, earl of; obta'ned influence over Mary queen of Scots, 1 566 ; tried for mittder of her husband, Henry Darn- ley; acquitted, 12 April 1566; seized the queen, 24 April; compelled her to marry him, 15 May ; fled when the nobles rose in arms, July, 1567; seized as a pirate by Norwegians ; died mad, about 157^- EoTTA, Carlo Giuseppe, Italian historian ; b. 6 Nov. 1766 ; arrested for his liberal opinions, 1792; member of the French legis- lative assembly, 1802; published his " Storia deir Itaha," 1S26 and 1834; d. 10 Aug. 1837- BoTTA, Paolo Emilio, Italian archEeologist, son of preceding; b. 1805; pubUshed his " Monuments de Ninive," 1846-50. Botticelli, Sandro or Alessandro, Floren- tine painter; b. 1437; d. 1515. BoTZAKis, Marco, Greek chief, termed "Leo- nidas;" b. about 1790; commenced the insur- rection in I S20; fought bravely, 1821-2; killed in a saUy at the siege of Missolonghi, 20 Aug, 1823. BoucHARDON, Edme, French sculptor; 6. 27 May, 1698; completed "Fontaine de Grenelle," Paris, 1739-45; d. 17 July, 1762. BoucHEK, Frangois, French erotic painter; b, 29 Sept. 1703; d. 30 May, 1770. BoucHEK d' Argis, Antoine Ga^ipard, French jurist; b, 3 April, 1708; published "Code Rural," 1749-62; d. 26 Jan. 1791. His son, Andrei Jean, lawyer; 6. 15 Nov. 1751 ; opposed the violence of the revolution ; denounced Marat's " Ami du Peuple ; " condemned ; exe- cuted, 23 July, 1794. Boucher de Crevecceur de Perthes, Jacques, French dramatic poet and antiquary, termed the founder of " Archaeo-geology ; " b. 10 Sept. 1 788 ; discovered, at Abbeville, flint imple- ments in the drift ; foimd a supposed fossil human jaw bone, 28 April, 1863; d. 10 Aug. 1868. BoDCHEK, Eev. Jonathan, philologist; i. 1737; went to America about 1756; compelled to resign his living there ; returned to England, 1775; commenced a new English dictionary; d. 27 April, 1804. BoucHEEIE, Auguste, French chemist ; b. Sept. 1801 ; published memoir on his method of preserving wood by metaUifying it. May, 1840. BoncHET, Jean, French writer ; b. 30 Jan. 1476; his "Amoureaux transi sans Espoir," printed 1507; "Angoisses et E^mfedes d' Amour," 1537; "les Eegnards Traversant," 1498; " Annales d' Aquitaine, " 1524; d. about 1550. BoucHiER, Thomas, cardinal-archbishop of Canterbury ; crowned Henry VII., 1485 ; d. i486, BO0CICAUT, Jean le Maingre, French marshal ; b. 1 364 ; sent with an army to assist Sigismund of Hungary; defeated and taken prisoner at Nicopolis, 28 Sept. 1396 ; made governor of Genoa, ruled Avell, 1401 ; overcome by the Genoese ; returned to France, 1409 ; taken prisoner at Agincourt, 25 Oct, 1415 ; d. 1421. BouciCADLT, Dion, Irish dramatist; b. 26 Dec. 1822; brought out "London Assurance," 1841 ; "Colleen Bawn," i860; "Formosa," 1869; opened Astley's amphitheatre as the "Theatre Eoyal, Westminster," 26 Dec. 1862; sold it, 1 868. BoDDEWYHS, Michel, Flemish physician; published "Ventdabrum Medico-Theologi- cum," 1666; d. 29 Oct. 1681. BOU CI BOU BouDON, Henri-Marie, Prench ascetic ; h. 14 Jan. 1624; published "Dieu Seul le saint Esolavage de Tadmirable Mfere du Dieu," 1674, &c. ; d. 31 Aug. 1702. Bouii), Aim^, French geologist and traveller ; I. 16 March, 1794. BouFFLERS, Louis Tranjois de, French mar- shal; 6. 10 Jan. 1644; made general, 1681 ; victorious in Flanders, 1691-1708; saved part of the army at Marlborough's "victory over ViUars at Malplaquet, 1 1 Sept. 1 709 ; d. 22 Aug. 171 1. BouOAlNViLLE, Iiouis Antoine de, French mathematician; 6. 11 Nov. 1729; circumnavi- gated the globe, Dec. 1766— March, 1769; d. 31 Aug. 181 1. BouGEANT, Guillaume Hyacinthe, French Jesuit historian and poet; i. 4 Nov. 1690; published " Amusements Philosophiques sur le Langage des Betes," 1739; "Histou-e da Traits de Westj)halie," 1744 ; d. 7 Jan. 1743- BOUGUEK, Pierre, French mathematician ; 6. 16 Feb. 1698 ; invented a photometer, 1729 ; and the hehometer employed by Bessel to mea- sure the sun's distance from the earth, 1748; ■svent to Peru with Godin and La Condamiue to study the figure of the earth, 1736; pub- lished "Thi^orie de la Figure de la Terre," 1749; " Traits d'Optique sur la Gradation de la Lumifere," 1760 ; d. 1$ Aug. 1758. BOUHOUKS, Dominique, French scholar ; I). 1628 ; published " Entretiens d'Ariste et d'Eugfene," 1671 ; d. 27 May, 1702. BouiLLAUD, or BotiiLLAU, (latinised BuUi- aldus), French scholar and astronomer, &c. ; ardent defender of the Copernican system ; I. 28 Sept. 1605; published "Astronomia Philolaica," 1645 ; d. 25 Nov. 1 694. BouiLLE, Frangois Claude Amoin, marquis de, French general ; 6. 19 Nov. 1739; successful in the wars of America and Germany; well received in London after the peace, 1783; endeavoured to save Louis XVI. and the monarchy; his " Memoires " printed in London, 1797; d. in England, 14 Nov. 1800. BODLLIEK, David Eenaud, Dutch theologian ; h. 24 March, 1699; published " Essai Philoso- phique sur I'Ame des Betes," 1 727, &c. ; d. 23 Dec. 1759. Bouillon, Godefroy, due de; h. 1060; en- tered the service of the emperor, Henry IT. ; mortally wounded his opponent, Rudolph, 1081 ; joined the crusades, and became leader; took Antioch and Jerusalem ; proclaimed king, 15 July, 1099 ; defeated the infidels at Ascalon, 12 Aug. 1099; d. 18 July, 1 100. Bouillon de la Tour d'Auvergne, dues de : Henri, marechal de France, lather of Turrenne; zealous protestant and statesman ; friend of Henry IV, ; b. 28 Sept. is55 ; involved m the conspiracy of Biron : (forgiven) 1603 ; and in poUtical intrigues afterwards . d. 25 March, 1 623 Fuederic-Mauhice, (son), successful general ; b. 22 Oct. 1605 ; involved in the conspiracy of Cinq-Mars ; delivered from punishment by his wife's heroism, and by surrendering his city, Sedan, June, 1642: abjured Calvinism at Rome, 1644 : settlement of his possessions by treaty, 20 March, 1651 . . . . d. 9 Aug. 1652 Emanuel TniiouoRE, son ; b, 24 Aug. 1644 ; cardinal, i66g ; ambassador at Rome . . 1698 Opposed the condemnation of Fenelon and quietism 1699 Refused to return to France when commanded ; exiled from court . .... 1710 His revenues restored d. at Rome, March, 1715 BouLLONONE, French painters and engTavers : Louis, &. about 1609 : d. June, 1674. His chil- dren : BoN, b. 1649; d. 16 May, 1717. Louis, b. 1654; d. 2 Nov. 1733. GENEVliiVE, b. 1645; d. 1708 ; Madeleine, b. 1646 : d. 30 Jan. 1710. BoULAINVILLIEES, Henri de, French historian and philosopher; 6. II Oct. 1658; d. 23 Jan. 1722. BoULAT DE LA Meuethe, Antoine Jacques Claude, Comte, French statesman; 6. 19 Feb. 1 761: a chief of the moderate constitutional party, 1 794-1 800 ; as friend of Napoleon, banished, 24 July, 181 5; permitted to return, 1819; d. 4 Feb. 1840. BoULAY (Bulfeus), C(5sar Egasse, French his- torian ; published " Historia Universitatis (Parisiensis)," 1665-73; d. 1678. BouLDUC, French chemists: Simon, d 1729. His son, GUles Fran9ois, h. 1675; made re- searches on salts ; d. 1 5 Jan. 1 742. BouLLENOIS (Boulenois), Louis, French jurist ; b. 14 Sept. 16S0; his " Traiti5 de la PersonaUte " pubUshed, 1766; d. 23 Dec. 1762. BouLTON, Matthew, machinist ; h. 3 Sept. 1728; purchased Soho near Birmingham, 1 762 ; expended about ;^47,ooo in helping James "Watt to construct the steam engine, and took out H, patent, 1769; introduced gaslighting at Bu-mingham, 1798; d. 17 Aug. 1809.^ Bouquet, Martin, French Benedictine ; h. 6 Aug. 1685 ; pubUshed " Becueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France," 1738-52; d. 6 April, 1754. BouBBON, dukes of : Aeohameaud I. held the fief about 9cx> ; his de- scendant, Beatrice, in 1272, married Robert (brother of Louis IX. of France), count of Clermont. ^ , , . 1. Louis I., their son ; b. 1279 ; succeeded his mother in the lordship of Bourbon, 1310 ; made duke, 27 Dec. 1327 . . ^- Jan. 1341 2. PexekL.sou; b. 1310 . . • • «• 135° 3 Louis II., son; b. 13 Aug. 1337; served Charles V. against the English ; fought m Spain against the Mahometans, T374 d. 19 Aug, 1410 4 John L, son: b. 1381 ; made prisoner at Agincour, asOct, 1415 d, atLondon, Jan, 1434 or 1435 ' Charles I,, son : b. 1401 ; compelled to man-y Agnes of Burgundy by the dulie, John, her father, 1418 ; joined the war of the "pra- guerie" accainst the liing, 1440 , d. 4 Dec, 1456 ) John H,, son : b. about 1426 ; grand cham- berlain, 1457 ; joined the 'league of the public good ■ " made peace with Louis XI, , 5 Oct, 1464 : constable of France, 23 Oct, 1483 d. i AprU, 1488 EOU 62 BOU 7- Charles II., brother; b, 1437; cardinal, 1477 ; duke, 1488 . . . ". end of 1488 8. Peter II., brother, seigneur de Beaujeu; &. 1439 ; married Anne, daughter of Louis XI. , 1474; their daughter, Susanna, born, 1491 d. 1502 9. Charles IV., constable de Bourbon, Comte de Montpensier ; ("descended from Louis, son of John I.); b. 17 Feb. 1490: married Sus.inna of Bourbon, 1505: successful general in Italy, ,1515 : injured by Francis I. and his mother, Louise of Savoy : rebelled and took the com- mand of the imperial army, 1523 ; killed at the capture of Eome . . .6 May, 1527 (The duchy forfeited). Bourbon, Louis de (son of Charles I.), bishop of Liege ; murdered by the comte de la Marck, Boar of Ardennis, 1482. Bourbon, cardiaals of (see 7th duke) : Louis DE Vendomb, b. 2 Jan. 1493 ; cardinal, 1516 ; governor of Paris, 1552 . d. ly March, 1556 Charles de Vendome, uncle of Henry IV. ; 6. 22 Dec. 1520 : proclaimed king as Charles X., 24 Nov. 1589 ; resigned his title . c. 9 May, 1590 Charles de Vendome, d. about 1560 : claimed the throne . - d. 30 July, 1594 BouEBON, see ^ Uiret, ContU, and Yendome. BouEBON, Nicolas, "I'Ancien," French Latin poet; h. 1503; published " Nugae," 1538; " Psedologia," 1536; d. 1550. His nephew, Nicolas; 6. 1574; wrote "Poemata," printed 1630; d. 1644. BouRCHENU, Jean Pierre Moret de, marquis de Valbonnais, French historian ; 6. 1 65 1 ; " Me'moires pour I'Histoire du Dauphin^," printed 1711 ; d. 1730. BOUECHIER, John, lord Bemers, warrior and author ; h. 1469 ; served Henry VII. and VIII. ; d. governor of Calais, 1532. BOUEDALOUE, Louis, eloquent French preacher ; h. 20 Aug. 1632; preached at court, 1669; d. 13 May, 1704. BOUEDEILLE, Pierre, see Brantbme. BOUEDIGNE, Charles de, French poet ; wrote "L^gende de Pierre Faifeu," printed 1526; d. I54S- Bourdon, Aimi^, French anatomist; h. 1638; his " Nouvelles Tables Anatomiques," published 1707 ; d. 21 Dec. 1706. Bourdon, S^baste, French painter and en- graver; h. 1 616; a founder of the academy of painting, 1 648 ; employed by Christina of Swe- den, 1652; d.Z March, 1671. Bourdon de la Cro.sni^re, Leonard Jean Joseph, French revolutionist; h. 1758; voted for death of Louis XVI., 19 Jan. 1763 ; greatly aided the overthrow of Robespierre, seizing him and the rest of the Mountain, 27 July, 1794; headed the conspiracy of the fauxbourgs, i April, 1795; d. about 1815. BoUEG, Anne du, French protestant magis- trate; h. 1 52 1; executed for heresy, 20 Dec. 1559- BouEOELAT, Claude, 6. about 1712; founder of first veterinary school in France ; at Lyons, 1712; d. 3 Jan. 1799. Bourgeois, Sir Francis, painter ; h. 1756; bequeathed his collection of paintings to Dul- wich College; d. 8 Jan. 1811. BouRGEEY, Marc Jean, French surgeon ; h. 29 May, 1797; published, with M. Jacob, " Traits Ooraplet de 1' Anatomic de I'Hoaime," 1832-54; d. 1849. BouRGOiNG, Jean Franfois, baron de, French diplomatist; h. 20 Nov. 1748; published "Ta- bleau de I'Espag-ne," 1789; d. 20 July, 1811. BouRGUET, Louis, French naturalist and archaeologist; h. 23 April, 1678; his "Dis- sertfitions sur les Pierres figur^es" (l7l5)i ^°d "Trait(l des Petrifactions" (1762), combined the study of fossils with crystallography; (^.31 Dec. 1742. BouRIGNON, Antoinette, French enthusiast; h, 13 Jan. 16 16; abjured Catholicism and preached reformed doctrines at Amsterdam; d. 30 Oct. i68e. BouRMONT Louis Auguste Victor, comte de Ghaisne de, French general; 6. 2 Sept. 1773; an active royalist, fought in La Vendfe, kc, 1794 and 1799; escaped from prison, 1804; joined Junot in Portugal, 1808 ; adhered to Louis XVIil., 1S15; commanded at the con- quest of Algiers, July, 1 830 ; declined to sub- mit to Louis Philippe; dismissed, 1832; d. 27 Oct. 1846. BouENE, Hugh, founder of the sect of "Primi- tive Methodists; 6. 3 April, 1772; commenced camp-meetings, 12 July, i8oi ; expelled from the Wesleyan body, 1808; travelled in America, 1 841 ; d. 11 Oct. 1852. Bourne, Vincent, Latin poet ; 6. about 1 700 ; published "Poemata," 1734; d. 2 Dec. 1747. BouENON, Jacques Louis, French mineralo- gist; h. 21 Jan. 1751 ; d. 24 Aug. 1825. BouERiENNE, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de, French diplomatist, secretary and friend of Napoleon I. ; 6. 9 July, 1 769 ; his " M^moires," published, 1829-31 ; d. 7 Feb. 1834. BouESAULT, Edme, French dramatist and journalist; 6. Oct. 1638; d. 15 Sept. 1701. BOUESIEE, Laurent Fran9ois, French theolo- gian ; h. 1679; published "Action de Dieu sur les Cr^attires," 1713 ; his "Quatre Evfeques" against the council of Embrun led to his dis- grace ; rf. 1 7 Feb. 1 749. BouRSiER, Louise Bourgeois, French midwife, employed by Marie de Medicis, queen of Henry IV. ; published " Observations sur la St&'Uite," &c., 1609. BoussiNGAULT, Jean Baptiste, French agricul- tural and physiological chemist ; h. 2 Feb. 1802; published "Economie Eurale," 1844; "Agronomic," 1860-8. BoUTBRWEK, Friedrich, German philosopher and poet; b. 1766; published "Manuel des Sciences Philosophique," 1813; " Histoire de la Po^sie et de I'Eloquence," 1801-19; d. 9 Aug. 1828. BOU 63 BOY BouVART, Alexis, French astronomer, friend of La Place; b. 27 July, 1767 ; first remarked the perturbation of Uranus, which led to the discovery of Neptune ; d. 7 June, i S43. BouvART, Michel Philippe, French physi- cian ; i. n Jan. 171 7; published " De Dig- nitate Medicinse," 1747 ; "De Experientise et StudijE Necessitate in Medicina," 1747 ; d. iS Jan. 17S7. BouvERiE, William PleydeU, earl of Tladnor, liberal politician; 6. 11 May, 1779; friend of Pitt, Fox, and Cobbett ; d. 10 April, i86g. BovERIUS, Zacharias, Italian theologian ; b. 1568; a capuchin, 1590; published "Annales, seu Sacra Historia Ordinis Minorum S. Frau- cisci," 1632 ; d. 31 May, 1638. BovES, Joseph Thomas, cruel royalist general in South America ; chief of the " infernal divi- sion," and killed at the capture of Urica, 5 Dec. 1814. BowDIOH, Thomas Edward, traveller in Africa ; 6. 1790; published "Mission to Ashantee," 1819; d. 10 Jan. 1824. BowDiTCH, Nathaniel, American astronomer and physicist; b. 26 March, 1793; d. 16 March, 1838. BowDLER, Thomas ; b. 1754; editor of "Family Shakspeare," pubhshed, 1S18; d. 1825. Bower, Archibald, Scotch Jesuit ; &. 1 7 Jan. 1686; pubhshed "History of the Popes," 1 74$; d. 3 Sept. 1766. BowLE, John ; b. 1725 ; edited "Don Quixote," with notes, 17S1 ; d. 26 Oct. 1788. Bowles, Rev. William Lisle, canon of Salis- bury, poet and critic ; 6. 24 Sept. 1762; pub- lished "Spirit of Discovery," 1804; "Mis- sionary of the Andes," 1815 ; his Controversy respecting Pope, 1819-28; d. 7 April, 1850. Bowman, William, ophthalmic surgeon ; b. 1816 ; published "Lectures on Operations in the Eye," &c., 1849. BowRING, Sir John, philosopher and Hnguist ; b. 17 Oct. 1792. Published "Specimens of Russian poets," 1821-3 : and of Batavian, Bavarian, Spanish, Polish, and Magyar 1824-30 Commercial reports on France, Switzerland, the East, &c. . 1834-40 Knighted and made governor of Hong Kong 1854 "Went to Siam, conclnded a treaty . . , 1855 Connected with the beginning of the Chinese war by orderiog reprisals for tlie outrage on the "Arrow" . . 1859 Returned to England . 1859 BowYER, Sir George, hart. , lawyer ; b. 8 Oct. l8u ; published "Commentaries on English Law," 1846 ; became Koman Cathohc, (and has since energetically defended the pope), 1850. BowTEE, William, printer ; b. 19 Dec. 1699 ; printer to house of, commons, 1729; to house of lords, 1767; published "Origin of Printing," 1766; "Critical Conjectures on the Greek Testament," 1772; d. 18 Nov. 1777. BOXHORN, Marc Zuerius, Dutch critic ; b. 25 Sept. l6i2; published, in Flemish, " Chronicon Zelandiae," 1643; f^- 3 Oct. 1653. BOYCE, William, musical composer ; b. 1710 ; wrote "Serenade of Solomon," &c., 1743 ; pub- lished " C!;ithedi-al Music of English Masters," 1760 ; d. 7 Feb. 1779. Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison, D.D., essayist, laiowu as A.K.H.E. ; b. Nov. 1825 ; jjublished " Kecreations of a Country Parson," 1861. BoY'D, Kev. Henry, Irish poet ; translated "Dante," pubhshed, 1802 ; d. 17 Sept. 1832. Boyd, Hugh, Irish journalist, supposed by some to have been "Junius;" b. 1746; went to China with Lord Macartney, 1 78 1 ; d. 1794. Boyd, Mark Alexander, Scotch scholar ; wrote " Latin Hymns," &c. ; b. 1562; d. i6oi. Boyd, Robert, lord, Scotch statesman ; ap- pointed regent at the accession of James III. a minor, Aug. 1460 ; Avith his brother Alex- ander (favourite of the king) absorbed all the ' power, 1466 ; created earl of Arran, 1467 ; disgraced ; fled to England ; Alexander exe- cuted, 1469 ; d. 1470. Boyd, Zacharie, Scotch clergyman and poet ; published " Battle of the Soul in Death," 1619 ; " Garden of Zion," 1644 ; d. about 1653. BoYDELL, John, alderman and printseller ; b. 1719 ; pubhshed his "Shakspeare," &c., 1 792-1801 ; His Shakspeare gallery sold by lottery, 1804; d. 12 Dec. 1S04. BoY'ER, Abel, French lexicographer, protes- tant ; b. 1664; pubhshed " French Grammar," 1 700; "French and English Dictionary," 1702 ; d. 16 Nov. 1729. BoYEK, Alexis, French surgeon ; b. i March, 1757; published "Traits d'Anatomie," 1797-9; d. 25 Nov. 1833. BoYER, Jean Pierre, a mulatto ; b. 28 Feb. 1776 ; president of part of Hayti, 181S ; of all the island, 1822; deposed, 1843; d. at Paris, 9 July, 1850. Boyle family : Richard, earl of Cork, statesman ; 6. 3 Oct. 1566 ; went to seek his fortune in Ireland, 1588; gained royal favour ; became secretary for Ireland, 1603 ; earl of Cork, 1629 ; lord treasurer for Ireland, 1631 ; d. 15 Sept. 1644. Roger, earl of Orrery, general ; h. 1621 ; served under Charles I., Cromwell, and Charles II. ; d. 16 Oct. 1679. Robert, philosopher ; b. 25 Jan. 1627 : a founder of the Royal Society of London, 1660 ; published ex- periments on air; made an air-pump, &c., 1660, et seq.j'hy his will founded the divinity lectiu-es ; d. 30 Dec. l6gr. Charles, earl of Orrery, (after whom was named the Planetarium, designed by Graham and made by Rowley): b. Aug. 1676: published " Phalaridis Epistolae," which led to controversy with Eentley, T695 ; d, 28 Aug. 173T. Richard, earl of Burlington ; b. 25 April, 1695 ; erected Burlington house, Piccadilly, London ; d. 1753- JoHN, (son of Charles), scholar ; b. 1707 ; published " Translation of Pliny's Epistles," 1762 ; d. 1762. BOY 6i BEA Boys, or Bois, John, theologian; b. 1560; one of the translators of the Deans' Bible of 161 1 ; d. 14 Jan. 1643. Boys, William, antiquary; 6. 1735 ; published "History of Sandwich," 1786-92; d. 15 March, 1803. BoYSE, Samuel, poet; J). 1 70S; "The Deity," 3d edition, published, 1752 ; d. May, 1749. BozE, Claude Gros de, French numismatist ; h. 1 680; published " M^dailles du B-fegne de Louis le Grand," 1723 ; d. 10 Sept. 1753. BozzARIS, see Botzaris. Bracoio da Montone, or rORTEBEACCIO, a great condottiere or mercenary leader ; h. 1368; entered service of Ladislas of Naples, 1408 ; took Perugia and became lord, 19 July, 1416; entered into the service of pope Martin V, , 1420 ; quarrelled with him and excouununi- cated ; defeated and taken prisoner, 2 June ; d. 5 June, 1424. Beacciolini, Poggio, reviver of classical litera- ture ; h. 1 3S0 ; private secretary to the pope, 1402-53 ; wrote " de Varietate Portunce," 1430; "Historise Plorentinje , " 1455 ; d. 30 Oct. 1459. Bkaconnot, Henri, Prench physiological chemist; 6. 29 May, 1781 ; d. 13 Jan. 1855. Bbacton, Henry ; wrote ' ' de Consuetudinibus et Legibus Anglite," about 1269. Bkadbhey, Thomas, facetious dissenting preacher; h. 1677; his " Sermons " (very poli- tical), published, 1772; d. 9 Sept. 1759. Beaddock, Edward, general; defeated by the Prench and Indians, and kUled near Port Quesnel, 9 July, 1755. Beaddon, Mary Ehzabeth, novelist; 6, 1837; pubhshed " Lady Audley's Secret," 7th edition, 1862 ; many other tales since. Beadley, James, astronomer ; &. March, 1692 ; discovered the aberration of lisht, 1727; 3d astronomer-royal at Greenwich, 1 742 ; d. 1 3 July, 1762. Beadley, Kichard, physicist and botanist ; described the kaleidoscope, 1 7 1 7 ; ci. 5 Nov. 1732. Beadfokd, John, prebendary of St. Paul's; protestant martyr; burnt, I July, 1555. Bkadshaw, George, original publisher of "Bradshaw's Railway Guide," 1841 ; d. 6 Sept. 1853. Beadshaw, John, h. 1586; president of the court for trying Charles I., 1649 ; frequently opposed Cromwell; d. 22 Nov. 1659. Beadwaedine, Thomas, theologian and mathematician, the "profound doctor;" h, 1290; d. 26 Aug. 1 349. Beady, Sir Maziere, descended from Dr Nicholas Brady; h. 1796; Irish solicitor- general, Feb. 1837 ; attorney-general, Feb. 1 839 ; chief baron, Aug. 1 840 ; lord-chanceUor, July, 1846— Peb. 1852; Jan. 1853— Feb. 1858; June, 1859 — June, 1 855; (all for Ireland); baronet, Jan. 1868. Beady, Robert, physician ; &. 1 843 ; published " History of England," 158$; d. 1700. Beady', Nicholas, theologian; h. 28 Oct. 1659; with Tate, published " New Version of the Psalms," 1698; d. 20 May, 1726. Beaham, John, vocalist; b. 1774; appeared first at Covent Garden, 21 April, 1787; opened the St. James' theatre, but unsuccessful, 14 Dec. 1835 ; ^l- l7Eeb. 1856. Beahe, Tycho, Danish astronomer ; b. 14 Dec. 1546; lectured on a.stronomy to Frederick II. of Denmark, 1574; his observatory, "XJrani- berg," founded at Hoene, 13 Aug. 1576; mathematician and counsellor to the emperor Rudolph II., 1599; d. 24 Oct. 1601. Beaidwood, James, superintendent of the London fire brigade ; 6. at Edinburgh, 1799; lolled at the Tooley street fire, 22 June, 1 86 1. Beaidwood, Thomas, teacher of deaf and dumb; b. 1760; d. 1806. Beamah, Joseph, machinist; b. 13 April, 1749; published "Dissertation on Locks," 1787; patented his hydraulic machine, 1796; invented mode of numbering banlc notes, 1806; d. 9 Dec. 1814. Bramante d' Uebiko, or Lazzoei, Italian painter and architect, master and friend of Raphael; b. 1444; commenced building St. Peter's at Pi.ome, 15 13; d. 15 14. Bkabihall, John, archbishop; b. about 1593; made bishop of Derry, 1634; endeavoured to make Irish church conform to English; im- peached in Ireland 'H'ith Strafford; "released, 1640-41 ; his controversy with Hobbes respect- ing free-wiU, published 1656 ; made archbishop of Armagh about 1660; d. June, 1663. Brampton, WiUiam de, chancellor; reputed author of the legal treatise "Pleta;" about 1274-1307. ' BranCjVLEOne d'Andolo, dictator at Rome, styled "Senator;" governed vigorously, 1253; deposed; recalled, 1257; d. 1258. Brancas, see Laurac/ais. Brand, John, antiquary; b. about 1741 ; published "History of Newcastle," 1789; d. 11 Sept. i8o5. Beande, William Thomas, chemist; b. n Jan. 17S8; introduced by Davy to the Royal Institution, London, I Soi ;beganlectm-ing, l8o8; elected professor of chemistry at the Royal In- stitution, 1813 ; published his Manual of Che- mistry, six editions, 1813-48; d. 11 Feb. 1866. Brandeh, Georg Priedrich, German machinist; b. 28 Nov. 1713 ; improved the microscope, &c., 1 769 ; d. I April, 1 783. Beandes, Heinrich Wilhehn, German phy- sicist; b. 27 July, 1777; d. 17 May, 1834. Brandes, Rudolph, German chemist; b. iS Oct. 1795 ; d. 3 Dec. 1842. Brandjiullee, Gregor, Swiss jjainter; b. 25 Aug. i66l ; d. 7 June, 1691. BRA 65 BEE Beandolini, Aurelio, il Lippo, Italian poet and scholar; 6. about 1440; his "Paradoxa Christiana" printed, 1531; d. 1497. Beandon, Charles, viscount Lisle ; fought at riodden, 9 Sept. 1513; made duke of Suffolk, I Feb. 1 5 14; married privately Mary, queen dowager of France, sister of Henry VIII., 1515 ; d. 22 Feb. 1545. BkjUIDT, Swedish count, confederate of Struensee ; beheaded with him, through the plot against Matilda, queen of Denmark, 1772. Bkandt, Georg, Swedish chemist ; b. 26 June, 1694; discovered cobalt, 1733; zinc in blend, &c., 1735 ; d. 29 April, 1768. Brandt, or Brand, German alchemist ; said to have discovered phosphorus in urine, about 1667; d. about 1692. Beantome, Pierre de, abbot of BourdeiUe, chamberlain of Charles IX. and Henry III., French historian; b. about 1540; d. 15 July, 1614. Brasidas, Spartan general ; kUled when victor over Cleon and the Athenians at Amphi- polis, B.C. 422. Beavais, Auguste, French jjhysicist and mathematician; b. 28 Aug. 1811 ; rf. 31 March, 1863. Bravo-Mueilio, Juan, Spanish lawyer and statesman; b. 8 June, 1803. Journalist 1840 Incited rebellion against Espartero , 1843 Minister of justice, 1S47 : of commerce . . 1847-9 President and minister of finance . . Jan. 1851 Resigned Dec. 1852 President of the chamber of deputies . . 1858 Compelled to quit Spain . . . 1854 Recalled . . 1856 Made prime minister . 24 April, 1868 Compelled to resign and Hy . Sept. 1868 Brathwaite, Pilchard, poet; h. 1588; pub- lished " Golden Fleece," 161 1 ; " Strappedo for the Devil," 1616, &c. ; d. 4 May, 1673. Brauwee, or Brouwer, Adrian, Dutch painter, talented and dissipated ; b. 1608; d. 1640. Beat, Mrs Anna Eliza Kempe, novelist ; married to Charles Stothard, i8i8; published "Letters from Normandy," 1820; her husband accidentally kiUed, 1 82 1 ; published " De Foix," 1826; "The White Hoods," 1S28; &c. Brat, Sir Keginald, reputed architect of Henry VIL's chapel, Westminster ; first stone laid by him and by the abbot, John Isly, 18 Jan. 1502; d. 5 Aug. 1503. Beat, Eev. Thomas, theologian ; b. 1656 ; a founder of the " Society for the Propagation of the Gospel," 1697; d. 15 Feb. 1730. Brat, van, Dutch painters : Salomon, b. 1579 ; d. May, 1664. His son, Jacob, b. about 1604; d. April, 1664. Bratbrooke, Richard Griffin, lord ; b. 26 Sept. 1783; succeeded his father, 28 Feb. 1825; edited "Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys," May, 1825; d. 13 Feb. 1858. Bratlet, Edward Wedlake, antiquary and topographer; b. 1773; edited, with John Erit- ton, the "Beauties of England and Wales," l8oi-l6; d. 23 Sept. 1854. Bkeakspear, Nicholas, see Adrian IV., pope. Bebbedf, Guillaume de, French poet ; b. 1618 ; published "Pharsale;" censured severely by Eoileau; d. Dec. 1661. Beeda, Jacob van, Dutch physicist ; b. July 1743 ; d. Oct, i8i8. His son; b. 24 Oct. 1788. Breda, Johan van, Flemish painter; b. 1683 d. 1750. Beedeeode, Henri, comte de, Flemish patriot pronounced against the Spanish party, and signed the "Compromise of Breda," 1565 presented to the duchess of Parma the request which brought on the insurrection, 1566 ; d. 15 Feb. 1568. Bredow, Gabriel Gottfried, German historian ; b. 1773 ; d. Sept. 1814. Beeguet, Abraham Louis, Swiss watchmaker and mechanician ; 6. 10 Jan. 1747; friend of Arnold of London ; greatly improved chrono- meters ; employed by the French government ; d. 17 Sept. 1823. Be^gt, or Be^gis, Charlotte Saumaise de Chazan, beauty and wit of the court of Anne of Austria, queen of France; b. 1619;^. 13 April, 1693. Beeislak, Soipione, Italian geologist, friend of Cu^der; b. 1748; published "Viaggi neUa Campania," iSoi ; d. 15 Feb. 1S26. Beeithaupt, Johann Friedrich, German mineralogist; b. 16 May, 1791. Beeitkopf, Johann Gottlob Emanuel, Ger- man printer and scholar; b. 1 7 19; improved German types, and invented musical types, 1755; published (in German) "History of the Discovery of Printing," 1774 ; "History of the Origin of Playing Cards, 1 784 ; d. 1794- Bremer, Fredrike, Swedish novelist; b. 17 Aug. 1801; d. 31 Dec. 1865. Beemee, Sir James John Gordon, admiral; b. 1786; blockaded Canton, 28 June; took Chusan, 5 July, 1840; BogTje forts, 26 Feb. 1 841 ; d. Feb. 1850. Beennds, leaders of the Gauls : 1. Overran Italy ; took Kome ; author of the say- ing " Vae Victis " .... B.C. 399 or 382 2. Kavaged Macedonia and North Greece : de- feated by the Greeks at Delphi ; said to have ended his life by drinking . . B.C. 270 Beent, Sir Nathaniel, jurist; b. 1 573; pub- lished translation of Sarpi's " History of the Council of Trent," 1619; d. 6 Nov. 1652. Beenton, Edward Pelham, captain, philan- thropist; b. 1774; published " Naval History of England, 1783-1822," 1S23; d. 6 April, 1839. His brother. Sir Jahleel, bart., admiral; b. 1770; published "Hope of the Navy," 1839; d. April, 1844. E BRE 66 BRI Beentzen, (Brentius^, Johann, German pro- testant theologian ; h, 24 June, 1499; disciple and colleague of Luther, and «, principal actor in the discussions ; di'ew up the " Confessio Wmtemburgica ; " sent to the council of Trent ; d. II Sept. 1570. Bbequigny, Louis George Oudard Feudrix de, French historian and antiquary; h. 1 7 16; published " Diplomata et alia Monumenta ad Res Francicas spectantia," 1791 ; d. 3 July, 1795- Bbet, Antoine, French dramatist; h. 1717; published ' ' Commentaire sur leg ffiuvres de Molifere," 1773; "Thi^atre," 1778; rf. 25 Feb. 1792. Beetetjil, Louis Auguste le Tonnelier, baron de, French diplomatist; b. 1733; much em- ployed by Louis XV. and XVI. ; his advice to the court not accepted, 1789; emigrated to Soleure, and treated with foreign powers on behalf of the king ; retired to Hamburg, 1792 ; d. 2 Nov. 1807. Breton, Raymond, French missionary to the West Indies ; h. 1609 ; published " Diction- naire Fran9ais-Caraibe, " 1665 ; d. 1679. Bretonneau, Frangois, French Jesuit preacher; h. 31 Dec. l65o; published "Vie de Jacques II.," 1703, &c. ; d. 29 May, 1741. Beetschneeder, Carl Anton, German mathe- matician ; h. 27 May, 1S08. Bretschneidee, Heinrich Gottfried von, German writer and traveller in England, &c. ; 6. 6 May, 1739; satirized Goethe's "Werther," 1774; d. I Nov. 1810. Brett, Thomas, theologian; I. 1667; joined the nonjurors, 1 7 1 5 ; published ' ' A Collection of Liturgies, with a Dissertation," 1702; d. 5 March, 1743. Brett, Sir William Baliol, judge; b. 1817; solicitor-general, Feb. — Aug. 1 868 ; a justice of the common pleas, 24 Aug. 1868. Breughel, Flemish painters : Peter ; b. about 1530 : ''. 1569. Peter, son ; b. about 1564 : d. 1637 or 1638. Johann, brother, called "Velvet Breughel;'' b. 1568 ; d. 1625. Brewster, Sir David, Scotch physicist ; 6. 1 1 Dec. 1781 ; d. 10 Feb. 1868. Published his treatise on " New Philosophical Instruments" . . . . . 1813 Invented the kaleidoscope i8i6 Started tlie "Edinburgh Philosophical Journal " 1819 Helped to found the Scottish Society of Arts . 1821 Published his " New System of Illumination for Lighthouses" 1827 One of the founders of the British Association 1831 Published "Optics," 1831 : "Natural Magic" 1832 Published "Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton " 1855 Breydel, Flemish painters : Charles, (land- scapes) ; h. 1677; d. 4 Nov. 1774. Franfois, (portraits); b. 8 Sept. 1679; d. 2 Nov. 1750. Bretn, Johann PhUipp, German botanist ; I. 1690; d. 1764. Brian Boeoimhe, king of Ireland, looi ; de- feated the Danes at Clontarf, and slain, 23 April, 1 014. Beidaine, Jacques, eloquent French preacher ; h. 21 March, 1701 ; published " Cantiques Spirituels," 1748; d. 22 Dec. 1767. Beidge, Bewick, mathematician; b. 1766; published " Mathematical Lectures, " 1810-II; d. 15 May, 1833. Bridge, William, puritan theologian, mem- ber of the Westminster assembly; b. 1600; retired to Rotterdam ; a minister at Great Yarmouth, 1642; ejected, 1662; d. 12 March, 1670. Bridges, John, antiquary ; b. about 1666 ; his "Antiquities of Northamptonshire" pub- lished by Whalley, 1 791; d. 30 July, 1724. Bridgewater, Francis Egerton, duke of ; h.2i May, 1736; duke, 1748; employed James Brindley to make his canal, 1758-73; d. 8 March, 1803. Beidgewatee, Francis Henry Egerton, earl of; b. II Nov. 1758; bequeathed ;^8ooo for production of the "Bridgewater Treatises," by will dated 25 Feb. 1825 ; d. 11 Feb. 1829. Beidpoet, see Hood. Beienne, Gualtier de, due d'Athfenes, con- stable of France ; after the loss of Athens, came to Italy, made lord of Florence, June, 1341 ; expelled for tyranny, 26 July, 1343; made constable by John of Prance, 6 May ; killed at Poitiers, 19 Sept. 1356. Bkienne, Jean de, crusader ; b. about 1 148 ; titular king of Jerusalem, I2o5; led crusaders against Egypt, 12 18; captured Damietta, 1219; elected emperor of the east, 1228 ; d. 1237- Briggs, Henry, mathematician ; h. about 1556; visited Napier, 1616-17; published the first table of common logarithms, 1618; the first Savilian professor at Oxford, 1619; d. 26 Jan. 1630. Beiggs, Henry Perronet, R.A., painter; h. 1793; d. Jan. 1844. Beiggs, William, ocuhst ; b. about 1641 ; published " Ophthalmographia,'' 1676; d. 4 Sept. 1704. Bright, John, politician; h. 16 Nov. 1811 ; elected M.P. for Durham, July, 1 843 ; active mem- ber of the council of the anti-com-law league, 1838-46; and of the reform league, 1866-67; M.P. for Manchester, July, 1844; for Birming- ham, Aug. 1857; president of the board of trade, 9 Dec. 1868. Bright, Rev. Timothy; published "Treatise on Melancholie," 1586; d. about 1616. Bril, Flemish painters : Matthaus, 6. 155*^ j d. 1584. Paul, brother; b. 1556; d. 1626. Beillat-Savaein, Anthehne, French magis- trate; 6. I April, 1755; published "Physio- logie du Goilt," the code of gastronomers, 1825 ; d. 2 Feb. 1826. BEI 67 Beindley, James, engineer ; b. 1 7 1 6 ; con- structed Bridgewater Canal, 175S-73; d. 30 Sept. 1772. Bkinkley, John, bishop of Cloyne, astrono- mer-royal of Ireland ; 6. 1 763 ; consecrated, 1826; d. 13 Sept. 1835. Brinvillieks, Marie Marguerite d'Aubray, marquise de; executed at Paris for poisoning many persons, 16 Jiily, 1676. Brisbane, Sir Thomas Macdougall, bart., general astronomer; i. 23 July, 1 773; served in the war, 1793-1815 ; governor of New South Wales, 1821-26; founded observatory at Para- matta, 1822 ; and at Makerstoun, Scotland, 1841 ; d. 27 Jan. i860. Brtssac, see Cosse. Brisson, Barnab*^, French jurist, magistrate, and scholar; b. 1531 ! as president of the par- liament, involved in political troubles ; seized and executed by the Council of Sixteen govern- ing Paris, 1 5 Nov. 1 59 1 . Brisson, Mathurin Jacques, French physicist and naturalist; b. 30 April, 1723; published " Ornithologie," 1760; " Dictionnaire de Phy- sique," 1781; "Pesanteur spt^ciiique des Corps," 1787; d. 23 June, 1S06. Brissot de Warville, Jean Pierre, French philosopher and politician; b. 14 Jan. 1754; executed 31 Oct. 1793. Published " Theorie des Lois criminelles," 1781 ; '■DelaV6rit6" 1782 "Went to London and published the " Journal du Lycfie de Londres " 1784 Keturned to France ; imprisoned in the Bastille ; went to England and America ; returned to France and joined the revolution, and formed the Girondist party 1789 Protested against execution of Louis XVI. Jan. 1793 Succumbed to the Mountain ; executed with 21 of his colleagues . 31 Oct. 1793 Bristol, see Hervey. Britannicds, son of Claudius and Messalina ; b. 40 or 42 ; murdered by Nero, 55. Brito, Bernardo de, Portuguese historian ; b. 20 Aug. 1569; his "Monarchia Lusytania" printed, 1597 ; d. 27 Feb. 1617. Beitton, John, antiquary; b. 7 July, 1771 ; published, with E. W. Brayley, " Beauties of England and Wales," 1801-16; "Architectural Antiquities of England," 1S05-26; "Cathedral Antiquities of England," 1814-32; d. 1 Jan. 1857. Beitton, Thomas, " musical small-coal man," founder of perhaps the first concerts ; b. 1650; d. Sept. 1 7 14. Beizzio, Francesco, Italian landscape painter ; b. 1574; d. 1623. Beocchi, Giovanni Battista, Italian naturalist; b. 18 Feb. 1772; published " ConchyUologia FossiUs Subapennina," 1814; "Dello State fisicodellasuoladilloma," 1820 ;d. 25 Sept. 1826. Brockedon, William, topographical artist ; b. 13 Oct. 1787 ; published " Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps," 1827-29; d. 29 Aug. 1854. BRO Beockhaus, Friedrich Arnold, G-erman book- seller ; b. 4 May, 1772 ; published the " Conver- sations-Lexicon " since 1810; d. 20 Auif. 1S23. Broderip, AVilliam Jolin, naturalist and magistrate ; &. 21 Nov. 1787 ; published " Zoological Recreations," 1847 ; *' Leaves from the Note-book of a Naturalist," 1851 ; d. 27 Feb. 1859. Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins, bart. : 1. surgeon . h. 1783 Autlior of many physiological and surgical works ; received Copley medal . . . 181 1 Elected first president of the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom 23 Nov. 185S President of tlie Koyal Society 30 Nov. 1858 d. 21 Oct. 1862 2. son, chemist; i. 1817; propounded the polarity of chemical elements, 4 June, 1S47; published Kesearches on AUotropism, 1852 ; on gi-aphite, 1862 ; professor of chemistry at Oxford 1855 Broekhcisen, (Broukhusius), Johan van, Dutch scholar and poet ; h. 1649; Latin poema published, 1684; d. 15 Dec. 1707. Broglie, de, marshals and peers of France : 1. Victor Maurice, comte 6, about 1647 Fought in Flanders, &c. . . . 1667--S4 The first marshal of France, created . 2 Feb. 1724, d. 4 Aug. 1727 2. FuANgois-MAiiiE, comte, son b. n Jan. 1671 Fought in Germany and Italy, &c. 16S5-174? Marshal . . . 17 June, 1734 Duke, June, 1742 . . . d. 22 May, 1745 3. Victor FaANgois, due, son 6, 19 Oct. 1718 Fought in Italy, Germany, &c. i734> &C- Exiled for defeat at Villinghausen . 1761 Kecalled . 1764 Minister of war ...... 1789 Emigrated, and invaded Champagne with Prus- sians unsuccessfully, 1792 . d. 1804 4. Claude Victor, prince, son . h. 1757 Deputy to the states-general . . 1789 Commanded the army of the Rhine . 1791 Kesigned . Aug. 1792 Guillotined . . . , . 27 June, 1794 5. AcHii.LE L60NCE Victor Charles, due French statesman and diplomatist b. 28 Nov. 1789 Employed by Napoleon 1812 Accepted the restoration . 1814 Opposed execution of Nay . 1815 Accepted the revolution of July . . . 1830 Minister with Guizot and Thiers, Oct. 1832— Feb. 1836 Retired from public life . . Dec. 1851 Broke, Sir Philip Bowes Vere, bart. ; h. 1 776 ; captain of the "Shannon;" captured the "Chesapeake," American frigate, after an action of II minutes, I June, 1813; d. 2 Jan. 1841. Broke, see Broolce. Brome, Alexander, royalist poet and dramatist ; h. 1620; d. 29 June, 1666. Brome, Eichard, dramatist; d. 1652. Bromfield, Sir William, surgeon, a founder of the "Look Hospital;" h. 1712; d. 24 Sept. 1792. Bromley, William, A. R. A., line-engraver ; h. 1769; d, 1842. His son, John, 6. 1795; d. 1839. EEO 63 BKO Beongniabt, French naturalists and minera- logists : 1. Alexandre, associate of Cuvier; 6. 5 Feb. 1770: made director of the porcelain manufactoiy at S6vres, 1800; published "Traite de Minii- ralogie," 1807 .... d. ^ Oct. 1847 2. Adolphe Theodore, son, geological botanist: 6. 4 Jan. i8or ; published " Jrlistoii'e des Vege- taux Fossiles," .... 1828 Bkonte, sisters, novelists ; 1. Anne, known as *'Acton Bell;"wTote "Agnes Grey" tZ. 28 May, 1849 2. CnARLOTTE, known as "CurrerBell" ; 6. 1816 : published "Jane Eyre," 1S47 ; "yhhiey," 1849 ; " Villette," 1853 ; married Eev. A. B. Nicholls, 1854 t/. 31 March, 1855 3. Emtlv. known as "Ellis Bell;" wrote "Wuther- ing Heights" . . . rf. 19 Bee. 1848 Bkook, Benjamin, dissenter; &. about 1775; published " Lives of the Puritans " (continua- tion of Neal), 1813 ; d. 5 Jan. 1848. Brooke, Pulke Greville, lord, philosopher and poet, friend of Sir Philip Sidney; 6. 1554; d. 30 Sept. 1628; works printed, 1633. Brooke, Henry, poet and novelist; h. 1706; published "Fool of Quality," 1766; d. 10 Oct. 1783- Brooke, Henry James, mineralogist ; h. 25 May, 1771 ; d. 26 June, 1857. Brooke, Sir James, rajah of Sarawak ; 6. 29 April, 1803; d. II June, 1868. Subdued insurrection in Borneo . 1841 Made rajah of Sarawak ... 21 Sept. 1841 Founded settlement of Labuan in Borneo, 2 Dec. 1846 Keturneil to England . . 1847 Created K.C.B. . . . 1848 Suppressed piracy Jnly, 1849 Returned to England . . i860 Visited Borneo several times . . . 1861-63 Brooke, Robert Greville, lord ; with Lord Say received grant of Connecticut, N. A., 1631 ; Idlled at Lichiield, 2 March, 1643. Brooke, or Broke, Sir Robert, judge ; d 5 Sept. 1558; his " Graunde Abridgement " printed, 1568. Brookes, Joshua, anatomist ; J. 24 Nov. 1 764 ; his valuable museum sold, 182S; d. 10 Jan. 1833- Brooks, Charles Shirley, novelist and drama- tist; i. 1815 ; published "Gordian Knot," 1859. Broome, William, poet; 6. 1689; d. 16 Jfov. 1745- Brossard, S^bastien de, French ecclesiastic and musician; h. 1660; published "Diction- naire de Musique," 1703 ; d. 10 Aug. 1730. Brosse, Gui de la, French botanist ; first keeper of the " Jardin des Plantes " at Paris, established 1626; published a "Description" of it, 1636; d. 1641. Brosses, Charles de, French historian and antiquary ; J. 17 June, 1 709 ; published "Lettres sur I'etat actuel d'Herculan^um," 1 750 ; " Histoire des Navigations aux Terres Australes," 1756; d. 17 March, 1777. Brossete, Claude, French historian; i. 1671 ; founded academy of Lyons, 1 700 ; published "Histoire de Lyon," 1711 ; d. 1743. Brothers, Richard, a fanatical enthusiast,) published " Revealed Knowledge of the Pro- phecies," 1794; imprisoned for foretelling th^ death of the king, 1792; long coniined as a lunatic; d. 25 Jan. 1824. Brotier, Gabriel, French Jesuit scholar ; h. 5 Sept. 1723; published "Tacitus," 1771 ; "PUny the Younger," 1779; d. 12 Feb. 1789. His nei^hew, Amdr^ Charles, scholar ; h. 1 75 1 ; condemned to death for royalist conapiracy; sent to Cayenne, 1787; (^.13 Sept. 1798. Brougham, Henry Peter, lord Brougham and Vaux ; i. 19 Sept. 1778; d. 7 May, 1868. A founder of the '' Edinburgh Review " 1802 M. P. for Gamelford ; joined the whigs . 1810 Voted for repeal of Septennial Act tg May, 1818 Published letter on abuse of public charities 1818 Attorney-general for queen Caroline . April, 1820 Defended her at the trial . Aug, — Nov. 1820 Denounced the Holy Alliance . . . 1823 Helped to found the London Mechanics' Institute, 1823 Lord rector of Glasgow University . 4 April, 1825 Aided the establishment of society for diffusion of useful knowledge . . 1827 Elected M.P. for Yorkshire 5 Aug. 1830 Lord Chancellor and a peer . 22 Nov. 1830 Resigned 15 Nov. 1834 Published his " Researches on Light " . 1850-54 Founder of the national association for promo- tion of social science . . . May, 1857 Also of the working men's club and institute union 4 June, 1862 His miscellaneous works republished . 1S55-60 Broughton, Hugh, theologian and Hebraist ; 5. 1549; published "The Concert of the Scriptures," 1588; " Treatise of Melchisedech;" d. 4 Aug. 1612. Broughton, John Cam Hobhouse, lord; h. 27 June, 1 786 ; travelled with lord Byron ; secre- tary at war, 1832-33; chief secretary for Ire- land, 1833; president of the board of control, 1835-41 ; again, 1846-52 ; created baron, 26 Feb. 1851; G.C.B., 1852; published "Italy," 1859 ; d. 3 June, 1869. Brouncker, William Brouncker, viscount, mathematician ; h, about 1620 ; president of Royal Society, 1663-77; d. 5 April, 1684. Broussais, Fran9ois Joseph Victor, French medical teacher; 5. 17 Dec. 1772; published " Histoire des Phlegmasies chroniques," 1808; "Irritabiliti^ et Folie," 1S28-9 ; d. 17 Nov. 1838. Bhousson, Claude, French theologian and juiTist; h. 1647; an earnest protestant; pub- lished "Lettres aux Catholiques Remains," 1 698 ; accused of treason, tried, and broken alive on the wheel, 4 Nov. 1698. Brown, Charles Erockden, American novelist; 5. 17 Jan. 1771 ; published "Sky-walks," 1793; "Edgar Huntley," 1799; d. 22 Feb. 1810. Brown, John, of Haddington, Scotch theolo- gian and scholar ; h. 1722; published " Dic- tionary of the Bible," 1797; "Self-Interpreting Bible," 1791; d. 19 June, 1787. Brown, John, Scottish physician; 5. 1735; author of the " Brunonian System ; " published BRO 69 BEU his doctrine of the " excitabihty " of muscles, &c., in his " Elementa Mediciure," 17S0; d. 8 Oct. 1788. Brown, John, captain, a violent agitator for negro emancipation in the United States ; fought in the struggles to prevent Kansas from being made a slave state ; attempted an insur- rection at Harper's ferry, October 16; executed, 2 Deo. 1859. BKOVfN, Lancelot (Capability Brown), land- scape gardener; h. 1 715; laid out gardens at Kew, Blenheim, Stowe, &c. ; d. 6 Feb. 1773. Brown, or Browne, Maximilian Ulysses, Austrian marshal, termed his "teacher" by Frederick the Great ; J). 1705 ; mortally wounded at Prague, 6 May ; d. 26 June, I757. Brown, Kobert, nonconformist, founder of the Brownists or independents ; pubUshed a " Treatise of Reformation, without tarrying for any man," 1582; d. 1630. Brown, Robert, Scotch botanist, termed by Humboldt, *' facile Princeps Botanicorum ; " h. 21 Dec. 1773; accompanied Flinders in exploration of Australia, 1801-5 ; published "Prodromus Flor^ Novffi HoUandise," 1810; discovered the " Brownian motion " in dew, 1827 ; d. 10 June, 1858. Brown, Sir Samuel, captain R.N., civil engineer; b. 1776; made experiments which led to introduction of chain cables in the navy ; made model, 1813, and patented his invention of chain bridges, 1 81 7; constructed chain pier at Brighton, 1823; d. 15 March, 1852. Brown, Thomas, satirist and humourist; I. 1663; d. 1704. Brown, Thomas, theologian; 6. 1604; pub- lished translation of Camden's "Annals of queen Elizabeth," 1629; d. 6 Dec. 1673. Brown, or Browne, Sir Thomas, physician and antiquary; b. 19 Oct. 1605; published " Pseudodoxia Epidemica ; or. Enquiries into vulgar Errors," 1646; "Religio Medici," 1642; d. 19 Oct. 1682. Brown, Thomas, metaphysician; 5. 9 Jan. 1778 ; published "Inquiry into the relation of Cause and Effect," 1806 ; d. 20 April, 1820. Brown, or Browne, William, poet; 6. 1590; author of "Britannia's Pastorals," published 1655 ; ol. about 1645. Brown, Sir William, merchant ; i. in county Antrim, 1784; emigrated to America, 1800; M.P. for South Lancashire, 1845-59; founded free library, &c., in Liverpool, 1853-57; d. 3 March, 1864. Brown, or Browne, Wilham Lawrence, theo- logian; b. 1753; published "Essay on the Existence of a Supreme Creator," (obtained first Burnett prize, 1816) ; d. 1830. Browne, Charles J., American humourist, known as "Artemus Ward ; " 6. about 1832; d. 6 March, 1867. Browne, Edward Harold, bishop of Ely; b. 181 1 ; published "Exposition of the Thirty- nine Articles," 1850-53; consecrated, 1864. Browne, George, protestant reformer; origi- nally an Augustinian friar in London, made archbishop of Dublin by Henry VIII., 1535 ; engaged the church to reject the pope's supremacy; made primate, 1551 ; ejected by Mary, 1554; d. about 1556. Browne, Isaac Hawkins, poet ; b. 1 706 ; pub- lished "De Animi Immortalitate," 1754; d. 14 Feb. 1760. Browne, John, surgeon; b. 1642; published " Myographia Nova," 16S1; d. about 1700. Browne, Patrick, Irish naturalist; b. 1720; published "Civil and Natural History of Jamaica," 1756; d. 29 Aug. 1790. Browne, Sir WiUiam, physician; b. 1692; left money to found prizes at Cambridge ; d. 1 774. Browne, WiUiam George, traveller; b. 25 July, 176S; published "Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, 1792-98," 1799; d. 1813. Browning, Elizabeth ; b. (Barrett) 1809 ; published ' ' Aurora Leigh ; " " Casa Guidi Windows,'' 1S51; d. 29 June, 1861. Browning, Robert, poet; b. 1812; married EUzabeth Barrett, 1846 ; published "Bells and Pomegranates," 1S42-46 ; "Christmas 1S50; "Poems," col- 'Ring and the Book," Eve and Easter Day. lected edition, 1868; 1868-9. Bkownrigg, EKzabeth, murderess ; executed for murdering female apprentice, 14 Sept. 1767. Bruat, Armand Joseph, French admiral; b. 26 May, 1796 ; commanded the French fleet in the Black Sea during the Crimean war; d. 19 Nov. 1855. Bruce, earls of Elgin : Thomas, 6. 20 July, 1766; collected the "Elgin marbles" at Athens, 1803, et seq.,- transported them to England, 1814; sold them to toe govern- ment for ;£3S,ooo for the 1816 James, son Governor of Jamaica Governor of Canada Postmaster-general Plenipotentiary in China Viceroy of India . 1841 British Museum d, 14 Nov. b. 20 July, March 1842— Aug. 1846 Sept. 1846— Sept. 1854 1S59 1857-8, i860 21 Jan. 1862 d. 20 Nov. 1863 Bruce, Henry Austin, statesman; b. 181 5; vice-president of the committee of council on education, 1864; home secretary, Dec. 1 868. Bruce, James, Scotch traveller ; 6. 14 Dec. 1730; set off to discover the source of the Nile, June, 1768; explored Abyssinia; dis- covered the source of the Blue Nile, 14 Nov. 1770; returned home, 1773; pubUshed "Tra- vels," 1790; d. 27 April, 1794. Bruce, Rev. John Collingwood, antiquary; b. 1805; pubUshed "Roman WaU," 1851. Bruce, Michael, Scottish poet ; b. 27 March, 1746; d. 6 July, 1767- EEU 70 BEU Beuce, Robert, earl of Annaudale, claimed crown of Scotland at the death of Alexander III. 1285. Edward, his son, invaded Ireland, 1315; defeated and slain nearDundalk, 14 Oct. 1 3 1 8 ; see Hohert I, and David II,, kings of Scotland. Brucioli, Antonio, Italian scholar ; published the Bible in the Tuscan dialect, 1532 ; and Aristotle's "Politics," 1547, and "Physics," 155 1, in Italian. Bkucker, Johann Jacob, German historian ; &. 22 Jan. 1696; published his "Historia critica Philosophic," 1741 ; d. 1770. Bkuckmann, Franz Ernst, German naturalist; b. 27 Sept. 1697; d. 21 March, 1753. Beueys d'Aigalliers, Fran9ois Paul, French admiral; b. 1753; commanded and killed at the battle of the Nile, i Aug. 179S. Beugman, Jan, eloquent Flemish preacher; I473- Beugmans, Anton, German physicist; h. 22 Oct. 1732; published " Magnetismus," 1778; d 27 April, 1789. Brdgmans, Sebald Justin, Dutch naturalist ; &. 1763; as inspector re-orjranised the sanitary arrangements of the army, 1815 ; d. 22 July, 1819, Brugkatelli, Luigi, Italian chemist; i. 14 Feb. 1 761; published "Annali di Chimica, " 1790-1S05 ; "Giornale di Fisica," 1808-15; d. 24 Aug. i8i8. BkuguiiSkes, Jean Guillavime, French natura- list ; 6. 1749; accompanied Kerguelen in his voyage to the South seas, 1773 ! travelled through the East, 1792; d. I Oct. 1799. Beuhier d'Ablaincourt, Jean Jacques, French physician; published "Dissertation Kur r Incertitude des Signes de la Mnrt," 1742, (attacked by Louis) ; d. 24 Oct. 1756. BEUilL, Heinrich von, coant, German states- man ; h. 1 700 ; prime minister and ruler of Saxony, 1748; d. 28 Oct. 1764. Beuix, Eustache, French admiral; 5. 17 July, 1759; minister of marine under Napoleon; d. 18 March, 1805. Bkdlliot, Franz, German engraver ; b. 16 Feb. 1780; published " Dictionnaire des Mono- grammes," 1817-18; d. 13 Nov. 1836. Brummel, George Bryan (Beau), dandy ; b. 1778; favourite of George IV. ; d. 29 March, 1840. Brumot, Pierre, French scholar and Jesuit ; b. 1688; published " TheStre des Grecs," 1730; d. 16 April, 1742. Brun, Antoine, French scholar and diplomat- ist; b. at D61e, 1600; d. 11 Jan. 1654 Brun, see Le Brun. Brunck, Eichard Franz PhUipp, German philologist; b. 30 Dec. 1729; edited Anac- reon, 1778; j3ischylus, 1779; Aristophanes, 1781-83; Sophocles, 1786; Terence, 1797; ruined by the revolution, 1791; ci. 12 June, 1803. | Beune, Guillaume Marie Anne, French marshal; h. 13 May, 1763; took Berne, 12 AjDril, 179S; defeated the duke of York, 19 Sept. and 6 Oct. ; murdered at Avignon by a mob, 2 Aug. 1815. Beuneau, Antoine, French lawyer ; b. 10 April, 1640; published " Nouveau Tiait^ des Grides," (auctions), 1676; d. about 1740. Beunehaut, or Bel'nehild, queen of Sige- bert, king of Austrasia; 6. 534 ; queen, 566 ; regent for their son, Childebert, 575 ; caused the murder of Theodebert, 612 ; killed by Clotaire II., 28 Feb. 613. Brun EL, civil engineers : Sir Marc Isameaud ; h. in France, 25 April, 1769 A sailor . . 1786-93 Came to England .... March, 1799 Invented a method of improving block machinery, &c., 1802 ; for which he received by instalments .£17,663 21 Aug. 1810 Patented improvements in saw-miUs 1806-13 Invented a copying press . . . 1820 Improved marine steam engines . . . 1822 Consti-ucted the Thames tunnel ; begun, 2 March, 1825 : opened, 25 Starch, 1843 . . it, 12 Dec. 1849 Sir IsAMBAED Kingdom ; h, 9 Apiil, 1806 ; engineer to the Great Western railway ; intro- duced the broad gauge, 1833 ; designer and engineer of the Great Western (completed, 1838) and Great Eastern [launched, 31 Jan. 1858) steamers . . d. 15 Sept. 1859 Bexjnelleschi, FiUppo, Italian architect ; b, 1377; invented a new system of constructing vaults, 141 9; designed and constructed cupola of Santa Maria, Florence ; d, 1444. Brunei, Jacques Charles, French biblio- grapher; b, 1780; published "Manuel du Libraire," 1810 ; d. 1868. Brunfels, Otto, reviver of botany, German physician ; b, about 1464 ; published " Her- barum Vivee Icones," 1530; d, 23 Nov. 1534. Bruni, Antonio, Italian poet ; Jl, i6th century ; his "Epistole eroiche," printed, 1626-7. Beuni, Leonardo, sumamed Aretino, Italian scholar and restorer of letters ; b, at Arezzo, 1369; secretary to pope Innocent VII., 1405, and succeeding popes; published a history of Florence, of which he was made chancellor, 1427 ; d, 9 March, 1444. Brunings, Christian, German protestant ; b, 1 6 Jan. 1702; published "Compendium Antiquitatum Grjecarum ;" d, 6 March, 1763. Beunn, or Bkunnee, Johann Conrad, Swiss physician ; b, 16 Jan. 1653 ; consulted by George I. of England, and other sovereigns ; d, 2 Oct. 1727. Brunn, Johann Jacob, Swiss physician ; b, 1591 ; published " Systema Materia Medicse ;" d, 22 Jan. 1660. Brunnow, Ernst Philipp, baron von, Russian diplomatist; b, 31 Aug. 1797; ambassador at at London, 1840-54; again, 1858. Bruno, Saint; b, about 1030; founded Cis- tercian order, 1084 or 1086 ; d, 6 Oct. IIOI. BEU 71 BUG Bkuno, the G-reat ; h. about 925 ; archbishop of Cologne, 953; wrote Commentaries on the Pentateuch, Evangelists, &c. ; d. 1 1 Oct. 965. Bruno, Giordano, Italian mathematician. and pantheistic philosopher ; 6. about 1550 ; visited England about 15S3 ; burnt as a heretic at Venice, 17 Eeb. 1600. Bkunswick, dukes of : Charles "William Ferdinand, heroic general ; b. I) Oct, 173s Fought in the seven years' war ; duke of Bruns- wick-Luneburg .... 1780 Took the command of the Prussian army , 1787 Published his manifesto against the French republicans .... 15 July, 1792 Took Longwy, 23 Aug., and Verdun 2 Sept. 1792 Made a successful campaign 1793 Eesigned command 1794 Took the command of the Prussians : defeated and mortally wounded at Auerstadt, 14 Oct. d. 10 Nov. i?o6 FitEDERicic William, son ; 6. 9 Nov. 1771 ; entered Prussian service, 1702 ; formed a regi- ment against the French, 1809 : recovered Ins states, Dec. 1813 ; killed at Quatre Bras, 16 June, 1815 Charles, son ; b. 30 Oct. 1804 : assumed the government, and ruled badly: quarrelled with his uncle, George IV. of England, 1826-7 ; revolu- tion, fled , . . ... Sept. 1830 "William, brother ; b. 25 April, 1806 ; assumed the government provisionally, Sept. 1830 ; de- finitively . . .25 April, 1831 Bkdnton, Mary, Scotch novelist ; h. (Balfour) 1778 ; published "Self-Control," 1810; "Disci- pline," 1814; d. 19 Dec. 1818. BKnscH, Uaspard, German and Latin poet and historian ; h. Aug. 1 5 1 8 ; crowned imperial poet-laureate, 1552; d. 1559. Bruto, or Bhuti, Giovanni Michele, Italian his- torian ; 6. about 1 5 1 5 ; published ' ' Florentina Historia," 1562; d. 1594. Brdtds, Decius Junius ; served under Csesar, and made one of his heirs, B,0. 56-45 ; one of his assassins, 15 March, 44; betrayed by his soldiers, and slain by command of Antony, 43. Bkutus, Lucius Junius, consul after expel- ling the Tarquins ; kiUed in battle with them, B.C. 509. Bkutus, Marcus Junius ; 5. B.C. 85 ; served under Pompey, 49 ; pardoned and favoured by Caesar, 48 ; his chief assassin, 1 5 March, 44 ; raised an army, and assumed the title of iin- perator, 43 ; defeated by the triumvirs ; kiUed himself, Oct. 42. BruyJire, see La Bruyhe. Bruvn, Cornelius van, Dutch painter and traveller; h. 1652; travelled in the East, &c. ; published his voyaf^s, 1 714-18. Bkuts, PranQois, 'i rench protestant ; 5. 7 Teh. 1708; publisheC;."IIistoiredesPapes," 1732-34; d. 20 May, 173&', Bkuts, Pierre de, a'Manichee ; attacked the clergy; wrote a book entitled " Anteohrist," about 1 120 ; burnt in France as a heretic, 1 147, Bryan, Michael, biographer; h. 1757; pub- lished "Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, " 1813 ; d. 21 March, 1821. Bryant, Jacob, classical scholar ; h. 1 7 1 5 ; published "Analysis of Ancient Mythology," 1774-76; d. 14 Nov, 1804. Bryant, "William Cnllen, American poet and journalist; b. 3 Nov. 1797; pubhslied "The Ages," 1S21 ; "The Talisman," an annual, 1827-29. Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton, genealogist ; h. 30 Nov. 1762; edited Collins's " Peerage of England," 1812; d. 8 Sept. 1837. Brydone, Patrick; h. 1 741 ; published "Tour through Sicily," 1773; d. 19 June, 1818. Bryennius, Nicephorus, Byzantine general ; rebelled against the emperor Michael VII., 1077 ; defeated and blinded, 1078. His son or nephew, husband of Aima Comnena, conspired with her against her brother John, but failed, and was punished with banishment and fine, 1 118; restored; d. about 1 137. BuACHE, Philippe, French hydrographer ; h. 7 Feb. 1700; published " Atlas Physique," 1754; d. 24 Jan. 1773. BuatNan9AY, Louis Gabriel, comtede, French historian and diplomatist; b. 2 March, 1732; published " Histoire ancienne des Penples de i'Europe," 1772; d. 18 Sept. 1787. BuBB, George, lord Melcombe; b. 1691 ; took name Dodington, 1717; author of "Diary;" treasurer of the navy, 1 744 ; created baron, 1761 ; d. 28 July, 1762. BucER, Martin, German reformer; b. 149 1 ; adopted opinions of Luther, 1521 ; zealously opposedthe "Interim," a compromise favouring the Eomanists ; visited England by invitation of Cranmer, 1 548 ; d. at Cambridge, 27 or 28 Feb. 1551. BucH, Christian Leopold von, German geolo- gist; 6. 25 April, 1774; studied Vesuvius, Feb. 1799 ; explored great part of Europe, 1 799-1810 ; visited and described the Canaries, 1815 ; d. 4 March, 1853. Buchan, John Stuart, earl of; h. about 1380; entered into service of Charles VII. of France ; helped in the defeat of the duke of Clarence and the English at Beaug^, 22 March, 142 1 ; said to have been killed at Vemeuil, 1424; or d. 145c. Buchan, Elizabeth, Scotch fanatic ; 6. 173S; chief of a sect, the Buchanites, 1 7 7 9 ; d. May, 1 79 1 . Buchan, "William, M.D. ; b. 1729; published " Domestic Medicine," 1770; d. 25 Feb. 1805. Buchanan, Claudius, missionary in India; 6.12 March, 1 766 ; went to India, 1796; pub- lished " Christian Researches in Asia," 181 1; d. 9 Feb. 1815. Buchanan, George, Scottish historian and Latin poet; 6. Feb. 1506; published Latin ver- sion of the Psalms, 1570 ; preceptor of James I., 1571 ; d. 28 Sept. 1582. Buchanan, James, American statesman ; J. 23 April, 1791 ; ambassador in London, 1853-56; president of United States, 1857-61 ; d. i June, 1868. BUG 72 BUL BucHHEiM, Paul, see Fagius. BucHOLZ, Christian Friedrioh, German che- mist; b. 19 Sept. 1770 ; made galvanic dis- coveries, 1808; d. 9 June, 1 818. BucHOLZ, Wilhehn Heinrich, German minera- logist; b. 23 Sept. 1734; d. 16 Dec. 1798. BucKEKiDGE, John, bishop of Ely, 1628 ; pub- lished " De Potestate Papse in rebus temporali- bus," 1614; d. 23 May, 1631. BucKHUKST, Thomas Saokville, lord, states- man and poet ; b. 1527 ; created Ijaron, 8 June, 1567; earl of Dorset, 13 March, 1603; d. 19 April, 1608. Buckingham, dukes of : Humphrey Stafford, lord high constable ; de- feated and slain at Northampton 10 July, 1460 Henry S'r'AFroitD, grandson: beheaded by Kich- ard HI .1 Nov. 1483 Edward Stafford, son ; duke, i486 ; beheaded byHemyVIII. . 17 May, 1521 George Villiers . . . . 6. 20 Aug. 1592 Kuling favourite of James 1 1618 Made duke ; accompanied prince Charles on his visit to Spain .... . . 1623 Failed in attack on the isle of Eh6, July— Oct. 1627 Assassinated by Felton at Portsmouth, 23 Aug. 1628 George Villiers, son b. 30 Jan. 1627 Succeeded as duke . . 23 Aug. 1628 "With Charles II 1650-60 Favoured nonconformists and opposed the Test act , 1669 Member of the " Cabal " ministry . . 1670 Introduced plate-glass manufacture from Venice, 1673 d. 17 April, j6S8 Buckingham and Chandos, dukes of ; EiCHARD Nugent Temple Grenville, b. March, l)uke of Buckingham and Chandos . 4 Feb. d. 17 Jan. Richard Plantaqenet, "the fanner's friend ; " 6 II Feb. 1797 . . . rf. 29 July, ElCHARD Plantagenet . , &. lo Sept. Chairman of London and N.W. railway Oct. Duke 1861 Lord president of the council . . June, 1866 Secretary for the colonies . March, 1867 — Dec. 1868 Buckingham, James Silli;, traveller; b. 1786; established a joiimal at Calcutta, i8l6; expelled from India for writings in the Calcutta journal, 1823 ; M.P. for Shefheld, 1832-37 ; d. 30 June, 1855- Buckinghamshire, John Sheffield, duke of, poet; b. 1649; d. 24 Feb. 1721. BucKLAND, William, geologist ; b. 12 March, 1784 ; published " Account of Kirkland Cave," 1S22; " Eeliquise Diluvianje," 1823; Bridgewater Treatise on Geology, 1836 ; dean of Westminster, 1845 ; d. 14 Aug. 1856. Buckle, Henry Thomas, philosopher and his- torian; b. 24 Nov. 1822; published "History of Civilisation," 1857-61 ; d. 29 May, 1862. Bucklee, John, architect; b. 30 Nov. 1770; d. 6 Dec. 1851. BucKSTONE, John Baldwin, dramati.st and actor; b. 18 Sept. 1802; produced "Luke the Labourer," 1828; manager of the Haymarket theatre, 1853. 1776 1822 J839 1023 1853 BuDi, Guillaume, French scholar ; b. 1467 ; restorer of Greek literature in France, and patron of the Greek refugees ; d. 23 Aug. 1540. Budgell, Eustace, essayist and poet; b. about 1685; wrote in the "Spectator;" drowned himself, 4 May, 1 736. BuFFALMACCO, (name given to Buonamico di Cristofano), Italian painter (in fresco in Campo Santo, Pisa); b. 1262; d. 1340. BuEFON, Georges Louis Le Clerc, oomte de, French naturalist ; 6.7 Sept. 1707; be- gan to publish "Histoire Naturelle," 1749 ; "Epoques de la Nature," 17S0; d. l6 April, 1788. BuGEAUD DE LA PicONNEEiE, Thomas Eobert, French marshal; b. 15 Oct. 1784; d. 10 June, 1849. Fought under Napoleon (beginning as a grena- dier) 1805-15 Elected a deputy and made marshal . 1B31 Sent to Algeria ; made peace with Abd-el- Kader .... . . 1837 Governor of Algeria . . . March, 1840 Defeated Abd-el-Kader at Isly . 14 Aug. 1844 Bugenhagen, Johann, "Pomeranus," German refoiiner ; b. 24 June, 1485 ; friend of Luther, helped him to translate the Bible ; became pastor and professor at Wittemberg ; declined rich bishoprics; d. 20 April, 1558. BuHLE, Johann Gottlieb, German philoso- pher; b. 29 Sept. 1763; published (in Gei-man) "History of Modem Philosophy," 1800-5; " History of Eosicrucians and Freemasons," 1803; d. Aug. 1 82 1. Bull, George, theologian; b. 25 March, 1634; published "Harmonica Apostolica," 1670; "Defensio Fidei Nicense," 1685 ; bishop of St. David's, 1705; d. 17 Feb. 1710. Bull, John, Mus. D. ; b. 1563; said to have composed " God save the King," l6o5; d. about 1622. Bull, Ole Bornemaim, Norwegian violinist ; b. 5 Feb. 1810. Buller, Charles, statesman; b. Aug. 1806; president of poor-law board, Nov. 1 847 ; d. 28 Nov. 1848. Buller, Sir Francis, judge ; b. 1 745 ; pub- lished " Introduction to the Law of Trials at Nisi Prius," 1767 ; d. 4 June, 1800. BULLIABUS, see BouUiau. BULLINGER, Heinrich, German reformer ; b. 1504; established protestantism at Zurich, 1531; d. 17 Sept. 1575. ■'. „ Bullion, Claude de, French statesman and financier ; served under Kichdieu ; d, 22 Dec. 1 640. BuLMER, William, printer; b. 1758 ; printed folio Shakspere, 1791-1802 ; d. 9 Sept. 1830. BuLOW, Friedrich Wilhelm von, Prussian general; b. 1755; defeated the French at Dennewitz, 6 Sept. 181 3 ; and at Breda, 12 Jan. 1814; d. 25 Feb. 1816. BUL 73 BXJR Buiow, Heinrich, baron von, German states- man; b. 1 7 90; Prussian ambassador in I/ondon, 1827 ; present at the conferences on the affairs of the Netherlands, and signed the treaty of 15 July, 1840 ; Prussian foreign minister, April, 1S42; resigned, 1844; d. 6 Feb. 1846. BuLWER, Edward George Earle Lytton, lord Lytton, novelist and dramatist ; 6. May, 1 806. Published "Pelham," 1827: "Eugene Aram," 1831 ; "Last Days of Pompeii," 1S35; "Lady of Lyons," 1839 : "King Arthur," 1850. Baronet . . ... July, 1838 Colonial secretary . May, 1858— June, 7859 Created baron . . July, 1866 BuLWER, Sir Henry Lytton Earle, brother ; h. 1804; British envoy at Madrid, Nov. 1843 ; for his opposition to the arbitrary court, dis- missed by the Spanish minister, May, i S48 ; ambassador to the United States, Deo. 1 849 ; Tuscany, 1852; Constantinople, May, 1 85 8; returned, 1865. Bdlwer, John, physician ; published " Philo- Bophus, the deaf and dumb man's friend," 1648; "Pathomyotomia ; or. Dissection of the signifi- cative Muscles of the Affections of the Mind," 1649; " Anthropometaniorphosis," 1653; *' Chirologia ; or, the Natural Language of the Hand," 1644. Bunn, Alfred, theatrical manager and drama- tist ; d. 20 Deo. i860. BuNNiK, Dutch landscape painters : Jan. h. 1654; d. 1717. Jacob, brother; d. r.725. BuNSEN, Christian Carl Josias, baron von ; h. 25 Aug. 1791 ; d. 28 Nov. i860. Studied under Heyne at Gdttingen . 1B12-13 With Niebuhr and Schleiermacher, at Berlin 1815-16 Formed acquaintance of Alex, von Humboldt 1816 Went to Home as secretary to Niebulir . 1818 Left Rome .... . 1838 Prussian ambassador in England . . . 1841-54 Assisted in the establishment of the protestant bishopric of Jerusalem 1841 Published "Church of theFutnre,"i845: "Egypt's Place in Universal History," 1848-60 ; " Hip- polytus and his Age," 1851. B ONSEN, Kobert, German chemist ; S. 31 March, 181 1; invented the carbon galvanic battery, 1 842 ; associated mth Kirchhoff in the discovery of spectrum chemical analysis, by which they discovered new metals, i860. BuNYAN, John, baptist minister; b. 1628; par- liamentary soldier, 1645 ; joined the baptists, 1650; a minister, 1653; imprisoned in Bedford gaol; pubhshed "Pilgrim's Progress," 1678; d. 31 Aug. 1688. BuoL-SoHAUENSTEiN, Carl Ferdinand von, count, Austrian statesman ; i. 1 7 May, 1797; foreign minister, 1852-59; d. 28 Oct. 1867. Buonaparte, see Bonaparte. BuONABROTI, Michelangelo, Italian painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and poet; b. 6 March, 1474; d. 17 Feb. 1564. Placed under the brothers Ghirlandajo . i April, 1488 Patronised by the Medici . . 1482-94 Worked at Venice 1494 Produced his " David" at Rome ; placed, June ; uncovered 8 Sept. 1504 Commenced the monument for Julius TI. , 1504 Completed the painting of the roof of the Sistine chapel : exhibited first .... i Nov. 1512 Directed the defence of Florence against the im- perialists . . .... 1529 Proscribed at its capture .... 1530 His picture of the ' ' Last Judgment " exhibited 2 Dec. 1541 Employed on the fortifications of Rome 1555-59 BuONO, Candido del, Italian physicist, a founder of the Accademia del Cimento, Florence; b. 22 July, 1618; d. 19 Sept. 1776. Buontalbnti, Bernardo (delle Girandole), Italian painter, sculptor, and architect ; b. 1536 ; d. 1608. BuROKHAHDT, Johann Carl, German - astro- nomer; b. 30 April, 1773; published " Tables of the Moon," 1812 ; d. 22 June, 1825. Bdeckhardt, Jean Louis, Swiss traveller in Nubia, Syria, and Arabia; b. 24 Nov. 1784; d. at Cairo, 15 Oct. 1817. BuKDER, George, dissenting minister ; b. 5 Jime, 1752; editor of " EvangeUcal Magazine," 1802 ; published "Village Sermons," 1799-1812 ; d. 29 May, 1832. BuEDETT, Sir Francis, bart., politician ; 6. 25 Jan. 1770; d. 23 Jan. 1844. M.P. for Middlesex, but unseated July, 1802 First elected for Westminster . . . 1807 Committed to the tower for contempt of house of commons by the speaker . . 24 March, i8ro His action for false imprisonment lost May, 1811 Presented petition for reform . . . Feb. 181 7 Fined and imprisoned for libel against govern- ment April, 1820 Chairman of London political union 31 Oct. 1B31 Separated from the liberal party . . 1835 Retired from Westminster : elected for Wilts 1S37 BuKDETT-CouTTS, Angela Georgina, daughter of Sir Francis Burdett ; b. April, 1814; in- herited much of the property of her grand- father, Thomas Coutts, the banker, at the death of his widow, who died duchess of St. Alban's, 6 Aug. 1837; endowed the colonial bishoprics of Adelaide, Capetown, and British Columbia, and several churches and schools ; promoted emigration ; inaugurated Columbia market, Bethnal Green, 28 April, 1869. BuHDON, William; published "Materials for Thinking," 1803-10; d. 1818. BuREN, Martin van, American statesman b. 5 Dec. 1782 ; president of the United States, 1837-41 ; d. 24 July, 1862. Burette, Pierre Jean, French archseologist b. 21 Nov. 1665 ; rf. 19 May, 1747. BiJRGER, Gottfried Aug-ust, German poet b. I Jan. 1748; author of Leonore, Wild Hunts- man, The Brave Man, &c. ; d. 8 June, 1794. BuRGES, George, Greek scholar ; b. 1 786 edited Euripides' Phcenissffi, 18 10; d. 11 Jan, 1864. BuKGESS, Daniel, dissenting minister ; b. 1645 tutor to Lord Bolingbroke ; published " The Golden Snuffers," sermon, 1697; d. Jan. 1713, BUE 74 BUE, Burgess, Thomas, bishop of Salisbury ; h. 1756; consecrated, 1S05 ; chief founder of the Eoyal Society of Literature, 1821 ; d. 19 Feb. 1837. BuEGH, Hubert de, earl of Kent ; regent of England, 1219 ; dismissed by Henry III,, 1232 ; d. 12 May, 1243. BuKGKMAIER, Johaun, German painter and engraver, pupil of Albrecht Diirer ; h. 1474 ; d- 1543- BuEGOS, Erancisco Xavier, Spanish states- man and writer; h. 22 Oct. 177S; served under the French, 1810; fled to France, 1814; re- turned to Spain, 181 7; formed a part of the Eegency, Sept. 1833; retired into private life, 1839. BuKGOTNE, John, general and dramatist ; de- feated Americans at GermantowTi, 3 Oct. 1777 ; surrendered his army at Saratoga, 17 Oct. 1778; wrote "Lord of the Manor," 1781 ; d. 4 Aug. 1792. BuEGoYNE, Sir JohnEoXjbart. ; J. 1782; served in peninsular war, 1809-14 ; as inspector-general of fortifications, reported to duke of Welling- ton on the defenceless condition of the countrj^ 1845 ; served in the Crimea, 1854-5 ; con- stable of the tower, 1865 ; field marshal 1868. Burgundy, dukes of, see Charles^ Philip^ John. Burgundy', Louis, duke of, dauphin, grandson of Louis XIV.; h. 6 Aug. 1682; d. 18 Feb. 1712. Buridan, Jean, French nominalist philo- sopher ; fl. 14th cent. ; to him is imputed the sophism of the ass between two measures of oats, in reference to the principle of free-wiU ; d. about 135S. BuEiGNY', Jean Levesque de, French historian ; h. 1692; published " Histoire de la Philosophie payenne," 1724; "Histoire de Sicile," 1745; d. 8 Oct. 1785. Burke, Sir Bernard, Ulster king-at-arms ; h. 1815; made LTlster and Icnighted, 1853; pub- lished "Commoners of England," 1838 ; "En- cyclopaedia of Heraldry," 1844 ; "Peerage and Baronetage," 31st edition, 1869. Burke, Edmund, Irish orator ; b. i Jan. 1 730 ; d. 9 July, 1797. Published his work on " The Sublime and Beauti- ful" T756 Commenced writing " Annu.al Register " . 1759 Private secretary to the Marquess of Kockingham when premier 17 July, 1765 First sat as M.P 14 Jan. 1766 Great speech against American taxation, 19 April, 1774 Paymaster of forces in Eockingham ministry March, 1782 Brought in charges against "Warren Hastings 4 April, 1786 Great speeches . . 21, 25 April, 5, 7 May, 1789 Publislied '■ Keflections on the Itevolution in J'>ance" 1790 Broke connection with Fox and the YVhlgs, May, 1701 Ketired from parliament . , , . 1794 Wrote "Letter on a Regicide Peace," and " Letter to a Noble Lord " 1796 BuEKE, Eobert O'Hara, Australian explorer ; with W. J. Wills and others started from Mel- bourne, 20 Aug. 1S60; crossed the continent of Australia to the gulf of Carpentaria ; all perished on their return except John King, who arrived at Melbourne, Xov. 1861 ; Burke's remains publicly buried at Melbourne, 21 Jan, 1863. Burke, William, Irish shoemaker; executed for murdering persons to provide bodies for Edinburgh surgeons, 1 5 Feb. 1829. BUEKITT, Rev. WiUiam, theologian; h. 1650 ; his " Expository Notes on the New Testament" published, 1739; d. Oct. 1703. BuRLAMACCHi, Francesco, gonfaloniere of Lucca ; endeavoured to establish a republic in Tuscany ; executed, about 1 546. BuRLAMAQUI, Jean Jacques, Swiss publicist ; h. 24 July, 1 694 ; published " Principes du Droit Naturel," 1747; d. 3 April, 1748. Burleigh, see Cecil. BuELEIGH, or BuELEY, Walter, Anglicanus, philosopher, " Doctor planus et Conspicuus;" b. 1275; tutor of Edward III,; commentator on Aristotle; d. 1357. Burlington, see Boyle and Devonshire. BuRMANN, Pieter, Dutch scholar ; b. 6 July, 1668; edited Horace, 1699; d. 31 March, 1741. BuRMEISTER, Carl Hermann Conrad, German naturalist; 6, 15 Jan, 1807. Burn, Eichard, lawyer ; 6. about 1 720 ; pub- lished " Justice of the Peace," 1755; " Ecclesi- astical Law," 1760; d. 20 Nov. 1785. BuRNiiS, Sir Alexander, diplomatist ; J. 16 May, 1805; travelled in Asia. 1831 ; sent on mission to Affghanistan, 1836-38; murdered at Caubul, 2 Nov. 1841. Burnet, Gilbert, bishop of Salisbury; b. at Edinburgh, 18 Sept. 1643; published "History of the Eeformation," 1679-1715 ; accompanied prince of Orange, drew up his manifesto, 1 688 ; consecrated, 1689 ; published " Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles," 1699; d. 17 March, 1715. Bdenet, James, lord Monboddo, Scotch judge; b. 1 7 14; published "Origin and Progress of Lang-uage," 1773; d. 26 May, 1799. Burnet, John, painter and engraver; 6. March, 1784; published "Practical Treatise on Paint- ing," 1822-27; d- 29 April, 1868. BuENET, Thomas, geologist ; b. 1635 ; pub- lished " Telluris Theoria Sacra," 1681-89; mas- ter of the Charter House, 1685 ; d. 27 Sept. 1715- Burnett, Gilbert Thomas, botanist; b. 15 April, 1800 ; published "Outlines of Botany," 1833; d. 27 July, 1S35. BuENEY, Charles, musician; b. 7 Ajaril, 1 726; published "History of Music," 1776-89; d. 15 April, 1814. BuRNEY, Charles, D.D., scholar; b. 4 Deo. 1757; d. 28 Dec. 1S17. BUE 75 BUT BuKNEY, Frances, novelist; h. 13 June, 1752; published "Evelina," 1777; "Cecilia," 1782; married M. Alexandre d'Arblay, July, 1,793 (he died, lSi8); d. 6 Jan. 1840. BoRNEY, James, admiral, brother; h. 1749; sailed with Cook in his first two voyages ; pub- lished " Chronological History of Discoveries in the South Seas," 1S03; "History of the Buc- caneers," 1S16; d. 17 Nov. 1821. BuENEY, William, naval historian; 6. 1762 ; founded and directed the royal naval academy at Gosport, 17SS-1S2S; published "Naval Heroes of Great Britain," 1806; " Dictionary for the Marine," 1S16; d. 20 Feb. 1832. BoENOUF, Eug&ne, French orientalist; h. 12 Aug. iSoi ; published "Histoiredu Boudhisme," 1845 ; d. 28 May, 1852. Bdkns, Robert, Scotch poet; 6. 25 Jan. 1759; published his "Poems," 1786; d.21 July, 1796. Buknside, Ambrose Everett, American federal general ; h. 23 May, 1824 ; successful at Eoanoke, North Carolina, 7 Feb. 1862; suc- ceeded M'Clellan in command of the army of the Potomac, 7 Nov. 1862; defeated at Frede- ricksburg, 15 Dec. 1862; superseded by Hooker, 26 Jan. 1863 ; served under Grant before Richmond, June, 1864. Burr, Aaron, American statesman; h. 1756; vice-president of United States, 1801 ; killed general Hamilton in a duel, 1 804 ; d. 1836. BuRRHUS, Roman general ; helped to make Nero emperor, 55 ; murdered by him for at- tempting to stop his cruelties, 63, BuERITT, Elihu, American blacksmith; h.lZll; pubUshed " Sparks from the Anvil," 1848 ; " Walk from Loudon to John o' Groats," 1864; " Walk to Land's End," 1865. BuEEoUGH, Edward, quaker preacher ; h. 1634 ; protested against persecution to Cromwell and Charles II. ; published " Wholesome Informa- tion to the King of England," 1660 ; d. in Newgate, 1668. Bdeeoughs, Jeremiah, puritan minister ; h. 1599; published "Moses' Choice," 1641 ; "Exposition of Hosea," 1643; "Saints' Trea- sury," 1656; d. 1646. BoEEOUGHS (BuREHUs), Sir John, garter king- of-arms, 1633; "Sovereignty of the British Seas proved," written 1633, published 165 1 ; d. 21 Oct. 1643. Burrow, Sir James, master of crown office, 1724; published "Reports in King's Bench," 1756-72; d. 5 Nov. 1782. Burton, Edward, b. 1794; regius professor, Oxford ; edited Greek Testament ; d. ig Jan. 1836. Burton, Plenry, theologian; 5. 1579; con- demned to fine and imprisonment for his writ- ing against the church, 1636; d. 16 Jan, 1648. Burton, John Hill, advocate ; b. 22 Aug. 1809; published "History of Scotland (since 1688)," 1853; (before 1688;, 1867. Bukton, Richard Francis, captain, traveller ; 6. 182 1; published "Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medina and Mecca," 1855-56 ; " Lake Regions of Central Africa," l86o. Burton, Robert; b. 8 Feb. 1576; published "Anatomy of Melancholy," 1621 ; d, 25 Jan. 1639-40. Burton, William, philologist and topo- grapher; b. 1609; " Historia LingusB Grseca; " published 1657; "Commentary on Antoninus'a Itinerary," 1658; d. 28 Dec. 1657. Bueton, William, topographer (brother of Robert); b. 1575; his "Description of Lei- cestershire" published 1622; d, 1645. BuEY, Arthur, theologian ; his book, " The Naked Gospel," ordered to be burnt, 19 May, 1690, and himself expelled from Oxford. Bus, Cesar de, French teacher ; b. 3 Feb. 1544; founded the "Congregation of the Christian Doctrine;" d. 15 April, 1607. BusBEC, or BusBEQius, Augier Ghislain de, Flemish diplomatist; b. 1522; employed by the emperors, 1554-92 ; d. 28 Oct. 1592. Busby, Richard, master of Westminster school 55 years; b. 22 Sept. 1606; d. 6 April, 1695. BiJsCHING, Anton Friedrich, Gennan geo- grapher; b. 27 Sept, 1724; published "Erd- beschreibung " (description of the earth), 1754-92; d. 28 May, 1793. EusENBAUJr, Herman, German Jesuit theo- logian; 6. 1600 ; pubhshed "Medulla Theologise Moralis," 1645; d. 31 Jan. 1668. Busk, Hans, captain; b. 181 5; advocated rifle clubs since 1837, and the volunteer move- ment since 1858. Busleyden (BosLIDIUs), Jerome, Dutch diplo- matist (friend of Erasmus, More, &c.); b. 1470; d. 27 Aug. 1 517. BussE, Friedrich GottUeb von, German physicist ; b. 3 April, 1856 ; d. 4 Feb. 1835. BussY Rabuton, Roger, comte de; b. 18 April, 1 61 8; wrote "Histoire Amoureuse des Gaules " (a satire on Louis XIV.) ; d. 9 April, 1693. BussiiJEES, Jean de, French poet and his- torian, Jesuit; 6. 1607; published " Historia Francica," 1670; d. 26 Oct. 1679. Bute, John Stuart, earl of ; b. 1713; secre- tary of state, 25 March, 1761 ; prime mini-ster, 29 May, 1762 — April, 1763; attacked in " North Briton" by Wilkes, 1762; d. 10 March, 1792. Buteo (BoiTel), Pierre, French mathemati- cian ; b. 1492 ; d. 1<,T2. BuTLEE, Alban; b. 1 7 10; published "Lives of the Fathers and Saints," 1745-80; d. 15 May, 1773. BuTLEE, Charles, theologian and grammarian; b. 1560; published " The Feminine Monarchy (Bees)" 1609; "English Grammar," 1633; d. 29 March, 1647. BuTLEE, Charles, Roman catholic Uwyer, nephew of Alban; b. 1750; published " Hoi je BiblicEe," 1799; d. 2 June, 1832. BUT 76 BYZ Butler, James Armar, captain ; b. about 1827 ; heroically defended Silistria against the Eiissians ; d. 20 June, 1854. BuTLEE, Joseph, bishop of Durham; h. 1692; published "Analogy of Rehgion," 1736; con- secrated, 1750; d. 16 June, 1752. Butler, Samuel, poet ; baptized 13 Feb. 1612 ; pubUshed " Hudibras," 1674; d. 25 Sept. 16S0. Butler, Samuel, bishop of Lichfield; 6 .30 Jan. 1774; published his "Geography," 1813; d. 4 Dec. 1839. Butler, William, educational writer; h. 1748; d. 1822. BuTLEE, dukes of Ormond : I. James, marquess b, 1610 Lord-lieutenant of Ireland four times, 1642-7 ; 164S-50; 1662-9; 1677-85. Defeated by tlie republicans near Dublin, 2 Aug. 1649 Endeavoured to raise the royalists in England Jan., Feb. 1658 Made duke 20 July, 1660 Narrowly escaped assassination by Col. Blood 6 Dec. 1670 d. 21 July, 1688 Thomas, earl of Ossory, lord Butler, son ; 6. 8 July, J634 : general of the horse in Ireland, 1661 ; distinguished himself in the war with the Dutch, 1673 ti. 30 July, 1680 II. James, son : duke, 21 July, 1688 : lord high- constable at the coronation of William and Mary 11 April, 16S9 Commander of the land forces at the destruc- tion of the fleets at Vigo . . . 12 Oct. 1702 Succeeded Marlborough in the command of the army ; remained inactive . 1712 Attainted , . . 20 Aug. 1715 d. at Madrid, 16 Nov. 1745 BuTT, Isaac, Irish barrister ; h. 1813; Whately professor of political economy at Dublin, 1836; published " History of the Kingdom of Italy," i860. BuTTERFIELD, WUliam, architect ; i. 7 Sept. 1814. Bdttmann, Philipp Karl, German scholar ; &, 5 Dec. 1764; pubUshed Greek Grammar, 1792; d. 21 June, 1829. BuTTNEE, Christian AVillielm, German natu- ralist and philologist; 6. 17 16; published "Tables of Alphabets," 1771-79 ; d. 8 Oct. 1801. Butts, Sir William, physician to Henry VIII. ; d. 17 Nov. 1545. Button, Sir Thomas, navigator ; explored coast of North America, 1 6 1 2. BuxBAUM, Johann Christian, German botan- ist; h. 1694; published " Centurire quinque Plantarum in Oriente observaturum," 1728 ; (/. 7 July, 1730. Buxton, Jedidiah, the calculating man ; h. about 1705 ; d. before 17S0. Buxton, Thomas Fowell; ft. i April, 1786; philanthropist, and active against slavery, 1823, et seq. ; baronet, July, 1840; d. 19 Feb. 1845. Buxtohf, Johann, German Hebraist; 6. 25 Dec. 1564; published " Synagoga Judaica," 1603; " Biblia Hebrasa Eabbioica," 1618-19; d. 13 Sept. 1629. BuxTOEP, Johann, son, Hebraist; 6. 13 Aug. 1599 ; published " Lexicon Chaldaicum," 1622 ; d. 16 Aug. 1664. Buy de Moenas, Claude, French geographer ; published an excellent " Atlas M^thodique de Gfegraphie et d'Histou'e," 1761-70; d. July, 1783- Buys-Ballot, Ciristoph H. C, Dutch physi- cist; ft. 10 Oct. 1 81 7. Byles, Sir John Barnard, judge ; ft. 1801 ; published " Treatise on the Law of BUls of Exchange," 1829; made a justice of the court of common pleas, 1858. Byno, Admiral Sir George ; ft. 1663; defeated Spanish fleet off Messina, 31 July, 1 71 8; made viscount Torrington, Sept. 1721 ; d, 1733. Byng, Admiral John, son of preceding ; ft. 1 704 ; failed in his attack on the French fleet off Minorca, 20 May, 1756; tried and condemned for error of judgment, 28 Jan. 1757 ; executed, 14 March, 1757. Bynkeeshoeck, Comelis van, Dutch pub- licist ; ft. 29 May, 1673 ; published " Qua^stiones Juris Publici," 1737 ; d. 16 April, 1743. Byege (Byegiu.s), Just, Swiss mathematician ; ft. 1552 ; doubtfully said to have constructed a pendulum clock and proportional compasses; d. 1632. By'eoai, John, poet, inventor of a system of stenography; ft. 1691 ; d. 28 Sept. 1763. Byeon, Commodore John; ft. 8 Nov. 1723; served under Lord Anson in his circumnavigat- ing voyage, 1740-44; published a "Narrative," 1768; d. 10 April, 1786. iSYEON family : William, lord ; 0. 5 Nov. 1722 ; killed William Chaworth, Esq., in a duel, 26 Jan. 1765 ; tried and found guilty of manslaughter by his peers, but discharged, 16, 17 April, 1765 . d. ig May, 1798 Geohoe Gordon, lord; h. 22 Jan. 1788; suc- ceeded his granduDcle William (above), 1798; sent to Harrow, 1800 : went to Cambridge, Oct. 1805; published "Hours of Idleness," 1807; "English Bards and Scotch Keviewers," 1809; travelled on the continent, 1S09-10; published " Childe Harold," I. 11., 1812 ; " Giaour," May ; "Bride of Abydos,"Dec. 1813 : " Corsair." Jan. ; " Laura," Aug. 1814 ; married Anne Isabella Milbanke Noel, 2 Jan. 1815 ; his daughter Ada Augusta born, 10 Dec. 1815 ; deserted by his wife, end of Jan. 1S16 ; quitted England, 25 1 April, i8r6; resided in Italy, 1816-23; there wrote "Prisonerof Chillon," June, 1816: " Don Juan," 1818-23; arrived at Missolonghi to sup- port the Greek revolution, 5 Jan. 1824 ; d. there jgApril, 1824; buried at HucknaU, Notts, i6July,i824 AuA, daughter; b. 10 Dec. 1815; married Wm., earl of Lovelace, 1835 . . d. 27 Nov. 1852 Bystrom, Johan Niels, Swedish sculptor ; ft. 18 Dec. 1783; his " Sculptur-Gallerie" pub- Ushed, 1849; d. 12 March, 1S48. Btthnee (Bythee or Buttnee), Victorin, orientalist ; published " Lyra Prophetica Davidis Regis, sive Analysis Critico-Practica Psalmorum," 1645; d. 1670. By'zas, a Megarian ; founded Byzantium, B.C. 657. BZO C^S Bzovius (BzowSKi), Abraham, Polisli theo- logian and preacher; h. 1567; published con- tinuation of the annals of Baronlus, 1616-30 ; d. 31 Jan. 1637. Cabajjis, Pierre Jean Georges, French philo- sopher; 6. 5 June, 1757; d. 5 May, 180S. Cabet, Etienne, chief of the " Icariens," French communists; b. 2 Jan. 1788; published hia imaginary " Voyage en Icarie," 1842 ; went to America with his followers, and vainly attempted to found a colony at Nauvoo, from which the Mormons had been expeEed, May, 1850; d. 9 Nov. 1856. Cabiz, Mahometan heresiarch; d. 19 Sept. 1527. Cabot (Oabotto, or Gavotto), Giovanni, Venetian navigator in the service of Henry VII. of England, ^vith his sons Louis, Sebastian, and Sancho, sailed from Bristol, and discovered the coast of Labrador and Newfoundland, 24 June, 1497 ; Sebastian, l. 1477, made other discoveries; d. 1557- Caebal, Pedro Alvarez, Portuguese navigator ; discovered Brazil, 22 April, 1500; d. about 1526. Cabrera, Ramon, conde de Morella, Carlist general; 6. 31 Aug. 1 810; promoted an insur- rection in favour of the Conde de MontemoUn ; defeated at Pasteral, 27 Jan. 1849. Cabkol, Barth^lemy, French surgeon ; h. about 1535 ; published " Alphab^tique Anatomique," 1594. Caccia, Guglielmo Moncalvo, Italian fresco painter; b. 1568; d. 1625. Cadalo, see Uonorias If. Cadamosto, Alvise, Venetian navigator ; b. about 1432 ; explored West Africa ; d. about 14S0. Cade, Jack, (an Irishman calling himself Mortimer) ; raised an insurrection in Kent, May ; defeated and killed Sir Iliimphrey Stafford, 27 June ; beheaded Lord Say and Sele in London, i July; expelled; killed by Alex. Iden in Sussex, 1 1 July, 1450. Cadell, Robert, Scotch publisher, friend of Sir Walter Scott; d. 20 Jan. 1849. Cadell, Thomas, alderman of London, pub- lisher; b. 1743; friend of Gibbon; rf.27Dec. 1S02. Cadet de Vaux, Antoine Alexia Frangois, French pharmaceutical chemist; b. 13 Jan. 1743 ; reduced bone to a jelly, and proposed it as food; d. 29 Jan. 1828. Cadet -Gassioourt, French pharmaceutical chemist; b. 23 Jan. 1769; published " Dic- tionnaire de Chimie," 1803; d. 21 Nov. 1821. Cadmtjs, founder of Thebea ; alleged intro- ducer of letters from Phoenicia about B.C. 1493- Cadoudal, Georgea, Chouan chief; b. I Jan. 1771 ; executed, 25 June, 1804. Began resistance to the French republic in La VendCe .... . June, 1793 Opposed tlie paciflcation . . . April, 1795 Became chief, and organised the Chouannerie warfare in iVIorlnhan ; pretended to accept peace, 1 796 Renewed tile war ... 30 Oct, 1799 Defeated by Harty . . 26 Jan. 1800 Signed a treaty with Brune . . Feb. 1800 Joined Pichegru in tlie conspiracy against Na- poleon lionapstvte 1803-4 Arrested ; professed boldly his intention to en- deavour to restore the Bourbons 9 March, 1804 C^EDMON, Anglo-Saxon monk and poet ; wi'ote a paraphrase of the book of " Genesis," and other parts of the Scripture history, (pub- Ushed by Junius, 1655) ; d. about 680. C/ESALPINO, Andrea, Italian botanist and physician to Pope Clement VIII.; h. 1519 ; d. 23 Feb. 1603. C«SAK, Cains Julius, Strabo Vopiscus, Roman orator; killed by Marius, B.C. 87. CiESAB, Caius Julius, the Dictator ; J. 12 July, B.C. 100; assassinated, 15 March, 44. Saved by Sylla from proscription B.C. 82 Practised as an advocate . 77-76 Elected quaistor . . 63 Joined Pompeius . . . . 67-66 Headed the popular party .... 65 Spoke against the execution of Cataliae's accom- plices 5 Dec. 63 PrEetor ; fruitlessly attacked by the senate 62 His first campaign in Spain successful . 61 Formed the first triumvirate (with Pompeius and Crassus) . ... .60 Consul mth M. Bibulus . . . 59 Carried an agrarian law in opposition to the senate . . . . .58 Conquered Gaul .... . 58-56 Invaded Britain, with little success . . 55-54 Be and Pompeius alone in the government througli death of Crassus .... 53 Subdued the revolts in Gaul under Ambiorix, 53 ; and under Vercingetorix .... 52 Quarrelled with Pompeius, who had joined the aristocracy ....... 51 Commanded by the senate to disband his army ; refused, and crossed the Rubicon, which sepa- rated his province from Italy : war declared 49 Entered Rome as master of Italy ; nominated dictator : elected consul .... 49 Totally defeated Pompeius at Pharsalia 9 Aug. 48 Nominated dictator again ; conquered Egypt, (in the Alexandrine war) .... 47 Defeated Pharnaces at Zela, (when he wrote home, "Veni, vidi, vici") ... 2 Aug. 47 Defeated the Pompeian army at Thapsus.and thus became master of the Roman world . 6 April, 46 Made dictator for ten years ; celebrated four triumphs, enacted sumptuary laws ; as Pontifex Maximus, reformed the calendar, ... 46 Defeated Cneius and Sextus Pompeius at Munda, 17 March; Styled "Father of his country," . 45 Declined the public offer of the diadem by Antony is Feb. 45 Assassinated in the senate house by Bi-utus, Cassius, and others . 15 March, 44 C^SAB, Sir Julius, baronet; b. 1557; master of the rolls, 1614-29; d. 28 April, 1636. CiESABION, reputed son of JuUus Gsesar, by Cleopatra; 6. B.C. 47; styled "king of kings," by Antony, 34 ; put to death by Augustus, 30. CAF 78 CAL Caff A, Melchiore, Roman sculptor ; 6. about 1631 ; d. 1687. Caffaeelli du Falga, Louis Marie, French general; h. 13 Feb. 1756; served ably in Egypt under Bonaparte, 1 798 ; lost an arm at St. Jean d' Acre ; d. April 1799. His brother, Fran9ois, 6. 7 Oct. 1761 ; also served under Bonaparte; d. 23 Jan. 1849. Caffiaux, Philippe Joseph, French Benedic- tine historian; h. 1712 ; published "Defense du Beau Sexe," 1753; "Tr&or G^n^alogique," 1777 ; d. 26 Dec. 1777. Caffieri, Italian sculptors : FiLippo, h. 1634 ; d. 1716. Jean Jacques, b. at Pans, 1723 ; d. 21 June, 1792. Cagliarf, Paolo, see Pooh Veronese. Cagltostro, Alexandre, comte de, Sicilian impostor, (real name, Griuseppe Balsamo); 6. 8 June, 1743; d. I Oct. 1795. Travelled in the East : married Lorenza Feliciani, a clever intrigante, about 1773 Traversed Europe professing to effect miraculous cures . . . . ... 1780 Settled in Paris, and founded his "Egyptian masonry;" trusted by the cardinal Pe Eohan, and implicated in the "Diamond Necklace" affair . . 1785 Condemned to death at Rome as a magician ; d. in prison, 1795 Cagniahd de la Tour, Charles, French physicist; h. 31 March, 1777; invented the Sirfene (acoustic machine), 1819 ; d. 5 July, 1859. Cagnola, Luigi, Italian architect; b. 1762; d. 14 Aug. 1833. Cahen, Samuel, French Jew ; 5. 4 Aug. 1796; began to publish his " Traduction de la Bible," 1831 ; d. 8 Jan. 1862. Cahouks, Auguste Andre Thomas, French chemist; h. 2 Oct. 1813; published " Chimie G<5n&ale," 1856. Cahusac, Louis de, French dramatist ; 6. 1700; published "La Danse, ancienne et moderne," 1754; d. 22 June, 1759. Caillaud, Frederic, French traveller; 6. 17 March, 1787; in Africa, 1815-18, 1819-22. Gaillii;, or CAiLLii;, Een^, French traveller in Africa; b. 19 Sept. 1799; d. 17 May, 1838. Caillet, Guillaume, leader of the Jacquerie or peasant insurrection in France; assumed the name "Jacques Bonhomme," 1358; appre- hended and beheaded, 1359. CAfKD, James, Scottish agricultural and statistical writer; b. 1816; published "High Farming, as the best substitute for Protec- tion," 1849; M.P. for Dartmouth, 1857; for Stirling, 1859-65. Cairns, Hugh M'Cahnont, lord, Irish lawyer ; b. 1819 ; knighted and solicitor-general, March 1858— June 1859 ; attorney-general, June — Nov. 1866; judge of appeal in chancery, Nov. 1866 ; chancellor of university of Dublin, 1867 ; peer ; lord chancellor, March — Deo. 1 858. Cairo, Francesco, Milanese painter ; b. 1 598 ; d. 1674. Caithness, James Sinclair, earl of ; b. 16 Dec. 1821 ; succeeded his father, 20 Deo. 1855 ; has invented a tape-loom and a steam carriage for travelling on common roads. Caius, see Gains. Caius, St. , nephew of Diocletian ; pope, 283 ; d. 21 April, 296. Caius, John, M.D., physician; 5. 1510; enlarged and endowed Gonville college^ Cam- bridge, 1558; d. 1573. Cajetah, Tommaso di "Vio, Italian cardinal ; b. 25 July, 1470 ; defended Julius II. at the council of Pisa, and asserted that the pope alone could convene a council, 1508; d. about Sept. 1534. C A JET AN, or Caetan, Henri, Italian diploma- tist; cardinal, 1585; went to Paris as legate to support the Holy League, 1590; d. 1599. Calamy, Edmund, presbyterian divine ; h. 1600; one of the authors of " Smectynmus," (written against Episcopacy), 1641 ; retained his royal chaplaincy, 1660; d. 29 Oct. 1666. His son, Benjamin, published " Discourse about a Scrupulous Conscience," 1683 ; d. Jan. 1686. Calandeelli, Giuseppe, Italian physicist ; 6.22 May, 1 749 ; described a new pyrometer, 1813; d. 27 Dec. 1827. Calandeini, Giovanni Ludovico, physicist ; b. 1703 ; described the aurora boreaUs at Geneva, 1726; d. 28 Dec. 175S. Calanus, Indian gymosophist ; followed Alex- ander the Great ; and when near death com- mitted himself to the flames on a funeral pile, B.C. 323. Calas, Jean, French protestant merchant of Toulouse; b. 1698; falsely accused of the mur- der of his son who had become a catholic ; con- demned and broken on the wheel, 9 March, 1762 ; his innocence demonstrated chiefly by the exertions of Voltaire, 1 764. Calasio, Mario di, Italian Hebraist ; b. about 1550; published " Dictionnaire H^braique," 1617; d. 1620. Calcagnini, Celio, ItaKan philosopher and poet; b. 17 Sept. 1479; d. 27 Aug. 1541. Calceolari, Francesco, Italian naturalist ; explored Monte Baldo, 1554 e* seq. ; published " Iter Baldi Montis," 1571. Caldecott, John, astronomer ; b. 1800; d. 16 Dec. 1849. Caldara, Polidoro, see Caravaggio. Caldas, Francisco Jos^ de, Spanish American naturalist; b. about 1770; explored New Grenada, &c., about 1797 ; measured Chim- borazo, 1804; joined the liberals ; executed by Morillo, 30 Oct. 1816. Caldee, Sir Robert, Scotch admiral; I. 2 Jiily; 1 745 ; took two ships from French and Spanish fleet off Ferrol, 22 July, 1805 ; repri- manded for error of judgment in not renewing the action, 23 Dec. 1805; d. 31 Aug. i8i8. CAL 79 CAL Caldebon db la Baeca, Pedro, Spanish dramatic poet ; 6. I Jan. 1601 ; d. 25 May, 1687. Caldekon, Philip Hermogenes, French painter; b. 1833; exhibited *' The Gaoler's Daughters," 1858. Caldesoni, Domizio, Italian scholar ; h. 1447 ; d. 1478. Calderwood, David, Scotch theologian ; h. 1575; wrote "History of the Church of Scotland, 1560-1625 ;" d. about 1651. Caleb, see Kaled. Calenzio, Elisio, Italian scholar and poet ; author of "De Bello Eanarum et Murium," (imitation of H omer) ; d. 1 503. Calepino, (Da Calepio), Ambrogio, Italian lexicographer; 6. 6 June, 1435 ; d. 30 Nov. 1511 ; his "Lexicon seu Dictionarium XI. Linguarum," printed, 1598. Caletti, Giuseppe, " II Cremonese," Italian painter; h. 1600; d. about 1660. CiVLHouN, John Caldwell, American politi- cian; 6. l8 March, 1782; vice-president of United States, 1S25 ; strongly opposed Presi- dent Jackson, 1828; d. 31 March, 1850. Caliaki, Paolo, see Paolo Veronese. Calidasa, see Kalidasa. Caligula, (Caius CiESAR), third Koman em- peror, son of Germanicus by Agrijapina ; 6. 3 1 Aug. 12; emperor, March, 37; reigned with intense cruelty and wickedness ; murdered, 24 Jan. 41. Cauppds, or Callippus, astronomer of Cyzious ; invented the Calippic cycle ; fi. about B.C. 300. Calixtus, or Callisen, George, German pro- testaut theologian; 6. 1586; d. ig March, 1656. Calixtus, or Callixtus I. — III. popes. I. elected, 219 . . . d. 12 Oct. 222 II. elected, Feb. 1119; liberal to the church d. 12 Dec. 1124 III. AT.PONSO Bouol-i ; elected, 8 April, 1455 ; annulled the sentence against Jeanne d'Arc, and appealed to Christendom against the Turkish invasion, 1456 . d. 8 Aug. 1458 Calkoen, Jan Frederik van, Dutch astro- nomer; b. 1772; pubUshed "Euryolus," 1802; " Guides des Marins," 1806 ; d. 25 March, iSl I. Callakd de la Ducjuekie, Jean Baptiste, French physician and botanist; b. 1630; pub- lished " Lexicon Medicum Universale Etymo- logicum," 1673-1715; d. 1718. Callcott, Sir Augustus Wall, R.A., painter; b. 20 Feb. 1779; knighted, 1837; d. 25 Nov. 1844. Callcott, John Wall, brother, musical com- poser; b. 20 Nov. 1766; assisted in founding the glee-club, 1787 ; published " Musical Gram- mar," 1805; d. insane, 15 Ma}', 1821. Callcott, Maria, lady, miscellaneous writer ; h. (Dundas) 1788 ; travelled in India and South America; married, I. Captain Graham, 1809; 2; Sir A. W. Callcott, 1827; d. 21 Nov. 1842. Callenberg, Johann Heinrich, German ori- entalist, promoted conversion of the Jews and Mahometans; b. 12 Jan. 1694; d. 16 July, 1760. Callet, Jean Fran9ois, French mathemati- cian ; b. 25 Oct. 1744; d. 14 Nov. 1798. Calucbatidas, Spartan admiral; succeeded Lysander ; defeated and slain by the Athenians under Conon at Arginusse, B.C. 406. Gallimachus, Greek artist, alleged inventor of the Corinthian column, before B.C. 396. Callimachus, Greek grammarian and poet ; d. about B.C. 240. Callinus, Greek poet, alleged inventor of elegiacs ; jl. about B.C. 730. Callippus, Athenian disciple of Plato, assas- sinated his friend Dion at Syracuse ; usurped the government ; murdered by his soldiers, B.C. 353- Callisthenes, Greek philosopher, pupil of Aristotle ; killed by Alexander, about B.C. 328. Callt, Pierre, French theologian and philo- sopher; cZ. 31 Dec. 1709. Oalogiera, Antfelo, Italian theologian and trauslator; b. 7 Sept. 1699; d. 29 Sept. 1768. Calmet, Augustin, French Benedictine; b. 26 Feb. 1672 ; published " Dictionnaire de la Bible," 1720; d. 25 Oct. 1757. Calo-Joannes, see John II., emperor. Calomakda, Francisco Tadeo, Spanish states- man; b. 1775; kept in power, 1823-32; joined the Carlist party ; escaped from arrest, 1833; d. 21 June, 1842. C alonne, Charles Alexandre de, French states- man ; b. 1734; as finance minister of Louis XVI. excessively prodigal, 1783; compelled to resign, 2 Feb. 1787; retired to England ; per- mitted to return, 1802 ; d. 30 Oct. 1802. Calpurnius, Latin bucolic poet ; described the games celebrated by the emperor Carinus, 284. Calvert, James, theologian; published "Col- luctatio Naphtali ; de Keditu decem Tribuum," 1672; d. Dec. 1698. Calvert, see Baltimore. Calvi, Lazzaro, Genoese painter; d. 1607. Calvin, or Cauvin, Jean, b. near Paris, 10 July, 1509; d. 27 May, 1564. Early converted to protestantism, preached at Paris IS33 Fled ; protected by Margaret of Valois ; pub- lished his " Institutes " .... 1535 Settled in Geneva, where he instituted his eccle- siastical discipline . . 1536 Obtained great influence at Geneva 1541 Caused Castalio to be disgraced . . . 1543 Instrumental in putting to death for heresy Jacques Gruet, 26 July, 1547 ; and Michael Ser- vetus . . 27 Oct. I5S3 Calvisius, Sethus, German astronomer, musi- cian, and poet; b. 20 Feb. 1556; published "Opus Chronologicum," 1606; "Formula Calendarii Novi," 1613; d. 24 Nov. 1615. CAL 80 CAM Calvus, Cams Licinius Maoer, Latin orator and poet, friend of Catullus ; I. 28 May, B.C. 82 ; d. about 47. Camaillo, Tommas.o, Italian philosopher and poet; h. 7 April, 1668; published "I'Adamo, ovvero il Moiido Creato," 1709; d. 7 Feb. 1740. CAMEACjSiiiis, Jean Jacques E^gis de, French statesman; h. 18 Oct. 1753; made second con- sul in France (with Bonaparte and Lebrun), Dec. 1799; arch-chancellor of the empire and president of the senate, May, 1804; permitted to return from exile by ordinance, 13 May, 1818; d. 8 March, 1824. Cambatjles, leader of the Gauls invading Greece, B.C. 279. Cambiaso, Luca (Lucchetto da Genova), Italian painter ; h. 1527; d. 15S5. Cambis-Velleron, Joseph Louis Dominique, Marquis de, French historian; b. 1706; d. 1772. Cambridge, dukes of : George Augustus, electoral prince of Hanover ; created duke, 9 Nov. 1706: king, as George II., II June, 1727 Adolphus Frederice, fifth son of Geerge III. ; h. 24Feb. 1774; foiightin Flanders, 1793 ; created duke, 27 Nov. 1801 : governor of Hanover, 1813-37 *^- 8 July, 1850 George "William Frederick Charles, son ; h. 26 March, 1819 ; succeeded his father 8 July, 1850 Commanded the first division of the army in the Crimean war, and present at the battles of the Alma, 20 Sept. ; Balaldava, 25 Oct. ; and In- kermann 5 Nov. 1854 Made general commanding in chief . 5 July, 1856 Cajibridge, Pjchard Owen, satirist ; b. 14 Feb. 1717 ; published " Scribleriad," 1751 ; d. 17 Sept. 1802. Cambronne, Pierre Jacques Etienne, French general; 6. 1770; fought in the wars of the republic and empire ; to him has been incor- rectly applied the saying, when summoned to surrender at Waterloo, " La garde meurt, et ne se rend pas," iS June, 1S15, which is said to have been uttered by a major of the garde; Cambronne's reply was shorter and no less ener- getic; d. 8 Jan. 1842. Cambyses, father of Cyrus the great, about B.C. 592. Cambyses, son of Cyrus ; succeeded him, B.C. 529 ; conquered Eijypt, 525 ; cZ. of a wound, 522. Camden, Pratt, barons : • CnARLES, h. 1713 ; chief justice of common pleas, 23 Jan, 1762 : released .John "VVilkes, and de- clared general warrants illegal, 6 Dec. 1763 rf. 13 April, 1794 John Jefferyr, son ; 6. 11 Feb. 1759 ; lord-lieu- tenant of Ireland, 1798; created Marquess, 7 Sept. 1812 . . . rf. 8 Oct. 1840 Camden, WiUiam, antiquary ; h. 2 May, 1551 ; published his "Britannia," 1586-1607; d. 9 Nov. 1623. Camelford, Thomas Pitt, baron, captain, It.N. ; 6. 25 Feb. 1775; wounded in a duel by Captain Best, 6 March ; d. 10 March, 1804. Camekakius, Joachim, German scholar ; h. 1500; reformed the university of Leipsic, 1541 ; d. 17 April, 1574. His son, Joachim, botanist ; 6. 6 Nov. 1534 ; d. 11 Oct. 1598. . . , Cameron, Dr. Charles Archibald, participated in the rebellion of 1745 ; seized while on a secret visit to Scotland, 16 April, 1753; tried; executed, 7 June, 1753- Cajvieron, Richard, Scotch preacher, leader of the "Hill men," or M'Millanites; took up arms against Episcopacy; killed, 20 July, 1680. Camidge, John, Mus. D., musical composer; h. about 1790; d. 21 Sept. 1859. Camillus, Marcus Furius, Roman consul ; defeated the Veientines, &c., and took Veii, B.C. 396 ; ungratefully exiled, 391 ; rescued Rome from the Gauls, and totally defeating them, 390; defeated the Etruscans, &c., 386; d. of the plague, 365. Camoenk, Luis de, Portuguese poet ; 5. about 1524; went to India, 1553; returned to Lisbon, 1 569 ; pubHshed " Lusiades," 1 572 ; d. 1579. Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette Genest- French educational writer; h. (BerthoUet) 1752 ; published " Mdmoires de la Vie privtie de Marie Antoinette;" d. 16 March, 1822. Campanella, Tommaso, Italian philosopher ; h. 156S; imprisoned 27 years on suspicion of conspiracy to expel the Spaniards from Naples; d. 21 March, 1 639. Campbell, earls and dukes of Argyll : AEcniBALD, eighth earl ; b. 1598 ; created mar- quess, 1641; opposed Charles I. in Scotland, and commanded the army against Montrose, 1644 Defeated ; resigned his command . . 1645 Crowned Charles II. at Scone . i Jan. 1651 Submitted to Cromwell and his son ; condemned for treason, 25 May ; executed 27 May, 1661 ARcniBALD, 9th earl, obtained his father's title and estates ..... . . 1663 Took the test oath with reservation . 3 Nov. 1681 Condemned for treason, and fled , Dec. i68r Taken prisoner during an armed descent into Argyleshire and executed . . 30 June, 1685 Archibald, loth earl, ist duke; sat in conven- tion of 1689. A lord of the treasury . ... i6go Made a duke . . . June, 1701 d. Sept. 1703 John, 2d duke ; &. 10 Oct. 1678; duke 1703 Ambassador and generalissimo in Spain . 1711 Defeated the earl of Mar and the rebels at Dunblane or SheriiTmuir . . 13 Nov. 1715 Dismissed from office, June, 1716 d. 4 Oct. 1743 Archibald, his brother, 3d duke b. June, 1682 From his great power called "king of Scotland," 1725 Duke, 1743 d. 15 April, 1769 George, 8th duke; h 30 April, 1823: duke, 26 April, 1847 Opposed lay patronage in Scotland, but declined to join the " Free Church" . 1842 Lord privy seal . . Jan. 1853 Postmaster-general . . Nov. 1855 Kesigned . . . . 1858 Lord privy seal . . June, 1859 — June, 1866 Published "The Reign of Law " . . 1866 Secretary for India . . . Dec. 186S CAM 81 CAN Campbell, George, Scotch theologian; b. 17 19; priucipalof Marischal college, Aberdeen, 1759; published "Philosophy of Rhetoric," 177 1; " Translation of the Gospels ;" d. 6 AprQ 1796. Campbell, Sir Colin, see Ulyde. Campbell, James Colquhoun, bishop of Bangor; b. 1813; consecrated 1859. Campbell, John Campbell, lord, Scotch law- yer; ft. 15 Sept. 1781 ; d. 23 June, 1S61. Solicitor-general, 1832 : attorney-general . 1834 Lord-chancellor of Ireland and a peer, 30 June, 1841 ; resigned Sept. 1841 Made chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster July, 1846 Lord chief-justice of the queen's bench . 1850 Published "Lives of the Chancellors of England, " 1845-50; "Lives of the Chief Justices of Eng- land" .... . 1849-57 Lord-chancellor June, 1859 Campbell, John, Scotch historian; b. 1708; published "Lives of the Admirals," 1742-44; d. 29 Dec. 1775. Campbell, John, independent minister; ft. March 1766; travelled in South Africa, 1812-14; 1818-21 ; published his journal, 1822; d. 4 April, 1840. Campbell, John, D.D., Scotch independent minister; ft. 5 Oct. 1794; began controversy on the Bible printing monopoly, 1839 ; estab- lished " Christian Witness," 1844; "British Banner," 1858-66; d. 26 March, 1867. Campbell, Thomas, Scotch poet ; ft. 27 July, 1777; pubHshed "Pleasures of Hope," 1799; "Gertrude of Wyoming," 1809; suggested founding London university, 1825 ; elected rector of Glasgow university, 1827 ; cZ. 15 June, 1844. CjVMPE, Joachim Heinrich, German educa- tional writer and bookseller; ft. 1746; author of " Robinson the Younger," a Gei-man dic- tionary, &c. ; d. 22 Oct. 1818. Campeggmo, Lorenzo, Italian cardinal ; b. l^J4 ; legate in England at trial of queen Catherine, 1528-29; d. 19 July, 1539. Camper, Peter, Dutch naturalist ; ft. 1 1 May, 1722 ; discovered auditory organs in fish, 1761 ; invented the " facial angle ; " d. 7 April, 1 789. Campi, Italian painters : Gtuljo . . . . 1500-72 Antonio . 1536-91 ViNOENZO . . 1532-91 Bernardino 1522-90 Campi AN, Edmund, Jesuit ; ft. 1 540 ; executed on charge of treason, I Dec. 1 58 1. Campo-basso, Nicolo di, Neapolitan condot- tiere, in the service of Charles the Bold of Burgundy ; said to have betrayed him, 1477. Campolongo, Bmanuele, Italian poet; 6. 30 Dec. 1732; published "La Polifemeide," 1759; d. March, iSoi. Campomanes, Pedro Rodriguez, cond^ de, Spanish statesman ; ft. 1723; d. 1802. Camos, Armand Gaston, French lawyer and politician ; ft. 2 April, 1 740 ; an energetic republican, 1789; when sent to arrest Du- mouriez, seized and given up to the Austrians, 3 April 1793; d. 2 Nov. 1804. Camus, Charles Etienne, French mathemati- cian; ft. 25 Aug. 1699; d. 2 Feb. 1768. Camus, Fran5ois Joseph de, French mecha- nician; ft. 14 Sept. 1672; d. after 1732. Camus, Jean Pierre, French bishop ; bitter enemy of the begging friars; ft. 1582; d. 26 April, 1653. Canal, Antonio da, called Canaletto, Vene- tian topographical painter; ft. 18 Oct. 1697; d. 20 Aug. 1768. Canani, Giovanni Battista, Italian anatomist; ft. 1515 ; d. 29 Jan. 1579. Canaris, see Kanaris. Canaye, Philippe, sieur de Fresne, French jurist and statesman; ft. 1551; d. 27 Feb. 1610; hie "Ambassades" published 1635. Canoellieri, Francesco. Italian archaeologist; ft. 10 Oct. 1751 ; d. 29 Dec. 1826. Candace, queen of Ethiopia, invaded Egypt ; defeated by Petronius, B.C. 22. Candaules, king of Lydia; killed his sove- reign, Gyges ; married his queen and founded the Mermnadas dynasty, about B.C. 715. Candiao, Jean Louis PhiUppe Elisabeth, (brother of the marquis de Montcahn) ; pre- cocious child with great memory ; read sLx languages; expert in arithmetic, geography, heraldry, and history; 6. 7 Nov. 1719; d. of hydrocephalus, 8 Oct. 1726. Candlish, Robert Smith, D.D., Scotch clergy- man, a leader of the non-intrusionist party, which caused the formation of the Free Church, 18 May, 1843; moderator of the Free Church, 1 86 1. Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de, Swiss botanist; ft. 4 Feb. 1778; commenced his "Prodromus Systematis Regni vegetabilis," 1824, (still publishing, 1869) ; d. 9 Sept. 1841. Canga Aeguelles, Jos^, Spanish statesman and writer; ft. 1770; d. 1843. Canning, Elizabeth, impostor ; transported, April, 1753. Canning, George, statesman and orator ; ft. 11 April, 1770; d. 8 Aug. 1827. "Wrote in " Anti- Jacobin " . . . 1797-98 Foreign secretary under duke of Portland 25 JVEarch, 1807 Resigned after duel with Lord Castlereagh, in wliich he was wounded ... 21 Sept. i8og Moved for catholic emancipation 22 June, 1812 President of board of control . . 20 June, 1816 Opposed queen Caroline's trial ; resigned Dec. 1820 Appointed governor-general of India, 27 March ; became foreign secretary . 16 Sept. 1822 Became prime minister . 30 April, 1827 Canning, Charles John, viscount, sou of George, statesman; ft. I4Dec. 1812; postmaster- general, 1853 ; governor-general of India, 1855- 61 ; his so-called " Clemency Proclamation" dur- ing the mutiny, 3 1 July, 1857; d 17 June, 1862. Canning, Stratford, viscount Stratford de Redchffe (cousin of George), diplomatist ; ft. 1 788 ; ambassador in Switzerland, June, 1814; Wash- ington, July, 1820; at Constantinople, Oct. 1841 — March, 1858; created viscount, 1852. F CAN 82 CAE, Gaho, Alonzo, painter, sculptor, and architect, the Michael Angelo of Spain; b. 19 March, l6oi; d. 5 Oct. 1665. Cano, Juan Sebastiano del, Spanish circum- navigator; succeeded Magellan in comniand, April, 1521 ; d 4 Aug. 1526. Canova, Antonio, Italian sculptor ; h. I Nov. 1757; d. 12 Oct. 1S22. Gankobekt, Frangois Certain de, French mar- shal; h. 1809; fought in Algeria, 1832-50; supported Louis Napoleon in the coup d'etat, 2 Dec. 1851 ; commander of the French army in the Crimea, Nov. 1854 — May, 1855; fought at Magenta, 4 Jane, and Solferino, 24 June, 1859- Cantacuzene, Byzantine family, see Joannes VI. and Matthcens, emperors. Cantarini da Pesaro, Simone, Italian painter; 6. 1612; d. 15 Oct. 1648. Cantemie, hospodars of Moldavia : CoNSTANTiNE, 1684 . d. 23 March, 1693 Demetrius (son) . . . . b. 26 Oct. 1673 Elected hospodar, but not accepted by the Porte, 1693 Entered into a treaty with the Czar Peter 13 April, 1711 Unsuccessful in an expedition against the Turks : took refuge in the Ukraine, under Russian protection . . , c^. 23 Aug. 1723 Antiochus (sonj, statesman and Eussian poet : b- 1709 . . d. J.1 April, 1744 Canteebury, Viscount, see Manners-Sutton. Cakton, John, physicist; b. 31 July, 1 718; d. 22 March, 1772. Invented artificial magnets, 1751: cork ball electrometer 1753 Published "Electric Experiments," 1753: "Can- ton's phosphorus " 1768 Observed electric properties of tourmaline 1759 Proved the compressibiUty of water . . 1762 Studied the variations of the magnetic needle 1759 CantIt, Cesare, Italian historian and novelist ; b. 5 Sepit. 1805; published "Margherita Pus- terla," 1835; " Storia universale," 1838-46. Canute I, — VI., kings of Denmark. I. named the "Joy of Denmark," son of Gorm the old and Thyras Banebod; perished in an expedition against England, about . . S50 II. the great, king of Denmark and England : &. about 995 : succeeded his father Sweyn . T014 Invaded England 1015 Divided the kingdom with Edmund Ironside 1016 Became sole king at his death , 30 Nov. 1016 Made a pilgrimage to Kome, 1027 d, 12 Nov. 1035 III. Hardicanute, son ; king, 1035 . . . d. 1042 IV. the saint ; king, 1080 : deserted by his sub- j ects in an e-xpedition against England ; punished them with heavy taxation ; murdered 10S6 V. king of part of Denmark, about 1 147 . (^.1157 VI. b. 1162; king, 11S2; victor over the Ger- mans . . d. 1202 Canute, son of St. Eric, king of Sweden; killed Charles VII. and became king, 1 167; d. 1 199. Canuti, Domenico Maria, Italian painter; b. 1620; d. 1684. Capeeigue, Jean Baptiste Honor^ Ka^miond, French historian; b. 1801 ; published "Histoire de Philippe- Auguste," 1827-29; "Histoire de la E(5forme," 1834. Capel, Arthur Capel, lord, royalist general and politician; 6. about 1600; executed on charge of conspiracy, 9 March, 1649. Arthur (son), created earl of Essex, 1661 ; lord-lieu- tenant of Ireland, 1672; connected v?ith the Kyehouse plot; committed suicide in prison, 13 July, 1683. Capella, or Capea, Galeas Flavio, Italian statesman and historian, employed by emperor Charles v.; 6.7 March, 1487; d 23 Feb. 1537. Capella, Martianua Mineus Felix, Koman poet and philosopher, fifth century. Capello, Bianca, grand duchess of Tuscany, cruel Venetian adventuress; b. about 1542; in- duced Cosmo I. to man-yher, 1579; d. (poisoned?) 20 Oct. 1587. Capet, Hugues, see Hurjues. Capistrano, San Giovanni di, NeapoUtan friar; h. 1385; preached a crusade against heretics ; joined the army against the lurks ; d. near IJelgrade, 23 Oct. 1456. Capitolinus, Marcus Manlius ; delivered the Roman capitol from the Gauls, B.C. 390; put to death for favouring the plebeians, 384. Capiton (Kopstein), Wolfgang Fabricius, German scholar and reformer ; 6. 1478 ; d. Dec. 1541. Capiiant t de MontpaLjVU, Antonio de, Spanish historian and philologist; b. 24 Nov. 1742; d. 14 Nov. 1S13. Capo d'Isteia, .John, count of, Greek states- man; b. 1776; employed in Eussian foreign office, 1809; assisted in arranging treaty of Paris, March, 1 8 14; long active for Greek in- dependence; elected president of Greece, 14 April, 1827; assassinated, 9 Oct. 1831. Cappee, Charles, political economist ; b. 1822 ; published "Port and Trade of London," 1862; d. 21 March, 1869. Cappee, James, traveller; traversed Arabia deserta, 1778-9; published "Observations on the Passage to India," 1784; d. 6 Sept. 1825. Caprara, Giovanni Battista, ItaUan cardinal and diplomatist; b. 1732; legate in France, 1 80 1; crowned Napoleon king of Italy, 1805; d. 21 June, 1 8 10. Gara, Mustapha, Turkish grand vizier and general; b. 1634; executed for ill success, 26 Dec. 1683. Caeaoalla, emperor of Rome ; J. 4 or 6 April, 188 ; succeeded his father Severus, 4 Feb. 211; murdered Geta, his brother and colleague, Feb. ; and massacred thousands who conmaiserated him, 212; ravaged Parthia, 216; assassinated by a soldier, 8 April, 217. Caeacci, or Carracci, Italian painters : LuDovico, 6. I55S . d. 1619 Annibale, b. 1560 . . . d. 1609 Francesco, b. 1595 . . d. 1622 AaosTiNO, 6. 1557 . d. 1601 or 1605 Caraccioli, Italian general; b. 1480; served the Spanish; lost Melfi; entered service of Francis I. of France, 1528; d. 1550. CAR 83 CAR Caraociolo, Ser Gianni, secretary of queen Jane of Naples, 1416; assassinated, 1432. Caeacoiolo, Francesco, Neapolitan admiral; i. 1770; entered English service; commanded at Toulon, 1793; entered the service of the Parthenopean republic, and resisted the Anglo- Sicilian fleet under Nelson ; tried and hanged, June, 1799. Cakactacus, or Caeadoo, king of the Silures, a British tribe, defeated by Ostorius Scapula; and treacherously given up to him, 50 ; sent to Rome; released by Claudius, 51. Caeadoc de Lanoarvan, Welsh historian; d. about 1 1 54. C AEAFFA, Neapolitan family : Antonio, cardinal: d. 1597. Antonio, Austrian field-marshal : d. 1693. V1NCF.NZ0, 7th general of the Jesuits ; 6. May, 1585 ; d. 1649 — see Paai IV., pope. Caeapfa, or Caeafa, Michele Enrico, Neapo- litan musician ; b. 17 Nov. 1787; d. 1859. Cakamuel de Lobkowitz, Juan, Spanish philosopher and scholar; b. 23 May, 1606; d. S Sept. 16S2. Cakanus, founder of the Argive dynasty in Macedonia, about B.C. 750 or 800. Caeausius, Marcus Aurelius Valerius, Roman usurper in Britain, 287 ; murdered by his chief officer Allectiis, 293. Caeavaggio, Italian mathematicians ; P0LIDOE.0 Caldaea, Italian painter ; b. 1495 ; assassinated ... ... 1543 M1CHEI.ANGEL0 Americhi, Italian painter ; h. 1569 . . . . . . . . . d. 1609 PiETiio Paulo, 6. 1617; d. 1668. Son, 6. 1658; d. 1723 Caebo, Roman plebeian family : Caius Papieius Caubo, Eoman plebeian, Mend of the Gracchi ; changed his politics when made consul, B.C. 120: foreseeing his condemnation, took poison 119 Cneius Papiuius Careo, Eoman general, pro- consul of Gaul : caused a decree to be made again.st Sylla and his party, B.C. 83 ; several times defeated by Metellus and the patricians ; put to death by Pompey . 82 Cakdano, Girolamo, Italian physician and philosopher; b. 24 Sept. 1501; inventor of the "Cardan rule," 1545; visited Great Britain, 1552; d. 21 Sept. 1576. Caedi, see Ciyoli. Gakdigan, James Thomas BrudenelL, earl of; b. 16 Oct. 1797 ; tried by his peers for wounding lieutenant Tuckett in a duel; acquitted, Feb. 1841 ; led the " Charge of the 600" at the battle of Balaklava, 25 Oct. 1854; d. 27 March, 1868. Caeduocio, Bartolommeo, Elorentine painter, sculptor, and architect; b. 1560; d. 1610. Vincenzo, brother, painter; b. 156S ; d. 1638. Caedwell, Edward, D.D., ecclesiastical his- torian; b. 1787; published "History of Con- ferences on the Book of Common Prayer," 1840 ; d. 23 May, 1S61. Cardwell, Edward, statesman ; b. 1813 ; president of the board of trade, Dec. 1852 — Feb. 1855; chief secretary for Ireland, June, 1859; chancellor of duchy of Lancaster, July, 1861 — March, 1864; colonial secretary, March, 1S64 — June, 1866; war secretary, Dec. 1S68. Caeeme, Marie Antoine, learned French cook, "prince of the culinary art;" b. 8 June, 1784; entered service of Talleyrand, about 1804 ; with prince regent of England, 1815-17; pubhshed "Maltre d'Hotel," &c. ; d. 12 Jan. 1833. Carevv, Bampfield Moore, king of the gipsies ; h. 1693 ; d. about 1770. Caeew, George, earl of Totnes; b. 1557 ; sub- dued rebellion in Ireland, 1602; d. 27 March, 1629. Caeew, George, diplomatist (in Poland and France); d. about 161 3. Caeew, Nicholas, courtier; relative of queen Anne Boleyn ; executed for conspiracy in favour of cardinal Pole, 3 March, 1539. Caeew, Richard, b. 1555; published transla- tion of Tasso's "Jerusalem," 1594; d. 6 Nov. 1620. Caeew, Thomas, poet; b. 1589; d. 1639. Caret, Henry, musician and poet, natural son of George Saville, marquess of Halifax ; b. about 1696; d. 4 Oct. 1743. Caeey, Henry, earl of Monmouth, miscel- laneous writer ; 6. 1596; d. 13 June, 1661. Caeey, missionaries and orientalists : William, b. 1761 ; d. 2 June, 1834. FeHx, son, h. 17S6; d. 10 Nov. 1822. Carey, Henry C, American political econo- mist; 6. 15 Dec. 1793; published "Principles of Political Economy," 1837. Caeibeet, see Charibert. Caeinus, Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome ; with Numerian succeeded their father Carus, 283 ; assassinated by his officers after defeating the army of Diocletian at Margum, about May 205. CAELiN, Emilia Flyggare, Swedish novelist; h. 8 Aug. 1807. Caeleton, Dudley, viscount Dorchester, diplo- matist ; b. 1573; viscount, 1628; d. 15 Feb. 163Z. Carleton, George, bishop of Chichester, theo- logian; b. 1559; published "On Jurisdiction, Regal, Episcopal, and Papal," 1610; d. 162S. Caeleton, Sir Guy, Irish general; b. 1724; commanded in the American war; expelled the Americans from Canada, 1776 ; surrendered New York, 1783 ; created viscount Dorchester, 1786; d. 10 Nov. 1808. Caeleton, William, Irish novelist ; h. 1798; published "Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry," 1830; d. 30 Jan. 1869. Carletti, Francesco Xavier, Tuscan liberal statesman; made peace with France, 9 Feb. 1795; ambassador at Paris; expelled, 1795; d. II Aug. 1803. CAB 84 CAR Cakli, Gian Einaldo, eonte de, Italian anti- quary and numismatist ; b. April 1 720 ; d. 22 Feb. 1795. Caklini, Francesco, Italian astronomer ; J. 8 Jan. 1783 ; d. 29 Aug. 1S62. Caelile, Richard, bookseller ; sentenced to fine and imprisonment for republishing Paine'a "Age of Reason," 12 Oct. 1819; d. 10 Feb. 1843. Carlisle, see Howard. Carlisle, Sir Anthony, surgeon and natural philosopher; 6. 15 Feb. 1768; with Nicholson decomposed water by the Voltaic battery, 30 April, 1800; d. 2 Nov. 1840. Carlisle, Nicholas, antiquary; 5. 1771 ; secre- tary of Society of Antiquaries, 1 807 ; published *' Topographical Dictionaries of Great Britain and Ireland," 1808-13; "History of Grammar Schools," 1818; d. 1847. Caeloman, French kings : I. son of Charles Martel, governed Austrasia ; d. 'j^'j II. son of Pepin the Short ; b. about 75 1 ; king, 768 d. 4 Dec. 771 III. son of Louis the Stammerer : received Aqui- taine and Burgundy, 879 ; sole king of France, 882 i. Castlemaine, Roger Palmer, earl of ; ambas- sador to the Pope from James II., 1685-87 ; (his wife Barbara becoming mistress of Idng Charles II., was created duchess of Cleveland) ; d. 28 July, 1705. Castleeeagh, see Londonderry. Castok, St. , French bishop of Apt ; founded monastery subject to the rule of Egypt; d. 21 Sept. 419. Castbacani, see Castruccio. Casteen, Matthias Alexander, Scandinavian philologist; b. 2 Dec. 181 3; d. 7 May, 1852. Castriot, Georgi, see Scanderbeg. Castro, Guillen de, Spanish dramatist ; b. 1569; d. 1631. Castro, Inez de ; privately married by Pedro of Portugal, 1345 ; murdered by his father Alfonso IV., 1354. Castro, Joao de, Portuguese heroic and just viceroy of Indies; b. 27 Feb. 1500; accom- panied Dom Luis in his expedition, 1533 ; d. 6 June, 1548. Castruccio Castracani, Italian Ghibelline soldier ; made count palatine about 1283; said to have projected the consoUdation of Italy ; d. 3 Sept. 1328. Catalani, Angelica, Italian singer ; b. 1782; debut at Home, 1 802 ; travelled over the con- tinent, 8 years in England; d. 13 June, 1849. Cataldi (Catuldi), Pietro Antonio, Italian mathematician ; b. about 1548 ; published " Nuova Algebra," 1619; d. 1626. Cataneo, Tommaso, Italian philosopher ; 6. l66o ; d. 1725. Catel, Guillaume, French historian ; b. 1560 ; published " Histoire des Comtes de Toulouse," 1623; d. 5 Oct. 1626. Catesbt, Mark, naturalist ; 5, 1680 ; pub- lished " Natural History of Carolina," 1731-43 ; d. 23 Dec. 1749. Cathcaet, bir George, lieutenant-general ; b. 12 May, 1794; as governor of the Cape, quelled the CafEres, and made peace, 9 March, 1S53 ; K.C.B., 1853 ; killed at Inljermann, 5 Nov. 1854. Cathcaet, William Shaw, lord, British general and diplomatist ; 4. 17 Sept. 1755 ; rf. 17 June, 1843- Catharine de Medicis, see Medici. Catharine, St., of Alexandria ; martyred about 307. Catharine, St., of Bologna; b. 1413 ; d. 1463. Catharine, St., of Sienna ; b. 1347 ; con- sulted by Pope Urban VI., 1378 ; d. 29 April, 1380. Oathahine I. II., empresses of Russia: I. a Swedish, peasant; b. 1682; married to a dragoon . . .... 1701 Lost her husband ; sent a prisoner to Moscow ; became mistress of Peter the Great ; bore him several children, (one being Elizabeth, after- wards empreps'i . ... i-jo^, et seq. Privately married to Peter, 29 May, 1711 ; acknowledged empress . 19 Feb. 1712 Crowned at Moscow ..... 1724 Became reigning empress at Peter's death, 28 Jan. 1725 d. ly May, 1727 II. Sophia Augusta of AnhaltZerbst ; b. 2 May, 1729 ; married to the grand duke Peter, nephew of the empress Elizabeth . . i .Sept. 1745 Accession of her husband as Peter III. 5 Jan, 1762 Peigning empress at his deposition by the Orlofs, Potemkin, and others . 9 July, 1762 Victorious in wars with Poland, Turkey, Sweden, and Persia, 1768-95 . . d. 17 JSTov. 1796 Catharine, queen-con sort of England : 1. of Valois, daughter of Charles VI. of France ; b. 27 Oct. 140T ; married Henry V., .2 June, 1420 A widow, 31 Aug. 1422 ; married privately Owen Tudor, 1423 d. 4 Jan. 1^37 2. of Aragon, daughter of Ferdinand and Isa- bella of Spain ...... b. 1483 Married Arthur, prince of Wales ; at his death contracted to his brother Henry, afterwards iilenry VIII. . . . 1501 Married, 7 June ; crowned . . 9 June, 1509 Legatine court to try validity of her man-iage opened . . ... 31 May, 1529 Catharine protested against its authority, 18 June: and withdrew, 21 June; the court ad- journed 30 July, 1529 The marriage annulled by Cranmer . 23 May, 1533 li. 6 or 7 Jan. 1536 3. Howard b. 1522 Married to Henry VIII. . 28 July, T540 Accused of " impure living" . Dec. 1541 Beheaded . 12 Feb. 1542 CAT CAY 4. Park, I. about 1509 ; widow of lord Latimer ijaj Beoamo ths sixth mto of Heuvy VlII, la Iviy, 1543 Aftar Ills deatli, (iS Jiui. 1547), inanied Tliomas, loixl Seymoiir of Sudoly, 1547 , rf, 5 or 7 Sspt 1348 5. of B««aiu», dauglitor of John IV. of Por- tiigal 6, 1638 Marriad Charles II, . . . . »o May, Ma Eaturnod to Portngal .... Maroii, 169a Govarned for her brother, 1693 . d, 31 Deo. 1703 Catilina, Lucius Sergius, Roman patrioian ; J. about B.O. 109; govoi-nor of Africa, B.C. 68 ; his plot to ovei'tum tlio government detected and suppressed by CSoero, Nov. 63 ; raised an ai-my ; defeated and slain, 62. Catinat de la Fabconnkkie, Nicolas de, IVsnoli marslial; h. 1 Sspt. 1637; defeated Victor Amadeus of Savoy at Staffarde, 18 Aug. 1690 ; defeated by prince Eugene at Carpi, 9 July, 1 701; a. 22 or 25 Peb. 1712. (Jato, Dionysius ; wrote " Distioha de Movi- lius," 2d century. Cato, Jacob, Dutob poet; 6. to Nov. 1577; ■\\Tote " Emblems ;" d. 12 Sept, 1660. Cato, Marcus Fortius, the Censor, Eoman statesman ; b. B,o, 234 ; as consul, commanded successfully in Spain, 215; chosen censor, he resolutely endeavoured to check luxury and reform morals, 184; d. 149, Cato, Mai-cus Fortius, of Utica, philosopher; 6. in\ 95 ; long sti'uggled to maintain liberty; joiiu'il fompey ngaanst Ccasar ; defeated at Thajisus ; committed suicide, 46, Catho, Angelo, archbishop of Vienna ; astro- loger and philosopher; almoner of Louis XI,; favoured Cominos ; d. 1494. Catkotj, Eranjois, French theologian; J. 28 Dec, 1659; d. 18 Oct, 1737, Cattenbubg, Adrian van, Dutch Arminian theologian; 6, 2 Nov, 1664; d. 1737, Cattekmole, Greorg'e, water-colour painter j i, 1800; d. 1868, Catullus, Valerius, Eoman erotic poet ; 6, b,o, 87 ; d. about 47. Oatulus, Caius Liitatius, Roman consul ; ended the first Punic wai- by defeating Hanno and the Carthaginian fleet near Luybaaum, 10 March, B.o. 241. Catulus, Quintius Lutatius, consul with Marins ; totally defeated the Cimbri, nonr Milan, 30 July, B.C. loi ; slain in the great proscription, 87. Cauohy, Augustin Louis; French mathema- tician ; i. 21 Aug. 1789; d. 23 May, 1857. Caulainoodht, Ai-mand Augustin Louis de, French diplomatist ; It. 9 Deo, ; served the emperor Napoleon I, at St. Petersburg, &c., 1800; made duke of Vioenza, 1805; d. 19 Fab, 1827. Cauliao, see Chavlinc. Oaus, or Caux, Solomon, French physicist ; said to have known the principle of the steam engme; b. 1576; d, about 1635. CAUssiDiiRB, Marc, Eit)noh politician ; 6, iS Mivy, iSoS; fought with the insurreotioniats at Lyons, 1 S34 ; and at the bai-rioadea ; after\viml< made pitfect of polii-e at Paris, and eli-rti-d membm- for the dapartnient tvf the Soino. Ki>li, et seq., 1S48 ; ohai-ged with supinoiuiss, rosigued, (uul fled to London, Any, 184S ; d. 27 Jaa. 1861. C.vusam, Nicolas, French asct-tio theologian ; 6. 1383; made confessor to Louis Xlll. ly EJoheUeu, and dismissed on opposing him ; published " Symbolioa .^Egyptiorum Sapion- tia;" 1/, 2 July, 1651, Cavavonao, Louis Kugvuo, Fi-enoh general and statesman; J, 15 Oct, 1 802; put down the i-ed insurrection in Paris, 23-26 J\uie, 1S48; appointed president of tlie council, sS June, 1848; resigned, 20 Deo, 1^48; arrested, 2 Deo, 1851 J retired into private life ; (/, 2y (.>ut, 1857- Oavauer, Jaoquea, chief of the (^luiiiaivrda, (^" infants ds J>mt,") insurgent protostanta in Languedoc; 4, about 1679; obatinatt'ly maistod the royal array, 1703 ; his ixvaty with Villars disallowed by his own party. May, 1 704 ; wont to England ; made governor ivf Jsrsoy ; rf, in London, Mivy, J740. Oavaheki, jBonaventura ; Italian matlmnia- tioiiui; 6, 1508; author of "Metliodus Imii- visibilium," U\;5 ; d. 3 Doe. 1647, CavaLLO, IMbw'io, Italian jiliyainist ; k 30 Miu-oh, 1749; publislioil " 'IVoatiso on Klrota-i- city," 1777; "On Air," 1781; iuvimtttl the " Electric CoUeotor," 17SS; d. Doo, iSoi), Cavaniluss, Autonii> Joai5, Spanish botmiiat ; 6. 16 Jan, 1745; 1'. iMiw, iSo.)., Cave, Edwiml, priutov, frioiul of Johnson: 6. 169IJ fomulmi "tiuntlouinn's Magazine, 1731 ; d. lo.lmi. 1754. Cavk, William, ecclesiastical historian; b. 30 Duo, 1637 ; published "Lives of tlie Apoatlna," 1676; '• Ijives of the Fathers," 1677; "His- toria Litoraria," 1688 j d 4 Aug, 1713, Cavkihink, .laoopo, Bologneae painterj J. April 1577; d. IW)0, CAX'KNinsu, lli'iu-y, physicist, the "Nowton of ohoniiatvy ;" h. to Oct, 1731 j ooevol witll Watt, iliacovoiinl the composition of watoi- and of niti'io aiiid, 1 784 ; forniod water by sanding tho elooti'io spiu'k IJirough a mixtui-o of o.xygeu and hydrogen ; dotemiiued nature of cai'bouio aoid, 1766; invented eudioniotur, 17S3; d. 24 l'\>b. 1810. Cavknmsu, seo .Divoiishi're and Nmi'mstle. CAVEKDiaii, Thomas, navigator and privatoor; sailad from riyniouth, 23 July, 1 586; Baik>d round the globe ; returned, 9 Sspt, 1388 ; soiled asAuin, 6 Aug, 1591 ; d. off iJrozil, 1 593, CwiiNDiaH, Sir William, ancestor of the dukes of Dovouahire ; author of "liifo of Wolsey," his patron; b, about 1505; d, 1557. See Dwonshm. CAV 89 c;es Caventou, Jean JSajptiKte, French pharmaceu- tical cheraiut; b. 30 June, 1795 ; discovered strychnine and chlorophyll, 1818; sulphate of quinine, 1820. Cavouk, Camillo Benso, conte di ; Italian statesman; b. 14 July, 1809; t/. 6 June, 1861, Eetablished the journal "il Kiaorgimento " 1847 Appointed Sardinian foreign miniator . . 1851 Visited England ... . . 1852 Declared in favour of free trade . . June, 1857 Promoted war witli Austria ; resigned at the peace ofVilla Franca . . . 13 July, 1859 Returned to ottlce as premier . . 16 Jan. i860 lie-constituted hia ministry to represent all Italy, April, 1861 Caxton, William, printer; 6. about 1421 ; printed his earliest known book and tlie first printed in England, " The Hecuyell of the Hiaturyes of Troye," at Bruges about 1472; his earliest at Westminster, " The Dictes or Sayengis of the I'hilosophres," 1477; d. about 1491. Oayley, Arthur, mathematician and lawyer ; b. 16 Aug. 1S21. (3AYLU.S, Anne Claude Philippe de Tubiferes, French archieologist ; i. 3 1 Oct. 1 692 ; revived encaustic painting, 1755; d. 5 Sept. 1765- Cazes, Pierre Jacques, French painter ; b. 1676; d 25 June, 1754. Cazotte, Jacques, French comic poet ; royal- ist ; b. 1720; g-uillotined, 25 Sept. 1792. CiiAN, Bermudez Juan Augiistin, Spanish critic; i. 17 Sept. 1749; d. 3 l5ec. 1829. Cebes, Theban philosopher, author of the " Pinax ; '' about b.o. 404, Cecco (Francesco) d'Ascoli, Italian natural philosopher; b. 1257; condemned for magic; burnt, Sept. 1327. Cecil, William, lord Eurghley, statesman, minister of queen Elizabeth ; b. 13 Sept. 1520; secretary of state, 1551; created baron, lS7i; lord treasurer, 1572; d. 4 Aug. 1598- Cecil, Robert, earl of SaUsbury, son of Wil- liam, statesman; b. 1550; d. 24 May, 1612. Appointed secretary of state, and sent to France to negotiate peace .... 1597 Negotiated witll James VI. of Scotland . 1601 Created viscount Cranborne, 20 Aug. 1604 ; carl, 4 May, 1605 Lord treasurer . . . 1609 Ceoil, see Cranborne and Salisbwy. CicciLlA, St., patroness of music, martyr, about 230. Cechops, first Idng of Attica, about B.C. 1556 C'edrenus, George, Greek chronicler, nth century. Celesti, Andrea, Venetian painter; b. 1637 ; d. 1706. Celestin I. — v., popes. I. St. ; consecrated, 10 Sept. 422 ; sent missions to Ireland ; opposed Pelagianism in Britain ; d. 6 April, 1432 II. Guide di Castello, elected 26 Sept. 1143; d. 8 March, 1 144 III. Hyacinto Orsini ; b. 1107; elected 30 Maroli, 1191 d. B Jan. 1198 IV. Gioffredo Castiglione ; elected Oct. ; d. 8 Oct. 1241 V. Pietvo di Morunc, the solitary ; b. about 1215 ; elected, 5 July ; abdicated, 13 Dec. 1294 ; d, ig May, 1296 Cellahids, Christopher, German scholar ; 6. 22 Nov. 1638; published many classics; "■(.Jeographia Antiqua;" 1691 ; d, 4 June, 1707. Cellabius, Daniel, German geographer ; published "Speculum Orbis Terrarum," 1578. Cellini, Benvenuto, Italian sculptor, engraver, and goldsmith ; b. 1 500 ; at the siege of Rome said to have killed the constable de Bourbon, 6 May, 1527 ; patronised by Francis I. of France; worlced at Palis; d. 13 or 25 Feb. 1570- Celsius, Anders, Swedish astronomer and physicist; b. 27 Nov. 1701; divided the ther- mometer into 100 degrees, 1742 ; observed tire daily variation of the magnetic declination, 1740; d. 25 April, 1744. His son, Olaus, botanist; b. 1670; d. 1756. Celsus, Epicurean philosopher; iraote against Christianity ; refuted by Origen ; fl. about 160. Celsus, Aulus Cornelius, author of " de Medicinfl; " Jl. about 14. Cekci, Beatrice ; executed on the charge of murdering her infamous father, Francesco, 15 Sept. 1599. Centlivee, Susanna, Irish dramatist; b. about 1667 ; wrote the "Wonder," "Busy-body," &o.; d. I Dec. 1723. Cephisodotus, Athenian orator ; Jl. about B.C. 372. Ceratinus (Tenyg), Jacobus ; Dutch classical scholar; pubhshed " Lexicon GriEco-Latinum," 1524; d. 20 April, 1530. Cerobau, Jean Antoine du, French poet; b. 12 Nov. 1670; d. 4 July, 1730. Ci!;H]i:, Jean Nicolas, French botanist ; i. 1737; while at the Mauritius, supplied plants to many European botanic gardens, 1775, etseq.; d. 2 May, 1 8 10. Ceeini, Giuseppe, Italian poet; b. 1738 ; d. 5 Sept. 1779. Ceeinthus, heretic, ist century. Cee(juozzi, Michel Angelo, Roman painter; b. 1602; d. 1660. Ceeutti, Joseph Antoine Joachim, Italian writer in French; b. 13 June, 1738; wrote " Mdmoire pour le Peuple Fran9ai3;" d. 3 Feb. 1792. Cervantes S/VAVEDKA, Miguel de, Spanish novelist and poet; b. 9 Oct. 1547; d. 23 April, 1616. Fought at the battle of Lepanto, 7 Oct. 1571 ; and in Africa 1S72-7S A prisoner among the Moors ; released . 1580 Published "Galatea" 1584 Held a financial otiice 1588-93 Published first part of "Don Quixote, 1605; second part, 1615; "Novelas Exemplares", . 1612 Cesaei, Giuseppe, Italian painter; b. about 1568; d. 1640. CES 90 CHA Cesarini, Giliano, (the cardinal Julian) ; h. 139S ; made cardinal and sent to Germany by Pope Martin V., 1426 ; presided at the council of Ferrara, and acted fairly towards the Hussites, 1438 ; counselled Ladislas of Hun- gary to break the truce with Amurath ; killed at the battle of Varna, 10 Nov. 1444. Cesaeotti, Melchiorre, ItaUau poet; h. 15 May, 1730; d. 3 Nov. 1808. Cespedes, Pablo de, Spanish scholar and artist; b. 1538; d. 1608. Chabannes, de, French warriors : Jacques, French captain, grand-master of France ; distinguished in wars against the Eng- lish : b. about 1400 . . . d. 20 Oct. 1454 Antoine, brother; h. 141 1 ; grand-master; cap- tain of "les ecorcheurs " (flayers), ravaged France during the wars ; became comte de Dam- martin by his marriage, 1439 ; opposed Louis XI. while dauphin ; imprisoned by him ; es- caped, 1465 : and became his chief friend, 1468: d. 25 Dec. T488 Jean, son : violent and unscrupulous ; d. about 1502 Jean, nephew of Jacques, surnamed the "Little Lion;" friend of Bayard . . . . d. 1524 Chabert, Joseph Bernard, marquis de, French admiral and astronomer ; h. 28 Feb. 1 724 ; d. I Dec. 1805. Chabanon, Michel Paul Gui de, Frencb poet and dramatist ; h. 1730; d. 10 June, 1792. Chabhias, Athenian general and admiral ; defeated the Spartans at Naxus, 9 Sept. B.C. 376 ; killed at the siege of Chios, 357. Chaooenac, Jean, French astronomer ; 5. 21 June, 1823; discovered six new planets, 1853-60. Chad, or Ceadda, St. ; d. i>Ti. Chabwiok, Edwin; economist; 6. 24 June, iSoi ; assistant commissioner of poor laws, 1832 ; commissioner of board of health, 1S48-54. CuiEREA, Caius Cassius, Koman tribune ; killed Caligula, with the view of re-establishing the republic, 24 Jan. ; executed by Claudius. 41. Chaise, Fran9ois de la, French Jesuit; con- fessor to Louis XIV.; h. 1624; d. 20 Jan. 1709. Chalcondtles, Demetrius, Greek gram- marian; taught Greek in Perugia about 1450; his "Erotemata" published about 1493; d. at Milan, 15 10. Chalcondtles, or Chalcoooudtles, Laoni- cus, or Nicolaus, Byzantine historian ; ambas- sador to the sultan Amurath, 1446; wrote history of the empire, 1298-1463. Chalieb, Marie Joseph, French politician ; }. 1747; joined Robespierre; endeavoured to destroy the girondist party at Lyons, Jan. — May; defeated; guillotined, 17 July, 1793. Challe, Michel Auge Charles, French painter and architect; b. 18 March, 1718; d. 8 Jan. 1778. CHjiLLIS, Rev. James, astronomer and phy- sicist; 6. 12 Dec. 1803; Plumian professor of a-tronomy at Cambridge, 1836. Challonee, see Chaloner. Challoneh, Richard, Roman Catholic theolo- gian; h. 1691; d. 1781. Chalmers, Alexander, Scotch journalist, Ac. ; b. 29 March, 1759 ; edited Stevens' Shakspeare, 1803-5; "General Biographical Dictionary," 1812-17; d. 10 Dec. 1834. Chalmers, David, Scotch priest, statesman, and jurist; b. about 1530; digested laws of Scotland, about 1566 ; friend of Mary, and accused of participation in murder of Damley ; became lord of session ; d. 1 592, Chalmers, George, Scotch historian; h. 1742; published " Life of Mary Queen of Scots," 1818 ; "Caledonia," 1807-26 ; d 31 May, 1825. Chalmers, James, inventor of the Chalmers' target; b. about 1814; d. 26 Dec. 1868. Chalmers, Patrick, Scottish antiquary; 5. 31 Oct. 1802; published " Sculptured Monuments of Angus;" d. 23 June, 1854. Chalmers, Thomas, D.D., Scotcb clergjinan, natural philosopher, and political economist ; b. 17 March, 1780; lectured on astronomy, l8l6; a leader of the movement which led to the secession and establishment of the Free Church of Scotland, 18 May, 1843 ; <^- 31 May, 1847. Chaloner, Sir Thomas, diplomatist ; b. about 1 5 1 5 ; sent by Elizabeth to Germany and Spain ; d. 7 Oct. 1565. Sir Thomas, son, chemist; b. 1559 ; discovered and set up the alum works at Guisborough, Yorkshire, about 1600; pub- lished "The Virtues of Nitre," 1584; d. 17 Nov. 1615. Chamberlatne, Edward, chronologist ; 6. 13 Dec. 1616; published " Anglise Notitise, or the Present State of England," 1668, et seq. : d. 1703. His son, John, published "Manner of making Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate," 1685 ; d. 1724. Chambers, Ephraim ; published his " Cyclo- paedia," 1728; d. 15 May, 1740. Chambers, George, marine painter to WilUam IV. (painted panorama of London at tbe Colos- seum, for Mr Homer) ; d. Oct. 1 840. Chambers, George Frederick, astronomer ; published "Handbook of Astronomy," 1861. Chambers, Sir William, R.A., architect ; b. 1726 ; published treatise on Civil Architec- ture, 1759-68; designed Somerset House, built 1776-86; d. 8 March, 1796. Chambers, brothers : William, b. 1800 ; Robert, b. 1802 ; united to publish Edinburgh Journal, 4 Feb. I S32 ; Encyclop£edia of EngHsh Litera- ture, 1844 ; and Chambers' Encyclopaedia, 1859-67. C'hambord, comte de, see Bordeaux. Champort, or Champport, Sebastien Roch Nicolas, French poet and dramatist, caUed by Mirabeau, "tete flectrique;" b. 1741; d. 13 April, 1794, Chamier, Daniel, French protestant writer; b. 1570; killed at the siege of Montauban, 21 Oct. 1621. CHA 91 CHA ChjUiier, Frederick, captain, novelist ; b. 1 796; published "Life of a Sailor," 1S34. Chauillakd, Etienne, Jesuit, Prench anti- quary and numismatist ; 6. n Nov. 1656; d. I July, I73°- Chamillakd, Michel de, French financier, favourite of Louis XIV. ; 6. 1651 ; d. 14 April, 1721. CHAjnsso, Adelbert von, German poet and traveller; b. in France, 30 Jan. 1 78 1; author of " Peter Schlemil," 1813; d. 21 Aug. 1S38. Chamousset, Claude Humbert Piarron de, French philanthropist; 6. 1717; rf. 27 April, 1773. Champagne, Philippe de, Belgian painter; b. 26 May, 1602; d. 12 Aug. 1674. Chajipeaux, Guillaume de, French scholastic philosopher, end of nth century; teacher of Abelard; d. I121. Champiek, (Camperids, or Campegius), Sym- phorien, French physician and historian; b. 1472; d- 1533- Champlain, Samuel de, French geographer; founder of Quebec, 3 Jiily, 1608, and governor of New France, 1633; d. 1635. CH^iirPMESLE, Charles Chevillet, sieur de, French dramatist and actor; d. 1 701. His "wife, Marie Desmares, an eminent actress, J. 1644; d. 1698. Champollios, Jean Franjois, French orien- talist and Egyptologist ; 6. 23 Dec. 1 790 ; d. 4 March, 1832. Champollion-Figeac, Jean Jacques, French archseologist ; i. 1778. Chancellor, Pichard, navigator ; travelled in Russia to begin trade ; established the Russian company, 1553-4; drowned, 10 Nov. 1556. Chandler, Edward, Irish theologian ; 6. 1671 ; bishop of Durham, 1730; published "Defence of Christianitj-," 1725; d. 20 July, 1750. Chandler, Eichard, archaeologist ; b. 1738; published "Jlarmora Oxoniensia," 1763; " Travels in A^ia ilinor," 1775 ; d. g Feb. iSlo. Chandler, Samuel, theologian ; h. 1693 ; published " Vindication of the Christian Keli- gion," 1725-8; d. 8 May, 1766. CHANDO.S, John, eminent warrior of king Edward III. ; defeated Pertrand du GuescHn at Auray, 21 Sept. 1364; killed in battle at Leusac, 31 Dec. 1369. Changarnier, Nicolas Anne Th^odule, French general ; b. 26 April, 1 793 ; fought in Algiers, 1836; governor of Algeria, 1847-8; suppressed the insurrection in Paris, June 1849 ; im- prisoned after the coup d'etat, 2 Dec. 1851 ; went into exile, 1852. Chaxning, WiUiam EUery, American unita^ nan minister and philosopher ; b. 7 April, 1780; d. 2 Oct. 1842. Chantal, Ste. Jeanne Frangoise, Fremiot de, French devotee ; b. 1572 ; a widow, she founded the first convent of the Order of Visitar tion, 1610; d. 13 Dec. 1641; canonised, 1767. Chantekeah Lefevre, Louis, French jurist and historian ; 6. 12 Sept. 15S8 ; d. 2 July, 1658. CH.iXTREY, Sir Francis, K.A., sculptor; b. 7 April, 1782; d. 25 Nov. 1841. Chanut, Pierre, French statesman ; b. 1600 ; d. July 1662. Chapelain (Capellanus), Andr^, French poet; author of " De Arte Amatoria;" court chaplain about 1 180-1223. Chapelain, Jean, French poet ; b. 1595 ; pubUshed "La PuceUe," 1656; d. 22 Feb. 1674. Chapman, George, poet; b. 1557; published Translations of Homer, 1603; d. 1634. Chapone, Hester, moralist ; b. 1727 ; pub- lished " Letters on the Improvement of the Mind," 1773; d. 25 Dec. 1801. Chappe, Claude, French engineer; invented a machine which he named "tfl^graphe" or semaphore, about 1790 ; a line on his system ordered to be constructed by the convention, 4 April, 1 793 ; first used in Aug. 1 794 ; d. by suicide, 23 Jan. 1806. Chappe d'Alteroche, Jean, French astro- nomer ; b. 1722; published "Voyage en Sib(5rie," 1768; d. 1769. Chappel, WilUam, bishop of Cork; b. 1582; pubHshed " Methodus Concionandi," 1648 ; d. 13 May, 1649. Chaptal, Jean Antoine, comte de Chante- loup, French chemist and statesman ; b. 4 June, 1756 ; minister of public instruction, Dec, 1799 — March 1S02 ; published "Elemens de Chimie," 1790 ; "Chimie appKqufe aux Arts," 1806 ; made improvements in dyeing, &c. ; d. 30 July, 1832. Charas, Moise, French chemist ; b. 1618 ; pubHshed his " Pharmacopt^e Poyale," 1672; d. 17 Jan. 1698. Chardin, Jean, French traveller in the East ; b. 16 Nov. 1643; published "Journal du Voyage," 1686 and 1711 ; d. 15 Jan. 1713. Charenton, Joseph Nicolas, French Jesuit and missionary in India; b. 1659 ; d. 10 Aug. 1735- Chares, imprincipled Athenian general ; Jl. B.C. 367-333; — statuary of the Colossus Phodes, erected, B.C. 292-280. Chabette de la Contrie, Frangois Athanase, Vendean general; 6. 21 April, 1763; taken prisoner ; executed, 29 March, 1 796. His nephew, Athanase, baron de ; b. 1 796 ; joiaed the royalists, 1814; d. 16 March, 1848. Charibert, or Charles-Robert, king of Hungary, son of Charles j\ [artel; b. 1292; the crown of Hungary awarded to him by the pope, 30 May, 1303 ; recognised king, 27 Aug. 1 3 10; d. 16 July, 1342. Charibert I., king of Paris and Aquitaine, 561 ; d. 567. Charibert II., king of Aquitaine; defeated the Gascons, 630; d. 631. CHA CHA Chaeidemus, Athenian orator, demanded by Alexander ; fled to Darius, and killed by him, E.C. 333. Charilaus, king of Sparta, pupil of Lycurgns, B.C. 884. Charlemont, J. Caulfield, earl of, Irish states- man; h. 1728; cZ. 4 Aug. 1799. Charles Maktel, son of Pepin d'H^ristal ; 6. about 689 ; chosen chief by the Austrasians, 715 ; defeated the Neustrians and their allies at Soissons, 719; defeated the Saracens near Tours and Poitiers, and saved Europe, lo Oct. 732; d. 22 Oct. 741. Charles I. — VII., emperors of the West, or Germany. I. Chahlemagne (Carolus Magnus), b. 2 April, 742 ; with Carloman, king of France, 7G8 ; sole king 771 Conquered the Saxons . . 772-6 Successful in Italy . 773-4 Subdued northern Spain 778 Surprised and defeated at Koncesvalles by the Gascons, and his nephew Koland slain . . 778 Put down the revolting Saxons under Witikind ; creatftd new bishoprics, &c 780 Visited Home ; his son Pepin crowned king of Italy .781 Continued his victories over the Saxons . 781-84 Conquered Bavaria ; repulsed the invading Avars and Greeks ... . 788 Founded the university of Paris . 794 Made Aix-la-Chapelle his capital . . . 795 Expelled the Saracens from France, and checked the Saxon immigration 796 Ee-established the pope 799 Crowned emperor of the west by pope Leo ITI. at Rome ... . 25 Dec. 800 Effected a general peace 812 Called five councils to regulate church affairs 813 d. 28 Jan. 814 II. the Bald, son of Loms I. le Bebonnaire, (son of Charlemagne}, 0. 13 June, 823 ; king of France . 840 Had frequent wars with his relatives ; acknow- ledged emperor 875 Defeated by his nephew (whom he had wronged) at Andernach, 8 Oct. 876 . d, 6 or 13 Oct. 877 III. the Fat, son of Louis the German b. about 832 Became king of Italy, 879 ; emperor . 881 King of France 884 Deposed by the Germans, 887 . d. 12 Jan. 888 IV. of Luxemburg, son of John, king of Bo- hemia .... 6. 16 May, 1316 Elected emperor 1346 After long opposition, crowned at Rome . 1355 Promulgated the " Golden Bull, 1356 ; d. 29 Nov. 1378 V. b. at Ghent . * . 24 Feb. 1500 King of Spain (as Charles I.) 23 Jan. 1516 Elected emperor .... 28 June 1519 Visited England, and made alliance with Henry VIII. 1520 and 1522 War with France ; Francis I. taken prisoner at Pavia 24 Feb. 1525 "War with the pope ; Rome stormed . 6 May, 1527 Made peace with Fi-ance . . . Nov. 1537 Began hostilities with the protestants, 1546 ; and defeated at Miihlberg ... 24 April, 1547 Issued the unsatisfactory " Interim of Augs- burg" 1548 Surprised at Innspruck by Maurice of Saxony ; fled ; revoked the interim . . . 1552 His son Philip man-ied to Mary of England, 25 July, 1554 Signified his intention of abdicating at Brussels, 25 Oct. 1655 His resignation of his kingdoms to his son Philip, 16 Jan. ; made public . . 6 Feb. 1656 Sent the imperial crown and sceptre to his brother Ferdinand .... 7 Sept. 1656 Retired to the monastery of St. Juste, in Estremadura, 24 Feb. 1557 . . d. 21 Sept. 1558 VI. b. I Oct. 16B5 ; claimed throne of Spain . 1700 War of succession 1701-11 Jllected emperor, (last of the house of Hapsburg), 12 Oct. 1711 Increased his dominions by the peace of Ut- recht . 1713-14 Published the Pragmatic sanction . 19 April, 1713 d. 20 Oct. 1740 VII. Albert, elector of Bavaria . b. 6 Aug. 1697 Elected emperor , . 24 Jan. 1742 Had a long war . . d. 20 Jan. 1745 Chaeles I. — X., kings of France. I. II., see Cha-ihi II. and III., emj)erors. III. the Simple . . . . fi. 17 Sept. 879 Proclaimed king ; deposed, 892 ; sole king, 8gS ; stormy reign ; deposed, 920 . . d. j Oct. 929 IV. Le Bel, the Fair, son of Philip the Fair 0. 1294 Succeeded his brother Philip V. 3 Jan. 1322 d, 31 Jan. 1328 V. the "Wise, son of John ; b. 21 Jan. 1337 ; regent during his father's captivity . . 1357 King 8 April, 1364 Recovered the provinces conquered by the En- glish, 1370; made peace, 1374 d. 16 Sept. 1380 VI. the WeU-beloved, son ; b. 3 Dec. 1368 ; king 16 Sept. 13S0 Stormy reign ; the English invasion . 21 Aug, 1415 Treaty of Troyes ; Henry V. of England declared successor to the crown, and married Charles's daughter Catharine, 1421 ; Charles d. 21 Oct, 1422 VII. the Victorious, son . . b. 22 Feb. 1430 Joined the Orleans party while dauphin in op- position to the queen . . 1417 Proclaimed king ... 28 Oct. 1422 Received Joan of Arc at Chinon . 24 Feb. 1429 Crowned at Rheims . 17 July, 1429 Made truce with England .... 1444 "War renewed ; recovered all the English con- quests except Calais, 1449-53 • '^^* 22 July, 1461 VIII. the Affable ; 6. 30 June, 1470 ; succeeded his father Louis XL (his sister Anne regent) 30 Aug. 1483 Man-ied Anne of Britanny . , .6 Dec. 1491 Claimed the crown of Naples ; crossed the Alps with an army . . ... Sept. 1494 Arrived at Florence, 17 Nov. ; at Home 31 Dec. 1494 Defeated the allies at Fornova 6 July, 1495 Re-crossed the Alps, 7 Nov. 1495 . d. 7 April, 1498 IX. 2d sou of Henry II, and Catharine de Medicis .... 6. 27 June, 1550 Succeeded his brother Francis II. . 5 Dec. 1560 Consented to the massacre of St. Bartholomew, Aug. 1572 d. 30 May, 1574 X. Chables Philippe, comte d'Artois, 4th son of Louis the dauphin, son of Louis XV. b. 9 Oct. 1757 Married Maria Theresa of Savoy . 16 Nov. 1773 Fled from Paris with his family . 17 July, 1789 Conferred with the emperor, inciting him to help Louis XVI 20 May, 1791 Deserted Charette the Vendean general June, 1795 Succeeded his brother Louis XVIII. 16 Sept. 1824 Signed the unconstitutional ordinances ; dis- solving the chambers, restraining the press, »fcc, 25 July, 1830 Abdicated in favour of the duke of Bordeaux, 2 Aug. ; embarked for England . 16 Aug, 1830 d. 6 Nov. 1836 Chaeles I. II., kings of Great Britain : I. son of James I &. 19 Nov. 1600 Prince of Wales, through death of his brother Henry 6 Nov. 1612 Visited Madrid, to treat for marriage with the infanta, March ; treaty broken off . Dec. 1623 CHA 93 CHA Succeecled Ms father James I. . 27 March, 1625 Married Henrietta Maria of France 13 June, 1625 Began liis struggle with the parliament 1625 Ordered tunnage and poundage to be levied 1626 Compelled to accede to the petition of right 7 June, 1628 Dissolved parliament . 10 March, 1629 Governed without one 1629-41 Published king James's "Book of Sports," 18 Oct. 1633 Attempted to introduce the English liturgy into Scotland, July, 1637 ; compelled to abandon it 9 Sept. 1638 Began war with the covenanters, Feb. ; made peace 18 June, 1639 Opened the "Long" parliament . 3 Nov. 1640 Permitted the execution of Strafford 12 May, 1641 Attempted to arrest lord Kimbolton and five other members of the commons . . 4 Jan. 1642 Prepared for war ; set up his standard at Not- tingham, 22 Aug. 1642 ; began the war Sept. 1642 Totally defeated at Naseby . 14 June, 1645 Joined the Scotch army . . • - 5 May, 1646 Taken to Newcastle ; surrendered to the parlia- mentary commissioners, 30 Jan. 1647 ; removed to Holmby house, Northamptonshire ; seized by Cornet Joyce .... 4 June, 1647 Placed at Hampton Court, whence he escaped to the Isle of AVight, 12 Nov. ; placed in Oaris- brooke castle, 14 Nov. ; attempted to escape 28 -Dec. 1647 Brought to trial at "Whitehall, 19 Jan. ; con- demned, 27 Jan. ; beheaded . 30 Jan. 1649 Buried at Windsor .... 8 Feb. 1649 II. eldest son of Charles I. ; b. 29 May, 1630 ; king "ejwe 3° Jan. 1649 Invited to Scotland ; crowned at Scone i Jan. 1651 His army totally defeated at Worcester, 3 Sept. ; escaped to Normandy .... Oct. 1651 His declaration from Breda promising political amnesty,libertyofconscience,iic.,issued4 April, 1660 Eestoration ; entered London . . 29 May, 1660 Assented to the act of uniformity 19 May, 1662 Married Catharine of Braganza 20 May, 1662 Became a pensioner of France . . . 1668 Seized the bankers' funds in the exchequer to caiTy on war . ■ 2 Jan. 1672 Assented to the test act . . 29 March, 1673 Dissolved parliament, and governed without one 28 March, i68r Keconcile'd to the church of Kome . d. 6 Feb. 1085 Charles I.— IV., kings of Navarre : I. see Charles JV. of Franc--. II. the Bad ; b. 1332 ; king, 1350 ; intrigued with the English against king John of France, 1355 ; imprisoned by him, 1356; escaped and made war, 1357 ; made peace with Charles V., 1365 ; accidentally burnt to death . . . i Jan. 1387 III. the N oble ; b. 1361 ; crowned, 25 July, 1390 ; d, 8 Sept. 1425 IV. son of Blanche, daughter of Charles HI. ; b. 19 May, 1421 ; attacked by his father, John 11 of Aragon ; d. by poison, . . 23 Sept. 1461 CHABLEa I.— v., kings of Naples and Sicily : I of Anjou, son of Louis VIII. of France; 6. about 1220 Fought in the 8th crusade . 1249-50 Crowned king at "Rome 1265 Invaded Italy ; victorious at Benevento over Manfred, who was killed . . 26 Feb. 1266 Defeated Conradin at Tagliacozzo. 23 Aug. ; be- headed him, 29 Oct. 1266 d. 7 Jan. 1285 II. the Lame ; h. 1248 . . d. 6 May, 1309 IIL b. 1345; adopted by Joanna I., queen of Naples ; afterwards disavowed . 23 June, 1380 Crowned king by the pope ; entered Naples 16 July, 1381 Caused Joanna to be strangled 22 May, 1382 Went to Hungary ; crowned king 3^ -Dec. 1385 Assassinated at Breda . . . 5 Feb. 1386 IV. ^QQ diaries V., epiperor. V. see Chailes Ilof. S^jum. Chables I. — III., dukes of Parma : I. Chaiiles III. of Spain, II. (Louis DE BouiiiiON), son of Louis, king of Etruria . . . . b. 22 Dec. 1799 King of Etruria, 27 May, 1803 ; deposed, 1807 ; made duke of Lucca , . -13 March, 1824 Ceded Lucca to Tuscany, 5 Oct. ; made duke of Parma . 17 Dec. 1847 Abdicated .... .14 March, 1849 III. son ; b. 14 Jan. 1823 ; duke, 14 March, 1849 ; stabbed, 26 March . . d. 27 March, 1854 Charles I. — III., dukes of Savoy : I. the Warrior ; 0. 29 March, 1458 ; educated under Louis XI. of France . , rf. 13 March, 1489 II. Chakles John Amadeus ; &. 1489. . d. 1497 III. the Good ; b. 10 Oct. i486 ; suffered by the wars of Charles V. and Francis I., 1524 ; unsuc- cessful against the Swiss, 1531-4 . d. 16 Sept. 1553 Chaeles Emmanuel I. II,, dukes of Savoy : I. b. 12 Jan. 1562; duke, 1580; joined Spain and Austria, 1628 ; his country ravaged by the French, 1629 d 26 July, 1630 II. b. 20 June, 1634 ; duke, 1638 ; continual wars ; d. 12 June, 1675 Charles Emila.nuel III. IV.j kings of Sar- dinia : m. b. 27 April, 1 701 ; succeeded his father, 3 Sept. 1730 d. 20 Feb. 1773 IV. 6. 24 May, 1751 ; succeeded Victor A.madeus II., 16 Oct. 1796 : Piedmont seized by the French; retired to Sardinia, 1798; abdicated, 4 June, 1S02 d. 6 Oct. 1819 Charles Felix, king of Sardinia ; h. 6 April, 1765 ; viceroy of Sicily, 1799 ; succeeded Victor Emmanuel I., 13 March, 1S21 ; d, 27 April, 1 83 1. Charles Albert, of the line of Savoy- Carignan, king of Sardinia; h. 2 Oct. 1798 ; succeeded Charles Felix, 27 April, 1831 • d. at Oporto, 28 July, 1849. Promulgated a new code .... 1837 Proposed the regeneration of Italy : granted a constitution to his states . . 23 March, 1848 Defeated the Austrians at Goito, and took Peschiera . . 30 May, 1848 Defeated at Custozza . 23 July, 1848 Granted an armistice .... 9 Aug. 184S War resumed ; defeated by the Austrians under Hadetsky at Novara . 23 March, 1849 Abdicated, and left Italy . , z6 March, 1849 Charles I. — IV., kings of Spain : I. see Charles V., emperor of Germaity ; h. 24 Feb. 1500 d. 21 Sept. 1558 II. b. 6 Nov. 1661 ; succeeded his father, Philip IV 17 Sept. 1665 Made Don John of Austria minister . . 1677 Bequeathed his dominions to Philip, duke of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV., 2 Oct. ; d. I Nov. 1700 III. b. 20 Jan. 1716; duke of Parma . 1731 King of Two Sicilies . - i735 King of Spain . ... ii Sept. 1759 Expelled the Jesuits, 2 April, 1767: d. 33 Dec. 1788 IV. (son); 0. 12 Nov. 1748; king, 13 Dec. 17S8 Joined the coalition against France . ^ . . 1793 Euled by Godoy, " Prince of the Peace" 1795 Became subservient to Napoleon I. . . . 1807 Abdicated in favour of his son, Ferdinand, ig March ; and of Napoleon L, May 1808 ; d. 19 Jan. i8ig V. see Carlos, Don. Charles I. — XV. kings of Sweden : I.— VI. No authentic history (Geijer.) VII. Swerkerson, first king of the Swedes and Goths ; kiUed by Canute, son of St. Eric . 1167 CHA &4 CHA Charles VIII. king Nov. 1449 Deposed by Christian I. of Oldenburg 1457 KeciiUed, and again deposed . . 1464 Kecalled, 13 Nov. 1467 . d. 15 May, 1470 IX. b. 4 Oct. 1550: regent, 1594; accepted the crown, 1604 d. 30 Oct. 1611 X. GusTAVUS, fond of war : 6. 8 Nov. 1622 ; king, on the abdication of his cousin, Cliristina, 6 June, 1654 ; carried on war in Germany, 1642 ; d. 23 Feb. 1660 XI. &. 24 Nov. 1655 : king, 23 Feb. 1660 ; had fre- quent wars with Denmark . . d. 15 April, 1697 XII. the "Madman of the North," son; b. 27 June, 1682 ; king . . .15 April, 1697 Defeated the Russians at Narva . 30 Nov. 1700 Defeated the Poles at Pultusk i May, 1703 Executed Patkul 1707 Totally defeated by the Russians at Pultowa, 8 July, 1709 Took refuge at Bender ... . 1709 Refused to depart ; taken to Adrianople . . 1713 Escaped to Stralsund .... 22 Nov. 1714 Attacked Norway ; killed while besieging Frede- rickshald ..... 11 Dec. 1718 XIII. b. 7 Oct. 1748 : proclaimed king on the de- position of Gustavus IV., 6 June, 1809 : named Marshal Bernadotte, his successor, 21 Aug. 1810 . d. 5 Feb. 1818 XIV. see Bcvaadotte ; b. 26 Jan. 1764 : king, 5 Feb. 1818 d. 8 March, 1844 XV. b. 3 May, 1S26 ; succeeded his father, Oscar, 8 July, 1859 Visited England and France , Aug. 1S61 His daughter, Louisa, married to Christian, crown prince of Denmark . . 28 July, 1869 Charles Lodis, archduke of Austria, military commander; h. 5 Sept. 1771 ; d. 30 April, 1847. Fought under the prince of Coburg . 1793 Commander-in-chief of the Austrian army . 1796 Successful against Moreau and others in Gemiany and Switzerland . . . 1797-1800 Retired through ill health . . 1800 Defeated Massena at Caldiero . 29, 30 Oct. 1806 Defeated Napoleon at Asperne and Essing 21, 22 May, 1809 Defeated at "VVagram . . 5, 6 July, 1809 Charles le T;6MiEAiRE, duke of Burgundy ; h. 1433; killed, 5 Jan. 1477. Joined the "Leagueof the Public Good " against Louis XI . . 1465 Succeeded his father, Philip the Good . 15 July, 1467 Defeated the Liegeois at Bruenstein . 28 Oct. 1467 Married Margaret, sister of Edward IV. of Eng- land 2 July, 1468 His interview with Louis XI. at Peronne, 3 Oct. 1468 Made him be present at the sack of Liege, 30 Oct. 146S Made war witli France; threw off vassalage, 12 Nov. 1471 : peace ... 11 Nov. 1472 Invaded Switzerland ; defeated at Granson, 3 Marcli : at Morat ... 22 June, 1476 Defeated by the duke of Lorraine and the Swiss at Nancy, and killed . . 5 Jan. 1477 Charles of Bloia ; claimed the duchy of Britanny at the death of John the Good ; supported by Philip IV. of Trance, in opposi- tion to Jean de Montfort supported by Edward III. of England, 1341 ; defeated and slain by John Chandos at Auray, 29 Sept. 1364. Charles, the Good, 13th count of Flanders; assassinated at Bruges, 2 March, 1 127. Charles Edward Stuart, prince ; grandson of James II.; h. 31 Dec. 1720; d. 31 Jan. 17S8. Landed in the Hebrides . . . July, 1745 Raised an army, and marched to Edinburgh ; defeated Sir Jolin Cope at Prestonpans, 21 Sept. 1745 Entered Carlisle, 15 Nov. ; Lancaster, 24 Nov. : Macclesfield, i Dec. : Derby, 4 Dec. ; made a rapid retreat ; entered Glasgow 25 Dec. 1745 Defeated Hawley at Falkirk . . 17 Jan. 1746 Totally defeated by the Duke of Cumberland at Cullodeu ... 16 April, 1746 Escaped to France . . Sept. 1746 Charleton, Walter, physician and physiolo- gist; I. 2 Feb. 1619; d. 1707. Charleval, Charles Jean Louis Faucon de By, seigneur de, French poet ; h. about 1 6 1 3 ; c?. 1 698. Charlevoix, Pierre Franfois Xavier de, French Jesuit, traveller ; h. 29 Oct. 1682; published "Histoire de Japon," 1715 ; "His- toire de la Nouvelle France," 1744, "Histoire du Paragiiay," 1756; d. I Feb. 1761. Charlier, Gilles, (j^Sgldius Carlerius), French theologian; wrote " Scutum Veritatis ; " d. 23 Nov. 1473. Charlotte of Savoy ; 6. 1445 ; married to Louis XL of France, 1457 ; mother of Charles VIII., 13 June, 1470; d. I Dec. 1483. Charlotte, Sophia, queen of George III. of England ; daughter of Charles Louis, duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz ; 6. 19 May, 1744; mar- ried, 8 Sept. 1761 ; d. 17 Nov. 1818. Charlotte Augusta, princess, daughter of George, prince regent, afterwards George IV,, h. 7 Jan. 1796; married Leopold of Saxe- Coburg, 2 May, 1816 ; d. in childbirth, 6 Nov. 181 7. Charnook, John, naval historian; h. 1756; pubUshed " Biographia NavaUs," 1794; "His- tory of Marine Architecture," 1800-2; d. in prison for debt, 16 May, 1807. Gharolais, comte de, see Charles, duhe of Bdrgundy. Charpentier, Fran9ois, French archseologist ; h. 15 Feb. 1620; d. 22 April, 1702. Charpientier, Hubert, founder of several ecclesiastical establishments in France; 6. 1565; d. 1650. Charpentier, (Carpentarius), Jacques, French philosopher; h. 1524; d. 1 Feb. 1574. Charrier, Marc Antoine, French royalist politician; h. 1753! iook up arms against the republic, March ; executed, 1 7 Aug. 1 793. CHAERiiiRE, Madame Ste Hyacinthe de, French novelist ; b. about 1740 ; d. 27 Dec. 1805. Chakeon, Pierre, French philosopher, friend of Montaig-ne; h. 1541 ; published "de Trois V&it^s," 1594; " TraitfS de la Sages,se," 1595; d. 16 Nov. 1603. Chaetiee, Alain, French historian and poet ; d. about 1458. His brother, Jean, wrote "Chroniques de St. Denys;" d. about 1462. Chaktees, see Orleans. Chartees, Eenaud de, cardinal archbishop of Bheims, and diplomatist; h. about 1380 ; chan- cellor of France under Charles VII., and long governed him, 1424; opposed Joan of Arc, 1423 ; and did not try to save her, 1431 ; d. 4 April, 1444. CHA 95 CHE Chase, Salmon Kortland, American states- man ; ft. 13 Jan. 1 808 ; governor of Ohio, 1856-60; secretary of the treasury, 1S61-64. Chasles, Michel, French mathematician ; ft. 15 Nov. 1793; published " Recherches de Geomt^trie pure," 1829; announced the dis- covery of SiSS. of Pascal, and others, dero- gating from Newton's claim to the demonstra- tion of the law of gravitation, June, 1867; acknowledged that he had been duped by a forger, Sept. 1869. Chasles, Victor Euph^mion Philarfete, French publicist, and writer in the " Revue de Deux Mondes," "Journal des Ddbats," and "Eevue Britannique ; " ft. 8 Oct. 1799; im- prisoned for participation in a plot, 1815 ; per- mitted to go to England ; employed by Valpy the printer. Chasse, David Henry, baron, Dutch general ; ft. I S March, 1765; entered French anny about 1787; fought under Napoleon ; made governor of Antwerp, and defended the citadel agaiust the French, Dec. 1832 ; d. 2 May, 1S49. Chassenedz, Barth(51emy de, French jurist ; ft. Aug. 1480; endeavoured to save the Vaudois from extermination, Nov. 1540; d. suspected by poison, April, 1541. CmvsTEL, or Chatel, Jean, French assassin ; ft. 157s ; attempted to kill Henry IV., 27 Dec. 1594; executed, 29 Dec. 1594. Cbastelaed, Pierre de, French poet ; ft. about 1 540 ; accompanied Mary Stuart to Scotland, and fell in love with her ; executed, 1563. Chastellet, Gabrielle - Emilie, daughter of baron de Breteuil, intimate with Voltaire ; ft. 1706; published " Institutions de Physique," 1740; translated Newton into French; d. 10 Aug. 1749. Chastellux, Frangois Jean, marquis de, French miscellaneous writer; 6. 1734; d. 28 Oct. 1788. Chateadbkiand, Frangois Auguste, vicomte de, French writer and statesman ; ft. 14 Sept. 1768 ; disgusted with the revolution, retired to the United States, 1791 ; to England, 1793 ; returned to Paris, 1 800; published " Atala," 1801 ; " G&ie du Christianisme," 1802; " Les Martyrs," 1809; and many other works; min- ister of foreign affairs, 1823-24; d. 4 July, 1848. Chateaubriant, Franjoise de Foix, comtesse de, favourite of Francis I. of France ; ft. about 1495 ; d. (said to have been poisoned by her husband; 16 Oct. 1537. Chatead BKUN, Jean Baptist e V ivien de, French dramatist; 6. 1686; d. 16 Feb. 1775. Chatel, Ferdinand Toussaint Francois, French preacher; founder of the " Cathohc French" church; 6. 9 Jan. 1795 ; wrote against ceUbacy of the priests, abuses of confessional, &c. ; drew up a profession of faith and a catechism, 1833; d. 15 Feb. 1857. Chatelhebault, duke of, see Arran. Chatham, earl of, see Pitt. Chatteuton, Thomas, poet; ft. 20 Nov. 1752; early began to forge old documents ; produced poems alleged to be written by Thomas Rowley, a monk of the 1 5tb century, 1 768 ; conmiitted suicide, 24 or 25 Aug. 1770. Chaucer, Geoffrey, poet; ft. 132S; produced " Parliament of Birds," 1358; in French wars made prisoner, 1359; employed as ambassador, 1377; pensioned, 1380-88; wrote "Canterbury Tales," about 1383; appointed clerk of works at the king's palaces, 1 389 ; pensioned by Henry IV., 1399; d. 25 Oct. 1400. Chaudet, Antoine Denis, French sculptor; ft. 31 March, 1763; d. 19 April, 1810. CHAUPEPii, Jacques Georges de, Dutch pro- testant preacher, and historian ; 6. 9 Nov. 1 702 ;( d. 3 July, 1786. Chaxjliac, Chaulteu, or Cauliac, Gui de, French surgeon, latter part of 14th centuiy. Chaulieu, Guillaume, Amfrye de, French poet, termed the " Anacrt^on du Temple ;" ft. 1639; d. 27 June, 1720. Chaulnes, a French family : Louis Augusts d' Albert d'Ailly, due de, marshal of France, vidame d' Amiens ; b. 22 Dec. 1676 rf. 9 Nov. 1744. Michel, son, general, and physicist : &. 31 Dec. T714 ... . rf. 23 Sept. 1763 Marie Joseph Louis, son, chemist: 6. 1741 : demonstrated that the mephitic air of brewers' vats is carbonic acid, 1775 . . . . d. 1793; Chaumette, Antoine, French surgeon ; his "Enchiridion Chirurgicum" published, 1560. Chaumette, Pierre Gaspard, violent French republican ; ft. 24 May, 1 763 ; conspii'ed against the " Mountaia " party ; executed, 13 April, 1794- Chauncy, Charles, nonconformist and Greek scholar ; ft. 1 592 ; persecuted ; went to America ; became professor at Harvard college, 1634; d. 1672. Chauncy, Sir Henry, antiquary ; ft. 1632 ; published " Antiquities of Hertfordshire," 1700; d. 1719. Chauveau Lagarde, Claude Frangois, French advocate; ft. 21 Jan. 1765; defended Brissot, Charlotte Corday, Marie Antoinette, &o., 1793 ; d. 20 Feb. 1 84 1. Chauvin, Etienne, French protestant philoso- pher; ft. 18 April, 1640; author of "Lexicon Rationale, sive Thesaurus Philosophicus," 1692 ; d. 6 April, 1725. Chaves, Emmanuel, marquis de, Portuguese general; opposed the constitutionalists; d. 7 March, 1830. Chazelles, Jean Matthieu de, French astro- nomer; 6. 14 July, 1657; d. 16 Jan. 1710. Chazelles, Laurent, French magistrate ; promoted horticulture; 6. 28 July, 1724; d. 28 May, 1808. Cheke, Sir John, scholar ; ft. 16 Jrme, 1514; tutor to prince Edward, afterwards Edward VI., 1544 ; imprisoned for promoting lady CHE I Jane G-rey's accession to the throne, 1552 ; dis- charged, 3 Sept. 1554 ; seized by order of Philip J I. near Brussels, and sent to England, 1556; publicly recanted protestantism, 4 Oct. 1556; d. 13 Sept. 1557. Chelmsfokd, lord, see Thesiger. Chemnitz, Martin, German protestant theo- logian ; b. 9 Nov. 1522 ; wrote " Examen ConciUi Tridentini," 1565; d. 18 April, 1586. His grandson, Philip Bogeslaus ; b. 9 May, 1605 ; published " History of Swedish War in Germany," 1648-52; d. 1678. Chenevix, Richard, chemist; b. 1774; pub- lished Researches on Palladium, Corundum, &c., 1803; d. 5 April, 1830. Chenier, De, French poets, brothers : Ande^ Maeie, French poet 6. 29 Oct. 1762 Travelled in the east, &c. . . 1784 Secretary to the embassy in England . 1787 Eeturned to France, and joined the Gironde party 1790 Wrote an ode to Charlotte Corday ; executed, 25 July, 1794 jMahie Joseph, his brother, dramatic poet, b. 28 Aug. 1764 Threatened with proscription for his tragedy, " Cains Gracchus," 1792 . dioJan. 1811 Chekon, Elisabeth Sophie, Ereuch painter; i. 3 Oct. 1648; d. 3 Sept. 171 1. Her brother Louis, 6. 1660; d. 1723. Chekubini, L. M. C. Z. Salvatore, Italian musi- cal composer; b. 8Sept. 1760; produced "Quinto Eabio," his first opera, 1780; employed in London, 1785; produced "Lodoiska," 1791; "Anacreon," 1803, &c. ; d. 15 March, 1842. Chehsipheon (or Ctesiphon), the architect of the temple of Diana at Ephesus, about e.g. 560. CHESELDE>f, William, surgeon; h. 1688; pub- lished his "Anatomy," 1713; "Osteography," 1733; d. 10 April, 1752. Chesneau (Quercitanus), Nicolas, French medical writer; b, 1601 ; published "Phar- macie Thi^orique," 1660; d. uncertain. Chesney, Francis Rawdon, military engineer and traveller ; b. 1 789 ; surveyed the battle- fields of Napoleon, 1827-8; the Euphrates and Tigris, 1835-7; published his Survey, 1850. Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, earl of, state.sman; b. 22 Sept. 1694; succeeded his father Philip, 1726; lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 1745; principal secretary of state, Nov. 1 746 — Jan. 1748; d. 24 March, 1773. His "Letters to his Son" published, 1774. Chetham, Humphry, merchant; b. 1580; founder of charities and a library at Manches- ter; d. 12 Oct. 1653. Chetwood, Knightly, dean of Gloucester, biographical writer ; b. 1652; d. 1720. Chetwood, William Rufus, dramatist; pub- lished "History of the Stage," 1749; d. 1766. Chevalier, Antoine Rodolphe, French philo- logist ; b. 1 507 ; French tutor of queen Eliza- beth ; professor of Hebrew at Cambridge ; d. 1572. 3 CHE Chevalier, Michel, French political econom- ist; b. 13 Jan. i8o5; published "Lettres sur I'Am&ique du Nord," 1836; " Cours d'Eco- nomie politique," 1842-50; assisted Mr Cobden in negotiating the commercial treaty between England and France, i860. Chevalier, Sulpice Paul, French caricaturist, knOAvn as "Gavami;" b, 1801 ; illustrated Eugene Sue's " Juif Errant," and Balzac's "Diable h Paris;" d. 24 Nov. 1866. Cheveeah, Urbaine, French dramatist ; b. 20 April, 1613; d. 15 Feb. 1701. Chevreul, Michel Eugfene, French chemist and physicist, termed "father of the fatty acids;" 5. 31 Aug. 1786; began his studies of fats, 1816; published "Recherches chimiques sur les corps gras d'origine animal," 1826; " Loi du contraste des couleurs," 1839; Me- moirs on colours, 1849-51. Cheyne, George, Scotch physician; b. 1671 ; published his work on Gout, 1720; "English Malady" (the spleen), 1733; d. 12 April, 1743- Chiabheha, Gabriel, Italian poet ; b. 8 June, 1552; d. 14 Oct. 1637. Chiari, Pietro, ItaUan poet; d. 17S8. Chichelet, Henry, b. 1362; archbishop of Canterbury, 1414; encouraged Henry V. to make war with France, 141 5 ; d.12 April, 1443. Chicotneau, Frangois, French physician ; b. 1672; published "Traits de la Peste," 1744; d. 1752. Chifflet, Jean Jacque.?, French physician and historian; 6. 21 Jan. 1588; d. 1660. Child, William, IMus. D., musical composer; b. 1605; published " Psalms for three voices," 1639; d. March, 1697. Child, Sir Josiah, political economist and banker; b. 1630; published " Observations con- cerning Trade," 1668; a director of the East India company ; d, 1 699. Childeeeet I. — III., French kings : I. h. about 495 : king of Paris .... 511 Witli Clotaire, Itilled the sons of Clodomir 526 or 532 Founded the abbey of St. Germain des Pr6s; frequently at war with his brothers . . d. 558 II. king of Austrasia ; 6. about 570 ; king, 575 ; poisoned 596 III. the Just : b. 683 : king, 695 ; nominal ruler under Pepin d'HSristal ... d. 711 Childerio I. — III., French kings; I. king of the Salic Franks, 458 : exceedingly vicious ; compelled to fly, 459 ; returned, 464 : d. 481 II. son of Clovis II. : b. 649 ; Iting of Austrasia, 660 : of all France. 670 .... . d. 673 m. last of the Merovingians ; made king by Pepin, 742 : deposed by him, 752 . d. 755 Children, John George, chemist and natu- ralist; 6. 18 May, 1777; published "Experi- ments with the Voltaic Battery," 1S09-15 ; d. I Jan. 1S52. Chillingwoeth, WilUam, theologian ; b. Oct. 1602; became Roman catholic; recanted, and pubUshed " Religion of Protestants a safe way to Salvation," 1638; assisted the royalists by CHI 97 CHE his knowledge of mechanics ; taken prisoner at Chichester; d. 30 Jan. 1644. Chilon, Ephor of Sparta ; one of the seven wise men of Greece, B.C. 556. Chilpebio I., II., French kings : I. 6. 539 ; king of Soissons, 561 ; his concubine, Fredegonda, assassinated his wife, Galsuintha ; married him, 567 ; and assassinated him . 584 II. king, 715; subjugated by Charles Martel ; d. 720 Chin-Koung, emperor in China, about B.C. 3218. Chin-Tsoung, emperor of China, 1573-1619; persecutor of the Christian missionaries. Chiocoo, Andrea, Italian physician and natur- aUst; d. 3 April, 1624. Chirac, Pierre, French medical writer ; J. 1650 ; " Traits des Fifevres Malignes " pub- lished, 1742; d. I March, 1732. Chisholm, CaroUne, "the Emigrant's Friend;" J. (Jones) 1810; married captain Chisholm, 1820 ; went to AustraUa, 1838 ; founded a home for emigrants, 1841; returned to England, 1846; to Australia, 1854. Chishull, Eev. Edmund, theologian and antiquary; h. 1670; d. 18 May, 1733. Chi-Tsou, or Koueli-Khan, emperorof China, founder of the Mongol dynasty, 13th century. Chi-Tsoung, h. 1 507 ; emperor of China, 1521 ; d. 1566. Chittt, Joseph, legal writer; I. about 1776; published Treatises "on Game Laws," 1812 ; "Law of Nations," 1812; "Criminal Law," l8i8; d. 17 Feb. 1841. Chladni, Ernst Florens Friedrich, German physicist; h. 30 Nov. 1756; published dis- coveries on the theory of sound, 1787; dis- covered the longitudinal vibrations of strings and his "Acoustic Figures," 1787; published " Die Akustik," 1802; d. 3 April, 1827. Chnodomahius, or Chondomarids, king of the Alemanni ; defeated and made prisoner by Julian, near Strasburg, 357. Chodowiecki, Daniel Nicholas, Polish artist and engraver; b. 16 Oct. 1726; d. 7 Feb. l8oi. Chojeilus, Greek tragic poet ; about B.C. 523 ; gained the prize in a contest with jEschy- lus, 499 ; also, an epic poet ; fl. about B.C. 404. Choiseul, a noble French family : Charles de, marSchal de PrasUn ; h. about 1563 ; fought for the holy league ; submitted to Henry IV. about 1589 . . . . rf. I Feb. 1626 Cesar, due de, marechal de Plessis, general and statesman; 6. 12 Feb. 1598 . . d. 23 Dec. 1675 EriENNE-FRANgois, due de, statesman ; h. 28 June, 1719 : instrumental in the suppression of the Jesuits, 26 Nov. 1764; disgraced, 24 Oct. 1770 ... A May, 178s Choiseul-Gouitier, Marie Gabrielle, comte de; h. 27 Sept. 1752; travelled with East; pubUshed "Voyage Pittoresque en Grfece," 1782-1809 ; ambassador in Turkey, 1791 ; ordered to be arrested; retired to Eussia, 1792; returned to France, 1802; d. 20 June, 1S17. Choisy, Fran9ois Timolt^on, abbe de, eccentric French miscellaneous writer ; h. 16 Aug. 1644; accompanied an embassy to Siam, 1685; d. 2 Oct. 1724. Chopin, Frederic, PoUsh musical composer; I. 1810; d. 17 Oct. 1849. Chopin, or Choppin, 'R&ni, French jurist; ^- 1537 J published "de Domanio Francis," 1574; d. 2 Feb. 1606. Choeier, Nicolas, French historian ; h. 1609; published " Hietoire de Dauphini^ ; " d. 14 Aug. 1692. Choeis, Louis, Russian painter and traveller; h. 22 March, 1795 ; wrote "Voyage Pittoresque autour du Monde," 1821-23; d. 22 March, 1828. Choeon, Alexandre Etienne, French writer on music; 6. 21 Oct. 1772; d. 29 June, 1834. Chosroes, (Arsaces XXV.) Idng of Parthia ; defeated Maximus and an army of Trajan's; afterwards defeated and dethroned, 116; re- stored, 117. Chosroes (Khosrou), I., II., kings of Persia : I. the great ; king, 531 ; successful wars with the Greeks, 532-33 ; 540-61 . . . . d. 579 II. king, 590 or 591 ; conquered Mesopotamia, &c., 603-620: Isst his conquests to Heraclius, 621 ; deposed and slain by his son 28 Feb. 628 Christian I. — IX., kings of Denmark : I. of Oldenburg ; h. 1425 or 1426 ; crowned king of Denmark, 28 Oct. 1449 : of Nor\vay, 1450 ; of Sweden, 1458 ; lost Sweden, 1467 ; visited Rome, 1474 d. 21 May, 1481 II. b. 2 July, 1480 : as king, signed the "capitu- lation," subjecting royalty to the nobility and clergy, 1513 ; married Isabella, sister of the em- peror, Charles v., 12 Aug. 1515 : crowned king of Sweden, 4 Nov. 1520 ; executed many Swedish nobles accused of conspiracy, 7 Nov. 1520; effected many legislative reforms, and promoted agriculture and manufactures . 1521-22 Through the successful insurrection under Gus- tavus Vasa, 1521-23 ; fled from Copenhagen, 23 April, 1523 Travelled in Germany. England, &c. ; invited to the throne of Norway : landed ; deceived by a safe-conduct ; seized and imprisoned by Frederic I d. 21, Jan. 1559 III. h. 1502; elected king .... 1534 Established Lutheranism as the state religion, 15 Oct. 1536 . . . . A I Jan. 1559 IV. h. 12 April, 1577; king, J5S8 ; visited Eng- land, 1607 : fostered literature, science, educa- tion, &c., 1621, etseq.; joined in the 30 years' war, 1626-27 . . . . A 28 Feb. 1648 V. king : &. 15 April, 1646 ; travelled in France, England, be. 1662 ; king, 1670 ; prospered while advised by his minister, Schumacher, count of Griffenfeldt : but condemned him to death, and imprisoned him for life, 1676; d. 25 Aug. 1699 VI. 6. 30 Nov. 1699; king, 12 Oct. 1730; favoured literature and science . . d. 6 Aug. 1746 VII. i. 29 Jan. 1749 ; king, . . 14 Jan. 1766 Married Caroline Matilda, sister of George III. of England, i Oct. 1766; had Struensee as minister .... . 1770-71 Granted liberty of the press .... 1770 By a conspiracy of the queen-mother, the young queen and Struensee were accused of improper intimacy ; she was made to sign a confession, 16, 17 Jan. 1772: Struensee and Brandt be- headed, 28 April ; the queen divorced and exiled 1772 The crown prince, Frederic, declared co-regent, 1784; Christian . . d. 13 March, 1808 G CHE, CIA YIII. b. i8 Sept. 1786 ; regent of Norway, Feb. ; proclaimed king of Norway, 19 May ; abdicated, 16 Aug. 1814 : succeeded Frederick VI. as king of Denmark, 3 Dec. 1839 : proclaimed the in- separability of Schleswig and Denmark, 1846 ; d. 20 Jan. 1848 IX. duke of SchIeswig-Holstein-Sonderb,nrg- Gliicksburg: 6. 8 April 1818: succeeded 1^'rederick VII., 15 Nov. 1863 : signed a new constitution, 18 Nov. 1863 ; his diet rejected the demands of Austria and Prussia, 14 Jan. ; his states invaded, I Feb. 1864 ; after asevere struggle, compelled to release the duchies from their allegiance, 16 Nov. 1864 Marriage of his daughters, Alexandra, to the prince of Wales, 10 March, 1863: Dagmar to the grand-duke, Alexander of Russia, 9 Nov. 1866 ; of his son. Christian, to the princess Louisa of Sweden ... 28 July, 1869 Christian, Anders, Danish medical writer ; i. 1551 ; d. 1606. Christian, Edward, jurist ; published " Ex- amination of Precedents," 179°; an edition of Blackstone's "Commentaries," 1795; "Treatise on BanloTipt Laws," 1S12; d. 29 Slarch, 1823. Christie, Samuel Hunter, mathematician ; b. 22 Aug. 1784; pubhshed discoveries in magnetism, 1833 ; d. 24 Jan. 1865. Christina, daughter of Henry IV. of France ; 6. 10 Eeb. 1606 ; married Victor Amadeus I. of Savoy, II Eeb. 1619; regent for her sons ; governed tiU her death, 27 Dec. 1663. Christina, queen of Sweden, daughter of Gustavus Adolphus ; 6. 9 Dec. 1626 ; d. 19 April, 1689. Assumed the royal authority . . 7 Dec. 1644 Declined to marry, and namedher cousin, Charles Gustavus, her successor . . . 1649 Abdicated 6 June, 1654 Travelled ; abjured Lutheranism ; baptised at Eome . . . Aug. 1654 Visited France 1056 Caused Monaldeschi, her secretary, to be executed for betraying her secrets 1657 Neglected by the Swedes : pensioned by the pope, 1658 Christina, Maria, queen of Spain, daughter of Erancis I. of Naples; b. 27 April, 1806; married Eerdinand VII. of Spain, 11 Dec. 1829 ; widow, 29 Sept. 1833 ; regent till 12 Oct. 1840 ; her marriage with Ferdinand Mufioz, due de Rianzarfea (28 Dec. 1833), publicly solemnized, 13 Oct. 1844; impeached ; quitted Spaia, Aug. 1854 ; returned, Sept. 1864; again retired, 1868. Christina of Pisa, French author and poet ; b. about 1363; d. about 1431. Cbeistison, Robert, Scotch physician and che- mist ; b. iS July, 1797; published "Treatise on Poisons," 1829. Christmas, Henry, see Noel Fearn. Christophe, Henry, the third black ruler of St. Domingo ; b. 6 Oct. 1767 ; a chief ia the in- surrection of 1793; maintained war against the French, 1802-5; killed Dessalines, Oct. 1806; proclaimed king of Hayti, 181 1 ; d. hy suicide during an insurrection, 8 Oct. 1820. Christopher, Saint ; fl. 3d century. Christopher, emperor of Constantiaople, 17 Aug. 920; d.931. Christopher I.— III., kings of Denmark : I. king, 1252 : had severe contests with the clergy, 1253-6 . . . d. (by poison), 29 May, 1259 II. b. 1276; king, 1319 ; deposed, 1325 ; recovered his crown, 1330 ; lost it again ; d. in distress, 15 July, 1336 III. elector of Bavaria ; elected king, 1440 ; sup- pressed a revolt, 1441 ; made Copenhagen his capital d.6 Jan. 1448 Christy, Henry, naturalist and archaeologist ; bequeathed to the nation his prehistoric and ethnographic collections; d. 4 May, 1865. Cheysippus, a founder of the stoic philosophy ; b. B.C. 280; d. 207. Cheysoloras, Greek writers : Demetkius, employed by the emperor Manuel, 1391-1425. Manuel, a reviver of Greek literature in West Europe ; sent by the emperor Manuel to various courts to obtain help against the Turks, about 1389 ; taught Greek in Italy, 1397; d. at Con- stance . . . 15 April, 141S Chrysostomus, Joaimes, archbishop ; b. about 347 ; ordaiaed presbyter, 386 ; archbishop of Constantinople, 397 ; deposed at the council of Chalcedon for his faithfulness, 403 ; d. 14 Sept. 407. Chubb, Thomas, deistical philosopher ; b. 29 Sept. 1679; published " Discourse on Reason ; " d. 8 Feb. 1746. Chddleigh, Elizabeth, i. 1720 ; maid of honour to the princess of Wales; married to Mr Hervey (and soon after separated), 4 Aug. 1 744 ; to Evelyn, duke of Kingston, Feb. 1 769 ; condemned for bigamy, punishment remitted, April, 1776; d. 28 Aug. 17S8. Chudleigh, lady Mary, essayist and poet ; b. 1656; d. 15 Dec. 1710. CnnN, emperor of China, about B.C. 2285. Chun-Tohi, first of the present Manchou dynasty; 5. 1636; emperor, 1651 ; d. 1662. Chun-Ti, emperor of China, last of the Mon- gol dynasty; d. about 1370. Churchill, Charles, clergyman and satiric poet; b. Eeb. 1731; published the "Rosciad," 1761 ; d. 4 Nov. 1764. Chueohill, John, see Marlborough. Churchill, Sir Winston, father of the great duke of Marlborough ; b. 1620 ; pubUshed " Divi Britannici," (a history of the kings of England), 1675 ; d. 16S8. Arabella, his daugh- ter, mistress of James II.; b. 1648; d. 1730. Churchyard, Thomas, poet; b. about 1520; d. 1604. Chueton, Ralph, theologian ; b. 1754; d. 1831. CHYTEiEus, or KocHHAPF, David, German pro- testant theologian, friend of Melanchthon ; 6. 26 Feb. 1530; published " Historia Confes- sionis Augustante," 1576; " Chronicon Saxonise, 1500-93," 1593; d. 25 June, 1600. CiACONius, (Chacon), Alfonso, Spanish scholar; b. 1540 ; wrote "Historia utriusque Belli Dacici," in illustration of Trajan's column at Rome, 1576; d. 1599. Peteb, Spanish anti- quary; b. 1525; d. 1581. CIA CLA ClALDiNi, Enrico, Italian general ; b. lo Aug. 1813. Educated fli-st for a priest, then for a surgeon ; entered Spanish legion for the regent, queen Christina, 1834; retired . 1839 Aide-de-camp to Narvaez .... 1845 Eeturned to Italy; joined Charles Albert, and fought at Novara, &c 184R-9 Organised the "Cacciatori" . . . 1859 Defeated the papal army at Castelfldardo, 18 Sept. i860 Governor of Naples . . . July — Nov. 1861 Spolte warmly in favour of the Franco -Italian convention of 15 Sept. . . 6 Dec. 1864 In vain attempted to form a ministry, 21 Oct. 1867 CiAMEEKLANO, Luca, Italian painter ; 6. 1 586 ; d. 1641. r CiAMPELLi, Agostino, Florentine painter ; J. 1578; d. 1640. CiKBEEfamily; Caius Gabriel, German sculptor; i. about 1630; d. 1700. CoUey, son, dramatist and actor ; 6. 6 Nov. 1 67 1 ; poet laureate, 1 730 ; d. 12 Dec. 1757. Theophilus, (son of Colley), actor; 6. 26 Nov. 1703; drowned, Oct. 1758. His wife Susanna (Arne), actress ; d, 30 Jan. 1766. CiCEEO, Marcus TulUus, the Eoman orator ; h. 3 Jan. B.C. io5; kiUed, 7 Dec. 43. Served as a soldier . . 89 Began practice as a pleader . . , 81 Studied at Athens, 79 ; and Hhodes 78 Eeturned to Home .... - 77 Delivered his oration against Verres . . Aug, 70 Elected praetor 67 Elected consul ; detected and suppressed Cati- line's plot 63 As tribune, vainly resisted the encroachments of Pompey, Cassar, and Crassus .... 59 Forced into exile by the enmity of Clodius, April, 58 Keturned triumphantly to Rome . . 4 Sept. 57 Sent out of the way to govern CUicia ; defeated the barbarians . . .... 51 Eeturned to Rome . ... 4 Jan. 49 Eetired to Greece in despair at the intestine troubles June, 49 Eeconciled to Cassar ; devoted himself to literature, 47 Death of his beloved daughter Julia , . 45 Eeturned to Eome, and delivered his philippics against Antony .... Jan, to April, 43 Proscribed by the triumvirs, and killed with his brother Quintus 7 Dec, 43 CiooGNAEA, Leopoldo, conte de, Italian anti- quary ; 6.26 Nov. 1767; published " Storia di Scultura," 1813-18; d. 5 March, 1834. CiD, EL Campeador, Rodriguez Diaz de Bivar, Castilian hero ; i. about 1026 or 1045 ; d. 1099. CiGNANI, Carlo, Bolognese painter; i. 1628; d. 6 Sept. 1719. CiONAEOLi, Giovanni Bettino, Veronese painter; b. 1706; d. 1770. CiGOLi, or CivOLi, Luigi, Italian painter, poet, and architect ; b. 1559 ; his chef-d'ceuvres, " Ecce Homo ; " "St. Peter healing the Lame Man ;" and " St. Paul's Conversion" at Bome ; d. 1613. CiMABUE, Giovaimi Gualtieri, Italian painter of frescos, reviver of painting and study of nature; b. 1 240; d. 1300. CiMAEOSA, Domenico, Italian musical composer (of " II Matrimonio Segretto," &c.) ; 6. 17 Dec. 1749; d. 11 Jan. 1801. CiMON, Athenian statesman and general, son of Miltiades ; defeated the Persian ileet at the Eurymedon, B.C. 466; exiled through jealousy; recalled, 454 or 453 ; d. 449. CiNCiNNATUS, Lucius Quiuotius, b. about B.C. 519 ; dictator, dehvered Rome from the jEquians, 458 ; dictator, to oppose Spurius Mtelius, 439. CiNEAS, the Thessalian, friend of Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, and his eloquent ambassador at Eome, B.C. 280 and 278. CiNNA, Lucius ComeUus, head of the popiilar party at Eome, B.C. 88-85 ; consul with Marius, 86 ; killed in a mutiny, 84. CiNNA, Eoman poet, taken for Cinna the con- spirator against Caesar, and killed, March 44. CiNO DA PiSTOiA, (Guittoncino Guittone), Italian jurist and poet; b. 1270; d. Jan. 1337. Cinq-Mars, Henri Coifiier de Euz^, favourite of Louis XI V. of Prance ; b. 1620; introduced to the king by Eicheheu, about 1 638 ; attempted to oppose the cardinal ; given up by the king, executed, 12 Sept. 1642. CiONE, see Orcar/na. CiPEIANI, Giovanni Battista, Florentine painter; 6. 1727; came to England, 1755 ; d. 14 Deo. 1785. CiECiGNANO, see Pomerancio. ClEILLO, Domenico, Neapolitan botanist ; b. 1 734 j took office under the republic ; exe- cuted by king Perdinand, 1 799. OlEOPEEEO, see Ferro. CiSNEKOS, see Ximenes. CiTOIS (CiTOSIUs), Pranjois, Prench physi- cian; b. 1572 ; d. 1652. CivIALE, Jean, Prench physician and surgeon ; b. July 1792 ; d. July 1867. CivITALI, Matteo, Italian sculptor and archi- tect ; b. 1435 ; d. 1501. CivOLI, see Cigoli, Clagett, WiUiam, theologian ; 5. 14 Sept. 1646 ; wrote against Eomanism; cZ. 28Mar. 1688. Claieault, (or Claieaut), Alexis Claude, French mathematician, rival of D'Alembert ; b. 13 May, 1713; puljlished "Th^orie de la Terre," 1743; appUed Newton's theory of gravitation to the comets in his "Th^orie du Mouvement des Comfetes," 1760; d 17 May, 1765- Claieon, Claire Legris de Latude, French actress ; h. 1723; resided with the margTave of Anspach, 1773-91; published her "Memoirs," 1799; d. at Paris, 18 Jan. 1803. Clannt, William Eeid, M.D. ; b. 1776; in- vented a safety-lamp two years before Sir H. Davy, described as "a steady light in coal mines withotit the danger of explosion," 1813 ; d. 10 Jan. 1850. Clappekton, Hugh, Scotch traveller ; b. 1788 ; explored Northern and Central Africa, 1822-4; published his "Narrative," 1826; d. in Africa, 13 April, 1827. CLA 100 CLA Clare, John, Northamptonshire poet ; 6. 13 July, 1793; liis "Poems descriptive of Eural Life and Scenery," appeared 1820; "Eural Muse," 1836; d. insane. May, 1864. Claee, or Claea, Saint, French abbess ; h. li93;foundedanorderof nunsi2l2;rf.Aug.i253. Claeenob, dukes of : jc. Lionel Plantagenet, 3d son of king Edward in. : 6. 1338: created duke, 1362. . . d. 1368 2. Thomas, 2d son of Henry IV., duke, 9 July, 1411 : killed in battle of BeaugS . 22 March, 1421 3. George, brother of king Edward IV., duke, 1461 ; deserted his brother, and joined Warwick, 1470 ; rejoined his brother at the battle of Barnet, 14 April, 1471 ; disgraced ; put to death, 18 Feb. 1478 4. "William Henky, &. 21 Aug. 1765 ; created duke . ..... 20 May, 1789 See William IV., king of England. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, earl of; 5. 16 !Feb. 1608 ; chancellor of exchequer to Charles I. ; made lord chancellor by Charles II., 1657 ; earl and lord chancellor, 1661 ; lost his favour and exiled, 1667; verote "History of the Re- bellion," 1670; d. at Eouen, 9 Dec. 1674. Clarendon, earl of, George WilUam Frede- rick Villiers; J. 12 Jan. iSoo. Lord privy seal . . Jan. 1840 — Sept. 1841 Chancellor of duchy of Lancaster, Oct. 1840 — June 1841 ; March 1S64 — Kov. 1S65 President of the board of trade, July 1846 — July 1847 Lord-lieutenant of Ireland . May 1847 — Feb. 1852 Foreign secretary, Feb. 1853 — Feb. 1858 ; Nov. 1865 — June 1866 ; Dec. 1868, et seq. Clark, Sir James, bart., M.D. ; h. 14 Dec. 1788; published his work "On Sanative In- fluence of Climate," 1829; "On Pulmonary Consumption," 1835. Clark, William Tiemey, civil engineer; h, 23 Aug. 1783; erected suspension bridge over the Thames at Hammersmith, 1824-27 ; over the Danube at Pesth, 1839-49; d. 22 Sept. 1852. Clarke, Adam, LL. D., Irish Wesleyan Methodist minister and bibliographer ; 6. 1760; became methodist preacher, 1 782; pubUshed " Commentary on the Bible," 1810-26 ; " Biblio- graphical Dictionary," 1802; d. 26 Aug. 1832. Claeke, Edward Daniel, traveller and mine- ralogist ; h. 5 June, 1769; brought the so-called sarcophagus of Alexander to England, 1S06 ; published "Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa," 1810-24; d. 9 March, 1822. Clarke, George Koger, American general; d. 13 Feb. 1808. Clarke, Henry James William, due de Feltre, French marshal and statesman ; i. 1 7 Oct. 1 765 ; employed by the Directory to watch Napoleon Bonaparte; attached himself to him, 1 799; be- came his minister of war, 1807-14; d. 28 Oct. i8i8. Claeke, Jeremiah, musical composer ; 5. 1670; through hopeless love committed suicide, July, 1707. Claeke, John, one of the founders of Rhode Island ; persecuted for his rehgious freedom ; d. 20 April, 1676. Claeke, John, Scotch portrait engraver ; h. about 1650; d. 1721. Clarke, Mary Cowden, h. (Novello) June, 1809; married Charles Cowden Clarke, 1828; published "Concordance to Shakspeare" (16 years' labour), 1845. Clarke, Samuel, theologian and philosopher ; b. II Oct. 1675 ; published "Demonstration of the Beauty and Attributes of God," 1705; d. 17 May, 1729. Clarke, Samuel, orientahst ; 5. 1623 ; super- intended the printing of Walton's Polyglott Bible; d. 27 Dec. 1699. Claeke, WiUiam, theologian and antiquary; h. 1696; published " Connexion of Roman, Saxon, and English Coins," 1767; d. 21 Oct. 1771. Claekson, Thomas, philanthropist; b. 26 JIarch, 1 760 ; devoted his life to the abolition of the slave trade and slavery, 1785; a society established, 22 May, 1787; published "Por- traiture of Quakerism," 1806 ; " History of the Abolition of the Slave-trade," 1808; d. 26 Sept. 1846. Claude Gellj^e, or Loeeaine, French land- scape painter; b. 1600; d. 21 Nov. 1682. Cladde of France, daughter of Louis XII. duchess of Britaimy, the "good queen"; b. 14 Oct. 1499 ; married to Francis, count of Angouleme, May, 1 5 14; queen of France, 1517; d. 20 July, 1524. Claude, Antoine Gabriel de, b. 26 Aug. 1 760 ; adhered to the royal family till proscribed, 1 792 ; entered British service, 1795; taken prisoner; transported to neutral soil ; permitted to return to France, 1801 ; a moderate politician at the restoration, 181 5 ; took oiiice under Louis Phihppe, 1830; d. 2 Dec. 1838. Claude, Jean, French protestant theologian ; b. 1619; d. 13 Jan. 1687. Claudet, Antoine Jean Frangois, French photographer; 6. 12 Aug. 1797; d. 27 Dec. 1867. Claudianus, Claudius, Roman poet, friend of StiUcho; wrote " De BeUo Getico ; " d. about 408. Claudius, Roman patrician family : Appius, the decemvir ; consul, B.C. 451 ; im- peached for his attempt on Virginia ; lolled by himself or others 449 Appius CiEcus V., an orator and poet : earnestly opposed the plebs ; made the Appian way d. about 278 Clodius Pulcher, the enemy of Cicero ; im- peached Catiline, B.C. 65 ; profaned the mys- teries of Bona Dea in the house of Cffisar, 62 ; acquitted by bribery 61 Drove Cicero into cxUe, April, 58 ; quarrelled and fought with Milo . ... 57-53 Killed in conflict with him . 20 Jan. 53 Claudius I. II., emperors of Rome : I. Dpitsus Nero Gepmanicus . b. b.o. i Aug. 10 Succeeded Caligula as emperor . a.I). 24 Jan. 41 Married his niece Agrippina, mother of Nero ; poisoned by her 13601.54 n. GoTHicus, emperor, 24 March, 268 : defeated the Goths near Naissus, 269 , , d. Aug. 270 CLA 101 CLE Claudius, Matthias, German poet, author of the "Rhine Wine" song; b. 2 Jan. 1 740; d. 21 Jan. 1815. Claughton, Thomas Legh, bishop of Roches- ter; b. 1 80S; professor of poetry at Oxford, 1852-7 ; consecrated, 1867. Clausel, Bertrand, comte de, French marshal ; b. 12 Deo. 1772;. served under Napoleon, 1804-13; in Africa, 1830-6 ; d. 21 April, 1842. Clausen, Thomas, German astronomer ; 6. 16 Jan. 1801. Clausius, Rudolph J. B., German physicist ; b. 2 Jan. 1822; published researches in heat, light, and electricity, 1847, et seq. Clavekhouse, see Gralmm. CLAVii:RB, Btienne, French statesman; b. 27 Jan. 1735; condemned; rf. by suicide, 8 Dec. 1793. Clavigero, Francisco Saverio, Spanish Jesuit ; J. 1 720 ; expelled from Spain ; settled in Mexico, 1767 ; "wixtte " Storia Antica del Messico," 1780-I ; d. Oct. 1793. CLAVijoy Faxardo, Josi^, Spanish essayist, &c. ; 6. 19 March, 1726; published "El Peusador," (the thinker), at Madrid, 1762; quarrelled with Pierre Carou de Beaumarchais for thrice refusing to fulfil a marriage engagement with his sister, Marie Caron, (the subject of a tragedy by Goethe), 1763-73 ; d. 1806. Clavius, Christoph, German Jesuit and geometer; b. 1537; d. 6 Feb. 1612. Clay, Cassius Marcellus, American statesman, and opponent of slavery; b. 2 Oct. 1810; am- bassador at St. Petersburg, 1 86 1. Olay, Henry, American statesman ; 6. 12 April, 1777; principal founder of the colony of Liberia, 1816; proposed the "Compromise" Act, 1850; d. 29 June, 1S52. Clayton, Robert, bishop of Clogher; b. 1695 ; published "Vindication of the Old and New- Testament," 1752-7; d. 26 Feb. 1758. Cleanthes, Greek stoic philosopher ; 6. about B.C. 300 ; succeeded Zeno in his school, 263 ; (Z. about 220. Cleaechus, Spartan general, leader of the Greek auxiliaries of Cyrus, the younger, at the battle of Cunaxa; entrapped, and killed by Axtaxerxes, b.o, 401. Cleef, Van, Flemish painters : Henry, h. about 1510 ; d. 1589. Jan, b. 1646 ; d. 1716. Cleghokn, George, Scotch physician; b. 18 Dec. 17 16; introduced quinquina for fevers; d. Deo. J 789. CLEiSTHENES,tyrantof Sicyon; d.aboutB.o. 582. Cleisthenes, grandson, an Athenian, head of the Alomaeonidse, returned at the expulsion of the Pisistratidse, when he restored the con- stitution of Solon, and instituted ostracism, by which he himself suffered about B.O. 510. Cleitakchus, tyrant of Eretria in Eubcea, B.C. 350 ; expelled through the influence of Demosthenes, 341. Cleitus, or Clitus, friend of Alexander the Great ; made satrap of Bactria, and killed by him in a iit of drunken rage, B.C. 328. Cleland, John, etymologist ; b. about iJOJ ; wrote "Women of Pleasure;" d. 23 Jan. 17S9. Clembncet, Charles, French Benedictine ; b. 1703; began "I'Art de V&ifier les Dates," 1750; wrote "Histoire de Port Royal," &c., 1756-67; d. 5 April 1778. Clemencin, Diego, Spanish liberal statesman, and author ; b. 27 Sept. 1765 ; opposed to Godoy and the French ; named librarian to the queen, and censor of the press, 1 833; author of commentary on Don Quixote, 1833-9; d. 30 July, 1834. Clemens Alexandrinus, Greek father, author of the " Stromata," &c. ; d. about 213. Clemen.5 Romanus, bishop of Rome, see Clement I., pope. Clement I. — XIV., Popes ; I. St. Clemens Eomanus, reputed author of two epistles to the Corinthians . . . . d. 100 II. Suger, bishop of Bamberg ; enthroned, 25 Dec. 1046 . . . . . . d. g Oct. 1047 III. Paulino Scolaro ; elected, ig Dec. 1187 : pro- claimed the third crusade, 1189; d. 28 March, 1191 IV. Guy Foulquois ; elected, 5 Feb. 1265 ; d. 27 Nov. 1268 V. Bertrand de Goth ; b. 1264 ; elected, 5 June, 1305 ; subject to Philip the Fair ; removed the papal seat to Avignon, 1309: suppressed the knights templars, 1312 ; author of the " Clemen- tines" . . . . . d. 20 April, 1314 VI. Pierre de Eoger ; elected, 7 May, 1342 ; opposed Eienzi the tribune . d. 6 Dec. 1352 VII. Giuliano de' Medici : elected, ig Nov. 1523 ; signed treaty with England and France against the emperor Charles V., 1526; besieged at Rome, and made prisoner, 5 -Tune, 1527 ; de- cided against divorce of Hemy VIII. and Cathe- rine of Aragon ; issued decree, 23 March, 1534 ; d. 25 Sept. IS34 VIII. IppoUto Aldobrandini ; 6. 1536 ; elected, 30 Jan. 1592 : published the most accurate edition of the Vulgate ; acquired Ferrara, 1598 ; d. 3 March, 1605 IX. Giulio Eispigliosi ; b. 1600; elected, 20 June, 1607 <^- 9 Dec. 1669 X. EmiUo Altieri ; b. 13 July, isgo ; elected, 29 .. 1 April, 1670 d- 22 July, 1676 XI. Giovanni Francesco Albini ; 6. 22 July, 1649; elected, 23 Nov. 1700: issued the bull " Unigenitus," which condemned Jansenism, 8 Sept 1713 "ZL. counts, Austrian stat^ismen : CniRLES, the '' Colbert of Belgium ; " fr. 21 July, 1712 ; as virtual governor of the low countries, greatly favoured commerce, manufactures, and the aiis, 1755. t: t-.q. . . . ^ d. ro Jan. 1770 L-OTTis, son, b. 1753: ministeT .1: CopenTiagen. 1774: Berlin, 1777; S:. Petersburg, 1779-37 tti^Feb. 180S JoHA^rs PhiliPj diplonMtist : : . 1 741 ; d. 30 Ang. iSio CoEHAii, lord, see l^ :LT--f\. COECEG, Frieirich Jofia;. priziee t" Saxe-. ireneral in Au?rri.-.-n ser'."ic-e : :•. 20 Dec;. I7_": with Su"^:irrow, uffe; : tinesti. iS Seyc._i:So j Dumouriez az 2se r^r defeated bv Jo 1: .-:^ j 1793: d. 26 or 2S Pec red the Tvj-ks r^T Mar- ani the French 'under IldcZl- IS W:^.h. 1703: it W.i,-n^e=. 15 Ort. . iSlv COG 104 eoK COOCEIUS, or. Cock, Johannes, Dutch theolo- gian, founder of the Cocceian party, who con- sider the words in the Bible to have a symbolical as well as a literal meaning ; h. 1603; published " Summa Doctriuce de Fosdere et Testamento," 1648; d. 4 Nov. 1669. CoccHi, Antonio, Italian physician, philolo- gist, and antiquary ; b. 1695; <^- ^ J^t^- 1758- CoCHL^US, Johannes, German Romanist theo- logian ; b. 1479 ; published " Musica Activa," 1507 ; " Commentaria de Actis et Scriptis M. Lutheri," 1549; d. 10 Jan. 1552. CooHON DE Lappabent, Charles, comte de, Trench revolutionist; b. 25 Jan. 1749; sup- ported the Mountain party, 1 792 ; employed by Napoleon, 1800; exiled as a regicide, 1S14; recalled, 1817; d. 1825. CocHEAN, earl of Mar, Scotch courtier, origi- nally a mason ; became favourite of James III. of Scotland, 1478 ; hanged by the insurgent nobles at Lauder Bridge, 1482. Cochrane, Scotch family : Archibald, earl of Dundonald, chemist ; &. t Jan. 1749; published "An Account of Coal-tar," &c., 1785 d. I July, 1831 Alexander Thomas, son, intrepid naval com- mander . . . 6. 14 Dec. 1775 Entered navy . 1793 Destroyed French fleet in Aix roads, 11,12 April, 1809 Strongly opposed the ministry in parliament 1812 Convicted unjustly of a stock-jobbing fraud (in Feb) July, 1814 Entered the service of ChUi, and aided in the achievement of its independence, 1818-21 ; of Brazil, 1822 ; of Greece . Feb. 1827-8 Became earl at liis father's death . , i July, 1831 His sentence annulled ; restored to his rank in the British service 1S32 Vice-admiral, 1S42 ; K.C.B., 1847 ; admiral, U.K., t8s4 . . . d. 30 Oct. i860 John Ditndas 6. about 1780 Travelled on foot from London to St. Petersburg, thence to Kamtschatka ; returned to London Jan. 1820-23 Travelled in South America ; d. at Valencia, Colombia . . . . 12 Aug. 1825 COOKBUKN, Sir Alexander James Edward, bart., judge; h. 1802; solicitor-general, Aug. 1850; attorney -general, March, 1851 — Peb. 1852 ; Dec. 1852 — Nov. 1856; chief justice of the common pleas, Nov. 1856; of the queen's bench, June, 1859. CooKBURN, Catharine, dramatist, &c. ; 6. 16 Aug. 1679; d. II May, 1749. CocKBURN, Sir George, admiral; b. 1772; d. 19 Aug. 1853. CocKBUEN, Henry Thomas, lord, Scotch judge; b. 1779; lord of session, 1834; wrote "Memorials of his Times," publishecl 1856; d. 26 April, 1854. Cocker, Edward, arithmetician; b. 1631 ; his ' ■ Artificial and Algebraic Arithmetic ' ' corrected and published by John Hawkins, 1729 ;(i. 1677. CoOKEEELL, Charles Robert, E.A., architect; b. 27 April, 1788; published "The Temples of Jupiter PanheUenius at ^Egina, and of Apollo Epicurius at Bassse," l85o; d. 17 Sept. 1863. CODEINGTON, Christopher, poet; b. 1668; be- queathed a large sum to found a college at Barbadoes; d. 7 April, 17 10. CODRINGTON, Sir Edward, admiral; 5. 1770; fought under Howe, I June, 1794; destroyed the Turkish fleet at Navarino, 20 Oct. 1827; appeared before Alexandria, and obtained a treaty for the evacuation of the Morea by the Turks, 6 Aug. 1828; d. 28 April, 185 1. CoDRiNGTON", Sir William, son, general ; b. 1800; fought in the Crimean war; gave the alarm at Inkermann, 5 Nov. 1854; commanded the attack on the Eedan, 8 Sept. 1855 ; suc- ceeded general Simpson in chief command, 14 Nov. 1855. CoDBUa, king of Athens ; said to have immo- lated himself to insure victory for his people, B.C. 1068. CoEHORN, orCoHORN, Menno, baron de, Dutch military engineer, opponent of Vauban ; b. about 1641 ; d. 17 May, 1704. CoELLO, Spanish painters : Alonzo Sanchez, 6 1515 ; d. 1590. Claude, 6. 1621 ; d. 1693. CcELESTIUS, heretic, associate of Pelagius, about 409 ; expelled from Constantinople about 429. C(EUR, Jacques, favourite and moneyer of Charles VII. of France ; excited envy ; dis- graced ; made to do public penance ; impri- soned; released by his nephew, Jean de Vil- lage ; taken to Home ; became captain of a papal fleet against the Turks ; d. at Scio, 25 Nov. 1456. Coffey, Charles, dramatist ; author of " The Devil to Pay;" d. 1745. CoGAN, Thomas, physician and philosopher; I. 8 Feb. 1736; d. 2 Feb. 1818. CoGGESHALL, Ralph de. Crusader and Cister- cian monk ; wrote " Chronicon Anglicanum, 1066-1 220 ; " and a chronicle of the Holy Land ; d. about 1228. CoHAUSEN, Johann Heinrich, German physi- cian; b. 1665; published " Hermippus Redi- vivus," 1742; d. 13 July, 1750. CoiGNET, Matthieu sieur de la ThuUerie, French diplomatist ; b. 1 5 14 ; published " In- struction anx Princes pour garder la foi promise," 1584; d. 1586. CoiMBEA, Pedro, duke of, naval conomander and geographer ; grandson of Edward III. of England ; b. 9 Dec. 1 392 ; took part in the wars in Africa ; travelled through Europe and Asia, 1424; called to be regent, 1440; patron- ised science ; d. 20 May, I449. CoKAiNB, Sir Aston, poet and dramatist ; b. 1608; d. Feb. 16S4. Coke, Thomas, D.D., promoted Wesleyan mis- sions; b. 1747 ; d. 1814. Coke, or Cooke, Sir Edward, lawyer; 6. about 1549; d. 3 Sept. 1634. Made her attorney by Elizabeth 1593 Chief-justice of king's bench . . . 1613 COK 105 COL Disgraced for defending the rights of parliament against James I. . . . . 1615 Discharged from tlie justiceship . . 1616 Imprisoned ... 27 Deo. 1621— 6 Aug. 1622 Published liis " Institutes," part I. . 1628 Coke, Thomas William, earl of Leicester and Holkham, agriculturist; I. 4 May, 1752; made earl, 21 July, 1837 ; succeeded the duke of Bed- ford as chief of English agriculturists, 1S02; d. 30 June, 1842. CoLAEDEAU, Charles Pierre, French poet and translator; 6. 12 Oct. 1732; d. 7 April, 1766. Colas di Eienzi, see Riend. Colbert, Jean Baptiste, marquis de Seignelay, French statesman; b. 29 Aug. 1619; intro- duced to Louis XIV. by cardinal Mazarine; made successively controller-general of the finances, mirdster of marine, (1668); and of war, and of the royal household, (1669) ; termed " -vir marmoreus" by supplicants ; greatly diminished the public debt, and augmented the revenue ; patronised literature and science ; d. in disgrace, 6 Sept. 1683. Colby, Thomas, major-general, geodesist ; 6. I Sept. 1784 j appointed assistant in the ordnance survey under Mudge, 1802 ; superin- tendent, 1820; d. 9 Oct. 1852. Colchester, see Ahljot. CoLDEN", Cadwallader, Scotch naturalist ; 6. 16SS; went to America; published "His- tory of the five Indian Nations," 1745 ; d. 1776. Cole, Henry, secretary of the department of science and art ; has written under the name "Pelix Summerly;" 6. 19 July, 1808. Cole, Henry, dean of St Paul's; d. 1579. Cole, Thomas, theologian ; published " Dis- course on the Christian Behgion/' " On Ke- generation," &c. ; d. 1697. Cole, William, theologian and botanist ; h. 1626; pubUshed "Art of Simpling," 1656; d. 1662; — antiquary, h. 1714; d. 16 Dec. 1782. CoLEBROOKE, Henry Thomas, astronomer and naturalist of India ; 6. 15 June, 1765; pub- lished "Sanscrit Grammar," 1810; "Indian Algebra," 1817; d. 10 March, 1837. COLENSO, John William, bishop of Natal ; h. 1814; consecrated, 1853; published "The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua critically examined," 1862-65 ; it censured by the bishops in convocation, 20 May, 1863; his deposition by Dr Gray, bishop of Capetown, (16 April, 1864) set aside by the privy council, 21 March, 1865. CoLERLDGE family : Samuel Tayloe, poet and philosopher : 6. 21 Oct. 1772 ; became soldier, 1794 : married Sara Flicker, 1795 : published Poems, 1796-7 ; tra- velled in GermanY, 179S ; lectured at the Eoyal Institution, 1808 ; published the " Friend," 1809 ; "Aids to Eeflection," 1825, &c. d. 25 July, 1834 Hartley, eldest son of Samuel ; 6. 19 Sept. 1706 ; lost his fellowsliip at Oxford, 1819; wrote "Wor- thies of Yorkshire," &c. . . d. 6 Jan. 1849 Eev. Dbewent, son of Samuel ; 6. 14 Sept. 1800 ; edited his father's works . . . 1852 Satia, daughter of Samuel ; h. 1803 ; edited her father's works, 1834, et seq. . . tZ. 3 ]May, 1852 Heniiy Nelson, nephew of Samuel b. about 1800 Married his cousin Sara .... 1829 Aided in editing his uncle's works, 1834 ; and published his "Table-Talk" d. 26 Jan. 1843 Coleridge, Sir John Taylor, judge; 6. 1790 ; published his edition of Blackstone's " Com- mentaries," 1825 ; a judge of king's bench, 1835; retired, 185S. Coleridge, Sir John Duke, son; 5. 1S21; M.P. for Exeter, July, 1865 ; soUcitor-general, Dec. 1868. Coles, Cowper Phipps, captain, naval archi- tect; b. l8ig; made known his cupola or turret system, 1855 ; recommended to the admii'alty, 1861. Coles, Elisha, lexicographer; 5. about 1640; pubUshed " English Dictionary," 1676; "Latin Dictionary," 1677; d. about 1700. Colet, John, dean of St. Paul's; b. 1466 dean, 1 505 ; founded St. Paul's school, London appointed William Lilly, first master, 15 12 d. 16 Sept. 1 5 19. Coley, Henry ; b. 1633 ; pubhshed " Clavis Astrologise," 1675; d. 1690. CoLI, Giovanni, ItaUan fresco painter; b. 1634 ; d. 1681. CoLIGNI, Gaspard de, French admiral, protes- tant ; b. 16 Feb. 1517 ; fought in the civil war ; chief of the Huguenots at the death of Cond^ at Jamac, 13 March, 1569; victorious ; proscribed by the court ; permitted to return by the peace of St. Germain's, 8 Aug. 1570 ; Idlled at the massacre of St. Bartholomew's, 24 Aug. 1572. Colin, Alexandre, sculptor of Mechhn ; b. 1526; executed Maximilian's tomb at Inn- spruck, 1566; d. 17 Aug. 1612. CoLINES (CoLIN^ns), Simon de, French printer and typefounder ; said to have pub- lished " Grammatographia," 1541; d. about 1546. Collatinus, Lucius Tarquinius, husband of Lucretia ; with L. Junius Brutus, the first Roman consuls, B.C. 509. CoLLfi, Charles, popular French dramatist ; 6. 1709; d. 3 Nov. 1783. CoLLE, Baffaellino del, Italian painter ; b. 1490 ; d. 1580. Collet, Philibert, French jurist and botanist ; b. 1643; ^- 30 March, 1718. Colletta, Pietro, ItaUan historian ; I. 1775 ; wrote "History of Naples;" d. II Nov. 1833. Colletet, GuiUaume, French poet; b. 1598 ; d. II Feb. 1659. Collier, Arthur, theologian and metaphysi- cian; b. 1680; d. 1732. Collier, Jeremy, theologian ; b. 23 Sept. 1650; published "Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain," 170S-14 ; "Histiyo-Mastix," (an attack on the immorality of the English stage), 1698; d. 26 April, 1726. COL 106 COL COLtIEK, John Payne, poetical antiquary ; b. 1 789 ; published editions of Shakspeare, and other dramatists, 1841 et seq.; "Notes and Emendations on the Text of Shakspeare," (founded upon marginal notes on an old folio, edition), alleged to have been forgeries unknown to Mr Colher, 1852. Collier, Sir Robert Porrett, lawyer ; &. 181 7; pubKshed "Law of Railways," 1850; soHcitor- general, 1 863- 1 866 ; attorney-general, Dec. 1868. Collin de Planot, Jacques Albin Simon, nephew of Danton ; 6.28 Jan. 1793; author of the " Dictionnaire Infernal," and other works attacking the church, 1812-35 i since 1837 the tendency of his writings has been re- versed. Collin d'Haeleville, Jean Pranjois, French dramatist; b. 30 May, 1755; d. 24 Feb. 1806. Collin, Heinrich Joseph, German dramatist ; i. 1772; d. 1811. CoLLINGWOOD, Cuthbert, lord, brave and scientific admiral; 6. 26 Sept. 1748; under Nelson, helped to gain the victory of Tra- falgar, 21 Oct. 1805; d. 7 March, 1810. Collins, Anthony, philosopher ; 6. 2 1 June, 1676 ; published " Essay concerning Reason," 1707; "Discourse on Free-thinking," 1713 ; "Inquiry concerning Liberty and Necessity," 1715; 4- 13 Dec. 1729. Collin.s, Arthur, genealogist; h. 1682; pub- lished his "Peerage," 1708; d. 16 March, 1760. Collins, David, Irish lawyer; 6, 3 March, 1756; judge advocate at Botany Bay, 1787; published "History of Botany Bay," 1797; d. 24 March, 18 10. Collins, John, mathematician ; h, 5 March, 1624; d. 10 Nov. 1683; his " Commerciiim Epistolicmn de Analysi Promota," pubUshed, 1712. Collins, WUliam, lyric poet; h. 25 Dec. 1720 ; published his "Odes," 1 746; d. insane, 1756. Collins, William, R.A., painter; S. 18 Sept. 17S7; d. 17 Feb. 1847. Collins, William Wilkie, novelist, son of WUliam the artist ; b. 1824 or 1825; published a " Life" of his father, 1848 ; " The Woman in White," 1859-60. CoLLiNSON, John, topographical historian; published " History of Somerset," 1791; d. 27 Aug., 1793. CoLLiNSON, Peter, physician and botanist, friend of Franldin; b. 14 Jan. 1694; d. 11 Aug. 1768. CoLLOT d'Hebbois, Jeau Marie, French revolutionist and dramatist; b. 1750 ; mas- sacred the royaUsts at Lyons, Nov. 1793 ; pre- sident of the convention, July, 1794 ; denounced and ex£ed to Cayenne, April 1 795 ; d. 8 Jan, 1796. COLMAN, George, the elder, scholar and dra- matist, author of " The Jealous Wife," &c. ; b. about 1733 ; d. 14 Aug. 1794. Geobge, the younger, dramatist, author of " Broad Grins," "Poor Gentleman," "John Bull," &c. ; b. 21 Oct. 1762; d. 26 Oct. 1836. CoLOOOTEONis, See Kolokotronis. CoLOMBANUS, St., Irish; 6. about 540; d, in Italy, 21 Dec. 615. CoLOMii;s, Paul, French protestant ; b. 2 Dec. 1638; published "Rome Protestante," 1675; " Gallia OrientaHs," 1665; d. 13 Jan. 1692. COLONNA, Angelo Michele, painter; b. 1600; d. 1687. GoLONNA, Cardinal Pompeo ; wrote " De Laudibus Mulierum," in honour of Vittoria Colonna ; d. 28 June, 1532. COLONNA, Fabio, Itahan botanist; the origi- nator of genera, and the term petals, &c. ; b. about 1567 ; d. 1650. CoLONNA, Francesco; b. 1433; wrote "Hyp- nerotomachia PoUphiH," printed by Aldus, 1499; d. July, 1527. Colonna, Francesco Maria Pompeo, Italian botanist; b. about 1649; d. 1726. Colonna, Prospero, Italian general, son of Antonio, prince of Salerno ; b. 1452 ; entered French and afterwards Spanish service ; de- feated the Venetians near Vicenza, 1 5 1 3 ; and the French under Lautrec at Bioocoa, 29 April, 1522 ; d. 1523. Colonna, Vittoria, Italian poetess ; 5. 1490 ; d. Feb. 1547. COLOT, French Kthotomists : Germain, 15th century; Laurent, about 1550; Philip, 6. 1593; d. 1656 ; Frangois, d. 25 June, 1706. CoLQUHOUN, Patrick, political economist ; b. 14 March, 1745; published "Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis,'' 1796; d. 25 April, 1820. Colston, Edward, merchant ; b. at Bristol, 2 Nov. 1636 ; expended a large fortune in found- ing charitable institutions at Bristol; d. 11 Oct. 1 72 1. Colt, Samuel, American inventor of the revolver pistol ; 6. 19 July 1814 ; d. 9 Jan. 1862. CoLTON, Caleb C, eccentric clergyman ; pub- lished " Lacon ; many Things in Few Words," 1820; d. by suicide, 29 April, 1832. CoLUMBA, Irish saint; b. 521; converted the Picts in Scotland ; d. 9 June, 597. Columbus, Bartholomew, brother of Christo- pher, the adelantado or governor; b. about 1437; d- ISH- Columbus, Christopher (Colombo Italian, Colon or Colomo, Spanish, Christof oro) ; b. about 1430, 1436, or 1445 ; d. 20 May, 1506. First went to sea about 1460 Settled at Lisbon, where he married Felipa, daughter of Perestrello, an Italian navigator . 1470 Laid tlie plans of his voyage of discovery before the government of Genoa .... 1485 COL 107 COM Acquired the patronage of Isabella of Spain ; sailed on his first expedition from Palos, in Andalusia, on Friday ... 3 Aug. 1492 Observed the magnetic declination 13 Sept. 1492 Landed on Guanabani, one of the Bahamas, Friday . .... 12 Oct. 1492 Discovered Cuba, 28 Oct. : Hispaniola . 6 Dec. 1492 Returned to Spain .... 15 March, 1493 Sailed on his second expedition . . 25 Sept. 1493 Discovered the Caribees .... Nov. 1493 Founded Isabella, in Hispaniola, the first Cliris- tian city in the New "World . . . Dec. 1493 Discovered Jamaica, 3 May; Isle of Pines, 13 June, 1494 Explored the coasts of the "VVest India isles . 1495-96 Ketumed to Spain to repel the accusations of his enemies .... .11 June, 1496 Sailed on his third expedition . 30 May, 1498 Discovered Ti-inidad, 31 July ; landed on terra firma, the mainland of America, believing it to be an island . . 31 May, or i Aug. 1498 Put in chains by BobadiUa, May ; sent to Spain ; honoui'ably received . . 17 Dec. r 500 Sailed on his fourth expedition . . 9 May, 1502 Discovered several isles, July; Porto Eello, 2 Nov. 1502 "Worried by his enemies, returned to Spain, 7 Nov. 1504 d. 20 May, buried at Valladolid, 1506 His remains removed to Seville, 1513: San Do- mingo, 1536; the Havanna, Cuba Jan. 1796 Columbus, Diego, son of Christopher; second admiral of the Indies; b. about 1474; made governor of the Indies, 29 Oct. 1 509 ; calumni- ated and persecuted; d. 23 Feb. 1526. Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, Roman writer on agriculture ; Ji. about 50- CoLUTHUS, Greek poet ; Jl. 5th century. C0L"V1LL, Alexander, Scotch poet; author of " The Scotch Hudibras ; " h. 1620; d. 1676. Combe, Andre-sv, M.D., Scotch phrenological ■writer; b. 27 Oct. 1797; d. 9 Aug. 1847. Combe, Charles, numismatist ; b. 23 Sept. 1743; pubUshed "Index Nummorum Impera- torum," &c., 1773; d. 18 March, 1817. Combe, George, Scotch phrenologist; &. 21 Oct. 1788 ; published " System of Phrenology," 1824; d. 14 Aug. 1858. CoMBEFis, l?ran9ois, French Dominican and Greek scholar ; b. Nov. 1605 ; published edi- tions of St. Basil and other fathers ; and of " His- toriaeByzantinEeScriptores;" rf. 23March, 1679. CoMEEE, Thomas, dean of Durham; b. 1644; pubUshed "Companion to the Altar," 1674; d. 25 Nov. 1699. CoMBEKMEKE, Sir Stapleton Cotton, "viscount ; 6. 14 Nov. 1772; fought in the peninsula; commanded the army in India, 1824; stormed Bhurtpore, 18 Jan. 1826; d. 21 Feb. 1865. Combes, Charles P. M., French mining engin- eer; b. 26 Dec. 1S02; published "A^ragedes Mines," 1841 ; "Trait^del'Exploitation," 1843. CoMBNius, Johann Amos, Moravian linguist ; b. 1592; published (for teaching languages), "Janua Linguarum," 1631 ; " Orbis Pictus," 1659; d. 15 Nov. 1671. Comes, Natalis, see Conti. COMIEBS, Claude, French mathematician and physicist; published "NouveUe Science de la Nature des Comfetes," 1665 ; and many papers in the "Journal des Savans; " d. Oct. 1693. CoMiNES, or CoMMiNES, Philippe de, sieur d'Axgenton, French statesman and historian ; b. 1445 ; entered the .service of Charles of Burgundy about 1464; of Louis XI. of France, 1472 ; filled for his political intrigues, 1488 ; d. 7 Oct. 1509. CoMiTOLO, Napoleone, Italian bishop and jurist; 6. 1544; d. 24 Aug. 1624. Paolo, Jesuit theologian ; b. 1545 ; rf. 18 Feb. 1626. CoMMANDiNO,Federigo, Italian mathematician; b. 1 509 ; edited Ptolemy, Pappus, &c. ; d. 3 Sept. 1575. CoMMELiN, Isaac, Dutch historian ; 0. 19 Oct. 1598; d. 3 Jan. 1676. Jan, botanist; b. 1629; d. 1692. His nephew, Gaspabd, botanist; b. 1667 ; d. 25 Dec. 1731. CoMMELiN, Jerome, French printer (of the fathers, (fee.) ; d. 1598- CoMMENDONE, Giovanni Francesco, Italian cardinal, ecclesiastical reformer; 6. 17 March, 1524; d. 25 Dec. 1584. CoMMERSON, Phihbert, French naturalist; 6. 18 Nov. 1727; d. 1773. CoMMiEE, Jean, French Latin poet ; b. 25 March, 1625; published Latin poems, 1678; d. 1702. CoMMODLAKUS, Christian Latin poet, author of " Instructiones adversus Gentium Decs," about 270. CoiiMODO, or CoMODi, Andrea, ItaUan painter ; b. 1560; d. 1638. CoMMODUS, Lucius Ceionius, adopted by Hadrian as Lucius jEUus Verus, 135 or 136; d. suddenly, I Jan. 138. His son, 6. 15 Dec. 1 30 ; adopted "with Marcus Aurelius by Anto- ninus Pius, 25 Feb. 138 ; made emperor by his colleague, and styled Verus, March, 161 ; d. 169. CoMMODUS, Lucius Aurelius, emperor of Rome, son of Marcus Aurelius ; 6. 31 Aug. 161 ; suc- cessful in "war against the Germans, 176; suc- ceeded his father, 17 March, 180 ; on escaping assassination, abandoned himself to cruelty and debauchery, 183 ; strangled, 31 Dec. 192. CoMNENUS, Byzantine family, emperors of the east : Isaac I., d. about 1061. Alexis I., 1081-1118. Joannes II., 1118-43. Manuel, 1143-80. Alexis II., 1180-83. CoMPTON, Henry, bishop of London; b. 1632 ; bishop, 1675 ; suspended by James II. for his opposition to popery, 1686; greatly helped for- ward the revolution, 1688-9; d. 7 July, 1 7 13. COMTE, Auguste, French philosopher; b. 12 Jan. 1798 ; published " Cours de Phdosophie Positive," 1830-42 ; d. 30 Sept. 1857. CoMTE, Fran9ois Charles Louis, French publi- cist; b. 23 Aug. 1782; d. 13 April, 1837. COM 108 CON CoMTN, Sir John, the Red; joined Wallace, 1298 ; chosen one of the governors of Scotland, 1299; defeated the English at Eoslin, 1302 ; resigned the kingdom to Edward I., 9 Eeb. 1304 ; slain by Bruce for treachery, Feb. 1306. CONAN I. — IV., dukes of Eritanny : I. d. 27 June, 992. II. &. 1040 : succeeded his father, 1040; d. II Sept. 1066. III. b. io8g ; duke, 1112; d. 17 Sept. 1148. IV. b. about 1137 ; duke, 1155 ; d. 20 Feb. 1171. CoNCA, Sebastiano, Neapolitan historical painter; 5. 1676; d. 1754. CoNCiNA, Daniele, Italian theologian ; 5. 1 686 ; wrote " Defensio ConcUii Tridentini," 1745 ; d. 21 Feb. 1756. CONCINI, Concino, mardchal d'Ancre, Italian adventurer; came to France mth Maria de' Medici, and married Galigai, her favourite maid, 1600; after the death of Henry IV. (l6lo), acquired power and became minister, l6i2 ; opposed the princes, and killed by order of Louis XIII., 24 April, 161 7 ; his wife be- headed and burnt as a sorceress, 8 July, 1617. CoNDAMiNE, Charles Marie de la, French physicist ; h. 28 Jan. 1701 ; with Bouguer and others measured a degree in Bern, 1735-46 ; published " Figure de la Terre d(5termin^e," 1749 ; d. 4 Feb. 1774. CoNDE, princes of ; Louis I. de Boukbon", 6. 1530 : became a re- former : commanded and taken prisoner at Dreux, 19 Dec. 1562 ; killed at Jarnac, 13 M.arch 1569 Henky I., son ; b. 1552 ; general of the protest- ants, 1575 . . ' d. 5 March, 1588 Henri H., son b. 15S8 Eenounced protestantism, and persecuted the Huguenots ; revolted against Maria de' Medici, the regent ... . 1614 Favoured by Eichelieu . . . . d. 1646 Louis II., son, due d'Enghien, great general ; &. 162 1 Defeated the Spaniards at Rocroy 19 May, 1643 Victor at Nordlingen ... 3 Aug. 1645 Succeeded his father as prince of Cond6 Dec. 1646 Victorious in Germany 1648 Civil war : formed a new " Fronde " party 1649 Opposed the court and Turenne . . 1650-1 Entered the service of Philip IV. of Spain ; fought witli varj'ing success against Turenne 1652-5 Itestored to his dignities, &c. . . . 1659 Defeated the prince of Orange at Senef ; 11 Aug. 1674 d. in retirement at Cbantilly, 11 Dec. 1686 Louis, Joseph, general: b. 9 Aug. 1736; fought in the seven years' war .... 1758-63 Joined the allies against France . . . 1793 With the emigrants, entered the British service, and served in Germany .... 1796 Eeceived by the emperor Paul at St Peters- burg . . .... Dec. 1797 Settled in England, 1802 ; returned to France, 1814 d. 13 May, 1818 CoNDE, Jos^ Antonio, Spanish orientalist and historian ; b. about 1765 ; author of " History of the Arabs in Spain ;" d. 20 Oct. 1820. CoNDBR, Josiah, nonconformist minister and poet; b. 17 Sept. 1789; edited "Eclectic Ee- view," 1814-37; published "The Choir and Oratory," 1837 ; d. 27 Dec. 1855. CONDILLAO, Etienne Bonnot de, French philo- sopher ; b. about 1715 ; published "Essai sur I'Oiigine des Connaissances humaines," 1746 ; "Traitd des Systemes," 1749; " Cours des Etudes," 175s, &c. ; d. 3 Aug. 1780. CoNDOKOET, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de, French mathematician and philosopher ; b. 17 Sept. 1743; professed repubUcanism, 12 July, 1791 ; deputy for Paris in the assembly, Sept. ; proscribed with the Girondins ; escaped, seized ; d. by poison to escape the guillotine, 28 March, 1794. Marie de Grouchy, his amiable wife; b. 1764; d. 8 Sept. 1822. CoNDivi, Ascanio, Italian painterand sculptor; b. 1 520 ; published life of his master Michael Angelo, 1553; (^.unknown. CoNDKEN, Charles de, French theologian and diplomatist; b. 1588; elected general of the Oratorians, 1629; wrote against protestants; d. 7 Jan. 1 64 1. CoNEGLiANO, Giovanni Battista Cima, Italian painter; b. 1460; d. about 15 17. CoNEUCius, KooNG-FOO-TSE, Chinese philo- sopher ; jl. probably between B.C. 500 and 400. CoNGLETON, lord, sce Parnell. CoNGKEVE, "William, dramatist and poet ; b. 1670; wrote "Double-Dealer," 1694; "Love for Love," 1695, &c. ; d. 19 Jan. 1729. CoNGHEVE, Sir William, physicist ; b. 20 May, 1772; invented the Congreve rocket system, 1804; described it in his "Treatise," 1827; in- vented the method of making bank-note paper, 1819; d. 15 May, 1828. CoNiNGTON, John, classical scholar and poet ; b. 10 Aug. 1825 ; published translation of Horace, 1863; Virgil, i856. CoNNOK, Bernard, Irish physician and philo- sopher; 6. about 1666; published "Evangelium Medici," 1697; d. 30 Oct. 1698. CONOLLT, Colonel, went to Bokhara, 1841 ; murdered there, about June, 1843. CoNOLLl', John, M.D., deliverer of the insane from mechanical restraint ; b. 1 794 ; introduced his system at Hanwell, 1839 ; published " Treatment of the Insane," 1853 ; d. 5 March, 1866. CoNON, Athenian general ; by the aid of the Persians defeated the Spartan fleet at CniduG. 394 ; restored the fortifications of the PeirEeus, 393 ; sent to Persia ; imprisoned, and probably killed, about 390. CoNON, a Greek mathematician and astrono- mer, alleged inventor of the spiral of Archi- medes ; Ji. B.C. 283-222. CoNON, pope ; elected, 686 ; d. 687. CoNEAD I. — IV., rulers of Germany : I. count of Franconia, elected king, Oct. 911 ; killed in battle with Arnold of Bavaria, 23 Dec. 918 II. the Salic ; elected king, 8 Sept. 1024 ; crowned emperor at Eome, 26 March, 1027 d, 4 June, 1039 III. duke of Franconia, founder of the Hohen- staufen dynasty and the Ghibelline party; b. 1093; CON 109 CON crowned king of Italy, 29 June, 1128; elected king and emperor, 22 Feb. 1138 ; defeated duke Guelf at Weinsberg, 1 140 ; undertook a crusade, 1147-8 d. IS Feb. 1152 IV. b. April, 1228; emperor, 1250; excommuni- cated by the pope, 1251, and despoiled of all his possessions d. 21 May, 1254 CoNRADiN, last of the Hohenstaufens, son of Conrad IV. ; 6. 1252 ; despoiled of the kingdom of Naples by his uncle Manfred, 1254; invited to the throne, 1267; defeated at Tagliacozzo by Charles of Anjou, 23 Aug. 1268; put to death, 29 Oct. 1268. Conrad, marquess of Montferrat, crusader ; defended Constantinople against the barbarians, 1 186; defeated Saladin before Tyre, 11S7; elected king of Jerusalem, 1 1 90 ; assassinated, I191. CoNRART, Valentin, Prench protestant writer ; 6. 1603 ; father of the French academy, founded 1634; d. 23 Sept. 1675. CoNRiNG, Hermann, German physician and jurist ; b. 9 Nov. 1606 ; wrote many books on German law, and government ; d. 12 Dec. 1 68 1. CoNSALVl, Ercole, Italian cardinal; h. 1757; concluded the concordat with Napoleon I., 1801 ; improved the administration of the papal states, and fostered science and Hterature, 1816-23; d. 24 Jan. 1824. Constable, Archibald, Scotch bookseller, pub- lished "Edinburgh Review," Scott's novels, &c. ; 6. 1775; d. 21 July, 1827. Constable, John, E.A., landscape painter ; &. 1776; d. 30 March, 1837. Constance of Britanny, wife of Geoffrey Plantagenet ; at his death, governed Britanny for her infant son Arthur, 1 186; d. 1201. CoNSTANS I. II., Roman emperors ; I. son of Constantine the great b. 320 Made governor of Illyria, &c. ... 337 Master of the West at the death of his brother Constantine . . .34° Favoured the Arians 34^ Slain by the soldiers of the rebel Magnentius 18 Jan. 350 II. Flavins Heraclius, son of Constantine III. ; 6. 7 Nov. 630 ; emperor . . . Aug. 641 Issued the " Type " or model of faith ; lost teiTi- tories to the Arabs and Lombards 648, et seq. Defeated by Moawiyah . . . . 6s9 Murdered his brother Theodosius . 661 Restored the seat of empire to Rome 663 Assassinated (probably) at Syracuse . 15 July, 668 CONSTAI^T DE Rebecque, Henri Benjamin, French philosopher; 6. 25 Oct. 1767; d. 10 Dec. 1830. Constantine, pope ; ordained, 25 March, 708 ; d. 9 April, 715. Constantinus I. — XIII., emperors of Rome : I. the Great, son of Constantius Chlorus : 6. Feb. 272 Served under Galerius, and excited his jealousy 296, et seq. Succeeded his father, and began his straggle for the sole power 25 July, 306 Adopted the cross ; totally defeated Maxentius, and entered Rome ... z8 Oct. 312 Defeated Licinius, and made peace . .314 Defeated Licinius near Adrianople, 3 July ; and at Chrysopolis .... Sept. 323 Sole emperor after killing Licinius . . 324 Presided at the general council at Nicea . 325 Executed his son Crispus . . . 326 Made Byzantium capital, inaugurated as Con- stantinople ... . 330 Dedicated Constantinople 11 May, 330 Baptized ; d. at Nicomedea . . .22 May, 337 II. son, b. 7 Aug. 312 ; emperor . . . 337 Invaded territories of his brother Constans ; de- feated and slain April, 340 III. "Novus," son of the emperor Heraclius; b. May, 6x2; emperor, 11 March . d. 22 June, 641 IV. Pogonatns or Barbatus . . . . 0. 648 Succeeded his father Constans II., 668 ; defeated and checked the progress of the Arabs . 679 Gave peace to the church by the council at Con- stantinople, which condemned the Monothe- lites, 680 d. Sept. 6B5 V. Copronymus, son of Leo IIL Isaurus b. 719 Emperor 741 Condemned image-worship, and persecuted the orthodox . . . . 754 Defeated the Bulgarians, 765 . d. 14 Sept. 775 VI. son of Leo. IV. and Irene ; b. 771 ; emperor, his mother ruling, 781 ; long conflicts with her ; imprisoned her, and reigned alone, 790 ; recon- ciled ; frustrated the conspiracy of his uncles 794 d. about 797 VII. Porphyrogenitus, son of Leo VI. and Zoe, b. 905 ; emperor, 911 ; dethroned by the sons of Piomanus Lecapenus, 944 ; restored", 945 ; wrote life of his grandfather, Basil I., and other works ; poisoned by his son Eomanus 15 Nov. 959 VIII. usui'per, son of Bomanus Lecapenus, reigned with his brother Stephanus, and gave way to Constantine VII. ; restored, 945 . d. 947 IX. son of Bomanus II., b. g6i ; emperor, with his brother Basil II., 976 ; who died, 1025 ; idle and luxurious . . . d. 12 Nov. 102S X. Monomachus, emperor ; I. about 1000 ; mar- ried empress Zoe . 1042 Defeated the Arabs 1047 Injured the empire by reducing the army; during the progress of the schism of the Greek and Roman churches . . . cZ. 30 Nov. 1054 XI. Ducas, b. about 1007 ; emperor, 1059 ; re- duced his army, and suffered by invasion of the Uzes, 1064 ; lost Italy to- the Normans d. May, 1067 XII. Ducas, son of Constantinufe XI. ; emperor, with others, 1067 ; d. or killed about 1078 or 1082 XIII. Palseologus, Dragases . . b. 1394 Succeeded bis brother, John VII. . . 1448 Beigned by permission of the Turkish sultan, Amurath II. . . 1448 Opposed by Mahomet II 1450 Killed when Constantinople was taken 29 May 1453 Constantinus, " the tyrant," emperor in Britain, 407 ; acknowledged by Honorius, and helped him, 409 ; treacherously killed by him, 411. Constantine Paulovich, grand-dnke of Rus- sia, elder brother of Nicholas I. ; 6. 8 May, 1779; fought bravely at Austerhtz, 2 Dec. 1805 ; divorced his wife, and married a Pole, 1820 ; resigned his hereditary right to the throne, 1S22 ; governed Poland severely, 1822-30 ; narrowly escaped capture by insur- gents, 29 Nov. 1830 ; d. 27 June, 1831. Constantius I. — IIL, emperors. I. Chlorus (father of Constantinus I.) ; 6. about 250 ; defeated the Alemanni in Gaul, 298 ; co- emperor with Galerius, 305 ; able, virtuous, and humane ; d. at York . . 25 July, 306 II. 3d son of Constantinus I. ; &. 6 Aug. 317; emperor (over Greece, Thrace, &c.) . . 337 CON 110 COO Defeated by the Persians at Singara . . 343 Suppressed rebellion of Magnentius, 351-3 ; and of Gallus, 354 . . . d. 3 Not. 361 III. (of the West), able general ; made co- emperor by Honorius, 8 Feb. d. 11 Sept. 421 CoNTAEiNi, Ambrogio, Venetian diplomatist and traveller ; an ambas.gador to Persia, 1473 ; his " Viaggio " printed 1487. CoNTARINI, Gaspare, Italian cardinal and diplomatist ; b. 1483 ; wrote " De Jmmortali- tate Animte ;" d. 1542. CoNTAEiNi, Giovanni, Venetian painter, h. 1549 ; d. 1605. CoNTAEiNi, Vincenzo, Italian antiquary, 5. 1577; d. 1617. CoNTE, Jacopiuo, Italian painter; i. 1510; d. 1598. CoNT]^, Nicolas Jacques, Prench chemist and mechanician, i. 4 Aug. 1755; ^* ^^ " seros- tier," employed in a balloon at the battle of Pleurus, 26 June, 1794 ; accompanied the army to Egypt, and constructed many machines for civil and mihtary purposes, 1 798, et seq. j d. 6 Dec. 1803, CoNTi, princes de, younger branch of the house of Condt^ : AuaiAND DE Bourbon, son of Henri 11. de Bourbon, eminent general : h. 1629 ; converted ; retired from the world, and wrote on theology ; d. 21 Feb. 1666. Louis Armand, son, warrior ; b. 1661 : d. 1685. Francois Louis, brotlier ; warrior ; b. 1664 ; elected king of Poland (superseded by the elector of Saxony), 1697. Louis AuaiAND, son ; poet ; dissolute ; b. 1695 : d. 1727- Louis FBANgois, son ; able general ; 6. 1717 : headed the opposition to the court, 1771 : d. 1776. Louis Franqois Joseph, comte de la Marche, son : last of the house ; b, 1734 ; expelled by the Directory, 1795 ; cZ. 1814. CoNTi, Giovanni Francesco, Italian poly- graph (surnamed Quinzano, and Quintianus Stoa) ; 6. i486 ; patronised by Louis XII. of France ; d. 7 Oct. 1557. CoNTI, or OoNTE, Primo (Petrus Comes, or de Comitibus), Italian linguist and traveller ; I. 1498; d. 1593. CoNTi, Noel (Natalis Comes, or de Comiti- bus) ; Italian writer and scholar, d. 1582. CoNTi Di Val Montone, Giusto di, .Italian poet ; rf. 19 Nov. 1449. CoNTUCCi, Arcangelo, Italian antiquary ; J. 21 March 1688 ; d. 19 March, 1768 ; see Sarir sovino. CONYBEAEE, John, theologian; li. 1692; pub- lished " Defence of Eevealed Eehgion," 1732 ; d. 13 July, 1755. Conybeaee, John Josias, geologist and anti- quary ; h. 1779 ; d. II June, 1824. ., CoNTBEAEE, WiUiam Daniel, dean of Llan- daff, geologist ; h. 7 June, 1787 ; pubhshed " Geology of England and Wales," 1822 ;d. 12 Aug. 1857. Cook, Eichard, K. A., painter ; h. 1 782 ; d. II Ma,rch, 1857. Cook, James, navigator; b. 27 Oct. 1728; sailed on his first voyage (with Banks), 30 July 1768; returned, 12 June, 1771 ; sailed on his second voyage to explore the South Seas, 13 July, 1772; returned, 30 July, 1775 ; sailed on his third voyage, 12 July, 1776 ; kiUed by savages at Owhyhee, 14 Feb. 1779- Cook, John Douglas, editor of the " Saturday Eeview;" d. 10 Aug. 1868. Cooke, Sir Anthony, scholar, tutor to king Edward VI.; b. about 1506; d. II June, 1576. His daughter, Mildred, was married to Lord Burleigh; Anne to Nicholas, Lord Bacon ; EUzabeth to Sir John Russel. Cooke, Benjamin, musical composer; h. 1739! d. Sept. 1793. Cooke, Edward WiUiam, R.A., marine painter; h. 1 81 1; pubUshed "Shipping and Craft," 1829. Cooke, George Frederick, actor ; 5. 1 7 April, 1756; d. 26 Sept. 1812. Cooke, George Wingrove, barrister and law reformer; 6. 1814; published "Lite of Boling- broke, 1835 ; d. 19 June, 1865. Cooke, George, engraver; b. 17S1; d. 27 Feb. 1834. Cooke, Thomas, poet ; b. about 1 702 ; pub- hshed Translation of Hesiod, 1728, and of other classics; d. 20 Dec. 1756. Cooke, Thomas P., actor; b. about 1786; d. 4 April, 1864. Cooke, William Fothergill ; b. 1S06 ; with Professor Wheatstone patented magnetic-needle telegraph, 10 June, 1837 ; set up telegraph line on part of Great- Western Eailway, 183S-9 ; on Blackwall line, 1840, &c. CoOMBE, William, comic poet; b. 1741 ; pub- Ushed "Tour of Dr Syntax in Search of the Picturesque," 1812 ; d. 19 June, 1823. CooPEE, Abraham, E.A., painter ; 6. Sept. 1787 ; d. 24 Dec. 1868. CooPEE, Anthony Ashley, iirst earl of Shaftes- bury ; b. 1621 ; d. 22 Jan. 1683. Member of the " Eump Parliament," and of the "Healing Parliament," 1660; of the Cabal ministry ... .... 1670 Lord Chancellor . . . Nov. 1672 — Nov. 1673 Opposed the long prorogations of parliament, and the declaration of indulgence, &c. . . 1673-4 President of the council, 20 April ; struck off the council 15 Oct. 1679 Sent to tlie Tower : the indictment against him rejected by the grand juiy . . Nov. 1681 Fled to Holland ... . . Nov. 1682 CooPEE, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury, philosopher ; b. 26 Feb. 1671 ; pub- hshed "Characteristics," 1711-23; d. 4 Feb. 1713- CooPEE, Sir Astley Paston, bart., surgeon ; b. 23 Aug. 1768; d. 12 Feb. 1841. CooPEE, James Fenimore, American novelist • 6. 15 Sept. 1789; published "The Spy," 1821; "Pilot," 1823; " Lionel Lincoln, " 1824; "Last of the Mohicans," l826,&c. ; d, 14 Sept. 1851. coo 111 COE CooPEB, John Gilbert, poet, &o. ; b. 1723; d. 1769. Cooper, John Thomas, chemist ; b. 29 June, 1 790 ; improved the oxy-hydrogen microscope, 1835; d. 24 Sept. 1S54. Cooper, Eichard, engraver ; b. 1 730 ; Ms "Gallery of Pictures," published, 1S08-18 ; d. about 1S20. Cooper, Samuel, miniature painter; h. 1609 ; executed portraits of Oliver Cromwell; d. 5 May, 1672. Cooper, Thomas Sydney, E.A., animal painter; b. 26 Sept. 1 803. CoOTE, Eyre, general in India; b. 1726; de- feated Xially and took Arcot, 9 Feb. 1 760 ; took Pondicherry, 8 Dec. 1 760 ; defeated Hyder Ali, i July, 1781, and 2 June, 1782 ; d. 26 April, 1 7S3. Cope, Charles "West, E.A., painter; b. 181 1. Cope, Sir John, general ; defeated by the army of Prince Charles Edward at Prestonpans, 21 Sept. 1745. CoPELAKD, James, Scotch M.D. ; b. 1792 or 1793; published "Dictionary of Practical Mediciue," 1830-58. Copernicus (Koppeenick) Nicolaus, German astronomer ; b. 19 Feb. 1473 ; author of " De Eevolutionibus Orbium Ccelestium Libri VI., " 1473; <^' about 24 May, 1543. CoPLESTON, Edward, bishop of LlandafE, classical scholar ; b. 2 Feb. 1776; consecrated, 1827; d. 14 Oct. 1849. Copley, John Singleton, American historical painter; b. 3 July, 1737; painted "Death of Chatham;" d. 9 Sept. 1815. His son, Copley, John Singleton, baron Lyndhurst, lawyer and statesman ; b. 21 May, 1772; d. 12 Oct. 1863. M.P. for Yarmoutli 1818 Solicitor-general . . . July, 1819 — Dec. 1823 Attorney-general . . Dec. 1823 — Sept. 1826 Master of the Eolls . . Sept. 1S26 — April, 1827 LordclianceLlor and peer, April, 1827-30, 1834-5 — Sept. 1841 — July, 1846 Chief baron of the exchequer . . 1831-4 CoQUES, Gonzalo, Flemish painter ; b. 1618 ; employed in England and Germany ; d. 18 April, 1684. Coram, Captain Thomas ; b. about 1668 ; proposed founding an "hospital for deserted children," 20 Nov. 1739; one opened, 27 Oct. 1740; the "foimdling hospital" founded; opened, 2 June, 1756; d. 29 March, 1751. Coras, Jean de, French jurist; b. 15 13 ; a protestant; massacred with others, 4 Oct. 1572. His son, Jacques, poet ; b. 1630 ; published "Jonas," 1663; d. 1677. CoEAY, Adamantius or Diamant, Greek scholar; 6. 27 April, 1748; began to publish " Bibliothfeque Hell^nique," 1805 ; d. 6 April, 1833- Corbet, Eichard, bishop of Norwich, quaint humourous writer; b. 1582; d. 28 July, 1635. CoHBOULD, Edward Hem-j', historical painter ; b. 5 Dec. 1815. CoRBULO, Cneius Domitius, great Eoman general ; defeated the Chauoi in Germany, 47 ; conquered Armenia, 58 ; faithful to Nero ; when his death was determined, killed him- self, 67. CoBDARA, Giulio Cesare, Italian scholar ; 6. 1 7 Dec. 1 704 ; historiographer of the Jesuits, 1742; published "Historia Societatis Jesu," 1750 ; d. 6 May, 1785. CoEDAY d'Armans, Marie Anne Charlotte de, French enthusiast ; b. 1768 ; assassinated Marat, 13 July; guillotined, 17 July, 1793. CoEDIER (CoRDERIUs), Mathurin, ]?rench grammarian, instructor of Calvin ; b. 1478 ; author of "Colloquies ;" d. 8 Sept. 1564. Cordova, Francesco Fernandez de, Spanish navigator ; explored coast of Yucatan, 1 5 1 7, &c, ; d. 1518. Cordova, Luis Fernandez de, Spanish general; b. 1799; d. 29 Aug. 1840. CoEDUS, Euricius, German physician and poet, friend of Luther ; b. i486 ; d. 24 Dec. 1535. His son, Valerius, botanist ; b, 18 Feb. ^5^5' published " Dispensatorium Pharma- corum," 1535 ; d. 25 Sept. 1544. COEELLI, Arcangelo, Italian musician and composer ; founder of the violin school ; b. Feb. 1653; d. 18 Jan. 1713. CoEENZIO, Belisario, Italian painter ; b. about 1558; d. 1643. CoEiNNA, Greek poetess ; 5th century, B.o. CoRIOLANUS, Caius or Cneius Marcius, Eoman hero ; defeated the Volscians ; revolted to them; saved Eome from them; about B.C. 490. CoEK, see Boyle. COEMONTAINGNE, Louis de, French military engineer; 6. about 1692; published "Archi- tecture Militaire," 1 741 ; d, 20 Oct. 1752. CoRNAEO, Giovanni, doge of Venice; b. 1647; doge, 1709; d. 12 Aug. 1722. CoRNAHO, Ludovico, hygienist; b. 1467; d. 26 April, 1566. CoENEiLLE, French painters : Michel, b. 1602; d. ibbii. Michel, son; b. 1642; d. 1708. Jean Baptiste, another son; b. 1646; d. 1695. CoRNEILLE, Pierre, French dramatist ; h. 6 June, 1606; produced his first work, "Mffite," 1629; "Cid," 1637; "Mi^dfe," 1637; "Men- teur," 1644; "Attila," 1667; "Surdna" (the last), 1675; d. i Oct. 1684. CoENEILLE, Thomas, cousin of Pierre, French dramatic poet ; h. 20 Aug. 1625 ; published " Dictionnaire des Arts et des Sciences, " 1694; " Dictionnaire Universel Gfegraphique et His- torique," 1708 ; d. 8 Dec. 1709. CoENELis, or Cornelius, of Haarlem, portrait painter; b. 1562; d. 1638. Cornelius, St., pope; elected, June 250; opposed by Novatian the heretic; d. 14 Sept. 252. COR 112 OOT CoKNELIUS, Peter von, German painter ; i. 26 Sept. 1787; completed illustrations of "Faust," 181 1 ; made director of the academy at Munich, 1825; of that at Berlin, 1841; his "Last Judgment " at Munich is said to be the largest picture m the world ; d. 7 March, 1867. Corner, Julia, educational writer and novelist ; h. about 1815. CoRNUT, Jacques Philippe, Prench botanist; h. 19 Oct. 1626; d. 23 Aug. 1 65 1. CoRNWALLI.S, Charles Comwallis, marquess, statesman and general ; 6. 3 1 Dec. 1 738 ; rf. 5 Oct. 1805. Defeated the Americans, under Gates, at Cam- den . . .... 16 Aug. 1780 Took Yorktown, Aug. ; compelled to surrender there ....... 19 Oct. 17S1 Governor-general of India ; arrived at Calcutta, 12 Sept. 17S6 Defeated Tippoo Sahib at Arikera . 15 May, 1791 Compelled him to make peace 19 March, 1792 Hetumed to England . . Aug. 1793 "Lord-lieutenant of Ireland . . June, 1798 Governor-general of India again . . . 1804 d, in India, 5 Oct. 1808 CoRONELLI, Marco Vincenzio, Italian geogra- pher and historian ; b. about 1 650 ; cosmo- grapher of Venice ; founded a geographical academy, named "the Argonauts;" constructed several large globes, and published more than 400 maps; principal of the Priars Minor, 1702; d. Dec. 1 7 18. CoRRADi, Domenico, *'il Ghirlandajo," Florentine painter ; h. 1449; d. 1498. CoRRADO, Sebastiano, Italian scholar; founded the "Academia degli Accesi" at Eegglo ; d. 1556. CoRREA DA Seera, Jos^ Praucisco, Portu- guese scholar and botanist; b. 1 750; d. II Sept. 1823. COREEGGIO, see AUerjri. CoEEi, Domenico, Italian musical composer; 1). 1737; d. 22 May, 1825. CoRROZET, Gilles, Prench printer and scholar; h. 4 Jan. 1510; d. 4 July, 1568. Corey, Henry Thomas Dowry; h. 1803; secretary to admiralty, Feb. 1845 — July, 1846; March, 1858 — .June, 1859; first lord, March, iggy—Dec. 186S. CoET, Henry, metallurgist; b, 174°; invented "puddling" and other improvements in the iron manufacture, d. 1800. Coete-Reai, Gaspar de, Portuguese navi- gator; discovered Labrador, &c., 1 500; d. about 1502. Cortes, or Coetez, Fernandez, "conquistador" of Mexico; b. 1485; d. 2 Deo. 1554. Accompanied Velasquez to Cuba . . 1511 Sailed on an expedition to Yucatan . 18 Feb. 1519 Destroyed his ships after landing . 21 April, 1519 Made war with the Mexicans ; defeated them after a severe contest, at Otumba . 8 July, 1520 Besieged Mexico, the capital, 30 May ; took it, 13 Aug. 1521 Made captain-general : rebuilt Mexico . . ^ 1522 Superseded by Mendoza, 1536; returned to Spain, 1540 CoRTiOELLi, Salvadore, Italian grammarian; b. 1690; published an edition of the "Decame- rone," 1751; d. 5 Jan. 1758. CoRTONA, Pietro di, Italian painter and architect; b. I Nov. 1596; d. 16 May, 1669. CoEViNUS, see Matthias. Coevisart-Desmaeest, Jean Nicolas, baron, French physician ; b. 15 Feb. 1755; published "Essais sur les maladies du coeur," 1808; d. 18 Sept. 1821. CoEVUS, Marcus Valerius, a Eoman hero; b. B.C. 371 ; killed a gigantic Gaul in combat, B.C. 349; defeated the Volsci, 346; and the Samnites, 343 ; as dictator suppressed mutiny of the army, 342; defeated the Etruscans, 301 ; d. about 271. Cortate, Thomas, traveller in Europe and the East; b. 1577; published "Crudities," 1611; d. Dec. 1617. Cosa, Juan dela, pUotof Columbus; pensioned, 1507; d. 1509. CosiN, John, bishop of Durham; b. 1594; published "Scholastic History of the Canon of the Holy Scriptures;" consecrated, 1660; d. 15 Jan. 1672. CosMA DB KoeOs, Alexander, Hungarian orientalist and linguist; b, about 179OJ ^- i^ Tibet, II April, 1842. CosNAO, Daniel de, Prench bishop and de- fender of the liberties of the Gallican church; b. about 1630; d. 18 Jan. 1708. CossALi, Pietro, Italian mathematician and astronomer ; b. 2 June, 1748 ; published "Storia dell' Origine, Trasporto, e primi Pro- gressei in Italia deU' Algebra," 1 779; d. 20 Dec. 1815. Coss6, Charles de, comte de Brissac, heroic French marshal ; b. 1 505 ; d. 1563. His de- scendant, Louis Hercule Timoldon, &. 14 Feb. 1734; adhered to Louis XVI. ; killed and cut to pieces in the massacres at Versailles, Sept. 1792. Costa, Sir Michael, Italian musician ; b. Feb. 1810; his oratorios produced at Birmingham, Eli, 1855; Naaman, 1864; knighted, 1869. Coster, Laurent, Dutch printer, one of the alleged inventors of moveable types; b. about 1370; d. about 1440. CoNSTANZO, Angelo di, Neapolitan historian and poet; b. 1507; published "Istoria di NapoU," 15S2; d. 1591. COiSTAED, Eev. George, astronomer; b. 1710; published "History of Astronomy," 1757; d. 1782. CosTE, Pierre, French protestant critic, trans- lator of Locke, Newton, &c. ; b. 1668; d. 24 Jan. 1747. CosWAT, Richard, K.A., miniature painter ; b. 1740; d. 1821. CoTELiEE, Jean Baptiste, Prench scholar, precocious child; b. 1627; translated Hebrew and Greek, and expounded Euclid, in 1641 ; COT 113 GOV published "Chrysostom," i65i; "Monumenta BcclesisB G-rascise," 1677-86; d. 12 Aug. 1686. Cotes, Roger, astronomer and physicist, friend of Newton; b. 10 July, 1682; edited "New- ton's Principia," 2d edition, 1713; d. 5 June, 1716. His "Harmonia Mensurarum" pub- lished, 1772. CoTGHAVE, Randal, published " Dictionary of the French and English Tongues," 1632. CoTiN, Charles, French preacher, poet, and royal almoner; i. 1 604; satirised by Molifere (as Trissotin in "les Femmes Savantes,") and by Boileau; d. Jan. 1682. CoTMAJ^, John Sell, architectural engraver ; h. about 1780; d. 1843. CoTTA, johann Friedrich, baron, German publicist and bookseller, friend of SchiUer, Goethe, Eichter, &c. ; b. 27 April, 1764; d. 22 Dec. 1S32. CoTTE, Louis, French meteorologist; i. 20 Oct. 1 740 ; published ' ' Traits de M^t(5orologie," 1774; d. 4 Oct. 1815. CoTTENHAM, Charles Christopher Pepys, earl of; &. 29 April, 1781 ; solicitor-general, 1834; master of the rolls, 1834-36; lord high chan- cellor, 1836-41 ; again, 1846-50; created baron, 20 Jan. 1836; earl, i June, 1S50; d. 29 April, 1851. CoTTBEEAU, Jean, or Jean Chouan, Vendean chief; 6. 30 Oct. 1757; excited the peasants to resist the republic, and formed a band, 25 Aug. 1 792 ; after various encounters, shot, 28 July ; d. 29 July, 1794. COTTIN, Sophie Eestaud, madame de, French novelist; b. 1773; published "Elisabeth," 1806; d. 25 Aug. 1807. Cottle, Joseph, Bristol publisher, friend of Coleridge; b. 1770; d. 7 June, 1853. Cotton, Charles, satiric poet; b. 1630; trans- lated Montaigne; added to Walton's "Angler;" d. 1687. Cotton, Nathaniel, poet and physician ; S. 1 707 ; published" Visions in Verse," 1751; cZ. 2 Aug. 1788. Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce, antiquary; b. 22 Jan. 1570 ; formed the Cottoniau collection of MSS. in British Museum ; d. 6 May, 1631. CoTUGNO, Domenico, Neapolitan physiologist ; b. 1736; discovered the aqueducts in the in- ternal ear, and the naso-palatine nerve; d. 6 Oct. 1822. Coulomb, Charles Augustin de, French phy- sicist; b. 14 June, 1736; invented torsion balances; described, 1 784; discovered the laws of electric attraction and repulsion, 1785-S9; and method of determining magnetic declina- tion, &c., 1803-6; d. 23 Aug. 1806. COULON, Louis, French historian and geo- grapher; b. 1605; pubUshed "Histohe des Juiis," 1643; "Eiviferes de France," 1644; d. 1664. Coulviek-Gkaviek, M., French meteorologist; b. about 1803 ; published " Recherches sur lea M(5t(5ores et sur les Lois qui les riSgissent " (the result of many years' observatious), 1859; d. 12 Feb. 1868. CouPEEiN, French musical family, in the i6th, 17th, 1 8th, and 19th centuries: Fran9ois, "le Grand," b. 1668; d. 1773. Armand Louis, b. 1721 ; d. 1789. Couplet, Phihppe, Belgian Jesuit, b. 1628 ; went to China, 1659 ; returned, 1680 ; pub- lished " Confucius, Sinarum Philosophus," 1687 ; killed accidentally on another voyage to China, 1692. CouRCELLES, Thomas ; French theologian ; b. 1400 ; one of the judges who condemned Jeanne d'Arc, May, 1431 ; d. 23 Oct. 1469. CouRCT, John, lord de ; wairior ; one of the invaders of Ireland; viceroy, 1 186; .super- seded ; declared himself independent in Ulster ; fled to England ; d. about 1 199. COUBIEE de Mdr^, Paul Louis, French Hellenist and political writer ; 6. 4 Jan. 1772 ; assassinated, 10 April 1825. Court, Antoine, restorer of protestantism in France ; 6. 1696 ; began preaching in Dauphiny, &c., 1715 ; d. 1760. CouRTENAT, Peter de ; joined the crusade, 1 190 ; emperor of the East, 1216; imprisoned ; killed by Theodore Angelus. CoUETNAT, William, archbishop of Canter- bury ; b. 1 341 ; persecuted the Wickhffites ; made archbishop, 1381 ; rf. 31 July, 1396. CouRTOis (Cortesi), French painters, brothers : Jacques {"le Bourgaignon" ), b. 1621 ; d. 1676. GUILLAUME, b. 1628 : d. 1679. CoDSiN, Jean, French historical painter ; b. about 1500; author of "Livre de Perspec- tive," 1560 ; d. 1590. Cousin, Victor, French philosopher ; h. 28 Nov. 1792 ; published his Translation of Plato, 1812 ; "Lectures on Moral Philoso- phy," 1815-20; minister of public instruction under Thiers, 1840 ; d. 14 Jan. 1867. CousTOU, French sculptors : Nicolas, b. g Jan. 1658 ; d. 1 Feb. or May, 1733. GuiLLAUME, brother, b. 1678; d. 22 Feb. 1746. GuiLLAUJiE, son of Gmllaume, b. 171G ; d. 13 July, 1777. CouTO, Diego de, Portuguese historian ; b. 1542 ; d. 1616. CouTTS, Thomas, Scotch banker ; b. 1735; d. 24 Feb. 1822. See Burdett, and MeUon. CouTHON, Georges, French poUtician ; b. 1756; member of the convention; supported Robespierre, and fell with him; guillotined, 28 July, 1794. GouvREUE, see Le Coiivreur. Coventry, Sir John, M.P. ; attacked and mutilated by the duke of Monmouth, and other courtiers, for commenting on the king's licen- tiousness, 21 Dec. 1670; "Coventry's Act" passed in consequence, 167 1. H GOV m CEA CovENTKT, Thomas Coventry, lord, lawyer ; i. 1578 ; lord keeper, 1625 ; d. 13 Jan. 1640. CovEKDALB, Miles, h. 1485 or 1487 ; assisted Tyndale in the translation o£ the Bible, 1532 ; his own translation (the first complete printed English Bible) published 1535 ; bishop of Exeter, 14 Aug. 1551-53; went to Geneva, and assisted in the Genevese Bible, 1557; re- turned to England, 1558; d. 20 May, 1567. CowAKD, William, physician, 6. 1656 ; pub- lished " Thoughts on the Human Soul," (con- demned to be burnt) 1702 ; d. about 1725. COWELL, John, lawyer and antiquary, h. about 1554; published " Institutiones," 1605; "Interpreter," 1607; d. II Oct. 161 1. Cowley, Abraham, lyric poet ; i. i6l8; pub- lished "Poems: the Davideis," &c., 1656; d. 28 July, 1667. Cowley, Hannah, dramatist, h. 1743 ; wrote "The Belle's Stratagem," 1782; "Bold Stroke for a Husband," &c. ; d. 11 March, 1809. Cowley, Henry Wellesley, baron (brother of the duke of Wellington), diplomatist ; b. 20 Jan. 1773; baron, 21 Jan. 1828; ambassador at Madrid, Vienna, Paris, 1841-6 ; d. 27 April, 1847. His son, Henky Eiohaed, S. 17 June, 1804; succeeded his father, 27 April, 1847 ; ambassador at Paris, 1852-67. COWPEE, Edward, 5. 1 790 ; patented im- provements in printing machinery, 1815 ; pro- fessor of mechanics at King's College, London; d. 17 Oct. 1852. CowPEK, William, anatomist, i. 1666 ; alleged discoverer of " Cowper's Glands," described in 1 702 ; published " Anatomy of the Human Body," 1697; d. 8 March, 1709. CowPEE, William, first earl ; lord chancellor, 1706 ; d. 1723. CowPEE, William, poet ; &. 26 Nov. 1 73 1 ; nephew of the lord chancellor, published " John Gilpin," 1783; "The Task," 1785; "Poems," 1788, 1798; "Homer," 1791 ; d. 25 April, 1800. Cox, David, water-colour painter ; i. 1 793 ; d. 7 June, 1859. Cox, Erancis Augustus, D.D., Baptist minis- ter ; h. 7 March, 17S3; published "Biblical Antiquities ; " d. 5 Sept. 1853. Cox, or CoxE, Leonard ; published " Arte or Grafte of Ehetoricke," 1524; d. about 1549. Cox, Richard, theologian, reformer ; i. 1499 ; preceptor to Edward VI. ; master of Eton school; bishop of Ely, 1559; translated parts of the New Testament in the authorised Bible; d. 1581. Cox, Sir Eichard, Irish judge and statesman ; b. 1650; published "Hibemia Anglicana;" "Hiatoryof Ireland," 1689-1700;^. 3May 1733. CoxCYEN, Michel van, Flemish painter; I. 1499; d. 5 March, 1592. CoxE, William, archdeacon and historian ; b. 1747; published "History of the House of Austria," 1807; "Kings of Spain," 1813; " Memoirs of Duke of Marlborough," 1817-19; d. 15 June, 1828. CoYPEL, French painters : Noel, le Pottssin, b. 1628; d. 1707. Antoine, son, 6. 1661 ; d. 7 June, 1722. Noel Nicolas, another son, I, 1688 or 1691 ; d. 14 Dec. 1734. Charles Antoine, son of Antoine, h. 1694; (Z. 14 June, T752. CoYSEVox, Antoine, French sculptor, uncle of the Coustous; h. 1640 ; d. 10 Oct. 1720. CoYEE, Gabriel Fran9ois, French Jesuit, mis- cellaneous writer; b. 18 Nov. 1707; d. 18 July, 1782. Ceabbe, Eev. George, descriptive poet ; b. 24 Dec. 1754; published "The Village," 1783; "The Borough," 1810; " Tales of the Hall," 1819; d. 8 Feb. 1832. Ceadock, Samuel, nonconformist ; b. 1620 ; wrote * ' Knowledge and Practice, a System of Divinity;" d. 7 Oct. 1706. Ckaig, John, Scotch reformer ; 5. 1 5 11 ; nar- rowly escaped burning ; drew up the "National Covenant," 1580; d. 12 Dec. 1600. Chaig, Sir Thomas, Scotch lawyer, poet, and politician, favourite of James VI. ; b. about 1548 ; d. 26 Feb. 1608. Ceaig, (Ceagius), Nicolas, Danish scholar; b. 1549; d. 14 May, 1602. Ceaik, George Lillie, historian and scholar ; i, 1798; professor of history at Belfast, 1849 ; published ' ' Pursuit of Knowledge under Diffi- culties," 1 83 1; "Bacon, his Writings and Philosophy," 1844 ; " History of English Literature," r86i ; and other educational works; d. 25 June, i865. Cbakanthokpe, Eichard, theologian ; b. 1567; published "Justinian defended against Baronius;" d. 1624. Ceamee, Gabriel, Swiss mathematician and physicist; 5. 31 July, 1704; d. 4 Jan. 1752. Ceamee, Swiss theologians and orientalists, brothers: Jean Jacques, b. 24 Jan. 1673; d.g Feb. 1702. Jean Eodolphe ; 6.1678; d. 14 July, 1737- Ceamee, Johann Andreas, German mineralo- gist; b. 14 Dec. 1710; pubUshed " M(^taUur- gie," 1774-7; 1^- 6 Dec. 1777. Ceamee, Johann, German pianist, author of "Studies;" b. 1771 ; d. 1858. Ceameb, John Anthony, dean of Carlisle, philologist; b. 24 Aug. 1793 ; wrote "De- scription of Ancient Greece," 1828 ; " Asia Minor," 1832 ; d. 24 Aug. 1848. Chanach, Lucas, German painter; b. 1472; frequently painted Luther's portrait ; d. 16 Oct. 1553. Ceanboene, James Emilius W. B., viscount, son of marquis of Sahsbury ; b. 29 Oct. 1821 ; wrote many papers in " St. James's Medley," CEA 115 CKE signed the " BUad Traveller," 1856-65; d. 14 June, 1865. Ceanmee, Thomas, archbishop of Canter- bury; i. 2 July, 1489; burnt at Oxford, 21 March, 1556. Professor of theology at Cambridge . . 1524 Obtained the favour of Henry VIII. by recom- mending that the question of liis marriage be decided by reference to the Holy Scriptures, and enlightened tlieologiaus . . . 1529 Made archbishop of Canterbury . . Feb. 1553 Pronounced Henry's marriage with Catherine void 23 May, 1553 Promoted the translation of the Bible, &c. ; esta- blished the Church of England, and published the liturgy, homilies, &c. . . , 1547-52 Condemned for heresy by Mary 28 April, 1554 Ckanwoeth, Eobert Monsey Eolfe, lord, lawyer; h. 1790; solicitor-general, Nov. — Dec. 1834; vice-chancellor and peer, Nov. 1850 ; lord-chancellor, Dec. 1S52 — Feb. 1858, July, 1865— June, 1866 ; d. 26 July, 1868. Crapone, Adam de, French engineer ; h. 1519 ; constructed his canal from the Durance to Berri, 1557; poisoned by rivals at Nantes, 1559- Ceashaw, Richard, poet ; published Latin Poems, 1634; "Steps to the Temple," 1646; d. about 1650. Ckassds, Lucius Licinius Dives, the Trium- vir ; renowned for his riches and avarice ; de- feated Spartacus in the Servile war, B.O. 71 ; consul with Pompey, 70; formed the first triumvirate with Csesar and Pompey, 60 ; made war Avith the Parthians against the wiU of the senate, and in violation of treaties, 54 ; plundered the temple at Jerusalem ; entrapped, defeated, and slain, 9 June, 53. Ceasstjs, Licinius, Roman orator; 6. B.C. 140 ; d. 91. Ckates, Athenian comic dramatist, preceding Aristophanes; d. before B.C. 424; also a Cynic philosopher, about B.C. 328. Ceatinus, Athenian comic dramatist ; the poet of the old comedy; B.C. 519-422. Ceaton, or Ckapetheim, Johann, German physician; b. 20 Nov. 15 19; pupil of Luther and Melanchthon; physician to the emperors Ferdinand I. and Maximilian II. ; d. 9 Nov. 1585. • Ceaufued, John, orientalist and traveller ; 5. 13 Aug. 1783 ; went to Japan, 181 1 ; pub- lished " History of Indian Archipelago," 1822; governor of Singapore, 1823-6; d. 11 May, 1 868. Ceawfoed, Adair, Irish physician ; S. 1749 ; published "Experiments on Animal Heat," &c., 1779; d. 29 July, 1795. Ceaweokd, David, Scotch historian; i. 1665 ; published " Memoirs of Scotland during the Times of the Four Regents," 1706; d. 1726. Ceaweoed, George, Scotch historian; pub- lished " Genealogical History of the Stuarts," 1710; "Peerage of Scotland," 1711 ; "Lives of the Crown Officers of Scotland," 1726. Crawfoed, Quintin, miscellaneous writer ; h. 22 Sept. 1743 ; resided long in France ; pubUshed " History of the Bastile" 1 792 ; d. 23 Nov. 181 9. Ceawpoed, William Sharman, Irish politician; d. 16 Oct. 1861. Ceawfoed, Thomas, American sculptor ; 5. 1814; d. 10 Sept. 1857. Crebillon, Prosper Jolyot de, French tragic poet; b. 13 Jan, 1674; d. 17 June, 1762. Cebbillon, Claude Prosper Jolyot de, son, satirical novelist; b. 14 Feb. 1707; married lady Stafford, 1740 ; d. 12 AprU, 1777. Ckedi, Lorenzo Andrea di, or SciARPELLONI, Italian painter ; b. 1454; d. about 1536. Creasy, Sir Edward Shepherd, lawyer and historian ; b. 1812 ; chief justice of Ceylon, i860 ; published " Fifteen Decisive Battles of theAVorld," 1851 ; " History of England, " 1S69. Creech, Thomas, poet ; b. 1659 ; published translation of Lucretius and Theocritus, 1682 ; d. by suicide, June, 1700. Crell, Lorenz, Florenz Friedrich von, Ger- man chemist; 6. 21 Jan. 1744; edited a chemical journal, 1778-1803; d. 7 June, 1816. Crelle, August Leopold, German physicist ; 6. II March, 1780; d. 6 Oct. 1855. Ceiiimieux, Isaac Adolphe, French jurist and poUtician ; b. April, 1796; one of the authors of "Code des Codes," 1835; arrested at the "coup d'etat," 2 Dec, 1S51. Ceemonini, Cesare, Italian peripatetic or Aristotelian philosopher ; b. 1550; in regard to religion, to him is attributed the maxim, "Intus ut bbet ; foris utmoris est ;" d. 1631. Ckequi, French generals : Charles, marquis de, marshal ; killed before Milan, 17 March, 1638. Eranqois, marquis de, marshal : &. about 1624 ; grossly insulted at Rome, 1662 ; fl. 4 Feb. 16S7. Charles, due de, (son) ; b. about 1623 ; d. 13 Feb. 1687. Crescentius, Roman patrician, son of the younger Theodora, and nephew of Marozia ; at the death of the emperor Otho I., (973), imprisoned and put to death pope Benedict VI., and set up Benedict VII. and other popes ; besieged by the Germans ; surrendered ; put to death by Otho III., 998. Ceescenzi, (de Crescentiis), Pietro, Italian agricultural writer ; b. 1230; d. 1320. Ceescimbeni, Giovanni Maria, Italian poet, &c. ; b. 9 Oct. 1663; a founder of the academy of the " Ai-oadi," 1690; d. 8 March, 1728. Ceespi, Italian painters : Daniele, b. 1590 ; d. 1630. Giovanni Battista, "ilCerano;" b. 1577: d. 1633. GuisEPPE Maria, "il Spagnuolo ;" b. 1665 ; d. 1747. Cebsset, or Ceesst, Sir Hugh Paulin, CathoKe historian; b. 1605; published his "Exomolo- ■ " an apology for his conversion, 1647 ; Church History of Britanny," 166S; d. lo Aug. 1674. CEE 116 CKO Cresswell, Sir Creaswell; h. 1794; first judge of the court of probate and divorce, Jan. 1858; d. 29 July, 1863. Ceeswiok, Thomas, E.A,, landscape painter ; I. 1811. Creti, Donate, Bolognese painter; 6. 1671 ; d. 1749. Cretin, or Chkestin", GuiUaume, or Pierre Dubois, French poet; wrote " Chroniques de T'rance," in verse, and "Chants Koyaulx;" d. about 1525. Ceeuzer, l?riedrich, German antiquary and scholar; 6. I o March, 1771 ; published " Sjth- boUli and Mythologie," 1S19-23 ; d. 16 Feb. 1858. Ceeviee, Jean Baptiste Louis, French his- torian; h. 1693; published "Histoire des Empereurs," 1750-6; d, i Dec. 1765. Ckibb, Thomas, pugilist; 6. 8 July, 1781 ; d. II May, 1848. Ckichton, James, "the Admirable," Scotch scholar; 6. 1560; travelled on the continent, 1578; became governor of the young Vincenzo di Gonzaga at Mantua, 1580; killed by him, July, 1583. Cbillon, Louis des Balbes, or Balbis de Bertou de, French general; h. 1 541; named by Henry IV. "Brave Crillon," and "Brave des Braves ;" d. 2 Dec. 1615. Ckillon-Mahon, Louis de Berton, due de, French general ; 5. 1718 ; fought at Fontenoy, Eosbach, &c. ; entered Spanish service, and became captain general ; took Minorca, 5 Feb. 1782; failed in the attack on Gibraltar, 13 Sept. 1782 ; d. 1796. Crisp, Tobias, D.D., puritan, Calvinistic writer; T>. 1600; d. 27 Feb. 1643. Crispos, Flavins Julius, eldest son of Con- stantino the Great; made Caesar, i March, 317; charged with treason, and put to death by his father, 326. Critias, Athenian philosopher and statesman, one of the thirty Athenian tyrants ; expelled by Thrasybulus, and killed, B.C. 404. Ceitolaus, general of the Achseans, B.O. 147 ; brought on the war with Kome, which subjugated Greece ; defeated by MeteUus, 146. Cr(esus, last king of Lydia, B.o. 560 ; de- feated, and taken prisoner at Sardis by Cyrus, 546. Crcese, Gerard, Dutch historian ; 5. 27 April, 1642 ; published " Historia Quakeriana," 1695 ! d. 10 May, 1710. Croft, Herbert, bishop of Hereford ; 5. 1603 ; consecrated, 1661 ; abjured Catholicism and joined the English church ; published " The Naked Truth ; or, the True State of the Primi- tive Church," 1675 ; d. 18 May, 1691. Croft, Sir Herbert, friend of Lowth, and assistant of Johnson in his " Dictionary," &c. ; h. I Nov. 1751; d. Aj)ril, 18 16. Ceoft, William, musical composer ; h. about 1657; published his "Musica Sacra," 1724; d. Aug. 1727. Crokee, John Wilson, politician and essayist ; 5. 20 Dec. 1780; secretary to the admiralty, 1809-30; vigorously opposed the E,ef orm BiU, 1831-2; edited Boswell's "Life of Johnson," 1831 ; d, ID Aug, 1857. Crokee, Thomas Crofton, Irish antiquary ; b. 15 Jan. 1798; publkhed "Fairy Legends," 1825 ; "Popular Songs of Ireland," 1839; d. 8 Aug. 1854. Croly, Rev. George, poet and novelist ; 6. 1780; published "Salathiel," 1827; "Life of Burke," and " Life of George IV.," 1840 ; d. 24 Nov. i860. Crome, John, called "Old Crome," landscape painter; h. 1769; d. 1 82 1. Ceompton, Samuel; h, 3 Dec. 1753; invented the spinning machine termed the "Mule," from its combining the advantages of the spinning machines of Hargraves and Ark- wright, 1779 ; for which parliament voted him ;^500O in i8l2; rf. 26 June, 1827. Cromwell, Oliver, lord protector of the com- monwealth of England; h. 25 April, 1599; d. 3 Sept. 1658. An energetic member of the Long Parliament April, 1640 Actual leader of tlae newly-constituted army of Fairfax .... ... 1645 Tlie king defeated at Naseby . 14 June, 1645 Became head of the Independents . . . 1647 Quelled insui-rection in Ireland ; stormed Brog- beda, 12 Sept ; Wexford . . . g Oct. 1649 Defeated the Scotch under Leslie at Dunbar 3 Sept. 1650 ; and Charles II. at Worcester 3 Sept. 1651 Styled "his highness the lord protector," 16 Dec. 1653 Forcibly dissolved the parhament 20 April, 1653 Made successful war with Spain . . 1655 Declined title of " king " . . 8 May, 1657 Inaugurated as "lord protector" . 26 June, 1657 d. 3 Sept. ; buried at Westminster Abbey, 20 Sept. ; his funeral solemnised . . 23 Nov. 1658 His body taken up and suspended on a gibbet ; beheaded and burned at Tyburn 30 Jan. 1661 Cromwell, Eichard, third son of Oliver ; b. 4 Oct. 1626; declared lord protector by the coun- cil, 3 Sept, 1658 ; resigned, 25 May, 1659 ; retired to the continent tUl 1680 ; d. 13 July, 1712. Ceohwell, Henry, fourth son of Oliver; h. Jan. 1628; governor of Ireland, 1655; resigned, 4 June, 1659; d. 25 March, 1675. Cromwell, Thomas; 6. about 1490; beheaded, 28 July, 1540. Favoured by cardinal Wolsey ; defended him in parliament .... Nov 1520 Knighted by Henry Till. . . . ' 153J Yicegerent in matters ecclesiastical . . 153, ' Secretary of state, 1534 ; instituted investigation of the monasteries, 1535 ; made earl of Essex, 1539 Promoted marriage of Henry VIII. with Anne of Cleves .... .6 Jan. 1540 Disgraced ; attainted ; beheaded . July, 1540 Ceoneok, Johann Friedrich von, German dramatist; h. 2 Sept. 1731; d. 31 Dec. 1758. CEO IIT GUN Ceonstedt, Axel Fredric, Swedish chemist ; i. 23 Dec. 1722; discovered nicliel, 1751; d. 19 Aug. 1765. Geook (Cbocus), Kichard, scholar; taught Greek at Cambridge ; his ' ' Grammatica Graeca'' published 1520; d. 1558. Crosby, Brass, h. 1725; lord mayor of London, 1770-71; committed to the tower for contempt of the house of commons in discharging printers committed to prison for printing parliamentary debates, March, 1771 ; d. 14 Feb. 1793. Gross, John, historical painter; d. 26 Feb. l86i. Ckosse, Andrew, electrician ; 6. 1 7 June, 1784; said to have produced animalcules by electricity, 183S; d. 5 July, 1855. Crotch, William, Mus. D. ; a muaiciau at three and a-half years old; h. 1775 ; professor, 1797 ; principal of Eoyal Academy of Music, 1822 ; d. 29 Dec. 1847. Ceousaz, Jean Pierre de, Swiss theologian and philosopher; opponent of Leibnitz; h. 1663; published "LaLogique," 1712; " Examen du Pyrrhonisme, " 1733; " Traite du Beau," 1715; d. 22 March, 1748. Crowe, Eyre Evans, historian; published "History of France," 1858-68 ; d. 24 Feb. 1868. Crowe, Catherine, novelist ; h. (Stevens) about 1S03; published "Susan Hopley," "Lily Dawson," &c. Crowley, Robert, poet ; published " The Psalter of David and the Litany," 1549; d^. iS June, 15S8. Croxall, Samuel, D.D., poet; published "Fables," 1722; d. 13 Feb. 1752. Grdden, Alexander, Scotch minister; h. 1701; published "Concordance to the Holy Scrip- tures," Oct. 1737; "Adventures of Alexander the Corrector," 1754-55; d. i Nov. 1770. Gruickshank, WilUam, Scotch anatomist, pupil and friend of Hunter; b. 1746; "pub- lished "Experiments on the Insensible Perspi- ration of the Human Body," 1779 ; " Anatomy of the Absorbent Vessels," 1786; d. 27 June, 1800. Cedikshank, George, caricaturist; h. 27 Sept. 1792; illustrated Hone's political squibs, 1817-20, and many other books since ; "Peter Schlemil," "Tom and Jerry," "Mornings at Bow Street," &c. CruiksHjVNK, Eobert, brother, caricaturist; h. about 1791; d. 13 March, 1856. Crum, Walter, chemist ; h. i-T^d; published researches relating to dyeing, 1823-61 ; d. 5 May, 1867. Grusius (or Kbaus), Martin, German his- torian and scholar; b. 1 526; d. 25 Feb. 1607. Crosius, Christian August, German philoso- pher; 6. 1715; d. 18 Feb. 1775. Croz, Agostinho da, Portuguese religious poet; b. 1540; d. 14 May, 1619. Ctesias, Greek historian; fl. about 400 years B.C. ; resided in Persia and wrote history of Assyria and Persia. CTESIBIU.S, of Alexandria, inventor of water- clocks, hytlraulic engines, &c., about B.C. 250. Ctesiphon, see Ckersiphron. CUBITT, Thomas, builder; b. 25 Feb. 1788; d. 20 Dec. 1855. Odeitt, Su' William, civil engineer, inventor of the tread-wheel for houses of correction ; b. 1785 ; superintended the erection of the Crystal palace, Hyde park, 1850-51; d. 13 Oct. 1 86 1. Cud worth, Ealph, philosopher; b. 161 7; pubUshed ' ' True Intellectual System of the Universe, 1678 ; " d. 26 June, 1688. CujAS, Jacques, French jurist, reviver of law; 6. 1522; d. 4 Oct. 1590. CULLEN, Paul, cardinal; b. 27 April, 1803; Roman CathoKc archbishop of Armagh, 1850; of Dublin, 1851 ; cardinal, 1866. Cdllen, Williaip, Scotch physician ; b. 17 12; pubUshed "Fkst Lines of the Practice of Physic," 1777; a. 5 Feb. 1790. Culpepper, Nicholas, herbalist; b. 1616; published "Physical Directory," 1649; d. '10 Jan. 1654. Cumberland, dukes of : I. see Rupert, prince. IT. see Gcorfje, prince of Denmark. III. William Augustus, son of king George II. ; b. 26 April, 1721 ; fought at the battle of Det- tingen 16 June, 1743 Defeated by Marshal Saxe at Fontenoy, 30 April, 1745 Defeated prince Charles Edward at CuUoden, 16 April 1746 Defeated by Marshal Saxe at Laffeld . 2 July, 1747 And by Marshal D'Estrees at Hastenbeck, 26 July, 1757 Signed a capitulation at Closter-Seven . 8 Sept. 1757 Resigned his commissions, iTOct.1757; d. 31 Oct. 1765 IV. Henry Ebedeeio, brother of king George III. b. 7 Nov, 1745 ; duke, 1766 ; married lady Anne Horton, 4 Oct. 1741 . <'• 18 Sept. 1790 V. Ernest Augustus, fifth son of king George III. ; b. 5 June, 1771 ; duke .... i799 Married Fiederica of Sakns-Braunfels, 29 Aug. 1815 Succeeded as king of Hanover 20 June, 1837 d. 18 Nov. 1S51 VI. George v., king of Hanover; 6. 27 May, 1819; supported Austria in the German war ; his do- minions annexed to Prussia . 20 Sept. 1866 Cumberland, Richard, bishop of Peter- borough; b. 13 July, 1632; published "Inquiry into the Laws of Nations," 1672; "Essay on Jewish Weights and Measures," 1686; conse- crated, July, 1691 ; d. 9 Oct. 1718. Cumberland, Richard, dramatist and poet, descendant of the bishop; 6. 19 Feb. 1732; wrote "West Indian," "Wheel of Fortune, " "Jew;" "Memoirs ;" 1806; d. 7 May, 181 1. Gumming, John, D.D., Scotch presbyterian minister; b. 10 Nov. 1810; minister of Scotch church, Covent garden, 1832. Cunjsus, Petrus, (Van der Kun), Dutch writer; b. 1586; published "De Eepubliea Hebrffioi-um," 1607; d. 1638. CUN lis CYP CuNAED, Sir Samuel, engineer; b. 1787; started Atlantic steam-ahips, July, 1840; d. 28 April, 1865. CnNEGOHDA, St., empress; married Henry of Bavaria, 6 June, 1002 ; d. 3 March, 1040. Cdnha, Tristan da, Portuguese navigator; explored coasts of Africa ; d. about 1520. CuNHA, Nuiio da, Portuguese statesman and governor of the Indies; b. about 1487; vic- torious and able ; disgraced through calumny ; d. at sea, 5 March, 1539. CuNNiNOHAME, John, lord, Scotch lawyer; b. 1782; lord of session, 1837-53; d,- J^ov. 1854. CUHHINGHAM, Alexander, Scotch historian ; b. 1654; pubUshed ' ' History of Great Britain, 1688-1714;" d. about 1737. Cunningham, AUan, Scotch poet, novelist, and sculptor; b. 17 Dec. 17S4; published "History of British Painters," &c., 1829-33; " Life of WUkie," 1842 ; d. 29 October, 1842. Cunningham, Rev. John William, poet ; b. about 1780; d. 30 Sept. 1861. Cunningham, Peter (son of Allan), antiquary ; b. 7 April, 1 81 6; pubUshed "Handbook of London," 1849-50-51 ; d. 18 May, 1869. Cunningham, Rev. WilUam, D.D., Scotch clergyman; b. Oct. 1805; active supporter of the Pree Church, 1S43 ; succeeded Dr Chalmers as principal of the new college, 1847; d. 14 Dec. 1861. CuPANi, Francesco, Sicilian botanist ; 6. 1657 ; wrote "PamphytumSioulum,"pubhshed 1715; d. 1711. CuPEB, Gisbert, Dutch critic; b. 1644; pub- lished Works on Coins and Medals ; d. 22 Nov. 1 7 16. CuB^US, Joachim, Silesian physician and antiquary ; b. 22 Oct. 1532 ; published "Annales SileaiEe," 1571 ; d. 21 Jan. 1573. CuEETON, William, canon of Westminster, orientalist; b. 1808; published "Corpus Igna- tianum, " 1849; " Spicilegium Syriacum, " 1855 ; d. 17 June, 1864. CuEio, Caius Scriboniua, Roman orator and politician; kindled the civil war between Pompey and Cteaar ; killed at Utica, B.C. 46. GuEio, CasUus Secundus, Italian protestant scholar; h. I May, 1503; d. 24 Nov. 1569. CuEL, Edmund, bookseller; obscene writer and libeller of Pope ; d. 1 748. CuEKAN, John Philpot, Irish orator; b. 24 Nov. 1750; defended Hamilton Rowan and others, 1795 ; master of rolls in Ireland, 1806-13; d. 14 Oct. 1817. CuEEiE, James, M.D. ; b. 31 May, 1756; (i. 31 Aug. 1805. CuETiS, William, botanist; b. 1746; published " Flora Londinensis, " 1777, etsec/.; d. 7 July, 1799. CuETius, brothers, German classic scholars : Eknest, 6. 2 Sept. 1S14; pubUshed "Peloponnesus," 1851-2. George, 6. 16 April, 1820 ; published Greek grammar, 185s, &c. CUETIUS, Marcus, a Roman knight, tradition- ally said to have leaped into a chasm in the forum as an offering to the gods, B.C. 362. CuETius Rufus, Quintus, Latin historian; wrote "Life of Alexander the Great;" fi. in 1st or 2d century. CuEWEN, John, M.P., agriculturist; b. 1756; d. II Dec. 1828. CusA (Cuss, or Cusel), Nicolas de, German cardinal and philosopher; b. 1 40 1 ; d. 1464. Gushing, Caleb, American statesman ; b. 1800; attorney-general, 1855. CuspiNiANUS, Joannes (Spieshammer), Ger- man physician and historian ; b. 1473 ; pub- Ushed "De Caesaribus atque Imperatoribus," 1540; d. 19 April, 1529. Oust, Sir Edward, b. 17 March, 1794; pub- Ushed " Annals of the Wars of the l8th and 19th centuries," 1862. Gustine, Adam PhiUppe, comte de, French general; 6. 1740; sent to command the army of the Rhine; took Worms, 2 Oct.; Mentz, 21 Oct. ; Frankfort, 28 Oct. 1792; recaUed ; accused of treachery ; guillotined, 27 or 28 Aug. 1793- CusTINE, Renaud PhiUppe, son, French sol- dier ; b. 1 760 ; aide-de-camp to his father ; connected with the Girondists ; guiUotined, 3 Jan. 1794. CUTHBEET, St., bishop of Liudisfame, 685 ; his remains transferred to Diu-ham, 995. Cuthbeetson, John, physicist ; unproved the air pirmp, 1787; and electric machine, 1798- 1810; d. after 1816. CuviEE, Georges Chretien Lt^opold Dagobert, baron, French naturalist, b. 23 Aug. 1769; examined and described fossU remains at Mon- martre, near Paris, reconstituting the animals, 179S, et seq. ; pubUshed " Anatomie Com- parfe," 1799; " Rfegne Animale, " 1816 ; "Re- cherches sur les Ossements Fossiles," 1821, et seq. y d. 13 May, 1832. CuviEE, Fr^diSric (brother of Georges), French naturalist ; b. 28 June, 1773 ; published "His- toire Naturelle des Mamimf feres," 1824, etseq.; d. 17 July, 1S38. GuTP, or KuYP, Albert, Dutch landscape painter, b. 1605 ; d. after 1683. Ctaxaees, king of Media, succeeded his father, Phraortes, B.C. 634 ; fought with Lydians, 615-610 ; d. 594. CiTEiANUS, Thasoius, St., Latin father, b. about 200 ; bishop of Carthage, 247 ; re- tired from the persecution of Decius, 250 ; supported Cornelius against Novatianus, 252 ; beheaded by Galerius Maximus, 14 Sept. 258. CYE 119 DAL Cyeillus, St., Greek father, bishop of Alex- andria, 412 ; violently opposed Nestorius, 430; rf. 444. Cyeillus, St., bishop of Jerusalem; 5. about 315; d386. Cyktjs, the elder, founder of the Persian em- pire; b. about B.C. 592; defeated his grand- father, Astyages, king of Media, and became king, 559 ; conquered Lydia, 546 ; captured Babylon, 538 ; killed during war with the Massagetse, 529. Ctkus, the younger, attempted to dethrone his brother, Artaxerxes Mnemon, king of Persia, B.C. 404; killed at Cunaxa, near Babylon, 401. CzAKTOEYSKi, Polish princes in the service of Kussia : Adam Casimib, b. i Dec. 1731 . d. 22 March, 1823 AnAK George (son), b. 14 Jan. 1770 ; present at Austerlitz, 2 JDec. 1805 : at Tilsit . June, 1807 President of the Polish national government 1831 Eesigned . . 15 Aug. 1831 Emigrated rf. 15 July, 1861 CzEENY, Charles, pianist and composer; 6. 21 Peb. 1791 ; d. 15 July, 1857. D Dach, Johann, German painter, h. 1566 ; d. 1650. Daciee, Andr4 French scholar; i. 1651; educated, and married Anna, daughter of Tanneguy-Lefevre (b. March, 1654), 1683 ; and both assisted in preparing the editions of the classics, "Ad Usum Delphini;" she d. 17 Aug. 1720; he d. iS Sept. 1722. Daoee, Barbarina Brand, baroness, poetess and novelist; b. 1767; d. 17 May, 1854. D'Agincouet, Jean Baptiste Louis Georges Seroux, Prench archaeologist; b. 5 April, 1 730; travelled in England and the continent, and studied works of art; 1777-9; commenced publishing his "Histoire de I'Art par les Monuments," 1811 (completed, 1823); pub- lished ' ' EecueU de Fragments de Sculpture Antique in terre cuite," 1814; d. 24 Sept. 1814. Dagobeet I.— III., kings of Prance : I. b. about 600 ; king of Austrasia, 622 ; of Neus- tria and Burgundy, 628 ; of Aquitaine, 632 ; en- deavoured to diminish the power of tlie mayors of the palace, and the clergy . . d. ig Jan. 638 II. grandson ; b. 652 ; sent with his head shaved to Ireland by Grimoald, mayor of the palace, 639 ; assassinated ... . 679 m. b. 699: nominal king, 711 . . . d. 715 Dagobeet-Pontenelle, Luc Simon Auguste, French general; 5. 8 March, 1736; d. 28 April, 1794. Dagheeee, Louis Jacques Mand^, French artist; b. 15 Nov. 1787; invented the dio- rama, exhibited at Paris, 11 July, 1822; united -with Nic^phore Niepce in endeavour- ing to fix the image in the camera obsoura, 1826-33 ; produced the "daguerrotype," Jan. 1839; d. 10 July, 1851. Dahl, Johann Christian, German landscape painter; 6. 24 Feb. 1778. Dahl, Michael, Swedish portrait painter ; 6. 1656; d. 20 Oct. 1743. Dahlgken, John A., American naval com- mander ; b. about 1810; invented liis shell gun, 1847; superintendent of the navy yard, 1859-63; commanded the fleet before Charles- ton, 1863. Dahn, Johann Conrad, German historian ; b. 19 Nov. 1762; d. 1833. Daille, or Dall^eus, Jean, French protestant theologian; b. 6 Jan. 1594; " Trait(^ de I'Em- ploi des Pferes," published, 1632; d. 15 April, 1670. Dalbeeg, Karl Theodor Anton Maria; b. 8 Feb. 1 744 ; published " Eesearches on Natural History," 1773; "Chemical Experiments," 1783; archbishop and elector of Mayence, July, 1802; archduke of Frankfort, 1810-13;^. 10 Feb. 1817. His brother, Johann Friedrich, physicist; b. 17 May, 1760; d. 26 July, 1812. D'Albekt, Carl, German composer of dance music ; b. 1815. D'Aleeet, see Albret. Dalby, Isaac, self-taught mathematician ; b. 1744; assisted in ordnance survey, 1790-6; d. 14 Oct. 1824. Dalby, John Watson, poet and essayist ; ft. 1 1 Nov. 1799; pubUshed "Poems," 1822; "The Death of Aguirre," 1825; "Tales, Songs, and Sonnets," 1865. Dale, Thomas, canon of St. Paul's, poet ; ft. 22 Aug. 1797; published "Poems," 1836. D'Alembeet, see Alembert. Dalens, Dyrck, Dutch paiater ; b. 1659 ; d. 1688. Dalgaeno, George, Scotch linguist ; 6. about 1625; published "Ars Signorum," describing a universal character, 1661 ; and "Didasca- locophus, or the Deaf and Dumb Man's Lector," 1680 ; d. 28 Aug. 1687. Dalhousie, James Andrew Broun Kamsay, marquess of, Scotch statesman ; ft. 22 April, 18 12; governor-general of India (the Punjaub, Pegu, Nagpore, Sattara, Berar, Oude, &o., annexed ; the Ganges Canal made ; agriculture improved ; administrative reform), 184S-55 ; warden of Cinque-Ports, 1852; d. 19 Dec. i860. , ^ DALHO0SIE, Fox Maule Pvamsay, earl of, Scotch statesman ; ft. 22 April, iSoi ; secre- tary at war, 1S46-52; president of board of control, Feb. 1852; succeeded his father as Lord Panmure, April, 1852 ; minister of war, 1855 ; succeeded his cousin as earl of Dal- housie, 19 Dec. i860. Dalibeay, Charles Vion, French poet d. 1655. Dalin, Olof von, Swedish poet; 6. 1708 d. 12 Aug. 1763. DAL 120 DAN Dallas, Alexander James, American states- man ; i. 1759 ; secretary of state, 1796. DjILLAS, Sir George, jurist and political writer; b. 1758; served in India, 1776-82; d. 14 Jan. 1833. Dallaway, Eev. James, poet and antiquary ; i. 20 Feb. 1763; pubUshed "Enquiries into tbe Origin and Progress of Heraldry in Eng- land," 1793; d. 6 June, 1834. Dallkrv, Thomas Charles Augiiste, Erenoh engioeer; b. 6 Sept. 1754; proposed the use of vertical boilers for steam engines ; the screw propeller, &c. ; placed a steamboat on the Seine, 29 March, 1803 ; disregarded ; but re- cognised by the Academy, 17 March, 1845 ; d. I June, 1835. Dalmasio, Lippo, (Lippo delle Madone), Bolognese painter ; b. 1376; d. 1410. DjVLKTJIPLE, Alexander, brother of David, Scotch hydrographer ; b. 24 July, 1737; ex- plored the Malay archipelago, 1 760 ; con- structed various charts ; made hydrographer to the East India Company, and afterwards royal hydrographer ; dismissed ; published " His- torical Collection of Voyages," &c., 1770; d. 19 June, 1808. Daleymplb, David, lord Hailes, Scotch jurist and historian ; b. 28 Oct. 1 726 ; published "Annals of Scotland," 1776; "Memoirs rela- tive to the History of Great Britain," 1762; d. 29 Nov. 1792. Daletmple, John Hamilton, Scotch his- torian; b. 1726; published "Memoirs of Great Britain," 1771-3; d. 1810. DALEYitPLE-HAMiMOisr, Sir Henry; h. 3 Jan. 1774; signed the bases of the convention of Cintra, 22 Aug. 1S08; d. 23 Eeb. 1834. Daletmple, Scotch family : James, Tiscoiint Stair, great lawyer; 6. May, 1619 President of Court of Session . . 7 Jan. 1671 Published "Institutes of Law of Scotland" . 1681 Made viscount Stair, 1690 . . rf. 23 Nov. 1695 John, son, master of Stair ; appointed lord advocate, 1687 and i6qo ; secretary of state . 1690 Chief instigator of the Glencoe massacre, 13 Feb. 1692 Compelled to resign . . 1695 Made earl of Stair . . 8 April, 1703 d. suddenly, 8 Jan. 1707 John, second earl, 6. 20 July, 1673 : in early youth accidentally killed his elder brother ; entered the army, and served under Marl- borough ... . 1 701 et seq Ambassador in France .... 1715-20 Greatly improved agriculture in Scotland ; d. 9 May, 1747 DiU,TON, John, chemist and meteorologist ; b. 5 Sept. 1766; pubUshed "Meteorological Observations and Essays," 1793; began re- searches on the atomic theory, 1 803 ; published it in his " New System of Chemical Philo- sophy," 1808, 1810, 1827; d. 27 July, 1844. Dalt, Sir Dominic, Irish statesman ; i. 1 798 ; governor of Tobago, 1 85 1 ; of Prince Edward Island, 1859; of South Australia, 1S61; d. 19 Eeb. 186S. Damascenus, Joannes, Greek ecclesiastical writer ; d. about 756. Damasus I., II., popes : I. St. elected, 366 ; styled pontiff by Theodosius, 23 Feb. 380; d. 10 or II Dec. 384. II. enthroned, July ; d. S Aug. 1048. Dajiee, Hon. Anne Seymour, sculptor; J). 1748; d. 28 May, 1828. DAiaiANO, Pietro, Italian cardinal ; b. about 988 ; ecclesiastic reformer ; d. 22 Eeb. 1072. Damianus, saiat and martyr, 303-311. Daitlens, Robert Erangois, French fanatic ; b. 1714; stabbed Louis XV., 5 Jan. 1757; executed with most cruel torture, and made no dis- closure, 28 March, 1757. Damm, Christian Tobias, German scholar ; b. 9 Jan. 1699; his "Lexicon Homericum," published 1 776; d. 27 May, 1778. DAMOiSEAn, Marie Charles Thfodor, French astronomer; b. 9 April, 1768 ; d. 8 Aug. 1846. Dampibe, "William, navigator ; i. 1652 ; made three voyages of discovery round the world, 1673-91, 1699-1701, 1704-10; d. about 1710. Daiipieeee, Auguste Henri Marie Picot, marquis de, French general; b. 175^ J entered the army, 1 79 1; wounded in Holland; d. 9 May, 1793. Dampiekke, Guide, cormt of Flanders ; b. 1225 ; quarrelled with Philippe le Bel, of France ; the French under Robert of Artois victors, 1297 ; defeated at Courtrai, il July, 1302; peace, 1305; d. 7 March, 1305. Dameemont, see Danremont. Dana, James Freeman, American chemist; b. 23 Sept. 1793; published "Epitome of Chemical Philosophy," 1825 ; d. April, 1827. Dana, James Dwight, mineralogist ; b. 2 Feb. 1813; accompanied Captain C. Wilkes in his exploring expedition round the world, 1838-42; published " System of Mineralogy," 1837; " Manual of Geology," 1863. Dana, Richard Henry, barrister; published "Two Years before the Mast," July 1840; "Seaman's Friend," 1841. Danby, Francis, A.E.A., Irish landscape painter ; b. 16 Nov. 1793; A.K.A., 1825; d. 17 Feb. 1861. Danby, earl of, see Osborne. Danbt, WHUam, moral philosopher ; d. 4 Dec. 1833. Dance, architects : George, erected Mansion-house, London, 1739-40; d. 8 Feb. 1768. Geobqe, son, 6. 1740 : employed on Newgate prison, 1770 ; St. Luke's hospital, &c. ; d. 14 Jan. 1825. Danoee, Daniel, miser ; succeeded to his family estate and commenced the life of a her- mit, 1736; d. 1794. Danchet, Antoine, French dramatic poet; b. 7 Sept. 1671 ; d. 21 Feb. 1748. DAN 121 DAN Dahokelmann, Eberhard Christoph, Prussian statesman; 6.1643; educated Frederick I. (the first Idng), and became his miiuster, 1688 ; favoured the establishment of academies, &c. ; disgraced and imprisoned, 1697; restored by Prederick William I., 1713; d. 1722. Danokebts family, Dutch artists : CoRNELiTjs, 6, 1561 ; d. about 1620. Danckert, b. 1600. John and Henhy lived in lytli century. Dancouet, Plorent Carton, French dramatist ; 6. I Nov. 1661 ; d. 6 Deo. 1726. DajSDOLO, doges of Venice : Henrico, doge (blind), 1192 : helped the crusaders to capture Constantinople ; sent many relics to Venice, and acquired Candia and other isles, 1204 ; d. 1205. Giovanni, doge, 1280 ; d. 12S9. Francesco, doge, 1327-39. Andrea, doge, 1343 ; extended the power of Venice ; re-took Zara after a long siege ; humbled Genoa ; d. 9 Sept. J 354. Dandoio, Yincenzo, Venetian philosopher ; h. 26 Oct. 1758; published "Fondamenti deUa Scienza Fisico-Chemica," 1796 ; "Les Honunes Nouveaux," 1799; d. 13 Dec. 1819. Dabdke-Baedon, Michel Franjois, French painter and writer; b. 1700; d. 14 April, 1783. Dane, Nathan, American jurist; b. 1752; d. 1834. Danedi, see Montalto. Danet, Pierre, French classical scholar ; edited some authors, and compiled a ' ' Diction- arium Antiquitatum ad usum Delphini," 1677 ; d. 1709. Dahgeau, Philippe de CourciUon, marquis de, French courtier, author of a journal; b. 21 Sept. 1 638 ; cZ. 9 Sept. 1 720. Loots, his brother, abbd, scholar; 6. Jan. 1643; d. 4 Jan. 1723. Dakgeefield, Thomas, inventor of the " meal tub plot" agaiast James duke of York; gave information, 23 Oct. 1679; discredited. May, June, 16S0; mortally wounded while being flogged for perjury, I June, 1685. Danican, Franfois Andr^, French musical composer and chess-player, called "PhiHdor;" b. 7 Sept. 1727; d. 30 Aug. 1795. Daniel, Jewish prophet ; captive in Babylon, about B.C. 607 ; expounded Nebuchadnezzar's dreams, 603 and 580; and the handwriting on the wall, 538; promoted by Darius, 537. Daniel I., prince of Montenegro; 6. 25 May, 1826 ; aided by Eussia ; opposed his uncle Thomas; proclaimed prince, 1851; maintained war with Turkey, 1852-3, June — Nov. 1858; governed tyrannically; assassinated, 13 Aug. i860. Daniei, Saints ; I. StyUtes, i. about 410 ; lived long on the top of a column near Con- stantinople ; d. 490. II. martyred in Africa, 8 Oct. I22I. Daniel, Pfere Gabriel, French historian ; b. 1649; pubhshed"HistoiredeFrance," 1713; d. 23 June, 1728. Daniel, Joseph Henri, French sculptor ; b. April, 1804. Daniel, Samuel, historical poet; b. 1562; pubUshed " History of the Civil Wars between the houses of York and Lancaster," 1599 ; d. 1619. Daniell, John Frederick, chemist and meteo- rologist ; i. 12 March, 1790 ; published "Meteorological Essays," 1823; "Chemical Philosophy," 1839; "Kesearches on the Vol- taic Battery," 1836-42; invented a hygrometer, 1820 ; Voltaic pile with constant current, 1836 ; d. 13 March, 1845. Daniell, WiUiam, E.A., painter and en- graver ; 6. 1769; travelled in India, 1783; pubhshed "Oriental Scenery," completed 1808; engaged in illustration of " Voyage round Great Britain," 1S14-25 ; d. 16 Aug. 1837. Dannecker, Johann Heinrich von, German sculptor; b. 15 Oct. 1758; made sculptor to duke of Wtirtemberg, 1780; d. 8 Deo. 1841. Dannee, Louisa-Christina Kasmussen, coun- tess; 6. 21 April, 1S15; married morganati- cally to Frederick VII. of Denmark, 7 Aug. 1850. Dannhauer, Johann Conrad, German theolo- gian ; 6. 1603 ; his " Christeis, sive Drama Sacrum," published 1696 ; d. 1666. Dane^mont, Charles Marie Denis, French' general ; b. 8 Feb. 1783; fought in the wars, 1804-13 ; adhered to Louis XVIII., 1815 ; killed at the siege of Constantino in Africa, 12 Oct. 1837. Dannse (or, D'Annse de Villoison), Jean Baptiste Gaspard, French Hellenist; b. 5 March, 1750; d. 1805. Dantan, French sculptors, brothers: Antoine Laurent; b. 8 Dec. 1798. Jean Pierre; b. 28 Dec. 1800. Dante Alighieei, Italian poet; b. at Florence, 8 May, 1265 ; d. at Kavenna, 14 Sept. 1321. His Platonic love, Beatrice, died . . . 1290 As a democratic Guelph, present at the battle of Campoldino June, 1289 Married Gemma Donati, belonging to the Neri or Black party, at Florence : as a prior of the city, carried a law exiling chiefs of both the Neri and Bianchi parties .... June, 1300 On the Bianchi's return with permission of Charles of Anjou sent to Florence by the pope as peace- maker Nov, 1301 While he is at Rome on an embassy, his house destroyed and Florence ravaged . . 1301-2 Banished by decree, 17 Jan. ; condemned to be burnt 10 March, 1302 Resided chiefly at Verona with Cane della Scale, where he wrote his " Paradiso " . . 1308-16 Invited the emperor, Henry VEI., to come to Florence to give peace, by letter . April, 1311 Wandered about Italy, 1317-18; settled with Guide da Polenta, lord of Eavenna . 1319-21 Wrote "La VitaNuova," " La Monarchia ;" "La Divina Commedia," first printed 1472 Dante, or Danti, Ignazio, Italian mathema- tician; b. 1536; d. 1586. DAN 122 DATJ Dantine, Maur Prangois, French Benedictine, antiquary and palEeographer ; 6. i April, 1688; assisted in the preparation of Du Cange's " Glossarium," Bouquet's " Eecueil des Histo- riens," and "I'Art de Verifier les Dates;" d. 3 Nov. 1746. Danton", Georges Jacques, French politician ; I. 28 Oct. 1759; guillotined, 5 April, 1794. Became a friend of Mirabeau ; earnestly sup- ported the revolution 1789 Helped to estabUsh the revolutionary tribunal to judge and sentence without appeal, 10 March, 1793 And the committee of public safety . 6 April, 1793 Attacked by the Girondists and the ultra part of the Mountain ; agreed to the proscription of the former June, 1793 Quarrelled with Robespierre; arrested, 30 March; executed with Camille Desmoulins and others, 5 March, 1793 Danzi, Franz, German musical composer ; h. 15 May, 1763; d. 13 April, 1826. Dappee, Olfert, Dutch geographer ; published "Beschryving van Amsterdam," 1663; many geographical works with good plates; d. 1690. D'Abelat, Madame, see Burney. Daebot, Georges, archbishop of Paris; h. 1813; made archbishop, 1863. Daeo (or D'Aec), Jeanne, "la Pucelle" the maid of Orleans; b. 6 Jan. 141Z; burnt, 31 May, 1431. Said to have heard a voice from heaven com- manding her to go and deliver the kingdom, in the summer of 1425. Received by the king, Cliarles VII. . March, 1429 Helped to raise the siege of Orleans 18 May, 1429 And defeat the English at Patay . . 8 June, 1429 Present at Charles' coronation at P^heims, 17 July, 1429 Taken prisoner by the Burgundians in a sortie at Compifigne ... 23 May, 1430 Her trial for heresy begun . . 12 Jan. 1431 Condemned to perpetual imprisonment, having been made to sign a form of abjuration, 23 May; sentenced to be burnt on recanting her submis- sion, 30 May ; burnt . . . .31 May, 1431 Her sentence annulled at Eouen . 7 July, 1456 Daecet, French chemists : Je^vn : h. 7 Sept. 1725 . . d. 13 Feb. 1801 Jean Piebhe Joseph, son ; 6. 31 Aug. 1777 ; applied chemistry to manufactures and the pre- servation of food . . . . d. 2 Aug. 1844 Felix, his son ; 6. about 1807 . d. 18 Dec. 1846 Dargan, William, Irish railway contractor ; J. 1799; planned and supported Dublin exhibi- tion of 1853; d. 7 Feb. 1867. Daeius I. — III. , kings of Persia : I. son of Hystaspes; helped to put to death Smerdis ; chosen king, B.C. 521 ; took Babylon after a revolt, 516 ; invaded Scythia, 513 or 508 ; defeated in his invasion of Greece, 490 ; . d. 485 II. Ochus, or Nothus, king, B.C., 423; repeated rebeUions ; lost Egypt, 414 . . d. 405 or 404 III. Codomannus ; made king by Bagoas, whom he put to death, B.C. 336; defeated by Alexander at the Granicus, 2 May, 334 ; at Issus, Oct. 333 ; at Arbela, 10 Oct. 331 ; killed by Bessus . 330 Daemng, Sir Charles Henry, statesman; J>, 1809; appointed lieutenant-governor of Newfoundland, May, 1 855 ; governor of Jamaica, Feb. 1857; of Victoria, Australia, June, 1863; his disputes with the legislative assembly begun July, 1865; recalled, 26 Feb. 1866. Darling, Grace; b. 1815; aided her father, James, lighthouse keeper of the Fern isles, in rescuing persons ^vrecked in the " Forfarshire," 6 Sept. 1838; d. 20 Oct. 1842. Daenley, Heirry Stuart, earl of; b. 1541; married Mary, queen of Soots, his cousin, 29 July, 1565 ; promoted the murder of David Eizzio, 9 March, 1566; blown up in the house at Kirk of Field, early morning, 10 Feb. 1567. Daequiee de Pellepoix, Augustin, French astronomer; b. 23 Nov. 1718 ; published "TJranographie," 1781; d. 18 Jan. 1802. Dart, John, antiquary; published "Anti- quities of Westminster Abbey," 1725; and of Canterbury cathedral, 1726. Daeu, Pierre Antoine Noel Bruno, comte, French statesman, historian, and poet; b. 12 Jan. 176/; made intendant of the imperial household, 1805; pubUshed "La Cl&p^die;" "Histoire de la Edpublique de Venise," 1819 ; d. 5 Sept. 1829. Daewin, Charles, grandson of Erasmus, naturalist ; b. 12 Feb. 1 809 ; accompanied Captain FitzEoy in the "Beagle," and circum- navigated the globe, Dec. 1831 — Oct. 1836 ; pubhshed a journal of the voyage ; " Origin of Species by Natural Selection," 1859; "Varia- tion of Animals and Plants under Domestica- tion," Feb. i868. Darwin, Erasmus, physician, naturalist, and poet; b. 12 Dec. 1731 ; published-" The Botanic Garden," a poem, 1781 ; "Zoonomia," 1793-6 ; d. 18 April, 1802. Dashkov, Ekaterina Eomanovna, learned Russian princess ; i. 1 744 ; partook in the con- spiracy against Peter III., July, 1 762 ; discon- tented with her reward; retired to Moscow; visited Voltaire, 1771 ; made president of the new Russian academy, 1 784 ; resigned her offices, 1796; d. 4 Jan. 1810. Dassier, Swiss medallists : Jean; 6. 1676; engraved medals of the "Grands Honimes du Si^cle de Louis XIV.," 1718 : visited and worked in England, 1728 ; at Turin, 1743 ; d. Oct. 1763. Jacques Antoine, son ; 6. Oct. 1715 : worked for the British Mint : d. at Copenhagen, 1759. Dati, Agostiuo, Italian orator and historian ; b. 1420; d. 6 April, 1478. Dati, Carlo (surnamed "Smarrito"), Floren- tine philologist; 6. 2 Oct. 1619; d. 11 Jan. 1676. Daubenton, Guillaume, h. 1648; French con- fessor of Philip V. of Spain; dismissed, 1706 ; recalled, 1716; d. 1723. Daubenton, Louis Jean Marie, French mineralogist; b. 29 May, 1 716; assisted Buffon in his great work, 1741, et seq.; d. I Jan. 1800. Daubent, Charles Giles Bridle, naturalist and chemist ; &. 1 1 Feb. 1795; medical student at Edinburgh, 1815-18; professor of chemistry at Oxford, 1822-55; prof essor of botany, 1834; DAtr 123 DAV travelled in North America, 1837-8; president of British Association, 1856; published "De- scription of Volcanos," 1826 and 1848; "In- troduction to the Atomic Theory," 1831 and 1850; "Lectures on Climate," 1863; d. 13 Dec. 1867. Daubekmesnil, Jean Louis Marie Velain, French politician ; joined the Girondist party at the revolution ; escaped proscription ; founded the sect of " Theophilanthropists," (lovers of God and men), 1796; vi'hose form of worship was established at Paris, 1 797 ; and prohibited, 3 Oct. 1800; d. 1802. D'AuBiGNi, see Merle B'Aiibiffne. DADBEiE, Paul, French mineralogist ; i. 25 June, 1 8 14. Daudin, Frangois Marie, French naturalist : h. 25 March, 1774 ; with the help of his wife, an artist, published " Traits d'Omithologie," 1799-1800; and "Histoire Naturelle des Eep- tiles," 1802-4; '^- 1804. Daum, Christian, German scholar; 5. 29 March, 1612; d. 15 Dec. 1687. D'AuMALE, see Aumale. Daumee, Georg Friedrich, German philoso- pher ; i. 5 March, 1800; published "TJrge- schichte desMenschengeist" ("Primordial His- tory of the Human Muid"), &c., 1827; "Sketch of a New Philosophy of Religion," &c. Daumesnil, Pierre, baron, French general ; h. 14 July, 1777; refused to surrender Vin- cennes to Blucher for three million francs, 181 5; preserved Charles X. and his family from the populace, Aug. 1830; d. ly Aug. 1832. Daun, Leopold Joseph Maria, Austrian general ; i. 1 705 ; defeated Frederick the Great at Kobn, 18 June, 1757; and at Hoch- kirchen, 14 Oct. 1758; defeated and wounded at Torgau, 3 Nov. 1760; d. 5 Feb. 1766. Daunotj, Pierre Claude Frangois, French political writer and jurist; 6. 18 Aug. 1761 ; opposed the trial of Louis XVI., Sept. 1792 ; published "Essai sur 1' Instruction Publique," 1793; elected president of the convention, 3 Aug. 179s ; retired, Dec. 1795; assisted in the preparation of the " Historiens de France," &c. ; d. 20 June, 1840. Davakzati, Bostichi, named "the Silent," Florentine writer; i. 30 Aug. 1 529; d. 20 March, 1 606. D'AvENAUT, Charles, son of Sir William, political economist; 6. 1656; published "Essay on Ways and Means of Supplying the War," 1695 ; made inspector-general of exports and imports, June, 1703 ; d. 6 Nov. 17 14. Davenant, Johii, theologian ; h. 1576 ; bishop of Salisbury, 1621 ; d. 2Q April, 1641. Davenant, Sir WiUiam, poet and dramatist ; i. Feb. 1605; fought for Charles I., 1641, et seq^. ; taken prisoner ; his life saved by inter- cession of Milton ; published " Gondibert," 1651 ; d. 7 April, 1668. David, king of Israel, anointed by Samuel ; killed Goliath about 1063; king of Judah, 1056; king of Israel, 1048; d. 1015. David, prince of Armenia ; 6. about 960 ; d. about 1046. David III., the Strong, king of Georgia, 1089; victorious over invaders; tolerant to Mohammedans; d. about II 24. David I., II., kings of Scotland : I. king, 27 April, 1124 ; favoured legislation and the church ; visited Henry I, of England, T126 ; invaded England ; defeated at the battle of the Standard, near Northallerton. 22 Aug. 1138 ; knighted Henry, son of Maud, 1149 d. 24 May, 1153 n. son of Kobert Bruce : &. 5 ]March, 1323 : king (under a regent), 7 June, 1329 ; at invasion of Edward Baliol, fled to France, 1332 ; returned from France, 1341 ; invaded England; defeated by queen PhUippa at Nevill's Cross, near Dur- ham, and taken prisoner, 17 Oct. 1346 ; re- leased, Nov. 1357 . . d. 22 Feb. 1371 David el David (David the king), Jewish impostor, claimed to be the Messiah ; prepared for an insurrection in Persia ; assassinated about 1 161. David, Ffficien C^sar, French musical com- poser; Z). 8 March, 1810; published "Melodies Orientales," 1835; Ms "D&ert," performed 1S44. David, Franjois Anne, French engraver; 6. 1741 ; published "Antiquitfe de Hercu- laneum," 1780-1803, &c. ; d. 2 AprU, 1824. David, Jacques Louis, French painter, re- viver of French art; h. 31 Aug. 1748; by order of the constituent assembly painted "Le Serment du Jeii de Paume," 1791 ; became an ardent repubUcan, 1792; arrested by Robes- pierre ; released, 24 Oct. 1795; named his first painter by Napoleon I., 1804 ; d. 29 Dec. 1825. David, Jean Pierre, French sculptor of Angers, friend of David the painter; ft. 12 March, 1789; his "Epaminondas" won the prize at Paris, 181 1 ; d. 4 Jan. 1856. David de Pomis, Jewish rabbi and physi- cian ; h. 1525; published a Hebrew and Latin Lexicon, 1857; d. about 1600. Davidis, Franz, Hungarian Socinian theolo- gian ; h. about 15 10; modified the Socinian doctrines, and imprisoned, 1571 ; d. 6 June, 1579- Davids, Arthur Lumley, linguist ; b. 28 Aug. 1811 ; went to Constantinople; published a Turkish grammar, 1832; d. 19 July, 1832. Davidson, American poets, sisters : LuciiETiA Mabia, i. 27 Sept. 1808 ; d. 27 Aug. 1825. Makoaeet, b. 26 March, 1823 ; d. 25 Nov. 1838. Davidson, John, Irish traveller; 6. about 1800; began to explore the world, 1826; mur- dered near Timbuctoo, 18 Dec. 1836. Davibl, Jacques, French oouHst ; &. 1 1 Aug. 1696; d. 30 Sept. 1762. DAV 124 DEO Davies, Sir John, statesman and poet; h. 1570; published "Nosce Ipsum," 1599; went to Ireland; speaker of the first parlia- ment ; published " Discovery of the true causes why Ireland has never been subdued," &c., 1612; d. 7 Dec. 1626. Davies, John, Welsh antiquary; published " Dictionarium Britannico - Latiaum," 1632; d. about 1644. Davies, Eev. Walter, Welsh poet; 5. 15 July, 1761 ; d. 5 Dec. 1849. Davila, Enrico Caterina, Italian historian ; i. 30 Oct. 1576; his "Historia delle Guerre Civile di Francia," printed, 1630; murdered, 1631. Davila, Pedro Franco, Peruvian naturalist ; formed museums at Paris and Madrid ; d. 1785. Davis, Edward, chief of the buccaneers ; ravaged the coasts of Peru and Chili, 1684-5 ; said to have discovered "Terra AustraUs ;" returned to England at the amnesty granted by James II., 1688. Davis, Jefferson, American statesman; b. 3 June, 1808 ; secretary at war under president Pierce ; elected president of the confederate states of the South, 4 Feb. 1861 ; at the fall of Richmond fled, April ; made prisoner, 10 May, 1865 ; released, and went to Canada, May, 1867; arrived at Liverpool, 4 Aug. 1868. Davis, John, navigator, commander of the expedition in search of the North-West pas- sage, 7 June, 1 5S5 ; discovered Davis's Strait, Aug. 1585; undertook other voyages ; dis- covered Davis's southern isles, Aug. 1592; killed by pirates on the coast of Malacca, 27 or 29 Dec. 1605. Davis, Sir John Francis ; b. 1 795 ; went to China with Lord Amherst, 1816; joint-com- missioner with Lord Napier, 1834; published "The Chinese," 1836; "Sketches of China," 1 84 1 , and other works ; plenipotentiary at Hong Kong, 1843-8; baronet, 1845; K.C.B., 1854. Davison, William, statesman; secretary of state under Elizabeth, 1 586 ; fined and im- prisoned for forwarding the warrant for the execution of Mary, queen of Scots, 1 587-1603 ; rf. 21 or 22 Dee. 1608. Davoust, Louis Nicolas, due de Auerstadt, prince d'Eckmiihl, French marshal ; b. 10 May, 1770; d. I June, 1823. Defeated the Prussians at Auerstadt, 14 Oct. 1806 ; the Austrians at Eckraiihl . 22 April, 1809 Successfully defended Hamburg, 30 May, 1813, to April, 1814 Minister of war to Napoleon ; created immense resources March — June, 1815 Commanded the French army after Waterloo ; prepared for battle ; submitted to Louis XVIII., 14 July, 1815 Ee-entered the chamber of peers . . . 1819 Davy, Edmund, chemist, cousin of Sir Hum- phry; b. about 1785; assistant at Eoyal In- stitution laboratory, 1807-12 ; professor of chemistry at Cork, 1813-26; d. 5 Nov. 1857. Davy, Sir Humphry, chemist and physicist ; J. 17 Dec. 1778; d. 29 May, 1829. Apprenticed to a surgeon and apothecary . . 1795 Assistant at Dr Beddoes' Pneumatic Institution 1798 Assistant lecturer at the Eoyal Institution, London . 180T Elected professor of chemistry there . . . 1802 Decomposed the fixed alkalies and the earths by the voltaic battery, and produced potassium, 6 Oct. : sodium a few days after . . 1807 Decomposed the earths, and produced calcium, barium, and strontium . . . 1808 Invented his safety-lamp . . 1815 Produced lithium 1818 Sent to Naples to examine the MSS. of Her- culaneum ... . . 1818 President of Eoyal Society 1820-27 Davy, John, M.D,, brother of Humphry, physicist; b. 24 May, 1791; published the collected works of his brother, 1839-40; d. 24 April, 1868. Davys, George, bishop of Peterborough ; b. 1780; preceptor to princess Victoria, now queen ; consecrated, 1839 ; d. 18 April, 1864. Dawe, George, E.A., painter; b. 8 Feb. 1781 ; d. IS Oct. 1829. Dawes, Pichard, classical scholar ; 6. 1 708 ; published "Miscellanea Critica," 1745; d. 21 March, 1766. Dawes, Richard, promoter of secular educa- tion of the lower classes ; b. 1 792 ; dean of Hereford, 1850; d. 10 March, 1867. Day, George Edward, M.D., chemist ; b. 1815 ; author of " Chemistry in its relations to Phy- siology and Medicine," i860. Day, John, printer; b. 1522; printed Foxe's "Acts and Monuments," 1562; d. 23 July, 1584. Day, Thomas, poet and philosopher ; b. 174S; published " Sandford and Merton," 1 783-9 ; d. 28 Sept. 1789. Deak, Ferencz, Hungarian statesman ; b. 1803; minister of justice under Bathyani, 1S48 ; retired from public life, 1849; leader of the moderate party in the diet, demanding restorar tion of autonomy, 1860-66. Dean, Amos, American jurist; b. 16 Feb. 1 803 ; published " History of Civilization," 1868-69; . 10 Aug. 1672; discovered " Dippel's oil," Prussian blue (Prussiate of iron), published "Patum Patuum," 1710; d. 25 April, 1734- DlEAN, kings of Ai-menia : — 1. king, 131-152. II., king, 353; victorious over the Persians; abdicated, 364. DiECK Hatiohs, Dutch navigator; explored New Guinea isles about 161 6. DiEOis, Pran9ois, French historian and theo- logian; b. 1620; published " Preuves et Pre- jugi^s pour la Religion Chr(5tiemie," 1683 ; d 11 Oct. 1690. Disraeli, Benjamia, son of Isaac ; b. 21 Dec. 1805. Published " Vivian Grey " .... 1825 Candidate for Marylebone as a radical , 1833 M.P. for Maidstone as conservative 1837-41 Married Mrs "Wyndham Lewis 1839 Published " Coningsby " 1844 Quitted Sir E. Peel's party, and joined the pro- tectionists 1846 M.P. tor Shrewsbury, i''4i-7; Buckinghamshire^ 1847-68 Published " Lord George Bentinck, a Political Biography" 1852 Chancellor of exchequer under Lord Derby, Peb. —Dec. 1852 ; Feb. 1858— June 1S59 : July 1866— Feb. 1868 Furst lord of the treasury . 29 Feb.— Dec. 1868 Disraeli, Isaac, father of Benjamin ; b. 1766; first published " Curiosities of Literature," 1790 ; " Calamities of Authors," 1812 ; " Quar- rels of Authors," 1814; " Amenities of Litera- ture," 1841 ; d. 19 Jan. 1848. DissEtf, Georg Ludolf, German scholar; b, 17 Dec. 1784 ; edited " Pindar," 1830 ; d. Sept. 1837- DiTHMAB, or DiTMAB, Justus Christoph, German historian ; b. 13' March, 1677 ; d. 1737- DiTHMAE, or DiTMAE, bishop of Merseburg, German chronicler ; b. 25 July, 976; d. i Dec. loi8. DiTTEES DE DiTTEKSDOEP, Carl, German musical composer of operas and oratorios ; b. 1739; d. 31 Oct. 1799. DiTTMEE, Adolphe, Prench statesman and journalist ; 6. 13 May, 1795 ; pubhshed " Les Soirees de Neuilly," 1827 ; d. 10 May, 1846. DiTTON, Humphry, mathematician ; b. 29 May, 1675; pubhshed "The New Law of Pluids," 1 714 ; d. 15 Oct. 1715. Dixon, George, navigator ; made discoveries in the south seas, 1785-8; d. about 1800. Dixon, William Hepworth, historian and critic; h. 30 June, 1821 ; published "John Howard," 1849; " WilUam Penu" (opposing Macaulay's charges), 1851; " Eobert Blake," 1852; "Personal History of Lord Bacon," 1861 ; "New America," 1867; "Spiritual Wives," i868. D'Jezza, Ahmed, pacha of Acre ; b. in Bos- nia about 1735 ; sold himself to slavery ; bought by Ali Bey, and employed by him as an assas- sin ; commanded the Turkish troops opposed to the French in Egypt ; and with Sydney Smith defended Acre against the French, March — May, 1 799 ; made peace with the French, 1802 ; d. 1804. Dmitri, see Demetrius. Dmitriev, Ivan Ivanovitch, Russian poet and politician; h. 1760 ; works pubhshed, 1795; d. IS Oct, 1837. DoBELL, Sydney, poet; 5. 1824; published "The Roman," 1850; "Balder," 1854; "England in time of War," 1856. DObeeeinee, Johann Wolfgang, German che- mist; b. 15 Dec. 1780; discovered the diffu- sion of gases, properties of spongy platinum ; invented the philosopher's lamp ; d. 24 March, 1849. Dobnee, Felix Job, Bohemian historian; b. 30 May, 1719; d. 24 May, 1790. DoBHENTEi, Gabor, Hungarian author ; b. 1786; friend of Sir John Bowring, Miss Pardee, &c. ; began to pubhsh ' ' Monuments of the Magyar Language," 1825 ; d. 27 March, 1851. DobeizhQffer, Martin, Styrian Jesuit mis- sionary, sent to South America; b. IT IT; pubhshed "Historia de Abiponibus," 1784 (translated by Sarah Coleridge, 1822) ; d. 1791. DoEROWSKI, Josef, Bohemian philologist, Jesuit; b. 17 Aug. 1 753; pubhshed "Scrip- tores Rerum Bohemicarum," 1783-4; " Ge- schichte der Bohmischen Sprache," 1799; d. 6 Jan. 1829. DOBSON, WiUiam, painter; b. 1610; suc- ceeded Vandyke as royal painter, about 1641 ; d. 1646. DoOA, Frederick M. ; 6. about 1 794 ; pub- hshed a " Triglott Grammar ; " d. 10 May, 1864. DOD, Charles Roger; 6. 8 May, 1793; first published his ' ' Parliamentary Companion, " 1833 ; " Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage," 1841 ; d. 21 Feb. 1855. DoDAHT, Denis, French physician ; b. 1634 ; d. 5 Nov. 1707. DoDD, George, architect ; b. 1 783 ; designed Waterloo Bridge, 1806; d. 1827. DoDD, Ralph, civil engineer ; 5. 1761 ; pro- posed tunnel from Gravesend to Tilbury, Ac, 1798 ; published an "Account of the Principal Canals," 1 795 ; d. 1822. DOD lU DOM DoDD, Robert, marine painter ; i. 1 748 ; d. about 1 8 10. DoDD, William, D.D., poet and essayist; i. June, 1729 ; published " Reflections on Death," 1763; "Commentary on the Bible," 1765-70; executed for forgery, 27 June, 1777- DoDDBIDGE, Sir John, jurist; b. 1555; pub- lished "The Lawyer's Light," 1629; "The Complete Parson," 1602; d. 13 Sept. 1628. DoDDKIDOE, Dr Philip, nonconformist theolo- gian ; 6. 26 June, 1 702 ; established a dissent- ing academy, 1 729 ; published " Family Expo- sitor," 1738; " Rise and Progress of EeUgion in the Soul," 1744; d. 26 Oct. 1751. DoDiEU, Claude, sieur de Vely or Velly, Trench bishop and diplomatist ; sent by Francis I. to Charles V. to offer to decide their quarrel by single combat, 1536 ; -which led to the truce of Mougon, 16 Nov. 1537; d. 1558. DoDOENS, Rembert, Flemish botanist; h. 29 June, 1518; d. 10 March 1585. DoDSLEY, Robert, bookseller, poet, and drama- tist ; 6. 1 703 ; originally a footman ; became a bookseller, 1735 ; commenced " The Public Register," 1741 ; published "Economy of Human Life," 1750; the " Annual Register, " written by Burke, 1758; "Collection of Old Plays," 1780; d. 25 Sept. 1764. DoDSON, Michael, jurist ; i. 1732; d. 1 799. DoDSWOETH, Roger, 5. 1585; one of the com- pilers of "Monasticon Anglicanum," published 1655 ; d. Aug. 1654. DoDWELL, Edward, antiquary and artist ; h. 1767; published "Classical Tour through Greece in 1804-6," with many plates, 18 19; "Views and Descriptions of Cyclopian Re- mains," published 1834; d. 14 May, 1832. DoDWELL, Henry, Irish theologian and classi- cal scholar; b. Oct. 1641 ; deprived as a non- juror, 1689; published a singular "Epistolary Discourse" on the soul, 1706 ; d. 7 June, 1711. DcEDEELEiN, Johann Christoph, German theologian; 6. 28 Jan. 1748; d. 2 Dec. 1792. His son, LuDWIG, classical scholar; &. 19 Dec. 1791 ; "Lateinische Synonymen," 1826; d. 9 Nov. 1863. DoBKiNGK, Matthseus, German Franciscan, incorrectly said to be author of the "Nuremberg Chronicle;" lived about 1415-64. DOGGET, Thomas, Irish actor and dramatist ; instituted the annual prize of a coat and badge to be rowed for on the Thames on Aug. i, the anniversary of the accession of the house of Hanover, commencing in 1715 ; d. 22 Sept. 1721- DoGiEL, Mathias, Polish historian ; b. 1 7 1 5 ; d. 24 Feb. 1760. DoHM, Christian Wflhelm von, German states- man; 6. II Dec. 1 75 1; entered the Prussian service, 1779 ; that of the king of Westphalia, 1807; retired, 1810; d. 29 May, 1820. DoiGNT Dn Ponceau, French poet, royalist ; b. about 1750; d. 1830. DoissiN, Louis, French poet; b. 1 721; d. 21 Sept. 17.53. DoLABELLA, P. ComeKus, Roman statesman; 6. about B.C. 70; married Cicero's daughter Tullia, 49; displayed great hatred to Caesar, 44; outlawed for cruelty and extortion ; killed by one of his own soldiers to avoid becoming a prisoner, 43. DoLBEN, John, archbishop of York; h. 1625; consecrated, 1683; d. 11 April, 1686. Dolce, or DoLCi, Carlo, Tuscan painter ; b. 25 May, 1616; d. 17 Jan. i685. Dolce, Luigi, Italian poet; b. 1508; d. 156S. DoLCiNO, see Dulcino, DoLET, Etienne, French scholar and printer ; b. 1509; executed for heresy, 3 Aug. 1 546. DoLGOEOUKi, Ivan MikhaUovitch, Russian poet; b. 1764; d. Dec. 1823. DOllingee, johann Joseph Ignatius, German Roman catholic theologian and historian ; 6. 28 Feb. 1 799 ; published " Hippolytus and Kal- Ustus," 1853; " Kirche und Kirohen," 1861. DoLLOND, John, French optician ; b. 10 June, 1706 ; invented achromatic telescopes, 1757 (and received the Copley medal) ; optician to the king, 1761; d. 30 Nov. 1761. His son Peter, optician; b. 1730; d. 2 July, 1820. Nephew, George (Huggins), b. 25 Jan. 1774; d. 13 May, 1852. Dolomieu, D&dat Guy Silvain Tancrfede Gratet de, French mineralogist and geologist ; b. 24 June, 1750; pubUshed "Voyage aux lies de Lipari," 1783; d. 26 Nov. 1801. DoMAT, or DoDMAT, Jean, French jurist, friend of Pascal, the "restorer of reason in jurisprudence;" 6. 30 Nov. 1625 ; "Lois Civiles dans leur ordre naturel," published, 1689-1702; d. 14 March, 1696. DoMBAT, Franz von, Austrian orientahst; b. 1756 ; d. 12 Dec. iSio. DoMBEY, Joseph, French botanist and trar veUer; b. 20 Feb. 1742 ; d. May, 1793. DoMBEOWSKi, Jan Henryk, Polish general ; b. 29 Aug. 1755; fought against Russia, 1792-4; entered the French service, and formed the PoHsh legions, 1 797; d. 26 June, 1818. DoMENlOHi, Luigi, Italian poet ; d. 1564. DoMENiCHiNO, see Zampieri. Dominic, St., ItaUan austere cenobite ; d. 14 Oct. 1060. Dominic, St. (Domingo de Guzman), founder of the order of preaching friars (Dominicans) ; b. 1 1 70; one of the inquisitors employed against the Albigenses, 1208 ; d. 6 Aug. 122 1. Dominic, "the Greek," painter, sculptor, and architect ; b. 1548; d. 1625. DoMiNis, Marco Antonio de, archbishop of Spalatro, mathematician; b. 1566; supported the Venetians against pope Paul V. ; fled to POM 135 DON England and became a protestant about i6l6; dean of Windsor, 1622 ; returned to Italy to recant ; imprisoned by the inquisition ; d. pro- bably by poison, Sept. 1624. DoMiTiANUS, Titus Flavius, emperor of Rome; h. 24 Oct. 52 ; for his vices excluded from public life by his father Vespasian, and his brother Titus ; proclaimed emperor, Sept. 81 ; assassinated, 18 Sept. 96. DoMNA, Julia, a Syrian, married to Severus (afterwards emperor), 175 ; empress, 193 ; killed herself by starvation at the death of her sons, Geta, and Caracalla, 217. DoMNUS, or Bonus I., II., popes : I. elected 2 Nov. 676 . d. zi April, 678 II. pope three months . . 974 DOMVILLE, Sir "WilUam, sheriff of London, 1804 ; committed to Newgate for favouring Sir Francis Burdett, II March, 1805; as lord mayor entertained the allied sovereigns, June, 1814; d. 8 Feb. 1833. Don, George, Scotch botanist ; b. 1 79S ; d. 25 Feb. 1856. Don, David, Scotch botanist ; b. 1 800 ; pro- fessor of botany at King's College, London, 1836; d. 8 Deo. 1840. Donald I. — VII., kings of Scotland : I. d. 216; II. 3d century; III. d. 260; IV. dro^vned about 647 V. king, 854: dethroned; committed suicide about 858 VI. king, 893 ; made alliance with Alfred of England d. 904 VII. Donald Bane, brother of Malcolm III. Can- more ; king, 1093 ; deposed . . 1098 Donaldson, John William, philologist ; b. 1812 ; published "New Cratylus," 1839, &c. ; d. 10 Feb. 1861. Donaldson, Thomas Leverton, architect ; b. 17 Oct 1795 j professor at London uni- versity, 1843-64; published " Speciiications, or Guide to Architects," 1859. DONATELLO, Or DONATO DI BELTO BABDO, Italian sculptor ; b. 1383 ; d. 13 Dec. 1466. Donati, Corso, Guelphic chief of Florence ; killed, 1308. Donati, Vitaliano, Italian physician and naturalist and traveller; i. 1713 ; published " Storia Naturale dell' Adriatico Mare," 1750; d. 1763. DoNATDS, Saints ; one martyred, 200 ; another martyred, 361. DoNATUS, bishop of Casa Nigra in Numidia, founder of the Donatists, a sect early in the 4th century ; they re-baptized those who joined them. DoNATUS, j351ius, see ^Uus. DoNDi (DoNDns, or de Dondis), Giacomo, styled " Aggregator," Italian philosopher ; 6. 1298 ; d. 1359. His son Giovanni Dondi daU' Orologio, astronomer; b. 1318; invented a " Planetarium ;" d. Feb. 1389. DoNDUOCi, Giovanni Andrea, " il Masteletta," Italian painter ; 6. 1575; '^' '^TS' DoNEAD, or DoNELLUS, Hugues, French jurist ; b. 23 Dec. 1527 ; said to have known the " Corpus Juris" by heart ; d. 4 May, 1591. DoNi, Antonio Francesco, Italian poet ; b. 1513; d. Sept. 1574. DoNi, Giovanni Battista, Italian archaeolo- gist and musician ; b. 1593 ; constructed the " Lira Barberina," or "amphieord;" d. 1647. DoNi d' Attichi, Louis, French theologian ; b. 1596; published "Histoire de I'Ordre des Minimes;" d. 2 July, 1664. DoNiEETTi, Gaetano, Italian musical composer; b. 25 Sept, 1798; performance of "Zoraide di Granada," 1822 ; "Anna Bolena," 1830; " EUsire d' Amore," 1832; "Lucrezia Borgia," 1833; " Lucia di Lammermoor," 1835; "Fille du Regiment," 1840; " Linda di Chamounix," 1842, &c. ; d. 8 April, 1848. DoNKEKS, Peter, Dutch painter; b. 1612; d. 1668. DoNKiN, Bryan, civil engineer, inventor of paper-maldng machinery; h. 22 March, 1768; d. 27 Feb. 1855. DoNKiN, WiUiam Fishburn, astronomer; 5. 1 5 Feb. 1 8 14. DoNNADIEU, Gabriel, vicomte, French general and politician; b. II Dec. 1777; '^- ^^ June, 1849. Fought in campaigns of . . 1792-96, 1809- n Conspired against Napoleon : imprisoned i8it Joined the Bourbons , . . . 1814 Suppressed an imprudent insurrection at Gre- noble .... May, 1816 Disgraced and imprisoned . . June, 1820 Restored and employed .... 1820-30 Fined and imprisoned for publishing his " De la Vieille Europe, des Eois et des Peuples de noire Epoque" . . . 1837 DoNNB, John, dean of St. Paul's ; metaphysi- cal poet ; author of " Parodoxes," " Problems," &G. ; 6. 1573; published "Pseudo-martyr," 1610; "Works," edited by H. Alford, 1839; d. 31 March, 1 63 1. Donn6, Alphonse, French physiologist and microscopist ; 6. 1806; published " Cours de Microscopie compldmentaire des Etudes M^di- cales," with atlas, 1S44-45. DoNNT, Francois Marie Louis, Belgian che- mist; b. 31 Jan. 1822; published " M^moire sur la Cohesion des Liquides," 1843. DoNOSO CoKT^s, Juan Francisco Maria de la Salud, marquis de Valdegamas, Spanish liberal statesman; 6. 6 May, 1809; minister under queen Christina, 1843; negotiated the "Span- ish Marriages," 1846; at his brother's death became a religious political writer, 1849; d. 3 May, 1853. Donovan, Edward, naturalist; published "Natural History of British Insects," 1792- 1816; "British Birds," 1794-47; "Insects of China," 1798; " Insects of India," 1800; d. I Feb. 1837. DoNOUQHMORE, see Hutchinson. DOO 136 DOU Doo, George Thomas, RA., line-engraver; h. 6 Jan. 1800; A.R.A., 1855; E.A. 1856. DooLiTTLE, Thomas, non-conformist minister; J. 1630; published "Serious Enquiry" and " Eebuke for Sin " (relating to the great plague and fire of London), i656; d. 24 May, 1707. DOPPELMAIEE, Johaun Gabriel, German mathe- matician; b. 1671 ; d. I Deo. 1750. DoppET, Ii'ran9oi3 Ajm4i6e, French general and physician and political writer ; subscribed him- self "le Sans-Culotte Doppet;" b. 1753; besieged and took Lyons; stopped pillage, 9 Oct. 1793; d. about iSoo. DoppLEK, Christian, German mathematician and physicist ; J. 29 Nov. 1 803 ; d. IJ March, 1853- DoRAT, (Auratus), Jean, French poet; b. about 1507; d. I Nov. 1588. DoRAT, Claude Joseph, prolific French drama- tist; b. 31 Deo. 1734; d 29 April, 1780. DoKBAT, Fran9ois, French architect (of many churches in Paris) ; d. 1697. DoECHESTEB, see CarUton. Doe:^, Paul Gustave, French artist, illus- trator of the Bible, Dante, La Fontaiue, Cervantes, Tennyson, &c. ; h. Jan. 1 832. DoE^, (Auratus,) Pierre, French theologian; b. about 1500; d. 19 May, 1599. DoEiA, Genoese family of^the Ghibeline party: NicoLO, great general, about . . . 1196 Oberto, admiral ; totally defeated the Pisans at the battle of Meloria .... 6 Aug. 1284 LuocHETTO, admiral ; subjugated Corsica . 1289 Con R ADO, son of Oberto ; with Oberto Spinola expelled the Guelfs, and were named "captains of Genoese liberty," 28 Oct. 1270; and retained the government till 1299 Lamba, admiral ; defeated Andrea Dandolo and the Venetian fleet ... 8 Sept. 1298 Earnaba ; quelled Guelphic revolt, with great severity, after a conflict ... 6 Jan. 1310 Castaneo, killed by his own partisans during a revolt 1314 FiLiPPO; victorious in liis,attacks on the Barbary coasts about , 1356 Paoanino, great admiral; successful against Venetians d. about 1358 Luciano, killed in battle with the Venetians before Zara 1379 PiETRO, his brother; (opposed peace with Venice till he had bridled the bronze horses of St. Mark) ; killed at Brandolo 22 Jan. 1380 Andrea, admiral . . . . &. 30 Nov. 146B Served successively Alonso of Arragon, Francis I. of France, Clement VII., and Charles V. ; expelled the French and restored the indepen- dence of Genoa 1528 Termed the "liberator" and "father of the peace," made on .... 5 Aug. 1529 Siyjpressed a revolt of the Fieschi with much cruelty, 1547 , . rf. 25 Nov. 1560 DoRiGNY, French painters : Michel, b. 1617 ; d. 1663. His son, Louis, b. 1654; d. 1742. Nicolas, brother ; b. 1657 ; patronised by queen Anne, and George I., 1711-19; d, 1746. DoRiNGK, see Dceringh. DoEiSLAUS, Isaac, Dutch republican ; d. 2 May, 1649. D'Orleans, Louis, French jurist and contro- versial poet ; fiery partisan of the league, and bitter enemy of Henry IV. ; b. 1542; d. 1629./ D'Orleans, Pierre, French historian ; b. 1644; d. 1698. , DoENAU (DoENAVlus), Gaspard, German phy-| sician and philologist; b. iS77 ; d. 28 Sept.| 1632. D'Obsat, Alfred, count, friend of Byron,/ French ^VTiter and artist; b. 1798 J became; friend of the countess of Blessington, Nov. 1822 ; married Harriet, daughter of the earl by his first wife, 4 Dec. 1827; friend of Louis Napoleon; joined him in Paris, 1848; d. 4 Aug. 1852. Dorset, SackviUe, earls and dukes of : Thomas, statesman and poet, wrote "Gorboduc;" b. 1527 ; earl, 1603 ; d. 19 Aug. 1608. Robert, son ; d. 25 Feb. 1609. EiCHAR-D, son ; 6. 28 March, 1589 ; d. 1624. Edward, brother; b. 1590; ardent royalist; d. 17 July, 1652. EiCHARD, son; b. 1622 ; d. 1667. Charles, son, statesman, poet ; b. 24 Jan, 1637 ; d, 1706. Lionel, created duke, June, 1720 ; d. 10 Oct. 1765. Charles, son ; 6. Feb. 1611 ; d. 6 Jan. 1769. John Frederick, nephew ; d. 1799. George John Frederick, son; b. 15 Nov. 1793; d. by fall from his horse, 14 Feb. 1815. Charles, cousin ; b. 27 Aug. 1767 ; d. 29 July, 1843 ; (title extinct.) DoRViGNY, Louis, French dramatist, (said to have been son of Louis XV.); b. 1743; d. 4 Jan. i8i2. D'Oeville, Jacques Philippe, French classical scholar; b. 1696; d. 14 Sept. 1751. D'OssAT, Arnaud, French cardinal and states- man ; b. 1536; d. 13 March, 1604. Dossi, Dosso, and Giobattista, brothers, Italian painters, foimders of the Ferrara school about 1500. Dost Mohajvimed Khan, became ruler at Gaubul about 1829; d. 29 May, 1863. Refused to submit to Lord Auckland, governor- general, who wished to restore Shah Shoojah; war declared . . , . i Oct. 1838 Defeated ; submitted . . . .4 Nov. 1840 His son, Akbar, murdered Sir William M'Naugh- ton during a conference ... 25 Dec. 1841 British army destroyed in its retreat from Caubul, Jan. 1842 The British destroyed Caubul, and left the coun- try Oct. 1842 Dost Mohammed made a treaty with the British, 31 March, 1855 DouAEEN (Dparen), Fran5ois, French jurist; b. 1509; d. 23 July, 1559. DouBLEDAT, Edward, entomologist; b. 1 810; d. 14 Dec. 1849. DouBLEDAT, John, antiquary; h. 1 799; d. 2$ Jan. 1856. Douce, Francis, antiquary ; b. 1 762 ; published "Illustrations of Shakspeare," 1807; be- queathed his books to the Bodleian library, Oxford; d. 30 March, 1834. DouDENS, Willem, Dutch painter; b. 31 Dec. 1650; d. 1697. DOU 137 DRA DoUFFET, Gerard, iFlemish painter; 6. 1594; d. 1660. DouGADOS, Jean Frangois Pfere Venance, rrencli poet, named "Tibullus," capuchin and officer; 6. 12 Aug. 1763; tried to save the Girondists; guillotined, 13 Jan. 1794. D0U6LAS, noble Scotch family : William defended Berwick against Edward I., 1296 ; surrendered, 9 July, 1297. Tlie "good Sir James"' supported Robert Bruce, 1306-9 ; while conveying the king's heart to the Holy Land, killed in a conflict with the Moors, 1330. Archibald, {brother of William), the regent : de- feated and kilted at Halidon Hill, 19 July, 1333. William, the knight of Liddesdale, (natural son of James) ; taken prisoner at Neville's Cross, 12 Oct. 1346 : assassinated, 1354. Earls — William, fought in the French wars ; d. 1384. James, second earl; killed at the battle of Otterbum, 10 Aug. 1388. Archibald, the Grim ; d. 1400. Archibald, Tineman, (the losing man) ; attacked the Percies ; taken prisoner at Homildon Hill, 14 Sept. 1402 : joined the Percies ; taken prisoner by Henry IV. at Shrewsbury, 23 July, 1403 : entered French service, and made duke 'of Touraine ; defeated at Crevant, 11 June, i423;killedatVerneuil,i7 Aug. 1424. Archibald, son, lieutenant-general of the kingdom ; d. 26 June, T438. William, son ; b. 1425 ; recalled ; ambitious ; with his brother, entrapped and executed by the chancellor Crichton, 1440. James, the Gross, grand uncle ; d. soon after. William, son, married the maiden of Galloway, sister of William, sixth earl, 1444 ; lawless and rebellious : invited to Stirling ; stabbed at a banquet by king James II., 13 Feb. 1452, James, burnt Stirling to revenge his brother's death ; finally defeated, 22 July, 1484 ; became a monk ; rf. 15 April, 1488. Douglas, Archibald, earl of Angus : The "Great Earl," named "Bell the Cat" from his share in the destruction of Cochrane, earl of Mar, favourite of James III., and of the king himself, 1488 ; d. 1514. Douglas, Archibald, earl of Angus, married Margaret Tudor, widow of James IV., 15 14. Douglas, Gawin, bishop of Dunkeld, son of preceding; b. 1474; a diplomatist and poet ; translated the .ZEneid into Scotch ; d. a fugitive in England, April, 1522. Douglas, James, earl of Morton; b. 1530; joined Argyle and Glencairn, the lords of the congregation, in opposition to the govern- ment, 3 Dec. 1557 ; privy to the murder of Eizzio, 9 March, 1566 ; became regent, 9 Nov. 1572 ; overthrovfu by James's favourites; be- headed on the charge of being privy to the murder of Darnley, 3 June, 1581. Douglas, David, Scotch botanist ; b. 1 79S ; explored Colombia river, and California, 1825-7; introduced many new plants into Britain ; accidentally killed in the Sandwich Isles, 12 July, 1834. Douglas, Sir Howard, general and military engineer, and author ; 6. I July, 1776 ; served in Spain, 1808-9 ; 1811-12 ; published military scientific works, 1S16-19 ; governed the Ionian Isles, 1835-40; d. 8 Nov. 1861. Douglas, Sylvester, lord Glenbervie, poli- tician ; 6. 1 743 ; cZ. 2 May, 1823. DouVILLB, Jean Baptiste, French naturalist and traveller ; b. 15 Nov. 1 794 ; published " Voyage an Congo" (asserted to be fictitious), 1832; d. about 1837. Dou, or Dow, Gerard, Dutch painter; b. 7 April, 1613; d. Feb. 1675. Dove, Heinrich Wilhelm, German physicist ; b. 6 Oct. 1803; published "Isothermal Lines,'' 1848-64. DovEK, lord, see Ellis. Dow, Alexander ; governor of Bencoolen ; pubUshed "History of Hindostan," 176S-72; d. 1779. DowLAND, John, musical composer (of madri- gals, &c.); b. 1562: d. about 1615. DowNHAM, or DowNAME, George, bishop of Derry ; pubhshed " Treatise proving that the Pope is Antiohi'ist, " 1603 ; d. 1634. His brother, John, published "Christian Warfare," 1613-34; d. 1644. DowTON, William, comedian; b. 25 April, 1764; d. 19 April, 1851. DoYAT, Jean de, French statesman, employed by Louis XI. ; b. about 1445 ; opposed the schemes of the due de Bourbon ; and severely punished as a calumniator by him at the death of Louis; the sentence reversed by Charles VIIL ; d. 1499. DoTEN, Gabriel Frangois, French painter; b. 1726; d. 5 June, 1806. Doyle, Richard, caricaturist ; son of John Doyle (H. B.) ; b. 1826; contributor to Punch till 1850 ; published " Manners and Customs of the English," 1851. Doyly, George, D.D. ; b. 31 Oct. 1778; co- editor (with Dr Mant) of the Holy Bible, with notes, 1 81 8; d. 8 Jan. 1846. Dbabitz, or Dkabicius, Nicolaus, Moravian visionary; b. 1587; his first vision, 23 Feb. 1638; by his revelations supported Rogatsky in his insurrection against the Austrians, 1644 ; arrested at Presburg ; his book of prophecies burnt ; beheaded, 16 July, 1671. Dkaco, legislator, author of the first written Athenian code, very severe ; about e.g. 621. Deacontius, Latin Christian poet ; d. about 450. Dhagut, Turkish corsair ; attached to Barba- rossa ; captured, and kept a slave at Genoa ; released by Andrea Doria ; killed at the siege of Malta, June, 1565. Drake, Sir Francis, admiral ; b. about 1539; d. 28 Jan. 1596. Sailed with Sir John Hawkins, and shared his defeat in the bay of Mexico . . . 1568 Two expeditions . . 1570-1571 Sailed from Plymouth ... 24 May, 1572 Plundered Nombre de Dios, Venta Cruz, &c. ; re- turned .... .9 Aug. 1573 His voyage to the south seas, and round the globe ; sailed, 5 Nov. 1577 ; doubled the Cape of Good Hope 15 June 1580 DRA 138 DRO Entered Plymouth much enriched . 3 Nov. 1580 Knighted by queen Elizabeth on board hia ship, " The Golden Hind," at Deptford . 4 April, 1581 Expeditions against Spanish America ; took St. Jago, Carthagena, St. Domingo, and St. Au- gustin .... . . 158s Captured a great East Indiaman . . 1587 Made vice-admiral of England, and helped to dis- perse the Spanish armada . . . 1588 Sailed with Sir John Hawkins against Spanish America ; unsuccessful near Porto Rico : Haw- kins d. 12 Nov. 1595 . . Drake d. 28 Jan. 1596 Drake, WiUiam, physician, antiquary; b. 1667; published "Eboracum, History of York," 1736; d. 1760 or 1770. Drake, James, physician, political writer ; i. 1667; tried for articles in the "Mercurius Politicus," 1706; d. 2 March, 1707. Drake, Nathan, physicianand essayist; S. 1766; published " Winter Nights," 1820; "Evenings in Autumn," 1822 ; " Noontide Leisure," 1824; "Mornings in Spring," 1828 ; d. 7 June, 1836. Deakenbeeo, Christian Jacobsen, long-lived Norwegian seaman ; 6. 18 Nov. 1624; captured by Algerines and enslaved, 1694-1710; pre- sented to the king of Denmark, 1 73S ; married a widow, 1737 ; d. 9 Oct. 1772. Dkakenborch, Arnold, Dutch philologist ; i. I Jan. 1684; published edition of Silius ItaUcus, 17 17; of Titus Livius, 1738-46; d.i6 Jan. 1747. Dean, see Le Dran. Draparnaud, Jacques Philippe Raymond, Erench naturalist; b. June, 1772; d. I Eeb. 1805. His brother, Victoe Marc Xavier, poet and dramatist; 6. 3 Dec. 1773; d. 4 Oct. 1833- Draper, John WiUiam, American physiolo- gist, chemist, and physicist; b. 5 May, iSli; published many experiments on hght, 1835-51- Draper, Sir WilHam, lieutenant-general ; b. 1721 ; took Belle Isle, 1763; controversy with "Junius," 1769; d. 8 Jan. 1787. Deatton, Michael, historical poet; b. 1563; published " Barons' Wars," 1598 ; " Poly- olbion," 1613-22; d. 1631. Dkebbel, Comelis van, Dutch physician and natural philosopher ; b. 1572; said to have in- vented thermometers, microscopes, telescopes, &c., but probably only improved them ; d. 1634. Deelincouet, Charles, French protestant writer; b. 10 July, 1595; to a translation of his "Consolations centre les Frayeurs de la Mort" (1651), De Foe prefixed his account of Mrs Veale's apparition; d. 3 Nov. .1699. His son Charles, surgeon; 5. I Feb. 1633; d. 31 May, 1697. Dresser, Matthasus, German scholar; b. 1536; his " Historia Martini Lutheri ' ' published, 1598; "Sachsisches Chronicon," 1596; d. 1607. Drew, Samuel, methodist preacher; b. 1765 ; published "Essay on the Immateriality and Immortality of the Human Soul," 1803 ; d. 29 March, 1833. Deexelitjs, Jeremias, German Jesuit, ascetic writer; b. 1581 ; published " Zodiacus Chris- tianus," 1622; " Horologium Tutelaris Angeli," 1623; " Heliotropium," 1628; d. 19 April, 1638. Dketse, Nicolas, German mechanic, inventor of the needle-gun ; 6. 1788 ; employed by Napoleon at Paris, 1809; his system proved successful in the war, June — July, 1866. Deinkwatek-Bethune, John, colonel; 6. about 1762; published " History of the late Siege of Gibraltar," 1785; d. 16 Jan. 1844. Deogon de Poille, Norman warrior ; entered into Italy; assassinated at the instigation of the pope at MontegUo, 1019. Deollinger, Carl Friedrioh, German poet and jurist; b. 26 Dec. 1688; d. I June, 1742. Drouais, Eran9oi3 Hubert, French portrait painter; b. 14 Dec. 1727; d. 21 Oct. 1775. Drouais, Jean Germain, French painter; b. 25 Nov. 1763; d. 13 Feb. 1788. Drouet, Jean Baptiste, French revolutionist; 6. 8 Jan. 1763; d. 11 April, 1824. "When postmaster at Varrennes, arrested Louis XVI, and his family escaping from France 21 June, 1791 Elected a deputy to the convention . Sept. 1792 After being a violent demagogue, entered the service of Napoleon ; banished as a regicide 1814 Dkouet, Jean Baptiste, count d'Erlon, French marshal ; b. 29 July, 1765 ; d. 25 June, 1844. Private soldier ... . 1782 Served under Hoche . . . t797 Fought in the wars of Napoleon . . 1799-1814 Established a brewery at Bayreuth, and afterwards at Munich ; returned to France . . . 1825 Governor of the French possessions in Africa 1834 Drouot, Antoine, comte, French general, "le Sage de la Grande Arm^e," and friend of Napoleon; 6. 11 Jan. 1774; d. 24 March, 1847. Accompanied Napoleon to Elba . . . 1814 Disapproved of his return, but supported him _. 1815 Proscribed, surrendered, acquitted . April, 1816 Published works on agriculture, &c. . . 1825-31 Preserved order in Nancy . 1830 Drouot, Gustave, French poet and dramatist; 6. 20 Feb. 1800 ; rf. Jan. 1835. Drouyn de Lhuts, Edouard, French states- man; h. 19 Nov. 1805. Elected member of the chamber of deputies, . 1842 Quarrel with Guizot , 1845 Minister of foreign affairs under the prince presi- dent 1848 Ambassador at London ■ 1849 Foreign minister July, 1852 Took part with, lord John Kussell at the confer- ences at Vienna ; dismissed . . . April, 1855 Foreign minister ... . 1863-66 Droz, Fran9oia Xavier, Joseph, French pro- fessor of belles lettres; h. 31 Oct. 1773! published "Essai sur I'Art Oratoire," 17995 "Etudes sur le Beau dans les Arts," i8l5; "Histoire du Rfegne de I.ouis XVI.," 1839; d. 4 Nov. 1850. DEO 139 DUB Dkoz, Swiss meolianicians : Pierre Jacquet . . . , &. 2S July, 1721 Constructed wonderful clocks, a writing auto- maton, &c rf. 28 Nov. 1790 Henri Louis Jacquet, his son . 6.1300^1752 Constructed automatons, artificial hands with flexible fingers, &c. ; admired by Vaucanson ; d. 18 Nov. 1791 Dkummond, James, earl of Pertb, Scotch statesman; lord chancellor, 1684; converted to Romanism, 1686; endeavoured in vain to sup- port the cause of James II. in Scotland; imprisoned four years, 1689-92 ; d. 10 May, 17 16. His grandson, James, fought for prince Charles Edward at Prestonpans, 21 Sept. 1745; and at Culloden, 16 April, 1746; escaped to France; d. 1750. Drcmmond, captain Thomas, E.E. ; 5. Oct. 1797; invented an heUostat, and also the lime-light or Drmnmond light to assist in making the ordnance survey of Ireland ; de- scribed, 1826; under-secretary in Ireland, 1835; to him is attributed the maxim, "Pro- perty has its duties as well as its rights;" d. 15 April, 1S40. Drummond, William, of Hawthomden, Scotch poet; b. 13 Nov. 1585; published "Poems," l6l6 ; "History of Scotland under James I. — v.," printed 1655 ; d. 4 Dec. 1649. Deummond, Sir WUliam, Scotch antiquary and statesman ; pubUshed " Academical Ques- tions," 1805; "Herculanensia," 1811 ; "Origines; or. Remarks on the Origin of several Empires," &o., 1824-26. Dkusus, Marcus Livius, ambitious Roman senator ; endeavoured to obtain power by in- dulging the plebs, and imitating the Gracchi ; assassinated, B.C. gi. DEXistis, L. Scribonius Libo ; condemned for consulting soothsayers in regard to his obtain- ing the empire, 16. Dkdsus, Nero Claudius, brother of Tiberius ; i, B.C. 38; defeated the Rhoetians, &c., 15, and the Germans, 12; constructed a canal; tra- versed Germany to the North Sea ; defeating the Chatti and other tribes, said to have been warned to return by an apparition of a prophetess ; d. from a fall from his horse, 9. Drusus GfiSAR, son of the emperor Tiberius, impure and cruel ; d. by poison, 23. Drusus, son of Germanicus and Agrippina, brother of Nero ; long imprisoned ; starved to death by Tiberius, 33. Deuky, Robert, seaman; I. 1687; ship- wrecked on the coast of Madagascar, where he lived, 1702-17; published "Madagascar: Journal during 1 5 years' Captivity," 1729; c?. about 1735. Druthmab, Christien, French grammarian ; became a monk at Corbie; wrote commentaries on the gospels ; lived about 860. Dktander, (Eichmann), Johann, German mathematician; 6. 27 June, 1 500; pubUshed " Astrolabii Canoues," 1538; " Cosmographiae Introduotio," 1543; d. 20 Deo. 1560. Detander, Jonas, Swiss naturalist ; 6. 1 748 ; friend of Sir Joseph Banks ; kept his collec- tions, and published a catalogue of his Ubrary, 1796-1800; d. 19 Oct. 1810. Dbtdbn, John, poet; b. 9 Aug. 1631; d. i May, 1791. "Westminster scholar 1650 AVrote in favour of CromweU , . 1658 Of Charles II 1660 "Wrote for the theatre (beginning with the " "Wild Gallant") 1663-94 Published " Absalom and Achitophel " . . 1681 Became a Romanist, and wrote " The Hind and the Panther" .... 1687 Translation of "V"irgil ... . 1697 Poet laureate 1668-89 Works edited by Sir "Walter Scott, 18 vols. 1808 DuAKTB, or Edward, king of Portugal, a poet ; b. 1391 ; king, 1433 ; invaded Africa ; repulsed at Tangier, Sept. 1436; d. of the plague, 9 Sept. 1438. Du Barey, Madame, see Barry. Dn Baetas, see Bartas. Du Bellat, see Bdlay. Dubois, Sylvius Jacques, French physician and scholar, noted for avarice; b. 1478; d. 13 Jan. 1555. Dubois, Jean, French physician and writer ; d. 5 April, 1576. Dubois, (a Bosco), Jean, French preacher ; termed by Henry III. "emperor of the monks;" favoured by Henry IV.; in his funeral oration, "Portrait Royal de Henri le Grand," accused the Jesuits of the murder, and was in consequence long imprisoned at Rome; d. 28 Aug. 1626. Dubois, Jan, French sculptor; b. 1626; enriched many churches "with his works ; d. 29 Nov. 1694. Dubois, Gerard, French historian; h. 1629; published "Historia Ecclesiae Parisiensis," 1690; d. July, 1696. Dubois, Guillaume, French bishop, cardinal, and statesman ; 6.6Sept. 1656 ; rf. loAug. 1723. Became preceptor of the due de Chartres, and corrupted him ; married a daughter of Louis XI"\^., and obtained political influence . 1692 Helped to negotiate the triple alliance, signed 14 Jan. 1717 Received all the orders of the ministry, and con- secrated archbishop of Cambrai in one day, 9 June, 1720 Made cardinal 1721 Prime minister of France .... Aug. 1722 Dubois, Antoine, baron, French surgeon, favoured by Napoleon I.; b. 18 June, 1756; d. 30 March, 1837. Dubois, Jean Antoine, French missionary ; b. 1765; his " Letters on Christianity in India," {1823), occasioned much controversy ; d. 7 Feb. 1848. Dubois de Ceanoi5, Edmond Louis Alexis, French general; b. 1 747; ardent republican, and urged the death of the king, Jan. 1 793 ; narrowly escaped proscription; employed by the Directory; dismissed by Bonaparte, Nov. 1799; d. 29 June, 1814. DUB 140 DUD Dubois de la BoE, (Sylvius), Franjois, Dutch physician; b. 1614; appUed anatomy to the study of pathology ; d. 1672. Ddbos, Jean Baptiste, French historian and critic; b. Deo. 1670; published "Histoire Critique de I'Etablissement de la Monarchic Frangaise dans les Gaules," 1734; d. 23 March, 1742. Do BouEG, Anne, see Bourg. DUBDFE, Claude Marie, French painter ; b. about 1790; d. 23 April, 1864. Duo, or DuciEUa, Fronton du, French theolo- sian; b. 1558; published "Histoire Tragique de la Pucelle de Domr^my," 1581 ; d. 24 Sept. 1624. DtJOAUCEL, Charles Pierre, French dramatist ; b. 1766; d. 1835. DuoANGE, Charles du Fresne, Sieur, French historian and philologist ; b. 18 Dec. 1610 ; published " Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediee et InfimsB Latinitatis," 1678 ; " Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae Grascitatis," 1688 ; d. 23 Oct. 16S8. DuoANGE, Victor Henri Joseph Brahain, pro- lific French novelist and dramatist ; b. 24 Nov. 1783; d. 15 Oct. 1833. DUCAHEL, Andrew Coltfe, antiquary; b. 1713 ; published "Anglo-Norman Antiquities," 1767; "History of Croydon," 1783; "Lambeth," 1784; d. 29 May, 17S5. DuoA.g, Michael, Byzantine historian; wrote Eis "History" about 1462. DuoASSE, Jean Baptiste, brave French ad- miral ; made governor of St. Domingo ; he promoted the introduction of African slaves, and kept down the buccaneers, 1691, et seq. ; d. July, 1715. Duccio DE BuoNiNSEGNA, Siennese painter and architect ; Hved about 1282-1339. Dn Challlu, Paul, traveller; b. about 1820; travelled in Africa, 1855-60; published "Ex- plorations in Equatorial Africa," 1861 ; "Jour- ney to Ashango Land," 1867. DuoHAT, Jacob le, French scholar ; b. 23 Feb. 1658; at Berlin edited "Satyre M^nipp^e," 1696, &c. ; " CEuvres de Rabelais," 1 71 1 ; d. 23 July, 1735- DucHATEL, Frangois, Flemish painter ; b. 1625 ; d. about 1680. DuohItel (Castellanus), French warriors : GuiLLAUME, frequently pillaged coast of Eng- land : killed in an attack on Dartmoutli . 1404 Tanguy, or Tanneout, revenged his brother's death by burning Dartmouth, and ravaging the coast : provost of Paris : energetic . . 1414 Saved the dauphin (afterwards Charles VII.) from destruction by the Burgundians 28 May, 1418 Helped to make peace with, and then assassi- nate, John, duke of Burgundy . 10 Sept. 1419 Adhered to the daupliin in his disgrace, and honoured by him wlien king : retired from court as seneschal of Beaucaire . . . 1425 Ambassador at Rome, 1448 d. aged 80, about 1449 DuoHATBL, Charles Marie Tanneguy, comte de, French statesman; b. 19 Feb. 1803; minister of commerce, 1 834 ; of the interior, 1 84 1 -8 ; denounced reform, Feb. 1848 ; d. 5 Nov. 1867. DUOHATEL, Gaspar, French politician ; b. 1766; energetically defended Louis XVI. ; executed, 31 Oct. 1793. DocHATELET, Madame, see Chatdet. Duchesne, Andr^, from his numerous worla termed the "father of French history;" b. 1584 ; d. 30 May, 1640. Duchesne (Quercitanus), Joseph, French medical writer; b. about 1544; said to have first used mercury in medicine ; physician to Henry IV., 1593 ; d. 1609. Ducis, Jean, French dramatist ; b. 22 Aug. 1733; popularised Shakspeare in France; d. 31 March, 1816. Duck, Arthur, jurist ; b. 1580 ; published " Vita Henrici Cluchele," 1617; d. 1649. Duck, Stephen, originally a thresher, became a clergyman and poet ; published " Poems," 1 730, et seq. ; drowned himself in the Thames, May, 1756. DucKWOKTH, Sir John Thomas, admiral; h. 28 Feb. 1 748 ; fought under Howe, I June, 1 79 1; passed the straits of the Dardanelles with his squadron, 19 Feb. ; repassed them with loss, 2 March, 1807; assisted in the cap- ture of Alexandria, Sept. 1807; governor of Newfoimdland, 1810; d. 14 April, 1817. DuOLOs, Charles Pineau, French historian and litterateur; b. 12 Feb. 1704; historio- grapher of France, 1750; published "Con- siderations sur les Moeurs," 1751 ; d. 26 March, 1772. Duooknet, Louis Ci5sar Joseph, French his- torical painter; 5. 10 Jan. 1806; d. 1856. Ducos, Roger, French politician ; b. 1 754 ; in the convention voted for the death of Louis XVI., 18 Jan. 1793; made president of the council of Ancients, 28 Sept. 1796; one of the directory, 18 June, 1 799; third consul with Bonaparte and Si^yfes, Nov. ; displaced, Dec. 1 799 ; made a senator and peer, 1804 ; banished as a regicide at the restoration, 1814; killed by the overturning of his carriage near XJhn, March, 18 16. DucEAT-DuMiNiL, Fran9ois GuiUaume, pro- lific French novelist and dramatist; b. 1761 ; d. 29 Oct. 1819. DuOBEST - ViLLENEUVE, Alexandre Louis, French admiral; b. 7 March, 1777; taken prisoner at Trafalgar, 21 Oct. 1805; released; at great risk conveyed despatches to the French colonies in the East, 14 Aug. to 14. Dec. 1806; defeated, and taken by admiral Durham, who returned his sword, 18 Jan. 1814; took part with the EngKsh in the cap- ture of Antwerp, Dec. 1832; d. 22 March, 1852. DuDEVANT, Madame Amantine Lucile Aurore (nom de plume, Georges Sand); b. 5 July, 1804; unhappily married to the baron DU 141 DUG Dudevant, 1822; quitted him, and joined M. Jules Sandeau, a law student; published "Indiana," 1S32; her marriage annulled, 1836; travelled with Frederic Chopin, con- tributing to the Eevue des Deux Mondes, 1833-8 ; pubUshed " Consuelo," " Jeanne," 1844; &o. Du Deppand, see Deffand. DuDiTH, Andreas, Hungarian theologian ; i. 6 Feb. 1533; came to England with car- dinal Pole, 1554; travelled in Italy, Germany, and Poland; became protestant, and married in Poland, 1565; made ambassador there by Maximilian II. ; removed to Breslau ; d. 23 Feb. 1589. Dudley family : John, 6. 1502 ; fought in Picardy ; ennobled by- Henry VIII., and enriched by spoils of the church ; made high admiral, 1545 : earl of War- wick, 1547 : earl marshal, and duke of Northum- berland, 1551 : attainted for promoting the usurpation of his daughter-in-law, lady Jane Grey ; beheaded .... 22 Aug. 1553 GuiLnFOBD, his son, with his wife, Jane Grey, executed . . ... 12 Feb. 1554 Ambrose, brother, h. 1530 ; distinguished him- self at St. Quentin, 10 Aug. 1557 ; earl of War- wick, termed " the Good," 1561 . . . d 1589 Egbert (brother), . . . . &. about 1532 Condemned to death with his father, but spared, T553 ; released i554 Became a favourite of queen Elizabeth . 155S Suspected of causing the death of his wife. Amy Eobsart ; created baron Denbigh, and earl of Leicester Sept. 1563 Entertained the queen at Kenilworth July, 1575 Sent to govern the low countries . 1583 Eecalled in disgrace . . . 1587 Named lieutenant-general of the army d. 4 Sept. 1588 EoBERT, son of Leicester by lady Douglas Shef- field, privately married .... 6. 1573 Claimed his birthright unsuccessfully ; retired to Italy : received at Florence as duke of Northumberland 1620 Promoted commerce and agriculture there d. Sept. 1639 Dudley, Edmond, statesman ; 6. 1462 ; treasurer of Henry VII., 1497 ; for his exac- tions, executed, with his colleague Empson, 18 Aug. 1 5 10. Dudley, Dud, metallurgist ; 5. 1 599 ; pub- lished ' ' Metallum Martis, or Iron made with Pit-coal," 1665; d. 1684. Dudley, John William Ward, earl of, states- man ; had a habit of thinking aloud ; h. 9 Aug. 1781 ; secretary for foreign affairs, 1827-8 ; d. 6 March, 1833. Dudley, Kev. Sir Henry Bate, journalist, dramatist, &c. ; h. 1745; took name Dudley, 1784; d. I Feb. 1824. DuEEEE, Albrecht, painter and engraver; 6. at Nuremberg, 20 May, 1471 ; pati-ouised by emperors Charles V. and Maximilian ; de- signed "Orpheus" about 1492; commenced engraving about 1497; painted "Ascension of the Virgin," 1509; d. 6 April, 1528. DuFAU, Fortune, French painter (of "Ugolino in prison," &c.); d. 1820. DuPAURE, Jules Armand Stanislas, French advocate and politician ; b. 4 Dec. 1 798 ; minis- ter of the interior, June— Oct. 1 849. DuFAY, Charles Frangcis de Cesternay, French chemist and naturahst; 6. 14 Sept. i6g8; im- proved barometers, pumps for extinguishing fires, &c. ; d. 16 July, 1739. Duff, Alexander, D.D., Scotch missionary in India; h, 1806; founded an educational estab- lishment at Calcutta, 1830; joined Free Church movement, 1S43 ; chosen moderator, 1851 ; finally left India, 1S63. Duff, Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant ; h. 1829; M.P. for Elgin burghs, Dec. 1857. DuPFEKiN, Frederick Temple Hamilton Black- wood, lord; J.June, 1826; published " Letters from High Latitudes," i860; British commis- sioner in Syria respecting the Syrian massacres at Damascus, Sept. i860; chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, Deo. 1868. Duffy, Charles Gavan, Irish politician; h. 1816; started the " Nation," the journal of the young Ireland party, 1 842 ; tried for treason felony ; discharged, 1849; M.P. for New Ross, 1S52; went to AustraUa, 1856; minister of land and works in Victoria; twice declined to form a ministry, i860. DuFOUE, Charles, Swiss mathematician ; h. Oct. 1827. Brother, Louis, physicist; b. 17 Feb. 1832. Ddfoue, Guillaume Henri, Swiss general ; b. 1787; pubhshed treatise on artillery, 1840; defeated the army of the Sonderbund at Frei- burg, 13 Nov. 1847 ; and at Lucerne, 24 Nov. 1847. DuFEENOY, Pierre Armand, French engineer and geologist ; i. 5 Sept. 1792; pubhshed " Traits Complet de Min^ralogie," 1844-5 > d. 20 March, 1857. Du Feesne, see Du Cange. DuFEESNOY, Charles Alphonse, French poet and painter; b. l6n ; wrote " De Arte Graphica," printed, 1668; d. 1665. DuFEESNY', Charles Eivifere, French drama- tist ; b. 1648; valet of Louis XIV., and favoured by the king; made designs for the park at Versailles; d. 6 Oct. 1724. DuGAED, WHliam, philologist ; published " Lexicon Graeci Testamenti," 1660, &c. ; d. 1662. DuGDALE, Sir William, historian, herald, and antiquary; h. 12 Sept. 1605; pubhshed " Mon- asticon Anglicanum," 1655-73; "Antiquities of Warwickshire," 1656; "History of St. Paul's," 1658; "History of Embanking and Draining," 1662 ; " Baronage of England," 1675, &o.; d. 10 Feb. 1686. DuGHET, Gaspard (le Guaspre or Gaspre- Poussin), French landscape painter; b. 1613; d. 1675. DuGOMMiEE, Jean Fran9oi3 Coquille, French republican general ; sent to command the army DUG 142 DUM in the Eastern Pyrenees, 1794; defeated the Spaniards ; took Bellegarde, &o., 18 Sept. ; killed at the victory of Sierra Nigra, Catalonia, 17 Nov. 1794. Duguay-Tkodin, Een^, daring French ad- miral ; h. 10 June, 1673 ; captured Eio Janeiro, and obtained a large sum for its ransom, Sept. 1711 ; d. 27 Sept. 1736. Dd Ghesolin, Bertrand, French warrior, con- stable of France; h. in Britanny, about 1 3 14, or 1320; d. 13 July, 1380. Entered service of Charles V. , king of France ; defeated and taken prisoner by Sir John Chandos at Auray 29 Sept. 1364 Cleared France of the " Free companies ; " led them against Peter the Cruel, king of Castile ; defeated and taken prisoner by Peter's ally, Edward the black prince, at Navara (or Navar- rete) 3 April, 1367 But defeated and dethroned Peter at Montiel, 14 March, 1369 d. 13 July, 1380 DuGUET, Jacques Joseph, French theologian, friend of Quesnel and the Port Royalists ; b. 9 Dec. 1649; published "Lettre d'une Car- m^Hte," 1684; "Traits de laPrifere Pubhque," 1707 ; " Traits des Scrupules," 1717, &c. ; d. 25 Oct. 1733. DuHALDE, Jean Baptiste, French Jesuit, geo- grapher ; i. I Feb. 1674; edited "Lettres Edifiantes des Missions Etrangferes," and "vvrote "Description de la Chine," 1735; d. 18 Aug. 1743- DuHAMEL, Jean Marie Constant, French mathematician; 6. 5 Feb. 1797 ; published "Cours d' Analyse," 1840-1,- "Cours de M.6- canique," 1845-6. Ddhamel, Jean Baptiste, French astronomer and philosopher; h. 1624; published "Astro- nomia Physica," 1659; " De Consensu Veteris et Novse Philosophise,'' 1675; "Theologia Speculativa et Practica,'' 1691 ; d. 6 Aug. 1706. Duhamel, Jean Pierre Francois Guillot, French metallurgist; h. 31 Aug. 1730; greatly improved steel manufacture in France, 1767; published " Gdomi^trie Souterraine," 1787 ; d. 19 Feb. 1816. Ddhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis, French botanist, agriculturist, physicist, Ac; h. 1700; pubhshed "Elements de 1' Architecture Navale," 1752; "Traitddes Arbres," 1755; and many technical treatises and papers ; d. 23 Aug. 1782. DuHjUI, Laurent, French philosopher; 5. 1656; published " Philosophus in utramque partem," 1694; d. 1726. DuiLiDS, Caius, Roman admiral; invented grappling irons ; defeated the Carthaginian fleet off Mylffi, the first Roman naval victory, B.C. 260. DnjAEDiN, Felix, French naturalist and mioroscopist ; h. 5 April, 1801 ; published " Observations sur les Ehizopodes," 1835 ; "Histoire Naturelle des Infusoires," 1841; drew attention to the primordial tissue of ani- mals, which he named "sarcoode." Ddjaedkt, Karl, Dutch painter; 6. about 1640; d. 20 Nov. 1678. Ddke, Richard, theologian and poet; 6. about 1655; d. 10 Feb. 1711. DuKEE, Carl Gustaf, Swedish general and statesman rmder Charles XII. ; d. 14 July, 1732- Dukee, Carl Andreas, German scholar; editor of Thucydides, Florus, and other classics; h. 1670; d. 5 Nov. 1752. DuLAnEE, Jacques Antoine, French historian and arch^ologist ; b. 1 755! republican, served under Napoleon I., 1S08; dismissed, 1814; pub- lished "Histoire de Paris," 1821 ; d. 9 Aug. 1835. Ddlatjeiek, Edouard, French orientalist ; b. 1807; professor of Malay and Japanese at the "school of living oriental languages," 1841 ; published many papers, 1833-56. Ddlcinus, Italian heretic; said to have claimed the authority of the Holy Spirit, and taught community of goods, &c., 1307 ; burnt, I June, 1308. DuLCO, or DncLOS, Gaston (de Clave), French alchemist; b. about 1530; pubUshed "Apologia Argyropceia et Chiysopoeia," 1590; d. about 1600. Ddllaekt, Heyman, Dutch painter; b. 1636; d. 6 May, 1684. Ddlong, Pierre Louis, French physicist and chemist; b. 13 Feb. 1785; discovered chloride of nitrogen, a powerful explosive, by which he suffered, Oct. 181 1; worked with Petit, and afterwards with Berzehus, with whom he determined the exact composition of water, carbonic acid, and other bodies; d. 19 July, 1838. Dumaniant, Antoine Jean Bourtin, French dramatist and novehst; b. n April, 1752; d. 24 Sept. 1828. Ddmas, Alexandre, French novelist and drar matist; b. 24 July, 1803; pubUshed "Monte Christo," 1845. His son, Alexasdeb, novelist and dramatist; b. 28 July, 1824; his "La Dame aux Camillas" exhibited, 2 Feb. 1852; commenced publishing his " Mdmoires " 1852. Dumas, Charles, French physician ; b. 8 Feb. 1765; published "Essais sur la Vie," 1785; "Principes de Physiologie," 1800-3; d- 3 April, Dumas, Jean Baptiste, French chemist and statesman; b. 14 July, 1800; pubUshed "Traits de Chuxue appUqu(5e aux Arts," 1828-45; Per- manent secretary to the academy of sciences, Paris, 20 Jan. 1868; gave the first "Faraday Lecture" at the Royal Institution, London, 17 June, 1869. Ddmas, Mathieu, comte, French general and historian ; b. 23 Nov. 1753 J d. 16 Oct. 1837- DUM 143 DUN Fought under Washington in North America, 1780-83 Travelled in the east ; served in the republican army, and under Napoleon ; served under the first restoration 1814 Rejoined Napoleon . . . 1815 Banished July, 1813 Published " Prgcis des Evfinements Militaires," 1798-1807" .... . , i8i6-a6 Supported the duke of Orleans . . July, 1830 And aided in the re-organisation of the national guard, 1830 . . . d. 16 Oct. 1837 Du Mat, Louis, French Protestant bistorian: d. 1681. DuMiKiL, Aiidrd Marie Constant, French physician and naturalist ; b. i Jan. 1774; pub- lished " Zoologie Analytique," 1806. DuMESNiL, Marie Frangoiae, French natural tragic actress; b. 7 Oct. 1711; retired, April, 1776; d. 20 Feb. 1803. DuMNOKix, Gallic chief; plotted against Julius Cffisar ; put to death, E.o. 54. Dn MoNiN, Jean Edouard, French poet; h. about 1556; murdered, 5 Nov. 1586. Du MoLiNET, Claude, French numismatist; b. 1620; d. 2 Sept. 1687. DuMONT, Pierre Etieune Louis, Gtenevese pubHcist, friend of Beutham ; 6. 18 July, 1759; pubhshed " TraitiJ de Legislation," 1802 ; "Th&rie des Peines et des K^compenses," i8lo; d, 29 Sept. 1829. DuMONT d'Ueville, Jules S^astien C^sar, French navigator and naturahst ; b. 23 May, 1790; in the "Astrolabe" explored the south seas, 1826-29, 1837-40 ; (accounts of these voyages were published by the government) ; d. 8 May, 1842. Ddmouhn (MoLiN.ffius), Charles, French jurist; 6. 1500; d. 27 Dec. 1 566. DuMOULiN, Evariste, French journalist ; 6. 1776; active opponent to the " Ordonnances " of July, 1830; d. 4 Sept. 1833. DuMOULiN, see Moulin. DnMOUEiEZ, Charles Fran5oisDuperier, French general; b. 1739; d. 14 March, 1823. Distinguished himself in the Corsican war . 1769 An envoy in Poland 1770 Joined the Girondists; minister of foreign affairs, March, 1792 Endeavoured to serve the court and the nation ; appointed to command the army against the invasion 20 Aug. 1792 His plans led to the victory of Vahny 20 Sept. 1792 Invaded Belgium ... 28 Oct. 1792 Defeated the Austrians at Jemappes . 6 Nov. 1792 Entered Brussels ... 13 Nov. 1792 Took Mechlin 16 Nov. 1792 Defeated at Neerwenden . . . 18 March, 1793 Summoned to Paris to answer for his conduct ; intrigued with the Austrians and emigrants ; arrested the four commissioners sent to him, I April, 1793 Forsaken by his army ; fled to the prince of Coburg 3 April, 1793 Dismissed; after travelling over Europe, settled in England ; published " M6moires " . . 1794 Ddnbae, George, Scotch professor of Greek ; b. 1774; d. 6 Deo. 1851. DuNBAE,\Villiam, Scotch poet; b. about 1475; wrote "The Thistle and the Rose," (on the marriage of James IV. and Margaret of Eng- land), 1503; d. 1530. Duncan I. II., kings of Scotland: I. king, 1033 ; murdered by Macbeth, 1039. II. king, murdered, 1095. Duncan, Adam, earl of Camperdown, Scotch admiral; b. i July, 1731 ; suppressed the mutiny at the Nore, June, 1797 ; defeated the Dutch fleet at Camperdown, n Oct. 1797; d. 4 Aug. 1804. Duncan, William, Scotch philosopher; J.July, 1 717; published "Logic," 1748; d. 1 May, 1760. DuNCOMBE, Thomas Shngsby, liberal politician ; b. 1796; M.P. for Finsbury, 1834-61; d. 13 Nov. 1 86 1. DuNDAa, Henry, viscount Melville, Scotch advocate and statesman ; b. 1 740 ; d. 29 May, i8ii. One of the Shelburne administration . . 1782 Assisted in promoting the union with Ireland 1799 Created first viscount MelviUe Dec. 1802 First lord of the admiralty .... 1804 Charged in the commons with corruption in his oflice of treasurer of the navy . . 1784-T800 Eesigned, April ; appeared in his defence before the commons . . . n June, 1805 Tried by the house of lords, 29 April ; ac- quitted 12 June, 1806 Ddndas, Sir David, Scotch general ; b. 1736; published " Principles of Military Move- ments," 1788 ; commander in chief (succeeding the duke of York), 25 March 1809 to 28 May, 181 1 ; d. 18 Feb. 1820. Dundas, Sir James Whitley Deans, admiral ; b. 1785; commanded the fleet in the Medi- terranean, 1852 ; in the Black Sea, 1853-4 ; ad- miral of the blue, 1857 ; d. 3 Oct. 1862. DuNDAS, Sir Richard, admiral ; 6. 1 1 April, 1802; succeeded Sir Charles Napier in com- mand of the Baltic fleet, Feb. ; bombarded Sweaborg, 9 Aug. 1855; d. 3 Jan. 1861. Dundee, see Graham. Dundonald, see Cochrane. DuNi, Egidio Komualdo, Neapolitan operatic composer; b. 7 Feb. 1709; d. II June, 1775. DuNLOP, Alexander, Scotch philologist ; 6. 1684; published "Greek Grammar," 1736; d. 1742. DuNLOP, John, pubhshed "History of Fic- tion," 1814 ; " History of Koman Literature," 1823-8 ; " Memoirs of Spain, 1621-1700;" 1834. Dunning, John, lord Ashburton, lawyer ; 6. 18 Oct. 1731 ; chancellor of duchy of Lancaster, March; and peer, April, 1782; d. !& Aug. 1783- DuNOD DE Chanaege, Franjois Ignace, French historian and jurist; b. 30 Oct. 1679; published "Traits des Prescriptions," 1730; " Histoire du Comt^ de Bourgogne," 1735-40; d. 21 June, 1752. DUN 144 DUP Ddnois, Jean, the bastard of Orleans, French warrior, son of Louis, duke of Orleans, brother of Charles VI. ; b. about 1403 ; principal agent in delivering France from the Bnghsh, 1425, et seq. ; d. 24 Nov. 1468. Duns Scotus (Dunanus), Johannes, British philosopher, termed the "Angel of the Schools," and "Subtile Doctor;" i. about 1265; d. 8 Nov. 1308. Ddnstan, St., abbot of Glastonbury, 942 ; reformed the monastic orders, and made them dominant over the secular clergy ; banished for boldness by king Edwy, 956 ; archbishop of Canterbury, 959; d. 19 May, 988. DuNTON, John, bookseller; b. 14 May, 1659 ; went to America, 1685; published his "Life and Errors," 1705 ; d. 1733. DnPANLOUP, Filix Antoine Fihbert, bishop of Orleans ; b. 3 Jan. 1S02 ; confessor of the due de Bordeaux, 1827; consecrated, 1849; ardent defender of the pope's temporal power, 1859-68. DuPATT, Charles Marguerite Jean Baptiste Mercier, French jurist and scholar; h. 9 May, 1746 ; d. 17 Sept. 1788. His son, Louis Makie Charles Henri Meroibh, sculptor ; b. 29 Nov. 1771 ; d. 12 Nov. 1S25. Dupekray, Michel, French jurist; 5. about 1640; published "Droit Canonique de la France," 1708; d. 25 April, 1730. DuPERRt, Victor Guy, baron, French admiral ; b. 20 Feb. 177s ; successful against the Eng- Hsh in Indian seas, 1S09 ; with Bourmont cap- tured Algiers, 5 July, 1830 ; d. 2 Nov. 1846. DoPERREY, Louis Isidore, French sea captain ; b. 22 Oct. 1 786 ; published " Voyage autour du Monde, 1822-5," 1828-32. DuPERRON, Jacques Davy, French cardinal and courtier; 5. 15 Nov. 1556; favoured by Henry III., Henry IV., and Louis XIII. ; d. 5 Sept. 1618. DuPERRON, Anquetil, see Anquetil. Dupetit-Thouars, Louis Marie Aubert, French botanist; 6. II Nov. 1758; published "Coiurs de Botanique," 1815, ct seq.; " Cours de Phytologie," 1819, etseq.; d. 12 May, 1831. Dupetit-Thouars, Abel Aubert, French ad- miral; b. 3 Aug. 1793; published "Voyage autour du Monde sur le Frigate Venus" (1837-9), '^43 ; ioo^ possession of Society Isles to revenge an insult to French flag, Nov. 1843; the act disavowed by the French mini- ster, 1844; d. 17 March, 1864. DupiN, Andr^ Marie Jean Jacques, French jurist and statesman ; b. I Feb. 1783; defended Ney and others, 1815 ; and Hutchinson and others who saved LavaUette, 18 16; active in promoting the revolution and establishment of the Orleans dynasty, July — Aug. 1830; pre- sented the count of ]?aris to the assembly, 24 Fab. 184S; took office under the second em- pire, saying that he "belonged to Fi-ance not to parties," Nov. 1858; d. 8 Nov. 1865. DuPiN, Fran9ois Pierre Charles, baron, French mathematician and politician ; b. 6 Oct. 1784; published "Lois Fondamentales de la France," 1814; visited England, and in- spected naval estabUshments, 1816 ; baron, 1824; senator, 1852; published " Voyages dans la Grande Bretagne de 1816 k 1 82 1," 1820-4; "G^om^trie et M^canique des Arts," &c., 1826. DupiN, Jean, French poet; b. 1302; wrote "De Livre de Bonne Vie ;" d. 1372. DuPIN, Louis EUies, French historian; b. 17 June, 1657; published " Bibliothfeque Univer- selle des Auteurs Eccl^siastique," 1684-1704; d. 6 June, I7I9. DuPLElx, Joseph, energetic governor of French India, 1742 ; declared the capitulation of Madras to La Bourdonnais void, and gave it up to the flames, 1 746 ; repelled the attack on Pondicherry by Boscawen, July, 1748; unsup- ported by the French ministry in his success- ful career; recalled by the jealous intervention of the English, 1754; d. about 1763. DuPLEix, Scipio, French historian; b. 1569; published "Histoire de France," 1621-43; d. 1661. DuPLESSis, see Mornay. DuPONCEAU, Pierre Etienne, French philolo- gist; b. about 1760; went to United States; president of the American Philosophical Society, 1828 ; wrote on " Chinese Writing," 1838; d. 1 April, 1844. DupoNT DE l'Euhe, Jacques Charles, French statesman; b, 27 Feb. 1767; minister of jus- tice, 1 1 Aug. ; displeased the king by his bold- ness; retired, 27 Dec. 1830; d. March, 1855. DuPONT, A. Pierre, French popular song- writer; b. 23 April, 1821; wrote "Song of Bread," and " Song of the Workers," 1848 ; arrested, but soon released, Dec. 185 1 ; "Chan- sons," pubUshed, 1850-5. DupoNT DE Nemours, Pierre Samuel, French economist; b. 14 Dec. 1739; d. 6 Aug. 1817. DupPA, Brian ; b. 1 588 ; bishop of Chichester, 1638; of Salisbury, 1641; and of Winchester, 1660; ardent royalist; pubhshed "Guide for the Penitent," 1660 ; d. 26 March, 1662. DuppA, Eichard, miscellaneous writer; b. about 1755 ; published a "Life of Michael Angelo," 1806; "Travels in Italy," 1828; d. II July, 1831. DuPKAT, Antoine, French cardinal and statesman; 6. 17 Jan. 1463; educated for an advocate ; became chancellor and prime min- ister of Francis I., 1515 ; a priest and arch- bishop, 1516 ; opposed the duke of Bourbon, and provoked him to rebellion, 1524; d. (of chagrin at the king not supporting his claim to the papacy), 8 July, 1535. DuPHE DE St. Maur, Nicolas Frangois, French scholar, and translator of Milton, Addison, &c. ; b. about 1695; d. 1 Dec. 1774. DUP 145 DUV DnPTJis, Charles rraii9ois, French philoso- pher; 5. 1 6 Oct. 1742 ; saved many lives dur- ing the reign of terror at his own risk ; pub- lished " Mc^moire sur I'Origine des Constella- tions," 1781 ; " Origine des Cultes" (an attack on Christianity), 1795 ; d. 29 Sept. 1S09. DuPUT, Henri (Erycius Puteanus, or Van de Putte), Flemish scholar, and proUfic writer on classical subjects ; 6. 4 Nov. 1574 ; d. 17 Sept. 1646. DuPUTTEEN, Guillaume, baron, French sur- geon, and an eminently scientific clinical teacher; 6. 6 Oct. 1777; invented several valuable surgical iastruments ; left ;^28o,ooo to his daughter, and endowed a chair of patholo- gical anatomy ; d. 8 Feb. 1835. DuQUESNE, Abraham, French naval hero, pro- testant ; h, 1610 ; successful against the Spaniards, 1638 ; made lieutenant-general of the naval forces by Colbert, 1 667 ; defeated the Dutch and Spanish fleet under De Ruyter (killed) off Messina, and gave France supre- macy in the Mediterranean, 22 AprU, 1676 ; bombarded Algiers, Aug. 16S2, and June, 1683 ; expelled from France by the revocation of the edict of Nantes, 22 Oct. 1685 ; d. 1688. DuQDESNOT, Adrien Cyprien, French publi- cist ; h. 26 Sept. 1759; narrowly escaped death, 1794 ; with Lucieu Bonaparte, minister of the interior, Dec. 1799; disgraced; drowned himself, Jan. 1808. DuQUESNOY, Frangois, "the Fleming,'' Bel- gian sculptor ; 6.1594; poisoned by his jealous brother, Jerome, when about to form a school for sculpture at Paris; d. 1646. Jekome, sculptor, h. 1612 ; burnt for his crimes, 24 Oct. 1654. DuQUESNOT, E. D. F. J., violent French revolutionist ; 6. 1748 ; committed suicide to avoid execution, 16 June, 1795. DuRAND, GuiUaume, French ecclesiastic, bishop of Mende ; 6. about 1230 ; author of the " Speciilum Judiciale, et Rationale Divi- norum Officiorum," " E-epertorium Juris Cano- nici," &c. ; d. I Nov. 1296. D0KAND, David, French protestant theolo- gian and historian ; 6. about 1680 ; minister of the French church, Savoy, London, about 1714; d. 16 Jan. 1763. DuEAND, Jean Nicolas Louis, French archi- tect ; h. 18 Sept. 1760; employed by the national convention, 1793; published " Recueil et ParallMe des Edifices de tons Genres," 1800 ; d. 31 Dec. 1834. DuKANDO, Giacomo, Italian statesman and general ; h. 1807. DuEAND DE St. PouEgAiN", Guillaume, French theologian ; " very resolute doctor " in attack- ing realistic abstractions ; d. 1332. DuEANT, GiUes, French comic poet ; J. about 1550; satirised the leaguers ; d. 161 5. DuEANTE, Francesco, Neapolitan musical composer; h. 1693; d. 1755. DuEANTi, Durante, count, Italian orator and poet ; 6. 1718 ; d. 24 Nov. 1780. DuEANTi, Jean Etienne, French magistrate ; h. 1534; published "De Eitibus EcclesiEe," 15S1; killed by the leaguers at Toulouse, 11 Feb. 1589. DuEBLL, John, theologian ; J. 1626 ; pub- lished " Liturgy of the Church of England asserted," 1662; d. 1683. DtJEEB, Albrecht, see Duerer. D'XJefet, Thomas, licentious comic drama- tist ; d. 26 Feb. 1723. DuEHAM, earl of, see Lambton. DuEHAM, Joseph, A.E.A., sculptor; 6. 1821 ; executed the statue of the Prince-consort in the horticultural gardens, 1863 ; A.R.A., 1866. DuEHAM, Simeon of, Benedictine monk ; wrote " De Gestis Eegum Anglorum, ab anno 616, usque ad annum 1130." DuEoc, G&aud C'hristophe Michel, duke of FriuU, French marshal; 5. 25 Oct. 1772; served Napoleon iu all his wars; killed in battle at Mackersdorff,in Saxony, 23 May, 1813. DuEUY, Victor, French historical and geogra- phical writer ; h, 181 1; minister of public in- struction, 23 June, 1863 ; his plan of compul- sory education rejected by the assembly, 8 March, 1865; resigned, and made senator, July, 1869. Du SoMMBEAED, Alexandre, French archajo- logist ; b. Nov. 1 779 ; an earnest legitimist, 1 8 14-15; his splendid work, " Les Arts du moyenAge,"published, 1838-46; d. 19 Aug.1842. DnsSAXJLX, Jean, French writer; b. 28 Dec. 1728; published "Discours centre la Passion du Jeu," 1775; a moderate republican, 1790; declared that he had " saved many lives, and never voted for one death," 24 April, 1798; d. 16 March, 1799. DussEK, Jan Ladislas, Bohemian pianist and composer; b. 9 Feb. 1761; published oratorios and 76 pieces for the piano; d. March, 1812. DuTENS, Louis, French philologist and anti- quary; b. 16 Jan. 1730; published "Recherches sur rOrigine des D^couvertes attributes aux Modernes," 1766; d. 23 May, 1812. Joseph Michel, nephew, political economist, b. 15 Oct. 1765 ; published " Philosophic de I'Econo- mie Politique," 1835 ; d. 6 Aug. 1848. Ddteochet, Ren^ Joaquim Henri, French botanist and physicist; b. 14 Nov. 1776; pub- lished his discovery of the motion of the sap in plants, i.e., " endosmosis," 1S26; "Recherches sur I'Endosmose et I'Exosmose," 1828; d. 4 Feb. 1847. Du Vair, Guillaume, French politician, mo- ralist, and philanthropist; b. 7 March, 1556; joined the moderate party in the civil war, 1584; helped to secure the throne to Henry IV., 1593; wrote "De la Constance et Con- solation fes Calamit^s Publiques," "LaSainte PhUoaophie," kc; d. 3 Aug. 1621. K DUV 146 EAS Ddval, Amaury Pineu, French scholar ; b. 28 Jan. 1 760; contributed much to the "Histoire Litt&aire de la France;" published "Paris et ses Monuments," 1803, &c; d. 12 Nov. 1838. His brother, Axexandbe-Vincent Pineu, dxar matist; b. 6 April, 1767; d. Jan. 1842. Ddval, Claude, highwayman, executed Jan. 1670. Duval, Jean, French burlesque poet ; wrote " Triolets du Temps," " Parlement Burlesque de Pontoise," "Le Calvaire Profan^," &c. ; d. 12 Dec. 1680. Duval, Guillaume, French scholar and physi- cian; b. about 1572; edited good edition of Aristotle, 1619; d. 22 Sept. 1646. Duval, Jacques Eend, French snrgeon; 6. 12 Nov. 1758; published " Odontalgie consid&^e," 1803; and other works on the teeth, 1804-17; d. 16 May, 1854. Duval, Pierre, French geographer; 5. 1618; published "AhT6gi du Monde," 1648-50; " Le Monde," 1658; and many maps and charts; d. 1683. Duvanoel, Alfred, French soldier, traveller, and naturalist ; 6. about 1 793 ; a pupil of Cuvier, and at his wish explored India and made col- lections, 1818-23; <^- *t Madras, Aug. 1824. DuvERDiES,Antoine, French poet, biographer, &c. ; b.Il Nov. 1544; published "Misopolfeme; on Discours centre la G-uerre," 1568; "Les Prosopographies ; ou Description des Personnes iUustres," &o., 1573 ; d. 25 Sept. 1600. DuvEKGiEK de Hauraune, French theologian, friend of Jansenius, and leader of his followers ; h. 1581 ; made abbot of St. Cyran (which he reformed), 1620; joined the oonmiunity at the Port Eoyal, and esteemed as a saint ; opposed by the Jesuits; imprisoned at Vincennes by EicheKeu (for several years,) 14 March, 1638; d. II Oct. 1643. DuvERNEY, Joseph G-uiohard, French anar tomist; b. 5 Aug. 1648; published "Traits de rOuIe;" d. 10 Sept. 1730. DuVEENOY, Georges Louis, French zoologist and anatomist ; b. 6 Aug. 1777 j assisted Cuvier in his " Efegne Animale ;" wrote many mono- graphs ; succeeded Cuvier as professor in the college of France, 1837; d. i March, 1855. DuvoisiN, Jean Baptiste, baron, French bishop, and scholar; 6. 16 Oct. 1744; banished as refractory priest, 1 792 ; professor at Bruns- wick till 1801 ; favoured by Napoleon, and made bishop of Nantes ; in his will besought Napoleon to release the pope; d. 9 July, 1813. DwAKRia, Sir Fortunatus William LiUey, antiquary and jurist; b. about 1787; d. 20 May, i860. DwiGHT, Timothy, American theologian and poet; b. 14 May, 1752; published "Theology Explained," &c., 1818; "Conquest of Canaan, a poem," 1785; " Travels in New England and New York," 1823; d. 11 Jan. 1817. Dyce, Eev. Alexander, poetical antiquary; b. 30 June, 1798; published excellent editions of Shakspeare, 1858, and (with a glossary), 1867; d. 15 May, 1869. Dyce, William, K. A., historical painter, &o. ; b. 1806; E.A., 1848; painted cartoon, "Bap- tism of Bthelbert" for the house of lords, 1845 ; and other works since ; d. 14 Feb. 1864. Dtche, Thomas, sciaoohnaster and writer ; published " Guide to the English Tongue," 1710; d. 1750. Dyck, see Yandyck. Dyckmans, Joseph Laurents, Flemish painter; b. 181 1. DiTiR, George, classical scholar; J. 15 March, '755; published "History of University of Cambridge," 1814; said to have "contributed all that was original in Valpy's edition of "Dolphin Classics," 1819-30 ; d. 2 March, 1841. Dyer, Eev. John, poet; b. 1700; pubhshed " Grongar HUl," 1727; " Euins of Rome," 1740; "The Fleece," 1757; d. 24 July, 1758. Dyer, Sir Edward, poet ; 6. about 1540 ; wrote madrigals, &c. ; d. 1610. Dyer, Sir James, chief-justice of the common pleas ; b. 1 5 1 1 ; his celebrated reports of cases from Henry VIIL to Elizabeth first published, 1585 ; d. 24 March, 1582. Dymond, Jonathan, quaker; b. 1796; his " Elements of Morality " published, 1829 ; d. 1828. Eaohakd, John, theologian; b. about 1636; published " Grounds and Occasions of the Contempt of the Clergy and Religion," (severe satire), 1670; d. 7 July, 1697. See Echard. Eadie, John, D.D., Scotch United Presby- terian minister; b. about 1 81 3; published " Bible Encyclopaedia." Eadmer, or Edmer, Saxon historian; friend and biographer of Anselm, archbishop of York; d. about II 24. EAifDi, Giuseppe Antonio, Italian philosopher ; b. 12 Oct. 1735 ; published " Eagione e Eeli- gione," 1772 ; " Essais sur les Erreurs h I'^gard de I'Electricit^," 1788; d. 1 Oct. 1799. Eaelb, John, royalist prelate ; b. 1601 ; published " Microcosmographia : a piece of the world discovered," 1628; bishop of Worcester, 1662; of Salisbury, 1663; d. 17 Nov. 1665. Earlom, Richard, mezzotint engraver ; b. 1740; engraved Claude's " Liber Veritatia;" d. 9 Oct. 1822. Bastlake, Sir Charles Lock, P.R.A., painter; 6. 17 Nov. 1793; d. 24 Dec. 1865. Elected R. A 1830 Secretary to royal commission on fine arts . 1841 Keeper of national gallery . . . 1843-47 EAS 147 EDE Published " Materials for a History of Oil- painting" 1847 Elected president of the royal academy 1850 Appointed director of the national gallery . 1850 Painted '* Pilgrims in sight of Kome :" " Christ Weeping over Jerusalem ;" " Contadina and Family;" "Hagar and Ishmael." Eastlakb, Elizabeth, wife of Su- Charles ; 5. (Eigby) about l8i6; published "Letters from the Baltic," 1841 ; "Livonian Tales," 1846; married, 1S49. Ebeon, bishop of Eheims ; 5. about 775 ; preached in Saxony and Denmark about 829 ; assisted Lothaire against his father Louis ; disgraced, 840; d. 20 March, 85 1. Ebed-Jesu, (Bak Bricha), Syrian writer, metropolitan of Armenia, about 1290 ; col- lected Canons of Councils ; d. 13 18. Ebel, Johann Gottfried, German geographer ; 6. 6 Oct. 1764 ; published works on the Alps, 1793, 1798, 1810; d. 8 Oct. 1S30. Ebeling, Christoph Daniel, German oriental- ist and geographer ; 6. 1741 ; ^- 1817. Ebelmen, Jacques Joseph, French metal- lurgist; h. 10 July, 1814 ; director of the porcelain manufactory at Sfevres, 1845 ; pro- duced the ruby and other minerals artificially, 1847 ; d. 31 March, 1S52. Ebee, Paul, German Hebraist and theologian, friend of Melanchthon; 6. 8 Nov. 1511; pub- lished "ExpositioEvangeliorum," 1551 ; "His- toria PopuH Judffii," 1561 ; d. 16 Deo. 1569- Ebeehakd, August Gottlob, German novelist and scholar; h. 1779; d. 13 May 1845. Eberhaed, Johann August, German philoso- pher; h. 31 Aug. 1739; published in German "Apology for Socrates," 1772; "General History of Philosophy," 1788 ; d. 7 Jan. 1809. Ebekt, Friedrich Adolph, Germanlithographer and biographer ; 6. 1791 ; his " Universal Bib- liographical Dictionary," (in German); pub- lished 1821-30; d. 1834. Ebeet, German Hebraists : Jacob ; 6. 1 549 ; his "Electa Hebrsea," published, 1630 ; d. 1614. His son Theodor ; published, " Poemata He- braica," 1628; d. 1630. Ebeet, Johann Arnold, German poet ; 5. 8 Eeb. 1723 ; published his Translation of Young, 1777 ; "Collection of Translations from the English," 1754-6; d. 19 March, 1795. Ebion, supposed foimder of the ascetic sect Ebionites ; fi. 1st century. Eel]6, Jean Baptiste, comte, French general ; 5. 21 Dec. 1758 ; sent to Naples to organize the artillery; joined the republican army, 18 May, 1792 ; captain-general in the army of the king of Westphalia, 1808 ; returned to France, 1809 ; fought in Spain, 1810 ; during the Russian campaign, on the retreat, commanded the artil- lery, and saved multitudes of lives; cZ. 31 Dec. 1812. Eboli, Anne de Mendoza, princess of, Spaniard ; 6. 1540; married the count of EboU about 1553; became mistress of Phflip II. ; said to have intrigued with his secretary, Antonio Perez; arrested for participation in the murder of Esco- vedo, who had informed the king, 28 July, 1579- Ebroin, mayor of the palace in Neustria ; set up and deposed several kings ; killed by a noble, whom he had threatened, 681. Eedet, Robert Grosvenor, lord ; 5. 24 AprU, 1801; M.P. for Middlesex, 1847-57; created baron, 10 Sept 1857; promoter of revision of the prayer-book, abolition of Sunday trading, &c. EcHAKD, Jacques, French Dominican ; 6. 22 Sept. 1644 ; published " Soriptores Ordinis Predicatorum Recensiti," 1719-21 ; d. 15 March, 1724. EcHARD, or Eaohard, Lawrence, archdeacon, historian; 5. 1671; published "Ecclesiastical History," 1 702 ; " History of England," 1 707 ; d. 16 Aug. 1730. EcK (EcKius), Johaim, German theologian; 6. 13 Nov. i486 ; disputed (with Luther), at Leipsic, 1519; atAugslDurg, 1530; atEatisbon, 1541 ; published " Enchiridion Controver- siarum,"&c. ; d. 1543. EcKHARD, or EccAED, Johann Georg von, German historian; h. 1674; published "Leges Francorum Salicffi," &c., 1720 ; " Origines FamUiffi Habsburgico Austriacse," 1721; "De Origine Germanorum," 1750; d. Feb. 173°. EcKHEL, JosephHilarius, German numismatist ; T). 13 Jan. 1737 ; published " Numi Veteres Anecdoti," 1775; " Doctrina Numorum Vete- rum," 1792-8; d. 17 May, 1798. EcLUSE, see L'Eclme. Edelinck, Gerard, Flemish engraver ; J. 1640; the first who endeavoured to give colour to engravings; professor at the Gobelins, Paris, 1677; d. 2 April, 1707. Edelmann, Johann Christian, German contro- versial theologian ; 6. 9 July, 1698 ; joined count Zinzendorf and the Moravians about 1733; left them, and published " Christus und Belial" against them, 1741 ; d. 15 Feb. 1767. Edema, Gerard, Dutch painter, termed " the Northern Salvator Rosa"; h. about 1654; d. 1700. Eden-, Sir Frederick Morton, political econo- mist; b. about 1766; published "The State of the Poor ; or, A History of the Labouring Classes," 1797; "Porto BeUo; a Plan for the Improvement of the Port and City of London," 1798; d. 14 Nov. 1809. Eden, George, earl of Auckland ; 6. 25 Aug. 1784; succeeded as baron, 28 May, 1814; governor-general of India, 1835-42 ; created earl, 11 Dec. 1839; d. i Jan. 1849. Eden, Robert John, Lord Auckland, bishop of Bath and Wells; 6. 10 July, 1799; bishop of Sodor and Man, 1847 ; of Bath and Wells EDE 148 EDW 1854; resigned, 6 Sept. 1869; succeeded to barony, j Jan 1849; published "Journal and Correspondence of William, Lord Auckland," 1860-62. Eden, Robert, Anglican clergyman; 5. 1803; published " Churchman's Theological Diction- ary," 1846; editor of Parker Society Works, &c. Edee, George, German theologian and scholar ; h, 1524; published " Malleus Htereticorum," 1580; d. 19 May, 1586. Edgak, king of England ; i. about 943 ; suc- ceeded his brother Edwy, I Oct. 958 ; recalled and promoted Dunstan, 958 ; made idm arch- bishop of Canterbury, 959 ; expelled many secular priests and replaced them by monks, 964; d. 8 July 975. Edgab Atheling (son of Edward the Outlaw, son of Edmund II. Ironside, king of England ;) J. in Hungary; d. 1 120. Came to England about ... . 1057 Submitted to Harold ; fled to Scotland . ; 1066 "With a Scotch army invaded England ; defeated 1068 Joined the Danes who ravaged York Sept. io6g Submitted to WUliam 1 1074 Helped to make his nephew, Edgar, king of Scot- land, 1098 Joined Robert of Normandy ; taken prisoner by Henry I. at Tenchebrai, . . 28 Sept. 1 106 Edgae, son of Malcolm, made king of Scot- land by the help of his uncle, Edgar Atheling, 1098 ; d. 8 Jan. 1 107. Edgewoeth, Richard Lovell, philosopher and educational writer, b. 1744; invented a tele- graph system, 1767; recovered some land from the Rhone at Lyons, 1771 ; opposed the Union, 1 798- 1 800; set up telegraphs between Dublin and Galway, 1804; published " Practical Edu- cation" (part by Ins daughter) 1798; "Essay on Roads and Carriages," 1813; d. 13 June 1817. Edgewoeth, Maria, novelist and educational ■writer ; daughter of Richard Lovell ; b. i Jan. 1767; published "Castle Racktent," "Belinda/' and "Early Lessons," 1801 ; "Moral Tales," 1802; " Popular Tales," 1804; *' Tales of Fa- shionable Life," 1809 ; "Patronage," 1814, &c. ; closing with "Helen," 1834; d. 21 May 1849. Edgeworth de Firmont, Henry Allen (cousin of Richard Lovell), Irish priest; b. 1745; studied with the Jesuits at Toulouse and Paris ; chosen as her confessor by the princess Elizabeth of France ; attended Louis XVI. at his execu- tion, and is reported to have said, " Son of St. Louis, ascend to heaven !" 21 Jan. 1793; re- sided with Louis XVIII. in England; d. 29 July, 1807. Edgitha, or Edith, daughter of Earl God- win; married by Edward the Confessor, 1045; neglected by him ; died soon after 1066. Edinburgpj, duke of, see Alfred. Edith, Saint, abbess of Wilton, illegitimate daughter of king Edgar; b. 961 ; declined the throne, 979; d. 16 Sept. 984. Edmeston, Jamea, poet; b. about 1791 ; pub- lished " Sacred Lyrics," 1821-22 ; d. about Feb. 1867. Edmondes, Sir Thomas, diplomatist; b. 1563; employed by Elizabeth abroad; d. 1639. ifis son, Clement, scholar ; 6. 1566 ; pubhshed "Observations on Ctesar's Commentaries," 1600-9; *^' 12 Oct. 1622. Edmondson, Joseph, herald ; published "Com- plete Book of Heraldry," 1780; "Baronagium Genealogium," 1764-84; d. 17 Feb. 1786. Edmund, Saint, king of East AngHa; b. 841 ; king, 855 ; defeated and slain by the Danes, 20 Nov. 870. Edmund I., II., kings of England : I. the Elder, son of Athelstane ; 6. 923 ; king, 27 Oct. 940 Checked the Danes and retook several cities 943 Killed in his hall by Liofa, an outlaw . 26 May 946 II. Ironside ; son of Ethehred II. ; 6. 989 ; king, 23 April, 1016. "Warred with the Danes ; defeated at Assindiine ; reconciled with Canute ; they divide the king- dom ; assassinated (?) . . 30 Nov. 1017 Edred, king of England, son of Edward I. ; succeeded his brother, Edmimd I., 26 May, 946; guided by Dunstan; d. 23 Nov. 955. Edkisi, Arabian geographer; 6. 1099; de- scribed Africa, Sicily, Spain, &c., (translated into Latin, and published, 1619); d. about 1 164. Edward I. — III., Saxon kings of England : I. the Elder, son of Alfred ; b. about 870 ; lung, 26 Oct. 901 Made peace with the Danes . . . 906 Kecovered London, 912 ; Derby, 917 ; Leicester, 918 ; Mercia, 922 . . . . . d. 925 II. the Martyr, son of Edgar 6. about 961 King . . ... 8 July, 975 Assassinated 18 March, 979 III. the Confessor, son of Ethelred II. ; 6. about 1004 ; king June 1042 Married, but neglected Edgitha, daughter of Earl Godwin . 1045 Troubled by Godwin and his sons ; d. 5 Jan. 1066 Edward I. — VI., kings of England : I. son of Henry m. . . . 6. 18 June, 1239 Supported his father against the barons ; de- feated them at Evesham . 4 Aug. 1265 KiBg .... . 16 Nov. 1272 Reduced Oascony 1273 Conquered, and annexed "Wales by statute, 19 March, 1284 Banished the Jews .... 31 Aug. 1290 Claimed to be sovereign lord of Scotland, 10 May ; acknowledged ... 5 June, 1291 Declared John Baliol king of Scotland, 30 Nov. 1292 Kenounced fealty to France . . . 1294 Invaded and ravaged Scotland, April ; BaHol surrendered, and renounced his throne ; im- prisoned 8 July, rfseg. 1296 Invaded Scotland to put down Wallace ; de- feated the Scots at Falkirk . 22 July, 1298 Made peace (till 30 Nov.) ... 26 Jan. 1302 Subdued Scotland . . June — ^Aug. 1303 Executed Wallace in London . . 24 Aug. 1305 d. (on his march against Bruce), 7 July, 1307 II. son ; &. 25 April, 1284 ; king . 8 July, 1307 His favourite, Uaveston, recalled ; made regent, Jan. ; banished. May, 1308 ; executed by the barons ... . . 19 June, 1312 Defeated by Robert Bruce, king of Scotland, at Bannockburn 24 June, 1314 EBW 149 EGE Defeated the barons, and killed the earl of Lan- caster and others .... March, 1322 Deposedj 7 Jan. ; murdered at Berkely castlo, 21 Sept. 1327 m. son ; 6. 13 Nov. 1312 ; king . . 7 Jan. 1327 Assumed the government ; imprisoned his mother; and hanged Mortimer, her lover, 29 Nov. 1330 Invaded France, claiming the crown . Sept. 1339 Defeated the French fleet at Sluys 24 June, 1340 Invaded Normandy ... 10 July, 1346 Defeated the French at Crecy . 26 Aug. 1346 Took Calais 4 Aug. 1347 Victory of the Black Prince at Poitiers, 21 Sept. 1356 d. at Richmond, 21 June, 1377 IV son of Hichard, duke of York ; b. 29 April, 1441 Defeated the Lancastrians under the earl of Pembroke at Mortimer's Cross, 2 Feb. ; entered London, 28 Feb. ; installed king 4 March, 1461 Defeated the Lancastrians at Towton, 29 March ; crowned 29 June, 1461 Declared his marriage with Lady Elizabeth Grey, 29 Sept. 1464 Fled to Flanders on the restoration of Henry VI. by Warwick Oct. 1470 Defeated "Warwick and the Lancastrians at Barnet ... 14 April, 1471 Victorious at Tewkesbury . . 4 May, 1471 Landed at Calais demanding the crown of France, July ; agreed to a truce, 29 Aug. ; re- turned, 28 Sept. 1475 . . d. g April, 1483 V. son ; b. 4 Nov. 1470 ; king, 9 April ; said to have been smothered in the tower . July, 1483 VI. son of Henry VIII. ; b. 12 Oct. 1537 ; king, 28 Jan. 1547 ; ruled by his uncles ; established the Church of England ; d. at Greenwich, 6 July, 1553 Edward, princes of Wales : X. The Black Prince, son of Edward III. ; &. 15 June, 1330; defeated the French at Poitiers, 19 Sept. 1356 ; defeated the Spaniards and French at Najara under Du Guesclin, and re- established Peter the Cruel, 3 April, 1367; lost his province of Gascony, 1374 . . d. 8 June, 1376 ■2. son of Henry VI. ; b. 13 Oct. 1453 ; married Anne, daughter of the earl of Warwick, 1470 ; killed at the battle of Tewkesbury . 4 May, 1471 3. son of Kichard IH., and Anne of Warwick ; 6. 1473 . d. 9 April, 1484 Edwardes, Amelia Blandford, novelist ; 5. 1831 ; published "Barbara's History," 1864; "Half a Million of Money," 1865. Edwardes, Sir Herbert Benjamin, K.C.B., major-general; h. 12 Nov. 1819; d. 23 Dec. 1868. Entered Indian military service , . . 1840 Present at the battle of Moodkee, 18 Dec. 1S45 ; of Sobraon 10 Feb. 1846 After the murder of Vans Agnew and Anderson by the rebel chief, Moolraj, collected some ^Sikh and other troops, and defeated Moolraj, 18 June, and i July, 1848 Published "A Year on the Punjaub Frontier, 1848-9" . . 1851 Edwards, see Milne-Edivards. Edwards, Bryan, historian and geographer ; 1). 21 May, 1743; published "History of the West Indies," 1793; d. 15 July, 1800. Edwards, Edward, bibliographer; 6. 1812; librariau of the Manchester free library, 1851 ; published " Memoirs of Libraries," 1859 ; " Libraries and Founders of Libraries," 1864 ; " Free Public Libraries," 1869. Edwards, George, naturalist ; 6. 3 April, 1693 ; published " History of Birds," 1743-51 ; *' Gleanings of Natural History," i75S-63;oi. 23 July, 1773. Edwards, John, theologian ; 5. 1637 ; wrote against Socinianiam ; d. 16 April, 1716. Edwards, Jonathan, American theologian ; h. 5 Oct. 1703; pubHshed "Inquiry into the notion that Freedom of "Will is essential to Moral Agency," 1754; and "History of Ee- demption," 1778 ; d. 22 March, 1758. Edwards, Kichard, dramatic poet ; h. 1523 ; his "DamonandPythias"printed, 1571; c?. 1566. Edwards, Sutherland, traveller ; h. about 1820; published " Bussiaus at Home," 1861 ; "The Opera from its Origin in Italy," 1862. Edwards, Thomas, nonconformist theolo- gian ; h. about 1 599 ; published " Gangrsena, a Catalogue of the Errors of the Sectaries in England, 1646;" d. 24 Aug. 1647. Edwards, Thomas, theologian and critic ; h. 1699 ; published " Canons of Criticism" (on Warburton's Shalcspeare), 1747 ; d. 3 Jan. 1757. Edwards, Thomas, theologian and Hebraist ; h. 10 Aug. 1729; published " New Translation of the Psalms," 1755; d. 30 June, 1785. Edwin", Saint, king of Northumbria, " bret- walda;" subdued all Britain except Kent, 617; he and bis people baptized by PauUnus, at York, and a bishopric established, 12 AprU, 627 ; killed in battle with Penda of Mercia, 14 Oct. 6zz- Edwin, John, comedian ; 6. 1749 ; when young, acted old men ; when old, young men ; rf. 31 Oct, 1790. Ed'WT, king of England, son of Edmund I. ; h. about 939; king, 23 Nov. 955; separated from his wife, Elgiva, by the church, 958 ; d. I Oct. 958. Eeckhodt, Anton van den, Flemish painter ; 6. about 1650 ; assassinated at Lisbon, 1695. Eeckhout, Gerbrandt van den, Dutch painter ; 6. 19 Aug. 1621 ; d. 2,2 July, 1674. Effen, Just van, Dutch journalist; h. 21 April, 1684; published "Le Misanthrope" (a weekly paper like the "Spectator"), 1711-12; translated "Robinson Crusoe," &c., 1720; d 18 Sept. 1735. ,. , . Egbert, archbishop of York, 732 ; friend of Bede and Alcuin ; his works printed by Labbe in the "Acta Conciliorum ; " d. 767. Egbert, the Great, king of Wessex, 800 ; Bretwalda ; styled, "king of the English," 827 ; d. 837. Egede, Hans, Norwegian clergyman; 6. 31 Jan. 1686 ; missionary in Greenland, 1721-36 ; published a work on its natural history, &;c., 1729; d. 5 Nov. 1758. His son, Paul, mis- sionary, h. 170S ; bishop of Greenland, 1776; published " Dictionarium Gro?!nlandicum-Dano- Latinum," 1754; " Grammatica," &c., 1760; d. 3 June, 1789. EGE 150 ELI Egen, p. N. C, German physicist; b. 26 April, 1793; d. 23 Aug. 1849. Egeeton, Thomas, viscount Brackley, baron of Ellesmere, statesman; h. about 1540; attor- ney-general, 1594; lord keeper, 1596; lord chancellor, 1603-17; negotiated for a union with Scotland, 1604 ; d. 15 March, 1617. See -Bridgewater, and Ellesmere. Eeo, Augustus Leopold, RA., historical and genre ps,iTxteT ; h. 1816; d. 27 March, 1S63. Eggeling, Johann Heinrich, German anti- quary; h. 13 May, 1639; d. 15 Feb. 1718. Eggee, Emile, French scholar ; h. 18 July, 1813 ; published "Notions de Grammaire Com- parfe," 1852. EoigA, king of the Goths in Spain, 687 ; sup- pressed an insurrection of the Jews, and com- pelled their conversion, 694 ; d. Oct. 699. Eginhakd (Heinhakdus, or Agenaedus) ; h. about 771 ; Charlemagne's friend and bio- grapher ; d. about 844. Eglinton, Archibald William Montgomerie, earl of; b. l8l2; held a tournament at Eglin- ton castle, at which prince Louis-Napoleon was present, 29 Aug. 1839; lord lieutenant of Ire- land, 1S52-3; 1858; d. 4 Oct. 1861. Egmont, Lamoral d', prince de Gavre, states- man; h. 1522; accompanied emperor Charles V. to Algiers, 1544; endeavoured to moderate the tyranny of the Spanish Government in the Low Countries; imprisoned by the duke of -Alba, 1567; beheaded, with count Horn, 5 June, 1568. EgNjVZIO, Giovanni Battista CipelU, Venetian writer, friend of Leo X. ; b. 1473 ; d. 4 July, 1553. Egeemont, George O'Brien Wyndham, earl of, statesman, patron of fine arts, and philan- thropist; b. 1751; d. 11 Nov. 1837. Eheenbekg, Christian Gottfried, German naturalist and microscopist ; b. 19 April, 1795; published elaborate researches on infusorial animalcules, &c., 1830, et seg. Eheet, Georg Denis, German botanical painter; b. 1710; d. 1770. ElOHHOEN, Johann Gottfried, German orien- talist, theologian, and historian; 6. 16 Oct. 1752 ; published (in German) "Introduction to Old Testament," 1780-3; to New Testament, 1804-10; Universal History, 1799; History of Literature, 1806-12, &c. ; d. 25 June, 1827. Kjlel Fkiedkioh, his son, jurist, b. 20 Nov. 1781 ; d. July 1854. EicHiLANN (Dryander), Johann, German physi- cian and astronomer; invented apparatus; d. 20 Dec. 1560. EiCHHOPP, Er^d^ric Gustave, French scholar, 5.17 Aug. 1 799 ; published " Etudes Grecques sur Virgile," 1825; "ParaUMe des Langues," 1836. EiCHTHAi, Gustave d', French ethnologist and journalist; 6. 1804; published "Lettres sur la Kace Noire et Blanche," 1839. EiCHVVALD, Edouard, naturalist and geologist ; b. in Courland, 4 July, 1795; published "Travels on the Caspian Sea and on the Caucausus," 1834-7- Eisenmengee, Johann Andreas, G-erman anti- quary and Hebraist; 6. 1 654; attacked the Jews in his "Entdecktes Judenthum" ("Juda- ism Unveiled"), 1700; d. 1704. Elagabalus, Bassianus Varius Avitus, dis- solute Roman emperor ; b. about 205 ; became priest of Elagabalus, the Syro-Phcenician snn- god ; proclaimed emperor 16 May, 218 ; his rival Macrinus defeated and slain, 8 June, 218; pro- claimed Alexander Severus as Cassar, 221 ; massacred during a mutiny, 222. Elbeuf, Emanuel Maurice, prince d', French general; 6. 1677; ordered excavation at or near his castle at Portici, which led to the discovery of Herculaneum ; d. 1763. Elcho, Francis Wemyss Charteris, lord, son of earl of Wemyss ; b. 4 Aug. 1818 ; a PeeUte, and held office under lord Aberdeen, 1852-55 ; a leader of the " AduUamites" who seceded from the liberal party, March, 1866; active supporter of the volunteers; resigned chairman- ship of the council of National Rifle Associar tion, July 1 867; Eldon, John Scott, earl of; 6. 4 June 175 1; d 13 Jan. 1838. Educated at Oxford, ... . 1766 Ran away with Miss Surtees . . 18 Nov. 1772 Began to study law, 1773 ; barrister 1776 Entered parliament . . . . 1783 Solicitor -general . . . June, 1788 Attorney-general Feb. 1793-9 Chief-justice of Common Pleas and baron Eldon July 1799 Lord chancellor, 14 April, 1801 — 7 April, 1806: again, i April, 1807 ; resigned 30 April, 1827 Created earl 1821 Eleanoe, queens of England : 1. Of Aquitaine ; b. 1122 ; married Louis VII. of France, 2 Aug. 1137 ; divorced, 18 March, 1152 ; married Henry Plantagenet (afterwards Henry H._), 18 May, 1152 ; excited her sons to rebel : im- prisoned, 1173-89 . . . . d. z6 June, 1204 2. Of Provence ; married to Henry III., 1236 ; became a nun at Amesbuiy . .1286 d, 24 June 1291 3. Of Castile ; married Edward I., when prince of Wales, 1254; accompanied him to the Holy land, 1271 d. at Grantham, 28 Nov. 1290 Elbutheeius, Saint; pope, 177; said to have taught Christianity to_British envoys from king Lucius ; d. 192. Elgin, see Bruce. Eli, high priest of the Jews, and judge, about B.C. 1 182-41. Elias, Levita, Jewish writer, b. 1472 ; pub- lished many books on Hebrew learning ; d. 1549. Elias I. — III., patriarchs of Jerusalem : T. 494 ; deposed, 495 . . d. 513 II. 760 d. 797 III. Sent an epistle to Charlemagne, BSi;d. about 907 Elias, Matth.-eus, German painter; 6. 1658; d. 22 April, 1 74 1. ELI 151 ELL ELigAGARAT, Dominique, abb^, French ultra religious educational reformer ; h. about 1760; d. 22 Dec. 1822. Elie de Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis Ldonce, French geologist; 6. 25 Sept. 1798; published "Voyage Mdtallurgique en Angleterre," 1827 ; perpetual secretary of the French academy of sciences, 1856-69. Eliot, Greorge, see Evans. Eliot, John, *' Apostle of the Indians ; " 6. 1604; began to preach to Indians, 28 Oct. 1646; had established seven praying towns in Massachusetts, 1674; translated the Bible into an Indian' language ; d. 20 May, 16S9. Elijah, Hebrew prophet; denounced idolatry under the reign of Ahab and his son, b.c. 910896. Eliot, Sir John, statesman, leader of the opposition against Charles L; h. 1590; impri- soned for his boldness; d. (in the tower) 27 Nov. 1632. Eliot, Samuel, American historian ; 6. 22 Dec. 1821 ; published "History of Liberty," 1849-53; "Manual of United States History," 1856. Eliott, George, lord Heathfield; &. 25 Dec. 1717; entered army, 1735; commander at Gibraltar, 1775; defended it against the French and Spanish fleets, 16 July, 1779 — 5 Feb. 1782; repulsed the great attack, 13 Sept. 1782 ; created baron, 14 June, 1787; d. 6 July, 1790. Elisha, Hebrew prophet; prophesied, B.C. 896-83S. Elizabeth, Saint, of Hungary, landgravine of Thuringia; h. 1207; affianced to Louis of Thuringia about 1 2 1 2 ; regent at his death, 1227; persecuted and expelled; devoted her life to succouring the poor and distressed; d. 1231. Elizabeth, queens-consort of England : 1. "Woodville, widow of Sir John Grey, and daughter of Jacqueline of Holland, once duchess , of Bedford ; marriage with Edward IV. of Eng- land ; announced, 29 Sept. 1464: took sanctuary, 1483 Confined by her son-in-law, Henry VII., d. 8 June, 1498 2, of York, daughter of Edward IV. ; b. 1465 or 1466 ; married to Henry VII. . . 18 Jan. i486 d. 1.1 Feb. 1503 Elizabeth, queen of England, daughter of Henry VIII. and Anne Boleyn; h. 7 Sept. 1533; d. 24 March, 1603. Imprisoned by Mary 1554-58 Succeeded her, and re-established protestantism, 17 Nov. 1558 Repressed the Romanists and nonconformists 1564, et seq. Received and imprisoned Mary, queen of Scots, 1568 Excommunicated by Pius V. . .25 April, 1570 Assisted the Netherlands against Spain . 1577, et seq. Signed the death-warrant of Mary of Scotland, I Eeb. ; executed .... 8 Feb. 1587 Her fleet repeUed the Spani.gh Armada . July, 1588 Rejected the Lambeth articles of archbishop Whitgift 1595 Signed the death-warrant of the earl of Essex, Feb. 1601 Elizabeth, queen of Bohemia, daughter of James I. of England; 6. 19 Aug. 1596. Married Frederic, elector palatine . 14 Feb. 1613 Queen of Bohemia 1619-20 Mother of princes Rupert and Maurice ; and of princess Sophia, mother of king George I. d. 13 Feb. 1662 Elizabeth, queens of Hungary r 1. of Poland ; married Charobert of Hungary, 1319; governed for her son, Louis I. the great, 1340 ... . . . d. Dec. 1381 2. of Bosnik ; married Louis the great, 1363 ; at his death ruled with her daugiiter, 1382 ; mas- sacred Charles of Durazzo and his partisans, 6 Feb.1386 ; drowned by the ban of Croatia in re- venge 16 Jan. 1387 3. of Poland ; b. 1518 ; married to king John Za- polski 1539; contended successfully with the Austrians, 1554 . d. 20 Sept. 1558 Elizabeth (or Isabella), queens of Spain : 1. of Valois, daughter of Henry II. of France; b. 13 April, 1545 ; married to Philip II., 22 June, 1559 ; received by him, Jan. 1560 ; (said to have been loved by his son, Carlos) ; d. (suspected by poison) .■-,■■ 3 Oct. 156S 2. Daughter of Henry IV. of France ; b. 22 Nov. 1602; married to Pliilip IV., 18 Oct. 1615 ; de- voted herself to Spain . . . d. 6 Oct. 1644 3. Farnese ; b. 25 Oct. 1692 ; married to Philip v., 16 Sept. 1714 ; virtually ruled the kingdom ; d. 1766 Elizabeth (Isabeau or Isabelle), queens-con- sort of France : 1. of Hainault ; b. 1169 ; married Philip II. Augustus, 1180 . . . . d. 15 March, 1190 2. of Arragon ; b. 1247 ; married Philip le Hardi, 28 May, 1262 ; accompanied him to Palestine ; queen, 25 Aug. 1270 . . . d. 23 Jan. 1271 3. of Bavaria ; b. 1371 ; married Charles VI., 17 July, 1385 : unfaithful wife and unnatural mother ; allied with the English, and gave her daughter Catherine to Henry V. by the treaty of Troyes, 21 May, 1420 ; d. in misery and dis- grace 24 Sept. 1435 4.of Austria; &. 5 June, 1554; married to Charles IX., 26 Nov. 1570 . . d. 22 Jan. 1592 Elizabeth Petrowna, empress of Kussia, daughter of Peter I. the great and Catherine I. ; 6. 5 Sept. 1709; became empress by the plot of her lover Lestocq, who dethroned the infant Ivan, 6 Dec. 1741; had many lovers, but married secretly Bazoumofski, a Cossack ; fostered Uterature and the fine arts ; d. 29 Dec. 1761. JElizabeth, Philippine Marie Helfene, de France, madame, sister of Louis XVI. ; 6, 3 May, 1 764 ; refused marriage with the emperor Joseph 11. to devote herself to Erance ; guil- lotined, 10 May, 1794. Ellenborough, Law, lords : EdwabdLaw, son of bishop Edmund . . b. 1750 Attorney-general . . Feb. 1801 Chief justice and peer -A-pril, 1802 Resigned Nov. 1818 Member of the GrenviUe ("all the Talents") ad- ministration, 1806-7 ' ^- ^3 ^^^- 1818 Edwaed, son . . . 6. 8 Sept. 1790 Lord privy seal . . - Jan. 1828 — June 1829 President of the board of control . 1834-5, 1841 Governor-general of India, Oct. 1841 ; earl, 1842; governed vigorously ; recalled, . April, 1844 First lord of admiralty . Jan. to July, 1846 President of board of control Feb. to March, 1858 ELL 152 ELS Ellesmere, Francis Leveson Gower Egerton, earl of, statesman amd poet; b. I Jan. 1800; d. 18 Feb. 1857. t-Ihief secretary for Ireland . Jan. — July, 1830 Secretarj' at war .... July — Nov. 1830 Assumed name Egerton on inheriting the Bridge- water estates . 1833 Translated Goethe's Faust, and other German works 1824 Published ' ' Mediterranean Sketches," 1843 : " The Pilgrimage," 1855 ; "Essays on History," &c. 1858 Created earl . 1S46 Ellicott, John, watchmaker; observed the influence which two clocks have on each other (through effect of temperature on vibrations in the air), 1730, 1751 ; d. 1772. Ellicott, Charles John, bishop of Gloucester and Bristol; b. 25 April, 1819; consecrated, I S63 ; published " Commentaries on the Epistles to the Galatians," &c., 1859-62. Elliger, Swedish paintei's : Otomar (of flowers and fruit) ; 6. 18 Sept. 1632 or 1633 ; d. 1688. Otomar (his son), historical; 6. 16 Feb. 1666; d. 24 Nov. 1 732. Elliotson, Jolm, M.D. ; published "Prin- ciples and Practice of Medicine," 1839 ; advo- cated mesmerism ; ' ' Srurgical Operations in the Mesmeric State without Pain," 1S43; edited "The Zoist;" d. 29 July, 1868. Elliott, Ebenezer, the " corn-law rhymer ; " h. 17 JMarcb, 17S1 ; published "Corn-lawEhymes" in a Sheffield paper, afterwards with "The Eanter," before 1829 ; "The A'ilhiye Patriarch," 1829 ; '■ Collected Poems," 1833 : (/. i Dec. 1849. Ellis, George, antiquary; b. 1745; published "Specimens of Early English Poetry," 1790; " Specimens of Early English Romances," 1805; d. 15 April, 1815. Ellis, George James Welbore Agar, historical writer; fi, 14 Jan. 1797; created baron Dover. 20 June, 1831 ; published "History of the Iron Mask," 1826, &c. ; d. 10 July, 1S33. Ellis, Henry, traveller; b. 1721; explored the polar regions of North America to discover a north-west passage, 1746-47; d.21 Jan. 1806. Ellis, !Sir Henry, antiquary ; b. 29 Nov. 1777; jiuMished "History of Shoreditch," 1799; "In- troduction to Domesday-Book," 1S33; "Orijifinal Letters illustrative of English History," 1824- 46 ; principal librarian of the British Museum, 1827-56; d. 15 Jan. 1869. Ellis, John, humorous poet; b. 22 IM.irch, 1698; published "South Sea Dream," 1720; d. 31 Dec. 1791. Ellis, John, naturalist; b. about 1710; pub- lished " Eksuv on Corallines," 1755; "Account of Coffee," 1774; d. 15 Oct. 1776. Ellls, Willi.am, dissenting minister : Employed by the London Missionary Society 1815 Iteturned from a mission in the South seas . 1825 Published " Polynesian lleseai'ches," 1S29 : "His- tory of Madagascar," 1838 : " Visits to Madagas- car," 1858: "Madagascar Revisited" . . 1868 His second wife, SAnAH (Stickney), b. about 1812: published the "Women of England," 1838: "Daughters," 1842; "Wives" and "Mothers," 1843 Ellis, William, writer on education and social science ; b. about 1 800. Elliston, Robert William, actor ; 5. 7 April, 1774; first appeai-ed at Bath, 21 April, 1791; in London, June 1796; lessee of Drury Lane theatre, 1819; d. 7 July, 1 831. Bllwood, Thomas, quakcr, controversialist; b. 1639; friend of Milton, and said to have counselled him to write "Paradise Regained;" d. I March, 1713. El JIacin, Georgius, Arab historian; 6. 1223; d. 1273. His "HistoriaSaracenica" published, 1625. Elmes, Harvey Lonsdale, architect ; b. about 18 14; designed St. George's Hall, Liverpool, formded, 28 June, 1S3S; assize coirrts, 1841; d. 26 Nov. 1S47. Elmore, Alfred, R.A., Irish historical painter; b. 181 5 ; exhibited " Rienzi in the forum," 1S44; "Invention of Stocking Loom," 1S47; "Hot- spur and the Fop," 1851. Elmsley, Peter, classical scholar; 6. 1773; edited Greek plays, 1S09-23 ; with Sir H. Davy examined the papyri at Herculaneum, 1819-20; (/. 8 March, 1825. Eloy (Bligius), Saint ; b. 588 ; treasurer of C'lotaire IL and his successors; founded and endowed monasteries and hospitals ; elected bishop of Noyon, 21 May 640; earnest mis- sionary; d. I Dec. 659. Elphege, Saint ; see Alphegc. Elphinston, James, Scotch grammarian ; b. 1721 ; published "English Orthography Epitomised;" d. 8 Oct. 1S09. Elphinston, AVilliam, bishop of Aberdeen, (14S4); b. 143 1; statesman; ambassador to England, France, and Germany; d. 25 Oct. 1 5 14. Elphinstone, John, Scotch admiral; b, 1720; entered Russian service, 1 76S ; helped to defeat the Turks near Cihios, 5 July 1770; daringly passed the Dardanelles in his vessel alone, 26 July 1 7 70; excited jealousy, and soon after retiu'ned to England ; d. 1775; sue Keith. Elphinstone, Mouutstuart, statesman in In- dia; 6. 1778; published " Account of Caubnl," 1S15; "History of India," 1S41 ; d. 20 Nov. 1859. Elssler ; Austrian dancers : Fanny, 6. 181 1; appeared at Berlin, 1830; London, 1S38; re- tired, 1851. Theres.v, b. 1808; married Prince Adalbert of Prussia, 20 April, 1850. Elstob, Wniiam, antiquary ; b. i Jan. 1673; commenced an edition of ' ' Saxon Laws ;" rf. 3 March, 1715. His sister ELIZABETH, J. 29 Sep. 1683 ; pulilished "An English Saxon Homily," 1709; "Rudiments of the Saxon Tongue," 1715; ^35- , . . EiLVSTUs (Lieber), Thomas, Swiss physician and theologian ; b. 7 Sept. 1524 ; rf. 31 Dec. 1583. In his " Explicatio Quiestionis Gravissimas de Excom- municatioue," assei-ted that a clnuroh might decide who were to be its members, but not expel them for immorality ; opposing ecclesiastical censures in civil matters, as interfering with the office of the magi- strate. Eratostheses, Greek geometer and astro- nomer; invented the plan for measuring the earth and its distance from the sun and moon; 6. B.C. 276; d. about 196. Er^vuso, Catahua d', la Jlonja Alferez, the "Nuu-Eusign,'' Spanish heroine; b. 1592; escaped from a convent and put on male dress, 1 8 May, 1607 ; embarked for America, when she became a soldier; distinguished lierself, and was made ensign ; discovered herself, and retm-ned to Cadiz, Nov. 1624; re-embarked for America, and disappeared on landing at Vera Cniz, 1635. EiiciLLA v ZuNiQA, Alonzo de, Spanish poet and soldier ; b. 1 530 ; fought at St. Quentin, 10 Aug. 1557; travelled over Europe, and went to America, and assisted at the conquest of Araiicana ; hia poem, " Araucana," pub- Ushed, 1597; d. about 1595. Eedmann, Otto Lining, German chemist ; b. II April, 1804 ; one of the founders of the "Journal fur praktische Chemie," 1834. Eribebt, archbishop of Milan, 1015 ; made lieutenant of Italy by the emperor Conrad, 1025 ; warred with the nobles and the emperor; constructed the " carroccio," a species of ark, for his standard ; founded the order named "Humiliati;" d. 1045. Ekio, the Red, Scandinavian chief; said to have discovered Greenland and North America early in the nth century. Eric I. — VII., kings of Denmark: I. The Child ; governed Zealand, Scania, and Jutland, 840 ; commenced the invasion of Eng- land, France, &c. . . . . d. 860 II. or III. The Good ; king, 1095 ; founded " guilds " for internal security . d. 11 July, 1 103 II. or IV. The Proud; king, 11 34; murdered his brother and nephews ; assassinated himself, 1137 III. or V. The Lamb : king, 1137 ; favoiued the clergy : abdicated, and became a monk . d. 1147 IV. or Vl. Plough-penny ; king . . . 1241 Taxed the plough ; killed by his brother Abel during an insurrection . . 9 Aug. 1250 V. or VII. succeeded Christopher I. . . 1259 AVith Ids mother, taken prisoner by the count of Holstein, 28 July, 1261 : liberated . . 1264 Granted right of justice to the clergy and nobles - 1269 Assassinated : . . . .21 Nov. 1286 VI. or VIII. son ; long (under Waldemar, duke of Sleswig) Nov. 1286 "War with the Norwegians, 1289-1308 ; d. 13 Nov. 1319 VII. or IX., see BHc XIII. of Sweden. Eric I. — XIV., kings of Sweden : I. — VIII. no authentic history. IX. The Saint ; king "SS Converted Finland to Christianity : killed in battle against the Danes 18 March, 1160 X. Canutson ; king 1210 Favoiu-ed the clergy ; married Rikissa of Den- mark, and made peace ... d. 1216 XI. The Lame ; king, 1222 ; vutuous and weak ; ruled by the jarl, Canut Johannsson ; d. 12 Feb. 1252 XII. son of Magnus ; king with his father, 1350 ; d. of plague 1359 XIII. (VII. or IX. of Denmark), h. 1382 ; kmg of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway . 21 July, 1397 Governed by foreigners tyrannically ; rebellion of Engelbrecht, who became regent of Sweden, 1435 : assassinated . . . - ■ 143^ Pled to Gothland, and gave himself up to piracy, 1439 Wrote " Historica Narratio de Origine Gentis Danorum" , ^ ■ ?■ '''59 XIV. sonofGustavusVasa; violent, cruel tyrant; b 13 Dec. 1533; associated in the government, 1557 Sole lung ^29 Sept. 1560 "War with Denmark ; his army defeated, 20 Oct. 1565 Proposed maiTiage to Elizabeth of England ; married his misti'ess, Catherine Mansdotter Dec. 1567 Governed tyrannically and cruelly ; dethroned by his brother John (whom he had imprisoned tour years) ... ■ 15^9 Hardly treated ; poisoned . . 2b J; eD. 1577 ERI 156 EE,N Ericsson, John, Swedish mechanician ; 1). 1803. Exhibited his "flame engine" in England . 1826 Produced a locomotive, said to have run 55 miles an hour 1829 Erought out his caloric engine in London . 1833 Tried the "Ericsson," and failed , . Jan. 1853 Built the first "Monitor" iron vessel, which re- pulsed the Confederate "Merrimac," g March, 1S62 Afterwards adopted CoAvper Coles's invention of cupola or turret ships. Erigena, Joannes Scotus, a schoolman ; &. in Ireland; visited Erance, and employed by Charles the Bald; wrote " De Divisione Naturse," and " De Divina Prsedestinatione ; " d. about 875. Erinna, Greek poetesses : i. Eriend of Sappho, about B.C. 612. 2. Contemporary of Demosthenes, about B.C. 350. Erizzo, Paolo, Venetian governor of !N"egro- pont, which he bravely defended against Mahomet II. ; killed, July, 1470. Erizzo (Ericius), Sebastiano, Venetian phi- losopher and antiquary; h. 19 June, 1525; published " Trattato dell' Instnxmento," 1554; " Discorso sopra le Medaglie de gUAntichi," 1559; d. 5 March, 1585.^ Erlach, Rodolph, Swiss hero ; victorious general of the Bernese ; miu'dered by his son- in-law, Jobel Hudenz, 1360. Erlach, Jean Louis, Swiss general, and French marshal ; h. 1595; ^successively served Nassau, Saxe Weimar, and Erance ; d. 26 Jan. 1650. Ekle, Sir William, judge; h. 1793; one of the justices of the common pleas, 1S44-46; of the queen's bench, 1846-59 ; chief justice of the common pleas, 1859-66. Erman, Georg Adolph, German physicist; h. 12 May, 1806; published his "Travels round the World " (1828-30) ; 1833-41. Erman, Paul, German physicist ; 6. 29 Eeb. 1764; d. II Oct. 1851. Ermengarde, empress of the Eranks; married Louis le Debonnnaire, 798; caused his nephew, Bernard, king of Italy, to be cruelly murdered, 818; d. 3 Oct. S18. Ernest, of Austria : 1. The valiant, margrave of Austria; killed in battle with the emperor, Henry IV, . g June, 1075 2. Duke of Austria; h. 378; ruled vigorously; d. 10 June, 1424 3 Archduke of Austria; h. 15 June, 1553; named governor of the low countries, 1592 ; entered Brussels, 30 Jan. 15Q4; proposed peace with the republicans in vain; accused of the attempt to assassinate Maurice of Nassau ; said to be " good for neither peace nor war " d. 21 Feb. 1595 Ernest, duke of Bavaria, fostered letters and the arts; d. i July, 1438. Ernest, first landgrave of Hesse ; 6. 8 Dec. 1623 ; became a catholic, 1652 ; published " Catholicus Discretus," 1666; d. 12 May, 1693. Ernest, of Baden : Ek-nest, first margrave of Baden Doiu:lach ; h. 8 Oct. 1482 ... . d. 6 Feb. 1553 EnNEST Frederic . &- 17 Oct. 1560 Joined the protestant princes in their meeting at Heilbronn to defend religious liberty, March, 1594 Professed Calvinism in place of Lutheranism, 1599 d. 14 April, 1604 Ernest I., II., raargraves of Brandenburg: I. 6. 13 April, 1583; professed protestantism, i6to; named commander of the order of St. John, 1611 . . . c^. 18 Sept. 1613 Ernest of Brunswick and Grubenhagen : I d. 1344 II. &. April, 1518 ; joined John Frederic of Sax- ony in the war with the emperor ; taken- pri- soner at Miihlberg, 26 April, 1546; soon released; duke, 1551 . . . d. 2. April, 1567 Ernest, dukes of Brunswick-Lunenburg : I. of Zell; earnest protestant and able wamor; h. 26 June, 1497; joined John Frederic of Sax- ony, and with him and other princes signed the "protest" against the decree of the edict of Spires, ig April, 1529; acquired Bnmswick- Wolfenbuttel . . . . d. zi Jan. 1599 n. 6. 31 Dec. 1564 ; duke, 20 Aug, 1592; joined and supported the Hanseatic league, 1606 ; d. 2 March, 1611 III. AuGUSTus,general; 6. 20 Nov. 1629; destined for the church; named canon, 1638; and rector of the university of Marburg .... 1641 Travelled ; married Sophia, princess palatine, 17 Oct. 1658; (their son, George, b. 1660, became king of England, 1714.) Served the emperor in his wars, &c. ; signed the league of Augsburg against France 9, July, 1686 Made elector of Hanover . 19 Dec. 1692 d. 28 Jan. 1698 Ernest of Bavaria, archbishop of Cologne; b. 17 Dec. 1554; appointed archbishop, 1583; expelled Gerard Truchses, the deposed arch- bishop, after several battles, 1584; repressed brigandage and governed ably; d. 17 Eeb. 1612. Ernest, duke of Saxe-Gotha ; h. 1745; governed vrell, and fostered science; d. 20 April, 1804. Ernest the pious, duke of Saxe-Gotha and Altenburg; &. 1601 ; able general; with his brother, Bernard of Saxe-Weimar, served under Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, 1628; and carried the victory after bis death at Lutzen, 16 Nov. 1632; d. 1675. Ernest, elector of Saxony, founder of the Ernestine line ; h. 25 March, 1441 ; stolen in his youth, and brought up as a charcoal-burner; succeeded his father, 7 Feb. 1464 ; enlarged bis dominions by purchase and conquest ; dis- couraged commerce about 1482; d. 22 March, i486. Ernest, dukes of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha : I. 6. 2 Jan. 1784 . , . rf. 29 Jan. 1844 II. son, {brother of Albert, prince-consort of Great Britain), . h. 21 June, 1S18 Ernest Augustus, king of Hanover ; 6. 5 June 1 771; fifth son of George III.; created duke of Cumberland, 24 April, 1799; became king, 20 June, 1837 ; abolished the liberal con- stitution, 1837; compelled to grant another, 1848; d. 18 Nov. 1851. Ernesti, German scholars : JoHANN August ; b. 4 Aug. 1707 ; edited Cicero, with a Clavis, 1737-9 : published " Institutio Interpretis Novi Testamenti," 1761 ; d.ii Sept. 1781 EEP 157 ESP August "WiLHELM, (nephew); 6. 26 Nov. 1733; published " De Disciplina Camerarii," 1775; edited Quintilian, 1769 . , . d. 2g July 1801 JoHANN Christian Gottlieb; b. 1756; pub- lished "Lexicon Technologise Grfecorum E,he- toriciB," 1795 ; " Lexicon Teclmologias Roma- norum Ehetoricas," 1797 . d. 5 June, 1802 Ekpen, Thomas van, Diitcli orientalist ; h. 7 Sept. 1 584 ; published " Proverbia Arabica, " 1614; d. 13 Nov. 1624. Eeeard, Charles, Erench painter and archi- tect; h. 1606; helped to found the academy at Pome, i666; d. 15 May 1689. Ersoh, Johann Samuel, German bibliographer and journalist, b. 23 June 1766; with G-ruber, commenced the " Allgemeine Encyclopadie," 1818; d. 16 Jan. 1828. Eeskine, Scotch family ; John, baron of Dun, Scotch reformer ; &. about 1508 ; travelled ; introduced the study of Greek into Scotland, 153+ ; joined the lords of the con- gregation, 1559 ; gave up arms for preaching ; helped to complete the " Second Book of Discip- line," 1577 . . . . d. 21 March, 1591 David, lord Dun; judge; 6. 1670; published "Advices," 1752 ... . , d. 1755 Ebenezeb ; b. 22 June, 1680 ; d. 2 June, 1754 ; Kalph ; b. 16 March, 1685 ; wrote " Gospel Sonnets," &c. ; d. 6 Nov. 1752 ; founders of the " Secession Kirk " 1734 John, theologian ; &. 2 June, 1721 ; publis]ied "Sermons," 1798; "Sketches of Church His- tory," 1790 d. zg Jan. 1803 Thomas, Lord Erskine, lawyer, orator, and wit; 6.1750 Served in the army 1768 Successfully defended Captain BaiUie, 1778 ; and Lord George Gordon, 5 Feb. 1781 M. P. for Portsmouth ... . 17S3 Defended Home Tooke, and others . Oct. 1794 Published "View of the Causes and Conse- quences of the present "War with France" . 1797 Lord Chancellor, . 7 Feb. 1S06 — April 1807 PubUshed his Speeches, 1810-12 d. 17 Nov. 1823 Erwin yon Steinbach, German architect ; superintended the rebuilding of Strasburg cathedral till his death, 17 Jan. 13 18. Eexleben, Johann Christian Polycarp, Ger- man naturalist; h. 11 June, 1744; published " Systema Eegni NaturaliSj" 1777; ^- 18 Aug. 1777. EscHEKEACH, "Wolfram von, German minne- singer; said by Schlegel to be "the greatest poet Germany has ever had;" composed his chief work, " Parzival/' about 1204. EscoBAE, Marina de, Spanish nun ; h, 8 Feb. 1554; founded a new religious order, called " The Recollection of St. Bridget," 1582 ; d. 9 June, 1633. EscoBAB Y Mendoza, Antomo, Spanish Jesuit preacher and casuist, and poet ; satir- ized by Molifere in " Tartuffe;" 6. 1589; d. 4 July, 1669. EscoiQUiz, Juan, Spanish statesman; 5. 1762 ; tutor of the prince of Asturias, (Ferdinand VII.), and obtained influence over him; em- ployed by him, but soon disgraced, 1814; d. 27 Nov. 1820. EscoEEiAO, Jean d', French poet, nephew of DuBartas; published ^'La Chxistiade," 1613. EsMENAED, Joseph Alphonse, French poet and journalist; 6. 1770; banished by Napo- leon for attacking Kussia ; d, 25 June, 1811. EsPAGNET, Jean d', French magistrate and alchemist ; published " Enchiridion PhysicEe Eestitutse," 1625. EsPABTEEO, Joaquin Baldomero, duke of Victory, Spanish statesman, son of a cartwright; 6. 27 Feb. 1793. Served as volunteer against the French . 1808-14 Served under Morillo against the insurgents in Peru . 1815-24 Escaped from prison there . . . 1825 Married a rich wife ; came to Barcelona ; declared in favour of the new law of succession 1832 "With Mina commanded the royal army ; de- feated the Carlists near Bilboa June, 1835 Made viceroy of Navarre . 7 Sept. 1836 Gained the battle of Bilboa . . 25 Dec. 1836 Terminated the war by the treaty of Vergara, 31 Aug. 1839 Prime minister Oct. 1S40 Made regent in room of queen Christina, whom he had opposed 8 May, 1841 Quelled an insurrection by O'Donnell, Oct.; took Barcelona, T5 Nov. ; entered Madrid 30 Nov. 1841 Reaction against him ; successful insurrection in favour of Christina, July; compelled to retire to England Aug. 1S43 Beturned to Spain, and settled at Logrofio . 1848 Joined O'Donnell in an insurrection, July; became prime minister . 31 July, 1854 Resigned July, 1856 "VYith the " Progresista" party abstained from political action until they joined the insurrec- tion . Sept. 1868 EsPEJO, Ajitonio de, Spanish traveller ; joined Augustin Puiz in a mission to convert the In- dians north of Mexico, and explored the coun- try, 1580-3. EsPEN, Zeger Bernard van, Dutch jurist h. 9 July, 1646; d. 2 Oct. 1728. EsPENCE, Charles d', French theologian h. 151 1 ; pubUshed ''Institution d'un Prince Chrdtien," 1548; d, 1571. EsPEE, Eugen Johann Christoph, German entomologist ; 6. 2 June, 1742 ; published " European Butterflies, " 1777-1807; d. iSio. EsPEE, Johann Friedrich, brother, jGerman physicist; &. 6 Oct. 1732; d, 18 July, 1781. EsPlNEL, Vincent de, Spanish poet and novel- ist; 6. about 1540; said to have added a fifth string to the guitar; published "Arte Poetica Espaiiola," 1591 ; "Pelaciones de la Vida del Escudero Marcos de Obregon" {imitated by Le Sage in Gil Bias), 1618 ; d. about 1630. EsPiNOSA, Diego de, Spanish cardinal and statesman; 6. 1502; favourite and overbearing prime minister of Philip II. ; concerned in the murder of Don Carlos, 30 July, 1568; sud- denly disgraced; d. 5 Sept. 1572. EspiNOSA, Nicolas, Spanish poet ; &. about 1520; published a continuation of the "Or- lando Furioso" of Ariosto, 1555. ESP 158 EST EsPR^MESNiLj Jacques Duval d', Erench states- men : 1. Opposed the Englisli in India ; travelled dis- guised as a Brahmin through India ; chief of the council at Madras, 1746 ; returned to France when it was given up to the English, 1748 d. ijS-j 2. His son, h. 1746, accused the Queen, Marie Antoinette, of complicity in the ' ' diamond neck- lace affair," 1786 Discovered and firmly opposed the plan of the court to annihilate the parliaments, for preten- ded reforms 1787 Arrested during a session of the parliament 3-5 April 1788 Deputy for Paris in the States-General May, 1789 Contended for a limited monarchy under Louis XVI. ... . . .1790 Retired from politics . . . 1791 Tried, executed . . .23 April 1794 ESPEIT, Jacques, Erencli poet, &c. ; l>. 23 Oct. 161 1 ; published "Maximes," 1669; d. 6 July, 1678. EspRONCEDA, Jos^ de, eccentric Spanish poet ; 6. 1808; joined a secret society, and compelled to flee, about 1 82 1 ; took part in the revolution at Paris, July, 1830; returned to Spain, and employed by the government, 1840-1 ; v^rote "II Verdugo" (the executioner;) "II Men- digo'' (the beggar;) d. 23 May, 1842. Espy, James Pollard, American meteorologist ; 6. 9 May, 1 786 ; pubUshed " Philosophy of Storms," 1841 ; d. 24. Jan. i860. EsQUiEOS, Henri Alphonse, Erench essayist and poet; h. 1814; published " Evangile du Peuple" (for which he was imprisoned), 1840 ; " Histoire des Montagnards," 1847; compelled to leave France after 2 Bee. 1851 ; in the " Re- vue des Deux Mondes," wrote many papers on England and the English, 1855, et seq. EssARTS, Pierre des, French statesman ; b. about 1360; fought in the Scotch armies against Kichard II. and Henry IV ; taken prisoner at Homeldon, 1402 ; returned to France ; sup- ported the Armagnacs; captured and put to death by John, duke of Burgimdy, i July, 1413- Essen, Johan Henrick, Swedish general ; &. 1755; warned Gustavus III. of the plot to assassinate him, March, 1792; governor of va- rious provinces, 1795-1810; defended Stralsund against the French, 1807 ; governed Norway, 1813-16; d. 1824. Essex, Earls of, see Crormoell, Devereux, Capel. Essex, James, reviver of pure Gothic archi- tecture; 6. 1723; d. 14 Sept. 1784. EssLiNGER, master of the school of German troubadours ; wrote satires on Budolph of Habsburg, about 1273. EsTACAO (Statins), Achille, Portuguese poet ; h. 24 June, 1524; published ''Sylvae," 1549; "Monomochia Navis Lusitanias," &c., 1574; d. 28 Sept. 1581. EsTAiNG, Charles Hector d', daring but un- skilful French admiral; 6. 1729; d28 April, 1794. Served in the war with England in the East In- dieSj 1759-63 ; and in North America 177S-80 Defeated in a most daring attack on Savannah 9 Oct. 1779 Disgraced on his return home . . 1780 Made commander of the national guard ; ad- hered to the king, and endeavoured to act as mediator, 1789-Q0 Condemned by the revolutionary tribunal ; exe- cuted . 28 April, 1794 EsTAMPES, Anne de Pisseleu, duchess d', beau- tiful and learned ; h. 1 508 ; became mistress of Francis I., 1526; married to Jean deBrosse (made due d'Estampes) 1536 ; bribed by Charles v., 1540; influenced Francis to consent to the treaty of Crespy, 18 Sept. 1544; deprived of his jewels and exiled by Henry II. about 1547; d. in disgrace about 1576. ESTCOUET, James B. Bricknall, major-general; 6. 12 July, 1802; adjutant-general in the Cri- mea, 1854-55; d. 23 June, 1855. EsTE, marquesses of Tuscany, afterwards lords of Ferrara, ancient Italian family : Oberto I. Tuscan prince ; d. about 972. Oberto II. marquess of Tuscany ; d. about 1015. Albert Azzo I. son, marquess; opposed the emperor Henry II. ; imprisoned, 1014 ; d. 1029. Azzo II. son, marquess ; lieutenant of Henry IT. in Italy, 1045 ; took possession of Maine, about 1066 ; d. 1097. Hugo, count of Maine, son ; 6. about 1060 ; sold his inheritance to his brother Fulk, 1095 ; d. about 1135. FuLK I., brother; 6. about 1060; defended his fiefs against his brother Guelf of Bavaria ; d. about 1135. Obizzo, son, joined Lombard league against Frederic I., about 1167 ; made peace, 1177 ; elected podesta of Padua, 1182 ; made marquess of Milan and Genoa, about 1184 ; d. about 1190. Azzo III. IV., insignificant. Azzo v., son ; obtained power in Ferrara. Azzo VI., son; 6. about 11 70; ardent supporter of the popes ; defeated by Eccelino of Verona ; d, Nov. 1212. Aldobra-NDTno, son ; divided government of Ferarra with Salinguerra, 1213 : compelled to surrender Este to Eccelino of Verona ; d. probably poisoned, 1215. Azzo VII., the young, brother; 6, about 1205; ac- quired Ancona, 1224; after a struggle recovered Ferrara, 1240 ; recovered Padua from Eccelino, the Ghibelline, June 1256 ; defeated him at Cassano, 16 Sept. T259 ; d. 4 Feb. 1264. Obizzo IT., grandson ; b. about i2jo; joined Charles of Anjou against Manfred of Sicily, 1265; elected lord of Modena, 15 Dec. 1288 ; d. 13 Feb. 1293. Azzo VIII., son ; lord of Ferrara and Modena, 1293 ; civil war vpith his brothers ; d. 31 Jan. 1308. Fulk III., grandson ; succeeded, i3q8 ; soon lost his states. Francesco and Aldoeiiandino II., sons of Azzo VIII., lords of FeiTara, 131C-12. EiNAXDO, Obizzo II. , and Nicolo I. , lords of Fer- rara and Eovigo, sons of Aldobrandino II. ; first part of the 14th century. Aldobrandino III., son of Obizzo II.; 6. 1335; vigorous and able ; d. 3 Nov. 1361. NiooLO II., brother ; d. 26 March, 1388. Albert, brother ; put his nephew, the son of Obizzo, to death ; d. 30 July, 1393. NicoLO III., son ; 6. 1384 ; defended by Venice, &c., from his relative Azzo, 1394 ; captain-general of the papal army against Milan ; 1403 ; beheaded his second wife Parasina Malatesta for adultery, 1425 ; d. at Milan, 26 Dec. 1441. LiONELLo, son ; patron of letters ; negotiated a peace between Venice and Sicily, 1450 ; d. 1 Oct. 1450. BoRSo, brother ; made duke of Modena and Eeggio, 1452 ; of Ferrara, 1471 ; established printing in his states; d. 20 Aug. 1471. EST 159 ETT Ercolo I., brother; &. 1433: war to dispossess him failed, 1484 ; fostered letters ; Boiardo his friend and minister ,d. 25 Jan. 1505. Alfonso I., b. i486 ; joined the league of Cambrai, and fought against the Venetians, and gained several victories, but lost his states, 1509-12 ; married Lucrezia Borgia, 1502 ; recovered his states, 1513, 1522 ; d. 31 Oct. 1534. Ercolo II., son; b. 4 April, 150S ; made general of the papal army against Spain, but made peace, 18 March, 1558. Alfonso II., son; d. without issue, 27 Oct. 1597. (Pope Clement VIII. seized Ferrara, 1598.) The de- scendants of his brother Cesare ruled Modena, &c. Esther, or Edissa, queen of Ahasuerus (Xerxes I.), king of Persia; her mediation on behalf of the Jews led to the establishment of the Eeast of Purim, about B.O. 509. EsTiENNE (Stephanus), learned Erench printers : Henki, &. about 1460; disinherited for printing, 14S2; printed 120 works; the first, "Ethics of Aristotle," 1502 ; d. 1520. His sons : FRA^gois, b. 1502 ; d. 1550. Charles, &. 1504; piiblished Cicero, 1555; "Thesaurus Ciceroneanus," 1557 ; d. 1564. KOBERT I, ; b. 1503 ; married Perette, daughter of Josse Bade, professor and printer, 1528,- published his great Latin Bible, 1528 ; Hebrew Bible, 1539-44 ; Greek Testament, 1546 ; the same, with the Vulgate and Erasmus's Translation ; division into verses in- troduced, 1551 ; French Bible revised by Calvin, 1553; through his religious convictions and expected persecution, made arrangements for his family, and retired to Geneva, 1551; published his "Concordance," 1555; <^. 7 Sept. 1559. His sons : Henri II. ; 6. 1528 ; printed Anacreon at Paris. 1554 ; set up an office at Geneva, 1557; published " Dic- tionnaire de M6decine," 1564; "Thesaurus Grsecje Linguse" (materials partly collected by Robert;, 1572 ; severely treated by the council at Geneva for expres- sions in his "Apologie pour H^rodote," and " Epi- grammes," 1579-80; d. early in March, 1598. Paul, son of Henri II. ; b. Jan. 1566 ; completed his father's imfiuished works ; commenced a series of Greek classics, 1599; compromised in a conspiracy on behalf of the duke of Savoy ; banished from Geneva, 1605-T1 ; sold his printing office, and d. about 1627. His son, Antoine, b. 1592 ; set up at Paris ; became a cathoUc ; printer to the king, 1615 ; d. 1674. Robert II., second son of Robert I., poet; b. 1530; d. at Geneva, 1570. His son, Robert; 6. about 1560 ; d. 1630. FRANgojs II., son of Robert I. ; zealous protestant ; set up an office at Geneva, 1562 ; printed a Bible .with engravings; censured by the council, 1566-7; d. xmcertain. EsTius, see Hessels. EsTOCQ, see Lestocq. EsTOiLE, see L'EstoUe. EsTOR, Johann Georg, German jurist; 6. 9 July 1699; d. 25 Oct. 1773. EsTOUTEVlLLE, GuiUaume d', Erench prelate and cardinal; h. before 1403; maintained the liberties of the Erench church; reformed the imiversity of Paris; enlarged and adorned Rouen cathedral; d. 22 Dec. 1483. ESTRADES, Godefroi, comte d', Erench states- man and marshal; h. 1607; d, 26 Eeb. 1686; his ''Lettres, M^moires, et Ndgociations " printed 1709 and 1 719. EsTR^ES, d', French family : FKANgois Anntbale, due, marshal and diplomatist (brother of Gabrielle) ; h. 1573 ; his " Memoires de la Regence de Marie de Medecis," published 1666 ; d. 5 May, 1670. Gabrielle, h. 1571 or 1572. Became mistress of Henry IV. of France near the end of . 1590 Entered Paris as if queen . . 15 Sept. 1594 Amassed great riches ; became duchesse de Beau- fort J595 d. (possibly of poison) in the night, 9 or 10 April, 1599. Jean, son of FranQois, admiral and marshal ; h. 1624 ; blamed for inaction in the battles with the Dutch at Sole Bay, 28 May, 1672 ; and at the Texel, 11 Aug. 1673- Cesar, son of Francois, cardinal ; 6. 5 Feb. 1628 ; negotiated the treaty "Peace of the Church ;" and made cardinal, 1674. Victor Marie, son of Jean, marshal and diplomat- ist ; b. 30 Nov. 1660 ; encouraged literature : served under Tourville, 1690, et scq. ; at the incomplete battle of Malaga, 13 Aug. 1704 ; d. 28 Dec. 1737. Louis Charles Cesar, Le Tellier, marquis de Cour- tanvaux, comte (nephew of Victor) ; b. 4 May, 1697 ; fought in Spain and Germany ; decided the battle of Fontenoy in favour of the French, 11 May, 1745 ; defeated the duke of Cumberland at Hastemback. 26 July, 1757 ; replaced by Richelieu, soon after ; minis- ter of state, July, 1758 ; due, 1763 ; d, 1771. ETAiiPES, duchesse d', see Estampes. Etex, Antoine, Erench sculptor ; b. 20 March 1808 ; published "Essai sur le Beau," 1851. Ethelbald, king of Wessex ; Jl. 850-60. Etheleeet, king of England, 858-66. Etheleeet, king of Kent, Bretwalda, 560 ; married Bertha, a Christian, about575; received Augustin the monk; baptized, 25 Dec. 597; issued a collection of laws about 600; esta- blished a cathedral; d. 24 Eeb. 616. Ethelfleda, daughter of Alfred the great ; styled " Lady of Mercia ; " governed the states of her husband, Ethelred ; d. 920. Etheleed I. II., kings of England : I. son of Ethelwolf; king, 866; contended with the Danes d. April, 871 II. the Unready, son of Edward II. ; king, 18 March, 879; first paid tribute to the Danes for peace, 991; married Emma of Normandy, 1002 ; ordered the Danes in England to be slain on 13 Nov. 1002 ; (severely revenged) ; fled to Normandy, 1013; returned . d. 23 April, 1016 Ethelwold, St., friend of Dunstan ; 6. about 925; bishop of Winchester, 963; reformed the monasteries, enforcing celibacy; d. i Aug. 984. Ethel'WOLF, son of Egbert, king of England, 837 ; d. Jan. or June, S58. Fought with the Danes ; defeated them tho- roughly at Ockley, 851 ; visited Ptome, 855; married Judith, daughter of Charles the Bald, I Oct. 856; divided the kingdom with his son, Ethelbald 857 Etheeege (or, Etheeidge), Sir GJeorge, drama- tist ; b. about 1636; his "Comical Kevenge ; or, Love in a Tub," performed, 1664; d. about 1694. Ethicus, or.^THicus, Christian philosopher of the 4th century; wrote a "Cosmographia." Ettingshausen, Andreas von, German physi- cist ; b. 25 Nov. 1796; published a treatise on natural philosophy, 1844-45. ETT 160 EUS Bttmullee, Michael, German medical philo- sopher ; b. 26 May, 1644; published "Institu- tionea Medicinse," 1676; d. 9 March, 1683. Etty, William, R.A., painter ; b. 10 March, 1787; exhibited "Coral-finders," 1820; "Cleo- patra," 1821; "Pandora," 1824; d. 13 Nov. 1849. Euclid (Eucleides), Alexandrian geometer, jl. about B.C. 323-283. EuD^stON, Giovanni Andrea, Candian Jesuit; h. about 1 560 ; wrote many controversial papers; "ad Ludovicum XIII. Admonitio" (a libel), 1625 ; d. 1625. EuDES, crowned Idng of France, 887 ; defeated EoUo the Norman, 889 ; beaten by him, 890 ; quelled the Aquitanian rebels, 891 ; d. I Jan. 898. EuDES, Jean, French monk and orator ; b. 14 Nov. 1601 ; travelled as a reforming missionary through France, 1632-35; estabUshed a new religious society, termed " Eudistes ; " autho- rized, Dec. 1642; constituted, 25 March, 1643; pubbihed "Vie et Eoyaume de J^sus," &c., 1637; d. 19 Aug. 1680. EuDES, or EuDON, duke of Aquitaine; b. 665 ; d. 735- Increased his territories by conquest from his neighbours, 687-715 ; contended with Charles Martel ; peace, 720 ; totally defeated the Sara- cens under Abd-el-Melek, 721 ; defeated by the Saracens, 732 ; with Charles Martel totally de- feated them between Tours and Poitiers, Oct. 732 EuDOCiA (bom Athenais), empress, daughter of the sophist, Leon ; b. about 393 ; converted and baptized; married to the emperor, Theo- dosius II., 421 ; influenced public affairs about 435-442 ; repudiated by her jealous husband, 444 ; retired to the Holy Land ; d. about 460. EcDOxus of Cnidus, Greek astronomer and physician ; Jl. about B.C. 366. Eugene, Francis, prince of Savoy-Carignan; general; b. 18 Oct. 1663; d. 21 April, 1736. Entered service of emperor, Leopold II. . 1683 Defeated the Turks at Zenta . . 11 Sept. 1697 Defeated the French, under Villeroi, at Carpi, g July; at Chiari . . . i Sept. 1701 Surprised Cremona and captured "Villeroi, 31 Jan. and i Feb. 1702 "With Marlborough defeated Tallard at Blenheim, 13 Aug. 1704 His indecisive battle at Cassano 16 Aug. 1705 Defeated the French at Turin . . 7 Sept. 1706 "With Marlborough defeated the French, under ViUars, at Malplaquet . . 11 Sept. 1709 Came to London to support Marlborough against his enemies early in . ... 1712 Defeated at Denain by "Villars . 24 July, 1712 Signed peace with "Villars at Eastadt . 6 March, 1714 Took command of the army against the Turks ; defeated them at Peterwardein . 5 Aug. 1716 Besieged Belgrade ; defeated the army sent to relieve it, 16 Aug. ; entered the city . 18 Aug. 1717 Eesumed command in the war respecting Poland, 1733 Advised the peace of Vienna, signed . 3 Oct 1735 EuaiiiNE Bbadhaenais, see JBeauliwrnais. EuGiKiE, empress of the French ; b. 5 May, 1826 ; married Napoleon III., 29 Jan. 1853. Eugenics Bulgaeis, learned Greek prelate ; 6. 1716 ; made archbishop of Slavonia and Cherson by Catherine II. ; translated the jilneid into modem Greek, printed 1786-94; d. 1806. Bugenius I. — IV. popes : I. elected, S Sept. 654 . . . d. 2 June, 658 II. elected, 824 ; promoted popular education ; said to have introduced trial by cold water d. 27 Aug, 827 III. Bernardo of Pisa ; elected, 27 Feb. 1145 ; ex- pelled by Arnold of Brescia, who declared that Christ's "kingdom is not of this world:" re- turned d.S July, I153 IV. Gabriele Condolmere : elected, March, 1431 ; opposed the council of Basel, and promoted a brief re-union of the Greek and Latin churches at the council of Florence, 1439 : accused of en- couraging the Hungarians to break the truce with the Turks, which led to the disastrous battle of Varna, 10 Nov. 1444 . d. 23 Feb. 1447 EuLEE, Leonhard, Swiss mathematician and physicist; J. 15 April, 1707; professor at St. Petersburg, 1730; at Berlin, 1741; became blind, and returned to St. Petersburg, 1766 ; published "Lettres h une Princesse d'AHe- magne," 1768-72 ; and numerous treatises and papers; d. 7 Sept. 1783. His sons, mathematicians : Johann Alebecht, b. 27 Nov. 1734 ... d. 6 Sept. 1800 Caul, 6. 15 Jiily, 1740 . . d. 7 March, 1790 Chbjstoph, b. I May, 1743 . . . . d. 1812 EuMENES, of Cardia, Greek general ; b. about B.C. 361 ; secretary to Alexander the Great ; opposed Antigonus ; defeated, and surrendered by his own soldiers, and put to death in the winter of 317-16. EuMENES I., II. of Pergamus : I. ruled B.C. 263-241 II. king, 197 : allied with the Eomans, and fought with them against Antiochus at Mag- nesia, igo : visited Rome ; obtained Mysia, Lydia, &c. , as his reward ; intrigued with Per- seus of Macedon, and hence suspected by Home A 159 EUNAPIUS, Greek sophist and historian ; b. about 347 ; wrote " Lives of the Sophists." EuNOMins, Greek heretic ; founder of the Eunomians, or Anomcei, about 360. EuNUS, leader of the Sicilian slaves in the servile war, B.C. 136 ; at Enna, assumed the title of king Antiochus, 135 ; gained several victories over the Homans ; defeated by Cal- purnius Naso, 133; made prisoner ; d. 132. EupOLis, Greek satirical dramatist ; b. about B.C. 446. EuEiPiDES, Greek tragic poet ; 5. about B.O. 480; said to have written 75 or 92 plays ; 18 extant ; Alcestis exhibited, 438 ; Medea, 431 ; Hecuba, 423, &c. ; d. in Macedon, 406. EuSEBins, Saint, elected pope, 20 May; d. 26 Sept. 310. EusEBius of Cfesarea, Greek father; b. about 264; bishop of Csesarea, about 315; deprecated the punishment of Arius, but op- posed his doctrines, 327 ; wrote " Ghronicon,' "Prisparatio Evangelica," and "Historia Eoclesiastioa," &o. ; d. about 34c. EUS 161 EVE EusEBlDS of Nicomedia, friend of Anus ; h. about 324 ; banished ; restored ; d. about 342- EusDEN, Lawrence, poet laureate, 1719 ; pub- lished "Poems" on various events, 1717-27; d. 27 Sept. 1730. Edstaohi, Bartolomeo, Italian anatomist; 6. early in i6th century; discovered the Eus- tachian tube, leading from the ear-drum to the throat ; "wrote " De Auditfts Organo," " De Dentibus," "Ossium Bxamen,'' &c. ; d. 1574. EusTATHius, bishop of Antioch ; zealous opponent of Arius ; falsely accused and banished, 329 or 330 ; d. in exile. EuSTATHlus, archbishop of Thessalonica ; most learned man of his age ; wrote a com- mentary on Homer ; d. 1 198. Edtkopius, Koman historian ; Jl. about 320. EuTROPIUS, eunuch, minister of Arcadius, the emperor; beheaded, 399. EuTTCHES, Greek heretic; b. 378; he main- tained peculiar notions respecting Christ's incarnation ; approved by the " Thieves' synod" at Ephesus, 449 ; condemned at Chalce- don, 451 ; his followers termed Eutychians and Monophysites ; d. about 454. EuTTCHiABUS, Saint, pope; ordaiaed, 5 or 6 Jan. 275 ; rf. 7 or 8 Dec. 283. Edttchius, Arabic historian and philosopher ; I. 876; patriarch of Alexandria, 933; wrote a history of the Saracens, universal history, &c. ; d. 12 May, 940. EvAGORAS, Greek warrior, ally of the Athen- ians, B.C. 405 ; obtained power in Cyprus, 387 ; king of Salamis, 385 ; assassinated mth his son Pnytagoras, 374. EvAGKius, Greek theologian, patriarch of An- tioch, about 388. Of Epiphaneia, or Scholasti- cus; wrote ecclesiastical history; d. about 536. Of Pontus, ascetic ; wrote " Monachus;" d. about 399. EvANGELi, Antonio, Italian critic and poet ; 5. 1742 ; translated Gray's " Elegy " into Latin, 1772; d. 28 Jan. 1805. Evans, Arise, (Rice or John), a Welsh clergy- man, necromancer ; pubhshed " Almanacks " and prognostications, 1713, 1725. Evans, Caleb, American baptist; J. 1737; defended the American colonists in a letter to John Wesley, 1775; d. 9 Aug. 1791. Evans, Sir De Lacy, general; i. 1787; served in India, Peninsula, America, and France, 1807-15 ; M.P. for Westminster, 1833-41, 1846-65 ; commanded the Spanish legion in Spaiu, 1835; engaged in the Crimea, 1854-5; made 6.B.B., 1855. Evans, Evan, Welsh theologian and poet ; h. about 1730 ; published "Specimens of the Poetry of the Ancient Welsh Bards," 1764; d. 1790. Evans, James Harrington, Baptist minister ; J. 1785; d. I Dec. 1849. Evans, John, dissenting minister ; i. 1767; published " Sketch of Denominations of Chris- tians," 1794; d. 20 April, 1827. EVjVNS, John, antiquary and geologist ; i. 1823 ; published "Ancient British Coins," 1864. Evans, Marianne, novelist and poetess, known by her nom de plume of " George EHot;" b. about 1S20; published "Scenes of Clerical Life," 1858; "Adam Bede," 1859; "Mill on theEloss," i860; "Silas Mamer," 1861; "Eomola," 1863; "Felix Holt," 1866; " The Spanish Gypsy," a dramatic poem, 1868. Evans, Oliver, American engineer; h. 1755; invented machinery for cotton manufacture ; obtained a patent for a steam carriage, 2 1 May, 1797 ; his factory at Pittsburg burnt down, II March; d. 15 March, 181 1. EvANSON, Edward, theologian ; i. April, 1 73 1 ; attacked Christianity in his " Dissonance of the four generally received Evangelists," 1792; rf. 25 Sept. 1805. EvAEISTUS, St., pope, 100; multiplied churches; ordered altars to be made of stone and blessed ; divided Home into parishes ; d. 109. Evelyn, John, scholar, philosopher, and ar- dent royalist; b. 31 Oct. 1620; d. 27 Feb. 1706. Published " Sculptura." a history of engraving, 1662 ; " Sylva : a discourse of Forest Trees," 1664 : " Fumi- fugium," 1661 ; " Terra," 1675 : "' Mundus Muliebris," 1690; "Numismata," 1697 : " Acetaria," 1698. Peter the Great, czar of Russia, resided in his house at Say's court, Deptford, three months, 1697. His Diary (1641-1706) published, 1818. Evelyn, John, son; b. 14 Jan. 1654; pub- lished " History of the Grand Vizier," &c. ; 1673; translated Kenatus's work "Of Gardens," 1673; d. 24 March, 1699. EvEMEEDS, or EuHEMERUS, SiciUan philoso- pher, about B.C. 320; in his " Sacred History," suggested that the Greek mythology referred to men. EvERAKD, Johaimes Secundus, Dutch states- mau and poet; b. 151 1 ; wrote " Basia," printed, 1631 ; d. 8 Oct. 1536. EvEKDiNGEN, Aldert van, Dutch marine and landscape painter ; b. 1621 ; rf. Nov. 1675. Everest, Sir George, colonel and military engineer ; 6.4 July, 1 790 ; surveyed Java, 1814-16 ; appointed superintendent of the trigo- nometrical survey of India, 1823 ; completed the measurement of a meridional arc in India, 1841 ; published his " Measurements," 1847 ; d. I Dec. 1866. (" Mount Everest," 29,002 feet high, in the Himalayas, is the highest mountaiu yet known.) Everett, brothers, American diplomatists and scholars : Alexander Henry ; b. 19 March, 1790 ; accom- panied Adams to St. Petersburg . . . 1809 Visited London, Paris, &c 1812 Joined his brother Edward, in the direction of " North American Heview " , . . . 1829 Published " Europe ; or, a General Survey," &c., 1822; "New Ideas on Population," 1823: " America ; or, a General Siurvey," &c. 1827 L KVK lli'J vwn EowA.:\u>; ft, ii Aivill, 170.1 ; odvwiitoiUorftolsi'Siy- i8ao 1880 Hitltor 01' " Nmlh AliiiM'loiui Diovlow" , .rrulVssor tvt Uitstou l^ltMuboi' of rimnivss Anu»rioHn MtiiisliM' in liimdiui . , rivstiiont III' HavvtvviM\>U(W ... Woim\iUh\v nrstfvti* untlor I'Mllinttro. 185a: ''- i'(»ltv». 18(^3 lOvKUsi.Kv, Vioiwmt, Hoo Wmiii) /.f /'Vi'ir. HwAi.ii, Hans, DiuuhIi \kw{. ; 6, iS Nnv. I7.|,i; wiHito Mio " \li'tM\ of UiUilcr," "'I'lio Ii'IsIum'm," Si'.; rf. 17 Mivivli, 17S1, MwAi.ii, .ItiliaMU liiulwij;', Cii'nimn t.li(«>1ii,w'lii.ii mill oihu'iiUmiiU wriUM' ; Ik 1(1 Smili, 1747 ; (ilipiisoil ndumiUlsui ; iiiilili»li<>il " Wliidi hIiuuIiI tilui Niilvility now ilu'l" 1793; " linvoluUiMw; Uitiir(!imsua," I'io., 1711.;; «. 19 Miiivli, iS.'j, HWALI), Hi'iiirU'U OonVH' Auk'UhI'. (ii'nimii orioiiUiliiit mill liisl.iu'imi; li. id Nov, 1S03; imiilislioil work on UoiiohIh, iSj_! ; " lll«l,iu'y of NViiol," iS.|,550, Hw.Mir, .liiMi>|ili ClirlHl.oplioi', lllu'i'iil politii'laii i h. kSix) ; M,l', foi- liivorjiool, iSi;5-65j il. i.|, ])iH., iSdS, lOwAiiT, AVillimii, lu'oUioi', iiioi'olimil., lllioml IHililiouui; II. 17i)S; M.l'. I'm' l.ivot'|iool, iSjo-i, lS,!,i-7; fi"' I'liliil'i'loH, lS.n-(i7; InMtnimoiiliii ill tlui aiipoliil.iiiont of 11 inmiiiiiiUm iiu woi((liti( mill iiioiuiiiriiH, 1S62 ; niiil iiiikhIh^' im not poi'- niittiiin' tliti UNO of tlio iiiotrio hjnUiiii, •Inly, iSd.j.; d. 2) Jan. 1869, ||)\viN(i, (JioviUo, Soutoh iiiiniHtoi'i h, 17671 ]MililiHliuil (ivouk (immuuw and liuxloou, l803, lS.'7; ,/, iS.n Hwi,iVA-l'',FifKNiii, loaviioil TuvklNli tnivullw'; h. 1611; Mnbftgaador at Vloana, io6.|. 1 tranni- latlon of liiH " Tiavola," prhitdil, iH,i.|'50 j d. ahout 1679, iiixicuiANS, Bomy ■lomipli l>iiilore, oniiiUs Fronoh miu'slial ; 4, 13 Nov. 1775 i pliio Ji'mnvoiHO," l()l8, &ii, ; il,. 25 ■Inly, l(i,)(). lOxi'll.i.v, .loan 1I0M011I1, Abliil d', li'miioli ^oo- Hra|ilioi'; '). 171'); )iimi1Ih1ioiI " ('ohiiiiiki'ii|i1iIo," i7A<) ', ".roiyulioi'ogniiililo/' 1755, An.; ((. Ji;xi'iM;Y, liodB Aloximilro, liVoniili |iniIatoj 6.24 l''«li. 1742; olouLnil liiHlioii of ii'liildtui'l'S, ootmoiinitoil liy 'ralloymnil, anil ailiiiltUiil Into tliii Natluriiil AHBuiiiliiy, 24 I'Vib. 179' I uxniniloil wil)h twonty-flvo of IiIm oolluagnsi fov liavhig aiijioakd to tho dii|iarUiiuiit agalutli tllS Oou- vonlilon, 22 May, 1 7^4. lilvoK, vmi, KleiukU iMvlnloiti : .Ian, o( Iliiiiii'K, liiTOUloviiv nivlvor of oil iwiiit. lug; l>. rtlioiili nuoi iwliili'il "Tlw Ailoi'iilliiii of llio My»lli'iU l,uiiil>, lull tdipiiU, i.|»i> j (Willi, iiiwiili.v Vlilli\i, iliikiuit llvuitvuuly. i^jn; iwlllwl ftl IIi'IIH™, UjN .... i(. M •'ill)', 1441 llmiHiiT. liiHitlu'i'; ^ 13(18, . . 1', 1(1 Hi'iii i4»S Mmio.viiht, aUtur . . , , d. iUhiuI. 14-11, KM.115KNN, rii'iTo, mm )7viw(, |i',\ 1111(4, •lean llapt.tato llviiott, Fiviioli |^i- Hm|ilior, So,; (1, J4 .limo, 17(17; il. \i J«u«, i,S.|t>. li'.vriJi.wiaN, .loliaiiii AlUi'oolil, (liirmiMi eag|, iii'iT ; 6, u l>oo. 17(14 ; d, 18 Anj, i!<,|,8, lOviiW, ICilwiiiil .loliii, t.iuvoller tuul ooloiilij Hovonior; b. ftlitwt uSiT f'lottliMi (m dlmiiii fiirium' In AunlvilUrt , .8jj I'liltiuiiiiii IiIm " iilniiiivtirliDi tu VViifnU Avubra* llii" \^^ l.linil.,Kiivm'iiiifOf NmvZsfttad, JlUti'JJl ot Stk VlnoKiit, iHm lu: ■<( i^nbtgUK , . , iSjg.Oo (loviTiiiii' 111 iiliii'ro(,iittnftloft,»j Jnly, Mi', ivip- iivoHNiiil an InHiii'i'iiiiUou , , , (lot, iH% ltiotiiuiilim'uiiilwtlih\mdn«uv«rll)y Julj>,i8Qo (imiiii jui'v I'ojiiiii. iiili o( tudloUuwt agtlnit Ittm » Eyton, Bov. Uoliorl AVIlliaiu, l.opoKi.KKIKl,, llolu'OW pl'opluitlj lUHIllllBllltlll ttllimll ii.i'. 51)5.57.1,. li)/u,v tilio prloHli, ooniinlHKloiiml liy A Hiwtm'xm of I'oi'Nla (ill nibiillil liliu Uuiiiilu at ,1 tii'iutulsm, iilioiil 11,0. 457, F |i'aiiiiiii'/,i, TiuIkI Clii/lo ilii, Voiiol.laii wvltwi />, alioiil, 1450; piilillHlioil " Oi'Igliio do' VuIkmI rrovorhl," 'i5J()i 1/. aliiiut 1526. ll'iMlllllllNI, HOO /'Wll'imt. ll'AllUlt, MOO /'VWK, Ii'aiikii, |i'i'Oiloi'lolt,pootaiidUi«iiliit(lan;fi, 18151 liooaiiio lloiiiauiiit anil iii'alitii'laii ; pubUtM "(lliovwoll Waliii'-lllv," 18401 "'rrnotl on tllO dhimili," iHji); "(.)'ral,oi7 o( St, rliiUp Nori," 18501 (/. aOHopli. I8li3, |i,Miii)ii, ((in.ii'([(i) Stanlsy, UiooloBlan; '), aj Oct. i77,i ; iiwwl.oi' of Hliovliiiiit'iie Jloitiiltftl, Jliirlittm, 1833; jmlillmhed "Jlomi MoMalinti" (llamiiUm liiioUiniM) 1801 1 " Diwwi'tattim ini tliti Mj«' torloMiirtlui diiliyi'l," 1803J "Origin of Vnm IilulaLry," iKiti'; ''Sftowd ( laloudar of .Iw liliiiuy,'' 1H2S; i- lioyle as superintendent of the "* Botanic Garden, Calcutta . . . 1830 Explored the Sowalik Hills and made great palreontologicftl discoveries .... 1831-4 Keturned to England \\ith very large collections, which he was employed to arrange . 1835-48 Returned to India, and made further re- soachos 1848-55 Ketiuned to England : devoted to research . 1856-65 Falconer, WilUiun, Scotch poet; h. about 1730 ; published "The ShipwTeck," 1762; "Universal Dictionary of the Marine," 1769* d. shipwrecked, Dec. 1700, Falconer, WiUiam, pliy.sieian ; h. 1743; pub- lished "Remarks on the luHiieneo of (.'limate," 1781 ; "Essay on the Bath Watere," 1770; d. 1S24. Falconet, Etienne Maurice, French sculptor; b. 1 716; employed by Catherine II, for the great statue of Peter at St. Petersburg, 1776-78; 1/. 24 Jan. 1791. Falconetto, Giovanni Maria, Veronese painter aiul architect ; b. I45S; d. 1534. Falii:ko. M;uint\ doge of A'enioe ; b. 1274; captured Zara, after defeating Louis of Hun- gary, 1 ,luly, 1340; elected doge, 10 Oct. IJ54; conspired against the republic because an insult to his wife was not sufficiently punished; beheaded, 17 April, 1355. Falk, JuIkuui Daniel, German satiric poet and pldlantlivoiii.st; b. 17t)S; d. 14 Feb. 1826. Falki,.\ni\ \ iseomit, see Vary. Fai.le, l'liili|i, geographer; 6. 1655; pub- lished " Aeeount of Jersey," 1694; rf, 1742, Fallopio, CJabriele, Italian anatomist; b. about ■5-^3; pubhshed " t)bservationes Auatomicie," 1561 ; d. 9 t)et. 1562. Fallows, Rev. Fearon, astronomer; b. 4 July, 1789; director of the observatory at the Cape of Good Hope, 1821 ; published " Catixlogue of Stai-s," 1S24; d. 25 July, 1S31. Falstale (or Falstolp), Sir John, warrior ; b. about 1377 ; served under Henry V. in Prance, 141 5, et seq.; defeated the French at the " battle of herrings " (intercepting a convoy of fish to reUeve the garrison of Orleans), 14 Feb, 1429; employed by the regent, 1430-40; d. 15 Get. 1459. Fancourt, Samuel, dissentingminister; 6.1678; said to have founded the fii'st cii'oidating library in London; d. 1768. FAN 165 TAK Fanshawe, Sir Richard, royalist, diplomatist, and poet, Latin secretary to Charles II. ; 6. June, 1608; translated Guarini's "Pastor Fido," &o. ; his "Original Letters" published, 1701; d. 16 June, 1666. His wife, Ann; b. 1625; wrote "Memoirs," published, 1829; d. 1679. Fant, Erik Michael, Swedish antiquary ; b. 9 Jan. 1754 ; edited " Scriptores Kerum Suecica- rum Medii Mvi" printed 1818-28; d. 23 Oct. 1817. Fantoni, Giovanni, Italian lyric poet ; b. 27 Nov. 1755 ; published " Odi Oraziane ed Anar creontiche," 1785; d. I Nov. 1807. Fantosme, Jordan, historical poet, 1 2th cen- tury ; wrote " Chronicle of the War with the Scots," 1173-74; published 1839. Faraday, Michael, chemist, physicist, and philosopher, son of James Faraday, a smith; b. 22 Sept. 1791 ; d. 25 Aug. 1867. Apprenticed to a bookseller and bookbinder . 1804 Appointed chemical assistant to Sir Humphry Davy in the lloyal Institution . i March, 1813 Travelled with him (as assistant) on the continent, Oct. 1813 — April, 1815 Reported the discovery of the chloride of car- bon Dec. 1820 Discovered the rotation of a magnet round an elec- tric current 25 Dec. 1821 Liquefied chlorine and other gases . . 1823 Began the Christmas lectures (on chemistry), 29 Dec. 1829 Published his discoveries of magneto-electric conduction 24 Nov. 1831 Appointed Fullerian professor of chemistry at the Eoyal Institution 1833 Published new law of electric conduction 23 May, 1833 Laws of electric decomposition 20 June, 1833 Origin of power in the voltaic pile 7 April, 1834 Eesearches on frictional electricity . 30 Nov. 1837 Magnetization of a ray of light . . Nov. 1845 Dia-magnetism and the magnetic condition of aU matter 18 Dec. 1845 Magne-crystallic force (in bismuth, &c. ), 7 Dec. 1848 Discovery of magnetism of flame and gases, 2 Aug. 1850 Eesearches on atmospheric magnetism, 9 Oct. and 19 Nov. 1850 Published " Chemical Manipulation " . 1827-30, 1842 " Experimental Kesearchea in Electricity and Magnetism," 3 vols 1839-55 "Experimental Kesearches in Chemistry and Physics 1859 Permitted the publication of Lectures on "The Chemical History of a Candle," 1861 : on " Forces of Matter," i860 ; on " The Metals " . 1853 Fabdella, Michelangelo, Sicilian philosopher; b. 1650 ; published " Universse Philosophiae Systema," 1691 ; d. 2 Jan. 1 718. Faeel, Guillaume, French reformer ; b. 1489; d. 13 Sept. 1565. Sustained thirteen theses on the points contro- verted between Komanists and Protestants at Basel 15 Feb. 1524 Quarrelled with Erasmus, whom he compared to Balaam ; retired to Strasburg . . March, 1524 Settled at Easel : declared a protestant, 15 Feb. 1528 Joined Calvin ; expelled from Geneva . April, 1538 At Neufchatel established a severe ecclesiastical discipline Feb. 1542 Preached throughout Switzerland: married Marie Forel about 1557 Imprisoned for preaching at Gap (soon released) : 24 Nov. 1561 Faret, Nicolas, French historian and poet ; b. about 1600; published "Vertus neo&saires k un Prince," 1623, &c. ; d. 1646. Farby, John, geologist ; b. 1 766 ; published " View of Agriculture and Minerals of Derby- shire," 1811-17 ; d. 6 Jan. 1826. His son, John, civil engineer; b. 20 March, 1791 ; published "Treatise on the Steam Engine," 1827 ; d. 17 July, 1851. Faria y Souza, Manoel de, Portuguese his- torian ; b. 1 590 ; began to publish his " tepi- tome de las Historias Portuguezas, " 1628 ; exiled for his comments on the " Lusiades ; " his " Europa Portugueza" printed, 1667; " Asia Portugdeza," 1666-75 > " Africa Portu- gueza," 1681 ; d. 3 June, 1649. Fahinato, Paolo, Veronese painter; b. 1525 ; d. 1606. Fakinellt, Carlo Broschi, Italian singer ; (said to have had the finest tenor voice known) ; b. 24 Jan. 1705 ; favourite of Philip V. and Ferdinand VI. of Spain, 1736-59; d. 15 July, 1782. Faeinodon, Anthony, eloquent preacher ; b. 1596 ; d. Sept. 1658. Fakini, Carlo Lmgi, Italian statesman and physician ; b. 22 Oct. 1822 ; expelled the Roman states ; returned, and became minister of the interior under the pope, 1847 ; retired when the republic was proclaimed, Feb. 1 849 ; dictator of the province of jEmilia (including Parma, Modena, and the Romagna), i860 ; Sardinian minister of the interior, i860- 1 ; d. I Aug. 1866. Parish, William, physicist ; b. 1759! P™' fessor at Cambridge ; d. 12 Jan. 1837. Farmer, Hugh, dissenting theologian ; b. 1 7 14 ; published " Dissertation on Miracles," 1771 ; "Essay on Demoniacs of the New Testament," 1775; d. 6 Feb. 1787. Farmer, Dr Richard, archsologist ; b, 28 Aug. 1735; published " Essay on the Learn- ing of Bhakspeare," 1766 ; d. 8 Sept. 1797. Faknabie, Thomas, philologist, and emment schoolmaster; 6. 1575; published "Systema Grammaticum, " 1641 ; d. 12 June, 1647. Farnese, Italfan family, dukes of Parma, &c. : 1. PiETKO Luiai, son of pope Paul I. ; b. about 1490 : established the duchy of Parma and Pla- centia, 1545 : assassinated by conspirators against his tyranny ... 10 Sept. 1547 2. Ottavio, son ; b. about 1520 ; recovered his duchy about 1555 . . . . d. 18 Sept. 1585 3. Ales.s.vndko, son ; great general : b. 1546 ; recovered the southern Netherlands for Spain, 1578-9 ; reduced Antwerp by famine, 1584-5 ; duke, 1585 ; made Henry IV. raise the siege of Paris, 1590 . . d. ot wounds, 3 Dec. 1592 4. Eanuzio, son ; i. 1569; duke, 1592 ; tyranni- cal ; put down a conspiracy with severity, 19 May, 1612 .... d. March, 1622 5. Odoardo, son ; b. 28 April, 1612 ; duke, 1622 ; joined France against Austria ; nearly ruined, 1633 ; favoured literature . . t*. 12 Sept. 1646 FAE 166 FATJ 6. Kandzio II., son; 6. 1630: lost Castro; be- headed his base minister, Gaufridi, by Tvhom lie had suffered losses, 1670 . rf. 11 Dec. 1694 7. Fkanoesco, son; b. ig May, 1678: the duchy subjected to the empire by treaty, 1720 d. 26 Feb. 1727 8. Antonio, brother : 6. 29 Nov. 1679 ; d. 20 Jan. 1731, when the family was extinct. Fakquhab, George, Irish dramatist ; h. 1678 ; published " Kecruiting Officer, " 1705; "Beaux' Stratagem," 1707 ; d. 1 707. Faruant, Eiohard, musical composer ; d. about 1585. Fabhen, Eliza, dramatic singer; 1>. 1759; made her dehut in Liverpool, 1773 : London, 1777 ; married to the earl of Derby, I May, 1797 ; if. 23 April, 1829. Fabb, AVilliam, 51. C, statistician; h. 1S07 ; appointed compiler of abstracts in the regis- trar-general's office, 1838 (and since superin- tendent), 1838 ; census commissioner, 1851 and 1861 ; constructed "the English Life-Table," printed for the government, 1864. Fabkagdt, David G., American admiral : Midshipman . . . . 1810 Captured New Orleans . . . 25-28 April, 1862 Passed the batteries of Fort Hudson, and joined Grant in the investment of Vicksburg March, 1863 Took forts, and destroyed the confederate flotilla 5-8 Aug. 1864 Nominated admiral of the United States of America . . . ... 1866 Fabrak, Eev. Frederick William, assistant master at Harrow school ; published " Essays on the Origin of Language," i860; "Chapters on Language," 1865. Fastolp, Sir John, see FaUtalf. Fatima, daughter of Mahomet ; b. 606 ; mar- ried Ali, 623 ; d. 632. From her descended the caliphs of Egypt. Fatio de Duillees, Nicolas, Swiss geometer and fanatic; 6. 16 Feb. 1664; suggested the controversy between Leibnitz and Newton re- specting the discovery of the differential cal- culus, about 1 6S5 ; defended the prophets of the Cevennes in England, 1706; d. 1753- Fauoher, C'lisar and Constantin, French generals, termed "the twins of La R^ole;" 6. 20 March, 1759; served under the republic and the empire, 1794-1S14; joined Napoleon on his return from Elba; tried and shot, 27 Sept. 1815. Fauoher, Leon, French political economist; 6. 8 Sept. 1803 ; began to write in the " Temps," 1830; pubR-ihed "E(Sform6 des Prisons," 1S37; "Etudes sur I'Angleterre," 1845; "Kecherches sur I'Oi- et r Argent," 1843; "Du Droit an Travail," 1849; appointed minister of the in- terior, 29 Dec. 1848; resigned, 14 May, 1849; again minister, April — Oct. 185 1; d. 14 Dec. 1854. Fauohet, Claude, French historian ; h. 3 Jidy, 1530; published "Les Antiquitez Gauloises et Frangoises," 1579-99; d. abotit 1601. Fabohet, Claude, French orator and pohti- cian; 6. 22 Sept. 1744; executed 31 Oct. 1793. Supported the revolution ; published his "Reli- gion Nationale," and helped to reorganise tlie Church 1789-90 Made constitutional bishop of Calvados . 1791 Edited " Journal des Amis " . . . 1791 Accused of complicity with Charlotte Corday 18 July, 1793 Said to have recanted in prison . July, 1793 Fatioit, Helen, actress; i. about 1S17; made her debat as Julia in the " Hunchback," 5 Jan. 1836; married Theodore Martin, 185 1. Faujas de St. Fond, Barthflemi, French geologist and traveller; h. 19 May, 1741 ; pro- fessor in the " Jardin des Plantes," Paris, 1793- i8r8; published "Min^ralogie des Volcans," 17S4 ; " Expi^riences de la Machine A&ostatique de Montgolfier, " 1783-4; "Voyages Gc5olo- giques," 1805-6; d. 18 July, 1819. Faulhaber, Johann, German mathematician and engineer, addicted to alchemy ; h. 5 May, 1580; published in German "a Arithmetico- cubical Pleasiire-Garden," 1604; d. 1635. Faulkner, George, Irish printer, friend of Swift, &c. ; 6. about 1700; began "Faulkner's Jomnal," 1728; d. 28 Aug. 1775. Faulkner, Thomas, topographer; J. 177^; published " History of Chelsea," 1810; "His- tory of Fulham," 1S13; " History of Kensmg- ton," 1820; d. 26 May, 1855. Fauntleeoy, Henry, banker, executed for forgery, 30 Nov. 1824. Fauques, Marianne Agnes de, French novelist; b. about 1720; escaped from a con- vent; came to London; befriended by lady Craven, Su- William Jones, &c. ; d. after 1777. Faueiel, Claude, French scholar and critic; h. 21 Oct. 1772 ; published " Chants Populaires de la Grfece Moderne," 1824-5 ; " Histoire de la Gaule M^ridionale," 1836, &c. ; d. 15 July, 1844. Fausta, Flavia Maximiana, daughter of Maxi- mianus; maiiied to Constantine the great, 307; suffocated for causing her step-son Crispus to be put to death, about 326. Faxist, Johann, see Fust. Favaet, Charles Simon, French dramatist; b. 13 Nov. 1710; persecuted and imprisoned by maa-shal Saxe on account of his beautiful wife; d. 12 May, 1792. His wife, Marie Jus- tine Benolte Diu'onceray, actress ; 6. 1 5 June, 1727. , . .^ Faveeeau, Jacques, French poet and junst; b, 1590; wrote "La Milhade," a satire that gave offence to Eiohelieu, 1637; d. 1638. Favonius, Marcus, Eoman patrician, states- man; befriended Pompey after his defeat at PharsaKa, B.C. 48; adhered to Brutus and Cassius ; captured at Philippi, and put to death, B.C. 42. Faustina, empresses ; — I. Annia Galena, profligate wife of Antoninus Pius ; empress, 138; d, 141. II. Annia, daughter, profligate; man-ied M. Aiu-elius, about 145; d. 175- FAU 167 FEL Fai!Siti8 BsiESists, Xjatin Either; bishop of Kiel, 472 ; d. ahaut 49a Favokdics, Platonic pbilt^oplier; faToxired by 1>»j«ii and Adrian ; .if. about loa Fatbs, GsJhriel Claude Jules, French advocate ud poStacisu; b. 31 Mandi, 1S09; sascietary under the provisioual govamment, Feb, 1S4S; Bppceed the expedition to Some, Dec 1S48; d^ended Oisini, March, 1S5S: opposed the Me^doan 'ffi^so-. &c., 1S63-4 ; opposed the policy of Iiouis Xi^mleon, 1S49.&S. Fawcett, Henry, political economist ; ft. 1S33 ; blind ; s^pmnted professor of political economy at Cjunbndge, 1S63; published "Manual of Political £wnomy," 1S63; elected M.P. for Brighton, 1S65, Fawcew, Sir 'William, genersJ, 6, 172S; pub- lished "Kev^es, or Memoirs on the Art of War," 1757. itc-; «i2j March, 1S04. Fawkks. Gkvy, coosjurator; for his share in the gnnpoTfder plot (.sdsed in a vault under the pai£ament hoi^e, 5 ^ot. 1605), eo;ecut'eaniei, tiieolagian : k, 1583; joined the assranbly of divine at Westminster, 1643 ; deprived for attachmeat to tte An^ican dnireh ; wrote ''Clavis Mjstica," 1636; "TlieDq>p»Dipt,"&c.; A i7Apnl, 1644. IralBDBB (Fevre), Michel (P&re Justinien de Tours), French missionary and orientalist; &. abcHit 1640; pub&hed "Etat present de la Turquie," 1675; "Th^Stae de la Turqpie," 1682; d. after 16S4. Fecst, Joliamn, German theolagian; h. 26 I>ec. 1636; sttaciisd ihe ^etiste; d, 5 Mav 1716. Fecbteb, Charles, actor; 6. about 1823; made his d^¥t as Hamlet, 1S60; opened Lyceum Theatre, 10 Jan. 1S63. Feckexhau, John Howman de, last mitred abbot who sat in the bouse of peers ; displeased queen Mary by interceding for Elizabeth and other protestauts ; declined to conform to pro- testantism with tiie offer of the see of Canter- bury, 155s : imprisoned by Elizabeth; A 1585. Fedor, czars of Rn^a : I. Ivanovieh, 6. 1537; cnr, 13S4: picas and veak; Boite Ctndooof ruled ; d. 130S. n. Alenavich ; Al 1657,' <>>*'• ^7^ '• let^omed the aristacra<7 ; j^romoted education ; punished heies; ; Fedob, Ivanovich Charles Frederic, Russian painter, of T^artar origin ; 6. 1 765 ; taken joisoner, 1770; patronised by Catiieiine II.; baptized and educated in Itidy; came to Lon- don with lord Elgin ; d. 1821. Fkhoo, see Pfgioo. FElTH,Everhard, Dutch antiquary and scholar; 6. about 1597; d. about 1625; his '-Antiqui- tates Homerirae" printed 1677. Fbtth, Ehynvis, Dutch poet ; b. 7 Feb. 1 753 ; published "In^ de Castro," tragedy, 1793; "Oden en Gedichten," 1796-1810; d. S Feb. 1S24. Felteies. French writers : Axinul ^eur dos Avanx et de Javeiey, andii- tect, liistonao, &e.: 6. Hajr, 1619; published ^' £atxetieiis sor 1^ Vies et les !baTaax des Peintres" 1666,89 Jacoces, brother, theol<^iaii : 6l 1636 ; published *' Pentateudius Historicos," &C. ^ 1703 ; rt, 23 Nov. 1716 JE.UI PRAXTfcas, ,sou ol Audi*X Mchitect; 6, about 163S; puUkhed "Recaeil de la Vie et des Ouvniges des Architectes," 16S7 ; pubhshed "An A ccount of the Trial of Twenty -nine Regicides," 1679; d. Dec. 1682. Finch, Sir Henry, jurist; b. about 155°; wrote " Nomotechnia," 1613; published, in English, as " Of Law, or a Discourse thereof," 1627; d. II Oct. 1625. FiNDEN, William, hne engraver; b. 1787; engraved "Gallery of British Art," "Byron GaUery," "Wilkie GaUery;" d. 20 Sept. 1852. Fine, Oronce, French mathematician and astronomer; 6. 1494; published "Quadrans Astrolabicus," 1527; "^quatorium Planeta- rium," 1521 ; "Thdorique des Cieux et des Sept Planfetes," 1607; d. 6 Oct. 1555. FiNlGUEEEA, Tommaso or Maso, Tuscan goldsmith ; b. 1410 ; invented the mode of engraving termed Niello or Nigellum, the origin of copperplate printing ; d. about 1475' FiNLAT, John, Scotch poet and antiquary ; b. 1782; published "Wallace," and "Ballads," 1818; dSDec. 1810. riN 173 FIT FiNLAYSON, George, Scotch surgeon and tra- veller; i. about 1790; published his "Mission from Bengal to Siam iu 1821-2," 1825 ; d. Aug. 1823. FiHNjOHNSBN, see Johannams. FiORAVANTi, Leonardo, conte, Italian physi- cian and alchemist ; pubUshed " Lo Specchio di Scienze Universale," 1564; "IlCompendio dei Segreti," 1571 ; d. 4 Sept. 1588. FiOEAVANTi, Valentino, Italian musical com- poser; h. 1767 ; wrote "La Cantatrice Villane,'' 1806; d. 10 June, 1837. FiOEENTiNO, Stefano da Ponte Vecchio, Florentine painter ; h. 1301 ; d. 1350. FiOEiLLO, Johaun Dominik, German painter and writer ; 6. 1 748 ; published, ia German, " History of Painting," 1798-1817; d. 1821. FiEDOUSi, see Ferdousi. FiEENZUOLO, Agnolo, Florentine poet and translator; 6. 28 Sept. 1493; his "Discorsi degli AnimaH," &c., printed, 1548, et seq. j d. about 1545. FiEMLLiANUS, St., Greek father ; i. about 200 ; bishop of Csesarea, 230; declared baptism by heretics null ; presided at the council of Antioch against Paul of Samosata, 264; con- demned the Novatians ; d. 269. FlEMIN, Thomas, philanthropist ; h. 1632 ; published " Proposals for Employing the Poor," 1678; d. 1697. FisoHAET, Johann Mentzer, German satirist ; 6. about 1 545 ; imitated Pabelais in his lan- guage and subjects; d. 16 14. FisCHEE, Carl von, German architect ; &. 19 Sept. 1 782 ; erected noble buildings at Munich, 1810, (fee; d. II Feb. 1S20. FiscHEE, Gotthelf, Prussian naturalist and bibliographer; 6. 15 Oct. 1771 ; founded the imperial society of naturalists of Moscow ; d. 1853. Fischer, Johann Eberhard, German his- torian and antiquary; b. 1697; wrote, in Ger- man, "History of Siberia," 1768; d.24Sept. 1771. FiSOHEE, Johann Friedrioh, German philolo- gist ; h. 10 Oct. 1726; edited "^schines," 1753; "Anacreon," 1754; d. 11 Oct. 1799. Fish, Simon, reformer; published "Suppli- cacyon for the Beggars," a satire on the monks, 1526; answered by Sir Thomas More ; tZ. about 1531- FiSHEE, John, cardinal, bishop of Rochester ; J. 1459; professor of theology at Cambridge, 1502; bishop, 1504; wrote against Luther; defended the vaUdity of the marriage of Henry VIII. with Catherine of Aragou against Wolsey, 1529; deceived by the maid of Kent, and attainted, 1534; made cardinal by pope Clement VII., 1534; beheaded for denying the king's supremacy, 22 June, 1535. FiSHEE, Payne, called "Paganus Piscator," poet-laurate to Cromwell; b. 1616; published "Poems," 1663; d. April, 1693. Fisher, Thomas, antiquary; b. 1772; pub- lished "Bedfordshire Antiquities," 1836; d. 1836. Fitch, Ralph, travelled in Syria, Persia, India, Ceylon, (fee, 1583-91. FiTTLEE, James, A.R.A., line-engraver ; b. 1758; A.R.A., 1800; d. 2 Dec. 1835. Fitzgerald, lord Edward, Irish politician ; 5. 15 Oct. 1 763 ; entered the Irish parliament, 1790; visited Paris, and fraternised with the repubHcans, 1 792 ; became head of a republican directory in DubHn, and entered into corres- pondence with the French, 1796; prepared for an insurrection ; arrested and wounded, 17 May ; condemned ; d. of his wounds, 4 June, 1798. His widow, Pamela, said to have been the daughter of Madame de Genlis ; d. 1831. FiTZGEEALD, Sir William Robert Seymour Vesey, conservative statesman; h. 181 7; under- secretary for foreign affairs, March, 1858 to June, 1859; governor of Bombay, Jan. 1867. FiTZHARDiNGE, Maurice Frederick Fitz- hardinge Berkeley, baron ; b. 3 Jan. 1 788 ; entered the navy, 1802 ; assisted WeUington at the lines of Torres Vedras, i8lo; a lord of the admiralty, 1852-7; d. 17 Oct. 1867. FiTZHEEBEET, Sir Anthony, lawyer, (fee. ; pub- lished "Graund Abridgement," 1 5 14; " Boke of Husbandrie," 1523; "Office of justice of Peace," 1538; d. 27 May, 1538. FiTZHEEBEET, Maria Anna ; b. (Smythe) 1756; married Edward Weld, who soon died, 1782; privately married to the prince of Wales, 21 Dec. 1785; d. 27 March, 1837. FiTZJAMES, see Berwick. FiTzjAMES, Edouard, due de, grandson of the duke of Berwick, French politician and orator; h. l'J'^6', emigrated, 1789; joined the army of Cond^, about 1792; Hved retired during the empire; made a peer, June 1814; demanded the condemnation of Ney, 6 Dec. 1815 ; ultra- royaUst ; opposed the UberaHty of her govern- ment, Feb. 1817; submitted to the revolution of July, 1830; accused of supporting the duchess of Berry, 1832; d. 1838. FiTZPATEICK, WUUam John, Irish author ; 6. 21 Aug. 1830; published "The Life of Dr Doyle," 1861 ; " The Life of Lord Cloncurry," 1855; "Memoirs of Archbishop Whately," 1866; " Career of Lady Morgan," 1861. FiTZ-RoT, Robert, vice-admiral ; b. 5 July, 1805 ; commanded the " Beagle " in the survey of the coasts of South America, (fee, 1828-33 ; governor of New Zealand, 1843-45 ; superin- tendent of the meteorological department of the board of trade, 1854; organised the system of storm warnings, transmitted, Feb. 1 861 — Dec. 1866 ; d. 30 April, 1865. FiTZSTEPHEN, William, historian ; wrote "Vita Sancti Thom^ (k Becket) archiepiscopi et mar- tyris," between I170and I1S2; his "Descrip- tion of London" edited by S. Pegge, 1772; d. about 1 191. FIT 174 TLE FiTZWiLLiAM, Charles William Wentwortli Eitzwilliam, earl; b. 30 May, 1748; left the whigs ; lord -lieutenant o£ Ireland, 1794-95 ! supported Catholic emancipation bill ; dismissed from the lieutenancy of West Riding of York- shire, 23 Oct. 1819; d. 8 Feb. 1833. PiTZWiLLiAM, Edward, comedian; 5. 8 Aug. 1788; d. 30 March, 1852. FlTZWiLLIAM, Fanny Elizabeth, actress ; 1. (Copeland) 1802; d. II Sept. 1854. FiTZWiLLIAM, Eichard Fitzwilliam, 7th vis- count ; b, Aug. 1 745 ; bequeathed his books, pictures, &c., to the university of Cambridge, and _;^ 1 00,000 to erect a buildiEg for them; d. 5 Feb. 1816. Fix, Theodore, Swiss economist; b. 1800; pub- lished " Revue Mensuelle d'Economie Poli- tique," 1833-36; d. 31 July, 1846. FiXLMiLLNEE, Placidus, German astronomer; b. 28 May, 1721 ; one of the first to discover Uranus ; published " Decennium Astronomi- cum," 1777; d. 27 Aug. 1791. FizEAU, Hippolyte Louis, French physicist; b. 23 Sept. 1 819. FiZES, Antoine, French physician; b. 1690 ; published " De Generatione Jlominis," 1708; d. 14 Aug. 1765. Flaccus, Quintus Fulvius: I. Roman consul; attacked the camp of Hanno, kUled above 6000 Carthaginians, &c., made many prisoners, cut off supplies from Hannibal, B.C. 2 1 2 ; took Capua, and cruelly punished the Campanians, 211. 2. His son totally defeated the Celtiberians in a great battle, 180; d. insane, 173. Flaccus, Valerius, Latin poet ; wrote " Argo- nautica," about 88. Flach, Francovritz, Matthias (Flacius Illyrius), German protestant theologian; b. 1520; op- posed the policy and doctrines of Melanchthon, and maintained Luther's, 1 548 ; expelled from his professorship in Saxe- Weimar, 1562; d. II March, 1575. Flacouet, Etienne de, French traveller ; b. 1607; arrived in Madagascar as commander of troops there, 1648; took possession of the isle of Bourbon, 1649; quarrelled with and subdued the natives of Madagascar, 1652; wrote a ' ' Dictionnaire de la Langue de Mada- gascar," and " Histoire de Madagascar," printed 1658; drowned at sea, 10 June, 1660. FLAHAULTDELABlLLAEDEEIE,AugUSte Charles Joseph, comte de, general and diplomatist; 6. 21 April, 1785; his father executed; edu- cated in England and Germany; returned to Paris, and entered the French army, 1800 ; aide-de-camp to Napoleon, 1S12; fought with him at Waterloo, 18 June, 1815 ; exiled him- self, July, 181 5; married Miss Elphinstone, daughter and heiress of lord Keith, 181 7; re- covered his rank, July, 1830; ambassador at Vienna, 1841 ; chancellor of the legion of honour, Jan. 1864. Flahebtt, - or O'Flaheett, Eoderio, Irish historian; b. 1630; published "Ogygia, sive Rerum Hibemicarum Chronologia, " 1685 ; d. 1718. Flamel, Nicolas, French calligrapher and philanthropist; 6. about 1330; founded several charitable institutions ; wrote a work on alchemy; d. 22 March, 1418. Flamininds, Titus Quintius, Roman consul ; b. about B.C. 230 ; defeated Philip of Macedon at Cynoscephalse, 197; sent to capture Hanni- bal in Bithynia with Prusias, 183 ; d. about 174. FLAitfTNiDS, Cains, Roman consul and refor- mer ; defeated the Insubrians on the Addua, 223 ; defeated by Hannibal at the lake Trasi- menus, and slain, 23 June, B.C. 217. His son, Caius, is said to have made the Flaminian way, to employ his soldiers, about B.C. 185. Flamsteed, John, astronomer; b. 19 Aug. 646 ; friend of Barrow, Newton, &c., 1673 ; became first astronomer-royal at Greenwich ; supported the observatory chiefly at his own expense, 1675 ; quarrelled with Newton and Halley, 1 712; published "Historia Ccelestis Britannica," 1725; d. 31 Dec. 1719. HisMSS. discovered at Greenwich by Mr Francis Baily, 1832 ; published, 1835. Flandein, Jean Hippolyte, French painter; b. 1809 ; painted " St. Louis" for the chamber of peers, 1842; and "Napoleon en l^gislateiur" for the hall of the council of state," 1847 ; d. 21 March, 1864. Flatman, Thomas, lawyer, poet, and painter; b. about 1633; published "Virtus Rediviva," 1660; d. 1688. Flavel, John, nonconformist theologian ; b. about 1627 ; published "Husbandry Spuritua- lised," 1669; "A Saint Indeed," 1673; d. 1691. Flavianus: i. Bishop of Antioch, 361; op- posed the Arians, and several times expelled; interceded for the rebellious citizens, 387; d. 404. 2. Bishop of Constantinople; opposed and deposed Eutyches; himself deposed, and roughly used, and died, 449. Flaxman, John, R.A., sculptor; b. 6 July, 1755; made designs at Rome for Homer, jEschylus, and Dante, 1787 ; "Lectures on Sculpture," published 1829; d. 7 Dec. 1826. Flechiee, Esprit, bishop of Nismes, French orator; b. 10 June, 1632; delivered funeral oration for Madame de Montausier, 1672 ; for Marshall Turenne, 1676; d. 16 Feb. 1710. Flecknoe, Richard, poet; satirised by Dry- den in his "Mac Flecknoe;" d. about 1678. Fleetwood, Charles, parUamentary general ; son-in-law of Cromwell ; made commander of the army in Ireland, and settled the country, 1552; supported Richard Cromwell and the Republic, 1559; excepted from the amnesty, I but escaped, i66o; d. in obscurity, 1692. FLE 175 FLO Fleetwood, WiUiam, lawyer and historian; wrote annals of Edward V.— Henry VIII. in Latin, 1579 ; and " Office of Justice of Peace," 1567 ; d. 28 Feb. 1593. Fleetwood, WiUiam, bishop of Ely, anti- quary; b. 21 Jan. 1656; consecrated, 1714; published "Ghronicon Pretiosum" (an account of Prices, &c.), 1707; "Essay on Miracles," 1701 ; d. 4 Aug. 1723. Fleming, Robert, Scotch clergyman; 5. 1630; imprisoned as a nonconformist, 1673; offici- ated in Rotterdam ; published " The Fulfilhng of the Scriptures," l68l ; d. 15 July, 1694. His son, Robert, minister in London; published "Rise and Fall of the Papacy," 1701; d. 24 May, 1 7 16. Fleming, Caleb, Sooinian minister; 6. 1698; his "Survey of the Search after Souls" pub- lished 1758; d. 1779. Flemtng, Richard, bishop of Lincoln ; i. about 1 360 ; after being a Wickliffite, recanted, and became a persecutor; consecrated, 1420; exe- cuted the decree of the council of Constance (141 5) by burning the bones of Wickliffe, 1428 ; founded Lincoln college, Oxford, 1427; d. 25 Jan. 143 1. Flemming, Paul, German poet; b. 17 Oct. 1609; his poems published 1642; d. 2 April, 1640. Fletcher, Abraham, self-taught mathemati- cian; 5. 1 7 14; published "Universal Mea- surer," 1753, &c. ; d. I Jan. 1793. Fletcher, Alexander, Scotch minister; b. about 1787; published rehgious works for the young, &o. ; d. 30 Sept. i860. Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun, Scotch poli- tician ; b. 1653; published "Discourse of Government," 1698 ; " Discourses concerning Scotland," 1698, &c. ; d. 1716. Fletcher, Giles, diplomatist ; brother of Rich- ard; envoy to Russia, 15S8 ; published "Of the Russe Commonwealth," 1590; d. 1610. His sons — Phineas, poet; b. about 1584; pub- lished " Purple Island," 1632; d. about 1650. Giles, theologian; b. about 1588; pubhshed "Christ's Victory and Triumph," 1610; d. 1623. Fletcher, James, b. 181 1; published "His- tory of Poland;" d. by suicide, 3 Feb. 1832. Fletcher, John, dramatist, son of Richard; b. 1576; united in the composition of dramas with Francis Beaumont, and after his death, in l6i6, with Jonson, Massinger, and others ; d. 28 Aug. 1625. Fletcher, or FlechiJ:re, John, Swiss theo- logian ; b. 1 729 ; ordained ia England, and made vicar of Madeley; seceded, and joined John Wesley ; wrote " Doctrines of Grace and Justice" (against Calvinism), 1 778; d. 1785. Fletcher, Richard, bishop of London, 1592; favourite of queen Elizabeth, but censured by her for his second marriage; d. 15 June, 1596. Fleurieu, Charles Pierre Claret, comte de, French navigator ; b. 23 Jan. 1 738 ; published his voyage on the Atlantic in 1 768-9 ; to try Berthoud's chronometers, 1773; minister of the marine, 1 790-1; published " D&ouvertes des Frangais en 1768-9 dans le Sud-est de Nouvelle Guinee," 1790 ; "Neptune de Cat- tegat," &c. (charts), 1809; d. 18 August, 1810. Flecey, Andr^ Hercule, French cardinal and statesman ; 6. 22 J une, 1653 ; bishop of Frejus ; made preceptor of Louis XV. under the regent Orleans, 1715 ; cardinal and prime minister, Sept. 1726; governed ably and economically ; favoured aUiance with England ; d. 29 Jan. 1743- Fleurt, Claude, French historian ; b. 6 Dec. 1640; published " Histoire du Droit Fran9ai3, " 1674; "Histoire Eccl^siastique," 1691 ; d. 14 July, 1723. Flinck, Govaert, Dutch painter ; b. Dec. 1616; painted " Solomon praying for wisdom," now at Amsterdam; d. 2 Dec. 1660. Flinders, Matthew, navigator ; b. about 1760; explored coasts of Australia; and mth George Bass, a surgeon, discovered Bass's Straits, Sept. 1798; captured by the French, and retained a prisoner, 1803-10; published " A Voyage to Terra Australis, 1801-3," 1S14 ; a paper on magnetic variations, 1805 ; d. ig July, 1 8 14. Flint, Rev. Timothy, American author ; b. July, 1 7S0 ; pubhshed " Ten Years' Resi- dence in the Valley of the Mississippi," 1826 ; " Lectures on Natural History," 1842; d. i5 Aug. 1840. Flocon, Ferdinand, French pohtioian ; 6. about 1800; fought at the barricades, 1830; mem- ber of the provisional government, 7 May, 1848; quitted France, 1851; rf. May, 1866. Flodoard, or Frodoaed, French historian ; b. 894; wrote " Chronique Sacrde;" "His- toire de rEgUse de Reims;" d. 28 March, 966. FlOgel, Carl Friedrich, German writer ; b. 3 Dec. 1729; wrote in German "History of the Human Understanding," 1776; "History of Comic Literature," 1784-6; d. 7 March, 1788. Flood, Henry, Irish orator; b. 1732; M.P. in Ireland, 1759; proposed a plan of reform, 1790; d. 2 Deo. 1791. Floquet, Etienne Joseph, French musical composer; b. 25 Nov. 1750; d. 10 May, 1785. Florence of Worcester, historian ; wrote " Chronicon ex Chronicis" to 1118; d. 1118 or II19. Florestan I., prince of Monaco ; b. 10 Oct. 1785; succeeded to the piincipaUty, 2 Oct. 1841 ; d. 20 June, 1856. Flokez, Enrique, Spanish arohsiologist ; b. 14 Feb. 1 701; pubhshed "Clave Istorial," 1743; " Espafla Sagrada," 1747-79; d- 20 Aug. 1773. FLO 176 TON Floeian, Jean Pierre Claris de, French fabulist, novelist, and dramatist ; I. 6 March, I7S5 ; wrote " GalatiSe," 1783; "EsteUe," 1785; " Gonzalve de Cordone," 1791; d. 13 Sept. 1794. Flokio, John, "the resolute," philologist; of Italian origin ; h. about 1 540 ; attacked Shakspeare, and satirised by him as Holo- femes ; published " Florio his First Fniites," 1578 ; " World of Wordes " (Italian and Eng- lish dictionary), 1597 ; d. 1625. Floukens, Marie Jean Pierre, French physi- ologist ; 6. 1794; published " Cours de Phy- siologie Compar^e," 1835; "De I'lnstinct," 1841 ; " Histoire de la D^couverte de la Circu- lation du Sang," &c. ; " De la Long^vit^ Hu- maine," 1854; d. 5 Dec. 1867. Flotee, Sir John, M.D. ; h. 1649 ; published " Pharmakobasanos, or the Touchstone of Medicines," 1687; "The Physician's Pulse- watch," 1707; d. I Feb. 1734. Fludd (De Fluctibus), Robert, physician, and Eosicrucian philosopher; h. 1574; taught pantheistic materialism ; that the world is a macrocosm, an image, and an emanation from God ; man is a microcosm, and an abridgment of the macrocosm, &o. ; d, 8 Sept. 1637. Foe, Daniel de, see De Foe. Foes, Anuce, French scholar and physician ; T>. 1528; helped to abolish "arabism," in medicine ; pubhshed " Hippocrates," 1560-88; d. 1595. Fo-Hi, the reputed founder of the empire of China, about B.o. 3300. FoHE, Carl Philipp, German landscape painter; h. 1795; drowned in the Tiber, 29 June, 1818. FoiNAKD, Frederic Maurice, French theolo- gian; h. about 1683; published "Clef des Pseaumes," 1740; d. 19 March, 1743. Foix, comtes de, &c. : Gastun III. Ph§bug ; a warrior ; h. 1331 ; helped to put down the Jacquerie, 1358 : defeated and subdued the comte d'Armagnac, 5 Dec. 1372 ; wrote "Miroir de Ph6bus," a work on hunting d. Aug. 1391 Gaston IV. ; intrigued between Charles VII. and his son Louis . . . . d. July, 1472 Gaston, due de Nemours ; warrior ; &. 1489 ; commanded in Italy for his uncle, Louis XII., 1511 : raised the siege of Kavenna, 7 Feb. ; took Brescia, 19 Feb. ; killed at his great victory over the Spaniards at Ravenna . . it April, 1512 Germaine de, sister of Gaston ; h. about 1488 ; married to the old Ferdinand of Aragon, March, 1506 ; intrigued in vain for the kingdom of Naples d. 18 Oct. 1538 Paul de, archbishop of Toulouse ; b. 1528 ; imprisoned for recommending tolerance, 1559 ; ambassador in England, April, 1564 ; proposed the due d'Anjou as husband for queen Eliza- beth, 1570 . . . d. May, 1584 FoLAED, Jean Charles de, French military tactician ; 6. 13 Feb. 1669 ; distinguished him- self in the war, 1688-1713 ; published " Nou- velles D^couvertes sur la Guerre;" "Polybe," 1727-30; d. 23 March, 1752. FoLENGO, Giovanni Battista, Italian theolo- gian ; h. 1490; his "Commentaries on the Psalms" (censured for Lutheran tendencies) printed, after revision, 1557 ; d. 5 Oct. 1559. FoLENGO, Teo61o (MerUno Coccajo), Italian poet ; b. 8 Nov. 1491 ; led a wandering life, writing "macaronic verses," 1515-16; his "Opus Macaronicorum" printed at Venice, 1520; " Orlandino," 1526; entered a monas- tery, and wrote religious works ; d. 9 Dec. IS44- Foley, John Henry, E.A,, Irish sculptor; b. 24 May, 1818 ; exhibited " Death of Abel," 1839 ; " Ino and Bacchus," 1840 ; engaged to supply statues for new houses of parhament, 1847 ; to execute " Asia " for the Prince-Con- sort memorial, Hyde Park, 1865. Foley, Sir Thomas, admiral ; b. 1757 ; friend of Nelson ; began the battle of the Nile, 1 Aug. 1798; at the battle of Copenhagen, 2 April, 1801 ; d. 3 Jan. 1833. FoLKES, Martin, antiquary ; b. 29 Oct. 1690; published "Table of English Coins," 1736, and 1745 ; president E. S., 1 741 ; of Society of Antiquaries, 1750 ; h. 28 June, 1754. FoLLEN, August Adolph Ludwig, German poet; b. 21 Jan. 1795; published "Freie Stimmen frischer Jugend," 1819; d. 26 Dec. 1855. FoLLETT, Sir ■William Webb, lawyer ; i. 1798 ; soUcitor-general, 1834-5, 1841-3; attorney- general, 17 April, 1844 ; d. 28 June, 1845. FoNBLAUQUE, John de Grenier, lawyer; *■ 1 759 ; published " Treatise on Equity," 1792 ; d. 4 Jan. 1837. His sons: Albany, Q. C, lawyer; b. 1797; long editor of the "Exar miner;" published "England under Seven Administrations," 1837; chief of the statistical department of the board of trade, 1852. Johk Samuel Mabtin, lawyer; b. March, 1787; made commissioner of bankruptcy ; began agitation for reform, 1817; established the "Jurist," 1826; with Dr Paris, published "Medical Jurisprudence," 1823; d. 3 Nov. 1865. Fonseca, Pedro da, theologian, " the Portu- guese Aristotle ;" b. 1528; d. 4'Nov. 1599. Fonseca, Eodrigo da, Portuguese physician ; invented the oil of Aparicius; d. 1642. Fohtaike, Alexis, friend of Clairaut and Maupertius, French mathematician ; b. about 1705 ; d. 21 Aug. 1771. Fontaine, Charles, French poet ; b. 13 July, 1513 ; d. about 15S7. Fontaine, Pierre Franjois L(^onard, French architect ; b. 20 Sept. 1 762 ; employed with Percier by Napoleon I. to complete the Louvre and Tudleries, and to restore the palaces of Compifegne and EambouiUet ; d. 10 Oct. 1853. Fontaine, Nicolas, French theologian; b. 1625; his "M^moires pour servir Ji I'Histoire de Port-Koyal," printed 1736; d. 28 Jan. 1709. PON 177 FOR FoNTANA, Felice Abbate, Italian naturalist ; i. 15 April, 1730; d. 11 Jan. 1805. FoNTANA, Francesco, Neapolitan astronomer ; 1). about 1580; improved optical instruments; published " Novffi Coelestium et Terrestrium Observationes," 1646 ; d. 1656. FoNTANA, Italian architects : Giovanni, architect ; b. 1540; (constructed Gius- tiniani palace at Rome, fountains, &c.) . d. 1614 DoMENico. brother: 6. 1543: emploj-ed by Six- tus V. ; greatly improved and embellished Kome : superintended the removal and erection of the great obelisk, 10 Sept. 1586 . . . rf. 1607 Carlo ; 6. 1634: employed at Eome by Alexander VII., Clement X., and Innocent XI. d. 1714 FONTAITA, Gaetano, Italian astronomer, friend of Cassini ; l. 1645 ; d. 25 June, 1719. FoNTANA, Gregorio, Italian mathematician ; h. 7 Deo. 1735 ; d. 24 Aug. 1S03. FoNTANA,Prospero, ISolognese painter; 6. 1512; d. 1597. His daughter, Lavinia (Zappi) ; b. about 1552 ; d. 1614. Fontanes, Louis, marquis de, French states- man and poet; b. 6 March, 1757 ; d. 17 March, 1821. Published translation of Pope's " Essay on Man," 1783: *'Po6me S6culaire siu- le federation de 1790 :" and edited *' Le Moderateur," a journal, 1790 Proscribed for denouncing Collot d' Herbois : narrowly escaped 1793 Employed to write the eloge on "Washington . 1799 Employed by Liicien Bonaparte . . . 1800 Patronised by EUse Bonaparte, princess Bacci- ochi i8ot President of the corps legislatif . 1804-8 Grand master of the university . Sept. 1808 FoNTANGES, see ScoraiUe. FoNTAUiNi, Giusto, archbishop of Ancyra, Italian antiquary; 6. 30 Oct. 1666; wrote in defence of the temporal power, 1709-II ; "Historiae Literarife Aquilejensis," 1742; d. 17 April, 1736. FoNTENAT, Th^rese de Cabarrus, marquise de, French beauty; h. in Spain, 1773; married Devin, marquis de Fontenay, ("who died, 1815) 1789; d. 15 Jan. 1835. Arrested on her way to Spain; obtained her re- lease by application to TaUien . . 1793 By her influence with him saved many lives . 1794 Married to him, 26 Dec. 1794 ; divorced, 2 April, 1802 Married comte Joseph de Caraman (not recog- nised by society, retired) . . 3 July, 1805 FoNTENELLE, Bernard le Bouyer (or Bovier) de, French poet and philosopher; 5. n Feb. 1657; published "Poesies PastoreUes, " 1688; "Dialogues desMorts," 16S3; "Entretiens sur la Plurality des Mondes," 1686; elected per- petual secretary of the academy of sciences, 1697; wrote its history, 1666-99; "Eloges des Acad(5miciens," 1708-1719; d. 9 Jan. 1757. FoNTlELLE, Bernard Fran9ois Ann e de, French royalist, politician, and dramatist ; 6. 1759; preached insurrection in Lyons, May, 1793 ; fl^*! ^^^ joined Louis XVIII. , and became an active agent, 1794; obtained em- ployment from Napoleon, 1798; repulsed by the Bourbon government, 1815; published " Parachute Monarchique ou Milimoii'es de r Academic des Ignorants," 1823-28; d. June, 1837- FooTE, Maria, actress ; b. June, 1 798 ; mar- ried to Charles, earl of Harrington, 7 April, 1S31 ; d. 27 Dec. 1867. FooTE, Samuel, "the English Aristophane.s," dramatist and comedian; b. about 1 72 1; began his "Diversions of the Morning " at the Hay-' market theatre, 1747; commenced -m-iting farces, acting in them, 1751 ; "The Minor," 1760; "Mayor of GaiTat," 1763; "Trip to Calais,'' 1775; d. 21 Oct. 1777. FoPPENS, Jean Fran9ois, JBelgian historian ; b. 17 Nov. 1689; pubUshed " Historia Episco- patfts Antverpiensis," 1717 ; "BibUotheca Belgica," 1739; rf. 16 July, 1761. FoKBES of Pitsligb, Alexander, lord; published "Moral and Philosophical Essays," 1734; commanded a troop of cavalry for the young pretender, (said to have been the prototype of Scott's baron of Brad wardine), 1745-46; d. 1762. FoKBES, Duncan, Scotch lawyer; 6. 1685; lord president of the court of session, 1737; resisted the pretender and suffered much loss, 1745; pubUshed "Thoughts onPeligion," 1750; d. 10 Dec. 1747. FoKBES, Edward, naturalist and poet; J. 12 Jan. 1815 ; d. 18 Nov. 1854: Medical student at Edinburgh . . . 1831-2 Devoted himself to natural history as a profes- sion 1836 Voyage in the jEgean sea in the "Beacon" . 1841 Curator of the geological society, and professor of botany at King's College, Loudon . 1842 PalEeontologist to the geological survey i Nov. 1844 Lectured at the Royal Institution . 1845 and 1851 Published " History of British Star-Fishes," 1S41 : "Travels in Lycia," 1846: " History of British MoUusca" 1848-52 Appointed professor of natural history at Edin- burgh . . . . . May, 1854. FoKBES, James, orientalist ; b. 1749 ! pub- lished " Oriental Memoirs," 1813-15 ; d. i Aug. 1S19. FoEBES, James Da-vid, " Glacier Forbes," Scotch geologist and physicist ; h. 20 AprU, 1 808 ; published " IVavels through the Alps," 1843 ; " Norway and its Glaciers," 1853 ; principal of St. Andrew's University, 1859 ; resigned, Oct. 1868; d. 31 Dec. 1S68. Forbes, John, son of bishop Patrick ; b. 1593 ; refused to sign the Covenant; ejected, 1640; published " Institutiones Historias Theologicas," 1645 ; " Irenicon pro Ecclesisl Scotiana," 1629; d. 1648. Foebes, Sir John, physician; 5. Dec. 17S7; served in the Na-vy, 1807-16 ; published "Manual of Medical Bibliography," 1835 ; " Physician's Holyday," 1848; "Homeopathy, Allopathy, and Physic," 1846 ; knighted, 1853 ; d. 13 Nov. i86i. Forbes, John Hay, Lord Medwyn, Scotch judge; b.iTj6; lord of Session, 1825-52 ; rf. 25 July, 1S54. M POR 178 FOE Forbes, Patrick, bishop of Aberdeen; 6. 1564; published " Commentarius in Apocalypsin," 1613; d. 1635. Forbes, William, Scotch theologian ; h. about 1585 ; made first protestant bishop of Edin- burgh, by Charles I., 1633; d. i April, 1634. FoEBES, Sir William, of Pitsligo, friend of Johnson, Burke, &;c. ; h. 1739; published ' ' Life of Beattie," 1806; d. Nov. 1806. FoKBiN, Claude de, French admiral ; h. 6 Aug. 1656; d. 4 March, 1733. "Went with an embassy to Siam, and entered the king's service 16S5-8 Served under Jean Bart : taken with liim ; escaped from prison at Plymouth .... 16S9 "VVoiinded, but saved his vessel at the battle of La Hogue ... 16 May, 1692 Greatly harassed the British and Dutch com- merce .... . . 1706-7 Cnmmanded an expedition for James Til. against the coast of Scotland : unsuccessful, 6 March, 1708 Permitted to retire into private life . 1708 His "Memoirs," published . . 1730 FoRCADE, Eugfene, French journalist; h. 1820; established the "Semaphore" at Marseilles, 1837- FoECELLiNi, Egidio, Italian lexicographer ; h. 26 Aug. 1688; compiled and published the " Totius Latinitatis Lexicon," projected by Facciolati, 1771; d. 4 April, 1768. FoRCHHAMMER, Johann Georg, Danish chemist and mineralogist; h. 26 July, 1794; professor at Copenhagen, 1729. FoKD, John, dramatist; h. 17 April, 1586; wrote " The Lover's Melancholy," 1629; "The Broken Heart," 1633; "Perkin Warbeck"; " 'Tia Pity she's a Whore," &o. ; d. about 1639. Ford, Sir John, mechanical inventor ; 6. 1605 ; fought for Charles I. ; imprisoned for endeavour- ing to release him, 1647 ; invented a machine for supplying Thames water in high streets, 1656 ; patented a method of coining money; d. 3 Sept. 1670. Ford, Pdchard, traveller ; J. 1 796 ; published " Hand-book of Spain," 1845 ; d. i Sept. 1858. FoRDUN, Joannes, father of Scottish history ; wrote " Scoti-Chronicon " ; d. about 1386. FoRDYCE, Scotch family : David, moralist : 6.1711; " Dialogues concern- ing Education," published, 1745 ; " Theodoras : or, the Art of Preaching," 1752 . . . d. 1751 James, brother; b. 1720: published "Sermons to Young Women," 1765 ; "Addresses to Young Men." 1777 d. I Oct. 1796 Sir William, brother, physician; 6. 1724; pub- lished "Inquiries into Causes of Fevers," 1773 ; d. 4 Dec. 1792 Gr.oRoE, physician; h. 18 Nov. 1736; published " Treatise on Digestion," 1791 ; "Dissertation on Fever," 1795 . . . d 25 May 1802 FoREEST (Forestus), Peter van, Dutch physi- cian; h. 1552; d. 1597. FOEEIHO, Francisco, Portuguese theologian; published "Jsaias cum Commentario," 1563; d. 10 Jan. 1587. FoEESTi, Giacomo FiUppo, of Bergamo, Italian historian; h. 1434; wrote " De Claris Mulieri- bus Chri.stianis, " 1497; d. 15 .June, 1520. FoEEY, Eley Frederic, French marshal, 6. 10 Jan. 1804 : Distinguished himself in Africa . . 1840-4 Wounded at Solferino . 24 June, 1859 Commanded French army in Mexico ; landed,' , . ., , .... =8 ■^"?' 1862 Assumed civil and mihtary command at Vera ^L^ruz , ■ ,■ • Oct. 1862 Captured Puebla ,8 May 1863 Entered Mexico .... 10 June, 1863 Resigned, and returned to France . i Oct. 1863 FoEPAIT, Pierre Alexandre Laurent, French naval engineer; h. 1752; employed by the government to develop the French marine, Jan. 1797-1801 ; published " Trait(^ de la Mature des Vaisseaux," 1788; d. 8 Nov 1807. FoRKEL, Johann Nicolaus, German musical composer and critic; h. 11 Feb. 1749; d. 1818. FoRLI, Melozzo da, Italian painter ; 6. about 1436 ; first to foreshorten figures upon ceilings ; excelled in perspective; painted an "Ascen- sion" at Rome, 1472. FoRMALEONi, Vicenzo, Venetian historian and traveller; h. 1752; published " Descrizione del Dogado di Venezia," 1777; d. l^gy. FoRMAN, Simon, astrologer; h. 1552; em- ployed in the affair of the earl of Somerset and the coimtess of Essex; d. 12 Sept. 1611. FoRMET, Johann Heinrich Samuel, German philosopher; b. 31 May, 1711; published "La Belle Wolfienne ou Ahtigi de la Philosophie Wolfienne," 1741-53; d. 8 March, 1797. FoEMOSUS, pope; elected 891; condemned Photius and his adherents ; d. 4 April 896. Forrest, Thomas, navigator; pubKshed his "Voyage (1774-6) to New Guinea and the Moluccas," 1779; "Voyage from Clalcutta to the Mergui Ajchipelago, " 1 792; d. about 1802. FoKEESTEE, Alfred Henry (Alfred Crow- quill), artist; S. 1805; his "Wanderings of a Pen and Pencil," published 1846. FoESELL, Charles af, Swedish statesman and engineer; h. 18 March 1783; completed a map of Scandinavia, 1817 ; d. 25 Oct. 1848. FoESHALL, Rev. Josiah, orientahst; b. about 1797; published catalogues of MSS. -in British Museum, 1834-39 1 with Sir F. Madden edited Wycliffe's Bible, 1850 ; d. i8 Dec. 1863. FoESKAL, Pehr, Swedish naturalist, pupil of Linnseus ; b. 1 736 ; travelled in the east ; pub- lished "Flora iEgyptiaco-Arabica," and "De- scriptiones Animalium quoa in Itinera OrientaU observavit," 1775; d. in Arabia, 11 July, 1763. FoRSTER, Franlc, civil engineer; b. 1800; assisted Robert Stephenson in constructing London and North-Western railway, 1830; appointed chief engineer of the Metropolitan commission of sewers, but soon resigned ; and d. 13 April, 1852. FOE 17£ FOS FoESTEK, Johann, zealous German protestant, Hebraist; h. 1495; organised the Lutheian churches, Strasburg, 1535; published "Dic- tionarium Hebraicum Novum," 1552; d. 1556. FoRSTEK, John, historian and critic; b. 1S12; a commissioner in lunacy, 1861 ; published "Life of Goldsmith," 1848; "Arrest of the Five Members," i860; "Sir John Eliot," 1864; " Walter Savage Landor," 1869. FOKSTEE, Nathaniel, theologian and philolo- gist; b. 3 Feb. 1 717; pubUshed " Eefiections on the Antiquity of Government, Arts, and Sciences in Egypt," 1843; "Biblia Hebraica sine Punctis," 1 750; d. 20 Oct. 1757. FoKSTEE, German naturalists and travellers : JoHANN RErsHOLD ; 6. 22 Oct. 1729 : accompanied Captain Cook in his second voyage, June, 1772 ; pub- lished Observations made during the Voyage," 1779 ; and d. 9 Dec. 1798. Johann George Adam, son : b. 27 Nov. 1754 ; published Cook's "Voyage in 1772-5," 1777; went to France, Germany, and Poland ; sent by the people of Mentz to Paris to request incorporation, 1790; d. 12 Feb. 1794. FoESTEK, Thomas, astronomer, naturalist, and meteorologist; b. 9 Nov. 1789; published "Re- marks on Atmospheric Phenomena," 1812; "Circle of Seasons," 1828; &c. ; d. about 1850. FoKSTKEE, Christoph, German diplomatist ; b. 7 Oct. 1598; published "Hypomnemata Politica de Modemo Statu Imperii," &c. ; d. 28 Dec. 1667. FoESYTH, Eev. Alexander John ; b. 1769; discoverer of the percussion principle applied to firearms, patented 1807 ', d. II June, 1843. FoESTTH, Joseph, Scotch traveller; b. 1763; published " Remarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters during an Excursion in Italy, 1802-3," 1813; d. 1815. FoESTTH, William, Scotch horticulturist; ^- 1737; published " Culture and Management of Fruit-trees," 1804; d. 25 July, 1804. FoESTTH, WiUiam, barrister ; published " Hor- tensius ; an Essay on the Duties of an Advo- cate," 1849; "Life of Cicero," Jan. 1864; elected M.P. for Cambridge (but imseated for holding office), July, 1865. Foete-Beaccio, Nicolo, condottierre, nephew of Braccio de Montone ; served the Florentine republic ; subdued Volterra, 1429 ; at the in- stigation of Visconti duke of Milan, invaded the papal territories; seized Tivoli; entered Rome, 1433 ; mortally wouuded at the battle of Capo di Monte, 1435. FOETEGUEEEA, Nicola, Italian bishop and poet; b. 25 Nov. 1674; his " Eicciardetto " printed, 1738; d. 17 Feb. 1735. FoETESCDE, Chichester Samuel Parkinson, statesman, b 18 Jan. 1823 ; under secretary for the colonies, June, 1857 — Feb. 1S58 ; July, 1859 ; chief secretary for Ireland, Nov. 1865 —June, 1866; Dec. 186S. FoETESOUB, Hugh Fortescue, earl ; b. 4 April, 1818; as lord Ebrington, elected M.P. for Ply- mouth, 1841 ; for Marylebone, 1854; called to the house of lords, Dec. 1859 ; secretary of poor law board, 1847-51 ; published " Public schools for the Middle Classes," 1864. FoETESCUE, Sir John, judge ; b. about 1 395 ; made chancellor by Hem-y VI. ; wrote " De Laudibus Legum Angliee;" d. about 1485. FoETESCUE, John Fortescue - Aland Lord, judge; b. 7 March, 1 670; a baron of the ex- chequer, 1 71 7-18; justice of the king's bench, 1718-29; of the common pleas, 1729-46; created baron, 15 Aug. 1746; d. 19 Dec. 1746. FoETiA d'Uebain, Agricole Joseph, marquis de, French scholar and antiquary; &. 18 Feb. 1756 ; voluminous writer, and patron of scholars; d. 4 Aug. 1843. FoETIS, Giovanni Battista, Italian naturalist ; b. Aug. 1 741 ; published his " Viaggio in Dal- mazio," 1774; d. 21 Oct. 1803. FoETODL, Hippolyte Nicolas Honor^, French miscellaneous ivriter; b. 13 Aug. l8n ; pub- lished "La Danse des Morts expliqu^e," 1842; "Etudes d'Arch^ologie," 1854; minister of public instruction, Dec. 185 1 ; d. 7 July, 1856. FORTUNATUS, Venautius Honorius Clemen- tianus, St., bishop of Poitiers, last Latin poet in Gaul ; b. about 530 ; TVTote an epithalamium on the marriage of Sigebert and Brunehilde, 566 ; d. about 600. FoETUNE, Robert, Scotch botanist; b. about 1813; appointed collector in China for the Horticultural Society, 1842; published " Three Years' Wanderings in China," 1847; "Two Visits to the Tea Countries," 1852; " Yedo and Pekin," 1863. FosBEOKE, Rev. Thomas Dudley, archseologist; 6. 27 May, 1770; published "British Mon- achism," 1802 ; "Encyclopaedia of Antiquities," 1823-25; "Foreign Topography," 1S28; d. I Jan. 1842. FoscABi, Francesco, doge of Venice ; b. about 1372; d. 31 Oct. 1457. Elected doge ... ■ 1423 Carried on war witjh Milan . 1426-33 His proposal to abdicate declined J433 Engaged in fresh wars .... r439"4- Formed a league against Alfonso of Aragon ,_ 1443 Forced to condemn his son Jacopo to banish- ment unjustly . . 1445 Made peace at Lodi .... 5 April, 1454 Died of vexation at being compelled to resignf or expressing chagrin at liis son's second banish- ment . . . 31 Oct. 1457 FoscAEINI, Marco, Venetian statesman ; b. 30 Jan. 1696 ; published " Delia Letteratura Veneziana," 1752; d. 31 March, 1763. FoscAEiNi, Michele, Venetian historian ; b. 1632; governor of Corfu, 1664; his "Istoria deUa Republica Veneta " printed, 1696; d. 31 May, 1692. FoscHiNi,'Antonio, Italian architect ; 6. 1 6 J un e, 1 74 1; erected theatre at Ferrara; d. i4Dec. 1803. FOS ISO rou FOSOOLO, Ugo, Italian poet ; b. about 1776; published " TJltime Lettere di Jacopo Ortis," 1795 ; "Orazione a Bonaparte pel congresso di Lione," 1802; Poesie, 1812-22; d. 10 Oct. 1827. Foss, Edward, legal historian; b. 1787; pub- lished " The Judges of England," 1848-64; and "Tabula Curiales," 1865. FossATi, Domenico, Venetian painter; 6. 1743; d. through fall from a scaffold, 15 Aug. 1784. FossoMBBONi, Vittorio, Tuscan statesman and civil engineer ; b. 1754; employed in draining by the grand-duke, 1 794 ; minister of foreign affairs, 1 794-96 ; employed by Napoleon ; made president of the legislative commission, about 1814; d. 1844. FoSTEE, Birket, water-colour painter; b. 1812; illustrated the works of Goldsmith, Beattie, Longfellow, &o. FosTEE, Henry, captain, R.N. ; b. about 1 797 ; accompanied Parry in his second Arctic expe- dition, 1828; published "Voyage of Discovery to Southern Atlantic Ocean," 1834 ; " Magneti- cal Observations," 1826-31; d. 5 Feb. 1831. Foster, Henry, navigator; b. 1795; drowned while engaged in an exploration of the coasts of South America, 5 Feb. 1831. Foster, James, theologian, eloquent preacher ; b. 1697; published "Defence of Christian Eevelation," 1731, &c. ; d. 5 Nov. 1753. Foster, John, architect; 6. about 17S6; ap- pointed architect to Liverpool, Feb. 1824 ; d.21 Aug. 1846. Foster, John, essayist and Baptist minister ; i. 1770; published "Essays," 1805; "Essays on the Evil of Popular Ignorance, " 1819; d. 15 Oct. 1843. Foster, Eev. John; b. 1731 ; published "Essay on Accents and Quantity," 1762; d. Sept. 1773. Foster, Sir Michael, judge; b. 1689; pub- lished ' ' Examination of the Scheme of Church Power, " (against Bishop Gibson's Codex), 1 735 ; d. 7 Nov. 1763. Foster, Samuel, mathematician; nominated Gresham professor of astronomy, 2 Feb. 1636 ; published "Art of Dialling," 1638; d. July, 1652. Foster, Stephen, musical composer ; d. March, 1864. FoTHEHGlt-L, John, M.D., Quaker philan- thropist; b. 8 March, 1712; published "Eules for the Preservation of Health," 1762; d. 26 Dec. 1780. FoucAUD, Jean, French fabulist ; b. 5 April, 1747; published ' ' La Fontaine's Fables in the patois of Limousin," 1809; d. 14 Jan. 1818. FouCAULT, Li^on, French physicist ; b. 18 Sept. 1819 ; constructed an electric lamp, 1844 ; made long researches on hght with Fizeau ; applied the gyroscope to the explana- tion of the rotation of the earth, 1852 ; con- structed the speculum of the great reflecting telescope at Paris, 1857-59; invented a polarizer, 1857; d. II Feb. 1868. FoncHi;, Joseph, due d'Otranto, French states- man; b. 29 May, 1763; d. 25 Dec. 1820. Deputy in the National Convention . Sept. 1792 Voted for the death of the king . . . Jan. 1793 Employed to put down all religious worship at Nantes, March ; joined with Collet d'Herbois in punishing the royahsts at Lyons . March, 1794 "Wrote that " the blood of crime fertilizes the soil of liberty " . . . . . April, 1794 Helped to depose Itobespierre . . July, 1794 Minister of police ." .... 20 July, 1799 Shut up clubs ; detected plots of the legitimists, iSoo-r Maintained the discipline of the state during the absence of Napoleon ; said of the execution of the due d'Enghien, (zi March), " C'est plus qu'un crime, c'est une faute " . . . . 1804 Often opposed Napoleon ; softened his rigour toward pope Pius VII. . 1809 Made duke of Otranto 1809 Disgraced for unauthorised negotiation with Eng- land 3 June, iSio Hefused to give up state papers ; retired to Italy ; returned June, 181 1 Opposed Napoleon's Russian campaign . . 1812 Advised him to moderation and reconciliation with Europe Jan. 1814 Joined Louis XVIII., and recommended concilia^ tion April, 1814 Rejoined Napoleon : recommended him to restore the republic: resumed the ministry of police, March, 1815 By negotiation after "Waterloo saved Paris ; ac- cepted the ministry of police under Louis XVIII 6 July, 181S Opposed reactionary measures ; wrote " Rapports an Roi en Conseil" . . . Sept. 1815 Compelled to resign ; became ambassador at Dresden ig Sept. 1815 Degraded and b.anished as a regicide by the law of 12 Jan. 1816 Naturalized in Austria . . . 1818 FoucHER, Simon, French philosopher ; b. I March, 1644; published "Dissertation sur la Eecherche de la Vdrit^" about 1673; "De la Sagesse des Anciens," 1682 ; d. 27 April, 1696. PouGERODX, Auguste Denis, French physio- logist and archaeologist; b. lo Oct. 1732; pub- lished " M^moires sur la Formation des Os," 1763; "Eecherches sur les Euines d'Her- culan^um," 1769; d. 28 Dec. 1789. FouiLLOUX, Jacques du ; 6. about 1521 ; "wrote " La "V^nerie," printed, 1561 ; d. 5 Aug. 1580. FoDLD, Achilla, French statesman; b. 31 Oct. 1800; minister of finance, 31 Oct. 1849 — Jan. 1851 ; again, with enlarged powers, Dec. 1861 ; resigned, 20 Jan. 1867; d. 5 Oct. 1867. FoHLis, brothers, printers of Glasgow ; began' 1740, and issued beautiful editions of the classics: Andkew, d. 1774; Robert, d. 1776. FouLON, Joseph Franjois, French army com- missary; b. 1 7 15; opposed the revolution, and reported to have said, "Eh bien; si cette ca- naille n'a pas de pain, elle mangera dufoin!" hanged on » lamp-post by the populace, 22 July, 1789. rou 181 FOX FouLQUES (Fulco), French prelate and politi- cian ; 6. about 850 ; chancellor to Charles the Simple, 898 ; d. goo. FoulquesdeNedillt, French orator; preached the fourth crusade, 1096; exhorted Richard I. of England to get rid of his three daughters, ** pride, avarice, and luxury" (the liing said that he would marry the first to the Templars, the second to the Cistercians, the third to his bishops), 109S; d. 1201. FouLSTON, John, architect; 6. about 1773; d. 13 Jan. 1S42. FouQn]i;, see La Mothe Foiique. FouQUET, Charles Louis Auguste de, due de Belle-isle, general and statesman, grandson of the preceding ; b. 22 Sep. 1684 ; fought in the wars in Germany, 1702, et seq. ; marshal of France, 1741 j taken prisoner, and resided in England, 1745 ; defeated the Imperialists at Vintimille, May and June, 1747; minister of state, 1756; as secretary of war, made many reforms, 1758; d. 26 Jan. 1761. FouQUET, or FoucQUET, Nicolas, vicomte de Melun et de Vaux, Marquis de Belle-isle, French financier, b. 1615 ; served Cardinal Mazarine, who made him superintendent of the finances, 1635 J patronised letters, and aimed to supplant the cardinal ; at his death disgraced, and replaced by Colbert, and im- prisoned, 1661 ; tried and convicted of malver- sation of the finances, &c., 20 Dec. 1664; placed under the charge of St. Mars, 10 Jan. 1665 ; most rigorously watched; d. 23 March 1680. FoDQUIERES, Jacques, Flemish painter; b. about 1580; d. 1659. FouQUIEE-TlNViLLE, Antoine Quentin, French republican ; b. 1 747 ; for a poem addressed to Louis XVI. made a clerk, 1781 ; became a violent revolutionist, Aug. 1789 ; made public accuser by Robespierre (and regarded himself as the minister of public justice), 10 March, 1793 ; published "M^moire" of the Reign of Terror; tried and condemned; justified him- self as being only " the axe of the convention ; " executed, 8 May, 1795. FouRCROT, Antoine Fran9ois, comte de, French chemist ; J. 15 Jan. 1755 ; d. 16 December, 1809. Professor of chemistry at the Jardin du Roi . 1784 A member of the national assembly . July, 1793 Placed on the committee of public safety July, 1794 Consulted by Bonaparte, the first consul ; made director-general of instruction .... 1799 Published " Philosophie Chimique," 1792; "Sys- tgme des Connaissances Chimiques," 1801 ; "Tables Synoptiques de Chimie," 1805 FouKDEiNiEB, Henry, inventor of the paper- making machine; S. II Feb. 1766; d. 3 Sep. 1854. FouKiEE, Fran9ois Marie Charles, founder of French communism or socialism; b. 7 April, 1772; d. ID Oct. 1837. Lost his property by the insurrection at Lyons . 1793 Published his "ThSoriedes Quatres Monvements et des DestinGes (r6n6rales" (programme of his system), 1808 ; " Traits d'Association Domes- tique Agricole," 1822; {reprinted as " Thfiorie de rUnite Universelle") 1841 "Le Nouveau Monde Industrial et Soci^taire," 1829 Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph, baron, French physicist; b. 21 March, 176S; accompanied Mong-e in the expedition to Egypt, and made secretary of the Institut d'Egypt, 1 798-9 ; published " Thc^orie Analytique de la Chaleur," 1822; d. 16 May, 1830. FoURMONT, French scholars : Etienne, French orientalist : b. 23 June, 1683 : published (in Chinese language), " Linguae Sinarum Mandarinicte," 1742, (twenty years' work) d. jg Dec. 1745 Michel, I'abbe, brother ; b. 28 Sept. 1790 ; visited Greece and the east . . . d. 5 Feb. 1746 Charles Louis, nephew : b. 1703 ; published " Description des Plaines d'Heliopolis et de Memphis," 1755 . d. 4 June, 1780 FoDRNIEK, Pierre Simon, French typefounder ; b. 1712; published " De I'Origine et des Pro- ductions de rimprimerie primitive in Taille de Bois," 1 759 ; " Manuel Typographique, " 1 764-6 ; d. 1768. FouRQUET, Jeanne, sumamed Hachette, French heroine ; b. 14 Nov. 1454; armed with a small hatchet, greatly aided the successful defence of Beauvais against Charles the Bold, duke of Burgmidy, with a great army, June, July, 1472. FowKE, Francis, captain royal engineers, 1 823 ; designed the buUding for the intemar tioual exhibition, 1862; d. 4 Dec. 1865. Fowler, Charles, architect ; 6.17 JNIay, 1 792 ; designed Covent Garden market, I S3 1. Fowler, Christopher, presbyterian theolo- gian; b. i6ii; puljhshed "Dsemonium Meri- dianum, or Satan at Noon," (on the ejection of Rev. John Pordage by the commissioners), 1655 ; d. 1676. Fowler, Edward, bishop of Gloucester ; b. 1632; published " Design of Christianity," 1671 ; consecrated, 1691; cT. 26 Aug. 1714. Fowler, John, civil engineer ; b. 1817 ; superintended construction of the Manchester, Shefiield, and Lincolnshire railways; engineer of the metropolitan or underground railway, 1860-63. Fowler, Thomas, physician; b. 22 Jan. 1736; published Reports "on Tobacco," 1785; "on Arsenic," 1786; " on Blood-letting," 1795; d. 22 July, 1 80 1. FowNES, George, chemist; b. 14 May, 1815 ; published " Chemistry, as exempUfying the Wisdom and Beneficence of God," (Actonian Prize), 1843; "Manual of Chemistry," 1845; d. 31 Jan. 1849. Fox, lords Holland : 1. Henky, b. 1705 ; created baron, April, 1763 ; d. I July, 1774 2. Stephen, son ... d. 16 Dec. 1774 3. Henry Ktchaed, son . b. 21 Nov. 1773 Entered parliament . Jan. 1798 FOX isa yi!.A Voted In favour of oathollo oraanolpatlon. May, t8os Lovd privy sM . . Oot, 1806— Maroh, 1807 OhanoeUoc of tlio duohy of Lanonatoc Nov, 1830— Doc. 1834; April, 1835— Oot. 1840 Publlalwd "LlfoofLopodo Yoga" . , iSoiS d. 99 Oot. 1840 4, Hknky EDWAim, son . . 1, 7 Maroh, 180a Entored dlplomatlo aovvloo .... 1831 British miuister at Moronoo .... 1838-46 Edited Ills fatliec'a " I'oi'olgn llominisoonoos" i8ji; "jaomolraof tlioWliigpiirty" t8j»-S4 d. 18 Jioo. i8j9 Tox, Charlsa, line-ongraver ; i, about 1795; d. 28 Feb. 1849. Tox, Olioi'loa Jomos, orator and atatssniMi, third son of Houi'y Vox, first lord ITiilliuid; i. 24 Jan. 1749; d. 13 Sept. 1806. Elootod M.P. for Modliui-at .... 1768 Spoko against Wllkos ... 15 Anvil, 1769 A oommlsslouer In tho treasury a few montlia 1 dismlsged 94 Fob, 1773 Joined tlio Whig party 1774 Strongly opposed lord North In his moaanrea against the American colonies . . , 1774-6 Foreign seoretavy in lord llooltlnghara's ministry, March ; resigned at his death , , a Jnlr, 17S9 Formed a coalition with lord North against Pitt, and became foreign seorotary in the Portland or coalition ministry .... 9 April, 1783 Brought in hia India blU, 11 Dec. ; which waa strongly opposed by the king, who dlsmlased the ministry 18 Deo. 1783 Elooteil M.P. for Wostminstor, after a most aevore struggle .... 16 May, 1784 Aided in the proaeoutton of Warren Hastings, 1 786,(i( tiig, Suoceaafolly oppoaed the projeotod war with Bnaaia March, 178B Hia support of the principle of tho French revo- lution led to Biuko's rupture with him in a do- bato Miiy, 1790 Strongly opposed tho coalition ogoinst Franuu promoted by Pitt .... 1799, et iiq. Married Eliiabeth it. Oane (Mra Armistoadj, hlB mistreaa 98 Sopt, 1793 Setired from politloa— the Whig party diaor- ganiaed 1797-1809 Bo-eleotcd for Weatmlnater . . 90 July, t8o9 Travelled on the oontlnont : well rocolvcd by tho tlrst consul Bonaparte ... 3 Bept, 1S09 At the death of Pitt, beoame foreign secretary In the rirenvlllo (" jUI tho Talents ") adminis- tration, Fob d. 13 Sopt. 1806 Hia " History of tho Beign of James II." pub- liahod by lord Holland 1808 T"0X, Sir Oharlos, civil onginoer j 6. 1810; employed by Eriosson ; enginoor of the London and Birmingham railway j oonBtmotod the building for the great exhibition of 1851, and the orystal palaoe, Sydenham, 1852-54. Ii'ox, HilwHi'il, bishop of Hereford; wnito "ilc Vurfl Diffiorentift Regios Potestatis et Hiiolu- siastiotD, " 1534; oonseorated, 1535 ; il. 1538. Fox, George, founder of the sooiety of friends or quakers ; A.July, 1624) maintained "that it is not the Scriptures, but the Holy Spu'it by which opinions and religions are to tried ; " commenced itinerant preaobing at Manchester, 1648 ; wont to America, 1672; to Holland, 1684; his "Journal" published 1694; d. 13 Jan, 1690. Fox (or Foxu), .1 olm. Om " martyitilogisb " and reformsr; h. lSi7i aoouaad of huvuay j uxpoUoil from Magdalen ooUogo, Oxfoitl, 1545; declined preferment ; iiublialRul his " /Vota luid Mtmu- ments of tlm iihuroh ; or, Book of Martyrs," 1553 J d. 18 April, 1587. Fox, Luke, imvij;aliu'; b. about 1585; sailed to diaoovOT the north-west passage, itiji; published "NDrUi-woat ¥ox; or, Fox from Uio Korth-west I'aasago," U\\^. .Fox, lliohard, bishop ot Winnlu'Ntur, gtatos- man; b. about 1466; biahop of l)ui'liiuit, 1494; Winolu'stor, 1501 ; ftumdod Corpus OhrisM coUoKo, OxfimC 1516; d. 14 Sept. 1528, Fox, Su'HU'iiln!ii,8tatu»mau; b. 1627: d., 1716. Ii'ox, William .lohnson, unltarimi uiiniKtur; b. 17S6; M.P. for Oldham, i8.|() mid 1852: PuIiUhIuhI "LooturoB to the Workiiitf (Uiuwoa," 1845-51; d. 3 June, 1864. Fov, Moximilion Siiluwlion, li'iinuJi general and orator; b. 3 Voh, 1775; d. 2S Nov. 1825, Fought with alstinctton In llollniul, (m,, 1706-97; in Swltaorland, &c., iioo-iHuu ; In the derenco of the Diirdiuiolloi ogalUHt the Kiigllali, 1807: in Spain iM-i3 Wounded at Waterloo . . . i8 June, 1815 Made his llrat groat apoooli In the oliainber of iliipull™ 30 Doo, 1819 (ipiioBoil t\u\ Intovviinlltin in Spain . 94 1'ob. i8a3 Ji'uA lUiiToi.iiMMito, nee liacoio. li'u.MiANToiiii, Ueroniino, llaUan pnot ond ))liyHi(uan ; b. 1483 ; published " Syimilia sive Morbus GoUiouB," a puom, 1530; ((. 8 Aug. ISS3. FiUNOHBOA, Pioro della (Piero licui^lioso), Italian painter iinil writer on perspeotivu; b. about i.iijS; his history of the oi'ohh imrtiaJly exists at Avo/.m; d. about 1484. FiiAOHKTTA, Oiironimo, Italian critic and poli- tioian; b. ivhiMit 1560; published "Spositlonu de Luorozio," 15H1); d, 1(120. h'uA l)iAVOL0("Mioho1ii I'li/./.a), Italian bandit; J, about 1769; il. lo'Mov, 1806, FiusHN, Ohriatiiiu Mn.rUii, German orientallat and numismatist ; b. 4 .hino, 1782; d. 28 Aug. 1S51. li'iiAdiiiim, Claude FitokjoIr, T'l'dUdh scholar and iiioi'iiliHt ; b. lOdti; uUitud ".huimal des Savants," 1706; il. 1728. li^iiAcKiNAitii, .hum iloudril, French Mstorlonl and laiiilHuapu )>iiintm'; b. I732;(i 22Aug. 1806. Fbani,iaih, AuldliHi, ciimtu de NantuH, i''ronoh politician; b. 17, 1 an. 1756; an ordont rapubU- cian; ilcjiiDiiiuiud tbu miwHuorus of tho mountain, 1794; (Uirunildd tlio liberty of the prei), June, 1798; oiii|ilny(«l by Napolcon in the lluanoe departiiuiiit, 1804; ru-entertiil chamber of tie- piiliidH, r8i9 ; made a punr of Franco, 1831 ; d. 7 Miiroh, 183(1. |i'iiANiiATi«i,i,i,'(lbii,rI(iB iOlmo, Holentlflo CO"l(, HiHKaiHHivuly Id Orookford'H, the* royal house- liolil, and tliu reform olnli; rnn.iiaj,'or of St. .lainuH'H biitul, 1867 ; published " 'I'lio Modern Ouok," 1845; "Cook's Guide," i86i. FKA 183 FKA FiiANCESOA, Piotro della, also called Pietro Borgheae, l<'lorentine fresco painter; h. about 1398; introdticed a new style in place of tliat :)f Giotto ; d. after 14S4. Fbaj^cesohini, Baldasyare Volterrano, Flo- rentine painter ; h. i()ii; d. 16S9. Franoesch INI, Marctintonio, Bolognese painter; h. 5 April, 1648; d. 24 Poc. 172S. FliANOiiKViLLK (or Franquevillic), Pierre de, Flemish sculptor, painter, architect, mathema- tician, and anatomist; &. 154S; d. about 1612. Francia, Francesco liaibolini, called Francia, Eolngnese painter; 6. 1450 ; d. 6 Jan. 1517. Francia, Jos^ Oaspard Rodriguez, dictator of raraguay; h. about 1 763; d. 20 Sept. 1840. Became secretary of the Junta of state at the in- surrection in Paraguay, May. 1811 ; Urst consul of the republic, 1813; sole consul, 1814; dictator for life 1817 Suppressed the monks, 1S25 ; ruled despotically, yet beneficially ; excluding all foreign inter- ference . . d. 20 Sept. 1840 Franciabigio, Marcantonio, Florentine painter; h. 14S3 ; (/. 1524. Francis, see Francisco and Frangois. Frj\.ncis I. and II., dukes of Britanny : I., b. II May 1414 ; duke, 28 Aug. 1442 ; took part in the wars with England ; cruelly treated his brother Gilles through jealousy (who died in prison, April, 1450); d, 19 July, 1450. II. b. 8 or 9 Sept. 1435 ; duke (the last) . . 1459 Incuri'ed the enmity of Louis XI. ; made peace 10 Sept. 146S Fi-esh intrigues ; new treaty . . 9 Oct. 1475 Allied with Maximilian of Austria . . i486 His army defeated at St Aubin du Cormier by Do Tremouille .... 28 July, 14S8 Signed the treaty of Sabl6 or Verger d. 9 Sept. 1488 Francis I. and II., kings of France : I. Corate d'AngoulQme and due do Valois b. 12 Sept. 1494 Married Claude, daughter of Louis XII. 18 May, 1514 Succeeded him i Jan. 1515 Attempted to recover the duchy of Milan ; de- feated the Swiss at Marignano 14 Stipt. 1515 Entered Milan .... 4 Oct. 1515 Jlade peace with the Swiss . . .7 Nov. 1515 Made treaty of Noyon with Charles of Spain Aug. 1516 Olt'ered himself as a candidate for the empire ; unsuccessful 1519 Interview with Henry VTII. of England at the Eield of tlie Cloth of Cold . . 7-25 June, 1520 Began war with the emperor Charles V. May, 1521 Lost Milan by the defeat at Bicocca 29 April, 1522 League aiirainst him formed ; embarrassed by tliu dt'icL-tiuii of the constable of Bourbon . 1523 CrossLHl the AliK .... Oct. 1524 ]>L>lL'at(.Mi and taken prisoner at Pavia, 24 Feb, ; r-emovetl to Spain June, 1525 Signed the treaty of Madrid, 13 Jan.; re-entered France March, 1526 Defied Cliarles V. to single combat . 1528 Signed treaty of Cambray, the "Pais des Dames" July, 1529 Commenced persecution of the protestants . 1529 Married Ltumota. sister of Charles V. 4 July, 1530 Again invadfd Italy .... March, 1536 Truce of N k-c, effected by pope Paul III. June, 1538 Interview with Chaiies V. at Aigues Mortes 14 July, 1538 Through two French agents being killed at Milan July, 1541 War rekindled with the emperor and England early in 1542 Peace with Henry VIII. . . 7 Juno, 1546 d, 31 March, 1547 II., son of Henry II. and Catherine de Medicis ; 6. 19 Jan. 1543 ; married Maiy Stuart, queen of Scotland, 24 April 155S ; king, to July, 1559 ; d. 5 Dec. 1560. Francis 1. and 11., emperors of Germany and Austria : I. of Lorraine ; b. 8 Dec. 1708 ; duke of Lorraine 27 March, 1729 MaiTied Maria Theresa, daughter of Charles A^I. emperor .... 12 Feb. 1736 Exchanged Lorraine for Tuscany . . 1737 Commanded the army against the Turks . 17J8 Elected emperoi", 13 Sept. ; crowned . 4 Oct. 1745 d. 18 Aug, 176^ II. {1. of A mtria) . . . i. 12 Feb. 176S Succeeded his father, Leopold II. i March, 17Q2 Joined Prussia in war against France . . 1794 Concluded peace of Campo l''ormio, losing Milan, the Netherlands, &c. ; gaining Venice 17 Oct. 1797 Made league with England, 1799 ; his armies defeated at Marengo, 14 June; at Ilohenlin- den ... 3 Dec. 1800 Made peace at Luneville, . . .9 Feb. 1801 Established hereditary empire of Austria, it Aiig. : proclaimed as Francis I. . .7 Dec, 1804 Entered into a coalition with England, Pi.ussia, Aug. ; defeated at Auaterlitz, , . 2 Dec. 1805 Signed peace at Presburg ; Venice ceded to France, 26 Dec. 1S05 Abdicated the empire of Germany, 6 Aug. 1S06 ; declared war against France, 27 March ; his armies defeated ; his capital entered by Napo- leon ; compelled to make peace at Vicuna 14 Oct. i8og His daughter, Maria Louisa, married to Napo- loon I April, iSio Supported Napoleon in the Russian cam- paign, May, i8t2 Joined Russia and Prussia against him. 9 Sept. 1S13 Formed with them the " Holy Alliance," against liberalism, ratilled . 26 Sept. 1815 d. 2 March, 1835 Francis Joskph, emperor of Austria, son of the archduke Francis Charles ; b. iS Aug. 1S30. Succeeded his uncle, Ferdinand I. . .2 Dec. 1848 Abolished the ancient constitution of Hungary, and established another . . 2 March, 1S49 Suppressed Hungarian insurrection by the help of Russia 1849-50 His army successful in Italy ; defeated Charles jVlbert at Novara, 23 March ; captured Venice 22 Aug. 1S49 Escaped assassination by Libenyi . . iS Feb. 1853 After much threatening, began war with Sar- dinia 26 April, 1859 His armies defeated at Montebello, 20 May ^ at Magenta, 4 June ; present at the defeat at Sol- ferino, 24 June, 1859 Summoned the Reichsrath (representative im- perial assembly) .... 5 March, i860 Signed peace at Villa Franca . 12 July, 1859 Published amnesty for Hungary, . . 7 Jan. 1S61 Met minor German sovereigns at Frankfort Aug. 1863 War with Prussia and Italy ; his army finally de- feated at Sadowa or Koniggrittz . . 3 Jidy, 1866 Signed peace with Prussia at Pnigue {giving up supremacy in Germany), 23 Aug. ; with Italy at Vienna (giving up Veuetia. &c.) . . ii Oct. 1866 Granted autonomy to Hungaiy, Feb. ; crowned Kino- . . ,8 June, 1S67 Visited Paris *. 23 Oct. 1867 Declared for liberty of conscience . Oct. 1807 Gave assent to civil marriages bill . 25 May, 1S68 FRA 184 FTiA I Francis I. and II., kings of Naples and Sicily: I 'i. 19 Aug. 1777 Made "Alter Ego" by his father Ferdinand I. Gave a constitution to Sicily, . n Jan. 1812 Deprived of his power by his father, . Nov. 1813 Relieved distress in Sicily by earthquakes . 1818-Q King Jan. 1825 Dismissed the national guard and engaged Wwisa . . . . 1825 d. 8 Nov. 1830 II 6. 16 Jan. 1836 Succeeded his father Ferdinand II. 22 May, 1859 Strengthened his army, Oct. 1859 : s.nd im- prisoned liberal politicians . . April, i860 Refused to reform his states . April, i860 Fled from Naples to Gaeta . . . 6 Sept. i860 His states annexed to Sardinia by plebiscite 21 Oct. i860 Feancis, George Henry, journalist, &u. ; h. 1816; published " Oratora of the Age," 1S47; "Critical Biographies," 1852; edited "Morning Chronicle, " 1859-60; d.28Aug.i866. Franols, John, American physician; b. 17S9; d. 1861. Francis, T!ev. PhiMp, poet; published trans- lation of Horace, about 1743 ; Demosthenes and Machines, 1753-5; <^- 5 March, 1773. His son. Sir Philip, statesman ; h. 22 Oct. 1 740 ; suspected of being the author of the letters of Junius, (published, 1769) ; employed in India; quarrelled mth Warren Hastings, 1774-S0; asNi.sted at his trial, 1 786-7; d. 22 Dec. 18 1 8. Francis, William, chemist; b. 16 Feb. 181 7; an editor of the " Philosophical Magazine " since 1851, Francis d'Assisi, Saint ; b. 1182; renounced the world, and devoted himself to relieve the poor, sick, &c., 1206 ; founded the order of preaching friars or Franciscans, 1 208 ; con- firmed by pope Innocent III. at the council of Lateran, 1215; d. 1226. Francis di BminiA, Saint, general of the Jesuits; b. 1 5 10; retired from the court of Charles V. ; gave up his title of duke of Gandia, .and entered the order of Jesuits, 1546; became general, 1565; d. 30 Sept. 1572. Francis de Paulo, Saint, Calabrian; b. 1416; retired from the world, and formed a society, constituted by the )>"pe, as a religious order, the Hermits of St. I'^raTiuls of Assisi, or Friars Minims, 1474; d. April, 1507. FrjVNOIS de Sales, saint; b. 12 Aug. 1567; renounced the world, and became a friar minim, 1593; a successful Romanist mission- ary ; held conferences with Beza, 1597; preached at Paris before Henry IV. ; made bishop of Geneva, 1602; published "Introduc- tion \ la Vie D(5vote," 1608 ; " Trait(3 de FAmour de Dieu," 1624; d, 28 Dec. 1622. Francis Xavieb, Saint, Jesuit missionary, the apostle of the Indies ; b. 7 April, 1 506 ; entered the order, 1 5 Aug. 1 534 ; entered Goa to preach the gospel, 16 May, 1542 ; arrived in Japan, 15 Aug. 1549; unsuccessfully attempted to enter China, 1551 ; d, 2 Dec. 1552. France, or Fbanckens, Belgian painters : FliAwgois, the Old ; b. 1544 : d. 3 Oct. 1616. FitAN^ois, the Young ; b. 1580 ; d. 1642. Francke, August Hermann, German ministei and philanthropist; b. 23 March, 1663; esta blished a literary society (Collegium Philol biblicum) at Leipsic about 1684 ; and the Orphanotropheum (orphan hospital) at Halle, 1698-9; published "Methodus StudiEe Theo- logife," 1723, &o. ; d. 8 June, 1727. Francke, ( Jhristian, Geiman enthusiast ; b. 1549; termed "Weathercock" from his fre- quent conversions ; published " Colloquium Jesuiticum," 1579; d. after 1595. Franckenstein, German scholars : Christian Friedricu ; b. 20 Aug. 1621 . d. i6jg \ CiiliisTiAN Gottfried, son ; h. 1661 : published, in German, "Introduction to Roman and Ger- man History," and " History of the German Empire" . ... (i. 26 Aug. 1717 Jacob August, son, jurist : 6. 27 Dec. 1689 ; published " Historical Theatre of Portugal, Eng- land, and Switzerland," 1723-5 . . d. 10 May, 1733 Francklin, Thomas, Greek scholar and poet; b. 1 72 1 ; translated Phalaris, Cicero, &c. ; pub- lished ' * Enquiry into the Astronomy and Ana- tomy of the Ancients," I775;rf.i5 March,i784. Franco, Battista, "Semolei," Venetian painter and engraver; 6. about 1498; worked at Kome, 1536; d. 1561. Franco, Niccolo, Italian satirical poet ; &. 1 505 ; pubhshed "II Testamento del DeUcato," and the "Priapeia," 1541 ; hanged at Rome by Pius v., for attacking him in an epigram, 1569. Franco Bakheto, Joio, Portuguese poet and historian; b. 1600; pubUshed " Eneida Portu- guesa," 1664-70; d. 1669. Fkancceuk, Louis Benjamin, French mathe- matician; b. 16 or 17 Aug. 1773; published "Cours de M^canique," 1800; "Cours com- plet de Math^matiques," 1809 ; "Urano- graphie," 1812, &c. ; d. 15 Dec. 1849. FRANgois, Claude, French Benedictine ; b. 1 559 ; aided in the reform of his order, 1606; d. 10 Aug. 1632. Fkanqois de Bonne Esr^ranoe, (Franciscus Bouse Spei), "le Pfere Crispin," Flemish theo- logian ; b. 20 June, 1617 ; pubbshed " Theologia Universa," 1662 ; " Nootua Belgia ad Aquilam Germanicam," 1651, &c. ; d. 5 Jan. l677' Franijois, Jean Charles, French engraver ; b. 1717; invented chalk-engraving ; d. 1769. FRANgois DE NeufchAteau, comte, French agriculturist, statesman, and poet ', b. I'] April, 1750; d, 10 Jan. 1828. His "Poesies" published .... 1765 Adopted by the town of Neufch^teau ; resided there till appointed a procureur -general in St. Domingo 1783 Employed in Franco to organise departments, &c.,i79o DecUned the ministry of justice under the con- vention Oct. 1792 Arrested, 3 Sept. 1793 ; released . . 4 Aug. 1794 Appointed to the ministry of the interior: or- ganised its duties . . . 17 June, 1798 President of the senate 1804-6 Devoted himself to the promotion of agriculture 1807-28 FRA 185 FllE FKANgoiS, Laurent, abb^, French geographer; b. 2 Nov. 1698; published "Preuves de la Ke- ligion de Jesus Christ," 1751, &c. ; d. 24 Feb. 1782. FEANgois, Simon, "le Valentin," French por- trait painter ; h. 1606; d. 1671. Francowitz, Matthias, see Flach. Fkank, Jacob, Polish jew; h. 1712; founded the Jewish sect of Frankists, or Zoharists, in opposition to the Tahnudists, about 1750 ; per- secuted ; took refuge in Moldavia ; imprisoned there ; baptized ; released, 1773 ; went to Vienna, and lived in great luxury, 1778; ex- pelled; settled at Offenbach, 178S; d. 1791. Frankland, Edward, chemist ; 6. 18 Jan. 1825. Professor at Putney College, 1850; at Owens College, Manchester, 1851-7; at St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital, 1857-63 ; at the Royal Institu- tion. 1863-8 ; at the Koyal School of Mines . 1865 Isolated the compound radicals, methyl, ethyl, and amyl 1849 Publish^ ''Lecture Notes for Students" . . 1866 Franklin, Benjamin, American philosopher and statesman; b. at Boston, 17 Jan. 1706; d 17 April, 1790. Apprenticed to his brother as a printer 1718 Worked at New York and Philadelphia . 1723-4 Went to London and worked there as a printer,i724-6 Eeturned to Philadelphia (set up in business) II Oct. 1726 Married Miss Read . ... 1730 Published a "Gazette" and "Poor Richard's Almanacks" .... 1732,6*565, PubUshed his electrical theory . . . 1747 Proved the identity of lightning and the electric spark bringing down electricity from a thunder- cloud by means of a kite . June, 1752 Made postmaster of Pennsylvania . . . 1751 Promoted the establishment of militias ; elected colonel 1757 Sent to London on behalf of the provincial assem- bly respecting taxation ; made D.C.L. at Ox- ford ; formed many friendships . . . 1757-62 Sent to London to oppose the taxation of the colonies ..... . 1764 Appeared before the house of commons 3 Feb. 1766 Announced the approaching resistance of the colonies to the stamp act, &c. . . . 1 767 Virulently attacked in parliament by Wedderburn 29 Jan. 1774 Resisted intimidation and corruption ; deprived of his offices 1774 Eulogised by lord Chatham in the house of lords when he proposed his plan of reconciliation I Feb. 1775 Embarked for America . . 22 March, 1775 Arrived as commissioner in Paris Dec. 1776 Signed the treaty of alliance . . .6 Feb. 1778 Gained the alliance of Spain, 1779 ; of Holland 1780 Aided the conclusion of peace, signed 3 Sept. 1783 Arrived in Philadelphia ; received with intense enthusiasm 14 Sept. 1785 President of Philadelphia; at the convention which revised the federal constitution 1787 Franklin, Sir John, rear admiral, Arctic navigator; b. 1786; d. il June, 1847. Midshipman, about . . . 1800 At the bombardment of Copenhagen . 2 April, 1801 At Trafalgar 21 Oct. 1805 Commanded the " Trent " in a north-western ex- pedition, April ; returned . . . Oct. 1818 Sailed to conduct a land expedition to discover the north-west passage, 23 May, 1819 ; returned 15 Oct. 1822 Published "Narratives" . 1823 and 1828 Sailed for a second land expedition, 16 Feb. 1825 ; returned .... . . 26 Sept. 1827 Sailed on his last expedition, 24 May ; last de- spatches received from him dated . 12 July, 1845 Twenty-one expeditions sent in search of him, 1848-59 Discoveries made by lieutenant Hobson at Point Victory near Cape Victoria include a paper signed by captain Fitzjames, certifying that Sir John Franklin died . . 11 June, 1847 His wives : Eleanou Ann, poet, &. (Porden) 1795 ; published "The Veils," 1815 ; "The Arctic Expedition," 1818 ; married Franklin, Aug. 1823 d. Feb. 1825 Jane Griffin, man-ied, 1828; helped to equip expeditions in search of her husband . 1855-57 Fransz, Peter, Dutch philologist and Latin poet; b. 19 Aug. 1645; published "Orationes," 1692; Poemata, 1682; d. 19 Aug. 1704. Franzen, Franz Michael, Swedish poet and historiographer; 6. 9 Feb. 1772; secretary of the Swedish Academy, 1824 ; d. 14 Aug. 1847. Fbanzoni, Luigi, Italian prelate ; i. i ygo ; archbishop of Turin, 1831 ; firmly opposed the ecclesiastical reforms of the minister Siccardi, 184S; condemned for rebellion; imprisoned, 1850-2 ; exiled ; an active ultra-montane in France ; d. 26 March, 1862. Feaser, Alexander, Scotch painter ; l>. 7 April, 1786; d. 15 Feb. 1865. Feaseh, James Baillie, Scotch traveller ; ft. 1 1 June, 1783; published his " Tour in the Himar layas,"i82o; "Journey into Khorasan," 1825 ; d. Jan. 1856. Feaseh, Simon, Lord Lovat, Scotch Jacobite ; b. 1667; published "Memoirs of his Life," 1746 ; iDeheaded for high treason, 20 April, 1747- Fkauenlob, Heinrich, German meistersinger ; d. 29 Nov. 1318; his works printed, 1843. Fraunhofeb, Joseph, German optician and physicist i. b. 6 March, 1787 ; discovered many dark lines in the solar spectrum, and published a diagram of 590, 1814-15 ; improved the helio- meter, micrometer, &a., 1824; d. 7 June 1826. Fkayssinous, Denis Luc, French prelate ; b. 9 May, 1765 ; d. 12 Dec. 1841. Began his " Conferences " on theology at St. Sulpice . . t8oi His society dispersed . . 1811 Re-opened his conferences 1814 Published " Les Vrais Princlpes de I'Eglise Gallicane," 1818 : "Defense du Christianisme," 1825 Appointed almoner of Louis XVIII. . . 1821 Minister of ecclesiastical affairs and public instruc- tion . . . 26 Aug. 1824 — 4 Jan. T828 Declined office . July, 1830 Feedegaeius, Scholasticus, French historian ; 7th century; his "Chronicon," printed, 1568. Feedegonde, queen of the Franlcs ; 6. about 545 ; at first mistress, married to Chilperio I. after the murder of his wife Galsuinthe, 567 ; caused the assassination of Sigebert, king of Neustria, 575 ; of Clovis, son of Chilperic, 580 ; of her husband, by her paramour Landry, 584; to clear herself, had many executed; d. 597. FKE 186 FEE riiEDBiuoK III., arolidulco of Austria, eon of the emperor, Albert I.; 6. 1286; a candidate for the Imperial crown, i _',oS ; elected by his pai'tiaans, 19 Oct. 1314; ciofoivtoil. and taken prisoner by Louis of Bavaria at JUiUldorf, 28 Sept. 1322; rf. 13 Jan. 1330. FliEDEiiu'ic, archduke of Austria ; quarrelled with the emperor Bigismond, and humbled by him at Constance, 30 April, 1415; rf- 24 June, 1436. I'redemoe, electors of Brandenburg ; I. Burgrftvo of Nuremberg, oount HolionKol- lorn ; invested with the eleotorftto of Brauden- burg, by the emperor Sigismond, 1417 . . d, 1440 II. 6. X413 ; elootor, 1440 ; abdloatod in favour of his brother, Albert, 1470 . rf. 10 Feb. 1471 FiiiGDiciiioK William, the great, elector ; b, i6ao ; succeeded hia father, George "William, i6.p : enlai'ged hIa atates by the peace of West- phalia, 164S ; aud In 1666, aoqvilred Magdeburg, 16S0 ; created a uavy on the Baltic, 16S3 . a. 168S HI. FiumiiMOK I. of Pruaslft. Frederick I.— VII., kings of Denmoi'k : I. b, 1.171 ; dulte of Schleswig aud Holstein . 14.81 Called to bo king la room of Christian II., de- posed 1533 Kecognlsod Gustavus Yasa aa Icluff of Sweden 1534 Permitted the proclamation of religious tolera- tion by the diet of OdensoQ, 1537 rf. 10 April, 1533 II. b. 1534 ; sucoooded hla fatlior, Ohrlatian ill. 1559 Made successful war with Sweden . . 1563 Concluded peace at Stettin .... 1570 Patronised Tyoho Brahe, and founded an ob- aervatory 1574 rf. 4 April, 1588 III. b. 1609 ; succeeded hla father, Christian IV. 1648 His states Invaded by Charles X. of Sweden, who crossed the frozen Belt with an army, and besieged Copenhagen 1658 Aided by the Dutch, his army defeated the Swedes, near Wyborg ... 14 Nov. 1659 Concluded peace 07 May, 1660 Granted absolute power by the diet, and the crown made hereditary In his family, 18 Oct. ; confirmed 14 Nov. ifiSo Fostered commorco and literature rf. 9 Feb. 1670 IV. b. 12 Oct. 1671 ; suoeeedod his father. Chris- tian V 1699 Joined nuasla and Poland in the war against Sweden 1699-1700 Kenowed the war ; conquered Scania . . 1709 Ills army defeated near Holslngburg, by Stoin- bock ...... 10 March, 1710 Occupied Bremen, and invaded Pomorania . 1711 Again defeated at Gadebusoh . 30 Dee. 1719 Captured Steinbeck (who liad burnt Altona), and hia army at Tonnlng . . . May, 1713 Made peace at Frederiokaburg . 3 July, 1720 rf. la Oct, 1730 V. b. 1723; Buccooded Ws father. Christian VI. 6 Aug. 174S Favoured aolence, literature, and the arts ; made a treaty with Sweden 1750 Eealsted the demand of the czar Peter III. tor Sloswlg ; war broken off by his sudden death, 14 July, 1762 .... rf. 14 Jan. 17(16 VI. son of Christian VII. . . ii. 28 Jan. 1768 Declared co-regent 1784 Formed neutrality alliance with Sweden . 1794 Joined the armed neutrality; Copenhagen bom- bariled by Nelson .... 2 April, 1801 Joined the continental syatem of Napoleon ; Copenhagen bombarded, and taken by Gam- bler and Cathoart .... 7 Sept. 1807 Became king on the death of his father 13 March, 1808 Supported Napoleon through all his reverses ,• compelled to cede Norway to Sweden, by the * treaty of Kiel, for part of Pomeraula 14 Jan. 1814 ISstablishod a national bank . . . i3t8 rf. 3 Deo. 1839 VII. (1. 6 Oct. iSo8 ; Buooeoded his father, t'hrls- tlon VIII 20 Jan. 1848 Proclaimed a new constitution, uniting the duchies more closely with Denmark s8 Jan. 1848 Contended with an iusm'reotlou iu the duchies aided by Prussia Feb. 1848 Made separate peace with Fruaaia 9 July, 1850 Signed treaty guai'anteeiug the indepondonoe of the duchleB .... 18 Fob. i8sa Promulffalod a now constitution . 29 July, iS 54 Adopted I Oot. 1855 Katilled the abolition of the Sound dues for a compensation 14 March, 1857 Aoeoptod the crown of Greece tor his ralivtlvo, prince WilUam George ... 6 Juno, tSfi3 rf. IS Nov. i8(>j Fhederiok-Willum, oleotor of Hosse Cassol; b. 20 Aug. 1802. Made co-regent by his father . . 30 Sept. 1831 Succeeded his father ... 20 Nov. 1847 Long embroiled with hla subjects through his arbitrary conduct ; iled ; appliod to the Frank- fort diet tor help .... 14 Oot. 1850 Eeatorod by an army, Nov. ; returned to Ciisnel a7lii'c. 1850 Disputes renewod, and oontlnuod till his states were annexed to Prussia ... 8 Oot. 1866 rKBDERiOK I. — III., emperors of Germany ; I. Barbarossa, b. 1121 ; Buooeeded Conrad III. as emperor March, 1152 Made war with Italy : took Tortona April, iijs Seized Arnold of Brosoltt, and delivered him to the popo (who burnt him) ; crowned at Konio i3 Juno, iisj Made successful war in Poland; ereotod the kingdom of Bohemia, &o 1157 Supreme in Italy ; promulgated new laws ; sub- dued the revolting allies ; destroyed tortilioa- tlons of Milan 1162 Attor oontlnuod war with the Lombard League, defeated at Lognano . . . 29 May, 1176 Entered into a truce for six yoai'S , . 1177 Concluded the peace of Conatanco 25 Jtuio, 1x83 Entered on the third crusade . . . 1189 Drowned in the Saloph . . 10 June, 119a II. sou of Heniy VL and Constance of Slully b. 26 Doo. 1194 King of Sicily at hla fathor'a deoth . . 1197 By the help of France, defeated and deposed Otho IV., the usurper and murderer of his unolo, who died ...... 1215 Summoned by the popo to enter on a crusade ; delayed 1219 Caused his son Henry to bo elected king of the Itomans .... about April, 1220 Butorod Italy ; crowned at Eome by the pope 22N0V. laao Married Yolande, daughter of Joan do Brlonuo, and styled himself king of Jerusalem . i"5 Set out tor the Holy Land ; returned aflorthreo days' navigation ; oxcommunioatod by the pope Gregory IX. 1227 Wrote a justlflcatory letter, attacking the pope ; marched against Bomo, and expellod the popo, 1228 Set out tor Syria ; arrived at Acre 25 Doe. iaa8 Made a favourable treaty with the sultan of Egypt, and entered Joruaalem ; again oxoom- munlcated, and declared dopoaeil . . ">P lloturnod to Sicily ; temporary poaoo with the popo ; held a diet at Bavomia . , . "3^ Deposed his son Henry In favour of his son Conrad i335 Subdued Fredoriok of Austria , . . "3<' PRE is; PRE Marched into Lombai-dy ; capUired Vicenza and Slantua ; defeated the Milanese at Corte Nviova .... 27 Nov. 1237 Subdued all Lombardy except Brescia and Milan 123S Conquered nearly all tlie papal territories . 1239 The pope proclaimed a crusade against himXun- successful) . . 1240 His excommuniottiou maintained by the new pope, Innocent H' 1243 Deoliired deposed (mtliont effect) by the council of Lyons, headed by the pope . 20 June, 1245 "Wrote "De Arte Venandi cum Avibus," 1227; while engaged in successful wai'fare, rf. 13 Dec, 1250 III. Sou of Albert 1. ; b. 1286; made war with Louis of Bavaria, 1314 ; defeated and taken pri- soner at Miihldorf, 28 Sept. 1322; relinquished the throne, iijs - . . . . tl. i^^o III. ior IV.^ The Pacific . b. 21 Sept. 1415 Elected emperor 1440 Gave up privilei;res by a new concordat 17 Feb. 1448 Received tlie imperial crown and the iron crown from pope Nicholas V. ... . 1452 Keuounced his claims on Hrmgary . , . 1403 His sou, Maximilian, married to Maiy of Bur- gxmdy X477 . - . . d. ig Aug. 1493 FuEDERTCK I. — lA^., Electoi-s Palatine : I. The Victorious : 6. i Aug. 1425 ; regent for his nephew. Fhilip, 1449 ; beciime elector, 1454 : de- feated the emperor Frederic III. and his nobles, at Ffeddersheim, 1400 . . . d. 12 Dec. 1476 II. The Wise: 6. 1- Dec. 14S2; succeeded his brother Louis i544 Became a Lutheran, and introduced the reforma- tion into Ms states, and joined the league of Smalkalde . . ... 1545 Signed the interim, 1^48 . . d. 26 Feb, 1556 III. (of Simmern) The Pious : 6.1515; succeeded Otto Henry i559 Publicly confessed Calvinism, appealing to the Bible in the presence of the emperor, Maximi- lian 11. 1560 Assisted the Huguenots with troops commanded by his son. 156S. 1575 . , . rf. 26 Oct. 1576 IV. The Just; b.' 1^7^; succeeded his father, Louis VI. 15S3 ; restored peace, fostered litera- ture, &c rf. 9 Sept. 1610 V. 6. 16 Aug, 1596 ; succeeded his father, Fi'ede- rick IV 9 Sept. 1610 Miuried Elizabeth, daughter of James L of Ei^- laud 14 Feb. 1613 Elected king of Bohemia . 26 Aug. 1619 Lost all by the battle of Prague . . S Xov. 1620 Proscribed and deposed by the emperor ; visited several courts, soliciting succour . . 1620-22 Joined Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, t6:S : ^ rf. 29 Nov. 1632 Predeeick, kings of Prussia : I. 6. i6=;7, succeeded his father. Frederick "Wil- liam the Great, elector of Brandenburg, as Fred- erick IH . i^SS Joined the great alliance against France . 1691 Aided the emjieror against the Turks, anddistin- giiished himself at &ilenkamen, Belgrade, and Zenta 1691-97 Founded the univei-sity of Halle . . . 1694 AVith the emperor's consent, under conditions, crox\-ned himself king of Prussia. . iS Jan. 1701 Acquired Neiifchatel and Tecklenbni^, 1707 d. 25 Feb. 1713 Frederick "WiLLrA-it I. son ; 6. 16SS : king . 1813 Very eccentric : reduced Imcuiy, and enforced strict economy ; his states enlarged, 1713-20; founded establishments at Potsdam . . . 1724 Imprisoned his son Frederick, and beheaded his friend Katte. 1710 . . rf- 31 ^^7 174c Frkdrrtck IL tlie Great, son , b. 24 Jan. 1712 Kigoroudy treated by his father; king, 1740: made war with Austria ; took Breslau 3 Jan. 1741 Acquired all Silesia by his victoiy at Molwitz 10 April 1741 Visited England . . . . 1744 Began the seven years' war . . . . .1756 Victor at Prague, 6 May ; defeated at Kolin, 18 June ; Victor at Hosbach, 5 Nov, ; at Lissa 5 Dec. 1757 Motor at Zorndortf, 25 Aug. ; defeated at Hoch- kirchen ... .14 Oct. 1758 Defeated at Cunnersdorf ... 12 Aug. 1759 A'ictorat Pfaffendorf, 15 Aug.; at Torgau, 2 '^ov. 1760 Saved by the ineflicieucy of his enemies' generals, 1761 ^lade peace with Kussia and Sweden . April, 1762 Took Schweidnitz . 8 Oct. 1762 Signed the peace of Hubertsburg . 15 Feb. 1763 Shared in the first partition of Poland . 1772 His "Q^uvres Diverses" published 1750; "(Eu- vres," 17S8 .... of. 17 Aug. 1786 Fkederick "WrLLiAM II. nephew 6. 25 Sept. 1744 Iviug 17S6 Joined England in restoring the stadtholder of Holland i7?7 Encouraged the Poles to resist Russia . . 1789 By tlie treaty of Piluitz joined the emperor Leo- pold II. to assist the king of France, 20 July, 1791 Sent an army under the duke of Brunswick, July, 1792 Shared in the second partition of Poland . 1793 Treaty of peace with France signed at Basel 5 April, 1795 Eeceived third share of Poland . . Oct. 1795 f'. 16 Dec, 1797 Feedekick; AVilliam III. son : 6. 3 Aug. 1770; king _ - 1797 Joined tlie " armed neutrality," and seized Hanover and Bremen iSoi Joined the coalition against France ; ruined by defeat at Jena and Auerstadt, 14 Oct. ; Berlin entered by the French , . , 27 Oct. 1806 Part of his states restored by the peace of Tilsit, 7 July, TS07 Devoted himself to restore his country . 1S07-13 Compelled to furnish a contingent against Kus- si.|>i'iH'd;in iLidlnlihiUnliildMnniil I Hi'.'liir.'il InriH'iilmlllv ill IIh' IJliv 111 ninsiKpn'iKiu III' illiii ilwhnuil ivgiMil,. II .Tun. 1S50 a .'lllv, 1^50 , •tiM.'i.v.iIisj 1 wiir, iiSii]ii.. iH;vt hia LilnllicM' Wllllimi j,l Out, iHs7 i/. --• .lull, iHdi l"'lil':iiKul('K [. 1 1 1., ('li'i'liii'H of i^axiHiy ; I, I,Ih> wai-lll.o, i.r Ml,4iilii: h. I iSo , iilmiUir, i+a3-jS II III. I: I'lw-ld wliiMi his 80118, I'lnip^l. and AIIh'iI, lUvltUi IiIhiIu- iiiiiilons, ami form l.wo linos. 111. tillo wl.HO; It. 17.1(111. i.|(m; oUiolnr, i.i.So; |n-i)- I.i.i'UmI l.iiUior. 1510; (U'clliioil till. liii]wilal crown, 1519 . .'. ,s Ma.v, 1535 FhkiiKiuuk Aihmis'i'iih, or Aiuiii.mtuh, oloolnns of Saxony niiil kings of ruliiiiil; I, h. 1(170; olootor, if.u-i; rmiMliI iiRain^l. tllo Turlcfl Tor tilio oiii]mfnr: pniroMnril lInininilHni, .iH I\iiiv, i(ii]7 l<',li.i'.l,uil killKiil' I'nliuiil, ■.•7,hilH., 17.17: llllloil wll.'h llu. czar I'l'l.i.r ; iviiiivi.ri.il l'ull»li ti.rrU.orli.a liy l.liii l.iimlv 111 t^iirliiwll.z, 17..!.; Muuli. war with Cliarlii.s Nil. of Swi.iloli. 17.. 1: ilLl'iiiitiiil In aovoral balth.H ; compi.lli'il l.o rIvo up rnhuiil, 17..,! ; and miikn a hiiiiillial.lii). pi.iM'o, v.i HnpL 170(1; at I 'iiai'lcs'H iloatli rcoovoruil rolainl, 17...); t(. I h'l.li. 1733 TI. ?'. 7 Oct. i(")f); oloiitnr, 1711; oluotud lllilHuf I'olaiul, 5 llrt. 1731; iilitllilHiil llOH.Him.Hliiii liy nioaii8 of a l.iiHHiaii army, 171(1; wltli Aimtila llKlilu war iLKaliiHt I'rim.Hla, anil litHt ^taxini,v, 17(5 : rudovurod it, i?.]!. : liLs army riiptuii'd liy I'loilorlck ir. of i'riisnia, 1756; HiilijiiKatiiii liy Kiisfllaii iiilhuiiKio . , , . '/.', Hot. 1763 ||' n^iiiiiK thiniHTiAN, Hon; b, 1733; olootnr, ..; Oi'.t 171.1 . . . . ((.17 Ih.ii. 1763 l''iii'.iM.;iiii.iK AuaiiHTiiH I. J I., I Idngs of Wdv.iiv: I.''. I Men 17-^(1; olootnr .... 17G3 Kiiliii>(l llio iionruiUirailuii of tho Kliino, and niiido klii^ 1)00, 1806 AUIod with .Napoloon ; iniulo grand-duko of Wuirtaw 1807 lliti i.iirrlt.nrlim Miit Boat of war Oct,. 1813 l.iiMt MiiK^li In [•\[itMila. . , . , 1814 1/, -^ May, iBay II. iiopliow; b. 18 May, r/rjy; oo-rof(ont, rHHoiit. 1830; king, 6 Juno, iBifi )<:iu<'K II., iiiii|ini'UM't,nr, iSo^; jiMiioil tho conroiloralitni of tlio llhiuo ami liooiuuo kill}?, iSod : siipiiortoil NM.pokH>ii wildi troops ilurinjiliin wiu'h. iSuy-rj; joiin-d Uio iillioH, Nov. iSi;, ; (/, ;,o Oi't, iSiO. li'uKDIflUiOK liOiiiH, priiuHi of ^\*aloH, hou of (Joorn;ii II,, and fMlJior of Ooorgo III.; h. Jo .Ian. 1707; lojirriod AnifUHta of S;i.\o ('^othii, 27 Apiil. I73(': quan-olloil with iiis futhur ; (/. .JO Miirfh,"i75t. l''i{KnKitii'K, iluko of ^'ol•k, Hoooud unu nf nlVa,|.rd at DunldrU, 7 Hopt. 1793; at HoIh I'o I Mir. i-i Si'pt. ; at Ilnvt.nl . . . 17 Hopt, l7l),^ .Appolnli'd i-(iiiMiiioidi'r iii-ohlof .... 17^8 Hcl'i'al.nd nt>ar Alluiiaiu- . . igHopt, 1709 l'":J|!n''d 'J7 JiUl. i8ay Ai;aln conimandor-ln-ohlof . . . . iflu l''itKKi,iNii, Hir I'Vanoiw, liart. ; h, almut 17G4; oinployoil hy Mr l';i,lmor in improving; tho ]inHt-iiMli!u arningoniontH, 17^7 ; Nocrotary to tho I'M.Ht-olIioo, l7')7-l8^V>; ('■ 10 .hily, i,SJ6. "I''UKHiMAN, I'idwiird, arohiookiyiHt aiul hin- toriaii ; b. iS.!^; jmldiHhoiI " lli,H|,ory of Arolii- tootuto," iSjt) ; "IliMtnry of tile SaraiuiuH," 1X5(1; "IliHtory of tho Norman ConfiuuHt," iSh() ()<), Ji'hkkh, Mn.rtha Walltor ; h, 25 Otii. 1S22 ; Piarrii'd U.ov. .liJoi Kidilnmni. lH(ii ; ]iiiIiIi,Hliud " liiln of IMar^arot, ipioon of Navarro," 1854; " IJogonoy of Amio nf Aii.^tria," 18OO; &o, KuKiioHo, dogoH of ( ionoa : I'lK'i'Uo, oonquorud CypruH, and nuido an advan- l.aKoouH truaty 1173 .lAi'oin; dogo, 1390 ; dothmnoil by .Adoi'iio, tho I'll llliKdiiKn Api'll, 1301 'I tiMAHo (inriMLtod tho Adoiid, and booamo dngo, July, 1415 Atl,ark(ni by tho duko of Milan; oompulloit to roHlgn 1430 K'rdi.viinid his dignity .... 1433 A^aln d«|i[)Hod and iixllod i4i|'j |)(ir,lhunl*|-|inl,nnitlon, i.|;io . , ((, abOUt 1450 I'li'.riHi , Hiuvnd tho diiku of MIlun In hid voutli, ariddi'iOarnd apiilillc- uuuniy and robbor by tho (lonnnMii ; nuuhi dnga , , . 81)00.1450 riiriMiiM'il fnr iioruiltttng tho oonquoHt of Oon- iiitiril.hinpln by tho Turku 1453 AUaokod hy tho king nl" Ara^nn ; oll'nrod tho Hovornlgnty of (Jnnnato Charlim VII, of l''ranrii, 1457 ItanlHliod hy tho h'riinrh ; ohtalnod alllofl ; kllkid III an attaidt on Omioa . . 14 Mont, 1459 (|iANn\TTiHi'A, aldud )ty MUan, nvurmmo tlm AilornI ; oluotod dogo . , . 36 Nov. 1478 HojinHod hy IiIh uiudo, cardinal ranln FfognBO, 148J I .loliHid thn AddrnI for vongoanco ; dopoftod hilt nnoln ; nanlahod hy tho Ailornl . . . ^ m89 At l.y'inn wroto "Anturon, bIvo do Amnro," priid.iid, 140'i (/'. iiftonsop rAui,.), a.ir,lil)iHliop of ("Jonoa, 145^ ; by Intrlguo and viohwiiin thruu tiinoB dogo, 1411), 1477, \.\'^\', (/. .. Miimh, 1490 Or'TAviANo and Oiano, lirothorB ; loipullod tliu h'rmirh from (hmo/i. ; ( Jlaun prnnlahimd ilngu, t«!i3; roplarod hy Ottaviano, iH Jimn, 1513; (Jlano hanliihod '5'4 Siiinuidrnifl Oiuma to tho l''i-nn(!h, himflolf tobo govornor, tm, . ''. Hoon artnr tho capture of (Jouuuby thoMpanlardu . . . . May, isaa FllE 189 FEE Fkehek, Marquoi'd, GJerman jurist and his- torian; 6. 2(1 July, 15115 ; ]iublislied " Origiuea Poiatinas," 1599 ; (/. i,^ May, 1614. FiuanuHATH, Ferdinand, German poet ; 6. 17 Jmie, iSio. Hoftd of the democratic party nt Piisseldorf . 184S Ti'ied aud acquitted for publisliiiig his "Bio Todteu an den Lebenden," ("The Dead to the Living") . . 1S48 Settled in London 1849 Published "JSeuove Politische und Sociale Gediolite" . . . 1849 Fkeind, Jolm, pliysician; 6. 1675 ; imprisoned in the tower on the chai'ge of treason, 15 JMart-li, 1723 ; putilished " History of Phj'sic," 1725-20 ; (/. 20 July, 172S. Pkmnshelm, Joliann, Gorman philologist ; 6. 160S; d. 31 Any. 1660. Fkeize, Fr^unisoo oso, Portngxiese historian and philologist; 6. 1713; p\il>lishcd '• \'ido do Infant D. Heiu-ique," 175S; d. 1773. Fkejus, Eoland de, Frciu-h traveller ; pub- lished an account of his travels in Maiu-itania, (1666), 1670. FiiiMY, Ednioud, French chemist ; 6. 2S Feb. 1S14; puliliihed, with Pelouze, " Traite^ de Ghimie," 1860-64. FuiMlNET, Slai-tin de, Freneh historical painter, called "The French Jlichael Angelo;" 6. 24 Sept. 1567; d. 16 June, i6ig. FllEMONT h'Abl.vncoukt, Nicolas, French historian, protest:uit; 6. altout 1025; ambixs- sador in PortugiiJ, 1663; patrouizeil by the prince of Orange; published " Noiuoa\i IMetionnaire des Eimes," 164S ; " ileiuoires eoncernjxnt I'Histoire de Portugal," 1701 ; J. about 1694. Feemont, John Chaales, iUnerican traveller, *'the Pathfinder of the Rocky Mountains;" 6. 21 Jan. 1S13; naiTatives of his exploi-ations in 1S42-44, pubhshed, 1S46, 1S56; unsuccessful candidate for the presidency, 1S56. Fr^nicle de Bessy, Bei-nai-d, French mathe- matician ; 6. about 1 605 ; invented the *' method of exclusions ; " d. 1675. Fkere, Sir Henry Bartle Edward, K.O.B., Indimi statesman, son of J. Hooldiam Frere ; h. 1S15; governor of Bombay, 1S02-67. Frere, John Hookham, diplomatist and sdiolai' ; b. 1769; translated when a boy the Saxon poem on Athelstixn's vietorv at llrunan- bm*g; "UTOte "Prospectus of a National AVork by Wilham .and Eobert A\'histleer:ift," (a jeu d esprit) ; d. 7 Jan. 1S46. Freret, Nicolas, Freneh scholar and ci-itic; I. 1 5 Feb. I oSS ; WTote a memoir on the origin of the Franlcs, (printed, 1796), refuting the populiu' notions, for which he was imprisoned in the Bastile, 1714-15 ; d. 8 M;ireh, 1749. PKiliON, Elie Catherine, French critic and poet, opponent of Voltaire; 6. 1710 ; rf. 10 MaiTi, 1776. His son, Lnris Staxisl.\s. h. 1 765 ; \'iolcnt republican : denounced Louis SVI. aud his queen, June, 1 791; as agent employed by the convention, cruelly ]iuui^lied Maa-seilles, Oct. — Dec. 1793 ; joined in the overthrow of Pobespierre, July, 1794; and in the punishment of the Jacobins, 1 794-95 ; went with Loclerc to St. Domingo; d. there, 1802. Frescobaldi, Geroniuio, Italian organist aud composer; b. about 1 588; published " Madri- gali," aud " F.antasie," 1608; " Capricci," 1024; "Fiori," 1635; d: about 1654. Fkesenius, Carl Kemigius, German chemist ; Ii. 2S Dee. 181S; first published (in German) his lutroduetions to Qualitative (1S41) and Quantitative (1846) Chemic:rl Analysis, (tran- slated into French, Enghsh, Italian, &c.), many editions. Fresenius, Johann Philipp, German theolo- gian; 6. 22 Oct. 1705; published " Disputatio de Justificatione," 1725; (/. 4 July, 1761. Fresnkl, jVug-ustin Jean, French physicist; h. 10 May, 17SS; pubUshed memoii's on the diffraction of liglit, 1S26; double refraction, 1827; eoustrueted a dioptric system of lenses, employed in lighthouses, 1S19; d. 14 July, 1827. Fresnoy, see Dii Fn.^iioj/ and Lcnghf. Freteau de St. Ji'st, Emmanuel Marie Michel Philippe, French magistrate ; b. 1 745 ; imprisoned for bold address to Louis XYl. re- specting the '* diamond necklace aff ail'," 1787; elected president of the constituent assembly, 178^); rethed from public life, 1792; executed for defending Christianity against atheism, 14 June, 1794. FiiKUND, Wilhelm, German philologist ; b. 1S06; published his Latin-German Dic- tionai'y, 1S34-45. Frev, Jeau C&ile, Swiss physician and philo- logist ; b. about 1580; wrote " Philosophia Druidai'um," 1625; "CribrumPhilosophorum," 1O2S ; d. I Aug. 1631. FuEY, Jean Jacques, Svviss theologian and orientalist; b. 10S2; published " De Officio Doetoris Chi-istiani," 1711-15; d. 1752. Freycinet, Louis Claude Dessaulses de ; (6. 7 Aug. 1779 ; d. 18 Aug. 1842^ ; and Henri Lor is; [h. 31 Dec. 1777; d. 21 iliuvh, 1S40; brothers, French navigators : Fought in the same engagements . . . 1793-5 Accompanied Biiudin in ills exploring voyage on the south-west coast of New Holland, July, iSoo: made many discoveries : returned, March, 1S04 Louis, as commander of the '" Uranie." sailed from Toulon on anothei-soutJievn expedition, 17 Sept. 1S17 His vessel wrecked in " Baie Frani;aise." 14 Feb. 1820 Bought tlio " Mercury." an American vessel, which he named " La Physicienne " 4 May, 1S20 Eetiuned to Havre . . 13N0V. 1S20 His "Voyage de Pccouvertes aux Terros Aus- tviilos, i'Soi-4." published, 1807-16; "Voyage autonr du Monde, 1817-34," published iSr4-44 Freyre, Manoel, Spanish gener.al; 5. 17Q5 ; ilistinguished himself in the war of iudepeii- deuce, 1S09-13; helped much in gaining the Wctory at Toidouse, 10 April, 1814; faithful to constitutional principles ; retii'cd from public life, 1820; d. 1S34. FEE 190 FRO Frettag, Georg Willielm, German orientalist ; 6. 19 Sept. 1788 ; published " Lexicon Arabioo- Latinum, 1830-7 ; " Axabmn Proverbia," 1838-42 ; d. 1861. Feezieb, Am^di^e Fran5ois, Savoyard engi- neer ; b. 1682; published "Traits des Feux d' Artifice," 1706; employed to survey coast of Spanish colonies for defence, 1712-14 ; and St. Domingo, 1719-21 ; his "Voyage to the South Sea," published in England, 1717; d. 14 or 16 Oct. 1773. Fries, Jean, Swiss scholar ; h. 1505; friend of Conrad Gessner, Robert Stephens, &c. ; published " Dictionaiium Latino-Germanicum," 1541 ; " Hesiod," 1548; d. 28 Jan. 1565. Fries, Jacob Friedrich, German philosopher, holding the principles of Kant and Jacobi ; h. 23 Aug. 1773 ; published " System der PhUosophie," 1804; " System der Metaphysik," 1824; d. 10 Aug. 1843. Feisch, Johann Leonard, German theologian and naturalist; h. 19 March, 1666; said to have discovered the dye of Prussian blue ; published, in German, ' ' Description of all the Insects in Germany," 1720-38; d. 21 March, 1743- Frischlin, Nicodemus, German poet and philologist ; h. 22 Sept. 1547 ; received the poetic crown from the emperor Rodolph II., for his comedy, "Rebecca" about 1 57 1 j hn- prisoned by the duke of Wurtemburg for im- prudent letters ; killed while attempting to escape, 29 Nov. 1590. Frisi, Paolo, Italian mathematician ; 6. 13 April, 1728: published " Disquisitio Mathe- niatica in Causam Physicam Figiir^ et Magni- tudinis Terras," 1751 ; d. 22 Nov. 1784. Frith (or Fhtth), John, protestant martyr ; wrote ' ' Disputacion of Purgatorye " ; burnt at Smithfield, 4 July, 1533. I'RITHjWilliam Powell, R.A., painter ; 6. 1819 ; exhibited ' ' Othello and Desdemona " and " MalvoUo,'' 1840 ; "English Merry-making a Hundred Years' Ago," 1847 ; elected E.A. 1852 ; has since painted the "Ramsgate Sands," " Derby Day," "Railway Station," &c. Feitsch, Abasnerus, German polygraph ; 6. 16 Dec. 1629 ; d. 9 Sept. 1701. Fritz, Father Samuel, German missionary and geographer; &. 1650 ; preached in South America, suffering much privation; d. about 1730- Feizon, Pierre, French theologian ; pub- Ushed "La Sainte Bible Frangoise," with commentaries, 1621 ; " Gallia Pui'pm'ata," 1629 ; d. July, 1650, or 165 1. Fkoben", Jean, Swiss printer, friend of Erasmus; h. 1460; began to print, 1494; printed (edited by Erasmus) Greek and Latin Testament, 15 16; St. Jerome, 15 16; St. Cyprian, and TertuUian, 1521 ; St. Ambrose, 1527 ; d. Oct. 1527. Frobisher, Sir Martin, navigator ; S. 1536 ; sailed to discover the North- West passage, 8 June ; entered Frobisher's strait, 1 1 Aug. ; returned, bringing home dust supposed to con- tain gold, 2 Oct. 1576; his second expedition, May — Sept. 1577; his third expedition. May — Oct. 1578 ; d. of wound received in attack on Brest, Nov. 1594. Frcebel, Carl Poppo, German scholar ; h. 2 Nov. 1786; edited many classics printed by his son, in imitation of the Elzevirs ; d. 1 5 Nov. 1 824. Frcebel, Friedrich, German schoolmaster ; 6. 21 April, 1782; after studying the system of Pestalozzi, and others, founded a "Kinder- garten " at Blankenburg, where he published a work on the subject, 1844 ; employed by Ronge to teach it at Hamburg, 1849 ; d. 21 June, 1S52. Feceuch, Erasmus, German numismatist; 6. 2 Oct. 1 700 ; pubUshed " Utilitas Rei Num- marias Veteris," 1733; d. 7 July, 1758. Feces, Luiz, Portuguese missionary ; h. 1528; preached in Japan successfully, 1593; his patrons massacred ; compelled to retire ; his "Cartas de Japao," printed, 1589-99; d, 8 July, 1597- Froidmont (or Feoimont), Liber, Belgian theologian (friend of Jansenius, to whom he gave his book, " Augustinus") ; &. 1587; his " Commentaire des Actes des Apdtres," published, 1670; d. 1653. Feoila I. — III., Spanish kings : I. of Asturias ; 6. 722 ; king, 757 ; victorious over tlie Moors : cruel tyrant, killed during an insur- rection 768 II. of Oviedo ; defeated and slain by the soldiers of Alfonso, his successor 87s III. cruel tyrant ; king of Oviedo, 910 ; of Leon, 923 ; d. of leprosy . 924 Feoissaet, Jean, French chronicler ; i. 1337; received in England by Richard II., 1392; lost his patron, the comte de Blois, 1 397 ; his "Chroniques" printed before 1504; (Enghsh translation by Lord Berners, 1525 ; by Johnes, 1803-5) ; '^' about 1410. Fromage, Pierre, French missionary and orientalist; b. 12 May, 1678 ; translated paits of the Bible, and other works, into Arabic; d. Dec. 1740. Feoment, Francois Marie, baron, French legitimist statesman ; b. 9 July, 1756 ; nar- rowly escaped the massacre, with other catho- lics, at Nlmes, 13 June, 1 790; secretary to Louis XVIII., 1793; an active agent for the Bourbons; pensioned by England; ungrate- fully treated, 181 5 ; d. 22 Sept. 1825. Feomment, Antoiue, Genevese reformer, and friend of Farel; b. 1 5 10; wrote " Les Actes et les Gestes de Genfeve commen9ant 153^' (printed 1854) ; d. about 1585. Feonteau, jean, French archseologist; b. 1614; pubhshed ' 'Summa totius Philosophic de Thomffi Aquinatis Doctrina," 1640; d. 17 April, 1662. FEO 191 FUL FECi>'TLN'r^. Sextns JuliuK, prsetorurbanus of Kome, 70 ; -WTote " Strategematicon," and " De Aqueductibus Eomffi ; '" commanded in Britain about 75-7S- I FEO^^';^ Marcus Cornelius, '"the orator;" tntur oi M. Aurelins, ccnsol, 153 ; founder of 1 a class of rhetoricians termed *' F'rontoniani ; " d. after 166 ; some of his epistles recovered; printed 1S15 and 1S23. Feost, WOliam Edward, A.E.A., painter; &. Sept. iSlo; befriended by Eity ; exhibited "Dimming of Cupid, 1850: "The Glacis," 1S63. Feoude, James Anthony, historian ; 6. 23 April, iSiS; took deacon's orderSj 1S44 ; pub- lished ''Xemesis of Faith," 1S49; "History of England from the Fall of "Wolsey," 1856-69; •' Sh'-'iT; Stadies on Great Suli'jects," 1S67. FE'jri'E, !Eev. Fiichard HnrreU, brother, theo- logian; &. 1S03; his "Kemains," published iS:;S-;o. led to Tiolent controTersy; d. 28 Feb. 1S56;' Ft'jwriE, Philip, dramatist, friend of Addison; d. 19 Bee. 173S. FErcojii, Carlo Innocente, Italian poet ; 6. 21 Nov. 1692 : d. 20 Dec. 176S. FRr wrx nT-P- Saint, preached Christianity in Abyssinia, abont 329 ; d. about 360. Fbt, Elizabeth, Quaker, philanthropist ; ft. (Gumeyi 17S0; married Joseph Fiy, 19 Aug. iSoo; devoted her life to visiting British and foreign prisons, &x., 1S13, et seq.; d. 12 Oct. 1S45. FuAD, Mehemed, Pasha, Turkish statesman ; &. 1815 ; d. about 11 Feb. 1869. At firjt a Enrgeon at Tripoli; Eecretary to embassy in London; amtjassador at St. Petersburg . 1849 !MjiiiEt«r of foreign affairs . . 1852-53, 1854 Commissioner for pnnisMng the atrocities at Damascus Ang., Sept i860 President of tlie cotmcil, July, 1861 ; seraskier Feb. 1863 Proj'Cjted confiscation of the property of the mosqiies . . . Sept. 1865 f-iiper£eded . . 5 June, 1E66 Foreign EiiriEter . . Feb. 1867 Sesiz^ned. but resumed, . . Jan. 1868 d. about II Feb. 1S69 FrcHS. Johann !N epomuk, Germ^i mineralo- gist; h. 15 Alay, 1774; d. 5 March, 1756. FrcHS, Leonhard, German botanist; 6. 17 Jan. 1501 ; d. 10 May, 1566. FrzxTZS, Pedro Henriquez de Azevedo, conde dfi, Spanish general and Btatesman; h. 1560; eranmaiided in the vrar against the French, 1635; killed at the battle of Kocroy, 19 May, 1643- FrESSli see Fmdi. FuGEE, Friedrich Heinrich, GJerman painter ; J>. 1 75 1 ; illustrated Klopstock's "Messiah;" painted '^Eestorationof Peace," 1815; d. 1818. FuGGEE, Tjlrich, German scholar ; 6. 20 Aug. 1526 ; collected a magnificent library, which he Irequeathed to the university of Heidelberg ; d. 25 June, 1584. FuLBEBT, of Chartres, French bishop ; h. about 950; patron of letters ; d. 10 April, 102S. His ■vrorks edited by Papire le IMasson, 15S5. FuLDA, Friedrich Carl, German jihilologLBt^ &c. ; 6. 13 Sept. 1724; d. ii Dec. 17SS. FuLGENTirs, Fabius Claudius G^jniianus, Saint, t'L-hop of Euspina, in Africa, Latin father ; 6. about 468 ; wrote against Arianism; his works printed, 15 15; d. i Jan. 533. FuLGESTirs, Fabius Planciades. Latin gram- marian ; wrote on mythology ; il. 6th century. FuLK 1. — v., coxmts of Anjou: L pious and liberal .... d. 938 II. the Good, brave, learned, and wise . . d. 958 in. Nerra ; b. D72 ; preserved his states from the Eretons by stratagem; their duke Conan defeated and killed . about 990 Visited Jerusalem 1003 Seized Saumur, and burnt the monastery of St. Florent . . . . 1025 Visited Jerusalem . . . 1035 and 1039 Built many cities, catbedrals, &c. ; d. at Metz 22 May, Z040 IV. le Eechin ; &. 14 April, 1043 ; quarrelled -viih. his brother Geoffrey, lof-o : and remained sole ruler, 106S ; began to write the history of Anjou ; received a golden rose from pope Ur- ban n., 1096 . . . . -d. 14 April, 1109 V. the Young, son ; b. 1090 ; his daughter married "William, son 11119); and his son Geoffrey mar- ried Matilda, daughter, of Henry L of England 1127 Set out for Holy Land ... . 1120 Married the daughter of Baldwin IL, king of Jerusalem, and succeeded Mm as king; crowned 14 Sept. 1T31 d. by fall from his horse at Ptolemais 13 Nov, 1142 Ftlke, "William, puritan theologian ; 6. about I ^40 ; published a severe *' Commentary on the English T^tament translated at Eheims," 15S0; d. 1589. FULIAETON, Lady Georgiana Charlotte, nove- list, daughter of first earl Gran\Tlle ; 6. 23 Sept. 1812; married 5Xr A. G. Fullarton, 13 July, 1 833 ; published ' * ElJen Middleton," i S44 ; ''Lady Bird," 1852; "Too strange not to be True," 1864. FuLLEE. Andrew, Baptist minister; h. 1754; helped to found the Baptist Missionary Society, 1792; published '' Socinianism Lidefensible." 1799; ''The Backslider," iSoi; d.'j'Sls.x, 1S15. FuiXEK, Nicholas, theologian; h. 1557 ; pub- lished '"lyiiscellaneaTheologica," l6l2; d. 1622. FuLLEE, Sarah Margaret. American writer; 6. 23 May. 1810; edited "The Dial," 1S39-44; her *' Papers on Literature and Art" pub- lished in London, 1846; came to Europe; married at Pome the marchese d'Ossoli, 1849; drowned by shipwreck in sight of Xew York, 16 July, 1850. FuLLERTON, Jobn, Lord Fullerton, Scotch judge; &. 16 Dec. 1775; lord of session, 182S- 53; d. 3 Dec. 1853. Fuller, Thomas, theologian, ardent royalist; 6. 1608; published "B^story of the Holy War,'' 1640; " Holy and Prof ane State," 1642; '• Church History of Britain," 1 655 ; " Worthies of England," 1662; d. 15 Aug, 1661. FUL 192 GAG Fulton, Robert, American engineer ; I. 1765; cl. 24 Feb. 1815. Came to London as a painter, and worked under "West 1787, et seq. Devoted himself to meclianics under Eamsay about 1793 Invented various macliines, and studied steam navigation 1793 Exliibited his torpedo (sub-marine explosive) in the Seine, and offered his "Nautilus" to the Directory without success . . 1797 Tried his steamboat on tlie Seine . g Aug. 1803 Not encouraged ; went to London . . . 1804 Returned to New York ; his steamboat successful on the Hudson . . 1806 Patented the invention . . . .12 Feb. 1809 Employed by the U.S. government to construct steamers ... . 1814 FuLviA, dissolute widow of Clodius and of Curio ; married and devotedly loved Marcus Antonius, B.C. 44 ; jealous of Cleopatra ; raised an insurrection against ber busband ; bitterly reproved by bim ; tZ. of a broken beart, 40. FdeetiJike, Antoine, French poet, &c. ; 6. 1620; published "Le Koman Bourgeois," 1666 ; d. 14 May, 1688. FuEiNi, Francesco, Florentine painter; 6. 1604; d. 1646. FuKitis, Federico (Seriolanus) Spanish states- man and moralist; 6. about 1 5 10; contended for translations of the scriptures ; protected by Charles V., and made tutor to his son Philip ; vainly endeavoured to make peace between Philip and the Low Countries; d, 1592. FuESTENBEEG, Ferdinand von, German bishop, poet, &c. ; ft. 21 Oct. 1626; elected bishop of Paderborn, 1661 ; published "Poemata," 1656; "Monumenta Paderbomensia," 1669; d. 26 June, 1683. FusELl or FuESSLi, John Henry, E.A., Swiss painter ; b. 1 742 ; came to England, and patronised by Reynolds, 1763; published his "Lectures," 1820; d. (in London), 16 April, 1825. Fcsi, Antoine, French theologian ; h. about 1565; accused of sorcery and immorality by the Jesuits, 1609; deprived and imprisoned for a libel " Mastigophore," written in revenge, 1 6 1 2 ; retired to Geneva, became a protestant, and married ; published " Le Franco Archer de la Vraye Eglise," 1619; d. 1635. Fdss, von, Swiss physicists : Nicolas ; b. 30 Jan. 1755 ; became assistant of Euler at St. Petersburg, 1773 ; secretary of the academy there, 1800 ; d. 4 Jan. 1826. Paul Heinrich. son ; b. 2 June 1797 ; published "Correspondence de quelques' Ci^lfibres Geomi^tres," 1843: "Euleri Opera Posthuma," &c. ; d. 21 Jan. 1855- Gborg Albert, brother ; b. 25 Dec. 1806 ; published "Geographical, Magnetical, and HjTssometrical Obser- vations in a journey to Siberia and China (1830-32)," 1B38, &c. : d. 17 Jan. 1854. Fust, or Faust, Johinn of Guttenberg, one of the reputed discoverers of printing; with Peter Scboffer printed the Mazarine Bible, 1455; Psalter, 1457. Fust, Sir Herber-t Jenner, judge; b. 1777; made dean of the arches, and judge of the pre- rofrative coui"t of Canterbury, 1834; took the additional name of Fust, 1842 ; d. 20 Feb 1852. FuTTEH, Ali-Ochah, (Eaba Khan), king of Persia; b. about 1762 ; king, 1767; d. 1834- Fux, (or FucHs), Johann Joseph, German composer; b. 1660; master of the chapel to the emperors Leopold I., Joseph I., and Charles VI. ; composed "Elisa," 1714, and other operas, &c. ; d. about 1 740. FuzELiEK, Louis, prolific French dramatic author; b. 1672; d. 19 Sept. 1752. Fyfe, Andrew, M.D., Scotch anatomist and chemist; b. 18 Jan. 1792; published " System of Anatomy and Physiology," second edition, 1787; "Elements of Chemistry," 1827; d. 31 Dec. 1861. G Gaab, Johann Friedrich, (Jerman historian and theologian ; b. 10 Oct. 1761; d. 1 March, 1832. Gabbiani, Antonio Domenico, Florentine painter ; b. 1652 ; killed by fall from a scaffold while painting, 1726. Gabinius, Aulus, Roman consul and legis- lator ; proconsul of Syria ; defended by Cicero when accused of treason and corruption ; exiled, B.C. 54 ; d. 48 or 47. Gabiot, Jean Louis, French poet and drama- tist; b. 1759; d. 12 Sept. 1811. Gabeiel de Chinon, French Capuchin mis- sionary; settled at Ispahan about 1640; d, at Malabar, 27 June, 1670; his " Relations Nou- veUes du Levant," published, 1671. Gabeiel, Jacques, French architect; b. iSSj; d. 1742. Gabeiel, Sionita, Syro-Maronite orientalist ; b. 1677 ; studied at Rome ; went to Paris, and became professor, 1614; translated the Psalms from Syriac into Latin, 1625; d. 1648. Gaeeielle, "La Belle," see Est/rees. Gabeielli, Cattarina, Italian singer; b. 12 Nov. 1730; daughter of his cook; adopted and educated by Prince Gabrielli at Borne ; d. April, 1796. Gabeielli, Giacomo, podestk of Orvieto ; summoned to the defence of Florence ; success- ful, 1315; and made " capitano," 1336; by his tyranny incurred hatred ; retired, 1341 ; again governor of Florence, 1357. Gabeini, see Mienzi. Gacon, Frangois, French satiric poet ; 5. 1667; imprisoned for his "Poete sans Fard, " printed, 1696; wrote " Anti-Eousseau," 1712; "L'Homfjre Veng^," 1715; d. 15 Nov. 1725. GAD 193 GAL Gadeurt, John, astrologer ; 6. 31 Dec. 1627; published "Celestial Ambassador," 1656; "Doctrine of Nativities," 1658; "Astrological Sermon, with a Diary of the Weather for Twenty-one Years," 1691 ; d. about 1692. Gaddesden, John of, physician ; his " Rosa Anglica, seu Practica Medicinse," printed, 1492 ; d. about 1350. Gaddi, Florentine painters: Gaddo, worked in Mosaic; b. 1239; d. 13 1 2. Taddeo, son, pupil of Giotto ; i. 1300; d. after 20 Aug. 1366. Angiolo, son; b. 1324; d. 1387. Gadbbosoh, Priedrich Conrad, German his- torian; b. 29 July, 1 719; published "Annals of Livonia," 1780-3; d. 9 July, 178S. Gaelen, Alexander van, Dutch painter of battles; b. 1670; d. 1728. Gaeetnek, or Gartner, German architects: Johann Andreas, 6. 1743; d. 1826. Feied- EIOH VON, son; b. 1792; employed by the court of Bavaria; d. 21 April, 1847. Gaertnee, Joseph, German botanist ; I. 22 March, 1739; published " De Fructibus et Semiuibus Plantarum, " 1 789-9 1 ; d. 1 3 July, 1 79 1 . Gafparel, Jacques, French mystic ; b. 1601 ; published "Abdita Divinas Hysteria," 1625; " Curiosit^s Inouyes sur la Soulptur TaUs- manique des Persans," 1629; d. 1681, Gaforio, or Gafohi, Franchino, Italian musician; 6. 14 Jan. 145 1 ; published " Theo- ricum Opus MusicEe Disciphnse, " i486; "Prac- tica Musicse," 1496; d. 24 June, 1522. Gage, Thomas, adventurer; b. about 1597; studied in Spain, and became a Jesuit ; sailed for America as a missionary, July, 1625 ; re- turned to England, and abjured Romanism, about 1639; published "Survey of the West Indies," 1648 ; joined a buccaneering expedi- tion against the Spanish settlements, 1655 ; d. in Jamaica, 1655. Gage, Thomas, general, governor of Mon- treal, 1 760; succeeded lord Amherst in com- mand of the British troops in America, 1 763 ; governor of Massachusetts ; carried out the repressive measures of the government against Boston, 1774; seized a depdt of arms at Salem, Feb. 1775; which led to the beginning of the war with the battle of Bunker's Hill, 17 June, 1775; recalled, Oct. 1775; d. 1787. Gasern, von, German statesmen : JoHANN Christoph Eunst, baroix ; 6. 25 Jan. 1766 Represented Nassau at the diet . . . 1791 Interdicted by Napoleon from serving any Ger- man power : took part in the attempted insur- rection in the Tyrol 1812 Minister for the Netherlands at the Frankfort diet 1814 Contended with Mettemich for the unity of Ger- many, 1818 d, 22 Oct. 1S52 Friedrich, son ; 6. 24 Oct, 1794 : general in ser- vice of the Netherlands : killed in battle with Baden insurgents under Hecker . 20 April, 1848 Heinrich Wilhelm August, brother ; agitated for formation of a new German confederation, headed by Prussia .... March, 184B Presided at the Frankfort parliament, 7 Jan., which offered the imperial crown to the king of Prussia 28 March, 1849 Member of the Erfurt assembly . . March, 1850 Fought for the duchies at Idstedt, kc. . 1850 Maximilian, b. 1810 ; served in the Netherlands ; member of the German parliaments at Frank- fort, Maj-ch, 1849 ; and Erfurt . March, 1850 Gagni, or GAGNi, Jean de, French theolo- gian; recovered many ancient MSS. ; pub- lished " Alcionus A Vitus et C. M. Victor, Ohristiani Poetse," 1536; d. 1549. Gagnier, Jean, French orientalist ; b. about 1670; professor at Oxford, 1715; published " De Vita et Rebus Gestis Mahomedis," 1723 ; d. 2 March, 1740. Gaguin, Robert, French chronicler and diplo- matist ; b. about 1425 ; employed by Louis XL and Charles VIII. ; his "Compendium supra Francorum Gestis" printed, 1497; d. 22 July, 1502. Gail, French writers : Jean Baptists, heUenist and translator ; 6. 4 July, 1755 : narrowly escaped proscription, 1792; translated Lucian, 1780 ; Theocritus, 1796 ; Anthologia, 1801 . . . . d. 5 Feb. 1829 Edme Sophie Garre, wife, eminent musician ; b. 1776: married, 1794; soon separated: com- posed many operas . . . ci. 24 July, 1819 Jean Franqois, son, musician : 6. 28 Oct. 1795 ; published " Geographi Minores," 1826-31, &c. ; d 22 April, 1845 Gaillard, Antoine, sieur de la Porte Neille, a name given to a licentious satirical French poet, whose " OEuvres Melees" appeared, 1634. Gaillard, Gabriel Henri, French historian ; b. 1726; published " Histoire de Fran9ois I," 1766-9 ; " Dictionnaire Historique," 1789- 1804; d. 13 Feb. 1806. Gaillard, Honor^ Reynaud de, eloquent French preacher; 6. 90ct. 1641; A lljune, 1727. Gainsborough, Thomas, R.A., landscape and portrait painter; b. 1727; R.A., 1768; d. 2 Aug. 1788. Gaisford, Thomas, dean of Christ church ; b. 22 Dec. 1779; edited " Poetae Minores Grteci," 1816; "Herodotus," 1824-25; d. 2 June, 1855. Gaius, or Caius, Roman jurist; wrote " Institutes; " Jl. and century. Galba, Publius Sulpicius, Roman consul ; B.C. 211 ; commanded in Macedonian war, 210-14 ; 200-199. Galea, Servius Sulpicius, Roman preetor ; commanded against the revolted Lusitanians, B.C. 151 ; induced them to surrender, and then massacred or enslaved them, 150; arraigned, but forgiven ; consul, 144; d. after 138. Galba, Servius Sulpicius, emperor of Rome ; b. 24 Dec. 3 ; employed by Nero, 61 ; suc- ceeded him, 68 ; murdered, 1 5 Jan. 69. Galbeaith, Rev. William, Scotch mathema- tician; b. 23 April, 1786; published mathema- tical and astronomical tables, 1827-34 ; barometric tables, 1833 ; many papers ; d. 27 Oct. 1850. N GAIi 194 GAL Gale, scholars: Theophilus, nonconformist; b. 1628; published "The Court of the Gentiles ; a discourse touching the original of Human Literature," 1669-77 ^- March, 1678 EoGER, son; h. 1672; published "Antonini Itine- rarium Britanniarum," 1709; "Knowledge of Medals," 1697 . . . d. 25 June, 1744 Samitel, brother; &. 17 Dec. 1682 ; published "History of "Winchester Cathedral," 1715 ; d. 10 Jan. 1754 Gale, Thomas, surgeon; 6. 1507; published "Enchiridion of Chirurgie," 1563; d. after 1586. Galen, Christoph Bernhard Matthasua ; h. 1 600 ; elected prince bishop of Munster, 1650; a general of the army against the Turks, 1664 ; termed a " mitred brigand;" d. 19 Sept. 1678. Galenus, Claudius, physician; 6. at Pergamus, Mysia, 130; came to Kome about 161 ; em- ployed by INIarcus Aurelius and Severus ; ■wrote on medicine, anatomy, and physiology, &c.; d. about 200. Galeotti, Sebastiano, Tuscan painter; h. about 1676; d. 1746. Galerius Valerius Maximianus, see Maxim/itnus. Galesuinthe, daughter of Athanagilde, king of the Goths ; b. about 541 J married to Chil- peric, king of Neustria, 567; strangled to make way for I^red^gonde, 568. Galla.ni, Ferdinando, Neapolitan political economist and writer ; b. 2 Dec. 1728; termed "Machiavellino;" published "Dialogue sur les Bids," 1770; "sur les Devoirs des Princes Neutres," 1778; d. 30 Oct. 1787. Galilei, Italian philosophers : ViNCENZO, musical composer, &c. ; 6. about 1533; published "Dialogo della Musica Antica e Moderna," 1581 . . . . d. about 1595 GAXitEO, son, astronomer and physicist ; b. 13 (or 15) Feb. 1564 ; discovered the law of the vibrations of the pendulum . 1583 Professor at Padua . . 1593-1609 Invented a thermometer . . . 1597 Constructed his first telescope . . . 1609 Discovered Jupiter's satellites, &c., 8 Jan. etseq., 1610 Published " Quatuor Dialogi de duobus Maximis Mundi Systematibus ; " imprisoned by the in- quisition at Kome for opposing the Ptolemaic theory . , 1632 Signed his abjuration (saying in an under voice) " £ pur si muove," .... June, 1633 Became blind ; published "De Scripturce Sacrw Testimoniis," 1636 . . . d. 8 Jan. 1642 ViNCENZo, son ; b. 22 Aug. 1606; taught by his father; proposed the application of pendulums to clocks about 1639 . . d. 16 May, 1649 Gall, St., Ii-ish abbot; b, 551; preached the gospel to the Swiss about 585 ; built a monastery in the canton which now bears his name ; rf. 16 Oct. 646. Gall, Franz Joseph, German physiologist, founder of craniology or phrenology; 6. 9 March, 1758; d, 22 Aug. 1828. A physician at Vienna, 1785 ; lectured on the brain • 1796 Joined by Spurzheim . . . 1800 Prohibited lecturing 1802 Presented "Kecherches sur le SystSme Nerveux en gfinSral et celui du Cerveau en particulier " to the Paris Academy of Sciences . 14 March, 1808 With Spurzheim published " Anatomie et Phy- sologie du SystSme Nerveux," (fee, 1810-18 ; " Sur les Fonctions du Cerveau," 1822-25. Galla Placidia, see Placidia. Galland, Antoine, French orientalist ; b. 1646; d. 17 Feb. 1815. "Went to Constantinople to study the Greek theo- logy 1670 Copied inscriptions, &c. ; brought back marbles ; sent again as " antiquary of the king" . 1679 Published "Les Mille et une Nuits, contes Arabes, traduits en Prangais," 1704-17; "Les Contes et Fables Indiennes de Bidpai et de Lokman" . . . 1724 Gallaudet, Thomas, American clergyman, and instructor of the deaf and dumb ; b. 10 April, 1787 ; principal of the American asy- liun for the deaf and dumb ; opened, 1 5 April, 1817 ; d. 10 Sept. 1851. Gallatin, Abraham Albert Alphonse, Swiss poHtical economist and statesman ; 6. 29 Jan. 1761. ; d 12 Axig. 1849. Went to United States, and fought in the war of independence . . 1780 United States senator . . 1793 Secretary of the treasmy .... 1801 As a commissioner, signed the peace of Ghent 24 Dec. 1814 American minister in Eussia, 1813; in France, 1816-23 ; in England 1826 Published "Memoir on the North EastEoxin- dary" . . . 1843 Galle, Flemish engravers : Philippe, h. 1537; d. 1612. His sons : Theodore, 6. 1560; Cob- NEILLE, b. 1570 ; COBNEILLE, his SOU, 6. 160O. Galle, Andr^, French medallist ; &. 15 May, 1 76 1 ; employed by the repubhc, the emperor, the bank of France, &c. ; d. 22 Dec. 1844. Galle, Servius, Dutch philologist; b. about 1630; published " Lactantius, " 1 600; "Disser- tationes de Sybilles," 1688; d. 1709. Gallienus, Publius Licinius Valerianus Egnatius, emperor of Rome; made his associ- ate by his father, Valerian, 253; succeeded him, 260 ; slain by his soldiers, March, 268. Gallitzin, Russian family : Mikhail, general, defeated and taken prisoner by the Poles 8 Sept. 1514 Released by the king, and honoured by the czar; d. soon after. George Bulgakov, general; executed the ven- geance of Ivan the Terrible against Wenden, 1577 d. 1585 011586 Yassilii, with his brother Ivan, supported the false Demetrius ... 7 May, 1605 Murdered the royal family . . 10 June, 1605 Joined in the plot which caused the death of Demetrius 27 May, 1606 Assisted to dethrone his successor, Vassilii Khovski, and offered the throne to Ladislaus of Poland, 1610 ... d. 1619 Vassilii, general and statesman . . &• 1633 Ee-orgauised the army, and induced Feodor to reduce gi-eatly the pretensions of the nobles, burning their registers ... 12 Jan. 1682 As chancellor, ruled under the princess Sophia, 1682 Disgraced by Peter (the Great), and exiled 1689 d. 13 March, 1713 GAL 195 GAM VrH-pftTT. general and statesman h. z Xov. 1675 Honoured by Peter L ; defeated the Swedes at Dobrr, Lithuania . 29 Ang. 1708 GoTemor of Finland .... 1714-21 Beat the Swedes nnder Armield, 1714 ; and in a naTal battle near GrxEnham . 27 July, 1720 Made field Tnarshal by Catherine L 1725 d. 21 Bee. 1730 At.ktavdee, son, general ; iaTonrite of Cathe- rine II b. 17 ;Nov. 1718 Defeated the Turks at Choczmi . 21 April, 1769 d. 23 Oct. 1783 rti-nrp-l. ::ate;man . . , ft. 15 May, 1721 Ey Lii w-TL e::dowfrd a noble hospital at Mos- cow, ^p^-ed. : 1: 2 . . . (L 30 Sept. 1793 "FwAVT-ffT. prince, soldier and author b. 4 Jan. 1B04 published " La Finlande en 1848," 1852; " Contes Busses d'lvan "Vilriripnlrn^" 1843-48 d. I Feb. 1833 Gaijx), Andrea, Sicilian physicist and anti- quary ; b. 1 732 : pnblished " Lettere snl Terre- moto del 17S5," 1783 ; d. ilav, 1S14. Gaixo, Marzio iXastriUi, dnca di, Xeapolitau statesman ; 6. 1 753 ; vainly endeavoured to pre- serve nentrality during the French war, 1 793 ; foreign minister nnder Joseph Bonaparte, 1806; accompanied him to Spain, ilay, 1S08; re- joined Ferdinand when restored, 1815 ; at Laybach opposed the Austrian intervention, Jan. 1821 ; d. Feb. 1833. Galloche, Lonis, French historical painter; i. 24 Atig. 1670; d. 21 July, 1761. Galloi.?. Charles Andr^ Gnstave L&nard, French democratic historian and publicist; 6. 30 Xov. 1789; published "Biographie d^ Contemporains par !N^apol63n," 1824; "His- toire de ^aju-jl&n par lui-meme," 1825 ; " His- toire de la Convention Rationale d'apres Im- meme," i &34-35 ; " Histoire des JoomalisteE, de la Revolution (1789-96)," 1845-46, ; d. 27 Dec-. 1S51. Gallois, Jean, French critic; 5. 14 June, 1632 ; edited the "Journal des Sjavauts," 1665 ; d. 9 April, 1 707. Gaixois, Jean Antoine Gauvain, French poli- tician ; b. about 1 755 ; president of the tnbu- nate, 1S02; secretary, 1804-13; employed by Loiii? X\ ill., 1818; wrote "Ketour del'Age d'Or, ou Eegne de liOuis XYX," a poem, 1774; d. 1828. Gallosi, Antonio, Italian martyrologist ; 6. about 1550 ; d. 1605. Gaixowat, Thomas, Scotch mathematician; 6. 6 Feb. 1796. Gaixucci, Giovanni Paolo, Italian astronomer; pnblished " Theatrum Mundi et Temporis," 1589; .7?. i6th century. Galloti, Pasquale, Italian philosopher ; i. 2 April, 1770; endeavoured to re-establish the old philosophy, coiL?idering man in his double essence, spiritual and material ; published " Elementi de Filosofia," 1832; "Fflosofia deUa Tolunta," 1835-42, &c. ; d. Xov. 1846. Gallus, Cains AquiTlins, Eoman jurist, praBtor with CScero, B.C. 67-66. GALLts. Cains Cornelius, Eoman poet and orator; h. about B.C. 66; friend of Augustus; accompanied him to Tl^iA, and made prefect of it, 31 ; disgraced; d. by suicide, 26. GALLrs, Caius Vibius Treboniantis, emperor of Home; elected after the death of Decius, Nov. 251; made disgraceful peace "with the bar- barians ; kQled by his soldiers, 453 or 454. Gaixuzzi, or Galluoci, Tarqninio, Italian Jesuit; b. 1574; pubhshed " Yirgilianae Vindi- cationeB," 1620; d. 1649. Gallt, Henry, theologian; b. Aug. 1696; published translation of Theophra*?tu.?, 1725; "Dissertations against pronouncing Greek ac- cording to Accents," 1754-5 : d. 7 Aug. 1769. Galt, John, Scotch novelist; b. 2 ilay, 1779 ; d. II April, 1839. Pnblished "Ayrshire Legatees," 182021: "Annals of the Parish," "The Entail," "Sir Andrew "VVylie," "The Spa>ewife," "Laurie Todd," *tc., 1820, e£ #€g. ; "Autobiography" . . . 1833 Ajjxajtdee Ttlloch, son ; b. 6 Sept. 1817 ; finance minister of Canada, Aug. 185S — May, il d. 1743. Gayton, Edmund, humorist; h. 1609; pub- lished "Pleasant Notes on Don Quixote," 1654; *'Art of Longevity," 1659, &c. ; d. 12 Dec, 1666. Gaza, Theodore, Byzantine scholar; reviver of Greek literature ; b. about 1400 ; in early life existed by copying MSS. ; made professor by Lionel, duke of Ferrara, 1441 ; called to Borne by Nicholas V., 1450 ; his "Introduc- tivEe Gramjnatices " (Greek grammar) printed by Aldus, 1495 ; d. 1478. Gazet (GazEeus) Guillaume, French ecelesias- tioal historian; b. 1554 J published "Histoire des Saints," 1584; d. 25 Aug. i6ii. Gazon d'Ourxigne, S^bastien Marie Ma- thurin, French critic and poet ; d. 19 Jan. 1784. Gebelln", see Court. Gebek, Djafar, or Tebeb, Arabian alche- mist ; d. about 765. Gebhaedi, Johann Ludwig Levin, German historian ; 5. 19 May, 1699 ; ti. 10 Nov. 1764. Ged, William, Scotch goldsmith ; inventor of stereotype ; 6. 1690 ; printed Sallust from stereotype plates, 1744; d. 19 Oct. 1749. Gedaliah, a Jewish prince; made governor of Jerusalem by Nebiichadnezzar; slain hj Ish- mael, B.C. 588. Geddes, Alexander, Romanist and rational- istic theologian ; b. 1 737 ; published a trans- lation of part of the Bible, which gave much offence, and caused him to be interdicted from his duties, 1792-97; d. 26 Eeb. 1802. Geddes, James, Scotch classical scholar ; 6. 1710 ; pnbhshed "Essay on the Composition of the Ancients," 1748; d. 1 749. Geddes, Michael, Scotch episcopalian theo- logian; 6. about 1640; some time chaplain at Lisbon ; published " Church History of Mala^ bar," 1694; "of Ethiopia," 1696; d. about 1 7 14. Gedike, Eriedrich, German scholar ; J. 1 5 Jan. 1754; published in German, "Thoughts upon Purism," 1779; d. 2 May, 1803. Gedotn, Nicolas, abb^, friend of Ninon de L'Enclos ; French critic; b. 15 July, 1667; translated QuintiUan, Pausanias, &c. ; d. 10 Aug. 1744. Gbefs, Guillaume, Belgian sculptor; b. 1806 d. 10 May, 1S60. Geer, Charles, baron, naturalist ; 5. 1720 "the Swedish Eeaumiu-;" d. 8 March, 1778. Geffrard, Eabre, Haytian chief; ft. 19 Sept. 1806; entered army, 1 82 1; general, 1845; de- posed the emperor Eaustin I. (Soulouque), and became president of a republic, 22 Dec. iS_" suppressed revolts of Salnave, May — Nov. 1865-66 ; deposed and banished by Salnave, March, 1866. Gehlen, Adolph Ferdinand, German miner- alogist and chemist; ft. 15 Sept. 1775; edited "Neues Journal fUr Chimie," 1803-10; founded "Eepertorum der Phannacie," 1815 ; d. 15 July, 1815. Gehler, Johann Carl, German physician and naturaKst; 6. 17 May, 1732 ; pubhshed "De Characteribus Eossilium Extemis," 1757; d. 6 March, 1796. Gehler, Johann Samuel Traugott, German physicist; ft. I Nov. 1751 ; pubhshed "Physi- kalisches Worterbuch, " 1787-95 ; d. 16 Oct. 1795- Geijbr (Geyer), Eric Gustaf, Swedish histo- rian and poet; ft. 12 Jan. 1783; published "Svenska Volkets Historia," 1832-36; d. 24 April, 1847. Geikib, Archibald, Scotch geologist; b. 1835; director of the geological survey of Scotland ; published "Story of a Boulder," 1858. Geisa, see Geysa. Gelasius, bishop of C^sarea, historian; d. about 394. Gelasius of Cyzicus ; compiled the acts of the first council of Nice, about 475. Gelasius I. and II., popes : I. St., elected March, 492 ; convened a council, which fixed the canon of Scripture, 496 ; composed prayers ; d. ig Nov. 496, II. Giovanni di Gaeta (Cajetanus) ; elected, 25 Jan. ; expelled, 2 March, 1118 ; d. 29 Jan. 1119. Geldenhaur, Gerard, Dutch theologian and Latin poet, friend of Erasmus, and afterwards of Luther; 6. about 14S0 ; made laureate by MaximiUan I., 1 5 1 7 ; reader to Charles V. ; his "Satire viU. " printed, 1515 ; d. 10 Jan. 1542. Gelder, Arnold van, Dutch painter; 6. 1645; d. 1727. GELiB, Claude (called Lorraine), French landscape painter ; ft. 1600; d. 21 Nov. 1682. Gell, Sir William, archsologist and scholar ; ft. 1777; resided long in Italy as chamberlain to Caroline, princess of Wales; pubhshed " Itinerary of Greece," 1801-6 ; "Topography of Troy," 1804; "Pompeiana," 1817-32; "Attica," 1817; rf. 4Feb. 1836. Gellert, Christian Fiirchtegott, German theologian and poet ; ft. 4 July, 1715 i P'^^ Ushed, in German, "Fables," 1746-48; "The Swedish Countess," 1746; d. 13 Dec. 1769. GEL 201 GEN Gellekt, Christlieb Ehregott, brother, metal- lurgist; 6. II Aug. 1713 ; published in Ger- man "Principles of Metallurgical Chemistry," 1755 ; d. 13 May, 1795. Geili, Giovanni Battista, Italian novelist and poet; 6. 1498; published"! Capricci del Bottaja," 1549; "LaCira," 1549; d. 1563. Gellibeand, Henry, astronomer ; 6. 1 7 Nov. 1597 ; finished and published Briggs' "Trigono- metria Britannica," 1633; discovered the secular variation of the magnetic declination, 1635 ; d. 26 Eeb. 1637. Gellius, Aulus, Latin author ; ■wrote "Noctes Atticae," about 143; first printed, 1469. Gelimee, last king of the Vandals in Africa, 530; overcome by BeUsarius, and walked ia his triumph, 534 > d. in Galatia. Gelon, became ruler of Syracuse, B.C. 485 ; greatly improved the city ; defeated the Car- thaginians at Himera, Hamilcar slain, autumn 480; d. 478. Gemelli, Careri Giovanni Francesco, Italian traveller ia the east ; 6. 165 1 ; published "Giro del Mondo," 1699-1700; d. alDout 1725. Geminiani, Francesco, Italian violinist and composer; 6. about 1680; came to England, 1714; published "Art of Playing on the Violin," 1740; "Guida Armonica," 1742; d. 17 Sept. 1762. Gemistius or Plbtho, Georgius, Byzantine writer, restorer of Platonism in Europe ; held office under Manuel Palaaologus, 1426 ; wrote (in Greek) "De Gestis Graeconim." Gemma, Frisius Kegnier, Dutch mathemati- cian, esteemed by Charles V. ; 6. 8 Dec. 1508 ; published "Methodus Arithmeticae," 1540; "De Principiis Astronomiae," 1547! d. 25 May, 1555. Gence, Jean Baptiste Modesto, French scholar; 6. 14 June, 1755; edited, translated, and commented on "L'Imitation de J&us Christ," 1820, et seq.; edited Horace, Cornelius NepoB, &c. ; rf. 17 AprU, 1840. Genebhakd, Gilbert, French bishop and scholar, b. 1537; published " Isagoge Kabbiaica ad Legenda Hebrseorum," &c., 1563; edited Josephus, 1578; d. 24 March, 1597. Genesius or Btzantinus, Josephus, Greek historian, J?. loth century. Genest, Charles Claude, French poet; S. 17 Oct. 1639; published "Principes de la Philo- sophie," 1716; d. Nov. 1719. Genet, ITrangois, French bishop; 5. 16 Oct, 1640; published "Th^ologie Morale, ou Solu- tion des Cas de Conscience," 1682-83; bishop of Vaison, 1685 ; befriended the persecuted Jansenists, and imprisoned, 1687-89; drowned, 17 Oct. 1707. GiNEViJ)VE, Saint, patron saint of Paris ; i. 419 or 422 ; animated the Parisians to re- sist Attila, who retired from it, 451 ; d. 512. Genga, Bartolomeo, Italian architect; b. 1518; d. 1558. Genc}.\, Girolamo, father of above, Italian painter, architect, and sculptor; b. 1476; d. 1551. Genghis-Khan, originally Temoutchin, chief of the Mogul Tartars; 6. about 11 62; d. 24 Aug. 1227. Made general to the emperor of China ; allied with Togroul, chief of the Karaites ; conquered them and other tribes, and assumed the title Genghis-Khan, "chief of the very mighty" 1304-7 Conquered China, 1212-14: India, 1219 ; Persia, &c., 1220 . .... rf. 24 Aug, 1227 Genlis, Stephanie FiSlicit^, comtesse and mar- quise de Sillery de, French author ; 6. (Ducrest) 25 Jan. 1746; d. 31 Dec. 1830. Married ,bj comte de Genlis, about . 1752 Educated herself ; became governess to the Orleans family 1770 Published " Ad61e et Theodore, ou Lettres sur I'Education," 1782; "La Religion consider6e comme Tunique Base du Bonheur," &c. . 1787 Compelled to emigrate ..... 1793 Expelled from Russia; published " Les Mfires Rivales," &c. . . . 1800 Returned to Prance . . ' . . . 1800 Published " Contes Moraux," 1802-3 : " Made- moiselle de Clermont," 1802 ; " Dictionnaire des Etiquettes de la Cour " . . 1818 Gennadius (Georgius Scholarius), Byzantine writer; opposed the union of the Greek and Latin churches, 1452 ; elected patriarch of Constantinople by command of Mahomet II, , 1453; abdicated, 1457 or 1458; d. about 1460. Gennaei, Bolognese painters ; Benedetto, b. 1550 : d. 1610. BARTOLOMMBO, b. 1591 ; d, 1668. EacoLO, b. 1597 ; d. 1658. Benedetto, b. 1633 ; employed by English and French kings : d. 1715. Cesarb, 6. 1641 : d. 1688, Gennako, Giuseppe AureUo, Italian jurist ; b. 1701; published " Eespublica Jurisconsul- torum," 1731 ; d, 25 Aug. 1761. Gennet^, Claude Leopold, French physicist; 6. 3 Jan. 1706; pubUshed "Construction des Cheminfes, " 1760; "Purification de I'Air," 1767; d. 21 April, 1782. Genovesi, Antonio, Italian philosopher ; b. 1712; published "Elementa Artis Logico- Criticae," 1745; d. 20 Sept. 1769. Genseric, king of the Vandals ; at the invita- tion of Boniface, crossed the straits of Gibraltar with 50,000 men, May, 429; and conquered the Roman provinces in North Africa, 429-439; invited by the empress Eudocia against the usurper Maximus; invaded Italy and sacked Rome, &c,, 455 ; d. Jan, 477. GENSONNi), Armand, French politician; 5. lo Aug. 1758 ; with Vergniaud and Gaudet, managed the Girondists, 1791 ; president of the convention, 7 March, 1 793 ; irritated and in- sulted the Jacobins ; executed, 31 Oct. 1793. Gent, Thomas, antiquary; b. 1691 ; published " History of York," 1730; " History of Hull," 1735; patron of learning ; prepared the propositions for the Council of Trent ; main- GIB 207 GIL tained a printing office, from whicli issued an edition of Clirysostom's Commentaries on St. Paul's Epistles, 1529; d. 30 Dec. 1543. GiBiETJF, GuiUaume, French theologian; h. early in 16th century; doctor of the Sorbonne; with Pierre de B(5rulle founded the congregation of the Oratory, authorised 1612, approved by Paul V. 10 May, 1613; for his "De Libertate Dei et Creaturaa," 1630, termed a precursor of Jansenism ; d. 6 June, 1650. Gibson, Edmund, bishop of London, Anglo- Saxonscholar; 6. 1669; bishop of Lincoln, 1715; of London, 1723; published "Chronicon Sax- onicum," Saxon and Latin, 1692 ; " Codex Juris Ecclesise AngUcanee," 1713, &c. ; d. 6 Sept. 1748. GiBSOK, John, R.A., sculptor; 5. 1791 ; revived use of colour in statuary ; E.A., 1836; d. at Rome, 27 Jan. 1866. Gibson, Eichard, " the Dwarf," page to Charles I., painter; h. 1615; d. 23 July, 1690. Gibson, Thomas Milner, statesman ; b. 1 807 ; advocate of free trade ; president of board of trade, 1 859-66 ; received a testimonial for pro- moting the repeal of the " taxes on knowledge," 1861. Gibson, William, farmer and self-taught mathematician; h. 1720; rf. 4 Oct. 1791. GiOHTEL, Johaim Georg, German mystic ; 6. 1638 ; published Bohme's works, 1682 ; asserted that the "divine Word, from his own mouth, should be preferred to the Holy Scriptures ; " his followers termed GichteUans, or "brethren of angels;" preached celibacy and asceticism ; d. 1710. Gideon, judge of Israel; defeated the Midian- ites about B.C. 1249; d. about 1209. Giij;, Pierre de Rohan de, marshal of France, served Louis XI., Charles VIII., and Louis XII. ; offended Louise of Savoy, mother of Francis I. ; condemned for "certain causes," 9 Feb. 1505 ; d. 22 April, 15 13. GlESE, Johann Emanuel, German chemist ; J. 13 Jan. 1781 ; published " Lehrbuch der Pharmacie," 1806-II ; d. 22 May, 1821. GlESELEE, Johann Carl Ludwig, German pro- testant theologian; b. 1791 ; published, in German, "Manual of Church History," 1824-51 ; d. 8 July, 1854. Giefen, (Giphanius or Gifanius), Hubert van, German jurist and philologist; b. 1534; accused of plagiary by Lambinus about 1566; edited Lucretius, 1565; Homer's Iliad, 1572; d 26 July, 1604. GiFEOED, John, see Green. GiFFOKD, Robert Gifford, lord, lawyer ; b. 24 Feb. 1779 ; master of the rolls, 5 April, 1824 ; d. 4 Sept. 1826. GiFFOKD, William, critic and poet ; b. April, 1757 ; <^- 31 Dec. 1826. Sell-taught ; apprenticed to a shoemaker about 1773; belrieuded by Mr Cookes ; entered the university of Oxford ; employed as tutor to his son by earl Grosvenor, 1782; published the "Baviad" against the Delia Cruscans, 1794; the " Msevlad," 1795 ; translation of Juvenal (with autobiography), 1802 ; (first) editor of the Quarterly Keview," 1809-24; edited Massinger, 1805-8: Ben Jonson . . 1816 G1G6EO, Antonio, Italian orientalist, patron- ized by pope Urban VIII. and cardinal Bor- romeo ; published " Thesaurus Linguse Arabicae,' ' 1632 ; d. 1632. GiGOT d' Elb^e, heroic Vendean general ; 6. 1 75 5 ; frequently victorious, termed " General Providence," from his exhortations to his soldiers ; taken prisoner and shot, Jan. 1 794. Gil Vicente, see Vicente. GlLBART, James William ; 5. 1794; manager of the London and "W estminster bank, 1833-59; published many works on banking, 1827-60 ; " Logic for the MiUion," &c., 1854 ; d. 8 Aug. 1863. GiLBEBT, St., French abbot at Neuf Fontaines; estabUshed an hospital ; d. I June, 1 152. Gilbert, Ashhurst Turner, bishop of Chi- chester ; 6. 1786; consecrated, 1842. Gilbert de la PoKRi (Gislebertus Porre- tanus), French theologian and scholastic ; a chief of the Realists ; b. about 1070 ; sum- moned to a council at Paris to answer for heresy; not condemned, 1 147; rf. 4 Sept. I154. Gilbert, St., priest of Sempringham; b. 1083; founded the order of Gilbertines in his parish ; persecuted for giving an asylum to Thomas k Becket; d. 4 Feb. 11 89. Gilbert, Mrs Ann, see Taylor. Gilbert (Giddy), Davies, mathematician and antiquary; 6.1767; president of Royal Society, 1827-30; d. 24 Dec. 1839. Gilbert, Sir Humphry, (half brother of Sir Walter Raleigh), navigator; b. 1539; sailed to North America, II June, 1583; established a settlement at Newfoundland ; wrecked and drowned off the Azores, 10 Sept. 1584. Gilbert, Sir Jeffrey, lawyer ; 6. 10 Oct. 1674; published "Law of Devises," 1730; "Law of Uses and Trusts," 1734; "Reports of Cases in Equity," 1742; d. 14 Oct. 1726. Gilbert, John, water-colour painter ; b. 18 17. Gilbert, Ludwig WiUiehn, German physi- cist; 6. 12 Aug. 1769; continued Gren's "Jour- nal der Physik," 1799-1824; d. 7 March, 1824. Gilbert, Nicolas Joseph Laurent, French satiric poet; b. 1751; published "LeCamaval des Auteurs," 1773; attacked the academy, encyclopasdists, &c., in "Genfeve," 1774; d. 12 Nov. 1780. Gilbert, Nicolas Pierre, French physician; h. 1751; d. 19 Deo. 1814. Gilbert, William, physicist, physician to EUzabeth and James I. ; b. 1540; published "De Magneto," &c., 1600; d. 30 Nov. 1603. GiLBEETUS Anglicus, physician; wrote "Com- I pendium Medicinaj " (first printed, 1500) early I in the 13th century. GIL 208 GIO GiLCHKiST, John Borthwiok, orientalist ; ^' 1 759) publislied "English and Hindostanee Dictionary," 1787; " Oriental Linguist," 1798; d. 1841. GiLCHEiST, Octavius, critic; J. 1779; edited " Bishop Corbet's Poems," 1808; d. 1823. GiLDAS, Saint, the Wise; alleged author of "De Excidto Britannia ;" fi. 6th century. GiLDO, or GiLDON, Moorish general under Theodosius ; governor of Africa about 386 ; attempting to transfer his allegiance from Honorius to Arcadiua, defeated and slain by his brother, Mascezel, (on behalf of Stihcho), 397 ; d. by suicide, 398. GiLDON, Charles, dxamatic poet ; h. 1665 ; published "The Deist's Manual," 1705; d. 12 Jan. 1724. Giles, or Gilles, (jEgidius), French saint ; d. I Sept. 550. GiLPiLLAN, Rev. George, Scotch critic ; 6. 181 3; published "Gallery of Literary Por- traits," 1845; " Bards of the Bible, " 1850. GiLFiLLAN, Robert, Scotch poet ; b. about 1798; d. 4 Deo. 1850. GiLiBEET, Jean Emmanuel, French physician and botanist; h. 24 June, 1741 ; published " Histoire des Plantes de I'Europe," &c., 1806 ; "Le Mi^decin Naturaliste," (opposing poly- pharmacy), 1801 ; d. 2 Sept. 1814. GiLiMEE, see Gelimer. Gill, Alexander, master of St. Paul's school and philologist; b. 27 Feb. 1564; published " Logonomia Anglica," 1621 ; "Sacred Philo- sophy of the Scriptures," 1635; d. 17 Nov. 1635. His son and successor, Alexander, friend of Milton ; b. 1597; published " Poetici Conatus," 1632; d. 1642. Gill, John, D.D., Baptist minister; h. 23 Nov. 1697; published ''Exposition of the Song of Solomon," 1728; "Exposition of the New Testament," 1746-48; d. 14 Oct. 1771. Gilles, Pierre, French naturalist ; b. 1490 ; dedicated his "De Vi et Natura AnimaUum" to Francis I. ; explored the coasts of the Adriatic and Mediterranean ; published " Greek and Latin Dictionary," I53S ! d,' 1555' Gillespie, George, a commissioner from the Church of Scotland to the Westminster Assembly, 1643; pubUshed "Aaron's Rod Blossoming," 1646; "Ark of the Testament Opened," 1661-77; <^- 17 Dec. 1648. Gillies, John, Scotch historian and philolo- gist ; 6. 18 Jan. 1747; published " History of Ancient Greece," 1786; d. 15 Feb. 1836. Gillot, Jean, French scholar ; b. about 1550; wrote part of the "Satyre M^nipp^e," 1593 ; d. Jan. 1619. GiLLEAY, James, caricaturist ; b. 1785; d. 1 June, 1815. GiLLT, Dr William Stephen, canon of Dur- ham; 6. about 1789; published " Excursions to the Mountains of Piedmont, " &c. ; "Researches among the Vaudois," 1824; "Second Visit, or Waldensian Researches," 1831 ; d. 10 Sept. 1855- GiLPiN", Bernard, reformer, "Apostle of the North;" I. 15 17; d. 4 March, 1583. Gilpin, William, vicar of Boldre, biographer and critic; 6. 1724; published "Life of Ber- nard Gilpin," 1751 ; " Lives of Latimer, Wick- liffe, &c.," 1764; several works on picturesque beauty, 1790, et seq. ; d. 5 April, 1804. His brother, Saweey, animal painter ; 6. 1 733 ; d. 8 March, 1807, Gin, Pierre Louis Charles, French lawyer, scholar ; b. 1726; pleaded for Louis XVI., 2 Dec. 1 792 ; imprisoned, 1793; published trans- lation of Hesiod, 1785; of Theocritus, 1788; d. 19 Nov. 1827. GiNGUENi, Pierre Louis, French poet and scholar; b. 25 April, 1748; published "His- toire Litt^raire d'ltaKe," 1811-19; d. 11 Nov. 1816. GiNKELL, see Aihlone. GiOBEET, Giovanni Antonio, Italian agricul- tural chemist; b. 28 Oct. 1761 ; pubhahed " Ricerche Chimiche et Agronomiche," 1 790 ; d. 4 or 14 Sept. 1834. GiOBEETi, Vincenzo, Italian patriot, philo- sopher, and statesman; b. 5 AprU, 1801 ; d. 26 Oct. 1852. Exiled on suspicion of plotting against Charles Albert of Sardinia, about .... 1833 Publislied "Teoria del Sopranaturale," 1838; " Introduzione alio Studio della Filosofla" . 1839 Aimed to relieve Italy from foreign rxilers ; publislied " H Primato civile et morale degli Italiani " 1843 His " Gesuita Modemo " led to the expulsion of the Jesuits from Italy . . . . 1847 Returned to Milan 1848 Called to ofBce by Victor Emmanuel . . 1849 Published "II Rinnovamento civile della Italia" 1851 GiocoNDO (Jucundus), Fra Giovanni, ItaUan Dominican, scholar, and architect ; b. about 1450; employed by the emperor Maximihan at Verona, 1494-98; by Louis XII. at Paris (built Pont Ndtre Dame, &c ), 1499-1507; at Venice, 1 508 ; at Rome, made architect of St. Peter's, 1514; d. about 1521. GiOFFEEDO, Maria Gaetano, Neapohtan archi- tect; 6. 14 May, 1718; d. 8 March, 1785. GlojA, Flavio, of Amalfi, navigator; reputed inventor of the mariner's compass, about 1302. GiojA, Melchiore, Italian political economist, a founder of the science of statistics ; b. 20 Sept. 1767; expelled from Italy for publishing his " Scienza del Povero Diavolo," 1809 ; com- piled statistical tables ; " Filosofia deUa Statis- tica," 1826, &c. ; d. 2 Jan. 1829. GiOLiTo de' Feeeaei, Gabriele, Italian printer; settled at Venice, about 1530; printed "Col- lana Greeca," and " Collana Latina," beautifid but incorrect; "Imitation de J&us Christ," 1556. GIO 209 GIE GlOKDANI, Vitale, Italian self-taught mathe- matician; 6. 13 Deo. 1633; kiUed his brother- in-law for reproaching him for indolence ; fled ; became secretary to a Venetian admiral, about 1723; devoted himself ardently to mathematics ; entered service of cjueen Christina of Sweden ; at Rome, about 1666; published "Corso di Matematica," 1680; d. 3 Nov, 1711. GlOKDAKO, Luca, ItaUan painter; h. 1 632; surnamed "Fa presto," from his sordid father hurrying him iji his work; and the "Proteus of Painting" from his vanity; d. 12 Jan. 1705- GiOKGl, Alessandro, Italian scholar; 5. n Sept. 1747; d. 14 Jul}', 1779. GiOEGi, Antonio Agostino, Italian philologist ; d. 171I; published" AlphabetumThibetanum," 1762; d. 4 May, 1797. GlOEGIONE, Giorgio Barbarelli, called, Italian painter, poet, and musician; h. 1477; d. 151 1. GiosEPPiNO, Neapolitan painter ; h. about 1560; d. 1640. GiOTTiNO, called Tommaso di Stefano, Floren- tine sculptor and painter; h. 1324; studied works of Giotto, and assumed the name; d. 1356. Giotto (Angiolotto or Ambrogiotto Bondone), Italian painter, friend of Dante ; 6. 1276; pupil of Cimabue ; painted frescoes in Oampo Santo at Pisa; worked at Rome, 1298; architect of Florence, 1334; d. 8 Jan. 1336. GiovANELLi, Euggiero, Italian musical com- poser; 6. about 1560; succeeded Palestrina at Rome, 1594; published " Misse," 1593; "Mo- tetti," 1594; " Madrigale," 1586; d. after 1615. Giovanni da Fiesole (Giiido or Guidolino Santi Tosini), named Fr& Angelico, Florentine fresco painter, employed by pope Nicholas V., &c. ; I. 1387 ; many works at Florence ; d. 1455. Giovanni, see Mannozzi. GiovENE, Giuseppe Maria, Italian philosopher; I. 23 Jan. 1753; d. 2 Jan. 1S37. Giovio, Paolo (Paulus Jovius), Italian histo- rian ; h. 19 April, 1483 ; a physician at Rome ; patronised by Leo X. ; made a prior of St. Antonio at Como by Clement VII. ; bishop of Nocera, 1328; published " De Pisoibus Bo- manis," 1 524 ; " Elogia Virorum lUustrium, " 1546; d. II Dec. 1552. GiKALDi, Giovanni Battista (Cintio), Italian novelist and dramatist; 6. Nov. 1504; d. 30 Dec. 1573. GiEALDi, Lilio Gregorio, ItaUan poet and archaeologist; b. 13 June, 1479; patronised by Leo X. and other popes ; disgraced ; resided with Giovaimi Pio della Mirandola till his assassination, 1533; published "De Musis Syntagma," 1512; "Poemata," 1536, &c; d. Feb. 1552. GiEALDua Cambrensis, see Barry. GiRAHD, Gabriel, French grammarian ; b. about 1677 ; published "Synomymes Fran- gais," 1735 ; d. 174S. GiRARD, Gr(5goire, le P&re, Swiss educational writer ; b. 17 Deo. 1765; published " Rapport sur rinstitut de M. Pestalozzi k Iverdon," 1810; " Cours Educatif de la Langue Maternelie," 1840-48, &c. ; d. 6 March, 1850. GiRAHD, Philippe Henri de, French engineer; b. I Feb. 1775; exhibited improved lamps, 1806 ; invented a fiax-spinning machine for the emperor's prize, oiiered 7 May, 1810 ; applied steam to it, 1813 ; established works at War- saw ; invented other machines ; printed " Mt5- moire au Roi sur la Priority due h, la France dans r Invention des Machines k filer le Lin," 1 840 ; d. 26 Aug. 1 845 . GlRARD, Simon Pierre, French engineer ; 6. Nov. 1 765 j went to Egj^t with the expedition ; surveyed the Nile, &c., 1798 ; employed by Napoleon I. in constructing canals, &c., 1803- 14 ; by Louis XVIII. in superintending the water, gas supply, and drainage of Paris, 1815, et seq. ; d. 30 Nov. 1836. GiEAEDiN, Emile de, French political econo- mist and journalist (son of Alexandre, comte de Girardin) ; b. 22 June, 1806. Employed by government .... 1824 Published "LeVoleur," 1829; "La Mode" i Oct. 1829 Married Deli'Hine, daughter of Sophie Gay{&. 26 Jan. 1804 : d. 29 June 1855} .... 1831 Founded the "Journal des Connaissances Utiles" 1831 Helped to create a propaganda for establishing savings banks, 1831 ; and the "Musee des Families" 1835 Established "LaPresse;" bitterly attacked . 1836 Elected to the legislative assembly, June, 1850 Contended for the liberty of the press . March, 1851 Exiled by decree of the president, 9 Jan. ; re- called, 5 March, 1852 Resigned editorship of " La Presse " . end of 1856 Published numerous pamphlets; "La Liberte dans le Mariage, " and " Le Droit," 1854; "La Liberty " . 1857 GiHAEDiN, Louis Stanislas C^cile Xavier, comte de, French politician ; &. 19 Jan. 1762 ; welcomed the revolution, 1790; ill treated; retired from the assembly, Aug. 1792 ; envoy in London, 1793; entered the army, 1804; accompanied Joseph Bonaparte to Naples, 1S06 ; to Spain, 1808 ; an independent mem- ber of the chamber of deputies, 1812-26; d, 27 Feb. 1827. Girardin, see St. Marc Girardin. GiRARDON, Frangois, French architect and sculptor; b. l6 March, 1628; d. 1715. GiEAUD, Giovanni, Italian dramatist; b. 28 Oct. 1776; exhibited "Ajo nell Imbarrazzo," 1867 ; published " Commedie," 1823 ; d. I Oct. 1834. GiEATJD, Pierre, French theologian, b. II Aug. 1791 ; the archbishop of Cambray, 1841 ; cardinal, 1847 ; d. IJ April, 1850. GiEAUD, Pierre Frangois Fi^Ux Joseph, French journalist; b. 26 Sept. 1764; d. '26 Feb. 1821. GIR 210 GLE GiRAULT-DuviviEK, Charles Pierre, French philologist ; 6. 13 July, 1765 ; published " Gram- maire des Grammaires," 1811 ; " Encyclop^die de I'Antiquit^," 1830; d. 11 March, 1832. Girodet-Teioson, Anne Louis Girodet de Eoussy, French painter ; S. 5 Feb. 1 767 ; exhibited a "Scene at the Deluge," 1806; illustrated Anacreon ; d. g Dec. 1 824. GlETIN, Thomas, landscape painter; 6. 1773 ; introduced painting on cartridge paper; painted panorama of London and Paris ; d. 1802. GlKY, Louis, French writer, friend of cardinal Mazarin; h. 1595; d. 1665. GiSBEET, Blaise, French theologian and philo- sopher; b. 21 Feb. 1657; published " L'Art d' Clever un Prince," dedicated to the duke of Bm-gundy, 1684; d. 27 Feb. 1731. GiSBOENE, Rev. Thomas, theologian and philo- sopher; b. 1758; published "Principles of Moral Philosophy," 1789; poems, 1798; d. 24 March, 1846. Gisoo, Carthaginian general, commander of the garrison at Lilyboeum ; taken prisoner by the mercenaries in the "inexpiable" war; put to death, B.C. 240. GiTiADAS, Spartan sculptor, architect, and poet, ^. about B.C. 516. GiULio, Romano, see Somano. Giu.STiNiANi, Agostino, Italian orientalist ; J. 1470 ; edited "Liber Job," (Heb., Vul- gate, &c., a new version), 1516 or 1520 ; " Psalterium," (the first polyglot) ; d. 1536. Givey, Anne d'Anglure de, French general, partisan of Henry IV. ; b. about 1560; killed at the siege of Laon, July, 1 594. Glabee, Raoul, French chronicler; h. about 990; d. about 1050. Glabeio, Marcus Aclius, Roman consul, vic- torious over Antiochus and the .^tolians, B.C. 191. Gladstone, William Bwart, (fourth son of Sir John Gladstone), statesman ; 6. 29 Dec. 1S09. A lord of the treasury under Sir Robert Peel, Dec. 1834 Under-Secretary of the colonies . Jan. — April, 1835 Master of the mint, and vice-president of board of trade ... . Sept. 1841 Eevised the tariff 1842 President of the board of trade May, 1843 Hesigned Feb. 1845 Secretary for the colonies . Dec. 1845 — July, 1846 Chancellor of the exchequer, Jan. 1853 — Feb. 1855 June, 1859 — June, 1866 Lord high commissioner extraordinary to the Ionian isles Nov. 1858 Introduced his "Franchise Bill" . 12 March, 1866 His resolutions for disestablishing the Irish Church passed the commons . . 17 May, 1868 Premier ; sworn in . . g Dec. 1868 M.P. for Newark, 1832 — Jan. 1846 ; Oxford, 1847-65 ; South Lancashire, 1865-68 ; Green- wich ....... 17 Nov. 1868 Published "The Church considered in its rela- tions with the Church," 1838 ; " Church Prin- ciples considered in their Results," 1840 ; "Let- ters on the State prosecutions of the Neapolitan government," 1851 ; " Studies on Homer," 1858; " A Chapter of Autobiography," Nov. 1868 ; " Juventus Mundi" . . July, 1869 Glaishee, James, Scotch meteorologist ; prin- cipal founder (and secretary) of the Meteorolo- gical society, 1850 ; made many scientific balloon ascents, 1862-66. Glanvil, Sir John, jurist ; b. about 1590; d. 2 Oct. 1661 ; his reports of contested elec- tions published, 1775- Glanvil, Rev. Joseph; b, 1636; published "The Vanity of Dogmatizing," i56i; "Lux Orientalis," (on the pre-existence of souls), 1662 ; " Considerations on the Being of Witches," 1666, &c. ; d. 4 Nov. 1680. Glanvil, or Glanville, Ranulph de, states- man and warrior ; chief justiciary of England, 1 1 80; superintended the compilation of " Trac- tatus de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Regni Anglife;" resigned about 11 89; killed at siege of Acre, 1 1 90. GLAEEAnns, or Henri Lorit, Swiss classical scholar; b. 1488; published " Isagoge in Musi- cam," 1516; d. 1563. Glas, John, Scotch theologian ; b. 5 Oct. 1695; published "Testimony of the King of Martyrs concerning his Kingdom (John xviii. 36)," 1727; which led to his deposition, and the formation of churches termed "Glasites," 1728; d. 2 Nov. 1773. Glas, George, son, navigator ; J. 1 725 ; made discoveries in Africa ; endeavoured to found a colony ; published " History of the Canary Islands," 1764 ; imprisoned in the Canary islands by the Spaniards, 1 765 ; murdered by his crew while returning home, about Oct. 1765- Glasee, Ohristophe, Swiss chemist, apothe- cary to Louis XIV. ; discovered the " sal polychrest of Glaser," (sulphate of potash); his " Traits de Chimie" published, 1683; d. about 1680. Glass, Salomo, German theologian ; i. 1 593 ; published " Philologia Sacra," 1623 ; d. 27 July, 1656. Glacbee, Johanu Rodolph, German chemist, discoverer of " Glauber's salt," (sulphate of soda); b. 1603 or 1604; published " De Auri Tinctura," 1646; "Furni Novi Philosophici," 1648 ; " Novum Lumen Chimicum," 1664, &c. ; " Opera Chymica," 1659; d. 1668. Glaubee, Johann, (Polydore), Dutch painter ; 5. 1646 ; d. 1726. His brother, JoHAHN Gottlieb, painter; b. 1656; d. 1703. Gleditsoh, Johann Gottlieb, German botanist; b. 1714; d. 1786. Gleichbn, Friedrich Wilhehn von, (Russ- worm), German naturalist; b. 14 Jan. 1717; published, in German, " Newest Microscopical Discoveries," 1764; "Treatise on the Solar Microscope," 1781 ; d. 16 June, 1783. Gleig, George, Scotch theologian; b. 1753; bishop of Brechin, 1808 ; published " Direc- tions for the Study of Theology," 1827; d Feb. GLE 211 GOB Gleig, Eev. George Robert, novelist and his- torian ; & 1795; joined tlie army, and served in the Peninsular and American wars, 1S08-14; entered the church, i S22 ; chaplain to Chelsea Hospital, 1844 ; chaplain-general of the forces, 1846 ; published the " Subaltern," 1825 ; " British MUitary Commanders," i S32 ; " Me- moirs of Warren Hastings," 1841 ; " Story of Waterloo," 1S47. Gleiji, Johann WUielm Ludwig, " the Ger- man Anacreon " ; 6. 2 April, 1 719; published "Kriegslieder," 1778; " Zeitgedichte," 1789- 1803; d. Dec. 1803. Glen, Jean de, printer and engraver of Liege ; printed " Du Debvoir des FiUes," 1597, &c. Glehdowee, (Gltkdwk), Welsh chief : great- grandson of Llewellyn, last prince of Wales ; 6. about 1349 ; knighted by Richard II., 1387 ; maintained a successful war against Henry IV., and ruled Wales, 1410 ; d. during negotiations with Henry V., 20 Sept. 1415, Glenelg, see Crrant. Glet, G&ard, abb^, French linguist and his- torian ; accompanied marshal Davoust in his campaigns visiting libraries, &o ; 6. 24 March, 1761 ; published "Voyage en Allemagne et en Pologne," 1816 ; corresponded with Napo- leon I.; d. II Feb. 1830. Glinka, Sergyer Nicolaevitch, Russian poet ; &. 1771 ; published translation of Young's " Night Thoughts," kc. ; d. about 1845. His cousin, Gbegokt Andkeevitoh, soldier and philosopher ; &. 1774 ; published translations from the French, &c. ; d. 12 Feb. 1818. Glisson, Francis, anatomist ; i. 1597 ; dis- covered " GUsson's Capsule," described in his " Anatomia Hepatis, 1654 ; in *' Tractatus de Natura de Substantia Energetica," described irritability as a property of muscular iibre ; d. 1677. Gloucester, see Robert. Gloucester, dukes of : Thomas Plantagenet, sixth son of Edward m. ; b. 7 Jan. 1355 : duke, 13S5 ; opposed his nephew, Eichard II, ; carried to Calais, and put to death . . . . Sept. 1397 Humphry, son . . d. of the plague, 1399 Humphry, son of Henry IV. ; 6. 1391 ; duke, 1414 ; protector of England, 1422 ; contention with his uncle the bishop of AVinchester, 1425 ; his duchess imprisoned for witchcraft, 1441 ; seized ; found dead in his bed . . . Feb. 1447 Richard, son of Hichard, duke of York; b. 21 Oct. 1450 , duke, 1461 ; king, see Richard III. Henry Stuart, son of Charles I. ; 6. 8 July, 1640 ; duke, 1644 . . . . d. 13 Sept. 1660 William, son of queen Anne ; 6. 24 July, 1689 ; created duke (not by patent), 1689 . d. 30 July, 1700 WlLLiAJl Henry, son of Frederick, prince of "Wales ; 6. 14 Nov. 1743 ; duke, 1764 ; married Maria, countess of "VValdegrave, 6 Sept. J766, d. 25 Aug. 1805 "William Frederick, son, nephew of George III. : 6. 15 Jan. 1776 ; married his cousin, Mary, 1B16 . . . d 30 Nov. 1834 Glo"Vee, Charles, song composer; d. 1S63. Glover, Richard, poet and scholar; h. 1712 ; published "Leonidas," 1737 ; the song "Hosier's Ghost," 1739; "The Athenaid," 1787; d. 25 Nov. 1785. Glover, Mrs, actress ; 5. 8 Jan. 17S1 ; d id July, 1850. Glovee, Thomas, antiquary, friend of Cam- den ; h. 1543; his "Catalogue of Honour," printed, 1610; d. 1588. Gluck, Christoph, Grerman musical dramatic composer, "the ]\lichael Angelo of music ; " h. 2 July, 1 7 14; his first opera, " Artaxerxes, " 1 741 ; came to London, and became friend of Ame, 1745 ; " Clemenza di Tito," performed at Rome, 1754; wrote at Vienna, "Alceste," " Paride e Elena," and " Orfeo," 1761-64; " Iphigenia in Aulide," performed, 19 April, 1774; d. 25 Nov. 1787. Gltcas, Michael, Byzantine historian ; wrote " Annals and Letters," I2th century. Gltceeius, Roman emperor, 473; made prisoner ; became a priest, 474. Gmelin, Johann Georg, German botanist and chemist; i. 12 June, 1709 ; published "Flora Siberica," 1747-70; many memoirs; "Travels in Siberia" (in German), 1751-2; d. 20 May, 1755- Gmelin, Johann Friedrich, German physi- cian and botanist ; h. 8 Aug. 1748 ; d. 1 Nov. 1804. His son, Leopold, 5. 2 Aug. 1788; published the great " Handbuch der Chimie," 1841 et seq.; d. 13 April, 1853. Gneisenau, August Neithardt von, count, Prussian general, and military reformer; 6. 27 Oct. 1760; distinguished himseLf, and pro- moted, 1807 ; helped to organise the land- wehr (or militia), and the Tugendbund, insti- tuted to neutraUse French influence in Ger- many; fouaht under Blucher, 1812-15 ; created field marshal, 1825 ; d. 24 Aug. 1 83 1. Goad, John, schoolmaster, and astrologer; 5. 15 Feb. 161 5; published " Astro-Meteoro- ■ gica," 1686; d. 28 Oct. 1689. GoADET, Robert, printer at Sherborne ; h. 1721 ; published " Life of Bamfylde Moore Carew, king of the beggars ; " d. 12 Aug. 1778. GoBEL, Jean Baptiste Joseph, French bishop; h. I Sept. 1727 ; deputy to the constitutional assembly; proposed the resolution that none should be disturbed for religious opinions, 23 Aug. 1789; installed archbishop of Paris by Talleyrand, bishop of Autuu, 15 March, 1791 ; renounced his functions, and assumed the red cap, Nov. 1793 ; condemned of coalition with Hebert, Clootz, and others ; executed, 14 April, 1794. GoEELiN, Jehan, French dyer, and founder of the family of manufacturers ; established his works at Paris about 1450 ; invented a scarlet dye ; d. 1476. GOBIEN, see Le Gobien. GOO 212 GOD GocLENins, Kodolph, German physician and philosopher, a follower of Paracelsus; 6. 22 Aug. 1572; d. 3 March, 162 1. GoDAHD, Jean, French poet; h. 1564; pub- lished "Oi?uvTes," 1594; d. 1630. GoDART, Jean Baptiste, French naturalist ; h. 25 Nov. 1775 ; published * ' Histoire naturelle des L^pidoptferes de France," 1822; d. 27 July, 1823. GoDDARD, Arabella, pianist; 6. Jan. 1836; first appeared in public, 30 March, 1850; married Mr Davidson, i860. GoDDAUD, Jonathan, physician and chemist ; 5. about 1617; Cromwell's army physician; made councillor ; said to have introduced telescopes into England ; published " Dis- course concerning Physic," 1668; invented " Goddard's Drops ; " d. 24 March, 1674. GODEAU, Antoine, Prench bishop, historian and poet ; h. 1605 ; his "Histoire de I'Eglise," published, 1653-78; "La Morale Chr^tienne," 1705 ] d. 2.1 April, 1672. GoDEFEOY, French jurists : Denis, 6. 17 Oct. 1549 ; published "Corpus Juris Civilis," 1583 , . . d. -j Sept. 1621 Theodore, son, b. 17 July, 1580 ; historiographer of France, 1617; published "Le Ceremonial de France," i6ig rf. 5 Oct. 1649 Jacques, brother, 6. 1587 ; edited "Codex Theo- dosianus," 1665; "Cicero," 1616 ; " Fragmenta 'Duodecim Tabularura," 1616 . d. 24 June, 1652 Denis, son of Theodore, b. 24 Aug. 1615 ; pub- lished "Memoires sur les Droits du Eoi," 1665 d. 4 June, 1681 Godfrey de BouilloNj chief of the crusa- ders, king of Jerusalem; 6. about 1058 ; d. 18 July, 1 100. "With the emperor Henry IV. when he took Rome, 21 March, 1084 Enrolled himself a crusader . . , 1095 Assumed the command, set out . . Aug. 1096 Crossed the Hellespont, March ; besieged and took Nicsea, 8 May — 24 June ; fcesieged Antloch, 21 Oct. 1097 ; sacked Antioch, 3 June ; defeated the Saracens 28 June, 1098 Invested Jerusalem, 7 June ; took it and slaugh- tered the inhabitants . 15 July, 1099 Elected king .... 23 July, 1099 Defeated the Saracens at Ascalon . 12 Aug. 1099 d. (probably by poison) . 18 July, 1 100 Godfrey of Viterbo, or Wittenberg (Gottfried Tineosus) German historian; wrote "Chronicon "Universale," entitled "Pantheon," printed 1569 ; d. 1191. Godfrey, Charles, musician; h. about 1790 J d, 12 Dec. 1863. Godfrey, Sir Edmondbury, magistrate (be- fore whom Titus Gates had sworn to his narra- tive) foimd murdered in a field, 17 Oct. 1678. Godfrey, Thomas, American mathematician ; perfected the quadrant simultaneously with Hadley, and received a reward from the Royal Society of London, 1731 ; d, 1749. Godfrey, Thomas, son, poet; h. 1736; wrote "The Court of Eancy," published 1767; d. 3 Aug. 1763. Godin, Louis, Erench philosopher ; h. 28 Feb. 1704; wrote "Histoire de rAcad^mie des Sciences," 1680-99; d. II Sept. 1760. Godolphin, John, civilian ; h. 1617; judge of the admiralty, 1653; published "The Holy Limbec, 1650; "The Holy Harbour," 1651 ; "Admiralty Jurisdiction," 1661 ; d. 4 April, 1678. Godolphin, Sidney, royalist poet and soldier ; h. 1 610; killed in battle, 1643. Godolphin, Sidney Godolphin, earl of ; &. about 1630; page to Charles II. when prince, 1645; elected member of parliament, 1661 ; a privy councillor, 1679; lord of the treasury, 1684; lord high treasurer 169096; 1700-1 ; 1702; suddenly dismissed, 8 Aug. 1710; d. 15 Sept. 1712. GoDOUNOV, or GoDUNOF, Boris, czar of Russia ; 6. 1552 ; instituted serfdom in Russia about 1595; brother-in-law of Feodor I., last of the race of Rurik, succeeded bim (suspected of poisoning him) 1598; threatened with deposi- tion, took poison, and d. 23 April, 1605. Godoy, Manuel de, Spanish statesman ; 6. 12 May, 1767; d. at Paris, 4 Oct. 1851. Became favourite of Charles IV. about 1784 (and lover of the Queen) ; prime minister . Nov. 1792 Began war with France 1793 Made peace and received his title "prince of the peace" and other honours . . . 22 July, 1795 Kuled well, but awakened the jealousy of the nobles ; dismissed ... 28 March, 1798 Minister again ; allied with Napoleon I. ; plotted the overthrow of the Bourbon dynasty ^ 1806-8 Named admiral of the Indies .... 1807 His schemes discovered ; attacked by the populace during the insurrection at Aranjuez ; saved by the king's abdication in favour of his son Fer- dinand . 17-19 March, 1808 Released by Murat .... May, 1808 Long resided at Rome ; went to Paris (a pensioner of Louis Philippe) . 1835 Godwin, earl of Kent ; d. suddenly, 1 5 April, 1053. Served under Canute in Denmark . 1029 Made earl of Kent and Sussex . . 1029, d seq. Supported Harold I. ; accused of murdering Alfred, son of Ethelred II 1036 His daughter married to Edward the Confessor 1045 Summoned to the Wittenagemot : refused to at- tend without a safe-conduct . . . 1051 Justified himself, and reconciled to the king 1052 Godwin, Francis, bishop, ecclesiastical histo- rian; b. 1 561 ; bishop of Llandaff, 1601 ; Here- ford, 161 7 ; published "Catalogue of the Bishops of England, " 1601; " Rerum AngUca- rum (Hen. VIII., Edw. VI, et Maria) Annales," 1616; "Man in the Moon" (written about 1600), 1638 ; d. April, 1633. Godwin, George, architect; i. 28 Jan. 1815; editor of the "Builder," 1844; published "Churches of London," 1838; "Hjstory in Ruins," 1853. Godwin, Mary WoUstonecroft ; b. 27 April, *759j a schoolinistress, 1 783 ; governess, 1786; lived in France with a Mr Imlay, 1792; pub- lished " Vindication of the Eights of Woman," GOD 213 GOL 1791 ; "Thoughts on the Education of Daugh- ters," 1786; married William Godwin, 1797; d. (in child-birth) 10 Sept. 1797. Godwin, Thomas, Hebraist; b. 1587; published " Moses and Aaron, or the Civil and Ecclesias- tical Rites of the Hebrews," 1614; d. 1643. Godwin, William, historian, political writer, and novelist; b. 3 March, 1756; d. 7 AprU, 1836. A dissenting minister 1778 Married Mary WoUstonecroft (see Godwin, Mary) 1797 Published "Sketches of History," 1784; "An Enquiry concerning PolitlcalJustice," &c-, 1793; "Caleb WiUlams," 1794: " iSt. Leon," 1799; "Life of Chaucer," 1803; "Fleetwood," 1805 ; "On Population," 1B20 : "History of the Com- monwealth of England," 1824-28; "Thoughts on Man," 1831 : " Lives of the Necromancers" 1834 GOECKINGK, Leopold Friedrich Gunther von, German poet and statesman; b. 1748; pub- lished " Sinngedichte," 1772-78 ; " Lieder Zweier Liebenden," 1777-79; d. 18 Feb. 1828. GOEPP, Jean Jacques, French protestant theo- logian, of Strasburg, founder of societies for missions, circulating the Bible, and promoting Christian morality; b. 6 April, 1771; d. 21 June, 1855. GoEKEE, Wilhehn, Dutch scholar and book- seller; b. II Dec. 1635; d. 3 May, 1711. 60EKGEI, or GOegei (not Geokgei), Arthur, Hungarian general and chemist; b. 5 Feb. 1818. Devoted to agriculture and chemistry till the war of 1848 Employed by Kossuth, and made general, i Nov. 1848 Opposed his policy of separating from Austria Jan. 1849 Said to have caused the defeat at Kapolna 26-28 Feb. 1849 Took Comorn . . .21 May, 1849 Defeated by the Russians . . 15 July, 1849 Surrendered his army unconditionally to them 13 Aug. 1849 Published In German "My Life and Works In Hungary, 1848-49" . 1852 GOEKRES, Johann Joseph, German publicist and historian; b. 25 Jan. 1776; published in German " The Universal Peace, an idea ; " " The Bed Leaf," 1 798 ; " Europe and the Ee- volution," 1821; d. 27 Jan. 1848. Goehtz, Georg Henrik, baron, Swedish states- man and financier ; while endeavouring to make peace with Eussia, tried and beheaded for sus- pected treason, 2 March, 1719. GOEETZ, Johann Eustasius, Prussian states- man; b. 5 April, 1737; published "M^moire sur la Neutrality Arm4e," 1801 ; his Memoirs printed, 1827; d. 7 Aug. 1821. Goes, Danaiao, Portuguese historian and di- plomatist; b. 1 501; published " Commentarius Eerum gestarum in India," 1539; his "Chronica do Eey Dom Manuel" printed 1619; d. about 1573- Goes, Hugo van der, Flemish painter ; em- ployed by Charles the Bold, 1473; d. about 1480. Goes, Wilhelm van der, Dutch critic ; 6. i6n ; published "Pilatus Judex," 1677; fi.13Oct.1686. GoESCHEN, Johann Friedrich Ludwig, German jurist; b. 16 Feb. 1778; published "Gains, Institutionum Conunentarii," 1821 ; d, 24 Sept. 1837. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, German poet, novelist, and philosopher; b. 28 Aug. 1749 ; d. 22 March, 1832. AVent to Strasburg, and became friend of Herder, "Wagner, and others . . . 1769-71 Published " Goetz von Berllchingen " . 1773 AVent to Weimar . 7 Nov. 1775 Visited Italy 1786 Published "Iphigenla," 1787, "Egmont," " Tor- quato Tasso," 1790; " Lelder Werther," " Wel- helm Melster " . . t794 Friendship with SohiUcr .... 1794-1805 Published " Beitrage zur Optik," 1791-92: "Her- mann und Dorothea," 1797 ; " Faust," 1806 and 1831 : " Farbenlehre " . . . 1810 GoETZE, Georg Heinrich, German scholar, zealous Lutheran; b. II Aug. 1667; d. 25 April, 1728. GoETZE, Johann Melchior, German theologian and bibliographer, termed, from his severity, the " Inquisitor of Hamburg ;" b. 16 Oct. 1717 ; d. 19 May, 1786. GoFF, or GouGH, Thomas, theologian and dramatist; b. about 1592; d. July, 1629. Gogol, Nikolai, Eussian writer; b. 1808; published " Dead Souls " (a satire on the serfs of nobles existing only on paper), 1842 ; "Let- ters," in favom; of emancipation, 1847 ; d. 21 Feb. 1852. GoGUET, Antoine-Yves, French jurist ; 6. 18 Jan. 1716; d. 2 May, 1758. GoLDAST, de Heiminsfeld, Melchior, Swiss publicist and' historian ; b. 6 Jan. 1576; pub- lished "Suevicarum Eerum Scriptores," 1605 ; " Alamanicarum Eerum Scriptores," 1606 ; d. II Aug. 1635. GoLDING, Arthur, poet, secretary of Cecil, 1 563 ; translated Ovid's Metamorphoses, 1 565-75. GoLDONi, Carlo, Italian dramatist ; b. 1 707 ; d. 8 Jan. 1 793. Deserted bis home and joined a troop of come- dians ; returned ; studied medicine under his father : afterwards civil law : dissuaded from entering the priesthood ; made doctor of law at Padua 1732 Began to write tor the stage at Venice ; " Beli- sarius " performed 24 Nov. 1734 After several changes, went to Paris ; " Le Bourru Bienfaisant " performed . . ■ 4 Nov. 1771 Published his "Memoires" (said by Gibbon to be more comic than his comedies) . . 1787 His pension stopped by the convention, but re- stored, ifec. . . • 1792-93 GOLDSOHMIDT, Hermann, German painter and astronomer; b. 17 June, 1802; exhibited the "Sibyl of Cumas," 1845 ; "View of Eome,"i849, &c. ; began to study astronomy from hearing a lecture by Le Terrier, 31 March, 1847 ; dis- covered the small planet " Lutetia," 15 Nov. 1852 ; ten other planets, 1854-61 ; d. 12 Sept. 1866. GOL 214 GON GoLDSOHMlDT (Jenny Lind), Madame, singer; J. 21 Oct. 1821 ; first appearance in London, 4 May, 1847 ; married Otto Goldsokmidt, 1851. Goldsmith, Oliver, Irish poet and novelist ; h. 10 Nov. 1728; d. 4 April, 1774. Patronised by his uncle ; studied at Trinity College, Dublin ... , J 745-52 Studied medicine at Edinburgh . . . 1752 "Went to Leyden 1753 Travelled through Europe on foot ; returned to England in penury 1755-56 Corrector of the press to Kichardson . 1756 Subsisted by his pen, writing for the Monthly and Critical Reviews, »S:c., becoming known to Smollett and others . . i759> ^ *^3- Introduced to Dr Johnson , . 31 May, 1761 Published "Citizen of the "World," 1762 ; "The Traveller," 1765: "Vicar of "Walcefleld" (sold for fifty guineas, 1764), 1766; "Good-natured Man," 1768; "Deserted "village,'* 1770; "She Stoops to Conquer" . . 1773 Goliath of Gath, a Philistine giant ; liilled by David, about B.C. 1063. GoLins, Jacobus, Dutch orientalist ; 6. 1596; accompanied an embassy to Morocco to study Arabic, and acquired precious MSS., 1622; afterwards "visited Syria ; translated the Ne'w Testament into vulgar Arabic and Greek, 1638 ; published " Lexicon Arabico-Latinum," 1653; d. 28 Sept. 1667. His brother Petee became a Romanist missionary ; translated the "Imitation of Jesus Christ" into Arabic, 1663; d. about 1673. GoLOVIN, Ivan, Pussian author ; 6. about 181 3 ; naturalised in England, 1S43 ; pub- lished "Pierre le Grand," 1844; "The Caucasus," 1853. GoLOViN, Michael, Kussian mathematician and scholar ; d. 1 790. GoLOVNiN, "V"asili, Russian navigator ; sailed to explore the North Pacific, 1 809 ; imprisoned in Japan, and while there compiled a Russian grammar, &o., for the Japanese, 1811-13; pub- lished his adventures (in German), i8i5; sailed on a new mission, 1817; returned, 1819; pub- lished his second voyage, 1822 ; cZ. 1 5 Nov. 1831. GoLTZ, Robert Heinrich Ludwig von der, count, Prussian diplomatist ; ambassador to Paris, 1863-69; d. 24 June, 1869. GoLTZiDS, Hubert, Belgian painter and numismatist; h. 30 Oct. 1526; pubUshed " Icones Imperatornm," 1557 ; d. 24 March, 1583- GoiiAE, Franz, Flemish protestaut theologian; 6. 30 Jan. 1 563 ; studied at Oxford about 1583; professor of theology at Leyden, and there opposed the doctrines of Arminius, 1594, et seq.; retired to Middleburg, 1611 ; contributed to the condenmation of Armin- ianism at the council of Dort, i6i8;d. 11 Jan. 1641. GOMBAKT, Jean Ogier de, French poet ; i. about 1570; published " Endymion, " 1624; " Po&sies," 1646; " Epigrammes," 1657; d. io. poverty, 1666. GoMBEEViLLE, Marin le Roy de, French novelist and academician; b. 1600; made a crusade against certain words ( " car," &c.), omitting them in his worliis ; published "Dis- cours des Vertus et des Vices de I'Histoire," 1620; "La Caritie," 1622; " Polexandre," 1632; " La Doctrine des Moeurs," 1646; d 14 June, 1674. GoMEESAL, Rev. Robert, poet; I. 1 600; pub- lished "The Levite's Revenge," 1628, &c. ; d. 1646. Gomez de Cicdad Real, Alvarez, Spanish Latin poet and theologian ; b. 1488; published " Thalichristia," a heroic poem, 1522; "Musa Pauhna," 1529; " ProverbiaSalomonis," 1548, &c. ; d. 14 July, 1538. Gomez, Madeleine Ang^que Poisson, madame de, French novelist ; i. 22 Nov. 1 684; "wrote " Les Joum^es Ajinusantes," 1723-8 ; &c. ; d. 28 Dec. 1770. Gomez, Sebastiano, "the muleteer" of Mu- rillo, Spanish painter; d. about 1690. GoNATAS, see A ntigonus. G0N5ALVEZ, Joaquim Alfonso, Portuguese missionary, and Chinese scholar; 6. 1780; arrived at Macao, 28 June, 1814; published for the Chinese, " Grammatica Latina," 1828; " Arte China," 1829 ; " Diccionario Portuguez- China," 1831 ; d. 3 Oct. 1841. GONDEBADD, fourth king of Burgundy ; took arms against his brother Chilperic, defeated and Idlled him, about 477 ; and after destroy- ing his family, became king, 491 ; unwillingly gave his niece, Clotilda, in marriage to Clovis, 493 ; defeated in war ; made peace with Clovis, 500 ; promulgated the Burgundian code, the "Loi Gombette," 29Maich, 502; d.5i6or5i7. GoNDEMAE, king of the Visigoths in Spain ; convoked a council to settle ecclesiastical dis- putes, 610; d 612. GoNDi, Pierre de, French cardinal, brother of the mar^chal de Retz ; i. 1533; mediated between the pope and Henry IV., whom he reconciled to the church of Rome ; bishop of Langres, 1565; of Paris, 1570; cardmaJ, 1587; d. 17 Feb. 1616. GoKDi DE Retz, see Retz. GONDKIN, Louis Antoine de PardiUan de, due d'Antin, son of the marquis and madame de Montespan (mistress of Louis XIV.); adroit French courtier; b. 1665 ; d. 2 Dec. 1736. GoNGOZA V Aegote, Luis, Spanish poet; b. II July, 1561 ; his "Obras" pubUshed 1 636-46, the affected style of which gave rise to the terms " Gongorisme," and " Culto- risme;" d. 23 May, 1627. GoxsALVO, see Gonzalro. Gonthier, Johann, German Hellenist and physician ; 6. 1487 ; settled at Paris as phy- sician to Francis I. ; becoming a protestant, compelled to retire to Metz and Strasburg; published "SyntaxisGraeca," I527;d 40ct.i574. GON 215 FGOO GONTKAN, son of Clotaire I. ; 6. about 525 ; became king of Burgundy at his death, 561 ; defeated his brother, Sigebert, and seized Avignon, 566 ; maintained the Gombette law, and introduced Homan institutions ; made fre- quent wars with his brothers Sigebert and Chilperie ; committed many murders ; excom- municated by St. Germain for his many concu- bines ; d. 28 March, 593. GoNTRAN-BozoN, a powerful, turbulent Trench noble, general of Sigebert, king of Metz; put to death by Gontran of Burgundy, 587. GoNZAGA, dij captains, marquesseSj and dulces of Mantua : LuTGi, cap(am ; b. 1267; obtained chief power in Mantua, 1328 . . d. iS Jan. 1360 GtTiDO, son, 6. 1291 ; captain, 1360 d, 1369 LuiGi, son; captain, 1369 . , . . d. 1382 FaANCESCO, brother; b. 1363; captain, 1382 d. March, 1407 Giovanni Francesco, son ; 6. 1394 ; captain 1407 Successful warrior; created marquess by the emperor Sigismund, 22 Sept. 1433 d. 23 Sept. 1444 LuiGi, " il Turco," son; b. 5 June, 1414 ; suc- ceeded, 1444 ; embellished Mantua d. 12 June, 1478 Fedebico, son ; 6. 1439 . . £^.15 July, 1484 Giovanni Francesco, son; warrior; b. 10 Aug. 1466 d. 29 March, 1519 Fedeuico, son ; warrior ; &. 17 May, 1500 ; cre- ated duke by Charles V., with the principality of Montf errat. 1536 . . d. 28 June, 1540 Francesco, son ; b, 10 March, 1533 d, 21 Feb. 1550 GuGLiELMO, brother; b. 1536; skilfully sup- pressed a conspiracy at Casal, 1567 d. 14 Aug. 1587 ViNCENZO, son ; 6. 21 Sept. 1562 d. 18 Feb. 1612 Francesco, son; b. 7 May, 1586 . d. 22 Dec. 1612 Fbrdinando, brother ; b. 24 May, 1587 ; d. 29 Oct. 1626 ViNCENZO, brother ; b. 7 Jan. 1594 d. 26 Dec. 1627 Carlo, cousin, son of the duke of Nevers ; after a severe war (in which Mantua was captured and despoiled by the Germans), invested with the duchy, 22 June, 1631 . . d. 22 Sept. 1637 Carlo, grandson; b. 31 Oct. 1629; sold his French possessions to cardinal Mazaiine, 1659 ; d. 14 Aug. 1665 Ferdinando Carlo, son, &. 31 Aug. 1652; fought for the emperor against the Tui-ks in Hungary, 1687 ; joined Louis XIV., and received a French garrison into Mantua, 1701 ; his states invaded by the Germans, 1706; fled to France; put to the ban of the empire; d. (suspected by poison) . . 5 July, 1708 GoNZAGA, Scipione, Italian cardinal, friend of Tasso, and patron of letters; 6. 21 Nov. 1542 ; d II Jan. 1593. GoNZAGA, Thomas Antonio, "Dirceo," Portu- guese poet; b. 1747 ; a magistrate in Brazil, 1768; accused of participating in a conspiracy; banished to Mozambique for ten years, 10 Sept. ; wrote " Marilia de Dirceo," printed 1845 ; ^- there, soon after 1793. GoNZAGA, Yespasiano, duca di Sabbionetta, Italian warrior; h. 1531 ; entered Spanish service; d. 13 March, 1591. Gonzales, Bartolomeo, Spanish painter ; h. 1564; d. 1627. Gonzales, or Gonzalo, de Berceb, Spanish poet; Jl. 13th century. Gonzales, Tirso, Spanish theologian ; general of the Jesuits about 1685 ; attacked "probabi- lism;" published "De Infallibilitate Romani Puntificio," 1689 ; d. 24 Oct. 1705. GONZALVO DE CoRDOVA (Gongalo Hernand y Agnilar), duque de Terre Nueva, prince of Venosse, "the great captain," Spanish general; h. 16 March, 1443 ; d. 2 Dec. 1515. Served Ferdinand the catholic against the Moors, ending with the capture of Gx'anada . 1492 Defeated the French in Italy, at Seminara, 21 April; at Cerignola, 28 April; at the Garigliano, 27 Dec. 1503 Captured Gaeta, gaining the whole of Naples ; made viceroy of Naples, but soon after dis- graced by Ferdinand . . . i Jan. 1504 Good, John Mason, M.D., philosopher; h. 25 May, 1764; published translations of Lucretius, 1S05-7; of the Song of Solomon, 1800; of Job, 1 81 2; of the Proverbs, 1821 ; '* Book of Nature," 1826; d. 2 Jan. 1827. GooDALL, Edward, line engraver (engraved many of Turner's works); 6, Sept. 1795- GooDALL, Frederick, H.A., son, painter; &, 17 Sept. 1822; exhibited the " Village Festival," 1847; " The Last Load," 1852; "The Swing," 1852. GoODALL, Walter, Scotch archaaologist, Jaco- bite ; h. 1706 ; d. 28 July, 1766. GooDE, William, dean of Ripon ; h. 10 Nov. 1801 ; dean, i860; d. 13 Aug. 1868. Goodman, Godfrey, bishop of Gloucester; 6. 1583 ; consecrated, 1625 ; suspended, and soon after became a Romanist, 1639; d. 19 Jan. 1655; his "History of his own Times/' printed 1839- G-OODRICH, Samuel Griswold, wrote many works for the young under the name of " Peter Parley"; b. 19 Aug, 1793; d. 9 May, i860. Goodrich, Thomas, reformer, bishop of Ely, 1 5 34 ; employed in the revision of the translation of the New Testament, 1540; d. loMay, 1554. GooDSIK, John, Scotch anatomist; b. 1814; d. 6 March, 1867. Goodwin, John, Arminian minister; I. I593; published (in favour of the condemnation of Charles I.) "The Obstructors of Justice," 1649 ; also "Eight and Might well met," 1648; d. 1665. Goodwin, Thomas, Calvinist Independent minister; b. 1600; made president of Magdalen college by Cromwell, and with him at his death; d. 23 Feb. 1679. GooDYEAE, Charles, American mechanic ; b. about 1800 ; invented vulcanised India rubber, 1S39 ; patented many appUoations, 1849, et scq.; d. GooGE, Bamaby, poet and translator ; b. about 1538; pubUshed translation of part of "Palin- genius'g Zodyake of Lyfe," 1560; "Eglogs, Bpitaphes, and Sonnettes," 1563. GooL, Jan van, Dutch painter; b. 1685 ; pub- lished (in Dutch) "New Theatre of Dutch Painters," 1750-51; d. 1763. GOE, 216 GOT GOKDIANUS I. — III., Marcus Antonius, Roman emperors : I. AFBicANtrs, h. 157: made emperor at the mur- der of Maximimis, 238 ; killed in battle with Capellianus, a rebel April, 238 II. 6. 192 ; son : killed with his father, April, 238 III. b. 226: proclaimed, July, 238; proceeded to make war ou Persia ; slain by Philip, the Arabian, bis colleague . March, 244 GoEDON, Alexander, Scotch historian and antiquary ; pubhshed " History of Ancient Amphitheatres," (from Maffei), 1730; "Itine- rarium Septentrionale," 1726 ; d. about I750- Gordon, Andrew, Scotch Benedictine physi- cist; b. 12 July, 1 712; first used a cyhnder in the electric machine about 1742; published " Phsenomena Eleotricitatis," 1744; d. 22 Aug. 1751- GoEDOU, Bernard de, French physician ; wrote "Lilium Medicinse," July, 1305 ; d. about 1320. Gordon, Lord George; b. 19 Dec. 1750; by his violent speeches and conduct led to the No-Popery riots, 2-9 June, 1 780 ; acquitted of high trea.son at his trial, 5 Feb. 1781 ; cZ. in prison for a libel upon the queen of France, I Nov. 1793. GoEDON, George Htmtley, amanuensis of Sir Walter Scott; b. 1796; d. 27 Deo. 1868. Gordon, Sir John Watson, K.A., Scotch por- trait painter ; b. 1 790 ; elected president of the Koyal Scottish Academy, 1850 ; d. I June, 1864. Gordon, James Huntley, Scotch Jesuit ; i. 1543; published " Controversiarum Chris- tiauEe Fidei Epitome," 1612-20; d. 16 April, 1620. Gordon, Lucie Duff, lady, daughter of John and Sarah Austin; b. 1821 ; married Sir A. C. Duff Gordon, 1840; pubhshed translation of the "Amber Witch," 1844; and "Letters from Egypt," 1865 ; d. at Cairo, 13 July, 1869. Gordon, Patrick, Russian general ; b. 31 March, 1635 ; friend and adviser of Peter the Great of Russia ; d. 9 Dec. 1 699. Gordon, Thomas, republican -writer ; b. about 1684; employed by Sir R. Walpole; transla- tion of "Tacitus," pubhshed, 1728-31 ; "PUIars of Priestcraft and Orthodoxy shaken," 1768; d. 28 July, 1750. 60EDON, Wilham, theologian and historian ; b. 1729; went to America, 1772; zealously supported the colonists ; published "History of the Independence of the United States," 1788 ; d. 1807. Gordon, WiUiam, M.D., philanthropist ; b. 1801 ; d. 1849. GOEE, Mrs Catharine Grace Frances, fashion- able novelist; b. 1799; published "Theresa Marchmont" about 1823; "Mothers and Daughters," 1831 ; d. 29 Jan. 1861. Gore, Thomas, heraldic writer ; i. 1631 ; d. 1684. GoRGiAS, of Leontini, Sicily, Greek sophist ; fl. about B.C. 485-380. GoRI, Antonio Francesco, Italian archaeolo- gist ; b. 9 Dec. 1691 ; pubhshed " Inscriptioues Antiquae," 1726-44; "Museum Florentinum," , 1731-43; d. 21 Jan. 1757. Goring, C. R., M.D. ; b. about 1792; with; Andrew Pritchard improved microscopes,' 1824-40; d. 6 March, 1840. GoRLiEUS, Abraham, Flemish antiquary ;' h. 1549; published "Dactyotheia seu Annul- lorum SigiUorrunque Promptuarium," 1601 ;, d. 1609. GoEM, or GoEMO, the Old, king of Demnark about 883; d. about 941. GoESAS, Antoine Joseph, French revolution- ist; b. 21 Sept. 1 75 1 ; edited the " Courrier de Versailles," 1789; attacked Marat, Danton, and Robespierre ; his printing office, &c., destroyed, 8 March, 1 793 ; executed, 7 Oct. 1793- GoRTEZ, Jan van, Dutch physician; b. 1688; published "Compendium Medicine," 1731-37; d. II Sept. 1762. GoETSCHAKOFI', Mikhail, prince, Russian general ; b. 1795 ; attended Wellington's funeral in London, 18 Nov. 1852; appointed to command the army in the Crimea, 1853; de- feated at Silistria, June, 1854; ably defended Sebastopol, May to Sept. 1855 ; d. 30 May, 1861. G5SCHEN, George Joachim, statesman ; b. 1831 ; pubhshed "Theory of Foreign Ex- changes," 1864 ; vice-president of board of trade, Nov. 1865— Jan. 1866; chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, Jan. — July, 1866 ; president of the poor-law board, 9 Dec. 1868. GosEHNI, GiuUano, Itahan historian and poet; b. 12 March, 1525; pubhshed "Rime," 1572; d. 13 Feb. 1587. GosLiCKi, Laurence, Polish orator; 5. 1535; published " De Optimo Senatore," 1568 ; d. 1607. GosSE, Philip Henry, naturalist ; b. 6 April, iSlo; published " Canadian Naturalist," 1840; "Birds of Jamaica," 1845 ; "Omphalos; an attempt to untie the Geological Knot," 1857- GossEO, Fran9ois Joseph, Belgian musician; b. 17 Jan. 1733; pubhshed "Symphonies," 1 754 ; and much church music ; rf. 16 Feb. 1829. GosSELIN, Pascal Framjois Joseph, French geographer; b. 6 Dec. 1751 ; pubhshed "Geo- graphic des Grecs analys^e," 1790; d. 7 J^eb. 1830. GossoN, Stephen, dramatist, controversial writer ; 6. 1554 ; pubhshed " Schoole of Abuse," 1579; d. 13 Feb. 1623. G5THE, see Goethe. GoTHER, John, controversial writer; became a Romish priest ; pubhshed " Papist Misrepre- sented," 1665 ; " Nubes Testium," 1686 ; d. 1704. aoT 217 GOU GoTSCHALCK, German heretic ; 6, aboiit 808 ; maintained absolute predestination against Hincmar, John Scot, Erigena, and others, 853, et seq. ; d. 30 Oct. 867. GOTTFKIED von Strassburg, German minne- singer ; wrote " Freidauks Bescheidenheit," 1229; " Tristan nnd Isolde," about 1204. GoTTI, Vincenzo Luigi, Italian cardinal ; h. 5 Sept. 1 664 ; published ' ' Vera Chiesa di Jesn Cristo," 1719; " Veritas Keligionis Christians," 1735-40; d. 18 Sept. 1742. GoTTiGsiES, Gilles Frangoise, Belgian mathe- matician; &. 1630 ; made discoveries in Jupiter and Mars ; published " Logistica Universalis," 1687 ; d. 6 April, 1689. GoTTLEBEK, Johann Ghristoph, German critic ; 5- 1733 ; wrote " Chiiteau de Labour," 1499 ; " Chateau d' Amours," 1500; " Les FoUes Entreprises," 1 502, &c. ; d. about 1 544. Geisaunt, William, physician and astrologer ; wrote " Speculum Astrologi^," about 1360. Geisi, Giulia, or Giulietta, madame, Italian singer and actress ; b. 22 May, 1812 ; made her d^but about 1822 ; successful at Florence, 1828 ; at Paris, 1832 ; in London, 1834 ; in the United States, 1854; sang in London every year (except 1842), 1834-61. Geive, see La Grivre. Geocyn, WilKam, scholar; b. 1442; studied under Politian and others in Italy ; became professor of Greek at Oxford, 1491 ; received and lodged Erasmus there ; became master of All Hallows College, Maidstone, about 1 506 ; d. 1519. Geognet, or Geosnet, Pierre, French poet ; d. about 1540. Geoliee de Seeviee, Jean, vicomte d'Agniisy, patron of letters in France ; b. 1479 ; d. Oct. 1 565. GEO 226 CEU Gkolman, Carl LudwigWilielm von, German jurist and statesman; i. 23 July, 1775; 1™^" lished in German, " Manual of the Code Na- poleon," 18 1 0-12; chief minister of state in Hesse Darmstadt, 1819 ; a representative government, by his counsel, after much oppo- sition, established, Oct, 1820; d. 14 Feb. 1829. Gronovius, learned Germans : JoHiNN Friedrich, pliilologist, friend of "Vos- sius, Heinsiua, &c. ; 6. 8 Sept. 1611 : published " ObservatioBes," 1639 ; edited Plautus, 1664 ; Livy, 1665 : Tacitus, 1673, &c. . d. 28 Dec. 1671 Jacob, son ; b. 20 Oct. 1645 ; edited Polybius, 1670 : publislied " Thesaurus Antiquitatum Grsecarum," 1697-1702 , . . d. 21 Oct. 1716 LoitENZ Theodor, jurist ; published " Emenda- tiones Pandectarum " 1688 LoRENZ Theodor, (son of Jacob), naturalist : published "Museumlchthyologicum," 1754-56: ci.1777 Geonow, Eees HoweU, captain ; b. 1794 ! published " The Camp, the Covtit, and the Clubs," 1861 ; "Recollections," 1863; d. 20 Nov. 1S65. Gkoomeidge, Stephen, merchant and astro- nomer; h. about 1755; published "Universal Tables for the Reduction of Fixed Stars," 1821 ; d. 30 March, 1832. Groot, Gerard, reformer of monastic orders in Holland ; b. 1 340 ; founded the order of the " Brethren of the Common Life;" d, 20 Aug. 1384, Groot, see Grotius. Gros, Antoine Jean, French painter; &, 16 March, 1771 ; painted celebrated portrait of Napoleon advancing on the Austrian batteries, Dec. 1796; lost his mind ; found drowned, 25 June, 1835. Gros, Jean Baptiste Louis, baron, French diplomatist ; b. 8 Feb. 1793; ambassador at Athens, settled Pacifioo affair, 1850 ; accom- panied lord Elgin to China, and signed treaty of Tientsin, 27 June, 1858; ambassador in London, 1862-63. Grose, Francis, herald and antiquary; 5. 1 731 ; published "Antiquities of England," I773"7^> " Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue," 1 785 ; " Military Antiquities," 1 786-88 ; " An- tiquities of Scotland," 1789-91 ; rf. 6May, 1791. Grossb-tete, or Geosthead (Capito), Robert, learned prelate ; b. about 1 1 75 > bishop of Lin- coln, 1235 ; protested against the nepotism of Innocent IV,, 1250; d. 1253. Gkossi, Tommaso, Itahan poet; b. 20 Jan. 1791 ; published " Marco Visconti ; " d, loDec. 1853- Grossjiann, Gustav Friedrich Wflhelm, Ger- man dramatist and actor; b. 1744; d. 20 May, 1796. Grosvenor, Thomas, field-marshal; b. 30 May, 1764; d. 20 Jan. 1851. Grotb, George, historian; b. 1794; M.P. for London, 1832-41 ; published " History of Greece," 1846-56 ; " Plato and other com- paniona of Socrates," 1865. Grotefend, German philologists : Georg Feiedrich, b. 9 June, 1775 ; published greater Latin Grammar (in German), 1817 ; d. 15 Dec, 1853. Friedrich August, brother, b. 12 Dec. 1798 ; pub- lished " Materials for Latin Style," 1828 ; d. 25 Feb. 1836. Geotius, Hugo, Dutch statesman and writer; i. 10 April, 1583; d. 28 Aug. 1645. Patronised by Meursins, Heinsius, and others 1597 Helped De Thou in his history iS99, ^ seq. Married Maria de Reigersbergen . . 1608 Became friend of Bameveldt ; took the part of Arminius .... . 1613 Arrested by Maurice of Nassau . Nov. i6i8 Condemned to imprisonment for life . 6 June, 1619 Escaped in a box, his wife remaining in his stead, 22 JMarch : arrived at Paris . 15 April, 1621 Published his Apology . 1622 Returned to Holland . 1631 At Hamburg 1632-34 Made Swedish ambassador by Oxenstiem; arrived in Paris 2 March, 1635 Acted there with great firmness, discretion, and integrity till his recall early in . . . 1645 Published "Poemata Sacra," i6ot : "Annales et Historife de Rebus Belgicis," i6og ; "Defensio Fidei Catholicae," 1617 ; "De Jure Belli et Paris," 1625 : " De Origine Gentium Ameri- canum," 1642-43; " Annotationes in Novum Testamentum " 1644 "William, brother. Jurist ; b. 10 Feb. 1597 ; pub- lished " Enchiridion de Principiis Juris Natu- rales," 1667 . . . . d. 12 March, 1662 Peter, son of Hugo, diplomatist ; b. 1610 ; pen- sionary at Amsterdam, 1660; friend of the Witts; fled at their fall, 1671-72 ; tried for betraying state secrets, and acquitted, 1676 . d. 1680 Geoto, Luigi, " II Cieco," Italian poet ; b. 1 541; d. 13 Dec. 1585. Geouch^!, Nicolas, French scholar; b. about 1520; published "De Comitiis Romanorura," 1555; d. 1572. Grouchy, Emmanuel, marquis de, French marshal ; b. 23 Oct. 1766; d. 29 May, 1847. Entered the army of the republic . . . 1792 Served under Heche in the Vendean war 1793 Under Napoleon in Germany, &c. 1806, &c. Defeated Blucher at Ligny . . t6 June, 1815 To him Napoleon imputed his defeat at Waterloo 18 June, 1815 Resided in Philadelphia, U.S. . 1815-19 Returned to France . . . . 1821 Restored to his honours . . . 1830 Geove, George, civil engineer; b. 1820; secre- tary of Crystal Palace company, 1850. Geove, Henry, nonconformist; b. 1683; wrote for the " Spectator;" d. 27 ITeb. 1738, Geove, William Robert, banister and physi- cist ; 6. II July, 181 1. Professor of natural philosophy at the London institution .... . 1840-6 Described his new voltaic battery . . . 1839 Published "Correlation of the Physical Forces" 1832-67 President of the British Association at Notting- ham .... . . . , 1866 Gkubee, Johann Gottfried, German scholar ; b. 29 Nov. 1774; joined Ersch in the publicar tion of the great " Encyclopadie," 1818; d. 7 Aug. 1851. Geudius, Nicolas, French Latin poet ; b. about 1515 ; published "Negotia, sive Poemata Sacra," 1566; d. 1571. GRU GUE Geuneb, Christian Gottfried, German physi- cian; b. 8 Nov. 1744; d. 4 Dec. 1815. Gruner, Johann Friedrich, German philolo- gist; 5. 1723; pubUshed "Miscellanea Sacra," 1750; " Observationes Criticte," 1777; d. 29 March, 1778. Gkutek, Joannes, Belgian philologist; i. 3 Dec. 1560; compiled, with the help of Scaliger, *' Thesaurus Inscriptionum," published about 1601 ; published " Delicias Poetarum," 1609, 1614; " Florilegiimi Ethico-politicum cum Gnomis Griecormn, Proverbis Germanicis," &c., 1610-12 ; d. 20 Sept. 1627. Grutek, Peter, German scholar; i. about '555; liis "Epistolarum Centurise," printed, 1609; -d. 26 Sept. 1634. Geyn^ds (or GEUNiEUs), German protestant theologians : Simon Major, reformer, friend of More and Erasmus ; 6. 1493 ; pubUshed " Nevus Orbis Kegionum" fjperhaps the first collection of voyages) . . . . 1S32-SS Johann Jacob b. 1 Oct. 1540 Published ' ' Variorum Patrum G-rffiC. et Lat. Monumenta, 1569 ;" "Character Christianorum" 1578 Edited " Ecclesiastica Historia Eusebii," &c., 157T-1611 . . . . . rf. 30 Aug. 1617 Grtph, Sebastian, German printer at Basel ; b. 1493 ;<«. 7 Sept. 1556. GuADAGNi, Gaetano, Italian contralto singer; b. about 1726 ; d. 1797. GuADET, Marguerite Elie, energetic French Girondist chief, 20 July, 1758 ; struggled against the mountain party ; overcome ; exe- cuted, 15 Jrme, 1794. GuA DE Malves, Jean Paul, French mathe- matician ; 5. 1713 ; published "Usages de I'Analyse de Descar1;es," 1740; d. 1786. GuAGNINO, Alessandro, historian ; b. about 1548 ; pubUshed " Rerum Polonicarum Libri III.," 1584; d. 1614. GnALDO-PEIOEATO, Galea22;o, Italian soldier, diplomatist, and historian; 6. 23 July, 1606; served Maurice of Nassau, Venice, and other powers ; published " Historia delle Guerre, 1630-39," 1640-42; "IlGuerriere Prudente e Politico," 1 640; d. 1678. GuALTERUS (Walther), Rodolphus, Swiss theo- logian; b. 1519 ; published, (against Roman- ism), " Antichristus," 1546; d. 24 Dec. 1586. Gdarin", Pierre, French Benedictine Hebraist ; b. 1678 ; published " Grammatica Hebraica et Chaldaica," 1724-28; assisted in compihng the great "Lexicon Hebraicum," 1746; d. 29 Dec. 1729. GUAEINO 01? Verona, reviver of learning ; i. 1370; professor of Greek at Venice, 141 5; at Verona, 1422; edited Plutarch, Strabo, &o. ; d. 4 Dec. 1460. GuAELtn, CamUlo Guarinio, Italian architect ; I. 1624 ; d. 6 March, 1683. GUAEINI, Giovatmi Battista, Italian poet ; b. 1537; corrected the press of the "Tasso," 1581 ; published "Pastor Fido," 1590; d. 7 Oct. 1612. GuASOO, Ottaviano di, Piedmontese scholar, friend of Montesquieu ; b. 1712 ; published "Lettres Familiferes de Montesquieu," 1767; d. lo March, 1781. Guay-Teouin, see Du Guay. GuAZZO, Marco, Italian poet and historian ; b. about 1496 ; published " Historia deUe Guerre di Maometto imperatore con la Signoria di Venetia," 1545; d. 1556. GUDE, Marquard, German antiquary and philologist; b. i Feb. 1635 ; published "Antiquse Inscriptiones," 1731 ; d. 26 Nov. 1689. GuDiN DE LA Beenelleeie, Paul Philippe, French poet, friend of Voltaire and Beau- marchais; 6. 6 June, 1 738; published "Essai sur les Progrfes des Arts sous le r^gne de Louis XIV.," 1776; d. 26 Feb. 1812. GtiDiN, Jean Antoine Theodore, French painter; h. Aug. 1802. Gd]6diee de St. Auein, Henri Michel, learned French theologian; h. 17 June, 1695 ; pub- lished "Histoire Sainte des deux Alliances," 1 741 ; d. 25 Sept. 1742. Gdenaed, Elisabeth, barotmc de M^r^, French novelist; b. 1751; d. 18 Feb. 1829. Gueeaed, Benjamin Edme, French archaeolo- gist; b. 15 March, 1797; edited " Cartulaire de I'Abbaye de Chartres," 1840; d. 10 March, 1854. Gueeaed, Robert, French Benedictine ; b. about 1641; published part of his "Abr^g^ de la Bible," 1707; d. 1715. GuEEOiNO da Cento, (Francesco Barbieri), Italian painter ; b. 2 Feb. 1590 ; d. 22 Dec. 1666. GuEEOHT, Louis Regnier, marquis de, French architect; 6. about 1780; d. 7 May, 1852. GxiEEET, Gabriel, French jurist and satirical poet; b. 1641 ; published "Le Pamasse Re- form^," 1669; d. 22 April, 1688. GuEEICKE, Otto von, German philosopher ; h. 20 Nov. 1602; burgomaster of Magdeburg, 1646 ; invented the air-pump, 1650 ; the Magdeburg hemispheres, 1654 ; described in his "Nova Experimenta," pubUshed, 1672; constructed the first electric machine; d. II May, 1686. GuiiEiN, Georges Maurice de, du Cayla, sen- timental French poet; b. 4 Aug. iSlo; d. 17 July, 1839. His sister, EugSnie, b. about 1802; d. 13 May, 1848. Her Letters and Journal published, 1855. Gu^EIN, GiUes, French sculptor; b. 1606; employed in decorating the Louvre, tomb of Henri prince de Cond^, &c. ; one of the first members of the academy of sculpture, founded I Feb. 1648; d. June, 1678. Gni^RlN, Jean Baptiste Paulin, French painter; b. 25 March, 1783; exhibited " J&us Mort," 181 7; " Anchise et Venus," 1822; "Adam et Eve exiles," 1827 ; d. 16 Jan. 1855. GUE 228 GUI GuiEiN, Pierre Narcisse, French painter ; 6. 13 March, 1774; exhibited "Marcus Sextus," 1800 ; d. 16 July, 1833. Gu^hin-Meneville, F^llx Edouard, French naturalist; 6. 12 Oct. 1799; published " Etudes sur les Vers Ji sole," 1855 ; introduced into France the Chinese worm Cynthia bombyx, which feeds on oak leaves and produces " ailan- tine," 1858. GuEKOULT, Pierre Claude Bernard, French scholar; h. 7 Jan. 1744; published " Histoire Naturelle des Animaux de Pline," 1803 ; d. II Nov. 1 82 1. GuESCLiN, see Du Guesdin. Gdettakd, Jean Etienne, French mineralo- gist and naturalist ; b. 22 Sept. 1 7 1 5 ! 'l'^" covered Trilobites and other fossils, and Kaolin (China earth) near Alengon, 1751-63; d. 7 Jan. 17S6. GuEULETTE, Thomas Simon, French novelist ; i. 2 June, 1683; d. 22 Dec. 1766. GoEVAEA, Antonio di, Spanish historian and moralist; 6. 1490; published " Relox de Prin- cipes, Marco AureHo," 1529 ; " Una Deoada de los Vidas de los X. Cesares," 1539; d. 10 April, 1544. GuEVAEA, Luis Veles, Spanish satirist and dramatist; 6.1570; published "Diablo cojuelo," 1641 ; d. 1644. GnGLiELMi, Pietro, Italian musical composer ; h. May, 1727; composed " Morte d'Abele," "Debora e Sisera," &c., 1759-92; d. 19 Nov. 1804. Gdglielmint, Domenico, Italian mathemati- cian and physician ; 6. 27 Sept. 1655; published "De Cometarum NaturS," 1681; d. 12 July, 1610. Gui DE LusiGNAN", king of Cyprus ; b. about 1 140; married Sibylle, sister of Baldwin, king of Jerusalem, 1 1 80; succeeded him, 11 86; his army defeated by Saladin, 4 July, 1187 ; Jeru- salem taken, 2 Oct. 1187 ; surrendered his title, and made king of Cyprus, 1 1 92; d. 1 1 94. GniBEKT, abbot of Nogent; b. 1053; wrote " Gesta Dei per Francos " (the earliest history of the crusades) ; d. 1124. GuiBEET, Jacques Antoine Hippolyte, French general ; b. II Nov. 1 743 ; published " Essai g^n(5ral de Tactique," 1772 ; d. 6 May,^ 1790. GuicciAEDiNi, Francesco, Italian historian, soldier, and statesman; 6. 6 March, 1482; patronised by Leo X.; made governor of Modena and Eeggio, 1 5 18; d. 27 May, 1540. His "DeUa Historia deU' anno 1494 fin all' anno 1526" published, 1 56 1. His nephew, LuiGI, 6. June, 1523; at first favoured, after- wards persecuted, by the duke of Alva ; pub- lished " Descrizione di tutti i Paesi Bassi," 1567; d. 1589. GuicHBNON, Samuel, comte de, French genea- logist; b. 18 Aug. 1607; published "Histoire de la Maisonde Savoye," 1660; d. 8 Sept. 1664. Guide, Philibert, French fabulist ; b. 22 March, 1535; published "La Columbifere et la Maison rustique," "Fables," &c., 1583 ; d. 29 Nov. 1595. GuiDi, Carlo Alessandro, Italian poet; 5, 14 June, 1650 ; published " Poesie Liriche," 1681 ; d. 12 June, 1712. GuiDi, Tommaso, called Masaccio, Florentine painter ; b. 1402 ; d. 1443. GuiDicciONi, Giovanni, Roman prelate, states- man, and writer ; 6. 25 Feb. 1500; endeavoured to reconcile Charles V. and Francis I., 1535; governor of Ancona, &c., 1541; his "Rime" printed, 1 567; d. Aug. 1 541. Gdido Aketino, or Gui d'Akezzo, Benedic- tiue monk, the alleged inventor of the musical gamut ; b. about 990 ; wrote " Micrologus de Discipline Artes Musicae," about 1030. GuiDO DELLE CoLONNE, Italian poet and his- torian ; wrote " De Regibus et Rebus Anglo- rum," and " Historia Trojana ; " /. 13th century. • Gdido Reni, ItaHan painter; I. 1575; op- posed the realistic school of Caravaggio ; after great prosperity, ruined himself bygaming ; d.lS Aug. 1642. GuiDO Ubaldi, marchese, Italian mathemati- cian; h. about 1540; published " Planisphe- riorum Universallum Theoria," 1560; " Me- canica," 1577; " Perspectiva," 1600; d. about 1601. Gotdonis, Bernard, French prelate ; b. about 1260 ; wrote " Sanctoral ; or Miroir des Saints," about 1307; d. 30 Dec. 1331. GuiDOTTi BoKGHESE, Paolo, Italian painter, sculptor, and architect; b. 1569; d. 1629. GuiGNAED, Jean, named also Briquarel, French Jesuit, executed for justifying assassina- tion of heretic sovereigns," 7 Jan. 1595- GuiGNES, French orientalists ; Joseph de, 6. ig Oct. 1721 : published *' Histoire des Huns, Turcs, Mogols," 1756-58 ; d. 22 March, 1800 Charles Louis Joseph de, son ; 6. 25 Aug. 1759: published " Dictionnaire Chinois-Fran- jais et Latin," 1813 . . . d. g March, 1845 GuiGNON, Jean Pierre, French violonist ; i. at Turin, 10 Feb. 1702 ; patronised by Louis XVI. ; wrote Sonatas and Concertos ; d, 30 Jan. 1774. GmLANDiNUS, (Wieland), Melchior, German naturalist ; published " De Stirpium Nomini- bus," 1557; "Papyrus," 1572; d 25 Dec. 1589. GunBERT DE PixiSeiooubt, Ren^ Charles, French dramatist, " The Shakspeare of the Boulevards ;" b. 22 Jan. 1773 ; d. 27 July, 1844. Gdild, William, D.D., Scotch theologian; b. 1586; published " Harmony of the Pro- phets," 1619 ; " Moses UnveUed," 1620; d. Aug. 1657. GuiLPOED, see North. GuiLLAiN, Simon, French sculptor; b. 1581; d. 1658. GUI 229 GUI GuiLLEMAiN, Charles Jacob, Frencli drama- tist; 6. 23 Aug. 1750; rf. 25 Dec. 1799. GuiLLEMAIN, Gabriel, Trench violonist ; i. 15 Nov. 1705; patronised by Louis XV.; pub- lished "Sonatas," &c., 1735-59; committed suicide, I Oct. I77°- GuiLLEMBAU, French surgeons, &c. : Jacques, 6. about 1520 ; surgeon to Charles IX., Henry III. and IV. : healed aneui'isms by tying the artery : published " Traite de la Chirurgie FranQaise," 1594 . . . d. 13 March, 1613 Charles, son ; b. 15S8 ; published *' Aphorismes de Chirurgie," 1622 ; bitterly attacked Courtaud of Montpellier, 1654-55 - ■ tZ. 21 Nov. 1656 Jean Louis Marie, descendant, naturalist ; 6. 6 June, 1766 . d. about 1850 GuiLLET DE St. Geokges, Georges, French historian; b. about 1625; published " Les Arts de I'Homme d' Ep^e," 1670; " Athfenes An- cienne et Moderne," 1675-6; d. 6 April, I705' GuiLLIM, John, herald, &c. ; b. about 1565 ; published " Display of Heraldry," (principally written by Barcham) 1 6 10; d, 7 May, 1 62 1. GuiLLON DE MoNTLEON, Aim6, French his- torian and theological controversialist; b. 24 March, 1758; d. 12 Feb. 1842. GniLLON, Marie Nicolas Sylvestre, bishop of Beanvais ; b. I Jan. 1 760 ; censured by the church for administering the sacrament to the abb^ Grc^goire, April, 1831 ; reconcUed, made bishop of Marocco, July, 1833; published "Nouveaux Contes Arabes," 1788; "Histoire de Nouvelle H&&ie " (against La Mennais), 1835 ; d. i6 Oct. 1847. GuiLLOTiN, Joseph Ignace, French physician; 6. 28 May, 1738; suggested the use of the machine for decapitation (hence called guillo- tine), 10 Oct. 1^89 ; imprisoned during the reign of terror; d. 26 March, 1814. Gdinand, Pierre Louis, Swissoptician; b. about 1748; greatly improved the glass used for telescopes, &o., and said to have invented flint glass about 1798; d. 13 Feb. 1824. Guinicelli, Guido, founder of second school of Italian poetry ; d. 1276. Guinness, Sir JBenjamin Lee, bart., brewer; b. I Nov. 1798; restored St. Patrick's cathedral, Dublin, reopened, 24 Feb. 1865 ; d. 19 May, 1868. GuiKAUD, Pierre Marie, baron de, French poet and dramatist; b. 25 Dec. 1788; d. 24 Feb. 1847. GuiSAN, Samuel, Swiss agricultural engineer ; greatly improved Guiana by draining; pubhshed a description in " Traits eur les Terres Noyces de la Guayane," 1788 ; d. about 1800. GuiaoAED (from "Wiscard," wise), Robert, Norman warrior, son of Tancrfede de Hauter- viUe. Defeated pope leo IX. at Civitella . 1053 With his brother, Eoger, conquered Apulia, Si«ily, Calabria, &c 1057-58 Styled duke of Apulia and Calabria; founded the kingdom of Maples and Sicily 1059 Excommunicated by Gregory VII. for refusing homage . .... 1074-75 Eeconciled ; relieved him when besieged by Henry IV 1084 Defeated the Venetians and Greeks : invaded Cephalonia . . . . d. ij July, 1085 See Roger. GuisCAKD, or GuiCHARD, de Beaulieu, Anglo- Norman poet; wrote " Le Sermon;" il. I2th century. Gdischahdt, Carl Gottlieb, German tactician, termed " Quintus Icihus ; " b. 1724; pubhshed " M(5moires Militaires sur les Grecs et le Romains," 1757; d. 13 May, 1775. Guise, ducal house of Lorraine : I. Clauoe, duke, comte d'Aumale, marquis de Mayenne et d'Elbeuf ; h. 20 Oct. 1496 ; accom- panied Francis I. to Italy ; wounded at Marig- nano, Sept. 1515: desired to be made prince: dismissed from court ; d. (thought by poison), April, 1550 (His wife, Antoinette de Bourbon ; 6. 24 Dec. 1493 : married, 1513 ; pious and charitable to the poor ..... rf, 22 Jan. 1583 II. Francois, son of Claude, great general : h. 17 Feb. 1519; defended Metz against Charles V 1552-53 Victor in several battles with the Spaniards, 1542-45 Took Calais . . . 8 Jan. 1558 His family paramount in France ; promoted persecution of the protestants, 1559 ; he, the constable de Montmorency, and the margchal de St. Andr6 formed triumvirate . . 1560 Shot 18 Feb. ... d. 24 Feb. 1563 III. Henry, son, "le Balafr6; " h. 31 Dec. 1550; became head of the catholic party Feb. 1563 Fought with the Huguenots .... 1569 Directed the massacre of St. Bartholomew, 24 Aug. 1572 Established the holy league at Peronne, and made war against Henry III. and the king of Navarre 1576 Entered Paris in triumph, 9 May; killed by order of the king .... 23 Dec. 1588 IV. Charles, son . ^. . &. 20 Aug. 1571 Seized and imprisoned '. 23 Dec. 1588-91 Recognised Henry IV. . , . 1594 Made governor of Provence .... 1595 Defeated the Eochellais at sea . . . 1622 Supported the queen Marie de Medicis against Kichelieu ; compelled to leave France . 1631 d. in Italy, 1640 V. Henri II., son, eccentric and dissolute : h. 4 April, 1614 ; archbishop of Rheiras, &c. about 1629 Resigned ; at the death of his elder brother be- came duke 164 Landed almost alone at Naples, after the fall of MassanieUo, and made king ; but soon taken prisoner by the Spaniards, April, 1648 ; re- leased July, 1652 With a fleet vainly attempted to recover Naples, Oct. 1654 Grand chamberlain to Louis XIV. . 165s d. 2 June, 1664 VI. Louis Joseph, son of Louis, due de Joyeuse ; i. 7 Aug. 1650; d. 30 July, 1671. , „ , VII. Francois Joseph, son, last duke ; 0. 28 Aug. 1670 ; d. 16 March, 1675. The estates accrued to Mary of Lorraine (daughter of duke Charles), "Mademoiselle de Guise;" b. 15 Aug. 1615 ; d. unmarried, 3 March, 1688. Guise, cardinals of Lorraine : Jean, brother of duke Claude, whom he helped to aggrandise ; very rich ; b. 1498 ; ambassador to Charles V. to obtain terms for Francis I., April, 1536 ; d. 18 May, 1550. GUI 230 GUS CHARiES, brother of duke FranQois ; b. 17 Feb. 1524 ; met cardinal Granville at Peronne, and formed the alliance between Spain and the Guises, 1558 ; opposed Catherine de Medicis ; cro^vned Francis I. and II, and Charles IX. ; declared the council of Trent superior to the pope, 1562 ; d. 26 Dec. 1574. Louia, brother of duke Henry; 6. 6 July, 1555; assassinated by order of the king, Henry III., 24 Dec. 1588. Louis, brother of duke Charles ; b. 1575 or 1585 ; d. 21 June, 1621. GuiTON, Jean, protestant Frencli admiral ; i. about July, 1585 ; as mayor of Eochelle, bravely defended it against Louis XIII., 1621, 1625, 1628 ; abandoned by the EngHsh under the duke of Buckingham ; surrendered, 29 Oct. 1628; d. 15 March, 1654. GuiTTONE d' Arezzo, Italian poet ; 5. about 1230 ; d. 1294. GuizoT, Elizabeth Charlotte Pauline de Meulan, -wife of the statesman; b. 2 Nov. 1773; as Mdlle. de Meulan published "Les Con- tradictions," 1800 ; married M. Guizot, 9 April, 1812; published "Education Domes- tique," 1826; " Conseils de Morale," 1828; d. I Aug. 1827. GnizOT, Fran9ois Pierre GuiUaume, French statesman and historian ; b. 4 October, 1787. His father, who opposed the excesses of the re- volution, executed . 8 April, 1794 Studied at Geneva .... . 1803-5 Married Mdlle. de Meulan (see above) 9 April, 1812 Visited Louis XVIII. at Ghent . . May, 1815 Became chief of the "Doctrinaire" party . 1816 Published "Du Gouvernement de la France depuis la Eestauration et du Ministfire actuel" iSzo Helped to establish " Le Globe " . • 1824 Founded the " Revue Frangaise" , . . 1828 Supported the society " Aide-toi le Ciel t'aidera," for freedom of elections .... 1827 Married Eliza Dillon, his late wife's niece 1828 Published " Histoire de la Civilisation en France" 1829-32 Minister of the interior under Louis Philippe ; became chief of the "Juste Milieu" party, Aug. ; resigned Nov. 1830 Minister of public instruction in Soult's ministry, II Oct. 1832 : under Mortier, Nov. 1834 ; under the due de Broglie, Feb. 1835 ; resigned Feb. 1836 Minister of public instruction under M0I6, 6 Sept. 1836 ; resigned .... April, 1837 Combined with Thiers to oppose Mole's govern- ment . 1839 Ambassador at London . . . Feb. 1840 Foreign minister under Soult (but virtually premier) 29 Oct. 1840 Rupture with Molt^ and his friends . 29 Oct. 1845 Negotiated the Spanish marriages, which took place .... . . 10 Oct. 1846 Keplaced Soult as president of the council or head of the ministry .... Sept. 1847 Resigned at the breaking out of the revolution, 23 Feb. 1848 AVarmly received in England .... 1848 Published "Revolution d' Angleterre " (Charles I., Cromwell, Monk), 1850-2: " Corneille et son Temps," 1852; "Shakespeare et son Temps," 1852; "Robert Peel," 1856; "Mfimoires pour servir a I'Histoire de men Temps, 1858-67 ; "His- toire Parlementaire de France, 1819-48," 1863-64; "L'Eglise et la Soci6te," 1861 ; "Melanges Poli- tiques et Hiatoriques," 1869. Gtjldenstadt, Anton Johann, Kussian phy- sician and naturalist; h. 29 Aprilj 1745 J P^l> lished "M^moire sur les Products de la Rus- sie," 1777; d. 23 March, 1781, GuLDiN", Habacuc (afterwards Paul), Swiss mathematician; b. 1577; published "Centro- barytica, sen de Centre Gravitatis/' 1635-42; d. 3 Nov. 1643. GuNDLiNG, Nicolaus Hieronymus, German scholar, and eclectic philosopher and satirist; h. 25 Feb. 167 1; published "Via ad Verita- tem," 1713; "Ethica," 1726; d. 16 Dec. 1729. Gunner, Johan Ernst, Norwegian bishop and naturalist; h. 26 Feb. 1718; published "Flora Norwegica," 1766-76; d. 23 Sept. 1773. Gunning, Peter, bishop of Chichester; h. 1613; consecrated, 1670; published "Contention for the Truth," 1658 ; " The Paschal, or Lent Fast," 1662; d. 6 July, 1684. GuNTER, Edmund, mathematician ; b. 1581 ; professor of astronomy at Gresham College, 1 6 1 9; observed the variation of the magnetic needle at different places, 1622 ; published his Scale, about 1624; d. 10 Dec. 1626, GuNTHER, Johann Christian, Grerman satiric poet; b. 8 April, 1695; d. 15 March, 1723. GuRNALL, Eev. "William; h. 1617; published "The Christian in Complete Armour," 1656; d. 12 Oct. 1679. GuRNEY, Elizabeth, see Fry. Gurnet, Sir Goldsworthy, chemist; h. about 1795. Applied high-pressure steam to locomotives on comraon roads, traveUing from. London to Bath 28 July, 1829 Invented the Bude light, patented . . . 1839 Introduced new mode of lighting house of com- mons Arranged ventilation of the new house Knighted Gdrket, John Joseph, philanthropist of Nor- wich ; 6. 2 Aug. 1788 ; d. 4 Jan. 1847. A minister of the Society of Friends . . . 1818 To inspect prisons, visited Scotland, 1818 ; Ire- land, 1827 : United States .... 1837-40 Published "Notes on Prisons," 1819 ; "Observa- tions on the Views and Practices of the Society of Friends," 1824 ; "Hints on the Portable Evi- dences of Christianity," 1832, &c. Gurnet, Joseph, short-hand writer ; pub- lished " Brachygraphy," 175 1. Gurnet, Hudson, M.P. ; b. about 1774; pub- lished " Cupid and Psyche," a translation from Apuleius, 1799; d. 9 Nov. 1864. GuRWOOD, John, colonel ; 6. 1 790 ; entered army, 1808 ; led " forlorn hope " in the assault of Ciudad Eodrigo, 9 Feb. 1812 ; as private secretary of the Duke of "Wellington, edited his Despatches, 1835-8 ; d. by suicide, 25 Dec. 1845. GusTAVUs I. — rV., kings of Sweden ; I. Vasa 6. 12 May 1496 Entered service of Sten Sture the regent . . 1514 Distinguished himself against the Danes, 22 July, 1517 Sent as a hostage to Denmark ; escaped . Sept. 1519 1852 1863 auT 231 GWI A fugitive in Sweden ; eagerly sought for by the Danes ; raised an army against them Feb. 1521 Expelled them from the country, and seized TJpsala . ... . July, 1521 Elected king . . 7 June 1523 Crowned 12 Jan. 1528 Established protestantism, based on the con- fession of Augsburg .... 1527 Suppressed a dangerous revolt .... 1537 Encouraged agriculture, mining, and commerce ; made treaties with France, 1542 ; England, 1551 ; Scotland, 1559 d. 29 Sept. 1560 II. Adolphus, "Lion of the North ;" b. g Dec. 1594 Succeeded his father, Charles IX. ; chose Axel Oxenstiern as his minister . . 8 Nov. 1611 Suppressed rebellions due to the heavy taxation, 1624-8 Made successful war with Poland . . 1625-7 Put to the ban by the emperor Ferdinand II., 1627 Defeated his generals ; peace made . 15 Sept. 1629 As head of the protestant league, invaded Ger- many June, 1630 Dispersed the armies of Conti and Schaumburg, June — Dec. 1630 Made six years' treaty with France . 13 Jan. 1631 Took Colberg, and many other places, March — April, 1 631 Defeated Tilly at Leipsic and Breitenfeld, 7 Sept. 1631 And at the Lech, (Tilly mortally wounded), 5 April, 1632 Took Munich 17 May, 1632 Formed an intrenched camp opposite Wallen- stein's, near Nuremburg . . May — Aug. 1632 Marched to deliver Saxony from "Wallenstein ; defeated him. at Lutzen, but killed during the conflict 16 Nov. 1632 in. Adolphus, son of Adolphus Frederic ; b. 24 Jan. 1746 Succeeded 12 Feb. 1771 Re-established despotic power by a coup d'etat, 19-21 Aug. 1772 Made war against Russia 1788 Returned from Finland to help the Swedes, and thus frustrated a plot against him . Dec. 1788 The Russian fleet defeated at Svensksund, 10 July, 1790 Made peace with Russia . .14 Aug. 1790 Aimed at being head of a crusade against France Oct. 1791 Mortally wounded at a masked ball by Ankar- strbm, 16 March . . d. 29 March, 1792 IV. Adolphus, despotic and fanatical ; b. i Nov. 1778 Succeeded his father ; his uncle, Charles, duke of Sudermania, regent . . .29 March, 1792 Assumed the government ; joined the northern convention ... . . 1800 Refused to join the continental system, or remain neutral 1806 Made an alliance with England ; lost Stralsund and Rugen to the French . . . 1807 War with Russia ; Finland conquered and annexed by Russia 1808 Compelled to sign his abdication, 29 March ; deposed by the states ... 10 May, 1809 Travelled as Count Gottorp . . 1809, et seq. In vain claimed hereditary rights for his son at the congress of Vienna .... Nov. 18x4 Made a burgess of Basel as Colonel Gustafson, 1818 Settled at St. GaU, 1836 . . , d. March, 1837 GuTCH, John, antiquary ; h. 1745 ; published " Collectanea Curiosa ; Tracts relating to England, Ireland; &c. from Sancroft's MSS," 1781 ; d. I July 1831. Gutenberg, or Genszfleisch, Johann, Ger- man printer; h. about 1400; alleged to have invented moveable types for printing, about 1440; d. about Feb. 1468. Guthrie, George James, surgeon ; 6. i May, 1785; d. I May, 1856. Guthrie, Thomas, D.D., Scotch clergyman; &. 1800; a leader of the Free Church move- ment, com.pleted 1843 J first promoter of ragged schools. Guthrie, WiUiam, Scotch historian ; &, 1708; published " History of Scotland," 1767; "Sys- tem of Geography," 1770; d. g March, 1770. Gutzlaff, Charles, D.D,, Swedish orientalist ; 6. 1803; missionary in China, 1826; published " Chinese History," 1834 ; " Life of Taon- Kwang, emperor," 1852; d. 9 Aug. 1851. Gut, see Gui. Gut, Thomas, merchant ; 6. 1644; bequeathed his fortune to found and endow Guy's hospital, Southwark; d. 17 Dec. 1724. Guard DE Berville, French historian ; 5. Oct. 1697 ; published " Histoire du Chevalier Bayard," 1760 ; " Bertrand du Guesclin," 1767; d. 1770. Gutet, Frangois, French scholar and Latin poet ; b. 1575; d. 12 April, 1655. Guton, Claude Marie, French historian ; h. 13 Lee 1699; published " Histoire des Empires jusqu'k Jdsus Christ," 1736; d. IJJI. GuYON, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte, French mystic, friend of Fenelon, and advocate of Quietism; b. 6 April, 164S ; d. 9 June, 1717. At the death of her husband, quitted her family for a spiritual life, asserting herself to be the woman mentioned Eev. xii. ; published " Can- tique des Cantiques interprets selon les Sens Mystique," 1685: and " Moyeu Court de faire Oraison" 1688 Much persecuted ; made to sign articles drawn up by Bossuet recanting her errors . 1694 Imprisoned in the Bastille . . . 1695-96 Signed another declaration . 28 Aug. 1696 Heleased from the BasttUe about 1702 GuTON, Richard, general; J. 31 Maxch, 18 13; entered the Austrian service, 1832 ; embraced the cause of Hungary, Oct. 1848-49; emjiloyed by the sultan to govern Damascus, fortify Kars, &;c. ; d. Oct. 1856. GuTOT DE Meeville, Michel, French drama- tist; i. 1 Feb. 1696; d. 4 May, 1755. Guys, Pierre Angnstin, French scholar ; b. 1720; pubUshed "Voyage Litt^raire de la Grfice," 1771 ; d. 1799. GuTTON DB MoEVEAU, Louis Bernard, French chemist; b. 4 Jan. 1737; discovered the disin- fecting properties of muriatic acid, and appUed it to prisons, &c., 1773 ; made a pyrometer and hygrometer; made experiments with balloons, 1783-84; recommended their use in war, and perfected processes for making saltpetre, 1 794 ; vn-ote many chemical and political papers ; d. 2 Jan. 1816. GwiLT, George, architect and antiquary ; b. 8 May, 1775; d. 27 June, 1856. GwiLT, Joseph, architect ; published " Ency- clopsedia of Architecture," 1842; d. 1863. GWI 232 HAF GwiLTM, David ap, Welsh bard ; b. 1340 ; d. about 1400. GwiNNE, or GwTKNE, Matthew, physician and poet; b. about 1554; published "Nero Trar goedia," 1603; "Vertumnus," 1607; d. 1627. GlVYNNE, Eleanor, a.ctress ; became a mistress of Charles II. ; her son, the duke of St Alban's, b. 8 May, 1670; d. 1687. GvGES, first king of Lydia, of the dynasty of the Mermnadffi ; dethroned Candaules about B.C. 716 ; (670, Clinton). Gylippus, Spartan general; raised the siege of Syracuse by the Athenians; defeated De- mosthenes and Nicias, who were put to death, B.C. 413. GYLLENBOKG-EHKENSViBED, Thomasiua Chris- tina Buntzen, Danish novelist ; b. 9 Nov. 1773; d. 2 July, 1856. H Haag, Carl, Bavarian water-colour paiuter ; h. 20 April, 1820; settled in London, 1847. Haansbeegen, Joannes van, Dutch portrait painter; b. 2 Jan. 1642 ; d. 10 Jan. 1705. Haas, Johann Matthias, German geographer; J. 14 Jan. 1684; published " HistoriaB Univer- salis Politicae Idea," 1743 ; " Historischer Atlas," 1750; d. 24 Sept. 1742. Haas, Johaim Sebastian, Swiss stenographer ; i. 1 641 ; published " St^ganographie NouveUe," 1693; d. Jan. 1697. Haas, Wilhehn, Swiss type-founder; b. 23 Aug. 1 741; iuvented a new press, 1772; de- voted himself to military engiueering, 1789; under Massena, 1799; d. 8 June, 1800. Habakktjk, Jewish prophet, about B.C. 626. Habeneok, Antoine Franjois, French violinist; b. I June, 1781 ; introduced Beethoven's music into France; fZ. 17 Feb. 1849. Habeelin, Franz Dominic, German historian and jurist; b. 31 Jan. 1720; d. 20 April, 1787. Habeet, Frangoia, French poet; patronised by Henry II. ; b. about 1 520 ; took as name " Le Banny de Liesse ; " published ' ' Jeunesse du Banny de Liesse," " Jardin de la F^licitd," 1541; "Temple de Chastet^," 1549; d. about 1562. Habeht, French poets and academicians ; Phlippe, 6. about 1605 ; published " Temple de la Mort," 1637 : killed by an explosion, 1637. Germain, de Cebisy, brother ; b. about 1615 ; (Z. about 1655. Habbrt, Isaac, French theologian, wrote strongly against Jansenism ; bishop of Vabres, 1645; d. 15 Sept. 1668. Habicot, Nicolas, French anatomist ; b. about 1550; discovered bones of a large quadruped in Dauphiny, which he asserted to be those of a giant, 1613; published "La Semaine, ou Pratique Anatomique," 1620; d. 17 June, 1624. HABraGTON, Thomas, b. 1560; implicated in the plots of Babyngton, 1 586 ; of the earl of Essex, 1601 ; and iu the gunpowder plot, 1605; pardoned on condition of residing in Worcester- , shire ; collected the materials of Nash's history of that county; d. 1647. HiiEiNGTON, William, son, poet and historian j b. 5 Nov. 1605; published " Castara, " poem^, 1634-40; "History of Edward IV.," 1640'; d. 13 Nov. 1645. Haohette, see Fourquet. Hachette, Jean Nicolas Pierre, French mathematician ; b. 6 May, 1 769 ; he and Monge professors at the Ecole Polytechnique, 1794; excluded at the restoration, 1816; d. 16 Jan. 1834- Hackeet, or Hakkeet, Joannes, Dutch landscape painter; b. 1636; d. 1699. Hackeet, Philipp, German painter; b. 15 Sept. 1737 ; d. 28 April, 1807. Hacket, John, theologian; b. 1592; zealous royalist ; bishop of Lichfield, 1661 ; wrote " ScriniaPeserta, Life of Archbishop WilHams," pubUshed 1693 ; d. 1670. Hacket, William, fanatic and profligate ; proclaimed himself to be the Messiah, Jan. ; executed as a traitor, 28 July, 1591. Hackspan", Theodor, German philologist ; b. 1607; published " Disputationes Theologicse," 1643 ; d. 19 Jan. 1659. Hacquet, Balthasar, French naturalist ; &. 1740; settled at Vienna ; published "Orycto- graphia Camiolica," 1776-89; (in German) his Travels in the Carpathian mountains, 1796; d. lo Jan. 1815. Haddon, Walter, scholar and reformer ; b. 1516 ; translated Fox's " Eeformatio Legum Ecclesiastioarum ; " d. Jan. 1572. Hadley, John, mathematician ; b. about 1670; said to have invented the sextant (see Godfrey) ; d. 15 Feb. 1744. Hadrian, Eoman emperor ; 6. 24 Jan. 76 ; d. 10 July, 138. Proclaimed emperor at Antioch . i Aug. 117 Made the Euphrates the eastern boundary of the Eoman empire ir? Commenced his journey through the empire 119 Visited Germany and Britain ... 120 Built the wall between Newcastle and Carlisle 121 Visited Spain, Greece, Syria, &c. . . . 122-130 Built JEUa, Capitolina on the ruins of Jerusalem, and a temple to Jupiter ... 13^ The Jews rebelled, 131 ; subdued . . 136 Promulgated the " Perpetual Edict " . . 132 Built his tomb, " Moles Hadriani," at Eome 137 Haebeelin, see H&berlin. Haen, Anton van, Dutch physician ; i. 1 704 ; professor at Vienna, 1 754 ; published "De Colica Pictorum," 1745 ; d. 5 Sept, 1776. Haendel, see Handel. Hapiz, Mohammed Shems Eddin, Per- sian poet; wrote "The Divan;" d. about 1388. HAa 233 HAL Hagedoen, Friedrioh von, German poet " of the Graces;" b. 23 April, 1708; d. 28 Oct. 1754. His brother, Chkistian Ludwig, " The German Caylus," b. 14 Feb. 1 713; published in German, " Reflections on Painting," 1762 ; d. 24 Jan. 1 780. Hagen, Friedrich Heinrich von der, German philologist; b. 19 Feb. 1 780; edited the " NibelungenUed," iSio; " Heldenbuch," 181 1; "Minnesinger," 1S3S ; "Deutsche Gedichte des Mittelalters," 1808-25; '^- " June, 1856. Hageneach, Peter von, landvogt of Alsace ; served under Charles the Bold of Burgundy ; governed with gi'eat cruelty ; seized by the Swiss ; tried and beheaded, 9 May, 1474. Hager, Joseph, German Chinese scholar ; b. 30 April, 1757; published " Panth&n Chinois," 1802; commenced a great " Dic- tionnaire Chinois-Latin-Fran9ois," 1802; sus- pended, 1808; became professor of German at Oxford, 1806; of oriental languages at Pavia, 1809; d. 1819. Haggai, Jewish prophet ; urged the Jews to rebuild the temple, about B.C. 520. Haghe, Louis, Belgian water-colour painter and lithographer; b. 1802; published "Sketches in Belgium and Germany," 1840-50. Hague, Charles, glee composer; b. 1769; d. 18 June, 1821. Haguenot, Henry, French physician ; b. 26 Jan. 1687 ; published " McSmoire surle Danger de riidiumation dans les EgUses," 1748; d. 11 Dec. 1775. Hahn, Carl August, German philologist; 6. 14 July, 1807 ; published grammars of the German dialects, 1842-51 ; edited the "Nibel- nngenlied," 1851; d. 20 Feb. 1857. Hahn, Philip Matthaius, German mechani- cian; b. 25 Nov. 1739; unproved astronomical instruments ; published " Tabula Chxonolo- gica," 1774; d. 2 May, 1790. Hahn, Simon Friedrich, German historian; b. 28 July, 1692; published in German, "His- tory of the German State and Empire," 1721-24 ; d. 18 Feb. 1729. Hahn-Hahn, Ida Maria Louisa Gustava, countess, German noveUst; b. 22 June, 1805 ; travelled in the east ; published " Oriental Letters," 1844; "From Babylon to Jerusar lem," 185 1. Hahnemann, Christian Friedrich Samuel, German physician, founder of homoeopathy ; motto, " similia simiUbus curantur;" b. 10 April, 1755 ; d. 2 July, 1843. Married, and practised medicine at Dresden . 1785 Gave it up, saying that he could not treat un- known diseases by unknown remedies, and de- voted himself to chemistry; expounded his system (in German) in his " Organon of Medi- cine." 1810 ; "Pure Materia Medica," 1811 ; and " Chronic Diseases " . . . 1828-30 Settled in Paris with his second wife . 183s Haidingeb, Wilhelm, German geologist ; b. 5 Feb. 1 795 ; published (in German) " Elements of Mineralogy," 1829. Hailes, see DalrympU. Haillan, Bernard de Girard, sieur d', French historian; b. 1535; published " Histoire des Eois de France," 1576 ; d. 23 Nov. 1610. Hakewill, George, theologian; b. 1579; published "Apologie, or Declaration of the Power hnd Providence of God," 1627 ; d. 1649. Hakluyt, Eev. Richard, geographical writer ; b. about 1533; published "Principal Naviga- tions, Voyages, and Discoveries made by the English Nation," 1589; d. 23 Nov. 1616. Haldane, Scotch independent theologians, brothers : James Alexander, h. 176S: published "Social "Worship of the Fu-st Christians," 1805: "The Atonement," 1847 . . . . rf. 8 Feb. 1857 Robert, b. 1764; published " Verbal Inspiration of the Scriptures Maintained," 1830: "Exposi- tion of the Epistle to the Romans " . . . 1835 d. 12 Dec. 1842 Halde, see Du HdUU. Hale, Sir Matthew, jurist and philosopher ; b. I Nov. 1609; adopted neutrality in poUtics on a commission for reform of the law, 1652 ; made lord chief baron, Nov. 1660; chief jus- tice, 1671 ; published " Difficiles Nugs ; " "An Essay on Gravitation of Fluids," 1673 ; " Pleas of the Crown," 1678; d. 25 Deo. 1676. Hale, William Hale, archdeacon of London ; b. about 1795 ; master of the Charter-house and archdeacon, 1842; published "Ecclesias- tical Precedents," 1841, 1847; "Account of Christ's Hospital, London," 1855. Hales, John, "the Ever-Memorable," theo- logian ; b. 1584 ; his works published as "Golden Remaines," 1659; d. 19 May, 1656. Hales, Stephen, D.D., physicist; b. 7 Sept. 1677; discovered the flow of the sap; pub- lished "Vegetable Staticks," 1727; "Elec- trical Experiments," 1748; rf. 4 Jan. 1761. Hal]6vy, Jacques Fran9ois Fromental EKe, French musical composer ; b. 27 May, 1 799 ; wrote "Les Bohi^mieimes," 1819 ; "Manon Lescaut," 1830; d. 19 March, 1862. Halfokd, Sir Henry, M.D., Latm poet ; b. 2 Oct. 1766; published "Nugas Metricaj," 1842; present at the opening of the coffin of Charles I. at Windsor, (and wrote an account), i AprO, 1813; d. 9 March, 1844. Halhed, Nathaniel Brassey, orientalist ; 5. 1751; published "Grammar of the Bengal Language," 1778; "Code of Gentoo Laws," 1776; d. 1830. Halibtjkton, Thomas Chandler, colonial judge and humourist ; 6. 1796; published " The Clockmaker, (Sam Shck)," 1837-40; "The Attach^, or Sam Slick in England," 1841-44 ; d. 27 Aug. 1865. Halieax, see Montagu, SaviUe, and Wood. HAI. 234 HAL Halket, Anne, lady; b. (Murray), 1632; married Sir James Halket, 1656; wrote "The Mother's "VViU to the Unborn Child;" d. 22 April, 1699. Hall, Anna Maria, Irish novelist ; b. (Field- ing) ; married S. C. Hall, 1824 ; published "Sketches of Irish Character," 1829-31 ; "Lights and Shadows of Irish Character," 1838 ; " Ireland, its Scenery, Character, &c.," 1843- Hall, Captain Basil, Scotch traveller ; 5. 31 Dec. 1788; published "Voyage to Corea," 1818; "Schloss Hamfeld, a Winter in Lower Styria," 1836; "Patchwork," 1841 ; d. insane, II Sept. 1844. Hall, Benjamin, lord Llanover ; 5. 3 Nov. 1802; M.P. for Marylebone, 1837; baronet, July, 1838; president of the Board of Health, 1854-55 ; first commissioner of public works, 1855-5S; created baron, 27 June, 1859; d. 27 April, 1867. Hall, Sir Jamea, (father of Basil) ; b, 1 760 ; published " Origin, Principles, and History of Gothic Architecture," 1813; d. 23 June, 1832. Hall, John, poet and essayist; b. 1627; d. i Aug. 1656. Hall, Joseph, bishop of Norwich, ' ' the Eng- lish Seneca;" b. I July, 1574; bishop of Exeter, 1627; of Normch, 1641; sequestrated; pub- Kshed "Virgidemiarum Liber," 1597-98; "Con- templations on Principal Passages of Scripture," 1612-15; "The Old Religion," 1628; "Chris- tian Meditations," 1640; d. 8 Sept. 1656. Hall, Marshall, M.I)., physiologist; b. 1790; published " Croonian Lectures on the Nervous System," 1836; " Theory and Practice of Medi- cine, " 1837; "Diseases and Derangements of the Nervous System," 1841 ; d. 11 Aug. 1857. Hall, Eichard, Romanist theologian ; wrote "Life of Bishop Eisher," published 1653; d. 1604. Hall, Robert, baptist minister; b. 2 May, 1764; d. 21 Feb. 1831. Began to preach 1780 Became intimate with Sir James Mackintosh at Aberdeen university . . . .1781 Minister at Broadmead, Bristol, T783 ; at Cam- bridge, 1791 : at Leicester, 1808 ; at Broadmead, Bristol, again 1825 Published "Apology for the Freedom of the Press," 1793; "Modern Infidelity Considered," 1800 ; "Eeilections on the War" . 1802 Insane for a time . 1804 Published "On Terms of Communion," 1815 : "Works edited by Gregory 1831-33 Hall, Samuel Carter, miscellaneous writer, &c. ; b. 1801 ; edited "The Amulet," 1825; the "New Monthly Magazine," 1830 ; the "Art Journal," 1839. Hallam, Henry, historian; b. about 1778; published " View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages," 1818 ; " Supplemental Notes," 1848; "Constitutional History of England, 1827 ; " Introduction to the Litera- ture of Europe, 1837-39; d. 21 Jan. 1859. His son, Aethuk (friend of Tennyson, who wrote "In Memoriam," after his death); b. 1 81 1; d. 15 Sept. 1833; his "Remains" published, 1862. Halle, Edward, lawyer and chronicler ; b. about 1499; wrote "Union of the FameHes of Lancastre and York," published, 1548; d. 1547. Hall^, Jean Noel, French physician ; I. 6 Jan. 1754; energetic promoter of "hygifene;" d. II Feb. 1822. Hall]6, Pierre, French jurist; b. 1 611; pub- lished "Orationes et Poemata," 1655 ; d. 27 Dec. 1689. Halleck, Henry "Wager, American general; b. about 1810 ; became commander of the United States army, July, 1862 ; replaced by General Grant, March, 1864. Hallenbehg, Jonas, Swedish historian and antiquary; b. 7 Nov. 1748; published "His- tory of Gustavus Adolphus," 1790-96 ; d. 30 Oct. 1834. Hallek, von, Swiss writers : Albbeoht, scholar, naturalist, poet, and physi- cian : the father of modern physiology ; b. 16 Oct. 1708; published "Elementa Physiologia3 Humani Corporis," 1757-66 . d. 12 Dec. 1777 Amadeus Emmanuel, son, botanist; &. i Oct. 1735 .'.... d. 9 April, 1786 Carl Ludwig, son, journalist, b. 1 Aug. 1768 ; published " Restoration of Political Science" (in German) 1816-20 . d. 20 May, 1854 Hallek, Johann, German sculptor; b. 1792; d. 1826. Hallet, Antoine, French and Latin poet; b. 1593; d. 3 June, 1675. Hallet, Edmund, astronomer, (friend of New- ton); b. 29 Oct. 1656; d. 14 Jan. 1742. Made observations on the spots on the sun July— Aug. 1676 Went to St. Helena, and observed position of stars Nov, 1676 Prepared " Catalogue of Stars," published . . 1679 Studied the comet of 1681-62 Published a Chart of the variations of the com- pass, 1 701: "Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets "... . 1705 Astronomer-royal . . . 1720 Halliday, Sir Andrew, M.D. ; published "Annals of the House of Brunswick, and of the House of Hanover," 1826; d. 1839. Halliee, Erangois, French canonist ; b. 1595 1 d. 23 July, 1659. Hallifax, Samuel, bishop of St. Asaph; ^- 1733; consecrated, 1787; published "Analy- sis of Roman Ci'ril Law," 1774; "Sermons on the Prophecies," 1776; d. 5 March, 1790. Halliwell, James Orchard, antiquary; b. 1820; edited Shakspeare in 16 folio volumes, '853-65 ; "Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words," i860; " Life of Shakspeare," 1847. Halma, Nicolas, abb^, French mathematician; b. 31 Dec. 1755; published translation of Ptolemy's "Almagest," 1813; d. 4 June, 1828. HAL 235 HAM Hals, Prans, brother, Dutoli portrait painter; 5. 1584; d. 20 Aug. 1666. HLals, Dirck, Dutch animal painter ; i. 1589; d. 1656. Halybdeton, Thomas, Scotch clergyman ; 6. 1674; published "Natural Religion Insuffi- cient," 1714; "Great Concern of Salvation," 1722; d. 23 Sept. 1712. Hambekgee, Georg Eberhard, German phy- sician and anatomist; b. 21 Dec. 1697; pub- lished "Dissertatio de Eespirationis Mecha- nismo," &c., 1727; d. 22 July, 1755. Hakbeegbe, G^org Albert, German mathe- matician ; 6. 26 Nov. 1662 ; d. 13 Feb. 1716. Hambeegee, Georg Christoph, German scholar ; 6. 28 March, 1726; d. 8 Feb. 1773. Hambeoeck, Anton, " The Dutch Regulus ; " settled as missionary in Formosa, and made many converts ; taken prisoner with his family by the invading Chinese pirate, Coxinga ; sent to exhort his countrymen to surrender; per- suaded them to the contrary; returned; put to death, 1661. Hamel, see Du Uamel. Hamel, Henry, Dutch navigator; resided some time iu Corea, 1653; his voyage published, 1668. Haiiel, Joseph, M.D., Russian scientific writer; b. about 1788; ascended Mont Blanc (three of his guides perished), 1820; d. 22 Sept. 1862. Hamiloae, Carthaginian generals : 1. son of Hanno, commanded the expedition against Sicily ; totally defeated and slain by Gelon at the Himera .... B.C. 480 2. BarcAj commanded in Sicily, B.C. 248; refused to retire at the end of the first Punic war, as agreed on, 241 : defeated the mercenaries under Spendius and Matho, 239, 239-238 ; made his son, Hannibal, swear perpetual enmity to the Romans : kUled in battle mth the Vettones . 229 Hamilton, dukes of : £. James, marquis, intimate friend of Charles I. ; political writer; created dxike, 1643; defeated in Cornwall, 1648 : beheaded . . 9 March, 1649 2. William, brother (last of the principal line) ; &. 1616; duke, 1649 : mortally wounded at the battle of "Worcester .... 3 Sept. 1651 3. "William, earl of Selkirk : duke, 1660 . d, 1694 4. James, son ; killed by lord Mohuu in a duel, 15 Nov. 1712 Hamilton, Alexander, major-general, Ameri- can statesman and political writer; 6. II Jan. 1757; earnest promoter of the revolution, 1774; secretary of the treasury, 1789-95 ; killed in a duel by colonel Aaron Burr, "rice-president, "U.S., 12 July, 1804. Hamilton, Anthony, count, French "writer; b. 1646; published "M(5moires du Compte de Grammont," 1713; wrote " Contes," published 1749; d. 1720. Hamilton, Da-rid, Scotch architect ; &. ir May, 1768; erected the exchange at Glasgow, 1840; d. 5 Deo. 1843. Hamilton, Elizabeth ; b. 1 758 ; published "Letters on Education," 1801-2 ; "Cottagers of Glenbumie," 1808; d. 23 July, 1816. Hamilton, Emma, lady, see Hamilton, Sir William. Hamilton, Sir George BaiUie, diplomatist ; b. 4 Oct. 1798; minister to Tuscany, 1S47-50; d. 3 Sept. 1850. Hamilton, Ga-rin, Scotch painter; b. about •73°; published "Schola Italica, Picturse," 1773; d. 1797. Hamilton, Hugh, bishop of Ossory, mathe- matician ; b. 26 March, 1729; bishop of Clonf ert, 1795; of Ossory, 1 799 ; published "De Sectionibus Conicis," 1758; d. i Dec. 1805. Hamilton, James, Unguist ; b. 1775; taught in the "United States, 1815; published his " System of Teaching Languages," 1824; d, 16 Sept. 1829. Hamilton, John, archbishop of St. Andrew's; published a catechism, 1552; hanged by politi- cal enemies, 1570. HjVMILTON, Patrick, Scotch reformer; b. 1503; wrote " Patrick's Places ; " burnt by cardrnal Beatoun, ; March, 1527. Hamilton, Robert, Scotch mathematician ; b. 1743 ; in his " Inquiry concerning the National Debt," demonstrated the fallacy of the sinking fund, 1813; d. 14 July, 1829. Hamilton, Thomas, captain and novelist ; 6. 1789; published "Cyril Thornton," 1827; " Men and Manners in America," 1833; d. 7 Dec. 1842. Hamilton, "Walter ; published " East Indian Gazetteer," 1814, 1828, 1855; " Description of Hindostan," 1820. Hamilton, "Walter Kerr, bishop of Salisbury ; b. Nov. 1808; consecrated, 1854; d. i Aug. 1869. Hamilton, "William, of Bangour, Scotch Jacobite poet ; 6. 1 704 ; Poems, published 1748; d. 1754. Hamilton, Sir "WiUiam, Scotch diplomatist and antiquary ; b. 1730 ; ambassador at Naples ; supported the investigations at Her- culseneum ; published his "Antiquitfe Etrus- ques," 1766-67; " Campi Phlegraji," 1776-79; d. 6 April, 1803. His second wife, Emma Haite or Lyon, an adven- turess ; 6. about J766; mistress of several persons; last of Charles Greville ; married by Sir WiUiam Hamilton, 1791 ; became intimate with the queen of Naples, and gained information for the British ; be- came intimate with Nelson, 1798 ; his avowed mis- tress, 1800 ; d. 16 Jan. 1815. Hamilton, "William, R.A., historical painter, b. 1750; d. 10 Dec. 1801. Hamilton, "William Gerard, politician ; b. 1729; from a speech in the house of com- mons, 13 Nov. 1755, named "single-speech Hamilton;" esteemed by Johnson; d. 16 July, 1796. HAM 236 HAN Hamilton, Sir WilKam, bart. ; Scotch philo- sopher ; 6. 8 March, 1 788 ; professor of logic at Edinburgh, 1 836 ; published " Discussions on Philosophy," 1852; d. 6 May, 1S56; his " Lectures " published, 1859-60. Hamilton, William Richard, archseologist ; h. 9 Jan. 1777 ; accompanied lord Elgin in acquiring the marbles from Athens, 1799; superintended their recovery from the sea, into which they fell during the wreck of the "Mentor," at the isle of Cos, 1803 ; visited Egypt, and published "^gyptiaca," 1809 ; d. II July, 1859. Hamilton, Sir WUliam Eowan, Irish scholar and astronomer ; 6. 4 Aug. 1 805. Hammer, Christoph, German orientalist ; i. 1550 ; pubUshed " Psedagogus Linguarum quinque Orientalium ; " d. 19 March, 1597- Hammek-Pdegstall, Joseph von, baron, German orientalist; h. 9 June, 1774 j inter- preting secretary to the Anglo-Turkish generals in Egypt, 1801 ; edited and translated many oriental works; "Ancient Alphabets," 1806; d. 26 Nov. 1S56. Hajimeklein (Malleolus), Felix, Swiss theo- logian ; b. 1 389 ; wrote " De NobiUtate ;" d. about 1457. Hammond, Anthony, M.P., poet, and friend of literary men; b. l668 ; published "Poems," 1720; "Hints for Thinking," 1721 ; d. in prison for debt, 1738. His son, James, poet ; I. 1 7 10 ; wrote " Love Elegies ; " d. 2 June, 1742. Hammond, Henry, theologian ; &. 18 Aug. 1605 ; accompanied Charles I. to Carisbrooke as chaplain, 1648 ; pubUshed "Practical Cate- chism," 1644 ; "Paraphrases and Annotations upon the New Testament," 1653; "upon the Psalms," 1659 ; d. (before consecration as bishop of Worcester) 25 April, 1660. Hamon, Jean, French physician, moralist, one of the ascetics of the Port-Royal ; 6. 1618 ; published "Divers Traiti5s de Pi^t^," 1675; d. 22 Feb. 1687. Hampden, John, M.P., politician, relative of Cromwell; b. 1594 ; refused to pay the tax termed ship-money, 1636 ; active opponent of Laud and Strafford, 1640-41 ; colonel in the parliamentary army ; wounded at Chalgrove, 18 June; d. 24 June, 1643. Hampden, Eenn Dickson, bishop of Hereford ; h. 1 793 ; Bampton lecturer, 1832; censured for passages in his lectures by the Oxford convo- cation, 1836; consecrated, 1847; d. 22 April, 1868. Hamper, William, archaeologist ; b. 12 Dec. 1776; pubUshed "Life of Sir WiUiam Dug- dale," 1827; d. 3 May, 1831. Hancakville, Pierre Fran9oi3 Hugues d', French arch^ologist ; 6. I Jan. 1719 ; edited Sir WiUiam Hamilton's "Antiquit^s Etrus- ques," 1766-67 ; d. 9 Oct. 1805. Handel or Handel, George Frederic, Ger- man musician and composer ; b. 23 Feb. 1685 (not 24 Feb. 1684) ; d. 13 April, 1759. His love of music opposed by his father; patronised by the duke of Saxe-Weissenfels ; went to Hamburg; his first opera "Almira" performed 8 Jan, 1705 "Visited Florence : " Koderigo " performed there 170^ Visited Venice, Home, Naples . . 1707-8 Engaged as chapel-master by the elector of Hano- ver ... 1709 First came to London 1710 His " Hinaldo " performed, 24 Feb. ; returned to Hanover 1711 Keturned to London ; warmly received : pro- duced "Pastor Fido " 1712 Wrote a " Te Deum," &c., for the peace of Ut- recht ; settled in London . . . 1713 By his "Water Music," placated his master, now king George I Aug. 1715 Became chapel-master to the duke of Chandos, and composed for him "Esther," "Acis and Galatea," and many anthems and instrumental pieces . . 1718-21 Became director of the Italian theatre for the Royal Academy of Music : composed many operas ; involved in much altercation . 1720-29 Took the Italian theatre with Heidegger, (unsuc- cessful) 1729 Esther, his first oratorio, performed at the king's theatre . .... 2 May, 1732 Composed " Deborah " and " Athaliah" . 1733 " Alexander's Feast " performed . . 19 ^eb. 1736 Ruined by opera speculations ; became ill ; went to Ais-la-Chapelle 1737 Returned ; composed " Saul," July — Sept. ; " Israel in Egypt," i Oct. — i Nov. 1738 ; " L' Al- legro," and " II Penseroso" composed . . 1740 Firmly opposed by the upper classes . . 1740-45 Went to Ireland Nov. 1741 " The Messiah," composed for Dublin charities, 22 Aug. — i4Sept., performed at Dublin, i3April,i742 " Samson " performed .... Feb. 1743 Re-instated in London, composed the Dettingen "Te Deum," "Semele," "Joseph," 1743 ; "Bel- shazzar," 1744 : " Occasional Oratorio " . 1746 Composed " Judas Maccabseus," to celebrate the battle of Culloden, g July— 11 Aug. 1746: per- formed I April, 1747 Composed "Alexander Balas," 1747 : " Joshua," "iSolomon," "Susannah," " Fire-works Music," 1748 ; " Theodora," 1749 ; "Choice of Hercules," 1750; "Jephtha ... . Feb. 1732 Became gradually blind . . . . 1752 Hahoek, George, colonel; b. 1760; fought in American war; succeeded his brother as last lord Coleraine, 18 14; published "Address to the Army," in reply to Mackenzie's " Stric- tures," 1789; d. 1824. Hangest, Jerome de, French theologian ; wrote " De Arbitrio Libero contra Luthemm," about 1521 ; d. 8 Sept. 1538. Hanka, Waclaw, Bohemian poet and anti- quary; b. 10 June, 1791; discovered ancient MS. Bohemian poems, (of Kralodvor, or the Queen's Court), 16 Sept. 1817, long aUeged to be a forgery ; discovered St. John's gospel ia Bohemian of the loth century, 1828. Hanke (Hanckius), Martin, German historian and philologist; b. 15 Feb. 1633; published "De Eomanorum Eerum Scriptoribus," 1625 ; d. 24 April, 1709. HAN 237 HAB, 406 247 Hanmer, Meredith, ecclesiastical historian ; h. 1 543 ; published translation of " Ecclesias- tical Histories," 1576; d. 1604. HjVNMEK, Sir Thomas, statesman and philoso- pher; b. 1676; speaker of the commons, 1713; edited Shakspeare, 1 744 ; d. 5 April, 1 746. Hann, James, mathematician ; J. 1 799 ; d. 1 7 ^Aug. 1856. Hannay, James, Scotch novelist and journal- ist; 6. 1 82 7; published " Singleton Fontenoy," 1850. Hasneman, Adriaan, Dutch painter ; 6. 161 1; d. about 1680. Hannibal, Carthaginian generals : 1. grandson of Hamilcar killed at the Himera ; capturedLilybfeum, B.C. 409; d. while besieging Agrigentnm B.C. 2. son of Hamilcar Earca ; b. about B.C. Made by his father to swear eternal hostility to Eome about 238 Present at the battle where his father was killed, 229 Commander-in-chief after the assassination of Hasdnibal 221 Proceeded to consolidate the Carthaginian autho- rity in Spain ; besieged Saguntum . . 219 Captured it, and began the second Punic war . 218 Crossed the Alps ; entered Italy : defeated the Roman consuls at the Ticinus and the Trebia . 218 Defeated Flaminius and Servilius at the lake of Thrasymenus 217 Defeated ^milius Paulus and Varro at Cannae "Wintered at Capua .... Marched to Kome, but checked there . His brother, Hasdrubal, defeated and slain by the consuls Livius and Nero at the Metaurus . Eeturned to Africa Said to have had an interview with Scipio : de- feated by him near Zama, (end of the second Punic war) . 202 Made chief magistrate ; prepared for a fresh struggle 201 Compelled to flee ; received by Antiochus of Syria, 193 Defeated while commanding a fleet ; his surrender demanded from Antiochus by the Eomans . 190 Sheltered by Prusias, king of Bithynia ; took poison when demanded, about . . 183 Hanno, Carthaginian commanders ; i. Defeated by Lutatius Catulusina naval battle oft the wEgates E.o. 241 2. The Great, rival of Hamilcar Barca ; unsuccess- ful in quelling the Sicilian mercenaries till aided by him, 240-238 ; opposed Hannibal and his party in Carthage, 229, et seq. Hanno, Carthaginian navigator, to whom is attributed a Periplus, or short account of a voyage round part of Libya, probably about B.C. 480; the "Periplus" first printed with Arrian, 1534- Hankiot, see Henriot. Hansard, Luke, printer; h. 5 July, 1752; d. 29 Oct. 1828. Hansen, Maurice Chrietoph, Norwegian poet and novelist ; h. 5 July, 1794 ; d. 16 March, 1842. Hansen, Peter Andreas, German astronomer ; I. 8 Deo. 1795; published "Theory of the Pendulum," 1854; his "Tables de la Lune," printed by the British government, 1857. Hansteen, Christoph, Norwegian astronomer ; I. 26 Sept. 1784; published "Eesearches on Terrestrial Magnetism," 1819. 216-215 211 207 203 Hanway, Jonas, philanthropist and traveller ; S. 1712 ; published "Account of British Trade over the Caspian Sea," 1 753-54 ; introduced the use of umbrellas ; promoted Sunday-schools ; d. 5 Sept. 1786. Haecouet, Godefroi d', French baron, daring ally of Edward III. of England in his invasion ; killed, 1356. Hakcouet, Harriet Ensebia, foundress of nunneries ; 5. 1706 ; d. 1745. Harcourt, Henri, due d', French general and diplomatist ; b. 1654 ; d. 19 Oct. 1718. Harcourt, Simon JUarcourt, viscount, lawyer ; lord keeper, 1 7 10; lord chancellor, 1713-14 ; d. 29 July, 1727. Hakdenberg, Carl August, prince of, Prus- sian statesman; 6. 31 May, 1750; supported a warhke policy against France, 1806 ; freed the peasantry ; signed the treaty of Paris, 1814 ; left memoirs ; d. 26 Nov. 1822. Hakdenberg, see Novalis. Harder, Jean Jacques, Swiss anatomist ; 5. 7 Sept. 1656; published "De Ncstalgia," 1698; "Prodromus Physiologicus," 1699 ; d. 28 April, 1711. Hardicanute, son of Canute andEmma, widow of Ethehed II. ; succeeded his brother, Harold I., who died, 17 March, 1040 ; d. 8 June, 1042. Hardime, Flemish painters, brothers : Peter, h. 1678; d. 1748; Simon, b. 1672; d. 1737. Habding, George Perfect, landscape painter in water colours; d. 23 Dec. 1853. Hakding, James Duffield, artist ; b. about 1798; pubUshed ' ' Lessons on Art of Draw- ing;" d. 4 Dec. 1863. Harding, or Hardtng, John, chronicler; h. 1378; fought at Agincourt, 25 Oct. 1415; d. after 1465 ; his " Chronicle, in metre," pub- Ushed, 1543. Harding, Sir John Domey, ecclesiastical lawyer; b. 1809; queen's advocate, 1852-62; d. 23 Nov. 1868. Harding, Thomas, Jesuit, Hebraist, &c. ; h. 1512 ; tutor of Lady Jane Grey ; held a con- troversy with bishop Jewel, 1564-68; d. 16 Sept. 1572. Hardinge, Henry Hardinge, viscount, field- marshal ; b. 30 March, 1785 ; d. 24 Sept. 1856. Served in the Peninsula . . 1809-14 Secretary at war . . 1828-30,1841-44 Governor-general of India . . July, 1844-48 Defeated the Sikhs at Moodkee, 18 Dec. ; at Ferozeshah . . 21, 22 Dec. 1845 Made peace . . . Feb. 1846 Created viscount Hardinge . . . March, 1846 Master-general of the ordnance Feb. 1S52 Commander-in-chief . Oct. 1852 Field-marshal . Oct. 1855 Hardinge, Nicholas, poet and arch^olog-ist ; b. 1700 ; d. 9 April, 1758. Hardion, Jacques, French historian; 6. 17 Oct. 1686; tutor of the French princesses; pubhshed "NouveUe Histoire Pohtique," 1751 ; d. I Oct. 1766. HAK 238 HAE Haedouin, Jean, French Jesuit, scholar, paradoxical writer ; h. 1646 ; published " Chro- nologie expliqu^e par lea M^dailles," 1693 ; edited " Pliny's Natural History," 1685; d. 3 Sept. 1729. Hardt, Hermann von der, German orien- talist; h. 15 Nov. 1660; published " Auto- grapha Lutheri aliorumque," 1690-3 ; "Historia Litteraria Keformationis," 1717; d. 2% Feb. 1746. Haeduin, Alexandre Xavier, French poet ; h. 6 Oct. 1718 ; d. 5 Sept. 1785. Haedwicke, see Yorke. Haedt, Alexandre, French dramatist ; h. about 1560 ; accompanied travelling comedians as " Auteur de la troupe ;" combined the "Mys- teries " with the early Italian and Spanish Drama; d. about 1631. Haedt, Claude, French mathematician and linguist; edited "Data Euclidis," 1625 ; d. 5 April, 1678. Hardy, Gathome, statesman ; h. i Oct. 1S14; president of the poor-law board, July, 1866 ; home secretary. May, 1867 — Dec. 1868. Haedy, Sir Thomas Masterman, admiral ; h. 1769; friend of Nelson; d, 20 Sept. 1839. Haedy, Sir Thomas D^lffus, deputy-keeper of the records; h. 1804; published "Catalogue of the Lord Chancellors," 1S43 ; " Life of Lord Langdale," 1852. Haedyng, see Harding. Haee, Francis, theologian and scholar ; 5. about 1665; published "Difficulties and Discouragements which attend the study of the Scriptures by way of Private Judgment," (a satire), 17 14 J " Psahnorum Liber metrice divisus," 1736; d. 26 April, 1740. Haee, brothers, theologians : Augustus William ; b. 1792: wrote "Sennona to a Country Congregation," published 1837 ; d. 18 Feb. 1834 Julius Charles ; h. 1795 ; friend of Thomas Arnold ; with his brother, published " Guesses at Truth," 1827-48 ; archdeacon of Lewes, 1840 ; published "Victory of Faith," 1840; "Vindica- tion of Luther, 1854 . . d. 23 Jan. 1855. Haee, Robert, M.D., American chemist ; J. 17 Jan. 1781 ; improved the blow-pipe, eudiometer, galvanic battery, and air-pump ; d. 15 May, 1858. Haeeneeeg, Johann Christoph, German theologian, historian, and orientalist ; b. 1696; published " History of the Jesuits," 1760-61 ; d. 12 Nov. 1774. Hargrave, Francis, jurist; h. about 1741; edited "State Trials," 1781; "Law Trials," 1787; d. 16 Aug. 1821. Haegeaves, Edward Hammond ; h. about 181 5 ; discovered gold in New South Wales, Australia, 12 Feb. 1851. Haegreaves, James, mechanician, invented the " Spinning Jenny " about 1767; d, about 1770. Haringtqn, Richard, D.D., principal of Brase- nose College, Oxford; b. 26 April, 1800; d. 13 Dec. 1853. Harington, see Harrington. Hariot, see Harriot. Hariri, Cassem-al, Arab writer; b. about 1054; wrote "Macamas," a species of drama; d. Sept. 1 122. Haelay, Achille de, French magistrate ; b. 7 March, 1536; courageously opposed the duke of Guise, 1585 ; quelled sedition in Paris, i Jan. 1589; d. 21 Oct. 1619. Hablbss, or Haeles, Gottlieb Christoph, German scholar ; 6. 1 738 ; edited Fabricius's " Bibliotheca Grseca," 1790-1809 ; " Anthologia Latina Poetica," 1770; "Anthologia Grasca Poetica," 1775 ; d. 2 Nov. 1815. His sou, Cheistian Fhiedeich, physician ; b.ii June, 1773; published "The Mineral Waters and Baths of Southern Europe," 1846-4S; d. 13 March, 1853. Haeley, earls of Oxford : Robert 6. 1661 Eaised a body of horse and seized "Worcester for the prince of Orange 1788 Elected speaker of the house of commons . 1701-4 At first a whig, became a tory ; obtained much influence over queen Anne by means of Abigail Hill (Mrs Masham) ; displaced Marlborough, and became chancellor of the exchequer . 1710 "Wounded at the council table by the marquis de fJuisoard 18 March, 1711 Created earl of Oxford, 24 May ; and lord trea- surer 29 May, 1711 Quarrelled with Mrs Masham; expelled from office 27 July, 1714 Impeached and imprisoned in the tower . 1714 Acquitted, 1 July, 1717 . . . d. 21 May, 1724 Edward, son ; formed the Harleian collection (purchased by parliament and deposited in the British Museum, 1754) . . d. 16 June, 1741 Haelow, George Henry, portrait and histori- cal painter; b. 1787; painted " Trial of Queen Catharine," containingportraits of the Kembles; d. 4 Feb. 1819. Haemensen, see Armini^ts. Haemee, Anthony, see Wharton, Henry. Haemee, Thomas, theologian and orientalist ; b. 1715 ; published "Observations on divers passages of Scripture," 1764; "Commentary on Solomon's Song," 1768; d. Nov. 17S8. Haemodius and Aeistogeiton, Athenians ; killed Hipparchus ; put to death by his brother, Hippias the tyrant, B.C. 514. Haro, Luis Mendez de, Spanish statesman ; b. 1599; succeeded the minister OUvares his uncle, 1643; ruled firmly for the weak Philip IV. ; met Mazarine, and arranged the peace of Pyrenees between France and Spain, 7 Nov. 1659; d. 17 or 25 Nov. 1661. Haeold, Blaatand, king of Denmark, suc- ceeded Gorm the Old, 941 ; killed, 991. Haeold I. — IV., kings of Norway : I. Harfager, b. about 850 ; king, 863 ; victorious warrior ; acquired all Norway . . . d. 934 II. Graateld, gi-andson ; killed in battle . 977 HAK 239 HAR III. Hardrada ; king, 1047 : invaded England ; witli Tostig, defeated by Harold at Stanford bridge 25 Sept. 1066 IV. Gille ; king, 11 34: assassinated . . 11 36 Hakold I. II., Idngs of England : I. son of Caniite ; succeeded, witli liis brother, Hardicanute, tlieir father Canute 12 Nov. 1035 Banished queen Emma, his stepmother, and murdered her sons (byEthelred ll.} Alfred and Edward . . 1036 Seized all the kingdom, 1037 . d, 17 March, 1040 II. son of Godwin, earl of Kent ; succeeded Edward the Confessor 1066 Defeated and killed his brother Tostig and Harold Hardrada, king of Norway, at Stanford bridge 25 Sept. 1066 Defeated by "William of Normandy, and slain at Hastings . , , 14 Oct. 1066 Haboun al Raschid, caliph of Bagdad, war- rior, patron of science and literature ; h. about 765 ; succeeded Ms father Mehdi, i Oct. 786 ; sent an embassy to Charlemagne, with a strik- ing clock, &c., 801 ; put down the powerful and liberal Barmecides, 803 ; levied tribute from the emperor Nicephorus, 806; ravaged Rhodes, Crete, and Cyprus, 808; d. j. April, 809. HAKPAGns, Median noble; saved the infant Cyrus, about B.C. 592, and became one of his' Haepsfikld, brothers, Romanist theologians: John, 6. about 1510 ; chaplain to Bonner ; aided him in his prosecution of protestants ; dean of Norwich: published "Homilies," 1554-5 *^- 1578 Nicholas, archdeacon of Canterbury : attacked Fox's "Acts and Monuments" in " Sex Dialog! contra Pseudo-Martyres," 1566: his "Historia Anglicaua Ecclesiastica," published, 1622 d. 1583 Haekington, Henry, M.D., musician; 6. 1729; founded the " Harmonic Society," and wrote glees for it ; d. 15 Jan. 1816. Haekington, James, politician; 6. Jan. 161 1; resided in Holland with the queen of Bohemia; appointed companion to Charles I. in the Isle of Wight, 1646; accompanied him to the scaffold, 30 Jan. 1649; published "Oceana," 1656; imprisoned on charge of treason, Dec. 1661 ; d. II Sept. 1677. Haeeinton (or Haeinoton), Sir John, poet and satirist; b. 1561 ; published translation of Ariosto, 1591 ; " New Discourse on a stale subject, called the Metamorphosis of Ajax," 1596; "Epigrams," printed, 1615 ; d. 1612. Haeeington, see Stanhope. Haeeiot, Thomas, mathematician; 5. 1560; accompanied Raleigh to Virginia, and pub- lished an account of the expedition, 1588; said to have observed the spots on the sun, and Jupiter's satellites, 1610 ; his "Artis Analytics Praxis," published 1631 ; d. 21 July, 1 62 1. Haeeis, George Harris, lord, general; h. 18 March, 1746; commander at the capture of Seringapatam, 4 May, 1799; made baron, li Aug. 1815; d. 19 May, 1829. Haeeis, James, of Malmesbury, philosopher and philologist ; b. 20 July, 1 709 ; published " Hermes, or a Philosophical Enquiry concern- ing Language and Universal Grammar," 1 750; d. 22 Dec. 1780. Haeeis, earls of Malmesbury : James (sou of the philologist), diplomatist ; 6. 1746 : ambassador to France, Spain, &c. : baron, 19 Sept. 1788 ; published his father's works, 1783 : earl, 29 Dec. 1800 d. 20 Nov. 1820 James Edwabb, son; 0. 19 Aug. 1778 : d. 10 Sept. 1841 James Howard, son : 6. 25 March, 1807 : foreign secretary, Feb. — Dec. 1852 ; Feb. 1858 — June, 1859: lord privy seal, Jxme, 1866 — Dec. 1868. Haeeis, John, D.D. ; b. about 1 667 ; pub- lished "Lexicon Technicum," the first Eng- lish dictionary of arts and sciences, 1 704 ; " CoUectiun of Voyages and Travels," 1702-5; "History of Kent," 1719; d. 7 Sept. 1719. Haeeis, John, D.D., independent minister; b. 8 March, 1802; published "Mammon," 1836; "The Great Commission," 1842; "The Pre- Adamite Earth," 1847; principal of New College, London, 1850; d. 21 Dec. 1856. Haeeis, Robert, D.D., pmritan; b. 1578; d. II Dec. 1658. Haeeis, Walter, M.D. ; b. 1647; became a catholic, 1673; recanted, and published "Farewell to Popery," 1679; became physi- cian to William III., 1689 ; d. 1725. Haeeis, William, D.D., independent ; b. 1720; pubUshed Lives of James I., 1753 ; Charles I., 1758; Oliver Cromwell, 1762; Charles II., 1766; d. 4 Feb. 1770. Haeeis, Sir William Snow, physicist ; b. 1792; discovered a system of conducting lightning discharges by broad copper plates, 1820; his system ordered to be adopted in the royal navy, 1843; knighted, 1847; received parlia- mentary gTant of .j^^Sooo, 1854; d. 22 Jan. 1867. Haeeison, John, clockmaker; b. 1693; '^^' ceived for his chronometers (produced 1 735-49), used for determining the longitude at sea, the reward offered by government, ;^24,ooo, 1764-67; "The Principles of Mr Harrison's Time-keeper," published, 1767; d. 24 March, 1776. Haeeison, John, colonel, anabaptist ; associ- ate of Cromwell ; commanded at the execution of Charles I., 30 Jan. 1649; imprisoned for attempting a rising of the anabaptists, 8 April, 1657; executed, 13 Oct. 1660. Haeeison, Thomas, architect ; b. 1 744 ; d. 29 March, 1829. Haeeison, William, poet ; friend of Swift ; d. 14 Feb. 1713. Haeeison, William Henry, general ; b. 9 Feb. 1775; termed "father of the west," and first governor of Indiana, 1799 ; totally defeated the Indians, 5 Nov. 1811 ; installed president U.S. 4 March, 1841 ; d. 4 April, 1841. Haeeison, William, operatic tenor singer ; b. IS June, 1813; d. 9 Nov. 1868. HAR 240 •HAS Hakrt, Blind, or Henry, Scotch minstrel ; author of "Acts and Deeds of Wallace," in Scotch dialect, about 1475. Harsnett, Samuel, archbishop of York ; i. 1561 ; bishop of Chichester, 1609 ; of Nor- wich, 1619; archbishop, 1628 ; published "De- claration of Egregious Popish Impostures," 1603; d. 25 May, 1631. Haht, Solomon Alexander, K.A., historical painter ; b. April, 1806 ; exhibited " Elevation of the Law," 1S30; "CcEur de Lion and Sala- din," 1835 ; E.A. 1840. Haete, Walter, poet and historian ; 5. about 1700; published "Poems," 1727; "Life of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden," 1759; d. March, 1774. HABTia, Georg Ludwig, German agricultur- ist; b. 2 Sept. 1 761 ; d. 2 Eeb. 1836. Hartley, David, Scotch metaphysician and physioloc^st ; b. 30 Aug. 1705 ; published a work advocating Mrs Stevens' Medicine for the Stone, 1739 ; "Observations on Man" (said to have been the first attempt to join the study of intellectual to that of physical man) 1749; d. 28 Aug. 1757. Hartley, David, son, diplomatist ; b. 1730 ; pubhshed "Letters on the American War," 1776; d. 1S13. Hartlib, Samuel, Polish agricidturist ; came to London about 1640 ; became a friend of Milton and Sir William Petty ; published " Discourse of Planders' Husbandry," 1645 ; " The Reformed Commonwealth of Bees," 1655. Hartmann, Johann, German chemist; 6. 15 Jan. 1568; opposed alchemy ; published "Dis- putationes Chymico-Medioae," 1611-14; "Praxis Chymiatrica;" d. 7 Dec. 163 1. Hartmann, Johaim Adolph, German histo- rian ; b. 10 May, 1680 ; published "Vitee Pontificum Eomanorum Victor III. — Callistus II.," 1729; d. 28 Oct. 1744. Hartmahn, Peter Immanuel, German physi- cian and botanist; b. 3 July, 1727; published " Dissertatio de Sudore," 1 75 1, &c. ; d. I Dec. 1 79 1 . Hartshobne, Rev. Charles Henry, antiquary ; 6. 1803 ; published " Book Rarities of the Uni- versity of Cambridge," 1829 ; " Salopia An- tiqua," 1841 ; d. II March, 1865. Hartsoekee, Nicolaus, Dutch physicist, and friend of Huyghens ; b. 26 March, 1656 ; made many microscopical discoveries (spermatic ani- malcules, &c.); published "EssaideDioptrique," 1694; "Conjectures Physiques," 1707; " Re- cueil des Pifeces de Physique" (opposing Newton), 1722; d. 10 Dec. 1725. Hartzheim, Joseph, German historian ; Jesuit of Cologne; b. 1694; published "Con- ciha Germanise," 1759; "Bibliotheca Colonen- sis," 1747; d. 1763. Harvard, John, clergyman ; endowed Har- vard College, Massachusetts, U.S. 1638 ; d. 1 688. Harvey, Gabriel, poet; friend of Spenser; b. about 1545 ; published " Three Wittie Pami- liar Letters," 1580; d. about 1630. Haevey', Sir George, Scotch historical and genre painter ; b. 1805 ; exhibited " Coven- anters Preaching," 1830; "Battle of Drum- clog," 1836 ; " John Bunyan in Jail" 1838. Harvey, Gideon, M.D., medical reformer ; b. about 1625; published "Morbus AngUcus, or the Anatomy of Consumption ; " and "Great Venus Unmasked," 1666; d. 1700. Harvey, William, M.D., physiologist; b. i April, 1578; announced the circulation of the blood in his " Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus," 1628 ; published " Exercitationes de Generatione," 1651 ; d. 3 June, 1657. Haevey, William Henry, Irish botanist; h. 5 Feb. 1814; went to the Cape, 1835; pub- lished " Phycologia Britannica, or History of British Seaweeds," 1846-61 ; professor of botany at Dublin, 1856; d. 3 June, 1S64. Harwood, Sir BuSick, M.D., anatonust ; b. about 1 745 ; published " Lectures on Anar tomy," 1797; d. 10 Nov. 1814. Haewood, Edward, D.D., unitarian ; b. 1729; published " Introduction to, and New Transla- tion of, the New Testament," 1767-68; "Bio- graphia Classica," 1778; d. 14 Jan. 1794. Hasenmuller, Daniel, German orientalist ; b. 1 65 1; published "Janua Ebraismi aperta," 1691 ; d. 29 May, 1691. Hasdbubal, Carthaginian generals : 1. Brother of the great Hannibal : present at the battle where his father was killed . B.C. 229 "With his brother Mago commanded in Spain; defeated by the Scipios . 216, 215 Defeated Cneius Scipio ... 212 Defeated at Bsecula ..'... 209 Entered Italy ; defeated by the consuls Nero and Livlus at the Metaurus and killed . 207 2. General during the third Punic war ; defeated by Massinissa, king of Numidia ; disgraced .B.C. 150 Recalled to oppose the Romans . . 149 Repulsed the consul Manilius ... 148 Defeated by Scipio, he put to death his Roman prisoners 147 Defended Carthage, closely besieged, and taken early in 146 Surrendered himself to Scipio ; d. in Italy. Hassan, fifth caliph, son of Ali and Fatima ; b. 625 ; abdicated ia favour of Moawiah, 660 ; d. 669. Hassan or Hosein, Ben Ali, founder of the dynasty of the beys of Tunis ; lieutenant of the captive bey Ibrahim, 1705 ; put him to death and assumed the title, 1 706 ; deposed and beheaded by his nephew, 1735. Hassan I. sheik, first of the ' ' old men of the mountain," and founder of the order of assassins (Haschischina), cruel fanatic ; b. about 1056; disgraced by the sultan ; took vengeance by many assassinations; estabhshed his order by treaty, 1103; d. 1 1 24. HAS 241 HAXJ Hassi;, Johann Adolph, "ilSassone," Gei'man musical composer; b. 25 March, 1699; wrote "Antigone," 1723; d. 16 Deo. 1783. Hasselquist, Friedrich, Swedish naturalist ; h. 14 Jan. 1722; travelled in Syria, 1749-52; d. 9 Feb. 1752; his "Voyage" published by Linneeus, 1757. Hasted, Edward, topographer ; 5. 1732; pub- lished "History of Kent," 1778-90; d. 14 Jan. i8l2. Hastings, Lady Mora, poet, daughter of marquess of Hastings ; 6. 1806 ; d. 5 July, 1839 ; her " Poems" published, 1841. HASTmes, Sir Charles, M.D. ; b. 1 794 ; founded the British Medical Association ; d. 30 July, 1866. Hastings, Francis Kawdon Hastings, mar- quess of, general; b. 9 Deo. 1754; served in American war ; earl of Moira, 1 793 ; opposed the union with Ireland, 1 799 ; governor of India, 1813; marquess, 13 Feb. 1817 ; subdued the Mahrattas and Pindarees ; recalled and censured, 1822; justified himself; governor of Malta, 1824; d. 28 Nov. 1S26. Hastings, Warren, statesman ; b. 6 Dec. 1732 ; as a clerk arrived in Bengal, Jan. 1750 ; agent of the company at the court of the nabob, 1757 ; virtual governor, 1772 ; governor- general of ISritish India, i Jan. 1774-85 ; trial for high crimes and misdemeanours, began 13 Feb. 1788; acquitted, 23 April, 1795 ; d. 22 Aug. 1818. Hatohett, Charles, chemist; 6. about 1765 ; discovered the metal columbium or tantalum, 1801 ; d. 10 Feb. 1847. Hathekley, William Page Wood, lord, lord chancellor; b. 29 Nov. iSoi ; sohcitor-general, March, 185 1 — Feb. 1852; vice-chancellor, Jan. 1853 — March, 1868; judge of the court of appeal in chancery, March — Dec. 1868 ; published " Continuity of Scripture," Nov. 1867 ; lord chancellor, Deo. 1868. Hatsell, John, jurist; b. about 1742; long clerk to house of cormnons ; published " Cases of Privileges of Parhament to 1628," 1776 ; " Precedents of Proceedings," 1781 ; d, 15 Oct. 1820. Hatton, Sir Christopher, statesman ; 6. 1 540 ; favoured by queen Elizabeth ; made lord chancellor, 29 April, 1587 ; d. 20 Sept. 1591- Habbold, Christian Gottlieb, German jurist ; b. 4 Nov. 1766; d. 14 March, 1824. Haupe, Wilhelm, German poet and novelist ; b. 29 Nov. 1802; published " Lichtenstein, " 1826; d. 18 Nov. 1827. Haughton, Sir Graves Champney, Irish orientalist ; b. 1 789 ; abandoned military life, and became professor of Sanscrit, &c., at Haileybury, 181 7; published "Bengal Gram- mar," 1821 ; Bengali, Sanscrit, and "English Dictionary," 1833; d. 28 Aug. 1849. Haughton, William, dramatist ; his tragedy, "Fen'ex and Porrex," licensed 1600; wrote plays with Dekker and others. Haugwitz, Christian Heinrich Carl, Prussian statesman; b. 1752; foreign minister, 1792; opposed the French influence; retired, 1803; again minister, 1805; retired, 1806; curator of the new university at Breslau, 181 1; d. 19 Feb. 1832. Hauksbbe, or Hawksbbe, Francis, electrician; published " Physico-Mechanical Experiments touching Light and Electricity," 1 709; d. about 1713- Haue^au, Barthdlemy, French philosopher; b. 8 Nov. 1 81 2; published "De la Philosophie Scholastique," 1837. Hadsek, Gaspard, " the foundling of Nurem- berg, '' discovered at his door by a citizen of Nuremberg, 7 Oct. 18 12; had peculiar habits; assassinated at Anspach, 17 Dec. 1833. Haussmann, Georges Eugfene, baron; b. 27 March, 1809; prefect of the Seine, 23 June, 1853; devoted himself to the rebuilding and adornment of Paris; made senator, Aug. 1857. Haussmann, Johann Michael, German che- mist; b. 4 Feb. 1749) g^^^fly improved calico printing ; discovered new dyes ; d. 16 Dec. 1824. Hautepeuille, Jean de, French physicist; b. 20 March, 1647 ; improved watchmaking, microscopes, &c. ; d. 18 Oct. 1724. Hauteeive, Alexandre Maurice Blanc de Lanautte, comte d', French diplomatist ; b. 14 April, 1754; after being secretary to the hospodar of Moldavia, consul at New York, 1792; dismissed; reduced to poverty; published " Etat de la France, an VIII. ; " led to employ- ment by Talleyrand, 1801 ; by Napoleon, 1806; published "Elc^mens de la Economic Politique," 1S17; tZ. 28 July, 1830. Hauteeoche, Noel le Breton, sieur de, French dramatist and actor; b. about 1617; d. 14 July, 1707. Hauteseeee, Antoiue Dadin de, French jurist; b. about 1602; pubUshed "De Origine et Statu Feudorum," 1619; "Kerum Britanni- carum Libri V.," 1657; d. 1682. Hauteville, Jean de, French poet; wrote " ArchitreniuB " about 1184. Hautpoul, Alphonse Henri, marquis d', French general; b. 4 Jan. 1789; minister of war, Oct. 1849; governor of Algeria, Oct. 1850; d. 27 July, 1865. Hautpoul, Marie Constant Fidfele Henri Armand, marquis d', French general; b. 1780; reduced to a huckster's, life when young ; recovered his position, July, 1 794 ; entered the army, 1803; in Napoleon's campaigns, 1804-14; entered the service of Louis XVIII., 1814; resisted the revolution, July, 1830 ; guardian of the duke of Bordeaux, 1833 ; d. Jan. 1854. HAU 242 HAW Hauy, !ReD^ Just, French mineralogist; h. 28 Feb. 1743; discovered the law o£ crystallisation, 1 784; published "Traits de Miu&alogie," 1 801 ; " Traits de CrystaUographie," 1822; d. 3 June, 1822. Haut, Valentin, brother of Een^; 6. 13 Nov. 1 745 j introduced a system for educating the blind at Paris, 1784; published "Essai sur TEducatiou des Aveugles," 1786; d. iS March, 1822. Havelock, Sir Henry, general; J. 5 April, 1795; entered army, 181 5; went to India, 1823; served in the Burmese war, 1824; Sikh war, 1845; during the mutiny, defeated Nana Sahib, 1 6 July ; took Cawnpore, 1 7 July ; Buffered much, and frequently defeated the in- surgents, 29 July — 16 Aug, ; relieved Luck- now, 25, 26 Sept. ; d. atAlumbagh, 24N0V. 1857. Havekoamp, Sigebert, Dutch philologist ; &. 1683; edited Lucretius, 1725; Josephus, 1726; d. 23 April, 1742. HAVEEGiUj, Kev. WiUiam Henry, musical composer ; b. 1 793- Havestad, Bernhard, German Jesuit mis- sionary ; b. about 1715 ; went to South America; traversed the Pampas, Andes, &c., 1748; returned to Italy, 1768; published "Chilidugu, sive Res Chilenses," 1777; d. after 1778. Haweis, Thomas, theologian ; b. 1 734 ; chap- lain to the countess of Huntingdon and long director of her chapels ; published " The EvangeUcal Expositor," 1765-66; "History of the Church of Christ," 1800; d. 1820. Ha WES, Sir Benjamin; b. 1797; appointed permanent under-secretary of the war depart- ment, 1857; d. 15 May, 1862. Ha WES, Stephen, poet ; published " The Passe Tyme of Pleasiu-e," 1509. JIawes, WiUiam, M.D. ; b. 28 Nov. 1736; one of the founders of the Koyal Humane Society, 1774 ; pubhshed "An Account of Lr Goldsmith's last Illness," 1774 ; d. 5 Dec. 1808. Ha WKE, Edward Hawke, lord admiral ; 6. 1 7 1 5 ; distinguished himself in the battle off Toulon, 9 Feb. 1 744 ; defeated the French at Quiberon bay, 20 Nov. 1 759 ; first lord of the admiralty, Dec. 1766 — Jan. 1771 ; d. 14 Oct. 1781. Hawker, Peter, colonel ; b. about 1786; pub- lished " Instructions to Young Sportsmen," 1816; d. 7 Aug. 1853. Hawkee, Robert, theologian ; b. 1 753 ; pub- lished " Commentary on the Old and New Testaments," 1816 ; and " Poor Man's Morn- ing and Evening Portion;" d. 6 April, 1827. Hawkbsbuky, lord, see Liverpool. Hawkeswohth, John, LL.D., essayist and novehst ; b. about 1 7 1 5 ; began to publish "The Adventurer," 7 Nov. 1752; edited the voyages of Byron, WaUis, Carteret, and Cook, 1 773 ; edited Swift's works, with a life, 1 765-66 ; d. 17 Nov. 1773. Hawkins, Benjamin Waterhouse, geologist; b. 8 Feb. 1807; constructed the models of ex- tinct animals at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, 1851-52 ; published " Elements of Form," 1842. Hawkins, Edward, archseologist ; b. 1780; keeper of Antiquities, British Museum, 1824-61 ; published " Silver Coins of England," 1841 ; d. 23 May, 1867. Hawkins, Ernest, canon of Westminster ; 6. about 1802 ; secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1843-68 ; published " Missions of the Church of England in the North American colonies," 1845 ; d. 5 Oct. 1868. Hawkins, Sir John, navigator ; b. about 1520; accompanied his father (William) in his voyages to Africa, &c. ; sailed to obtain slaves for the Spaniards, 1562-68 ; ruined by an attack of the Spanish fleet, 16 Feb. 1568; rear- admiral in the fight with the Armada, July, 1588; with Drake, commanded an expedition against the Spaniards ; repulsed in attack on| Puerto Rico ; d. the same day, 21 Nov. 1595. Hawkins, Sir John, musical writer, descendedi from the navigator ; b. 1719 ; obtained by^ legacy Pepusch's collection, with the help of; Dr Wm. Boyce ; published " History of the Science and Practice of Music," 1776; " Life and Works of Dr Johnson," 1787 ; d. 21 May, 1789. Hawkins, Sir Richard, son of Sir John, navi- gator; b. about 1560; served under his father ; sailed on an expedition to South America, 13 June, 1593 ; made several discoveries, Feb. 1594; captured several vessels, and pillaged the coasts of ChiU, May, 1594; captured by the Spaniards, 22 June, 1 594 ; taken to Lima, condemned to death, but spared, and sent to Spain, and eventually released; published "Observations," 1622; d. 1622. Hawkins, WiUiam, navigator ; b. about 1585; sailed to India, with Finch, i AprU, 1607; arrived at Surat, 24 Aug. 1608 ; embroiled with the Portuguese ; arrived at Agra, 16 AprU, 1609 ; authorised to trade by the Mogul Jehanghir ; and made to marry and settle at Agra, 1609; compeUed to quit by intrigues of the Omrahs, 1611 ; d. on his way home, 1613. Hawkshaw, John, civil engineer; b. 1811 ; superintended construction of many raUways, &c. ; successful in arresting the inundation in. the middle levels, Norfolk, July 1862. Hawksmooe, Nicholas, architect ; b. 1666 ; erected St. George's, Bloomsbury, and St. George's in the east ; d. March, 1736. Hawkwood, Sir John (Giovanni deUa GugHa), English soldier of fortrme ; employed by Edward III. ; by Italian powers, &c. ; made a fortune, and founded an EngUsh hospital at' Rome, about 1391. HAW 243 HEA Hawthokne, Nathaniel, American poet and novelist; h. 4 July, 1804; published "Twice told Tales," 1837, 1842; " The Scarlet Letter," 1850; "The House of the Seven Gables," 1851; "Blithedale Romance," l852;"Ouroid Home," 1863 ; d. 19 May, 1864. Hawtbey, Edward Craven, D.D., scholar and poet ; b. 7 May, 1789; head-master at Eton College, 1834; provost, 1853; d. 27 Jan. 1862. Haxo, Erangois Nicolas B^noit, French mili- tary engineer; b. 24 June, 1774 j employed by Napoleon in fortifying Peschiera, Mantua, &c., 1801, et seq; went with Foy to Constantinople, 1807; employed in Spain, 1808; in Germany, Poland, and Russia, 1811-13; served under the restoration, 1815 ; conducted the siege of Antwerp, Nov. 1832; d. 25 June, 1838. Hat, David Ramsay, Scotch art decorator ; 5. 1798 ; employed by Sir Walter Scott at Abbotsford, 1824; published "Laws of Har- monious Colouring," 1828; "Nomenclature of Colouring," 1845. Hat, James, earl of Carlisle, statesman, friend of James I. ; made baron Hay, 1615 ; ambas- sador in Germany, 1618 ; in France, and earl of Carhsle, 1622; d. 25 April, 1636. Hat, William, M.P., keeper of the records in the Tower ; 6. 21 Aug. 1695 ; published "Essay on Civil Government," 1728 ; " Essay on Deformity," 1754; d, 22 June 1755. Hatdn, Franz Joseph, German musical com- poser; b. 31 March, 1732; d. 31 May, 1809. Educated by Frank, a musical sclioolmaster at Hamburg ; engaged in the clioii- at St. Stephen's, Vienna ; began to compose about . . . 1745 Nearly starved at Vienna ; resided with a poor bai'ber about 1752 Lived by teaching, &c. ; entered tlie service of the count von Mortzin, 1758 ; of the prince Antony Esterhazy 1759 Composed many symphonies, &c. ; came to Lon- don ; and at Salomon's concerts, produced his *' Grand Symphonies " .... 1 791-4 Eetired from the service of prince Esterhazy . 1794 His "Creation" composed, 1796-7; performed in the spring of . . . . 1798 ''The Seasons" performed . . April, 1801 Haydn, Johann Michael, brother of Joseph, composer of church music; 6. 16 Sept. 1737; d. 18 Aug. 1808. Haydn, Joseph, antiquary ; published ' ' Dic- tionary of Dates," 1841 ; " ISookof Dignities," 1851; d. 17 Jan. 1856. Hatdon, Benjamin Robert, historical painter ; 5.25 Jan. 1 786 ; painted " Judgment of Solo- mon," " VeuusandAnohises," "MockElection," &c. ; published "Lectures on Painting," 1844- 46 ; d. by suicide, 22 June, 1 846. Hates, Charles, mathematician and ehrono- logist ; h. 1678 ; published " Treatise on Fluxions," 1704; " Chronology of the Septua- gent," 1741 ; d. 18 Dec. 1760. Hates, William, musical composer ; b. 1 708 ; d. 27 July, 1777. Hatlet, William, poet, friend of Cowper ; b. 1 745 ; published ' ' Triumphs of Temper," 1781 ; " Life of Cowper," 1803-4; d. 11 Nov. 1820. Hatman, Francis, R.A., historical painter ; b. 1708; d. 2 Feb. 1776. Hatnau, Julius Jacob, baron, German general; b. 1786; d. 24 March, 1853. Distinguished himself in the Italian war July, 1848 Took cruel revenge upon the insurgents of Brescia April, 1849 Made commander of the Austrian army in Hun- gary ; took Eaab and Szegedin . . 2 Aug. 1849 Victor over the Hungarians at Temeswar, 10 Aug. 1849 Ordered many executions in Pesth and Arad 6 Oct. 1849 Governed Hungary as viceroy ; dismissed, 6 July, 1850 Visited London ; assaulted at Barclay & Perkin's brewery ... . . Sept. 1850 Hayne, Friedrich Gottlob, German botanist ; b. 18 March, 1 763 ; published, (in German), "Description of the Plants used in Medicine," 1802-31 ; d. 28 April, 1832. Hayne, Thomas, theologian and linguist ; b. 1581 ; published "Equal Ways of God," 1639 ; "View of Holy Scriptures," 1641 ; d. 27 July, 1645. Hay'NES, Hopton, Socinian; b. 1672; wrote * ' Scripture Account of the Attributes and Worship of God," 1749 ; d. 19 Nov. 1749. Haytek, Sir George, portrait painter ; 6. 1 792 ; d. about 1868. Hayter, Sir William Goodenough, bart., politician ; b. 28 Jan. 1792 ; judge advocate general, Dec. 1847 — May, 1849; parliamentary secretary of the treasury, July, 1850 — Feb. 1852, and Dec. 1852— Feb. 1858. Haywaed, Sir John, historian ; published "Life and Raigne of Henrie IV.," 1599; "Life and Raigne of Edward VI.," 1630; d. 27 June, 1627. Hazael, killed and succeeded his master, Ben-Hadad, king of Syria, B.C. 885 ; attacked Israel about 860. Hazlitt, William, essayist and critic ; b. 10 April, 1778; a parliamentary reporter; editor of the " Morning Chronicle ; " published "The Round Table," 181 7; "View of the English Stage," 1818; "Table Talk," 1821 ; d. 18 Sept. 1830. Hazlitt, William Carew, historian and biblio- grapher; 6. 22 Aug. 1834; pubhshed "History of the Venetian Republic," i860; "Bibho- graphical Handbook to Early Literature of Great Britain," 1867. Head, Sir Edmund Walker ; b. 1805 ; governor of New Brunswick, 1847; governor-general of Canada, 1854-61; published "Handbook of Spanish and French Schools of Painting," 1847; d. 28 Jan. 1868. Head, Sir Francis Bond, bart., soldier and essayist; b. i Jan. 1793; served in royal engineers at Waterloo, &c., 1815 ; pubhshed his " Rough Notes of a Journey across the HEA 214 HED Pampas," 1826; as governor of Upper Canada, suppressed an incipient rebellion, 1835; created a baronet, 1838; published " Bubbles from the Bnumeu of Nassau," 1833; "The Defenceless State of Great Britain," 1850; "Eaggot of French Sticks," 185 1; "Descriptive Essays," 1856; "The Royal Engineer," 1S69. Head, Sir George, brother of Sir Francis ; T>. 1782; published "Forest Scenes and In- cidents in the Wilds of North America," 1829 ; "Eome," 1849 ; d. 2 May, 1855. Head, E.ichard, dramatist ; published " Hie et Ubique, or the Humours of Dublin," 1663 ; drowned, 1678. Headlet, Henry, poet and critic ; h. 1766; edited " Select Beauties of Ancient English Poetry," 17S7; d. Nov. 17S8. Heapt, Thomas, water-colour painter ; I. 1775 ; d. 23 Oct. 1835. Heaene, Samuel, traveller ; 6. 1 745 ; explored Hudson's Bay territories, 1769-72; "Journal" pubUshed, 1795; d. Nov. 1792. Heaene, Thomas, antiquary, nonjuror; h. 1678; lost his office of snb-librarian at the Bodleian library rather than take the oaths to George I., 1 714 ; published " Ductor Historicus ; " *' Leland's Itinerary," 1710-12 ; " Leland's Collectanea," 1715; "Curious Discourses," 1720; d. 10 June, 1735. Heaene, Thomas, topographical artist ; h. 1744; d. 1817. Heath, Benjamin, theologian and scholar; published " Essay towards a Demonstrative Proof of the Divine Existence," 1740; " Ee- visal of Shakspeare's Text," 1765 ; d. 13 Sept. 1766. Heath, line engravers : James, h. 1756 ; engraved West's "Death of Nelson," Wright's "Dead Soldier," &c. : d. 15 Nov. 1834, CuAfiLES, son : b. 1784 ; engraved plates for Book of Beauty, Shakspeare and Waverley Galleries, &c. ; d. 18 Nov. 1848. Heath, James, historian; i. 1629; published " Chronicle of the late Intestine War," 1661 ; ' ' Flagellum, or the Life and Death of Oliver Cromwell," 1663 ; d. Aug. 1664. Heathcote, Ealph, D.D. ; J. 1721 ; published "Historia Astronomias," 1746; "Reason in Pieligion," 1755; d. 28 May, 1795. Heathfield, see Elliot. Hebbel, Eriedrich, German dramatist and poet; h. 18 March, 1813; d. Dec. 1863. Hebel, Johann Peter, German poet; 5. 11 May, 1760; piTblished " AUemannische Ge- dichte" in the Swabian dialect, 1803; d. 22 Sept. 1826. Hebensteeit, Johann Ernest, German ana- tomist and naturalist; 6. 15 Feb. 1703; pub- lished "De Homine Sano et iEgroto," I7S3; "Pathologia Therapias," 1779; <"'■ 5 I^ec. 1757. Hebensteeit, Pantaloon, German musician; h. 1660; invented an instrument (a drum with tuned strings), named "pantaleon;"cZ.about 1 735. Hebee, Reginald, bishop of Calcutta, poet; h. 21 April, 1783;^ d. at Triohinopoly, 3 April, 1826. Gained prize at Oxford for Ms poem "Pales- tine," 1S03 ; published 1809 Travelled in Germany, Eussia, &c. ; gave Bamp- ton Lectures 1815 Elected preacher at Lincoln's Inn . . 1822 Consecrated bishop of Calcutta . . June, 1823 Published ' ' Hymns adapted to the Weekly Ser- vice of the Church " . . . . 1827 His " Journey through India " pubUshed 1828 Hebee, Richard (half-brother of Reginald), scholar and bibliomaniac; h. iTTi'i edited Silius Italicus, 1792; during his life purchased about 150,000 volumes (exclusive of pamphlets) for about ^180,000; sold after his death for about ;{^65,ooo; d. 4 Oct. 1833. Hebeeden, William, M.D. and physicist; 6. Aug. 1710; his "Commentarii de Morborum Historia et Curatione" published, 1802; d, I^ May, 1 80 1. Hebebt, Jacques Ren^, sumamed " Pfere Duchesne," French demagogue ; h. 1755 ; atrociously accused Marie Antoinette ; invented the " feast of reason," 1 793 ; joined the enemies of Robespierre ; denounced by St. Juste, 13 March; executed, 24 March, 1794. Heoat^us, of Miletus, Ionian geographer and historian; h. about B.C. 55°; wrote "Perie- gesis " and " Genealogise ; " d. about 470. Heck, Jan van, Dutch painter; h. about 1625 ; d. about 1669. Heck, Nicolas van der, Dutch historical painter; h. 1580; d, 1638. Heckee, German physicians : AuGtJST, I. I July, 1763; published in German, "General History of the Natural Sciences and Medi- cine," 1793; " Chirurgica Medica," 1808. His son, Justus Gael, 6. 5 Jan. 1 795 ; published in German, "History of Medicine," 1822-29; " History of Modem Medicine," 1839 ; " The Dancing Mania," and " The Black Death," 1832; "On Visions," 1848; d. II May, 1850. Hecquet, Adrien du, French poet; h. 29 Sept. 1510; published "Chariot de I'annfe," 1555; "L'Orphfide," 1561 ; d. 1580. Hecquet, Philippe, Erenoh physician, termed the "French Hippocrates," and said to have been the Sangrado of Gil Bias; 6. 11 Feb. 1661 ; advocated bleeding; published "De la Digestion," 1712; "La Medecine Th&lo- gique," 1733; d. II April, 1737. Hedelin, Franjois, abb^ d'Aubignao, French poet and scholar; b. 4 Aug. 1604; held contro- versies with M(5nage, CorneiUe, &c. ; rf. 27 July, 1676. Hedeeich, Benjamin, German lexicographer; i. 12 Dec. 1675; published his "Griecum Lexicon Manuale," 1722; d. 18 July, 1748. Hedio, Caspar, German scholar and re- former; h. 1494; corresponded with Luther and Zwingle ; a court preacher at Mentz; favomred, but did not profess the reformed HED 245 HEI doctrines, 1520; resigned, and joined the re- formers, 1523; published "Chronicon Ger- manioum," 1550; d. 17 Oct. 1552. Hedlingek, Johann Carl, Swiss medaUiat; h. 28 March, 1691 ; d. 14 March, 1771. Hedwig, Johann, German botanist ; b. 8 Dec. 1730; published " Fundamentum Historiee NaturaKs Muscorum," 1782-3 ; " Stirpes CryptogamicEe," 1785-95 ; d. 7 Feb. 1799. Hedwiga, Saint, queen of Poland; h. 1371 ; married JageUon, prince of Lithuania, and assisted in his conversion, 1386; caused the Bible to be translated into Polish, 1390; d. 17 Jwiy, 1399- Heede, Flemish painters, brothers : Vigoe van, b. 1659; d. 8 April, 1718. Willem, b. 1660; d. 1728. Heem, Jan Davidz de, Dutch painter ; 6. about 1600; d. 1674. Heemskikk, Marten van, Dutch painter ; b. 1498; d. 1574. Heeiiskebk, Dutch painters : Egbert, 0. 1610; d. after 1680. Egbert, son, b. 1645; d. 1704. Heemskerk, Jacob van, Dutch navigator; b. 1567 ; explored the north seas in his voyages of discovery for the N.-W. passage, 1595-8; admiral of the Dutch fleet ; killed in a battle •with the Spaniards near Gibraltar, 25 April, 1607. Heee, Christian Kusten, German archaeolo- gist; b. 19 April, 1715 ; his "Pinacotheca Principum Austria," published, 1768; d. 2 April, 1767. Heeee, Lucas van, Flemish poet and painter; 6. :534; d. 29 April, 1584. Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig, German historian ; b. 25 Oct. 1 760 ; published in Ger- man, "History of the IJelles Lettres," 1788; "Ancient History and Geography," 1790 ; " History of Europe in the three last Centu- ries," &c. ; " Manual of Ancient History," 1799; d. 7 March, 1842. Heermasn, Johann, German religious poet ; 5. II Oct. 1585; published, in German, "House and Heart Music," 1644 ; d. 27 Feb. 1647. Heers, Henrik van, Belgian physician ; b. about 1570; published in praise of the waters at Spa, " Spadacrene," 1614 ; d. about 1631. Hegel, Georg Wilhehn Friedrich, German philosopher; b. 27 Aug. 1770; fellow-student of SchelUng ; published " Differenz des Fichte'schen und SchelUng'schen Systems," 1801 ; " Phenomenologie des Geistes," 1807; " Logik des Seyns, des Wesens, und des Begriffs" (propounding "absolute idealism"), 1812-16 ; d. 14 Nov. 1831. Heidegger, Johann Heinrich, Swiss theolo- gian ; 5. I July, 1633; wrote principal part of the "Formula Consensus," adopted, 1675 ; pub- lished "Historia Papatlis," 1684; d. 1 8 Jan. 1698. Heidiggee, Johann Jacob, count, Swiss adventurer; b. 1660; associated with Handel in setting up an opera house, 1729; d. 4 Feb. 1749. Heil, van, Flemish painters, brothers : Daniel, l>. 1604 ; painted landscapes . . d. 1662 .Ian Baptist, b. 1609; history and portraits d. 1661 Leo, 6. 1603; flowers and insects. Hein, see Seyn. Heine, Heinrich, German poet and satirist; termed the "Voltaire of Germany;" b. 13 Dec. 1799; published " Buch der Lieder" (Book of Songs), 1827 ; " History of the Later Literature of Germany," 1833; "Der Salon," 1834-40; New Poems, 1844; d. 17 Feb. 1856. Heine, Salomon, German Jewish philanthro- pist ; b. 1 766 ; greatly supported the credit of the banks of Hamburg, and rebuilt churches, &c., after the great fire, 1842 ; established, by his will, the "Heine Foundation," to lend money without interest to the needy ; d. 23 Dec. 1844. Heinbccius (Heinecke) Johann, German pro- testant theologian and historian ; b. 14 Dec. 1674; published " Historia Historiae," 1705; "CoUoquia Keligiosa," 1719; d. 11 Sept. 1722. Heineccius, Johann Gottlieb, German jurist ; 5. II Sejit. 1681 ; invented the "axiomatic" method of teaching law ; published ' ' Elementa Juris Civihs, " 1725-28 ; "Elementa Juris Ger- manioj," 1735-37; d. 31 Aug. 1741. Heineoken, Christian Heinrich, infant pro- digy of Lubeck; b. 6 Feb. 1721 ; said to have been versed in the sacred history, Latin and French, geography, &c. ; d. 27 June, 1 725. Heinicke, Samuel, German philanthropist; b, 10 April, 1729; devoted himself to the in- struction of deaf and dumb; d. 30 April, 1790. Heineich, see Henry. Heinrich, Karl Friedrich, German scholar ; b. 1774 ; d. 20 Feb. 1838. Heinse, Johann Jacob, Wilhehn, scholar and poet; b. 16 Feb. 1749; pubUshed in German, "Laidion, or the Mysteries of Eleusis," 1774; translations of the "Jerusalem" of Tasso, and of the "Orlando" of Ariosto, 17S2; " Ardin- gheUo," 1787; d. 22 July, 1S03. Heinsius, Anton, grand pensionary of Hol- land; b. about 1641 ; d. in disgrace, 13 Aug. 1720. Friend of William, Prince of Orange, and governed for him when he became king of Great Britain. One of the authors of the grand alliance of 12 May, 1689 One of the triumvirate (with the Duke of Marl- borough and Prince Eugene) .... 1706 Obstinately opposed peace with France, except under humiliating conditions, and struggled against the peace of Utrecht . . . 1713 Heinsius, Dutch scholars and poets ; Daniel ''• about 1580 Acquired the friendship of Scallger, and devoted himself to letters . . . 1597 HEI 246 HEM Published "Crepundia Siliana," 1600; "Auri- acus, sive Libertas Samia," a tragedy . . 1602 Edited Hesiod and Tlieocritus wltti Scholia, 1603 ; and other classics ... d. 25 Feb. 1655 KicoLAS, his son, friend of Gronovius ; b. 29 July, 1620 : visited England, Italy, &c. : well received by Queen Christinaat Stockholm, 1649: sent by her to Italy, to buy MSS., but not paid for his purchases, 1651-54 : employed by the states- general as ambassador in Sweden, France, and Eussia, 1658 : edited Ovid, 1652 . d. 7 Oct. 1681 Heister, Lorenz, German surgeon ; &. 16 Sept. 1 683 ; published his " Treatise on Sur- gery," 1719; "Traotatasde Cataraota," 1721; d. 18 April, 1758. Hele, Thomas, dramatist; b. 1740; lived at Paris, and composed French dramas; *'Le Jugement de Midas," 1778; d. about 1780. Helena Augusta Victokla, princess, third daughter of queen Victoria; 6. 25 May, 1846; married prince Christian of Sleswig Holstein Sonderburg Angustenburg, 5 July, 1866. Helena, Saint, "wife of Constantius Chlorus, emperor of Home ; divorced, 292 ; honoured by her son, Constantine the great ; said to have discovered the true cross at Jerusalem; d. about 328. Heliodobus, bishop of Tricca ; wrote the Greek romance, " j55thiopica, " (the loves of Theagenes and Charicleia), about 400. Heliogabalus, see Elagabulus. Hell, Maximilian, Hungarian Je,5uit, astro- nomer ; 6. 13 May, 1720; observed the transit of Venus in Lapland, 3 June, 1769; pubhshed "Methodus Astronomica," 1774; " Observa- tiones Astronomicas," 1717-52, 1768; " Al- manach Viennois," 1775; d. 14 April, 1792. Hellot, Jean, French chemist; ft. 20 Nov. 1685; published "Art de la Teinture," 1750; d. 15 Feb. 1766. Helmbeeekee, Theodor, Dutch painter ; t. 1624; d. 1694. Helme, BKzabeth, novelist ; published " Far- mer of Inglewood Forest," 1796; d. 1816. Helmees, Jan Frederik, Dutch poet ; b.i'j6j; published Poems, 1809-10; "The Dutch Na- tion," 1812-13; d. 26 Feb. 1813. Heljiholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand, Prussian physicist and physiologist ; ft. 3 1 Aug. 1821 ; invented the ophthalmoscope, 185 1 ; published " Tonempfindungen, als Theorie der Musik," 1863 ; lectured at the Poyal Institu- tion, London, 1 861. Helmont, Johann van, Belgian chemist, medical empiric and metaphysician; ft. 1577; patronised by the emperor, Kodolph II. ; gave the name wood-gas to carbonic gas ; published " Febrium Doctrina Inaudita," 1642; " Ortus Medicinse," 1648; d. 30 Dec. 1644. His son, Feans Meecueius, baron, alchemist ; ft. 1618; published " Opuscula Philosophica," 1690 ; d. 1699. Helmont, Segres Jacob van, painter of Ant- werp; ft. 17 April, 1683; d. 21 Aug. 1726. Heloise, French abbess, mistress and wife of Abelard; ft. Iioi; became abbess of the Paraclete about I122; d. 16 May, I164. Helps, Arthur, historian and essayist ; ft. about 1817; clerk of the privy council, 1859; pub- lished "Essays," 1841 ; "Claims of Labour," 1845 ; " Friends in Council," 1847 ; " Com- panions of my Solitude," 1850; " Spanish Con- quest of America," 1855-61 ; " Kealmah," 1 868. Helst, Bartholomeug van der, Dutch painter ; ft. about 1613; d. about 1670. Helvetius, (or Sohweitzee), German physi- cians, &c. : Johann Friedrich, b. 1625 ; published " Mors Morborum," 1660 ; " Microscopium Physono- Taise," 1664 : " Vitulus Aureus," concerning alchemy, 1667 ... d. 2g Aug. 1709 Johann Adrian", son ; b. about t66t ; effected cures of dysentery with ipecacuanha, then un- known : settled at Paris; pubhsbed " Traite des Maladies," 1703, &c. . d. there, 20 Feb. 1725 JoHAKN Claude Adrian, son ; h. 18 July, 1685 ; consulted during the last iUness of Louis XI"V"., T715 : and for Louis XV,, 1719 . d. 17 July, 1755 Claud Adrian, son, philosopher, friend of Vol- taire, &c. : b. Jan. 1715 ; after an irregular life, married : retired to the country, and devoted himself to duty and philosophy . 1751 Published "De I'Esprit" . . . Aug. 1758 The book bitterly opposed by the court and clergy, 1759: censured by the pope, Clement XIII., 31 Jan., and by the Sorbonne, 9 April; burnt by order of the parliament . . 10 Feb. 1759 Visited England, Prussia, &c., 1764 ; d. 26 Dec. 1771 Helvicus (Hel"wig), Christoph, German philologist; ft. 26 Dec. 1581 ; published " The- atrum Chronologioum et Historicum," 1609 ; d. 10 Sept. 1617. Helwig, Sir Johann Otho von, German alchemist ; ft. 1654 ; came to England ; knighted by Charles II ; published " Introitus in veram et inauditam Physicam," 1678; d. 1698. His brother, Cheistoph, physician ; 6. 15 July, 1663 ; published " Lexicon Medico-Chymi- cum," 171 1, and other works; d. 27 May, 1721. Hellwig, Amalie von, German poetess ; ft. 16 Aug. 1776; published "The Sisters of Lesbos," 1801 ; "The Sisters of Corcyra," 1812; d. 17 Dec. 1 83 1. Heltot, Pierre, named Pfere Hippolyte, French Franciscan; ft. 1660; pubhshed "His- toire des Ordreg Monastiques," 1714, et seq. ; "Le Chretien Mourant," 1695; d. 5 Jan. 1716. Hemans, Felicia Dorothea, poet ; ft. (Browne), 25 Sept. 1794; married captain Hemans, 1813; published "Early Blossoms of the Spring" (first work), 1808; "Domestic Affections," 1812; "Kecords of Woman," 1828; "Songs of the Affections," 1830; "Hymns for Child- hood," &c., 1834; d. 16 May, 1835. Hemmingeoed or Hemmingbukgh, Walter de, canon of Guisborough ; "wrote Chronicle of England from 1066 to 1308; d. about 1347. HEM 2-17 HEN Hemling or Memlino, Hans, Flemish painter; 5. about 1425 ; d. about 1 500. Hemstekhuys, Tiberius, Dutch philologist ; J. I Feb. 16S5 ; revived the study of Greek in Holland ; edited the " Onomasticon " of Julius Pollux, 1706 ; Lucian, 1743 j *^' 7 April, 1766. His son, Frans, archagologist and philosopher ; h. 1 720 ; published " Lettre sur les D&irs," 1770 ; " Sophyle, ou de la Philosophie," 1778; "Simon, ou des Faoult^s de I'Ame," 1787 ; d. June, 1790. Henao, Gabriel de, Spajiish Jesuit and scholar ; h. i6ii; published " Empyreologia sive Philo- sophia Christiana de Empyieo Coelo," 1652; "Praotica Moralis et Canonioa," 1659-61; d. Feb. 1704. Henault (Hesnault), Jean, French poet; d. 1682. Henault, Charles Jean Fran9ois, French historian and orator; 6. 8 Feb. 1685 ; presi- dent of the " Premiere Chambre des Enquetes," 1710; published " Abr*^^^ Chronologique de I'Histoire de France," 1744; d. 24 Nov. 1770. Henault, see Hesnault. Henekel, see Henhel. Hendeeson, Alexander, Scotch minister; T>. 1583 : held a controversy with Charles I. respecting episcopacy ; d. 1 646. Henderson, Ebenezer, D.D., dissenting minister, biblical critic, and Hebraist ; h. 1784; a missionary in Iceland, 1814 ; in Kussia, 1819 ; published "Iceland; a Journal," &c., 1813; "Biblical Kesearohes in Russia," 1826 ; "Translation of Isaiah," 1840 ; " of the Minor Prophets," 1845; "of Jeremiah," 1S51 ; d. 16 May, 1858. Henderson, John, actor (of Hamlet, Shylock, and FalstafE) ; b. 1747; d. Nov. 1785. Henderson, John, eccentric genius ; b. 1757; able to teach Latin at eight, and Greek when twelve years old; addicted to alchemy; d. 2 ■Nov. 1788. Henderson, Thomas, Scotch astronomer ; 5. 28Dec. 1798; law-clerk to lord Eldon and afterwards to lord Jeffrey ; appointed astrono- mer at the Cape observatory, 1831 ; astrono- mer royal for Scotland, with charge of the Calton HiU observatory, 1S34 ; published observations, 1834-9; d. 23 Nov. 1844. Henfeey, Arthur, botanist; professor at King's College, London, 1854; published "Elementary Course of Botany," 1857 ; d. ^ Sept. 1859. Hengist, Saxon chief, invaded England about 449 ; totally defeated the Britons, 473 ; became king of Kent ; d. 488. Hengstenberg, Ernst Wilhehn, German evangelical theologian; h. 20 Oct. 1862; pub- lished, in German, " Christology of the Old Testament," 1829-35 ; " Introduction to the Old Testament," 1831-9; " Commentary on the Psalms," 1842-5 ; " on the Song of Solomon," 1853; on "Job," 1856. Henkart, Peter Joseph, Belgian poet ; S. 13 Feb. 1761 ; published " Loisir de trois Amis," 1822 ; d. 9 Sept. 1815. Henke, Heinrich PhiUp Conradin; German historian; 6.3 July, 1752 ; published, in German, " General History of the Christian Church," 1788-1804; " EeHgionsannalen," 1800-5; '^' ^ May, 1809. Henkel, Johann Friedrich, German natura- list; b. II Aug. 1679; published, in German, " Flora Satumizans ; or, Relations of the Vege- table and Mineral Kingdoms," &c., 1722 ; laid the foundation of a systematic arrangement of minerals; d. 16 Jan. I744. Henley, Anthony, M.P., poUtioian ; h. about 1660 ; wrote for the Tatler, Medley, &c. ; d. 1711. Henley, Eev. John, termed " Orator Henley ; " b. 1692; disappointed of beneiioe; gave public lectures on various subjects ; published " Ora- tory Transactions," 1728-9; "The Hyp-Doctor;" "Esther," &c. ; d. 14 Oct. 1756. Henley, Robert, earl of Northington, lawyer ; b. 1708; attorney-general, 1756-57; lord-keeper, 1757-61 ; lord chancellor, Jan. 1761 — July, 1766; created earl, 19 May, 1764; d. 1772. Hennell, Henry, chemist ; killed while experi- mentiug on bombs for government, 1 1 June, 1842. Hennepin, Louis, Flemish preacher ; b. about 1640; a roissionary in Canada; a prisoner among the Indians, 1678-82; published "De- scription de Louisiane," 1683-8. Hennequin, Antoine Ijouis Marie, French jurist and orator ; b. 22 April, 1786 ; served in the artillery during the war in Germany, 1806 ; saved lives of peasants by pleading at a court- martial, 1807 ; devoted himself to law, after the peace of Tilsit, 1807 ; successfully defended M. Berard, respecting the plot of Aug. 1820 ; d. 10 Feb. 1840. Hennequin, Jean, French political economist ; wrote " Le Guidon g&iSral des Finances," printed, 1585; d. 12 Jan. 1579. Hennequin, Philippe Auguste, French painter ; 6. 1 763 ; painted " Triomphe du Peuple Frangais ou le lo Aotlt," and "Les Remords d'Oreste;" d. 12 May, 1S33. Hennxkee, Sir Frederick, Bart.; h. I Nov. 1793 ; published "Notes of a Visit to Mount Sinai," 1823; d. 6 Aug. 1825. Henninges, or Henniges, Hieronymus, German genealogist ; b. about 1550 ; d. 28 Feb. 1597; his "Theatrum Genealogicam, " pub- lished, 1598. Henrico, or Enrico, Scipione, Sicilian poet ; b. 1592; d. x8 Sept. 1670. Henrietta Maria, queen of Great Britain, daughter of Henry IV. of France, and Marie de Medicis ; b. 25 Nov. 1609 ; married to Charles I. of England, 13 June, 1625 ; went to Holland to solicit help for her husband ; sold HEN HEN the crown jewels, and bought stores, Peb. 1642; returned, Eeb. 1643; threatened with an accusation of high-treason ; embarked at Palmouth, 14 July, 1644 '■> visited her son, Charles II., Sept. 1660; d. suddenly, 10 Sept. 1669. Henrietta Anna, daughter of Charles I. ; &. 16 June, 1644 ; married to Philippe, dul^e of Orleans, 31 March, 1661 ; quarrelled with her husband ; d. suspected by poison, 29 June, 1 670. Henbion, Denis, French mathematician ; published "M^moires Math^matiques," 1612 ; edited "Euclid," 1615; d. about 1640. Henrion, Nicolas, French numismatist ; 6. 6 Dec. 1663; d. 24 June, 1720. Henkion de Panset, Pierre Paul, French jurist ; h. 28 March, 1 742 ; published his " Traits des Fief s, " 1773; *'De la Competence des Juges de Paix," 1809; d. 23 April, 1829. Heneiot, Fran9ois, violent French revolu- tionist ; 6. 1761 ; a partisan of Danton ; directed the massacres of Sept. 1792; joined the party of Kobespierre ; arrested the Girondists, Sept. 1793 ; fell "with Eobeapierre ; executed, 28 July, 1794. Henrique, king of Portugal, son of Manuel ; &. 31 Jan. 15 12; an eminent scholar; made a cardinal, 1545; succeeded his great-nephew, Sebastian, drowned at the battle of Alcazar- quivir, 4 Aug. 1578; d. 30 Jan. 1580. Henrique, Frey, first Portuguese missionary in India, 1 6th century. Henbiquez, Crisostomo, Spanish ecclesiastical historian; h. 1 594; d. 23 Dec. 1632. Henry, dukes of Bavaria and Saxony : I. The Black ; inherited half the estates of his father, Guelpli V., iioi ; all at the death of his brother, Guelph V., 1120; ruled feebly; abdi- cated . d. 1126 II. The Proud, son ; h. 1102 ; duke . . 1126 Married Gertnide, heiress of the emperor, Lothaire, and acquired Brunswick, &c. 1127 Regent of the empire 1132 Aimed at becoming emperor, and opposed Conrad ni. of Hohenstaufen ; elected Feb. 113S Put to the ban of the empire ; made peace when at the point of beginning a great battle . 1139 d. (suspected by poison), 20 Oct. 1139 III. The Lion, son b. 1129 Some of his father's territories preserved by his mother 1139 Eenounced Bavaria in favour of his stepfather, Henry of Austria 1142 Recovered it by judgment of the emperor, Frede- rick I. . . ... 1154 Founded Munich 1157 Accompanied Frederick to Italy with an army 1159 Married Matilda, daughter of Henry II. of Eng- land 1168 Inciu-red the displeasure of the emperor by refus- ing to join him in his war in Italy ; deprived of Bavaria and Saxony by the diet of "Wurtzburg, Jan. 1180 Permitted to hold Brunswick and Luneburg ; banished for three years ii8r Retired to England . . . 1183 Returned to Germany . . 1185 Again banished 1188 Soon returned; frequently at war; d. 6 Aug. 1195 Henry I.— IV., kings of Castile: ,' I. sonof Alfonso IX. ; 6. 1204 ; king, 6 Oct. 1214 ; killed by the faU of a tile . . .9 June, 1217 , II De Transtamare, natural son of Alfonso XI ^- Jan. 1333 Persecuted by his brother, Peter the Cruel . 1351 By aid of Du Gueschn expelled him ; proclaimed king 16 March, 1366 Defeated at Najara (and espeUed) by Edward, the Black Prince .... 3 April, 1367 Defeated Peter at Montiel (and acknowledged king) 14 March, 1369 Successful in war with Portugal . . 1373-74 d. 29 or 30 May, 1379 III. son of John I. ; &. 4 Oct. 1379 ; king, 10 Oct. 1390 Assumed the government . - 10 Aug. 1393 Destroyed Tetuan, 1400 . . . rf. 25 Dec. 1406 IV. the Impotent, son of John II. ; h. Jan. 1425 ; king 25 July, 1454 Maintained a crusade against the Moors . 1455-65 Deposed for shameless conduct, and his brother, Alfonso, proclaimed . . . .5 June, 1465 Treated with his brother ; indecisive battle at Olmedo 21 Aug. 1467 At death of Alfonso, (5 July), the crown refused by his sister, Isabella, named heiress . . 1468 d. II Dec. 1474 Henry, count of Champagne, iiSi ; em- barked for the Holy Laud, 1190; married Isabella, daughter of Amauri, and became nominal king of Jerusalem, 1192; d. II97- Henry I. — VIII., kings of England : I. Beauclerc, son of AVilliam I. . . &. 1068 Seized the government at the death of his brother, "William II. ^ 2 Aug. ; crowned, 3 Aug. ; married Maud of Scotland . n Nov. iioo Conquered Normandy 1105 Defeated, and took prisoner his brother, Robert, at Tinchebrai 28 Sept. 1106 Quelled the "Welsh . .... 1113 Lost his queen i May, ni8 Defeated the king of France at Brenville . 1119 His son, "William, and other nobles, drowned, 25 Nov. 1 1 20 Married Adelais of Louvain . . . 2 Feb. 1121 Obliged the nobles to swear fealty to his daugh- ter, the empress Maud, 25 Dec. 1126; and again, Sept. 1131 . . d. at Rouen, i Dec. 1135 II. son of the empress Maud and Geoffrey earl of Anjou h. March, 1133 Married Eleanor, divorced queen of Louis "VII. of France 1151 Declared successor to Stephen . 7 Nov. 1153 Succeeded at his death . . . .25 Oct. 1154 Caused his chancellor Becketto be elected arch- bishop of Canterbury . . . .24 May, 1162 Compelled the bishops to subscribe to the "Con- stitutions of Clarendon" . . . 25 Jan. 1164 Quarrelled with Becket for resisting him, and caused him to be condemned for maladminis- tration as chancellor, and suspended him for appealing to the pope . . Oct. 1164 Persecuted Becket's friends .... 1166 Sent an army which settled in Ireland . . 1169 Formally reconciled to Becket at FretviUe in Touraine .... 22 July, 1170 Restored Becket's possessions . . 12 Nov. 1170 Uttered angry expressions, which caused Becket's murder .29 Dec. 1170 Acknowledged king of Ireland . 6 Nov. 1171 Did penance at Becket's tomb . 12 July, 1174 Released the king of Scotland (made prisoner at Alnwick, 12 July) on his doing homage, 8 Deo. 1174 d. 6 July, ii8g III 6. I Oct. 1206 Succeeded his father John 19 Oct. 1216 Married Eleanor of Provence . . 14 Jan. 1236 HEN 249 HEN Governed weakly and tyrannically, favouring foreigners ; virtually dexjosed by the council of state, headed by Simon de Montfort, established by the parliament which enacted the provisions of Oxford .... June, 1258 Prepared for war with the barons . . 1261 Suixendered to them 1263 Eeleased after their defeat at Evesham, 4 Aug. 1265 d. 16 Nov. 1272 IV, son of John of Gaunt . . . .6. 1366 Served in war against the Mohammedans, and the Pagans on the shores of the Baltic ; made duke of Hereford for opposing his uncle Glou- cester 1397 Banished for contention with the duke of Nor- folk 1398 Succeeded his father as duke of Lancaster, 3 Feb. 1399 Invaded England in the absence of Richard II. 4 July, 1399 Claimed the throne ; declared king by parUa- ment 30 Sept. 1399 Quelled a conspiracy of nobles and bishops, and beheaded his enemies .... Jan. 1400 Defeated the Percies and the Welsh at Hateley- field near Shrewsbury ... 23 July, 1403 Imprisoned prince James of Scotland . . 1405 d. 20 March, 1413 V. son, h. 9 Aug. 1388 ; king . . 21 March, 1413 Executed the earl of Cambridge and others for conspiracy 2, 5 Aug. 1415 Invaded France, n Aug. ; took Harfleur, asSept. 1415 Defeated the French at Agincour . 24 Oct. 141 5 Took Caen 4 Sept. 1417 Made further conquests in Normandy . . 1418 Held his court at Houen, and received homage of the nobles .... Jan. 1419 Married princess Katharine of France, 3 June ; at Paris .... . . 25 Dec. 1420 Held a parliament at Eouen . . . Jan. 1421 Captured Meaux, 5 June, 1422 ; d near Paris 31 Aug. 1422 VI. son, h. 6 Dec. 1421 ; proclaimed king of England and France . . . j Sept. 1422 Founded Eton college, 1440; King's college, Cambridge 1443 Married Margaret of Anjou . . 22 April, 1445 111 and incapacitated for government, 1453; duke of York appointed protector . . Feb. 1454 Recovered ; revoked York's commission . 1454 His title to the throne annulled by parliament, but permitted to reign for life . . . 1460 His queen defeated and slew the duke of York atWake&eld, 31 Dec. 1460; victor at St. Alban's (and rescued the king) .... i/Feb. 1461 His army defeated at Towton, 29 March ; de- throned : fled to Scotland . . . April, 1461 After further contests, captured in Lancashire, July 1466, and imprisoned in the tower of Lon- don July, 1466 Keleased by the earl of "Warwick . 5 Oct. 1470 Again taken prisoner, after Warwick's defeat and death at Barnet . . 14 April, 1471 Found dead in the tower . . . May, 1471 VII. son of Owen Tudor, and Eatherine of France ... . . 6. about 1456 Introduced to Henry VI., and sent to Eton ; but soon escaped to Britanny . . . 1470 Recognised as head of the Lancastrians . 1480 Invaded England unsuccessfuLly,i483; again, Aug. 1485 Defeated and kUled Richard III. at Bosworth field, and proclaimed Idng 22 Aug. 1485 Married Elizabeth of York . . .18 Jan. i486 Put down the rebellion of Lambert Simnel June, 1487 Checked the invasion of Perkin "Warbeck, July, 1495 Captured him 5 Oct. 1497 Executed him, 28 Nov. ; and the earl of War- wick (after 14 years' imprisonment) . 28 Nov. 1498 Married his son Arthur to Catherine of Arragon 14 Nov. 1501 Contracted her (a widow) to his son Henry 1502 Released many prisoners for debt . ' . 1507 d. 21 April, 1509 VIII. son . . , . 6. 28 June, 1491 Proclaimed king ... 22 April, 1509 MaiTied Catherine of Arragon . 7 June, 1509 Received Wolsey into his service . . . 1510 Gave up Empson and Dudley ; executed 18 Aug. 1510 Made war with France ; besieged and captured Terouanne ... .22 Aug. 1513 Made Wolsey chancellor . . .22 Dec. 1515 Held interviews with Francis I. of France (at the field of the cloth of gold) . 4-25 June, 1520 Published a book on the Seven Sacraments against Luther; and named "defender of the faith" by the pope by bull . . .11 Oct. 1521 Endeavoured to raise funds independently of parliament without success ; angry with Wolsey for advising him ; propitiated by the present of Hampton court 1525 Appealed to the pope for investigation into the legality of his marriage .... 1527 Appeared before the legates with the queen, 21 June, 1529 Made a progress accompanied by Anne Boleyn Aug. 1529 Adopted Cranmer's advice to consult the uni- versities respecting his marriage about Aug. 1529 Took the great seal from AVolsey, and ordered him into retirement . 17 Oct. 1529 Arrested him, 4 Nov. ; he died . 29 Nov. 1529 Made Cranmer archbishop of Canterbury . 1533 His marriage with Catherine pronounced null by Cranmer, 23 May ; his marriage with Anne valid 28 May, 1533 Caused the papal power in England to be an- nulled by parliament, and made Thomas Cromwell lord vicegerent in matters ecclesias- tical . . 1534 Assumed the title of " on earth supreme head of the Church of England " . . 15 Jan. 1535 Caused the execution of bishop Fisher, 22 June; and Sir Thomas More (for denying his suprem- acy) 6 July, 1535 Incorporated Wales with England . . 1536 Divorced Anne Boleyn, 17 May; executed (on the charge of adultery) 19 May, 1536 Married Jane Seymour . 20 May, 1536 A widower by her death , . . 24 Oct. 1537 His proclamations declared as' valid as acts of parliament ....... 1539 Caused the merciless sLx acts to be passed . 1539 Married Anne of Cleves, at Cromwell's instiga- tion . ... 6 Jan. 1540 Caused him to be attainted, and beheaded, 28 July, 1540 Repudiated Anne of Cleves, 10 July ; married Catherine Howard .... 28 July, 1540 Caused the aged countess of Salisbury, mother of cardinal Pole, to be beheaded , 27 May, 1541 Charged his queen with incontinence ; she was beheaded ... .12 Feb. 1542 Married Catherine Parr . . . July, 1543 Caused the trial and execution of the earl of Surrey, 13 Jan. 1547 . . d. 28. Jan. 1547 Henhy, I. — IV., kings of France : I. son of Robert; h. ion; succeeded him, 20 July, 1031 ; married Anne, daughter of Jaroslav, duke of Russia, 1051 . . t?. 4 -A-^g. 1060 II. son of Francis I. ; b. 31 March, 1519; married Catherine de Medicis, 1533 ; king, 31 March, 1547 ; peace with the pope .... 1547 Allied with Maurice of Saxony and the protest- ants against Charles V. ... 5 Oct. 1551 Broke his truce with Charles V. (made 5 Feb. 1556) J^n- ^557 His army defeated by the Spaniards and English at St. Quentin . 10 Aug. 1557 His army took Calais ... 7 Jan. 1558 HEN 250 HEN Agreed to the peace of Cateau Cambresis, 2, 3 Aprilj 1559; d. from a wound at a tournament, 10 July, 1559 III. duke of Anjou; son of Henry II. ; 6. 19 Sept. 1551 ; defeated the Huguenots at Jarnac, 13 March, 1569 Elected king of Poland . . . 1573 Succeeded his brother, Charles IX. . 30 May, 1574 Granted religious liberty to the Huguenots by the treaty of Loches ... 6 May, 1576 Placed himself at the head of the "holy catholic league" Dec. 1576 Signed the sixth treaty with the Huguenots at Bergerac 17 Sept. 1577 Allied with the Guises, 7 July ; revoked the toleration treaty . . . . 2S July, 1585 Jealous of the connection of the Guises with Spain 1586 Caxised the assassination of the duke, 23 Dec, and cardinal 24 Dec. 1588 United with Henry of Navarre to oppose the league .... 30 April, 15 89 Assassinated, i Aug. . . . d. 2 Aug. 1589 IV. of Bourbon, the Great ; son of Antoine de Bourbon (descended from king Louis IX.), and Jeanne d'Albret, queen of Lower Navan'e; b. 13 Dec. 1553 ; became king of Navarre at his mother's death . . , 9 or jo June, 1572 Married Margaret of Valois, sister of Charles IX iS Aug. 1572 Escaped the masacre of St. Bartholomew, 24 Aug. 1572 Became chief of the Huguenots . . . 1576 Heir to the throne at the death of the duke of Anjou 10 June, 1584 Defeated the duo de Joyeuse and the royal army at Courtras ... 20 Oct. 1587 Succeeded Henry III. as king . . 2 Aug. 15S9 Defeated the leaguers under the due de Mayenne at Arques, 21 Sept. 1589 ; at Ivry . 14 March, 1590 Conformed to Romanism . 25 July, 1593 Eeceived submission of Paris, Orleans, Lyons, and other cities 1594 Escaped assassination by Jean Chatel, 27 Dec. 1594 Exiled the Jesuits ... 29 Dec. 1594 Absolved by pope Clement VIII. . 17 Sept. 1595 iteceived submission of the chiefs of the League, Lorraine, Guise, &c., Nov. 1595; of Mayenne, Nemours, and Joyeuse . . . Jan. 1596 Made Rosny (afterwards due de SuUy) financial minister Nov. 1596 His treaty of Vervins with Philip II. of Spain 2 May, 159S Issued the edict of Nantes . . 13 April, 1598 Death of his mistress, Gabrielle d'Estrees, 9 April, 1559 Divorced Margaret of Valois . 18 Dec. 1599 Married Maria de' Medici . . .2 Dec. 1600 Beheaded the due de Biron for conspiracy 15 June, 1602 Assassinated by the Jesuit, PavaiUac 14 May, 1610 Henet, emperor of the east, son of Baldwin VIII., count of Elanders ; defeated Theodore Lascaris and the Greeks, 1205; succeeded his brother, the emperor Baldwin (taken prisoner in a battle with the Bulgarians, 15 April, 1205), 1206 ; caused a mock union between the Greek and Roman churches, 1215; d. probably by poison, 12 16. Heney I. — VII., emperors of Germany: I. the Fowler ; 6. 876 ; elected king . . . 918 Defeated the Hungarians at Merseburg . . 934 Consolidated his dominions, and built cities ; d. 2 July, 936 II. the Lame, the Saint . . . b. 6 May, 972 Duke of Bavaria ... . . 995 Elected emperor ... 6 June, 1002 Defeated Ardouin, marquis of Ivrea ; crowned king of Italy, May, 1004 ; crowned emperor of the west at Rome by Benedict VIII., (whom he had re-established) . . . 24 Feb. 1014 Entered Italy to arrest the progress of the Greeks, 1021 ; returned, 1022 . d. 13 July, 1024 (Endowed many churches and abbeys ; canonised by Eugenius III.) III. the Black, son of Conrad II. . 6. 28 Oct. 1017 Elected king . . . 1026 Succeeded his father . . 1039 Crowned emperor at Borne . .25 Dec. 1046 Suppressed the rebellions of Baldwin V., count of Flanders, and Godfrey IV., duke of Lor- raine . . 1049 Claimed Tuscany as a fief, 1055 d. 5 Oct. 1056 IV. the Great 6. 11 Nov. 1050 Succeeded his father Henry II. ; the empress Agnes, regent, 5 Oct. 1056, supplanted by Adalbert, archbishop of Bremen, 1063 ; who is banished for misconduct . . . 1066 Admonished by Gregory VII., beginning of the quarrel respecting investitures . . 1074 Defeated the Saxons at Hohenburg . 8 June, 1075 Deposed Gregory at a diet at Worms ; is excom- municated, and deposed . . 1076 Submitted ignominiously to Gregory VII. at Canossa, and was absolved . . Jan. T077 Opposed by Bodolph of Suabia ; elected em- peror ; crowned . . . .27 March, 1077 Defeated by Bodolph at Fladenheim, 27 Jan, ; Kodolph defeated and slain at Wolksheim, or Zeiz .... . . 15 Oct. 1080 Invaded Italy, captured Rome, 21 March ; crowned ..... 31 March, 1084 Defeated by the Saxons at AVurtzburg . 1086 Invaded Italy ; captured Mantua and Eavenna, 1091 Bebellion of his son Conrad, 1093 . . d. iioi His son Henry, (appointed successor, 1099) ; re- belled Dec. 1104 Dethroned by his son, Jan. , d. 7 Aug. 1106 (Present at sixty-six battles ; many times excom- municated.) V. son of Henry IV. . . . &. 11 Aug. 1081 Associated with his father in the government, 1098 Dethroned him, and crowned . 6 Jan. 1106 Asserted his right to appoint bishops . . 1106 Invaded Italy, Aug. mo; crowned at Eome, 13 April, nil Married Matilda of England . . . . 1114 Seized the territories of the great countess Matilda; excommunicated .... 1116 The investiture dispute settled by the diet at Worms, 1122 . . . . d. 23 May, 1125 VI. the Severe, son of Frederick I, . . &. 1165 Elected king of the Romans , June, 1169 Succeeded his father . 10 June, 1190 Crowned at Rome . . 15 April, 1191 Imprisoned Richard I. of England . . 1192-94 Conquered Apulia and Sicily ; crowned king at Palermo, 23 Oct. 1194 d. 28 Sept. 1197 VII. of Luxemburg; b. 1262; elected . Nov. 1308 Invaded Italy ; subdued the Lombards ; and restored Visconti at Milan Dec. 1310 Crowned at Rome .... 29 June, 1312 Prepared to attack Robert, king of Naples ; d. 24 Aug. 1313 Henut, or Henkique, of Portugal, Henry of Besan5on, son of the duke of Burgundy, and related to the king of France; 6. about 105 7; joined Alfonso VI. of Castile in his wars with the Moors ; married his daughter, and acquired territories ; at his death assumed the title of " Don Henrique, by the grace of G-od, count and lord of all Portugal," 1109; d. 1 1 May, 1 114. HEN 251 HER Henkt, " the Navigator," son of John I. , king of Portugal ; 5. 13 March, 1 394 ; instigated the great expedition against the Moors of Africa, 1415; created duke of Viseu; founded a naval school at Sagres about 1419; greatly promoted geographical discoveries, and the study of physical science, 14 1 8, et seq.; d. 13 Nov. 1460. Henkt, Frederic Louis, prince of Prussia, brother of Frederick the Great ; h. 18 Jan. 1726; able and brave general ; gained the vic- tory at Freiberg, 29 Oct. 1762; cl. 3 Aug. 1802. Henet of Huntingdon ; wrote history of Eng- land to Stephen; d. after 1 154. Heukt the Minstrel, see Marry. Henkt, infant of Castile; b. about 1225 ; by the help of the Moors, revolted against his brother Alfonso X. ; totally defeated at Ne- brissa, 1257 ; retired to Tunis ; joined Charles of Anjou in his invasion of Naples, 1268 ; quar- relled with him, and joined Conradin ; fought at Tagliacozzo, 12 Aug. 1268; long imprisoned by Charles in a cage ; returned to Spain ; in- trigued against the king Ferdinand IV., 1294 ; d. 1304. Henet the Scribe, German poet, Minnesiinger, chancellor of the bishop of Magdeburg, 1204-28. Henet, David, Scotch compiler; b. 1710; son-in-law of Cave ; continued " Gentleman's Magazine;" published "Account of Voyages round the World," 1774; d. 5 June, 1792. Henkt, Jean, French theologian ; wrote " Livre de Meditation sur la Reparation de Nature Humaine;" d. about 14S3. Henkt, Joseph, American physicist; i. 17 Dec. 1797; alleged inventor of the first electro- magnetic machine ; secretary to the Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, 1846. Henkt, Matthew, nonconformist theologian (son of Philip) ; 5. 18 Oct. 1662 ; began to preach, 1686 ; minister of a chapel at Hackney, 1712 ; published his " Commentary on the Pible," 1710; d. 22 June, 1714. Henkt, Patrick, American statesman and orator, nephew of Robertson, and cousin of lord Brougham; b. 29 May, 1736; energeti- cally opposed the stamp-tax, and started the revolution, 1765; delegate to the first Con- gress, 1774; appealed to arms to decide the contest, 23 March, 1775 ; governor of Virginia, 1776; one of the convention for revisuig the United States constitution, 1786 ; d, 6 June, 1799- Henet, Philip, nonconformist minister ; b. 1631 ; d. 22 June, 1696; Sermons, published from his MSS., 1816. Henet, Pierre Frangois, French publicist ; b. 28 May, 1759; published " Histoire du Directoire," 1801 ; d. I2 Aug. 1833. Henkt, Robert, Scotch minister; b. 17 18; published "History of Great Britain," 1771- 93; d. Nov. 1790. Henkt, Sir Thomas; b. 1807; chief magis- trate at Bow Street, and knight, July, 1 864. Henkt, William, M.D., Manchester, chemist ; 6. 12 Dec. 1775) published his experiments on the quantity of gas absorbed by water at dif- ferent temperatures, 1 803 ; " Elements of Experimental Chemistry," 1810 ; c?. 2 Sept. 1836. Henktson or Hendekson, Robert, Scottish poet; wrote "Robeue and Makyne " (printed for Baunatyne Club, 1S24); "Traitie of Orpheus King," printed 1508 ; " Testament ofCressid," 1593. Henslow, Rev. John Stephens, botanist ; b. 1796; published "Descriptive and Physiolo- gical Botany," 1835; d. 16 May, 1861. Hensman, Rev. John, of Clifton, theologian; b. about 1781 ; d. 23 April, 1S64. Hepbubn, see Botlncell. Hepburn, James Bonaventure, Scotch orien- talist; 6. 1573; said to have known seventy- two languages ; published " Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary," 1591 ; d. about 1621. HepHjESTION, Macedonian, friend of Alex- ander the Great, who deeply lamented his death, by fever, B.C. 325. Heeaclius, Roman emperor of the east; h. about 575; deposed the emperor Phocas, and succeeded him, 610 ; gained many vic- tories over the Persians, 633-38 ; attacked by the Arabs ; lost Syria, Mesopotamia, and Egypt, 629-41; d. II Feb. 641. Heeaclitus (Heracleitus), of Ephesus, Greek philosopher; held fire to be the prin- ciple of all things; jl. about B.C. 513. Hekapath, John, chemist ; b. 26 May, 1796; published " Mathematical Physics," 1847 ; d. 24 Feb. 1868. Hekapath, William Bird, M.D., analytical chemist ; b. 28 Feb. 1820; d. 12 Oct. 1868. Hekault, Didier, French jurist and philolo- gist ; b. about 1575; edited Minutius Felix, 1605 ; Tertullian's Apology, 1613 ; d. June, 1 649. Heeault de Setchelles, Marie Jean, French politician and orator, friend of Buifon and Mirabeau ; 6. 1 760 ; executed, 5 April, 1 794. Actively opposed the submission to the declara- tion of Pilnitz .... Jan. 1792 Elected president of the convention . 2 Nov. 1792 Proclaimed the proscription of the Girondists 2 June, 1793 At the national fete set flre to the symbols of royalty 10 Aug. 1793 Excited the jealousy of Eobespierre ; denounced 16 Dec. 1793 Accused of favouring the emigrants ; arrested 9 March, 1794 Executed, with Danton and CamiUe Desmoulins 5 April, 1794 Heeeakt, Johann Friedrich, German philo- sopher ; b. 4 May, 1776; a pupil of Fiohte ; continued the ideas of Kant ; published in German, " Chief Points of Metaphysics," 1808; " Psychology as a Science founded on Experi- ments, Metaphysics, and Mathematics," 1824- 25, &o.; d. 14 Aug. 1841. HER 252 HER Herbelot, Bartlielemy d', French orientalist ; 6. 4 Dec. 1625 ; " Bibliothfeque Orientale," pub- lished by GaUand, 1697; et seq. j d. 8 Dec. 1695- Herbert, Hon. Algernon, historian ; S. 12 July, 1792; published "Nimrod," 1826-30; edited "Nennius," 184S ; d. 11 June, 1855. Herbert, Edward, lord Herbert of Cherbury ; 6. 1581 ; travelled on the continent; served in the German war for the succession of Cleves, 1614 ; published his "De Veritate" (against the Divine revelation of Christianity), 1624; "DeEegione Gentilium," "History of Henry VIII., 1649; i^- 20 Aug. 1648. Herbert, Eev. George (brother of Edward, lord Herbert of Cherbury), poet ; b. 3 April, 1593; d. Feb. 1633; his works, "The Temple, Sacred Poems," pubHshed 1633 ; "A Priest to the Temple, or the Country Parson," 1652. Herbert, John Rogers, E.A., historical pain- ter; b. 23 Jan. 1810; E.A., 1846; painted fresco of "Justice," in the house of lords, 1861-64. Herbert, Sidney, lord Herbert of Lea, states- man; b. 16 Sept. 1810; d. 1 Aug. 1861. Secretary to the admiralty . Sept. 1S41— Feb. 1845 Secretary at war, Feb. 1845 — July, 1846, and Dec. 1852 —Feb. 1855 Colonial secretary a few days . Feb. 1853 Secretary at war June, 1859 First president of the National Volunteer Asso- ciation 16 Nov. i8s9 Greatly promoted sanitary reform in the army ; created lord Herbert of Lea . . . 1861 Herbert, Sir thonias, traveller ; 6. about 1 606 ; published " Relation of some Tears' Travel into Africa and Asia," 1634-38 ; " Thre- nodia Carolina" (last two years of Charles I,), 1678; d. 13 March, 1682. Herbert, WiUiam, earl of Pembroke, poet; I. 1580; d. 10 April, 1630; his poems pub- lished, 1660. Herbert, William; b. 1718; edited Ames's "Typographical Antiquities," 1785-90; d. 18 March, 1795. Herein, Auguste Frangois Julien, French orientalist; b. 13 March, 1783; published " D^veloppements des Principes de la Langue Arabe Modeme," 1803; d. 30 Dec. 1806. Herbinius, Johannes, German protestaut theologian and naturalist; b. 1633; published " DL^sertationes de Admirandis Mundi," 1670; d. 14 Feb. 1676. Herbst, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm, German naturalist; b. I Nov. 174^3; published, in Ger- man, Natural History of Crabs, 1782-1804 ; of Worms, 1787-89; of Insects, 1784-87; d. 5 Nov. 1807. Herder, Johann Gottfried von, German philosopher and poet; b. 24 Aug. 1744; pub- lished, in German, " Fragments upon the Later German Literature," 1767 ; " Critical Forests," 1 769 ; travelled in France, and became ac- quainted withD'AIembert, Diderot, and Goethe; published his "Voice of the Peoples" (poems), 1778; "Spirit of the Hebrew Poetry," 1782; "Ideas on the Philosophy of History," 1784-91; d. 18 Deo. 1803. Hericart de Thurt, Louis Etienne Fran- 9oi3, vicomte, French geologist and engineer; 6. 3 June, 1776; investigated the quarries of Paris, 1810; directed the works for the con- solidation of the Catacombs, 1830; pubHshel "Min^ralogie Synoptique," 1805 ; "Description des Catacombs de Paris," 1815 ; d. 15 Jan. 1854. H^RissANT, Frangois David, French physi- cian; b. 29 Sept. 1714; d. 21 Aug. 1773. HilRISSANT, Louis AJntoine, French historical vraiter; b. 7 June, 1743; d. 21 May, i8ll. His brother, Louis Ajjtoine Prosper, botan- ist; b. 27 July, 1745 ; published " Bibliothfeque Physique de la France," 1771 ; d. 10 Aug. 1769. Hermoius, David, German physician and as- trologer ; b. 28 Dec. 1558; published daily predictions of the weather, 1584; d. 15 Aug. 1636. Herman, Guillaume, French trouvfere ; pa- tronised by Henry I. of England ; wrote " Le Livre de la Bible ;" jl. 12th century. Hermanfried, king of Thuringia ; incited by his vidfe, murdered his brothers, and be- came sole king by the aid of Thierry, king of Rheims ; defeated and slain by him, 530. Herbiann, see Arminms. Hermann, Armand Martial Joseph, French revolutionist; b. 1759; friend of Robespierre, by whose influence he became minister of the interior, and for a time foreign minister ; assisted, in the condemnation of the queen, the Hebertists, Dantonists, &c. ; at the fall of Robespierre, arraigned and condemned; exe- cuted, 6 May, 1795. Hermann, Carl Friedrich, German philolo- gist; 6. 4 Aug. 1S04; pubUshed, in German, "Treatise on Greek Antiquities," 1841-52, &c. ; d. 31 Dec. 1855. Hermann Contractus, German historian and philosopher; b. 18 July, 1013; d. 24 Sept. 1054. Hermann, Jacobus, German mathematician ; b. 16 July, 1678; published "Phoronomia, sive de Viribus et Motibus Corpomm," 1716 ; d. II July, 1733. Hermann, Jean, French physician and natu- ralist ; b. 31 Dec. 1738; founded a museum at Strasburg ; d. 8 Oct. 1800. Hermann, Johann Gottfried Jacob von, Ger- man philologist; b. 28 Nov. 1772; published " De Metris Gracorum et Romanorum Poeta^ rum," 1796; " De Mythologia Grsecorum Anti- quissima," 1807; d. 31 Dec. 1848. Hermann, Paul, German botanist ; b. 30 June, 1646; went to Eatavia; his " Paradisus Batavus " published, 1698 ; d. 29 Jan. 1695. HER 253 HEE Hbhmant, Godefroi, French theologian; b. 6 Feb. 1617; a doctor of the Sorbonne, 1650; expelled for Jansenism, and deprived of his benefices; wrote much agamst the Jesuits; d. 11 July, 1690. Hekmestadt, Sigismund Friedrich, German technological chemist ; b, 14 April, 1760; pub- lished " Physikalische-Chemische Versuche," 1786-9; d. 22 Oct. 1833. Heemelin, Olof, Swedish writer, and a re- viver of the language; 6. 1658; historio- grapher royal of Sweden, 1699; prisoner at Pultowa, and said to have been killed by the czar, 1709. Hebmelin, Samuel Gustaf, baron, Swedish mineralogist; h. 4 Apiil, 1744; pubhshed Charts of Sweden, 1 797-1807 ; d. 4 March, 1820. Heemes, Georg, German theologian ; founder of the school termed Hermesian ; b. 22 April, 1775; pubhshed, in German, "Introduction to Christian CathoUc Theology," 1819 and 1831 ; d. 26 May, 1831. HEHlfENEaiLD, Saint, prince of the Visigoths; put to death for opposing Arianism, 13 April, 586. Hekmite, Charles, French mathematician; 6. 24 Dec. 1822. Heemolaus, see Barbara. Heeod, rulers of Judea : The Great, son of Antipater . . &. B.C. 73 By successful intrigue, made icing of Judea by Antony ..... 40 At liis fall, reconciled with Octavian (Augustus) 31 Put to death his wife Mariamne through jealousy 28 His dominions enlarged . . .20 Commenced rebuilding the temple : put to death on a false charge his sons by Mariamne . 6 Ordered the massacre of the children at Beth- lehem . . . . . d- March 4 Anttpas, son of Herodes the Great, tetrarch of Galilee ..... B.C. 4 Kebuked by John the Baptist for marrying Herodias, his brother Philip's wife ; beheaded him ... .31 Derided and scourged Christ . . 33 Deposed and exiled ... 39 Herod Ageippa I. , II. , kings of Judea -. I. king, 38 : beheaded the apostle James, 44 d. 44 JI. king, 44 ; sided with Komans at siege of Jerusalem, 70 . . d. at Rome, about 100 Heeodotus, Greek historian, b. B.C. 484; travelled in Egypt, Palestine, and Babylon, 450, e« seq. ; at Athens, about 43 1 ; d. about 408. Heeodiahus, Greek historian of Home ; fi. middle of third century. Hekodiahtjs Greek grammarian, favoured by Marcus Aurehus; jl. about 170. Heeold, Johann Basil, (Basilius Joannes Hochstattensis), German reformer; b. 151 1 ; d. about 1570. Heeold, Louis Joseph Ferdinand, French musical composer; h. 28 Jan. 1791 ; wrote " Les Eosiferes," 1S17; " La Clochette," 1817 ; "Zampa," 1831; "Le Pr(S aux Clercs," 1832, &c. ; d. 19 Jan. 1833. Heeon", Robert, Scotch historian, &o. ; 6. 1765 ; pubhshed " History of Scotland," 1794-9 j " Universal Geography," 1798 ; d. 1807. Heeophilds, Greek physician and anatomist ; said to have dissected criminals ; jl. about B.C. 300. Heeeenschneidbe, Johann Ludwig, German meteorologist; b. 23 March 1760; d. 29 Jan. 1843. Heeeeea Ferdinand, " el Divino," Spanish poet; 6. about 1516; "Obras," pubhshed, 1619; d. about 1597. Heeeeea Y Toedesillas, Antonio de, Spanish historian ; b. IS59 ; pubhshed " Historia general de los Hechos de los OasteUanos," 1601 ; d. 29 March, 1625. Heeeeea, Spanish painters ; Francisco, " the Old;" 5.1576; £?. 1656. Hissons: ElRubio; b. 1605 ; d. about 1630 ; Francisco, " the Young;" 6. 1622; d. 1685. Heeeeea Baendevo, Sebastiano, Spanish painter, sculptor, and architect ; b. 1619 ; d. 1671. Heeegott, Johann Jacob, German historian ; b. 9 Oct., 1694; edited " Vetus DisoipUna Monastica," 1826 ; " Genealogia Diplomatica Augustse Gentes Habsburgicce, " 1737, etseg.; d. 1762. Heeeick, Robert, poet; b. Aug. 1591 ; pub- lished " Hesperides," 1648; d. Oct. 1674. Heeeies, John Charles, statesman; b. 1778 ; chancellor of the exchequer, Aug. 1827 — Jan. 1828 ; master of the mint, Feb. 1828 — Deo. 1830 ; secretary at war, Dec. 1834 — April, 1835 ; president of the India board, Feb. — Dec. 1852 ; d. 24 April, 1855. His son. Major William, was killed at the battle of Moodkee, iS Dec. 1845. Hekeing, John Frederick, animal painter ; b. 1795 ; d. 22 Sept. 1865. Heeeing, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury ; b. 1693; bishop of Bangor, 1737 ; archbishop of York, 1743; of Canterbury, 1747; d. 13 March, 1757. Heeschel, German astronomers : Sir Fbiedhich Wilhelm, German astronomer ; h. 15 Nov. 1738 Came to London, and gave lessons in music . 1757 Organist at Halifax, 1765 ; at Bath . 1766, et seg. Manufactured a reflecting telescope, vrith which he observed Saturn's ring, and Jupiter's satel- lites 1774 Discovered the planet Uranus, fat first, named " Georgium Sidus)" . 13 March, 178 1 Settled at Slough .... . 1782 Constructed his great telescope . . 1785-9 Discovered sixth satellite of Saturn . 28 Aug. 1789 Compiled catalogues of nebula, and clusters of stars 1785-1S02 First president of theAstronomicalSooiety, 1820 ; d. 25 Aug. 1822 Caroline Letitia ; h. in Hanover, 16 March, 1750 Greatly helped her brother Fred. "Wilh. ; dis- covered comets . . 1786-97 Published a Catalogue of Stars . . . 1798 Eeceived gold medal of Astronomical Society for her Catalogue of Nebulee, 1828 . d. 9 Jan. 1S48 HER 25i HEY Sir John Frederick "William, son of Sir Fred. "W. ; 6. 7 March, 1792 ; published " Catalogues of Double and Triple Stars " . . . 1823-28 Published " Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosoph 3' " . 1830 " Treatise on Astronomy " .... 1833 ''Outlines of Astronomy" . . 1849, and 1864 " Results of Astronomical Observations at tiae Cape, 1834-38" . 1847 Treatises on "Sound," 1830; "Light," 1831 : " Physical Astronomy " in " Encyclopsedia Metropolitana," published . . 1845 Master of the mint . . . . 1850-5 H!eksent or Heesan, Charles, French preacher; attacked the monks; published " Optatus Gallus" against EicheUeu ; the book condemned to be burnt, 23 March, 1640; accused of Jansenism at Rome; excommuni- cated, 1650; d. after 1660. Heet, Jean, Nicolas, German jurist ; i. 6 Oct. 1 65 1; pubUshed "Elementa Prudentise Civilis," 1703; d. 19 Sept. 1710. Heetzbeeg, Ewald Eriedrich, Prussian statesman ; b. 2 Sept. 1725 ; employed by Frederick the Great, 1747 ; negotiated the peace of Hubertsburg, 1763; d. 25 May, 1795- HEEvii, archbishop of Rheims, statesman and warrior ; made chancellor by Charles the Simple, about 910; d. 2 July, 922. Heevet, Gentien, French scholar ; translated Demosthenes, &c. ; d. 12 Sept, 1584. Heevet, Rev. James; b. 1714; published "Meditations and Contemplations," 1746; "Theron and Aspasio ; Dialogues," 1753-55; d. 25 Dec. 1758. Heevet, John Hervey, lord, politician and poet ("Sporus" of Pope's satires); 6. 1696; supported Walpole ; lord privy seal, April, 1740 — July, 1742; wrote "Memoirs of the Reign of George II." (published 1848); d. 5 Aug. 1743. Heevey, Thomas Kibble, poet and novelist ; i. 1804; published "Australia," 1824; edited "Friendship's Offering" for 1826; "Illus- trations of Modem Sculpture," 1832 ; "Book of Christmas," 1836; edited the "Athenseum," 1846-54; d. 17 Feb. 1859. Heewakt, Johann Georg, German scholar ; b. 1554; pubUshed "Thesaurus Hieroglyphi- corum," 1610 ; "Tabulae Arithmetics" (Logarithms), 161 1; d. 15 Jan. 1622. Heby, Thierry de (Theodoricus), French surgeon ; i. about 1505; introduced the use of mercurial frictions for certain diseases, 1525; d. 12 May, 1599. Heez, Heinrich, German musician ; b. 6 Jan. 1S06; invented the "dactylon" apparatus. Heezen, Alexander, Russian political writer, editor of the " Kolokol ;" b. 25 March, 1812 ; imprisoned and several times exiled ; settled in England and founded a free Russian press, 1852; pubUshed "My Exile," 1855. Hesiodus, Greek poet; b. about B.C. 850; wrote " Works and Days " and " Theogony." Hess, Johann Jacob, Swiss theologian, b. 21 Oct. 1741 ; d. 29 May, 1828. Hbssels, Jean, Belgian theologian; 6. 1522; d. 1566. Hessels (or Estius, van Est), Wilhem, Flemish Romanist theologian ; b. 1542; in his " Historia Martyrium Govcomiensium " eulo- gised Gerard, the assassin of the great prince of Orange, 1603; d. 1 613. Hessey, Rev. James Augustus, master of Merchant Taylors' School, 1845 ; gave Bamp- ton Lectures ("OnSunday,itsOrigin,&c."), i860. Heukn, Joannes van, Dutch physician ; 6. 25 Jan. 1 743 ; visited Italy for study ; pubUshed "Praxis Medicinaa Nova Ratio," 1587-90; "De Medieinse Origine," 1589, 1608; d. 11 Aug. 1 60 1. Heueteloup, barons de, French surgeons : Nicolas ; 6. 26 Nov. 1750 ; accompanied the army, 1792 : director of the surgical service of the "grande arm^e," 1808 : d. 27 March, 1812. Chajrles Lotjis Stanislas, son ; 6. 16 Feb. 1793 ; received a pme from the Academy of Sciences for improvements in apparatus for Uthotrity, 182S ; d. Heusch, Van, Dutch painters: Willem, b. about 1630 ; d. about 1700. His nephew, Jakob, van; b. 1657; d. May, 1701. Heusikgee, Johann Michael, German philo- logist; b. 24 Aug. 1690; d. 24 Feb. 1751. His nephews : Feiedeich, numismatist ; b. 28 Sept. 1722; d. 26 Oct. 1757. Jacob Feied- eich, philologist; b. II April 1719; d. 27 Sept. 1778. Hevel (Hevelius), Johann, German astro- nomer, friend of Galileo and Mersenius ; b. 28 Jan. 1611 ; married a rich wife ; devoted them- selves to astronomy about 1635 ; pubUshed " Selenographia, sive Lunae Descriptio," 1647; " Cometographia," 166S; "Machine Coelestis," 1673-79 ; "FirmamentumSobieskianum," (cata- logue of stars), 1690; d. 28 Jan. 1687. Hevin, Prudent, French surgeon; b. 10 Jan. 1715; d. 3 Dec. 1789. Hewitson, WilKam C, naturaUst; b. 9 Jan. 1806; pubUshed "British Oology," 1833-42; "Illustrations of Diurnal Lepidoptera," 1863, &c. Hewson, Winiam, anatomist; h. 1739; pub- Ushed " Experimental Enquiries on the Blood," 1771-74; d. I May, 1774. Hey, John, D.D.; b. 1734; published "Re- demption," a poem, 1763; "Lectures," 1796; d. 1815. Heyden, Jan van der, Dutch painter and hydrauUc engineer; b. 1637; d. 28 Sept. 1712. Hetlin, Rev. Peter, voluminous historical writer, zealous royaUst; b. 1600; pubUshed " Microcosmus, or Description of the World," 1622; "History of Episcopacy," 1642; " Ecclesia Restaurata, History of the Reforma- tion in England," 1661 ; "Aerius Redivivus, History of the Presbyterians," 1670 ; d. 8 May, 1662. HEY 255 HIL Heym, Johann, Gennan lexioogi'aplier ; 6. 1 769 ; published " Dictionnaire AUemand, Kusse, et Fran9ais," 1799-1802 ; d. 28 Oct. 1S21. Heyn, or Hein, Piet, Dutch admiral ; b. 1570; several times defeated the Spaniards and Portuguese, 1624-26; killed in battle off Dunkirk, 20 Aug. 1629. Heyne, Christian Gottlob, German philolo- gist, son of a poor weaver 56.25 Sept. 1 729 ; published "TibuUus," 175S ; " Epictetus," 1756; "Virgil," (best edition), 1800; d. 14 July, 1812. Heytesbdky, William a'Court, lord, diplo- matist ; i. II July, 1779; ambassador at Madrid, 1820; at Lisbon, 1824; at St. Peters- burg, 1828-32; made a peer, Jan. 1828; lord- lieutenant of Ireland, July, 1844 — July, 1846 ; d. 31 May, i860. Heywood, EUza, licentious novelist ; 6. about 1693; d. 25 Eeb. 1756. Heywood, Jasper, poet, son of John ; 6. 15 35 ; poems printed in the "Paradise of Dainty Devices," 1573; d. 9 Jan. 1598. Heywood, John, dramatist ; published " Par- able of the Spider and the Fly," 1556 ; d. about 1565- Heywood, Oliver, theologian; i. 1629; pub- lished " Heart Treasure," 1667 ; " Israel's Lamentation," 1681 ; d. 4 March, 1702. Heytvood, Thomas, dramatist and actor, &c., "the Prose Shakspeare ;" published "Apology for Actors," 1612; "A Woman kilde with Kindnesse," 1617 ; "England's Elizabeth," 1631 ; "Hierarohie of the Blessed Angels," 1635 ; d. temp. Charles I. Hezekiah, king of Judah ; abolished idolatry, B.C. 726 ; delivered from the Assyrians about 710; d. about 698. HiCKES, Rev. George, Saxon scholar; b. 20 June, 1642; deprived of his living as a non- juror, 1689; published " Institutiones Gram- maticse Anglo-Saxonicse et Moeso-Gothicae," 1689; d. 15 Dec. 1715. His brother, John, a nonconformist, was executed for connection with Monmouth's rebellion, 1685. Hickman, Henry, ejected nonconformist ; published "Apologia pro Ministris in Anglia NonconfoiToistis," 1664; d. at Leyden, 1692. Hide, see Hyde. HiEN-EuNG, b. 1831 ; emperor of China, Feb. 1850; rescinded his father's wise policy, and provoked the Tae-ping rebellion, Aug. 1850; d. 22 Aug. 1 86 1. HiBEO, or HiEKON, I. II., rulers of Syracuse : I. succeeded Gelon B.C. 478 Defeated the Etruscan fleet near Cumse . 474 Patronised jEschylus, Pmdar, Simonides, and others . . . d. 467 jl b. about B.C. 306 Served linder Pjrrhus ; made king of Syracuse 270 Allied with Eome to e.xpel the llamertines, 272 ; afterwards with Carthage 264 Unsuccessful : made peace with Eome . . 263 Eemained faithful during the Punic wars ; d. 216 HlEKOOLBS, a Neo-platonist of Alexandria, to whom has been incorrectly attributed the "Asteia," ludicrous tales and anecdotes, about 450. HiEKONYMUS, king of Syracuse, succeeded his grandfather, Hiero II., 216; broke off alliance with the Romans ; assassinated, 215. HiERONYMUS (Jerome) Saint, father of the church ; b. about 345 ; d. 30 Sept. 420. Travelled in the East 373 After an illness abandoned literature and de- voted himself to theology and an austere life, 374 Ordained presbyter 379 Secretary to Daraasus, bishop of Eome . about 3S0 Superintended the establishment of monasteries, 386-400 Eevised the Latin translation of the gospels, and translated the other books of the New Testa- ment from the Greek; translated the Old Testa- ment into Latin from the Hebrew ; completed, 405 "Wrote epistles, commentaries, and biographies. HiGDEs, Ranulph or Ralph, Benedictine of St. Werberg's, Chester ; wrote " The Polychroni- con ; " (translated, continued, and printed by Caxton, 1482) ; d. 1367. HiGGiNS, Godfrey; b. 1771; published " Anacalypsis ; an attempt to draw aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis " (full of wild specula- tions), 1836; d. 1833. HiGGINS, John, philologist and poet ; h. about 1544; published " Christ's Descent into Hell," 1602; d. about 1605. HiGGiNS, Matthew James, Irish critic, essayist, and political writer, under the names of " Jacob Omnium," " Civilian," and Pater- familias ; " b. Dec. 1810; d. 14 Aug. 1868. HiGGONS, Sir Thomas, politician; b. 1624; ambassador at Vienna, 1673; published "His- tory of Isoof Bassa," 1684; d. 24 Nov. 1691. His son, Bevil, poet and historian; b. 1670; d. March, 1735. HiGHMORE, Joseph, historical and portrait painter; 6. 1692; published "Principles of Perspective," 1 763 ; S. 3 March, 1 7S0. HiGHMOEE, Nathaniel, anatomist ; b. 6 Feb. 1613; published "History of Generation," 1651 ; d. 21 March, 1684. HiLAEiON, St., founder of monachism in Palestine; b. about 291 ; d. about 371. HiLAEius Aeelatensis (Hilary, St.) ; b. 4.01 ; bishop of Aries, 429 ; deposed, as metropolitan of Gaul, by pope Leo I. for denying his authority, 445 ; d. $ May, 449. HiLAEius PiCTAVENSis (Hilary, St.), bishop of Poitiers about 350; vigorously opposed the Arians, hence named " Malleus Aiianorum ; " d. 13 Jan. 368. HiLAEius, Saint; pope, elected 10 Nov. 461 ; d. 17 Nov. 467, or 21 Feb. 468. Hilda, Saint, abbess of Whitby ; d. 680. HiLDEBEET, archbishop of Tours; b. about 1055 ; reformed the laws and customs of the Britons; d. 1133. HiLDEBKAKD, see Gregory VJJ., pope. HIL 256 HIP HiLDEBEANDT, Edward, German landscape painter; b, 1818 ; travelled in Egypt, China, India, &c. ; d. 25 Nov. 1868. HiLDEGAEDE, St., German abbess of St. Eupert's Mount; 6. 1098; wTote "Scite Vias," letters, &c. ; d. 1 1 80. HiLDESLET, Mark, bishop of Sodor and Man; h. 1698; consecrated, 1755; superintended the translation of the Bible and Prayer book into Manx; published "Plain Instructions for Young Persons in the Christian Eeligion," 1762-67; d. 7 Dec. 1772. HlLDEETH, Eichard, American historian ; 6. 28 June, 1807; published "History of United States," 1S49-52; "Japan as it vras," 1855; d. II July, 1865. Hill, Aaeon, poet ; h, 1685 ; travelled in the east ; published " History of the Ottoman Empire, " 1 709 ; director of the opera house ; ■wrote words for Handel, 1 710 ; wrote "Zara" (after Voltaire), 1736; d. 8 Feb. 1750. Hill, Joseph, lexicographer ; 6. 1625; edited Schi'evelius' "Greek Lexicon," 1676; " On the Antiquitiy of Temples," 1676 ; d. 5 Nov. 1707. Hill, Sir John, M.D., naturalist; 5. 1 7 16; published " Review of the Works of the Royal Society " (an attack), 1751 ; " British Herbal," 175S ; "General Natural History," 1748-52; d. 22 Nov. 1775. Hill, Matthew Davenport, barrister, brother of Sir Rowland; h. 1792; defended major Cart^vright, charged with political conspiracy, 1819 ; helped to found the Society for Amend- ment of the Law, 1843; promoter of reformar tories, &c., since 1851; published "Suggestions for the Repression of Crime," 1857. Hill, Sir Richard, M.P. ; b. 1733 ; published "Apology for Brotherly Love, and for the Doctrines of the Church of England," 1798; d. 28 Nov. 1808. Hill, Robert, linguist ; self-taught tailor ; 6. 1699; d. Jaly, 1777. Hill, Rowland Hill, viscount (nephew of Rowland), general; 6. 11 Aug. 1772; served at Toulon, 1793; in Egypt, 1801 ; in the penin- sula, &c. ; ably supported Wellington, 1808-14; commander-in-chief, Eeb. 1828 — Aug. 1842; d. 10 Dec. 1842. Hill, Rev. Rowland (brother of Sir Richard), dissenting minister ; 6. 12 Aug. 1 744 ; ordaiaed in the English Church, but built an indepen- dent chapel (Surrey chapel) in Blackfriars' road, London ; opened, 8 June, 1783; published "Village Dialogues," 1801 ; d. 12 April, 1833- Hill, Sir Rowland, K.C.B.; b. 1795; pub- Bshed a pamphlet expounding a postal system, 1837; appointed to carry it out, 1840-42; received a national testimonial, 17 June, 1846; appointed secretary to the postmaster-general, 1846; chief secretary, 1854; retired, 1864. Hill, Thomas Eord, poetical antiquary ; pub- lished " Ancient Erse poems," 1784 ; d. 1795- Hillel, the Elder, Jewish rabbi, chief of a great school, regarded as the father of the oral teaching represented by the Tahnuds ; b. about B.C. 112; d. about A.D. 8. Hillel, the Younger, descendant of "the Elder;" director of the Jewish school at Tiberias ; reformed Jewish chronology, and in- vented a cycle ; d. about 320. HiLLEE, Johann Adam, German musician ; 6. 25 Dec. 1728; composed operas and church music ; d. 16 June, 1 804. Hilton, or Hylton, Walter, Carthusian monk ; wrote " The Scale or Ladder of Perfec- tion," a poem, about 1440; printed, 1494. Hilton, John, royalist, musical composer; wrote " Ayres, or Ea Las," 1627 ; " Catch that Catch can," 1652 ; d. about 1655. Hilton, William, R.A., historical painter; b. 3 June, 1 786 ; keeper of Royal Academy, 1827; d. 30 Dec. 1839. Himmel, Friedrich Heinrich, German musi- cian ; b. 20 Nov. 1765 ; composed operas ; " Isacco," an oratorio, 1792 ; d. 8 June, 1814. Hinckley, John, theologian; b. 161 7; pub- lished " Easciculum Literarum " (correspon- dence with Eichard Baxter), 1680 ; eii, viscount Bridport . . .6. 1727 Defeated the French off L'Orient . 23 June, 1795 d. 3 May, 1814 Samuel, Sir, cousin ; captured Tobago, &c. . 1803 Took three French frigates and lost his arm near Koohelort, 25 Sept. 1806 . . . . d. 1814 HOO 261 HOO Hood, Thomas, humourist; 6. 1798; learnt engraving from his uncle, Kobert Sands ; published "Whims and Oddities," 1826; "Comic Annual," 1829-37; "Eugene Aram" (in the "Gem"), 1829; " Hood's Own," 1S38-9; "Tylney Hall," 1834; "Song of the Shirt" in "Punch," Dec. 1843; " Whimsicahties," 1844; "Hood's Magazine," 1844; d. 3 May, 1845. HooFT, Peter ComeKs, Dutch poet and his- torian; h. 16 March, 1581 ; wrote "History of the Netherlands; " d. 2i May, 1647. HooFT, Peter, Dutch poet; b. 16 March, 1581 ; d. 21 May, 1647. HooGE, Pieter van, Dutch painter; h. about 1643; d. 1708. HooGEVEN, Hendrik, Dutch philologist ; 6. Jan. 1 712; published "Doctrina Particu- larum Linguae Graecee," 1769; d. 1791. HooGSTEAATEN Dirck van, Dutch painter; h. 1596; d. 20 Dec. 1640. HooGSTKAATEN, David van, Dutch poet and philologist; 6. 24 March, 1658; edited Terence, Ph^drus, and 0. Nepos; d. 21 Nov. 1724. HooGSTEAATEN, Jacob Van, Dutch Dominican; wrote against Luther in his "Epitome de Fide et Operibus," 1525; d. 21 Jan. 1527. HooGSTEAATEN, Samuel van, Dutch painter and writer; 6. 1627 ; wrote an esteemed " Treatise on Painting ; " d. 19 Oct. 1678. Hook, James, musical composer, (operas, ballads, &o.), father of Dr James and Theo- dore; i. 1746; d. 1827. Hook, James, son, LL.D. ; t. 1771; dean of Worcester, 1825; wrote "Jack of Newbury," 1795; <^- 5 I'eb. 1828. Hook, James Clarke, K.A, historical and marine painter ; b. 21 Nov. 1819 ; A.R.A., 1854; K.A., 1859; painted "Lufi Bay," 1859. Hook, Theodore Edward, (son of the com- poser), novelist and dramatist ; b. 22 Sept. 1788; d. 24 Aug. 1 841. Wrote " The Soldier's Return," 1805 ; "Tekeli," 1806, &c. As a clever improvisatore entered into society ; patronised by the regent, and appointed accoun- tant-general and treasurer in the Mauritius . 1812 Eecalled for monetary deficiencies and irregu- larity in his accounts 1818 Commenced the publication of the "John BuU," 1820 Declared debtor to the crown for .^12,000 . . 1823 Published "Sayings and Doings," 1824-25 ; "Max- well," 1830; "Gilbert Gurney," 183s; " Gurney Married" . ... 1839 Hook, Walter Earquhar, (son of Dr James), dean of Chichester ; b. 1 798 ; preached his sermon "Hear the Church," 1837; vicar of Leeds, 1837-59 ; dean, 1859 ; pubUshed "Church Dictionary," 1842; "Ecclesiastical Biography," 1845-52; "Lives of Archbishops of Canter- bury," 1860-69. HooKB, Nathaniel, historian; b. about 1690; published "Eoman History," 1733-71 ; d. 19 July, 1763. HoOKE, Robert, mathematician, astronomer, and mechanician; 6. 16 July, 1635; said to have invented the barometer, 1656 ; the double- barrelled air-pump, 1658, &c. ; published " Micrographia," 1665; "Essays on Physical Subjects," 1674-82 ; "Description of his Helioscopes, and other Instruments," 1676 ; "Lampas," 1677, &c. ; d. 3 March, 1703. HooKEE, Joseph, American general ; b. 1819; appointed commander of the United States army of the Potomac, Jan. 1863; crossed the Eappahaimock, 28 April; totally defeated by "Stonewall" Jackson at ChancellorsviLle, 2-4 May ; retreated, 5 May ; superseded by Gene- ral Meade, June, 1863. HooKEE, Joseph Dalton, M.D., C.B., botanist ; accompanied Sir James Koss on his antarctic voyage, 1839; published "Flora Antarctica," 1847-61 ; travelled in the Himalayas, 1848 ; published "Himalayan Journals," 1854; suc- ceeded his father as director of the Kew Gar- dens, 1865. HooKEB, (or Vowell), John, M.P., (uncle of Richard below), assisted in the compilation of Holinshed's Chronicle; ft. about 1524; pub- Hshed " Order and Usage of Keeping of Parle- ments," 1572. Hookee, Richard, "the judicious," theologian; ft. about 1553; as master of the temple, en- gaged in controversy with Travers, 1585-91 ; pubUshed "Ecclesiastical Polity," 1593-97; rector of Bishopsboume, Kent, 1595 i f^- 2 Nov. 1600. Hookee, Thomas, nonconformist minister ; ft. 1586; took orders; silenced for noncon- formity, 1626 ; emigrated to New England with John Cotton, 1633 ; became pastor of Hartford, Connecticut, 1636; d. 1647. Hookee, Sir WiUiam Jackson, botanist ; ft. 6 July, 1785; professor at Glasgow, 1820; director of Kew Gardens, 1841-65 ; published "Toirr in Iceland," 1809; British Junger- mannias," 1812-16 ; " Flora Sootica," 1821 ; "British Flora," 1830; edited "Botanical Magazine," 1826, etseq.; d. 12 Aug. 1865. HooLE, John, clerk in the India house, dra- matist ; ft. 1727 ; published translation of " Jeru- salem Delivered," of Tasso, 1763 ; of Ariosto's " Orlando Furioso," 1773-83; d. 2 Aug. 1803. HooPEE, Edmund, composer of church music ; d. 14 July, 1 641. HooPEE, George, bishop of Bath and Wells ; ft. 1640; bishop of St. Asaph, 1703; of Bath and Wells, 1704; published " Inquiry into the State of the Ancient Measures," 1721 ; d. 6 Sept. 1727. HooPEE, John, bishop of Gloucester, reformer ; ft. 1495; fled to Zurich, 1539; consecrated, 1550; burnt, 9 Feb. 1555. HooENE, Jan van, Dutch anatomical dis- coverer; ft. 1 621; published " Microcosmus," 1660; d. 13 Jan. 1670. HOP 262 HOE, Hope, Charles, Scotch judge ; b. 29 June, 1763; lord president of the court of session, 1811-41 ; d. 30 Oct. 1857. Hope, Eev. Frederick William, entomologist ; h. about 1797 ; published " Coleopterist's Manual," 1837-41 ; d. 15 April, 1862. Hope, John, M.D., Scotch botanist ; b. 1725; d. 10 Nov. 1786. Hope, John, Scotch general; b. 17 Aug, 1766; served in Holland, 1799; in Egypt, 1800; in the peninsula, 1809; succeeded his brother as earl of Hopetoun, I7May, 1817; created baron Niddry, May, 1814; d. 27 Aug. 1823. Hope, Sir Thomas, Scotch lawyer and Latin poet; d. 1646. His "Minor Practicks " pub- lished, 1726. Hope, Thomas, merchant and traveller ; b. about 1 770; pubHshed "Household Pumi- ture and Decorations," 1807 ; " Costume of the Ancients," 1809; " Modern Costumes, " 1812; " Anastasius, or Memoirs of a Modem Greek," (anonymously ; at first attributed to lord Byron), l8ig; "Historical Essay on Architecture," 1835; "Origin and Prospects of Man," 1831; d. 3 Peb. 1831. Hopkins, Ezekiel, bishop of Derry; b. 1633; consecrated, 1681 ; " Exposition of the Lord's Prayer and Ten Commandments" published, 1692; d, 22 June, 1690. Hopkins, Charles, son of bishop Hopkins, poet; b. 1664; friend of Dryden and Dorset; " Epistolary Poems " published, 1694; d. 1699. His brother, John, poet ; b. 1675 ; published " Amasia," poems, 1700; d. — Hopkins, John, versified fifty-eight psalms, printed with those by Stemhold, 1 562. Hopkins, Lemuel, American physician and poKtical poet ; b. 1750; d. i8or. Hopkins, Matthew, published "The Disco- very of Witches," 1647 ; caused the death of about a hundred persons in the eastern counties, 1645-47. Hopkins, Samuel, D.D., founder of the Hop- kinsonian school of divinity ; 5. 1 7 Sept. 1 72 1 ; published " System of Doctrines in Divine Re- velation," 1793; d. 20 Dec. 1803. Hopkins, Stephen, American statesman ; b, 1707; signed the declaration of independence, 4 July, 1776 ; governor of Rhode island, 1755 ; published " Grievances of the American colonies examined," 1765 ; d. 1785. Hopkins, Eev. William, Arian ; b. 1706 ; pub- lished translation of "Exodus," 1784; d. 1786. Hopkinson, Francis, American politician and satirist; b. 1738; wrote much in favour of American independence, iy'J4,etseq.; d. 1791. HoppEK, Thomas, architect; b. about 1775; introduced the "cottage omd" style; erected St. Mary's hospital, Paddington; d.il Aug. 1856. HoPTON, Arthur, mathematician; b. about 1589; published "BaculumGeodeticum," l6to; " Speculum Topographicum," 161 1; d. 1614. HoPTON, Susannah, J. 1627; published "Daily Devotions," 1673; d. 1709. HoEATius, Flaccus Quintus, Latin lyric poet ; b. 8 Dec. B.C. 65 ; went to Athens for educa- tion, 47 ; entered the service of Brutus during the civil war, 43 ; at the battle of Philippi, 42 ; went to Pome and obtained the friendship of Maecenas, Virgil, and others, 41 ; probably \yrote his Satires, 40, 39, 38 ; Epodes, 32, 31 ; Odes, 30-15 ; ISpistles, 20, 19 ; d. 27 Nov. 8. HoEMAN, William, master of Eton, botanist ; b. 1470; wrote "Herbarum Synonyma," &c.; <^- 1535- HOKN, HoKNE, or HoKNES,, Philippe de Mont- morency-Nivelle, oomte de, Belgian statesman ; b. 1522; succeeded his stepfather as count Horn ; governor of Gueldres under Charles V. ; financial minister under Philip II. ; excited his jealousy ; suddenly seized, tried, and beheaded with count Egmont, 5 June, 1568. HoEN, Antoine, comte de, Belgian; b. 1698; executed at Paris for assassination, 26 March, 1720. Horn, Gustaf Carlsson, Swedish general ; b. 23 Oct. 1592; commanded under Gustavus Adol- phus; taken prisoner at Nordlingen, 1634; wrote " Ducis Munus Perfecti ; " released, 1642 ; minister of war, 1652 ; d. 16 May, 1657. HoEN (Homius), Georg, German historian; b. 1620; his "De Vera ^tate Mundi" pub- lished, 1659; led to a controversy with Vos- sius ; published " Eerum Britannicarum Lib. VII.," 1648; "De Originibus America.nibus," 1652; d. 1670. HoBN, Charles Edward, musical composer; b. 1 786 ; wrote " I know a Bank," " Through the Wood," "Cherry Eipe," &o. ; d. 21 Oct. 1849. HoRNE, George, bishop of Norwich ; b. 1730; published " Commentary on the Psalms," 1771; "Letters on Infidelity," 1784; consecrated, 1790; d 17 Jan. 1792. HoENE, Thomas Hartwell, D.D. ; b. 20 Oct. 1780; assistant in department of printed books, British Museum, 1824-62; pubhshed " Introduction to the Critical Study of the Holy Scriptures," 1818; d. 27 Jan, 1862. HoHNE-TooKE, Eev. John, philologist and political writer ; 6.25 June, 1 736 ; ordained as clerk, 1 760 ; threw up his Hving, and travelled, 1765 ; assumed the name Tooke on acquiring a fortune by legacy ; imprisoned for a hbel, 1778; published " Epea Pteroenta, or Diversions of Purley, " 1 7S6 ; tried for high treason, and acquitted, Oct. — Nov. 1794; d. 19 March, 1812. HoENECK, Anthony, D.D., German theolo- gian; b. 1641 ; settled in England about 1663; published " The Great Law of Consideration," 1677; "The Crucified Jesus," 1686. HOR 263 HOU HoENEMANN, rriedrich Konrad, German traveller; i. Oct. 1772; travelled in Africa for the African Society, 1797; last heard of, 7 April, 1800. His Journal, published in Ger- man, 1802; d. 7 April, 1800. HoRNEK, Francis, Scotch statesman ; 6. 12 Aug. 1778; helped to found the "Edinburgh Keview," published, 10 Oct. 1802; wrote iirst part of the bullion report, 1810 ; d. 8 Feb. 1817. HoENEK, Leonard, brother, geologist ; 6. about 1785 ; d. 5 March, 1864. HoEEEBOV, or HoEEEBOE, Peter, Danish astronomer; h. 14 May, 1679; pubhshed " Clavig AstronomiEe, " in which he determined the parallax of the sun, 1740-1; "Basis Astronomiee," 1734-5 ; d. 15 April> 1764. His sons : Cheistian, b. 15 April, 17 18; pubhshed " Elementa Astronomise Sphericee," 1762 ; <^. 19 Sept. 1776. Petee, i. 1728; observed and pub- lished " De Transitu Veneris," 1761 ; d. 1812. HoEEOCKS (or HoEEOx), Jeremiah, astrono- mer ; b. about 1619 ; first to observe the transit of Venus over the sun's disk, 24 Nov. 1639; d. 3 Jan. 1641. HOESLET, John, antiquary; 5. 1685 ; published " Britannia Pomana, or the Poman Antiquities of Britain," 1732; d. 12 Jan. 1732. HoESLET, John Callcott, R.A., painter ; b. 19 Jan. 1817 ; R.A., 1845 ; painted " Pride of the Village," "The Contrast — youth and age," 1840 ; " L' Allegro, and II Penseroso," 1851. HoESLET, Samuel, D.T)., bishop of St. Asaph ; b. Oct. 1733; attacked Priestley's "History of the Corruptions of Christianity," 1782; edited Newton's Works, 1779-85; pubhshed "Prac- tical Mathematics," 1801 ; translation of Hosea, 1801; of the Psalms, 181 5; bishop of St. David's, 1788; of Rochester, 1793; of St. Asaph, 1802 ; d. 4 Oct. 1806. HoESTlus, see Merler. HoET, or HoETE, Josiah ; educated as a dis- senter ; conformed, 1708; rose tiU he became archbishop of Tuam, 1742; d. 14 Dec. I75'- HoETENSE, queen of Holland, see Beauharnais. HOKTENSins, Lambert, Dutch philologist ; 6. 1501 ; published " De Tumultibus Anabap- tistarum," 1548; d. about 1575. HOETENSIDS, Martin, Dutch astronomer ; &. 1605 ; wrote on the transit of Mercury over the sun, 1633 ; d. 17 Aug. 1639. HoETBNSIUS, Quintus, Roman orator ; b. B.C. 114; rivalled by Cicero, 70; consul, 69; be- came Cicero's friend and colleague, 63 ; d. 50. HoSEA, Jewish prophet; jl. about B.C. 785. HosHEA, last king of Israel; reigned, B.C. 730-721. Hosins, Stanislas, Polish bishop ; termed by the popes " a pillar of the faith" ; b. 5 May, 1504 ; vigorously opposed the reformation, and published a confession of the catholic faith termed "Hosian" by the protestants, 1551 ; founded a Jesuit college, 1561 ; d. $ Aug. 1579. HosKiNS (or HoSKYNsI, John, lawyer and poet; b. 1566; friend and "polisher" of Ben Johnson; d. 27 Aug. 1638. HOSKINS, John, portrait painter ; d. 1664. HoSHNlAN, Rodolph, Swiss protestant theolo- gian ; h. 7 Nov. 1547 ; published " De Temphs," 1587; "De Monachis," 1588; "De Festia Christianorum," 1593; " Historia Jesuitica," 1619; d. \i March, 1626. HosscH, Sidron, Belgian Jesuit poet ; b. 1596; wrote "Elegia," published, 1656; d. 1653- , ^ HosTE, Paul, French mathematician ; 0. 1652 ; pubhshed "'Traits des Evolutions Na vales," 1696 ; " Th^orie de la Construction des VaiB- seaux," 1697; d. 23 Feb. 1700. HoSTiLius, TuUus, third king of Rome ; reigned about B.C. 670-638. HoTHAM, Sir Charles, governor of Victoria ; b. 14 Jan. 1806; K.C.B. 1846; d. 31 Dec. 1855. HoTHBT, John, monk, wrote " Proportiones MusiciE;"^. 14th century. HoTMAK', Fran9ois, French protestant jurist ; b. 23 Aug. 1524; d. 12 Feb. 1590. Connected with the conspiracy of Amboise ; wrote the "Epistre Envoyee au Tygre de la France," directed against the cardinal of Lor- raine 15^ An energetic protestant, protected by the princes of Germany ; professor at Geneva . . . 1573 Published " Franco-Gallia," 1513; "Juris-Con- sultus," 1559: " Anti-Tribonian, ou Discour sur I'Estude des Lois" 1567 His brother, Antoine, jurist; 6. about 1525; published "Traite de la Dissolution du Ma- riage," 1581 ; "Traitfi de la Loi Sallque," 1593 ; d. 1596 HOTTINQEE, Jean Henri, Swiss reformer and orientaUst ; b. 10 March, 1620 ; published " Thesaurus Philologicus seu Clavis Scriptures," 1649; "Grammatica IV. Linguarum," 1659; d. 5 June, 1667. His son, Jean Jacques, b. 1652; d. 18 Dec. 1735. HoTTOMAN, see Hotmail. HoUBiGANT, Charles Frangois, French orien- tahst; b. 1686; published "Bibha Hebraica," with notes, 1753-54; d. 31 Oct. 1783. HouBKAKEN, AjDold, Dutch painter and writer; b. 28 March, 1660; published "Lives of the Dutch and Flemish painters," in Dutch ; d. 14 Oct. 1719. His son, Jacob, engraver; b. 1698; d. 1780. HOHDIN, Jean Bugfene Robert, French con- juror; b. 6 Dec. 1805; began to exhibit pub- licly about 1830 ; employed by the emperor of France to confound the wizards in Algeria, 1856; published "Confidences d'un Presti- digiteur," 1858; "Les Tricheries des Grecs Devoilfes," 1861. HoHDON, Jean Antoine, French sculptor ; b. 1741 ; exhibited his "Morpheus," 1771; bust of Catherine II., and others, 1773 ; 1 "Diana," 1781; d. 16 July, 1828. HOU 264 HOW HoucHABD, Jean, French republican general ; 6. 1740 ; served in the seven years' war, 1756-63; commanded against the invading allies ; defeated them at Hondschoot, 8 Sept. 1793 ; accused of incapacity, tried, and exe- cuted, 17 Nov. 1793. HouDKY, Vincent, French Jesuit preacher ; i. 22 Jan. 1 63 1; published " Eibliothfeque des Pr(5dicateurs," 1712 ; d. 29 March, 1729. HouEL, Jean Pierre Louis Laurent ; b. June, 1735; published ' ' Voyage Pittoresque des lies de la SicUe," &c. ; 1782-87; d. 14 Nov. 1813. HouEL, Nicolas, French philanthropist ; founded at Paris the Maison de la Charlt^ Chretien, 1578, of which he published the " Avertissement et Declaration," 1580. Hough, John, theologian; i. 165 1 ; elected president of Magdalene College, Oxford ; for- cibly expelled by James II., after protest, Oct. 1687 ; restored, Sept. 1688 ; bishop of Lichfield, 1699; of Worcester, 1717; d. 8 March, 1743. Houghton, Antony, major; 6. about 1750 ; travelled in North Africa ; d. there after 1793- Houghton, see Milnes. HouLLlEK (HoUerius), Jacques, French physi- cian ; opposed Galenism ; introduced the use of the Seton and Arab remedies; d. 1562. HouMAYOUN, see ffoumayun. HoDSTOujsr, or Houston, William, M.D., botanist ; b. about 1695 ; d. 14 July, 1733- HouTMAN, Comelis, Dutch navigator ; b. about 1560; founder of the Dutch com- merce in India ; went on an expedition to the Indian archipelago, 1595-97 ; published his "Diarium Nauticum," 1598 ; d, about 1605. HouTTEViLLE, Alexandre Claude Fran9oi3, French theologian; b. 1686; published " V^rit^ de la E,eligion Chr^tienne prouvfe par les Faits," 1722; led to controversy; d. 8 Nov. 1742. HovBDEN, Koger de ; wrote " Annales Eerum Anglicarum, 732-1202." Hovel, see JSemlius. How or Howe, William, physician and botanist; 5. 1619; published (the first sketch of a flora) "Phytologia Britannica," 1650; d. Sept. 1656. Howard, dukes of Norfolk ; John ; created earl marshal and duke of Norfolk, 28 June, 1483; kiUed at the battle of Bosworth Field, 22 Aug. 1485. Thomas, son ; attainted. 1485 : created earl of Surrey, 1489 : as high admiral, cleared the seas of the French, 1513; defeated the Scotch at the battle of Flodden Field, 9 Sept. 1513 ; duke of Norfolk, Feb. 1514 ; attainted by Henry VIII., 27 Jan. 1547 ; imprisoned till July, 1553 ; >*■ =5 A"g- 1SS4- Thomas, son ; b. 10 March, 1536 : married heiress of the Fitz-Albans, earls of Arundel, 1556 ; beheaded for conspiring to dethrone the queen and marry the queen of Scots, 2 Jime, 1572. HoWAED, Henry, earl of Surrey; b. about 1515 ; beheaded 19 Jan. 1547. Served under his father in Scotland . . 1542 Field-marshal of the army in France . . 1544 Ordered to return to England .... 1546 Beheaded (ostensibly tor high treason, in quarter- ing the arms of Edward the Confessor, but really through the jealousy of the Seymours, uncles to prince Edward) . . .19 Jan. 1547 HowABD, earls of Carlisle : 1. Charles, diplomatist : 6. 1629: published "Eela- tion of Three Embassies to Muscovy, Sweden, and Denmark," 1663 ; d. 1686. 5, Frederick ; b. 28 May, 1748 ; lord-lieutenant of Ireland, Dec. 1780 — April, 1782 ; published " Trage- dies and Poems," t8oi : . 28 Nov. 1772; published " Essay on Clouds " (classifying them into cirrus^ cumulus, stratus, &c.), 1802; "Climate of London," 1818-20; d. 21 March, 1864. HowAED, Philip, earl of Arundel ; 6. 28 June, 1557 ; persecuted by Elizabeth ; attainted, 1589 ; d. in the Tower, ig Oct. 1595. Howard de Walden, Charles Augustus BlUs, baron, diplomatist; &. 5 June, 1799; envoy to Sweden, 1832 ; to Portugal, 1833 ; to Belgium, 1846; d. 29 Aug. 1868. Howabd, Sir Kobert, royalist, poet, and historian; 6. 1626; published Poems, 1660; "History of Edward II. and Pichard II.," 1692; "History of EeUgion," 1694; d. 3 Sept. 1698. Howe, Elias, American machinist; &. 1819; patented the sewing machine, 1847 ; d. 3 Sept. 1867. Howb, John, puritan; I. 17 May, 1630; domestic chaplain to Oliver Cromwell, about 1654; dissenting minis<^er, 1675; fled to the continent; returned, 1685 ; published "The Living Temple" and "Delighting in God," 1674; d. 2 April, 1705. Howe, Richard Howe, earl, admiral, called by the sailors ' ' Black Dick ; " 6. 1725; served against the French in the West Indies, &c., 1743-57 ; against the Americans, 1776-78 ; viscount, April, 1782 ; first lord of the ad- miralty, Dec. 1783; earl, Aug. 1 788 ; defeated the French fleet off Ushant, 1 June, 1 794 ; d. $ Aug. 1799. ^ Howe, William, baron, general; h. 1725; served in the American war ; compelled to evacuate Boston, 17 March ; defeated the Americans at Long Island, 27 Aug. 1776 ; took New York, 15 Sept. 1776; defeated Washing- ton at Brandywine, 11 Sept. 1777; repulsed Washington at Germanstown with much diffi- culty, 4 Oct. 1777 ; embarked for England, 8 May, 1778; d. 1814. Howe, Charles ; h. 1661 ; published "Devout Meditations;" d. 1745' HowEL Dha, the Good, prince of South Wales, 907 ; of all Wales, 939 ; enacted laws about 911; went to Home, 913; submitted to Athelstane, 926; d. 948. Howell, James, historian ; i. about 1 596 ; travelled on the continent to study glass manu- facture, 1619; became a Jesuit, 1621 ; M.P. for Richmond, 1627 ; employed by Straflford about 1632; clerk of the council, 1640; im- prisoned, 1643-49; made royal historiographer by Charles II. about 1 661; his " Epistolie Ho- EUanse," printed, 1645-55; d Nov. 1666. Howell, William, historian ; i. about 1630 ; published " Institution of General History," 1662; " Ecclesiastical History," 1685 ; d. 1683. HowiOK, see Grey, Earls. PIoWELL, William, evangelical clergyman ; h. 1778; d. 18 Nov. 1832. HowiTT, William, quaker, poet and writer ; h. 1795; married Mary ISotham, 1821; to- gether published " The Forest Minstrel," 1823; "Book of the Seasons," 1831, &o. ; published " History of Priestcraft," 1834 ; they settled in Heidelberg, 1840 ; he published " Rural and Domestic Life in Germany," 1842 ; (both have written many works for the young;) established "Howitt's Journal," 1847 ; published " Illustrated History of England," 1861 ; " Northern Heights of London," 1869. HowLET, William, archbishop of Canterbury ; i. 1765; bishop of London, 1813; archbishop, 1828; d. II Feb. 1848. HoziEE, Pierre d', sieur de la Garde, French genealogist; i. 10 July, 1592; patronised by Louis XIV ; co-operated with Renaudot in the "Gazette de France," 1631 ; published his " Recueil Armorial de Bretagne," 1638; "Noms &c. des Chevaliers de I'Ordre du St. Esprit," 1643 ; left 150 vols, of MSS. of "G^niSalogie des Families de la France ;" d. I Dec. 1660. His relative, Louis-PlEEEE d' ; b. 20 Nov. 1685 ; published "Armorial General de la France," 1736-68; d. 25 Sept. 1767. HuAETE Navoeeo, Juan de Dios, Spanish physician and philosopher ; b. about 1530 > published his "Examende Ingenios," ("Trial of the Wits,") 1593; d. about 1600. HuBEE, Frangois, blind naturalist, son of Jean, (below); b. 2 July, 1750; studied bees by the help of his wife and his secretary, F. Burnens ; published " Nouvelles Obser- vations sur les Abeilles, 1796 ;" d. 22 Oct. 1 830. His son, PiEEKE, published " Ee- cherches sur les Fourmis," 1810; d. 22 Dec. 1840. HuEEE, Jean, Genevese painter and cutter of silhouettes ; 6. 1 722 ; studied aeronautics ; pub- lished " Note sur la manifere de diriger les BaUons fondi^e sur le vol des Oiseaux," 1784 ; d. 1790. HuBEE, Johann Jacob, Swiss botanist and anatomist; b. II Sept. 1707; published "Posi- tiones Anatomioo-Botaniose," 1733 > " -'-'® Medulla Spinali," 1739; d. 6 July, 1778. HuBEE, Johann, Rudolph, painter, ("the Tintoret of Switzerland"); 6. 1668; d. 8 Feb. 1748. HuBEE, Marie, Swiss theologian ; I. 1695 ; pubUshed " Systfime des Anciens et Modernea eonoUi^," 1731-57 ; " Lettres sur la Religion," 1738 ; d. 13 June, 1753. HoBEK, Michel, French translator from the German; b. 1727; d. 15 April, 1804. HUB 266 HXJG HuBEE, UWc, Dutch jurist ; b. 13 March, 1636; published " De Jure Civitatis," 1672; " Positiones Juris," 1682 ; " De Jure Popu- laris," &c., 16S9 ; " Institutioues Historise Civilis," 1692 ; d. 8 Nov. 1694. HuBEE, Victor Aim^, German philanthropist ; 6. 1800; one of the leaders of the co-operative movement ; published, (in German), " English Universities," 1839-40; d. 19 July, 1869. Hubert, Saint, apostle of the Ardennes ; con- verted about 6S3 ; became a bishop ; d, 727. Hubert, Frangois, Trench engraver; b. 1744; d. 1809. HiJBNEK, Johann, German historian and geo- grapher ; b. 17 March, i66S ; d. 31 March, 1731. Hubeet, Nicolas, French sculptor ; d. about 1670. HucBALD, or Hugbald, monk of St. Amand, Tournay; &. 840; wrote " Enchiridion Music£E;" d. 20 June, 930. HucHTENBUEGH, Johan van, Dutch painter and engraver of battle-pieces ; b. 1646 ; d. 1733. HuDDE, Jan, Dutch mathematician; J>. 1 63 3; said to have resolved the quadrature of the hyperbole; d. 16 April, 1704. Hudson, George, b. about 1 800 ; termed "the railway king, " 1845-46; M.P. for Sunderland, 1845-59- Hudson, Henry, navigator; b. about 1550; discovered "Hudson's Bay," Aug. 1609; his crew mutinied, and set him and his eon, and seven others, adrift in a boat, 21 June, 1611 ; probably drowned. Hudson, John, D.D., philologist; b. 1662; edited " Geographite Veteres Scriptores Grseci Minores," 1698; "FlaviiJosephi Opera," 1720 ; d. 27 Nov. 1719. Hudson, Thomas, portrait painter ; b. 1 701 ; d. 26 Jan. 1779. Hudson, William, naturalist; h. about 1730; published "Flora AngUca," 1762 ; d. 23 May, 1793- Hub, Fran§ois, faithful servant of Louis XVI. and his family; b. 1757 ; published "DemiferesAnnfes de Louis XVI.," 1806; d. 17 Jan. 1819, HuEETA, see La Euerta. HuET, Pierre Daniel, bishop of Avranches, classical scholar; b, 8 Feb, 1630 ; accompanied Bochart to Sweden, 1652; declined to become tutor to his son, 1659; published " Histoire du Commerce et de la Navigation des Anoiens," 1 716; chief editor of the Delphin classics, 1674-gi ; " Demonstratio EvangeUca," 1679; d. 26 Jan. 1 72 1. HuFELAND, Christoph Wilhelm, German physician ; 6. 1 2 Aug. 1 762 ; wrote, in German, " on the Uncertainty of Death, and the means of proving it," 1791; " Macrobiotik ; the art of prolonging Life," 1796; d. 25 Aug. 1836. HuPNAGEL, or HoFNASEL, George, Flemish painter; b. 1545; d. 1600. Hugh, see Hugo. Hughes, John, poet; b. 1677; wrote in the " Tatler," "Spectator," "Guardian;" edited Spenser, 1 7 15; d. (day of the performance of his tragedy, "The Siege of Damascus,") 17 Feb. 1720. His brother Jabez, b. 1685 ; trans- lated novels of Cervantes, 1729 ; d. 17 Jan. 1731. Hughes, Thomas, M.P., novelist ; b. 20 Oct. 1823; published "Tom Brown's Schooldays," 1856; " Scouring of the White Horse," 1858; " Tom Brown at Oxford," l86i ; M.P. for Lambeth, 1865-68; for Erome, 1868. Hugo, king of Italy, son of Thibault, count of Ailes ; married Marozia, the courtesan ruler of Rome, 931 ; governed cruelly ; subdued by Berenger ; returned to France ; d. soon after 14 April, 947. Hugo, Charles Louis, French historian ; b. March, 1667; wrote on history of Lorraine; and " Ordinis Prsmonstratensis Annales, " 1734-36; d. 2 Aug. 1739. Hugo, Herman, Belgian scholar; b. 1588; published "De Scribendi Origine," 1617; "Pia Desideria," 1628; d. II Sept. 1629. Hugo, Victor Marie, vicomte, French poet, dramatist, and novelist; b. 26 Feb. 1802. Published "Odes," 1821 ; " Cromwell," and "Le Dernier Jour d'un Condamne," 1829: *' Notre Dame de Paris," 1831 ; " Les Femlles d'Au- tomne," 1832; "Lettrea sur le Hhin" . 1841 Made a peer by Louis Philippe . 16 April, 1845 Became democratic, 1849 ; banished . . 1851 Lived in exile since 1852 Published " Napoleon le Petit," 1852 : " Les Miserables," 3 April, 1862; "Les Travailleurs de la Mer," 1866 ; " L'Homme qui rit " . . i86g HuGUES d' Amiens, archbishop of Eouen; opposed Henry I. of England; wrote " De Haeresibus," " De Fide Catholioa ; " d. 11 Nov. 1 164. HuGUES, abbot of Cluny; b. 1024; indepen- dent supporter of the papacy ; mediator be- tween Henry IV. and Gregory VII.; d. 29 April, 1 109. HuGUES, abbot of Flavigny; b. 1065; wrote " Chronicon Verdnnense;" d, after 1115. HuGUES, archbishop of Lyons ; supporter of Gregory VII. in his efforts to exalt the papacy ; d. 7 Oct. 1 106. HuGUES DE FouiLLOi, canon of St. Augustin, French theologian ; said to have written " De Claustro Animae," " De Animse MedicinS,," " De Avibus," " De Area Noe Mystica De- scriptio," &c. ; d, after 11 73. HuGUES DE St. Chek, French theologian ; wrote "Concordances," "Speculum Ecclesise," " Tractatus super Missam," &c. ; d. 19 March, 1263. HuGUES DE Ste. Maem, monk of Fleury ; wrote " Chronicon Floriacense," and " De Potestate EegaU et de Sacerdotah Dignitate ; " d. about 1130. HuGUES DE St. Victor, French theologian ; b. 1048; d II Feb. 1 141. HUG 2G7 HUM HtisuES LE Geand, or LE Blanc, count of Paris and duke of France, father of Hugues Capet. Defeated Charles the Simple, near Soissons, and proclaimed Eodolph, duke of Burgundy, king of part of France . .... 923 Made war with Louis IV. . . . 938 Defeated him at Chateau Porcein . . 941 Made peace 942 Excommunicated at the council of Ingelheim 948 Keceived Bui-gundy and Aquitaine from Lothaire, whom he had made king, 954 . d. 16 June, 956 HuGDES Capet, count of Paris, duke, after- wards king of France ; h. about 946 ; suc- ceeded his father, Hugues le Grand, 16 June, 956; at the death of Louis V., last of the Carlovingians, crowned Idng, 3 July, 987; had his son Eohert crowned, 987; d. 24 Oct. 996. HuLDRICH, Johann Jacob, Swiss theologian ; i. 1683 ; edited " Historia Jeshua Nazareni," 1705; "Gentilis Obtrectator," 1744; d. 25 May, 1 731. HuLLAH, John, musician and composer ; 6. about i8i2 ; established his system of teach- ing, 1S40; published his "Lectures on the History of Modern Music " (given at the Eoyal Institution, London), 1861-65. HuLLMANDEL, Charles Joseph, lithographer; 6. 15 June, 1789; d. 15 Nov. 1850. Hull, Thomas, poet; h. 1728; published "Richard Plantagenet," 1774; d. 1S08. Hulls, Jonathan ; published a description of a machine for using steam as a motive power for boats, 1737* HuLSB, Eev. John, founder of the Hulsean lectiireship at Cambridge; i. 1708; d. 1T)0. HuLST, Pieter van der, Dutch painter; b. 18 Feb. 1652 ; d. 1708. HuMATUN, padishah or emperor of Hindostan, grand mogul ; b. 6 March, 1 508 ; succeeded his father, Baber, 1530; defeated by the Afghans, 27 June, 1539, 17 May, 1540; a fugitive received \)y the shah of Persia, 1 542, who vainly endeavoured to restore him, 1545; recovered his throne, 1555; d. 24 Jan, 1556. Humbert, French cardinal, theologian; d. about 1063. HuMBEKT, French theologian; J. about 1200; elected general of the Dominicans, 1254 ; wrote '.' OfEcium Ecclesiasticimi Universum," &c. ; resigned the generalship, 1263; d. 14 July, 1277. HuMEEET L II., dauphins of ViennoLS, &c. : I. married Anne, heiress of Guigues VII., and founded the third race of dauphins, 1281 . d. 1307 II. b. 1313: dauphin, 1333; ceded Dauphiny and the Viennois to Philip VI. of France ; and be- came a monk, 17 July, 1349 . d. 22 May, 1355 HuMBEKT, prince of Piedmont, heir to the king of Italy; b. 14 March, 1S44; married Margaret, princess of Savoy, sister of Thomas, duke of Genoa (6. 20 Nov. 1 851), 22 AprU, 1868. HuMBBET, Joseph Amable, French general; b. 25 Nov. 1755. Commanded the troops invading Ireland: landed at Killala, 22 Aug. ; defeated and compelled to surrender, 8 Sept. 1798; served in St. Domingo, 1802: suspected by Bonaparte: went to America, 1803 ; engaged in the war in Mexico ; d. in United States 27 Feb. 1823 Humboldt, Carl WUhelm von, baron, Prus- sian statesman, philologist, philosopher, and poet; b. 22 June, 1767; d. 8 AprU, 1835. Went to Paris with Campe .... 1789 Published (in German) "Ideas on the Organisa- tion of the State " . . . . . 1792 Became friend of SchiUer and Goethe 1793 Travelled in France, Spain, &c. . . .1797-9S "Wrote Ms commentary on Goethe's " Hermann und Dorothea" . . . 1799 Minister of public instruction . , 1809 Founded the university of Berlin . 1810 Minister plenipotentiary at Vienna . June, 1810 Very influential in the diplomatic conferences of 1813-15 Owing to tlie reaction in Prussian politics, ex- cluded from the ministry by decree . 31 Dec. 1819 Kead his great memoir on comparative philology at the academy of Berlin 29 June, 1820 Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von, baron, brother of Carl Wilhelm, Prussian philosopher and naturalist; h. 14 Sept. 1 7^9 J d. 6 May, 1859. Studied under Heyne and Blumenbach . . 1787-89 Travelled in Holland, France, and England with George Forster the naturalist . . . 1790 Studied in the scliool of mines under "Werner at Freiberg ; published " Specimen Florae Subter- raneje Fribergensis " .... 1793 Director of the mines in Anspach and Bayreuth 1792-97 Published a work on the irritability of muscular fibres 1797-99 Studied meteorology at Salzburg . . 1797-98 Travelled with Aime Bonpland in Spain, 1798-99 ; Explored Teneriffe, July, 1799 : South America, Mexico, &c Feb. iSoo — Aug. 1804 Published " Voyages aux Regions Equinoxiales duNouveau Continent " .... 1809-25 " Vues des CordiUfires et Monuments des Peuples indigenes de I'Amerique " . . . 1810 " Essai Politique sur Nouvean Espagne " . iSii Studied chemistry and other sciences with Gay- Lussac and Berthollet at Paris . 1805-27 Examined "Vesuvius with von Buch 1805 Published " Ansichten der Nature" 1808 Eeturned to Berlin 1827 Travelled in Central Asia with Ehrenberg and GustavEose ... . 1829 Frequently visited Paris 1829-48 Published " Examen Critique de la Geographie du Nouveau Continent," 1835-38; "Asie Cen- trale," 1843 ; Kosmos, vol. I.— IV. . . 1835-58 Present at the baptism of the prince of Wales in London . . is Jan. 1842 Hume, David, Scotch historian and philoso- pher ; b. 26 April, 1 7 1 1 ; a merchant's clerk at Bristol, 1734; settled in France to study, 1735-39; returned to London, 1737; published "Treatise on Human Nature," 1739; Essays, Moral and Political, 1741; "Political Dis- courses," 1752; "History of England," 1754- 62; "Natural History of KeUgion," 1755; d. 25 Aug. 1776. HUM HTJN Hdme, David, Scotch lawyer, nephew of the historian; b. 1756; published "Commentaries on the Law of Scotland" 1797; d. 30 Aug. 1838. Hdme, James Deacon, political economist; i. 28 April, 1774; published "On the Com Laws," 1815 and 1834; "Laws of the Cus- toms," 1835 ; d. 12 Jan. 1 842. Hume, Joseph, Scotch politician; 6. Jan. i777j a surgeon and paymaster, made a fortune in India, lSoo,etseq.; M. P. for Weymouth, 1812; Montrose, 1818-30; for Middlesex, 1830; Kil- kenny, 1837; Montrose, 1842; vigorously pro- moted parliamentary and financial reform; detected an Orange plot, 1835 ; cZ. 2oFeb. 1855. Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, German pianist and composer (of "Mathilda von Guise," an opera, &c.) ; b. 14 Nov. 1778; d. 17 Oct. 1837. Humphrey, Laurence, theologist and scholar ; b. about 1527; dean of Winchester, 1580; wrote "Life of Bishop Jewell," 1573; d. 1 Feb. 1590. HuMPHEET, Pelham, musical composer ; b. 1647; d. 14 July, 1674. HuMPHEEY, David, American poet; b. 1753; ambassador in Portugal, 1792-97; Spain, 1797- 1802; published "Poems" ("Ode to Mount Vernon," &o.), 1804; d. 21 Feb. 1818. HuMPHKETS, Henry Noel, antiquary and natu- rahst, &o. ; b. 1810; pubUshed " Art of Illumi- nation," 1849; "Ancient Coins and Medals," 1850; "Coinage of British Empire," 1854; "British Moths," new ed. i860. HUMPHKIES, John, musical composer ; d. about 1730. HuNALD, duke of Aquitaine ; b. about 705 ; submitted to Charles Martel, 732 ; but rebelled against his son Pepin, 742-44; abdicated, entered a monastery, 746; at the death of his son Waifre, rebelled against Charlemagne ; aban- doned by his army ; given up to him, 769 ; escaped to Italy ; d. at siege of Pavia, 774- HuNAULD, Fran9oi3 Joseph, French anato- mist; b. 24 Feb. 1 701 ; published "Le Chirur- gien M^decin," 1726; d. 15 Dec. 1742. HuNNEEio, son of Genseric, king of the Van- dals in Africa ; hostage for his father at the court of Valentinian, 435 ; succeeded his father, 477; as an Arian, persecuted the cathoKcs ; d. 484. HoNNlADES, Johannes Corvinus, Hungarian general, voivode of Transylvania, (said doubt- fully to have been the illegitimate son of the emperor Sigismund); b. about 1400; d. 10 Sept. 1456. Victorious over the Turks in the war . . 1440-42 Defeated them at Kujiobitza . . 24 Dec. 1443 Opposed the breaking the truce, and the disas- trous battle of Varna .... 10 Nov. 1444 Eegent for the young king . . 1444, €t seq. Defeated by the Turks at Cossova . 17-19 Oct. 1448 Dispersed the Turkish fleet in the Danube, 14 July ; made Mahomet II. raise the siege of "Belgrade, 21 July . d. of his wounds, 10 Sept. 1456 HuNNius, GiUe, German protestant theolo- gian; b. 21 Dec. 1550; published "Calvinus Judalzans," 1593; d. 4 April, 1603. Hunt, Frederick Knight, editor of the "Daily News;" b. April, 1814; d. i8Nov. 1854. Hunt, Henry, radical politician; b. 6 Nov. 1773 ; a rich farmer, 1 797 ; held political meetings, 1816-19; condemned to fine and im- prisonment for sedition at Manchester, 15 May, 1820; elected M.P. for Preston, 1830; d. 15 Feb. 1835. Hunt, James, Ph. D., physiologist; b. 1833; founder and first president of the Anthropolo- gical Society, which first met, 24 Feb. 1863 ; d. 28 Aug. 1869. Hunt, James Henry Leigh, poet and essayist ; b. 19 Oct. 1784; joined his brother, John, in editing the "Examiner," 1808; granted a pension, 1847; published "Story of Rimini," 1816; "FoUage Poems," 1818; " EecoUections of Byron," 1828 ; "Sir Ralph Esher," 1832; "Men, Women, and Books," 1846; "The Town," 1848; "Autobiography," 1850; d. 28 Aug. 1859. Hunt, Bobert, geologist, keeper of mining records; b. 6 Sept. 1809; published "Poetry of Science;" "Panthea," 1849; "Researches on Light," new ed. 1854. Hunt, Thomas, professor of Hebrew; 5. 1696; published "De ISenedictione Jacobi," 1728; d. 31 Oct. 1774. Hunt, WUham, water-colour painter of coun- try duldren, flowers, fruit, &c. ; b. 1 790 ; d. 10 Feb. 1864. Hunt, William Holman, painter, pre- Raphaelite ; 5. 1827; exhibited "Converted British Family sheltering," 1850; "Light of the World," and "Awakened Conscience," 1854; "Scapegoat," 1856; "Finding of the Saviour," 1S60. Hunter, Alexander, Scotch physician and agriculturist; b. 1733; pubhshed "Observa- tions on the Cure of Phthisis," 1792; "New Method of Raising Wheat," 1796; d. 17 May, 1809. HuNTEE, Aime, wife of John, the surgeon, poet; b. 1742; wTotS "Mermaid's Song," and other poems, set by Haydn ; pubhshed "Poems," 1802; d. 1821. Hunter, Henry, Scotch minister; b. 1 741 ; published " Sacred Biography," 1785-92; d. 27 Oct. 1802. Hdntee, John, Scotch surgeon; b. 12 Feb. 1728; d. 16 Oct. 1793. Brought up as a turner; went to London, and studied under his brother, William . - 1748 Accompanied the army to Belleisle . . 1761-62 Devoted himself to the study of physiology 1763 Surgeon extraordinaiy to the king . . . 1776 Acquired the skeleton of the Irish giant, (now in College of Surgeons) 1783 Published "Natural History of the Human Teeth," 1771-78, and many papers : his collection, which cestui 70,000, bought by the nation for ^£15,000. HUN 2C9 HUT Hdntee, Rev. Joseph, antiquary, assistant- keeper o£ the pubKc records; b. J783; pub- lished "History of Hallamshire," 1819 ; " South Yorkshire," 1828-31; "Historical Tracts," 1849 ; d. 9 May, l86l. Hunter, Eobert, governor of New York, 1710; of Jamaica, 1728; wrote the "Letter on Enthusiasm," attributed to Swift; d. 31 March, 1734. Hunter, William, Scotch M.D., (brother of John) ; 6. 2 May, 1718 ; came to London, 1742 ; pubhshed "Anatomy of the Gravid Uterus," 1775 ; "Medical Conunentaries," 1762; d. 30 March, 17S3. Hdntee, William, Scotch surgeon and orien- talist ; h. about 1 760 ; employed in Java ; pro- fessor at Calcutta, 17S4-94; published "Ac- count of Pegu," 1784; secretary of Asiatic Society, 1794-1808; d. 1815. Huntingdon, see Henry of Huntingdon. Huntingdon, Selina, countess of, daughter of Washington Shirley, earl Ferrers; b. 1707; married TheophUus, earl of Huntingdon, 1728; widow, 13 Oct. 1746; became a patron of Whitfield, and founded the sect of Calvinistic methodiste, termed the Countess of Hunting- don's Connexion ; founded a college at Tre- vecca, in Wales ; d. 17 June, 1791. HuNTINGFOKD, George, bishop of Hereford; J. 1748; master of Winchester school, 1789; bishop of Gloucester, 1801 ; of Hereford, 1815 ; published " Introduction to Writing Greek," 1782; "Call to Union with the Established Church," 1800 ; d. 29 April, 1832. Huntington, Eobert, theologian and oriental- ist; b. Eeb. 1636; chaplain at Aleppo, 1670; travelled in Syria, Egypt, &c., 1677-82 ; bishop of Eaphoe ; d. before consecration, 2 Sept. 1701. Huntington, William, S. S. (sinner saved), Calvinist di.ssenting preacher ; 6. 1 744 ; wrote "Arminian Skeleton," "Bank of Faith," &c. ; d. Aug. 1 813. Huntsman, Benjamin, of ShefBeld, inventor of cast steel; 6. 1704; d. 1776. HuoT, Jean Jacques Nicolas, French natu- ralist; b. 1 790; published "Fossils Animaux et V^getaux," 1836; d. 19 May, 1845. Hdppazoli, Francesco, Piedmontese centena- rian ; b. 15 March, 1587; said to have been five times married, and to have had twenty- four legitimate, and twenty-five illegitimate children; d. 27 Jan. 1702. HuRD, Richard, bishop of Worcester, philolo- gist; b. 1720; pupil and friend of Warburton; preceptor of the prince of Wales, 1776; pub- lished a "Commentary on Horace," 1751; "Remarks on Hume's Essay on Religion," 1757; "Dialogues on Sincerity," &c., 1759, and 1765; bishop of Worcester, 1 781; d. 28 ' ' , 1808. HuRDis, Rev. James, poet; b. 1763; pub- lished "Village Curate," 1788; "Favourite Village," :8oo; d. 23 Dec. 1801. HuK]i), Charles, French theologian ; b. 7 Nov. 1639; published " Dictionnaire Universel de I'Ecriture Sainte," 1715 ; d. 12 Nov. 1717. Hu3, or Huss, Janos, Bohemian reformer; b. 6 July, 1373; burnt, 6 July, 1415. Preached against the clergy at Prague, and wrote his " De Sanguine Christi," &c. . about 1405 Kector of the university ; quarrelled with the archbishop Sbynko ; forbidden to preach by the pope 1409 Appealed to pope Alexander V. ; summoned to Kome : refused to go: published "De Libris Hsereticorum legendia " .... 1410 Defended Wickliffe from the charge of heresy 141 1 Opposed the pope's bull against Ladislas of Bo- hemia .... . . 1411 Wrote " "Vita et Moribus Antichristi," &c. ; arrived at Constance with a safe-conduct from the emperor Sigismund ... 3 Nov. 1414 Arrested and imprisoned, 28 Nov. ; his release demanded in vain .... Dec. 1414 Commissaries appointed by the pope to try him ; removed to Gottleben, and kept in chains March, 1415 Accused of heresy before the council of Con- stance ...... 7 June, 1415 Refused to submit to the decision, or retract 9 June, 1415 Condemned, and burnt . . 6 July, 1415 HusKissoN, WiUiam, statesman and political economist; b. II March, 1 770; d. 15 Sept. 1830. Present at the taking of the Bastile 14 July, 1789 Member of the club of 1789 . . . 1789-90 Saved the life of M. de Champcenetz, governor of the Tuileries . . . . lo Aug. 1792 Private secretary to lord Gower . 1792 Attached to the alien office . 1793 Obtained the friendship of Canning 1794 Under secretary of war . ■ , 1795-1801 M.P. for Morpeth . . 1796 Secretary of the treasury .... 1806-9 Published "The Question concerning the Depre- ciation of our Currency " . 1810 Chief Commissioner of Woods . . Aug. 1S14 Elected M.P. for Liverpool . . 15 Peb. 1823 President of the board of trade (promoted free trade) Feb. 1823 — Aug. 1827 Colonial secretary . . Aug. 1827 — May, 1828 Killed by accident at the opening of the Liver- pool and Manchester railway . . 15 Sept. 1830 HussoN, Jean Honor^ Aristide, French sculptor; 1). 2 July, 1803; gained first prize for bis "Theseus conquering the Minotaur," 1830; d. 4 Aug. 1864. HuTCHESON, Francis, Scotch philosopher ; h. 8 Aug. 1694; his "System of Moral Philo- sophy" published 1755 ; d. 1747. HuTCHiNS, John ; b. 1698 ; his "History and Antiquities of Dorset" pubhshed 1774 J ^' 21 June, 1773, HuTCHiNS, Thomas, American geographer and physicist ; 6. about 1730; pubhshed "Ex- periments on the Dipping Needle," 1775 ; "Description of Virginia," 1778; of Louisianaj 1784; d. 20 April, 178S. Hutchinson, John Hely, Irish lawyer ; h. 1715 ; secretary for Ireland, 1777 ; d. 1794. HUT 270 HUZ Hdtchikson, earls of Donouglmiore : EicHARD Hely, son of John ; b. 2 Jan. 1756 ; earnest advocate of catholic emancipation, 1807-20: created earl, 1821 . d. 25 Aug. 1825 John Hely, brother, general ; b. 15 May, 1757 ; fought in Flanders, 1794; succeeded Aber- cromby in the command in Egypt, and com- pelled the French to capitulate, July 1801 d. 6 July, 1832 Hutchinson, John, Hebraist, mystic, and naturalist; i. 1674; pubUshecl " Moses's Prin- cipia," &c., in opposition to Newton, and as- serting the Old Testament to be a complete system of natural history and theology, 1 724 ; his works published, 1749-65 ; d. 28 Aug. 1737- Hutchinson, John, colonel ; one of the judges of Charles I. ; member of the council of state, Jan. 1649 ; showed many kindnesses to the royalists, &c. ; exempted from punishment of the judges of Charles I., 1660; d. II Sept. 1664. Hutchinson, Lucy, wife ; h. (Apsley) 1620 ; wrote Memoirs of her husband and herself, published 1806; d. II Oct. 1659. Hutchinson, Thomas, Anglo- American states- man ; 5. 1711 ; chief -justice, 1760; governor of Massachusetts, 1 770-74 ; returned to Eng- land, May, 1774; published "History of Massachusetts," 1760-67 ; d. 3 June, 1780. Hutten, Ulrich von, G-erman poet, scholar, and reformer ; 6. 22 April, 1488 ; d. 29 Aug. I523. Published " Ars Versificatoria" . . , 1511 Attacked Ulric, duke of Wirtemberg, for mur- dering Jobann von Hutten, and named tbe German Demosthenes and Cicero. Published "Triumphus Capnionis (Reuchlin)," and "Epistolse Obscurorum Virorum ; " visited Italy 1515-16 Edited Laurentius Valla's " De Falso Credito et Ementita Donatione Constantini Magni" (which made a great sensation) 1517 Protected by Albert, margrave of Brandenburg 1518 Published "Ad Principes Germanife, ut Bellum Turcis invehant Exhortatoria" .... 1519 Wrote " Outis" (nobody) and became acquainted with Luther, about . . . . 1520 HuTTEB, Leonhard, German protestant theo- logian; h. 1563; published "De Voluntate Dei circa Sternum Decretum," 160S ; "Loci Communes," 1610; " Concordia Concors," and " Caivinista Aulico-PoliticuSj"i6i4; d. 23 Oct. 1616. HuTTON, Charles, self-taught mathematician ; &. 14 Aug. 1737; prof essor at Royal Academy, Woolwich, 1773 ; published " Mathematical Tables," 1785; "Mathematical and Philosophi- cal Dictionary, " 1795-96; "Course of Mathe- matics," 1798-1S01 ; d, 27 Jan. 1823. HuTTON, James, Scotch geologist ; 6. 3 June, 1726; d. 26 March, 1797. Investigated the strata in the north of Scot- land 1764-68 In his "Theory of the Earth" attributes to the agency of fire geologicalphenomena which Wer- ner ascribed to water (the Huttonian and Wer- nerian theories) . . 1795 Published " Considerations on Coal and Culm," 1777; " Dissertations," 1792 ; " On Light, Heat, and Fire" i794 HuTTOK, Matthew, archbishop of York ; h. 1529; bishop of Durham, 1589; archbishop, 1594; his "Explicatio de Electione," &c., published 161 3; d. 16 Jan. 1606. HuTTON, Matthew, bishop of Bangor, I743 ; archbishop of York, 1747; of Canterbury, 1757 ; d. 19 March, 1758. HuTTON, William, bookseller and topographer, of Birmingham; b. 30 Sept. 1 723; published "History of Birmingham," 1781; "History of Derby," 1790; "The Boman Wall," iSoi ; d. 20 Sept, 181 5; his "Life" (by himself), published 1S16. Huv^, French architects : Jean Jacques ; b. June, 1742 ; built a fine bridge, near Etna ; d. 24 March, 1808. Jean Jacques Marie; b, 28 April, 1783 ; employed by Napoleon to continue the works of Louis XV. at Paris, 1808 ; by Louis XVIIL, 1815 ; d. 23 Nov. 1852. HuxHAM, John, physician ; described a low nervous fever, and recommended as a remedy wine and the infusion of Peruvian bark ; pub- lished "Essay on Pevers," 1750; 10 Aug. 1768. HuxLET, Thomas Henry, naturalist; b. 1825. Assistant-surgeon in the "Rattlesnake" during the surveying voyage in the South Pacific . 1846-50 Professor of natural history at the Eoyal School of Mines 1854 Fullerian professor of Physiology at the Hoyal Institution, London . . . 1855-58, 1865-68 Hunterian professor at the Poyal College of Surgeons 1862-69 Pubhsbed " Oceanic, Hydrozoa," 1859; "Causes of the Phenomena of Organic Nature," 1862 ; "Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature," 1863 ; " Lectures on Comparative Anatomy," and "Atlas of Osteology," 1864; "Lessons on Ele- mentary Physiology" . . 1866 HUTGHENS (HUGENIUS) VAN ZUTLICHEM, Christian, Dutch physicist and astronomer; b. 14 April, 1629; d. 8 June, 1695. Improved telescopes, and discovered the first satellite of Saturn . . 25 March, 1655 Published " Saturni Luna " . . . 1656 Applied the pendulum to clocks . . . 1656 Published " Horologium Oscillatorium," 1673; " Traite de la Lumigre " . . 1690 Observed double refraction 1678 " Cosmotheoros" printed . . . 1695 Suggested the "undulatory theory, and the law of conservation of force." HuYGHENS VAN ZuTLiCHEM, Constantin (brother of Christian), Dutch statesman and scholar ; h. 4 Sept. 1596 ; published ^. work " On the Use and Abuse of the Organ," and "Momenta Desultoria," 1644; (^.28 March, 1687. HDYGHENS,Gomar, Dutch theologian; 6. 1 631; d. 27 Oct. 1702. Hutsman de Malines, Belgian painter; h. 1648; d, 1 June, 1727. Hutsum, van, Dutch painters : Justus, the old; 6. 1659 ; d. 1716. Justus, the Young, (battles) ; b. 1684 ; d. 1706. Jakob ; b. 1686 ; d. 1740. Jan (flowers and fruit) ; &. 1682 ; d. 1749. Huzaed, Jean Baptists, Prench agricul- turalist ; 6. 3 Nov. 1755; d. I Dec. 1S38. HYA 271 IDE Htacinthe, Pfere Charles, (real name Loyson), eloquent French Carmelite preacher; 6. 1827 ; "wrote a letter to his superior, resigning his office, 20 Sept. 1S69; excommunicated ; sailed for America, Oct. 1869. Hyatt, John, Calviniatio methodist preacher ; 6. 1767; d. 30 Jan. 1S26. Hyde, Anne, daughter of Edward, earl of Clarendon; married James, duke of York (James II.), 3 Sept. 1660 ; mother of queens Mary and Anne; rf. 31 March, 1671. Hyde, Sir Nicholas, lawyer; b. about 1572; lord chief -justice, 1626; d. 26 Aug. 1631. Hyde, Thomas, D.D., orientalist; 6. 16 May, 1636 ; assisted in preparation of Walton's Polyglott Bible, 1653, et seq. ; edited several works on Persia; published "Historia EeU- gionis Vetenim Persarum," 1700; d. iS Feb. 1703- Hydee Ali, a military adventurer of Persian origin; h. 1717; d. 7 Deo. 1782. Made war on the Mabrattas, 1761 ; under the rajah of Mysore, gradually assumed all the power ■ 1763-64 Extended his dominions along the Malabar coast, and made aUiance with the East India Company 1766 Joined the Nizam against the company ; de- feated by Colonel Smith .... 1767 Marched on Madras, and obtained a compulsory peace 15 AprU, 1769 Defeated by the Mahrattas - . . 1771 Subdued Calicut and other territories . 1774 Defeated the Mahrattas in two battles . 1778 Formed a league for the expulsion of the English .... 1779 Defeated Baillie and Fletcher . . . 17S0 Defeated by Sir Eyre Coote i Jvij, 1781, 2 June 1782 Hyginus, (or HiGiNUs), pope, 138 ; excom- municated Gnostics ; d. 8 Jan. 142. Hyginus, (Higinus), Caius Julius ; wrote " Poetica Astronomica," " Fabularum Liber;" fi. about B.C. 40. Hyndfokd, John Carmichael, earl of, diplo- matist; h. 1701 ; ambassador in Prussia, 1741 ; in Russia, 1 744 ; promoted the peace of Aix-la- Ghapelle, 1748; d. 1767. Hypatia, an Alexandrian lady, and teacher of philosophy ; killed by the Christian mob, 415. Hypeeidbs, Athenian orator, friend of De- mosthenes ; b. about B.C. 396 ; firmly opposed theMacedoniankings; put todeathby Antipater. Hyeoanus I., II., high priests and princes of Judaea : I JOAHNES, son of Simon Maccabseus, succeeded him ^■°- 136 Governed prosperously . . d. 106 II. grandson ... . . B.C. 69 Dethroned by Aristobulus . . 68 Restored to the priesthood by Pcmpey . . 63 Deposed by Antigonus, Ms ears cut off, and exiled to Seleuceia 40 Eeturned to Jerusalem ; at first well received by Herod, who had married his granddaughter Mariamne ; put to death by Herod through jealousy • • • 3° Hystaspes, see Darius. Iambliohus, neo-Platonist philosopher, pupil of Porphyrius ; opposed Christianity ; wrote a life of Pythagoras, and an introduction to Plato ; d. before 330. Ibaeea, Joaquin, Spanish printer; 6. 1 725; improved the paper and inlc ; printed fine edi- tions of the Bible and Don Quixote ; d. 23 Nov. 1785. Ibbetson, Mrs Agnes, botanist ; b. 1757 ; d. 1823. Ibbetson, Julius C^sar, landscape painter ; published an accidence or gamut of oil-paint- ing, 1805 ; d. 181 7. Ibbot, Benjamin, theologian; 6. 16S0; gave the Boyle lectures, 1 7 14-15 ; d. 5 April, 1 725. Ibn-Khaldoun, Arab historian ; b. 1332 ; d. 1406. His history of the Berbers published in France, 1852-56. Ibrahim, Abbasside caliph ; 6. July, 779 ; proclaimed caliph in room of his nephew Maimoun, son of Haroun-al-Easchid, 24 July, 817; abdicated, June, 819. Ibeahim, sultan of Turkey ; b. 4 Nov. 1 61 5; tyrannical, weak, and cruel ; strangled by the Janissaries, 18 Aug. 1648. Ibeahim Bey, the Great, chief of the Mame- louks; b. about 1735; opposed the French in- vasion, and supported the English ; long opposed Mehemet-Ali, 1805-10 ; escaped the massacre, I March, 1811; rf. in Nubia, 181 7. Ibeahim Pacha, viceroy of Egypt, son of Mehemet-AU; b. 1789; d. 10 Nov. 1848. Conquered the Wahabites .... 1816-18 Formed a regular army by the help of Colonel S6ve3 1818, et seq. Commanded an auxiliary army in Greece 1825 Took Navarino, 23 May, 1825 ; and Missolonghi, 23 April, 1826 Signed the convention for the Turkish evacua- tion of the Morea .... 6 Aug. 1828 Commanded an army against the Turks in Syria : defeated them near Tripoli, Nov. 1831 ; captured Acre after six months' siege . . 27 May, 1832 His total defeat of Eescliid Pacha at Konieh, 21 Dec. 1832, led to the peace of Kutahieh (through European intervention) . . May, 1833 Totally defeated the Turks (who had encouraged the Syrians to revolt against Egypt) at Nezib, 24 June, 1839 Compelled to submit to the British and Aus- trians, allies of Turkey 1840 Confirmed in the dignity of viceroy by the Porte, July, 1848 IciLius, Roman tribune; betrothed to Vir- ginia ; at her death, roused the people against the Decemvirs, B.C. 499. Idbiee, Christian Ludwig, German astrono- mer ; b. 21 Sept. 1766; published "Handbnch der Mathematischeu und Technischen Chrono- logic," 1825-6 ; d. 10 Aug. 1S46. Hia sou, Julius ; b. 3 Sept. 1809; published "Meteoro- logia Veterum Gr^corum et Eomanorum," 1832 ; d 17 July 1842. IFF 272 ING IlTLAND, August Wilhelm, German dramatist; h. 19 April, 1759; d. 22 Sept. 1814. lONATiDS, Saiut, bishop of Antiocli about 44 ; wrote epistles ; said to have been martyred, 20 Dec. 107. Ignatius, son of the emperor Michael I. ; i. about 799 ; patriarch of Constantinople, 846 ; opposed the dissolute Michael III. ; expelled and imprisoned in a filthy tomb, 858; restored by the emperor Basil I., 867 ; d. about 878. Ignatius de Loyola, founder of the order of the Jesuits; 6. 1491 ; d. 31 July, 1556. A page at the court of Ferdinand V. ; wounded at Pampeluna ; gave up the army, and devoted himself to religion . . .1521 Arrived at Jerusalem .... 4 Sept. 1523 Studied philosophy and theology at Paris . 1528-34 "With FranQois Xavier and others, founded the order of Jesuits 15 Aug. 1534 The order approved by the pope, Paul III ; 27 Sept. 1540 Proclaimed general .... 22 April, 1541 d. 31 July, 1556 ; beatified, 1607 ; canonised 1622 Ignaeea, Nicolo, Italian antiquary ; 6. 21 Sept. 1728; published " De Palsestra Neapoli- tana," 1770; d. 6 Aug. 1808. Ihke, Johan, Swedish scholar; h. 3 March, 1707; published "Ulphila3lllustratus,"l752-55 ; " Glossarium Suio-Gothicum," 1769 ; d, i Dec. 1780. Ildefonso, Saint, Spanish prelate ; i. 607 ; archbishop of Toledo, 658 ; d. 23 Feb. 669. Ihvb, Jacob, theological writer ; h. about 1710 ; published " Concordantise Sacrorum Bibliorum" of Calasio, 1747 ; " The Book of Jasher," (a forgery), 1751 ; d. 1763. Illyeius, see Plach. Imbeet, Barthflemy, French poet and dra- matist; 6. 1747; d. 23 Aug. 1790. Imbeet, Jean, French jurist ; b. about 1522; published " Institutiones Forensium GaUise," 1548 ; " Enchiridion Juris Scripti," 1558 ; d. about 1600. Imbeet, Joseph Gabriel, French painter ; h. 1654; d. 1740. Imbeet de Boudeaux, Guillaume, French writer; h. 1744; published "Chronique Scandar leuse," 1783 ; d. 19 May, 1803. Im-hof, Jacob Wilhelm, German genealogist ; h. 8 March, 165 1 ; published "Corpus His- toriae Genealogicse Italiae et Hispanise," 1 702 ; d. 20 Dec. 1728. Imola, Innocente da, (Francucci), Italian painter; h. about 1480; d. about 1550. Impbeiali, Giovanni Vincenzo, Italian poet ; li. about 1570 ; published "Lo Stato Eustico," 1611 ; d. about 1645. . , Italian physi- cian ; h. 1 568 ; published " Exotericarum Lec- tiones," 1603; d. 26 May, 1623. Impeeiali, Giovanni, Italian physician ; 5. 1602 ; published " Museum Historicum et Physicum," 1640; d. about 1664. Ina, Idng of Wessex, succeeded CeadwaUa, his kinsman, who died, 20 April, 688 ; pub- Ushed a collection of laws about 693 ; defeated the Britons, 710 ; defeated and killed Cyne- wulf, (721), and Aldbriht, claimants of the crown, 722 ; abdicated ; retired to Home ; d. as a pilgrim, 728. Inohbald, Elizabeth, novehst, dramatist, and actress; h. (Simpson), 16 Oct. 1753; published "A Simple Story," 1791; " Nature and Art," 1796; d. I Aug. 1821. Inchoffee, Melchior, German Jesuit ; h. 1584; published "Tractatus SyUepticus," (opposing Copernicus), 1633 ; " Grammatioua I?8edicus" (against Scioppius), 1638; "His- toric Sacrae Latinitatis," 1635 ; d. 28 Sept. 1648. Incledon, Benjamin Charles, singer, pupil of Jackson of Exeter ; b. 1764 ; d. 11 Feb. 1826. Indibilis, Spanish prince, involved in the Punic war, alternately joining the Carthagiu- ians, B.C. 218; and Eomans (212); defeated, and put to death by the Romans, 205. Inez db Casteo, mistress, and afterwards wife of Pedro of Portugal; put to death by his father, Alfonso IV., 7 JaiL 1355. Ingelbdege, Danish princess, queen of France ; b. 11 76 ; married to Philip Augustus, 14 Aug.; divorced, 4 Nov. 11 93; received again by him by order of pope Innocent III., 1201 ; d. 20 July, 1236. Ingelow, Jean; b. about 1830; published "Poems," 1863 ; "Story of Doom," 1867. Ingbn-housz, Jan, Dutch physician, natu- ralist, and physicist ; b. 8 Dec. 1 730 ; visited France, Germany, and England ; published "Experiments on Vegetables," 1779; d. at Bowood, 7 Sept. 1799. Inghieami, Francesco, Italian archseologist ; b. 1772; published "Monumenti Etruschi," 1820-27; "GaUeria Omerica," 1827-38; d. 17 May, 1846. Inghieami, Giovanni, Italian astronomer ; b. 16 April, 1779; published "Principij Idro- Mecanici," 1803-5; '^- '5 Aug. 1851. Inghieami, Tommaso Fedra, Italian scholar, 1470; d. 6 Sept. 15 16. Inglis, Henry David, Scotch traveller ; *• 1795 ; published "Journey through Norway," 1829; "Tour through Switzerland," 1830; "Ireland in 1834," 1834; d. 20 March, 1835. Inglis, John, bishop of Nova Scotia ; 6. 1 778 ; consecrated, 1825 ; d. 27 Oct. 1850. Inglis, or English, Sir James, supposed author of "The Complayntof Scotland;" mur- dered, I March, 1530. Inglis, John, D.D., Scotch minister; b. 1763; pubhshed "Vindication of the Christian Faith," 1830; d. 2 Jan. 1834. Inglis, Sir Robert Harry, bart.. Conservative politician; b. 12 Jan. 1786; replaced Sir Robert Peel as M.P. for Oxford, 1828-53 ; d. S May, 1855. ING 273 IRE Ingoldsey, Thomas, see Barliam. Ingram, Herbert, M.P. ; established the " Illustrated London News," first published, 14 May, 1842; drowned in Lake Michigan, 8 Sept. i860. Ingeah, James, D.D., Anglo-Saxon scholar ; 5. 21 Dec. 1774; published translation of the " Saxon Chronicle," 1823 ; " Memorials of Oxford," 1S34-37 ; d. 4 Sept. 1850. Ingham, Kev. Eobert ; 6. 1727 ; published "Ten Tribes of Israel in America," 1792; " The Seven Vials," 1804 ; d. 1804. Ingrassia, Giovanni Filippo, Sicilian physio- logist; h. 1 5 10; d. 6 Nov. 1580. Ingees, Jean Auguste Dominique, French painter; h. 15 Sept. 1 781; pupil of David, 1796; went to Rome ; broke through the con- ventional style; exhibited " CBdipus," 1808; "La OdaUsque," 1819; "Le Vceu de Louis XIIL," 1824; d. 14 Jan. 1867. Inguimbeet, Joseph d', dom Malachie, French bishop; h. 26 Aug. 1683; published " Trattato dell' Autoritk ed Infallibilita del Pape," 1731; d. 6 Sept. 1757. Ingulphus, abbot of Croyland, historian, re- puted author of a history of Croyland and Life of St. Guthlac; b. about 1030; ^.17 Dec. 1109. Inman, James, mathematician; h. 1776; d. 7 Feb. 1859. Innes, Thomas, Romanist priest; h. 1662; said to have written a Memoir of James II. ; published " Critical Essay on Ancient Inhabi- tants of Northern Britain," 1729; d. 9 Feb. 1744. Innocent I. — XIIL, popes : I. St. ; elected, 402 ; friend of St. John Clirysostoin d. 14 Feb. 417 II. Gregorio Papi ; elected, 75 Feb. 1130 ; com- pelled to retire by the supporters of an anti- pope Anacletus ; returned, 1132 ; d. 24 Sept. 1143 III. Lotario Conti ; b. about 1161; elected, 8 Jan. iig8 : influential in all Europe, declaring the sacerdotal to be superior to the secular government ; excommunicated and deposed several sovereigns ; preached a crusade against the Albigenses 1208 Made Otho IV. emperor, 1209 ; deposed him 1212 Placed England under an interdict 23 March, 1208 Excommunicated king John . . . Nov. 1209 Eeconciled Dec. 1213 Preached a general crusade: presided at a general council, 1215 . . . d. i6 July, 1216 IV. Sinibaldo de' Fieschi : elected, 25 June, 1243; excommunicated the emperor Frederick II. at the 13th general council at Lyons, 1246; preached a crusade against his son Conrad 1251 d. 7 Dec. 1254 V. Pietro de' Champagniaco ; elected, 21 Feb. d. ■zi June, 1276 VI. Etienne d' Albert : elected at Avignon, 18 Dec. 1352 ; patronised letters . d. 3 Sept. 1362 VII. Cosmo de' Migliorati ; &. 1336 ; elected, 17 Oct. 1404 d. 6 Nov. 1406 VIII. Giovanni Battista Cibo ; &. 1432 ; elected 29 Aug. 1484 Excommunicated Ferdinand, king of Naples, assigning his kingdom to Charles VIII. of France without effect 1489-92 Zealous lor war against the Turks d. 25 July, 1492 IX. Giovanni Antonio Facchinetto, " Clinicus ;" 6. 1519: elected, 29 Oct. . . rf. 30 Dec. 1591 X. Giovanni Battista Panfili ; &. 7 May, 1572 ; elected, 15 Sept. 1644 ; condemned the live pro- positions of Jansenius in his " Augustinus," 1653 d. 7 Jan. 1655, XI. Benedetto Odescalchi : &. i6it ; elected, 21 Sept. 1676 ; opposed nepotism ; qiiarreUed with the French king, Louis XIV., and refused to admit his ambassador . d. 12 Aug. i6Sg XII. Antonio Pignatelli ; h. 13 March^ 1615 ; elected 12 July, 1691 ; condemned Fendlon's "Explication des Maximes des Saints" and Quietism, 12 March, 1691 . . rf. 27 Sept. 1700 XIIL Michele Angelo Conti : 6. 15 May, 1655 ; elected, 8 May, 1721 ; pensioned James, son of James 11. of England . . . rf. 7 March, 1724 Intekiano de Ataxa, Juan, Spanish priest and poet; h. 1656; pubUshed "Pictor Christi- anus Eruditus," 1730; d. 20 Oct. 1730. Inveges, Agostino, Sicilian historian; h. 1595; pubUshed " Palermo An tico," 1649; "Palermo Sacro," 1650; "Palermo NobUe," 1651 ; d. April, 1677. Inveeness, Cecilia Underwood, duchess of; h. about 1788; married Sir George Buggin, 14 May, 181 5; widow, 2 April, 1825; soon fifter married the duke of Sussex ; created duchess, 10 April, 1840. Inwood, William, surveyor; 6. about 1771; pubhshed "Tables for Purchasing Estates," 181 1; d. 16 March, 1843. His son, Heney William, architect ; h. 1 794 ; pubhshed " The Erechtheion at Athens," 1827; d. March, 1843. Iphiceates, Athenian general ; improved military tactics and armour; victorious over the Lacedemonians, B.C. 392; aided the Persians in the reduction of Egypt, 377; tried and ac- quitted of misconduct, 355 ; d, before 348. Ieailh, Augustin Simon, French historian ; b. 16 June, 1719; published " Querelles Litt^- raires," 1761; "Histoirede la Reunion de la Bretagne k la France," 1764; d. March, 1794. Ieeland, John, dean of Westminster; b. 1761; published "Vindicise Regi^," 1797; "Paganism and Christianity compared," 1809; dean, 1816; d. I Sept. 1842. Ieeland, John; published "Hogarth Illus- trated," 1791-98; d. 1808. Ieeland, Samuel, publisher of " Picturesque Tours in Great Britain and the Continent," 1790-1800; d. July, iSoo. Ieeland, Samuel William Henry, novelist and dramatist, son of Samuel; b. 1777; published his Shakspeare forgeries, 1796; " Vortigem " per- formed, 2 April, 1796; acknowledged the forgery soon after; pubUshed "Confessions," 1805 ; "The Abbess," 1799; d. 17 April, 1835. lEENiEUS, Saint, bishop of Lyons; h. about 120; wrote "Adversus H«reses ; " d. (incor- rectly said to have been martyred) about 200. Ieene, empress of the east; b. about 752; married by Leo, son of Constantine V., 769 ; regent for her son, Constantine VI. , 780 ; put down the iconoclasts by a council, 787 ; caused her son to be assassinated, and succeeded him, lEE 274 ISL 797; said to have proposed marriage to Charle- magne about 800; dethroned and imprisoned by Nicephorus, her treasurer, 802; d. Aug. 803. Ikbton, Henry, parliamentary general and statesman ; h. i6ro ; married Cromwell's daughter, Bridget, 1646; having intercepted a letter from Charles I., proscribing himself and Cromwell, resolved on the king's death; made deputy in Ireland, June ; d. there, 15 Nov. 165 1. Iron Mask, Man with the; closely imprisoned (at first at Pignerol, afterwards at the Bastille), 1679, till his death, 19 Nov. 1703. Irving, Edward, Scotch clergyman; 5. 15 Aug. 1 792 ; assistant to Dr Chalmers at Glas- gow, 1 8 19; attracted great crowds to his chapel in London, 1822-23; countenanced the utterance of the "XJnlinown Tongues," 1831 ; expelled the presbyterian church for heresv, IS March, 1833; d. 8 Dec. 1834. Ievihg, Washington, American writer (father Scotch, mother EngUsh) ; 6. 3 April, 1783; d. 28 Nov. 1859. Published " Salmagundi," Jan. 1807; "Knicker- bocker's History of New York," 1809 ; " The Sketch-book," 1819; '* Bracebridge Hall," 1S22; " Tales of a Ti-aveUer," 1824 ; " Life of Colum- bus," 1828; "Conquest of Granada," 1829; "The Alhambra," 1832; "Mahomet and bis Successors," 1849-50; "Oliver Goldsmith," 1849: " Life of Washington " 1855 Visited Britain, 1815 ; at Paris, 1820 ; at Madrid, 1826 lE'iviN, Eyles, poet and traveller ; h. 1 748 ; published "Voyage up the Eed Sea," 1780; d. 14 Oct. 1S17. Isaac, Jewish patriarch ; h, about e.g. 1897; d. 1716. Isaac I. II., emperors of the east: 1. Comnenus; succeeded Michael VI., Aug. 1057; ruled well ; resigned the crown to Constantino Ducas, and retired to a convent, Dec. 1059; d. 1061 II. Angelus 6. 1154 Narrowly escaped murder; proclaimed emperor, 1185 Luxurious and rapacious ; sought alhance with Saladin against the Latins ; dethroned and blinded by his brother, Alexis . . . 1195 Eestored by his son, Alexis, and reigned with him 1203 Dethroned by Murzuphlus ... d. 1204 Isaacson, Henry, chronologist ; 6. 1581 ; published "Tabula Historico-Chronologica, " 1633 ; d. 1654. Isabella, see Elizabeth, queens of France and Spain. Isabella, queens of England : X. Angouleme ; afiianced to tlie comte de Marche : carried off, and married by John of England Aug. 1200 At his death, married the comte, 1216 . d. 1245 2. daughter of Philip IV. of France . . &. 1290 Married to Edward II. of England 28 Jan. 1308 Intrigued with Roger Mortimer, and stayed in France 1325 Landed at Orwell ; joined by the barons Sept. 1326 Deposed the king . . Jan. 1327 "With Mortimer, ruled England . . 1327 Imprisoned by her son, Edward III. : Mortimer hanged, 29 Nov. 1330 . . . d. 1357 3. daughter of Charles VI. of France &. 1389 Married to E-ichard II. of England . 1396 Iteturned to France, 1399 d. 13 Sept. 1409 Isabella of Bavaria, queen of France ; b. 1371;- married to Charles VI., 18 July, 1385 ; intrigued with Louis de Bois Bourdon (put to death), 1408 ; allied with the duke of BurgTindy against her son, 14 1 7, and with Henry V. of England, 1420 ; d. in neglect, 30 Sept. 1435. Isabella I. the Catholic, daughter of John II. of Castile; i. 22 April, 145 1 ; married to Ferdinand of Aragon, 18 or 19 Oct. 14' queen of Castile at the death of her brother. Henry IV., 1474 ; established the inquisition, 1480 ; promoted the war with the Moors. 1481, which led to the capture of Granada, 1492 ; gave Columbus the means for his first expedition, 1492; d. 26 Nov. 1504. Isabella II., queen of Spain, daughter of Ferdinand VII. and Maria Christina of Naples; b. 10 Oct. 1830. Succeeded her father (under her mother as regent) 29 Sept. 1833 Declared of age, Nov. 1843 ; married her cousin, Francisco d'Assisi Maria Ferdinand . 10 Oct. 1846 Narrowly escaped assassination by a priest at Atocha 2 Feb. 1852 After the insurrection of Sept., fled into France, and settled in Paris . . 1868 Isaiah, Hebrew prophet; prophesied about B.C. 810-760. Isambebt, Frangois Andrd, French jurist and advocate ; J. 30 Nov. 1 792 ; opposed the policy of the restoration ; employed by Louis PhiKppe's government, 1830 ; published, " Ee- cueil des Lois et Ordonnances du I"' April, 1814," 1820 ; " Manuel du Publiciste," 1826 ; " Code Electoral et Municipal," 1831 ; d. 13 April, 1857. IscANUS, see Joseph of Exeter. IsELiN, Isaac, Swiss philosopher ; S. 17 March, 1 728 ; published, in German, " Philosophic Dreams of a Philanthropist," 1759; "On the History of Mankind," 1764; d. 15 June, 1782. ISELIN, Jacob Christoph, Swiss philologist, theologian, and poet ; 6. 12 June, l68r ; d. 14 April, 1737. ISHBOSHETH, son of Saul, king of Israel, about B.C. 1055 ; murdered, about 1048. ISHMAEL, son of Abraham; b. B.C. 1 9 10; d. 1773. IsiDOEUS HisPALENSls, bishop of Seville, about 600; wrote " Origines," an encyclopeedia of arts and sciences ; " Liber Glossamm Latinarum," and other works ; d. 4 April, 636. IsiDORUS Mercator, or Pecoator, supposed author of "Decretals;" Jl. 7th century. IsiDOBDS of Pelusium, ascetic abbot ; wrote many epistolary expositions of Scriptm-e; d. about 450. ISLA, Jose, Spanish satirist ; b. 1 703 ; pub- lished " Historia del famoso predioador Fray Gerundio de Campazas" (imitation of Don Quixote), 1758; d. 1783. ISM 275 JAG Ismail I. II., shaha of Persia : I. b. 17 July, 1487 : expelled the Turkomans, and established the Soplii djTiasty . . . 1501 Enlarged his dominions by conquest . . 1502-9 d. 19 May, 1524 II. grandson ; cruel tyrant ; succeeded Ms father, Tamasp, 1576 d. by poison, 20 Dec. T577 Ismail Pasha, Wiedive of Egypt, son of Ibrahim; b. 26 Nov. 1816; succeeded his brother Said, 18 Jan. 1863; made K.C.B., 30 Jan, 1S67 ; visited London, &c., 6-18 July, 1867; again, Aug. 1869. Isooeates, Athenian orator; i. B.C. 436; taught rhetoric at Athens ; at the downfall of his country, committed suicide, 338. ISTUEITZ, Prancisco Xavier de, Spanish states- man; &. 1790; president of the cortes, 1823; foreign minister, May, 1836; escaped in dis- guise during the insurrection, Aug. 1836 ; president of the congTess, 1838; negotiated the marriages of lo Oct. 1S46 ; ambassador in Eng- land, 1850-4; in Russia, 1856; prime minister, Jan. — July, 1858 ; ambassador in Prance, 1863-64. Ittio, Thomas, German Lutheran theologian and historian ; b. 31 Oct. 1643; d. 7 April, 1 7 10. Ituebide, Augustin, Mexican general; b. 27 Sept. 1 784 ; opposed the insurrection, and em- ployed by the Spaniards in Mexico, 1810-20 ; declared emperor, March, 1822 ; compelled to abdicate, March, 1823 ; went to England, Deo, 1823; returned to Mexico; seized, tried, and shot, 19 July, 1824. Ivan, sovereigns of Russia : I. Kalita (the pure), grand duke of Moscow . 1328 Assumed the title of grand prince of all the Hiissias ci. 31 March, 1340 II. Son, b. 1326 ; succeeded his brother Simeon, 1353 condemned to death, and escaped to England ; knighted by George III., 1 794 ; published many historical and statistical works, 1783-1836; d. 16 March, 1842. Ives, John, antic{uary; b. 1751 ; published "Remarks on English Coins," 1 775; d. 9 June, 1776. IvETEAUX, see Vauqudin. IvoET, James, Scotch mathematician ; b. 1765; d. 21 Sept. 1S42. IzAACKE, Richard, topographer; b. 1624; pub- lished "Antiquities of Exeter," 1677 ; d. 1700. Jablonowski, Joseph Alexander, PoUsh prince ; governor of Novgorod ; astronomer ; b. 4 Peb. 1711 ; published " Astronomite Ortus et Processus," 1762 ; founded the "Jablonow- ski Society," at Leipsic (which grants annual prizes for works on science), 1 768 ; d. i March, 1777. Jablonski, Prussian scholars : Daniel Ernst, Prussian theologian and Heb- raist : h. 20 Nov. 1660 ; edited the Hebrew Bible, 1699 ; president of the Eoyal Academy at Berlin 1733 d.. 25 May, 1741 JoHANN Theodoe (brother) grammarian ; b. about 1665 : pubUshed " Dictionnaire FraUQais AHemand," &c,, 1711 ; " Dictionary of Sciences" (in G-erman), 1721 . , . . d.. 1731 Paul Ernst (son of Daniel), orientalist : b. 1693; travelled to study Coptic MSS. : published " Ex- ercitatio de Nestorianismo," 1724 ; '* Pantheon ^gyptiorum," 1750-52 . , <^. 13 Sept. 1757 Jackson, Andrew, American general and statesman, (named "Old Hickory"); 6. 15 March, 1767; entered the army, 1780 ; fought vigorously against the Indians in Tennessee, 1787 ; defended New Orleans against the British, Dec, 1814 ; defeated them, 8 Jan. 1815 ; negotiated the acquisition of Plorida, and named first governor, 1820-21 ; president of the United States, 4 March, 1829 — 4 March, 1837 ; attacked the bank of the United States, 1834; d. 8 June, 1845, Jackson, Arthur, nonconformist minister ; *• 1593; published "Help to the Understand- ing of the Holy Scriptures," 1643-82 ; d. 5 Aug, 1666. Jackson, Dr Charles T., American geologist and chemist; b. 21 June, 1S05 ; published geological reports on Nova Scotia, Maine, &c., 1832-41 ; discovered the anesthetic effect of inhaling sulphuric ether, and superintended its first application by W. T. Morton in Boston, U.S., 1846 ; received the Monthyon prize, Paris, 1847. Jackson, Cyril, dean of Christ Church, Ox- ford ; b. 1742 ; d. 9 April, 181 9. Jackson, John, unitarian writer ; b. 1686 ; published "Chronological Antiquities," 1752; " Dissertation on Matter and Spirit," 1735 ; d. 12 May, 1763. Jackson, John, R.A., portrait painter ; b. 1778 ; d. I June, 1S31. JAC 276 JAC Jaokson", J. E., Indian officer and geographer ; 5. about 1790; published "Observations on Lakes," 1833; "What to Observe," 1841 ; d. 16 March, 1853. Jackson, John, wood-engraver, pupil of Bewick ; published " Treatise on 'Wood-en- graving," 1839. Jackson, John, bishop of London ; T>. 2 Feb. 181 1; published "Sinfulness of Little Sins," bishop of Lincoln, 1853 ; of London, i86g. Jackson, John Kichardson, mezzotint - en- graver; b. 14 Deo. 1819; engraved "Otter and Salmon," after Sir E. Landseer. Jackson, Robert, M.D. ; b. 1751; published "Treatise on the Fever of Jamaica," 1791 j d. 6 April, 1827. Jackson, Thomas, D.D., dean of Peter- borough; h. 1579; dean, 1638; wrote "Com- mentaries on the Apostles' Creed;" d. 1640. Jackson, Thomas, sumamed " Stonewall," American confederate general; b. 1826; de- feated Banks at Cedar Mountain, 9 Aug., and Pope at Bull's Kun, 30 Aug. 1862 ; mortally wounded at Chancellorsville ; d. 10 May, 1863. Jackson, William, Irish clergyman ; h. about 1720 ; convicted of high treason for corre- sponding with France, 23 April, 1 795 j ^' (t'y suicide?) 30 April, 1795. Jackson, William, of Exeter, musical com- poser ; b. May, 1 730 ; wrote chants, canzonets, and the " Lord of the Manor," (opera); d. 12 July, 1803. Jackson, William, bishop of Oxford ; b. 1750; consecrated, 181 1 ; d. Nov. 1815. Jacob, Jewish patriarch ; b. B.C. 1838; went down to Egypt, 1706; d. 1689. Jacob de St. Charles, Louis, French biblio- grapher; b. 20 Aug. 1608; pubUshed " Biblio- theca Pontifica," 1643 ; " TraitcS des plus belles Bibliothfeques du Monde," 1644; d, \o May, 1670. Jacob, Giles, law writer and dramatist ; Z>. 1686; published "Law Dictionary," and " Law Grammar," 1729; d. 8 May, 1744. Jacob, Heitty, founder of the first indepen- dent church in England ; published " Treatise on <»he Sufferings and Victorie of Christ," 1598; d. in Virginia soon after 1624. His son, Henkt, b. about 1607; wrote Greek, Latin, and En- glish poems; d. 1652. Jacob, John, Indian general ; b. 1813 ; organ- ised Scinde cavalry; fZ. at Jacobabad, 6Dec. 1858. Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob, Prussian mathe- matician ; b. 10 Dec. 1804 ; published " Funda- menta Nova Theorise Functionum EUipti- carum," 1829; d. 18 Feb. 1 851. Jaoobi, Friedrich Heinrich, German philo- sopher and political economist ; b. 28 Jan. 1 743 ; friend of Wieland, 1 770 ; wrote (in Ger- man) " Letters on the Philosophy of Spinoza," 1 7S5 ; opposed the infidel party in (Germany ; d. 10 March, 1819. Jacobi, Holger, Danish naturalist ; b. 6 July, 1650 ; published " Museum Regium seu Catalogus Eerum," 1696; d. 18 June, 1701. Jacobi, Johann Georg, German poet, (brother of Friedrich) ; b. 2 Sept. 1 740 ; published " Poetical Essays," 1764; "Dramatic Works," 1792 ; d. 4 Jan. 1 8 14. Jacobi, Moritz Hermann, Prussian physicist ; b. 21 Sept. 1801 ; invented electrotyping, 1837-3S ; improved the Voltaic battery, 1840. Jacobs, Christian Friedrich Wnhelm, German philologist and educational writer ; b. 6 Oct. 1764; edited " Anthologia Grjeca," 1794-1814; published, (in German), " School for Women," 1827-29; " Writings for Youth," 1842-44; d. 30 March, 1847. Jacobs, Lucas, of Leyden, painter ; b. 1494 ; d- 1533- Jacobson, Johann Carl Gottfried, German technologist; b. 1726; d. 14 Sept. 1789. Jacobson, William, bishop of Chester ; b. 1803; edited "Patres ApostoUci," 1847; consecrated, 1865. Jacobus Baradaeus, bishop of Edessa, 541 ; leader of the Monophysites or Jacobites ; d 578. Jacobus Magnus, bishop of Nisibis ; bravely maintained the defence of Nisibis besieged by Sapor, king of Persia, about 338 or 35°- Jacobus Sapiens, Syrian bishop ; b. about 452; bishop of Batnae on the Euphrates, 519; wrote a liturgy ; d. 522. Jacobus de Vitehbo, archbishop of Naples ; wrote " Quodlibeta," &c. ; d. 1308. See Voragine. Jacomb, Thomas, nonconformist ; 5. 1622 ; ejected, 1662; wrote "Treatise of Holy Dedi- cation," published 1688; d. 1687. Jacometti, Tarquinio, Italian sculptor ; b. about 1570; cast the gates of the church o£ Loretto, about 1593-96. His brother, PlETBO Paolo, painter and sculptor ; b. 1580 ; d. 1655. Jacopone, (Jacopo da Todi), Italian ascetic poet ; wrote " Cantici SpirituaJi," printed, 1490; d. 25 Dec. 1306. Jacotot, Joseph, French philosopher and educational writer ; 6. 4 March, 1 770 ; entered the army, and fought in Belgium, 1792, et seq.; propounded a new system of education, 1818; published his " Enseignement Universel," 1823-35 ; d. 30 July, 1840. Jacotot, Pierre, French physicist; 5. 1755; published " Elements de Physique, de Chimie," &c., 1804; d. 14 July, 1821. Jacquakd, Joseph Marie, French mechani- cian; b. 7 July, 1752; invented the Jaoquard loom, patented, 23 Dec. 1801 ; received a pen- sion of 3000 francs, and premiums, 1806; d. 7 Aug. 1834. JAC 277 JAM Jacqueline, daughter and heifess of William of Bavaria, count of Hainault and Holland ; h. 1401 ; d. 1436. Married to John, son of Cliarles VI. of France 1407 Her husband poisoned by the Armagnacs at Paris ; soon after married John, duke of Brabant . 1417 "Went to England, and captivated Humphry, duke of Gloucester 1420 Married him after annulling her marriage with John 1422 Lost lier estates in war with John ; taken pri soner ; escaped in disguise; her marriage with John affirmed by the pope ; he died April, 1426 Afterwards married Francois de Borcelen ; com- pelled to give up her states to the duke of Bur- gundy ; d. 1436 Jacquelot, see Jaquelot. Jacquemont, Victor, French naturalist ; 6. 8 Aug. 1801 ; travelled in the East Indies, China, &c., 1829-31 ; d, of cholera at Calcutta, 7 Dec. 1832. Jacques, see Baulot. Jacques, Jacques, Trench poet ; published "Le Faut Mourir," 1657; "Le Demon Tra- vesti," 1673; "L'Ami sans Fard," 1664. Jacques de Vitrt, French cardinal and his- torian ; made bishop of St. Jean d'Acre ; went to the Holy Land ; present at the siege of Damietta, 1218; returned, and made cardinal about 1229; wrote "Historia Orientalis," and "Historia Occidentalis ; d. 30 April, 1240. Jacquet, Louis, French essayist ; h. 6 March, 1732 ; published " ParaUele des Tragiques Grecs et Frangais," 1760; d. 1793. Jacquiek, Fran9ois, French mathematician; b. 7 June, 1 711; edited (with Lesueur) New- ton's Principia, at G-eneva, 1739-42; d. 3 July. 1788. Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph, Dutch botanist ; h. 16 Feb. 1727; went to Vienna; patronised by Francis 11. ; sent to explore South America, 1755; made baron, 1806; published "Index Kegni Vegetabilis," 1777; ''Florae Austriacse," 1773-77; <^- 24 Oct. 1S17. Jadelot, Nicolas, French physician; h. 1738; published "Cours d' Anatomic," 1773; "Phy- sica Hominis Sani," 1781 ; d. 27 June, 1793. Jagellon, grand prince of Lithuania; 6. 1354; married Hedwig, queen of Poland ; elected king, as Ladislaus V., and baptized, 1386; promoted Christianity in his pagan dominions ; d. 31 May, 1434. Jago, Kichard, poet ; 6. 1715 ; published "EdgehiU," 1767; d. 8 May, 1781. Jahn, Friedrich Ludwig (JFather John), German writer; &. 11 Aug. 1778; published " German Nationality," 18 10; " German Gym- nastics," i8i5; d. 15 Oct. 1852. Jahn, Gustav, German astronomer ; 6. 24 Oct. 1804; published "Praktische Astronomic," 1834-35; '^- 5 Jan. 1857. Jahn, Johann, German orientalist ; h. 18 June, 1750; published " Introductio in Libros sacros Veteris Fcederis," ,1804;" " Biblische Archeeologie," 1 79 7- 1805; d, 16 Aug. 1816. Jaillot, French geographers : Charles Hubeut ; published charts of the world i668-6g Jean Battiste Kenou, his son-in-law; published "Eecherches sur Paris/' 1772; and " Livre des Postes" . . . . d 5 April, 1780 Claude Hubert, son of Charles; h. 18 Feb. 1690 ; his " Histoire de la Kochelle " published 1756 . . . . . d. iB July, 1749 Jallabert, Louis (or Jean), Swiss preacher ; h. 26 July, 1712; published "Experiences sur r Electricity," 1748; d. 11 March, 1768. James (Jatme), I. II., kings of Ai-agon: I. the Conqueror; b. i Feb. 120S; succeeded his father, Pedro II., 1213; long contended against the encroachments of his uncles ; acquired a great part of Valencia from the Moors . 1233-38 His expedition to the Holy Land frustrated by a tempest, 1265 . d. 27 Jidy, 1276 II. the Just, grandson . . . &. about 1260 Succeeded his brother, Alphonso III. . . 1291 Founded the university of Lerida . . . 1300 Conquered Sardinia and Corsica, 1326; favoured law, literature, and science d. 31 Oct. 1327 James I. II., kings of England: I. {VI, of Scotland), which see; crowned at West- minster 25 July, 1603 Held a conference with the bishops and some puritan clergy at Hampton court, where a new version of the Bible was ordered . 14-16 Jan. 1604 Professed himself a member of the church of England March, 1604 Proclaimed "king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland" .... 24 Oct. 1604 Escaped the gunpowder plot . . Nov. 1605 Mediated a twelve years' ti-uce between the Spaniards and Dutch ... 29 March, 1606 The new translation of the Bible dedicated to him . 1611 Permitted two heretics to be burnt 18 March and 11 April, 1612 Published his prose works . . 1616 Ee-established episcopacy in Scotland . . 1617 Published the " Book of Sports," allowing games on Sunday after divine seridce . 24 May, 161S Caused Sir Walter Raleigh to be beheaded on an old sentence 29 Oct. 1618 Censured his parliament forgrantingno supplies, and desiring repression of the Romanists, Nov. 1621 Concluded treaty for marriage of his son, Charles, with Henrietta Maria of France, 12 Nov. 1624 . . . . c?. 27 March, 1625 II. grandson, duke of York . 6. 15 Oct. 1633 Made prisoner at Oxford byFairfas, 1646; es- caped . . .... 1648 Lord high admiral . . . June, 1660 Married Anne Hyde ... 3 Sept. 1660 Defeated a Dutch fleet off Lowestoft . 3 June, 1665 As a Romanist compelled to resign the admiralty by the test act ... . 1673 Married Maria d'Este 1673 Made lord high commissioner of Scotland (governed with severity) . . 1679 Restored to the admiralty .... 1684 Succeeded his brother, Charles II. . 6 Feb. 1685 Punished Monmouth's rebellion with great severity .... July — Sept. i6Ss Made Jeffreys chancellor . . 28 Sept. 1685 His claim of the dispensing power supported by the judges 21 June, 1686 Restored the public profession of Romanism July, 1686 Published declaration of liberty of conscience in Scotland, 12 Feb. ; in England 4, 27 April, 1687 Received the papal nuncio in public . 3 July, 1687 Caused the expulsion of the f eUows of Magdalen college, Oxford, for refusing admission to an unqualified president . . .10 Dec. 1687 JAM 278 JAN Committed archbishop Bancroft and six bishops to the tower for libel (in a petition), 8 June ; they were acquitted ... 30 June, 1688 Alarmed at the threatened invasion of the prince of Orange, retraced liis steps ; regranted the charter taken from the city of London, S Oct. ; reinstated the fellows of Magdalen college, &c., 15 Oct. 1688 Proclaimed the calling of parliament, 30 Nov. ; quitted "Whitehall .... 11 1)ec. 1688 Seized at Feversham, i2Dec.; and brought back to London . .... 17 Dec. 1688 Again fled, 22 Dec. ; landed at Ambleteuse 25 Dec. 1688 Eeceived a pension from Louis XIY. ; d. at St. Germain's 16 Sept. 1701 Jambs I. — VI., kings of Scotland : I. earl of Carrick, son of Robert IIL . . 6. 1394 Captured by an English vessel . 3'March, 1405 Ketained by Henry IV. and educated ; married Joanna Beaufort . . . 1423 Ueturned to Scotland as king . . . 1424 Executed the usurping regent Albany and others May, 1424 Assassinated 20 Feb. 1437 II. son : b. 14 Oct. 1430 ; king . . . 1437 Struggled with the powerof thenobles ; stabbed the rebellious William, earl of Douglas, 22 Feb. 1452 During war with England, killed by the explo- sion of a gun at the siege of Roxburgh castle 3 Aug. 1460 III. son, patronised the arts ; b. 1453 ; king . 1460 Ruled by the Boyds, 1466 ; who were ruined 1469 Defeated by rebels at Bannockburn, and murdered II June, 1488 IV. son b. 17 March, 1472 Joined the rebellion against his father, 1487 ; succeeded him 1488 Supported Perkin "Warbeck against Henry VII. of England .... . . 1494-96 Married Margaret of England . . 8 Aug. 1502 Defeated and Idlled at the battle of Flodden 9 Sept. 1513 V. son .... . 6. 10 April, 1512 Assumed the government . . . 1524 Instituted the college of justice . 17 May, 1532 Persecuted the reformers ; Gourlay and Straiton burnt .... . , 27 Aug. 1534 Married Magdalen of France . . . 1536 After her death (7 July, 1537), married Mary of Guise IS June, 1538 Deserted by his nobles during an invasion of England, 25 Nov. 1542 . d. 13 Dec. 1542 VI. grandson 6. 19 June, 1566 Made king on his mother's forced abdication 24 July, 1567 Long harassed by his nobility and the kirk leaders ; seized by the earl of Gowrie, and made to dismiss his favourites . . . 1582 Married Anne of Denmark . . 23 Nov. 1589 Escaped from the Gowrie outrage . 5 Aug. 1600 Proclaimed king of England . 24 March, 1603 (See James /. of England.) James Francis Edwakd Stuakt, son of James II. of England (termed the Chevalier de St. George and the Old Pretender) ; h. 10 June, 1688 ; styled James III. at his father's death, 16 Sept. 1 701; rebellions in his far vour defeated, 1715 and 1746; d. 30 Dec. 1765- James, George Payne Kainsford, novelist, poet, and historian ; 6. iSoi ; pubhshed"Iliche- heu," 1829; "Lord Montagu's Page," last, 1858; virent to United States as a consul in Virginia, 1852; d. 9 June, i860. James, John AngeU, D.D., dissenting minister, of Birmingham ; h. 1785; published " Christian Fellowship," " Christian Professor ; " d. I Oct. 1859. James, John Thomas, bishop of Calcutta ; 5. 1 7S6 ; published " Travels in Germany and Russia," 1816; consecrated, 1827; d. 23 Aug. 1829. James, Eichard, traveller; h. 1592; published " Observations on Eussia," 1619; d. 1638. James, Eobert, M.D. ; invented " James's Povrder," a febrifuge ; published "Medicinal Dictionary," 1743-45; "Practice of Physic," 1746. James, Thomas, D.D. ; h. 1571 ; first librarian of the Bodleian, at Oxford, 1602 ; published " Concordantia S.S. Patrum," 1607; "Treatise of the Corruptions of Scripture," 1612 ; d. Aug. 1629. James, Thomas, captain; published his "Dan- gerous Voyage for Discovering the N.W. Passage," 1633. James, William, naval historian ; published "Naval History of Great Britain, 1793-1820," 1822 ; d. 1827. Jameson, Mrs Anna, Irish art historian, and essayist; b. (Murphy) 19 May, 1797; published "Beauties of the Court of Charles II.," 1833; "Handbooks to Galleries in Art," 1842-45; " Sacred and Legendary Art," 1 848; "Legends of the Monastic Orders," 1S50; "Legends of the Madonna," 1852; d. 17 March, i860. Jameson, Eobert, Scotch mineralogist; 5. II July, 1774; explored Arran, and the Shetlands and Hebrides, 1 794-99 ; published his Travels, 1800; studied at Freyberg, 1800-4; professor at Edinburgh ; founded the Wemeriam Society, 1808; " System of Mineralogy," 1804-23; with Brewster, founded the ' ' Edinburgh Philoso- phical Journal, " 1819; d. 10 April, 1854. Jamesone, George, Scotch portrait painter; the Scotch Vandyke ; b. 1586; d. 1644. Jamet, French scholars : Piekke Charles, 5. 15 Feb. 1 701 ; published "Essais Metaphy- siques," 1732 ; Critical Letters, Satires, &c. ; d. about 1770. His brother, FRANgois Louis, an incessant annotatorof books; 6. 17 13; d. 30 Aug. 1768. jAiriESON, John, Scotch theologian and philo- logist ; 6. 3 March, 1759; published "Etymo- logical Dictionary of the Scottish Language," 1808-9; d- 12 July, 1838. Jamin, Jules Celestin, French physicist ; h. 30 May, i8i8; published "Cours de Physique," 1858-66. Jamtn, Amadis, French poet; b. about 1530; patronised by Eonsard ; published " Qiluvres PoiStiques," 1575; d. about 1585. Jane, queen of (iastile, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella; b. 1479; married Philip of Aus- tria, 1496 ; became mother of the emperor Charles V., Feb. 1500; often insane, 1 50 1, et JAN 279 JAS seq. ; her mother, as queen of Castile, suc- ceeded, Jan. 1 505 ; landed in England through a storm; entertained by Henry VII., 1506; her insanity increased by her husband's death, 1506; queen of Ai-agon at her father's death, 1 5 16; remained in seclusion forty-fom' years; d. 13 April, 1555. Jane, see Jeanne. Jane, queens of England: X. Daughter of Charles, king of Navarre : married to John, duke of Britanny ; a widow, 1399 ; mar- ried Henry IV. of England, 1403 d. 1437. 2. Jane Seymour, married to Henry VIII., 20 May, 1536: d. giving birth to Edward VI., 24 Oct. 1537 3. Jane Grey, see (jlrey. Jane I. — II. queens of Naples. I. Daughter of Charles, duie of Calabria h. 1327 Married to her cousin, Andrew of Hungary ; queen 1343 Caused his murder .... Sept. 1345 Married Louis of Tarento, and reigned with him 1349-62 Married James, king of Majorca, 1363: and Otho of Brunswick .... . . 1376 Put to death by Charles Durazzo 22 May, 1382 II. daughter of Charles Durazzo . . 6, 1370 Succeeded her brother, Ladislaus of Hungary 1414 Dissolute and tyrannical ; bequeathed her states to Een6 of Anjou . . d. 2 Feb, 1435 Janewat, James, ejected nonconformist; 6. 1636; published "Token for Children," 1676; d. 16 March, 1674. jANigoN, Frangois Michel, Erench writer; h. 24 Dec. 1674; published "Le Passe-partout de I'Eglise Romaine," 1726; d. 19 or 21 Aug. 1730- Janin, Jules Gabriel, Erench critic, and volu- minous writer; b. 4 Dec. 1804; an editor of "Figaro," 1825 ; wrote for the " Quotidienne," " Journal des Debats," &c, ; attacked the Poliguac ministry (fined), 1828-29 ; attacked Victor Hugo in "L'Ane Mort," 1829; pub- lished " Contes Eantastiques et Litt^raires," 1832-35; "Normandie Historique," 1842-43; "Histoire de la Litt&ature Dramatique," 1851-56. Janotzki (Janisch), Jan Daniel, PoUsh writer; h. 1720; pubhshed "Lexicon of Con- temporary Learned Poles," 1755 ; d. 1786. Jansen, Cornehus, Belgian theologian ; h. 15 10; published "Concordia EvangeUca," 1549 ; " Commentarii in Proverbia Salomonis ; " d. 10 April, 1576. Jansen, Cornelius, Belgian theologian; J. 1585 ; devoted himself to the study of the fathers, and especially St. Augustin ; wrote " Augustiuus " (against the doctrine of free will), the foundation of Jansenism in France ; published, 1640; published "Commentary on the Gospels" ("Tetrateuchus"), 1639 ; "Penta- teuchus," 1641 ; d. 6 May, 1638. Jansen, or Jenson, Nicolas, French printer and engraver ; said to have been sent to Guten- berg, at Mentz, to learn printing, 1458 ; d. about 148 1. Janssen, M., invented a method of observing solar phenomena, 18 Aug. 1868. Janssens, Dutch painters: Abkahaji, 6. 1569; d. 1631. CoKSEuus, h. 1590; d. 1665. Victor HoNOHins, b. 1664; d. 1739. Jant, Jacques de, Erench historian ; 5. 1626; published " Histoire d'Osman fils du Sultan Ibrahim," 1665; " Thdologie Curieuse," 1666; d. Sept. 1676. Jandakids, Saint, Italian bishop ; martyred at Naples, 305 ; his relics, brought there, said to have stopped the plague, 13 Jan. 1497. Janvier, Aristide, French clockmaker ; b. 1 July, 1 75 1 ; entered the service of Louis XVI., 1784 ; presented ingenious machinery to the Academic des Sciences, 17S9, et seq.; pub- lished "Manuel Chronologique," 1815 ; d. in poverty, 23 Sept. 1835. Japicks, or Japix, Gysbert, Frisian poet; b. 1603 ; d. 1666. Jaquotot, Marie Victoire, French painter on porcelain; b. 1778; d. 1855. Jarchi, Solomon Benjamin Isaac, Jewish rabbi; b. II04; d. II 80. Jakdine, George, Scotch philosopher ; 6. 1 743 professor of logic at Glasgow, 1 774 ; published " Outlines of Philosophical Education," 181S d. 28 Jan. 1827. Jardine, Sir William, bart., Scotch natural- ist ; b. 1800 ; edited the " Naturalist '.s Library. 1833-43 ; published " Contributions to Ornitho- logy," 1848-51. Jardtn, Karel du, Dutch painter; b. about 1635 ; d. 20 Nov. 1678. Jarnao, Gui Chabot, seigneur de, French soldier ; defended his honour successfully in a duel before Henry II. of France, 10 July, 1547; killed in battle soon after, 1568. Jarnowick, (Giornavichi), Giovanni Maria, Itahan violinist; b. 1715 » came to London, 1792 ; compelled to leave through quarrels, 1796 ; d. 21 Nov. 1804. Jaeeioe, Pierre, French Jesuit ; b. 1605 ; attacked the Jesuits in his work, " Les J^suites mis sur I'Echaufaud," 1649; published a Petrac- tation, 1650 ; d. 26 Sept. 1660. Jaery, Nicolas, French calhgraphist ; b. about 1620; wrote " Heures de Notre Dame;" sold for 1601 hvres, 1647. Jarrt, see Juillard. Jars, Gabriel, Erench metallurgist ; b. 26 Jan. 1732 ; his " Voyages Metallurgiques," published, 1774-81 ; d. 20 Aug. 1769. Jaevis, Charles, printer ; published transla- tion of "Don Quixote," 1742 ; d. about 1743- Jarvis, John, painter on glass ; b. 1749 ; d. 1804. Jasmin, or Janseuin, Jacques, poet of Lan- guedoc ; b. 6 March, 1 798 ; wrote " Lou Chali- bari," 1825 ; " Los Papillotos," 1835, (fee. ; d. 2 Oct. 1864. JAS 280 JEH Jason, tyrant of Pherie, and tagus of Thessaly, ^•C' 375 ; niurdered at Delphi, 370. Jaubert, Pierre Amddde, French orientalist ; h. 3 June, 1779 J interpreting secretary to Bonaparte in Egypt, 1799; frequently visited the east ; attached to the embassy at Constanti- nople, 1804; published " Grammaire Turque," 1823-34 ; d. 28 Jan. 1847. Jaucouet, Amail Frangois, Marquis de, French protestant politician ; b. 14. Nov. 1757; served successively under the consulate, the empire, and the Bourbons; d. 5 Feb. 1S54. Jaucouet, Louis, Chevalier de, French medical writer and scholar ; 6. 27 Sept. 1 704 ; -wrote for the great " Encyclop^die ;" d. 3 Feb. 1779. Jauffeet, G-aspard Jean, French abb^ ; *• 13 Dec. 1759; established " Annales de la Reli- gion," 1791 ; d. 13 May, 1823. Jault, Auguste Fran9ois, French physician and orientalist ; h. I Oct. 1 700 ; published several translations from the English ; wrote " Ddfense de la Vulgate ;" d. 25 May, 1757. Jaukequat t Aguilae, Juan, Spanish poet and painter; b. about 1570; published translation of Tasso's Aminta, 1618; d. 1641. Jat, see Ze Jay. 3ja:^ John, American statesman and jurist ; J. 12 Deo. 1745; as minister plenipotentiary, signed the peace, Sept. 1 783 ; governor of New York, 1795-81 ; chief -justice of the United States, 1789; d. 17 May, 1829. Jat, Antoine, French journaUst ; b. 20 Oct. 1770; published "Le Glaneur," 1812; founded the " Ind(5pendant ;" (afterwards, Le Consti- tutionnel), 1S15; imprisoned with Jouy for a libel; wrote "Les Herraites enPrison," andafter- wards, "LesHermitesenLibert^," i823;qnitted "Le Constitutionnel," 1832 ; d. 9 April, 1S54. Jat, William, judge, son of John ; b. 1 789 ; published his father's life, 1833 ; wrote against slavery ; d. 1858. Jat, WiUiam, dissenting minister, of Bath ; b. 8 May, 1 769 ; wrote " Morning and Evening Exercises ;" published " Works," 1845-9 ! <^- ^7 Dec. 1853. Jatsie, see James^ Icings of Portugal. Jeacock, Caleb, literary iJaker ; published "Vindication of St. Paul,'" 1765 ; d. 1786. Jean, see John, kings of France. Jeanes, Henry, theologian; h. 1611 ; d. 1662. Jeanne D'Aeo, see Dare. Jeanne d'Albeet, queen of Navarre; 6. 7 Jan. 1528; d. 9 June, 1572. Married Antony, duke of Vendome . . 1548 Mother of Henry IV. of France . . 13 Dec. 1553 Defended Beam against Philip II. of Spain. Embraced protestantism : lost her husband by a wound 17 Nov. 1562 Threatened with deposition by the pope ; ener- getically resisted 1563 Established Calvinism in Beam . . 1567 Supported the Huguenots in the war . . 1569 Consented unwillingly to her son's marriage to Margaret of Valois 1572 Jeannin, Pierre, French statesman and diplo- matist; b. 1540; by his counsel prevented the massacre of the proteatanta in Burgundy, Aug. 1572; promoted by Henry III. and llenry IV. ; wrote his " N^gociations ; " d. 31 Oct. 1622. Jeaueat, Edme Sebastien, French astrono- mer; b. 14 Sept. 1724; published " Tables de Jupiter," 1766; d. 7 March, 1803. Jebb, John, philosopher ; b. IJ^B; d. 2 March, 1786; Works, theological, medical, poli- tical, &c., published 1787. Jebb, John, bishop of Limerick ; &. 27 Sept. 1775; published "Sacred Literature," 1820; "Practical Theology," 1830; consecrated, 1833; d. 7 Dec. 1833; his "Correspondence with Knox," published 1834. Jebb, Sir Joshua, military engineer ; b. 1 793 ; greatly modified the arrangements of prisons ; chairman of the directors of convict prisons, 1848; d. 26 June, 1863. Jebb, Samuel, physician and philologist; edited "S. Justini Martyris cimi Tryphone Dialogus," 1719, &c. ; d. 9 March, 1772. Jeffeeson, 'Thomas, American statesman ; b. 2 April, 1743 ; d. 4 July, 1826. Member of the Virginia colonial assembly, 1769 : of the national congress at Philadelphia 4 Sept. 1774 Chairman of the committee which drew up the declaration of independence ; 28 June ; pro- mulgated ... .4 July, T776 Governor of Virginia .... 1779-S1 Printed "Notes on Virginia" . 1782 Ambassador at Paris 1785-89 Secretary of state . . ... 1789-93 Vice-president, United States . . 1797-1801 President (negotiated the acquisition of Louisiana and the free navigation of the Mississippi) March, 1801— March, 1809 Jeffebt, John, archdeacon of Norwich; b. 1647; d. 1720; his sermons amd tracts pub- lished 1753. Jeffeet, Francis, lord Jeffrey, Scotch lawyer, critic, and politician ; b. 23 Oct. 1773; member of the Speculative Society, Dec. 1 792 ; with Homer, Brougham, and Sydney Smith founded the "Edinburgh Review," Oct. 1802; editor, July, 1803 — June, 1829; dean of the faculty of advocates, June, 1829; lord advocate and M.P., 1830; a lord of session, 1834; d. 26 Jan. 1850. Jeffreys, George Jeffreys, lord, lawyer ; b. about 1640 ; aa chief-justice of King's Bench, held " the bloody assize," after the defeat of "Monmouth's rebelUon," 1685 ; made lord chancellor and a peer, Sept. 1685 ; sent to the Tower, Dec. 1 688; d. there, 18 AprU, 1689. Jeffreys, George, poet; b. 1678; published "Miscellanies," 1754; d. 1755. Jehoahaz, king of Israel ; reigned B.C. 85 7-839. (ShaUum) king of Judah; reigned B.C. 610-599, Jehoash, see Joash. Jehoiaohin (Coniah or Jeconiah), king of Judah, B.C. 599 ; kindly treated iu Babylon, 562. JEH 281 JEE. Jehoiada, Jewish high priest ; dethroned Athaliah and made Joash king of Judah, and restored the worship of God, B.C. S78. Jehoiakim, king of Judah; reigned B.C. 610- 599- Jehoram (Joram) king of Judah ; reigned B.C. 889-885. king of Israel, B.C. 896 ; killed by Jehu, 884. Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, B.o. 914; de- livered from the Ammonites, &;o., 896 ; d. 8S9. Jehu, appointed king of Israel about B.C. 906 ; anointed ; kiUed Joram, king of Israel, Aha- ziah, king of Judah, and Jezebel ; destroyed the worshippers of Baal, 884; d. 857. Jejeeehot, Sir Jamsetjee, Parsee ; benefactor of the city of Bombay; b. 1783; rf. 15 April, 1859- Jektll, Sir Joseph, lawyer; b. 1664; master of the rolls, 1717-38; published "Judicial Authority of the Master of the Eolk;" d. 1738. Jele, Eichard William, D.D. ; b. about 1 798 ; principal of King's College, London, 1844-68. Jellachioh von Buzim, Joseph, baron; 6. 16 Oct. 1801 ; entered the Austrian army, 181 9; made ban, or general, of the Croatian army, 1848 ; marched against the Hungarian insur- gents ; defeated by them, 29 Sept. 1 84S ; pub- lished poems, 1850; d. 19 May, 1859. Jenkin, Robert, theologian; b. 1656; a non- juror, 16S9 ; published " Reasonableness of Christianity," 1696; d. 7 April, 1727. Jenkins, David, lawyer; b. about 15S6; suf- fered for loyalty to Charles I. ; wrote " Eight Centuries of Reports," "Lex Terra Anglise," &c. ; d. 1667. Jenkins, Henry, said to have been bom, 1501 ; d. 1670. Jenkins, John, musical composer; b. 1592; published "Sonatas," 1660; d. 1678. Jenkins, Sir Leolme, judge and statesman ; b. about 1623; judge of the admiralty court; published " Argument on the Admiralty Juris- diction; d. I Sept. 1685. Jenkinson, Anthony, traveller; visited Rus- sia five times, 1557-71; d. 1584. Jenkinson, earls of Liverpool : Chahles, b. 16 May, 1727 ; published "Discourse on the Conduct of Great Britain, in respect to Neutral Nations" 1785 Lord of the admiralty, 1766 ; of the treasury, 1767-73 ; made chancellor of the duchy of Lan- caster, and Lord Hawltesbury, Aug. 1786; earl of Liverpool, May, 1796 ; published Treatise on Coins of the Realm," 1805 d. 17 Dec. 1808 EoBERT Banks ; son . . . 6. 7 June, 1770 Became friend of Pitt; took the title of Lord Hawlcesbury .... . 1796 Foreign Secretary under Addington . . 1801-4 Home secretary . . 1804-6 ; 1807-9 Premier . . ,16 June, 1812 — 27 Feb. 1827 d, 4 Deo. 1828 Jenks, Benjamin, theologian; b. 1646; pub- lished "Prayers and Devotions," 1697; "Me- ditations," 1701; d. 10 May, 1724. Jenktns, William, theologian; b. 1612; pub- lished "Exposition of the Epistle of St. .fude," 1652; imprisoned under the conventicle act; d. 1685. Jennens, Charles, termed from his style of living, " Solyman the magnificent;" edited Hamlet, &c., 1772-74; d. 1773. Jennee, Edward, M.D. ; b. 17 May, 1749; studied under John Hunter, 1770-72 ; made first experiments in vaccination, 14 May, 1796; published his success in his "Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variolae Vaccinfe," 1798 ; received by vote from parliament, ;^io,ooo, 2 June, 1802; ;!f20,ooo, 1807; d. 26 Jan. 1823. Jennee, Sir Herbert, see Fust. Jennings, David, dissenting minister; b. 1691; his "Jewish Antiquities" pubhshed 1766; d. Sept. 1762. Jennings, Henry Constantino, extravagant antiquary; b. 1731; d. 7 Eeb. 1819. Jenson, see Sanson. Jenyns, Soame, poet and philosopher ; 6. 1 704 ; pubhshed "Free Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of EvU," 1757; "View of the Internal Evidences of the Christian Rehgion," 1776; d. 18 Dec. 1787. Jephson, Robert, Irish dramatist ; b. 1 736 ; wrote "Braganza," 1775; "Count of Nar- bonne," 1781; d. 31 May, 1803. Jephthah, judge of Israel ; defeated the Ammonites, about B.C. 1143 ; d. about II37- jEEDAif, William, Scotch journalist ; 5. 16 April, 1782; founded and edited " Literary Gazette," 1817-50; published "Autobiography," 1852-53; "Men I have known," i856; d. II July, 1869. Jeremiah, the prophet ; called about B.C. 629 ; foretold the seventy years' captivity, about 6o5; imprisoned, about 590; released by Ebed- melech, 589; well-treated by the Chaldeans, 588 ; carried to Egypt by the Jewish captains, about 587. Jeeemie, James Atniraux, dean of Lincoln ; b. about 1802; regius professor of divinity at Cambridge, 1 849 ; dean, 1864 ; published "History of the Church in the Second and Third Centuries," 1852. Jeeemie, Sir John, colonial judge ; 5. 19 Aug. 1795; chief justice of St. Lucia, Oct. 1824 ; became an earnest aboHtionist of slavery ; published " Essays on Colonial Slavery," 1831 ; as procureur and advocate- general in the Mauritius incurred much opposi- tion, 1832-35 ; justice in Ceylon, 1836 ; pub- lished " Letter on Negro Emancipation," 1840 ; appointed governor of Sierra Leone, Oct. 1840; d. there, 23 April, 1 841. Jekningham, Edward, poet and dramatist ; b. 1727; d. 17 Nov. 1812. JER 282 JOC Jeroboam I., II., kings of Israel : I. served under Solomon ; nominated king e.g. 980 Made king ; established idolatry 975 Defeated by Abij ah, king of Judah. . . 958 d. 954 n. reigned prosperously . . . 825-795 Jerome, Saint, see Hieronymus. Jerome op Prague, Bohemian reformer ; h. about 1378; visited many universities, and propounded new doctrines ; at Prague defended Huss, and broke ofi connexion with the clergy, 1408; altbougli warned, came to Constance to defend his doctrines, 4 April ; fled ; cited to appear ; captured ; brought back, 23 May ; burnt, 30 May, 1416. Jerram, Rev. Charles; h. 1770; published " Conversations on Infant Baptism," 1819 ; "Letters on the Atonement," 182S ; d. lo June, 1 85 3. Jerrold, Douglas William, dramatist, novel- ist, and journalist; h. 3 Jan. 1803; d. 8 June, 1857. "Wrote " Black- Eyed Susan," 1826; Rent-Day,'* 1830, &c, "Wrote for "Punch" .... z%^i,etseq. Published "Cakes and Ale," 1842 ; "Man made of Money," 1849; "St. Giles and S^. James," 1851 ; "Story of a Feather," 1844 ; " Chronicles of Clovemook," 1846 ; "Caudle Lectures," 1846 ; ""Works" . . .... 1851-54 Jerkold, "William Blanchard, son, journalist, novelist, and dramatist; h. 1826; published " The Disgrace to the Family," 1 847. Jekvas, Charles, painter, friend of Pope ; h. about 1675 ; d. 2 Nov. 1739. Jekvis, John, earl St. Vincent, admiral ; h. 9 Jan. 1734; captxured the "Pdgase," April, 1 782 ; defeated the Spanish fleet off Cape St. "Vincent, 14 Feb. 1797; suppressed mutiny in the Channel, July, 1797; d. 1$ March, 1823. Jekvis, Sir John, lawyer ; 6. 1802 ; attor- ney-general, 1846-50; chief justice of the com- mon pleas, 1850; d. I Nov. 1856. Jesse, Edward, natviralist ; h. Jan. 1780; published " Gleanings in Natural History," 1832-35 ; " Scenes and Tales of a Country Life," 1844 ; " Anecdotes of Dogs," 1846 ; d. 28 March, 1868. Jesse, John Heneage, son, historian, and poet ; h. about 1815 ; published " George Selwyu and his Contemporaries," 1843; "Me- moirs of Court of London, 1688-1760," 1843 ; " Memoirs of George III.," 1866. Jesset, Henry, baptist minister ; h. 1601 ; published " 268 Places in Jerusalem," 1654 ; " Loud Calls to England," 1660. Jesus Christ, b. a.d. 4 ; began to preach, 31 ; transfigured, 32; crucified, died, rose again, and ascended into heaven, 33. Jesus, son of Sirach, author of " Ecclesiaa- ticuB," dated about B.C. 200. Jbuke, Erancis, bishop of Peterborough ; h. 1806 ; master of Pembroke College, Oxford, ^promoted university reforms), 1843 ; conse- crated, 1864; d. 21 Aug. 1868. Jevons, William Stanley, political economist ; 5. 1835 ; pubKshed "Value of Gold," 1863 ; "The Coal Question," 1865. Jewell, John, bishop of Salisbury ; J. 24 May, 1522 ; pupil of Peter Martyr; at Prank- fort and Zurich ; returned to England, 1558 ; consecrated, 1559 ; published " Apologia Ec- clesise AngKcan*," 1562; "Treatise of the Holy Scriptures," 1582; d 21 Sept. 1571. Jewseury, Geraldine E., novelist; b. 1821 ; published "The Half-Sisters," 1842; " Zoe," 1845. Her sister, Maria Jane, essayist ; b. about i8cx) ; published " Phantasmagoria ; Sketches of Life;" d. 1833. Jezebel, wife of Ahab, king of Israel ; perse- cuted Elijah and the worshippers of God about B.C. 906 ; put Naboth to death, and took his vineyard, 899 ; kiUed by Jehu, 884. JoAB, captain of Da"vid ; treacherously kflled Abner, B.C. 1048 ; Absalom, 1023 ; and Amasa, 1022 ; supported Adordjah against Solomon; killed by order of Solomon, 1014. Joachim, abbot of Eiore, in Calabria ; b. about I130 ; foretold the end of the world to be in 1260; wrote "Revelationes;" d. 3oMarch,i202. Joachim, Johann Eriedrich, German historian and numismatist ; b. 23 June, 17 13; published, in German, " History of the Diets of the Ger- man Empire," 1762 ; d. 24 Deo. 1767. Joan, Pope, placed by some chroniclers be- tween 853 and 855. The story, current in the 1 2th century, has been proved to be fabulous. Joan of Arc, see San. Joan, see Jane and Jeanne. JoANES, Vinoente, Spanish painter; b. 1523 ; d. 21 Dec. 1579. His son, Juan "Vincente, Uved, 1606. Joannes, see John. JoANNY, Jean Baptiste Bernard Brissebard, French tragedian and poet; h. 2 July, 1775 ; pubUshed " Biographie Vdridique," 1845; ^- 5 Jan. 1849. JoAO, see John, Icings of Portugal. JoASH (Jehoash), king of Israel, B.C. 841 ; defeated Amaziai, king of Judah, about 826 ; d. about 825. Jo ASH, made king of Judah by Jehoiada, B.C. 878; repaired thetemple, 866; killed Zechariah ; murdered by his oivn servants, 840. JoBERT DE Lamballe, Antoine Joseph, French surgeon ; b. 1 799 ; published " Traits de la Chirurgie Plastique," 1849. JoBEBT, Louis, French Jesuit antiquary; 5. 27 April, 1637 ; published " La Science des MedaOes," 1692; d. 30 Oct. 1719. Jocelyn, Robert, "viscount; b. 20 Feb. l8l6; went to China, 1841 ; published " Six Months in China," 1841 ; d. of cholera, 12 Aug. 1854. JOCHEK, Christian Gottlieb, German physi- cian; b. 20 July, 1694; published, in German, part of the "Dictionary of Learned Men," 1750-51; d. 10 May, 1758. JOG 283 JOH JocuNDUs, see Giocondo. JoDE, Van, Belgian engravers : Peter, the old, 6. 1570 ; d 1634. Peter, the younger son, h. 1602. Aenold, 6. about 1636. Jodelle, Etienne, French dramatist and poet ; &. 1532; wrote "Sonnets," "Odes," " Didon," &c. ; d. July, 1573. Joel, Hebrew prophet ; prophesied about B.C. 800. JoHANNiEUS riNNUS, or PiNN JoHNSEN, Ice- landic clergyman ; 6. 16 Jan. 1704; published " Historia Ecclesiastica Islandife," 1772-78. His son and coadjutor, Hans Pinsen, b. 8 May, 1 739 ; published " NorvegiEe Jus Eccle- siasticum," 1759; f^- 23 July, 17S9. Johanneau, Eloi, French naturalist and anti- quary ; h. 2 Oct. 1 770 ; employed by French government, 1811-48; founded the " Acad^mie Celtique," 1805, afterwards named "^Socii^td dea Antiquaires de Prance," 1813 ; d. 25 July, 1851. Johannes Secundus, see Fverard. JoHANNOT, French engravers : Charles, h. 1788; d. 1S25. Charles Henri Alfred, brother; 6.21 March, 1800; d. 7 Dec. 1837. ToNT, painter and book illustrator ; h, 9 Nov. 1803; d. 4 Aug. 1852. John, see Ckrysostom, Cross, and Ivan. John I. — XXIII. , popes : I. St., ordained; 13 Aug. 523; d. in prison, 18 May, 526 II. MercTirius ; ordained, 22 Jan. 533 ; d. 27 May, 535 III. Catelinus; ordained, t8 July, 560; d. 13 July, 573 IV. ordained, 24 Dec. 640 ; condemned the Monothelite heresy . d. n Oct. 642 V. ordained, 23 July, 685 . d. i Aug. 686 or 687 VI. ordained, 28 Oct. 701 d, g Jan. 705 VII. ordained, i March, 705 . . - 17 Oct. 707 VIII. ordained, 14 Dec. 872 ; crowned the em- perors, Charles the Bald, 25 Dec. 375 ; Louis the Stammerer, 878 ; and Charles the Fat, 881 ; d. 15 Dec. S82 IX. ordained, July, 89S . . . (?. 30 Nov, 900 X. enthroned, April, 914 ; repelled an attack of the Saracens, Aug. 915; suffocated in prison by order of Marozia . . . about June 928 XI. by the influence of his mother, Marozia, or- dained . . . 20 March, 931 d. in prison, Jan, 936 XII. Octavian; seized the papacy; ordained, Jan. 956 ; invited the emperor Otho into Italy, and crowned him, 2 Feb. 962 ; betrayed him, and deposed by him, 963 . . . d. 14 May, 964 XIII. enthroned, i Oct. 965 ; expelled, 966 ; re- stored by the emperor, and his enemies severe- ly punished, 967 ; crowned the emperor, Otho I., 967 . . . . d. 5 or 6 Sept. 972 XIV. nominated by Otho II., Nov. 983; im- prisoned, and probably killed, by the anti- pope, Boniface VII 20 Aug. 984 XV. (not reckoned in some lists) ; elected and d. before July, 985 XVI. enthroned, July, 985 ; canonised (the first time by a pope] St. UdaMc, bishop of Augs- burg, Jan. or Feb. 993 d. 996 XVII. Philagathus, bishop of Placentia, anti- pope, 997 ; expelled by the emperor, 998 ; d. 4 Feb. 999 XVIII. Secco ; elected, 9 Jiine . . d. 31 Oct. 1003 XIX. Fasiano; ordained, 26 Dec. 1003; abdicated, May. 1009 ... . c^. 18 July, 1009 XX. Romano; elected, Aug. 1024; crowned Con- rad II. emperor, 1027 . . . . d. 1033 XXI. Peter, bishop of Tuscnlum; elected, 13 Sept. 1276 ..... rf. 16 or 17 May, 1277 XXII. Jacques d'Euse; elected, 7 Aug. 1316; d. 4 Dec. 1334 XXIII. Baldassare Cossa; elected, 17 May, 1410; convoked a council at Constance, 1414, which deposed him, 2 March, 1415 d. 22 Nov. 1419 John (Joannes) I. — VII. , emperors of the east : I. Zimisces, emperor of Constantinople ; de- feated the Arabs at Adana, 963 ; killed the emperor, Nicephorus, and succeeded him, 12 Dec. 969 ..... d. 10 Jan, 976 II. (Calo-Joannes) Comnenus; &. to88; succeeded l;ii8 father, Alexis I., 15 Aug. in8 ; victorious in wars with the Servians, Hungarians, Turks, &c d. S April, 1143 III. Ducas Vatatzes; defended the empire against the Latins 1204 Succeeded Theodore Lascaris, as emperor at NicEea 1222 Defeated the Latins at Pcemane . . . 1224 Unsuccessfully besieged Constantinople 1235 Took many Latin towns ; made peace . 1253 d. 30 Oct. 1255 IV. Lascaris, emperor of Nicfea, 1259 ; blinded and detln-oned by Michael PalEeologus . 1261 V. Cantacuzenus ; regent for John Palseologns, 1341 ; seized the throne ; crowned, 21 March, 1342 Took Constantinople, Jan. 1347 ; made Palteo- logus his coUea^rne, and married him to his daughter ; compelled to abdicate Jan. 1355 Became a monk, and i\TOte a history . d. about 1411 VI. Palaaologus, son of Andronicus III. . b. 1332 Colleague of John V. ; reigned alone . . 1355 Weak and dissolute ; his empire overnin by the Turks; solicited help from the west; professed himself a catholic at Kome . 1369-70 Subjugated by Bajazet . . , . rf. 1391 VII. Palaeologus ; b. 1390; succeeded his father, Manuel II., 1425 ; visited Italy to solicit help against the Turks, 1437 . d. 31 Oct. 1448 John I. II., kings of Aragon : I, b. 27 Dec. 1350 ; succeeded his father, Pedro TV., 1387 ; luxurious, and ruled by his wife ; d. ig May, 1395 II. son of Ferdinand I., able and warlike; b. 29 June, 1397; succeededhis father-in-law, Charles III., as king of Navarre . . . 1425 Intrigued much in Castile ; succeeded his brother, Alfonso V., as king of Aragon and Castile 1458 Quai-relled with his son, Ferdinand II. ; d. 19 Jan. 1479 John of Luxemburg, king of Bohemia ; b. about 1295 ; married Elizabeth, heiress of Wenceslaus, king of Bohemia, and obtained the Idngdom, 131 1 ; became blind, 1340 ; killed at Crecy, when fighting for the king of Prance, his son-in-law, 26 Aug. 1346. John I. — VI., dukes of Britanny : I. b. 1217 ; excommunicated by the pope ; quar- relled with his barons . . . c^. 8 Oct. 1286 II. b. 4 Jan. 1239 ; married Beatrice of England; joined the crusade of Louis IX, . 1270 Succeeded his father, John I. . 1286 Supported England against France . 1294-5 KiUed by a falling wall ... 14 Nov. 1305 III. the Good, b, 1286; succeeded his father, Arthur II. 1312 Nominated Charles of Blois, husband of his niece, successor . . . tZ. 30 April, 1341 IV. de Montfort ; seized the duchy at the death of his brother, John in. . . May, 134 1 Lost it, and taken prisoner by Charles of Blois and the French .... Sept. 1341 His wife Jane successfully defended his cause, 1341-2 Escaped from prison . d. 26 Sept. 1345 JOH 284 JOH IV. or v. the Valiant, son of John IV. . b. 1338 His cause maintained by his mother, Jane, at his father's death 1345 After many conflicts, succeeded Charles de Elois, killed at Auray . . . 29 Sept. 1364 Alliance with England, and war with France 1364— Jan, 1381 Civil war with the constable, Olivier deClisson 1388-95 d (suspected by poison) . . i Nov, 1399 V. or VI. son, the Good and Wise &. 24 Bee. 1389 Succeeded ... 1 Nov. 1399 Made peace with Clisson .... 1400 Under the guardianship of the duke of Bur- gundy .... . 1402 Assumed the government . . 1404 Aided the king against the English . 1415 Seized and imprisoned by the PenthiSvres, Feb. 1420 Delivered to his subjects .... 1421 Long oscillated between the French and English alliance, 1421 . d. 28 Aug. 1442 John I., II., kings of Castile : I. 6. 24 Aug. T358; succeeded his father Henry II. 1379 Invaded Portugal ; defeated at Aljubarota 14 Aug. 1385 Made peace, 1389 .... d. 9 Oct. 1390 II, 6. 6 March, 1405; warlike and literary; suc- ceeded his father, Henry ITI., under the care of his mother 1406 Much troubled by intermeddling of John, king of Navarre, and others ; defeated them in battle at Olmedo, 1445 . d. 21 July, 1454 JoH]7, king- of Denmark, Sweden, and Nor- way; b. 1455 ; d. 20 Feb. 1513. Succeeded his father. Christian I. . . . 1481 Defeated Steen Stuxe, 28 Oct. ; crowned king of Sweden 28 Nov. 1497 Totally defeated in an attempt to conquer Ditt- marschen, in Holstein . . 1500 Lost Sweden by a revolt 1501 Suppressed insurrections in Norway 1502, 1508 Kecognised again in Sweden .... 1512 John, "Sans Peur," duke of Burgundy; 1). 28 May, 1371 ; assassinated, 10 Sept. 1419. Joined the Hungarian army against the Turks ; prisoner at the defeat at Nicopolis 28 Sept. 1396 Succeeded his father, Philip . . 23 May, 1404 Opposed by the duke of Orleans . . . 1405 Apparently reconciled with him ; caused his assassination 23 Nov. 1407 Returned to Paris ; declared an enemy of the state '....... 1408 Made peace with his enemies by the treaty at Bic6tre . . ... 2 Nov. 1410 After long contention, and much intrigue, met the dauphin at Montereau, and was there assassinated . ... 10 Sept. 1419 John, king of England, son of Henry II. ; h. 24 Dec. 1166; d. at Newark, 19 Oct. 1216. Succeeded his brother, Richard I., as duke of Normandy . . . 25 April, ngg Crowned king 27 May, 1199 Divorced his wife, Isabel or Hawise, and married Isabel of Angouleme betrothed to the comte de la Marche Oct. 1200 Defeated the French supporters of his nephew, Arthur ; captured him, 31 July, and it is said, put him to death 1203 Lost Normandy, Anjou, &c 1204 Quarrelled with the pope, by opposing the election of Stephen Langton as archbishop of Canterbury 1205 Invaded France ; burnt Angers ; compelled to renounce the country north of the Loire . . 1206 Seized a thirteenth of all property . . . 1207 His kingdom placed under an interdict, 23 March, 1208 Excommunicated by the pope . . Nov. 1209 Hifl subjects absolved from allegiance . . 1212 Received Pandulph, the pope's legate, and solemnly reconciled to the pope, 13 May; and did homage for his dominions, 15 May; the excommunication revoked, 20 July ; and the interdict removed .... 6 Dec. 1213 Conceded Magna Charta at Runnymede, 15 June, 1215 Attacked the barons, ravaging their estates ; took Rochester Castle .... 30 Nov. 1215 His throne offered by the barons to Louis of France, who invaded England . April, 1216 Joined by some of the barons who distrusted the French . . ... June, 1216 John I., II., kings of France : I. The Posthumous, son of Louis X,, (who d. 5 June, 1316) ; b. 15 Nov. . . d. ig Nov. 1316 II. The Good; &. 1319 ; succeeded his father, Philip VI., 1350 ; defeated, and taken prisoner by Edward the black prince, at Poitiers, ig Sept. 1356 Released by the treaty of Bretigny . . 1360 Acquired Burgundy by inheritance . . 1362 Gave it to his son Philip 1363 Returned to England to replace his son, Louis ; left as a hostage, who had fled d. 8 April, 1364 John I. — III., kings of Poland : I. Albert 6. 27 Dec. 1459 Successful in war with the Tartars ; succeeded his father, Casimir IV., 1492 . d. 17 June, 1501 II. See Casimir V. III. SoBiESKi 6.1624 or 1629 Travelled in France, and gained the friendship of Conde 1645 Devoted himself to defend Poland against the Cossacks . . . . . 1652 After several defeats, beat them . . . 1665 Made grand-marshal ; married princess Zamoy- ski 5 July, 1665 After sixteen days' conflict with the Turks, Tar- tars, and Cossacks, totally defeated them 15 Oct. 1667 Defeated the Turks and allies . . 10 Nov. 1673 Elected king as John III., 19 May ; proclaimed, 21 May, 1674 Troubled by Russian and Austrian intrigues, 1674-82 Defeated the Turks, and saved Vienna and Ger- many 12 Sept. 1683 Deceived and deserted by his aUies ; signed the treaty of Moscow, foreseeing the ruin of Poland, 2 Feb. 1687 .... d, 17 June, 1696 John (Joao) I. — VI., kings of Portugal: I. natural son of Pedro I. . 6. n April, 1357 Made master of the order of Aviz about . 1364 Murdered Andeiro, lover of the widow of his brother, king Ferdinand, 6 Dec. ; made ruler of the kingdom on behalf of his niece, Beatrice, queen of Castile . 16 Dec. 1383 Made king by the states 1385 Defeated the invading Spaniards, and secured the independence of Portugal at Aljubarota, {near which he afterwards founded the convent of Batalha) 14 Aug. 1385 Married Philippa of Lancaster, cousin of Richard II., king of England , . . 2 Feb. 1387 Truce, 1387 ; and lasting peace with Castile 1399 Made conquests in Africa, Aug. 1415 ; d. 14 Aug. 1433 II. the Great, son of Alfonso V. . 6. 3 May, 1455 Accompanied his father on hii expedition against the Moors Aug. 1471 Began to rule for his father, 1475 ; succeeded him 31 Aug. 1481 Humbled the nobility ; caused the duke of Bra- ganza to be executed, 21 June ; and himself killed the duke of Viseu .... 14S3 Promoted navigation and geographical disco- very ; reformed public administration 1484, et seq. His only son Alfonso drowned in the Tagus 13 July, 1491 Entertained Columbus on his return from the discovery of America, March, 1493 ; d. 25 Oct. 1495 JOH 285 JOH III. 6. 6 June, 1502 ; succeeded his father Em- manuel ig Dec. 1521 Appointed Vasco da Gama viceroy of the Indies, 1524 Established in his states the inquisition, 1528 ; and the order of Jesuits, and promoted mis- sions, 1540 . . d. II June, 1557 rv. duke of Braganza . . . &. ig March, 1604 Made king during an insurrrection against the Spaniards ... . Dec. 1640 Ruled vigorously ; defeated the Spaniards at Montijo; 26 May, 1644 . . . d. 26 Nov. 1656 V. h. 22 Oct 1689 ; succeeded his father Pedro II I Jan, 1707 Devoted himself to ecclesiastical affairs ; founded the palace of Mafra, an imitation of the Escurial and Versailles . . 17 Nov. 1717 Styled " very faithful Maj esty " hy the pope, 23 Dec. 1748 (i. 31 July, 1750 VI. Maria Jos6 Luis, son of Pedro III. ; 6. 13 May, 1769 Began to govern for his mother Maria I., March, 1792 Joined the first coalition against France (to the injury of Portuguese commerce) . 1 Sept. 1793 Assumed the title of regent . . 1799 Made peace with France . . .6 Jan. iSoi Fled to Brazil at hearing of the determined partition of Portugal between France and Spain . . .27 Nov. 1807 Arrived at Bahia 21 Jan. 180S King at his mother's death . . 16 March, 1816 Compelled to return to Lisbon by the cortes ; swore to observe the new constitution, 9 March, 1821 Forced to resume absolute power . . May, 1823 d. 1826 John, sovereigns of Saxony : John, the Constant, elector ; b. 1469 ; succeeded his brother Frederic the Wise . . . 1525 Joined Philip of Hesse in supporting the refor- mation 1526 Joined in the protest at Spires . . . 1529 Proclaimed the Augsburg Confession 25 June, 1530 d. 16 Aug, 1532 John Frederic I. the Magnanimous, elector, son ... . &. 30 June, 1503 Succeeded his father 1532 Established the reformed doctrines in his states, 1533 Put to the ban of the empire ; defeated and made prisoner at Miihlberg, 24 April ; con- demned to death, 10 May ; the sentence com- muted to deprivation of the electorate, 18 May, 1547 Liberated by Maurice, the new elector 1547 d. 155+ John Frederic II., duJce . . 6. 8 Jan. 1529 Acquired Gotha after the battle of MiUilberg 1547 Formed the university of Jena . . . 1552 Succeeded his father John Frederic I. as duke 1554 Put to the ban of the empire for supporting Wil- liam of Graumbach, 1566 d. in prison, 9 May, 1595 John George I., elector, son of Christian I. ; 6. 5 March, 1585 ; succeeded his brother Chris- tian II., 23 June, 161 1 : supported the emperor in the 30 years' war, ended 1648 . d. 8 Oct. 1656 John, king; b. 12 Dec. 1801 ; cultivated litera- ture ; translated Dante into German . . 1 839-49 Succeeded his brother Frederic Augustus II. 9 Aug. 1854 John I. — III., kings of Sweden: I. succeeded Eric X., 1216; propagated Chris- tianity by war ... . tZ, 1222 II. (see John I. of Denmark ) III. sou of Gustavus Vasa ; b. 21 Dec. 1537 ; de- posed his brother Eric XIV., 1569; made peace with Denmark, Dec. 1570 . d. 19 Oct. 1592 John the Baptist, 6. B.C. 6; began to preach, A.D. 26; reproved Herod; imprisoned and put to death, 31. John the Apostle and Evangelist ; called and ordained, 31 ; wrote Epistles, 90; banished to Patmos, 96, John, patriarch of Antioch, about 427 ; favoured Nestorius, and formed a council at Ephesus against the one headed by Cyril, whom he deposed, 431 ; reconciled to C3Til against Nestorius, 432 ; d. about 442. John Aegyropolus, Greek presbyter, professor at Constantinople ; reviver of learning in the west; rector of the university of Padua, 1 442; preceptor of Lorenzo de' Medici ; expounded Greek at the academy at Florence, about 1469 ; at Rome, about 147 1 ; d. after 14S0. John of Austria, Don, natural son of the emperor Charles V. ; b. 24 Feb. 1 545 ; edu- cated for a priest, but adopted a military life ; as general of the league against the Turks, de- feated them in the naval battle of Lepanto, and saved Europe, 7 Oct. 1571 ; commander of the Spanish army against the Netherlands ; en- tered Luxemburg, 4 Nov. 1576; conceived the project of delivering and marrying Mary, queen of Scots, 1577 ; d. in his camp before Namur, probably by poison, i Oct. 1578, John of Beverley, bishop of Hexham, and archbishop of York ; wrote homihes ; d. 722. John the Cappadocian, patriarch of Constan- tinople, 517 or 518; with pope Hormisdas, en- deavoured to reconcile the eastern and western churches, 519; d. 520. John of Cappadocia, minister of Justinian, 530 ; rapacious and treacherous ; ruined by the empress Theodora, about 540 ; d. a monk. John CASimR, count Palatine ; h. i March, 1543 ; chief of the reformed party in Germany ; promoted manufactures ; regent of the electorate for his nephew, Frederic IV., 1583; d. 6 Jan. 1592. John of Damascus, St., ecclesiastical writer ; h. about 676 ; wrote elementary treatises, and against heresies ; d. about 75^- John the Italian (Italus), Greek philosopher and heresiarch ; narrowly escaped death by the mob ; compelled to retract, 1084. John, bishop of Jerusalem, 386 ; accused of favouring Origenism ; supported Chrysostom ; d. about 417. John of Gaunt, see Lancaster. John of Hexham, chronicler ; Jl. about 1 1 70. John of Leyden, (Johann Boccold) ; b. about 1510; d. 13 Feb. 1536. Joined the Anabaptists of Munster, and helped Matthias of Haarlem to the chief power at the revolt ... .... 1533-34 At Matthias's death, (killed by soldiers of bishop of Waldeck), assumed power as an in- spired prophet ; crowned king of Sion, 24 June, 1534 Married fifteen wives ; besieged ; betrayed ; cap- tured 2 June, 1535 Sent through the coiintry in a cage ; executed, 13 Feb. 1536 John, bishop of Salisbury, philosopher; h. about mo ; employed by Becket in negotiations at E,ome ; made bishop of Chartres, 1176 ; wrote "Polycraticus," and "Metalogicus," and "Life of Becket;" d. 25 Oct. I180. JOH 286 JOI John Scholastiods, patriarch of Antiouh, about 564 ; d. 578. JoHNBS, Thomas, colonel, antiquary and scholar ; J. 1 748 ; set up a printing office on his estate at Hafod, in Cardiganshire ; printed there his translation of Froissart's Chronicles, 1803-5 ; JoinviUe's Memoirs, 1807 ; Mon- strelet's Chronicles, 1809 ; his house and library burnt : loss, ;^7o,ooo, 1807 ; d. 23 April, 1816. Johnson, Andrew, American statesman, 5. 29 Dec. 1808 ; worked as a tailor ; self- educated ; gradually rose to be member of congress, 1843-53 ; governor of Tennessee, 1853-57 ; United States senator, 1857-63 ; elected Tice-president of United States, 1864 ; president (after the assassination of Lincoln), 15 April, 1865 — 4 March, 1869 ; articles of his impeachment rejected by the senate, May, 1868. Johnson, Charles, dramatist; h. 1679 ; d. 11 March, 1748. Johnson, John, non-juring theologian ; 5. 30 Dec. 1662 ; published " Clergyman's Vade- mecum," 1708; "The Unbloody Sacrifice," 1714; d. 15 Dec. 1725. Johnson, Reverdy, American statesman; h. 179(> ; minister to London, Aug. 1868- 1869. Johnson, or Jhonson, Richard ; published " The Nine Worthies of London," 1592 ; " Life of Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury," 1612. Johnson, Samuel, protestant theologian ; 5. 1649; published "Julian, the Apostate," (against the doctrine of passive obedience), for which he was fined and imprisoned, 1682; "Address to the Protestants in the King's Army," (for which he was publicly whipped), 1686; pensioned by William III., i589;dMay, 1703- Johnson, Samuel, dramatist ; i. about 1 705 ; wrote " Hurlothrumbo," 1729; "Mad Lovers," 1732; d. 1773. Johnson, Samuel, LL.D., lexicographer, essayist, poet, and critic ; 6. at Lichiield, 18 Sept. 1709; d. 13 Dec. 1784. Usher at a school at Market-Bosworth . _ . 1732 Married Mrs Porter, and set up a school, (which failed) 1736 "With David Garrick, his pupil, went to London 1737 A contributor to the "Gentleman's Magazine," (often in deep poverty) . . . 1738-54 Published his "London, a Poem," May, 1738; "Life of Savage," 1744: "Irene," a tragedy, and " The Vanity of Human Wishes," 1749 : " E-am- bler," 1750-52; "English Dictionary," 1755; "Idler," 1758-60; "Easselas," 1759; "Shak- speare," with notes, 1765: "Journey to the "Western Isles of Scotland," 1774 : " Taxation no Tyranny," 1775; "Lives of the English Poets," 1779-81 Eeceived a pension of ;£3(30 from George III. . 1762 First acquaintance with BosweU . 16 May, 1763 Boswell's " Life of Johnson," published . . 1791 Johnson, Thomas, botanist; 6. 1561; edited Gerard's "Herbal," 1633; d. 30 Sept. 1644. Johnston, Alexander Keith, Scotch geo- grapher; i. 28 Dec. 1804; published "National Atlas," 1843 ; "Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena," 1847-49; "Dictionary of Geo- graphy," 1851; "Royal Atlas," 1 861; "Index Geographicus," 1864. Johnston, or Jonston, Arthur, Scotch physi- cian and Latin poet ; b. 1587 ; published Latia version of the "Psalms," and "Dehcise Poetarum Scoticorum," 1637; d. 1641. Johnston, Charles, Irish novelist ; wrote "Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea," 1760; "The Reverie," 1762; d. m India, about 1800. Johnston, George, M.D., naturalist ; 6. at Berwick, 1 798 ; detected the new water-vf eed (anacharis alsinastrum) at Dunse Castle, 1838 ; published "History of British Zoophytes and Sponges," 1838-42; "Introduction to Concho- logy," 1850; d. 30 July, 1855. Johnston, James Finlay Weir, Scotch chemist; 5. 13 Sept. 1796; published "Cate- chism of Agricultural Chemistry," 1844; "Lec- tures on Agricultural Chemistry," 1 844 ; "Notes on North America," 1851 ; "Chemistry of Common Life," 1853-54; d. 18 Sept. 1855. Johnston, John, natm-alist; h. 1603; d Jan. 1675- Johnston, Joseph Eccleston, American eon- federate general ; b. about 1809 ; served in the Mexican war, 1847 ; general in the confederate army, April, i86i ; failed to relieve Vicksburg ; defeated at Jackson, Missouri, 13 July, 1862; opposed Sherman's march into Georgia ; super- seded by Hood, July, 1 864; after the fall of Richmond, surrendered, April, 1865. Johnstone, Bryce, D.D., Scotch clergyman ; b. 1 747 ; published " Commentaries on the Revelation," 1794; d. 1805. Johnstone, Chevalier de, Jacobite, aide-de- camp to Lord George Murray; wrote "History of the Rebellion of 1745-46 ;" d. about 1800. Johnstone, George, captain, M.P. ; published "Thoughts on our Acquisitions in the East Indies," 1771 ; d. 1787. Johnstone, James, M.D., Scotch physician ; b. 1 730 ; settled at Worcester ; published "Medical Essays and Observations," 1795; d. 28 April, i8o2. Johnstone, John Henry, comedian; b. 1750; d. 26 Dec. 1828. JoiNViLLE, Jean, sire de, French historian ; b. about 1 224 ; accompanied Louis IX. in his crusade, 1248 ; wrote his memoirs, 1309 ; d. 1319. JoiNViLLE, Frangois Ferdinande Philippe Louis Marie d'Orl^ans, prince de, third son of Louis Philippe; b. 14 Aug. 1818. Visited Portsmouth, Plymouth, &c. . . 1835 Served in an attack at Vera Cruz . 27 Nov. 183S Conveyed the body of Napoleon I. from St. Helena to Paris .... 1840 JOL 287 JON Marriecl Francis Caroline, sister of tlie emperor of Brazil ... . i May, 1843 Bombarded Tangier . . 6 Aug. 1844 Seized the Isle of Mogador . . 23 Aug. 1844 Made vice-admiral .... 18 Sept. 1844 Assisted in rescuing the passengers of the " Ocean Monarch " when on fire 24 Aug. 1848 Visited Germany, &c. . . 1849 Settled at Claremont . . 1S53 JOLIVET, Jean Baptiste Moise, comte de, French poKtical economist ; b. 1754; denounced the Jacobin Club, 9 Aug. 1792; published "De rimp6t sur les Successions," &c., 1798; d. 29 June, 1S18. JOLLIVET, Adolphe, French publicist ; h. fjgi) ; pubUshed "Examen du Systeme Electoral Anglais," 1835 ; killed at Paris, 24 Feb. 1848. JOLLOIS, Jean Baptiste Prosper, French anti- quary; b. 17 Aug. 1776; published "Histoire de Jeanne d'Arc," 1821 ; "Histoire du Sidge d'Orleans," 1833; d. 25 June, 1842. JoLLT, Frangois Antoine, French dramatist ; i. 25 Dec. 1662; edited Mohfere, 1734; d. 30 July, 1753., Jolly, Marie Elisabeth, French actress ; b. 8 April, 1 761; d. 5 May, 1798. Jolt, Claude, French priest; b. 2 Feb. 1607 ; published " Recueil des Maximes pour I'lnsti- tution du Koi," 1652; d. 15 Jan. 1700. His nephew, Guy, wrote Memoirs, 1648-65. JoLY DE MIaizeeoy, Paul G^ddon, French tactician; 6. 6 Jan. 1719; published "Essais MiUtaires," 1763; " Cours de Tactique," 1766; d. 7 Feb. 1780. JoiviAED, Edme Franjois, French engineer and geographer ; b. 20 or 22 Nov. 1777; joined the expedition to Egypt, 1 799 ; assisted in editing "Description de I'Egypte," 1803, et acq.; founder of the GeogTaphical society at Paris, 1821 ; d. 28 Sept. 1862. JoiiELLl, Nicolo, Italian musical composer ; J. 1714; composed operas, cantatos, oratorios and church music ; d. 28 Aug. 1774. JOMLNI, Henri, baron, Swiss general; h. 6 March, 1779; d. 24 March, 1869. Organized Swiss troops .... 1799 Entered French army; aide-de-camp to Ney . 1805 Presented his "Traitedes G-rand Operations de la G-uerre " to Napoleon I. at Ansterlitz, Dec. 1805 Served in the peninsular war .... 1808 Hardly used by Napoleon ; retired from his service ; and joined the czar (abstaining from active service) 1813 Published " Histoire des Campagnes de la Il6vo- lution, 1792-1801 " 1819-24 Military tutor of Nicholas {afterwards czar), 1822; published ** Precis de I'iVxt de Guerre," 1838; Settled at Brussels . . 1855 JoN, Frangois du (Junius), French protestant theologist and philologist; b. I May, 154S; published a Latin translation of the Bible by himself and Tremelhus, 1575-79! "Eirenicon de Pace Ecclesise Catholicee," 1593; "M^thode des Lieux Communs de la Sainte Ecriture," 1599; d. 13 Oct., 1602. His son, Fkancois; b. 1589; settled in England, 1622; pubUshed "DePictura Veterum," 1637; "Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels," 1665; " Etymologicum Anglicanum," (published by Lye), 1743 ; d. 19 Nov. 1677. JoNiE, or JONNSON, Amgrim, Icelandic clergy- man; b. 1568; published " Brevis Commentarius de Islandia," 1593; " Crimogtea sive Eerum Islandicarum," 1609-50; d. 1648. Jonah, Hebrew prophet; preached at Nineveh about B.C. 862, Jonas, Justus, German reformer ; h. 5 June, 1493 ; friend of Luther ; accompanied him to VVorms, 1521 ; preached at Naumburg, 1536; expelled from Halle by order of Maurice the elector, 1546; published an account of Luther's death, and pronounced his funeral oration, 1546; d. 9 Oct. 1555. Jonathan, son of Saul; defeated the Philis- tines, B.C. 1093; killed in battle, 1056. Jones, Anson, American physician ; emigrated to Texas; defeated Santa Anna and the Mexi- cans, and became first president of the state of Texas, 1840 ; supported the annexation to United States; d. by suicide, Jan. :858. Jones, Edward, Welsh bard to the prince of Wales; b. about 1751 ; revived the Eistedd- fodd, or meeting of bards, 1 78S ; published "Kelics of the Welsh Bards," 1786; "The Bardie Museum," 1802; d. 1821. Jones, Ernest, barrister, poet and chartist, son of colonel Jones, aide-de-camp to the king of Hanover; b. 25 Jan. 1819; educated at Hanover; published the "Wood Spirit," a romance, 1841; called to the law, 1844; joined the chartist agitation about 1845; imprisoned, 1848-49; published "Poems," 1855; d. 26 Jan. 1869. Jones, George, K.A,, historical painter; b. 1786; painted "Battle of Waterloo," 1820; K.A., 1824 ; librarian of the Royal Academy, 1834-40; keeper, 1840-50; published "Life of Sir F. Ghantrey," 1849. Jones, Griffith, philanthropist; b. 1684; dis- tributed thousands of Welsh Bibles and tracts ; d. 8 April, 1 76 1. Jones, Griffith, journalist and writer of juve- nile books, friend of Johnson; b. 1721; d. 12 Sept. 1786. Jones, Henry, Irish dramatist and poet ; b. about 1720; published " The Earl of Essex," 1753 ; d. April, 1770. Jones, Henry Eence, M.D., physician and chemist; 6. 31 Dec. 1813; published "Animal Chemistry," 1850; edited Du Bois Eeymond's " Animal Electricity," 1852; Mulder on Wines, 1857 ; elected secretary of Eoyal Institu- tion of Great Britain, i860; published "Lec- tures on some of the applications of Mechanics and Chemistry to Pathology and Therapeutics," 1867; "Matter and Force," (Croonian Lec- tures) 1868 ; " Life and Letters of Faraday," JON 288 JOE, Jones, Inigo, architect and scholar, "The English Vitruvius;" h. 1572; erected White- hall chapel, the Queen's chapel, St. James's, St. Paul's, Covent Garden, &c. ; wrote " Stone- henge Eestored,"published 1655 ;d.2I July, 1652. Jones, Jeremiah, dissenting minister; b. 1693; published "Vindication of St. Matthew's Gospel" against Whiston, 1719; "New Method of settUng the Canonicity of the New Testament," 1726; d. 1724. Jones, John, English physician ; published "Dial of Agues," 1556; "The Bathes of Bath," 1572 ; " Art and Science of Preserving Body and Soul in Health, 1579. Jones, John, Benedictine; 6. 1575 ; published *' Conciliatio Locorum Communium totius Scripturse," 1623; d. 17 Dec. 1636. Jones, John Edward, sculptor ; 6. about 1806 ; d. 25 July, 1862. Jones, John, unitarian minister and philolo- gist ; h. about 1 765 ; published " Illustrations of the Four Gospels, " 1 80S ; " Greek and English Lexicon," 1823 ; d. 10 Jan. 1827. Jones, John, LL.D. , lawyer and historian ; 6. 1771 ; published "De Famosis LibeUis, or the Law of Libel," 1812 ; d. April, 1838. Jones, John Paul, Scotch seaman ; b. 6 July, 1747 ; d. at Paris, 18 July, 1792. Settled in Virginia 1773 Entered the American service . . 1775 As captain of the "Providence," did much damage to the British navy ; burnt shipping in the port of Whitehaven, and attacked the castle of lord Selkirk (where his father had been gardener) .... April, 177S Captured the "Serapis" . 22 Sept. 1779 Highly honoured at "Washington . Feb. 1781 In the Russian service ; employed against the Turks . 17S4-89 Jones, John Gale, apothecary and politician; J. 1 77 1; published "Political Tour in Kent," 1796 ; d. April, 1838. Jones, John Winter, bibliographer; b. 1808; keeper of the printed books in the British Museum, 1850 ; principal librarian, June, 1 866 ; edited " Hakluyt'a Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America," 1850. Jones, Owen, antiquary ; b. 1754; helped to found the " Cambrian Society," 1772 ; pub- lished " Archaeology of Wales ;" d. 1814. Jones, Owen, architect ; b. about 1809 ; travelled in Spain and the East ; pubUshed, with M. Jules Goury, " lUuatrations of the AUiambra," 1842-45; "Grammar of Omar ment," 1856. Jones, Rev. Eichard, political economist; b. lT)i; his "Lectures," published, 1856; d. 26 Jan. 1855. Jones, Eice, Welsh poet ; h. 1716; published " Welsh Anthology," 1770; d. 1801. Jones, Stephen, printer and journalist ; b. 1763 ; published a " BiographicalDictionary," 1796; edited "Biographia Dramatica," 1812 ; d. 1827. Jones, Thomas Eymer, naturalist ; b. about 1810; FuUerian professor at the Eoyal Insti- tution, 1841-44; published "Natural History of Animals," 1845-56. Jones, Thomas Wharton, Scotch physiolo- gist ; 6. 1808 ; EuUerian professor of physio- logy in the Royal Institution, London, 1851-54; obtained the Aotonian prize for an essay "on Vision," 1 85 1. Jones, William, mathematician; b. 1680; published " New Compendium of Navigation," 1702 ; d. July, 1749. .Jones, Sir William, linguist and orientalist, son of preceding ; b. 28 Sept. 1 746 ; tutor of lord Althorpe, 1 766 ; travelled in the East ; published "Persian Grammar," 1771 j "Poeseos Asiaticse Commentarii," 1 774 ; a judge at Cal- cutta ; founded an Asiatic Society there, 1783; published " Laws of Menu," 1 794 ; d. 21 April, 1 794 ; his collected works published by lord Teignmouth, 1799. Jones, Rev. William of Nayland, Hutchin- sonian ; h. 1726; established the " British Critic," 1793; published "Catholic Doctrine of the Trinity," 1756; " Natural Philosophy," 1762; "Life of Bishop Home," 1795; d. 6 Feb. 1800. Jones, William, bookseller, pastor of the Scotch baptists ; b. 1762; pubUshed "History of the Waldenses," 181 1; "History of the Christian Church," 1819; d. 1846. JoNO, Ludolph van, Dutch painter ; b. 1616 ; d. 1697. JoNGHE, Bernard de, Belgian historian ; h. 13 Feb. 1674 ; pubUshed " De Solata Batavia," 1717 ; " History of Ghent," (in Flemish), 1746; (Z. 24 Oct. 1749. JoNiN, Gilbert, French poet ; 5. 1596 ; pub- lished " Anthologia Sacra," 1634; "^nig- mata Beatitudines," 1636; d, 9 March, 1638. JoNSius, Johaim, German scholar ; b. 20 Oct. 1624; pubUshed "De Scriptoribus His- toric Philosophias," 1659; d. April, 1659. JoNSON, (or Johnson), Benjamin, dramatist ; h. n June, 1574; ^t Westminster school ; worked as a mason ; went to Cambridge uni- versity ; for a short time imprisoned for killing a man in a duel ; his " Every Man in his Humour," performed, 1598; "Sejanus," 1603 ; imprisoned for writing "Eastward-Hoe," 1603; "Volpone," 1605; "Alchymist," l6io ; "Bar- tholomew Fair," 16 14, &c. ; poet laureate, 1619; d. 16 Aug. 1637. JoNSSON, see Johannceus. JoNSTON, see Johnston. JoNSTON, Jan, PoUsh naturalist ; b. 3 Sept. 1 603 ; came to England ; studied at St An- drew's ; pubUshed " Thaumatographia Natu- raUs," 1632 ; " Dendographia," 1662 ; d. 1675. JoEDAENS, Flemish painters : Jakob, 6. 20 May, 1594 ; d. 18 Oct. 1678, Hans, 6. 1616 ; I d. about 1675. JOE 289 JOS Jordan, Camille, French politician; h. li Jan. 1771 ; d. 19 May, 1821. Promoted the insurrection in Lyons against the republic 1793 Fled to England, and made friends with Fox and other Wliigs 1794 Eeturned to France ; elected member of the council of 500 1796 Defended the use of bells in churches, (hence named "Jordan-Cloche") .... 1797 Exiled for attacking the directory . . Sept. 1797 Opposed the consulate .... 1802 Supported the restoration .... 1814 Opposed the reactionary policy of the ministry 1819-20 Jordan, Claude, French publicist and travel- ler ; published *'Histoire de TEiirope," 1686; first number of "Clef du Cabinet des Souve- rains," ("Journal de Verdun,") July, 1704- Jordan, Carl Stephan, Prussian writer ; 6. 27 Aug. 1700; published " Voyage Littd- raire en 1733 en France, en Angleterre, et en HoUande," 1735 ; friend of Frederic II., and employed by hnn, 1740 ; d. 24 May, I745- Jordan, Dorothy, Irish actress ; h. (Bland) about 1762 ; took the name Jordan, 1782 ; lived with the duke of Clarence, (afterwards William IV.), and had ten children, about 1785-1811 ; d. at St. Cloud, 1816. Jordan, Esteban, Spanish painter, sculptor, and architect ; &. Dec. 1543; d. 1603. Jordan, Sylvestre, German la\vyer and poli- tician ; h. 30 Dec. 1792; imprisoned by the elector of Hesse, 1843-45 ; pubUshed his " De- fence," 1844; active member of the parUament at Frankfort, 1848; d. 14 April, 1861. Jorgenson, Jorgen, Danish adventurer ; b. 1779 ; d. after 1825. In British merchant and naval service . T79X, &;c. Commanded a Danish privateer , . about iSoS Landed at Iceland ; imprisoned the governor ; and proclaimed Iceland free, and himself pro- tector 26 June, 1809 Deposed and sent prisoner to England by Captain Alexander Jones 22 Aug. 1809 Published "Travels through France and Ger- many, 1815-17 " . . . . . 1817 Sentenced to be transported for stealing May 12, 1820 Liberated 1821 ; imprisoned in Newgate . 1821-5 Died in Australia . . . after 1825 JoRTiN, John, D.D., scholar; h. 23 Oct. 1698; published " Remarks on Ecclesiastical His- tory," 1751-73 ; " Life of Erasmus, " 1758-60; d. 5 Sept. 1770. JosoELiN de Brakelonde, almoner of the abbey of St Edmund's, Bury, 121 1; wrote a Chronicle of the abbey, 11 73-1201. Jos^, see Joseph. Joseph, Hebrew patriarch ; carried into Egypt, B.C. 1729 ; made ruler, 171 5 J received bis brethren, 1707; d. 1635. Joseph of Exeter (Josephus Iscanus), Anglo- Latin poet, about 1190 ; wrote "De Bello Tro- jano," and the " Antiocheide. " Joseph I., II., emperors of Germany : I h. 26 July, 1678 Elected at the death of his father, Leopold I. 1705 Maintained war with France tiU . March, 1707 d. 17 April, 1711 II., son of Francis I. and Maria Theresa h. 13 March, 1741 Elected king of the Romans, 27 May, 1764 ; em- peror 18 Aug. 1765 Practised economy, and promoted administra- tive reform, agriculture, and the arts ; investi- gated the state of Hungary, 1768 ; Italy, 1769 ; Moravia, 1770; Bohemia .... 1772 Promoted the suppression of the Jesuits July, 1773 Travelled in France as Count Falkenstein April — July, 1777 Unsuccessfully attempted to enlarge his terri- tories ; checked by a league of princes . 1779-85 Established religious toleration by an edict II June, 1781 Visited by Pope Pius VI., who dreaded his re- forms in the convents . . 22 March, 1782 Eeturned the visit .... 23 Dec. 1783 Ordered religious services to be in the vernacu- lar tongues 21 Feb. 1786 Much annoyed by the opposition to his reforms ; d. 20 Feb. 1790 Joseph, king of Portugal; &. 6 June, 1714 ; d. 24 Feb. 1777. Succeeded his father, John V. . . 31 July, 1750 Made Carvalho, afterwards Marquis de Pombal, minister ........ 1750 Signed a treaty with Spain, defining the limits of their colonial possessions .... 1751 Promoted the rebuilding of Lisbon, after the earthquake of .... 1 Nov. 1755 Narrowly escaped assassination . 3 Dec. 1758 Punished the Duke d'Aveiro, the Marquis de Tavora, and others, as regicides , 13 Jan. 1759 Expelled the Jesuits by edict . . 3 Sept. 1759 Ordered corn to be cultivated in place of vines on the Tagus 1765 Subjected the bishops to the royal authority, and suppressed the " Index Expurgatorius " . 1768 Broke down the authority of the inquisition by edict 20 May, 1769 Abolished the distinction between original Chris- tians and converted Jews and Moors 25 May, 1773 Josephine (Marie Joseph Rose Tascher de la Pagerie), empress of the Prench ; h. in Mar- tinique, 23 June, 1763 ; d. near Paris, 29 May, 1 8 14. Married at Paris to the Vicomte Alexandre de Beauharnais 13 Dec. 1779 Her son Eugene born, 3 Sept. 1781 ; her daughter Hortense Eugenie born ... 10 April 1783 Peturned to Martinique, June, 1788 ; left for Paris Sept. 1790 Her husband employed by the republic ; general of the army of the Rhine ; soon retired, 1793 ; imprisoned ; executed ... 23 July, 1794 Peleased from imprisonment ; resided in poverty in Paris 1 794-5 Introduced to Napoleon Bonaparte, Oct. 1795 ; married to him ... 9 March 1796 Ci'owned empress ... 2 Dec. 1804 Divorced . .... 16 Dec. i8og Josephus, Pla^dus, Jewish historian; 1). 37; governor of Galilee ; bravely defended lotapata against Vespasian ; taken and imprisoned ; released and taken to Pome by Titus, 70 ; present at the siege of Jerusalem, and saved many hves ; published his "History of the Jewish Wars," about 75; "Jewish Antiqui- ties," 93 ; d. after 97. Joshua (or Jesus), appointed successor to Moses, B.C. 1452 ; crossed Jordan ; destroyed Jericho, Ai, &c., 145 1 ; divided the land, about 1444 ; d. about 1420. T JOS 290 JOY JosiAH, king- of Judah ; foretold, B.C. 975; king, 641 , restored divine ■worship, 624 ; killed by Pharaoh Necho, 610. JosiKA, Nicolas, baron, Hungarian linguist and novelist; b. 22 Sept. 1796; actively op- posed to Austria, 1848 ; retired to Brussels, 1849; d. 27 Feb. 1865. JosQUiN DES PEi;s, see Desprey. JoST, Isaac Marcus, German Jew ; 5. 22 Feb. 1793; published "History of Israel," 1820-29, 1831-32 ; translation of the Mischna, 1832-34 ; d. Nov. i860. JOTHAM, king of Judah; B.C. 758-742. JoUBEKT, Barthe(i. Under Napoleon, in Italy, Germany, Spain, &c. 1797-1813 Succeeded his father as duke . 1820 Supported the revolution of -July 1830 d. 2 June 1835 Kellet or Talbot, Edward, alchemist and necromancer; h. I Aug. 1555 ; associated with Dr. Dee ; attempted the transmutation of metals ; patronised by the Emperor Kodolph ; fell while escaping from imprisonment for deception ; d. 1595 or 1597. Kellgben, Johan Erik, Swedishpoet ; h. I Dec 1751 ; d. 20 April 1795. Kellison, Matthew, Bomanist theologian ; J. about 1 560 ; chancellor of the university of Eheims, 1606 ; pubhshed " Survey of the new Keligion," 1603; "Treatise of the Hierarchy of the Church " (against Calvin) ; d. 1641. Kelly, Erances Maria, actress and singer ; 6, 15 Dec. 1790; member of Colman's company at the Haymarket, 1808 ; built the Soho theatre, as a school for acting, 1840. Kelly, Sir Eitzroy, lawyer, 5. 1796; solicitor- general, July 1845 — Aug. 1846 ; Eeb. — Dec. 1852 ; attorney-general, March 1858 — June 1859 ; chief baron of the exchequer, July 1866. Kelly, Erederic ; originally captain in the 67th foot ; entered the service of the post-office, 1819 ; proprietor of the Post-of&ce Directory, 1836 ; re- organisedit and brought it to its present condition. Kelly, Hugh, Irish dramatist ; &. 1 739 ; pub- lished "Ealse Delicacy," 1 768; " School for Wives," 1774; d. 3 Eeb. 1777. Kelly, John, philologist; b. 1750 ; assisted Bishop Hadesley in translating the Bible into Manx, printed Dec. 1772; published " Gram- mar of the ancient Gaelic or Manks," 1803 ; d. 12 Nov. 1809. Kelly, Michael, Irish musical composer and singer ; 6. 1762 ; taught at Naples ; first ap- peared in London, 1787 ; became scene director at the King's theatre, and musical director at the Haymarket ; composed or arranged the music for many operas ; " Castle Spectre," 1 797 ; "Bluebeard," 1798; published " Reminiscen- ces," 1826 ; d. 15 Oct. 1826. Kejiele family, children of Koger, a provin- cial manager, actors : John Philip ; b. i Feb. 1757; performed at York, 1778 ; Dublin, 1783 ; debut, " Hamlet" at Drury Lane, London, 30 Sept. 1783 ; manager of Drury Lane, 1790 ; great success as Rolla in "Pizarro," 1798 : manager of Covent Garden theatre, 1803, (theatre burnt 1808) ; suffered by 0. P. riots at the new theatre, Sept. — Dec. 1809 ; last perfor- mance (as Coriolanus), 23 June, 1817 d. 26 Feb. 1823 George Stephen ; b. 3 May, 1758 ; acted Fal- statf, &c "i. S June 1822 Sarah, see Siddons. Chables ; b. 25 Nov. 1775 ; diSbut at ShefBeld, 1792; as "Malcolm," at Drury Lane, 21 AprU 1794 I associated with his brother John at Covent Garden, 1803 ; translated several plays ; made ex- aminer of plays, about 1840 . d. 12 Nov. 1854 Daughters of Charles — Frances Anna, (now Mrs Butler) ; successful debut as Juliet, s Oct. 1829 ; went to America, 1833; published "Journal of her Residence in the United States," 1834 ; " Plays," . . 1853 Adelaide, &. about 1816 ; successful as "Nor^ ma," 2 Nov. 1841 ; married»to Mr Sartoris . 1843 Published "A Week in a French Country-house" 1867 John Mitchell, son of Charles, Anglo-Saxon scholar ; b. 1807 ; published " Poems of Beo- wulf," 1833 : with a translation, 1837 ; " Codex Diplomaticus Jllvi Saxonici," 1839-40; "Saxons in England," I S49 . . cZ. 26 March, 1857 Kemp, George Meikle, Scotch self-taught artist ; i. 1 794 ; designed the Scott monument, Edinburgh ; drowned, 5 March, 1844. Kemp, Joseph, musical composer; 5. 177^! composed " A Sound of Battle is in the Land," 1809; d. 22 May, 1824. Kempele^, "Wolfgang, Hungarian mechani- cian ; b. 23 Jan. 1 734 ; constructed an auto- matic chess-player, a speaking machine, 177^ J published " Mechanism der menschlichen Sprache," 1791 ; d. 26 March, 1S04. KEMPENrELDT, Richard, rear-admiral; drowned with about six hundred persons in the *' Royal George," overturned off Spithead through the guns being placed on one side, 29 Aug. 1782. Kempis, Thomas a, German ascetic writer; b. 1379 at Kempen near Cologne; the author or editor of "De Imitatione Christi;" sub- prior of a convent of regular canons of Mount St. Agnes near Zwoll, (his brother, JOHANN, the prior, 1425) ; d. 26 July, 1471. Ken, Thomas, bishop of Bath and Wells ; 6. 1637; consecrated, 1684; wrote the morning and evening hymns ; one of the seven bishops committed to the tower, 8 June, 1688; tried and acquitted, 29, 30 June, i6S8 ; decUned the oath of allegiance to William and Mary ; de- prived, I Eeb, 1691 ; d. 19 March, 171 1. Kennaway, Sir John, diplomatist; b. 1758; negotiated peace with Hyder Ali, 1788 ; and Tippoo Sahib; d. 1836. Kennedy, Grace, novelist; h. 1782; wrote "Eather Clement;" d. 28 Eeb. 1825. Kennedy, James, bishop of St. Andrew's and chancellor; b. 1405; founded the university of St. Andrew's ; d. 10 May, 1466. Kennedy, John, Scotch antiquary ; published "Dissertation on the Coins of Carausius;" d. 26 Jan. 1 760. Kennedy, John, mathematician ; &. about 1700 ; published " New Method of Explaining Scripture Chronology," I752andl763; d. about 1770. Kennedy, Wilham, Scotch antiquary; b. 1759; published " Annals of Aberdeen," i8l8 ; d. 1836. KEN 297 KEE Kennet, Busil, theologian and scholar ; h. 1674; pnbHshed "Notitia Romfe AntiquEe," 1696; "Lives of the Grecian Poets," 1697; c^. Jan. 1715- Kennet, White, bishop of Peterborough, antiquary,brother of Basil; h. 1660; consecrated, 1718 ; published "Parochial Antiquities," 1695; d. 19 Dec. 1728. Kenneth I. — III., kings of Scotland: I ... 604-5 n. totally defeated the Picts, and became king of all Scotland, 834 d. 854 m. king, 969 : assassinated by Fenella, a lady 994 Kennet, James, dramatist; 6. about 1770; d. I Aug. 1849. Kennicott, Benjamin, CD., Hebraist ; h. 4 April, 1 7 18; published "The State of the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament considered," 1753-60; "Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum cum Variis Lectionibus," 1776-80; " Critica Sacra," 1774; d. 18 Sept. 1783. Kenkick, WiUiam, dramatist and journalist ; 6. about 1720; published "Philosophical and Moral Epistles," 1759; d. 10 June 1779. Kent, Edward Augustus, duke of, fourth son of George III., and father of Queen Victoria ; b. 2 Nov. 1 767 ; educated in Germany ; as governor of Gibraltar, put down a mutiny there, Dec. 1802; married Victoria Mary Louise, of Saxe- Coburg-Saalfeld (b. 17 Aug. 1 786; d. 16 March, 1861), 29 May, 1818; d. 23 Jan. 1820. Kent, James, musical composer; b. it March, 1700; -wrote "Hear my Prayer," and other anthems; d. I776' Kent, James, American jurist; 5. 31 July, 1763; chief -justice of New York, 1804; pub- lished " Commentaries on American Law," 1826-30; d. 12 Dec. 1847. KJENT, WiUiam, painter, sculptor, architect, and landscape gardener; b. 1684; published "Designs of Inigo Jones," 1727; illustrated the "Eaery Queen ; " d. 12 April, 1748. Kenyon, Lloyd Kenyon, lord, judge ; b. 5 Oct. 1732; counsel for Lord George Gordon, 1780; chief-justice of the King's Bench, 1788 ; d. 2 April, 1802. Kenyon, John, quaker poet and philanthro- pist; h. 1783; d. 3 Dec. 1856. Keplee (or Kepplek), Johann, German astro- nomer; b. 27 Dec. 1571 ; professor of mathemar tics at Gratz, 1593-8; published "Mysterium Cosmographicum," 1596; employed by Tycho Brahe; succeeded him as astronomer to the emperors, Eodolph II., Matthias and Ferdi- nand III., 1601, et seq. ; published "Astrono- mia Nova," 1609; "Dioptrice," 1611; "Har- monice Mundi," 1619; "De Cometis," 1619 ; d. IS Nov. 1630. Keppel, Augustus, Viscount, admiral ; 5. 2 April, 1725 ; d. 3 Oct. 1786. Captured Belleisle 7 June, 1761 Indecisive action with the Comte d'Orvilliers, 23 July ; drew oft his ships . . 27 July, 177S Accused of misconduct by Admiral Sir Hugh Palliser ; tried and acquitted ; the charges de- clared malicious and ill-founded, 7 Jan. — 11 Feb. 1779: first lord of admiralty, Feb. — July, 1782 ; AprU— Dec. 1783 . d. 3 Oct. 1786 Keppel, George, earl of Albemarle, general ; b. 8 April, 1724 ; served at Eontenoy and Cul- loden; d. 13 Oct. 1772. George Thomas, earl (granduephew of the ad- miral); b. 13 Jan. 1799; published "Memoirs of the Marquess of Rockingham " 1852 Kee, John, of Kersland, Scotch philologist and diplomatist ; employed by Queen Aime ; published " Selects de Lingua Latina Obser- vationes," 1709; "Memoirs and Secret Nego- tiations," 1726. KiEALio family, French miscellaneous writers : Louis Felix Gninement de ; h. 17 Sept. 1731 : published " Penchants de la Nature," 1769 ; ' ' Histoire de la Guerre des Eusses et des Turos, 1736-9," 1772 . . . . d. 10 Dec. 1793 Marie Frangoise Abeille, wife ; published "Les Soir6es d'un Fat," 1762 ; " Les Visites " . 1792 Louise Felicite, Madame Robert, daughter ; b. about 1758 ; published " Histoire d'Elisa- beth," 1785-88 d. 1821 Kerckheedere, Jan Gerhardt, Dutch theolo- gian and historian ; b. about 1678; d. 16 March, 1738. Keeckhove, Jan Polyander van den, Dutch theologian; b. 26 March, 1568; succeeded Ai-minius as professor at Leyden ; assisted in the revision of the Dutch Bible ; published " Accord desPassagesdel'Ecriture," 1599; d. 4 Feb. 1646. Keeckhove, Joseph van den, Dutch painter ; b. 1669 ; d. 1724. Keeckeing, Theodorus, Dutch physician and physiologist ; published in "Spicilegium Ana- tomicum," 1670-3; "Anthropogenic Ichno- graphia," 1671 ; d. 2 Nov. 1693. Keegolay, Loms Florian Paul, comte de, French journalist; b. 26 April, 1769; published "Du Droit de Petition," 1819 ; fined and im- prisoned for a letter against Louis Philippe in the Gazette de France," published Aug. 1830 ; d. 1856. KEEGuiiLEN Tk^maeec, Yves Joseph, comte de, French navigator; b. about 1745; dis- covered Kerguflen Land, 1772 ; published " Eelation d'un Voyage dans la Mer du Nord, 1767-8," 1772; "Eolations de deux Voyages dans les Mors Australes et des Indes, 1771-4," 1 782 ; charged with misconduct ; and unjustly condemned and imprisoned, 1774; <^- Search, 1797. Keeoual (or QniEOUAiLLE), Louise Penhouet, duchess of Portsmouth; ft. about 1652; became mistress to the duo de Beaufort, at Paris, about 1669; maid of honour to Henrietta, queen of England ; went with her to England ; captivated Charles II., invited to England, became his chief mistress, about 1671 ; mother of the duke of Eichmond, 1671 ; created duchess of Portsmouth, 1673 ; bribed and en- nobled by Louis XIV., 1673-4; d. 1734. KEE 298 KIM Kekk, Robert, Scotch surgeon ; h. about 1750; published "History of Scotland under Eobert the Bruce," 181 1 ; "Collection of Voyages," 181 1, etseq.; d. May, 1814. Kjeek-Poetek, see Porter. Keksatnt, Gui Pierre de Coetnempren, corate de, French statesman ; b. 20 July, 1 742 ; ena- braced the revolution ; published " Le Bon Sens," 1789 ; " Institutions Navales" (recom- mending reorganisation of the navy), Nov. 1789; struggled in vain to repress the power of the national convention ; accused ; con- demned, and executed, 5 I^ec. 1793- Keeset, John, mathematician and philolo- gist ; b. about i5i6 ; published "Elements of Algebra," 1673; " Dictionarium Anglo-Britan- nicimi," 1708 ; d. about 1690. Keevillaes, Jean Marie de, French scholar ; h. 1668 ; published translation of Ovid, 1724-26; d. 3 March, 1745. KSessel, Johann van, Belgian painter ; b. 1 626 ; d. after 1 708. Fekdinamd, son, painter ; b. 1648 ; d. 1696. Kessels, Mattheus, Dutch sculptor ; b. 20 May, 1781 ; d. 3 March, 1836. Ivestnee, Charles, French industrial chemist; b. 1804; as a republican, imprisoned, 2-15 Dec. 1851 ; received a medal for discovery of per-tartaric acid, 1855. Ketel, Kornelis, Dutch painter ; b. 1548 ; d. 1602. Kett, Rev. Henry, philologist; b. 1 761; published "011a Podrida" (Essays), 17S7; " Elements of General Knowledge," 1S03 ; d. 30 June, 1825. Kett, or Knight, WiUiam, a Norfolk tanner; rebelled against the protestant reformation, &c. ; soon defeated, Aug. ; executed, with his brother Eobert, Nov. 1 549. Kettlewell, Eev. John, nonjuror ; b. 10 March, 1653 ; published " Measures of Chris- tian Obedience," 1681 ; d. 12 April, 1695. Kedlen, Ludolph van, Dutch mathematician; published "Van der Cii-kel," 1596 ; d. 1610. Keulen, Janszons van, Dutch painter; d. 1665. Keulen, Jan van, Dutch geographer ; pub- lished "Grand Nouvel Atlas de la Mer," 1699; d. about 1705' Key, Thomas Hewitt, philologist ; b. 20 March, 1 799; pubUshed "Latin Grammar," 1846. Keyslee, Johann Georg, German traveller; b. 13 April, 1683; published his travels in Germany, &c., 1740-41 ; d. 21 June, 1743. Khaled, Arab general, named "sword of God;" b. 582; at first opposed, afterwards supported Mahomet, 629 ; instrumental in the conquest of Syria, 632-3S; deprived of com- mand by Omar, 634 ; d. 29 Nov. 642. _ Khell, Joseph von, German numismatist ; b. 1714; d. 4 Nov. 1772. Khevenhullee, Franz Christoph, German historian and statesman ; b. 158S; employed by Ferdinand II., 1625-7 ; published "Aimales Ferdinandei," 1640-6; d. 13 June, 1650. Khien-lodng, emperor of China; b. 1709 ! succeeded his father. Young - tching, 1735 ; vigorously suppressed rebellions ; favoured literature and the arts ; governed ably ; ordered the compilation of a great Chinese dictionary ; received a British embassy, 1763 ; d. 7 Feb. 1799. Kick, Comelis, Dutch painter ; b. 1635 ; d. 1675. KiDD, John, M.D. ; b. 1775 ; published Bridgewater treatise, " Adaptation of external nature to the physical condition of Man," 1837 ; d. 17 Sept. 1851. KiDDEE, Eichard, bishop of Bath and Wells ; b. about 1635 ; consecrated, 1691 ; published " Demonstration of the Messias," 1694-1700; killed in his palace during the "great storm," 26-27 Nov. 1703. KiELMEYEE, Carl Friedrich von, German naturalist ; b. 22 Oct. 1765; published in Ger- man a work on the relations of the organic forces in organised beings, 1793 > ^- 24 Sept. 1844. KiEPEET, Henrich, German geographer ; b. 30 June, i8i8 ; published Atlas of the Bible, 1846-51 ; of the Ancient World, 1848. KiEEiMGS, Alexander, Dutch painter ; 6. 1590; d. 1646. KiLBDENE, Eichard ; 5. about 1606; published " Topography or Survey of Kent," 1653 ; d. 1678. KiLBYE, Eichard, theologian, Hebraist, a trans- lator of the Bible ; d. 7 Nov. 1620. KiLHAM, Alexander ; b. 1 762 ; a zealous Wes- leyan preacher ; for publishing " The Progress of Liberty," censured by the conference, 1791 ; expelled, 1796 ; founded the Methodist New Connexion, 7 Aug. 1797 ; d. 20 Deo. 1798. KiLiAU, German engravers : Lucas, b. 1579 ; d. 1637. "Wolfgang, brother ; b. 1581 : d. 1662. Pbilipp, son of Wolfgang: b. 1628 ; d. 1693. Bartholom^eus, brother; b. 1630: d. 1696. PniLipp, grandson of Philipp ; b. 1683 ; d. 1755. Georg Christoph, b. 1709 : d. 1781. Philipp, Andreas, 6. 1714 ; d. 1759. KiLLiSEEW, dramatists, royalists, favourites of Charles II. : William, b. May, 1605 ; d. 1693. T^o^Lis, brother, (king's jesterj ; b. Feb. 1611 ; d. 19 March, 1682. Henry, son of Thomas ; b. n Feb. 1612 ; d. about 1686. His daughter Anne, painter and poet ; b. 1660; d. June, 1685. KiLWAEDEN, Arthur Wolfe, baron, Irish judge ; assassinated, with his nephew, during an insur- rection, 23 July, 1803. KiMBBK, Edward (son of Isaac) ; published Peerage of England, 1769; of Scotland, 1767 ; of Ireland, 1769; Baronetage of England, 1771. KIM 299 KIP KiMBEE, Isaac, dissenting minister; h. 1692; published "Life of OEver Cromwell," 1714; "History of England," 1745, &o. ; d. 1758. KiMBEKLEY, Jolm Wodehouse, earl of ; 6. 7 Jan. 1826 : As Lord "Wodehouse, under-secretary for foreign affairs. Bee. 1852 — April, 1856 ; June, 1859 — July, 1861 Minister plenipotentiary at St. Petersburg. May, 1856— March, 1858 Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, Oct. 1864 — June, 1866 Created Earl . . i June, 1866 Lord Privy Seal ... .9 Dec. 1868 KiMBEELEY, See Wodehouse. KiMCHi, Jewish rabbis : Joseph ; wrote Hebrew grammar, escaped from Spandau to England, May, 1850. KiPPIS, Andrew, dissenting minister ; h. 28 March, 1725 ; long an editor of the " Monthly Review ; " pubhshed ' ' Vindication of Protes- tant Dissenting Ministers," 1772 ; an editor of "Biographia Britannica," second edition, 1778- 89; d. 8 Oct. 1795. KIE 300 KLA KiEBT, John Joshua, artist; h. 1716; pub- ,lished " Method of Perspective," 1 754 ; "Per- spective of Architecture," 1761 ; d. 20 June, 1774- KiEBT, Eev. William, entomologist ; 5. ig Sept. 1759; published with Wm. Spence, " In- troduction to Entomology," 1815-26; " Mono- graphia Apum Anglic," 1802; ivrote "His- tory, Habits, and Instincts of Insects," (Bridge- water Treatise), 1835; d. 4 July, 1850. K.IECH, German astronomers : GOTTFBTEB ; b. iSDec. 1639: published " Ephem- erides," 1681-82 ; began Oalendarium Christia- num, Judaicum, et Tujcicum," 1681 ; d. 25 July, 1710 ilARiA Margaret, wife ; b. 25 Feb. 1670 ; greatly assisted him d. 29 Dec. 1720 Chejstfried, son ; b. 24 Dec. 1694 ; published (at Berlin) " Observationes Astronomicje " . 1730 d. 9 March, 1740 KiECHEE, Athanasius, German Jesuit scholar and physicist ; b. 2 May, 1602 ; d. 28 Nov. 1680. Published " Ars Magnesia," 1631 ; " (Edipus ^gyptiacus," 1652-55 ; " Ars Magna Lucis," 1645-46; " Mundus Snbterraneus," 1665: "Ars Magna Sciendi," 1669 ; " Sphinx Mystagoga" 1676 KlECHEE, Conrad, German philologist ; pub- lished " Concordantise Veteris Testamenti Grsec^," 1607 ; d. after 1620. KlECHMAIEE, Georg Caspar, German scholar ; h. 29 July, 1635 ; wrote commentaries on the classics ; ' ' Dissertatio pro Hypothesi Ty chonica, contra Dogma Copernicanum," 1658 ; d. 28 Sept. 1700. KiECHMANN", Johann, German antiquary ; i. 18 Jan. 1575; published " De Funeribus Eomanorum," 1605 ; d. 20 March, 1643. KiECHHOFP, Gustav Robert, German physicist ; J. 12 March, 1824; with K. Eunsen invented the spectroscope, and by applying it to chemi- cal analysis, discovered the metals, caesium and rubidium, 1860-61. KiKKALDT, William, of Grange, Scotch soldier and statesman ; after a stormy Uf e, executed for attempting to restore Mary Queen of Scots, 3 Aug. 1573. KiEKE, Percy, colonel; with his "lambs," cruelly punished the partisans in Monmouth's rebellion, Aug. 1685. KiBKlAND, Thomas, physician ; 5. 172 1 ; pub- lished " Treatise on Gangrenes," 1754 ; "Thoughts on Amputation," 1 780; d. 17 Jan. 1798. KiEKLAND, William James, . major-general, orientalist ; i. about 1 760 ; published " Voca- bulary, Persian, Arabic, and English," 1785 ; translations from Anwari, 1786; d, 22 March, 1812. KiENBEEGER, Johann PhiUpp, German musi- cian ; b. 24 AprU, 1 72 1 ; composed fugues, songs, psalms, &c. ; " True Principles of Har- mony," 1773 ; d. 28 July, 1783. KiKSTEN, Georg, German physician and natu- ralist; b. 20 Jan. 1 613; published "Disquisi- tiones Phytologicae," 1651; d. 4 March, 1660. KlESTEN, Peter, Swedish physician and orien- talist; b. 25 Dec. 1577; travelled much; pub- lished " Graminatica Arabica," 1608-IO ; "NotiB in Evan. S. Matthasi," 1611 ; d. 8 April, 1640. KiRWAN, Eichard, Irish chemist ; b. I Aug. 1735; published "Elements of Mineralogy," 1784; "Essay on Phlogiston," 1787; d. 22 June, i8l2. KiRWAN, Walter Blake, Irish theologian ; b. about 1754; popular preacher, dean of Kil- lala, 1800; d 27 Oct. 1805. KiSFALDDi, Hungarian national poets and dramatists, brothers : Sandoe, b. 22 Sept. 1772; pubhshed "Himfy," (very successful), 1800; d. 28 Oct. 1844. Kaeoly, founder of the Hungarian stage, devoted to Shakspeare ; b. 6 Feb. 1 788 ; produced his first drama, " The Tartar in Hungary," with great success, 3 May, 1819, and many others; d. 21 Nov. 1830. Kiss, August, Prussian sculptor ; 6. 1 1 Oct. 1802; his "Amazon" exhibited, 1839; "Fre- derick the Great and St. George" obtained a prize at Paris, 1855 ; d. 24 March, 1865. KisSELEFP, Paul, Eussian general and states- man ; b. 1788; favoured by Alexander I., 1 8 14; employed by Nicholas I. against the Turks, 1828-29; ably governed the Danubian principalities, 1829-31 ; supported the Turks agaiust Ibrahim Pacha in Syria, 1833; am- bassador at the conferences at Paris, 1856, 1858. KissELEFF, Sergius, Eussian general and statesman; b. about 1795; d. 1851. KiTOHENEE, WilUam, M.D. ; b. 1775; pub- lished "Observations on Telescopes," 1815, 1825; "On Vocal Music," 1822; d: 26 Feb. 1827. KiTTO, John, D.D., the deaf scholar ; b. 4 Dec. 1804 ; d. 25 Nov. 1854. Became deaf through a fall ... 13 Feb. 1817 Began to learn shoemaking in a workhouse, Nov. 1819 Cultivated letters, and commenced journalism Aug. 1820 Published "Essays and Letters" . . . 1825 Worked as printer at Malta . 1827-29 Travelled in the east with Mr Grove . . 1829-33 Engaged by Charles Knight for literary work 4 Aug. 1833 Edited the Pictorial Bible . . 1835-38 Wrote the "Lost Senses" 1845 Edited " Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature" 1843-54 KiUPRlLi, see Koprili. Klaeka, George, Hungarian general ; J. 7 April, 1820 ; joined the revolution ; made commander at Comorn, July, 1849 ; sur- rendered under honourable conditions, 2 Oct. 1849 ; went to England ; published "Memoirs of the War," 1850 ; " The War in the East, 1853-55," 1855 ; returned to Hungary, elected a member of the diet, and joined the party of Deak, Nov. 1867. Klaproth, Martin Heinrich, German chemist ; b. I Dec. 1743; published "Contributions to Chemical Mineralogy," 1795-1S10; (with Wolff) "Chemical Dictionary," 1807-10; d. i Jan. 1817. KLA 301 KNI Klapboth, Heinrioh Julius, son of Martin, orientalist; 6. ii Oct. 1783; commenced his "Asiatische Magazin," 1802; employed by Kussia ; traversed Asia, 1806-7 ; the Caucasus, 1807-S ; patronised by Napoleon I., 1814 ; made professor at Berlin, 1816 ; published his travels, 1812-14; d. 27 Aug. 1835. Klaus, (Nicolaus von de Flue,) Swiss anchoret, h. 21 March, 1417 ; d. 21 March, 1487. EIlebee, Jean Baptiste, !French general ; J. about 1753; studied architecture; entered the army, 1792 ; victorious in La Vendue, 1793; in the Netherlands, 1794; in Egypt, 1799; highly esteemed by Napoleon; assas- sinated at Cairo, 14 June, 1800. Klein, Jacob Theodor, German naturalist ; J. 15 Aug. 1685 ; travelled in Holland and England about 1 700 ; published " Fasciculus Plantarum Eariorum," 1722-24; "Historia Avium Prodromus," 1750; d. 27 Feb. 1759. Kleist, German poets : EwALn Christian von, h. 3 March, 1715 ; pub- lished "DerFriihlinfj" (the Spring) 1749; "Ge- dichte" (Poems), 1756-58 . . rf. 24 Aug. 1759 Heinrioh von, b. 10 Oct. 1776 ; fought at Jena, 114 Oct. 1806: published "Die Hermann's Schlacht" ("the battle of Arminius") 1809: d. by suicide . . . 21 Nov. iSii Kleist von Nollendoeef, Emilius Friedrich, Prussian general ; h. 9 April, 1 762 ; distin- guished himself in the French war, 18 1 3- 14; d. l^ Feb. 1823. Klenze, Leo von, German architect ; 6.1 784 ; designed the Walhalla at Munich, 1830 ; em- ployed to restore Athens, 1834; published " Die WalhaUa," 1843; d. 26 Jan. 1864. Klingemann, Ernst August Friedrich, Ger- man dramatist; h. 31 Aug. 1777? published "Dramatic Works," 1817-18; d. 24 Jan. 1831. Klingenstieena, Samuel, Swedish mathema- tician; h. 18 Aug. 1698; d. 26 Oct. 1765. Klingee, Friedrich Maximilian von, German poet and soldier; h. 19 Feb. 1753; pubhshed " Storm und Drang " (a reactionary piece which gave a name to the period), 1775 > entered the Kussian service, 1783 ; select works published, 1809-10; d. 25 Feb. 1831. Klingstbdt (Clinchetet), Carl Gustav, Kussian soldier, afterwards miniature painter ; 6. 1657; popularin Paris; d. there, 26 Feb. 1734. Klokee VON" Ehrenstkahl, David von, Swedish historical painter ; h. 1629; d. 1698. Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, German poet ; &. 2 July, 1724; published "The Messiah," 1 748-73 ; patronised by Frederick V. of Den- mark; settled at Copenhagen, 1 75 1; d. 14 March, 1803. Klotz, Christian Adolph, German philologist and critic; b. 13 Nov. 1738; d. 31 Dec. 1771. Klcbee, Joseph Ludwig, German pubMcist; J. 10 Nov. 1762; published " Kryptographik," 1809 ; Documents relating to the Gennan con- federation, 1S16-18, 1830-33; d. 16 Feb. 1837. Klugel, Georg Simon, German mathemati- cian; b. 19 Aug. 1739; pubhshed translation of the Psalms in German, 1778; Greek Testament, 1797; d. 14 Oct. 1825. Knapton, George, portrait painter ; h. 1698; d. 1788. Knellee, Sir Godfrey, bart., German portrait painter; b. 1648; came to London and patron- ised by the duke of Monmouth, 1675; became court painter ; d. 27 Oct. 1723. Knibb, WiUiam, Baptist missionary in Jamaica ; 6. about 1800 ; persecuted for his interest in the slaves, 1832 ; energetic for their emancipation, accomplished in 1833 ; t?. 15 Nov. 1845. Knight, Charles, publisher and historian; 6. 1 79 1 ; began Knight's ' ' Quarterly Magazine,' ' 1822; " Penny Magazine, " 1832; publisher of "Penny Cycloptedia," 1833; "Pictorial His- tory of England," 1850; "Pictorial Bible," 1848; "Pictorial Shakspeare," 1842; wrote "Life of Shakspeare," 1852; "Popular His- tory of England," 1862 ; " Passages of a Work- ing Life " (autobiography), 1863-65. Knight, Edward, comedian ; I. 1774; d^ut at the Lyceum, 14 Oct. 1809 ; d. 21 Feb. 1826. Knight, Gowin, physician ; pubhshed ' ' Mag- netical Experiments," 1744-47 ; d. 9 June, 1772. Knight, John Prescott, R.A., portrait painter; b. 1803; A.RA., 1836; R.A,, 1844. Knight, Eichard Payne, archaeologist, scholar, and poet; b. 1750 ; keeper at the British Museum, 1814; published "Essay on the Greek Alphabet," 1791 ; "The Landscape," 1796; "Alfred," 1823; " Specimens of Ancient Sculpture," 1809; d. 24 April, 1824. Knight, Samuel, archdeacon of Berks ; b. 1674; published "Life of Erasmus," 1724; "Life of Colet," 1726; d. 1746. Knight, Thomas Andrew, (brother of Richard Payne), naturalist ; b. 10 Oct. 1758; published ' ' Treatise on the Culture of the Apple and Pear," 1797; d. II May, 1838. Knighton, Henry, chronicler; wrote "Com- pilatio de Eventibus a tempore Edgari usque ad mortem Kicardi II.," about 1400. Knighton, Sir William, bart., physician ; b. about 1775; d. II Oct. 1836. Knippekdolling, Bernard, anabaptist chief at Munster ; as governor under John of Leyden, received the "Sword of Samson;" executed with horrible tortures, 23 Jan. 1536. KNO 302 KCEN Knoblauch, Carl Hermann, German physi- cist; 6. II April, 1820; publisiied papers on heat, magnetism, &c., 1847, et seq. ; (with Tyndall) paper on the relation of crystalline bodies to the poles of a magnet, 1850. Knollee, Martin von, German painter ; 5. 1725; d. 1804. Knolles, Eichard, historian and orientalist ; h. about 1540; published "History of the Turks," 1610; d. 1610. Knolles, or Knowles, Sir Eobert, com- mander in the French wars ; honoured by Edward III. ; h. about 131 7; suppressed Wat Tyler's insurrection, 12 June, 1381; d. about 1406. Knollis, or Knowles, Sir Francis, protes- tant statesman ; 6. about 1530; wrote "Usurpa- tion of Papal Bishops;" employed by Eliza- beth; d. 1596. Knoee von Koseneoth, Christian orientalist ; J. 15 July, 1636; published " Kabbala Denu- data, sen Doctrina Hebraeorum transcenden- talis," 1677-78; d. AprU, 1689. Knoee, Georg Wolfgang, German artist ; 6. 30 Dec. 1705; illustrated "Thesaurus Kei Herbariee," 1750; "Moniunentorum Imagines," 1753; d- 17 Sept. 1761. Knott, Edward, (real name, Matthias Wil- son), Jesuit; h. 1580; published "Charity Mistaken," 1630 ; "Infidelity Unmasked," (against ChiUingworth), 1652; d. 1656. Knowles, James Sheridan, Irish dramatist; I. 1784; pubKshed "Caius Gracchus," 1815 ; " Virginius," 1820; "William Tell," 1825; " The Hunchback," 1832 ; "The Love Chase," 1837; became a baptist minister; published " The Elocutionist," 1853; d. i Dec. 1862. Knowles, Thomas, theologian ; b. 1723; d. (> Oct. 1802. Knowlton, Thomas, botanist ; 6. 1692 ; d. 1782. Knox, John, Scotch reformer ; 5. 1 505 ; d. 24 Nov. 1572. Educated at Edinburgh university . 1524 Ordained priest . . . before 1530 Professed tlie reformed doctrines . . 1542 Charged witli being concerned in tlie murder of Beatoun ; condemned to tlie galleys . . 1547 Eeleased ; went to England ; well received : con- sulted and employed . . . 1549 Fled to Geneva ; welcomed by Calvin 1554 Returned to Scotland 15SS Joined the lords of the congregation ; Instituted the protestant worship, and preached against the bishops and clergy at Edinburgh . . 1556 Compelled to return to Geneva, 1557; commenced a translation of the Bible into English : published "The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Government of Women" .... 1558 Returned to Scotland ; outlawed : an insurrec- tion followed his preaching at Perth May, 1559 His confession of faith adopted by the parlia- ment 17 Aug. 1560 Had two interviews with Mary, queen of Scots, May and Dec. ; acquitted of the charge of high treason Dec. 1563 Compelled to retire to England after Kizzio'a murder . . . 1566 Returned to Scotland after the murder of Dam- ley ; preached at the coronation of James VI, 29 July, 1567 d. 24 Nov. ; at his burial, the regent Morton said, "There lies he who never feared the face of man ! " . . . 26 Nov. 1S72 Knox, John, Scotch bookseller ; 6. about 1720; established fisheries in N.E. Scotland; published "Tour through the Highlands of Scotland," 1785; d. I Aug. 1791. Knox, Vicesimus, D.D., essayist ; 5. 8 Dec. 1752; published " Essays," 1777; "Epistles," 1792; "Christian Philosophy," 1795; '^- ^ Sept. 1 82 1. Knuppee, Nicolaus, German painter ; h. 1603; d. 1660. Knctzen, or Knuzen, Matthias, German sceptic ; preached atheism at Tonningen, 1674; published a letter at Eome, attacking the Bible, marriage, &c. ; founded a, sect, which lasted a short time. Knutzen, Martin, German scholar ; 6. 14 Dec. 1 713; published, in German, "Philoso- phic Proofs of the Truth of Christianity," 1739; " Arithmetica Mechanica," 1 744; rf. 29 Jan. 1 75 1. KoBELL, Franz von, German mineralogist and poet; h. 19 July, 1S03; published " Cha- racteristics of Minerals," " High German Poems," 1852. KoBELL, German painters : Ferdinand, h. 1740 d. 1799 Franz, brother, h. 1749 ... d. 1822 WiLHELM, son of Ferdinand, h. 1766 d. 1853 KoBELL, Dutch painters : Hendbik, 5. 1751 ; d. 1782. Jan, son, h. 1782 ; d. 181 4. Koch, Christophe GuiUaume, French his- torian and publicist; i. 9 May, 1737; a member of the legislative assembly, 1791 ; retired to Switzerland; brought to Paris, and imprisoned; released, 1794; published "Ta- bleau des Revolutions de I'Europe," 1870 ; (it appeared anonymously, 1771;) "Tableaux des Trait^s," 1801 ; d. 25 Oct. 1813. Koch, Joseph Aiton, German landscape painter; h. 1768; d. 12 Jan. 1839. KocK, Charles Paul de, French novelist and di-amatist; 5. 21 May 1794; published "L'En- fant de ma Femme" (Ms first work), 1813. His son, Henei, dramatist, 6. 25 April, 1819. K(ELLIKEK, Albert, German physiologist; h. about 1818; published "Anatomie Mioro- scopique," 185052 ; " Manual of the Tissues in the Human Body," in German. K(ebeegee, Wenceslaus, Belgian painter ; h. about 1554; d. about 1634. KcEHLEE, Johanu David, German historian and numismatist; 6. 18 Jan. 1684; d. 10 March, 1735. KcENiG, Emmanuel, Swiss naturalist; h. i Nov. 1658; travelled in France and Italy; published "Eegnum Vegetabile," 1680; "Eeg- mim Animale," 1682; "Kegnum Minerale," 1686 ; d. 20 July, 1731. KCEN 303 K " The Residual Analysis," 1764 ; " Mathe- matical Memoirs," 1790; d. 15 Jan. 1790. Lander, brothers, travellers in Africa : Richard ; b. 1804. John ; 6. 1807. Richard accompanied Clapperton ; returned, 1828 ; pub- lished "Journal," 1829; arrived, with John, at Coast Castle, 22 Feb. 1830 ; explored the neighbourhood of the Niger ; returned, June, 1831 ; published "Journal," 1832; sailed on a new expedition, 1832. Richard; d. of wound, 6 Feb. 1834. John returned; d. 16 Nov. 1839. Landi, Hortensio, ItaKan scholar and satir- ist ; b. about 1 500 ; travelled much ; published "Paradossi," 1543; "Lettere di Valorose Donne," 1548; d. about 1560. Landino, Cristoforo, Italian philologist ; b. 1424 ; published " Disputationes Camaldul- enses," about 1480 ; "Commento sopra la Com- media di Dante," 1481 ; d. 1504. Lando, Pope; elected about Nov. 913 ; d. 26 April, 914. LAN 313 LAN Landolt, Salomon, Swiss painter; h. 1741 ; d. 1818. Landon, Charles Paul, French artist ; h. 1760; edited "Annales du Musi5e et de I'Ecole Mo- derne des Beatix Arts," 1801-8; "G-alerie His- torique," 1805-11 ; d. 6 Mai-ch, 1826. Landon, Letitia Elizabeth (L. E. L.), poet; &. 1802 ; published "Eate of Adelaide," 1821 ; " The Improvisatrice ; " " The Troubadour," &c. ; married to George Maclean, governor of Cape Coast Castle, Africa, 7 June, 1838 ; d. through overdose of prussic acid, 15 Oct. 1 83S. Landok, Walter Savage, poet ; 6. 30 Jan. 1775 ; published "Poems," 1795 ; joined the Spaniards against Napoleon, about 1809 ; settled in Italy, 1815 ; published "Idyllia Heroica," 1820 ; "Imaginary Conversations," 1824-9; "Gebir," &o., 1831 ; "Andrew of Hungary," 1839 ; "Works," 1846 ; "Last Fruit of an Old Tree," 1853 ; " Dry Sticks Fagoted," 185S ; d. 17 Sept. 1864. Landsbokough, David, D.D., Scotch botan- ist ; h. about 17S1 ; d. 12 Sept. 1854. Landseee, artists : John, engraver and antiquary : h. 1761 ; pub- lished " Sabsean Kesearches," 1823 d. 29 Feb. 1852 His sons .* — Charles, painter ; b, 1799 ; R.A. 1845 ; keeper of the academy ... . . 1851 Sir Edwin, animal painter ; h. about 1802 ; painted " Dogs of St Gothard," about 1821 ; " Return from Deer Stalking," 1827; " Jack in Office," 1833 : " Sir Walter Scott and Dogs," 1833 ; "Laying down the Law," &c. . 1S40-49 Lane, Edward, oriental scholar ; h. 1801 ; travelled in Egypt, 1825-33 ! pubhshed " Man- ners and Customs of the Egyptians," 1835 ; completed a new translation of " The Thousand and One Nights," 1841. Lanfranc, Italian priest ; h. about 1005 ; founded a school at the abbey of Bee, in Nor- mandy, about 1045 ; made archbishop of Can- terbury, Aug. 1070 ; reformed the church ; d. 28 May, 1089. Lanfeanco, ItaKan surgeon ; wrote " Chir- urgia Magna et Parva " (printed 1490) ; d. about 1300. Lanfeanco, or Lanfeanohi, Giovanni, Italian painter; h. 1581 ; d. 1647. Lang, Charles Nicolas, Swiss physician and naturalist; &. 18 Feb. 1670; pubhshed "His- toriaLapidum Helvetiae,' ' 1 70S-9 ; d. 2 May, 1 741 . Lang, Johann Michael, German theologian and orientalist ; h. 1664 ; d. 1737- Langbaine, scholars : Geeaed, h. about 1608; edited "Longinus," 1638; published "Episcopal Inheritance," 1641 ; "Eeview of the Covenant," 1644; "Foundation of the XTniversity of Oxford," 1651 ; d. 10 Feb. 1658. His son, Geeaed, b. 15 July, 1656; published " Catalogue of English Plays," 1688. Langbein, August Friedrich Ernst, German poet and novelist ; censor at Berlin ; b. 6 Sept. I7S7; d. 2 Jan. 1835. Langdale, Charles, son of Lord Stourton, R.C, magistrate; b. 1787; published "Memoirs of Mrs Fitzherbert," 1856 ; d. i December, 1868. Langdale, Marmaduke Langdale, lord, able and zealous royalist general; d. 5 Aug. 1661. Langdale, see Bickersteth. Lange, Johann, German physician ; b, 1485 ; endeavoured to reform medicine ; recommended use of water in fevers ; travelled in Italy, 1519-22; published "Medioinales Epistola," 1554; d. 21 June, 1565. Langebeck, Jacob, Danish historian; J. 23 June, 1710; d. 16 Aug. 1775. Langeland, or Longland, Robert, said to have finished "Vision of Piers Plowman," 1369; printed, 1550; d. about 1370. Langham, Simon de, cardinal ; 6. about 1310; archbishop of Canterbury, 1366 ; cardinal, 1368 ; expelled Wickliffe from his mastership at Oxford ; disgraced by the king ; retired to Pome; d. 22 July, 1376. Langhans, Carl Gotthard, German architect ; b. 1733; d. I Oct. 1808. Langhoene, Daniel, antiquary; edited "Chro- nicon Eegum Anglorum," 1679; d. 1681. Langhoene, John, poet and novelist ; h. March, 1735 ; friend of Eobertson, Smollett, &c. ; published ' ' Solyman and Alcmena," 1 762 ; "Theodosius and Constantia," 1763 ; Trans- lation of Plutarch, 1770; d. I April, 1779. Langiewioz, Marian, PoUsh general ; b. 5 Aug. 1827 ; took part in the insurrection proclaimed dictator of Poland, 10 March, 1863 defeated ; entered Austrian territories, re tained as prisoner, 19 March, 1863; released went to Switzerland, Feb. 1865. Langland, or Longland, John, bishop of Lincoln ; b. 1473 ; consecrated, 1 520 ; pub- lished "Sermones," 1517; d. 1547. Langle, Jean Maximilien de, French protes- tant ; b. 1 590 ; published " Joyes Inenarrables de I'Ame FidMe," 1669; d. 1674. LanglJis, Louis Mathieu, French orientalist ; 6.23 Aug. 1 763 ; published " Dictionnaire Tar- tare-Mandchou-Fran9ais," 1789-90; "Voyage Pittoresque de la Byrie," 1799; d. 28 Jan. 1S24. Langlet, Batty, architect; d. 1751. Langlois, Simon Alexandre, French orien- taUst ; 6. 4 Aug. 1 788 ; published " Monuments Litt^raires de I'lnde," 1S27 ; d. 11 August, 1854. Langtoet, Peter, chronicler ; compiled Chro- nicle of England, about 1 300. Langton, Stephen, cardinal, elected arch- bishop of Canterbury in opposition to king John ; consecrated by the pope, 17 June, 1207; headed the barons, and olataiued Magna Charta, granted 15 June, 121 5 ; suspended, Dec. 1215 ; recalled from exile, and restored by Henry III., 1222 ; d. 9 July, 1228. LAN 314 LAE L ANGUET, Hubert, French statesman ; 6. 1 5 1 8 ; studied the "Loci Communes Theologiae " of Melanchthon, 1547; joined him, 1549; influ- ential among the Huguenots ; came to Paris, 1560; narrowly escaped the massacre, Aug. 1572 ; pubUshed " Vindiciae contra Tyrannos," 1581 ; d. 30 Sept. 1581. Languet de Gergy, Jean Joseph, French theologian; h. 25 Aug. 1677; zealously de- fended the constitution " Unigenitus ; " pab- lished " Traiti? du Faux Bonheur et du Vrai Bonheur," 1718; several catechisms ; d. 3 May, 1753- LANli:EE, Nicolas, French painter and musi- cian ; h. 1568; master of the chapel to Charles L of England, 1626; wrote "Lmninalia" (a kind of opera), 1637; d. Nov. 1646. LanjuinaIS, Jean Denis, comte de, French politician; 6. 12 March, 1753; d. 13 Jan. 1827. At the meeting of the states-general, advocated mixed government . . . 1788 A founder of the Breton club . . . 1791 In the convention, resisted violent excesses . 1792 Voted for banishment of Louis XVI. 15 Jan. 1793 Denounced the tyranny of the Mountain, May ; escaped from Paris . . June, 1793 Ketired into private life . . . 1797 Opposed Napoleon, but ennobled by him . 1808 Opposed reaction in the chambers 1816, et seq. Defended the liberty of the press . 1825 LanjuinaIS, Joseph, French writer ; pub- lished "LeMonarque Accompli" (eulogium of the emperor, Joseph II.), 1774; d. 1808. Lankestek, Edwin, M. D., botanist ; 6. 23 AprU, 1814; elected coroner for central Middlesex, 1862. Lannes, Jean, duke of MontebeUo, French marshal, 6. 11 April, 1769; originally a dyer ; entered the army, 1 792 ; distinguished himself in Italy ; introduced to Bonaparte, 1 795 ; served in Egypt, Feb. 1 799 ; helped Bonaparte in the revolution of Brumaire, 9 Nov. 1799; defeated the Austrians at MontebeUo, June, 1800 ; created marshal, 19 May, 1804 ; served in Germany, 1 807 ; in Spain, 1808 ; in Ger- many, mortally wounded at A^pern, 22 May ; d. 31 May, 1809. Lasnoy, Charles de, French general ; 1>. about 1470; d. 1527. La Nohe, Fran9oi3 de, "Bras de fer," Huguenot captain and diplomatist; 6. 1531 ; pubUshed " Disoours Politiques et Militaires," 1587 ; d. of his wounds at LambaUe, 4 Aug. 1591- Lanseeeghe di Meulbbeecke, PhiUp van, Belgian mathematician; h. 25 Aug. 1561 ; published " Commentationes in Motum Terras," 1630 ; d. 8 Nov. 1632. Lansdowne, see Granville and Petty. Lantara, Simon Mathurin, French painter ; J. 24 March, 1729; d. 22 Leo. 1778. Lantier, Etienne Fran9ois de, French drama- tist and poet; b. I Oct. 1734; d. 31 Jan. 1826. Lanzani, Andrea, ItaUan painter; b. about 1645 ; d. 1712. Lanzi, Luigi, Italian antiquary; b. 14 June, 1732 ; pubUshed " Sag.gio di Lingua Etrusca," 1789; "Storia Pittorica della ItaUa," 1792; d. 31 March, i8io. Lanzoni, Giuseppe, Italian physician and philologist; b. 26 Oct. 1663 ; published " De Usu Tabacci," 1702; d. i Feb. 1730. Lao-tze or Lao-kuin, Chinese philosopher; chief of the sect opposed to Buddhism ;/. about B.C. 550. La Pekouse or Peyhouse, Jean Frangois de Galaup, comte de, French navigator ; b. 22 Aug. 1741 ; served in the war with England, 1756-64; 1778-83; sailed with De Langle on a voyage of discovery in the South Seas, 1785 ; his last letter, dated Botany Bay, 2 Feb. 1788; remains of his shipwrecked vessel cUscovered by Capt. DUlon, near Vanikoro, to the north of the New Hebrides, May 1826. La PETEli)KE, Isaac de, French scholar ; J? 1594; pubUshed " Prseadamit^," 1655 ; "Relar tion du Greenland," 1647; d. 30 Jan. 1676. Lapide a, see Steen, La Place, Josu^ de, French protestant theo- logian; b. about 1605; d. 17 Aug. 1665. La Place, Pierre Simon, marquis de, French geometer and astronomer ; 6. 23 March, 1749; pubUshed "Exposition du Systeme du Monde,*' 1796; "Traits de la M&anique Cfleste," 1 799- 1 805 ; " Th^orie des ProbabUit^s," 1812; d. 5 March 1827. La Placette, Jean, French protestant theolo- gian: b. 19 Jan 1639; published "De Insana- biU Eomanas Ecclesife Scepticismo," 1686; "Morale Chr^tienne," and "Traits de la Con- science," 169s ; d. 25 April 1718. Lapo or Jacopo, ItaUan architect; b. about 1232 ; employed at Florence about 1284. Lapo or Castiglionohio, ItaUan canonist and diplomatist ; friend of Charles Durazzo, king of Naples; d. 27 June 1381. Lappenberg, Johann Martin, German histo- rian ; b. 30 July, 1 784 ; pubUshed " History of England (to Stephen), 1834-7; " History of the Origin of the Hanseatic League," 1830; d. 28 Nov. 1865. Laechee, Pierre Henri, French Hellenist ; b. 12 Oct. 1726 ; pubUshed translation of " Herodotus," 1786 ; d. 22 Dec. l8i2. Laedner, Dionysius, Irish mathematician and scholar ; b. 3 April, 1 793 ; professor at the London Uiuversity, 1827; published "Treatise on the Steam Engine," 1828; edited "Cabinet Cyclopaedia," 1830-44 ; wrote Hydrostatics, Heat, &c., for it, 1830-44 ; " Handbook of Natural Philosophy," 1851-53 ; rf.29 April, 1859. Laedner, Nathaniel, dissenting theologian ; b. 1684 ; pubUshed " CredibUity of the Gospel History," 1727-43; "History of Heretics of the first two Centuries," 1780; d. 24 July, 1768. LAE 315 LAS Laednee, Leopold James, linguist ; h. 1816 ; assistant in the department of printed books, British Museum, 1S46; d. 24 Nov. 1855. LAKEVELLiiaiE DE L^PEADX, Louis Marie de, French pohtician; 6. 25 Aug. 1753; joined Lanjuinais in opposing the Mountain party; proscribed; fled, 1793; head of the directory (estabhshed by the constitution of 22 Aug. 1795)1 Nov. 1795 ; established a form of wor- ship, termed " Th^ophilanthropie," 1797 ; deposed by Bonaparte," Nov. 1799 ; refused to recognise the empire, 1804: d. 27 March, 1824. La Eive, De, Swiss physicists : CuARLES Gasparb . . 6, 14 March, 1770 Studied at Edinburgh about . ... 1794-99 Assisted in tbe establishment of the republic of Geneva Dec. 1813 Chief of the administration .... 1817 Published many papers in the * ' BibliothSque Britannique," &c. ; invented electric and mag- netic appai'atus . d. 18 March, 1834 AUQUSTE .... . . b. 1790 Editor of the " £iblioth6que UniverseUe de G6n6ve ... . . 1830 " Traits de I'Electricit^ 1854-56 La Eive, Jean Manduit de, French dramatist and tragedian ; 6. 1747 ; published "Moyens de E€g&&er les Theatres," 1S06; d. 30 April, 1827. Laeivet, Pierre de, French dramatist ; 6. about 1S50J ^' about 1612. Lakoche, Benjamin, French joumaUst and poet; h. 23 March, 1797; condemned for his " Lettres de I'abbd Gr^goire ;" fled to England, 1820; published translations of Scott, Bulwer, Dickens, &c. ; d. 8 Jan. 1852. La Eochefouoauld, Franjoia, due de, French moralist; h. 15 Dec. 1 61 3; published "Ee- flexions ou Sentences et Maximes Morales," 1655 ; " M^moires," 1662 ; d. 17 March, 1680. La Eochefodcauld-Lianoouet, Frangois Alexandre Frederic, due de, French philan- thropist; S. II Jan. 1747; devoted himself to improve agriculture and the arts and the ex- tinction of mendicancy, 1769, &c. ; published "Voyage en Etats-Unis de FAJn^rique," 1800 ; d. 27 March, 1827. La Eoche JAQnELEiN, Henri du Verger, comte de ; 6. 3 Aug. 1772 ; became chief of the insur- gent loyalists in La Vendue, 1791 ; frequently successful ; killed in battle, 4 March, 1 794. LaeomiguJiee, Pierre, French philosopher ; 6. 3 Nov. 1756; published "Le9ons de Philoso- phic sur les Principes de I'lntelligence, " 1815 ; d. 12. Aug. 1837. Laboon, Marcellus, Flemish painter ; h. 1653 ; d. 1705. Laeea Mariana, Jos^ de, Spanish satirical journahst and dramatist ; h. 4 March, 1809 ; d. by suicide, 13 Feb. 1837. Laeeet, Isaac de, French historian ; h. 7 Sept. 1638 ; published " Histoire de France sous Louis XIV." 1718-22; d. 17 March, 1719. Laeeey, French surgeons ; Claude FjiANr;ois Hilaire, b. 1774 ; performed the Caesarian operation successfully ; published ".Keflexions sur les Accouchements," 1799 d. Oct. 1819 Dominique Jean, baron, brother . 6. July, 1766 Greatly improved the surgical service during the wars, by organising the ambulances, &c. , 1794, ef seq. Frequently wounded by e.\posure in battle : surgeon-in-chief in the grand army March, 1812 Taken prisoner at Waterloo, and nearly shot 18 June, 1815 Studied in England : published " Meinoires de Chirnrgio militaire," 1812-17 ; "delation Medi- cale de Campagnes et Voyages " . . . 1815-40 "Went to Algeria to inspect hospitals, &c. . 1842 d. at Lyons, 25 July, 1842 Felix Hippolyte, baron, son ; h. about iSio : surgeon in ordinary to Napoleon III. ; army medical inspector, Jan. 1853; published " Traite- ment des Fractures " . . 1835 Laeeiv^e, Henri, French singer; h. 1733; d. 7 Aug. 1802. Laeroque, Matthieu de, French protestant theologian; 6. 1619; published "Histoire de I'Eucharistie, " 1669 ; d. 31 Jan. 1684. His son, Daniel, 6. about 1660 ; friend of Bayle ; edited for him **NouvelIes de la E^pubhque des Lettres," 1687 ; became a Eomanist, 1690; d. 5 Sept. 1731. La Eue, Charles de, French preacher and scholar; h. 1643; d. 27 May, 1725. La Salle, Antoine de, French moraHst and philosopher; h. 18 Aug. 1754; published " La Desordre ri^gulier," 1 786 ; " La M^canique morale," 1789 ; d. 21 Nov. 1829. Lasoaeis, see Theodore. Lascaeis, Andreas Johannes, Greek philolo- gist ; 6. about 1445 ; employed by Lorenzo de' Medici to collect MSS. ; published " Anthologia Graeca " at Florence, 1494; Callimachus, about 1495; d. 1535. Lascaeis, Constantino, Greek grammarian ; his Greek grammar printed at Milan, 1476; d. about 1500. Las Casas, Bartolomeo, Spanish theologian and missionary; h. 1474; went to America, about 1 502 ; became bishop of Chiapa in Mexico ; pleaded for the preservation of the natives ; falsely accused of recommending the importation of negroes ; pubhshed "Brevissima Eelaoion de la Destruccion de las Indias," 1552 ; d. 1566. Las Cases, Emmanuel Augustin Dieudonn^ Martin Joseph, marquis de, French historian ; h. 1 766 ; emigrated, 1 790 ; published under the name of Le Sage " Atlas Historique," 1802; served as volunteer at Flushing, 1809; cham- berlain to Napoleon I., 1810; accompanied him to St. Helena, 1 8 1 5 ; removed from him, Nov. i8i6; published "Mi5morial de Ste. Hflfene," 1822-23; d. 15 May, 1842. Lasct, or Lasko, see Alasco. Lasena, Pietro, Itahan philologist and jurist ; h. 25 Sept. 1590; published "Homeri Nepen- thes," 1621 ; d. 3 Sept. 1636. LAS 316 LAU Lassen, Chi'istian, German orientalist ; b. 22 Oct. 1800; published " EssaisurlePaH," 1S26; " Anthologia Sanscritica," 183S ; " Indian Archteology," 1S44-52. Lassels, or Lascelles, Eichard, Eomanist theologian; b. 1603; published "Travels in Italy," 1670; d. Sept. 166S. Lasso, Orlando, see Lassiis^ Holand. Lassone, Joseph Marie Fran9ois de, French physician and chemist ; physician to Louis XVI. ; experimented on phosphorus ; 6. 3 July, 1717; d. SDeo. 1788. Lassus, Jean Baptiste Antoine, French archi- tect ; b. 19 March, 1S07; with M. VioUet-le- Duc, restored the cathedral of Ncttre-Dame and the Sainte-ChapeUe at Paris ; pubUshed "Mono- gi'aphie de la Cathedrale de Chai'tres," 1843; d. 15 July, 1857. Lassds, Roland de, renowned Belgian musi- cian; J. 1520; d. 14 June, 1594. Lasteyrie, Charles L(5on Ferdinand, comte de, French archfeologist ; J. 15 June, iSio; pub- lished "Histoire de laPeintiU'e enVerre,' ' i S3 7-56. Lasteykie Dusaillant, Charles PhiUbert, comte de, French philanthi'opist and economist ; b. 4 Nov. 1759; greatly promoted agriculture and the industrial arts; d. 3 Nov. 1849. Latham, John, M.D., naturalist; b. 27 June, 1 740 ; helped to found the Linnean Society, 1788; published "Synopsis of Birds," 1781-85; " History of Birds," 1821-24 ; d. 4 Feb. 1837. Latham, Kobert CiorJou, M.D., philologist; b. 1812; published " On the EngUsh Language," 1841 ; "Varieties of Mankind," 1850; "Hand- book of the EngHsh Language," 1851; "Eth- nology of the British Colonies," 1851. Lathbuey, Eev. Thomas ; b. about 1 798 ; pubUshed "History of the Nonjiu-ors," 1845 ; "History of Convocation," 1853; "History of the Book of Common Prayer," 1S58; d. 11 Feb. 1865. Latimek, Hugh, bishop of Worcester ; b. about 1472 ; preached the reformed doctrines ; pa- tronised by Cromwell; consecrated, 1535 ; re- signed, 1539; imprisoned tiU 1547; bm-nt at Oxford, 16 Oct. 1555. Latimee, AViUiam, scholar, friend of Erasmus, Pole, &c. ; d. 1545. Latini, Brunette, Italian scholar; b. .1230; master of Dante ; wTote " II Tesoro," and " II Tesoretto; " d. 1294. Latini, Latino, Italian scholar ; 6. about 1513 ; d. 21 Jan. 1593 ; his " Epistolse" printed 1677. Latouohe, Hyacinthe Thabaud de, French poet and novelist ; b. 2 Feb. 1785 ; d. 9 March, 1851. Latoue, see Caz/niard, Latode d'Auveegne, Thi^ophUe Malo Corret de, French general ; " the first grenadier of France ; b. 23 Nov. 1743 ; published "Nou- velles Eecherches sur la Langiie," 1792 ; (as "Origines Gauloises," 1 802); killed in battle, 27 June, 1800. Lateeille, Pierre Andr(S, French naturaUst; b. 29 Nov. 1762 : published "Pr(5cis des Carac- tM-es Gcneriqucs des Insectes," 1796; "Cours d'Entomologie," 1831 ; d. 6 Feb. 1833. LatTjUGNant, see Attaignant. Latudb, Henri Masei-s, French engineer ; b. 23 March, 1725 ; offended jtadame de Pompadour, and imprisoned from I May 1749, to 18 March 1784; published " Mi5moires," 1789; d. i Jan. 1S05. Laud, William, archbishop of Canterbury, statesman ; b, 7 Oct. 1573 J beheaded, 10 Jan. 1645. Efirly attacked the Puritans ; disgraced for marry- ing the earl of Devonshire and lady Rich, 26 Dec. 1605 Restored to royal favour, and made dean of Glou- cester 1616 Held a conference with the Jesuits before the duke of Buckingham .... May, 162a Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1626 : of London . 1628 Cruelly persecuted the Pui'itans; made chancellor of 03£ford .... . . 1630 Archbishop of Canterbury . . . Aug. 1633 Defeated in his attempt to introduce the liturgy into Scotland ... . . 1634 Attainted by the commons . . 21 Nov. 1644 Imprisoned till his execution . . 10 Jan. 1645 Laddee, James Ecktord, Scotch painter ; 6. 1S12; d. 29 March, 1869. Lacdee, Robert Scott, brother, Scotch painter; 6. 1803; painted "Bride of Lammermoor," and other subjects, from Scott; d. 2\ April, 1869. Laddee, Sir Thomas Dick, Scotch novelist and geologist ; 6, 1 784 ; published " Account of the Floods in Moray in 1829," 1830 ; "High- land Rambles," 1S37 ; d. 29 May, 1848. Ladder, William, literary impostor ; b. about 1710 ; published "Essay on Milton's Use of the Moderns," 1 75 1; "The Grand Impostor De- tected," 1754; d. 1771. LADDEEDjUiE, See Maitland. Laddon or LoDDON, Gideon Ernst, Aus- trian general; b. 10 Oct. 17 16; able opponent of Frederick II. of Prussia in the seven yeaiV war, 1756-63 ; and successful against the Tui'ka, 1788-9; d. 14 July, 1790. Laugiee, AndrcS, French chemist ; 5. I Aug. 1770; pubUshed " Com-s de Chimie G^n&ale," 1 828; d. 19 April, 1832. Ladgiee, Marc Antoine, French scholar ; 5. 25 July, 1713; pubUshed "Histoire de Venise," 1759-68; "Histoire de la Paix de Belgrade," 1763-8; d. 7 April, 1769. Launay', see Dclaunay, Ladnay', Francois de, French jurist ; 5. 12 Aug. 1 61 2; pubUshed "Institution du Droit Remain et du Droit Frangais," i6S6; d. 9 July, 1693. Launay, Jean Baptiste, French engineer ; b. 20 Mai-ch, 1 768 ; his " Manuel du Fondeur sur tous Metaux," published 1827; d. 23 May, 1827. Ladnay, PieiTe de, French protestant ; 6. 1 573 ; pubUshed "Traits de la Salute Cbne," 1659; d. 27 June, 1661. LAU 317 LAW ItATOraT, Bernard Ren^ Jonrdaji de, 6. 1 740 ; governor of the Bastille; massacred there 14 July, 1789. Lai^n'oi, Jean de, French canonist and contro- TersiaUst; i. 21 Dec. 1603 : d. 10 March, 1678. Lauka of Vaucluse. see Xoves. XiAURATi, Pietro, Italian fresco painter; i. 12S2; d. 1340. LATJBEiraEEG, German naturalist ; brothers : WiLHELM ; published "Botanotheca," 1662; Peteb; i. about 1575 ; published "Apparatus Plantarius." 1630 ; "Anatomia Corporis Humani," 1636; d. 13 May, 1639. Lauei^'ce, Saint, martyred at Exjme, 9 Aug. 25S. Lackexs or LA^EI:^~^, Pierre Joseph, French engineer : &. 1 7 1 5 ; made machines, artificial arms. &c. ; d, 1773. LArREXT. Auguste, French chemist ; 6. 14 XoT. 1S07 ; published Th&rie des Eadicaux derives," 1S43; his " M^thode de Chimie," published 1S54; d. 15 April, 1853. T.ATTRT Balthazar, Flemish painter; 6. about 1570 ; d. 1642. Fraxcesco, son ; b. 1610; d. 1635- liAUKi, Filippo, Pioman painter; 6. 1623 ; d. 1694. liiCEiSTOX, Jacques Alexandre Bernard Law, French marshal ; b. I Feb. 1 768 ; served under the republic and Napoleon, 1791-1S14; Louis XVIII. 1814 ; adhered to hirn, March, 1815; made a marquis, 1817 ; d. 11 June, 1828. Lauteec, Odet de Foix, seigneur de, French general ; nearly killed at the battle of Ravenna, II April, 1512 ; made governor of Guienne, 1515 ; totally defeated at Bicocco, 29 April, 1522 ; again employed in Italy, agarn£t Charles v., 1527 ; d. before -Kaples, 16 Aug. 1528. T.A Fzr^, Antonin Nompar de Caumont, due de, favourite of Louis XIY.; b. 1633; com- manded the army sent to assist James II. in Ireland, Nov. 1689 ; d. 19 Nov. 1723. Lavalette, Ajitoine de, French Jesuit ; 6. 21 Oct. 1 707 ; made superior of the Jesuit missions in South America, 1754; erpeUed; d. after 1762. Lavalette, Antoine Marie Chamans de, eomte de, French pohtician and general ; ft. 1 769 ; ad- hered to Louis XTI.tiUhis death, Jan. I793;en- tered the army, served under Napoleon; con- demned to death, 21 Nov. 1815; aided by three Englishmen, Wilson, Bruce, and Hutchinson, escaped by his wife taking his place, 20 Dec. 1815 ; permitted to return to France, 1822 ; his "M^moires," published 1831 ; d. 15 Feb. 1830. La Vaiette, Charles Jean Marie F^hx, mar- quis de, French diplomatist ; ft. 25 Nov. 1806 ; envoy extraordinary at Constantinople, 185 1-3 ; ambassador there. May i860 ; at Rome, 1861 ; niinister of the interior, 28 March, 1865 ; am- bassador in London, July, 1869. La Valette, Jean Parisot de, French general, b. 1494; governor of Tripoli. 1537; elected grand master of the order of Malta, 21 Aug. 1557 ; successfully defended Malta against a severe siege by the Tm-ks, May — Aug. 1565; founded La Valetta, 28 March, 156S ; c?. 21 Aug. 1568. La ValliJ:re, Franjoise Louise de la Baume le Blanc, duchesse de, mistress of Louis XIV.; baptized, 7 Aug. 1 744 ; she and her children ennobled, 1667 ; neglected soon after for Madame de ]Montespan ; became nun as sister " Louise de la Mis(5ricorde," 3 June, 1675 ; d. 6 June, 1 710. IiAVATEE, Jean Gaspard, Swiss minister and poet; 6. 15 Nov. 1741 ; published "Von der Physiognomonik," 1772; "Essais sur la Phy- siognomic," 17S1-S7 ; d. 2 Jan. iSoi. Lavateb, Louis, Swiss protestant theologian ; ft. I March, 1527 ; published "De Spectris, Lemuribus," &c., 1570; d. 15 July, 1586. Lavixgtos, George, bishop of Exeter ; ft. 1683; consecrated, 1746; published "Enthusiasm of Methodists and Quakers compared, " 1 749 ; d. 13 Sept. 1762. Lavoisiee, Antoine Laurent, French chemist ; ft. 16 Aug. 1743 ; obtained a prize for a method of lighting streets, 9 April, 1766 ; improved the manufacture of gunpowder, 1776 ; discovered the gas oxygen. 1775; published "Sur la Natiire de TEau," 1770 ; gave their names to the gases oxygen and hydrogen ; published " Traite de Chimie," 1 7S9 ; many papers, 1775-93: "Instructions sur lesNitrieres," 1777; executed, 8 May, 1794. Law, Edmund, bishop of Carlisle ; ft. 1 703 ; consecrated, 1 769 ; published " Considerations of the state of the World with regard to Re- Ugion," 1745 ; "Inquiry into the Ideas of Space, Kme, &c.," 1735 ; d. 14 Aug. 1787. His son, Geokge Henkt, ft. 1 761; published "Additional Evidences of the Truth of Christianity," 1798; bishop of Chester, 1812; of Bath and Wells, 1824; d. 22 Sept. 1845. Law, see EUcnborough. Law, Charles Ewan, lawyer ; ft. 14 June, 1792; common-sergeant of London, 1 830 ; recorder, 1833; A 13 Aug. 1S50. Law of Lauriston, John, Scotch financier ; ft. 1671 ; d. at Venice, March, 1729. Imprisoned for killing his opponent in a dnel : escaped ; travelled, studying finance ; proposed banking schemes at Edinburgh; rejected,i7oo and 1705 E-ecelved and patronised by the regent Orleans at Paris . 1716 Established a "West India company . Aug. 1717 Made director of the General Baiik, transformed into the Hoyal Bank . . . . i Jan. 1719 Made controUer-general of the finances 5 Jan. 1 720 Failure of the "System" . Feb. 1720 Quitted France '. . . Dec. 1720 Lawes, musical composers : BlE>.T!T, friend of Milton; ft. 1600; d. 21 Oct. 1662. William, killed at Chester, 1645. Their " Psahnes," published 1648. LAW 318 LEB Lawless, John, Irish agitator ; b. 1772; d. 8 Aug. 1837. Lawless, Valentine Browne, baron Clon- curry; b. 19 Aug. 1773; published "Personal EecoUections of his Life and Times," 1847 ; d. 28 Oct. 1853. Lawkence, Abbott, American statesman ; b. 16 Dec. 1792 ; United States minister at London, 1S49-52 ; endowed scientific school at Harvard, 1847 ; d. 18 Aug, 1855. Laweence, Sir Henry Montgomery, K.C.B., colonel ; b. 28 June, l8o5 ; served in the cam- paigns of Caubul, 1843 ; and the Sutlej, 1845 ; chief commissioner for governing the Punjaub, 1849 ; of Oude, 1856; d. of wounds while de- fending Lucknow during the sepoy mutiny, 4 July, 1857. Lawrence, John Laird Mair Lawrence, lord ; b. 4 March, 181 1 ; commissioner of the Sutlej, 1846 ; of the Punjaub, 1849 ; checked the mutiny at Lahore, July, 1857 ; viceroy of India, Dec. 1863 ; resigned, Sept. 1868 ; made baron, 27 March, 1869. Lawrence, Thomas, physician ; b. 171 1 ; pubhshed " Praelectionea MedicEe," 1757 ; "Life of Harvey," 1766 ; d. 9 Jime, 1783. Lawrence, Sir Thomas, portrait painter ; b. 4 May, 1769 ; d. 7 Jan. 1830. Began to paint portraits, 1775 : pupil of Prince Hoare, 1782; obtained prize (silver palette), from Society of Arts about 1782 Introduced to Keynolds ; exhibited at the royal academy 1787 Succeeded him as painter to the Icing . 1792 Painted portraits of sovereigns of Europe for George IV. (at Windsor) . . . 1814-19 President of Koyal Academy . March, 1820 Lawrence, Sir William, bart., surgeon ; b. 16 July, 1783; published " Treatise on Hernia," 1806; "Lectures," 1816; " Comparative Ana- tomy," (from Blumenbach), 1807; as professor of anatomy at the college of surgeons, published *' Lectures on Comparative Anatomy and Phy- siology," 1816; d. 5 July, 1867. Lawson, Henry, astronomer ; b. 23 March, 1774; d. 23 Aug. 1855. Lax, He v. William, mathematician ; b. 1751 ; Lowndesian professor at Cambridge, 1795 ; published "Tables," 1821 ; d. 29 Oct. 1836. Latard, Austin Henry, archgeologist and statesman; b. 5 March, 1817; travelled in the east, and explored Nineveh, aided by Sir Strat- ford Canning, 1845 ; published " Nineveh and its Remains," 1849; "Discoveries in Nineveh and Babylon," 1853; "Monuments of Nine- veh," 1849-53 J under-secretary of foreign affairs, 1852 ; July, 1861— July, 1866 ; M.P. for Aylesbury, 1852-57; for Southwark, Dec. i860; chief commissioner of works, Dec. 1868 ; nominated ambassador at Madrid, Oct. 1869. Laynes, Francisco, Portuguese Jesuit mis- sionary in India; b. 1656; published "De- fensio Indicarum Missionum," 1 707 ; <^. II June, 1 7 15. See Leyncs. Lazzaeelli, Italian poets : LuiM, b. 1450 ; published " Crater Hermetis," &c. ; d. 23 June, 1500. Giovanni Pkancesoo, b. 1621; wrote " Cicceide Legitima," and " Cosmopoli;" d. 1694. Leake family : Richard, h. about 1629 ; made master-gunner of Great Britain for courage during a battle with Van Tromp, i June, 1673 . . . d. 1686 Sir John, son, admiral; 6. 1656; relieved Gib- raltar, and destroyed seven French ships, 25 Oct. 1704 ; defeated the French fleet off Cabrita point, 10 March, 1705 d, t Aug. 1720 Stephen Martin, garter, herald and numisma- tist : 6. 5 April, T702; published "Nummi Britannici Hlstoria " and "Account of English Money," 1726 and 1745; "Lite of Admiral Leake," 1755 . . . . d. 24 March, 1773 William Martin, colonel, archsologist and scholar, b. I'jj-j ; travelled in Asia Minor, 1800 ; and Greece, 1805, et Beq. ; published " Eesearches in Greece," 1814 ; " Topography of Athens," 1B21, 1841 ; "Travels in North Greece, 1835; " Peloponnesiaca," 1846: " Greece at the end of Twenty-three Years' Protection," 1851; "Numis- mata HeUenica," 1854 d. 6 Jan. i860 Leake, John, physician; b. about 1720; pub- lished "Medical Instructions," 1777; d, 8 Aug. 1792. LEiiPOK, Mary, poetess; b. 1722; published "Poems," 1748-51 ; d. 12 Nov. 1746. Learchus of Ehegium, sculptor ; fl. 6th cen- tury, B.C. Lebaillt, Antoine Fran5ois, French poet; b. I April, 1756; published " Fables Nouvelles," 1784; d. 13 Jan. 1832. Lebas, Jean Baptiste ApoHinaire, French engineer; b. 13 Aug. 1797; superintended the conveyance of an obelisk from Luxor, and its setting up at Paris, 25 Oct. 1836; published "L'Obflisque de Luxor; Histoire de sa Trans- lation h, Paris," 1 839. Le Bas, Philippe, French archaeologist and historian ; b. 18 June, 1794; edited "Historiens Occidentaux dea Crusades," 1844, &c. Le Beau, Charles, French historian; J. 15 Oct. 1 701; published " Histoii-e du Bas Em- pire," 1756-79; d. 13 March, 1778. Lebeup, Jean, French abbd and archaeologist; b. 6 March, 1687; published "Etat de la Science sous Charlemagne," 1734; "Histoire de Paris," 1754; d. 10 April, 1760. Le Blanc, Jean Bernard, French writer; b. 3 Dec. 1707; published "Lettres concemant le Gouvemement des Anglois et des Francois," 1758; d. 1781. Leblanc, Marcel, French Jesuit; b. 1653; sent to Siam, by Louis XIV. ; published " Histoire de la E(^volution de Siam en 1688," 1692; d. 1693. Le J3lanc, Nicolas, French chemist; b. 1753; published " Cristallotechnie, " 1802; invented a process for obtaining soda from common salt (the foundation of the alkali manufactures), about 1792; d. 1806. LEB 819 LEG Leblond, Jean Baptiste, French naturalist ; J. 2 Dec. 1 747 ; explored Guyana, &c., 1 789 ; published "Description de la Guyane Eran- jaise," 1814; d. 15 Aug. 1S15. Leeon, Philippe, Erench chemist; 5. 29 May, 1 769 ; invented a method of lighting by gas derived from wood, 1 797; patented, 21 Sept. 1799; d. 2 Dec. 1804. Le Bouvlee, Gilles, Erench chronicler and geographer; h. 1386; wrote " Chronique de Charles VII.," &c. ; d. about 1460. Le Bkun, Charles, Erench painter; 5. 22 March, 1619; d. 12 Feb. 1690. Leekun", Erench poeta : Laurent, Latin poet, 6. 1607: pubUshed "Vir- gile Chretien," 1661 ; "L'Ovide Cliretien" d. 1 Sept. 1663 Antoine Lotus, 6. 7 Sept. 1680 ; published " Epi- grammes d'Owen," 1709; "Pens^es Diverses," 1710 .... . d. 28 March, 1743 Ponce D^nis Ecouchard, 6. 11 Aug. 1729 ; d. 2 Sept, 1807 ; his " Odes," collected and published, 1811 Le Beun, Charles Eran9ois, duke of Placen- tia, French statesman; h. 19 March, 1739; employed by the chancellor Maupeou, 1768-74; published translation of Tasso's " Jerusalem DeUvered," 1774; imprisoned, Sept. 1793; made third consul by Bonaparte, Dec. 1799 ; made arch-treasurer of the empire. May, 1804 ; made governor of Holland as lieutenant-general, 18 10; published translation of the lUad, 1776 and 1809; "La Voix du Citoyen," 1789; d. 16 June, 1824. Lebeun, Gmllaume Charles Antoine Pigault, Erench novelist; h. 8 April, 1753; d. 24 July, 1835- Lebkun", Louis Sebastien, Erench musical composer; h. 10 Dec. 1764; d. 28 June, 1829, Lebeun", Louis, Erench architect; h. 1770 ; published '* Formation G^ometrique des Quatre Ordres de rArchitecture," 1816 ; d. about 1840. Le Bhun, Pierre Henri Tondu, Erench jour- nalist ; h. 1763 ; executed, 27 December, 1793- Le Camus, Antoine, Erench physician and poet; 6. 12 April, 1722; published "Amphi- theatrum Modicum," poem, 1745 i "Mddecine Pratique," 1769 ; d. 2 Jan. 1772. Lb Cat, Claude Nicolas, Erench surgeon and physiologist ; &. 6 Sept. 1 700 ; invented instru- ments for extracting the stone, 1733; pub- Kshed " Traits du Sens," 1 740 ; d. 20 Aug. 1768. Lecchi, Giovanni Antonio, Italian mathema- tician ; 6. 1 7 Nov. 1 702 ; published " Theoria Lucis," 1759; d. 24 Aug. 1776. LioHEVALiEE, Jean Baptiste, French archseo- logist, h. I July, 1752; accompanied Choiseul- Gouffier in his oriental explorations, 1785-86; published "Voyage dans la Troade," 1800; " Voyage de la Propontide," &c., 1801 ; d. 2 July, 1836. Leclekc family, Erench scholars : David, protestant theologian, b. 19 Feb. 1591 ; wrote " Quaistiones Sacrfie," published 1685 d. 21 April, 1654 Daniel, nephew, physician, &. 4 Feb. 1652 ; pub- lished " Chimrgie Geu6rale," 1695 ; " Histoire de la M6decine," 1696 . . »^. 8 June, 1728 Jean, critic, brother ; friend of Locke ; h. 19 March, 1657 ; visited England 1682 Settled at Amsterdam . . 1684 Published " Ars Critica " . . . 1696 " Parrhasiana, ou Pensees Diverses " . i6gg " Vie du Cardinal deKichelieu" 1694 "Bibliotheque Universelle" . 1686-93 " Bibliotheque Choisie " . . 1703-13 " Bibliotheque Ancienne et Modeme " . . 1714-27 d. 8 Jan. 1736 Jacques Theodore, son of Daniel b. 25 Nov. 1692 Published " Preservatif contre le Fanaticisme " 1723 d. 1758 Le Clerc, Jean, first French protestant mar- tyr, burnt alive, 1525. Leoleeo, Jean Baptiste, Erench politician and poet ;&. 29 Feb. 1756; published " Mes Promenades Champetres," 1786; "IdyUes," 1798; d. 16 Nov. 1826. Le Clekc (or Clebo), Nicolas Gabriel, French physician and historian ; b. 6 Oct. 1726; pub- lished " Histoire Naturellede rHomme," 1767; "Histoire de la Eussie," 1783-85 ; d. 30 Dec. 1798. Leoleko, Pierre, French Jansenist ; S. 1 70S ; published " Vies des plusieurs Eeligieuses de Port-Royal," 1750-52; " E.ome redevenue Pal- enne," 1764 ; d. about 1 781. Leoleeo, Sebastien, French engraver ; h. 26 Sept. 1637; d. 29 Oct. 1 7 14. Leolekc-Thooin, Oscar, Erench agriculturist; I. 18 March, 1798; published " L' Agriculture de rOuest de la France," 1843 >' '^^ 5 J^i- iS45- Leoleeo, Victor Emmanuel, French general ; 6. 17 March, 1772 ; served under Bonaparte, 1 796 ; married Ids sister Pauline ; helped the revolution of Brumaire, and the establish- ment of the consulate, 9 Nov. 1799 ; made captain-general of St. Domrugo ; d. there, 2 Dec. 1802. LioLUSE, or Lescluse, Charles de, French naturalist; h. 8 Feb. 1524 or 1525 ; explored Spain and Portugal botanically, 1563-65 ; pub- hshed "Antidotarium," 1561 ; "Aromatum, SimpUcium, &c., Historia," 1567; d. 4 April, 1609. Lb Cointe, Charles, Erench historian ; i. 4 Nov. 161 1; published "Annales Ecclesiastici Francorum," 1665-83; d. 18 Jan. 1681. Lboomte, Felix, French sculptor; h. 1737; d. II Feb. 18 1 7. Lecomte, Jules, Erench maritime vtTiter ; 6. 20 June, 1812; published " L'Abordage," 1835; "L'lle de la Tortue," 1837; d. 29 April, 1864. Leoomte, Louis, French missionary ; h. about 1650 ; his '* Nouveaux Memoires sur la Chine," published 1696; (condemned to be burnt, 6 Aug. 1 761); d. 1729. LEG 320 LEE Le Coueeatee, Pierre Erangois, French Eomanist theologian; h. 17 Nov. 1681 ; pub- lished " Dissertation sur la VaUdit^ des Ordina- tions des Anglais," (contending for it), 1723; went to England, but did not join the church ; d. 17 Oct. 1776. Leoouveede, or Couvbeue, Adrienne, French actress ; h. 5 April, 1692 ; at one time mistress of Marshal Saxe ; d. 20 March, 1 730. Lect, Jacques, Swiss theologian, critic, and statesman; h. 1560; published "Poemata Varia," 1609; d. 25 Aug. i6n. Ledesma, Alonso de, Spanish poet; h. 1552 ; published " Conceptos Espirituales," 1600 ; d. 1623. Ledoux, Claude Nicolas, French architect ; Ti. 1736 ; employed by Madame Dubarry at Paris; d. 19 Nov. 1806. Ledean, Henri Fran9ois, French surgeon ; J). 1685 ; published " Observations de Chirurgie," 1 73 1; "Traits Economique de FAnatomie," 1768; d. 17 Oct. 1770. Ledeu, AJidr^ Pierre, French abb^ and natu- ralist; h. 22 Jan. 1761 ; published "Discours centre le C^libat Eccfesiastique, " 1793 ; "Voyage aux lies de T&&iSe," 1810; d. 11 July, 1825. Ledeu, Nicolas Philippe, "Oomus," French physicist ; h. 1731 ; applied electricity to epileptics, 1782; d. 6 Oct. 1807. Ledeu Eollin, Alexandre Auguste, French journalist and repubhcan pohticiau; b. 2 Feb. 1808. Member of the provisioiial government, 24 Feb. 1S48 Obtained 370,117 votes for the presidency, 22 Dec. 1848 Supported the insurrection, 13 June ; fled to Eng- land . ...... June, 1849 Published "Jurisprudence Francaise," 1844; " Profession de Foi," 1841 ; " De la Juin, 1849," 1849; " De la Decadence de TAngleterre " . 1850 Leduc, Jan, Dutch painter ; b, 1636; d. 1671. Ledwich, Edward, antiquary ; b. 1739; pub- lished "Antiquities of teland," 1790-96; d. 8 Aug. 1823. Ledtaed, John, American traveller ; 6. 1 75 1 ; d. at Cairo, Oct. 1788. Lee, sisters, novelists : Sophia : b. about 1751 : published " The Eecess," 1785: wrote part of "The Canterburj' Tales," 1797-1805 ; "Chapter of Accidents," (comedy), 1780 .... d, 13 March, 1824 Harhtet ; &. 1756 ; published " Mysterious Mamage," 1790 : wrote chief part of " Canter- bury Tales," 1797-1805 . . d. 1 Aug, 1851 Lee, Arthur, American statesman, " The American Junius;" b. 20 Dec. 1740; d. Dec, 1792, Lee, Charles, Anglo-American general ; h. about 1730; joined the insurgents, 1773; served under Washington, 1776-77 ; challenged him for censuring him ; suspended for a year ; retired, 1 780 ; d. 2 Oct, 1 782, Lee, Frederick Hichard, R,A,, landscape pain- ter ; b. June, 1798; A,E,A,, 1834; K,A,, 1S38, Lee, Henry, dramatist ; wrote *^ Caleb Quotem," 1810; d. 30 March, 1836, Lee, Henry, American general ; 5, 29 Jan. 1756; wrote " Memoirs of the War in the South," 1809; d. 25 March, 1S18. Lee, James Prince, bishop of Manchester ; 6. 1804 ; consecrated, 1848. Lee, John, LL.D., ecclesiastical lawyer ; J. (as Eiott), 28 April, 1783; established Hartwell's Observatory, 1831 ; endowed the Eoyal Astro- nomical Society ; president, Feb, 1866. Lee, Nathaniel, dramatist published "Nero," 1675; 1677 ; " Theodosius," 1680 ; Lee, Rachel Fanny Antonina "Essay on Government," 1808 ; d. 1861-62 ; d. 25 b. about 1655 ; "Rival Queens," d. 1691 or 1692. published 1829, Lee, Richard Henry, American statesman ; b. 20 Jan, 1732; first senator for Virginia in the new senate, 1789 ; d. ig June, 1794, Lee, Robert, D,D,, theologian ; b. 1804 ; minister of Greyfriars' Church, Edinburgh, 1843 ; first professor of BibUcal Criticism, 1846 ; introduced a Uturgy into his church, (pubUshed, 1865) ; much opposed, 1859 ; d. 14 March, 1868, Lee, Robert, Scotch M,D, ; b. ; pubHshed " Diary during a, stay in Russia, 1824-26," 1854 ; wrote on Diseases of Women, &C, ; published " Discovery of the Cause of the Action of the Heart," 1865, Lee, Robert Edmund, (son of Henry, above), American general ; b. 1808, Distinguished in the Mexican war . , 1846-47 Commander-in-chief of the confederate army of "Virginia ,1861 BafHed M'Lellan before Kicbmond ■, May, 1862 Defeated Biu-nside at Fredericksburg, 12-16 Dec, 1862, and Hooker at Chancellorsville, 1-4 May, 1863; Grant in " the Wilderness," . 5 May, 1864 Driven from Petersburg, 2 April ; surrendered with his army 9 April, 1864 Installed president of "Washington College, 2 Oct, 1865 Lee, Samuel, nonconformist ; b. 1625 ; pub- lished " Temple of Solomon," 1659 ; " Contem- plations on MortaUty," i66g ; d. Nov. 1691. Lee, Samuel, D.D., self taught orientalist ; b. I4May, 1 783 ; professor of Arabic at Cambridge, March, 1819 ; published " Hebrew Grammar," 1830; "Hebrew, Chaldaic and EngUsh Lexi- con," 1840; "The Book of Job, in Enghsh," 1837 ; d. 16 Dec. 1852. Lee Boo, prince of one of the Pelew isles ; brought to England by Captain Wilson ; d. soon after, 29 Dec. 1 784. Leech, John, humorous artist ; b. about 1817 ; became contributor to "Punch," published " The Rising Generation," 1848 ; " Pictiu'es of Life and Character," extracted from "Punch," 1854 ; d. 29 Oct. 1864. Leeohman, William, Scotch theologian ; b. 1706 ; d. 3 Dec. 1785. , Leepe, Jan Anton van der, Belgium painter ; 6. 1664 ; d. about 1720. LEE 321 LEG Lebu, Gerard, Dutch printer; d. about 1492. Leeves, William, musical composer ; wrote air of " Auld Eobin Gray," d. 1828. Leew, Gabriel van der, Dutch painter ; 6. 1 1 Nov. 1643; d. June, 16S8. Leewenhoeck, see Zeuwenhoeck. Lefebtjre, Louis Henri, French botanist and poet; b. 18 Eeb. 1754; published "Atlas Bo- tanique," 1817 ; " Systgme Moral, " 1820-21 ; d. 23 May, 1843. Lefebvee, Charlemagne Th&phile, French traveller; b. 5 March, i8n ; published "Voy- age en Abyssinie en 1S39-43," 1845, et seq. Lefebvee, Francois Joseph, due de Dantzio, French marshal ; b. 25 Oct. 1755; entered the army, 10 Sept. 1773 ; served under Hoche, 1793; succeeded him at his death, Sept. 1 797 ; employed in Germany, 1 799 ; distinguished himself at the siege of Dautzic, 1807 ; ac- companied Napoleon to Spain ; victorious at Durango, 31 Oct. 1808 ; d. 14 Sept. 1820. Lefebvee, Tanneguy (Tanaquil Faber), French scholar, father of Madame Dacier ; b. 161 5 ; edited many classics; d. 12 Sept. 1672. His son, Tanneguy, mathematician, 6. 23 Jan. 1658 ; pubUshed " Des Communes Mesures et Eacines," 1714;^. 1717. Lefevee de St. REsn', Jean, French historian ; b. about 1394; wrote "Chronique de Lalain;" d. 10 June, 1468. LefSvee d'Btaples (Faber Stapulensis , ) Jacques, French theologian ; b. about 1455 j patronised by Francis I. ; published " Com- mentaires sur les Evangiles," 1 52 1 ; " La Sainte Bible en Fran9oys," 1530; d. 1537. Lef^ivee, Jean, French astronomer ; pub- lished " Connaissance des Temps " for 1 684- 1 70 1. Lefevee, Nicolas, French chemist ; published '^Chymie Th^orique et Pratique," 1660; d. 1674. Lefevee, Robert, French portrait painter ; h. 1756; d. 3 Oct. 1830. Lefokt, Fran9ois, Swiss general ; b. 1656 ; entered Russian service about 1674 ; helped to make Peter sole czar ; honoured and employed by him, 1689 ; as admiral, captured Aaof, 1696; d. 12 March, 1699. Lepeoy, Thomas Langlois, Irish lawyer ; h. 8 Jan. 1776 ; baron of the exchequer, 1841 ; chief-justice of the Queen's Bench, 1852-60 ; d. 4 May, 1869. Leighton, Frederick, E.A., painter ; b. 3 Dec. 1830; exhibited "Cimabue," 1855; " Dante in Exile," 1864; "Syracusan Bride," 1866 ; E.A. 1869. Le Gallois, JuKen Jean C^sar, French phy- siologist ; b. I Feb. 1770; published "Experi- ences," 1812; d. Feb. 1814. Legazpe, Miguel Lopez de, Spanish noble and navigator; conquered the Philippines, 1569, et seq; took possession of Manilla, 15 May, 157 1 ; d. May, 1572. Legendee, Adrien Marie, French mathemar tician ; b. 18 Sept. 1752 ; published "Exer- cices du Calcul," 1807 ; "Traits des Fonctions EUiptiques," 1827-33; d. 10 Jan. 1833. Legendee, Louis, French historian ; b. 1655 ; published " Histoire de France," 1718 ; "Les Mceura et Coutumes des Fran9ai3 dans les Premiers Temps," 1712; d. 1 Feb. 1733. Legendee, Louis, French revolutionist ; b. 1755 j opposed the violence of the Terrorists, and helped to subdue them ; d. 1 3 Dec. 1797. Legendee, Nicolas, French sculptor; b. i6ig ; d. 1671. Legee, Antoine, Savoyard orientalist and re- former ; b. 1594 ; denounced as heretic ; went to Geneva about 1637 ; published the New Testament in ancient and modem Greek, 1638 ; d. 1661. Legee, Antoine, son, Swiss painter ; b. 1652 ; published " Dissertations on Heat and Cold," &c., 1705-15; "Dioptrik," 1830; d. 30 Nov. 1840. LiUTPEAND, see Luitprand. LlVBKPOOL, see Jenlcinson. LrviA, DrusiUa, wife of the emperor Augustus; 6. 28 Sept. B.C. 56 or 54; wife of Tiberius Claudius Nero, and mother of Tiberius, after- wards emperor, 42 ; divorced from her husband, and married to Augustus, 38 ; accused of mur- dering the grandchildren of Augustus, a.d. 2 and 4; and of hastening his death, 14; degraded by her son Tiberius ; U. 29. LiviNEius, see Lievens. Livingston", Edward, American jurist, brother of Robert; 6. 23 May, 1764; mayor of New York, 1801 ; published "System of Penal Law for Louisiana," 1833; d. 23 May, 1836. Livingston, John, Scotch minister ; b. 1603 ; pubhshed "Letters from Leith," 1663; retired to Holland, not taking the oaths, 1662; d. 9 Aug. 1672. Livingston, Robert, American statesman ; b. 27 Nov. 1746; foreign secretary, 1780; am- bassador at Paris, 1801 ; d. 26 March, 1813. Livingston, William, American statesman; b. Nov. 1 723 ; compiled the first colonial digest ; governor of New Jersey, 1 776 ; d. 25 July, 1 790. Livingstone, David, Scotch missionary and geographer; b. 181 5. Engaged by the London Missionary Society . 1838 Sent to South Africa . . 1840 Settled at Mabotsa 1843 Commenced an explorationof inner Africa, i Jnne,T849 Discovered lake Ngami . 1 Aug. 1849 Began a second expedition . . . April, 1850 In his third expedition discovered the Zambesi river . . - . . Sept, 1851 Entered on a fourth expedition . . 8 June, 1852 Traversed the continent ; arrived at Quilinane, 26 May, 1856 Arrived in England .... Dec. 1856 Received gold medals from the British and French geographical societies ; published " Missionary Travels " . . Nov. 1857 Appointed consul for Portuguese Africa ; sailed, March, 1858 Returned to England ... 23 July, 1S64 Expedition to the Zambesi river {i! lislied Appointed consul for Inner Africa Conflicting reports respecting his safety Despatches from him dated July, i£ " ■64}, pub- Nov. i8f March, i8t . i866-( received Sept. i8( Livius, Titus, Roman historian ; b. at Pa- tavium, B.C. 59 ; said to have begun his history about B.C. 9; d. 17 a.d. Llanovee, see Hall. Llewellyn, see Lhjwelhjn. Llokente, Juan Antonio, Spanish historian ; b. 30 March, 1756; d. 5 Feb. 1823. Ordained priest 1779 Became a rationalist and liberal secretary to the inquisition . . 1784-85 Proposed reforms in it 1794 Chancellor of the university of Toledo . about 1806 Charged with the examination of the abolished inquisition 1809 Published " Historia Critica de la Inquisicion de Espaila," 1817-20 ; " Portraits Politiques des 822: " (Euvres de Las Casas " . 1822 Llotd, Rev. David; b. 26 Sept. 1625; pub- hshed " Statesmen and Favourites of England," 1665; "Memoirs of Persons who suffered for their Loyalty during the Rebellion," 1668; d. 16 Feb. 1691. Llotd, Henry Humphry, military T^Titer; b. 1729; entered in foreign service ; present at Fontenoy, 30 April, 1 745 ; served in the seven years' war, 1756-63; pubhshed "Introduction to the History of the War in Germany," 1781; d. 19 June, 1783. Llotd, Rev. Humphry, Irish physicist; 6. 16 April, 1 800; pubhshed "Treatise on Light and Vision," 1831; "Lectures on the Wave Theory of Light," 1841 ; papers, 1835-43. Lloyd, Nicholas, scholar; b. 1633; pubhshed " Dictionarium Historicum, Geographicum," &c., 1670; d. 1680. Lloyd, Robert, poet; 5. 1733; published " The Actor, " 1 760; founded the " St. James's Magazine," 1762; d. 15 Dec. 1764. Lloyd, William, theologian; b. 18 Aug. 1627; d. 30 Aug. 1717. Published " Considerations touching the Way to suppress Popery " 1677 Bishop of St. Asaph 1680 Published ' 'Historical Account of Church Govern- ment 16S4 One of the seven bishops sent to the Tower, 8 June ; acquitted .... 30 June, 1688 Bishop of Lichfield, 1692: of Worcester . 1699 Llywelltn, I. — HI., princes of Wales : I. b. about 980 : acquired both North and South Wales, 1015 .... assassinated, 1021 II. b. about 1170 : married Agatha, daughter of king John, 1203 : invaded England, 1232-37 ; made peace, 1238 d. 1242 III. the great-grandson: h. about 1224; frequent wars with pretenders supported by England ; made with England hard peace, 1279 ; betrayed and slain . ... 20 Nov. 1282 Lobau, see Mouton. LOB 334 LOL LOBB, Theophilus, M.D. polemical; b. 17 Aug. 1678; published "Treatise of the SmaU Pox," 1731; "Eational Method of Curing Fevers," 1734; d. ig May, 1763. LOBECK, Christian August, German philolo- gist; b. 5 June, 17S1; published "Aglaophar mus ; seu de Theologife MystioEe Graecorum Causis," 1829; d. 17 Feb. 1859. LoEEiRA, see Loveira. LOBEL, Matthias de, French physiological botanist; b. 1538; published " Stirpium Ad- versaria Nova, " 1570; d. 3 March, 161 6. LoBiNEAU, Guy Alexis, French Benedictine historian; b. 1666; published " Histoire de Bretagne," 1707; edited and completed Feli- bien's" Histoire de Paris," 1725; d.3 June, 1727. LoBO, Francisco Rodriguez, Portuguese poet ; published "O Condestabre de Portugal," 1610; " Corte na Aldea," 1619 ; d. about 1629. LoBO, Jeronimo, Portuguese missionary; b. about 1595; travelled in India, Ethiopia, and Abyssinia; published " Historia de Ethiopia," 1659; d. 29 Jan. 1678. LooATELH, Luigi, Italian physician; wrote "Theatrum Arcanorum Chymicorum ; " pub- lished 1648; d. 1637. LocATELLi, Pietro, Italian violinist ; b. 1693; pubUshed "Concerti," 1731-50; d. 1764. Lock, Matthew, musician; b. about 1630; composed " Hymns and Anthems," 1666 ; music for "Macbeth," 1672 ; for the "Tempest," 1673; d. 1677. Locke, John, philosopher; b. 29 Aug. 1632; d. 28 Oct. 1704. Accompanied Lord Shaftesbury, exiled to Holland 1683 Eeturned with William, Prince of Orange . 1688 Published " Essay on the Human Understanding," i6go: " Epistola de Tolerantia," 1689; " Thoughts concerning the Education of Children," 1693 ; "Reasonableness of Christianity," 1695 ; "3Vo Treatises of Government," i6go. Locke, John, American geologist and physicist; b. 29 Feb. 1792; d. 10 July, 1856. Locke, Joseph, "economical" railway engi- neer; b. 1805 ; d. 18 Sept. i860. Looker, Edward Hawke, miscellaneous writer; b. 9 Oct. 1 777 J secretary to Greenwich hospital (afterwards resident commissioner), 1819-1844; d. 15 Oct. 1849. LocKHART, John Gibson, Scotch poet and novelist ; 6. 1 794 ; auditor of the duchy of Lan- caster ; married Sophia, daughter of Sir Walter Scott, 1820; published "Spani.sh Ballads," 1823; "Valerius," 1821; " Adam'Blair," 1822; "Re- ginald Dalton, " 1823; edited the "Quarterly Review," 1825-53; published "Life of Scott," March, 1837— Feb. 1838; d. 25 Nov. 1854. LocKTER, Joseph Norman, astronomer ; 6. 1 7 May, 1836; suggested a method of observing solar eclipse phenomena at any time by means of the spectroscope, Oct. 1866 ; made discoveries by its means, 1868 ; edited " The Heavens," by GuiUemin, 1866; published " Lessons iu Astro- nomy," iS58. LocRifi DE RoissY, Jean Guillaume, baron, French jurist ; b. 20 March, 1758 ; secretary of the council of Ancients, 1795; of the council of state, 1 800; published "Legislation Franjaise," 1801 ; "EspritduCodeNapol^on," 1807; "Esprit du Code de Commerce," 1811-13; "Esprit du Code de Procedure Civile," 1816; d. 8 Dec. 1840. LocusTA or LucusTA, a Roman poisoner; employed by Agrippina to kiU Claudius, 54 ; and by Nero to kill Britannicus, 55 ; executed by Galba, 68. Lodge, Edmund, historian ; b. 1756 ; published "Illustrations of British History," 1791; " Portraits of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain," 1821-34; d. 16 June, 1839. Lodge, Thomas, M.D. and dramatist ; b. about 1555; published " Catharos Diogenes," 1 591 ; "Wounds of Civil War," 1594; d. 1625. Lodge, William, engraver; 6. 4 July, 1649; published " The Painter's Voyage of Italy," 1679; d. Aug. 1689. LcEWENKLAU (Leunclavius), Johann, German scholar, historian, and jurist; 5. 1533; d. 1593. LoFFT, Capel, patron of Robert Bloomfield and others; b. 14 Nov. 1751 ; d. 26 May, 1824. LlEWENSTERN, Isidore, Austrian arch^ologist ; b. 1807 ; devoted himself to deciphering Nine- vite cuneiform inscriptions at Khorsabad, 1845 ; published works on the subject, 1845-50 ; d. May, 1856. LOFTUS, Dudley, Irish orientalist; 5. 1618; d. June, 1695. Logan, John, Scotch minister, historian, and poet; b. 1748; published Poems (" Ode to the Cuckoo," &o.), 1781 ; "Elements of the Philo- sophy of History," 1781 ; d. 28 Dec. 1788. Logan, Friedrich von, baron, German poet ; 6.1604; published Poems under the name of Golau, 1638 and 1654; d. 25 June, 1655. Loggan, David, engraver; b. 1635; d. 1693. LOGIER, Johann Bernard, German musician; b. 9 Feb. 1777 ; invented the chiroplast (forthe piano and organ) ; published an explanation of it, i8i6; a new system of musical science, 1827; d. 13 July, 1846. Loir, Nicolas, French painter; b. 1624; d. 5 May, 1679. LoiSEL, Antoine, French jurist; b. 1536; pub- lished "Traits de FUuiversitiS de Paris," 1587 ; "Pontoise" (a history), 1580; "Institutions Coutumiferes " printed, 1607; d. 1617. Lola Months, (Maria Dolores Porris y Montfes), dancer and actress; b. between 1818 and 1824; educated ia India and London; married to Captain Thomas James; after a wandering life, captivated Louis I. king of Bavaria, who declared her to be his best friend, and presented her to his court, Aug. 1847 ; compelled to retire from Munich by an insur- rection against her, which caused the king's abdication, 21 March, 1S48; published her Memoirs, 1850; d. in New York, 17 Jan. 1861. LOL 335 LON LoLLABD, Walter, heretic ; said to have been born in England, and burnt at Cologne, 1322. LoLLi, Antonio, Italian violinist; b. 1733; c^. Sept. 1802. LoLLiNi, Aloisio, Italian scholar and Latin poet; b. 1557 ; d. 1625. LoLME, Jean Louis de, Swiss publicist ; 5. 1 740 ; lived in London by literary occupation many years; returned to Geneva, 1775; published " Constitution de I'Angleterre," 1771 ; in English, 1775 ; d. 16 July, 1806. LoMAZZO, Giovanni Paolo, Italian painter ; b. 1538; published " Trattata della Pittura," 1584; d. 1600. LoMBAHD, Jean Louis, French mathematician ; b. 23 Aug. 1723; published Instructions for the use of Artillery; predicted the rise of Bonaparte, one of his pupils ; d. I April, 1 794. Lombard, Lambert, Flemish poet, painter, and architect, a promoter of the Renaissance ; b. 1506; d. 1565. LoMBAKD, Peter, "master of the Sentences," schoolman ; b. in Lombardy ; elected archbishop of Paris, 1 1 59 ; compiled Book of Sentences, and wrote commentaries on the Psalms and Gospels; d. about 11 64. His " Sententi* " printed, 147 1. Lombakd, Thfedore, French poet ; J. 2 1 July, 1699; published "La Peste de Marseille," 1722; d. about 1770. LoMBABD DE Langees, Vincent, French poet and dramatist ; b. about 1765 ; his " Les Pretres et les Pois" performed, 1793; d. 1803. LoMBARDI, Italian sculptors : Alfonso, 6. 1487 ; d. 1536. Cristofano, an architect of Milan Cathedral, about 1540- GiBOLAMO, about 1560; employed in decorating the Santa Casa at Loretto, about 1560. LoMBE, Sir Thomas, introduced the silk manu- facture into England ; set up workshops at Derby, about 1 7 1 5 ; received a royal patent, 1718; d. 3 Jan. 1739. LoMBEZ, Pfere Ambroise de, French Capuchin ; b. 20 March, 1708 ; pubhshed " Lettres SpiritueUes sur la Paix Int&ieure," 1769 ; d. 25 Oct. 1778. LoMlfiNiE DE Beienne, French statesmen : Henbi Auguste, comte de ; 6, 1595 : ambassador in England, 1624 : secretary of state, 1638 d. 1666 Henbi Lotris, comte de, sou . . . . b. 1635 Secretary of state 1656 Became a monk ; entered the oratory . . 1667 Compelled to retire through dissipation . 1670 Lived licentiously in Germany ; recalled and imprisoned .... . . _ 1673 Released, June, 1692 . . . d. 17 April, 1698 Etienne-Charles de, cardinal . . l>. 1727 Archbishop of Toulouse 1763 Dissolute himself : promoted ecclesiastical re- forms ; beneficent to the j-oor during an epi- demic 1774 Appointed chief of the council of finances, i May, 1787 Prime minister Aug. 1787 Obstinately opposed the parliament ; announced a meeting of the states-general . 8 Aug. 1788 Resigned 28 Aug. 1788 Made cardinal Dec. 1788 Took oath to the constitution of the clergy as bishop of Yonne 30 Jan. 179 c Arrested, g Nov. 1793 . . , d. 16 Feb. 1794 His brother and other relatives executed, 10 May, 1 794 LoMi, Florentine painters : Baccio, about 1585. AuiiELio, nephew ; b. 1556 ; d. 1622. Orazio, (Gentileschi), b. 1563 ; d. 1646. Artemisia, wife; 6. 1590; d. 1642. LoJiM, Josse van, (Jodocus Lommius), Dutch physician ; published " Observationes Medi- cinales," 1560 ; " De Curandis Febribus," 1563. LoMONOSSOV, Milihail Vasilievitch, Russian poet and physicist ; b. 1 7 1 1 ; published an epic poem on Peter the Great, a history of Eussia, &c. ; d. 4 April, 1765. LoNDONDEEEY, marquesses of : Robert Stewart, created baron Stewart, 1789 ; viscount Castlereagh, 1795 ; earl of Londonderry, 1796 : marquis, 22 Jan. 1816 . d. 8 April, 1821 EoBERT, the statesman : 6. 18 July, 1769 ; colo- nial secretary, 1807 ; duel with Mr Canning, 2T Sept. i8og : foreign secretary, 1812 ; repre- sented Great Britain at Paris, 1814 : marquis, 1821 . . . . d. by suicide, 12 Aug. 1822 Charles William, half-brother, general ; b. 18 May, 1778 : served under "Wellington in the peninsular war ; published *' Narrative of the Peninsular War," 1828 . d. i March, 1854 LoNO, Edward, writer; b. 23 Aug. 1734; published "The Anti-Gallican," 1757; "His- tory of Jamaica," 1774; "Letters on the Colonies," 1775; d. 13 March, 1813. Long, George, scholar ; b. i Soo ; professor at the university of Virginia, 1824; edited the "Journal of Education," 1831-35 ; the "Penny Cyclopaedia," 1832-46 ; (with Mr Porter), " Geography of England and Wales," 1850. Long, John, traveller ; resided in Canada, 1768-1775; published "Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter," 1791. Long, John St. John, medical empiric ; b. 1798; condemned for manslaughter (of Miss Cushin), 21 Aug. 1830; acquitted of another charge, 19 Feb. 1831 ; d. 4 July, 1834. Long, Roger, astronomer; b. 2 Feb. 1680; master of Pembroke college, Cambridge, 1733; constructed a very large globe there ; published "Treatise on Astronomy," 1742; tZ. 16 Dec. 1770. Long, Thomas, theologian ; 6. 1621 ; published " Calvinus Redivivus," 1673; " History of the Donatists," 1677; " Unreasonableness of Sepa- ration," 1681 ; " History of Popish and Fana- tical Plots," 1684; as a nonjuror, lost his liv- ing, 1689; d. 1700. "LoNGBEAED," (Fitzosboene), WiUiam ; in- cited the Londoners against Hubert, archbishop of Canterbury, the regent, 1195 ; executed, 6 April, 1 196. LoNGEPiEREE, HUaire Bernard de Requeleyne, baron de, French poet and scholar ; S. 18 Oct. 1659 ; published translations of Anacreon and Sappho, 1684; "Bion," " Moschus," and "Theo- critus," 1686; d. 30 March, 1 72 1. LON 336 LOP Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, American poet and novelist; h. 27 Feb. 1807. Travelled in Europe ; professor of modem lan- guages at Cambridge, U.S. . . . 1836-54 PablLshed " Hyperion," 1839 ; " Voices of the Night," &c., 1840 : " Ballads and other Poems," 1842; " Spanish Student," 1843 : "Evangeline," 1847 ; " Song of Hiawatha," 1855 ; " Courtship of Miles Standish," 1858 ; " Golden Legend," 1862 : "New England Tragedies," 1868. LoNGHi, or LuNGHl, Italian painters and en- gravers : LuoA, 6. 1507 d. 1580 BABBAnA, wife. Francesco, son; h. 1576 d, about 1610 PlETRO, 6. 1702 d. 1762 Alessandeo, b, 1726 . . . . d. about 1790 Giuseppe, b. 1766 ; excellent engraver ; patron- ised by Napoleon I. . . d. 2 Jan. 1831 LONGELAND, see Langeland. LoNGELAND, John, bishop of Lincoln, and confessor of Henry VIII. ; b. 1473 ! conse- crated, 1520; as chancellor of Oxford, favoured literature and study, 1533 ; d. 7 May, 1547. LoNGiNUS, Dionysius Oassius, Greek philoso- pher ; h. about 213 ; termed a "living library," and "walking museum;" friend of Plotinus and Origan; became counsellor of Zenobia, queen of Palmyra, and urged her to become independent of the Romans, 267 ; executed by AureUan, wheo he captured Palmyra, 273. LONGLEY, Charles Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury ; J. 28 July, 1 794 ; head-master of Harrow School, 1829; bishop of Ripen, 1836; of Durham, 1856 ; archbishop of York, i860 ; of Canterbury, 1862 ; d. 27 Oct. 1868. LONGOLIDS, see Longueil. LoNGOMONTANDS (Longeekg), Christian Se- verinus, Danish astronomer; b. 4 Oct. 1562 ; pupil and assistant of Tycho Brahe, 1588, et seq. ; professor at Copenliagen, 1 605 ; pub- lished "Astronomia Danica," 1622; d. 8 Oct. 1647. LoNGSTKEET, James, American general ; 6. about 1821 ; distinguished himself in Mexi- can war, 1846-47; in the civil war (under Lee), 1861-64. LoNGDEiL (LoNGOlitJs), Christophe de, Bel- gian scholar and Latinist ; b. 1490 ; travelled through Europe; settled with cardinal Pole, 1518; wrote "Ad Lutheranos jam damnatos Oratio," printed, 1529 ; d. II Sept. 1522. LoNGDEiL (LoNGOLins), Gilbert de, Dutch scholar and physician; h. 1507; became a Lutheran ; published " Lexicon Greeco-Lati- num auctum," 1533; d. 30 May, 1543. LoNGDEEUE, Louis du Tour, ahhi de, French scholar and theologian; 6. 6 Jan. 1652; de- voted his life to study ; published " Traits touchant la Transubstantiation," 1686 ; d. 22 Nov. 1733. LONGUEVAL, Jacques, French Jesuit; b. 18 March, 1680; published " Trait(5 du Schisme," 1 7 18; "Dissertation sur les Miracles," 1730; d. II Jan. 1735. LoNGDEViLLE, Edme Paul MarceUin, French Hellenist; b. 24 June, 1 785; published "Cours de Thfemes Grecs," 1825-33; d. 5 Jan. 1855. LONGUEVILLE family : Henri d'Orleans, due de. French general ; 6. 27 April, 1595 ; governor of Picardy while very young : of Normandy 1619 Commanded against the Spaniards successfully, 1636-42 d. II May, 1663 His second wife, Anne GENEvriiVE de Bour- bon, sister of the great Cond6 ; b. 29 Aug. 1619; married 2 June, 1642 Attacked by her husband's mistress. Mad. de Montbazon ; took great part in the politics of the time ; a widow : retired from the world : named "Mere de I'Eglise," 1642 d. 15 April, 1679 Her son, Charles, 6,28 Jan. 1640 ; killed at the passage of the Rhine 1672 LoNGUS, Greek sophist ; wrote Pastorals concerning Daphnis and Chloe ; jl, 4th or 5th century. LONI, or LoMi, Alessandro, Florentine pain- ter ; pupU of G. Dolci ; b. 1655 ; d, 1702. LoNiCEK, German scholars : JOHANN .... . .6. 1499 Taught at Marburg 1527 Completed Melanchthon's Greek and Latin.Lexi- con d. 20 June, 1569 Adam, son;r&. 10 Oct. 1528 : published "Botanl- con," 1540; "NaturaUs Historia," 1551-5 d. 19 May, 1586 Philipp, brother, historian ; published "Thea- trum Historicum : " "Chronicon Turconun," 1537 ■ ■ • . d. 30 July, 1599 Looms, Elias, American, mathematician and astronomer ; b. 7 Aug. 181 1 ; pubhshed "Prac- tical Astronomy," 1855; "Recent Progress of Astronomy," 1850 and 1856. LooN, Gerard van, Dutch antiquary; pub- lished, in Dutch, " MedaUio History of the Netherlands," 1723-31. Loon, Theodor van, Belgian painter ; b. 1629 ; d. about 1678. Loos (CALLiDrns), Comelis, Dutch theolo- gian ; b. about 1 546 ; persecuted for upholding magic; d. 3 Feb. 1595. LoosJES, Adrian, Dutch poet and novelist ; b. 13 May, 1761 ; d. 25 Feb. 1818. Lope de Rueda, popular Spanish dramatist; publisihed "Comedies," 1567. Lope, Felix de Vega Carpio, Spanish poet ; b. 25 Nov. 1562; entered the army, 1577; after a dissolute life, became a monk, but con- tinued to write plays, 1609; his works pub- lished, 1609-47 > ^' 25 Aug. 1638. Lopes, Femao, Portuguese chronicler, 5. about 1380; hia "Crouica del rey Pedro I.," printed 1760; d. 1449. Lopez, Naroisso, American adventurer ; 6. in Venezuela, 1 799 ; fought in the war of inde- pendence, 1814, et seq.; went to Spain; be- came governor of Madrid, and a senator ; went to Cuba, and sympathised in the movement for union with the United States ; headed three unsuccessful American expeditions against Cuba, 1849 ; May, 1850 ; captured and exe- cuted, I Sept. 1851. LOR 337 LOU LoREDANO, Giovan Francesco, Italian writer i. 28 Feb. 1606 ; published " Gli Soherzi Geni. aU," 1632; " Istoria de' Rfe Lusignani," 1647 d. 13 Aug. 1661. LoKENz, Jean Michel, French historian ; b. 31 May, 1723; pubUshed "Sunima Historije Gallo-Francio«," 1790-93 ; d. 2 April, iSoi. LoKENZETTi, Siennese painters : Amerogio ; I. 1277; d. 1360. PlETEO, brother; 1327-55. LoRENZiNi, Lorenzo, Florentine geometer ; h. 1652 ; imprisoned twenty years for helping the sons of the grand-duke to correspond with their mother at Paris ; his " Exercitatio Geo- metrica," published 1721 ; d. 24 April, 1721. LoEENZiNi, Francesco Maria, Roman poet ; b. II Oct. 1680; d. 14 June, 1743; LoKET, Jean, French journalist ; published a journal in rhyme, (entitled " Muse Historique," 1655), 1650-65 ; d. 1665. LoEGNA, Antonio Maria, Italian mathemati- cian and physicist ; b. 1 730 ; founder and first president of the Italian Society of Sciences, 1782; rf. 28 June, 1796. LoEiNi, Bonainto, Italian military engineer ; employed in Spain, France, and Venice ; pub- lished "Le Fortilicatione," 1597. LOKIOT, Antoine Joseph, French mechanician ; 5. 1716; invented lifting apparatus, 1767; a new decorative cement, 1774; d. 9 Dec. 1782. LoEME, see Delorme. LoEEAiNE, see Gelee and Guise. LoRRIS, Guillaume de, French poet ; one of the authors of the "Roman de la Rose," d.about 1260. Lorry, Anne Charles, French physician ; b. 10 Oct. 1726; published "Essai sur les Ali- ments," 1757 ; "De Melancholia," 1765 ; d. 18 Sept. 1783. LoEEY, Paul Charles (brother), French priest ; b. 18 Dec. 1719; published "Essai sur le Ma- nage," 1760; d. 6 Nov. 1766. LoETZING, Albrecht August, German musical composer ; b. 23 Oct. 1803 ; d. 20 Jan. 1851. LoSANA, Matteo, Italian priest and natura- list ; b. 1738; published "Recherches Ento- mologiques," 1810; d. 2 Dec. 1833. LoTEN or LoOTEN, Jan or Jacob, Dutch painter ; came to England ; d. 1 68 1. LoTHAiRE I. — III., emperors of the West : I., son of Louis I. ; b. 796 ; made governor of Ba- varia ... . . 814 Colleafjue of his father . ... 817 Crowned emperor by the Pope . 5 April, 823 Helped to dej^ose his father, 830 ; imprisoned him, 833 ; released him ... 834 Divided the empire with Charles the Bald . 839 Sole emperor at the death of his father 20 June, 840 Allied with Pepin II. against Charles the Bald and Louis the German ; defeated at Fontenai 25 June, 841 Held a conference with his brothers at Mersen 847 Bivided his states among his sons d. 28 Sept. 855 XL, son ; 6. about 825 : at his father's death re- ceived "Lotharii Kegnum" (Lorraine), 855 ; helped his brother, Louis of Italy, against the Saracens, 869 . . . d. 8 Aug. 869 III. or II. : b, 1075 : duke of Saxony, 1106 ; elected emperor Aug. 1125 Opposed by Frederick of Suabia ; received his submission, March, 11 35; his authority re- cognised in Italy, 1136 . d. 3 Dec. 1137 LOTHAIEE, king of France, son of Louis IV. ; h. 941 ; associated with his father, 952 ; suc- ceeded him (under tutelage of Hugh Capet), 954 ; defeated the invasion of the Emperor Otho II., 978 ; gave up Lorraine to him, 980 ; d. 2 March, 986. LoTHAiEE, son of Hugh, king of Italy ; asso- ciated mth him, 931 ; made nominal king by Berenger, 945 ; d. 950. LoTiCH, Peter, German reformer; b. 1501 ; abbot of Schluchtern, 1534; founded a school for the reformed theology there, 1 542 ; d. 7 Sept. 1567. LoTicH, German Latin poets : Peteb, b. 2 Nov. 1528 : his " Poemata" published 1561 rf. 2 or 7 Nov. 1560. JoHANN Peter, grand nephew, physician ; 6. 8 March, 1598; published "Vade-mecum," 1625; "Poemata," 1640: " Gynaecologia" (defence of women), 1630 . . . rf. i66g Lotto, Lorenzo, Venetian painter; d. after 1554- LoDDON, John Claudius, Scotch botanist and horticulturist; b. 8 April, 1783; d. 14 Deo. 1843. Established an agricxiltiiral school at Tew, Ox- fordshire, about 1S06-12 Published " EncyclopEedia of Gardening," 1S22 ; of Agriculture, 1825 ; of Plants, 1829 ; of Cot- tage, Farm, and Villa Architecture, 1832 ; " Ar- boretum et Fruticetum Britannicum" . 1838 Edited "Gardener's Magazine," 1B26-43; "Maga- zine of Natural History," 1829-36 ; Arcliitectural Magazine, 1834-38 ; "Suburban Gardener" 1836-40 Loudon, Jane, novelist ; 6. (Webb) 1800 ; published "The Mummy," 1827 ; married J. C. Loudon, the horticulturist (and became his indefatigable assistant in his work) 1S31 ; pub- lished "Botany for Ladies," 1842; "Ladies' Flower-Garden," &c. ; d. 13 July, 1858. Lough, John Graham, self-taught sculptor ; 6. about 1804; exhibited "Death of Tumus," 1826; "Milo," 1827. Louis, St., see Zouis IX. of France. Louis L, IL, kings of Bavaria: I. (son of MaximiUan Joseph, duke of Deux- ponts, who became elector of Bavaria, 1799 ; king, Dec. 1805); 6. 25 Aug. 17S6; succeeded his father 13 Oct, 1825 "Warmly supported Greek independence . . 1826 Erected many buildings in Munich ; founded the Walhalla, 18 Oct. 1830 ; inaugurated, 18 Oct. 1842 Began to check liberty of the press, and support the ultramontane clergy . . 1830, et seq. Enthralled by Lola Months, 1846-47 ; compeUed to dismiss her .... . . 1840 Pi-efused political reforms ; abdicated, 20 March, 1848 Published "Poems," . ... 1829-39 d. at Nice, 29 Feb. 1868 II. Grandson, 7j. 25 Aug. 1845 ; succeeded his father, Maximilian II. . 10 March, 1864 Louis I., II. , kings of Etruria : I. son of Ferdinand, duke of Parma; &. 5 July, 1773 ; made king, 21 March, 1801 d. 27 May, 1803 Y LOU 338 LOU II. Charles Louis, son ; &. 22 Dec. 1799 ; suc- ceeded his father. May, 1803 ; deprived, 10 Dec. 1807 ; became duke of Lucca, 13 March, 1824 ; of Parma [as Charles II.), Dec. 1B47 ; abdicated 14 March, 1849 LoTJis I.J II., counts of Flanders and Nevers : I. b. about 1304 ; exacting and tyrannical; caused a rebellion ; by the aid of the French, defeated the Flemings at Cassel, 23 Aug. 1328 ; took cruel vengeance ; killed at Cressy . . 26 Aug. 1346 II. de Male; son; b. 25 Nov. 1330; provoked a rebellion ; by the help of the French, defeated Philip Artaveld, regent of Flanders, at Kos- becque, 27 Nov. 1382 . . d g Jan. 1384 Louis I. — XVIII., kings of France : I. Le D6bonnaire, son of Charlemagne b. 77S Crowned as his colleague . , 813 Succeeded as emperor ... 28 Jan. 814 Divided his states among his sons ; making Lothaire his colleague in the empire . . 817 Caused Bernard, king of Italy, to be executed 817 Married Judith, a Bavarian .... 819 Made Lothaire, king of Italy, 829, and Louis, king of Bavaria 821 Deposed by his sons ; restored by Louis . 830 During'fresh rebellions . . . 1338 ; succeeded his father, Peter 11., 8 Aug 1342 ; his mother an able regent ; d. Oct. 1355- Louis I., II., kings of Hungary : I., the Great . . . . b. 5 March, 1326 Succeeded his father, Charobert . 1342 Subdued the Croats 1345 Invaded Naples to avenge the murder of his brother Andrew ; seized the kingdom 1348 Elected successor to his uncle, Casimir III., king of Poland, 8 Nov. 1370 . d. 12 Sept. 1382 LOU" 341 LOU II., son of Ladislas VI. or VII. . b. i May, 1506 Succeeded his father ... 13 March, 1516 His ministers provoked war with the sul- tan, Soliman II., by mutilating his ambassa- dors . 1521 His army defeated, and himself drowned, at Mohacz . 29 Aug. 1526 Louis I. — V., emperors of Germany or Italy: I., see /. 0/ France. II., son of Lothaire ; b. about 822; succeeded him, 855 ; quarrelled with the popes, and Italy d. 12 Aug. S75 III., the Blind, grandson of Louis II. ; crowned emperor by the pope Benedict IV., 890 . d. 929 IV., the Child, last of the Carlovingians ; b. 893 ; succeeded his father, Arnulph, Jan. 900 ; de- feated by the Hungarians, 907, 910 . d. gn v., the Bavarian , . 1). 1287 Elected emperor .... 2o0ct. 1314 Captured his rival, Frederick of Austria, at Miihldorf . . .28 Sept. 1322 Made peace with him .... Sept. 1325 Entered Italy to assist the Ghibelines ; arrested the Visconti at Milan . . 1327 Crowned at Eorae . . . .17 Jan. 1328 Quarrelled mth pope Benedict XII. ; excom- municated ; denied his authority in Germany 1338 Opposed by Clement VI., who promoted the election of Charles of Moravia, as emperor, 10 July, 1346 . d. 11 Oct. 1347 Louis I. — IV., kings of Germany : I. Le Germanique, king of Germany, son of Louis I. of France . . . b. 806 Made governor of Bavaria . . 817 Rebelled against his father . 83S-40 Acquired part of Germany . . 843 Subdued the Wends 845 Convoked the council of Mentz, to defend eccle- siastics against usurpation of their property . 847 Called into France by the nobles, against Charles the Bald, 858 : retreated 859 Divided his states among his sons . . 865 Obtained part of Lorraine by treaty of Mersen . 870 d. 28 Aug. S76 II. emperor. III. son of Louis le Germanique ; received Fran- conia at the division of the states by his father 865 "Warn'ed much with his relatives ; suffered by Norman invasions . , d. 18 Jan. 882 IV. emperor. Louis, kings of Naples : Louis of Tarento b. 1320 Married his cousin, Jane, queen of Naples, after the murder of her husband, Andrew of Hun- gary (18 Sept. 1345) .... 20 Aug. 1346 Fled to Provence at the approach of Louis of Hungary . . ... 1348 Crowned king 27 May, 1352 Much opposed by the nobles . d. 25 May, 1362 I. son of John, king of France b. 23 July, 1339 Adopted as successor by Jane I. of Naples . 1380 Crowned by the pope 1382 Invaded Naples, but successfully opposed by Charles Durazzo d. 20 Sept. 1384 II. son ... . &. 7 Oct. 1377 Crowned by the pope 1389 Held Naples till expelled by Ladislas . . 1399 Defeated him at Rocca , . . igMay, 1411 Unsuccessful, returned to France . . . 7411 d. 29 April, 1417 III. son . . . 6. 25 Sept. 1403 Adopted by Jane II 1423 Vainly endeavoured to acquire the kingdom, with a fleet and army . . . Aug. 1420 d. 15 Nov. 1434 Louis I. — III. of Anjou, titular kings of Naples : I. son of John, king ; adopted by Jane I. . . 1380 Crowned by the pope, 1382 d. 20 Sept. 1384 II. son, d. 1417. III. son, adopted by the queen, Jane II. . 1423 d. 1434 Louis I., king of Spain, son of Philip "V. ; h. 25 Aug. 1707; married Elizabeth, duohesse de Montpensier, 21 Jan. 1722; king on the abdication of his father, 10 Jan. 1 724 ; im- prisoned his dissolute queen ; tZ. 31 Aug. 1724. Louis, Antoine, Erench surgeon and philoso- pher; 6. 1723; published " Cours de Chirurgie Pratique sur les Plaies d'armes h, feu," 1746; "Essai sur la Nature de TAme," 1 747; many papers and articles in the " Dictionnaire de Chirurgie," 1772; d, 20 May, 1792. Louis, Louis Dominique, abbd and baron, French statesman and financier; 6. 13 Nov. 1755 ; much employed by Napoleon I. and his successors; finance minister, 1830-32; d. 26 Aug. 1837. Louisa Augusta of Mecklenburg -Strelitz; h. 10 March, 1776; married to Frederick Wil- liam of Prussia, 24 Dec. 1793 ; queen, 16 Nov. 1797; patronised literature; beneficent to the poor; energetically opposed to France; rf. 19 July, 1 8 10. Louise, daughter of Philip, duke of Savoy ; 6. 1476 ; married Charles d'Orl^ans, comte d'Angouleme, cousin of Louis XII., 1490 ; and became mother of Francis I., 1494 ; made duchess of Angoumois at his accession, and regent during his Italian campaigns, 1515 J i^" trigued against the constable de Bourbon, and caused his ruin and flight, 1523; negotiated the peace of Cambrai (termed " La Paix dea Dames"), 5 Aug. 1529; d. 14 Sept. 1531. Louise of Lorraine, 6. 20 April, 1553 ; married to Henry III. of France, 1574; widow, 2 Aug. 1589; d. 29 Jan. 1601. Louise d' Orleans, second daughter of Louis- Philippe, king of the French ; h. 3 April, 1812 ; married Leopold I. of Belgium, 9 Aug. 1832; d. 10 Oct. 1850. Louise Carolina Alberta, princess, third daughter of queen Victoria ; 6. 18 March, 1848 ; her bust of the Queen exhibited and presented to the Royal Academy by her Majesty, 1868. Loup (Leu), Saint, French bishop ; d. I Sept. 623. Loup de Ferri^res (Lupus Servatus), French theologian ; h. about 805 ; influential at the courts of the French and German sovereigns ; wrote "De tribus QuEestionibus ; " d. after 862. LouvEiRO, Joao, Portuguese botanist ; 6. about 1 71 5; published " Flora Gochinchinensis," 1790; d. 1796. LouTHERBURG, see Lutherhurg. LOU 342 LOY LouvAED, Frangois, French Benedictine theo- logian; h. 1661 ; exiled for not obeying the bull " Unigenitus, " 1714; protested against it boldly, 1715; defended jansen, 1725; impri- soned, Oct. 1728; released, 21 Dec. 1733; fled to Holland from a fresh arrest, Jan. 1 734; d. 22 April, 1739. LoxiVEL, Louis Pierre, French enthusiast ; h. 7 Oct. 1783; assassinated the due de Berry, 13 Feb. 1820 ; executed, 7 June, 1820. LOUVET, Jean, president of Provence, French statesman ; h. about 1370 ; zealous supporter of the Dauphin ; participated in the assassina- tion of John, duke of Burgundy, 10 Sept. 1419 ; exiled, 1425 ; d. 20 May, 1438. LouvET, Pierre, French antiquary ; h. about ^569 ,' published " Histoire de Beauvaisis," 1631-35 ; d. 23 Dec. 1646. LouvET, Pierre, French historian ; h. 1617 ; published " Le Mercure HoUandaig ; ou les Conquetes du Eoi en HoUande," &;c., 1673-80 ; " La France dans sa Splendeur," 1674; d. about l6So. LouvET DE CoovKAT, (or Du Loiket), Jean Baptiste, French politician and novelist ; 6. 1 1 June, 1 764 ; published "Les Aventures du Chevalier de Faublas," 1787-89; " Paris Jus- tifie," Jan. 1790; became a leader of the Gi- rondists, and strongly opposed the Mountain, 1792 ; proscribed ; retired, July, 1793 ; re- called to the convention, March, 1795 ; elected president, June, 1795; retired, 20 May, 1797 ; d. 25 Aug. 1797. LouviLLE, Jacques Eugfene d'AllonvHIe, chevalier de, French astronomer ; b. 14 July, 167 1 ; improved apparatus and methods of observation; d. 10 Sept. 1732. Louvois, see LeteUier. LovAT, see Fraser. Love, Christopher, theologian; 6. 1618; ex- pelled Oxford for opposition to Laud ; joined the presbyterians, 1644; protested against the execution of Charles I., Jan. 1649; executed for a plot against the protector Cromwell, 22 Aug. 1651. Love, (or Dance), James, dramatist and actor ; estabhshed a theatre at Richmond, 1765 ; wrote " City Madam," 1771 ; d. 1774. Lovelace, Richard, royalist poet and dramar tist; h. about 1618 ; d. 1658. Lovek, Samuel, Irish painter, novelist, and poet; published " Legends of Ireland," 1844; " Rory o' More ;" " Handy Andy," 1846 ; d. 6 July, 1868. LoviBOND, Edward, poet; wrote "Poems," pubUshed, 1785 ; d. 27 Sept. 1775. Low, David, bishop of Ross, Moray, and Argyll; b, 1 768; consecrated, 1819; resigned, 1850 ; d. 26 Jan. 1855. Low, Rev. George, Scotch naturalist ; b. 1 746 ; a minister in the Orcades ; his " Fauna Or- cadensis" published, 1813; d. 1795. Lowe, Sir Hudson, Irish general ; b. 28 July, 1769; served in the French war ; arrived at St. Helena, as governor, with charge of Nar poleon I., 14 April, 1816; saOed for England, 25 July, 1821 ; his " Memoirs," &c., published 1854 ; d. 10 Jan. 1844. Lowe, Peter, Scotch surgeon; founded the faculty of physicians and surgeons at Glasgow ; published " The whole Course of Chirurgie," 1596 ; d. 1612. Lowe, Robert, statesman; b. 1811 ; a pro- fessor at Oxford, 1833-42; as a barrister, set- tled at Sydney, N.S.W. ; became a member of the legislature, Oct. 1843 ; returned to Eng- land, 1850 ; vice-president of the education board, June, 1859 — April, 1864; M.P. for Kidderminster, 1852-59 ; for Calne, 1859-6S ; for university of London, Nov. 1 868; chancel- lor of the exchequer, 9 Dec. 1868. Lowell, James Russell, American poet ; 6. 22 Feb. 1819 ; pubhshed Poems, 1848; " The Big- low Papers," 1856-62. LowENDAL, TJlrich Friedrich Waldemar, Ger- man general, marshal of France; b. i April, 1 700 ; served in Poland, Germany, Russia^ Prus- sia; engaged by Louis XV., Sept. 1743; made marshal, Sept. 1747; d. 27 May, 1755. Lower, Mark Antony, archaeologist, b. 1813 ; published " English Surnames, " 1842; "Curio- sities of Heraldry," 1845 > " Patronymica Britannica," i860. Lower, Richard, anatomist ; b. about 1631 ; published " Tractatus de Corde," 1669 ; d. Jan. 1691. Lowitz, Georg Moritz, German astronomer ; 6. 17 Feb. 1722 ; proved the incorrectness of the orthographic projection for astronomicai charts, 1749 ; killed by rebels, 24 Aug. 1774. LowMiUJ, Moses, theologian; b. 1680; pub- lished "Defence of Dissenters," 1718; "Dis- sertation on the Government of the Hebrews," 1740; d. 3 May, 1752. Lowndes, Thomas, founded by will a profes- sorship of astronomy and geometry at Cam- bridge ; d. 12 Ifay, 1 748. Lowndes, "William Thomas, bibliographer ; published " BibUograpier's Manual," 1834 ; d. 31 July, 1843. LowRY, Wilson, engraver ; b. 1762 ; d. 1824. LowTH, William, theologian ; b. 1661 ; pub- lished " Commentary on the Prophets," 1714 ; notes on Clement of Alexandria, 1715 ; d. 17 May, 1732. LoWTH, Robert, son of William, bishop of Durham, theologian, b. 1710; bishop of St. David's and Oxford, 1766; Durham, 1777 pubUshed " De Sacra Poesi Hebrfeorum," 1753 " Life of Wykeham," 1758 ; an English Gram mar, 1763; Isaiah, a new Translation, 1778 d. 3 Nov. 1787. Loyola, see Ignatius. LoYSON, see Syacinthe. LUB 343 LUD LUBBEKT, Sibrand, Dutch protestant theolo- gian ; b. about 1556 ; published " De Papa Romano," 1 594. Lubbock, Sir John William, banker, mathe- matician ; b. 26 March, 1803 ; published "Theory of the Moon, &c.," 1834-50; d. 21 Jan. 1865. Lubbock, Sir John, son, naturaUst, entomolo- gist, and archaeologist ; b. 30 April, 1 834 ; pub- lished "Pre-historic Times," May, 1864. LUBIEKIOZKI, Theodore, Polish painter ; 5. 1653; d. 1720. LuBiENiczKl, Stanislas, Polish theologian; b. 23 Aug. 1623; pubhshed "Theatrum Come- tioum," 1667 and i68l; "Historia Reforma- tionis PolonicEe," 1685; d. by poison, 18 May, 1675. LUBIN, Eilhard, German scholar; published "Phosphorus: de Prima Causa Mali," 1597 ; " Antiquarius," 1601 ; d. 2 June, 1621. LuBiN, Augustin, French geographer; b. 29 Jan. 1624; pubhshed "Martyrologium Eoma- num," 1660; "Tabute Sacra GeographicEe," 1670; d. 7 March, 1695. Luo DE Bruges, Prangois (Lucas Brugensis), Flemish theologian; b. about 1549; published "Notationes in Biblia Sacra," 1580; "Vari« Lectiones Vet. et Nov. Test.," 1580-3; d. 19 Feb. 1619. LuoA, Giovanni Battista, Italian cardinal ; b. 1614 ; published " Theatrum Veritatis et JustitiiB," 1697; d. 5 Feb. 1683. LUOANUS, Marcus Anna;us, Roman poet ; b. 3 Nov. 39 ; wrote the " Pharsalia ;" put to death by Nero, 30 April, 65. Lucas van Leyden, Dutch painter and en- graver; b. Jiine, 1494 ; d. 1533. Lucas, Jean AndriS Henri, French naturahst ; b. 1780; published "Tableau Mfethodique des Espfeces Min^rales," 1806-12 ; d. 6 Feb. 1825. Lucas, Paul, French archaeologist ; b- 31 Aug. 1664; published his "Voyages au Levant," &c., 1704-19; patronised by Louis XIV., 1 704; by Philip V. of Spain, 1736 ; d. 12 May, 1737. Lucas, Richard, theologian ; b. 1648 ; pub- lished "Practical Christianity," about 1696; d. June, I7I5' LuccHESiNi, Geronimo, marchese di, Italian diplomatist; 6. 1752; entered the service of Russia, 1778 ; much employed during the wars with France; d. 19 Oct. 1825. His brother, Cesabb, scholar; i. 2 July, 1756 ; d. 16 May, 1832. LuocHESlNi, Giovanni Lorenzo, Italian theo- logian; b. 1638; published " Sylvarum Liber," 1671 ; d. about 1710. LuccHESiNl, Giovanni Vincenzio, Italian scholar ; b. 29 May, 1660 ; pubhshed " His- torise sui Temporis," 173S ; d. 29 May, 1744. LuciANUS, St., presbyter of Antioch and teacher ; became a heretic about 269 ; restored to the church about 281 ; martyred, 7 Jan. 312. LuoiAKUS, or Lyoinus, Greek satirist ; b. about 120 ; wrote Dialogues and Romances ; d. about 200. Lucifer, bishop of Cagliari, legate from pope Liberius at Milan, 354 ; founded a strict sect termed Luciferiani ; d. about 370. LuciLius, Caius, Roman satirical poet; 6. B.C. 148; d. 103. Lucius I. — III., popes : I. elected, 25 Sept. 252 ; exiled d. 4 ov $ March, 253 II. Gerardo de' Caccianamici; elected 12 March, 1144 <*. 25 Feb. 1145 III. Ubaldo Alluclngoli; elected 1 Sept. itSi ; suffered by rebellions . . d. 24 Nov. 1185 Lucius, king of Britain, said to have written to the pope, Eleutherius, desiring to become a Christian, received four teachers, and founded the see of Llandaff, 156. Luck, Johann Jacob, German antiquary ; pub- lished " SyUoge Numismatum," 1620; d. 1653. Lucretius, Carus Titus, Roman philosopher and poet ; b. about B.C. 95 ; pubhshed "De Rerum Natura," about 57; d. by suicide, 15 Oct. 55. LucKNER, Nicolas, baron de, Gennan general ; b. 1722 ; served under Frederick the Great ; entered the French service ; created marshal, Dec. 1 79 1 ; general of the republican army on the Rhine; defeated the Austrians near Longwy, 19 Aug. 1792 ; superseded by Kellermann, 25 Aug. 1792 ; condemned, and executed, 3 Jan. 1794- LucutLUS, Lucius Licinius, Roman general ; b, about B.C. 106 ; conquered Mithridates of Pontus, 73-66 ; became very rich and luxurious ; termed the Roman Xerxes ; d. about 57. LuDLAM, Rev. William, physicist ; b. about 1 7 1 8 ; pubhshed ' ' Astronomical Observations at Cambridge," 1767-8; d. 16 March, 1788. Ludlow, Edmund, ardent repubhcan ; b. about 1620; opposed the ambition of Crom- well, 1651-3; retired from public life, 1654; sat in parhament. May ; retired to France, Sept. 1660; returned to England, 1688 ; retired to avoid arrest, Nov. 1689; d. at Vevey, 1693. His "Memoirs" published 1698-9. Lddolf, Heinrich Wilhelm, German philolo- gist, nephew of Hiob ; b. 1655; secretary to Prince George of Denmark in London, about 16S0; went to Russia; returned, 1694; pub- lished " Grammatica Russica," 1696 ; d. 25 Jan. 1710. LuDOLE, Hiob, German orientalist ; 6. 15 June, 1624; pubhshed "Historia iEthiopica," 1681 ; " Grammatica et Lexicon Amharico-Latinum," 1698; wrote "Grammar and Lexicon of the ^thiopio language ; d. 8 April, 1704. LuEWia, see Louis. LuDWiG, Christian Gottlieb, German philoso- phic physician and botanist; b. 30 April, 1709; pubhshed " Definitiones Plantarum," 1737-44; "De Sexu Plantarum," 1737; "Aphorismi Botanici," 1738 ; Adversaria Medico-Practica," 1769-73; d. 7 May, 1773- LUD 344 LUS LuDWiG, Johann Petrus, German historian and diplomatist; 6. 15 Aug. 1668; published "Reliquiae MSS. Medii iEvi," 1720-41; d. 6 Sept. 1743. Lugo, Spanish Jesuits : Francisco de ; 6. 1580 ; sent to Mexico, 1600; published " Commentarii in Primam Partem S. Thomas," 1643 ; '* De Sacramentis," 1652; d. in Spain ... . . 17 Dec. 1652 Juan de, brother ; b. 25 Nov, 1583 ; professor at Rome, 1621 ; cardinal, 14 Dec. 1643 ; published " De Virtute FideiDivinas," 1646, &LQ.;d. 20 Aug. 1660 LuiGi, see Louis. LuiNi, Bernardino, Milanese painter ; 6. about 1460; d. about 1550. LuiNO or LuiNi, Francesco, Italian mathema- tician; h. 25 March, 1740; d. 7 Nov. 1792. XiUis, see Louis. Luis de Gkenada, Spanish Dominican ascetic; 6. 1505; founded a monastery at Badajoz; provin- cial of his order in Portugal, 1557 ; published *' Guida de Peoadores," 1570; " Compendio de la Dottrlna Christiana," about 1564 ; d. 31 Dec. 1588. LuisiNO, Francesco, Italian scholar; 6. 1523; published " Commentarius in Hbrum Horatii, de Arte Poetica," 1554; "Parergon," 1604; d. 7 March, 1568. LuiTPRAND, or LiUTPRAND, Lombard noble ; helped his father, Ansprand, to dethrone Aubert, king of Lombardy ; became king soon after, 712 ; promulgated edicts, the basis of the Lombard law, 712-724 ; allied with the Greeks to repress the papacy ; d. Jan. 744. LuiTPRAND, Lombard historian ; h. about 920 ; ambassador at Constantinople for king Berengarius, 948 ; resided with the emperor Otho L, about 950-60; wrote history of his time (" Antapodosis," and "Historia Ottonis,") 958-62 ; d. 972. Lull, {or Lulle), Ramon, Spanish philo- sopher, "Doctor lUuminatus ;" h. about 1235; wrote "Ars Magna," "Aj:sLulliana," "Ajs Gene- rahg," and "Arbor Scientise;" d. March, 1315. LuLLi, (or Lully), Jean Baptiste de, French musical composer ; h. at Florence, 1633; came to France very young; patronised by Louis XIV., 1652; empowered to establish a royal academy of music, 1672; friend of MoUfere ; composed music for his plays ; composed anthems, ballets, comedies, and church music, 1657-87; h. 22 March, 1687. LuMSDEN, Matthew, Scotch orientalist ; ft. 1777; went to India, 1794; became pro- fessor of Persian at Calcutta, 1800; published " Persian Grammar," i8lo; " The Shanameh," 1811; "Arabic Grammar," 1S13; d. in Lon- don, March, 1835. LuNEAU DE BoisjERMAiN, Pierre Joseph Fran9ois, French writer; h. 1 732; published ' ' Cours de Langue Italieune, " (introducing interlinear translations), 1783; similar works for Englishj 1784; for Latin, 1787; d. 25 Dec.lSoi. LuPSET, Thomas, theologian; h. 1498; em- ployed by "Wolsey ; wrote *' Exhortation to Young Men," "Treatise of Charity;" d. 27 Dec. 1532. LuPTON, Donald, pubUshed " History of Modem Protestant Divines," 1637; "Lives of the Primitive Fathers," 1640. Lupus, Servatus, see Loup. LusHiNGTON, Sir Stephen, ecclesiastical lawyer; h. 1782; judge of the consistory court, 1828 ; of high court of admiralty, 1 838 ; retired, 1867. LusiGNAN DE, kings of Cj^rus (and Jerusa- lem) : Guy ; married Sybilla, daughter of Amaury or Almeric, king of Jerusalem ; became king, 1186 ; defeated and taken prisoner by Saladin, at Tiberias, 1187; released; made king of Cyprus by Richard I. of England (renouncing Jerusa- lem), iigi ... . d. 1194 Almeric, brother; king, 1 198 . d. 1205 Hugh I., son, 1205; d. during an expedition against Tabor . . Jan. 1219 Henky r., the Great, son ; 6. 3 May, 1218 ; suc- ceeded (his mother regent), 1219; joined Louis IX. in his crusade, May, 1249; taken prisoner with him, 5 April, 1250; released d. 8 Jan. 1253 Hugh II., son ; 6. 1253 . d. 1267 Hugh III., son; king, 1267; crowned king of Jerusalem, 24 Sept. 1269 ; unsuccessful in war; made a truce with the sultan, 21 April, 1272 d. 26 March, 1284 John I., son ; h. 1252 : crowned, n May, 12B4 d. 20 May, 12B5 Henry II., brother ; &. 1271 ; unsuccessful ; lost the remains of the kingdom of Jerusalem d. 31 March, 1324 Hugh IV., nephew; h. 1297; king, 1324; abdi- cated, 1360 . . , . d. 1361 Peter. I., son ; crowned 1360 ; maintained fierce war against the Mahometans ; assassinated 16 Jan. 1369 Peter II., son; 6. 1356; king, 1369; made pri- soner in war with Genoa, 1374 d. 17 Oct. 1382 James I., son of Hugh IV. ; 6. 1334; king, 1382 d. 20 Sept. 1398 John II., son; 6. 1374; king, 1398; defeated, and taken prisoner by the sultan, 1426 ; released for a tribute, 1427 . . d, ig June, 1432 John II., son ; b. 1415 ; king, 1432 ; ruled by his wife, Helen d. 26 July, 1458 James II., natural son; h. 1440; deposed his legitimate sister, Charlotte, 1458 ; recovered part of the isle from the Genoese, 1464 ; mar- ried Catherine Cornaro, and thus became vassal of Venice, 1472 . d. 6 July, 1473 James HI., son; 6. 1473; king, 1474 d. 1475. (The Venetians acquired the isle). LusiGNAN, Stefano di, kistorian ; h. at Cyprus, 1537 ; published " Chorografia e breve Istoria dell' Isola di Cipro," 1573, &c. ; d. 1590. LuBSAN, Marguerite de, Frencb historian and novelist; h. 1682; published " Histoire de la Comtesse de Gondez," 1725 ; " Les VeilMes de Thessaly," 1731 ; "Anecdotes de la Cour de Philippe Aiiguste," 1733-38 ; Histories of Charles VI., Louis XL, &c. ; c?. 31 May, 1758- LtJT 345 LYE liTJTHEK, Martin, Gennan reformer; b. lo Nov. 1483; d. 18 Feb. 1546. Became a monk at Erfui-t, and began to study the Bible July, 1505 Professor of philosophy at "VVittemberg;, 1508 ; ex- pounded the Scriptures there . 1509 Sent to Eome : greatly scandalised . . 1510 Preached the doctrine of justification by faith, 1513-14 Denounced the sale of indulgences by Tetzel, in his "Theses" 31 Oct. 1517 Defended himself at Augsburg ; wrote respect- fully to the pope Leo X. ; supported by Frede- ric, elector of Saxony 1518 Disputed publicly "with Eck at Leipsic, opposing the papal supremacy, free-will, &c. 27 June — 13 July, 1519 Excommunicated. Sept. ; burnt the bull, 10 Dec. 1520 Defended himself at the diet of Worms, before the emperor Charles V. . . . 17 April, 1521 Seized by his friends during his return, and se- cluded at "VVartburg, where he translated the Bible into German . . . 1521 Returned to "VVittemberg . . . March, 1522 Published the New Testament, and reply to Henry VIII. of England 1522 Abjured his monastic vows . . 1524 Married Catherine von Bora . . 13 .June, 1525 Assisted in the compilation of the Confession of Augsburg, read .... 25 June, 1530 Promoted the treaty of Smalcald (among the pro- testant princes) . . .31 Dec. 1530 Published the Bible complete . . 1534 Preached his last sermon . . . 17 Jan. 1545 The Lutheran Memorial at Worms inaugurated 25 June, 1868 Luther, Paul, son of the reformer, physician and chemist; b. 28 Jan. 1533; wrote on pot- able gold, &c. ; d. 8 March, 1593. LuTHEE, Karl Theodor Robert, German astro- nomer; b. 16 April, 1822; discovered at Dilk, Thetis, 17 April, 1852; and seventeen other minor planets since (1869). LuTHEEBUEG (or Loutheeboueg), Philippe Jacques, French painter; b. 31 Oct. 1740; came to London; employed by Garriok, 1771 ; invented " Eidophysicon " (panoramas) ; ex- hibited, 1 782 ; published " Scenery of England," 1805; d. II March, 1812. LuTi, Benedetto, Florentine painter; b. 1666; d. 1724. LuTZELBUEGEE (or Feank), Hans, German, en- graved in wood the designs of Holbein, alpha- bets, the figures of the Old Testament and the Dance of Death, about 1530. LtJTZow, Ludwig Adolph Wilhelm, German baron and officer; 6. 18 May, 1782; formed a free corps of " black chasseurs " against the French, 18 13; which suffered much in 1 8 14; promoted a regular army, 1815 ; d. 6 Dec. 1 834. Lux, Adam, German politician; b. 1773; sent to the convention at Paris to form a union with a confederation of the Ehine, March, 1 793 ; executed for eulogising Charlotte Corday in a pamphlet, 5 Nov. 1793. Luxembourg, Fran9ois Henri de Montmorency Bouteville, due de, marshal of France ; b. 8 Jan. 1628; d. 4 Jan. 1695. Distinguished himself in the civil wars . . 1650-39 Married the heiress of Luxemboui-g, and became duke 17 March, 1661 Marshal 30 July, 1675 Successful in the wars in Germany and the Netherlands .... . . 1676-78 Incurred the enmity of Louvois . . 1678 Absolved from accusations, but exiled from Paris May, 1680 Eecovered the king's favour . . 1650 Made commander in Flanders April, i6go Defeated the allies at Fleurus . . i July, 1690 Defeated William III. of England and the allies at Steenkirk, 3 Aug. 1692 ; and at Neerwinden 29 July, 1693 LuxoEius, Latin poet ; said to have written the " Pervigilium Veneris ; " Jl. 6th century. LuTKEN, Johann van, Dutch engraver; b. 1 649; d. 1712. LuTNES, Charles, marquis d'Albret, due de, constable of France; b. 5 Aug. 1578; favourite of Louis XIII. ; rival of Concini, marechal d'Ancre;cansedhis murder, 24 April, 1617; ruled the king, and became very rich ; opposed the queen mother Marie des Medicis, 1618-19; made con- stable of France, 2 April, 1621 ; d. 15 Dec. 1 62 1. LuYNES, Honor^ Th^odoric Paul Joseph d' Albert, due de, French scholar, archseologist, and statesman; b. 15 Dec. 1802; published "Etudes Numismatiques," 1835; " Choix de M^dailles Grecques," 1840; presented his col- lection of medals and coins to the BibUothfeque Nationale. LuYTS, Janus, Dutch mathematician ;b. 1655 ; published " Astronomica Institutio," 16S9 ; supported Tycho Brahe against Copernicus ; d. 12 March, 1 72 1. Luz, (Lucius), Samuel, Swiss mystic; b. 10 Aug. 1674; published "Bouquet de Fleurs Celestes," &c. ; d. 28 May, 1750. Ltcophron, Greek grammarian and poet ; wrote " Cassandra" or "Alexandra;" Jt. about B.C. 285-247. Ltcurgus, king of Sparta, lawgiver, about B.C. 825. Another: chosen king, B.C. 220 ; op- posed the .<35tolians; d. about 210. Ltdgate, John, poet and theologian ; b. about 1370; wrote "Story of Thebes," "Fall of Princes," " History of Troy;" d. about 1450. Ltdiat, Kev. Thomas, mathematician ; 6. March, 1572; published " Emendatio Tem- porum," 1609 ; " Solis et Lun^ Periodus," 1620; d. 3 April, 1646. Lydus, Johannes Laurentius, Byzantine writer ; b. 490 ; wrote Eulogium of Toticus ; Treatise of the Months ; on the Roman Magis- trates; d. about 565. Lte, Edward, archaeologist; b. 1704; pub- lished "EvangeUorum Versio Gothica," 1750; his " Dictionarum Sax. et Goth. Lat.," edited by Manning, 1772 ; d. 1767. Lyell, Charles, Scotch botanist ; b. 7 March, 1767; published translation of Dante's " Can- zoniere," 1835 ; d. 8 Nov. 1849. Lyell, Sir Charles, bart. , son, Scotch geolo- gist; b. 14 Nov. 1797; professor at King's CoUege, London, 1832; published "Principles of Geology," 1830; "Elements of Geology," LYL 316 MAC 1838; " Visits to the United States, " 1841 and 1845 ; " Geological Evidences of the Ajitiquity of Man," 1863. Lylte, see IMye. Lynde, Sir Humphry, zealous protestant ; ^- '579; published " Ancient Characters of the Visible Church," 1625 ; d. 14 June, 1636. Lyndhdkst, see Copley. IjYNdsat, see Lindsay. Lynedoch, see Graham. Lynwood, or Lyndwood, 'William, canonist, bishop of St. David's, 1442 ; wrote " Provin- ciale seu Constitutiones AngUas" (printed, 1506) ; d. 21 Oct. 1446. Lyon, George Francis, captain E. N., 5. 1 795 i travelled in north-west Africa, 18 19; com- manded the Hecla, in Parry's N". W. expedi- tion, May, 1821 ; accompanied Franklin, 1824-6; published "Narrative of Travels in Northern Africa," 1821 ; "Narrative of Polar Expedi- tion, 1825 ; "Hesidence in Mexico," 1828 ; d. II Oct. 1832. Lyonnet, Peter, Dutch naturalist; 5. 22 July, 1 707 ; published " Traits Anatomique de la CheniUe qui ronge le bois du Sant^," 1 740 ; d. 10 Jan. 1789. liYONS, Edmund Lyons, lord, admiral and diplomatist; b. 21 Nov. 1790; distinguished himself for coiirage at Java, 181 1 ; in Greece, 1828; commander of the fleet at Sebastopol, June, 1855 ; made a peer, June, 1856 ; d. 23 Nov. 1858. Lyons, Israel, Jewish mathematician ; h. 1739; published "On Eluxions," 1758; professor at Cambridge, 1772; went to North Pole with Capt. Phipps, 1773 ; d. i May, 1775. Lyra, Nicolas de, French theologian ; 5. about 1270; wrote "Postillae Perpetuae, siva Previa Commentaria in TJniversa Biblia," printed, 1471-2 ; d. 23 Oct. 1340. Lysandek, Spartan general; defeated the Athenian fleet at .^gospotamos, B.C. 405 ; captured Athens, and finished the Peloponne- sian war, 404 ; attempted political reforms ; killed in battle with the Boeotians, 395. Lyseb, Johann, German theologian ; advocate of polygamy ; published " Polygamia Trium- phans," 1682 ; d. 1684. Lysek, Polycarp, German theologian ; h. 1552; d. 1601. Lysias, Attic orator and patriot ; h. B.C. 458 ; d. 378- Lysimachus, Greek general under Alexander; at his death, made king of Thrace, B.C. 323 ; with Seleucus, defeated Antigonus at Ipsus, 301 ; defeated and slain in battle with Seleucus at Corns, July, 28 1. Lysippus, Greek sculptor ; introduced portrait sculpture ; fi. about B.C. 336-270. Lysistkatus, Greek sculptor ; said to have first taken a cast of the human face, about B.C. 324. Lysons family : Daniel, M.B., of Bath; published "Essays on Fever," 1772 d. 1800 Kev. Daniel, nephew, topographer; 6. 1760; published " Environs of London " . 1792-1811 With his brother Samuel, edited " Magna Bri- tannia," XS06-13 d. J Jan. 1834 Samuel, brother; &. 1763; published "Roman Antiquities at Woodchester," &c. . . 1797 " Mosaic Payements," 1801 d. 10 April, 1819 Lyte, Henry, botanist ; h. 1529 ; published "Translation of Dodoens' History of Plants," 1578; d. 1607. Lyttelton, George Lyttelton, lord, poet and statesman; h. 17 Jan. 1709; published "Letters from a Persian," 1735;" " Observations on the Conversion of St. Paul," 1747;" " History of Henry II.," 1764-67 ; created a peer, 18 Nov. 1756; d. 22 Aug. 1773. His son, Thomas; d. (having, it is said, been warned of his approach- ing end in a dream), 27 Nov. 1 779. Lytton, see Bulwcr. Lytton, Edward Eobert Bulwer, (" Owen Meredith"), son of Lord Lytton ; h. 8 Nov, 1831 ; published " Clytenmestra and Minor Poems," 1855 ; " The "Wanderer," 1859. Lyveden, see Vernon-Smith. M Maan, Jean, French theologian ; published " History of the Church of Tours," 1667. Maas, Dutch painters : NicOLAAS ; b. 1632 ; d. Dec. 1693; Dikck; b.il Sept.1656; d. about 1 715. Mabellini, Giovanni Battista Carlo, (abb# Mablin), Italian scholar; b. 5 June, 1774; left Turin, and settled at Paris, 1807 ; published a Memoir proposing blank verse in French, 1815; d. 13 Aug. 1834. Mabillon, Jean, French Benedictine ; b. 23 Nov. 1632; published "De Ee Diplomatica," 1681 ; "De Liturgia GaUicana," 1685; "An- nales Ordinis S. Benedicti," 1703-39; edited St. Bernard's Works, 1667 ; d. 27 Dec. 1707. Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de, French publicist ; b. 14 March, 1709; published " ParaUMe des Eomains et des Fran9ais, par rapport au Gouvemement,"i74o; "EntretiensdePhocion," 1763 ; d. 23 April, 1785. Maboul, Jacques, French bishop and orator ; b. about 1650 ; d. 21 May, 1723 ; his "Oraisons Funfebres," published, 1749. Mabdse, Jan van, (real name, Gossaert) ; Flemish painter ; patronised by Henry VII. of England, the dukes of Burgundy, &c. ; b. about 1499 ; d. 1562. Macadam, John Loudon, Scotch magistrate ; b. 1756 ; published " A Practical Essay on the Eepair and Preservation of Public Eoads," 1816; employed to improve the Bristol road, 1819 ; received ^J"! 0,000 from parliament ; made surveyor of the metropolitan roads, 1827 ; d. 26 Nov. 1835. MAG 347 MAC MaoAedell, James, Irish mezzotint engraver ; i. 1728; d. I June, 1765. Macaribs ^gyptius, St. ; I. about 300 ; wrote "Spiritual Homilies; retired to the "wilderness about 330 ; d. about 390. Macarius Alexandrinus, St., the younger ; 6. about 304 ; retired into the wilderness about 335; d. about 394 or 404; wrote "Eegula Monachorum." Macartney, George Macartney, earl; Irish diplomatist; J. 14 May, 1737; sent to Russia; made a treaty, disavowed by the British, 1765 ; published "Account of the Russian Embassy," 1767; governor of the Antilles, 177S ; of Ma- dras, 1781 ; sailedfor China, Dec.|l792; received by the emperor, 14 Sept. 1793; returned to England, 26 Sept. 1794; d. 31 March, 1806. IIacaulat, Mjts Catharine, republican histo- rian ; 6. 1 733 ; published " History of England," 1763-83; " Modest Plea for Copyright," 1774; "Letters on Education," 1790 ; (i. 22 June, 1 791. Maoaulay, Thomas Babington (son of Zach- ary), historian, critic, and poet; 6. 25 Oct. 1800; d. 28 Dec. 1S59. "Wrote many articles in "Edinburgh Ee"dew," and other periodicals ; M.P. for Calne, 1830 ; de- fended the reform bill . . . 2 March, 1831 Secretary at war . . . 1839-41 Paymaster-general . . . . 1846-48 M, P. for Edinburgh . 1840-47:1852-57 Crei^ted a peer ..... Sept. 1857 Published "Lays of Ancient Home," 1842: " His- tory of England," 1849-61 ; " Critical Essays," 1850; "Speeches," 1853. Macaulay, Zachary, zealous abolitionist of slavery; b. 1768; d. 13 May, 1838. Macbeth, king of Scotland, usurper; about 1039; killed about 1057. Macbeide, Da"vid, M.D., Irish physician ; 1). 26 April, 1 726 ; published ' ' Experimental Essays on Fixed Air, &c., " 1 764 ; " Theory and Practice of Mediciue," 1772; d. 31 Dec. 1778. Macbride, John Da"vid, D.C.L., orientalist; i. 1778; principal of Magdalen Hall, and Lord Almoner's reader in Arabic, 1813; pub- lished " Diatesseron ; Lectures," 1847; " Ma- hommedan Religion explained and confuted," 1857. MACOABiEl, brothers, Je"wish priests and go- vernors : Judas, defeated Nicanor and the Syrian army, B.C. 165 : defeated Lysias, 164 ; entered Jeru- salem, and purified the temple, 163 ; made al- liance with the Romans ; defeated by Bacchides and slain . . 160 Jonathan, his brother, succeeded ; supported Alexander Balas against Demetrius Soter, 152 ; fell into the power of Tryphon, and killed . 144 Simon, brother ; declared for Demetrius ; con- firmed high priest, 144 : his sons defeated the army of Antiochus "V^II., 137; murdered by his son-in-law, Ptolemy, governor of Jericho . 135 Maooabe, William Bernard, Irish historian and novelist ; b. 23 Nov. 1801 ; published " Catholic History of England," 1848-54. Maooaethy, Nicolas de, eloquent French preacher ; b. at Dublin, 19 May, 1769 ; d. 3 May, 1833. MacCaul, Alexander, D.D., Hebraist; b. I 799 ; published " Old Paths ; or. Modem Judaism compared," 1837; "Plain Sermons," 1840; "Hebrew Grammar," 1847 ; d. 13 Nov. 1863. Macchiavelli, Nicolo di Bernardo dei, Flo- rentine historian and philosopher: b. 3 May, 1469; d. 22 June, 1527. Secretary to the Elorentine republican govern- ment July. 1498-1512 Sent on mission to Rome, Oct. 1503 ; to Paris, 1504 ; to the emperor Maximilian . 1507 Exiled through a revolution . 1512 Lived in poverty and neglect . . . 1514, et scq. Published " Arte della Guerra," printed 1521; "La Mandragola," 1523; "II Principe," 1531 ; " Istorie Florentine," 1540. M'Clellan, George B., American general; b. 3 Dec. 1826. Distinguished in the Mexican war . . 1846-48 A surveyor for the North Pacific railway . 1853-54 "Went to the Crimea and drew up a report on the organisation of European armies . . . 1855 Appointed commander of the army of the Poto- mac July, 1861 Foiled in his plans before Richmond by Lee, June, 1862 Checked the confederates in the indecisive battle of Autietam ... .17 Sept. 1862 Superseded by Bumside ... 5 Nov. 1862 Proposed candidate for the presidentship . Sept. 1864 Resigned his commission . . 8 Nov. 1864 M'Clintook, Sir Francis Leopold, Irish ad- miral; b, 1819; discovered remains of Sir John Franldin and his companions. May, 1859; published "Narrative of the Voyage of the Fox," Dec. 1859; knighted, i860. MacCluee, Sir Robert John Le Mesurier, captain, R.N., Irish navigator ; b. 28 Jan. 1807. Served as volunteer with Sir James Ross, sent in search of Sir John Franklin, June, 1848 — Nov. 1849 As captain of the "Investigator" sailed, 20 Jan. 1850 Frozen in 30 Sept. 1850 During an excursion discovered an entrance (Prince of "Wales' Strait) into Barro"sv's Straits (viz., a north-west passage) . 26 Oct. 1850 After many privations abandoned his ship, 3 June, 1853 Returned to England .... Sept. 1854 Received ;£sooo tor his discovery, and knighted, 1855 MacCormick, American machinist; b. about iSoo; received medal for his reaping machine at Paris exhibition, 1855- Maccovius, see Makowski. M'Cbie, Thomas, D.D., Scotch minister; h. Nov. 1772; published "Lite of John Knox," 1813; "Life of Andrew Melville," 1819 ; " History of the Reformation in Italy," 1827; d. 5 Aug. 1835. M'CoLLLOCH, Horatio, R.S.A., Scotch land- scape painter; b. 1819; painted "Mist rising off the Mountains," 1861 ; d. 15 June, 1867. MacCulioch, John, geologist; b. 6 Oct. 1773 ; published "The Highlands and Western Islands of Scotland," 1824; " Geological Classi- fication of Rocks," 1821 ; "System of Geology," 1831 ; d. 21 Aug. 1835. MAC 348 MAC M'CuLLOOH, John Ramsay, Scotch political economist ; h. 1 March, 1 789 ; professor at the London University, 1828-32; controller of the stationery office, 1 838 ; published " Principles of PoHtical Economy," 1825; " Dictionary of Commerce," 1832; " Statistical Account of the British Empire," 1S37; Dictionary of Geo- graphy," 1842; d. 11 Nov. 1864. Macdiaemid, John, Scotch writer; 5. 1779; published " Inquiry into the MiUtary Defence of Great Britain," 1803; "Lives of British Statesmen," 1807; d. 7 April, 1808. Macdonald, Andrew, Scotch dramatist ; h, about 1755 ; wrote " Vehna," 1782 ; Vimonda," a traf:jedy ; d. Aug. 1 790. Macdonald, Etienne Jacques Joseph Alex- andre, duke of Tarento, French marshal ; 6. 1 7 Nov. 1765 ; d. 24 Sept. 1840. General of brigade under Picliegni in Holland 1795 Served in Germany and Italy . . 1796-8 Defeated the Neapolitans at Civit^ Castellana Dec. 1798 Entered Naples March, 1799 Defeated by Suwarrow at the Trebbia 17 June, 1799 Supported Bonaparte in the revolution of Eru- maire 9 Nov. 1799 Disgraced as an active friend of Moreau June, 1804 EecaUed to service ; distinguished himself in Germany July, 1809-1813 Interceded for Napoleon with the allies Feb. 1814 Accepted the restoration ; and declined to join Napoleon March, 1815 Chancellor of the Legion of Honour . . 1815-31 Macdonald, John, mihtary writer ; 5. 1759 ; published "The Experienced Officer," 1804 ; "TelegraphicDictionary," 1816; d.l6Aug. 1831. M'DowELL, Irvin, American federal general ; h, about 1 8 18; defeated at Manassas or Bull Piun, 21 July, i86l ; superseded by M'Clellan ; censured for not supporting him before Kich- mond, June — Aug. 1S62; dismissed Sept. 1862. MaoDowell, Patrick, R.A., Irish sculptor; h. 12 Aug. 1799; exhibited "Love Triumphant," 1844; "Cupid and Psyche," and Eve, 1849; "Admiral Exmouth," 1846. MAci, Frangois, French theologian ; b. about 1640; pubUshed " Abr^g^ Historique" of the Bible, 1704; d. 5 Feb. 1721. Mace, Thomas, musician ; h. 1613 ; published " Musik's Monument," 1676; d. 1709. Macedo de, Portuguese scholars, brothers : Francisco, prolific writer ; 6. 1596 d. i May, 1681 Antonio, Jesuit: b. 1612 ; sent to instruct Chris- tina of Sweden ; published his eulogium of her, 1650; "Lusitania infulata et purpnrata," 1663 . . . rf. 15 July, 1693 Macedo, Jos^ Agostinho de, Portuguese poet ; h. about 1770 ; published "Os Sebastianistas," a satire, 1810 ; " Gama," 181 1; pubUshed as "O Oriente," an epic, 1814 ; d. Sept. 1831. Macedo NiusL, II., patriarchs of Constantinople: I. ; elected with much opposition and bloodshed, 342 ; cruelly persecuted his opponents, 350 ; de- posed by the influence of Acacius, 360 ; founded a sect termed Macedonians : d. soon after. II. : elected, 488 : deposed for maintaining the authority of the Council of Chalcedon, about 512 rf. in exile, 516 Macedonius Crithophagus ("barley-eater"), ascetic ; hved forty-five years in a pit, and twenty-five years in a hut ; interceded for the seditious Ephesians, 387. Macer, .iEmilius, Latin poet ; d. B.C. 16. Macer, Caius Licinius, Roman orator and annaHst ; impeached by Cicero ; committed suicide, B.C. 66. Macer, Clodius, governor of Africa ; assumed empire at the death of Nero ; put to death by Galba, 68. Macfarlane, Robert, Scotch writer; T>. 1734; published "History of George III," 1770 ; d. 8 Aug. 1804. Macfareen, George Alexander, musical com- poser ; h. 2 March, 1813 ; composed operas: " Don Quixote," 1846; "Robin Hood," i860; " Shakspeare Songs," 1860-4. Macgillivrat, WiUiam, Scotch naturahst; published " Manual of Geology," 1839 ; "Natural History of Deeside," 1855 ; d. 5 Sept. 1852. Macgregoe, John, Scotch political economist; h. 1797 ; d. 23 April, 1857. Published " British America " . . . 1832 Engaged at the Board of Trade . 1840-7 Elected M.P. for Glasgow .... 1847 Published "Progress of America," 1847; "His- tory of British Empire " . 1852 Established the British Bank , . 1849 Ruined by its failure 3 Sept, 1856 M'Hale, John, D.D., Roman Catholic arch- bishop of Tuam ; h. 1791 ; published "Evi- dences and Doctrines of the Catholic Church," 1827; archbishop, 8 Aug. 1S34; the Iliad, ivith Irish translation, 1861. Machanidas, tyrant of Lacedsemon; de- feated and slain by Philopoemen and the Achseans, B.C. 207. Machault, French Jesuits : Jean ke : 6. 25 Oct, 1561 ; published severe criticisms on De Thou's History [compelled to quit France) 1614 Jean Baptiste de, nephew : b. 1591 d. 22 May, 1640 Jacques de, brother : 6, 1600 ; published " De Missionibus Paraguariae et aHis," 1636 ; " De Eebus Japonicis," 1646 . d. 1680 Machatjlt, Jean Baptiste, seigneur d'-4mou- ville, French financier ; 6. 13 Dec. 1701. Appointed controller-general of finance 8 Oct. 1745 Issued an edict of mortmain .... 1747 Replaced the tax of the tenths by one of twen- tieths, as a sinking fund , . . May, 1749 His plans negatived : exchanged his office for that of the marine, 28 Aug, 1754: retired, 1 Feb, 1757 d. in prison, 12 July, 1794 MAOHiN,John, astronomer; published "Laws of the Moon's Motion, according to Gravity," 1729; d. 9 June, 1 75 1. Mack de Leiberich, Karl, baron, Austrian general; J. 22 Aug. 1752; defeated and taken prisoner in Italy, 1797; escaped from Paris, 1 5 April, 1800 ; defeated ; signed the capitulation at Ulm, 18 Oct. 1805 ; returned to Vienna ; condemned to death, but spared ; d. 22 Got. 1 828. MAO 3.19 MAO Maokay, Charles, LL.D., Scotch poet and journalist; i. 1814; pubhshed " Extraordinary Popular Delusions," 1841; "Poetical Works," 1857 ; " Gouty Philosopher," 1862. Mackenzie, Sir Alexander, Scotch traveller ; i. about 1760 ; explored the extreme north-west America, 1784 ; discovered the Mackenzie's river, 29th June, 1789; published "Voyages from Montreal to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, 1789-93," 1801 ; d. 1820. Mackenzie, Charles Fraser, missionary bishop of Central Africa ; h. 1825; consecrated, i860; d. 31 Jan. 1862. Mackenzie, Sir George, Scotch jurist and historian; h. 1636; as a judge, severe against the Covenanters ; published "Pehgio Stoica," 1663 ; "Institutions of the Laws of Scotland," 1684; d. 1 May, 1691. Mackenzie, George, earl of C^romarty, states- man; h. about 1631 ; supporter of James II., 1688 ; took office under Anne, 1702 ; published "Vindication of Robert III.," 1695 ; d. 1714. Mackenzie, Hem-y, Scotch lawyer and novelist ; 6. Aug. 1 745 ; published " Man of Feeling," 1771 ; "Man of the "World," 1773 ; " JuUa de Eoubign^," 1777 ; d. 14 June, 1831. Mackenzie, Joshua Henry, lord Mackenzie, Scotch judge ; 6. 1777; lord of session, 1822-51; d. 17 Nov. 185 1. Macket, John, political agent ; followed James II. to France, as spy, 1688 ; published " Picture of the Court of St. Germain," 1695 ; " Memoirs of the Court of England," 1733 ; d. 1726. Mackintosh, Sir James, Scotch philosopher and historian ; 6. 24 Oct. 1 765 ; d. 30 May, 1832. Published "Travels," 1782: "VindlciEe GaUicaa," a defence of the French revolution (against Burke) 1791 ; "Discourse on the Law of Nature and Nations " . . . 1799 Eecorder of Bombay 1804-11 M.P, for Nairn ; friend of Canning, EomiUy, &:c. 1812 Professor of law at Haileybury . . . 1818-24 "Wrote " History of the English Revolution, 1688," published . ... . 1834 Maoklin (Maclaughlin), Charles, Irish dra- matist and actor ; 6. I May, 1690 ; eminent as Shy lock, 14 Feb. 1741 ; wrote "Man of the "World," and "Love k la Mode," 1773; d. 11 July, 1797. Maoknight, James, Scotch theologian; 6. 1 72 1 ; published "Harmony of the Gospels," 1756; " Ti-uth of the Gospel History shewed," 1763 ; d. Jan. 1800. Maclaine, Archibald, Irish theologian ; 5. 1722 ; published translation of Mosheim's "Ecclesiastical History," 1764; "Letters to Soame Jenyns," 1777 ; d. 25 Nov. 1804. Maclaeen, Archibald, Scotch dramatist ; J. 2 May, 1755; published "The Conjuror," 1781 ; " Siege of Perth," 1801 ; d. — Maolaben, Charles, Scotch journalist; 6. 1782; established, with "W. Eitchie, and edited, the " Scotsman," 1817-47 ; pubhshed "Treatise on the Topography of Troy," 1822 ; d. loSept. i865. Maclauein, Colin, Scotch mathematician ; h. Feb. 1698 ; applied Descartes' analytical geometry to geometric curves ; published " Geometrica Organica," 1720; "System of Fluxions," 1742; d. 14 June, 1746. Maolauein, John, lord Dreghom, (son of CoUn), Scotch judge; i. Dec. 1734; lord of session, 17S7-96; published " Considerations on Literary Property," 1767; " Remarkable Cases before Supreme Courts of Scotland," 1774 ; d. 1796. Maclean, Mrs, see Landon. MACLEOD, John, Scotch surgeon ; b. 1782 ; pubhshed his " Voyage in Africa," (in 1803), 1820; "Voyage of the Alceste and her Ship- ivreck," 1818; d. 9 Nov. 1820. Maclise, Daniel, R.A., Irish painter; h. 25 Jan. 181 1 ; painted " Banquet of Macbeth," 1840; " Scene in Hamlet," 1841. Macloughlin, David, 11. D. ; h. in Canada, 28 Aug. 1786; educated in Edinburgh ; served in peninsular war, 1809, et seq. ; and with army of occupation in France, till 1818 ; pub- lished pamphlets asserting that cholera is not an idiopathic disease, but the last stage of diarrhoea, and that there is no " enthetic disease," (syphilis), 1863-69. MacMahon, Marie Edme Patrice Maurice, comte de, due de Magenta, French marshal, h. 28 Nov. 1808 ; distinguished himself in Africa, 1 833-47 ; captured the Malakhoff near Sebastopol, 8 Sept. 1855 ; commander of the army in Algeria, Aug. 1858; helped to gain the victory of Magenta, 4 June, 1859; gover- nor of Algeria, Sept. 1 864. Macnab, Sir Allan, Canadian statesman ; h. 1798; knighted for services against the in- surgents, 183S; baronet, 1856; d. 8 Aug. 1862. Macnaghten, Sir "William, envoy ; murdered at Cabul, 25 Dec. 1841. Maonallt, Leonard, Irish lawyer and drama- tist ; 6. 1752 ; published " Robin Hood," 1785 ; " Piules of Evidence," 1803; d. 1820. Macneile, Hugh, dean of Ripon; h. 1795 ; made dean, 1 868 ; published " Lectures on the Jews," 1842; "The Church and Churches of Christ," 1847; "The Adoption, and other Sermons," 1864. Macnish, Robert, Scotch physiologist ; 6. 1 5 Feb. 1802; published "Anatomy of Drunken- ness," 1827; "Philosophy of Sleep," 1830; d. 16 Jan. 1837. M ACPHEESON, James, Scotch poet ; 6. 1738; published "The Highlander," 1758; "Frag- ments of Ancient Poetry collected in the Highlands," 1760 ; "Fingal," and "Temora," (poems attributed to Ossian), 1 762-63 ; cZ. 17 Feb. 1796. Maoqdee, Philippe, French writer ; &. 1 5 Feb. 1 720 ; published anonymously " Abr^g^ de I'Histoire EccKsiastique, " 1751-57; d. 27 Jan. 1770. MAC 350 MAG Macquer, Pierre Joseph, French chemist, (brother of Philippe) ; 5. 9 Oct. 17 18; improved porcelain manufacture at Sfevres ; published "EMmens de Chimie," 1749-51; d. 15 Feb. 1784. Mackeadt, William Charles, tragedian ; h. 3 March, 1793 ; appeared at Covent Garden, 16 Sept. 1816; narrowly escaped death in a riot at a theatre in New York, 10 May, 1849; manager of Covent Garden theatre, 1837-38 ; Drury Lane, 1841 ; farewell at Drury Lane, 26 Feb. 185 1. Macket, Charles Frangois Adrien, French engraver; 5. 1750; d. Dec. 1783. Maoeinus, Opelius, Roman emperor ; b. 164; succeeded Caracalla, II April, 217; defeated by Artabanus, the Parthian, near Nisibis ; made ignoble peace, 217 ; defeated by the army of Elagabulus near Antioch, and slain soon after, 6 June, 218. Macrinds, Salmoneus (Jean Salmon), French Latin poet; published "Hymni," 1540; d. 1557. Macro, Nasvius Sertoriug, prfetorian prefect imder Tiberius; befriended Caligula, but put to death by him, 38. Mackobius, Latin grammarian ; wrote " Satur- ualiorum Conviviorum Libri VII.," " Com- mentarius ex Cicerone," &c., about 420. Madach, Emerioh, Hungarian poet ; d. 4 Oct. 1864. Madan, Eev. Martin; 6. 1726; published " Thelyptbora," (against seduction, and per- mitting polygamy), 1780-81 ; d. May, 1790. Madden, Sir Frederick, archaeologist ; 6. 1801 ; keeper of manuscripts at British Museum, 1837- 66 ; edited " Havelock the Dane," 1828 ; "Layamnn's Brut," 1847; (with Josiah For- shaU) " The Holy Bible, by J. Wicklifie and his followers," 1850. Madden, Bichard Bobert, Irish surgeon and writer ; h. 1798; employed by government in the suppression of the slave trade, 1833, et seq. ; published "Memoir of the Countess of Blessing- ton," 1855; "Life and Times of the United Irishmen," 1858-60. Madden, Samuel, Irish writer ; J. 1687 ; published "Memoirs of the XX th century," (imaginary), 1733; d. 30 Dee. 1765. Madekno, Carlo, Italian architect ; b. 1 556 ; employed at Rome by Paul V. ; d. 1629. Madekno, Stefano, Lombard sculptor ; b. 1576; d. 1636. Madiai, Florentine family; imprisoned for reading the Bible at Florence, May, 1852; re- leased by British interposition, March, 1853. Madison, James, 4th president of the United States; b. 16 March, 1751; member of the convention of Virginia, 1776; urgent defender of religious freedom, 1784-6; and of state rights, 1 80 1; president, 1S09-17; d. 30 June, 1836. Madler, Johann Heinrich, German astrono- mer ; b. 29 May, 1 794 ; with Beer, pubhshed "Mappe Selenographica," 1834-6; "Popular Astronomy," 1841. Madox, Isaac, bishop of Worcester; b. 1697; pubhshed "Vindication of the Church of Eng- land," 1733; d. 27 Sept. 1759. Madox, Thomas, antiquary; published "For- mulare Anglicum, or a collection of Charters," 1702; "History of the Exchequer," 1711 ; "Firma Burgi," 1726; " Baronia AngUca," 1736 ; d. about 1735. MAECENAS, Cains Cilniu.s, Eoman statesman ; friend of Augustus, and patron of Horace and Virgil; b. about B.C. 73; vicegerent of Caesar in Sicily, 36 ; retired from public hfe between 21 and 16 ; d. 8. Maelzel, Johann Nepomuk, German machi- nist; b. 15 Aug. 1772; invented the metro- nome, incorrectly attributed to his brother, Leonhard, 1815 ; d. Aug. 1838. Maelzel, Leonhard, German machinist ; b. 1776 ; invented a panharmonicon, a musical in- strument imitating an orchestra, 1805 ; an automaton chess-player, 1819; d. 5 Sept. 1855. Maes, Godefroy, Belgian painter ; b. Aug. 1649; d. 30 May, 1700. MisA, Juha, sister of Julia Domna, and mother of Julia MammEea; d. about 225. M^STLIN, Michael, German astronomer ; master of Kepler; b. 1 550; pubhshed "Epi- tome Astronomias," 1582 ; d, 20 Dec. 1631. Mapfei, Giovanni Pietro, Itahan Jesuit, his- torian ; b. 1536 ; published "Vita Ignatii Loyote," 1585; "Historiee Indicas," 1588; d. 20 Oct. 1603. Mafeei, Eafaello, Volterrano, Italian scholar; b. 145 1 ; vrrote " Commentaria CJrbani;" d. 25 Jan. 1521. Maffei, Scipione, marchese di, Italian archaeo- logist and poet ; b. I June, 1675 ; published " Merope," a tragedy, 1714 ; " Eime e Prose," 1719; "Istoria Diplomatica," 1727; "Verona Illustrata," 1731-32; d. 11 Feb. 1755. Magalhaens, Fernando de, Portuguese navi- gator ; b. about 1470 ; embarked on his voyage round the world, 3 Sept. 15 19 ; passed the straits bearing his name, and entered the Pacific Ocean, 27 Nov. 1 5 20; killed in a conflict with Indians, 17 April, 1 52 1. Mahalotti, Lorenzo, conte di, Itahan writer ; b. 13 Dec. 1637; published "Saggi di Naturali Esperienze fatte nell' Accademia del Cimento," 1666 ; " Lettere Famihari," (against atheists), 1701 ; d. 2 March, 1712. Maoanza, Italian painters : (JiovANNi Battista, Italian painter and poet ; 6. 1509: published "Kime," 1558 . d, 15S9 Alessandro, son ; 6. 1556 . . . d, 1630 Giovanni Battista, son; b. 1577 . . d. 1617 Maoati, Cesare, Italian monk, physician ; ^- 1579; published " De rara Medicatione Vulnerum," 1616; d. 1647. MAG 351 MAG Ma GEE, William, archbishop of Dublin ; b. 1765; published "Discourses on the Atone- ment," 1801 ; bishop of Kaphoe, 1819; arch- bishop, 1822; d. 18 Aug. 1 83 1. Magee, William Connor, bishop of Peter- borough, grandson of archbishop Magee ; 6. 1S21; dean of Cork, 1866; consecrated, 1 868 ; published " Lectures on the Sabbath Question," "Lectures on Auricular Confession," &c. Magellan, see Magalhaens. Magendie, Frangois, French physiologist ; 6. 15 Oct. 1783 ! experimented on living ani- mals, 1809 ; went to Sunderland to study cholera, 1831 ; made discoveries respecting the nervous system, completing Sir Charles Bell's ; published " Logons sur les Ph^nomfenes de la Vie," 1836-38 ; d. 8 Oct. 1855. Maggi, Carlo Maria, ItaUan poet ; 5. 8 May, 1630 ; d. 22 April, 1699. Maggio, Francesco Maria, Italian scholar andUnguist; b. 16 12; published "Syntagmata Linguarum Orieutalium, " 1643 ; d. 12 June, 1686. Maggi, Girolamo, Italian engineer ; wrote " De Tiutinnabulis ; " entered Venetian ser- vice ; taken by the Turks and killed, 27 March, 1572- Magheogan, James, Irish priest and historian ; b. 1702 ; published "History of Ireland," 1758- 63; d. 30 March, 1764. Magini, Giovanno Antonio, Italian mathe- matician; 6. 13 June, 1555; opposed Coper- nican System ; pubUshed Ephemerides about 1581 and 1620, (1582) ; d. II Feb. 1617. Maginn, William, Irish satirical writer and poet ; wrote in Blackwood's and Fraser's Maga- zines; d. 20 Aug. 1842. Magllaeechi, Antonio, Florentine bibUogra- pher; 6. 29 Oct. 1633; remarkable for devotion to books and neglect of aU else; became keeper of the library of the duke of Tuscany about 1673; A 4 July, 1714. Maonan, Bernard Pierre, French marshal; b. 7 Oct. 1 79 1 ; served in the peninsula, 1809, et ser/. , in Algeria, 1 8 30; dismissed for negoti- ating with rioters at Lyons, 1 83 1; marshal, Dec. 1851; d. 19 May, 1865. Magnaj^t, Dominique, French scholar ; h. 29 May, 1731 ; published "La Ville de Rome," 1763; "Miscellanea Numismatica," 1772-74; d. Aug. 1796. Magne, Pierre, French statesman ; b. 3 Dec. 1806; patronised by M. Fould and marshal Bugeaud; minister of public works, 1851-54; minister of finance, 1854-60; minister without portfolio, 1860-63. Magnbntius, Flavins Popilius, Roman em- peror of the West; proclaimed emperor, 18 Jan. 350; defeated at Mursa on the Drave, 351 ; in the Cottian Alps; d. by suicide, Aug. 353- Magni, Valeriano, ItaHan missionary; 6. about 1587; employed diplomatically by Urban VIII. ; made chief of the northern missions ; pubUshed "Judicium de Eegula Fidendi," 1628 and 1641 ; d, 1661. Magnol, Pierre, French botanist ; b. 8 June, 1638; published "Prodi'omus Historiaa Generalis Plantarum," 1689; d. 21 May, 1715. Magnon, Jean, French poet ; wrote "' Artax- erxe," 1645; "Sejanus," 1646; "Heures du Chri^tien," 1 654; assassinated about 20 April, 1662. Magnus I. — VIII., kings of Norway : I. the Good ; h. 1018 ; king, 1042 d. by a fall, 1047 II. 6. 1035; succeeded Harold III., jo6b ; d. 28 April, 1069. III. the Barelegged ; 6. about 1060 ; succeeded Olaus III., 1087; invaded Ireland; killed near Dublin 24 Aug. 1103 rv. the Blind; b. about mo ; succeeded Sigur I., 26 March, 1130 ; dethroned and blinded, 1135 ; restored, 1136 ; killed in a naval battle 13 Nov. 1139 V. king about 1141 d. 1143 VI. b. 1157; king, 1162; dethroned; fled to Den- mark ; defeated and drowned at Forteita, 15 June, 1184 VII. the Law- reformer; ft. 1238; succeeded Haco V. 1262': made war with Scotland, 1263-66; beaten in war with the Danes, 1278 ; 6. 9 May, 1280 VIII. see Magnus II. of Sweden. Magnus I., II., of Sweden : I. Lsedulas, 6. 1240 ; dethroned his brother "Wal- - demar [ 1276 Crowned, taking the title of king of the Swedes and Goths ; the first real northern sovereign 1278 Put down arebeIllonofthenobles,and favoured the peasantry . . d. 1298 II. Smeck, grandson b. 1316 Elected king of Norway as Magnus VIII. 1319 Succeeded Birger as king of Sweden 1321 Gave Norway to his son Hacho . '344 Gave up Sweden to his son Eric . 1350 Hesumed the crown at his death . . . 1359 Dethroned by his son Hacho . . . 1361 Reigned with him 1362 Both dethroned, 1363 ; rf. bya shipwreck, i Dec. 1374 Magnus, Swedish bishops, brothers : Johannes, Swedish historian . h. ig March, 1488 Made archbishop of Upsal by Gustavus Vasa 1522 Opposed the reformation and the secularisation of church property ; resisted by the king ; re- tired to Home 1526 Published " Historia Gothorum Suevorumque," T554 ti. 22 March, 1544 Olaus, secretary to his brother ; employed by pope Paul III. , 1546 ; published " De Gentibus Septentrionalibus," 1555 . . d. 156S Magnus, Heinrich Gustav, German physicist ; 6. 2 May, 1802. Magnusson, Am, Icelandic historian ; b. Nov. 1603; published " Kristni-Saga," 1771; " Orkneyinga - Saga, " 1 780 ; d. January, 1730. Mago, Carthaginian general, brother of Han- nibal ; accompanied him to Italy, B.C. 218; subjugated Samnium, 217; carried on the war in Spain, 207 ; defeated by Scipio, 206 ; landed in Liguria and captured Genoa, 205 ; defeated, d. of wounds, 203. MAH 352 MAI Mahmud, the Grhaznavide, sultan of Persia, and first Mohammedan emperor of India ; b. 12 Dec. 967 ; succeeded as sultan of Ghaznee, 997 ; invaded and conquered India and Persia, 1000-24 ') built a great mosque at Ghaznee, 1019; d. 30 April, 1030. Mahmud I., II. (or Mahomet V., VI.), sul- tans of Turkey : I. son of Mustapha II. . . . &. 2 Aug. 1696 Made sultan by the Janissaries . 17 Sept. 1730 Put down their rebellions with much slaughter 1731 Made peace of Erivan ■with Persia . 10 Jan. 1732 Employed Bonnival to organise his army . 1732 Frequently at war . . com- manded successfully in Germany, 1634; and in Spain; defeated the Spaniards at Avein, 20 May, 1635 ; d. 13 Feb. 1650. MAI 353 MAI Maillebois, Jean Baptiste Franjoia Des- marets, marquis de, French marshal ; b. 1682; served under Villars, 1 703 ; repulsed the im- perialists in Italy, 1 733-4 ; conquered Corsica, 1 739 ; defeated Charles Emmanuel of Savoy at Bassiguana, 27 Sept. 1 745 ; compelled to re- treat from Italy, after defeat at Placentia, 16 June, 1746; d. 7 Feb. 1762. Maillet, Benedict de, French traveller and diplomatist; 6. 12 April, 1656; published "Description de I'Egypte," 1735 j '' Telliamed" (conversations on the creation, &c.), 1748; d. 30 Jan. 173S. Mahlet, Marc de, French poet ; i. about 1568; published "Poesies k la Louange de la reyne Marguerite." 1612 ; d. about 1628. Mailly, Jean Baptiste, French historian ; J. 16 July, 1744; published "L'Esprit de la Fronde," 1772-3; "L'Esprit des Croisades," 1780; '*Fastes Juifs, Komains, et Frangois," 1 782 ; d. 26 March, 1 794. Maimboueg, Louis, French Jesuit, scholar ; h, 1610 ; defended the liberty of the French church in "TraitiS Historique de I'Eglise de Home," 1685 ; published " Histoire de I'Arian- isme," 1682; d. 13 Aug. 1686. Maimon, Solomon, Polish Jew, philosopher ; opposed to Kant; i. 1753; published (in Ger- man) " Sketch of a Transcendental Philosophy," 1790; "Progress of Philosophy since Leibnitz," 1793 ; d. 22 Nov. 1800. Maimonides (Moses ben Maimouk), "the light of Israel," Spanish Jew, theologian, philo- sopher, and physician; i. 30 March, 1 1 35; arranged the Talmud ; edited the "Mischna ;" wrote the "Guide of the Wanderers ;" " Kules of Morals ;" d. 13 Dec. 1204. Maine de Bikon, Fran9ois Pierre Gonthier, French philosopher ; 6. 29 Nov. 1 766 ; pubhshed "M^moire sur la D&omposition de laPensfe," 1805 ; " Influence de I'Habitude sur la Faculty de penser," 1803; d. 16 July, 1824. Mainfeot, see Manfred. Maino, Giasone, Italian jurist ; i. J435 ; d. 1 5 19. Maintenon, Frangoise d'Aubign^, marquise de ; granddaughter of Theodore Agrippa d'Au- higai; b. 27 Nov. 1635; d. 15 April, 1719. Destitute ; married Scarron, a comedian June, 1652 "Widow ; became friend of Mesdamea de Sevigne, de la Fayette, &c. Oct. 1660 Made secretly governess of the children of Louis XIV. by Madame de Montespan . . 1669 Came to court with the children and recognised 1673 Quarrelled with Madame de Montespan, and caused the reconciliation of the king to the queen about 1680 After the queen's death (30 July, 1683), secretly married to the king .... end of 1684 Established the royal school tor poor ladiesat St. Cyr . . . . . . Aug. 1684 Attended the dying king. . 30 Aug. 1715 Visited by the Czar Peter . 10 June, 1717 Mainvielle, Pierre, cruel French repubUcan ; 5. 1765; executed, 31 Oct. 1793. Mainwaring, Arthur, political writer ; b. 1668; his "Life and Works," published 1715 ; d. 13 Nov. 1712. Mainzee, Joseph, German musician ; b. 1801 ; visited Paris, 1830; England, 1844; d. 10 Nov. 1851. Maie (or Major), John, Scotch historian and reformer ; b. 1469 ; wrote commentaries on Peter Lombard ; published " De Historia Gentes Scotorum," 1521; d. about 1550. Maiban, Jean Jacques Dortous de, French physicist; b. 26 Nov. 1678; developed and pubhshed his theory of heat and cold, 1721-65 ; "Dissertation sur le Glace," 1715 ; "sur les Forces Motrices des Corps, "i74i;d.2oFeb.i77i. Mairet, Jean de, French dramatist and poet ; b. 4 Jan. 1604; wrote "La Silvie," 1621; "La Sophonisbe," 1629 ; d. 31 Jan. i685. Maison, Nicolas Joseph, marquis, French general; b. 19 Dec. 17711; distinguished him- self in Holland, 1809 ; in Poland, 1812 ; in Belgium, 1814; remained faithful to Napoleon; honoured and employed by Louis XVIII. , 18 15; minister of foreign affairs, Nov. 1830; as minister of war reorganised the army, April, 1835— Sept. 1836; d. 13 Feb. 1840. Maistee, see Le Maistre. Maistee, Joseph, comte de, French philoso- pher; b. at Turin, April, 1754 ; d. 26 Feb. 1821. At the revolution, retired to Switzerland . . 1792 Published " Considt§rations sur la France" . 1796 Recalled to Turin and pensioned by the king 1796-8 Went to St Petersbiurg . . . May, 1803 Endeavoured to obtain the restoration of the king of Sardinia 1807 Published "Essai sur le principe g6n6rateur des Constitutions" 1810 A bitter opponent of Austria, and earnest for nationalities ; disappointed at the settlement of 1815 Published " Sur les Dfilais de la Justice divine" 1816 Returned to Piedmont ; made a minister of state 1817 Published "DuPape" 1819 " Les Soirees de St Petersburg," and L'Eglise Gallicane" . 1821-22 Maistee, Xavier de, French novelist ; brother of Joseph ; b. Oct. 1 763 ; published " Voyage autour de ma Chambre," 1794; settled with his brother at St. Petersbourg, 1803; entered the Russian army and served in the Caucasus ; wrote "Le L^preux d'Aoste," 181 1 ; "La Jeune Sib^rienne," " Expedition Nocturne autour de ma Chambre," 1825, &c. ; d. 12 June, 1852. Maitland, Sir Frederick Lewis, admiral ; b. 1779; received Napoleon I. in his ship the " Bellerophon," and conveyed him to England, June ; to St. Helena in the "Northumberland," July, 1815 ; published an account of the sur- render, 1826; d. 30 Dec. 1839. Maitland, James, earl of Lauderdale, Scotch statesman; h. 1759; ^^^ ^^ ^ representative peer for Scotland, 1 7S9 ; resigned, desiring to enter the commons ; published " Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Public Wealth," 1804; opposed the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act, 1817; d. 15 Sept. 1839. Z MAI 354 MAL Maitland, John, duke of Lauderdale, Scotch statesman; b. 24 May, 1616; d. 24 Aug. 16S2. Prevailed on Charles I. to sign the "engage- ment " in the Isle of Wight . . . 26 Dec. 1647 Accompanied Charles II. to Scotland . . 1650 Made prisoner at Worcester . 3 Sept. 1651 Released .... . 1660 Made secretary for Scotland .... 1661 A member of the ministry, termed the king's "Cabal" . . . i566 Disgraced ... , 1682 Maitland, John, lord of Thirlestane, son of Richard; b. about 1537; lord chancellor to James VI. ; went with him to Denmark, 1589 ; wrote Latin poems, printed 1637; d. 4 Oct. 1595- Maitland, Sir Eichard, lord Lethington, Scotch judge and poet ; b. 1496 ; his "Poems," printed 1830; d. 20 March, 1586. Maitland, Samuel Koffey, D.D., historian and theologian ; b. 1795; librarian at Lambeth Palace, 1838; published "The Dark Ages," 1845; "Essays on the Reformation," 1849; cZ. 19 Jan. 1866. Maitland, William, Scotch antiquary ; b. about 1693 ; published " History of London," 1739; "History of Edinburgh," 1753; "His- tory of Scotland," 1757; d. 16 July, 1757. Maittaike, Michael, philologist and biblio- grapher; b. 1668; tutor to the son of Lord Chesterfield ; published " Historia Typogra- phorum," 1717; and "Annales Typographici," 1719-41; d. 7 Aug. 1747. Maius, see May. Majamo, see Maiano. Majo, Francesco di, (Ciccio di Majo), Italian musical composer ; b. 1 749 ; wrote operas of "Ajtaserce," " Iphigenia ui Aulide ; " d. 1774. Major, see Mair. Major, Johann Daniel, German physician and numismatist; 6. 16 Aug. 1634; pub- lished "Lithologia Curiosa," 1662; "DeUciEe Hibemffi," 1667, &c. ; d. 3 Aug. 1693. Major, John Richardson, D.D. ; b. 1797; head master of King's College School, 1830-66. Majoragio, Marco Antonio, Italian scholar and satirist; h. 26 Oct. 1514; wrote "Enco- mium Luti;" " Oratio de Laude Auri ; " d. 4 April, 1555. Majoriancs, Julius Valerius ; made emperor of Rome by Ricimer, count of the West, 457 ; prepared to invade Africa ; his fleet destroyed through treachery, 460 ; dethroned by Rici- mer, 2 Aug. ; d. 7 Aug. 461. Mako, Pal, Hungarian mathematician ; h. 1723; published " De Figura TeUuris," 1767; "De Natura Fulminum," 1773; d. 19 Aug. 1793- Makrizi, Aimed al, Arab historian ; 5. about 1360; wrote "History of the Mame- louk Sultans ; " d. 1442. Malaohi, Jewish prophet ; about B.C. 397. Malagrida, Gabriel, Italian Jesuit ; b. 1689 ; settled in Portugal as confessor of the mar- chioness Leonora de Tavora, 175°! condemned of complicity in a plot to kill the king Joseph, in 1758 ; burnt alive for heresy, 21 Sept. 1761. Malaguti, Faustino Jovita, Italian chemist, employed at Sfevres ; J. 15 Feb. 1802 ; pub- lished "Legons de Chimie Agrioole, " 1848. Malan, Caesar Henri Abraham, Swiss theo- logian ; b. 8 July, 1787 ; became chief of a sect named "Mdmiers;" published "Chants de Sion," 1826 ; d. 8 May, 1864. Malan, Rev. Solomon Cjesar, son of Cffisar Henri, orientalist and scholar ; b. 1812 ; pro- fessor at Calcutta, 1838; published "The Gospel of St. John, translated from the Syriac and other oriental versions." M-alaspina, Ricordano, Florentine histo—'an ; wrote a chronicle, ending 1281. 3IALC0LM I. — IV., kings of Scotland : I. , king, 944 ; murdered . 952 II., king, 1003 ; murdered .... 1033 III., Canmore, son of Duncan, recovered the throne, 1057 ; killed at the siege of Alnwick 30 Nov. 1093 IV., grandson of David I. ; king, 1153 ; vassal of Henry II. of England . d. 1165 Malcolm, James, antiquar; J. at Philadel- phia, about 1 760 ; came to London ; pubhshed " London Redivivum," 1802-5 > " Anecdotes of London," 1808; d. 5 April, 1815. Malcolm, Sir John, Scotch general, historian, and orientalist ; h. 2 May, 1769 ; went to India, 1783 ; employed by the marquess Wel- lesley, governor-general, 1798 ; sent aa envoy to Persia, 1799 and 1810 ; returned to Europe, 181 1 ; published "History of Persia," 1825; governor of Bombay, 1827-30 ; d. 31 May, 1833- Malozewski, Antoine, Polish poet; b. about 1792; published "Maria," a tale of the Uk- raine, 1826; d. 2 May, 1826. Maldaobini, Olimpia Pamfili; 6. 1594; pro- moted the election of her late husband's bro- ther, Gian Battista PamfiK, (Irmocent X.), to the papacy, (and ruled for him), 15 Sept. 1 644 ; caused much scandal. ; at his death (7 Jan.), caused the election of Fabio Chigi as Alexander VII., 7 April, 1655 ; who deprived her of her wealth ; she died, 1656, Maldonato, Juan, Spanish theologian ; 6. 1 534 ; his Biblical commentaries published, 1596-1643 ; d. 5 Jan. 1583, Malebranche, Nicolas de, French priest and philosopher ; b. 6 Aug. 1638 ; entered the " Oratory," 1660 ; neglected literature to study Descartes ; published " Recherche de la V(5rit4" 1674-75 ; " Conversations Mc^taphy- siques et Chr^tiennes, " 1677; " Traitd de la Nature et de la Grace," 1680; " Des Vraies et Fausses Id(^es," 1683 ; " Traitd de Morale," 1684; d. 13 Oct. 1715. MAL 355 MAM Maleshekbes, Chretien Guillaumede Lamoig- nonde, just French magistrate ; b. 6 Dec. 1721 ; disgraced for protesting in favour of the parlia- ments, 18 Feb. 1771 ; recalled and employed by Louis XVI., 1774; presented him with a plan of fiscal reform, May, 1775 ; resigned on its neglect, 12 July, 1775; visited Louis in prison, 14 Dec. 1792; himself executed, 22 April, 1794. Malet, Claude Frangois de, French general ; b. 28 June, 1754; executed for a plot to de- throne Napoleon, 29 Oct. 1S12. Malezieu, Nicolas de, French writer, friend of Bossuet and F^nflon; b. 1650 ; maintained the rights of the Due de Maine as successor of Louis XV., 1715; d. 4 March, 1729. Malfilatre, Jacques Louis de, French poet ; b. 8 Oct. 1732; wrote "Narcisse dans I'Ue de V&us," &c. ; d. 6 March, 1767. Malhekbe, Fran9ois, French poet; b. 1555 ; wrote " Bouquet de Fleurs de Se'ufeque ; " d. l5 Oct. 1628. MALiBEiVJSr DB Beust, Maria Felicity madame, French vocalist; b. (Garcia) 24 March, 180S ; appeared in London in the " Barber of Seville, " 7 June, 1825 ; married M. MaUbran, a French merchant, 25 March, 1826 ; appeared as "Semiramis" at Paris, 14 Jan. 1828; married M. de Beriot, violinist, 29 March, 1836; tell from her horse, April ; d. of fever, 23 Sept. 1836. Malingee, Claude, French historian ; b. about 1580; published "Histoire des Dignit^s de France," 1635; " Annales de Paris," 1640; d. about 1653. Mallemans, French writers, brothers : Claude, physicist : b. 1653 ; published "Machine pour faire Cadrans Solaires," aqd "Ouvragede la Creation ; Trait6 Physique," 1679 ; (^. 17 April, 1723 Jean, 6. 22 Jan. 1649 : from a soldier, became priest, 1702 ; published " Histoire de I'Eglise," 1704 . . rf. 13 Jan. 1740 Mallet, (or Mallooh), David, Scotch poet ; b. about 1 700 ; published " William and Mar- garet," (ballad), 1724; "The Excursion," 1728; "The Hermit," 1747; d 21 April, 1765. Mallet, Edme, French writer ; b. 1713 ; published " Principes pour la Lecture des Pontes," 1745; employed on the. great " Ency. clop^die," ; d. 25 Sept. 1755. Mallet, Paul Henri, Swiss historian ; b. 20 Aug. 1730 ; published " Histoire de Dane- marck," 1758-77 ; d. 8 Feb. 1807. Mallet du Pan, Jacques, Swiss publicist ; h. 1749; d. May, 1800. Patronised by Voltaire, and made professor at Cassel 1772 Began to publish "Annales Politiques" and "M6moires Historiques" at Geneva, 1779, et seq. Employed by Panckoucke upon his " Mercure de France," in which he reported the debates of the assemblies .... 1784-92, et seq. Employed as an envoy to the sovereigns of Austria and Prussia ; by Louis XVI 1792 Settled in Switzerland, till his exile through Bonaparte 179S Went to England, and founded the " Mercure Eritannique ; " (successful) . . . . 1798 Mallet Favre, Jacques Andr^, Swiss astrono- mer ; b. Sept. 1 740 ; employed hy the academy of St. Petersburg to observe the transit of Venus; unsuccessful, 1769; d. 31 January, 1790. Malmbsbukt, see Harris. Malone, Edmund, Irish critic; b. 4 Oct. 1 741; published "Historical Accoimt of the Bise and Progress of the English Stage," 1 790 ; ' ' Plays and Poems of Shakspeare, " (variorum edition), 1790 ; d. 25 May, 1812. Malouin, Paul Jacques, French chemist ; b. 1 701 ; made researches on the metals ; pub- lished " Traits de Chimie," 1734; d. 3 Jan. 1778. Malpighi, Marcello, Italian anatomist and physiologist; b. 10 March, 1628; studied the lungs, and the mucous membrane ; published " De Pulmonibus," 1661 ; " De Viscerum Structura," 1666; d. 29 Nov. 1 694. Maltby, Edward, bishop of Durham, scholar ; 6. 1 770 ; edited " Morell's Lexicon Grseco-Pro- sodiacum," 1815 ; bishop of Chichester, 1831 ; of Durham, 1836; resigned, 1856; d. 3 July, 1859. Malte-Beun, (originally Malte-Conrad Bbuun), Danish geographer, politician, and poet ; b. 12 Aug. 1775 ; d. 14 December 1S26. Went to Sweden, through his " Catechism for Aristocrats" 1796 Engaged at Paris on the "Journal des Debats," 1806 Published " Tableau de Pologne," 1808 ; " Precis de la Geographie Universelle," 1810-29 : " An- nales des Voyages," 1808-15 ; helped to found the " Society de Geographie " . . 1821 Malthus, Rev. Thomas Robert, political economist; b. 14 Feb. 1766; travelled on the continent, 1799; published "Essay on the Principle of Population," 1798 and 1803; pro- fessor of history at Haijeybury, 1805; d. 29 Dec. 1834. Malus, Etieime Louis, French physicist and poet; b. 23 July, 1775 ; went to Egypt, 1798 ; returned, Oct. iSoi ; employed by Napoleon; discovered polarisation of light by reflection, 1809; invented a repeating goniometer, 1817; d. 23 Feb. 1812. Malvasia, Carlo Cesare, marchese di, Italian antiquary; b. 18 Dec. l6l5; published "Fel- siua Pittrice : Vite de' Pittori Bologuesi," 1678 ; d. 10 March, 1693. Malvezzi, Virgilio, marchese di, Italian poli- tician; b. 1599; employed by Philip IV. of Spain; published "II Romulo," 1629; d. 11 Aug. 1654. Mambexin, Pierre, French Jesuit and Latin poet; b. 1600; pubUshed " De Poemate Epico," 1652; " Constantinua," 1658; "EclogaB," 1661; d. 31 Oct. 1661. MAMM.EA, Julia, empress, mother of Alex- ander Severus ; put to death with him, 235- MAM 356 MAN Mamodn, Abul Abhas Abdallah III. al, Abbasside caliph, son of Haroun-al Raschid; i. Sept. 786 ; defeated his brother Amin, and became caUph, 8 Sept. 813; established the Motasales, a heterodox sect, 827; favoured science and literature, and wrote treatises and poems ; d. g Aug. 834. Man, Cornille van, Dutch painter; follower of Titian; i. 1621 ; d. 1706. Manaea, Prospero, marchese di, Italian poet, i. 14 April, 1 7 14; minister of state at Parma, 1782; his poems published 1801 ; d. 18 Oct. 1800. Manasseh, king of Judah, about e.g. 698-643. Maitasseh ben Joseph ben Israel, Portuguese Eabbi; b. 1604; fled to Holland from the inquisi- tion; became chief of the synagogue at Amster- dam; published works on the Midrasch, &c., "El GonciUador" (explanation of Scripture difficulties), 1632-51 [translation in English published by E. H. Lindo, 1842]; " Vindicise Judaeorum," London ; and " Humble Address to the Lord Protector in behalf of the Jewish Nation " (desiring the return of the Jews to England), 1656; d. 1659. Manbt, George "WilUam, captain ; J. 28 Nov. 1765; invented the "Life Preserver" appara- tus for saving lives in shipwreck, for which he received ;^6ooo, i8il; and for extinguishing fires on board of ship, 1816 ; d. 18 Nov. 1S54. Manchester, Edward Montagu, earl of; b. 1602 ; opposed Charles 1. in parliament, 1641 ; fought at Edgehill, 23 Oct. 1642; after many successes as commander dismissed by the parHament, 1645 ; assisted Monk in the Resto- ration, 1660; d. 5 May, 1 67 1. Mancinelli, Antonio, Itahan philologist ; b. 1452 ; d. about 1506. Manoiiti, nieces of Cardinal Mazarin : Laura ; 6. 1636 ; married the due de Mercfeur, brother of the Frondish due de Beaufort, "roi des halles " d. 1657 Olimpia : b. 1640 : went to Paris, 1647 : married to Eugene of Savoy, comte de Soissons. 20 Feb. 1657 : troubled the court by ambitious in- trigues 1657-65 Mother of the celebrated prince Eugene . 1663 Accused of poisoning ; exculpated ; but com- pelled to retire to Brussels .... 1680 "Went to Spain ; suspected of poisoning Marie Louise of Orleans, queen of Charles II., 12 Feb. 1689 . . . d. at Brussels, 9 Oct. 1708 Maria: b. 1640: sent away from Louis XIV., when in love with her . . . about 165S Married Colonna, the constable of Naples 1661 Fled from him with her sister Hortensia . 1672 Kefused an audience by Louis XIV. d. in obscurity, about 1715 Maria Anna ; 6. 1646 : married the due de Bouillon 1662 Acquitted of the charge of poisoning, 1680 d.. 1714 Hortensia b. 1646 Educated at Paris : asked in marriage by Charles II. of England : refused by the cardinal 1659-60 Married Armand de la Meilleray made due de MaZiirin . . . . . - 28 Feb. 1661 Demanded separation from her jealous husband, and withdrew . . ... 1661 Fled from him to her sister, Maria, at Milan 13 June, 1668 Fled to France with Maria ; went to Savoy, and wrote memoirs 1672 Settled in London ; and pensioned . . 1675 d. at Chelsea, 2 July, 1699 Manoini, Paolo ; founder of the academy of "Uomini di bell' Umore," or "Umoristi," at Pome, about 1602 ; d. 1635. Manco Capac ; founder of the Peruvian mon- archy of the Incas, about 1020 ; also the last Inca ; recognised the king of Spain as sover- eign, 1533; massacred the Spaniards, 1535; defeated ; fled ; assassinated, about 1563. Mandae, Michel PhUippe, or Theopluliis, French publicist ; b. 19 Sept. 1759 ; encour- aged the populace to rise, July, 1 789 ; vainly endeavoured to suspend the massacres during the "reign of terror," 1 792; pubUshed "G&ie des Sifecles," 1794-5; " Prifere pour I'Empe- reur," 1804; d. 2 May, 1823. Mandeville, Bernard, satirist ; b. about 1670 ; published "The Fable of the Bees, or Private Vices made Public Benefits," 1723; "Free Thoughts on Religion," 1720 ; d. 21 Jan. 1733. Mandeville, Sir John, traveEer; b. about 1300; went to the East, and entered the ser- vice of the sultan, Melek Madaron, 1327 ; his travels first published in French, 1480 ; in German, 1481 ; in English, 1499 or 1503 ; d.iy Nov. 1372. Manes, (or Mani), founder of the Manichees ; put to death by Bahrain, or Yaranes, king of Persia, about 274. Manetho, Egyptian historian, lived about B.C. 320. Manetti, Siennese painters : Eutilio, 5. 1571 ; d. 1637; DoMENico, b. 1609; d. 1663. Manetti, Giannozzo, Italian scholar and orator; b. 5 June, 1 396; employed diploma- tically by the popes, and the ;-epubHo of Florence ; d. 26 Oct. 1459. Manetti, Saviero, Italian naturalist ; b. 1723; one of the founders of the society of " Georgo- fili" of Florence ; edited " Magazzino Toscano," 1770-72; d. 19 Nov. 1785. Manphed, natural son of the emperor Frede- rick II. ; 6. 1233; made prince of Tarento ; regent of Sicily for his brother, Conrad I., 1250 ; recovered Naples, &c., from pope Inno- cent IV. ; crowned king of Sicily, 1 1 Aug. 1258; excommunicated, 1259; allied with the Turks ; a crusade preached against him ; (Charles of Anjou declared Idng,) 28 June, 1264 ; defeated and slain at Benevento, 26 Feb. 1266. Manebedi, Bartolommeo, Italian painter, Roman school; b. 1574; d. 1617. Manpkedi, Eustachio, Italian astronomer and poet; b. 20 Sept. 1674; published "In- stituzioni Astronomiche, " 1 749 ; " Epheraerides Motuum Ccelestium ab 1715 ad 1750," 1715-25; d. 15 Feb. 1739. MAN 357 MAN Manpkedi, Gabriele, Italian mathematician ; h. 25 March, 1681 ; publishad "De Construc- tione ^quationum," 1707; d. 13 Oct. 1761. Mangeakt, Thomas, JTrench Benedictine ; T>. 1695 ; wrote "Introduction h, la Science des M^dailles," published 1763; d. 1762. Manget, Jean Jacques, Swiss physician ; i. 19 Jrme, 1652; published "Eibliotheca Ana- tomica," 1685; "BibKotheca Chinirgica," 1721 ; d. 15 Aug. 1742. Manget, Thomas, D.D. ; b. 1684; published "Discourses on the Lord's Prayer," lyiS; edited "Philo-Jud^us," 1742 ; d. 6 March, 1755. Mangou, fourth great khan of the Moguls; b. 1207 ; became sovereign after great slaughter of the royal family, July, 1251 ; re-orgauised the empire; favoured the Christiana in pre. ference to Mahometans, 1253; d. 1 259. Mamni or Makin, Daniele, Venetian states- man; b. 1 3 May, 1804 ;d. at Paris, 22 Sept. 1857. Studied for an advocate ; agitated legitimately for national independence ; protested against tlie abolition of the " Italian society " . . . 1838 Signed a petition for the establishment of an in- dependent Lombardo-Venetian kingdom with a viceroy . . . . . . .21 Dec. 1B47 Imprisoned, 18 Jan.; rescued and placed at the bead of a republic .... 22 March, 1848 Defended Venice duringa long siege; surrendered, 22 Aug. 1849 d. at Paris, 22 Sept. 1857 His remains re-interred at St. Mark's, Venice, 23 March, 1868 Manini (or Manin) Lodovico, last doge of Venice; b. 13 July, 1726; elected doge, 9 March, 1789; weak, and ruled by priests ; re- ceived the comte d'Artois, Leopold II., and other enemies of the French republic ; refused aUiance ; dethroned by a revolt and a repubUo established ; Venice ceded to Austria, 18 Oct. 1797 ; d. about 1803. Manlet, Mary, dramatist; b. about 1672; wrote " Memoirs of the new Atalantis," 1709 ; d. II July, 1724. Manlids, Roman nobles : Capitolinus : saved the Capitol from the Gauls, B.C. 392 : put to death for treason . . . 384 TORQUATUS : named from killing a Gaulish giant and taking his torques or collar, e.g. 361 ; dictator, 352 ; put his victorious son to death for disobedience . . . 337 Manners, see Granby. Mannbks, lord John James Robert, states- man and poet; b. 13 Dec. 1818; chief commis- sioner of public works, March — Dec. 1852; Feb. 1858— June, 1859; July, 1866— Dec. 1868 ; published " Plea for National HoUdays," 1843; "Notes of an Irish Tour," 1849. Manners-Sutton, Charles, archbishop of Canterbury; b. 14 Feb. 1755; dean of Peter- borough, 1791 ; bishop of Norwich, 1792; arch- bishop, 1805 ; d. 21 July, 1828. Manneks-Sotton, Charles, viscount Canter- bury, son ; h. 29 Jan. 1 789 ; speaker of the house of commons, 1817-34; created viscount, 183s ; d. 21 July, 1845. Mannebt, Conrad, German historian and geographer; 6. 17 April, 1756; pubUshed (in German) "History of the Vandals," 1785; (with Ukert) " Geography of the Greeks and Romans," 1792-1825 ; d. 27 Sept. 1834. Manni, Domenico Maria, Italian scholar ; b. 8 Aug. 1690; published "De Florentinis In- ventis," (microscopes, &c.), 1731; "Lezioni di Lingua Toscana," 1737-38; rf. 30 Nov. 1788. Mannikg, Henry Edward, Roman Catholic archbishop of Westminster; b. 1809; vicar of Lavington, 1 834 ; archdeacon of Chester, 1 840 ; published " Holy Baptism," 1843 ; " Unity of the Church," 1845; joined the Roman Cathoho Church, 185 1 ; archbishop, June, 1865. Manning, Rev. Owen, antiquary, b. 1 1 Aug. 1721; finished and published Lye's "Anglo- Saxon and Gothic Dictionary," 1775 ; com- piled " History and Antiquities of Surrey, " edited by W. Bray, 1804 ; d. 9 Sept. 1801. Mannozzi, Giovanni da San Giovanni, Floren- tine painter; h. 1590; d. 1636. Manny, Sir Walter, warrior ; fought in France under Edward III. ; established a Carthusian monastery at London (now the Charter house,) 1371 ; d. 13 Jan. 1372. Mangel, see Emmanuel, of Portugal. Manrique, Jorge, Spanish poet; b. about 1420; wrote " Escola de Amor," d. about 1485. Mansard (or Mansakt), French architects : Francois : h. 1598 d. 1666 Jules Hakdouin, nephew; 6. 1645; employed by Louis XIV. at Versailles and St. Cyr ; erected the dome of the "Invalides" . d. 1708 Mansel, Henry Longueville, dean of St Paul's, philosopher and poet ; b. 6 Oct. 1820 ; Waynflete professor of moral and metaphysical philosophy at Oxford, 1859; dean, 1868; pub- Ushed " Demons of the Winds," 1838 ; "Limits of Religious Thought," (Bampton Lectures) 1858; " Philosophy of the Conditioned," i856. Mansfeld, German generals : Peter Ernst, count ; b. 20 July, 1517 : employed and honoured by Charles V., 1543: etseq., pri- soner in France, 1552-7; helped Charles IX. against the Huguenots, 1569 . d. 22 May, 1604 Ernst, natural son ; b. 1585 ; served in Hun- gary : legitimated ; not receiving his father's estates joined Frederick, king of Bohemia, against the empire ; defeated at Prague, 1619 ; laboured in the cause of Frederick d. 30 Nov. 1626 Mansfield, Charles Blachford, chemist ; b. 1819 ; pubUshed "Benzole, its Nature and Utility," and "Researches on Coal-tar," 1849 ; d. through bums received while experimenting, 26 Feb. 1855. Mansfield, William Murray, earl of, Scotch judge; b. 2 March, 1 705 ; d. 20 March, 1793. Solicitor-general Accused of Jacobinism . ... Attorney-general Chief justice of king's bench and peer . His house and property destroyed in the Gordon riots . ... June, 1780 I Made earl 1782 1742 1745 1754 1756 MAN 353 MAK Mansi, Giovanni Domenico, Italian scholar ; 6. 1 6 Feb. 1692; edited Baronius's " Annales," 1738-56 ; " Memorie della gran Contessa Matilda," 1756; d. 27 Sept. 1769. Manso, or Manzo, Giovanni Battista, mar- chese di ViUa, Italian poet; J. about 1560; founded tile academy of "Oziosi;" published " Le Poesie nomiche," 1635 ; d. 28 Dec. 1645. Mansour, see Al-Mansour. Manstein, Cbristoph Hermann von, German general in Russian service ; h. I Sept. 1 7 1 1 ; served Russia, 1735-43; Prussia, 1 745, et seq. ; d. of wounds received at KoUin, 27 June, 1757. His Memoirs published, 1772. Mant, Richard, bishop of Down, Connor, and Dromore, theologian and poet ; h. I2Feb. 1776; bishop of Killaloe, 1820; of Down and Connor, 1823 ; published (with Dr D'Oyly) the "Bible with selected Notes," 1818 ; and " The Book of Common Prayer, " 1820 ; ' ' The Book of Psalms in a metrical version, " 1824 ; "Ancient Hymns," 1837; d. 2 Nov. 1848. Mantegna, Andrea, Mantuan fresco painter and engraver; h. 143 1 ; rf. 13 Sept. 1 506. Mantell, Gideon Algernon, M. D., geologist ; 6. 1790; discovered in the Weald of Sussex, the iguanodon, hyl^osaurus, peHosaurus, &c., 1825, et seq.; published "Wonders of Geology," "Medals of Creation," 1844 ; " Thoughts on a Pebble," 1845; d. 10 Nov. 1852. Manteuffel, Otho Theodor von, Russian statesman ; b. 3 Feb. 1805 ; minister of the in- terior, 1846-48; opposed the liberals, 1847; helped to prepare the constitution of Dec. 1848; president of the council, Dec. 1850 — Oct. 1858. Manton, Thomas, nonconformist minister; J. 1620; published "Exposition of St. James," 1653; "Exposition of St. Jude," 1658; d. 18 Oct. 1677. Manuel I., II., emperors of the East : I. Comnenus 6. about 1120 Succeeded his father John 11. (in preference to his elder brother Isaac) .... 1143 Involved in many wars with varied issue : "with the Normans in South Italy . . . 1148-55 Defeated by the Turkish sultan Az-ed-din near Myrlocephalus, 1176 rf. 24 Sept. 1180 IT. Palfeologus .... b. about 1349 Joint emperor with his father John VI. . 1384 Sole emperor at his death .... 1391 Obtained assistance from Europe against theTuxka 1 398 Visited Venice, France, and England . . 1400 Saved by Timour's defeating Bajazet at Angora, 1402 Visited the Morea and fortified Corinth 1415 d. 1425 Manuel, Jacques Antoine, French poMtician and orator; b. 19 Dec. 1775 ; boldly demanded the adoption of Napoleon II. as emperor, July, 181 5 ; attacked the Spanish invasion; expelled from the Assembly, March, 1S23; d. in retire- ment, 27 Aug. 1827. Manuel, Juan, Spanish prince, moralist and historian; b. 5 May, 1282; wrote "El Conde Lucanor," or "LibrodelosExemplos;" "Cronica de Espafla ;" d. 1347. Manuel, Nicolas, Swiss writer ; attacked popery in farces, 1522; d. I53°- Manuel, Pierre Louis, French politician ; b. 1751 ; supported the republic, but endea- voured to check the cruelty of Robespierre, 1791-92; opposed the condemnation of Louis XVI. ; himself condemned and executed, 14 Nov. 1793. ]Manutius, or Manuzio, Italian scholars and printers : Aldus (Aldo), senior; 6. at Bassiano, 1449; pa- tronised by the Carpi : began to print classics about 1490 : first known book, the " Erotemata " of Constantine Lascaris, Feb. 1494 ; foimded the Academia d'Aldo," 1500 . d. 3 Feb. 1515 Paulus (Paolo), son ; 6. 12 June, 1511 ; assumed direction of his father's office, and obtained great reputation, 1533 ; at the invitation of pope Pius IV. , set up an office at Rome, to print the fathers, 1561 : first book issued, Cyprian, 1563 ; devoted himself much to Cicero . d. 6 April, 1574 Aldus, junior, son ; 6. 13 Feb. 1547 ; edited "Ele- ganze della Lingua Toscana e Latlna," 1556 ; published works of Cicero, 15S3 . d. 28 Oct. 1597 jNIahzi, Italian scholars, brothers : GuGLiELMO, 6. 25 Aug. 1784: published "Testi di Lingua Mediti," 1816 ; translation of Pater- culus, 1814 : of Lucian, 1819 . d. 21 Feb. 1821 PiETRO, b. 2 Nov. 1785 : published "II Conquisto di Messico," 1817; "Istoria della Revoluzione di Francia," 1826 . . d. 22 April, 1839 Manzini, see Mancini. Manzo, see Manso. Manzolli, Pier Angelo, Italian Latin poet (termed himself Marcello Palingenio), wrote " Zodiacus Vitse " (satirising the clergy), printed after 1534. Manzoni, Alessandro, Italian novelist and poet; b. 1784; published " Inmi Sacri," 1810; "II Conte di Carmagnoli" (tragedy), 1820; "I Promessi Spose" (novel), 1827. Manzuoli, Tommaso (Maso di San Friano), Florentine painter; b. 1536; d. 1575. Mapes, Gautier (Walter), satirical Anglo- Norman poet ; favourite of Henry II. and Thomas k Becket, about 1162 ; his "Latin Poems" edited by Thomas Wright, 1S41. MAPHiEus, see Maffei. Mapletoft, John, D.D., M.D.; b. 1631; d. 10 Nov. 1721. Maea, Madame Gertrude Elizabeth, German singer; b. (Schmahhng), 1 749; at first a good violinist; ddbut as singer at Leipsic, 1771 ; married Mara, a .violoncellist, 1773 ; soon separated ; d. 20 Jan. 1833. Maraooi, see Marracci. Makais, Marin, French musician; b. 31 March, 1656; composed operas, "Ariadne et Bacchus," 1696; "Semele," 1709; d. 15 Aug. 1728. Maraldi, Italian astronomers : GiACOMO Finppo ; 6. 21 Aug. 1665 ; published papers on the movements of Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars, 1705-12 d. 1 Dec. 1729 Giovanni Domenico, nephew ; 6. 17 April, 1709 ; wi'ote on the movements of the pole star, 1733 ; on the figure of the earth, and the moon's paral- lax, 1734 d. 14 Nov. 178S MAE 359 MAE, Maean, Prudent, French Benedictine ; 6. 14 Oct. 1683 ; exiled for opposing the bull Unigenitus ; published (against Socinians), " Divinity de Jesus-Chriat prouv^e, " 1 75 1 ; d. 2 April, 1762. Maeana, G-iovanni Paolo, Italian historian ; b. about 1642 ; published "L'Espiondu Grand Seigneur dans les coura des Princes Chretiens," ("The Turkish Spy"), 1684, et seq. ; d. Dec. 1693. Maeanta, Bartolommeo, Italian botanist, friend of Fallopius ; by his help, published " Methodus cognoscendorum Medicamen- torum," 1579; d. about 1600. Maeat, Jean Paul, French physician, physi- cist, and revolutionist ; b. 24 May, 1744 ; taught languages at Edinburgh ; practised as physician at Paris ; published " De I'Homme," 1773; "D^couvertes sur le Feu, FElectricite," &c., 1779; "L'Ami du Peuple," 1789-92; " Supplique aux Pferes Conscrits de ceux qui n'ont rien &, ceux qui ont tout," 24 June, 1 789 ; proposed, and carried out wholesale massacres, 2-5 Sept. 1 792 ; assassinated by Charlotte Cor- day, 13 July, 1793. Maeatta or Ma-RATTI, Carlo, Eoman painter ; 6. 1625 ; d. 15 Dec. 1713. Maebeck, John, organist at Windsor ; pub- lished '*The Booke of Common Prayer noted" (for chanting), 1550; "Concordance of the whole Bible," (the first in English), 1550 ; d. about 1585. Maebehf, Pierre de, French poet ; J. about 1596; wrote " Psalterion Chrestien," " Po&ie meWe," 1618. MAEBODiEUS or Maebceuf, bishop of Eennes, b. about 1035 ; wrote " De Gemmarum Lapi- dumque Pretiosiormn Form%" printed, 1531 ; d. II Sept. 1 123. Maeo Antony, see Antonius. Maeca, Pierre de, archbishop of Paris, French historian; b. 24 Jan. 1594; published " De Concordia Sacerdotii et Imperii," 1641 ; arch- bishop, 24 Feb. 1662 ; opposed Jansenists; d. 29 June, 1662. Maeoeau, Frangois S^v^rin Desgraviers, daring French general ; 5. 21 March, 1769 ; en- tered the army, 1785; killed at Altenkirchen, 30 Sept. 1 796. Maecel, Etienne, provost of the merchants at Paris ; energetic in defending Paris, 1355 ; struggled to establish political Uberty by means of the states-general, 1356 ; convoked a great assembly of citizens, Feb. 1358 ; opposed the predominant royal authority ; combined with the Jacquerie, which he attempted to moderate ; IdUed in a conflict with the royalists in Paris, 13 July, 1358. Maeoel, Guillaume, French chronologist ; i. 1647: published " Histoire de I'Origine de la Monarohie Frangoise," 1683-86; "Tablettes Chronologiques," 1682; d. 27 Dec. 1,708. Maeoel, Jean Joseph, French orientaUat ; h. 24 JSTov. I77^> ^^^ 0^ *^® scientific commis- sioners in Egypt, 1 798 ; and an editor of "De- scription de I'Egypte," 1801, et seq.; d. 11 March, 1854. Maeoellinu,?, see Ammianus. Maeoellinus, St., bishop of Eome ; ordained, 30 June, 296 ; suffered under Diocletian's per- secution ; d. 24 Oct, 304. Maecello, Benedetto, Venetian poet and musician; h. 24 July, 1686; pubhahed Para- phrases of the Psalms, with music, 1724-27 concerts, oratorios, &c. ; d. 24 July, 1739. Marcellus, Marcus Claudius, Eoman general J. about B.C. 270; checked Hannibal at Nola. 216 ; captured Syracuse, 214 ; killed in a skir- mish with Hannibal near Venusia, Italy, 208. Makoellus, Marcus Claudius, husband of Octavia, sister of the emperor Augustus, and friend of Pompey and Cicero ; d. about B.C. 47. His son Maeoellus, b. 43 ; celebrated by Vir- gil, ^neid VI., 883 ; d. 23. Maeoellus I., II., popsa : I. St., ordained, 19 May, 308 : severe to the lapsed d 16 Jan. 310 II. Marcello Cervine ; elected, 9 April ; a re- former : desired a general council : d. i May, 1555 Marcet, acieutific writers : Alexander, M,D. ; b. at Geneva, 1770; prac- tised at Edinburgh, 1797 : published " Essay on Chemical History of Medical Treatment of Cal- culous Disorders," 1817 . . . d. 19 Oct. 1S23 Mary, wife ; h. (Haldimand), 1769 : published "Conversations on Chemistry," 1806 : and other conversations on natural phjloBophy, botany, physiology, &c. . . . rf. 28 June, 1858 Francis, son ; &. 25 May, 1803 ; professor at Geneva : published " Cours de Physique Ex- perimentale," 1831, &c. Maechand, Eichard Felix, German chemist ; 6. 25 Aug. 1813 ; editor, with Erdmann, of the "Journal fur JPraktische Chemie," 1838-50; d. 2 Aug. 1850. Maechand, Louis, French organist ; b. 2 Feb. 1669 ; published "Pifeces de Clavecin," 1705-18 ; d. 17 Feb. 1732. Maechand, Prosper, French bibliographer ; b. about 1675; d. 14 June, 1756; his " Dictionnaire Historique, "(sequel to Bayle's),publi3hedl 758-9. Maeohetti, Alessandro, Italian mathema- tician ; 6. 17 March, 1633; published " Exer- oitationes Mechanioae," 1669; d. 6 Sept. 1714 ; his "Vita e Poesie," published 1755' Maeohettis de, Italian anatomists : PlETRO ; 6. 1593 : published " Sylloge Observationum Med. Chir.," 1664 ; d. 16 April 1673. DoMENico, son : h. 1626 ; made discoveries respecting the pneumo-gastric nerves ; published " Anatomia," 1652 ; d. 1688. Maeohi, Francesco, Italian engineer ; pub- lished "Delia Architectura Militare," 1599; d. about 1599. Maeoianus, emperor of the East ; h. about 391 ; married Pulcheria, widow of Theodosius the younger, 450 ; croAVned emperor, 24 Aug. 450 ; d. 26 June, 457. MAE 360 MAR Maeoion, ascetic heretic ; condemned mar- riage ; denied the resurrection ; received only portions of the Bible ; about 140. Makcile, Theodore, Dutch scholar; J. 21 April, 1548; published "De Laudibus Gal- ilee," 1584; "Historia Strenarum," 1599; d. 12 April, 1617. Maeous Aueelius, see Aurelius. Maecus, St., pope ; elected, 18 Jan. ; d. 7 Oct. 336. Makct, William L., American statesman ; h. 12 Dec. 1786; employed in settling the Mexi- can claims, 1845; foreign secretary, 1853-57 ; d. 4 July, 1857. Maedonids, Persian general ; conspired against Smerdis the Magian, B.C. 521; took Athens ; defeated and slain at the battle of Plataea, Sept. 479. Mar^ichal, Georges, Trench surgeon ; I. 7 April, 1658; d. 13 Dec. 1736. MAEtoHAL, Pierre Sylvain, French poet and writer ; h. 15 Aug. 1 750 ; attacked the Bible ; his " Ahnanach des honnetes gens," condemned to be burnt," 178S; pubUshed " Dictionnaire des Athfes," 1800 ; " Pour «t centre la Bible," 1801 ; "Voyage de Pythagore," 1799; d. iS Jan. 1803. Maeet, Jean Philibert, French surgeon ; h. 8 Nov. 1705 ; recommended ammonia for viper bites ; d. 4 Oct. 1 780. Maeet, Hugues Bernard, see Bassano. Maegabet, St., sister of Edward Atheling; i. 1046; married Malcolm III. of Scotland, 1070; d. 16 Nov. 1093. Maegaeet of Angouleme, queen of Navarre, sister of Francis I. of France and grandmother of Henry IV.; h. 11 April, 1492; married Charles due d'AIenjon, i Dec. 1509; patron- ised literature and the reformation; widow; married Henri d'Albret, titular king of Na- varre, Jan. 1527; mother of Jeanne d'Albret, 1528; strongly opposed persecution; pub- lished "Miroir de I'Ame p&heresse," 1541 ; wrote " Contes et NouveUes " (styled the " HeptamiSron ") ; d. 21 Dec. 1549. Maegaeet of Anjou, daughter of Een^, duke of Lorraine, titular king of Naples ; J. March, 1429 ; d. in Anjou, 25 Aug, 1482. Manried Henry VI. of England . 22 April, 1445 Became powerful: humbled the duke of Glouces- ter . . 1447 Her son, Edward . . . . 6. 1.3 Oct. 1453 Quarrelled with the duke of York ; protector . 1454 Defeated and killed him at "Wakefield . 31 Dec. 1460 Defeated at Towton ; escaped to Scotland, 29 March, 1461 Defeated at Hexham ; fled to Flanders, 15 May, 1464 Finally defeated at Tewkesbury . 4 May, 1471 Her husband murdered . . May, 1471 Maegaeet, daughter of Waldemar, king of Denmark, " Semiramis of the North; " b. 1353; d. 28 Oct. 1412. Married Haco VIII. of Norway, 9 April (expelled soon after) 1363 Eegent of Denmark for her son Olaf . 1376 Regent of Norway . . - • 1380 Queen (at her son's death) .... 1387 Defeated Albert of Mecklenburg, and acquired , Sweden . . , . . . ; 1389 Combined Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, into / one kingdom, by the union of Calmar ; her son Eric crowned . '397 Claimed Holstein and Sleswig . . 1404 Maegaeet of Austria, daughter of the em- peror Maximilian and Mary of Burgundy; b. 10 Jan. 1480; wife of John of Castile, 1497; of Philibert of Savoy, 1499-1504; made gover- ness of the low countries, 1507 ; negotiated the league of Cambray, Dec. 1508; and the peace of Cambray (" Paix des Dames "), 1529; d. I Dec. 1530, Maegaeet of France ; married Edward I. of England, 12 Sept. 1299; widow, 7 July, 1307; d. 1317. Maegaeet of France, queen of Navarre, daughter of Henry II., first wife of Heiu'y IV. ; I. 14 May, 1553; married Henry of Navarre; nearly killed at the massacre of St. Bartholo- mew, 23-24 Aug. 1572; her husband and she, both dissolute, separated, 1576; divorced, 17 Dec. 1599; d. 27 March, 1615. Maegaeet of Provence; b. I22l; married Louis IX., 27 May, 1234; accompanied him in the crusade, 1248; became his counsellor, 1255; widow, 25 Aug. 1270; d. 21 Dec. 1295. Maegaeet of Scotland, daughter of James I. ; h. 1424; married Louis XL of France, when dauphin, 24 June, 1436 ; badly used by him ; d. 1445. Maegaeet-Theeesa of Spain; b. 12 July, 1 651; married the emperor Leopold I., 1 566; d. II March, 1673. Maegaeet Tcdoe, daughter of Heirry VII. of England; 6. 29 Nov. 1489; married James IV. of Scotland, 8 Aug. 1503; her husband defeated and killed at Flodden, 9 Sept. 1506; married Archibald, earl of Angus ; afterwards Henry Stuart, earl of Methven ; d. 1541. Maegaeet of York, sister of Edward IV. of England; married Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, 2 July, 1468 ; troubled Louis XL of France and Henry VII. of England; d. 1503. Maegaeitone d'Arezzo, Florentine painter, sculptor, and architect; 6. 1212 ; d. about 1289. Mabggeaf or Maekgeat, Georg, German naturalist; b. 20 Sept. 1610 ; explored Brazil, 1638, et seq. ; his "De MedicinS BrasUiensi," published 1648 ; d. in Guinea, 1644. Maeggeaf, Andreas Sigismund, German chemist; b. 3 March, 1709; discovered phos- phoric acid; described, 1740; obtained sugar from the beet and other plants, 1745, et seq.; discovered alumina, 1754; magnesia, 1759; d. 7 Aug. 17S2. / Mabgon, Guillaume P. de la Pause, abbi5 de, j/ French writer; 6. about 1685 ; published "La Jans^nisme d(5masqu<5," 1715 ; "M^moires du duode ViUars," 1734; d. 1760. MAR 361 MAR Maegunio, Massimo, Greek poet and theo" logian ; 6. in Candia about 1523 ; Ms printing office at Venice burnt, 1575 ; became a monk ; wrote anacreontic poems ; d. 1602. Makia I. II., queens of Portugal : I. Francesco, daughter of Jose I. b. 17 Dec. 1734 Married her uncle Pedro, 6 June 1760; suc- ceeded her father, 24 Feb. 1777 ; dismissed the able minister Pombal, 1777 ; became ill : her son John regent, 1792 . . t^. 20 March, 1816 II. da Gloria, daughter of Pedro IV. afterwards emperor of Brazil , . , b. 4 April, i8rg Became queen by abdication of her father Dom Pedro 1 2 May 1826 Her uncle Miguel regent, July, 1827 ; accepted the crown .... . April, 1828 deceived as queen in London . . Sept. 1828 Kestored to the throne under her father's charge Sept. 1833 Married Augustus, duke of Leuchtenberg, 26 Jan. he died 28 March, 1835 Married Ferdinand prince of Ease Coburg and Gotha, 9 April, 1836 . . d. 15 Nov. 1853 Makia Beatrice d'Este ; b. 5 Oct. 1658 ; married James II. (while duke of York), 21 Nov. 1673 ; queen, 6 Feb. 1685 ; d. 7 May, 1718. Maeia Cheistina, queen dowager of Spain, see Christina. Maeia Amelia, queen of France, daughter of Ferdinand IV. king of the Two Sicilies ; 6. 26 April, 1782; married Louis Philippe, Due d'0rl(5ans, 25 Nov. 1809 ; d. 24 March, 1S66. Maeia, daughter of Louis of Anjou, king of Hungary ; b. 1370; queen at his death, 1382 ; married Sigismund of Brandenburg, who deKvered her from rebels and assumed the government ; rf. 17 May, 1395. Maeia Antoinetta, of Lorraine, queen of France ; daughter of Francis I. and Maria Theresa of Germany ; b. 2 Nov. 1755 ; executed 16 Oct. 1793. Married to the dauphin (afterwards Louis XYI.) 16 May, 1770 Queen at the death of Louis XV. . 10 May, 1774 At first popular through beneficence : attaclced on account of the diamond necklace affair. &c. 1785 Termed "I'Autrichienne" and "Madame Veto" 1789 Present at the banquet of the guards . i Oct. 1789 Separated from the king and imprisoned Aug. 1792 Tried, 14 Oct. ; executed ... 16 Oct. 1793 Maeia of Austria, daughter of Philip and Juana of Spain, and sister of Charles V. ; b. 17 Sept. 1 50 1. Married Louis II. of Hungary .... 1523 He was killed at Mohacz ... 29 Aug. 1526 Appointed governess of the Netherlands . 1531 Kesigned at the abdication of Charles, 1555 d. 18 Dec. 1558 Maeia Louisa, empress of France ; daughter of Francis I. emperor of Austria ; b. 12 Deo. 1791 ; d. 18 Dec. 1849. Married Napoleon 1. , . . 2 Apnl, i8jo Mother of Napoleon II. the King of -Rome 20 March, 1811 Made regent . ■ ■ ^pri], 1813 Took her son to Blois . . . =-*■?".'• '°''t Made duchess of Parma ; quitted France 20 April, 1814 Protested against the restoration . 19 Feb. 1815 Married the Comte de Neipperg after Napoleon 3 death 5 May, 1S21 Maeia Lesczinska, daughter of Stanislas, king of Poland ; b. 23 June, 1 703 ; married Louis XV., 4 Sept. 1725; at first beloved, afterwards neglected ; d. 24 June, 1 768. Maeia de' Medici, daughter of Francis, grand-duke of Tuscany, queen of France ; b. 26 April, 1573 ; married Henry IV. of France, 5 Oct. ; met by him, 2 Deo. 1600 ; mother of Louis XIII., 27 Sept. 1601 ; caused the re-establishment of the Jesuits, 1603 ; regent for Louis after her husband's murder, 14 May, 1 6 10; overcome in her contest with Richelieu, 1617-30; quitted France, 18 July, 1630; d. at Cologne, 3 July, 1642. Maeia Theeesa of Austria, queen of Hun- gary ; daughter of the emperor Charles VI. ; b. 13 May, 1717 ; rf. 30 July, 1780. Her succession fixed in conformity with the prag- matic sanction .... 1723 Married Francis of Lorraine .... 1736 Obtained her hereditary rights . . . 1740 Defended them against Bavaria by the help of Great Britain .... . 1742, «' " Dec. 1734. Ma-SISISSA, African prince ; valuable ally of the Eomans ; made king of Numidia by Scipio, B. c. 204 ; frequently victor over the Cartha- ginians, 152-50 ; d. 149. Maskeltne, NevU, astronomer ; b. 1732; published "British Mariners' Guide," 1763; astronomer-royal at Greenwich, 1765-1811 ; went to St. Helena to observe the transit of Venus, 1 761 ; to SchiehaUien, in Perthshire, to calculate the density of the earth, 1774; d. 9 Feb. 181 1. Maso, see Piniguerra. Masolino, see Panicale. Masos, John, theologian; b. 1706 ; published " Self Binowledge," 1745; d. 10 Feb. 1763. Mason, Sir .John, statesman ; b. 1500; d. 1566. Mason, Eev. WiUiam, poet ; b. 1 725 ; pub- lished "Odes," 1756; " Caractacu-i," 1759; "The English Garden," 1772-82; d. 7 April, 1797. MAJ30UDI, Abul Hassan All, Arab writer; wrote " Book of Wonders," and Memoirs ; d. 956. " Masque de Fee," man with the iron mask ; a French prisoner of state in the BastiUe, from 18 Sept. 1698, until his death, 19 Nov. 1703. Massaniello, see Masanietlo. Massaei, Lucio, Bolognese painter ; b. 1569 ; d. 1633. Massaeia, Alessandro, Italian physician ; b. about 1 5 10; reformer of medical practice ; published "DeAbusuMedicamentorum," 1591 ; d. 18 Oct. 1598. MAS.SENA, Andr^, duke of Eivoli, prince of EssKng, French marshal ; b. 6 May, 1758; d. 4 April, 1817. Entered the army 1775 DistinguiBhed himself in Italy, 1793-96; at KivoU, &c. 9-1 1 Jan. 1797 As commander, repressed insurrection at Eome Feb, 1798 Defeated the Eussians under Korsakov at Zurich 25 Sept. 1799 Defeated by Melas ; retired into Genoa, 18 April, which he vigorously defended till . 5 June, 1800 Fought in Germany 1809 Commanded in Spain; defeated by Wellington at Buaaco, 27 Sept. 1810 ; and at Fuentes d'Onore 5 May, 1811 Unjustly disgraced by Napoleon . . 1811 Employed by Louis XVIII. 1814 Denounced in the Chambers ; defended himself successfully 1817 MAS 368 MAT Masseville, Louis Le Vavasseur de, Frenoli historian; 6. about 1647; publislied "Histoire de Normandie," 1698; d. 1733. Massey, Gerald, self-tauglit poet ; 5. 29 May, 1828; errand-boy ia London about 1843 ; pub- lished " Poetical Works," new edition, 1861. Masset, Wilham Nathaniel, barrister and statesman; h. 1809; published "History of England under George III. ;" 1S55-60; finance minister of India, March, 1865. Massieu, GuiUaume, French Jesuit; 5. 13 April, 1665; wrote "De I'llsage de Po&ie," and "Poemata Didascalia;" d. 22 Sept. 1722. Massillon, Jean Baptiste, bishop of Cler- mont, French orator ; h, 24 June, 1 663 ; preached before Louis XIV. and the court, in Lent, 1 70 1, 1704; made bishop, 171 7; pub- lished "Sermons," 1705; d. 28 Sept. 1742. Massingek, Philip, dramatist ; b. 1584; pub- lished " Virgin Martyr," 1622 ; " Duke of Milan," 1623; "Fatal Dowry," 1632; "City Madam," 1659 ; d. 17 March, 1640. Masson, French poets, brothers : Andk£ Pierre .... . b. 1759 "Went to Russia ; expelled by Paul I. . . 1796 Published " Les Sarrasins en France," an epic, 1815 d. about 1820 Charles FRANgois Philibert ... 6. 1762 "Went to Kussia ; promoted in the army . 1788-92 Employed diplomatically in Bavaria and "Wux- temberg .... . 1794 Dismissed by Paul 1 1796 Received and protected by Lucien Bonaparte, 1800 d. 3 June, 1S07 Masson, Antoine, French engraver; b. 1636 ; d. 30 May, 1700. Masson, Antoine Philibert, French physicist and chemist; b. 22 Aug. 1806; published " Th^orie Physique et Math^matique des Ph^- nomfenes Dynamiques, et du MagTi^tisme," 1838. Masson, Auguste Michel Benolt Gaudichot, French novelist and dramatist; b. 31 July, 1800; published "Daniel le Lapidier ; ou Contes de I'AteUer," 1832-33. Masson, David, Scotch scholar; 6. 2 Dec. 1822 ; professor of English literature at Uni- versity College, London, 1852 ; at the "Univer- sity of Edinburgh, Oct. 1865 ; published " Essays Biographical and Critical," 1856 ; "Life of Milton," 1858. Masson, Francis, Scotch botanist; b. 1741 ; explored the Cape, South Africa, the Azores, Canaries, part of the Antilles, &c., collecting plants for Kew Gardens, 1771-81 ; d. Dec. 1805. Masson, Jean Papire, French historian ; b. 6 May, 1 544 ; published " Historia Vitae Caroli IX.," 1577; "Annales res gests Fran- corum;" 1597-98; d. 9 Jan. 1611. Masson, Jean, French protesta-nt writer ; b. 16S0 ; came to London, 1685 ; pubhshed " VittE Horatii, Ovidii, et Plinii Secundi," 1708-9 ; edited Horace, 1707 ; d. about 1750. Massuet, Ren^, French Benedictine ; 6. 1666 ; edited "St. Irenaeus," 1710; d. 11 Jan. 1716. Mastelletta, Giovanni AJndrea Donducci, il, Bolognese painter ; b. 1575 ; d. 1655. Master or Masters, Thomas, poet ; b. about 1600; published " MeiLsa Lubrica, 1658. Masters, Robert, antiquary; b. 1713 ; pub- lished " History of Corpus Christi College," 1753; ' d. 5 June, 1S59. Married Eleanor, grand-daughter of the minister Eaunitz, 27 Sept. 1795 ; Austrian minister at Dresden, 1801 : at Berlin, 1803 : at Paris . 1806-9 Made chancellor and foreign minister . 8 Oct. 1809 Made peace with France ... 14 Oct. 1809 Furnished a contingent for Napoleon's Kussian campaign 1812 Mediated in vain between Napoleon and the allies . . . 1813 Visited London . . . J^tly, 1814 At the congress of Laybach . . . Jan. 1821 Overthrown by the revolution at Vienna, March, 1848 Ketired from Austria, 1848 ; returned . Nov. 1849 Metsu, Gabriel, Dutch painter; b. 161 5; d. 1658. Meulen, Van der, Dutch painters, brothers : Anton Franz ; 6. 1634 . . . d. 15 Oct. 1690 Peter, patronised by "William III. ; came to England 1670 Meun, Jean de, "Clopinel," French poet; b. about 1280; wrote "Le Roman de la Hose." Meueice, Eran9ois Paul, Prench dramatist and journalist ; b. Feb. 1820. Meubsius (Meues), Johannes, Dutch philolo- gist; b. 1579) published "Glossarium Grgeco- Barbarum," 1614; " Panathensea " and "Eleu- sinia," 1619; d. 20 Sept. 1639. Meusel, or MoEZEL, WoKgang, German Hebraist and reformer; b. 8 Sept. 1497; d. 30 Aug. 1563. Medsniee, Philippe, French painter; b. 1656; d. 27 Dec. 1734. Meusniee, Anne Gabriel, French satiric writer; 6. 15 April, 1702; d. 12 April, 1780. Meusniee, Jean Baptiste Marie, French general and physicist; b. 19 June, 1754; in- vented a method of freshening salt water ; im- proved lamps ; general in the army, 1 792 ; wounded near Biberaoh; d. 13 June, 1793. Mexia, Pedro, Spanish writer ; b. about 1496; published "Sdva de varia Leccion," 1543; d. 1552. Meyer, Jacques de, Flemish historian ; 6. 17 Jan. 1491 ; published " Flandricae Pes," 1531; "Chronicse Flandriffi," 1538; d. 5 Feb. 1552. Meybhbeee, (originally Beee, wliich see), Jacob, German musical composer ; b. 5 Sept. 1 791 ; d. 2 May, 1864. "--■'i' •■ Chief works performed : " God and Nature," 1811; " Jephtha's Vow," 1812 : " Robert le Dia- blo," 1831 : "Les Huguenots," 1836 : "Le Pro- ph^te," 1849: " L'Etoile du Nord," 1854: "Le Pardon de Ploermel" 1859 Meyees, Jeremiah, miniature painter ; b. 1 728 ; d. 1789. Meygeet, or Meigret, Louis, French gram- marian ; b. about 1510 ; edited parts of Pliny Secundus, 1 540 ; of Columella, 1542 ; pub- lished the first French grammar, " Le Trette de la Grammaire Francofeze," 1550; d. after 1560. Meyeick, Sir Samuel Push, antiquary ; b. 26 Aug. 1783^ published " History and Antiqui- ties of Cardigan," 1810 ; "Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour," 1824 ; " Engraved Illustrations of Ancient Arms and Armour," 1830 ; d. 2 April, 1848. Mi;z]6EAT, Frangois Eudes de, French his- torian; b. 1610 ; served in the army in Flan- ders, 1635-36 ; rescued from indigence by Richelieu ; published " Histoire de France," 1643-51 ; d. 10 July, 1683. Mezzopanti, Giuseppe, Itahan linguist ; 6. 1 7 Sept. 1774; prof essor at Bologna, 1804; settled at Rome with Gregory XVI., 1830; cardinal, 12 Feb. 1838 ; knew well forty-eight languages and many dialects; d 15 March, 1849. MIA 381 MID MiALL, Edward, nonconformist politician b. 1809; founded the "Nonconformist," 1841 published " View of the Voluntaiy Principle,' 1S45; " Politics of Christianity," 1863. MiAOULis, Andreas Bokos, Greek admiral ; i. 1772; settled at Hydra as merchant; joined the insurrection, 1821 ; served under Cochrane, 1826; charged to offer the crown to Otho of Bavaria, 1831 ; made vice-admiral of Greece, 1835 ; d. 24 June, 1835. Michael I. — IX., emperors of the east : I. Khangabe, or Ehagabe, succeeded Nice- pliorus 1 2 Oct. 811 Defeated by the Bulgarians, at Adrianople 22 June, 813 Deposed, 813 . . , d. in a convent, about 844 II. Balbus : helped Leo. V. against Michael I. 813 Conspired against him ; made emperor Dec. 820 Put down the rebellion of Thomas . . 823 Corresponded with Louis le Debonnaire 824 Lost Crete, 824 . . d. Oct. 829 III. . . h. about 839 Succeeded his father, Theophilus (liis mother, Theodora, regent) 842 Excessively dissolute : suffered his mother to be imprisoned by her brother Bardas . 856 Murdered while drunk . . .24 Sept. 867 IV. , the Paphlagonian, paramour of the empress Zoe : married her, and proclaimed emperor II April, 1034 Euled by John, the eunuch ; their general, Maniaces, recovered Sicily from the Arabs, 1038 : lost it . . ... 1040 Ee-conquered Bulgaria, 1041 . d. 10 Dec. 1041 v., Calaphates, the Calker, nephew by marriage, adopted by Michael IV. ; succeeded them Dec. 1041 Banished Zoe and others ; dethroned d. in a convent, after 1042 VI. Stratioticus, the warlike ; chosen by the em- press Theodora ; succeeded her . . 22 Aug. 1056 Besigned to Isaac Comnenus, Aug. 1057 d. about 1059 VII. Ducas Parapinaces (son of Constantine XL); a minor at his father's death; his mother, Eudoxia, and Eomanus IV. rule . 1059 Proclaimed by Joannes Cassar . . 1071 Shut up his mother in a convent . . 1071 Distracted by rebellions .... 1074 Abdicated (became afterwards archbishop of Ephesus) 25 March, 1078 VEIL Palaaologus, emperor of Nicsea . . 6. 1224 Crowned with John, son of Theodors Lacaris, I Jan. 1260 Eegatned Constantinople from the Latins 25 July, 1261. Eecrowned there ; ordered John to be blinded 25 Dec. 1261 Vainly endeavoured to unite the eastern and western churches by means of the council of Lyons . ^-74 Defeated an invasion of the French : said to have incited the " Sicilian vespers ;" d. 11 Dec. 1282 IX. Palaeologus, associated with his father, Andronicus II. . . . d. about 1326 Michael III., prince of Servia; 5. 4 Sept. 1825 ; succeeded his father, Milosch, 26 Sept. i860; assassinated, 10 June, 1868. Michael Angelo, see Buonarroti. MiOHAELis, German orientalists : JohannHeinrioh, b. 26 July, 1668 ; i?. 10 March, 1738 Chkistian Benedict, brother ; b. 26 Jan. 16B0 d. 22 Feb. 1762 JoHANN David, son ; I>. 27 Feb. 1717 ; published " Grammatica Chaldaica," 1771 : " Grammatica Syriaca," 1784 ; " Introduction to the New Tes- tament," in German, 1787 ; new translation of the Bible, 1769-92 . . d. 22 Aug. 1791 MiCHAUD, Joseph, French historian and poet ; b. 1767 ; pubhshed "Voyage Litt(5raire au Mont Blanc," 1787; came to support royalty, 1790; founded "La Quotidienne, " 1794; im- prisoned for his "Adieux k Bonaparte," 1799; with his brother Louis, published "Biogra- phie Universelle," 181 1-28; visited the East, 1830-1 ; published " Histoire dea Croisades," 1811-17 ; d. 30 Sept. 1839. MiOHAUX, Andr^, French botanist ; b. 7 March, 1 746 ; explored and collected specimens in England, Spain, &o., 1779-80; published " Histoire des Chenes de I'Am&ique Septen- trionale," 1801; "Flora Boreali- Americana," 1803 ; i 13 Nov. 1802. MiCHELET, Jules, French histoiian and philo- sopher; b. 21 Aug. 1798. Professor of history 1821 Published " Histoire de France," 1833-60 ; " Me- moires de Luther," 1835; " Les Jesuites," (with E. Quinet) 1843 ; " Du PrGtre, de la Ferame et de la Famllle," 1844 : "Le Peuple," 1846 ; "His- toire de la Revolution Franc:aise," 1847-53 ; "L'Oiseau," i856:"L'Insecte," i857;"L'Amouj'," 1858; "La Femme," 1859; "LaMer," 1861; "La Sorcitire," 1862; "La Bible de I'Huma- nite," 1864. MiCHELi DU Ceest, Jacques Barthflemi, Swiss physicist ; b. 1690 ; described his " universal thermometer," 1 741 ; pubhshed " Eecueil Phy- sique," 1760; d. March, 1766. MiOHELOZZI, Michelozzo, Florentine architect and sculptor ; b. about 1400 ; d. about 1470. MiCIPSA, king of Numidia, son of Masinissa ; ally of the Koraans in Spain, B.C. 142 ; adorned his capital Cirta ; d. after 125. MiCKiEWicz, Adam, Polish poet ; b. 1798 ; wrote "Grajina" and "Dziady," (the ances- tors); exiled from Poland, 1S24; "WaUenrod;" pubUshed works, 1828-9 j professor of Slavonic Uterature at Paris, 1839 ; suspended for fanati- cism, 1844 ; d. 27 Nov. 1855. MiCKLE, Wflliam Julius, Scotch poet ; b. 29 Sept. 1734; published "Providence," 1762; became corrector of the press at the " Clarendon Office," Oxford, 1765 ; pubhshed translation of the "Lusiad,"of Camoens, 1775; d 28 Oct. 1788. MlCK^LIUS, Johannes, German historian ; b- 1597; published " Lexicon PhUosophicum," 1653; d. 3 Dec. 1658. MiDDLETON, Conyers, D.D., theologian ; b. 1683; puijlished "Life of CJicero," 1741 ; " Treatise on the Koman Senate, " 1 747 ; " Free Inquiry into Miraculous Powers," &c., 1749; d. 28 July, 1750. MiDDLETON, Sir Henry, navigator ; b. about 1570; sailed to India for the East India Com- pany, 2 April, 1604; returned, 6 May, i6o5 ; sailed again, 1 6 10; d. m Saldanha Bay, June, 1615. MID 882 MIL MiDDLETON, Sir Hugh, mining engineer ; &. about 1565 ; constructed the new river from Amwell and Chadwell to London, i Feb. 160S — 29 Sept. 1613; made baronet, 1622; d. Nov. 1631. MiDDLETON, Thomas Fanshaw, bishop of Calcutta ; h. 26 Jan. 1 769 ; published " The Doctrine of the Greek Article," 1808; conse- crated, 1 8 14; founded a college at Calcutta, 1820; d. 8 July, 1822. MiDDLETON", Thomas, dramatist ; wrote " Mad World my Masters," 1608; "Eoaring Girl," 1611 ; d. about 1626. MiEOiSLAS (MiESKo) I., II., rulers of Poland : I. duke ; &. 931 : married Dombrowska of Bohemia : is baptized, and promotes the con- version of Poland d. 931 II. king ; h. 990 ; succeeded his fatlaer, Boleslas, 1025 : lost Moravia to the Bohemians ; defeated the Pomeranian revolters . d. 15 March, 1034 MiEL, see Med. MiEKEVELT, see Mireveld. MiEEis, Van, Flemish painters : Frans, the elder ; b. 16 April, 1635 ; painted "The Silk Merchants," "Assembly of Ladies," "Mieris and his Wife" . . . d. 12 March, j68i Jan, son ; h. 17 June, 1660 . . d. 17 March, 1690 WiLLEM, brother : b. 1662 . . d. 24 Jan. 1747 Frans, the younger, son ; h. 24 Bee. 16S9 ; d. 22 Oct. 1763 MiGLTAEA, Giovanni, Italian architectural painter; b. 15 Oct. 1785; d. 18 April, 1837. MiONAED, French painters : Nicolas, h. about 1605 . . , d. 20 March, 1668 PlEERE, brother : b. Nov. 1610 : made royal painter and director of the Gobelins, 1690 ; d. 13 May, 1695 MiGNET, Frangois Auguste Marie, French historian; h. 8 May, 1796; published "His- toire de la E^ volution," 1824; "Antonio P&ez et Philippe II.," 1845; "Histoire de Marie Stuart," 1851; "Charles Quint," 1854. MiGNON, or MiNJON, Abraham, German flower painter ; b. 1639; d. 1679. MiGNOT, Etienne, French scholar ; J. 1 7 March, 1698; d. 23 July, 1771. MiGNOT, Vincent, French historian, nephew of Voltaire; b. about 1730; pubhshed "His- toire de I'Bmpire Ottoman," 1771 ; d. Sept. 1791. Miguel, Dom Maria Evarista, son of John VI., then regent of Portugal; b. 26 Oct. 1802; d. 14 Nov. 1866. Eebelled against his father : subdued . . 1823-24 "Went to Vienna, and received some education 1824 Attempted to seize the crown at his father's de.ath 10 March, 1S26 Appointed regent, engaging to maintain the charter .... . Dec. 1827 Took the constitutional oath . . Feb. 1828 Declared himself sole king . 30 June, 1828 Governed tyrannically and cruelly . . . 1828-30 His expedition against Terceira defeated, 11 Aug. 1829 Insulted Great Britain and France . . . 1831 His ileet captured by Admiral Napier 2 July, 1833 Capitulated at Evora (sailed for Genoa) 29 May, 1834 Married princess Adelaide of Lcewenstein 24 Sept. 1851 MiLOHiADES, see Melcldades. MiLDMAT, Sir Walter, statesman; 6. 1522; d. 31 May, 15S9. MntlziA, Francesco, Italian architect ; b. 1 725 ; published "Vite de' piti celebri Arohitetti," 1768; "Del Teatro," 1772; d. March, 1798. Mill, James, Scotch historian and philoso- pher ; 6. 6 April, 1773 ; published " History of British India," 1818 ; engaged in the company's service, i8ig; published "Elements of Political Economy," 1821-22; "Analysis of the Pheno- mena of the Human Mind," 1829 ; d. 23 June, 1836. Mill, John, theologian and scholar ; h. about 1645 j published critical edition of the Greek Testament, 1 707 ; d. 23 June, 1 707. Mill, John Stuart, son of James, philosopher ; b. 20 May, 1 806 ; entered the East India com- pany's service, 1823 ; friend of Bentham ; edited the "Westminster Review," 1835-40; published "System of Logic," 1843; "Essay on Liberty," 1859; "Principles of PoUtical Economy," 1861 ; M.P. for Westminster, 1865-68. Mill, William Hodge, D.D., orientalist ; b. 1792; first principal of Bishop's college, Calcutta, 1820-38; regius professor of Hebrew at Cambridge, 1848-53; pubhshed " Christar Sangit^" 1831 ; d. 25 Dee. 1853. MiLLAis, John Everett, a founder of the pre- Kaphaelite school of painting; b. 8 June, 1829; A.II.A., 1853; Ii,.A., 1863; exhibited "The Huguenot," 1852; " 'The Black Brunswicker," 1861 ; "My first Sermon," 1863 ; " My second Sermon," 1864. MiLLAK, John, Scotch publicist ; 5. 22 June, 1735 ; pubhshed " Origin of the Distinction of Ranks," 1771 ; " Historical View of the English Government," 1787; d. 30 May, 1801. MiLLEE, Edward, Mus. D. ; b. 1756; d. 12 Sept. 1807. MiLLEE, Hugh, Scotch geologist; 6. 12 Oct. 1802; d. by suicide, 24 Dec. 1856. "Worked as a mason : "wrote for the " Inverness Courier:" publislied "Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland," 1835 ; " Letter to Lord Brougham" 1839 Became editor of tlie " "U'"itness " . . . 1839 Eeported his discovery of a fossil fish, " Pterich- thys MiUeri," to the British Association . 1840 Published " Old Red Sandstone," 1841: "Geology of the Bass," 1848 ; " Footprints of the Creator;" "My Schools and Schoolmasters," 1854; "The Testimony of the Rocks," printed 1857. MiLLEE, James, dramatist ; 6. 1 703 ; "wrote "Humours of Oxford," 1729; "Man of Taste," 1735; d. 23 Aprfl, 1744. Miller, Joe, comedian; b. 1684; d. 1738. Miller, PhiUp, botanist ; b. 1691 ; published " Gardener's Dictionary, " 1731-37; d. 18 Dec. 1771. MiLLEE, Thomas, poet and basket-maker ; b. 31 Aug. 1808; published "Day in the Woods," 1836. MIL 383 MIKT MiLLEK, William AUen, M.D., chemist; I. 17 Deo. 181 7; professor of chemistry at King's College, London, 1845; published "Elements of Chemistry," 1855. Miller, William Hallows, mathematician and mineralogist; b. 6 April, iSoi ; professor at Cambridge, 1832; published "Elements of "Hydrostatics," 1831 ; "Treatise on Crystallo- graphy," 1839. MiLLES, Jeremiah, dean of Exeter, antiquary; I. 1714; edited "St. Cyril," 1703; d. 13 Feb. 1784. MiLLEVOTE, Charles Hubert, French poet; b. 24 Dec. 1 782 ; wrote " Le Passage du St. Bernard," "Plaisirs du Poete" and " BataUle de Austerlitz;" d. 26 Aug. 1816. MiLLiN, Aubin Louis, French antiquary; b. 19 July, 1759; embraced the revolution; imprisoned for writing " Eleuth&opile," pro- testing against excesses, 1 794 ; edited " Maga- sin Encyclopddique," 1795-1817; d. 14 Aug. MiLLiNGEN, James, antiquary and numis- matist; b. iS Jan. 1774; imprisoned while at Paris, 1 794 ; travelled in Europe ; published "Peintures Antiques de "Vases Grecques," 181 7; "Ancient Coins of Greek Cities and Kings," 1821 ; "Ancient Unedited Monu- ments," 1822-26; d. I Oct. 1845. MiLLOT, Claude Frangois Xavier, French historian; b. 5 March, 1726; published "Fila- ments de I'Histoire de France," 1767-69; d. 21 March, 1785. Mills, Charles, barrister and historian ; b. 29 July, 1788; published "History of Moham- medanism, 1812; "History of the Crusades," 1820; "History of Chivalry," 1825-26; d. 9 Oct. 1825. MiLMAN, Henry Hart, dean of St. Paul's ; poet and historian ; b. 10 Feb. 1791 ; dean, 1849 ; d. 24 Sept. 1 868. Published " Fazio," a tragedy, 1815 : " Samor. Lord of the Bright City," 1818 ; " The Fall of Jerusalem," 1820 ; "Martyr of Antioch," 1S21 : " Poetical Works," 1840; "History of the Jews," 1827: edited "Gibbon's Decline and Fall," 1838-39; "Horace," 1848; published "History of Greek Cliristianity," 1840 ; " History of Latin Christianity," 1854-57 ; " Annals of St. Paul's " 1868 Milne-Ed WARDS, Henry, French naturalist; b. at Brussels, 1800; professor of zoology atthe Jar- din des Plantes, Paris, Aug. 1844 ; published "Elements de Zoologie," 1840-43; "Lejons de Physiologie,'' 1855-68. Milne-Edwards, William Frederick, physiolo- gist, brother; 6. in Jamaica, 14 April, 1777; helped to found the "Soci^t^ Ethnologique," 1839; published "De I'lnfluence des Agents Physiques sur la Vie," 1824 ; " Eecherches sur la Lang-ue Celtique," 1844 ; d. 23 July, 1842. Milne, Joshua, actuary; b. 1773; pubKshed "Treatise on the Value of Annuities," 1815 ; d. 4 Jan. 1851. Milnek, John, theologian ; 6. Feb. 1628 ; published "Collection of Church History" 1688; rf. 1 6 Feb. 1602. MiLNEE, John, Pomanist theologian ; &. 4 Oct. 1752; bishop of Castabala, 1803; published " History of Winchester," 1799 ; "Letters to a Prebendary," 1800; "Treatise on the Ecclesi- astical Architecture of England," i8n; d. 19 April, 1826. MiLNEE, brothers, church historians, clergy- men : Joseph ; b. 2 Jan. 1744 ; published Gibbon's "Account of Christianity considered," 1781; "History of the Church of Christ," 1794-1812, d. 15 Nov. 1797 Isaac: &. i Jan. 1751 : finished his brother's " History ;" dean of Carlisle, 1791 d. i April, 1820 MiLNSS, Eichard Monckton, lord Houghton, poet ; 6. 19 June, 1809 ; pubUshed " Memorials of a Tour in Greece," 1834; "Poems," 1844; "Life and Eemains of Keats,'' 1848; created baron, 20 Aug. 1863. MiLO, Titus Annius Papianus, Roman tribune, leader of mercenary soldiers ; tribune of the people, when he began his fierce contest with the demagogue Clodius, e.g. 57 ; killed him in an attack, 20 Jan. 52 ; defended by Cicero ; condemned to exile, April, 52 ; declared himself a legate of Pompey in Campania ; killed by the praetor, 48. MiLONOF, Michael, Russian lyric poet ; b. 1792; published "Satires," 1819 ; d. 17 Oct. 1821. MiLOSCH Obeenovitch, prince of Servia ; i. II Nov. 1780 ; d. 26 Sept. 1S60. Submitted to the Turks, after the revolt of Kara George, and appointed governor . . 1813 KeOelled, 1817 ; recognised hereditary prince, Sept. 1829 Compelled to abdicate, June, 1839 ; recalled to power, Dec. 1858 d. 26 Sept. i860 MiLTiADES, Athenian general ; defeated the Persians at Marathon, Sept. B.C. 490 ; im- peached ; condemned ; d. in prison. MiLTiADES, see Melchiades, pope. Milton, John, poet ; b. 9 Dec. 1608 ; d. 8 Nov. 1674. Travelled in Italy .... 16^7 Devoted himself to educate his nephews . 1639 Published " Of Keformation," 164T ; " Areopa- gitica : or, a Speech for the liberty of Unlicensed Printing" 1644 Foreign secretary to the council of state, 14 Feb. 1649 Published " Eikonoclastes," 1650 ; " Defensio pro Populo Anglicano " 1651 Sold " Paradise Lost " to Samuel Simmons for the present sum of ^5 : further sums promised on conditions, 27 April, 1667 ; the poem pub- lished (in ten books) for 3s 16(57 Published " History of Britain ; " " Paradise Pe- gained" . 1670 MiMNERMUS, Greek elegiac poet ; Jl. about B.C. 634-600. MiNA, Spanish guerilla chiefs : Francisco Espoz y, Spanish guerilla chieftain, named "King of Navarre;" b. 1781; active against the French, 1808-14 j endeavoured to re- MIN 384 MIT store the constitution, 1820-23, and 1830 ; com- manded tlie royal army in Biscay against the Carlists, 1835 ; retired . . d. 24 Dec. 1836 Xavier, nephew : b. 1789 ; fonght against the French: captured and imprisoned at Vincenneg; released, 1814 ; joined in the efforts to free Mexico ; captured and shot 11 Nov. 1817 MiNELL, Johannes, Dutch scholar; 6. about 1625 ; d. 1683. MiNiE, Claude Etienne, French mechanic ; Z). 1810; entered the army; pupil of Captain Devigne, who invented the so-called Minit^ rifle about 1833; long employed by the French government to improve fire-arms till 1858. MiNOT, Lawrence, poet ; his poems published, 1794 ; d. about 1352. MiNTO, Gilbert Elliot, earl of, statesman ; 6. 23 April, 1751 ; viceroy of Corsica, 19 June, 1794-96 ; created baron Minto, 26 Oct. 1797 ; ambassador at Vienna, 1799 ; president of the board of control, 1806 ; governor-general of India, 1S07-12; created earl, 1813 ; d. 21 June, 1814. MiNUCros, see Felix. IMiNUZLiNO (MiNDTiANUs), Alessandro, Italian printer ; h. about 1450 ; published Horace, 1489 ; Livy, 1495 ; Cicero, 1498 ; d. 1522. MiNZONI, Onofrio, Italian poet ; b. 25 Jan. 1734; published "Sonetti," 1794; d. 30 May, 1817. MiONNET, Theodore Edme, French numis- matist ; i. 10 Sept. 1770; published "Atlas de G^ographie Numismatique," 1839 ; d. 5 May, 1852. MiOT, Andr^ Franjois, comte de Melito, French statesman and scholar ; b. 9 Feb. 1 762 ; narrowly escaped death, 1 794 ; ambassador at Florence, 1795; employed by Napoleon, 1797, et seq.j wrote " M^moires," published, 1858; d. 5 Jan. 1841. MiBABAUD, Jean Baptiste de, French poet ; 6. 1675 ; published translation of " Jerusalem Delivered," 1724 ; of " Orlando Furioso," 1 741 ; d. 24 June, 1 760. MiEABEAU, French nobles : Victor Eiquetti, Marquis de, political econo- mist . . 6. 5 Oct. 1715 Entered army about 1719 Fought in Germany ; devoted himself to politi- cal economy ....... 1735 Published " L'Ami des Hommes," 1756 ; d. 13 July, rySg Honors G-abriel Kiquetti, comte de, son, orator . . . . b. g March, 1749 Entered the army July, 1767 Quarrelled with his colonel ; imprisoned for desertion ; wrote his " Essai surle Despotisme," imprisoned for debt by his father . 1774 Went to London, to print his "Considerations 8ur I'Ordre de Cincinnatus," . . 1784 Published "Journal des Conseils h un jeune Prince," . 17SS Elected member of the tiers etat . . 1789 Etats Generaux suppressed . . 6 May, 17S9 First spoke in the Assembly . . 18 May, 1789 CTrged the national assembly not to separate at the king's command ... 20 June, 1789 Published " Avis aux Princes de I'Europe," 1790 Opposed giving the assembly the right of mak- ing peace and war, May, 1700 d. 2 April, 1791 His " Contes et Nouvelles, published, 1797 ; " Lettres indedites et M6moires," 1806 ; " CEuvres Oratoires," 1819. MiKABELLA, Vincenzo, Italian antiquary ; b. 1570 ; d. 1624. MiE^ns, see Le Mire. MiRAMON, Miguel, Mexican statesman; b. 1833; commanded the army of the clerical party opposed to Juarez and the liberals ; defeated them ; nominated president, 6 Jan. 1859; deposed by Zuloaga, 9 May ; defeated by DegoUado, 10 Aug. i860 ; supported the emperor Maximilian ; shot with him, 19 Jime, 1867. Miranda, Juan Garcia de, Spanish painter; b. 12 Sept. 1677; d. 8 May, 1749. Miranda, Francisco, Spanish-American general ; b. 1 750 ; fought under Dumouriez in Flanders, 1 792 ; accused of causing his defeat at Neerwinden, 18 March, 1793; acquitted, May ; banished. Sept, 1797 ; joined in the Spanish war of independence, Aug. 1806 ; concliidedacapitulation, 25 July, 1812; arrested, 26 Aug. ; d. in prison, Jan. 1816. Mikandola, see Pico. MiEBEL, Charles Fran9ois Brisseau, French botanist; b. 27 March, 1776; published "Traits d'Anatomie et de Physiologie V^g^tale," 1802; d. 12 Sept 1854. MiEEVELD, or MiEEEViLT, Michel Janszon, Dutch painter; b. 1568 ; d. 27 Aug. 1641. MissoN, Fran9ois Maximilien, French writer ; published "Nouveau Voyage d'ltalie," 1691 ; " M^moires par un Voyageux en Angleterre," 1698; d. 23 Jan. 1722. Mitchell, Sir Andrew, diplomatist ; 5. about 1695 ; minister at Brussels, 1751 ; at Berlin, 1753; d, 28 Jan. 1 77 1. Mitchell, Joseph, dramatic poet ; b. about 1684; d. 6Feb. 1738. Mitchell, Thomas, Hellenist; b. 30 May, 1783 ; pubHshed "Aristophanes," 1834-38; d. 4 May, 1845. Mitchell, Sir Thomas Livingstone, colonel, Australian explorer ; 6. 1792 ; explored Aus- tralia and made discoveries, 1831-2, 1835-6 ; published " Three Expeditions into the Inte- rior of Australia," 1S38; "Journal of an Ex- pedition in Tropical Australia," 1848; "Aus- tralian Geography," 1850 ; d. 5 Oct. 1855. MiTPORD, John, satirist ; wrote " Johnny New- come in the Navy," "The Scourge ;" d. 1831. MiTPOED, Rev. John, poet; b. 1 781 ; published "ThePoems and Lifeof Thomas Gray," 1814 ; "Agnes the Italian Captive," 1811 ; d. 27 April, 1859. MiTFOED, Mary Eussell, poet and novelist ; b. 16 Deo. 1787 ; published "Julian, a tragedy," 1823; "Our Village," 1824-32; " Belford Regis," 1835; "Recollections of a Literary Life," 1851; d. 10 Jan. 1855. MIT 385 MOL MiTFOKD, Williani, historian ; 6. lo Feb. 1744; published "Inquiry into the Principles of Harmony in Languages," 1774; "History of Greece," 1784-1818; d. 8 Feb. 1827. MiTHKiDATES I. — VI., Mngs of Pontus : I. rf. before B.C. 363 II., king, 337 : made himself independent, 318 d. 302 III., son and successor, 302 . . . , rf, 266 IV., king, 240 d. about 190 v., Euergetes, king before 154 ; helped the Ilomans, 149 ; acquired Phrygia, 129 ; assassina- ted about 120 VI. Eupator, the great, son ; succeeded, 120: op- posed Rome ; acquired Paplilagonia . . loS Seized Bitliynia, 90 ; retook Phrygia and caused a general massacre of the Romans in Asia Minor 88 Defeated by the Romans under Fimbria, 85 : made peace with Sylla, (not ratified by the senate) 84 Defeated Murjena and conquered Cappadocia, 82 : gave it up 81 Defeated by Lucullug at Cyzicus, 73 ; at Cabeira, 72 : at Tigranocerta, 69 ; at Artaxata . . 68 Defeated Triarius and recovered his dominions 67 Defeated by Pompey 66 Fled and established himself in Bosporus : of- fered terms to Pompey, who required absolute submission 64 Insurrection of his son Phamaces against him ; committed suicide . . 63 MiTBE, Bartolomeo, South American general, president of the Argentine republic ; h. 26 June, 1821 ; defeated by Urquiza at Cepeda, 23 Oct. 1859 ; defeated him at Pa von, 17 Sept. 1861 ; caused the abdication of Derqui ; elected pre- sident, 5 Oct. 1862; allied with Brazil against Lopez and Paraguay, May, 1865. MiTSCHERLiOH, Eilhard, German chemist ; h. 7 Jan. 1794; published "LehrbuchderChemie," 1829-30; d. 28 Aug. or I Sept. 1S63. MiTTAEBLLi, Nicolo Giacomo, (as a theologian, Giovanni Benedetto), h. 2 Sept. 1707 ; pub- lished " Annales Camaldulenses," 1755-73; d. 14 Aug. 1777. MizLER VON KOLOP, Lorenz Christoph, Ger- man musician; h. 25 July, 1711; published " MusikaUsche BibUothek," 1736-54; "Acta Litteraria regni Poloui^, " 1755-59; d. 1778. MoBERLY, George, bishop of Salisbury; h. about 1803; head master of Winchester school, 1835-36; consecrated, 1869. MooHNACKi, Maurice, Polish critic and patriot; b. 1804; published in Polish "The Literature of Poland to the 19th Century," 1830; a chief of the insurrection, 1831; pubhshed a history of it, 1834; d. 20 Dec. 1834. MoOQUABD, Jean Frangois Constant, French lawyer; 6. 11 Nov. 1791; successful advocate, 1817-25 ; lost his voice; took municipal office, 1830; became secretary to Louis Napoleon, March, and chief of his cabinet, 10 Deo. 1848; d. 9 Deo. 1864. MoDENA, Tommaso Barisiui (or Borisini) da, Italian painter, patronised by Charles IV,, the emperor of Germany, 1357- MoEHSEN", Johann Carl Wilhelm, German physician and numismatist; b. 9 May, 1722; d. 21 Sept. 1795. MoGKiDGE, George, better known as "Old Humphry," writer for the young ; b. 1787; d. 2 Nov. 1854. MoHAMJIED, see Mahomet. MoHS, Friedrich, German mineralogist ; h. 29 Jan. 1773; published in German, "Elements of Mineralogy," 1822-24 ; d. 29 September, 1839. MoiGNO, Fran9ois Napolfon Marie, French abb^, physicist and journaUst ; b. 20 April, 1804; edited "Cosmos," 1852-62; "Les Mondes," 1863, et seq. ; published " Traits de la Telegraphic Electrique," 1849; "Memoires sur le St&foscope," 1853. MoiNE, Autonin, French sculptor; b. 22 April, 1797; d. 18 March, 1849. MoiK, David Macbeth, Scotch poet and novelist, ("Delta" of Blackwood's Magazine); b. 5 Jan. 1 798 ; educated for a surgeon ; pub- lished " Mansie Wauch," " Legend of Gene- vieve ; " d. 6 July, 1851. MoiEA, see Hastings. MoiTTE, Jean Guillaume, French sculptor; b. 1747; d. 2 May, 1810. MoiVKE, or De Moivbe, Abraham, French mathematician, friend of Newton, Leibnitz, and Bernoulli; b. 26 May, 1667; his "Doc- trine of Chances " pubhshed 1716; d. 27 Nov. 1754- MoL, Pieter van, Flemish painter; 6. Nov. 1599; d. 8 April, 1650. MOLA, Giovanni Francesco, Italian painter; b. 1614; d. 1661. MoLA, Pietro Francesco, Bolognese painter ; b. 1612; d. 1668. MOLANUS, see Meulen. MOLAT, Jacques de, last grand master of the order of the Temple; b, about 1244; grand master, 1298; virulently persecuted by Philip IV. of France ; with others tried by inquisi- tors, 1 3 10-18; burnt with others, 11 March, 1314- MoL^, Frangois Een^, French comedian ; b. 1734 ; d. II Dec. 1802. Mole, John, calculator; d. 1827. MoLiS, Louis Matthieu, comte, French states- man ; b. 24 Jan. 1781 ; visited England; his journal led to introduction to employment by Napoleon, Feb. 1806; minister of marine under the due de Richelieu, 1817-18; foreign minister to Louis Philippe, 1830, and 1836 ; prime minister, 15 April, 1837 — 31 March, 1839; d. 23 Nov. 1855. Mol6, Matthieu, French statesman; b. 1584; chief president of the parliament, 1641 ; en- deavoured in vain to maintain the rights of the parliament, and mediate between the queen and cardinal Mazarine and the princes, 1649, et seq.; resigned, 1653; d. 3 Jan. 1656. 2b MOL MON MoLESOHOTT, Jacob, Dutch naturalist and physiologist ; b. 9 Aug. 1822 ; adopted the principle, " Man is what he eats ;" published in German, "George Forster, the popular natu- ralist," 1854; "Light and Life," 1856. MoLESWOKTH, Robert Molesworth, viscount, Irish statesman; h. Dec. 1656; joined the prince of Orange about 1688 ; sent as envoy to Denmark, 1692 ; published "Account of Den- mark" (libellous), 1696; created a peer, 1716; d. 22 May, 1725. MoLEswoKTH, Sir WiUiam, bart., statesman, a chief of the philosophic radicals ; 6. 23 May, 1810 ; M.P. for Southwark, 1845 ; first com- missioner of works, Jan. 1853 ; colonial sec- retary, Feb. 1855; d. 22. Oct. 1855. MOLIBHE, Jean IJaptiste Poquelin de, French dramatist and poet; h. 15 Jan. 1622 ; d. ly Feb. 1673. Educated at tlie College de Clermont ; studied law 1642-45 Became an actor and changed his name to Moli&re .... . . 1645 Began to write plays . . , . .1653 Performed before Louis XIV. . . 24 Oct. 1658 Appeared in "L'Etourdi," 3 Nov. 1658: public performance of "Les Pri^oieuses Ridicules," 18 Nov. 1659: " Sganarelle," 28 May, 1660: "L'Ecole des Maris" 24 June, 1661 Married Armande Gresinde Eejart . 20 Feb. 1662 Performance of "L'Ecole des Femmes" 26 Dec. 1662 Louis XIV. godfather of his son . . Jan. 1663 Performance of " Le Mariage Forc6" 29 Jan, 1664 Much attacked ; pensioned by the king Aug. 1665 Performance of " Le Misanthrope," 4 June : " Le MMecin malgre lui," 6 Aug. 1666; "Georges Dandin," 18 July, 1668: "L'Avare," g Sept. j66S ; "Le Tartuffe," 5 Feb. 1669; "Le Bour- geois Gentilhomme," 14 Oct. 1670: "Les Fem- mes Savantes," 11 March, 1672; "Le Malade Imaginaire" 10 Feb. 1673 Seized with convulsions while acting in " Le Malade Imaginaire" d. (soon after) 17 Feb. 1673 MoLii?:RES, Joseph Privat de, French physi- cist; i. 1677; published "Le9ons de Math^- matiques," 1726; "Le9ons de Physiques," 1733-39; ' <^- 25 Nov. 1770. MoRATA, Olympia Fulvia, Italian scholar and poet; b. 1526; daughter of a professor at Fer- rara ; at his death taught to maintain his family, 1548 ; married Andreas Gnmthler, a German physician, about 1550; suffered much by the siege of Schweinf urt ; her "Orationes, Dialogi, Epistolae, et Carmina," published, 1558; d. 26 Oct. 1555. MoRATiN, Spanish poets : Nicolas Fernandez tie, dramatist : h. 1737 ; published "La Pelimetra," 1762; "Poeta," 1764: Diana," T763 . . . . d. 1780 Leandro Fernandez de, son ; &. 10 March, 1760 : wrote "El Viejo ylaNifla;" published '* El Baron," 1803 : " Escuela de los Maridos," played 17 March, 1812 : his " Origines del Teatro Espaflol," publislied 1838 . . d. 21 June, 1828 MoROBLLi, Stefano Antonio, Italian Jesuit, archaeologist; 6. 17 Jan. 1737; pubhshed "De StUo Inscriptionum Latinarum," 1780; "In- scriptiones," 1783; d. I Jan. 1821. MoRDAUNT, Charles, earl of Peterborough, general; b. 1658; prominent in the revolution of 1688-89; joined the Tory opposition, Jan. 1 690; succeeded as earl, June, 1697; comman- der of the British army in the war of succes- sion ; gained many victories, June, 1 705 — Feb. 1 706 ; compelled the French to raise the siege of Barcelona, May, 1706; recalled, 1707; em- ployed as ambassador, 1710-13 ; d. 25 Oct. 1735- More, Alexandre, French protestant; b. 25 Sept. 1 61 6; professor at Geneva, Amsterdam, &c.; published "Calvinus," 1648; "Causa Dei," 1653; " Poemata," 1669; d. 28 Sept. 1670. More, Hannah, moral novelist and essayist ; b. 1745; published "Sacred Dramas," 1782; "Shepherd of Salisbury Plain," 1791 ; "Stric- tures on Female Education," 1799 ; " Ccelebs in Search of a Wife," 1809 ; "Practical Piety," i8n; d. 7 Sept. 1833. More, Hemry, D.D., philosopher; b. 12 Oct. 1614 ; published "Divine Dialogues," 1668; " Psycho-zoia : or the Life of the Soul," 1640; d. I Sept. 1687. More, Sir Thomas, statesman; b. 1480; be- headed, 6 July, 1535. Sent to Oxford hy archbishop Morton . . 1497 Made friendship of Erasmus . . about 1499 M.F. ; employed by Henry VIII. . 1503, et seq. "Wrote his "TTtopia" . 1518 Speaker of the commons 1523 Succeeded Wolsey as lord chancellor . 17 Oct. 1529 Resigned 16 May, 1532 Published his "Apologie" .... 1533 Imprisoned for refusing the oath of supremacy ; attainted, 1534 ; executed . . .6 July, 1535 His Latin works published . . 1566 Moreau, H^g^sippe, French poet and printer ; b. 9 April, 1 8 10; led a starving vagabond life; wrote "Un Souvenir k'l'Hdpital ;" " L'Oiseau que j'attends;" "Le Gui de Chene;" d. 10 Dec. 1838. Moreau, Jacob Nicolas, French pubKcist and satirist; b. 20 Dec. 1717; keeper of charters and historical monuments to Louis XVI. ; published "Les Devoirs d'un Prince," 1775; ' ' Principes de Morale, de PoUtique," &c., 1 777- 89 ; d. 29 June, 1804. Moreau, Jean Baptiste, French musical com- poser; b. 1656; wrote music for Eacine's tra- gedies ; d. 24 Aug. 1733. Moreau, Jean Michel, French designer and engraver; b. 1741; Ulustrated Voltaire, 1785-89; Mohfere, 1773 ; Eousseau, 1777, &c. ; d. 30 Sept. 1814. MoREAD, Jean Victor, French general ; 6. 1 1 Aug. 1763; d. of wounds, 2 Sept. 18:3. As commander of the army of the Rhine, crossed 24 June, 1796 Defeated the archduke Charles at Neresheim, 10 Aug, : able retreat Oct. 1796 Victorious at Eugen, 3 May ; at Biberach, 9 May ; at Hohenlinden, 3 Dec. : took Salzburg, 15 Dec. 1800 Accused of conspiracy against Bonaparte : sen- tenced to exile, Feb. : went to America July, 1804 Returned to Europe ; joined the allied sovereigns at Dresden, Aug. ; mortally wounded, 27 Aug. ; d. 2 Sept. 1813 Moreau, Een($, French physician; b. 1587 ; pubhshed "Anti-Calotta," 1614; "DeMissione Sanguinis," 1622; d. 17 Oct. 1656. MOR 393 MOR MoEEAU DE LA Saethe, Jacques Louis, French physician; h. 28 Jan. 1771 ; published " His- toire Naturelle de la Pemme," 1803; d. 13 June, 1826. MoREAU DE Saint Meet, M^d^ric Louis Elie, French administrator ; 6. 1 3 Jan. 1 75° j with De Rozier, founded the Musfe de Paris about 1785; published "Lois et Constitutions des Colonies Francaises de I'Am^rique, 1550-1785," 1784-90; d. 28 Jan. 1819. MoKEELZE, Paul, Dutch painter ; J. 1571 ; d. 1638. MoEEL, French printers : GuiLLAUME:&. 1505 ; printed " Commentarius Verborum Latinorum," 1558, &c. d. 19 Feb. 1564 Jean, brother ; 6. 1538 ; as a protestant con- demned to death . . found dead, 20 Feb. 1559 FrtEDEMC, the elder ; 5. 1523 ; made royal prin- ter, 2 Nov. 1581 . . . . d. 17 July, 1583 Frederic, son; Greek scholar; b. 1558; d. 27 June, 1630 Claude, brother ; b. 1574 . d. 16 Nov. 1626 MoEEL, Jean, French poet ; 5. 3 May, 1539 ; published " Calotta," 1622 ; " Hymni Sacri," 1623 ; d. 22 July, 1633. MoEELL, Andr(5, Swiss numismatist ; 5. 9 June, 1646; wrote "Thesaurus MoreUianus," published 1734-52 ; d. 26 April, 1703. MoEELL, Thomas, Greek scholar ;h. 18 March, 1703 ; edited " Chaucer's Canterbury Tales," 1737 ; pubUshed " Thesaurus Greece Poeseos," 1762 ; wrote words for Handel's oratorios ; d. 19 Feb. 1784. MoEELLET, Andr^, French abb^, political economist ; termed " abb^ Blords-les " by Vol- taire ; friend of Franklin; 6. 7 March, 1727; published ' ' Le Cri des Families, " and " La Cause des Pferes," 1795 ; d. 12 January, 1819. MOEELLI, Cosimo, ItaKan architect ; 5. 1 732 ; erected the cathedral and theatre at Imola ; d, 1812. MoEELLi, Giacomo, Italian bibliographer and scholar; 6. 14 April, 1745 ; made keeper of the library of St. Maa?k, Venice, 1778 ; d. 5 May, 18 1 9. MoEELOS, Jos^ Maria, Spanish priest and general ; b. 1 780 ; a chief liberator of Mexico, 181 1 ; taken prisoner, 5 Nov. 1815 ; given up to the inquisition ; tried ; shot, 22 December, 1815. MoEEEl, Louis, French scholar ; i. 25 March, 1643; published " Dictionnaire Historique," 1674; d. 10 July, 1780. MOEBS, Edward, antiquary ; 6. 1 730 ; pubhshed "Dissertation upon English Typographical Founders," 1778 ; d. 28 Nov. 1778. MoKETO, Agustin, Spanish comic dramatist ; b. about 1600; wrote " El Valiente Justiciero," "Trampa adelante ; " d. 28 Oct. 1669. MoRETON, see Morton. MOEFIT, Campbell, American chemist ; b. 19 Nov. 1821, published with Booth, "Encyclo- pedia of Chemistry," 1852. MoEQAGNi, Giovanni Battista, Italian physi- cian and anatomist ; b. 25 Feb. 1682 ; pub- lished "Adversaria Anatomica," 1706-19; d. 5 Dec. 1771. Morgan, Rev. George Gadogan, physicist ; h. 1754; pubUshed " Lectures on Electricity," 1794 ; d. ly Nov. 1798. Morgan, Sir Henry John, buccaneer ; b. about 1637 ; long ravaged the Spanish colonies ; took and plundered Puerto-Bello, 1 568 ; after a life of rapine, knighted by Charles II,, and made a marine commissary ; d. 1690. Mosgan, Sydney, lady, Irish novelist ; b. (Owenson) 1783; d. 13 April, 1859. Married Sir Charles Morgan .... 1811 PubUshed "The Wild Irish Girl," 1806; "Flo- rence Macarthy," 1811 ; " Life and Times of Salvator Kosa," 1824 ; " Woman and her Master," 1840; "Passages from my Autobio- graphy," 1859. MoEGAN, Sylvanus, antiquary ; published "The Art of Dialling," 1652; "The Sphere of Gentry," 1661 ; d. 1693. MoEGAN, Thomas, philosopher ; published " Vindication of the Morality of the Moral Philosopher," 1707; d. 1741. Morgan, WiUiam, bishop of St. Asaph ; bishop of Llandaff, 1594 ; of St. Asaph, 1601 ; published translation of the Bible in Welsh, 1588 ; d. 10 Sept. 1604. Morgan, WilUam, actuary ; published " Doc- trine of Annuities," 1779; d. 8 May 1833. Morgan, see De Morgan. MoRGHEN, Raffaelle, Italian line-engraver ; b. 19 June, 1758 ; d. 8 April, 1833. MoRHOP, Daniel Georg, German scholar and poet ; 5. 6 Feb. 1639 ; " Opera Poetica" published, 1694, &c. ; d. 30 July, 1691. MoEiEE, James, traveller and novelist ; b. 1 780 ; secretary of the embassy in Persia ; pub- lished "Journey through Persia in 1808-9," 1812 ; "Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispa- han," 1824-28 ; "Zohrab the Hostage," 1832 ; d. 30 March, 1849. MoEiLLO, Pablo, marquis de Fuentes, Spanish general; b. 1777; commanded the Spanish army agaiust the insurgents in South America bravely and cruelly ; wounded ; recalled at his own request, and ermobled by Ferdinand VII., 1818 ; deserted the king for the constitution- alists, and betrayed them, 1821-23 ; exiled by the king; d. 27 July, 1838. MORIN, Jean, French physicist ; b. 1705 ; pub- lished "M&anisme Uruversel," 1735; d. 28 March, 1764. MoRiN, Jean Baptiste, French physician and mathematician; b. 23 Feb. 1583; published "Nova Mimdi sublunaris Anatomia," 1619 ; "Astrologia Gallica," 1661 ; d. 6 Nov. 1656. MoEiN, Jean, French oratorian priest ; b. 1 59 1; accompanied queen Henrietta to Eng- land, 1625 ; published " Histoire de la D^U- vrance de I'Eglise Chr^tienne par Constantin," MOE. 394 MOB 1630 ; employed at Rome, by Urban VIII., in endeavouring to reconcile the Greek and Latin churches, 1640 ; d. 28 Feb. 1659. MoEiN DE St Victoe, Louis, French physi- cian ; 6. II July, 1635 ; d. I March, 1715. MoKIN, Pierre, French scholar ; 6. Dec. 1531 ; employed by the popes in editing editions of the " Septuagint," 1587; the "Vulgate," 1590; the "Decretales," 1591 ; d. 1608. MoEIN, Simon, French visionary; published "Pens^es de Morin dedi^es au Koy," 1647 ; "Temoignage du Second Avfenement du Fils de I'Homme," 1661 ; burnt as a heretic, 14 March, 1663. MoEisoN, see Mori/son. MORISON, Robert, M.D., Scotch botanist ; i. 1620; served in army of Charles I. ; went to France ; came to England with Charles II. ; made keeper of the medical garden at Oxford, 1669 ; published " Hortus Regius Blesensis," 1669 ; d. lO Nov. 1683. MoEisoT, Claude Barthflemy, French scholar; 6. 12 April, 1592 ; pubhshed "Henricus Mag- nus," 1624; "Alitophili Veritatis Lacrymae," (attack on the Jesuits), 1624 ; d. 22 Oct. 1661. MoEiTZ, Carl Phihpp, German scholar and dramatist; b. 15 Sept. 1757; published, in German, " Blunt, or the Guest," 1781 ; "Travels of a German in England," 1783 ; d. 26 June, 1793. MoELACOHi, Francesco, Italian musical com- poser ; 5. 14 June, 1784 ; wrote oratorios "Gli Angeli al Sepolcro," 1802, &o. ; "II Eitratto," and "II Poeta in Campagua," operas, masses, &c. ; d. 29 Oct. 1 841. MoELAND, George, painter ; 6. 26 Jan. 1 763 ; d. 29 Oct. 1804. MoELAND, Sir Samuel, engineer; h. about 1625 ; employed diplomatically by Cromwell in Savoy ; made baronet and " master of the me- chanics " by Charles II., 1660 ; invented the speaking trumpet, and seems to have known steam-power; published "Description of the Tuba Stentorophonica, or Speaking Trumpet," 1671 ; " The Doctrine of Interest," 1679 ; d. 30 Dec. 1695. MoELET, George, bishop of Winchester, con- troversialist ; b. 1597; bishop of Worcester, 1660 ; of Winchester, 1662 ; d. 29 October, 1684. MOELEY, Henry, biographer and critic ; b. 1822; published "Life of PaUssy the Potter," 1852; "Life of Jerome Cardan," 1854; "Life of Cornelius Agrippa," 1856; "Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair," 1858. MoELET, Thomas, musical composer ; b. 1604 ; pubhshed "Canzonets," 1590-93; "Madrigals," 1594-1600; d. about 1604. MoKNAC, Antoine, French jurist; b. 1554! pubhshed " Feriae Forenses et Elogia Togatorum Gallias," 1619; d. 1619. MoENAT, PhUippe de, sieur du Plessis, French protestaut statesman and writer; b. 5 Nov. 549 ; escaped the massacre, and fled to Eng- land, Aug. 1572; joined the king of Navarre, and became his counsellor and chief foreign agent, 1576, et seq. ; reconciled his master and Henry III., 1589; instrumental in obtaining the edict of Nantes, 13 April, 1598; disgraced and dismissed by Henry IV. for his protestant zeal, 1600; d. II Nov. 1623. MoENiNGTON, Garrett Wellesley, earl of, (father of the great duke of WeDington, and the marquess Wellesley), Irish musician and glee composer; b. 19 July, 1735! author of " Here in cool Grot," " Bird of Eve," &c. ; d. 22 May, 1781. MoENT, Charles Auguste Louis Joseph, duo de, French statesman; b. 23 Oct. 181 1; d. 10 March, 1 86 5. Educated by the comtesse de Flahaut ; entered the array, and sensed in Africa , . 1830, et seq. Entered the legislative chamber . . . 1842 Published " Reflesions sur la Politique Actuelle, " Jan. 1840 Minister of the interior .... 2 Bee. 1851 Resigned, opposing the confiscation of the Orleans property Jan. 1852 President of the legislative body . . 12 Nov. 1854 Ambassador at the coronation of the czar, Alex- ander II. . ... 7 Sept. 1856 MoEO, Antonio, see Moor. MoEONi, Giovanni Battista, Italian painter ; b. 1510; d. 157S. MOROSINI, Francesco, called "H Pelopo- nesiaco," doge of Venice; b. 1618; victorious over the Turks in the Morea, 165 1; defeated before Candia in a struggle, 25 Aug. — 15 Sept. 1660; compelled to surrender Candia, 27 Sept. 1669; acquitted of misconduct, 1670; elected doge, 1688; defeated the Turks several times, 1693; d. 6 Jan. 1694. MoEPETH, see Carlisle. MoREES, Harvey Redmond, viscount Mount- morres, Irish politician ; published " History of the Irish Parliament, 1634-66," 1 792; d. 1797. MoERis, Charles, captain, bacchanalian song writer; b. 1739; d. II July, 1832. MoEEis, Rev. Francis Orpen, naturalist ; b. 25 March, iSio; published "History of British Birds," 1851-57; " British Butterflies," 1853; " British Moths," 1859. MoRKis, Welsh antiquaries and poets, brothers : Lewis; b. 1702; d. 1765; Richaed ; d. 1779. Morris, Robert, able financier of the Ameri- can revolution ; b. 1 734 ; established a bank by subscription, 1780 ; declined being financial minister, 1786; d. May, 1806. MoHEls, William, poet ; pubhshed " Defence of Guenevere," 1858 ; " Lite and Death of Jason," 1867; "The Earthly Paradise," 1868. Morrison, Sir Richard, Irish architect ; b. 1767 ; d. 31 Oct. 1849. MOR 395 MOS MoKKisON, Kobert, D.D., Orientalist ; h. 5 Jan. 1782; went as missionary to CMn a, 1807; promoted the founding the Anglo-Chinese College at Malacca ; published "HoriB Sinicse," 1812 ; " Grammar of the Chinese Language," 1815; Chinese Version of the Bible, 1810-18 " Chinese Dictionary," 1815-23 ; d. I Aug. 1834. MoHSE, Jedidiah, American geographer ; h. 1 761 ; published "American Gazetteer," 1789; " AJnerican Atlas," 1775 ; d. 9 June, 1S26. Mouse, Samuel Finley Breese, son, American painter; h. 27 April, 1791 ; came to London, iSii ; exhibited "Dying Hercules," 181 3 ; produced a model of his recording electric tele- graph, 1835 ; patented his invention, 1837 ; visited London and tried his system, 2 Oct. 1856. MoBTiEE, Edouard Adolphe Casimir Joseph, due de Tr^vise, marshal of France ; &. 13 Feb. 1 768 ; occupied the electorate of Hanover, and captured the army, June, 1803 ; defeated the Spaniards at Ocana, 19 Nov. 1809 ; defeated by the allies at Montmartre, near Paris, 30 March, 1814 ; minister of war under Louis Philippe, Nov. 1834 — March, 1835 ; killed by the infernal machine of Fieschi, 28 July, 1835. MoKTiiiEK, earls of March : 1. EouEji .... ... 6. 1287 Became favourite of Isabella, queen of Edward II 1323 Assisted her in the overthrow of the Spensers, favourites of Edward II. . Sept. — Oct. 1326 With the queen, ruled England . . . 1326-30 Created earl of March . . . Nov. 1328 Seized by Edward III. at Nottingham 19 Oct. 1330 Hanged at Tybum . 29 Nov. 1330 2. Roger, grandson ... b. about 1327 Kestored to his honours, 1354 . . . d. 1360 3. Edmund, son .... b. about 1352 Married Philippa, daughter of Lionel, duke of Clarence, son of Edward III. . . . d. 13S1 4. EoGER &. about. 1377 Lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 1395 ; killed there 1398 5. Edmund : b. about 1392 . . . . d. 1424 6. Anne, his sister ; married Richard, earl of Cambridge, ancestor of the house of York. Mortimer, John Hamilton, painter ; i. 1741; painted king John granting " Magna Charta," "Battle of Agincourt," &c. ; d. 4 Feb. 1779. Mortimer, Thomas, scholar; b. 1730; pub- lished "The British Plutarch," 1762; "Dic- tionary of Commerce," 1809; d. Dec. 1809. Morton, see Douglas. Morton, or Moeeton, John, cardinal and diplomatist; b. 1410; employed by Edward IV., 1473; made bishop of Ely, 1478; arrested by Eichard, 1483; joined in a plot against him; fled at the faU of Buckingham, Sept. 1483 ; made archbishop of Canterbury by Henry VII., i486 ; lord-chanceUor, 1487 ; cardinal, 1493; d. 15 Sept. 1500. Morton, Eichard, M.D., opponent of Syden- ham ; b. about 1635 ; published "Phthisiologia," 1689; " Pyretologia," 1692; d. 30 Aug. 1698. Morton, Samuel George, American naturalist and ethnologist; b. 26 Jan. 1799; pubhshed "Crania Americana," 1839; "Crania jEgypt- tiaca," 1844; d. 15 May, 1851. Morton, Thomas, bishop of Durham; I. 20 March, 1564; published "Exact Discovery of Romish Doctrine in the Case of Conspiracy and Eebellion," 1605; bishop of Chester, 1615; of Coventry, i6l8; of Durham, 1632; d. 22 Sept. 1659. Morton, Thomas, dramatist; b. 1764; pro- duced "Cure for the Heartache," 1797; "Speed the Plough," 1798; "School of Ee- form," 1805 ; d. 28 March, 183S. MoRVEAU, see Guyton de Morveau. MoRTSON, Fynes, traveller; b. 1566; d. about 1614; his "Itinerary" published 1617. MosCHELES, Ignatius, German musical com- poser and pianist ; b. 30 May, 1 794 ; settled in London, 1821. MoscHEROSOH, Johann Michael, German satirist; 6. 5 March, 1600; published in Ger- man "Wonderful and True History of Phi- lander von Sittenwald," 1644-50 ; d. 4 April, 1669. MosoHUS, Syracusan idyllic poet ; J(. about B.C. 250. MosELEY, Benjamin, M.D. ; b. about 1739; strongly opposed vaccination, 1 798 ; published "Treatise on Coffee," ,1785; "Treatise on Hydrophobia," 1800; d. 15 June, 1819. MosELEY, Rev. Henry, mathematician and physicist; b. 1801 ; published "Mechanical Principles of Engineering," 1855. MOSER, Justus, German statesman ; 6. 14 Dec. 1 720 ; published in German, " History of Osnaburg," 176S; "Miscellanies," 1797-98; d. 8 Jan. 1794. MosER, George Michael, R.A., Swiss enamel painter and goldsmith ; 6. 1 705 ; d. 1783. MosER, Mary, E.A., daughter, flower painter ; b. 1744; d. 1819. MosER, German publicists : Johann Jacob, b. 18 Jan. 1701 ; published " Bibliotheca Juris Publici," 1729-34 ; d. 30 Sept. 1785 FniEDRicH Carl, son : b. 18 Dec. 1723 ; pub- lished in German " Diplomatic and Historical Kecreations," 1753-64 . . rf. 1798 Moses, lawgiver of Israel; b. B.C. 1571 ; led the Israelites out of Egypt, 1491 ; d. 1451. Moses Choronbnsis, bishop of Armenia ;/. 5th century; wrote " Historia Armeniaca," printed 1695- Mosheim, Johann Lorenz von, German his- torian and theologian; b. g Oct. 1694; pub- lished " Polemische Theologie," 1763-64; "In- stitutiones HistoriBe Ecclesiasticse," 1726; d. 9 Sept. 1755. Moss, Robert, dean of Ely; b. 1666; pub- lished "The Report vindicated from Misre- ports " (a defence of convocation), 1717 ; d. 26 March, 1729. MOS 396 MOIT MossoM, Eobert, bishop of Deiry, 1666 ; pub- lished " Zion's Prospect," 1653 ; " Preacher's Tripartite," 1657; d. 21 Dec. 1679. Mossop, Henry, tragedian; 5. 1729; d. Nov. 1773- Most ABET, Jan, Dutch painter; h. 1499; <^- 1555- MoTHEKBT, George, M.D. ; &. 1731; pub- lished " New Medical Dictionary," 1785 ; d. 1793. MOTHEEWELL, WiUiam, Scotch journalist and poet; ft. 1798; published " Minstrelsy, Ancient and Modem," 1827; d. 1 Nov. 1835. Motley, John Lothrop, American historian ; i. 15 April, 1 814; published "Rise of the Dutch BepubKc," 1856 ; " History of the United Netherlands," 1860-67; United States minister at Vienna, 1861-67 5 ^t London, May, 1869. Motte, see La Motte. MoTTEDX, Pierre Antoine, French dramatist ; 6. 19 Feb. 1660; wrote "On Tea, a Poem," published, 1722; d. 19 Feb. 1718. MoTTEViLLE, Frangoise Bertaut de, French lady, attendant on Anne of Austria, queen of Louis XIIL ; ft. about 1621; wrote "M^- moires," 1615-66; published, 1723; d. 29 Deo. 1689. MoTTLBT, John, historian and dramatist ; ft. 1692; published "Life of the first Czar Peter," 1739; "Life of the Empress Cathe- rine of Russia," 1744 ; d. 30 October, 1750. MonoHBRON, Dutch painters : Frederik, 6. 1633 ; d. 1686. Isaac, son, &. 1670; d. 20 July, 1744. MoucHT, Louis Philippe, French sculptor ; ft. 1734; d. 1801. MoucHT, Philippe de Noailles, due de, mar- shal of France; 6. 7 Dec. 1715 ; served in Ger- many, Flanders, &c., 1733-59; defended the TuUeries, 20 June, 1 792 ; imprisoned for shel- tering priests ; guillotined with his wife (named " Madame I'Etiquette" by Marie Antoinette), 27 June, 1794. MoDFBT, or MuFPETT, Thomas, naturalist and chemist; ft. about 1550; published "Nosoman- tica Hippocratica," 1588 ; " Insectorum Thea- trum," printed 1634; d. about 1600. MouHY, Charles de Fieux, chevalier de, French novelist; ft. 9 May, 170 1; pensioned and employed by Voltaire as factotum, 1736, et seq.; d. 29 Feb. 1784. MouLE, Thomas, antiquary ; ft. 14 Jan. 1 784 ; published " BibUotheca Heraldica Magn» Bri- tanniae," 1822; "Heraldry of Fish," 1842; d. 14 June, 1 85 1. MouLffl", Antoine du, French poet ; ft. about 1520; pubhshed "La D^ploration de Vduus sur le bel Adonis," 1551 ; "Panegyric des Da- moyselles de Paris," 1545. Moulin, Du, French protestant theologians in England : PlERB-E &. 18 Oct. 1568 Compiled a " Confession," to tmite protestants, 1615 Came to England by invitation ; pubUshed "De Notis Verai BcclesisB," 1622 ; " Nouveauti du Papisms," 1627 . . d. aX Sedan, 1658 Pierre, D.D., son i>. 1600 Tutor to Eichard Boyle ; published " DMense de la Eeligion Eeformee et de la Monarchie et Eglise Anglicane," 1650; " Clamor Sanguinis Eegii ad Ccelum," 1652 . d. 20 Oct. 1684 Loois, M.D i. 1606 Opposed tbe English Church ; published " Ana- tomia Missae," 1637; "Of the Eight of Churches, and of the Magistrate's Power over them," 1658 . . , d.10 Oct. 1683 MoDLiNS, see Des Moulins. MouNiEE, Jean Joseph; ft. 12 Nov. 1758; d: 26 Jan. 1806. Active member of the states-general ; urged the assembly to resist dissolution at the meeting in the Tennis Court ("Jen du Paume,") 20 June, 1789 Published "Eecherches sur les Causes qui ont emp6ch6 les Frangois de devenir hbres" . . 1792 Chief of an educational establishment at "Weimar, 1797 Made a prefect by Bonaparte . . . 1802 Member of the council of state .... 1804 MouNSLOW, see Littleton. MouNTAGU, see Montagu. MouNTFOET, WiUiam, actor and dramatist ; ft. 1659; wrote " Injured Lovers," 1688; assas- sinated by captain HUl for lord Mohun, 1692. MoDKAViEFF, Nicolas, Russian general ; ft. 1793 ; captured Kars, defended by Kmety and Sir W. F. "Wahams, 28 Nov. 1855; d. 11 Sept. 1856. MouEAD, Bey, see Murad. MoDEADjA d'Ohsson, See Ohsson. MouEET, Jean Joseph, French composer of ballets; 6. 1682 ; d. 22 Dec. 1738. MouEGUES or MoEGUES, Matthieu de, seigneur de St. Germain, French theologian ; ft. 1582 ; pubhshed for Richeheu, "Les V^rit^s Chr^- tiennes," (termed " Manifesto d' Angers,") 1620; and "Avis d'un Th^ologien sans passion," 1626 ; d. 29 Dec. 1670. MouEGBES, Michel, French Jesuit, mattema- tician, and philosopher, 6. about 1642 ; pub- hshed " Recueil d'Apophthfegmes," 1694 ; "Plan Th^ologique du Pythagorisme," &c., I7i2:d 1713. MousTLEE, L&nel, marquis de, French diplo- matist ; 6. 1817; minister at Berlin, 1853 ; at Vienna, Nov. 1859; foreign minister at Paris, I Sept. 1866; d. 5 Feb. 1869. MouTON, Gferges, comte de Lobau, French marshal; ft. 21 Feb. 1770; entered the army as volunteer, i Aug. 1792 ; fought under Joubert, Massena, Napoleon, &c. , with distinc- tion ; retained as prisoner at Leipsic, Oct. 1813 ; released, 1814; commanded at Waterloo ; long resisted Bulow ; taken prisoner, 18 June, 18 15; returned to France and employed, 1819 ; created marshal by Louis Philippe, 27 June, 1833 ; d. 21 Nov. 1838. MOW 397 MUL Mowbray, John Eobert, judge ; b. (Cornish) 1815; took name of Mowbray, 1847; judge- advocate-general, March, 1858 — June, 1859 ■ June, 1866— Deo. 1868. MoxoN, Edward, publisher and poet ; h. 10 Nov. 1801 ; published "Sonnets," 1830-35; d. 3 June, 1858. MoxoN, Joseph, hydrographer and mathema- tician ; i. 1627; published "Book of Sea- Plants for Europe," 1665 ; " Mechanick Dialling," 1668; d. 1700. MoTLE, Walter, political writer ; i. 1672 ; published "An Argument showing that a Standing Army is inconsistent with a free go- vernment," 1697; d. 9 June, 1721. MoTSEK, David, Scottish politician ; 5. 1573; wrote "Memoirs of the Afltah-s of Scotland," 1517-1603 ; published, 1755 ; d. 1630. MozAET, Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Amadeus, German musical composer and pianist; b. 27 Jan, 1756; d. 5 Dec. 1791. Played the harpsichord before the emperor Francis T. 1762 Played at the French and other courts . . 1763 Played in London April, 1764 Composed Ms first opera "Mitridate" Oct. 1770 Musical tour in France, &c. , . 1777-78 Married Constance Weber . . .4 Aug. 1782 Composed his "Requiem" .... 1791 Composed "Enlevement du Serail," 1782 ; " Nozze di Figaro," 1786 ; "Don Giovanni," 1787 ; "Die Zauberfldte (magic flute), 1791 : " Clemenza di Tito," 1701 ; also masses, oratorios, accompani- ments to Handel's Messiah, &c., concertos, symphonies," &c. Mddge, Thomas, watchmaker ; b. Sept. 171 5; improved chronometers ; worked for Ferdinand VI. of Spain (who died 1759) ; set up as watch- maker, 1750; published "Thoughts on the Means of Improving Watches," 1765 ; employed to test Harrison's chronometers," 1 774 ; d. 14 Nov. 1794. MuDGE, William, engineer, nephew of Thomas, general ; b. 1 762 ; employed on the trigonome- trical survey ; published " An Account of the Survey from its commencement in 1784 to the end of 1809," 1799-1811 ; d. 17 April, 1821. MuDiE, Robert, Scottish naturalist and popu- lar writer; b. 1777; published "British Birds," 1835; "The Seasons," "History of Hamp.shire," 1840 ; d. May, 1842. MuEFLING, Friedrich Ferdinand Carl, G-erman general and statesman ; b. 12 July, 1775 ; pub- lished (in German) " The Prussian and Russian Campaign of 1813," 1813; "Memoirs," l8jl; d. 185 1. MnGGLETON, Lodowick, enthusiast; 5. 1609; with John Eeeve founded the sect Muggleton- ians, about 1651 ; pubUshed "Interpretation of Eev. xi.," 1662 ; " News from Heaven ;" d. 14 March, 1697. Muis, Simeon Marotte de, French Hebraist and commentator ; 6. 1587 ; d. 1 644 ; his works published, 1650. Mdloastek, Richard, first master of Merchant Taylors' school, 1561-96; jjublished " Positions " (respecting education), 1581 ; " Cateohismus ]?aulinus," 1601 ; d. 15 April, 1611. Mulder, Gerardus Johannes, Dutch chemist ; 6. 27 Dec. 1802 ; translations of his " Chemistry of Animal and Vegetable Physiology," pub- lished 1849 ; " Chemistry of Wine," 1857. Mulgeave, see Buckinghamshire. MuLGRAVE, Constantino John Phipps, lord, navigator ; 6. 30 May, 1 744 ; sailed on a voy- age of discovery to the north pole, 10 June, 1773; enclosed in ice, July; escaped and re- turned, 25 Sept. 1773; published "Journal," 1774; created baron, 16 June, 1790; d. 10 Oct. 1792. Mulgeave, see Normanhy, M&LLBE, Andreas, German orientalist ; h. 1630 ; d. 26 Nov. 1694. MuLLEE, Carl Ottfried, German archseologist and philologist ; b. 28 Aug. 1797 ; published in German, " History of the Greek Races," (Dorians, &c.), 182024 ; " History of Greek Literature," 1840 ; d. 1 Aug. 1840. MtJLLEE, Franz Hubert, German painter and archseologist; 5. 1784; d. 1835. MtJLLEK, Friedrich Maximilian, German orientalist ; b. 6 Deo. 1823 ; published transla- tion of " Hitopadesa," 1844 ; " History of Sanscrit Literature," 1859 ; " Lectures on the Science of Language," 1861-64. MiJLLER, Gerard Friedrich, German scholar and traveller; b. 18 Oct. 1705; settled in Russia, 1725 ; explored Siberia with Gmelin and DeUsle, 1733 ; published in German, "Col- lections for Russian History," 1732-64; d. 4 Oct. 1783. MtJLLEE, Johannes, Dutch engraver ; jl. about 1589-25. MtJLLEE, Johann, Regiomontanus, archbishop of Ratisbon, German astronomer ; b. 6 June, 1436 ; d. 6 July, 1476. MuLLEE, Johann, German physiologist ; b. 14 July, 1801 ; professor of anatomy at Berhn, 1832; pubhshed "Handbuch der Physiologie der Menschen," 1833 ; d. 28 April, 1858. MtJLLEE, Johann Gotthard von, German en- graver; b. 14 May, 1747; d. 14 March, 1830. MtJLLEE, Johann Heinricb, German physicist and astronomer; b. 15 Jan. 1671 ; published "An Luna cingatur Atmosphaera," 1710 ; "De Eclipsibus Soils," 1716; d. 5 March, 1731- MiJLLER, Johann von, Smss historian ; b. 3 Jan. 1752 ; published in German, "History of the Swiss Confederation," 17S6-95 ; d. 29 May, 1809. MuLLEE, Ludwig Christian, Prussian en- gineer ; b. 1744; pubUshed "Tableau des Guerres de Fr^ddric le Grand," 1786-88 ; d. 12 June, 1804. MUL 398 MUR MiJLLEE, Otto Friedrich, Danish naturalist, h. II March, 1730 ; published " Zoologia Danica," 1779-84; d. 26 Dec. 1784. MiJLLER, Peter Rasmus, Danish theologian ; 6. 22 May, 1776; published in Danish "Chris- tian Apology," 1810 ; "Researches on the Sagas," 1823-30 ; d. 16 Sept. 1834. MtJLLEE, Wilhelm, German lyric poet; i. 7 Oct. 1794; pubUshed in German "Rome and Romans," 1820 ; " Songs of the Greeks," 1S21-24; "Lyrical Walks," 1825; d. I Oct. 1827. MuLLEK, "William John, landscape painter ; h. 181 2; published "Picturesque Sketches of the Age of Francis I.," 1841 ; d. 8 Sept. 1845. MuLOCK, Dinah Maria, novelist; b. 1826; married George LiUie Craik, 1865 ; published "The Ogilvies," 1849; " JohnHahfax, Gentle- man," 1857; " A Noble Life," 1866. Mdleeady, William, R.A., Irish painter ; i. 1786; exhibited "The Rattle," 1808; " Punch," 1812 ; " Wail and the Lamb," 1820; " Choosing the Wedding Gown," 1847; d. 7 July, 1863. MuMMins, Lucius Achaicus, Roman consul ; defeated the Achaean league at Leucopetra, and captured and despoiled Corinth, B.C. 146. MuNCEK, see Mumer. Munch, Peter Andreas, Norwegian historian ; b. about 181 1 ; edited "The Edda," 1847-48; published " History of the Norwegian People," 1854-58; d. June, 1863. MtJNCHHAUSEN, Jerome Charles Friedrich ; German officer ; b. 1 720 ; entered Russian ser- vice and fought against the Tartars, 1737-39; his boasting narrative of his exploits, inter- mingled with fables, was published in English by Raspe, 1786 ; d. 1797. MtJNCHHAUSEN, Gerlach Adolph von, baron, German statesman and diplomatist ; b. 14 Oct. 1688; prime minister of Hanover, 1765; d. 26 Nov. 1770. MuNOKE, G«org Wilhelm, German physicist ; b. 28 Nov. 1772 ; published " System der Ato- mistischen Physik," i8og; d. 17 Oct. 1847. MuNDAT, Anthony, dramatist ; b. 1553 ; pub- lished " Mirror of Mutabilitie," 1579 ; " Down- fal of Robert, earl of Huntingdon," 1601 ; d. 10 Aug. 1633. McNDEN, Joseph Shepherd, comedian ; 5. 1 758; d. 1S32. MuNDiNDS, or MoNBiNi, Italian physician ; b. about 1250; wrote "Anatomia Humani Corporis," printed 1478 ; d. 1326. MiJNNiCH, E-UTchard Christoph, count of, Russian general and statesman; b. 20 May, 1683 ; d. 16 Oct. 1767. Helped the elevation of the empress Anne, and obtained great influence .... 1730 Completed the great canal of Ladoga : inaugu- rated 1732 Destroyed the Tartar fortress at Perekow . 1736 Captured Oczakow . . . . July, 1737 Defeated the Turks and allies, =3 Aug. ; crossed the Pruth, and occupied Moldavia . 1738 Deposed the regent Biren, and sent him to Siberia Nov. T740 Himself supplanted, and sent to Siberia Feb. 1741 Hecalled, and restored to his honours . . 1762 MniJoz, Juan Baptist, Spanish historian ; b. 1 745 ; published " Historia del Nuevo Mundo," vol. i., 1793 ; d. 1799. McNEO, Sir Thomas, bart., major-general, governor of Madras; b. 1760; governor, 1820 ; d. 6 July, 1827. MuNSTEE, Ernst Friedrich, count von, Hano- verian statesman ; b. 1766; d. 20 May, 1839. MxiNSTEE, George Fitzclarence, earl of, eldest son of William IV. and Mrs Jordan; b. 16 Jan. 1794; served in the Peninsula, 1808-13; in India, 1814; created earl, 12 May, 1831 ; d. by suicide, 20 March, 1842. MtJNSTEE, Sebastian, German mathematician and Hebraist; b. 1489; published "Biblia Hebraica cum Latina Translatione," 1534; "Organum Uranioum," 1536; d. 23 May, 1552. MuNTEE, Balthasar, German preacher and poet; b. 24 March, 1735; published "Narrativeof the Conversion and Death of Count Struensee," 1773 ; d. 5 Oct. 1793. MuNTiNG, Dutch botanists: Henrik, 5. 1605; published "Hortus Eotanicus GroningiEe," 1646 d. 1658 Abraham, son ; h. iq June, 1626 ; published, in Dutch, " The True Culture of Plants," 1682 d. 31 Jan. 1683 MuNZEE, Thomas, founder of the Anabaptists ; a Hussite preacher, 1520; preached exaggerated Christian liberty, opposing all civil govern- ment, religious rites, &c., 1521; headed an insurrection, 1524 ; defeated by the united princes of Saxony, Hesse, and Brunswick; (captured and beheaded), 15 May, 1525. Mdead, see Amurath. MuEAD Bet, powerful chief of the Mamelukes in Egypt ; b. about 1750; bravely opposed the French ; defeated at the Pyramids, 21 July, 1798; at Seydenan, 7 Oct. 1798; burnt the French fleet on the Nile, Feb. 1799; neutral at the battle of Heliopolis, 20 March, 1800; submitted to Kleber, 29 March, 1800; d. 22 April, 1 80 1. MuRALT, Johann von, Swiss physician ; b. 1645 ; published " Chirurgisohe Schriften," 1691-1711 ; "Hippocrates Helveticus," 1692; d. 1733. Mdeat, Henriette Julie de Castelnau, oom- tesse de, French novelist ; b. 1670 ; published "Nouveaux Contes des F&s," 1698; "M^- moires," 1697; "Les Lutins du Chateau de Kemosy," 1710; d. 24 Sept. 1716. Mueat, Joachim, king of Naples, French marshal; b. 25 March, 1771; shot, 13 Oct. 1S15. Educated for the church, but entered the army ; Ueutenant 30 May, 1791 Employed by Bonaparte in the revolution of Vendimiaire 5 Oct. 1795 MUR 399 MTJR Distinguished laimself in Egypt and Italy 1 798-1801 Married Caroline Bonaparte . 20 Jan. 1800 Governor of Paris 15 Jan. 1804 Victorious in Germany, Oct. ; helped to gain the victory at Austerlitz . . . . 2 Dec. 1805 Created grand-duke of Berg and Cleves, 15 March, 1806 Contributed to the victorious campaign in Prussia, Oct. 1806 Present at the interview of the emperors on the Niemen 21 June, 1807 Entered Spain, 10 March ; took Madrid, 25 March ; quelled an insurrection there with much slaughter .... . . 2 May, 1808 Proclaimed king of Naples . . .1 Aug. i8o3 Accompanied Napoleon to Russia ; entered Mos- cow 14 Sept. 1812 Left in command of the remains of the French army 5 Dec. 1812 Gave it up to prince Eugene to return to Naples, 8 Jan. 1813 Vacillated in his support of Napoleon in the Ger- man campaign 1813 Made peace with Austria and England ; his king- dom guaranteed Jan. 1814 His recognition opposed by the Bourbons . 1S14 Took up arms for Napoleon against Austria, 30 March ; at first successful ; defeated at Tolen- tino, 3 May ; fled ; landed in France, (repulsed by Napoleon) 25 May, 1815 Landed in a vain attempt to recover his throne, 28 Sept. ; tried ; shot . 13 Oct. 1815 MuKAT, Napoleon Achille, prince, son of Joachim; b. 21 Jan. 1801 ; settled in Florida about 1823 ; married Catherine Dudley, grand- niece of Washington, 30 July, 1826 ; published "Lettres d'un Citoyen des Etats TJnis," 1830; d. 15 April, 1847. Mdkat, Napoleon Lucien Charles, prince, second son of Joachim; b. 16 May, 1803; married Caroline Georgina Fraser in America, 18 Aug. 1 83 1; returned to France, 1 848; French minister at Turin, Oct. 1849; made senator, 26 Jan. 1852 ; recognised prince of the imperial family, 26 Jan. 1853. MuKATOKi, Ludovico Antonio, Italian priest and historian; b. 21 Oct. 1672; d. 21 Jan. 1750. Made a keeper of the Ambrosian library at MUan 1695 Published "Anecdota," 1697: " Anecdota GrKca" 1709 ** Kerum Italarum Scriptores " . . 1723-38 " Antiquatates ItaliKe Medii .^vi " . . 1738-42 "Novus Thesaurus Inscriptionum" . 1739-42 "Annalid' Italia' 1744-49 "Liturgia Komana Vetus" . . . 1748 MuRCHisON, Sir Roderick Impey, bart., Scot- tish geologist; 6. 19 Feb. 1792. Served in the peninsular war .... 1808-15 Devoted himself to science, and especially geo- logy 1815, et seq. Explored Scotland with Adam Sedgwick . 1827 Published "The Silurian System," 1839; "Geo- logy of Eussia and the Ural Mountains," 1845 ; "Siluria" ... . . 1854 Knighted, 1846: baronet . 22 Jan. 1866 MuKE, Sir William, Scotch poet; b. 1594; d. 1657. ' MuEE, Sir William, bart., Scottish scholar; J. 1 799 ; published " Critical Account of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece," 1850-57; d. I April, i860. Mdretus, Marc Antoine, French scholar; b. 12 April, 1526; published "Juvenilia" abcJut 1552; condemned to death as a heretic and criminal; fled, 1554; protected by the Estes, princes of Ferrara, 1 560, et seq. ; d. 4 June, 1 585. Mueger, Henry, French poet; b. Feb. 1822; published "Via Dolorosa," 1843; " Scenes de la Vie de Bohfeme," 1848; "Le Sabot Rouge," 1859; d. 28 Jan. i86i. MuEiLLOjBartolom^Esteban, Spanish painter; baptized, I Jan. 1618; his chef-d'oeuvre is the " Immaculate Conception," purchased for the Louvre at the sale of marshal Soult's collection in 1852, for ;^24,6i2; d. 3 April, 1682. MuEiLLO, see Bravo. MuElMDTH, see Adam de Mcr'imuili. MuBNEK, Thomas, German satirist; b. 24 Dec. 1475 ; fiercely defended Romanism against Luther, 1520-28; received in England by Henry VIII., 1523; d. about 1536. MuEPHY, Arthur, Irish scholar and dramatist ; 6. 27 Dec. 1 727 ; wrote " The Way to Keep Him;" "The Grecian Daughter," &;c. ; pub- lished "Life of Garriok," 1801 ; d. 18 June, 1805. MuEPHY, James, Irish antiquary; b. about 1760 ; published "Plans and Views of the Church of Batalha," 1792-95; "Arabian An- tiquities of Spain," 1813-15 ; "History of the Mahometan Empire in Spain," 1816 ; d. 1816. MoEPHY, Robert, precocious Irish mathema- tician ; h. 1806; published "Elementary Prin- ciples of the Theory of Electricity," 1833 ; rf. 12 March, 1S43. Mdee, Christoph Gottlieb von, German his- torian; b. 6 Aug, 1733; published "Biblio- theque Portative de Peinture, de Sculpture et de Gravure," 1770; edited " Journal flir Kunst- geschichte," 1775-1800; d. 8 April, 1811. MuEEAY, see Mansfield. MUEKAY, Alexander, D.D., Scotch philologist ; ^- 1775 i published " History of European Lan- guages," 1813 ; d- 15 April, 1813. Murray, Daniel, R. C. archbishop of Dublin ; b. 18 April, 1768; archbishop of Hierapolis, 1809; of Dublin, 1S23; d. 26 Feb. 1852. MuEEAY, Sir George, general and statesman ; b. 1772; entered the army, 1789; served in the i?rench vrars ; governor of the Royal Mili- tary College, 1819; master-general of the ord- nance, 1834-35, 1841 ; d. 28 July, 1846. MuEEAY, Hugh, Scotch geographer; b. about 1779; published "Historical Account of Dis- coveries in Africa," 181 7; " Encyclopsedia of Geography," 1834; d. 4 March, 1846. Murray, James Stuart, earl of, the " Good Regent;" illegitimate son of James V. of Scotland and Lady Margaret Ersknie ; 6. 1531 ; adopted the reformed doctrines, and opposed his sister Mary ; banished by her, July, 1565 ; made regent at her abdication, July, 1567; assassinated at Linlithgow, 23 Jan. 1570. Mim 400 MUZ MuBEAT, Rev. James, Scotch theologian ; J. 1 702 ; published " Aletheia, a General Sys- tem of Moral Truths and Natural Religion," 1747 ; d. 1758. Mdkeay, John, publisher; 5. 27 Nov. 1778; established the " Quarterly Keview," Feb. 1809; "Family Library," 1829; d. 27 June, 1843. MuKKAT, John, Scotch physician and chemist ; published " System of Chemistry," 1806; d. 22 July, 1820. MuEEAT, Lindley, American quaker, lawyer, and grammarian ; j. 1745; settled in England, 1784 ; published " Power of Religion on the Mind," 1787 ; "English Grammar," 1795, &c. ; d. 16 Feb. 1826. MuEEAY, Matthew, machinist ; h. 1 763 ; described a, portable Steam-Engine, 1805 ; d. 1826. MuEEAY, Sir Robert, Scottish statesman ; d. 1673 ; his " Proposals for the Advance- ment of Trade," published, 1676. MuKEAT, Thomas, Scotch portrait painter ; 5. about 1666; d. 1724. MuEEAY, William, Scotch actor; J. 1791 ; d. 1852. Musa-ben-Nassee, Arab general; h. about 640 ; invited into Spain by count Julian, (or Ilyan); conquered it, 710-II ; treated with cruel ingratitude by the caliph, 716 ; d. 717. Mus^us, Greek poet ; author of the poem on Hero and Leander ; fi. about B.C. 500. Mus^us, Johauu Carl August, German novelist ; J. 1735 ; published, in German, " Popular Legends of the Germans ; " d. 28 Oct. 1787. MuscuLUS, Wolfgang, German reformer ; 6. 1497 ; d. 30 Aug. 1563. McsGEAVE, Sir Richard, Irish historian ; h. about 1758; published "Memoirs of the Rebellions of Ireland," 1804 ; d. 7 April, i8i8. MuSGEAVE, Samuel, philologist ; h. about 1 730 ; edited " Euripides," 1 778 ; d. 3 July, 1782. MusGBAVE, WDliam, antiquary ; h. 1657 ; published " Geta Britannicus," 1715 ; "Belgium Britannicum ; or, an Account of South Britain," 1719; d. 23 Dec. 1721. MusHET, David, metallurgist; h, 1772 ; d. 13 June, 1847. MusiTANO, Carlo, Italian physician; h. 13 Jan. 1635 j published " Trutina Medica," (established the circulation of the blood), 1688; d. 1714. Mdsius, see Muys. MusPEATT, James Sheridan, M.D., Irish chemist; b. 8 March, 1821; re-edited " Platt- ner on the Blowpipe," 1845 ; published "Chem- istry, Theoretical, Practical, and Analytical," i860. Muss, Carl, German painter ; d. 1824. MussATO, Albertino, Italian historian and poet ; b. 1261 ; wrote "Historise Augustaj de rebus gestis Henrici VII. ; " served the Paduans ; but exiled, 1325 ; d. 31 May, 1329. MusscHENBEOEK, Pietcr van, Dutch physicist; b. 14 March, 1692; published "Physicee Ex- perimentales," 1729; " Introdtictio ad Philo- sophia Naturalis," 1762; d. 19 September, 1761. MussET, Louis Charles Alfred de, son of pre- ceding, French poet; 6. 11 Nov. 1810; pub- lished "Contes d'Espagne et d'ltalie," 1830; "Confession d'un Enfant du Sifecle," 1836 ; "Poesies Complfetes," 1838; "Comedies et Proverbes," 1840-51; d. 1 May, 1857. Musset-Pathay, Victor Domitien de, French writer; b. 6 June, 1768; published "Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de J. J. Rousseau," 1821 ; d. 8 April, 1832. Musso, Comelio, Italian bishop and eccen- tric preacher; 6. April, 1511; d. 9 January, 1574- Mustapha I. — IV., sultans of Turkey: I., son of Mahomet III. . . . .6. 1591 Succeeded his brother, Ahmed I. . 26 Nov. 1617 Imbecile ; deposed . . 26 Feb. 1618 Restored 19 May, 1622 Deposed, 20 Aug. 1625 ; strangled . . 1639 II., son of Mahomet IV. . fc. 2 June, 1664 Succeeded Ahmed II 6 Feb. 1695 Victorious over the Kussians and Venetians 1695 Defeated by prince Eugene at Zenta 11 Sept. 1697 Concluded the peace of Carlowitz . Jan. 1699 Lost his vizier Kupriuli . . . Sept. 1702 Compelled to abdicate, 22 Aug. . d. 31 Dec. 1703 III., sou of Ahmed III. , . . 6. June, 171 7 Succeeded Osman III 29 Oct. 1757 Disciplined his array, and made war with Russia, 1768 Defeated ; lost the Crimea . . . 177T Repulsed the Russians from Moldavia . 1773 Patronised literature and science . d. 21 Jan. 1774 IV. son of Abdul Ahmed: b. 1779; succeeded Selimlll., 29 May, 1807; cruel and despotic: deposed and strangled 15 Nov. 1808 MusuEUS, Constantine, Turkish diplomatist ; b. 18 Feb. 1S07 ; minister at Athens, 1840-48 ; at Vienna, 1848 ; at London, 1851. MusuEUS, Marcus, Greek scholar ; b. about 1470 ; taught Greek at Padua, 1503 ; edited Aristophanes, 1498 ; " Etymologioon Magnum Graecum," 1499; Plato, 1513; d. 1517. MuTis, Joz6 Celestino, Spanish botanist ; b. 6 April, 1732 ; explored part of South America ; wrote " Historia de les Arboles del Quina ; " d. 2 Sept. 1808. MuY, Louis Nicolas Victor de Felix, oomte du, French marshal ; b. IJII ; d. 10 Oct. 1775. Muys, Cornells, Dutch poet ; ft. 1 1 June, 1503 ; wrote " Institutio Foeminffi Christians ;" mur- dered, 10 Deo. 1572. Muys, Wyer Wilhem, Dutch physician ; b. J Jan. 1682; published "Elementa Physices," 171 1; d. 19 April, 1744. Muziano, Grrolamo, of Brescia, Italian painter; b. 1528; d. 27 April, 1590. MUZ 401 NAP Mdzio, Girolamo Nuzio, Italian scholar ; 6. 12 March, 1496 ; strongly opposed Luther ; hence termed the " Hammer of Heretics ; " published " Egloghe," 1550; "Lettere Cattoliohe," 1571 ; d. 1576. Myconius, Friedrioh, German reformer ; 5. 1491 ; d. 7 April, 1546. Mtconids, Oswald, Swiss reformer ; 5. 1488 ; d. 15 Oct. 1552. Mtddelton, see Middleton. Mtdokgb, Claude, French mathematician and physicist ; i. 1585 ; published " UniverSie Geometriae Mixtce Synopsis," 1639; d. July, 1647. Mylius, Johann Christoph, German biblio- grapher ; 5. 29 July, 1710; published "Biblio- theca Anonymorum et l?seudonymorum," 1 740 ; d. 1757. Mylne, Kobert, Scotch architect ; i. 1 734 ; erected Blacld riars' Bridge, London, 1 760-70 ; d. 5 May, 1811. Myn, Hubert van der, Dutch painter; 6. 1684; d. 1 741. MiTtEPSns, Nicolas, Greek physician, jl. 13th century ; wrote " Liber de Compositione Medioamentorum." Myron, Greek sculptor and engraver ; 6. about B.C. 480; executed the "Discobolus" and " Cow." MiTJONiDES, Athenian general ; defeated the Corinthians at Megara, B.C. 457 ', aJid tlie BcEotians at (Enophyta, 456. Mytens, Flemish painters : Arnold ; 6. 1541 d. 1602 Daniel ; b. 1590 ... d. about 1660 Daniel ; 6. 1636 . . . . d. jg March, 1688 Mytens, Martin, Swedish painter ; 6. 1695 ; d. I75S- N Naas, see Mayo. Nabis, cruel and rapacious tyrant of Lace- daemon, B.C. 207 ; allied with the Komans, 204 and 195 ; assassinated, 192. Nadab, king of Israel ; succeeded his father Jeroboam, B.o. 954; killed by Baasha, 953. Nadib Shah, or Thamas-KouU-Khan, king of Persia; 6. II Nov. 1688; d. 20 Juhe, 1747. A captain of banditti : entered service of Tbamas II. the shah, then an exile .... 1726 Kestored him to his throne by thrice defeating the Afghans ; made governor of Khorasan, &c. 1730-31 Deposed Thamas and set up his infant son, Abbas III 1732 Usurped the throne himself . . 20 March, 1736 Defeated tlie Afghans and took Candahar . 1737-38 Invaded and conquered India .... 1739-40 Euled cruelly ; assassinated . 19 or 20 June, 1747 NjEVIUS, Cneius, Eoman poet and dramatist ; d. about B.C. 204. Nahl, German artists : JoHANN Samuel ; b. 1664 ....(?, 1728 JoHANBT Auwusr, SOU ; b. 1710 ; employed at Berlin, 1741-45 d. 1781 Samuel, 6. 1748; settled at Cassel as professor; d. 1813 Nahum, Jewish prophet ; foretold the destruc- tion of Nineveh, about B.C. 713. Naikne, lady Carohne, Scotch poetess ; b. 1766; d. 27 Oct. 1845. Nakhimov, Akim Nikolaivioh, Russian poet ; 5.1782; wrote "Fables;" "Speaking Mon- keys," &c.; d. 29 July, 1814. Naldi, Matteo, Italian physician ; consulted by Pope Alexander VII., 1656 ; published " Sa- pientis Vitale Filum," 1623; d. 1682. Naldini, Battista, Florentine painter ; J. 1537; d. after 1590. Naldini, Paolo, Roman sculptor;^, about 1650. Nalson, John, historian and theologian ; b. about 1638; published "The Countermine," against the Presbyterians, 1677 ; "The Common Interest of King and People," 1678; "Impar- tial Collection of the Great Affairs of State from 1639 to 1649," 1682-83; d. 24 March, 1686. Nana Sahib, an adopted son of Bajee Rao, the peishwa of Poona, (who died 1852) ; pre- tended to support the British during the mutiny. May, 1857 ; but joined the rebels and besieged Cawnpore, which he took, 26 June ; deluded Sir Hugh Wheeler by a treaty, 27 June ; massacred nearly all the British, irre- spective of age and sex, July ; totally defeated by Sir H. Havelock at Futtehpore, 16 July, 1857 ; said to have died of fever, Aug. 1858. Nanek, Nirankar, founder of the Sikh sect, holding doctrines, compounded of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Mahometanism ; b. 1466 ; d. Aug. 1539. Nangis, Guillaume de, French historian ; wrote " Chronique des Rois de France," &c. ; d. 1302. Nani, Giovanni Battista FeHoe, Venetian statesman and historian; b. 30 Aug. 1616 ; published " Historia della Republica Veneta," 1652-79; d. 5 Nov. 1678. Nansouty, Btienne Antoine, Marie Champion, comte de, heroic and humane French general ; b. 30 May, 1768 ; d. 6 Feb. 1815. Nanteuil, Robert, French painter and en- graver; b. about 1623 ; d. iS Dec. 1678. Nantigny, Louis Ghasot de, French genealo- gist ; 6. Aug. 1692 ; published " G^n&logies Historiques," 1736-38; d. 29 Dec. 1755. Napieb, generals, brothers ; bom in Ireland : Silt Charles James b. 10 Aug. 1782 Entered the army ; served in the suppression of the Irish rebellion, 1798 ; in Spain . . 1808-13 Commander of the army of Bengal ; defeated the Ameers . .... 17 Feb. 1843 Annexed Scinde, June, 1843 : governed it 1843-47 Appointed commander-in-chief in India against the Sikhs 7 March, 1849 Resigned his command, 2 July, 1850 d. 29 Aug, 1853 Sir William Francis Patrick 6. 17 Dec. 1785 Entered the army June, 1800 Served at Copenhagen, Sept. 1807 ; in Spain 1808-14 Published " History of the Peninsular War," (in which he was greatly assisted by his wife) 1828-40 Conquest of Scinde .... 1844-45 Lieutenant-governor of Guernsey . . 1842-48 Colonel, 1853 d. 12 Feb. i860 2g NAP 402 NAP Napiee, Sir Charles John, Scotch admiral, cousin of the preceding; b. 6 March, 1786; d. 9 Nov. i860. Entered navy 1799 Served in the Mediterranean . 1800 In America 1813-14 As commander of the fleet of Bon Pedro, cap- tured the squadron of Don Miguel off Cape St. Vincent 3 July, 1833 As second in command under Stopford in Syria, bombarded, and tooli Sidon, 27 Sept. ; Beyrout, 10 Oct. ; Acre . . 3 Nov. 1840 M.P. for Marylebone .... 1841-47 Published "The Navy; its Past and Present State" . . 1850 Vice-admiral 1853 Appointed commanderof the Baltic fleet : effected nothing against the walls of Cronstadt . 1854 M.P. for Southwark . . . 1855-60 Napier, Francis Napier, lord, of Merchistoun, diplomatist; 6. 15 Sept. 1819 ; succeeded his father, II Oct. 1834; envoy extraordinary at Washington, Jan. 1857; at the Hague, Dec. 1858 ; at St. Petersburg, Dec. i860 ; at Berlin, Sept. 1864 — Dec. 1865 ; governor of Madras, 31 Jan. 1 866. Napier, or Neper, John, baron of Merchis- toun, Scotch mathematician and theologian ; &. 1550; published "Plain Discovery of the Whole Revelation of St. John," 1593 ; " Miri- fici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio," (con- taining an account of his discovery of loga- rithms), 1614; d. 3 April, 1617. Napier, Sir Joseph, bart., Irish judge ; h. 1804; attorney-general for Ireland, March — Dec. 1852 ; lord chancellor, Feb. 1858 — June, 1859- Napiee, Macvey, Scotcli writer ; &. 12 April, 1 776 ; succeeded Jeffrey as editor of the " Edin- burgh Review," 1829 ; edited the seventh edition of the " Encyclopaedia Britannica," 1830-41 ; d. 11 Feb. 1847. Napier of Magdala, Bobert Napier, lord, general; h. at Ceylon, 6 Dec. 1810. Distin^ished himself in the Sutlej campaigns, 1845-46 Chief engineer at the siege of Moultan, and wounded Jan. 1849 Served at the siege of Lucknow . . JS'ov. 1857 MadeKC.B 1858 Made commander of the Bombay army . Jan. 1865 Appointed commander of the expedition against Abyssinia Sept. 1867 Defeated Theodore's army, 10 April ; captured Magdala, 13 April; made a peer . . . 1868 Eesigned command of Bombay army . 28 Aug. 1869 Napiee, Kobert, Scotch marine engineer ; h. 18 June, 1 791; set up a blacksmith's shop at Glasgow, May, 181 5; made his first marine engine, 1823 ; established a firm, which has supplied engines for the Cunard line of steamers since 1840; fitted up machinery for H.M.S. Duke of Wellington, 1853. Napione di Cocconato, Gian Erancesco Galeani, comte, Itahan writer; h. 1 Nov. 174S; published "La Morte di Cleopatra," 1767; " Dell' Origine delle Stampe," 1805, &c. ; d. 12 June, 1830. Napoleon I. — III., emperors of the Erench : I &. at Ajaccio, 15 Aug. 1769 A royal pupil at the school at Brienne . . 1777 Lieutenant in the bombardiers . . i Sept. 1785 Distinguished himself at the siege of Toulon ; made general of the brigade . ^ i9-2o_Dec. 1793 Helped to suppress an insurrection in Paris by his artillery 5 Oct. 1795 Appointed commander of the army of Italy, Feb. ; married Josephine Beauharnais 8 March, 1796 Defeated the Sardinians at Montenotte, n April ; at Millesimo, 14 April ; at Dego, 15 April ; Mondovi, 22 April ; signed armistice with the Sardinians . . 28 April, 1796 Defeated the Austrians at Lodi, 10 May ; at Lonato, 3 Aug. ; at Castiglione, 5 Aug. ; at Roveredo, 4 Sept. ; defeated Alvinzi, at Areola 15-17 Nov. 1796 Defeated the archduke Charles at the Taglia- mento 16 March, 1796 Concluded the treaty of Campo Foi-mio 17 Oct. 1797 Sailed from Toulon on an expedition against Egypt, 19 May ; captured Malta . 12 June, 1798 Landed in Egypt, i July ; took Alexandria, 2 July ; defeated the Mamelukes at the Pyra- mids, 21 July ; entered Cairo 22 July, 1798 Entered Syria ; took Jaffa by assault, 7-10 March ; besieged Acre, 18 March ; compelled to raise the siege by Sir Sydney Smith, 20 May; returned to Egypt ; defeated the Turks at Aboukir 25 July, 1799 Kesigned the command to Kleber, and sailed for France, 22 Aug. ; landed at Fr^jus, 9 Oct. ; arrived at Paris 16 Oct. 1799 By a military revolution, deposed the directory and established government by three consuls (himself, Sieyfis, and Koger-Ducos) . g Nov. 1799 Nominated first consul (with Cambac6r6s and Lebrun) by the constitution of . .13 Dec. 1799 Formed an army of reserve at Dijon, March; crossed the Alps by the Great St. Bernard, 16-20 May ; defeated Melas at Marengo by the help of Desaix (killed), and gained Lombardy 14 June, 1800 Escaped death by the infernal machine at Paris 24 Dec. i8c» Banished 129 persons on suspicion . 4 Jan. 1801 Concluded the peace of Lunevrlle with Austria ; recognising the Batavian, Helvetic, Cisalpine, and Ligurian republics . . . . 9 Feb. 1801 Established the kingdom of Etruria . March, 1801 Kestored the Catholic church in France by a con- cordat with pope Pius VII. . . 15 July, 1801 Made president of the new Italian republic 26 Jan. 180Z Confirmed the treaty of Amiens between France, England, Spain, and Holland . . March, 1802 Declared consul for ten years, 6 May ; for life 2 Aug. 1802 Constituted the legion of honour . 19 May, 1802 Received Mr Fox at the TuUeries . 3 Sept. 1802 Occupied Switzerland with an army . Oct. 1802 Declared war against England (who had de- manded the evacuation of Holland, &c., 13 May) 22 May, 1803 Ordered the occupation of Hanover, efi"ected by Mortier Jxme, 1803 Established censorship of the press . 27 Sept. 18^3 Arrested Moreau and Pichegru on charge of treason 15 Feb. 1804 Ordered the arrest of the due d'Enghien ; he was tried and shot . . . 21 March, 1804 Proclaimed hereditary emperor of the French 18 May, 1804 Created grand dignitaries and 18 marshals ig May, 1804 Crowned by the pope .... 2 Dec. 1804 Wrote a letter to George III. proposing peace (without effect) 2 Jan. 1805 NAP 403 NAP Crowned king of Italy at Milan . . 26 May, 1805 European coalition formed against him 5 Aug. 1805 His fleet defeated by Nelson at Trafalgar 21 Oct. 1805 Victorious in Germany ; entered Vienna, and occupied the palace of Schdnbrunn 13 Nov. 1805 Defeated the Austrians and Russians at Auster- litz 2 Dec. 1805 Concluded the treaty of Presburg (Venice and Dalmatia ceded to the kingdom of Italy), 26 Dec. 1805 Made his brother Joseph king of Naples, 15 Feb. ; Louis king of Holland . . 5 June, 1806 Fourth coalition against France, 6 Oct.; began hostilities with Russia and Prussia ; totally de- feated the Prussians at Jena . 14 Oct. 1806 Entered Berlin 26 Oct. 1806 Issued the " Berlin decree" blockading the ports of Great Britain, 21 Nov. ; entered Poland ; de- feated the Russians at Pultusk . 26 Dec. 1806 Captured Breslau, 7 Jan. ; victorious at Moh- rungen, 25 Jan.; at Eyiau, 8 Feb.; captured Dantzig, 26 May ; victorious at Friedland 14 June, 1807 Met the emperor Alexander on a raft at Tilsit, 25 June ; made peace ... 8 July, 1807 Established the kingdom of Westphalia ; his brother Jerome king ... 18 Aug. 1807 Sent an army into Spain to attack Portugal, Oct. ; issued his Milan decree against British commerce 17 Dec. 1807 Annexed Flushing and other places to the em- pire 21 Jan. 1808 Instituted a hereditary nobility, i March ; pro- moted the abdication of Charles IV. of Spain, 19 March; and the seizure of Madrid, 23 March, 1808 Annexed part of the states of the church to the empire . . ... 2 April, 1808 Caused Charles IV. and Ferdinand VII. of Spain to renounce the throne, 9 May; made his brother Joseph king of Spain, and Joachim Murat king of Naples . . . June, 1808 Began war with the Spanish junta . July, 1808 Met Alexander of Russia and other sovereigns at Erfurt 27 Sept, 1808 Advanced into Spain with a great army . Nov. 1808 Entered Madrid ; suppressed the inquisition, many monasteries, and feudal rights . 4 Dec. 1808 Fifth coalition against France . 6 April, 1809 Returned to Paris ; renewed war with Austria, April ; victor at Eckmiihl , . 22 April, 1809 Defeated at Aspern and Essling, 21 and 22 May, 1809 Victorious at Wagram, 6 July ; granted an ar- mistice II July, 1809 Concluded the treaty of Vienna . 14 Oct. 1809 His army in Spain defeated at Talavera by Wel- lesley {"VVeUingtonj . . .27, 28 July, 1809 His divorce from Josephine decreed by the senate 16 Dec. 1809 Annexed Rome and the Papal States to the empire 17 Feb. 1810 Married Maria Louisa, archduchess of Austria I April, i8io Annexed Holland (after the abdication of king Louis), 3 July; and Hamburg, Lubeck, and Bremen to the empire ... 13 Dec. 1810 His army in Spain defeated by "Wellington at Busaco, 27 Sept. ; stopped at Torres Vedras, Oct. 1810 His army (under Massena) defeated at Fuentes de Onoro, 5 May ; (under Soult) at Albuera, i6May; (under Marmont) at Salamanca, 22 July, 1811 Declared war against Prussia, 22 May ; passed the Niemen with 450,000 men . 24, 25 May, 1812 Defeated the Russians at Smolensko, 17 Aug.; and at the Borodino, 7 Sept. ; Moscow burnt, 15-20 Sept. ; began his retreat . . 15 Oct. 1812 His army defeated at Witepsk, 14 Nov.; Kras- noi, 16-18 Nov.; Beresina, . 25-29 Nov. 1812 Resigned the command to Murat, 5 Dec. ; ar- rived at Paris, 19 Dec. 1812 Ordered a levy of 350,000 men, 8 Jan. ; sixth coalition formed against him . . March, 1813 Joined his army in Germany, April ; defeated the allies at Liitzen, 2 May ; indecisive battles at Bautzen, 20 May, and Wurtzchen 21 May, 1813 Victorious at Dresden, 25-27 Aug. ; at "Wachau, 16, 17 Oct. ; defeated at Leipsic 18, 19 Oct. 1813 Crossed the Rhine, 2 Nov. ; returned to Paris Nov. 1813 His army, under Soult, in Spain defeated by "Wellington, at Vittoria, 21 June; at the Py- renees 28 July, 1813 Liberated Ferdinand VII., 11 Dec; ordered an- other conscription .... 15 Dec. 1813 His conquests lost ; the Austrians and Prussians enter France Jan. 1814 Released the pope, who returned to Rome, 23 Jan.; after a succession of conflicts, with vary- ing success, abdicated at Fontainebleau, 5 April, and sent to Elba as king . 20 April, 1814 Sailed from Elba, 26 Feb. ; landed at Cannes, I March ; arrived at Paris . . 20 March, 1815 Decreed the organisation of 3130 batallions of national guards, 10 April; held an assembly at the Champ de Mars . . . . i June, 1815 Joined the army, 12 June; totally defeated at "Waterloo .... .18 June, 1815 Abdicated in favour of his son, 22 June ; sur- rendered himself to Captain Maitland of the " Bellerophon " . . . 15 July, 1815 Arrived at Plymouth . , . .26 July, 1815 Sailed with Sir George Cockbum to St. Helena, 8 Aug.; arrived there, 15 Oct. ; placed rmder the care of Sir Hudson Lowe, April 1816 d. 5 May, 1821 His remains brought to France by the prince de JoinviUe, Oct., and deposited in the Hotel des Invalides 15 Dec 1840 II. Napoleon Francis Charles Joseph, king of 'Rome, son of Napoleon I. ; b. 29 March, 181T : abdication of his father in his favour; (annulled) 20 June, 1815 Taken to Vienna and created duke of Reichstadt, 1815 d. at Schdnbrunn palace ... 22 July, 1832 III. Charles Louis Napoleon, son of Louis Bonaparte, king of Holland and Hortense Beauhamais . . . . &. 20 April, 1808 Baptized by cardinal Fesch . . 4 Nov. iSio Resided successively in Germany and Switzer- land ; his banishment from France renewed by Louis Philippe 1830 Settled in Tuscany; composed his " RGveries Politiques " 1831-35 Published "Manuel de I'Artill^rie" . . . 1836 Attempted insurrection at Strasburg; captured, 29, 30 Oct. 1836 His life spared at the intercession of his mother; sent to United States . 13 Nov. 1836 Returned to Switzerland .... 1838 Came to London 1838 Published "Idees Napoleennes" . . . 1839 His attempted insurrection at Boulogne ; cap- tured 6 Aug. 1840 His trial ; condemned to perpetual imprison- ment .6 Oct. 1840 Escaped from Ham to England . . 25 May, 1846 Served as a special constable on the day of the chartists 10 April, 1848 Elected representative in the national assembly for the Seine and three other departments, 13 June, 1848 Elected president of the republic, n Dec. ; pro- claimed 20 Dec. 1848 After the coup d'etat, 2 Dec, elected president for ten years . . . - 21, 22 Dec. 1851 Elected emperor, 21 Nov.; proclaimed as Na- poleon III. 2 Dec 1852 Joined Great Britain in the war with Russia, Jan. 1853 Married Eugenie-Marie de Guzman . 29 Jan. 1853 Visited England with the empress . 16-21 April, 1855 Escaped assassination by Pianori . 28 Aprilj 1855 NAP 404 NAR His son, Napoleon Eugene Louis, bom, i6 March, 1856 Signed peace with Russia . . 30 March, 1856 Escaped assassination by Oreini . . 14 Jan. 1858 Met Queen Victoria at Clierbourg . 4, 5 Aug. 1858 On the Ausbrians invading Piedmont declared war against Austria, and proceeded to Genoa, 12 May, 1859 Present at the battle of Solferino . 24 June, 1859 Met the emperor of Austria at Villa Franca, and agreed to peace . . . it, 12 July, 1859 Announced a free trade policy, 5 Jan. ; the commercial treaty with Great Britain signed 23 Jan. i860 Signed treaty for annexation of Savoy and Nice 24 March, i860 Met the German sovereigns at Baden, 15-17 June, i860 Decreed important ministerial changes Nov. — Dec. i860 Purchased the principality of Monaco . Feb. 1861 Declared for neutrality in the American war, IT June, 1861 Met the king of Prussia at Compeigne . 6 Oct. 1861 Agreed to convention respecting intervention in Mexico .... - 31 Oct. 1861 His army landed at Vera Cruz . . 7 Jan. 1862 Proposed a European congress (declined) 4 Nov, 1863 The Franco-Italian convention respecting the occupation of Borne, &c. . . 15 Sept. 1864 Prohibited the clergy from reading the pope's encyclical letter of 8 Dec. . . 5 Jan. 1865 Declared that " France will observe an attentive neutrality " in the war between Austria and Prussia 11 June, 1S66 Venetia ceded to France by Austria, 4 July; de- livered up to Italy . . . 11-19 Oct. 1866 Commercial treaty with Austria signed, 11 Dec. 1866 Opened the International Exhibition at Paris, 1 April, 1867 The army raised virtually to 1,200,000 men; bill passed ... . . 4 Feb. 1868 New press law passed .... 10 May, 1869 Eecommended great political changes, including a responsible ministry, in a message to the legislature, read .... 12 July, 1869 Eecommended that increased pensions be given to the survivors of the army of Napoleon I. at the centenary of his birth (15 Aug.) . April, 1869 Published a general amnesty for political oflfences 14 Aug. 1869 Promulgated a new political constitution, ID Sept. 1S69 Napoleon, Eugene Louis Jean Joseph, prince, son of Napoleon III. ; h. 16 March, 1856 ; re- viewed the troops, (his father being ill), 15 Aug. 1869. JSTappeh Tandy, James, see Tandy. Narbonne, Lara Louis, comte de, Prench statesman and general ; h. in Parma, 24 Aug. 1755 ; educated in the Prench court ; entered the army; minister of war, Dec. 1791 J dis- missed by the king, 10 March, 1792 ; denounced by the assembly, escaped to England, Aug. 1792; returned to Prance, 1800; employed diplomatically by Napoleon I., 1809 ; his aide- de-camp in Russia, 1812 ; d. 17 November, 1813. Narborough, Sir John, admiral, and maritime discoverer ; explored coasts of South America, &c., 1670-71 ; vice-admiral, 1673 ; chastised the Algerine pirates, 1674 ; his " Voyages and Discoveries to the South and North" published, 1694; d- 1688. Nardi, Jacopo, Italian historian ; 6. 2 1 July, 1476 ; wrote " Stone Piorentine," printed, 1582 ; d. about 1555. Nardini, Pietro, Italian violinist; 6. 1722; published concertos, solos, &c., 1782; d. 1793. Nares, Rev. Edward, D.C.L. ; h. 1762 ; pub- lished "Thinks I to Myself," a novel, 1811 ; "Discourse on the Creeds," 1819; "Life of Lord Burghley," 1828-31 ; d. 1841. Nares, James, Mus. D., musical composer; 6. 1715; published "Lessons for the Harpsi- chord," 1748-58; "Catches, Glees," &c., 1778; "Anthems," 1788; d. 10 Feb. 1783. Nares, Rev. Robert, lexicographer; &. 1753; published " Elements of Orthoepy," 1784 j " Glossary of Words,'' &c., (of the age of Shakspeare), 1822 ; d. 23 March, 1829. Narses, the Eunuch, Greek general and statesman ; served Justinian ; h. about 472 ; d. 568. Colleague and rival of Belisarius in Italy, 538 ; recalled 539 Defeated and killed Totila, king of the Goths, (and re-took Rome), July, 552 ; and Teias, his son March, 553 Defeated the Alemanniand Franks ; made gover- nor of Italy 553 Superseded and insulted by Justin ; invited the Lombards into Italy . 568 Narses, king of Persia ; succeeded Ms brother Varanes, 294 ; defeated Galerius and the Ro- mans, 296 ; defeated by him ; made peace, 297 ; abdicated ia favour of his brother, Hormisdas II-, 303- Naruscewicz, Stanislas Adam, Polish poet and historian; h. 20 Oct. 1733 ; made bishop of Smolensko, 1788; published "History of the Tartars of the Crimea," and " History of Poland," 1780-86; his poems published, 1835 ; d. 8 July, 1796. Narvaez, Manuel Ramon Maria, duke of Valencia, Spanish marshal and statesman ; 5. 5 Aug. 1800; d. 23 April, 1868. Entered the army 1815 Supported the constitutional party . . 1S22-23 Served against the Carlists . . . 1834 Totally defeated Gomez at Majaceite . 25 Nov. 1836 Opposed Espartero ; compelled to emigrate, Nov. 1838 Became a partisan of queen Christina . . 1843 Begun a revolution in her favour ; landed at Valencia, 27 June ; entered Madrid . 24 July, 1843 Declared the maj ority of Isabella II. , and became lieutenant-general of Spain . Nov. 1843 Created duke and prime minister April, 1844— March, 1846 Ambassador at Paris . . April, 1847 Head of the ministry, 4 Oct. 1847 — Jan. 1851 ; 12 Oct. 1856— Oct. 1857 ; Sept. 1864— June, 1865 With O'Donnell suppressed a great military revolt at Madrid .... . June, 1866 Minister (with Bravo Mnrillo) . . July, 1S66 Narvaez, Panfilo de, " Conquistador," Spanish commander in America; h. about 1470; sent to arrest Cortes in Mexico ; overcome by him, and imprisoned, 1520; released; went on an expedition to Plorida; d. by shipwreck, after July, 1528. NAS 405 NAV Nash, Frederick, water-colour painter; 6. 1 782; d. 5 Dec. 1856. Nash, John, architect; h. 1752; drew the plans for Regent's Street and Regent's Park, London, 181 2; began Buckingham Palace, 1826; d. 13 May, 1S35. Nash, Joseph, architectural painter in water- colours; 6. about 1812; published "Architec- ture of the Middle Ages," 1838 ; " Mansions of , England iu the Olden Time," 1839-49. Nash, Richard, "Beau Nash," king of Bath, adventurer; 6. 18 Oct. 1674; revived the reputation of the Bath waters, and organised public amusements there ; ruined by the police for encouraging gambling; d. 12 Feb. 1761. Nash, Thomas, satirist and dramatist ; h. about 1567; published "Pappe with an Hatchett," 15S9; "PasquU's Apologie," 1590; "Pierce Penilesse," his " Supplication to the DiveU," 1592; "Dido, Queen of Carthage," 1594; d. about 1 60 1. Nash, Rev. Tredway, topographer ; h. 1726; published " Collections for a History of Wor- cestershire," 1781-82; d. 26 Jan. 1811. Nasini, Siennese painters, brothers : Antonio, I. 1641; d. 1716; Giuseppe Nicolo, b. 1660; d. 1736. Nasmith, David, Scotch reUgioua philan- thropist; 6. 21 March, 1799; established many "Young Men's Societies," 1823, et seq. ; estar bHshed the Glasgow city mission, 1826; mis- sions in England, Ireland, and on the Con- tinent, and in America, 1829, et seq.; d. 17 Nov. 1839. Nasmith, James, D.D., antiquary ; J. 1 740 ; edited Tanner's "Notitia Monastica," 17S7; d. 16 Oct. 1808. Nasmyth, Alexander, Scotch landscape painter; 6. 1758; d. 1840. His son, Patkiok, termed the "British Hobbema," i. 1786; d. 17 Aug. 1831. Nasmtth, James, son of Alexander, Scotch engineer and astronomer; 6. 19 Aug. 1808. "Worked at Maudslay's, London . . . 1829-32 i3stablished the Bridgewater Foundry at Patri- croft 1830 Invented the steam-hammer, 1838 ; patented it 18 June, 1842 Invented the steam-ram, 1836 ; communicated it to the admiralty 1845 Discovered the phenomena termed *' willow leaves," and "rice grains," on the sxm's disk 28 Aug. i860 Nassau, see Orange. Nassih-ed-Diu", Persian philosopher and as- tronomer ; h. 1201; wrote a "Treatise on Morals;" translated Ptolemy; compiled "Geo- graphical Tables;" d. 25 June, 1274. Natalis, Michel, Belgian engraver; I. 1609; d. 1670. Nathan, Isaac, Mardechai, Jewish rabbi, 15th century ; composed the first Jewish Con- cordance for the Hebrew Bible ; printed 1524. Natter, Johann Lorenz, German engraver ; &. 1 705 ; settled in London about 1 740 ; exe- cuted the medal for the coronation of George III.; published "Treatise on the Ancient Method of Engraving on Precious Stones," 1754 ; d. 27 Oct. 1763. Nattier, Jean Marc, French painter ; 5. 1 7 March, 1 685 ; employed by Peter of Russia, 1715 ; professor at the Academy, Paris, 1746; d. 7 Sept. 1766. Naud^, or Naud.«us, Gabriel, French biblio- grapher and scholar ; 6. 2 or 3 Feb. 1600; pa- tronised by Cardinal Richelieu ; employed by Mazarine to form his library, 1643 ; saved it from destruction during the wars of the Fronde, about 1645 ; wrote " Advis pour dresser une Bibliothfeque," 1627 ; d. 29 or 30 July, 1653. Naud]&, Phihppe, French mathematician and protestant theologian; h. 28 Dec. 1654; at the revocation of the edict of Nantes went to Berlin, and became professor, 1687 ; published " La Soaveraine Perfection de Dieu," against Bayle, 1708; d. 7 March, 1729. Naudet, Joseph, French scholar; 6. 8 Deo. 1 786 ; published " Histoire de la Monarchie des Goths en Italie," 181 1; director of the royal Ubrary, Paris, 1840-57 ; perpetual secre- tary of the academy of inscriptions, 1852-60. Naudet, Thomas Charles, French landscape painter; h. 1 774; d. 14 July, 1810. Naumann, Johann Gottlieb, German musical composer; 6. 17 April, 1 741 j composed masses and operas ; "AchiUe in Sciro," 1767; "Soli- mano," 1772 ; "Cora," 1 780; d. 23 Oct. 1801. Naundorfp, Charles Guillaume, called him- self Charles Louis, duke of Normandy, the son of Louis XVI.; b. 27 March, 1785; impri- soned as an impostor in Brandenburg, 1825-28; went to Paris and asserted his claim as Louis XVII., 1833 ; narrowly escaped assassination, 28 Jan. 1834 ; his papers seized ; expelled from France, 15 June, 1836; d. at Delft, 10 Aug. 1847. Naunton, Sir Robert, statesman; b. 1563 ; d. 27 March, 1635. His "Fragmenta Regalia ; or. Observations on the late Queen Elizabeth," cSec, published 164 1 ; "Arcana AuUca," 1694. Navageko, or Naugerius, Andrea, Italian statesman and Latin poet ; b. 1483; ambassador at the court of Charles V., 1523; d. 8 May, 1529. His "Opera Omnia," published 1 7 18. Navagebo, Bernardo, Venetian statesman, cardinal, and scholar; b. 1507; d. 27 May, 1565- Navaerete, Juan Fernandez, " el Mudo," Spanish painter; 6. about 1524; d. 1577' Navarrete, Martin Fernandez de, Spanish geographer and historian ; b. g Nov. 1 765 ; published "Coleccion de Viajes y Descubrie- mentos que hicieron por mar los Espanoles," 1825-37 ; d. 8 Oct. 1844. NAV 406 NEE Navakho, Spanish painters ; Luis Antonio, b. about 1635 ; a founder of the academy of Seville d. 1693 Felipe . .... 6. about 1680 Agustin, 6. 1754 d. July, 1787 Naviek, Claude Louis Marie Henry, French engineer; b. 15 Feb. 1785; published *' M^moire sur les Fonts Suspendus/' 1824; d. 23 Aug. 1836. Navier, Pierre Toussaint, French physician and chemist ; b. I Nov. 1 7 1 2 ; discovered nitrous ether, and combinations of mercury and iron ; d. 16 July, 1779. Naville, rran9ois Marc Louis, Swiss educa- tor ; 6. 1 1 July, 1 784 ; formed an institution to try his system at Vernier, near Geneva, 1819 ; published *' De I'Education publique," 1832; "DelaChariti51(5gale," 1836; d. 22 March, 1846. Nayler, James, quaker, enthusiast ; b. about 1616; joined George Fox ; and preached extra- vagantly ; disowned by the quakers ; branded and imprisoned, Dec. 1656; released, 8 Sept. 1659 ; repented ; murdered, 1660. Neal, Daniel, nonconformist minister ; J. 14 Deo. 1678; published "History of New Eng- land," 1720; "History of the Puritans," 1732-38 ;rf. 4 April, 1743. Neale, Rev. Erskine, religious novelist ; 6. about 1 805 ; published " The Bishop's Daugh- ter," 1842 ; " The Closing Scene," 1849-50 ; " Old Minor Canon," 1854. Neale, Eev. John, historian and poet; i. 1 818; gained the Seatonian prize (for poems) nine times, 1845-61 ; published " History of the Patriarchate of Alexandria," 1847; "History of the Holy Eastern Church," 1850; rf.Aug.l866. Neandee, Christoph Friedrich, German poet ; 6. 26 Dec. 1724 ; published " GeistHche Lieder," 1766 ; d. 21 July, 1802. Neandbe, Johann August Wilhelm, German theologian and historian ; b. of Jewish parents, 1 7 Jan. 1 789 ; became a Christian ; finished studies under Planck, 1806 ; began to lecture at Heidelberg, 1 81 1; published in German " General History of the Christian Religion and Church," 1825-45; "Life of Christ in its Historical Relations," 1837 ; d. 14 July, 1850. Neandee, Michael, German scholar; b. 1525 ; pubUshed "Erotsemata Graecse Linguae," 1553-65-67; "Linguffi Hebrseas ErotEemata," 1556-61-74; d. 26 April, 1595. Neandee, Michael, German physician and mathematician; b. 1 529; published " Synopsis Mensurarum et Ponderum," 1555; " Physice sen SyUoge Physica," 1585 ; d. 1581. Neaechds, Greek admiral imder Alexander the Great ; joined him in Bactria, B.C. 329 ; explored the Indies, &c. ; and "WTote "Paraplus," 325. Neate, Charles, political economist; b. 1806 ; professor of political economy at Oxford, 1857; published "Lectures on the Currency," 1859; "Lectures on Taxation," 1861 ; "History of the Law of EntaU," 1865. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon ; con- quered Judea, and took Jerusalem, B.C. 588 ; d. about 562. Neck, Jan van, Dutch painter; h. 1635; d. 17 14. Neckam, Alexander, abbot, scholar, and poet ; b. about 1150 ; d. 1227 ; works published, 1863. Necker, Jacques, Swiss statesman ; i. at Geneva, 30 Sept. 1732 ; d. 9 April, 1804. Came to Paris with TheUusson ; founded a bank- ing house 1762 Published "Eloge de Colbert," 1773: "Sur la Legislation et le Commerce des Grains " . 1775 Appointed director-general of the finances of Prance 29 June, 1777 Abolished useless offices and attempted pubUc economy ; retired . . . .19 May, 1781 Published " Administration des Finances," (80,000 copies said to have been sold) , . 1784 Condemned to exUe for refuting Calonne's accu- sations April, 1787 Restored to his office . . . . z6 Aug. 1788 Proposed that Louis XVI. should mediate be- tween the three orders of the states general, May, 1789 Insulted by the court ; ordered to quit France by the king, 11 July ; went to Brussels; recalled: appeared at the assembly . 20 July, 1789 Strongly opposed by Mirabeau, and lost his in- fluence Aug. et seq. 1789 Opposed the issue of assignats ; compelled to retire to Switzerland .... Sept. 1790 Published " Du Pouvoir Ex6cutif dans les grands Etats," 1792 Had a fruitless interview at Geneva with Napo- leon when first consul .... 8 May, 1800 Published ' ' DerniSres Vues de Politiques et de Finances" 1802 Sis wife SusANNE Curchod, married 1764 ; en- tertained the elite of French savans at her par- ties ; d. May, 1794; her "Melanges," published 1798-1802 Necker, Louis, Swiss mathematician, brother of Jacques ; b. 1 730 ; published " De Electri- citate," 1747; d. 1804. Necker de Saussueb, Louis Albert ; Swiss geologist ; 5. 10 April, 1786 ; published " Voyage en Ecosse et aux lies Hfljrides," 1821 : "Etudes G&logiques," 1844; d. about 1862.' Necker, Noel Joseph, Flemish botanist ; b. 1729; published "Physiologia Muscorum," 1774; "Elementa Botanica," 1790; d. 10 Dec. 1793- Nectaeius, patriarch of Constantinople, 381 ; elected bishop of Constantinople, 38 1 ; declared patriarch and chief of the Eastern church, 9 July, 381 ; repressed the Arians; d. 27Sept. 397. Needham, John Tuberville, naturaUst, friend of Buffon; 6. 10 Sept. 1 7 13; published " New Microscopical Discoveries," 1745 ; d. 30 Dec. 1781. Needham or Nedham, Marchamont, mercenary political \vriter ; b. Aug. 1620; edited "Mer- curius Eritannicus," for the parliament, 1643; " Mercurius Pragmaticus," for the king, 1647- 49 ; " Mercurius PoUticus," for the Common- wealth, 1649-60; d. 1678. Neeps, Peter "The Elder," Flemish painter; b. about 1570; d. 1651. NEE 407 NEE, Neele, Henry, poet and critic ; h. 20 Jan. 1798; published "Odes and Poems," 1817 ; delivered "Lectures on Shakspeare," 1819 ; "Lectures on the English Poets," 1826 ; pub- lished "Romance of History," 1827 ; d. 7 Eeb. 1828. Neer, "Van der, Dutch painters ; Aknold, 5. 1619 ; d. 1683. Eglon Hendkick, son; 6. 1643 ; d. 3 May, 1703. Neekcassel, Janus van, Dutch bishop ; I. 1623; published "Tractatus de Leotione Scripturarum," 1677; "Amor Poenitens, sen directo Usu Clavium," 1683 ; d. 6 June, 1686. Neff, Pelix, Swiss minister, termed " The Apostle of the Alps;" 6. 1798; d. 12 April, 1829. Negri, or Negro, Francesco, Italian scholar and reformer ; b. 1 500 ; joined Zuingle, 1529; present at the diet ol Augsburg, defending the "Confession," 1530; became a schoolmaster; wrote " Eudimenta Grammatica," 1541 ; " Tragedia del Libero Arbitrio," 1546 ; d. at Geneva about 1560. Nehemiah, Jewish governor ; re-buflt Jeru- salam, about B.o. 445. Neill, Patrick, Scottish naturalist ; h. iTjd ; d. 5 Sept. 1851. Nelaton, Auguste, French surgeon ; 6. 17 June, 1807; published "Elements de Patho- logie Chirurgicale," 1844-59. N^Lis, ComeiUe Erangois, Belgian bishop and scholar ; b. 5 June, 1736 ; published " Belgi- carum Eerum Prodromus," 1795; "L'Aveugle de la Montague ou Entretiens Philosophiques," 1789 ; d. 21 Aug. 1798. Neller, Georg Christoph, German archajo- logist ; b. 1709; published " Principia Juris PubUci," 1746; rf. 31 Oct. 1783. Nelson, Horatio, viscount, admiral ; S. 29 Sept. 1758 ; kaied, 21 Oct. 1805. Sailed with captain Phipps to ttie North Pole 1773-7+ Lieutenant ... . . 1776 Post-captain 11 June, 1779 Distinguished himself in the "West Indies . 1780 Married Mrs Nisbett .... March, 1787 Sent to the Mediterranean in command of the "Agamemnon" .... Jan. 1793 Lost an eye at the reduction of Calvi, Corsica, 10 Aug. 1794 Lost his right arm at the unsuccessful attack on Santa Cruz 25 July, 1796 Captured the isle of Elba . . .9 Aug. 1796 Helped to gain the victory off Cape St Vincent, 14 Feb. 1797 Made rear-admiral of the Blue . . 20 Feb. 1797 Defeated the French fleet in the battle of the Nile I Aug. 1798 Went to Naples ; became acquainted with lady Hamilton .... Sept. 1798 Created baron Nelson of the Nile . 6 Nov. 179S Vice-admiral of the Blue . . .1 Jan. 1801 With Sir Hyde Parlter, gained the battle of Copen- hagen 2 AprU, iSoi Created viscount .... 22 May, 1801 Appointed to chief command in the Mediter- ranean, as vice-admiral of the White 20 May, 1803 Pursued the French and Spanish fleets, March to Aug. ; returned to England to recruit, Aug. ; persuaded to return ; appeared at Cadiz. 29 Sept. ; defeated the fleets in Trafalgar Bay, killed, 21 Oct. 1805 Public funeral, the prince of Wales, and the royal family present . . . . g Jan. 1806 Nelson, Robert, theologian and nonjuror, friend of Bull and Tillotson; b. 22 June, 1656 ; published " Companion to the Easts and Festivals of the Church of England," 1704; "Practice of True Devotion," 1708; d. 16 Jan 1715. Nemesiands, Marcus Aurelius Olympius, Latin poet ; patronised by the emperor Cariuus ; vraote "De Aucapio," and " Cynegetica," about 283. Nemesius, Greek bishop of Emesa, physiolo- gist; wrote, in Greek, "De Natura Hominis," about 400. Nemours, duo de, see Foix. Nemours, Louis Charles Philippe Raphael d' Orleans, due de, second son of Louis Philippe, king of the French; i. 25 Oct. 1814; offered the crown of Belgium, 3 May ; declined by his father, 17 May, 1831 ; took part in the expedi- tion, and present at the siege of Antwerp, Nov. 1832 ; joined the army in Algeria, Nov. 1S36 ; assisted at the capture of Constantina, 1 1 Nov. 1837; came to England at the revolution, 27 Feb. 1848. Nemours, Marie d'OrliSans, duchesse de, princesse de Neuchatel, long known as ' ' Made- moiselle de Longueville;" b. 5 March, 1625 ; d. 16 June, 1707; her "Memoires," printed 1709. Neknius, chronicler ; wrote " Historia Bri- tonum," about 620. Nepos, ComeUus, Roman historian ; wrote " Vitae Imperatorum ; " friend of Cicero, &c. ; d. about 14. Nepos, Flavius Julius, Roman emperor ; pro- claimed, June, 474 ; expelled from Italy, Aug. 475; killed, 480. Nepotianus, Flavius Popilius, nephew of Con- stantino the Great; usurped the purple, and took Rome, 3 June ; killed, I July, 350. Neri, Filippo de', energetic Florentine philan- thropist ; b. 15 15; founded the " Oratorians," or "Fathers of the Oratory," (so named from the "Oratorio," or chapel where they met); approved by pope Gregory XIII., 1575 ; d. 26 May, 1595. Neei, Pompeio, Italian political economist ; b. 1707 ; published " Osservazioni sopra it Prezzo legale delle Monete," 175'; employed by Francis, grand-duke of Tuscany, to value property ; pubUshed a " Cadasfro," or register, 1759; d. 1776. Neeli, Filippo, Italian historian ; b. 1485 ; published " Commentarj de' Fatti Civili oooorsi nella Firenze, 1215-1537," 1728; d. 17 Jan. 1556. NEE 408 NEW Nebo, emperor of Eome, son of Tiberius Claudius Nero and Agrippina; 6. 15 Dec. 37 ; killed himself, 9 June, 68. A pupil of Seneca ; succeeded Claudius . Oct. 54 Poisoned Britannicus 55 Influenced by Popptea, murdered his motlier . 59 Murdered liis wife, Octavia, and married Poppsea 62 Charged the Christians with the conflagration of Rome, and killed many 64 Killed Seneca, the philosopher, Lucan, the poet, and the empress Popp«a 65 Present at tire Olympic games .... 67 Fled from Home ; stabbed himself to avoid cap- ture . . . .9 June, 68 Nekva, Marcus Cocceius, emperor of Eome ; h. 32 ; declared emperor after the assassination otDomitian, 18 Sept. 96; nominated Trajan as successor; d. 27 Jan. 98. Nesbit, see Nisbet. Nesse, Christopher, nonconformist theologian; J. 26 Dec. 1 62 1; ejected, 1662; published "History and Mystery of the Old and New Testament," 1690; d. 26 Dec. 1705. Nesseleode, Karl Robert, Eussian diploma' tist, of German origin ; h. at Lisbon, 14 Dec. 1780 ; employed at Berlin, 1802 ; at the Hague, 1804-6 ; at Paris, 1806 ; acquired the confidence of the czar Alexander, 1807, et seq. ; influen- tial at the congress of Vienna, Nov. 18 14; foreign minister, 1816 ; retained his power under Nicholas I. and Alexander II.; d. 23 May, 1862. Nestokius, Syrian heresiarch ; appointed patriarch of Constantinople, 430; persecuted the Arians and Macedonians ; controverted the doctrine that Mary was the "mother of God," proposing to term her " mother of Christ ; " deposed by the influence of Cyril, 431 ; per- secuted ; d. about 450. Netschek, German painters : Caspar, b. 1639 . , . . tZ. 15 Jan. 1684 Hii sons : CONSTANTINE, &. 1670 d. 1722 Theodore, b. 1661 ; employed in Holland, Prance, and England (^.1732 Nettek, Thomas, see Walden. Neuhofe, Theodor Stephan, baron von, Grer- man adventurer; 6. 1 690; vrith a band of mer- cenaries, landed in Corsica, and became king, March, 1736 ; ruled firmly; came to England, 1738; retired ; reappeared in Corsica, without success, 1742; d. in London, II Dec. 1755. Neukiech, Benjamin, German poet ; b. 27 March, 1665 ; published "Letters and Poems," 1695 ; d 15 Aug. 1729. Neukomm, Sigismond, the chevalier, German musical composer; i. 10 July, 1778; pupU of Haydn, 1 797 ; director of the court music at St. Petersburg, 1804; went to Paris, 1809; to "Vienna, 1814; to Eio Janeiro, 1816, et seq.; came to London with TaUeyrand ; composed a "Morning and Evening Service," songs, &c., 1830 ; his " Mount Sinai " performed at Berlin, 1832 ; d. at Paris, 3 April, 1858. NEnjiANW, Caspar, German orientalist; b. 14 Sept. 1648; published "Genesis," 1696; Exodus," 1697, as specimens of a new system of teaching Hebrew ; also " Kern aller Gebete," ("Essence of all Prayers"); d. 27 Jan. 1696. Neumann, Caspar, German chemist; 6. 11 July, 1683; published "Lectiones Chemicae," 1727; d. 20 Oct. 1737. His " VoUstiindige Medicinisohe Chymie," published 1749-55. Neuville, Charles ITrey de, eloquent French preacher; h. 23 Dec. 1693; d. 13 July, 1774. Neuville, Didier Pierre Chicanau de, French writer ; b. 1 720 ; published " Dictionnaire Philosophique," 1751-62; "L'AbeiUe de Par- nasse," 1757; d. Oct. 1781. Neveks, Louis de Gonzague, due de, son of Frederick, duke of Mantua, French general ; b, 18 Sept. 1539; ardent chief of the League, 1574; became neutral at the death of Henry III., 1589; joined Henry TV. at Ivry with socmen, 14 March, 1590; made superintendent of finance, Nov. 1594; d. 22 Oct. 1595; his "M^moires," published 1665. Nevile, or Nevtle, Alexander, poet ; 6. 1544; published " Kettus, " a poem on Ket's rebelhon, 1575; d. 4 Oct. 1614. Nevile, or Neville, Henry, republican writer ; i. 1620; published "Plato Eedivivus," 1681 ; "Shufliing, Cutting, and Dealing," a satire against Cromwell, 1659 ; d. 20 Sept. 1694. Newbukgh, or Newbuet, William Little, canon of, Augustine chronicler; wrote "His- toria a Normannorum Ingressu usque ad an- num 1 197," printed, 1567; d. about 1208. Newoastle-upon-Tyne, dukes of : r. "William Cavendish, royalist general b. 1592 Created baron Cavendish . . 7 March, 1628 Supplied Charle^" I. with money and troops 1639 Secured Newcastle for him .... 1642 Defeated Lord Fairfax near Bradford, 30 June ; created Marquess of Newcastle . 27 Oct. 1643 His advice rejected at Marston Moor, 2 July; retired to the continent 1644 Published comedies and poems, 1649; "M6thode nouvelle de dresser les Chevaui" . . . 1671 Created duke, 16 March, 1664 . . d. 25 Dec. 1676 2. Henry, son rf. 1691 3. John Holles, earl of Clare; married Margaret, daughter of preceding ; created duke, 14 May, 1694 d. 1711 4. Sir Thomas Pelham, son of Thomas Lord Pel- ham and Grace, sister of preceding ; created duke II Aug. 1715 First lord of the treasmy, April, 1754 — Nov. 1756; and with Mr Pitt (afterwards earl of Chatham) June 1757 — May, 1762 Created duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne, 17 Nov. 1756 d. 17 Nov. 1768 Margaret Lucas, duchess, philosopher, and poet, second wife of duke William : b. about 1624 : published " Philosophical Fancies," 1653: " Nature's Picture " (miscellanies), 1656 ; Plays, 1662 d. 1673 Newcastle-undee-Lyne, dukes of : 1. Sir Thomas Pelham, above. 2. Henry Fiennes Pelham Clinton, ninth earl of Lincoln: married Catherine, niece of preced- ing; became duke, 17 Nov. 1768 . . . d. 1794 NEW 409 NEY 3. Thomas, sou, &. i July, 1752 ; succeeded, 1794 d. 17 May, 1795 4. Henky, son, &, 30 Jan. 1785 . d. 12 Jan. 1851 5. Henry, statesman ; 6. 22 May, 1811 ; as earl of Lincoln, first commissioner of woods and forests, Sept. 1841 — Jan. 1846 Chief secretary for Ireland . . Jan. — July, 1846 Duke 1851 Colonial secretary . . Dec. i852^rune, 1854 "War secretary . . . June, 1854— Feb. 1855 Colonial secretary, June, 1859 , d. 18 Oct. 1864 Newcomb, Thomas, poet ; friend of Young ; h. 1675; published "The Last Judgment," 1723 ; d. about 1766. Nbwcome, "William, archbishop of Armagh ; 6. 10 April, 1729 ; bishop of Dromore, 1766 ; of Ossory, 1775 ; of Waterford, 1779 ; arch- bishop, 1795! published "Harmony of the Gospels," 1778 ; " Historical View of English Biblical Translations," 1792; d. li Jan. 1800. Newcomen, Thomas, blacksmith ; one of the inventors of the steam engine, about 1713. Newdigate, Sir Koger, antiquary ; 6. 30 May, 1719 ; left money to Oxford university for an annual prize for " a copy of EngHsh verses;" d. 25 Nov. 1806. Newman, Edward, naturalist; 5. about 181 5 ; published " Introduction to History of Insects," 1841 ; "History of British Ferns," 1844 ; " Dictionary of British Birds," 1866. Newman, brothers, theologians : John Henry 6. 21 Feb. 1801 Joined Keble and others in publishing the Ox- ford "Tracts for the Times," 1833 ; and wrote No. 90, the last, severely censured . 1841 Professed Eomanism at Eome . . . 1845 Introduced the " Oratorians " into England . 1848 Appointed rector of the new Eoman Catholic University at Dublin 1849 Fined for a libel upon Father Achilli, in his "Lec- tures on Anglicanism in England " . 31 Jan. 1852 Published " Parochial Sermons," 1838-44 ; " Lec- tures on Romanism and Popular Protestantism, " 1837 ; " Apologia pro sua vita," 1864 ; " History of my Religious Opinions," 1865. Francis William, historian and scholar b. 1805 Professor of Latin at University College, London 1846 Published " The Soul, its Sorrows and Aspira- tions," 1841 ; " Catholic Union," 1844 ; "A State Church not Defensible," 1846; " History of the Hebrew Monarchy," 1847 ; '* Odes of Horace, and Eiad of Homer, in Unrhymed Metres," 1853 and 1856 ; " Phases of Faith," i860. Newmarch, William, accountant and statisti- cian; b. 1820; published "Legacy Duty, and Annuity Tables," 1843; president of Statistical Society, 1869. Newport, George, naturalist and physiolo- gist; 6. 1803; d. 7 April, 1854. Newton, Charles Thos., archaeologist; &. 1816. An assistant at the British Museum . 1840 As vice-consul at Mitylene .... 1852 Discovered the sculptures of Halicamassus (now Budrum)and superintended their conveyance to the British Museum . . Oct. 1856 — April, 1859 Published " Travels and Discoveries in the Levant" April, 1865 Appointed consul at Rome . . . May, i860 Keeper of Greek and Roman antiquities in the British Museum .... . 1861 His wife, Anne Mary Severn, artist, b. 1832 ; married, 1861 . , . . . d. 2 Jan. 1866 Newton, Gilbert Stuart, R.A., Scotch painter; &.' 1794; painted "Shylock and Jessica," 1830; d. 5 Aug. 1835. Newton, Sir Isaac, mathematician ; 6. 25 Dec. 1642 ; d. 20 March, 1727. Invented the method of fluxions . . about 1665 Discovered the composition of white light (the prismatic colours) 1666 Constructed the first reflecting telescope . 1668 Appointed Lucasian professor at Cambridge i(:)6g Published in Phil. Trans. R. S. his theory of light and colours 1672 Presented his " Philosophiee Naturalis Principia Mathematica" (containing his theory of gravi- tation, of refraction of light, &c.) to the Royal Society, 1686 published 1687 Announced his binomial theory . . about 1688 Appointed warden of the mint, 1696 ; master 1699 Elected president of the Royal Society , . 1703 Knighted by Queen Anne .... 1705 Painful dissension with Flamsteed . . , 1711-12 Correspondence with Leibnitz . . , 1712 d. zo March ; buried in "Westminster Abbey 28 March, 1727 Newton, !Rev. John, mathematician ; h. 1622 ; pubUshed " Astronomia Britannica," 1656 ; "Perpetual Diary or Almanac," 1662 ; d. 25 Dec. 1678. Newton, Rev. John, of Olney, theologian and poet, friend of Cowper, and author of " Cardi- phonia;" h. 24 July, 1725 ; left the sea; be- came curate of Olney ; published *' Narrative of his Life," 1 764; "The Messiah: Exposi- tory Discourses," 1786; d. 31 Dec. 1807. Newton, Rev. Richard ; b. about 1676 ; founded Hertford College (unsuccessful), 1 725 ; pubHshed *' PliiraHties Indefensible," 1744 ,* d. 21 April, 1753. Newton, Rev. Thomas, Latin poet ; pubHshed "Approved Medicines and Cordial Precepts," 1580; " Atropoion Deleion " (on the death of queen Elizabeth), 1603 ; d. 1607, Newton, Thomas, bishop of Bristol ; h. i Jan, 1704; published "Paradise Lost," with notes, 1749 ; *' Dissertations on the Prophecies," 1754-58; consecrated, 28 Dec. 1761 ; d. 14 Feb. 1782. Newton, William, architect, pubHshed a translation of Vitruvius, 1771-91 ; d. about 1792. Newton, Sir William John, miniature painter ; b. 1785; d. 22 Jan. 1869. Net, Michel, duke of Elchingen, prince of Moskowa, Erench marshal; b. 10 Jan. 1769; shot, 7 Dec. 1815. Entered the army at Metz . . .6 Dec. 178S Distinguished and rapidly promoted in the cam- paigns in the Netherlands and Germany, &c. 1793-98 Commanded the army of the Rhine . 1799- 1800 As minister, settled Switzerland . . 1801-3 Stormed the heights of Elchingen, 14 Oct. ; and entered Ulm .... .20 Oct, 1805 Helped to gain the victory at Eylau, 8 Feb. ; and at Friedland 14 June, 1807 Created marshal and duke, March ; entered on the Spanish war Oct. 180S Captured Ciudad Rodrigo . . loJuly, 1810 Refused to submit to Massena ; dismissed, March, i8n Appointed to command in the Russian campaign Aug. 1812 NEY 410 KIC Defeated the Russians at the Borodino . 7 Sept. 1811 Ably conducted the retreat . . Nov. — Dec. 1812 Defeated at Dennewitz by Bernadotte . 5 Sept. 1813 Promoted the abdication of Napoleon, April ; accepted employment under Louis XVIII. May, 1814 Ordered to oppose Napoleon, 6 March ; joined him 17 March, 1815 Eepulsed in an attack on 'Wellington at Quatre Bras, 16 June ; present at "Waterloo 18 June, 1815 Arrested, 5 Aug. ; tried, 4 Dec. : shot 7 Dec. 1815 His statue erected at the place of his death 7 Dec. 1853 Net, Joseph ISTapol^on, son, prince de la Mos- kowa, French general; b. 8 May, 1803; d. 2$ July, 1857. ^ NiBBY, Antonio, Italian archseologist ; h. 4 Oct. 1792; published " Grecia di Pausania," 1817-18 ; " Viaggio Antiquario ne' Contomi di Koma," 1819; "Album di Koma," 1834; d. 29 Dec. 1839. NiCAisE, Claude, French archseologist ; h. 1623; published *' Sur las Syrfenes," 169 1 ; d. 20 Oct. 1701. NiCANDEE, Greek physician and poet ; 2d cen- tury B.C. ; wrote "Theriaca," and "Alexiphar- niica," printed 1499. NiCANDER, Carl August, Swedish poet ; h. 20 March, 1799; his "Death of Tasso " gained a prize at Stockholm academy, 1826; d. 7 Feb. 1839. NiccoLi, Niccolo de', Italian scholar, reviver of classic hterature ; b. 1363 ; d. 23 June, 1437. NiccoLiNi, Giovanni Battista, Italian drama- tist and poet; b. 31 Dec. 17S5; published *' Nabucco " (representing the pope and other living characters), 1819 ; " Antonio Foscarini," 1827 ; " Lodovico Sforza," 1834; " Axnaldo da Brescia," 1845; d. 1861. NiccoLS, or NicHOLLS, Richard, poet ; b. 1584; pubHshed "The Cuckow," 1607; "The Day ytar, for Dark Wandering 8ouls," 1613 ; " London's Artillery," 1617; (^.uncertain. NiCEPHORUS I. — III., emperors of the east: I, proclaimed emperor ; Irene banished 31 Oct. 802 Hated for his vices ; deceived and blinded Ear- danes ; proclaimed rival emperor . . 802 Treaty with Charlemagne .... 803 Compelled to submit to Haroun-al-Easchid 805 Killed in war with the Bulgarians . 25 July, 8n H. Phocas .... . b. about 912 A general of Constantine VII. ; defeated the Arabs in Asia Minor .... 958 Be-took Candia . . . 961 Victorious in Syria 963 Crowned emperor with the infant sons of Ro- manua Bee. 963 With John Zimisces, took Damascus, Tripoli, &c., and crossed the Euphrates , . 964-68 Miurdered by John Zimisces . . Dec. 969 III. Botoniates, a brave general; succeeded Michael VII. ; crowned . . 25 March, 1078 Defeated and killed Bryennius, his rival . 1078 Deposed by Alexis Comnenus, April ; became a monk 1081 NiCEPHORUS, patriarch of Constantinople ; b. 75^ j chosen patriarch, 806; opposed the emperor Leo the Armenian's decree against images, 814; deposed, 815 ; ^vrote in Greek an abridgement of the History o£ Constantinople (termed '' Breviarium Historicum "), from 602 to 670 ; d. 2 June, 828. NiCEPHORUS, see Bryennius. NiCEPHORUS, Callistus Xanthopulus, Greek historian ; wrote a compilation of Ecclesiastical History ; Jl. about 1450. NiCEPHORUS Gregoras, Byzantine historian and chronologist ; b. about 1295; published a correct computation of Easter, about 1326 j unwillingly involved in theological disputes ; persecuted; d. about 1359. Niceeon, Jean Erangois, French mathema- tician ; b. 1 6 ? 3 ; published * ' La Perspective curieuse," 1638; "Thaumaturgus Opticus," 1646 ; d. 22 Sept. 1646. Niceron, Jean Pierre, Prench biographer; b. II March, 1685 ; published " M^moires pour servir k I'Histoire des Hommes illustres dans la K^publique des Lettres," 1727-38; d. 8 July, 1738. NiCETAS Acominatus, Byzantine historian and statesman ; wrote History of the Em- perors, n 18-1206; d. about 121 6. NiCHOL, Kev. John Pringle, Scotch astrono- mer; b. 13 Jan. 1804; published "Views of the Architecture of the Heavens," 2d ed., 1838; "The Planet Neptime," 1847; "Cyclo- paedia of the Physical Sciences," 1857 and i860; " Stellar Universe," 1848; "Planetary System," 1850; d. 19 Sept. 1S59. Nicholas I. — V., popes : I. the Great ; consecrated . . .24 April, 858 Anathematised Photius, patriarch of Constanti- nople, author of the Greek schism, 862 d. 13 Nov. 867 II. Gerard of Burgundy, bishop of Florence, elected 28 Dec. 1058 Recognised the conquests of Richard and Robert Guiscard d. 22 July, 1061 III. Giovanni Gaetano Orsini ; elected, 25 Nov. 1277; addicted to nepotism; and increased the temporal power . . . d. 22 Aug. 1280 IV. Girolamo d'AscoU ; elected . 15 Feb. 1288 Promoted missions . . . d. 4 April, 1292 V. Tommaso Parentucelli, of Sarzana ; elected 6 March, 1447 Greatly adorned the Vatican, and patronised literature ; projected a crusade of all Christen- dom against the Turks, 1454 . d. 24 March, 1455 Nicholas, emperor of Bjissia ; b. 6 July, 1796; d. 1 March, 1855. Married princess Louisa Charlotte of Prussia, 13 July, 1817 Succeeded his brother, Alexander I. (in virtue of a manifesto, 28 Aug. 1823, his brother Constan- tine having renounced his right) i Dec. 1825 Suppressed a military insurrection at Moscow 26-29 Dec. 1825 Crowned 3 Sept. 1826 Made war with Persia 1826 Began a successful war with Turkey . April, 1826 Joined Great Britain and France in the treaty of London for the settlement of Greece . 6 July, 1827 His war mth Turkey concluded by the peace of Adrianople 14 Sept. 1829 Suppressed the revolt of Poland . . 1830-31 Annexed it to Russia . . . 26 Feb. I832 Visited London June, 1844 Helped Austria to suppress the revolt in Hun- gary May —Aug, 1849 Began the Crimean war by his army entering Moldavia 2 July, 1853 NIC 411 NIC Nicholas, Abraham; h. about 1692; pub- lished " The Young Accountant's Debtor and Creditor," 171 1 ; d. about 1744. NiCHOLLS, Mrs Charlotte, see BronU. NiCHOLLS, Sir George, philanthropist; J. 1786; poor law commissioner, 1831-47; secretary to the new commission, 1S47 — Jan. 1851 ; pub- lished " History of the English Poor Law," 1854; "History of the Scottish Poor Law," 1856 ; " History of the Irish Poor Law," 1856; d. 24 March, 1865. Nichols, or Nicoholls, William, D.D., theo- logian; h. 1664; published "Conference with a Theist," 1698-1703; "The Religion of a Prince," 1704; "Comment on the Book of Common Prayer," 1710; d. 30 April, 1712. Nichols, James, printer; published "Ar- minianism and Calvinism," 1824: d. Nov. 1861. Nichols, learned printers and editors, and authors of many archEeological papers : John, F.S.A. ; &. 2 Feb. 1745 ; apprentice to "William Bowyer ; partner, 1766; successor . 1777 Published " History and Antiquities of Leices- ter," 1795-1811 : "Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century," 1812-15; " Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Cen- tury," 1817-22 ... d. 26 Nov. 1826 John Bowyeb. son : &. 15 July, 1779 ; greatly assisted his father in literary undertakings, &c. Published " Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century," vols. vii. and viii., 1848-58 ... . d. 19 Oct. 1863 John Gough, son .... 6. 1806 Published "Fac-similes of Koyal, Noble, and Learned Personages," 1829; " Collectanea Topo- graphica et Genealogica," 1834-41 ; " The Topo- grapher and Genealogist," 1846-47: "Herald and Genealogist," 1862-69 J " The Eegister," Jan. — June, i86g. Nicholson, Alfred, water-colour painter; d. 3 Jan. 1836. Nicholson, WiDiam, chemist and physicist ; J. 1758; published "Introduction to Natural Philosophy," 1784; "Dictionary of Chemistry," 1795 ; " Journal of Natural Philosophy," &c., 1796-1813 ; "vvith Carlisle decomposed water by the Voltaic battery, 1800 ; d. 21 May, 1815. NicIAS, Athenian general, brave but supersti- tious ; captured the isle of Minoa, B.C. 427 ; and Cythera, 424 ; joint commander with Alcibiades and Lamachus of an expedition against Sicily, 415; defeated; surrendered to Gylippus, and put to death, 413. NicKLES, Frangois Joseph J^r6me, French chemist and physicist; h. 30 Oct. 1820; co- editor of the " Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie," 1854, et seq.; d. April, 1869. NicoL, Erskine, Scottish genre painter ; 6. 1825; elected A.R. A., 1866. NIOOLAI, Christoph Friedrich, German writer and bookseller, friend of Lessing, Mendelssohn, &c. ; 6. 18 March, 1733; published "Das Leben und die Meinungen des Magisters Se- baldus Nothanker " (a philosophical romance), 1773-76; d. 8 Jan. 1811. NicOLAi, Jean, French controversial theolo- gian ; 6. 1594; published " Thfeses sur la Grace," 1656 ; " Somme de S. Thomas Aqui- nas," 1663 ; d. 7 May, 1673. Nicolas of Amiens, scholastic philosopher ; wrote a Chronicle, and "Ars Fidei Catholic^;" d. after 1204. Nicolas of Lyra (Lyranus), French Fran- ciscan monk ; h, about 1270 ; vprote "Postilto Perpetuee inVetus et Novum Testamentum," printed 1471-72; d. 23 Oct. 1340. Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris, antiquary ; h. 10 March, 1799; published "Synopsis of the Peerage of England," 1825 ; " Testamenta Vetusta," 1826 ; " Chronology of History," 1835 ; edited " Despatches and Letters of Nelson," 1844 ; Icnighted, 1831 ; d. 3 Aug. 1848. Nicolas, Pierre, French Jesuit, mathemati- cian ; h. 1663; published " De SpiraHbus," 1693-95 ; -f-*® Conchoidibus et Cycloidibus," 1697 ; d. 1708. Nicolay, Ludwig Heinrich, baron, German poet; h. 29 Dec. 1737; tutor of the grand- duke Paul, afterwards czar ; wrote " Romantic Tales," " Fables," and " Poetic Epistles," 1769; d. 18 Nov. 1820. NicOLAUS de Cusa, German cardinal, mathe- matician, and physicist ; h. 1401 ; in his " De Staticis Experimentis Dialogus" describes a bathometer and hygrometer, &c., about 1450 ; d. II Aug. 1464. Nicole, Claude, French poet and scholar ; h. 4 Sept. 161 1 ; published " OEuvres " (transla- tions from the erotic poets), 1 700 \ d. 22 Nov. 1685. Nicole, Frangois, French mathematician ; i. 23 Dec. 16S3 ; published "Traits du Calcul des Di£E(5rences finies," 1723-27 ; d. 18 Jan. 1758. Nicole, Pierre, French Jansenist ; 0. 19 Oct. 1625; published "Traits de la Foy Humaine," 1664; "Les Imaginaires et les Visionnaires," 1667; "Perp(5tuit^ de la Foy de I'EgHse Catholique," 1669-74; "Essais de Morale," 1672-78 ; d. 16 Nov. 1695. NicoLO, or Nicolas Isodakd, French musical composer; 6. 1777; composed operas, masses, &c. ; d. 23 March, 1818. NICOLOSI, Giovanni Battista, Sicihan geo- grapher; 6. 14 Oct. 1610; d. 19 Jan. 1670; pubhshed "Hercules Siculus, sive Studium Geographicum," 1670-71. NicoLSON, or Nicholson, WiUiam, archbishop of Cashel, antiquary; h. 1655; consecrated bishop of CarHsle, 1702 ; of Derry, 1718 ; arch- bishop, Feb. 1727; published "English His- torical Library," 1696-99; " Scottish Historical Library," 1702; "Irish Historical Library," 1724; " Leges Marchiarum," 1705; d. 14 Feb. 1727. NicoirEDES, Greek mathematician ; discovered the conchoid; ji?. about B.C. 150. NIC 412 NIL NicoMEDES I. — III., kings of Bithynia : I. succeeded Zipoetes, B.C. 278 ; defeated and killed his brother, Zipoetes ; finishedNicomedia, a new capital, about 264 . . d. about 250 II. Epiphanes, son of Prusias II. ; resided at Eome, B.C. 155-149 ; dethroned his father, and caused him to be assassinated, 149 . . d. about 91 III. Philopator, son ; succeeded, B.C. 91 ; in- cited by Rome, attacked Mithridatea : totally defeated ; fled to Italy, 88 ; restored by inter- vention of Sylla, 84 t'. 74 NicoN, see Nikon. NicoT, Jean, sieur de Villemain, French diplo- matist in Portugal ; 6. 1530 ; introduced tobacco (hence named "Niootiana") into France; d. 5 May, 1600. NiOQUET, Honorat, French ascetic author; h. 29 Aug. 15S5; founded "CEuvre de la Mis^ricorde " at Kouen ; pubUshed " Phy- siognomia Humana," 1648; d. 22 May, 1667. NiEBUHE, German scholars : Karsten &. 17 March, 1733 AVith Baurenfeld and Cramer travelled in the East 1761-67 Published, in German, "Description of Arabia," 1772 : ' 'Travels in Arabia," tfec. , t 774-78.1^. 26April, 1815 Barthold Georg, son, historian and archgeolo- gist 6. 26 Aug. 1776 Secretary in the royal library at Copenhagen, 1797-98 Visited England .... . 1798-99 Became director of the bank at Berlin . Oct. 1806 Euined by the war, 1807 ; adhered to the Prus- sian service . . . . 1807-14 Ambassador at Home 1816-22 Published, in German, "Eoman History," i8ir ; new edition, 1827-30 . d. 2 Jan. 1831 NiEL, Adolphe, French marshal ; b. 4 Oct. 1802 ; d 13 Aug. 1869. Served in Africa ; distinguished at the capture of Constantine Oct. 1837 Engaged in the siege of Home . . . June, 1849 Took the Malakhoff near Sebastopol . 8 Sept. 1855 Published " SiSge de Sebastopol " . . . 1858 Helped to gain the battle of Solferino 24 June, 1859 Appointed minister of war . , . Jan. 1867 NiELD, James, philanthropist; i. 1744; pub- lished " State of the Prisons in England, Scot- land and Wales," 1812; d. 1814. Niels, king of Denmark ; elected, 1 104 ; defeated by Erik ; massacred, 25 June, 1134. NiEMCEWicz, Julian Ursin, Polish statesman and poet ; b. 1757 ; served under Kosciusko in the vrar, 1 794 ; imprisoned by Catherine II. ; released by Paul, 1801 ; pubUshed "Historic Songs of Poland," 1816 ; employed by Alex- ander I., 1821 ; supported the revolution, and held office, 1830-31 ; d. at Paris, 21 May, 1841. NiEMETER, August Hermann, German poet and theologian; b. i Sept. 1754; published " Charakteristik der Bibel," 1775-82; " Geist- Mcher Lieder," u.s.w., 1814 ; d. 5 June, 1828. NiEPCE, French chemists and physicists : Joseph Kicephore . . . b. 7 March, 1765 Served as soldier 1792-94 Invented the " Pyreolophore," and other appa- ratus, 1806, et seq. Joined Daguerre in his photographic experi- ments, 1827 ; and discovered the means of reproducing spontaneously, images received in the camera (viz, photography), 1827, et seq. 1 d. 5 July, 1833 NiEPCE DE St. Victor, Claude Marie Fran- ' oois, nephew of the preceding, . b. 26 July, 1805 Invented a method of restoring the colours of military uniforms, 1842 ; and a mode of photo- graphing on glass Oct. 1847 Published " MiSmoire sur I'H^liochromie," 1852 ; " Traite Pratique de Gravure Heliographique sur Acier et sur Verre " 1856 Appointed commandment of the Louvre 19 Feb. 1854 Invented a method of engraving photographs, exhibited specimens . . 8 Oct. 1855 NiEKEMBERG, Juan Eusebio de, Spanish Jesuit ; 6. 1590 ; published " Historia Naturae maxima Peregrina," (especially the Indies), 1635 ; d 7 April, 1658. NrEUHOEP, Johannes, Dutch traveller ; b. 1630 ; travelled in India, China, &c., 1654, et seq.; drowned off Madagascar, 29 Sept. 1672; his " Voyages " published, 1682. NiEULANDT, Guillam, Dutch landscape pain- ter; h. 1584; d. 1635. NiEUPOBT, Charles F. F. F. A. de Preud'- homme d'Hailly, Belgian mathematician and statesman; 5. 13 Jan. 1746; published "Me- langes Math^matiques," 1794-99; <^- 20 Aug. 1827. NiEUWENTlJDT, or NiEUWENTYT, Bernard, Dutch physician and mathematician ; b. 10 Aug. 1654; pubKshed, in Dutch, "The True Use of the Contemplation of the Universe," 1 7 1 5 ; (published, in English, as " The Religious Philosopher," 1718); d. 30 May, 1718. NiEWLAND, Peter, Dutch poet, scholar, and mathematician (at five years of age) ; b. 5 Nov. 1764; pubUshed "Poesies HoUandaises," 1788; d. 14 Nov. 1794. NiFO or NiPHUs, Agostino, Italian philosopher; b. about 1473 ; patronised by Leo X. and the Medici ; published "de Intellectu," 1503; "De ImmortaUtate Animse, " 1518;^. iSJime, 1538. Niger, Pesceunius, Roman general ; pro- claimed emperor by his soldiers ; 193 ; defeated and slain by the army of Severus, 194. Nightingale, Florence, Miss, philanthropist ; b. May, 1820. Went with a band of nurses to the wounded in the Crimean war ; arrived at Scutari s Kov. 1854 Keturned 8 Sept. 1856 Published "Notes on Hospitals," 1859; "Notes on Nursing" i860 "With the sum of ;C44,ooo, collected bypublic sub- scription, the " Nightingale Fund," for train- ing nurses in St. Thomas's and King's College hospitals, was established in 1858. Nikon, Russian prelate; b. 1605 ; patriarch of Russia, 1652; opposed the Czar Alexis; de- posed and exiled by a coimcd, 1667 ; restored by Theodore, 1681 ; wrote " Chronicles," published 1767-92 ; d 17 Aug. 1681. NiLLSON, Christina, Swedish singer,; b. 3 Aug. 1844 ; first appeared at Stockholm, i860 ; at Paris in "La Traviata," 27 Oct. i860; in London, 9 June, 1867. Nims, Saint, the monk, Greek father ; wrote " PariBueses," and a Manual of Epictetus; d. about 450. NIN 413 NOE Nino de Guevaka, Juan, Spanish painter j b. 8 Feb. 1632 ;d 8 Dec. 1698. NiSABD, Erench scholars, brothers : Jean Marie Nicolas Auguste . . h. 1805 Professor of rhetoric at the college Bourbon Sept. 1840 Published " Examen des Po^tiques d'Aristote, d' Horace et de Boileau" .... 1847 Jean Marie Napoleon BifisiE:^ 6. 20 March, 1806 Joined the "Journal des D6bats". . . 1828 Fought under the barricades . . . July, 1830 Employed in the ministry of public instruction 1836 Professor at the Faculty of Sciences . Nov. 1852 Published " Etudes de Mcsurset de Critique sur les Poetes Latins de la Decadence," 1834; " His- toire de la Litt^rature Frangaise " . . 1844-61 Marie L:bonard Charles . . 6. 10 Jan. 1B08 Published "Camera Lucida: Portraits Contempo- rains," 1845 ; " Histoire des Livi-es Populaires " 1854 NiSBET, Alexander, Scottish antiquary ; h. 1672; his ''System of Heraldry," published 1722-42 ; d. 1725. NiTHARD, French historian ; wrote " De Dissensionibus Piliorum Ludovici Pii," d. 859. NiTOCKis, queen of Babylon, and wife of Nebuchadnezzar ; said to have constructed monuments about B.C. 606. NiTSCH, Paul Friedrich Achat, German his- torian ; 6. 15 May, 1754 ; published in German " Description of the Condition of the Greeks," 1791 ; Mythological Dictionary/' 1793 ; "De- scription of the Condition of the Romans," 1794; d. 19 Feb. 1794 NiVELLiE, see La Chaussee. NiVERNAis, Louis Jules Barbon Mancini Mazarini, due de, French statesman and poet ; 6. 16 Dec. 1716; ambassador at Rome, 1748-52 ; faithful to Louis XVI. ; imprisoned, 1 793 ; elected member of the legislature, 1795 ; pub- lished his works (Fables, Translations, &c.), 1796; d. 25 Feb. 1798. Nixon, Samuel, sculptor; h. 1803; d. 2 Aug. 1854. NizAmi, Persian poet ; 5. about 1 100 ; d. 1 180. NizzoL or NizoLius, Mario, Italian scholar and philosopher, and reviver of letters ; h. 1498; published a Lexicon for Cicero, as "Ob- servationes," 1535 ; (as " Thesaurus Cicero- nianus," 1570); *'De veris Principiis Philoso- phandi," 1553; d. 1566. NOAILLES, de, French noble family : Antoine, &. 4 Sept. 1504 Admiral of France, 1547 ; ambassador in Eng- land, 1553-56 . . . . d. 11 March, 1562 FuANgois, brother, diplomatist . 6. 2 July, 1519 Ambassador in England, 1556 ; at "Venice, 1558; at Constantinople, 1572 ; visited Syria and re- lieved distressed Christians . d. 19 Sept. 1585 Anne Jules, comte d'Ayen, duke and marshal h. 5 Feb. 1650 Executed the cruel decrees of the minister Louvois against the protestants in Languedoc, 1683-88 ; unsuccessful in the war in Spain ; superseded, 1695 . . . . d. 2. Oct. 1708 Louis Antoine, son, cardinal . h. 27 May, 1651 Bishop of Chalons, March, 1629 ; archbishop of Paris, 19 Aug. 1695 ; cardinal 21 June, 1700 Resisted the Jesuits in regard to Jansenism 1698 Firmly opposed the bull " Unigenitus," Sept. 1713 ; after a long struggle accepted it, 11 Oct. 1728 d. 4 May, 1729 AnaiEN Maurice, brother, duke, marshal, and statesman 6. 29 Sept. 1678 Served under Venddme in the Spanish war 1705-11 Financial minister under the regent Orleans 1715-18 Served under the duke of Berwick in Germany, ^733-34 ; under the king of Sardinia in Italy 1735 Minister of state, 1 April ; commanrler of the army in Germany, April ; defeated at Dettingen 27 June, 1743 Minister of foreign affairs under the king's direc- tion April — Nov. 1644 Commanded under Saxe at Fontenoy 30 April, 1745 Ambassador at Madrid . i April — 7 June, 1746 Resigned his ministry, 28 March, 1756; d. 24 June, 1766 Philippe, due de Mouchy, son, see Mouchy. NoBiLL Leopoldo, Italian physicist; h. 1784; d. 23 Aug. 1835. Published " Questioni sul Magnetismo " . . 1S24 Proved the existence of an electric current in the frog 1827 Described an electric thermoscope, and published a memoir on colours, and on a new chromatic scale deduced from raetallo-chromie . 1830 Described his new thermo-electric piles, 1834 ; and experiments on animal electricity 1834-35 Noble, Eustache le, Prench historian and novelist; h. 1643; pubHshed '*Le Bouclier de la France" (extracts from the canonists, &c.), d. 31 Jan. 171 1. ISl OBLE, see Le Nolle, Noble, Rev. Mark, historian ; published " Genealogical History of the Koyal Families of Europe," 1781 ; "Memoirs of the Protec- torate House of Cromvp-ell," 1784; "Genealogy of the Koyal House of Stuart," 1795; "Me- moirs of the Medici," 1797; d. 26 May, 1827. Noble, Matthew, sculptor; h. about 1820; executed the Wellington Monument at Man- chester, inaugurated, 1S56 ; many busts of the queen, prince consort, &c. NoDiEE, Charles, French poet, entomologist, and journalist; h. 29 April, 1783 ; d. 27 Jan. 1844. "Wrote "La !N"apol6one," a daring poem . . 1803 Wandered about Germany . . , 1803-15 Returned to Paris . . ... 1815 Became librarian at the Arsenal . . . 1823 Published '* Bibliographie Entomologique," 1801; "Le Vampire," drama, 1S20; "Souvenirs de Jeunesse," 1832; "Le Dernier Banquet des Gi- rondins," 1833; "CEuvres Completes," 1832-34 d. 27 Jan, 1844 NcEHDEN, Georg Heinrich, German scholar and numismatist; h. 23 Jan. 1770; came to London as tutor ; published "German and Eng- lish Grammar," 1800 ; employed in the British Museum, 1811-18; tutor to the princes of Weimar, 1818 ; d. 14 March, 1826. Noel, Hon. and E-ev. Baptist, theologian ; &. 10 July, 1799; published "Essays on the IJnion of Church and State ;" seceded from the church, and became a baptist, 184S ; published "Notes of a Tour through Ireland," 1836; "Notes of a Tour through Piedmont," 1855. Noel, Fran9ois Joseph Michel, French scholar and prolific -writerjfriendof Robespierre; 6. 1755; d. 29 Jan. 1 84 1. Minister at Venice, May, 1793 — Jan. 1795 ; at the Hague Oct. 1795 NOE 414 NOR Restored order at Lyons as commissary of police March, iSoo Employed under the consulate, empire, and resto- ration 1800, et geq. Published " Dictionnaire de la Fable," 1801 : "Gratlus ad Parnassum," 1810: (with Chapsal) " Nouvelle Grammaire Frangaise " 1823, &c. Noel-Feabn, Rev. Henry, miscellaneous writer and translator; b. 1811; librarian at Sion College, 1841-48; professor of English lus- tory and arciiEeology to the Royal Society of Literature, 1854-59 ; changed Ills name from that of Christmas, June, 1866. NosAEBT, Jean Louis de, duo d'Epemon, French general; b. May, 1554; d. 13 Jan. 1642. Became a chief of the Holy League . . 1576 Acquired great influence over Henry IIL . 1581 Became governor of Normandy . . . 1587 Opposed the league : disgraced and exiled May, 1588 Refused to recognise Henry 1 V. , and endeavoured to become independent in Provence Aug. 1589 Surrendered it for compensation . 10 Nov. 1595 Seized power at the assassination of Henry IV. 14 May, 1610 Quarrelled with Louis XIII. ; esiled to Loches 1641 NoGAROLA, Isota, Italian scholar; h. about 1420 ; her ^'Dialogus quo utrum Adam vel Eva magis peccaverit?" printed, 1563 ; d. 1466. ISToiR, Jean Le, French Jansenist priest ; b. 1622; punished for heresy, 1684; d. 22 April, 1692. Nolan, Lewis Edward, cavalry captain ; pub- lished " Organisation, Drill, and Manoeuvres of a Cavalry Corps," 1853 ; bearer of the written command from lord Raglan to charge at the battle of Balaklava; killed there, 25 Oct. 1854. Nolan, Michael, lawyer ; published " Treatise on the Laws for the Relief of the Poor," 1805 ; d. 1827. NoLDIUS, Christian, Danish theologian ; b. 22 June, 1626 ; pubhshed " Concordantife Par- ticularum Hebraeo-Chaldaicarum Veteris Testar menti;" d. 22 Aug. 1683. NoLLEKENS, Joseph, Flemish landscape painter; b. 1688; d. in London, 21 Jan. 1748. NoLLEKENS, Joseph, R.A., son, sculptor ; 6. 1 1 Aug. 1737 ; placed under Scheemacker about 1750 ; celebrated for his " Cupid and Psyche," and a "Venus ;" d. 23 April, 1823. NoLLET, Jean Antoine, French physicist ; Zi. 19 Nov. 1700 ; visited London, and made F.R.S., 1734; published " Essai sur I'Electri- cit^ des Corps," 1747; " L'Art des Expe'ri- ences," 1770 ; d. 25 April, 1770. NoMSZ, Janus, Dutch poet and dramatist ; 6.1738; published " William I.," 1779 ; "The Duchess of CoralU," tragedy; d. 25 Aug. 1 803. NoNNins, see Nunez. NoNNDS, Greek poet ; wrote " Dionysiaka," and a paraphrase of St John's Gospel, about 400. NoNNDS, or NoNUS, Theophanes, Greek phy- sician ; wrote a, compendium of the art of medicine at the command of Constantine VII., Porphyrogenitus, who died 959. NooDT, Gerard, Dutch jurist ; b. 1647 ; pub- lished "Probabiha Juris," 1674; d. 15 Aug. 1725- NoODT, Henri Charles Nicolas van der, Bel- gian politician; b. 7 Jan. 1735 ; opposed the reforms of Joseph II., 1787 ; fled to London ; endeavoured to join Belgium to Holland, 1 789 ; headed a revolution at Brussels, Dec. 1789 ; fled at the approach of the Austrians, 1790; d. in obscurity, 13 Jan. 1827. NooMS, Remi, called " Zerman, " Dutch marine painter and etcher; b. 1612; visited England ; d. 1672. NoKBEKT, Father, see Parisot. NoEBEET, Saint, archbishop of Magdeburg, founder of the Premontr^ order; b. about 1092 ; preached zealously in Germany ; accused of fanaticism, 1 1 18; charged with reformation of the monks; founded a new order about H20; made archbishop, 1 126 ; d. 6 June, 1 134. NoKDBEEG, Georg Anders, Swedish historian ; b, 2 Sept. 1677 ; taken prisoner at Pultowa, 8 July, 1709 ; published " History of Charles XII.," 1740; d. 14 March, 1744. NoEDEN, Frederik Ludwig, Danish traveller ; b. 22 Oct. 1 708 ; travelled in the east ; pub- lished " Ruins and Colossal Statues at Thebes," 1 741 ; his " Travels in Egypt and Nubia" published, 1752-55 ; d. 22 Sept. 1742. NoEDEN, John, engraver and topographer ; b. about 1548; published "England; an In- tended Guide for Travellers," 1625; d. about 1626. NoEDENPLTCHT, Hedwig Charlotte, baroness von, Swedish , poet ; b. 20 Nov. 1718; d, 29 June, 1763. NoEES, Giasone di, Italian scholar ; professor of philosophy at Padua, 1577 ; published " Poetica," 1588; d. 1590. NoEFOLK, see Howard. NoEGATE, Edward, herald and illuminator; d. 23 Deo. 1650. NoEis, Enrico, Italian cardinal; b. 29 Aug. 1631; published " Historia Pelagiana," 1673; cardinal, 1695; d. 23 Feb. 1704. NoEMANBT, Constantine Henry Phipps, mar- quess of, statesman and novelist ; 6. 15 May, 1797; d. 28 July, 1863. As Lord Mulgrave, governor of Jamaica April 1S32 — Jan. 1834 Lord privy seal .... July — Nov. 1834 Lord lieutenant of Ireland April, 1835 — April, 1839 Created marquess ... 25 June, 1S38 Home secretary . . . Dec. 1839 — Sept. 1841 Ambassador at Paris, Aug. 1846 — Feb. 1852 ; at Florence Dec. 1854-59 Published "Matilda," 1825: " A Year of Eevolu- tion in Paris (1848)," 1857 NoKMANDY, Dr Alphonse, French chemist ; 6. 23 Oct. 1809 ; published " Chemical Atlas and Dictionary," and " Chemical Tables," 1848 ; invented a method of distilling salt water, 1855 ; d. 10 May, 1864. NOR 415 NOR NoERis, Edwin, orientalist; b. 24 Oct. 1795 ; long secretary of the Royal Asiatic Society ; published part of the "Ethnographical Li- brary," 1853 ; edited " Prichard's Natural History of Man," 1855. NouEis, Rev. John, Platonic philosopher, friend of Henry More ; b. 1657 ; published "The Picture of Love Unveiled/' 1682 ; *• An Account of Reason and Faith in relation to the Mysteries of Christianity," 1697; "Essay to- wards the Theory of the Ideal World," 1 701-4 ; d. 1711. NoRRis, John; 6. 1734; endowed a profes- sorship of divinity at Cambridge, 1760; and bequeathed money for an annual gold medal for an essay; d. 1777. North family : Dudley, lord, poet; &. 1581 ; published "A Forest of Varieties," 1645 , , d. 16 Jan. 1666 Dudley; 6. 1604; retired from parliament, 1649; published "Observations and Advices Econo- mical," x66g Francis, lord Guilford, son, lawyer and phy- sicist 6. 22 Oct. 1637 Solicitor-general, 1671 ; attorney-general . 1673 Lord-keeper, Dec. 1682 ; and lord Guilford 16S3 Published a paper on the gravitation of fluids d. 5 Sept. 1685 Sir Dudley, brother; 6. 16 May, 1641; tra- velled in the east and published " Voyage from Smyrna" rf. 31 Dec. 1691 BoGER, brother; 6. about 1650; wrote "Lives of Francis North, Baron Guilford, and hia Brothers;" and an "Examen, or an Inquiry into the Credit of Eenuet's History," pub- lished 1740-42 . . d. z March, 1734 Frederick, lord, statesman . 6. 13 April, 1732 A member of the Grenville ministry, April, 1763 ; of the Rockingham ministry, June, 1766 ; chancellor of the exchequer . . . 1767 Premier (during the American war) Jan. 1770 — March, 1782 Home secretary in the Portland or Coalition ministiy . . . AprU— Dec. 1783 Earl of Guilford, 1790 . d. 5 Aug. 1792 I North, George, antiquary; b. 1710 ; pub- lished "Answer to a Scandalous Libel" (of Hev. W. Asplin against antiquaries), 1741 ; 6?. 17 June, 1772. Northampton, see Hoxoard. NoRTHBRooK, see Baring. NoRTHCOTE, James, RA., painter ; 6. 22 Oct. 1746; pupil of Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1731 ; exhibited "Wreck of the Centaur," 1 784; "Death of Wat Tyler," 1787 ; pubhshed " Life of Reynolds, 1813 ; "One Hundred Fables," 1828; d. 13 July, 1831. NORTHCOTE, Sir Stafford Henry, statesman ; b. 27 Oct. 1818 ; president of the board of trade, July, 1 866 — March, 1 867 ; secretary for India, March, 1867— Dec. 1868. Northumberland, Perot, earls of: I. Henry, created earl .... July, 1377 Earl-marshal and lord high constable . 1399 Rebelled against Henry IV. ; attainted . 1406 Defeated and slain at Bramham Moor 19 Feb. 1408 -2. Henry, grandson, son of Hotspur ; restored to the earldom . ... 11 Nov. 1414 Slain at St. Alban's ... 23 May, 1455 3. Henry, son ; attainted ; slain at Towton 29 March, 1461 John Nevill, baron Montagu, created earl 27 May, 1465 Title cancelled j^^gs Killed at Barnet .... 14 April, 1471 4. Henry, son of Henry Percy ; restored about 1470 Murdered in a riot . . 28 April, 1489 5. Henry Algernon, son . . rf. 1527 6. Henry , d, 1537 7. Thomas, nephew; created earl i May, 1557 EebeUed, 1568 ; beheaded . . .28 Aug. 1572 8. Henry, brother ; found murdered in the tower, 21 June, 1585 g. Henry, son ; 6. 1563 ; earl . . . 1585 Joined the fleet against the Spanish Armada 158S Unjustly imprisoned on accoxuit of the Popish plot 1605 Fined, and condemned to life imprisonment 1606 Released, by intercession, 1621 d. 5 Nov. 1632 10. Algernon . ... &. 1602 Made K.G. by Charles 1 1635 Commanded a fleet against the Dutch . . 1636 Made lord admiral . . . , 1637 Supported the parliament, 1642 . d. 13 Oct. 1668 11. JoscELiNE, son; left an only child, Eliza- beth d. 1716 12. Algernon Seymour, son of Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Josceline and Charles Seymour, duke of Somerset ; duke of Somerset . . 1741 Earl of Northumberland .... 1749 Left an only child, Elizabeth, married to Sir Hugh Smithson . . d. 1750 Northumberland, dukes of: I. John Dudley, see Dudley. z. George Fitzroy, son of Charles II, and Bar- bara, duchess of Cleveland ; created duke, 6 April, 1683 . . . . . . d. 1716 3. Sir Hugh Smithson, assumed the name of Percy ; married Elizabeth, daughter of Alger- non, duke of Somerset and earl of Northum- berland ; created duke, 22 Oct. 1766 . . d. 1786 4. Hugh, son ... . 6. 14 Aug. 1742 Duke, 1786 d. 10 July, 1817 5. Hugh, son ; 6. 20 April, 1785 ; duke . 1817 Ambassador-extraordinary at the coronation of Charles X. of France . . 29 May, 1825 Lord-lieutenant of Ireland March, 1829 — Dec. 1830 Chancellor of university of Cambridge, 1840-47 d. II Feb. 1847 6. Algernon Percy, lord Prudhoe, brother ; b. 15 Sept. 1792 ; duke . . 1847 Rear-admiral of the blue .... 1850 First lord of admiralty . . Feb. 1852 — Jan. 1853 President of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1842-65 . . . . d 12 Feb. 1865 7. George Percy, earl of Beverley, son of Alger- non, second son of Sir Hugh Smithson h. 22 June, 1778 Succeeded his cousin, 12 Feb. 1865 d. 22 Aug. 1867 8. Algernon George, sou . . &. 2 May, 1810 As lord Lovaine, a lord of the treasury, 1858; duke, 1865 Norton, English printers : William, d. 1593; BoNHAM, son ; John, d. 1612. Norton, Mrs Caroline Elizabeth Sarah, poet and novelist, granddaughter of Kichard Brinsley Sheridan, the orator and dramatist ; b. (Sheridan), 1S08; married George Chappie Norton, 30 July, 1827; separated, 1836; pub- lished "The Sorrows of Rosahe," 1829 ; "The Undying One," 1831 ; "The Child of the Island," 1845; "English Laws for Women in the Nineteenth Century," 1854. Norton, Frances, lady; b. about 1650; wrote "Memento Mori" on her daughter's death; d, 1^20. NOK 416 NOW Norton, Thomas, barrister, theologian, and dramatist ; published translation of Calvin's Institutes, 1561 ; "Tragedie of Ferrex and Porrex," 1571 ; assisted Stemhold and Hopkins in their Version of the Psalms ; wrote against Komanism ; d. 1584. NORYINS, Jacques Marquet, baron de Mont- breton de', French historian, poet, and jour- nalist; 5. 18 June, 1769; employed by Na- poleon I., 1810-14; published "Les Euines et les Monuments," 181 5; " Histoire de Prance, 1793-1830," 1839; d. 30 July, 1854. Norwood, Richard, mathematician; pub- lished "Trigonometry," 1631 ; "Fortification," 1639; measured the distance between London and York, 1635. Nostradamus, Michel de Notre Dame, French astrologer; i. 14 Dec. 1503; published "Traits des Fardements," 1552; " Proph^ties,'' 1555; patronised by Catherine de Medicis, queen of France, and by Charles IX., 1564; d. 2 July, 1 566. NoTKEB, or NoTOER, Saint, of St. Gall, sur- named Balbulus, the Stammerer; i. about S30 ; wrote " Liber de Interpretibus Divinarum Scripturarum," " Martyrologium, " &c. ; d. 16 April, 912. NoTKER, or NoTGER, bishop of Liege, 972 ; estab- lished alibrary, and rebuilttheoathedral;ci. 1007. NoTKE, see £e Notre. Notre Dame, see Nostradamus. NoTT, John, poet and orientaKst ; 5. 24 Dec. 1751; published "Alonzo," 1772; d. 1826. NoTT, Sir William, general in India ; h. 20 Jan. 17S2; entered the East India Company's service, Oct. 1800; became major; returned and settled near Caermarthen, 1826; lost his property by a bank failure ; returned to India, 1837 ; commander of the army in Scinde, 1839 ; defeated the Afghans, 18 Aug. 1842; retook Ghiznee, 6-7 Sept. 1842; made K.C.B., 2 Dec. 1842; d. I Jan. 1S45. Nottingham, see Howard and Finch. NouE, see La None. Nougaret, Pierre Jean Baptiste, French mis- ceUanist and political agent ; 6. 16 Dec. 1742; imprisoned for licentious writings, about 1 762 ; d. June, 1823. Nour-ed-deen Mahmoud, (son of Seif-ed-deen Eenghi), sultan of Syria and Egypt; h. 21 Feb. II16; d. 15 May, I174. Captured Edessa 1144 Established himself at Aleppo . . . 1145 Defeated, and killed Eaymond, prince of Antioch, 29 June, 1149 Captured or destroyed all the Christian cities in North Syria 1149-51 Seized Bagdad, and became the most powerful Mohammedan ruler 1156 Became ill, and suffered several defeats and re- pulses 163 His army invading Egypt, defeated by Christian help 1167 Yictorious ; captured Cairo ; Saladin made of Egypt, under the caliph of Bagdad . . 1169 Preparing to invade Egypt to repress Saladin d, 15 May, 1174 NoVALls, a name adopted by Friedrich von Hardenberg, German poet and philosopher; 6. 2 May, 1772; d. 25, March, 1801. His works, comprising "Heinrich von Ofterdin- gen," &o., edited by Tieok and F. Schlegel, 1802. NovARiNl, Girolamo changed to Luigi, Italian theologian ; 6.1594; published " Electa Sacra," 1627-45; " Risus Sardonicus," 1 630; " Paulus Expensus," 1 644; "Moses Expensus," 1646-48; d. 14 Jan. 1650. Novatianus, heretic ; the first anti-pope, con- secrated bishop of Rome in opposition to Cor- nelius, 251 ; founded a sect named Cathari, or Novatianists ; said to have been martyred, about 255. His "Opera" printed, 1728. Novella, learned Italian lady, daughter of Giovanni Andrea, jurist ; &. 13 12 ; said to have lectured for him, during lus iUness, be- hind a curtain; d. after 1348. NovELLi, Italian artists : PiETBO, " il Morrealese," painter and Neapolitan architect ; 6. 1608 ; d. 1647. Antonio, Tuscan sculptor ; 6. 1600 : d. 1662. P1ETB.0 Antonio, Venetian painter and poet; &.i72g; d. 13 Jan. 1804. Francesco, son, engraver : h. 1764; published "Di- segni di Mantegna ; " d. uncertain. NovELLO, musical family : Vincent, organist and composer ; 6. 17S1 ; d. 9 Aug. 1861. Clara Anj^stasia, vocalist : h. 10 June, 181S : ap- peared at Padua, 1841 : in London, 1843 : married the count GigKucci, 22 Nov. 1843 : farewell perform- ance, 21 Nov. i860. Mary, see Clarke. Joseph Alfred, organist and composer ; &. 1808 ; d. 1861. NovERRE, Jean Georges, French ballet-master ; 6.29 April, 1727; employed at Paris, London, "Vienna, &c. ; professor of dancing at the Academic de Musique at Paris, 1 776-80 ; and composed several " ballets pantomimes," 1775' 80; d. 19 Nov. 1810. NovES, Laura di, the beloved of Petrarch ; h. at Vaucluse or Lagnes, 26 April, 1308; in- correctly said to have married Hugues de Sade ; first seen by Petrarch, 27 Sept. 1347; d. 6 April, 1348. Novi, Paolo di, doge of Genoa ; headed a re- volt against the French protectorate and made doge, 1507; on its suppression, fled ; taken and beheaded, 5 June, 1507. NoTiKOFF, Nicolas Ivanovich, Russian writer and bookseller; 6. 26 April, 1744; published " Ancienne BibKoth^que Russe " (a collection of documents), 1 769 ; began a " History of the Jesuits," stopped by the empress, 1784; and imprisoned, 1792 ; released by Paul, 1796; d. 31 July, 1818. NowELL, Alexander, reformer, dean of St. Paul's; b. 1507-8; elected dean, 17 Nov. 1560; published "Christians Pietatis Prima Institutio," 1570; "Catechisme, Latin and English," 1571 ; "Report of Conference with Edmund Campian," 1581; d. 13 Feb. 1602, NOY 417 OBS Not, William, lawyer ; 5. 1577; as M.P. op- posed excesses of the royal prerogative, till made attorney-general, 1631 ; proposed levying ship-money ; wrote " Treatise of the Principal Grounds of the Laws of England;" "Com- plete Lawyer," published 1641 ; d. 6 Aug. 1634. NuoK, Antony, German anatomist and physi- ological discoverer; b. about 1669; published " Sialographia," 1690; " Adenographia," 1695; d. about 1742. NnGENT, George, see QrmviUe. NtJGENT, Kiobert Craggs, earl, Irish statesman and poet ; published " Odes and Epistles," 1739; created baron, 1767; earl, 1776; d. 13 Oct. 1788. Nugent, Sir George, bart., field-marshal ; h. 10 June, 1757 ; created baronet, 28 Nov. 1806; d. II March, 1849. Nugent, Thomas, LL.D., scholar ; published "Pocket French and EngKsh Dictionary," 1767; "Travels through Germany," 1768; "History of VandaUa," 1766-73; d. 27 April, 1772. NuMEHlANUS, Marcus Aurelius, son of the emperor Cams ; accompanied him in bis expe- dition against Persia ; with his brother Carinus succeeded him, 283 ; his death soon after long concealed by his father-in-law, Arrius Aper, 284. NuiJES or NoNNius, Pedro, Portuguese ma- thematician ; 5. about 1492 ; appointed cosmo- grapher of Portugal, 1529; published " De Crepusculis, " 1542; "De Arte atque llatione Navigandi," 1546; d. 1577. Nunez, Alvakez, Spanish navigator; a dis- coverer of Florida, 1528; made adelantado of Eio del Plato; entered on a new expedition, 1540-42; d. 1564. Nunez, or Nonius, Ferdinand de Guzman, "el Pinciano," reviver of learning, Spanish scholar and critic; h. 1470; d. 1553. Nunez, or Nonnius, Louis, Flemish physi- cian ; h. about 1555; published " Hispania ; Descriptio," &c., 1607 ; " Ichthyographia," 1616 ; " Diaeteticon," 1627; d. unknown. NnwATKl, Arab historian; 5. about 1283 ; d. about 1331. Nuzzi, or de' Fiobi, Marco, Iloman flower painter; h. 1603; d. 1673. Nte, Philip, theologian; h. about 1596; published "Exhortation to the taking the Solemn League and Covenant," 1643 ; "Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven," 1664 ; d. 27 Sept. 1672. Ntsten, Pierre Hubert, Belgian physician and physiologist; h. 30 Oct. 1771; published " Nouvelles Experiences Galvaniques faites sur les Organes Musculaires de I'Homme," &c., 1803; " Dictionnaire de MMecine, Chirurgie," &c., 1810; "Recherches de Physiologie," iSli; d. 3 March, 1818, o Oastler, Richard, "The Factory King," politician; 6. 20 Dec. 17S9 ; supported negro emancipation, 1807; leader of the "ten hours' movement," 1829-32 ; earnestly promoted the passing of the factory bUl, 1830-47; d. 22 Aug. 1861. Dates, Eev. Titus, informer; h. about 1620; d. 23 July, 1705. Became Romanist ; led a wandering life ; re- turned to the English church ; made known his alleged discovery of a popish plot to assassinate king Charles II. and extirpate protestantism, to Sir Edmnndbmy Godfrey, and obtained general credence 12 Aug. 1678 Tried for perjury ; fined, put in the pillory, and whipped May, 1685 Pardoned and pensioned .... 1689 Obadiah, Hebrew prophet; foretold the de- struction of the Edomites, about B.C. 487. O'Beikne, Thomas Lewis, bishop of Meath, poet; 6. 1748; published "The Crucifixion," a poem, 1766; bishop of Ossory, 179S ; of Meath, 1798; d. 15 Feb. 1823. Obereit, Jacques Hermann, Swiss mystic and alchemist ; 6.2 Dec. 1725; published a professed universal panacea in ' ' Disquisitio de Universali Methodo Medendi," 1767; "De- fense du Mysticisme et de la Vie solitaire," 1775 ; supported by Wieland at Weimar, 1785-86: d. 2 Feb. 1798. Obeekampf, Christian Philipp, German econo- mist; J. II June, 1738; introduced the cotton manufacture into France, 1759; d. 4 Oct. 18 15. Oeeelin, Jean Fr^d^ric, French philanthro- pist; 6. 31 Aug. 1740; as pastor of Ban-de-la Koche, devoted himself to the moral and material happiness of his flock, by instituting schools and promoting agriculture and manu- factures, 1768, et seq.; d. I June, 1826. Obeelin, J&(Smie Jacques, brother, French philologist and arch^ologist ; 6. 7 Aug. 1 735; published "Alsatia Litterata," 1782; d. 10 Oct. 1806. Obeeoht, TJlric, French jurist and philologist ; h. 23 July, 1646 ; employed diplomatically, by Louis XIV., 1698 ; published " De Fidei Commissorum Eestitutione," 1667; d. 6 Aug. 1701. O'Beien, WiUiam Smith, Irish politician ; h. 17 Oct. 1803; d. 16 June, 1864. M.P. for Ennis 1826 For Limerick county 1835-41 ExpeUed the house 1849 As head of the " Young Ireland " party, seceded from the " Eepeal Association " . . July, 1846 Arrested for treason, 5 Aug. ; condemned to death, 9 Oct 1848 Transported 9 July, 1849 iteturned by virtue of an amnesty . . 3 May, 1856 Obsequens, JuUus, Eoman chronologist ; wrote " De Prodigiis," a record of prodigies from B.C. 190 to II., printed, 1508. 2d OBS 418 ODL Obsop^us, Johannes, German physician and scholar; b. 25 Jiily, 1556; edited "Hippo- crates," 1587 ; " SibylUna Oracula," 1589 ; d. 4 June, 1596. OoAEiTZ, Jos^ Caballero de, Spanish diplo- matist ; h. 1750 ; ambassador at Paris ; en- deavoured to save Louis XVI., Jan. 1793 ; negotiated peace, July, 1795; d. 1805. Occam, or Ockham, William of, schoolman, called the "In\'incible Doctor;" wrote "Dia- logus in tres partes: I. De hsereticis ; 2. De erroribus Joannes XXII. ; 3. De potestate pap«, conciliorum, et imperatoris," printed, 1476 ; d. 7 April, 1347. OccHiNO, Bernardino, Italian Capuchin monk and reformer; h, 1487; began to preach protes- tant doctrines, 1542; forbidden; fled to Zurich, Aug. 1542 ; came to England, and preached in London, 1547; went to Geneva, 1558; to Basel, 1563 ; d. of plague in Moravia, 1564. OcCLEVE, see Bocdeve. Ocellus, Lucanus, Grseco-Italian writer ; "On Law," and "On Kingly Piety;"/. B.C. 5th century. OcHS, Peter, Swiss statesman ; h. 1 749 ; nego- tiated the peace of Basil, 5 April, 1795 ; elected president of the Helvetic senate, 12 AprU, 1798; supported the French interest ; com- pelled to resign, June, 1799 ; published in German, "History of Basel," 1785-1822; d. 19 June, 1821. OcKLET, Simon, orientalist ; h. 1678 ; pro- fessor of Arabic at Cambridge, 1711; published " History of the Conquest of Egypt, Persia, Syria, &c., by the Saracens," 1708-18 ; d. 9 Aug. 1720. O'CoNNELL, Daniel, Irish agitator ; i. 6 Aug. 1775 ; d. at Genoa, 15 May, 1847. Entered the college of St. Omer . . . 1791 Called to the Irish bar . . , Easter, 1798 Made his first speech at a public meeting in Dub- lin 1800 Devoted himself to catholic emancipation . 1802 "With Shiel, founded the " Catholic Association," 1823 Elected M. P. for Clare . . 5 July, 1828 Prevented sitting in parliament . 15 May, 1829 Termed " Liberator" after the passing of the Re- lief Bill . .... 13 April, 1829 M. P. for Kerry, 1830 : for Dublin . . 1832-41 Lord-mayor of Dublin . . . .1 Nov. 1841 His motion for repeal of the union rejected in the commons 27 April, 1834 Had received as repeal rent for his services above ;^20,000 1835 Supported the "Whig party . . 1835-41 Agitated for repeal of the union at monster meetings : — at Trim, 16 March ; other places, June ; at Tara, 15 Aug. ; a meeting at Clontarf on 8 Oct. prevented 1843 Tried and condemned for sedition, 12 Feb. ; sen- tenced to fine and imprisonment, 30 May ; sen- tence reversed by the house of lords . 4 Sept. 1844 Went to the continent early in 1847. O'CoNNOE, kings of Connaught : TuEioon, h. 1088 ; defeated the O'Briens, and conquered Munster . . . cL 13 June, 1156 BoDERioK, son, nominal king of L-eland, (the last) i- 1116 Defeated by Eichard de Clare, earl of Pembroke, (Strongbow) invited into Ireland by Dermot, king of Leinster "70 After an interview with Henry II. of England, recognised him as lord suzerain . . . 1175 Troubled by rebeUious sons ; retired into a con- vent ... . . d. 1198 O'CONNOE, Arthur, Irish general ; h. 4 July, 1767 ; d. 25 April, 1852. M.P. in Irish parliament ; agitated for catholic emancipation . . . . _. . 1789-96 Imprisoned on suspicion of treason sis months 1795 Joined Lord Edward Fitzgerald in organizing the " United Irishmen," and forming secret socie- ties - 1796 Tried for treason, and acquitted . 22 May, 1798 Retained in prison till transported to Holland, June, 1S03 Entered the French service ; made general . 1804 O'CoNNOE, Eeargus Edward, nephew of Ar- thiw, Irish chartist, and long editor of the "Northern Star;" b. 1796; M.P. for Cork, 1832-35 ; for Nottingham, 1847-52; d. 30 Aug. 1855- O'CoNOB, Charles, Irish Eomanist, Catholic priest and historical writer ; h. 1 760 ; published " Columbanus's Letters," 1810-13 ; "Narrative of the most interesting Events in Irish History," 18 12; d. 29 July, 1828. OOTAVIA, sister of the emperor Augustus; beautiful and virtuous ; married to Marcellus, B.C. 54 ; to Mark Antony, 41 ; deserted by him for Cleopatra, yet remained faithful to his in- terests; divorced, 32; d. II. OcTAVlAN, anti-pope ; b. about 1095 ; cardinal, 1 138; fomented divisions; by influence of the emperor Frederick I. consecrated pope, i Oct. 1 1 59; d. 22 AprU, 1 1 64. OcTAViANUS, see Augustus. O'CuEEY, Eugene, Irish archaeologist; d. 30 July, 1862. Odenathus, husband of Zenobia, queen of Palmyra; helped the Romans against Sapor, king of Persia ; named Augustus by GaUienus ; assassinated about 266. Odeeico, Gaspare Luigi, Italian archaeologist ; h. 24Dec. 1725; published "NumismataGr2eca non ante vulgata," 1777; d. 10 Dec. 1803. Odescalchi, Marcantonio, Italian noble and philanthropist ; turned his palace into the hos- pital of St. Gale; d. 1670. Odette de Champdivers, mistress of Charles VI. of France ; b. about 1390 ; became mis- tress about 1407 ; termed " La petite reine." Her daughter, Makgueeite de Valois, bom 1408 ; d. in neglect, after 1424. Odevaiikb, Joseph Denis, Belgian historical painter; b. 2 Oct. 1778; d. 8 Feb. 1830. Odilon Baeeot, see Barrot. Odling, William, M.B., chemist ; J. about 1830 ; professor of chemistry at St. Bartholo- mew's hospital, 1863-68 ; succeeded Faraday as FuUerian professor at the Eoyal Institution, 1868 ; published "Manual of Chemistry," ODO 419 OGa Odo, Saint, archbishop of Canterbury ; 6. about 875 ; consecrated priest at Rome, about 897 ; made archbishop by Edward the elder, 942 ; divorced king Edwy from his queen Elgiva, as too near akin, 958; d. 4 July, 961. Odo, Saint, abbot of Cluny ; J. 879 ; wrote hymns, "Vie de St. Gerauld," &c. ; d. 18 Nov. 943- Odo of Kent, abbot of Battle, friend of Thomas k Becket ; wrote " Bpistola in Vitam WiLfredi Archiepisoopi," d. 1200. Odo de Conteville, bishop of Bayeux, half- brother of William I. of England ; b. 1032 ; d. "Feb. 1097. Present at the battle of Hastings . 14 Oct. 1066 Presented with Dover and made regent ; sup- pressed revolts with much severity 1074 and 1080 Made earl of Kent and grand justiciary ; aimed at the papacy ; arrested and imprisoned by his brother 1085-87 After much turbulency joined the crusade ; d. at Palermo Feb. 1097 Odoaceb, a chief of the HeruU ; king of Italy, after dethroning Bomulus Augastulus, 476 ; opposed by Theodoric king of the Goths ; de- feated by him at Isontius near Aquileia, 28 Aug. ; at Verona, 27 Sept. ; and at the Adda, Aug. 490 ; besieged at Eavenna, 490-3 ; agreed to a joint sovereignty, 27 Feb. ; murdered, 5 March, 493. Odolaut-Desnos, Pierre Joseph, French his- torian ; b. 21 Nov. 1722; pubhshed "M(5- moires historiques sur la ville d'Alengon," 1787 ; d. II Aug. 1801. O'DoNNELL, Leopoldo, duke of Tetuan ; Spa- nish general and statesman ; 5. 12 Jan. 1809 ; d. 5 Nov. 1867. Supported the queen Christina and constitution- alists Oct. 1832 Fought against the Carlists : compelled Cabrera to raise the siege of Lucena . . 17 July, 1839 Actively opposed the regent Espartero . 1841-43 As captain-general of Cuba became rich . 1843-45 Director of the infantry under Narvaez . 1845-51 Eanished for conspiracy Jan. : joined with Espar- tero in an insurrection, July; appointed minister of war : made count . . . . i Aug. 1854 Quarrelled with Espartero ; made president of the council and prime minister, 14 July ; compelled to resign ; succeeded by Narvaez . 12 Oct. 1856 Again president and minister of war and of colo- nies I July, 1858 Commander during the war in Morocco ; victo- rious at CastiUejos, i Jan. : at Tetuan, 4 Feb. ; and at Guad-el-ras, 23 March ; (made duke, 7 Feb.l .... ... i860 Pesigned his offices ... 26 Feb. 1863 Formed a liberal cabinet . . 22 June, 1865 Aided by Narvaez suppressed a great military revolt at Madrid, 26 June ; resigned ; succeeded by Narvaez and Murillo . . . July, 1866 Settled in Paris with his late colleagues Jan, 1867 O'DoNOVAiT, John, Irish archaeologist ; b. about 1808; edited "Annals of Ireland by the Four Masters," 1848-51 ; d. 9 Dec. 1861. Odoeahne, of Sens, French monk and chro- nicler ; 6. 985 ; d. after 1045. OEcoLAMPADius, or Haussohein, Johannes, German reformer ; i. 14S2 ; d. 24 Nov. 1531. Preached at Augsburg Cathedral, . . 1518-20 Entered a monastery to study the doctrines of Luther 23 April, 1520 Accepted and preached them ; persecuted . 1522-23 Professor, and preached at Basel . . 1523 Caused the mass to be abolished there, 1525 ; and the reformed doctrines to be established, 1528 ; married 1529 "Wrote Commentaries on the Prophets, Gospels, and Epistles, printed .... 1525-34 With Bucer established the new worship at XTlm May, 1531 CEder, Georg Christian, German naturalist and economist ; h. 3 Feb. 1728; employed on the finances of Norway, 1770-72 ; published ' ' Flora Danica," 1 762-72 ; " Elementa Bota- nicEe," 1762-64; d. 28 Jan. 1791. QiHLENSCHL-iGEE, Adam Gottlob, Danish poet ; b. 14 Nov. 1779; d. 20 Jan. 1850. CEleichs, johann Carl Conraid, German his- torian and bibliographer ; i. 12 Aug. 1722 ; published "Berlinische BibUothek," 1745-50; d. 30 Dec. 1798. (Elschlagek, or Oleaeius, Adam, German orientalist; b. about 1599 ; travelled in Persia, 1633-36 ; published iu German an " Account of his Journey in Kussia and Persia," 1647 ; d. 22 Feb. 1 67 1. (Eenjelm, or Aeehentcs, Claudius, Swedish historian ; b. 1627 ; published " Sueonum Gothorumque Historia Eoclesiastioa," 1689 ; d. 1695. Quested, Hans Christian, Danish physicist ; b. 14 Aug. 1777 ; d. 9 March, 1851. After travelling appointed professor at Copen- hagen iBo*\ Founded the science of electro-magnetism by dis- covering the influence of the electric current upon the magnetic needle . . 1819 Published " Esperimenta " . . 21 July, 1820 Founded the " Danish Society for Propagating the Natural Sciences " . . 1&24 Published many memoirs . . . 1799-1850 Collected works, including " Soul in Nature " published, 1850-52 QStingee, Friedrich Christoph, German mys- tical interpreter, and disciple of Bcehme ; b. 6 May, 1 702 ; published in German a " BibUcal and Emblematical Dictionary," 1776 ; d. 10 Feb. 1782. QSttingee, Eduard Maria, German biographer, poet, dramatist, and bibliographer ; &. 19 Nov. 1808; pubhshed " Eulenspiegel " (suppressed), 1829-30; "Archives Historiques," 1841; "Bib- Uographie Biographique," 1S54; " Moniteur des Dates," 1866-69. Off A, kin g of Mercia ; at the death of Ethel- bald, defeated and kill ed the usurper Beomred, 755; made the great dyke on the borders of Wales ; murdered Ethelbert, king of the East Angles, and overran the country, 792 ; d. 794. Ogden, Samuel, D.D., theologian; b. 1716; published " Sermons on the Efficacy of Prayer," 1770; d. 23 March, 1778. Oggionb, Marco da, see Uggione. OGI 420 OLD Ogiee, French scholars : Chables : b. 1595: wrote " Ephemerides, sive Iter Danicum, Suecicum, Polonicum" printed 1656 d. II Aug. 1654 raANgois: b. about 1601 : published " Jugement et Censure de la Doctrine Curieuse " de P6re Garasse," 1623 ... d. 28 June, 1670 Ogilbt, John, Scotch poet and translator ; h. Not. 1600; secretarytolordStrafEord in Ireland; ruined hy the revolution, 1640-42; published his translation of Virgil, 1649-50 ; of Homer, 1660-65; patronised by Charles II., 1661-62; d. 4 Sept. 1676. Ogilvie, Charles Atmore, D.D. ; 6. 1793; published " Divine Glory manifested in the Conduct and Discourses of our Lord," (Bamp- ton Lectures), 1836; regius professor of pastoral theology at Oxford, 1842. Ogilvie, John, Scotch minister and poet ; ^' ^733 J published Poems, 1762; "Paradise," 1764; "Britannia," 1801 ; d. 1814. Ogilvie, John, LL.D., Scotch lexicographer ; edited "Imperial Dictionary," 1856; d. 21 Nov. 1867. Oglethorpe, John Edward, general; i. 1698; served under Marlborough, 1 704, &c. ; founded the colony of Georgia, 1 732-36 ; unsuccessful in commanding against the Spaniards in Florida, 1743, and against the rebels in Scotland, 1745; d. 30 June, 1785. O'Hagan, Thomas, Irish judge; &. 1810 ; solicitor-general for Ireland, i860 ; attorney- general, 1 86 1 ; a justice of the common pleas, 1865. O'Halloean, Sylvester, Irish general and his- torian ; h. 1728; pubhshed " General History of Ireland," 1778; d. 1807. Ohlmuller, Joseph Daniel, German archi- tect ; b. 1 79 1 J designed the Bavarian national monument, a Gothic church, at Munich ; d. 22 April, 1839. Ohm, Georg Simon, German physicist ; 5. 16 March, 1 787 ; announced his law of the theory of the voltaic ciirrent, 1825 ; published, in German " The Galvanic Circuit worked out mathematically," 1827 ; d. 7 July, 1854. Ohmacht, Landolin, German sculptor ; J. 6 Nov. 1760 ; d. 31 March, 1834. OiKONOMos, Constantinos, Greek scholar ; h. 8 Sept. 1780; published "Treatise on Rhe- toric and Grammar," 1813-17 ; d. 8 March, 1857. OiSEL, or OnzEL, Jacob, German scholar ; i. May, 1 631; published " Thesaurus Selectorum Numismatum Antiquorum," 1677; d. 20 June, 1686. Ojida, Alonzo de, Spanish soldier, companion of Columbus ; b. about 1465 ; made discoveries in America ; d. after 1508. O'Keeeee, John, Irish dramatist and actor ; J. 24 June, 1 747 ; published " Son-in-Law, " 1779; "Wild Oats," 1794; " Eecollections of his Life," 1826 ; d. 4 Feb. 1833. Oei;n, or Okenfuss, Lorenz, German natu- ralist and transcendental philosopher ; b. 2 Aug. 1779 ; propounded a system resembUng pantheism; published, in German, " Sketch of a System of Biology," 1805 ; " On the Uni- verse," 1808 ; edited " Isis, " a review, 1817-48; d. II Aug. 1851. Okolski, Simon, Polish historian ; published "Orbis Polonus," 1641-45; "Russia fiorida Eosis et LUiis," 1646 ; d. 1654. Clap, or Olaus, I. — V., kings of Norway : I. Trygvason &. 956 Educated in Russia ; recovered the throne ol his father ; established Christianity by force 995 Built Drontheim, and settled there ... 998 Drowned during a naval battle . . . 1000 II. the Saint, son ; landed in Norway . loia Defeated his enemies, and became king . . 1015 Fiercely zealous in establishing Christianity 1018-21 Dethroned by Canute .... 1028-29 Returned ; killed in the battle of Sticklestadt 29 July, 1030 III. the Pacific ; with his brother Magnus suc- ceeded their father, Harold Hardrada 25 Sept. 1066 Sole king 1069 Founded Bergen, 1070 . . d. 22 Sept. 1093 IV. son of Magnus III. . . . b. 1098 King with his brothers, 1103 . d. 1116 V. son of Hako VI &. 1371 Elected king of Denmark 1376 Succeeded his father (his mother regent) . . 1380 d. 3 Aug. 1387 Olae, or Glaus, I., II., III., kings of ITpsal, or Sweden : I. accepted Christianity, preached by Anscarius, bishop of Hamburg .... .853 II. reigned with his brother Eric, about . 935-967 III. the Infant, son of Eric the victorious ; b. about 980 King 994 Established Christianity ; made war with Olaf II. of Norway . d. 1026 Olafsen, Eggert, Icelandic scholar ; h. 1721 ; published ' ' Enarrationes Historicse de Islandise Natura et Constitutione," 1749 ; appointed bailiff of Iceland, 1757; drowned, 30 May, 1768. Olah, Nicolas, archbishop of Gran, Hungarian historian; 6. 9 Jan. 1493; made bishop and chanceDor of the kingdom, 1543; made arch- bishop and primate by Ferdinand; re-established the Catholic discipline ; d. 14 Jan. 1568. Olavides, Pablo Antonio Jos4 South Ameri- can statesman ; b. 1 740 ; called to Madrid, and employed by Charles III. ; assisted in the ex- pulsion of the Jesuits, 1767; imprisoned by the inquisition, 1776; declared a heretic, and de- graded, Nov. 1778; escaped to France, 1780; recanted, and retiimed to Andalusia, 1798; d. 25 June, 1803. Olbeks, Heinrioh Wilhelm Matthias, G«rman astronomer and physician ; 6. 1 1 Oct. 1 758 ; discovered new comets, 1798, 1802, 1804, 1821 ; new planets, Pallas, 28 March, 1802; Vesta, 29 March, 1 807 ; d. 2 March, 1840. Oldcastle, Sir John, Lord Cobham, soldier and reformer; b. about 1360 ; served in France under Henry IV. ; supported the Wicklifiites ; denounced and excommunicated ; fled to Wales; arrested, tried, burnt, 25 Deo. 1417. OLD 421 OLL Oldenburg, Heinrich, German philosopher ; h. about 1626; came to London; became one of the founders of the Eoyal Society, 1660; d. Aug. 1678. Oldenbdkger, Phihpp Andreas, German jurist at Geneva ; pubHshed " Thesaurus Eeram Publioarum totius Orbis," 1675; d. 1678. Oldfield, Anne, actress; i. 1683; d. 23 Oct. 1730- Oldham, John, satiric poet ; t. 9 Aug. 1653 ; published "Satires upon the Jesuits," 1679; d. 9 Deo. 1683. Oldiswokth, "William, Jacobite writer ; pub- lished "Timothy and PhUaletheus" (dialogues on the rights of the church), 1709-10; d. 15 Sept. 1734. Oldmlxon, John, historian; I. 1673; pub- lished "British Empire in America," 1708; "History of England," 1 730-35 ; d. 9 July, 1 742. Oldts, Wilham, herald and bibUographer ; J. 14 Jxdy, 1696; published "British Librarian," 1737; " Life of Raleigh," 1738; d. 15 Aug.1761. Oleabius, Adam, see CEhlschtdger. Oleabios, German theologians and scholars : Gottfried; &. i Jan. 1604; published Exposition of Job, 1633-72 . . . . d. 20 Feb. 1685 JoHANN, philologist : b. 5 May, 1639 : published "ElementaHermeneutic3esacra),"i6g8 d, 6 Aug. 1713 JoHANM ChristopEj numismatist . b. 17 Sept. 1668 d. 31 March, 1747 O'Leabt, Arthur, Irish Komauist priest; 5. 1729; published "Essays," 1782; "Defence of his Conduct," 1787-88; d. 8 Jan. 1802. Olen", Jan van, see Alen. Olga, Saint, Russian princess; zealous propa- gator of Christianity, 855 ; d. about 969. Oliphant, Lawrence, barrister and traveller ; J. about 1 83 1. Published his " Journey to Nepaul " . . 1852 Travelled as private secretary with lord Elgin ; and published " Minnesota and the Ear West," 1855; "Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan in 1857-59" 1862 Accompanied Omar Pasha, and published " Transcaucasian Campaigns under Omar Pasha" . 1856 British consul in Japan, 1861 ; returned. Oliva, Giovanni, Italian antiquary ; 6. 1 1 July, 1689; d. 19 March, 1757 ; his "(Euvres Diverses " published, 1758. Olivaeez, Gasparo de Guzman, duque de, Spanish statesman; i. 6 Jan. 1587; became prime minister and favourite of Philip IV., 1621 ; disgraced and exiled, 1643; d. 22 July, 1645. Olive, Pierre Jean, French theologian ; J. 1247 ; censured for deifying the Virgin Mary, 1278, 1282; wrote " Pan^g-yrique de la Vierge Marie;" d. 16 March, 1298. Oliveb, George, D.D., Roman Cathohc anti- quary ; b. 9 Feb. 1 781; published "Ecclesias- tical Antiquities of Devon and Cornwall," 1840-42; "Monasticon Dicecesis Exoniensis," 1846-54; d. 23 March, 1861. OnvEE, historical and miniature painters : Isaac, 6. 1556 d. 1617 John, son ; 6. 1601 .... d. about 1654 Oliver, WUliam, M.D. ; published " Dissertar tion on the Bath Waters," 1707; d. 1764. Olivet, Pierre Joseph Thouher, abb^ d', Erenoh scholar; h. i April, 1682; published "Histoire de TAcad^mie Franfoise," 1723; edited Cicero, 1 740-42 ; d. 8 Oct. 1 768. Olivetan, ]?ierre Robert, French reformer ; published French translation of the Bible, (the foundation of the Geneva Bible), 1535 ; d. 1538. Oliveyea, Francesco Xavier, Portuguese pro- testant knight ; b. 1 702 ; persecuted for his rehgion ; published " Memoirs," 1741-43 ; d. 1783. Olivieb, Fran5ois, French magistrate ; 5. 1497 ; made chancellor of France, 18 April, 1545 ; reformed courts of justice and prisons; severe to criminals; checked luxury; opposed Diana of Poitiers ; resigned, 2 Jan. 1551 ; d. 30 March, 1560. Olivieb, S&aphin, French cardinal, jurist, and diplomatist ; J. 2 Aug. 153S ; employed by the popes as judge, 1564; made bishop of Rennes, 1600 ; cardinal, 1604 ; his " Decisioiies Rotse Romance," pubhshed 1614; d. 9 March, 1609. Olivieea degli Abbati, a nnibale, Italian antiquary; 6. 17 June, 1708; greatly benefited his birthplace Pesaro ; pubhshed " Marmora Pisaurensia," 1737; d. 29 Sept. 1789. Ollendobfp, H. G., German teacher of lan- guages ; published " New Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak a Language in Six Months, applied to the German," 1838 ; applied his system to French, ItaHan, and Spanish ; d. 4 April, 1865. Olliffe, Sir Joseph Francis, M.D. ; b. 1 808 ; appointed physician to the British embassy at Paris, 1852 ; d. 14 March, 1869. Ollivant, Alfred, bishop of LlandafE ; b. 16 Aug. 1 798 ; vice-principal of St. David's col- lege, Lampeter, 1827-43 ; regius professor of divinity at Cambridge, 1843-49 ; consecrated, 1849. Olliviee, Blaise Joseph, French naval engineer; b. 1701; greatly improved the har- bour of Brest ; d. 20 Oct. 1740. Olliviee, French liberal politicians : D]EMOSTHi:NE &. 25 Feb. 1799 Opposed the restoration government . . 1815 Introduced the carbonari into Marseilles ; im- prisoned for six months .... 1825 Founded the journal " Le Peuple Souverain;" very useful at Marseilles during the cholera 1831 Arrested, and exiled soon after the "coup d'etat" 2 Dec. 1851 Aristidb, son; edited "Suffrage Universe!" at Montpellier ; killed in a duel 21 June, 1851 Emile, brother . . . &. 2 July, 1825 Advocate 1847 Commissary-general at Marseilles for the re- public 27 Feb. 184 OLM 422 OEA Prefect of the Haute Marne lo July, 1848 — Jan. 1849 Elected member for Paris .... 1863 Since his appointment as commissary-general of the viceroy of Egypt in Paris, has been a mode- rate supporter of the government . . 1865 Olmo, Jos^ Vincenzo del, Spanish archjeo- logist; 5. 161 1; published " Lithologia," 1653; and an account of the great "Auto da Fh," 30 June, 1680; d. II Aug. 1696. Olmsted, Denison, American physicist ; 5. 1 8 June, 1791 ; published " Introduction to Natural Philosophy," 1832 ; d. 12 May, 1S59. O'LoGHLEN, Sir Colman Michael, hart., Irish lawyer; b. 1 819; appointed judge advocate general, Dec. 1S68. Oltbrius, Anicius, Eoman emperor ; made consul, 464 ; married Placidia, widow of Valen- tinian about 464; sent to Italy to help Anthe- mius ; supplanted him, and elected emperor, July, 472 ; d. 23 Oct. 472. Olympias, wife of Philip II., king of Macedon ; mother of Alexander the Great, B.C. 356 ; said to have countenanced Philip's murder through jealousy, 336 ; aided by the king of Epirus, gained supreme power in Macedon, 317 ; governed cruelly ; overcome, and put to death by Cassander, 316, Oltmpiodoeus, Greek philosopher ; wrote commentary on the " Meteorologica," of Aris- totle, about 560. Omar I. II., Mussulman caliphs : I. 6. about 581 ; an early convert ; zealously sup- ported Mahomet 615 Succeeded Abu-Beker as caliph . . . 634 His armies victorious in Persia and Syria , 636-37 Triumphantly entered Jerusalem . . . 637 Captured Alexandria and burnt the library 22 Dec. 640 Conquered Armenia, &c. .... 641 Stabbed by Firouz, a Persian . . . d. Nov. 644 II. succeeded Soliman, 717 ; neglected the siege of Constantinople ; poisoned . Feb. 720 O'Meaba, Barry Edward, Irish naval surgeon ; i. 1778; in attendance on Napoleon I., Oct. 1815 — July, 1818; dismissed the service for accusing Sir Hudson Lowe ; published a journal entitled ' ' Napoleon in Exile, or a "Voice from St. Helena," 1822; d. 3 June, 1836. Omek Pasha (originally Michael Lattas), marshal, generalissimo of the Turkish army ; &. in Croatia, 1806. Became a Mahometan 1833 Military governor of Bucharest ; checked the re- volt in Montenegro 1852-53 General in the Crimean war ; defeated the Rus- sians at Oltenitza, 4 Nov. 1853 : at Citate, 6 Jan. ; and at the Ingour 6 Nov. 1855 Sent to put down the Cretan revolt ; resigned Nov. 1867 Omm, king of Israel, B.C. 929 ; built Samaria ; d. 918. , Onatas, of Mgina, Greek sculptor and painter ; fl. about B.o. 460. O'Neil, Henry, A.E. A. ; historical and genre painter; b. 1817; exhibited "Eastward Ho," 1857; "Home Again," 1858. O'Neill, EHzabeth, tragic actress; b. about 1791; made her diSbut, Oct. 1814; married Sir W. Wrixon Becher, bart., 18 Dee. 1819. Onslow, George, French musical composer; b. 27 July, 1784; d. 3 Oct. 1852. OoET, Adam van, Flemish painter; b. 1557; d. 1641. Onkelos, Jewish rabbi, reputed author of a " Targum," or Chaldaic paraphrase of the Pen- tateuch; Jl. 1st century. OosT, van, Flemish historical and portrait painters : Jakob, &. about 1600 . . . . d. 1671 Jacob, son ; b. 1637 . . . d. 29 Dec. 1713 Opie, Amelia, poet and noveUst, wife of the following; 6. (Alderson) 12 Nov. 1 769; pub- lished " Simple Tales," 1804; "Tales of Real Life," 1813; " Tales of the Heart," 1818; d.2 Dec. 1853. Opie, John, historical painter; b. 1761; self- taught ; his " Lectures on Painting " published by his widow, 1809; d. 9 April, 1807. Opitz, or Opitius, German writers : Mabtjn, poet ; &. 23 Dec. 1597 : greatly im- proved German poetry ; publisned a collection of poems, 1624 . . . d!. 20 Aug. 1639 Heinbioh, orientalist ; 6. 24 Feb. 1642 ; pub- lished " Novum Lexicon Hebraeo-Chaldseo-Bibli- cum," 1705 ; " Biblia Hebraica," 1709 ; d. 24 Jan. 1712 Opokinus (Herbst), Johannes, Swiss printer ; b. 25 Jan. 1507 ; d. 25 Jan. 1568. OppJ;de, Jean de Maynier, baron d', French magistrate ; b. 10 Sept. 1495 ; employed by Francis I. to punish the Vaudois ; nearly ex- terminated them, 1 545 ; tried for this at Paris ; exculpated himseK, 1551 ; d. 29 July, 1558. Oppert, Julius, German orientalist ; b. 9 July, 1 825 ; professor of German at Rheims ; went with an expedition to Mesopotamia, 1851 ; assisted in the pubUcation of " Expedition Scientifique en M^sopotamie, 1851-541" 1S57, et seq. Opsopjjus, see Obsopaus. Orange, princes of, stadtholders of the Dutch repubUc : I. "WiiiiAM I., (of Nassau and Dillemburg), the Silent .... i. 25 April, 1533 Succeeded Ren6 as prince .... 1544 Employed by Philip II. of Spain to negotiate with Henry II. of France, wlien he heard of a plan to destroy the heretics in both countries, and devoted himself to frustrate it . . rssg "With Horn and Egmont addressed a bold letter to Philip II. . . . II March, 1563 Escaped to Germany 1567 Condemned and degraded from his rank Jan. 1568 Organised an army and invaded Brabant unsuc- cessfully July, 1568 Organised systematic opposition to the Span- iards 1572 Seized Ruremonde, and obtaine'd surrender of other places July, 1572 Assisted by Elizabeth of England ; obtained the " Pacification of Ghent," uniting north and south provinces 8 Nov. 1576 Entered Brussels in triumpli, and called "Father William" .... 23 Sept. 1577 ORA 423 ORP Lieutenant to the archduke Matthias ; nego- tiated the union of Utrecht signed 23 Jan. 1579 Eeward offered for his head by Philip II. [15 March, 1580 Proclaimed count of Holland and Zealand . 1581 Assassinated by Balthasar Gerard . 10 July, 1584 ■2. Mauhice, son ; b. 1567 ; succeeded hia father in the command of the army . . . 1584 Appointed stadtholder of Utrecht . . 1590 Captured Buda, Nimeguen, Steenwyck, and other places 1590-92 Victorious at Turnhout .... 1597 Eefused the peace offered by Philip II. (guaran- teeing his office) 1598 Invested Nieuport; defeated the Spaniards, but retired 1600 Maintained the war (opposed by Spinola) with varying success .... . 1601-9 Signed a truce for twelve years, . 9 April, 1609 Aimed at absolute power ; supported the Go- marists (Calvinists) against the Eemonstrants (Arminians) 1609, et seq. Permitted the condemnation and execution of his friend Barneveldt . . 13 May, 1619 Kenewed war with Spain .... 1621 Saved Bergen-op-Zoom from Spinola . . 1622 Escaped from a conspiracy of the sons of Barne- veldt, 1622 ci. 23 April, 1625 3. Fkederick: Henry, brother ; &. 28 Feb. 1584 ; succeeded as stadtholder ; endeavoured to soften religious animosities .... 1625 Failed in obtaining peace with Spain ; captured Grol, 1627 ; Bois le Due .... 1629 Defeated the Spaniards in anavalbattle, 12 Sept. 1631 Recovered Breda, 1637 ; failed in an attack on Antwerp 1638 Prevented by the states from helping Charles I. 1642 Helped to negotiate the peace of Munster d. 14 March, 1647 4. "William II., son b. 1626 Married Mary, eldest daughter of Charles I. of England . . ... 1642 Appointed stadtholder . . . .23 Jan, 1648 Quarrelled with the states, wishing to intervene in the civil war in England . . . 1648 Obtained supreme military power ; imprisoned six of his chief opponents . . . July, 1650 Made without authority a treaty with France ; d. of smallpox . ... 6 Nov. 1650 5. William III., son . . &. 4 Nov, 1650 Not called to be stadtholder tiU . . July, 1672 Maintained war against Louis XIV. of France ; compelled him to retire from his conquests 1673 His conflict withCondeatSenef indecisive 11 Aug. 1674 Defeated by Luxembourg at Cassel, 11 April, 1677 ; at St. Denis . . , .14 Aug. 1678 Married Mary, daughter of James I. duke of York 4 Nov. 1677 Organised the league of Augsburg against Louis XIV July, 1686 Invited to England by the Whig party ; landed at Torbay, 5 Nov. ; arrived at Whitehall with 6000 Dutch troops . . . .19 Dec. 1688 With his wife Mary, accepted the offered crown ■with the " declaration of right," . 13 Feb, 1689 See William III. King of Great BHtain. The stadtholdership abolished . . . 1702-47 John William ; h. 1687 ; succeeded his father Henry Casimir as stadtholder of Groningen and Frisia, 1696 ; and William III, as prince of Orange, 1702; drowned accidentally , . 1711 6. William IV. posthumous son . b. 1 Sept. 171 1 Married Anne, daughter of George IL of England, 15 March, 1734 Declared hereditary stadtholder of the republic, 3 May, 1747 Negotiated the peace of Aix-la-ChapeUe, signed, 7 Oct, 1748 d. 22 Oct. 1751 7. William V. son ; h. 8 March, 1748 ; appointed stadtholder 1766 Married Frederica Sophia, of Prussia . . 1767 Expelled from the Hague by a faction ; restored by the Prussians and British . . Sept. 1787 Retired to Englandafter the French conquest of his country, Jan, 1795 . . d. April, 1806 Orbignt, French naturalists, &c., brothers : Alcide Dessalines d' . . . &. 6 Sept. 1802 Sent on a scientific expedition to South America 1826 Published " Voyage dans I'Amerique Meridio- nale," 1834-47 Began to publish " Paleontologie Frangaise" 1840 Published " Prodrome de Pal6ontologie " . 1849-50 d. 30 June, 1857 Charles Dessalines d' . . .62 Dec. 1806 Published " Description G6ologiquedes Environs de Paris," 1838 ; " Dictionnaire Universelie d'Histoire Naturelle" . 1839-49 Orbilius Pupillus, Eoman grammarian, schoolmaster of Horace; 6. B.C. 113; c?. 13. Orcagna or l'Aecagnuolo, name given to Andrea di Cione, Florentine poet, architect, and painter; 6. 1329; painted frescos in the Campo Santo, " Triumph of Death," " Last Judgment," &c.; d. 1389. Orchan, sultan of the Turks, son of Othman I., h. 1293; succeeded his father Othman; as- sumed the title Sultan, 1326 ; captured NicEea, 1330; and Nicomedia, 1338 ; made peace with John Cantacuzene, marrying his daughter, 1346 ;d. 1359. Oedericus Vitalis, French ecclesiastical chronicler ; h. 16 Feb. 1075 ; d. after 1141. Oregio, Agostino, Italian cardinal and philo- sopher ; 6. 1577; "wrote a defence of Aristotle, in regard to the immortaUty of the soul, 1621; made cardinal and archbishop of Benevento, 18 Nov. 1633 ; d. 12 July, 1635. Orellana, Francisco, Spanish discoverer ; traversed the continent of South America, and discovered the river Amazon, Dec. 1540 ; sailed down it to the sea, arriving 26 Aug. 1541; sailed on a new expedition, 11 May, 1544 ; d. in Brazilian Guiana, I55*^' Oeelli, Johann Caspar von, Swiss philolo- gist ; h. 13 Feb. 1787 ; published "Cronichette d'ltalia, " 1822 ; edited " Cicero," 1826-37 J "Horace," 1843-44; "Tacitus," 1846-48; d. 9 Jan. 1849. Oeesme, Nicolas, French scholar ; 5. about 1330 ; counsellor of Charles VI. ; made bishop of Lisieux, 1377 ; published translation of parts of Aristotle, 1488-89 ; d. il July, 1382. Orestes, regent of Italy for his infant son, Komulus Augustulus, 29 Aug. 475 ; defeated and beheaded by Odoacer, 28 Aug. 476. Orpanel, Hyacinthe, Spanish missionary ; h. 8 Nov. 1578 ; martyred in Japan, 10 Sept. 1623 ; wrote " Historia de los Succesos de la Christiandad de Japon," published 1633. Orffte^ or Bessler, Johann Ernst Elias, German mechanic and adventurer ; h, about 1680 ; exhibited a machine for demonstrating perpetual motion, 1712 ; d. 30 November , 1745. OKF 424 OKL Orfila, Matthieu Joseph Bonaventure, French chemist ; h. at Mahon, in the isle of Minorca, 24 April, 1787 ; became professor of -legal medicine at Paris, March, 1819 ; puh- lished ' * Toxicologie G^n^rale," 1813 ; natu- ralised in France, 18 18 ; " Le5on3 de Mdde- cine Idgale," 1821-23 > ^- ^^ March, 1853, Oeford, earl of, see Russell and Waljpole, Ohgagna, see Orcagna. Oriani, Bamabe, conte, Italian astronomer; 6. 17 July, 1752; d. 12 Nov. 1832. Okibasius, Greek medical writer ; b. about 325 ; friend of Julian ; accompanied him to Gaul, Dec. 355 ; to Persia, 363 ; "wrote " Collecta Medicinalia, " " Synopsis, " and "Euporista;" d. about 400. Orignt, Pierre Adam, French historian ; h. 1697; published " L'Egypte ancienne," 1762; d. 9 Sept. 1774. Oeigenes or Origen, Greek father and mys- tic ; b. about 186 ; his father Leonides mar- tyred, April, 203 ; became a teacher of grammar and a catechist, living very ascetically ; tra- velled in Greece ; ordained presbyter about 228 ; severe conflict with his bishop Demetrius ; compelled to quit Alexandria ; settled at Caesarea ; prepared two editions of the Old Tes- tament, the "Tetrapla" and "Hexapla;" wrote numerous commentaries and epistles ; d. about 254. Orlandi, Pellegrino Antonio, Italian bio- grapher ; 6. 1 660 ; published "Abbecedario pittorico dei Professori in Pittura, Scultura, ed Architettura," 1704; d. 8 Nov. 1727. Orlandini, Niccoio, Italian Jesuit, historian ; 6. 1554; published " Annuse Litterae Soc. Jesu, 1583-85," 1585-87; "Historia Soc. Jesu: I. Ignatius," 1615 ; d. 27 May, 1606. Orlando di Lasso, see Lasso. Orleans, dukes of : 1. Louis DE Valois, son of king Charles V. b. 13 March, 1372 Created duke of Touraine, 1386, of Orleans 4 June, 1391 Corrupted Isabella of Bavaria, queen of Charles VI., and governed with her . , 1385, et seq. Contended for power with John duke of Bur- gundy 1405 At a formal reconciliation assassinated by him 23 Nov. 1407 2. Charles, son, poet ; b. 26 May, 1391 ; duke 1407 Taken prisoner at Agincourt . 25 Oct. 1415 Kept closely in England ; released for a great ransom May, 1440 Abused by Louis XI. for his remonstrances ; d. soon after, 4 Jan. 1465 3. Louis, son ; b. 27 June, 1462 ; duke, 1465 ; suc- ceeded Charles VIII. as king of France, (see Zouis XII.) 7 April, 1498 4. Henry, son of Francis I., see Heri^-y II. 5. Charles, brother ; duke, 1536 . . d. 1544 6. Gaston Jean Baptiste, son of Henry IV. h. 25 April, t6o8 Conspired against Cardinal Richelieu . . 1631 Took up arms with Montmorency ; defeated at Castelnaudary ; submitted . . i Sept. 1632 Conspired with Cinq-Mars and others ; aban- doned them ; banished .... 1642 Lieutenant-general of the kingdom at the death of his brother Louis XIII. 14 May, 1643 Euled badly . . . . d. 2 Feb. 1660 7. Philippe L, son of Louis XIII. . . 6. 1640 Married Henrietta daughter of Charles I. of Eng- land, I April, 1661 ; she died suddenly 29 June, 1670 Commanded successfully in the Netherlands, 1667, 1672 ; and defeated the prince of Orange at Mont Cassel, 11 April, 1677 . d. i June, 1701 8. Philippe II., son . . . &, 2 Aug. 1674 General of the army in Italy ; defeated at Turin by Eugene 7 Sept. 1706 Begent at the death of Louis XIV. I Sept. 1715 — 22 Feb. 1723 Supported Law the financier . . . i7i6-)7 Influenced by Dubois, 1717 ; who was made car- dinal, 1721 ; and prime minister . 22 Aug. 1722 After Dubois' death became prime minister d. 2 Dec. 1723 9. Louis, son ; 6. 4 Aug. 1703 ; scholar and phi- lanthropist ; duke, 1723 . . d. 4 Feb. 1752 10. Louis Philippe, son . . 6. 12 May, 1725 Fought in the campaigns .... 1742-57 Patronised literature and the arts d. 18 Nov. 1785 11. Louis Philippe Joseph, " Egalit6,'' son, &. 13 April, 1747 Became duke of Chartres .... 1753 Adopted English habits and hotly opposed the court and government .... 1769-71 Joined the Mountain party in the national con- vention ; termed " Philippe Egalit6 " 1792 Voted for the death of Louis XVI. . Jan. 1793 Himself guillotined . . .6 Nov. 1793 12. Louis Philippe, son ; see Ij}ui& Philippe, king of the French, 13. Ferdinande Philippe Louis, son; ft. 3 Sept. x8io ; named due de Chartres . . . 1814 Entered at the College Henri IV. . . Oct. 1819 Became duke of Orleans at his father's accession Aug. 1830 Believed the sufferers by cholera . March, 1832 Distinguished himself at the siege of Antwerp, Nov.— Dec. 1832 ; and in the war in Africa 1835-40 Married princessHelenaofMecklenburg-Sclwerin 30 May, 1837 Killed by a fall from his carriage . 13 July, 1842 Orleans, Pierre Joseph d', French Jesuit historian ; &. 1644 ; pubHshed " Histoire des Revolutions d'Angleterre, " 1693; d. 31 March, 1698. Orloff, Kussian family ; Gregor Gregorievitoh; 6. 5 Feb. 1734; assisted Catherine II. to depose her husband Peter III., and become empress .... July, 1762 Ennobled with his brothers, and became her favourite 22 Sept. 1762 Dismissed by her, and sent to negotiate peace with Turkey, 1772 . . . d 25 April, 1783 Alexei, brother; 6. 1736; helped his brother Gregor to depose Peter III., and said to have killed him 14 July, 1762 Made admiral of the fleet sent to attack the Turks in the Archipelago . . . 1768 Burnt the Turkish fleet in Tchesm6 . 7 July, 1770 Treacherously captured princess Tarakonoff 1770 Honoured till the death of Catherine ; exiled by the emperor Paul, Nov. 1796; returned to Kus- sia, i8oi d. 30 Jan. 1808 Gregor, grandson of Gregor, scholar ; h. 1777 ; published " Mfimoires Historiques sur le Boyaume de Naples," 1825 . d. 4 July, 1826 Mikhail, nephew of Gregor, general; &. 1785 ; d. 1841 Alexis, brother ; 6. 8 Oct. 1788 ; made count by Nicholas 1 25 Dec. 1825 Employed diplomatically at Paris . . 1853 President of the imperial council of Russia, 1856 ; d. 20 May, 1861 OEM 425 OSI Oeite, Robert, historian ; h. in Malabar, 25 Dec. 1 728 ; published " History of the Military Transactions in Hindostan, 1754-63," 1763-78; " Historical Fragments of the Mogiil Empire," 1782 ; d. 14 Jan. 1801. Okmond, see Butler. Okosius, Paulus, Spanish theologian, pupH of St. Augustin, 413 ; wrote " Historiae ad versus Paganos," and " De Arbitrii Libertate," 415. Obeebt, earls of, see Boyle. Oesato, Italian antiquaries : Sertorio, comte, poet and physicist ; 6. i Feb. 1617: publislied " MariniEmditi,"i669; d. 3 Jiily,i678 GlAMBATTisTA, physician ; 0. 1673 ; publislied " Delle Antiche Lucerne," 1709 . d. 21 Jan. 1720 Oksat, see i)' Orsay. Oesi, Giovanni Giuseppe, marchese, Italian scholar ; b. 19 June, 1652 ; d. 20 Sept. 1733. Oesi, Giuseppe Agostiao, Italian theologian ; i. 9 May, 1692 ; cardinal, 1732 ; published " Delia Inf allibilita e dell' Autoritk del Romano Pontifice sopra i Concili," 1741; " Storia Ec- clesiastica," 1746, etseq.; d. 13 June, 1761. Oesi, Lelio da NoveUara, Modenese painter ; 6, 151 1 ; d. 1587. Oesini, Felice, Italian politician ; 5. Dec. 1819; executed, 13 March, 1858. Studied at Bologna * 1837 Joined a secret society 1843 Condemned for life to the galleys, 1844 ; released, 1846 Joined in the revolution at Rome ; elected a mem- ber of the assembly 1848 "Went to Genoa, 1849 ; to England . . . 1853 Arrested in Hungary, and sent to Mantua, Jan. 1855 : escaped, and came to England . . 1856 Joined in the plot to assassinate Napoleon III. of France ; by the explosion of shells, two persons were killed . . . .14 Jan. 1858 Obsini, Fulvio, Italian archaeologist and col- lector of MSS. ; b. II Dec. 1529; d. 18 May, 1600. Oetega, Francisco di, Spanish fresco-painter ; b. 1695; d. 1742. Oetega, Jayme, Spanish general; proclaimed the Conde de Montemolin, son of Don Carlos, as Charles VI., at Tortosa ; his troops resist- ing, 3 April; shot, 19 April, i860. Ortell, or Oetelius, Abraham, Flemish geo- grapher; 5. 2 April, 1527; published "Thea- trum Orbis Terrarum," an atlas, 1570; "The- saurus Geographicus," 1596; d. 28 June, 1598. Okton, Job, dissenting minister ; b. 1 7 1 7 ; published "Memoirs of Rev. P. Doddridge," 1766 ; and " Thirty-six Discourses on Practical Subjects," 1776; d. 19 July, 1783- Oevillb, see D'Orville. Oevilliers, Louis Guillouet, comte d', French admiral; 6. 1708; distinguished himself in the victory over Byng at Port Mahon, 20 May, 1756 ; commander of the fleet off Brest; main- tained a fierce indecisive coniiict with the British under Keppel, 27 July, 1778 ; dis- graced for unskilful command of the fleet, July— Oct. 1779; emigrated, 1790; d. about 1792. OsBOEN, Sherard, captain, R.N. ; b. 25 April, 1822. A volunteer on the expedition in search of Sir John Franklin . . ... 1849 Published "Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal" 1852 Commanded the "Furious" in the squadron sent to China 1857 Went to China to suppress piracy by engagement with the emperor ; withdrew on the conditions being repudiated Bee. 1863 OsBOENB, Francis, publicist; b. about 1589; published "Advice to a Son," 1656-58; "His- torical Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth and King James," 1658; d 11 Feb. 1650. OsBOENE, Peregrine, duke of Leeds, admiral ; 5. 1659 ; distinguished himself in the battle off La IJogue, 19 May, 1692 ; d. 25 June, 1729. OsBOENE, Rev. Lord Sydney Godolphin, philan- thropist, writer in the " Times," under signa- ture "S.G.O. ;" b. 5 Feb. 1808; visited Ire- land during the famine, 1847 ; published "Gleanings in the West of Ireland," 1850; visited the hospitals at Scutari, and published "Scutari and its Hospitals," 1855. OsBOBNE, Thomas, duke of Leeds, statesman ; b. 1631 ; d. 26 July, 1712. Patronised by the duke of Buckingham ; made lord treasurer, 19 June ; viscount Latimer, Aug. 1673 : earl of Danby . . . .2 June, 1674 Laid Oates's plot before the House of Lords . 1678 Impeached by the commons for treasonable corre- spondence with France .... Dec. 1678 Protected by the king , . . 1679 Acquitted by the lords 1685 Concurred in the invitation to the prince of Orange 1689 Made president of the council and marquess of Caermarthen, April, 1689 ; and duke of Leeds, 4 May, 1694 Impeached for corruption in connection with the East India Company : the enquiry stopped . 1695 Published " Memoirs," relative to the impeach- ment . 1710 Oscae I., king of Sweden; 6. 4 July, 1799; married princess Josephine of Leuchtenberg, 19 June, 1823; succeeded his father, Charles XIV. John (Bemardotte), 8 March, 1 844 ; made alliance with England and France during the Crimean war, 21 Nov. 1855; d. 8 July, 1859- O'Shaughnesst, Sir WiUiam Brooke, Irish physician and engineer ; b, 1809; instrumental in laying down the electric telegraph in India, 1853-56; knighted, 1856. Osiandee, German protestant theologians: Andreas ; 6. 18 Dec. 1498 : present at the meet- ing at Marburg, 1529, and at the diet of Augs- burg 1539 Differed with the Lutherans on the doctrine of justification (his followers termed Osiandrists), about 1548 Published first edition of Copernicus's work, " de Eevolutionibus Orbium Cselestium," 1543: " Harmonia Evangelica," 1544 . d. 17 Oct. 1552 Lucas, son ; h. 16 Dec. 1534 : very controversial; published " Biblia Latina at Pontes Hebraici textus emendata," 1578-80 . d. 17 Sept. 1604 Andreas, son ; b. 26 May, 1562 ; published " Papa non Papa," 161Q . . d 21 April, 1617 OSI 426 OTH JoHANN Adam; b. 3 Dec. 1626; published "Com- mentarius in Fentateuchum," 1676-78; "in Josuem, Judices, Euth ; I. et II. Samuel," 1681-S7 . . . , d. 26 Oct. 1697 Osio, Felice, Italian scholar ; h. 15875 d. 29 July, 1 63 1. OsMAN, see OtJiman. Osmond, Saint, Norman priest ; accoinpanied William I. to England ; made lord chancellor, 1066; bishop of Sahsbury, 1078; compiled a treatise on the divine offices, the subject of Dr Rock's " Church of oiir Fathers," published 1849-54; d. 3 Dec. 1099. OsoRio, Jeronymo, Portuguese bishop and scholar; b. 1506; d. 20 Aug. 1580. OssAT, see D'Ossat. OssoLl, marchesa d', see Fuller. OssoRT, earl of, see Butler. OssuNA, Pedro Tellez y Giron, duque d', Span- ish statesman; h. 8 Jan. 1579; viceroy of Sicily, 1 6 1 1 ; of Naples, 1 6 1 6 ; intrigued to obtain sovereign power, 1 6 1 8 ; recalled, 1 620 ; d. in prison, 25 Sept. 1624. OsTADE, van, Dutch painters : Adriaan ; h. 1610 d. 1685 IsAAK, brother; 6. about 1617 . . d. about 1654 OsTERMANN, Heinrich Johann, count of (called Andrei Ivanovitch), German states- man; h. 1686; d. 25 May, 1747. Entered the service of Peter I. of Kussia, 1704 ; gradually promoted ; made vice-chancellor by Catherine I., 26 Dec. 1725; guardian to Peter II., 1727-30; employed by Anne, whose acces- sion he helped, 1730; condemned to death by Elizabeth; banished .... 27 Jan. 1742 OsTERVALD, Jean Fr^d^ric, Swiss theologian ; h. 25 Nov. 1663; published "Traits des Sources de la Corruption," 1699 ; " Cat^- chisme," 1704 ; "LaSainte Bible, avec les Ar- guments et K^flexions," 1720; d. i4April, 1747. Oswald, Saint, king of Northumberland ; h, 605 ; became a Christian while in exile ; recovered his kingdom, 635 ; defeated Cadwalla, king of Wales ; established Christianity ; de- feated and killed by Penda, king of Mercia, 5 Aug. 642. Oswald, Saint, friend of Dunstan ; made bishop of Worcester, 960 ; archbishop of York, 972 ; d. 29 Feb. 992. Oswald, Erasmus, German theologian and mathematician; h. 1511; d. 1579. Otfried, German monk and scholar; wrote " Liber Evangeliorum," metrical paraphrases of the Gospels, in Prankish dialect, to supersede obscene ballads; d. about 870. Othman (Ibn Affan), third Arabian caliph; &. about 574; succeeded Omar I., 6 Nov. 644; recalled Amrou from Egypt, 644 ; effected the conquest of Cyprus, 648 ; of Persia, 65 1 ; assas- sinated through a forgery of his secretary, Mirwan, 18 June, 655. Othman or Osman I. — III., sultans of the Ottoman Turks : I. the Conqueror ; grandson of Orthogrul, Turko- man of the Sultan of Iconium . b. about 1259 Became commander of the Seljouk Turks , 1280 Gradually acquired all Bithynia d. 1326 II. son of Ahmed 1 6-4 Nov. 1604 Succeeded his uncle, MustaphaT. deposed, 26 Feb. 1618 Projected replacing the Janissaries byapersonal guard ; assassinated by them . . 20 May, 1622 III. son of Mustapha II 6. i6g6 Succeeded his brother, Mahmud I. . 22 Dec. 1754 d. 30 Oct. 1757 Otho, Marcus Salvius, emperor of Pome ; h. 32; dethroned and succeeded the murdered Galba, Jan. ; overcome by ViteUius ; com- mitted suicide, 15 April, 69. Otho, count of Wittelsbach, ancestor of the reigning dynasty of Bavaria ; made duke of Bavaria by the emperor Frederick Barbarossa, after the deposition of Henry the Lion, June, iiSo; d. II July, 1 183. Otho I. — IV. , emperors of Germany : I. the Great &. 22 Nov. 912 Married Eadgath, sister of Athelstan,) king of England 930 Succeeded his father, Henry I., the Fowler, who d. 2 July, 936 Defeated the invasion of Louis IV. of France . 938 Subjugated the Slavonians and Bohemians . 950 Married Adelaide, widow of Lothaire, and sub- dued Italy 951 Ceded Italy to Berenger n. for homage . .952 Expelled the Hungarians from Germany . . 955 Expelled Berenger II. from Italy ; crowned king 961 Crowned emperor of the West at Eome by John XII 2 Feb. 962 Deposed the pope, and nominated Leo VTII. . 963 Besieged and took Home, and punished his enemies severely 964 Devastated the Greek territories in south Italy 969 Made peace with John Zimisces . . . 970 Defeated Harold II., king of Denmark . . 972 d. 7 May, 973 II. the Red, son, 5. 955 ; married Theophania, daughter of the emperor Bomanus II. (who introduced Greek civilisation) .... 972 Succeeded his father .... 7 May, 973 Made war with Denmark; destroyed the Danna- werke on the Eyder 975 Defeated and deposed Henry, duke of Bavaria 975 Invaded Italy, 980 ; visited Borne, and said to have massacred the Koman nobles at a feast (doubted) 981 Instigated by Theophania, invaded the Greek ter- ritories in Italy ; defeated by the Greeks at Basi- entello, and narrowly escaped capture 13 July, 982 d. at Home (poisoned?) 7 Dec. 983 III. son &. 980 Succeeded (his mother, Theophania, regent) 983 His authority in Italy restored . . . 91^0 Crowned king and emperor of the "West . 996 Made his chaplain, Bruno, pope, as Gregory V. 996 "Went to Borne ; beheaded Crescentius, the tur- bulent consul 8 April, 998 Endeavoured to restore the empire of Charle- magne, and imitated the style of the Greek emperors ; much opposed . . . d. Jan. 1002 IV. of Brunswick, the Proud, son of Henry the Lion, duke of Bavaria &- 1175 Elected emperor by the Guelphs ; opposed by Philip of Suahia ; supported by the GhibeUines, 1198 Defeated ; fled to England .... 1206 Partly recognised at the death of Philip, 21 June, 1208 Agreed to cede to the pope the territories of the countess Matilda 1209 Crowned at Kome 1209 Claimed Sicily ; retained some lands from the pope ; excommunicated .... 1210 Conquered Apulia 1211 OTH 427 ous ■War with France ; defeated by Philip Augustus at Bouvines 12 July, 1214 Opposed by Frederick II. ; retired to Brunswick : d. ig May, 1218 Otho, bishop of Freysinger, German chroni- cler ; "wrote " De Gestis Frederici I.," printed, 1515; d. Sept. 1158. Otho, king of Greece, son of Louia I., king of Bavaria; b, I June, 1815; elected long, (under a regency), 7 May, 1832 ; assumed power, I June, 1835 ; accepted a new constitu- tion, March, 1844 ; after an insurrection, quitted Greece, 24 Oct. 1862 ; d. 26 July, 1867. Otter, Johan, Swedish orientalist ; i. 23 Oct. 1 707 ; abjured Lutheranism ; came to France ; sent to the Levant by Maurepas to restore French commerce, 1734-44; published "Voyage en Turquie et en Perse," 1748 ; d. 26 Sept. 1748. Ottlet, William Young, painter and anti- quary; 5. 1771; painted "F^U of Satan," 1823 ; appointed keeper of prints and dra%vings, British Museum, 1S33 ; published "Italian School of Design," 1808-23 ; "Enquiry into the History of Engraving," i8i5; d. 26 May, 1836. Ottmek, Carl Theodor, German architect ; h. 19 June, 1800; designed the ducal palace of Brunswick; d. 22 Aug. 1843. Otto, Ludwig Wilhelm, comte de Mosloy, German diplomatist in the French service ; b. 7 Aug. 1754,; d. 9 Nov. 1817. "Went to America with the French envoy. La Luzerne 1779 Eemained there as charg6-d'affaires, and gained the friendship of Washington 1784, et seq. Keturned to Paris 1792 Sent to London Feb. 1793 Imprisoned in Paris : released . . July, 1794 As envoy in London, signed the preliminaries of the peace of Amiens . . . . i Oct. 1801 Ambassador at Vienna, (negotiated the marriage of Napoleon with Maria Louisa, 1809) . 1809-13 Minister of state . . , . 1813 Commissary at Mentz 1813-14 Minister of foreign affairs . March — June, 1815 Otto, Friedrich Julius, German chemist ; b. 8 Jan. 1809 ; published, in German, " Manual of Chemistry," 1844-46 ; " Manual of the Vinegar Manufacture," 1857 ; " Introduction to the Detection of Poisons," 1857. Ottocab Pkzemiblas I., II., kings of Bo- hemia: I. son of Wladislaua rv. . . !). about 1150 Recognised as king, 1198 . . d. 15 Dec. 1230 II. grandson &. 1230 Acquired Austria and Styria by marriage with Margaret, daughter of the last duke Frederick 1252-53 Succeeded his father, Wenceslaus III. 22 Sept. 1253 Bought Carinthia and other provinces ; declined the imperial crown, 1271 ; and refused to sub- mit to Kodolph of Hapsburg . . . 127s In the ensuing war with Eodolph lost several provinces ; made peace ; invested with Bo- hemia and Moravia ; renounced Austria, Styria, and Carniola . . . .19 Nov. 1277 Eenewed the war : defeated and slain at March- feld 26 Aug. 1278 Otwat, Thomas, dramatist and actor ; i. 1651; published "The Orphan," 1680; " Venice Preserved," 1682 ; d. 14 April, 1685. OuDENAEEDE, Robert van, of Ghent, Flemish painter ; b. 3 Sept. 1663 ; d. 3 June, 1743. OCDIN, French scholars; Antoine ; published "Grammaire FranQoise," 1633 : " Curiosit£s Francoises," 1649 d. 21 Feb. 1653 Casimiu : b. 14 Feb. 1638 ; went to Leyden, and became a Calvinist, 1692 ; published "De Scrip- toribus Ecclesiaa Antiquis," 1722 . . d. Sept. 1717 FaANgois, Latin poet ; t». i Nov. 1673 : published " Somnia," a poem, i6g8 ; "Hymni Novi," 1720 d. 2S April, 1752 OuDiNET, Marc Antoine, French numismatist; 6. 1643 ; d. 12 Jan. 1712. OuDiNOT, dukes of Eeggio : Charles Nicolas, marshal of France, termed " The Bayard of the Army" . . &. 26 April, 1767 Entered the army about 1784 Distinguished himself in the Flemish, German, and Russian wars ... . 1792-1814 Created marshal, 12 July ; duke . . 15 Aug. 1809 Accepted office under Louis XVIII., May, 1814 ; and adhered to hinr . . March — June, 1815 Commanded in the Spanish invasion . 1823 Appointed chancellor of the legion of honour 17 May, 1839 Governor of the "Invalides," 21 Oct. 1842 d. 13 Sept. 3847 Chables Nicolas Victor, son . b. 3 Nov. 1791 First page to Napoleon ; accompanied him in his wars 1808-14 Submitted to Louis XVIII., and remained faithful 1814-15 Resigned his appointments . _ . . Aug. 1830 Employed in the war in Algeria . Oct. 1835, ei seq. Commander-in-chief of the French army April, 1848 — Jan. 1849 Commanded at the siege of Rome April — July, 1849 Published " Prficis de rEsp6dition Francjaise en Italic en 1849 " . . ... 1849 Arrested at the coup-d'6tat, and imprisoned a few days ... . . Dec. 1851 Lived retired . . . d. 7 July, 1863 OuDET, Jean Baptiste, French painter and engraver; b. 17 March, 1 586 ; made inspector of the GobeUns, 1736 ; illustrated La Fon- taine, &c. ; d. 30 April, 1755. Odghtred, William, mathematician; b. 5 March, 1574; pubUshed " Arithmetica " (con- taining his newly invented rule for multiplica- tion), 1631; "Key of Mathematicks," 1647; d. 30 June, 1 660. Ousel, see Oisel. OuSELET, Eev. Sir Frederick Arthur Gore, hart., son of Sir Gore, musical composer; b. 12 Aug. 1825 ; elected professor of music at Oxford, 1855. OuSBLET, Sir Gore, hart., diplomatist; b. 24 June, 1770; created baronet, 3 Oct. 1S08; am- bassador to Persia, 1810 ; d. 18 November, 1844. OusELET, Sir William, orientalist; b. 1771; accompanied his brother to Persia; published "Persian Miscellanies," 1795; "Oriental Col- lections," 1797-99 ; " Travels," 1819 ; d. 1839- OUT 428 OWT Odthiek, Reginald, French astronomer; 6. 1 6 Aug. 1694; designed a remarkable globe, 1726; accompanied Maupertuis to measure a degree of the polar circle, 1736-37 ; published" Journal d'un Voyage au Nord fait en 1736-37," 1744; d. \2 April, 1774. OuTEAM, Sir James, general, termed " the Bayard of India;" h. 29 Jan. 1803; went to India as cadet, 1819; aide-de-camp to lord Keane in Afghanistan, 1838-39 ; commissioner to negotiate with the Ameers of Scinde, 1842; d. II March, 1863. OuTKAM, Eev. William, Hebraist; b. 1625; pubUsbed " De Sacrificiis," 1677 ; d. 1679. OuVAEOFF, see Uvarov. OnvEAKD, Een^, French theologian, poet, musician, &c. ; h. 1624; published "Art de la Science en Nombres," 1677; "Architecture Harmouique, " 1679; d. 19 July, 1694. Odveaed, Gabriel Julien, French financier; h. II Oct. 1770; employed as " munitionnaire general," 1797; imprisoned, 1808-13; supplied provisions to the allies, 1814; reassured public credit in France, 1 81 7; supplied the army in Spain, 1823 ; imprisoned there five years ; pub- lished " M^moires," 1826 ; d. 23 October, 1846. OuwATEE, Albert van, Dutch painter ; h. 1444; d. 1515. OvANDO, Nicolas, Spanish statesman ; 5. about 1460 ; first governor of the West Indies, 1 501 ; malevolent towards Columbus, 1502; perpe- trated many cruelties ; recalled ; d. 1 5 1 8. OvEEALL, John, bishop of Norwich; 6. 1559 ; bishop of Lichfield, 1614; of Norwich, 1618; his " Convocation Book," 1606, published 1690; d. 12 May, 1619. OvEEBECK, Friedrich, German painter, founder of the modern reHgious school ; 6. 3 July, 1 789 ; d. Nov. 1869. OvEEEEEK, Bonaventure van, Dutch painter and antiquary; h, 1660; "Reliquiae Ajitiquse urbia Eomie" (in French), published 1707-9; d. 1706. OvEEBUET, Sir Thomas, poet and philosopher; i. 1581 ; d. by poison, 15 Sept. 1613. Became acquainted with Robert Carr. afterwards earl of Somerset and favourite of king James I. about 1601 By his means knighted 1608 Assisted his intrigue, but opposed his marriage, witli tlie countess of Essex ; and in consequence of their enmity sent to tlie tower, 21 April, 1613 ; there poisoned . . . . d. 15 Sept. 1613 Wrote a poem " The Wife," published . 1614 OvEKSTONE, Samuel-Jones Loyd, lord, banker ; J. 25 Sept. 1796 ; created baron, 5 March, 1850; published " Tracts on Metallic and Paper Cur- rency," 1858. OvEEWEG, Adolph, German traveller ; h. 24 July, 1822 ; accompanied Richardson and Barth in their exploration of Lake Tchad, 1850-51; d. on its banks, 27 Sept. 1852. OviEDO T Vaxdez, Gonzalo Fernandez de, Spanish traveller and historian ; h. 1478 ; ap- pointed inspector of mines in America, 15 13 ; published "Historia de lasIndiasOccidentales," 1535; d. 1557. OviDins Naso, Publius ; h. 20 March, B.o. 43; wrote "Amores;" " Epistolse Heroi- dum;" "Ars Amatoria;" " Remedia Amoris ; " " Metamorphoses ;" " Fasti;" " Tristia;" " Ibis ;" banished by Augustus, a.d. 8 ; d. 18. OviEDO, Andres de, Spanish Jesuit missionary to Abyssinia; d. 1577. Owen Glendoweb, Welsh chieftain ; 5. about 1349 ; joined Mortimer and the Percies against Henry IV. ; defeated at Hately Field, near Shrewsbury, 23 July, 1403 ; joined by a body of French ; repulsed the English, Nov. 1403; ravaged Shropshire; his troops defeated, 1409 ; d. 20 Sept. 141 5. Owen, Rev. Henry, M.D., theologian and mathematician; 5. 1 716; published "Harmo- nica Trigonometria," 1748; "Critica Sacra," 1774-75; d. 14 Oct. 1795. Owen (Audoenus), John, Welsh Latin poet ; h. about 1560; published " Epigrammata," 1606 ; d. 1622. Owen, John, independent theologian ; 5. 1616; vice-chancellor of Oxford University, 1651 ; published " Communion with God," 1656 ; "Power of Indwelling Sin," i668 ; "Exposi- tion of the Epistle to the Hebrews," 1668-84; " Doctrine of the Justification by Faith ex- plained," 1677 ; d. 24 Aug. 16S3. Owen, Rev. John ; 6. 1765 ; a principal founder of the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1S04 ; visited France and Switzerland to promote Bible societies, 1818 ; published its History, 1816-20 ; " Christian Monitor," 1779; d. 26 Sept. 1822. Owen, Robert, philanthropist and socialist ; h, 1771; d. 17 Nov. 1858. Restored his father-in-law, David Dale's, failing cotton factory, at Lanark . . . 1801, et seq. Published " New View of Human Society," 1S12 Went to America : founded New Harmony . 1823 Returned to England and laboured to propagate socialism 1827, et seq. Put)lished " Book of the new Moral World" 18315 Owen, Richard, naturalist, superintendent of the natural history department at the British Museum; b. 1804. Made professor of physiology and anatomy at the College of Surgeons 1833 Published " Description of the Mylodoniobustus, a gigantic Sloth," 1842 ; " Lectures on Compara- tive Anatomy, several editions, 1843-69 : " Odon- tographia," 1845; " Histoiyof BritishFossilMam- mals and Birds," 1846; " History of British Fossil Reptiles," 1849, et seq.; "On Parthenogenesis," 1849 : " Palseontology," i860 Fullerian professor of physiology at the Eoyal Institution . . . . 1858-61 OwENSON, Sydney, see Morgan. OwTEAM, see Oulram. OXB 429 PAC OxBERRT, WiUiam, comedian ; 6. 1 784 ; pub- Kahed "Theatrical Banquet," 1809 ; "History of Pugilism," 1814; d. 9 June, 1824. OXENSTIEKNA, Axel, count, Swedish statesman; J. l6 June, 1583; served Charles IX.; made a guardian of his son Gustavus Adolphus, but procured the immediate recognition of his ma- jority, and made chancellor, 161 1 ; faithfully served him, and after his death (16 Nov. 1632) governed ably for his infant daughter Christina, 1632-44; opposed by intrigues ; his resignation refused, 1644; d. 28 Aug. 1654. OxENFOKD, John, dramatist and critic ; ft. 1812; wrote "My FeUow Clerk;" "Twice Killed," 1835 ; translated " Conversations of Eokermann with Goethe," 1850. Oxford, see Sarley. OxLEE, Eev. John, linguist ; ft. 25 Sept. 1779; knew upwards of 120 languages or dialects ; d. 30 Jan. 1854. OzANAM, Autoine Fr^d^ric, French scholar ; ft. 23 April, 1813; pubhshed "Deux Chan- celiers d'Angleterre, Baron de Verulam, et St. Thomas de Canterbury," 1836; " Dante et la Philosophie Catholique au Troislfeme Sifecle," 1839; d. 8 Sept. 1853. OzANAM, Jacques, French mathematician ; J. 1640; pubhshed " G^ometrie Pratique," 1684 ; " Dictionnaire de Math^matiques," 1693; d. 3 April, 1 71 7. OzANNE, Nicolas Marie, French engraver of naval designs, &c. ; 6. 12 Jan. 1728; d. 3 Jan. 1811. OzELi, John, linguist; translated Rabelais, Don Quixote, Voltaire, &c. ; d. 15 Oct. 1743- OzEEOV, Vladislav, Russian poet and drama- tist; ft. 29 Sept. 1770; published " Fingal," 1805; " Dmitri Donskoi," a Russian epic, 1807; d. 1816. Paas, see Pass. Pao, Louis Michel, comte, Polish general ; J. 1780; served under Napoleon; d. 30 Aug. 1835- Paoaebatj, Pierre, French Jansemst prelate ; 6. 2 Sept. 1716 ; consecrated constitutional bishop of the Gironde, 1791 ; rf. 5 Sept. 1797. Paoatianus, Titus Claudius Marinus, Roman emperor, known only from coins ; fl. about 249. Pacca, Bartolommeo, Roman cardinal and diplomatist; ft. 25 Dec. 1756; sent nuncio to France, 1791 ; created cardinal, 1801 ; pro- secretary of state, 18 June, 1808 ; accompanied Pius VII. to France, July, 1809; imprisoned by Napoleon at Fenestrelle, 1809-13 ; sent nuncio to Vienna, March, 1816; made bishop of Porto and St. Rufina, 1821 ; of Ostia and Velletri, 1830 j wrote "Memorie;" d. 19 April, 1844. Paocaed, Jean Bdme, French novelist ; ft. 6 Oct. 1777; published "Scfenes de la Vie malheureuse," 1835; d. 23 April, 1844. Pacchiaeotto, Jacopo, Sienese painter ; ft. 1474 ; d. after 1 540. Paochibrotti, Gaspare, Italian singer ; ft. 1 744 ; visited London, 1778-85, 1790; d. 28 Oct. 1821. Paoohioni, Antonio, Itahan anatomist ; ft. 13 June, 1665; his "Opera omnia" pubhshed, 1741 ; d. 5 Nov. 1726. Paccioli, Luca, known as "Luca di Borgo," Italian Minorite and mathematician ; pub- hshed " Summa de Arithmetica," the earliest printed work on mathematics, 1474; "Divina Proportione," with plates by Leonardo da Vinci, 1509; d. about 1509. Pace, Richard, dean of St. Paul's and of Exeter, diplomatist; 6. about 1482; made secre- tary of state, 1516; employed by Wolsey to advance his elevation to the papacy, 1522, 1523; failed and committed to the Tower; re- leased and resigned his deaneries, 1525 ; d. 1 532. Pache, Jean Nicolas, French Girondist ; ft. 1746 ; minister of war, 1792-93 ; then joined the Mountain party ; tZ. 18 Nov. 1823. Pacheoo, Francisco, Spanish portrait painter ; ft. 1571 ; executed six pictures of the life of St. Ramon, still at ValladoUd; wrote "Arte de la Piutura," 1649 ; d. 1654. Pacho, Jean Raymond, French traveller ; ft. 3 Jan. 1 794 ; published " Relation d' un voyage dans la Marmarique, la Cyr^naique, et les oasis d'Audjelah et de Maradfeh," 1827-29 ; d. by suicide, 26 Jan. 1829. Pachomius, Saint, Egyptian ascetic, founder of regular monastic communities ; ft. 292 ; ci. 348. Pachymeres, Georgius, Byzantine historian ; ft. about 1242; wrote "Historia Byzantina," printed 1666-69 ; d. soon after 1310. Pacian, Saint, bishop of Barcelona ; conse- crated about 373 ; praised by St. Jerome for prudence and eloquence; his "Opera" printed, 1538; d. 391. Paciaudi, Paolo Maria, Itahan antiquary ; ft. 23 Nov. 1 710; joined the order of Theatines at Venice, 1728; became librarian to the duke of Parma, 1761 ; published " Monumenta Pelopon- nesiaca," 1761; "Memorie de' Gran Maestri del ordine Gerosohmitano," 1780; d, i Feb. 1785. Pacichelli, Giambattista, Italian author ; ft. about 1640; wrote "Regno di Napoli," 1703; d. 1702. Pacificus, Majdmus, Italian Latin poet ; ft. 1400; published " Hecatolegium," 1489; d. about 1500. Pacini, Giovanni, Itahan musical composer ; ft. 1796. Pacio, Giuho, Itahan jurist and philologist ; ft. 9 April, 1550; pubhshed " Isagogica in Corpus juris civilis et decretalis," 1606; 5. 1635. PAC 430 PAI Pack, Richardson, major, poet ; J. about 1680 ; published " Miscellany of Poems," 1718 ; d. Sept. 1728. j?AOTHOD, Michel Marie, comte, French general ; h. 16 Jan. 1764 ; commanded the armies o£ Naples, lUyria, and Italy, 1810-12 ; d. 24 March, 1830. Pacdvius, Marcus, Roman tragic poet ; 5. about B.C. 220; wrote " Dulorestes," adapted from the Iphigenia in Tauris of Euripides," and "Antiopa;" d. about 1 30. Pader, Hilaire, French painter ; h. about 1607; published " Peintiu'e parlante," 1653; d. 19 Aug. 1677. Padilla, Francisco de, Spanish historian ; 5. 1527; published " Historia eolesiastica de EspaSa;" d. 15 May, 1607. Padilla, Lorenzo de, Spanish historiogra- pher ; h. about 1485 ; wrote " Catalogo de los Santos de Espana," printed 1538 ; " Anti- guedades de Espana," l66g; d. about 1540. Padilla, Pedro de, Spanish poet ; wrote "Thesoro de varias poesias," 1575; "Jardin espiritual," 1585 ; d. about 1600. Padovakino, see Varotan. Paelinok, Joseph, Belgian historical painter; h. 20 March, 1781 ; d. 1839. PaISr, Ferdinando, Italian musical composer ; h. I June, 1771 ; director of the Italian opera, Paris, 1812-23, 1826-27; composed "Agnese," 1811 ; "Maltre de Chapelle," 1824; d. 3 May, 1839. Paez, Francisco, Spanish Jesuit missionary; h. 1564; went to G-oa, 15S8; to Abyssinia,' 1603; wrote "Historia de Abyssinia;" d. at Gorgora, 20 May, 1622. Paez, G-aspar, Spanish Jesuit missionaiy ; 6. 1582; sent to Abyssinia, 1628; murdered there, 25 April, 1635. Paez, Jose Antonio, president of the republic of Venezuela ; h. 1 780. Led the revolt against Spain .... 1810-22 Independence of Colombia proclaimed . Dec. 1819 "Venezuela separated from New Grenada Nov. 1829 Elected first president . . 1830-34 Ac:ain elected president . . . 8 Sept. 1861 Eesigned 17 June, 1863 Paoan, Blaise Frangois de, comte, French military engineer ; 6. 3 March, 1604; was mas- ter of Vauban ; published "Trait(3 des Fortifica- tions," 1645 ; d. 18 Nov. 1665. Paganbl, Pierre, French revolutionary politi- cian ; 6. 3 1 July, 1 745 ; elected deputy to the National Convention, Sept. 1792; exiled as a regicide, i8i5; published " Essai histo- rique et critique sur la B involution Frangaise " (seized by the poUce), iSlo; d. 20 November, 1826. Pagani, Gregorio, Florentine painter ; 5. 1558 ; d. 1605. Pagani-Cesa, Giuseppe Urbano, Italian poet ; 5. 25 May, 1757; published " Villegiatura di Clizia," 1802; d. 22 March, 1835. Paganini, Nicoolo, Itahan violinist ; 6. 18 Feb, 1784; first violin at court of Lucca, 1805-13; visited Vienna, 1828; Paris, Brussels, and London, 1831 ; cZ. 27 May, 1840. Paganoooi, Jean, French merchant ; I. 1729; published "Manuel des N%ociants," 1762; d. 1 791. Page, William, D.D., royalist divine ; J. 1590; wrote "The Peace-Maker;" d. 14 Feb. 1663. PagJ:s, Francois Xavier, French novelist and historian ; h. 1 745 ; published " Tableaux his- toriques de la Revolution Frangaise," 1791- 1804 ; d. 21 Dec. 1802. PAGfe, Pierre Marie Franjois, vicomte de, French navigator ; h. 1748 ; sailed to the south pole, 1773; to the north pole, 1776; pub- lished " Voyagesa utour du Monde et vers les deu.x P61es," 1782; d. strangled by negroes in St. Domingo, 1793. Paget, lord Clarence Edward, vice-admiral; 6. 17 June, 181 1 ; secretary of the admiralty, 1859-66 ; K.C.B., 1869. Paget, James, surgeon; 5. 1814; published " Lectures on Surgical Pathology," 1853. Paget, WiUiam Paget, lord, statesman ; h. 1506; secretary of state, 1543-48; created baron, 3 Dec. 1549; lord privy seal, 1556-58; d. 9 June, 1563. Paget, see Anglesey. Paggi, Giovanni Battista, Italian painter ; b. 1554; d. 1627. Pagi, Antoine, French chronologist ; 5. 1624; wrote " Critica historioo-ohronologica in Annales Eoclesiasticos Baronii," 1 689- 1 705 ; d. 5 June, 1699. Paglia, Antonio della, (Aonius Palearius), Italian Latin poet and theologian ; wrote " Actio in Pontifices Romanes et eorum Asse- clas," in defence of protestantism, printed 1606 ; hung at Rome for heresy, 3 July, 1570* Pagnest, Amable Louis Claude, French por- trait painter ; 6. 9 June, 1790; d. 25 May, 1819. Pagnino, Sante, Italian Dominican and He- braist ; 6. about 1470; published translation of the Bible, 1528 ; "Thesaurus Linguae Sanctae," 1529 ; d. II Aug. 1536. Paillot de Montabekt, Jean Nicolas, French painter and archseologist ; h. 6 Dec. I77I i wrote " Traits complet de la Peinture," 1829 ; d. 6 May, 1849. Paine, Thomas, deist ; I. 29 Jan. 1737 ; emigrated to America, 1774; went to France, 1 781 ; visited England, 1 791 ; returned to France, 1792 ; imprisoned, 1793-94 ; went back to America, 1802; published "Rights of Man," 1791-92; "Age of Reason," 1792-95; d. at New York, 9 June, 1809. Paisiello, Giovanni, Italian musical com- poser; 6. 9 May, 1741 ; wrote "II Marchese di Tulipano ; " "L' Idolo Cinese ; " d. 5 June, 1816. PAI 431 PAL Paixhans, Henri Joseph, Frenoli general ; b. 22 Jan. 1783; made great improvementa' in artillery ; d. 19 Aug. 1854. Pajol, Claude Pierre, comte, Prencli general ; 6.3 Feb. 1772; served under Napoleon at Auster- Ktz, Wagram, and in the Russian campaign ; d. 19 March, 1844. Pajon, Claude, French Calvinistic theologian; T). 1626 ; d. 27 Sept. 1685. Pajou, Auguatin, French sculptor ; h. 19 Sept. 1 730 ; executed statues of Bossuet and Psyche, in the Louvre ; d. 8 May, 1809. Pakenham, Charles Reginald, known as Father Paul Mary, Passionist ; 6. 21 Sept. 1821 ; d. I March, 1857. Pakenham, Sir Richard, diplomatist ; 6. 1797; envoy to the United States, 1843-47 ; to Lis- bon, 1851-55. Pakinqton, Dorothy, lady ; supposed by Dr Hickes to have been the authoress of the "Whole Duty of Man ;" d. 1679. Pakington, Sir John Somerset, hart., states- man ; 6. 20 Feb. 1799 ; created, July, 1846 ; colonial secretary, Feb. — Dec. 1852; first lord of the admiralty, Feb. 1858— -June, 1S59; again, 1S66-67 ; secretary for war, 1867-68. Palackt, Ferencz, Bohemian historian ; b. 14 June, 1798; pubHshed '* Geschichte von Boh- men," 1836-60; "with Schafarik, "Die altesten Denkmaler der Bohmischen Sprache," 1840. Paladini, Archangela, Florentine portrait painter, poetess, and musician ; b. 1599 ; d. 1622. PALiEiiON, Quintus Remmius, Roman gram- marian, master of Quintilian ; Jl. 48. Palafox t Melzi, Jos^, duque de Saragossa, Spanish general; b. 1 780; defended Saragossa against the French, 27 July, 1808 — 21 Feb. 1809; sent prisoner to France; released, II Dec. 1813; d. 16 Feb. 1847. Palafox t Mendoza, Juan de, bishop of Osma ; b. 1600; made bishop of AngelopoUs in Mexico ; returned to Spain ; became bishop of Osma, 1655 ; his works published, 1762; d. 13 Sept. 1659. Palaprat, Jean, French dramatist; b. 1650; d. 14 Oct. 1721. Paleaeids, Aonius, see Paglia. Paleotti, GabrieUe, ItaUan cardinal ; b. 4 Oct. 1524 ; created cardinal, 1565 ; bishop of Bologna, 1566 ; of Sabina, 1591 ; pub- lished " Archiepiscopale Bononiense," 1594 ; " De Bono Senectutis," 1598; d. 23 July, 1597-' Palesteina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, Italian musical composer; b. 1524; wrote upwards of eighty masses ; d. 2 Feb. 1594. Paley, Frederick Apthorp, classical editor and Brchasologist ; b. 1816; edited iEschylus, Euri- pides, Hesiod, &c. ; published ' ' Manual of Gothic Architecture, " 1846. Palet, WiUiam, D.D., philosopher; b. 1743; archdeacon of Carlisle, 1782; published " Prin- ciples of Moral and Political Philosophy," 1785; "View of the Evidences of Christian- ity," 1794; "Natural Theology," 1802; d. 25 May, 1805. Palfyn, Jean, Belgian anatomist ; b. 28 Nov. 1650; published "Nieuwe Osteologie," 1701 ; d. 21 April, 1730. IpALGBAVE, Sir Francis, historian ; b. (Cohen), 1788 ; made deputy-keeper of the records, 1836; published ' ' History of Normandy and of England," 1851-64 ; d. 6 July, 1861. Palgkave, Francis Turner, son, art critic ; b. 28 Sept. 1824; published "Idylls and Songs," 1854 ; "Essays on Art," 1866,. Palisot de Beauvois, Ambroise Marie Fran- 5ois Joseph, baron de, French traveller and botanist; b. 27 July, 1752; puhUshed "Flore d'Oware et de Benin," 1804-21 ; d. 21 June, 1820. Palissot de MoNTENorE, Charles, French dramatic poet ; b. 3 Jan. 1 730 ; produced his comedy "Le Cercle," ridiculing Rousseau, 1755 ; published " Voltaire appr^ci^ dans tous ses ouvrages," 1806 ; d. 15 June, 1814. Palisst, Bernard, French potter and ena- meUer ; b. about 1 5 10; pubHshed "Discours admirables de la nature des Eaux et Fon- taines," 1580; his " CEuvres " printed, 1777; d. 1590. Palladio, Andrea, ItaUan architect ; b. 15 18; his masterpiece is the church of the Redeemer at Venice ; pubUshed " I quattro libri deU' Architettura," 1570; d. 19 Aug. 1580. Palladius, bishop of Helenopolis ; b. about 367 ; wrote the Lausiac History, about 420 ; d. about 430. Palladius, Saint, apostle of the Scots ; con- secrated bishop, 431 ; d. 6 July, about 450. Pallas, Roman freedman, favourite of the emperor Claudius ; with Agrippina poisoned Claudius, 54 ; himself poisoned by Nero, 63- Pallas, Peter Simon, German traveller and naturahst ; b. 22 Sept. 1741 ; explored Siberia and Caucasus, 1 76S-74 ; published " Voyages h, travers plusieurs provinces de I'Empire Russe," 1771-76; "Flora Rossica," 1784-85; d. 8 Sept. 181 1. Pallavioino, Ferrante, Italian satirist ; 5. about 1618 ; pubUshed " La Baccinata, overo Battarella per le Api Barberine," 1642 ; " II Corriere svilUgiato," 1644 ; d. beheaded, 5 March, 1644. Pallavioino, Pietro Sforza, ItaUan cardinal and historian ; b. 20 Nov. 1607 ; created car- dinal, 1657 ; published " Istoria del ConcUio di Trento," 1656-57 ; d. 5 June, 1667. PalliJ;ee, Vincent L^on, French historical painter ; 6. ig July, 1787 ; d. 29 Dec. 1820. PAL 432 PAO Palliot, Pierre, French genealogist ; 5. 19 March, 1608; published "Le Parlemeut de Bourgogne," 1649 ; " Science des Anuoiriea de Louvan Geliot," 1660 ; d. 5 April, 1698. Pallisek, Sir Hugh, bart., admiral ; 6. 1721 ; tried for misconduct whilst third in command of the great fleet, 1778, but acquitted; d. 1796. Pallisek, John, traveller; b. 1817; sent to determine the boundary line between British North America and the United States, 1857-60; published " The Solitary Hunter," 1853. Pallot, Pierre Franjois, French architect ; i. 1754; d. 19 Jan. 1835. Palma, GioTanni Battista, secretary for Latin letters to pope Pius IX. ; 6. 1 793 ; d. assassin- ated at Rome, 16 Nov. 1848. Palma, Jacopo, Italian painters ; II Vecchio ; h. about 1480 . . d. about 1548 II Giovine, great-nephew ; &. 1544 . . d. 1628 Palma, Silvester di, NeapoUtan dramatic composer; 6. 1762; d. 8 Aug. 1834. Palmblad, Vilhehn Fredrik, Swedish author ; h. 16 Dec. 1788; edited "Svensk Litteratur Tidning," 1813-24 ; "Biographical Dictionary of Swedes," 1835-57; d. 2 Sept. 1852. Palmella Sodza, duque de, Portuguese states- man; h. 1781 ; d. 12 Oct. 1850. Palmer, Sir Geoffrey, bart., lawyer ; attorney- general, 1660-70; his "Eeports" published, 1678; d. 1670. Palmeh, John, actor ; h. 1741 ; d. 2 Aug. 1798. Palmer, John, postal reformer; h. 1742 ; first projector of mail coaches; d, 17 Aug. i8i8. Palmer, Sir Roundell, lawyer; 6. 181 2; solici- tor-general, June, 1861 — Oct. 1863; attorney- general, Oct. 1863 — July, 1866; ecdted "Book of Praise," 1862. Palmer, Samuel, printer ; published " History of Printing," 1732; d. 9 May, 1732. Palmer, see Castlemaine. Palmeeston, Henry John Temple, viscount, statesman; b. 20 Oct. 1784 ; d. 18 Oct. 1865. Succeeded his father in Irish peerage 17 April, 1802 Entered parliament as tory M.P. for Newport, Isle of Wight 1807 Became a lord of theadmiralty, April, 1807 — Nov. 1809 Secretary-at-war . . . Oct. 1809— May, 1828 Foreign secretary in earl Grey's ministry, Nov. 1830 — Nov. 1834 Again foreign secretary, in lord Melbourne's cabinet April, 1835— Sept. 1841 Again in lord John Russell's . . July, 1846 — 1851 Home secretary in lord Aberdeen's coalition ministry .... Dec. 1852— Feb. 185s Became first lord of the treasury . . 8 Feb. 185s Defeated on vote of censure respecting conduct of Chinese war : dissolved parliament 21 March, 1857 Resigned after defeat on the foreign conspiracy bill 26 Feb. 1858 Eeappointed first lord of the treasury . 24 June, 1859 Made lord warden of the Cinque Ports . .1861 Buried in Westminster Abbey . . 7 Oct. 1S65 Emily Mart, viscountess PAiMEESioif, daughter of Peniston, viscount Melbourne ; b. 21 April, 1787 ; m. i. Peter Leopold, earl Cowper, 20 July, 180S ; widow, 21 June, 1837; m. 2. Henry John, viscount Palmerston, j6 Dec. 1839; d. II Sept. 1009 Palmbzzaho, Marco, Italian painter ; i. about 1456 ; d. after 1537. Palmibei, Matteo, Florentine historian ; i. 1405; wrote "Vita civile," printed 1529; a chronicle; and " Cittk divina," a poem; d. Palomino de Castro v Velasoo, Aciscle Antonio, Spanish historical painter; b. 1653; published " Museo pictorico y Escala optica," 1715-24; d. II April, 1726. Palsskave, John, grammarian ; 6. about 1480; published " Lesclarcissement de la langue fran5oyse," 1530 ; d. 15 54* Paludanus, or Ten Beoeke, Bernard, Dutch traveller and physician ; 6. 28 Oct. 1 550 ; pub- lished " Histoire de la Navigation de J. H. Linsohot aux Indes Oiientales," 1610; d. 3 April, 1633. Pamaed, Pierre Fran9ois Benezet, French oculist; b. 7 April, 1728; d. 2 Jan. 1793. Pamphilds, Greek painter; /. 4th century, B.C. Pan^snus, Athenian painter ; Jl. 5th century, B.o. ; executed a series of paintings of the battle of Marathon. Pan^tids, Athenian philosopher ; /. 2d cen- tury, B.C. Panaed, Charles Frangois, French dramatist and song- writer ; b. about 1694 ; pubhshed "Les Acteursd(5plac(&," 1737; " Logogriphes," 1742-44 ; d. 13 June, 1765. Panckouoke, Charles Louis Fleury, French printer and publisher ; i. 26 Dec. 1780 ; pub- hshed " Tacitus," 1826 ; " Bibhothfeque Latine- Franjaise," 212 vols, 1828-49; d. 11 July, 1844. Panel, Alexandre Xavier, French Jesuit and numismatist ; b. lo Sept. 1699 ; d. 1777. Panicale, MasoUno da, Florentiae painter ; 6. 1378; d. 1415. _ Panisaeola, Francesco, bishop of Asti ; Italian preacher ; b. 6 Jan. 1548 ; consecrated, 1587 ; pubhshed " Prediche spezzate, " 1591 ; " II Predicatore," 1609 ; rf. 31 May, 1594. Panini, Giovanni Paolo, ItaMan architectural painter; b. 1695 ; d. 21 Oct. 1768. Panizzi, Sir Antonio, Itahan bibliographer ; b. 16 Sept. 1797; keeper of printed books, British Museum, 1837-56 ; principal hbrarian, 1856-66; K.C.B., 1869; edited Bojardo's "Orlando Innamorato," and Ariosto's "Or- lando Furioso," 1830-34 ; Dante's " Divina Commedia," 1858. Panormpta, see BeccadeUi. Panzer, Georg Wolfgang, German bibliograr pher; b. 16 March, 1729; published "An- nales Typographici," 1 793-1 803 ; d. 9 July, 1804. Paoli, Pasquale de', Corsican general and patriot ; b. 1 726 ; made captain-general, and waged war with Genoa, 1755-68 ; retired to England, 1795; d. in London, 5 Feb. 1807. PAO 433 PAR Paolo Vekonesb, (Paolo Caliari), Venetian painter ; b. 1528 ; hia chefs-d'ceumes are the " Marriage at Cana," in the Louvre, and "Adoration of the Magi," now in the National Gallery ; d. 20 April, 1 588. Papias, Lombard grammarian ; jl. nth century ; wrote " Vocabularium," printed 1476. Papillon, Ealph, abbot of Westminster ; d. 1223. Papin, Denis, French physicist ; 5. 22 Aug. 1647 ; invented his digester, 1681 ; d. about 1714. Pappus, Alexandrian geometrician ; fl. 4th centiuy ; wrote " CoUectiones Mathematicas," iirst printed in Greek, 1824. Paiiacelsus, or Bombast de Hohbnheim, Philipp Am^eolus Theophrastus, S\viss phy- sician and chemist ; b. 1493; d. 24 Sept. 1541. Paradisi, Agostino, conte, Italian poet ; b. 26 April, 1736; his "Poesie e Prose scelte" published, 1827 ; d. 19 Feb. 1783. Pakcelles, Jan, Dutch marine painter ; b. 1597 ; d. 1641. Paedoe, Julia S. H., novelist and historical writer; b. 1S06 ; published "City of the Sultan," 1837 ; " Romance of the Harem," 1839; d. 26 Nov. 1862. PAKi;, Ambroise, French surgeon; b. 1517 J restorer of surgery in France ; d. 22 Dec. 1590. Pabeja, Juan de, Spanish painter ; b. 1606 ; d. 1670. Parent, Autoiue, French mathematician ; I. 1666 ; d. 26 Sept. 1 716. Pabent-Duchatelet, Alexandre Jean Eap- tiste, French physician ; b. 29 Sept. 1 790 ; published "Hygiene pubUque," and " De la Prostitution dans la ville de Paris," 1836; d. 7 March, 1836. Pare AIT, Fran9ois, French dramatic historian; b. 10 May, 1698 ; published " Histoire gini- rale du Theatre Frangais," 1734-49 ; "Diction- naire des Th^^tres de Paris," 1756-67 ; d. 25 Oct. 1753. Paeini, Giuseppe, Milanese poet ; b. 22 May, 1729 ; pubUshed " II Giomo," 1763 ; edited " Gazzetta di Milano ; " d. 15 Aug. 1799. Pakis, Alexis Paulin, French literary anti- quary ; b. 25 March, 1800 ; published romance of "Garin le Loherain," 1833-35; " Manu- scrits Frangais de la Bibliothfeque du Roi," 1836-48 ; "Romans de la Table Ronde," 1868- 69. Paeis, Frangois, French ascetic; published "Les Psaumes en forme de Priferes, " 1690; "Martyrologe," 1694; d. 17 Oct. 1718. Paeis, John Ayrton, M.D. ; b. 1 785 ; pub- lished "Philosophy in sport made Science in earnest;" d. 24 Dec. 1856. Paeis, Louis Philippe Albert d'Orleans, comte de, son of the duo d'Orldans, and grand- son of Louis Philippe, king of the French, heir of the Orleans dynasty to the throne of France; b. 24 Aug. 1838; served on general M'CleUan's staff in the Federal army of the United States, 1861-62; married his cousin, Marie Isabelle, daughter of the due de Montpensier, 30 May, 1 864. Paeis, Matthew, see Matthew. Paris, Pierre Adrien, French architect ; b. 1747; designed portal of Orleans cathedral; d. I Aug. 1819. Pakisis, Pierre Louis, bishop of Arras; 6. 12 Aug. 1795 ; bishop of Langres, 1 835 ; of Arras, 1 851; published "Les Impos,sibilit^s, on les Libres Penseurs d&avoufe par le simple bon sens," 1857 ; d. 1866. Paeisot, Pierre, (Pfere Norbert), French Fran- ciscan missionary ; b. 1697; published his scan- dalous ' ' MiJmoires historiques sur les Missions des Indes Orientales," 1744; d. 7 July, 1769. Parisot, Valentin, French orientalist; &. 16 Aug. 1800; published " Dictionnaire mytholo- gique," 1832-33; first French translation of "Ramayana" of Valmiki, 1853. Park, Sir James Alan, judge; b. 6 April, 1763; made a justice of the common pleas, 1 816; published "System of the Law of Marine Insurances," 1787; d. 8 Dec. 1838. Paek, Mungo, Scotch surgeon and African traveller; b. 10 Sept. 1771 ; explored the Gambia and Niger, 1795-97; published " Tra- vels in the Interior Districts of Africa," 1799'! returned to the Niger, March, 1 805 ; murdered there, Nov. 1805. Park, Patrick, Scottish sculptor; 5. 1809; d. i8 Aug. 1855. Park, Thomas, poet; b. about 1759! Pi^^i- lished "Sonnets," 1797; "Nugs Modemae," 181 8; edited Sharpe's British Poets, 1S05; d. 26 Nov. 1834. Parke, John, musician; b. 1745 J ^' 1S29. Paeke, see Wenslei/dale. Parker, Henry, lord Morley, poet ; b. about 1476; created baron, 15 April, 1523; trans- lated Petrarch's "Tryumphes;" d. Nov. 1556. Paeker, John Henry, publisher and archieolo- gist; b. 1 806; published "Glossary of Archi- tecture," 1836; "Domestic Architecture of the Middle Ages,'' 1849-59. Parker, Matthew, archbishop of Canterbury ; b. 6 Aug. 1 504 ; dean of Lincoln ; consecrated, 1559; pubUshed "De Antiqvitate Britannicfe Ecclesiaj," 1572; d. 17 May, 1575. Paeker, Richard, sailor; made admiral by the mutineers at the Nore, May, 1797 ; hanged at Sheerness, 30 June, 1797. Parker, Samuel, bishop of Oxford ; b. Sept. 1640; consecrated, 1686 ; published "Reasons for abrogating the Test," 1688; wrote "De Rebus sui temporis" (l66o-8o), printed 1726; d. 20 March, 1 688. 2 E PAR 434 PAS Pakkek, Theodore, American Unitarian min- ister; 6. 1810; published " Critical and Miscel- laneous Writings," 1843; d. 10 May, i860. Paekes, Joseph, lawyer and politician; h. 1 796; ■wrote " History of the court of Chancery," 1828 ; " Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis," 1867 ; d. II Aug. 1865. Pakkes, Samuel, chemist; h. 1759; published " Chemical Catechism," 1806 ; " Chemical Essays," 1815 ; d. 23 Dee. 1825. Parkhubst, John, bishop of Norwich, reformer ; 5. 151 1; consecrated, 1560; published " Epi- grammata seria," 1560; " Ludiera sou Epi- grammata juvenilia," 1763; d. 2 Feb. 1574. Pabkhukst, John, Hebraist and Hellenist ; 5. June, 1728; published " Hebrew and English Lexicon," 1 762 ; " Greek and En^disb Lexicon to the New Testament," 1769 ; d. 21 March, 1797. Parkinson, John, herbalist ; 6. 1567 ; published "Paradisi in Sole Paradisus terrestris," 1629; " Theatrum botanicum," 1640; d. soon after. Parkinson, Rev. Thomas, mathematician ; I. 1745 ; d. 1830. Paemenides, Greek philosopher ; /. 5th cen- tury B.C. Paemenion, Macedonian general; J. about B.C. 400; assassinated by order of Alexander the Great, 330. Pakmbntieb, Antoine Augustin, French agri- culturist; b. 17 Aug. 1737; d. 13 Deo. 1813. Parmentier, Jacques, French painter ; &. 1658; came to England, 1676; decorated Montagu House, afterwards the British Museum ; d. 2 Dec. 1730. Parmentier, Jehan, French maritime dis- coverer ; b. 1494; d. in Sumatra, 1530. Parmigianino, (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mnzzola), Lombard painter ; 6. 11 Jan. 1503 ; d. 24 Aug. 1540. Paenell, Henry Brooke, lord Congleton, politician; 6. 1776; created baron, 20 Aug. 1 841 ; d. 8 June, 1842. Parnell, Rev. Thomas, poet ; 6. 1679 ; made archdeacon of Clogher; his "Poems " published by Pope, 1722; d. July, 17 17. Paeny, Evariste D&ir^ de Forges, vicomte de, French poet; b. 6 Feb. 1753; published "La Guerre des Dieux," 1799; the same con- demned, 27 June, 1827 ; d. 5 Dec. 1814. Parr, Catharine, sixth queen of Henry VIII. of England, daughter of Sir Thomas Parr, bart. ; b. 1509 ; widow of Edward Borough, and of lord Latimer ; married, 1 2 July, 1 543 ; widow, 28 Jan. 1547; afterwards mamed Sir Thomas Seymour ; published " Prayers or Meditacions," 1545 ; " Lamentation of a Sinner," 1548 ; d. 5 Sept. 1548. Parr, Rev. Samuel, LL.D., theologian and critic; 6. 15 Jan. 1747; published "Letter from Irenopolis to the Inhabitants of Eleu- theropolis " (upon the Priestley controversy), 1792; d. 6 March, 1825. Pare, Thomas, centenarian; b. 1483; '^- 1635. Paeehasius, Greek painter; /. about B.C. 450-400. Paebocbi., French historical painters : Joseph : 6. 1648 ; painted battle-pieces ; d. i March, 1704 Chablis, BOn; b. 1688; painted battle-pieces; d. 24 May, 1752 Pierre, nephew of Joseph ; 6. 1664 . . d. 1739 Joseph Ignace Francois, son of Pierre ; 6. 1705 ; d. 15 Dec. 1781 Ignace, brother of Pierre ; b. 1668 ; painted battle scenes '^- 1721 Pabet, Caleb Hillier, physician of Bath; b. 1756; published " Treatise on Wool," 1800; d. 9 March, 1822. Paeet, John, the blind harper, Welsh musi- cian ; d. 1782. Parry, John, Welsh musical composer; b. 18 Feb. 1776; d. 8 April, 1851. Parry, John, son, comic vocalist and pianist ; b. 1810; first appeared about 1833; retired, 1853 ; reappeared, l85o; finally retired, 1869. Parry, Richard, D.D., theologian; b. 1722; d. 9 April, 1780. Parry, William, painter, son of the blind harper; b. 1742; elected A.R.A., 1776; d. 13 Feb. 1791. Parry, Sir William Edward, rear-admiral, arctic explorer; 6. 19 Dec. 1 790; made four voyages to the arctic regions, 1818-27; pub- lished his "Journal" of each expedition; d. 7 July, 1855. Paeseval-DeschI;nes, Alexandre Ferdinand, French admiral ; 6.27 Nov. 1 790 ; commanded j French fleet in the Baltic, 1854; d. 10 June, i860. Parsons, James, M.D., antiquary; b. March, j 1705; published "Remains of Japhet," 1767; I d. 4 April, 1770. Paesons, or Peesons, Robert, Jesuit; b. 1546; published "A Christian Directorie, guiding Men to Eternal Salvation," 1583; "fieatise of the Three Conversions of England from Paganisme to Christian Religion," 1603-4; d. 18 April, 1610. Parsons, see Hosse. Pabtibcs, Jacobus de, see Despars. Paeton, Mrs Sarah, Ajuerican novelist, known as "Fanny Fern;" b. (WiUis) about 1810; pub- lished "Fern Leaves." Partridge, Richard, surgeon ; b. about 1805 ; professor of anatomy at King's coUege, Lon- don, and at Royal Academy of Arts. Pabuta, Filippo, Sicilian antiquary ; published "La Sicilia descritta con Medaglie," 1612; " Canzoni Siciliane," 1645 ; d. 15 Oct. 1629. Paeuta, Paolo, Venetian historian ; b. 14 May, 1 540 ; published " Discorsi PoUtici," 1599; "Storia Veneziana," 1605; d. 6 Dec. 1598. Pas, Antoine de, marquis de Feuquifere, French general; b. 16 April, 1648; pubUshed "M^moires sur la Guerre," 1731; d. 27 Jan. 1711. PAS 435 PAT Pascal, Blaise, French pMlosopher and mathe- matician ; 6. 19 June, 1623 ; published " Lettres escritea k un Provincial par un de ses amis," 1656-57; "Pens&a," 1670; d. 19 Aug. 1662. Paschal I. — III., popes. I. elected 817 . . . . d. to Feb. 824 II. Ranieri, elected, 13 Ana:. 1099 ; obtained from kings of England and France abolition of the ceremony of lay investiture for ecclesias- tical dignities . . . . d 21 Jan. 1118 III. Guido di Cxema, anti-pope : elected in op- position to Alexander III., 22 April, 1164 d. 20 Sept. 1168 Pasinelli, Lorenzo, Bolognese painter ; h. about 1629 ; d. 1700. Paskievitch, Ivan Feodorovitch, prince of Warsaw, Pussian field-marshal ; h. 12 May, 1782; governor of Poland, 1831-56; d. 29 Jan. 1856. Paslet, Sir Charles William, general, royal engineers ; h. 1781 ; d. 19 April, 1861. Pasok, G-eorg, German philologist ; h. i Aug. 1570 ; published " Lexicon Graeco-Latinum in Novum Testamentum," 1622 ; d. 10 Dec. 1637. Pasquali, Niccolo, Italian violinist ; settled in England, 1743 ; d. it, Oct. 1757. Pasqclek, Etienne Denis, duo, French states- man ; b. 22 April, 1767; prefect of police, 1810-14 ; foreign minister, Nov, 1819 — Dec. 1821 ; president of chamber of peers, Aug. 1830 — Feb. 1848; created duke, 1844; wrote " M^moires " (unpublished) ; d. 5 July, 1 862. Pass, or Paas, Dutch engravers : Crispin, the elder; published "BeUa Luce del dipingere e disegnare," 1624 ; *' Effigies Eegum ac Principum "... d. about 1644 His sons, CuiSPlN, the younger . 6. about 1570 "WiLLEM b. about 1572 Simon; b. abouti574; resided in England about 1613-23 His daughter, Madeleine . . b. about 1576 Passavant, Johann David, German painter and writer on art ; h. 1787 ; published " Ra- fael von Urbino," 1839; "Le Peintre-Gra- Teur," i860; d. Aug. 1861. Passemant, Claude Simeon, French astrono- mical mechanician ; h. 1702 ; d, 6 Nov. 1769. Passeri, Giovanni Battista, Italian antiquary ; &. 10 Nov. 1694 ; published " Lucemae fictiles,'' 1739-51 ; "Picturae Etruscorum in vascuhs," 1767-75 ; d. 4 Feb. 1780. Passeeoni, Gian Carlo, Italian poet ; h. 8 March, 1713; published " II Cicerone," 1755; "Eime," 1775; " Favole Esopiane," 1780 ; d. ,26 Dec. 1803. Passignano, (Domenico Cresti), Florentine painter ; h. about 1558 ; d. 17 May, 1638. Passionei, Domenico, Italian cardinal ; 6. 2 Dec. 1682; created, 1738; made librarian of the Vatican, 1755; published " Acta Apostolicas Legationis Helveticse," 1729; d. 5 July, 1761. PASsr, Hippolyte Philibert, French states- man; 5. 16 Oct. 1793 ; minister of finance, 11- 14 Nov. 1834; of commerce, 1836; of finance, 1839-40 ; again, Dec. 1848 — Oct. 1849. Pasta, Giuditta, Italian operatic singer ; h. of Jewish parents, 1798; made her dihut, 1815 ; retired, 1S40 ; d. I April, 1865. Pasteur, Louis, French chemist ; 5. 27 Deo. 1822 ; awarded Pumford medal for researches in polarization of Hght, 1856. Patel, Pierre, French landscape painter ; 5. about 1620 ; d. about 1676. Patee, Jean Baptiste Joseph, French painter ; h. 1696 ; studied under Watteau ; d. 25 July, 1736- Patbeoulus, Caiua Velleius, Koman historian; b. about B.C. 19; wrote "Historia Eomana," first printed, 1520; d. about a.d. 31. Patin, Gui, French physician ; 6.31 Aug. 1602; his " Lettres choisies," published 1692; " Nouveau Pecueil de Lettres choisies," 1695; " Nouvelles Lettres," 1718; d. 30 Aug. 1672. Patinir, Joachim de, Flemish painter ; b. about 1490; d. about 1548. Patmoee, Coventry, poet; i. 2 July, 1823; published "Poems," 1844; "Angel in the House," 1854-62. PATOtf, Sir Joseph Noel, Scottish painter; b. 1823; painted "Quarrel of Oberon and Titania," 1849; "Dawn: Luther at Erfurt," 1861. Patrick, Saint, apostle of Ireland; b. 372; (Z. 1 7 March, about 466. Patrick, Samuel, classical critic ; edited Plautus, 1724; published " Clavis Homerica," 1727; d. 1748. JpATRICK, Simon, bishop of Ely, biblical com- mentator; b. 8 Sept. 1626; made dean of Peterborough, 1678; bishop of Chichester, 1689; of Ely, 1691 ; d 31 May, 1707. Patrin", Eugfene Louis Melchior, French mineralogist ; h. 3 April, 1 742 ; published "Histoire naturelle des INIindraux," i8or ; d. 15 Aug. 1815. Patrix, Pierre, French poet; h. 1583; d. 6 Oct. 1671. Patrizi, Costantino, Italian cardinal ; b. 4 Sept. 1798; created, 1834; bishop of Albano, 1849; of Porto and St. Eufina, i860; vicar- general of Rome. Patbtj, Olivier, French advocate; &. 1604; his "Plaidoyers" pubUshed, 1681; d. 16 Jan. 1681. Patteson, Sir John, judge ; &. ii Feb. 1 790 ; a justice of the queen's bench, 1830-52; d. 28 June, 1 86 1. Patteson, John Coleridge, son, missionary bishop of Melanesia; h. 1827; consecrated, l86i. Patti, Adelina Maria Clorinda, Italian soprano singer ; b. 9 April, 1843 ; made her d^but at New York, 24 Nov. 1859 ; first appeared in London at Covent Garden in " Somnambula, " 14 May, 1861 ; married marquis de Caux, 29 July, 1868, Pattison, Granville Sharpe, M.D., anatomist; 6. 1792; d. 12 Nov, 1851, PAT 436 PEA Pattison, William, poet; 5. 1706; his "Poetical Works" published, 1728; d. 1727. Patton, George, lord Glenalmond, Scottish judge; h. 1803; sohcitor-general for Scotland, Feb. 1858— June, 1859; lord advocate, Jiily, 1866; lord justice clerk, 1867; d. by suicide, 20 Sept. 1869. Patu, Claude Pierre, French dramatic poet ; h. Oct. 1729; published " Choix de Pifeces traduites de 1' Anglais," 1756; d. 20 Aug. 1757. Paul, Saint and apostle ; h. at Tarsus in Cilicia; miraculously converted to Christianity, and his name Saul changed to Paul, 36; be- headed at Rome, 29 June, about 64, Paul of Samosata, bishop of Antioch, here- siarch ; fl. 3rd century. Paul of the Cross, Saint, (Paolo Francesco Danei); h. 3 Jan. 1694; founded the order of Passionists, 1741 ; d. 18 Oct. 1775. Paul, emperor of Russia; h. i Oct. 1754; son of Peter III. and Catharine II. ; succeeded his mother, 1 7 Nov. 1 796 ; became deranged ; mur- dered, 24 March, 180 1. Paul I. — V., popes. I. elected, 757 ; moderate and pious d. 29 June, 767 II. Pietro Barbo ; h. 26 Feb. 1418 ; elected, 31 Aug. 1464 : preached a crusade ; printing introduced into Rome d. z8 July, 1471 III. Alessandro Farnese ; h. 29 Feb. 1468 ; elected, 13 Oct. 1534 : favoured the Jesuits d. 10 Nov. 1549 IV. Giovanni Pietro Caraffa ; h. 28 June, 1476 ; elected, 23 May, 1555 . . d, 18 Aug. 1559 V. Camillo Borghese ; b. 17 Sept. 1552 ; elected, 16 May, 1605 ; quarrelled with the republic of Venice . . . ti. 28 Jan. 1621 Paul, Sir John Dean, bart., banker; 5. 27 Oct. 1802 ; d. 7 Sept. 1868. Paul, Vincent de. Saint, see Vincent. Paul Veronese, see Paolo. Paulding, James Kirke, American novelist and poet ; i. 22 Aug. 1779; secretary of the navy, 1837-41; published "The Backwoods- man," poem, 1818; "The Dutchman's Fire- side," 1831 ; d. 4 April, 1S60. Paulett, lord William, politician ; b. 1666 ; M. P. for Winchester, 1689-1710, 1715-29 ; d. 25 Sept. 1729. Paulinus, Saint, "apostle of Yorkshire;" 5. about 597 ; consecrated archbishop of York, 622 ; also bishop of Rochester, 634 ; d. 10 Oct. 644. Paulli, Simon, German physician and botanist; h. 6 April, 1603; published "Flora Danica," 164S; d. 23 April, 1680. Paulus, Heinrich Eberhard Gottlob, German theologian ; 6. I Sept. 1761 ; published " Com- mentar iiber das Neue Testament," 1800-4; " Leben Jesu," 1828; edited " Sophronizon," 1819-29; d. 10 Aug. 1851. Paulus ^gineta, see Jlgineta. Paulus ^Emilius, see ^milms. Paulus Diaoonus, Lombard historian ; h. about 730 ; -svrote "De Gestis Longobardorum," printed 1495 ; d. about 796. Paulus Silentiakius, Greek poet ; jl. 6th cent. Pausanias, Greek geographer ; Jl. 174 ; his Itinerary of Greece first printed, 1 5 16. Pauslas, Greek painter ; fl. about B.C. 360-330. Pauthiee, Jean Pierre Guillaume, French orientalist ; h. 4 Oct. 1801; published "Histoire des Relations politiques de la Chine avec lea Puissances occidentales," 1859. Pauw, (Pavius), Pieter, Dutch anatomist and botanist ; 6. 1564 ; d. I Aug. 1617. Pauwels, Jean Engelbert, Belgian musical composer ; h. 26 Nov. 1768 ; d. 3 June, 1804. Payillon, Nicolas, bishop of Aleth; h. 17 Nov. 1597; assisted St. Vincent de Paul; consecrated, 1639 ; published " Rituel k I'usage du diocfese d'Aleth," 1667 ; the same con- demned at Rome, 1668 ; d. 8 Dec. 1677. Pavt, Louis Antoine Augustin, bishop of Algiers; 6. 18 March, 1798 ; consecrated, 1846; published " Du Mahom^tisme," 1853. Paston, Sir Joseph, horticulturist and archi- tect; h. 3 Aug. 1803; designed the building for the Great Exhibition of 185 1, and the Crystal Palace at Sydenham ; d. 8 June, 1865. PAYEN,Anselme,French chemist; 6,6 Jan. 1 795. Payne, John Howard, American actor and dramatist ; 5. 1792 ; d. 1852. Payne, Roger, bookbinder; 5. 1739; d. 20 Nov. 1797. Payson, Edward, D.D., American theologian; 5. 1783; d. 22 Oct. 1827. Peabody, George, American merchant and philanthropist; h. at Danvers, Massachusetts, 1 8 Feb. 1795 ; d. in London, 4 Nov. 1S69. Came to England .... . 1837 Settled in London as a merchant . . 1843 Founded Peabody Institute at Danvers, U.S. 1852 Visited America : gave ;^ 100,000 to found insti- tute at Baltimore 1857 Ketired from business ; gave ;^ 150.000 to Peabody Donation Fund, to provide improved dwellings for the poor of London ... 12 March, i86a " Peabody Dwellings" in Spitalfields opened, 29 Feb. 1864 Gave ^100,000 for same purpose . . 21 Jan. 1866 Founded museum and professorship of American archseoiogy and ethnology in Harvard Univer- sity -Oct 1866 Keceived thanks of U.S. congress for his bene- factions March, 1867 Gave ^100,000 to Peabody Donation Fund, 5 Dec. 186S Bequeathed £ 150,000 to Peabody Donation Fund, making total of ;^ 500,000 . . . Nov. 1869 Interred in Westminster Abbey . 12 Nov. 1869 Removed to Portsmouth for conveyance in the " Monarch " to America . . . 11 Dec. 1869 Buried in Harmony Grove cemetery, Danvers. Peacock, G«orge, dean of Ely, mathematician ; h. 9 April, 1791 ; dean, 1839 ; published " Treatise on Algebra," 1842-45 ; d. 8 Nov. 1858. Peacock, Reginald, bishop of Chichester ; 6. 4bout 1390 ; bishop of St. Asaph, 1444; of Chichester, 1450 ; deprived for opposing Romish tenets, 1457; wrote "Treatise, proving Scrip- ture to be the Rule of Faith," printed 1688 ; d. about 1460. PEA 437 PED Peakoe, Nathaniel, traveller ; 5. 1 780 ; resided many years in Abyssinia ; d. 12 Aug. 1820. Peaece, Zachary, bishop of Rochester, biblical critic ; 6. 8 Sept. 1 690 ; dean of Winchester, 1 739 ; bishop of Bangor, 1 748 ; of Rochester, 1756; dean of Westminster, 1756-69; wrote " Review of the Text of Milton's Paradise Lost," published 1733; "Commentary on the Pour EvangeUsts, &c.," 1777 ; d. 29 June, 1774- Peaksall, Richard, dissenting minister ; 0. 29 Aug. 1698 ; wrote " Reliquiae Sacrse," pub- lished 1765; d. 10 Nov. 1762. Peabson, Edward, D.D., controversialist ; I. 1756; published "Twelve Lectures on the Prophecies relating to the Christian Church," 1811; d. 17 April, 181 1. Peabson, George, M.D., chemist; h. 1751; published " Observations and Experiments on the Buxton Waters," 1783; d. 9 Nov. 1828. Pearson, Hugh Nicholas, dean of Salisbury ; h. iTjy, gained prize of ;^5oo for "Disserta- tion on the Propagation of Christianity in Asia," 1807; made dean, 1823; resigned, 1846; d. 17 Nov. 1S56. Peaeson, John, bishop of Chester; h. 16 13; master of Trinity college, Cambridge, 1662 ; consecrated, 1673; published "Exposition of the Creed," 1659; "Vindicise Epistolarum S. Ignatii," 1672; d. 16 July, 1686. Pearson, John, surgeon; b. 1758; published "Life of William Hey," 1822; d. 12 May, 1826. Peabson, Richard, M.D. ; 6. 1765; published " Thesaurus Medicaminuni," 1810; d. 11 Jan. 1836. Pecchia, Carlo, Neapolitan historian; h. 6 Jan. 171 5; published " Storia civile e politica del Regno di NapoU," 1778 ; d. 20 Eeb. 1784. Pecchio, Giuseppe, conte, Itahan political writer; 6. 15 Nov. 1785; published "Storia dell' Economia Publica in Italia," 1S29; "Vita di TJgo Poscolo," 1830; d. 4 June, 1S35. Pecci, Gioacchino, Italian cardinal ; h. 2 March, 1 810; appointed archbishop of Perugia, 1846; created cardinal, 1853. Pi;cHANTR^s, Nicolas, French poet and dra- matist ; b. 1638; published "GiSta," 1687; "Jugurtha," 1692; "Mort de N&on," 1703; d. Feb. or March, 1708. Pecheux, Marc Nicolas Louis, baron, Erench general; b. 28 Jan. 1769; d. I Nov. 183 1. Peohlin, Johannes Nicolaus, Dutch physi- cian ; 6. 1646 ; published " De Habitu et Colore JJthiopum," 1677; "Theophilus Bi- baculus, seu de Potu Herbse The«," 1684; d. Feb. 1706. Peck, Rev. Francis, antiquary; 5. 4 May, 1692; published "Desiderata Curiosa," 1732-35; "New Memoirs of the Life and Poetical Works of John Milton," 1740; d. 13 Aug. 1743- Peokhaii, John, archbishop of Canterbiuy; 5. about 1 240 ; provincial of Friars' Minor ; consecrated, 1278 ; encouraged learning ; re- formed abuses of the clergy ; persecuted the Jews ; wrote " De Summa Trinitate et Fide Catholica," printed 1510 ; " CoUectanea Bib- liorum," 1513; d. 8 Dec. 1292. Peclet, Jean Claude Eugfene, French phy- sicist; b. 10 Feb. 1793; published "Cours de Physique," 1823-26; "Trait(^ de la Chaleur," 1829 ; d. 6 Dec. 1857. Pecquet, Antoine, French satirical writer ; b. 1 704 ; pubhshed " M^moires secrets pour servir li I'Histoire de la Perse" (in which the man with the iron mask was first mentioned), 1745 ; " Esprit des Maxim es Politiques," 1757 ; d. 27 Aug. 1 762. Pecquet, Jean, French anatomist ; b. 1622 ; cUscovered the receiDtaole of the chyle, and the thoracic duct ; published " Experimenta nova Anatomica," 1651 ; "De Circulatione San- guinis et Chyli Motu," 1 651; d. February 1674. Pecquer, Constantin, French economist ; b. 4 Oct. 1801 ; published "Economie sociale des Int^rets du Commerce," 1839-48; "Th^orie nouvelle d'Economie sociale et politique," 1842. PiiDOui", Frangois, French Jesuit and poet ; b. 29 April, 1603 ; published "Essais de Po^sie et de Lovange," 1624; "Bourgeois poll," 1631 ; d. April, 1667. Pedro, emperors of Brazil I . 6. 12 Oct. 1798 Became regent of Brazil 1821 Becalled by the cortes ; independence of Brazil declared ; Dom Pedro crowned emperor . 1822 Succeeded his father, John VI., as Idng of Portugal ... .10 March, 1826 Resigned Portuguese crown to his daughter, Dona Maria da Gloria . . . .2 May, 1826 Abdicated throne of Brazil in favour of Dom Pedro II 7 April, 1831 d. at Lisbon . . . .24 Sept. 1834 II. son &. 2 Dec. 1825 Succeeded Iiis father as emperor . . 7 April, 1831 Assumed tlie government . 23 July, 1840 Crowned emperor . . .18 July, 1841 Took command of the army in the war witli Paraguay Aug. 1865 Pedro I. — V., kings of Portugal. I. the Severe; h. 19 April, 1320; married Ifiez de Castro ; succeeded Alfonso IV. . 12 May, 1357 d. 18 Jan. 1367 II. &. 26 April, 1648 : made regent, Jan. 1668 ; succeeded ills brother, Alfonso VI. . 12 Sept. 1683 d. 9 Dec. J706 III. succeeded with Maria Frances Isabella . 1777 d. 1786 IV. (Pedro I., emperor of Brazil) ; b. 12 Oct. 1798 : succeeded John VI., 10 March, 1826 ; abdicated in favour of liis daughter, Dona Maria da Gloria, 2 May, 1826 ci. 24 Sept. 1834 See Fedro I., emperor of Brazil. V. 6. 16 Sept. 1837 : succeeded his mother, Dona Maria da Gloria, under regency of his father, Dom Fernando, 15 Nov. 1853. . d. 11 Nov. 1861 Pedro, see also Peter. PED 438 PEL Pedkusi, Paolo, Italian Jesuit and numisma- tist; b. 1644; published "I Cesari in oro, argento, medaglioni, &o., raccolti nel Earnese Museo," 1694-1727; d. 20 Jan. 1720. Peel, Frederick, son of second bart., poli- tician ; J. 26 Oct. 1823 ; under-secretary for the colonies, 1851-55 ; under-secretary for war, 1855-57; secretary to the treasury, 1860-65. Peel, Jonathan, son of first bart., general and politician ; b. 1 2 Oct. 1 799 ; surveyor-general of the ordnance, 1841-46 ; secretary for war, Eeb. 1858 — June, 1859; again, July, 1866 — March, 1867; retired from parliament, Nov. 1868. Peel, Sir Lawrence, Indian judge; b. 1799 ; chief justice of supreme couit at Calcutta, 1842-55. Peel, Sir Robert, baronets : 1. cotton manufacturer . , 6. 25 April, 1750 Created baronet . .... 1800 Ketired from parliament, 1820 . d. 3 May, 1830 2. son, statesman . . . . 6. 5 Feb. 1788 Educated at Harrow and Oxford . . 1790-1809 Elected JI P. for Cashel . . . 1809 Made under-secretary for the colonies . . 1810-12 Cliief secretary for Ireland . Aug. 1812 — Aug. 1818 Elected M. P. for Oxford University . . 1817 Became home secretary . Jan. 1822 — April, 1827 Again home secretary . . Jan. 1828 — Nov. 1830 Established the police force : carried the catholic emancipation bill ; lost his seat for Oxford university, but elected for Tamworth . 1829 Strenuously opposed the reform bill . . 1832 Eirst lord of the treasury, and chancellor of the exchequer ... 26 Dec. 1834— April, 1835 Again first lord of the treasury . . 6 Sept. 1841 Imposed the income-tax ... 22 June, 1842 Obtained the repeal of the corn-laws 26 June, 1846 Defeated upon bill for repression of disturbances in Ireland : resigned . . 29 June, 1846 Fell from his horse on Constitution Hill, 29 June d 2 July, 1850 His " Speeches in the House of Commons " pub- lished . . . . . . 1853 3. son, statesman . . . . 6. 4 May, 1822 Became attache at Madrid . . . June, 1844 Secretary of legation and charge d'affaires in Switzerland .... May, 1S46— Dec. 1850 Elected M. P. for Tamworth . . . July, 1850 Made a lord of the admii'alty Feb. 1855 — May, 1857 Accompanied lord Granville as secretary in special mission to Russia at coronation of the emperor Alexander II. ... 1856 Chief secretary for Ireland . July, 1861— Nov. 1805 MadeG.C.B. . . . 5 Jan. 1866 Peel, Sir William, captain, K.N., son of second baronet ; 6. 1824 ; commanded naval brigade in India ; d. 27 April, 1858. Peel, William Yates, son of first baronet, politician ; b. 3 Aug. 1 789 ; under-secretary for home department, 1 828-30 ; a lord of the trea- sury, 1834-35 ; i^- I June, 1858. Peele, George, poet and dramatist ; b. about 1552; published "Araygnement of Paris," 1584; "Famous Chronicle of king Edward the First," 1595; " Old Wives' Tale," 1595; d. 1598. Peetees, Flemish marine pamters : Bona VENTURA; 6. July, 1614 . A 25 July, 1652 Jeah, brother; b. April, 1624 . d. about 1677 Pegge, Pev. Samuel, antiquary; b. 5 Nov. 1704 ; published "Assemblage of Coins fabri- cated by authority of the archbishops of Can- terbury," 1772; "Life of Robert Grosseteste, bishop of Lincoln," 1793 ; " Anonymiana," 1809; d. 14 Feb. 1796. Pegge, Samuel, son, antiquary ; i. 1731 ; published "Curialia," 1782-1806; "Anec- dotes of the English Language," 1803 ; d. 22 May, 1800. PiGUiLAiN, Aimeric, French troubadour ; I. about I175 ; d. about 1255. Peignot, Etienne Gabriel, French biblio- grapher; 6. 15 May, 1767; published "Dic- tionnaire raisonn^ de Bibliologie, " 1802-4; "Amusements Philologiques," " Bibliographie curieuse," 1808; " Choix de Testaments anciens et modemes," 1829 ; d. 14 Aug. 1849. Peiks, see Pencz. Peikce, James, nonconformist divine; b. 1673; published "Defence of the Dissenting Ministry and Ordination," 1717 ; "Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul," 1725-27; d. 30 March, 1726. Peieeso, Nicolas Claude Fabri de, French antiquary and naturalist ; b. i Dec. 15S0; pro- moted learning, and formed large collections of oriental and other manuscripts ; first verified Harvey's discovery of circulation of the blood d. 24 June, 1637. Pekah, king of Israel ; reigned, B.C. 759-739, Pekahiah, king of Israel ; reigned, B.C. 761-759. PELAGE, Magloire, French general; b. 1769 made, by the patriots, governor of Guada- loupe during revolt of 1801-2 ; d. 1813. Pelagids, British heresiarch ; founded a sect at Pome, about 400 ; d. after 424. The Pelagians maintained that Adam was by nature mortal, and that the consequences of his sin were confined to himself alone ; tiiat new-born infants are free from sin ; and that the general resurrection of the dead does not f oUow in virtue of that of Jesus Christ. Pelagius I., II., popes. I. a Koman ; &. about 495 ; elected, 16 April, 555 d. 28 1^'eb. 560 II. a Goth ; b. about 520 ; elected, 30 Nov. 578 d. 8 Feb. 590 Pelato, first king of Asturias, 718 ; defeated the Moors, and took city of Leon ; d. 737. Pelet, Jean Jacques Germain, baron, French general; b. 15 July, 1777; published "M^- moires sur la guerre de 1809," 1824 ; "Des principales Op&ations de la Campagnede 1813," 1826; "Carte de France de I'Etat-major," 1833; d. 20 Dec. 1858. Peletibe, Jacques, French poet and mathe- matician ; b. 25 July, 1517 ; published "OSuvres poc^tiques," 1547; " L'Amour des Amours," 1555 ; "In EucUdis Elementa geo- metrica demonstrationum lib. vi.," 1557 ; d. July, 1582. PEL 439 PEL Pelham, Henry, statesman ; 6. 1695 ; d. in office, 6 March, 1754. Made a lord of the treasury .... 1721-24 Appointed secretary-at-war . . . 1724-30 Made paymaster-general .... 1730-43 Led the opposition, and caused the fall of Sir E. Walpole 8 Feb. 1742 Became first lord of the treasury, and chancellor of the exchequer . . 25 Aug. 1743 Pelham, John Thomas, bishop of Norwich ; J. 21 June, 181 1 ; rector of Marylebone, 1855 ; consecrated, 1 85 7. PelHjUSI, see NeiocastU. Pelhestre, Pierre, French theologian; 6. 1635 ! edited " Traits de la Lecture des Pferes de' I'Eglise," 1697; d. 10 April, 1710. PinGOT, Engine Melchior, French chemist ; I. 1812. Pelissiee, Amable Jean Jacques, due de Malakhoff, marshal of France ; h. 6 Nov. 1 794 ; d. 22 May, 1864. Entered the artillery ... 18 March, 1815 Served in the Morea and Algeria . 1828-32 Again went to Algeria . Nov. 1839 Second in command at Isly . . 14 Aug. 1844 Commanded expedition against Arabs who had taken refuge in caves of Ouled-Rhia ; by order of Bugeaud, suffocated 500 in a cave 18 June, 1845 Appointed to a command in the Crimea Jan. 1855 Succeeded general Canrobert as commander-in- chief 16 May, 185s Captured the Mamelon vert . . . 7 June, 1855 Took by storm the Malakhoff tower . 8 Sept. 1855 Made marshal of France . . 12 Sept. 1S55 Created duke of Malakhoff . , 22 July, 1856 Ambassador to Great Britain 23 March, 1858 — 23 April, 1859 Governor-general of Algeria . . 24 Nov. i860 Pell, Pev. John, mathematician ; h. 1 March, 1610; published "De vera Circuli mensura," 1647; "Table of 10,000 square Numbers," 1672; d. 12 Dec. 1685. Pellegkin, Simon Joseph, French abb^ and dramatic poet; 6. 1663; published "Pofeies chr^tiennes," 1702; "Apologie de Voltaire," 1725; "Jepht($," opera, 1732; d. 5 Sept. 1745. Pellegrini, Antonio, Venetian historical painter; 5. 1675 ; visited England ; d. 5 Nov. Pellegrini, Camillo, Italian historian and arch^ologist ; 6. 1598; published "Historia Principum Longobardorum," 1643; "Apparato alle Antichit^ di Capua, " 1 65 1 ; d. 9 Nov. 1663. Pellegrini, Giuseppe Luigi, Italian Jesuit orator and poet; h. 1718; published " Poesie Latine ed Italiane," 1774; "Prediche," 1818; d. 13 April, 1799. Pellegrini, called Tibaldi, Bolognese archi- tects and painters : DoMENico, also engraver : 6. 1541 : designed Magnani palace at Bologna : d. 15S2. Pellegrino, brother : b. 1527 ; designed for cardinal Borromeo many churches, &c., at Milan ; d. 1600. Pellehin, Joseph, French numismatist ; b. 27 April, 1684; his collection bought by Louis XVI. for ;^i2,ooo, 1776; d. 30 Aug. 1782. Pelletan, Engine, French critic ; h. 29 Oct. 1813; literary critic of " La Presse ;" published. " Profession de Foi du dix-neuvifeme sifecle," 1853 ; " Heures de Travail," 1857 ; "La Nais- sance d'une Ville, " i860. Pelletan, Philippe Jean, French surgeon ; h. 4 May, 1747; published " Clinique chirur- gicale," 1810; d. 26 Sept. 1829. Pelletan, Pierre, son, French physician ; b. 6 Jan. 1782; published " Dictionnaire de Chimie mddicale," 1822-23; <^- " -^ug. 1845. Pelletier, Ambroise, French genealogist ; i, 1703 ; published " Nobiliaire ou Armorial g^ni^ral de la Lorraine et du Barrois," 1758 ; d. 1758. Pelletier, Bertrand, French chemist ; b. 30- July, 1761 ; made researches on phosphorus ; his " M^moires et observations de Chimie " published, 179S ; d. 21 July, 1797. Pelletier, Pierre Joseph, son, French che- mist ; b, 22 March, 1 788 ; with Caventou dis- covered quinine, 1820, and published " Re- cherches sur le Quinquina," 1821 ; d, 20 July, 1842. Pellev:^, Nicolas de, French cardinal ; 6. 18 Oct. 15,18 ; bishop of Amiens, 1552-61 ; sent to Scotland to treat with the presbyterians, 1559; made archbishop of Sens, 1562; cardi- nal, 1570; joined the League; deprived, but restored ; made archbishop of Eheims, 1592 ; intrigued against Henry IV. ; d. 26 March, 1594- Pellew, Edward, viscount Exmouth, ad- miral ; b. 1757; bombarded Algiers and de- stroyed the French fleet, 27 Aug. 1816 ; created baron, 14 May, 1814; viscount, 21 Sept. 1816; d. 23 Jan. 1833. Pellican, Conrad, see Kurscherer. Pelliccia, Alessio Aurelio, Italian archteolo- gist ; 6. 1 744 : published " Croneche e diarii del regno di Napoli," 1780-82; d. 28 Dec. 1822. Pellicer, Juan Antonio, Spanish antiquary ; 6. 1738; published "Ensayo de una biblio- theca de Traductores Espailoles," 1778; edited "Don Quichotte," 1797 ; d. 1S06. Pellicier, or Pellissier, Guillaume, French prelate, diplomatist, and scholar ; b. about 1490 ; made bishop of Maguelone, 1527 ; ob- tained transfer of see to Montpellier, 1536 ; ambassador to Venice, 1540-47 ; there col- lected MSS. for Francis I. ; d. 25 Jan. 1568. Pellico, Silvio, Italian poet and patriot ; b. 1789 ; one of the editors of the *' Conciliatore," 1819-20 ; imprisoned, 1820-30 ; published " Le mie Prigioni," 1833; "Poesie," 1837; d. I Jan. 1854. Pellissier, see Pellicier. Pellisson, Paul, French historiographer ; 5. 30 Oct. 1624; wrote "Histoire de I'Acad^mie Fraugaise," published 1653 ; " Histoire de Louis XIV.," 1749 ; d. 7 Feb. 1693. PEL 440 PEN Pelloutiek, Simon, French historian, and minister of the French evangelical church in Germany; h. 27 Oct. 1694; published "His- toire des Celtes," 1740-50 ; d. 3 Oct. 1757. Pelofidas, Theban general ; expelled the Spartans from Thebes, B.C. 379 ; defeated them at Xieuctra, 371 ; with Epaminondas invaded the Peloponnesus and founded Messenia, 369 ; defeated Spartans at Cynocephalse, but killed in pursuing them, 364. Pelouze, Th^ophile Jules, French chemist ; h. 26 Feb. 1807 ; with Liebig discovered cenan- thic acid, 1836 ; made president of the com- mission of the mint, 1 848 ; with Fr^my pub- lished "Traits de Chimie," 1853-56; d. 31 May, 1867. Peltieh, Jean Gabriel, French journalist ; published " Actes des Ap6tres," Nov. 1789 — Oct. 1791; fled to England, 1792; published " L'Ambigu," 1800-19 '> tri^d for libel on Bona- parte, then first consul ; defended by Sir J. Mackintosh; found guUty, 21 Feb. 1803; d. 31 March, 1825. Pelzel, Frani Martin, Bohemian historian ; i. II Nov. 1735; published in German "His- tory of Bohemia," 1774-79; " Emperor Charles IV., King of Bohemia," 1780-81 ; d. 24 Feb. 1801. Pembeeton, Henry, physician and mathema- tician ; h. 1694 ; friend of Newton ; published " View of Sir I. Newton's Philosophy," 1 728 ; English translation of his "Treatise of the method of Fluxions and Infinite Series," 1736; d. 9 April, 1 77 1. Pembkokb, Thomas, historical painter ; 6. 1702 ; d. 1730. Pembkoke, see HerheH. Penalosa, Juan de, Spanish historical painter; 5. 1581 ; d. 1636. Penal'd, Charles, French admiral; h. 24 Dec. 1800; commanded French fleet in the Baltic, 1855 ; d. 25 March, 1864. Penohaud, Michel Robert, French architect ; J. 24 Dec. 1772 ; d. 22 Dec. 1832. Pencz, or i?EiNS, Gregorius, German painter and engraver ; b. about 1500; d. I55°' Penguilly-Lhakldon, Octave, French land- scape and ^enre painter ; h. l8li. Penhouet, Armand Louis Bon Maudet, comte de, French antiquary; h. 10 Aug. 1764; published " Monuments ^gyptiens dans le Mor- bihan," 1812; "Esquisses sur la Bretagne," 1830; d. 25 April, 1839. Penington, see Penninr/ton. Penn, Sir William, admiral; h. 1621; took Jamaica from the Spaniards, 3 May, 1655 ; defeated the Dutch fleet, 1664; d. 16 Sept. 1670. Penn, William, son, f oimder of Permsylvania ; I. 14 Oct. 1644; d. 30 July, 1718. Joined the Quakers; eitpelled from Christ Church, Oxford 1662 Imprisoned in the tower .... i668-6g Published " No Cross, no Crown " . . . 1669 Tried for preaching ; acquitted . . . 1670 Granted by Charles II. the province of Pennsyl- vania in lieu of ;^ 16,000 due to his father ; with AlgernoH Sydney framed laws ; sent out colo- nists 1681 Went to America ; promulgated the constitution known as Penn's Charter ; made a treaty with the Indians : founded Philadelphia . . 1682 Ke turned to England ; cordially received by James II 1684 Tried before the privy council on unfounded charges of political and religious intrigues ; honourably acquitted 1693 Published " Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the people called Quakers" . . 1694 Again visited Pennsylvania . . . 1699-1701 His collected " "Works " published . . 1726 Penna, Francesco Orazio della, Italian Capuchin missionary; i. 1680; went to Thibet, 1719; d. in Nepaul, 20 July, 1747. i?ENNANT, Thomas, naturahst and antiquary ; &. 14 June, 1726; pubhshed " British Zoology," 1766; " Tour in Scotland," 1771-75; " Tour in Wales," 1778-S4; "Arctic Zoology," 1784-87; "Some Account of London," 1790; d. 16 Dec. 1798. Pennefathee, Sir John Lysaght, general; h. 1800; commanded second division at battle of Inkermann, 5 Nov. 1854; governor of Malta, 1856-57. Pennell, Sir Charles Henry; i. 1805; origi- nated the present system of manning the royal navy, 1852. Pennell, Harry Chohnondely, son, inspector of fisheries; b. 13 Feb. 1836; appointed, 1866; published "Puck on Pegasus," 1861. Penni, Giovanni Francesco, called "11 Fattore," Italian paiater; b. 1488; pupil of Raphael; greatly assisted him with his car- toons for the Vatican tapestries ; with Giuho Romano made his heir, and completed his unfinished works ; d. 1528. Penniouick, Alexander, Scotch physician and poet; b. 1652; d. 1722. Pennie, John Fitzgerald, tragedian; i. 25 March, 1782; d. 13 July, 1848. Pennington, Sir Isaac, lord mayor of London, 1642-43 ; one of the judges at trial of Charles I. ; published " A Word for the Common Weale," 1650. Pennington, Isaac, son, quaker divine; much persecuted ; "Works of the long-mournful and sorely distressed Isaac Pennington " pub- lished, 1 68 1 ; A 1679. Penny, Edward, portrait painter; b. 17 14; elected R.A., 1768 ; d. 1791. Peneose, Thomas, poet ; b. 1743 ; his "Poems'' published, 1781 ; d. 1779. Penkuddock, John, royaUst colonel; beheaded, 1655. Peney, John, puritan; b. 1559 ; wrote Martin Marprelate tracts, virulently attacking episco- pacy, about 1 586-90 ; collected and reprinted, 1843; executed for sedition, 29 May, 1 593. PEN 441 PER PENTHifiVRE, Louis Jean Marie de Bourbon, due de, father o£ the prince de Lamballe, and grandfather of Louis Philippe, king of the Trench ; 5. 1 6 Nov. 1725; d. 4 March, 1793. Pentini, Francesco, Roman cardinal; 6. 11 Dec. 1797; created, 1863. PenzjVkce, James Plaisted Wilde, lord, judge; i. 1816 ; made a baron of the exchequer, i86o; judge of the court of probate and divorce, 1S63; created baron, April, 1869. Pepagomenus, Demetrius, Greek medical writer; Jl. about 1280; wrote "On Gout," printed in Latin translation, 1517 ; in Greek, 1558. Pepe, Plorestan, Neapolitan general ; 6. 1780; served under Murat and the Bourbons ; d. April, 1851. Pepe, Guglielmo, brother, Neapolitan general ; i. 15 Feb. 1783 ; served under Murat ; left Naples and resided in England and France, 1821-48; returned, suppressed insurrection at Naples, 15 May, 184S; pubUshed " M^moires," 1847 ; d. 9 Aug. 1855. Pepin, Carlovingian mayors of the palace : I. de Landen, the elder ; mayor of the palace under Dagobert and Sigebert II., kings of Aus- trasia, 622-639 d, 639 II. d'Heristal, grandson, father of Charles Martel ; king of Austrasia, 687 ; ruled the whole kingdom of the Franks during the reigns of Bagobert II., Clovis III., Childebert III., and Dagobert III., 687-714 . . . d. 16 Dec. 714 Pepin, king of France, called the Short, father of Charlemagne ; b. 714 ; rf. 18 Sept. 768. Succeeded his fatlier, Charles Blartel, as mayor of the palace, in Neustria and Burgundy, 22 Oct. 741 Seized Austrasia upon the retirement of his brother Carloman to the monastery of Monte Cassino 747 Deposed ChUderic III., last of the Merovingian dynasty, and became first king of France of the Carlovingian race 752 Aided pope Stephen III. against Astolphus, king of the Lombards ; founded the temporal power of the papacy 754-756 Conquered Septimania (Languedoc) and Aqui- taine ; consolidated the empire of the Franks 756-768 Pepin, king of Italy, son of Charlemagne ; 6. 776 ; consecrated, 781 ; annexed Bavaria, Istria, and part of Dahnatia, S06 ; d. 8 July, 810. Pepin I., II., Carlovingian kings of Aqui- taine : I. son of Louis le Debonnaire, king of France ; king 817 Joined his brothers, Lothaire and Louis le Ger- manique, in war against his father . 830-34 Eeconciled, 834 d. 1^ Dec. 838 II. son : king 838 Joined Lothaire in war against Charles the Bald ; defeated at Fontenay, 24 June, 841 ; deposed ; restored, 845 : again deposed . ' , . 850 d. in captivity, about 870 Pepdsoh, Johann Christoph, German musical composer; b. 1667; settled in London about 1700; published "Treatise on Harmony," 1731 ; d. 20 July, 1752. Pepyn, Martin, Flemish painter ; greatly ad- mired by Eubens ; d. at Eome, after 1578. Pepts, Samuel, secretary of the admiralty ; b. 23 Feb. 1632; secretary, 1660-88; be- queathed his manuscripts to Magdalen college, Cambrirlge; his "Diary" published, 1825; re- viewed by Lord Jeffrey in "Edinburgh Re- view," Nov. 1825, and Sir Walter Scott in "Quarterly Review," March, 1826; d. 26 May, 1703. Pepts, WiUiam Hazeldine, philosophical iu- strument maker ; b. 1775; d. 17 Aug. 1856. Pepys, see CoUenham. Pekanda, Santo, Venetian historical painter ; b. 1566; his chef-d'ceuvre is a "Descent from the Cross," in church of San Procolo at Venice; d. 1638. Peeau, Gabriel Louis Calabre, French bio- grapher ; b. 1700 ; pubhahed "Vies des Hommes illustres de la France," vols. 13-23, 1754-60; d. 31 March, 1767. Pekceval, Spencer, statesman ; b. I Nov. 1762 ; d II May, 1812. Elected M.P. for Northampton ; made solicitor- general 14 Feb. 1801 Became attorney-general 15 April, 1802 — Feb. 1806 Chancellor of the exchequer, and chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster . . 30, 31 March, 1807 Became also first lord of the treasury upon re- tirement of the duke of Portland . 6 Dec. 1809 Shot by Bellingham in lobby of the house of commons . . 11 May, 1812 Perciek, Charles, French architect ; b, 22 Aug. 1764; designed, with P. F. L. Fontaine, the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel at Paris ; published with him " Choix des plus c^febres Maisons de Plaisance de Rome," 1809-13; d. 5 Sept. 1838. Peecival, James Gates, American poet, geo- logist, and army surgeon; J. 15 Sept. 1795; published "Clio," 1822-27; "Report on the Geology of the State of Connecticut," 1842 ; "Dream of Day, and other Poems," 1843; d. 2 May, 1856. Peecival, Robert, captain, traveller ; b. 1765; pubKshed "Account of the Island of Ceylon," 1803; "Account of the Cape of Good Hope," 1804; d. 1826. Peecival, Thomas, M.D., experimental philo- sopher ; 6. 29 Sept. 1 740 ; founded Philosophical and Literary Society of Manchester ; published "Essays, medical, philosophical, and experi- mental," 1768-76; "Medical Ethics," 1803; d. 30 Aug. 1804. Peeoy, Sir Henry, surnamed Hotspur, son of Henry, first earl of Northumberland; h. 20 May, 1364; conspired to dethrone Henry IV. ; killed at battle of Shrewsbury, 23 July, 1403- Peect, Hugh, bishop of Carlisle ; b. 29 Jan. 1784; dean of Canterbury, 1825 ; bishop of Rochester, July, 1827; of Carlisle, Oct. 1827 ; d. 5 Feb. 1856. Peecy, John, M.D., metallurgist; h. 1817; pubhshed " Metallurgy," 1861. PEE 442 PER Percy, Pierre Frangoia, baron, Erench sur- geon; b. 28 Oct. 1754; published " Pyrotecli- nie cliirurgieale pratique," 1794; d. 18 Eeb. 1825. Perot, Thomas, bishop of Dromore, poet and antiquary; i. 1728; dean of Carlisle, 1778; consecrated, 1782 ; published " Keliques of Ancient English Poetry," 1765; "Hermit of Warkworth," 1771 ; edited "Northumberland Household Book," 1770 ; d. 30 Sept. 1811. Perot, see Northumberland. Perdicoas I. — III., kings of Macedon. I. said by Herodotus to have founded the Mace- donian monarchy . Ji. 8th century e.g. II d. about B.C. 413 III a minor ; assumed the government B.C. 364 Killed in "^attle against the lllyrians 359 Perdicoas, Macedonian general ; lieutenant of Alexander the Great ; regent during reign of his successor, Philip ArrhidEeus III., B.C. 323-321 ; assassinated, 321. Pereda, Antonio de, Spanish historical painter ; J. 1599; d. 1669. PilRjfiFIXE, Hardouin de Beaumont de, arch- bishop of Paris ; 6. 1605 ; made tutor to Louis XIV., 1642; ijishop of Rhodez, 1649; arch- bishop, 1662; published " Institutio Principis," 1647; " Histoire du Hoy Henry le Grand," 1661 ; d. I Jan. 1671. Pereiea, Bento, Spanish Jesuit theologian and philosopher; b. 1535 ; published " De Magia et Divinatione Astrologica," 1591 ; " Selectaa Disputationes in Sacram Soripturam," l6oi-IO; d. 6 March, 1610. Pereira, Jacob Rodriguez, see Pereire. Peheira, Jonathan, M.D. ; b. 1S04 ; pub- lished "Elements of Materia Medica," 1839-40; d. 20 Jan. 1853. Pereira, Jorge Gomez, Spanish physician ; fl. 1 6th century; published "Antoniana Mar- garita," with " Objectiones et Apologia," 1554-56. Peeeiea, Manoel, Portuguese sculptor ; i. 1614; resided in Spain ; d. 1667. Pereira, Nuiio Alvarez, Portuguese general, called the " Portuguese Cid ;" 6. 24 Jan. 1360 ; made constable by king Joio I., 1385 ; assisted him to defeat the Spaniards at Aljubarrota, 14 Aug. 1385; retired to the Carmelite convent at Lisbon, 15 Aug. 1423 ; d. i Nov. 1431. Pereira ee Figueikedo, Antonio, Portuguese theologian ; b. 14 Eeb. 1725 ; published " Doctrina veteris Ecclesise de Suprema Regum etiam in Clericos Potestate," 1765; "Tenta- tiva Theologica," 1766; " Testamento Novo e velho em Portuguez," 1778-90; d. 14 Aug. 1797. i?EEEiEE, Jacob Rodrigue, Spanish Jew, and first teacher of the deaf and dumb ; b. 11 April, 1715 ; commenced instruction of deaf and dumb, 1734 ; settled in Paris, 1749 ; d 15 Sept. 1780. P^EEIEE, French Jewish financiers, grandsons of J. E. Pereire ; Jacob Emile ''.3 Dec. 1800 With Isaac, established "Soci^t^ GSnerale du Credit Mobilier " . ... 1852 Is.lAO, brother 6. 25 Nov. j8o6 Published " Le Kale de la Banque de France etrOrganisation du Credit en France," . 1864 PiRi:s, Jean Baptiste, French lawyer ; pub- lished "Comme quoi Napoleon n'a jamais exists," 181 7 ; d. i Jan. 1840. Perez, Antonio, Spanish statesman ; b. 15 39; .secretary of state to Philip II., 1567 ; arrested, 28 July, 1581 ; escaped, 24 Sept. 1591 ; re- sided in London, 1593-95 ; published " Eela- ciones," 1594; "Cartas," 1598; d. 1611. Perez, Antonio, Spanish jurist ; h. 1583 ; published " Prffileotiones in Codicem Justini- aneum," 1626-51 ; " Institutiones imperiales explicatae," 1629 ; d. 19 Dec. 1672. Perez, David, Italian musical composer ; b. 1711 ; wrote " Clemenza di Tito," " Semira- mide," and other operas ; d. 1778. Perfetti, Bernardino, Italian poet ; b. 7 Sept. 1681 ; wrote " Paggi di Poesie," pub- lished 1748 ; d. I Aug. 1747. Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista, Italian musical composer; b. 3 Jan. 17 10; wrote " La Serva Padrona," 1730; "OUmpiade," I735i *°<1 other operas ; " Stabat Mater," and " Salve Regina," 1736 ; d. 16 March, 1736. Peri, Giacomo, Florentine musical composer, one of the creators of the lyric drama ; fi. 1 6th century ; wrote "Dafne," 1594 ; "La Morte di Euridice," 1600. Periander, tyrant of Corinth ; b. B.C. 665 ; succeeded his father, Cypselns, 625 ; d. 585. P^EIOAUD, Marc Antoine, French biblio- grapher ; b. 4 Dec, 1 782 ; published " TabletteS chronologiques pour servir ^ I'histoire de Lyon," 1831-36 ; "Bibliographie Lyonnaise du quin- zifeme sifecle," 1851. Pericles, Athenian statesman ; 6. B.C. 499 ; d. of plague, 429. Commenced his public career . . . 4^9 With Ephialtes, procured banishment of Cimon, and introduced reforms in the laws . . 461 Obtained recall of Cimon ; aimed at universal empire in Greece 457 Athenians defeated by Boeotians at Coroneia 447 Concluded thirty years' truce with Sparta : re- nounced supremacy in continental Greece . 445 Obtained the government .... 444 Fortified Athens : adorned it with the Odeon, Propylsea, and Parthenon, built under the super- intendence of Pheidias : patronised Sophocles, Euripides, and the painter, Polygnotus . 444-432 Subdued Samos 440 Made alliance between Athens and Corcyra . 433 PlatfKa seized by the Boeotians ; commencement of Peloponnesian war ... 7 May, 431 PiRiER, Casimir, French statesman and finan- cier ; h. 21 Oct. 1777 ; took an active part in the revolution, July, 1830 ; sent Erench army, and saved Belgium from the Dutch, Aug. 1 83 1; made president of the council, 13 Mai'ch, 1831 ; d. of cholera, i5 May, 1832. PEE 443 PER Perier, Jacques Constantin, Prench mecha- nician ; 6. 2 Nov. 1742 ; introdiiced steam- pumps into France ; d. 17 Aug. 18 iS. PiRIGKON, Dominique Catherine, marquis de, marshal of Prance; h. 31 May, 1754; he- sieged and took Roses, 3 Peb. 1795 ; ambassa- dor to Spain, 1796-98 ; talcen prisoner by the Russians at Novi, 1 5 Aug. 1799; created mar- shal, 18 May, 1S04 ; count, 180S ; marquess, 1817 ; d. 25 Dec. 1818. PiRiN, Henri Charles Xavier, Belgian poli- tical economist ; 6. 25 Aug. 1815 ; published *' Les Economistes, les Socialistes et le Chris- tianisme," 1849; "De la Richesse dans les Soci^t*^s chr^tiennes," 1861. PiiRiN, Li»^ Louis, French miniature painter ; 6. 12 Dec. 1753 ; d. 20 Dec. 1817. PeringskjGld, Johan, Swedish historian ; h, 1654; published " Heimskringla, sive Historic Regum Septentrionalium," 1697 ; " Monu- menta Uplandica," 1710-19; c^24March, 1720. Perizonius, Jacobus Voorbroek, Dutch philo- logist; h. 26 Oct. 165 1 ; published "Animad- versiones historicae," 1685; "Origuie.s Baby- lonicas et iEgyptiacae," 171 1; d. 6 April, 1715. Perkins, Elisha, American physician ; inven- ted metallic tractors for collecting, condensing, and applying animal magnetism to the pre- tended cure of all manner of diseases, hence called "Perkinism;" d. l'J<)^. Perkins, William, Puritan divine ; h. 1558; published "A Reformed CathoUke," 1597; " Reformation of a CathoUke deformed," 1604; d. 1602. Perleonio, Giuliano, Italian poet; jl. 15th century; published " Lo Perleone," 1492. Permoser, Balthasar, German sculptor ; h. 3 Aug. 1651 ; executed statue of prince Eugene, at Vienna ; d. 20 Feb. 1732. Pbrne, Frangois Louis, French musician ; 6. 1772; published "Couis d'Harmonie et d'Accompagnement," 1822; "M^moire sur la Mflodie des Troubadours," 1830; d. 26 May, 1832- Pernett, Antoine Joseph, French Benedic- tine ; 6. 13 Feb. 1716 ; keeper of the Berlin library, 1766-S3 ; published "Fables Egyp- tiennes et Grecques d^voil^es," 1758 ; "Disser- tation sur TAm^rique et les Am^ricains," 1770; d. 1801. Pernett, or Pernetti, Jacques, uncle, French writer; h. 1696; published "Lettres philoso- phiques sur les Physionomies," 1746 ; d. 6 Feb. 1777. Pernett, Joseph Marie, vicomte, French general; b. 19 May, 1766; distinguished at the battle of Wagram, 6 July, 1809 ; d. 29 April, 1856. P]6hon, Eran9ois, French naturalist ; h. 22 Aug. 1775 ; his "Voyage de d&ouvertes aux Terres Australes pendantles ann^es 1800-1804" published, 181 i-i6; d. 14 Dec. 1810. Perotti, Niccolo, archbishop of Siponto, Ita- lian philologist ; h, 1430 ; wrote " Cornucopia, sive Commentaria Ling-ute Latins," published 1489; d. 13 Deo. 1480. Perrache, French sculptors, of Lyons : Michel : 6. 12 July, 1686 . . rf. 21 Dec. 1750 Antoine Michel, son : 6. 23 Nov. 1726 ; d. 10 Oct. 1679 Pebbault, Charles, French author; b. 12 Jan. 1628 ; published " Parallele des Anciens et des Modernes," 1688-98, which gave rise to the literary warfare knoAvn as " Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes ;" " Homines illustres du sifecle de Louis XIV.," 1696-1700; " Contes des F&s," 1697; d. 16 May, 1703. Pebeault, Claude, brother, French architect ; 6. 1613 ; built colonnade of the Louvre, 1666- 70 ; Paris observatory, 1667-72 ; translated Vitruvius ; d. 9 Oct. 1688. Perrault, or Perreaud, Frangois, French protestant minister ; b. 1572; published " D^- monographie," 1653; d. 1657. Pebeenot, Nicolas, sieur de Granvelle, French statesman ; b. 14S6 ; ambassador from the emperor Charles V. to Francis I. of France ; became chief minister of Charles V., 1530 J t^. 28 Aug. 1550. Perrenot de Granvelle, Antoine de, son, French cardinal and statesman ; b. 20 Aug. 1517 ; d. 21 Sept. 1586. Consecrated bishop of Arras . . . Dec. 1538 Succeeded his father as chief minister of the em- peror Charles V 1540 Negotiated marriage of Philip II. of Spain with queen Mary . . 1554 Made archbishop of Mechlin . . 1560 Created cardinal 1561 Tyrannized over the Netherlands ; compelled to fly before the Gueux , . . 1566 Elected archbishop of BesanQon . . . 1584 His " Papiers d'Etat " published . 1841 Perret, Jean Jacques, French surgical instru- ment maker ; 6. 30 July, 1 730 ; published " Art du Coutelier," 1771-73 ; d. 2 April, 1784. Perrier, Frangois, sumamed "le Bourguig- non," French painter and engraver ; d. 1590 ; engraved plates of " Galeria Giustiniana ; " d. July, 1656. Peeeiee, GuUlaume, nephew, French painter and engraver; 6. about 1600; d. 1655. Peeein, Jean Charles Nicaise, Fiench painter; h. 1754; d. about 1831. Perrin, Narcisse, French orientalist; 5. 22 July, 1795; published "La Perse," 1823 ; " L' Afghanistan," 1842. Perrin, Olivier Stanislas, French painter ; b. 2 Sept. 1 761; made drawings for " Galerie Bretonne," published 1835-39 ; d. 14 Dec. 1832. Perrin, Pierre, founder of the French opera ; inaugurated " Academic des Operas en musique " with his pastoral " Pomone," 19 March, 167 1 ; published " (Euvres de Po^sie," 1661 ; d. 1680. PER 444 PET Perronbt, Jean Eodolphe, French engineer ; I. 8 Oct. 1708; organised "Bcole des Ponts et Chaussfes," 1747; d. 27 Peb. 1794. Pebeot, Ferdinand Victor, French painter ; h. 23 April, 1808; d. 28 Sept. 1841. Pekkot, Sir John, statesman; i. 1527; lord deputy of Ireland, 1584-8S; d. 1592. Peeeottet, G-. Samuel, French traveller and botanist ; b. 1 793 ; visited Cayenne, Boirrbon, and Madagascar, 1819-21 ; explored Senegam- bia, 1825 ; published, with J. A. Guillemin, "Flore de SiSniSgambie," 1831-33; "Art de rindigotier," 1842. Peery, John, captain, E.N. , civil engineer ; i. 1669; employed in Russia by Peter the Great, 1 698-1712; published "State of Russia under the present Czar," 1716 ; d. n February 1733- Peeet, Sir Thomas Erskine, Indian judge ; 5. 1806 ; chief-justice of Bombay, 1847-52; M.P. for Devonport, 1854-59. Peesignt, Jean Gilbert Victor de Fialin, due de, French statesman ; 6. 11 January, 1808. Served in the army 1825-31 Published "JKmoire sur I'utiliti des Pyramides d'Egypte" 1844 Joined prince Louis Napoleon at Paris March, 1848 Minister of the interior . . Jan. 1852 — June, 1854 Ambassador to England May, 1855— March, 1858 Again ambassador . . , May, 1859 — Nov. i860 Made minister of the interior . . .26 Nov. i860 Besigned in consequence of his stringent and arbi- trary measures respecting the press . 23 June, 1863 Created duke 13 Sept. 1863 PeesiDs Flaccus, Aulus, Roman satiric poet; 1). 4 Dec. 34 ; d. 24 Nov. 62. Perth, see Drummond. Perthes, Friedrich Christoph, German book- seller; 6. 21 April, 1772; rf. 18 May, 1843. Pertinax, Roman emperor; h. I Aug. 126; made emperor, i Jan. 193 ; murdered, 28 March, 193. Pertz, Georg Heinrich, Hanoverian historian; i. 28 March, 1795 ; edited "Mommienta Ger- mania? Historica," 1826-69. Perugino, see Vannucci. Peruzzi, Baldassare, Sienese painter and architect; h. 1481; d. 1536. Pesaeo, Giovanni, doge of Venice ; J. 1589 ; elected, 8 May, 1658; d. 1 Oct. 1659. Pesello, or Pesello Pbselli, Francesco, called PeseUino, Florentine painter; J. 1426; d. 29 July, 1457. Pbsne, Jean, French painter and engraver ; h. about 1623; d. 1700. Pestalozzi, Jean Hemri, Swiss philanthropist and educational reformer; J. 12 Jan. 1746; commenced his system, 1775 ; established school at Hofwyl, 1 802 ; published collected edition of his "Works, 1819-26; d. 17 Feb. 1827. Petagna, Vincenzo, Neapolitan botanist ; i. 17 Jan. 1734; d. 6 Oct. 1810. Petau, (Petavius), Denis, French Jesuit theo- logian; b. 21 Aug. 15S3; published " Opus de Doctrina Temporum," 1627; "Tabulae Chrono- logicEe Regum, &c.," 1628; "Theologica dog- matica," 1644-50; d. II Dec. 1652. Peter, Saint and apostle; 5. at Bethsaida, about B.C. 10 ; crucified at Rome, 29 June, 65, or 67. Peter, Saint and martyr, bishop of Alexandria, 300; beheaded, 25 Nov. 311. Peter of Alcantara, Saint, Spanish Franciscan friar ; b. 1499 ; founded the congregation of Barefooted Franciscans, 1555; d. 18 Oct. 1562. Peter, emperors of Brazil, and kings of Por- tugal, see Pedro. Peter I. — III., emperors of Russia. I. the Great 6. g June, 1672 With Ivan V. succeeded their brother, Feodor II., as czars of Muscovy . . 7 May, 1682 Became sole sovereign . . . .11 Oct. 1689 Visited Holland and England ; worked in Dept- ford dockyard 1697-98 Compelled to return by a conspiracy of the StreUtz, which he suppressed with excessive cruelty Sept. 1698 Defeated by Charles XII., king of Sweden, at Narva 30 Nov. 1700 Founded St. Petersburg . . 27 May, 1703 Abolished the Strelitz 1704 Totally defeated Charles SII. at battle of Pultowa 8 July, 1709 Married the empress Catharine . 29 May, 1711 Made unsuccessful war with Turkey . . 1711 Added Esthonia, Livonia, and great part of Fin- land to his empire 1715 Visited Germany, Holland, and France . 1716-17 Conspiracy and death of prince Alexis 26 June, 1718 Assumed the title of emperor . . 22 Oct. 1721 Founded the academy of sciences . 1 Feb. 1725 d. 28 Jan. 1725 II. son of Alexis, and grandson of Peter the Great ; b. 23 Oct. 1715 : succeeded Catharine 1. 17 May, 1727 d. 29 Jan. 1730 III. grandson of Peter the Great . 6. 4 March, 1728 Succeeded, 5 Jan. 1762 ; deposed, g July ; assas- sinated 14 July, 1762 Peter I. — IV., kings of Aragon. I. king of .Aragon and Navarre ; succeeded, 6 July, 1094 d. 28 Sept. 1104 II. &. 1174; succeeded, 16 May, 1196; led the Albigenses against Simon de Montfort ; defeated by him and killed at battle of Muret, 17 Sept. 1213 III. the Great ; b. 1239 ; succeeded, 27 July, 1276 ; conquered Sicily, 1282 : granted to his subjects the "Privilegio general," 1283; defied the papacy d. 10 Nov. 1285 IV. the Ceremonious ; &. 15 Sept. 1317 : succeeded, 24 June, 1336 ; endeavoui'ed in vain to conquer Castillo d. 5 Jan. 1387 Peter, king of the Bulgarians ; with his brother Asa, led the revolt of the Bulgarians and Walachians against Isaac Angelus, emperor of the East, 1186; assassinated, 1196. Peter, Idng of Castillo, called the Cruel and the Justicier ; 6. 30 Aug. 1334; d. 23 March, 1369. Succeeded his father Alfonso 51. . 27 March, 1350 Deposed by Du Guesclin for his tyranny, 16 March, 1366 Made alliance with Edward the Black Prince ; regained his throne after defeat of Du Guesclin at Najara 3 April, 1367 Defeated at Montiel by his natural brother, prince Henry ; slain by him . . .23 March, 1369 PET 445 PET Petee, the Hermit, French warrior ; i. about 1050; preached the first cnisade, 1095; led the crusaders to the Holy Land, 1096 ; d. his- Petee, of Blois, archdeacon of London, French statesman, historian, and theologian ; b. about 1 1 30 ; entered diplomatic service of Henry II. of England, 1175 ; his "Opera" published, 15 19; d. between 1198 and 1203. Petee, the ivild boy; 6. about 1713 ; dis- covered in forest of Hertswold, electorate of Hanover, Nov. 1725; d. Feb. 17S5. Petee CHEYSOLoaus, Saint, archbishop of Ravenna, 433 ; d. 2 Dec. 450. Petek Nolasque, Saint, founder of the order of mercy for the deliverance of Christian slaves from the Moors; b. I Aug. 1 182, or 1 1 89; founded his order, 10 Aug. 1218; d. 1256. Peteekin, Alexander, Scotch solicitor and antiquary; 5. 1781; published "Rentals of the Ancient Earldom and Bishoprick of Ork- ney," 1820; ** Notes on Orkney and Zetland," 1822 ; d. 1846. Peteemann, August Heinrich, German geo- grapher ; b. 18 April, 1822 ; resided in Eng- land, 1845-54 ; published with T. Milner, "Atlas of Physical Geography," 1850 ; "Mit- theilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt," 1855-69. Peters, Hugh, independent preacher and demagogue ; b, 1599 ; became chaplain to Oliver Cromwell ; hanged as a regicide, 16 Oct. 1660. Petees, Samuel, American clergyman; b. 12 Dec. 1735; published "History of the Rev. Hugh Peters," 1807 ; d. 19 April, 1826. Peteesen, Fredrik Christian, Danish philolo- gist ; 6. 9 Dec. 1 786. Peteesen, Niels Matthias, Danish historian and philologist; i. 1791 ; published "Oldnor- diske SagEer," 1831-36; " Nordisk Mythologie," 1849. Petheeice, John, African explorer ; appointed vice-consul at Khartoum, 1850 ; consul for the district of Soudan, 1860-64; published "Travels in Central Africa, and Explorations of the Western Nile Tributaries," 1869. Petion, Alexandre, president of the republic of Hayti; b. 2 April, 177°; nominated presi- dent, 10 March, 1807; d. 29 March, 1818. Petit, Jean Louis, French surgeon ; &. 13 March, 1674; published " Traits des Maladies des Os," 1723; "Traitd des Maladies chirurgi- cales," 1774; d. 20 April, 1750. Petit, Rev. John Louis, ecclesiastical anti quary and draughtsman ; 5. 31 May, 1 80 1 published "Architectural Studies in France,' 1854 ; d. I Deo. 1868. Petit, Louis Hayes, M.D. ; b. 9 Nov. 1 774 ; d 13 Nov. 1849. Petit, Pierre, French mathematician ; 5. 31 Dec. 1598 ; d. 20 Aug. 1677. Petit-Radel, Louis Fran9oi3, French archi- tect ; b. 22 July, 1740 ; d. 7 Nov. 1818. Petitot, Claude Bernard, French historical writer; b. 30 March, 1772; published "Col- lection des M^moires relatifs ^ I'Histoire de France," 1 8 19, &c. ; d. 6 April, 1825. Petitot, Jean, Genevese enamel painter ; 5. 12 July, 1607 ; visited England; went to France, 1649; d. 1691. Petitot, French sculptors : Pierre : b. 1751 ; d. 7 Nov. 1840. Louis Messidor Lebon, son ; h. 22 June, 1794 : exe- cuted monument of Louis Bonaparte, king of Hol- land, in chapel of Napoleon-Saint-Leu. Petiveb, James, botanist ; published " Gazo- phylacii Naturae et Artis decades X.," 1 702-11; " Pterigraphia Americana," 1712; d. 20 April, 1718. Peto, Sir Samuel Morton, bart,, railway con- tractor; b. 4 Aug. 1809; constructed railway at Balaklava, 1854 ; created baronet, 22 Feb. 1855 ; M.P. for Norwich, 1847-54; for Fins bury, 1859-65; for Bristol, 1865-68. PetOpt, Sandor, Hungarian poet ; b. i Jan" 1823; published "Poems," 1847; killed in a revolutionary combat, 1849. Petkaeca, Francesco, Italian poet ; b. at Arezzo, 19 or 20 July, 1304 ; became ena- moured of Laura, 6 April, 1327; wrote "Sonetti, Canzoni et Trionphi," first printed, 1470 ; revived classical learning ; d. at Ai-quk, 1 8 July, 1374. Petee, Edward, Jesuit priest; b. 1631 ; became confessor to James II.; d. 15 May, 1699. Petee, Sir William, statesman ; employed by Henry VIII. in visitation of the monasteries ; d. 13 Jan. 1572. Peteeids, Johann, German printer ; b. about 1497 ; printed at Nuremberg ; d. 18 March, 1550- Peteie, Henry, antiquary; b. 1768; prepared " Monumenta Historica Britannica," published 1848; d. 17 March, 1842. Petbonius Aebitee, Gains, Roman novelist ; wrote "Satyricon;" d. B.C. 66. Peteov, VasUy Petrovitch, Russian poet ; b. 1736; his complete Works published, 1811 ; d. 4 Dec. 1799. ' Peteus de Apono, see .4 bano. • Pettie, John, Scottish painter ; b. 1839 ; elected A.R.A., 1866. Pettigeew, Thomas Joseph, M.D, antiquary; b. 1790; published "Bibhotheca Sussexiana," 1827-39 ; History of Egyptian Mummies," 1834 ; " Medical Portrait Gallery," 1840 ; d. 23 Nov. 1865. Petty, marquesses of Lansdowne : L William Petty, statesman . . b. 1737 Succeeded as earl of Shelburne . to May, 1761 Secretary of state for southern department, Aug. 1766 — Nov. 1768 Foreign secretary . . . March — July, 1782 First lord of the treasury July, 1782— April, 1783 PET 4i6 PHI Created marquess, 6 Dec. 17S4 . d. 7 May, 1805 IT. John Henry Petty, son ; &. 6 Dec. 1765 ; d. 15 Nov. 1809 III. Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, half-brother, statesman .... &. 2 July, 1780 Chancellor of the exchequer, Feb. 1806— March, 1807 Lord president of the council, Nov. 1830 — Dec. 1834 : April, 1835 — Sept. 1841 ; July, 1846 — Feb. 1852 Held a seat in the cabinet without office, Dec. 1852— Feb. 1858 . . . . ti. 31 Jan. 1863 rv. Henry Petty Fitzmaurice, sou; 6. 5 Jan. 1816 M.P. for Calne . . . 1847-56 A lord of the treasury . . Dec. 1847 — Aug. 1848 Summoned to house of peers as baron "Wy- combe II July, 1856 Under-Secretary for foreign affairs, 1856-58 : d. 5 July, 1866 V. Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitz- maurice, son . . . . 6. 14 Jan. 1845 Made a lord of the treasury . Dec. 1868 Petty, Sir William, M.P., physician and inventor ; 6. 1623 ; published " Hihemise delineatio," 1685 ; " Political Arithmetic," 1690 ; d. 16 Dec. 1687. Petyt, William, lawyer and antiquary ; i. 1636 ; published " Ancient Eight of the Commons of England asserted," 1680; "Jus Parliamentarium, " 1739; d. 3 Oct. 1707. Peucee, Caspar, German physician and mathe- matician ; h. 6 Jan. 1525; published " Com- mentarius de prfecipuis Mvinationum Generi- bus," 1553 ; d. 25 Sept. 1602. Peubbaoh, Georg von, German astronomer; 5. 30 May, 1423 ; wrote " Theoricee novae Planetarum," published 1 472 ; " Tabulse EccUpsium," 1514; d, 8 April, 1461. Peuteman", Nicolas, Dutch painter ; &. 1657 ; carved skeletons and Death's heads ; d. Sept. 1692. Pedtingeb, Conrad, German scholar and anti- quary ; h. 14 Oct. 1465 ; published " Eomanaa Vetustatis Fragmenta in Augusta Vindeli- corum," 1505 ; the famous maps, known as " Tables de Peutinger," published in facsimile, 1869; d. 24 Dec. 1547. Petke, French architects : Marie Joseph; b. 1730; published " Giuvres d' Architecture," 1765 . . . d. 11 Aug. 1785 Antoine Franqois, brother: &. 5 April, 1739; published *' (Euvres d' Architecture," 1819-20 d. 7 March, 1823 Antoine Marie, son of Marie Joseph : b. 24 Feb. 1770 . . . . li. 25 Feb. 1843 Peteon, Jean Francois Pierre, French histo- rical painter; b. 13 Nov. 1744; d. 20 Jan. 1820. Peyeon, Vittorio Amadeo, Italian abb^ and orientalist ; i. 2 Oct. 1785; pubUshed ' ' Frag- mente der Eeden des Cicero," 1824 ; "Lexicon LinguEB Copticae," 1835. Pezza, Michele, Italian bandit, called " Fra Diavolo," 6. 1770 ; hung at Naples, 10 Nov. 1806. Peannek, Tobias, German historian ; h. 1641 ; published " Historia Paois WestphaUcae," 1679 ; d. 1716. Pfeffel, Gottlieb Conrad, German poet and fabulist; 6. 28 June, 1736 ; d. I May, 1809. Pfeipeek, Ida, German traveller ; 6. 1795 ; d. 27 Oct. 1858. Pfeiffer, Ludwig Georg Carl, German natu- raUst ; b. 4 July, 1805; published "Figures des Cactfes en fleura," 1838-50; "Novitates conchologicas," 1854-58. Pfinzing, Melchior, German poet ; b. 1481 ; published "Theuerdank," a poem on the mar- riage of the emperor MaximiUan with Mary of Burgundy, 1517 ; d. 24 Nov. 1535. Pfister, Albrecht, German printer ; 6. about 1420 ; printed at Bamberg ; executed Latin Bible (of 36 hues), about 1456-60; d. about 1470. PHiEDON, Greek philosopher; founder of the EHan school ; fl, about B.C. 401. Ph/edkus, Eoman fabulist;,;?. 14; his "Fabu- Ise" first printed, 1596. Phaeb, Thomas, Welsh physician and poet ; published "Regiment of Lyfe," 1553; transla- tion in verse of " Seven first Bookes of the Eneidos of Virgill," 1558; d. 12 Aug. 1560. Pharaoh, see Amenofhis. Pharaoh Hophra, see Apries. Pheidias, Athenian sculptor ; Jl. 5th century B.C. ; executed the sculptures and directed the erection of the Parthenon at Athens. Phelps, Samuel, actor ; 6. 1806 ; first ap- peared, 1828. Philaret, ("Vasily Drozdov), metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, Eussian orator and theologian ; b. 26 Dec. 1782 ; bishop of Revel, 1 81 7; archbishop of Tver, 1819 ; of Yaroslav, 1820 ; of Moscow, 1821 ; metropoli- tan, 1826 ; published "Notes on the Book of Genesis ;" d. i Dec. 1867. Philidor, see Danican. Philip, dukes of Burgundy. I. sumamed the Bold . . . &. 15 Jan. 1342 Taken prisoner at Poitiers by Edward III. of England 19 Sept. 1356 Made duke by his father, John of Valois, king of France 6 Sept. 1363 Married Margaret, daughter and heiress of Louis, count of Flanders . . . .19 June, 1369 Succeeded to Flanders, Artois, Eethel, and Nevers 9 Jan. 1384 Became the most powerful prince in Christendom d. 27 April, 1404 II. surnamed the Good, grandson . 6. 13 June, 1396 Succeeded John the Fearless . Sept. 1419 Concluded treaty of Arras with Henry "V. of England 1419 Concluded treaty of Arras with Charles YII. of France 22 Sept. 143S Unsuccessfully besieged Calais, 1436 ; d. 15 July, 1467 Philip, emperor of Germany ; b. about 11 70; made duke of Swabia, 1 1 96 ; elected emperor in succession to his brother, Henry VI., II98; assassinated by his rival, Otto of Wittelsbach, 21 June, 1 208. Philip I., II., emperors of Eome. I. the Arabian ; made emperor, 244 ; assassinated near Verona 249 II. son; 6. 237; associated with his father in the empire ... ... 247 PHI 447 PHI Killed at battle of Verona shortly after liis father's death 249 Philip I. — VI., kings of France. I. the Fair 6. 1052 Associated in the sovereignty with his father, Henry I., and crowned at Rheims . 23 May, 1059 Succeeded at his father's death . 4 Aug. 1060 Assumed the government .... 1066 Divorced his queen Bertha, and married Eer- trade de Montfort 1092 Both excommunicated at council of Autun, Oct. 1094 Escommunication removed . . 2 Dec. 11 04 d. 29 July, 1 108 II. Augustus . . . &. 22 or 25 Aug. 1165 Crowned at Rheims in lifetime of his father, Louis VII. I Nov. IT 79 Succeeded his father .... 18 Sept. 1180 Set out with Richard I. of England, on crusade to the Holy Land .... 4 July, 1190 Besieged and took Acre . . 13 July, iigi Returned to Fontainebleau . . . 27 Dec. 1191 Invaded Normandy, and made war with Rich- ard 1 1192-96 Defeated the Germans at Bouvines 27 July, 1214 d. 14 July, 1223 in. the Hardy . . . . 6. 3 April, 1245 Succeeded his father, Louis IX. . . 25 Aug. 1270 d. 5 Oct. 1285 IV. the Fair, son 6. 1268 Navarre placed under the protection of France, 1276 Married Jane, queen of Navarre . . 1284 Succeeded to throne of France . . 5 Oct. 1285 Quarrelled with the pope . . . 1300-3 d. 29 Nov. 1314 V. the Long, son ... . b. 1294 Succeeded John 1 19 Nov. 1316 The Salic law established .... 1317 d. 3 Jan. 1322 VI. of Valois, the Fortunate, grandson of Philip III. b. 1293 Succeeded Charles IV 31 Jan. 1328 Edward III. of England invaded France, claim- ing the crown Sept. 1339 Normandy invaded by the English 10 July, 1346 Defeated by Edward III. at Crecy . 26 Aug. 1346 Calais taken by the English . . 4 Aug. 1347 d. 22 Aug. 1350 Philip I. — ^V., kings of Macedon. I. Jl. 9th century B.C. II. 6. B.o , 382 Became king 360 Instituted the Macedonian phalanx . 359 Took Amphipolis 358 First sacred war commenced . , . 356 Conquered Thrace, Illyria, and Thessaly . 356-352 Close of the first sacred war .... 346 Made Thrace tributary to Macedon . . 343 Made war against the Athenians . . . 341 Unsuccessfully besieged Byzantium . 340 Defeated the Athenians at Cheroneia . , 338 Assassinated by Pausanias, at Mgse, during the celebration of games in honour of the marriage of his daughter, Cleopatra ; succeeded by his son, Alexander the Great .... 336 III. Arrhidseus, natural son ; succeeded upon death of Alexander the Great . b.o. 323 Murdered by Olympias 317 IV. became king, B.C. 297 . . . . d. 296 V. 6 about B.o. 235 Began to reign 221 tTnsuccessful in war against the Bhodians . 202 Defeated by the Romans at Cynocephalae . 197 d. 17S Philip I. — V., kings of Spain, I. of Austria 6. 22 July, 1478 Became governor of the Netherlands upon the death of his mother, Mary of Burgundy . 1482 Married Joanna, daughter of Ferdinand the CathoUc and Isabella of Castile . . 21 Oct. 1496 Succeeded, jointly with his wife, upon death of queen Isabella, .... 26 Nov. 1504 d. 25 Sept. 1506 II. king of Naples and Sicily . . b. 21 May, 1527 Married Mary, queen of England 25 July, 1554 Succeeded upon abdication of his father, the em- peror Charles V. . . ,25 Oct. 1555 Queen Mary died 17 Nov. 1558 Commenced persecution of the protestants . 1561 Turkish fleet defeated at battle of Lepanto, 7 Oct. 1571 Portugal united to Spain by conquest . . 1580 The Spanish armada defeated . . 8 Aug. 1588 d. 13 Sept. T598 III. the Pious, son . . . &. 14 April, 1578 Succeeded 13 Sept. 1398 Expelled the Moors from Granada and adjacent provinces n Sept. 1609 d. 31 March, 1621 IV. son &. 8 April, 1605 Succeeded 31 March, 1621 Unsuccessful in war with French and Dutch ; lost Portugal, 1640 . . . cZ. 17 Sept. 1663 V. of Bourbon, duke of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV. of France . 6. 19 Dec. 1683 Proclaimed king 24 Nov. 1700 Hence arose the "war of succession" . . 1702 Terminated by treaty of Utrecht . 11 April, 1713 Abdicated 14 Jan. 1724 d. g July, 1746 Philip of Neri, Saint, founder of the order of the Oratory; b. 23 July, 1515 ; established the Oratoriana, 1564; canonized, 1622; d. 26 May, 1525- Philip of the Holy Trinity, (Esprit JuKen), French Carmelite missionary; b. 1603; pub- lished "Itinerarium Orientale," 1649; "Decor Carmeli religiosi, seu Historia Carmelitarum Sanctitate illustrium," 1665; d. 28 Peb. 1671. Philipot, John, antiquary; wrote "Villare Cantianum," published by his son, 1659 ; d. 1645. Philippa of Hainault, queen of Edward III. of England; married, 24 Jan. 1328; d. 15 Aug. 1369. Philippe de Eehhallet, Charles Marie, cap- tain, French hydrographer ; 6, 17 Sept. 1809. Philippoteaux, F^Ux Henri Emmanuel, French historical painter ; 6. 1815. Philips, Ambrose, poet; h. 1671 ; published "Pastorals, Epistles, Odes, and other original Poems," 1710; d. 18 June, 1749. Philips, Mrs Catharine, poetess, called the "Matchless Orinda ;" b. (Fowler), I Jan. 1631 ; her "Poems" published, 1667; d. 22 June, 1664. Philips, Fabian, royalist author; h. 1601 ; published "Veritas inconcussa," in vindication of Charles I., 1649; d. 17 Nor. 1690. Philips, John, poet; h. 30 Dec. 1676 ; pub- lished "Splendid Shilling," 1 703; "Blenheim," 1705; d. 15 Feb. 1708. Philistus, Syracusan historian ; 6. about B.C. 435 ; d. 356. Phillimoee, John George, lawyer and his- torian; 6. 1809; d 27 April, 1865. Phillimobe, Joseph, ecclesiastical lawyer ; b. 1775 ; regius professor of civil law at Oxford, 1809; d. 24 Jan. 1S55. PHI 448 PIC Phillimore, Sir Robert Joseph, son, judge ; 5. iSio; appointed queen's advocate, 1862; judge of the court of admiralty, Aug. 1867 ; published "Memoirs and Correspondence of George, LordLyttelton,'l734-73," 1845; "Com- mentaries on International Law," 1854-61. Phillip, Arthur, vice-admiral; h. 1738; organised the convict settlement in New South Wales, 1788-93; d. Nov. 18 14. Phillip, John, Scottish painter ; J. 19 May, 1817; painted "Letter Writer of Seville," "La Gloria," "Marriage of the Princess Koyal;" elected A.E.A., 1857; E.A., 1859; d. 27 Feb. 1867. Phillipps, Sir Thomas, bart., antiquary and genealogist; h. 1792; created baronet, 27 July, 1821 ; has collected a fine library of books and MSS. at Middle Hill, Worcestershire, and pri- vately printed there many antiquarian works. Phillips, Edward, miscellaneous writer, nephew of Milton; h. Aug. 1630; published "New World of Words," 1658; "Theatrum Poetarum," 1675; wrote "Life of John Mil- ton," printed 1694; d. 1680. Phillips, Henry Wyndham, portrait painter; d. 8 Dec. 1868. Phillips, John, geologist ; h. 25 Dec. 1800 ; appointed professor of geology at Oxford, 1856; pubUshed "Treatise on Geology," 1837 ; "Geo- logy of Yorkshire, " 1 829-36 ; " Geological Map of the British Isles," 1842. Phillips, Richard, chemist ; h. 177S; d. June, 1851. Phillips, Samuel, critic and essayist ; 6. 1815 ; literary reviewer of the " Times ;" d. 14 Oct. 1854. Phillips, Thomas, Catholic priest ; h. 1 708 ; published " Study of Sacred Literature," 1756 ; " Life of Reginald Pole," 1764 ; d. 1774. Phillips, Thomas, portrait painter; h. 18 Oct. 1770; elected A.R.A., 1804; R.A., 1808; painted best portrait of Byron, 18 14; pubUshed "Lectures on Painting," 1833; d. 20 April, 1845. Phillips, Sir Thomas, Welsh lawyer, presi- dent of the Society of Arts ; 6. 1801 ; knighted for services rendered as mayor of Newport in defeat of the chartists in Nov. 1839; pubUshed "Wales," 1849; d. 26 May, 1867. Phillips, WUliam, mineralogist ; 5. 10 May, 1773 ; pubUshed "Introduction to Mineralogy," 1816; with W. D. Conybeare, "Geology of England and Wales," 1822; d. 1828. Phillpotts, Henry, bishop of Exeter; 6. 6 May, 1778; d. 18 Sept. 1869. Defended bishop Barrington against criticisms of Br Lingard i8og Published "Letter to Earl Grey on certain charges advanced by him against the Clergy of the county of Durham," 1821 ; " Letters to Charles Butler, Esq, , on the theological parts of his Book of the Roman Catholic Church Made dean of Chester 1S25 1828 Consecrated bishop of Exeter . . .2 Jan. 1831 Kefused on account of heresy to institute Eev. J. Gorham to vicarage of Bramford Speke ; judg- ment given in court of arches for the bishop 2 Aug. 1849 Judgment reversed by j udicial committee of privy council 8 March, 1850 Mr Gorham instituted by archbishop Sumner 7 Aug. 1850 Published "Letter to the Archbishop of Canter- bury," in which he " anathematized" him . 1850 Philo jDDiEUS, Alexandrian Jewish philoso- pher ; jl. 1st century; his works first printed, 1552- Philocles, Athenian tragic poet ; fl. 4th cen- tury B.C. Philostoegids, Greek ecclesiastical historian ; b. about 360 ; d. about 430. Philosteatus, Flavius, Greek sophist ; jl. 2d century ; wrote " Vita ApoUonii Tyanei." Philpot, John, archdeacon of Winchester ; martyr ; burnt at Smithfield, 18 Dec. 1555. Philpott, Henry, bishop of Worcester ; 6. 17 Nov. 1807 ; master of St. Catharine's college, Cambridge, 1845-60 ; consecrated, i860. Phipps, see Mulgrave, Normanby. Phooas, emperor of the East; crowned, 23 Nov. 602 ; beheaded, 612. Phocion, Athenian general and statesman ; h, about B.C. 402 ; (^.317. Pheanzes, Byzantine historian ; 6. 1401 ; wrote a chronicle of the years 1259-1477 ; d. about 1478. PiA, PhiUppe Nicolas, French chemist; 5. 15 Sept. 1721 ; invented appUances for restoring the drowned ; d. 4 May, 1 799. PlANETTi, Gaspare Bernardo, Italian cardinal; b. 7 Feb. 1780; created, 1S39; d. 30 Jan. 1862. PiAZZETTA, Giovanni Battista, Venetian paiii- ter ; h. 1683 ; d. 1754. PiAZzi, Giuseppe, ItaUan astronomer ; b. l6 July, 1746 ; discovered the planet Ceres, I Jan. 1801 ; published "DeUa Specola Astronomica di Palermo," 1792-1806; d. 22 July, 1826. PiBEAO, Gui du Faur, seigneur de, French magistrate and poet ; b. 1529; pubUshed "Cin- quante Quatrains," 1574 ; d. 27 May, 1584. PiCARD, Jean, French astronomer ; &. 21 July, 1620; pubUshed five first volumes of " Connaissance des Temps," 1679-83; d. 12 Oct. 1682. PlOAED, Louis Benolt, French dramatist and novelist; b. 29 July, 1769; produced "Voyage Interrompu" and " Com^diens Ambulants," 179S; "Les Marionnettes," 1806; d. 31 Dec. 1828. PiOAED, Louis Joseph Ernest, French advo- cate and ultra-Uberal poUtician ; b. 24 Deo. 1821. PlOAET, French engravers ; Etienne, called "Eomain ;" 6. 1631 ; d. 12 Nov. 1721. Eernaud, son : &, n June, 1673 ; published "Impos- tures Innocentes," 1734 ; i. S May, 1733. PIC 4-19 Piooiiwi, Nioolo, Italian musical composer; h. 1728; produced "Didon," opera, i Deo. 1783; "Jonathan," oratorio, 1792; d. 7 May, 1800. PiccoLOMlNl, Alessandro, Italian prelate; h. 13 June, 150S; published "La Kafaella, owero della creanza delle Donne," 1539; "Delia Sfera del Mondo," 1540; d. 12 March, 1578. PiccoLOMiNi, Eneo Silvio, see Pius II., pope. PicoOLOMiNl, Giacomo, Italian cardinal and historian; b. 8 March, 1422; created, 146 1; published "Commentarii et Epistolse," 1506; d. 10 Sept. 1479. PicoOLOMiNl, Giacomo, Italian cardinal; J. 31 July, 1795; created, 1844; d. 17 Aug. 1 86 1. PiccoLOJiiNi, Maria, Italian operatic singer ; J. 1835; made her df$but at Florence, 1852; married and retired, 1861. PiCHEGBU, Charles, French republican general; 6. 16 Feb. 1761 ; appointed to command the army of the north, 7 Feb. 1794; conspired against Bonaparte ; d. by suicide in the Temple at Paris, 5 April, 1804. PiCHLEE, Caroline, German novelist ; h. (von Grenier), 7 Sept. 1769; published "Aga- thooles," 1808; d. 9 July, 1843. PiOHOT, Am^d^e, French historical and mis- cellaneous writer; h. 1796; published "His- toire de Charles Edouard," 1830 ; " Chronique de Charles-Quint," 1853. Pickering, Timothy, American politician; i. 1745; secretary of state, 1793-1801 ; d. 29 Jan. 1S29. PiCKEKSGiLL, Frederick Richard, historical painter; h. 1820; elected A.R. A., 1847; R.A., 1857; painted "Burial of Harold," 1847; " Pirates of the Mediterranean playing at dice for prisoners," 1861. PiCKERSGiLL, Henry Hall, historical painter, son of H. W. PickersgiU; 6. 1812; d. 7 Jan. 1861. PiCKEKSGiLL, Henry William, portrait painter; h. 3 Dec. 1782; elected A.E.A., 1822; K.A., 1826. Pico DELLA MiKANDOLA, Giovanni, Italian theologian and philosopher ; i. 24 Feb. 1463 ; published " Conclusiones PhUosophiose," i486; "Apologia," 1489; d. 17 Nov. 1494. Pioo DBLLA MiRANDOLA, Giovanni Francesco, prince, nephew, theologian ; 6. about 1469 ; published "Vita Hieronymi Savonarolee," 1530; d. 1533. PicoT, Franjois Edouard, French historical painter; b. 1786; painted "Orestes," in the Luxembourg gallery, and "Coronation of the Virgin, " in chm'ch of Notre Dame de Lorette at Paris. PiOTET, B^n^dict, Swiss protestant theologian; I. 30 May, 1655; published "Trait(^ centre ITndifffrence des Religions," 1692; "Theologia Christiana," 1696; d. 10 June, 1724. PIL PiOTET, Marc Auguste, Swiss meteorologist ; 5. 23 July, 1752; d. 19 April, 1825. PiCTOisr, Sir Thomas, general; 6. about 1758; killed at Waterloo, 18 June, 181 5. Pious Mirandulus, see Pico della Mlrandola. PiDDING, Henry J., painter ; 6. about 1797 ; c^. 13 June, 1864. PiEKOE, Edward, historical painter ; d. about 1680. Pierce, Franklin, American democratic statesman; b. 23 Nov. 1804 ; joined the army on the outbreak of the Mexican war, June, 1845 ; made brigadier-general, March, 1847 ; president of the United States, 1853-57; d. 8 Oct. 1869. PiEEiNO DEL Vaga, (Pietro Buonaccorsi), Florentine painter ; b. 1500 ; aided Raphael in the decoration of the Vatican ; d. 1 547. PiERMARiNi, Giuseppe, Italian architect ; b. 18 July, 1734 ; rf. 18 Feb. 1808. PiERSON, Chrietoph, Dutch painter; b. 19 May, 1631 ; d. 11 Aug. 1 714. Pietro dAbano, see Abano. Pietro della Feancesca, see Francesca. PiGAEETTA, Francesco Antonio, Itahan navi- gator ; b. about 1491 ; served under Magalhaens, and wrote an account of his voyage ; d. after •534- PiGALLB, Jean Baptiste, French sculptor ; b. 26 Jan. 1 714* executed mausoleum of mar- shal Saxe at Strasbourg, and statue of Voltaire in the Institut at Paris ; d. 21 August 1785. PiOANiOL DE LA FoRCE, Jean Aimar, French historical writer; b. 1673; published "Nou- velle Description g^ographique et historique de la France," 1715 ; "Description de Paris," 1742; d. Feb. 1753. PiGNORIA, Lorenzo, Italian antiquary ; h. 12 Oct. 1571 ; published " Vetustissimffi Tabulse aenese hieroglyphycis explicatio," (the Isiac Table), 1605 ; d. 13 June, 1 63 1. PiGOT, David Richard, Irish judge ; b. 1S05 ; made soUcitor-general for Ireland, Feb. 1839 ; attorney-general, Aug. 1840 — Sept. 1841 ; chief baron of the exchequer, Sept. 1S46. PiGOTT, Sir Cillery, judge; b. 1S13 ; made a baron of the exchequer, Oct. 1863. PiGRAT, Pierre, French surgeon; became principal surgeon to Henry IV. and Louis XIII. of France; published "Chirurgia," 1600; d. 15 Nov. 1613. Pilate, Pontius, Roman governor of Judaea ; appointed, 27; condemned to death Jesus Christ, 30 ; took silver from the sacred treasury to construct an aqueduct ; suppressed consequent rising of the people of Samaria with great cruelty, about 32 ; d. 39. PiLKINGTON, James, bishop of Durham, re- former; 6. 1520; consecrated, 1560; his "Worlcs" published by the Parker Society, 1841 ; d. 23 Jan. 1575. 21- PIL 450 PIT PiLKiNGTON, Mrs Ljetitia, poetess, i. (van Lewen), 1712; married Rev. Matthew PUking- ton, 1730; published " Memoira " (of herself), 1748; d. 29 Aug. 1750. PiLKiNGTON, Eev. Matthew, biblical critic ; published " Remarks upon several Passages of Scripture," 1759; b. 1765. PiLLANS, James, Scottish educationalist ; i. 1777 ; professor of humanity at Edinburgh, 1820-63; published "Eclogse GiceronianEe, " 1845; d. 27 March, 1864. PiLLON, or PiLON, Germain, Prench sculptor ; h. about 1535 ; executed for the mausoleum of Henry II. the " Three Graces," now in the Louvre ; d. 3 Peb. 1590. PiLON, Frederick, Irish actor and dramatist ; i. 1750 ; d 17 Jan. 1788. Pinchbeck, Thomas, mechanician ; d. 1 783. PiNDAK, Theban, lyric poet ; b. about B.C. 522; his Odes first printed, 151 3; d. about 442. PiNDAE, Sir Paul, diplomatist; d. 22 Aug. 1650. PiNDAE, Peter, see Wolcot. PiNDEMONTE, Ippolito, Italian poet; h. 13 Nov. 1753; published "Poesie campestri," 1785 ; translation of Homer's Odyssey, 1809-17; "Elogl di Litterati," 1825-26; d. 18 Nov. 1828. Pine, John, Une-engraver ; i. 1690; engraved entire text and illustrations of Horace, pub- lished 1 733 ; " Tapestry Hangings of the House of Lords," 1739; d. 4 May, 1756. PiNEL, Philippe, French physician ; h. 20 April, 1 745 ; published " Nosographie philo- sophique," 1798; d. 26 Oct. 1826. PiNELLi, Bartolomeo, Roman engraver ; b. 1781 ; d. I April, 1835. PiNGE^, Alexandre Gui, French astronomer ; b. 4 Sept. 1 7 1 1 ; published " Etat du Ciel," 1754-57; " Com^tographie," 17S3; d. I May, 1796. PiNKEKTON, John, Scotch miscellaneous writer; b. 27 Feb. 1758; published "Ancient Scottish Poems," a forgery, 1786; " Essay on Medals," 1 789 ; " General Collection of Voyages and Travels," 1808-14; d. 10 March, 1826. PiNSON, see Pynson. PiNTELLi, Baooio, Italian architect ; designed the Siitine Chapel, and library of the Vatican ; H. 1475-92- Pinto, see Mendez Pinto. PiNTUEiccHio, Bernardino Betti, Italian painter; b. 1454; d. 1513- PiNZON, Martin Alonzo, Portuguese navi- gator ; accompanied Columbus on his first voyage, 1492 ; d. 1493. PiNzoN, Vicente Yaflez, brother, Portuguese navigator ; accompanied Columbus on his first voyage, 1492 ; discovered Brazil, 1 500 ; d. after 1523- PioLA, Domenico, Genoese painter; i. 1628; d. 8 April, 1705. PiOMBO, Sebastiano del, (Sebastiano Luciano), Venetian painter ; b. 1485 ; his chef-d'oeuvre is the " Raising of Lazarus," now in the National GaUery, London; d. 1547. PiOKET, Pierre Adolphe, French physician ; 5, 31 Dec. 1794; published "De la Percussion mediate," 1828 ; " Traits de Pathologie ia- trique et de M^decine pratique," 1841-52. Piozzi, Mrs Esther Lynch, friend of Dr Johnson; b. (Salisbury), 1739; m. Mr Thrale, 1763; widow, 1 78 1; m. signer Piozzi, 1784; again widow, 1809 ; publihed " The Three Warnings," a tale, 1765; "Anecdotes of Samuel Johnson," 1786; her "Autobiography, Letters, and Literary Remains " published, 1861 ; d. 2 May, 1S21. Prppi, G-iulio, see Romano. PiEANESi, Italian engravers : GlAMBATTlSTA . . . , &. 4 Oct. 1720 Published " Antichitk Komane," 1756 ; " Vast, Candelabri, ed Omamenti antichi," 1778 ; "Vedute di Roma," and other architectural and archaeological works, containing in all about 1800 plates . . . d. g Nov. 1778 Francesco, son ; h. 1748 . . d. 27 Jan. 1810 LAun.i., daughter .... d. 1785 PiKKHEIMEE, WUibald, German scholar ; b. 5 Dec. 1470; published "Apologia seu Laus Podagrse," 1522; "Germanise ex variis Scrip- toribus perbrevis Explicatio," 1530; d. 22 Dec, 1530- PiEOLl, Tommaso, Roman engraver; b. 16 Oct. 1750; drew and engraved "Monumens antiques du Mus& Napoleon," 1804-6 ; d. 22 March, 1824. PiEON, Alexis, French dramatic poet; 6. 9 July, 1689; produced " M^tromanie," comedy, 1738; d. 21 Jan. 1773. PiSANi, Luigi, doge of Venice ; b. 1663 ; elected, 17 April, 1735 ; d. ly June, 1743. PiSANO, Andrea, see Andrea. PlSANO, Niccola, see Niccola. PisiSTEATDS, tyrant of Athens ; b. about B.O. 612; usurped the supreme authority about 561 ; twice banished, but regained his power; d. about 527. PiSTOElus, Johann, German historian and controversiaUst ; b. 1 544 ; published " Eerum Polonicarum Scriptores," 1582; "RerumGer- manicarum Scriptores," 1582-1607; d. about 1607. PiSTEUCCi, Benedetto, Italian gem engraver and medallist ; b. 1 782 ; settled in England, l8i6; d. 16 Sept. 1S55. PiTAU, Flemish engravers : Nicolas ; h. 1634 . . . . d. g Feb. 1676 Nicolas, son ; b. 1670 d. 1724 PiTOAiEN, Archibald, M.D., Scotch physician ; b. 25 Dec. 1652; published " Dissertationes MedioiB," 1701 ; "Elementa Medicinae physico- mathematica," 1717 ; d. 13 Oct. 1713. PiTHon, French jurists : PlBBRB . , S. I Nov. 1539 PIT 451 PIZ One of the chief authors of the "Satire M6nip- p^e:" published *' M^moires des Comtes de Champagne," 1572 , . , d. 1 Nov. 1596 FRANgois, brother . . . . &. 7 Sept. 1543 Published, with his brother, " Corpus Juris Canouici," 1687 . . . d. 25 Jan. 1621 PiTisons, Samuel, German philologist ; i. 30 March, 1636; published "Lexicon Latino- Belgicum, " 1 704 ; " Lexicon Antiquitatum Komanarum," 1713; d. I Feb. 1727. Pitman, Isaac, phonographer ; h. 4 Jan. 1813 ; invented phonetic system of "writing, 1S37 ; published " Manual of Phonography," 1840 ; "Phonetic News," 1849. PiTOT, Henri, French geometrician and engineer ; 6. 29 May, 1695 ; published "Th^orie de la Manoeuvre des Vaisseaux," 1 73 1; d. 27 Dec. 1771. PiTKA, Jean Baptiste, French cardinal ; J. 31 Aug. 1812; created cardinal, 1863; made librarian of the Vatican library, 1866; pub- lished "Spicilegium Solesmense," 1852-60; '* Juris Ecclesiastici G-rcECorum Historia et Monumenta," 1864; "Hymnographie de I'Eglise Grecque," 1S67. Pits, or Pitseds, John, Eoman catholic priest; h. 1560; wrote " De Illustribus Anglise Scriptoribus," published 1 619; d. 17 Oct. 1 61 5. Pitt, Pev. Christopher, poet ; b. 1699; pub- lished "Poems and Translations," 1727; trans- lation of Virgil's "jEneid," 1740; d. 15 April, 1748. Pitt, Thomas, governor of Fort St. George ; &. 1653 ; bought the Pitt diamond for;^20,400; sold it to the king of France for ;^i25,ooo, 1720; governor of Jamaica, 1716-18; d. 1726. Pitt, William, earl of Chatham, grandson, statesman; b. 15 Nov, 1708; d. II May, 1778. Entered parliament as M.P. for Old Sarum . 1734 Bequeathed ^10,000 by Sarah, duchess of Marl- borough, in recognition of his talented opposi- tion to Sir Robert Walpole . . 1744 Paymaster-general of the army . . . 1746-55 Made secretary of state . 14 Dec, 1756 Dismissed April, 1757 Again secretary of state, and virtual prime mini- ster .... 30 June, 1757 — Oct. 1761 Created earl of Chatham . . . . 4 Aug. 1766 Lord privy seal and premier 30 July, 1766 — Nov. 1768 Advocated abandonment of coercive measures against the North American colonies . . 1774 Seized with a fit in the House of Lords when rising to speak, 7 April . . d. n April, 1778 Pitt, William, son, statesman; &. 28 May, 1759; d. 23 Jan. 1806. Elected M.P. for Appleby .... 1780 Chancellor of the exchequer, 13 July, 1782— April, 1783 Became first lord of the treasury, and chancellor of the exchequer 27 Dec. 1783 Passed his India Bill appointing the Board of Control . . 18 May, 1784 Resigned March, 1801 Became again first lord of the treasury, and chan- cellor of the exchequer . . . .16 May, 1804 Made coalition with Austria and Russia against Napoleon Aug. 1805 Same destroyed by battle of Austerlitz . 2 Dec. 1805 Pitt, see Camelford. Pittacus, one of the seven sages of Greece ; h. about B.C. 652; ruler of Mitylene, 5S9-579 ; d. 569. Pitts, William, sculptor; 6. 1790; d. by poison, 16 April, 1840. Pius I. — IX., popes. I. Saint ; elected, 9 April, 142 piety ; martyred II. Eneo Silvio Piccolomini ; h. 19 elected 14 Aug. 1458 ; learned ; his " published, 1474; " Cosmographia," named for his II Julyj Oct. 1405; EpistolEe" 1477; li. 14 Aug. III. Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini; 6. 9 May, 1439 : elected, 22 Sept. . . . d.iS Oct. IV. Giovanni Angelo de' Medici ; h. 31 March, 1499 : elected, Dec. 1559 ; issued bull confirm- ing the council of Trent, 26 Jan. 1564; founded the Vatican press . . . d. 10 Dec. V. Michele Ghislieri, Saint ; b. 17 Jan. 1504 ; elected, 7 Jan. 7566; pious and energetic; made alliance with Venice and Spain against the Turks ; defeated their fleet at Lepanto, 7 Oct. 1571 .... d. I May, VI. Giovanni Angelo Braschi ; b. 27 Dec. 1717 ; elected, 15 Feb. 1775 ; dethroned and expelled from Rome by the French, Feb. 1798 ; d. in captivity at Valence , . . 29 Aug. VII. Gregorio Barnaba Luigi Chiaramonti ; h. , . ... 14 Aug. Elected pope .... Agreed to concordat with France Crowned the emperor Napoleon 1. Rome united to the French empire Excommunicated Napoleon Taken prisoner to Savona . Reinstated in his dominions Restored the Jesuits 1464 1503 156s 1799 1742 1800 i8or 1804 1809 1809 1809 1814 1814 1823 1830 1792 1840 T846 13 March. IS July, 2 Dec. 17 May, 10 June, 6 July, 25 May, 26 Sept. d. 20 Aug, VIII. Francesco Xavier Castiglione ; 6. 20 Nov. 1761 ; elected, 31 March, 1829 , d. 30 Nov. IX. Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti 6. 13 May, Created cardinal archbishop of Imola Elected pope 16 June, Insurrection at Rome ... 16 Nov. iH^ii Escaped in disguise to Gaeta . . 24 Nov. 1848 Deprived of temporal power by Roman National Assembly 8 Feb. 1849 Returned to Rome by aid of France . 12 April, 1850 Issued bull establishing a Roman catholic hier- archy in England . 24 Sept. 1850 Made concordat with Austria . . . Aug. 1855 Insurrection in the Romagna, Bologna, and Ferrara June, 1859 Annexation of Bologna to Sardinia voted, 7 Sept. 1859 The Romagna, Modena, and Parma formed into the province of ^Emilia ... 24 Dec. 1859 Annexation of the Marches to Sardinia voted, Nov. i860 Decreed dogma of the Immaculate Conception, Dec. i860 Published encyclical letter censuring eighty errors in religion, philosophy, and politics ; caused great dissatisfaction . 8 Dec. 1864 Rome evacuated by French army 2-12 Dec. 1866 French troops re-entered Rome . 30 Oct. 1867 Convoked a general council Sept. 1868 (Ecumenical council opened . 8 Dec. 1869 PiZABRO, Francisco, Spanish warrior, conqueror of Peru ; h. about 1475 ; conquered and, with Diego de Almagro, explored Peru, 1524-33; put to death Atahualpa, the last Inca, 29 Aug. 1533 ; put to death Almagro, July, 1538; d. assassinated by Diego de Almagro, the younger, at Cuzco, 26 June, 1541. PIZ 452 PLTJ PiZABBO, Gonzalo, brother ; b. 1 502 ; accom- panied his brother throughout his conquest, 1524-33; revolted against the Spanish viceroy, Nufiez Vela; beheaded at Cuzco, 10 April, 1548. Pizzi, Gioacchino, Roman poet; i. 1716; published " La Visione del Eden," 177S; d. 18 Sept. 1790. Place, Francis, painter and mezzotint- engraver ; d. 1728. Place, Pierre de la, French jurist and his- torian; 6. about 1520; published " Commen- taires de I'^tat de la Religion et de la E^pub- lique sous les Kois Henri II., Fran9oia II., et Charles IX.," 1565 ; d. 25 Aug. 1572. Placentinus, Italian jurist ; d. 1192. Placidia, Galla, Eoman empress, daughter of Theodosius the Great ; 6. about 389 ; married first, Ataulphus, king of the Visigoths, 414; secondly, Constantius, i Jan. 417; mother of Valentinian III., 419; d. 27 Nov. 450. PlanchiS, James Robinson, Somerset herald, archseologist, and dramatist; 6. 27 Feb. 1796; produced drama of " C'hiirles XII.," 1828; pubUshed " History of British Costume," 1834; " Pursuivant at Arms," 1852. Planohe, Jean Baptiste Gustave, French critic; b. 16 Feb. 1808; published "Portraits Litt^raires," 1836-49; "Nouveaux Portraits Litt&aires," 1854; "Etudes sur I'Ecole Frau- jaise de 1831 h 1852," 1855 ; d. 18 Sept. 1857. Planohe, Joseph, French Hellenist; b. 8 Dec. 1 762 ; published " Diotionnaire Grec-Franjais," 1 809 ; " Cours de Litt&ature Grecque," 1817-29; d. 19 March, 1853. Planta, Joseph, Swiss historian ; 6. 2 1 Feb. 1744; appointed principal librarian, British Museum, 1 799 ; published " History of the Helvetic Confederacy," 1800; d. 3 Dec. 1827. Plantade, Frangois de, French astronomer ; b. 5 Nov. 1670; d. 25 Aug. 1 741. Plantagenet, see Clarence, Gloucester, Lan- caster, Yorlc. Plantin, Christophe, French printer; b. 15 14; worked at Antwerp, 1555-89; printed Antwerp polyglott Bible, 1569-73; d. I July, 1589. Planudes Maximds, Greek monk; jl. 14th century ; latest editor of the Greek Anthology, pubUshed 1494. Platina, (Bartolommeo de' Sacchi), Italian historian; 6. 142 1 ; published "In vitas sum- morum Pontificum Opus," 1479 ; d. 1481. Plato, Greek philosopher; b. at Athens, 21 May, B.o. 429; originally named Aristocles; Burnamed "Plato" by Socrates; founded his "Academy," 388; wrote "Phaedo," "Gorgias," "Apology of Socrates," "Critias," &c., all first printed, 1513; d. 347. Platov, count, hetman of the Cossacks ; b. about 1 765 ; greatly harassed the French during the retreat from Moscow, 1 81 2; d. Feb. 1818. Plautus, Titus Maccius, Roman comic poet ; b. about B.C. 254 ; his entire comedies first printed, 1472; d. 184. Plate AIE, John, Scottish mathematician ; b. 10 March, 1748; elected prof essor of mathe- matics at Edinburgh, 1785; professor of natural philosophy, 1805 ; published "Elements of Geometry," 1794 ; " OutUnes of Natural Philo- sophy, 1812-16; d. 19 July, 1819. Playfaik, Lyon, Scotch chemist ; 6. 1819 ; joint secretary of science and art department, 1853-56 ; elected professor of chemistry at Edin- burgh, 1858. Playfaik, William, brother of John Playfair, Scotch political writer; b. 1759! published "History of Jacobinism," 1795; "British Family Antiquity," 1809-12; tZ. II Feb. 1823. Playfaik, WiUiam Henry, architect ; b. July, 1789; d. 19 March, 1857. Platfokd, John, musician ; b. 1613 ; pub- Ushed "Brief Introduction to the Skill of Music," 1655; "Select musical Ayres and Dialogues," 1653; d. 1693. Plegemund, archbishop of Canterbury ; tutor to king Alfred ; consecrated, 8gi ; d. 23 July, 923- Pletho, see Gemistins. Pleyel, Ignaz, German musical composer; b. 1757; wrote opera, "Ifigenia;" visited Lou- don, 1791 ; d. 14 Nov. 1831. Pleyel, Marie F^Ucit^ Mol^, French pianist; b. 4 July, 181 1. Plinitjs Secdndus, Cains, the elder, Eoman naturaUst ; b. 23 ; wrote ' ' Historia Naturalis," first printed, 1469 ; d. suffocated during the erup- tion of Mount Vesuvius which overwhelmed Pompeu and Herculaneum, 23 Aug. 79. Plinius CiEciLius Secundus, Caius, the younger, nephew, Roman propra3tor and orator; b. about 61; wrote "Epistola," first printed, 1471 ; and " Panegyricus, Uber Trajano dio- tus;" d. after 105. Ploos vau Amstel, Komelis, Dutch engraver; b. 1726; d. 20 Dec. 1798. Plot, Robert, antiquary and naturalist ; b. 1640; made Mowbray herald, 1694; pub- lished "Natural History of Staffordshire," 1686 ; " Natural History of Oxfordshire," 1705 ; d. 30 April, 1696. Plotinds, Alexandrian philosopher; chief of the Neo-Platonic school ; 6. 205 ; his works first pubUshed in original Greek, 1580; d. 270. Plowden, Charles, Jesuit casuist ; 6. I May, 1743; published "Considerations on the mo- dern Opinion of the Fallibility of the Pope," 1796; d. 13 June, 1821. Plowden, Edmund, jurist ; 6. 1517; published " Commentaries," 1571 ; d. 6 February 1585- Pldkhnet, Leonard, botanist; b. 1642; pub- Ushed " Phytographia," 1691-96; d. about 1710. PLU 453 POL Pluuiek, Charles, I'rendh botanist ; 6. 1 646; published " Description des Plantes de FAm^- rique," 1693 ; " Traits des Fougferes de I'AmiS- rique," 1705; d. 1704. Plumptke, Rev. Edward Hayes, theologian ; 6. 6 Aug. 1821 ; appointed professor of divinity at King's college, London, 1853 ; pubKshed "Lazarus, and other Poems," 1S64; " Sermons on Theology and Life," 1866; "Byeways of Scripture," 1869. Plunket, Oliver, Eoman CathoUc archbishop of Armagh; h. 1629; consecrated, 1669; tried for high treason ; hung, 1 July, 1681. Plunket, Thomas Span Plunket, baron, bishop of Tuam, Killala, and Achonry ; 6. 1792; appointed dean of Down, 183 1; consecrated, 1839; d. 19 Oct. i866. Plunket, WiUiam Conyngham Plunket, baron, Irish judge ; h. July, 1 764 ; sohcitor- general for Ireland, 1 803-5 ; attorney-general, 1805-7 ; again, 1822-27; chief justice of the com- mon pleas, 1827-30; created baron, iJune, 1827; lord chancellor of Ireland, Dec. 1830 — Nov. 1834; again, April, 1835— June, 1841 ; d. 5 Jan. 1854. Plutarch, Greek biographer and moraUst ; h. about 50; wrote " Opuscula," and " Vitas paral- lels Komanorum et Grsecorum," first printed in Greek, 1517;^. about 120. POCOCK, Edward, D.D., orientalist and theo- logian ; 6. 8 K"uv, 1604 ; made regius professor of Hebrew at Oxford, 1647 ; pubhshed " Speci- men Histori. 23 May, 1792; executed statue of Sappho, 1852; d. 4 June, 1852. Peadow, Nicolas, French tragic poet ; i. 1632; d. Jan. 1698. Peadt, Dominique Dufour de, French prelate and diplomatist; b. 23 April, 1759 ; consecrated bishop of Poitiers, 1S05 ; archbishop of Mech- Un, 1809; ambassador to Warsaw, 1812-15; published "Histoire de I'Ambassade dans le Grand-Duch^ de Varsovie," 1815 ; " Les quatre Concordats," 1818-20 ; d. 18 March, 1837- Peaed, Winthrop Mackworth, poet ; h. iSoi ; his " Poems" published, 1864 ; d. 15 July, 1839. Peaet, Joseph Basile Bernard van, Bel- gian bibliographer; 6. 27 July, 1754; pub- lished " Catalogue des Livres imprim<5s sur T^Un de la Bibliothfeque du Roi," 1822-28 ; " Notice sur Colard Mansion," 1S29; d. 5 Feb. 1837- Phati, Giovanni, Italian poet; 5. 27 Jan. 1815; published " Canti poUtici," 1848; "Ariberto," 1861. Peatt, Sir Charles, lieutenant-general ; 5. 1 771 ; served in the Peninsular war; d. 1839. Peatt, John Burnett, LL.D., Scottish Epis- copalian minister of Cruden ; published " Old Paths," 1840; "Buchan," 1858; "The Druids," 1861 ; d. 20 March, 1869. Peatt, John Tidd, registrar of friendly societies; 6. 13 Dec. 1797; published "General Turnpike Road Acts," 1837; "Laws relating to Friendly Societies," 1855. Peatt, Samuel Jackson, novelist and poet ; i. 25 Dec. 1749; wrote also under name, "Courtney Melmoth ;" published " Cabinet of Poetry," 1808; d. 4 Oct. 1814. Peatt, see Camden. Peaxiteles, Greek sculptor ; Jl. about B.C. 360. Peescott, Sir Henry, admiral ; b. 1 783 ; governor of Newfoundland, 1834-41. Peescott, William Hickling, American his- torian ; b. 4 May, 1796 ; published " History oi the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catho- lic," 1838; "History of the Conquest of Mexi- co," 1843 ; " History of the Conquest of Peru," 1847; "History of the Reign of Philip II. of Spain," 1855-59; d. 28 Jan. 1859. Peeston, Thomas, dramatist; b. 1537; wrote a tragedy called " The Life of Cambyses, King of Persia ;" d. I June, 1598. Preti, Mattia, called Calabrese, Neapolitan painter ; b. 1613 ; d. 1699. Peevost, Pierre, French painter ; 5. 1764; perfected the painting of panoramas at Paris ; tl 9 Jan. 1823. Peevost d'Exiles, Antoine Francois, French author ; b. I April, 1697 ; published " M^- moires et Aventures d'un Homme de quaUt^," 1728-32; "Histou-e du Chevalier Desgrieux et de Manon Lescaut," 1733 ; " Histoire g^u^- rale des Voyages," 1745-70 ; d. 23 Nov. 1763. PBivoST Paeadol, Lucien Anatole, French historical writer; b. 8 Aug. 1829; published "Du role de la Famille dans I'Education," 1857 ; " Dictionnaire historique de la Langue Fran9aise," 1867. Price, or Pric^eus, John, scholar and biblical critic; b. i6oo ; published " Acta Apostolorum illustrata," 1647 ; " Commentarii in varies Novi Testamenti libros," 1660; d, 1676. Price, Rev. Thomas, Welsh scholar ; b. 2 Oct. 1787 ; wrote also under name of Cam- huanawc; pubUshed " Hanes Cymru," (His- tory of Wales), 1836-42; his "Literary Re- mains" printed, 1S54-55; d. 7 Nov. 1848. Prichaed, James Cowles, M.D., ethnologist ; i. 1785; pubUshed " Researches into the Phy- sical History of Mankind," 1813; "Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations," 1S31 ; "Natural History of Man," 1841 ; d. 22 Dec. 1S48. Peideaux, Humphrey, dean of Norwich, his- torian ; b. 3 May, 164S ; pubUshed "Marmora Oxoniensia," 1676 ; " Old and New Testar ment connected in the History of the Jews and neighbouring nations," 1 716-18 ; d. I Nov. 1724. Peiessnitz, Vincent, German agriculturist, founder of Hydropathy ; b. 5 Nov. 1 799 ; d. 28 Nov. 1 85 1. Peiestlet, Joseph, unitarian minister and chemist; i. 13 March, 1733; pubUshed "In- stitutes of Natural and Revealed Religion," 1772-74; "Letters to Edmund Burke," 1791 ; d. in Pennsylvania, 6 Feb. 1804. Peiii, Juan, conde de Reus, Spanish general ; 6. 6 Dec. 1 8 14. Led unsuccessful military insurrection at Aran- juez Jan. 1866 Joined admiral Topete in revolution against queen Isabella Sept. 1868 Became minister of war in provisional govern- ment 8 Oct. 1868 President of the council of ministers . June, 1869 PEI 458 PRY Pkimaticcio, Francesco, Italian painter ; h. 1504; painted frescoes at Fontainebleau, de- stroyed 1738 ; d. 1570. Peince, Rev. John, biographer ; i. 1643 ! published "Worthies of Devon," 1701 ; d. 1723. Pkinoe, Rev. Thomas, American historian ; h. 15 May, 1687; published "Chronological History of New England," 1736-55 ; d. 22 Oct. 1758- Pkingle, Sir John, bart., M.D,, Scotch phy- sician and natural philosopher ; h. 10 April, 1707 ; created baronet, 1766 ; president of the Eoyal Society, 1772-78; published "Observa- tions on the Diseases of the Ajmy," 1752 ; d. 18 Jan. 1782. Pringle, Thomas, Scottish poet ; i. 5 Jan. 1 789 ; founded ' ' Edinburgh Monthly Maga- zine " (now " Blackwood's "), 1817 ; published " African Sketches, " 1834; d. 5 Dec, 1834. Pkinsep, Henry Thoby, Indian statesman and orientalist; b. 1792; published " History of the Administration of the Marquess of Hastings," 1823 ; " Thibet, Tartary, and MongoUa," 1852. Peinsep, James, orientalist; 6. 1800; founded "Journal of the Asiatic Society," 1832; pub- lished "Sketches of Benares;" d. 22 April, 1840. Peintz, Wolfgang Gaspard, German musical composer; i. 10 Oct. 1641; d. 13 Oct. 1717. Peiolo, Benjamin, French historian ; b. i Jan. 1602; published " Ab excessu Ludovici XIII. de Rebus GalUcis Historiarum Libri V." 1662; d. 1667. Peioe, Sir James, Irish naval surgeon ; J. 1 787 ; published "Life and Character of Edmund Burke;" 1824; "Life of Oliver Goldsmith," 1847; "Lifeof EdmondMalone," i860; d.14 Nov. 1869. Peior, Matthew, poet and diplomatist ; J. 2 1 July, 1664; ambassador to France, 1713-14; published " Poetical Works," 1709; his "His- tory of his own Time" printed, 1740; rf. 18 Sept. 1 72 1. Peiscianus, Roman grammarian ; jl. 5th cen- tury. Peiscilliabtis, Spanish heretic ; embraced in his system the errors of the Gnostics, Mani- chfeans, Arians, and Sabellians ; put to death, 385. Peobus, Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome ; b. 232; proclaimed, 276; assassinated, 282. Prooaooini, Bologuese painters : Ercole, the elder : b. 1520 ; d. after 1591. Camillo, son : b. 1545 ; d. 1627. GlULlo Cesarb, brother of Camillo ; 6. about 1548 ; d. about 1626, EpvCole, the younger, nephew of Ercole : b. 1596 ; d. 1676. Peocida, Giovanni, Sicilian patriot ; h. about 1225 ; chief conspirator in the massacre kno^vn as the "Sicilian Vespers," 30 March, 1282; d. after 1302. Peoclcs, sumamed Diadochus, Greek Neo- Platonic philosopher; b. 412; d. 17 April, 485. PEOCOPI0S, Byzantine historian; Jl. 6th cen- tury. Proctoe, Adelaide Anne, poetess, daughter of Bryan W. Proctor; b. 1835 ; d. 2 Feb. 1864. Peoctoe, Bryan Waller, poet, known as Barry Cornwall; b. 1790; commissioner of lunacy, 18 -61; published "Dramatic Scenes," 1819; "English tiongs," 1832. Prodicus, Greek sophist and rhetorician; teacher of Socrates ; Jl. 5th century B.C. Proke'soh-Osten, Anton, baron von, Austrian field-marshal and diplomatist ; b. 10 Dec. 1795 ; appointed minister at Constantinople, 20 Dec. 1855 ; ambassador there, 27 July, 1867. Phokophiev,' Ivan Prokophievitch, Russian sculptor; 6. 25 Jan. 1758 ; d. 10 Feb. 1828. Peont, Gaspard Clair Frangois Marie Eiche de, baron, French engineer and mathematician ; b. 22 July, 1755; published "Architecture HydrauUque," 1790-96; d. 31 July, 1839. Peopeetids, Sextus Aurelius, Roman elegiac poet; b. about B.C. 51; his "Elegit" first printed, 1472 ; d. after B.C. 16. Protagoras, Greek sophist ;/. about b.o. ^^ - Peotogenes, Greek painter ; b. about B.C. 360 ; d. about 300. Peotjdhon, Pierre Joseph, French socialist ; b. 1$ July, 1809; established "Banque du Peuple," 1849 ; published " Confessions d'un R^volutionnaire," 1849; "La Guerre et la Paix," i860; " Marjorats Litt^raires," 1862; d. 20 Jan. 1865. Prodst, Louis Joseph, French chemist ; i. 26 Sept. 1754; d. 5 July, 1826. Peout, Father, see Mahony. Peout, Samuel, water-colour painter; b. 17 Sept. 1783 ; published "Sketches in Flanders and Germany," 1833; " Sketches in France, Switzerland, and Italy," 1839 ; d. 9 Feb. 1852. Peout, WiUiam, M.D. ; b. 17S6 ; wrote Bridgewater treatise on " Chemistiy," 1834 ; d. 9 AprU, 1850. Peoyaet, Li^via Bonaventure, French his- torian ; b. about 1 743 ; published " Vie de Marie Leozinska," 1794 ; " La Vie et les Crimes de Robespierre," 1795; '^^ ^2 March, 1808. Peudhommb, Louis Marie, French revolu- tionary writer ; b. 1752; published "Crimes des Reines de France," 1793; " Histou« ginitsXe et impartiale des Erreurs, des Fautes et des Crimes commis pendant la Revolution Franjaise," 1796-97 ; d. 20 April, 1830. Prud'hon, Pierre Paul, French historical and portrait painter ; b. 4 AprU, 1758 ; d. 16 Feb. 1823. Peyme, George, political economist ; b. about 1 78 1 ; first professor of political economy at Cambridge, 182S-63; d. 2 Dec. 1868. PEY 459 PUL Prynne, William, lawyer ; 6. 1600 ; piUoried, May, 1634; again, June, 1637; published " Histrio-Mastix," 1633 ; " Demonstration of our British, Eoman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, Engli,5h Idngs' Supreme Ecclesiastical Juris- diction," (called Prjime's Keoords), 1666-70 ; d. 24 Oct. i66g. PsALMANAZAK, George, scholar and literary impostor; h. 1679: published fabulous "Histori- cal and Geographical Description of Formosa," 1704; "Memoirs," 1764; his own "Memoirs," 1765; d. 3 May, 1763. PlOLEMiEUS, Claudius, Alexandrian astronomer and geographer ; ^. 1 39 ; wrote the "Almagest," first printed in original Greek, 1538, and " Geography," first printed in Greek, 1533. Ptolemy I.— IX., Idngs of Egypt: I. Soter, Macedonian general; founded dynasty of the Lagidre . . . . 6. b,o. 367 Obtained Egypt upon death of Alexander the Great : reigned 323-285 Saved Rliodes when besieged by Demetrius d. 283 II. Philadelphus, son 6. B.C. 311 Became Itlng 285 Founded the Alexandrian library and museum; d. 247 III. Euergetes, son ; became king . B.C. 247 Augmented the Alexandrian library ; enlarged temple of Thebes ; built temple at Esne ; d. Nov. 222 rv. Philopator, son ; ascended the throne B.C. 222 Decline of Egj'pt commenced d. Nov. 205 V. Epiphanes, son b. B.C. 210 Became king, 205 . . d.hj poison, Oct. 181 YI. Philometor, son ; reigned at intervals, B.C. 181-146 ; d. killed in battle near Antioch, Nov. 146 VII. Euergetes II. , or Physcon, brother : reigned at intervals between B.C. 146 and 117 . . d, izj Till. Soter II., Philometor, or Lathyrus, son ; became king . . . B.C. 117 Reigned, with intervals .... d. 81 IX. Alexander I., brother, king of Cyprus B.C. 114 Ascended the throne ... . 107 Killed in naval battle near Cyprus . . 89 X. Alexander II., son ; succeeded Ptolemy Lathyrus, B.C. 81 . . d. assassinated, 80 XI. Neos Dionysus, or Auletes, natural son of Ptolemy Lathjnnis ; succeeded, B.C. So d. May, 51 XII. son ; reigned e.g. 51-47 XIII. brother ; proclaimed king . . . B.C. 47 The last of the Lagidse . . put to death, 43 PuDSEY, Hugh, earl of Northumberland, bishop of Durham; &. about 1 125; consecrated, 1153 ; d. 3 March, 1 195. PoFFENDORF, Samuel, baron von, German civilian and historian; i. 8 Jan. 1632 ; pub- lished **Elementa Jurisprudentite universalis," 1660; "De Jure Naturae et Gentium," 1672; d. 26 Oct. 1694. PuGATCHEV, Yemelka, Russian impostor ; &. 1726 ; personated the deceased czar Peter III., and endeavoured to dethrone Catharine II., 1773; beheaded, 10 Jan. 1775. PuGET, French artists : Pierre, sculptor, painter, and architect ; 6. 31 Oct. 1622 d. 2 Dec. 1694 FuANgois, son, portrait painter and architect ; d. 1707 PUGHE, WilUam Owen, Welsh archaeologist ; 6.7Aug. 1759; published "Cambrian Register," 1796- 1818 ; " Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales," 1801-7 ; " Dictionary of the Welsh Language," 1832; d. 4 June, 1835. PuGiN, Augustus, architectural chaughtsman ; I. 1769; published "Specimens of Gothic Architecture," 1821-23; "Specimens of the architectural Antiquities of Normandy," 1825- 28; "Gothic Ornaments," 1831 ; d. igDec. 1832. PuGIN, Augustus Welby Northmore, son, architect; h. iSiI; published "Designs for Gothic Furniture," 1835 ; " Glossary of Ecclesi- astical Ornament and Costume," 1S44; d. 14 Sept. 1852. PuGiN, Edward Welby, son, architect ; 6. 1 1 March, 1834; designed church of Notre Dame de Dadezell, in Belgium, St. Cuthbert's college, Ushaw, and HelUngly and Bletohingly orpha- nages. PuGNl, Cesare, Italian composer of ballet music; b. about 1810; d. 13 Oct. 1869. PuiSAYE, Joseph Genevifeve, comte de, French royalist general ; b. 1 754 ; published his " M^- moires," 1805-6; d. 13 Sept. 1827. Pujol, Alexandre Denis Abel de, French his- torical painter ; b. 30 Jan. 1 785 ; painted " Saint Etienne prechaut I'Evangile," " La Vierge au tombeau," and " Les Danaides ;" d. 28 Sept, 1S61. Pol, king of Assyria ; reigned B.C. 759-742- Pulaski, Casimir, Pohsh patriot ; b. 4 March, 1 748 ; went to America and fought for the in- dependence of the United States, 1775; d. at siege of Savannah, 9 Oct. 1779- PULCHEKIA, iElia, empress of the East ; h. 399 ; created Augusta, 4 July, 414 ; reignecl in the name of her brother Theodosius II. ; suc- ceeded him, 28 July, 450 ; married the tribune Marcian ; governed with prudence, wisdom and piety; d. 18 Feb. 453. PuLCi, Luigi, Italian poet; b. 3 Dec. 1431 ; wrote "IlDriadeo," printed 1479; " II Mor- gante maggiore," printed 1481 ; d. about 1487. PuLGAB, Hernan del, Spanish historian ; b. 1436 ; wrote " Chronica de Ids Reyes Catholicos don Fernando y dofia Isabel de CastiUa y de Aragon," printed 1550 ; d. about i486. PULIGO, Domenico, Florentine painter; i. 1475; A 1527. PULLEN, Robert, cardinal, archdeacon of Rochester; created cardinal, 1144; wrote " Sententiarum libri," printed 1655 ; d. 1150. PuLSZKT, Ferencz Aurel, Hungarian writer and politician; b. 17 Sept. 1814; accompanied Kossuth to England, 1850; to the United States, 1851 ; returned to Hungary, 1867 ; with his wife Teresa, {d. 1 866) ; published " White, Red, and Black," 1852; "Tales and Traditions of Hungary," 1 854. PULTEHEY^, Richard, M.D., botanist; b. 17 Feb. 1 730 ; published Sketches of the Progress of Botany in England," 1790 ; d. 13 Oct. 1801. PuLTENEY, WiUiam, earl of Bath, statesman ; 6. 1682; secretary of state, 1714-17; created earl, 14 July, 1742 ; failed to form an admin- istration, Feb. 1746; d. 8 July, 1764. PUN 460 PYT PuNSHON, William Morley, Wesleyan minis- ter ; 6. 1824; went to United States, 1867; published lectures on " John Eunyan," 1857; "Macaulay," 1S62 ; "Sabbath Chimes," (in verse), 1867. Punt, Jan, Dutch engraver and actor; i. 1711 ; d. iS Dec. 1779. PuECELL, Henry, musical composer ; i. 1558 ; his "Sacred Music" collected and published, 1S26-36; d. 21 Nov. 1695. Pdkchas, Eev. Samuel, collector of voyages and travels ; h. 1577 ; published " Purchas his Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World and the Keligions observed in all Ages and Places dis- covered," 1613 ; "Purchas his Pilgrimmes," 1625 ; d. 1628. PuRVER, Anthony, quaker scholar ; i. 1 702 ; pubhshed translation of the Bible, 1765 ; d. Aug. 1777. PusEY, Edward Bouverie, D.D., theolo- gian ; J). 1800; appointed regius professor of Hebrew at Oxford, 1 828 ; wrote No. 90 and many others of " Tracts for the Times," 1833-41 ; " Doctrine of the Eeal Presence vindicated," 1855 ; " Church of England, a portion of Christ's one Holy CathoHc Church," 1865. PusET, Philip, M.P., agriculturist ; J. June, 1799 ; d. 6 July, 1855. Pdshkin, Alexander, count, Russian poet ; i. 26 May, 1 799 ; published " Eouslan and Lud- mila," 1820; "Boris Godunow," 1831 ; d. of wounds received in a duel, 12 Eebruary 1837- PuTTE, Hendrik van der, see Dupuy. PuTTENHAM, George, poet ; 6. about 1530 ; published "Arte of English Poesie," 15S9 ; d. after 1589. Puvis, Marc Antoine, French agriculturist; &. 1776; pubhshed " De I'Emploi de la Chaux en Agriculture," 1 836; "Traitt^ des Amende- ments," 1851 ; d. 29 July, 1S51. PuTS^GUE, vicomtes and marquis de, Prench generals ; Jacques de Chastenet, vicomte : 6. 4 Sept. 1602 : present at upwards of 120 sieges and 30 battles, but never wounded: his "Mfemoires" from 1617 to 1658 publislied, 1690 . d. 1682 Jacques Francois de Chastenet, son, mar- quis, marshal of France: b. 13 Aug. 1656: wrote "Art de la Guerre," published 1748 ; d. 15 Aug. 1743 Jacques FRANgois Maxime de Chastenet, son, marquis ; b. 22 Sept. 1716 : published "Etat actuel de I'Art et de la Science Mili- taires k la Chine," 1773 . . d. 2 Feb. 1782 PuYSiiiGliE, Antoine Hyacinthe Anne de, comte de Chastenet, Erench naval officer and archicologist ; h. 14 Eeb. 1752; published " D(^tail sur la Navigation aux cotes de Saint- Domingue," 1787; d. 1809. Puzos, Nicolas, French surgeon; h. 1686; his " Traits des Accouchements " published, 1759; d. 7 June, 1753. Ptat, E^lix, French repubhcau pohtician, and dramatist; b. 4 Oct. 1810; produced dramas, " Une Revolution d'autrefois," 1832; "Mathilde," 1842; published "Droit du Tra- vail," 1848; " Loisirs d'un Proscrit," 1851. Fte, Henry James, poet laureate; b. 1745; published "Poems," 1787; translation of Aristotle's "Poetics," 1 788; d. 11 Aug. 1813. Pye, John, line-engraver; b. 1782; pub- hshed " Patronage of British Art," 1845; en- graved "Temple of Jupiter" and "Pope's Villa," after J. M. W. Turner. Pyle, Thomas, BibUcal commentator and controversialist; b. 1674; pubhshed "Histori- cal Books of the Old Testament," 1715-25; " Paraphrase and Notes upon the Acts of the Apostles, and upon aU the Epistles," 1725 ; d. 31 Dec. 1756. Pym, John, republican statesman; b. 1584; impeached the earl of Strafford, II Nov. 1640; as one of the five members his arrest attempted by Charles I., 4 Jan. 1642 ; d. 8 Dec. 1643. Pynackee, Adam, Dutch landscape painter ; b. 1621 ; d. 1673. Pynchon, William, founder of Springfield, Massachusetts; d. Oct. 1662. Pyne, James B., landscape painter; b. 5 Dec. 1800. Pytje, Louisa, vocalist ; b. 1832 ; joint lessee with W. Harrison of English Opera, Covent Garden, 1858-62; married Mr F. Bodda, 1868. Pyne, William Henry, painter and author ; b. 1770; published "History of the Royal Re- sidences," 1819; "Wine and Walnuts," 1823; " Somerset House Gazette and Literary Museum," 1825; d. 29 May, 1843. Pynson, Richard, printer ; d. about 1530- Pytees, Pieter, Dutch poet ; b. 14 Deo. 1749; d. 20 June, 1 805. Pyegoteles, Greek gem engraver ; /. 4th cen- tury B.C. Pyerhon, Greek sceptic philosopher ; b. about B.C. 370 ; d. about 280. Pyeehds, king of Epirus; h. about B.C. 318; became king, about 306 ; expelled and replaced by Neoptolemus, about 301 ; gained great re- no\vn at the battle of Ipsus, 301 ; regained and shared his throne with Neoptolemus, about 297 ; killed his rival, 295 ; defeated the Romans at Pandosia, 280 ; at Asoulum, 279 ; defeated by them at Beneventum, 275 ; killed at siege of Argos, 272. Pythagoeas, Greek philosopher, native of Samos ; fl. B.C. 540-5 10 ; taught the doctrine of metempsychosis or transmigration of souls ; in- vented the multipUcation table. Pytheas, Greek navigator ; /. about B.C. 320. QUA 4G1 QUE Q QuADE, Michael rriedrich, German scholar ; h. 28 July, 1682; published "De Viris statura parvis, eruditione magnis," 1706; "De Varia Paleo-Sedinensis Gyumasii Portuna," 1752 ; d. n July, 1757. QUiUDEATUs, Saint, Christian apologist ; chosen bishop of Athens, about 125. QxjADKATUS, Asinius, Greek historian; fl. about 244-249. QuADEi, Antonio, Italian economist; 5. 1777; published "Huit Jours k Venise," 1822; "Prospetto statistico delle Provinzie Venete, " 1826. QuADEi, Giovanni Lodovico, Polognese archi- tect; b. 1700; published *'Tavole gnomo- niohe," 1733-46; d. 1748. QuADKiGAKius, Quintus Claudius, Eoman his- torian; Jl. 1st century. QuADEio, Francesco Saverio, Italian Jesuit ; 6. I Dec. 1695; published "Delia Storia e della Eagione d' ogni Poesia," 1739-59; "Dis- sertazioni critico-storiche iutomo alia Eezia, oggia Valtellina," 1755-56; d. 21 Nov. 1756. QuAGLiA, Angelo, Italian cardinal ; h. 28 Aug. 1802; created, 1861. QuAGLio, Domenico, German architectural painter; b. I Jan. 17S6; d. 9 April, 1837. Qdaglio, Lorenzo, Italian architect ; 6. 25 July, 1 730 ; built theatres at Frankfort and Mannheim; d. 7 May, 1804. QuAiN, Jones, M.D., anatomist ; published " Elements of Descriptive and Practical Ana- tomy," 182S ; with E. Wilson, "Series of Anatomical Plates," 1842; d. 31 Jan. 1865. QuAiHi, Italian painters ; Feanoesco; 6. i6ll; d. 1680. LuiGI, son; b. 1643; d. 1717. QuANDT, Johann Gottlob, German art critic ; l. 9 April, 1787; published " Streifereien im Gebiete der Kunst," 1819 ; "Vortrage liber Asthetik," 1844; d. 19 June, 1S59. QuANZ, Johann Joachim, German flautist ; J. 1697 ; published " Instruction pour Jouer de a Plate," 1752; d. 12 July, 1773. Qdaeenghi, Giacomo, Italian architect ; b. 1 744 ; employed by the empress Catharine II. ; built gallery of the Hermitage, bank, and exchange, at St. Petersburg; d. Feb. 1 81 7. Quaelbs, Francis, poet ; b. May, 1592; pub- lished "Divine Poems," 1630; "Divine Fan- cies," 1632; "Emblems divine and moral," 1635; d. 8 Sept. 1644. QuAELES, John, son, royalist captain and poet; I. 1624; published "Eegale Lectum MiseriEe, or a Kingly Bed of Misery," 1648; "Divine Meditations," 1655 ; d. of plague, 1665. QuAEE^ Antoinette Suzanne, French poetess; 6. 16 Jan. 1813; published "Poesies," 1S43; d. 25 Nov. 1847. QuATEEFASES DE BeiIad, Jean Louis Armand de, French naturalist; 6. 10 Feb. 1810; pub- lished "Souvenirs d'un Naturahste," 1854; " Etudes sur les Maladies actuelles des Vers h, Sole," 1859; "Unit(5 de I'Espfeoe Humaine," 1861. QuateeMjVIEE, Jean Eobert, French Benedic- tine; b. 161 1; published "Jo. Gersen Libro- rum de Imitatione Christi auctor assertus," 1649-50; d. 6 July, 1671. QuATEEMiiEE, Etienne Marc, French orientar list ; b. 12 July, 1782 ; published "Kecherches sur la Langue et la Littt^rature de I'Egypte," 1808 ; "M?moires Geographiques et Historiques sur I'Egypte," 1810; " Mdmoire sur les Naba- t(5ens," 1835 ; d. 18 Sept. 1857. QuATEEMiiEE DE QuiNOY, Antoine Chrysos- tome, French archaeologist and politician ; b. 21 Oct. 1755; published " Lettres sur les Marbres d'Elgin," 1815 ; " Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages des plus celfebres Architectes," 1830 ; " Dictionnaire historique d' Architec- ture," 1833 ; d. 28 Dec. 1849. QuATEEMEEE-DlSJONVAL, Denis Bernard, brother, French physicist ; b. 4 Aug. 1754 ; pubHshed " Nou veau Calendrier Arantsologique, ' ' 179s ; " Cours d'Id&logie d^montr^e," 1S03 ; d. 1830. QnATTEOMANi, Sertorio, Italian philosopher ; b. 1541 ; published "La Filosofia di Bernar- dino Telesio ristretta in brevita," 15S9; "Let- tere," 1624 ; d. 161 1. QnAUHTEMOTzm, or Guatemozin", last Aztec emperor of Mexico ; b. about 1495 ; became emperor, 1 520 ; taken prisoner at capture of Mexico by Cortes, 1520; executed, 15 Feb. 1525. QuEENSBEEEY, WilUam Douglas, duke of ; b, about 1724; d. 23 Deo. 1810. QuEIEOS, Pedro Fernandez de, Portuguese navigator; b. about 1560; entered Spanish service ; with Alvaro Mendaua de Neira dis- covered Marquesas islands, 1595 > with Luis de Vaes de Torres, Otaheite, New Hebrides, Society, and many other islands of Polynesia, l6o5; published "Narratio de Terra AustraU incognita," 1610 ; d. at Panama, 1614. QUELEN, Hyaointhe Louis, comte de, arch- bishop of Paris; 6. 8 Oct. 1778; consecrated bishop of Samosata, 1817 ; archbishop of Tra- janopolis, and coadjutor of cardinal de Talley- rand-P^rigord, archbishop of Paris, 1819 ; suc- ceeded him, 1821 ; d. 31 Dec. 1839, Quell YN, Erasme, Flemish painter ; 6. 19 Nov. 1607; pupil of Rubens; d. II Nov. 1678. Qdellyn, Jean Erasme, son, Flemish painter ; b. 1629; his chef-d'oeu^TO is "Christ healing the Sick, " in St. Michael's abbey, Antwerp ; d. II March, 1 71 5. Quenstedt, Johann Andreas, German Lu- theran theologian ; 6. 13 Aug. 161 7 ; published "DeSepultura Veterum," 1648; " t'heologia didactico-polemica, 1685-96; d. 22 May, 1688. QUE 462 QUI QuENTAL, Bartholomeu do, Portuguese theo- logian ; b. 22 Aug. 1626 ; introduced congre- gation of the Oratory into Portugal ; published " Medita95es," 1666-95; "Sermoes," 1692; d. 20 Dec. 1698. QuEK T Martinez, JoscS, Spanish botanist ; l. 1695; published " Elora Espanola," 1762-84; d. 19 March, 1764. QOEEARD, Joseph Marie, French bibliogra- pher ; b. 25 Dec. 1797 ; published "La France litt&aire," 1827-39; " Supercheries litteraires d^voiMes," 1845-60 ; d. I Dec. 1865. QuEHCIA, Jacopo della, Italian sculptor ; h. about 1378; executed the '* Fonte G-aja " at Sienna, and hence called " Jacopo della Fonte;" d. 1442. Qderoitanus, see Duchesne. QuEEENGHi, Antonio, ItaHau poet ; J. 1 546 ; pubUshed " Poesie," 1616 ; d. i Sept. QuERim, see Quirini. QuERLON, Meuanier de, see Meusnier. QuEENO, Camillo, ttaUan Latin poet ; 5. 1470; wrote "Alexias," 1514; d. about 1528. Querouaille, see Keroual. Quesada, G-ongalo Ximenez de, Spanish adventurer ; b. about 1495 ; conquered New- Granada, 1536-38 ; founded Santa F^ de Bogota, 12 Aug. 1538; d. 1546. QuESNAY, Francois, French physician and political economist ; 6. 4 June, 1694 ; published "Tableau ^conomique," called by Laharpe "Alcoran des Economistes," 1758; d. 16 Dec. 1774- QuESN^ Jacques Sabligoton, French writer ; S. I Jan. 1778; pubUshed " Busiris, on le Nouveau Ti51^maque," i8oi ; "Confessions," 1828-35 ; '^- I June, 1859. QuESNEL, Pasquier, French Jansenist theo- logian ; b. 14 July, 1634 ; iled from France, Feb. 1685 ; published "Reflexions morales sur le Nouveau Testament," 1693-94; "Causa Amaldiana," 1697; d. 2 Dec. 1719. QuESNEL, Pierre, French ecclesiastical his- torian ; b. 1699 ; published " Histoire des Eeligieux de la Compagnie de J&us," 1 740 ; d. 1774. Qdetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques, Bel- gian astronomer ; b. 22 Feb. 1796 ; superin- tended erection of the Brussels observatory ; made director, 1828; published " Correspon- dance mathematique et physique," 1825-39 ; " Annuaire de I'Observatoire royal de Brux- elles," 1833-6; " Amiales de I'Observatoire," 1843-69. QuETiF, Jacques, French Dominican ; h. 6 Aug. 1618; published "Scriptores ordinis Prffidicatorum recensiti," 1719-21 ; d. 2 March, 1698. QuETiNBAU, Pierre, French republican general; b. 1757 ; d. by guiUotine, 16 March, 1794. QuEVEDO, Vasco Mousinho, Portuguese poet ; published ' ' Discurso sobre a vida e morte da Santa Isabel, Rainha de Portugal," 1596; "Alfonso Africano," 161 1; d. after 1627. QuEVEDO Y ViLLEGAS, Francisco Gomez de, Spanish satirist and poet ; 6. 26 Sept. 1580 ; published "Visiones;" "El Gran Tacano ;" "Poesias;'' d. 8 Sept. 1645. QuEVEKDO, Frangois Marie Isidore, French draughtsman and etcher; b. 1 740; illustrated Voltaire's "Henriade," and Ovid's "Fasti-" d. 1808. QuiCHEBAT, Jules, French archaeologist ; S. 15 Oct. 1815 ; published " Proces de condanma- tion et de rehabilitation de Jeanne d'Arc," 1841-49; "Histoire du College de Sainte- Barbe," 1861 ; edited Basin's "Histoire de Charles VII. et de Louis XI.," 1855-60. QuiOHEEAT, Louis, brother, French lexico- grapher ; b. 1799; published "Thesaurus poeticus Linguae Latinse," 1836; "Traitd de Versification Fran9aise," 183S ; with M. Daveluy, " Diotionnaire Latin - Frangais," 1844. QuiLLBEli, Noel, French painter; 6. about 1594; d. 1669. Quick, John, presbyterian theologian ; h. 1636 ; published " Synodicon in Gallia E«for- mata," 1692; "Icones eacrae GaUicanse ;" d. 1706. Qdick, John, comedian ; b. 1748; d. 4 April, 1831. Quillet, Claude, French Latin poet; b. 1602; published under anagram of " Calvidius Lsstus," " CaUipsedia, " 1655 ; d. Sept. i66l. QuiLLiABD, Pierre Antoine, French painter and engraver; h. 1 711 ; wrote " Pompe funfebre du due Nuiio d'OKvarfes Pereira," published 1750; d. 1733. QniLLiNAN, Edward, poet ; b. about 1791 ; his " Poems " pubUshed, 1853 ; d. 8 July, 1851. QuiN, Edward, Irish actor and dramatist ; d. 7 July, 1823. Quis, James, comedian ; J. 24 Feb. 1693 ; ex- celled in character of Falstaff ; retired, 1754; d. 31 Jan. 1766. QuiNAULT, Jeanne Frangoise, called "la cadette," sister of Quinault-Dufresne, French comic actress; b, about 1700; d^but, 1716; retired, 1741 ; d. 1783. QuiNAULT, PhiUppe, French dramatic poet ; I. 3 June, 1635 ; pubUshed " Stratonice," 1657 ; " Astrate, Roi de Tyr," 1663 ; "LaMfere co- quette," 1664; d. 26 Nov. 1688. QuiNAULT-DuPEESNE, Abraham Alexis, French comedian; 6.9 Sept. 1693; d^ut, 1712; re- tired, 1 741 ; d. 11 Feb. 1767. QuiNCET, see De Quincey. QuiNOY, Charles Sevin, marquis de, French general ; 5. 1 666 ; pubUshed "Histoire militaire du Rfegne de Louis le Grand," 1726 ; d. 1736. QUI 463 EAC QuiNCY, John, M.D. ; published " Lexicon Medicum," 1719; "Complete Dispensatory," 1733; d. 1723. QuiNcr, Josiah, American lawyer and patriot ; i. 22 Feb. 1744; published " Observations on the Boston Port Bill," 1774 ; d. 26 AprU, 1775- QuiNOT, Josiah, son; h. 1772; president of Harvard University, 1829-45 ! published " Life of Josiah Quincy," 1825 ; "History of Harvard," 1840; d. 3 July, 1864. QniNET, Edgar, French ultra-liberal politician and poet ; 6. 17 Feb. 1803 ; expelled from France, 9 Jan. 1852 ; pubUshed " Ahasuerus," a poem, 1833 ; "Le G&ie des EeUgions," 1843; "Revolutions d'ltalie," 1852; " His- toire de mes Id&s, " 1858; "Le Campagne de 1815," 1862. QuiKETTE, Nicolas Marie, baron de Roche- mout, French republican politician ; 6. Sept. 1762 ; president of the council of five hundred, Nov. 1796 — May, 1797 ; minister of the in- terior, June — Nov. 1799 ; exiled, 1815 ; d. 14 June, 1 82 1. QuiNONES, Francisco de, Spanish cardinal ; negotiated with the emperor Charles V. the release of pope Clement VII., Nov. 1527 ; made cardinal ; bishop of Cauria, 1539 ; of Palestrina, 1540 ; published " Breviarium Eomanum," 1535 ; d. Sept. 1540. QuiNTANA, Manuel Jos^, Spanish poet and patriot ; 6. II April, 1772 ; published "Odas;" "Vidas de los Espanoles celebres," 1807-33; "Poesias selectas CastiUanas," 1808; d. 11 March, 1857. QuiNTiLiANus, Marcus Fabius, Roman rhetori- cian ; 6. 42 ; wrote " Institutiones Oratorias, " printed 1470; " Tractatus de vita et studiis Oratoris ;" d. about 118. QniNTiLLUS, Marcus Aurelius, Roman em- peror ; elected in Aquileia to succeed his brother, Claudius II. ; opposed by Aurelian, elected in Illyria ; reigned seventeen days ; d. by suicide, 270. QniNTDS, of Smyrna, Greek epic poet ; fl, 4th century ; wrote " Continuation of Homer," printed 1 504 or 1 505. QniNTUS CuKTius, Roman historian ; fl. about 2d century ; wrote " Historia Alexandxi MagTiis," printed 1471. QuiQUEKAN DE Beaujeu, Pierre, French pre- late ; b. 1526; nominated bishop of Senez, 1546 ; pubUshed " De laudibus Proviuciae libri tres," 1551 ; d. 18 Aug. 1550. QuiKiNl, Girolamo, or Angelo Maria, Italian cardinal and Benedictine historian; &. 30 March, 1680; made archbishop of Corfu, 1723; bishop of Brescia, and cardinal, 1727; pub- lished " De monastica Italise historia conscri- benda, " 1717; " OflScium quadragesimale Graecorum," 1721 ; "Specimen litteraturffi Brixianffi," 1739; d. 6 Jan. 1759. Qdihinus, Publius Sulpicius, Roman consul, B.C. 12 ; governor of Syria, after a.d. 4; num- bered the Jews ; d. 21. Qdikoga, Jos(5, Spanish Jesuit ; b. 14 March, 1 707 ; visited Magalhaen's Laud, 1 745-6 ; tZ. 23 Oct. 1784. QuiHos, Lorenzo, Spanish painter; 5. 171 7; d. 1789. QuiKOS, see Queiros. QuiEOT, Jean Baptiste, French republican politician ; b. about 1760 ; d. 1830. QuiSTOKP, Johann, German Lutheran theolo- gian ; 6. 1584 ; d. 2 May, 1648. QuiTA, Domingos dos Reis, Portuguese poet ; b. 6 Jan. 1728; d. 13 July, 1770. R Raban Maue, German theologian ; h. about 786 ; consecrated archbishop of Mentz, 847 ; his "Opera omnia" pubUshed, 1627; d. 4 Feb. 856. Rabaut Saint-Etienne, Jean Paul, French revolutionary politician ; b. April, 1 743 ; pub- Ushed ' ' AJmanaoh historique de la Revolution Frangaise," 1791; his " Disoours et Opinions" published, 1827 ; guiUotined, 5 Dec. 1793. Rabbe, Alphonse, French historical writer ; b. 1786; commenced ' * Biographie Universelle des Contemporains," 1826; d. I Jan. 1830. Rabel, Jean, French portrait painter and engraver; d. 4 March, 1603. Rabelais, Frangois, French satirist ; b. about 1495 ; became a Benedictine monk, but quitted the order ; pubUshed " Gargantua," and " Pan- tagruel," 1532; d. about 1553. Rabenee, GottUeb Wilhehn, German satiric poet; b. 17 Sept. 1714; d. 22 March, 1771. Rabutin, Roger Bussy, see Bitssy. Rachel FiLix, EUsa, Swiss tragedian ; b. of Jewish parentage, 28 Feb. 1821 ; made her debut at Paris, 24 April, 1837; first appeared in London, 1840; d. 3 Jan. 1858. Racine, Jean, French dramatic poet; b. 21 Dec. 1638; produced his tragedies "La The- baide," 1664; " Alexandi-e," 1665; "Androma- que," 1687; "Phfedre," 1677; sacred dramas, "Esther," 1690; " AthaUe," 1691 ; d. 26 April, 1699. Raoine, Louis, son, French poet ; h. 6 Nov. 1692 ; pubUshed poems, "Grace," 1720; "Re- ligion," 1742; prose translation of Milton's " Paradise Lost," 1755 ; d. 29 Jan. 1763. Rack, Edmund, poet; b. 1735; pubUshed "Poems," 1775; "Mentor's Letters," 1777; d. 1787. Raozynski, Edward, count, Polish anti- quary ; 6. 1 786 ; pubUshed " MddailUer de Po- logne," 1841-45 ; " Codex diplomaticus Lithu- aniae," 1845; d. 20 Jan. 1845. EAD 464 KAM Kadoliffe, Ann, novelist ; 6. (Ward) 9 July, 1764; published " The Sicilian," 1790; "Mys- teries of TJdolpho, " 1794; "The Italian," 1797; d. 7 Feb. 1823. Radcliffe, John, M.D. ; 5. 1650; appointed physician to princess Anne of Denmark, 1686; bequeathed ;^40,ooo to the University of Ox- ford to form a public medical library ; founded the observatory and infirmary at Oxford; d. I Nov. 1714. Eadoltffe, William, line-engraver ; h. 1 7^3 ; d. 29 Dec. 1855. Kadclypfe, see Derwentwater. Kademaokee, Abraham, Dutch painter and engraver; 6. 1675; published " Kabinet van NeJerlandsche Outheden en Gezichten," 1725 ; " Ai-cadie HoUandoise," 1730 ; d. 22 Jan. 1735. Eademackee, Gerard, Dutch paiuter ; b. 1673; d. 1711. Eadermacher, Jacob Cornelia Matthseus, Dutch geographer ; 6. Jan. 1 741 ; d, at sea, Nov. 1783. Kadetzky, Johaim Joseph Wenzel Anton Franz Carl, count of Eadetz, Austrian field- marshal; b. 5 Nov. 1766; appointed general of the Austrian forces in Italy, 1831 ; field-mar- shal, 1 836 ; gained the victory of Custozza, 25 July, 1848; cJ. 5 Jan. 1858. Kadfokd, John, D.D., rector of Lincoln col- lege, Oxford; b. 1782; d. 21 Oct. 1851. Kadnok, see Bouverie. Eadowitz, Joseph von, Prussian statesman ; h. 6 Feb. 1 797 ; published " Ikonographie der Heiligen," 1834 ; d. 25 Dec. 1853. Kaebukn, Sir Henry, Scotch portrait painter; h. 4 March, 1756; d. 8 July, 1823. , Kaffabd, Frangois, see Anr/e de St. Rosalie. Eafpet, Denis Auguste Marie, French his- torical painter; h. I March, 1804; d. 16 Feb. i860. Baffles, Thomas, D.D., independent minister; h. 17 May, 1788; d. 18 Aug. 1863. Eaffles, Sir Thomas Stamford, statesman and naturalist; 6. 5 July, 1781; governor of Java, 1811-16; of Bencoulen, "1817-24; estab- lished colony of Singapore, 1818; pubUshed "Malayan Miscellanies," 1823; "History of Java," 1817 ; d. 4 July, 1826. Eafn, Carl Christian, Danish archffiologist ; J. 1795 ; pubUshed " Nordische Heldengedicht- en," 1825-30; " Antiquitates Americanse," 1S37 ; with Finn Magnussen, "Monuments historiques du Groenland," 1S38-45. Baghib Pacha, Muhammad, Turldsh states- man ; 6. 1 702 ; governor of Aidin, Aleppo, and Egypt; appointed grand vizir, 1757; d 1768. Kaglan, Fitzroy James Henry Somerset, lord, iield-marshal ; b. 30 Sept. 1 788 ; created baron, 20 Oct. 1852; master-general of the ordnance, 1852-54 ; commander-in-chief of the British army in the Crimea, 1854 ; d. there, 28 June, 1855. Ragotski, Ferencz, prince of Transylvania, Hungarian patriot; b. 1676; proclaimed pro- tector and prince of Transylvania, 1704; de- clined the crown of Poland, and retired into Turkey; d. there, 8 April, 1735. . Raibolini, Francesco, see Francia. PlAIKES, Eobert, printer ; b. 1 735 j 'with Dr. Stock first established Sunday schools at Glou- cester, about 1781 ; d. 5 April, i8n. Kaimbaoh, Abraham, Une-engraver ; 6. 16 Feb. 1776; engraved "Village PoSticians," "Rent- Day," " Blind Man's Buff," and others, after Sir D. WUkie ; d. 17 Jan. 1843. Raimondi, Giovanni Battista, Italian orien- talist; 5. about 1540; d. about i5io. Raimondi, Marc Antonio, Italian engraver; b. about 1475 ; engraved " Murder of the Inno- cents," "Lucretia," and "Judgment of Paris;" d. before Aug. 1534. Rainaldi, Itahan architects : GlBOLAMO; h. 1570; d. 1655. Caklo, brother; h. 1611 ; d. 1691. Raine, James, topographer; b. 1791 ; pub- lished " Saint Cuthbert," 1828; " History and Antiquities of North Diirham," 1852; d. 6Dec. 1858. Rainolds, John, divine; 5. 1549; president of Corpus Christi college, Oxford; assisted in the present translation of the Bible; d. 21 May, 1607. Raleigh, or Ralegh, Sir Walter, statesman and warrior; b. 1552; captiired the Portuguese galleon, "Madre de Dies," 1592; explored Guiana, 1596, 1617; published " History of the World," 1614; tried on a charge of endea- vouring to raise lady Arabella Stuart to the throne; beheaded, 29 Oct. 1618. Ram, Pierre Frangois Xavier de, Belgian theo- logian and historian; b. 2 Sept. 1804; pub- lished " Synodicon Belgicum," 1828-58; "An- nuaire de I'llniversit^ catholique de Louvain," 1837-69. Rambekg, Johann Heinrich, German engraver; b. 1767; studied under Sir Joshua Reynolds ; appointed painter to the court of Hanover, 1790; d. 6 July, 1840. Rameau, Jean Philippe, French musical com- poser; b. 25 Oct. 1683; produced "Hippolyte et Aricie," opera, 1733; published "Traits de I'Harmonie," 1722; d. 12 Sept. 1764. Ramel, Jean Pierre, French general ; b. 6 Oct. 1768 ; assassinated at Toulouse, 15 August 1815. Ramelli, Agostino, Italian engineer ; b. about 1531 ; pubHshed "Le Diverse ed Artifioiose Machine," 1588; d. 1590. Ramenghi, Bartolomeo, called Bagnacavallo, Italian painter ; b. 1484; d. 1542. Ramler, Carl WUhelin, German poet; i. 25 Feb. 1725 ; published " Lyrische Gedichte," 1772 ; translated the Odes of Horace, Anacreon, &o. ; d. II April, 1798. EAM 465 EAW Eammohtin-Eot, rajah, Indian philosopher; 6. 17S0; published "The Precepts of Jesus the Guide to Peace and Happiness;" d. 27 Nov. 1833. Kamsay, Allan, Scotch poet; 5. 13 Oct. 1685; published " Poems," including " The Gentle Shepherd," 1728; d. 7 Jan. 1758. Eamsat, Allan, son, Scottish portrait painter ; 6. 1709; d. 10 Aug. 1784. Kamsay, Andrew Michael, chevalier de, French author; 6. 9 Jan. 1686; published "Les Voy- ages de Cyrus," 1727 ; " Histoire de Turenie," 173s; d. 6May, 1743. Eamsay, David, American physician and his- torian ; b. 2 April, 1749; published "History of the American Revolution," 1790; "Life of Washington," l8oi ; " Universal History Americanized," 1 81 9; d. 8 May, 18 1 5. Eamsay, see Dalhousie. Eamsden, Jesse, optician; 5. 1735; invented the dividing machine, 1767-77 ; made theodoUte for the ordnance survey; d. 5 Nov. 1800. Eamus, or La Kam^e, Pierre, French philo- sopher; b. 1515; published "Dialectique," 1555; "Scheie Grammaticas," 1559; killed at the massacre of St. Bartholomew, 26 Aug. 1572- Eamdsio, Giambattista, Venetian diplomatist and historian ; 6. I4S5 ; published " Eaccolta di Navigazioni et Viaggi," 1550-59 ; d. 10 July, 1557- Eanc^, Armand Jean Le Bouthillier de, monk of La Trappe ; b. 9 Jan. 1626 ; reformed his monastery, 1666; d. 26 Oct. 1 700. Easdolph, John, bishop of London ; h. 6 July, 1 749 ; bishop of Oxford, 1 799 ; of Ban- gor, 1807 ; of London, 1809 ; d. 28 July, 1813. Eandoiph, Sir Thomas, diplomatist ; 5. 1 523 ; ambassador to Mary, queen of Scots, and James VI., of Scotland ; d. 8 June, 1590. Eandolph, Thomas, poet ; 6. 15 June, 1605 ; wrote the "Muses' Looking-Glass ;" d. 17 March, 1634. Eanke, Leopold, G«rman historian; 5. 21 Dec. 1795 ; published his "History of the Popes," 1834-36 ; " Enghsohe Geschichte," 1859-62. Eahsome, James, agricultural machinist ; b. 1783 ; d. 22 Dec. 1849. Eantzau, Josias, comte de, marshal of France ; i. 18 Oct. i6og ; d. 4 Sept. 1650. Eaoux, Jean, French historical and portrait painter; h. 1677; d. 1734. Eaphael, see Sanzio. Eapin de Thoyeas, Paul de, French histo- rian ; b. 25 March, 1661 ; pubUshed "Histoire d' Angleterre, " 1 724 ; " Dissertation sur les Whigs et les Torys," 1 71 7; d. 16 May, 1725- Eapp, Jean, comte, French general ; 5. 27 April, 1773 ; d. 8 Nov. 1821. Eask, Easmus Christian, Danish philologist and orientalist ; b. 22 Nov. 1787 ; published "Lexicon Islandico-Latino-Danicum," 1814 ; "SnorraEdda," and "Edda Ssemundar," 1818 ; d. 14 Nov. 1832. Easoei, Giovanni, Italian physician ; b. 20 Aug. 1766; published " Teoria della Flogosi," 1837 ; d. 13 April, 1837. Easpail, Franjois Vincent, French chemist and democratic politician ; b. 29 Jan. 1 794 ; imprisoned, 1831-33; candidate for the presi- dency of the republic, 1848 ; again imprisoned, 1849-55 ; elected deputy for Lyons, 1869 ; pub- lished " Nouveau systfeme de Chimie organi- que," 1S33 ; " Nouveau systfeme de Physiologie v^g^tale et de Botanique," 1836. Easpe, Eudolph Eric, Hanoverian mineralo- gist and noveUst ; 6. 1737 ; read before Royal Society Latin paper on Volcanoes, 1 769 ; pub- lished anonymously " Adventures of Baron Munchausen," 1786 ; d. 1 794. Eastall, John, printer ; wrote " Eegum Anglorum Chronicon, or Pastime of the People," printed 1529; d. 1536. Eatcliepe, see Sussex, Eattazzi, Urbano, Italian statesman ; b. 29 June, 1810 ; president of the ministry, March — Dec. 1862 ; again, April — Oct. 1867. Eattee, James, wood carver ; h. about 1820 ; d. 29 JVIarch, 1855. Eau, or Eavius, Christian, German orientalist ; b. 25 Jan. 1613 ; published" Spolium Orientis," and " Ohronologia infallibilis BibUca," 1669 ; "Arcana Biblica," 1675; d. 21 June, 1677. Eauch, Christian Daniel, German sculptor ; b. 2 Jan. 1777 ; d. 3 Dec. 1857. Eauschee, Joseph Othmar von, Austrian cardinal ; 6. 6 Oct. 1797 ; appointed archbishop of Vienna, 1853 ; created cardinal, 1855. Eavaillac, Fran9ois, murderer ; b. 1578 ; assassinated Henry IV. of France, 14 May, 1610 ; executed, 27 May, 1610. Eavenet, Simon Frangois, French engraver; b. 1706 ; d. 1774. Eavensceoft, Thomas, musical composer; b. 1592 ; published " Melismata, Musical Fancies, fitting the Court, City, and Country Humours," 1611 ; "Whole Book of Psalms," 1621 ; d. after 1635. Ravesteyn, van, Dutch painters : Jan : b. 1572 : executed portraits . . . d. 1657 Akjjould, son ; 6. 1615 : painted portraits . d, 1667 Hubert ; b. 1647 : painted kermesses and rustic scenes. Nicolas ; &. 1661 ; painted portraits d. g Jan. 1750 Eaveio, Antoine Andr^, French artist in bronze, and dramatist ; b. 23 Oct. 1759; pub- lished " Mes Delassements, ou Eecueil de Chansons," 1805 ; d. 4 Dec. 1814. Eawley, Rev. William, scholar ; b. about 1588 ; pubUshed " Eesusoitatio," (Bacon's posthumous works), 1657 ; " Opera varia," 1658 ; d. 18 June, 1667. 2G RAW RED Eawlins, John A., American statesman ; h. about 1831 ; secretary of war, March — Sept. 1869 ; d. 6 Sept. 1869. Eawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke, major- general, diplomatist and orientalist; b. 1810; consul at Bagdad, 1844-55; envoy to Persia, April, 1S59 — Feb. i860; published "OutUne of the History of Assyria," 1852; "Memo- randum on the publication of the Cuneiform Inscriptions," 1855. Kawlinson, Richard, antiquary ; 5. 1690 ; published "Life of Anthony Ji Wood," lyn ; " EngUsh Topographer," 1 720 ; d. 6 April, 1755- Rawlinson, Thomas, brother, book-collector ; i. 1681 ; his collection of MSS. sold by auction, 1734; d. 6 Aug. 1725. Rat, or Wrat, John, naturalist ; h. 29 Nov. 1628 ; published " Catalogus Plantarum Anglife," 1670; "Collection of English Pro- verbs," 1672; " Collection of English Words," 1674 ; d. 17 Jan. 1704. Raymond, Jean Michel, French chemist; t. 24 March, 1766; discovered " Raymond's Blue," 1810; published "Souvenirs d'un Oisif," 1836; d. 6 May, 1837. Ratnal, Guillaume Thomas Frangois, French historian and philosopher; b. 12 April, 1713 ; pubhshed " Anecdotes Litt^raires," 1750 ; "Anecdotes historiques, militaires etpolitiques de I'Europe," 1 753 ; " Histoire des deux Indes," 1780; d. 6 March, 1796. Ratnal, Jean, French historian; b. 1723; published " Histoire de la ville de Toulouse," 1759; d. 28 July, 1807. Rayneval, Fran9ois Maximilien Gerard, comte de, French diplomatist; b. 8 Oct. 1778; am- bassador to Vienna, Oct. 1829 — July, 1830; to Madrid, Feb. 1832 ; d. 16 August, 1836. Ratnouaed, Fran9oi3 Juste Marie, French poet and philologist ; J. 8 Sept. 1 76 1 ; published " Choix de Poesies originales des Troubadours," 1816-21; "Des Troubadours et des Cours d'amour," 1817; "Lexique Roman," 1838-44; d. 27 Oct. 1836. Razoumovski, AJeksyei, count, Russian field- marshal; b. 1709; d. 6 July, 1771. Razzi, Giovanni Antonio, called Sodoma, Sienese painter ; b. 1479; d. 1554. Reach, Angus Bethime, novelist; b. 1822; published " Clement Lorimer," 1849; "Claret and Olives," 1852; d. 25 Nov. 1856. Reading, John, divine; b. 1588; published " Guide to the Holy City," 1651 ; "Antidote to Anabaptism," 1654; d. 26 Oct. 1667. Eeaumue, Ren^ Antoine Ferchault de, French naturalist and physicist; b. 28 Feb. 1683; invented his thermometer, about 1730; pub- lished ' ' Examen de la Sole des Araign^es," 1710; "Mdmoires pour servir !i 1' Histoire des Insectes," 1737-48; d. 17 Oct, 1757. Rebeoqui, Franjois Trophime, French con- ventionaUst ; b. about 1 760 ; proscribed as a Girondin ; drowned himself in the sea at Mar- seilles, June, 1794. Rebolledo, Bernardino, conde de, Spanish general, diplomatist, and poet; b. 1597 ; ambas- sador to Denmark, 1649-61 ; published " Ocios," 1650; " Selvas miUtares y poUticas," 1652; d. 1676. Reboulet, Simon, French historian ; b. 9 June, 1687; published "Histoire du rfegne de Lotua XIV.," 1742-44; "Histoire de Clement XI., pape," 1752; d. 27 Feb. 1752. Rebouks, MUe. de, mistress of Hemry TV., king of France; 6. about 1559; became mis- tress, 1579; d. about 1585. Recamiek, Jeanne Frangoise Julie Adelaide Bernard, madame, French politician; b. 4 Dec. 1777 ; friend of Chateaubriand ; her " Souvenirs et Correspondance" published, 1859 ; d. 11 May, 1849. Recamiek, Joseph Claude Anthelme, French physician ; b. 6 Nov. 1774; d. 29 June, 1852. Rechbeeg, Johann Bernard, count, Austrian statesman and diplomatist ;b.iy July, 1806 ; ap- pointed minister to the Germanic Confedera- tion and president of the federal diet at Frank- fort, 1849-59; foreign minister, May, 1859 — Oct. 1864. Reookde, Robert, mathematician and physi- cian; b. about 1500; pubUshed "Ground of Artes," 1543; "XJrinal of Physiok," 1548; " Castle of Knowledge," 1551 ; "Whetstone of Witte," 1557; d. 1558. Redesdale, John Freeman Mitford, lord, lawyer and statesman; 6. 18 Aug. 1748; made sohcitor-general, Feb. 1793; attorney-general, June, 1 800 ; speaker of the house of commons, Feb. 1801 ; created baron, 15 Feb. 1802; lord chancellor of Ireland, Feb. 1802 — March, 1806 ; d. 16 Jan. 1S30. Rbdgkave, Richard, landscape and genre painter; b. 30 April, 1804; elected A.E.A., 1840; R. A., 1851 ; formerly head-master of the government school of design, and now inspec- tor-general of art schools ; with S. Redgrave published " Century of Painters," 1866. Redi, Francesco, Italian naturalist ; i. 18 Feb. 1626 ; published " Osservazioni intorno alle Vipere," 1664; his "Sonetti" printed, 1702; "Lettere," 1724-27; d. I March, 1698. Reding, Aloys, baron von, Swiss general and statesman; b. 1755; defeated the French at Morgarten, 2 May, 1798; d. 5 Feb. 1818. Redman, or Redmatne, John, theologian ; 5- 1499 ; appointed first master of Trinity college, Cambridge, 1 547 ; wrote ' ' Complaint of Grace, printed 1556; d. Nov, 1551. RedoutI, Pierre Joseph, French flower painter; b. 10 July, 1759; published "FamiUe des Liliac&s," 1802-16; "Monographie des Roses," 1817-24; d. 19 June, 1840. EED 467 EEI Eedschid Pasha, Mustapha, Turkish states- man; 6. 1799; grand vi2der, Sept. 1846 — Oct. 1852; again, May, 1853 — June, 1854; reap- pointed, Julj', 1854; again, 1856 — July, 1857 ; a fifth time, Oot. — Nov. 1857; d. 7 June, 1858. Keed, Andrew, D.D., independent minister and philanthropist; 6. 27 Nov. 1787; founded London Orphan Asylum, 181 3 ; Infant Orphan Asylum ; Asylum for Patherless Children, 1844; Asylum for Idiots, 1847; Hospital for Incurables, 1854; published "No Fiction," a novel, 1819; A. 25 Feb. 1S62. Reed, Isaac, dramatic critic ; 6. i Jan. 1 742 ; published "Dodsley's Old Plays," 1780 ; "Bio- graphia Dramatica," 1782; edited "Shake- speare," 1785; d. 5 Jan. 1807. Pees, Abraham, CD., unitarian minister ; 6. 1743; pubUshed " Cyclopiedia," 1803-19; "Practical Sermons," 1809 ; d. 9 June, 1825. Peeve, Clara, novelist; h. 1725; pubhshed "Old English Baron," 1778; "Progress of Romance," 1785 ; d. 3 Deo. 1803. Peeve, John, comedian ; 6. 1 799 ; d. 24 Feb. 1838. Peeves, John, jurist ; 5. 1752 ; published "History of the English Law," 1784; "His- tory of the Government of the Island of New- foundland," 1793 ; d. 7 Aug. 1829. Peeves, John Sims, tenor singer ; 6. 1821 ; sang in Italian opera at Her Majesty's Theatre, 1848 ; at Covent Garden, 1849. Peeves, William, theologian ; 5. 1668 ; pub- lished " Apologies of the Fathers," 1 709 ; d. z6 March, 1726. Peggio, Francesco, Italian Jesuit and astro- nomer ; b. 1743 ; d. 10 Oct. 1804. Pegis, Jean Frangois, Saint, French Jesuit, called the "Father of the Poor;" h. 31 Jan. 1597 ; canonized, 1737 ; d. 31 Dec. 1640. Pegis, Sylvain, French philosopher ; 5. 1632 ; published "Discursus Philosophicus," 1705; d. II Jan. 1707. Pegius, or Le Pot, Urban, German poet and controversialist; his "Opera" pubhshed, 1562; d. 23 May, 1 541. Regnakd, Jean Frangois, French comic poet and dramatist; &. Feb. 1655 ; wrote "La Pro- vengale," a romance; produced comedies of " Le Joueur," Dec. 1696; " Le Distrait," Dec. 1697 ; "L^ataire universel," Jan. 1708 ; d. 4 Sept. 1709. Pegnault, Henri Victor, French chemist ; h. 21 July, 1810 ; published "Cours ^l^mentaire de Chimie," 1847-49. Regnault, Jean Baptiste, baron, French his- torical painter; h. 19 Oct. 1754; d. 12 Nov. 1829. Regnault, Michel Louis Etienne, French statesman; J. 1760; d. 18 19. Eegnatjit, Noel, French physicist and philo- sopher ; h. 5 Sept. 1683 ; published " Bntretiens physique dAriste et d'Eudoxe," 1729; " Ori- gine ancienne de la Physique nouveUe," 1735 > d. 14 May, 1762. Regniek, Claude Ambroise, due de Massa, French statesman ; b. 6 April, 1736 ; minister of justice, Sept. 1802— Nov. 1813 ; d. 24 June, 1814. Regniek, Edme, French mechanician ; 5. 15 June, 1751 ; invented dynamometers, meri- dians, reutnometers, anemometer, &c. ; d. 10 June, 1825. Regniee, Jacques Augnste Adolphe, French philologist and orientalist ; 6. 7 July, 1 804 ; published " Cours complet de Langue AUe- mande," 1830-33; "Pratij^kia du Rig- Veda," 1856-58. Regniek, Mathurin, French satiric poet ; h. 21 Dec. 1573; published " QSuvres," 1608; d. 22 Oct. 1613. Regniek, Ren^ Frangois, archbishop of Cam- brai ; b. ij July, 1794; bishop of Ajigouleme, 1842; archbishop, 1850. Regulus, Marcus Atilius, Roman general ; consul, B.C. 267 ; gained a victory over the Carthaginians at Adis, 255 ; defeated by them and taken prisoner, 255. Reicha, Anton, German musical composer ; b. 27 Feb. 1770; published "Trait(5 de Mflo- die," 1814 ; "Cours d'Harmonie"' 1824; " Traits de Haute Composition Musicale," 1824-25 ; d. 28 May, 1836. Reiohakdt, Johann Friedrich, German mu- sical composer; b. 25 Nov. 1752; published " Musikalisches Kunstmagazin," 1782-91 ; "Vertraute Briefe aus Paris," 1802-3; '^' 27 June, 1S14. Eeichenbaoh, Carl, baron von, German natu- ralist and physicist ; 6. 12 Feb. 1788 ; published his " Researches on Magnetism," 1847; "Odisch- magnetische Briefe," 1852 ; "Der sensitive Mensch und sein Verhalten zum Od," 1854. Peichehbaoh, Georg von, German mechar nician; b. 1772; d. 1826. Reiohenbach, Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig, German naturalist ; b. 8 Jan. 1793; pubUshed " Icones Florae Germanicas, Helveticce, et Mediae Europae," 1823-58 ; " Deutschlanda Flora," 1837-58 ; " Naturgeschichte de"- Vogel," 1835-52; " Deutsche Fauna," 1838-42. Reid, Mayne, captain, Irish novelist; 6. 18 18; served in TJnited States army, 1845-49 ; pub- lished " Rifle Rangers," 1849; " Boy Hunters," 1852; "Quadroon," 1856; "Headless Horse- man," 1865. Reid, Thomas, Scottish metaphysician ; I. 26 April, 1 7 10; professor of philosophy at Aber- deen, 1752-64; published "Inquiry into the Human Mind," 1764; "Essays on the Intel- lectual Powers of Man," 1787; d. 7 Oct. 1796. Reid, Sir William, major-general, royal engi- neers; b. 1791; governor of Bermuda, 183S-46; of the AntiUes, 1846-48; published "Progress KEI 468 KET of the Development of the Law of Storms, and of the Variable Wiads," 1849; d. 31 Oct. 1858. Eeinhold, Carl Leonard, German metaphy- sician ; b. 26 Oct. 1758; published "Briefe iiber die Kantische Philosophie," 1790-92 ; "Die alte Frage : Was ist Wahrheit," 1820; d. 10 April, 1823. Eeihhold, Erasmus, German astronomer; 5. 21 Oct. 1 5 1 1 ; published " Commentarius theoricaa novae Planetarum G. Purbachii," 1542; "Pru- tenicee tabiilas Ccelestiimi Motuum," 1551 ; d. 19 Feb. 1553. Reinoso, Antonio Garcia, Spanish painter and architect; 6. 1623 ; d. 1677. Keiske, Johann Jacob, German philologist and orientaUat; i. 25 Dec. 1716; published " Animadversiones ad Grsecos Auctores," 1757"67) "Oratorum Grjecorum Corpus," l77°-75; "Plutarchi Opera omnia," 1774-79 ;d. 14 Aug. 1774. Keiz, JFriedrich Wolfgang, German philologist ; b. 2 Sept. 1733; d. 2 Feb. 1790. Eeland, Adriaan, Dutch orientalist ; 5. 1 7 July, 1676; published "De Eeligione Moham- medica," 1705; " Antiquitates sacrae veterum Hebrseorum," 1708; d. 5 Feb. 1718. ^ Eembrajjdi van Eyn, Dutch painter and engraver; b. 1608 ; d. 8 Oct. 1669. Eemi, or Eemigius, Saint, archbishop of Ehenns; 6. 437; d 13 Jan. 533. ■ Eem usat, Jean Pierre Abel, French orienta- list; b. 5 Sept. 1788 ; published "Elements de la Grammaire Chinoise," 1822; "Melanges Asiatiques," 1825 ; " Nouveaux Mflanges," 1828; d. 4 June, 1832. Eenas", Joseph Ernest, French philologist and critic; 6.27 Feb. 1823; pubHshed "JHistoire g^n&ale des Langues Sdmitiques," 1854 " Essais de Morale et de Critique," and " Le Livre de Job," 1859; " Vie de J&us," 1863 "Saint Paul," 1869. Eenau d'Eliqagakat, Bernard, French ad- miral; b. 1652; pubUshed " Th&rie de la Ma- noeuvre des Vaisseaux," 1689 ; d. 30 Sept. 1719. Eenaudot, Eusfebe, French orientalist ; b. 20 July, 1646 ; published " Historia Patriar- charum Alexandrinorum Jacobitarum, " 1713 ; "Liturgiarum Orientahum CoUectio," 1715-16; d. I Sept. 1720. Eenaudot, Th^ophraste, French physician and journalist; b. 1 584; under the auspices of Ejchelieu, founded " Gazette de France," 1631 ; continued "Mercm'e Franjois," 1635; d. 25 Oct. 1653. Eendel, James Meadows, civil engineer ; h. 1800 ; d. 21 Nov. 1856. Eendu, Ambroise Marie Modeste, French educationalist ; b. 25 Oct. 1778 ; organized the system of primary instruction in France, 1816- 50; published "Code Universitaire," 1827; d. 12 March, i860. EENi, duke of Anjou ; 6. 16 Jan. 1409 ; became king of Naples, Sicily, and Jerusalem, 1435 ; " CEuvres du Eoi Een^ " published, 1845-46; d. 10 July, 1480. Eenehan, Laurence F., D.D., president of Maynooth College ; 6. 1 797 ; collected materials for Irish history; d. 28 July, 1857. Eeni, Guido, see Guido. Eennel, James, major, geographer ; 5. 3 Nov. 1742; pubhshed "Bengal Atlas," 1781; " Geographical System of Herodotus," 1800 ; d. 29 March, 1830. Eennell, Thomas, dean of Winchester ; b. 1753 ; made dean, 1805 ;. d. 31 March, 1840. Eennte, George, son of following, civil engi- neer ; b. 3 Jan. 1791 ; oi. 30 March, 1866. Eennie, John, Scottish engineer; b. 7 June, 1761 ; buUt Plymouth breakwater, Southwark and Waterloo bridges ; d. l6 Oct. 1821. Eenouakd, Antoine Augustin, French biblio- grapher ; 6. 2 1 Sept. 1765; published " Atmales de rimprimerie des .Aide," 1803; "Annalea de rimprimerie des Estienne," 1837-38; d. 15 Dec. 1853. Eenouakd, Eev. George Cecil, orientalist and geographer ; b. 7 Sept. 1780 ; lord high almoner's professor of Arabic at Cambridge, 1815-20; d. 15 Feb. 1867. Eenouviee, Jules, French archaeologist; h. 13 Dec. 1804; pubhshed "Des Types et des Maniferes des Maitres Graveurs," 1853-56; " Histoire de I'Origine et des Progrfes de la Gravure dans les Pays-Bas et en Allemagne," i860; d. 23 Sept. i860. Eepnine, Nikolai Vasilievitch, Eussian general and diplomatist; 6. II March, 1734; d. 24 May, 1801. Eepton, Humphrey, landscape gardener ; 1. 2 May, 1752; published "Sketches and Hmts on Landscape Gardening," 1794! "Odd Whims," 1804 ; d. 24 March, 1818. Eequin, AchiUe Pierre, French physician; b. 15 Aug. 1803 ; d. I Jan. 1855. Eesendb, Andr^ de, Portuguese antiquary ; b. 30 Nov. 1498; wrote "Vida do Infante D. Duarte," published 1789; " De Antiquitatibua Lusitanise," 1593; d. 9 Dec. 1573. Eesende, Garcia de, Portuguese historian and poet ; b. about 1470 ; pubhshed " Can- cioneiro geral," 1516; d. after 1554- Eestout, French historical painters : Jean ; b. 26 March, 1692 . . . i*. i Jan. 1768 Jean Bernabd, son ; 6. 22 Feb. 1732 : d. 18 July, 1797 EiTiF DE LA Bketonne, Or Eestif, Nicolas Edme, French miscellaneous writer ; b. 22 Nov. 1734; pubhshed "Le Paysan perverti,' 1775 ; " La Paysanne pervertie," 17S4 i "Nuits de Paris," 1788-94; d. 3 February, 1806. RET 469 RIB Eetsch, Friedrich August Moritz, German painter and engraver ; 6. 9 Dec. 1779 ; pub- lished illustrations to Goethe's Faust and Shakspere, 1828; to Biirger's Ballads, 1840; d. II July, 1857. Eetz, Albert de Gondi, marshal de, French courtier ; 6. 1533 ; d. 12 April, 1602. Eetz, Jean Fraugois Paul de Gondi, cardinal de, French statesman ; h. Oct. 1614 ; opposed the prince de Cond^ aud cardinal Mazarin ; wrote " M^moires," published 1717; . 1500 ; bishop of Rochester, 1547; of London, 1550; published "Brief Declaration of the Lord's Supper," 1555; burnt at Oxford, 15 Oct. 1555. ElDOLFI, Carlo, Venetian historical and por- trait painter ; 6. 1594; d. 1658. RiDOLFi, Claudio, Venetian painter ; 6. I574> d. 1644. RiEDINGEE, Johann Elias, German animal painter and engraver ; 6. 16 Feb. 1698; d. 10 April, 1767. RiEGO, Rafael del, Spanish patriot and general ; h. 24 Oct. 1785; opposed Ferdinand VII.; hung at Madrid, 7 Nov. 1823. EiENZi, Cola cU, (Nicola Gabrino), dictator of Rome, friend of Petrarch; &. 13 13; appointed tribune of the people, 20 May, 1347; re-estab- lished justice ; mediated between the pope and the sovereigns of Europe; lied from Rome, 15 Dec. 1347; restored to the dictatorship by Imiocent VI., I Aug. 1 354 ; d. assassinated at Rome, 8 Oct. 1354. EiENZi, Tommaso Maria Gabrino di, Italian minorite and archaeologist ; ft. 15 Oct. 1726; published "MiSmoires sur le Tribunat de Nicolas Eienzi," 1806; d. 16 Nov. 1808. ElES, Ferdinand, German pianist and musical composer; ft. 1784; studied under Beethoven; wrote his oratorio, " Adoration of the Magi," 1837; d. 13 Jan. 1S38. RiESENEE, Henri Frangois, French portrait painter; ft. 19 Oct. 1767; d. 7 Feb. 1828. RiGAUD, Hyacinthe, French portrait painter ; ft. 20 July, 1659; d. 27 Deo. 1743. RiGAUD, Stephen Peter, astronomer; ft. 1774; professor of astronomy at Oxford ; published " Historical Essay on Sir I. Newton's Prin- cipia," 1838 ; d. 16 March, 1839. ElGBT, Edward, physiologist; ft. 1747; pub- lished " Essay on the Theory of Animal Heat," 1785; d. ori Oct. 1821. Riley, John, portrait painter ; ft. 1646 ; d. \ii<)i. Ring, MaximiUen de, French historian; ft. 27 May, 1 799 ; published " Histoire des Ger- mains," 1850; " Histoire des Peuples Opiques, " 1859. EIN 472 HOB Ei>'GGLi, Gotthard, Swiss painter; h. 1575; d. 1635. EiNTOUL, Robert Stephen, joumaliat; h. 1787; d 22 April, 1858. RlNUCOiNi, Ottavio, Florentine poet ; 6. about 1565 ; d. 1621. EiojA, Francisco de, Spanish poet; 5. 1600; d. 8 Aug. 1659. KiOLAN, Jean, French physician ; h. 1539; his"Opera omnia" published by his son, i6io; d. 18 Oct. 1606. EiOLAN, Jean, son, French physician ; 5. 1577; pubhshed " Gigantomachia," 1613; "Discours sur les Hermaplirodites," 1614; d. 19 Feb. 1657- EiPON, Frederick John Robinson, earl of, statesman; h. I Nov. 17S2; chancellor of the exchequer, 1823; colonial secretary, 1827; created viscount Goderich, 25 April, 1827; iirst lord of the treasury, Aug. 1S27 — Jan. 182S; again colonial secretary, Nov. 1830; lord privy seal, 1833; created earl, 10 April, 1833 ; d. 28 Jan. 1859. EiPON, see De Grey. EippEKDA, Jan Willem, duque de, called also Osman Pacha, Dutch adventurer; 6. l6go; entered service of Philip V. of Spain, 171 8; became prime minister, 1725-26; fled to Portu- gal, 1 728 ; went to the court of the emperor of ]\Iorocco, 1732; d. 2 Nov. 1737. EiQUET, Pierre Paul, baron de Bonrepos, French civil engineer; h. 1604 ; d. I Oct. 1680. ElTOHIE, Joseph, African traveller; d. 20 Nov. 1 819. EiTCHiE, Leitch, Scottish novelist ; published " Head Pieces and TaU Pieces ; " " Winter Evenings," 1859; d. 4 Jan. 1865. EiTSCHL, Friedrich Wilhelm, German philolo- gist ; J. 6 April, 1 8o5 ; published " Die Alex- andrinische Bibliothek," 1838; " Anthologiaa Latins Corrolarium Epigraphicum, " 1853. EiTSON, Joseph, critic and antiquary ; b. 2 Oct. 1752; published "Ancient Songs," 1790; "EobinHood," 1795; "Biographia Poetica," 1801 ; "Ancient English Metrical Eomanoes," 1802 ; d. 3 Sept. 1803. EiTTENHOUSE, David, American physicist ; 5. 8 April, 1732 ; d. 26 June, 1 796. ElTTEK, Carl, German geographer ; h. 7 Aug. 1779; pubhshed "Die Erdkunde im Verhalt- nisse zur Natur und zur Geschichte des Mens- chen," 1817-19; d 28 Sept. 1859. EiTTEK, Johann Wilhelm, German philosopher; J. 16 Dec. 1776; made experiments in electri- city and galvanism ; published " Elektrische System der Korper," 1805 ; d. 23 Jan. 1810. EiTTEESHDTS, Conrad, German jurist; 5. 25 Sept. 1560; d. 25 May, 1613. EiVAED, Dominique Fran9oi3, French mathe- matician; h. 1697; published " Elements de Mathtoatiques," 1740; " Traits de la Sphere," 1 741; d. 5 April, 1778. EiVAKOL, Antoine, comte de, French miscel- laneous author; 6. 26 June, 1753; published " Discours sur I'TTniversalit^ de la Langue Franjaise," 1784 ; "Petit Almanach des Granis Hommes," 1788; d. 13 April, 1801. RiVAZ, Pierre Joseph de, Swiss horologist and mechanician; h, 29 March, 171 1; pubUsied " Eclaircissements sur le Martyre de la Legion Th^b^enne et sur I'^poque de la Persecution des Gaules sous Diocl^tien et Maximien," 1779; d. 6 Aug. 1772. EiVE, Joseph Jean, French bibliographer ; 5, 19 May, 1730; published " Eclaircissements sur les Cartes-&;-jouer, " 1780; "La Chasse aux BibUographes et Antiquaires mal adTis^s," 17S8-89 ; d. 20 Oct. 1 79 1. EiVEES, Anthony WidvUe, earl; J. 1442; suc- ceeded, 1469 ; beheaded by order of Eichard. dukeof Gloucester, at Pontefract, 13 June, 1483 ErvET, Andr^, French protestant theologian h. 5 Aug. 1573; pubhshed " Catholicus ortho- doxus," 1630; "Jesuita vapulans," 1635 d. 7 Jan. 165 1. EivET DE La Gkajtge, Antoine, French Bene- dictine historian ; h. 30 Oct. 1683 ; published "BQ.5toire htt&aire de la France," vols. 1-9, 1733-50; d. 7 Feb. 1749. EiviiKE, Charles Fran9ois de Eiffardeau, due de, French general and diplomatist ; 6. 1 7 Deo. 1763 ; ambassador to Constantinople, 1816-20 ; presented the Venus of MUo to the Louvre, 1822; d. 21 April, 1828. EiviNus, or Bachman, Andreas, German philologist; h. 14 Oct. 1601 ; d. 4 April, 1656. EiviNUS, August Quirinus, son, German botanist and physician ; h. 9 Dec. 1652 ; pub- lished " De spiritu Hominis vitali," 1681, "In- troductio generalis in Eem herbariam," 1690; d. 30 Dec. 1723. Eizzio, Davide, Italian musician, favourite of Mary, queen of Scots ; 6. 1540 ; murdered, 9 March, 1566. EoA, Martin de, Spanish Jesuit ; 6. 1563 ; pubhshed " Del estado de las Almas en Purgar torio," 1619 ; "Malaga, su fundacion, antigue- dad, &c.," 1622 ; d. 5 April, 1637. EoB EoT, (Eobert Macgregor Campbell), Scot- tish freebooter ; h. about 1660 ; d. about 1735. EOBBIA, Andrea della, Florentine sculptor ; I. 1444 ; executed " Virgin adoring the Infant Christ," now in the Louvre ; d. 1527- EoBBiA, Luca deUa, uncle, Florentine sculp- tor ; h. 1388 ; directed the execution by Ms brothers, Ottaviano and Agostino, of the sculp- tures and bas-reliefs in porcelain that usually bear his name ; d. 1463. Egbert I., II., dukes of Normandy. I. the Devil ; duke, 1028, father of William the Conqueror d. 2 July, 1035 II. Curthose, son of William the Conqueror; h. about io6o ; duke, 1087 ; deposed by his brother, Henry I. of England, 1106 ; blinded and imprisoned in Cardiff castle . . d. 10 Feb. 1134 EOB 473 EOB EOBEET, duke of Parma and Placentia ; h. 9 July, 1848 ; succeeded under regency of his mother, duchess Louisa, 27 March, 1854 ; re- tired upon outbreak of revolution, I May, 1859- Egbert, emperor of Germany, called the Short ; h. 1352 ; count palatine of the Ehine, 1398 ; elected, 21 Aug. 1400 ; d. 19 May, 1410. EoBEET I., II., kings of France. I. became king upon deposition of Charles III., 922: killed in battle with him 16 June, 923 II. the Sage, son of Hu^es Capet ; h, 971 ; suc- ceeded his father, 24 Oct. 996 . . d. 20 July, 1031 EOBEKT, king of Naples, called the Wise ; T>. 1279 ; succeeded his brother, Charles II,, 1309 ; d. ig Jan. 1343. EoBEKT I. — III., kings of Scotland. I. Bruce: h. 1274; revolted against Edward I., and crowned king, 25 March, 1306 ; defeated by the earl of Pembroke, 22 July, 1306 ; victoi"ious over the English, 1307; took Inverness, 1313; defeated Edward II. at the battle of Bannock- burn, 24 June, 1 314 . . . d. 7 June, 1329 II. Stuart : b. 2 March, 1316 ; succeeded his uncle, David II., 22 Eeb. 1371 ; renewed war with England, 1377 ; the English under Hotspur de- feated at the battle of Chevy Chase, or Otter- burn, 10 Aug. 1388 . . . rf. 19 April, 1390 III. Stuart, son ; &. about 1340 ; succeeded, 19 April, 1390 ; defeated by the English at battle of Homeldon-hill, 14 Sept. 1402 d. 4 April, 1406 EoBEET, Saint ; 6. 1018 ; founded the abbey and order of Citeaux, I098 ; d. 21 March, mo. EoBEBT, abbot of Jumibges, archbishop of Canterbury ; bishop of London, I044 ; arch- bishop, 105 1 ; d. 1052. EoBEET, abbot of Eheims, Trench historian ; J. about 1055 ; went on crusade to Palestine, 1096 ; wrote " HistoriaHierosolimitana," printecl about 1472 ; d. 23 Aug. 1122. EoBEET of Gloucester, chronicler and poet ; jl. about 1270; wrote "Chronicle," published by Hearne, 1724. EoBEET, Claude, French ecclesiastical his- torian ; 5. about 1565 ; published " Gallia Christiana," 1626 ; d. 16 May, 1637. EoBEET, Hubert, French landscape painter ; h. 1733 ; d. 15 April, 1808. EoBEET, Louis Leopold, French historical painter ; 6. 1 3 May, 1 794 ; painted " Le Depart des Pecheurs," 1832-35 ; d. 20 March, 1835. EoBEET, Pierre Fran9ois Joseph, French conventionalist; h. 21 Jan. 1763; d. 1826. Eobeet-Fletjet, or Fleobt, Joseph Nicolas Eobert, French historical painter ; 6. 8 Aug. 1797. Eobeeti, Jean, Belgian Jesuit ; h. 4 Aug. 1569 ; published " Historia Sancti Huberti," 1621 ; "Sanctorum L. Jurisperitorum elogia," 1632 ; d. 14 Feb. 1651. EoBEETS, David, landscape painter ; 5. 24 Oct. 1796 ; elected E.A., 1841 ; d. 25 Nov. 1864. EoBEETS, Francis, theologian ; S. 1609 ; pub- lished " Clavls Bibliorum," 1649; d. 1675. EoBEBTSON, (Etienne Gaspard Egbert), Belgian aeronaut and physicist ; S. 15 June, 1763 ; invented phantasmagoria, 17S7 ; J>Lib- lished " Mdmoires rdcrt^atifs, scientifiques et auecdotiques du Physicien a&onaute," 1S30 ; d. July, 1837. EoBBETSGN, Eev. Frederick William, theo- logian ; h. 3 Feb. 181 6 ; incumbent of Trinity chapel, Brighton, 1847-53; his "Sermons" published, 1855 ; "Life and Letters," 1865; d. IS Aug. 1853. EoBEETSGN, George, landscape painter; d. 1788. EoBEETSON, James Craigie, ecclesiastical his- torian ; h. 1813 ; appointed canon of Canter- bury, 1S59; professor of ecclesiastical history in King's college, London, 1 864 ; pubhshed "Biography of Thomas Becket," 1859; "His- tory of the Christian Church," 1862-66. EoBEETSON, Eev. Joseph, antiquary ; 5. 28 Aug. 1726; published "Parian Chronicle," 1788; translation of " Telemachus," 1795; d. \% Jan. 1802. Egbertson, Joseph, Scottish antiquary ; h. 181 1 ; edited "Statuta Ecclesise Scotiame," 1866 ; A 13 Dec. 1866. Egbeetson, Patrick, lord Eobertson, Scotch judge and poet ; 6. 1 794 ; lord of session, 1843 ; d. 10 Jan. 1855. Eobeetsgn, Thomas William, dramatist ; h. 9 Jan. 1829; produced "Society," 1865; "Caste," and "For Love," 1867. ■ Egbeetsgn, William, D.D., Scotch historian ; &. 1721 ; published "History of Scotland during the reigns of Mary and of King James VI.,'' 1759 ; "History of Charles V.," 1769 ; "His- tory of America," 1777 ', d. 11 June, 1793. Egberval, Gilles Personne de, French mathe- matician ; &. 8 Aug. 1602; published "Aris- tarchi Samii de Mundi systemate partibus et motibus," 1644 ; d. 27 Oct. 1675. EoBESPiERRE, Augustin Bon Joseph de, called the younger, French revolutionary politician ; h, 1^6^; d. by the guillotine, 24 July, 1794. EoBESPIERRE, Maximilien Marie Isidore de, brother, French revolutionary dictator ; h. 6 May, 1758; joined the Jacobin club, 1789; in- augurated the reign of terror, 31 May, 1793; celebrated the " Feast of the Supreme Being," 8 June, 1794; condemned and guillotined, 28 July, 1794- EoBiN, Jean, French botanist; J. 155°; wrote "Jardin du roy Henry IV.," published 1608; " Jardin de Louis XIII.," 1623; d. 25 April, 1629. Egbin Hggd, outlaw of " Sherwood Forest," Nottinghamshire; fi. 13th century. EOBINS, Benjamin, mathematician ; 6. 1 707 ; pubhshed "Mathematical Tracts," 1761 ; "New Principles of Gunnery," 1742; d. 29 July, 175 1. EoBiQUET, Pierre Jean, French chemist; 5. 13 Jan. 1780; d. 29 April, 1840. EOB 474 EOE EoBiNSON, Edward, CD., American philolo- gist and biblical scholar; b. lo April, 1794; published " Biblical Researches in Palestine," 1 841 ; " Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament," 1836; d. 25 Jan. 1863. EoBiNSON, Henry Crabb, barrister-at-law ; 5. 13 May, 1775 ;hi3 "Diary, Eeminiscences, and Correspondence" published, 1869; d. 5 Feb. 1867. EoBiNSOK, Sir Hercules Eobert George, colonial governor ; 6. 1 824 ; appointed governor of Hong Kong, 1859; of Ceylon, 1865. EoBINSON, John, ]?uritan minister; h. 1575; wrote ' ' Justification of Separation from the Church of England," published 1 851; d. i March, 1625. Robinson, John Henry, line-engraver; 5. 1796; elected A.R.A., 1856; R.A., 1867; en- graved the " WoU and the Lamb," after Mul- ready, and " Countess of Bedford," after Van- dyck. Robinson, Rev. Thomas, naturalist ; published " Essay towards a Natural History of West- morland and Cumberland," 1709; d. 1719. Robinson, see Be Grey and Ripon, Ripon, Rokeby. RoBOETELLO, Francesco, Italian philologist ; 6. 9 Sept. 1 5 16; pubUshed " De Facultate Historica," 1548; " De Artificio Dicendi," 1567; d. 18 March, 1567. RoESART, Amy, countess of Leicester ; 6. about 1525; married Robert Dudley, earl of Lei- cester, 4 June, 1 549 ; supposed to have been poisoned by her husband at Cumnor Place, Oxfordshire, 8 Sept. 1560. Robson, Frederick, comedian ; d. 12 Aug. 1864. Robson, George Fennel, landscape painter ; b. 1766; d. 1833. iloBUSTl, Venetian painters: Jacopo, called Tintoretto : &. 1512 ; executed the " Paradise," in the ducal palace at Venice, the largest picture known . . ti. 31 May, 1594 DoMENloo, son ; b. 1562 ; gained great reputation for portraits d. 1637 Marietta, daughter of Tintoretto ; b. 1560 ; painted portraits d- 159° RoBT, John, antiquary ; published " Tradi- tions of Lancashire," 1829-31 ; " Legendary and Poetical Remains," 1854; d. 18 June, 1850. RoccA, Angiolo, Italian philologist ; b. 1545 ; published " Osservazioni intorno alle bellezze della Lingua Latina," 1576 ; "Delia Comete,|| 1577 ; " Bibliotheca apostoUca Vatioana," 1 59 1 ; d. 8 April, 1620. ROOH, Saint; b. June, 1295 ; healed the sick of the plague at Acquapendente ; d. 16 Aug. 1327. RoOHAMBEAU, Jean Baptiste Donation de Vimeur, comte de, French marshal ; b. 1 July, 1725 ; defeated the English under Comwahis at York Town, Virginia, 19 Oct. 1781 ; wrote "M(^moires/' published 1809; d. 10 May, 1807. RocHESTEE, John WUmot, earl of, licentious satirical poet, and courtier; b. 10 April, 1647 ; succeeded, 1659 ; wrote "Poems," published 1680 ; d. 26 July, i58o. RocHETTE, D^sir^ Raoul, French archaeologist ; b. 9 March, 1 790 ; pubUshed " Histoire critique des Colonies Grecques," 1815 ; "Peintures antiques in^dites," 1836 ; " Lettres arch^olo- giques sur la Peinture des Greos," 1840 ; d. 3 July, 1854. RocHFOHD, see JBoleyn. RooHON, Alexis Marie, French astronomer and physicist ; b. 21 Feb. 1741 ; published " Voyage \ Madagascar et aux Indes Orien- tales," 1791 ; "Essai sur les Monnaies an- ciennes et modemes," 1792 ; d. 5 April, 1817. Rook, Daniel, D.D., Roman CathoHc theolo- gian and archaeologist ; b. 1 799 ; pubUshed " Hiemrgia," 1833 ; " Church of our Fathers," 1849-53; "Did the Early Church in Ireland acknowledge the Pope's Supremacy?" 1844. Rockingham, Charles Watson Wentworth, marquess of, statesman; 6. 19 March, 1730; first lord of the treasury, June, 1765 — Ma-y* 1 766 ; reappointed, March, 1 782 ; d. i July, 1782. RoDD, Thomas, booksellers : i.b. 1763 ; d. 27 Nov. 1822; 2. son; b. 9 Oct. 1796; d. 23 April, 1849. Rode, Christian Bemhard, German painter and engraver; b. 18 July, 1725; d. 24 June, 1797. Rodney, George Brydges Rodney, lord, ad- miral ; b. 1717 ; captured the Caraocas fleet, and destroyed that of Spain, 1780 ; reUeved Gibraltar ; captured the Dutch West India islands, 1781 ; defeated the French fleet under the comte de Grasse, 12 Api-il, 1782; created baron, 19 June, 1782 ; d. 24 May, 1792. RoDOLPH I., II., emperors of Germany. I. of Hapsburg, toonder of the reigning dynasty of Austria ; b. i May, 1218 ; elected, 30 Sept. 1273 ; defeated Ottocar, king of Bohemia, at Marchteld, 26 Aug. 1278 . . . d. is Jul?, 1291 n, b. 18 July, 1552 ; became king of Hungary, 1572 ; of Bohemia, 1575 : succeeded his father, Maximilian II., as emperor, 12 Oct. 1576 ; sur- rendered to his brother Matthias, Austria, Hungary, and Moravia, June, 1608 ; Bohemia, SUesia, and Lusatia, 1611 EODKIGUEZ, Ventura, Spanish architect ; 6. 14 July, 1717 ; d. Dec. 1785. RODEIGDEZ GiKAO, Joio, Portuguese Jesuit missionary; b. 1559; went to Japan,^i583; pubUshed " Arte da Luigua do Japao," 1604 ; d- i633- Roe, Sir Thomas, diplomatist ; b. about 1580; ambassador to Constantinople, 1621-24 ; to the emperor and diet of Ratisbon, 1641 ; pubUshed "True and faithful Relation of what hath lately happened in Constantinople," 1622; d. 6 Nov. 1644. d. 20 Jan. 1612 EOE 475 ROL KoEBDOK, John Arthur, political reformer ; 6. 1802 ; M.P. for Bath, 1832-37 ; again, 1841-47 ; for Sheffield, 1849-68 ; published "History of the Whig Ministry of 1830," 1852. EcEDEEEK, Pierre Louis, comte, French poli- tician ; 6. 15 Feb. 1752 ; published " Mc^moire sur I'administration du d^partement de Paris," 17 2; *' Chronique de cinquante Jours," 1S32; " M^moire pour servir h, I'histoire de la Socii^t^ polie en France," 1835 ; d. 17 December, 1835- EoBLAS, Juan de las, Spanish painter ; b. 1560; painted "Death of St. Isidore;" d. 25 April, 1625. EcEMER, Olaus, Danish astronomer ; S. 25 Sept. 1744; discovered the velocity of light, 1675; invented the transit instrument, 1692; d. ig Sept. 1 710. EoGER, count of Sicily; 5. 1031 ; defeated the Saracens in Sicily, 1061 ; again, 1063 ; besieged and took Palermo, 1071 ; Syracuse, 1088; Gir- genti, 1089; bmlt cathedral of Messina; d. July, iioi. EoGEE, king of Sicily; b. 1097; succeeded his father, Roger, as count of Sicily and duke of Calabria, July, iioi ; madeking, 27 Sept. 1129; d. 26 Feb. 1 1 54. Rogers, Henry, theologian and critic; ap- pointed principal of Lancashire Independent college, 1858; published "Essays," 1830; " EcUpse of Faith, " 1852; "Reason and Faith," 1866. Rogers, John, protestant martyr; burnt at Smithfield, 4 Feb. 1555. Rogers, John, D.D., controversialist; h. 1679 ; published " Visible and Invisible Church of Christ;" "Answer to Collins' Scheme of Prophecy," 1727 ; d. I May, 1729. Rogers, Samuel, banker and poet ; b. 30 July, 1 763 ; published " Pleasures of Memory," 1792; "Poems," 1812; "Italy," 1822; his "Recollections" printed, 1859; d. 18 Dec. 1855. RoGET, Georges, French historical painter; b. 1781 ; studied under David ; hi.'? reproduction from memory of the " Sacre de Napoleon " was signed by David, and went to America ; d. 9 April, 1869. R06ET, Peter Mark, M.D., physiologist; b. 1779; elected first Fullerian professor of phy- siology at the Royal Institution, 1833 ; pub- lished " Animal and Vegetable Physiology," (Bridgewater Treatise), 1 834 ; " Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases," 1852; d. 12 Sept. 1869. RoGHMAN, Rolandus, Dutch landscape painter; 5. 1597; d. i686. EoHAfT, Henri, due de, French Huguenot general ; b. 25 Aug. 1579 ; pubhshed "Le parfait Capitaine," 1636; his " M^moires " published, 1644; d. 13 April, 1638. Rohan, Louis Ren^ Edouard, prince de, French cardinal ; b. 25 Sept. 1734; made car- dinal, 1778; bishop of Strasbourg, 1779; impli- cated with madame de La Motte and CagUostro in the afFaii- of the diamond necklace ; arrested and imprisoned in the Bastille, 15 Aug. 1785; resigned his see, i8oi ; d. 17 Feb. 1803. ROKEBT, Richard Robinson, lord, archbishop of Armagh; b. 1709; bishop of Ferns and Leighhn, 1759; of Kildare, 1761; archbishop, 1765 ; created baron, 1777 ; founded school and public library at Armagh ; d. 10 Oct. 1794. Roland, Marie Jeanne PbiUpon, madame, French republican politician ; b. 17 March, 1754; her "M^moires" published, 1794; " Lettres adressees k Bancal des Issarts," 1835; " Correspondance," 1841 ; d. by the guillotine, 9 Nov. 1 793. Roland ee la PlatiJihe, Jean Marie, hus- band, French republican politician ; b. 18 Feb. 1734; published "Dictionnaire des Manufactures et des Arts," 1785-90; " EecueE d'Idfes patri- otiques," 1789; d. by suicide, 15 November, 1793- Roland, Philippe Laurent, French sculptor ; 6. 1 3 Aug. 1 746 ; executed statue of Homer, now in the Louvre ; d. 11 July, 18 16. Eoldan, Pedro, Spanish sculptor ; 5. 1624 ; d. 1700. EoLEWiNCK, Werner, German historian and theologian ; 5. 1425 ; published " Fasciculus Temporum," 1474 ; "De Laude Westphaliae," about 1488; d. 1502. ROLFE, see Cramoorth. ROLLE, Dennis, colonizer of Florida ; b. 1725 ; purchased a district of East Florida, 1766; d. 24 June, 1797. EoLLE, Henry, judge ; b. 1589; appointed a justice of the king's bench, 1645 ; chief justice of the upper bench, 1648 ; wrote "Abridg- ment des plusieurs Cases et Resolutions del Common Ley," published 1668 ; d. 30 July, 1656. RoLLi, Paolo Antonio, Italian poet ; b. 1687 ; published " Rime," 1717 ; translation into Italian of Milton's " Paradise Lost," 1729; d. 1767. EoLLIN, Charles, French historian ; b. 30 Jan. 1661 ; published "Traits des Etudes," 1726-31 ; "Histoire ancienne," 1730-38 ; "His- toire Romaine," 1738 ; d. 14 Sept. 1741. RoLLiN, see Ledru-Rollin. RoLLO, duke of Normandy ; b. about 860 ; became first duke of Normandy, 912 ; d. 932. RoLT, Sir John, judge; b. 5 Oct. 1804 ; attorney-general, Oct. 1866 — July, 1867 ; made a lord justice of appeal in chancery, July, 1867 ; resigned, 1868. RoLT, Richard, historical writer ; b. about 1725; published "Lives of the principal Re- formers," 1759; his "History of the Isle of Man" printed, 1773 ; d. 2 March, 1770. EOM 476 KOS EoMAGNOSi, Gian Domenioo Gregorio Giu- seppe, Italian jurist; b. 11 Dec. 1 76 1; pub- lished "Genesi del Diritto peuale," 1791 ; "Introduzione alio studio del Diritto pulalico universale," 1805 ; d. 8 June, 1835. RoMAiNE, William, Calvinistic divine ; J. 25 Sept. 1714; published "The Lord our Righte- ousness," 1757; "Discourses upon Law and Gospel," 1760; "Walk of Faith," 1771 ; d. 26 July, 1795- EoMANELLi, Giovanni Francesco, Roman his- torical painter ; b. 161 7; d. 1663. RoMANI, Girolamo, called Romanino, Italian painter; b. about 1480; painted "Descent from the Cross," in the Berlin Gallery, "Dead Christ with mourners," at Venice, and "Na- tivity," in the National Gallery, London ; d. about 1560. Romano, GiuKo, (Giulio Pippi), Roman painter, architect and engineer ; b. 1498 ; assisted Raphael in painting the Lo^gie of the Vatican ; built and decorated with frescoes the Palazzo del Th at Mantua ; d. 1 Nov. 1546. RoMANns I — IV., emperors of the East. I. Lecapenus ; became emperor, Dec. 919 ; de- posed and compelled to enter a monastery, Dec. 944 d. 15 June, 948 It. the younger, grandson ; b. 939 ; ascended the throne, 959 .... d. 15 March, 963 III. Argyrus; &. 968; succeeded, 21 Nov. 1028: d. by poison, 11 April, 1034 ly. Diogenes, grand-nephew: conspired against the sons of Constantine X. ; condemned to death; married Eudoxia, their mother, and declared emperor, Dec. 1067 . . d. Oct. iioi RoMBOUTS, Dirck, Flemish historical painter ; i. July, 1597 ; d. 1637. EoMiLLT, John EomiUy, lord, judge, son of following; 6. 1802; made solicitor-general, April, 1848; attorney-general, July, 1850; master of the rolls, March, 1851 ; created baron, 3 Jan. 1866 ; edited "Life of Sir Samuel RomiUy," 1840; directed publication of "Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland," 1858. RoMILLT, Sir Samuel, lawyer and politician ; i. I March, 1757; solicitor-general, Feb. 1806 — April, 1807 ; published " Observations on the Criminal Law of England," 1810; d. by suicide, 2 Nov. 1818. RoMNEY, George, portrait painter ; 6. 26 Dec. 1734; d. 1$ Nov. 1802. Romulus, mythical founder and first king of Rome, B.C. 753 or 754. RONCALLI, Cristoforo, see Pomarancio. RoNDELET, Guillaume, French naturalist; i. 27 Sept. 1507; published " De Piscibus mari- nis," 1554; "IJniversa Aquatilium Historia," 155s ; d. 30 July, 1566. RoNBY, Sir Cusack Patrick, railway director ; h. i8io; knighted for services as secretary of the Dublin exhibition, 1853; became managing director of Grand Trunk railway of Canada, 1853 ;d. 30 Sept. 1868. RONGE, Johannes, German religious reformer; b. 1813; founded " German-CathoUc " congre- gations, 1845 ; fled to England, 1850. RONSAKD, Pierre de, French poet ; 6. 11 Sept. 1524; published "Amours," 1550; "Hyumes," 1555; d. 27 Dec. 1585. RooKE, Sir George, admiral; b. 1 650; in con- junction with Sir Cloudesley Shovel, captured Gibraltar, 22 July, 1 704 ; d. 24 Jan. 1 709. RooKE, Laurence, astronomer and mathema- tician; b. 1623; published "Observations upon the Comet of 1652 ;" d. 27 June, 1662. RooKEE, Michael Angelo, scene-painter and engraver; b. 1743; elected A.R.A., 1770; d. 3 March, 180 1. Roquefort, Jean Baptiste Bonaventure de, French antiquary and philologist; b. 15 Oct. 1777 ; published " Glossaire de la Langue Eo- mane," 1808; "Essai sur la Po&ie Fran9aise au douzifeme et au treizifeme sifecle," 1813; "Vues pittoresques des saUes du Musde des Monimients Frangais," 1818-21; d. 17 June, 1834- Rosa, Salvator, Neapolitan painter, poet, and musician; b. 20 June, 1615; his chef-d'cmvre is the "Witch of Eudor," now in the Louvre; d. 15 March, 1673. RosALBA, (Rosa Alba Carriera), Venetian portrait painter; b. Jan. 1671; d. 15 April, 1757- EosAMOND, Fair, mistress of Henry II. of England; d. by poison given her by queen Eleanor at Woodstock, 11 77. RoSAPiNA, Francesco, Italian engraver; i. 1762; d. 1841. Rosas, Juan Manuel Ortiz de, South American general ; b. 1 793 ; made governor of the Argen- tine confederation, 8 Dec. 1829; dictator and captain-general of Buenos Ayres, 7 March, 1835; fled to England, Feb. 1852. RoSGlus, Quintus, Roman actor; d. B.C. 62. RosooE, Henry, lawyer, son of following ; b. 1 800; published " Life of WiUiam Eoscoe," and "Lives of eminent British Lawyers," 1833; d. 25 March, 1836. RosooE, WilUam, historian ; i. 8 March, 1753; elected M.P. for Liverpool, 1805 ; pub- lished " Life of Lorenzo de' Medici," 1796 ; " Life and Pontificate of Leo X.," 1805 ; d. 30 June, 1 83 1. Roscommon, Wentworth DUlon, earl of, poet ; b. about 1633 ; his " Poems " published, 1717 ; d. 17 Jan. 1684. Rose, George, statesman and political writer ; b. 1744; published "Brief Examination into the Increase of the Revenue, Commerce, and Navigation of Great Britain," 1806 ; his " Diaries and Correspondence" published, i860; d. 13 Jan. 1818. Rose, Sir George Henry, clerk of the parlia- ments, 1818-44; d. 17 June, 1855. EOS 477 BOS Rose, Gustav, German chemist; 6. 18 March, 179S ; pubUshed " Elemente der Krystallo- graphie,." 1838. Rose, William Stewart, Scottish poet, friend of Sir Walter Scott; b. 1775; pubUshed " Letters from the North of Italy," 1S19 ; translation of Ariosto's " Orlando Turioso," 1825-31 ; d. 30 April, 1843. KosEOKANZ, WilUam Starke, American federal general; 6. 6 Deo. 1819 ; made brigadier- general, and appointed to command army of Western Virginia, July, l86l ; defeated the confederates at Murfreesboro, 2 January, 1863. EosELLINI, Ippolito, Italian antiquary ; i. 1800; published "Monumenti dell' Egitto e della Nubia," 1832-40; " Elementa Linguaa ^gyptiacse vulgo Gopticse," 1837 ; d. 4 June, 1843. EosEN, Eriedrich August, German orientalist ; h. 1805; d. 12 Sept. 1837. EosENMULLEB, Ernst Friedrich Carl, Ger- man orientalist and theologian ; h. 10 Dec. 1 768 ; pubUshed " SchoUa in Vetus Testamen- tum," 1788-1835 ; " Das alte und neue Morgen- land," 1818-20; d. 17 Sept. 1835. EosENMULLEK, Johann Georg, father of above, German theologian ; b. 18 Dec. 1736 ; pub- lished "Scolia in Novum Testamentum," 1777-1807 ; " De fatis interpretationis litter- arum sacrarum in Ecclesia Christiana," 1795- 1814 ; d. 14 March, 1815. E08INI, Carlo Maria, NeapoUtan archasolo- gist ; b. I April, 1748; published "Hercu- lanensium voluminum quse supersunt," 1793" 1823 ; " Dissertatio isagogica ad Herculanen- sium voluminum explanationem," 1797 ^ li. 18 Feb. 1836. KosMiNi, Carlo de, ItaUan historian ; b. 28 Oct. 1758 ; pubUshed "Vita di P. Ovidio Naso," 1789; "Istoria intomo aUe miUtari impresi e alia vita di G. G. Trivulzio," 1815 ; d. 9 June, 1827. Eoss, Alexander, Scotch divine ; 6. 1590 ; pubUshed "VirgiUus evangelizans," 1634; " Mel Heliconium," 1642 ; " View of all Ee- Ugions," 1653 ; d. 1654. Eoss, Sir Hew Dalrymple, field-marshal ; h. 1779 ; served in the Peninsular war and at Waterloo; d. 10 Dec. 1868. Eoss, Sir James Clark, rear-admiral, arctic navigator; b. 1800; d. 3 April, 1862. Eoss, Sir John, admiral, arctic navigator; J. 1777; pubUshed "Voyage of Discovery for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and enquiring into the probabiUty of a North- West Passage," 1819; "Narrative of a Second Voyage of a North-West Passage in 1829-33," 1835 ; d. 30 Aug. 1856. Eoss, Sir WiUiam Charles, miniature painter; b. 3 June, 1794; elected A.E.A, 18385 E.A,, 1843; d. 20 Jan. i860. EossE, James Parsons, earl of, astronomical mechanician; &. 17 June, 1800; constructed his great telescope at Parsonstown, 1828-45 I P^^' sident of Eoyal Society, 1849-54; elected chan- cellor of Dublin university, 1862;^. 31 Oct. 1867. EossELLi, Florentine fresco painters : CosiMO ; 6. 1430 . d. after 25 Nov, 1506 Matteo ; b. 10 Aug. 1578 . . d. iS Jan. 1650 EossETTi, Dante Gabriel, painter; b. 1828; pubUshed "Early ItaUan Poets," 1861. Eossi, John Charles Felix, sculptor ; b, 1762; elected A.E.A., 1798; E.A., 1802; executed monuments in St. Paul's cathedral to lords CornwaUis, Heathfield, and Rodney, and captain Faulkner; d. 21 Feb. 1839. Rossi, Pellegrino Luigi Odoardo, conte, Ro- man statesman ; 6. 13 July, 1787; naturaUsed in France, 1834; envoy to Rome, 1845-48 papal minister of the interior, 14 Sept. 1848 pubUshed " Traits du Droit penal," 1825 " Cours d'Economie politique," 1839-43 J ^• assassinated at Rome, 15 Nov. 1848. Rossini, Gioacchino, ItaUan musical com- poser; b. 29 Feb. 1792 ; d. 13 Nov. 1868. Produced cantata " II Pianto d'Amore," 11 Aug. 1808: operas, "Tancredi," 1813 ; "Barbiere di Siviglia," 26 Dec. 1816: " Gazza Ladra," May, 1817; " Mosfi in Egitto," 1818 ; "La Donna del Lago," 4 Oct. 1819; "Semiramide" . . 1823 Visited England .... May — Oct. 1823 Produced at Paris "Guillauine Tell," Aug. 1829 ; " Stabat Mater " .... . 1842 Fixed his residence at Paris . . . May, 1855 Died there : buried at P6re-la-Chaise 21 Nov. 1868 Bequeathed his fortune, after his wife's death, to found a school of music at his birthplace, Pesaro. EosSLTN, Alexander Wedderbum, earl of, Scotch judge and statesman; 6. 1733; solicitor- general, Jan. 1 77 1 — June, 1778; attorney- general, June, 1778 — Jtine, 1780; chief justice of the common pleas, June, 1780 — Jan. 1793; lord high chanceUor, Jan. 1793 — AprU, iSoi : wrote " Observations on the State of the Eng- lish Prisons,' ' 1 793 ; created lord Loughborough, 14 June, 1780; earl, 21 April, 1801; d. 3 Jan. 1805. RossLTN, James St. Clair Erskine, earl of, statesman and general ; b. about 1 762 ; lord privy seal, June, 1829 — Nov. 1830; lord pre- sident of the council, Dec. 1834 — April, 1835; d. 18 Jan. 1837. Rosso DEL Rosso, Giovanni Battista, Floren- tine painter and architect ; b. 1496 ; employed by Francis I. at Fontainebleau, about 1530-40; poisoned himself, 154I- RosTOPOHiN, Fedor, count, Russian general and statesman ; 6.23 March, 1 765 ; appointed governor of Moscow, 29 May, 1812; published "La V^rit^ sur I'lncendie de Moscou," 1823; d. 30 Jan. 1826. RoswEyDE, Heribert, Dutch Jesuit historian ; b. 22 Jan. 1569; pubUshed "Fasti Sanctorum," 1607; "Vita; Patrum," 1615 ; "Vitas sanotarimi Virginum," 1626; d. 5 Oct. 1629. EOS 478 E,OY EoszFELD, Johann, German antiquary ; h. 1551 ; published " Antiquitatum Eomanarum corpus absolutissimum," 1583; d. 7 Oct. 1626. EoTHSOHiLD, barons de, Jewish bankers and financiers : Mayer Anselme ; &. 1743 ; founder of the bank at Frankfort . d. 1812 His sons : — ±. Anselme ; 6, 12 June, 1773 ; remained at Frankfort rf. 7 Dec. 1855 a. Salomon ; b. 9 Sept. 1774 ; settled at Vienna ; d. 28 July, 1855 3. Nathan Mayer ; 6. 10 Sept. 1777 ; settled in London ; appointed consul for Austria, 1820 ; d. 28 July, 1836 4. Charles ; &. 24 April, 1788; settled at Naples ; d. 10 March, 1855 5. James ; 6. 15 May, 1792 ; resided at Paris ; founded there a synagogue and hospital : d. 15 Not. 1868 Lionel Nathan, son of Nathan: h. 22 Nov. 1808: M.P. for city of London, 1847-68 : re-elected, 1869 : first took his seat ia the house of commons, 26 July, 1858 Sir Anthony, hart., brother of above: -6. May, 1810: created baronet 1846 Edmond, son of James ; fe. about 1826 ; head of the Paris house. KoTKOn, Jean, French dramatic poet ; 5. 21 Aug. 1609 ; published his " Cid," 1636 ; d. 28 June, 1650. E.OTTENHAMJIEB, Johann, German painter ; h. 1564 ; his chef-d'wuvre is the "Glory of the Saints," in the church of the Holy Cross at Augsburg ; d. 1623. EonBiLLAC, Louis Frangois, French sculptor ; 5. 1695 ; settled in England, about 1744 ; exe- cuted monuments of John, duke of Argyll, and of Handel, in Westminster Abbey, and statue of Shakspere, in British Museum ; d. 11 Jan. 1762. RoncHER, Jean Antoine, French poet ; b. 22 Feb. 1745 ; d. 25 July, 1794. EoUELLE, Guillaume Fran9ois, French chemist; b. 1703 ; d. 3 Aug. 1770. EouGET DE Lisle, Claude Joseph, French poet and musical composer ; 6. 10 May, 1760 ; composed the " Marseillaise," or " Chant de TArmfe du Rhin," 1792; published "Cin- quants Chants Frangais," 1825 ; d. 26 June, 1836. RoUHER, Eugfene, French statesman ; 6. 30 Nov. 1 8 14. Minister of justice . . Oct. 1849— July, 1851 Again minister of justice, . Dec. 1851 — Jan. 1852 Appointed minister of agriculture, commerce, and public works Feb. 1855 Minister of state 18 Oct. 1863 Resigned, and ofBoe abolished . . July, 1869 Made president of the senate . . July, 1869 RODLAND, Gustave, French lawyer and statesman ; 6. 2 Feb. 1802 ; made procureur- g^n(5ral, Feb. 1853 ; minister of public in- struction and worship, Aug. 1856 — June, 1863; vice-president of the senate, June, 1863. Rouse, or Ross, John, antiquary, of War- wick ; wrote " Historia Regum Anglic,' ' printed 1716; d. 14 Jan. 1491. Rousseau, Jacques, French painter and en- graver ; 6. 4 June, 1630 ; came to London to decorate Montagu House, 1690 ; d. 16 Dec. 1693. PiOSSEAU, Jean Baptiste, French poet ; b. 6 April, 1670 ; his "CEuvres" published, 1712 ; "GEuvres posthumes," 1741 ; "Lettres sur diff&ents sujets de Litt^rature," 1749-50; "CEuvres completes," 1799; d. 17 March, 1741. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, French philoso- pher ; 5. 28 June, 1712 ; pubHshed "Lettre surlaMusique Frangaise," 1753; "Julie, ou la nouvelle Hfloise," 1760; "Emile, ou de I'Education," 1762 ; "DictiounairedeMusique," 1767; his "Confessions" first printed, 1782; d. 2 July, 1778. Rousseau, Thfodore, French landscape painter; 6. 15 AprU, 1812 ; d. 22 December, 1867. RouTH, Martin Joseph, D.D. ; 5. 15 Sept. 1755 ; president of Magdalen college, Oxford, 1791-1855 ; published " Reliquise sacraB," 1814- 18 ; d. 22 Dec. 1854. Roux, Joseph Philibert, French surgeon ; 5. 26 April, 1780; published " Quarante annees de Pratique chirurgicale," 1854 ; d. 24 March, 1854. RoviLLE, Guillaume de, French printer; b. 1 518; established himself at Lyons, about 1546 ; d. 1589. RowE, Nicholas, dramatic poet ; b. 1673 ; produced "Ambitious Step-Mother," 1698; " Fair Penitent," 1703; "Jane Shore," 1713; translated Lucan's " Pharsalia," printed :728 ; d. 6 Deo. 1718. RowLANDSON, Thomas, caricaturist ; b. July, 1756; published "Miseries of Human Life," 1808 ; with Woodward, "Caricature Magazine," 1810-13 ; d. 22 April, 1827. Rowley, WUliam, dramatist; fl. 1632-62; published " A new Wonder, a Woman never vext," 1632 ; with Ford and Decker, "Witch of Edmonton," 1658. Rowley, William, M.D., physician; b. 18 Nov. 1743; published " Sohola Medicinae universalis nova," 1793 ; d. 17 March, 1806. RoxANA, Bactrian princess, queen of Alex- ander the Great; married, B.C. 327; with her son Alexander jEgus, murdered by Cassander, 311. Roxburgh, William, M.D., Scotch botanist; I. 1759; published "Plants of the coast of Coromandel," 1795-1819; "Flora Indica," 1S20-24; d. April, 181 5. RoxBURGHE, John Ker, duke of, book-collec- tor ; 6. 5 April, 1 740 ; his library sold by auction in 1812, for ^22,992, 7s. ; d. 19 March, 1804. Roy, Pierre Charles, French dramatic poet ; b. 1683; produced operas "Philomae," 1705; " Callirho(5," 1712; pubUshed "CEuvres di- verses," 1727; d. 23 Oct. 1764. E.OY 479 EUP KoT-PiEKKEHTTE, Jean Baptiste Louis, French archaeologist; i. 29 Aug. 1819; pub- lished abb^ Nadaud's "Nobihaire du diocfese et de la g^ndralit^ de Limoges," 1856 ; "Etudes historiques sur les Monastferes du Limousin et de la Marche," 1857-63. EoTEK, Jean Baptiste, French prelate and conventionalist; i. 8 Oct. 1733; consecrated constitutional bishop of Ain, 3 April, 1791 j elected bishop of Paris, 1 798 ; dismissed, Sept. 1801 ; pubUshed "Discours sur les Biens du Clerg(5," 1790; d. II April, 1807. EoYEE-CoLLABD, Pierre Paul, French states- man and philosopher ; 5. 2 1 June, 1 763 ; founded the doctrinal school of philosophy ; d. 4 Sept. 1845. RoziEB, Frangois, French agriculturist ; h. 23 Jan. 1734 ; established "Journal de Physique," and edited it, 1771-80; published " Cours com- plet d' Agriculture," 1781-93; d. 29 September, 1793- Rubens, Peter Paul, Flemish historical and portrait painter and diplomatist ; i. 29 June, 1577; envoy to Spain, 1628-29; *" England, 1629; concluded peace between PhiUp IV. of Spain and Charles I. of England ; his chefs-d'cetivre are the " Descent from the Cross," and "Elevation of the Cross," in Antwerp cathedral, " Last Judgment," now at Munich, and the series representing events in the life of Marie de' Medici, now in the Louvre; d. 30 May, 1640. EuBiNi, Giambattista, Italian tenor singer ; 6. 7 April, 1795 ; d. 2 March, 1854. EucELLAI, Bernardo, Florentine historian ; 5. 1449 ; wrote " De urbe Eoma ;" " De bello Italico;" d. 7 Oct. 1514. RucELLAI, Giovanni, son, Florentine poet ; i, 1475 ; his tragedy "Posmunda" printed, 1525; "Le Api," 1539; d. 1525. RuDBECK, Olaus, Swedish naturalist; h. 1 630; published "Atlantica," 1675-98; "Campus Elysius," 1701-2 ; d. 7 Sept. 1702. KuDBEOK, Olaus, son, Swedish naturalist and philologist; b. 15 March, 1660; published **Nova Samoland^ sive Laponia illustrata," 1 701; d. 1740. PuDDiMAN, Thomas, Scotch grammarian ; h. Oct. 1674; published "Rudiments of the Latin Tongue," 1 7 14; edited " Caledonian Mercury;" d. 19 Jan. 1757. Rude, Franjois, French sculptor ; i. 4 Jan. 1784 ; executed statue of marshal Ney, at Paris; d. 3 Nov. 1855. Rddolp, of Ems, minnesinger;/. 1220-54; wrote "Barlaam and Josaphat," "Chronicle of the "World," and " Wilhelm von OrUenz." Rudolph, see Sndolph. RuDOLPHi, Carl Asmund, Swedish naturalist ; h. 14 July, 1771; published "Entozoorum Synopsis," 1819; " Grundriss der Physiologic," 1821-28; d. 29 Nov. 1832. RuppiNi, Paolo, Italian physician and mathe- matician ; b. 23 Sept. 1765 ; published " Delia Inmiaterialitk dell' Anima," 1 806 ; d. 10 May, 1822. RuPFO, Fabrice Dionigi, Neapolitan cardinal and general; b. 16 Sept. 1744; created car- dinal, 1 794 ; raised the army of the Holy Faith to oppose the French, 1799 ; reduced Naples, June, 1799 ; d. 13 Dec. 1827. RuPINUS, Tyrannius, Roman ecclesiastical historian ; b. about 345 ; wrote " Historia ecclesiastica," in continuation of Eusebius, and " Historia eremitioa ;" rf. 410. RUFUS, Cielius, Roman orator and politician ; b. 28 May, B.C. 82 ; tribune of the people, 52 ; d. strangled, 48. RuGENDAS, German painters and engravers : Georg Philipp ; b. 27 Nov. 1666 ; painted battle of Narva d. g May, 1742 JoHANN LoBENZ, grandson ; &. 1775 d. 19 Nov. 1826 JoEfANN MORITZ, Son, landscape painter : b. 1799; published "Voyage plttoresque dans le Bresil," 1827-35 . . d. 29 May, 1858 RuHNEKEN, David, German philologist ; b, 2 Jan. 1723; pubUshed "Elogium T. Hemster- husii," 1768; "De vita et scriptis Longini," 1776 ; d. 14 May, 1798. RuiNAET, Thierri, French Benedictine histo- rian ; b. 10 June, 1657; published "Acta primorum Martyrum," 1689 ; edited works of Gregory of Tours, 1699 ; d. 27 Sept. 1709. BuisOH, Fredrilv, Dutch anatomi,st ; b. 23 March, 1638; published "Thesaurus anato- micus," 1701-15; d. 22 Feb. 1731. BuiTEB, Michel van, Dutch admiral ; b, 24 March, 1607 ; defeated by admiral Blake, 22 Oct. 1652 ; by Monk, 25 July, 1666; defeated combined English and French fleets, 1673 ; d. 29 April, 1676. RnLHii:RE, Claude Carloman de, French his- torian and poet; b. 1735 ; wrote " Histoire de I'Anarchie de Pologne," published 1807 ; " Jeux de Mains," 1808 ; d. 30 Jan. 1 791. RuMFOED, Sir Benjamin Thompson, count von, American chemist and physicist ; b. 26 March, 1753; entered service of Bavaria, 17^3; created count, 1790; removed to Paris, 1802; made researches in heat and light ; principal founder of the Royal Institution, 1800 ; pub- lished " Essais politiques, feonomiques, et phi- losophiques," 1 798- 1 806 ; " M^moires sur la Chaleur," 1804; d. 21 Aug. 1814. RuNJEET Singh, maharajah of Lahore ; b. 2 Nov. 1780 ; restored to his throne Shah Sujah, king of Cabul, and received the Koh-i-noor diamond for his services ; defeated by the Afghans, 1836 ; d. 27 June, 1839. Rupert, prince of Bavaria, son of EHzabeth, queen of Bohemia, and nephew of Charles I. of England; b. IJ Deo. 1619 ; defeated the par- hamentarians at Worcester, 23 Sept. 1642 ; created duke of Cumberland, Jan. 1644 ; de- feated by Cromwell at Marston Moor, 2 July, EUS 480 KYM 1644 ; together, with Charles I., at Naseby, 14 June, 1645 ; surrendered Bristol, 10 Sept. 1645 ; established the Hudson's Bay company, 1670 ; made admiral of the fleet, 1673 ; im- proved mezzotinto engraving ; d. 29 Nov. 1682. KuscELLi, Girolamo, Italian scholar and poet ;, published " Imprese illustri," 1566; " Rime piacevoli," 1627 ; d. 1566. Bush, Benjamin, American physician ; 6. 24 Dec. 1 745 ; published " Essays, literary, moral, and philosophical," 1798 ; d. 19 AprU, 1813. E.DSHWOKTH, John, la-svyer and historical writer; b. about 1607; published "Historical Collections of private passages of State," 1659- 1701 ; d. 12 May, 1690. Buskin, John, art critic; 5. Feb. 18 19; elec- ted Slade professor of fine art at Oxford, 1869 ; published "Modem Painters," 1843-60; "Seven Lamps of Architecture," 1849 ; " Stones of Venice," 1851-53; " Ethics of the Dust, " 1865; " Queen of the Air," 1869. BussELL, Edward, earl of Orford, admiral ; i. 1651 ; defeated French fleet off cape La Hogue, 19 May, 1692 ; created earl, 7 May, 1697 ; first lord of the admiralty. May, 1694 — June, 1699 ; again, Nov. 1709 — Oct. 1710 ; a third time, Oct. 1714 — April, 1717; d. 26 Nov. 1727. BusSELL, John, artist in crayons ; J. 1744 ; elected A.B.A., 1772; B.A., 1788; made a Selenographia, or model of the moon ; d. 21 April, 1806. BussELL, John BusseU, earl, statesman ; 6. 18 Aug. 1792. Elected M. P. for Tavistock .... 1813 Obtained repeal of the test and corporation acta 1828 Carried the Koman catholic relief bill . . 1829 Paymaster of the forces Nov. 1830 — Dec. 1834 Carried the Reform bill . . . . 1832 Home secretary . . . April, 1835 — Aug. 1839 Colonial secretary . . Aug. 1839 — Sept. 1841 First lord of the treasury . July, 1846— Feb. 1852 Carried the Ecclesiastical titles bill . . . 1850 Foreign secretary . . Dec. 1852— Feb. 1853 Held a seat in the cabinet without office Feb. 1853 — June, 1854 Lord president of the council June, 1854 — Jan. 1855 Again colonial secretary . . May— July, 1855 Again foreign secretary . June, 1859 — Nov. 1865 Created earl Russell .... 30 July, 1861 Again first lord of the treasury, Nov. 1865— June, 1866 Published "Life of ■William, Lord Russell," 1819 ; " Memoirs of the Affairs of Europe from the Peace of Utrecht," 1824 ; " Correspondence of John, fourth duke of Bedford," 1842-46 ; >" Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore," 1852-56; " Memorials and Cor- respondence of Charles James Fox," 1853-57 ; " Life and Times of Charles James Fojc" . 1859 BussELL, John Scott, civil engineer ; 5. 1808 ; introduced the "wave system" of construction of ships, 1835; built the Great Eastern steam- ship, 1857. BussELL, Michael, bishop of Glasgow ; I. 1781; consecrated, 1837; published "Con- nection of sacred and profane History," 1827- 37 ; d. 2 April, 1848. I BussELL, lady Bachel, wife of lord William BusseU ; 6. (Wriothesley) 1636 ; married lord Vaughan, 1653 ; widow, 1667 ; married lord W. BusseU, 1669; her "Letters" published, 1773; d. 29 Sept. 1723. BussELL, lord "William, statesman and patriot • 6. 29 Sept. 1639 ; tried on a charge of high treason for aUeged conspiracy against the life of the king, 13 July ; beheaded, 20 July, 1683. Bdssell, WiUiam, historian ; 6. 1746 ; pub- lished "History of Modem Europe," 1779-84; d. I Jan. 1794. BussELL, WiUiam Howard, Irish journalist; h. 28 March, 1821 ; went as correspondent for the "Times" to the Crimea, 1854; to India, 1857; to the United States, 1861 ; to the Austrian army during the Austro-Prussian war, 1866 ; published "Letters from the Crimea," 1855-56; "My Diary in India," 1858 ; " Diary in the East during the Tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales," 1869. BussELL, see A-mberley, Bedford. Bust, George, bishop of Dromore ; made dean of Connor, 1661 ; consecrated, 1667 ; his "Bemains " published, 1686 ; d. Dec. 1670. EUTEBEUF, French troubadour ; /. 13th cent.; wrote " Chariot le Juif," and " Complaintes." BuTHEHEOETH, Eev. Thomas, physicist ; h. 13 Oct. 1712; published "Essay on Virtue," 1744; "Institutes of Natural Law," 1754-56; d. 5 Oct. 1771. BuTHEEFUBD, Andrew, lord Eutherfurd, Scottish judge ; 6. 1792; appointed a lord of session, 1851 ; d. 13 Dec. 1854. BuTHVEN, see Gomrie. EuTTY, John, Irish physician; i. 26 Deo. 1698; his "Spiritual Diary and Soliloquies" pubUshed, 1776; d. 27 April, 1775. EuYK, Jean, French antiquary; b. 1560; pub- lished "Eeoherche des sainctes Antiquity de la Vosge," 1625; d. about 1645. EuYSBROEK, Jean de, Belgian mystic ; I. about 1294; wrote "De omatu spirituaUum Nuptia- Uum ;" d. 2 Deo. 1381. BuYSDAEL, Jakob, Dutch landscape painter ; b. about 1630; d. 16 Nov. 1681. BuTTEB, see Suiter. BuzziNl, Carlo, doge of Venice ; i. 25 Dec. 1653; elected, 2 June, 1732 ; d. 6 Jan. 1735. Byall, Henry Thomas, line-engraver ; b. Aug. l8ii ; d. 14 Sept. 1867. Eyan-, Vincent William, bishop of Mauritius; b. about 1816; consecrated, 1854; resigned, 1868 ; made archdeacon of Suffolk, 1868, Eyoaut, see Ricaut. Byland, WflUam Wynne, line-engraver; 6. 1732 ; executed for forgery, 29 Aug. 1783' Bymee, Thomas, historical writer; b. about 1646; published "Fosdera, conventiones, lit- terse et cujuscumque generis acta pubUca inter Eeges Angliae et alios quosvis Imperatores,' 1704-16; d. 14 Dec. 1713. EYS 481 SAD Eysbkaek, Jolian Michael, son of following, Flemish sculptor; b. 1694; d. 8 Jan. 1770. Eysbraek, Pieter, Flemish landscape painter; i. April, 1655; d. about 1729. Ktves, Bruno, royalist divine ; i. 1 596 ; published "Mercurius Rusticus, the Country's Complaint recounting the sad events of this unparaleled Warr," 1646; d. 13 July, 1677. Eyves, Eliza, Irish noveUst ; published " Her- mit of Snowdon ;" " Poems," 1777 ; d. 1797. Kyves, Sir Thomas, king's advocate ; i. about 1580; published "Eegiminis AngUcani in Hibemia defensio,'' 1624; " Historia navalis," 1629; d. 1651. Sa de MiKAiTOA, Francisco de, Portuguese poet ; b. 27 Oct. 1495 ; his " Obras " printed, 1595 ; d. 15 March, 1558. Saavedea Faxardo, Diego, conde de, Spanish diplomatist; b. 1584; pubUshed "Idea de un Principe politico christiano," 1640; '*Eepublica Kteraria," 1670; d. 24 Aug. 1648. Sabatier, Antoine, French abb^ and miscel- laneous writer ; b. 13 April, 1 742 ; pubhshed *' Les trois Sifecles de la Littdrature Frangaise," 1772; " V&itable Esprit de J. J. Kousseau," 1804; d. 15 June, 1817. Sabatier, Raphael Bienvenu, French surgeon; 6. 1 1 Oct. 1 732 ; pubUshed " De la Mddecine opi^ratoire," 1796-98; d. 19 July, i8ir. Sabbathiee, Pierre, French Benedictine theo- logian; b. 1682; his " BibUorum sacrorum Eating Versiones antique, seu vetus ItaHca" published, 1 743 ; d. 24 March, 1 742. Sabeatini, Andrea, called Andrea da Salerno, Neapolitan fresco painter; b. about 1480; d. 1545. Sabbatini, Lorenzo, called Lorenzino da Bologna, Bolognese painter; b. about 1533; d. 1577. Sabbatiki, Luigi Antomo, Italian musical composer ; 6. 1739 ; pubUshed " Elementi teorici deUa Musica," 1789 ; " Trattato sopra le Fughe musicali," 1802; d. 29 Jan. 1809. Sabellius, African bishop and heresiarch; fl, 3rd century. Sabina, Poppfea, mistress and afterwards wife of Nero; instigated him to murder his mother Agrippina, and wife Octavia ; married, 62 ; d. from a kick given her by Nero, 65. Sabine, Sir Edward, general, royal engineers; ft. Oct. 1 788 ; made magnetic observations dur- ing voyage of captain Ross and Ueutenant Parry to the arctic regions, 1S18-19; estabUshed in the colonies magnetic observatories, 1840, &c.; elected president of the Royal Society, 1861 ; pubUshed " The Pendulum and other experi- ments," 1825; edited Humboldt's "Cosmos," 1849-58. Sabine, Joseph, horticulturist; b. 1770; in- spector-general of taxes, 1808-35 ; d. 24 Jan. 1837. Sabinian, pope; elected, 13 Sept. 604; d. 22 Feb. 606. Sabinus, or ScHULEE, Georg, German Latin poet ; b. 23 April, 1508 ; published "De eleotione CaroU V. historia," 1544; " Poemata et Epis- tolffi," 1558; d. 2 Deo. 1560. Sabinus, Massmius, Roman jurist; Jl, 1st century. Sacchetti, Franco, ItaUan novelist and poet ; b. about 1335; wrote "La BattagUa deUe Vecchi e deUe Panciulle;" d. between 1400 and 1410. Sacchi, Andrea, ItaUan painter ; 6. 1598; his chef-d'oaivre is " St. Romoald surrounded by his companions," now in the Vatican; d. 1 66 1. Saoohi, Gioveuale, ItaUan musical composer ; b. 22 Nov. 1726; published "DeUa natura e perfezione dell' antica Musica dei Greci," 1 77S ; "Don Plaoido, dialogo," 1786; d. 27 Sept. 1789. Sacchini, Antonio Maria Gaspare, ItaUan musical composer; b. 1735 ; produced his opera "CEdipe h. Colone," 1787; d. 7 Oct. 1786. Sacchini, Francesco, Italian Jesuit historian ; h. 1570; published "Historia Societatis Jesu," 1615; d. 16 Dec. 1625. Sacheverell, Henry, D.D., Tory divine ; b. 1672; preached two sermons, 1709, for which he was tried and sentenced to suspension for three years ; d. 5 June, 1724. Sachs, Hans, German poet ; J. 1 1 Nov. 1494 ; pubUshed " Sehr herrUche schone vnd warhaffte gedicht," 1558-79 ; d. 25 January 1576. Sackville, George SackvUle Germaine, viscount, statesman and general ; b. 26 Jan. 1716 ; commanded the EngUsh army at battle of Minden, I Aug. 1 759 ; colonial secretary, Jan. 1776 — Feb. 1782; created viscount, II Feb. 1782; d. 26 Aug. 1785. Sacktille, see Buchhurst, Dorset. Saceo Bosco, Joannes de, see Holywood. Sacy, Lemaistre de, see Leniaistre. Sacy, Silvestre de, see Silvestre. Sadeel, Antoine, French Huguenot theolo- gian ; b. 1534; d. 23 Feb. 1591. Sadelee, Hans, Flemish engraver, b. about 1550; d, 1600. Sadi, MosUh-Eddin, Persian poet; b. about 1184; wrote " GuUstan," first printed 1651; "Bostan," 1828; d. 11 Deo. 1291. Sadleir, John, M.P. ; b. 18 14; a lord of the treasury, 1852-53 ; committed enormous forgeries to defraud the Tipperary bank ; d. by suicide, 17 Feb. 1856. Sadler, Michael Thomas, philanthropist ; h, 1780; pubUshed "Ireland, its Evils and their Remedies," 1828; "Treatise on the Law of Population," 1830 ; d. 29 July, 1835. 2H SAD 482 SAI Sadlek, Sir Ralph, statesman ; b. 1507; his "State Papers and Letters" published, 1809 ; d. 30 March, 1587. Sacler, William Windham, chemist and aeronaut ; b. 1 796 ; d. 30 Sept. 1 824. Sadoleto, Jacopo, Italian cardinal ; b. 14 July, 1477; made bishop of Carpentras, 1517; cardinal, 1536; opposed Luther's theses ; pub- lished " De liberis recte instituendis, " 1533 ; hia "Epistolffi" printed, 1550; d. 18 Oct. 1547- Saemund, Sigfusson, Icelandic priest ; b. about 1054 ; wrote " History of Norway ;" his "Edda" printed, 1787 ; d. 11 33. Sageedo, Giovanni, Venetian historian and diplomatist ; b'. about 161 6 ; ambassador to England, 1650 ; to France, 1656; published "Memorie istoriohe de' Monarchi Ottomani," 1677 ; d. about 1700. Sageedo, Nicoolo, brother, doge of Venice ; elected 1674; d. Aug. 1676. Sahagun, Bernardino de, Spanish historian ; wrote " Historia universal de Nueva Espafta," pubUshed 1829 ; d. 1 590. Said Pacha, Muhammad, viceroy of Egypt ; h. 1822 ; succeeded his nephew, Abbas, 14 July, 1854 ; encouraged construction of the Suez canal ; d. 18 Jan. 1863. Saint-Allais, Nicolas Viton de, French genealogist ; 6. 6 April, 1773 ; edited "Art de v&ifier les Dates," 1818-20 ; published "Nobi- liare universel de France," 1814-41 ; d. Feb. 1842. Saint-Amans, Jean Florimond Boudon de, French naturalist ; b. 24 June, 1 748 ; pub- lished " PhUosophie entomologique," 1 799 ; d. 28 Oct. 1831. Saint- Amant, Marc Antoine Gerard, sieur de, French poet; b. 1594; published "Qiuvres po^tiques," 1629-49; d. 29 Dec. 1 66 1. Saint-Andk]!;, (Andr^ Jeanbon), French con- ventionalist ; 6. 25 Feb. 1749; reorganised the navy, 1793-95 ; published " Journal sommairede la oroisifere de la Flotte," 1794; d. 10 Dec. 1813. Saint- Ange, Ange Fran9ois Fariande, French poet; b. 13 Oct. 1747; published translation of Ovid's "Metamorphoses," 1778-89 ; "Fasti," 1804 ; " Ars Amoris," 1811 ; d. 8 Deo. 1810. Saint-Aenaud, Jacques Aohille Leroy de, marshal of France ; b. 20 Aug. 1801 ; minister of war, Oct. 185 1— April, 1854; created marshal, 2 Dec. 1852 ; commander-in-chief of French army in the Crimea, April, 1854 ; d. there, 29 Sept. 1854. Saint-Edme, (Edme Thfedore Bourg), French historical writer; b. 31 Oct. 1785 ; published " E(^pertoire g(5n&al des Causes c^lfebres," 1834-37; with G. Sarrut, "Biographie des Hommes du Jour," 1835-42 ; d. 26 March, 1852. Saint-Eveemond, Charles de Marguetel de Saint-Denis, seigneur de, French essayist and poet; b. I April, 1613 ; left France, 1661 ; settled in England, 1669 ; published " Com^die des Acad^mistes," 1 650 ; " E^flexions sur les divers g^nies du Peuple Eomain," 1664 ; d. in London, 29 Sept. 1 703. Saint -Germain, Claude Louis, comte de, French general and statesman ; 6. 1 5 April, 1707 ; minister of war, Oct. 1775 — Sept. 1777; published " M^moire sur les vices du Systfeme mflitaire Fran9ais," 1758; d. 15 Jan. 1778. Saint Geeman, Christopher, lawyer ; pub- hshed "Doctor and Student," 1523; "The Pace- fyer ;" d. 28 Sept. 1540. Saint Germans, Edward Granville Eliot, earl of, statesman ; 6. 29 Aug. 1 798. As lord Eliot, envoy to Spain . . 1835 Concluded the " Eliot convention " . April, 1835 Chief secretary for Ireland . Sept. 1841— Jan. 1845 Succeeded his father .... 19 Jan. 1845 Postmaster-general .... Jan — July, 1846 Lord-lieutenant of Ireland Dec. 1852 — March, 1855 Lord steward . . . Nov. 1857— Feb. 1858 Again lord steward . June, 1859— Jan. ^866 Saint-Hilaiee, Augustin Frangois C&ai Prouvensal de, French botanist ; b. 4 Oct. 1799; published "Flora BrasiUae meridionalis," 1825; "Morphologie v^g^tale," 1841; d. 30 Sept. 1853. Saint-Hcbeett, (Anne Antoinette Clavel), French lyric actress; 6. 15 Dec. 1756; married comte d'Entraigues, 29 Dec. 1790; d. assassin- ated with him, 22 July, 1812. Saint- Jacqdes, GuiUaume de, French astrono- mer and mathematician ; b. 18 Jan. 1722 ; made director of Marseilles observatory, 1764; d. 10 Feb. 1801. Saint John, Horace, son of following, histori- cal writer ; 6. 5 July, 1830 ; pubUshed "History of British Conquests in India," 1852 ; "Histoiy and State of the Indian Archipelago," 1853, Saint John, James Augustus, traveller and novelist ; b. 24 Sept. 1801 ; pubhshed "Anatomy of Society," 1831; " Egypt and Mohammed -AJi," 1834; "Oriental Album," 1851 ; "Ws, an Egyptian Pilgrimage," 1852; "The King and the VeU," 1856. Saint John, Spenser, son, traveller; I. 22 Dec. 1826; appointed charg^- d'affaires to re- public of Hayti, May, 1861 ; published "We in the Forests of the Far East," 1862. Saint John, see Bolinc/broke. Saint-Just, Louis Antoine de, French con- ventionalist; 6. 25 Aug. 1767; elected deputy to the convention, Sept. 1 792; published " Organt," poem, 1789; " Esprit de la Revolu- tion et de la Constitution de la France," 179',; " Fragments d'Institutions E^pubHcaines, 1800 ; guillotined, 28 July, 1794. Saint-Lambert, Jean Frangois de, French poet; b. 26 Deo. 1716; published "Eeoueil de Po(^sies fugitives," 1759; "Les Saiaons, 1769; d. 9 Feb. 1803. SAI 483 SAI Saint Leonakds, Edward BurtenshawSugden, lord, judge; i. Feb. 17S1 ; solicitor-general, June, 1829 — Nov. 1830; lord chancellor of Ireland, Jan. — April, 1835; again, Oct. 1841 — July, 1846; lord high chancellor, Feb. — Dec. 1852; created baron, 1 March, 1S52 ; pub- Hshed " Practical Treatise on the law of Vendors and Purchasers of Estates," 1808; "Practical Treatise on Powers," 1 80S. Saint-Maeo Gikakdin, fMarc Girardin), French journahst and miscellaneous writer ; 6. 19 Feb. iSoi ; published "Cours de Litt^rature dramatique," 1843; "Essais de Litt^rature et de Morale," 1845. Saint-Maktin, Antoine Jean, French orienta- list; b. 17 Jan. 1791; published " M^moires historiquea et g^ographiques sur TArm^nie," 1818-19; d. 16 July, 1832. Saint-Maktin, Louis Claude de, called " Le Philosophe inconnu," French philosopher ; i. 18 Jan. 1 743 ; published " Des Erreurs et de la V^ritd," 1784; "L'Homme de d&ir," 1790; rf. 13 Oct. 1803. Saint-Maetin, Michel de, eccentric French abb^; b. i March, 1614; accepted from the in- habitants of Caeu the imaginary dignity of mandarin of Siam, 1685; ridiculed by abb^ Por^e in his "Mandarinade," 173S; published " Traits des Images en bosse qui sent dont les places de Caen," 1664 ; d. 14 Nov. 1687. Saint-Non, Jean Claude Richard de, French amatCOT painter and engraver; b. 1727 ; pub- lished " Voyage pittoresque ou description du royaume de Naples et de Sicile," 1781-86; " Recueil de Griffonis ;" d. 25 Nov. I79i- Saint-Odes, Jean Pierre, Swiss historical and portrait paiuter; b. 4 April, 1752; d. 6 April, 1S09. Saint-Pieeke, Charles Irfe^e Castel, abb^ de, French philanthropist; b. 18 Feb. 1658; pub- lished "Projet de Paix perpetuelle, " 1713; " Ouvrages de Politique et de Morale," 1738-41 ; d. 29 April, 1743. Saint-Piekee, Eustache de, burgess of Calais ; with five others, and with ropes round their necks, surrendered to Edward III. of England, but saved by intercession of queen Philippa, June, 1347 ; d. 1371. Saint-Pieeee, Jacques Henri Bemardin de, French novelist; b. 19 Jan. 1737; pnbhshed "Etudes de la Nature," 1784; "Paul et Vir- ginie," 1787; "Chaumifere Indienne," 1790; "Harmonies de la Nature," 1815; d. 21 Jan. 1S14. Saint-Peibst, Alexis Guignard, comte de, French historian and diplomatist ; b. 23 April, 1805; pubUshed "Histoire de la Eoyaut^," 1842; "Histoire de la chute des Jfeuites," 1844; d. 29 Sept. 1851. Saint-Simon, Claude Henri, comte de, French philosopher, founder of the sect of Saint Simonians ; b. 17 Oct. 1 760 ; published ' ' Intro- duction aux Travaux scientifiquea du dix- neuvifeme si&cle," 1807; "E^organisation de la Soci^t^ Europ&une," 1814; d. 19 May, 1825. Saint-Simon, Louis de Eouvroi, due de, his- torical writer; b. 15 or 16 Jan. 1675; wrote "M($moires," pubhshed 1829-30; d. 2 March, 1755- Saint-Victoe, Adam de, Latin hymnologist ; d. between II 72 and 1 192. Saint- Vincent, Gr^goire de, Belgian geome- trician; b. 1584; pubhshed " Opus geometricum Quadraturae CircuU et Sectionum Coni," 1647; d. 27 Jan. 1667. Saint Vincent, see Jervis. Saint- Yves, Charles, French oculist; b. 10 Nov. 1667 ; pubhshed "Nouveau Traits des maladies des Yeux," 1722; d. 3 Aug. 1733. Sainte-Aulaike, Louis Clair de Beaupoil, comte de, French diplomatist ; b. 9 April, 1778 ambassador to Home, 183 1; to Vienna, 1833 to Great Britain, Sept. 1841-47; published "Histoire de la Fronde," 1827; %vrote "M(5- moires ;" d. 12 Nov. 1854. Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, French poet and critic; b. 23 Dec. 1804; published "Pofeies de Joseph Delorme," 1829 ;" Portraits Ktt^raires," 1832-39; " Causeries du Lundi," 1851-57 ; " Nouveaux Lundis," 1863-69; d. 13 Oct. 1869. Sainte-Claiee-Deville, Charles, French geo- logist, son of following; b. 1814; published " Voyage g^ologique aux Antilles et aux lies de T6n6nSe et de Fogo," 1848-64. Sainte-Claike-Deville, Henri Etienne, French chemist; 6. 11 March, 181 8; introduced new method of mineral analysis, and simplified processes for extraction and manufacture of aluminium, 1853-55. Sainte-Ceoix, GuiUaume Emmanuel Joseph Guilhem de Clermont-Lodfeve, baron de, French antiquary; b. 5 Jan. 1746; pubhshed "Examen critique des anciens Historiens d' Alexandre le Grand," 1775; "Histoire des progrfes de la Puissance navale de I'Angleterre," 1783 ; d. 11 March, 1809. Sainte-Maethe, Charles de, French poet ; J. about 1512; pubhshed "Po^sie frangoise," 1540; d. 1555. ^ ,. . Sainte Maethe, Denis de, French Benedictme historian; b. 24 May, 1650; pubhshed " Vie de Cassiodore," 1694; chief author of vols, i.-iv. of "GaUiaChristiana,"l7I5-28; d. 3oMarch, 1725. Sainte-Palate, Jean Baptiate de La Cume de, French archaeologist ; b. 6 June, 1697 ; pub- Ushed "Histoire des Troubadours," 1774; "Md- moires sur I'ancienne Chevalerie," 1759-81 ; wrote "DiotionnairedesAntiquit^s Franjaiaes;" d. I March, 1 78 1. Saintine, pseudonym of Joseph Xavier Bonirace, French novelist and dramatist ; 6. 10 July, 1798 ; pubhshed "Picciola," 1836; gained by it the Montyon prize, 1837; d2l Jan. 1865. SAL 48-t SAN _Sala, George Augnshis Henry, critic and journalist; b. about 1826; correspondent of the "Daily Telegraph" during the civil war in America, 1863-64 ; published "Dutch Pictures," 1861 ; " America in the midst of war," 1864. Saladin, or Salah-ed-Din, Malek Nasser Yusuf, sultan of Egypt and Syria; 6. 11 37; sultan, 1 1 74; defeated Gui de Luaignan at battle of Tiberias, 4 July, 1187; captured Jerusalem, 2 Oct. 1187; made truce of three years with Kichard I. of England and the crusaders, Aug. 1192 ; d. 4 March, 1 193. Saldanha, Joao Carlos, duque de, Portuguese statesman; b. 17 Nov. 1791 ; made military governor of Porto, Feb. 1825 ; president of the councU of ministers. May — Nov. 1835; again. May, 1846 — Aug. 1847 ; reappointed, Jan. 1849; again, May, 1851 — June, 1856; d. 17 Nov. 1 86 1. Sale, George, orientalist; h, 1680; published translation of the Koran, 1734; d. 14 Nov. 1736. Sale, John Bernard, organist; i. 24 June, 1779; d. 16 Oct. 1856, Sale, Sir Robert Henry, major-general, the "Hero of Jellalabad;" b. 1782; served at storming of Seringapatam, 1799; at Tra van- core, 1809 ; at capture of Mauritius, 1816 ; of Rangoon, 1824 ; besieged at Jellalabad, 12 Nov. 1841 — 7 April, 1842 ; made a sortie and routed the besieging army under Akbar Khan ; d. 18 Dee. 1845. Salel, Hugues, French poet ; b. about 1 504 ; published "Qiuvres," 1539; translation of Homer's "Iliad," books I.-X., 1545 ; d. 1553. Sales, Fran5ois de. Saint, see Francis. Salieri, Antonio, Italian musical composer ; b, 19 Aug. 1750 j produced operas, " Les Danaides," 1784 ; "Tarare," 1787 ; d. 12 May, 1825. Salimbeni, Sienese painters : Arcanoelo Jl. 1557-79 Ventuba, son, called " cavaliere Bevilacqua ;" h. 1567 ... . d. 1613 SiMONDio, son of above ; h. 1597 . . d. 1643 Salisbckt, marquesses of : T. James Cecil ; &. 4 Sept. 1748 ; succeeded his father as earl of Salisbury-, rg Sept. 1780 ; created marquess, 18 Aug. 1789 ; lord chamber- lain, Dec. T783 — May, 1804 d. 13 June, 1823 II. James Brownlow "William Gascoyne- Cecil, son ; b. 17 April, 1791 ; lord privy seal, Feb. — Dec. 1852 ; lord president of the council, Feb. 1858— June, 1859 . . <2. 12 AprU, 1868 III. Robert Abtuur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, son; 6. 13 Feb. 1830: as lord Cranborne, M.P. for Stamford, 1853-68 ; secretary for India, July, 1866 — March, 1867 ; elected chancellor of Oiford University ... .12 Nov. 1869 Salisbukt, see Cecil. Sallo, Denis de, French scholar ; b. 1626 ; founded " Journal dea Savants," 5 Jan. 1665 ; d. 14 May, 1669. Sallustius Ceispcs, Caius, Roman historian ; b. B.C. 85; went with Gaasar to Africa, 46; left there by him as governor of Numidia ; wrote "Catilina" and "Jugurtha," first printed, 1470 ; d. May, 34. Salmasius, see Saumaise. Salmon, Nathaniel, antiquary, son of follow- ing ; b. about 1676; published "History of Hertfordshire," 1728 ; "Lives of the English Bishops from the Restoration to the Revolu- tion," 1733; "History and Antiquities of Essex," 1740 ; d. 2 April, 1742. Salmon, !Rev. Thomas, antiquary; published "Essay to the advancement of Musick," 1672 ; d. about 1710. Salmon, Thomas, son, historical writer ; pub- lished "Chronological Historian," 1723 ; "Mo- dem History," 1725; d. April, 1743. Salnave, Turin, Haytian general, president of the repubho of Hayti ; led a rebellion against president Geifrard, and formed pro- visional government, 9 May, 1865 ; suppressed, Nov. 1865 ; deposed Geifrard, March, 1866 ; elected president for four years, 16 June, 1867. Salomons, Sir David, bart., Jewish merchant and alderman ; b. 1797 ; lord mayor of London, 1855 ; Uberal M.P. for Greenwich, 1851-52; re-elected, 1859 ; created baronet, 1869. Salt, Henry, traveller and archseologist ; h. about 1785 ; appointed consul at Cairo, 1815 ; published "Account of a Voyage to Abyssinia," 1814 ; "Essay on Dr Young's and M. Cham- pollion's Phonetic system of Hieroglyphics," 1825 ; d. 30 Aug. 1827. Saltek, John William, geologist ; J. 15 Dec. 1820; d. 2 Aug. 1869. Salvandt, Narcisse Achille, comte de, French politician ; 5. 1 1 June, 1 795 ; appointed am- bassador to Spain, Sept. 1841 ; to Sardinia, Nov. 1843 ; minister of public instruction, Feb. 1845— Feb. 1848 ; d. 15 Dec. 1856. Sal VI, Giovanni Battista, called Sassoferrato, Italian painter ; b. 11 July, 1605 ; d.SAng. 1685. Salvi, Niocolo, Roman architect; b. 1699; d. 1751. Salviani, IppoKto, Italian naturalist; h, 1514; published " AquatUium Animalium Historic," 1554 ; d. 1572. Salvlati, Francesco Rossi de', called Ceooo de' Salviati, Italian painter ; b. 1510; d. 1563- Samson, Joseph Isidore, French comedian ; b. 2 July, 1793 ; retired, I April, 1 863. Samuel, Jewish prophet ; b. about B.C. 1155 i wrote book of Judges, and first book of Kings ; d. 1057. Sanadon, Noel Etienne, French Jesuit ; h. 16 Feb. 1676 ; pubUshed translation of Horace, 1728; d. 21 Sept. 1733. Sancekre, Louis de, constable of France; b. about 1342 ; created marshal of France, 1369 ; governor of Guienne, 1 381 ; constable of France, 26 July, 1397 ; d. 5 Feb. 1402. SAN 4S5 SAN Sanchez, Tomas, Spanish Jesuit casuist ; h. 155°; published "De Matrimonio," 1592; d. 19 May, 1610. Sancho, king of Aragon and Navarre ; i. about 1037; succeeded his father, Ramiro I., as king of Aragon, 1063 ; became king of Navarre, 1076 ; kUled at the siege of Huesca, 6 July, 1094. Sanoho I. — rV., kings of Castile and Leon. I. the Fat, king of Leon ; succeeded Ordoflo III., Aug. 955 ; deposed, 956 ; regained his throne 960 d. by poison, Sept. 967 II. the Strong, king of Castile ; &. about 1035 : suc- ceeded his father, Ferdinand I., 1065; with the aid of the Cid deprived his brother Alfonso of the kingdom of Leon, 1071 ; killed at siege of 2amora . . .... 6 Oct. 1072 III. the Beloved ; b. about 1130 ; succeeded his father, Alfonso VIII, , as king of Castile . 1157 d. 31 Aug. 1158 IV. the Brave : 6. 13 May, 1258 ; revolted against bis father, Alfonso X., 1282 ; succeeded him, 4 April, 1284 : repulsed the invasion of the Moors, 1285 ; captured Tarifa, 21 Sept. 129a d. 25 April, 1295 Sanoho I. — VII., kings of Navarre. I. succeeded his brother. Fortune, 905 . d. 925 II. apocryphal ; said to have died . . 994 III. the Great; b. about 965 ; succeeded his father, Garcia II., about 970-975 ; obtained Castile . 1028 d. Feb. 1035 IV. ; b. about 1038 : succeeded his father, Garcia III., 1054 . . assassinated, 4 June, 1076 V. see Sanchn, kiTig of Arago'ii. VI. the "Wise; succeeded Garcia IV., his father 1150 d. 37 June, 1194 VII. the Strong, and the Infirm, son ; b. 1154: with the kings of Castile and Aragon, defeated the Moors at Las Navas, 16 July, 1212 ; d. 7 AprU, 1234 Sanoho I. — II., kings of Portugal. I. b. Ti Nov. 1154; succeeded his father, Alfonso I., 6 Dec. 1185; conquered the Algarves, 1189; lost them, 1191 . . . rf. 27 March, 1211 II. the Idle, grandson; b. 8 Sept. 1207 ; succeeded his father, Alfonso II,, 1223 ; deposed by bull of pope Innocent IV., 24 July, 1245 . . d. 1248 Sanckoft, WUliam, archbishop of Canterbury; 6. 30 Jan. 1 61 6; made dean of York, 1663; of St. Paul's, 1664; consecrated, 1678; with six bishops committed to the tower for libel, 8 June ; tried and acquitted, 30 June, 1688 ; de- prived for refusing to take the oaths to William III. and Mary, i Peb. 1 69 1 ; d. 24 Nov. 1693. Sanotorius, see Santorio. Sanotos, Joao dos, Portuguese Dominican ■missionary; travelled in Africa, 1596-1607; Jrabhshed " Ethiopia Oriental," 1609; d. 1622. Sancy, Nicolas Harlay de, French statesman ; ib. 1546; ambassador to England, 1596; owned the Sancy diamond, now in the possession of Sir Cursetjee Jejeebhoy; d. 17 Oct. 1629. Sand, Georges, see Dndevant. Sandbt, Paul, landscape painter and engraver; h. 1725; elected E.A., 1768; published " Vir- tuoso's Museum," 1778; "Views in England, iSootland, and Ireland," 1781 ; d. 9 Nov. 1809. Sandby, Thomas, brother, architect, h. 1721 ; elected K.A., and appointed first professor of architecture in the Royal Academy, 1768; d. 25 June, 1798. Sandeau, Leonard Sylvain Jules, French novelist and dramatist ; b. 19 Feb. 1811 ; pub- lished "Mariana," 1839; "Le Docteur Her- beau," 1 841. Sandeiian, Robert, Scotch minister ; J. 1723; founded the sect of Sandemanians ; d. 2 April, 1771. Sandees, Antoine, Flemish historian; 6. 16 Sept. 1586; published "Flaudria illustrata," 1642-44; " Ghorographia sacra Brabantise," 1659-63; A 16 Jan. 1664. Sanders, Nicholas, Roman Catholic divine; 6. about 1527; published " De visibUi monar- chia Ecclesiie," 1571 ; " De origine ac progressu Schismatis Anghcani," 1585; d, 1583. Sandehson, Robert, bishop of Lincoln ; 6. 19 Sept. 1587; appointed regius professor of divinity at Oxford, 1642; ejected, 1 648; conse- crated, 1660; published "Logicas artis compen- dium," 1615; "Nine cases of conscience re- solved," 1678; d. 29 Jan, 1663. Sanderson, Robert, antiquary; &. 1660; con- tinued " Rymer'a Foedera;" d, 25 Dec. 1741. SjVNDPORD, Sir Daniel Keyte, Scottish Helle- nist ; appointed professor of Greek at Glasgow, 1821 ; rf. 9 Feb. 1838. Sandford, Francis, Lancaster herald ; h. 1630 ; published " Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England," 1677; " History of the Coronation of James II.," 1687; d. 16 Jan. 1693. Sandoval, Prudentio de, Spanish historian; b. about 1560: published "Historia de la vida y hechos del Emperador Carlos V.," 1604-6; d. l^ March, 1621. Sandrart, Joachim von, German painter and engraver ; 6. 12 May, 1606; pubUshed "Acade- mia Tedesca della architettura, scultura e pittura," 1675-79; "Romanorum Fontinaha," 1685; d. 14 Oct. 1683. Sandwich, see Montagu. Sandys, Edwin, archbishop of York; b. 1519; appointed principal of Catharine hall, Cam- bridge, 1547; deprived and sent to the Tower, July, 1553; consecrated bishop of "Worcester, 1559; 0^ London, 1570; archbishop, 1576; d. 10 July, 1588. Sandys, Sir Edwin, son, diplomatist; b. 1561 ; published "Europae Speculum," 1629; d. Oct. 1629. Sandys, George, brother, traveller and poet ; *• 1577; published "Relation of a Journey began a.d. 1610," 1615 ; "Ovid's Metamor- phoses engllshed," 1632; " Paraphrase upon the Psalmes," 1636; d. March, 1643. Sangallo, Antonio da, Italian architect ; b. about 1482; succeeded Bramante as architect of St. Peter's at Rome ; d. 1 546. SAN 486 SAtr SANjnCHELi, Michele, Italian architect; h. 1484; A 1559. San-Miguel, Evaristo, duque de, Spanish marshal ; b. 26 Oct. 1785 ; published " Historia de don Felipe II.," 1S44-45 ; d. 29 May, 1862.' Sannazako, Jacopo, Neapolitan poet ; i. 28 July, 1458; published "Arcadia," 1502; " De partu Virginia," 1526 ; d. 27 April, 1530. Sakseveeo, Eaimondo di Sangro, Italian Bcientific discoverer; b. 1710; d. 22 March, 1771- Sanson, Nicolas, Prench engineer and geo- grapher; b. 31 Dec. 1600; published "Gallic antiqua; descriptio geographica," 1627; d. 7 July, 1667. Sansovino, (Andrea Contucci), Italian sculp- tor and architect ; b. 1460; executed the " Ma- donna and St. Anne," in the church of St. Augustine at Home ; decorated the Santa Casa at Loretto; d. 1529. Sansovino, (Jacopo Tatti), Italian sculptor and architect; b. 1479; built the church of San Francesco deUa Vigna at Venice, 1534; the "Procuratie nuove," 1536; d. 27 Nov. 1570. Sant, James, portrait painter ; b. 1820; elected A.R.A., 1 861 ; RA., 1S69. Santa-Anna, Antonio Lopez de, Mexican general and statesman; b. 21 Feb. 1 798; re- volted against Iturbide, 1822 ; proclaimed a re- public, 1823; president, with intervals, 1833-56. Santakem, Manoel Francisco de Barros e Sousa, visconde de, Portuguese statesman and geographer ; 5. 18 Nov. 1791 ; minister of foreign affairs to dom Miguel, 1828-33; published *' Kecherches sur Am^ric Vespuce et sea voy- ages," 1842; "Essai sur 1' Histoire de la Cos- mographie et de la Cartogi'aphie pendant le moyen &ge," 1849-52 ; d. 17 Jan. 1856. Santekre, Antoine Joseph, French republican general; b. 16 March, 1752 ; d. 6 Feb. 1809. Hantebee, Jean Baptiate, French portrait painter; b, i Jan. 1650; d. 21 Nov. 1717. Santbcl, Jean de, French Latin poet; 5. 12 May, 1630; published "Hymnea," 1685; "Opera poetica," 1694; d. 5 Aug. 1697. Santorini, Giovanni Doraenioo, Venetian anatomist; b. 16S1 ; d. 7 May, 1736. Santobio (Sanctorius), Santorio, Italian physician; 6. 1 561; published "Methodus vitandorum errorum omnium qui in arte medlca contingunt," 1602 ; " Ars de statica medicina," 1614; d. 24 Feb. 1636. Santos, see Sanctos. Sanzio, or Santi, Giovanni, Italian painter and poet ; d. 1 Aug. 1494. Sanzio, Eaffaello, son, Italian painter; b. 28 March, 1483 ; his chefs-d'ceuvre are the " Trans- figuration " and the frescoes of the Loggie, in the Vatican, the " Sposalizio," at Milan, "Madonna di San Sisto," in the Dresden Gallery, and "BeUe Jardinifere," now in the Louvre; d. 6 April, 1 520. Sapoe I. — II., kings of Persia, of the Sassanide dynasty. I. succeeded his father, 240 ; conquered Mesopo- tamia, 258 : took prisoner the emperor Valerian, 260 d. 273 II. the Great ; h. 310 : posthumous son of Honnis- das II. . . . d. 381 III. reigned . . . . 385-390 Sappho, Greek poetess ; ^. e.g. 611-592. Sarpi, Pietro, in religion Fra Paolo, Venetian Servite monk and historian ; b. 14 Aug. 1552 • discovered the circulation of the blood, 1580' vigorously opposed the papacy; published "Trattato dell' Interdetto," 1606; "Istoriadel Concilio Tridentino," 1619; d. 15 Jan. 1623. Saerazin, Jacques, French sculptor and painter; b. 1588; d. 3 Dec. 1 660. Saes, Michael, Norwegian zoologist ; b. Aug. 1805 ; published " Fauna littoralis Norvegise," ■ 1846-56; "M^moire pour servir k la connais- sance des Crinoides vivants," 1868; d. 22 Oct. 1869. Saeti, Giuseppe, ItaUan musical composer ; I. 28 Dec. 1729; produced his opera " Armida e Eiualdo," 1786; d. 28 July, 1802. Saeto, Andrea del, see Vannucchi. Sassi, Giuseppe Antonio, Itahan historian ; 5, 28 Feb. 1675 ; published " De studiis Mtterariia Mediolanensium antiquis et novis," 1729; " Historia litterario-typographica Mediolanen- sis," 1745 ; d. 21 April, 1751. Sassofeerato, see Salvi. Saul, king of Israel ; consecrated, B.C. 1095 ; d. by suicide, 1055. Sadlot, Louis Fflicien Joseph Caignart de, French antiquary; b. 19 March, 1807; pub- lished " Voyage autour de la Mer morte et dana les Torres bibliques," 1852-54; "Histoire de I'Art Judaique," 1858. Sadmaise, or Salmasius, Claude de, French scholar and critic; 6. 15 April, 1588 ; published "Defensio regia pro Carolo I.," 1649; "Ad Miltonem responsio," 1660; edited "Historiffi Augustas Scriptores," 1620; d. 6 Sept. 1658. Saumakez, James Saumarez, lord de, admiral; b. II March, 1757; second in command at the battle of the NUe, i Aug. 1798; defeated combined French and Spanish fleets in the bay of Algesiras, 12 July, 1801 ; created baron, 15 Sept. 1831 ; d. 9 Oct. 1836. Satjbdees, Sir Edmund, judge ; b. about 1600; chief justice of the king's bench, 13 Jan. 1683; his "Keports" published, 1686 ; d. 19 June, 1683. Saundeeson, Nicholas, LL.D., mathematician ; b. 1682 ; appointed Lucasian professor of mathe- matics at Cambridge, 171 1 ; d. 19 April, 1739. Saurin, Jacques, French protestant preacher; b. 1677 ; published " Sermons sur divers textes de I'Ecriture Sainte," 1708; "Etat du Chris- tianisme en France," 1725 ; d. 30 Dec. 1730. Sauein, "William, Irish lawyer; b. 1767; at- torney-general for Ireland, 1807-22; d. II Feb. 1839- SAU 4S SCA Sausse, Sir Matthew Richard, Indian judge ; ". 1809 ; made puisne judge at Bombay, 1856 ; chief jxistice, i86o-65; d. 5 Nov. 1867. Saussuke, Horace Bfo^dict de, Swiss geolo- gist and physicist ; ft. 1 7 Feb. 1 740 ; published "Essai sur I'Hygrom^trie," 1783; "Voyages dans lea Alpes," 1779-96; d. 22 Jan. 1799. Saussuke, Nicolas Theodore de, son, Swiss naturalist and chemist; b. 14 Oct. 1767; pub- lished " Recherches chimiques sur la V^giSta- tion," 1804 ; d. April, 1845. Sauvages, Franjois Boissier de, French phy- sician and botanist; J. 12 May, 1706 ; published " Physiologiie mechanialfe elementa," 1755 j "Nosologia methodica," 1763; d. 19 Feb. 1767. Sauveue, Joseph, French geometrician ; h. 24 March, 1653; made researches in musical acoustics ; wrote " Traits de Musique sp&ula- tive," 1697 ; d. 9 July, 1716. Savage, Richard, poet ; h. 10 Jan. 1697; pub- lished "Sir Thomas Overbury," tragedy, 1723; " The Wanderer," 1729; d. 31 July, 1743. Satart, Anne Jean Marie Ren^, due de Rovigo, French general and statesman ; 6. 26 April, 1774; defeated the Russians at Ostro- lenka, 16 Feb. 1807; minister of police, June, 1810 — Oct. 1812; published "M^moires,"' 1828 ; d. 2 June, 1833. Savaey, Claude, French traveller ; h. 1750; wrote " Morale de Mahomet," 1784; " Lettres snr I'Egypte," 1 799- 1 80 1 ; "Lettres sur la Grfeoe," 1798; d. 4Feb. 1788. Sav^kien", Alexandre, French mathematician and philosopher; J. 16 July, 1720; published " Histoire des Philosophes modernes," 1760-73 ; " Dictionnaire historique, th^orique et pratique de Marine," 1758; d. 23 Oct. 1717. Savignt, Friedrich Carl von, German jurist ; 6. 21 Feb. 1779; founded the historical school of jurisprudence; published "Das Reoht des Besitzes," 1803; "Geschichte des romischen Rechts im MEtelalter," 1826-31 ; " System des heutigen romischen Rechts," 1840-48 ; d. 25 Oct. i86l. Savile, George, marquess of Halifax, states- man; b. 1630; created viscount, 13 Jan. l668; earl, 16 July, 1679; marquess, 22 Aug. 1682; lord privy seal, 16S2-85 ; again, 1689-90; lord president of the council, Feb. — Oct. 1685 ; d. April, 1695. Savile, Sir Henry, historian ; 5. 30 Nov. 1549; founded SaviHan professorships of geometry and astronomy at Oxford, 1619; published "Rerum AngUcarum Scriptores post Bedam," 1596; d. 19 Feb. 1622. Savonakola, Girolamo Maria Francesco Matteo, Italian Dominican monk and reformer; 6.21 Sept. 1452; upon the expulsion of the Medici, gave a new constitution to Florence, and proclaimed Jesus Christ as king, 1494; excommunicated by pope Alexander VI., 12 May, 1497; published "De simplicitate Vitse Christianie," 1495 ! " Triumphus Crucis de veritate Fidei," 1497 ; burnt at Florence, 23 May, 1498. Saxe, Christoph, German scholar; J. 13 Jan. 1714; published " Onomasticon literarium," i775-iSo3;rf. 3 May, 1806. Sake, Hermann Moritz, count of, marshal of France; b. 28 Oct. 1696; appointed marshal, 1 744 ; defeated English and Hanoverians at Fontenoy, 30 April, 1745; %vrote "Reveries," 1757; d-- 30 Nov. 1750. Saxo Grammaticus, Danish historian ; 5. about 1 1 34 ; wrote " Danorum Regum Heroum- que historise," printed 1514; d. after 1203. Sat, Jean Baptiste, French political econo- mist; b. 5 Jf'ii. 1767; published "Traits d'Economie Pohtique," 1803 ; "De lAngleterre et des Anglais," 1812; "Lettres h. Malthus," 1820; d. 15 Nov. 1S32. Sat and Sele, see Fiennes. SoACCHi, Fortunate, ItaUan antiquary; b. about 1573; published " Saororum Elseochris- matum Myrothecia," 1625-37 ! <^- ' Aug. 1643. ScALA, Bartolommeo, Italian statesman and historian ; b. 1430 ; elected gonfalonier of Florence, I4S6; pubKshed "Apologia contra Vituperatores civitatis Florentiffi," 1496 ; " De Historia Florentina, " 1677; d. 1497. ScALIGER, Giuho Cesare, the elder, ItaUan philologist; b. 23 AprU, 1484; settled as phy- sician at Agen, 1525; published "De causia Linguae Latinse," 154^ j " Poetices," 1561 ; d. 21 Oct. 1558. SCALIGEK, Joseph Juste, son, French philo- logist and chronologist ; b. 4 Aug. 1540; pub- lished "De emendatione Temporum," 1586; " Cyclometrica elementa," 1594; "Thesaurus Temporum," 1606; d. 21 Jan. 1609. ScAMOZZI,Vincenzo, ItaUan architect ; 6. 1552 built the "Procuratie nuove " at Venice, 1584 published " Idea dell' Architettura universale,' 1615 ; d. 7 Aug. 1616. ScANDEEBEG, (Georgi Castriota), Albanian chieftain ; b. 1414 ; made war against the Turks to secure the independence of Albania, 1442-61; resumed hostiUties, 1463; d. 17 Jan. 1467. Scapula, Johann, German philologist ; b. about 1 540 ; wrote " Lexicon Graeco-Latinum," pub- lished 1579; "Primogeniae voces seu Radices Linguae Graecae," 1612; d. about 1600. ScAELATTi, ItaUan musical composers : Alessandko: 6. 1659: composed operas, "OnestJi neir Amore," i68o; "II Prigioniero superbo,'* 1699 .... . t^. 24 Oct. 1725 DoMENico, son; &. 1683 . . . t^- 1757 Giuseppe, nephew of above ; 6. 1718 . d. 1796 SoAKLETT, James, lord Abinger, judge ; b. 1769; attorney-general, April, 1827 — Feb. 1828 ; again, June, 1829 — Nov. 1830 ; made chief baron of the exchequer, Dec. 1834; created baron, 12 Jan. 1835; d. 7 April, 1844. SCA 488 SCH Scarlett, Sir James Yorke, lieut. -general; 6. i Tab. 1799 ; distinguished at battle of Balaklava, 25 Oct. 1854 ; succeeded lord Lucan in com- mand of cavalry in the Crimean war, 1855 ; made adjutant-general, i860; G.C.B., 1869. Scarlett, Peter Campbell, diplomatist; b. 27 Nov. 1804; appointed envoy to Brazil, Dec. 1855; to Tuscany, 13 Dec. 1858—24 March, i860 ; to Greece, 12 June, 1 862' — 7 May, 1864; to Mexico, 9 Nov. 1864— 11 Oct. 1867. Scarpa, Antonio, Italian surgeon ; 6. 1 3 June, 1 747 ; published " Saggio di osservazioni e di esperienze suUe principaU malattie degli Occhi," 1801 ; "Sull' Aneurisma," 1804; "SuH' Ernie," 1809-10; d. 31 Oct. 1832. ^OARRON, Paul, French comic poet and satirist ; 6. 1610; married Franjoise d'Aubign^, afterwards madame de Maintenon, 1652 ; pub- lished "Virgile travesti," 1648-52; "Iloman oomique," 1651 ; d. 14 Oct. 1660. ScARSGiLL, W. P., unitarian minister and novelist ; b. 1787 ; published "Puritan's Grave," "Usurer's Daughter," "Provincial Sketches ;" d. 24 Jan. 1836. ScAURDS, Marcus .^milius, Roman statesman ; b. B.C. 163; consul, 115 ; again, 107; d. 89. Soi:vE, Maurice, French poet, of Lyons ; pub- lished "D^lie, object de plus haulte vertu," 1544; "La Saulsaye," 1547; d. 1564. ScHADOW, Prussian artists : JOHANN GoDEFROl, sculptor ; &. 20 May, 1764: executed the quadriga on the Brandenburg gate, Berlin : published ' ' Wittenbergs Denkmaler der Bildnerei, Baukunst, und Malerei," 1825 ; " Na- tional Physionomien," 1835 . . d. 28 Jan. 1850 Friedrich Wilhelm von, son, painter ; b. 6 Sept. 1789; published "Der moderne Vasari," 1854 Zeno Ridolfo, brother, sculptor : b. 9 July, 1786 ; executed "Achilles protecting the body of Pen- thesileia" . d. 31 Jan. 1822 ScHAFFER, Jacob Christian, German natura- list ; b. 30 May, 1718; published "Elementa entomologica," 1766; " Icones Insectorum circa KatLsbonam indigenorum," 1766-79; d. 5 Jan. 1790. ScHALKEN, Gottfried, Dutch painter; b. 1643 ; noted for his effects of artificial light ; d. 16 Nov. 1706. ScHALL, Johann Adam, German Jesuit mis- sionary ; b. 1591 ; went to Pekin, 1631 ; d. there, 15 Aug. 1669. ScHAMYL, Circassian chief; b. June, 1797; defended Circassia against Russian invasions, 1824-59 ; taken prisoner and sent to Moscow, 7 Sept. 1859. ScHANCK, John, Scotch admiral and naval architect; b. 1740; buUt at Quebec the "In- flexible," and fought her on lake Champlain against the revolted colonists, Oct. 1 776 ; d. 6 March, 1823. ScHARNHORST, Gerhard David von, Prussian general; b. 12 Nov. 1755; established the Landwehr; published " Militarische Denk- wtirdigkeiten," 1797-1805; d. 28 June, 1813. ScHAUELEiN, Hans Leonard, German painter and wood-engraver; b. before 1490; pupil of Albrecht Durer; made designs for "Theuer- danck;" d. 1539. ScHEELE, Carl Vilhem, Swedish chemist ; b. 29 Dec. 1 742 ; discovered fluoric, molybdic, tung- stic, arsenic, lactic, gallic, tartaric, oxaUc, citric, malic, and salacitic acids ; also chlorine and gly- cerine ; published " Traits chimique de I'Air et du Feu," 1777; d. 24 May, 1786. SoHEEMAKERS, Pieter, Flemish sculptor; i. 1691 ; executed monuments of Shakspere, Dry- den, and dukes of Albemarle and Buckingham in Westminster Abb^; d. about 1773. ScHEEFER, Ary, French historical painter ; i. 10 Feb. 1795 ; painted " Les Femmes Sou- liotes," 1827; "Le Larmoyeur," and "Frao- cesca de' Rimini," 1835 ; " Les Mignons," 1836; d. 15 June, 1858. ScHEFFER, Henri, brother, French historical painter; 6. 27 Sept. 1798. ScHEiDT, Christian Ludwig, German historian; 6. 26 Sept. 1 709 ; published " Bibliotheca his- torica Gottingensis," 175S ; d. 25 October 1761. ScHEiNER, Christoph, German Jesuit astrono- mer; b. 1575; invented the pantograph; pub- lished " De Controversiis et Novitatibus mathe- maticis," in defence of the immobihty of the earth, against Copernicus and Galileo, 1614; d. 18 July, 1650. ScHELHORN, Johann Georg, German biblio- grapher ; 6. 8 Dec. 1 694 ; published " Amffini- tates htterarise," 1725-31; "Amoenitates His- toriae ecclesiasticEe et litterariffi," 1737-46; A 31 March, 1773. ScHELLiNG, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von, German metaphysician ; 6. 27 Jan. 1775! P"''" lished " Ideen zur eine Pliilosophie der Natur," 1797; "System des transcendentalen Ideal- ismus," iSoo; d. 20 Aug. 1854. ScHEUCHZEE, Jean Jacques, Swiss naturalist; b. 4 Aug. 1672 ; published " Homo diluvii testis," 1726; "Biblia ex physicis iUustrata," 1731-35 ; d. 25 June, 1733. ScHiAVONE, (Andrea Medula, or Medola), Venetian painter and engraver; I. 1522; d. 1582. ScHiAVONETTi, Luigi, Italian line-engraver; b. I April, 1765 ; d. 7 June, 1 8 10. ScHiOKARD, Wilhelin, German orientaUst and astronomer; b. 22 April, 1592; published " Horologium Hebrjeum," 1623 ; d. 23 Oct. 1635- . ^ , ScHiLt, Friedrich von, German patnot; 0. 1773; endeavoured to raise all Germany against Napoleon, 1S09; killed in a, conflict at Stral- sund, 31 May, 1809. Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von, German poet and historian; b. 10 Nov. 1759! published "Die Rauber," 1781; "Don Car- los," 1787; "Geschichte des dreissigjahrigen SCH 4S9 SCH ICiieges," 1791-92 ; " Wallenstein," 1800; "Maria Stuart," 1801; "Jungfrau von Orleans," 1802; "Wflhelm Tell," 1804; d. 9 May, 1805. SoHiMMELPENNiNOK, Mai'y Anne, authoress; J. 25 Not. 1778 ; " Select Memoirs of the Port Koyal," 1829; " Biblical Fragments," 1821-22; d. 29 Aug. 1856. SoHiNKEL, Carl Friedrich, German architect ; J. 1 781 ; designed the BerUn museum, theatre, and observatory, and church of St. Nicholas at Pots- dam ; published ' ' Sammlung architektonischer Entwurfe," 1S41-52 ; " Werke der hoheren Baukunst," 1846-50; d. 9 Oct. 1841. ScHLAGiNTWElT, German naturalists and travellers ; Adolph : 6. 9 Jan. 1829 ; with Ms brother pub- lished " Untersuchungen Tiber die physikalische Geographie der Alpen," 1850: " Hesiilts of a scientiilc Mission to India and High Asia," 1861-66 . . d. Oct. I Hermann, brother ... &. 13 May, 1826 SoHLEGEL, August Wilhehu von, German caritic; 6. 5 Sept. 1767; founded the "Athena- um," 1798; published "Essais litt&aires et historiques, " 1842; d. 12 May, 1845. ScHLEGEL, Carl Wilhelm Friedrich von, brother, German orientaUst and philologist ; 6. 10 March, 1772; published "Geschichte der Griecheu und Komer," 1797; "Geschichte der alien und neuen Literatur," 1815 ; " Philosophie des Lebens," 1827; "Philosophie des Ge- schichte," 1829; d. 12 Jan. 1829. ScHLEiEEMACHEK, Priedrich Ernst Daniel, German theologian and phUologist; i. 1768; published "Der christUche Glaube," 1821-22; his " Geschichte der Philosophie " printed, 1839 ; d. 12 Peb. 1834. SOHLEIHITZ, Alexander von, baron, Prussian statesman; i. 1 807; minister for foreign affairs, July, 1849 — Sept. 1850; again, Nov. 1858 — Oct. i860 ; minister of the royal household, Oct. 1S61. SohlBzek, August Ludwig von, German political and historical writer; i. 1737; d. 9 Sept. 1809. ScHMAUSS, Johann Jacob, German historian and publicist; b. 10 March, 1690; published " Xurzer Begrilf der Eeichshistorie," 1720 ; " Corpus Jiiris publici Romani Imperii acade- micum," 1722; "Corpus Juris Gentium aca- demicum," 1730-31 ; d. 8 April, 1757. Schmidt, Georg Priedrich, German engraver ; b. 1712; d. 1775. SOHMITZ, Leonhard, German historian and philologist; b. 6 March, 1807; rector of the high school, Edinburgh, 1845-66; edited Nie- buhr's Lectures, 1844-53; "Classical Museum," 1844-50. SoHNEiDEK, Engine, French statesman; b. April, 1805 ; minister of agriculture and com- merce, Jan. — April, 1821 ; nominated president of the legislative assembly, April, 1867; again, July, 1866; re-elected, Dec. 1869. SoHNBlDEK, Johann Christian Priedrich, German musical composer ; 6. 1785 ; d. 1853- SOHNEIDEH, Johann Gottlieb, German philolo- gist and naturalist; 6. 18 Jan. 1750; published " Grosses kritischea griechisch-deutsches Wor- terbuch," 1797-98; " Historia Amphibiorum naturalis et Uteraria," 1798-1801; d. 12 Jan. 1822. ScHNOEK VON Kaholseeld, Julius, German fresco painter ; b. 26 March, 1 794 ; executed frescoes of the Niebelungenlied in the palace at Munich; published "Bibel in BUdern," 1854; d. 13 April, 1853. ScHOPEEK, Peter, German printer; b. about 1420-30; "with Johann Fust, printed the Maz- arine Bible, 1455 ; Mentz Psalter, 145 7 ; d. about 1505. SoHCELOHEK, Victor, French republican poli- tician, and philanthropist; 6. 21 July, 1804; advocated abohtion of slavery, 1829-48; pulD- lished "Vie de Haeudel," 1857. SohOll, Maximilian Samson Priedrich, Ger- man historian ; b. 8 May, 1 766 ; published " Cours d'Histoire des Etats Europfens jusqu'en 1789," 1830-34; " Histoire abr^g^e des Traitfe de Paix entre les puissances de I'Europe depuia la Paix de WestphaUe," 1817-18; d. 6 Aug. "833- SchOngauee, Martin, German painter and engraver ; b. 1420 ; d. 2 Feb. 1488. ScHOPFLiN, Johann Daniel, German historian; b. 8 Sept. 1694; published "PanegyriciLudovico XV. regiis natalibus dicti," 1722-66; " Alsatia tllustrata," 1751-61; "Alsatia diplomatica," 1772-75 ; " Historia Zaringo - Badensis ; " 1763-66; d. 7 Aug. 1771. SCHOLEFIELD, WilUam, radical poKtician; b. 1809; elected M.P. for Birmingham, 1847; d. 9 July, 1867. ScHOLZ, Johann Martin Augustin, German philologist and biblical scholar ; 6. 1 794 ; edited New Testament in Greek, 1S30-35 ; pubUshed " BibUsch-kritische Keise," 1823; " Handbuch der bibHsohen Archaologie, " 1S34; d. 20 Oct. 1852. ScHOMEEEO, Pr^d^ric Armand de Schomberg, duke of, marshal of Prance; b. 1618; left France upon revocation of the edict of Nantes, March, 1686; came to England with William, prince of Orange, 1688 ; created duke, 10 April, 1689; killed at the battle of the Boyne, II July, 1690. SOHOMBEEG, Henri, comte de, marshal of France; b. 14 Aug. 1575; created marshal, l5 June, 1625; defeated the English at the isle of Ehe, 1627; the Huguenots in Languedoc, 1632; published "Relation de la Guerre d'ltalie," 1630; d. 17 Nov. 1632. SoHOMBEEG, Isaac, captaia E.N., and naval historian ; published " Naval Chronology," 1802; d. 20 Jan. 1813. SCH 490 SCO ScnoPENHAUEE, Arthur, German philosopher ; b. 1788; published "Die Welt ala WUle und Vorstellung," 1819 ; " Die heiden Grundpro- bleme der Ethik," 1841 ; d. 2t Sept. i860. Schopenhauer, Johanna, German authoress ; 6. 1770; pvibUshed "Femow'a Leben," 1810 ; " Jugendlebenund Wanderbilder," " Gabriele ;" d. 17 April, 1838. SoHOKKEL, Jan, Dutch painter ; i. 1495 ; d. 1562. SoHEEVEL, Kornelis, Dutch grammarian ; 6. 161 5 ; published "Lexicon manuale Grseco- Latinum et Latino-Graecum," 1654 ; edited Juvenal, Hesiod, Virgil, Horace, Homer, Cicero, and many other classics ; cj. 1 1 Sept. 1664. SCHUBEBT, Franz, German musical composer ; 5. 31 Jan. 1797; composed ballads ; d. 19 Nov. 1828. ScHnLEMBUBG, Johann Matthias, count von, German general ; 6. 166 1 ; defended Corfu against the Turks, 1716; d. 1747. SoHTJLEE, Georg, see SaMmis. ScHDLTEKS, Albert, Dutch divine and orien- talist ; 6. 23 Aug. 1686 ; published " Origines Hebraeae ex Arabise penetralibus revocatae," 1 724-38 ; " Commentaria in libro Job, cum versione," 1737; d. 26 Jan. 1750. SoHDMACHEE, Heinrich Christian, German astronomer; b. 1780; d. 28 Dec. 1850. ScHDMANN, Eobert, German musical composer ; h. 1810; composed "Paradise and the Peri," cantata; d. 29 July, 1856. ScHUPPEN, van, Flemish artists: PlETEB, engraver : b. about 1627 d. 7 March, 1702 Jacques, son, portrait painter . b. 25 J™. 1670 d. 28 Jan. 1751 SoHCEMANN, Anna Maria von, German scholar; i. S Nov. 1607; pubUshed " Opusoula Hebrsa, Grseca, Latina, GaUica," 1648; "Bu- K\Tipca, seu Melioris partis electio brevem rehgi- onis ac vita ejus delineationem exhibens," 1673 ; d. 5 May, 1678. SoHUSTEE, Ignaz, Austrian comedian ; b. 1779; d 6N0V. 1835. SoHDT, Cornells, Flemish pamter; b. 1597, SOHWANTHALEE, Ludwig Michael, Bavarian sculptor ; b. 26 Aug. 1802 ; executed the colossal statue of Bavaria at Munich ; d. 15 Nov. 1848. ScHWAHTZ, Berthold, German monk; long erroneously supposed to have invented gun- powder; d. about 1384. , . , ^ SoHWAETZ, Christian Friednch, German mis- sionary to the East Indies; 6. 1726; d. 13 Feb. 'scHWAEZENBEEGt, Cari PhiKpp von, prince, Austrian field-marshal ; 5. 15 April, 1771; dis- tinguished at the battle of Wagram, 6 July, 1809; ambassador to Paris, 1810-12 ; d. 15 Oct. 'soHWAEZENBEKO, Felix Ludwig Johann Fried- rich von, prince, Austrian statesman; b. 2 Oct, 1800; d. 5 April, 1852. ScHWAEZENBEEG, Friedrich Johann Josef Celestin von, prince, Austrian cardinal ; h. 6 April, 1809 ; archbishop of Salzburg, 1836 ; created cardinal, 1842 ; archbishop of Prague, 1850. ScHWElCKHAEDT, Heiurich Wilhehn, German painter; 6. 1746; d. 1797. SoHWEiGHADSEE, Jean, French philologist ; S. 26 June, 1742; edited Athenaus, 1 801-7; Seneca's Letters, 1809 ; Herodotus, 1816; pub- Ushed "Lexicon Herodoteum," 1824; d. 19 Jan. 1830. ScHWEiGHAnSEE, Jean Geoffroi, son, French archffiologist ; b. 2 Jan. 1776 ; wrote text of Visconti's " Mus& Napolfon ; " with De Gol- bery pubhshed "Antiquit^s d' Alsace," 1825- 28 ; d. 14 March, 1844. ScHWEEiN, Court Clmstoph, count von, Prus- sian field-marshal ; b. 26 Oct. 1684 ; appointed field-marshal, 1 740 ; besieged aAd took Prague, 16 Sept. 1744 ; at commencement of Seven Year's war, killed in battle at Prague, 3 May 1757- SCHWILQU^ Jean Baptiste, French mecha- nician ; b. 18 Dec. 1776 ; reconstructed the clock of Strasbourg cathedral, 1838-42 ; d, 5 Dec. 1856. SciNA, Domenico, Sicilian scholar and ma- thematician; i. 1765; published "Topografia di Palermo," 1818 ; "Storia letteraria di Sicilia ne' tempi Greci," 1840; d. 13 July, 1837- SoiOPPlDS, Caspar, German philologist ; b. 1576; published " Scahger Hypobolimaeus," 1607; " Classicum Belli Sacri" ; "Grammatica Philosophica," 1659; d. 19 Nov. 1649. SoiPio jEmiliands Apeicanus, Publius Cor- nelius, Eoman general ; b. about B.O. 185 ; in- vaded Africa in third Punic war ; besieged and destroyed Numantia, 133 ; d. 129. SciPio Afeicanus, Publius Cornelius, Eoman general ; i. about B.C. 234 ; in second Punic war, carried his troops into Spain, and de- feated Hasdrubal, 215 ; took New Carthage, 210 ; expelled Carthaginians from Spain, 206 ; went to Africa and besieged TJtica, 204 ; de- feated Hannibal at Zama, 202 ; Antiochus at Magnesia, 190 ; d. about 183. SoiPio AsiATlous, Lucius ComeKus, brother, Eoman general; consul, B.C. 190; defeated Sipylus at Magnesia. . , , . ^ i SOLATEE, PhiUp Lutley, ormthologist ;^ 0. 1829 ; elected secretary to Zoological Society of London, 1859. i.-^ ^ j, ,r Scop AS Greek sculptor and architect ; Ji. b.u 395.350; considered by some to have executed the Venus of Milo, now in the Louvre. SooPOLl, Giovanni Antonio, Italian naturahst; 6. 13 June, 1723 ; published " Flora Carmohca, 1760- "Annus historico-medicus, 1709-72; "Principia Mineralogiffi," 1 772 J d. 8 May, SCO 491 SEC Scoka:lle de Eoussille, Marie Ang^lique, duohesse de Pontanges, favouriteof Louis XIV., king of France ; b. i66l ; d. 28 June, 1681. ScoRESBY, William, arctic navigator; b. 1760; d. about 1829. ScOEESBT, William, D.D., son, arctic explorer; b. 1790; published "Arctic Voyages;" "Dis- courses to Seamen," 1831 ; d. 21 March, 1857. Scott, Daniel, LL.D., biblical critic; pub- lished " Essay towards a demonstration of the Scripture Trinity," 1725 ; "Appendix ad The- saurum Lingua GrEecce ab H. Stephano con- etructum," 1745-46; d. 29 March, 1759. Scott, David, Scotch historical painter; 6. 10 or 12 Oct. 1806; d. 5 March, 1849. Scott, George Gilbert, architect; b. 1 8n ; de- signed Martyr's memorial at Oxford, church of St. Nicholas and town hall at Hamburg, and the nev? foreign and India offices ; elected A.E.A., 1855; E.A., i860; published "Re- marks on secular and domestic Architecture," 1857; "Gleanings from Westminster Abbey," 1861. Scott, Helenus, M.D., Scottish physician ; published " Adventures of a Hupee ;" d. at sea, 16 Nov. 1821. Scott, Sir James Sibbald David, bart. ; 6. 14 June, 1814 ; published " The British Army : its origin, progress, and equipment," 1868. Scott, John, poet and quaker, of AmweE ; h. 1730; pubHshed "Poetical Works," 1782; " Critical Essays on the English Poets, " 1785; d. 12 Dec. 1783. Scott, Sir Michael, Scotch philosopher and naturalist; d. 1293. Scott, Michael, Scottish -writer ; b, 1 789 ; published "Tom Cringle's Log;" d. 1835. Scott, Reginald, writer on witchcraft ; i. 1 545 ; published " Perfite Platf orme of a Hoppe Garden," 1574; "Discoveries of Witchcraft," 1584 ; d. 1599. Scott, Samuel, marine painter; d. 12 Oct. 1772. Scott, Rev. Thomas, biblical commentator; 6. 1747; published "IThe Bible, with original notes," 1788-92; "Essays on the most impor- tant Subjects in Religion," 1793; " Eorce of Truth," 1799 ; " Remarks on the Refutation of Calvinism," 1812; d. 16 April, 1821. Scott, Sir Walter, bart., Scotch novelist and poet; 5. 15 Aug. 1771; published "Lay of the Last Minstrel," 1805; " Marmion," 1808; "Lady of the Lake," 1810; " Eokeby," 1813; "Lord of the Isles," 1814; "Border Anti- quities of England and Scotland," 1814-17 ; " Waverley," 1814; " Guy Mannering," 1815 ; "Antiquary," 1816 ; "Rob Roy," 1818; "Ivanhoe," "Monastery," and "Abbot," 1820; "Kenilworth," 1821 ; "Portunes of Nigel," 1822; "Pirate," 1822; "Peveril of the Peak," 1823; "Tales of a Grandfather," 1827-30; d. 21 Sept. 1832. Scott, see Eldon, Monmouth. ScOTUS, Adam, see Adam. Scribe, Augustin Eugfene, Prench dramatist ; b. 24 Dec. 1791 ; wi-ote "La Dame Blanche," 1825; "Pra Diavolo," 1830; "Robert le Diable," 1831; "Huguenots," 1836; "Dia- mants de la Couroune," 1841 ; "Le Verre d'eau," 1842; " LeProphfete," 1849; " L'Etofle duNord," 1854; d. 20 Peb. 1861. ScROPE, George Poulett, geologist and political economist; 6. (Thompson), 1797; liberal M. P. for Stroud, 1833-67; published "Considerations on Volcanoes," 1825; "Geology and extinct Volcanoes of Central Prance," 185S. ScROPE, William, sportsman ; b. about 1771 ; published "Art of Deer-Stalking," 1838; "Days and Nights of Salmon Pishing," 1843; d. 20 July, 1852. ScuDERT, Madeleine de, Prench novelist; &. 1607; published "Art^mfene, on le Grand Cyrus," 1649-53; " Clelie, histoire Romaine," 1656; d. 2 June, 1701. ScYLAX, Greek geographer ; jl. 4th century. Seaton, John Colborne, lord, field-marshal ; b. IJ'jg; in command of the 52d regiment, contributed to the victory of Waterloo ; gover- nor-general of Canada, 1838-39; ^created baron, 14 Dec. 1839; lord high commissioner of the Ionian Islands, 1843-49; commander-in-chief in Ireland, 1855-60; field-marshal, i860; d. 17 April, 1863. Seba, Albert, Dutch traveller; b. 2 May, 1665; d. 3 May, 1736. Sebastian, king of Portugal; b. 20, Tan. 1554; succeeded his grandfather .John III., 1557; fought against the Moors in Africa ; defeated, and supposed to have been drowned after the battle of Alcazarquiver in Africa, 4 Aug. 1578. Sebastiani, Praujois Horace Bastien, comte, Prench marshal and diplomatist ; 6. in Corsica, 10 Nov. 1772; ambassador to Constantinople, May, 1806 — June, 1807; defeated Spaniards at Ciudad Real, 27 March, 1809; minister of marine, Aug. — Nov. 1830 ; foreign minister, Nov. 1830 — Oct. 1832 ; ambassador to Great Britain, Jan. 1835 — Peb. 1840; marshal, 21 Oct. 1840; d. 20 July, 1851. Sebastiani, Jean Andr^ Tiburce, vicomte, brother, Prench general ; 5.31 March, 1786; distinguished at Moscow and Waterloo ; com- manded military division of Paris, Oct. 1842 — Peb. 1848. Seckee, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury; b. 1693 ; consecrated bishop of Bristol, 1735 ; of Oxford, 1737 ; archbishop, 175^ j wrote " Lectures on the Catechism of the Church of England," published 1769 ; d. 3 August 1768. Secondat, Jean Baptiste, baron de, Prench agriculturist; b. 1 7 16; published "M^moiresur I'ElectricitiS," 1750; " Mi^moires sur I'histoire du CMne," 1785; d. l"; June, 1796. SEO 492 SEM Secousse, Denis Frangois, French historian ; 5. 8 Jan. 1691 ; published " Ordonnances des EoisdeFranoe," vols, iii.-viii., 1732-50; collected materials for "Tables chronologiques des Di- plfimes," printed 1769-83; d. 15 March, 1754. Sedaine, Michel jean, French dramatic poet ; 6. 4 July, 1719; d. 17 May, 1797. Seddon, Thomas, painter of oriental subjects; 6. 28 Aug. 1821 ; d. 23 Not. 1856. Sedswick, Amy, actress; h. 27 Oct. 1835; first appeared, as Julia in the " Hunchback," 1853 ; married Dr W. B. Parkes, 1858 ; widow, 1863. Sed&wiok, Catharine Maria, American nove- list; b. 1790; published " Eedwood," 1827; " The Linwoods," 1835 ; d. 31 July, 1867. Sedlet, Sir Charles, poet, wit, and courtier ; 6. 1639 ; his " Miscellaneous Works " printed, 1702 ; "Poetical Works," 1707 ; d.20 Aug. 1701. Sedhlius, Caius Coslius, Eoman poet ; /. 5th century; wrote "Carmen Paschale," printed about 1473. Seetzen, Ulrich Jaspar, German naturalist and traveller; b. 30 Jan. 1767; d. Oct. 1811. Seghees, see Zegers. Segeais, Jean Regnault de, French poet and novelist; b. 22 Aug. 1624; d. 25 March, 1701. Seguiee, Jean Frangois, French botanist and antiquary; b. 25 Nov. 1703 ; published "Biblio- theca botanica," 1740; " Plantae Veronenses," 1745-54; resigned, Nov. 1855 ; d. 18 April, 1868. Simpson, Sir James Young, bart., Scptch phy sician ; 6. 7 June, 181 1 ; iatroduoed the use of chloroform as an anssthetio, 1847 ; created baronet, 3 Feb. 1866. SIM 501 SIX Simpson, Thomas, mathematician ; i. 20 Aug. 1710 ; published " New Treatise of Fluxions," 1737; "Treatise of Algebra," 1745; "Ele- ments of Geometry," 1747 ; d. 14 May, 1761. Simpson, John, portrait painter ; b. 1782; d. 1847. Sims, John, M.D., botanist; b. 1748; d. 26 Peb. 1 83 1. SiMSON, Robert, Scotch mathematician ; b. 14 Oct. 1687 ; appointed professor of mathematics at Glasgow, 1711 ; published " Sectionum Coni- carum libri v.," 1735 ; "Elements of Euclid," 1756 ; d. I Oct. 1768. SiMsoN, William, Scotch landscape painter ; b. 1800 ; d. ig Aug. 1847. Sinclair, Catharine, novelist ; 6.17 April, 1800; published "Journey of Life," 1847; " Sir Edward Graham," 1849 ; " Lord and Lady Harcourt," 1850 ; d. 6 Aug. 1864. Sinclair, George, Scotch mathematician ; appointed professor of philosophy at Glasgow, 1654 ; ejected, 1662 ; restored, 1668 ; pub- lished " Tyrocinia Mathematica, " 1661 ; " Hydrostaticks," 1672 ; " Satan's Invisible World discovered," 1685 ; d. 1696. Sinclair, Sir John, bart., M.P., philanthrop- ist ; b. 10 May, 1754; originated the board of agriculture, 1793 ; pubUshed "Statistical Account of Scotland," 1791-99; "Code of Agriculture," 1819; d. 21 Dec. 1835. Sinclair, John, son, archdeacon of Middle- sex ; b. about 1797 ; appointed vicar of Ken- sington, 1842 ; archdeacon, 1843 ; published "Life and Times of Sir John Sinclair," 1837. Sinclair, see Caithness. Singer, Joseph Henderson, bishop of Meath ; b. 1786 ; consecrated, 28 Nov. 1852 ; d. 16 July, 1866. Singleton, Henry, historical painter ; h. 1766; (Z. 15 Sept. 1839. SiNGLiN, Antoine, French theologian, of Port- Eoyal; wrote "Instructions chr^tiennes," pub- lished 1671 ; d. 17 April, 1664. Sinner, Jean Kodolphe, Swiss philologist ; b, 1730; published " Extrait de quelques Poesies du douzifeme, treizifeme et quatorziSme sifecles," 1759; " Catalogus Codicum MSS. Bibliothecffi Bemensis," 1760-62; d. 28 Feb. 1787. SiNSABT, Benolt, French Benedictine contro- versialist; b. 1696; published " Les vrais Prin- cipes de Saint Augustin sur la Grace," 1739; d. 22 June, 1776. SiRANi, Bolognese painters : Giovanni Andrea ; 6. 1610 ; pupil of Guido ; d. 1670 ELISA3ETTA, daughter .... 6. 1638 d. by poison, 29 Aug. 1665 SiRET, Louis Pierre, French grammarian ; b. 30 July, 1745; published " EMmens de la Langue Angloise," 1773 > "Elements delaLan- gue ItaHenne," 1797; d. 24 Sept. 1797. SiKET, Jean Baptiste, French jurist ; b. 25 Sept. 1762; published " Recueil g&&al des Lois et des Arrets depuis 1800," 1800-30 ; " Jurisprudence du Conseil d'Etat depuis 1806 jusqu'en 1823," 1818-23 ! 'i- 4 Dec. 1845. SiRET, Mane Jeanne Catherine Josephine, wife, French novelist and journalist, niece of Mirabeau ; h. (de Lasteyrie du SaiUant), 25 Nov. 1776 ; published " Marie de Courtenay," 1818 ; " Conseils d'une Grand'mfere aux jeunes Fenunes," 1838 ; d. 27 Sept. 1843. SiEi, Vittorio, Italian historian ; b. i5o8 ; pub- lished " Propositiones mathematics," 1634; " II Mercuric, owero Historia de' correnti tempi," 1644-82 ; d. 6 Oct. 1685. SiRIC, or SlGEEIO, archbishop of Canterbury ; consecrated bishop of Wilton, 986 ; archbishop, 989 ; d. 993. SlEioius, Saint, pope ; b. 324 ; elected, 22 Dec. 384 ; held the council of Capua to extinguish the schism of the church of Antioch, Dec. 391; ordered St. Jerome to arrange the present form of the canon of the mass ; d. 26 Nov. 398. SiRiES, Violante Beatrice, Florentine portrait painter ; b. 1710 ; d. about 1760. SiRLETO, Guglielmo, Italian cardinal ; J. 1514; created, 1565; bishop of San-Marco, 1566 ; of SquiUace, 1568; resigned, and appointed libra- rian of the Vatican, 1573; published " Vit« Sanctorum a Metaphraste editee," I55^'5S j ^* ^ Oct. 1585. SiRMOND, Antoine, French Jesuit theologian ; b. 1591 ; published "De Immortalitate AnimEe demonstratio physica," 1625; "Le Pr^dica- teur," 1638; d. 12 Jan. 1643. SiRMOND, Jacques, uncle, French Jesuit ecclesiastical historian ; b. 12 Oct. 1559 ; pub- lished "Notfe stigmaticae," 1612 ; "Concilia antiqua GalHce," 1629; "Historia Pcenitentias publico," 1651 ; d. 7 Oct. 1651. SiRMOND, Jean, brother of Antoine, French scholar; b. about 1589; published "Vie du Cardinal d'Amboise," 1631 ; " Avertissement aux Provinces sur les nouveaux mouvements du Eoyaume, par De Cl^onville," 1631 ; d. 1649. SiSEHNA, Lucius Cornelius, Eoman Hstorian ; S. about B.C. 120; d. 67. SisiNNins, pope; elected, 18 Jan. 708; d. 7 Feb. 708. SiSMONDi, see Simonde de Sismondi. Six, Johan,Dutchdramaticpoet ; b. 1618; pub- lished "Medea," tragedy, 1648 ; d. 28 May, 1 700. Sixths I. — V., popes. I. Saint : elected, Tig . . murdered, 6 Aug. 128 II. Saint : h. about 180 ; elected, 24 Aug. 257 ; martyred, 6 Aug. 258 III. Saint; elected, 31 July, 432 . d. 18 Aug. 440 IV. Francesco d'Albescola della Revere : &. 22 July, 1414 ; elected, g Aug. 1471 : accused of cou- nivance in the conspiracy of the Pazzi against the Medici at Florence : published "De Poten- tia Dei," about 1471 ; " De Sanguine Christi," 1473 . . ... d. 13 Aug. 1484 SJO 502 SME V. Felice Peretti : 6. 13 Dec. 1521 ; elected, 24 April, 1585 ; excommunicated Henry III. of France for the murders of the duke and cardinal of Guise . . . . rf. 17 Aug. 1590 SjObekg, Erik, Swedish lyric poet; h. 1794; d. 4 March, 1S28. Sjoohen, Andreas Johan, Eussian historian and antiquary ; 6. 1794 ■ d. 15 January, 1855. Skeffington, Sir Lumley St. George, bart., dramatist; h. 1768; d. 10 Nov. 1850. Skelton, John, poet-laureate ; h. about 1469 ; ■wrote " Boke o£ Phyllyp Sparowe," " CoUyn Clout," "Tunnynge of Elynoure Eummyng," "Garlande or Chapelet of LaureU;" d, 21 June, 1529. Skelton, Philip, Irish divine ; h. 1 707 ; pub- lished "Deism revealed," 1749; "Discourses controversial and practical," 1754! <^' 4 M^Jj 1787. Skelton, line-engravers : Joseph ; published " Osonia antiqua restaurata," 1823 WlLLlAH, brother; 6. 14 June, 1763 ; d, 13 Aug. 1848 Skinnee, Stephen, M.D., philologist ; h. 1623 ; wrote " Etymologicon Linguffi AnglicanEE," published 1671 ; d. 5 Sept. 1667. Skinnek, William, bishop of Aberdeen ; h. 24 Oct. 1778; consecrated, 1816; d. 15 April, 1857. Slade, Eelix, proctor; 5. 1788; bequeathed his fine collections of prints and glass to the British Museum, and ;^45,ooo to found pro- fessorships of fine art in the universities ; d. 29 March, 1868. Slater, or Slattbr, WilUam, divine and poet; h. 1587; published "Threnodia," 1619 ; " Palffi-Albion, or the History of Great Britain," 1621 ; d. 1647. Sleap, Joseph Axe, water-colour painter ; h. 30 May, 1808; d. 16 Oct. 1859. Sleemak, Sir William Henry, major-general; h. 1788; British resident at Lucknow; wrote "Rambles of an Indian Official," pubhshed 1844; "Journey through Oude, 1850-51," 1858; d. 10 Feb. 1856. Sleidan, Johann, (Johann Philippson), Ger- man historian ; 5. 1 506 ; became a partisan of Luther ; published " De statu EeMgionis et Keipublicfe Carolo quinto Oesare commentarii," 1555; "De quatuor summis Imperils," 1556; d. 31 Oct. 1556. Slinoelandt, Pieter van, Dutch painter ; J. 20 Oct. 1640; d. 7 Nov. 1691. Sloane, Sir Hans, bart., physician and natu- raUst; h. 16 April, 1660; created baronet, 1 7 16; president of the college of physicians, 1719; of the royal society, 1727; published "Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, St Christopher's, and Jamaica," 1 707-25 ; his library and collections, now in the British Museum, purchased by pariiament for ;^20,ooo, in accordance with the offer contained ia his will; d. II Jan. 1753. Slodtz, Plemish sculptors : Sebastiaen ; 6. 1655 . . . d. 1726 Sebastiaen Antonius, son . . '^■1754 Paulus Ambrosius, brother . d. 16 Dec. 1758 Henatus Michael, brother ; h. 29 Sept. 1705 ; executed the tomb of Languet in church of St. Sulpice at Paris . . d. 26 Oct. 1764 Sluts, Jakob vander, Dutch paiuter; 6. 1660; d. 1736. Smalbeoke, Richard, bishop of Lichfield and Coventry; h. 1673; consecrated bishop of St. David's, 1723 ; of Lichfield and Coventry, 1730 ; pubhshed "Vindication of the Miracles," 1729-34; d. 22 Dec. 1749. Smalkidge, George, bishop of Bristol; i. 1663; consecrated, 1 7 14; his " Sixty Sermons " pub- lished, 1724; d. 27 Sept. 1719. Smalz, Valentinus, German controversialist ; i. 12 March, 1572; pubhshed " De Divinitate Jesu Christi," 1608 ; d. 4 or 8 December 1622. Smakgiasso, (Pietro Ciafferi), Italian landscape and marine painter; b. about 1600; d. after 1651. Smart, Christopher, poet ; I. 1722; translated into Latin verse Pope's " Ode on St. CeciHa's Day," and "Essay on Criticism ; " his "Poems '' published, 1791; d. in king's bench prison, 18 May, 1770. Smart, Sir George Thomas, organist and musi- cal composer; b. May, 1776 ; d. 23 Eeb. 1867. Smart, Peter, puritan divine and poet ; pub- hshed " Vanitie and DownefaU of superstitious Popish Ceremonies," 1628 ; " Septuagenarii Senis Itenerantis Cantus Epithalamicus," and " Canterburies Crueltie," 1643 ; d. after 1654. Smeaton, John, civU engineer; J. 1724; re- built Eddystone lighthouse, 1759; the wood- work burnt and replaced by stone, 1770; pub- lished " Historical Report on Ramsgate Har- bour," 1791 ; "Experimental Enquiry concerning the Natural Powers of Wind and Water to turn Mills and other Machines," 1794; d. 28 Oct. 1792. Smedlet, Rev. Edward, historical writer and poet; b. about 1789; published "Erin," a poem, l8lo; "History of the Reformed Reli- gion in France," 1832-34 ; his "Poems" printed, 1837; d. 29 June, 1836. Smedlet, Francis Edward, novelist; i. about 1819; d. I May, 1864. Smee, Alfred, surgeon and electrician ; b. 1818; invented Smee's galvanic battery, and the pre- sent mode of printing bank-notes; published "Instinct and Reason, deduced from Electro- Biology," 1850. Smellie, WiUiam, M.D., Scotch physician; his "Anatomical Tables" published, 1787; d. 1763. Smellie, William, Scotch naturalist; 6. 1740; published " Philosophy of Natural History," 1790-99; d. 24 June, 1795. SME 503 SMI Smet van dekKjetten, Jau, Dutch antiquary; 5. about 1585; published " Oppidum Bata- vocum seu Noviomagum," 1644; "Thesaurus antiquariua Smetianus," 1658; d, 30 May, 1651. Smigletids, Martinus, Polish Jesuit and theo- logian; b. 1562; d. 1618. Smirke, Eobert, historical painter; h. 1752; elected A.KA., 1791 ; RA., 1793; illustrated Don Quixote, Gil Bias, and Shakspere; d. 5 Jau. 1845. Smikke, Sir Eobert, son, architect; 6. 1780 ; elected A.R.A., 1808; E.A., 1811 ; resigned, 20 May, 1859 ; d. 18 April, 1867. Smikke, Sydney, brother, architect ; h. about 1798; elected A.E.A., 1847; U.A., 1859; de- signed the Carlton and Conservative Clubs, and the Eoyal Academy of Arts. Smith, Adam, LL.D., Scotch political econo- mist; b. 5 June, 1723; published "Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations," 1776; "Theory of Moral Senti- ments," 1759; d. 8 July, 1790. SjnTH, Albert, humourist and novehst ; 5. 1 8 1 6 ; published "Story of Mont Blanc," 1853 ; d. 23 May, i860. Smith, Alexander, Scottish poet; 5. 31 Dec. 1 830 ; elected secretary of Edinburgh university, 1854; published "A Life Drama," 1853 ; "City Poem,s," 1857; d. 5 Jan. 1867. SiniH, Anker, line-engraver; b. 1759; elec- ted A. R A., 1797 ; engraved "Death of Wat the Tyler," after Northcote ; d. June, 1S19. Smith, Charlotte, poet and novelist ; b, (Turner), 4 May, 1 749 ; married, 1 765 ; pub- lished "Elegiac Sonnets and other Essays," 1784; "EtheUude," 1789; "Old Manor House," 1793 ; d. 28 Oct. 1806. Smith, Eli, D.D., American missionary ; went to Asia Minor, and translated the Bible into Arabic ; d. 12 Jan. 1857. Smith, Gabriel, mezzotint-engraver ; b. about 1724; d. 1783. Smith, George, landscape painter, of Chi- chester ; 6. 1714; d. 7 Sept. 1776. Smith, Eev. Henry, called " silver-tongued," pulpit orator ; b. 1550 ; d. about 1600. Smith, Horace, novelist and poet ; b. 1779 ; with his brother James, published "Rejected Addresses," 1812 ; his " Poetical Works " col- lected, 1846 ; d. 12 July, 1849. Smith, James, brother, humourist; b. i775 ; with Horace Smith, pubhshed " Eejected Addresses," 1812 ; his " Comic Miscellanies " printed, 1840 ; d. 24 Dec. 1839. Smith, James, of Deanstone, Scottish agricul- turist ; i. 1789; d. 10 June, 1850. Smith, Sir James Edward, M.D., botanist; h. 2 Dec. 1759 ; published " Plantarum loones hactenus ineditae," 1789; "Exotic Botany," 1804-5; "English Flora," 1823-25; d. 17 March, 1828. Smith, Sir John, traveller ; published " Cer- tain Discourses concerning the Formes and Effects of diuers Sorts of Weapons, and other verie important Matters militarie," 1590; d. after 1595. Smith, Eev. John, theologian ; i. 1563 ; pub- lished "Essex Dove;" "Exposition of the Creed;" d. Nov. 16 16. Smith, John, captain and traveller ; b. 1 5 79 founded colony of Virginia, 1607 ; published " Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles," 1624; "Travels, Ad- ventures, and Observations," 1630; d. 21 June. 1631. Smith, Eev. John, of Queen's college. Cam bridge ; 6. 1618 ; his " Ten Select Discourses ' published, 1660 ; d. 7 Aug. 1652. Smith, John, M.D. ; b. 1630 ; published " King Solomon's Portraiture of Old Age," in which he attributes the discovery of the circu- lation of the blood to King Solomon, 1676; d. 1679. Smith, John, mezzotint-engraver; b. 1654 ; d. about 1720. Smith, John, landscape painter, of Chichester ; b. 1717 ; d. 29 July, 1764. Smith, John Pye, D.D., independent minis- ter ; b. 1775; appointed principal of Homerton college, 1801 ; published "Scripture Testimony to the Messiah," 1818-21; "Scripture and Geology," 1839; d. 5 Feb. 1851. Smith, John Eaphael, mezzotint-engraver ; b. 1752 ; d. 2 March, 1812. Smith, John Spencer, antiquary; 6. 1769; d. 5 June, 1845. Smith, John Stafford, musical composer; b. about 1750; d. 1826. Smith, John Thomas, antiquary and artist ; b. 1766; published "Antiquities of London," 1 791-1800; "Antiquities of the City of West- minster," 1807 ; his " Cries of London " printed, 1839; "Book for a Eainy Day," 1845 ; d. 8 March, 1833. Smith, Joseph, founder of Mormonism ; b. 23 Dec. 1805; founded the city of Nauvoo, 1S39; murdered at Carthage, 27 June, 1844. Smith, Miles, bishop of Gloucester; b. 1568; one of the translators of the authorised version of the Bible; consecrated, 20 Sept. 161 2; his " Sermons " published, 1632; d. 20 October, 1624. Smith, Sir Montagu Edward, judge ; b. 1809; made a justice of the com m on pleas, Feb. 1865. Smith, Eichard, D.D., Eoman catholic divine; b. 1500; published "Assertion and Defence of the Sacramento," 1546; "Godly and fayth- fuU Eetractation made and published at Paule's Crosse," 1547; d. 1563. Smith, Eichard John, called "Obi Smith,'' comedian ; b. 28 Jan. 1 786 ; d. I February, 1855- SMI 504 SMY Smith, Eobert, D.D., mathematician; h. 1689 ; elected master of Trinity college, Cambridge, 20 July, 1742; published "Corn- pleat System of Opticks," 1738; "Harmonics, or the Philosophy of Musical Sounds," 1749; d. 2 Feb. 1768. Smith, Eobert Angus, Scotch chemist; J. 15 Feb. 181 7; published "Memoir of John Dalton, and History of the Atomic Theory," Smith, Eobert Payne, orientalist and theo- logian; b. Nov. 181 8; appointed regius pro- fessor of divinity at Oxford, and canon of Christ Church, Aug. 1865; published "Mes- sianic Interpretation of the Prophecies of Isaiah," 1862; "Prophecy a preparation for Christ" (Bampton lectures), 1869. Smith, Samuel, nonconformist divine ; i. 1588; ejected, 1662; published "Great Assize ; " d. about 1663. Smith, Samuel, American historian; pub- lished " History of the Colony of Nova Csesarea or New Jersey," 1765 ; d. 1778. Smith, Sydney, canon of St. Paul's, critic and wit; b. 1771; originated "Edinburgh Eeview," and edited No. i, Oct. 1802 ; pub- lished "Letters on the Catholics from Peter Plymley to his brother Abraham," 1807-8; " Works," 1839-40 ; his " Memoir, with a selec- tion from his Letters," published by his daughter, lady Holland, 1855; d. 22 JFeb. 1845- Smith, Sir Thomas, statesman and historian ; J. 28 March, 1514 ; secretary of state, 1548-49; again, 1572-74; ambassador to Germany, 1549; published " De Eepublica Auglorum," 1583; d. 12 Aug. 1577. Smith, Thomas, D.D., orientalist; b. 3 June, 1638; published "Diatriba de Chaldaicis Paraphrastis," 1662; "Catalogus Librorum MSS. Bibliothecae Cottonianffi," 1696; c^. 11 May, 1 7 10. Smith, Thomas Assheton, sportsman; &. 2Aug. 1776; d. 9 Sept. 1858. Smith, Thomas Berry Cusack, Irish judge; ^' 1 797 j made solicitor-general for Ireland, Sept. 1842; attorney-general, Nov. 1842; master of the roUs, Jan. 1846; d. 13 Aug. 1866. Smith, Thomas Southwood, M.D. ; h. about 1790; published "Philosophy of Health," 1836-37; "Epidemics," 1856; d. 10 Dec. 1861. Smith, William, antiquary, rouge-dragon pursuivant-at-arms ; made collections for his- tory of Cheshire, published as King's " Vale- Eoyall of England," 1656; d. i Oct. 1618. Smith, William, portrait painter, of Chi- chester; b. 1707; d. 27 Sept. 1764. Smith, William, dean of Chester; 5. 17 11; published translation of Thuoydides, 1753; d. 12 Jan. 1787. Smith, William, geologist, called the " father of British geology;" b. 1769; published " Mineral Survey, or Delineations of the Strata of England, Wales, and part of Scot- land," 1815; " Stratigraphical System of Organized Eossik," 1817 ; d. 28 August 1839- Smith, William, LL.D., classical scholar; b. 1 8 14; edited "Dictionary of Greek and Eoman Antiquities," 1842; "Dictionary of Greek and Eoman Biography and Mythology," 1844-49; "Dictionary of Greek and Eoman Geography," 1854-57; "Dictionary of the Bible," 1860-63; "Quarterly Eeview," 1867-70. Smith, Sir WiUiam Cusack, bart., Irish judge ; b. 1 766 ; made solicitor-general for Ireland, Dec. 1800; a baron of the exchequer, 1801 ; d. 21 Aug. 1836. Smith, William Henry, M.P., bookseller and news-agent; b. 1825; elected conservative M.P. for Westminster, 1868. Smith, Sir William Sidney, admiral; b. 1764; destroyed the French fleet at Toulon, 1793; defended St. Jean d'Acre against Bonaparte, March, 1799; compelled Capri to surrender, 1805 ; d. 26 May, 1840. Smith, see also Smyth. Smits, Dirk, Dutch poet ; b. 1 702 ; published "Israels Baelfegor," 1737; d. 1752. Smits, Fran9ois, Belgian portrait painter; b. 1760; d. 15 March, 1833. Smitz, Caspar, called " Magdalen Smith," Dutch portrait painter; d. 1689. SiQTZ, Lodewijk, Dutch fruit painter; b. 1635; d. 1675. Smollett, Tobias George, novelist and histo- rian; 6. 1 72 1; published "Adventures of Eoderick Eandom," 1748; "Adventures of Peregrine Pickle," 1751 ; "Compleat History of England," 1757-65; "Expedition of Hum- phry Clinker," 1771 ; d. 21 October 1771. Smyth, James Carmichael, M.D. ; h. 1741; d. 18 June, 1821. Smyth, Sir James Carmichael, bart., major- general ; b. 1 779 ; commanded the engineers at battle of Waterloo, 18 June, 181 5; made governor of British Guiana and Demerara, June, 1833; published "Chronological Epi- tome of the Wars in the Low Coimtries," 1825 ; d. at Guiana, 4 March, 1838. Smyth, William, bishop of Lincoln ; i. about 1450; bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 1492; of Lincoln, 1495 ; with Sir Eichard Sutton, founded Brazenose college, Oxford, 1509; d, 2 Jan. 15 14. Smyth, WiUiam, historian; h. 1764; elected professor of modem history at Cambridge, 1807; published " English Lyrics," 1798; "Lectures on Modern History," and "Lectures on the French Revolution," 1840 ; d. 26 June, 1849. SMY 505 SOL Smyth, WUliam Henry, rear-admiral, astrono- mer and hydrographer ; h. 1788; published " Memoir descriptive of the Resources, Inhabi- tants and Hydrography of Sicily and its Islands," 1824; "jEdes Hartwellianae," 1851; "The Mediterranean," 1854; d. 9 September 1865. Smythe, James Moore, miscellaneous writer ; d. 18 Oct. 1734. Snape, Andrew, CD., controversialist; 6. 1670; opposed bishop Hoadly in the Bangorian con- troversy ; d. 30 Dec. 1 742. Snaters, Hendrik, Flemish engraver ; h. 1612; d. date unknown. Snatees, Pieter, Flemish painter of landscapes and battle-pieces ; b. 1593; d. 1670. Snell van Eoten, Eodolph, Dutch mathema- tician and philologist; b. 1547; pubUshed " Aimotationes in Bthicam, Physicam, Sphseram Comelii Valerii," 1596; " Apollonius Batavus," 1597; d. 1613. Snell van Eoten, WiUebrod, son, Dutch geometrician; b. 1591 ; published "Descriptio CometsB Novembris 1618," 1619; "Oyclometri- cus, seu de Circuli dimensione," 1621 ; d, 31 Oct. 1626. Snellinoks, Jan, Dutch painter ; b. 1 544 ; d. 1638. Sniadeoki, Andreas, Polish chemist and phy- siologist; 6.1768; pubhshed in Polish " Theory of Organic Existences;" d. 1838. Snladecki, Johan, brother, Polish astronomer; b. 1756; d. 1830. Snorro Stueleson", Icelandic historian ; b. 1 1 78; his "Edda" first printed in Icelandic, 1665 ; " Heimskringla," 1697 ; d. murdered, 22 Sept. 1 24 1. Snouckaebt, WiUem, Flemish historian ; 5. 1510; published " De Vita CaroU V. Impera- toris," 1559; d. about 1560. Snot, Kegnier, Dutch historian ; b. 14'J'J ; published "Psalterium Davidicumparaphrasibus brevibus iUustratum," 1536 ; d. 1 Aug. 1537. Snters, Pieter, Flemish flower, landscape, and portrait painter ; b. 30 March, l58i ; d. 4 May, 1752. Sntdees, Franz, Flemish animal and fruit painter; b. Nov. 1579 ; d. 19 Aug. 1657. SOANE, Sir John, architect ; b. 1753 ; pub- lished " Sketches in Architectiu-e," 1793 ; " Civil Architecture," 1829 ; founded and en- dowed the Soane Museum ; d. 20 Jan. 1837. SoANEN, Jean, bishop of Senez ; b. 6 Jan. 1647; consecrated, 1695; deprived, 1727; published " Sermons sur diff^rents Sujets," 1761 ; d. 25 Dec. 1740. SOAVE, Francesco, Italian philosopher ; b. 10 June, 1743 ; published " NovelU morali," 1799; " Istruzioni di Logica, Metafisica ed Etica," 1804; d. 17 Jan. 1806. SoEiESKi, see John, Icings of Poland. SociNUS, see Sozzini. SocEATES, Athenian philosopher ; b. B.C. 469 ; accused by Anytus of being an enemy to the state ; condemned to death ; d. by poison, 401 or 400. Socrates Scholastious, Byzantine historian ; h. about 379 ; wrote " Ecclesiastical History," from 306-439, first printed in Greek, 1544 ; d. after 440. SoDERiNl, Giovanni Vettorio, Italian agricul- turist ; b. 1526 ; wrote " Trattato deUa Colti- vazione delle Viti," published 1600 ; d. 3 March, 1596. SoDEBiNi, Pietro, gonfalonier of Florence ; b. about 1450; elected, 1502; deposed upon de- mand of pope Julius II., 1512 ; d, after 1513. SOmmeeeing, Samuel Thomas von, German anatomist ; 5. 25 Jan. 1755 ; published " Vom Baue des menschlichen Korpers," 1791-1800; "Abbildungen der Sinnes Organe," 1801-9 ; d. 2 March, 1830. SoEST, Gerard, see Zoust. SoissONS, comtes de, grand-masters of France: Charles de Bouubon ; b. 3 Nov. 1566 ; grand- maater, 1589 . . . d. i Nov. 1612 Louts de Bourbon, son ; &. 11 May, 1604 : grand- master, 1612 ; killed at the battle of Marfee 6 July, 1641 SoLANDEE, Daniel Charles, Swedish natural- ist ; b. 28 Feb. 1736; became an officer of the British Museum, 1762 ; accompanied captain Cook in his first voyage round the world, 1768- 71; published "FossUia Hantoniensia," 1766; d. 16 May, 1782. SoLAEi, or SoLAKlo, Andrea da, called "II Gobbo," Lombard painter ; b. 1458 ; d. after 1515- SoLAEl, or SoLAElo, Antonio, called "Zin- garo," Italian painter ; b. 1382 ; d. 1455- SoLAEl, Cristoforo da, called "II Gobbo,'' brother of Andrea da Solario, Milanese sculptor and arcliitect ; Jl. 1 5th century. SoLDANi, Ambrogio, Itahan naturalist ; b. 1733; made professor of mathematics at Siena, 1 781 ; published " Testaceographia ac Zoophy- tographia parva et microscopica," 1789-98 ; d. 14 July, 1808. SoLDANi, Jacopo, Italian poet; i. 1579; wrote " Satire," published 1751 ; d. 11 April, 1641. Sole, Antonio Maria del, called "Manchino de'paesi," Bolognese landscape painter; b. 1597; d. 1677. Sole, Giangioseffo del, son, Itahan painter ; 6. 1654 ; d. 1719. Solie, or Soulier, Jean Pierre, French actor and musical composer ; b. 1755; wrote "Jean et Genevieve," 1792; "MUe. de Guise," 1808; d. 6 Aug. 1812. Sollee, Frangois, French Jesuit historian, and theologian; 5. 1558; pubUshed "Traits de la Mortification," 1598; " Histoire eccldsias- tique du Japon," 1627 ; d. 26 Oct. 1628. SOL 506 SOM SoLiGNAO, Pierre Joseph de la Pimpie, cheva- lier de, French scholar; 5. 1687; published "E^cr&tions litt^raires," 1723; " Histoire g^n^rale de Pologne," 1751-80; d. 28 Feb. 1773. SoLiivtiN, Ommiade caliphs. Ebn-Abd-al-Malek:, seventh caliph; succeeded his brother Walid L, July, 715 ; constructed a nilometer d. Sept. 717 Ebn-al-Hakem, twelfth caliph ; reigned at Cor- doTa ; assumed the government, 1009 ; killed at Cordova i July, 1016 SonMAiT I., II., Ottoman sultans. I. Sultan of Adrianople ; succeeded his father Bajazet 1 1403 Dethroned by his brother, Musa-Chelebi, and killed in flight to Constantinople . 1410 II. the Magnificent .... .5. 1495 Succeeded his father, Selim I. . Sept. 1520 Besieged and took Belgrade . . . Aug. 1521 Took Rhodes 25 Dec. 1522 Defeated the Hungarians at Mohacz . 29 Aug. 1526 Recovered Buda, and received the submission of Moldavia 1529 Repulsed before "Vienna . . . Oct. 1529 Made treaty of commerce with Francis I. of France 1535 Bepulsed before Szegedin . . . Sept. 1566 d. 6 Sept. 1566 SOLIMAN, sultan of Persia ; 6.1646; succeeded his father, Abbas II., 1666; d. 1694. SoLiMENA, Francesco, called "abate Ciccio," Neapolitan painter; 6. 4 Oct. 1657 ; d. S April, 1747- SoLINUS, Caius Julius, Roman historian ; fl. 3rd century; wrote " Polyhistor," first printed, 1473- SoLis, Juan Diaz de, Spanish navigator ; with Pinzon, discovered the estuary of the Amazons, 1508; explored the bay of Eio Janeiro, 1512; killed and eaten by the Indians at Eio de la Plata, 15 15. SoLis T EiBADENETBA, Antonio de, Spanish historian and dramatic poet; b. 18 July, 1610; published " Comedias," 1681 ; "Historia de la Conquista de Mexico," 1684; d.ig April, 1686. SoLLEYSEL, Jaoques de, French riding-master ; i. 1617; published " Parf ait Marshal," 1664; translation of the duke of Newcastle's " New Method to dress Horses," 1677; d. 31 Jan. l68o. SoLLiEK, Jean Baptiste du, Belgian Jesuit hagiographer ; b. 28 Feb. 1669; edited "Acta Sanctorum;" published Usuard's "Martyr- ologe," 1714;^. 17 June, 1740. Solomon, king of Israel ; 6. about B.C. 1033 ; began to reign, 1015 ; d. 975. Solomon, Abraham, painter; b. 1824; painted " First Class," " Second Class," and " "Waiting for the Verdict;" d. 19 Dec. 1862. Solomon ben "Vikga, Spanish rabbi and physician; fl. 1 6th century; wrote a history of the Jews. Solon, Athenian legislator; b, about B.o. 638; appointed archon, 594; reformed the govern- ment and established a code of laws ; d. about 558. SoLTiKOV, Petr, count, Russian field-marshal ; b. 1700; distinguished in the seven years' war; d. 15 Dec. 1772. SoLTTK, Polish patriots : Stanislaw ; &. 1751 ; made marshal of the diet at "Warsaw, 1811 ; arrested and imprisoned, 1826; d. 1830 Roman, count, son ; 6, 1791 ; vice-president of the Polish patriotic society, 1830: published "La Pologne, Precis historique, politique et militaire de sa Revolution," 1833; "Hapoleon en 1812," 1836 . . . . d. 22 Oct. 1834 SOMAIZE, Antoine Bandeau de, French writer; fl. 1 7th century ; published " Grand Diction- naire des Pr^tieuses," 1660; " Le Procez des Pr^tieuses," comedy, 1660. SoMBEEiiiL, Charles Fran9oi3 Virot, marquis de, French general; 6. 1727; guillotined, 17 June, 1794. SOMBKEUIL, Charles Virot, vicomte de, son, French royalist ; 6. 1769 ; in a descent on France, taken prisoner and shot at Vannes, 28 July, 1795. SoMER, Jan van, Dutch portrait painter and engraver; b. about I645 ; d. 1694. SoMEKEN, Cornells van, Dutch physician ; b. 28 Sept. 1593; published "De "Unitate," 1639; "De VarioUs et Morbillis," 1641; d. 11 Dec. 1649. SoMEKEN, Jan van, son, Dutch jurist ; b. 3 July, 1622 ; published " Herstelde Oudheyd, ofte Beschry ving van Batavia," 1657 ; "Uytspanning der Vernuften," poems, 1660; d. 22 Dec. 1676, SoMERS, John Somers, lord ; b. 4 March, 1650 instrumental in bringing about the revolution. 1688 ; made solicitor-general, May, 16^^ attorney-general. May, 1692 ; lord keeper. March, 1693; lord chancellor, April, 1697; de- prived, 27 April, 1 700 ; created baron, 2 Deo. 1697; published "IJrief History of the Succes- sion of the Crown of England," 1681 ; d. 26 April, 1 716. His "Collection of scarce ajid valuable Tracts" published, 1748-52. Somerset, de Beaufort, marquess and dukes of: John, natural son of John of Gaunt ; lord high admiral ; created earl, 3 June ; marquess, 29 Sept. 1397 d. 1410 John, son ; h. 1392 ; created duke, 1443 : d. 27 May, 1444 Edmund, regent of France, and lord high con- stable : created duke, 31 March, 1448 ; slain at the battle of St. Alban's ... 22 May, 1455 Henby, son ; taken prisoner at the battle of Hexham ; beheaded . . 3 April, 1463 Somerset, Edward Seymour, duke of, lord protector ; nominated by "wiU of Henry VIII. one of the sixteen governors of Edward VI., 1547; made protector, Jan. 1547; created duke, 16 Feb. 1547; ordered the execution of his brother, lord Sudely, March, 1549; com- mitted to the Tower, 14 Oct. 1549; released, 16 Feb. 1550; again arrested, Oct. iSS'i ^' headed, 22 Jan. 1552. Somerset, Edward Adolphus St. Maur, duke of, statesman; b. 20 Deo. 1804; a lord of the treasury, 1835-39; secretary to the board of control, 1839-41 ; chief commissioner of woods and forests, 1849-51; of pubhc works, 1851-52; succeeded his father, 15 Aug. 1855; first lord of the admiralty, 1859— June, 1866. SOM 507 SOT Somerset, see Carre^ Howard, SoMEKVILLE, Thomas, historical writer ; h. Feb. 1 74 1; published "History of Political Trans- actions, and of Parties, from the Restoration of King Charles the Second to the death of King William," 1 792 ; " History of Great Britain during the Keign of Queen Anne," 1798; d. 16 May, 1813. SoMBRViLLE, William, poet ; &. 1692 ; pub- lished "The Chace," 1735; "Hobbinol," 1740; d. 19 July, 1742. SoMMAKiVA, Giovanni Battista, Italian states- man; general secretary of the Cisalpine He- public, June, 1797 — April, 1798; d. 6 Jan. 1826. SOMMIEE, Jean Claude, archbishop of Csesarea; J. 22 July, l56l ; consecrated archbishop, 1725; pubhshed " Histoire dogmatique de la Reli- gion," 1 708-1 1; "Histoire dogmatique du Saint-Si^ge," 1716-30; d. 5 Oct. 1737. SOMNER, William, antiquary; h. 5 Nov. 1598; published "Antiquities of Canterbury," 1640; " Dictionarium Saxonico - Latino - Anglicum," 1659; "Treatise on Gavel-Kind," 1660; d. 30 March, 1669. SoNNENBERG, Pranz Anton Joseph Ignaz Maria, baron von, German poet; h. 5 Sept. 1779 ; wrote " Das Welteude," published 1801 ; "Donatoa," 1806; d. 22 Nov. 1805. SoNNERAT, Pierre, French traveller and natu- ralist ; 6. 1 749 ; published " Voyage dans la Nouvelle-Guin^e," 1776; "Voyage aux Indes Orientales et k la Chine," 1782; rf. 31 March, 1814. SONNINI DE Manoncouet, Charles Nicolas Sigisbert, French traveller ; 6. I Feb. 1 75 1 ; pubhshed " Voyage dans la Haute et dans la Basse Egypte," 1799; "Histoire naturelle des Reptiles," 1802 ; " Histoire naturelle des Poissons et des C^tao^s," 1804; d. 9 May, 1812. SoNTAG, Henrietta, German vocalist ; J. 13 March, 1805; married count Rossi, 1829; retired, Jan. 1830; re-appeared, 1849; d. at Mexico, 18 June, 1854. SoNTHONAX, L^ger Fflicit^, French revolu- tionary agent; 6. 17 March, 1763; d. 28 July, 1813. Sophia Dorothea, queen of Great Britain, daughter of George Wilham, duke of Zell ; 5. 15 Sept. 1666; married George I., 1682; imprisoned at Ahlden, 1694; d. 13 November 1726. Sophia Dorothea, daughter, queen of Prussia; S. 16 March, 1687; married Frederick II. of Prussia, 1706; d. 28 June, 1757. Sophocles, Greek tragic poet; 5. B.C. 495 ; his tragedies first printed, 1502 ; d. B.C. 405. SOPHONISEA, queen of Numidia, daughter of Hasdrubal ; married Syphax, B.C. 206 ; d. by suicide, 203. Sophron, Greek poet ; fi. 5th century. Soprani, RaffaeUo, Italian biographer ; h. 1612 ; wrote " Scrittori della Liguria," published 1 667 ; " Vite de' Pittori, Scultori ed Architetti Genovesi," 1674; d. 2 Jan. 1672. SoRANZO, Giovaimi, doge of Venice ; took Ferrara, 1 308; elected, 23 July, 13 12; d. Dec. 1327- SORBAIT, Paulus van, Dutch physician ; wrote " Consilium medicum, " published 1679; "Medi- cma universahs," 1701 ; d. 28 April, 1691. SoRBliSRE, Samuel, French writer ; 6. 1 7 Sept. 161 5; published translation of More's Utopia, 1643 ; " Relation d'uu Voyage fait en Angle- terre," 1664; " Epistolse iUustrium et erudi- torum Virorum," 1669; d. 9 April, 1670. Sorbin de Sainte-Foi, Arnaud, bishop of Nevers; 6. 14 July, 1532; opposed the French protestants ; consecrated, 1578 ; published " Histoire de la Ligue Sainte contre les Albi- geois, traduite de Pierre de Vaulx-Cemay," 1569 ; "Huit Sermons de la Resurrection de la Chair," 1574; d. I March, i6o6. SoRBON, Robert de, French ecclesiastic ; h. 9 Oct. 1201 ; founded the Sorbonne, 1253; d. 15 Aug. 1274. SoRDELLO, Italian troubadour; 6. 1189; fled to the court of Charles of Anjou, about 1 245 ; d. about 1280. SoREL, Charles, sieur de Souvigny, French poet and novelist; 6. about 1597; published " Vraye Histoire Comique de Francion," 1622 ; "Les Nouvelles Fran9oises," 1623; "Le Berger extravagant," 1627; d. 8 March, 1674. Sortain, Rev. Joseph, independent minister; b. 22 July, 1809; published "Sermons," 1850; " Hildebrand and the excommunicated Em- peror," 1851 ; " Count Arensberg ; or, the Days of Martin Luther," 1853; d. 16 July, 1860. SosiQENES, Greek philosopher and astronomer ; Jl. 1st century, B.C. ; employed by Julius Csesar to reform the calendar. SosiTHEUS, Greek poet ; ji. 3rd century, E. c. SosTHENES, Macedonian general ; jl. 3rd cen- tury, B.C. SosTRATUS, Greek architect ; Jl. 4th century, B.C. ; built the pharos of Alexandria, and the colonnade to Cnidus. SoTADES, Greek poet ; fl. 3rd century, B.C. SoTEB, Saint, pope, elected I Jan. 175; d, 22 April, 182. SoTHEBY, Samuel Leigh, antiquary and auctioneer; J. 31 Aug. 1805 ; published " Typo- graphy of the Fifteenth Century," 1845; "Prin- cipia Typographica," 1858 ;cJ. 19 June, 1861. SoTHEBY, William, poet; b. 1757; published "Tour through parts of North and South Wales, Sonnets," 1790; " Georgics of Virgil, translated into English verse," 1800; d. 30 Dec. 1S33. SoTHEKN, Edward Askew, comedian; h. I Aprd, 1830; appeared in London as lord Dundreary, 1863 ; as David Garrick, 1864. SOT 508 SOU Soto, Domingo de, Spanish theologian; 5. 1494; published "De Justitia et Jure," I553"54; "Commentaria in Quartum Senten- tiarum," 1561-79; d. 17 Dec. 1560. Soto, Hernandez de, Spanish navigator; 5. about 1496; went to Peru, about 1520; assisted in the enterprizes of Pizarro; d. whilst exploring the Mississippi, 25 June, 1542. Soto, Pedro, Spanish Dominican; confessor to the emperor Charles V. ; made professor of divinity at Oxford, 1556; published "Institu- tiones Christianae," 1548; d. April, 1563. SouBETKAN, Pierre, Swiss engraver; 6. 6 Nov. 1709; d. 1775. SouBiSE, Benjamin de Eohan, seigneur de. Huguenot captain; 5. 1583; iled to England, 1628; d. there, 9 Oct. 1642. SouBiSB, Charles de Kohan, prince de, marshal of France; 5. 16 July, 1 715; made marshal, 175S; minister of state, 1759; d. 4 July, 17S7. SouBiSE, Jean de Parthenai, seigneur de, Huguenot leader; 6. 1 5 12; defended Lyons against the duke of Nemours ; d. 1566. SouBEANT, Pierre Auguste de, French con- ventionalist ; h. 1750; d. 18 June, 1795. SoucHOK, Franfois, French historical painter; l. 19 Nov. 1785; d. 5 April, 1857. SouciET, Etienne, French theologian and antiquary; 5. 12 Oct. 1 67 1; published "Ee- cueU de Dissertations chronologiques," 1726; d. 14 Jan. 1744. SouFFLOT, Jacques Germain, French architect; I. 22 July, 1713; designed the Pantheon at Paris; d. 29 Aug. 1780. SouHAM, Joseph, eomte, French general; 6. 30 April, 1760; d. 28 April, 1837. SouLANGE-BoDIN, Etienne, French horticul- turist; I. 1774; published "Annates de I'ln- stitut royal horticole de Fremont," 1829-34; d. 23 July, 1846. SouLAS, Josias de, sieur de Prinefosse, called Floridor, French comedian; 5. 1608; d. AprU, 1672. SoULAVlB, Jean Louis Giraud, French his- torian; 6. 1752; published "M^moires du mar^chal de Richelieu," 1790-91; "MiSmoires historiques et poUtiques du rfegne de Louis XVI.," 1802; d. March, 1813. SouLlii;, Melchior Fr^d(5ric, French novelist and dramatist; h. 23 Dec. 1800; published " M^- moires du Diable," 1837-38; d. 23 Sept. 1847. Soulier, Jean Pierre, see Soli6. SouLOUQUE, Faustin, emperor of Hayti, as Faustinl. ; 6. in slavery, about 1790; elected president, I March, 1 847; emperor, 26 Aug. 1849; deposed, 15 Jan. 1859; d. 6 Aug. 1867. SouLT, Nicolas Jean de Dieu, duo de Dal- matic, marshal of France; h. 29 March, 1769; d. 26 Nov. 185 1. With Masseaa, besieged Genoa . April— May, 1800 Created marshal .... 19 May, 1804 Defeated by sir John Moore at Corunna, 16 Jan. 1809 Appointed general-in-chief of the army of the South . . . -14 July, iSio Took Badajoz 11 March, 1811 Defeated by Beresford at Albuera 16 May, i8ir Again by Cotton at Llerena . . 11 April, 1813 By "Wellington at the Pyrenees . 28 July, 1813 Again at St. Jean de Luz . . 10 Nov. 1813 Again at Orthez . . . . 27 Feb. 1814 Again at Tarbes . . .20 March, 1814 Again at Toulouse .... 10 April, 1814 Ke-appointed marshal . . 9 Jan, 1820 Made minister of war ... 17 Nov. 1830 Also president of the council . . 11 Oct. 1832 Resigned Oct. 1834 Ambassador extraordinary to coronation of queen Victoria Jime, 1838 Formed the Sonlt-Passy ministry, in which he was minister for foreign affairs and president of the council .... May, 1839 Again resigned Feb. 1840 Made minister of war and president of the coun- cil in the Guizot ministry ... 29 Oct. 1840 Eesigned ministry of war ... 10 Nov. 1845 Also presidency of the council . . 10 Sept. 1847 His gallery of pictures sold by auction at Paris for 258,694 . . . 19-23 May, 1852 His " Memoires " published . . 1854 SouLT, Pierre Benoit, baron, brother, French general; b. 20 July, 1770; d. 7 May, 1843. SoDMET, Alexandre, French poet and drama- tist; h. 8 Feb. 1788; published "La Divine Epopfe," 1840; d. 30 March, 1845. South, Sir James, astronomer; 6. 1788; originally a surgeon; d. 19 Oct. 1867. SonTH, Robert, D.D. ; h. 1633 ; published "Sermons," 1697; d. 8 July, 1716. SouTHCOTT, Joanna, fanatic; b. 1750; pre- tended that she would be the mother of the promised Messiah ; published " Strange EfEects of Faith," 1801; " Book of Wonders," 1813-14; d. 27 Dec. 1814. SouTHEENE, Thomas, Irish dramatist ; J. 1666 ; published " The Fatal Marriage," 1694;. d 26 May, 1746. SouTHET, Caroline Anne, wife of the poet- laureate, poetess; b. (Bowles), 6 Dec. 1787; published " Solitary Hours," 1826; "Chapters on Churchyards," 1829; d. 20 July, 1854, SoDTHET, Robert, poet and historian; b. 12 Aug. 1774; made poet-laureate, 1813;' pub- lished "Joan of Arc," 1796; " Thalaba the Destroyer," 1801 ; " Curse of Kehama," 1810; "Life of Nelson," 1813; "Book of the Church," 1824; " The Doctor," 1834-47; d. 21 March, 1843. Southwell, Nathaniel, Jesuit biographer; edited Eibadeneira's "Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societatis Jesu," 1676; d. 2 Dec. 1676. Southwell, Robert, Jesuit and poet; b. 1560; published "Saint Peter's Complaynt," I595_; "Ma5niie," 1595; arrested for alleged compli- city in a popish plot, and sent to the tower, July, 1592; hung, 21 Feb. 1595. SouvESTEE, Emile, French novelist and mis- cellaneous writer; 6. 15 April, 1 806; published "Les derniers Bretons," 1835-37; "PhiloBO- phie sur les Toits," 1851 ; d. 5 July, 1854. sou 509 SPE SouzA, Joao de, Portuguese orientalist; i. about 1730; published "Vestiges de la Langue Arabe en Portugal," 1789; d. 29 Jan. 1812. SODZA, Luiz de, Portuguese Ustorian; b. about 1560; pubHsbed "Historia de Sau- Domingos," 1623-78 ; d. May, 1632. SouzA, Manoel de Faria y, see Faria. SoxJZA, Pero Lopez de, Portuguese navigator ; wrote "Diario da Navigasao da armada que foi a terra do Brasil em 1530," 1839 ; d. 1539. SouzA-BoTELHO, Jos^ Maria, marquis de, Portuguese diplomatist; b. 9 March, 175^ > envoy to Sweden, 1791 ; to Denmark, 1795-99 ; to Prance, 1S02-3 ; edited "Lusiades" of Camoens, 181 7; d. I June, 1825. SOWERBT, George Brettingham, conchologist and mineralogist ; 6. about 1 790 ; d. 26 July, 1854. SowERBY, James, naturalist; 5. 1767; d. 25 Oct. 1822. SozOMENUS, Greek ecclesiastical historian ; his " Ecclesiastical History" first printed, 1 544 ; d. after 443. SozziNi, Pausto, Italian beresiarch ; J. 5 Dec. 1539 >■ founded the sect of Socinians; published " Auctoritates Sacrae Scripturas," 158S ; " De Jesu Christo servatore," 1594; d. 3 March, 1604. SozziNi, Lelio, uncle, Italian beresiarch ; i. 1525; pubKshed "Dialogus inter Calvinum et Vaticanum," 1612 ; d. 16 May, 1562. Spada, Italian cardinals : Bernardino ; 6. 21 April, 1594 ; created, 1626 ; patronised art and literature . d. 10 Nov. 1661 GlAMEATTlSTA, brother : b. 27 Aug. 1597 ; governor of Home, 1635 ; president of the itomagna, 1644 ; cardinal, 1652 . d. 23 Jan. 1675 Faerizio, nephew ; b. 18 March, 1643 ; nuncio to Savoy and France ; created, 1675 ; d. 15 June, 1717 Orazio Filippo, brother ; cardinal, 1706 ; nuncio to Poland . . . d. 24 June, 1724 Spada, LeoneUo, Bolognese fresco painter ; J. 1576; d. 17 May, 1622. Spadaeoea, Placido, Sicilian Jesuit gram- marian ; 6 . 1 628 ; published ' ' Prosodia Italiana, ' ' 1682 ; " Precetti grammatical! sopra I'Orazione Latina," 1691; d. i Nov. 1691. Spaendonok, Gerard van, Dutch flower painter; b. 23 March, 1746 ; d. II May, 1822. Spagnoletto, see Ribera. Spagnuoli, Giovanni Battista, called the Mantuan, Italian Carmelite and poet ; h. 1444 ; his works collected and published, 1513; d. 20 March, 1 516. Spagndolo, see Orespi. Spalding, Georg Ludwig, son of following, German philologist ; b. 1762; published "Vin- dicise PhUosophorum Megaricorum," 1792; edited Quintilian, 1798-1816; d. 7 May, 1811. Spalding, Johann Joachim, German theolo- gian; b. I Nov. 1 7 14; published "Bestim- mung des Menschen," 1 748; d. 26 March, 1804. Spalding, John, Scottish historian, of Aber- deen; 6. about 1609; wrote "History of the Troubles and memorable Transactions in Scot- land, 1624-45," pubUshed 1792 ; d. about 1670. Spalding, Samuel, philosophical writer ; b. 1807; wrote "Philosophy of Christian Morals," published 1843 ; d. 14 January, 1834. Spalding, William, Scotch logician ; published "History of English Literature," 1853; d. 16 Nov. 1859. Spallanzani, Lazaro, Italian anatomist ; b. 12 Jan. 1729; published "Prodromodi un' opera da imprimersi sopra le Eiproduzioni animali," 1768; " Dissertazioni di Fisica ani- male e vegetabile," 1780; d. 12 Feb. 1799. Spangenbehg, August Gottlieb, German Moravian preacher; b. 15 July, 1704; pub- lished " Leben des Grafen von Zinzendorf," 1772-75; "Idea Fidei Fratrum," 1779; d. 18 Sept. 1792. Spanheim, Ez^chiel, baron, son of following, Swiss diplomatist and numismatist ; b. 7 Dec. 1629 ; envoy from the elector of Brandenburg to the court of France, 1680-88; again, 1697- 1702; to Great Britain, 1702; published "Des C^sars de I'Empereur Julien," 1660; "Disser- tationes de Prsestantia et Usu Numismatum antiquorum," 1664; d. 7 Nov. 1710. Spanheim, Friedrich, German theologian ; b. I Jan. 1600; became professor of divinity at Leyden, 1 642; published " Dubia EvangeUca," 1634-39; "Geneva restituta," 1635 ; d. 30 April, 1649. Spanheim, Fr^ddrio, son, Swiss theologian; b. I May, 1632; appointed prof essor of divinity at Heidelberg, 1655; at Leyden, 1670; pub- lished "Historia Jobi," 1670; "Summa His- toric Ecclesiasticas," 1689; d. 18 May, 1701. Sfakre, Eric Larsson, Swedish statesman; 6. 13 July, 1550; embraced the cause of Sigis- mund, king of Poland, 1 589; taken prisoner after battle of Stangebro ; beheaded, 25 March, 1600. Spabeman, Andrew, M.D., Swedish naturalist and traveller ; b. about 1747 ; published " Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope," 1 785 ; d. 20 July, 1820. Sparrow, Anthony, bishop of Norwich ; b. about 1620; bishop of Exeter, 1667; of Nor- wich, 1676; published " Rationale, or practical Exposition of the Book of Common Prayer," 1655; "Collection of Articles," i66l; d. 19 May, 1685. Spaetaous, Thracian warrior; b. about B.C. 113; leader of the second Servile war, 73-71; killed at battle of SUarus, B.C. 71. Spaetiands, ^Uus, see jHUus. Speokter, Erwin, German painter; 5. 1806; his "Letter of a German Artist from Italy" published, 1846; d. 23 Nov. 1835. SPE 510 SPI Speed, John, historian; 6. 1552; published "Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine," 1611; "History of Great Britaine," 1611; d. 28 July, 1629. Spegel, Haquin, archbishop of XJpsal; b. 14 June, 1645; published "Gudz Werk och Hwila," poems, 1685 ; " Srenska Kyrkehis- torie," 1707-8; d. 14 Dec. 1713. Speke, John Hanning, captain, African ex- plorer ; h. May, 1 827 ; with captain Grant, discovered some of the sources of the Nile, 1863; published "Journal of the Discovery of the Sources of the Nile," 1864; d, accidentally shot, 16 Sept. 1864. Spelman, Sir Henry, antiquary; T>. 1562; published *' De non temerandis Ecclesiis," 1613; "Glossarium Archaiologicura," 1626; "Con- cilia, Decreta, Leges, Constitutiones in Ke ecclesiastica Orbis Britannici," 1639-64 ; d. 24 Oct. 1641. Spelman, Sir John, eon, archaeologist ; pub- lished "PsalteriumDavidisLatino-Saxonicum," 1640 ; •' jElfredi Magiu Anglorum Eegis invic- tissimi Vita," 1678; d. 25 July, 1 643. Spelta, Antonio Maria, Italian "writer ; 6. 19 May, 1559; published "Vite de' Vescovi di Pavla," 1597; "La Saggia pazzia," 1606; d. March, 1632. Spenoe, Joseph, D.D., critic; 6. 1698; pub- lished "Polymetis," 1747; his "Anecdotes, Observations, and Characters of Books and Men" printed, 1820; d. 20 Aug. 1768. Spenoe, William, entomologist; b. about 1780; with Rev. W. Kirby, published "Intro- duction to Entomology," 1815-26; d. 6 Jan. i860. Spencer, earls : I. John Spencer: b. 18 Dec. 1734: created vis- countl 3 April, 17(51 : earl, i Nov. 1765 : d. 31 Oct. 1783 II. Geobqe John Spencer, nephew; b. i Sept. 1758 : succeeded, 1783 ; first lord of the admiralty, Dec. 1794 — Feb. 1801 ; home secretary, Feb. 1806 — March, 1807 ; collected the Althorp library ; d. 10 Nov. 1834 III. John Charles Spencer, son ; b, 30 May, 17B2 ; as lord Althorp, a lord of the treasury, Feb. 1806 — March, 1807 ; chancellor of the ex- chequer, Nov. 1830 — Dec. 1834 ; succeeded, 10 Nov. 1834 d. I Oct. 1845 IV. Frederick Spender, brother, vice-admiral: 6. 14 April, 1798 ; succeeded, 1845 : lord chamber- lain, July, 1846— Sept. 1848 : lord steward, Jan. 1854— Nov. 1857 . . . . rf. 27 Dec. 1857 V. John Poyntz Spencer, son ; b. 27 Oct. 1835 : succeeded, 1857 ; appointed lord-lieutenant of Ireland ... ... Dec. 1868 Spenceb, Aubrey George, bishop of Jamaica ; b. 179 s ; consecrated bishop of Newfoundland, 1839; translated, 1843. Spencer, Hon. and Kev. George, passionist ; known aa Father Ignatiua; b. 21 Dec. 1799; d. I Oct. 1864. Spencer, John, D.D., Hebraist; b. 30 Oct. 1630; published "De Legibus Hebrieorum ritualibus et earum rationibua," 1685; d. 27 May, 1695. Spencer, Hon. William Bobert, author; b. 1770; pubhshed translation of Burger's " Lenore," 1796; d. 22 Oct. 1834. Spencee, see Despencer, Sunderland. Spenek, Philipp Jacob, German protestant theologian, founder of the Pietists ; b, 25 Jan. 1635 ; first held his "Collegia Pietatis," 1670; d. 5 Feb. 1705. Spenser, Edmund, poet; b. 1552; published "Shepheardes Calendar," 1579; "Faerie Queene," 1590; "Complaints," 1591; "Colin Clouts come home againe," 1595 j niinister of commerce and finance, 1804-8 ; d. 29 July, 1831. Stella, Giulio Cesare, Italian Latin poet; J. 1564; published "Columbeidoa Hbri II.," 1585; d. 1624. Stella, French painters, of Lyons : Jean ; 6. at Antwerp, 1525 ; settled at Paris d. i6ot FRANgois, sou : &. 1563 . . . ti. 26 0ct. 1605 Jacques, sou; b. 1596: patronised by cardinal Eichelieu .... d. 29 April, 1657 FfLANgois, brotlier ; h. 1603 . . rf. 26 July, 1647 Antoine Bouzonnet-Stella, nephew ; b. 25 Nov. 1637 ; educated with his sisters by his uncle, Jacques Stella, and assumed his name ; d. 9 May, 1682 Claudine Bouzonnet-Stella, sister, engraver ; &. 6 July, 1636 d. I Oct. 1697 Pranqoise Bouzonnet-Stella, sister, engraver ; b. 12 Dec. 1638 ... d. 18 April, 1691 Antoinette Eouzonnet-Stella, sister, en- graver ; b. 24 Aug. 1641 . . d. 30 Oct. 1676 Stellini, Jacopo, Italian philosopher; b. 27 April, 1699; published "Specimen de ortu et progressu Morum, " 1 740 ; his " Opera omnia " printed, 1778-79; " Opere varie," 1781-S4; d. 7 March, 1770. Stelliola, Niccolb Antonio, ItaUan physicist ; b. 1547; published " Enoiclopedia Pitagorea," 1616; "II Telescopic, " 1627; d. 11 April, 1623. Stelluti, Francesco, Italian poet and natu- ralist; b. 1577; published translation of Per- sius, 1630 ; " II Pamasso, canzone," 1631 ; " Trattato del Legno fossile nuovamente sco- perto," 1635; d. after 165 1. Steno, Michele, doge of Venice; h. 1331 ; elected, Nov. 1400; d. 26 Deo. 141 3. Steno, Nicolas, Danish anatomist and prelate ; 6. I Jan. 1631 ; consecrated bishop of Helio- poMs, 1677 ; published " De Musculis et Glandulis," 1664; " Discours sur I'Anatomie dij Cerveau," 1669; d. 25 Nov. 16S7. Stephanie, queen of Portugal, daughter of Carl Anton, prince of HohenzoUem-Sigmaring- eu; b. 15 July, 1S37; married Pedro V., king of Portugal, 18 May, 1858; d. 16 July, 1859. SiEPHANua, of Byzantium, Greek geographer ; jl. 6th century ; the Epitome of his " Ethnica" first printed, 1502. Stephanus, see Estienne. Stephen, Saint and proto-martyr ; atoned about 33. Stephen, Saint, patriarch of Antioch_; martyred by the Eutychians, 479. Stephen, Saint, the younger, Greek monk; b. about 713; martyred at Constantinople, 28 Nov. 766. Stephen, Saint, of Muret, French monk; b. 1048 ; founded the order of Grandmont, about 1080; d. 8 Feb. 1 124. Stephen, Saint, abbot of Giteaux ; b. in Eng- land, about 1060; reformed the order of St. Benedict; d. 28 March, II 34. Stephen, king of England, third son of Henry, comte de Blois, and Adela, daughter of WilHamthe Conqueror; 6. 1105; d. 25 Oct. 1154. Married Matilda, daughter of Eustace III., comte de Boulogne .... 1^24 Inherited Boulogne from his father-in-law . 1125 Swore allegiance to the empress Matilda, daugh- ter of Henry I., and widow of the emperor Henry V 25 Dec. 1126 Seized the throne, proclaimed king, and crowned .... .26 Dec. 1135 Matilda's partisans, the Scotcli, defeated by the archbishop of York and the northern barons at the battle of the Standard . . 22 Aug. 1138 Matilda landed in England . . 30 Sept. 11 39 Stephen taken prisoner at battle of Lincoln, 2 Feb. 1141 Matilda crowned queen at "Winchester, 3 March, 1141 Stephen released in exchange for Matilda's brother, the earl of Gloucester . i Nov. ir42 Matilda acknowledged as sovereign in the mid- laud counties .... . 1143 Defeated, and retired to France . . . 1147 Queen Matilda (his wife) died . . 3 May, 1 151 Concluded peace with the empress Matilda, and guaranteed the succession to her son, Henry II. , Nov. 1153 Stephen I.— IV., kings of Hungary. I. son of Geysa, duke of the Magyars ; h. 979 ; embraced Christianity, and subdued the Slaves ; made king, with style of "apostolic majesty," by pope Silvester II,, 997 . d. 15 Aug. 1038 II. surnamed "Thunder:" b. iioo: succeeded his father, Kaloman, 11 14 . . . d. ii3r III. son of Geysa II. ; succeeded, 1161 ; deposed by Stephen IV., his uncle, 1162: re-ascended the throne . . . . . d. 1173 IV. brother o£ Geysa II.; became king, 1162; deposed d. 1166 V. sou of Bela IV. ; succeeded his father . 1270 d. I Aug. 1272 Stephen, king of Poland, see Bathori. Stephen I. — X., popes. I. Saint; elected, 13 March, 253; martyred, in the persecution of Valerian . . 2 Aug. 257 II, elected, 27 March, 752 ; d. before consecration, 29 March, 752 STE 516 STE III. (or II.) elected, March, 752 ; received from Pepin, king of France, the provinces recon- quered from Astolphus, king of the Lombards, which laid the foundation of the temporal power of the papacy, 756 . , d. 27 April, 757 IV. elected, 5 Aug. 768 ; imprisoned by Desi- derius, king of the Lombards . . d. i Feb. 772 "V. elected, 22 June, 816 . . . d. 24 Jan. 817 "VI. Basil : elected, 885 : placed by force against his wish upon the papal throne ; remarkable for his charity d. 7 Aug. 891 VII. elected, 22 May, 896 ; disinterred and in- sulted the corpse of pope Formosus : thrown into prison, and strangled by the partisans of Formosus d. 897 VIII. elected, 3 Feb. 929 . d. 22 March, 931 IX. elected, 19 July, 939 . . . d. Dec. 942 X. Frederick of Lorraine : elected, 2 Aug. 1057 ; the papal councils directed by HUdebrand, after- wards pope Gregory VII. , . d. 29 March, 1058 Stephen, abbot o£ WHtby ; founded the mon- astery of N6tre-Dame at York, 10S8; d. 1 1 12. Stephen, bishop of Toumay, French theolo- gian ; i. 19 Feb. 113S; made abbot of St. Genevifeve at Paris, 1 176; bishop, 1191; d. 9 or 12 Sept. 1203. Stephen, Henry John, serjeant-at-law ; S. 1 786 ; published " New Commentary on the Laws of England," 1841-44 ; d. 28 Nov. 1864. Stephen, James, lawyer and philanthropist ; J>. 1759; master in chancery, Feb. l8n — March, 1831 ; published "Slavery of the British West India Colonies delineated," 1824-30 ; d. 10 Oct. 1832. Stephen, Sir James, historian ; 5. 3 Jan. 1 789 ; under-secretary of state for the colonies, 1836-48 ; professor of modem history at Cam- bridge, 1849; published "Essays in Ecclesias- tical Biography," 1849; "Lectures on the History of France," 1850 ; d. 14 Sept. 1859. Stephen, Johan, Danish historian and anti- quary; 6. 1599; d. 1650. Stephens, Alexander, biographer; t. 1757; published "Public Characters," 1798-1807; "Annual Biography and Obituary," 1817-21 ; d. 24 Feb. 1821. Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, American statesman; J. II Feb. 1812; vice-president of the Confederate States, Feb. 1861— May, 1865. Stephens, Edward Bowring, sculptor ; b. about 1820; elected A.RA., 1864. Stephens, George, dramatist ; b. 8 March, 1800; d. 15 Oct. 1851. Stephens, see Estienne. Stephenson, George, engineer ; b. 9 June, 1781 ; invented locomotive steam-engines, 1814 ; constructed the Stockton and Darlington raUway, 1825; Liverpool and Manchester rail- way, 1826; d. 12 Aug. 1848. Stephenson, Robert, son, engineer ; b. 16 Dec. 1803 ; constructed the high-level bridge at Newcastle ; invented and constructed the Britannia tubular bridge across the Menai straits, opened 1850, and the Victoria tubular bridge across the St. Lawrence, near Mon- treal; d. 12 Oct. 1859. Stepney, George, poet and statesman ; b. 1663 ; d. 1707. Steebeeck, Frangois van, Belgian botanist; b. 1631; published " Theatrum Fungorum," 1675; " Citricultura," 1682; d. 1693. Stekckx, Engelbert, Belgian cardinal ; J. 2 Nov. 1 792 ; consecrated archbishop of Mechlin, 1832 ; created cardinal, 1838 ; d. 4 Dec. 1867. Stebling, John, Scotch essayist and critic ; b. 1806; published "Strafford," a tragedy, 1841 ; d. 18 Sept. 1844. Steene, Laurence, divine and humourist ; b. 24 Nov. 1713; published "Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy," 1759-67; " Sentimental Journey through France and Italy," 1768; d. 18 March, 1768. Steene, Richard, archbishop of York ; 5.1596; master of Jesus college, Cambridge, 1633; ejected, 1644; restored, 1660; consecrated bishop of Carlisle, 1660 ; archbishop, 1664; viTote "Sumana Logicae," printed 1686; d. 18 Jan. 1683. Steenhold, Thomas, versifier ; published " Certayne Psalmes chosen out of the Psalter of David," 1548; d. Aug. 1549. Stesiohoeus, Greek lyric poet; J. about B.C. 632 ; d. about 552. Steuben, Carl Wilhehn August Heimich Franz Ludwig, baron von, German historical painter; 5. 19 April, 1788; d 21 Dec. 1856. Steuco, Agostino, Italian scholar ; b. 1496 ; published " Cosmopceia," 1535; "De perenni Philosophia," 1 540 ; d. 1 549. Stevens, Alexander, architect; d. 1796. Stevens, Edward, architect ; elected A.E.A., 1770; d. 1775. Stevens, George Alexander, comedian and humourist ; 5. about 1720 ; wrote " Comic and Satyrical Songs," published 1772; "Lecture on Heads," 1799; d. 6 Sept. 1784. Stevens, Grace Buchanan, novelist ; b. (Camp- bell), about 1786; published "Llewellyn;" d. 2 April, 1856. Stevens, Richard James Samuel, musical composer ; h. about 1756; wrote glees ; d, 23 Sept. 1837. Stevens, Tbaddeus, American statesman ; 6. 4 April, 1793 ; d. 24 Aug. 1868. Stevens, WilUajn, citizen of London, reli- gious writer; 5. 1732; published "Works of Nobody," 1805 ; d. 6 Feb. 1807. Stevens, William- Bagshaw, D.D., poet; J. about 1755 ; published "Poems," 1775; ^^ 1800. Stevenson, Sir John Andrew, Irish musical composer; b. 1761 ; wrote music to Moore's "Irish Melodies," published 1807-34; d. 14 Sept. 1833. Stevenson, John Hall, poet and satirist; b. 1718; published "Crazy Tales," 1762; d. 1785. STE 517 STO Stbvensoit, Robert, civil engineer; b. 1 772; d. 12 July, 1850. Stevenson, WflHam, antiquary; d 1821. Stevenson, William, antiquary; b. 1772; published " Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery, Navigation, and Commerce," 1824; d. 22 March, 1829. Stevin, Simon, of Bruges, Flemish mathema- tician ; b. 1 548 ; published " Traits de Naviga- tion," 1599; "Limeu heureticon," 1624; d. 1620. Stewakd, Isabella, novelist ; b. (Travers) ; married T. F. Steward, 1S27; d. 22 April, 1867. Stewakt, Alexander, D.D., of Dingwall, Gaelic scholar ; published " Elements of Gaelic Grammar," 1801 ; d. May, 1821. Stewart, Charles, American rear-admiral; b. 1777 ; distinguished in war with Great Britain, 1812-14; d. 6 Nov. 1869. Stewakt, Dugald, son of Matthew Stewart, Scottish mathematician and philosopher ; b. 22 Nov. 1753 ; appointed professor of mathema- tics at Edinburgh, 1775 ; of moral philosophy, 1785-1820; published "Elements of the Philo- sophy of the Human Mind," 1792-1827; " PhUosophical Essays," 1810; d. 11 June, 1S28. Stbwaet, James Haldane, divine; b. 1775; d. 22 Oct. 1854. Stewaet, Matthew, D.D., Scottish mathema- tician; b. 171 7; professor of mathematics at Edinburgh, 1746-75; published " Tracts physi- cal and mathematical," 1761-63; "Essay on the Sun's Distance," 1763; d. 23 Jan. 1785- Stewart, see Albany, Athole, Londonderry/. Stewart Denham, Sir James, Scotch politi- cal economist; b. 1713; published "Apologie du Sentiment de Monsieur le Chevalier New- ton sur I'ancienne Chronologic des Grecs," 1757 ; " Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy," 1767; d. 26 Oct. 1780. Stiefel, Michael, German mathematician ; b. i486; published "Arithmetica integra," 1544; d. 19 April, 1567. Stieglitz, Christian Ludwig, German archi- tect; b. 1756; published " Encyklopadie btir- gerlichen Baukunst," 1792-98; d. 17 July, 1836. Stigand, archbishop of Canterbury; conse- crated bishop of East Anglia, 1043 ; of Win- chester, 1047 ; also archbishop, 1052; deprived, 1070; d. 1070. Stigliani, Tommaso, Italian poet; b. 1545; published " II Mondo Nuovo," 161 7 ; " Canzo- niero," 1623; d. 1625. Stiglmayer, Johann Baptist, Bavarian sculp- tor; b. 1791 ; appointed director of the Munich bronze foundery, 1826; d. 2 March, 1844. Stiles, Ezra, American historian and divine ; b. 1727; published "History of three of the Judges of King Charles I.," 1794; d. 8 May, 1795- Stilioho, Flavius, Roman statesman; left by TheodosiuB guardian of his son, Hono- rius, and regent of the Western Empire, Jan. 395 ; defeated Alaric at PoUentia, 6 April, 403 ; beheaded, 23 Aug. 408. Still, John, bishop of Bath and Wells ; 6. 1 543 ; master of Trinity college, Cambridge, 1577 ; consecrated, 1592; published "Gammer Gur- ton's Nedle," 1575 ; d. 26 Feb. 1608. Stilling, Johann Heinrich, called Jung- Stelling, German pietist and oculist ; 5. 1 740 ; published " Jugend Jiingling Jahre Wander- schaft und Alter," 1777-79; d. 1817. Stilungplbet, Benjamin, grandson of fol- lowing, naturalist; i. 1702; published "Mis- cellaneous Tracts on Natural History," 1759; " Treatise on the Principles and Power of Har- mony," 1771 ; d. 15 Dec. 1771. Stillingfleet, Edward, bishop of Worcester, oontroversiaUst ; b. 17 April, 1635; made dean of St Paul's, 1678 ; consecrated, 1689 ; pub- lished " Origines Sacrae," 1662; " Origines Britannicffi," 1685; d. 27 March, 1699. Stilpo, Greek philosopher, of Megara; Jl. B.C. 294. Stirling, James, mathematician; d. after 1764. Stirling, William Alexander, earl of, Scotch poet and dramatist ; b. about 1 580 ; secretary of state, 1626; keeper of the signet, 1627; created earl, 14 June, 1633 ; pubUahed " Mo- narchicke Tragedies," 1607; " Doomesday," 1614; "Recreations with the Mvses," 1637; d. 12 Feb. 1640. Stirling-Maxwell, see Maxwell. Stjernhjelm, Jorge, Swedish scholar and poet; b. 1598; wrote " Anti-Claverius, sive de Origi- nibus Sueo-Gothicis," published 1685; d. 1672. Stjeenhoek, Johan, Swedish antiquary and jurist; b. 1576; d. 1675. Stob^ds, Joannes, Greek author ; jl. 4th century ; compiled " Florilegium," first printed, 153s ; "Eclogas," 1575. Stob^e, Eilian, Swedish naturalist; b. 1690; d. 1742. Stochove, Vincent de, seigneur de Sainte- Catherine, Belgian traveller; 6. about 1610 ; pubUshed " Voyage du Levant," 1643 ; "L'Othoman," 1665; d. 25 Sept. 1679. Stock, Richard, puritan divine ; wrote " Churches Lamentation for the Losse of the Godly," pubUshed 1614; " Conunentary upon the whole Prophesys of Malachy," 1641 ; d.20 April, 1626. Stock, Simon, general of the Carmelites ; in- stituted the scapulary; d. 16 May, 1265. Stookdale, Rev. Percival, Scotch miscel- laneous writer and poet; b. 1736; published "Life of Waller the Poet," 1769; "Lectures on the truly eminent English Poets," 1807 ; " Poetical Works," 1S08 ; d. II September 1811. STO 518 STO Stockbslet, John, bishop of London ; conse- crated, 1 5 30; d. 1539. Stockmans, Pierre, Belgian jurist ; h. 3 Sept. 1 608; published "Jus Belgarum circa Bul- larum Pontificiarum Receptionem," 1645; "De jure Devolutiouis, " i666; d. 5 May, 1671. Stocks, John Ellerton, M.D., botanist ; b. 1822; d. Sept. 1854. Stocks, Lmnb, line-engraver ; b. 30 Nov. 1812 ; elected A.E.A., 1853 ; engraved " Claude Duval," after W. P. Frith. Stodabt, James, cutler ; 6. 1 760 ; d. 11 Sept. 1823. Stoddaet, Charles, lieut.-colonel, envoy to Bokhara; went there with colonel Conolly, 1841; d. 17 June, 1843. Stoddakt, Sir John, judge ; b. 1 773 ; chief- justice of Malta, 1826-39 ; d. 16 Feb. 1856. StOfflek, Johann, German astronomer ; b. 10 Dec. 1452 ; caused great terror throughout Europe by predicting that a deluge would occur, 20 Feb. 1524, which time proved un- usually dry; piiblished " Ephemerides, " 1482; " Elucidatio fabricje ususque Astrolaloii," 1513; d. 16 Feb. 1531. StOlberg, Friedrich Leopold, count von, brother, German historian and poet ; b. 7 Nov. 1750; published " Geschichte der Keligion Jesu-Christi," 1811-18; "Leben Alfredi des Grossen," 1815 : d. 5 Dec. 1819. Stoek, Anton, baron von, Austrian physician ; b.2i Feb. 1731 ; pubUshed "Annus Medicus," 1760-61 ; d II Sept. 1803. Stokes, George Gabriel, physicist; b. about 1820; elected Lucasian professor of mathema- tics at Cambridge, 1849 ; discovered the change in the refrangible nature of light. Stolbeeg, Christian, count von, German poet and dramatist ; J. 1 5 Oct. 1 748 ; published translation of Sophocles, 1787; with his brother, "Poesies Lyriques," 1779; " Vaterlandische Gedichte," 1815; d. iS Jan. 1821. Stolbeeg, Louisa von, see Albany. Stoll, Maximilian, German physician; 5. 12 Oct. 1742; published "EatioMedendi," 1777-80; d. 23 March, 1788. Stone, sculptors : KicHOLAS ; b. about 1586 ; master-mason to king Charles I. ; d. 24 Aug. 1647. Nicholas, son ; d. 1647. Henev, called " Old Stone," brother, statuary and painter ; rf. 24 Aug. 1653. John, brother ; d. about 1660. Stone, Edmund, Scottish mathematician ; published "Mathematical Dictionary," 1726; d. March or AprU, 1768. Stone, Frank, historical and genre painter; b. 26 Aug. 1800; elected A.E.A., 1851; painted "Impending Mate" and "Mated," 1847; d. 18 Nov. 1859. Stone, Marcus, son, historical and genre painter; b. 4 July, 1840; painted "On the road from Waterloo to Paris," 1 863. Stonehouse, Sir James, physician and divine ; b. 1716; d. 8 Dec. 1795. Stoneman, George, American federal major- general; 6. about 1826; appointed to command the cavalry of the army of the Potomac, Feb. 1863. Stopfobd, Edward, bishop of Meath; con- secrated, 1842; d. 17 Sept. 1850. Stoeaoe, AJma Sehna, lyric actress; b. 1761; d. 1 8 14. Stoeace, Stephen, brother, musical composer ; b. 1 763 ; wrote ' ' The Haunted Tower," and "Siege of Belgrade;" d. 19 March, 1796. Stoech, Heinrich Friedrich von, Kussian poli- tical economist ; b. 1766; published " Cours d'Economie Pohtiqug ; " " Tableau historique et statistique de I'Empire de Eussie ^ la fin du i8mesifecle;" d. 1835. Stoech, Nicolas, German anabaptist ; with Muntzer and Cellariua founded the sect of anabaptists ; received by Melancthon at Wit- temberg, but banished by influence of Luther, 1521; d. 1530. Stoeee, James Sargant, antiquary and en- graver; b. about 1771 ; d. 23 Dec. 1853. Stoeee, Thomas, poet; published "Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, CardinaU," 1599 ; d. 1604. Stoek, Abraham, Dutch marine painter ; b. 1650; d. 1708. Stoeks, Sir Henry, colonial governor ; 6. 181 1 ; lord high commissioner of the Ionian Islands, Feb. 1859 — May, 1864 ; governor of Malta, 1 864-67 ; governor of Jamaica, to inquire into the revolt, 1865-66; controUer-in-chief at the war office, 1868. Stoem, Edvard, Danish poet ; b. 1749; d. 1794. Stoet, Joseph, American judge ; 6. 18 Sept. 1779; published "Commentaries on the Con- stitution of the United States," 1833 ; "Com- mentaries on the Corfliet of Laws," 1834; " Commentaries on Equity Jurisprudence," 1836-37; d. 10 Sept. 1845. Stoky, Eobert, of Eosueath, divine ; b. 1790; d. 22 Nov. 1859. Stosoh, Philipp, baron von, German diplo- matist and antiquary ; b, I April, 1691 ; pub- lished " Gemmae antiquae sculptorum imagini- bus insignitas," 1724 ; d. 7 Nov. 1757. Stothaed, Charles Alfred, son of following, historical painter and antiquary ; b. 5 July, 1786; published "Monumental Effigies of Great Britain," 181 1-21; d. 28 May, 1821. See Bray. Stothaed, Thomas, historical painter ; b. 17 -*-"g- 1755 ; elected A.E. A., 1791; E.A., 1794; painted " Pilgrimage to Canterbury," and "Flitch of Bacon ;" designed the Wellington shield, and Chantrey's Sleeping Children in Lichfield cathedral ; d. 2J April, 1834. Stouf, Jean Baptiste, French sculptor ; b. 1742; d. I July, 1826. STO 519 STE. Stouedza, Aleksandr, Russian diplomatist; 6. 1738 ; published in Russian, " Lettres sur les devoirs de I'Etat eccl^siastique," 1844 ; " Essai sur les Lois fondamentales de la Socii^td," 1861 ; d. 13 June, 1854. Stow, John, chronicler and antiquary ; 6. 1 525 ; published " Summarie of Englysh Chronicles, " 1561; "SurvayofLondon,"i598;rf.5 April, 1605. Stowe, Elizabeth Harriet Eeecher, American novelist; 6. (Beecher), 15 June, 1814; married Eev. E. Stowe, 1835 ; published "Uncle Tom's Cabin," 1850; " Dred," 1856; "Minister's Wooing," 1859; "Lady Byron vindicated," 1870. Stowell, Hugh, D.D.; h. 3 Deo. 1799; rector of Christ church, Salford; canon of Chester, 1845 ; d. 8 Oct. 1865. Stowell, William Scott, lord, judge, brother of lord Eldon ; h. 1745 ; judge of the high court of admiralty, Oct. 1798 — Feb. 1828 ; created baron, 17 July, 1821 ; A 28 Jan. 1836. Stkabo, Greek geographer; b. about B.C. 60; ■wrote " Geographia," first printed, 1516 ; d. after a.d. 20. Steachan, John, bishop of Toronto; 6. 12 April, 1 7 78 ; consecrated first bishop of Toronto, 1839 ; university of Toronto and Trinity college were founded by his exertions; d. I Nov. 1867. Strada, Famiano, Italian Jesuit historian and poet; h. 1572; pubUshed " De Bello Bel- gico," 1632-47; d. 6 Sept. 1649. Steada, Giovanni, Florentine painter; h. 1536; d. about 1604. Steada, Jacopo de, Italian antiquary ; h. about 15 15; published "Epitome Thesauri Antiqui- tatum," 1553 ; " Imperatorum Eomanorum omnium Imagines," 1559; d. 6 Sept. 1588. Steaeten, Hendrik vander, Dutch landscape painter; h. 1680; d. date unknown. Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, earl of, statesman; h. 13 April, 1593; created viscount Wentworth, 10 Dec. 1628; lord-Ueutenant of Ireland, 1633-40; created earl, 12 Jan. 1640; impeached for high treason, Nov. 1640; com- mitted to the Tower, March, 1641 ; beheaded, 12 May, 1641; his "Letters and Dispatches" pubhshed, 1739. Steahan, William, Scottish printer ; 6. April, 1715; d 9 July, 1785. Strange, Sir Kobert, line-engraver; h. 14 July, 1721 ; engraved " St. Cecilia," after Raphael, and portraits of Charles I. and Hen- rietta Maria, after Van Dyck ; d. 5 July, 1 792. Steangfoed, viscounts: Pbrcy Clinton Sydney Smythe, diplomatist, poet, and antiquary ; 6. 31 Aug. 1780 : succeeded his father, 1 Oct. 1801 ; minister plenipotentiary to Portugal, 1806-8 ; to Sweden, 1817-20 ; ambas- aador to the Ottoman Porte, 1820-24 ; to Russia, 1825-26 ; created baron Penshurst, 26 Jan. 1825 ; went on a special mission to Brazil, 1828 ; pub- lished translation of the Poems of Camoens, 1803 d. 29 May, 1855 Peecy Ellen Algernon Fkederick William Sydney Smythe, orientalist, philologist, and diplomatist ; h. 26 Nov. 1825 ; attache at Con- stantinople, 1845-57 : also oriental secretary, 1857-58 : succeeded his brother, 23 Nov. 1857 : d., and the peerage became extinct . g Jan, 1869 Strap aeola, Gian Francesco, Italian novelist ; published "Sonetti, Strambotti, Epistole e CapitoU," 1508; "LepiacevoUNotti," 1550-53; d. after 1557. Steatpoed de Rbdclippe, see Canning. Steathallan, WiUiam Drummond, viscount, Jacobite officer; i. 1690; d. killed atCulloden, 1 5 April, 1746. Steathnairn, Hugh Henry Rose, lord, gene- ral; b. 1803; commanded Central India field force, 1857-59; took Jhansi, 4 April, 1858; retook Gwalior, 19 June, 1858; commander-in- chief in India, June, i860 — April, 1865; created baron, 28 July, 1866. Steatico, Simeone, conte, Itahan writer ; ^- 1 733) published "Vocabolario di Marina," 1813-15; d. 16 July, 1824. Steato, Greek poet ; ji. 2nd century. Steato, of Lampsachus, Greek philosopher; Jl. 3rd century. Steaton, James, Scottish phrenologist ; d. 1856. Steauss, David Friedrich, German theolo- gian ; b. 27 Jan. 1808 ; published " Leben Jesu," 1835 ; " Christliche Glaubenslehre,'* 1840-41; " Ulrich von Hutten," 1857. Streater, Robert, historical painter ; 6. 1624; d. 16S0. Streek, Flemish painters : JuRIAN van; 6. 1632 ; d. 1678. Hendrik Van, son; 6. 1659: d. 1713. Street, George Edmund, architect; b. 1824 ; elected A.R.A., 1866 ; designed Cuddesdon college, and Crimean memorial church at Con- stantinople ; published " Brick and Marble Architecture of North Italy in the Middle Ages," 1855 ; " Some account of Gothic Archi- tecture in Spain," 1865. Strickland, Agnes, historian ; b. about 1810 ; with her sister, Elizabeth, published " Lives of the Queens of England," 1840-49 ;_" Lives of the Queens of Scotland," 1850-59. Steickland, Hugh Ed^vin, ornithologist ; b. 181 1 ; published "The Dodo and its kin- dred," 1848; d. 14 Sept. 1853. Steigelius, Victorians, reformer; b. 1524; d. 26 June, 1569. Steozzi, Florentine family : Palla di Noferi, statesman ; &. 1372 : exiled, 1435 rf. 8 May, 1462 FiLiPPO, called "the Elder ;" h. 1426 ; d. 14 May, 1491 Gio VAN Batista, surnamed Filippo, called "the Younger," patriot; h. 1488; aided pope Clement VTI. to establish Alessandro de' Medici in the dukedom of Florence, 1532 ; after his assassi- nation chosen leader of the exiled Floren- tines, Jan. 1537 ; taken prisoner by Cosmo de' Medici, 2 Aug. . . d. in prison, 18 Deo. 1538 STE 520 STU PiEao, son, marshal of France ; i. 1500 ; defeated by Cosmo de' Medici at Marciano, 2 Aug. 1554 ; created marshal, Feb. 1556 ; contributed to the capture of Calais, 1558 ; killed at the siege of ThionviUe 20 June, 1558 FILIPPO, son, French colonel; i. April, 1341; appointed lieutenant-general of the navy, 1581 ; ■wounded in battle with Spanish fleet near the Azores ; drowned .... 26 July, 1582 Leone, brother of Piero, naval commander ; b. 1515 ; killed in attack upon Scarlino . 1554 Lorenzo, cardinal, brother ; 6. 1523 ; conse- crated bishop of Beziers, 1548 ; cardinal, 1557 ; bishop of Albi, rsCi ; archbishop of Aix, 1566 ; d. 14 Dec. 1571 GlAMBATTisTA, BOD; b. 1551 ; published "Mad- rigal!," 1593 : " Delia Famiglia de' Medici," 1610 ; d. 1634 Steozzi, Bernardo, called " Capuccino," and "Prete Genovese," Genoese Capuchin monk and painter of religious subjects ; b. 1581 ; d. 1644. Steozzi, Ciriaco, ItaKan philosopher ; h. 22 AprU, 1504; published "Orationes," 1599; d. 6 Dec. 1565. Steozzi, Ercole, son of Tito Strozzi, Italian Latin poet; b. 147 1 ; published " Parenetica in Saxum," 1499; d. 6 June, 1508. Steozzi, Giulio, Italian poet ; 6. 1583 ; published " Venezia edificata, " 1624 ; " Finta Pazza, o Achilla in Sciro," 1641 ; d. 1660. Steozzi, Tito Vespasiano, Italian Latin poet ; J. about 1422; with his son, Ercole, wrote "Strozzii Poetee Pater et Pilius," published 1513; d. Sept. 1505. Stbudell, Peter, Atistrian painter ; b. about 1660; d. 1717. Stedensee, Adam, German theologian ; b. 8 Sept. 1 708 ; pubKahed " Heilsame Betracht- imgen liber alle Sonn-und Pesttags Evangelia," 1747-48; d. 20 June, 1 79 1. Steuensee, Johann Friedrich, count von, son, Danish statesman; b. 5 Aug. 1737; became minister of Christian VII., Sept. 1770; im- plicated with the queen Caroline Matilda in plots against the king ; tried for high treason, condemned, and beheaded at Copenhagen, 28 April, 1772. Steuensee von Caelsbaoh, Carl August, brother, German economist ; b. 18 Aug. 1735; published " Anf angsgrunde der ArtiUerie," 1760; " Anfangsgrunde der Kriegsbaukunst," 1767-73; d. 17 Oct. 1804. Steutt, Joseph, artist and antiquary; b. 27 Oct. 1749 ; published "Pegal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England," 1773; "Biographical Dictionary of Engravers," 1785-86; "Sports and Pastimes of the People of England," 1801 ; d. 16 Oct. 1802. Steuve, Burchard Gotthelf, son of G. A. Struve, German bibliographer; b. 26 May, 1671; published " Bibliotheoa juris selecta," 1703; "Selecta BibUotheca historioa," 1705; d. 28 May, 1 738. Steuve, Eriedrich Georg Wilhehn von, Pus- sian astronomer ; 5. 15 April, 1793; published " Observationes Astronomicae," 1820-40; "De- scription de rObservatoire central de Poulkova," 1845 ; d. 23 Nov. 1864. Steuve, Georg Adam, German jurist ; b. 27 Sept. 1 6 19; published "jurisprudentiaEomano- Germanica," 1670; d. 15 Sept. 1692. Stetk, Samuel, German jurist; b. 22 Nov. 1640; published " Dissertationes Juridicee," 1690-1732; "De Cautelis Testamentomm," 1703; d. 23 July, 1710. Steype, Eev. John, ecclesiastical historian ; b. 12 Nov. 1643; published "Memorials of Archbishop Cranmer," 1 694; "Ecclesiastical Memorials," 1721-33; " Annals of the Eeforma- tion," 1709-31 ;d 13 Dec. 1737. Stuaet, Lady Arabella, cousin of James I. ; b. 1575 ; privately married to William Seymour, afterwards earl of Hertford, and duke of Somer- set, 1609 ; incurred the king's displeasure ; sent to the Tower, 161 1 ; d. insane, 27 Sept. 1615. Stuaet, Sir Charles, general ; 6. Jan. 1753; captured Minorca, Nov. 1783; took Valetta, 4 Sept. 1800; d. 25 March, 1801. Stuaet, Charles Edward, see Charles JEdward. Stuaet, Daniel, journalist ; b. 1766 ; edited the "Morning Press, "and "Courier;" d. 25Aug. 1846. Stuaet, Lord Dudley Coutts, politician ; 6. 4 Jan. 1803; M.P. for Marylebone, 1847-54; d. 17 Nov. 1854. Stuaet, Gilbert, Scottish historian; b. 1742; published "History of Scotland from the Establishment of the Eeformation to the Death of Queen Mary," 1782; d. 13 Aug. 1786. Stuaet, Gilbert Charles, American portrait painter; b. 1755; resided in London and Paris until 1794; d. July, 1828. Stuaet, Henry Benedict, see TorJe. Stuaet, James, architect; b. 1713; with N. Eevett, published "Antiquities of Athens," 1762-1816; d. 2reb. 1788. Stuaet, James, of Duncarn, Scotch politician; b. 1766; appointed inspector of factories, 1835; d. 3 Nov. 1849. Stuaet, James E., American confederate general; d. in battle, II May, 1864. Stuaet, James Francis Edward, see James. Stuaet, John, Scottish antiquary; b. I75'i appointed professor of Greek at Aberdeen; published " Sketch of the Life of Dr D. Liddle," 1 790 ; " Progress of the Eoman Arms in Soot- land;" d. 1827. Stuaet, Sir John, judge ; 5. 1793; appointed a vice-chancellor, Oct. 1S52. Stuaet, see Buchan, Bute, Darnley, Gloucester, Murray. Stuaet-Woetlet, Lady EmmeKne Charlotte Elizabeth, traveller and poetess ; h. (Manners), 2 May, 1806; married Hon. Charles Stuart- Wortley, 17 Feb. 1831 ; published "Travels in the United States," 185 1 ; d. 29 Oct. 1855. STU 521 SUO Stdart-Woktley, James Archibald, judge; h. 1 805 ; judge-advooate-general, Jan.— July, 1846; recorder of London, 1850-56; soUoitor- general, 1856-57. Stubbe, Henry, author ; J. 28 Feb. 1631 ; appointed keeper of the Bodleian library, 1657 ; deprived, 1659; published "Severe Enquiry into the Oneicritica of J. WaUis," 1657 ; " Justification of the present War against the United Netherlands," 1672-73 ; drowned, 12 July, 1676. Stubbes, John, lawyer and political writer ; 5. about 1541 ; published " Disco verie of a Gaping Gulf whereinto England is like to be swallowed by another French Marriage," 1579 ; for this he had his right hand cut off, 3 Nov. 1579; d. after 1582. Stdbbs, George, animal painter ; i. 1 724 ; elected A.R.A., 17S0 ; E.A., but declined, 1 78 1; published "Anatomy of the Horse," 1766; d. 10 July, i8o5. Sthekbodt, Thierry, called Dirk van Haar- lem, Dutch historical painter ; i. 1410; d. 1479 or 1480. Stdkelet, Eev. William, M.D., antiquary; b. 7 Nov. 1687 ; published " Itinerariiim Curiosum, " 1724 ; " Stonehenge," 1740 ; "Abury," 1743; " Palaeographia Britannica," 1743-52 ; d. 3 March, 1765. Stuhe, Sten, the elder, Swedish statesman; proclaimed regent, May, 147 1 ; emancipated the peasantry ; d. 13 Dec. 1503. Stuke, Sten, the younger, son of following, Swedish statesman ; succeeded his father as regent, Dec. 1503; defeated by Christian II., king of Denmark, near Bogesund, and wounded, Jan. 1520; d. 3 Feb. 1520. SinKE, Svante, Swedish statesman; com- manded in the war against Russia ; destroyed Ivangorod, 1496; created marshal, 1497 ; regent, 21 Jan. 1504; concluded peace with Kussia, 1510; d. 2 Jan. 1512. Stdegeon, William, electrician ; i. 1 783 ; in- vented the electro-magnetic coil machine ; pub- lished " Experimental Researches ia Electro- Magnetism," 1830; d. 8 Deo. 1850. Stdbm, abbot of Fulda ; 6. about 715 ; bmlt the monastery of Fulda, 747 ; d. ly Dec. 780. Stuem, Christoph Christian, German theolo- gian and moralist ; h. 25 Jan. 1 740 ; published " Betrachtungen ttber die Werke Gottes im Keiche der Natur," 1772 ; d. 26 August, 1786. SinEM, Jacques Charles Frangois, French mathematician; 5. 29 Sept. 1803; discovered theorem of the resolution of numerical equa- tions, 1829; d. 18 Dec. 1855. Stdkm, Johann, called the " German Cicero," German classical scholar and theologian; b. i Oct. 1 507 ; published " De Litterarum Ludis recte aperiendis," 1538; d. 3 March, 1589. Stukm, Johann Christoph, German mathema- tician; b. 3 Nov. 1635 ; published " Collegium experimentale," 1675-85; " Physica hypothe- tica," 1697-1722; d. 26 Dec. 1703. Stdem, Leonhard Christoph, son, German architect ; b. 5 Nov. 1669 ; published " Archi- tectura militaris hypothetico-eclectica," 1702 ; " Prodromus ArchitecturEe Goldmanniauaa," 1714; d. 6 June, 1719. Stokm von Stcemeck, Jacob, German magis- trate and reformer; b. 1489; sent to England by the protestant princes to gain over Henry VIII. to their cause, 1535 ; d. 30 Oct. 1553. Stuet, John, engraver; i. 1 658; engraved the "Book of Common Prayer," 1717; pub- lished " Chronological Tables of Europe," 1707; d. 1730. Stuetevant, Simon, metallurgist; jl. 1624; pubHshed " Treatise of MetaUica," 1612. Stdven, Ernst, German painter ; b. 1657 ; d. 1712. Style, William, lawyer; I. 1603; published " Narrationes modemje," 1658; d. 1679. SuALEM, Eenkin, Belgian mechanician ; b. 29 Jan. 1645 ; constructed the Marly water-works, 1675-82; d. 29 July, 1708. SuAKD, Jean Baptiste Antoine, French author; b. 16 Jan. 1733; published "Vari^t^s Litt^raires," 1768 ; "Melanges de Litt&ature," 1803-5 ; ^- 20 July, 1817. His wife, b. (Panc- koucke), 1750; published "Soirees d'Hiver d'une Femme retirde k la campagne," 1789 ; "Madame de Maintenon peinte par eUe-meme," 1810 ; d. 1830. SuABBS, Joseph Marie, French prelate and antiquary; 6. 5 July, 1 599; bishop of Vaison, 1633-66; published "Notitia Basilicarum," 1637 ; " De Foraminibus Lapidum in priscis edificiis," 1652; d. 7 Dec. 1677. SuAEEZ, Francisco, Spanish Jesuit theologian ; i. 5 Jan. 1548; published " Defensio Catholicse Fidei contra Anglicanse Sectse Errores," 1613; d. 25 Sept. 1617. SuAVius, or Schwab, Lambert, German engraver; i. 1 506; d. 1565. Subeevie, Jacques Gervais, baron, French general; b. I Sept. 1776 ; minister of war, 25 Feb.— 19 March, 1848; d. 10 March, 1856. Sublet, Frangois, seigneur de Noyers, French statesman; b. about 1 588; secretary of state for war, 1636-43 ; d. 20 Oct. 1645. Sublbyeas, Pierre, French historical painter ; 5. 1699; d. 28 May, 1749. SuBTEEMANS, or SuSTEEMANS, Justus, Flemish historical and portrait painter ; 6. 1597; d. 1681. SucHET, Louis Gabriel, due dAlbufera, marshal of France; b. 2 March, 1770; ap- pointed generalissimo of the army of Aragon, April, 1809 ; created marshal, June, 181 1 ; con- quered Valentia, Jan. 1812 ; wrote "M^moires sur ses Campagnes en Espagne," published 1829 ; d. 3 Jan. 1826. sue 522 SUM SncKLING, Sir John, poet and courtier; h. 1609; his "Fragmenta Aurea" published, 1646; d. 7 May, 1 64 1. Sue, French surgeons ; Jean ; h. 10 Dec. 1699 ; provost of the royal col- lege of surgery, 1744-50; published " Catalogue des Plantes usuelles," 1725 . , d. 30 Nov. 1762 PiEBEE, son; h. 28 Dec. 1739; published "Dic- tionnaire portatif de Chirurgie," 1771 ; "His- toire du Galvanisme," 1801-2 . d. 28 March, 1S16 Jean Joseph, qaUed " de la Charity," brother ; h. 20 April, 1 710; published " Traite des Ban- dages et Appareils," 1746: "Elements de Chi- rurgie," 1755 . . . . d. to Dec. 1792 Jean Joseph, son; &. 13 Jan. 1760: published "Eecherches physiologiques et esptirimen tales sur la Vitality," 1798 . . . d. 21 April, 1830 Sue, Marie Joseph Eugbne, French novelist ; h. 10 Dec. 1804 ; pubUshed " Mysteres de Paris," 1842-43; " Le Juif errant," 1844-45; " Mystferes du People," 1849-56; suppressed, 1857 ;d!. 3 Aug. 1857. SuENO I. — III., kings of Denmark. I. Otho Sven ; succeeded his father, Harold II., 986 : invaded England, 994 ; the Danes in Eng- land massacred by order of Ethelred, 13 Nov. 1002 ; took Canterbury and London, and pro- claimed king of England, 1013 . d. 3 Feb. 1014 II. Estrithson ; b. 1025 ; became king, Oct. 1047 : d. 28 April, 1076 III. Pedr, called Grathe, natural son of Eric II. : h. about 1125: elected king, 1147 d. 23 Oct. 1157 Suetonius Paulinus, Eoman general ; made commander in Britain, 59 J conquered queen Boadicea, 61 ; consul, 66. Suetonius Tkanquillus, Caius, Eoman his- torian ; 6. about 65 ; his Lives of the Ceesars first printed, 1470. SuETT, Eichard, comedian; h. I75^j ^^- ^ July, 1805. Sdeuk, Eustache Le, see Ze Sueur. SuEFKEN, Jean, French Jesuit ; b. 1565; pub- lished " Aim& Chretienne ; " d. 15 Sept. 1641. SuFFHEN DE Saint-Tkopez, Louis J&flme de, French prelate ; 6. 1 722 ; consecrated bishop of Sisteron, 1 764 ; translated to Nevera, 1 789 ; d. 21 June, 1796. Suffken de Saint-Teopez, Pierre Andr^ de, brother, French admiral; b. 13 July, 1726; frequently defeated the English squadron in the East Indies, 1781-83; d. 8 Dec. 1788. SnoDEH, see Saint Leonards. SnOEE, abbot of Saint Denis, regent of France ; h. 1082 ; first minister of kings Louis VI. and VII. ; d. 30 Jan. 1152. SUHM, Peter Friderik af, Dani.sh historian ; b. 18 Oct. 1728 ; published " Trondhjemske Samlinger," 1761-65; " Historic af Danmark," 1782-1828; d. 7 Sept. 1798. . SuiDAS, Greek lexicographer; fl. nth cen- tury; his "Lexicon" first printed, 1499. SuLEAU, Fran9oi3 Louis, French royahst pamphleteer; b. 1757; published " Journal de M. Suleau," 1791-92; d. massacred, 10 Aug. 1792. Suleau, Louis Ange Antoine Elysfe, vicomte de, son, French politician; b. 6 March, 1793 ; published "E,(5cit des Operations de I'Arme^ royale du midi sous les ordres du due d'Aagou- liSme," 1815. Sulla, Lucius Cornelius, dictator of Rome; b. B.C. 138; consid, 88; defeated Archelaus, general of Mithridates, at Ch«roneia, 86 ; con- quered Marius at Sacriportus, 82 ; proclaimed himself dictator, 82-79 ; again consul, 80 ; d. 78. Sullivan, Edward, Irish judge ; b. 1822 ; soKcitor-general for Ireland, Feb. 1 865 — March, 1866; attorney-general, Deo. 1868 — Nov. 1869; master of the rolls, Nov. 1869. Sullivan, James, governor of Massachusetts ; 6. 1 744 ; published " Observations upon the Government of the United States of America," 1791 ; " Dissertation on the Constitutional Liberty of the Press ;" d. 1808. Sullivan, John, brother, American general ; h. 1 741; served in the republican army at battles of Brandywine and Germantown, 1 777 ; deprived of his commandforpeculation ; d. 1795. Sullivan, Sir Richard Joseph, bart., poUti- cian ; b. 10 Dec. 1752; published "Analysis of the PoUtical History of India," 1779; "Philo- sophical Khapsodies," 1784; d. 17 July, 1806. Sully, Maurice de, bishop of Paris ; conse- crated, 1 1 60; d. II Sept. 1 196. Sully, MaximiUen de Bethune, due de, French statesman; 6. 13 Dec. 1560; as baron de Posny, became chief minister of Henry IV., 1594; superintendent of finance, 1599; made great reforms; created duke, Feb. 1606; re- signed his offices, 26 Jan. 161 1 ; created mar- shal, 18 Sept. 1634; wrote " M^moirea," pub- lished 1634-62; d. 22 Deo. 1641. Sully, Odon, or Eudes de, bishop of Paris; 5. about 1165; consecrated, 1196; d. 13 July, 1208. SuLPiCLA, Eoman poetess ; Jl. 1st century. SuLPicius EuFUS, Eoman orator; b. B.C. 124; d. 87. Sulpicius Seveeus, French ecclesiastical his- torian ; wrote " Vita S. Martini Turonensis," printed 1480 ; " Historia Sacra," 1556 > d. about 410. SuMAEAKOV, Aleksandr Petrovitch, Russian poet; b. 1718 ; his collected Works published, 1787; d. 1 Oct. 1777. SuMNEE, Charles, American politician and abolitionist ; b. 6 Jan. i8il ; published "Ora- ticms and Speeches," 1850. SuMNEE, Charles Eichard, bishop of Winches- ter; 6. 1790; bishop of LlandafI, 1826-27; of Winchester, 1827 ; resigned, 28 Oct. 1869. SuMNEB, John Bird, archbishop of Canter- bury, brother; b. 1780; consecrated bishop of Chester, 1828 ; translated, 1848 ; published " Treatise on the Eecords of the Creation," 1816 ; "Evidence of Christianity," 1824; d. 6 Sept. 1862. SUN 623 SWB Sdndeeland, earls of : I. Henry Spencer; b. 23 Nov. 1620: created earl, 8 June, 1643 ; served in the royalist army at Edge Hill ; killed at Newbury . 20 Sept. 1643 II. Robert Spencer, son ; 6. about 1641 : favour- ite of king James II. ; lord president of the council. Bee. 1685 — Oct. 16S8: lord chamber- lain, 1695-97 . . . d. 28 Sept. 1702 III. Charles Spencer, son ; &. 1674 ; secretary of state, 1707-10 : lord-lieutenant of Ireland, but never went over, 1714 ; lord privy seal, 1715; vice-treasurer of Ireland, 1716-17 ; secre- tary of state, April, 1717 ; iirst lord of the treasury, 1718 ; resigned, June, 1720 ; d. 19 April, 1722 SuECOUF, Eobert, French corsair; 6. 12 Deo. 1773 ; d. 8 July, 1827. SuKiN, , Jean Joseph, French Jesuit and ascetic writer; 6. 1600; published " Cat^- chisme spirituel," 1661; " Fondements de la Vie spiritueUe, " 1669; d. 21 April, 1665. SuBins, Lorenz, German hagiographer ; i. 1522; published "Concilia omnia," 1567 ; "Vitffi Sanctorum," 1570-75 ; d. 23 May, 1578. ScERET, see Howard. SuETEES, Eobert, antiquary and poet ; h.iT]<); published " History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham," 1816-40; d. 11 Feb. 1834. SusAEiON, Athenian comic poet; jl. 6th cen- tury B.C. Suso, Heinrioh, (Heinrich von Berg), German Dominican ascetic ; h. 1295 ; his Works printed, 1482 ; d. 25 Jan. 1366. Sussex, Augustus Frederick, duke of, sixth son of George III. ; b. 27 Jan. 1773; married lady Augusta Murray, 4 April, 1793 ; mar- riage annulled, Aug. 1794 ; married lady Cecilia Underwood, now duchess of Inverness, 1831 ; created duke, 27 Nov. 1801 ; d. 21 April, 1843. Sussex, Thomas Eatcliffe, earl of ; appointed lord-deputy of Ireland, 1556-64 ; lord cham- berlain, 1572-85; d. 9 June, 1583. SusTEEMAN, Lambert, called Lambert Lom- bard, Flemish painter, engraver, architect,numis- matist, philosopher, and poet ; 6. 1506 ; d. 1560. SusTEBMANS, See SubUrmans. SuTCLiFFE, Matthew, D.D., controversialist ; published " Practice, Proceedings, and Lawes of Armes," 1593 ; d. 1629. SuTHEELAND, dukes of : I. George Granville Leveson-Gowee ; h. g Jan. J758 ; summoned to house of lords as baron Gower, 25 Feb. 17C19 ; succeeded his father as marquess of Stafford, 26 Oct. 1803 ; created duke, 28 Jan. 1833 . d. 19 July, 1833 Elizabeth, wife ; b. 24 May, 1765 ; succeeded her father in earldom of Sutherland, 16 June, 1766 ; married, 4 Sept. 1785 . d. 29 Jan. 1839 II. George Granville Sutheeland-Leveson- GowER, son ; i. 8 Aug. 1786 ; summoned to house of lords as baron Gower, 22 Nov. 1826 ; succeeded his father, 19 July, 1833 ; succeeded to earldom of Sutherland upon decease of his mother, 29 Jan. 1839 . . . ''.28 Feb. 1861 Harriet Elizabeth Georgiana, wife ; b. 21 May, 1806 ; married, 27 May, 1823 ; mistress of the robes, 1837-41, 1846-52, 1852-58, 1859-61 ; d, 27 Oct. 1868 III. George Granville William Stjthbr- land-Leveson-Gower, son; b. 19 Dec. 1828: succeeded 28 Feb. 1861 Anne, wife, daughter of John Hay-Mackenzie ; b. 21 April, 1829 ; married, 20 June, 1849 : created countess of Cromartie . 21 Oct. 1861 Sutton, Christopher, D.D. ; jl. 1600 ; pub- lished " Disce Mori, Leame to die," 1600; " Disce Vivere, Learn to hve," 1626. Sutton, Sir Eichard, co-founder of Brasenose college, (with William Smyth, bishop of Lin- coln), 1509; d. 1524. Sutton, Thomas, merchant ; 6.1532; founded the Charter -House, Dec. 1611 ; d. 12 Dec. 1611. SuvAEOV, Aleksandr Vasilievitch, count, prince of Italy, Russian field -marshal ; 6. 13 Nov. 1729 ; suppressed the revolt in Poland ; took Warsaw, 19 Nov. 1794 ; d. 6 May, 1800. SuviE, Joseph Benoit, i?rench historical painter; h. 1743; d.g Feb. 1807. SuzE, Henri de, (Henri de Bartholomeis), French cardinal ; 5. about I2IO; mentioned in Dante's " Divina Commedia" as "Ostiense;" wrote " Ostiensis Summa aurea," published 1470 ; " Commentarius in Epistolas decretales," 1470; d. 6 Nov. 1271. SvEDENBOKG, Emanuel Svedberg, baron von, Swedish philosopher and physicist ; founder of the New Jerusalem church; b. 29 Jan. 1688 ; published "Daedalus hyperboreus," 1716-18 ; " Prodromus Principiorum Kerumnaturalium," 1721 ; " De cultu et amore Dei," 1745 ; " Ar- cana coelestia," 1749-56 ; d. 29 March, 1772. SwAlNSON, William, naturaUst ; b. 8 Oct. 1 789 ; published " Zoological Illustrations," 1820-33 ; ■^tl' S- Hanley, " Exotic Concho- logy," 1841 ; d. in New Zealand, 6 Dec. 1855. SwAMMEBDAM, Jan, Dutch naturalist and anatomist; i. 12 Feb. 1637; published "AU- gemeene Verhandeling van bloedloose Dier- kens," 1669; "Afbeelding van's Mensohen Leven vortoont in de haft," 1675 ; d. 15 Feb. 1680. Swan, Rev. Charles, poet ; published " Gesta Romanorum;" d. 2 March, 1838. SwANEVELT, Hermann van, Dutch landscape painter; b. about 1620; d. 1680. SWAETZ, Olaus, Swedish botanist; b. 1760; published "Icones Plantarum incognitarum quas in India occidentaU detexit," 1794-1S00; d. 18 Sept. 1817. SwEDENBOEG, See Svedenbovg. SwEEETS, Emmanuel, Belgian botanist ; b. about 1552 ; published " Florilegium ampKa- simum," 1612-14. SWEEBTS, Pierre Frangois, Belgian historian b. 1567 ; published "Rerum Belgicarum Aimales," 1620; "Athense Belgica;," 1628 d. 1629. SwETNHEiM, Conrad, German printer ; with Pannartz established a press in convent of Subiaco, 1462 ; at Rome, 1467 ; d. there, 1476. SWI 524 SZE SwiETEN, Gerard, baron van, Dutch physi- cian ; 5. 7 May, 1 700 ; published " Commentaria in H. Boerhaavii Aphorismis de cognosoendis et curandis Morbis," 1741-72; d. 18 June, 1772. Swift, Deane, biographer ; published " Essay upon the life, character, and writings of Jonathan Swift" (his cousin), 1755 ; d. 12 July, 1783- Swift, Jonathan, dean of St. Patrick's, satirist; 6. 30 Not. 1667; became acquainted with Hester Johnson (Stella), about 1698 ; made dean, 1713 ; published " Tale of a Tub," 1704; "Drapier's Letters," 1725; "Gulliver's TVavels," 1726-27 ; d. 19 Oct. 1745. S\^^FT, Theophilus, grandson, political writer ; published " Letter to the King on the conduct of Colonel Lennox," 1789; "The Female Par- liament," 1789; d. 1815. SwiNBnENE, Algernon Charles, poet ; h. 1843 ; published "Poems and Ballads," i865. SwiNBUENE, Henry, jurist; d. 1620 or 1624. SwiNBUKNE, Henry, traveller; 6. May, 1752; pubUshed "Travels through Spain," 1779; "Travels in the Two Sicilies," 1783-85; d. I April, 1803. SwiNDEN, Jan Hendrik van, Dutch mathema^ tician and astronomer; h. 1746; d. 9 March, 1823. SwiNDEN, Tobias, divine ; wrote " On the Nature and Place of Hell," published 1727; d. 1720. SwiNNOOK, George, nonconformist divine ; ejected, 1662 ; d. 1673. SwiTHUN, Saint, bishop of Winchester ; d. 2 July, 862. Stbebcht, Jan, Elemish landscape painter ; h. 1625; d. 1703. Sydenham, Charles Edward Powlett Thomp- son, lord ; 6. 1799 ; appointed president of the board of trade, 1834 ; governor-general of Canada, 1839; d. 19 Sept. 1841. Sydenham, Ployer, Hellenist ; J. 1710 ; founded the Literary Fund, 1794 ; published translations of Plato, 1759-80 ; d. I April, 1787. Sydenham, Thomas, M.D. ; h. 1624; pub- lished "Methodus curandi Febris," 1666; hie " Opera medica" printed, 1685 ; d. 29 Dec. 1689. Sykes, Arthur Ashley, D.D.; h. 1684; pub- Ushed " Enquiry into the Meaning of the Demoniacks in the New Testament," 1737; " Paraphrase and Notes upon the Epistle to the Hebrews," 1755; d. 15 Nov. 1756. Sykes, William Henry, colonel, orientalist ; h. 1790; chairman of the East India company, 1856-57; M. P. for Aberdeen, 1857-70; pub- lished "Notes on the religious, moral,, and political condition of Ancient India." Sylbueg, Friedrich, German philologist; h. 1536; edited Cl&ard's "Grammatioa Grseca," 1580; "Scriptores Romans Historias minores," 1587; d. 16 Feb. 1596. Sylveeius, pope; elected, 536; d. 20 June, 538- Sylvestee, Matthew, nonconformist divine; published " Eeliquiae Baxterianse," 1696 ; d. 1708. Sylvestee, see Silvester. Sylvius, .^neas, see Pius II., pope. Syme, James, Scotch surgeon; h. 1800; pub- lished " On the Excision of Diseased Joiats," 1851 ; "Principles of Surgery," 1856. Symes, Michael, colonel, traveller ; 6. about 1760 ; envoy to Birmah, 1795 ; published "Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava," 1800; d. at sea, 22 Jan. 1809. Symmaohus, pope; 6. about 440; elected, 498; d. 19 July, 514. Symmaohus, Quintus Aiurelius, Roman orator and defender of paganism in the West; 5. about 340 ; d. 409 or 410. Symmons, Caroline, daughter of following, poetess; I. 1788; d. 1812. Symmons, Charles, D.D., poet; I. 1749; published "Inez," poem, 1797; "Life of Milton," 1806; d. 27 April, 1826. Sythonds, Sir William, rear-admiral; 6. 24 Sept. 1782; surveyor of the navy, 1832-47; d. 30 March, 1856. Synoelltjs, Georgius, see George. Synesius, bishop of Ptolemais ; 6. about 360- 370; d. about 415. Synge, Edward, archbishop of Tuam; J. 1659; consecrated bishop of Raphoe, 1714, arch- bishop, 1716; wrote "Gentleman's Religion," published 1697; "Works," 1740; d. 24 July, 1741. Syphax, king of Western Numidia ; defeated by Scipio and Masinissa, B.C. 203 ; d. at Home, about 203. Syeianus, of Alexandria, Greek philosopher and grammarian ; fi. 5th century. • Syeus, Publius, Roman poet; /. 1st century B.C. Szalat, Liszld, Hungarian statesman ; 6. 18 April, 1813; foimded " Budapesti Szemle," (Review of Buda and Pesth), 1840; published " Magyarorszag Tort^nete," (History of Hun- gary), 1852-54; d. July, 1864. SzALKAi, Anton, Hungarian poet ; wrote " Pikko Hertzeg," and a travesty of Virgil's ^neid; d. 1804. SzAEVADY, Ferencz, Hungarian politician; b. 1822. SzathmIey, Jozef, called Szigligeti, Hungarian dramatic poet ; 6. 18 14. SzicH^NYi, Istv^n, count de, Himgarian poli- tician; 6. 21 Sept. 1792; d. by suicide, 8 April, i860. SzEGEDl, Janos Baptista, Hungarian Jesuit ; J. 1699; d. 8 Deo. 1760. SzEMEEE, Bertalan, Hungarian politician ; J. 24 Aug. 1812 ; founded "Journal de Szemere," 1848 ; d. 9 Jan. 1865. TAB 525 TAI Tabaraud, Matthieu Mathurin, French con- troversialist ; b. 1 744 ; published " Principes sur la distinction du contrat et du sacrement de Mariage," 1803 ; " Histoire de Pierre de B^- nille," 1817; d. 9 Jan. 1832. Tabari, Abu Djafar Muhammad ben Djerir- eth, Arabian historian ; i. 839 ; wrote Com- mentary on the Koran, and Arabian Chronicle ; d. 922. Tabarin, French writer of farces ; published ' ' KecueU g&^ral des Rencontres, Questions, Demandes et autrea CEuvres Tabariniques," 1622-23 ; <^- about 1633. Tabern^montancs, Jacob Theodor, German botanist; 6. about 1520; published "Kreuter- buch," 1588-90; " Neuer Wasser-Schatz, " 1584; d. 1590. Tabor, Johann Otto, German jurist; 6. 1604; d. 12 Dec. 1674. Tabouet, Juiien, French jurist and historian ; b. about 1500 ; published " Orationea forenses et Eesponsa Judioum illustriiim," 155'; "De Magistratibus post catacUsmum institutis," 1559; d. about 1562. Taboubot, Etienne, called " Seigneur dea Accords," French poet and wit ; b. 1549; pub- lished " Lea Bigarrures du Seigneur des Ac- cords," 1572; " Les Touches," 1585; d. 1590. TACCA,PieroJacopo, Italian sculptor ; executed statue of Ferdinand III., at Leghorn; d. 1640. Taccoli, Niccolb, conte, Italian historian; J. 22 March, 1690; published "Appendici tre correlative alia Discendenza de' Taccoli," 1724; "Memorie storiche di Eeggio," 1 742-69; d. July, 1768. Taohard, Gui, French Jesuit missionary ; b. about 1650; published "Voyage de Siam des PP. J^suites, avec leurs observations astro- nomiques et leurs remarques de Physique, de G&graphie, d'Hydrographie et d'Histoire, " 1686 ; " Second Voyage de Siam," 1689 ; d. in Bengal, 1712. Taoitds, Caius Cornelius, Koman historian; i. about 55 ; consul, 97 ; wrote " Annales et Historiae, " first printed about 1470 ; d. after 117. Tacitos, Marcus Claudius, emperor of Home ; h. 200; elected, 25 Sept. 275; d. 9 April, 276. Taconnet, Toussaint Gaspard, French actor and poet; b. 4 July, 1730; published "Laby- rinthe d' Amour," 1 749 ; " Mort du Boeuf gras," 1767; " J&ome h. Fanchonette," 1759; d. 29 Dec. 1774. Taoquet, Andr^, Flemish Jesuit and mathe- matician; b. 23 June, 1612; published "Cy- lindricorum et Aunularium libri IV.," 1651 ; " Elementa Geometriae," 1654; " Arithmeticae theoria et praxis," 1665 ; d. 23 Dec. 1660. Tafpi, Andrea, Italian painter ; b. 1213 ; d. 1294. Tapuri, Giovan Berardino, Italian biographer ; b. I Sept. 1695 ; published "Vita di San Gre- gorio Armeno," 1723; " Istoria degli Scrittori nati nel Regno di NapoU," 1744-70 ; d. 6 May, 1760. Tapuri, Matteo, called Matthteus Soletanus, Italian philosopher; 6. Aug. 1492; d. about 1585. Tagliaoarne, Benedetto, called Theocrenus, Italian Latin poet ; 6. about 1480; consecrated bishop of Grasse, 1533 ; published " Poemata," 1536; d. 18 Oct. 1536. Tagliacozzi, Gasparo, Italian surgeon ; b. 1 546 ; published " De Curtorum Chirurgia per insitionem," 1597 ; d. 7 Nov. 1599. Taglioni, Maria, Swedish opera dancer ; 6. 23 April, 1809; made her di^but, 10 June, 1822 ; married count G. de Voiains, 1832 ; re- tired, 29 June, 1844. Tahuread, Jacques, French poet; b. 1527; wrote "Po&ies," published 1554; "Dialogues, uon moins profitables que fac^tieux," 1562 ; ci- 1555- Taillandier, Alphonse Honors, French magistrate; b. 10 March, 1797; published " Reflexions sur les Lois p^nales de France et d'Angleterre," 1 824; "Documents biographi- ques sur Daimou," 1841. Taillandier, Charles Louis, French Bene- dictine scholar; b. 1705; published "Projet d'une Histoire g^n^rale de Champagne et de Brie," 1738; d. 1786. Taillandier, Ren^ Gaspard Ernest, cousin, French poet and historian; b. 16 Dec. 1817 ; published " Beatrice, poeme," 1840; "Etudes sur la Revolution en Allemagne," 1853; "Mau- rice de Saxe," 1865. Taillasson, Jean Joseph, French historical painter; b. 1746; published " Observations sur quelques grands Peintres, 1S07; d. 11 Nov. 1809. Taillepied, Noel, French historian ; b. 1540; published " Vies de Luther, de Carlostadt et de P. Martyr," 1577; "ReoueU des Antiquitez et Singularitez de la ville de Rouen," 1587; "Traits de 1' Apparition des Esprits," 1602; d. 1589. Tainb, Hippolyte Adolphe, French writer ; 5. 21 April, 1828; published "Essai sur les Fables de La Fontaine," 1853; "Essais de Critique et d'Histoire," 1857; " Histoire de la Litt^rature Anglaise," 1864. Taisand, Pierre, French jurist ; b. 7 Jan. 1644; published " Histoire du Droit Remain," 1678; "Vies des plus cflfebres Jurisconsultes," 1721 ; d. 12 March, 1715. Taisnier, Jan, Belgian scholar; b. 1509; published " De usu Annuli sph^rici," 1550; "Isagogica Astrologise judiciari« et Artis divinatricis," 1559; d. date unknown. TAI 526 TAM Tait, Archibald Campbell, archbishop of Canterbiiry ; 6. 22 Deo. 181 1 ; appointed head- master of Rugby school, 1842 ; dean of Car- lisle, 1850; bishop of London, April, 1856; organized " Bishop of London's Fund," 1863 ; made archbishop, Dec. 1 868 ; published "Dangers and Safeguards of Modem Theology," 1861. Talbot, Catharine, writer on religious sub- jects; b. May, 1720; wrote "Letters to a rriend on the future State ;" " Reflections on the seven Days of the Week," 1770; d. 9 Jan. 1770. Talbot, Charles Talbot, baron, lord high chancellor; b. 1684; appointed solicitor-general, April, 1 726 ; lord chancellor, Nov. 1733; created baron, 5 Dec. 1733; d. 14 Feb. 1737. Talbot, Charles Chetwynd Talbot, earl, statesman; b. 25 April, 1777; lord-Ueutenaiit of Ireland, Oct. 1817 — Dec. 1821; d. 10 Jan. 1849. Talbot, Edward, see Kelley. Talbot, Peter, archbishop of Dublin; b. 1620; consecrated, 1 669 ; accused by Titus Gates of complicity in the popish plot, 1678 ; imprisoned for life in DubUn castle ; published " Blaklo- anae Hsereses Historia et Confutatio," 1675 ; d. 1680. Talbot, Robert, antiquary and divine ; d. 27 Aug. 1558. Talbot, WilKam, bishop of Durham; b. 1659; made dean of Worcester, April, 1691 ; bishop of Oxford, 1699 ; of Salisbury, 1715 ; of Dur- ham, 1722; d. 10 Oct. 1730. Talbot, William Henry Fox, photographer ; S. 1800; discovered photography, 1842; pub- lished " Hermes, or Classical and Antiquarian Researches," I S38-39; "Pencil of Nature," 1844. Talbot, see Shrewsbury, Tynonnd. Talfourd, Francis, dramatist ; b. about 1827 ; d. 9 March, 1862. TALrouRD, Sir Thomas Noon, judge and tragic poet ; b. 26 May, 1 795 ; made a justice of the common pleas, July, 1849 ; published " Ion," a tragedy, 1835 ; " Vacation Rambles and Thoughts," 1844 ; " Final Memorials of Charles Lamb," 1848; d. 13 March, 1854. Talhodet, Auguste Fr^d^rio Bon-Amour, marquis de, French oflBlcer ; b. 8 AprU, 1788; d. 12 March, 1842. Tallart, CamiUe d'Hostun, comte de, mar- shal of France; b. 14 Feb. 1652; victorious over the prince of Hesse-Cassel at Spire, 15 Nov. 1 703 ; defeated and taken prisoner by Marlborough at Blenheim, 13 Aug. 1704 ; d. 30 March, 1728. Tallemant, Franjois, French abb^; b. 1620; published translation of Plutarch, 1663-65 ; d. 6 May, 1693. Tallemant des Rj^aux, GiA^on, brother, French writer ; b. 7 Nov. 1619; wrote "His- toriettes," published 1833-35; d. 10 Nov. 1692. Talletband, Alexandre, baron de, French diplomatist; b. 22 Feb. 1776 ; minister to Florence, 1833-34; ambassador to Copenhagen, 1835-38; d. 3 July, 1839. Talletband, EUe, cardinal de P^rigord, French cardinal ; b. 1 30 1 ; friend of Petrarch; created, 1331 ; legate to France, 1356; d. 17 Jan. 1364. Talleyrand-P^rigobd, Alexandre Angflique de, French cardinal; b. 16 Oct. 1736; created cardinal, 28 July, 181 7; archbishop of Paris, 8 Aug. 1817; d. 20 Oct. 1821. Talletband-Pekigoed, Charles Maurice de, prince of Benevento, nephew, French statesman and diplomatist; J. 13 Feb. 1754; d. 17 May, 1838. Made bishop of Autun .... Elected president of the national assembly,' 16 Feb. 1790 Sent on secret mission to London . . Feb. 1793 Minister for foreign affairs, July, 1797 — July, 1799 Reappointed foreign minister . . Nov. 1799 Created prince of Benevento . 5 June, 1806 Formed the " Confederation of the Rhine," 12 July, 1806 Resigned his portfolio . . • 9 -A-Ug. 1807 Negotiated armistice . . . .23 April, 1814 Reappointed foreign minister . 12 May, 1814 Retired 28 Sept 1815 Ambassador to Great Britain, Sept, 1830 — Nov. 1834 Tallien, Jean Lambert, French revolutionist ; b. 1769; elected president of the convention, 22 March, 1 794 ; led the reaction that caused the fall of Robespierre, July, 1 794 ; suppressed the revolutionary tribunal, and closed the Jacobin club, Aug. 1794; d. id November, 1820. Tallis, Thomas, musical composer; b. 1529; published " Discursus Cantiones," 1575 ; d. 23 Nov. 1585. Talma, Charlotte, comic actress, wife of fol- lowing; b. (Vanhove), 10 Sept. 1771 ; mar- ried, 26 June, 1802 ; published " Etudes sur I'Art th(5atral," 1835 ; d. 11 April, i860. Talma, Franjois Joseph, French tragedian; h. 15 Jan. 1763; made his d^but at Paris, 21 Nov. 1 787 ; founded " ThiSitre Fran9ai3 de la rue de Richelieu," I April, 1791; d. 19 Oct. 1826. Talochon, Marie Vincent, called " Pte Elys(5e," French monk and surgeon; b. Jan. 1753; d. 27 Nov. 1817. Talon, Nicolas, French Jesuit ; h. 1605 ; published "Histoire sainte," 1640; "Histoire sainte du Nouveau-Testament, " 1669; d. 29 March, 1 69 1. Talon, Omer, French scholar; h. about 1510; published " Institutiones Oratorise," 1544 > d. 1562. Talon, Omer, grand-nephew, French magis- trate; b. 1595; wrote "Mdmoires," published 1732; d. 29 Dec. 1652. Tambekliok, Enrico, Italian tenor singer ; b. 1820 ; made his d^but at Naples, 1841. TAM 627 TAR Tambroni, ClotUda, Italian Hellenist ; 6. 175^ ; professor of Greek at Bologna, 1794-98; d. 4 June, 181 7. Tambroni, Giuseppe, brother, Italian poet and historian; h. 8 Sept. 1773; published "Compendio deUe Storie di ]?olonia," 1807; "Ode," 1816; d. 22 Jan. 1824. Tambcrini, Antonio, ItaKan bass singer ; 5. 28 March, 1800; made his d^but at Bologna, 1818; retired, 1855. Tambukini, Pietro, of Bresoia, Italian theolo- gian; 6. 1737; published "Idea della Santa Sede," 1785; d. March, 1827. Tamerlane, see Timur. Tancked, prince of Galilee, SicUian chieftain; one of the leaders of the first crusade, 1096-99; d. at Antioch, 11 12. Tancbed, king of Sicily; succeeded William II., Jan. H90; d. 20 Feb. 11 94. Tandy, James Napper, Irish politician and rebel; 6. 1757; d. 24 Aug. 1803. Tannahtll, Robert, Scottish poet; 6. 1774; d. 1 8 10. Tanner, Mathias, Bohemian Jesuit biogra- pher; 5. 1630; published "Societas Jesu Apostolorum Imitatrbc," 1675; " Societas Jesu mihtans," 1675; d. about 1705. Tanner, Thomas, bishop of St. Asaph, anti- quary; 5. 25 Jan. 1674; consecrated, 1 73 1; edited Wood's "AthenEe Oxonienses," 1 721; ■wrote "Notitia Monastica," published 1744; " Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica," 1 748 ; d. 14 Dec. 1735. Tannevot, Alexandre, French dramatist; 6. 1692; d. 1773. Tansillo, Luigi, Italian poet; J. about 15 10; published "II Vendemmiatore," 1534; "Le Lagrime di San Pietro," 1560; d. i Dec. 1568. Taparelli d'Azeglio, see Azeglio. Taeakonov, Elizabeth, Russian princess, re- puted daughter of the empress Elizabeth and count Razoumovski; h. 1755; drowned in prison by inundation of the Neva, Dec. 1777. Taeasius, Saint, patriarch of Constantinople; J. about 745 ; consecrated, 25 Dec. 784 ; held council at Constantinople, 24 Sept. — 23 Oct. 787 ; d. 25 Feb. 806. Tabaval, Hugues, French allegorical painter; I. 1728; d. iSNov. 1785. Taecagnota, Giovanni, Italian historian ; pub- lished "Dell'Istorie del Mondo," 1562; d. 1566. Tardieu, French artists : Nicolas Henei, line-engraver; &. 18 Jan. 1674; d. 27 Jan. 1749 Harie Anne, wife, engraver; &. (Hortemels), 1682; married, 20 Oct. 1712 . d. 24 March, 1727 Jacques Nicolas, son, engraver; b. 2 Sept. 1716; engraved portrait of queen Marie Antoinette, after Nattier d. 9 July, 1791 Elisabeth Claihe, wife, engraver; h. (Tournay), 1731 <>■■ 2 May, 1773 Jean Charles, called Tardieu-CocMn, son, his- torical and genre painter; &. 3 Sept, 1765: d. 3 April, 1830 Pierre FRANgois, nephew of Nicolas Henri Tardieu, engraver; b. about 1714 . d. about 1774 Marie Anne, wife, engraver ; h, (Rousselet) : d. 1826 Jean Baptiste Pierre, nephew of N. H. Tar- dieu, map engraver; h. 1746 . d. 18 Sept. 1816 Pierre Alexanore, brother, engraver ; h. 2 May, 1756 ; executed plates for the assignats ; d. 3 Aug. 1844 Antoine FRAN50IS, called "de I'Estrapade," brother, map engraver ; i. 17 Feb. 1757 ; d. 14 Jan. 1822 Ambroise, son, engraver ; b. 2 March, 1788 ; executed " Iconographie universelle," 1820-28: " Colonne de la grande Armee d'Austerlitz," 1822-23 d. 17 Jan. 1841 Jean Baptiste, brother of Antoine FranQois Tardieu, map engraver; b. 1758; d. 24 Dec. 1767 Louis, brother, engraver ; d. massacred, Sept. 1792 Taedip, GuiUaume, French writer; h. about 1440 ; pubhshed " RhetoricEe Artis ac Oratoriae Facultatis Compendium," about 1475 ; " Livre de I'art de Faulconnerie et des Chiens de chasse," 1492 ; d. about 1495. Targe, Jean Baptiste, French historian ; h. 1714 ; published "Histoire d'Angleterre depuis le traits d'Aix-la-ChapeUe jusqu'eu 1763," 1768; "Histoire de I'Av&ement de la maison de Bourbon au trdne d'Espagne," 1772 ; d. 1788. Target, French advocate and politician ; h. 6 Dec. 1733; published "Observations sur le Procfes de Louis XVI.," 1792; d. 9 Sept. 1806. Taegioni-Tozzetti, Giovanni, Italian natural- ist; 6. II Sept. 1 712; published " Relazione di alcuni Viaggi fatti in diverse parti della Toscana," 1751-54; d. 7 Jan. 1783. Taein, Pierre, French anatomist ; h. about 1700; published " Anthropotomie," 1750 ; "Observations de M^decine et de Chirurgie," 1758; d. 1761. Taeleton, Richard, jester ; wrote " Newes out of Purgatorie," published 1630 ; d. Oct. 1588. Tarquinius Peiscus, Lucius, fifth king of Rome ; elected to succeed Ancus Martins, B.C. 6 1 5 J reformed the laws and embellished Rome ; d. assassinated, 577. Tarquinius Superbus, Lucius, grandson, seventh and last king of Rome ; caused the murder of his father-in-law, Servius Tullius, and became Idng, B.C. 534 ; defeated and wounded at battle of lake Regillus, 496 ; d. soon after. Taetaglia, Niccolo, Italian mathematician ; h. about 1500; published "Nuova Scienza," 1537; translation of Euclid, 1543; "Trattato di Aritmetica, " 1556; d. 1559' Taetaeotti, Girolamo, Italian writer ; &. 2 Jan. 1706; published " Del Congresso notturno delle Lammie," 1749; "Memorie antiche di Roveredo," 1754; d. 16 May, 1761. Taetini, Giuseppe, Italian violinist and musical composer; b. 12 April, 1692; com- posed " Sonata del Diavolo," 1713 ; wrote "Trattato di Musica seoondo la vera scienza deU' Armenia," 1754 ; d. 16 Feb. 1770. TAE 528 TAY Takufh, Giuseppe Antonio, Italian poet ; h. 1722; d. 20 April, 1786. Taevbk, John Charles, lexicographer ; h. 1 790 ; published " Phraseological French and English Dictionary," 1849; d. 16 April, 1851. Taschek de la Paseeib, Joseph Gaspard, French naval oificer, father of the empress Josephine; h. 5 July, 1735; d. 6 Nov. 1790. Taschee ee la Pagekie, Marie Joseph Eoae, £63 Joslphine, empress of the French. Tasohbeeaij, Jules Antoiue, French journal- ist and politician; b. 19 Deo. 1801 ; appointed assistant-director of the Imperial Library at Paris, 1852; director, 1858; published "His- toire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de MoUfere," 1825 ; " Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de P. Corneille," 1829; edited "Catalogues" of the "BibUothfeque Imp&iale," 1855-69. Taskee, Eev. William, classical scholar ; pub- lished " Select Odes of Pindar and Horace translated," 1780; d. 1800. Tasman, Abel Janssen,Dutch navigator; J.ahout 1600; discovered Van Diemen's Land, 24 Nov. 1642 ; NewZealand, i3Deo. 1642 ; d. after 1645. Tassel, Eichard, French historical painter; h. about 1580; d. 12 Oct. 1660. Tassie, James, Scottish modeller and numis- matist ; b. 1 735 ; published " Descriptive Cata- logue of ancient and modem Engraved Gems," 1 791 ; d. 1799. Tassin, Eend Prosper, French Benedictine writer; b. 17 Nov. 1697; published "Nouveau Traits de Diplomatique," 1750-65; "Histoire Utt^raire de la Congregation de Saint-Maur," 1770; d. 10 Sept. 1777. Tasso, Bernardo, Italian poet; 6. II Nov. 1493; published "Eime," 1531; "I tre libri degli Amori," 1537; "L'Amadigi, poema," 1560; d. 4 Sept. 1569. Tasso, Torquato, son, Italian poet; b. II March, 1544; visited France, 1571 ; published " H Einaldo," 1 562 ; " Aminta, f avola boscareg- gia," 1581; "Gerusalemme liberata, ovvero il Goffredo," 1581 ; " Genisalemme conquistata," 1593; ^' about 1670. TissoT, Pierre Fran9ois, French revolutionary historian; h. 10 March, 1768; published " Pre- cis des Guerres de la Revolution," 1820-21 ; "Histoire complete de la Revolution Fran- 9aise," 1833-36; d. 7 April, 1854. TiTE, Sir William, architect; b. 1802; built the royal exchange, 1840-44; elected M.P. for Bath, 1855. TiTl, Santi di, Italian architect and painter ; J. 1538; d. 1603. TiTi, Tiberio di, son, Italian miniature painter ; I. 1578; d. 1637. Titian, see Vecdlio. TiTiENS, see Tietjens. TiTON DU TlLLET, Everard, French writer; b. 16 Jan. 1677 ; designed the "Parnasse Frangais, " executed in bronze, and now in the Imperial Library at Paris ; published " Descrip- tion du Parnasse Fran9oi3," 1727; d. 26 Dec. 1762. Titus, Flavins Sabinus Veapasianus, emperor of Rome ; b. 30 Dec. 40 ; succeeded his father, Vespasian, 24 June, 79 ; ruled with clemency ; Caledonia subdued by Agricola ; d. 13 Sept. 81. TiziANELLO, see Vecellio, TiziAKO, see Vecellio. ToALDO, Giuseppe, Italian physicist ; 6. 11 July, 1719; edited " Giomale astro-meteoro- logico," 1773-98; d. II Nov. 1798. ToBIN, John, dramatist; b. 28 Jan. 1770; wrote "The Honey-Moon," published 1805; "The Curfew," 1807 ; d. 7 Dec. 1804. TocHON, Joseph Fran5ois, French numismar tist; h. 4 Nov. 1772; d. 20 Aug. 1820. TocQu4 Louis, French portrait pauiter; b. 1696; d. 10 Feb. 1772. TocQUEViLLE, Alexis Charles Henri Clerel de, French statesman and historian ; b. 29 July, 1805 ; minister of foreign aflfairs, June, 1849 — Dec. 1851; pubMshed "D^mocratie en Am^- rique," 1835-40; "L'Ancien Regime et la Revolution," 1856; d. 16 April, 1859. Todd, Henry John, archdeacon of Cleveland, biographer ; 6. 1 763 ; published " Account of the Deans of Canterbury, " 1 793 ; " Life of Archbishop Cramner," 1831 ; edited Johnson's Dictionary, and the Poetical Works of Spenser and Milton; d. 24 Dec. 1845. Todd, Hugh, D.D., antiquary; b. 1658; d. 1728. Todd, James Henthorn, D.D., Irish anti- quary ; b. 23 April, 1805 ; appointed regiua professor of Hebrew in Trinity college, Dublin, 1852 ; published "St. Patrick ; a memoir of his Life and Mission," 1864; edited Wiclif's works; d. 28 June, 1869. Todd, Robert Bentley, M.D., physiologist; b. about 1 8 10; published "Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology," 1836-56 ; "Physio- logical Anatomy and Physiology of Man," 1845-56; d. 30 Jan. i860. Todekini, Giambattista, Italian antiquary; b. 1728; published "Delia Letteratura Tur- chesca," 1787; d. 4 July, 1799. TODLEBEN, Eduard Ivanovitch, Russian gene- ral ; b. 8 May, 1818 ; defended Sevastopol against the allies, 1854-55; published "De- fense de Sebastopol," 1863. TcEPPFEB, Rodolphe, Swiss writer; 6. 17 Feb. 1799; published "Voyages en zig-zag," 1843- 53 ; " NouveUes Genevoises," 1840; d. 8 June, 1846. Toping de San-Miguel, Vicente, Spanish astronomer; h. 1 740; published "Observaciones hechas en Cadiz," 1776-77 ; d. 1806. Tons, Catharine, vooaUst; d. 1770, TOL 539 TOR ToLAND, John, Irish deistical philosopher ; b, 30 Nov. 1670; published "Christianity not mysterious," i6g6, (burnt by the hangman at Dublin, II Sept. 1697); "Life of John Milton," 1699; d. II March, 1722. Toledo, Francisco de, called Toletus, Spanish Jesuit cardinal; h. 10 Nov. 1532; created, 1593; published "In Joannis Evangelium," 1588; "Summa Casuum Conscientise," printed 1602; d. 14 Sept. 1596. Toledo, Eoderigo de, called Toletanus, Spanish historian; b. about 1 1 70; d. 1247. ToLLENS, Hendrik Comeliszoon, Dutch poet; 6. 24 Sept. 1780; d. 21 October, 1856. TOLLET, Elizabeth, poetess; J. 1694; d. i Feb. 1754- ToLLET, Thomas, musical composer; fl. 1694. ToLLIUS, Cornells, Dutch philologist ; b. about 1620; d. about 1662. ToLLIUS, Jacob, Dutch philologist and alche- mist ; published " Manuductio ad Ccelum che- micum," 1688; d. 22 June, 1696. Tolstoi, Petr Andreevitch, count, Russian diplomatist; b. 1645 ; ambassador to Constan- tinople, 1702-14; d. 17 Feb. 1729. Tomasini, Jacopo Filippo, Italian scholar ; b. 17 Nov. 1 597; published " Petrarcha redivivus," 1635 ; " Gymnasium Patavinum," 1654 ; d. 1654. ToMBES, John, baptist minister; b. 1603; published " Sephersheba," 1662; d. 22 May, 1676. ToMLINE, George Pretyman, bishop of Win- chester; b. (Pretyman), 9 Oct. 1750; made dean of St. Paul's, 1787; consecrated bishop of Lincoln, 1787; translated, 1820; published "Elements of Christian Theology," 1799; "Memoirs of the Life of William Pitt," 1821 ; d. 8 Nov. 1827. ToMLINS, Frederic Guest, historical antiquary; i. 1804 ; appointed clerk of painter-stainers' company, 1864; published "History of Eng- land," 1839 ; d. 21 Sept. 1867. ToMMASi, Giuseppe Maria, Italian cardinal; i. 12 Sept. 1649; created, 16 May, 1712; pub- lished " Institutiones theologicee antiquorum Patrum," 1709-12; " Psalterium," 1683 ; "An- tiqui Libri Missarum Eomanaj Ecclesiae," 1691 ; d. I Jan. 1 713. ToMMASO DI Stefano, See Giottino. Tone, Theobald Wolfe, Irish patriot ; b. 20 June, 1 763 ; founded the " Society of United Irishmen," 1791 ; attempted to free Ireland, 1796-98; taken prisoner, 12 Oct. 1 798; con- demned to death, but d. by suicide, 19 June, 1798. ToNNA, Charlotte EUzabeth, authoress ; J. (Phelan), 1 792; d. 12 July, 1846. ToNSON, Jacob, publisher; b. 1656; d. 18 March, 1736. ToNSTALL, see Tunstall. ToOKE, Andrew, mathematician; b. 1673; ap- pointed Gresham professor of geometry, 1 704 ; d. 20 Jan. 1 73 1. TooKE, John Home, see Home-Toolce. TooKE, Thomas, political economist; b. 1774; published " Thoughts and Details on the high and lowJPrices of the last thirty Years," 1823 ; d. 26 Feb. 1858. TooKE, Rev. William, historian; 5. 18 Jan. 1744; published "Varieties of Literature," 1795; "Life of Catherine II.," 1798; " His- tory of Russia," 1800; d. 17 Nov. 1820. ToOLE, John Laurence, comedian ; 6. 12 March, 1830 ; first appeared at the Hay- market theatre, 22 July, 1852. ToPETE, Juan, Spanish admiral ; commenced the insurrection against queen Isabella at Cadiz, 18 Sept. 1868 ; appointed minister of marine, June, 1869; resigned, 4 Nov. 1869. Topino-Lebhdn, Franjois Jean Baptiste, French painter ; h. 1769 ; executed for con- spiracy, 30 Jan. 1 801. ToPLADY, Augustus Montague, divine; J. 1740; published " Historic Proof of the doctrinal Cal- vinism of the Church of England," 1774 ! ' ' Psalms and Hymns for public and private WorshiiJ," 1776; d. II Aug. 1778. Toppi, Nicoolb, Neapolitan historian ; b. about 1603 ; published " BibUoteca NapoUtana," 1678 ; d. 1681. ToEBiDO, or Tdebido, Francesco, called " II Moro," Italian painter ; b. about 1500; d. about 1581. Tokdenskjold, Peter, Danish admiral ; b. (Wessel), 28 Oct. 1691 ; killed in a duel, 20 Nov. 1720. Toeelli, Giuseppe, Italian geometrician ; b. 3 Nov. 1721 ; published " Archimedis quae supersunt omnia, cum nova versioue Latina," 1792; d. iS Aug. 1781. ToEENO, Jos^ Maria Queipo de Llano, conde de, Spanish statesman ; 5. 26 Nov. 1 786 ; ap- pointed minister of finance, June, 1834; presi- dent of the council and minister for foreign affairs, June, 1835 ; resigned, 14 Sept. 1835 ; pubHshed " Histoire du soulfevement, de la guerre et de la revolution d'Espagne," 1835-38; rf. 16 Sept. 1843. ToEFESEN, Thormod, Icelandic historian ; b.27 May, 1636; published " Historia Orcadum," 1697 ; " Historia Hrolfi Kjrakii, Daniee Regis," 1705; d. 1719. ToKPOELET, Nathaniel, mathematician; b. about 1573; published "Salopiensis DicUdes Coelometric*," 1602; d. April, 1632. TOEQUEMADA, or TUEEECEEMATA, Juan de, Spanish Dominican cardinal ; b. 1 38S ; created, 1439; made bishop of Palestrina, 1455; of Sabina, 1464; published "Meditationes," 1467; " Expositio brevis et utilis super toto Psalterio," 1470 ; " Commentarii in Decretum Gratiani, partes V.," 15 19; d. 26 Sept. 1468. TOE 540 TOW ToKQUEMADA, Tomas de, Spanish Dominican ; h. 1420; appointed grand inquisitor of Spain, II Feb. 14S2; d. 16 Sept. 1498. ToKBE, Filippo del, Italian antiquary; I. I May, 1657; published "Monumenta veteris Antii," 1700; d. 25 Feb. 1 717. Torre, Giovanni Maria deJla, Italian natu- raUst ; b. 1713 ; published " Scienza della Natura," 1749-50; "Storia e Fenomeni del Vesuvio," 1755; d. 5 March, 1782. Toreens, Robert, Irish judge; 6. 1775 ; made a justice of the common pleas, 1823; d. 29 March, 1856. Toreens, Robert, lieut.-colonel, political eco- nomist ; b. 1 780 ; published " Essay on the ex- ternal Corn Trade," 1815 ; "On the Coloniza- tion of South Australia," 1835 ; d. 27 May, 1864. ■ ToEKENTins, Jan, Dutch painter; 6. 1589; d. 1640. Torres, Spanish navigator ; discovered Torres strait, dividing AustraUa from New Guinea, l6o5. ToRRlOELLi, Evangelista, Italian mathemati- cian and physicist; 6. 15 Oct. 1608; invented the barometer, 1643; improved the construction of telescopes and microscopes; published " Opera geometrica, " 1644; d. 25 Oct. 1647. ToHKiGiANi, Pietro, Italian sculptor ; b. about 1472 ; executed monuments of Margaret, countess of Richmond, and of Henry VII. in "Westminster abbey, completed 1519? t^- 1522. ToRRiNGTON, George Byng, viscount, vice- admiral ; b. 5 Jan. 1 768 ; served in expedition to the cape of Good Hope, 1806; succeeded, 8 Jan. 1813; d. 18 June, 1831. ToEEiNGTON, see Byng. Tory, Geoffroi, French engraver and printer ; b. about 1480; d. 1533. ToscANELLI, Paolo del Pozzo, Italian astrono- mer; b. 1397; constructed the gnomon on the cathedral of Florence, 1468; d 15 May, 1482. TOSTI, earl of Northumberland, son of earl Godwin ; defeated by Harold, and killed at the battle of Stanford Bridge, 25 Sept. 1066. TosTi, Antonio, Roman cardinal; 6. 4 Oct. 1776; created, 1838; appointed Ubrarian of the Vatican, 1854; d. 20 March, 1 866. ToTNES, see Careio. ToTT, Frangois de, see De Tott. ToTTEL, Richard, printer ; pubUshed " Miscel- lanies;" d. about 1593. Tottenham, Rev. Edward, controversialist; I. 1810; d. 7 June, 1853. Tottenham, Lord Robert Ponsonby, bishop of Clogher; b. $ Sept. 1 773; bishop of KiUaloe, 1804; of Leighlin and Ferns, 1820; of Clogher, 1822; d. 28 April, 1850. ToTTiE, John, D.D., archdeacon of Worcester ; published "Sixteen Sermons preached before the "University of Oxford," 1775; d. after J77S. ToucHET, Marie, mistress of Charles IX. of France; b. 1549; after the death of the king, married Franjois de Balsao d'Entragues, 1578; d. 1638. TouLMlw, Joshua, D.D., unitarian minister; b. 1 740 ; published " Memoirs, Sermons, and Dissertations," 1 766-1813 ; "History of the Town of Taunton," 1791 ; d. 23 July, 1815. ToTJP, Rev. Jonathan, philologist ; b. Dec. 1713; made canon of Exeter, 1774; published " Emendationes in Suidam et Hesychium et alios Lexicographos," 1790; "Curee novis- sicQEe sive Appendicula notarum et emenda- tionum in Suidam," 1775; d. 19 Jan. 1785. TonRNEFORT, Joseph Pitton de, French bota- nist; b. 5 June, 1656; published " Elements de Botanique," 1694; "Relation d'un Voyage du Levant," 1717; d. 28 Dec. 1708. ToORNEMiNE, Ren^ Joseph, French historian and theologian; 5. 26 April, 1661; published "Pan^gyrique de Saint Louis," 1733; edited "Journal de Tr^voux," 1 701-18; d. 16 May, 1739- TouRViLLE, Anne Hilarion de Costentin, comte de, French admiral; 6. 24 Nov. 1642; defeated by the English at the battle of La Hogue, 19 May, 1692; created marshal of France, 27 March, 1693 ; d. 28 May, 1701. ToussAiNT l'Ouvertdee, negro leader in St. Domingo; b. 1 743 ; afterthe revolt of the negroes, recognised by the French as general-in-chief, 1794; established an independent repuhho in St. Domingo, 9 May, 1801 ; surrendered to the French, 7 May, 1802; d. in France, 27 April, 1803. Towers, Joseph, LL.D., political and his- torical writer; b. 1737; published "Memoirs of the Life and Reign of Frederick the Tliird, King of Prussia," 1788; d. 20 May, 1799. TowNLEY, Charles, antiquary ; b. 1 737 ; his collection of ancient sculpture, bronzes, coins, and gems, purchased for the British Museum in 1805 and 1814, for ^f 28,200 ; d. 3 Jan. 1805. Townley, Rev. James, dramatist; b. 1715; wrote "High Life below Stairs," 1759; d. 15 July, 1778. TowNSEND, George Herbert, journalist ; pub- lished "Manual of Dates," 1862 ; d. by suicide, 23 Feb. 1869. TowNSEND, William Charles, lawyer ; b. about 1803 ; edited "Modem State Trials," 1850; d. 8 May, 1850. TowNSHEND, Charles Townshend, viscount, statesman; b. 1676; appointed secretary of state, Sept. 17 14; dismissed, 10 April, 1717; lord president of the council, June, 1721— May, 1730; d. 21 June, 1738. Townshend, Charles, called " Weather-cock," grandson, statesman ; b. 1 725 ; appointed secre- tary at war, 1761 ; colordal secretary, 1763; paymaster-general, 1765 ; chancellor of the exchequer, Aug. 1766; d. 4 Sept. 1767. TOZ 641 TEE TozEK, Henry, puritan divine ; 5. 1602 ; pub- lished " Directions for a Godly Life," 1628 ; "Dicta et Facta Christi," 1634; d. 11 Sept. 1650. Tkabea, Quintus, Roman comic poet ; Jl. about B.C. 130. Tract, Antoine Louis Claude Destutt, oomte de, French philosopher ; &. 20 July, 1754; pub- lished "Elements d'Id&logie," 181 7-18; d. 9 March, 1836. TEADENieo, Pietro, doge of Venice; elected, 836; d. 15 March, 864. Tradescant, John, naturalist, traveller, and antiquary; appointed gardener to Charles I., 1629 ; his collection of rarities, which included "two feathers of the phcenix tayle," after his death became the property of Ashmole, and formed the nucleus of the Ashmolean museum at Oxford ; d. about 1652. Teadescaut, John, son, naturalist and tra- veller; b. 1608; published "Museum Trades- cantianum," 1656 ; d. 22 April, 1662. Traetta, Tommaso, Italian musical com- poser ; b. 19 May, 1727 ; produced operas, " II Famace," 1750 ; " Ippolito ed Aricia," 1759 ; " Armida," 1760 ; d. 6 April, 1779. Tragus, or Book, Hieronymus, German botanist; 6. 1498; published "Neues Kreuter- Buch," 1546; d. 21 Feb. 1554. Traill, Thomas Stewart, M.D., Scotch phy- sician; b. 1781 ; edited "Encyclopaedia Britan- nica," 8th edition, 1853-60 ; d. 30 July, 1862. Trajan (Marcus Ulpius Nerva Trajanus), emperor of -Eome; b. 1 8 Sept. 53; adopted by Nerva, 97 ; succeeded him, 27 Jan. 98 ; de- feated Decebalus and subdued Dacia, 106 ; Trajan's column erected at Eome, 114; d. 8 Aug. 117. Tralliaitos, Alexander, see Alexander. Tkapp, John, puritan commentator; b. 1601 ; published " Commentary or Exposition on the Old and New Testament," 1654-56; d. 1669. Teapp, Joseph, D.D., poet' and divine; J. 1679; published " Prselectioues poetics," 1711-19; " Explanatory Notes upon the Four Gospels," 1747-48; d. 22 Nov. 1747. Tradttmansdorpf, Ferdinand, count, Aus- trian diplomatist ; 6. 27 June, 1825; envoy to Munich, Feb. 1867; ambassador to Eome, Sept. 1868. Tkavers, John, musical composer; appointed organist of the chapel royal, 1737; d. 1758. Travers, Nicolas, French theologian and his- torian; b. 10 Aug. 1674; wrote "Histoire civile, pohtique et religieuse de la ville et du comt^ de Nantes," printed 1836-41 ; d. 13 Oct. 1750. Travis, George, archdeacon of Chester ; S. about 1740; published "Letters to Edward Gibbon, Esq.," 1784; d. 24 Feb. 1797. Treby, Sir George, judge; b. 1644; appointed recorder of London, Dec. 1680; removed, 1682; restored, 10 Dec. 1688; made solicitor- general, Feb. 1689; attorney-general. May, 1689; chief justice of the common pleas, 3 May, 1692; d. March, 1702. Tredgold, Thomas, civil engineer; b. 1788; published "Elementary Principles of Car- pentry," 1820 ; " Practical Treatise on Eail- roads and Carriages," 1825 ; d. 28 Jan. 1829. Teelawney, Sir Jonathan, bart., bishop of Winchester; b. about 1648; consecrated bishop of Bristol, 1685 ; one of the seven bishops committed to the Tower, 1 688; trans- lated to Exeter, 1688; to Winchester, 1 707 ; d. 19 July, 1721. Tremblet, Abraham, Swiss naturalist; b. 3 Sept. 1 700 ; published " M^moires pour servir ct I'Histoire d'un genre de Polypes d'eau douce," 1744; "Instructions d'un Pere \ ses Enfants sur la Nature et la Eeligion," 1 775; d. 12 May, 1784. TEEMOLLii;EE, Pierre Charles, French histori- cal painter ; b. 1 703 ; d. II May, 1 739. Trench, Francis, theologian; h. July, 1806; appointed rector of Islip, Oxon, 1857 ; pub- lished "Notes on Scripture," 1836; "Few Notes from past Life," 1862. Trench, Eichard Chenevix, archbishop of Dublin ; b. 9 Sept. 1807 ; dean of Westnainster, 1856-63; consecrated archbishop, I Jan. 1864 ; published "Notes on the Parables," 184I ; "Notes on the Miracles," 1846; "Study of Words," 185 1. Tbenohaed, Sir John, statesman ; 5. 1650 ; imprisoned upon suspicion of complicity in the Eye-house plot, 1683 ; supported Monmouth's rebellion, 1685 ; appointed secretary of state, 1693; d. 20 April, 1695. Teenchakd, J ohn, political writer ; 6.1662; wrote " Natural History of Superstition," pub- lished 1709; "Cato's Letters," collected 1725; rf. 17 Deo. 1723. Trenck, Friedrich, baron von der, Prussian officer; b. 16 Feb. 1726; intrigued with the princess Amelia of Prussia ; imprisoned in the fortress of Magdeburg, 1753-63; published " Siimmthche Gedichte und Schriften," 1786; " Merkwiirdige Lebensbeschreibung," 1 786-87 ; guillotined, 25 July, 1794. Trenecil, Joseph, French poet ; b. 27 June, 1763; published "Les Tombeaux de Saint- Denis," 1806 ; d. 5 March, 1818. Teenta, Filippo, Italian tragic poet ; 5. 21 April, 1731 ; published " Tragedie," 1756; d. 13 March, 1795. Trento, Antonio da, Italian engraver ; fl. about 1550. Tressan, Louis Elizabeth de La "Vergne, comte de, French general; b. 4 Nov. 1705; published "Traits sur I'Electricit^" 1749 ; " Amadis des Gaules," 1779 ; d. 31 Oct. 1783. TEE 5i2 TEO Tkevisani, Angelo, Venetian painter ; fl. about 1750. Teevisani, rrancesco, Italian painter ; h. 1656; d. 1746. Trevisani, Marcantonio, doge of Venice ; elected, 3 June, 1553 ; d. 31 May, 1554. Teetok, Sir John, statesman ; b. 1623; nego- ciated the treaty of Aix-larChapeUe between France and Spain, 1668 ; secretary of state, Sept. 1668 — July, 1672 ; d. 28 May, 1672. Teevoe, Sir John, lawyer ; h. 1633 ; speaker of the house of commons, 1685-89; re-elected, 1690 ; expelled the house for bribery, 12 March, 1695 ; d. 20 May, 1717. Teew, Christoph Jacob, German physician and botanist; h. 26 April, 1695 ; published " Vasa nutritia Foliorum arboreorum," 1748; "Herbarium Blaokwellianum auctum," 1750- 60; "Librorum botanicorum Catalogus," 1752-57 ; d. 18 July, 1769. Teial, Antoine, Trench comedian ; 6. 14 Oct. 1737; friend of Robespierre; d, by suicide, 5 Feb. 1795. Teial, Jean Claude, brother, French violinist and musical composer ; b. 13 Dec. 1732 ; d. 23 June, 1771. Tbibolo, (Niccolb PericoU), Italian sculptor ; &. 1 500 ; executed twelve bas-reliefs for the doors of San Petronio at Bologna; d. 1565. Teieonianus, Eoman jurist ; b. about 475 ; superintended the compilation of the Pandects, Institutes, and new code of Justinian ; d. 545. Tribuno, Pietro, doge of Venice ; d. May, 912. Tbiest, Pierre Joseph, Belgian philanthropist; b. 31 Aug. 1760; d. 24 June, 1836. Teigan, Charles, French historian; b. 20 Aug. 1694; published " Histoire eccMsiastique dela Province de Normandie," 1759-61 ; d. 12 Feb. 1764. Tbigault, Nicolas, French Jesuit missionary ; J. 1577 ; went to China, i6ll ; to India, 1613 ; published " De Christiana Expeditione apud Sinas suscepta ab Societate Jesu," 1615; "Lit- terae e regno Sinarum," 1615 ; d. 14 Nov. 1628. Teimmee, Sarah, writer for the young ; 5. (Kirby), 6 Jan. 1741 ; married, 1762; pub- lished "History of the Eobins," 1786; "At- tempt to familiarize the Catechism of the Church of England," 1791 ; "Sacred His- tory," 1796; d. 15 Dec. 18 10. Teionpetti, Italian botanists : Lelio; 6. 1647: published " Lectiones sive Os- tensiones botanicse," 1675-1721 d. 2 July, 1722 Giovanni Battista, brother ; 6. 8 May, 1656 d. Not. 1708 Teibsino, Giovan Giorgio, Italian poet ; 6. 8 July, 1478 ; produced his tragedy, " Sophonis- ba," 1515; pubUshed " SimiUimi," comedy, 1547; "li'Itaha Kberata da' Goti," 1547-48; d. Dec. 1550. Teistam, Nuno, Portuguese navigator; ex- plored the coasts of Africa; discovered cape Blanco, 1441 ; also the island of Gete (Arguim), 1443 ; killed by the natives of the Eio Grande, 1446. Teistan, see I! Hermite. Teistan da Cunha, see Cunha. Teitheim, Johann, German historian and theologian ; 6. I Feb. 1462 ; published " De Scriptoribus ecclesiasticis Collectanea," 1494 ; "Polygraphia," 1518; "Steganographia," 1531; d. 27 Dec. 15 16. Teithen, Friedrich Heinrich, orientalist ; b. 1820; d. 27 April, 1854. Teivisano, Bernardo, ItaHan philosopher ; b. 26 Feb. 1652 ; published " Meditazioni iilosofiche," 1704; d. 31 Jan. 1720. Teiydlzi, Gian Jacopo de', marchese di Vigevano, called "Le grand Trivulce," marshal of France; b. 1 448; surrendered Capua to Charles VIII. , and entered the French service, Feb. 1495; created marshal, n May, 1499; d. 5 Dec. 1519. Teogus Pompeius, Eoman historian ; jl. about B.C. 20 ; wrote "HistoriEe PhUippicae." Teollope, Anthony, son of following, novelist ; b. 181 5 ; published " Barchester Towers," 1857; "Can you forgive her?" 1 864; "Last Chronicle of Barset," 1866-67. Teollope, Frances, novelist; b. 1778; pub- lished " Domestic Manners of the Americans,"^ 1831; "Vicar of Wrexhill," 1837; "Widow Bamaby," 1838; "Life and Adventures of Michael Armstrong, the Factory Boy," 1840; d. 6 Oct. 1863. Thouope, Thomas Adolphus, son, novelist and historian ; b. 1810; published "Paul the Pope and Paul the Friar," i860 ; " History of the Commonwealth of Florence," 1865 ; " Gemma, a novel," 1866. Teombelli, Gian Crisostomo, Italian theolo- gian; b. 1697; published "De Cultu Sancto- rum," 1740-43; "De Sacramentis," 1769-81; d. 24 Jan. 1 784. Teomp, Comelis, son of following, Dutch admiral ; 6. 9 Sept. 1629 ; d. 29 May, 1 691. Teomp, Martin Harpertzoon van, Dutch admiral ; b. 1597 ; destroyed the Spanish fleet off Gravelines, Feb. 1639 ; defeated by admiral Blake off Dover, 29 May, 1652; vic- torious over the English fleet at the mouth of the Thames, 10 Dec. 1652; killed at the battle of Scheveningen, 10 Aug. 1653. Tkonchin, Theodore, Swiss physician ; 5. 24 May, 1709; settled at Amsterdam, 1736; pub- Ushed "De Colica Pictorum," 1757; d. 30 Nov. 1 78 1. Trono, Niccol6, doge of Venice; 5. about 1397 ; elected, 13 Nov. 1471 ; d. 28 July, 1473- Tboost, Cornells, Dutch portrait painter; b. 1697; d. 7 March, 1750, TEO 543 TUB Troplono, Raymond Theodore, Frenoli lawyer and statesman ; 6. 8 Oct. 1 795 ; appointed first president of the court of cassation, 1852; pre- sident of the senate, 1854; published " Droit civil expliqu^" 1833-58; d. 28 Feb. 1869. Tkotti, Giovanni Battista, called Malosso, Italian painter; h. 1555 ; d. after 1607. TBOUBKiDflE, Sir Thomas, admiral ; b. about 1750 ; a lord of the admiralty, Feb. 1801 — May, 1804; taken prisoner by the French, 1794; went to the East Indies, 1 805 ; lost at sea on his return, Feb. 1810. Troughton, Edward, astronomical instrument maker; 6. 1753 ; d. 12 June, 1835. Teoxisseau, Armand, French physician ; J. 14 Oct. l8oi ; published " Traits fl^mentaire de Thdrapeutique et de Matifere M^dicale," 1836; " CKnique mMicale de I'Hdtel Dieu de Paris," 1S61 ; d. 24 June, 1 867. Tkoten, Eombout van, Flemish landscape painter; h. 1600; d. 1 650. Tboyojt, Constant, French landscape and ani- mal painter; 6. 1813 ; d. 20 March, 1865. Tbuchet, Jean, French hydraulic engineer ; J. 1657; d. 5 Feb. 1729. Tkuman, Eev. Joseph, theologian; 5. 1631 ; d. 29 July, 1 67 1. Trumbull, John, American historical painter ; h. 1756 ; painted " Battle of Bunker HiU," and " Death of General Montgomery;" d. 10 Nov. 1843. Trumbull, Sir "William, statesman; 5. 1636; envoy to France, 1685-86 ; a lord of the trea- sury, May, 1694 — Nov. 1695 ; secretary of state, 1695-97; <^- 14 Deo. 1716. Tbubo, Thomas Wilde, lord, lord high chan- cellor ; I. 7 July, 1782 ; d. 11 Nov. 1855. Appointed solicitor-general . . . Bee. 1839 Became attorney-general . . July — Sept. 1841 Again attorney-general . . . 6-11 July, 1846 Made chief justice of the common pleas July, 1846 Created baron Truro ... 15 July, 1850 Lord high chancellor . . July, 1850— Feb. 1852 Tbuslee, John, LL.D., bookseller; 5. 1735; published " Difference between Words esteemed synonymous in the English Language," 1766 ; "Habitable World described," 1788-97; d- 1820. Tetphiodorus, Greek poet and grammarian ; fi. 4th or 5th century; wrote "Ilii Excidium." TscHlBNHAUSEK, Ehrenfried Walter von, Ger- man mathematician and physicist ; h. 10 April, 1651 ; made burning-glasses of great power, 1682; pubhshed " Medicina Mentis," 1687; d. II Oct. 1708. TscHUDi, Gilles, Swiss historian ; h. 1505 ; published " Descriptio de prisca ac vera Alpina Ehsetia," 1538 ; " Schweitzerische Chronik," 1734; d Feb. 1572. TuBi, Giovaimi Battista, Roman sculptor ; I. 1635; settled in France, 1663; d. 9 Aug. 1700. TuoHET, see Audley. TuoKEE, Abraham, metaphysician ; h. 2 Sept. 1705; published " Light of Nature pursued," 1765-76; "Picture of artless Love," 1754; d. 20 Nov. 1774. TucKEB, Josiah, dean of Gloucester, political economist; b. 171 1; made dean, 1758; pub- lished "Treatise concerning Civil Government,", 1781 ; d. 4 Nov. 1799. Tucket, James Kingston, naval explorer; h. Aug. 1776; ascended the river Zaire, 1815; published "Maritime Geography and Statis- tics," 1815 ; d. 4 Oct. 1816. TucKNEY, Anthony, puritan divine; b. 1599; d. Feb. 1670. Tudela, Benjamin of, see Benjamin. TuDOE, Owen, Welsh chieftain, grandfather of Henry VII. ; married queen Catharine, widow of Henry V. of England; d. 146 1. TuDWAT, Thomas, musical composer ; j?. 1 705. Tufnell, Henry, classical scholar ; b. 1805 ; with Sir C. G. Lewis, translated Midler's " Histoiy and Antiquities of the Doric Race," 1830; d. 15 June, 1854. Tuke, Sir Brian, diplomatist; clerk of the parliaments ; secretary to cardinal Wolsey, 1525; ambassador to France, 1528; d. 26 Oct. 1545- TuLASNE, Louis Ren^, French botanist; 5. 12 Sept. 1815 ; published " Fungi Hypogsei," 185 1 ; " Seleota Fungorum Carpologia," 1861-63. TuLDEN, Theodor van, Flemish historical painter and engraver; h. about 1607; d. about 1676. TuLL, Jethro, agriculturist; b. about 1680; d. 9 Jan. 1740. TuLLiA, daughter of Cicero ; 6. B.C. 78 ; d. Feb. 45. TuLLUS HosTiLius, See Hostilius. TuLLT, Thomas, controversial divine ; h. 1620 ; d. 14 Jan. 1676. TULP, Nicholas, Dutch anatomist and magis- trate ; b. II Oct. 1593; published " Observa- tionum Medicarum libri III.," 1641 ; d. 12 Sept. 1674. TuNSTALL, Cuthbert, bishop of Durham; b. about 1474; master of the rolls, 1516-22; dean of Salisbury, 1521 ; bishop of London, 1522; ambassador to France, 1528; bishop of Durham, 1530; deprived, 1552; restored, 1553; again deprived, 1559 ! '^- '8 November, 1559- TuNSTALL, James, D.D. ; 5. about 1710; pub- lished "Epistola ad Conyers Middleton de Ciceronis EpistoUs," 1741 ; d. 28 March, 1772. TuppER, Martin Farquhar, poet; b. 1810; published "Ifroverbial Philosophy," 1839-44; "Ballads for the Times," 1852; "Lyrics," 1855- Tuba, Cosimo, called Cosmfe, Italian painter; 5. 1406; d. after 1480. TUR 544 TWI TuEBEEViLLE, George, poet; 6. about 1530; published "Epitaphes, Epigrams, Songs and Sonets, with a Discourse of the friendly Affec- tions of Tymetes to Pyudara his Ladie," 1570 ; " Booke of Eaulconrie," 1575 ; " Tragical Tales," 1576; d. after 1594. Tdechi, Alessandro, called Alessandro "Vero- nese, or Orbetto, Italian historical painter ; J. 1582; d. 1648. Tdkenne, Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, vicomte de, marshal of France; h. 11 Sept. 161 1; d. killed at the battle of Salzbach, 27 July, 1675. Victorious over the Austrians at Friedburg, Aug. 1644 Again at Nordlingen . . .3 Aug. 1645 Defeated Conde at Arras . . . 25 Aug. 1654 Defeated tlie Imperialists at Ensisheim 4 Oct. 1674 Again victorious at Mulliausen . . 31 Dec. 1674 Victor also at Turckheim . . 5 Jan. 1675 ToBGENEV, Aleksandr Ivanovitch, Russian historian; h. 1784; d. 17 Dec. 1845. TnKGOT, Anne Robert Jacques, baron de I'Aulne, Erench statesman; h. 10 May, 1727; appointed minister of marine, 20 July, 1774; of finance, 24 Aug. 1 774 ; made great reforms ; dismissed, 12 May, 1776 ; d. 20 March, 1781. Tdknee, Charles, mezzotint-engraver ; h. 1773 ; elected A.R.A., 1828; d. 1 Aug. 1857. TuENKE, Daniel, baptist minister; b. 1710; d. 5 Sept. 1798. TuKNEK, Dawson, banker, antiquary, and botanist ; published " Account of a Tour in Normandy," 1820; " Natural History of Fuci," 1808-18; d. 20 June, 1858. TuENEE, Edward, M.D., chemist; h. 1798; published "Elements of Chemistry," 1827; k 13 Feb. 1839. TuENEE, Francis, bishop of Ely ; consecrated bishop of Rochester, 1683; translated, 1683; deprived for not taking the oaths, 1691 ; pub- lished "Life of Nicholas Ferrar;" "Vindicar tion of Archbishop Bancroft ; " d.2 Nov. 1 700. TuENEE, Sir George James, judge; h. 5 Feb. 1798; M.P. for Coventry, 1847-51; made a vice-chancellor, April, 1851 ; a lord justice of the court of appeal in chancery, Jan. 1853 ; d. 9 July, 1867. TuKNEE, James Francis, bishop of Grafton and Armidale ; consecrated, 24 Feb. 1869. Thenee, James Aspinall, cotton manufacturer; I. 1797; M.P. for Manchester, 1857-65; d. 28 Sept. 1867. Tueneb, Joseph MaUord WiUiam, landscape painter; b. 23 April, 1775; elected A.R.A., 1799; R.A., 1802; published "Liber Studio- rum," 1807-19 ; bequeathed his collection of pictures and drawings by himself to the National Gallery ; its chefs-d'ceuvre are " Dido building Carthage," "Sun rising in a Mist," and the "Old T(5m^raire ;" d. 19 Dec. 185 1. Tuener, Samuel, traveller; b. 1759 ; published "Account of an Embassy to the court of the Teshoo Lama in Tibet," 1800; d. 2 Jan. 1802, Tueneb, Sharon, historian ; b. 1 768 ; pub- lished " History of the Anglo-Saxons," 1799- 1805; "Sacred History of the World," 1832-37 d. 13 Feb. 1847. TuENEE, Thomas, dean of Canterbury ; 6. 1591 made dean, 1644; d. 8 Oct. 1672. TtiENEE, Thomas Hudson, archsologist b. 1 814; published " Manners and Household Expenses of England," 1841 ; "Home account of Domestic Architecture in England," 1 85 1-53 ; d. 17 Jan. 1852. TuBNEE, WUliam, M.D., dean of Wells, botanist; b. about 1515; published "Herbal," 1568; "Huntyng and Fynding of the Romish Fox," 1543; d. 7 July, 1568. TuBPiN, Franfois Henri, French historian; b. 1709 ; published "Histoire naturelle et civile du royaume de Siam," 1771 ; "France illustre, ou le Plutarque Fran5ais," 1777-90; "Histoire des Revolutions d'Angleterre," 1 786 ; d. Sept, 1799. TuEPiN, Pierre Jean Frangois, French botar nist; b. II March, 1775; published "Lejons de Flore," i8ig; d. 1 May, 1840. TuEPiN, Richard, highwayman; b. about 1711; executed, 7 April, 1 739. TuEEECEEMATA, See Torquemada. Tdeeetini, Jean Alphonse, Swiss theologian ; b. 13 Aug. 1 67 1; published " De Veritate Ee- ligionis Christianas," 1721-23; "Historic eecle-. siasticae Compendium," 1734; d. i May, 1737. TuBTON, Thomas, bishop of Ely; b. 1780; consecrated, 29 March, 1845 ; published "Text of the English Bible considered," 1833 ; "Ko- man Cathohc Doctrine of the Eucharist con- sidered," 1827; d. 7 Jan. 1864. TussAUD, Madame, Swiss artist in wax-work; b. 1760; opened her exhibition in Paris, 1780; removed it to London, 1802 ; published "Me- moirs and Reminiscences," 1838; d. 16 April, 1S50. TussEB, Thomas, agriculturist and poet ; }. 1515; published " A Hundretb good Pointes of Husbandrie," 1557 ; "Five hundreth Points of Good Husbandry," 1573; d. about 1580. TcTHiLL, Sir George, M.D.; d. 7 April, 173S. TwELLS, Leonard, D.D.; published "Critical Examination of the late Text and Version of the New Testament in Greek and English," 1732 ; d. 19 Feb. 1742. Twining, Rev. Thomas, classical scholar ; I. 1734 ; published translation of Aristotle's "Treatise on Poetry," 1789; d. 6 Aug. 1804. Twiss, Horace, lawyer and politician; b. 1 786 ; vice-chancellor of the duchy of Lancas- ter ; published "Life of Lord Eldon," 1844; d. 4 May, 1849. Twiss, Sir Travers, ecclesiastical lawyer ; b. about i8io; appointed queen's advocate- general, Aug. 1S67; published "Lectures on the Science of International Law," 1856; " Law of Nations. in time of War," 1863. TWI 645 UFE Twiss, 'William, D.D., nonconformist divine; h. about 1575; published "Eiclies o£ God's Love unto the Vessels of Mercy," 1653 ; d. 20 July, 1646. TwYNE, Bryan, grandson of following, anti- quary; 5. 1579; published " Antiquitatis Aca- demiie Oxoniensia Apologia," 1608 ; d. 4 July, 1644. TwYNB, John, antiquary ; wrote " De Kebus Albionicis, Britannicis atque Anglicis Commen- tariorum Libri duo," printed 1590; d. 24 Nov. 1581. TwTSDEN, Sir Eoger, antiquary; !>. 1597; edited "Historiae Anglioanse Scriptores decem," 1652 ; d. 7 July, 1672. Ttaed, i?ontus de, seigneur de Bissy, French poet; b. 1521 ;published "Erreurs amoureuses," 1549-55 ; " Douze Tables de Fleuves ou Fon- taines," 1586 ; d. 23 Sept. 1605. Tte, Christopher, musical composer; Jl. l6th century. Ttleb, John, American statesman ; J. 1 790 ; president of the United States, 4 April, 1841 — 4 March, 1S45 ; d. 1862. Ttler, Wat, rebel; led a rebellion against Eichard II., June, 1381 ; sacked Lambeth palace, and seized the Tower ; beheaded Simon de Sudbury, archbishop of Canterbury, 14 June, 1381 ; Idlled in London, 15 Jtme, 1381. TtndaI;, John, Irish physicist; b. about 1 820 ; made researches ou radiant heat, 1859-69 ; published "Glaciers of the Alps," 1S60; "Heat considered as a mode of Motion," 1863. Ttndale, or TiNDAL, William, reformer and martyr; b. about 1477; published translation of the New Testament, 1 525 ; of the Penta- teuch, 1530; burnt at Antwerp, 1536. Tyeconnel, Richard Talbot, duke of, states- man; created earl, 20 June, 1685; duke, 20 March, 1689; lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 1686- 89; d. 24 Aug. 1691. Ttebell, Sir James, historian; b. 1642; published " Bibliotheca politica," 1692-95; "General History of England," 1700-4; d. 1718. Tyet^us, Greek poet ; Jl. 7th century B.C. Ttbwhitt, Thomas, critic; b. 29 March, 1 730 ; clerk to the house of commons, 1 762-68 ; published "Epistle to Florio at Oxford," 1749; " Observation and Conjectures on some pas- sages of Shakespeare," 1766; edited Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales," 1772-78; d. 15 Aug. 1786. Tyson, Edward, M.D. ; b. 1649; published " Orang-Outang, or the Anatomy of a Pygmie compared with that of a Monkey, Ape, or Man," 1699; "Anatomy of a Porpess," l58o; d. 1 Aug. 1708. Ttssens, Flemish painters : PiETER : b. 1625 d. 1692 Nicolas, son; 6. 1660 d. 1719 AuGUSTiN, brother ; 6. 1662 . , . d. 1722 Tytlbb, Alexander Eraser, lord Woodhouse- lee, Scotch judge, son of William Tytler; b. 1747; made a lord of session, 1802; pub- lished " Elements of General History, ancient and modem," 1801 ; " Essay on the Principles of Translation," 1791 ; d. 4 Jan. 1813. Tttlek, Patrick Eraser, son, Scottish histo- rian ; 6. 1791 ; published "History of Scotland," 1828-40; "Lives of Scottish Worthies," 1832-33; "Life of Sir Walter Ealeigh," 1833; d. 24 Dec. 1849. Tytlek, William, historical writer; b. 1711; published " Inquiry historical and critical into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots," 1759; d. 12 Sept. 1792. TzETZES, Joannes, Greek poet and gram- marian; Jl. about 1 120; wrote "Chiliades" and "lliaca." u Ubaldino, Petruccio, Italian historian and iUuminator of books; b. about 1524; published "Vita di Carlo Magno," 1581, the first book printed in Italian in England; d. about 1 600. Ubaldino, Euggiero, archbishop of Pisa, 1276; Ghibelline chief noted for his cruelty; captured and starved to death UgoUno and his sons. Ubaldis, Petrus Baldus de, see BaZdus. Ubaldo, Maria Guide, see Guido. Uberti, Eazio degli, Florentine poet ; wrote "Ditta Mundi," first printed 1474; d. about 1370- UccELLO, Paolo, (Paolo di Dono), Florentine painter; b. 1396-1402; d. about 1479. UcHANSKi, James, archbishop of Gnezne and primate of Poland ; b. 1 505 ; consecrated bishop of Chehnno, 1556 ; made archbishop, 1 562 ; crowned Henry of Valois, duke of Anjou, king of Poland, 1574; d. 5 April, 1581. Udal, John, puritan divine ; published " Demonstration of the trueth of that discipline which Christ hath prescribed in his Worde for the Gouernment of his Church," 158S, for which he was tried and condemned to be hanged; d. in the White Lion prison, 1592, just as a pardon had been granted him. Udal, Nicholas, master of Eton and West- minster schools ; b. 1506; wrote "EalphEoys- ter Doyster," the earliest EngUsh comedy known; d. 1 5 56. Uden, Lucas van, Flemish landscape painter and engraver; b. 18 Oct. 1595 ; often employed by Rubens to paint the landscape in his pictures ; d. about 1673. Udine, Nanni da, see Ricamatore. Uffenbach, Johann Friedrich, German lyric poet; b. 10 May, 1687; published "Die Nach- folge Christi," 1726; d. 1769. 2m: trrF S46 UEB Uffenbach, Zacliarias Conrad von, brother, German bibliographer ; h. 22 Feb. 1683 ; pub- lished "Bibliotheca Uffenbaohiana universalis," a catalogue of his fine library, 1729-31 ; d. 6 Jan. 1735. XJggione, Marco da, called also Marco da XTglone, and Marco da Oggione, Lombard painter; 6. at XJggione, near Milan, about 1480; d. 1530. Ughelli, Terdinando, Italian Cistei-cian and ecclesiastical historian; b. 21 March, 1595; published "Italia sacra," 1643-62; rf. 19 May, 1670. Ugolini, Giuseppe, Italian cardinal ; h. 6 Jan. 1783; created, 1838; d. ig Deo. 1867. TTgone, Matthias, bishop of Famagosta ; wrote "Synodia CJgonia de Conciliis," 1532. Uhland, Johann Ludwig, German national poet ; b. 26 April, 1 787 ; elected deputy to the second chamber of the legislature, 1819 ; ended his political career, 1849 ; published "Gedichte," 181 5 ; " Alter hoch-und niederdeutscher "VoUcs- lieder," 1844-45 '• d. l^ Nov. 1862. UiBACH, Louis, French novelist and poet; h. 7 March, 1822; published "Gloriana," poems, 1844. XJlft, Jacob van der, Dutch architectural painter; b. 1627 ; d. after 1688. Ullathokne, WiUiam Bernard, Roman Catholic bishop of Birmingham; consecrated, 1850. TJllmaktn, Carl, German evangelical prelate and theologian; b. 15 March, 1796; professor of theology at Heidelberg, 1821-29, 1836-53; published a work against the doctrines of Strauss, 1838. XJlloa, Alonso de, Spanish historian ; served in the army under Ferdinando di Gonzaga; settled at Venice ; wrote " Vita dell' gran capi- tano Ferrante Gonzaga," 1563; d. about 1580. XJlloa, Antonio de, Spanish naval officer; b. 12 Jan. 17 16: sent to South America to meet La Condamine and measure a degree of the meridian at the equator, 1735; taken pri- soner and brought to England, 1 744 ; published "Relacion historica del viage a la America meridional," 1748; d. in the isle of Leon, 3 July, 1795. XJlloa, Luis de, Spanish lyric poet ; b. about 1590; his poem "Eachel" is his best work; d. 1660. XJlphilas, Gothic bishop ; &. 311; consecrated at Antioch by Eusebius, 341 ; translated the Bible, excepting the books of Kings, into Gothic, but fragments only are extant; ob- tained from the emperor Constans lands in Msesia for his Christian converts, 348; d. at Constantinople, 381. Ulpianus, Domitius, Eoman jurist; wrote "Ad Edictum," and "Libri ad Sabinum," in the reign of Caracalla, 212-217; d. murdered by soldiers, 228. I XJlkica Eleanoea, queen consort of Charles XI., king of Sweden, daughter of Frederick III., king of Denmark ; 6. II Sept. 1656; mar- ried Charles XI., 6 May, 1680 ; was mother of Charles XII. ; celebrated for her linguistic attainments; d, 26 July, 1693. XJleica Eleanoea, queen of Sweden, daugh- ter of Charles XL, king of Sweden, and of the the above ; b. 3 Feb. 1688 ; married prince Frederick of Hesse-Cassel, 1715 ; elected queen in succession to her brother Charles XII., 1719; resigned the throne to her hus- band in consequence of difficulties with Russia, 1720; d. 5 Dec. 1 741, when the dynasty of Deux-Ponts ended. XJlug-Beg, Tartar prince, grandson of Tamer- lane; b. 1394; succeeded his father, 1447; author of works on astronomy, and oriental geography and history ; d. put to death by his son, 1449. XJndeewood, T. E., artist and geologist ; b. about 1772 ; d. 18 July, 1835. Underwood, see Inverness. XJnzek, Johann August, German physician and philosopher ; b. 29 April, 1727; published "Der Arzt," 1759-64; " Medicinisches Hand- buch," 1770 ; d. 2 April, 1799. XJpcOTT, William, topographer and antiquary ; b. 1779; d. 23 Sept. 1845. XJpTON, colonel ; entered Eussian service ; be- came chief engineer at Sevastopol ; d. 1854. XJkban I. — VIII., popes. I. Saint : elected to succeed Calixtus I., 13 Oct. 222 d. at Kome, 23 May, 230 n. Otho : 6, in Champagne ; made cardinal and bishop of Ostia, 1078 ; elected in succession to Victor III. , 12 March, 1088 : engaged in frequent conflicts with the emperor Henry IV., who sup- ported the antipope Guibert : convened the council of Clermont, which authorised the first crusade, 1095 ; favoured the preaching of Peter the Hermit d. 29 July, 1099 III. Alberto Crivelli : consecrated archbishop of Milan, 1182 ; cardinal, 1185 : elected to succeed Lucius III., 25 Nov. 1185 : opposed the usurpa- tions of the emperor Frederick Barbarossa ; d. 19 Oct. 1187 IV. Jacques Pantaloon ; consecrated bishop of Verdun, 1252 ; elected to succeed Alexander ' IV., 29 Aug. 1261 ; instituted the feast of Cor- pus Christi, 1264 ; increased the number of cardinals d. 22 Oct. r264 V. Guillaume de Grimoard ; 6. 1309 ; elected to succeed Innocent VI., 27 Sept. 1362: a warm patron of letters ; founded the academy of Cracow : influenced by the eloquent letters of Petrarch, he removed the seat of the papacy from Avignon to Rome, 1367, but restored it to Avignon, 1370 .... d. 19 Dec. 1370 VI. Bartolommeo da Prignano : &. 1318: became bishop of Acerenza, 1363 ; archbishop of Bari, 1370; elected to succeed Gregory XI., 8 April, 1378 ; irritated by his reproaches as to their scandalous conduct, the cardinals elected Robert of Geneva to be antipope, under the name of Clement VII., 1378, and thus commenced the great schism ; defeated the army of Clement, 1379 : deposed queen Johanna, and gave the crown of Naples to Charles Durazzo, prince_ of Hungary, 1380 ; instituted the feast of the Visi- tation of the Virgin. , d. by poison, 15 Oct. 1389 UKB 647 uss VII. Giovanni Battista Castagna ; 6. 4 Aug. 1521 ; consecrated archbishop of Rossano, about 1553 ; created cardinal, 12 Dec. 1583; elected to succeed Sixtus V., 15 Sept. 1590; reigned thir- teen days ci. 27 Sept. 1590 VIII. MafFeo Barberini ; ft. 26March, 1568 ; con- secrated archbishop of Nazareth in partibus, 1604 ; procured the recall of the Jesuits into France, when nuncio there ; created cardinal, II Sept. 1606 ; made archbishop of Spoleto, 1608; elected to succeed Gregory XV., 6 Aug. 1623 ; suppressed the order of Jesuitesses, granted the title of "Eminence" to cardinals, founded the college of the Propaganda, and augmented the territories of the Holy See with the duchy of Urbino and other provinces ; con- demned the '* Augustinus " of Jansenius, 1642 ; zealously protected arts and letters ; published *' Rime," 1640; " Poemata," 1642; d. 29 July, 1644 Ueceo, Antonio, called "Codnis," Modenese . scholar ; h. 14 Aug. 1446 ; wrote a fifth act to the "Aulularia" of Plautus ; his "Opera" published by Beroaldo, 1502 ; d. 1500. Ure, Andrew, M.D., Scottish chemist ; 6. 18 May, 1778; published " Dictionary of Chemis- try," 1 82 1 ; " Dictionary of Arts, Manufac- tures, and Mines," 1839 ; d. 2 January, 1857. XJef^, Anne d', French poet ; i. 1555 ; wrote sonnets entitled ** La Diane," and " Les Misferes de la France, " never printed ; '* L'Hon- neur et la Vaillance," published 1592 ; d. 1621. TTef^, Honor^ d', brother, French novelist and poet; 6. 11 Feb. 1568; published "L'As- tr^e," 1610, which has been translated into almost every European language j " Epistres morales," 1598; d. I June, 1625. Ukquhaet, David, Scotch politician ; i. 1805 ; secretary of embassy at Constantinople, 1835- 37 ; M.P. for Stamford, 1847-52 ; wrote " Tur- key and its Resources," 1834; " The Lebanon," i860 ; energetically opposed the foreign policy of lord Palmerston. Uequhakt, Sir Thomas, of Cromarty, Scotch mathematician and philologist ; wrote *' Epi- grams divine and morall," 1641 ; his " Works " printed by the Maitland Club, 1834. XJequijo, Mariano Luis de, Spanish states- man ; b. 8 Sept. 1768; minister for foreign affairs, 1 798-1 800; deprived the Inquisition of its tyrannical powers, abolished slavery, and introduced vaccination into Spain ; imprisoned by the Inquisition, 1801-2 ; made secretary of state, 1 80S; d. 3 May, 1 81 7. TJeeaoa, queen of Leon and Castille ; h. 1081 ; daughter of Alfonso VI. ; married, first, Ray- mond, count of GaUcia, 1090 ; secondly, AJfonso I., king of Aragon and Navarre, 1 109 ; suc- ceeded her father, II09; her tyranny and in- trigues against her husband led to a civil war, which lasted until her death ; her troops routed near Sepulveda, 26 Oct. mo; her son, Alfonso VII. Raymond, proclaimed king of Leon and Castille, and queen Urraca regent, mo; d. 7 March, 1 126. TJesins, Anne Marie de La Tr^mouille, prin- cesse des, French politician, eldest daughter of Louis de La Tr^mouille, duke of Noirmoutiers ; 6. about 1641 ; married, first, Adrien Blaise de Talleyrand, prince of Chalais, 1659; se- condly, Flavio Orsini, duke of Bracciano, 1675 ! aided Louis XIV. to secure the Bourbon suc- cession to the throne of Spain ; acquired para- mount influence over Philip V., and in reality ruled Spain from 1 70 1 until the death of his queen, Maria Louisa of Savoy, 17 14, when she was banished ; resided at Rome, and governed the Stuarts, 1720-22; her " Correspondance " with madame de Maintenon published, 1826; "Lettres in($dites," 1858; d. at Rome, 5 Dec. 1722. TJesins, Jacques Jouvenel des, archbishop of Rheims ; b. 14 Oct. 1410; consecrated arch- bishop, 1444; resigned, 1449; made patriarch of Antioch, 1449; d. 12 March, 1457. TJesins, Jean Jouvenel des : I. French lawyer; 6. about 1360; appointed "PrevSt des Marchands," 1388: improved the navigation of the rivers Seine and Marne ; re- signed, 1400 : afterwards president of the parlia- ments of Poitiers and of Toulouse ; d. i April, 1431 II. son, French prelate and historian ; b. 23 Nov. 1388 : bishop of Beauvais, 1432 ; of Laon, 1444 : succeeded Ms brother Jacques as archbishop of Eheims, 1449 ; engaged in negotiations for the evacuation of Normandy by the English, and in the trial of Joan of Arc ; wrote " Chronique de Charles VI." . . . . d. m July, 1473 TJesinus, antipope ; opposed St. Damasus, 366; renewed his pretensions, 381 ; again, 384 ; banished by the emperor Valentinian I,, 23 Feb. 385. TJesinus, Georg Heinrich, German philo- logist; b. 1647; published " Onomasticon Ger- manico-Graecum," 1690 ; d. lo September, 1707. TJesinus, Johann Heinrich, father of above, German Lutheran theologian ; 6.26 Jan. 1 608 ; published "Analecta sacra," 1658; " Arbore- tum biblicum," 1663-72; d. 14 May, 1667. Ukville, Dumont d', see Dumont. TJssHEE, James, archbishop of Armagh ; J. 4 Jan. 1580; made professor of theology in Trinity college, Dublin, 1607 ; bishop of Meath, 1620; translated to Armagh, 1624; showed great intolerance towards the Roman Catholics ; fled from Ireland at the time of the rebelUon, 1641 ; published " Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti," 1650-54; " Chronologia sacra," the still received chronology of the Bible, 1660; d. 21 March, 1656. TJssiEUX, Louis d', French author ; ?). 30 March, 1 744 ; one of the founders of the " Journal de Paris ;" edited " Collection universelle des M^- moires particuliers relatifs Jt I'Histoire de France," 67 vols., 1785-90; with Duchesnay, " Bibliothfeque universelle des Dames," 154 vols., 1785; d. 21 Aug. 1805. TJSU 548 VAL UsuAED, French hagiographer ; a monk of Saint-Germain-des-Pr^s at Paris ; composed, by command of Charles the Bald, a Martyrology, first printed at the end of " Rudimentum Novi- tiorum," 1475. which served as a basis for the " Martyrologium Eomanum;" d. 8 Jan. 876 or S77. Utbecht, Adriaau van, Flemish painter; 5. 12 Jan. 1599; his chef-d'ceuvre is the "Bou- tique d'un Marchand de poissons," in the Ghent museum; d. 1653. UvABOV, Sergyee Semenovitch, Russian states- man; I. 1785; d. 16 Sept. 1855. UvEDALE, Robert, D.D., botanist; J. 1642; d. 1722. XJwiNS, David, M.D. ; h. 17S0; d. 22 Sept. 1837- XJwiNS, Thomas, brother, painter ; h. 24 Feb. 1782 ; elected A.R.A., 1833 ; E.A., 1838 ; keeper of the National Gallery, 1847-55 > ^' ^6 Aug. 1857. Uz, Johann Peter, German lyric poet ; 5. 3 Oct. 1 720 ; published with Giitz a translation of Anacreon, 1746; wrote "Thfedic^e," 1755; d. 12 May, 1796. UzziAH, king of Judah, erroneously called Azariah ; reigned B.C. 808-9 to 756-7. Y Vacoa, Flaminio, Roman sculptor ; 5. about 1538 ; executed the statue of St. Francis in the Sistine chapel ; d. 1600. Vacoaeo, Andrea, Neapolitan painter ; I. 1598 ; d. 1670. Vacheeot, Etienne, French philosopher ; 5. 29 July, 1809 ; published "Histoire critique de I'Ecoled'Alexandrie," 1846-50; "Democratic," 1859, seized, 1862, and its author condemned to three months' imprisonment. VaddSre, Jean Baptiste de, Belgian histo- rian ; 6. about 1640; published "Traits de I'origine des Dues et Duch^ de Brabant," 1672 ; d. 3 Feb. 1691. Vad^, Jean Joseph, French humorous poet ; b. 18 Jan. 1 719; originator of the "poissard" style of Uterature ; his " ffiuvres poissardes" printed, 1796; d. 4 July, 1757. Vadianus, Joachimua, see Watt. Vadiee, Marc Guillaume Alexis, French con- ventionalist ; b. 1736 ; elected deputy to the states-general, 1789 ; violently attacked the Girondists, and became one of the committee of general safety, 1 793 ; turned against Robes- pierre, and denounced Catherine Th^ot, 1 794 ; implicated in the conspiracy of Babeuf, 1 797 ; proscribed as a regicide, and withdrew into the Netherlands, 181 6 ; published " Opinion dans le procfes du Roi, " 1 792 ; d. at Brussels, 14 Deo. 1828. Vaga, Pierino del, see Pierino. Yahl, Martin, Norwegian botanist ; 5. 10 Oct. 1749; published "Eclogas Americans," 1796-1807; "Flora Danica," parts 16 to 21; ^.24 Deo. 1804. Vaillant, Jean Baptiste Philibert, marshal of France ; h. at Dijon, 6 Dec. 179°. Served in the Russian campaign, at Waterloo, and in Algeria 1812-39 Took the direction of the fortifications of Paris, 1840 Commanded the engineers at the siege of Rome, 1849 Created marshal ir Dec. 1851 Minister of war, during which time he reorganised the military schools and the army . . 1854-59 Appointed major-general of the army of Italy, 1859 Made minister of the imperial household and of the fine arts .... Vaillant, Jean Foy, French numismatist ; 6. 24 May, 1632; travelled in Europe and the East by order of Colbert to collect coins and medals for the Cabinet du Roi ; published " Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum praes- tantiora," 1674; "Numismata eerea Impera- torum," 1688 ; d. 23 Oct. 1706. Vaillant, Jean Frangois Foy, son, French numismatist; 5. 17 Feb. 1665; d. 17 Nov. 1708. Vaillant, S^astien, French botanist ; 6. 26 May, 1669 ; made director of the Jardin des Plantes, 1708 ; his " Botanicon Parisiense'' published, 1727 ; d. 26 May, 1722. Vaillant, Wallerant, French portrait painter and mezzotint-engraver ; b. 1623 ; taught the mezzotint process by prince Rupert; d. 1677. Vaissete, Dominique Joseph, French Bene- dictine historian; b. 1685 ; published "His- toire g&drale de la province du Languedoc," 1730-45; d. 10 April, 1756. Valaet, Joseph, French classical critic ; b. 25 Dec. 1698; translated into French the New Testament and the Imitation of Jesus Christ ; d. 2 Feb. 1781. VALAzi, Charles El^onore Dufriche de, French conventionalist ; &. 23 Jan. 1 75 1 j elected a member of the coi^vention, 1792 ; accused with other Girondists at the bar of Fouquier-Tin- ville ; stabbed himself while sentence was being pronounced, 30 Oct. 1793. Valokenaee, Jan, son of following, Dutch diplomatist; b. 1765; envoy to Madrid, 1796- 1 80 1 ; sent by Louis Bonaparte to make a last vain effort to prevent the union of Holland with France, 1810 ; d. 25 Jan. 1821. Valokenaee, Louis Gaspard, Dutch philo- logist ; 6. 1715 ; his " Observationes aca- demicae" published, 1790; d. 15 March, 1785- ValdSs, Juan de, Spanish reformer ; accom- panied the emperor Charles V. into Germany ; went to Naples as secretary to the viceroy Pedro de Toledo ; by some called a Socinian, but without sufficient proof ; d. I540' VAL 549 VAL Valdivia, Pedro de, Spanish captain ; 6. about 1510; distinguished himself in the conquest of Venezuela, 1535; went thence into Peru; in- trusted by Pizarro with the subjugation of Chili; founded Santiago, 12 Peb. 1541 ; taken prisoner by the Indians during a revolt at La Concepcion, and killed, Dec. 1559. Vaido, Pierre, French reformer, of Lyons ; often erroneously called the founder of the Valdenses, which sect is mentioned as early as 1 144; his followers called " Pauvres de Lyon," on account of the self-imposed poverty that was their distinctive character ; his doctrine condemned by the general council of the Late- ran, 1 1 79 ; fled into Pioardy and Germany ; d. in Bohemia, 1 1 79. Val^e, Silvain Charles, comte, marshal of France; 6. 17 Dec. 1773; served at AusterUtz and in the Peninsula ; created count, 12 March, 1814; superintended the reorganisation of the artillery, 1815-28; besieged and took Constan- tine, 15 Oct. 1837; made marshal, 11 Nov. 1837 ; governor of Algeria, 1S37-41 ; d. 16 Aug. 1846. Valence, Aymer de, bishop of Winchester ; half-brother of king Henry III. ; consecrated, 1250; d. 4 Dec. 1260. Valence, Cyrus Marie Alexandre de Tim- brune, comte de, French general ; 6. 20 Aug. 1757; nominated general-in-chief of the army of the Ardennes, Oct. 1792; took Dinan, Char- leroi, and Namur; as secretary of the senate, signed the dethronement of Napoleon, 1 81 4; d. 4 Feb. 1822. Valenciennes, Pierre Henri, French land- scape painter; I. 6 Dec. 1750; published "Ele- ments de Perspective pratique," 1800; d. 16 Feb. 1 819. Valens, emperor of the East ; h. 328 ; made emperor by his brother, Valentinian I., 28 March, 364; embraced Arianism; persecuted the Catholics ; admitted the Goths into Thrace, 376 ; killed in battle with them near Ha- drianople, 9 Aug. 378. Valbntijn, Frangois, Dutch traveller ; h. April, 1666; protestant minister at Amboina, Banda, &c. ; wrote " Oud en Nieuw Oost- Indien," 1724-26; d. about 1725. Valentin, (Valentin de Boulongne), French painter; 6. Jan. 1591 ; d. 7 Aug. 1634. Valentin-Smith, Joannes Erhard, French lawyer; 6. 16 Sept. 1796; published "Mendi- city et Travail," 1848 ;" Du Tribunal de PoUce en Angleterre," 1863. Valentine, pope ; elected to succeed Eugenius II., 1 Sept. 827 ; d. 10 Oct. 827. Valentine, of Milan, wife of Louis de Val»is, duke of Orleans, brother of Charles VI., daughter of Giovanni Galeazzo de' Visconti, duke of Milan; J. about 1370; married, 17 Aug. 1389; celebrated for her amiabiUty and love for her unfaithful husband, who was as- sassinated, 23 Nov. 1407 ; d. of grief, 4 Dec. 1408. Valentine, Basil, German alchemist ; 5. about 1414; wrote " Microcosmus," published 1609 ; " Douze clefs de la philosophic," 1659. Valentinian I. — III., emperors of Eome. 1 6. 321 Declared emperor in succession to Jovian, 26 Feb. 364 Maintained the pure catholic faith : made his brother, Valens, emperor of the East, 28 March, 364 Went into Gaul .... . . 365 Defeated the AUemannl ; d. in a campaign against the Quadi . . 17 I^ov. 375 II. son . . . .6. about 371 Proclaimed emperor with his brother, Gratian, in succession to Valentinian I. . .23 Nov. 37s Became sole emperor upon the murder of Gratian 25 Aug. 383 His throne usurped by Maximus; restored by the emperor Theodosius 388 d, probably strangled by order of Arbogast IS May, 352 III. &. 3 July 419 Made emperor under the regency of his mother, Galla Placidia, upon the defeat of Joannes, who had usurped the imperial dignity at the death of Honorius, 23 Oct. 425 A feeble and contemptible prince : Carthage taken by the Vandals imder Genseric . . 439 Britain abandoned . . ... 446 Italy devastated by Attila .... 452 Murdered Aetius, the last great Homan soldier 454 d. murdered, 16 March, 455 Valentinus, Gnostic heresiarch ; a native of Egypt; fi. at Rome, about 140-155. Valeka, Diego de, Spanish historian ; 5. about 1412; published "Chronica de Espaila abre- viada," 1482; d. about 1500. Valeria, Galeria, empress of Eome; daughter of the empress Diocletian; married Galerius, 292 ; banished to Syria after his death ; be- headed at Thessalonica, 315. Valeriano, Giampietro, ItaUan scholar; 6. 1477) tutor of Ippolito and Alessandro de' Medici ; wrote " Poemata," printed 1538 ; " Hieroglyphica, " 1556; " Contarenus, seu de Litteratorum InfeHcitate," 1620; d. 1558. Valerianos, Juan de Fuca, surnamed Apos- tolos, Greek navigator; entered the Spanish service; d. 1602. Valebianus, Publius Licinius, emperor of Rome ; succeeded Decius, 254 ; defeated the Persians and recovered Antioch, but at length taken prisoner by Sapor, king of Persia, 260 ; d. in captivity. Valerius Maximus, see Maximus. Valguarnera, Mariano, SiciUan poet; J. 7 Oct. 1564; his translation of Anacreon first printed, 1 795 ; d. 28 Aug. 1 634. Valhdbert, Jean Marie Melon Roger, French general; b. 22 Oct. 1764; distinguished at the battle of Marengo, 14 June, 1800; killed at battle of Austerlitz, 2 Dec. 1805. Valieei, Eertuccio, doge of Venice; succeeded Francesco Comaro, 15 June, 1656; en- deavoured in vain to put an end to the siege of Candia by i;he Turks; d. 30 March, 1658. VAL 550 VAN Valieri, Salvestro, son, doge of Venice ; succeeded Francesco Morosini, Jan. 1694; concluded the peace of Carlowitz, by which Venice retained the Morea, 26 Jan. 1699 ; d. S July, 1700. Valieeo, Agostino, Venetian cardinal; J. 7 April, 153 1 ; consecrated bishop of Verona, 1565; transferred to Palestrina, 1605; created cardinal, Dec. 1583; published "Hhetorica ec- clesiastica," 1574; d. 24 May, 1606. Vaiin, Een^ Josu^ French jurist; J. 10 June, 169s ; published " Nouveau Commen- taire sur la Coutume de La Kochelle," 1756; " Commentaires sur I'ordonnance de la Marine du mois d'aoM 1681," 1760; d. 23 Aug. 1765. Valinoouet, Jean Baptiste Henri du Trous- set, sieur de, French writer; 5. I March, 1653 ; published " Lettres k la Marquise de * * * sur la Princesse de Cloves," 1678; "ViedeFran- 9013 de Lorraine, due de Guise," 1681 ; d. 4 Jan. 1730. Valla, Giorgio, Italian physician; J. about 1430; wrote "De expetendis et fugiendis Kebus," published 1501 ; d. 1499. Valla, Lorenzo, cousin, Italian classical scholar; h. 1406; wrote against the temporal pretensions of the papacy ; contributed greatly to the revival of learning in Europe; first translated Homer's Iliad into Latin; published " De Elegantia Latinae Linguae," 1471 ; d. Aug. 1457. Vallabier, Andr4 French Jesuit ; J. about 1565; wrote "Labyrinthe royal de I'Hercule gaulois," description of the triumphal entry of Marie de' Medici into Avignon, 1600; d. 13 Aug. 1638. Vallanoey, Charles, colonel E.B., Irish antiquary ; 6. 1 72 1 ; published " Collectanea de Eebus Hibemicis," 17S6-1804; d. 1812. Vallarsi, Domenico, Italian antiquary ; h. 13 Nov. 1702; edited the works of St. Jerome, 1734; d. 14 Aug. 1771. Valle, Guglielmo della, Italian historian; h. about 1740 ; wrote " Lettere Sanesi sopra le Belle Arti," 1782-86; d. 1794. Valle, Pietro della, Italian traveller; 5. 2 April, 1586; travelled in the Holy Land and Persia ; his " Viaggi descritti in Lettere famili- ari " pubUshed, 1650-53 ; d. 20 April, 1652. Vallee, Geoifroi, sieur de La Planchette, French deist ; wrote " La Beatitude des Chres- tiens," for which he was condemned to death, 18 May, 1572, and hung at Paris, 9 Feb. 1574. Vallemont, Pierre Le Lorrain de, French abb^ ; h. 10 Sept. 1649; published "Physique occulte," 1693; "Elements de I'Histoire," 1696; d. 30 Deo. 1721. ValliSs, Francisco, Spanish physician;/. 1 6th century ; became physician to Philip II. ; wrote " Controversiarum medicarum et philosophi- carum lib. X.," 1564. Valletta, Niccolb, Italian jurist ; h. 22 June, 1738; wrote ' ' Cicalata sul f ascino volgarmente detto Jettatura," 1787; d. 21 Nov. 1814. Vallisnieki, Antonio, Italian naturalist ; J. 3 May, 1661 ; made researches into the generar tion of animals ; published " Istoria deUa Gene- razione dell' XJomo e degU Animali," 1721 ; d. 28 Jan. 1730. Vallot, Antoine, French physician; 6. 1594; made physician to Louis XIV. 1652 ; d. 9 Aug. 1671. Valmiki, Indian epic poet ; fi. 4th century ; wrote the " Eamayana." Valmont de Bomake, Jacques Christophe, French naturalist; h. I'] Sept. 1731 ; published " Dictionnaire raisoimd universel d'Histoire naturelle," 1764; d. 24 Aug. 1807. Valois, see A Uncon, Orleans. Valpt, Rev. Abraham John, classical scholar; sou of Dr R. Valpy; b. 1787; edited " Delphia Latin Classics," 1819-30; "Classical Journal," 1810-29; vicar of Doncaster, 1860-68; master of the Temple, 1868. Vaughan, Henry, called the " Silurist," Welsh poet; ft. 1621 ; published "Silex scin- tillans ; or, Sacred Poems and private Ejacula- tions," 1650-55; d. April, 1695. Vaughan, Sir John, judge; ft. 1608; made chief justice of the common pleas, 23 May, 1 668 ; " Eeports and Arguments, being all of them special cases and many" decided by him, published 1677; d. 10 Dec. 1674. Vaughan, Sir John, judge ; 6. 1772 ; made a baron of the exchequer, 24 Feb. 1 827 ; a justice of the common pleas, 29 April, 1834;^. 250ot. 1839. Vaughan, Eobert, D.D., independent minis- ter; ft. 1795; pubhshed "Life and Opinions of John Wycliffe," 1828; "John de Wyclifie," 1853 ; "Revolutions in English History," 1859- 63 ; d. 14 June, 1868. Vaughan, Eev. Eobert Alfred, son, poet; ft. 18 March, 1823; published " Houra with the Mystics," 1856; "Essays and Eemains," 1858; d. 26 Oct. 1857. Vaughan, Thomas, alchemist, brother of Henry Vaughan, the Silurist ; wrote undei; the pseudonym, Eugenius PhUalethes; published " Fame and confession of the Fraternity of E. C, conmionly of the Roman Cross," 1652 ; d. 1666. Vaughan, Sir William, Welsh poet; 6. 1577; wrote " The Golden Grove," 1600 ; " The Golden Fleece," 1626; d. about 1640. Vauquelin, Nicolas, seigneur des Yveteaux, French poet; 6.1567; his "(Euvrespo^tiques" published, 1854; d. 9 March, 1649. Vaux, Nicholas Vaux, lord, favourite of Henry VIII. ; created baron, 27 April, 1523 ; d. before 3 July, 1523. Vaux, Thomas Vaux, lord, son, poet; ft. 1510; d. before 30 May, 1557. Vaux, William Sandys Wright, numismatist ; ft. 1818; appointed keeper of coins and medals in the British Museum, 1861 ; published "Nineveh and Persepolis," 1S50; "Handbook to the Antiquities in the British Museum," 1851. Vecellio, Cesare, Venetian painter, cousin of Titian ; 6. 1530 ; published " Degli Abiti antichi e modemi," 1590; "Corona deUe nobUe e ver- tuose Donne," 1591 ; d. 1606. Vecellio, Francesco, Venetian painter, bro- ther of Titian; ft. 1475 ; d. 1560. Vecellio, Marco, Venetian historical painter, cousin of Titian ; ft. 1545; d. 1611. Vecellio, Orazio, Venetian portrait painter, son of Titian; ft. 1515; assisted Titian in hia painting; d. 1576. Vecellio, Tiziano, called Titian, Venetian painter; ft. 1477; pupU of Giovanni Bellini; his finest work, one of the three most celebrated pictures in the world, "The Death of Peter Martyr," painted for the chxurch of San Gio- vanni e San Paolo at Venice, was burnt there, 15 Aug. 1867 ; his other chefs-d'oeuvre are the "Assumption," in the Accademia at Venice, "Venus," in the Florence Gallery, "Bacchus and Ariadne," in the National Gallery, "Christ crowned with thorns," and " Jupiter and Antiope," (called "Venus del Pardo "), in the Louvre; d. of plague, 27 Aug. 1576. VEO 553 VEN Vecellio, Tiziano, called Tizianello, Venetian painter, son of Marco VeceUio; h. 1570; d. 1650. Vechtb, Antoine, artist in precious metals; 6. 1800; lived in England, 1850-62; his chef- d'oeuvre is the Titan vase ; d. 30 Aug. 1868. Vedast, or Waast, Saint ; consecrated bishop of Arras, about 499; of Cambrai, about 5^*^> an abbey was founded at his burial-place on the banks of the Crinchon, the monks of which were celebrated a,3 copyists and aiuminators of manuscripts ; d. 6 Feb. 540. Veddek, David, Scottish poet ; i. 1 790 ; pub- lished " Orcadian Sketches," 1832; d 11 Feb. 1854. Vedeiani, Lodovico, Italian historian ; b. about 1601 ; published " Storia di Modena," 1664-67 ; d. 9 Feb. 1670. Veen, Otho van, Flemish historical painter, poet, and historian; 5. 1558 ; (i. 6 May, 1629. Vega Cakpio, Lope FeUx de, see Lope. Vegetius, Flavins Eenatus, Roman military writer ; Jl. about 385 ; wrote ' ' E,ei Militaris Instituta," first printed 1473- Vela, Blasco Nunez, viceroy of Pern ; i. about 1490 ; appointed viceroy by Charles V., 1543; vanquished and beheaded by Carvajal, 26 Jan. 1546. Velasco, Antonio Palomino de Castro y, Spanish painter ; b. 1653; d. 13 April, 1726. Velazqdez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y, Spanish portrait painter; b. 6 June, 1599 ; settled at Madrid, 1622 ; his best portraits are those of the duke de Olivarez in the Madrid gallery, and of pope Innocent IV. ; d. 7 Aug. 1660. Vbldb, Adriaan van den, Dutch landscape and animal painter and engraver; son of Willem van den Velde the elder; b. 1639; his chef- d'oeuvre is the "Plage deScheveningen," in the Louvre; d. 2i Jan. 1672. Velde, Esadas van den, Dutch landscape painter and engraver; b. about 1597; d. after 1652. Velde, Jan van den, Dutch engraver; b. about 1567; published "Delicise variarum in- signiumque Scripturarum," 1604. Velde, van den, Dutch marine painters ; "Willem, the elder ; h. 1610 ; commenced life as a sailor; came to England, 1675 ; received a pension from Cliarles II. d. in London, 16 Dec. 1693 Willem, the younger, son; b. 1633; came to England, and pensioned by Charles II. ; d. at Greenwich, 6 April, 1 707 Veldek, Heinrich von, German poet ; fl. about I180. ■ Velluti, Donate, Italian historian ; J. 16 July, 1313; wrote "Cronicadi Firenze ;" d. i July, 1370. Vellt, Paul Fran9ois, French historian ; b. 9 April, 1709; wrote "Histoire de France," pub- lished 1765-85 ; d. 4 Sept. 1759. Velpbau, Alfred Armand Louis Marie, French surgeon; b. 18 May, 1795; published "Traits d' Anatomic chimrgicale," 1825-26; " Embryologie," 1833; d. 24 Aug. 1867. Velthutsen, Lambert, Dutch physician and theological writer; 6. 1622 ; d. 1685. Venoe, Henri Fran9ois de, French Hebraist and biblical writer ; b. about 1 67 5; edited the Bible, 1738-43; d. i Nov. 1749. Vend6mb, Cdsar, due de, natural son of Henry IV. of France, and GabrieUe d'Estr^es; b. June, 1594; d. 22 Oct. 1665. Vendome, Louis, due de, son, French general b. 1612; made viceroy of Catalonia, 1649 took holy orders, 1657; created cardinal, 1667 d. 6 Aug. 1669. Vend6mb, Louis Joseph, due de, son, French general; b. i July, 1654; d. 15 June, 1712. Vendome, Philippe de, brother, French oflBcer ; b. 23 Aug. 1665 ; elected grand prior of France, 1693 ; d. 24 Jan. 1727. Vendome, see Antony. Vendkamino, Andrea, doge of Venice ; b. 1400 ; elected, 5 March, 1477 ; d. 1478. Venekoni, see Yigneron. Venette, Nicolas, French physician ; b. 1633 ; wrote '*De la G^n^ration de rHomme," pub- lished 1751 ; d. 1698. Venezianu, Antonio, Sicilian poet ; b. 1543 ; d. Aug. 1593. Venieeo, Antonio, doge of Venice ; elected, 22 Oct. 1382 ; re-established the commerce, and extended the dominion of Venice ; annexed Corfu, 1386 ; Trevisa, 1388; d. 23 Nov. 1400. Venibeo, Domenico, Itahan poet ; &. 1517; his "Rime" published, 1751 ; d. 16 Feb. 1582. Veniero, Francesco, doge of Venice ; elected, II June, 1554; d. 12 June, 1556. Veniero, Sebastiano, doge of Venice ; com- manded the Venetian fleet at the battle of Lepanto, 7 Oct. 1571 ; elected, II June, 1576; d. of grief for the destruction by fire of the ducal palace, 3 March, 1578. Venius, Otto, see Veen. Venne, Adriaan van der, Dutch painter and poet; b. 1589; designed illustrations for Cats' Emblems ; d. 1662. Vennek, Tobias, M.D. ; 6. 1577 ; wrote "Via recta ad Vitam longam," 1620; d. 27 March, 1660. Ventenat, Etienne Pierre, French botanist ; b. I March, 1757; appointed librarian of the Pantheon, 1 796 ; published " Tableau de la Rfegne vegetal," 1799; d. 14 Aug. 1808. Ventidius Bassus, Roman general; b. about B.C. 85 ; conquered the Parthians, 39 ; d. about 3°- Ventuea, Gioacchino, Italian Jesuit preacher ; b. 8 Dec. 1792; d. 2 Aug. 1861. Venuti, Filippo, Italian antiquary ; 5. 1 709 ; published " Dissertations sur les anciens Monu- ments de Bordeaux," 1754 > <^' ^1^9- YEN 55i VER Venuti, Niccolb Marcello, brother, Italian antiquary ; 6. 1 700 ; published " Descrizione delle prime Scoperte dell' antica cittk di Erco- lano," 1749; rf. July, 1755. Venuti, Ridolfino, brother, Italian antiquary ; J. Nov. 1705 ; d. 30 March, 1763. Vera, Pedro de, Spanish captain ; 6. 1440 ; appointed governor of the Canaries, 1480 ; d. about 1500. Veranzio, or Wranczt, Antonio, archbishop of Gran; h. 20 May, 1 504; ambassador to Prance and England, 1530; to Constantinople, 1553 ; made viceroy, 1572; d. 15 June, 1573. Veeaed, Antoine, French printer ; printed translation of Boccaccio's " Decameron," 1485 ; d. about 15 13. "Veebiest, Ferdinand, Flemish Jesuit mis- sionary and astronomer ; 6. 9 Oct. 1 623 ; went to China, 1657 ; rf. 23 Jan. 1688. Veeb^okhoven, Eugfene, Belgian animal and portrait painter ; h. 1 799. Veecellone, Carlo, Italian Bamabite theo- logian; published "Variae Lectiones vulgatEe Latinae BibUonim Editionis," 1860-64; (^- Jan. 1869. Veedi, Giuseppe, Italian musical composer ; J. 9 Oct. 1814 ; produced " Oberto," 1839 ; " Nabucodonosor," 1842 ; " Luisa Miller," 1849; " Eigoletto,'' 1851 ; "Trovatore," and "La Traviata," 1853 ; "BaUo in Maschera," 1858 ; " Forza del Eestino," 1863. Veedier, C&ar de, French anatomist ; J. 1 685 ; d 19 March, 1759. Veedier, Fran9ois, French painter and en- graver ; 5. 1651; d. 19 June, 1730. Veedot, Claude, French historical painter; i. 1667; d. 19 Dec. 1733. Veee, Edward de, earl of Oxford, poet; J. 1545; d. 24 June, 1604. Veee, Sir Francis, general; 5. 1554 ; defended Ostend, 1600; d. 28 Aug. 1608. Veee, Horace, lord Vere of Tilbury, brother, general ; h. 1565 ; created baron, 24 July, 1625 ; d. 2 May, 1635. Veee, see De Vere. Verelius, or Weel, Olaus, Swedish historian and antiquary; b. 12 Feb. 1618 ; d. I Jan. 1682. Verelst, Simon, Flemish flower and fruit painter; b. 1664; came to England; d. here, 1721. Veeemund, see Bermuda. Veeqennes, Charles Gravier de, comte, French diplomatist; b. 28 Dec. 1 71 7; ambassador at Constantinople, 1754-67; d. 13 Feb. 1787. Veegeeio, Pietro Paolo, the elder, Italian writer and rhetorician ; i. about 1349; (?. about 1420. Veegeeio, Pietro Paolo, the younger, bishop of Capo d'Istria ; b. about 1495 ; sent as nuncio to the emperor Ferdinand, 1 530 ; became a protestaut, about 1542; deprived, 1548 ; d. 4 Oct. 1565. Veeoiee, Jacques, French poet; b. 3 Jan. 1655; his "(Euvresdi verses" published, 1726; d. 18 Aug. 1720. Verone, see Tressan. Vergniaud, Pierre Victumien, Girondist leader; b. 31 May, 1753; executed, 31 Oct. 1793- Veeheten", Philip, Flemish anatomist ; J. 23 April, 1648 ; wrote " Anatomia Corporis humani," published 1693; d. 28 Jan. 1610. Veehdell, Carol Hendrik, Dutch admiral ; b. II Feb. 1764; ambassador to France, 1807; d. 25 Oct. 1845. Verjds, Louis, comte de CriScy, French diplo- matist; b. 1629; plenipotentiary at the diet of Eatisbon, 1679; at the congress of Eyswick, 1697 ; d. 13 Dec. 1709. Vermigli, Pietro Martire, called Peter Martyr, Italian protestant reformer ; b. 8 Sept. 1500; became a protestant, 1542; appointed professor at Oxford, 1548 ; returned to Stras- bourg, 1556; d. 12 Nov. 1562. Vermuyden, Sir Comehus, engineer; d. 1665, Vermes, Jacob, Swiss divine ; b. 1 728 ; pub- lished " Confidence philosophique," 1772 ; d. 22 Oct. 1 79 1. Vernet, Antoine Charles Horace, called Carle Vemet, French historical painter ; b. 14 Aug. 1758 ; painted " Battle of Marengo," 1804, and with baron Gros created the school of modem military painting; d. 28 Nov. 1836. Veenet, Claude Joseph, father of above, French marine painter; 5. 14 Aug. 1714; painted fifteen views of the ports of France, now in the Louvre ; d. 4 Dec. 1 789. Veenet, Jacob, Smss theologian; b. 29 Aug. 1698; published "Traits de la V^rit^ de la Religion chr^tienne, 1730-82; d. 26 March, 1789. Vernet, Jean Emile Horace, French histori- cal painter, son of Carle Vemet ; b. 30 June, 1789; his chefs-d'oeuvre are the " Siege of Con- stantino," " Capture of the Smalah of Abd-el- Kader," and ' ' Battle of Isly," all at Versailles; d. 17 Jan. 1863. Vernier, Pierre, French mathematician ; b. about 1580; d. 14 Sept. 1637. Veeniqdet, Edme, French architect ; b. 9 Oct. 1727; constructed plan of Paris, 1775- 1803 ; d. 26 Nov. 1804. Veenon, Edward, admiral; b. 12 Nov. 1684; took Portobello, 1739;'^. 29 Oct. 1757. Vernon, Robert, founder of the Vernon gallery; b. 1774; presented to the British nation his magnificent collection of modern pictures, 1848; d. 22 May, 1849. Veenon, Robert Vernon, lord Lyveden, statesman ; b. (Smith), Feb. 1800 ; under- secretary for the colonies, 1839-41 ; secretary- at-war, Feb.— March, 1852; president of the board of control, March, 1S55— Feb. 1858; created baron, 28 June, 1859. VEE, 555 VIC Veknon Hakcoukt, William George, lawyer ; h. 1827; published in the "Times" letters on in- ternational law, signed " Historicus." ViiKON, Pranjois, French Jesuit controversia- list; b. about 1575 ; published " M^thode de traiter les Contro verses de Eehgion," 1638; d. 6 Dec. 1649. ViKON, Louis D^sir^, M.D., French opera director; b. 5 April, 1798; d. 7 Sept. 1867. Veeonese, Paolo, see Paolo. Vebees, Caius, Roman proconsul ; impeached by Cicero, B.C. 70; d. 43. Veeri, Alessandro, conte, Italian writer ; i. 9 June, 1741 ; published "Le Notte Komane," 1792; d. 23 Sept. i8i6. Veeki, Gabriello, Italian jurist ; J. 16 April, 1696; d. 1782. Veret, Pietro, conte, political economist, son; 6. 12 Dec. 1728; published "Meditazioni sull' Economia politica," 1771 ; d. 29 June, 1797. Veesohoyle, Hamilton, bishop of Kilraore, Elphin and Ardagh; b. 1S03; made dean of Perns, 1862; consecrated, Dec. 1862; d. 28 Jan. 1870. VEEsi, Noel Aubert, sieur de, French con- troversialist ; 6. about 1650; embraced Socini- anism, about 1680 ; re-entered the Eomish church, i6S9;d. 1714. Veet, Claude de, French Benedictine Ktur- gist; b. 4 Oct. 1645; published "LaUfeglede Saint-Benolt," 1689; d. I May, 1708. Veetot, Bend Aubert, sieur de, French his- torian ; b. 25 Nov. 1655 ; his "CEuvres choisies" published, i8ig; d. 15 June, 1735. Veeteon, Claude Charles G-uyonnet, sieur de, French historiographer; b. about 1645; d. 30 Nov. 1715. Veedlam, see Bacon. Vesalius, Andreas, Dutch anatomist; 5. 31 Dec. 1514; his "Opera omnia anatomica et chirurgica" published, 1725; d. 15 Oct. 1564. Vesling, Johann, German anatomist and botanist; b. 1598; lectured at Venice, 1628; published " Syntagma anatomicum," 1641 ; d. 30 Aug. 1649. Vespasiahus, Titus Plavius Sabinus, emperor of Rome; b. 17 Nov. 9; consul, 51; pro- claimed emperor, 69; conquered Judaea, 70; made censor, 71; founded the Coliseum, 75; d. 24 June, 79. Vespucci, Amerigo, Florentine navigator, naturalized in Spain ; i: 9 March, 145 1 ; ex- plored the coasts of America in four voyages, 1497-1504; d. 22 Feb. 1512. Vesteis, ItaUaa dancers : Gaetano Apollino Balpassare, called the Great ; 6. 18 April, 1729 ; appointed ballet-mas- ter at the Paris opera, 1770 . . d. 27 Sept. 1808 Marie Auguste, natural son ; &. 27 March, 1760 ; became professor at the Conservatoire, i8ig d. 6 Dec. 1842 Vesteis, Pranfoise Rose, French actress; J. (Gourgaud), 7 April, 1743; d. S Oct. 1804. Vesteis, Lucia Elizabeth, comic actress, daughter of P. Bartolozzi, R.A. ; b. 2 March, 1797 ; married, i. M. Vestris; 2. Charles Jamea Mathews, 18 July, 1838; d. 8 Aug. 1856. Vesteitius Spueinna, Roman general and poet; J?. 1st century; his "Lyricae Reliquise" printed, 1840. Vbttoei, or ViCTOElus, Pietro, Italian scholar; b. 11 July, 1499; edited Cicero's works, 1534-37; wrote Commentaries on Aris- totle, 1548-84; d. 18 Dec. 1585. Veotllot, Louis, French journalist ; I. 1813 ; edited "La Paix," 1838; "Uuivers reUgieux," 1843- Veyssi^ee de la Croze, Mathurin, French Benedictine orientalist; b. 4 Dec. 1661 ; em- braced protestantism, 1696; appointed librarian at Berlin, 1697; wrote "Histoire du Christian- isme des Indes," published 1724; "Lexicon jEgyptiaoo-Latinum," 1775; d. 21 May, 1739. VlAIXNES, Thierri Pagnier de, French Bene- dictine controversialist; 5. 18 March, 1659; pubUshed " De ecclesiastica et politica Potes- tate," 1702; d. 31 Oct. 1735. ViARDOT Garcia, Michelle Pauline, Spanish vocalist; b. (Garcia), 18 July, 1821; married Louis Viardot, April, 1840 ; distinguished as " Valentine " in the " Huguenots," and as " Fides " in the " Prophfete." ViASSOLO, Giovanni Battista, known also as Camillo Federici, Italian dramatist ; b. 9 April, :749; his works published, 1802; d. 23 Dec. 1802. VlAU, or VlAUD, Th^ophile de, French poet ; b. 1590; pubUshed "Pyrame et Thisb^," 161 7; " Pamasse satyrique," 1622; d. 25 Sept. 1626. ViBiDS Sequester, Latin geographer; Ji. 4th century ; wrote " De Pluminibus, Pontibus, &c.," printed 1778. Vic, Claude de, French Benedictine historian ; b. 1687; with dom Vaissette, published "His- toire g^n&ale de la province de Languedoc," 1730-45; d. 23 Jan. 1734. Vicente, Gil, Portuguese comic poet ; b. about 1485; his "Obras" published, 1562; d. about 1557- VicENTiNl, Tommaso Antonio, called Thomas- sin, ItaUau comedian ; i. 1682; d, 19 Aug. 1739. ViCHMANN, Burckhardt, Russian historian ; b. Aug. 1786; pubhshed '* Chronologische Uebersicht der neuesten russischen Geschichte," 1821 ; d. I Aug. 1822. Vici, Andrea, Italian architect; 5. 1744; d. 10 Sept. 1817. ViCO, Enea, Italian antiquary, engraver, and medallist; b. about 1520 ; published "Discorsi sopre le Medaglie degh Antichi," 1555 ; d. about IS'JO. Vico, Giovanni Battista, Italian philosopher ; b. 1688; pubUshed "Principj di una nuova Scienza intorno alia Natura deUe Nazione," 1725; d. 21 Jan. 1743. VIC 556 VIE ViCQ d'Aztr, F^x, Frencli physician ; h. 23 April, 1 748 ; appointed physician to Louis XVI., 1789; his "CEuvres" published, 1805; d. 20 June, 1794- ViCTOB I. — III., popes. I. Saint; elected, 185; fixed the date of Easter day, 196 d. igy II. Gebhard ; elected, 13 April, 1055 ; convoked five councils d. 28 July, 1057 III. Didier ; b. about 1027 ; elected, 24 May, 1086; his " Dialogorum libri IV." printed, 1651 ; d. 16 Sept. 1087 Victor, Claude Perrin, due de Bellune, mar- shal of France ; h. 7 Dec. 1764; took Marengo, 1800 ; made marshal, 1807; d. i March, 1841. Victor, Sextus Aurelius, see Aurelius. Victor Amadeus I., II., dukes of Savoy. I. 6. 8 May, 1587; succeeded, 1630; d. 7 Oct. 1637 II . . b. 14 May, 1666 Succeeded 12 June, 1675 Obtained Sicily by treaty with Spain . . 1713 Exchanged it for the island of Sardinia, with the title of king . . . 1720 Abdicated 1730 d. 30 Oct. 1732 Victor Amadeos II., king of Sardinia ; h. 26 June, 1726; surrendered Savoy and Nice to France, 1796; d. 16 Oct. 1796. Victor Emmanuel I., king of Italy, son of Charles Albert, king of Sardinia ; 6. 18 May, 1820. Proclaimed king of Sardinia . . 27 March, 1849 Joined England and France against Russia 1855 Suppressed the convents . Visited London Signed peace of Villafranca Ceded Savoy and Nice to France Entered kingdom of Naples Proclaimed king of Italy . itemoved the capital to Florence Entered Venice 1855 . 30 Nov. 1855 1859 i860 . 15 Oct. i860 14 March, 1861 . 11 Dec. 1B64 . 7 Nov. 1866 Victor Emmanuel I., king of Sardinia, son of Victor Amadeus II.; b. 24 July, 1759; suc- ceeded his brother, Charles Emmanuel II., 4 June, 1802; abdicated, 13 March, 1821 ; d. 10 Jan. 1824. Victor Emmanuel Ferdinand Maria Janu- ARIUS, prince of Naples, son of Humbert, prince of Piedmont; 6. 11 Nov. 1869. Victoria, queen of Great Britain and Ire- land, daughter of Edward, duke of Kent ; b. at Kensington Palace, 24 May, 1819. Baptized at Kensington palace . 24 June, 1819 Succeeded her uncle, William IV. . 20 June, 1837 Crowned in Westminster abbey . 28 June, 1838 Married her cousin, prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg- Gotha 10 Feb. 1840 Fired at by Edward Oxford . . 10 June, 1840 Again fired at by John Francis . 30 May, 1842 Her Ufe threatened by Bean . . . 3 July, 1842 First visited Scotland . . Aug. — Sept. 1842 Peace of Nankin signed .... Dec. 1842 Visited king Louis Philippe at the chateau d'Eu, 2 Sept. 1843 Went to Germany Aug. 1845 Gave assent to act for the repeal of the com laws, 26 June, 1846 Sikh war terminated by the annexation of the Punjab 29 March, 1849 Embarked for Ireland , . . . i Aug. 1849 Visited Belgium . . . Aug. 1850 Opened the Great Exhibition . . i May, 1851 Reviewed the Baltic fleet . . 11 March, 1854 Alliance signed between England, France, and Turkey 12 March, 1854 War declared against Russia . . 28 March, 1854 Opened the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, 10 June, 1854 Distributed the Crimean medals . 18 May, 1855 Visited Paris 18 Aug. 1855 Peace with Russia signed at Paris . 30 March, 1856 Indian mutiny commenced . . . March, 1857 Distributed the Victoria crosses . 26 June, 1857 Chinese war concluded by the treaty of Tien-tsin 26 June, 1858 Visited Cherbourg .... 4-5 Aug. 1858 Visited Berlin and Potsdam . Aug. 1858 Proclaimed empress of India . . .1 Sept. 1858 Reviewed the volunteers in Hyde park, 23 June, i860 Duchess of Kent died ... 16 March, 1861 Death of the prince consort . . 14 Dec. 1861 Opened the new parliament . . .6 Feb. 1866 Laid foundation-stone of the Albert haU of arts at South Kensington . . . ,20 May, 1867 " Early Years of the Prince Consort" published, July, 1867 Published *' Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands " Jan. 1868 Opened the new Blackfriars' bridge and Folbom viaduct . . . . , 6 Nov. 1869 Victoria Adelaide Mart Louisa, princess royal of Great Britain; b. 21 Nov. 1840; mar- ried Frederick William, prince of Prussia, 25 Jan. 1858. ViCTORiNUS, bishop of Petabiuin, Latin ec- clesiastical writer ; wrote commentaries on the Old Testament ; snSered martyrdom under Diocletian, about 303. ViCTORiNUS, Caius, or Fabiua Marius, called the African, Eoman grammarian and rheto- rician ; converted to Christianity about 360 ; wrote " Ars gramraatica,'* published 1537 J d. 370. ViCTORlus, see VettoH. ViDA, Marco Girolamo, Italian poet and critic; b. about 1480; published "Le Arte poetica," and " De Ludb Scacchorum," 1527; "Christiados libri VI.," 1535 ; d. 27 Sept. 1566. ViDAL, Owen Emeric, first bishop of Sierra Leone; b. 1819 ; consecrated, 1852; d. 23 Dec. 1854. ViDius, Vidus, Italian physician; b. about 1500; professor of medicine at Pisa, 1547! wrote " Ara medicinalis," published 1611 ; d. 26 May, 1569. ViDOCQ, Frangois Jules, French police detec- tive; b. 1775 ; d. 1850. ViEiRA, AntoniOj Portuguese Jesuit mis- sionary; b. 6 Feb. 1608; went to Brazil, 1653; published " Sermoes," 1683-1754; d. 18 July, 1697. ^ ViELLEVlLLE, Frangois de Scepeaux, giro de, marshal of France; b. 1 510; ambassador to England, 1547; made marshal, 1562; d. l Dec. 1571. . , ViEN, Joseph Marie, comte, French histoncal painter; 6. 18 June, 1716; his chef-d'oeuvre is the "Preaching of St. Denis," in St. Koch at Paris; d 27 March, 1809. VIE 557 VIL VrsN", Marie Th&fese, wife, French animal painter; b. (Rehoul), 1728; d. 28 Dec. 1805. ViENNET, Jean Pons Guillaume, French poet ; b. 18 Nov. 1777; published "CEuvres," 1827. VlfiTE, Frangois, French mathematician, founder of algebra ; b. 1540; published his " Canon mathematicus," 1579 ; d. Feb. 1603. ViEuaSENS, Raimond de, French anatomist; b. 1641 ; published "Neurologia universalis," 1685; d. 1715. ViG^E, Louis, French portrait painter ; J. 1727; d. 1767. VlGJ^B, Louis jean Baptiste Etienne, French poet; b. 2 Deo. 1758; published "Poesies," 1813; d. 7 Aug. 1820. VigenJike, Blaise de, French writer ; b. 5 April, 1523 ; wrote "Traits du Feu et du Sel," published 1608; d. 19 Feb. 1596. VlGIER, G&ald, French Carmelite hagio- grapher ; wrote " Monarchie sainte, historique, chronologique et g^n^alogique de France," published 1670-72; d. 1638. ViGiLANTius, first Gallic heresiarch ; /. about 406 ; wrote against St. Jerome. ViGLLius, African bishop and polemical writer; ji, about 484; his works printed, 1664. ViGiLiDS, pope; elected 22 Nov. 537; exUed by Justinian; his Epistles printed, 1642; d. 15 Jan. 555. ViGSEHON, Jean, called Veneroni, French grammarian; b. 1642; published "Le Maitre Italien," about 1686, " Dictionnaire Italien- Fran9ais et Frangais-Italien," 1708; d. 27 June, 1708. VlGNlEK, Nicolas, French historian and chro- nologist; b. 1530; published " La BibUothfeque historiale, 1588; " Vraie Histoire de I'Eglise," 1601 ; d. 13 March, 1596. ViGNOLA, Giacomo Barozzio da, Italian archi- tect; b. 1507; succeeded Michael Angelo as architect of Saint Peter's ; published " Regola delK cinque ordini d' Architettura," 1 563 ; his " CEuvres completes " printed, 1815; d. 1573. ViGHOLLES, Alphonse de, French chronologist and historian; b. 19 Oct. 1649; published " Chronologie de I'Histoire sainte, " 1738; d. 24 July, 1744. ViGNOLLES, Etienne de, see La Hire. ViONT, Alfred de, see De Vigny. Vigo, Giovanni da, Italian surgeon; jl. 1514- ViGOK, Simon, archbishop of Narbonne, French controversialist ; b. about 1515; consecrated, 1 5 70 ; his "Sermons" published, 1 584 ; d. 1 Nov. 1575. . Vigors, Nicholas Aylward, Irish zoologist; b. 1787; d. 26 Oct. 1840. VlGUiEE, Pierre Franfois, French orientalist; I. 20 July, 1785 ; pubhshed " El^mens de la Langue Turque," 1790; d. 7 Feb. 1821. ViLLALOBOS, Francisco de, Spanish physician and poet; b. about 1480; wrote in verse "Sumario de la Medicina," published 1498; d. 1560. ViLLALPANDO, Juan Bautista de, Spanish Jesuit; 6. 1552; published "In Bzechielem Explanationes," 1596-1606; d. 23 May, 1608. ViLLALPANDO T ToREEBLANOA, Francisco de, nephew, Spanish jurist ; pubhshed ' ' Epitome DeKctorum," 1618, " Demonologia," 1623; d. about 1645. VlLLANl, Florentine historians : Giovanni: b, about 1280; wrote "Storie Fioren- tine" . . d. 1348 Matted, brother; continued the "Storie" to 1363 d. 12 July, 1363 FiLippo, son ; added 42 chapters to the same, to 1364, first printed . . . . 1537 Villa Nova, Amoldus de, see Amaukl. ViLLANDEVA, lago, Spanish writer ; h. 1 765 ; pubhshed " Viage literario £l las Iglesias de EspaBa," 1803-52; d. 14 Nov. 1824. ViLLANUEVA, Joaquin Lorenzo de, Spanish poet; b. 1757; published "Poesias;" d. 26 March, 1837. ViLLAEET, grand-masters of the order of St. John of Jerusalem : Guillaume ; elected, 1300 . . . d. 1307 FouLQUES DE, brother; elected, 1307; took Ehodes, 10 Aug. 1310 ; resigned, 1319 ; d. I Sept. 1327 ViLLAEET, Claude, French historian; b. about 1715; continued Velly's "Histoire de France " to 1469; d. Feb. 1766. ViLLAEET DE JoYEUSE, Louis Thomas, comte, French admiral; 6. 1750; defended Brest against Howe, I794j retook Saint Domingo, 1802; made governor of Venice, 181 1; d. 24 July, 1812. ViLLAES, Claude Louis Hector, due de, marshal of France; b. 8 May, 1653; made marshal, 1 702 ; defeated at Malplaquet, 1 709 ; victorious over the Dutch and Austrians, under prince Eugene, 1 713; thereby occasioned the peace of Utrecht ; took Milan, 1 733 ; wrote "M^moires," published 1734; d. 17 June, 1734. ViLLARS, Dominique, French botanist ; b. 14 Nov. 1 745 ; pubhshed " Histoire naturelle des Plantes du Dauphin^," 1786-89; "Principes de M(5decine," 1797; d. 27 June, 1 8 14. ViLLE, Antoine de, chevaher, French engi- neer; b. 1596; invented a system of fortifica- tion; published "Fortifications," 1629; "De la charge du Gouverneur des Places," 1639; d. 1656. ViLLEDiEU, Marie Catherine Hortense, French novelist; b. (Desjardins), 1631; pubhshed "ManUus Torquatus," 1662; "Journal amour- eux," 1671; "Amoursdes grands Hommes," 1679; d. Nov. 1683. ViLLEPOEE, Joseph rran5ois Bourgoin de, French biographer; b. 24 Dec. 1652; pubhshed "Vies des Pferes des Deserts," 1706-8; "Vie de Sainte Th&fese," 1712 ; d. 2 December, 1737- VIL 558 VEST ViLLEFKOT, G-uillaume de, French abb^ and orientalist; b. 5 March, 1690; founded the society of " Capucins H^braisants," 1744; pub- lished "Notices des Livres Arm(Sniena MSS. de la Bibliothfeque Imp^riale," 1739! d' 4 April, 1777. ViLLEGAGNON, Nicolas Durand de, chevalier, French admiral and controversialist; b. 1 5 10; founded the colony of Coligny in Brazil, 1555 J disputed with Calvin, 1560; published "Caroli V. Imp. Expeditio in Africam ad Argieram," 1542; "Ad Articulos Galvinianae de Sacra- mento Eucharistiae Responsiones," 1560; d. 9 Jan. 1571. ViLLEGAS, Esteban Manuel de, Spanish lyric poet; b. 1596; published "Las Eroticas," 1617 ; translated Boethius, 1665; d. 3 Sept. 1669. ViLLEHAEDOUiN, Geoffroi, sire de, French historian ; 6. about 1 1 55 ; preached the crusade at Venice, 1201 ; wrote " Conqueste de Con- stantinople," first printed, 1585; d. about 1213. ViLLEMAIN, Abel Frangois, French politician ; &. 9 June, 1 790 ; minister of public instruction, May, 1839— March, 1840; again, Oct. 1840 — Dec. 1844 ; published " Etudes d'Histoire modeme," 1846 ; " Choix d'Etudes sur la Lit- t^ratnre contemporaine," 1857; d. April, 1867. ViLLENA, Enrique d'Aragon de, marquis, Spanish poet ; b. 1384 ; wrote " La Gaya Soiencia"; d. 15 Dec. 1434. ViLLENAVE, Matthieu Guillaume Th&fese, French writer ; 6. 1 3 April, 1762; wrote " La jaoobiniade," 1 795 ; " Nouvel Abr^g^ des Vies des Saints," 1812-13 ; translated Ovid, VirgU, &c. ; d. 16 March, 1846. ViLLENEUVE, Arnauld de, see Amatdd. ViLLENEUVE, Gabrielle Suzanne Barbot de, French novelist; b. about 1695; d. 19 Dec. 1755- ViLLENEUVE, Guillaume de, French warrior ; Jl. about 1497; wrote "Conquete de Naples." ViLLENEUVE, H^lion de, grand-master of the order of St. John of Jerusalem; b. about 1270; elected, 1319; fought at the battle of Mont- Cassel, 1328 ; governed at Rhodes, 1336 ; d. June, 1346. ViLLENEUVE, Huon de, French poet ; ft. about 1200 ; wrote " Les Quatre Fila Aymon." ViLLENEUVE, Pierre Charles Jean Baptiste Silvestre de, French admiral ; defeated at Abouldr, 1 798 ; taken prisoner at Trafalgar, 1805 ; d. by suicide, 22 ^pril, 1806. ViLLENEUVE, Rosaline de, saint, Carthusian ascetic; b. about 1263; d. 17 Jan. 1329. ViLLEBM^, Louis Ren^ French physician and economist; b. 10 May, 1782; published "Des rrisons teUes qu'elles sont," 1820; "Tableau de I'Etat physique et morale des Ouvriers em- ployfe dans la Manufacture de Coton," 1840 ; founded "Annales d'Hygifene," 1829; d. 16 Nov. 1863. ViLLETEEQUE, Alexandre Louis de, French writer; b. 31 July, 1759; published " Essais dramatiques," 1793; " Veill^es phUosophiques," 1795; d. 8 Aprij, 1811. ViLLETTE, Charles de, marquis, French poet ; b. 4 Dec. 1736; published "Eloge de Henri IV.," 1770; "Eloges historiques de Charles v.," 1772; "CEuvres," 1784; d. 9 July, 1793. ViLLIAUME, Nicolas, French historian and economist; b. 12 Aug. 1814; pubUshed "His- toire de la Revolution Frangaise," 1850 ; "Nou- veau Traits d'Economie politique," 1857; "His- toire de Jeanne Dare," 1863. ViLLiEES, Charles Pelham, statesman; 6. 19 Jan. 1802; appointed judge advocate-general, 1853; president of the poor law board, 1859. ViLLIEES, Henry Montagu, bishop of Dur- ham; 6. 1813; rector of St. George's, Blooms- bury, 1841-56; consecrated bishop of Carlisle, 1856; translated. May, i860; d. 9 Aug. i86i. ViLLIEES, see Buchingham, Clarendon. ViLLiEEs DE l'Isle Adam, Philippe de, grand- master of the knights of Malta ; b. 1464 ; elected, 1521 ; defended Rhodes, 1522; evacuated it, 1523; settled at Viterbo; exchanged it for Malta, 1530; d. 22 Aug. 1534. Villoison, Jean Baptiste Gaspard Dansse de, French Hellenist; ft. 5 March, 1750; published "Anecdota Grseca," 1781; " Epistolse Vimar- ienses," 1783; d. 26 April, 1805. Villon, Frangois, French poet ; I. 1431 ; his collected works first printed, 1489; d. about 1485- Villotte, Jacques, French Jesuit missionary ; b. I Nov. 1656; travelled in Armenia and Persia ; pubhshed " L'Ann^nie chr^tienne," 1712; "Dictionarium Latino- Armenicum," 1 714; "Voyages d'un Missionaire," 1730; d. 14 Jan. 1743. ViNCE, Rev. Samuel, mathematician ; Plumian professor of astronomy at Cambridge, 1796- 1821 ; published "Complete System of Astro- nomy," 1797-1808; d. Dec. 1821. Vincent, of Beauvais, French Dominican philosopher; b. about 1 190; vrrote "Bibliotheca Mundi," printed 1473; d. about 1264. Vincent, Adflaide, French portrait painter, wife of following; b. (Labille des Vertus), 1749; married first, Guyard, the sculptor; secondly, F. A. Vincent ; d. 23 April, 1803. Vincent, Frangois Andr^, French historical painter; b. 30 Dec. 1746; d. 3 Aug. 1 816, Vincent, Thomas, nonconformist divine; i. 1 634 ; published " God's terrible Voice in the City, the Plague and Fire of London," 1667; d. 15 Oct. 1678. Vincent, William, dean of "Westminster ; J. 2 No V. 1 739 ; appointed head-master of West- minster school, 17S8; made dean, 1802; pub- lished "Voyage of Nearchus," 1797; "History of the Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Indian Ocean," 1807; d. 21 Deo. 1815. VIN 559 VIS Vincent DE Paul, Saint; J. 24 April, 1576; established his first mission, 161 7; founded the "Pretres de la Mission," 1632; "Enfants trouv^s," 1638; "Fillesde la Charity" 1648; published "Eegul^ seu Constitutiones com- munes Congregationis Missionis," 1658 ; d. 27 Sept. 1 660. Vincent Feekee, Saint, Spanish Dominican missionary; h. 23 Jan. 1355 ; preached through Spain, France, Germany, England, and Ire- land ; his complete works first printed, 1 59 1; d. 5 April, 141 9. ViNCENTius, of Lerins, Saint ; ft. 5th century ; wrote " Commonitorium pro Catholicse Fidei antiquitate ; " d. about 450. Vinci, Lionardo da, Florentine painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, physician, author, and musician ; 6. 1452 ; resided at Milan, 1477-99; went to France, 1516; his greatest work is the " Last Supper," in fresco at the convent of Santa Maria deUe Grazie at Milan ; his other chefs -d'ceuvre are the "Vierge aux rochers," and portrait of Mona Lisa, called " La Joconde," in the Louvre ; d. 2 May, 15 19. Vinci, Leonardo da, Italian musical composer; J. 1690; d. about 1732. ViNCiGUEEEA, Marco Antonio, Italian poet ; fi. 15th century; his "Opera nuova" published, 1495- ViNDBX, Caius Julius, Koman general; re- volted against Nero ; proscribed and besieged in Besangon by Verginius Eufus ; d. by suicide, 68. ViNEE, Charles, founder of the Vinerian pro- fessorship of law at Oxford; b. 1680; d. 5 June, 1756. Vines, Richard, presbyterian divine; d. Feb. 1655. ViNET, Alexandre Rodofphe, Swiss theolo- gian; 6. 17 June, 1797; published " Essai sur la Manifestation des Convictions religieuses, " 1842; "Etudes €vang^liques," 1847; d. 10 May, 1847. ViNET, Elie, French antiquary and mathema- tician ; h. 1509; published "AJntiquit^ de Bor- deaux," 1565 ; " L' Arpenterie," 1577-83; d. 14 May, 1587. ViNNEN, or ViNNins, Arnold, Dutch jurist ; h. 2 Jan. 1588; published " Jurisprudentije Con- tracts lib. IV.," 1631; "In IV. lib. Institu- tionum Imperialium Commentarius," 1642; d. I Sept. 1657. ViNTiMiGLiA, see Aprosio. ViNTiMiLLE, Jacques, French writer and poet; J. about 1512; published "Carmen satumali- tium," 1564; "De Victoria navaU Christiano- ruili adversus Turoas," 1572 ; d. 1582. ViOLE, Daniel Georges, French Benedictine ; 5. 1598; published "Vie de Sainte Peine," 1649 ; " Vie de Saint Germain d'Auxerre," 1654; d. 21 April, 1669. VioTTi, Giovanni Battista, Italian violinist ; S. 23 May, 1753; appeared in London, 1791'; appointed director of the opera at Paris, 1819; d. 3 March, 1824. ViPEEANO, Giovanni Antonio, Italian prelate and writer; h. 153S; consecrated bishop of Giovenazzo, 1581 ; published "De scribenda Historia," 1569; his collected works, 1606; d. March, 1610. ViEET, Pierre, Swiss protestant reformer ; h. 151 1; preached at Lausanne, 1536; at Geneva, 1540; published "Exposition familibre sur le Symbole des Apostres," 1543 ; " Sommaire des principaux poincts de la Foy et Peligion chres- tienne," 1561 ; d. April, 1571. ViSGiLlDS Maeo, Publius, Roman poet ; S. 15 Oct. B.C. 70 ; studied at Cremona ; visited Greece, 19 ; wrote his Bucolics, 41-37 ; the Georgics, 35-30 ; the .ZEneid published after his death ; his works first printed, about 1469 ; d. 22 Sept. 19. ViKiATHCS, Lusitanian chieftain ; elected, B.C. 147; defeated the Roman praetor, Plautius, 146; the pro-praetor, Q. Pompeius, 143 ; the consul, Q. Fabius Servihanus, 142 ; strangled, 140. ViscONTI, lords of Milan ; Ottone de', archbishop : h. 1208 . d. 18 Aug. 1255 MA.TTE0 I. de', called the Great; b. 15 Aug. 1250; excommunicated, 1321 . _ . d. 24 June, 1322 Galeazzo I. de', son ; &. 21 Jan. 1277 ; d. 6 Aug. 1328 Azzo de', son; h. 1302 . . . d. 16 Aug. 1339 LuccHiNO de', third son of Matteo ; 6. 1287 d. 24 Jan. 1349 Giovanni de', fourth son of Matteo ; 6. 1290 d. 5 Oct. 1354 Matteo II. de', nephew ; poisoned . 29 Sept. 1355 Galeazzo II. de', brother ; h. about 1320 d. 4 Aug. 1378 Baiinae6 de', brother ; &. 1319 . d. 19 Dec. 1385 Giovanni Galeazzo de', first duke of Milan, son of Galeazzo II.: &. 1347 . d 3 Sept. 1402 Giovanni Mabia de', duke, son ; &. 1389 ; killed by conspiracy . . .16 May, 1412 FiLippo Maria de', duke ; &. 1391 ; last of the house d. 13 Aug. 1447 VISOONTI, Italian antiquaries : Giovanni Battista Antonio : h. 26 Dec. 1722 ; collected the sculpture for the Museo Pio-Cle- mentino . . . . tZ. 2 Sept. 1784 Ennius QtrlRiNUS, son; h. r Nov. 1751 ; valued the Elgin marbles, 1814; his "Opere" published, 1818-22 . . _ . . d. 7 Feb. 1818 FiLiPPo AuRELlo, brother ; 6. 10 July, 1754 ; secretary of the academy of archasology at Eome ; d. 30 March, 1831 Louis TuLLiiTS Joachim, son of Ennius ; archi- tect; b. II Feb. 1791; designed tomb of Napo- leon at the Invalides, 1842 . . d 29 Dec. 1853 ViscoNTi, Gasparo, Italian poet; i. 1461 ; pub- lished " Rithmi," 1493 ; " Poema di Paolo e Daria amanti," 1495 ; d. 8 March, 1499. ViscoNTi, Giuseppe, Italian liturgist ; 6. about 1570 ; arranged the Ambrosian library at Milan ; published " Observationes ecclesias- ticae," 1615-26; d. 1663. ViSDELOU, Claude de, French Jesuit missionary and Chinese scholar; b. Aug. 1656; sent as papal legate to Pekin, 1706 ; wrote "Histoire de la Tartarie," published 1777-79; d.liNov. 1737. VIS £60 VOL ViSMES Dn Valhat, Anne Pierre Jacques de, French musical writer ; 5. 1 745 ; appointed director of tlie opera at Paris, 1777 j wrote "Pasilogie," 1806; d. April, 1819. VisscHBR, Roemer, Dutch poet ; 5. 1547 ; published " Ziunepoppen " and " Brabbeling- hen," 1614; d. 11 Feb. 1620. Vital, Saint; 5. about 1050; preached in England, 1 1 20; d. 16 Sept. 1 122. Vital, of Bloia, French poet; jl. 12th cen- tury; wrote "DeQuerolo," Il85, printed 1595. ViTALiANDS, pope; elected, 30 July, 657; d. 27 Jan. 672. ViTALis, Orderious, see Ordericns. ViTELLius, Aulus, emperor of Home ; h. 24 Sept. 15; proclaimed, Jan. 69; deposed and put to death, Dec. 69. ViTEKio, king of the Visigoths ; rebelled against and put to death Liuva II., 603 ; en- deavoured to re-establish Arianism ; assassi- nated, 610. ViTON DE Saint- Allais, see Saint-AUais. VlTKE, Antoiue, French printer ; h. about 1595; the first who printed at Paris in the Syi-iac character, 1625 ; d. 1674. ViTKiNGA, Kempe, Dutch orientalist ; 6. 16 May, 1659; published "Sacrarum Observa- tionum lib. VI.," 1683-1708; " Oommentarius in Librum Prophetiarum Isaise," 1714-20; (^. 31 March, 1722. ViTRiNGA, Kempe, son, Dutch theologian ; 5. 23 March, 1693; d. 11 Jan. 1723. ViTRDVius PoLLio, Marous, Roman architect ; 6. about B.C. 80; wrote "De Architectura, " about B.C. 1 1, first printed, i486. ViTKT, Jacques de, see Jacques. ViTTOBiNO, of Feltre, Italian teacher ; t. about 1379; professor at Padua, 1422; founded his school at Mantua, 1423 ; d. 2 Feb. 1447. Vitus, see White. ViVES, Juan Ludovico, Spanish philosopher ; 5. March, 1492; tutor to princess Mary of England, 1522; published "De prima Philo- sophia," 1531 ; d. 6 May, 1540. ViviANi, Vincenzo, Italian mathematician ; J. 5 April, 1622; published "De maximis et minimis geometrica Divinatio," 1659 ; d, 27 Sept. 1793. VizzANi, Pompeo, Italian historian ; h. 24 June, 1540; published "Istorie di Bologna," 1596-1602; d. 21 Aug. 1607. Vladimib, czars of Russia. I. Saint, the Great ; embraced Christianity, 988 : d. 1014 II. Monomachos; 6. 1053 . , d. 19 May, 1126 Vladislas, see Ladislas. Vlaming, Pieter, Dutch poet; J. 29 March, 1686; published " Dichthevende TJitspanning- en," 1710; d. 2 Feb. 1733. Vleeschodwer, Jan, Flemish physician ; I. about 1 520 ; published " De Podagrae Laudi- bus," 1553; d. 1562. VoET, Daniel, Dutch philosopher; 6. 31 Dec. 1649; wrote "Meletemata philosophica et physiologica," published 1661 ; d. 26 July, 1660. VoET, or VoBTlus, Gisbert, Dutch theologian ; 5. 3 March, 1589; opposed Arminianism at the synod of Dordrecht, 1619 ; pubhshed "Selectae Disputationes theologicse," 1648-69; d. I Nov. 1676. VoGEL, Eduard, German explorer of Africa; b. 1829 ; murdered at Wara, 1856. VoGEL, Theodor, German botanist ; explored the Niger; d. 1841. VoGLEE, Georges Joseph, musical composer; b. 1749; d. 6 May, 18 14. VoGT, Carl, M.D., German philosopher ; b. 5 July, 1817. Voiabt, Anne Elisabeth Petitpain, known m "Eliza," French novelist; i. 1786; published "LaFemme, ou les Six Amours," 1827; "Le Livre des Enfants," 1836-37 ; d. 21 Jan. 1866. VoiGT, Gottfried, German philosopher and divine; b. April, 1644; published "Thysias- teriologia, seu de Altaribus veterum Chris- tianorum," 1 709; d. 7 July, 1682. VoiGT, Johaim, German bibliographer; J. 5 Aug. 1695; published "Catalogus historico- criticus Librorum rariomm," 1732-53; "Monu- menta inedita," 1740-52; d. 28 Aug. 1765. VoiSENON, Claude Henri de Fuzfe de, French ahhi and dramatic poet ; b. 8 July, 1 708 ; pub- lished "Romans et Contes," 1767; d. 22 Nov. 1755- VoiTUEE, Vincent, French poet; b. 1598; his works first published, 1750 ; d, 26 May, 1648. VoLFlDS, Jean Baptiste, French Jesuit rhe- torician ; b. 7 April, 1 734 ; made constitutional bishop of Cote-d'Or, 13 March, 1790; published " Eh(5torique Frangaise," 1810 ; d. 8 Feb. 1822. VOLK, Wilhelm, German historical and por- trait painter; 6. 23 June, 1815. VoLKMANN, Alfred "Wilhelm, M.D., German physiologist; 5. 180 1. VoLKOV, Fedor Grigorievitch, Russian drama- tist, founder of the Russian stage ; b. 2 Feb. 1 729 ; established the theatre at Moscow, 1 75^ i collected the biblical dramas of St. Demetrius; d. 4 April, 1 763. VoLNEi', Constantin Frangois Chassebceuf de, comte, French philosopher and traveller ; b. 3 Feb. 1757 ; travelled in Egypt and Syria, 1 782-86 ; published " Voyage en Egypte," 1787 ; "Les Ruines, ou Meditations sur les Revo- lutions des Empires," 1822 ; d. 25 April, 1820. VoLPATO, Giovanni, Italian Hue-engraver; b. 1733; his earlier works bear the pseudonym, "Jean Renard;" published " Principes du Dessin, tirds des meilleurs Statues antiques, 1786; d. 21 Aug. 1802. VOL 561 WAJ' VoLPi, Gianantonio, Italian classical editor ; 6. lo Nov. 1686; established at Padua, with his brother Gaetano, a printing-office, called *' Libreria Cominiana," directed by Giuseppe Comino, 171 7; edited "CatuUi, Tibulli, etPro- pertii Carmina," 1710; " La Divina Commedia," 1726-27; d. 25 Oct. 1766. VoMi, Giuseppe, ItaUan historian ; 5. 1 5 Oct. 1 680 ; published " Genealogia deUa FamigUa de' Volpi," 1718; "Istoria de' Visconti," 1737-48; d. 28 Feb. 1756. Volpi, Giuseppe Eocca, Italian Jesuit his- torian; b. 16 Aug. 1692 ; wrote " Veuetia sacra parpurata," 1730-34; d. 27 Sept. 1746. VoLTA, Alessaudro, Italian physicist ; 5. 19 Feb. 1745) discovered the development of elec- tricity in metaDio bodies ; invented the " elec- trophorus," 1775 > the hydrogen lamp, 1777; the " Voltaic pile," 1 793 ; his works published, 1816: d. 5 March, 1827. Voltaire, Fran9oi3 Marie Arouet de, French philosopher; b. 20 Feb. 1694; visited England, 1724; resided in Prussia, 1750-53; published " La Henriade, " 1728; " Charles XII.," 1730; "La PuceUe d'Orleans," 1755 ; d. 30 May, 1778. VoLTEKEA, Daniele da, see HicciareUi. VoNDEL, Joost van den, Dutch dramatic poet ; h. 17 Nov. 1587; published "Palamedes," 1625; "Les MystSres de I'Autel," 1639; d. 5 Feb. 1679. VoOKST, Adolphus van, Dutch physician and botanist; b. 23 Nov. 1597; published -" Cata- logus Plantarum Horti Acad. Lugduno-Batavi," 1643; d. 8 Oct. 1663. VoPISCUS, Flavius, Roman historian ; Jl. 3rd century ; one of the compilers of the " Historia Augusta." VoEAGlNB, Jacobus de, see Varaggio. VOeosmaett, Michael, Hungarian poet; b. 1800; published "Zulan Fusasu," an epic, 1824; d. 9 Nov. 1855. Vos, Martin de, Flemish historical and portrait painter; b. 1524; d. 1603 or 1604. Voss, Johann Hetnrich, German poet and critic; 5. 20 Feb. 1751; pubUshed "Louise," 1795; "IdyUe," 1774-1800; " Mythologisohe Briefe," 1794; d. 30 March, 1826. Vossros, Dionysius, Dutch orientalist; 6. 11 March, 1612; d. 25 Oct. 1633. Vossins, Gerard, brother, Dutch philologist ; 6. 28 Jan. 1620; edited Velleius Paterculus, 1639; d. 1640. Vossics, Gerard Jan, father of above, Dutch philologist; 6. 1557; published "Commentarii rhetorici," 1606; "De Theologia gentih," 1641 ; d. 17 March, 1649. Vossius, Isaac, son, Dutch philologist; b. 161 8; made Kbrarian to Christina, queen of Sweden, 1650; canon of Windsor, 1670; pub- lished "De vera setate Mundi," 1659; d. 21 , Feb. 1689. Vossina, Matthaeus, brother, Dutch historian; pubUshed " Annales Hollandice," 1645-46 ; d. 20 March, 1646. VoDET, Simon, French historical painter; b. 9 Jan. 1590; his chef-d'cEUvre is the "Pre- sentation in the Temple," now in the Louvre ; d. 30 June, 1649. Veiemoet, Emo Lucius, Dutch philologist; 5. 1699; published "Arabismus," 1733; "Tirocinium Hebraismi," 1742; d. 17 Jime, 1760. Veies, Martin Gerritzon van, Dutch naviga- tor;/. 1643. VuEZ, Amould de, French historical painter ; b. about 1642; d. 18 June, 1720. VuLSON, Marc, sieur de la Colombifere, French heraldic writer ; published ' ' La Science heroique," 1644; "Le vray Th^S,tre d'Honneur," 1648; d. 1658. w Waagen, Gustav Friedrich, German art critic; b. II Feb. 1794; made director of the Berlin gallery, 1S32; published "Treasures of Art in Gyeat Britain," 1854-57 ; d. July, 1868. Waast, Saint, see Yedast. Wage, Robert, Anglo-Norman poet; b. about 1 1 20; canon of Bayeux; wrote "Roman du Brut," 1 155, iirst printed, 1836-3S; "Roman de Eou," 1 160, first printed, 1827; d. about 1 174. Waghtee, Johann Georg, German philologist and archaeologist; 5. 7 March, 1 673 ; published "Glossarium Germanicum," 1736-37; d. 1757. Wadding, Luke, Irish Franciscan historian b. 16 Oct. 1588; founded the college of St. Isidore at Rome, for the education of Irish students; pubUshed "Annales ordinis Mine- rum," 1628-54; "Scriptores ordinis Minorum," 1650; d. 18 Nov. 1657. Wadbington, George, dean of Durham b. 1793; made dean, 1840; wrote "History of the Church," 1835 ; "History of the Reforma- tion on the Continent," 1841 ; d. 21 July, 1869. Waddington, Horatio, statesman; b. 1799 permanent under-secretary for home depart- ment, 1848-66; d. 3 Oct. 1867. Wadham, Nicholas, founder of Wadham college, Oxford; 5. 1532; with his wife, founded Wadham college, 1613; d. 20 Oct. 1609. DoEOTHT, his wife; b. 1534; d. 16 May, 1618. Wadstrom, Carl Bernard, Swedish traveller and philanthropist; b. 1746; d. 1799. Wafplaed, Alexis Jacques Marie, French dramatist; b. 29 June, 1787; d. 12 January, 1824. 2N WAa 662 WAL Wagbnaah, Jan, Dutch historian ; 6. 3 1 Oct. 1709; a staunch partisan of the house of Orange ; published " Tegenwoordige Staet der vereenigde Nederlanden," 1738-48; "Vader- landsche Historie," 1749-59; "Beschryving der Stad Amsterdam," 1760-67; d. 1 March, 1773- Wagenaae, Lukas, Dutch geographer; 6. about 1540. Wagenseil, Georg Christoph, German musi- cal composer; h. i688 ; wrote "Gioas, Ke di Giuda;" d. ITJ<). Wagenseil, Johann Christoph, German pole- mical writer ; h. 26 Nov. 1633 ; pubhshed " Tela ignea Satanse," 1681 ; d. 9 October, 1705. Wagek, Sir Charles, admiral; S. 1666 ; first lord of the admiralty, 1 733-42 ; treasurer of the navy, 1 742-43 ; d. 4 June, 1 743. Waghoen, Thomas, lieutenant, B.N. ; 5. 1800; projected the overland route to India, 1827; d. 7 Jan. 1850. Wagnek, Gotthard, German Benedictine musical composer; h. 1679; published "Der Marianische Schwan," 1710; " Musikalischer Hof-Garten," 1717; d. 1739. Wagnek, Jean Jacques, Swiss botanist ; 5. 30 April, 1641 ; wrote "Historia naturahs Helve- tiaa curiosa," 1680; d. 14 Dec. 1695. Wagneb, Bichard, German musical composer and poet; h, 22 May, 1813; composed operas, " Rienzi," 1842; ** Tannhauser," 1845 ; "Lo- hengrin," 1848; "Eheingold," 1869; fled from Saxony on account of his poHtical opinions, 1848; became the intimate friend of Louis II., king of Bavaria. Wagni^ee, Jean Louis, secretary to Voltaire ; 6. 1739; with Longchamp, wrote "M^moires sur Voltaire et sur ses ouvrages," 1825 ; d. after 1787. Wagstait, Thomas, nonjuror; 6. 1645; d. 17 Oct. 1 712. Wahlbekg, Peder Fredric, Swedish botanist; h. 19 June, 1800; appointed secretary of the Swedish Academy of Sciences, 1848. Waiter, duke of Aquitaine ; 6. about 725 ; succeeded his father, Hunald, 745 J fought against Pepin the Short, who conquered Aqui- taine and reunited it to the crown of Prance ; assassinated in P^rigord, 2 Jime, 768. Waillt, Alfred Barthflemi de, Prench classical author, son of E. A. de Wailly ; 6. 10 Dec. 1800 ; made rector of the Academy of Bordeaux, 1862. Waillt, Armand Pranjois Lfon de, French writer, grandson of C. de Wailly; h. 28 July, 1804; translated works of Sir Walter Scott, Thackeray, Lingard, Bums, Sterne, and others ; d. 25 April, 1863. Waillt, Augustin Jules de, French drama- tist, son of E. A. de Wailly; 6. 12 Sept, l8o6 ; d. 12 July, 1866. Waillt, Charles de, French architect, brother of N. P. de WaiUy ; h. 9 Nov. 1 729 ; d. 2 Nov. 1798. Waillt, Etienne Augustin de, head-master of the Lycfe Napol&n, son of N. P. de Wailly; h. I Nov. 1770; d. 15 May, 1821. Waillt, Gabriel Gustave de, French drama- tist, son of E. A. de Wailly; I. 13 June, 1804. Waillt, Joseph Noel de, French archEeolo- gist, brother of A. P. L. de Wailly ; I. 10 May, 1805 ; appointed keeper of manuscripts in the Imperial Library, Paris, 1858 ; published " Elements de Pal^ographie," 1838. Waillt, Noel Pranjois de, French graqi- marian; 6. 31 July, 1724; published "Gram- maire Frangaise, " 1754; " Nouveau Vocabu- laire," 1801 ; d. 7 April, 1801. Wake, Sir Isaac, diplomatist; 5. about I57S; wrote " Hex Platonicus," 1607; d. 1632. Wake, William, archbishop of Cauterbray; 6. 1657; made dean of Exeter, 1701; conse- crated bishop of Lincoln, 1705/ translated, 1716 ; corresponded with the jansenists to pro- mote the union of the Prench and English churches ; d. 24 Jan. 1737. Wakedi, Muhammad al, Arabian historian ; 6. 747 ; d. 822. Wakefield, Eev. Gilbert, theological and classical writer ; 6. 22 Feb. 1756 ; left the church of England, and became principal of Hackney college, 1790-91; tried for sedition, and sentenced to two years' imprisonment, 1799 ; wrote "Memoirs" of his hfe, published 1804; d. 9 Sept. 1801. Waklet, Thomas, surgeon, coroner for Mid- dlesex; h. 1795; established the " Lancet," 1823; d. 16 May, 1862. Walbran, John Eiohard, antiquary ; h. about 1817; published " Memorials of the Abbey of St. Mary of Fountains," 1863; d. 7 April, 1869. Walckenaer, Charles Athanase, baron, French geographer ; I. 25 Dec. 1771 ; published "Histoire g^n&ale des Voyages," 1826-31; " G(5ographie ancienne historique et comparfe des Gaules Cisalpine et Transalpine," 1839; d. 28 April, 1852. Waldegeave, earls : I. James Waldegrave, diplomatist ; &. 1684 : succeeded as baron Waldegrave, i68g: created earl, i3Sept. 1729; appointed ambassador to Ger- many, 1727-30 ; to France, 1730-40 : d. 11 April, 1741 II. James Waxdeokavb ; b. 14 March, 1715 : governor to tlie prince of Wales, afterwards George III., 1752-56 ; wrote " Memoirs from 1754 to 1758," published 1821 . d. 8 April,_ 1763 Waldegrave, Samuel, bishop of Carlisle ; h. 13 Sept. 1817; consecrated, i860; published " New Testament Millenarianism," (Bampton lectures,) 1854; d. i Oct. 1869. Waldemar I. — III., kings of Denmark. I. the Great ; b. at Schleswig, 15 Jan. 1131 ; suc- ceeded Canute V. and Sueno III., 1157 ; author of the laws of Scania and Seeland ; conquered the Vandals . . d. at Eingstedt, 12 May, ii8» WAL 563 WAL II. the Victorious, son: b. 29 May, 1170; suc- ceeded Ms brotlier, Canute VI., 1202 d, at Wordingborg, 28 Marcli, 1241 His son, often called "Waldemar III, crowned by Ms command, 1218 . . . d. 28 Nov. 1231 III. b. 1315 ; succeeded hisfatlier.Cliristoplier II., after an interregnum of seven years, 1340 ; d. at castle of Gurr, 23 Oct. 1375 Waldemar, king of Sweden; i. 1242; elec- ted king, 1250; deposed by his brother, Mag- nus I., 1279 ; d. in prison, 1302. Walden, Thomas, Carmelite monk, named Netter; b. about 1367; wrote "Dootrinale Autiquitatum Tidei EcclesiEe Catholicae adver- sns Wiclevistas ; " d. 2 Nov. 1430. Waldis, Burkhardt, German fabulist ; h. about 1 505 ; published " Esopus gantz neuw gemaoht imd in Eeimen gefasst, " 1548 ; d. about 1555- Wajgdo, Pierre, see Valdo. WALDSEEMtyLLEE, Martiuus, Called in Latia "Hylacomylus," German cosmographer; 6. about 1470; published " Cosmographise Introductio," 1507, in which he falsely asserted the claim of Amerigo Vespucci to be considered the dis- coverer of America; d. after 1522. Wale, Samuel, architectural and historical draughtsman; elected R.A., and professor of perspective, 1 768 ; d. 6 Feb. 1786. Waleff, Blaise Henri de Corte, baron de, Belgian poet ; b. 1652 ; served in armies of France and Spain ; military governor of Valencia, 1719-28; d. 22 July, 1734. Wales, Albert Edward, prince of, eldest son of queen Victoria; i. 9 Nov. 1841. Created prince of Wales and earl of Chester, 4 Dec. 1841 Created earl of Dublin, ... 10 Sept. 1S49 Visited Canada and the United States, July — Oct. i860 Visited Egypt and the Holy Land, March — April, 1862 Married princess Alexandra of Denmaric, 10 March, 1863 Again visited Egypt andPalestine,Nov. 1868 — Mar. 1869 Wales, Arthur, prince of, see Arthur, , Walewski, Alexandre Florian Joseph Co- lonna, comte, French statesman ; natural son of the emperor Napoleon I., by the countess Walewska; b. 4 May, 1810; ambassador to England, 1852-55; minister for foreign affairs, 1855-60; minister of state, 1860-63; president of the Corps L^gislatif, 1865-67; cl. 27 Sept. 1868. Walld I. , II. , Ommiade caliphs of Damascus. I. b. about 669 ; succeeded his father Abd-el- Melek, 705 ; built the great mosque at Damas- cus d. 23 Feb. 715 II. called Al-Fassik ; 6. at Damascus, 703 : suc- ceeded his brother, Hescham, 743 ; massacred at Damascus 16 April, 744 Walkek, Sir Edward, garter king-at-arms ; J. about 1610; wrote "Iter CaroUnum," pub- lished 1705; d. 19 Feb. 1677. Walkek, George, bishop of Derry ; d. i July, 1690. Walkee, John, grammarian and philologist ; b. 18 March, 1732; published "Critical pro- notmcing Dictionary," 1791 ; d. i Aug. 1807. Walker, John, M.D. ; b. 1759; published "Gazetteer," 1815; d. 1830. Walkee, Robert, portrait painter ; patronised by Oliver Cromwell ; d. about 1660. Walkek, William, mezzotint-engraver ; S. about 1791 ; c?. 7 Sept. 1867. Wall, William, D.D.; b. 1646; published " Infant Baptism asserted and vindicated," 1674; d. 1728. Wallace, Vincent, musical composer ; 6. about 1815 ; d 12 Oct. 1865. Wallace, Sir AVilliam, of EUerslie, Scotch patriot; 5. about 1270; defeated the English under the earl of Surrey at the battle of Stir- ling, 10 Sept. 1297 ; assumed the style of "governor of Scotland in the name of king John ;" routed by Edward I. at the battle of Falkirk, 22 July, 1298 ; taken prisoner, brought to Loudon, and hanged in Smithfield, 24 Aug. 1305. Wallenstein, or Waldstein, Albrecht Wen- ceslaus Eusebius, count of , duke of Mecklenburg, Friedland, and Sagan, German patriot ; b. 15 Sept. 1583; assassinated at Egra, 25 Feb. 1634. Nominated quartermaster-general of the Im- perial army at the outbreak of the thirty years' war . . .... 1618 Appointed to the supreme command of the volun- teer army, eventually of 100,000 men . . 1625 Dismissed upon demand of the diet of Katisbon July, 1630 Reinstated after the death of Tilly, to oppose Gustavus Adolphus . . 15 April, 1633 Defeated at the battle of Lutzen, Gustavus killed 16 Nov. 1633 Accused of intriguing to obtain the crown of Bohemia 1633 His "Letters" published at Berlin , . 1828-29 Wallek, Edmund, poet; b. 3 March, 1605; published " Poems," 1645 ; d. 21 Oct. 1687. Waller, Sir William, parUamentariau general; b. 1597; d. 19 Sept. 1668. Wallia, king of the Visigoths; elected, 415 ; founded the Visigothio kingdom of Toulouse, 419; d. 419. Wallioh, Nathaniel, M.D., botanist; b. 1786; published "Plantse Asiaticae rariores," 1830-32 ; d. 28 April, 1854. Wallis, John, mathematician and divine ; b. 23 Nov. 1616; elected professor of geometry at Oxford, 1649; published his collected "Opera mathematica et miscellanea," 1693-99; d. 28 Oct. 1703. Wallis, Samuel, captain, E.N. ; made voyages of discovery in the Southern Pacific ocean ; his "Account of the Voyages" published, 1773; A Jan. 1795. Walmisley, Thomas Attwood, musical com- poser ; b. 1816 ; elected professor of music at Cambridge, 1836,; d. 17 Jan. 1856. Walpole, Horace, earl of Orford, antiquary, third son of Sir Robert Walpole ; b. 5 Oct. 1717; became earl, 5 Deo. 1 79 1; built Straw- WAL 664 WAH berry Hill, formed its famous coUectiona, and established its private press ; published " Cata- logue of the Royal and Noble Authors of Eng- land," 1758; "Anecdotes of Painting in England," 1762-71; "Castle of Otranto," 1765; "Letters," edited by P. Cunningham, 1857-59; d. 2 March, 1797. Walpolb, Horatio, lord Walpole of Woolter- ton, diplomatist, brother of Sir Eobert Wal- pole; 6.1678; secretary to the treasury, 1715-17; again, 1 72 1-24 ; went as envoy to the states- general, 1716; ambassador to France, 1724-30; cofferer of the household, 1730-41; ambassador to the states-general, 1734-40; created baron, I June, 1756; d. 5 Feb. 1757. Walpole, Sir Eobert, afterwards earl of Or- ford, statesman ; h. 26 Aug. 1676; secretary-at- war, 1708-10; treasurer of the navy, 1710-II; expelled the house of commons on an accusar tion of corruption in regard to forage contracts, 171 1 ; committed to the Tower, 17 Jan.; re- leased, 8 July, 1 71 2; paymaster-general, 1714-15, 1720-21 ; first lord of the treasury and chan- cellor of the exchequer, 1715-17 ; again, 1721-42; created earl, 9 Feb. 1742; d. 18 March, 1745. Walpole, Spencer Horatio, statesman ; 6 . 1 1 Sept. 1806; M.P. for the university of Cam- bridge, 1856-70; home secretary, Feb. — Dec. 1852; again, Feb. 1858 — March, 1859; a third time, July, 1866— May, 1867. Walsh, John Edward, Irish judge; h. Nov. 1816; attorney-general for Ireland, July — Oct. 1866 ; master of the roUs, Oct. 1866 ; d. 20 Oct. 1869. Walsingham, Sir Francis, statesman and diplomatist; 6. 1536; ambassador to France. 1561, 1570-73; made secretary of state, 1573 chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, 1586 favourite of queen Elizabeth, and enemy of Mary, queen of Scots; d. 6 April, 1590. Walsingham, Thomas, monk of St. Alban's, historian ; h, about 1410 ; wrote ** Historia brevis ab Edvardo I. ad Henricum V.," first printed, 1574- Walter, Hubert, archbishop of Canterbury ; made dean of York, 11 86 ; consecrated bishop of Salisbury, 1189; translated, 1193; lord high chancellor, 11 99- 1205; d. it, July, 1205. Walter, John, proprietors of the " Times ;'' i. printer; b. 1739: founded the " Times " news- paper, I Jan. 1788 . . . d. 16 Nov. 1812 2. son, M.P.; 6. 1784 ; proprietor and manager d. 28 July, 1847 3. son ; b. 1818 ; M.P. for Berkshire, 1859-65 ; re- elected . . . . . . 1868 Waltham, John of, bishop of Salisbury; master of the rolls, 1381-86 ; consecrated, 1388 ; lord high treasurer, 1390-95 ; d. 17 Sept. 1395- Walthek, Eodolph, see Gualterus. Walthee von deb Vogelweide, German mirmesinger ; 6. about 1 1 70; d. about 1230. Walton, Bryan, bishop of Chester, orientalist; 5. 1600; consecrated, 1661; published "Bibha polyglotta," 1653-57 ; d. 29 Nov. 1661, Walton, Izaac, writer on angling ; h. 9 Aug. 1593; published "The compleat Angler," 1653; "Lives of Dr John Donne, &o.," 1670; d. 15 Dec. 1683. Wamba, king of the Visigoths of Spain ; elected, 672 ; dethroned, 680 ; d. 683. Wanley, Humfrey, antiquary; 6. 1672; li- brarian to Robert Harley, earl of Oxford ; d. 6 July, 1726. Wansleben, Johann Michael, German orien- talist; b. I Nov. 1635; sent to the East by Colbert to collect oriental manuscripts for the royal library at Paris; d. 12 June, 1679. Wappees, Gustavo, baron, Belgian historical painter ; b. 1803 ; created baron, 1 847. Warbeok, Perkin, pretender to the throne, said to have been a Jew of Toumai ; personated Richard, duke of York, son of Edward IV.; landed in Ireland, 1492; defeated in Kent, 1495 ; went to Cornwall and assumed the title of Richard IV., 1497; taken prisoner, 1498; banged at Tyburn, 23 Nov. 1499. Wakbueton, Eliot Bartholomew George, novelist; 6.1810; published "Crescent and the Cross, 1845 ;" d. 3 Jan. 1852. Waebueton, John, Somerset herald and anti- quary; 6. 1682; published "Valium Roma- num," 1753; d. II May, 1759. Waebukton, William, bishop of Gloucester ; b. 23 Dec. 1698; made dean of Bristol, 1757 > consecrated, 1 759 ; published " Divine Legation of Moses," 1737-38; founded the Warburtonian lectures ; d. 7 June, 1 779. Waed, Edward, burlesque poet ; b. 1667 ; published "London Spy," 1698-1700; "Nuptial Dialogues and Debates," 1710; d. 20 June,I73I. Waed, Edward Matthew, historical painter ; 6. 1816; elected A.R.A., 1846; R.A., 1855; painted " The last Sleep of Argyll," &c., in the corridor of the house of commons. Waed, Henrietta, historical painter, daughter of G. R. Ward, and wife of E. M. Ward, E.A. ; 6. 1 June, 1832 ; painted " Queen Mary quitting Stirling Castle." Waed, Sir Henry George, governor of Ceylon ; 6. 1798 ; appointed envoy extraordinary to Mexico, 1825 ; lord high commissioner of the Ionian Islands, 1849-55 ; governor of Ceylon, 1855-60; published "Mexico in 1827," 1828; d. 2 Aug. i860. Ward, James, mezzotint-engraver and animal painter; b. 23 Oct. 1769; elected A.E.A, 1807; R.A., 181 1 ; his chef-d'oeuvre is the " Aldemey Bull, Cow, and Calf," in the Na- tional GaUery; d. 16 Nov. 1859. Waed, John, LL.D., professor of rhetoric at Gresham college; 6. 1679; wrote "Lives of the Professors of Gresham College," 1 740; d. 31 Oct. 1758. WAR 565 WAR Wakd, Nathaniel Bagshaw, botanist ; invented the " Wardian case " for ferns ; d. 1864. W^iiD, Robert Plumer, novelist and politi- cian; 6. 19 March, 1765; under-secretary of state for foreign affairs, 1805-6; a lord of the admiralty, 1807-11 ; clerk of the ordnance; published "Tremaine," 1S25; "Law of Na- tions;" his "Diary" printed, 1850; d. 13 Aug. 1846. Waed, Samuel, D.D., controversialist ; made Lady Margaret professor of divinity at Cam- bridge, 1622; d. 7 Sept. 1643. Wakd, Seth, bishop of Salisbury, astronomer and mathematician; 6. 15 April, 161 7; SaviUan professor of astronomy at Oxford, 1649-70 ; elected principal of Jesus college, 1657; pre- sident of Trinity college, 1659; resigned both at the restoration ; made dean of Exeter, 1661 ; consecrated bishop of Exeter, 1662; translated, 1667 ; made chancellor of the order of the garter, 1671 ; d. 6 Jan. 16S9. Waed, Thomas, Roman catholic divine and poet ; 6. 1652 ; wrote "England's Reformation," published 1710; " Erratas of the Protestant Bible," 1688;" d. 1708. Ward, William, mezzotint-engraver, brother of J. Ward, R. A. ; h. about 1 762 ; elected A.R.A., 1 8 14; d. 1 Dec. 1826. Ward, William James, mezzotint-engraver, son of the above ; h. 1800 ; d. I March, 1840. Ward, see Dudley. Wakdlaw, Henry, bishop of St. Andrew's ; consecrated, 1404; founded the university of St. Andrew's, 1411; d. 1440. Wakdlaw, Ralph, D.D., Scottish congrega- tional divine; 6. 22 Deo. 1779 ; d 17 Dec. 1853- Wahdrop, James, surgeon ; 5. 14 Aug. 1782; wrote "Essays on the morbid Anatomy of the Human Eye," 1808-18 ; d. 13 Feb. 1869. Ware, Sir James, Irish antiquary ; h. 26 Nov. 1594; wrote "Antiquities and History of Ire- land," published 1704; d. I Deo. 1666. Ware, Robert, son, protestant controversialist; pubUshed "Foxes and Firebrands," 1682-89; d, March, 1696. Ware, Samuel Hibbert, M.D. ; J. 21 AprU, 1 782 ; pubhshed " Description of the Shetland Islands;" d. 30 Dec. 1848. Waroentin, Pehr Vilhehn, Swedish astro- nomer; h. 22 Sept. 1717; made director of the observatory there, 1 759; discovered the equa- tions of Jupiter's satelUtes; d. it, Dec. 1783. Warhaji, William, archbishop of Canterbury ; 5. 1460 ; sent by Henry VII. on an embassy to the duke of Burgundy, 1493 ; consecrated bishop of London, 1502; translated, 1504; lord keeper of the great seal, 1502-4; lord high chancellor, 1504-15 ; resigned on account of the ascendancy of Wolsey ; d. 23 Aug. 1532. Warino, Edward, M.D., mathematician; I. 1734; d. IS Aug. 1798. Warneeord, Rev. Samuel Wilson; h. 1768 ; founded the Warnef ord scholarships ; d. 1 1 Jan. 1855. Warner, Rev. Ferdinando, LL.D., historical \vriter; h. 1703; pubUshed "Ecclesiastical History of England," 1756-57; "History of Ireland," 1 763; d. 3 Oct. 1768. Warner, John, bishop of Rochester ; 6. about 1585 ; made dean of Lichfield, 1633; conse- crated, 1637; founded Bromley college; d. 11 Oct. 1666. Warner, Rev. Richard, antiquary ; published " Collections for the History of Hampshire," 1795- Warner, Samuel Alfred, master, R.N., known as " Captain Warner," inventor of military projectiles and the "long range;" d. 5 Dec. 1853. Warner, Wdliam, poet ; 5. about 1558; pub- lished "Albion's England," 1586; d.9Mar. 1609. Warren, Charles, line-engraver; d. 21 April, 1823. Warren, Sir John Borlase, admiral and di- plomatist; h. 1754; defeated the French squad- ron sent to invade Ireland, 1798; ambassador to Russia, 1802-4; ^- 27 Feb. 1822. Warren, Sir Peter, Irish vice-admiral ; h. 1 703 ; captured Louisburg and defeated the French fleet, 1745; M.P. for Westminster, 1747-52; d. 29 July, 1752. Warren, Samuel, Q.C., novelist; 6. 1807; appointed a master in lunacy, 1859; published " Passages from the Diary of a late Physi- cian," 1832; "Ten thousand a Year," 1841; *']Srow and Then," 1847. Warton, Joseph, D.I)., poet; &. 1722; head- master of Winchester college, 1 766-93 ; pub- lished " Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope," 1756-82; edited Pope's works, 1797; d. 23 Feb. 1800. Warton, Thomas, brother, poet-laureate ; h. 1728; elected professor of poetry at Oxford, 1757; made poet-laureate, 1788; published " Observations on the Faerie Queene of Spenser,' ' 1754; "History of Enghsh Poetry," 1774-81; d. 2 1 May, 1 790. Warwick, earls of. Guy de Beauchamp ; Succeeded to the earldom .... 1298 Bistingmslied himself at the battle of Falkirk 22 July, 1298 Seized Piers Gaveston, favourite of Edward II., and ordered him to be beheaded at Blacklow Hill, near "Warwick . . . 1312 d. at Warmck castle ... 12 Aug. 1315 Henry de Beauchamp, duke . . . b. 1423 Succeeded his father ... 30 April, 1439 Created duke of Warwick . . 5 April, 1444 Crowned, by Henry VI., king of the Isle of Wight, 1445 d., and the dukedom became extinct 11 June, 1445 BiCHABD DE Beauchamp, called the Good ; b. 28 Jan. 1381 Invested with the order of the garter . 1400 Succeeded his father as earl of Warwick . 1401 Defeated the Perciea at the battle of Shrewsbury, 23 July, 1403 WAE 566 WAT Attended the council of Constance . Nov. 1414 Present with Henry V. at the siege of Caen . 1417 Created earl of Albemaile for life . , 1417 Became, by will of Henry V,, governor of Henry VI 31 Aug. 1422 Appointed regent of France .... 1437 d. at Rouen 30 April, 1439 Buried under a stately monument in St. Mary's, Warwick. ElOHAitD Nevtll, called the "king-maker;" b . . about 1420 Created earl of Warwick . . 23 July, 1449 Espoused the cause of the Yorkists ; appointed governor of Calais 1455 Succeeded his father as second earl of Salis- bury . . Dec. 1460 Elected knight of the garter . 8 Feb. 1461 Proclaimed Edward IV. as king . 4 March, 1461 Defeated the Lancastrians at the battle of Towtou 29 March, 1461 Made lord great chamberlain and lord high steward, and obtained immense grants from the crown. Joined the Lancastrians, deposed Edward IV., and restored Henry VI. ... 9 Oct. 1470 Keiustated in his offices, and made lord high admiral ("Great Captain of the Sea") . 2 Jan. 1471 Defeated by Edward IV. and slain at the battle of Bamet 14 April, 1471 Xhe earldoms of Warwick and Salisbury were immediately after forfeited by attainder. Edwakd Plantagenet, last of the Plantage- nets, son of George, duke of Clarence ; 6 about 1475 Imprisoned in the Tower by Henry VII., and beheaded upon Tower Hill . . Dec. 1499 "Wakwick, Sir Philip, M.P., secretary to Charles I. ; 6. 1608; •wrote "Memoirea of the Keign of K. Charles I.," published 1701 ; d. 15 Jan. 1683. Waewick, see Dudley. Washbdkne, Elihu B., American diplomatist; 6. 23 Sept. 1816; envoy to Paris, May, 1869. Washington, George, first president of the United States of America ; h. in Virginia, 22 Feb. 1732; d. at Mount Vernon, Virginia, 14 Dec. 1799. Married Mrs Martha Curtis . . .6 Jan. 1759 Nominated deputy to the congress of Phila- delphia 5 Sept. 1774 Appointed commander-in-chief . . May, 1775 Ainerican army defeated at battle of Bunker's Hill 17 June, 1775 American colonies declared free, sovereign, and independent ... . . . 4 July, 1776 The Hessian troops surrendered to him 25 Dec. 1776 Defeated by general Howe at battle of Brandy- wine n Sept. 1777 Treaty of peace with Great Britain signed at Paris 3 Sept. 1783 Ilesigned his command to congress at Annapolis 23 Dec. 1783 Unanimously elected first president of the United States . ... 6 April, 1789 Be-elected president . . 4 March, 1793 Refused election for third time 17 Sept. 1796 Vacated office 4 March, 1797 His works published by Jared Sparks . 1834-37 Wastelain, Charles, Belgian Jesuit historian; h. 22 Sept. 1695; published "Description de la Gaule Belgique," 1761 ; d. 24 Dec. 1782. Watelet, Claude Henri, French writer and engraver ; j. 1 7 1 8 ; wrote and illustrated a poem, "L'Art de Peindre," 1760; d. 12 Jan. 1786. Watekland, Daniel, D.D.; 6. 1683; his works edited by bishop Van Mildert, 1823 ; d. 23 Dec. 1740. Watekloo, Antoni, Dutch landscape painter and etcher; d. 1662. Watekton, Charles, naturalist; J. 12 June, 1782; published "Wanderings in South America, &c.," 1825; "Essays on Natural History," 1838-57; d. 26 May, 1865. Watson, Caroline, mezzotint-engraver; 6. about 1760; d. 10 June, 1814. Watson, George, Scottish portrait painter; h. 1767; elected P.E.S.A., 1826; d. 1837. Watson, John, bishop of Winchester; J. about 1520; made dean of Wiachester, 1570; consecrated, 1580; d. 23 Jan. 1584. Watson, Joshua, philanthropist; 6. 9 May, 1776; d. 30 Jan. 1855. Watson, Eichard, bishop of Llandaff; 6. Aug. 1737; elected professor of chemistry at Cam- bridge, 1764; regius professor of divinity, 1771 ; consecrated, 1 782; published "Apology for Christianity," 1 776; "Apology for the Bible," 1796; d. 4 June, 1816. Watson, Eobert, Scottish historian ; h. about 1730; principal of the united college of St. Salvator and St. Leonard, St. Andrew's; published " History of the Eeign of Philip II. of Spain," 1777; d. 1780. Watson, 'Thomas, bishop of Lincoln; made dean of Durham, 1553; consecrated, 1557 > deprived, 25 June, 1559' Watson, Thomas, nonconformist divine ; ejected, 1662; wrote "Body of Practical Divinity," published 1692; d. about 1690. Watson, Sir William, physician and electri- cian; J. 1715; d. 10 May, 1787. Watson, Sir WiUiam Henry, judge; 5. 1796; served in the army, 1811-17; appointed a baron of the exchequer, Nov. 1856; d. 13 March, i860. Watt, Gregory, son of following, geologist ; b. 1777; d. 16 Oct. 1804. Watt, James, Scotch engineer ; l. 19 Jan. 1736; d. 25 Aug. 1819. Discovered the method of condensing steam in a vessel entirely separated from the cylinder . 1765 His first patent granted ... 5 Jan. 1769 Entered into partnership with Matthew Boulton, 1774 His patent renewed by act of parliament . i775 Invented his expansion engine . . . 1778 Invented the double engine . . . i?^^ Watt, James, son, mechanical engineer ; 6. 1769; d. 2 June, 1848. Watt, James Henry, line-engraver ; 6. 1799 ; engraved " Highland Drovers," after Sir E. Landseer; "May Day," after C. E. Leslie; d. 18 May, 1867. Watt, Joachim von, Latinized " Vadianus,' Swiss scholar ; h. 30 Dec. 1484; rf. 6 April, 155 1. Watt, Eobert, M.D., Scotch bibliographer ; h. 1774; published " Bibliotheca Britannica," 1824; d, 12 March, 1819. WAT 567 WEI Watteau, Jean Antoine, French landscape painter; b, lo Oct. 1684 ; visited England, 1720-21; his chef-d'ceuyre is the "Embarkation for the Isle of Cytherus," now in the Louvre ; d 18 July, 1721. Wattiek-Ziesbnis, Johanna Cornelia, Dutch tiagic actress; 5. (Wattier), 13 April, 1764; d. 24 April, 1827. Watts, Alaric Alexander, poet; 6. 1797; edited the "Literary Souvenir," 1825-36; d. 5 April, 1864. Watts, George Frederick, historical and por- trait painter; b. 1820; elected A.R.A. and E.A., 1867; painted in fresco the "School of Legislation," in Lincoln's Inn hall. Watts, Isaac, D.D., nonconformist divine; h. 17 July, 1674 ; published " Psalms and Hymns," 1719; " Divine and moral Songs for Children," 1720; d. 25 Nov. 1748. Watts, Thomas, bibliographer and linguist ; b. 181 1 ; superintendent of reading-room, Brit- ish Museum, 1857-66; keeper of printed books, 1866-69 ; published " Sketch of the History of the Welih Language and Literature," 1859; d. 9 Sept. 1869. Watts, William, line-engraver; 6. 175^; d. 7 Dec. 1 85 1. Watnflete, or Pattyn", William de, bishop of Winchester ; made first provost of Eton college, 1440 ; consecrated, 1447 ; lord high chancellor, 1456-60; founded Magdalen college, Oxford, 1456; d II Aug. i486. We AEG, Sir Clement, lawyer ; b. 1686 ; made solicitor-general, Eeb. 1724; d. 6 April, 1726. Weavbe, Thomas, geologist; b. about 1773; d. 2 July, 1855. Webb, Rev. John, historical antiquary ; b. lyjb; translated and edited for ArchEeologia, vol. XX., " French metrical History of the de- position of Richard 11. ;" d, 18 February, 1869. Webb, Philip Barker, botanist ; 6.1792; (?. 31 Aug. 1854. Webb, Philip Carteret, antiquary ; 6. 1 700 ; d. 22 June, 1770. Webbe, George, bishop of Limerick ; a royalist; consecrated, 1634; wrote "Practise of Quietness," 1631 ; d. a prisoner in Limerick caatle, 1641. Webee, Samuel, musical composer ; b. 1 740 ; composed the glee " Glorious ApoEo ; " d. 25 May, 1816. Webbee, John, draughtsman to captain Cook's last expedition to the South Seas ; b. 1751; elected A.R.A., 1785; R.A., 1791; d. 29 April, 1793. Webee, Carl Maria von, baron, German musical composer ; 5. 18 Dec. 1786; composed "Der Freyschiitz," his chef-d'oeuvre, 1821 ; "Euryanthe," 1823; "Oberon," for Covent Garden theatre, 1826 ; d. 5 June, 1826. Webee, Emanuel, count, German jurist ; ft. 23 Sept. 1659; published "Examen Eel heraldicse," 1696; d. 7 May, 1726. Webek, Godefroi, German musical critic and composer; 6. i March, 1779; edited "Csecilia," 1824-39 ; d,- 2 Sept. 1839. Webee, Henry William, literary antiquary ; b. 1783 ; published " Metrical Romances of the 13th, 14th, and 15th centuries," 1810; d. 1818. Webstee, Benjamin, comedian ; b, 3 Sept. 1 800; built the new Adelphi theatre, 1858; is president of the Royal Dramatic coUege, and lessee of the Olympic theatre. Webstee, Daniel, American statesman and orator; b. 18 Jan. 1782; secretary of state, 1841-43; again, 1850-52; his speeches pubhshed as "Works," 1851 ; d. 24 Oct. 1852. Webstee, John, dramatist ; wrote " Dutchess of Malfey, a tragedy," 1623; his "Poetical and Dramatic Works" edited by Dyce, 1830. Webstee, Noah, American lexicographer ; b. 16 Oct. 1758; published "American Dic- tionary of the English Language," 1828 ; d. 28 May, 1843. Webstee, Thomas, geologist; b. 1773; pub- lished " Encyclopsedia of Domestic Economy," 1844 ; d. 1844. Webstee, Thomas, genre painter; 6. 1800; elected A.R.A., 1840; R.A., 1846; painted "A Dame's School," "The Smile," and "The Frown." Webstee, William, D.D. ; ft. Dec. 1689 ; edited Skinner's "Life of General Monk," 1725; d. 4 Dec. 1758. Wechel, Andreas, French printer ; 6. about 15 10; succeeded his father, 1554 >' bought Estienne's business, 1560; removed to Frank- fort; d. there, I Nov. 1581. Wechel, Christian, French printer, father of above ; ft. about 1485 ; printed at Paris, 1522-54; d. about 1554. Weddeebuen, see Eosslyn. Weekes, Henry, sculptor; ft. 1S07; elected A.R.A., 1850; R.A., 1863; executed statue of " Sardanapalus," at the Mansion house, and " Charles II.," at the house of lords. Weelkes, Thomas, musical composer ; ft. about 1575; published "Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites," 1608. Webnix, Dutch painters : Jan Baptist; 6. 1621 ; his chief work, "Les Corsaires repousses," is in the Louvre ; . t^. 1660 Jan, son ; b. 1644 : his best works are hunting scenes and pictures of stiU life : . d. 20 Sept. 1719 Weevee, John, antiquary; ft. 1576; pub- lished " Ancient Funeral Monuments within Great Britain and Ireland," 1631 ; d. 1632. Wehneet, Edward Henry, water-colour painter ; ft. 1813;^ 15 Sept. 1868. Weidlee, Johann Friedrich, German mathe- matician; ft. 23 April, 1601 ; published " Insti- tutiones mathematicse," 1718; " Institutionea astronomlcEE," 1754; d. 30 Nov. 1735. WEI 568 WEL Weigel, Erhard, German astronomer; 5. 1 6 Dec. 1625; published "Pancoamua," 1671 ; " Cosmologia, " 1680; d. 21 March, 1699. Weigel, Valentin, German theological writer; 6. 1533; his "Postille iiber die Sonntags-und Eest-Evangelien " published, 161 1; "Philo- sophia mystica," 161 8; d. 10 June, 1588. Weinbkennek, Friedrich, German architect ; b. 1766; d. I March, 1826. Weise, Christian, German dramatic poet ; h. 30 April, 1642; published "Die drei Haupt- verderber," 1 671; " Zittauisohes Theatrum," 1683. Weishaupt, Adam, German jurist, founder of the " lUuminati ;" 5.6 Feb. 1 748 ; founded the society, 1776; the same suppressed, 1784 ; published "Das verbesserte System der lUu- minaten," 1787; d. 18 Nov. 1830. Weiss, Willoughby Hunter, bass singer ; h. 1820; d. 24 Oct. 1867. Weiss, see Alhinus. Weisse, Christian Felix, German poet and dramatist; 6. 8 Feb. 1726; pubUshed "Beitrag zum deutschen Theater," 1765-69; edited "Der Kinderfreund," 1775-84; d 16 Dec. 1804. Weitenauer, Ignaz, German Jesuit oriental- ist; 6. I Nov. 1709; published " Hexaglotton," 1756; " Subsidia Eloquentise sacrse," 1764-69; d. 4 Feb. 1783. Weitzmann, Carl Friedrich, German musical composer; b. 10 Aug. l8oS; elected professor at Berlin, 1848; published "Geschichte der griechischen Musik," 1855. Welohman, Edward, archdeacon of Cardigan ; h. 1665; wrote on the 39 articles; d. 19 May, 1739- Weld, Charles Richard, assistant-secretary to the Royal Society; h. 1818; elected, 1845; re- signed, 1861 ; published " History of the Royal Society," 1848; " Florence, the new capital of Italy," 1867; "Notes on Burgundy," 1869; d. i^ Jan. 1869. Weld, Thomas, of Lulworth Castle, Dorset, founder of the Jesuit college at Stonyhurst ; b. 24 Aug. 1750; d. 1 Aug. 1810. Weld, Thomas, son, cardinal ; b. 22 Jan. 1773 ; took holy orders, 1821 ; created cardinal, 15 March, 1S30; d. 10 April, 1837. Weldon, John, musical composer; b. about 1670; made organist of the chapel royal, 1701 ; d. 1736. Wellekens, Jan Baptist, Flemish poet ; h. 13 Feb. 1658; published " Dichtlievende Uitspanningen," 1710 ; d. 14 May, 1726. Welles, Gideon, American statesman ; ap- pointed secretary of the navy, 1861. Wellesley, Richard Colley, marquess of, statesman ; b. 24 June, 1760; d. 26 Sept. 1842. Appointed governor-general of India . . 1797 Eesigned 3805 Ambassador to Spain ... . 1808 Secretary for foreign affairs, Dec. 1809 — March, 1812 Lord-lieutenant of Ireland .... 1821-28 Wellesley, see Cowley, Mornington. Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, duke of| field-marshal and statesman; b. I May, 1769I d. at Wahner castle, 14 Sept. 1852. Entered the army .... 7 March, 178? Returned to the Irish parliament . . 179* "Went to Calcutta . . ... 179^ Took Seringapatam i7c^ Commanded in the Mahratta war; took Poonahj and Ahmednuggur ... 12 Aug, 181 Gained his first victory at Assaye . 33 Sept. li ^ Defeated Scindiah at Arganum . . Nov. i8cg Again at Gawalghur . . 13 Dec. 1805 Betumed to England . . . 1805 Elected M.P. for Eye 1806 Appointed secretary for Ireland . 180; Served in the Danish expedition . . . 1807 Took command in Portugal ; defeated Junot at Vimeira 21 Aug. 1808 Defeated Victor at Talavera . . 28 July, 1809 Created viscount "Wellington . . .4 Sept. i8og Eepulsed Massena at Busaco . . .27 Sept. 1810 Occupied the Hues at Torres "Vedras , 10 Oct. 1810 Defeated Massena at Fuentes d'Onoro 's May, i8n Took Almeida .... 10 May, 1811 Stormed Ciudad Kodrigo . . 19 Jan, 1813 Created earl of "Wellington . . 28 Feb, 1812 Took Badajoz .... 6 April, 1813 Defeated Marmont at Salamanca 23 July, 1812 Entered Madrid .... 12 Aug. 1812 Created marquess of "Wellington . 18 Aug. 1812 Defeated Joseph Bonaparte and Jourdan at Vit- toria ... . . 31 June, 1813 Stormed St. Sebastian . . 31 Aug, 1813 Entered France 8 Oct, 1813 Defeated Soult at Orthez 27 Feb. 1814 Again at Toulouse , . . . 10 April, 1814 Created duke of "Wellington . . .3 May, 1814 Commanded the army in the Netherlands : re- pulsed Ney at Quatre Bras . 16 June, 1815 Defeated Napoleon at "Waterloo . 18 June, 1815 Invested Paris .... 3 July, 1815 Commanded the army of occupation in France r8i5— Nov. 1818 His assassination attempted by Cantillon, 10 Feb. 1818 Appointed master-general of the ordnance , 1819 Commander-in-chief . . 22 Jan, — 5 May, 1827 Again commander-in-chief, 27 Aug, 1827 — 14 Feb, 182S Became first lord of the treasury . . Jan, 1828 Carried the Catholic emancipation bill April, 1829 Refused to introduce reform; resigned 16 Nov, 1830 Secretary for foreign affairs Dec, 1834 — April, 1835 Reappointed commander-in-chief, . 15 Aug. 1842 Lay in state at Chelsea hospital . 10-17 Nov. 1852 Buried in St. Paul's cathedral . 18 Nov, 1852 Wells, Charles William, physician ; 6. May, 1757; published "Essay on Dew," 1814; d. 18 Sept. 1817. Wells, Edward, D.D. ; h. 1663 ; published "Bible Geography," 1711-12; d. Aug. 1727. Wells, Henry Tanworth, miniature and por- trait painter; 6. Dec. 1828; elected A.R.A., 1866. Wellwood, Sir Harry Moncreiff, bart., D.D., Scotch divine ; b. 1750; d. 14 June, 1827. Wellwood, Thomas, M.D., historian ; b. 1652; "wrote " Memoirs of England ;" d. 1716. Welsh, David, D.D., Scotch re"viewer ; 6. about 1794; founded the "North British Re- view," 1844; d. 24 April, 1845. Welsh, T'homas, musical composer ; b. about 1 770 ; wrote ' ' Kamtchatka," opera, and " Vocal Instructor." WEL 569 WES Welstead, Leonard, poet and miscellaneous writer; 6. 1689; published "The Triumvirate," I7i8;d. 1747. Wenceslas, dukes of Bohemia. I. Saint : b. go8 ; . . assassinated, 28 Sept. 935 II d. 1193 Wenceslas I. — IV., kings of Bohemia. I. b. 1205 d. 22 Sept. 1253 II. &. 1271 ; proclaimed, 1278 ; crowned, 1283 ; d. 12 June, 1305 III. son ; b. 1289 ; king of Hungary, 1302 ; assassinated, 4 Aug. 1306 IV. 6. 26 Feb. 1361; elected emperor of Germany, 1376 . . d, 16 Aug. 1419 Wehckheim, Bela von, baron, Hungarian statesman; minister of the interior for Hun- gary, Feb. 1867 — Oct. 1869. Wendovee, Roger de, historian ; d. 6 May, 1237- Wensletdale, James Parke, lord, judge ; i. 22 March, 1782; made a justice of the king's bench, 1828; a baron of the exchequer, 1834- 56 ; created baron Wensleydale of Wensley- dale " for the term of his natural life," 16 Jan. 1856, but the house of lords decided that the patent gave no right to sit and vote as a peer for life; created baron Wensleydale of Walton, with usual remainder to heirs male, 23 July, 1856; A 25 Feb. 1868. Wentwoeth, see MockingJiam, Strafford. Weeckmeistee, Andreas, Grerman musical writer; b. 30 Nov. 1645; published "Orgel- probe," 1681 ; " Musicae mathematicaa Hodegus curiosus," 1687; d. 26 Oct. 1706. Wekdee, Thierry von, German poet; 5. 17 Jan. 1584; translated "Tasso," 1626; d. 18 Deo. 1657. Weeembeet, Swiss monk; jl. about 860; wrote " De Arte Metrorum ;" d. May, 884. Weeenfels, Pehr, Swiss theologian; 6. 1627 ; d. 23 May, 1703. Weeeneels, Samuel, Swiss theologian ; 6. i March, 1657; published "De Logomachiis Eruditorum," 1692; his works, 1739; d. 1 June, 1740. Weeff, van der, Dutch painters : Adriaan ; 6. 21 Jan. 1659 ; painted " Ecce Homo," " Judgment of Paris," and " Magdalen in the Wilderness ;" . . . d. 12 Nov. 1722 PlETEK, brother ; 6. 1665; . . . . d. 1718 Weegeland, Henrik Arnold, Norwegian poet; b. 1808 ; d 12 Aug. 1S45. Weekmeistee, Andreas, German musical composer and poet ; b. 1645 ; d. 26 Oct. 1706. Weel, see Yereliu^. Weenee, Abraham Gottlob, German mineralo- gist ; 6. 25 Sept. 1 750 ; published " Von den ausserlichen Keimzeichen der Fossilien, " 1774; " Oryktognosie," 1792; d. 30 June, 1817. Weekee, Carl, water-colour painter ; b. about 1800. Wehnee, Friedrich Ludwig Zacharias, Ger- man dramatic poet; b. 18 Nov. 1768; pub- lished "Die Kreuzbriider," 1823; "Martin Luther," 1807; d. 18 Jan. 1823. Weenee, Johann, German mathematician ; b. 1468 ; wrote annotations on Ptolemy ; d. 1528. Weeneb, Johann Gottlob, German musical writer; b. 1776; published his " Orgelschule," 1805; " Musikalischen ABC Buch," 1806; d. 19 Jiily, 1822. Weenee, Joseph, Swiss miniature painter ; b. 1637 ; d. 1710. Wbenicke, Christian, German poet ; 6. about 1670 ; published " TJeberschriften," 1697 ; "Hans Sachs," 1703; d. about 1715. Wbensdoef, Ernst Friedrich, German theo- logian; b. 18 Dec. 1718; published " Historia Latinte Linguae in Sacris pubhcis," 1756; d. 7 May, 1782. Weensdokp, Gottlieb, German theologian, father of the above; b. 25 Feb. 1668; his " Disputationes" published, 1736; d. 1 July, 1729. Weknsdoep, GottUeb, son, German philolo- gist; 6. 1 7 10; published " De Pepublica Gala/- tarum," 1743; d. 24 Jan. 1774. Webnsdoef, Johann Christian, brother, Ger- man philologist ; 6. 1 1 Nov. 1 723 ; published " De Hypathia philosophia," 1747-48 ; edited "Poetse Latini minores," 1780-86; d. 25 Aug. 1793- Weet, Jaquet de, Flemish musical composer ; published "Madrigali," 1586; " Musices vel Moteotorum quinque vocum Uber primus," 1566. Weethee, Carl Anton Philipp von, baron, Prussian diplomatist ; appointed envoy to Vienna, I Jan. 1868; ambassador to Paris, Oct. 1869. Wesley, Charles, methodist preacher, bro- ther of John Wesley; 6. 170S; wrote "Hymns ;" d. 29 March, 1788. Wesley, Charles, son, organist ; b. 11 Dec. 1757; d. after 1829. Weblet, John, founder of methodism ; 6. 1 7 June, 1703; founded his society, 1728; went to America, 1735; returned, 1 737 ; first meet- ing house built at Bristol, 1739 ; separated from the Moravians, 1740 ; d. 2 March, 1791. Wesley, Samuel, poet; b. 1662; published "Life of Jesus Christ," 1693-97; "History of the New Testament," 1701; d. 30 April, 1735- Wesley, Samuel, musical composer, brother of C. Wesley, the organist ; 6. 24 Feb. 1766; wrote "Ruth," "Death of Abel," &o. ; d. 11 Oct. 1837. ^ > Wessel, Jan, Dutch theologian; b. about 1419; wrote " Farrago Rerum theologicarum," published 1522; d, 4 Oct. 1489. Wesseling, Peter, German philologist ; b. 7 Jan. 1692; published "Observationum varia- rum lib. II.," 1727 ; d. 9 November, 1764. WES 570 WHE West, Benjamin, American historical painter ; 5. loOct. 1738; elected E.A., 1768; P.E.A., 1792; resigned, 1805 ; re-elected, 1806; painted " Death of General Wolfe," " Christ healing the Sick in the Temple," " Death on the Pale Horse;" d. 11 March, 1820. West, Elizabeth, Scottish mystic; 5. about 1672; wrote her "Life;" d. 1735. West, Gilbert, poet and translator; 5. 1706 ; translated Pindar ; wrote " Institution of the Garter," 1742 ; d. 26 March, 1756. West, Jane, novelist and poet ; i. about 1759; d. 25 March, 1852. West, William, topographer ; i. 23 Oct. 1770; published "History of Warwickshire;" d. 17 Not. 1854. Westall, Richard, historical painter ; 6. 1765; elected A.E,.A., 1792; K.A., 1794; illustrated the works of Shakspere and Milton ; d. 4 Dec. 1836. Westall, William, brother, landscape painter ; 5. 12 Oct. 1781 ; accompanied captain Flinders to Australia, 1801-3; elected A.R.A., 1813 ; d. 22 Jan. 1850. Westbuet, see BetheU. Westekgaaed, Nils Ludvig, Danish oriental- ist ; b. 27 Deo. 1815 ; published "Radices Sanscritte," 1841 ; edited the " Zendavesta," 1852-53- Westhaoott, Sir Richard, sculptor ; i. 1775 ; elected A.R.A., 1805; R.A., 181 1; professor of sculpture, 1827; d. i Sept. 1856. Westmaoott, Richard, son, sculptor ; i. 1 799 ; elected A.R.A., 1838; R.A., 1849; professor of sculpture, 1857. Westminstee, marquesses of : I. EoBEBT Grosvenor; h. 22 March, 1767 ; suc- ceeded his father as earl Grosvenor, 5 Aug. 1802 : created marquess, 13 Sept. 1831 ; d. 17 Feb. 1845 IT. Richard Grosvenor, son : &. 27 Jan. 1795 ; lord steward, March, 1850— Feb. 1852 ; d. 31 Oct. 1869 III. Hugh Lupus Grosvenor, son ; 6. 13 Oct. 1825; M.P. for Chester . 1849-67 Westmoeland, John Pane, earl of, diplomatist and musical composer; h. 3 Feb. 1784; suc- ceeded, 15 Dec. 1841 ; envoy to Prussia, Oct. 1841 — Jan. 1851 ; to Austria, Jan. 1851 — Nov. 1855; d. 16 Oct. 1859. Weston, Elizabeth Jane, scholar; i. 1586; d. about 1605. Weston, Richard, horticulturist ; i. 1732 ; d. 19 Nov. 1806. Weston, Stephen, orientalist; h. 1747; d. 8 Jan. 1830. Weston, Thomas, comedian; d. 31 Dec. 1775. Wetheeall, Sir George Augustus, general ; 5. 1 788 ; appointed adjutant-general in the Crimea, 1854. Wethekell, Sir Charles, recorder of Bristol ; 6. 1770; d. 17 Aug. 1846. Wettstein, Johann Heinrich, Swiss printer and scholar; b. 15 March, 1649; printed at Amsterdam ; d. 4 April, 1 726. Wettstein, Johann Jacob, Swiss theologian ; b. 1693 ; became professor at Amsterdam, 1733 ; published "Novum Testamentum Graecum Editionis receptee," 1751-52; d.23March, 1754. Wettstein, Johann Rudolph, Swiss historian ; 6. 27 Oct. 1 594 ; published " Histoire et Actea de ses N^gociations," l6$i;~d. 12 April, 1666. Wettstein, Johann Rudolph, son, Swiss theo- logian; b. 5 Jan. 1614 ; published "Certum Animse Solatium," 1638; d. 11 Dec. 1684. Wey, Franjois Alphonse, French philologist ; b. 12 Aug. 1812; appointed inspector-general of the national archives, 1852 ; wrote "Remar- ques sur la Langue Frangaise au dix-neuvifeme sifecle," 1845; "Histoire des Revolutions du Langage en France," 1848. Weyse, Christoph Ernst Friedrich, German musical composer; b. 1744; d. 8 Oct. 1842. Wezel, Johann Carl, German dramatist ; 6, 31 Oct. 1747 ; published "Lustspiele," 1778-87; d. 28 Jan. 1819. Whalley, Peter, critic and divine ; b. 1 722 ; d. 12 June, 1791. Whaeton, marquess and duke of ; Thomas "Wharton, marquess, Whig statesman ; 6. about 1640: joined the prince of Orange at Tor- bay, 1688 : appointed lord-Ueutenant of Ireland, 1708 : lord privy seal, 1714 . . d. 12 April, 1715 Philip Wharton, son, duke, poet: b. 1698: edited the " True Briton," 1723 ; published "Poetical Works," 1727 . d. 31 May, 1731 Whaeton, Sir George, astrologer; b. 161 7; d. 12 Aug. 1681. Whaeton, Rev. Henry, ecclesiastical his- torian ; b. 9 Nov. 1664 ; published " AngMa Sacra," 1691 ; under name of Anthony Har- mer, " Specimen of some errors and defects in the History of the Reformation" (of bishop Burnet), 1693; d. 5 March, 1695. Whaeton, Thomas, M.D., anatomist; b. 1610; d. 14 Nov. 1673. Whately, Richard, archbishop of Dublin ; 5. 1787; consecrated, 1851; published " Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon," 1819; "Ele- mentsofLogic," 1827;" Elements of Rhetoric," 1828; d. 8 Oct. 1863. Whately', William, divine; b. 1583; pub- lished " A I5ride Bush, or a Wedding Sermon," 1617; "Sinne no more," 1628; d. 10 May, 1639- Wheaee, Degory, historical writer ; 6. 1573)' ^v^ote " Method and Order of reading civil and ecclesiastical Histories," published 1685; d. I Aug. 1647. Wheatley, Charles, divine; b. 1686; wrote " Rational Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer," 1710; d. 13 May, 1742. Wheatley, Francis, landscape painter ; b. 1747; elected A.E.A., 1790; R.A., 1791 ; d. 28 June, 1 80 1. Wheaton, Henry, American diplomatist; b. 1 785 ; wrote " Elements of International Law," 1836; d. II March, 1848. WHE 571 WIC Wheatstone, Sir Charles, electrician ; 6. 1802 ; invented the electric telegraph, 1836. Wheuse, Sir George, traveller; 6. 1650; travelled in Greece and Asia Minor, 1672-81 ; pubhshed "Journey into Greece," 1682 ; d. 18 Feb. 1724. Whethamstede, John, abbot of St. Alban's, chronicler; d. 1464. Whichoote, Benjamin, D.D.; 5. II March, 1610; his "Observations and Apophthegms" pubhshed, 1688 ; "Sermons," 1698; d. 1683. Whiston, William, theologian and mathema- tician; 6. 9 Dec. 1667; became professor at Cambridge, 1703; expeEed for heresy, 17 10; pubhshed" Prffilectionesphysico-mathematicfe," 1710; translation of Josephus, 1737; '^- 22 Aug. 1752. Whitakeb, Eev. John, antiquary; 6. about 1735; published "History of Manchester," 1771-75; "Mary, Queen of Scots," 1788; 1^.30 Oct. 1808. Whitakee, Eev. Thomas Dunham, antiquary ; J. 8 June, 1759 ; published "History of Whalley and CUtheroe," 1801; "History and Topography of the town and parish of Leeds," 1816; "History of Eichmondshire," 1823; d. 18 Dec. 1821. Whitby, Daniel, D.D. ; 5. 163S; published many works against popery; "Paraphrase and Commentary on the New Testament," 1703 ; d. 24 March, 1726. White, Francis, bishop of Ely, anti-catholic writer; b. 1577; consecrated bishop of Carlisle, 1626; translated to Norwich, 1628; to Ely, 1631 ; d. Feb. 1638. White, Rev. Gilbert, of Selbome, naturalist ; 6. 18 July, 1720; published "Natural History of Selbome," 1789; d. 26 June, 1793. White, Henry Kirke, poet; h. 21 March, 1785; his "Eemains" published, 1822; d. ig Oct. 1806. White, Eev. James, dramatist and historian ; J. 1785; wrote " Eighteen Christian Centuries," 1858; d. 28 March, 1862. White, Jeremy,nonconformist divine ; 5. 1629 ; wrote "Restoration of aU Things," published, 1779; d. 1707. White, or Whtte, John, bishop of Win- chester, anti-reformer; h. 151 1; consecrated bishop of Jjincoln, 1553; translated, 1556; deprived, 1560; d. 11 Jan. 1560. White, Joseph, D.D., orientalist; J. 1746; elected professor of Arabic at Oxford, 1775 ; published " Diatessaron," 1799; " jEgyptiaca," 1801 ; d. 22 May, 1814. White, or Vitus, Eichard, historian; pub- lished " Historiaa BritanniEe," 1597- 1607 ; d. 1612. White, Sir Thomas, lord mayor of London ; 5. 1492 ; founded St. John's college, Oxford, 1555; lord mayor, 1562-63; d. 11 February, 1566. White, Thomas, founder of Sion college ; 6. about 1550; d. 1 March, 1624. White, Thomas, called Anglus, Roman Catholic priest and philosopher; 6. about 1600; d. 6 July, 1676. Whitefield, George, methodist preacher ; h. l6Dec. 1714; joined the Wesleys at Oxford, 1734; went to America, 1737; commenced open-air preaching, 1739; his "Works" pub- lished, 1771; d. 30 Sept. 1770. Whitehead, John, physician and Wesleyau preacher ; published " Life of the Eev. John Wesley," 1793-96; d. 7 March, 1804. Whitehead, Paul, satiric poet; 6. 6 Feb. 1710; published " State Dunces," 1733; d. 30 Dec. 1774. Whitehead, William, poet and dramatist ; 5. 1715 ; published "The Eoman Father," 1750; "School for Lovers," 1762; A 14 April, 1785- Whitbhuest, John, philosopher; h. 10 April, 1 71 3; wrote "Inquiry into the original state and formation of the Earth," 177^; '^' 18 Feb. 1788. Whitelookb, Sir Bulstrode, statesman, son of following; h. 1605; ambassador to Sweden, 1653; his "Memorials of English Affairs" pubhshed, 1682; d. 28 Jan. 1676. Whitelocke, Sir James, judge; 5. 1570; wrote " Liber Famelicus," pubhshed, 1858 ; d. 22 June, 1632. Whiteside, James, Irish judge ; 6. 1806 ; appointed sohcitor-general for Ireland, March — Dec. 1852; attorney-general, 185S-59; again, 1865 ; lord chief justice of the queen's bench, July, 1 865 ; published " Ancient Eome ;" "Vicissitudes of the Eternal City," 1849 ; "Life and Death of the Irish Parliament," 1863. Whitfield, John Clarke, organist and musi- cal composer ; d. 23 Feb. 1836. Whitgift, John, archbishop of Canterbury ; h, 1530; made dean of Lincoln, 1571 ; con- secrated bishop of Worcester, 1577 ; trans- lated, Sept. 1583 ; d. 29 Feb. 1604. Whittingham, William, dean of Durham, puritan divine ; 6. 1524; d. 10 June, 1589. Whittington, Sir Eichard, lord mayor of London; fi. 1393-1419 ; lord mayor, 1397, 1406, 1419. Whittington, Eobert, grammarian ; T>. about 1480; published "Deocto partibus Orationis Opusculum," 1513; d. about 1535. Whtte, Eobert, composer of church music ; d. about 1581. WicHMANN, Johann Ernst, German physician; h, 10 May, 1740; published " Ideen zur Diag- nostic," 1794; d. 12 June, 1804. W1CHMAN8, Augustin, Flemish hagiographer ; 6. about 1592; published "Eosa Candida," 1625; "Brabantia Mariana tripartita," 1632; d. 1661. WiCLiF, see Wydiffe. WIC 572 WIL WiCQUEFOKT, Abraham de, Dutch diplomatist; h. 1598; wrote " L'Ambassadeur et ses Fouc- tions, "published, 1681 ; " Histoire des Provinces unies des Pays Bas," 1719-43; d. 23 3?eb. 1682. WiDEKiNDi, Johann, Swedish historian ; J. about 1620; d. 1678. WlDMANSTADT, Johann Albrecht, German orientalist ; 6. about 1 500 ; published " Maho- metis Theologia explicata/' 1 543; "Syriacse Lingua prima Elementa," 1556; d. 1559. WiDViLE, Elizabeth, see Elizabeth, queens-con- sort of England. WiDViLE, see Rivers. WlEBEKING, Carl Friedrich, German hydrau- lic engineer; 6. 1762; published "Wasserbau- kuust," 1798-1805 ; d. 29 May, 1842. WiEGLEB, Johann Christian, German chemist; J. 2 1 Deo. 1732; pubUshed " Chemische Ver- suche," 1778; "Geschichte des Wachsthums und der Erfindung in der Chemie," 1790-92; d. 10 Jan. 1800. WiELAND, Christoph Martin, German poet; 6. 5 Sept. 1733; wrote "Oberon," 1780; pub- lished his "SammtKche Werke," 1794-1S02; d. 20 Jan. 1813. WiELAND, Melchior, see Ouilandinus. "WiEE, or Wetek, Jan, called Piscinarius, Flemish physician; b. 1515; published "De Prestigiis Daemonum," 1564; d. 24 Feb. 1588. WiEETZ, Antoine Joseph, Belgian painter ; i. 22 Feb. 1806; bequeathed his studio and chief works to form the Musfe Wiertz at Brussels; d. 18 June, 1865. WiFEEN, Jeremiah Hohne, poet ; i. 1 792 ; published " Aonian Hours, " 1819; "Historical Memorials of the House of Pussell," 1833 ; d. 2 May, 1836. WiGEAM, Joseph Cotton, bishop of Rochester ; J. 26 Dec. 1798 ; consecrated, i85o ; d. 6 April, 1867. WiLBEEPOECE, Samuel, bishop of Winchester, eon of the following; b. 7 Sept. 1805; made dean of Westminster, 1845 ; consecrated bishop of Oxford, 1845; translated, 1S69; published " Life and Correspondence of William Wilber- force," 1838; " Agathos," 1840; "Eucharistica," 1852. WiLBEEEOECE, William, philanthropist ; i. 24 Aug. 1759; elected M.P. for Hull, 17S0; instrumental in abolition of the slave trade ; published " Practical View of the prevailing system of professed Christians," 1797; d. 29 July, 1833. WiLBEOED, or WiLLlBEOD, Saint, apostle of the Frisians; b. about 657; preached in Fries- land, 690; d. about 738. WiLBTE, John, musical composer; published " Madrigals," 1598, 1609. WiLCOCKS, Joseph, philanthropist ; i. 1723; d. 23 Dec. 1791. Wild, Henry, tailor and orientalist ; 5. about 1684; d. about 1734. Wild, Johann, German theologian ; b. 1485 ; wrote " In EvangeUum secundum Joannem Enarrationes," 1550 ; d. 8 Sept. 1554. Wild, Eobert, nonconformist divine and poet; b. 1609; wrote "Iter Boreale," 1670; d. 1679. WiLDB, see Penzance, Truro. WiLFOED, Francis, Ueut. -colonel, orientalist; d. 4 Sept. 1822. WiLEEED, Saiut, bishop of York ; b. about 634 ; d. 709. WiLHELM, Janus, German philologist ; 1. 1554; published " Plautiuarum Qusestionum Com- mentarius," 1583; d. JviXj, 1584. WiLHEM, (GuiUaume Louis Bocquillon), French musical composer ; b. 18 Dec. 1781; published " Manuel musical," 1836; d. 26 April, 1842. Wilkes, Charles, American federal admiral ; b. about 1804 ; arrested Messrs Mason and SlideU on board the Trent, 8 Nov. 1861 ; pub- lished " Western America," 1849. Wilkes, John, politician; 6. 17 Oct. 1727; elected M.P. for Aylesbury, 1757; published the "North Briton," 1762; expelled from the house of commons, 19 Jan. 1764; elected for Middlesex, 1768; riots, 1769; again expelled and twice re-elected; lord mayor, I774j P^^ lished"EssayonWoman,"l763;d.27Dec.i797. WiLKiE, Sir David, Scottish paiuter ; b. 18 Nov. 1785; elected A.R. A., 1809; E.A., iSll; painted ' ' Village Politicians " and " Blind Fidler," 1806; "Kent Day," 1807; "Village Festival," 181 1; "Chelsea Pensioners reading the Gazette of the Battle of Waterloo," 1822; "John Knox preaching," 1832; d. on board the " Oriental" in Gibraltar bay, i June, 1841. WiLKiE, WiUiam, D.D., poet, called the Scottish Homer; b. 5 Oct. 1 721; pubhshed "The Epigoniad," 1757; d. 10 Oct. 1772. WiLKiNS, Charles, serjeant-at-law ; d. 4 March, 1857. WilKiNS, Sir Charles, orientahst; 0. 1749; translated the Mahabharata, 1785; appointed librarian to the East India company, 1801 ; d. 13 May, 1836. WiLKiNS, George, D.D. ; b. about 1784; made archdeacon of Nottingham, 1832; d. 13 Aug. 1865. WiLKlirs, John, bishop of Chester, mathe- matician; b. 1614; consecrated, 1668; pub- lished " Mathematical Magic," 1648 ; d. 19 Nov. 1672. WiLKiNS, William, architect ; 5. 31 Aug. 1778; elected E.A., 1826; built University college, London, and the National Gallery ; published " Antiquities of Magna Grsecia," 1807; d 31 Aug. 1839. Wilkinson, Sir Gardner, Egyptologist ; b. 1797; published " Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians," 1834-41; "History of Modem Egypt and Thebes," 1844 ; " On Colour," 1858. WIL 673 WIL Wilkinson, James John Garth, M.D. ; i. 1812 ; translated Swedenborg's "Animal Kingdom," 1843-44; "Human Body, and its Connection with Man," 185 1; "On the Cure, Arrest, and Isolation of SmaU-Pox by a new method," 1864. WiLLAEET, Adrian, Flemish musical com- poser ; i. about 1490; became "maestro di capeUa" of St. Mark's at Venice; d. Sept. 1563. WiLLAN, Kobert, physician; ft. 12 Nov. 1757 ! his " Delineations of Cutaneous Diseases " pub- lished, 1817; d. 7 April, 1810. WiLLADMEZ, Jean Baptiste Philibert, French admiral ; ft. 7 Aug. 1763 ; published " Dic- tionnaire de Marine," 1820; d. 17 May, 1845. WiLLDENOW, Carl Ludwig, German botanist ; b. 1765; published ' ' Grundriss der Krauter- Kunde," 1792; "Species Plantarum," 1797- 1810; d. 10 July, 1812. WiLLE, Johann Georg, German Kne-engraver ; 6. 5 Nov. 1715 ; engraved " Instruction patemelle," after Terburg; " Musiciens am- bulants," after Ostade; d. 5 April, 1808. WiLLEMET, Pierre Eemi, French naturalist ; ft. 13 Sept. 1735; pubUshed " Phytographie economique de la Lorraiue," 17S0J ^,21 June, 1807. WiLLEMET, Pierre Kemi Fran9ois de Paule, son, French physician ; ft. 2 April, 1762; wrote "Herbarium Mauritianum," published 1796; d. Aug. 1790. WiLLEMiN, Nicolas Xavier, French antiquary ; 6. 5 Aug. 1 763 ; published " Monuments Fran- 9ai3 in^dits," 1806-39; d. 23 Jan. 1833. WiLLEMS, JanFranz, Flemish writer ; ft. 1793; revived Dutch literature ; d. 24 June, 1846. WiLLEEAM, or Waleam, German monk ; wrote paraphrase of the Song of Solomon, first printed, 1528; d. 7 May, 1085. WiLLES, Sir James Shaw, judge; ft. 1814; made a justice of the common pleas, 1855 ; with Sir H. S. Keating, edited Smith's "Lead- ing Cases," 1849. William, of Poitiers, French historian ; b. about 1020; d. about 1090. William, of Corbeuil, archbishop of Canter- bury; consecrated, 1 123; d. 26 Nov. 1136. William, of Jumifeges, French historian ; f. 1070-1087, William, of Malmesbury, historian ; ft. about 1095 ; d. about 1 143. William, le Breton, French historian ; b. about 1 1 70; wrote "De Gestis PhiUppi;" d. about 1230. William, of Newbury, see Newbwgli. William I. — IV., kings of England. Crowned 26 Sept. Invaded Normandy . . Jan. Invaded Scotland Accidentally shot in the New Forest . 2 Aug. III. prince of Orange . . . &. 14 Nov. Married princess Mary of England Landed at Tor Bay .... WiUiam and Mary proclaimed king . 5 Nov. and queen, II April, Defeated James II. at the hattle of the Boyne, I July, 20 Sept. d. 8 March, 21 Aug. 15 June, 19 May, Peace of Ryswick signed TV.h. . . . . Entered the navy . Created duke of Clarence Made admiral of the fleet Succeeded his brother, George IV. 26 June, . 20 June, William, kings of the Netherlands. I. prince of Orange .... . &. Proclaimed sovereign prince . . .6 Dec. Assumed style of king of the Netherlands, 1087 T091 1091 1100 1650 1678 j6S8 1697 1702 1765 1779 1789 1801 1830 1837 1772 1813 I. the Conqueror Conquered Harold at Hastings Crowned . Conquered Hereward Invaded Scotland . 'd. at Eouen, . II. Kufus, son . . h, 1027 . 14 Oct. 1066 . 25 Dec. 1066 1071 1072 . 9 Sept. 1087 . h, 1056 16 March, 1815 Revolution in Belgium , . 25 Aug. 1830 Belgium separated from Holland 12 July, 1831 Abdicated .... . 7 Oct. 1840 d, 12 Dec. 1B43 IT. son . 6. 6 Dec. J^g'^ Succeeded his father , 7 Oct. 1840 d. 17 March, 1849 III. son . . . h. 19 Feb. 1817 Succeeded his father 17 March, 1849 William I. — V., princes of Orange, see Orange. William I., king of Prussia, son of Frederick William III; 6. 22 March, 1 797. Made governor of Pomerania .... 1840 Commander-in-chief 1849 Eegent of Prussia 9 Oct. 1858 Succeeded his brother, Frederick "WiUiam IV., 2 Jan. 1861 Asserted the divine right of kings ; declared war against Austria .... 17 June, 1866 Took command of the army . . .1 July, 1866 Defeated the Austrians under Benedek at Sadowa, 3 July, 1866 William, king of Scotland, called the Lion ; succeeded, 1165 ; d. 4 Dec. 1214. William I., king of Wurtemberg; ft. 27 Sept. 1781 ; succeeded his father, Frederick I., 30 Oct. lSl6; d. 25 June, 1864. Williams, Anna, poetess ; ft. 1706 ; d. 6 Sept. 1783. Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury, statesman and poet; ft. 1709; wrote "Odes," published 1775; d. 2 Nov. 1759. Williams, David, miscellaneous writer ; 6. 1 738 ; published " Lectures on PoUtical Liberty," 1782; founded the Literary Fund, 1789; d. 29 June, 181 6. Williams, Edward, (lolo Morganwg), Welsh poet; ft. 1747; d. 17 Dec. 1826. Williams, Edward, landscape painter; ft. 1782; d. 24 June, 1855. Williams, Griffith, bishop of Ossory; 5. 1589; consecrated, 1641 ; published " Seven Golden Candlesticks," 1627; d. 29 March, 1672. Williams, Helen Maria, politician, novelist, and poet; ft. about 1762; d. 1828. WIL 574 WIL Williams, Hugh William, landscape painter; published "Travels in Italy, Greece and the Ionian Islands," 1820; "Select Views in Greece," 1827-29; d. 1829. Williams, John, archbishop of York; h. 25 March, 1 582; consecrated bishop o£ Lincoln, 1621; translated, 1640; d. 25 March, 1650. Williams, John, missionary to Polynesia; J. 29 June, 1796; published hia "Narrative," 1837; murdered, 20 Nov. 1839. Williams, Monier, orientalist; b. 1819; elected Boden professor of Sanscrit at Oxford, i860; published translation of the Sanscrit drama, "S^kuntaM," 1855; "Eudimenta of Hindustani," 1858. Williams, Eoger, coloniser of Rhode Island ; *• 1599; planted his colony, 1636; d. April, 1683. Williams, Rowland, D.D., vicar of Broad- chalke, Wilts; h. 181 7; published "Rational Godliness after the Mind of Christ," 1855; review of "Bunsen's Biblical Researches," in "Essays and Reviews," i860; for this sen- tenced by the court of arches to suspension for one year, 15 Dec. 1862; judgment reversed by judicial committee of privy council, 8 Feb. 1864; d. 18 Jan. 1870. Williams, Samuel, wood-engraver; J. 23 Peb. 1788; d. 19 Sept. 1853. Williams, Sir William Fenwick, bart., gene- ral ; 6. 4 Dec. 1800 ; defended Kara against the Russians, July — Nov. 1855; surrenilered, 28 Nov. 1855 ; created baronet, 18 July, 1856 ; commanded the troops in Canada, 1859-67. Williams, William Meade, antiquary and wine merchant; h. 3 Dec. 1799; wrote "His- tory of the Founders' Company," 1867; ci. 31 Dec. 1868. Williamson, Sir Joseph, statesman ; 5. about 1630; appointed keeper of the state paper office, 1666; secretary of state, 1674; presi- dent of the Royal Society, 1678 ; d. 1701. Willis, Browne, antiquary; b. 14 Sept. 1682 ; published " Survey of the Cathedrals of England," 1727-33; d. 5 Feb. 1760. Willis, Rev. Francis, psychological physician; attended king George III.; d. 5 Dec. 1807. Willis, Nathaniel Parker, American essayist ; b. 20 Jan. 1807; founded "American Monthly Magazine," 1828; published "Pencillings by the Way," 1835 ; d. Jan. 1867. Willis, Rev. Robert, architectural antiquary; b. 1800; appointed Jacksonian professor of natural and experimental philosophy at Cam- bridge, 1837; published "Remarks on the Architecture of the Middle Ages especially of Italy," 1835 ; "Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral," 1845; "Architectural History of the Holy Sepulchre," 1849. Willis, Thomas, anatomist and physician; b. 27 Jan. 1621; published "Cerebri Ana- tome," 1664; d. II Nov. 1675. WiLLMOKE, James Tibbetts, Hne-engraver ; b. 15 Sept. 1800; elected A.R.A., 1843; d. 12 March, 1863. WiLLOCK, or WiLLOX, John, Scottish re- former; b. about 1 5 10; d. after 1568. WiLLOUGHBY, Sir Hugh, navigator; lost in the White sea, 1553. WiLLSON, Edward James, architect ; b. 21 June, 1787; d. 8 Sept. 1 854. WiLLUGHBT, Francis, naturalist; 5. 1635; wrote " Ornithologia, " published 1676; "De Historia Piscium," 1686; d. 3 July, 1672. WiLMOT, Sir John Eardley, judge; b. 1709; made a justice of the king's bench, 11 Feb. 1755; chief justice of the common pleas, 21 Aug. 1766; resigned, 1771 ; d. 5 Feb. 1792. WiLMOT, John Wilmot Eardley, son, lawyer ; b. 1748 ; published " Treatise of the Laws and Customs of England," 1780; d. 23 Jime, 1815. Wilmot, see Rochester, Wilson, Alexander, Scottish ornithologist ; b. 1 766 ; published " American Ornithology," 1808-14; ^- 23 Aug. 1813. Wilson, Andrew, Scotch landscape painter; 6. 1780; d. 27 Nov. 1848. Wilson, Arthur, historian ; b. 1596 ; wrote " History of Great Britain, being the Life and Reign of James I.," published 1653; d. 1652. Wilson, Daniel, bishop of Calcutta; 5. 1772; consecrated, 1832; d. 2 Jan. 1858. Wilson, William James Erasmus, surgeon ; b. 1809 ; published " Dissector's Manual," 1853 ; " Students' Book of Cutaneous Medicine and Diseases of the Skin," 1864; " On Food as a means of Prevention of Disease," 1865. Wilson, or Volusends, Florence, Scotch writer ; published " De Animi TranquiUitate Dialogus," 1543; d. 1547.- WiLSON, George, M.D., technologist ; 5. 1818 ; published " The Five Gateways of Know- ledge," 1856; d. 22 Nov. 1859. Wilson, Rev. Henry Bristow, theologian ; b. 1803 ; appointed professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford, 185 1 ; published "The Communion of Saints" (Bamptou Lectures), 185 1. Wilson, Horace Hayman, orientalist ; b. 1786 ; published " Dictionary, Sanscrit and Enghsh," 1819; "Hindoo Theatre," 1827; d. 8 May, i860. Wilson, James, naturalist ; published " The Rod and the Gun;" d. 18 May, 1856. Wilson, James, bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross; b. 1780; consecrated, 1848; d. 5 Jan, 1857- Wilson, James, political economist ; b. 1805; edited the "Economist;" appointed financial member of council at Calcutta; d II Aug. i860. Wilson, John, musical composer; b. 1594! published "Psalterium Carolmum," 1657; d. 1673. WIL 575 WIR Wilson, John, botanist, of Kendal ; pub- lished " Synopsis of British Plants," 1 744 ; d. about 1750- Wilson, John, Scotch philosopher, essayist and poet; 6. 19 May, 1785; professor of moral philosophy at Edinburgh, 1820; pub- lished "Poetical and Dramatic Works," 1825; "Eeoreations of Christopher North," 1842; " Nootes Ambrosianse," 1855-56; d. 3 April, 1854. Wilson, John, landscape and marine painter ; h. 13 Aug. 1774; d. 29 April, 1855. Wilson, Richard, Welsh landscape painter ; h. 1713; elected E.A., 1768; d. May, 1782. Wilson, Sir Thomas, statesman ; b. about 1520; wrote "Art of Eetorique," 1553; d. 1581. Wilson, Thomas, Puritan divine ; pub- lished "Christian Dictionary," 1612; d. Jan. 1621. Wilson, Thomas, bishop of Sodor and Man ; J. 1663; consecrated, 1698; wrote "Sacra Privata," published 1800; d. 7 March, 1755. Wilson, Sir Thomas Maryon, bart., lord of the manor of Hampstead ; 6. 14 April, 1800 ; succeeded, 1821 ; d. 4. May 1869. Wilson, William Kae, traveller; 5. 1774; published "Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land," 1823; d. 2 June, 1849. Wilton, Edward, divine ; i. about 1820 ; published "Negeb, or South Country," 1863; d. 30 Aug. 1864. Wilton, Joseph, sculptor; 5. 16 July, 1722 ; elected E. A., 1 768 ; keeper, 1 790 ; executed monument of general Wolfe, in Westminster abbey; d. 25 Nov. 1803. Wimpfeling, Jacob, German poet; b. 27 July, 1450; published " Adolescentia," 1492; "De Integritate," 1505 ; d. 17 Nov. 1528. WiMPiNA, Conrad, of Erankf ort, anti-reformer; b. 1460; d. 1531. WiNOHiLSEA, see Finch. WiHCKELMANN, Johaun Joachim, German antiquary; b. 9 Dec. I7I7' published "Monu- ment! antichi inediti," 17^7; assassinated at Trieste, 8 June, 1768. WiNCKELMANN, Johaun Justus, German his- torian; b, 1620 ; d. 1697. Windham, Sir Charles Ashe, lieut.-general, the "hero of the Redan;" b. 1810; served in the Crimean war, 1854-56; first to enter the Kedan, 8 Sept. 1855 , appointed to command the forces in British North America, 1867 ; d. Jan. 1870. Wing, Vincent, astrologer ; published " Har- monicon Cceleste," 165 1 ; " Astronomia Bri- tannica," 1652; d. 20 Sept. 1661. WiNGARD, Thomas, archbishop of TTpsal, and primate of Sweden; 6. 1781; d. 24 Sept. 1851. WiNGATE, Edward, arithmetician ; b. 1593 ; published "Arithmetic," 1629; d. Dec. 1656. WiNKLEH, Carl Gottfried Theodor, called Theodor Hell, German poet and musical com- poser; 6. 9 Feb. 1775 ; published "Penelope," 1811 ; " Lyratne," 1821; made director of the opera at Dresden, 1825 ; d. 24 Sept. 1856. WiNSLOW, Forbes, M.D.; 6. Aug. 1810; ap- pointed Lettsomian professor of medicine, 1851-52; published "Anatomy of Suicide," 1840; "Obscure Diseases of the Brain and Disorders of the Mind," i860; "On the Mor- bid and Physiological Influence of Light," 1866. WiNSLOW, Jacob Benignus, Danish anatomist; b. 17 April, 1669; published "Exposition ana- tomique de la structure du Corps himaain," 1732; d. 3 April, 1760. WiNSOE, Friedrich AJbrecht, German inventor ; b. about 1 762 ; introduced at the Lyceum theatre the use of gas for lighting, 1803 ; d. 1830. WiNSTANLEY, WilUam, architect; built the Eddystone lighthouse, 1696-99 ; perished in its destruction by a tempest, 27 Nov. 1703. Winston, Charles, antiquary; b. about 1814; made collections for a history of painting on glass; d. 3 Oct. 1864. Winston, Thomas, anatomist; b. 1575; pro- fessor at Gresham college, 1615; d. 24 Oct. 1655- Winter, Jan Willem de, see X>e Winter. Winter, Peter von, German musical com- poser; b. 1755; wrote "Das unterbrochene Opferfest," 1795; "II Eatto di Proserpina," 1804 ; d. 1825. Winter, Thomas, pugilist, known as "Tom Spring;" b. 1795; d. Sept. 1851. WiNTEEBURGER, Johanu, German printer ; b. about 1450; founded his office at Vienna, 1492; d. 1 5 19. WiNTERHALTEE, Friedrich, German portrait painter ; b. 1806. WiNTERTON, Ealph, classical scholar ; edited "Poetse Grteoi Minores;" d. 13 Sept. 1636. WiNTRiNGHAM, Clifton, physician; published " Tractatus de Podagra," 1714 ; d. 12 March, 1748. WiNTEINGHAM, Sir Clifton, son, physician ; b. 1710; published "De Morbis quibusdam Conl- mentarii," 1782; d. 9 Jan. 1794. WiNWOOD, Sir Ealph, statesman ; 5. about 1564; ambassador to Holland, 1607-1609; secretary of state, 1614 ; his " Memoriala " pub- lished, 1725 ; d. 28 June, 1 688. WiNZET, or WiNGET, Ninian, Scottish anti- reformer; b. 1518; published "Last Blast of the Trumpet of Godis W orde aganis the vsurpit Auctoritie of Johne Knox," 1562 ; "FlageUum Sectariorum," 1582; d. 21 Sept. 1592. WiON, Arnould, French Benedictine writer ; b. IS May, 1554 ; wrote " Lignum Vitae," 1595 ; d, about 1 610. WiELET, William, heraldic writer ; wrote " True use of Armoury ;" d. Feb. 1618. WIS 576 WOL WisoHART, William, D.D., Scottish divine ; 5. 1657; published "Theologia," 1716 ; d. 1727. WiscHEABT, George, bishop of Edinburgh, his- torian; 6. 1609; wrote "Wars in Scotland ;" d. 1691. Wise, Rev. Francis, antiquary; h. 1695 ; d. 6 Oct. 1767. Wise, Michael, musical composer ; wrote numerous anthems ; d. 1687. Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Stephen, car- dinal; 6. 2 Aug. 1802; consecrated bishop of Mellipotamos, 1840; cardinal and archbishop of Westminster, 1S50 ; published " Horse Syriacffi," 1828; "Fabiola," 1854; "Recollec- tions of the last four Popes," 1858; d. 15 Feb. 1865. WiasoWATlDS, Andreas, Socinian writer; 5. 1608; published " KeUgio rationalis," 1685; d. 1678. WiSTAK, Caspar, American anatomist; J. 1760; published "System of Anatomy," 1812; d. 22 Jan. 1818. Witohell, George, astronomer and mathema- tician; b. 1728; d. 1785. Wither, George, poet; 6. II June, 1588; published "Abuses stript and whipt," 1613 ; "Hymns and Songs of the Church," 1625; d. 2' May, 1667. Withering, WiUiam, M.D., botanist; h. 1741; published "Arrangement of British Plants," 1776; d. 6 Oct. 1799. WiTHEBiNGTON, William Frederick, land- scape painter; 5. 26 May, 1785; elected A.E.A, 1830; E.A., 1840; d. 10 April, 1865. WiTiKiND, Saxon historian; wrote Annals of the Saxons ; d. about 980. WiTSEN, or WiTSiTJS, Herman, Dutch theo- logian, son of following; 5. 12 Feb. 1636; pub- lished "^gyptiaca," 1683; d. 22 Oct. 1708. WiTSEN, Nicolaus, Dutch poet; b. about l6lo; published "Stichtelyke Bedenckinge," 1639. Witt, Jan de, see De Witt. WiTTE, Hemming, Livonian biographer ; h. 26 Feb. 1634; pubKshed "Memorise Theologorum clarissimorum," 1672; d. 22 Jan. 1696. WiTZLEBEN, Carl August Friedrich von, German ofBoer and novelist; b. 17 March, 1772; his collected tales and novels published, 1833; d 9 July, 1839. WiVELL, Abraham, portrait painter and inventor of the fire escape; b. 9 July, 1786; published " Inquiry into the history, authen- ticity, and characteristics of the Shakspeare Portraits," 1827 ; invented the rope fire escape and the one now in use ; d. 29 March, 1849. Wladislas, see Ladislas. WoDDERSPOON, John, antiquary; 5. 1806; d. 19 Nov. .1862. WoDEHOUSE, Sir Philip Edmund, colonial governor; b. about 1812; appointed governor of British Guiana, 1854; of the cape of Good Hope, 1861. WoDHULL, Michael, poet; b. 1740; published translation of Euripides, 1782 ; d. 10 Nov. 1816. WoDEOW, Robert, Scottish ecclesiastical his- torian; b. 1679; published "History of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland," 1721-22; d. 21 March, 1734. WOhler, Friedrich, German chemist; J. 31 July, 1809; discovered new method of obtain- ing pure nickel; first obtained alimninium in an isolated state. WoELFL, Joseph, German pianist and musical composer; b. 1772 ; d. 1811. WoEPCKE, Franz, German mathematician and orientalist; 6. 6 May, 1826; published " Algfebre d'Omar AlkhayySmi," 1851; "Extrait du Fakhri," 1853; d. 26 March, 1864. WoFFiNGTON, Margaret, Irish actress; 5. 17 18; d. 28 March, 1760. Wohlgemuth, Michael, German painter and wood-engraver ; b. 1434 ; master of Albert Diirer ; designed woodcuts for " Schatzbehalter," 1491; "Nuremberg Chronicle," 1496; "Hros- vitha," 1501 ; d. 1519. WoiDE, Carl Gottfried, German orientalist ; b. 1725; appointed assistant-librarian in the British Museum, 1782; published "Coptic Dictionary," 1775; "Novum Testamentum Grfecum," 1786; d. 7 May, 1790. WoLCOT, John, M.D., known as "Peter Pindar," satirical poet ; b. 1738 ; published "Works," 1794-1801; d. 14 Jan. 1819. Wolf, Friedrich August, German philosopher and critic; 6. 15 Feb. 1759; pubhshed "Pro- legomena ad Homerum," 1795 ; d. 8 Aug. 1824. Wolf, Johann Christian, German philologist ; b. 8 April, 1689; published "Monumenta typographica," 1740; d. 9 Feb. 1770. Wolf, or Wolfius, Johann Christoph, Ger- man orientalist and biblical scholar ; 6. 21 Feb. 1683; published "BibKotheca Hebraea," '7'S"3S ; "Curse philologicse et criticae in Novum Testamentum," 1725-35 ; d. 25 July, 1739- Wolfe, Rev. Charles, poet ; b. 14 Dec. 1791 ; wrote "Burial of Sir John Moore," 1817 ; his " Remains" published, 1825 ; d. 21 Feb. 1823. Wolfe, James, general ; J. 2 Jan. 1 726 ; killed at the siege of Quebec, 13 Sept. 1759. Wolfe, see Kilwarden. Wolff, Johann Christian von, German mathematician ; b. 24 Jan. 1679 ; published "Anfangsgriinde aller mathematischen Wissen- schaften," 1709; "Elementa Matheseos uni- versse," 1713-15; d. 9 April, 1754. Wolff, Joseph, D.D., missionary; 5. 1795 i d. 2 May, 1862. Wolff, Pius Alexander, German actor and dramatist; b. 1782; published "Dramatische Spiele," 1823; d. 1828, WOIi 577 WOO WoLrrHAKT, Conrad, called Lycostlienes, German philologist ; b. 8 Aug. 1518 ; published "Elenchus Soriptorum onmium," 1551; d. 25 March, 1561. WoLTEAM VON EsOHENBAOH, German minne- singer ; 6. about 1 1 50 ; wrote " Parzival" about 1205, printed 1477 ; "Titurel," printed 1477; d. 1220. WOLLASTON, Eev. William, moral philosopher ; h. 26 March, 1659; published "Religion of Nature delineated," 1722; d. 29 Oct. 1724. WOLLASTON, William Hyde, M.D., chemist ; J. 6 Aug. 1 766 ; elected president of the Royal Society, 1820; invented the reflective gonio- meter; d. 22 Deo. 1828. WoLLEBlus,Johann, Swiss theologian; 5. 1536; wrote " Compendium Theologise ; " d. 24 Dec. 1626. WoLSET, Thomas, cardinal ; 5. 147 1 ; made dean of Lincoln, 1508; archbishop of York, 1514; cardinal, 15 15; disgraced, 1529; d. Nov. 1530- WoLTMAN, Carl Ludwig von, German his- torian; h. 9 Feb. 1770; wrote " Geschichte Frankreichs," published 1797 ; " Geschichte Bbhmens," 1815; d. 19 June, 1817. WoLVEKTON, George Carr Glyn, lord, banker; 6. 27 April, 1797 ; M.P. for Kendal, 1847-68 ; created baron, 14 Dec. 1869. WoLZOGEN, Lodewijk van, Dutch Socinian writer; 5. 1642; d. IT) Nov. 1690. WoMACK, Lawrence, bishop of St. David's, anti-puritanical writer; 6. 1612; consecrated, 1683; d. 12 March, 1686. WoMBWELL, George, menagerist ; 6. 24 Dec. 1777; d. 16 Nov. 1850. Wood, Alexander, lord Wood, Scotch judge ; made a lord of session, 1842 ; (i. 18 July, 1864. Wood, Sir Andrew, Scottish admiral ; 6. about 1455 ; d. about 1539. Wood, Anthony \ antiquary; 5. 17 Dec. 1632; published " Atheme Oxonienses," 1691- 92; d. 29 Nov. 1695. Wood, Charles, viscount Halifax, statesman ; 5. 20 Dec. 1800. Secretary of the treasury .... 1832-35 Secretary of the admiralty . . . 1835-39 Chancellor of the exchequer July, 1846 — Feb. 1852 President of the board of control, Dec. 1852 — Feb. 1855 First lord of the admiralty . Feb. 1855— Feb. 1858 Secretary for India, . . June, 1859 — June, 1866 Created viscount .... 21 Feb. 1866 Wood, Mrs Henry, novelist; 5. about 1820; published "Danebury House," i860; "East Lyime," 1861; " Oswald Cray" and "Trevlyn Hold," 1864. Wood, James, dean of Ely, mathematician ; 5. about 1760; published "Elements of Al- gebra," 1795 ; d. 23 April, 1843. Wood, John, architect ; published " Origin of Building," 1741 ; d. 23 May, 1754. Wood, Nicholas, mining engineer; 5. about 1793; d. 19 Dec. 1865. Wood, Sir Matthew, bart., M.P., lord mayor of London; 6. 1768; lord mayor, 1816-17; d. 25 Sept. 1843. Wood, Eobert, archaeologist; h. 1716 ; made under-secretary of state, 1759 ; pubUshed "Ruins of Palmyra," 1753; "Ruins of Bal- beck," 1757; d. 9 Sept. 1771. Wood, see Satherley. WoODALL, John, surgeon; h. about 1556; published "Surgeon's Mate," 1612; "Viati- cum," 1628; d. after 1639. WoODOOOK, Robert, musical composer ; 6. 1692; d. 10 April, 1728. WoODESON, Richard, jurist ; J. 1 745 ; elected Vinerian professor of common law at Oxford, 1777; published "Elements of Jurisprudence," 1783; d. 22 Oct. 1822. WooDFALL, WiUlam, journalist and parlia- mentary reporter ; 6. 1 745 ; edited " Morning Chronicle," 1772-89; d. i Aug. 1803. WooDFOED, Samuel, D.D., poet; 5. 1636; published " Paraphrase upon the Canticles," 1679; d. 1700. WooDFOEDE, Samuel, historical painter ; 6. 1763; elected A.R.A., 1800; E.A., 1807; d. 27 July, 1817. WooDHEAD, Abraham, Roman catholic con- troversialist ; pubHshed " Brief Account of Church Government," 1662-87 ; d. 4 May, 1678. WooDHOUSE, Robert, mathematician and astronomer; 5. 28 April, 1773; elected Plu- mian professor of astronomy at Cambridge, 1822; pubhshed "Principles of analytical Calculation," 1803 ; " Treatise on Astronomy," 1812-18; d. 23 Dec. 1827. Woods, Sir Albert William, garter, king at arms, son of Sir W. Woods, garter; b. 1816; appointed pursuivant, 1838 ; Lancaster herald, 1 841 ; garter, 1869. Woods, Joseph, architect and botanist ; b. about 1776; d. 9 Jan. 1864. Woods, Sir Wilham, garter, king at arms; b. 1786; garter, 1838; d. 25 July, 1842. Woodvillb, Elizabeth, see Elizabeth, queem- consort of England. WOODVILLE, William, M.D., botanist; b. 1752; published "Medical Botany," 179094; d. 26 March, 1805. Woodvillb, see Rivers. Woodwakd, Bernard Bolingbroke, antiquary; b. 2 May, 1816 ; appointed librarian at Windsor castle, i860; founded "Fine Arts Quarterly Review," 1863 ; d. 12 Oct. 1869. Woodwaed, Henry, comedian; b. 171 7; d. 17 April, 1777. Woodwaed, John, geologist ; b. 1665; founded the Woodwardian professorship at Cambridge; published "Natural History of the Earth," 1695; d. 1728. Woodwaed, Samuel Pickworth, geologist; b. 17 Sept. 1821; published "Manual of the MoUusca," 1851; d. ir July, 1865. 20 woo 578 WRA WooLHonsE, John Thomas, oculist; published " Catalogue d'lnstrumens pour les op&ations des Yeux," 1696; d, I750- WooLLETT, WiUiam, Iine-engraver; h. 15 Aug. 1735; d. 23 May, 1785. WoOLMAN, John, American quaker abolition- ist; 5. 1720; d. 1772. WoOLSTow, Rev. Thomas, deistical writer; i. 1669; published "Moderator between an Infidel and an Apostate," 1726; d. 27 Jan. 1733- WoKBOlSE, Emma Jane, novelist; J. 1825; published "Helen Bury," 1850; "Grace Hamilton's School Days," 1856; "Violet Vaughan," 1866. WoRCESTEK, Edward Somerset, marquess of, philosopher; succeeded, 1646; published "Cen- tury of Inventions," 1663; d. 3 April, 1667. WoKDSWOETH, Charles, bishop of St. Andrew's, Dunkeld and Dunblane, nephew of the poet; 6. 1806; warden of 'Trinity college, Glen- ahnond, 1846-54; consecrated, 1852. WoKDSWOKTH, Christopher, D.D., ecclesiasti- cal historian, brother of the poet ; 6. 9 June, 1774; master of Trinity college, Cambridge, 1820-41 ; published "Ecclesiastical Biography," 1809; "Who wrote 'Eilkuv TiaaCkiK-qt" ascrib- ing it to Charles I., 1824-28; d. 2 February, 1846. WoKDSWOETH, Christopher, bishop of Lincoln, son ; 6. 1807 ; head-master of Harrow school, 1836-44; made canon of Westminster, 1844; archdeacon, 1865; consecrated, 24 Feb. 1869; published "Memoirs of William Wordsworth," 1851; "Greece; pictorial, descriptive, and his- torical," 1839. WoKDSWOKTH, WiUiam, poet-laureate ; S. 7 April, 1770; published "An Evening Walk," 1793; "Lyrical Ballads," 1798; "Poems," 1807; "The Excursion," 1 8 14; "Yarrow re- visited," 1835; "Works," 1842; d. 23 April, 1850. WoKM, Christian, Danish theologian, J. 10 June, 1672; pubUshed "Historia Sabelliana," 1696; d. 1737. WOBM, Jens, Danish biographer ; 6. 24 Aug. 1716 ; wrote " Forsceg til et Lexikon over Danske, Norske og Islandske Lserde," 1771-84; d. 1790. Worm, or Wobmius, Glaus, Danish physician, antiquary and historian; b. 13 May, 1588; published " Institutiones medics," 1636-40; " Danica Litteratura," 1643; d. 7 Sept. 1654. Worm, WUhehn, son ; JDanish physician, h. II Sept. 1633; pubUshed "De Fluidi et Firmi Natura," 1664; d. 1704. WoKNUJf, Ralph Nicholson, art critic ; 5. 1812 ; appointed keeper and secretary of the National Ga,llery, 1857; published "Sketch of the His- tory of Paiuting," 1845; "Biographical Cata- logue of the principal Italian Painters," ; " Life of Holbein," 1866. WoBONZOW, Mikhail Harionovitch, count, Russian diplomatist; 5. 12 July, 17 14; made chancellor, 1758 ; d. 13 February, (o.s.) 1767. WoRONZOW, Mikhail Semenovitch, prince, Russian general and diplomatist; 6. 17 May, 1782; d. 18 Nov. 1856. WoESAAE, Hans Jakob Asmussen, Danish archteologist ; 6. 14 March, 1 82 1. WoRSDALE, James, dramatist and painter; d. 13 June, 1767. WoESLEY, Sir Richard, bart., antiquary; 5. 1751 ; published "History of the Isle of Wight," 1781 ; "Museum Worsleianum," 1 794- 1 803; d. 1805. WoETHiNGTON, Rev. WiUiam, divine ; 6. 1703 ; published " Evidences of Christianity" (Boyle lectures), 1769; d. 6 Oct. 1778. WoTTON, Edward, M.D., naturalist; 5. 1492; published " De Differentiis Animalium," 1552; d. 5 Oct. 1555. WoTTON, Sir Henry, diplomatist ; 5. 9 April, 1568 ; ambassador to Venice, 1604, 161 5 ; wrote, " Elements of Architecture," published 1624 ; " State of Christendom," 1657 ; d. Dec. 1639- WoTTON, Nicholas, dean of Canterbury, states- man; 6. 1497; made dean, 1542; d. 25 Jan. 1566. WoTTON, Rev. William, critic and historian ; 6. 13 Aug. 1666; published "Eefieotions upon ancient and modem Learning," 1694; "His- tory of Rome," 1701 ; d. 13 Feb. 1726. WouLFB, Peter, chemist and alchemist ; made experiments on the distillation of acids ; d. 1805. WouwEEMAN, Dutch painters : Philips ; h. 1620 ; his works are chiefly hunting parties, horse fairs, cavalry attacks ; d. 19 May, 1668 PiETEit, brother ; 6. 1635 . . . . d. 1683 WovEEEN, Jan van den, Flemish writer ; J. 28 May, 1576 ; published " Eucharisticon J. Lipsio," 1603; "Vita B. Simonis Valentin! Sacerdotis," 1612; d. 23 Sept. 1635. WovEEEN, Johann von, German philologist ; 6. 10 March, 1574; published "De Poly- mathia," 1603 ; " Syntagma de Graeca et Latina Bibliorum Interpretatione," 1 61 8; d. 30 March, 1612. Weangel, Carl Gustaf, Swedish commander; h. 13 Dec. 161 3 ; appointed high admiral, 1657; grand marshal, 1660; d. July, 1676. _ Weansel, Friedrich von, count, Prussian field-marshal; J. 13 April, 1784; commanded the allied Prussian and Federal forces in the first Schleswig-Holstein war, 1848-49. Weahgell, Ferdinand Petrovitch von, baron, Russian arctic explorer ; 6. about 1 795 ; served under captain Golovin in his voyage round the world. Wraxall, Sir Frederick Charles Lascelles, bart., essayist ; 5. 1828; d. II June, 1865. WRA 579 WYC Wkaxall, Sir Nathaniel WilKam, bart., tra- veller and historian ; 6. 1751 ; created baronet, 21 Dec. 1 81 3; published "Historical Memoirs of my own Time," 1815; d. 7 Nov. 1831. Wray, Daniel, aichasologist ; h. 1 701; d. 29 Dec. 1783. Wkat, see Ray. "Wkede, Carl PhiUpp von, prince, German general; I. 29 April, 1767 ; d. 12 Deo. 1838. Weee, Oliver van, Flemish historian ; 5. 28 Sept. 1596; published " Sigilla Comitum Flan- driae," 1639; " Genealogia Comitum Flandriie," 1642-43; d, 21 March, 1652. Wken, Sir Christopher, architect, sou of bishop Wren; h. 20 Oct. 1632; elected pro- fessor at Gresham college, 1657; at Oxford, 1660; president of the Royal Society, 1680; constructed Temple Bar, the Monument, St. Paul's, Chelsea and Greenwich hospitals ; d. 25 Feb. 1723. Ween, Sir Christopher, son, antiquary; 6. 16 Feb. 1675; -wrote "Numismatum antiquorum Sylloge," published 1708; " Parentalia," 1750; d. 24 Aug. 1747. Wken, Matthew, bishop of Ely; 6. 3 Deo. 1585 ; attended prince Charles into Spain, 1621 ; consecrated bishop of Hereford, 1634 ; translated to Norwich, 1635 ; to Ely, 1638 ; d. 24 April, 1667. Wken, Matthew, son, political writer ; 1. 1629 ; published " Monarchy asserted," 1659; d. 1672. Wright, Abraham, poetical writer and divine ; h. 161 1 ; published "Parnassus biceps," 1656 ; "Sales Bpigrammatum," 1661; rf. 9 May, 1690. Weight, Edward, mathematician; h. about 1560 ; published " Certain Errors in Navigation detected," 1599; d. 1615. Weight, Joseph, of Derby, historical and landscape painter; 6. I734j elected A.R.A., 1 78 1; subsequently resigned; d. 29 August 1797. Weight, Robert, bishop of Lichfield and Coventry; h. about 1559 ; appointed first warden of Wadham college, Oxford, 1613 ; consecrated bishop of Bristol, 1623 ; translated, 1632 ; d. in defence of his episcopal ca«tle at Eccleshall, Staffordshire, Aug. 1643. Wkight, Samuel, dissenting minister ; 5. 1683 ; wrote " The New Birth ;" d. 3 April, 1746. Weight, Thomas, antiquary and natural philosopher; 6. about 1711; d. 1785. Weight, Thomas, antiquary; b. about 1810; edited "Canterbury Tales," and "Vision of Piers Plowman ; " published " The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon," 1852; "Domestic Manners in England during the Middle Ages," 1861 ; translated the emperor Napoleon's "History of Julius Cesar," 1865-66. Weight, William, aurist; h. May, 1773; published "Deafness, and Diseases of the Ear," i860; d 21 March, i860. Weiotheslet, Thomas, earl of Southampton ; made one of the king's commissioners, 1645; lord high treasurer, 1660; d. 16 May, 1667. Wkisbeeg, Heinrich August, German anato- mist; b. 1739; d. 29 March, 1808. Wkonski, Hoeue, Polish mathematician; 6. 177S; pubUshed "Philosophie critique," 1803; "Philosophie de la Technie algorith- mique," 1815-17; d. 9 Aug. 1853. Wbottesley, John Wrottesley, baron, astro- nomer; 6. 5 Aug. 1798; succeeded, 16 March, 1841 ; president of the Royal Society, 1854-57; published " Catalogue of Right Ascensions of 1318 Stars," 1838; d. 27 Oct. 1867. WuLEEN, Franz Xaver von, German mathe- matician and natural philosopher; b. 1728; d. l^ March, 1806. WuKMSEK, Dagobert Sigmund, Austrian general ; b. 22 Sept. 1 724 ; defeated the Prussians at Habelschwerdt, 1779; victorious over the French at Mannheim, 1 795 ; d. 23 Aug. 1797. WuEZELBAU, Johann Philipp von, German astronomer; 6. 28 Sept. 1651 ; wrote " Urania Noricaa Basis Astrouomicffi," pubUshed 1728; d. 21 March, 1725. Wtatt, Henry, portrait painter; 5. 17 Sept. 1794; d. 27 Feb. 1840. Wyatt, James, architect; b. 1746; elected A.R.A., 1770; R.A., 1785; president, 1805-6; built FonthUl abbey, and the Pantheon, Ox- ford street ; d. 5 Sept. 1813. Wtatt, Sir Matthew Digby, architect; 6. 1820; decorated the new foreign ofiBce ; published " Geometrical Mosaics of the Middle Ages," 1848 ; "Art Treasures of the United Kingdom," 1857; "What IDumination was," and "What Illumination should be," 1861. Wtatt, Richard James, sculptor; b. 1793; d. 27 May, 1850. Wtatt, Sir Thomas, the elder, statesman and poet; b. 1503; ambassador to Madrid, 1537; his "Poems" published, 1557 ; d. 11 Oct. 1542. Wtatt, Sir Thomas, the younger, son ; J. 1 1 April, 1554; commanded the garrison at Boulogne, 1 545 ; headed a rebellion in Kent, but defeated; beheaded, 11 April, 1554. Wtatville, Sir Jeflfrey, architect, nephew of James Wyatt, R.A.; h. (Wyatt), 3 Aug. 1766; elected A.R.A., 1823 ; R.A., 1826; remodelled Windsor castle; d. 18 Feb. 1840. Wtcheelet, William, dramatist; h. about 1640; wrote "Love in a Wood," 1667, "Plain Dealer," 1674; "Country Wife," 1678; d. 1715. Wyolifee, John, reformer; h. 1324; principal of Baliol college, 136 1 ; ambassador to Bruges, 1374; denied transubstautiation, 1381 ; trans- lated the Bible into English; d. 31 Dec. 1387 ; his remains burnt by order of the council of Constance, 1428. WYN 580 XTJA Wynants, Jan, Dutch landscape painter; h. about 1600; d. after 1679. Wyndham, Sir William, statesman ; 5. 1687 ; secretary at war, 1711; chancellor of the ex- chequer, 1713 ; committed to the Tower, 1715 ; d. ly July, 1740. Wyndhajsi, see Egremont. Wynford, see Best. WrNN, Charles Watkin Williams, politician ; J. 9 Oct. 1775; president of the board of con- trol, 1822-28; secretary-at-war, Nov. 1830 — April, 1831 ; chancellor of the duchy of Lan- caster, Dec. 1834 — April, 1835; d. 2 Sept. 1850. _Wynn, Sir Henry Watkia Williams, diploma- tist; 6. 16 March, 17S3; envoy to Denmark, 1824-53; d. 28 March, 1856. Wynne, John Huddleston, historian ; 5. 1 743 ; pubUshed " History of Ireland," 1772-73; d. 2 Dec. 1788. Wynter, Andrew, M.D. ; 6. 1819; published " Our Social Bees," 1861 ; " Curiosities of Civilization ; " " Subtle Brains and Lissom Fingers," 1860-63. Wy'ntouji, Andrew, Scottish annalist; /.about 1400 ; wrote " The Orygynale CronykU of Scotland," printed 1 795. Wyon, Benjamin, medallist; h. 9 Jan. 1802; d. 21 Nov. 1858. Wyon, William, cousin, gem-engraver and medaUist; 5. 1795; appointed chief engraver to the mint, 1828; elected A.R. A, 1831 ; E.A., 1838; d. 29 Oct. 1851. Wyttenbach, Daniel, Dutch scholar; J. 7 Aug. 1746; pubHshed "Index Graecitatis," 1830; " BibUotheca critica," 1777-1808 ; " Philomathia," 1809-17; d. 17 Jan. 1820. Xanthippe, wife of Socrates, type of a scold- ing spouse ; fi. 5th century B.C. Xanthippus, Athenian general, father of Pericles ; defeated the Persian fleet at the battle of Mycale, 22 Sept. B.C. 479. Xanthus, Lydian historian ; fl. about B.C. 480. Xaupi, Joseph, French antiquary ; h. I6 March, 1688; published "Eecherches histori- ques 8ur la noblesse de Perpignan et de Baroe- lone," 1763-74; d. 7 Dec. 1778. Xavier, Francois, Saint, see Francis. Xavier, J&ome, Jesuit missionary to the East Indies ; d. 17 June, 1617. Xenaooras, Greek historian ; fi. 2nd century B.C. Xenooles, Athenian tragic poet ; fl. B.C. 425- 405- Xenoorates, Greek philosopher, disciple of Plato ; 6. B.C. 396 ; d. 314. Xenophanes, Greek philosopher and elegiac poet ; fl. B.C. 540-500 ; founder of the Eleatic school, the doctrine of the oneness of the uni- verse. Xenophon, Athenian general, historian, and philosopher ; h. about B.C. 445 ; led the retreat of the Ten Thousand after the death of Cyrus at the battle of Cunaxa, 401 ; wrote "Anabasis," "Hellenica," "Cyropaedia" and "Memorabilia, Socratis ;" d. about 355. Xerxes I., II., kings of Persia. I. " Ahausuerus" of the book of Esther. Succeeded his father Darius I. Hystaspis B.C. 485 Defeated the Greeks under Leonidas at the battle of Thermopylae ... 7 Aug. 480 Totally defeated by the Greeks at the battle of Salamls ... .20 Oct. 480 Murdered . . 465 II. succeeded his father Artaxerxes L, B.C. 425 ; reigned two months ; murdered by his half-bro- ther Sogdianus. XimenSs, Augustin Marie, marquis de, French poet ; h. 26 Feb. 1 726 ; friend of Voltaire ; d. 31 May, 1817. XiMENES, Francisco, Spanish missionary, one of the first introducers of Christianity into Mexico ; d. about 1620. XlMENES, Francisco, Spanish painter ; J. 1598 ; d. 1 666. XiMENES, Lionardo, Italian mathematician and astronomer ; 6.27 Deo. 171 6; published "Del veochio eunovo Gnomone Fiorentino Ubri IV.," 1757; d 3 May, 1786. XiMENES, Eoderigo, archbishop of Toledo; wrote " Historia de Espana ;" d. 9 Aug. 1247. XiMiNES DE Carmona, Francisoo, Spanish physician and naturaUst ;/. 161 6. XiMiNES DE CiSNEROS, Francisco, Spanish cardinal; b. 1436; d. 8 Nov. 1517 Entered the order of St. Francis . . . 1484 Made confessor and councillor to Isabella of Castile, 1492 Consecrated archbishop of Toledo . 11 Oct. 1495 Eestored the ancient Mozarabic rite in one of the chapels in his cathedral ; founded the Univer- sity of Alcala 1500 Created cardinal . . . . .17 May, 1507 Led the expedition to convert the Moors . 1509 Oran taken by assault .... May, 1509 Appointed regent of Spain by Ferdinand the Catholic at his death ... 23 Jan. 1516 Published the Complutensian Polyglott Bible, 1514-17 XiMENO, Vincentio, Spanish biographer; d. 1703- XiPHiLEros, Joaimes, patriarch of Constan- tinople; elected, 1064; d. 2 Aug. 1075. XiPHiLiNiis, Joannes, nephew of the patriarch; monk at Constantinople ; fl. 1075 ; wrote abridgment of Dion Cassius first printed, 155 !• Xuahes, Gaspar, Paraguayan Jesuit and botanist; 6. 1731; li. 3 Jan. 1804. YAC 681 YOE Yaooub (bnu Leitzs), native of Seiatan ; founder of the Soffaride dynasty in Persia, 872; d. June, 879. YAConB II., king of Morocco ; i. about 1209 ; succeeded his brother Abu-Bekr, 1258; thrice invaded Spain ; d. 20 March, 1286. Yacodt, Abu Abd Allah, Arab geographer ; h. in Greece about 117S ; wrote " Dictionary of Geography;" d. Aug. 1227. Yalden, Rev. Thomas, poet; 5. 1671 ; wrote "Ode to Saint Cecilia's Day;" d. 16 July, 1736. Yaedlet, Edward, police magistrate ; i. 1808; appointed to Thames police court, 1846; d. 18 Nov. 1866. Yakkell, WiUiam, naturalist; S.June, 1784; published "History of British Fishes," 1835-39; "History of British Birds," 1839-43 ; d. I Sept. 1856. Yabt, Antoine, French abb^ ; 6- 15 Dec. 1709; published "Idfe de la Po^sie anglaise," 1 749-71 ; d. 1791. Yates, Anna Maria, tragic actress ; b. (Gra- ham), 1737; married Kiohard Yates ; d. 3 May, 1787. Yates, Edmund Hodgson, novelist ; 5. July, 1831 ; published "Black Sheep," 1867. Yates, Frederick Henry, actor, father of above; b. 1797; d. 21 June, 1842. Yates, Sir James, judge ; i. 1 722 ; appointed a justice of the king's bench, 1 764 ; of the com- mon pleas, 1770; d. 7 June, 1770. Yates, John Ashton, political economist ; J. 178 1 ; d I Nov. 1863. Yates, Eichard, comedian; d. 1796. Yeames, WiUiam Frederick, historical painter; 6. Dec. 1835; elected A.E.A., 1866; painted "Keception of the French Ambassadors by Queen Elizabeth, after the Massacre of St. Bartholomew," 1866. Yeabslet, Anne, poetical and dramatic writer ; b. about 1756; originally a nulk-woman; d. 8 May, 1806. Yeates, Thomas, orientalist; b. 1768; pub- lished "Hebrew Grammar," 1812; d. 7 Oct. 1839. Yelvebton, Sir Henry, judge; b. 5 July, 1562; made solicitor-general, 1613; attorney- general, 1616; a justice of the king's bench, 1625 ; of the common pleas, 1625 ; "Re- ports" pubUshed 1661 ; d. 24 January, 1630. Yenn, John, architect; elected A. R. A., 1774! K.A., 1791 ; d. I March, 1821. Yeo, Richard, sculptor and medallist, chief engravertothe mint; electedE.A., 1768; d. 3 Dec. 1779. Yezdbdjebd I. — III., kings of Persia, of the Sassanide dynasty. I. succeeded Varanes IV., 399 ; conquered Ar- menia, 412 . d. 420 II. grandson : succeeded Varanes V., 441 . d. 458 III. b. 617: succeeded, 632: last of the ancient kings of Persia, and of iho Sassanide dynasty; d. 651 Yezid I. — III. , Ommiad cahphs, who reigned at Damascus. I. 6. 644 : succeeded Moawiyah, 680 d. Dec. 683 II. b. 684: succeeded Omar II., 720 d. Feb. 724 III. &. 701 ; succeeded Walid II., 16 April, 744 ; d. 30 Sept. 744 Ykens, Petrus, Flemish historical and portrait painter; b. 30 Jan. 164S ; d. 1695. YoLLAND, WiUiam, colonel, R.E. ; b. 1810; appointed inspector of railways, 1 854. YoNGE, Charles Duke, classical and historical writer; b. Nov. 1812; published "English and Greek Lexicon," 1849 ; " History of the British Navy," 1863. YoNGE, Charlotte Mary, novelist; b. 1823; wrote "Heir of Redclyfie," 1853. YoEOK, Johann David Ludwig, count von Wartenburg, Prussian field-marshal ; b. 26 Sept. 1759 ; broke the French alliance, and with the Prussian army joined Russia, 30 Dec. 1812; created count, 1814; field-marshal, 1821; d. 4 Oct. 1830. YoEK, Plantagenet, dukes of : I. Edmund, " of Langley," fifth son of Edward III. ; b. 5 June, 1341 Created duke, 1385 . . . d. 1 Aug. 1402 II. Edward, son ; created duke of Albemarle 1397 Restored to dukedom of York . . . 1406 Killed at battle of Agincourt . . 25 Oct. 1415 III. Richaud, nephew, son of Richard, earl of Cambridge, father of Edward IV. and Richard III. ....... 6. 1416 Appointed regent of France, 1435-37 ; again 1439 Quelled the insurrection in Ireland . ' 1449 Protector, elected by parliament 1454 — Feb. 1455 Wars of the Roses began ; Yorkists victorious at St. Albans, Henry VI. taken prisoner 22 May, 3455 Again declared protector . Nov. 1455 — Feb. 1456 Reconciliation of Lancastrians and Yorkists, 25 March, 1456 Lancastrians defeated at Bloreheath . 23 Sept. 1459 Took refuge in Ireland : attainted . 20 Kov. 1459 Yorkists victorious at Northampton, Henry taken prisoner .... 10 July, 1460 Formally claimed the crown ; (declared heir ;) 16 Oct. 1460 Slain at battle of "Wakefield . . .30 Bee. 1460 IV. Richard, second son of Edward IV. ; d. murdered in the Tower .... Aug. 1483 YoBK, Anne Hyde, duchess of, see Hyde. YoEK, Henry Benedict Stuart, cardinal, styled by the Jacobite party, " Henry IX.," younger son of James Francis Edward, prince of Wales, called the Pretender; b. 6 March, 1725 ; d. at Rome, 13 July, 1807, when the male line of the house of Stuart became extinct. YoEK and Albany, dukes of : Ernest Avgustus, bishop of Osnaburg, brother of George I. : created duke, 29 June 1716 ; rf. Aug. 1728 Edward Augustus, second son of Frederick, prince of Wales, brother of George HI. ; 6. 14 March, 1739 ; created duke, i April, 1760; Rear- admiral, 1761 . , rf. at Monaco, 17 Sept, 1767 YOE 582 ZAB Frederick, bishop of Osnaburg, second son of George III., &. i6 April, 1763: created dulce, 27 Not. 1784: iield-marshal, 1795; commander-iu- cliief, 1795-1809: again, 1811-27 • ^- 5 Jan. 1827 YoKKE, earls of Hardwicke : L. Philip, 6, i Dec. i6go ; solicitor-general, 1720-24: attorney-general, 1724-33: chief justice of the king's bench, Oct. 1733 — Feb. 1737 ; lord high chancellor, Feb. 1737— Nov. 1756: lord high steward for trials of earls of Kilmarnock and Cromartie, and lord Balmerino, 1746 ; of lord Lovat, 1747 : created baron, 23 Nov. 1733 : earl, 2 April, 1754 . . , . . d. 6 March, 1764 2. Philip, son, 5. 1720 ; published " Miscellane- ous State Papers," 1778 . . . d. 16 May, 1790 YoEKE, Charles, lord high chancellor, second son of lord chancellor Hardwicke ; h. 1722 ; solicitor -general, 1756-62; attorney-general, 1762-63 ; again, 1765-66 ; lord chancellor, 17 Jan. 1770; was to have been created lord Morden ; A. 20 Jan. 1770. Young, Arthur, secretary to the board of agriculture ; 5. 7 Sept. 1741 ; published "Farmer's Calendar," 1770; d, 12 April, 1820. YouNO, Brigham, president of the Mormons ; J. in Ohio, about 1800; elected "President of the Twelve Apostles," 1844; founded Salt Lake City. Young, Charles, tragedian; J. about 1777; d. 21 June, 1856. YocNO, Sir Charles G-eorge, garter king-at- arms ; h. 1 795; made garter, 1842; d. 31 Aug. 1869. Young, Edward, LL.D., poet; 5. June, 1684 ; nominated rector of Welwyn, 1 730 ; published "Night Thoughts," 1742-46 ; d. 12 April, 1765. Young, George, Scotch lawyer; made solici- tor-general for Scotland, Dec. 1868 ; lord advo- cate, Oct. 1869. Young, Sir Henry Edward Fox, colonial governor; 6. 1810 ; governor of Tasmania, 1854-61. Young, Sir John, bart., colonial governor ; 6. 31 Aug. 1807 ; secretary of the treasury, 1844-46 ; chief secretary for Ireland, 1852-55; lord high commissioner of the Ionian Islands, 1855-59 ; governor of New South Wales, 1860-68. Young, Matthew, bishop of Clonfert and Kilmacduagh, mathematician and natural philo • sopher ; 6. 1 750 ; consecrated, 3 Feb. 1 798 ; d. 28 Nov. 1800. Young, Rev. Patrick, called "Patricius Ju- nius, scholar ;" b. 1584; d. 7 Sept. 1652. Young, Thomas, M.D., secretary to the board of longitude, physician and natural philosopher ; 6. 13 June, 1773 ; published " Lectures on Natural Philosophy," 1807; first deciphered hieroglyphics by the aid of the inscriptions on the Eosetta stone; d. lo May, 1829. YOUSOUF BNU AbD EL EaHMAN AL FeHM, last emir of Spaiu ; made emir, 746 ; killed at the battle of Lorca, 759. Ypsilanti, ConstantinoB, prince ; 6. about 1760 ; hospodar of Moldavia, 1799 > of Walachia, 1 802; d. 28 July, 1 81 6. His sons : — I. Ypsilanti, Alexander, prince, Greek patriot ; 6. 1783 ; chpsen chief of the Hetairia, the secret society for regaining the independence of Greece, 1820 ; proclaimed revolt against the Turkish yoke, 24 March, and began the war of indepen- dence, 6 April, 1821 . . . cZ. 31 Jan. 1828 II. Ypsilanti, DemetriuB, prinee, Greek revolu- tionary leader ; &. 25 Dec. 1793 : commander-in- chief of the army, 1827-29 . . d. 16 Aug. 1832 III. Ypsilajjii, Nicolas, prince ; &. about 1797 ; A. 3 April, 1832 Yrala, Domingo Martinez de, Spanish cap- tain ; 6. about i486 ; one of the founders of Buenos- Ayres, 1535 ; governor of that colony, 1538; d. 1556 or 1557. Yeiakte, Bernardo de, Spanish politician ; 5. about 1734 ; rf. II July, 1814. Yeiaete, Domingo de, Spanish diplomatist ; 5. 1 746 ; ambassador to Poland and to Basle ; d. 22 Nov. 1795. Yeiaete, Juan de, Spanish antiquary ; 5. 15 Dec. 1702 ; keeper of the royal Ubrary at Madrid, 1 732 ; published " Grammatioa Latina en verso Castellano," 1771 ; promoted the re- form of the Spanish language ; d. 23 Aug. 1771- Yeiaete, Tomas de, Spanish poet ; 6. 1750 ; published "Fabulas litterarias," 1782 ; d. 1791. YsABEAU, Claude Alexandre, French revolu- tionist ; 6. 14 July, 1 754 ; member of the national convention, 1792-95 ; d. 30 March, 1831. YvEE, Jacques, French author ; J. 1520; pub- lished "Le Printemps d'Yver," 1572 ; d. 1572. Yves, or Ivo, Saint, bishop of Chartres ; 6. about 1040; consecrated, 1091 ; wrote valuable letters and a collection of Canons, entitled "Pannormia," and " Decretum," d. 23 Deo. 1 1 16. Yves, (de Ker-Martin), Saint, h. 17 Oct. 1253; canonized, 1347 ; d. 19 May, 1303. YvETEAUX, Vauquelin des, see YauqueLin. YvoN, Adolphe, French historical painter ; J. 181 7; accompanied French army to the Crimea, 1854. YvoN, Claude, French theologian ; J. 15 April, 1714; d. 1791. Zabaglia, Niccolo, Italian architect; 5. 1674; d. 27 Jan. 1750. Zabaeella, Francesco, called "cardinal of Florence ; " 6. 1339 ; professor of canon law at Florence and at Padua ; bishop of Florence, 1410; created cardinal, 141 1 ; took an active part in the council of Constance, 1414-17 J wrote "De Schismate ;" d. 26 Sept. 1417. ZAB 683 ZAN Zabakella, Giacomo, conte, Italian astrologer and philosopher; b. 5 Sept. 1533; published "Logica," 1587 ; d. 18 Oct. 1589. Zaooabia, Francesco Antonio, Italian Jesuit historian; 6. 27 March, 17 14; made librarian of the Este library at Modena, 1756; published " Storia letteraria d'ltalia," 1751-57; "An- naU letterari d'ltalia," 1762-64; d. 10 Oct. 1795- Zaoh, Franz Xavier von, baron, Hungarian astronomer; b. 4 June, 1754; director of the observatory at Seeberg, near Gotha, 1787; d. 4 Sept. 1832. ZaoharlS, Carl Salomo, German jurist; Z>. 14 Sept. 1 769 ; appointed professor of jurispru- dence at Heidelberg, 1808; published "Hand- buch des franzosischen CivUreohts," 1808; d. 27 March, 1843. Zaohaeia, Justus Friedrich Wilhelm, Ger- man comic poet ; 6. i May, 1 726 ; composed an oratorio, "DiePilgrime auf Golgotha," 1756; d. 30 Jan. 1777. Zaohabiah, Hebrew prophet; fl. about B.o. 520. Zachaeiah, king of Israel ; 5. B.o. 808; suc- ceeded his father, Jeroboam II., 773 ; d. 772. Zaohabias, pope ; native of Greece ; elected, 28 Nov. 741 ; founded the Vatican Library ; translated into Greek the "Dialogues" of pope Gregory I.; d. 14 March, 752. Zachtleven, Herman, Dutch painter and etcher; b. 1609; d. 1685 Zachtleven, Komelis, brother, Dutch genre painter and etcher; b. 1606; d. after 1661. Zacuth, Abraham ben Samuel, Spanish Jew and astronomer; wrote a work on Jewish chronology, entitled "Sepher Juchasin;" d. about 1520. Zagoskin, Mikhail Nicolaevitch, Russian dra- matist and novelist ; b. 1 789 ; d. 23 June, 1852. Zainee, Gunther, German printer; b. about 1430 ; printed at Augsburg, 1468-75 ; issued the first book printed there, " Meditationes " of St. Bo'naventure, 1468 ; introduced the use of Ko- man characters into Germany, 1472 ; d. 1478. Zainee, Johann, German printer ; printed at Ulm, 1473-75; d. 7 Jan. 1774. Zamet, Sebastiano, Italian financier and courtier ; b. about 1 549 ; came to France with Maria de' Medici ; naturaUzed there, 1581 ; d. 14 July, 1614. Zamoyski, Andreas, grand chancellor of Poland ; b. 1 716; grand chancellor, 1764; published a code of Polish law, 1778; d. 10 February, 1792. Zamoyski, Andreas, count, Polish patriot ; b. 2 April, 1 8 10; was president of the agricultural society of Warsaw, suppressed in 1862. Zamoyski, Johan Savius, grand chancellor of Poland; b. i April, 1541; failed in two in- trigues to obtain the Polish crown ; d. 3 June, 1605. Zamoyski, Ladislas, Polish general and patriot ; b. 1803; commanded the Polish legion during the Crimean war; d. Jan. 1868. Zamoyski, Stanislas Kostka Franz Reinhold, Polish patriot, son of Andreas Zamoyski ; 6. 13 Jan. 1775 ; president of the senate, 1822; d. 2 April, 1856. Zampeeini, Anna, lyric actress and dancer ; i. about 1 745 ; mistress of lord March, after- wards duke of Queensberry. Zampieei, Domenico, called " Domenichino," ItaUan painter and architect; 6. 21 Oct. 1581 ; his cJief-dceuwe is the " Communion of St. Jerome," now in the Vatican ; designed the church of St. Ignatius at Rome ; d. 1 5 April, 1641. Zanchi, Girolamo, Italian protestant theolo- gian ; b. 2 Feb. 1516 ; his collected Works published, 1619 ; d. 19 Nov. 1590. Zangiaoomi, Joseph, baron, French lawyer ; 6. 19 March, 1766; president of the chamber of requests and court of cassation, 1831 ; d. 12 Jan. 1846. Zannoni, Giovanni Battista, Italian archaeolo- gist; b. 29 March, 1774; published "Storia dell' Accademia deUa Crusca," 1818; d. 13 Aug. 1832. Zanobi DA Steata, Italian author; b. 1312; translated " Morali di San Gregorio;" d. 1361. Zanoni, Giacomo, Italian botanist ; 5. March, 1615 ; d. 24 Aug. 1682. ZAN 584 ZOE Zanotti, Eustachio, Italian astronomer ; h. 27 Nov. 1709; d 15 May, 1782. Zanotti, Francesco Maria, Italian mathe- matician and philosopher; it. 6 Jan. 1692 ; d. 25 Dec. 1777. Zanotti, Giovanni Pietro Cavazzoni, Italian painter and poet; b. 3 Oct. 1674; published "Storia dell' Accademia Clementina," 1739; d. 28 Sept. 1765. Zapf, Georg Wilhelm, German bihliographer ; h. 28 March, 1747; puljlished "Annales Typo- graphiae Augustan*," 1778; d. 29 Dec. 1810. Zapolta, Jan Sigismond de, prince of Tran- sylvania; b. 7 Jiily, 1540; proclaimed king of Himgary on the death of his father, John I., 1540; abdicated, 1570; d. 12 March, 1571. Zarate, Augustin de, Spanish historian ; I. about 1500; published "Historia del Descu- brimientoyConquista del Peril," 1555! (i-ISS^- Zarate, Francisco Lopez de, Spanish poet; i. about 1590; published "Invencion de la Cruz," 1648 ; d. 5 March, 1658. Zarco, Jo^ Gonsalvez, conde de Camara dos Loboa, Portuguese navigator ; re-discovered Porto Santo and Madeira, 1418-20. Zarlino, Giuseppe, ItaUan musician; h. 15 19; wrote "Istituzioni harmoniche," and "Dimos- trazioni harmoniche ;" d. 14 Feb. 1590. Zedekiah, king of Judah, son of Josiah ; b. B.C. 618 ; reigned, 599-588 ; d. after 588. Zeeman, Remi, see Nooms. Zegees, Daniel, Flemish Jesuit and flower painter; b. 1590; d. 2 Nov. 1661. Zegehs, Gerard, Flemish jferere painter; 6. 1589; d. 18 March, 1651. Zelada, Francisco Xavier, Spanish Jesuit and cardinal; b. 1717; created, 1773; his collection of MSS. bought for the Vatican library ; d, 29 Dec. 1 80 1. Zell, XJlrich, German printer ; 6. about 1430 ; introduced printing into Cologne ; printed the jirat book, "Jobannia Chrysostomi super Psahno quinquagesimo," 1466; d. after 1499. Zelotti, Giovanni Battista, called "Battista da Verona," Italian fresco painter; b. about 1532; d. about 1592. Zeltnbr, Gustav Georg, Bavarian protestaut theologian and philologist; 6. 16 Sept. 1672; d. 24 July, 1738. Zendrini, Bernardo, Italian hydraulic en- gineer ; b. 7 April, 1679; d. 18 May, 1747' Zend, the Isaurian, emperor of the East ; be- came emperor, 474 ; d. April, 491. Zeno, Apostolo, Venetian dramatic poet and historian; b. 11 Dec. i568 ; founded "Giomale de' Letterati d'ltalia," 1710 ; d. 11 Nov. 1750. Zeno, Carlo, grand admiral of Venice ; 6. about 1334; ambassador to England; d. 8 May, 141 8. Zeno, Eaniero, doge of Venice ; elected, 1252; Constantinople lost, 1261 ; d. 1268. Zenoeia, queen of Palmyra ; B.C. 266-273. Zenodorus, Greek sculptor ; fl. 54-68 ; made colossi of Mercury and of Nero. Zenon, of Citium, founder of the Stoic school of philosophy ; d. after B.O. 260. Zenon, of Elea, Greek philosopher ; b. about B.C. 494. Zephaniah, Hebrew prophet ; ft. about B.O, 630. ZEPHTKrerns, Saint, pope; elected, 197; d. 26 July, 217. Zebbi, Gabriele, Italian anatomist ; J. about 1440 ; assassinated in Dalmatia, 1505. Zebdtjsht, see Zoroaster. Zesbn, Philipp, count von, German poet ; 5. 8 Oct. 1619 ; d. 13 Nov. 1689. Zedxis, Greek painter ; h. about B.O. 455 ; d. about 400. Zhukovskt, Vasily Andreevitch,Eussian poet; b. 1783; d. 12 ApnJ, 1852. ZiANi, Pietro, doge of Venice ; elected, 1205; Greece conquered ; abdicated, 1229 ; d, 1229. ZiANi, Sebastiano, doge of Venice ; elected, 1 1 73 ; built the abbey of San Giorgio ; d. 13 April, II 79. ZlEGELBAUER, Magnoald, German Benedic- tine; b. 1696; wrote "Historia rei litterarias ordinis S. Benedicti," 1754 1' d. 4 June, I75°- ZlEGLEB, Jacob, German theologian and mathematician ; 6. about 1480 ; d, Aug. 1 549- ZiEM, F^lix, French landscape painter ; h. about 1822. ZiETHEN, Johann Joachim von, Prussian general ; b. 18 May, 1699 ; d. 27 Jan. 1786. ZiMiscES, Joannes, see John I., emperor of the East. ZiMMERMANN, Johann Georg von, Swiss physi- cian ; 6. 8 Dec. 1728 ; published "Von der Erf ahrung in der Arzneykunst," 1 763-67 ; "Von der Eiusamkeit," 1773-86; d. 7 Oct. 1795- ZiMEi, king of Israel ; assassinated Elah, Idng of Israel, B.O. 929 ; d. after reign of seven days. ZiNCKB, Christian Friedrich, German enamel painter; b. about 1684; came to England, 1706; d. March, 1767. ZiNGABELLi, Niccol6 Antouio, Italian musical composer; b. 4 April, 1752; d. 5 May, 1837. ZiNZENDOBF, Nicolas Ludwig, count von, Moravian revivalist ; 6. 26 May, 1700; founded Herrnhut; d. 9 May, 1760. ZiZKA, Jan, Hussite leader; b. about 1360; took Prague, and defeated the emperor Sigis- mund, 1420; d. 12 Oct. 1424. ZoE, empress of the East, successively wife of the emperors Eomanus III. Argyrus, Michael IV. the Paphlagonian, and Constantine X. Monomachua; d. 1050. ZoEGA, Georg, Danish archaeologist and numismatist; b. 20 Dec. 175S; wrote "Dp usu et origine Obeliscorum," 1797; "Basairi- Kevi antiohi di Eoma," 1808; d. 10 February, 1809. ZOF 585 CHI ZoFFANT, Johann, E.A., German portrait painter; 6. 1735; d. 16 Dec. 1810. ZoiLUS, Greek grammarian ; fl. 4tli century B.C.; called "Homeromastix," for hia assault on the Homeric poems. ZoLUKOFEE, Georg JoacMm, Swiss preacher ; h. 5 Aug. 1730; his complete Sermons pub- lished, 1789-1804; d. 22 Jan. 1788. ZoNAEAS, Joannes, Byzantine historian and theologian; wrote "Annals" from the creation to death of Alexis in 11 18; d. about 1130. ZoKOASTEB, or Zeedusht, native of Bactria ; founder of the Magian religion. ZoEEiLLA, Jos^, Spanish poet; 5. 21 Feb. 1817 ; published " Cantos del Trovador," 1840-41 ; " Granada," 1852. ZosiMUS, Greek historian ; fl. 5th century. ZosiMXJS, pope, a Greek; elected, 417; d. 26 Dec. 418. ZouBov, Plato, Russian prince; b. 15 Nov. 1767; last favourite of the empress Catharine II., and one of the assassins of Paul I. ; d. 7 AprU, 1822. ZouoH, Thomas, D.D. ; h. 1737; declined bishopric of Carlisle, 1808; wrote "Memoirs of the life and writings of Sir Philip Sidney," 1808; d. 17 Dec. 1815. ZousT, Gerard, German portrait painter ; 6. 1637; came to England, about 1657; d. Feb. 1681. ZsoHOKKB, Johann Heinrich Daniel, German novelist and historical writer ; h. 22 March, 1771; wrote "Stunden der Andacht," and "Autobiography ;" d. 27 Jan. 1848. ZoALLAET, Jean, Belgian traveller ; fl. 1580- 1632 ; published " Devotissimo Viaggio di Gerusalemme," 1587. ZnooAKBLLi, Francesco, Italian landscape painter; 6. 1702; came to England, 1752; elected E. A., 1768 ; returned to Florence, about 1773; di788. ZucoHEEO, Federigo, Italian portrait painter ; h. 1543 ; visited England, 1574 ; d. 1609. ZnccHEEO, Taddeo, brother, Italian historical painter; b. I Sept. 1529 ; d. 2 Sept. 1566. ZuooHl, Antonio, A.E.A., Italian decorative painter ; 6. 1 726 ; d. Dec. 1 795. ZncoHi, Bartolommeo, Milanese author ; b. about 1 560 ; published " Istoria della Corona ferrea," 1619 ; d. 25 Aug. 1631. ZuiNGLius, see Zwingli. Zumala-Caeeequi, Tomaa, Spanish Carlist general ; 6.29 Dec. 1 788 ; defeated the royal- ists at Alegria, 27 Oct. 1834; wounded at siege of Bilboa, 15 June ; d. 25 June, 1835. Zdmpt, Carl Gottlieb, German philologist ; b. 1 791 ; pubUshed in German "Latin Grammar," 1814 ; d. 25 June, 1849. ZnEBAEAN, Francisco, Spanish painter ; h. 7 Nov. 1598; his chef-d'osuvre is the "Apotheosis of St. Thomas Aquinas," now in the Madrid gallery; d. 1662. ZuEiTA, Geronimo, Spanish historian ; b. 4 Dec. 1512 ; pubUshed " Anales de la Corona de Aragon," 1562-79 ; d. 31 Oct. 1580. ZuELA, Placido, Venetian cardinal, and geographer ; 5. 2 April, 1769 ; cardinal, 1823 ; published " Di Marco Polo e degU altri Viag- giatori Veneziani piti Ulustri, Dissertazioni," 1818; d. 29 Oct. 1834. ZuELO, Giuseppe, conte, Neapolitan states- man ; 6. 1759; d. 10 Nov. 1828. ZwiCKEE, Daniel, M.D., Dutch Socinian ; S. 22 Jan. 1612; published "Irenicon Irenicorum," 1658; d. 10 Nov. 1678. Zwingli, TJlrich, Swiss reformer ; b. at Wildhaus, canton of St. Gall, I Jan. 1 484 ; d. in battle at Cappel, II Oct. I53I* Ordained and chosen parson of Glaris Sept. 1506 Present, as chaplain, at battle of Marignano 13-15 Sept. 1515 Began the reformation in German Switzerland 1516 Priest and preacher at the abbey of Einsiedeln 1516 Denounced sale of indulgences by the Franciscan monk, Samson ... . Aug. 151S Elected preacher at the cathedral of Zurich II Dec. 1518 His 67 theses adopted by the conference at Zurich 29 Jan. 1523 Conference of Marburg, reconciliation with Luther . 1529 "War with the five cantons for a time averted by the treaty of Cappel ... 26 June, 1529 Complete edition of his works published . 1828-42 Zyll, or Zylius, Otho van, Dutch Jesuit and poet ; b. 30 Aug. 1588; d. 13 Aug. 1656. ADDENDA. AnsTEif, Jane; 5. i5 Dec. 1775, not 1785. Ateton, Acton Smee, barrister ; 6. x8l6 ; M.P. for Tower Hamlets, 1857-70 ; parlia- mentary secretary to the treasury, 1 868; iirst commissioner of works, Oct. 1869. Beeenger II., king of Italy ; d. 966. Bloompield, Rev. Samuel Thomas, canon of Peterborough, Greek scholar ; b. about 1 784 ; published Greek Testament with EugUsh notes, 1829; d. 28 Sept. 1869. BoucHEE DB Peethes, Jacques ; d. 3 Aug. 1868. Beoglib, Achille, due de ; d. 26 Jan. 1870. Beowke, Charles Farrer {not J.); 6. 1836. Beuce, John, lawyer and antiquary; b. 1802 ; treasurer of the society of antiquaries and Camden society ; editor of works published by Camden society, 1838-61 ; of Calendar of state papers, Domestic Series of the reign of Charles I. (1625-37), 1858-68; d. 28 Oct. 1869. Beunet, Jacques Charles; b. 2 Nov. 1780; d. 14 Nov. 1867. Childees, Hugh Culling Eardley, statesman ; b. 1827; member of the government in Vic- toria, Australia, 1851-57; secretary to the treasury (in England), Aug. 1865 — July i865; first lord of the admiralty, 9 Deo. 1868. CON 586 VIN CONIN&TON, Jolm ; d. 23 Oct. 1869. Ceeswick, Thomas, R.A. ; d. 28 Deo. 1869. Dale, Eev. Thomas, nominated dean of Eochester, Feb. 1870. Daeling, Sir Charles Henry ; d. 25 Jan. 1870. Davt, John ; d. 24 Jan. 1868. DoNKiN, William Fishburn ; d. 1 6 Nov. 1869. Evans, Sir De Lacy; d. 9 Jan. 1870. FoRCADE, Eugfene ; d. 6 Nov. 1869. Ebanklin, Sir John, discovered the N.W. passage by sailing up Victoria Straits and Peel Sound, now named Eranklin Straits, 1847-48 ; national monument to bim and his companions in Waterloo place inaugurated, 15 Nov. 1866. Goodwin, Harvey, bishop of Carlisle ; 5. 1818 ; dean of Ely, 1858; consecrated, Jan. 1870. Geisi, Giulia; d. 25 Nov. 1869. Haetington, Spencer Compton Cavendish, marquess of; 6. 23 July, 1833; secretary for war, Jan. — July, 1866 ; postmaster-general, 9 Dec. 1868. Haussmann, George Eugfene, prefect of the Seine; resigned about 6 Jan. 1870. Heeapath, William, not John, chemist ; I. 26 May, 1796; d. 13 Feb. 1868. Heevet, Lord Arthur Charles, bishop of Bath and Wells ; b. 20 Aug. 1808 ; published " Genealogies of our Lord reconciled," 1853 ; archdeacon of Sudbury, 1861; consecrated, 21 Dec. 1869. Heezen, Alexander ; d. 21 Jan. 1870. Hunt, George Ward, statesman ; b. 1825 ; chancellor of the exchequer in the Disraeli administration, March — Dec. 1868. Jones, George, R.A. ; d. 19 Sept. 1869. Lee, James Prince, bishop of Manchester ; d. 24 Dec. 1869. Leopold II., grand-duke of Tuscany; d. 28 Jan. 1870. MuLLEE, Georg, Prussian enthusiast ; 5. 27 Sept. 1805. Educated for the ministry ; converted from pro- fligacy, 1826 ; came to London ; a student-mis- sionary of the Society for Conversion of the Jews, 1829-30 : preached in a church of "brethren" at Teignmouth, 1830-32: came to Bristol, 1832 : with Mr Craik established there the Scriptural Instruction Institution, 5 March, 1834, supported by voluntary contributions ; opened orphan-houses at Bristol for girls, April, 1836 : for boys Oct. 1837 Noel-Feabm (formerly Christmas), Eev. Henry; d. II March, 1868. Palmeeston, viscount ; buried, 27 (not 7) Oct. 1865. Papieius, see Cursor. Patten, John Wilson, statesman ; J. 26 April, 1802; chancellor of duchy of Lancaster, June, 1867 ; chief secretary for Ireland, and Cabinet Minister, Oct. 1868; resigned, 9 Dec. i858. Pentini, Erancesco ; d. 18 Deo. 1869. Peemon, Laura, see Junot. Peesiani, Giuseppe, Italian musical composer; b. about 1805 ; d. 26 Aug. 1869. Peterboeough, see Mordaunt. PLtJCKER, Julius, German physicist; 6. 16 July, 1801 ; observed magne-crystaUed action, the action of magnetism on the electric discharges, &c., 1856; d. 22 May, 1868. PoissoN, see Marigny. Pole, Eeginald; d. 17 or 18 Nov. 1557. PoNCELET, Jean Victor; d. 23 Dec. 1867. Pone, or IPonetands, see Gilbert. PouiLLET, Claude Servais Mathias, Ereuch physicist; b. 16 Feb. 1790; published "Ele- ments de Physique," 1827; Memoir on Solar heat and actinism, 1838; d. 14 June, 1868. Pratt, John Tidd; d. 9 Jan. 1870. Eawdon, see Hastings. Eeisaoh, Carl August von. Bavarian cardinal ; b. 6 July, 1800 ; created cardinal, 17 Dec. 1855 ; bishop of Sabina, 22 June, 1868 ; one of the five presidents of the CEcumenical Coun- cil, Dec. 1869; d. 23 Dec. 1869. Salnave, Turin; after a long struggle with the insurgents, 1868, defeated; fled to the woods; captured, tried, and shot, 15 Jan. 1870. SchBnbein, Christian Friedrich, German chemist; 6. 18 Oct. 1799; professor at Basel, 1828; discovered ozone, 1839; pubKshed his visit to England in (in German) 1 842 ; invented gun-cotton and collodion, 1845; published many papers relative to oxygen, electricity, &c. ; d. 29 Aug. 1868. Scott, Winfield N., American general; b. 13 June, 1786; fought in the war with Britain, 1 812; brigadier -general, 1814; commander-in- chief, 1841 ; victorious in the Mexican war, 1846-47; resigned, 1861 ; d. 29 May, l866. Sedgwiok, Adam, geologist; b. about 1785; published " Discourse on Universal Studies of the Universityof Cambridge," 1833-35; "Classi- fication of British Palaeozoic Eocks," 1851. Smirke, Sir Eobert ; works, late Covent Garden Theatre, 1808-9 ; tie Mint, 181 1 ; Post Office, 1823-29 ; British Museum, 1823-47 ; King's College, Strand, 1 83 1. Stevens, Thaddeus, American statesman ; d. 12, not 24, Aug. 1868. Sdpfolk, see Brandon. Taylor, Anne, daughter of Isaac Taylor ; writer for the young; b. 1782; published ^ " Original Poems for Infant Minds," &c. ; married Eev. Joseph Gilbert, 1813; d. 20 Dec. 1866. Vincent, Benjamiu; 6. 15 Feb. 1812; com- piled "Index to the Bible," published by Queen's printers, 1848 ; librarian to Eoyal Institution of Great Britain, I Jan. 1 849; compiled a Classified Catalogue of its Library, published 1857 ; editor of " Haydn's Dictionary of Dates " since 1855. ERRATUM. -For Cato, Jacob, read Cats, Jacob. rp -pq — p;-] HAYDN SERIES OF MANUALS. Price 18s. Cloth; 21s. Half-Calf; 24s. Calf; 32s. Morocco. HAYDN'S DICTIONARY OF DATES: EELATING TO ALL AGES AND NATIONS, FOE UNIVERSAL EEFEEENCE : Comprehending Eemarkable Occurrences, Ancient and Modem — the Foundation, Laws, and Governments of Countries — their Progress in Civilisation, Industry, Literature, Arts, and Science — their Achievements in Arms — their Civil, Military, and Eeligious Institutions and particularly of the British Empire. By JOSEPH HAYDE". Thirteenth Edition, Eevised and Greatly Enlarged by BENJAMIN VINCENT, Assistant Secretary and Keeper of the Library of the Eoyal Institution of Great Britain. II. Uniform in Size and Type with " Haydn's Diotionabt of Dates," to which it vnll form the Companion Volume, Price 18«. HAYDN'S UNIVERSAL INDEX OF BIOGRAPHY; FEOM THE CEEATION TO THE PEESENT TIME ; FOE THE USE OF THE STATESMAN, THE HISTORIAN, AND THE JOUENALIST. 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At the same time, as every proper name to be found in the Old and New Testa- ments and also those in the Apocryphal Books, will appear, so also with them there will be concise historical and descriptiTe notice of events, incidents, &c., all of which may justly claim to have places in a Bible Dic- tionary, and which all persons who may have occasion to consult the pages of this Bible Dictionary will rightly expect to find in them. It is scarcely necessary to state that, with due acknowledgment, free use will have been made of the discoveries and observations of Layard, Botta, Wilkinson, Lome, Stanley, Tris- tram, Porter, Finn, Wilson, Warren, Macgregor, and many others ; or to enter into any particulars concern- ing the bringing down every article to the latest point of authentic information. It may be here inserted, however, that the plan of this Dictionary includes the introduction into the text of the modem names of well-known places in the Bible lands ; and also notices of various historical personages and incidents, not named in the Bible itself, but which are closely connected with the Bible, and serve in no slight degree to explain, to illustrate, and to throw a fresh light upon what the Bible contains. IV. A DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE. By G. FAEEER EODWELL, F.C.S. ASSISTED BY EMINENT CONTRIBUTORS. The work will comprise Chemistry, the Physical Sciences, and Astronomy, and the treatment of the sub- ject matter will be popularly carried out with the greatest possible avoidance of technicalities and complex formulae. At a time like the present, when Natural Science is receiving so large a share of attention in our Universities, Schools, and, indeed, by the public generally, it has been considered peculiarly desirable that a sound comprehensive work on Natural Science and Astronomy should be placed at the disposal of the general unscientihc reader, and with this in view, and with a desire to advance towards completion the series to which this work will belong, the Publishers have decided upon issuing the "Dictionary of Science ".next In the series to the "Dictionary of the Bible." 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