^•y. : mm. 0i^QfW.l CllarneU Unmeratty Utbcatg Strata, Neto latb' THE GIFT OF ^.W. HcxnjTjwb Digitized by Microsoft® Cornell University Library Z117 .H69 Catalogue of the librarv of the late, Ric olin 3 1924 029 490 830 Digitized by Microsoft® This book was digitized by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation witli Cornell University Libraries, 2007. You may use and print this copy in limited quantity for your personal purposes, but may not distribute or provide access to it (or modified or partial versions of it) for revenue-generating or other commercial purposes. Digitized by Microsoft® %i1bixnvvi of tl)c late ^ich^xA p:. Poe, WivtBr 1887. Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® CATALOGUE OF THE OF THE LATE RICHARD M. HOE, OS' ■xnis ell's", — "-^ COMPRISING I. Afi EixlraerdiriarY GelleGtiGrj ef Werk^ en PHfjtirig and the Allied Art'^, II. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS9 ' INCLUDING Arehiteeture, Engineering-, Mechanics, Ag-riculture, Worlcs on the Horse, etc. III. GENERAL ^ LITERATURE. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, MAY 23d, 24th and 25th, 1887. Two Sessions eacli iay, coiiencing pmrtly at 3 o'cloct ana 7.30 o'clocl BY BANGS AND Company, 739 AND 741 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Bids, which should always be by the volume, carefully executed by the Auctioneers for buyers who cannot be present. S Digitized by Microsoft® A'il3S']3 Press of DOUGLAS TAYLOR, Book, Job and Catalogue Printer, 89 Nassau Street, ■ Corner Fulton, New York. Digitized by Microsoft© NOTICE. That department which forms the most striking feature of the Library of the late Richard M. Hoe — its extraordinary collection of books on Printing and the allied Arts — is too well known to most collectors likely to take an interest in such topics to require any lengthy notice. A glance over the following pages will at once show both the extent and the value of this Typographical Library. Of course, no such collection of works on these sub- jects has ever before been offered for sale to American buyers. The collection of the more important works on the history and art of Typography so nearly approaches practical completeness that any attempted enumeration would be wearisome. The finely executed and expensive works of Chatto, Sotheby, Singer, Weigel, Jloltrop and others are, of course, included, a ndmber of them being on large paper. The extra-illustrated copy of Chatto's " Treatise on Wood Engraving," extended to three volumes, atlas folio, by the insertion of over a thousand plates, including fine and rare specimens of Albrecht Diirer and other Old Masters, deserves, however, a passing mention. In this connection may be noted, too, the very extensive and interesting collection of engravings, fac-similes, title-pages, devices, letter-press, etc., etc., relating to the art, bound in thirty-seven large quarto volumes, which will be found catalogued under the title: "Typographical Miscellanies." Works treating specially of the vexed question of the origin of the invention of printing are very fully represented. There will be found both the " Chronicle of Cologne," containing the well- known statement attributing the honor of the invention to Mentz and Gutenberg, and the " Batavia " of Hadrian Junius, the first disseminator of the Koster legend. Following these is a long succession of books, dissertations, letters and replies, etc., in which the battle between the German and the Dutch is fiercely carried on, as well as many accounts of the different Centenary Celebrations of the invention, by the sectaries both of Guten- Digitized by Microsoft® berg and Koster. While many of these are of small extent and of seemingly dubious practical value as debating an exploded theory, yet many of them contain discussions of minute par- ticulars of interest to the student, which it would be difficult to find elsewhere, and not a few of the accounts of the Centenary Festivals comprise a sketch of the rise and progress of the art in the cities and towns in which they were published. The books in this department are in excellent condition: a very large proportion of them being in new bindings, as fresh as when they left the binders' hands. The few cases of defects or , injuries kave been noted in the catalogue. The Scientific Books were collected by Mr. Hoe, for use in his business and in the management of his stock farm, and comprise many valuable works. Among the books in General Literature will be found fine sets on large paper of the Boston edition of " The British Poets " and " The British Essayists "; the large paper editions of Macaulay, Hallam, Lamb and others — which stand among the finest issues of the American press; and many other works of general interest. Alex'r Denham. April, 1887. Digitized by Microsoft® CATALOGUE. WORKS ON PRINTING, ENGRAVING, THE ALLIED ARTS. AND A (Cornells van der). lets over de Uitvinding en Voortg'ang der Boekdrukkunst .... 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Utrecht, 1803 Aanmerkingen op de Gendenkschriften wegens het Vierde Eeuwgetijde van de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst, door Lourens Janszoon Koster. . . . 8vo, morocco, uncut edges 's Gravenhage, 1824 Aanmerkingen op de Gedenkschriften. . . . Imit. morocco, uncut edges 's Gravenhage, 1824 Abdruck der Schriften in deir Landschafts-Buchdruckerey des Anton Edlen v. Schmid. 4to, half imit. morocco Wien, 1827 Adams (Thomas F.) Typographia: a brief Sketch of the Origin, Rise and Progress of the Typographic Art ; with Practical Directions for Conducting every Department in an Office. Illustrations. 12 mo, sheep Phil. 1837 Typographia. ... 2d edition. Woodcuts. i2mo, old cloth Phil. 1844 Adeline (Jules). L. H. Breviere, Dessinateur et Graveur, Rdnovateur de la Gravuire sur bois en France, 1797-1869. Notes sur la Vie et les CEuvres d'un Artiste Normand. Seven plates, including two etchings on India paper. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Rouen, 1876 Only 125 copies printed. Digitized by Microsoft® > THE HOE LIBRAE V. 8 [Adry (J. F.)] Notice sur les Imprimeurs de la Famille des Elz6viers. . . . Par un Ancien Bibliothecaire. Small 8vo, boards ' Paris, 1806 9 Adry: Catalogue Chronologique des Imprimeurs et Libraires du Roy; publi6 par Le Roux de Lincy. [Extrait du Journal de I'Amateur de Livres.J 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Paris, 1849 Only 50 copies printed. 10 Affo (Ireneo). Saggio di Memorie su la Tipografia Par- mense del Secolo XV. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Parma, de//a Stamperia Reale, 1791 1 1 Albert (Andreas). Der Maschinenmeister an der Schnell- presse. Ein Handbuch. . . . Folding plate, \2vs\0, mo- rocco, uncut edges Leipzig, 1853 12 Album van Feestliedern en Gezangen te Zingen door de Typographische Vereenigingen die deel zullen nemen aan de OnthuUings Feesten, op den i6 Leipzig, 1840 125 Bewick (Thomas). Correspondence and other Collections, including corrected sheets, for the Life of Bewick, by John Bell. In portfolio. 4to Comprises many Autograph Letters by John, and John Gray, Bell, on this subject ; etc. And also G. C. Atkinson's Slcetch of the Life and Works of Thomas Bewick, portrait, Newcastle, 1830, and an im- perfect first proof of same. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAR Y. 19 126 Bewick (William). Life and Letters. Edited by Thomas Landseer. Portrait. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges Lond. 1871 127 Bewijzen voor da Echtheid en Gelijkenis der oude Afbeel- ingen van Coster. Ter Wedderlegging van het ,, lets " van den Heer Van Westreenen. 8vo, morocco Haarlem, 1847 128 Beyschlag (Daniel Eberhardt). Beytrage zur Kunstge- schichte der Reichstadt Nordlingen. (Von der Form- schneiderey. Von der Formschneiderey und Buchdrucker- kunst, Von der Buchdruckerkunst und dem Bdchhandel.) 3 vols in I. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top Nordlingen, 1798-99 129 BiANCHi (Isidoro). Sulle Tipografie Ebraiche di Cremona nel secolo XVI., col Ragguaglio di un Salterio Ebraico stampato in detta Citta' nel secolo medesimo Dissertazione storico-critica. 8vo, half morocco Cremona, 1807 130 BiBLiA (Aurea) veteris ac noui testa[menti.J Small folio, half hogskin. [Colophon:] Vigore infiniti entis explicit liber bonus Sz: perutilis Aurea biblia appellatus. Veteris ac noui testa[menti.] Vim diligenter p[er] ioh[ann]em zeiner de reutlingen artificialit[er] effigiat[ur]. 1476 Fine specimen of early printing and of this celebrated press. The initials rubricated throughout. 131 Biblia Pauperum, nach dem Original in der Lyceumsbib- liothek zu Consta^z herausgegeben und mit einer Ein- leitung begleitel von Laib und Schwarz. Royal 4to, half vellum, gilt top Zurich, 1867 A fac-simile reprint, with Transliterations and Introduction. 132 Bibliographische Adversaria. 3 vols, i2mo, half mo- rocco, gilt tops, uncut edges 's Gravenhage, 1873-77 133 Bibliophile Belge. Bulletin du Bibliophile Beige; from commencement 1845 to 1862 inclusive, 18 vols. With Index Volume to the First Series (Vols.-I.-IX.). , 19 vols -in 10. 8vo, half russia, uncut edges Bruxelles, 1845-62 134 Bibliophile Belge. Bulletin Mensuel. For the years 1870 and '71. Vols. V. and VI. in i vol. 8vo, half morocco, uncut edges Bruxelles, 1870-71 Digitized by Microsoft® 20 THE HOE IIBRAR Y. 13s Bibliophile Francais (Le). Gazette lUustrde des Ama- teurs de Livres, d'Estampes, et de haute curiosite. Very numerous fine illustrations, comprising portraits, facsimiles in tints of old and fine bindings, from MSS., etc., and engrav- ings on wood. From commencement 1868 to 1873. 7 vols, imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1868-73 Complete set of this very handsomely executed and interesting periodical. 136-B1NGER (M. H.) Glyphographie uit het Etablissement van M. H. Binger. Fifteen plates, and woodcuts in text. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Amsterdam, [1850] 137 Blackburn and Pardon. Specimens of Printing Types. 8vo, half imit. morocco, gilt edges Lond. 1843 138 Blades (William). The Life and Typography of William Caxton, England's First Printer, with Evidence of his Typographical Connection with Colard Mansion, the Printer at Bruges. Compiled from original sources. Fifty-seven plates of facsimiles on India paper. 2 vols, 4to, half roan, uncut edges Lond. 1861-63 Only a limited edition of this elaborate and excellent work was pub- lished. The subsequent issue in octavo form is, of course, much abridged and is rewritten for more popular use. 139 Blades. The Biography and Typography of William Cax- ton, England's First Printer. Many facsimiles. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges Lond. 1877 First issue in this form; far superior in execution to the later edition. 140 Blades. A List of Medals, Jettons, Tokens, &c., in connec- tion with Printers and the Art of Printing. Ninety-five plates of medals, Ss'c. i2mo (fcap. 8vo), cloth. Lond. 1869 Not printed for sale. Only 100 copies printed. 141 Blades. Shakspere and Typography; being an attempt to show Shakspere's personal connection with, and technical knowledge of, the Art of Printing . . . 8vo, cloth Lond. 1872 142 Blades. The Enemies of Books. Plates {etchings, etc.) Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Lond. 1880 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 21 143 Blades. Account of the German Morality Play, entitled: Depositio Cornuti Typographici, as performed in the 17th and 1 8th centuries. With a Rythmical Translation of the German Version of 1648 . . . Nine facsimiles. Small 4to, boards, uncut edges Lond. 1885 144 Bleekrode (S.) De Tentoonstelling der Nijverheid van alle Volken te London. Illustrations on wood. Large 8vo, half morocco 's Gravenhage, 1853 A detailed account of the printing machines, etc., etc., at the Great Exhibition of 1851. 145 Blumenfeld (J. C.) Die drei Tage Gutenbergs in Strass- burg... i2mo, half imit. morocco Strassburg, 1840 146 Bockenheimer (K. G.) Gutenberg's Grabstatte. 8vo, half imit. morocco Mainz, 1876 147 Bodemann (Eduard). Xylographische und Typographische Incunabeln der Koniglicheii Oeffentlichen Bibliothek zu Hannover. Forty-one plates of facsimiles from block-books and incunabula and sixteen plates' of watermarks. Imp. 4to, boards Hannover, 1866 148 BoDONi (Giambattista). Iscrizioni Esotiche a Caratteri novel- lamente incisi e fusi. Pel Solenne Battesimo di S. A. R. LuduviCo, Principe primogenito di Parma. 4to, half imit. morocco Parma, nella R. Stamper ia, 1774 149 BoDONi. Oratio Dominica in CLV. Linguas versa, et Exo- ticis characteribus pleremque expressa. Folio, half mo- rocco Parmae, typis Bodonianis, 1806' 150 BoDONi. Cimelio tipografico-pittorico offerto agli agustis- simi Genitori del Re di Roma. Forty plates. Folio, calf Parma, co'tipi Bodoniani, 181 1 The pages are printed in different styles of type, as specimens. 151 BoDONi. Manuale Tipografico. Fine portrait by Rosaspina. 2 vols, royal 4to, half morocco, gilt tops Parma, 1818 " Ce livre magnifique offre des echantillons de plus de 250 caract^res differens, tant latins que grecs, russes orientaux et autres caracteres etrangers, avec leur italiques, majuscules, chiffres, signes typograph- iques et omemens de tons genres qui y eorrespondent • ■ • Le tout ensemble donne la plus haute idee de la richesse de I'imprimerie de Bodoni, et presente unevariete qu'on chercherait vainement dans aucun autre etablissement particulier du meme genre. "—Brunet, Digitized by Microsoft® 22 THE HOE LIBRARY. 152 BoDONi. Prefazioneal ManualeTipografico; seguitadauna Dissertazione Estetica di Giuseppe Chiantore. Edite per cuTa di Salvadore Landi. Royal 8vo, imit. morocco Firenze, 1874 153 [BoDONi. Raccolta di rami existenti nel Magazzino libri a su lasciato dal merito, e fatto tirare da esso in n° di soli sei exemplari dal pevero Riboli nell' anno 1809, e finiti il 20 Ott''". Parma, 19 Marzo, 1823. Rigolato mi della Vidova Bodoni. {MS.inscriptionon fly-leaf)?^ (><) plates containing To?) fine copper-plate engravings, including portrait of BSdoni, figures, medals and medallions, head and tail-pieces, initial letters, etc., etc. Large folio, boards, uncut edges 154 Bodoni. Memorie Aneddote perservire ungiorno alia Vita del Signer Giovanbattista Bodoni, Tipografo . . . 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Parma, 1804 At the end of the volume is a list of the productions of the Bodoni Press. 155 Bodoni. Vita del Cavaliere Giambattista Bodoni, Tipografo Italiano, e Catklogo chronologico delle sue Edizioni. [By- Giuseppe de Lama.] Two fine- copper-plates, including medallion portrait. 2 vols, in 1. 4to, half morocco, gHt top, uncut edges Parma, della Stamperia Ducale, 18 16 156 Bodoni. Biografia dell' illustre Tipografo Giambattisma Bodoni, scritta da Bartolommeo Gamba, ed inscrita nel Biografia degl' Italiani Illustri del Secolo XVIIP . 8vo, imit. morocco [Venezia, 1835] 157 BoECKEL (Ernst Gottfried Adolf). Die Buchdruckerkunst und die Kirchenverbesserung. Predigt, am Reformations- feste, 1840. i2mo, imit. morocco Oldenburg, [1840] 158 Boedeker (Hermann Wilhelm). Die Geschichte und hohe Bedeutsamkeit der Buchdruckerkunst. i2mo, imit. morocco Hannover, 1840 159 BoHN (Henry G.) The Origin and Progress of Printing. A Lecture . . . Small 4to, half imit. morocco [Lond. 1857] A small edition only, privately printed for the members of the Philo- biblon Society. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 23 160 BoiTEAU (Paul). Exposition Universelle de 1867 a Paris. ' Rapports du Jury International. Produits de I'Imprimerie et de la Librairie. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1867 161 [BoNi (Mauro).] Lettere sui Primi Libri a Stampa di alcune citt^ e terre dell' Italia Superiore, parte sinora sconosciuti, parte nuovamente illustrati. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Venezia, 1794 162 BoNN^ (D.) Het Boekdrukken, boertende Zamenspraak met zang tusschen Klaas, een Zetter en Jan, een Drukker. Jer Erre van den Uitvinder dier Kunst Laurens Janszoon Koster. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Dordrecht, 1823 163 Bonne. Het Boekdrukken .... Imit. morocco Dordrecht, 1823 164 Book-Worm (The), [an illustrated Bibliographical and Lit- erary Magazine]. Edited and illustrated by J. Ph. Ber- jeau. Numerous facsimiles. From commencement 1866 to 1870 inclusive. Complete set. 5 vols, imp. 8vo, half tnorocco, gilt tops Lond. 1866-70 Complete sets of this interesting Periodical are rare. 165 BoRiES (J.) ET BoNASSiES (F.) Dictionnaire pratique de la Presse, de I'Imprimerie et de la Librairie; siiivi d'un Code complet, contenants les Lois, las Ordonnances, [etc.] sur la matiere. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Paris, t847 166 BoRSTius(Gerardus)". Oratio de Typographiae Laudibus. Vignette on title. 4to, half imit. morocco Amstelaedami, 1728 167 Bosch (Hieronimus de). Memoria rite celebrata in publico classis tertiae consessu a Davide Jacobo van Lennep; et Carmen de Inventse Typographise Lahde Kostero Harle- mensi potentur tandem asserta; auctore Hermanno Bosscha. 4to, imit. morocco Amstelodami, 181 7 168 BossE (Abraham). Traictd des Manieres de Gravee en taille , dovce svr I'airin, par le Moyen des Eaux Fortes & des Vernix Durs & Mols .... Copper-plates. i2mo, imit. mo- rocco Paris, 1645 169 BossE. De la Maniere de Gravee a I'Eau Forte et au Burin, et de la Gravure en Maniere Noire. Nouvelle Edition. Nineteen copper-plates. 8vo, calf, gilt back Paris, 1745 Digitized by Microsoft® 24 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 1 70 BossE. Kunstbuchlein handelt von der Radier- und Ety- kunst .... Ins Teutsche befordert durch Georg- Andream Bockler. . . . Copper-plates. i8mo, half morocco Nurnberg, 1652 171 BossE. Tractaet in wat Manieren men op Root Koper Snij- den ofte Etzen zal: . . . . In't Fransch beschreven. In't Nederduyts overgezet door P. H. Copper-plates, izmo, imit. morocco Amsterdam, 1662 172 BoULARD (S.) Le Manuel de I'lmprimeur. 8vo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges • Paris, 1791 173 BouLMiER (Joseph). Etudes surleSeizifemeSiecle: Estienne Dolet: sa Vie, ses CEuvres, son Martyre. Portrait on wood. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top Paris, 1857 Only 500 copies printed. 174 BouTMY (Eugene). Les Typographes Parisiens; suivis d'un J Petit Dictionnaire de la Langue Verte Typographique. iM») Royal 8vo, half imit. morocco, uncut Paris, 1874 17s BouTON (V. M.) Traits elementaire, et pratique pour ap- prendre a graver sans maitre. Woodcuts of initial letters, etc. i2mo, half morocco, gilt Paris, n. d. 176 [BoWYER (William).] The Origin of Printing ; in two Essays: I. The Substance of Middleton's Dissertation on the Origin of Printing in England. II. Meerman's Ac- count of the Invention of the Art at Harleim and its Pro- gress to Mentz. With Remarks and Appendix. The second edition with improvements. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1776 177 [BoWYER.] The Origin of Printing .. . Calf Lond.. 1776 Fac-simile inserted. Interieaved throughout with many interesting MS. additions and remarks by John Fry, of Bristol, whose autograph is on title. > 178 [BowYER.] The Origin of Printing .. . 8vo, boards, uncut edges Lond. 1774 179 BoxHORNius (Marcus Zuerius). De Typographicse Artis Inventione et Inventoribus Dissertatio. Small 4to, mo- rocco, gilt edges Lugduni Batavorum, 1640 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 25 180 Bradbury (Henry). On the Security and Manufacture of Bank Notes. Plates. 4to, half imit. morocco. Lond. 1856 //, 181 [Bradbury.] Printing: its Dawn, Day and Destiny. 4to, cloth, gilt edges Lond. 1858 182 Bradbury. Specimens of Bank- Note Engraving, &c., &c., &c. 4to, morocco, gilt edges Lond., printed for private circulatioti, i860 183 Brandolese (Pietro). La Tipografia Perugina del Sec. XV. illustrata dal Signer Vermiglioni, e presa in esame. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Padova, 1807 184 [Braun (Placjdus).] Notitia historico-litteraria de Libris ab artis typographicae inventione usque ad annum 1500 impressis: in Bibliotheca Monasterii ad SS. Udalirum et Afram Augustae extantibus. Nine plates of alphabets from early printed volumes. Both parts in i vol. 4to, half imit. morqcco, uncut edges. Lacks two plates and pages 273-280 of the second part Augustae Vindelicorum, 1788-89 185 Br^geault (L. R.) Manuel complet du Dessinateur et de I'Imprimeur Lithographe. Plates. i8mo, half mo- rocco, gilt top Paris, Manuel-Roret, 1834 186 Br^geault. Nouveau Manuel complet de I'Imprimeur Lithographe. Nouvelle Edition, augmentde. Plates. •i8mo, half sheep Paris, Manuel-Roret, 1850 187 Breitkopf (Johann Gottlob Immanuel). Ueberden Druck der geographischen Charten. Nebst beygeftigter Probe einer durch die Buchdruckerkunst gesetzten und gedruck- ten Landcharte. — Beschreibung des Reichs der Liebe, mit beygeftigter Landcharte. Ein zweyter Versuch im Satz und Druck geographischer Charten, durch die Buch- druckerkunst. — Der Quell der Wunsche. Zum Neuen- jahr. — In i vol. 4to, half morocco, red edges. Three maps Leipzig, 1777-79 188 Breitkopf. Ueber die Geschichte derErfindung der Buch- druckerkunst. 4to, boards Leipzig, 1779 Digitized by Microsoft® 26 THE HOE LIBRARY. 189 Breitkopf. Versuch, den, Ursprung der Spielkarten, die Einfiihrung das Leinen papieres und der Anfang der Holzschneidekunst in Europa zu erforschen. Erster Theil, welcher die Spielkarten und das Leinen papier enhalt. Fourteen copper-plates of playing-cards, the manufacture of paper, etc. — Zweiter Theil: welcher eine Geschichte der Schreibekunst, so wie der Schonschreibekunst, unt der kinder der Zeichenkunst, Bildschnitzerey, mahlerey und musaik. . . . u. s. w. enthalt Aus des Verfassers Nach- lasse herausgegeben von Joh. Ch. Fr. Roch. 2 vols, in I. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Leipzig, 1784-1801 190 Breitkopf. Versuch . . . Erster Theil, welcher die Spiel- karten und das Leinen papier enthalt. [Complete in itself.] Fourteen copper-plates of old playing-cards, of paper-making, etc. 4to, half calf, gilt back. Leipzig, 1784 191 Bremner (David). The Industries of Scotland: their Rise, , Progress and present Condition. 8vo, cloth Edinburgh, 1869 Includes a chapter on ' ' Printing and Publishing. " 192 Broeckx (C.) Notice sur un Livre de M^decine prdten- duement imprim^ en 1401. Extrait des Annales de I'Academie d'Arch^ologie de Belgique. 8vo, imit. mo- rocco Anvers, 1847 193 [Broeckx.] Lettre a P. J. Van Meerbeeck sur une Publi- • cation de R. Dodoens jnconnue des bibliophiles. 8vo, imit. morocco Anvers, 1862 194 [Brou (Charles de).] Marques d'lmprimeurs. Extrait du Bulletin du Bibliophile Beige. [Eight pages.] Fac- simile woodcuts. 8vo, imit. morocco [Bruxelles, 1850] Only 25 copies printed. 195 Brou. La Chronique de Godefroid de Bouillon. [Extracted from the Annales du Bibliophile.] Facsimile cut. 8vo, imit. morocco [Bruxelles, 1865] 196 Brun (M[arcelin].) Manuel Pratique etabrdg^ de la Typo- graphic Fran9aise. i2mo, half calf Paris, Firmin Didot, 1825 197 Brun. Manuel Pratique. . . . Seconde edition. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top Bruxelles, 1826 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 27 198 Brun. Kurzes Practisches Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst in Frankreich. Aus dem Franzosischen ubersetzt, und mit Zusatzen, Anmerkungen urid Zeichnungen begleitel von W. Hasper. Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Carlsruhe, 1828 199 Brunet (Gustave). Imprimeurs Imaginaires et Libraries Supposes. Etude Bibliographique. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, Tross, 1866 200 Bryan (Michael). Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, from the revival of the Art to the present time. With \^portrait\ and the ciphers, monograms and marks used by each engraver, and an ample list of their principal works ... 2 vols, russia Lond. 1816 201 BucHDRUCKEREY (Der bey) wohl unterwiesene Corrector, Oder: Kurtzer Unterricht fiir diejenigen, die Wercke, so gedruckt Werden, corrigiren wollen .... Heraus gegeben von D. H. H. Frontispiece. 12 mo, half morocco Franckfurth, 1739 202 Buchdrucker-Gesellschafft (Der loblichen) zu Dress- den Jubel-Geschichte, A. 1740. Mit einer Vorrede Chris- tian Schottgens. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top Dressden, [1740] 203 Buchdruckerkunst und Schriftgiessereij (Die so nothig als nutzliche) . . Mit einer Vorrede Johann Erhard Kap- pens. [An odd volume of Gessner.] i2mo, sheep Leipzig, 1740 204 Buchdruckerkunst. [Article, by Poppe, Dahl and Ebert, extracted from Ersch Encycl.] 4to, imit. morocco 205 Buchdruckzeichnung (Die) oder Glyphographie. Many illustrations. Imp. 8vo, half imit. morocco. Leipzig, 1846 2C(6 Bulletin du Bibliophile, public par Techener; avec Notes par J. C. Brunet, Chalon, Delmotte, G. Duplessis, etc.; et ' Notices bibliographiques, philologiques et litt^raires, par Charles Nodier. Several portraits, etc. From commence- ment 1834 to 1875 inclusive. 39V0IS, 8vo. Paris, 1834-75 Digitized by Microsoft® 28 THE HOE LIBRARY. 207 BuLMER Press. A Specimen of four pages, handsomely printed in large type; executed at the suggestion of Dr. Dibdin to prove that the Bulmer's Shakespeare's Press could execute work equal to that of Bodonj. Folio, half crimped morocco 208 BuRDick (William). An Oration on the Nature and Effects of the Art of Printing. Delivered in Franklin-Hall, July 5, 1802, before the Boston Franklin Association. 8vo, half morocc'o, gilt top, uncut edges. Blank corner of title repaired Bost: Munrqe &' Francis, 1802 209 BvLAERT (J. J.) Nieuwe Manier. . . . Nouvelle Maniere de Graver en Cuivre des Estampes Colorizes; de fafon que, quoiqu' imprim^es dans une Presse ordinaire, elles conser- vent I'air et le Caractfere des Dessin. [The Dutch Text and French Translation by L. G. F. Kerroux on opposite pages.] Two plates. 8vo, half calf, uncut edges Leiden, 1772 210 Bylaert. Nieuwe Manier Nouvelle Manifere de Graver. Half imit. morocco Leiden, 1772 ABALLERO (Raymundo Diosdado). De Prima Typographiae Hispanicae ^tate Specimen. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Romae, 1793 212 Caballero. Breve Examen acerca de los primeros tiempos del Arte Typographico en Espana Version Castellana por Vicente Fontan. [With the original Latin text.] Large 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Madrid, 1865 213 Campbell (M. F. A. G.) Annales de la Typographic Neer- landaise au XV^ Sifecle. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges La Haye, 1874 214 Carnus ([A. G.]) Notice d'un Livre imprim6 h. Bamberg en 1462, [par Albert Pfister.] Five facsimile plates, cor- ners of which are waterstained. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Paris, an VII. [1799] The " very singular book " here described "is in German, and a sort of moral allegory in the shape of complaints against Death, with his answers to these accusations. " — Douce: Dance of Death. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 29 215 Carnus. Histoire et Proc^dds du Polytypage et de la Stereotypic. 8vo, half calf, uncut edges Paris, an X. [1802] 216 Capelle (P.) Manuel de la Typographic Franpaise, ou Traite complet dc I'lmprimeric. Facsimiles. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 1826 217 Capitaine (Ulysse). Bibliographic Liegeoisc. XVI= Sifecle. Extrait du Bulletin du Bibliophile beige. 8vo, imit. mo- rocco, uncut edges Bruxelles, 1852 Only 200 copies printed. 218 [Capitaine.] Nouvelles Recherches sur les Impressions Liegeoises du XVI'' Sifecle. 8vo, imit. morocco [Bruxelles, 1862] Only 25 copies reprinted from the Bulletin du Bibliophile Beige. 219 CAbACTifcRES Typographiques graves & fondus par Ber- trand Loeulliet. Large 8vo, half imit. morocco. Corner of some leaves waterstained [Paris,] n. d. 220 Carmoly (E.) Annalen der Hebraischen Typographic von Riva di Trento (1558-1562). Zweite Auflage. 8vo, hklf imit. morocco Frankfurt, 1868 221 Carov^ (Friedrich Wilhelm). Die Buchdruckerkunst in ihrer weltgeschichtlichen Bedeutung. Crown 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Siegen, 1843 222 Casali (Scipiond). Annali della Tipografia Veneziana di Francesco Marcolini da Forli. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Forli, 1861 223 Caslon (William). Specimen of Printing Types. Royal 8vo, half morocco', gilt tops Lond. 1796 224 Casteleyn. [Reprint of the first number of "Weeckelycke Courante van Europa," of January 8, 1656, with Prospectus by Abraham Casteleyn, printer, of Harlem.] 2 pages, folio. With two numbers of "Haarlemsche Courant," Dec. 31, 1855, and Jan. 8, 1856. 4 pages, folio. Folded and bound in boards, cloth back. Haarlem, 1855-56 225 Catalogue of Oriental Types manufactured by N. Tetter- ode, Type-founder. Royal 8vo, cloth. Amsterdam, n. d. Digitized by Microsoft® 30 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 226 Catalogue of the Printing, Stationery, etc., Exhibition, July 14-27, 1881. 8vo, half imit. morocco Lond. 1881 227 CATALOGtTE dc I'Exposition de Gravures, anciennes et modernes. Many fine illustrations, etchings, engravings, chromo-lithog^aphs, heliogravures, etc. 4to, cloth Paris, ,1881 Includes: Coup d'CEil sur I'Historie de la Gravure, par Georges Duplessis. And La Photographie et les Arts Graphiques, par A. Davanne. 228 Catalogus van Boek-, Plaat-, en Kunstwerke'n, Musijk en andere Voorwerpen. . . . om te Strekken tot eene Verloting ten behoeve van het op te rigten Standbeeld voor. . . . Lourens Janszoon Coster. 8vo, imit. morocco 's Gravenhagej 1855 229 Catalogus van Voorwerpen, ingezonden ter algemeene Typographische Tentoohstelling gehonden te Haarlem, bij gelegenheid der plegtige Onthulling van het metalen Standbeeld van Lourens Janszoon Coster. 8vo, imit. mo- rocco [Haarlem, 1856] 230 Catalogus van Voorwerpen. . . . Imit. morocco [Haarlem, 1856] 231 Cavattoni (Cesare). Due Memorie intorno I'Antica Stampa Veronese. 8vo, imit. morocco [Verona, 1853] 232 Caxton (William). The Game of the Chess. [Reprinted in fac -simile from Caxton's second edition, with 14 pages of Remarks on the Typography of Caxton, by Vincent Figgins.] Frontispiece on copper, and many facsimile cuts. 4to, calf antique neat, red edges [Lond. 1855] 233 Caxton. The Statutes of Henry VII. in exact fac-simile, from the very rare original, printed by Caxton in 1489. Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by J. Rae. 4to, Roxburghe, red top, uncut edges Lond. 1869 234 Caxton and the Art of Printing. i2mo, morocco, uncut edges , Lond. [1850] 23s Caxton. Who was Caxton ? William Caxton, Merchant, Ambassador, Historian, Author, Translator and Printer. A Monograph. Two woodcuts. i2mo, half imit. morocco Lond. 1877 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 31 236 Caxton. a Ca'xton Memorial Suggested. [Reprinted from Notes and Queries, July 19, 185 1. J i8mo, stitched. —Autograph Letter from Sir Henry Ellis, 1852. 3 pages, 8vo. Concerning a book by Caxton.— Lists of Caxton Books, eight pieces of facsimiles, etc. Loose iii 4to porty folio 237 Caxton Celebration, 1877. Catalogue of the Loan Col- lection of Antiquities, Curiosities and Appliances, con- nected with the Art of Printing, South Kensington. Edited by George Bullen. 4to, cloth, uncut edges Lond. [1877] No. 138 of a totsl issue of 157 copies on hand-made paper. 238 Cazin: sa Vie et ses Editions. Par un Cazinaphile. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top Cazinopolis [Chalons], 1863 Only 320 copies printed. 239 Chatto (W. a.) and Jackson (John). Treatise on Wood Engraving, historical and practical. With upwards of three hundred illustrations engraved on wood by John Jack- son. Thick imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges LOnd., Charles Knight &= Co., 1839 First edition, with the earliest impressions of the numerous beauti- fully executed woodcuts. 240 Chatto and Jackson. Treatise of Wood Engraving, historical and practical. With upwards of three hundred illustrations engraved on wood. The i vol. imp. 8vo, en- larged by the inlaying of every leaf on drawing cartridge paper, size 26 by 20 inches, and extended by the insertion of over one thousand engravings, woodcuts, etc., to 3 vols, atlas folio. With specially printed Title and Preface. Half morocco, gilt edges Lond. 1839 The specially printed Title reads: " A Treatise on Wood Engraving: with Illustrations collected by Henry S. Richardson "; and the special Preface, signed by him, and dated: Greenwich, March, 1857, states that he commenced collecting these extra Illustrations immediately after the publication of the work. The Illustrations include many of the early Engravings described in the work, and the originals of others, of which reduced fac-similes are therein given; Portraits of Early Painters, Engravers and Printers, a large number of old and scarce " Chiaro-Oscuros "; specimens of Wood-engraving by British and Foreign Artists; old Title-pages; lUus- Digitized by Microsoft® 32 THE HOE LIBRARY. trations of the various methods employed for the multiplication of copies by printing; etc. Many of the Illustrations are of great rarity, value and interest. The Chiaro-Oscuros include specimens by Goltzius, Businck, De Trente, Le Sueur, Shippe, Kirkall, Jackson, and others. Among the wood- cuts are fine impressions by Cranach, Urse Graf, Baldung, Jost; Am- mon, Christopher Jegher, etc., as well as numerous examples of Be- wick, Clenneil, Nesbitt, and more modern artists. Especially should be noticed the number of fine specimens of Albrecht DUrer's woodcuts and etchings, two of the latter etched on iron. 241 Chatto. The History and Art of Wood- JIngraving. With Specimens of the Art, ancient and modern, selected from "The Illustrated London News." Fifty-five full-page and many smaller engravings. Folio, half calf Lond. 1848 Bound in at end is: The Bottle. In eight [folio] Plates by George Cruikshank. Price one shilling. Published for the Artist, by D. Bbgue, London, etc. Also two numbers of the ///. London News, and folding view of Paris. 242 CilATTO. Facts and Speculations on the Origin and His- tory of Playing Cards. Many facsimile plates, a number colored, and woodcuts. 8vo, half moi^occo, gilt top Lond. 1848 243 [Chilsum (James).] History of the Art of Engraving in Mezzotint, from its Origin to the present time, including an Account of the Works of the earliest Artists. Post 8vo, calf, gilt back Winchester, 1786 244 Chevallier ([A.]) et Langlum^. Traits complet de la Lithographic, ou Manuel du Lithographe. Avec des Notes de Mantoux et Joumar. Plates. 8vo, half mo- rocco, red edges Paris, 1838 245 Chevillier (Andre). L'Origine de I'lmprimerie de Paris. Dissertation historique et critique. 4to, calf Paris, 1694 " A learned and valuable work, which Maittaire frequently cites in his Annales." — Horne. 246 CH[oFrARD] (P. P.) Notice Historique sur I'Art de la Gravure en France. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Paris, 1804 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 7,'x, 247 Christie (Richard Copley). Etienne Dolet: the Martyr of the Renaissance. A Biography; [with Bibliographical Appendix,] Six facsimiles. 8vo, half morocco, uncut Lond., Macmillan &= Co., 1880 248 CicoGNARA (Leopoldo). Memorie spettanti alia Storia della Calcografia. Sixteen fine plates on india paper, of nielli, old playing-cards, etc. Royal folio, boards, uncut edges Prato, 1 83 1 Only a limited issue in this fonn,>with the text printed the same size as the plates. 249 CicoGNARA. Memorie spettanti alia Storia della Calco- grafia. Text. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Laicks the atlas of plates Prato, 1831 - 250 [CicoGNARA.] Lettera intorno ad alcune nuove scoperte e pratiche applicate all' arte dell' intaglio e dell' impres- sione, Estratto dall' Antologia N. LVII. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges n. p., n. d. 251 [CiRiER (Nicolas). J L'CEil Typographique, offert aux Hommes de Lettres de I'un et de I'autre sexe, notamment a MM. les Correcteurs, protes, sous-protes, etc. Folding caricature frontispiece. 8vo, morocco Paris, 1839 252 Clarendon Printing House. Specimen of the Printing- Types belonging to the University of Oxford. 8vo, half imit. morocco [Oxford,] 1786 253 Clark (J.) Specimen of Printing Types, etc., in the New- castle Printing Office. 8vo, half imit. morocco [Newcastle,] 1822 254 [Clarke (William).] Repertorium Bibliographicum; or. Some Account of the most celebrated British Libraries. Nine fine portraits (seven on india paper), dialogue-plate, engraving and two woodcuts. 2 vols, in i. Imp. 8vo, russia, gilt back and edges. Three of the plates somewhat foxed Lond. 1819 Fine Large Paper Copy, with Extra Plates inserted, viz. : Proof Impression on india paper of the Dialogue Plate, before the alteration, of which only twelve copies were struck off, and Portraits of Dr. W. Hunter, Earl Spencer and Col. Stanley. Includes the: "Dialogue in the Shades" and "Rare Doings at Roxburghe Hall." Digitized by Microsoft® 34 THE HOE LJBRAR Y. 255 [Claromontius (Gothofredus).] In Statuam Laufeatam quam Collegium Medicum . ■. . Laurentio Costero ... in Horto Medico Harlemensi, erexit 1723. Small folio, imit. morocco. Title and i leaf Amstelsedami, [1723] 256 Claudin (A.) Origines de I'lmprimerie k Albi en Lan- guedoc (1480-1484). Les Peregrinations de J. Neu- meister, Compagnon de Gutenberg en Allemagne, en Italie et en France (1463-1484), son Etablissement definitif a Lyon (1485-1507). Avec Notes, Commentaires, etc. Many facsimile plates. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 1880 The first of the series : AntiquiUs Typographiques de la France. Only a limited edition printed. 257 Claye (Jules). Manuel de I'Apprenti Compositeur. Deux- ieme edition, revue et augment6e. Post Bvo, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1874 258 [Clekf (Pieter van).] Alphabetische Naamlijst van Fonds- Artikelen, Voorkomende in bet Maamregister van Neder- landsche Boeken, alsmede in de alphabetische Naamlijst van Boeken, achtervolgens uitgegeven bij R. Arrenberg en de Gebroeders Van ■ Cleef, en waar van het regt van eigendom aan anderen is overgegaan. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top 's Gravenhage, 1839 Interleaved, with many manuscript additions. 259 [Cleef.] Handboek ter Beofening der Boek drukkurist in Nederland. Voorafgegaan van eene beknopte geschie- denis dezer Kunst. 8vo, morocco, full gilt, satin linings 's Gravenhage, 1844 260 Clerget (C. E.) De I'Ormentation Typographique. Essai sur 1' Art Ornemental appliqu^ a la Decoration d es Livres. [In French and German.] 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Vienne, 1859 261 Clessen (Wilhelm Jeremias Jacob). Drittes Jubel-Fest der Buckdrucker-Kunst, oder Christliches Denck- und Danck- mahl dem allerhochsten Gott zu Ehren, wegen der yor dreyhundert Jahren erfundenen und bisher erhaltenen edlen Buchdrucker-Kunst, .... Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Gotha, 1740 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 35 , 262 Clowes and Sons' Printing-Office. [Containing the Print- ers' Devil, by Sir Francis B. Head; A Day at a Printing- office; Statistics of Printing, Qreat Exhibition, 1851.] Illustrations. 8vo, morocco Lond., n. d. Printed for Private Circulation only. 263 CocHET (L'Abb6 [J. B. D.].) Histoire de I'lmprimerie k Dieppe. 8vo, imit. morocco Dieppe, 1848 264 Code de la Librairie et Imprimerie de Paris, ou Conference , du R^glement arrete au Conseil d'Etat du Roy, le Fevrier 1723 . . Avec les Anciennes Ordonnances, Edits, etc. . . . au sujet de la Librairie & de I'lmprimerie, depuis 1332 jusqu'k present. i2mo, fine old olive morocco, gilt back and edges Paris, 1744 Fine specimen of old morocco binding, from the Library of the Voison de la Noraye, with their arms in gilt on sides. 265 Collection des Lois et D^crets Impdriaux relatifs k I'lm- primerie et a la Librairie. [With Dutch Translation on opposite pages.] 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Amsterdam, 181 1 266 CoMi (Siro). Memorie Bibliografiche per la Storia della Tipografia Pavese del secolo XV. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Pavia, 1807 267 Confessionale ou Beichtspiegel nach der Zehn geboten, reproduit en Fac-simile d'apres I'unique exemplaire, con- serve au Museum- Westreenianum, par E. Spanier. Avec une Introduction par J. W. Holtrop. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges La Haye, 1861 Only 200 copies printed. 268 CoRRARD DE Breban. Recherches sur I'Etablissement et I'Exercise de I'lmprimerie a Troyes . . . Troisieme Edition, revue et augmentde par Olgar Thierry-Poux. Cuts of printers' devices. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1873 Digitized by Microsoft® 36 THE HOE LJBRAJIY. I 269 Corrector (De Nieuwe), onderrigtende, her, op, eene gemakkelijke en voor mingeorfende vatbare manier, Druk- Proeven te corrigeren; aanwijzende al de teekens, daarbij noodig Zijnde. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Rotterdam, n. d. 270 Cotton (Henry). Typographical Gazetteer. Second edi- tion, corrected and much enlarged. 8v;o, cloth Oxford, University Press, 1831, 271 Cotton. Typographical Gazetteer. Half morocco, gilt top Oxford, 1 83 1 272 CowELL (S. H.) A brief Description of the Art of Anas- tatic Printing; with full Instructions. Plates. Royal 8vo, morocco, red edges Ipswich, n. d. 273 CowiE ([G.]) Printers' Pocket-Book and Manual. i2mo, morocco Lond., n. d. 274 Crapelet (G. a.) Des Progres de I'lmprimerie en France et en Italic au XVI= Sifecle, et de son Influence sur la Lit- terature; avec les Lettres-Patentes de Franpois I^', en date du 17 Janvier 1538, qui instituent le primier Imprimeur Royal pour le Grec. Large 8vo, half calf Paris, Crapelet, 1836 27s Crapelet. Etude pratiques et littdraires sur la Typographie. Tome I. [all published]. 8vo, bound by Lewis in calf, gilt back Paris, Crapelet, 1837 276 [Crapelet.] De la Profession d'Imprimeur, des Maitres Imprimeurs et de la necessity actuelle de donner a I'lm- primerie les r^glemens promis par les lois. — Des Brevets d'Imprimeur, des Certificats de Capacity, et de la n^cessit^ actuelle de donner a I'lmprimerie les r^glemens promis par les lois; suivi du Tableau G^ndrale des Imprimeries de toute la France, en 1704, 1739, i8i°> 1830 et 1840. — 2 vols, in I. Royal 8vo, half russia, uncut edges Paris, Crapelet, 1840 277 Creswell (S. F.) Collection towards the History of Print- ing in Nottinghamshire. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Lond. 1863 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAR Y. 37 278 Cronica (Die) van der heiliger Stat Coellen. Two en- ' graved titles on wood and very numerous woodcuts, comprising curious representations of battle-scenes and other historical incidents, heraldic bearings, small portraits, etc. Folio, handsomely bound in full russia, back and sides covered with blind tooling, broad inside blind-tooled borders* watered silk linings, an old copper-plate and part of an old woodcut inserted on inside covers, gilt edges. Binding ai little cracked at joint Coellen, Johan Koelhoff [1499] Fine copy of this very scarce and curious volume; printed in gothic type; the initial letters neatly rubricated -throughout; with the five unnumbered leaves. On folios 311-312 is the article Van der boychdrucker Kunst, con- taining the celebrated passage in which it is stated that the art of print- ing was discovered by Gutenberg, at Mentz, in 1440. 279 |t.y;.,icj^||AHL (Konrad). Peter Schoffer von Gernsheim, Miterfinder der Buchdruckerkunst. Eine his- torische Skizze. Genealogical table. i2mo, half imit. morocco , Weisbaden, 1814 280 Dahl (J. Konrad) Die Buchdruckerkunst, erfunden von Johann Gutenberg, Verbessert und zur VoUkommenheit gebracht durch Peter Schoffer. Historisch-Kritische Ab- handlung. Page of facsimile. 8vo, half imit. morocco Mainz, 1832 281 Daunou ([P. C. F.]) Analyse des opinions diverses sur I'Origine de I'lmprimerie. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Yz.rvs,, 1803 282 Daunou. Analyse . . . Imit. morocco, uncut edges Paris, 1803 283 Daupeley, GouverNeur (G.) Le Compositeur et le Cor- recteur Typographes. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1880 284 [David (T. B. Emkic).] Discours historique sur la Gravure en taille-douce et sur la Gravure en bois. 8vo, imit. mo- rocco, uncut edges Paris, 1808 Digitized by Microsoft® 38 THE HOE LIBRARY. 285 DaVies (Robert). A Memoir ofthe York Press, with Notices of Authors, Printers and Stationers, in the i6th, 17th and 1 8th Centuries. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1868 286 Davy (Rev. William). A System of Divinity, in a Course of Sermons, on the First Institutions of Religion, on the Being and Attributes of God, [etc.;] Being a Compilation from the best Sentiments of the polite Writers and eminent sound Divines, both ancient and modern, properly con- nected, with Improvements ... 26 vols, 8vo, boards, un- cut edges. Lustleigh, Devon. Printed by Himself. — Fourteen copies only. 1793-1807 The above work is wholly unparalled in the annals of literature. The author was curate of Lustleigh, with an income of £^0 a year, and unable to find a publisher, resolved to print the work himself. With a press which he made for himself and a small quantity of worn type pur- chased from a country printing-office, he printed, with the assistance of his female domestic, this work, and at the end of twelve years' toil finished the whole twenty-six volumes. Even the board binding was done by the hands of the author. 287 Declaration du Roy, donnde a Fontainebleau le 2 d'Octobre 1701, portrait Reglement povr les Libraires & Impfimeurs. [Eight pages.] 4to, imit. morocco YColophon:\ Grenoble, 1701 288 Decree (A) of Starre-Chamber, concerning Printing, made the eleuenth day of July last past. 1637. — A Speech de- livered in the Starr-Chamber on Wednesday the 14th of June, 1637. At the Censvre of lohn Bastwick, WilUam Bur- ton and William Prinn, concerning pretended Innovations in the Church. By the most Reverend Father in God, William [Laud], L. Archbishop of Canterbury. Small 4to, sprinkled extra, gilt back and edges Lond. 1637 By this oppressive and important Decree the number of master- printers was limited to twenty; a license for printing books was made necessary; and other provisions were made limiting the liberty of the press and of trade. The speech of Laud relates of course the infamous persecution of Prynn and his companions. 289 Degeorge (LSon). La Maison Plantin. Relation detaillde de Visites faites a cette Demeure cdlfebre, augment^e de Documents Historiques sur I'lmprimerie. Portrait, etc. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Bruxelles, 1877 Only 150 copies printed. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAR Y. 39 290 Delalain (J.) La Typographie Fran9aise et Etrangere a I'Exposition Universelle: simple Statisque. 8vo, half imit'. morocco Paris, 1855 291 De la Motte (Philip H.) On the various Applications of Anastatic Printing and Papyrography. With Illustrative Examples. Printed in script, with illustrations. 8vo, mo- rocco, gilt edges. Waterstained Lond. 1849 292 Delandine (Ant. Fr.) Histoire abr^gee de I'Imprimerie, ou Precis sur son Origine, son Etablissement en France, les premiers livres qu'elle a produit, les Noms de ,ceux qui I'introduisirent dans les principales villes de I'Europe, [etc.] 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, [1814-] " Cet ouvrage sert de Discours preliminaire au Catalogue raisonne des livres imprimes de la Bibliotheque de Lyon. II en a ete tire cent exemplaires a part pour les amis de I'auteur." 293 Delandine (Antoine Fran9ois). Histoire .... Half imit. morocco, uncut edges Paris, [1814] 294 Delitzsch (Franz). Der Fliigel des Engels. Eine Stimme aus der Waste im vierten Jubel-Fest-Jahre der Buch- druckerkunst. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Dresden, 1840 295 Delpit (Jules). ' Origines de I'Imprimerie en Guyenne. Facsimile cuts. Large 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut Bordeaux, 1869 296 Delprat (G. H. M.) Dissertation sur I'Art Typographique; contenant un Apperpu historique de ses progres durant le XV. et le XVI. sifecle, et Recherches sur I'Influence de cet art sur les lumieres de I'espece humaine. 8vo, half calf Utrecht, 1820 297 Dembour (A.) Die Metall-Ektypographie . . . Aus dem Franzosischen von H. Meyer. Eight illustrations. Imp. 8vo, half imit. morocco Braunschweig, 1835 298 Dembour. Description d'un nouveau Proced6 de Gravure en relief sur cuivre. Eight illustrations. Small folio, half imit. morocco "Metz, 1835 Digitized by Microsoft® 40 THE HOE LIBRAR Y. 299 Denis (Fer(lma;id). Histoire de rOrnementation des Manu- crits. Otic hundred and forty fine engravings on wood of initial letters, etc., from ancient manuscripts. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut Paris, 1880 Only 600 copies printed. 300 Denis (Michael). Bibliotheca Typographica Vindobonensis. Ab anno 1482 ad annum 1560. 4to, morocco Vindobonse, 1782 301 Denis. Wiens Buchdruckergeschicht [von 1482] bis 1560. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Corner waterstained Wien, 1782 302 Denis. Wiens Buchdruckergeschicht; . . . Old calf Wien, T782 303 Denis. Nachtrag zu seiner Buchdruckergeschicht Wiens. 4to, sheep Wien, 1793 304 Denis. Suffragium pro Johanna de Spira, primo Venetiarum Typographo. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges. Viennse, 1794 305 Denkschrift der Museumsgesellschaft in Zurich. Zur Feier des 24. Junius 1840. Two facsimiles. Royal 4to, imit. morocco [Zurich, 1840] 306 Dennhardt. Anhang zur Beschreibung des Gutenbergs- festes in Erfurt. Festrede. [12 pages, without title- page.J 8vOi imit. morocco [Erfurt, 1840] 307 Dereume (A.) Notices Bio-bibliographiques sur quelques Imprimeurs, Libraires, Correcteurs, Compositeurs, Fon- deurs, Lithographes, etc., qui se sont fait connaitre . . . principalement comme Auteurs; avec indication de leurs Portraits. Extraict du Bibliophile Beige. 8vo, half imit. morocco Bruxelles,' 1 85 8 Only 100 copies printed. 308 Derriey (Charles). Epreuves de Caracteres et Vignettes typographiques. Folio, half imit. morocco Paris, n. d. 309 Derriey. Specimens of Moveable Music Types. Two pages illuminated. Folio, half roan • Paris, 1 85 1 310 Derriey. , Specimen-Album. Folio, morocco, gilt Paris, 1862 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE V. 41 311 Desbarreaux-Bernard ([T.]) Quelques Recherches sur les Debuts de rimprimerie k Toulouse, n. d. — La Chasse aux Incunables. TAree plates. 1864. Only 100 copies printed. — Essai sur les Reunions litt^raires et scientifiques qui ont pr6cdd^, k Toulouse, retablissement de I'Acadetnie des 'Sciences. Plate, n. d. — Notice sur Pierre Fabre, M^decin \ Toulouse au XVII« Sifecle, avee quelques Aper9us sur le Spagyrisme. 1847. — Rapport . . . 1849. — Trois Epitres [en vers], n. d. — Discours . . . 1849. — Coup d'oeil biographique et litt^raire sur un Auteur dramatique du rye sifecle [Guyon Guerin de Bouscal]. n. d. — Discours ... n. d. — In i vol. 8vo, half morocco Toulouse Only very small editions of the above pamphlets were Privately Printed. Several of them are printed on colored paper. 312 Des Roches ([J.]) Nouvelles Recherches sur I'Origine de rimprimerie, dans lesquelles on fait voir que la premiere idee en est due aux Braba^ons. 4to, imit. morocco, uncut edges [Bruxelles, 1777] From the first volume of the Collections de V AcadSmie de Bruxelles. 313 De Vinne (Theo. L.) The Invention of Printing. A Col- lection of facts and opinions descriptive of early prints and playing cards, the block -books of the fifteenth cen- tury, the legend of Lourens Janszoon Coster, of 'Haarlem, and the work of John Gutenberg and his associates. Illustrated with facsimiles of early types and woodcuts. Thick square 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1876 314 Dibdin' (Thomas Frognall). Bibliomania; or Book-Mad- ness: a Bibliographical Romance. New and improved edition, to which are now added Preliminary Observations and a Supplement, including a Key to the assumed characters in the drama. Illustrations. Royal 8vo, half * crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Lond. 1842 315 Dibdin. The Bibliographical Decameron; or, Ten Days' Pleasant Discourse upon Illuminated Manuscripts, and subjects connected with Early Engraving, Typography and Bibliography. Profusely illustrated with full-page and Digitized by Microsoft® 42 THE HOE LIBRARY. smaller engravings, those in the text on India paper, and woodcuts. 3 vols, royal 8vo, crimped morocco, gilt edges Lond. 1 817 India-proof portrait and autograph letter of the author inserted. Bound in at end is Dibdin's own copy, with autograph MS. notes in pencil by him, of " A Catalogue of Books and Tracts printed at the Private Press of George Allan," Newcastle, i8i8; of wtich only 100 copies were printed. " This work may be considered as a continuation of the Biblio- mania. From the information which it contains, and the splendor of the decorations and printing, it will ever be considered as a model of excellence and good taste in typography and the arts." — Lowndes. 316 [DiBDiN.J Lettre Trentieme concernant I'lmprimerie et la Librairie de Paris, traduite de I'Anglais, avec des Notes, par G. A. Crapelet. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Paris, Crapelet, 182 1 Only 100 copies printed. " Combining such a mixtijre of malignity and misconception, that I did not hesitate answering it, in a privately printed tract entitled ' A Roland for an Oliver.' " — Dibdin's Tour: second edition. 317 DiBDiN, Editor. Typographical Antiquities; or the His- tory of Printing in England, Scotland and Ireland: con- taining Memoirs of our Ancient Printers and a Register of Books printed by them. Begun by Joseph Ames; con- siderably-augmented by William Herbert; and now greatly enlarged, with copious Notes, and illustrated with appro- priate Engravings; comprehending the History of English Literature and a View of the Progress of the Art of Engraving in Great Britain. Numerous fine portraits and illustrations. Vols. I. — IV. (all published). 4 vols, folio, half vellum, uncut edges Lond. 1810-19 Large Paper Copy, of which only 66 were printed, containing portraits not issued in the small paper copies. 318 DiCHTSTUKjES, voorgelezen aan den vriendschappelijken maaltijd gehouden door de Leden van de Verddniging ter Bovordering van de Belangen des Boekhandels, den 9 Augustus, 1824. 8vo, imit. morocco Dordrecht, 1824 319 Dickinson (Samuel N.) A Help to Printers and Publishers. being a Series of Calculations. . . . i2mo, cloth Bost. 1835 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 43 320 DiDOT (Ambroise Firmin). L'Impriiherie, la Librairie et la Papeterie k I'Exposition Universelle de 1851. Rapport du XVIIe Jury. Seconde edition, avec quelques additions. Large 8vo, half morocco, uncut edges Paris, Imprimerie Imp&iale, 1854 Fine paper copy, from the Sobelewski Library. 321 DiDOT. Essai typographique et bibliographique sur I'His- toire de la Gravure sur bois; pour faire suite au Costumes anciens et modernes de C. Vecellio. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1863 322 DiDOT. Aide Manuce et I'Helldnisme h. Venice. Four portraits and a facsimile. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1875 323 DiDOT. Aide Manuce et THell^nisme ^ Venise. Half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1875 324 DlDOT. Les Graveurs de Portraits en France. Catalogue Raisonn^ de [sa] Collection des Portraits de I'Ecole Fran- gaise. Prdc6de d'une Introduction. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1875-77 Only 750 copies printed. 325 DiDOT. Les Drevet (Pierre, Pierre-Imbert et Claude) Catalogue Raisonne de leur GEuvre; prdc^de d'une Intro- duction. Portrait. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1876 326 DiDOT. Essai sur la Typographic. Extrait de I'Encyclo- pedie Moderne. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 1857 327 DiDOT. Histoire de la Typographic. Extrait de I'Encyclo- pddie Moderne. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1882 328 DiDOT. Les Aide Manuce. /Extrait de la Nouvelle Bio- graphic Gen^rale. Royal 8vo, morocco [Paris, n. d.] 329 [DiDOT.j Les Estienne. Henri I.; Franyois I et II.; Robert I., II. et III.; Henri II.; Paul et Antoine. Extrait de la Nouvelle Biographic Gdn^rale. Royal 8vo, morocco, uncut edges [Paris, n. d.] Digitized by Microsoft® '44 THE HOE LIBRARY. 330 [DiDOT.] Les Estiennes. Half imit. morocco, uncut ledges [Paris, n.^ d.] Presentation copy from the author. 331 DiDOT. Gutenberg (Jean) ou Hans Gensfleish. Extrait de la Nouvelle Biographic G^ndrale. 8vo, imit. morocco [Paris, n. d.] Presentation copy from the author. ' 332 DiEGERiCK (Alphonse). Essai de Bibliographic Yproise. , Elude sur les Imprimeurs Yprois du XVI^ Siecle, et du XVII« Sifecle. The two parts in i vol. Large 8vo, half « morocco, gilt top, uncut Ypres, 1873-76 333 DiNGELSTEDT (Franz). Sechs Jahrhundert aus Gutenbergs Leben. Kleine Gabe zum grossen Feste. Six illustra- tions. Folio, half imit. morocco Cassel, 1840 334 DiNGELSTEDT. , lean Gvtenberg premier Maitre' Imprimeur. Ses faits and discours les plus dignes d'admiration, & sa. , mort. Traduit de I'allemand en frangois par Gustave Revilliod. Six etchings on india paper. Small folio, half morocco, gilt top Geneve, 1858 335 [DiNGELSTEDT.] John Gutenberg, First Master Printer, his Acts, and most remarkable Discourses, and his Death. From the German, by C[aroline] W[intour]. Square 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Lond. i860 Only 100 copies printed. 336 Dlabacz (Gottfried. Joh.) Kurzgefasste Nachricht von der noch unbekannten Buchdruckerey zu Altenberg in Boh- men. . 4to, imit. morocco, uncut edges Brag, 1797 337 Dlabacz. Abhandlung von den Schicksalen der Kiinste in Bohmen. — Kurzgefasste Nachricht von der noch unbe- kannten Buchdrhckerey zu Altenberg in Bohmen. [Ex- tract: pages 107-160.] 4to, imit. morocco, uncut edges, [Prag, 1797] 338 Documents Iconographiques et Typographiques de la Bibliotheque Royale de ,Belgique. Facsimile photo-litho- graphies, avec Texte historique et explicatif. Livraisons I.-IV. 4 parts, imp. folio, paper, uncut edges Bruxelles, 1864-71 Comprises: I. Spirituale Pomarium; par L. Alvin. II. Gravure criblee, Impressions negatives; parH. Hymans.' III. La Vierge de 1418; par Ch. Ruelens. IV. Vue de Louvain; par J. Petit. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 45 339 DoDD (George). Curiosities of Industries. Printing: its Modern Varieties. Thin 8vo, limp cloth. (2 copies) Lond. 1853 340 DoDT VAN Flensburg (J. J.) Ovcr de Elzevier's, Lodewijk, den Vader, en Lodewijk, den Zoon, en Joost Elzevier. . . 8vo, morocco Utrecht, 1841 341 DoDT VAN Flensburg. Over de Elzevier's 8vo, half imit. morocco Utrecht, 1841 342 [DoEDES (J. I.)] Lourens Janszoon Coster, Johan Gutten- berg en Peter Schoffer. [Extract; pages 705-741.J 8vo, morocco [Amsterdam, 1849] 343 DoRLAN (A.) Quelques Mots sur I'Origine de I'lmprimerie, ou R6sum6 des Opinions qui en attribuent I'lnvention ^ Jean Mentel, natif de Schlestadt. Portrait and six plates of facsimiles. 8vo, morocco Schlestadt, 1840 344 Doyen (Camillo). Trattato di Litografia, storico, teorico, pratico ed economico. Frontispiece in gold and colors, por- traits on stone and thirty-three plates. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Torino, 1877 345 Dru^kproben der Hofbuchdruckerei in Altenberg. 4to, half imit. morocco • ' Altenberg, 1828 346 Druck-und Schriften-Probe der Buchdruckerei von Samter & Rathke. 8vo, half imit. morocco Konigsberg, 1846 347 Drukproef met onderscheidene Lettersoorten, uit de Druk- kerij van C. A. Spin. 4to, imit. morocco Amsterdam, 1825' 348 Duchesne [(Jean).] Essai sur les Nielles, Gravures des Orffevres Florentins du XV^ SiScle. Portrait of Zani and seven fine plates of nielli, mostly finished in silver, some on India paper. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 1826 Large paper copy, on Papier de HoUande, of which only six copies wfere printed. 349 Duplessis (Georges). Histoire de la Gravure en France. ' 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1861 Ouvrage couronne par I'lnstitut de France. Digitized by Microsoft® 46 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 350 DupLESSis. De la Gravure de Portrait en France. M6moire couronn6 par I'lnstitut de France. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1875 351 DupoNT (Paul). Histoire de I'lmprimerie. 2 vols, lamo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, [1854] 352 DupONT. Histoire de I'lmprimerie. 2 vols, imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops Paris, 1854 Large paper copy. 353 [DupoNT.] Exposition Universelle de Londres, 1862. Notice ^ur I'EtablissementTypographique de Paul Dupont de Paris. Royal 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Paris, 1862 354 DupoNT. Une Imprimerie en 1867. Illustrations on wood {view of the great printing establishment at Clichy, etc., etc.) Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 1867 355 DuPRAT (F. A.) Pr6cis Historique sur I'lmprimerie Nationale et ses Types. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 1848 356 DuPRAT. Histoire de I'lmprimerie Imp^riale de France; suivie des Specimens des Types Strangers et fran9ais de cet 6tablissement. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 1 86 1 357 DussEAU (P. I.V.) De Boekdrukkunst en derzelver Uitvinder Laurens Jansz. Koster. Portrait, two plates and colored 'vignette. i2mo, half roan Amsterdam, [1839] 358 [DuvERGER (E.)] Histoire de I'lnvention de I'lmprimerie. Portrait of Gutenberg in colors and many facsimiles and other illustrations. Royal 4to, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 1840 " Album Typographique execute i I'occasion du Jubile European de I'lnvention de I'lmprimerie." BERHARD (H. W.) Die Anwendung der chem- ischen Druckart auf Metallplatten. 8 plates. 4to, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Mainz, 182 1 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAR V. 47 360 Ebert [(F. a.)] Nieuw Onderzoek naar de Aanspraak van Holland op de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst; en brief wegens het G^eschrift van Prof. F. Lehne. Mit een Voor- rede en eenige Aanmerkingen van Jacobus Koning. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Haarlem, 1825 361 EcHANTiLLONS des Caractferes de rimprimerie Impdriale [Russe]. Small 8vo, half calf St. Petersbourg, 1790 362 Eckstein (Fr, A.) Die Salfeldschen Buchdruckereien in Halle. [Eight pages.] 4to, half imit. morocco Halle, 1842 363 Ed (C. M.) Kurzgefasste Geschichte des Buchdrucks. 8vo, imit. morocco Hamburg, 1839 364 Edel (Friedrich Wilhelm). Denkschrift fur de im Jahr 1840 zu begehende vierte Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. i2mo, imit. morocco Strassburg, 1840 365 Edel. Denckschrift .... Imit. morocco Strassburg, 1840 366 Eekhoff (W.) Nieuwe Bijdrage tot de Geschiedenis van de Boekdrukkunst in Nederland; bevattende een Betoog, dat de eerste Druk van de Oude Friesche Wetten, bezorgd door Heer Hidde Cammingha, omstreeks 1484 is gedruckt te Leeuwarden. 8vo, half imit. morocco , [Workum, 1856] 367 Eeuwgetijde (Het vierde) van de Uitvinding der Boek- drukkunst, gevierd den lodem van Hooimand, 1823. Door het Hoornsche Departement der Maatchappij. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges .Amsterdam, 1823 368 Eeuwgetijde van de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst, . . . Imit. morocco, uncut edges Amsterdam, 1823 369 EguizAbal (Jose Eugenio de). Apuntes para una Historia de la Legislacion Espanola sobre Imprenta, desde el ano , de 1480 al presente. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Madrid, 1879 370 Ehren-Gedichte auf die edle freye Kunst-Buchdruckerey, .... mit portischer Feder entworffen. Small 8vo, imit. morocco Franckfurt und Leipzig, 173^ Digitized by Microsoft® 48 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 371 EiCHSFELD (Ephraim Gottlob). Relation, vom Witten- bergischen Bu'chdrucker-Jubilao. Nebst einer Historischen Nachricht, von alien Wittenbergischen Buchdruckern . . . Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top Wittenberg, 1740 372 EijNDEN (Roeland van) en Willigen (Adriaan van der). Geschiedenis der Vaderlandsche Schilderkunst, sedert de Helft du XVIII. Eeuw. Portraits. 4 vols, 8vo, half morocco, uncut edges Haarlem, 1816-40 373 Ekama (C.) Romeyn de Hooghe en de Hortus Medicus met het Standbeeld van' L. J^ Coster. 8vo, half imit. morocco Haarlem, 1869 374 Elzevir. Catalogus Librorum qui in Bibliopolo Danielis Elsevirii venaler extant. Thick i8mo, vellum Amstelodami, ex Officina Elsevirianat 1674 The seven parts complete. " En parcourant les vingt mille articles dont se compose cet inventaire, on peut se faire une idee de I'import^ ance de la librairie elzevirienne d' Amsterdam et de I'etendue de ses ' relations. Mais Ik ne se borne pas I'interet de ce document. Ce qui lui donne une valeur exceptionelle .... pour la bibliographie neer- landaise en general, c'est que le redacteur a pris la peine' d'indiquer I'adresse veritable de la plupart des ouvrages parus sans nom de ville ou avec un nom suppose. " — ^Willems : Les Elzevier. 375 Elzevir. Catalogus Librorum Officinse Elsevirianae . . . Lugduni Batavorum, 1638. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges [Leipzig, 1878] Only 200 copies reprinted, from the only known copy of the original edition; edited by C. F. de Walther. 376 Elzevir. Catologus Librorum Officinae Danielis Elsevirii . . Amstelodami, 1681. izmo, half imit. morocco [Paris, 1823] Of this reprint, edited with preface by J. C. Motteley, only 100 copies were printed, on papier ^n de Hollande. 377 [Ensched^ (A. J., ^^2/0/')] Specimen des Caracteres Anciens Typographiques qui se trouvent dans la collection typo- graphique de Joh. Ensched6 et Fils, Imprimeurs. Fron- tispiece on copper. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top Harlem, [1867] Only 100 copies printed. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE V. 49 378 Engelmann (G.). Trait6 th^orique et pratique de Litho- graphic. Portrait and fifty plates. 4to, half morocco, gilt top [Mulhouse, 1840] 379 Ephrussi (Charles). Notes biographiques sur Jacopo de Barbarj, dit le Maitre au Caduc^e, Peintre-graveur Vend- tien de la fin du ise si^cle. Seven fine plates. Large 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, Jouast, 1876 Tire a quatre cents exemplaires sur papier verge de HoUande. 380 Epreuve de Caracteres qui se fondent dans la nouvelle Fonderie de Caractferes de Isaac & Jean Enschede a Haar- lem. Deuxi^me edition. Woodcut of Roster. 8vo, sheep [Haarlem,] 1748 381 Epreuves des Caracteres de la.Fonderie de J. L. de Boubers. 8vo, calf, gilt back and edges Bruxelles, 1777 382 Epreuves de Caracteres de Foudriat et Pennequin, Graveurs et Fondeurs. 4to, half imit. morocco Bruxelles, 1828 383 Epreuves de Caracteres de la Fonderie et de I'lmprimerie de A. Fain. 4to, half imit. morocco Paris, 1832 384" Erasmus. Erasmi Roterodami Silva Carminum antehac nunquam impressorum. Gonda, 1513. Reproduction photo- lithographique, avec Notice sur la jeunesse et les premiers travaux d'Erasme, par Charles Ruelens. Colored map and facsimile (32 pages) of the poem. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Bruxelles, 1864 Presentation copy, with the Editor's- autograph. Only 100 copies printed, besides a very small number struclc off for presentation. 385 Erfindung (Die) der Buchdruckerkunst zu Strassburg durch Joh. Gutenberg . . 8vo, imit. morocco Strassburg, [1840] 386 Erichson (Johann). Die Heilsahmen Absichten, welche Gott bey Erfindung und zeitiger Einfiihrung der edlen Buch'drucker-Kunst in hiesige Reiche, besonders zu dieser ihrem Besten, gehabt, in einer kurtzen Rede . . . vorge- stellet. Small 4to, imit. morocco Stockholm, [1740] Digitized by Microsoft® 50 THE HOE LIBRARY. 387 Ernesti (Joh. Heinrich Gottfried). Die Wol-eingerichtete Biichdruckerey mit 120 Teutsch-Lateinisch-Griechisch- und Hebraiischen Schrififten nebst einer summa- rischen Nachricht von dem Buchdruckern in Niirnberg Frontispiece and medallion portraits of printers. Oblong 4to, calf Nurnberg, 1733 ■ 388 EscoDECA de Boisse. Exposition Universelle de 1855. Quelques Details sur les Produits de I'Imprimerie Im- pdriale de France. Svo, morocco Paris, 1855 389 EsTiENNE. Henrici Stephani epistola, . . . . de suae typor, graphiae statu, nominatimque de suo Thesauro Linguas Grascse; In posteriore autem eius parte, qu&.m misera sit hoc tempore veterum scriptorum conditio, in quorundam typographorum preJa incidentium, exponit. Index Libro- rum qui ex officina eiusdem Henrici Stephani hactenus prodierunt. 12 mo, morocco, gilt edges [Genevse], Henr. Stephanus, 1569 390 EsTiENNE. Henrici Stephani Pseudocicero; ejusdem Dis- sertatio de Plauti Latinitate; Epistola de Statu suae Typo- graphiae et Artis Typograph[icae] Querim[onia]. Praemit- titur H. Stephani Vita, auctore Th. Jans, ab Almaloveen. Curavit Fr. Guil. Roloffius. Halse, 1737. — Henrici Ste- phani de Abusu Linguae Graecffi .... Berolini, 1736. — In I vol, i2mo, half morocco, gilt top 391 Even (Edouard van). Notice sur Pierre Werrecoren, Im- primeur a St. Maertensdyk, enZelande (1478). Extrait du Bulletin du Bibliophile Beige. Svo, imit. morocco Bruxelles, 1851 392 Even. Renseignements inedits sur les Imprimeurs de Lou- vain, au is« siecle. Extrait du Bibliophile Beige. Svo, imit. morocco, uncut edges [Bruxelles, 1865] 393 EvoLA (Filippo). Storia Tipografia-letteraria del Secolo XVI. in Sicilia; con un Catalogo Ragionato delle Edizioni in essa titate. Eight plates of facsimiles. Svo, half mo- rocco, gilt top Palermo, 1878 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 51 394 I^^^ACCIOLI (Gio. Tommaso).] Catalogo Ragio- nato de' Libri stampati in Vicenza e suo Terri- torio nel Secolo XV. . . . Small 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut edges Vicenza, 1796 395 Fac-similes. A Collection of Twenty Plates, comprising many carefully executed fac-similes of incunabula and water-marks. Imp. 4to, half morocco, gilt top 396 [Fahlgren (Carl I.)] Handbok i Boktryckerikonsten for unga sattare. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Stockholm, 1853 ■J, 397 Falkenstein (Constantin Karl). Geschichte der Buch- druckerkunst in ihrer Enstehung und Ausbildung. Ein Denkmal zur vierten Sacular-Feier der Erfindung der Typographic. Zweite unveranderte Auflage. Numerous facsimiles ffom block-books, incunabula, etc., and specimens of oriental type. 4to, half morocco Leipzig, 1856 398 Faulmann (Karl). Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Enste- hung der Buchstabenschrift und die Person des Erfinders. Royal 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Wien, 1876 C.U. 399 Faulmann. lUustrirte Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst; mit besonderer Beriicksichtigiing ihrer tecnischen Entwick- lung bis zur gegenwart. Twenty-six plates, many of them beautifully executed- in gold and colors, and three hundred and eighty illustrations on wood of fac-similes from ancient books, etc. Thick square royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Leipzig, 1882 400 [Federici (Domenico Maria).] Memorie Trevigiane sulla Tipografia del Secolo XV. per servire alia Storia Letter- aria e delle Belle Arti d'ltalia. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Venezia, 1805 401 [Federici (Fortunate). J Annali della Tipografia Volpi- Cominiana, colle Notizie intorno la Vita e gli Studj de . .' Fratelli Volpi. Portrait and device. — Appendice agli An- nali .... — In I vol, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Padova, 1809-'! 7 402 Feier (Die offentliche) des vierten Sacular-Festes der Er- findung der Buchdruckerkunst in Berlin, am 25. und 26. September, 1840. 8vo, imit. morocco Berlin, 1841 Digitized by Microsoft® 52 THE HOE LIBRARY. 403 FEtDER (R. M.) Des Buchdruckers Erdenleben riiit seinen Licht- und Schattenseiten. Ein schoner Traum und das Erwachen. i6mo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Stuttgart, 1839 404 [Fertel (Martin Dominique).] La Science Pratique de . . I'Imprimerie, contenant des Instructiones trfes-faciles pour se perfectionner dans cet Art. Avec des Figures en bois et en taille-douce. 4to, calf, gilt back, red edges Saint Omer, Fertel, 1723 405 Festgruss zur vierten Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst am 24. Juni, 1840, im gastlichen Leipzig. Dargebracht von der Hofbuchdruckerei zu Altenburg. 4to, imit. morocco. (Eight pages) Altenburg, 1840 406 Festreden bei der vierten Sacularfeier der Erfinden der Buchdruckerkunst in Basel .... den 24ften Juni, 1840. Frontispiece on wood. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Foxed Basel, [1840] 407 Fest-Tage .(Die) des Buchdruckers. Eine Sammlung von Prologen, Festgruben, Tafelliedern, Gedichten zu Jubi- laen, Toasten, etc. i6mo, imit. morocco Leipzig, 1868 408 FiNESCHi (Vincenzio). Notizie Storiche sopra la Stamperia di Ripoli, le quali possono servire all' .... Illustrazione della Storia Tipografica Fiorentina. 8vo, half morocco, , marginal MS. notes Firenze, 17 81 409 Fischer (Gotthelf). Beschreibung einiger typographischen Seltenheiten nebst Beytragen zur Erfindungsgeschichte der Buchdruckerkunst. Facsimile plates. The 6 parts in i vol, thick 8vo, half calf, gilt back Mainz, i8oo-'s 410 Fischer. Essai sur les Monuments Typographiques de Jean Gutenberg, Mayengais, Inventeur de I'Imprimerie. Portrait, dedication plate, three vignettes of medal, seals and fac-timile, and four plates of facsimiles of Gutenberg's printing. 4to, half calf Mayence, 1802 41 1 Fischer. Notice du Premier Monument Typographique en Caract&res Mobiles avec date connu jusqu'k ce jour. Folding facsimile. 4to, morocco Mayence, [1804] Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 53 412 [Fischer.] Notice des Monuments Typographiques qui se trouvent dans la Biblioth^ue du Comte, Alexis Razou- moffsky. Frontispiece. Large 8vo, half calf, uncut edges Moscou, 1810 From the Sobolewski Library, with Plate on title. Marginal MS. annotations. 413 Flathe (Ludwig). Die vierte Sacular-Feier der Erfindung Gutensberg in Dresden und Leipzig. Four plates of statue and facsimiles. 8vo, half imit. morocco Leipzig, 1840 414 [Flick (J. F.)] Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst, f Ur ange- hende und praktische Buchdrucker. i2mo, half morocco Berlin, 1820 415 FoKKE (Arend). De Graveur, behelzende eene beknopte handleiding tot de daktylioglyphia, of graveerkunst in edele gesteenen .... [etc.] Copper -plates. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut Dordrecht, 1796 Volume XIII. of VolUdige Beschrijving van atU Konsten. 416 Folds (George). Sjiecimens of National Typography, exhibiting the execution of the Press of Ireland. Six illustrations on wood. Square large 8vo, half imit. morocco Dublin, 1833 417 FoRTiER (G.) La Photolithographie: son Origine, ses Proc6d6s, ses Applications. Three plates. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1876 418 FouRNiER (Henri). Traitd de la Typographic. 8vo, calf Paris, 1825 419 FouRNiER ([P. S.]) De rOrigine et des Productions de rimprimerie primitive en taille de bois. . . . Pour seh^ir de suite h. la Dissertation sur I'origine de I'art . de graver en bois. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 1759 420 FouRNiER. Observations sur un Ouvrage intitule Vindiciae Typographicae, pour servir de suite au Traite de I'Origine. . de rimprimerie primitive. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 1760 421 FouRNiER. Les Caractferes de rimprimerie. Frontispiece on copper, and 170 printed pages. lamo, half calf Paris, 1764 Digitized by Microsoft® 54 THE HOE LIBRARY. 422 FouRNiER. Manuel Typographique: utile au gens de lettres et k ceux qui exercent les diff^rentes parties de I'Art de I'Imprimerie. Fine frontispieces. 2 vols, 12 mo, calf, gilt backs and edges Paris, i764-'66 423 FouRNiER. Manuel Typographique. ... 2 vols, i2mo, half calf, gilt back, yellow edges Paris, 1764-66 424 Francis (Jabez). Printing at Home. With full Instruc- tion for Amateurs. Woodcuts and specimens. lamo, half imit. morocco Rochford, [1869] 425 Franke (Carl August). Katechismus der Buchdrucker- kunst und der verwandten Geschaftszweige. Woodcuts. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top Leipzig, 1856 426 Franke. Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. Post 8vo,' half morocco, gilt top Weimar, 1867 427 Franken (D.) L'CEuvre grav6 des Van der Passe. Large 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Amsterdam, 1881 428 Franklin (Benjamin). La Science du Bonhomme Richard. Imp. folio, paper, uncut edges. Corner water-stained Paris, C. L. F. Pancoucke, 1827 Very handsomely printed in large type. 429 Frantz (A.) Geschichte des Kupferstichs. Crown 8vo, paper, uncut edges Magdeburg, 1883 430 Frere (Edouard). De I'Imprimerie et de la Librairie &. Rouen, dans les XV= et XVI« siecles, et de Martin Morin, c^l&bre imprimeur rouennais. Morin^s device printed in red on title. Small 4to, morocco, uncut edges Rouen, 1843 Only 1 50 copies printed. 431 Fr^re. Manuel du Bibliographe Normand, ou Diction- naire bibliographique et historique contenant. . . . I'indica- tion des Ouvrages relatifs k la Normandie, depuis I'origine de I'Imprimerie ; des Notes. . . sur les Ecrivains nor- mands, etc. ; des Recherches sur I'Histoire de I'Imprimerie en Normandie. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges Rouen, 1858 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAR Y. 55 432 Frese (J. H.) Die doppelte Buch- und Geschaftsfuhrung fiir Buchdruckereien und, verwandte Geschafte. Erster Theil. 4to, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Leipzig, 1869 433 Fresenius (J. F. Th.) Zur Geschichte der Erfindung des Buchdrucks. Eiivladungsschrift zu den . . . 1840 festge- setzten offentlichen Priifungen in der Mittelschule. 8vo, imit. morocco Frankfurt, 1840 434 Frey (A>) Manuel nouveau de Typographic. Plates. i8mo, half calf Paris, 1835 435, Frey. Nouveau Manuel complet de Typographic. Nou- velle edition. Plates. 2 vols, i8mo, half sheep Paris, Manuel-Roi-et, 1857 436 Freyberg (Christian August). Reliquien von der Dress- nischen und iibrigen Ober-Sachsischen Buchdrucker- Historie. Small 4to, half imit, morocco Dressden, [1741] 437 Freylinghausen (John Anastasius). Abstract of the whole ' Doctrine of the Christian Religion, with Observations. [Translated by Queen Charlotte, consort of George III.; edited by Bishop Beilby Porteus.] Imp. 8vo, crimped calf, gilt edges Lond. 1804 The first book stereotyped by the new process. Presentation copy from the printer to Sir Joseph Banks and the Royal Society of London. 438 Friedlaender (Gottlieb). Beitrage zur Buchdrucker- geschichte Berlins. Eine bibliographische Notiz als Ge- legenheitschrift. 8vo, half imit. morocco Berlin, 1834 439 Fritsch (Ahasuerus). Tractatus de Typographis, Biblio- polis, Chartariis et Bibliopegis . . . Small 4to, morocco Jense, 1675 440 Fritsch (Friedrich). Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst. Ein kleines Denkmal den Koryphaen derselben. Portrait on stone and facsimile. i2mo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Nordhausen, 1840 441 Froebel (G.) Anno 1840, am 18. Aug. inRudolstadt. Al- bum zur vierten Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst .... 8vo, imit. morocco Rudolstadt, [1840] Digitized by Microsoft® 56 THE HOE LIBRARY. 442 Fry (Edmund). Pantographia; containing accurate Copies of all the known Alphabets in 'the world, together with an English Explanation of the peculiar force or power of each letter; to which are added Specimens of all well- authenticated Oral Languages; forming a comprehensive Digest of Phonology. Royal 8vo, calf. Binding worn London, 1799 Duplicate copy from the Library of the British Museum. 443 FuMAGALLi (Carlo). Dei Primi Libri a Stampa in Italia,' e specialmente di un Codice Sublacense impresso avanti il Lattanzio e finora creduto posteriore. Two plates. Square large 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut Lugano, 1875 444 FuMAGALLi. Dei Primi Libri .... Half morocco, gilt top, uncut Lugano, 1875 445 FuMAGALLi. Dei Primi Libri .... Half imit. morocco Lugano, 1875 ALEOTTI (Melchiorre). Delia Tipografia Poli- glotta di Propaganda. Post 8vo, imit. morocco, ' uncut edges Torino, 1866 447 Galitzin (Prince Michel). Deux Xylographes de sa Biblio- theque; ddcrites par lui-meme. Four plates of facsimiles. Royal 8vo, cloth Moscou, 1864 Only 14 copies printed. 448 Gall (James). Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of Literature for the Blind. Specimen page. 8vo, cloth Edinburgh, 1834 449 Gallizioli (Giovambatista). Dell' Origine della Stampa e degli 'Stampatori di Bergamo Dissertazione. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges [Bergamo, 1786] 450 Galtherus (Philippus). Alexandreidos Libri decern, nunc primum in Gallia Gallicisque caracteribus editi. Small 4to, red roan neat, gilt edges Lugduni, Robertus Granjon, 1558 Printed in caractkres decivilM, and a fine specimen of such printing. "Cette edition executee en caract^res cursifs, dits Ac eivilit/,- est peu commune et assez recherchee." — BrunetI ' The often quoted verse " Incidis in Scyllam cupiens vitare Charyb- din " is found in the above poem. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 57 ■451 Gand' (M[ichel]' J[oseph] de). Recherches historiques et critiques sur la Vie et les Editions de Thierry Martens (Martinus, Mertens). Plates, of monument, of facsimiles, etc. 8v6, half calf. Title and frontispiece foxed Alost, 1845 452 Gandellini (Giovanni Gori). Notizie Istoriche degli Intag- liatori. Seconda edizioni, arricchita di Notizie interessanti, la Vita deir Autore, [etc]. 3 vols, in 2. — Notizie degli In- tagliatori raccolte da varj scrittori ed aggiunte a Giov. Gori Gandellini da Luigi de Angelis. 12 vols, in 6. — In all 15 vols, in 8, 8vo, half roan Siena, 1808-16 453 Garnier Dubourgneuf (J. A.) Code de la Presse, ou Re- cueil complet des Lois, Decrets, etc. 8vo, half calf Paris, 1822 454 Garnier (J. M.) Histoire de I'lmagerie Populaire et des Cartes S. Jouer a Chartres. Suivie de Recherches sur le commerce du colportage des Com,plaintes, Canards et Chansons des rues. Facsimile illustrations. Small 8vo, half morocco. Small stamp on title Chartres, 1869 455 Gaullieur (E. H.) Etudes sur la Typographic Genevoise du XVg au XIX* siecles, et sur les Origines de I'lmprim- erie en Suisse. Folding facsimiles. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Genfeve, 1855 456 Gauthier (V. Eugene). Annuaire de I'lmprimerie pour 1853; ou Guide des Typographes en Province et dans Paris. Royal 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Paris, 1853 457 Gebed (Hex) des Heeren in veertien Talen. Strekkende tot Proeve van Letters van het gewoon Europeesch Karak- ter afwijkende, aanwezig ter Boekdrukkerij van E. J. Brill. 4to, cloth Leiden, 1855 458 Gebed (Het) des Heeren in Veertien Talen. . . . Boards . Leiden, 1.855 459 Gedachtniss (Zum) der vierten Sacularfeieir der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst zu Heidelberg, 1840. 8vo, imit. morocco Heidelberg, 1840 Includes a History of Printers and Booksellers in Heidelberg, from invention of the art. Digitized by Microsoft® S8 THE HOE LIBRAR Y. 460 Gedachniss (Zum) der vierten Sacularfeier .... Imit. morocco Heidelberg, 1840 461 Gedenkbuch an die festlichen Tage der Inauguration des Gutenberg-Denkmals zu Mainz am 13-16 August. 1837. Nebst den Acten, die Enstehung desselben betreffend und iner kurzen Lebensbeschreibung Gutenbergs. Four plates. 8vo, imit. morocco Mainz, 1837 462 Gedenkbuch der vierten Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst zu Braunschweig, 1840. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Braunschweig, 1840 463 Ged-enk- Buch zur vierten Jubefeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst begangen zu Frankfurt am Main am 24ten und 25ten Juniusi840. Eine Festgabe herausgegeben von der Buchdruckern, Schriftgiessern utid Buchhandlern. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edge [Frankfurt, 1840] 464 Gedenk-Buch zur vierten Jubelfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst in Mainz, 1840. Plates. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Mainz, 1840 A collection of Essays, including one on the edifices of Mayence and their connection with early printing, by J. Wetter; Historical Sketch of printing in Mayence by Schaab; a long account of the City of Mayence by various writers; and a Description of the FSte of 1840, by Van Malten. 465 Geheimniss (Das) des Steindrucks in seinen ganzem Umfange pratisch und ohne Riickhalt nach eigenen Erfah- rungen bescrieben. 4to, half imit. morocco Tubingen, 1810 466 Geist (Der) Johann Gensfleisch's genannt Gutenberg, an Dr. C. A. Schaab; und der Ausschuss zur Errichtung des Denkmales zu seiner Ehre zu Mainz. 8vo, morocco, un- cut edges ' Utrecht, 1835 467 Gent (Thomas, Printer, of York). Life; written by Himself. [Published from the original manuscript by J. Hunter.] Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top London, 1832 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 59 468 Geret (Samuel Lutherus). De Aldi Pii Manutii Romani Vita Meritisque in rem literatam Dissertatio [Chr. Theoph. Ungeri] nee dum edita, observationibus suis illustrata. . .. Portrait and plate. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Blank corner of title and of two leaves repaired; margins of part of volume waterstained Vitembergse, 1753 469 Geschichte der Buchdruckereien in Konigsberg. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Konigsberg, [1840] 470 Geschichte (Aelteste) der Xylographie und der Druck- kunst uberhaupt, besonders in der Anwendung auf den Bilddruck. IV. Ein Beitrag zur Erfindungs-und Kunst- geschichte. i2mo, imit. morocco, uncut edges n. p., [1837] 471 Gesprach (Merckwurdiges) im Reiche der Todten, zwis- chen den Ersten Erfindern der Buchdrucker- Kunst, .... in dem dritten Buchdrucker- Jubilaeo .... Frontispiece containing five portraits of the earliest printers. 12 mo, imit. morocco Erfurt, 1740 472 [Gessner (Christian Friedrich).] Die so nothig als nutz- ' liche Buchdruckerkunst und Schriftgiesserey, mit ihren Schriften, Formaten und alien dazu gehorigen Instru- menten abgebildet auch klarich beschrieben, und nebst einer kurzgefassten Erzahlung vom Ursprung und Fortgang der Buchdruckerkunst . . . Numerous portraits, plates of printers' devices, and other engravings on copper. 4 vols, in 2, small 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Leipzig, 1740 473 Gessner. Der in der Buchdruckerei wohn unterrichtete Lehr-Junge. Oder: bey der loblichen Buchdruckerkunst nothige und niizliche Anfangsgriinde, . . . Copperplates and illustrations of forms and alphabets on wood. 12 mo, half morocco, red edges Leipzig, 1743 474 Ghesquiere (J.) Reflexions sur deux Pieces relatives h. I'Histoire de I'lmprimerie publi^es dans I'Esprit des Journaux, Novembre, 1779 et Janvier, 1780. Seconde Edition. 8vo, half imit. morocco. Title waterstained Nivelles, 1780 Digitized by Microsoft® 63 THE HOE LIBRARY. 475 [GiANETTi (Michel' Angelo).] La Tipografia: per il Avvenimento al Trono di Tbscana dalle Granduca Ferdi- nando III. e la Granduchessa Luisa Maria. Four vignettes. Folio, mottled sheep Firenze, 1791 476 GiESE (G. C.) Historische Nachricht von der alleresten deutschen Bibelausgabe, welche 1462. zu Mayntz, von Fust und Schoiffhern, gedruckt worden. . , i2mo, half imit. morocco . Gorlitz, [1765] 477 GiLiBERTi (Francesco). Studi Storici sulla Tipografia, intorno I'Origine dell' Arte della Stampa. i2mo, imit. morocco Palermo, 1870 478 Giovanni (Azeglio). Relazione sul Congresso Tipografico di Feltre letta in Assemblea Generale della Societa dei Compositori-tipografi di Firenze, 26 Novembre. Royal 8vo, imit. morocco Firenze, 1869 479 GiRAUDET (E.) Les Origines de I'lmprimerie \ Tours (1467-1550); contenant la Nomenclature des Imprimeurs depuis la fin du XV= sifecle jusqu'en 1856. Cuts of print- ers' devices. Imp. 8vo', half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Tours, 1 88 1 Only 175 copies printed. 480 [GiRAUDET, Editor.^ Une Association d'Imprimeurs et de Libraires de Paris refugi^s k Tours au XVI' siecle. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Tours, 1877 Only 175 copies printed. A reprint of the Act of Assotiation, dated 1591, with Introduction and Notes. 481 [GiULANELLi (Andrea Pietro).] Memorie de gli Intagliatori moderni in pietro dure, cammei, e gioje, dal secolo XV. fino al secolo XVIII. 4to, boards, uncut edges Livorno, 1753 482 GiuLiARi (Giamb. Carlo Co.) Delia Tipografia Verohese- Saggio storico-letterario. Large square 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut edges Verona, 187 1 483 Giuseppe (Salvioni). Cenni Storici sulla Zilografia, ossia Incisione in Legno . . . 8vo, imit. morocco. Torino, 1868 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE V. 6 1 484 Gloria (Henri). Le Premier Imprimeur Ma9onnais: Michel Wenssler, de Bale. Notice Bibliographique; suivie d'une Etude sur I'etablissement d^finitif de I'lmprimerie k Macon. Facsimile. 8vo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Macon, 1877 485 Glyphography, or Engraved Drawing, for printing at the type press after the manner of woodcuts, with full direc- tions and Specimen Illustrations. Edward Palmer's Patent. 4to, morocco Lond. [1843] 486 GoETZE (Ludwig). Aeltere Geschichte der Buchdrucker- kunst in Magdeburg. I. Abthsilung: Die Drucker des XV. Jahrhunderts. [All published.] Five plates af fac- similes, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Magdeburg, 1872 Only 120 copies printed. 487 GoEZE (Johann Melchior). Versuch einer Historic der gedruckten Niedersachsischen Bibeln von Jahr 1470 bis 162 1. 4to, boards Halle, 1775 488 GoTTWALD (Edouard). Betraehtungen eines Buchdruckers an Guttenberg's Denkmale und des Meisters Traum. 8vo, imit. morocco Dresden, 1840 489 GoTTWALD. Erinnerungs-blatter an die vierte Saculfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst zu Dresden, 1840. Two portraits aud plates on stone. 8vo, imit. morocco Dresden, 1840 490 Graphic Portfolio (The). A Selection from the admired Engravings which have appeared in The Graphic; and a description of the Art of Wood Engraving, with numerous illustrations. Fifty large wood engravings. Imp. 4to, boards, cloth back Lond. 1876 491 [Grass.] Verzeichniss.typographischer Denkmaler aus dem fiinfzehenten Jahrhundert. [und] Verzeichniss einiger Buchermerkwurdigkeifen aus den sechzehenten und sie- benzehenten Jahrhunderten, welche sich in der Bibliothek des regulirten Korherrenstiftes des heil. Augustin zu Neustift in Tyrol befinden. Twelve plates. 2 vols, small 4to, half morocco, gilt tops Brixen, 1789-90 Digitized by Microsoft® 62 THE HOE LIBRARY. 492 Gravures (Les) de 1468. Les Armoiries de Charles le Tdm^raire gravies pour son Manage avec Marguerite d'York. i2mo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Li^ge, 1877 493 Greswell (William Parr). Annals of Parisian Typography; containing an account of the earliest Typographical Estab- lishments of Paris; and notices and illustrations of the most remarkable productions of the Parisian Gothic Press. Portrait and many facsimiles of printers' devices on wood. Royal 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1818 •Large Paper Copy. // 494 [Greswell.] View of the Early Parisian Greek Press; in- cluding the Lives of the Stephani. Notices of other con- temporary Greek Printers of Paris, and various particulars of the Literary and Ecclesiastical History of their Times. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Oxford, Talboys, 1833 495 Grimont (Ferdinand). Manuel-Annuaire de ITmprimerie et de la Librairie. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 1855 496 Grossmann (Christian Gottlob Leberecht). Predigt zur vierten Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buchdrucker- kunst, 1840. 8vo, imit. morocco Leipzig, [1840] 497 Grotefend (C. L.) Geschichte der Buchdruckereien in den Hannoverschen und Braunschweigischen Landen. Herausgegeben von F. G. H. Culemann. Nine plates of facsimiles. 4to, half calf Hannover, 1840 498 Grotefend (H.) Christian Egenolff, der eerste standige Buchdrucker zu Frankfurt A. M. und seine Vorlaufer. Two facsimile plates. 4to, paper Frankfurt, 1881 499 GuicciARDiNi (Lodovico). Descrittione di tutti i Paesi Bassi, altrimenti detti Germania Inferiore . . Riueduta di nuovo, & ampliata per tutto la terza volta dal medesimo autore. Frontispiece, engraved title, plate of arms, portrait of Philip II., and seventy-eight bird's-eye-views of cities in the Low Countries, of buildings, and maps, nearly all double- page, engraved on copper. Folio, vellum. Very small hole in outer margin of some pages Anversa, appresso Christofano Plantino, 1588 On page 260 the Invention of Printing is discussed and that honor ascribed to Harlem. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 63 500 GuiCHARD (J. Marie). Notice sur le Speculum Humanae Salvationis. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1840 501 GuiGNES ([Joseph] de). Essai Historique sur la Typo- graphic Orientale et Grecque de I'lmprimerie Royale. 4to, imit. morocco, uncut edges [Paris,] 1787 502 GussAGO (Germano Jacopo). Memorie storico-critiche sulla Tipografia Bresciana. 4to, cloth Brescia, 18 11 503 GuTCH (John Mathew). Observations and Notes upon the Writings of the Ancient, upon the Materials which they used, and upon the Introduction of the Art of Printing. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Bristol, 1827 Only 25 copies printed for Private Distribution. 504 Gutenberg, Erfinder der Buchdruckerkunst. Eine his- torische Skizze mit mehreren Zeichnungen und Fac- simile; autographisch ausgefiihrt von den Zoglingen der Strasburger Industrie Schule. Text lithographed, with ornamental borders; facsimiles. 4to, half imit. morocco Strasburg, 1840 505 Gutenberg und die unsterbUche Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst. . . . Post 8vo, imit. morocco. Leipzig, 1840 506 Gutenberg k Strasbourg, ou I'lnvention de I'lmprimerie. Divertissement en un acte, mele de chant et de danses. . . Frontispiece. 3vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges > Strasbourg, 1840 507 Gutenbergs-Album. Zur Erinnerung an das Vierte Saku- larfest der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst, gefeiert zu Ulm, am 2 4,Juni, 1840. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Ulm, 1840 508 Gutenbergsfest (Das) in Gorlitz. Post 8vo, half imit. morocco Gorlitz, 1840 509 If^^^^AARLEMS en Kosters Regt op de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst . . (Getrokken uit den Alge- meenen Konst en Letterbode). 8vo, morocco,, uncut edges. 18 pages without title [Haarlem, 1823] Digitized by Microsoft® 64 THE HOE LIBRAE V. 510 Haltaus (Karl). Album deutscher Schriftstellerzurvierten Sacularfeier der Buchdruckerkunst. Portrait of Guten- berg. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Leipzig, 1840 ' ' A collection of pieces in prose and verse eulogistic of Gutenberg, with Fac-similes of the signatures of the authors, who include some of the most eminent contemporary German writers." 511 Hamerton (Philip Gilbert). Etching and Etchers. New Edition. Eleven fine etchings by the Author after the great etchers, and one by Lalanne. Svo, cloth, gilt back, side and top, uncut edges Lond. 1876 512 Hammann (J. M. Herman). Des Arts Graphiques destines ■ a multiplier par I'impression considdr^s sous le double point de vue historique et critique. Post Svo, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut edges Geneve, 1857 513 Hammer (Joseph). Ancient Alphabets and Hieroglyphic Characters explained. With an Account of the Egyptian Priests, their Classes, Initiation and Sacrifices, in the Arabic language by Ahmad bin Abubekr bin Wahshih; with English Translation. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1806 514 Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. Plates of forms. Thick i2mo, half morocco, gilt top Frankfurt, 1827 515 Handleiding tot het Corrigeren van Drukproeyen. . . 4to, morocco Amsterdam, Elix 6- Co., [1837] 516 Handleiding tot het Vervaardigen van Drukinkt, op of Opgave der voorschriften ter bereiding van alle sooften van in- et uitlandschen zwarten en gekleurden drukinkt volgens de nieuwste proefnemingen. Square i2mo, half iinit. morocco Utrecht, 1840 517 Handleiding voor hen die Drukproeven willen corrigeren. Dook een deskundige. 8vo, half imit. morocco Amsterdam, [1869] 518 Handmaid to the Arts; teaching a Knowledge of the Materia Pictoria; Gilding; the art of Engraving, Etching and Scraping Mezzotints; the best manner of printing Copper-plates; an improved method of producing Washed Prints, and of Printing in Chiaro Oscuro, and with Col- ours, in the way practised by Mr. Le Blon ; [etc.] Second Edition. 2 vols, Svo, half calf Lond. 1864 Digitized by Microsoft® TH^ HOE LIBRAE Y. 65 519 Hansard (Luke). Biographical Memoir of Luke Hansard, many years Printer to the House of Commons. Fine por- trait on India paper. Royal 4to, cloth, uncut edges [Lond.], not published', 1829 520 Hansard (T. C.) Typographia: an Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing; with prac- tical Directions for conducting every department in an office; with a Description of Stereotype ,and Lithography. Illustrated by engravings, portraits, &"€. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1825 521 Hansard. Typographia. . . Thick large 8vo, morocco. Binding somewhat rubbed Lond. 1825 522 Hansard. Treatise on Printing and Type-Founding; from the seventh edition of the Encyclopasdia Britannica. Two facsimile plates. Crown 8vo, cloth Edinburgh, 1841 523 Hansard. The Art of Printing: its History and Practice from the days of John Gutenberg. Facsimiles. Crown 8vo, cloth Edinburgh, 1851 524 Harless (Chr. Fr.) Die Litteratur der ersten hundert Jahre nach der Erfindung der Typographie, in den meisten Hauptfachern der Wissenschaften, . . . 8vo, imit. morocco Leipzig, 1840 525 Hasper (W.) Kurzes practisches Handbuch der ^ Buch- druckerkunst in Frankreich. Crown 8vo, boards Carlsruhe, 1828 526 Hasper. Handbuch der Buchdruckefkunst. Nach eigener Erfahrung und unter Zuziehung der Werke von Brun, Fournier, Hansard, Johnson, Savage, Bodoni und Taubel herausgegeben und mit Zeichnungen begleitet. Illustra- tions. 8vo, half morocco Carlsruhe, 1835 527 Hasse (Friedrich Chr. Aug.) Kurze Geschichte der Leip- ziger Buchdruckerkunst im Verlaufe ihres vierten Jahr- hunderts. Nebst dem Lateinischen iibersetzt. Three fac- simile plates. Svo, half imit, morocco Leipzig, 1840 Digitized by Microsoft® 66 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 528 Hasse. ' Rector Academise Orationem in Solemnibus Typo- graphiae Ssecularibus Quartis, Lipsise, 1840, in Aula Aca- demica habendendam indicit. Plate of letters of various 'languages. Four plates of facsimiles from block-books 1 bound in at end. • 4to, half morocco, gilt top Lipsise, [1840] 529 Hasse. Rector Academise Orationem. . . . Imit. morocco Lipsiffi, [1840] 530 Hasse. Rector Academias Orationem. . . . Half imit. mor- occo Lipsise, [1840] 531 Hassler (Konrad Dieterich). Die Buchdrucker-Geschichte Ulm's zur vierten Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst. Frontispiece and plates of facsimiles of old engravings (on India paper), etc. Royal 4to^ half morocco, ' gilt top Ulm, 1840 Includes: Explicatio monumenti iypographici antiquissimi nuper reperti. 532 Hassler. Die Buchdrucker-Geschichte Ulm's. . . . Half morocco, gilt top Ulni, 1840 533 Hassler. Explicatio monumenti typographici antiquissimi nuper reperti. Accedunt supplements nonnulla ad auc- toris Historiam Typographiae Ulmanse. Folding facsimile. 4to, imit. morocco Ulms, 1840 Extract from the Account of the Celebration of the Birthday of William, King of Wurtemberg. 534 [Hausius (Karl Gottlob).] Biographic Herrn Joh. Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopfs. Ein Geschenk fiir seine Freunde. Medallion portrait on title. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges [Leipzig], 1794 535 [Hausius.J Biographic. . . . Half imit. morocco [Leipzig], 1794 536 Heichen (Paul). Taschen-Lexikon der hervorragenden Buchdrucker u. Buchandler . . . Seven illustrations. i8mo, paper, uncut edges Leipzig, 1884 537 [Heinecken (C. H. de).] Id^e Gdn^rale d'une Collection complette' d'Estampes. Avec une Dissertation sur I'origine de la Gravure et sur les premiers Livres d'Images. Thirty folding facsimile plates. Tljick 8vo, half sheep. Title water-stained Leipsic, 1771 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 67 538 Heinecken. Dictionnaire des Artistes dont nous avons des Estampes, avec une Notice detail^e de leurs ouvrages graves. Vols. I. — IV, comprising the letters A-Diz., [all published]. 4 vols, 8vo, cloth Leipzig, 1778 539 Heinemann (Ernest, libraire). Collection \ vendre de Monumens Typographiques et autres Ouvrages rares, imprimis aux XV= et XVI« siecles. 8vo, half imit. morocco Offenbach, 1840 358 pages; 1614 lots. 540 Heinlein (Heinrich). Festgabe zur viertem Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. . . . Frontispiece. 8vo, half imit. morocco Leipzig, 1840/ 541 Helbig (H.) Notes et • Dissertationes relatives ^ I'Histoire de rimprimerie. Royal 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Bruxelles, [1863] 542 Heller' (Johann Bernhard). Wohlgemeynte Gedancken liber Fiihrung einer Buchdruckerey, bey Feyerung des dritten Jubes-Festes der Buchdrucken-Kunst. Frontis- piece, izmo, half morocco Erffurt, 1740 543 Hf.ller (Joseph). Versuch iiber das Leben und die Werke Lucas Cranach's. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Bamberg, 1821 544 Heller. Lucas Cranach's Leben und Werke, Zweite, ganzlich umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Niirnberg, 1854 545 Heller. Geschichte der Holzschneidskunst von den altes- tem bis auf die neuesten Zeiten. Faf- similes from block- books, etc., and many cuts of engravers' monograms, with index of same. 8vo, half calf Bamberg, 1823 546 Heller. Praktisches Handbuch fur Kupferstichsammler, Oder Lexicon der vorzuglichsten und beliebtesten Kupf- erstecher, Formschneider und Lythographen ... 2 vols, in I. — Lexicon fur Kupferstichsammler iiber die Mono- grammisten, Xylographieen, Niello, Galleriewerke, nebst Berichtigungen u. Zusatze zum iten und 2ten Theil des praktischen Handbuches. Facsimile and cuts of mono- grams.—T, vols, small 8vo, half calf Bambery, 1823-38 Digitized by Microsoft® 68 THE HOE LIBRARY. 547 Heller. Leben Georg Erlinger's Buqhdruckers und Formschneiders zu Bamberg, . . . Ein Beitrag zur Ges- chichte der Typographic und als Ergiinzung der Werke von Panzer, ^prengel und Bartsch. 8vo, imit. morocco Bamberg, 1837 548 Heller & Rohm, Buchdruckern. Die drei Tage der EnthuUungsfeier des Gutenberg-Monuments, am 14, 15 und 16 August, 1837. Aufgefasst von einem Frankfurter Typographen .... Zum Bestem des Gutenberg-Monu- ments herausgegeben. 8vo, imit. morocco Frankfurt, [1837] 549 Helmschrott (Joseph Marie). Verzeichniss alter Druck- denkmale der Bibliothek des uraltem Benediktiner-Stifts zum H. Mang in Fuessen, mit litterarischen Anmer- kungen. 2 vols, in i. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Ulm, 1790 550 [Henaux (Ferd.)] De I'lntroduction de I'lmprimerie dans le Pays de Li^ge. [Extract from the Bibliophile Beige. \ 8vo, imit. morocco 55 1 Henning (Eduard). Erlebnisse des Buchdruckers P. Peter- sen wahrend seines 10 jahrigen Aufenthalts in Africa, izmo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Kiel, 1851 552 Henrici (G.) Die Buchdruckerkunst nach itrem Einflusse auf Wissenschaft, Religion, Gesittung und bUrgerlichen Verkehr. Dritte Auflage. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Braunschweig, 1849 553 Herberger (Theodor). Augsburg und seine fruhere Indus- trie .... Sm. 4to, imit. morocco Augsburg, 1852 554 Herluison (Henri). Recherches sur les Imprimeurs & Libraires d'Orleans. Recueil de Documents pour servir a I'Histoire de la Typographic et de la Librairie Orl6an- aise, depuis le XIV« siecle jusqu'k nos jours. Cuts of printers' devices. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Orleans, 1868 Only 78 copies printed. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 69 » 555 Herluison. Pland'uneBibliothfeque Orldanaise.ouEssaide Bibliographie locale. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Orleans, 1868 Only 100 copies printed. 556 Hesse (L. A. C, Libraire). [Dernieres Epreuves (jusqu'k present) d'impression satin6e.] 4to, boards Amsterdam, 1806 557 Heubner (Gustav). Das vereinigte Gutenbergs-und Turn- fest der Stadt Plauen, 1840 beschrieben. . . . 8vo, imit. morocco Plauen, [1840] 558 HiLARiA TypoGRAPHiA Erfordiensia, das ist, Historischer Bericht von der Jubel-Feyer welche zum Andencken der vor dreyhundert Jahren erf undenen Buchdrucker-Kunst . • auf der uralten Universitat Erfurth.. SmalJ 4to, half imit. morocco Erfurt, [1740] 559 Hinl6pen (F. C.) De Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst, eene Oorzaak van Godverheerlijking. Svo, morocco Haarlem, 1856 560 HiNLfiPEN. De Uitvinding .... 8vo, half imit. morocco Haarlem, 1856 561 History of the Imp. and Government Printing Establish- ment at Vienna. By one of its members; [in two parts] I. History. II. Description. [In German, English, Italian and French.] Eighty-one plates on wood. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Vienna, 1851 562 History of Printing. Illuminated frontispiece, containing portrait of Caxton, and woodcuts. 12 mo, cloth. Lond., n. d. ^ 563 Hodgson (Thomas). Essay on the Origin and Progress of Stereotype Printing; including a Description of the various Processes. Plate and specimens of stereotype print- ing from various presses. Post Svo, half morocco, gilt top Newcastle, 1820 Only 306 copies printed. 564 Hodgson. An Essay on the Origin and Progress of Stereo- type Printing; including a Description of the various Pro- cesses. Vignette by Bewick and illustrations. Large Svo, half calf, gilt top Newcastle, 1820 Large Paper Copy, of which only 30 were printed; the entire edi- tion consisting of 306 copies. In same volume are: [Nichols (John)]. Biographical Memoir of William Ged; including Digitized by Microsoft® 7° TH£. HOE LIBRARY. a particular Account of his Progress in the Art of Block Printing. I Newcastle, 1819. Large Paper Copy, of which only 30 were printed; , the entire edition consisting of 160 copies. Santander (C. de la Serna). Historical Essay on the Origin of Printing; translated from the French. Newcastle, 1819. Large Paper Copy, of which only 30 were printed; the entire edition con- sisting of 214 copies. WiLLETT (Ralph). Memoir on the Origin of Printing. Newcastle, 1820. Woodcut by Bewick. > Large Paper Copy, of which only 30 copies were printed; the entire edition consisting of 180 copies. 565 Hoe (Richard M.) The Literature of Printing: a Cata- logue of the Library, illustrative of the History and Art of Typography, Chalcography and Lithography, of Richard M. Hoe. Frontispiece on wood, izmo, cloth, uncut edges Lond., privately printed, 1877 A small number only, very neatly printed at the Chiswick Press. 149 pages. 566 HoE. [The Same.] Half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges 567 Hoe. [The Same.] Half morocco, gilt back and top, un- cut edges 568 Hoe. [The Same], on Large Paper. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut edges 569 HoE. [The Same.] Half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges 570 HoE. [The Same.] Half morocco, gilt back and top, un- cut edges 571 HoE. [The Same.] Half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Mr. Hoe's own copy; interleaved with writing paper, with many MS. additions and corrections. 572 HoE & Co. (R.) [Catalogue of] Printing Machines, &c. Imp, 8vo, half morocco [N. Y. 1867] 573 [Hoffmann (F. L.)] Description d'une edition de quelques dialogues de Lucien, traduits en latin par Erasme, im- primde k Louvain, en 15 12. [Extrait du Bibliophile Beige. Two leaves.] 8vo, imit. morocco [Bruxelles, 1859] Only 25 copies printed. 574 [Hoffmann (Joannes Daniel).] De Typographiis earumque Initiis et Incrementis in Regno Polonise et Magno Ducatu Lithuanae ; cnm variis Observationibus rem et literariam et typographicam utriusque gentis illustrantibus. ^mall 4to, half roan Dantisci, 1740 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 71 575 Hollo WAY (Thomas). Memoir ; by one of his executors, Dedicated to the Subscribers to the Engravings from the Cartoons of Raphael. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut Lond. 1827 576 Holmes (John). Descriptive Catalogue of Books in his Library. With Notices of Authors and Printers. Portrait and plate. The 4 Parts and 2 Supplements complete in 3 vols, 8vo, half roan. '^ox'wich, privately printed, 1828-40 The Auction Catalogue of the Library, 1841, priced and named in ink, is bound up with above volumes. The biographical and biblio- graphical notices in these volumes are very full and of much interest. 577 Holtrop (J: W.). Thierry Martens d'Alost. Etude biblio- graphique. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges La Haye, 1867 578 Holtrop. Monuments Typographiques des Pays-Bas au Quinzieme Siecle. Collection de Fac-Simile d'apres les Originaux conserves a la Bibliotheque Royale de La Haye et ailleurs. 120 plates of facsimiles from Block-books and Incunabula. Imp. 4to, half morocco, gilt back and top La Haye, 1868 Of this most important work only two hundred copies were printed. 579 Hopkins (Jeremiah). Sketch of the Life of Thomas Singu- larity, Journeyman Printer. i2mo, cloth Lond. 1835 580 HoRNE (Thomas Hartwell). Introduction to the Study of Bibliography. To which is prefixed a Memoir on the Public Libraries of the Antients. Facsimiles and cuts of printers' devices. 2 vols, thick royal 8vo, russia, rebacked, edges entirely uncut . Lond. 1814 Large and Thick Paper Copy, of which only fifty were printed. Exceedingly rare in this state. A MS. note on fly-leaf states that this was Dibdin's copy, and that the MS. notes (of which there are a few > lightly vpritten in pencil on margins) are by him. I 581 HoRNE. Introduction to the Study of Bibliography. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops Lond. 1814 582 Houghton (T. S.) The Printer's Practical E very-Day- Book. Lond. 1843. — The Author's Printing and Pub- lishing Assistant. Lond. 1840.— Grattan (Ei.) The Printer's Companion. Phil. 1846. — Sherman (A. W.) The Printer's Manual. N. Y. 1834. — 4 vols Digitized by Microsoft® 72 THE HOE LIBRARY. 583 HuBAUD (L. J.) Examen Critique d'un Opuscule intitule ; Quelques Recherches sur las Debuts de I'lmprimerie a Toulouse, par M. Desbarreaux-Bernard. 8vo, imit. mo- rocco Marseilles, 1858 584 HuBAUD. Examen Critique d'un nouvel Opuscule du Docteur Desbarreaux-Bernard, intitule I'lmprimerie a Tou- louse aux XV«, XVI« et XVII= Siecles. 8vo, imit. mo- rocco, uncut edges Marseilles, 1866 585 HuBER ([Michel]). Notices Generales des Graveurs, divises par nations, et des Peintres ranges par dcoles ; prdced^es de I'Histoire de la Gravure et de la Peinture, depuis I'origine de ces Arts jusqu'a nos jours; et suivies d'un Catalogue Raisonne d'une Collection choisie d'Estampes. Frontispiece. The 2 parts in 2 vols, Svo, half calf, gilt backs Dresde, 1787 586 Hudson (Frederic). Journalism in the United States, from 1690 to 1872. Small Svo, cloth N. Y. 1873 587 Hugo (Thomasj. The Bewick Collector. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Thomas and John Bewick . . . described from the Originals. With Supplement. Two hundred and ninety-two facsimile cuts. 2 vols, Svo, cloth Lond. i866-'68 588 HuLST (Felix van). Chr. Plantin. 2= edition. Portraits on stone, on india-paper, of Plantin and of Raphelingius. Royal Svo, morocco Liege, 1846 589 [HuLTMAN (C. G.)] Bibliographische Zeldzaamheden. Svo, half imit. morocco 's Hertogenbosch, tSiS ■ 590 H[umbert] (Le Major [de]). Abr6g6 Historique de I'Orig- ine et des Progrez de la Gravure et des Estampes en bois et en Taille Douce. i2mo, half m'orocco, gilt top Berlin, 1752 59Z Humphreys (Henry Noel). The Origin and Progress of the Art of Writing: a connected Narrative of the Develop- ment of the Art, its Primeval Phases in Egypt, China, Mexico, etc. ; its Middle State in the Cuneatic Systems of Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 7,3 Nineveh and Persepolis, to its Introduction to Europe through the medium of the Hebrew, Phcsnician, and Greek Systems, aijd its subsequent Progress to the Present Day. Twenty-eight plates, including fine facsimiles, executed in gold and colors, from ancient manuscripts, etc., and facsimiles from autograph letters. Imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Slightly foxed Lond. 1853 592 Humphreys. History of the Art of Printing, from its Inven- tion to its wide-spread development in the middle of the 1 6th century. Preceded by a short Account of the Origin of the Alphabet and the successive methods of recording events and multiplying MS. books before the invention of printing. One hundred facsimile plates, finely executed in photo-lithography, a number of them in colors, from the block- books and early typographical monuments of Europe. Folio, cioth Lond. 1867 No. 223 of the First Issue (of three hundred copies), with the earliest impressions of the engravings. 593 Humphreys. History of the Art of Printing .... Folio, cloth, gilt Lond. 1868 594 Humphreys. Masterpieces of the Early Printers and En- gravers. A Series of Fac-similes from rare and curious Books, remarkable for Illustrative Devices, beautiful Bor- ders, Decorative Initials, Printers' Marks, Elaborate Title- pages, etc. Seventy fine facsimile plates; the headitigs of text and initial letters printed in red. Large folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Lond. 1870 595 HuPFAUER (Paul). Druckstiicke aus dem XV. Jahrhunderte, welche sich in der Bibliothek dess regulirten Chorstiftes Beuerberg befinden. Twenty-three plates on wood of fac- similes . Post 8vo, cloth Augsburg, 1794 596 Hymans (Henri). Histoire de la Gravure dans I'Ecole de ;^ubens. Ouvrage couronne par I'Academie Royale de Belgique. Cinq facsimile hMographiques {portrait, etc.). Large 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Bruxelles, 1879 Digitized by Microsoft® I 74 THE HOE LIBRARY. 597 ||^Tipji|-|ETS over het Geslacht der Paliers. 8vo, mo- ^feffiH^ rocco. 12 pages, without title n. p., n. d. 598 'wlMfS Illustration de I'Ancienne Imprimerie Troy- ' ' '" ' enne. 210 gravures sur bois des 15% 16% 17= et i8e Sifecles. 4to, half calf Troyes, 1850 Only 80 copies printed. The cuts represent a curious series of the Danse Macabre, etc. 599 Immergrun. Eine Festgabe zur vierten Jubelfeier der Buchdruckerkunst. Seven steel plates. Square 1 2mo, boards, gilt edges Wien, 1840 600 Imprimerie (L') en Bretagne au XV* Siecle. Etude sur les Incunables Bretons .... Publiee par la Societe des Bibliophiles Bretons. Facsimiles. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges . Nantes, 1878 400 copies printed, of which only 150 were printed for sale. 601 Imprimerie (L'): Journal de la Typographic et de la Litho- graphic; sous la direction de Gabriel Charavay. Vols. III.-V. 3 vols, thick large 4to, half morocco. No title to the last volume Paris, 1875-82 602 Imprimerie (L') : Journal de la Typographic, etc. A bundle 603 Imprimerie Paul Dupont. Comte rendu de I'Assemblee g^nerale des Ouvriers, 1863. — Comte rendu . . . 1865. — In I vol. 8vo, half imit. morocco Paris, 1863-65 604 Indici de Caratteri, con I'inventori, & nomi di essi, esistenti nella Stampa Vaticana & Camerale. 8vo, vellum. 74 pp. Roma, 1628 605 Inventaire Alphab^tique des Livres imprimis sur V61in de la Bibliothfeque Nationale. Complement du Catalogue publid par Van Praet. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1877 606 IsERMANN (A.) Anleitung zur Stereotypen-Giesserei in Gyps- und Papiermatrizen. Woodcuts. i6mo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Leipzig, 1869 607 IsERMANN. Anleitung zur Chemitypie . . . Separatabdruck aus dem ,^ Archiv ftir Buchdruckerkunst." Square i2mo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Leipzig, 1869 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 75 608 \ifiij^mF. JAAGER (J. Pluim de).] Morgenwandeling van Laurens Janszoon Koster in den Hout bij Haar- lem Anno 1423. Dichtstukje. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Dordrecht, 1823 609 [J A ACER.] Morgenwandeling .... Half imit. morocco Dordrecht, 1823 610 Jackson ([John Baptist]). Essay on the Invention of En- graving and Printing in Chiaro Oscuro, as practised by Albert Durer, Hugo di Carpi, &c., and the Application of it to making Paper Hangings. . . Illustrated with Prints in proper colors. Eight engravings in tints and colors. The 4to pages neatly inlaid to royal folio size and the engravings inserted, by pasting at one side on interleaved blank leaves of paper. Royal folio, half morocco, uncut edges Lond. 1754 611 Jacob (J. L. C.) Bonaventuur en Abraham Elzevier, kleine letterkundige bijdrage. Fac-siinile. i2mo, half imit. morocco ['s Hage,J 1841 Privately printed, on pink paper. Autograph letter of the author inserted. 612 Jacob. Aanteekeningen over het Geslacht en de Druk- werken van den Delftschen Boekdrukker Hermannus Schinckel. i2mo, imit. morocco 's Gravenhage, 1843 Not printed for sale. 613 Jalck (Heinrich Joachim). Denkschrift fur das. Jubelfest der Buchdruckerkunst zu Bamburg, 1840. . . . Portrait, and folding plate of facsimiles. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges , Erlangen, 1840 614 [Jansen (Henri).] Essai sur I'Origine de la Gravure en bois et en taille-douce, et sur la connoissance des Etampes des XV= et XVP siecles; ou il est parl6 aussi de I'origine des Cartes i jouer et des Cartes g^ographiques; suivi de Recherches sur I'origine du Papier . . , sur la Calli-, graphie . . , surles Miniatures . . , [etc.] Twenty plates. 2 vols, 8vo, bound by Cap6 in half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut edges Paris, 1808 Fine copy, illustrations, facsimiles, coats-of -arms, etc. Imp. 8vo, half imit. morocco, red top, uncut edges. Somewhat foxed Paris, [1852] 684 [Lacroix.] Curiosit^s de I'Histoire des Arts, par P. L. Jacob. Notice sur le Parchemin et le Papier, Recherches sur les Cartes \ jouer, Origines de I'lmprimerie, [etc.]. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1858 685 Laire (Franciscus Xavier). Specimen Historicum Typogra- phiae Romanae. 8vo, half morocco, red top Roma, 1778 686 [Laire.] Dissertation sur I'Origine et les Progres de I'lm- primerie en Franche-Comt6, pendant le quinzieme siecle. 8vo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Dole, 1785 687 Laire. Index Librorum ab Inventa Typographia ad annum 1500; chronologice dispositus cum notis historiam typo- graphico-litterariam illustrantibus. 2 vols, 8vo, half russ'ia, uncut edges Senonis, 1791 " These are scarce and dear volumes; and, as they supply some 1 deficiencies in Audiffredi's account of books published at Rome in the 15th century, the bibliographer should omit no opportunity of possess- ing them." — DiBDiN. Digitized by Microsoft® 84 THE HOE LIBRAE V. 688 Lake (William). Specimen of Book-work Type. 8vo, half imit. morocco Lond. 1837 689 Lalanne (Maxime). Traitd de la Gravure k I'Eau-forte. Eight fine etchings by the author. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1866 690 Lambinet (P.) Recherches, historiques, litteraires et cri- tiques sur rOrigine de I'lmprimerie; particulierement sur ses premiers etablissemens, au i5">« sifecle, dans la Belgique. Orn^es des portraits et des dcussons des premiers imprimeurs beiges. 8vo, half calf, side of binding scratched Bruxelles, an VII. [1799] 691 Lambinet. 'Origine de I'lmprimerie, d'aprfes les litres authen- tiques . . . suivie des Etablissemens de cet art dans la Bel- gique et de I'Histoire de la Stereotypic. OrnSe de caiques, de portraits et d'/cussons. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf. Paris, 18 to " Ouvrage plein de recherches, qui jettent beaucoup de jour sur I'ori- gine et les monumens de rimprimerie dans la Belgique. " — Peignot. 692 Landseer (John). Lectures on the Art of Engraving, deliv- ered at the Royal Institution. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Lond. 1807 693 Lanijseer. Lectures... Calf , Lond. 1807 694 Lange (Adolph). Peter Schoffer von Gernsheim, der Buch- drucker und Buchhandler. Facsimile. 4to, half imit. morocco Leipzig, 1864 695 Langenschwartz (Maximiliaan). DeVergoding van Guten- berg in onze Dagen; of tien Vragen tot Bewijs dat Johann Gutenberg niet de Uitvinder der Boekdrukkunst was. Naar het Hoogduit§ch; met eene Voorede en Aanteekeningen van G. van Enst Koning. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Groningen, 1842 696 Langenschwartz. Tien Vragen van eenen Hoogduitscher, als bewijs dat Johan Gutenberg niet de Uitvinder der Boekdrukkunst is. Eene Hulde aan Laurens Jansz. Koster. Naar het Hoogduitsch. 8vo, morocco Deventer, 1856 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAR V. 85 697 La Perriere (Guillaume de). Les Considerations des Quatre , Mondes, k sauoir est : Divin, Angelique, Celeste, & Sen- sible: Comprinses en quatre Centuries de quatrains, Con- tenans la Cresme de Diuine & humaine Philosophie. Printed in italic type, every page surrounded by fine wood- border, and portrait of the author. Lyon, per Mace' Bonhomme, 1552. — Union des sentences de Philosophie. Printed in cursive characters. Paris, 1560. — In i vol, small 8vo [i 2mo], calf, gilt back, red edges The rare work by La Perriire offers a fine specimen of Lyonnese printing. The Union des sentences is printed in the caractires dits de civilitL 698 Lappenberg (J. M.) Zur Geschichte der Buchdrucker- kunst in Hamburg am 24 Juni, 1840. Facsimiles- of early wood-cuts and printing Hamburg, 1840 Comprises : Vorwort ; Von den Buchdruckereinen zu Hamburg (pages xi.-lxxxvi.); Hamburgische Drucke bis zum Jahre 1600 (pages I-H2); Anhang; Zusatze. 699 'lasteyrie (le 'c= 'c. p. de) 'typographic ^conomique, ou I'art de I'imprimerie mis k la portde de tous, et applicable aux diffdrens besoins sociaux. Portrait and three plates. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges 'paris, 'chez I'auteur, 1837 No capital letters are used in the above work. 700 Laurens Coste'r. Tijdschrift voor Beoefenaren en Voor- standers der Boekdrukkunst. Onder redactie van C. Mommaas en F. B. Julio. From commencement 1858 to 1867 inclusive, with Index to Vol. I. -IX., in separate vol- ume. II vols, 1 2 mo, boards, cloth backs; the last volume in sheets, folded, without title Utrecht, 1859-67 701 Laurens Jansz. Koster. Jaarboekje voor Typographis- che Vereenigingen. Eeerste Jaargang, 1856. Portrait. 1 2 mo, imit. morocco Leyden, 1856 702 Lawscher (F. C.) Die Lithographische Hochatzkunst oder die Kunst auf Kalkschiefer oder Marmorstein durch Sau- ren so erhaben zu atzen, dass es wie Bleitypen abgedruckt werden kann .... Small 8vo, half imit. morocco Baltimore, Md., 1835 Digitized by Microsoft® 86 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 703 Leber (C.) De I'Etat Rdel de la Presse et des Pamphlets, depuis Fran9ois I" jusqu'k Louis XIV. . . . Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges Paris, 1834 704 Leber. Histoire de la Gravure par ses Produits ; ou Cata- logue d'une Collection d'Estampes originales de toute na- ture et de toutes las ecoles . . . compar^es, par epoques, .... Large 4to, imit. morocco, uncut edges Orleans, 1872 70s Le Blansch (H.) Beknopte en volledige Handleiding tot het Overslaan van Drukvormen, ten g'ebruike van letter- zetters. Oblong crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top 's Gravenhage, 1844 706 Le Blon (J. C.) L'Art d'Imprimer les Tableaux. Three plates. 8vo, calf Paris, 1756 707 Lechi (Luigi). Delia Tipografia Bresciana nel secolo de- cimoquinto Memorie. Eight plates of facsimiles, printers' ' devices, etc. 4to, calf, gilt back Bpescia, 1854 Only 208 copies printed. 708 Ledeboer (A. M.) Het Geslacht van Waesberghe. Eene Bijdrage tot de Geschiedenis der Boekdrukkunst en van den Boekhandel in Nederland. Portraits and cuts of printers' devices on wood; etc. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top • 's Gravenhage, i86g 709 Ledeboer. Alfabetische Lijst der Boekdrukkers, Boekver- koopers en Uitgevers in Noord-Nederland sedert de Uitvinding van de Boekdrukkunst tot den Aanvang der negentiende Eeuw. — Drukkersmerken van de Van Waes- berghen's [four plates on wood of printers' devices]. — Chronologisch Register behoorende bij de Alfabetische Lijst der Boekdrukkers .... — In i vol, 4to, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut edges Utrecht, 1876-77 710 L[ee] (A. v[an].) Haarlems Regt op de Eer van de Uit- vinding der Boekdrukkunst gehandhaafd; of beknopt overzigt van den Stand der Zaak, vooral na het onderzoek van den Heer de Vries; en de toelichtingen van de Heeren Schinkel en Noordziek. Tweede druk. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Amsterdam, 1848 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAR Y. 87 711 Leer-en Leesboek (Derde [en Vierde] Ondericht) in ge- druit aan het Instituut tot oiiderwys van Blinde Kinderen ' . . . . 2 vols, small 4to, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Amsterdam, 1808 Printed in raised letters fpr the use of the blind. 712 Lefevre (Theotiste). Guide Pratique du Compositeur d'Imprimerie. Illustrations on wood. Large 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt top Paris, Didot, 1855 713 Lehne (Friedrich). Einige Bemerkungen iiber das Unter- nehmen der gelehrten Gesellschaft zu Harlem, ihrer Stadt die Ehre der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst zu ertrot- zen. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Mainz, 1823 714 Lehne. Historisch-critische Priifang der Anspriiche, welche die Stadt Haarlem auf den Ruhm der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst macht, durch Beleuchtung der Ansichten iher Vertheidiger: Ebert und Koning. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Mainz, 1827 715 Lehne. Historisch-critische Priifung . . . Imit. morocco, uncut edges Mainz, 1827 716 [Leich (Joannes Henricus).] De Origine et Incrementis Typographias Lipsiensis. Liber Singulariss, ubi varia de litterariis urbis studiis et viris doctis, qui in ea claruerunt, inseruntur. Accedit Librorum sec XV. excusorum ad Maittairii Arinales Supplementum. 410, half morocco, gilt top Lipsise, [1740] 717 [Leich.] De Origine et Incrementis Typographiae Lip- siensis . . . Morocco Lipsise, [1740] 718 [Lemoine (HenryJ.] Typographical Antiquities. History, Origin, and Progress, of the Art of Printing, from its first Invention in Germany to the end of the seventeenth cen- tury; and from its Introduction into England, by Caxton, to the present time . . . With chronological Lists of em- inent Printers in England, Scotland and Ireland .... a complete History of the Walpolean Press at Strawberry Hill, with an accurate List of every Publication issued therefrom, and the exact number printed 'thereof, [etc.] i2mo, calf Lond. 1797 Digitized by Microsoft® 88 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 71^ [Lemoine.] Typographical Antiquities. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. Crown Svo, half morocco, gilt tops. Portrait of Franklin inserted. Lend. 18 13 720 [Lemoine.J Typographical Antiquities . . . Half morocco, gilt top. Portrait of Franklin inserted. Lond. 1813 721 Lempertz (Heinrich). Bibliographische und xylograph- ische Versuche. Erstes Heft, [all published.] Colored title; facsimile woodcuts. Small 4to Koln, 1838 722 Lempertz. Insignien beriihmter Druckereien des ersten [fiinfzehn] Jahrhunderts . . . Facsimiles of printers' de- vices, printed in tints. 4to, half imit. morocco Koln, 1839 723 Lempertz. Insignien beriihmter Druckereien . . . Half morocco, gilt top Koln, 1839 724 Lempertz. Bieder-HeftezurGeschichtedes Biicherhandels und der mit demselben verwandten Kiinste und Gewerbe. Sixty- five plates, containing two hundred and twenty illustra- tions, engraved on steel, stone and wood, or printed in colors; comprising Portraits of celebrated Printers of all countries, with Facsimiles of Autograph Letters, of the earliest efforts of Typography, of Seals, Printers' Marks, etc. Royal folio, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges C61n, i853-'6s 725 Lennep (David Jacobus). Memoria Hieronymi de Bosch; et Carmen de Inventae Typographise Laude Kostero Har- lemens* potenter tandem asserta; auctore Hermanno Bosscha. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Amstelodami, 1817 726 Lennep (Gerard van). Bijdrage tot de Geschiedenis van de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst. Svo, half imit. mo- rocco n. p., 1809 727 Lennep. Beschrijving van het in de koninklijke Bibliothek te 'sGravenhage berustende Handschrift der Batavia [van Hadrianus Junius]. Folding plate of facsimiles. Imp. 8vo, imit. morocco 'sGravenhage, 1840 728 Lennep. Beschrijving . . . Half imit. morocco 'sGravenhage, 1840 729 Lennep. Wederleging van het Geschrift van Jacobus Koning, over de Aanmerkingen wegen der -houten Druk- Vorm . . . 8vo, morocco, uncut edges n. p., n. d. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 89 730 Lesser (Friedrich. Christian). Typographia Jubilans, das ist: Kurtzgefaste Historic der Buchdruckerey, worinnen von dieser edlen Kunst Ursprunge und Anfange, Aus- breitung, Verbesserung, Ziervathen, Nutzen, . . . Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Leipzig, 1740 731 Lesser. Typographia Jubilans, .... — Ulmische Jubel- Reden ... am dritten Jubel- Feste . . . Ulm, [1740]. — Gott- geheiligte Evangelisch- Lutherische Buch- drucker- Juber- Freude ... am ihrem dritten Jubel- Fest . . Ulm, 1742. — 3 vols, in i. izmo, half vellum, binding broken 732 Letterproef (Verbeterde) waar in verscheide Nieuwe Schriften, als mede diversche Bloemen en Vignetten. 8vo, half roan Amsterdam, Hendrik Bruyn en Comp., n. d. 733 Levol (Florimond). L'Invention de I'lmprimerie: Poeme. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Paris, 1829 734 Lewis (John). Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton, of the Weald of Kent; the First Printer in England. In which 43 given an Account, of the Rise and Progress of the Art of Pryntyng in England, during his time, till 1493. J'ortrait of Caxton and two plates of watermarks. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1737 Only 150 copies printed. 735 Lewis. Life of Wyllyam Caxton. . . Calf Lond. 1737 William Herbert's (the editor of Ames' Typographical Antiquities) copy, with autograph on fly-leaf and manuscript corrections, &c. , ap- parently with a view to a new edition. A few pages clipped. 736 Lichtenberger (Jo. Frid.) Initia Typographica. . . . 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Blank corner of title repaired Argentorati, 18 11 " The author minutely details the Origin of Printing and adopts the generally received opinion, that the first attempts towards the art were made at Strassburg, and perfected at Mentz." 737 Lichtenberger. Initia Typographica. . . Half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Argentorati, 181 1 738 Lichtenberger. Initia Typographica. . . Boards, un- cut edges Argentorati, 181 1 Digitized by Microsoft® 90 THE HOE LIBRAR Y. 739 LiCHTENBERGER. Histoire de I'lnvention de I'Invention de rimprimerie, pour servir de defense k la ville de Stras- bourg centre les pretentions de Harlem. Avec une Pre- face de J. G. Schweighaeuser. Portrait of Gutenberg on stone, and eight plates of facsimiles on 7vood. 8vo, polished calf Strasbourg, 1825 740 LiCHTENBERGER. Geschichte der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst zu Ehrenrettung Strassburgs und vollstandi- , ger Widerlegung der Sagen von Harlem. Mit einem Vorberichte von Johann Godfried Schweighauser. Six pages of facsimiles. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges. Lacks plate of Gutenberg's statue Strassburg, 1825 741 LiEDER bei der Gutenbergs- Feier in Konigsberg. 8vo, imit. morocco [Konigsberg,] 1840 742 Leideren (Vrolijke) der Drukkersgezellen te Dordrecht, toegewijd aan het vierde Eeufeest, van de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst door Laurens Janszoon Koster. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Dordrecht, [1823] 743 LiEDEREN (Vrolijke) .... Imit. morocco, uncut edges Dordrecht, [1823] 744 LiNDE (A. van der) De Haarlemsche Costerlegende weten- schappelijk onderzocht. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top 's Gravenhage, 1870 745 LiNDE (A. van der). The Haarlem Legend of the Inven- tion of Printing, by Lourens Janszoon Coster, critically examined. From the Dutch, by J. H. Hessels, with In- troduction and a Classified List of Costerian Incunabula. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 187 1 746 Lion (Iz. J.) Stenographic en Tachygraphie. • 8vo,' morocco 's Gravenhage, 1849 747 LiscH (G. C. F.) Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in Meklenburg bis zum Jahre 1540. Mit einem Anhange uber die niederdeutsche Bearbeitung des Reineke Voss. Folding plate of facsimiles. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Schwerin, 1839 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. '91 748 Livius. Romische historie uss Tito liuio gezogen. Elaborate full-page frontispiece and very numerous curious and spirited half -page wood engravings. Folio, vellum [Colophon:] Gedruckt und geendet in der lobli- chen stadt Mentz durch vleisz Johan Schoffers, 1505 Printed in gothic type by the son of Peter Schofifer, and of niucli in- terest, not only for the curious old illustrations, but for the statement printed on verso of title-page that printing was invented by Gutenberg in Mentz, 1450, and that he was aided by Johann Faust and Peter Schoeffer. This title-page, which is very often lacking, has been re- paired, and a few missing words neatly written in. 749 LOMMATZSCH (C. A. W.) Fest predigt zum Gedachtniss Johannes des Taufers und Johannes Gutenbergs, . . . 8vo, imit. morocco lena, 1840 750 [London (William). J A Catalogue of the most vendible Books in England, orderly and alphabetically digested . . . The like work never yet performed by any . . . — A Catalogue of new Books, by way of Supplement to the former, i vol, small 4to, calf, red edges. Lond. 1658-60 Prefixed is an excellent " Introduction to the use of Books," which has usually, but erroneously, been attributed to William Juxon, at that time Bishop of London. 751 London (The) Scale of Prices for Compositors' Work: agreed upon, Apr. i6th, 1810; with explanatory Notes. i2mo, half imit. morocco Lond., n. d. 752 LoNGHi (Giuseppe). La Calcografia propriamente detta ossia I'Arte d'Incidere in Rame coll' Acqua-forte, col Bu- lino e colla Punta. Vol. I., concernente la Teorica dell' arte [all published.] Portrait and plates. 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut edges Milano, 1830 The work was interrupted by the sickness and death of the author. It contains the last plate engraved by him. 753 LoosjES (Vincent). Gedenkscriften wegens het vierte Eeuwgetijde van de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst door Lourens Janszoon Koster, van stadswege gevierd te Haar- lem den 10 en II Julij, 1823. Engraved title, fine portrait of Koster, plate of monument and of medals and colored plan. • 8vo, blue roan extra, gilt back, side tooled in gilt, gilt edges, inside satin linings, gilt inside borders. In paste- board pull-off case Haarlem, Vincent Loosj'es, 1824 Handsome Fine Paper Copy, with Proof Impressions of the plates. Digitized by Microsoft® 92 THE HOE LIBRARY. 754 Loots (Cornelis). Feestzang, bij de Viering van hetVierde Eeuwfeest der Uitvinding van de Boekdrukkunst, te Haar- lem. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Amsterdam, 1823 755 Loots., Feestzang .... Svo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Amsterdam, 1823 756 Loots. Feestzang .... Half imit. mofbcco, uncut edges Amsterdam, 1823 757 [LoRCK (Carl B.)] Die Herstellung von Druckwerken. Praktisclie Winke fiir Autoren und Buchhandler. Zweite Auflage. Svo, half morocco, gilt top Leipzig, 1868 758- LoRCK. Handbuch des Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst : 1450-1750. 2 voLs, large Svo. Vol. I. in half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges; Vol. II. in paper, uncut edges Leipzig, 1882-83 759 Luce (L.) Essai d'une nouvelle Typographie, ornde de Vignettes, Fleurons, TropMes, Filets, Cadres Gr Cartels, in- ventes, dessin^s & ex^cut^s par L. Luce, Graveur du Roi, pour son Imprimerie Royale. Get Ouvrage . . . . a ete commence en I'ann^e 1740 & fini en 1770. 4to, calf, gilt back, red edges Paris, Barbou, i-jji 760 LuCKOMBE (P.) The History and Art of Printing; [con- taining a concise History of the Art, Specimens of Print- ing Types of all Sizes and various Languages, the Materi- als used in the Printing Office, Presses, the Processes of Pririting, Explanation of Technical Terms, etc.] Portrait on wood of Gutenberg, etc. Svo, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1770 761 LucKOMBE. The History and Art of Printing . . . Russia Lond. 1770 762 LuCKOMBE. The History and Art of Printing .... Old calf Lond. 177 1 763 LuNZE (Johann Gotlob). Monumentorum Typographorum Tridecas.* 1 2mo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Lipsias, 1801 764 l^^^'CREERY (John). The Press: a Poem, published as a Specimen of Typography. Both parts. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Liverpool, 1803-27 Handsomely printed in large type, with fine head and tail-pieces on wood. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 93 765 M'Creery. The Press .... Both parts. 4to, half calf. Lacks title to the second part Liverpool, i8o3-['27] 766 Mackellar (Thomas). The American Printer : a Manual of Typography. Illustrations'. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top Phil. 1866 767 Mackellar. The American Printer .... i2mo, cloth Phil. 1874 768 Mackintosh (Charles A.) Popular Outlines of the Press, Ancient and Modern .... i2mo, cloth Lond., n. d. 769 [Madden (J. P. A.)] Lettres d'un BibUographe. Five Se- ries. Eight plates. 5 vols in 3, royal 8vo. With 4to atlas of seven plates. 4 vols, half morocco, gilt tops Paris, 1868-78 770 Madinier (Henry) et Parrot (A.) Amour et Typogra- phic. Com^die-Vaudeville, en deux actes. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1856 One of the only two copies printed on papier de Hollande. 771 M[aimieux] (J. de). Pasigraphie, ou premiers 61^mens du nouvel art-science d'ecrire et d'imprimer en une langue de manifere i etre lu et entendu dans toute autre langue sans traduction. Two parts. — Pasigraphie et Pasilalie : Me- thode 61ementaire. Plate. — In i vol, 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, i797-'99 772 Mairet (F.) Notice sur la Lithographic. Deuxifeme Edi- tion; suivie d'un Essai sur la Reliure etle Blanchement des Livres et Gravures. Plates on stone. i2mo, cloth, uncut edges Chatillon-sur-Seine, 1824 C.a, 773 Maittaire (Michael). Annajes Typographici ab Artis Inventse Origine ad annum 1664. 3 vols, in 5. Ha- gae-Comitum, I7i9-'2S. — Annales Typographici .... Editio Nova aucta et emendation Tomus I. [all published]. I vol. in 2. Amstelodami, 1733. — Annalium Typographi- corum Index, i vol. in 2. Londini, 1741. — Together 9 vols, large 4to, old green morocco extra, gilt backs and edges; every page neatly ruled in red by hand. Two frontispieces of portraits v. p., I7r9-'4i Very fine set of this work, which is by no means superseded by that of Panzer, as it contains a g^eat number of dissertations and curious Digitized by Microsoft® 94 THE HOE LIBRARY. notes, which of themselves form more than half the book, not found in the latter's bibliography. To form a complete set, it is necessary to have, as in the above copy, both editions of the first volume, as they each contain matter not found in the other. 774 Maittaire. Annales Typographicse .... 6 vols, 4to, mottled sheep, gilt backs, red edges Amstelodami, 1733, et Hagse-Comitum, 1722-25 The first volume, in two parts, is of the second edition, being all published. From the Library of Lord Stuart de Rothsay, with his arms in gilt on sides. 775 [Maittaire.] Stephanorum Historia, vitas ipsorum ac li- bros complectens. Portrait of Robert Estienne, by Sturt, and woodcuts of devices. 2 vols, in i. 8vo, calf Londini, 1709 776 [Maittaire.] Stephanorum Historia. 2 vols, in i. Small 8vo, calf Londini, 1709 777 [Maittaire.] Historia Typographorum aliquot Parisien- sium, Vitas et Libros complectens. Two fine copperplates of printers' devices. Both parts in i vol. 8vo, calf Londini, 17 17 778 Mallinkrot (Bernardus a). De Ortu ac Progressu Artis Typographicae. Dissertatio historica, in qua . . . de Auc- toribus et Loco inventionis praecipue inquiritur, proque Moguntinis contra Harlem enses concluditur. Small 4to, old calf Colonise Agrippinse, 1640 Fine and curious engraved title on copper, containing portraits of Gutenberg and Fust, and view of interior of printing office. 779 Mallinkrot. De Ortu ac Progressu Artis Typographicae . . . Calf, gilt back Colonise Agrippinse, 1640 780 Mallinkrot. De Ortu ac Progressu Artis Typographicse . . Colonise Agrippinse, 1640. — Fritschius (Ahasuerus) Tractatus de Typographis, Bibliopolis, Chartariis et Bibliopegis, . . . Jense, 1675. — 2 vols, in i. Small 410, calf 781 Mallinkrot. De Ortu ac Progressu Artis Typographicse . . . Calf rebacked, arms in gilt on sides. Margin water- stained; lacks the engraved title Colonise Agrippinse, 1640 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 95 782 Mame et Cie (Ad.) Imprimerie, Librairie, Relieure. Notice et Documents. Illustrations by Gustave Dore and others. Folio, cloth Tours, Mame et Cie, 1862 783 Man (Every) His Own Printer; or Lithography made Easy: being an Essay upon Lithography in all its branches, showing more particularly the advantages of the " Patent Automatic Press." Portrait of Senef elder and nine plates on stone. Imp. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1854 784 Manni (Domenico Maria). Vita di Aldo Pio Marjuzio, insigne Restauratore delle Lettere Greche e Latine in Venezia. Portrait. Small 8vo, imit. morocco, red edges Venezia, 1759 785 Manni. Vita di Pietro Perna Lucchese, diligentissimo Im- pressore in Basilea. 8vo, imit. morocco Lucca, 1763 786 Manuel (Le Petit) du Lithographe ou Abregd des meilleurs proc^d^s pour dessiner, graver et imprimer sur pierre. Text lithographed in script, portrait of Senef elder, etc. ' 4to, half imit. morocco Paris. 1832 787 Manutius (Aldus). De Qvaesitis per Epistolam libri III. Aldi Manvtii Pavlli F., Aldi N. Portrait on wood on title of Aldus Pius, colored by hand. Small 8vo, vellum, edges entirely uncut Venetiis, 1576 Uncut specimens from the Aldine Press are very rare. 788 Marahrens (August). Vollstandiges theoretisch- prak- tisches Handbuch der Typographic nach ihrem heutigen Standpunkt. Illustrations. 2 vols, large 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges Leipzig, 1870 789 Marahrens. Vollstandiges . . . Handbuch ... 2 vols. in I, large 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Leipzig, 1870 ^90 Marahrens. Vollstandiges Real-Lexicon der Buchdruck- erkunst und der ihr verwandten Graphischen Kiinste und Gewerbe . . . Erster Band: (A — Lehre von Annoncen- satz). Large 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Fulda, 1877 791 Marcel (J. J.) Alphabet Irlandais, pr6cdd6 d'une notice historique, litteraire et typographique. Large 8vo, boards, uncut edges Paris, 1804 Digitized by Microsoft® 96 THE HOE LIBRARY. 792 Marcel. Oratio Dominica CL. Linguis versa, et propriis cujusque Linguae characteribus plerumque expressa. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Parisiis, 18 18 793 [Marchand (Prosper).] Histoire de I'Origine et premiers Progres de I'Imprimerie. Fine frontispiece. La Haye, 1740. — Supplement, ou Additions et Corrections [par Mercier, Abbe de Saint-L^ger]. Paris, 1773. — In i vol. 4to, half calf 794 [Marchand.] Histoire de I'Origine et des premiers Pro- gres de I'Imprimerie. Fine frontispiece. 4to, half mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut edges La Haye, 1740 795 [Marchand.] Supplement a I'Histoire de I'Imprimerie, de Prosper Marchand: ou Additions et Corrections. [Par Mercier, Abb6 de Saint-L^ger.] Edition revue et aug- mentee . . . 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1775 796 [Marchand.] Histoire de I'Origine et des premiers Progres de I'Imprimerie. 4to, half old calf. La Haye, 1740 Bound up with the above is; Petitus (P.) In tres priores Aretasi Libros Commentarii. Londini, 1726. 797 Marchigian (G.) Cenni Storici sulP Arte Tipografica. Square royal 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Lonigo, 1850 798 Marlow (F.) Gutenberg. Drama in jiinf Auszugen. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Leipzig, 1840 799 Marnix (C. H. R.) Mentz of Haarlem? Johann Gens- fleisch von Gutenberg of Laurens Janszoon Koster ? Eene bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de Uitvinding der Boek- drukkunst. 8vo morocco, uncut edges 's Gravenhage, 1852 800 Marocco (Maurizio). Cenni suU' Origine e sui Progressi deir Arte Tipografica in Torino dal 1474 al 1861. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Torino, 1861 801 Marshall (David). Printing: an Account of its Inven- tion and of William Caxton, the first English Printer. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Lond. and Paris, Quantin &" Co., 1877 Handsomely printed within red lines. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 97 802 Martial (A. P.) Nouveau Traitd de la Gravure a I'Eau- forte pour les Peintres et les Dessinateurs. Thirteen fine etchings. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1873 8&3 Martin (Benjamin). Typographia Naturalis: or the Art of Printing or taking Impressions from Natural Objects, as leaves, shells, fossils, etc., as also from Medals, In- taglios, etc., by means of Isinglass. 8vo, half calf. Por- trait inserted Lond. 1772 804 Martin (M.) Les Origines de I'Alphabet. . . . 8vo, mo- rocco Paris, 1859 805 Mason (William). The Printer's Assistant; containing a Sketch of the History of Printing, an Essay on Punctua- tion, various Typographical Tables, [etc.] 4th edition. 8vo, half imit. morocco Lond. [1823] 806 Massey (W.) The Origin and Progress of Letters: an Essay, in two parts. The First shewing when, and by whom Letters were invented, the Formation of the Alpha- bets of various Nations; their Manner of Writing, on what Materials and with what Instruments. . . . The Second Part consists of a compendious Account of the most celebrated English Penmen, with the Titles and Characters of the Books they have published. . . . Cop- per-plates, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1 763 807 Massmann (H. F.) Die Xylographa der KonigUchen Hof- und Staatsbibliothek sowie des Koniglichen Universitats- bibliothek in Miinchen. Two folding plates of facsimiles. 8vo, morocco Leipzig, 1841 808 Mayer (Anton). Wietis Buchdrucker-geschichte, 1482- 1882. I. Band, 1482-1682. Ninety-three illustrations, comprising facsimiles, etc. Royal 4to, paper, uncut edges Wien, 1883 809 Mazzucotelli (Antonio). L'Arte de Guttenberg, ossia la Stampa. Small 8vo, half morocco Torino, 1863 810 Meermann (Gerard). Conspectus Originum Typographica- rum a Meermanno proxime in lucem edendarum. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top n. p., in usum amicorum typis descriptus, 1761 Digitized by Microsoft® 98 THE HOE LIBRAR Y. 8ii Meermann. Origines Typographicae. Fine portraits of the author, and of Koster, by Houbraken, and ten plates of fac- similes. 2 vols, in I, thick 4to, fine old green morocco, gilt back and edges Hagae Comitum, 1765 The Author's own copy, on Large and Fine Paper, neatly ruled throughout with red lines. " A work highly esteemed by all biblio- graphers, though the hjrpothesis of Meermann, in favor of Haerlem, is exploded as a fable. It is most beautifully executed, of rare occur- rence, and, when all the plates are perfect, bears a high price." — HORNE. 812 Meerman. Origines Typographicae. ... 2 vols, in i. 4to, old calf Hagse Comitum, 1765 813 Meerman, Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst, getrokken uit het latynsch Werk, met ene Vooreden en Aantekeningen van Henrik Gockinga; hieracter is gevoegt ene Lyst der Boeken in der Nederlanden gedrukt voor 't Jaar 1550, opgestelt door Jakob Visser.- 4to, half morocco, gilt top. ^ Manuscript notes Amsteldam, 1767 814 Meerman. Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst, .... Half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Amsteldam, 1767 815 Meerman. Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst, .... Half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Amsteldain, 1767 816 Meerman. Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst. Half calf, gilt back. Marginal MS. notes Amsteldam, 1767 In same volume are : P. Burmanns - latijnsche Redevoering in Dichtmaat ... In 't Needuitsch uagevolgd. Leiden, 1765. — Fran- ciscus Fabricius Redeilvoering over den hondert en vyftigsten Ver- jaardig; of het derde Jubelaer der HoUandsche Akademie te Leiden. Five portraits, three views of the Academy and two large folding plates. Leiden, 1725. 817 Meersch (P. C. van der). Recherches sur la Vie et les Travaux de quelques Imprimeurs Beiges, ^tablis ^ , I'etranger pendant les XV« et XVIe siecles. The 3 parts in I vol, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Gand, 1844 Presentation copy from the Author, with an Autograph Letter from him inserted and page of manuscript. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 99 818 Meersch. Recherches sur la Vie et les Travaux des Im- primeurs Beiges et N^erlandais ^tablis i I'^tranger. . . . Nouvelle edition. Vol. I. (all published). Facsimiles. Royal 8vo, paper, uncut edges Gand, 1856 819 Meersch. Un Mot sur la Question de I'lnvention de I'lm- primerie k propos de I'Essai sur I'lnvention de I'lm- primerie, par Ch. Paeile. Extrait du Messager des Sciences Historiques de Belgique. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Gand, i860 820 Megerlinus (David Frider). Annus Bibliorum 1450. primo impressorum Moguntiae Tertium Jubilaris hoc anno 1750 ... . 4to, half imit. morocco Francofurti, 1750 82 1 Mendez (Francisco). Typographia Espanola 6 Historia de la Introduccion, Propagacion y Progresos del Arte de la Im- prenta en Espana. Tomo I. [all published.] Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Madrid, 1796 "Ouvrage curieux, quoiqu' il ne comprenne que la 150 siecle.'' — Brunet. 822 Mendez. Tipografia Espanola . . . Segunda edicion, cor- regida y adicionada por Dionisio Hidalgo. Cuts of print- ers' devices. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut Madrid, 1861 82.3 Mentel (Jacobus). De Vera Typographise Origine Parse- nesis. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Stain on title. Parisiis, 1650 "The author, who was a descendant of Mentel, of Strasburg, warmly asserts that his ancestor was the inventor of printing. " 824 Mentel. De Vera Typographise Origine . . . 4to, vellum Parisiis, 1650 825 Merlin (R). Origine des Cartes a Jouer. Recherches nou- velles sur les Naibis, les Tarots et sur les autres espfeces de Cartes. Seventy-four plates containing over six hundred facsimiles. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Paris, [1869] 826 M£ry ([Joseph]) et Nerval \i. e. Labrunie (Gerard)]. L'Imagier de Harlem ou la Ddcouverte de I'Imprimerie: Drame-ldgende. Nouvelle Edition. i2mo, half calf Paris, 1851 Digitized by Microsoft® loo , THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 827 Metz (Friederich). Geschichte des Buchhandels und der Buchdruckerkunst. 2 vols, in i, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Darmstadt, i834-'35 828 Meurs (P. van). De Keulsche Kroniek en ,de Coster- legende- van Dr. A. van der Linde te zamen getoetst. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Haarlem, 1870 829 Meyer (Heiurich). Handbuch der Stereotypic. Eight plates on stone. Small 4toi half morocco, gilt top Braunsweig, 1838 830 Meyer. Gutenbergs- Album. Seventeen plates, including fine portraits on steel of Gutenberg and others, etc. Royal 4to, morocco, full gilt, coat of arms emblazoned in gold and colors on side of volume Braunschweig, 1840 831 Meyer (L. E.) Die Buchdruckunst in Augsburg bei ihrem Entstehen. Eine Denkschrift zur Feier des vierten Saku- lar-Festes der Erfindung Guttenbergs. Printed within ornamental borders. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Augsburg, 1840 832 Mezger (G. C.) Augsburgs alteste Druckdenkmale und Formschneiderarbeiten, welche in der vereinigten konigl. kreis-und Stadtbibliothek daselbst ausbewahrt werden. Nebst einer kurzen Geschichte des Bucherdruckes und Buchhandels in Augsburg. Thirty-seven plates of fac- similes of woodcuts of the i^th and i6th centuries. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Augsburg, 1840 833 MiDDLETON (Conyers). Dissertation concerning the Origin of Printing in England . . . 4to, half imit. morocco Cambridge, 1735 834 MiDDLETON. Dissertation sur I'Origine de I'lmprimerie en Angleterre. Traduite de I'Anglais, par. D. G. Imbert. Svo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Londres, 1775 835 MiDDLETON. Dissertation sur I'Origine . . . Imit. morocco, uncut edges. Two small holes in title repaired Londres, 1775 836 MiDDLETON ([Thomas]). Illustrated Catalogue of Printing Machines. Small folio, cloth. (Two copies) [Lond.] 1862 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. . loi 837 MiGLioRiNo (A.) e MiRA (G.) CqnferenzasopralaStampa; se prima in Messina o contemporaneamente in Palermo sia stata introdotta. Estratto dalla Gazzetta di Messina. 4to, imit. morocco Messina, 1874 838 Millet (Martial). Notice sur les Imprimeurs d'Orange et des Livres sortis de leurs presses. Avec un Appendice sur les Ecrits relatifs a I'Histoire de cette Ville. 8vo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Valence, 1877 Only 160 copies printed. 839 Milton (John). Areopagitica, 1644. Preceded by illustra- tive Documents. Carefully edited by Edward Arber. i2mo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Lond. 1868 840 MiNZLOFF (Charles Rodolphe). Souvenir de la Bibliothfeque Imp^riale Publique de St. P6tersbourg, contenaijt des Gravures et autres Feuilles volantes du XV« si^cle. View in library and six plates of fac-^imiles, some colored. Imp. 4to, half morocco Leipzig, 1862 841 MiRA (G. M.) A quale Citti di Sicilia spetta il Primato della Introduzione della Stampa. 12 mo, imit. morocco Palermo, 1874 842 MiRA. A quale Cittd .... Half imit. morocco Palermo, 1874 843 Miscellanies. Catalogue des Incunables de T. O. Weigel, 1872; without plates; J. Marr & Co.'s Specimens; &c. 5 vols 844 MoHNiKE (Gottlieb). Geschichte der Buchdruckereien in ' Stralsund, bis zum Jahr 1809. Ein Beitrag zur pommer- schen Litterargeschichte. Small 4to, half imit. morocco Stralsund, 1833 845 MoLHUYSEN (P. C.) Procedure over dwerken van David Joris. [Overgedrukt uit de Bijdragen voor Vaderl. Ge- schied. en Oudheidkunde.] 8vo, imit. morocco [Arnheim, 1850] 846 MoLLER (Daniel Guil.) Dissertatio de Typographia, cura Friderici Roth-Scholtzii. Five copper-plate portraits of Guttenburg, Fust, Coster, Mentelin, and Rhavus. Small 4to, morocco. Eight pages Norimbergse, 1727 Digitized by Microsoft® I02 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 847 MoLLER. Dissertatio de Typographia . . . Half morocco, gilt top Norimbergae, 1727 848 MoMMAAS (C.) Laurens Coster. Tijdschrift voor Beoef- enaren en Voorstanders der Boekdrukkunst. Eerste Jaar- gang, 1858-1859. 1 2mo, half morocco Utrecht, 1859 849 MoMMAAS. Lettergieterij, Boek- en Plaatdrukkerij. Wood- cuts. Svo, morocco, uncut edges Amsterdam, i860 850 MoMORO (Ant. Frani;.) Traits 61dmentaire de I'lmprimerie, ou le Manuel de I'Imprimeur. Avec 36 planches, en taille- douce. Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1796 851 Monet (A. L.) Le Conducteur de Machines Typogra- phiques. Guide pratique. Woodcuts. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1872 852 [MoNFALCON (Jean Baptiste).] Manuel du Bibliophile et de I'Arch^ologue Lyonnais. Illuminated frontispiece, plates of printers' devices and ornaments and cuts on steel, on in- dia-paper, of coins and antiquities. Royal Svo, half mo- rocco Paris, 1857 853 [MoRENi (Domenico).] Annali della Tipografia Fiorentina di Lorenzo Torrentino, Impressore Ducale, [1547-63] Edizione seconda, corretta, e aumenta. Svo, calf, gilt back Firenze, 1S19 854 Mores (Edward Rowe). A Dissertation upon English Ty- pographical Founders and Founderies. [With the Appen- dix.] Royal Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges [Lond.] 1778 From the Library of Dr. Michael Lort, with his Autograph on fly- . leaf. MS. notes on fly-leaves. "Of this curious and valuable work (in which will be found the narrative of Ged) only 100 copies were printed; and of the Appendix by Nichols only 80." — Lowndes. 855 Mores. A Dissertation . . . [With the Appaidix.] Royal Svo, calf, gih back, red edges [Lond.] 1778 856 MoRisoN (David). The Ample Page of Knowledge .... No. I. Printed by Morison's Patent Ophinine Process. [Text: Introduction, 10 pages, each surrounded with col- ored border; colored title and plate of type in colors.] Imp. Svo, morocco Lond., n. d. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 103 857 [-MoTTELEY (Charles). J Essai Bibliographique sur les Edi- tions des Elzdvirs les plus precieuses et les plus recher- chdes, precede d'une Notice sur ces Imprimeurs c^lebres. Plate of the Elzevir coat-of-arms. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, back, uncut edges Paris, 1822 858 M[otteley]. Aperfu sur les Erreurs de la Bibliographie Spdciale des Elzeviers et de leurs Annexes, avec quelque Decouvertes curieuses sur la Typographic Hollandaise et Beige du i8« siecle. izmo, morocco, uncut edges Paris, 1847 Only 246 copies printed. 859 MoTTELEY. Apergu sur les Erreurs . . . izmo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Bruxelles, 1848 ' Only 246 copies printed. 860 MoTTEROz. Essai sur les Gravures Chimiques en relief. Two plates. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 187 1 861 MoTTEROz. Essai .... Half morocco, gilt top, uncut Paris, 1871 862 Moulinex (J. E. V.) Album du Typographe. Livraisons I. & II. Gutenberg; Beranger. Portrait on stone. 2 parts, 4to, paper Paris, 1858 863 MoxoN (Joseph). Regulse Trium Ordinum Literarum Typographicarum: or the Rules of the Three Orders of Print Letters: viz. The Roman, Italick, English, Capitals and Small. Shewing how they are compounded of Geo- metrick Figures and mostly made by Rule and Compass. Thirty-eight plates. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top Lond., J. Moxon, 1676 864 Moxon. Mechanick Exercises: or the Doctrine of Handy- Works. Vol. I., the third edition. Plates. Portrait in- serted. 1701. — Vol. II. Mechanick Exercises: or the Doctrine of Handy- Works applied to the Art of Printing. Portraits of Gutenberg and of Koster and plates. 1683. — 2 vols, small 4to, calf Lond. 865 Moxon. Mechanick Exercises, Vol. I., calf; Vol. II., half morocco (new). 2 vols, small 4to Lond. 1677-83 Digitized by Microsoft® I04 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 866 [Mueller (F.)] lets over den Letterkundigen Eigehdom. 1 2mo, morocco 's Gravenhage, 1852 867 Mueller (Joseph). Ein Autographon Peter Schoeifer's in einer Incunabel der Koeniglichen und Universitaets-Bib- liothek zu Koenigsberg i. Pr. Two facsimiles. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Eight pages. Koenigsberg i. Pr., 1869 868 Mueller (N.) Beschreibung des Festes dem Andenken des Erfinders der Buchdruckerkunst Johann Gensfleisch zum Gutenberg, gefeiert in Mainz am 4. Oktober, 1824. . . . Portrait on stone. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges < Mainz, 1824 869 Mueller. Beschreibung des Festes. . . . Imit. morocco, uncut edges. No portrait Mainz, 1824 870 Muenden (Christian). DanckPredigt, welche am dritten Jubel-Fest wegen erfindung der Lobl. Buchdruckerkunst Nebst einem historischen Bericht von denen ersten Erfindern dieser Kunst denen Frankfurtischen Buch- druckern und dem dritten Buchdrucker Jubel-Fest. . . . Vollendet und aus gefertiget durch Joh. Erasm. Georg von Klettenberg. . . . i2mo, old calf. Franckfurt, 1741 871 MuESTRAS de los nuevos Punzones y Matrices para la Letra de Imprenta executados por orden de S. M. y de su caudal destinado a la dotacion de su Real Biblioteca. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top [Madrid], 1787 872 MuNSELL (Joel). The Typographical Miscellany. Wood- cuts. Large 8vo, half calf Albany, 1850 ACHRICHT (Kurtze) wie die Buchdrucker- gellschaft zu lena den i7-20ten Julii 1740, ihr Drittes Jubelfest nach Erfindung der edlen Buchdruckerkunst behorig gefeyret. Small 4to, half imit. morocco [lena, 1740] 874 Nagler (G. K.) Alois Senefelder und der geistliche Rath Simon Schmid als Rivalen in der Geschichte der Erfin- dung des mechanischen Steindrucks nicht der Lithogra- phic in hoherer Bedentung. . . . 8vo, half imit. morocco Miinchen, 1862 Digitized by Microsoft® * THE HOE LIBRARY. 105 875 Namur (P.) Bibliographic pal^ographico-diplomatico-bib- liologique g6n6rale; ou Repertoire systematique indiquant tous les Ouvrages relatifs S. la Pal^ographie, k la Diplo- matique, a, I'Histoire de I'lmprimerie et de la Librairie, a la Bibliographic; etc. 2 vols, in i, royal 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt top > Lifege, 1838 876 Nanton (Sabourin de). Les Commencements dc I'lm- primerie dans les Vodges. 8vo, imit. morocco Strasbourg, 1865 877 Napione (Gianfrancesco Galeani). Osservazioni intorno alle Richerche riguardanti I'Origine delle Stampe delle figure in legno ed in rame. [Extract: pages 511-560.] 4to, imit. morocco, uncut edges 1806 878 Narbone (Alessio). Bibliografia Sicola Sistematica o Ap- parato Metodico alia Storia Letteraria della Sicilia. 4 vols. 8vo, half roan. Library stamp on titles Palermo, 1850 879 [Ni£e de la Rochelle (J. F.)] Vie d'Etienne Dolet, Im- primeur a Lyon dans le seizieme sifecle; avec une Notice des Libraires et Irnprimeurs Auteurs que Ton a pu decouvrir jusqu'S. ce jour. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1779 880 [N^E DE la Rochelle.] Vie d'Etienne Dolet. . . . 8vo, calf, binding somewhat worn Paris, 1779 881 N£e de la Rochelle. Eloge Historique de Jean Gens- fleisch, dit Guttenberg, premier Inventeur de I'Art Typo- graphique h. Mayence. Portrait. 8vo, calf, gilt back and edges. Slightly foxed Paris, 181 1 Thick paper copy. 882 N£e de la Rochelle. Recherches historiques et critiques sur I'Etablissement de I'Art Typographique en Espagne et en Portugal . . . 8vo, boards, cloth back. Paris, 1830 From the Sobelewski Library. Bound in at end is a Notice of the Author, taken from the R^vue Bibliographique. 883 Negelein (Gustavus Philippus) [Exercitatio III. qua] Primaria quaedam Documenta de Origine Typographies [illustrantur]. Folding engraving of water-marks. 4to, imit. morocco, uncut edges Altorfii, 1740 Digitized by Microsoft® io6 THE HOE LIBRARY. 884 Neuburger (Hermann). Praktisches Handbuch der Buch- druckerkunst. Nineteen copperplates and five plates in tints. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Leipzig, 1841 885 Neuburger. Praktisches Handbuch. . . . Half morocco, Lacks plates Leipzig, 1841 886 Neujahres- Blatt (XVIII.) fiir Basel Jugens, . . . 1840. [Die ersten Buchdrucker in Basel.] Plate on stone. 4to, imit. morocco Basel, 1840 887 Neujahrsblatt herausgegeben von der Stadtbibliothek in Zurich auf das Jahr 1841. [Eight pages.] Portrait of Froschauer. 4to, imit. morocco [Zurich, 1841] 888 Nichols (John). Biographical and Literary Anecdotes of William Bowyer, Printer, F.S.A., and of many of his learned Friends. Contains an incidental View of, the progress and advancement of Literature in this Kingdom from the beginning of the present century to the end of 1777. Fine portrait. 4to, calf, somewhat worn at joint Lond. 1782 889 Nichols. Biographical and Literary Anecdotes. . . . Old calf. Lacks the portrait Lond. 1782 890 NiEPCE DE Saint-Victor ([Claude]). Traitd pratique de Gravure H^liographique sur Acier et sur Verre. Portrait. 4to, half imit. morocco, uncut edges. Plate inserted Paris, 1856 891 Nierstrasz (J. L.) Eeuwzang bij het vierde Eeuwgetijde ' van de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst. 8vo, imit. morocco n. p., [1840] 892 Niesert (J.) Beweis der Originalitat der von J. Mentelin vor 1466 gedruckten Schrift des h. Augustins " de arte praedicandi." i2mo, morocco [Coesfeld,] 1825 893 Niesert. Literarische Nachricht iiber die erste zu Koln gedruckte niderdeutsche Bibel. i2mo, morocco Coesfeld, 1825 894 Niesert. Beitrage zur Buchdruckergeschichte Munsters, Oder Berzeichniss der vom Jahr i486 bis 1700 zu Miinster gedruckten Bucher. Facsimile plate on wood. i2mo, morocco Coesfeld, 1828 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 107 1 89s NisARD (Charles) Histoire des Livres Populaires, ou de la Litterature du Colpoijtage, depuis le is^ si^cle jusqu'^ . . . 1852. Curious facsimile illustrations, mostly on india-paper. 2 vols, large 8vo, bound by F. Bedford in polished calf extra Paris, 1854 896 [Noble (J. C.)] A Caxton Memorial; Extracts from the Churchwarden's Accounts of the Parish of St. Margaret, I Westminster, illustrating the Life and Times of William Caxton. . . i2mo, half morocco, gilt top. [Lond. 1880] Reprinted, for Private Circulation only, from The Builder. Pre- sentation copy from the Author. 897 NooRDZiEK (J. J. F.) Het Geschilstuk betrekkelijk de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst. 8vo, morocco Haarlem, 1848 898 NooRDZiEK. Het Geschilstuk. . . . Half imit. morocco Haarlem, 1848 899 NOORDZIEK. Gedenkboek der Costers- Feesten van 15, 16, en 17 Julij 1856. Elates. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Haarlem, 1858 900 NoORDZiEK. Levenschets van Adrianus David Schinkel. 8vo, half imit. morocco Leiden, 1865 901 NoRONHA (Tito de) Ordena^oes do Reino [EdifSes do Seculo XVI.] 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Porto, imprensa Portugueza, 1873 Only 250 copies printed. 902 N[uYTs] (C. J.) Essai sur I'lmprimerie des Nutius. 8vo, imit. morocco. Inscription on title Bruxelles, 1856 Only fifty copies printed. 903 Nyenhuis (Johannes Tiberius Bodel). Dissertatio historico- juridica, de Juribus Typographorum et Bibliopolorum in Regno Belgico. . . 4to, half calf, yellow edges Lugduni Batavorum, 181 9 Large and fine paper copy. 904 Nyenhuis. Dissertatio historicb-juridica. . . . 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Lugduni Batavorum, 1819 Large and thick paper copy. Digitized by Microsoft® io8 ' THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 905 [Nyen^uis.] Liste alphab^tique d'une Collection de Por- traits d'Imprimeurs, de Libraires, de Fondeurs de Caractferes et Correcteurs d'Epreuves. 7 parts in i vol, 4to, half morocco, gilt top [Leide, 1836] -'68 BERLIN (Jer. Jacques). Essai d'Annales de la Vie de Jean Gutenberg, Inventeur de la Typo- graphie. 8vo, half imit. morocco. No portrait Strasbourg, 1801 907 Oelrichs (Jahann Carl Conrad) Historische Nachricht von der vortreflichen ehemahligen fiirstl. Buchdruckerey zu Bard in Pommern. Small 8vo, half morocco Alten-Stettin, 1756 908 [Olearius (J. C.)] Lebl. Buchdrucker-Kunst, nach dero Ihrspringlicher Erfindung. Eigenlicher Zubereitung viel- faltiger Nutzung .... Small 4to, half imit. morocco. 8 pages Hall, [1640] 909 OoMKENS (J.) Proef van Letteren, Bloemen, enz. Small 8vo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Groningen, 1807 910 OoRSPRONG (Over den) der Boek-druk-kunst .... Door S. L. L. 8vo, morocco, uncut -edges. Water-stained Groningen, 1781 911 Optogt der Boekdrukkers- en Binders-Gezellen met wer- kende Zet-Druk- en Binderij, bij gelegenheid van het Tweede Eeuwfeest van de Utrechsche Hoogeschool. Small 8vo, imit. morocco Utrecjit, 1836 912 Orders (The), Rules and Ordinances ordained, devised and made by the Masters and Keepers of the Mystery or Art of Stationers of the City of London, for the well-govern- ing of that Society. London, 1692. Small 4to, half mo- rocco, gilt top Lond., n. d. Reprinted in black-letter by Harrison & Co. 913 [Orlandi (Pellegrino Antonio).] Origine e Progressi della Stampa o sia dell' Arte Impressoria, e Notizie dell' Opere Stampate dall' anno 1457 sino all' anno 1500. Woodcuts of printers' marks. 4to, vellum [Bologna, 1722] " This work, whose value is well-known to all Bibliographers, is now becoming very scarce. It contains a number of curious Disquisitions relative to early printing." — Hoene. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. T09 914 [Orla>ndi.] Origine e Progress! della Stampa . . . Boards [Bologna, 172 2] 915 Ormsby (W. L.) Description of the present System of Bank, Note Engraving, showing its tendency to facilitate Coun- terfeiting: to which is added a New Method of construct- . ing Bank Notes to prevent Forgery. Thirteen fine engrav- ings on steel. Royal 410, morocco,, gilt back, sides and edges N. Y. 1852 916 Ortlepp (Ernstj. Gedicbt zum Gutensbergsfeste. 8vo, imit. morocco Leipzig, 1840 917 Ortlepp (J. C.) Festgabe fiir den deutschen Landmann. Fine Predigt auf Veraulassung der vierhundertjahrlgen Jubelfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst . . . 8vo, imit. morocco Halle, [1840] 918 OsMONT (J. B. L.) Dictionnaire typographique, historique et critique des Livres rares, etc. 2 vols, 8vo, calf, gilt backs Paris, 1768 919 Ottley (William Young). Inquiry into the Origin and Early History of Engraving upon copper and wood. With an account of Engravers and their Works, from the invention of chalcography by Maso Finiguerra to the time of Marc Antonio Raimondi. Woodcuts and proof - impressions on india-paper of the numerous fine plates. 2 vols, thick folio, bound by Hering in russia extra, gilt back and edges, inside tooled borders, binding of one vol- ume slightly cracked at top of joint Lond. 18 16 Large Paper Copy, from the Perkins' Library, with Book-plate. Rare in any form and very scarce on Large Paper, of which size only sixty copies were printed. As usual the volumes are a little foxed. 920 Ottley. A collection of one hundred and twenty-nine Fac- similes of Scarce and Curious Prints by the Early Masters •of the Italian, German and Flemish Schools; illustrative of the History of Engraving, from the Invention of the Art. With introductory Remarks, and a Catalogue of the Plates. 121) fine engravings in facsimile on india-paper, with 12 duplicate plates of nielli finished in silver. Imp. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Lond. 1828 Digitized by Microsoft® no THE HOE LIBRARY. 921 Ottley. Inquiry concerning the Invention of Printing . '. . including Notices of the early use of Wood-engraving in Europe, the Block-books, etc. With Introduction by J. Ph. Berjeau. Thirty-seven plates of facsimiles and numerous wood-engravings. 4to, half morocco, gilt back- and top, uncut edges Lond. 1863 922 Ott-Usteri. Eroffnungs-Rede der Jahres-Versammlung der Museum-Gesellschaft in Zurich am Jubelfeste der Er- findung der Buchdruckerkunst, 1840. i2mo, imit. mo- rocco Ziirich, [1840] 923 OvEREND (Campbell). The Noble Printer and his Adopted Daughter. A Tale of the First Printed Bible. Translated from the German, with additions. 1 2mo, cloth Edinburgh, n. d. 924 OvERSLAAN (Het) van Drukvormen gemakkelijk gemaakt, of Aanwijzing van het Plaatsen der Pagina's in de gewone en meeste buitengewone Formaten .... i2mo, mo- rocco, uncut edges Deventer, 1843 925 l^^^i^AEILLE (Charles). Essai, historique et critique sur ITnvention de I'lmprimerie. Fac simile. Svo, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 1859 926 Paeille. Kritiesch Onderzoek naar de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst ... in het Nederlandsch overgebract door ' J. H. Rutges. Large Svo, half morocco, gilt top Amsterdam, 1867 927 Pallhausen (Vincenz von). Denkmal in Stereotypen, den Manen Gutenberg's geweiht . . in Jahre 1805 und zur vierten Sacularfeier der Buchdruckerkunst mit lithograph*- irten Federzeichnungen zu Johannis, 1836, herausgeben von Progel. Every page surrounded by wood ornamental border printed in bronze and colors. 4to, imit. morocco n. p., 1836 928 Palm (J. H. van der). Redevoering op het vierde Eeuwfeest van de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst binnen Haarlem. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Haarlem, 1823 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. m 929 Palm. Redevoering . . . . Half imit. morocco, uncut edges Haarlem, i82'3 930 Palmer (Samuel). General History of Printing. 4to, half old vellum Lond. 1729 Original issue. Lacks pages 280-400. In the completion of this work Palmer was greatly assisted by George Psalmanazar. 931 Palmer. General History of Printing, from its first Inven- tion in the City of Mentz, to its first Progress and Propa- gation thro' the most celebrated Cities in Europe. Par- ticularly its Introduction, Rise and Progress here in England .... 410, calf, gilt back Lond. 1732 932 Palmer. General History of Printing .... 4to, half mo- rocco, gilt top Lond. 1733 933 Pangkofer (J. A.) und Schnegraf (J. R.) Geschichte der Buchdruckkunst in Regensburg. Two plates of printers' devices and of paper-marks. 8vo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Regensburg, 1840 934 [Panizzi (A.)] Chi era Francesco da Bologna ? Secunda edizione, con nuova Appendice. i2mo, boards, uncut edges Lond., Basil Montagu Pickering, 1873 Handsomely printed on vellum, being one of the three copies so printed; the whole edition consisting of 265 copies. 935 Panzer (Georg Wolfgang). ■ Litterarische Na'chricht von den alleraltesten gedruckten deutschen Bibeln aus dem funfzehenden Jahrhundert, welche in der ofifentichen Bib- liothek der Reichstadt Niirnberg aufbewahret werden. — Geschichte der Nurnbergischen Ausgaben der Bibel von Erfindung der Buckdruckerkunst an bis auf unsere Zeiten. — 2 vols, in I. Small 4to, half sheep, gilt back Niirnberg, i777-'78 936 Panzer. Ausfiihrliche Beschreibung der altesten Augs- purgischen Ausgaben der Bibel, mit litterarischen Anmer- kungen. 4to, half sheep, red edges Niirnberg, 1780 , 937 Panzer. Annalen der altern deutschen Litteratur, oder Anzeige und Beschreibung derjenigen Biicher welche von Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst bis [1526] in deutscher Sprache gedruckt worden sind. With the Supplement. 3 vols, in 2. 4to, half vellum Niirnberg, 1788-1805 Digitized by Microsoft® 112 7'HE HOE LIBRARY. 938 Panzer. Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte Nurnbergs; oder Verzeichnis aller von Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst bis 1500 in Niirnberg gedruckten Bucher, mit litterarischen Anmerkungen. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Nurnberg, 1789 939 Papillon (J. [Baptiste] M[ichel].) Traitd Historique et Pratique de la Gravure en bois. Portrait and plates. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo, calf Paris, 1766 940 Paraut (M.) Lois de la Presse en 1834, ou Legislation actuelle sur I'lmprimerie et la Librairie, . . . 8vo, half morocco Paris, 1834 941 Partington (C. F.) The Printer's Complete Guide; con- taining a Sketch of the History and Progress of Printing, Details of its several Departments, [etc.]. Plate and dia- grams.- 8vo, half imit. morocco Lond. 1825 942 Partington. The Printers' Complete Guide. Lond. — Brun (M.) Manuce pratique de la Typographic Fran9aise. Paris, 1825. — The Poetry of Printing, by a Votary. Bost. 1842. — Etc. II vols, paper 943 Passavant (J. D.) Le Peintre-Graveur; contenant I'His- toire de la Gravure sur bois, sur mdtal et au burin jusque vers la fin du XVI. siecle; I'Histoire de Nielle, avec com- plement de la partie descriptive de I'Essai sur les Nielles de Duchesne; et un Catalogue supplementaire aux Es- tampes du XV. et XVI. siecle du Peintre-Gravure de Bartsch. Portrait. 6 vols, in 3. 8vo, half morocco Leipsic, i86o-'64 Q j^, 944 Patents for Inventions. Abridgments of Specifications re- lating to Printing . . . Printed by order of the Commis- sioners of Patents. Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 1859. — [The same.] Part II. 1858-1866. Second edition. i2mo, paper, uncut edges. — 2 vols Lond. 1859-78 945 Pater (Paulus). De Germanise Miraculo optimo, maximo, Typis Literarum earumque Differentiis. Dissertatio, qua simul Artis Typographicae vniversam rationem explicat. Two plates and specimen of types. Small 4to, half morocco, gih back Lipsise, 17 10 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 113 946 P[eignot] (G[abriel]). Essai Historique sur la Litho- graphic, refermant ; i9 L'histoire de cette ddcouverte ; 2° une notice bibliographique des ouvrages qui ont paru sur la lithographic ; et 39 unc notice chronologique des diifdrens genres dc gravures qui ont plus ou moins dc rapport avec la lithographic. Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and edges Paris, Renouard, 18 19 947 Peignot. Essai historique et arch^ologique sur la Reliure des Livrcs, et sqr I'Etat de la Librairie chez les Anciens. 2 plates. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back Dijon, 1834 Only 200 copies printed. In same volume are : La Typographie, Poeme [avec des Notes] par M. * * * * *, Geneve, 1832. — Rumohr (C. Fr. V.) Hans Holbein der jungere, in seinem Verhaltniss zum deutchen Formschnittvdssen. Vignette on india-paper from the Dance of Death. Leipzig, 1836. — Los-Rios (F. de) Portraits d'Imprimeurs et de Libraires. Extrait du Bibliophile Beige. — LiscH (G. C. F.) Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in Mecklenburg, bis zum Jahre 1540. Folding plate of facsimiles. Schwerin, 1839. — Beschrijving van een nieuwling ontdekt Exemplaar van de Biblia Pauperum en de Ars Moriendi. Facsimile. Amsterdam, 1839. — Paris (Paulin) Notice sur M. van Praet. Extrait des Memoires de la Soc. Royale des Anti- quaires de France. 948 Pellegrini (Domenica Maria). Delia prima Origine della Stampa in Venezia per opera di Giovanni da Spira del 1469 ; e risposta alia difesa del Decor Pucllarum del Signor Ab. Mauro Boni, Dissertazione. Bvo, calf Venezia, 1794 949 Pelletier (L.) La Typographie : Poeme [avec des Notes historiques, etc.] 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Geneve, 1832 950 Pericaud (Antoine). Bibliographic Lyonnaisc du XVe Siecle. Nouvclle Edition. The 3 parts in i vol, 8vo, half crushed levant morocco Lyon, i85i-'s3 Only 200 copies printed. 951 Perrot (A. M.) Nouvel Manuel complet du Graveur. Nouvclle Edition. Plates. i8mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, Manuel- Roret, 1844 952 Pertz (G. H.) Ucber die gedruckten Ablassbriefe von 1454 und 1455.- Aus den Abhandlungen der K. Akademie der Wissen. zu Berlin. Two plates of facsimiles. 4to, paper Berlin, 1857 Digitized by Microsoft® H4 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 953 Peucer (Daniel).' D. Martin Luthers merwurdiger Sendbrief vom Dollmetschen, mit historiochen und apologetischen Anmerckungen versehen, nebst eben desselben erlauterten Auspruchen von der Buchdrucheray und den Buchdruck- ern, als einem Beytrage zu der dritten Jubel-Feyer. Small 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Leipzig, 1740 954 Pezzana (a.) Catalogo de' Libri impressi in Parma dair anno 1472 al 1500, sino ad ora conosciuti nuovamente compilato. Large 4to, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Parma, 1 846 Large paper. Only a few copies struck off separately, from the Sloria della citta di Parma continuate. 955 Philippe (Jules). Origine de I'lmprimerie k Paris ; d'apr^s les Documents Inddits. Plates. Square Svo, paper, uncut edges Paris, 1885 Copy on Papier Velin, of which only 175 were printed ; the entire edition consisting of 500 copies. 956 Pic (F. A.) Code des Imprimeurs, Librair'es, Ecrivains et Artistes, ou Recueil et Concordance des dispositions legislatives qui d^terminent leurs obligations et leurs droit. 2 vols, Svo, half sheep, green edges Paris, 1826 957 PiETERS (Charles). Annales de I'lmprimerie des Elsevier, ou Histoire de leur Famille et de leurs Editions. S^conde edition, r^vue et augment^e. Coat-of-arms in gold and colors on title. Large Svo, half morocco, gilt top Gand, 1858 95S PiiL (C.) Der Chemietypie, oder die Kunst, eine auf einer metallplatte in gewohnlicher Weise ausgefiihrte Radirung oder Gravirung in einem erhabenen Stempel zu verwan- deln, der sich auf der Buchdruckerpresse, wie ein Holz- schnitt, im Text oder allein, abdrucken lasst. ?i plates. 4to, half imit. morocco Leipzig, 1846 959 [PiNCHART (Alexandre).] Mdmoire sur les differentes branches d'industrie et de commerce suivantes, en 1776 ; Caract^res &, imprimer ; Cartes S. jouer ; Livres, Cartes g^ographiques, Estampes et Tableaux. [Extract du Biblio- phile Beige. j Svo, imit. morocco [Bruxelles, 1850] Only 25 copies printed. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 115 960 Pipping (Fredr. Wilh.) Nagra Historiska Underrattelser om Boktryckeriet i Finland. Two parts in i vol, 4to, half morocco, gilt top' [Helsingfors, 1840-42] Pages 527-570 of the Finnish Society's Transactions, 1840; and 687 -732 of the same for 1842. 961 Pipping. Bidrag till en Historia om Gymnasii Boktrycker- iet i Wiborg. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Helsingfors, 1859 962 PiscHON (F. A.) Kurze Geschichte der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst und ihres segensreichen Einflusses. Einla- dung zur bevorstehenden vierhunderjahrigen Gedachniss- f eier Gutensbergs. . . 1 840. Plate of facsimiles. 8vo, imit. morocco Berlin, 1840 963 PiscHON. Vom dem Einflusse der Erfindung der Buch- druekerkunst auf die Verbreitung des gottlichen Worts 4to, imit. morocco [Berlin, 1840] 964 Plaine (Fran9ois). Essai Histprique sur les Origines etles Vicissitudes de I'lmprimerie en Bretagne. 4to, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Nantes, 1876 Only 100 copies printed, from the Revue de Bretagne et de Vendue. 965 [Plantin Press.] Index Librorum qui ex Typographia Plantiniana prodierunt. Small 8vo[i2mo], vellum. Inter- leaved ' Antverpiae: ex Officiana Plantiniana, 16 15 With, on verso of title, book-plate, engraved by J. fine, containing medallion portrait of George I., the Royal Arms, and Inscription " Munificentia Regia, 1715." 966 [Plods van Amstel (C. J. C.)] Beschryving der Lettet- Gietery. Eerste Aftdeeling. [All published.] Two copper- plates by Vinkeles. 4to, half imit. morocco Amsterdam, [c. 1766] Scarce. One of the plates represents " 't Maaken van de Letter- stoff." 967 PoLLUCHE (D.) Notices sur les Imprimeurs de la Ville d'Orl^ans, tir^ d'une description mste. de la ville d'Or- l^ans. 4to, boards Manuscript Copy, 7 pages, byBodel Nyenhuis. 968 PoRTHMANN (Julcs). Essai Historiquc sur I'lmprimerie. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, Porthmann, 1810 Digitized by Microsoft® ii6 THE HOE LIBRARY. 969 PoTTHAST (August). Die Abstammung dcr Familic Deckcr. Faestschrift bei Hundertjahriger Dauef des Koniglichen Privilegii der Geheimen Ober-Hofdruckerei, am 26. Oc- tober, 1863. Two photographic portraits. 4to, cloth, gilt edges Berlin, 1863 970 PozzoLi (Giulio). Manuale di Tipografia, ovvero Guida Practica pei combinatori di caratteri, pei torcolieri, e pei legatori di libri. Illustrations. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Milano, 1861 971 Praet (J. B. B. van). Notice sur Colard Mansion, Libraire ' et Imprimeur de la Villa de Bruges en Flatidre dans le quinzifeme siecle. Five plates of facsimiles of type, one in- cluding an illuminated miniature. Imp. Svo, half calf, un- cut edges Paris, 1829 Copy on Grand Papier Velin, from the Sobelewski Library. Only very few so printed. "Morceau biographique et bibliographique, redige avec une grande exactitude. " — Brunet. 972 Praet. Notice sur Colard Mansion . . / Royal Svo, boards, uncut edges Paris, 1829 Fine paper copy. 973 Praloran (Giovanni). Delle Origine e del Primato della Stampa Tipografica. Facsimiles. Svo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Milano, 1868 974 Prang & Co. (L.) Specimen Book exhibiting the consecu- tive processes of printing a chromolithograph. Twenty-' plates of the various tints, with same number of plates, show- ing the chromo in its various States. Royal 4to, half mo- rocco Bost,, n. d, 975 Press (The) and the Public Service. By a Distinguished Writer. Frontispiece on wood. 12 mo, cloth Lond. 1857 976 Preusker (Karl). Gutenberg und Franklin. Fine Festgabe zum vierten Jubilaum der Erfindung der Buchdrucker- kunst; zulgleich mit Antrag zur Griindungvon Stadt-und Dorp-Bibliotheken. Svo, half imit. morocco Leipzig, 1840 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 117 977 Price (Francis Compton). Fac-similes illustrating the labours of William Caxton at Westminster and the Intro- duction of Printing into England. With a Memoir of our First P;:inter and Bibliographical Particulars of the Illus- trations. Ten facsimile plates. 4to, half crushed levant morocco, gilt top 'LonA.., privately printed, 1877 Only 125 copies printed. 978 Printer (The), a Monthly Newspaper; from commencement. May, 1858, to May, 1861, inclusive. 3 vols, in parts, royal 4to N. Y. i858-'6i 979 Printer (The). Portions of Vols. I., II., III. and VI. 35 parts N. Y. i8s8-'65 980 Printers? Register (The); from Jan, 6, 1870, to Dec. 6, 1873; in 4 vols, 4to, half roan Lond. i870-'73 981 Printing Apparatus for the use of Amateurs; containing Instructions for the use of Cowper's Parlour Printing Press. Sold by Holtzapffel & Co. Svo., cloth Lond. 1846 982 Printing Times and Lithographer (The); an Illustrated Monthly Technical and Fine-Art Journal ... (or 1876 and 1877. Vols. II. and III. of New Series. 2 vols, 4to, cloth Lond. i876-'77 Contains the letters A — G of Messrs. Bigmore & Wyman's valuable Bibliography of Printing. 983 Printing Times (The) ; Typographic Messenger; Printers' Circular; Typographic Advertiser; etc. 46 pieces 984 Proben der neuen Antiqua, Cursiv und Fraktur Schriften, nebst Einfassungen und Verzierungen aus der Schrift- giesserei von Heinrich Ludwig Bronner. Small 8vo, half imit. morocco Frankfurt, 1826 985 Proef van Letteren, Bloemen, Tekenen, en verdere vere- ischte voor eene Drukkery; welke gegooten worden op de Lettergieteryen van Ploos van Amstel. 8vo, half imit. morocco Amsterdam, 1767 Digitized by Microsoft® 1 1 8 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 986 Proef van Letteren welche gegooten worden in de Nieuwe Haerlemsche Lettergietery van J. Enschede. Engraved title, portraits of J. Enschede and J. M. Fleischman, and three plates of Statues of Koster, Hadr. Junius and folding plate. 8vo, calf ' [Haarlem,] 1768 987 Proef van Letteren. [The same.] Calf Haarlem, 1768 988 Proeve van Letteren, welke gegoten worden in de Haar- lemsche Lettergietery van Joh. Ensched^ en Zooneij, 8vo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges [Haarlem], 1806 989 Proeve van Letteren welke gegoten lyorden in de Haar- lemsche Lettergietery van Joh. Enschede en Zonen. Folio, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Haarlem, 1825 990 Proeve van Letteren, . . . [The same.] Half imit. morocco Haarlem, 1825 991 Proeve van Steendruk Lithographic en Autographic tot Uitbreiding der Maatschappy. . . . Lithographed in script, with engravings on stone. 8vo, boards Voorburg, 1834 992 Proeve van Letteren der Boekdrukkerij van J. G. La Lau. 8vo, half imit. morocco Leyden, 1844 993 Proeve van Letteren der Boekdruckkerij van E. J. Brill. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Leyden, 1859 994 Programm der vierten Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst. 8vo, imit. morocco Erfurt, 1840 995 Programm der vierten Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. 4to, imit. morocco Leipzig, 1840 996 Pront (Adrien). Siemens d'une Typographic qui r^duit au tiers celle 'en usage, et d'une Ecriture qui gagne pres des trois quarts sur I'Ecri^ture fran9oise. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1797 997 PuY de Montbrun (E. H. J. du). Recherches Biblio- graphiques sur quelques Impressions Ne^rlandaises du quinzifeme et du seizifeme si^cle. Engravings on wood of printers' devices. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges. Leide, 1836 998 PuY de Montbrun. Recherches Bibliographiques. . . . Half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Leide, 1836 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 119 999 Pye (John). Evidence relative to the Art of Engraving, taken before the Select Committee of the House of Com- mons on Arts, 1836; and the Committee's Report. . . . 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1836 U^STIONE (Sulla) dello Sciopero Tipo- grafico. 8vo, imit. morocco Milano, [1863] looi QuANTiN (A.) Les Origines de I'lmprimerie et son In- troduction en Angleterre. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, Qua^Hn, 1877 Only 275 copies printed. 1002 [QuiRiNi (Angelas Maria Cardinalis).'\ Specimen Varise Literaturae, quae in Urbe Brixia ejusque ditione paulo post Typographise Incunabula florebat; scilicet vergente ad finem saeculo XV. usque ad medietatem saeculi XVI. 2 parts in i vol, 4to, half vellum Brixiae, 1739 1003 QuiRiNi. Liber singularis de Optimorum Scriptorum Editionibus, quse Romas primum prodierunt post divinum Typographiae Inventum . . . : plerisque omnibus earum Editionum seu Praefationibus, seu Epistolis in medium allatis. Cum brevibus Observationibus. Recensuit. . . . Jo. Georg. Schelhornius. Facsimiles. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Lindaugiae, 1761 1004 |^^^^|]AIMBACH (Abraham, Engraver). Memoirs and Recollections; including a Memoir of Sir David Wilkie. Edited by M. T. S. Raimbach. Por- trait. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top,' uncut edges. Lond., not published, 1843 1605 Rammelman Elsevier (W. I. C.) De Voofmalige Druk- kerij op het Raadhius der Stad Leyden, 1577-1610. 8vo, half imit. morocco n. p., [1857] 1006 Rammelman Elsevier. lets over de Leidsche Schilders van 1610, in verband met het Geslacht der Elsevieren. 8vo, half imit. morocco Extract of 6 pages, without title. Digitized by Microsoft® I20 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1007 Rapport van de Commissie benoemd door den Raad der Stad Haarlem tot het Onderzook naar het Jaar van de Uitvinding der Boekdruckkunst, en ter Ontwerping van een Plan voor de Viering van het aanstaande Euw- feest. . . . 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Haarlem, 1822 1008 Rapport van de Commissie. . . . Half imit. morocco Haarlem, 1822 1009 [Rapport van de Commissie. . . .J Morocco, uncut edges. Lacks title-page [Haarlem, 1822] loio [Rapport van de Commissie. . . .] Imit. morocco, uncut edges. Lacks title-page [Haarlem, 1822] loii [Rarekes (Hendrik).] Algemeene ophelderende Ver- klaring van Het oud Letterschrift, in Steenplaatdruk. Uitgegeven door de Maatschappij : tot nut van 't Alge- meen. Text, i2mo, with seventeen facsimile plates of old handwriting, 4to. In i vol, 4to, half roan. Leyde'n, 181 8 1012 Rarekes. Algemeene ophelderende Verklaring. ... 17 plates. 1 81 8. — Handleiding tot de Schrijfkunst, naar vaste regelin, met Aanwijzing van de meest in het oogval- lende Afwijkingen. Uitgegeven door de Maatschappij: tot nut van 't Algemeen. Seven folding plates of hand- writing, etc. 1830. — In I vol, royal 8vo, half sheep Leyden 1013 Rathgeber (Georg). Annalen der Niederlandischen Malerei, Formschneide-und Kupferstecherkunst. Folio, half imit. morocco Gotha, 1844 1014 Rattwitz (Carolus Fridericus). De Descriptione Typis confecta cum in genere tum quoad Sigma Musices in specie Meditationes quaedam, ex naturali potissimum jure deductae. — Christianus Ernestus Weissius, Universitatis Lipsiensis Rector, Carolo Friderico Rattwitz summos in utroque jure honores. . . . — In i vol, small 4to, half mo- rocco, gilt top Lipsiae, 1828 1015 Raucourt. Manual of Lithography, or Memoir on the Lithographical Experiments made in Paris . . . clearly explaining the whole art. . . . Translated from the French by C. Hullmandel. Two plates. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1820 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY J 121 1016 Reasons humbly offered for the Liberty of Unlicens'd Printing. To which is subjoined The Just and True Character of Edmund Bohun, the Licenser of the Press. Small 4to, unbound Lond. 1693 1017 Reber (Franciscus). De Primordiis Artis Imprimendi ac praecipue de Inventione Typographise Harlemensi. Dis- sertatio Inauguralis. . . . 8vo, morocco Berolini, 1856 1018 Recueil des divers Caractferes, Vignettes, Fleurons, et Ornemens de la Fonderie et Imprimerie de J. G. Gill^. Folio, boards, uncut edges Paris, 18 13 1019 Reden am Gutenbergsfest zu Arolsen, 1840. 8vo, imit. morocco Arolsen, 1840 1020 Reden am Gutenbergsfest. . . . Half imit. morocco. Title soiled Arolsen, 1840 1 02 1 Reed and Fox. Selections from the Specimen Book. 8vo, cloth Lond., n. d. 1022 Reeves (E. A.) Specimens of Printing Types, Borders, &c. 8vo, half cloth Lond. [1873] 1023 Regolamento della'pia Unione de' lavoranti dell' illustre Arte Tipografica di Torino. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Torino, 1825 Includes: Igiene de' Tipografi del Dottore M. F. Buniva. 1024 Regt (J. K. de). Laurens Jansz. Koster, een Blik op de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst en op Haarlem, bij de aanstaande Feesten in Julij 1856. 8vo, imit. morocco Leyden, 1856 1025 Reichenbach (C.) Snelpersen-Fabriek. Three plates on steel of the press and medals. i8mo, morocco Leyden, n. d. 1026 Reichart (P. Gottfried). Die Druckorte des XV. Jahr- hunderts und die Erzeugnisse ihrer erstjahrigen typo- graphischen Wirksamkeit. Mit einem Anhange: Ver- zeichniss der je ersten Typographen und jener Druckorte, deren allerste Drucker bis jetzt unbekannt geblieben sind. 4to, morocco, uncut edges Augsburg, 1853 Digitized by Microsoft® 1 2 2 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 1027 Reichsdruckerei (Die) in Berlin. Eight plates, including portraits, etc. 4to, in cloth portfolio, with flaps Berlin, 1885 1028 Reiffenberg (Le Baron de). Le plus ancienne Gravure connue avec date [1418J. Folding facsimile. — B[rou] C[harles]) d[e]. Quelques Mots sur la Gravure au milld- sime de 1418. [Avec] Un Dernier Mot sur I'Estampe au mill^sime de 1418. Eight plates. — In i vol, 4to, half calf Bruxelles, 1845-46 1029 Remfry (John). Specimens of Printing Types, &c. 8vo, cloth Lond. [1840] 1030 Renouard (Ant. Aug.) Annales de I'lmprimerie des Aide, ou Histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs Editions. Troi- si^me Edition. Fine portraits of Aldus Pius and Paulus Manutius and facsimiles. 4to, polished calf extra, gilt back, in pasteboard case Paris, 1834 Large paper copy, of which only 32 were printed, of the Best Edition, the entire issue of which consisted of 350 copies. 1031 Renouard. Annales de I'lmprimerie des Estienne, ou ' Histoire de la Famille des Estienne et de ses Editions. Deuxifeme Edition. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 1843 Best edition. At the end of volume is the author's Note sur Laurent Coster. ' 1032 Renouard. Annales de I'lmprimerie des Estiennes. . . . -Deuxieme edition. 4to, half crushed levant morocco, gilt ■ top, edges trimmed Paris, 1843 Large and fine paper copy, of which size only sixteen copies were printed. 1033 Renouvier (Jules). Des Graveurs en bois dans lesiivres d'Anthoine Verard, Maitre Libraire, Imprimeur, Enlumi- neur et Tailleur sur bois, de Paris, 1485-15 12. Two plates on wood. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, Aubry, 1859 Only 200 copies printed. , 1034 Renouvier. Histoire de I'Origine et des Progres de la Gravure dans les Pays-Bas, jusqu'^ la fin du quinzieme si^cle. Plate of monograms. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges [Bruxelles, i860] Vol. X. of M^moires Couronnis de I'Acadeviie Royale. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 123 1035 Report from Select Committee [of the House ,of Com- mons] on King's Printers' Patents; with the Minutes of Evidence. Imp. 8vo, morocco Bungay, 1833 1036 Report of the Committee of the Society of Arts, &c. . . . relative to the mode of Preventing the Forgery of Bank Notes. Engravings. Royal 8vo, half calf, gilt back Lond. 1819 1037 Reume (A. de). Recherches historiques, genealogiques et bibhographiques sur les Elsevier. Portrait on stone, fac- simile, etc. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Bruxelles, 1847 1038 Rey (Charles). La Typocratiade. Pofeme. 8vo, imit. morocco Nismes, 1842 Not printed for sale. 1039 [Richard (Louis, ddegud des ouvriers).] Rapport fait a M. Paul Dupont sur la Creation de la Villa Typographique au moyen d'une Soci^te Cooperative Immobilifere. izmo, imit. morocco [Clichy, 1868] 1040 Richardson (Jonathan). Works. Containing: the Theory of Painting, Essay on the Art of Criticism, the Science of a Connoisseur. New edition corrected, with an Essay on the knowledge of Prints. . . . The whole intended as a Supplement to [Walpole's] Anecdotes of Painters and Engravers. Twelve fine portraits by Worlidge and others. 4to, russia, yellow edges Lond. 1792 1041 RiNGWALT (J. Luther). American Encyclopaedia of Print- ing. Colored frontispiece, plates of facsimiles, etc., and many woodcuts. Imp. 8vo, cloth. Phil. 187 1 1042 RiTSCHEL voN Hartenbach (J.) Der Buchdruckerkunst Erfindung. Nebst einigen Betrachtungen uber den Nutzen und die Nachtheile, welche seit ihrem Ursprunge aus ihrer verschiedenen Anwendung entstanden sind. i2mo, imit. morocco Sondershausen, 1820 Digitized by Microsoft® 124 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1043 RiTscHEL VON Hartenbach. Nfeues System Geogra- phische Charten zugleich mit ihrem Colorit auf der Buch- druckerpresse herzustellen. Leipzig, 1840. — Einige Be- merkungen iiber das Unternehmen der gelehrten Gesell- schaft zu Harlem, ihrer Stadt die Ehre der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst zu ertrotzen, von Friedrich Lehne. Mainz, 1823. — Aus der Zeitschrift: der Spiegel, besonders abgedruckt in der Buchdruckerei von F. Kupferberg zu Mainz. Plate. N. p.,n. d. — Typographia, oder die Buch- druckerkunst, eine Erfindung der Deutschen. Essen, 1823. — In I vol, i2mo, boards 1044 Rive ([Jean Joseph]). Prospectus [avec des Notes] d'un Ouvrage [" Essai sur I'art de verifier I'age des miniatures "] proposd par souscription par M. I'Abbd Rive. [Paris, 1782] — Etrennes aux Joueurs de Cartes. Eclaircissements his- toriques et critiques sur I'Invention des Cartes \ jouer . Paris, 1780. — In 1 vol, i2mo, half calf 1045 RiviNUS (Andreas). Hectatomba Laudum et Gratiarum, in Ludis iterum-secularibus ob Inventam in Germania ab- hinc annis CC. Chalcographiam .... Small 4to, morocco, gilt edges Lipsise, 1640 1046 RiviNus. Panegyrica Declamatio, qua Artis Typographi- c£e Initia, Progressus, Nobilitas et Utilitas summa cele- brantur . . . Small 4to, imit. morocco [Lipsise,J 1640 1047 Robin (Charles). Histoire Illustrde de I'Exposition Uni- verselle. Premiere partie [Imprimerie, Librairie, Reliure, Musique, Meubles, Verrerie, C^ramique]. Illustrations on wood. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 1855 1048 Roderich (M.) Johann Gutenberg, seine Zeit und seine Erfindung. [No. IV. of the: lUustrirte Gallerie beruhmter Manner.] Four plates on wood. 8vo, half imit. morocco Dresden, [1830] IO40 RoEST (M.) De „ Wetenschappelijke moraliteit " van Dr. A. van der Linde een poosje maar te luchten gehangen, ten gerieve der lezers van diens spectator-opstellen en boek over „de Haarlemsche Costerlegende." 8vo, half imit. morocco Amsterdam, 1870 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 125 1050 RoHMANN (J. L.) Udsigt over Trykkefrihedens Historic i Denmark, fra Bogtrykkeronstens Opfindelse indtil . . 1730. i2mo, half smooth morocco Odense, 1841 1051 RoosES (Max). Christophe Plantin: Imprimeur Anversois. One hundred full-page plates, including Portrait on india paper and facsimiles of title-pages, engravings, borders, etc., etc., and numerous illustrations in the text of initial letters, - woodcuts, fleurons, etc. Thick royal folio, bound by Zaehns- dorf in half crimson levant morocco extra, gilt back and top, uncut edges Anvers, 1882 1052 [RoosES.] Titres et Portraits graves d'aprfes P. P. Rubens pour rimprimerie Plantinienne. [Text in French and Dutch.] Thirty-five fine engravings on copper by Corn. Galle and others of title-pages, portraits, etc. Very large 4to, boards, uncut edges Antverpen, 1877 1053 RoosES. Plantin et I'lmprimerie Plantinienne; traduit du Neerlandais, par E. Mertens. Gand, 1878.— Catalogue du Musde Plantin-Moretus. Anvers, 1883. — 2 vols, i2mo, paper 1054 Rossi (Johannes Bernardus de). De Hebraicse Typographiae Origine ac Primitiis, seu antiquis ac rarissimis Hebraicorum Librorum Editionibus seculi XV. Disquisitio historico- critica. 4to, half russia Parmae, 1776 105s Rossi. Annales Typographise Ebraicae Sabionetenses, Ap- pendice aucti. Ex italicis latinos" facit Jo. Fred. Roos. i2mo, half imit. morocco Erlangse, 1783 1056 Rossi. Annales Hebrseo-Typographici Sec. XV. Descripsit fusoque Commentario illustravit. 4to, half vellum Parma, 1795 A " splendid and important volume." — Horne. 1057 Rossi. Annales Hebraeo-Typographici ab an. 1501 ad 1540; [cumj Notis hist.-criticis. 4to, half sheep, red edges Parmae, 1799 1058 Rossi. Annali Ebreo-Tipografici di Cremona. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges . Parma, r8o'8 1059 Rossi. Dell' Origine della Stampa in tavole incise, e di una antica e sconosciuta Edizione Zilografica. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Parma, 18 11 Digitized by Microsoft® 126 THE HOE LIBRAE V. 1060 Rossi. Dell' Origine della Stampa . . . Imit. morocco, uncut edges Parma, 18 11 1061 RoTH-ScHOLTZius (Fridericus). Thesaurus Symbolorum ac Emblematum: i. e. Insignia Bibliopolorum at Typographo- rum ab Incunabulis ad nostra usque tempora . . . Acces- sit Georgii Andrese Vinholdi Programma de quibusdam Notis et Insignibus Bibliopolorum et Typographorum. Eine portrait and fifty copper-plates containing representations 0/508 devices'. Folio, russia, gilt back and edges Norimbergae, 1730 Fine copy^of this rare work, which was never completed. This copy includes the 64 pages of text which are usually lacking. 1062 RoussELLE (Hippolyte). Bibliographic Montoise. Annales de rimprimerie k Mons, depuis 1580 jusqu'^ nos jours. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Stain on title Mons, 1858 Large paper copy. 1063 Rudolph (Hermann). Kurze Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst im Jahre 1440. . . . Portrait and two plates on stone. 12 mo, imit. morocco. Meissen, [1840] 1064 RuuoLPHi (E. Camillo). Die Buchdrucker-Familie Fros- chauer in Zurich, 1521-1595. Verzeichniss der aus ihrer Offizin hervorgegangen Druckwerke. 8vo, imit. morocco Zurich, 1869 1065 [RuELENS (Charles). J Un Incunable Anglais Inconnu. Extraits des Annales du Bibliophile Beige. Four pages, yiith facsimile. 8yo, imit. morocco [Bruxelles, 1865] 1066 Rules, Orders and Regulations of the Society of En- gravers, instituted at London, 1802. Eine woodcut on india-paper. 8vo, calf Lond. 1804 1067 Rules (Some) for the Conduct of Life: [being the Rules presented by the Corporation of London to every appren- tice on whom its freedom is conferred.] In Honour of William Caxton this Pamphlet is gratuitously circulated. 8vo, boards Lond. 1877 0000 RUMOHR (C. Fr. v.) Hans Holbein . . . See: Peignot. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 1 27 1068 RusKiN (John). Ariadne Florentina. Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving, given before the University of Oxford, 1872. Ten plates. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Keston, Kent, 1873 1069 i^^^3|AECULARFEST (Das viertej der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst begangen zu Stuttgart am 24 und 25 Juni 1840, Frontispiece. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Stuttgkrt, 1840 1070 Saggio di Caratteri, e Firegi della Tipografia di Leonardo CiardettL 8vo, half imit. morocco Firenze, 1828 107 1 Saggio di Caratteri che trovansi nella Tipografia Paganino. 8vo, half imit. morocco n. p., n. d. 1072 Saint-Arroman (Raoul de). La Gravure a I'eau-forte. Essai historique. Comment je devins Graveur &. I'eau-forte, par le Comte Lepic. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1876 1073 [Saint-Georges.] Observations de .1' Administration de rimprimerie Nationale, au sujet d'un Note soumise par les Deldguds de la Typographie et de la Lithographic. 4to, boards. Foxed Paris, 1851 1074 [Saint-PaulJ (Mme. [Barletti] de). Nouveau Systfeme Typographique, ou Moyen de diminuer de moiti6, dans toutes les Imprimeries de I'Europe, le travail & les frais Composition, de Correction & de Distribution. 4to, calf. Somewhat waterstained. Portrait of Leopold II. inserted Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1776 Presentation Copy, with Inscription in gilt on side, to the Emperor Leopold II. 107s Salmon (William). Polygraphice : or. The Arts of Draw- ing, Engraving, Etching, Limning, Painting, Vernishing, Japaning, Gilding, &c. Eighth Edition. Portrait and - copper-plates. 2 vols, in i, thick small 8vo, calf, rebacked with morocco Lond. 1701 Includes chapters on: Alchjrmie, or the Grand Elixir of Philoso- phers; of the 112 Chymical Arcana of Peter Faber; of Chiromantical Signatures. Digitized by Microsoft® 128 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1076 Salvo-Cozzo (Giuseppe). Sulla Quistione del Primato della Stampa tra Palermo e Messina. 4to, imit. morocco, uncut edges Palermo, 1874 1077 Sampson (Thomas). Electrotint, or the Art of making Paintings in such a manner that Copper Plates and " Blocks " can be taken from them by means of Voltaic Electricity. Three plates. Royal 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1842 1078 Santander ([C] de la Serna). Dictionnaire Biblio- graphique Choisi du Quinzieme Siecle, ou Description des Editions les plus rares et plus recherch^es du Quinzieme Siecle. Pr^c6d6 d'un Essai historique sur I'Origine de rimprimerie, ainsi que sur I'Histoire de son Etablisse- ment dans les villes, bourgs, monastferes et autres endroits de I'Europe; avec la Notice des Imprimeurs qui y ont exerc6 cet art jusqu'Ji I'an 1500. 3 vols, 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops Bruxelles, 1805-7 1079 [Santander.J Memoire sur I'Origine et le premier Usage des Signatures et des Chiffres dans I'Art Typographique. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges. Bruxelles, an IV. [1796] ' 1080 Santander. Historical Essay on the Origin of Printing. /^ _ Translated from the French. Royal 8vo, half morocco, " gilt top Newcastle, 1819 Large Paper Copy, of which only 30 were printed; the entire edi- tion consisting of 214 copies. 1 08 1 Sardini (Giacomo). Congetture sopra un Antica Stampa. .... Facsimile on copper. 4to, half roan, uncut edges Firenze, 1793 1082 Sardini. Esame sui principj della Francese et Italiana Tipografia, ovvaro Storia Critica di Nicolao Jensen. 5 plates. The 3 parts in t vol, folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Lucca, 1796-98 . 1083 [Saum (Aug.)] La Famille Gensefleisch &, Strasbourg. [Extrait du Bibliophile Alsacien, 4 pages.] 8vo, imit. morocco 1084 Savage (William). Practical Hints on Decorative Print- ing. With fifty fine illustrations engraved on wood and printed in colors at the type-press. Folio, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Lond. 1822 Large Paper Copy. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 129 1085 Savage. On the Preparation of Printing Inlc, both black and coloured. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1832 1086 Savage. Dictionary of the Art of Printing. 8vo, bound by Hayday in polished calf extra Lond. 1841 1087 Savage. , Dictionary. . . . Half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1841 1088 Saxius (Joseph Antonio). Historia literario-typographica Mediolan-ensis. . . . Adjecti sunt Appendix Epistolarum, et Catalogus Codicum Mediolani impressorum ab anno 1465 ad annum 1500. Folio, half morocco, gilt top Mediolani, 1745 This elaborate work forms the first volume of Argelati's Bibliotheca Scriptorum Mediolanensium. 1089 Scale of Prices (The London) for Compositors' Work, agreed upon April i6th, 1810. i2mo, cloth Lond. [1810] 1090 Schaab (C. a.) Der Geschichte der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst durch Johann Gensfleisch, genannt Guten- berg, zu Mainz. . . . Portraits on stone of Gutenberg, Fust and Schoffer. 3 vols, 8vo, half calf Mainz, 1831 109 1 Schaab. Randglossen zu den Phantasien und Traumer- eien des Pseudogeistes Johann Gensfleisch, genannt Gutenberg. . . . 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Mainz, 1836 1092 Schaefer (Johann Wilhelm). Historischer Bericht von der Erfindung, Verbreitung und VervoUkommnung der Buchdruckerkunst. Engraving on wood. 8vo, half imit. morocco Bremen, 1840 1093 ScHAUBERT (Jo. Guilielmus). Primaria quaedam Docu- menta. . . . Small 4to, morocco Altorfii, 1740 1094 [ScHEiBEL (Johann Ephraem).] Geschichte der seit drei- hundert Jahren in Breslau befindlichen Stadtbuchdruck- erey, als ein Beitrag zur allgemeinen Geschichte der Buch- druckerkunst. Facsimiles on copper of the first book printed at Breslau, etc. Both parts in i vol, 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut ^edges Breslau, 1804 Digitized by Microsoft® I30 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 1095 ScHELHORN (Joannes Georgius). De Antiquissima Latin- or[um] Bibliorum Editione ceu primo Artis Typo graphicae foetu et rariorum librorum phoenice. Small 4to, morocco Ulmae, 1760 1096 ScHELLENBERG (J. Rod.) Kurzc Abhandlung iiber die Aetzkunst. Vignette on title. Crown 8vo, half imit. mo- rocco, uncut edges Winterthur, 1795 1097 ScHELTEMA (Jacobus). Conspectus of Berigt aangaande de Verhandeling van Jacobus Koning, over de Uitvinding, Verbetering en Volmaking der Boekdrukkunst. 8vo, half imit. morocco Amsterdam, 1817 1098 ScHELTEMA. Lcttrc aux Rddacteurs de la- Galerie des Contemporains sur la n^cessit^ de rectifier et completter I'article concernant M. J. Koning. 8vo, half imit. morocco La Haye, 1819 1099 ScHELTEMA en KoNiNG (Jacobus). Vier Brieven. . . . over de laatste Tegenspraak van het Regt van Haarlem op de Uitvinding der Drukkunst. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Haarlem, 1823 1 100 ScHELTEMA en KoNiNG. Vier Breven. . . . Half imit. morocco Haarlem, 1823 iioi ScHELTEMA. Bericht und Beurtheilung des Werkes von Dr. C. A. Schaab, betitelt: Die Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst, durch Johann Gensfleisch, ge- nannt Gutenberg. 8vo, half calf. Amsterdam, 1833 1 102 SCHELTEMA. Geschiedcn Lcttcrkund Mcngclwerk. Vijfde Deel. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Utrecht, 1834 Contains: Verhandeling over het werk van Bartholomeus den Engelschmann [Glanvilla] . . . gedruckt te Haarlem, 1485; Beoordeel- ing van het werk van C. A. Schaab; Levens-schets van Laurens Jans- zoon Koster; etc. 1 103 [SCHELTEMA.] Der Geist Johann Gensfleisch 's, genannt Gutenberg, an Dr. C, A. Schaab. Und den Ausschuss zur Errichtun'g des Denkmales zu seiner Ehre zu Mainz. 8vo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges, Utrecht, 1835 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 131 1 104 ScHiCKSALE UND Abenteuer (Lcsenswerthe) aus dem Leben eines Buchdruckers, von . der Wiege bis auf sein vierzigstes Lebensjahr. Von ihm selbst beschrieben und mit erlauternden Noten versehen. . . . i2mo, half mo- rocco, gilt top Winterthur, 1841 1105 [ScHiER (X.)] Commentatio de Primis Vindobonse Typo- graphis, cum variis ad rem litterarium Adnotationibus. 4to, half imit. morocco, uncut edges. Vindobonse, 1764 1 106 [ScHiNKEL (A. D.)] Beschrijving van het in der konink- ■ lijke Bibliotheek te 's Gravenhage berustende Handscrift der Batavia, uit de nagelaten Schriften van Gerard van Lennep. Plate of facsimiles. Imp. 8vo, morocco 's Gravenhage, 1840 Large paper copy. Not printed for sale. 1 107 [ScHiNKEL.] Tweetal Bijdragen, betrekkelijk de Boek- drukkunst. 8vo, morocco s' Gravenhage, 1844 Only 150 copies printed for Private Distribution. 1 108 [ScHiNKEL.J Beschrijving van een Triptikon en een Dip- tikon. 8vo, half imit. morocco 's Gravenhage, 1845 Only 125 copies Privately Printed. 1 109 ScHiNKEL. Beschrijving van twee Prachtexemplaren .... over de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst van A. de Vries . . . 8vo, half imit. morocco Privately printed, [1848] mo ScHiNKEL. Geschied- en Letterkundige Bijdragen. Two facsimiles. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top ['s Gravenhage,] 1850 Only 125 copies printed, for Private Distribution. Autograph in- scription signed by the author on fly-leaf. 1 1 11 ScHiNKEL. Handscriften en Oude Drukken (Incunabulen), deel Uitmakende van de Kunst- en Letter- Verzamelingen. Facsimile. 8vo, cloth ['s Gravenhage,] 1853 Only 150 copies Privately Printed. 1 1 1 2 [SCHINKEL.] Hegendaagsche Voorstelling van Coster en de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst in Frankrijk. 8vo, mo- rocco, uncut edges 's Gravenhage, 1853 1 1 13 ScHLEGEL (Aug. Guil.) Specimen novae Typographiae Indicse . . . 8vo, half imit. morocco Lutetiae Parisiorum, 182 1 Digitized by Microsoft® 1 3 2 THE HOE LIBRAE V. 1 1 14 ScHLEGEL. Geschichte Gutenberg's und seiner grossen Erfindung, fiir des deutsche Volk bearbeitet. i8nio, imit. morocco Leipzig, 1840 1 1 15 Schmaltz (J. C. St.) Jubilaum der Buchdruckerkunst im Jahre, 1840! Nebst geschichtlichen Nachrichten uber die Jubelfeiern in den Jahren, 1540, 1640 und 1740 . . . 8vo, imit. morocco Quedlinburg, 1836 1 1 16 Schmaltz. Das Jubilaum .... Imit. morocco Quedlinburg, 1836 1 1 17 Schmidt (Johann). Gott zu Lob. Drey Christliche Danck- Predigten: wegen dero im Jahr 1440, und also vor zwey- hundert Jahren, durch Gottliche Eingeburg, in Strassburg erf undenen Hochwerthen thewren Buchtrucker-Kunst . . . Small, 8vo, imit. morocpo, red edges Gotha, 1740 Pages iog-127 contain: "Johannis Henrici Boecleri Oratio, habita Kalend. October, 1640, in qua de Typographiae, Argentorati inventae, divinitate & fatis, Sseculari pietate disseritur." 1 1 18 Schmidt. Gott zuLob. Drey Christliche Danck Predigten .... Small 8vo, unbound Gotha, 1740 1 1 19 Schmidt. Gott zu Lob. Drey Christliche Danck Predigten .... Small 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. Small piece of margin of title repaired Strassburg, 1641 1120 ScHNURRER (Christian Friedrich). Slavischer Bucherdruck in Wiirtemberg im 16 Jahrhundert. 8vo, half morocco Tubingen, 1799 1 12 1 ScHOEPFLiN (Jo. Daniel). Vindiciae Typographicse. Seven folding plates of facsimiles from the earliest books printed at Strasburg. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Argentorati, 1760 " This worlc, classical in its kind, has secured the glory of the first invention of printing to Strasburg, by the instrumentality of John Gutenberg, some time prior to the year 1440; and proves that the merit of Mentz consists in having improved and rendered the use of the art more easy towards the year 1450." — A. Clarke. 1 122 Schoettgen (Christian). Der loblichen Buchdrucker- Gesellschafft zu Dressden Jubel-Geschichte, 1740. Mit einer Vorrede. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top Dresden, [1740] Includes a " Historie der Dressdnischen Buchdrucker," the margin of title to which is injured. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. i33 H23 ScHooK (C.) Handboekje voor Letterzetters, Boekdruk- kers en Correctors. i8mo, half moroeco, gilt top, uncut edges Gorichem, [i860] 1 1 24 ScHREiBER (Thomas Johann). Erstellinge der Jubelfeyer , in Danzig wegen der vor dreyhundert Jahren erflindenen Buchdruckerey. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top [Danzig, 1740] Includes: Denkmahl der Danziger Buchdruckereyen und Buch- drucker, seit dem Jahr 1539, bid 1740 . . van Michael Christoph. Hanow. 1 1 25 Schrift-Proben der Buchdruckerei von Joach. Bernh. Hirschfeld. 4to, half imit. morocco Leipzig, 1826 1 1 26 Schrift-Proben aus der Engelhard-Reyher'schen Buch- druckerey. Small 8vo, half imit. morocco. Gotha, [1826] 1 127 ScHRiFT- Proben der Buchdruckerei von Carl Schumann. 4to, half imit. morocco Schneeberg, 1828 11 28 ScHRiFTPROBEN (Einige) nebst Verzierungen aus der neuen Schriftgiesserei von Carl Ludwig Brede. i2mo, half imit. morocco Offenbach, [1828] 1 129 Schriftproben der Didotsehen und gewohnlichen Lettern, welche in der Ungerschen Schriftgiesserei in Berlin zu haben sind. i2mo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges [Berlin, n. d.] 1130 ScHRiFT- Proben der Paschkeschen Buchdruckerei. 8vo, half imit. morocco Konigsberg, n. d. 1 131 Schriftproben (Einige) und Vervierungen aus der Uni- versitats- Buchdruckerei von Carl Edward Rosenbusch. 1 2 mo, half imit. morocco Gottingen, n. d. 1 132 ScHRiFTEN- Verzeichniss von I. I. Uckermann, Buch- und Steindruckerei- Besitzer. i2mo, half imit. morocco Erfurt, [1828] 1133 Schroeder (Johannes Henricus). Incunbula Artis Typo- graphicse in Suecia. 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Corner waterstained Upsalise, 1842 11 34 Schroeder (W.) Album des Gutenberg- Festes zu Han- nover in Jahre 1840. . Frontispiece on wood, etc. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Hannover, 1840 Digitized by Microsoft® 134 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1 135 ScHROENius (Wolffgangus Adolphus). Occasione novse quae Constantinopoli est exstructa Typographiae. . . . Small 4to, half imit. morocco. 8 pages. Vinarise, [1731] 1 136 ScHUECK (Julius). Aldus Manutius und seine Zeitgenossen in Italien und Deutschland. Im Anhange: die Familie des Aldus bis zu ihrem Ende. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Berlin, 1862 j^ i'i37 ScHULZ (Otto August). Gutenberg oder Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst von ihrem Ursprung bis zur Gegenwart. Illustrations on wood. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Leipzig, 1840 ' 1138 ScHULZE (Christian Ferdinand). Wechselwirkung zwischen der Buchdruckerkunst und der Fortbilding der Menscheit. . . 8to, imit. morocco Gotha, [1840] 1 1 39 ScHWABE (C. L.) Die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst und ihre Folgen. Eine Vorbereitungsschrift zur vierten ' Sakularfeier. i2mo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Leipzig, 1840 1 140 ScHWABE. Die Erfindung. . . . Boards Leipzig, 1840 1 141 ScHWARZ (Christianus Gottl.) Disputationes prima et secunda de Ornamentis Librorum apud Veteres usitatis. Plate. Small 4to, imit. morocco Lipsiae, 1 7o5-'6 1 142 ScHWARZ. Opuscula quaedam Academica varii argument!. Collegit et praefatus est Th. Chr. Harles. Copper-plates. 4to, half morocco Norimbergae, 1793 Dissertations VII., VIII., IX., (pages 287-404) are: De Origine Typographia. 1 143 ScHWARZ (J. C. E.). Predight zum Gedachtniss der Er- findung der Buchdruckerkunst .... 8vo, imit. morocco, lena, 1840 1 144 ScHWARZ (Johann Ludewig). Der Buchdrucker. Erste Theil. Zwote vermehrte Auflage. Vignette. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Hamburg, 1775 1145 ScHWEGMAN (H.) Beright wegens dc Uitvinding om een Tekening op een Kopere Plaat overtebrengen. [Eight pages.] 8vo, imit. morocco Haarlem, [1793] Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 135 1146 ScHWEGMAN. Verhandcling over het Graveeren in de manier van Gewassen Tekeningen, of Acquatinta. 8vo,- imit. morocco Haarlem, 1806 1 147 SCHWETSCHKE (Carolus Gustavus). De Donati Minoris Fragmento, Halis nuper reperto, Excursus. 4to, imit. morocco Halis, 1839 1148 ScHWETSCHKE. Vorakadcmische Buchdruckergeschichte der Stadt Halle. Eine Festschrift. Plate. Square royal 8vo, cloth Halle, 1840 1 149 Scott and Co.'s revised Illustrated List of Printing Presses, Machines, Printing and Bookbinding Materials and Specimens of Printing Types, &c. Large 8vo, cloth, gilt edges Calcutta, n. d. 1 150 ScRivERius (Peter). Laure-Crans voor Laurens Coster van Haarlem, eerste Vinder vande Boeck-Druckery. Fine portrait of Costei- by J. van Velde. Small 4to, morocco, gilt edges Haarlem, 1628 1 15 1 Sculptura-Historico-Technica: or the History and Art of Engraving .... Extracted from Baldinucci, Florent le Comte, Faithorne, the Abcedario Pittorico, and other Authors. Copperplates. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1747- Pages 73-162 comprises a "Collection and Explanation of the Marks and Cyphers of Engravers. &c.," with Indexes. 1 152 ScuLPTURA Historico-Technica: or the History and Art of Engraving .... Copperplates. i2mo, calf Lond. 1770 Includes : A Collection of various Marks and Cyphers. 1 153 Sears (M. U.). Specimen of Stereotype Ornaments for the use of Printers in general. 4to, half imit. morocco Lond. 1825 1 154 Seelen (Joh. Henr. von). Nachricht von dem Ursprung und Fortgang der Buchdruckerey in ... . Liibeck, w6- rinn die Liibeckischen Buchdrucker und allerley von Ihnen gedruckte merckwiirdige Bucher und Schriften augefiihret und beschrieben werden .... i2mo, half morocco, gilt top Ltlbeck, 1740 Digitized by Microsoft® 136 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1 155 Seemiller (Sebastianus). Bibliothecae Academicse Ingol- stadiensis Incunabula Typographica . . . . Fasciculi I. & II., in I vol, small 4to, half morocco Ingolstadii, 1787-88 1156 Seiz (Johann Christiaan). Het derde Jubeljaar der Uit- gevondene Boekdrukkonst, behelzende een beknopt His- toris Verhaal van de Uitvinding der edele Boekdrukkonst. Engraved title and fine plates of Coster's monument, medals and view. 8vo, fine old smooth red morocco, gilt back, sides and edges Haarlem, 1740 1 157 Seiz. Het derde Jubeljaar . . . Half calf. Haarlem, 1740 1158 Semler (Johann Salomo). Sammlungen zur Geschichte der Formschneidekunst in Teutschland. Erstes Stuk. Small 8vo, half morocco, red edges Leipzig, 1782 1 159 SenefeijDER (Alois). Vollstandiges Lehrbuch der Stein- druckerey, enthaltend eine richtige und deutliche Anwei- sung zu den veschiedenen Manipulations-Artis derselben in alien ihren Zweigen und Manieren, nebst einer vorenge- henden ausfuhlichen Geschichte dieser Kunst von ihren Entstehen bis auf gegenwartige Zeit. Two plates. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Munchen, 1827 1 160 Senefelder. a complete Course of Lithography : con- taining Instructions ia all the different branches and man- ners of that Art: with a History of Lithography from its Origin to the present time. With a Preface by F. von Schlichtegroll. Translated from the German. Portrait and thirteen plates . 4to, calf Lond. 1819 ir6i Senefelder. L'Art de la Lithographic, ou Instruction Pratique contenant la description des diff^rens proc^d6s. Prdc6d6e d'une Histoire de la Lithographic et des ses divers progr6s. Portrait foxed. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Paris, 1819 J 162 Shaw (Henry). Handbook of the Art of Illumination as practised during the Middle Ages, with a Description of the Metals, Pigments, and Processes employed by the Artists at different periods. Many beautifully executed full-page and smaller illustrations from ancient manuscripts.. Text and plates printed in brown ink. Folio, half morocco, gilt edges Lond. 1866 Original Large Paper issue. The engravings in this volume have never been surpassed in delicacy of execution. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 137 1163 SiENNiCKi (Stanislaus Joseph). De Typographia in Claro Monte Czenstochoviensi, Librisque in ejusdem Officina ab anno 1628 usque ad 1864 impressis. 12010, half morocco, gilt top Varsaviae, privately printed, 1873 1 164 SiENNiCKi. Les Elzevir de la Bibliotheque de I'Universitd Impdriale de Varsovie. Twenty-three plates. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Varsovie, 1874 1165 SiLBERMANN (G.) Album Typographique, public a I'occa- sion de la quatrifeme Fete Seculaire de I'lnvention de I'Imprimerie. [Including woodcuts in india paper, speci- mens of the Foreign Types of the Imprimerie Roy ale; etc . ] Royal 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Stain on margin of title and of three or four leaves Strasbourg, 1840 1166 SiLBERMANN. Album d'Impressions Typographiques en couleur. Many plates finely executed in gold and colors. Royal 4to, cloth Strasbourg, 1872 1 167 [SiLVESTRE (L. C.)] Marques Typographiques, ou Recueil de Monogrammes, Chiffres, Enseignes, Emblfemes, Devises, Rebus et Fleurons des Libraires et Imprimeurs qui ont exerc^ en France, depuis I'introduction de I'Imprimerie, en 1470, jusqu'a la fin du seizieme siecle . . . Thirteen hundred and ten cuts of printers' devices, with alphabetical index. 2 vols, large 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops Paris, i853-'67 1 168 [Singer (Samuel Weller).] Some Account of the Book printed at Oxford in 1468, under the title of Expositio Sancti Jeronimi in Simbolo Apostolorum; in which is ex- amined its claim to considered the first book printed in England. Three ,plates of facsimile water-marks. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 18 12 Only fifty copies printed for Private Distribution. 1 169 Singer. Researches into the History of Playing Cards; with Illustrations of the Origin of Printing and Engraving on wood. Nineteen fine plates, some colored and many on india-paper, and numerous fine engravings on wood. 4to, calf, binding worn at joints; frontispiece loosened. Lond. 1816 Only 250 copies printed. "It is seldom that the public have seen a more beautifully planned and executed work than the present. The fac-simile engravings upon wood cannot be surpassed." — Dibdin. Digitized by Microsoft® 138 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1170 SiTTENFELD. Beschrcibung dcs vicrten Sacularfestes der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkun st gefeiejrt in der Offizin von Julius Sittenfeld. 8vo, imit. morocco Berlin, 1840 1 171 Skeen (William). Typography or Letter- Press Printing in the Fifteenth Century. Crown 8vo, morocco Colombo, Ceylon, 1853 1 172 Skeen. Early Typography. An Essay on the Origin of of Letter-Press Printing in the Fifteenth Century. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges Lond. 1872 Printed at Colombo, Ceylon. 1 173 Smith (Henry). Specimens of Nature Printing from un- prepared Plants, etc., etc. Ninety-nine large plates. Royal folio, half calf Madras, 1857 " A rare volume of plates prepared by the direct use of the plants , themselves. The names are inscribed underneath. To the naturalist it affords a valuable series of illustrations of Indian Botany. " 1 1 74 Smith (John). The Printers' Gramniar. 8vo, old calf Lond. [1755] 1175 Smits (J.) lets over de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst. 8vo, morocco Dordrecht, 1856 1176 Snellen (H.) Letterproeven, tot bepaUng gezigtsscherpte. Specimens of Type. Large 8vo, morocco Utrecht, 1862 1177 Someren (J. F. van). Essai d'un Bibliographic de d'His- torie Speciale de la Peinture et de la Gravures en HoUande et en Belgique [1500-1875]. 8vo, paper, uncut edges Amsterdam, 1882 11 78 Soorten van Letteren, dewelke benevens vele andere Soorten, zoo Hebreeuwsche, Grieksche, [etc.] Schriften voor Boek-en Kantoorwerken . . . voorhanden zijn ten Boekdruckkery van G. van Tyen & Zonen. 4to, half imit. morocco Amsterdam, [1832] 1 179 Sorgato (Gaetano). Delia Stamperia del Seminario di Padova. Seconda Edizione. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges , [Padova, 1843] Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 139 1 180 SoTHEBY (Samuel). The Typography of the Fifteenth Century; being Specimens of the Productions of the Early Continental Printers, exemplified in a Collection of Fac- similes from one hundredworks, together with their Water- marks. Numerous plates of facsimiles, many of them hav- ing the initial letter illuminated in gold ovd colors. Folio, half vellum, uncut edges Lond. 1845 1 181 SoTHEBY. Principia Typographica. The Block-Books, or Xylographic Delineations of Scripture History, issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany, during the fifteenth century, exemplified and considered in connection with the Origin of Printing. To which is added an attempt to elucidate the character of the Water-marks of the period. [Edited] by Samuel Leigh Sotheby. Numerous fine fac- similes, some in colors, from the early Block-books, etc. 3 vols, imp. 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Margin of some plates waterstained Lond. 1858 Only 220 copies of this elaborate and interesting work were printed. 1 182 Sotheby (Samuel Leigh). Memoranda relating to the Block-books preserved in the Bibliothfeque Imp^riale, Paris. Facsimiles of ' paper-marks. Imp. 4to, half mo- rocco. Slightly foxed and margin of two leaves stained Lond., not for sale, 1859 1 1 83 SoTZMANN (J. D. F.) Gutenberg und seine Mitbewerber, oder die Briefdrucker und die Buchdrucker. Besonderer Abdruck aus dem Historischen Taschenbuche fiir 1841. Two plates of facsimiles. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges [Leipzig, 1841] 1 184 Souvenir en Programma van het Costerfeest te Harlem, gehonden op 15, 16 en 17 Julij, 1856. Plate of Koster''s monument. Royal 8vo, imit. morocco 'sGravenhage, 1856 1185 Specimen des Nouveaux Caract&res de la Fonderie et de ITmprimerie de P. Didot, I'ain^. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Paris, 18 19 Digitized by Microsoft® I40 THE HOE LIBRAR Y. 1186 Specimen des Caract^res fondus &, rimprimerie Catholique des Missionnaires de la Compagnie de Jdsus ^ Beyrouth. Royal 8vo, half imit. morocco Beyrouth, Typ. Catholique, S. J., n. d. 1 187 Specimen de rimprimerie de Bachelier. 4to, half morocco Paris, 1849 1 1 88 Specimen of Printing Types, by W. Caslon & Son, letter- founders. Square 8vo, old calf Load. 1764 1 189 Specimens of Printing Types of Caslon & Livermore, LetterrFounders. 8vo, half calf Lond., n. d. 1 1 90 Specimen of Printing Types of the Caslon & Glasgow Letter Foundry. Thick imp. 8vo, half morocco, binding rubbed Lond., H. W. Caslon 6- Co., [1854] 1 191 Specimen of Printing Types, by Fry & Steele, Letter- Founders. Imp. 8vo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Lond. 1794 1192 Specimen of Modem Printing Types, by Edmund Fry, Letter-founder. Royal 8vo, half imit. morocco Lond. 1824 1 193 Specimen of Printing Types and various Ornaments, by S. & C. Stephenson, British Foundry. 8vo, half imit. morocco Lond. 1796 1 1 94 Specimen of Printing Types, ... by S. & C. Stephenson, British Foundry. [With Auction] Catalogue [of same]. In I vol, 8vo, half imit. morocco Lond. 1796-97 1195 Specimen of Printing Types, by William Miller & Co., Letter-Founders. 4to, half imit. morocco Edinburgh, 1813 1196 Specimen of Modern Printing Types, by Edm. Fry & Son, Founders to the King. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut edges Lond. 1820 1 197 Specimen of Printing Types, by Vincent Figgins, Letter- Founder. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1 82 1 1 198 Specimen of the Book and Newspaper Types of V, & J. Figgins. 4to, calf Lond; 1838 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 141 1 199 Specimen of Plain and Ornamental Types, of V. & J. Figgins. 4to, cloth Lond. [1838] 1200 Specimen of Printing Types, by V. & J. Figgins. Royal 8vo, half imit. morocco Lond. 1838 1 20 1 Specimen of Printing Types, by V. and J. Figgins. Royal Bvo, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1842 1202 [Specimen-Book of Type : V. and J. Figgins.] Imp. 8vo, half imit. morocco Lond., n. d. 1203 Specimen of the Founts of Type used by J. Rider, Printer and Stereotyper. Royal 8vo, cloth Lond. [1838] 1204 Specimen of Printing Types, by Blake and Stephenson, Letter-Founders. Royal 8vp, half imit. morocco Sheffield, [1838] 1205 Specimen of the Types used by B. Bensley: 8vo, morocco ' Woking, 1842 1206 Specimen of Modern Printing Types, cast at the Letter Foundry of Duncan Sinclair & Sons. 4to, half calf. Foxed Edinburgh, 1842 .1207 Specimen of Type for Book Printing, manufactured by Samuel N. Dickinson. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Bost. 1842 1208 Specimen of New Book Founts, and of two-line Letters, Book and Newspaper Founts, and Metal Rules and Borders, by Alex'r Wilson & Sons [Marr, Gallic & Co.]. 2 parts in i vol, oblong 4to, half morocco, gilt top Edinburgh and Lond. 1842-43 1209 Specimen of Printing Types, Borders, Ornaments, &c. Octavo Edition. 8vo, cloth Sheffield, Stephemon, Blake &= Co., [1873] 1 2 10 Specimen-Book of the Music Types used in the office of J. Haddon. — J. Haddon's- Specimens of Music Printing, 1859. — In I vol, 4to, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 12 1 1 Specimen of Printing Inks, manufactured by Shackell & Edwards. Imp. Bvo, cloth Lond., n. d. 12 12 Specimen of Printing Inks, by Shackell & Lyons. 8vo, morocco Lond., n. d. Digitized by Microsoft® 142 THE HOE LIJ^RARY. 1 2 13 Specimen of the Printing Types in the Fann-Street Letter Foundry. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Lond., W. Thorowgood, 1827 1 2 14 Specimen of Printing Types. Fann Street Letter Foundry. Thick royal 8vo, cloth Lond., W. Thorowgood &= Co., [1844] 1 2 15 Specimens of Type, Fann Street Letter Foundry. Supple- mentary Sheets. 4to, morocco, red edges Lond., Robert Besley Ss' Co., \\?>A^ 12116 Specimen (A General) of Printing Types. Fann Street Letter Foundry. Thick 4to, cloth Lond., Reed and Fox, [1854] 12 17 Specimen-Book (Selections from the) of the Fann Street Foundry. Svo, half roan Lond., n. d. 1 2 18 Specimens des Types Fran9ais et Strangers de I'lmprim- erie Imperiale. Atlas folio, boards [Paris], 1855 1 219 Specimens of Typography, executed at the Imperial Print- ing Establishment at Vienna, consisting of Fac-similes of Manuscripts from the Sixth Century to the Invention of Printing, the Type of the Gutenberg Bible, Ornamental Letters, Foreign Characters, etc., as exhibited at the Great Exhibition, 185 1. Imp. folio, half russia [i^S'] 1220 Specimens of Chromo-lithography, etc., executed at the Imperial Printing Establishment at Vienna, as exhibited at the Great Exhibition, 1851. Numerous fine plates in chromo-lithography. Imp. folio, half russia [i^S'] 1 22 1 Specimens of the Electro Printing-block Company. Very numerous illustrations mounted in two large oblong folio scrap-books, half russia, binding of one volume cracked at joints. 1222 Specimens of Engravings by the Omnigraph, patented by F. P. Becker & Co. Thirteen plates. Royal 4to, half morocco, gilt top. Margin waterstaine4. [Lond. 1850] 1223 Specimens of the Types commonly used in the Temple Printing Office. Svo, half roan hond., _/. Moyes, 1826 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 143 1224 Specimens of Amateur Printing ... by means of the in- genious little Press invented by Mr. Cowper, and manur factured by Holtzapfeel & Co. 4to, cloth. [Lond. 1840] 1225 Specimens of Printing Types, Ornaments, &c., by John Remfry. 8vo, cloth Lond. [1840] 1226 Specimens of Book-Work. Printed by George McCorquo- dale & Co., Newton. 4to, half morocco, gilt Newton, 1849 1227 Specimens of some of the Printing Types for Book-work, used in the ofiSce of Charles Reed and Benjamin Pardon, 8vo, half imit. morocco, gilt edges [Lond.] 1850 1228 Specimens of Types (Supplementary Leaves of) for Book- work and General Printing, issued by Benjamin Pardon. 4to, limp boards [Lond .J 1868 1229 Specimens of Types suitable for Commercial Printing. 4to, cloth Lond., Pardon &= Son, [1870] 1230 Specimens of Type and Typography from the Ballan- tyne Press. 8vo, half imit. morocco Edinburgh, 1862 1231 Specimens of the Ancient Caslon Printing Types, engraved in the early part of last century by William Caslon, r7i6. Small folio, cloth Lond., H. W. Caslon &f Co., [187*] 1232 Specimens of Book and Magazine Founts: Miller and Richard, Letter Founders. 4to, cloth Edinburgh, n. d. 1233 [Specimens of] Printing Types and Ornaments, used by Unwin Brothers. 4t6, cloth. (Two copies.) Lond., n. d. 1234 Specimens of Printing Inks, manufactured by Foster & Winstone. 8vo, half imit. morocco Lond. 1851 1235 Specimens of Type, Printing Inks; etc. (7) 1236 Spoerlius (Johannes Conradus). Introductio in notitiam Insignium Typographicorum. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top NorimbergK, 1730 1237 Sprenger (P. Placidus). Aelteste Buchdruckergesthichte von Bamberg. . . 4to, morocco Niirnberg, 1800 1238 Stanley (Dean A. P.) " Let there be Light." A Dis- course [on Printing] delivered in Westminster Abbey, January 28, 1872. i2mo, morocco Lond. [1872] Digitized by Microsoft® 144 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 1239 Stapart. L'Art de Graver au Pinceau; Nouvelle M^thode, plus prompte qu'aucune de celles qui sont en usage, qu'on peut executer facilement, sans avoir I'habi- tude du burin ni de la pointe. , 12 mo, half morocco Paris, 1773- 1240 Starcke (Petrus). De Ortu Typographise. Small 4to, half imit. morocco n. p., 1666 1 241 Stark (Adam). Printing: its Antecedents, Origin, History and Results. Frontispiece on wood. Post 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Lond., Longmans, 1855 1242 Starklof (L.) Drei Tage in Mainz am Gutenbergsfeste (14., 15., 16. August 1837). i2mo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Mainz, 1837 1243 Statuto del Circolo Italiano della Libreria, Tipografia ed Arte affini. 8vo, imit. morocco Milano, 1863 1244 Statuto del Circolo Italiano. . . . 8vo, half imit. morocco Milano, 1863 1245 Staveren (J. S. van). Redevoering voor de Kindern der Stads-Armen Scholen, bij gelegenheid van het vierde Eeuwgetijde van de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst door Laurens Jansz. Koster. i2mo, imit. morocco Haarlem, 1823 1246 [Stegma.nn.] Austellung von Arbeiten der vervielfalti- genden Kunste im Bayrischen Gewerbemuseum zu Niirn- berg. Ten fine plates on copper, steel, in photo-relief, etc., and many woodcuts. Small 4to, boards, cloth back [Niirnberg], 1877 1247 Steiff (Karl). Der erste Buchdruck in Tubingen (1498- 1534). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Universitat. Por- trait and facsimiles on wood. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Tubingen, 1881 1248 Steigenberger (Gerhoh). Literarisch-kritisch Abhand- lung iiber die zwo alleralteste gedruckte deutsche Bibeln, welche in der kurfurstl. Bibliothek in Miinchen aufbe- wahrt werden. Two plates of facsimiles. 4to, morocco, uncut edges Miinchen, 1787 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 145 1249 Steigenberger. Historisch-literarischer Versuch von enstehung und aufnahme der kurfiirstlichen Bibliothek in Munchen. 4to, morocco [Miinchen, 1784] 1250 Stephenson. Life of William Caxton. 8vo, morocco, uncut edges Lond. [184*] 1251 Stimmen alsatischer Sanger beim Gutenbergs-Feste, 1850. 8vo, imit. morocco [Strassburg, 1840] 1252 Stockmar & Wagner. Schatten und Licht. Eine Fest- gabe zur vierten Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst am Johannistag, 1840, zu Frankfurt am Main. 4to, half imit. morocco, gilt edges [Frankfurt, 1840] Printed on blue paper, with colored floreated border to each page. 1253 Stockmeyer (Immanuel) und Reber (Balthasar). Beitrage zur Easier Buchdruckergeschichte. Zur Feier des Johan- nistages, 1840, herausgeben von der historischen Gesell- schaft zu Basel. Woodcuts of printers' devices. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Basel, 1840 1254 Stoeger (Franz Xavier). Zwei der altesten deutschen Druckdenkmalen beschrieben und in neuem Abdruck mitgetheilt. Four plates of facsimiles. 8vo, morocco Munchen, 1833 1255 Stower (C.) Typographical Marks, employed in Correct- ing Proofs, explained and exemplified, for the use of authors. Second edition. Plate. 8vo, morocco. Lond. 1806 1256 Stower. The Printer's Grammar; or Introduction to the Art of Printing: containing a concise History of the Art, with the improvements in the practice of printing, for the last fifty years. Illustrations, of alphabets, specimens of type, etc., etc. Royal 8vo, calf, gilt back Lond. 1808 Large Paper Copy. 1257 Stower. Th£ Printer's Price-Book, . . . exemplified in Specimen Pages of different Sizes and Types. . . . 8vo, half calf, binding rubbed Lond. 1 814 1258 Strackerjan (Christian Friedrich). Geschichte der Buch- druckerie im Herzogthum Oldenburg und der Herrschaft Jever, nebst einer Beschreibung des ersten in Oldpnburg erschienenen Buches. . . . Plate of facsimiles. 8vo, half imit. morocco Oldenburg, 1840 Digitized by Microsoft® 146 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1259 Strackerjan. Geschicte. . . . Half imit. morocco Oldenburg, 1840 1260 Straelen (J. B. van der). Geslagt-Lyste der Nakome- lingen van den vermaeden Christoffel Plantin, koning- lyken Aerts-Boekdrukker, binnen de Stad Antwerpen; waer by gevoegd is eene Geslagt-Lyste der Familie Mouretorif alias Moretus. . . . Portrait and illustrations on wood. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Antwerpen, 1858 ' 1261 [Strauss (Andreas).] Monumenta Typographica quse exstant in Bibliotheca Collegii Canonicarum Regularum in Rebdorf. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top Eichstadii, 1787 1262 Strenna Tipografica (Prima). Portraits on wood. Large 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Firenze, 1 87 1 An Album and Almanalc issued by the Italian Typographic Society. 1263 Streuber (Dr.) Neue Beitrage zur Easier Buchdrucker- Geschichte. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges. Basel, 1846 The third volume of Beitrage zur vaterldndischen Geschichte. 1264 Stueckrad (Georg). Programm fur das Gutenbergs- Jubilaum des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Small 8vo, imit. morocco Offenbach, 1837 1265 Suess (Maria Vinzenz). Beitrage zur Geschichte der Typographic und des Buchhandels im vormaligen Erzstifte nun Herzogthume Salzburg. i2mo, imit. morocco Salzburg, 1845 1266 SuLKOwsKi (J. A. M. de). Vier-honderdjarig Jubelfest van de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst door Laurens Jans- zoon Koster, gevievd te Haarlem, 1823. 8vo, imit. mo- rocco, uncut edges Amsterdam, 1823 1267 Survey (A brief) of the Objects of Graphic exhibited by the Imperial and Government Printing Establishment at, Vienna, at the London Exhibition, 1851. 8vo, half imit. morocco Lond., n. d. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 147 1268 |^^^bS|AEUBEL (Christian Gottlob). Orthotypogra- phische Handbuch; oder: Anieitung zur griind- lichen Kenntniss derjenigen Tiieile der Buch- druckerkunst. . , . Frontispiece and folding leaves of alphabets and tables. i2mo, half morocco Halle, 1785 1269 Taeubel. Praktisches Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst fur Anfanger. Copperplates and folding leaves of specimen type, etc. 2 vols, in i. i2mo, half morocco Leipzig, T791 1270 Taeubel. Algemeines theoretisch-practisches Worterbuch der Buchdruckerkunst und Schriftgiesserey. Copper- plates, etc. 2 vols, in i, 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Wien, 1805 1271 Taschen-Agenda fiir Buchdrucker auf das Jahr 1876. Schreib-Merk-und Notiz-Kalendar. [Blank book.] i8mo, cloth Leipzig, 1876 1272 Tassis (S. a.) Guide du Correcteur et du Compositeur. Quatrifeme Edition. i2mo, morocco, uncut edges Paris, 1856 1273 [Teissier (G. F.)] Essai Philologique sur les Commence- ments de la Typographic h. Metz, et sur les Imprimeurs de cette Ville. Portrait and two facsimile plates. 8vo, half russia Metz, 1828 1274 Ter Bruggen (Edouard). Histoire M^tallique et Histoire de la Gravure d'Anvers, appuydes par des Piifeces et des Documents. Avec Supplement. Large 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Anvers, 1875 1275 Ternaux-Compans (H.) Notice sur les Imprimeries qui existent ou ont exists en Europe. 8vo, half roan Paris, 1843 1276 Ternaux-Compans. Notice sur les Imprimeurs qui existent ou ont exists hors de I'Europe. 8vo, half calf Paris, [1843] 1277 Tetterode (N.) De Tegenwoordige Stand van het Letter- geiters bedrijf. 8vo, morocco Amsterdam, 1861 Not published for sale. Digitized by Microsoft® 148 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 1278 Thiboust (Cl[aude] Carolus). Typographiae Excellentia, Carmen. [Avec la Traduction Franfaise] par son Fils. Two plates. 8vo, morocco. Lacks the portrait; corner waterstained Paris, 1754 1279 Thomas (Isaiah). The History of Printing in America; with a Biography of Printers, and an Account of News- papers. Facsimiles. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, , edges only trimmed. Small library stamp on back of titles. Portrait inserted Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, Jr., 1810 1280 Thonnelier. Notice sur les Presses M^caniqiies de M. Thonnelier. Plate. 8vo, half imit. morocco Paris, 1832 1 281 Thueringisch-Erfurter Gedenkbuch der vierten Sacu- lar-Jubelfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst zu Erfurt. Portrait of Gutenberg and nineteen plates of fac- similes, etc. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Erfurt, [1840] 1282 Thueringisch-Erfurter Gedenkbuch. . . Half morocco, gilt top Erfurt, [1840] 1283 TiMPERLEY (C. H.) Encyclopaedia of Literary and Typo- graphical Anecdote; being a Chronological Digest of the most interesting facts illustrative of the History of Litera- ture and Printing from the earliest period to the present time . . . Second edition, with a Continuation to the pre- sent time and a Practical Manual of Printing. Illustrations. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Lend. 1842 1284 TiMPERLEY. Encyclopaedia. . . Cloth, uncut edges Lond. 1842 1285 TiMPERLEY. Encyclopaedia . . . Half russia. Lond. 1842 1286 TiMPERLEY. The Printer's Manual; containing . . . Prac- tical Directions for conducting every department of a Printing Office. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges Lond. 1838 1287 [TiMPERLEY, Editor. \ Songs of the Press and other Poems relating to the Art of Printers and Printing . . Original and selected. With Notes. i2mo, cloth, uncut edges Lond. 1845 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE Y. T49 1288 TiscHBEiN (Johann Heinrich). Die Radier-und Aetzkunst in ihrem ganzen Umfange .... Zweite Auflage. Twenty etchings. 4to, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Zwickau, 1827 1289 TissANDiER (Gaston). L'Hdliogravure: son histoire at ses proc^d^s, ses applicationes k I'imprimerie et a la librairie. Extrait du Journal g^n^ral de la Librairie. Sn^all folio, half imit. morocco [Paris, 1874] 1290 TissANDiER. Histoire de la Gravure Typographique. Extrait du Journal general de la Librairie, etc. Five fac- simile woodcuts. Imp. 8vo, imit. morocco [Paris,] 1875 1 291 ToDERiNi (Giambatista). Letteratura Turchesca. En- graved titles. 3 vols, 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges , Venezia, 1787 Original edition of this valuable History of Turkish Literature, the third volume of which consists of a History of Turkish Printing. 1292 ToNiNi (Luigi). Sulle Officine Tipografiche , Riminesi ; Memorie e Document!. [Estratto dagli Atti della Deputa- zione di Storia Patri.] Large 4to, half imit. morocco [Bologna, 1866] 1293 Tory (Geoffroy). Champ Fleury. Au quel est contenu Lart & Science de la deue & vraye Proportion des Lettres Attiques, quo« dit autreme«t Lettres Antiques, & vulgaire- ment Lettres Romaines proportionees selon le Corps & Visage humain. Many curious woodcuts, engravings of al- phabets and the printer's fine device on wood. Imp. 8vo, bound by Riviere in crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges Paris, Geoffroy Tory et Giles Gourmont, 1529 Fine copy of the exceedingly rare Original Edition, which is priced by Quaritch, in 1880, at ;^42. Small holes in title, and some damage to Blank margins of it, of the next and of the last leaves skillfully repaired. " Ouvrage curieux, en tete duquel se lit un Avis au lecteur que a de I'int^ret pour I'histoire de la langue francaise, et dont Rabelais a em- prunt^ un passage." — Beunet. 1294 ToszKA (J. A.) Ueber den Satz des Russichen mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der Theilung der Worte. Fiir Cor- rectoren und Setzer herausgegeben. 1808. — Ueber den Satz^des Polnischen .... 1808. — Ueber den Satz des Englischen .... von Theodor Goebel. 1865. — In i vol, square i2mo, half imit. morocco Leipzig Digitized by Microsoft® 150 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1295 Trattner (Johannes Thomas). Specimen Characterum Latinorum existentium in Caesarea ac Regio-aulica Typo- rum Fusura. Small 4to, half imit. morocco Vindobonae, 1760 1296 TuRGAN. Imprimerie Administrative de Paul Dupont. Illustrations. [A livraison of Les Grandes Usines.] Imp. 8vo, imit. morocco Paris, 1864 1297 TuRRi (Giuseppe). Memoriesulla Introduzione della Stam- pa in Reggio e sua Provincia, nel secolo XV. Imp. 8vo, imit. morocco Reggio nell' Emilia, 1B69 1298 [TwYN.] Narrative (An Exact) of the Tryal and Con- demnation of John Twyn, for Printing and Dispersing of a Treasonable Book, with the Tryals of Thomas Brewster, Bookseller, Simon Dover, Printer, Nathan Brooks, Book- binder, for Printing, Publishing, and Uttering of Seditious, Scandelous, and Malitious Pamphlets. At Justice-Hall in the Old-Bayly London, the 20th and 22th of February r66f . Published by Authority. Small 4to, morocco, gilt edges Lond. 1664 The " Treasonable Book" was " The Speeches and Prayers of the late King's [Charles I.] Judges, &c., atthetimeof theirdeath. Printed Anno Domini 1660," 4to ; which Lowndes terms " an extraordinary book — its history little known. The Speeches, &c., are all forgeries,, published with the treasonable intention of holding their conduct imi- tation." The prisoner Twyn was hanged, drawn and quartered and the other offenders fined and pilloried. 1299 Type-Setting by Machinery; with Opinions of the Press and Information as to ... . Mitchel's Composing and Distributing Machines. Svo, morocco. Title iinger-soiled. Lond. 1883 1300 Typographia Oder die Buchdruckerkunst, eine Erfindung der Deutschen; bei Gelegenheit der Vierten Harlemer Secularfeier zur Ehre dieser Kunst in Erinnerung ge- bracht. Crown Svo, morocco, uncut edges Essen, 1823 1301 Typographia oder die Buchdruckerkunst .... Half imit. morocco Essen, 1823 1302 Typographia: of Betoog, dat de Boekdrukkunst eene Uitvinding der Deutschers is . . . Uit het Hoogdeutsch. Svo, morocco, uncut edges Franeker, 1823 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. iSi 1303 Typographja: of Betoog .... Half imit. morocco, un- cut edges Franeker, 1823 1304 Typographical Miscellanies. An extraordinary Collec- tion of over 2,000 Engravings on copper, wood, etc. ; and fragments of old black-letter and gothic-type books; 1,300 Printers' Devices and Title-pages, nearly all the latter bearing the printer's device or with other engraved design; some 350 Fac-similes of Printer's Devices, of por- tions of early printed and block-books, etc.; 50 Auto- graph Letters; and a very large collection of Printed Matter, consisting of pamphlets, portions of books, maga- zines, newspaper-clippings, circulars, broadsides, etc.; — the whole illustra.ting the History of Printing and Engraving, from the infancy of those arts. All neatly mounted on drawing paper, or arranged, in 37 vols , royal 4to, bound , in half crimson morocco extra, gilt tops It is impossible in these pages to give an adequate description of the matter contained in these volumes, but the following synopsis of their contents may serve to give some idea of the collection to those unable to examine it. The matter is arranged alphabetically by the names of the Printers or Publishers whose productions are illustrated or treated, the Contents of every volume being lettered on back as be- low; several volumes being devoted to special topics, as noted. Volume I. "A." A large and very fine Engraving on copper, by Ph. Galle after Jo. Strandanus, of the interior of an early Printing Office; 3 Portraits; 51 Printers' Devices, including 34 of the Aldi, a few of the latter being fac-similes ; 10 title-pages ; 2 Authograph Letters ; 5 other illustrations ; and many printed and written biog- raphies, bibliographical memoranda, etc. Volumes II. & III. " B. i. and ii." it Portraits, including Basker- ville, Bowyer, Barbier, etc, ; 4 Autograph Letters, of Bodoni, Benj. Franklin Bache, etc. ; 65 Title-pages, including those of old Eng- lish Bibles, Badius' Press, etc. ; 103 Printers' Devices; 29 other En- gravings, including Fac-similes ; Specimens of Printing from the Presses of Bodoni, Baskerville, etc. ; Letterpress, etc. Volumes IV. & V. "Caxton." 23 Portraits of Caxton ; 41 Engrav- ings, including Views of his House, Fac-similes, etc.; 4 Title-pages; II Black-Letter Fragments from the Arte or Craft to dye well, etc., etc., with old woodcuts ; i Autograph Letter ; and a very large col- lection of Printed Matter from books, magazines and newspapers respecting Caxton and his Press, the Caxton Celebration, etc., and Digitized by Microsoft® 152 THE HOE LIBRARY. including the rare pieces : Dialogues in the Shades and Rare Doings at Roxburghe Hall. Volume VI. "C." 36 Title-pages ; 54 Printers' Devices ; ,12 Por- traits, including 7 of Edward Cave and a large and fine Mezzotint by Faber of William Caslon ; 2 Autograph Letters and 2 Documents signed by Cramoisy ; 16 Fac-similes, etc. ; Copy of Theorder of Chinabrye ; Fragments of Early Printing ; Printed Biographies ; etc. Volume VII. " D. E." 35 Printers' Devices and 30 Title-pages, including many of the Elzevirs; 12 Autograph Letters; 3 Portraits; 14 Fac-similes, etc. ; Fragments of Black-Letter Books ; Printed Matter. Volume VIII. "F." 22 Title-pages ; 37 Printers' Devices ; 15 Fac- similes, etc. ; 2 Autograph Letters ; g Portraits, including 6 of Franklin and 2 of Froben ; Printed Matter. Volume IX. "G." 52 Printers' Devices, including the Giunta and Gryphaeus Presses ; 23 Title-pages ; 4 Portraits of Thomas Gent, one a large and very fine and rare mezzotint by Val. Green ; 3 Auto- graph Letters ; 18 Fic-similes, etc. ; with the usual letterpress matter. Volume X. " Guttenberg." 8 Portraits of Gutenberg, by Gay- wood, Larmessin, etc., besides 14 others on wood ; with a large amount of valuable printed matter relating to the subject ; with fac- similes, woodcuts, colored plate of Gutenberg's press, etc. Volume XI. "H.I.J." 53 Printers' Devices ; 32 Title-pages ; 14 Fac-similes, etc; 3 Autograph Letters; Fragments of books printed in Gothic type, etc.; Letterpress. Volumes XII. & XIII. "Koster. Festival. (Enschede. Loosjes.)" 14 fine portraits of Koster, by Houbraken, Larmessin, Van Velde, Saaneredem, etc' ; 3 plates of Roster's Statue, 2 of Medals, Portrait of J. B. Coster ; several Fac-similes ; a very large amount of Letterpress relating to Koster, the Haarlem theory, his Jubilee, etc., including Poems, Songs, Broadsides, Newspapers, Clippings, many manuscript Memoranda, Specimens of Enschede's type, etc. Volume XIV. " K. L." 26 Printers' Devices; 22 Title-pages; 9 Fac-similes, etc. ; 2 Portraits ; etc. Volume XV. "Libraries." 39 Engravings, nearly all of the inte- rior or exterior of celebrated English Libraries ; 4 Autograph Let- ters ; and a large collection of printed matter from books, maga- zines, etc. , describing various Libraries. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 153 Volume XVI. "M." 38 Title-pages; 29 Printers' Devices; 14 Fac-similes, etc. ; 2 Portraits ; 3 Autograph Letters, by Maittaire, Meerman, etc. ; and Letterpress. Volume XVII. "N. O." 7 Portraits; 2 Autojjaph Letters; 20 Printers' Devices ; 35 Title-pages ; Printed Matter. Volume XVIII. "Printing in Colors." 135 Engravings; Title- pages and Specimens of Printing in various colors. Volumes XIX. & XX. "Printing. History.'" A verj' large and interesting collection of printed matter, including pamphlets, ex- tracts from books, newspapers, etc., treating of the History of Printing, with Fac-similes and several Plates. Volume XXI. "Printing. Specimens." A very interesting col- lection of 49 engraved Title-pages ; 141 Specimens of Early Gothic and Black-letter ,Printing, many of them containing curious old woodcuts ; 44 other Specimens of Printing ; etc. Volume XXII. " Printing Machinery." A collection of some 150 Engravings on copper, wood and steel, of interior of Printing Oflfice, of Presses, of Machinery and Implements ; with Newspaper Cuttings, etc. Volume XXIII. "P." 64 Printers' Devices; 19 Title-pages; 25 Fac-similes, etc. ; 2 Portraits ; 3 Autogjraph Letters, by Panzer, etc; and Letterpress. Volume XXIV. "Q. R." 23 Title-pages; 31 Printers' Devices; 9 Fac-similes, etc. ; 2 Specimens of Early Printing ; with Printed Matter. Volumes XXV. & XXVI. " S. i. & ii." 6 Portraits of R. Stephan- us, William Strahan (fine folio mezzotint by J. Jones), etc.; 72 Printers' Devices ; 48 Title-pages ; 6 Autograph Letters, of Sene- felder, etc. ; 14 Facsimiles, etc. : leaf from a Fust and Schoeffer Bible ; Printed Matter. Volume XXVII. "Strawberry Hill." 4 Portraits of Horace Walpole and 6 of Thomas Kirgate, his Printer ; 6 Views of Straw- berry Hill, including colored view of Printing House ; 2 Strawberry Hill and 3 other Title-pages ; 4 leaves printed at the Strawberry Hill Press; etc. Volume XXVIII. " T." z6 Printers' Devices ; 1 1 Title-pages ; 3 Portraits of Jacob Tonson ; Letterpress ; etc. Volume XXIX. & XXX. "Type." Over 200 leaves of Specimens of Type and Typographical Ornaments, etc. ; with Letterpress. Volume XXXI. "U. V." 42 Printers' Devices; 18 Title-pages; 5 Fac-similes ; i Portrait ; 2 early Woodcuts ; Letterpress. Digitized by Microsoft® 154 THE HOE LIBRARY. Volume XXXII. lo Portraits ; 45 Printers' Devices; 29 .Title-pages; 31 Fac-similes ; I Autograph Letter; Specimens of Early Printing; Printed Matter. Volumes XXIII., XXXIV., & XXXV. "Woodcuts." A large and interesting collection of 1,335 Woodcuts, and a few Copper- plates ; nearly all old, and many of them very early in date and curi- ous ; 59 Fac-similes. Volume XXXVI. "Y, Z. & Marks." 20 Title-pages ; 30 Print- ers' Devices ; 43 Fac-similes, many of them containing several de- vices ; 2 Newspapers printed in gold ink ; etc. Volume XXXVII. " Paper, Ink, Lithography, Fac-similes." 53 Fac-similes of early Engravings and Printing ; Specimens printed in various colored inks and much valuable Letterpress on topics mentioned in heading. 1305 Typographical Researches, with an Essay upon Manuscripts, etc., etc., etc.; condensing the Essence of more than one thousand volumes. By a Bibliographer. Original Manuscript, with above written title, of 263 pages, 4to ; with other MS. memoranda ; lacking Cljapters I.-IV. (pages 1-27); in sheets ^'^°^ \me^Sw\ EBERSETZUNG derjenigen Artikel der K.K. Dekrete, welche die Buchdruckerey und den Buchhandel betreffen, und einiger von dem Herrn General-Direktor gegebenen Instruktion zu derselben Ausfiihrung zum Gebrauch der Herren Buchhandler und Buchdrucker in den Departementen der Elb- und Weser-Miindungen. 4to, imit. morocco n. p., 181 1 1307 Uebersicht (Geschichtliche) der Kupferstecherkunst in ihren Monumenten aus den Privatsammlungen Leipzigs. 3 parts in 1 vol, i2mo, imit. morocco Leipzig, 1841 1308 UiTviNDiNG der Boekdrukkunst. Hlustrations on wood. Square i2mo, morobco, uncut edges Haarlem, 1854 1309 UiTviNDiNG. . . . Imit. morocco Haarlem, 1854 13 10 Ullmann (C.) Rede bei dem vierten Sacularfeste der Er- findung der Buchdruckerkunst am 24sten Juni, 1840, in der akademischen Aula zu Heidelberg. 8vo, imit. morocco Heidelberg, 1840 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 155 1311 Ullmann. Rede. . . . Half imit. morocco Heidelberg, 1840 131 2 Umbreit (August Ernst). Die Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Leipzig, 1843 13 13 [Unger (Carl).] Fliichtige Blicke auf die letzten vierzig Jahre des vierten Jahrhunderts d'er Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Berlin, 1840 1314 Unger ([Christianus Theophilus].) De Aldi Pii Manutii Romani Vita Meritisque in Rem Literariam liber singularis. Auctus cura et studio Samuelis Lutheri Geret. Frontis- piece. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Vitembergae, 1753 -1315 Unger ([Johann Friedrich]). Prozess des Buchdrucker Unger gegen den Oberkonsistorialrath ZoUner in Censur- angelegenheiten wegen eines verbotenen Buchs. 8vo, imit. morocco Berlin, Unger, 1791 13 16 Ursin (Georg Fr.) Bogtrykkerkunstens Opfindesse og Udvikling i 400 Aar. En Festgave til dens fjerde Jubi- Iceum. Frontispiece of Gutenberg's statue and cuts. Crown 8vo, half niorocco, gilt top Kjobenhavn, 1840 Only 50 copies printed. 1317 r^^^^|ADE-MECUM Typographique. lamo, half imit. ^Mlt^k' morocco Paris, 1866 '^3'^ •ll^O^if Vanderhaeghen (Ferdinand). Bibliographie ^ ■■■'■" ' Gantoise. Recherches sur la Vie et Tra- vaux des Imprimeurs de Gand (1483-1850). Avec Supple- ment, etc. Plates and facsimiles. 7 vols, 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt backs Gand, 1858-69 13 19 Varusoltis. Xylographie de I'lmprimerie Troyenne pen- dant le XV= , le XVI= , le XVIP et le XVIII= sifecles. Pr6- cdd^e d'une Lettre du Bibliophile Jacob [Paul Lacroix], sur I'Histoire de la Gravure en bois. A collection of 574 woodcuts, printed from the original blocks, on ^2 leaves. 4to, crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges Troyes, 1859 Only a small edition printed. Digitized by Microsoft® 156 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1320 Vasari (Georgios). Vite di piu' eccellenti Pittori, Scultori ed Architetti. Edizione arricchita di Note. . . . Numer- ous portraits on copper. 7 vols, small 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges- Livorno e Firenze, 1767-72 132 1 Vaschalde (Henry). Etablissement de I'lmprimerie dans le Vivarais. Illustr^ de Marques Typographiques. Royal 8vo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Vienne, 1877 Only 100 copies reprinted from the Rivue du Dauphini et du Vivaraist 1322 Van Winkle (C. S.) The Printer's Guide. . . Third edition. i2mo, sheep N. Y. 1836 1J23 VAYSSiiRE (A.) Les Commencements de I'lmprimerie a Bourg-en-Bresse. Royal 8vo, half imit. ' morocco, uncut edges Bourg-en-Bresse, 1877 Only 25 copies printed. 1324 Vecel-lio (Cesare). Costumes anciens et modernes; pr6- c6d^s d'un Essai sur la Gravure sur bois par Ambroise Firmin Didot. ^1^ plates on wood of costume, with Text in French and Italian. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs and tops Paris, i860 1325 Veen (B. W. van der). De Verbeterde Nederlandsche Letterkast. . . . 8vo, morocco Tiel, 1852 1326 Vergilius (Polydorus). De Rerum Invent6ribus Libri VII. Et de Prodigiis Libri III. The curious engraved title ruled in red ink. Thick i8mo, vellum Lugduni Batavorum, 1644 " Chapter VII. of the second book treats of books, libraries, and the invention of printing, which is attributed to Gutenberg at Mayence. The engraved title-page bears a full-length figure of Gutenberg, with the inscription ' Typographise Inventor,' and a representation of Friar Bacon being blown to pieces by his invention of gunpowder." 1327 Verhaal (Beknopt) van de Viering van het vierde Eeuw- getijde na de Vinding der Boekdrukkunst. Gevierd door de gezamenlijke Geemploijeerden der Bataviasche Lands- drukkerij, 1823. Folding print on wood, 8vo, half imit. morocco Batavia, 1825 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY, 157 1328 Vermiglioli (Gio. Battista). Principj della Stampa in Perugia e suoi Progressi per tutto il secolo XV. Nuova- mente illustrati, accresciuti e corretti in questa Seconda Edizione. 8vo, half morocco Perugia, 1820 Contains . Catalogo Rajionato delle Edizioni Perugine del Primo Secolo. 1329 Vernazza (Giuseppe). Lezione sopra la Stampa. Crown 8vo, imit. morocco , Cagliari, 1778 1330 Vernazza. Osservazioni Tipografiche sopra Libri impressi in Piemonte nel Secolo XV. 8vo, tre^ sheep, gilt back, , red edges Bassano, 1807 Only a small edition privately printed. At end is the same author's : Inscriptiones in basi Pyramidis extra Pomoerium Via Ripulina euntibus ab Urba dextrorsum. Augustse Taurinorum. 1 33 1 Vernazza di Freney (Giuseppe). Dizionario dei Tipo- grafi e dei principali Correttori ed Intagliatori, che opera- rono negli Stati Sardi e piti specialmente in Piemonte sino air anno 182 1. 4to, paper Torino, 1859 1332 Vertue (George). Description of the Works of . . . Wen- ceslaus Hollar, . , . With some account of his Life. Second edition, with Additions. Five fine vignettes on copper, includ- ing portrait and view of monument. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1759 1333 Vervolg (Eerste) op de Proeve van Letteren welke gegoten worden in de Lettergieiery van Joh. Enschede en Zonen. Folio, half imit. morocco Haarlem, 1 830 1334 Verzeichniss einiger in der akademischen Aula... zur Ansicht aufgestellter, in der hiesigen Universitatsbibliothek aufbewahrter alter Druckwerke. 8vo, imit. morocco. Leipzig, 1840 1335 Vienna. Album der K. K. Hof-und Staatsdruckerei in Wien. 4 vols, stout imp. folio, half morocco Wien, 1850 These volumes contain specimens of all the very extensive collection of various types used in this great establishment, as well as engravings by all the different processes there employed. 1336 ViERiNG (De) van het vierde Eeuwfeest der Boekdruk- kunst, te Haarlem. 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Haarlem, 1823 Digitized by Microsoft® 158 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1337 ViLLARROYA (Joseph). Dissertacion sobre el Origen del nobilisimo Arte Tipografico, y su Introduccion y Uso en la Ciudad de Valencia de los Edetanos. 8vo, Spanish sheep Valencia, 1796 1338 ViNCARD (B.) L'Art du Typographe. . . ; contenant . . . les details de chacune des deux parties de cet Art, [etc., etc.] Plate of alphabets, etc., specimens of type, of colored papers, etc. 8vo, half sheep, gilt back Paris, 1806 1339 ViNCARD. L'Art du Typographe . . . Deuxieme edition. Plates. 8vo, paper, uncut edges. Corner stained Paris, 1823 1340 Vincent (J. B.) Essai sur I'Histoire de I'lmprimerie en Belgique, depuis le 15' jusqu'a la fin du i8« siecle. Extrait du Bulletin du Bibliophile Beige." 8vo, imit.. niorocco Bruxelles, 1859 1341 Vincent. Essai sur I'Histoire de I'lmprimerie en Bel- gique . . . 8vo, half roan Bruxelles, 1867 Only 350 copies printed. 1342 ViNGTRiNiER (Aim6). Vieux Papiers d'un Imprimeur: Scenes et R^cits, Imitations, les Epines. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Lyon, Aim^ Vingtrinier, 1859' 1343 Vlissingen (P. van). Epreuves d'une premiere Imprimerie Javanaise, dont les Caracteres ont htk. confectionn^s k la Fonderie de Jean Ensched6 et Fils. 4to, boards, uncut edges Harlem, 1824 1344 [VoEGELiN (S.)] Christoph Froschauer, erster beriihmter Buchdrucker in Zurich, nach seinem Leben und Wirken . . . 4to, half imit. morocco Zurich, 1840 1345 VoisiN (A.) Josse Lambert, Imprimeur, Graveur, Poete et Grammarien Gantois du XVI« sifecle. Seconde Edition, revue et beaucoup plus ample. Plate of printers' marks. Imp. 8vo, half imit. morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Gand, 1842 Printed on thick papier velin, only 12 copies being so printed; the entire edition consisting of only 53 copies. 1346 VoisiN. Notes pour servir d I'Histoire de I'lmprimerie dans I'ancienne Belgique. [Extrait des Bulletins de I'Acad. Royale de Bruxelles.] 8vo, imit. morocco [Bruxelles, 1850] Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 159 '347 VoisiN. Notes . . . Half imit. morocco. [Bruxelles, 1850] 1348 VoLKS-LiEDEKENS (XII.) op bekcnde wijzen, ter vervrolij- king van Lourens Janz. Kosters vierde Eeuw-feest ; door Democriet. i2mo, morocco Haarlem, 1823 1349 VoLKs-LiEDEKENS (XII.) . . . Imit. morocco, uncut edges Haarlem, 1823 1350 VoLPi (Gaetano). La Libreria de'Volpi, e la Stamperia Cominiana, illustrate con utili e curiose Annotazioni. Avvertenze necessarie e profittevoli a' Bibliotecarj, e agli^ Amatori de' buoni Libri. Small 8vo, sheep Padova, Giuseppe Comino, 1756 Pages 395-528 contains : Catalogo Chronologico di tutte le Produ- zione della Stamperia Cominiana dall' anno 1717 fin al 1756. 1351 Vries (Abraham de). Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis der Uitvinding van de Boekdrukkunst. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top [Haarlem, 1823] Privately printed. 1352 Vries. Brief aan A. D. Schinkel, over Guichard's Notice sur le Speculum Humanae Salvationis, met drie Bijlagen, tot staving der Naauwkeurigheid van het Verhaal van Junius, wegens de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst en ter wederlegging der meening : dat Coster Koster zou'geweest zihn. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges 's Gravenhage, 1841 1353 Vries. Bewijsgronden der Duitschers voor hunne Aans- praak opde Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst, of Beoordeeling van het Werk van A. E. Umbreit : Die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top 's Gravenhage, 1844 1354 Vries. Lijst der Stukken betrekkelijk de Geschiedenis van de Uitvinding der Boekdrukkunst, berustende op het Raadhuis te Haarlem. 8vo, .morocco Haarlem, 1862 1355 Vries. Eclaircissemens sur I'Histoire de I'lnvention de rimprimerie . . . Traduit par J. J. F. Noordziek. 8vo, half morocco - La Haye, 1843 1356 Vries. Arguments des Allemands en faveur de leur preten- tion h. I'lnvention de I'lmprimerie ; . . . Traduit du hollaridais par J. J. F. Noordziek. [Avec Preface du Tra- ducteur, 22 pages.] 8vo, half morocco La Haye, 1845 Digitized by Microsoft® t6o the hoe library. 1357 |-i»: 1378 Weller (Emil). Repertorium Typographicum. Die deutsche Literatur im ersten Viertel des sechzehnten jahrhunderts. Im Anschluss an Hains Repertorium und Panzers deutsche Annalen. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Nordlingen, 1864 1379 Werdet (Edmond). Etudes Bibliographiques sur la Famille des Didot, Imprimeurs, [etc.] (1713-1864.) Extrait de I'Histoire du Livre en France. Small 8vo, half morocco extra, uncut edges Paris, 1864 One hundred copies printed, of which only twenty were for sale. 1380 Werther (Johann David). Warhaiftige Nachrichten der so alt- als beiihmten Buchdrucker- Kunst, in welchen vom Ursprung und Fortgang der Buchdruckereyen, von 1440 ah biss ietzo 172 1. . . Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top Franckfurth, 17 21 1 38 1 Werther. Warhafftige Nachrichten. . . . Half vellum Franckfurth, 1721 T382 [West (William).] Fifty Years' Recollections of an Old Bookseller; consisting of Anecdotes, [etc.] of Authors, Artists, Actors, Books, Booksellers and of the Periodical Press for the last half century. Portraits on stone, wood, etc. 8vo, cloth ' Lond. 1837 1383 [Westerman (M.).] Aan de feestvierende Drukkers- Gezellen van de Heeren Bluss6 & Comp. en J. de Vos & Comp. . . [Six pages.] 8vo, half imit. morocco Dordrecht, 1823 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 163 1384 Westreenen [van Tiellandt] ([W. H. J., Baron van).] Verhandeling over de Uitvinding der Boekdruckkunst; in Holland oorspronkelijk uitgedacht, te Straatsburg ver- beterd en te Mentz voltooid. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt top 'sHage, 1809 1385 Westreenen van Tiellandt. Korte Schets van den Voortgang der Boekdrukkunst in Nederland, in de XV"^« , en haare verdere Volmaaking in de XVI^' en XVII^e Eeuw. 8vo, morocco 'sGravenhage, 1829 1386 Westreenen van Tiellandt. Rapport sur les Recherches relatives k I'lnvention premiere et ^ I'usage le plus ancien de rimprimerie St^r^otype ... [In Dutch and French.] Four plates of facsimiles. Large 8vo, half imit. morocco La Haye, 1833 1387 Westreenen van Tiellandt. Rapport sur les Recherches . . . Morocco, uncut edges. Corner water-stained La Haye, 1833' 1388 Westreenen van Tiellandt. lets over de Afbeeldingen van Laurens Jansz. Koster. Small 8vo, morocco s'Gravenhage, 1847 1389 Westi^eenen van Tiellandt. lets over de Afbeeldingen van Laurens Janz. Koster. 8vo. — Bewijzen voor de Echtheid en Gelijkenis der oude Afbeeldingen von Coster. Ter Wederlegging van het lets van der Heer van Wes- treenen. [Door A. de Vries.] 8vo. — De Zoogenaamde "Bewijzen voor de Echtheid . . . ,'' wederlegd. Royal 8vo. — 3 pamphlets, in limp board cover Haarlem en s'Gravenhage, 1847 -'48 1390 Wetter (J.) Kritische Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdru'ckerkunst durch Johann Gutenberg zu Mainz. 8vo. With Atlas of thirteen plates containing numerous fac- similes, oblong folio. 2 vols, half roan Mainz, 1836 1391 Wetter. Conrad Henlif oder Henekis, Buckdrucker und I Buchhandler zu Mainz, der Geschaftsgenosse Peter Schoffer's. Small 8vo, imit. morocco Mainz, 185 1 Digitized by Microsoft® 1 64 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 1392 WiBiRAL (Fr.) L'Iconographie d'Antoine van Dyck d'apres les recherches de H. Weber. Portrait et six planches, repr^sentant de vieux filigranes. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Leipzig, 1877 1393 WiEBEKiNG (C. F.) Ueber Topographische Carten. 4to, half imit. morocco Mulheim, 1792 1394 Wiechmann-Kadow (C. M.) Beitrage zur altern Buch- drucker geschichte Meklenburgs nebst einer Zusammen- stellung der bisher beschriebenen meklenburgischen Druckdenkmale. 8vo, imit. morocco Schwerin, 1857 1395 Wiechmann-Kadow. Die mecklenburgischen Formsch- neider des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. " 8vo, imit. mo- rocco Schwerin, 1858 1396 WiLLEMS (Alphonse). Les Elzeviers. Histoire et Annales Typographiques. Illuminated coat-of-arms. Thick imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Bruxelles, 1880 1397 WiLLEMS, (J. F.) Berigten wegeus de Boekprinters van Antwerpen, ten jahr 1442, enz. 8vo, half morocco, uncut edges Gent, 1844 1398 WiLLETT (Ralph). Memoir on the Origin ef Printing. Ad- dressed to John Topham. — Memoir on British Naval Architecture. Read at the Society of Antiquaries, Feby. 14, 1793. — In I vol, 4to, half roan, yellow edges [Lond,] From The Archseologia. 1399 WiLLETT. Memoir on the Origin of Printing. In a Letter addressed to John Topham. Crown 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Newcastle, 1820 Only 1 50 copies printed. 1400 WiLLSHiRE (William Hughes). Descriptive Catalogue of Playing and other Cards in the British Museum; accom- panied by a concise general History of the subject and Remarks on Cards of Divination and of a politico-histori- cal character. Twenty-four plates, many of them colored, of old Playing Cards. Imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges [Lond.] 1876 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 165 1 40 1 WiLLSHiRE. Introduction to the Study and Collection of Ancient Prints. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Three plates. 2 vols, 8vo, half roxburghe, uncut edges Lond. 1877 1402 WiLME (B. P.) Manual of Writing and Printing Char- acters, both ancient and modern. 4to, cloth. Lond. 1845 1403 Wilson (A. J.) The Walter Press. [In Macmillan's Magazine, Feb'y, 1875.] 8vo, half imit. morocco Lond. 1875 1404 Wilson (J. S.) Autotypie. De Natuur zich zelve afbeel- dende. Fourteen colored plates of leaves. Oblong 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Meppel, 1857 1405 Wilson and Sons (Alexander). Specimens of Printing Types. 8vo, half imit. morocco, gilt edges Glasgow, 1786 1406 WiNA RICKY (Charles). Jean Gutenberg, n6 en 1412 h. Kut- tenberg en Boheme, . . . inventeur de I'imprimerie h. Mayence en 1450. Essai historique et critique. Traduit du manuscrit allemand par Jean de Carro. i2mo, half morocco Bruxelles, 1847 1407 WoLFius (Joannes Christianus). Monumenta Typographica, quae Artis hujus praestantissimae originem, laudem et abusum posteris produnt. 2 vols, thick small 8vo, half morocco Hamburgi, 1740 " This very valuable collection of Wolfius consists of Pieces, whether in verse or prose, eiitire on extracted, selected by him from the principal authors who have written on the History of Printing." — HORNE. 1408 Wolfius. Monumenta Typographica. ... 2 vols, thick small 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops Hamburgi, 1740 1409 Wood-Block, used in printing an old Book ; containing thirteen lines in German. Size s| by 6-^ inches Curious and interesting specimen of this primitive mode of printing. 1410 Working-Man's Way (The) in the World ; being the Autobiography of a Journeyman Printer. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut edges Lond., n. d. Digitized by Microsoft® i66 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1411 WuERDTWEiN (Stcphanus Alexander). Bibliotheca Mo- guntina: Libris saeculo primo typographico Moguntiae im- pressis instructa, hinc inde addita InventEe Typpgraphise Historia. Nine copper-plates of facsimiles.. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Augustae Vindelicorum. 1789 141 2 WuESTEMANN (Ernestus Frid.) Oratio in quartis Inventse Artis Gutenbergianse Solemnibus Ssecularibus, quae eadem secunda fuerunt Officinse Typographicse in urbe Gotha conditae sacra Ssecularia. 8vo, imit. morocco Gothse, 1840 1413 WuESTEMANN. Oratio. . . . 8vo, half imit. morocco Gothae, 1840 1414 ||:g5Jifr|j-g^;||0UNG AND MINNS, Printers to the State. Defence, before the Committee of the House of Representatives. With an Appendix, con- taining the Debate, etc. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Bost. 1805 Lacks end of the Debate, pages 65 to the end. Young and Minns' alleged offence was the publication, in their newspaper The New- England Palladium, of an attack upon President Jefferson. '415 I^^^IACCARIA [ANTONUCCIJ (Gaetano). Catalogo ragionato di Opere stampate per Francesco Marcolini da Forli. Con Memorie Biografiche. — Appendice e Correzioni. — In i vol, 8vo, imit. morocco, uncut edges Fermo, 1850-53 1416 Zaccaria Antonucci. Catalogo di Opere Ebraiche, Greche, I^atine ed Italiane stampata dai celebri Tipografi Soncini, ne' SecoU XV. e XVI. Ora per cura di Cres- centino Giannini correto. 8vo, imit morocco, uncut edges • Fermo, 1868 Only 250 copies printed. 1417 Zani (Pietro). Materiali per alia Storia dell' Origine e de' Progressi dell' Incisione in rame e in legno. . . Plate. 8vo, half carlf Parma, 1802 Digitized by Microsoft® TItE HOE LIBRARY. 167 1418 Zantedeschi (Francesco). Delia Electrotipia: Memorie. Fine plates. 4to, half imit. morocco, uncut edges ' Venezia, 1841 1419 Zapf (Georgius Guilielmus). Annales Typographicse Augustanse, ab ejus Origine, 1466, usque ad annum 1530. Accedit Francisci Antbnii Veith Diatribe de Origini et Incrementis Artis Typographicse in Urbe . Augusta Vin- delica. Facsimile. Small 4to, calf, red edges Augustas Vindelicorum, 1778 1420 Zapf. Augsburg Buchdruckergeschichte nebst den Jahr- biichern derselben. Vom Jahre 1468 bis auf das Jahr 1530. Facsimiles on copper. 2 vols, 4to, half morocco, gilt tops. Marginal MS. notes Augsburg, i786-'9i 142 1 Zapf. Augsburgs Buchdruckergeschichte 2 vols. in I. 4to, half morocco Augsburg, i786-'9i 1422 Zapf. Aeltesse Buchdruckergeschichte von Mainz von derselben Erfindung bis auf das Jahr 1499 verfasst, heraus- geben und mit Anmerkungen erlautert. Facsimile. 8vo, boards Ulm, 1790 1423 Zapf. Aelteste Buckdrukergeschichte Schwabens. Oder Verzeichniss aller von Erfindung der Buchdrukerkunst bis 1500 in Ulm, Esslingen, BLeutlingen, Memmingen, Stutt- gart, Tubingen, Urach, Blaubeuren und Constanz gedruk- ten Bucher, mit litterarischen Anmerkungen. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Ulm, 1791 1424 Zapf. Ueber eine alte und hochst seltene Ausgabe von des Joannis de Turrecremata Explanatio in Psalterium, und einige andere typographische Seltenheiten. Six copper-plates of facsimiles. 4to, morocco Niirnberg, 1803 1425 Zapf. Vorlaufige Nachricht von der ehemaligen beruhm- ten Privatbuchdruckerey Ad insigne pinus, in Augsburg. Small 8vo, imit. morocco Augsburg, 1804 Digitized by Microsoft® 1 68 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1426 Zech (Josef Joh. Nep.) Gott griiss' die Kunst ! Jahrbuch deutscher Buchdrucker fiir 1859. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Agram, 1859 1427 Zeggelen (W. J. van). Costerliedjes. Souvenir aan Haarlems Julijfeesten in 1856. i6mo, half imit. morocco, uncut edges Haarlem, 1856 1428 Zeltner (Gustav Georg). Kurtz-gefasste Historic der gedruckten Bibel- Version und anderer Schriften D. Mart. Lutheri, in der Beschreibung des Lebens und Fatorum Hanns Luffts, beriihmtem Buchdruckers und Handlers zu Wittenberg, auch anderer dasigen und benachbarten Typo- graphorum. Portraits on copper of Lufft, Gutenberg, Fust, Rhavus, Mentel and Coster. Small 4to, half morocco, gilt top Niirnberg, 1727 1429 Zeltner (Johannes Conradus). Correctorum in Typo- graphiis Eruditorum Centuria, Speciminis loco collecta. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top Norimbergse, 17 16 " A very curious History of a Hundred Learned Proof -Readers." 1430 Zeltner. Theatrum Virorum Eruditorum qui speciatim Typographiis laudabilem Operam praestiterunt. Portrait. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top Norimbergse, 1720 143 1 Zeltner. Theatrum Virorum i2mo, half vellum Norimbergse, 1720 1432 Zenger. The Case and Tryal of John Peter Zenger of New York, Printer, who was lately tryed and acquitted for Printing and Publishing a Libel against the Government. With the Pleadings and Arguments on both Sides. 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1750 1433 ZijLL (W. C. van). Mijmering van het oude Stanbeeld van Laurens J^". Coster (afgeluisterd). Ten Voordeele van het Feest der Onthulling van diens Standbeeld. 8vo, imit. morocco Hilversum, 1856 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 169 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS, Including Works on Engineering,, Mechanics, Arcliitecture, Agricul- ture, the Horse, etc. 1434 ||.-/rgi^'S!\i DAMS (G.) Geometrical and Graphical Essays. Fourth edition. Half calf. Plates to same. Boards. — 2 vols, 8vo Lond. 18 13 ^435 American Agriculturist. Vol. XIX. 4to, cloth, New York, i860. — Eighth Census Report on Manufactures of the U. S. Half russia. Washington, 1865. — 2 vols,<4to. 1436 American Geographical Society Bulletin. 13 numbers for 1879-1882 1437 American Journal of Science; conducted by B Silli- man, from commencement 1820 to Oct., 1842, inclusive, lacking Vols. XXIX. and XXXIII., Plates. 41 vols, 8vo, half calf New Haven, i82o-'42 1438 American Naturalist (The) : a Popular Illustrated Mag- azine of Natural History. From commencement 1868 to 1884 inclusive. Many illustrations. 18 Vols, 8vo, cloth Salem and Phil. i868-'84 1439 American Naturalist (The). Vol. XI. Large 8vo, cloth Bost. 1877 1440 American Repertory (The) of Arts, Sciences and Manu- factures. Edited by J. J. Mapes. From commencement Feby., 1840, to Jan., 1842, inclusive. 4 vols, 8vo, half calf. Two title-pages waterstained. N. Y. i84o-'42 1441 Antisell (T.) Hand-Book of the Useful Arts. Wood- cuts. Thick i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1852 1442 Appleton's Mechanics' Magazine and Engineers' Journal. Plates and woodcuts. Vol. I., 8vo, cloth; Vol. II., 4to, half morocco. 2 vols N. Y. r85i-'52 1443 Architect (The): a Weekly Illustrated Journal of Art, Civil Engineering, and Building. Many plates and wood- cuts. Vols. I.-IV. 4 vols, folio, cloth Lond. iS69-'7o Digitized by Microsoft® 170 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1444 Arendts (C.) Practical Aids to the Study of Natural His- tory, Botany, Geology, Mineralogy and Technology. Translated by G. L. M. Strauss. Four hundred woodcuts. Royal 8vo, cloth Lond. 1861 1445 Armata^e (G.) The Horseowner and Stableman's Com- panion. Post 8vo, cloth Lond., n. d. 1446 AuBuissoN DE VoisiNs (J. F. d'). Treatise on Hydraulics for the use of Engineers. Translated by J. Bennett. Five plates. 8vo, cloth Bost. 1^52 1447 IP^^^l^RLOW (Peter). Treatise on the Strength of Timber, Cast and Malleable Iron, and other Materials. New edition, by I. F. Heather. Nine plates. ^ 8 vo, cloth Lond. 185 1 1448 Beach (W.) The Family Physician. Over two hundred woodcuts. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1846 1449 Beale (L.) How to Work with the Microscope. Third edition. Fifty-six plates on wood. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1865 1450 Beckmann (J.) History of Inventions and Discoveries. Translated from the German by W. Johnston. Second edition. 4 vols, 8vo, calf, binding somewhat worn Lond. 1814 1451 Beckmann. History of Inventions. . . . Third edition. 4 vols, 8vo, half calf Lond. 1817 1452 Bement (C. N.) The American Poulterer's Companion. One hundred and twenty woodcuts. Square crown 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1878 1453 Binns (E.) The Anatomy of Sleep. Second edition. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1845 1454 Bourne (John). Treatise of the Steam Engine, in its Application to Mines, Mills, Steam Navigation and Rail- ways. Thirty-three plates on steel and three hundred and forty-nine woodcuts. 4to, cloth Lond. 1853 145s Bourne. Treatise on the Steam Engine. Thirty-three plates and three hundred and forty-nine woodcuts. 4to, half morocco N. Y. 1851 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 171 1456 Brewster (Sir Benjamin). Treatise on Magnetism; being the Encyclopaedia Britannica Article. Crown 8vo, cloth Edinburgh, 1837 1457 Bridgman (T.) The Young Gardener's Assistant. 8vo, cloth , N.,Y. 1857 1458 Brooks (S. H.) Designs for Cottage and Villa Architec- ture. One hundred and eleven plates. 4to, cloth. Corners of a few plates waterstained Lond., n. d. 1459 Brown (H. T.) Five hundred and seven Mechanical Movements. Five hundred and seven woodcuts. Square i2mo, half morocco N. Y. 186S 1460 Buckman (James). Science and Practice of Farm Culti- vation. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1865 1461 Burlinson (H.) and Simpson (W. H.) The Iron Ship- builders', Engineers' and Iron Merchants' Guide and Assistant, containing the Calculated Weights of upwards of 150,000 different sizes of Iron Plates. Oblong royal' 8vo, half roan ' Lond. 1865 1462 Burn (R. S.) Practical Ventilation as applied to Public, Domestic and Agricultural Structures. Post 8vo, cloth Edinburgh, 1850 1463 Byrne (O.) The Practical Model Calculator for the En- gineer, Mechanic, Machinist, &c. Large 8vo, cloth Phil. 1852 1464 Byrne. The Handbook for the Artisan, Mechanic and Engineer. Plates on stone and one hundred and eighty-five woodcuts. Large 8vo, cloth Phil. 1853 ^4^5 ligjgessit^ ARPENTER (W. B.) Mechanical Philosophy and its Application to the Arts. Woodcuts. i2mo, half morocco Lond. 1843 1466 Carriage Builders' ,and Harness Makers' Art Journal. Division II. January-June, i860. Twenty-one plates. 4to, cloth Lond! i860 Digitized by Microsoft® 1 7 2 THE HOE LIB MAR V. 1467 Chalmers (Thomas). Series of Discourses on the Chris- tian Revelation viewed in connection with the Modern Astronomy. 8vo, calf, gilt back N. Y. 1834 1468 Chevalier (A.) L'Etudiant Micrographe Traits theo- rique et pratique du Microscope et des Preparations. Deuxifeme Edition. Plates and woodcuts. 8vo, paper, uncut Paris, 1865 1469 Civil Engineer (The) and Architects' Journal, Scientific and Railway Gazette: from 1850 to 1854 inclusive (Vols. XIII. -XVII.) Plates and woodcuts. 5 vols, 4to, half morocco. No titles to two volumes Lond. 1850-54 1476 CoLMAN (H.) Agriculture and Rural Economy, from per- sonal observation. Sixth edition. Fine engravings on steel of animals. 2 vols, in i. Thick royal 8vo, cloth Bost. 1857 147 1 Cooper (Thomas). The Emporium of Arts and Sciences. New Series. Vols. I. and II. Plates. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep Phil. 18 13 1472 CoPELAND (R. M.) Country Life: a Handbook of Agri- culture, Horticulture and Landscape Gardening. Svo, cloth Bost. 1859 1473 CopPERTHWAiTE (R. H.) The Turf and the Racehorse. 1 2 mo, cloth Lpnd. 1865 1474 Couture (T.) Mdthode et Entretiens d'Atelier. Avec la Signature de I'Auteur. Post 8vo, paper, uncut Paris, 1868 1475 Cresy (E.) Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering, historical, theoretical and practical. New impression. Over 3,000 engravings on wood. Very thick Svo, cloth, uncut Lond.. 1 865 1476 ADD (G. H.) The Anatomy and Physiology of the Horse. Twenty plates. Imp. 8vo, cloth Bost. 1857 1477 Daly (C.) L' Architecture Priv6e au XIXe Sifecle. Nou- velles Maisons de Paris et des Environs. Very numerous plates. 3 vols, folio, half morocco, gilt backs and tops Paris, 1864 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 173 1478 Davies (J.) Collection of the most important Cases re- specting Patents of Inventions and the Rights of Pat- entees. Royal 8vo, half calf Lond. 18 16 1479 Department of Agriculture. Reports United States and Indiana. 5 vols, 8vo ' 1480 Dog (The) in Health and Disease. By Stonehenge. Fine illustrations on wood. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1867 1481 Downing (A. J.) The Architecture of Country Houses. Three hundred and twenty illustrations. 8vo, cloth 'N. Y. 1856 1482 Downing. Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Land^ scape Gardening adapted to North America. Fifth edi- tion. Portrait and illustrations. Large 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1856 r483 Downing. Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Land- scape Gardening. . . Sixth edition, with Supplement by H. W. Sargent. Portrait and many illustrations. 8vo, cloth N; Y. 1859 1484 Dredge (James). The Pennsylvania Railroad: its Organ- ization, Construction and Management. Chiefly repro- duced from " Engineering." Eighty-two plates and numer- ' ous illustrations. Folio, boards, cloth back. Lond. 1879 1485 Du Bois (A. Jay). The Strain in Framed Structures. Plates. Royal 4to, cloth N. Y. 1883 i486 Dyeing and Calico-Printing (A Practical Treatise on); in- cluding the latest Inventions and Improvements. Plates and woodcuts. Large 8vo, cloth N. Y. .1846 1487 |^^^|ATON (J. M.) Treatise on the Art of Breeding and Managing tame, domesticated, foreign and fancy Pigeons. Colored plates. 8vo, roan Lond. 1858 1488 Ede (George). The Management of Steel. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1867 Digitized by Microsoft® 174 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1489 Edinburgh Encyclopaedia; conducted by David Brew- ster. Many plates. 18 vols, 4to, calf Edinburgh, 1830 Still very valuable on account of the numerous elaborate articles on scientific topics which it contains. 1490 Emerson (William). Cyclomathesis; Doctrine of Propor- tion, Trigonometry, Algebra, Optics, Mechanics, Astron- omy, Combinations, Permutations and Compositions of Quantities, Doctrine of Fluxions, Geography, Arithmetic of Infinities, Miscellanies. Life, by W. Bowe. 13 vols, 8vo, sheep and calf worn, covers of two volumes loosened Lond. 1763-80 1491 Engineer (The) Vols. I.-V.: Jan., 1850 — July, 1858. Illustrations. 5 vols., folio. Vols. I.-II. in cloth. Vols. III.-V. in half morocco Lond. 1856-58 1492 Exposition Universelle de Londres de 1862. Rapports des Membres de la Section Fran9aise du Jury Interna- tional sur I'ensemble de I'Exposition; publics sous la direction de Michel Chevalier. 6 vols, 8vo, half calf Paris, 1862 1493 |::5i;5:i:g»i||AIRBAIRN (William). Treatise on Mills and Millwork. Second edition. Plates and wood- cuts. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1864 1494 Farrar (J.) Elementary Treatise on Mechanics. 8vo, calf Cambridge, 1825 1495 Ferguson (James). Lectures on Select Subjects in mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, astronomy, etc. With Notes and Additions by David Brewster. Third edition. Twenty-seven plates. 2 vols, 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1823 1496 Figuier (L.) L'Ann^e Scientifique et Industrielle, ou Expose Annuel des Travaux Scientifiques, des Inventions, etc. From commencement, 1856, to i87o-'7i, inclusive, and for 1874. 14 vols, in 7, in half morocco, the last two volumes in paper, uncut. 9 vols, post 8vo Paris, i857-'7s Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 175 1497 First Century (The) of the Republic: a Review of American Progress. Illustratiofis. Royal 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1876 1498 Flint (C. L.) The American Farmer: a complete Agri- cultural Library. Numerous engravings. Vol. I. 4to, cloth Hartford, 1882 "^499 l^^^REAT EXHIBITION of 1851. Official Descrip- tion and Illustrated Catalogue. 3 vols, thick imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges Lond. 185 1 1500 Gregory (G.) Mechanics for Practical Men. 8vo. Phil. 1838. With Atlas of Plates. 4to. 2 vols, sheep and half calf 1501 Guettier (A.) De la Fonderie telle qu'elle. existe au- jourd'hui en France at ses nombreuses Applications i ITndustrie. Eleven plates. 4to, half morocco Paris, 1844 1502 |3*iriwJ|ASWELL (C. H.) Engineers' and Mechanics' Pocket-Book. 8th edition. i2mo, roan N. Y. 1854 1503 Haswell. [The same.] Twenty-first edition. i2mo, limp morocco N. Y. 1867 1504 Hatfield (R. G.) The American House Carpenter. Sixth edition. Over three hundred woodcuts. 8vo, cloth. N. Yj 1854 1505 Hatfield. The American House Carpenter: a Treatise on the Art of Building and Strength of Materials. Seventh edition. Three hundred and sixty-five woodcuts. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1874 1506 Hatfield. Theory of Transverse Strains, and its Appli- cation in the Construction of Buildings. Large 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1877 1507 Hauy (Abb6). Traits 616mentaire de Physique. Troisieme Edition. Plates. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Paris, 1821 Digitized by Microsoft® [76 THE HOE LI BEAR Y. 1508 Herbert (Henry William). Frank Forester's Horse and Horsemanship of the United States and British Provinces. V Many fine portraits on steel, on india-paper, of celebrated horses. 2 vols, square imp. 8vo, cloth, binding shaky N. Y. 1857 1509 Herbert and Buist. The American Flower Garden Directory. Colored frontispiece. 8vo, bqards, tincut Phil. 1834 1510 HiBBERD ^Sherley). The Amateur's Greenhouse and Con- servatory: a handy Guide to the Construction and Man- agement of Plant-Houses; etc. Colored plates and wood- cuts. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1880 15 1 1 History of the Electric Telegraph ; etc. 5 vols 1512 Holly (H. H.) Modern Dwelling in Town and Country, adapted to American wants and climate. One hundred original designs. Small 4to, cloth N. Y. 1878 1513 Horticulturist (The) for 1857 and 1858. Colored plates, etc. 2 vols, imp. 8vo, half calf, anc} half calf, gilt back Phil. 1857-58 1514 Hyatt (T.) Account of some Experiments with Portland- Cement-Concrete combined with Iron, as a Building Material. Colored frontispiece and plates. 4to, cloth Lond. 1877 Printed for private circulation at the Chiswiclc Press. 1515 NTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION of 1862. Illustrated Catalogue of the Industrial Depart- ment. British Division. 2 vols, thick imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges Lond. 1862 ^5'^ ll:-iH>>J#il-'^^^^^*^^ (•^•) Dictionary of Mechanical Science, Arts, Manufactures and Miscellaneous Knowledge. 7th edition. Numerous engrav- ings and woodcuts. Thick 4to, calf . Lond. 1830 1517 Janin (A.) Fulton, Georges et Robert Stephenson, ou les Bateaux \ Vapeur et les Chemins de fer. i2mo, cloth Paris, 1 86 1 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 177 1518 Journal of the Franklin Institute, from 1828 'to 1865, in- clusive, lacking Vol. I. of New Series, Vols. I. and II., XXXII.-XXXVL, XLL, XLIII. and XLIV. of Third Series. 49 vols, 8vo, half calf, i vol. in parts Phil. 1828-65 15 19 Journal of the Franklin Institute. 28 parts 1520 ANE (R.) Elements of Chemistry, Edited by J. W. Draper. Rpyal 8vo, sheep N. Y. 1842 152 1 Kerr (R.) The Gentleman's House ; or. How to Plan English Residences, from the Parsonage to the Palace. Second edition. Forty-five plates. 8vo, cloth. L,ond. 1865 1521* King (Thomas). The Modern Style of Cabinet Work exemplified. Second edition, with Additions. 100 plates. Royal 4to, cloth Lond. 1862 1522 |j=^^p|A BEAUME (M.) On Galvanism. Two plates. 1820. — SiMMS (F. W.) Treatise on the principal Mathematical Drawing Instruments. 1837. — 2 vols, in I. 1 2 mo, half calf • I.ond. 1523 Lacroix (S. F.) Introduction a la Geographic mathema- tique et critique. — Traits el^mentaire du Calcul des Proba- bilites. — Essais sur I'Enseignement en g^n^ral et sur celui des Mathdmatiques en particulier. — El^mens d'Algebre ; avec Complement. — Trait6 ei^mentaire de Trigonometric Rectiline et Spherique. — Traits eiem^ntaire d'Arith- m^tique. — Eldmens de Geometric ; avec Complement. — 9 vols, 8vo, half calf Paris, 181 1-30 1524 Lacroix. Traite eiementaire de Calcul Differential. Quatri^me edition. 8vo, half calf. Inside margin (only) of title of some pages injured Paris, 1828 1525 Library of Useful Knowledge. Natural Philosophy, Vol. I.; Chemistry, Animal Mechanics, etc. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf. Not uniform Lond. 1829 Digitized by Microsoft® 178 THE HOE LIBRAR Y. 1526 Limner (Luke). Suggestions in Design; including Origi- nal Compositions in all Styles, with Descriptive Notes, for the use of Artists and Art-Workmen. Forty-seven plates, containing nearly six hundred designs. 4to, cloth Lond. 1853 1527 Linn£ (Sir C.) General System of Nature. Edited by W. Turton. Vols. III., IV., VI., VII. 4 vols, 8vo, russia Lohd. 1806 1528 London Journal (The) of Arts and Sciences: from com- mencement, 1820, to May, 1856, inclusive, and from 1861 to 1863, lacking Vol. I. of 1842 and Vol. II. of 1849. Plates. 76 vols, 8vo, half calf Lond. i82o-'93 1529 London Journal of Arts and Sciences. Seven imperfect volumes. Half-calf 1530 Loudon Mechanics' Register (The). Vols. I.-III. Il- lustrations. 3 vols, 8vo, half calf. Lacks title to first vol- ume Lond. i824-'26 1531 London (J. C.) Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm and Villa Architecture, and Furniture. New edition. Over two thousand woodcuts. Very thick 8vo, cloth Lond. 1.853 1532 IJ^^HANCHESTER Mechanics' Institution. Ad- dresses by Lord Brougham, John Davies, B. Hey wood; with Reports. In i vol, 8vo, half calf Manchester, 1825-35 1533 Mechanics' Hand-Books; etc. 9 vols 1534 Mechanics' Magazine: from commencement, Aug. 30, 1823, to 1858, inclusive. Illustrations. 65 vols, 8vo, half calf, gilt backs. Lacks vols. 58-61 Lond. i823-'58 Handsome set of valuable periodical. The last eight volumes differ somewhat in tooling (only) from the rest of the set. 1535 Mechanics' Magazine and Register' of Inventions and Improvements. Vols. I.-V., VIII., IX. Illustrations. 7 vols, 8vo. Vols. I.-IV. in cloth, the other three in half calf N. Y. i833-'37 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 179 1536 Mechanics' Magazine . . . Vols. I. and II. in i vol, 8vo, boards N. Y. 1833 1537 Medical Books. Eberle on Diseases of Children; Peters' > Diseases of Females; etc. 5 vols 1538 Metals (The Useful) and their Alloys; by J. Scoffern, W. Truran and others. Woodcuts. Small 8vo, cloth Lond. 1857 1539 Mechaux (F. a.) and Nuttall (T.) The North Ameri- can Sylva: a Description of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. Numerous finely colored plates. Vol. III. of Michaux's work and the two volumes of Nuttall's complete. 3 vols, imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges Phil. 1859 1540 Miles (W.) The Horse's Foot, and How to Keep it Sound. Ninth edition. Twelve plates. Imp. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1863 1541 Miscellaneous. Arcana of Science and Art; Manual' of Scientific Discovery; etc. 15 vols 1542 Mitscherlich (E.) Practical and Experimental Chemis- try, adapted to Arts and Manufactures. Translated by S. L. Hammick. Crown 8vo,. cloth Lond. 1838 1543 Morin (A.) Fundamental Ideas of Mechanics and Exper- imental Data. Translatbd by J. Bennett. Woodcuts. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1869 1544 Mushet (David). Papers on Iron and Steel, Practical and Experimental. Six folding plates. Thick imp. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1840 ATIONAL Live Stock Journal; etc. 15 parts, 4to NoLLET (Abb6). Lectures in Experimental Philosophy Translated by J. Colson. 8vo, calf Lond. 1748 Digitized by Microsoft® i8o _ THE HOE LIBRARY. '547 l!^S^!ii.-^ll ARK.E R' S Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic Architecture. Fourth edition, enlarged. Eleven hundred fine woodcuts. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco Oxford, 1845 1548 Patent Office Reports. Various years, 1847 to 1856. 9 vols, 8vo Wash. 1549 Pepper (J. H.) Cyclopaedic Science Simplified. Colored frontispiece and 600 woodcuts. Square crown 8vo, cloth, gilt ^ Lond. 1869 1550 Percy (J.) Metallurgy, the Art of Extracting Metals from their Ores and adapting them to various purposes of . manufacture. — Iron and Steel. Ilhistrations. Thick 8vo, cloth Lond. 1864 1551 Phillips (J. A.) Manual of Metallurgy, or Practical Treatise on the Chemistry of the Metals. Second edition. Many woodcuts. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1854 1552 Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine. Vols. I.-VI. Plates and woodcuts. 6 vols, 4to, half morocco Glasgow, 1841-47 1553 Practical Mechanics' Journal. Vols. I.-V., VII., VIII., X., XI. Plates and woodcuts. 9 vols, in 8. 4to, half morocco Glasgow, i848-'59 1554 Progress (Eighty Years') of the United States: a Family Record of American Industry, Energy and Enterprise. Many illustrations on steel and wood. 2 vols, in i, thick royal 8vo, sheep Hartford, 1867 1555 |;^1J5^;?||EED (D. B.) Illustrations of the Theory and Practice of Ventilation; etc. Woodcuts. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1844 1556 Repertory of Patent Inventions and other Discoveries and Improvements in Arts, Manufactures and Agricul- ture; from July, 1833, to Nov., 1835, inclusive. Plates. 3 vols, 8vo, half calf. No title to one volume Lond. i833-'35 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. i8i 1557 Report of Artisans selected by a Committee appointed by the Council of the Society of Arts to visit the Paris Uni- versal Exhibition, 1867. Svo, boards Lond. 1867 1558 Report of Chief Engineer of Canals; American Natu- ralist, Ottawa, 1880; SilHman's Journal; etc. 31 pam- phlets 1559 Report of the Seventh Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1837; etc 6 vols, Svo 1560 Ritchie (W.) Experimental Researches in Voltaic Elec- tricity and Electro-Magnetism; and in Electro-Magnetism and Magneto-Electricity. From the Philosophical Trans- actions. Two plates. In i vol, 4to, limp morocco Lond. i832-'33 1561 Robinson (W.) The Parks, Promenades and Gardens of Paris described and considered in relation to the Wants of our own Cities and of Public and Private Gardens. Over 400 illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth Lond. 1869 1562 Robinson (J.) System of Mechanical Philosophy. With Notes by David Brewster. Vols. IL, III., IV. 3 vols, Svo, half morocco. Lacks first volume and the volume of plates Edinburgh, 1822 T563 Roentgen (R.) The Principles of Thermodynamics, with Special Application to Hot-air, Gas and Steam Engines. Translated and enlarged by A. Jay Du Bois. 103 woodcuts. Large "Svo, cloth N. Y. 1880 1564 Ruddock (E. H.) The Homoeopathic Vade Mecum of Modern Medicine and Surgery. Crown Svo, cloth Lond. 1873 1565 [Russell (R.)] A Typographical Curiosity, being a Com- pilation on the Natural History and Management of Bees, developed in a Juvenile Attempt at Type-making, by a Native of the North. 12 mo, morocco, gilt edges. Title- page and Dedication in MS. [Elgin, 1834] Digitized by Microsoft® 1 82 THE HOE LIBRARY. ^^^^ |--;>ni^>^'iAY (Thomas). Complete Writings on the Ento- mology of North America, Edited by J. L. Le Conte. Fijty-f our finely colored plates. 2 vols, large 8vo, half calf, gilt top N. Y. 1859 1567 Say. Complete Writings on the Conchology of the United States. Edited by W. G. Binney. Many finely colored plates. Large 8vo, half calf, gilt top N. Y. 1858 Bound uniformly with preceding lot. 1568 Sellers & Co. (Wm.) Treatise on Machine Tools, etc., as made by. Photographs. i2mo, cloth Phil. 1874 1569 Shaffner (T. p.) The Telegraph Manual: a complete History and Description of the Semaphoric, Electric and Magnetic Telegraphs, ancient and modern; Portraits and 625 illustrations. Thick 8vo, half calf N. Y. 1859 1570 Shaffner's Telegraph Companion, devoted to the Science and Art of the Morse American Telegraph. Complete. Two portraits. 2 vols, in i. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1854-55 1571 Shaw (George). General Zoology; or, Systematic Natural History. Very numerous engravings on copper, principally by Heath. 11 vols, in 22. 8vo, calf worn. Covers of one volume loosened Lond., 1800-19 Three more volumes of this ' ' learned and judicious work ' were issued; the set being published at ;^36 15s. 1572 Shaw (Henry). A Book of Svndry Dravghts. Principaly serving for Glasiers: and not Impertinent for Plasterers, and Gardeners: besides svndry other professions. 117 plates of designs. Small 4to, morocco, red edges Lond.: Pickering, 1848 The plates are mostly taken from a work published in 1615, by Walter Gidde, with others added from existing authorities. 1573 Shreve (S. H.) Treatise on the Strength of Bridges and Roofs. Large 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1873 1574 Sidney (S.) Book of the Horse (The). With Hints on Horsemanship, the Management of the Stable, Breeding, Breaking and Training. Full-page colored illustrations. 4to, cloth, binding loose. Two of the colored plates slightly creased Lond., n. d. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBSARY. 183 1575 SIMMS (F. W.) Treatise on , the principal Mathematical Instruments employed in Surveying, Levelling and Astronomy. Third edition. Woodcuts. 8vo, boards Lond. 1837 1576 SIMMS. Public Works of Great Britain, consisting of Rail- ways, Embankments, Tunnels, Arches, Viaducts, Bridges, etc., etc. 153 large plates. , Imp. folio, half morocco Lond. 1838 1577 Smeaton (J.) Experimental Enquiry concerning the Natural Powers of Wind and Water to turn Mills and other Machines depending on a Circular Motion. Five plates. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1796 1578 Starforth (J.) The Architecture of tlie Farm. A Series of Designs for Farm-houses and Farm-steadings, Factors' Houses, and Laborers' Cottages. With Description. Sixty-two engravings. 4to, cloth Edinburgh, 1853 1579 Stillman (J. D. B.) The Horse in Motion, as shown by instantaneous Photography. With a Study on Animal Mechanics founded on Anatomy and the revelations of the camera, in which is demonstrated the theory of qua- drupedal locomotion. 107 plates. Royal 4to, cloth, gilt back Bost. 1882 1580 Stuart (R.) Historical and Descriptive Anecdotes of Steam-Engines, and of their Inventors and Improvers. Plates and woodcuts. 2 vols, i8mo, cloth Lond. 1829 1581 [^^^|EMPLETON (W.) The Millwright's and En- gineer's Pocket Companion. Fourteenth edi- tion. Plates. i2mo, cloth Lond. 1865 1582 Transactions of the American Institute, from 1846 to 1858 inclusive (lacking volume for 1852), and i860, 1867. T4 vols, 8vo N. Y. 1583 Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers. 39 numbers for 1878-1882. With Library Catalogue and Constitution. (41) Digitized by Microsoft® i8-4 THE HOE LIBRAE V. 1584 Transactions of the N. Y. State Agricultural Society for 185s, '57, '59-62, '65-67. 10 vols, 8vo, cloth Albany, 1584* Transactions [the same] for 1861, '62, '67. 5 vols 1585 Treatise on the Progressive Improvement and Present State of the Manufactures in Metals. 3 vols, i2mo, cloth Lond. 1831 1586 Tredgold (T.) The Principles of Warming and Venti- lating Buildings. Six plates. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1836 1587 TuRNBULL (W.) Treatise on the Strength, Flexure and Stiffness of Cast Iron Beams and Columns. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1832 1588 TuRNBULL. Practical Treatise on the Strength and Stiff- ness of Timber. 8vo, boards Lond. 1835 ENTUROLI (Giuseppe). Elements of the Theory of Mechanics. Translated from the Italian by D, Cresswell. 8vo, boards Cambridge, 1822 1590 |..^j,pji^.;^ ARREN (Gen. G. K.) Report on Bridging the Mississippi River, between St. Paul and St.- Louis, Mo. Many folding diagrams. 8vo, cloth Wash. 1878 1591 Webster (T.) The Law and. Practice of Letters Patent for Inventions. Royal 8vo, boards Lond. 1841 1592 Weisbach (J.) Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. Edited by W. R. Johnson. One thou- sand woodcuts. 2 vols, large 8vo, cloth Phil. i848-'49 1593 Westinghouse Air-Brake Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. [Descrip- tion of the Brake, etc.] Plates and woodcuts. 4to, cloth Pittsburgh, 1882 1594 Weyrauch (P. J. J.) Strength and Determinations of the Dimensions of Iron and Steel, with reference to the latest Investigations. Translated by A. Jay Du Bois. Four plates. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1877 1595 Whewell (W.) The Mechanical Euclid. i2mo, cloth Cambridge, 1837 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 185 1596 WiCKES (C.) Handy-Book on Villa Architecture: a Series of Designs for Villa Residences in various styles. Thirty plates. 4to, half morocco Lond. 1859 1596* WiGHTWiCK (G.) Hints to Young Architects; with ad- ditional Notes by A. J. Downing. Woodcuts. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1851 1597 Wilds (W.) Elementary and Practical Instructions on the Art of .Building Cottages and Houses for the Humbler Classes; an easy Method of constructing Earthen Walls; etc. Plates. 8vo, half morocco , Lond. 1835 1598 Williams (C. W.^^ The Combustion of Coal and Preven- tion of Smoke chemically and practically considered. One hundred and forty-one woodcuts. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1854 1599 Williams (J. F. L.) History of Inventions and Dis- coveries in those Arts and Sciences which are of Utility or Ornament to Man. Frontispiece. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Lond. 1820 1600 Wolff (A. R.) The Windfall as a Prime Mover. Illustra- tions. 8vo, cloth ' N. Y. 1885 1601 Wood (N.) Practical Treatise on Rail-Roads. , Plates. 8vo, half calf Phil. 1832 1602 Woodward (G. E. and F. W.) Graperies and Horticul- tural Buildings. Woodcuts. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1867 1603 Working Drawings and Designs in Mechanical Engineer- ing and Machine-Making. By A. Walker and others. Many plates and illustrations. Parts I.-XVII., lacking part XL 16 parts folio, one part stained Edinburgh 1604 WoRTHiNGTON Steam Pumping ENGINE (The). History of its Invention and Development. Illustrations, 8vo, cloth 1876 OUATT (William). The Pig. Enlarged and re-written by S. Sidney. Illustrations. Post 8vo, half roan Lond. i860 Digitized by Microsoft® 1 86 THE HOE LIBRARY. GENERAL LITERATURE. i6os*|!^^p|BBOTT (John S. C.) The Romance of Spanish History. Illustrations, izmo, cloth N. Y. 1869 1606 Adams (John Quincy). Eulogy on James Monroe, Boston, 1 83 1. — Remarks on the Character of Napoleon, N. Y., 1831 — The People's Doctors, Cincinnati, 1829. — And 22 other pamphlets, in i vol, 8vo, half sheep 1607 Addison (Joseph). Works. Portrait. 3 vols, royal 8vo, sheep N. Y. 1842 1608 ^sop. Fables, with Illustrations by Henry L. Stephens, lithographed by J. Bien. Numerous engravings on stone. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. Frontispiece loosened N. Y. 1868 1609 All Around the World: an Illustrated Record of Voy- ages, Travels and Adventures in all parts of the globe. Edited by W. F. Ainsworth. Many illustrations. Imp. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1610 Allibone (S. Austin). Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. 3 vols, thick imp. 8vo, half morocco Phil. 1859, '70, '71 161 1 Andersen (Hans Christian). The Improvisatore.^In Spain and a Visit to Portugal. 2 vols, i2mo, cloth N. Y. i869-'7o 1612 Andrews (E. A.) Copious and Critical Latin-English Dictionary. Thick imp. 8vo, sheep N. Y. 1876 1613 Annals of the War, written by Leading Participants, North and South. Originally published in the Philadel- phia Weekly Times. Woodcuts. Thick 8vo, cloth Phil. 1879 1614 Appleton's New American Cyclopsedia; edited by G. Rip- ley and C. A. Dana. 15 vols, imp. 8vo, half morocco N. Y. i8s9-'63 Lacks Vol. X. ' ■* Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 187 1615 Arabian Nights. The Thousand and One Nights, com- monly called the Arabian Nights' Entertainments. A neW Translation from the Arabic, with copious Notes, by E. W. Lane. New Edition, edited by E. S. Poole. Many hundred engravings on wood from designs by William Har- vey. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1863 161 6 Aristophane. Comedies, traduites du Grec, par Artaud. 2 vols, i2mo, half morocco Paris, 1859 1617 Art Journal (The): from 1850 to 1880 inclusive, to- gether with the Illustrated Catalogues of the great Exhi- bitions of 185 1 and 1867. Profusely illustrated with fine steel engravings and woodcuts. 33 vols, royal 4to, half red morocco, gilt back and edges Lond. and N. Y. i8so-'8o The folding Art Journal Supplements for 1880 (in pasteboard case) accompany the set. The binding of one volume is loosened ; two or three of the volumes differ slightly in tint; one volume differs in style of tooling and some of the other volumes vary in slight details in tpoling, while presenting the same general effect. 1618 Art Journal. New Series. Nos. 25, 36-40, 42. Fine steel engravings and woodcuts. 8 parts, royal 4to N. Y. 1619 Artists' Album (The): a series of twenty beautiful Works of Meyer von Bremen, Guido, Detaille and others reproduced > in colors. The only edition in existence (limited). Royal folio, cloth Lond. and Phil, n. d. 1620 [Atkinson (Thomas). J The Chameleon. Second Series. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges Lond. 1833 1621 AuBiGNfi (J. H. Merle d'). History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century. Translated by H. White. 5 vols, 8vo, cloth Edinburgh, 1853 1622 Ayres (Philip). Emblems of Love, in four Languages [Latin, English, Italian and French], Dedicated to the Ladys. 44 curious engravings on copper of emblems, with Text also engraved, i2mo, sheep Lond., n. d. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LI BEAR Y. ^•5^3 IP^^^Pl-^CON (Francis, Lord). Works; collected and edited by James Sped ding, R. L. Ellis, and D. D. Heath. With his Life and Letters. Portrait. 14 vols, 8vo, half calf extra, gilt backs Lond. 1872-74 1624 Baker (Gen. L. C.) History of the United States Secret Service. Portrait and illustrations. Large 8vo, sheep Phil. 1867 1625 Baker (Sir Samuel W.) The Nile Tributaries of Abys- sinia. Portrait and illustrations. Large 8vo, cloth Lond. 1867 1626 Baker. The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile and Explorations of the Nile Sources. Portrait, maps and illus- trations. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1867 1627 Bancroft (George). History of the United States. Sev- eral portraits. Vols. I.-VI. 6 vols, 8vo, cloth Bost. 1846-54 1628 Bedford (Francis). Photographic Views of Chester. Ten fine photographic views. Oblong 8vo, cloth, gilt edges Chester, n. d. 1629 Beeton's Dictionary of Universal Information. Numer- ous woodcuts, '^e.rj thick 8vo, half roan, binding shaky Lond., n.. d. 1630 Bell (Andrew). History of Feudalism, British ahd Copti- nental. New Edition by C. R. Edmonds. Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, cloth . Lond. 1863 1631 Bellingham (H. B. G.) Ups and Downs of Spanish Travel. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. Small stamp on title Lond., n. d. 1632 Bellows (Rev. Henr)' W.) The Old World in its New Face. Impressions of Europe in 1867-68. 2 vols, i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1868 1633 Bennett (James Gordon). Memoirs of: and his Times. Portrait. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1855 1634 Bescherelle. Dictionnaire National ou Dictionnaire Uni- versel de la Langue Fran^aise. 2 vols, thick royal 4to, half morocco Paris, 1 860 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 189 1635 Bewick (T.) General History of Quadrupeds. First American Edition, containing some American Animals not hitherto described. Many woodcuts by A. Anderson, chiefly . after Bewick's designs. 8vo, sheep N. Y. 1804 1636 Bible. The Holy Bible, conteyning • the Old Testament and the New. [Authorized Version. With the Apocrypha and] the Genealogies recorded in the Scriptures. Titles engraved on wood, and map. Thick small 4to Lond., Robert Barker, 1630 1637 Bible (New Hieroglyphical). Colored borders to every page; four hundred cuts. Square i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1852 1638 BiCKNELL (W. I.) The Natural History of the Scriptures and Guide to General Zoology. Over three hundred col- ored engravings. 2 vols, square i2mo, half morocco Lond., n. d. 1639 BiGELOw (John). Les Etats-Unis d'Amdrique en 1863. 8vo, half calf Paris, 1863 , Presentation copy from the author; 1640 BiLLARD (Le): Traits Th^orique et Pratique. i8mo, half morocco Paris, 1846 1641 Black's Picturesque Guide to England (2), Wales, Norway. Illustrated. 4 vols, post 8vo, cloth Edinburgh, v. d. 1642 Blaine (D. P.) Encyclopaedia of Rural Sports. Six hun- dred engravings on wood. Thick 8vo, half roan Lond. 1858 1643 Blaine (James G.) Twenty Years of Congress. Portraits. 2 vols, thick royal 8vo, cloth Norwich, i884-'86 1644 Blaine. Twenty Years of Congress. Vol. I. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco Norwich, 1884 1645 Blake (J. L. B.) The Parlor Book, or Family Encyclo- psedJa of Useful Knowledge and (General Literature. Colored plates of flowers. Thick royal 8vo, half calf. Frontispiece and title-page toosened' N. Y. 1837 1646 Boniface (A.) Dictionnaire Franfais Anglais et Anglais- Franpais. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep Paris, 1828 1647 Bonnechose (E. de). Histoire de France. 2 vols, i2mo, half morocco Paris, 1848 Digitized by Microsoft® I go THE HOE LIBRAR V. 1648 BoNNECHOSE. History of France. 2 vols, in i. Thick 8vo,' cloth. Loose in binding; title slightly injured Lond, 1868 1649 Book of the Poets : Chaucer to, Beattie. Forty-five exquisitely executed vignette engravings on steel. 8vo, cloth, binding shaky Bost. 1842 1650 Booth (Mary L.) History of the City of New York. Over one hundred engravings on wood. Thick royal 8vo, half calf N. Y. i860 1651 Borrow (George). The Bible in Spain, or the Journeys, Adventures and Imprisonments of an Englishman in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula. 3 vols, crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs. Slightly finger- soiled Lond. 1843 Original edition. 1652 Bourne (W. O.) History of the Public School Society of the City of New York. Portraits. Thick large 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1870 1653 Boyer's Royal French and English Dictionary abridged. 8vo, half morocco Dublin, 1796 1654 BoYNTON (C. B.) History of the Navy during the Rebel- lion. Portraits on steel and colored plates. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1867 1655 BoYNTON (E. C.) History of West Point. Colored illps- trations, etc. Large 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1863 1656 Bremer (Fredrika). The Homes of the New World; trans- lated by Mary Howitt. 2 vols, i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1853 1657 Bric-a-Brac Series. Greville Memoirs; Merim6e, Lam- artine and Georges Sand; Thackeray and Dickens; Chor- ley. Planch^ and Young. 4 vols, i2mo, cloth N. Y. i874-'75 1658 British Essayists (The): with Prefaces, historical and biographical, by A. Chalmers. Portraits on india-paper. 38 vols, crown 8vo, morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges Bost. 1866 Very fine Large Paper set, of which only 100 copies were printed. Comprises: The Taller, Spectator, Guardian, Rambler, Adventurer, World, Connoisseur, Idler, Mirror, Lounger, Observer, Looker-On, and General Index. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 191 1659 British Plutarch (The), containing the Lives of the most eminent [Men] of Great Britain and Ireland, from the accession of Henry. VIII. Frontispiece. 8 vols, i2mo, calf Lond. 1791 1660 British Poets. [A Collection of the Works of the British Poets, comprising the entire Works of the best authors, with biographical, historical and critical Notices, edited by F. J. Child.] Portraits on india-paper. 30 vols, crown 8vo, morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. Bost. 1864-67 Very fine Large Paper set, the bindings uniform in tooling and style, but the works of different authors bound in morocco of different colors; thus not only rendering the set much more convenient for refer- ence, but avoiding the monotonous uniformity of appearance which so long a set would otherwise present. Contains the works of Akenside, Beattie, Bums, Butler, Byron) Campbell, Chatterton, Churchill, Coleridge, Collins, Cowper, Donne, Dryden, Falconer, Gay, Goldsmith, Gray, Herbert, Herrick, Hood, Keats, Marvell, Milton, Montgomery, Moore, Pamell, Tickell, Pope, Prior, Scott, Shakespeare, Shelley, Skelton, Southey, Spenser, Surrey, Swift, Thomson, Vaughan, Watts, Kirke White, Wordsworth, Wyatt, Young, and the eight volumes of Prof. Child's excellently selected and edited English and Scottish ballads. 1 66 1 British Theatre (Bell's), cpnsisting of the most esteemed English Plays. Many fine portraits of actors and actresses in costume. 20 vols, crown 8vo, calf worn, gilt edges Lond. 1776 Lacks five .volumes to complete set. 1662 Brown (Thomas). Lectures on the Philosophy of- the Human Mind. Portrait. Thick 8vo, half calf Edinburgh, 1830 1663 Bryant (William Cullen). Letters of a Traveller. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1850 First edition. 1664 BuNSEN (Baron Heinrich). Memoirs, by his Widow. Second edition, abridged and corrected. Six portraits and plates. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1869 1665 Burke (Edmund). Works; with Memoir. 3 vols, 8vo, morocco, gilt edges N. Y. 1834 Digitized by Microsoft® 192 2'HE HOE LIBRAE Y. 1666 Burns (Robert). Poems and Songs. The Edina Edition. With original illustrations on wood by Herdman, Paton and others. 4to, blue morocco extra, gilt edgefe N. Y. [Edinburgh], n. d. 1667 Butler (Samuel). Hudibras; with Notes by T. R. Nash. Many portraits on steel and fine vignettes on wood. 2 vojs, crown 8vo, cloth Lond., Washbourne, 1847 1668 Butler (William). The Land of the "Veda: being Personal Reminiscences of India: its People, Castes, Thugs, and Fakirs, its Religions, etc. Mcip and forty-two illustrations. Square royal 8vo, cloth N. Y., n. d. 1669 Byron (George Gordon Noel, Lord). Works; with his Letters and Journals, and his Life, by Thomas Moore. Portrait, frontispieces and vignette titles. 17 vols, 12 mo, half blue calf extra, gilt backs. Lacks frontispiece to one volume Lond., Murray, i832-'33 Original issue, with the earliest impressions of the neat steel engrav- ings. ABLE (George W.) Old Creole Days. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1 88 1 Carlyle (Thomas). Works; with Translations, and Index. Library Edition. Portrait, etc. 34 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut edges Lond. 1869-71 1672 Century, Harper's, etc.. Magazines; Society in London; etc., etc. 40 pamphlets 1673 Chambers' Pocket Miscellany. 24 vols in 12. i2mo, half calf Edinburgh, i852-'53 1674 Chapman (J. G.) The American Drawing-Book: a Manual for the Amateur and Basis of Study for the Professional Artist. Numerous illustrations. 4to, cloth N. Y. 1858 1675 Cherubini (L.) A Course of Counterpoint and Fugue; translated by J. A. Hamilton. Portrait. . 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1837 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 193 1676 Christian Library (The): comprising a Series of Stand- ard Works in Religious Literature. 2 vols, small folio, half morocco Phil. i833-'34 1677 Clarke (Edwin Daniel). Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. Portrait and plates. 1 1 vols, 8vo, half russia Lond. i8i6-'24 "He has a power of selecting objects, and raciness in describing them, almost unparalleled. Few men have seen so much as this lively and interesting traveller, and still fewer havS so weir described what they have seen. " — Quarterly Review, 1678 Clay (Henry). Life and Speeches, by James B. Swain. Portrait, plate and facsimile. 2 vols in i, small 8vo, half morocco N. Y. 1842 1679 Clemens (S. L.) A Tramp Abroad, by Mark Twain. Three hundred and twenty-eight illustrations. 8vo, sheep Hartford, 1880 1680 Clement (C. E.) and Hutten (L.) Artists of the Nine- teenth Century and their Works : a Handbook. 2 vols, i2mo, cloth, red edges Bost. 1879 1681 Coleridge (Samuel Taylor). The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Many fine large engravings on wood after Gus- tave JDori's designs. Square folio, cloth, gilt edges N. Y. 1877 1682 Collins (Wilkie). The Moonstone; No Name. .Illustra- tion. 2 vols, i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1874 1683 Colton's Atlas of the World; with Descriptions by R. S. Fisher. 2 vols, folio, haH morocco N. Y. 1856 1684 Combe (William). The Three Tours of Doctor Syntax, in Search of the Picturesque, of Consolation, and of a Wife. Eighty humorous colored plates by T. Rowlandson. 3 volSj royal 8vo, cloth, uncut edges Lond., n. d. 1685 CoNDER (Josiah). The Modern Traveller : a Description, geographical, historical and topographical, of the various Countries of the Globe. Vpls. I. -XXIX. 29 vols, i8mo, half calf Lond. 1830 Digitized by Microsoft® 194 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1686 Cooper (J. Fenimore). Novelsv Illustrated from Draw- ings by F. O. C. Darky. 31 vols, small 8vo, cloth N. Y., W. A. Townsend&' Co., 1859-61 Comprises : The Pilot; Water-Witch; Lionel Lincoln; Chainbearer; Satanstoe; Oak Openings; Pioneers; Pathfinder; AiJoat and Ashore; Ways of the Hour; The Prairie; Mercedes of Castile; Sea Lions; Heidenmauer; Home as Found; Jack Tier; Two Admirals; Red Rover; Headsman; Miles Wallingfor4; The Crater; Homeward Bound; Pre- caution; Red Skins; The Spy; Monikins; Wyandotte; Mohicans; Wish-ton-Wish; The Bravo; Wing-and-Wing. 1687 CoRNEiLLE (Pierre). CEuvres Nouvelle, Edition, revue sur les plus anciennes impressions at les autographes et aug- mentee de morc^aux inedits, d'es variantes, de notices, de notes, d'un lexicon des mot et locutions remarquables, etc. Two portraits, one on india-paper, illuminated coat-of-arms, fine engravings after Moreau's designs, etc., par Ch. Marty- Laveaux. 12 vols, royal 8vo, bound by David in crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges Paris, Hachette, 1862 Fine copy on Grand Papier V^lin, of which only 150 numbered copies were printed, of this sumptuous and excellent edition. The last two volumes consist of the admirably executed Lexique de la Langue de Comeille. This set is uniform in binding with the copies of Moliere and Racine described later in this catalogue. 1688 Cornwall (Sarah Jerusha). Roses and Myrtles. Square i2mo, half calf N. Y. 1881 1689 Courier (P. L.) CEuvres; avec sa Vie par A. Carrel. Por- trait. 1 2mo, half calf Paris, 1863 1690 Cox (George W.) General History of Greece. Student's Series. Map. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1876 1691 Cox (Ross). Adventures on the Columbia River, including the Narrative of a Residence of Six Years on the Western Side of the Rocky Mountains among various Tribes of Indians hitherto unknown. . . 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1832 1692 Cruden (A.) Complete Concordance to the Scriptures. Portrait. Imp. 8vo, russia Lond. 1831 1693 CusHiNG (Caleb). The Treaty of Washington. Crown 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1873 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. . 195 ANA (James D.) Corals and Coral Islands. Colored frontispiece, engravings on steel and many fine woodcuts. Imp. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1872 169s Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy, translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 3 vols, square imp. Svo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut edges Bost. 1867 First edition. 1696 Darley (Felix O. C.) Sketches Abroad with Pen and Pencil. Eighty-five illustrations on wood. Small 4to, cloth, uncut edges N. Y. 1868 1697 Darwin (Charles). The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. Illustrations. 2 vols, Svo, cloth, uncut edges Lond. 1868 1698 Darwin. The Descent of Man, and Selection in relation to Sex. Illustrations. 2 vols, crown 8vo,- cloth, uncut edges. Signature on false title Lond. 187 1 1699 Daumas (E.) et Chancel (A. dej. Le Grand Desert. Itin^raire d'une Caravane du Sahara au Pays des N^gres. 8vo, half morocco Paris, 1856 1700 Delbruck (J.) Les Recreations Instructives. Third Series. JLarge colored plates on wood. Small folio, cloth Paris, n. d. 1701 De Quincey (Thomas). Theological Essays, and other Papers. 2 vols, i2mo, cloth Bost. 1854 1702 Desnoyers (L.) Les M^s aventures de Jean Paul Choppart. , — Genlis (Mme. de). Contes Moraux. Woodcuts. — 2 vols, 1 2mo, half morocco Paris, 1861-63 1703 Y)v&D\iii {^\\.om&% of the Theatres Royal, Covent Garden, etc.") Reminiscences. Portrait. 2 vols, Svo, half morocco Lond. 1827 1704 Dickens (Charles). Works, viz.: Pickwick Papers; Nicho- las Nickleby; Little Dorrit; Barnaby Rudge ; Martin Chuzzlewit; Bleak House; Dombey & Son; David Cop- perfield; Curiosity Shop; Sketches by Boz. Illustrations. 20 vols, i2mo,' cloth Phil., n. d. Digitized by Microsoft® 196 THE HOE , LIBRARY. 1705 [Dickens.] Oliver Twist; or, The Parish Boy's Progress. By " Boz." Twenty-four plates on steel by George Cruikshank. 3 vols, crown 8vo, half morocco, binding somewhat shaky; margin of a few pages somewhat stained; signature on titles Lond. 1838 The very rare genuine First Edition, with the title-page reading , as above, and with the extremely rare Fireside Plate, which appears in very few copies, it having been cancelled. 1706 Dickens. A Christmas Carol in prose. Fine illustrations by Anthony, after Eytinge's designs. 8vo, cloth, gilt Bost. 1869 1707 Dickens. Life. Portrait. Vol. I. Cloth Lend. 1872 1708 Dictionaries. Ainsworth's Latin; Lempriere's Classical; Walker's English; Boyer's French, Dictionaries. 4 vols, 8vo 1709 Dictionaries. Graglia's Italian-English; Meadow's French, English; Webster's School, Dictionary. 3 vols, i6mo 1 7 10 Dietz (L.) Nouveau Dictionnaire Franfais-Allemand et Allemand-Francais. Thick crown 8vo, cloth Paris, 1862 17 1 1 DiLKE (Charles W.) Greater Britain. Illustrations, izmo, cloth N. Y. 1869 17 12 DiRCKS (Henry). Life, Times and Scientific Labors of the Second Marquis of Worcester; with a Reprint of his Cen- tury of Inventions, 1663. Portrait and facsimile cuts. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, uncut edges Lond. 1865 1 7 13 Dodge (Robert). Diary, Sketches and Reviews, during an European Tour, in 1847. 8vo, cloth N. Y ., privately printed, 1850 1 7 14 DouBLEDAY (Gen Abner). Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie, in i86o-'6i. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1876 17 15 Dowling (John). History of Romanism, from the earliest corruptions of Christianity to the present time. Many illustrations. Thick royal 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1845 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 197 17 16 Dumas (Alexandre). Le Comte de Monte-Cristo. 6 vols, izmo, half morocco Paris, 1866 1717 DuRUY (Victor). Histoire des Romains, depuis les temps les plus reculds jusqu'a la fin du r&gne des Antonius. 2 vols, 8vo, half crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt backs and tops. Signature on false title Paris, 1876 1718 DuRuy. Histoire de France. Many cuts. 2 vols, i2mo. Paris, 1874.— Genlis (Mme. de). Siege de la Rochelle. 1 85 1 . Title torn. — Levi AlvarAs. Esquisses Litteraires. 1867.— Roche (A.) Les Prosateurs Francais. 1872.— Des CARRifeREs. Abrdge de I'Histoire de France! 1856.— 6 vols, 1 2 mo 17 19 Dyer (Thomas H.) Pompeii Photographed. The Ruins of Pompeii: a series of eighteen photographic views; with an Account of the Destruction of the City and a Description of the most interesting Remains. 4to, cloth, gilt Lond. 1867 1720 |j^^^|ASTLAKE (Charles L.) Hints on Household Taste in Furniture, Upholstery, and other de- tails. Many illustrations. 8vo, cloth, red edges Lond. 1868 1 72 1 Ellis (William). Polynesian Researches, during a Resi- dence of nearly eight years in the Society and Sandwich Islands. Frontispieces and vignette titles. 4 vols, i2mo, cloth ' N. Y. 1833 1722 Elmes (James). General and Bibliographical Dictionary of the Fine Arts. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1826 1723 Embury (Emma C.) American Wild Flowers in their Native Haunts. With twenty plates of plants, colored after nature; and landscape views of their localities, from draw- ings on the spot by E. Whitefield. Small 4to, morocco, gilt back and edges N. Y. 1845 1724 Encyclopedia Americana. Vols. I.-VII. 7 vols, 8vo, half calf N. Y. 1834 Digitized by Microsoft® 198 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1725 Encyclopedia Britannica, or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and General Literature. Eighth Edition. Illus- trations. 21 vols, thick 4to, cloth Bost. 1852-60 1726 Engravings. Ninety-six fine Etchings and Engravings, many of them old and rare; including the names of Callot, P. Sandby, Ruysdael, Deschamps, Deuchar, Zeitter, Grignion, Rademaker, Perelle, B. Green Worledge, Van Vliet,Visscher,Van Kessel, M. Merian, Meyssens, Stephano della Bella, Weirotter, Howitt, Landerer, and others. Mounted in folio scrap-book. Half calf 1727 [Essayists (Modern).] Critical and Miscellaneous Essays of Sir Walter Scott. 3 vols. — Essays by Christopher North (John Wilson). 3 vols. — The Noctes Ambrosianae. 4 vols. — Critical and Miscellaneous Writings of T. Noon Talfourd. — Essays by James Stephen. — Works of Rev. Sydney Smith. 3 vols. — Together 15 vols, i2mo, uni- formly bound in half morocco Phil. 1841-44 1728 European Scenery, celebrated Buildings, Monuments, etc., etc. One hundred and twenty-three fine unmounted Pho- tographs, neatly inserted in Scrap-book. Royal 4to, half morocco 1729 p^^^ARRAR (Canon F. W.) " In the Days of thy Youth " : Sermons. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1877 1730 Farrar. Ephphatha, or the Amelioration of the World. Crown 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1880 1731 Fergusson (James). History of Architecture in all Coun- tries, from the earliest times to the present. Very numerous illustrations. Vols. I., II., IV. 3 vols, 8vo, half roan, gilt top, uncut edges Lond. 1874 1732 Ferry (Gabriel). Le Coureur des Bois, ou les Chercheurs d'Or. 2 vols, 1 2 mo, half morocco, gilt backs. Parjs, 1856 1733 F^val (Paul). Les Merveilles du Mont Saint-Michel. i2mo, cloth, gilt edges Paris, 1879 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 199 1734 FiGUiER (Louis). La Terre et les Mers, ou Description physique du Globe. Twenty maps and one hundred and seventy engravings on wood. Royal 8vo, half morocco^ gilt back and edges Paris, 1864 173s FiGUiER. Histoire des Plantes. /^\^ fine woodcuts. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and edges Paris, 1865 1736 FiGuiER. The Day after Death; or, Our Future Life, according to Science. Ten astronomical plates. Crown 8vo, cloth. Signature on title Lond. 1873 1737 Finden's Tableaux: the Iris of Prose, Poetry and Art for 1 84 1. Edited by Mary Russell Mitfotd. Twelve fine steel-engravings by W. and E. Finden. Folio, morocco Lond. 184T 1738 Flammarion (Camille). The Atmpsphere. Translated from the French and edited by J. Glaisher. Ten chromo- lithographs and 86 woodcuts. Royal 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1873 1739 Fleming and Tibbins. Complete French and English and English and French Dictionary. Thick royal 8vo, sheep. Corner of a few pages waterstained Phil. 1844 1740 Ford (Richard). The Spaniards and their Country. Both parts in i vol, i2mo, half morocco N. Y. 1847 1741 Forsyth (William). Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Illus- trations. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1866 1742 Fourier (Charles). The Social Destiny of Man. Trans- lated by H. Clapp. Portrait. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1857 1743 Franklin (Benjamin). Works; containing Tracts not included in any former edition, and many Letters not- hitherto published, with Notes and Life by Jared Sparks. Five portraits and facsimile. 10 vols, imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops n , Bost. 1840 Large Paper Copy. 1744 French Novels. Jeanne; Marcelline; etc. 7 vols, 8vo and i2mo, cloth and boards Tours, v. d. 1745 Froissart (Sir John). Chronicles of England, France and Spain, etc. Translated by Thomas Johnes. Many illus- trations. Imp. 8vo, half roan, gilt back N. Y., n. d. Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. ^746 f^^^lERMAN BOOKS. Bad Reichenhall und seine Umgebungen ; Maria Stuart, von Schiller ; Ulysses von Ithaca; etc. 4 vols, 12010 1747 Gibbon (Edward). History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Neat vignettes on titles. 1 1 vols, 1 2mo, calf, gilt backs Lond. 1827 1748 GiBBS (George). Memoirs of the Administrations of Wash- ington and John Adams, edited from the Papers of Oliver Wolcott. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1846 1749 Gibson (R.) The Theory and Practice of Surveying. Edited by J. Ryan. Fourteen plates. Svo, sheep N. Y. 1828 1750 Gobright (L. a.) Recollection of Men and Things at Washington. i2mo, cloth Phil. 1869 1751 Godey's Lady's Book: for 1854, 1855, 1856. Many illus- trations. 3 vols, thick royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs. Bindings loosened Phil. i8s4-'56 1752 Goldsmith, Cowper, Milton, etc. n vols, i8mo, sheep 1753 GooDSPEED (J. W.) Master Spirits (The) of the World and the American Citizen's Treasure House. Many illustra- tions. Svo, roan Chicago, n. d. 1754 Graham (John, ^(/«V(7r). Flowers of Melody: a Collection of British and American Songs, with Notes. 2 vols, i2mo, sheep , N. Y. 1833 1755 Grant (Ulysses S.) Personal Memoirs. Two portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs N. Y. 1885 1756 Grant. Life, by Charles A. Dana and J. H. Wilson. Portrait. 8vo, half calf Springfield, 1868 1757 Grant. Military History, from April, 1861, to April, 1865. Maps. Vols. II. and III. 2 vols, Svo, cloth N. Y. 1881 1758 Grauvogl (Dr. V.) Text Book of Homoepathy. Translated by G. E. Sh'ipman. Portrait. Both parts in. i vol, large Svo, cloth Chicago, 1870 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 201 1759 Greatorex (Eliza). The Homes of Omer-Ammergau, a Series of twenty etchings in heliotype, from the original pen- and-ink drawings ; with Notes from a Diary kept during a three months' residence. Royal 4to, cloth Munich, 1872 1760 Greatorex. Old New York from the Battery to Bloom- ingdale. Many etchings. Text by M. Despard. Parts IV.~ X. inclusive. 7 parts, royal 4to 1761 Greeley (Horace). The American Conflict: a History of thei Great Rebellion in the United States, 1860-64. Por- traits on steel, etc. 2 vols, thick royal 8vo, half calf Hartford, i864-'67 1762 Greeley. Redollections of a Busy Life. Portrait, etc. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1868 1763 Greg (W. R.) Political Problems for our Age and Cotintry. 8vo, cloth Lond., TrUbner, 1870 1764 Grey (C.) The Early Years of H. R. H. the Prince Con- sort. Two portraits. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1867 1765 Guidebooks. Murray's Hand-Books for Spain, Denmark, etc.; Harper's and Appleton's Hand-Books. it vols 1766 Guide Books. Hachette's, Black's, Baedeker's, etc. 20 vols 1767 Guide Books. Bradshaw's France, Spain, etc., etc. 8 vols 1768 GuizoT (F.) Histoire de la Civilisation en Europe, /or- traif. — Essais sur I'Histoire de France. — Corneille et son Temps.— Meditations sur I'Essence de la Religion Chre- tienne. 2 vols. — Shakspeare et son Temps. — Abailard et H61oise: Essai historique; suivi de leurs Lettres, traduites par Oddoul. Together 7 vols, 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs ' Paris, i8s2-'66 1769 GuizoT. Histoire de la Civilisation en France, depuis la chute de I'Empire Romaine, 4 vols, 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops Paris, 1869, Digitized by Microsoft® 202 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 1770 |i^^^s|ALL (Rev. Newman). From Liverpool to St. CB^|#^^ Louis, izmo, cloth Lond. 1870 ^771 -isllS* Hallam (Henry). Works: View of the State ' — '■ — — -^ of Europe during the Middle Ages. 3 vols. — Constitutional History of England. 3 vols. — Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. 4 vols. — 10 vols, 8vo, vellum cloth, uncut edges Bost, Veazie, 1865-66 Large Paper Copy, of which only 100 were printed. 1772 Hare (A. J. C.) Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily. Woodcuts. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1883 1773 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, from commence- ment, June, 1850, to November, 1856, inclusive. Profusely, illustrated. 13 vols, royal 8vo, half calf N. Y. 1850-56 1774 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, from December, 1866, to November, 1877, inclusive. (Vols. XXXIV-LV.) 22 vols; royal 8vo, half bright calf N. Y. i866-'77 1775 Harper's Weekly : a Journal of Civilisation, for 1872. (Vol. XVI.) Profusely illustrated. Folio, half morocco, gilt back Lond. 1872 1776 Haskel and Smith. Gazetteer of the United States; Mackenzie's 5,000 Receipts; Bostwick's Lectures. 3 vols, 8vo 1777 Hawthorne (Nathaniel). Works. Portrait. 18 vols, i2mo, polished calf extra, gilt backs and tops, uncut edges Bost. i87o-'72 1778 Hawthorne. Passages from the American Note-Books. 2 vols, i2mo, cloth Bost. 1868 First edition. 1779 Hazard (Samuel). Santo Domingo, Past and Present;, with a Glance at Hayti. Numerous illustrations. Small 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1873 1789 Heath's Book of Beauty, 1842. Eight fine portraits of the Queen, etc. Lond. Leaves loose; somewhat imperfect. — Mental Photography. — Taylor's Life of Christ. Folio. Lacks beginning. Plates. 3 vols Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 203 1781 Heck (J. G.) Iconographic Encyclopaedia of Science, Literature and Art. Translated from the German, with Additions, and edited by S. F. Baird. Text, 4 vols, imp. 8vo. Plates, 2 vols, oblongf 4to. Five hundred plates on steel, containing upwards of twelve, thousand engravings. 6 vols, morocco, gilt backs and edges N. Y. 1852 1782 Herndon (W. L.) and Gibbon (Lardner). Explorations of the Valley of the Amazon; with Maps. Part I. Illus- trations on stone. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth - Wash. 1854 1783 Hill (Florence). Children of the State: the Training of Juvenile Paupers. i2mo, cloth Lond. 1868 1784 Hill (S. S.) Travels in Siberia. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half calf extra, gilt back Lond. 1854 1785 HiLLEBRAND (Karl). German Thought, from the Seven Years' War to Goethe's Death. Crown 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1880 1786 Historical Magazine , and Notes and Queries concerning . . . America. 71 numbers, from July, 1868, to April, 1875; some volumes complete. Small 4to. (71) 1787 HoE (Richard M.) Catalogue of Library. With Catalogue of Library of Miss A. C. Hoe. i2mo, cloth, gilt top, un- cut edges N. Y ., privately printed, 1878 100 pages; neatly printed. 1788 HoE. [The same.] Interleaved with writing-paper. Cloth, gilt top, uncut edges 1789 HoE. [The same.] Interleaved with writing-paper, with some MS. additions. Half morocco, gilt back and top, uncut edges 1790 HoE (Miss A. C.) Catalogue of Library [pages 79-90 of above]. Interleaved with writing-paper, with MS. additions. Half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges 1791 HoLL (H.) Souvenir of the War of 1870-1. With por- traits of eminent Personages and Generals, Views of Stras- bourg, Sedan and Metz, on stone; Introduction by Dr. Doran and a History of the War. Royal 4to, cloth, gilt edges Lond., n. d. Digitized by Microsoft® 204 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1792 Holmes (Abiel.) Annals of America, from the Discovery by Columbus to 1826. Second edition. 2 vols, 8vq, half morocco Cambridge, 1829 1793 Homer. Iliad and Odyssey; translated by Alexr. Pope. Edited, with additional Notes, by G. Wakefield. 11 vols, 8vo, old calf, worn • Lond. 1796 1794 Homer. Iliad, translated into English blank verse, by William Cullen Bryant. Vol. II. Imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut edges Bost. 1870 Original issue. 1795 Hood (Thomas.) Whims and Oddities; Whimsicalities; Hood's Own, Selected Papers; Up the Rhine. 4 vols, i2mo, half calf. Illustrations N. Y. 1852 1796 HoppiN (James M.) Old England: its Scenery, Art and People. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1867 1797 HowELLS (W. D.) A Foregone Conclusion. lamo, cloth Bost. 1877 1798 Hubbard (N. J.) Autobiography, with Personal Reminis- cences of New York City, 1798-1875. Portrait. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1875 1799 Hue (L'Abb6). Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. i857-'58 1800 Hughes (T. S.) History of England, from the Accession of George III. to the accession of Victoria; being a con- tinuation of the Histories of Hume and Smollett. New edition, with Life, Notes, etc. Portrait. 7 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1855 1801 Hugo (Victor). Han d'Islande; Bug-Jargal, etc.; Crom- well; Le Rhin, 3 vols.; Theatre, 3 vols. — 9 vols, i2mo, half calf, gilt backs Paris, 1844-56 1802 Hugo. Odes et Ballades; Les Feuilles d'Automne, et Les Chants du Crdpuscule; Les Orientales; Les Voix Int^r- ieures, et Les Rayons et les Ombres; Les Contemplations. 6 vols, i2mo, calf, gilt backs Paris, 1845-58 1803 Hugo. Les Mis^rables. 10 vols, post 8vo, half calf, gilt backs and tops, small part of binding on back of one vol. scratched Bruxelles, 1862 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAR Y. 205 1804 Hugo. Notre-Dame de Paris. 2 vols, post 8vo, half calf, gilt backs and, tops, uncut edges Paris, L867 1805 Hume (David) and Smollett (Tobias). History of Erig- land, from the Invasion of Csesar to the Death of George II. Two portraits. 8 vols, 8vo, cloth Lend. 1864 1806 Hunt (Leigh). The Wishing-Cap Papers,.now first col- lected, izmo, cloth Bost. 1873 1807 Hutchinson (Alex'r H.j Try Cracow and the Carpathi- ans. Plates on stone. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond., n. d. 1808 If^^^qiLLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS (The): from 1 85 1 to 1 861; lacking the second volume for 1 85 1. Innumerable illustrations. 21 vols, folio, the first fifteen volumes in half black morocco, the other six in half red morocco Lond. 1851-61 1809 Illustrated London News (The): for January-June, i860,' half red morocco; and for January-June, 1867, cloth. — 2 vols, folio Lqnd. i860 and '67 1810 Imison (J.) Elements of Science and Art; a familiar Intro- duction to Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. New edi- tion, enlarged by T. Webster. Plates. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1822 1 811 Iris (The) of Prose, Poetry and Art, for 1840. Twelve fine steel engravings by Finden. Imp. 4to, morocco, gilt. Frontis- piece loosened Lond. 1840 181Z Irving (Washington). Works. 15 vols, i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1854 Comprises: Knickerbocker's New York; Sketch Book; Columbus; Bracebridge Hall; Tales of a Traveller: Astoria; Crayon Miscellany; Bonneville's Adventures; Goldsinith; Mahomet; Conquest of Grenada; Alhambra. ' 18 1 3 Irving. Wolfert's Roost and other Papers. Frontispiece and engraved title by Darky. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1855 First edition. 18 14 Irving. Life of George Washington. Portraits. 5 vols, large 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1855-59 Original edition. Digitized by Microsoft® 2o6 THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 1815 Irving. Life and Letters, by Pierre M. Irving. Fouf por- traits. 4 vols, i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1862 ^8^6 I tijaaainrgl -^^^^Q^ C^"^^- -^nn^)- Works on Sacred and Legendary Art; comprising: Legends of the Madonna; Sacred and Legendary Art, 2 vols; Legends of the Monastic Orders; History of Our Lord. Numerous fine engravings. 6 vols, square 8vo, cloth Lond. 1863-65 1 81 7 Jameson. Characteristics of Women. i6mo, cloth Bost. 1866 1818 Jameson. Memoirs of the Early Italian Painters and of the Progress of Painting in Italy. Cimabue to Bassano. Portraits on -wood. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut edges Lond. 1868 1819 Jameson. Memoirs of Celebrated Sovereigns, Portrait. i2mo, cloth, gilt edges Lond. 1870 1820 Jameson (John A.) The Constitutional Convention; its History, Powers and Modes of Proceeding. Royal 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1867 1821 Janillon (R.) Wanderings through the Ruins of Heidel- berg Castle. Plates on wood. Crown 8vo, boards Heidelberg, n. d. 1822 Jerrold (Douglas). Works. Vols. I. and II., containing: St. Giles and St. James, Punch's Letters to his Son, The Story of a Feather, Cakes and Ale. Frontispieces by Leech. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1863 1823 Jessup (H. H.) The Women of the Arabs. Illustrations. i2mo, cloth N. Y., [1873] 1824 Johnson (Samuel). Works; with Life, by James Boswell. Portrait. 12 vols, i2mo, half calf Alnwick, 1816 1825 Jones (Charles H., ^(//Vtf/-). Vers de Soci^td, selected from recent Authors. Printed on tinted ground, with vignettes by J. A. Mitchell. Small 4to, cloth, gilt edges N. Y. 1875 1826 JosEPHUs. Works; translated by G. H. Maynard. Old copperplates (foxed). Thick folio, old calf. Cover loose N. Y. 1792 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 207 1827. Journal of Social Science. Five numbers, 1876-82. Bost. 1828 Juveniles. Little Wpmen ; Rosa's Wish; etc. 15 vols, i2mo, cloth 1829 I ANE (Elisha iCent). The U. S. Grinnell Expe- dition in Search of Sir John Franklin: a Per- sonal Narrative. Steel engravings and woodcuts. Large 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1854 1830 Kane. Arctic Explorations: the Second Grinnell Expedi- tion in Search of Sir John Franklin, i853-'5S. Over three hundred engravings on steel and wood. 2 vols, large 8vo, cloth Phil. 1856 1 83 1 Kane. Biography; by William Elder. Portrait and illus- trations. 8vo, cloth Phil. 1858 1832 [Kinglake (J. A,)] Eothen. i6mo, half calf Leipzig, 1846 1833 Knickerbocker Gallery: a Testimonial to the Editor of the Knickerbocker Magazine, from its Contributors. Forty-eight portraits on steel. Thick square large 8vo, mo- rocco, gilt back, sides and edges N. Y. 1855 1834 Knight's Pictorial History of England: being a History of the People as well as a History of England; [by G. L. Craik and C. MacfarlaneJ. Many hundred woodcuts. 8 vols, thick imp. 8vo, half calf Lond., C. Knight, i838-'49 Original issue, with the earliest impressions of the wood-engravings. Many fine portraits on steel, of the Knight series, inserted. 1835 KOHLRAUSCH (Frederick). History of Germany. Trans- lated by J. D. Haas. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1870 1836 Koran (The); translated into English, with Notes and Preliminary Discourse, by G. Sale. New edition. 8vo, cloth Phil. 1853 Digitized by Microsoft® 2o8 THE HOE LIBRAE V. 1837 |;^:ii;w::[| ABOULAYE (Edouard). Le Parti Liberal. k^^f^; 1 2mo, half calf Paris,^i863 1838 i^E^jjf;; Laboulaye. Contes Bleus. Numerous fine ' ' , illustrations on wood. Royal 8vo, half mo- rocco, gilt back and edges Paris, 1864 1839 Lacroix (Paul). Mceurs, Usages et Costumes au Moyen Age et \ I'Epoque de la Renaissance. Fifteen beautifully executed chromo-lithographs and 440 fine woodcuts. Imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back, side and edges. Inscription on reverse of frontispiece Paris, 1872 1840 Lamartine (A. de). History of the French Revolution of 1848. 2 vols, in I, post 8vo, half morocco Bost. 1849 1841 Lamb (Charles). Works'; {with Sketch of his Life by Sir T. Noon Talfourd]. Portrait. 5 vols, 8vo, half crimped morocco, gilt top, uncut edges Bost., William Veazie, 1865 Large Paper Copy, of which 100 oiily were printed. 1842 Lamb (Mrs. Martha J.) History of the City of New York: its Origin, Rise and Progress. Vol. I. Very numerous illustrations. Thick square imp. 8vo, half morocco, gilt- back and top, uncut edges N. Y. 1877 1843 Lamb. History of New York. Parts I.-XL, inclusive of Vol. II. In parts. 11 parts 1844 Lavater (John Caspar). Essays on Physiognomy. Trans- lated from the German by Thomas Holcroft. Eighty plates, containing over four hundred profiles, etc., etc. Thick 8vo, cloth Lond. 1869 1845 Lefebure (Ren6). Paris en Am^rique. i2mo, half calf, gilt back Paris, 1863 1846 LevasseuR (A.) Lafayette in America, in 1824 and 1825 ; or Journal of Travels in the United States. 2 vols, i2mo, calf N. Y. 1829 1847 Lever (Charles). Roland Cashel. Plates on wood by Phiz. N. Y. 1850. — Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, by Henry Cockton. Plates on steel by Onwhyn. Binding loose. Phil. 1848. — 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 209 1848 Library of Religious Knowledge: Tyerman and Bennet's Journal of Voyages and Travels, 3 vols; Bates on the Harmony; Wilson's Evidences, 2 vols. — Together 6 vols, 1 2mo, half calf Bost. i832-'33 1849 Library for the People. Home Narratives from "House- hold Words"; Diary of Lady Willoughby; Reach's Claret and Olives; "Mme. Pfeiifer's Journey to Iceland; Leigh Hunt's Book for a Corner; The World here and there; Tuckerman's Sicily; Olmstead's American Farmer in Eng- land; Home and Social < Philosophy. 9 vols, izmo, half calf N. Y. i84S-'52 1850 Lincoln (Abraham). [The Tribute of Nations to Abra- ham Lincoln.] Expressions of Condolence and Sympathy inspired by his Assassination. Portrait. Imp. 8vo, half morocco. Large Paper Copy Wash. 1866 185 1 Livingstone (David). Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. Portrait and illustrations on wood. Thick royal 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1858 1852 LossiNG (Benson J.) Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-six, or the War of Independence. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1847 1853 LossiNG. The Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. . Eleven hundred engravings on wood. 2 vols, imp. 8vo, half calf N. Y. 1859 1854 LossiNG. ■ Pictorial History of the Civil War in the United States. Vol.1. Frontispiece and many engravings onwood. Royal 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges Phil. 1866 1855 LossiNG. History of New York City. Numerous portraits and plates on steel. . Thick large 4to, morocco, gilt edges N. Y., n. d. 1856 LuEBKE (Wilhelip) und Caspar (Joseph). Denkmaler der Kunst zur tibersicht ihres entwickelungsganges von den ersten kiinstlerischen versuchen bis zu den stand punkten der gegenwart. One hundrea and thirty-six plates contain- ing very numerous engravings of famous paintings, statuary bas-reliefs, buildings, etc. 2 vols, oblong folio Stuttgart, n. d. Digitized by Microsoft® 2IO THE HOE LIBRARY. 1857 Luther (Martin). Life; related from Original Authorities. By Moritz Meurer. Translated from the German. Six- teen portraits and engravings on stone. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1848 1858 Luther. Life; illustrated by Engravings from Gustav Konig. With Introduction and a View of the Reforma- tion in England, by G. Cooly. Numerous portraits and engravings on wood. Smajl 4to, cloth Lend. 1858 1859 I^^^ACAULAY (Thomas Babington, Lord). His- tory of England from the accession of James IL 8 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. Signa- ture on first title Cambridge, 1866 Large Paper Copv, of which only 75 were printed for subscribers. Handsomely printed at the Riverside Press. i860 Macaulay. Essays, critical, historical and miscellaneous. With Memoir and Index. Portrait on india-paper. 6 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut edges N. Y. 1866 Large Paper Copy. Only 100 numbered copies printed for sub- scribers, of which this is No. 4. Very handsomely printed at the Riverside Press. 1861 Macaulay. Life and Letters; by G. Otto Trevelyan. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, gilt top N. Y. 1876 1862 M'CuLLOCH (J. R.) Universal Gazetteer. Maps. 2 vols, thick royal 8vo, half morocco N. Y. 1845 1863 M'CuLLOCH. Dictionary of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. New edition, edited by H. G. Reid. Maps. Thick 8vo, half russia Lond. 1869 1864 MacGahan (J. A.) Campaigning on the Oxus and the Fall of Khiva. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1874 1865 M'Kenney (Thomas L.) Memoirs, official and "personal; with Sketches of Travels among the Northern and South- ern Indians. Portrait and illustrations. 2 vols, in i, large 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1846 1866 Mackintosh (Sir James). Memoirs; edited by his son. Second edition. Two portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, half russia. Signature on titles Lond. 1836 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRAE Y. 211 1867 Macready (W. C.) Reminiscences and Selections from his Diaries and Letters. Four portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1875 1868 Magasin d'Education et de Recreation, pubH6 par Jean Mac6 et P. J. Stahl. Two hundred and twenty woodcuts. Royal 8vo, half morocco Paris, 1864 1869 Magasin Pittoresque (Le); rddig^ sous la direction de E. Cazeaux et E. Charton. From commencement, 1833 to 1854, inclusive. Very numerous illustrations on wood. 22 vols, in II, half morocco, gilt backs and edges Paris, i833-'54 1870 Magnolia (The), 1836. Edited by Henry W. Herbert. Twelve steel engravings. 1 2mo, morocco, gilt edges N. Y. 1836 187 1 Malte-Brun (M. C. Bruun, dit). Universal Geography, or a Description of all Parts of the World. 10 vols, 8vo, half russia Edinburgh, 1822-33 1872 Manesca (J.) Oral System for Teaching French. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf N. Y. 1834 1873 Mangin (Arthur). L'Air et le Monde Adrien. Numerous fine illustrations on wood. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and edges Tours, 1865 1874 Maps. Laurie's Environs of London; Spain and Portugal, Scotland, Ireland, Paris. All but two mounted on linen, and all but one in cases. ( 1 1) 1875 Marshall (John). History of the Colonies planted by the English on the Continent of North America. 8vo, sheep Phil. 1824 1876 Martin (Henri). The Age of Louis XIV. Translated from the fourth Paris edition of Martin's History of France by Mary L. Booth. Two portraits. 2 vols, imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges , Bost. 1865 Large Paper Copy; of which only 75 copies were printed. 1877 Martin. The Decline of the French Monarchy. Trans- lated by Mary L. Booth. Portrait of Louis XVI. and map. 2 vols, imp. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges Bost. 1866 Large Paper Copy; of which only 75 were printed. Digitized by Microsoft® 212 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1878 Martineau (Harriet). History of the Peace: being" a History of England from 1816 to 1854; with Introduction, 1800 to 1815. 4 vols, royal 8vo, cloth, uncut edges Bost. 1864 Large Paper Copy. 1879 Martineau. Guide to the English Lakes. Fine steel engravings. i2m6, cloth Windermere, n d. 1880 Mathews (William). The Great Conversers, and other Essays. i2mo, cloth Chicago, 1877 1881 Mathews. Hours with Men and Books. i2mo, cloth Chicago, 1877 1882 Mayer (Brantz). Mexico, as it was and as it is. Numerous illustrations. Zvd, cloth. Signature on title N. Y. 1844 1883 Mendelssohn Bartholdy (Felix). Life ; from the Ger- man of W. A. Lampadius, by W. L. Gage. Portrait. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1866 1884 Meredith (Louisa Anne). Loved and Lost ! A True Story of a Short Life; told in Gossip Verse. Printed in brown ink, with many illustrations. Square small 8vo, cloth Lond., n. d. 1885 Merivale' (Charles). History of the Romans under the Empire. 8 vols, post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1865 1886 Michelet (J.) Histoire le France. Nouyelle Edition, revue et augment6e. 17 vols, 8vo, half morocco. Signa- ture on titles Paris, 1871-74 1887 Millet-Robinet (Mme. C.) Maison Rustique des Dames. Many woodcuts. 2 vols, i amo, half calf, gilt backs Paris, 1862 1888 Miscellaneous. Adelaide Procter's Poems ; Mrs. Faw- cett's Political Economy; Blackburn's Artists and Arabs; etc. 12 vols, i6mo and i8mo 1889 Miscellaneous. Blossoms of Morality; Rider's British Merlin, 1815; etc. 15 vols, 12 mo, sheep, etc. 1890 Miscellaneous. Carlyle's Early Kings of Norway; The Voice in Singing; Myers' Wordsworth; etc. 13 vols, i2mo Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 213 1891 Miscellaneous. Epicure's Year Book, 1868; The Ugly- Girl Papers; Tooke's Pantheon; etc. 12 vols, izmo 1892 Miscellaneous. Fun better than Physic; Carlyle's Rem- iniscences; Froude's Thomas h. Becket; etc. 11 vols, i2mo 1893 Mitchell (Donald G.) Reveries of a Bachelor, by Ik Marvel. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1851 1894 Mitchell. Fresh Gleanings. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1851 First edition. 1895 MiTFORD (Mary Russell). Dramatic Scenes, Sonnets, and other Poems. Crown 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1827 1896 Moliere. CEuvres Completes. Nouvelle Edition, colla- tionn^e sur les Textes Originaux, avec leurs variantes. Pr6c6d6e de I'Histoire de sa Vie et des ses Ouvrages, par J. Taschereau. Portrait and fine engravings after Moreau's designs. 6 vols, royal 8vo, bound by Bertrand in crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges Paris, Furne, 1S63 Fine copy on Large Paper of this admirable and handsomely executed edition Uniform in binding with the Cornkille and Racine described in this catalogue. 1897 Montesquieu (C. Secondat, Baron de). The Spirit of Laws. 2 vols, 8vo, calf, sheep backs, gilt backs Lond. 1794 1898 Moore (Clement C.) Poems. i2mo, boards, uncut edges N. Y. 1844 1899 Moore (Thomas). Irish Melodies. Illustrated by D. Maclise. Every page surrounded by ornamental borders, with very numerous fine engravings, on steel. 4to, half morocco, gilt back and edges Lond. 1846 1900 Morris (George P.) Poems. Steel engravings. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt edges N. Y. 1853 1 90 1 Muenchener Album. Fine steel engravings of scenes in Munich. — Costumes de la Suisse. Colored plates. — Cours' de Paysage. Lithographs.— Com^ de Coloris. Colored " lithographs. 4 vols, oblong crown 8vo Digitized by Microsoft® 214- THE HOE LIBRARY. 1902 MuLLOOLY .(Rev. Joseph). Saint Clement, Pope and Mar- tyr, and his Basilika in Rome. Fine photographic illustra- tions. Royal 8vo, vellum, red edges Rome, 1869 1903 Murray (John Fisher). The World of London. i2mo, calf Lond. 1844 1904 Murray's Handbook to the Cathedrals of England. East-. ern and Southern Divisions. Very numerous fine illustra- tions. 3 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, uncut edges Lond. 1862-76 1905 Murray's Hand-Books to Spain, France, etc. 10 vols, post 8vo, cloth, one vol, in roan Lond., v. d. 1906 Mus^e des Familles; from commencement, 1833, to 1848. • Numerous illustrations on wood. 15 vols, in 8. Imp. 8vo, half morocco Paris, i833-'48 1907 Musical Carcanet (The): a Choice Selection of Popu- lar Songs; with the airs. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1832 1908 If^^^APIER (Maj.-Gen. Sir W. F. P.) History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France from 1807 to 18 14. New edition, revised by the Author. Plans. 6 vols, small 8vo, cloth Lond. 1862 1909 Napoleon I. Memoirs of Napoleon, his Court and Family, by the Duchess d'Abrantes (Madame Junot). Many portraits on steel. 2 vols, thick 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1^54 1910 Nevin (R. J.) St. Paul's within the Walls: an Account of the American Chapel at Rome. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1878 191 1 New York. Atlas of New York and Vicinity; by F. W. Beers. Folio, cloth N. Y. 1868 19 1 2 New York Book (The) of Poetry. Vignette on title. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1837 Contains pieces by Willis Gaylord Clark, C. Fenno Hoffman, Wash- ington Irving, Geo. P. Morris, Lindley Murray, C. C. Moore, J. K. Paulding, Gulian Verplanck, etc. 1913 New York. County Atlas of Westchester, New York. published by J. B. Beers & Co. Imp. 4to, half roan N. Y. 1872 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LI BEAR Y. 215 1914 New York Directories. . Longworth's, for 1837-38; Doggett's, for i843-'44, iox 1847-48, and for 1850-51. 4 vols, i2mo and 8vo, half bound N. Y. 1915 New York Historical Society Collections. Publication Fund Series, complete from commencement, 1868 to 1881 inclusive, except Vol. VII., for 1874. 13 vols, large 8vo, cloth ' N. Y. 1868-81 1916 New York. Historical Society Proceedings; Mercantile Library Catalogues; Viele's Topography and Hydrology of New York; etc. 18 vols 1917 New York. Map of the City north of 130th Street. Very large sheet, mounted on linen and folded to large 4to size N. Y. 1879 1918 New York Mirror (The). (Vol. XI.) July 6, 1833- June 18, 1834. Four engravings and vignette. Royal 4to, half calf. One plate torn N. Y. 1833 1919 New York Statutes at Large. Vol. VII. Large 8vo, law sheep Albany, 1870 1920 NoRDHOFF (Charles). California: for Health, Pleasure and Residence. Many illustrations. Square 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1872 192 1 NoRDHOFF. Politics for Young Americans. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1875 1922 Novels. John Halifax; Arabella Stuart; Life of Mary Powell; Remorse; Venetia; The Midnight Sun; Sir Ed- ward Graham; The Divorced Wife; Hard Times. Bound in 2 vols, royal 8vo, half calf, gilt backs N. Y., v. d. 1923 Novels. Christy/ Carew; Shirley; St. Olaves; etc. II vols 1924 Novels. Whitney's Odd or Even; Phelps' The Silent Partner; Outre-Mer; Queechy; etc. 9 vols 1925 Novels. Widow Spriggins; Cranford; Look before you Leap; etc. 8vols, i2mo 1926 Novels in French. Monsieur, Madame et Beb^; etc. 4 vols, paper Digitized by Microsoft® 2l6 1927 THE HOE LIBRARY. 'CALLAGHAN (E. B.) Documentary History of the State of New York. Vol. I. Maps, etc. 4to, cloth Albany, 1850 1928 Odd Volumes. Knickerbocker's New York; Salathiel; etc. II vols 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 ARIS. Guide Books. Galignani; Musee du Louvre; etc. 6 vols, 12010 Parsons (S. B.) On the Rose. Illustra- tions. 121110, cloth N. Y., n. d. Parsons (T.) Memoir of Theophilus Parsons, Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth. Signature on title Bost. 1859 Parton (James). Life of Andrew Jackson. Four por- traits. 3 vols, large 8vo, cloth N. Y. i860 Pauquet Freres. Modes et Costumes Historiques, des- sin6s et Graves d'apres les Meilleurs Maitres de chaque ^poque et les documents les plus authentiques. Ninety- six fine colored plates. Large 4to, half morocco, gilt edges Paris, n. d. Payne (A. H.) Illustrated London: a Series of Views in the British Metropolis and Vicinity; with Notices by W. I. Bicknell. Numerous fine heel engravings. Bound in 2 vols, the printed title in second voluipe, post 8vo, half mo- rocco ' Lond., n. d. Phelps (E. S.) The Story of Avis. i2mo, cloth Bost. 1880 Philadelphia. Journals of Common Council; Public Ledger Building; and Almanac. 4 vols Plato. Dialogues, translated into English, with Analyses and Introductions, by B. Jowett. 4 vols, 8vo, cloth Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1871 Playfair {Lieut.-Col. R. L.) The Scourge of Christen- dom : Annals of British Relations with Algiers prior to the French Conquest. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1884 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 217 1939 Plutarch. Lives : the Translation called Dryden's. Corrected from the Greek and revised by A. H. Clough. 5 vols, imp. 8vo, boards, cloth backs, uncut edges Bost. 1865 Large Paper Copy; only 100 copies printed. Handsomely printed at the University Press. 1940 Pope (Alexander). Works, in verse and prose; containing Notes by Warburton, Warton and others; edited, with Ob- servations and Life, by W. Lisle Bowles. Portraits. 10 vols, Bvo, calf Lond. 1806 1941 Porter (Noah). Books and Reading. lamo, cloth N. Y. 1873 1942 PouCHET (F. A.) The Universe; or, the Infinitely Great and the Infinitely Little. Translated from the French. Four colored plates and three hundred and forty-three en- gravings on wood. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top N. Y. [Lond.] 1870 1943 Prescott (William H.) History of the Conquest of Mexico. Three portraits, etc. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1843 FJrst edition. 1944 Prescott. History of the Conquest of Peru. Two por- traits. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1847 First edition, 1945 Prescott. History of the Reign of Philip II,, King of Spain. Two portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. Signature on titles Bost. 1855 First edition. 1946 Prescott. History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isa- bella. Three portraits. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. Signature on title Bost. 1859 1947 Prescott. Life, by George Ticknor. Portrait, bust, fac- simile and fine illustrations on wood. Small 4to, vellum cloth, gilt top, uncut edges Bost. 1864 The handsomely executed original edition. 1948 Prime (S. I.) Under the Trees. Crown 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1874 Digitized by Microsoft® 2i8 THE HOE LIBRARY. 1949 Putnam's Monthly Magazine of American Literature, Science and Art; from commencement, Jan., 1853, to Jan., 1857, inclusive. Illustrations. 7 vols, royal 8vo, half mo- ,rocco N. Y. i853-'57 '95° fe-ift''!fe«:>ill ACCOLTA de' piu belli ed in interessanti Di- pinti, Musaici ed altri Monumenti rinvenuti negli Scari di Ercolano, di Pompei, e di Stabia che ammiransi nel Museo Nazionale. One hun- dred and fifty fine engravings in outline from the paint- ings, and sculptures of Pompeii and Herculaneum. 4to, limp boards ^ Napoli, 1861 1951 Racine (Jean). CEuvres. Nouvelle Edition, revue sur les plus anciennes impressions et les autographes, et augmen- tee de morceaux inedits, des variantes, de notices, de notes, d'unlexiquedes mots et locutions remarquables, etc Par Paul Mesnard. 7 vols, royal 8vo, Sound tiy David in crimson crushed levant morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges> one side of one volume slightly injured by a nail and paper on one side of two other volumes scratched Paris, Hachette, 1865 Grand Papier V£lin Copy, of which only 150 were printed, of this handsome and elaborate edition. Uniform in binding with the Corneille and Moliire described in this catalogue. 1952 Rebellion Record (The); a Diary of American Events, with Documents, Narratives, Incidents, Poetry, etc. Edited by Frank Moore. With supplement. Many portraits on steel, maps, etc. 12 vols, 8vo, half calf N. Y. i864^'68 1953 Revue Comique a I'usage des Gens s^rieux. Nov., 1848- Avril, 1849. Numerous amusing illustrations. Imp. Svo? half morocco Paris, [1849] 1954 Rhymes and Roundelays in Praise of a Country Life. Numerous fine illustrations on wood by Birket Foster. Square 8vo, morocco, gilt back and edges N. Y. [Lond.] 1857 1955 RiKER (James). Harlem: its Origin and Early Annals. Map, etc. 8vo, cloth ' N. Y. 1881 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE' LIBRAR Y. 219 1956 RiTCHik (L.) Travelling Sketches on the Sea-Coasts of Franpe. Heath's Picturesque Annual for 1834. Twenty- one fine steel engravings. Crown 8vo, morocco, binding loosened Lond. 1834 1957 Robertson (William). Works: History of Charles V., History oi Scotland, History of America. 1 1 vols, 8vo, calf Basle and Lond. 1791-1811 1958 Robertson. History of Scotland; Disquisition on India. Portrait. In i vol, 8vo, half russia N. Y. 1831 1959 Rockwell (C.) The Catskill Mountains: their Scenery, Legends and History. Illustrations. 12 mo, cloth N. Y. 1867 i960 Root (J.) The Horrors of Delirium Tremens. Large 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1844 1961 RoscoE (Thomas). The Tourist in France. Jennings' Landscape Annual for 1834. Fine steel engravings after Harding's drawings. Crown 8vo, morocco, gilt edges Lond. 1834 1962 Rousseau (J. J.) CEuvres, avec des Notes historiques; avec Vocabulaire, Table g^n^rale des Matieres et Supple- ment. Portrait. 22 vols, 8vo, half calf Paris, 1819 1963 RousSEL (N.) L'lllustration de la Jeunesse. Sixty wood engravings. Small folio, cloth Paris, 1856 1964 RowE (Nicholas). Works. Portrait by Vertue. 2 vols, i2mo, calf Lond. 1766 1965 [Russell (William).] History of Modern Europe. 7 vols, 8vo, calf Lo^d. 1818 1966 Russell and Jones (W.) History of Modern Europe. Two portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, half russia. Lacks Vol. I. N. Y. 1832 1967 Russell (William H.) My Diary, North arid South. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth. Map torn but perfect x Lond. 1863 1968 ip^^^^jAINTINE (X. B.) La Mere Gigonne et ses Trois Filles. One hundred and seventy-one en- gravings on wood. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges Paris, 1864 Digitized by Microsoft® 2^0 THE HOE LIBRAE V. 1969 Samuelson (J.) Roumania, past and present. TAree auto- type plates, two maps, and many fine woodcuts. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1882 1970 Schiller (F.) Lied von der Glocke. Mit Illustrationem von A. Miiller und Carl Jager. Twelve fine photographic illustrations. Royal 4to, cloth, gilt side and edges Miinfehen, n. d. 1971 ScHMiTZ (L.) History of Rome. One hundred woodcuts. i2mo, cloth Lond. 1861 1972 School Books. 25 volumes 1973 ScHROEDER (John F.) Life and Times of Washington. Many portraits and engravings on steel. 2 vols, thick 4to, half morocco, gilt backs and edges N. Y., n. d. 1974 [Scott (Sir Walter).] The Waverley Novels. Vignettes on title-pages. 41 vols, 8vo, half crimson levant morocco extra, gilt tops Edinburgh, 1821-33 Includes the two volumes of Notes and Illustrations. 1975 Seward (William H.) Travels around the World. Edited by Olive Risley Seward. Portrait and two hundred illus- trations. Thick royal 8vo, half morocco. Signature on title N. Y. 1873 1976 Shaffner (T. p.) History of the United States, from the earliest period. Portraits, plates and maps on steel, bound in at commencement of the volumes. 2 vols, thick imp. 8vo, morocco, gilt backs, sides and edges N. Y., n. d. 1977 Shakspeare. Plays and Poems ; with Life, Glossarial Notes and Index. Edited by A. J. Valpy. Portrait and one hundred and seventy neat outline engravings on steel. 15 vols, i2mo, cloth, uncut edgds Lond. 1842 1978 Shaw (Henry). Specimens of Ancient Furniture drawn from existing authorities; with Descriptions by Sir S. R. Meyrick. Seventy-four fine engravings on steel. 4to, half roxburghe Lond. 1866 1979 [Shephard (N.)] Diary of the Besieged Resident in Paris. 8vo, cloth. Signature on title Lond. 1871 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY, 221 1980 Sherman (Gen. William T.) Memoirs; by Himself. Map in pocket. 2 vols, 8vq, sheep. Signature on title N. Y. 187s 1981 SiDDONS (Mrs. [Sarah Kemble].) Life; by Thomas Camp- bell. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1834 1982 SiMCOE (Lieut.-Col. J. G.) Simcoe's Military Journal. History of the Operations of a Partizan Corps called The Queen's Rangers, during the War of the American Revolu- tion. Now first published, with Memoir of the Author, etc. - Ten plans. 8vo, boards N. Y. 1844 1983 Simpson (Henry). Lives of Eminent Philadelphians, now deceased ; collected from original authentic sources. Twenty-four portraits on steel, on india-paper. Thick large 4to, cloth, uncut edges Phil. 1859 1984 Smith (Charles J.) Historical and Literary Curiosities, consisting of Fac-similes of Original Documents, Scenes of remarkable Events and interesting Localities, and the Birth-places, Residences, Portraits and Monuments of eminent Literary Characters; etc. One hundred plates. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1845 1985 Smith (J. C.) Harpers' Statistical Gazetteer of the World. Maps. Thick imp. 8vo, half calf, gilt back N. Y. 1855 1986 Smith (J. J.) American Historical and Literary Curiosi- ties, Part I.; Art Journal, Apr., 1872, Oct. and Nov., 1874; American Art Illustrated, Nos. I. and II.; etc. 18 pieces 4to and folio 1987 Smith (William). Dictionary of Greek and Roman My- thology. Man^ wood engravings. 3 vols, thick royal 8vo, cloth, uncut edges Lond. 1864 1988 Smith. Smaller Histories of Rome and of Greece. 2 vols, i2mo, cloth N. Y. and Lond. i872-'8i 1989 SouTHEY (Robert). Common Place Book. Edited by J. W. Warter. Medallion portrait. The four series com- plete. 4 vols, thick 8vo, cloth Lond. 1850 1990 South Sea Bubbles. By the Earl and the Doctor. 8vo, cloth Lond., Chiswick Press, 1872 Digitized by Microsoft® 2 2 2 THE HOE LIB EAR Y. 1 99 1 Souvenirs de la Suisse. Ninety-seven fine steel engravings. Oblong 4to, cloth, gilt edges Zurich, n. d. 1992 Spencer (J. A.) History of the United States, from the earliest period to the administration of James Buchanan. Many engravings on steel. 3 vols, 4to, half morocco, gilt backs and edges N. Y., n. d. 1993 Spiers TA.) Dictionnaire g6n6ral Franpais- Anglais et Anglais-Franpais. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half calf Paris, i860 1994 Stanley (Dean A. P.) Life and Correspondence of Dr. Thomas Arnold. Portrait. Small 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1877 1995 Stanley (Henry M.) Through the Dark Continent; or the Sources of the Nile around the Great Lakes of Equa- .torial Africa and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic. Ten maps and one hundred and fifty woodcuts. 2 vols, thick 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs N. Y. 1878 1996 Stedman (Edmund C.) Poetical Works. i2mo, cloth, gilt top Bost. 1873 1997 Stephens (John L.) Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. Numerous engravings. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1841 1997* Stephens. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. One hundred and twenty engravings. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. Signature on titles N. Y. 1843 1998 Sterne (Laurence). Works; with Life, written by Him- self. Portrait and vignette title. Thick 8vo, calf, gilt back Lond. 1854 1999 Stories (Old) of Switzerland, selected from the Works of German and Swiss Poets. i6mo, cloth Berne, n. d. 2000 Stowe (Harriet Beecher). Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. Royal 8vo, cloth Bost. 1853 2001 Strickland (Agnes). Lives of the Queens of England from the Norman Conquest. 12 vols, in 6. 8vo, cloth Phil. 1852 * Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 223 2062 Strutt (Joseph). The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. New edition, with Index, by W. Hone. One hundred and forty illustrations. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1838 2003 Sue (Eugene). The Mysteries of Paris; translated by H. C. Deming. Small folio, half roan. Waterstain N. Y. 1844 2004 Swift (Jonathan). Works; with Memoir by Thomas Ros- coe. Portrait. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half calf Lond. 1853 2005 Swiss Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil. Colored frontispiece and numerous illustrations on wood. Imp. 8vo, cloth, gilt Lond., n. d. 2006 I^^^HEMPERANCE RECORDER, from commence- ment, March, 1832, to February, 1837, inclusive (Vols. I.-V. inclusive), i vol, 4to, half roan Albany, i832-'37 2007 Thackeray (Miss A.) The Village on the Cliff. 8vo, cloth. Binding loosened. One of the illustrations torn Lond. 1867 2008 Thackeray (W. M.) Works. With all the illustrations on steel and wood by the author and others. 20 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1867-69 " Henry Esmond " and the "Christmas Books," which are lacking in the above set, are in print and can readily be procured. 2009 Theology. Farrar's Eternal Hope; Blauvelt's Present Re- ligious Conflict; Bp. Huntington's New Helps to a Holy Lent; etc, 14 vols, 12 mo 2010 Theology. Robertson's Notes on Genesis; Kingsley's Ser- - mons for the Times; etc. 11 vols, i2mo 20 1 1 Theology. 28 vols, i2mo, i8mo, etc. 2012 Thiers(A.) History of the French Revolution. Translated, with Notes and Illustrations, by F. Shoberl. Portraits and engravings on steel. 4 vols, 8vo, half calf, red edges N. Y. 1854 Digitized by Microsoft® 224 THE HOE LIBRARY. 2013 Thomson (W. M.) The Land and the Book; or Biblical Illustrations 'drawn from the Manners and Customs, the Scenes and Scenery of the Holy Land. — Southern Palestine and Jerusalem. — One hundred and forty fine illustrations on wood, andmap.> Thick small 4to, morocco, gilt edges N. Y. 1880 2014 Thornbury (Walter). Life in Spain: past and present. Woodcuts. 1 2 mo, cloth N. Y. i860 2015 Thucydides; literally translated by H. Dale. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1873 2016 Times (John). Curiosities of London. Portrait. Thick i2mo, cloth 1855 2017 ToqQUEviLLE (Alexis de). Democracy in America. Trans- lated by Henry Reeve. Edited, with Notes, by Francis Bowen. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth, uncut edges Cambridge, Sever &= Francis, 1864 Large Paper Copy; only 100 printed. 2018 Tombleson's ViEw^s of the Rhine. Fine steel engravings. Large 8vo, old cloth. Frontispiece foxed; corner of margin of one plate torn Lond. 1832 2019 Transactions of the National Association for the Promo- tion of Social Science, 1868. Bvo, cloth Lond. 1869 2020 Translations of the Works of the Greek and Roman Poets, into English Verse. Fine plates. 18 vols, i8mo, calf Lond. 18 13 Comprises: Pope's Homer; Cooke's Hesiod; Meen's Coluthus; Wes- ley's Eupolis; West's Pindar; Polwhele's Theocritus; Preston's Apol- lonius Rhodius; Dryden's Virgil; Francis' Horace; Garth's Ovid; Fawkes' Anacreon; Grainger's TibuUus and Sulpidia; Dryden's Juvenal and Persius; Rowe's Lucan; Pitt's Vida. 2021 Trip (The) of the Steamer Oceanus to Fort Sumter and Charleston, 1865. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth Brooklyn, 1865 2022 Trowbridge (J. T.) The Book of Gold and other Poems. Fine illustrations on wood. Small 4to, half fine sheep N. Y. 1878 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 225 2023 Tyas (Robert). The Sentiment of Flowers, or Language of Flora. Twenty-nine plates, containing one hundred and seventy colored figures of plants. Crown 8vo, morocco, gilt Lond. 1842 2024 Tyas. The Language of Flowers. Colored plates. Square 8vo, cloth Lond. 1875 2025 Tytler (Sarah). The Old Masters and their Pictures.. i2mo, cloth Bost. 1875 2026 NITED STATES. Diplomatic Correspondence; Finance Reports; etc. 12 vols 2°27 I^^^B1-^MB:6rY (Arminius). Sketches of Central Asia. Additional chapters on my Travels, Adven- tures and on the Ethnology of Central Asia. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges Lond. 1868 2028 Verne (Jules). From the Earth to the Moon. Translated from the French. Eighty full-page illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1874 2029 2030 ALKER (U.) Games and Sports. Many plates. 1 2 mo, cloth Lond. 1837 Walpole (Horace). Letters to Sir Horace Mann. 2 vols, i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1833 2031 War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Series I. Vols. IL-VI. 5 vols, thick 8vo, cloth Wash. i88o-'82 2032 War of the Rebellion. [The Same.] Series I. Vols. V. and VI. 2 vols, thick 8vo, cloth Wash. 1881-82 2033 Webster (Daniel). Works. Two portraits and two plates. 6 vols, 8vo, cloth Bost. 1853 2034 Webster. Report of Committee of the Common Council of the City of New York [upon his Obsequies]. Plates on stone. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1853 Digitized by Microsoft® 226 THE HOE LIBRARY. 2035 Webster (Noah). Dictionary of the English Language. Revised and enlarged by C. A. Goodrich. Portrait and illustrations. Thick 4to, sheep Springfield, 1859 2036 Webster. Dictionary of the English Language. Count- ing- House Edition. Over three hundred and fifty woodcuts. Small 4to, sheep N. Y. 1873 2037 Weed (Thurlow): Life. Vql. II., containing the Memoir by T. W. Barnes. Portrait. Thick large 8vo,' cloth Bost. 1884 2038 Welles (Gideon). Lincoln and Seward. i2mo, cloth ( N. Y. 1874 2039 Whittier (J. G.) Poetical Works. Red-line Edition. Portrait. Square i2mo, cloth, gilt edges. Two leaves loosened ' , Bost. 1869 2040 Whittier. Maud Muller. Fine illustrations by W. G. Hennessy. Square small 8vo, cloth Bost. 1867 2041 Willis, (Nathaniel P.) Pencillings by the Way. Fun- Jottings. Rural Letters. Summer Cruise in the Mediterra- nean. People I have met. Hurry-Graphs. 6vols, i2mo, cloth N. Y. i852-'53 2042 Willis (N. P.) Life, Here and There. i2mo, cloth N. Y. 1853 2043 Wirt (William). Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry. Portrait. i2mo, cloth • N. Y. 1859 2044 Wood (J. G.) Homes without Hands: a Description of the Habitations of Animals. Numerous illustrations on wood. Thick 8vo, cloth Lond. 1866 2045 Wood. Bible Animals: a Description of every living crea- ture mentioned in the Scriptures. One hundred engrav- ings on wood. Thick Svo, cloth N. Y. 1870 2046 Worcester (J. E.) Dictionary of the English Language. Illustrated. Thick 4to, sheep Bost. i860 2047 Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh and Farquhar. Dramatic Works, with biographical and critical Notices by Leigh Hunt. Portrait and vignette title. Thick royal 8vo, old cloth Lond. 1.866 Digitized by Microsoft® THE HOE LIBRARY. 227 2048 2049 2050 YoNGE, vol, crown 8vo, cloth ONGE (Charlotte M.) Lady Hester. Crown_ 8vo, cloth Lond. 1874 [YoNGE.] The Pupils of St. John the Divine. Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. Lond., n. d. Beginnings of Church History. Both parts in i Lond. 1877 1 MS ^^ i j^^Y J K W '^ i v^ P^tv-.jV^^SSjjj^ wr/2^t^Kt "^■"ff^w ku mi N^P teag ^^^V'^v 1^ 1 Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® ^aitgs ^n& ^ompunvif 7-39 awd 741 gruatoa^:^ (BpponiU ^jstor ||la?f. Wcto yorK, j^atip Blmasriail^ 3£ttrfion jSate of EitariFS, (|iif rtiunx of |Soo|s, Jintogrepls, Ooins, ppliflk, onI> iwljer EitFPBPg pPOjIFFtg. ®atalo0uc$ ^niUft upon ^ppXumon. Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® • ■• r-T?ip* M ^-^M- i M. ;:'^.;1^ "^r ^ V ( , s^>«-|- '■ ■ L ^i^-%-^ :. w TV I ^ •#:>" 'V*^,.-- ■•►:#