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This -work is dedicated to all German-Americans, who, with a loyal attachment to the land of their choice, combine a pious remembrance to the native land of their forefathers: those brave pioneers, who helped to develop the great resources of the New World and to make these United States of North America an abode of liberty and happiness. The history of Virginia — the mother of States — records many names of Germans who have acted their parts well in the work of civi- lization and deserve honorable recognition. In particular this book is devoted to The Socieiy for the Hisiory of ihe Germans in Maryland, aiming to ascertain the merits of the German settlers, and to guard the same from oblivion. EespectfuUy, The Authoe. TABLB OF' CONTKNTS. Vol. I. rage INTEODUCTION. The Participation of Germans in the Discovery of America... 7 PEKIOD I. THE COLONIAL TIME TO THE END OF THE 18th CENTURY. CHAPTEE I. The Settlement of Tidewater Virginia 17 CHAPTEE II. The Organization of the Colonies of Maryland and Penn- sylvania, and the German Sects ,! 47 CHAPTEE III. Topographical Survey of Virginia 55 CHAPTER IV. Causes of the German Immigration into Virginia during the 18th Century GO CHAPTEE V. German Settlements in Middle Virginia and Piedmont 66 CHAPTER VI. Settlement of the North-western Mountain Region of Vir- ginia by German-Pennsylvanians and Germans 84 CHAPTER VII. The French and Indian War — and Indian Devastations 104 CHAPTER VIII. The War of Independence and the German- Virginians ,112 CHAPTER IX. German Allied Troops of England as Prisoners of War in . Virginia , 144 CHAPTER X. The Indian-hunters and the German-Virginian Emigraiiion to the West 154 INTRODUCTION. The Participation of Germans in the Discovery OF America. HE Peogress of civilization has been advanced by no other historical event more powerfully than by the re- f discovery of the New World, and no other race has alike promoted European culture in America, than the Germanic. Among the Europeans of Germanic origin, who have participated in the gigantic work of civilization in America, the Germans have quietly and little noticed done their share. Virginia— with the sole exception of the settlements of the Norse or Northmen in " Vinland,"— was the first scene of Germanic life in North America. The name " Vinland " the New England States derived from the discovery of the native grapevine by the German Dietrich Tyrker, from the Ehine, who as teacher and guardian, sailed in the year 1001 with the sons of Eric the Ked from Greenland to the coast of the North American continent. The world is indebted for the knowledge of the Norse discovery to the German Rev. Adam von Bremen, born at Meissen in Saxony, and died in the year 1076. In his " History of the Church," he reports statements received from Swein, King of Denmark and others; and Ice- landic records and traditions confirm his narration and speak of Markland, Helluland and Vinland, which comprised the territory from Labrador to Massachusetts and part of Ehode Island. In the year 983 Red Eric (Erik Rauda) and lierjulf, compelled to fly from Iceland, sailed with a number of colonists to the distant coast of Greenland. Sailing around Cape Fare- well, through their efforts the southern extremity of the western coast of Greenland was speedily settled, as is proved by many runic inscriptions. In 986 Herjulf's son Bjarn or Bjarni discovered by 'accident the great American continent in the neighborhood of Boston and the news of his discovery reached Norway, where Eric's son Leif stayed at the court of King Olaf Tryggvason to acquire a scientii3c education. Hear- ing of the beautiful land situated in the southwest of the ocean, Leif resolved to sail in quest of it and returned to Greenland in company with his German teacher, Dietrich Tyrker, from the Rhine. He purchased Bjarn's ship, manned it with 35 sailors and reached first a snowy and rocky coast, which he named Helluland (rocky land.) Coasting the main- land for many miles he and his companions sighted a rich woodland which they termed Markland, and finally reached an island and the mouth of a large river which originated from a lake. There they wintered, and Dietrich Tyrker, the guardian of Leif, explored the country and discovered the native Grape-Vine. Accordingly, they called this part of the land Vinland. — Two years later Leif and his brother Thorstein or Thorvald undertook another expedition to Vinland. Leif founded a village, " Leifsbudir, " and in the spring of 1003 a part of his followers sailed farther south and discovered a very rich country. Attacked by the native savages or 8krael- lingers, the expedition returned to Greenland in 1005 ; but in the year 1006 Torfin built in Vinland a town which he called " Torfinsbudir," and Freydis a daughter of Eed Eric, Halg, Finnbog and others importing colonists from Norway, the settlement prospered. In 1121 Bishop Erich inspected the colony— and for three centuries a commercial connection was kept up between Vinland, Greenland and Norway, until decay began. The hostility of the natives and "the black death," car- ried off most of the settlers, and finally with the unfortunate colonists all knowledge of Vinland died out. (Compare : "Der anregende Einfluss der Deutschen auf die Entdeckung der neuen Welt," von H. A. Eattermann, Seite 9 und 10,— Cincinnati, 1S92 ; and Worthington's: "History of the United States.")— However, after the rediscovery of the Western Continent by Christopher Columbus in 1492, a permanent English settlement was effected as stated, in 1607 on Virginian soil; and although in some instances the old mother colony has been surpassed by later seats of European culture in America, its history presents a most interesting picture of the progress of civilization in the new world and the part the Germans have taken in it. Germany had reached the climax of its commercial power at the end of the middle ages. The Hanseatic Union reigned in the Northern seas, and the Kings of Scandinavia and Britain submitted to her superiority. But during the last decades of the fifteenth century symptoms of a rapid decline became apparent. England and the Netherlands made .stren- uous efforts to compete in the commerce of the world : Par- ticularism began to loosen the ties upon which the strength and power of the Hanse rested, and finally grand events as the rediscovery of America by Christopher Columbus, and the maritime route opened to East India by Vasco de Gama, not only furnished Spain and Portugal with immense amounts of gold and silver, but changed the ancient routes of commerce and opened new markets. The Mediterranean Sea lost much of its importance, and Italy, called in Germany: " Das Haus im innern Hofe der "Welt," — ceased to be such. All the western European nations acquired transatlantic possessions, established colonies and enjoyed the' benefit of the new Era, but the German Hanse and the Italian republics, — the masters of the seas, — did not participate, endeavoring in vain to force the world's traffic back in its old channels. The Hanseates were driven from the emporium; the wealth of the German nation suffered severely, and religious wars, massacres and persecutions inflicted upon their commerce and industry deep wounds. Mining in Germany proved less profitable after the capture of gold and silver by the Spaniards, followed by the discovery of many rich mines of precious metals in South America and Mexico, and finally the cruel " Thirty years' war, 1618-1648 " wholly destroyed the national welfare. Entire villages disappeared, cities were reduced to ruin, pestilence and famine swept away those who had escaped the sword, and culture and morality fled this terror without precedent. It is not surprising, that in the midst of their national calamity the German princes did not possess the means or even the inclination to organize the great mass of fugitives, that tried to regain happiness and peace on the other side of the ocean. However, the great period of discoveries and the con- sequent migration of nations, did not commence unprepared or tvWiout German assistance. These important events were pre- luded in a fair way by pioneers and guides, and many of 10 them were of German origin. Even Columbus had his German advisers who assisted him in the rediscovery of the lost or forgotten part of the Globe. Of the numerous German thinkers and explorers, who are known to have helped in the great event, only one principal figure shall be mentioned. Martin Behaim, born 1459 at Nuremberg, is frequently asserted to be ilie first recliscoverer of America, and he is undoubtedly entitled to great merit with regard to the dis- covery of the Western Hemisphere He undertook extended voyages, visited Venice and Antwerp, and was introduced in the year 1480 to King Alphons V, of Portugal. Fifty years before the most distant station in the West, the Azores or Western Islands, Fayal and Pico, had been settled by " Ger- man-Flandrian traders," a colony had been organized and rapidly enlarged. About 1490 it amounted to several thousand inhabitants. Martin Behaim visited these islands, became acquainted with the Governor, the noble knight Jobst von Hurter, Seigneur of Morkirchen, and married his daughter Johanna. He was a great cosmographer, mathematician and inventor of nautical instruments. He improved the old astro- labium to an instrument for measuring altitude, "the quad- rant." Behaim also took part in the exploring expeditions of the Portuguese Admiral Diego Oano along the western coast of Africa and was knighted in recognition of his meri- torious services. In the year 1492, after various voyages and having penetrated far into the unknown western seas, he returned to his native city in Germany, designed various maps and construed there the first globe of the earth : " Globus oder Erdapfel," which is preserved to this day in the German Museum at Nuremberg, as one of the most interesting relics and as a monument of German ingenuity. On his globe a cluster of islands: " Antilia " is marked, which represent America as it was known to him, and it is asserted that Portugal afterwards founded her claim on Brazil before the Papal tribunal of arbitration upon the statement, that Martin Behaim in the year 1483, when in the service of the Portuguese Crown, discovered the western continent. The chronicle of Nuremberg: "Nuremberger Weltchronik, of the year 1494," also says: "These two men, Behaim and Diego Cano, with the assistance of our Lord, reached the other part of the globe, 11 having crossed the western ocean and the equinox, where facing the east the shadow fell southward and to their right. Therefore, they opened by their merit a new part of the earth which had been unknown." Giovanni Baptista Riccioli, an Italian historian, reports in his Geographiae et Hydrographiae Eeformata, "Columbus received valuable information regarding his plans in the house of Martin Behaim." Furthermore, the Spanish historians, Herrera and Mufioz, and the Portuguese Barros state : " That Martin Behaim viewed Pernambuco and dis- covered Brazil previous to Columbus and Vespucci," and "Columbus would not have ventured on his voyage if Behaim had not given him the directions." To some degree these assertions are confirmed by Alexander von Humboldt, who never made a statement without good proof. He says: "Columbus probably knew Behaim at Lisabon, where both resided from 1480 to 1484." It is known also, that De Perestrello,- the father-in-law of the great Genuese, called on the German explorer at Nuremberg in order to get his opinion and advice regarding the probability of discovering a western route to India. The knowledge that Behaim possessed of a western continent, is also affirmed by the historical report, "That Magelbaens used a map drawn by the German geographer, when he sailed around Cape Horn." These statements of the great deeds of a German explorer do not lessen the enormous merits of Christopher Columbus, for it remains his glory, to have opened the fabulous lands of the Far West to civilization. However ungrateful single men may be, the totality of mankind acknowledge and honor its benefactors, their grand services are preserved and bequeathed from generation to generation. Columbus experienced the ingratitude of his contemporaries, but in the heart of poster- ity his name is ' printed in golden letters, arid like liim all those are ejititled to grateful recognition, who guided Mm on the path of glory. Many more names and circumstances might be related to prove the intellectual part the Germans have taken in the rediscovery of the New World. German literary men like . Nicholaus Kopernikus, (Kopernik) born at Frauenburg in Prussia, Georg Purbach or Peurbach, an Austrian, Johannes Eegiomontanus, properly Johannes Mueller or Molitor, born at Koenigsberg in Franconia, and others, were celebrities of the highest rank in astronomy, mathematics and geography. They were predecessors of Behaim and Columbus, and have materially enlightened the knowledge of the world. " They not only are," says Lichtenberg, "tlie restorers of astronomic knowledge in Germany, but actually the founders of astron- omic science in Europe," and the French scholar Gassendi proclaims, that, "without Purbach or Eegiomontanus probably no Columbus and Kopernikus would have arisen." Germans afterwards took the lead in publishing the dis- coveries of Columbus and Vespucci. In the year 1506 under the nom de plume, "Martinus Hylacomilus," Martin Wald- seemueller or Waltzsraueller, born at Freiburg in Baden, was the first to express in his Cosmographiae Introductio etc., the opinion, that Columbus had discovered a new continent; in 1515 Johannes Schoener at Nuremberg, published his map under the title, " De America, quarta orbis parte"; in 1508 Jobst Kuckhammers or Euchamers, "Neue unbekanthe landte und eine newe weldte in kurtz vergangener zeythe erfunden," appeared at Nuremberg and this was the first book to give extensive reports about the then known discoveries. Jobst Ruchammer in his book published 1507 in Lubeck, also gave to the New World the name of " America," and the first map of the world which mentioned this name appeared in the " Cosmographie " of Petrus Apianus, that is, Peter Bieuewitz, born 1495 at Leissnig, in Saxony. Later on Spain, England, France, Holland and Sweden employed German intelligence, capital and labor to secure colonies in America and make them prosperous. Charles V, King of Spain and Emperor of Germany, borrowed eleven million florins of the German banker Welser, at Augsburg; King Francis I, of France, received from the same firm two million florins, and the Kings of England, Henry VIII and Edward VII in 1546 and 1547 contracted large loans with the Augsburg Banking House. Welser himself bought Vene- zuela, which his family owned until 1558 and he commissioned' Alflnger or Dalfinger, Federmann and Georg von Speyer, to 13 explore the country along the Magdalen and Orinoco rivers. The governments of the forenamed kingdoms commissioned numerous agents to engage German colonists and artisans for their American provinces. The Dutch government appointed the German Prince von Nassau-Siegen, governor of Brazil from 1624 to 1648, and Holland as well as Sweden entrusted the Germans, Peter Minnewit, of Wesel on the Ehine, 1626, and Johann Printz von Buchan of Holstein, 1643, with the occupation and administration of their colonies on the Hudson and Delaware rivers. Even among the first settlers in Virginia were several Germans and they helped materially to explore and cultivate the land and to establish moral and lawful life. The political and social conditions of England before and during the middle ages were in a deplorable state, its com- merce and industry were dependent on foreign countries, principally the Hanseate Union and Italy. But during the reign of Edward III, in the first half of the 14th century, a greater activity is observable and in the 15th century domestic commercial associations struggled to take the imports and exports into their own hands. The first steps to organize a royal naval force were taken at the time of Henry VII in 1485 to 1509. Only five years after the first voyage of Colum- bus, the King enabl'ed John Cabot and his sou Sebastian to cross the ocean in order to make new discoveries in the interest of England and to find a northern route to India. These two courageous seamen descried the North American continent, the coasts, of Labrador or Newfoundland, 14 months earlier than the famous Genuese, and they sailed in 1498 from Labrador to Virginia and to the Albemarle sound in North Carolina. But they failed to find a northern route to Asia and to bring back to England expected treasures of gold and silver. Nearly half a century elapsed before Martin Frobisher succeeded to repeat Cabot's plans. By the influence of Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick, he obtained two small ships of Queen Elizabeth, sailed through unknown waters until he entered BafBn Bay in 1576. Here he heaped up a pile of stones and took possession of the country for the British Crown. Among other things which he collected he brought back a stone con- 14 taining traces of gold. This fact soon became generally known and created a wild gold fever in England. The thirst for gold was the cause of two other naval expeditions under the com- mand of Probisher, but after sustaining innumerable perils incident to arctic region?, the ships returned to England without the coveted result and the spirit of enterprise would have gone asleep, had not Francis Drake of Devonshire, during the war between England and Spain, 1577 to 1579, sailing through the straits of Magellan and coasting along the Pacific shore ran- sacked the Spanish colonies. Chili and Peru, and captured a Spanish vessel loaded with treasures. Sir Walter Kaleigh, a great favorite with Queen Elizabeth, obtained for his brother-in-law. Sir Humphrey Gilbert, the con- cession to form permanent settlements in the sub-tropical region of North America. Sir Humphrey sailed in the year 1583 to Newfoundland, which he reached on August 5th. He there erected the English arms and assigned certain lands to the fishermen of other nations agreeing to pay an annual ground rent. This was the first commercial treaty of the English in America. In connection with this expedition the first information of German participation is preserved. The historian George Bancroft reports, that an expert miner who accompanied Sir Humphrey, was an lionc&t and pious Saxon and very industrious. It was the general opinion, that the appearance of the moun- tains indicated mineral wealth and the Saxon asserted upon his life, that there was an abundance of silver ore. He gathered specimens and the precious ore was loaded on board of one of the ships, but it was wrecked and the Saxon with his ere and all her crew perished. Sir Walter Ealeigh himself was no more successful than his brother-in-law. He received of Queen Elizabeth a patent for an extended territory, lying between Florida and Canada, which in honor of his maiden Queen he called Virginia. Two ships, com- manded by experienced officers, sailed in April 1584 from London conveying one hundred and eighty colonists to the New World. Raleigh's first attempt to plant a colony, was on Roanoke Island in Palmico Sound, but the settlers proved incompetent, they made no effort to till the soil, but wasted their time bunting 15 for gold. They believed that the Roanoke river had its head waters in the "golden rocks "of the fabulous Eldorado. Not realizing their expectations, they were disheartened and returned to England. Fifteen only consented to stay and await the arrival of fresh colonists, but of these daring adventurers nothing was afterwards heard. Those returning home had learned the use of tobacco and imported into the motherland the custom of "drinking tobacco," as it was called. In the year 1587 Raleigh again sent out a fleet, but it was equally unsuccessful. Fortunately for the interests English trading vessels sailed occasionally across the Atlantic, also visiting Virginia and returning with valuable cargo. The favorable results of these commercial expeditions kept alive the desire to colonize the coast of North America. Finally James I, in 1606 divided his American country into two districts, nearly equal in extent, and granted to a company of wealthy London merchants a patent of the southern par^ situated between the 34th and 40th degree northern latitude. This " London Company " had the foundation of a colony for its object and it sent out in 1607 an expedition under the com- mand of Christopher Newport, an experienced navigator. On the 36th day of April, 1607, they reached the Chesapeake Bay and at the mouth of a beautiful river, which they called the James in honor of the King, they laid the foundation of the first permanent English settlement at Jamestown in Virginia. This event is the starting point of the history of the mother colony of the United States of North America and at the same time of the part the Germans took in establishing American civilization. Thus, after a period of one hundred and ten years after the time that Cabot discovered the North American continent, and after many misfortunes and disappointments, the Germanic element had planted the seedcorn from which was to grow the most glorious republic of the world. Whenever, at the present time, the name America is mentioned, we think little of the Latin race or the countrymen of Columbus, but of the Germanic immigration, that is the English and the Dutch, who, with the assistance of Germans, Scandinavians and others, gave to North America its truly Germanic character. In other words, we admire the growing empire of the world, the homestead of 16 lib-erty, the United States of North America, as the standard bearer of civilization in the New World. Beside Virginia many other States have been organized in the Union as seats of modern culture, commerce and industry, art and science have developed, millions of men have found on the virgin soil of America new homesteads and enjoy the benefit of liberal institu- tions, which for the first time give to the old world an idea of true freedom. These are the blessings for which America and in fact all mankind are indebted to the Germanic pioneers in the New World. PERIOD I. The Colonial Time to the End of the 18th Century. CHAPTER I. The Settlement of Tidewater Virginia. '_N the history of German immigratiou to the English colonies of North America during the last century Vir- ginia takes a prominent share," says the late Vice-Gover- nor of Illinois, Gustav Koerner,^) and he might have dated this statement back to the earliest time of colonization. The early immigration of Germans to Virginia differs essentially, it must be admitted, from that under the lea- dership of Wm. Penn and Franz Pastorius to Pennsylvania, for unlike these it was not organized or compact. With the forenamed there came at once a large number of Germans to the New World, numerous additions followed and they kept together and founded German settlements which have preserved their national character to this day. But into Virginia the Germans immigrated singly, without a leader of their own nationality and without connection among themselves. Not until the beginning of the eighteenth century a German mass-immigration com- menced from North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and the Fatherland. The first comers scattered during the first decades of the colony over all its various sections, and yet the influence of this immigration proved of the greatest value to the development of Virginia or "Attanough Komouch," the Indian name of the country. 1.) „Da3 deutsohe Element in den Ver. Staaten von Xord-Amerika," 70n G. Koerner^ Seite 403. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1880. 18 The civilization of all countries began with the tilling of the soil or agriculture, and this was the case too in the old mother colony. It is generally admitted, that no part of the United States possesses greater natural advantages for the pro- duction of cereals, vegetables and orchard fruit than the " Old Dominion ! " Situated in the most favorable latitude of the temperate zone, with variety of soil and enormous mineral resources, richly watered and with the best harbors on the Atlantic coast, it was well qualified to become the starting point of English colonization. But already in selecting the locality of the first settlement, the English colonists were injudicious by choosing a low and unhealthy section. Early in 1607 the London Company sent out Captain Christopher Newport, with three small ships, the Susan Con- stance, the Discoverer and the God-speed, coming with one hundred and five men to establish a colony. Before the departure from England a form of government was prepared and all power was vested in a body of seven councillors, whose names were: Edward Maria Wingfield, president, and Capt. John, Smith, Christ. Newport, John Eatcliffe, John Martin, Bartholo- mew Gosnold and George Kendall. The original intention was to settle on Roanoke Island, but a storm drove the little fleet into the Chesapeake Bay and it sailed up the " Powhatan Eiver" to which the adventurers gave the name of " James." Upon its banks, about fifty miles from its mouth, they established the settlement "Jamestown." Unfortunately most of the settlers were English noblemen and adventurers, not fond of work and even despising it, and therefore, they were but little qualified to do the hard labors of pioneers. " Vagabond gentlemen " as they are called in some American histories for schools, ^ * ^) they had no families and came in search of wealth, expecting when rich to return to England and to commence anew a life of dissipation. They imported into America nothing but their prejudice and faults, and even President Wingfield soon showed himself a heartless scoundrel. Not much good could be expected of such elements for the new colony. 2 ) "American History for Schools," by G. P. Quaclienbos, p. 43, New York, 1877. 3 ) "History of the United States of America," by Ch A. Goodrich and W. Se'avy, p. 31. 19 Mr. Cooke^) who lived in Virginia on tlie old homestead of his ancestors and who took an earnest interest in the history of his native State, describes the precaution with which the ships of the daring seaman approached the coast and the landing of Newport's expedition as follows : Before them was the great expanse of Chesapeake Bay, the "Mother of waters" as the Indian name signified, and in the distance the broad mouth of a great river, the Powhatan. As the ships approached the western shore of the bay the storm had spent its force, and they called the place Point Comfort. A little further, at the present Hampton, they landed and were hospitably received by a tribe of Indians. The ships then sailed on up the river, which was new-named James Eiver, and parties landed here and there, looking for a good site for the colony. A very bad one was finally selected, a low peninsula half buried in the tide at highwater. Here the adventurers landed on May 13th, 1607, and gave the place the name of Jamestown, in honor of the King. Nothing remains of this famous settlement but the ruins of a church tower covered with ivy, and some old tombstones. The tower is crumbling year by year, and the roots of trees have cracked the slabs, making great rifts across the names of the old Armigers and Honourables. The place is desolate, with its washing waves and flitting sea- fowl, but possesses a singular attraction. It is one of the few localities which recall the first years of American history, but it will not recall them much longer. Every distinctive feature of the spot is slowly disappearing. The river encroaches year by year, and the ground occupied by the original huts is already submerged." Mr. Cooke gives in his pretty description a fair picture of the unfitness of the first immigrants, and also unintentionally shows a characteristic difference between the English and the Germans, that exists to this day. His complaint concerning the unmitigated decay of the mementoes of such an important event, as the first settlement in Virginia was, is fully justified and deserves honorable mentioning, but this demonstrates also how 4 ) "Virginia," A History of the Peoi)le, by Joiio Edten Cooke, p. 19. Boston, Mass., 1883. 20 irreverent and little ideal the Anglo-A.mericans are in such matters in contrast with the Germans, who perhaps less smart and enterprising in the practices of life are of deeper feeling and reverence. Not u-ntil 1891 were the first steps taken to preserve the few remaining ruins of old Jamestown to posterity. Congress appropriated ten thousand dollars to pre- vent the further destruction of the island, and an embankment with ripraps has been built along the northern end, but the work is badly done, and already the bank is beginning to be under- mined. Like " red tape " this characteristic difference betv?een the two principal elements of the population is to be observed in the history of the Union and particularly of Virginia. It is also not to be left unmentioned, that the oldest printed publication about Virginia is a German one. A chronological list of works up to Capt. Smith's death, 1631, published in " The English Scholar's Library," Birmingham, 1884, page cxxxii, names in the very first place: "1590-1650 Levinius Hulsius, A Collection of Voyages. In German-Frankfort." Furthermore, on page cxxxiv is stated, "In 1617, Hulsius, the German collector, translated Smith's description for his voyages and reengraved the map (drawn by Captain Smith); but the names in the lower corners were omitted, and Smith's title, the verses con- cerning him and some of the explanations were given in German. In regard to Capt. Smith's map, printed by Georg Low in London, is said in the same publication, " The original condition of the map bears in the lower left-hand corner, Simon Pasacus, sculpit," which appears to be a latinized German name. Upon the banks of James river the colonists met with peaceable and hospitable Indians. Powhatan, the chief of the native confederacy, resided at Werowocomoco on the shores of York Eiver. In the beginning friendly relations existed between the colonists and the savages, and Captains Newport and Smith in exploring the country up the James River and eastward to York River, frequently visited the kind-hearted chief in his wigwam. Capt. Smith ■'^) reports also, " the savages often visited us kindly." 5.) "The Thi-ee Travels," Adventures and Observations of Capt. John Smith, p. 161. London edition, 1629, and republished at Richmond, Va., 1819. 21 In June 1607 Captain Newport sailed for England, leaving the smallest of his ships behind him and soon the colonists began to experience a variety of calamities. They were, as has already been stated, poorly fitted to struggle with life in the wilderness, neglecting to cultivate the soil and wasting their time in unsuccessful searches for gold. Among them, as stated in Capt. Smith's reports to the London Company, were only four carpenters and twelve laborers,") and most of them were " Dutchmen." A list of the "first planters" gives the following probably anglicized names of the four carpenters : William Laxon, Edward Pising, Thomas Emry and Robert Small, and in 1609, Adam and Francis, two stout Dutchmen, are mentioned. No distinction was made in those days between the appellations " Dutch " and " Deutsch or German." Germans and Hollanders came to England and America by way of the same Dutch harbors. However, Capt. John Smith, speaking of the natives of Holland, in his " Description of New England," always calls them Hollanders and not Dutch. Prom a recommendation to the Council of Virginia''): "To send /o fferma?i«/ and. Poland for laborers," it can safely be concluded, that those carpen- ters and laborers xoere Germans, and that they have huilt the first dwelling houses in Virginia. This conjecture appears the more plausible, as the other immigrants were not skilled to this work. Furthermore Capt. Smith had travelled through Poland and Germany and knew the Germans as an industrious and reliable people. He also ordered three of his " German " carpenters as he distinctly calls them and as will be further related, to build a house for the Indian Chief Powhatan, and that he made great efforts to persuade them to return, when they preferred to remain with the natives. In "Hening's Statutes at Large," Vol. I, p. 114-118; dated July 24th, 1621, instructions drawn up by the Council, also refer to the care to be taken of Frenchmen, Dutch, Italians and others, and clearly indicate the presence of emigrants from various nations. 6.) ; "The English Scholar's Library." PP- M and 130. Rirminsham, 1S84; and "Histor- ical Collections of Virginia,'' by Henry Howe, p. 24. Charleston, S. C, 1819. r ) "The English Scholar's Library," pp. 194, 196, 196, 197, 444 &o. Birmingham, LSSl j and "The Three Travels," by Capt. John Smith. Vol. I, p. 202. Kichmond, Va., 1819. 32 The documents giving the names of the first comers are incomplete, but contain a number of German family names. In the letter to the Council, before mentioned, Capt. John Smith speaks with distinction of one Oapitaine Richard Waldo and a Maister Andrew Buckler. The lists of the arrivals from 1607 to 1609, expressly confirm the presence of Batch and Poles^) and contain the following names of German sound : Jolm Herd, Hsnry Leigh, Thomas Lavander, William, George and Thorn. Cassen, Win. linger, Win. May, Vere, Michaell, Peter Keffer, a gunner, Wm. Doionian, Thomas Feld, apothecary, Rose, Milman, Michaell Loiviclce, Hillard, Natli. Oraiies, (probably Krause,) etc. In a list of the names of the adventurers of Virginia, con- tained in a printed book edited by the treasurer and Council in 1620,^) we meet also with names of German sound as, David Borne, Wm. BecTc, Benjamin Brand, Charles Beck, George BacJie, J. Feme, J. Fenner, L. Campe, Alraham Colmer, John Franclc- lin, Peter Franclc, J. Geering, G. Holeman, J. Heiden, G. Herst, N. Hide, J. Harper, Christ. Landman, John Landman, H. Leigh, H. May, J. Miller, J. Martin, J. Mundz, Rich. Morcr, Rich. Paulso7i, N'. Salter, A. Speclchard, Henry Spranger, Dr. Wm. Turner, Rich. Turner, J. Treuer, J. Tauerner, R. and H. Venne, J. Weld, John Waller and many doubtful names. Provisions were scarce and of poor quality, sickness spread among the settlers, and before the beginning of winter 1607 one half had perished. Worse than all these misfortunes, the neigh- boring Indians, alarmed by the intrusion and unkind treatment of the whites, became jealous and hostile and refused to furnish supplies of corn, etc. Fortunately in this desperate position Capt. Smith proved to be the right kind of man to meet the emergency and so deserves the predicate given to him, " the father of Virginia." He suc- ceeded to quiet the savages, to persuade them to provide his starving followers with provisions and thereby saved the rest of the colonists from certain starvation. However, upon his return to Jamestown, he discovered that President Wingfield was about to leave the colony with some of 8.) '-The English Scholar's Library," pp, 108, 120 and 446, Birmingham 1884- and "The Three Travels." Adventures and Observations of Capt. John Smith Vol I nn 163 172, irs, 181, 203 and 206, from London edition of 1629, republished at Richmond, Va , 18i9. ' 9) The Generall Historie of Virginia" etc , by Capt. John Smith. Vol II nn '43 - r,fi Richmond, Va., 1819. ' "*" 23 his partisans and the most valuable stores on Capt. Newport's ship bound for the West Indies. He forced the treacherous President to stay, and Wingfield being disposed of, Oapt. Smith was appointed to his office and restored order. He trained his English conqpanions to swinging the axe in the woods and to till the soil, declaring that, " he who would not work, should not eat." Soon new troubles arose with the Indians and Oapt. Smith planned with Capitaine Waldo, (this name indicates that the Captain was a German or German descendant,) "upon whom he knew he could rely in time of need,"^") to subdue them. Not being very conscientious in regard to the means for accomplish- ing his design, he resolved to lurk the unsuspecting Powhatan into his power. In one of his reports he mentions, that he pro- posed to the Indian chief to erect for him a dwelling house after the European pattern and that he ordered three of his German carpenters and two Englishmen, " having so small allowance and few were able to do anything to purpose,"' ') to do the job. He instructed these artisans to act also as spies and assist him to ac- complish his object to get the Indian chief in his power. But the Germans learned to esteem the Indians and particularly the well meaning Powhatan, and finally they gave warning to the chief and resolved to stay and live with the sons of the wilder- ness. It seems that these men had endured many privations amidst the English, for Capt. Smith says, " it would have done well, but to send them and without victualls to work, was not so well advised nor considered of, as it should have been.''^^) "When Oapt. Smith heard of this socalled treachery of the German workmen, he angrily remarked as " Fama" reports, " damned Dutch," and accordingly he ought to be looked upon as the author of the illbred predicate which is to this day in use by ill meaning people. Wherever different na- tionalities are mixed together, there will be some rivalry, and American life illustrates this fact from Capt. Smith's time to the present. It seems too, from the captain's statements, that the 10) "The Three Travels." Adventures ai.a Obseryations of C.npt John Smith, J ol J. n 204 from the London edition, 1629, and republished at Richmond, Va,, 1819; and Iht English Scholar's Library," pp. 130 and 447. Birmingham, 1884. 11 ) Do. Vol. I, p. 206. 12) Do. Vol. I, p. 193; and "The English Scholar's Library," p. 122. , Birmingham, 18S4. ' 24 "Dutchmen" had "English" confederates^^) and it is well known, that dissatisfaction and discord split the colonists in adverse parties. The intrigue of Capt. Smith reawakened the suspicion of the natives, and the bad feeling was increased to bitter hatred by the following occurrence. The Indians^*) had raised an abundant harvest, but to secure a portion of it was no easy task for the colonists. Smith, however, determined to undertake it and in company with five companions he descended the James as far as Hampton Koads, where he landed, and Avent boldly among the savages, offering to exchange hatchets and coin for corn, but they only laughed at the proposal and mocked- the strangers by offering a piece of bread for Smith's sword and musket. Smith, always determined to succeed in every undertaking, abandoned the idea of barter and resolved to fight. He ordered his men to fire upon the unarmed natives, who ran howling into the woods, leaving their wigwams, filled with corn, an easy prey of the English, but not a grain was touched until the Indians returned. In a short time sixty or seventy painted warriors, at the head of whom marched a priest bearing an idol, appeared and made an attack. The English gave fire a second time,*made a rush, drove the savages back and captured their idol. The Indians, when they saw their deity in possession of the English, sent the priest to humbly beg for its return. Smith stood with his musket across the prostrate image and dictated the only terms upon which he would surrender it ; that six unarmed Indians should come forward and fill his boat with corn. The teriiis were ac- cepted, the idol given up, and Smith returned to Jamestown with a boat load of supplies, but leaving behind him enraged enemies. Capt. Smith soon afterwards made several trips of explora- tion, thinking it possible to discover a passage to the Pacific. On one of these expeditions, while sailing up the Chickahominy river, he was attacked by a party of Indians and taken prisoner. His captors carried him before their chief Powhatan and after a long consultation he was condemned to die. The executioners rushed forward and dragged their victim to a large stone on which it 13) "The Three Travels." ><5 ventures and Observations of Oapt. John Smith Vol I p. 218, from the LonJon edition, 1629, republished at Richmond, Va., 1819. " ' 14) "H' story of West Virginia," by Virgil A Lewis, p. 29 Philadelphia,! 25 had- been decided his head should be crushed. Ilis head already rested on the stone, still shown at the old Mayo, farm near Rich- mond, and the two warriors had raised the club to strike the fatal blow, when Pocahontas, the favorite daughter of the chief, threw herself upon the captive and implored her father to spare the life of the prisoner. Powhatan yielded to the maiden's prayer. Smith was released and in a few days concluded a bargain with the old chief, by which he was to receive a large tract of country in exchange for two cannon and a grindstone, which were to be sent from Jamestown. Accompanied by a guard of twelve men he arrived there after an absence of seven weeks, and under the pretext of instructing the Indian guardsmen in the use of the cannons, discharged them into the trees, at which the savages were so frightened, that they would have nothing to do with them. The grindstone proved so heavy, that they could not carry it, and finally they returned with only a number of trinkets. Pocahontas, a girl of thirteen years of age, loved the captain dearly. She afterwards embraced the Christian faith and was baptized Rebecca. After the return of Smith to England in 1609, a young English settler, John Rolfe, assured her that Smith died and persuaded her to marry him. Three years later the couple visited England and she was received with great ceremony at the royal court. There she met with Captain Smith and it is said, that she died heart broken finding herself the victim of deceit. She left one son, who was educated in England and who then re- turned to Virginia, where several of the most prominent families claim to be his descendants. The poetical Pocahontas tale has been related here in full, to prove the correctness of the assertion made previously in re- gard to the lack of devotion to the memoirs of history on part of Anglo-Americans. No prominent American poet has taken hold of this admirable story, but the German-American teacher, Johann Straubenmueller, published in German in 1858 at Balti- more, Md., a poem entitled : " Pocahontas or the foundation of Virginia." It is an astonishing fact, that more German-Ameri- can, and even German poets, as for instance, Friedrich von Schiller^ ^) and Nicolaus Lenau,^") have selected American 15 ) „Nadowessier's TodteDlied," by Friedrich Ton Scliiller. 16.) ,Der Indianerzug," „Die drei Indianer," etc., by Nicolaus Lenau, 26 myths and Indian life for their poetry and saved those precious pearls from falling into oblivion, than native American poets. The original painting of Pocahontas, a picture -which has long been sought for and which is now ascertained to be in Norfolk, is probably too the work of a German artist, Nicolaus Locker.^'') After friendly relations were again reestablished between Smith and Powhatan, the captain tried to induce the German carpenters sent to the Indian chief to return to Jamestown. He granted them full pardon and detailed a Swiss, by name William Volday, to persuade them, but his messenger also preferred to stay with the Indians and only one German, named Adam, availed himself of the captain's offer. ^■^) Capt. Smith then charged the Dutchmen, — or the cursed country- men of the Swiss Volda or Volday, as he called them, — to have conspired with the Spaniards to destroy the colony. In an interesting historical publication, "Die unbekannte neue Welt oder Beschreibung des Welttheils Amerika, by Dr. 0. D., Amsterdam, 1673," of which a copy is in possession of Rev. Eduard Huber, Baltimore, Md., the unwise and oppressive treatment the Germans suffered by the English and their con- sequent enmity, is confirmed. On page 161 of this Dutch book is stated, "They (the Englishmen) had also many trou- bles with the High-Germans (Hochdeutschen,) which having been badly treated, joined the Virginians (the Indians) to de- stroy the English settlement." Thus it appears, that the grievances experienced, induced the German colonists to actions of a hostile character and that in those early days of the colony a want of harmony created a deplorable national ca- lamity, which has continued in some degree to this day. Being unable to induce the German mechanics to return to Jamestown, Capt. Smith persuaded Thomas Douse and Thomas Mallard "to bring the Dutchmen and the inconstant savages in such a manner amongst such ambuscades, as he had prepared, that not many of them should return from the peninsula." 1") But Douse failed to accomplish his design. 17) "The EDglisli Scholar's Library," page 130. Birmingham, 18S4 18) "The Three Travels." Adventures and Observations by Capt John Smith Vol I pp. 2.01, 232. Kichmond, Va., 1819. 19.) "The English Scholar's Library," page 477. Birmingham, 1884. 2? In the spring and again in the fall of 1608 Capt. New- port arrived with provisions and new immigrants. Among the newcomers were a number of Poles and Germans, brought over with the purpose to manufacture pitch, tar, glass, sope-ashes, etc., but most of the new settlers were of the same sort as their predecessors, who in spite of the remonstrances of Smith, wasted their time in search of gold. Capt. Smith complained of the habits and character of the men sent out and entreated the council, "when they send out again, rather to send but thirty carpenters, husbandmen, gardeners, fisher- men, blacksmiths, masons and diggers of tree roots, well pro- vided, than a thousand of such as they had." The bad state of affairs continued and after two years of existence, there were but forty acres of cultivated land in the colony. In the year 1609 the London Company obtained a new charter, granting enlarged territory and putting the manage- ment of affairs of the colony in the hands of a governor as- sisted by a council. Lord Delaware was appointed governor, after Capt. Smith, by the accidental explosion of a bag of gun- powder, had been wounded and obliged to return to England. Besides Jamestown, that was strongly palisaded, containing some fifty or sixty houses, he left five or six other forts and plantations. It was an unlucky day for the colony when Capt. Smith departed, — his actions had not always been free of harshness and cruelty, — but the circumstances that sur- rounded him may serve for his excuse, — and when he had left, disorder, sickness and famine ensued. The winter of 1609 to 1610 was properly termed "the starving time." Of the 490 persons whom Smith left, only sixty survived, and it may safely be accepted, that most of the survivors belonged to the industrious, sober working class from the European continent, while the English fortune seekers, carrying on a dissipate life, perished. Capt. Smith stated,-") "the adventurers never knew what a day's work was, except the Dutchmen and Polos, and some dozen others. For all the rest were poor gentlemen, tradesmen, serving men, libertines and such like, ten times more fit to spoil a commonwealth, than either begin one, or but help to maintain one." 20) "The Three Travels." Adventures and Observations, Vol, I, p. 241, Richmond, 1819, 28 The Indians, no longer afraid, began to harass the unfor- tunates, who concluded to desert the settlement and to sail to Newfoundland. Nearing the mouth of the James river, they descried a fleet entering Hampdon roads. It was Lord Dela- ware with new colonists and provisions, and the disheartened fugitives were persuaded to return to the abandoned James- town. The new arrivals were of a better class and by the ju- dicious management of the governor the future of the colony wore a brighter aspect. Among the new settlers were many Dutch and Germans, they plowed the soil, corn was raised in abundance and no further famine again endangered the lives of the colonists. Tobacco and cotton were extensively cultivated for export, and tobacco was used as money, being worth about 75 cents a pound. Capt. Waldo, before mentioned and highly esteemed by Capt. Smith, went to England and persuaded the merchants to com- mence mining in Virginia. But the mines he had found did not prove rich and he was treated as an impostor and died most miserably.^') The remains of an iron furnace^-) are found in Chesterfield County, five or six miles below Eich- mond, described by Berkeley in his History of Virginia as be- ing worked in 1620. Very likely these iron works were estab- lished by Capt. Waldo. In the Price-Lists of 1621 iron is marked at twelve pounds sterling per ton, but in 1622 the Chesterfield furnace was broken up by the massacre of the Indians under the chief Opechancanough. Ill health soon obliged governor Delaware to give up the administration of the colony and he was succeeded by Sir Thomas Dale. The last act of governor Dale marks an era in the history of Virginia. Ever since the foundation of the colony all property was held in common, the settlers worked together and the products of the harvest were deposited in a common storehouse and distributed by the council. Governor Dale now introduced the policy of assigning to each settler a few acres of land to be his own, and the advantages of this system soon became apparent in the general improvement. 18l/^' "The Three Travels" Adventures and Obiervations. Vol I, p 24L Richmond, 22.) "The HandBook of Virginia," p 04 Fifth Edition Richmond, Va , 1886. 39 Iq the year 1611 the colony counted 200 inhabitants and the settlements extended on both sides of the James. In sev- eral of the reports to the London Company the presence of Germans is confirmed and they show, that the administration appreciated diligent labor and endeavored to encourage immi- gration from France, Germany, Switzerland, and Holland. The intolerance of the clergy and of the worldly rulers in Europe furthered the realization of this plan. Before 1619 the colonists had no part in the making of the laws by which they were governed, but in that year, un- der the administration of Sir George Yeardley, a representative government was established, and in order to further ensure the permanency of the colony through the establishment of family life, one hundred and fifty agreeable young women, poor but respectable, were brought over. They were sold to the planters in marriage bound at the cost of their transportation expenses, at the price of one hundred pounds of tobacco, and the demand exceeding the supply, other transports were fur- nished and the price advanced to 150 pounds. This almost comic transaction proved of the highest merit, as domestic and moral life was its result and even the restless adventurers re- linquished the fondled hope of returning to the mother land. It is very probable that many of the German settlers mar- ried English women and thereby became anglicized. Acquisitions of a different and decidedly unfavorable char- acter were also made to the population of the colony. One hundred criminals were, by the order of King James, sent over to be sold for a term of years as servants to the planters, and this beginning created a desire on part of some of the colonists to employ labor and the opportunity to gratify it came only too soon. In 1630 a Dutch ship from Africa touched at Jamestown and landed twenty negroes, who were sold for lifetime as slaves, and thus the abominable institution of slavery was introduced, spreading gradually over the entire territory of the English colonies — and it became the curse of the inhabitants. In the beginning slavery was only silently tolerated, but in the course of time slave holding, slave breeding and slave trade were pro- tected by law, However, the great majority of the colonists 30 were opposed to the institution and especially to the importa- tion of negroes, and only through the influence of the large land-owners, mostly English lords, was slavery forced on Vir- ginia. Twenty-three statutes were passed by the House of Burgesses to prevent the iinpo7-tation of slaves, but all were vetoed by the English government. The general education was pur- posely neglected and even from the pulpit slavery was declared to be a divine institution.^^) The Church was urged to keep the mass of the people in a state of ignorance, for fear, that with the progress of intellect the right of humanity might be recognized. Sir William Berkeley, who was appointed gover- nor in 1641, said in the year 1671 in a report to the English government, "I thank God there are no free-schools or print- ing, for learning has brought disobedience and heresy and sects into the world, and printing has divulged them and libels against the best government. God keep us from both !" — And in fact, not until 173C was the first newspaper published in Virginia.^*) In 1730 a prohibitory law was issued, forbidding the German printer John Buckner, who had set up the first printing press in the mother colony, to publish in print the laws of the government." A school law was not passed by the Assembly until 1796, and it was never carried out. In 1818 and 1846 additional laws were passed, but unfortunately,^^) as in the case of the law of 1796, it was left optional with the counties to adopt or reject it, and the result was a failure to secure any State system. The census of 1860 showed only 85, 443 pupils in 3778 schools, so-called, though many were but private classes in which some public fund pupils were in- structed. Not until the year 1870 was the present excellent public school law inaugurated in Virginia and at once the en- rolment showed for that year 157,841 pupils in all schools, — an immense advance on any previous year. Slave holding also had most injurious effects 'on the de- velopment of industry and commerce. As long as the mass of a people is without an own income, — as long as all the pro- 23) "Gescliichteder deatsclien Sclmlbcstrebungen in Amcrika," by Herrmann Sell q- ricllt, p. 4. Leipzig, 1884. 24 ) Compare, "History of Printing," by Thomas. 25.) Report ot the Commissioner of Education for 1876, p 401. Washington, govern- ment printing oiflce, 1878. 31 ducts of the soil are the property of a few, —there is no mar- ket except for farm produce and no exchange for surplus. This is shown by statistics. Of imports, the share of the South as compared with the free states before the war of secession, was like 40 to 321, and this proves, that a very small portion of the southern commerce was in southern hands. There certainly would have been tenfold more commerce and manufacture in Virginia and the other southern states, if there had been intelli- gent, industrious and patriotic free laborers, receiving pay for their work and spending their money for the necessaries and luxuries of life. But for slavery, Virginia would to-day be, as it was in 1790, the most populous state of the Union, as well as the most wealthy and influential. Slavery still had another dis- astrous effect, — it has the tendency to degrade free labor and to render the free laborer worthless. The habit of giving prefer- ence to slave-labor has operated to the prejudice of free labor. It has caused the population of little means to grow up in idle- ness, to think labor degrading, to be incapable of earnest regular work, and it kept away immigration of white workingmen, be- cause they disliked to be looked down upon and treated as ne- groes. The German settlers, whose number was much larger than is generally conceded, were with very few exceptions opposed to slavery, — resulting to their great disadvantage. The slave- holders consequently distrusted the Germans and a new feeling of animosity towards them sprang up. Their political influence was curtailed, and the majority of them submitted in order to secure toleration and peace. In this way a valuable civil ele- ment was almost excluded from building up the future state, — but only in political respects and not in its social and economical life. In farming and in commerce the Germans became impor- tant factors, as will be shown hereafter. But outside of slavery there was another obstacle in the path of quick development of the colony, that impeded foreign and particularly German immigration. "The feudal system," says Mr. Ben. Perley Poor," ^0 "was transplanted to Virginia from England and the royal grants of 26.) "History of Agriculture of the Upited Slates," by Ben. Perley Poor, U. S. Agricul- fural Report ofisee, p. 50^. 32 land gave the proprietors, — mostly favorites of the King, — baronial power. One of these grants or "patents," as they were called, gave the patentee the right to divide the said tract or ter- ritory of land into counties, hundreds, parishes, tithings, town- ships, hamlets and boroughs, and to erect and build cities, towns, etc., and to endow the same at their free will and pleasure, and did appoint them fall and perpetual patrons of all churches, with power also to divide a part or parcel of said tract or terri- tory, or portion of land, into manors and to call the same after their own or any of their names, or by other name or names whatsoever ; and within the same to hold court in the nature of a court baron, and to hold pleas of all actions, trespasses, cove- nants, accounts, contracts, detinues, debts, and demands whatso- ever when the debt or thing demanded exceed not the value of forty shilling, sterling money of England, and to receive and take all amercements, fruits, commodities, advantages, perqui- sites and emoluments whatsoever, to such respective court barons belonging or in any wise appertaining and further, to hold with- in the same manors a court lect and view of frank pledge of all the tenants, residents and inhabitants of the hundred within such respective manors, etc." The power being thus vested in the hands of a few lords, desirable immigrants did not come in large numbers as had been expected. Convicts and a great many indentured white servants, Irish and Scotch prisoners of war, were sent over from England in and after the year 1631, — but after a generation or two all these elements became blended into a homogeneous mass of "cavaliers," — aristocratic because they had an inferior race be- neath them. Still, in spite of all the mismanagement and unlucky cir- cumstances, the colony extended its lines and soon after immi- gration began to penetrate into the interior. Until the death of Powhatan in 1618 the settlers lived fairly in peace with the natives, but after his brother Opechancanough (speak Ope-kan-kano) became the head of the confederate tribes, the relations changed. Eyeing with suspicion the increasing numbers of the palefaces, he laid a murderous plan in 1622 for their total extermination. 33 Mr. Virgil A. Lewis"'') describes the cruel massacre, which also caused the death of many a German settler, as follows : "In order to avoid suspicion, he, Opechancanough, renewed the treaty of^eace with governor Wyatt, and only two days before the blow was to be struck he declared that the sky should fall before he would violate the terms of the treaty. The friendly relations were continued up to the very day, even to the fatal hour. They borrowed boats from the English, brought in veni- son and other provisions for sale and sat down to breakfast with their unsuspecting victims. The hour arrived. It was twelve o'clock noon on the 32nd day of March, 1632, when every hamlet in Virginia was attacked by a band of yelling savages, who spared neither age, sex nor condition. The bloody work went on until 347 men, women and children had fallen victims at the barbarous hands of that perfidious and inhuman people." The "Colonial Eecords of Virginia," published by order of the Sen- ate, Eichmond, Va., 1874, contain a list of all those that were massacred by the savages, and this document gives the following names of Germans, besides a very large number of doubtful names, but of probably German origin : Rolert Horner, Samuel Stringer, Georg Soldan, Th. Freeman, Eclw. Heyden, Edw. Lis- ter, John Benner, Thomas Sheffeld and Robert Walden. Had not a converted Indian, who lived with a man named Pace, revealed the plot and so put the people of Jamestown and neighboring settlements on their guard, and therefore in a state of defence, every settlement would have been laid in ruins and the inhabitants put to the tomahawk. So the plan failed. There were yet 1600 fighting men in the colony and the Indians were made to pay dear for their perfidy. The English pushed into the wilderness, burning wigwams, killing every Indian that fell into their hands, and destroying the crops, until the foe was driven far into the interior. Confidence was once more restored, and a feeling of security brought a return of prosperity ; immi- gration revived and at the end of the year the population num- bered 3500." Especially one class of the English immigrants caused the dissatisfaction and provocation of the natives, namely the pio- 27.) "History of West Virginia," by Virgil A, Lewis, pp 46, l?- Phila , Pa., J889. 34 neers, who strongly contrasted with the cavalier planters and the regular settlers."**) Generally speaking, they were the younger sons, unlucky gamesters, turbulent spirits, rejected lovers and disbanded soldiers, who turned their backs on civilization to live an untrammeled life in some fertile mountain gap or rich river bottom. Game was plentiful and they were hunters and trap- pers rather than farmers, sending their peltries to market and only cultivating enough land to supply their immediate wants. This unrestrained life became a passion and frequently led to conflicts with the Indians, who claimed the forests as their hunt- ing ground, — and the peaceful and active farmers on the fron- tier, mostly Germans, suffered much on this account. The London Company had not gained any profit by the colonization of Virginia so far. She had sent over more than 9000 persons at an expense of about 100,000 pounds sterling, — many of the immigrants perished, others had joined the Indians or left the country, — and after eighteen years of existence the colony counted only 2500 inhabitants, and the annual export scarcely amounted to 20,000 pounds. King James too was little pleased with these meagre results, and when the Indian troubles commenced and the very existence of the colony was endangered, he dissolved the company and in 1624 Virginia was declared a royal province. The Colonial As- sembly was however allowed to exercise its former power, and by and by the importance of Virginia was felt. A thousand immi- grants arrived in the single year 1627 and took to farming where- ever fertile land invited them. The "Colonial Eecords of Virginia" contain lists of the living and dead in Virginia on Feb. 16th, 1623, that give the following German names: William Welder, Margaret Berma^i, Henry Coltman, Mrs. GoUman, Fetters, Richard Sjmrling {Sper- ling), John Landman, Daiiiel Vergo, Wm. Booche, Walter Priest, Henry Turner, Edw. BricTce, Elizaieth Salter, Cli. Waller, Georg Graues, Tli. Spilman, Tli. Rees, John Rose, Wm. StocJcer, Wm. Kemp, George Fryer, Feter Staler, John Filmer, John Rachell and Margarett Follentin, Adam Rumell, Nicholas Wesell, John Salter, Gornelius and Elizabeth May and child, Wm. Cappe, Feter 28 ) "History of the Agriculture of the United States," by Ben. Perley Poor, Agricul- tural Report of the U. S ., p. 506, Washington, 1867. 35 Longman, Robert Winter, Eichard Spriese, Sam. Foreman, Daniel Francke, Rich. Ranhc, Vallentyno Gentler, Tli. Horner, Cathrin Cajjpe and a very large number of doubtful names. Tobacco had become the staple product of Virginia and ef- forts were made to also encourage other branches of rural indus- try. Cotton was first planted in 16:^1 and its cultivation was now promoted. King James I, prompted doubtless by his anti- pathy to "the Virginia weed," as he termed the tobacco plant, and having understood that the soil naturally yielded store of excel- lent mulberries, gave directions to urge the cultivation of silk and to erect silk-mills. Men of experience were brought over from France, Switzerland and Germany, and premiums were of- fered to encourage the raising of the silk-worm, and later also that of indigo, hops and other agricultural staples ; but fresh disturbances interfered. The war with the Indians just ended, the political and reli- gious troubles in England, the immorality of the royal court, the corruption of the office holders, the animosity of the tories and wighs, the contest between the church and its opponents, and finally the establishment of a republican government by Cromwell, exercised their convulsive influences even upon dis- tant Virginia. After the restoration of Charles II to the throne of his beheaded father, he failed to fulfill the expectations of his people, who were in hope that the king, who had gone through a school of misfortune, would give his country peace and pros- perity. But Charles II soon lost the confidence and respect of his subjects. He was incapable of resolute action and self-sacri- fice, without trust in humanity or virtue. "He was a drunkard, a libertine, and a hypocrite, who had neither shame nor sensi- bility and who in point of honor was unworthy to enter the presence of the meanest of his subjects.""-') To have the throne occupied for a quarter of century by such a man as this one, was the surest way of weakening that ignorant and indiscriminate loyalty to which various people have often sacrificed their dearest rights, and to shake the faith in the 29 ) "History of Civilization in EnglancI ," V Henry Thomas Buclile. Vol. I, p. 280 . Jfew York, 1870. 36 continuance of public welfare. Charles II deceived the Protes- tants by favoring the Catholics, and he rushed England into un- lucky wars. He wounded the national pride of his people by the sale of Duenkirchen to Louis XIV of France, and by the defeat in the w&,r with Holland. England, which had advanced during the republican administration to the first naval power of Europe, had to endure the mortification, that a Dutch fleet under de Euy- ter sailed up the Thames and alarmed the city of London by the thunder of its cannon. In the treaty of Dorn Charles II agreed to adopt the Catholic faith and to support the claim of the King of Prance on the Spanish throne with his fleet and army, while on the other hand Louis XIV obliged himself to pay subsidies and to land an army in England in case of revolution. Henry Thomas Buckle says,^°) "Politically and morally there were to be found in the government all the elements of confusion, of weakness and of crime. The king himself was a mean and spirit- less voluptuary, without the morals of a Christian and almost without the feeling of man. His ministers had not one of the attributes of statesmen and nearly all of them were pensioned by the crown of France." The English possessed a great deal of national self-esteem and all the disgrace that the king brought over Great Britain wounded them deeply. The same effect was visible in the Eng- lish colonies and finally resulted in outbursts of indignation. This was particularly the case in Virginia, where a great number of disgusted English and Scotch refugees had settled, while the immigrants from the European continent possessed no special at- tachment to the English throne and advocated American inde- pendence. The rights of the mass of the colonists were every- where restricted. Sir William Berkeley, who had held the office of governor by the will of the people, and who had administered the colonial affairs in a liberal manner, was confirmed by Charles II in 1660, but thereupon commenced a rule of despo- tism and oppression, — the affairs of the Church were placed in the hands of vestries, — and the Assembly composed of aristo- crats made themselves permanent. Prospects grew dark ! 30) "History of Civilization in England," by Penry Tliomas Buclile. Vol I n 27, New York, 1870. ' ' "' 37 During the time of the Commonwealth in the year 1651, Parliament had extended its authority to America, and in an act required all the exports from the colonies to England to be car- ried in English or colonial vessels. Virginia expected after the Eestoration, in acknowledgment of her loyalty, some speci9,l marks of the king's favor, but by compulsory laws, as the above mentioned, she was required to look to England as her sole mar- ket for her exports and to receive from England alone her im- ports. In 1672 duties were even imposed upon articles carried from one colony to another, and these aggressions drove the colonists finally to insurrection. But the great natural wealth of the land assisted, in spite of restrictions and obstructions, the progress of Virginia. Among the various strange and surprising things which the settlers found on Virginian soil, were a great variety of wild grape vines, and the London Company determined, as early as 1630, to make some experiments with the culture of the European canes through French and German experts. The favorite drinks of the Eng- lish were, at that time: portwine, sherry and madeira, and it is easy to understand, that they desired to produce wines of this character in Virginia. Premiums were offered to encourage the- cultivation of vines, but the delicate European sorts did not re- sist the injuries of climate and insects, and the results were un- satisfactory. At about the same time a German-Bohemian named Augus- tine Herrmann, from Prague in Bohemia, came to Virginia.'') His name is mentioned also with distinction in the annals of other North-American colonies, as. New Amsterdam, now New York, — New Jersey and Maryland, and in fact the Dutch colonies are principally entitled to claim him as theirs, but his services in regard to Virginia are of such great merit, that his name ought for all time to be given a place of honor in her history. There is very little known about the early life of Herrmann, — even the year of his birth is only judged to be 1605. It seems that he came to Virginia in 1629, for in a petition addressed to the Dutch governor Stuyvesant, dated 1654, he says: "Without 31) "Deutaoh-Amer.lkauisches Magazin," n. A Rattermana. Numbers 2 and 4. Cin- cinnati, 0., 1886. 38 specially praising myself, I am the founder of the Virginia to- bacco trade, and it is well known that in a short time great ad- vantages for the public welfare have been called forth thereby." This assertion of Herrmann has never been controverted, and as a memorial of the deputies of the Dutch West India Company, dated November 16th, 1629, speaks of "a large quantity of to- bacco, which now has become an important article of trade, ^^) it may safely be accepted that the above statement in respect to the time of his arrival in Virginia is correct. Later Herrmann removed to New Amsterdam and began business of his own and as agent for Peter Gabry & Co., Amster- dam. He was also a wholesale dealer in wine, bought and sold furs, Virginia cotton and tobacco, which he exported to Holland. It is proved by documents that lie received the last named arti- cles, by the intervention of Georg Hack in Northampton, Va., whose wife was a sister of Mrs. Herrmann, ne Jeanetie Verlet, from Utrecht, and who frequently visited her relatives in New Amsterdam. In exchange for Virginia products Herrmann sup- plied his brother-in-law with all kinds of imported goods. Georg Hack apparently was a man of energy and influence, who took an active part in politics. He was One of the sub- scribers to the so-called "engagement of Northampton," ■■'^) dated March 25th, 1651, by which the county declared itself in favor of Parliament, respectively of Cromwell and the republic. This ac- tion of Hack deserves special mention, as most Virginians were at that crisis loyal royalists and bitterly opposed the "Navigation Act" enforced by the British Parliament. This law, as has been stated, prohibited export and import except to and from Eng- land and was necessarily a severe blow to the foreign trade es- tablished by Hack's brother-in-law. Georg Hack appears there- fore as a man of character, who would rather sacrifice the inter- ests of his relative and his own, than depart from his principles. Herrmann on the other hand defended the interests of the Dutch with energy and soon gained respect and influence. Several times during the period of the Commonwealth, he was 32 ) L. van AiUema, "Historic van Saken van Staet en Ooilogh, in ende omtvent de Vereen Nedeiland, etc," 4° edition Vol. II, p. 912. An English translation is to be found in ; "Documents relating to the colonial history of New York," Vol. I, pp. 40-42. 33.) "Virginia Historical Register." Vol. I, p. 163. 39 sent as ambassador by governor Stuyvesant to Virginia and Maryland, and his reports are still preserved in the state archive of New York at Albany. = ■') Besides his creditable doings as merchant and statesman, he gained fame in another way. He advocated, as early as 1659, in a letter to governor Stuyvesant : an accurate geographical sur- vey of the English and Dutch colonies,^ °) and he was possessed of the talent and knowledge to undertake the difficult work him- self. He was well posted in literature, spoke the most impor- tant languages : German, English, Dutch, French, Spanish and Latin, and he was an efficient draughtsman, mathematician and surveyor. Edwin E. Purple calls him'' ") "a man of good educa- tion, a surveyor by profession, talented in sketching and a draughtsman, — a smart and enterprising business man, — a rare and noble man, — and an admirer of this country." Probably the map of the New Netherland, printed by Nico- laus Jan Visscher and contained in von der Donk's book, "Be- schreyvings van Nieuw Nederland," published at Amsterdam in 1655, was drawn by Herrmann, as it is certain, that the view of New Amsterdam, which is also contained in the book, originates from him. Beyond all doubt he has drawn in 1670 the "map of the English and Dutch colonies," which was published by the government in 1673 and embraces the section between the line of North Carolina and the Hudson river. Although incorrect in several respects, it gives a very comprehensive picture of the land, mouths of rivers and inlets of the sea. Virginia is particularly well drawn, and Herrmann must have explored the tidewater- region very carefully. The map shows the likeness of its de- signer with the inscription, "Augustine Herrmann, Bohemian," and a vignette with the inscription, "Virginia and Maryland as it was planted and inhabited this present year 1670. Surveyed and exactly drawn by our own labor and endeavor of Augustine Herrmann, Bohemiensis," and at the side of which are repre- sented a young Indian with bow and arrow, and an Indian girl. It is of great interest that Herrmann's map also gives some German names of places in Virginia, as : Scharburg and Backer's 34 ) "Dutch Manuscript." Vol. XVIII, p. 96. 35) "Deutsch-Amerikanisches Magazin." Copy 4, pp. 635 to 636. 36 ) "The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record." Vol. IX, pp. 67 to IS 40 Creek. This is almost proof, that in the very infancy of the colony German settlements existed. Augustine Herrmann died in 168G. It appears also that Germans occupied high political offices, before and during the governorship of Sir Wm. Berkeley. One Richard Kempe was secretary of the land office of Henrico in 1624, member of the council of Virginia in 1642, president of this body in 1644, and during the time Sir Berkeley visited Eng- land, acting governor. The name Kempe is undoubtedly Gei'- man, but some historians write him "Kemp," and claim erron- eously that this form of the name is English. Yet Kemp, as well as Kempe, are to this day German family names and the land-registers of Henrico of 1624'''') contain many signatures in Rich. Kempe's own handwriting — and with but one exception he signed "Kempe." Furthermore all biographies of the English colonial governors^ '^) give the name of their native land, county and birthplace, with the sole exception of E. Kempe's biography, and this omission also speaks for his German origin. Surely there is no full evidence that E. Kempe was a German, but the probabilities are in favor of it. During the same period some Germans rendered very valu- able services by exploring the unknown country in the interior. Johannes Lederer was the first explorer of the Alleghany mountains, and he is one of the brightest figures in the early history of the German element in Virginia. The German-Ameri- can historian H. A. Eattermann, of Cincinnati, 0., deserves credit for the preservation of the great deeds of Lederer, ■'"') and an extract from his researches may find room at this place. In the year 1668 Johannes Lederer came to Jamestown and offered his services to governor Berkeley. "A son of the Alps," as he said, "he had come to explore America." He was a scien- tific man and familiar with several languages, especially the classical, and he expressed the desire to explore the mountain region. Governor Berkeley readily equipped an expedition to 37.) "Land Patents No I," preserved in the land office, Capitol Building, Richmond, Va. 38) "Virginia and the Virginians," by Dr. Brook, Secretary of the Historical Society of Virginia. 39.) "Der erste Brforscher des Alleghany Gebirges: Johannes Lederer," by H. A. Rat- termann, "Deutscher Pionier." Jahrgang 8. Cincinnati, 0., 1876. 41 accompany him. Lederer undertook three trips, but failed to discover an easy passage through the mountains, which the gov- ernor wisiied for. During his last expedition his companions became disheartened and deserted him, while he ventured to con- tinue his researches with only an Indian guide, who served him as interpreter. At his return he was ill-treated, — his com- panions, ashamed of their cowardice, circulated false reports about him, — and finding even his life endangered, he fled to Maryland. Sir William Talbot, governor of the colony, received him kindly, and upon his suggestion he wrote an account of his trips in Latin, which was printed in English in London in 1673 with a map of the country drawn by the author. This interest- ing little book was entitled : "The Discoveries of John Lederer, in Their Several Marches From Virginia to the West of Carolina and Other Parts of the Continent, begun in March, 1669, and Ended in September, 1670, Etc., with Map, London, 1672." and contains 27 pages, 4°. A copy of it is preserved in the li- brary of the U. S. Congress at Washington City. It is the first scientific report about the geology, botany, animals and native tribes of the extensive district as far as Florida, seen by the cour- ageous German, and it deserves special acknowledgment in a German-American history, giving evidence, that the first explo- ration of the AUeghanies was the work of a German. Very little is known of Lederer himself and no reports are left of his later career and end. The family name of Lederer is well known in Austria and Germany. At Wittenberg in Prus- sia, Grossenhain in Saxony, Marburg in Hessia, Vienna and Inns- bruck in Austria, etc., several members of this illustrious family occupied high positions. Some Lederers held diplomatic offices in the United States of America. One, Baron Alois Lederer, was Consul General of Austria and Toscana at New York, and his son Carl was ambassador at Washington City in 1868. Lederer's map, which appeared with his book, gives only an inaccurate picture of the country, but it must be taken in con- sideration that, his instruments had been carried off by his faith- less companions. It shows the land from Virginia to Florida. In those early times maps only gave general outlines, and all parts not explored had to be guesswork. This may be illus- trated by the following. 43 "A Map of Virginia discovered to ye Hills," 1651, gives to the American continent from tlie southern cape of Delavi^are to "the sea of China and the East Indies," a width of less. than 300 miles. — On Hennepin's map of 1683, Lake Erie extends to the southern line of Virginia, making the entire state of Ohio part of the lake. — A map of Wm. Delisle, published by Joh. Justin Gebauer and affixed to Bruzen la Martinier's "Introduction k I'histoire de I'Asie, de I'Afrique et de I'Amerique, etc.," Paris, 1735, presents nothing of the Ohio river and places the source of the Wabash near the Erie in Pennsylvania. — More accurate is- a map: "Nonvelle France," by Charlevoix, 1743. — The "Carte de la Virginie et du Maryland, dressSe sur la grande carte anglaise de Messrs. Josue Fry*") and Pierre Jefferson par Eobert de Vaugondy, GSographe ordinaire du Eoi," 1755, gives a fair picture of the lands along the coast of the Atlantic, but the section on the other side of the Blue Eidge and the Alle- ghanies is very inaccurately drawn, — and the same may be said in respect to the old map designed by Augustine Herrmann. Another German explorer of Virginia is mentioned by Klau- precht, the chronicler of the Ohio valley, — by John Esten Cook, — and by Stierlein in his history of Kentucky and the city of Louis- ville : the German Capt. Heinricli Batte, who in 1667 crossed the Alleghanies and reached the Ohio river. All these historical facts show that the colonial govern- ments have used German scientific men to open the wilderness to civilization, and the history of North Carolina, the neighbor- ing state of the Old Dominion, furnishes further evidence. In 1663 a German Swiss, Peter Fabian, from Bern, accom- panied an expedition sent out by the English North Carolina Company. The report of this exploring expedition appeared in London in 1665 and bears the signatures of its leaders : Anthony Long, Wm. Milton and Peter Fabian. The last named was cer- tainly the author of the report and the scientific man of the ex- pedition, as is shown by the estimates of distances in German 40 ) Mr. Josue Fry has drawn several maps of North America, and his name — Fry, or Frei, or Frey, — indicates Ihat he was a German or of German descent. S.Kercheval, the historian of the Shenandoah Valley, says (History of the Valley of Va , Winchester, 1833, p. 81) : "There were a mixture of Irish and Germans on Cedar Creek and its vicinity : the Frys, Newells, BUckburns, Wilsons, etc., were among the number " 43 and not in English mileage. The report, for instance, states : "On Friday, the 16th, we heaved anchor by north-west wind and sailed up Eiver Cape-Fair 4 or 5 German miles, where we came to anchor at 5 to 7 fathoms." Before the end of the seventeenth century the administra- tion of the Swiss. Canton Bern planned to establish colonies in North America with the surplus of her population. Franz Lud2vig MicheV^^), — English historians misname him Mitchell, — was sent to Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina, and John Lawson, the first historian of North Carolina, relates in his book : "A new voyage to Carolina, etc.," printed at London, 1709, and published in German by M. Vischer, Hamburg, in 1713, — that he met on his voyage to the Carolinas the German explorer, who was well acquainted with the land and its peo- ple.' 2) Michel again came to North Carolina in 1709, accom- panied by Baron Christopher von Grafenried, of Bern, at the head of 1500 emigrants from Switzerland and the Palatinate, (die Pfalz in Germany), — all of whom were Germans. Many of these people afterwards settled in Virginia, as will be related further on. Towards the close of the seventeenth and in the beginning of the eighteenth century, under the leadership of Claude Phi- lippe de Kichebourg, another numerous immigration of French Huguenots and German Calvinists or Eeformists from Elsace and Loraine took place. These newcomers were industrious and pious people and they scattered successively over the tide-water district, middle Virginia and the Shenandoah valley, but most of them settled in the counties of Norfolk, Surry, Powhatan and Prince William. In the Shenandoah valley they met with a numerous German element and these French Huguenots were perfectly Germanized. In 1671, by issue of the first law of naturalization, immi- gration was materially supported. This law prescribed that any 41 ) "Die Deutschen in Nord-Carolina." Historische Skizze von General J. A. Wage- ner^ Charleston, S. C, publicirt in: "Der deutsche Pionier," Jalirgang III, Seite 328 etc. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1871. 42) "Beitrag zur Geschichte der Deutschen in Nord- und SUd-Carolina," vonH. A. Rattermann, publicirt in; "Der deutsche Pionier," Jahrgang X, Seite 189. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1878. 44 foreigner could be naturalized upon application to the Assembly and by taking the oath of allegiance to the King of England, and that thereafter he should be entitled to hold public office, carry on business, own real estate, etc. The first Germans who applied for naturalization papers were Joseph Mulder, Heinrich Weedich, Thomas Hastmenson, John Peterson and Hermann Keldermcmn in 1673. The number of German settlers during the first century of the existence of the colony was, as has been stated, much larger than is commonly admitted, and some Anglo-American historians unfairly ignore or belittle the share the Germans have taken in the development of Virginia, desiring to repre- sent it as an "entirely English colony." But the old mother colony was from the very beginning in its character cosmo- politan, only founded by English enterprise. The following investigations will prove how incorrect and devoid statements of such "manufacturers of history" are. The Land Patents (Eegisters) at the land office of Vir- ginia, Capitol building, Richmond, Va., name as early as 1624 to 1635, or during the third decade of the colony, besides many doubtful names, the following German ones : Johann Busch, Thomas Spilmau (Spielmann), .John Chooh- man (Schumann), Ph. Olauss, Zacharias Grippe, Christopher Windmill (Windmueller), Henry Coleman (Kohlmann or Kuhl- mann), John Loube (Laube), John and Mary Brower (Brauer), Georg Koth, Thomas Holeman (Hollmann or Hoelemann\ Robert Ackerman, etc. The oldest volume of the county-records, kept at Henrico Courthouse at Richmond, Va., referring to inheritances, crimi- nal investigations, etc., mentions as prosecutors, defendants and witnesses among many names that may just as well be English as German, the following Germans: 1677— William Hand, Th. Gregory, John Bowman (Bau- mann.) 1678— Margarete Horner. 1679— John Gunter (Guenther), Katherine Knibbe, Georg Kranz and Thos. Risboc, — the last two in German let- ters. 45 1680— Thorn. Brockhouse (Brockhaus), Georg Archer, John Harras and W. T. Eller, — the last three in partial Ger- man writing. 1681— J. Tanner, Edm. Bollcher, Rob. Boiling, Th. Grouse (Krause), and in German writing : John Feil. 1682-86— Doll, Rich. Starke, Mary Skirme, Henry Shur- mann (that is : Schuermann, — in later entries the same man signs : Sherman), — Thos. Enck, Joshua Stap (prob- ably Stapf ), and in German letters: Will. Blachman. Taking in consideration the small number of white sett- lers, these German names in the registers and records of a single county, which was at the time still predominantly in- habited by Indians, are proof that the German immigration was numerally worthy of notice. The limits of the counties of Norfolk and Princess Ann originally from 1637 to 1691 formed "Lower Norfolk County." Edward W. James mentions in his "Antiquary" among the earliest landowners the following names of German sound : Samuel Boush, John Weblin, Thos. Wishart, Capt. James Kempe, Wm. "Wishart, Thos. and \Vm. Brock, Robert Waller, Jeremiah, and Matthew Forman, L. Miller, Abrah. Mesler, Ro- bert Fry (schoolmaster of Norfolk Borough), Wm. Plume (member of the Common Council, Norfolk Borough), John Boush (Mayor of Norfolk Borough 1791), Daniel Bedinger (member of a Court of Aldermen), and others. The population was, as has been mentioned, heavily op- pressed during the government of Sir Berkeley, and dissatis- faction was spreading. The English high-church by its in- tolerance greatly furthered the rebellious spirit. The peace- able Quakers were especially made to suffer. However, the immediate cause of the outbreak of the revolution was the renewed depredations of the Indians in revenge for the treach- erous murder of some of their chiefs. Alarmed and disgusted by the inefficient measures for defence taken by governor Berkeley, the indignant settlers rose in opposition in 1676. They asked permission to arm and defend themselves and to appoint Nathaniel Bacon, a patriotic young lawyer, their leader. This the governor, fearing to put arms in the hands of the discontented men, and jealous of 46 Bacon's popularity, refused ; while the savages continued to commit many outrages on the planters. Bacon now put him- self at the head of his followers, defeated the Indians and then turned round against the governor, who had declared him a traitor. He drove Sir Berkeley and his adherents from James- town and the town was partly destroyed. Bacon died suddenly, and there was not a second man brave and worthy enough to take his place. Berkeley recovered his power and wreaked vengeance on the patriots by confiscations and executions un- til the thoughtless and profligate King Charles II declared: "The old fool has taken away more lives in that naked coun- try, than I for the murder of my father !" — However, Bacon's rebellion, as this revolution is called, foreshadowed the great war of Independence and the end of English tyranny. ' It is a remarkable coincidence, that Drummond, one of the sup- porters of Bacon, was beheaded on the same spot where a hundred years later Lord Cornwallis surrendered to the su- perior tactics and strategy of George Washington and his German general von Steuben, assisted by the French allied army. In 1677 governor Berkeley was discharged from office and for the space of 31 years the king granted the colony to Lords Culpepper and Arlington. The first named was appointed governor for life. He came over in 1680, but trying only to get as much money as possible out of his province, another rebellion was threatening, when the king, for fear of its re- sults, revoked the grant and recalled Culpepper. His succes- sor. Lord Howard, was little better, he also deemed Virginia his "milk cow," and it is really surprising that in spite of all the ill-treatment and mismanagement the colony prospered. In the year 1671 there were -10,000 white inhabitants in Vir- ginia, and at the end of the seventeenth century the popula- tion nearly reached 100,000. CHAPTER II. The Organization of the Colonies of Maryland AND Pennsylvania and the German Sects. OWARDS the close of the seventeenth century events took place in the country north and east of Virginia, ■f that had decided influence on the growth of German life in the old mother-state. In England Roman-Catholics were exposed to persecution and most barbarous punishments were inflicted upon them. With the thirty-nine articles of the Anglican High Church a political organism was created, that lacked true religious sen- timent, real Christian love and ideal theory of life. The ha- tred towards the dissenters, Catholics and Protestant sects, led Lord Baltimore, one of the most influential Catholics in old England, to look for some place of refuge in the New World, where those of his creed might follow their worship unmo- lested. He first tried Newfoundland, but found the climate too severe, and then he tried Virginia, but found its English people more intolerant than in England. Finally he obtained, in 1632, from King Charles I a large tract of land, east of the Potomac and extending along the coast of the Chesapeake bay, to which he gave the name of Maryland, in honor of the queen Henrietta Maria. Although Lord Baltimore was an ar- dent Catholic, he made his land an asylum for all those pur- sued and unfortunate. The historian Bankroft says : that from France there came Huguenots, from Germany, Holland, Sweden, Finnland and probably too from Piedmont, the chil- dren of misfortune. — Emigrants accordingly soon flocked to the province from Europe and the English colonies. But be- fore long difficulties arose. Virginia claimed that Lord Bal- timore's grant belonged to her, and Clayborne, a member of the Jamestown Council, who had already established two trad- ing posts in Maryland, opposed the authority of Lord Balti- more. A bloody contest followed, and religious trouble and 48 war between the Protestants and Catliolics, caused by the in- tolerant and ambitious Puritans and Episcopalians, soon clouded the fair dawn of the rising colony. In England the reign of the Stuarts had been superseded by the new rulers William and Maria, and Lord Baltimore, hesitating to recognize the new government, was in 1691 entirely deprived of his priv- ileges and Maryland became a royal province. Not until 1715 did the fourth Lord Baltimore recover the government — and religious freedom was again restored. During this long period of disturbance the number of the discontented enlarged con- siderably and many, especially a great number of German colonists, left Maryland and wandered to the fertile valleys in the mountain region of Virginia. Pennsylvania was also colonized towards the close of the seventeenth century, but religious quarrels and English pre- sumption fostered like results. To enjoy freedom of religion many Germans had emigrated to Pennsylvania. They had en- dured the dangers and hardships of a long sea-voyage, and they were not disposed to allow themselves to be again de- prived of the liberty gained by such sacrifice. "Eeligious motives," writes Professor 0. Seidensticker,''''') "caused the prosecuted Puritans and Quakers to go in search of an asylum to the New World. For these reasons the Ger- mans left the Fatherland. Only three creeds, the Catholic, Lutheran and Calvin, were granted the right of tolerance within the German empire by the treaty of Westphalia. Who- ever was moved by scruples of conscience to give to his Chris- tian belief some different shape or to interpret the Bible in another way, persecution was his lot. Such secular Christians, prosecuted and abused without mercy, were plentiful in Ger- many towards the close of the seventeenth century. The in- offensive Mennonites found only in a few states a precarious admittance, — the pious ScTiwenkf elder had to endure the most terrible treatment, and even the Pietists, the followers of Ja- cob Spencer, who only endeavoured a more earnest and con- scientious devotion to religion within the bounds of the Lutheran creed, were abused and denounced as dangerous inno- 43.) "Die erste deutsche Einwanderung io Amerika und die Grilndung von German- town im Jahre 1683," by Oswald Seidensticller, p. 28, PliilaJelpliia, Pa , 1S83. 49 vators. The Mystics of various nuances, who had adhei-ents among the literary men as well as among the people, the au- thorities would have liked best to shut up in lunatic asylums or prisons." Besides the sects named in the above citation, German Qualcers, Anabaptists, Dunhards or Tunlcrs and Moravians or Herrnliiiter, participated in the colonization of Pennsylvania ; — in Maryland, in Cecil County, at the Bohemian river, more than one hundred Labidists settled, and later on the moun- tain region of Virginia was mainly opened to civilization by German Lutherans, Calvinists, Mennonites, Dunkards, Quak- ers and Moravians.'''^ '""^ *^) Wm. Penn, the son of an English admiral, whom the English government owed a large sum of money, received in- stead of payment a large grant of forest land west of the Delaware. Charles II recommended to name this territory "Sylvania," that is, forest land, but finally he prefixed to it the name of Penn and baptized it "Pennsylvania." Wm. Penn had embraced the doctrines of the Quakers or Friends, who ■ were bitterly prosecuted in England, and he resolved to make his American domain an abode for his Quaker brethren and a free colony for all mankind. Very correctly he is considered the talented and noblest leader of his sect, — his highest am- bition was to advance the happiness of his fellow men. Even if, as has been asserted, he had aimed to convert his extended landed property into money, it must be acknowledged that he carried out his plan in a disinterested way, advancing an ideal design. In Germany some Quaker communities existed at Crefeld and Kriesheim near Worms, and akin to them were the Men- nonites and Anabaptists. Friendship and equality of all men were the leading doctrine of the Quakers, who originated in England in 1647 through the teachings of John Fox. They believe, that he who implores the Holy Ghost by fervent prayer, will share in divine revelation. Their worship is sim- ple, without the ringing of bells they assemble in a plain 44) "Die ersten deutschen Secten in Amevika," von L. P. Hennighausen Bclleliis- tiaches Journal, No. 1972, Seite 10 und 11. New York, 1890. 45 ) "F. D Pastorius' Pennsylvanien ," von Friedrich Kapp, Crefcid, 1S84, 60 meeting-house ■without altar and pulpit, without the sound of an organ or vocal music. In solemn silence and with covered heads they await for a member of the congregation to be moved by the Holy Q'host and to preach to them. They re- fuse to take oath and consider war wrong even when waged in self-defence, they condemn all worldly amusements and lux- uries, use the article thou and thee no matter whom they ad- dress, keep their hats on even in presence of the king, and dress very plain. Louis P. Hennighausen, of Baltimore, Md., writes about the German Quakers: "William Penn visited and preached to them in 1672 and 1677. They had been oppressed and perse- cuted in their old Fatherland. Imprisonment, scourging, heavy fines and confiscations was their lot. In some states of north- ern Germany the magistrates paid a reward of five florins for the information of the whereabouts of a Quaker. The Friends at Orefeld, in June 1683, bought of Wm. Penn 18,000 acres and those of Frankfurt 25,000 acres. In 1683, on the 6th of October, the first thirteen families from Crefeld were landed at Philadelphia. Two days later they selected the land for their settlement, on the 24th it was surveyed, on the 25th the homesteads were divided and the building up of Germantown was begun at once. Many more Germans, especially from Kriesheim, followed and in a few years Germantown had be- come a flourishing city. In an English book, printed at Phi- ladelphia in 1692, George Frames sings: The Germantown of which I spoke before, Which is at iJast in length one mile or more. Where live high German people and low Dutch, Whose trade in weaving linnen cloth is much. There grows the flax. — The German Quakers had been converted to the new creed by English missionaries and in their new adopted home they found good friends. William Penn, the proprietor of the province, frequently visited them, — preached to them in the German language and always remained their true friend. In 1686 they erected the first meeting-house in Germantown and Franz Daniel Pastorius wag their leader and preacher. Pas- torius, who also was the first mayor and delegate of the town, 51 was a man of lofty character and classical education. He had in Germany been invested with the title of 'Doctor of Juris- prudence,' and he spoke English, French, Spanish and Latin. These Germans were not uneducated people, as they have falsely been represented to be. Among them were Heinrich Herrmann Ruester, who preached in German and English, — Philipp Theodor Lehmann, secretary of Wm. Penn, — van Bebber, Hendriks, Oassel, Brothers of den Graff and other men of education and wealth. The most glorious and famous ac- tion of these German men was : tlieir solemn jjrotest against slavery, published in English on April 18th, 1688." A great many colonists also came from England to Penn- sylvania. They belonged to different sects, who had lived in hatred and discord in their native land, and they imported unpleasant feelings of jealousy, intolerance and pretention in- to the abode of peace founded by the noble Penn. They were only on one point of one mind, and that was their envy and antipathy towards the prosperous Germans, who were rapidly increasing in number. The English settlers called them "for- eigners," and a very deplorable spirit of native presumption grew up. This spitef ulness ' of the two nationalities was heightened when the Germans issued their protest against the institution of slavery. The Mennonites and Anabaptists originally were closely connected. Both disputed the legality and efficacy of the christening of children, which they condemned as being in contradiction of the Holy scripture. The Anabaptists were rather troublesome people and religious fanatics, they desired the restoration of the empire of Christ on earth, community of property, belief in sacred revelation, etc., and they soon came in conflict with the civil authority and law. Conse- quently they were bitterly persecuted. But they deserve high credit for having unfolded the banner of constant progress or perpetual reformation — and to have enforced, like the Quak- ers, rigid morality and recognized equality of mankind. Ni- colas Storch was the founder of this sect, born at Zwickau in Saxony, he was in 1521 assisted by Marcus Stubner and Tho- mas Muenzer.— The followers of Menno Simmons in the Nether- lands called themselves Mennonites. Simmons was a Catholic 52 priest at Witmarsum, when in 1535 several Anabaptists and among them his own brother, were executed. This event made a deep impression on his mind, he left the Roman Catholic Church and joined the Anabaptists, taking charge of one of their congregations at Groeningen. Simmons reorgan- ized the Dutch Anabaptists, disapproving all religious and po- litical agitation. He was opposed to christening children, but declared the baptism of adults to be indispensible — and he desired to restore the original character of the Christian Church. Taking oath, warfare, public offices, law-suits and divorces were rejected by him. Although his followers were very peace- able people, they were confounded with the fanatic Anabap- tists, who engaged in a bloody conspiracy at Muenster, and persecution followed. In 1662 twenty-five fugitive Mennonites were already landed at the mouth of the Delaware, but noth- ing is known of their fate. However, many more followed, and from 1709 to 1730 the Mennonite immigration was very great. They mostly settl&d in Lancaster county. Pa., and from there they spread, about the middle of the 18th century, to Virginia and finally over the great West. Another kind of Anabaptists are the Dunkards (Tunker or Dunker). Alexander Mark was the founder of this sect. The Dunkards were not tolerated in their native state: "the Palatinate," but they prospered in jimerica. The nickname of Tunker was given them because they perform the act of baptism by immersion, but they call themselves Brethren and in America "the German Baptist Brethren." Immersion with them is a symbolic purification and revival. They resign all worldly amusements, and only admire a truly Christian char- acter and life, they are highly esteemed for their morality and reliability. A promise given they hold sacred. The first twenty families of this sect arrived from Crefeld in Pennsyl- vania anno 1719. Their number soon increased and commu- nities of Dunkards were organized") 1723 at Germantown, 1724 at Coventry, Chester Co., 1732 at Oley, Berks Co., 1733 at Great Swamp, Buck Co., 1735 at Cocalico, Lancaster Co., 1736 at Weisseichenland, Lancaster Co., 1738 at Klein-Cone- wago, York Co., 1741 at Conewago, York Co., 1748 at Tulpe- 46 ) " Ephrata," by Dr. Oswald Stidenstickcr, page 27. Cincinnati, , 18S3. 53 hocken, Berk Co., 1756 at Gross Swatara, Lancaster Co.j 1757 at Swatara, Berk Co. But soon they divided into various groups like the Ephrata-sect or Beisselians in 1724. Com- monly they are classed as "Old Conservatives," who consider ignorance as less dangerous to the welfare of the soul than the possession of a treasure of worldly knowledge, — and the "Progressive," who are in favor of public education.*'') The gentle Moravians immigrated into Pennsylvania and Georgia in the fourth decade of the 18th century and proved to be a valuable acquisition. They soon came to Virginia from Tennessee and Ohio. In 1741 Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zin- zendorf, the founder of this sect, arrived in America, where he intended to propagate his creed. The theological principle'**) of the Moravians has its nucleus in the expiatory death of Christ. Prom this they derive an ascetic theory of life — but also a grave religious seriousness and reverence. Dogmatical cunning and distinctions of creed they treat with indifference, the serenity of mind they value most. This devotion is to them no tiresome toil, but a pleasure; the death wounds of Christ do not frighten but enchant them. If the Moravian faith is of confined view in sev- eral respects, it has nevertheless infused the deadening dogmatics of Protestantism with new life; proclaiming: that those will not be excluded from salvation who have no knowledge of the gospel. Count Zinzendorf first endeavored to unite the various sects in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania into one community, but unsuccessfully, and then he directed his attention to the conver- sion of the Indians. The Moravians devoted special care to edu- cation. Their schools at Bethlehem, Litiz and Nazareth were counted among the very best in Pennsylvania. Some of their regulations'*'') are very peculiar and were the cause that they were regarded as peculiar people. The strict separation of the sexes during juvenile years, the match-making by the old folks with disregard of mutual affection of the betrothed, the use of lottery tickets as decisions of God, the tasteless costumes of the women, were among these strange regulations. 47.) "Geschichte der deutschen Sclmlbestrebunifen in Amerika," by Herrmann £clm- richt, page 5. Leipzig, 1884. 48 ) " Die Geschichte der Paidagogili," by Dr. Karl Sclimidt, Vol. II, page 386. Coe- then, 1861. 49 ) " In der neuen Heimath," by Anton Eiclilioff, page 139. New York, 1884. 54 These few remarks about the most imjtortant German sects, will suffice to characterize the early German immigration to Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia. The nature of the Luth- eran and Calvin church are supposed to be familiar to the reader, but the great part they have played in the civilization of the col- onies, will receive in this history full mention in its place. The religious motives of the early German immigration to Pennsylvania and the adjoining colonies are very well defined by the following public statement of Christian Saur, printer and publisher at Germantown, published in 1754. " Pennsylvania is a land, the equal of which you cannot hear nor read of in all the world ; many thousand people have come here and are still coming here for the sole reason to enjoy its kind government and freedom of conscimice. This noble liberty is like a decoy bird or bait which draws men first to Pennsyl- vania, and if good lands get scarce, they move into the adjoining English colonies, and these English colonies are settled by many immigrants from Germany to the advantage of the Crown on ac- count of Pennsylvania." CHAPTER III. Topographical Survey of Virginia. HE State of Virginia, after the excision of West Virginia, is divided, with reference to the surface and natural character of the land and extending from East to West, into the following grand divisions : Tidewater Virginia ------ 11,350 sq. miles. Middle Virginia 12,470 Piedmont District ------ 6,680 The Valley 7,550 The Section of the Blue Ridge - - 1,230 The Appalachian District - - - - 5,720 Total, 45,000 sq. miles. The Tidewater Division extends from the Atlantic ocean to the lower falls of the Appomattox, James and Eappahannock rivers, and is divided by the large tidal rivers and the waters of Chesapeake bay into nine principal and a large number of sec- ondary peninsulas. An imaginary line drawn diagonally across the State and touching the cities of Petersburg, Eichmond, Fred- ericksburg and Alexandria, will represent this section. In this belt the winter is mild, snow seldom covers the ground for any length of time, and in summer a large portion of it is refreshed by the .sea breeze. Near the line of North Carolina is the swamp and fever-district of Virginia and the fear of "Malaria" keeps away settlers from this unhealthy section. The navi- gable water-ways give the inhabitants special advantages and make the "low country," as it was called, a very desirable part of the State. Hampton roads and Norfolk bay present the finest and deepest harbors on the Atlantic coast. Here the early settlers established themselves, and here are found those elegant mansions and baronial estates for which Virginia was once celebrated. The coast district absorbed most of the 56 English- immigration and the people of some counties, especially those adjoining Maryland, show to this day, the strongly marked individuality of the English, retaining in a marked degree the manners and expressions of the mother country a century or more ago.^") Not very flatteringly says a correspondent of the Hand- book of Virginia: "There is nothing lacking here but people, new people, new ideas. We are as intelligent and industrious as most people, but we need new life to pull us out of the grooves and ruts and turn us into different and more progressive chan- nels." The tidewater country being favored with a semi-tropical climate has a great variety of agricultural and garden products, it is the land of peanuts, sweet potatoes, melons, delicious fruit and all sorts of vegetables. The reputation of Virginia tobacco was built upon the product of this region, in colonial times it was the staple product, but now it is only raised to a limited extent in some of the tidewater counties. The tobacco grown at "Varina" on the James river had a special high reputation, and the name of the place is said to have been given to it because of the quality of the tobacco grown there, resembling that of Varinas in Cuba. " The waters of the Chesapeake are of themselves" ^) a bountiful source of supply and a mine of wealth to the people immediately on its shores. There is no other sheet of water in the country that supplies such an abundance of excellent fish and oysters. Travellers from Europe, especially the Germans, who visit Vir- ginia, generally remark upon two things in particular, one is the habitual waste of bread, and the other that they see so few beg- gars or paupers." Middle Virginia, is a wide undulating plain, crossed by many rivers, bordered by alluvial bottom-lands. It extends to the range of hills parallel to the Blue Kidge and about 20 miles dis- tant from it. This is the great tobacco region of Virginia, and the cereals and fruits of the temperate climate are cultivated here. The extensive and negligent cultivation of tobacco and corn has exhausted much good land, but careful management soon restores to it its original productiveness. This district also suffered greatly during the late war, for it was the main battle 60.) "Handbook of Virginia," 5111 edition, by tlie Commissioner of ^gncuiture, page 26. Riolimond, Va., 1886. 61.) "PhysicalSurvey of Virginia," by Wm. F. Maury, pp. 6— 8. Richmond, Va , 1878. 57 ground. However, this healthy and most improvable region gradually regains its former condition. The forest growth changes as we ascend from the tidewater division to Piedmont, the cypress disappears and the cedar, pine and holly, the gum, oak, chestnut, hickory, tulip tree, walnut, locust, maple, syca- more and other timber become more and more frequent. The mineral resources are very extensive, besides coal this country yields: gold, silver, copper, sulphur, and iron ores in great abundance, and for architectural purposes fine gray granite, brown stone, slate for roofing, limestone and marble are worked. The population corresponded during the 17th and 18th centuries with that of the tidewater region, but it had a visible tincture of German. Since the end of the war enterprising settlers from Europe and from the North and West, have come here, and with- in the last ten years a marked improvement is manifested in the general appearance of the country. The Piedmont Division, as its name implies, lies at the foot of the Blue Eidge mountains, and extends from the Poto- mac to the Dan river. It is a delightful country — for climate, beauty of landscape, variety of scenery, natural fertility of soil, water courses contributing to practical purposes as well as to beauty of scenery, this section is surpassed by few, if any other sections in the United States, and it may justly be called : "the orchard and vineyard of Virginia." The highest mountains are , the picturesque peaks of Otter — 3874 and 4000 feet high, and if the atmosphere is clear the mountains are enveiled in a violet tint or vapor, like the Alps on the line of northern Italy and Switzerland. The climate is, as has been stated before, mild and invigorating. Piedmont is in fact the best sanitarium in the United States, east of the Mississippi. The population is of a cosmopolitan character — and to her industrious German ele- ment this section is indebted for much of its prosperity. The Valley is a portion of the great central Appalachian valley, that extends for several hundred miles from Canada to Alabama, a broad belt of rolling country, enclosed between lofty mountain ranges, diversified by hills and valleys with many winding streams of water. The Blue Kidge is on the east, and 58 the Kitatinny or Endless Mountains on the west.''^) The Valley is the American land of red soil — and it enjoys and deserves the reputation of great fertility. The various grasses for hay and pasture, the natural blue grass lands, make the valley the home of the stock raiser and dairy man. Washington, the no- ble and great son of Virginia, remarked about this rich section : "In soil, climate and productions, in my opinion, it will be con- sidered, if not considered so already, as the garden of America." For a century and a haJf human labor has especially improved it and made it the most flourishing part of Virginia. Randolph Harrison, Commissioner of Agriculture, said''^): "A large j)or- tion of the valley was settled by Pennsylvania Germans in the early history of the State. These people brought with them their frugal habits, their conservative systems and modes of farming, which served to keep it what nature made it to be — one of the most desirable tracts of country in the United States." Besides her farming advantages the valley possesses many min- eral springs of excellent waters of their nature and many min- erals are found there. This district is naturally divided in the following sub-divisions : the Shenandoah valley, the Jamesriver valley, the Eoanoke valley, the New River and Kanawha valley, and the Holston or Tennessee valley. The Bhie Ridge Division or New River Plateau is enclosed between the two widely diverging ranges of the Blue Ridge and comprises the counties of Floyd, Carroll and Grayson. Its mean elevation over the sea is about 2600 feet, and the soil is covered by timber and grass. These counties send to market herds of fine healthy cattle, flocks of sheep, much high prized tobacco, wheat, dried fruit, etc., and some of the finest apples produced in Virginia. The mineral resources are very great, but unde- veloped, and offer profitable investment to enterprising capi- talists. Tlie Ajypalacliian Country is a rough mountain district thinly populated. It is composed of a number of parallel moun- tain chains, with trough-like valleys between them, the moun- 52 ) " Virginia, a Geographical and Political Summary,'" by the Board of Immigration, pages. Richmond, Va , 1S7C. 53) "Handbook of Virginia," Fifth edition, by the Commissioner of Agriculture, p 110. Richmond, Va , 1880. 59 tains often extending for fifty miles or more as an unbroken, single, straight, lofty ridge, with an equally uniform valley alongside : sometimes the mountains recede and the valleys wi- den.^*) This district belongs to the Mississippi valley, for the waters are all drained off into that river, either by the tribu- taries of the Ohio or the Tennessee rivers. It is rich in timber, coal and iron and also has some mineral springs of sanitary value. The Neiu State of West Virginia, to which a later chapter of this history is devoted, resembles in its western part the last described district, — it is underlaid with coal, rich in timber, though upon the mountains it is still chiefly an untrodden wil- derness, — and the eastern counties are in respect to surface, resources and population similar to the Shenandoah valley. These short geographical remarks will serve to gain a view of the different divisions of Virginia and to facilitate a correct understanding of the following historical account. 64 ) "Virginia, a geographical and political summary," by the Bjaril of Immigration, p 8, etc. 1876 CHAPTER IV. Causes of the German Immigration into Virginia . During the Eighteenth Century. TN the early part of the eighteenth century a large number of f" Germans immigrated as well into Virginia as into Pennsyl- I vania and were the instrument by which the immense nat- ural resources of the colony were developed and a regular and sound state of affairs was created. In the numerous petty States of the German empire, at the end of the seventeenth and in the beginning of the eighteenth century, most deplorable conditions prevailed and the suffering of the people was nigh unbearable. The cruelty of the despotic rulers had already driven thousands of peaceable citizens from their homes and across the ocean, — to Virginia also Germans had come and the number of the fugi- tives from the German Fatherland increased yearly. Particu- larly southern Germany — and there especially the once flour- ishing Palatinate, sighed under the hardships and devastations of repeated wars, the tyranny of extravagant princes, and the hateful struggle for supremacy of the various Christian confes- sions. In the seventeenth century the despotism of the Elector of the Palatinate had forced his people to change its creed three times, first to the Lutheran, then to the Calvinist, again to the Lutheran and finally a second time to the Calvinist faith. This occurrence is certainly abhorrible as the most unwarranted op- pression of the liberty of thought and conscience. Louis XIV of France, invaded the German country and destroyed its last resources. The French marshal de Turenne devastated this beautiful section of Germany from 1673 to 1676 — and in 1689 Durat ordered the population of nearly half a million people to leave their homes within three days. In the midst of winter. 61 withotit shelter or food, many died. The cities of Phillipsburg, Frankenthal, Mannheim, etc., were reduced to ashes, fields and vineyards were devastated and the magnificent castle of Heidel- berg was demolished. After all these trials the enemy at home took the place of the French tormentor. Elector Johann Wil- helm, 1690-1716, an able pupil of the Jesuits and an unbounded prodigal, aimed to take advantage of the animosity between the Lutherans and Reformists for forcible conversion to Catholicism, and his successor, Karl Philipp, persecuted all Protestants in fanatic fury and forced emigration on many. Similar conditions prevailed in the entire German empire and particularly in the countries of the lower Ehine, Hanno- ver and Thurinia. To make the national misfortune complete, French taste, luxury and corruption spread among the higher classes of society, and morality and propriety of conduct dis- appeared. Thus Germapy grew faithless to its true character and bowed to foreign influence. Helpless and poor, in con- stant fear of death, the mass of the people took refuge with its inmost feeling and thought, saving to. themselves self-re- spect and the belief in human equality. Under ruins and mould, behind prison-walls, germinated the seed-corn of true humanity and sound philosophy. Amidst its disgrace the heart of the German nation commenced to embrace the real theory of life and liberty, and the plain and pious peasant and citizen learned to value the art of reasoning in place of quiet submission to despotism. More sects were organized and each of them, even when adopting odd methods, gave evidence of mental impulse and independent reasoning. Their followers adhered to it manly and neither persecution nor exile forced them to desert their belief. The German emigrants to America, having gone through such a school of bitter trials, imported firmness of character and had the willingness and qualification of doing the hard labor of pioneers. Faithful to their conviction they proved themselves in the New World conducive to the public good, obedient to law — and yet firmly devoted to the principles of liberty. . In the year 1702 Queen Anne ascended the English throne. Moved by the sufferings of the German people and recognizing 62 their qualifications for the colonization of her American prov- inces, she patronized German immigration to Pennsylvania, New York, the Carolinas, Virginia, etc. At the same time several of the German Swiss cantons, like Bern, Basel, Appen- cell, St. Gallen, etc., undertook to colonize the surplus of their population in South and North Carolina and Virginia. ' Among those unfortunate Palatines who had been robbed by the French plunderers and then forced to emigrate, was Kev. Josua von Kocherthal.''') In January 1708 he applied to the English resident at Frankfurt a./M., Mr. Davenant, to furnish him and several families, numbering in all 61 persons, with money and passports to travel to England. Davenant asked his government for instructions — and the request was declined. However the Palatines managed to reach London and being without means of support. Queen Anne granted to each of them one shilling per day. The news of their kind treatment soon spread in Germany and intensified the long- ing to escape the sufferings at home. At the same time Eng- lish emissaries travelled in the German States to induce wealthy people to emigrate to America, and these men distributed pamphlets and books containing the most enticing descrip- tions of the resources, fertility and beauty of the New World. On the 4th of February 1709 Montague off"ered in the English parliament a bill for the naturalization of foreign Protestants, which was passed without opposition. This new law purposed to induce the rich French Huguenots to emigrate to the Eng- lish colonies, — but the poor people of southern Germany considered it as an invitation extended to them too. In the spring of 1709 the exodus was very great, so much so that in .lune more than 10,000 Germans had arrived in London, and at the end of the year their number is said to have been 33,500. Most of them were homeless, poor but good and use- ful working people. Frank's "Frankfurter Mess Kalender" reports for instance, that from Easter to the fall of 1709 about 6520 German Protestants reached London, of which 1278 were men with families, 1338 married women, 39 widows, 384 young men, 106 maidens, 379 boys and 374 girls over 14 years 66 ) "Geschichte der dcutschen Einwanaerung in Amerika," by Fiiedrich Kapp p 19 N.Y. 1868. '' 63 of age and 3673 children of different age. The professions among them were represented by 1083 farmers and vintagers, 90 carpenters, Si bakers, 48 masons, 20 cabinet-malj F. B. Heit- man. Wasliington, 1893. 120.) "Tlie American Jew as Patriot, Soldier and Citizen," by Simon Wolf PliiU - delphia, 1896. 129 first two belonged to Muehlenberg's regiment. The Pension Eegisters in "Washington also prove that German Virginians served in Maryland and Pennsylvania regiments. A most striking example of patriotism was given by Jo- hatiw Gabriel Fete?- Muehlenherg, the pastor of the Lutheran church at Woodstock, in the Shenandoah Valley. He was born at Trappe, Pa., in 1746, his father was the venerable patriarch of the Lutheran Church in America, the Rev. Hein- rich M. Muehlenberg, — under his guidance he received an excellent education. In his youth he was a boy difficult to manage. Destined for the ministry, his father sent him to Germany to conclude his studies, — but Peter entered an ap- prenticeship to a mercantile house in Luebeck. He stayed there three years, working faithfully, — but his spirits were depressed by his close and monotonous duties. He abruptly left his place and, enlisted in Hanover in a regiment of dra- goons. Later on maturer judgment overcame his inclination towards the adventurous and he recommenced the study of theology, passed his examinations and after his return to America he received the vocation of pastor at Woodstock, Va. The young pastor gained the intimate friendship of George Washington and Patrick Henry — and took great interest in the struggle for independence and the preparations for war. His military antecedence was revived, and upon the recommen- dations of George Washington and Patrick Henry he was commissioned Colonel of the Eighth Virginia Eegiment. In January, 1776, he preached liis valedictory sermon. "From far and near the German farmers came with their wives and children," says Rev. Dr. Zimmermann,i"^) "and crowded the little church at Woodstock." — Muehlenberg implored the congregation to support the struggle for liberty and then he exclaimed : "Dear brethren and sisters, I feel truly grieved to announce that this is my farewell sermon, but if it is God's will I shall soon return to you. It is a sacred duty that calls me from you and I feel I must submit to it. The endan- gered fatherland, to which we owe wealth and blood, needs our arms — it calls on its sons to drive off the oppressors. 121.) "Vierhundert Jahre amerikanischer Gescliiclite," von Dr. G, A. Zimmermann, Seite 227—228. Milwaukee, Wise, 1893. 130 You know how much we have suffered for years, — that all our petitions for help have been in vain, — and that the King of England shut bis ears to our complaints. The Holy Scrip- ture says : There is a time for everything in this world ; a time to talk, a time to be silent, a time to preach and to pray, — but also a time to fight, — and this time has come ! Therefore, who- ever loves freedom and his new fatherland, he may folloio me!" — After these inspiring remarks Rev. Muehlenberg uttered a bene- diction, and then he laid aside his priestly robe and buckled a sword about his waist. — A scene of indescribable enthusiasm followed — the entire assembly arose from the seats, and Dr. Luther's powerful hymn : ''Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott," was intonated. Drums were beaten outside the church — and after the lapse of half an hour one hundred and sixty-two men and youths had enlisted to follow their parson. — This act of Ger- man-American patriotism has been immortalized by several Ger- man-American poets, like Dr. Victor Precht in his drama: "Kuerass und Kutte," and Prof. Wilhelm Mueller in his poem : "Die letzte Predigt.i = =) Muehlenberg's regiment was first ordered South and distin- guished itself at Charleston, S. C, and in Georgia. Eeduced greatly in number by loss on the battlefield and sickness, the commanding officer. Gen. Lee, having received orders to join the northern army, directed Muehlenberg, sick himself, to return to Woodstock with his invalides. He was prostrated by an attack of fever, but only a short rest was allowed him to recover his health ; he was ordered to bring up the rest of his regiment from Savannah, to reinforce it with new members and to join General Washington's army in New Jersey. When Muehlen- berg's regiment reached Washington's camp it was stronger than ever before, having gained many recruits in Maryland and Penn- sylvania. On February 21st, 1777, Muehlenberg was promoted by act of Congress to the rank of Brigadier-General, and besides his own regiment the Third and Fifth Virginia were placed under his command. Many Germans also belonged to these regiments. 122.) "Am Wege gepfliickt," Gedicht-Sammlung yon Wilh. lliUler. Glarus in der Schweiz, 1888. 131 General Muehlenberg was a born military genius and Anglo- American historians have acknowledged his courage and talent. General Washington esteemed him highly — and the celebrated German generals: von Steuben and De Kalb, were attached to him by ties of friendship. — The battle of Brandywine on the 11th of September, 17*77, was disastrous to the American army. A rout ensued and utter defeat was prevented only by the brave resistance of Muehlenberg's brigade, that checked the advance of the pursuing British army and enabled the retreating American and French forces to escape annihilation. — In the battle of Germantown, on October 4th, 1777, he defeated the opposing wing of the enemy's army, and when the centre and right wing of the Americans gave way, he again covered the retreat. His loss was severe, among the killed was Major Keim, — but the weakened regiments replenished their number by numerous de- serters of the German subsidiary troops of the British army. — At Valley Forge he aided his friend. General von Steuben, to re- organize the demoralized army, and under his command he fought in 1780 in Virginia against the traitor Arnold, who pil- laged the country along the James river. When Arnold harassed Petersburg, Muehlenberg, with a few hundred Germans, de- iended the bridge leading to the city, and when forced to with- draw, he retreated in good order. In his report to Congress Governor Jefferson spoke with the highest admiration of this war-like deed. — In the final decisive combats at Yorktown Muehlenberg's brigade stormed and took the redoubt on the left wing of the British fortification and thus assisted to force the surrender. In this glorious affair Colonel Bowman lost his life. After the surrender of Yorktown, General Washington ap- pointed Muehlenberg military commander of Virginia, and on the conclusion of peace the Lutheran community at Woodstock invited General Muehlenberg to resume his pastorate. Mueh- lenberg declined and said : "It would not be proper to again graft the pastor on the soldier," — and he returned to his native State, Pennsylvania. He was elected to Congress and died on October 1st, 1807. At Trappe, near his father's old church, a tombstone bears the following inscription : 132 -^ "To the memory of General Peter Muehlenberg. Born Oct. 1st, 1746, and died Oct. 1st, 1807. He was brave in battle, wise in council, honorable in all his actions, a faithful friend and an honest man." The reward with which the National Government presented him, was rather scanty in consideration of his noble services. His father wrote on September 6th, 1785, with unmistakable bit- terness : "After the end of the war the S. T. government donated to him some thousand acres of land far off in the wilderness, which region is still in possession of the savage Indians and must either be purchased with money or taken by force of arms." General Gerhard von der Wieden — or Weedon, as Anglo- American historians call him, — is another example of patriotic devotion. He was a native of Hannover and had served as an oflEicer in the German army. He came to America with General Heinrich Bouquet and took part in the campaigns of the French and Indian war. After the treaty of peace was signed, von der Wieden settled at Fredericksburg, Va., where he married, took charge of the post ofl&ce and established an inn. He took great interest in the political events of the time and enthusiastically advocated the American cause. At the outbreak of the Kevolu- tion von der Wieden was captain in the Third Virginia Eegiment of Militia, and on February 13th, 1776, he was elected Lieu- tenant-Colonel, — on August 12th he received the appointment as Colonel of the reorganized First Virginia Eegiment in the Continental Army, and on February 21th, 1777, he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General. On account of disregard in promotion he afterwards resigned his charge, but upon the ur- gent request of General Muehlenberg he again accepted a briga- dier-generalship and finally commanded the Virginia militia at Gloucester Point during the siege of Yorktown. General von Steuben esteemed him as an experienced' and valiant officer, and the Englishman, Dr. J. T. D. Smith, who travelled in America and published an account of his travels at London in 1784, bears the following testimony of his patriotic sentiments: "When I reached Fredericksburg I did put up at an inn kept by one Wee- don, who is now a general in the American army and was zealous to fan the flame of insurrection," 133 General William Darke, already mentioned, was born at Lancaster, Pa., in 173G, and was but live years of age when he came to Virginia with his German parents, who settled near Shepherdstown. Here they were on the outermost bounds of ci- vilization, and amid this solitude young Darke grew up to man- hood. "Nature made him," — ■ says Virgil A. Lewis, — "a no- ble man ; he was endowed with an herculean frame ; his manners were rough, his mind strong but uncultivated, and his disposi- tion frank and fearless." — A spirit of daring and adventure in- duced him, when only aged nineteen, to join Braddock's army. During the War of Independence he rose to the rank of Lieu- tenant-Colonel, and in 1791 he commanded the Second Virginia Regiment. On the disastrous field on the banks of the St, Mary he evinced the utmost bravery. General St. Clair in his oflBcial report, written at Fort Washington on November 9th, 1791, says: "Colonel Darke was ordered to make a charge with a part of the second line, and to turn the left flank of the enemy. This was executed with great spirit and at first promised great success. The Indians instantly gave way and were driven back three or four hundred yards, but for want of a sufficient number of riile- men to pursue this advantage, they soon returned and the troops were obliged to give back in their turn." Colonel Darke's Vir- ginians made a second charge, not less gallantly performed, but with sad results^ and among the many killed was Captain Jo- seph Darke, the youngest son of the Colonel. Colonel Darke then returned to his home in Berkeley county, which he repre- sented in the General Assembly, and in acknowledgment of his military services he received the title of General. He died on the 30th day of November, 1801, and "Darkeville," in Berkeley county, and "Darke county," in Ohio, commemorate his name. General Adam Slejihan, Stephen or Steven, already spoken of in Chapter VII, entered the Continental Army at the beginning of the war with rank as Colonel of the Sixth Virginia Eegiment. On September 4th, 1776, he received a Brigadier-General's com- mission, and on February 13th, 1777, that of Major-General. He gained distinction in the battle of Brandywine, but his incli- nation to dissipation was his ruin. He was tried by a court- martial on the charge of intoxication at the battle of German- town, — and was found guilty and discharged from the army 134 in 1778. Nevertheless he enjoyed the respect of his country- men and in 1788 was elected to represent Berkeley county in the Convention. He died near Winchester in November 1791. Armand's Legion, that the Marquis de la Kouerie, with the consent of Congress, recruited in the summer of 1777 in America of men "who could not speak English," was origi- nally commanded by Baron von Ottendorf, a Saxon by birth, and consisted chiefly of German Virginians of Augusta, Eock- ingham, Monroe, Frederick, Loudon and Berkeley counties. To this corps the independent cavalry company of Captain Paul Schott was afterwards added. All officers and privates of this squadron were Germans. H. A. Eattermann^^^) gives the following names : Johann Paul Schott, Captain, — Chris- tian Manele and Georg Schaffner, Lieutenants, — Friedrich Liebe, Georg Duehn, and Georg Langhammer, Sergeants, — Friedrich Bergmann, David Breckle, and Johann Goedecke, Corporals, — and Johann Holzbrueck, Trumpeter. The his- tory of Captain Schott is one of the most pleasing pictures of that stormy time and the historian Eattermann relates it as . below : "In the early part of the year 1776, a young man of slender stature, fascinating manners and highly educated, ar- rived at New York to see America and to inform himself about the Eevolutionary War, already waged for three quar- ters of a year. English and Dutch letters of introduction to Governor Tryon represented him as Johann Paul Schott, First Lieutenant in the army of his Majesty Frederick II of Prus- sia and Adjutant of his Highness Prince Ferdinand of Bruns- wick, Lieutenant-General of the Prussian army. His soldierly manners and pleasing and correct conduct soon gained him the favor of the aristocratic circles to which he had been es- pecially recommended. He spoke English fluently with only a slight German accent. He had crossed the ocean in a Dutch ship from Eotterdam, which probably sailed to New York, that port being in possession of the Tories, and with more assurance of safety to reach than either Philadelphia or Bal- timore, not to speak of Boston, which was besieged at that 323.) "Der deutEche Pionier," Vol. VIII, Seite 67. Cincinnati, Oliio, 1876. 135 time by General Washington. Not desirous to stay at New York and watch only the British methods of war, he soon left for Philadelphia, being also provided with letters of in- troduction to several prominent American leaders. He was impressed by the deep concern which was exhibited by the patriots for their cause. He was so much inspired, that he resolved to draw his sword for American independence. See- ing that the colonists were much in need of arms, particu- larly cannon and ammunition, and possessed of a large sum of money, he determined to risk the hazardous enterprise to supply them with the requisites of war. During the sum- mer of 1776 he sailed to St. Eustache, a small island of the Lesser Antilles, owned by the Dutch, where goods and military stores were sold and blockade-runners fitted out. Herr Schott chartered a schooner, freighted it with arms and ammunition, which he purchased, and then steered for the Coast of Vir- ginia. At Hampton Koads he met the English fleet, which he deceived by raising the English flag and dressing his sail- ors like English marines. The British man-of-war allowed the schooner to pass unmolested, supposing it to be a transport ship of the fleet, — until it sailed beyond the line. Discovering their error, they signalled it to return, which was of course not obeyed, and then several volleys and finally a broadside were fired on the swiftly sailing vessel, but did it no harm. When Schott neared the land, the English uniforms, which he and his men had had no time to change, endangered their lives again. Although he had now raised the flag of the Colonies, several shots were fired from the American batteries, and by one of them the rigging of the schooner was torn. Hoisting a white flag, the Americans recognized them at last to be friends and amid cheers of welcome they landed at Norfolk. Schott sold his arms, etc., and upon his application to Congress he received a cap- tain's commission, with the order to report at once to General Washington at New York. At the time he arrived at New York depression and gloom weighed heavily upon the army. Lord Howe's army had been reinforced by nine thousand Hessians and Brunswick troops under General Heister, and had attacked and defeated the American troops on Long Island, under Putnam. Lord Howe's object now was to get possession of New York and 136 the Hudson — and he ordered the British fleet to sail up the North river to cut off the retreat of Washington's army to New Jersey. This was the situation on the 9th of September, when Capt. Schott reached camp. He found the commanding general at the battery, watching the English men-of-war. A powerful frigate first tried to go up the North river and General Washing- ton gave the order to open fire, — but at that time the British on Governor's Island began to shell the Americans, and with great effect. Especially one English cannon was well served and did much harm. Schott, who had no chance to approach Gen- eral Washington at this critical moment, observed an American cannon which was not served, and he quickly collected some sol- diers, had the gun loaded, sighted it himself, and soon silenced the troublesome piece of ordinance on Governor's Island. General Washington had observed his brave deed and at once placed Captain Schott in command of a battery. He was afterwards authorized to recruit a company of German dragoons, — as al- ready mentioned, — to appoint his officers and to use the Gor- man language in command. His squadron gained many laurels during the following years of the war. After the close of the war Captain Schott was made Judge of Luzerne county. Pa., and he died in 1829 at Philadelphia. The defeats at Brandywine and Germantown and the evacuation of Philadelphia proved very demoralizing to the American army. At Valley Forge, on the Schuylkill river, twenty-two miles from Philadelphia, General Washington and his sufTering men went into winter-quarters. They were en- camped in comfortless huts, half-clad, frequently in need of the plainest clothing, without shoes or blankets. Sickness prevailed, and many friends of the cause lost confidence in General Washington. While he was fighting against famine and perils. General Conway, Inspector-General of the army, and a cunning intriguer, formed a plot with the officers to raise General Gates to the chief command in his stead. Even the life of Washington was endangered, and upon the advice of his Secretary and Adjutant, Eeed, the son of German par- ents in New Jersey, — who replied to an offer made him by the British of wealth and titles for the future, if he would aid the royal cause: "I am not worth purchasing; but, such 137 as I am, the King of England is not rich enough to buy me,"— he authorized Major Bartholomaeus Ton Heer and Captain Ja- cob Meytinger to organize a mounted German body-guard un- der the name of "Independent Troop of Horse," and he en- trusted only this troop with the carrying of all orders from his head-quarters. Some German Virginians were among the mem- bers of this German-American body-guard, as: FriedrichFuchs, of Woodstock, Corporal Ignatz Effinger, Friedrich Trecius and Heinrich Frank. — At this dark hour of the Revolutionary War, the greatest German-American of his time : Baron Fried- rich Wilhelm von Sieuien, who in the Seven Years' War had served under Frederick the Great, of Prussia, came to America and tendered his sword to the National cause. He was ap- pointed to General Conway's office and soon made his skillful management apparent in evei-y department. General von Steu- ben introduced a strict discipline after the Prussian pattern and a uniform system of tactics. For some time, says AVash- ington Irving, there was nothing but drilling in the camp of Valley Forge, followed by evolutions of different kind. Officers and men were schooled. The troops were formed in line of parade, every officer in his place, and the Baron walked along the front examining every musket and controling that accoutre- ments and uniforms were in perfect order. In the start the Baron had to conipete with a dislike of the foreigner and the difficulties of the English language, but his kindness, justice and earnest care for the welfare of the soldiers soon gained him -general confidence and affection. General Washington ren- dered him all possible assistance. Milder weather, the recogni- tion of the Independence of the United Colonies by France on the 6th day of February, 1778, and the news, that a French fleet was on its way to help them in their struggle, — gladdened the hearts of all, and confidence returned. General von Steuben was born at Magdeburg and entered the Prussian army when but fourteen years of age. He distin- guished himself in the campaigns of Frederick the Great, and was promoted to the rank of Adjutant-Major. After the in- auguration of peace he left the Prussian service, declined a proposition to join the English army and sailed to America to offer his services to the patriots. After he received his commis' 13S sion as Inspector-General, and having reorganized the dis- heartened ai'my, he took active part in the battle of Monmouth on June 28tli, 1778. The British General, Matthews, making havoc on the James and Elizabeth rivers in the Old Dominion, burning trade- and war-ships, carrying off tobacco or whatever other booty he could make, von Steuben was appointed Com- manding General of Virginia, and here he gained the highest distinction. He had just commenced to recruit and organize a force, when in January, 178 J, the traitor Arnold with sixteen hundred men, and a number of armed ships, invaded Virginia. Steuben had only three hundred men to oppose him and he could not prevent that Arnold destroyed a large amount of property on both sides of the James river and occupied the city of liichmond without resistance. Meanwhile General Steuben had been reinforced by General Muehlenberg's Brigade and hastily gathered all attainable militia — altogether about four thousand men — and then he forced the British to retreat to Portsmouth. It was his cherished plan to capture Arnold and his entire force. General Washington approved of it and des- patched General Lafayette with twelve hundred Continentals to join Steuben. A French fleet was also sent to cut off Ar- nold's retreat by water, but it was engaged and worsted by an English squadron and returned to Ehode Island. General Philipps then reinforced Arnold with twenty-five hundred men and took command of the troops. He advanced towards Eich- mond, pillaging the country. Lafayette now arrived in Vir- ginia, but he could not prevent that Lord Cornwallis united with Arnold on the 20th of May, and then harassed the country by patroling out his light troops. General Wayne however came to the succor of Lafayette and they forced the English commander to fall back upon Yorktown, which he proceeded to fortify. The French fleet, with a large force under the Count de Grasse, arrived in the Chesapeake Bay, blocking the mouths of the York and James rivers. General Washington and Count Eochambeau, the French commander in the United States, concentrated the allied forces, amounting to sixteen thousand men, near Williamsburg, and on the night of the 6th of October General von Steuben commenced to draw his paral- lels around Yorktown. On the 11th of October he began the 139 second line of approach, which he very rapidly completed be- fore morning. General Washington had intrusted him with these important matters, knowing that he possessed more prac- tical experience in the tactics of siege, than any other officer of his army. Two redoubts, Nos. 9 'and 10, iu advance of the English main works, greatly annoyed the American line by their fire, — and being within storming distance. General "Washington resolved to have them silenced. The supposed best troops in the allied army were selected for the storming — and these were German and German- Virginian. The capture of Redoubt No. 10 was assigned to four hundred of Muehlen- berg's Light Infantry under command of "General Hamilton, — and on the French side Lieutenant-Colonel Prince Wilhelm von Zweibrticken, with four hundred grenadiers of the regiments "Eoyal Deuxponts" and "Gatenois," received orders to take No. 9. — Prof. John P. McGnire, of Eichmond, Va., on the 15th of January, 1897, iu a lecture delivered before the Asso- ciation for the Preservation of Virginia Antiqiiities, gave the following description of the attack : "It is the evening of the 14th. The parties move into position ; the Light Infantry, 'refreshed,' says a chronicler, 'with dinner and a nap.' Sud- denly six shells blaze forth from the lines, sounding the signal and giving direction to the chargers. Hamilton and his men advance at double quick, with bayonets on unloaded muskets, Ginat's battalion in front. Laurens is detached to swing around the redoubt and prevent the escape of the garrison. Half way to the work they take the charging step. Not waiting for the sappers, Hamilton in the lead, with his friend, Nicholas Fish. Through and over the obstructions rush the brave Continentals. Over the ditch they go, and scale the parapet. In nine minutes from the start the redoubt is taken. In the nine minutes they lost thirty-four men killed and wounded." — Colonel Bauman suffered heroic death — and General Muehlenberg was slightly wounded. — "Keeping time with Hamilton's advance," — Prof. McGuire continued, — "Deuxpont's men move silently out, but at one hundred and twenty paces from the redoubt they hear a Hessian sentinel shout, ' Wer da ? ' Instantly the enemy fire. At twenty-five paces from the fort strong abatis stop the French until the sappers clear the way. Then the chaseurs dash on 140 and mount the parapet. The Brit^h charge upon them. Denx- ponts orders his men to fire and counter-charge, and the works are theirs. It has cost tliem half an hour and ninety-two men." — Prince Wilhelm was among the wounded. These brilliant feats of arms excited General Washington's enthusiasm and he exclaimed : "The work is done, and well done," and in his journal he wrote : "Few cases have exhibited greater proof of intrepidity, coolness and firmness than were shown upon this occasion." Cornwallis, in an effort to escape by crossing the river, failed, and he seixt a white flag to ask terms of surrender. Gen- eral Stenben was at that time in command of the outline of the besieging armies, and while the negotiations dragged on. General Lafayette came with his division to relieve him, assert- ing also that the surrender of the English was to be made to him. Steuben remonstrated and maintained: that this demand was conflicting with the usage of war, and that the commander to whom the capitulation had been offered, was to remain in command until the terms of surrender had been accepted or re- fused, — and General Washlngtoii decided in his favor. Thus the British lowered their flag to General von Steuben. The whole remaining British force surrendered to the allies, — the land army to the Americans and the marine force to the French, and this glorions victory caused a cry of joy in every American heart. After the end of the war Steuben continued for three years as Inspector-General of the army, but he resigned in disgust on the 15th of April, 1784, when Congress did not appoint him to the position of Secretary of War, for which he had applied, giving as i-eason : fhat uncli an im]wrtant office could not le he- stowed on a foreigner. Such is the gratitude of nations ! Con- gress accepted the resignation of General von Steuben, ex- pressed him the thanks of the Nation for his great services and presented him Avith a sword with golden hilt and a pension of $2500 a year. The States of Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jer- sey and New York donated the great German- American with tracts of land. General Steuben passed the rest of his days in quietude at his country-seat near Utica, N. Y. — "It is difficult," says the 141 Anglo-American historian lieadly, "to value Steuben's merits to their full extent, but it is certain, that his arrival in our coun- try marks a period in our revolution. The discipline which he introduced did wonders at Monmouth and made veterans of the soldiers who stormed Stony Point, — the eyes of the Govern- ment and of the officers were now opened and the army under- went a total reorganization." — Prof. 0. Seidensticker writes of him : "Steuben's merits as the organisator of the army were of greater value for the revolutionary cause than a corps d'arm6e." ■ On November 28th, 1794, the German hero died. In Vir- ginia, where he achieved his greatest triumph as General and' military engineer, his memory is held sacred by his country- men. Ill some later chapter it will be reported how they have honored the great German soldier. ^ 2*) General Steuben, on his part, also remained a true friend of his countrymen. — He was president of the German Society of New York from Sep- tember 13th, 1785, until his death. ' 2^) Not only on the bloody fields of battle have the German Virginians verified their love of liberty and their devotion to the American cause. Dr. Schoepf, the famed traveller, for in- stance, relates ^'^''): "In Manchester I visited Mr. Jacob Rueb- saamen, a German, who had formei'ly been in the mining and smelting business in New Jersey, but who erected a powder- mill in Virginia at the beginning of the war, — the first one ever establislied in America. The mill was afterwards destroyed by the British troops." — The pious German Quakers, Tunkers and Mennonites, who refused to carry arms for religious rea- sons, served the cause of liberty and. independence in their un- ostentatious way. They raised provisions, and some historians state : that they hauled wagon -loads of grain to the camps for the starving soldiers. It was an act of injustice to doubt their sincerity. They were frequently treated very rudely. From 124 ) Compare .■ "The Life of Frederick Willielm yon Sleuben," by Friedricli Ka|ip. New York, 1869.— "Der deutsehe Pionier," Jahrgang I: "Der Arm Wasl.ington's" von Kara Giorg (Dr. G. Bruehl ) Cincinnati, 1859. 125.) "Das deutsehe Element in den Vereinigten Staaten," von Gustav Koetner, Seite 96. Cincinnati, 1880 — "Geschichte der Deutschen in New York," von Friedrioh Kapp, Seite 338. New York, 1868 12?) "Der SUden," dcutsch amerikanische Wochenschrift, Jahrgang I, No, 18, Seite 4. Richmond, Va , 1891, 142 Pennsylvania, where they suffered most, troops of them were brought to Virginia as prisoners and held in confinement near Staunton. During the whole time of the War of Independence only one case of enmity on part of the Germans in Virginia is known, — the Tories were mostly of English descent. In 1781, at the time when Lord Cornwallis invaded Virginia with a large army, John Claypole, a Scotchman by birth, and his two sons, who lived within the present limits of Hardy county, succeeded in drawing over to the British side a number of people domiciled on Lost river and the south branch of the Potomac, then in Hampshire, now in Hardy county. They refused to pay taxes and to furnish their quota of men to serve in the militia. Among them was John Brake, ^"■') an old German of consider- able wealth, who had a fine farm, mill and distillery about fif- teen miles above Moorefield, and also many fat hogs and cattle. "He loas an exception in his political course to his countrymen," says Kercheval, "as they were almost to a man true Whigs and friends to this country." His house was the place of rendevouz for the insurgents, who organized and made John Claypole their commander. The insurrection was soon suppressed and General Morgan took Brake prisoner and quartered his German sharpshooters at his house to live on the best that his farm, mill and distillery afforded. Three days later General Morgan returned to Winchester with his troops, and thus the Tory-in- surrection ended. The parties themselves were aroused to shame by their conduct and several volunteered and aided in the capture of Corn wal lis. Virgil A. Lewis ^^") characterizes the Germans of the Val- ley as follows : "The lower portion of the Valley was occupied by the sturdy yeomanry of Germany. No European nation contributed a better class of emigrants than these. Arriving first in Pennsylvania, they pressed onward in search of fertile lands. These they found in the Shenandoah Valley, and al- most the entire region of country where Harrisonburg now 127 ) "History of the Valley of Vii-finia," by S. Kerolieval. Woodstock, Va., 1850. 128.) "History of West Virginia," by Virgil A. Lewis, pp. 70 and 71 Piiiladelphia, 1889. 143 stands to Harper's Ferry was possessed by them before the be- ginning of the French and Indian war. During tlie struggle hundreds of them served with Washington and at its close the' bones of many of them lay bleaching on the disastrous field of Monongahela. When the Revolutionary W^ar came their sons were ready, and many of them filled the Virginia line in the strife for independence." — The importance of the German element in Virginia at the close of the eighteenth century is also demonstrated by the following historical fact : "On Decem- ber 23d, 1794, the House of Delegates of Virginia resolved to publish ill German the most important laws of the State — and in 1795 a translation by Gustav Friedrich Goetz was printed by Carl Cist in Philadelphia under the title: "Acten, welche in der General Assembly der Eepublik Virginien passirt worden sind." CHAPTER IX. German Allied Troops of England as Prisoners OF War in Virginia. /5)f T dawn of the 26th of December, 1776, General George ^1 Washington surprised and captured at Trenton, N. J., a Hessian detachment under Colonel Eahl, and most of these soldiers were taken to Virginia as prisoners of war. On their way there they were frequently threatened with violence by mobs, especially at Philadelphia, and upon General Washing- ton's suggestion the magistracy of this city issued a proclama- tion to quiet the people. This public notice stated : " One thousand Hessian prisoners reached our city yester- day, who were captured by His Excellency General Washington, in his successful expedition to New Jersej'. The General has instructed this council to provide them with suitable quarters, and it is his earnest wish, that they may be well treated in (irder to make during their captivity such experience, that the eyes of their countrymen serving in the Eoyal British army be opened. These unfortunate men deserve our sympathy. They entertain no enmity towards us, they did not come voluntarily, but have been hired out without their consent by their despotic princes to a foreign monarch, etc." This act of kindness of General Washington had good re- sults, although it was not approved by many fanatic Americans. Indeed, the longer the war lasted, the more the feeling of hate towards the Hessian hirelings increased, especially among the lower class of the English population. On October 17th, 1777, General Burgoyue surrendered on the plains of Saratoga, and the number of German prisoners of war was increased by seven thousand. General Mprgan escorted 145 a large detachment of them, Hessian and Brunswick troops, under General Friedrich Adolph von Riedesel, to Virginia: "A march of 650 miles," says von Eelking,^^'') " through a country full of hostile inhabitants, with no provision for health or com- fort!" The men were taken to Winchester, Staunton and Char- lottesville, and the officers to "Winchester and Charlottesville, and later on to Fredericksburg and Richmond. The German troops^^") that surrendered at Yorktown, Va., with Cornwallis, included the Crown Prince's regiment, two other Hessian regiments, and two from the Rhine. General Muehlenberg commanded the small escort, which accompanied the prisoners to their winter-quarters at Winchester, and later on part of them were sent to Frederick, Md., and Lancaster, Pa. The German Virginians were much grieved by the deplor- able part their captured countrymen were destined to take in the War of Independence, and the modern slave trade of German soldiers was most severely condemned by all intelligent people of Germany. Heroes of science^ ^ ^) like Kant, Arndt, Klopstock, Herder and Lessing, detested the unscrupulous dealings of some petty German princes and sympathized with America struggling for liberty. Mebuhr wrote in his, "Geschichte des Zeitalters der Revo- lution : " The more the subsidiary contracts were hated and cursed, the more sympathy was felt for America. The frame of mind was so much moved out of the natural line of direction, that the news of the capture of German troops by Washington in 1776, was received with general joy instead of regret." And never any act was more scornfully criticized than this sale of soldiers by the noble-hearted and ideal Friedrich von Schiller, the favorite Poet of all Germans. , In his tragedy : "Kabale undLiebe,"he stigmatized it in the following scene. ^^°) 129.) "The German Allied Troops," (Die deutschen Hilfstruppen im Nord-Amerika nischen Befreiiingskriege, Ton Max von Eelking,) translated by J. G. Rosengarten, page 147. Albany, N. Y., 1893. 130.) "The German Soldier in the Wars of the United States," by J. G. Rosengar- ten, p. 83. Philadelphia, 1890. 131) "Ueber den Soldatenhandel," von W. A. Fritzsoh, in: "Deutsch-amerik. Ma- gazin," Heft IV, pp. 689-693. Cincinnati, 18S9. 132.) "Kabale und Liebe," yon Friedrich von Schiller, 2. Act, 2. Scene. 146 An old chamberlain of the Dnke brings a jewelry box, and Lady Milford, the mistress of the prince, refuses with contempt to accept the diamonds, learning that they have been paid with gold received for soldiers. Chamberlain : " His serene highness sends his compliments and these diamonds just received from Venice." Lady (opening the casket with surjmse):. "Say, sir, how much has the Duke paid for the jewels?" Chamberlain (with a sad expression) : "They cost him noth- ing." Lady: "What? Are you crazy? Nothing? And why do you look at me so exasperated ? — These immensely valuable dia- monds cost him nothing ? " Chamberlain: "Yesterday 7,000 subjects left for America, they will pay for them !" Lady (laying the jewel box hastily aside): "Man, what ails you ? It seems you cry !" Chamberlain (wiping his tears): "Two sons of mine are among them !" Lady (grasping his hands): "But, they were not forced to go?" Chamberlain (laughing grimly): "0 Lord no ! They all volunteered ! There were a few saucy fellows who stepped to the front and asked the colonel, at what price our prince sells a team of men, — but our gracious sovereign ordered all the regi- ments to the parade ground, and had those fools executed. We heard the report of the rifles, we saw their brains spattered on the pavement, and the whole army shouted. Hurrah ! To Amer- ica Lady (dropping on her sofa in terror): "0, Lord ! And I heard nothing, had no knowledge of it !" Chamberlain : "Yes, my lady, why did you go bear-hunt- ing with our Duke, when the alarm was given ? You ought not have missed the sight, when the shrill clang of drums an- nounced that the time to part had come ; and crying orphans followed their yet living fathers,— a mother in despair tried to spear her baby to a bayonet,— bride and bridegroom were rudely 147 separated, and white-bearded men looked on in distraction, throwing their crntclies to the boys to taleared in 1819, of which a copy is in possession of Charles E. Loehr of Eichmond. The title of the book was: "The little ABC Book or first lessons for beginners, with beautiful pictures and their names arranged in alp>habetic order, to facilitate the spelling to children. — By Ambrosius Henkel, !N"ew-Mar- ket, Shenandoah county, Virginia ; printed in Solomon Hen- kel's pHnting office, 1819." — The poetry to each letter is written in a German dialect almost like "Pennsylvania Dutch;" it is not very fastidious in expression, but adapted to the perceptive faculty of children, as for instance: B. — Der Biber had im Damm sein Haus, Bald is er drinn', bald ist er draus ; Da wohnt er drinn', so wie er's baut. Oft man ihn fang't, nimmt ihm die Haut. G. — Der Geier friszt mit Ernst und iluth, Stinkt wohl das Fleisch doch schmeckts ihm gut, Er hackt mit Kopf und Fuess hinein, Und friszt es weg bis auf das Bein. K.^Die beste Milch die giebt die Kuh, Gieb nur den Kinderu Mosch dazu, Und auch ein gross Stueck Butterbrod, Sq stirbt dir keins an Hungersnoth. R. — Der Eabe riecht das Aas von fern, Er kommt und friszt das Luder gern, — Der Dramm schmeckt manchem auch so wohl, Dass er sich saufet toll und voll. The book closes with some morning and evenino- pray- ers, as: "Nun will ich in die Schule geh'n Und lernen wie ich soil, Wird mir der liebe Gott beysteh'n So lern ich alles wohl." 11 "Nnn dieser Tag ist wieder hiii, Die fins'tre Naclit bricht eiu, Dass ich noch an dem Lebeu bin Des soil ich dankbar sein."' In speaking of thevjirinting-establishment at New-Market, Eev. G. D. Bernheim saj's'"''): "The Lutheran Church in America has had its publication boards and societies in abundance, which doubtless accomplished a good work, hut the oldest establishment of the hind is the one in New-Market, Virgifiia, Avhich dates its existence as far back at least as 1810, for the minutes of the North Carolina Synod were printed there at that time: It was established by the Henkel family and has continued under their management to this day." One of the most j^rominent members of this illustrious family was Eev. Paulus Henkel, already mentioned. From a biographical sketch^ °°) we copy the following: "He was truly a man for the times ; vigorous in mind and body. He labored unceasinglj^, willingly and cheerfully, undergoing trials, hardships, and sacrifices for c/ood, and not for gaiii. " His parents Avere Jacob and Barbara Henkel, nee Teters. He was born December 15, 1754, in Rowan county. North Carolina, near the present city of Salisbury, where he resided until 1760. The Indians becoming troublesome, the family removed to Loudoun county, Virginia; thence to Maryland; thence to Hampshire county, A'irginia, where they remained not quite a year, having frequently to live in block-houses, for protection against- the Indians. Then they moved to Mill Creek, Hardy county, Virginia, where the father of Paul Henkel died and was buried. "At the age of about 22 Paul Henkel beginning to pre- pare for the ministry, placed himself under the instruction of Kev. Krug, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran church, 159.) "History of the Oerman Settlements and the Luthei-an Church in the Caro- Unas," by Key. 6. D. Bernheim, pp. 445 and 446. 160.) "Biographical Sketch of Rev. Paul Henkel," compiled by his great-grandson Ambrose L. Henkel, New-Market, Va., 1890. n at Fi-edericktown, Marylaiid. After becoming proficient in Ger- man, Latin and Greek, and other studies, he was examined and licensed to preach by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Pennsylvania and adjacent States, — the only Lutheran Synod at that time in America. lie located at New-Market, Virginia, and at once became an active, earnest, zealous min- ister, laboring in Shenandoah, Kockingham, Frederick, Madi- son, Culpepper, Pendleton, Botetourt, Wythe, and many other counties in Virginia. " On June Cth, 1792, he was solemnly set apart for the office of pastor in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the ordination being performed by Kev. .John Frederick Schmidt. He labored at New-Market for a while, and then located at Staunton, Virginia, where he remained three years, when he returned to New-Market, Virginia. In 1800, he felt it to be his duty to accept a call to his native home in Eowan county. North Carolina, in which and adjoining counties he successfully labored. ■'In 1805, owing to the malarious condition of the countrj-, he returned to New-Market, Virginia, and became an inde- pendent missionary. He did not desire wealth or fame, but strove to do good. He made tours on horse-back and " gig " through Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, North and South Carolina, preaching and organizing congregations, catechising and confirming the , young, and giving words of comfort and cheer to all. He underwent sore trials and se- vere privations without faltering. He kept a faithful diary of all his labors, which to us, ■ at the present day, seem al- most incredible. He often endured hunger, thirst, fatigue, and loss of rest, excessive heat and cold — every hardship and discomfiture incident to sparsely settled sections and dan- gerous frontier life. •'When the war of 1812 came, he went to Point Pleasant, Mason county, Virginia, where he organized several congre- gations. 'iln 1809 he published a work on ' Christian Baptism and the Lord's Supper,'— 'Ueber die christliche Taufe und das 13 Abendmahl,' iu German and aftei'wards in the English. He published a 'German Hyipn-book' in 1810, then in 1816 an- other ' Hymn-book ' in English, containing 476 hymns, many being of his own composition. In 1814 he published a German Catechism : ' Der christliche Catechismus, verfasst znm Unterricht der Jugend in der Erkeuntniss der christ- lichen Religion ; sammt Morgen- und Abend-Gebaete.' A second edition appeared in 1816, and soon after an 'English Cate- chism.' "He was never idle, and thongh arduously engaged in traveling, preaching, catechising, and admonishing iu private and public, he found time to write many books and letters. One of his books in rhyme : ' Gereimter Zeitvertreib,' (Pas- time,) was a strong rebuke to fanaticism, superstition, cor- rrf^tion, and folly. It was full of sarcasm and created much friendly and unfriendly criticism. He was a man of indomi- table energy in Church work, and his liberality was almost in excess of his means in such labors and works of charity. It is said, that more thfin a century ago he helped to fell the trees and build a 'log church' at New-Market, Virginia, his equally energetic wife cooking in an open field, in wash kettles, for the hardy men who came ' to the hewing and log-raising;' — and that he made a trip with a one-horse cart to Philadelphia, three-hundred miles distant, for glass and a bell, which some friends in that city gave him for the church. "His first sermon was preached in Pendleton county, Vir- ginia, in 1781, and his last one in New-Market, Virginia, Oct. 9th, 1825, a month prior to his death— having been actively engaged in the ministry for 44 years." Jn the year 1807 the first German newspaper in Vir- ginia : " Der Virginische VolhslericUer und Nm-MarTceter Woclienschrift."— edited by Ambrosius Henkel,- and printed and published by Solomon Henkel, appeared. For the head of the paper Rev. Henkel ihad prepared a wood-cut repre- senting a mounted postilion sounding his bugle-horn, with the devise : " Ich bring das Neu's ! So gut ich's weiss ! "^ 14 This iiewsijaper was however discontiimed after the lapse of a few years, not finding the necessary support. . Sclwol-matters had been in a deplorable condilion since the foundation of the colony. It was not until 1779,"*') one hundred and seventy-two years after the settlement of James- town, that a bill providing for Public Education was intro- duced in the Assembly. It was framed by Thomas Jeffer- son, but it failed to pass, and not until 1797 did the main features of the bill become law. It was left to the option of the counties to enforce the act or not, and the number of the schools established is not given in any document. A second school-law was passed in 1818, but Gov. McDowell, in his message to the Legislature, Jan. 1843, said of the whole School-System, inaugurated under this law, " that af^er having existed for thirty years it gave only sixty days of tuition to one- half the 'indigent' children of the State as its grand result, and that it was therefore little more than a costly and delusive nullity, wJiich ought to be abolished, and another and better system adopted in its place." The census of 1840 states, that 58,787 white inhabitants of Virginia, over twenty-one years of age, — that is one-twelfth of the total white population of the State, could neither read nor write. However the Germans had their parochial schools since the time of Gov. Spotswood. In Kichmond a Swiss or German established in the beginning of the century a large school, named after him: " Haller's Academy."'"") It was an extensive establishment and located in a large and homely block of buildings on Carey street, near the head of the basin. Haller is represented as an adventurer of little learn- ing, but he had judgment enough to enable him to select good teachers. In 1825 the University of Virginia, at Charlottesville, which had been planned by Thomas Jefferson, and still re- tains the cosmopolitan and liberal character which he gave to it, was organized. It deserves special mention, that from 161.) "Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1876," p. 399. Washington, 1878. 162.) '-Richmond in By-gone Days," p. 203, published by George M. West Rich- mond, Va., 1S56. 16 the very beginning tlie course of study embraced German language and literature. The first German professor on this State-institution was Qeorg Blaettermann,^'^-') a native of Germany and a graduate of the University of Goettingen. At the time of his appointment he was. professor of Philo- logy at Oxford, England,— and he occupied his professorial chair at Charlottesville until 1840. He was the first teacTier in America to introduce "comparative German-English in- struction." Professor Dr. M. D. Learned, of the University of Penn- sylvania, and formerly of Baltimore, Md., in his lecture delivered before the National German- American Teachers' Association at Cincinnati, 0., on July 8th, ]898, bestowed the following brilliant testimonial on the German immi- grants^"'') : "The importance of the early German influence in America is still unappreciated by the Anglo-American writers of American history, the best accounts of it having been written either in the German language and thus made practically inaccessible to the Anglo-American public — and r blush to say it, to some of our most heralded Anglo- American historians — or if written in English, having been published more as spepial or local history, without being considered in its vital relations to the life of the American republic." The same impartial scholastic also stated : " The first epoch of German influence in America was followed, after the ]S"apoleonic wars, by a new and vastly more signifi- cant period which has witnessed the revolution of American thought and education by the touch of German culture. The German influence this time came through three different channels: (1) through the Anglo-American students who from 1815 on finished their studies at German universities ; (2) through the indirect influence of German philosophy, science, and letters by way of England ; and (3) through Germans who brought the new stimulus direct after 1825. From the American students in Germany we received the 163.) "Das deutsche Element in den Ver. Staaten," p. 40S, by Gustav Kurner. Cin- cinnati, 1880. 164.) "ErzieliungsBlatter," 28. Jalirgang, Heft 12, Seite 3 und 4. Milwauiec, Wise, 1898. 16 new impulse in, American education The turn of tlie first quarter of the present century brought a new o-eneration of Germans to American shores. Germans this o time not only from the shop and fields, but Germans of thought and heroism^ graduates from the universities, etc." Among tlie German-Virginian clergy Rev. Louis Fred- erick Eichelberger^'''''') ^vas a prominent literary man. He was born iu Frederick county Md., on the 25th of August 1803. At an early age he was placed in the school of Eev. Dr. Schaeffer at Frederick. Subsequently he was sent to George- town, D. C, where he attended the classical school of Dr. Carnahan, who afterward gained distinction as President of Princeton College. From Georgetown, Mr. Eichelberger went to Dickinson College, at Carlisle, Pa., where he graduated in 1826. From college he removed to the newly organized Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, and while a student Mr. Eichelberger was invited to become the pastor of the Luth- eran church at Winchester, Va. In 1849 he was elected professor of Theology in the seminary at Lexington, S. C; the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred on him by Princeton College, — and resigning his professorship in 1858, he immediately returned to Winchester, Va., warmly welcomed by many ardent friends. In addition to his labors as teacher and preacher. Dr. Eichelberger was the editor and proprietor of a weekly paper, " The Virginian," at Winchester. He also edited and published from 1833-35 a monthly peri- odical known as " The Evangelical Lutheran Preacher and Pastoral Messenger," which presented sermons and occa- sional articles on doctrinal and practical subjects by leading ministers of tlie Lutheran Church. Drs. Schaeffer, Miller, Hazelius, Baugher, Strobe!, Endress and the editor were among the principal writers. His great work was "The His- tory of the Lutheran Church," which however was never pub- lished. The author of this history regrets not to have been able to examine this valuable manuscript which is in posses- sion of the library of the Lutheran College at Salem, Koanoke county. It covers seven hundred lai-ge and closely written 165.) "Some Items of I.uUieran Church Hiitory." t)y Rav. J. B. Buslinell. Roa- noke, Vii. lY pages. While negotiating for the publication of his favorite work, Mr. Eichelberger died. Although all his publications are in English, they are inspired by a genuine German spirit. Rev. Samuel Simon Sclimucher, at New-Market, Va., Avrote several theological works : " Kurz gefasste Geschichte der christlichen Kirche auf Grundlage der Busch'schen Werke," "Portraiture of Lutheranism," and "The American Lutheran Church, Historically, Doctrinally and Practically delineated." The son of this learned minister, Samuel Mosheim Schmucker, or "Smucker," as he styled his name, was not less productive. He wrote biographical and historical works. His most im- portant composition: "History of the American Civil War," remained unfinished on account of his death in 1863. Dr. Charles Porterfield Krautli,^''''^) the most distinguished American advocate of the Lutheran faith, translated the "Augsburger Confession," and was the author of an impor- tant treatise conti-asting the Eomish and Evangelical Mass. He also wrote some religious articles in German. Heiarldv Boehm, in ISOD, a journeying preacher of the Methodist Church, and previously a preacher of the "United Brethren in Christ," came to the Valley and preached the new dogma in German. His grandfather was a German- Swiss; his father, Martin Boehm, who Avas Bishop of the United Brethren, travelled with him. They presented the remarkable aspect of advocates of two different creeds, and yet lived in perfect harmony. The Germans of the Valley were much attracted by both of them ; the United Brethren accepted much of the Methodist doctrine and may therefore properly be called " German Methodists." Church statistics of Virginia, ^ '* ') dated 1870, enumerate 38 organizations with 7450 United Brethren, and say: "The population is of German origin where the German Reformed, Lutheran and United Brethren are found." It has been stated that the Germans in Virginia did not 166.) "Virginia," a History of the People, by Jolin Esten Cooli, p. 4B4. Boston, 1884. 167.) "Virginia, a Geographical and Political Summary," p. 197; by the Board of Immigration. Richmond, Va., 1876. 18 take a very active piivt iu State politics, and yet several Ger- man immigrants and descendants of same occupied very prom- inent positions in the Union, the State and the Army during the first decades of this centnry. One of the most distinguished German- Virginians was B. William Wirth. His father immigrated from Switzerland to Maryland, and his mother was a native of Wnertemberg. He gained a high reputation as a lawyer and statesman, and in 1819 was appointed by President Monroe Attorney-General of the United States. lie retained this important office for twelve years, to the end of the presidential term of John Q.uincy Adams. Wirth had also a reputation . as an author. In 1803 he wrote, " Letters of the British Sf)y " for the " Virginia Argus," published in Eichmoud. Thefee letters created quite a sensa- tion, but the author remained unknown for a long time. He criticized, in a satirical manner, Virginian social life and the customs and eccentricities of the people. These letters fur- nished much to interest and amuse the public, and much en- larged the subscription lists of the "Argus ;" but when the author became knov/n, he earned the hatred of many of his neighbors. — Wirth's " Sketches of the Life of Patrick Henry," merit great credit as one of the most popular biographies in American literature. In the beginning of the fourth decade he published a series of letters of political and social character in the "Alte und neue AVelt,"' printed at Philadelphia, under the pseudonym of ''Kahldorf." ■ These letters were dated from Florida^ where Mr. AVirth organized a German colony that af- terwards declined. The following ludicrous anecdote is re- lated by Kennedy in his "Life of Wirth." It happened in 1803, when ]\Ir. AVirth was awaiting Colonel Gamble's sanction to his marriage with ]\Iiss Gamble. " Colonel Gamble luid occasion on a summer morning to visit his future son-in-law's office. It unluckily happened that Wirth had the night before brought some young friends there, and they had had a merry time of it, which so beguiled the hours that even now, at sunrise, they had not separated. The Colonel opened the door, little expecting to find any company there at that hour. His eyes fell on the strangest group ! There stood Wirth ivith the poker in his right hand, the sheet-iron blower on his left arm, which was thrust through the handle ; on his; head was a tin wash-basin, and as to the rest of his dress, — it was hot weather and the hero of this grotesque scene, had dispensed with as much of his trappings as comfort might re- quire, substituting for them a light wrapper, that greatly aided the theatrical effect. There he stood, in this whimsical capari- son, reciting with great gesticulation Falstaff's onset on the thieves, his back to the door. The opening of it attracted the attention of all. We may imagine the queer look of the anxious probationer as Colonel Gamble, with grave and mannerly si- lence, bowed and withdrew, closing the door behind him with- out the exchange of a word." Another memorable personage was Albert Gallatin, who came to Vii-ginia in 1779. He was born in Geneva, (Genf) Switzerland, and was a pupil of the celebrated Johannes von Mueller. The Elector of Hessia, who was a schoolmate of Gal- latin, offered him a position in his cabinet, which he "declined to accept. He came to Kichmond, a young man, entrusted with the recovery of some claims, and although he could with diffi- culty express himself in English, his talents were very soon dis- covered by Patrick Henry and others. He boarded in the house of Mrs. Allegre, to whose daugliter he became attached, and he asked the mother to sanction liis addresses. The old Virginian lady was quite wroth at his presumption and, seizing a spit, threatened to transfix and baste him if he dare aspire to her daughter's hand. Finally she relented, the marriage took place and the old lady lived to see her son-in-law highly hon- ored. It is said that Mr. Gallatin consulted Mr. Marshall, af- terwards Chief -Justice, about studying law, but was advised to give his attention to statesmanship and finance. The result proved his correct estimate of Mr. Gallatin's talents. In 1780 he joined the Continental Army, and after the war he accepted the professorship of modern languages at Harvard University. In the year 1793 he was elected a member of the F. S. Senate; appointed ISOI, under JefEerson and Madison, U. S. Secretary of 20 Treasury; uegotiiited 1813 at Gent with Qiiiucy Adams the peace with England; was ambassador to France and England from 1815 to 1823, and retired to private life in 1826. He pub- lished, "Memoir on the North-Eastern Boundary," New York, 1843, and "Synopsis of the Indian Tribes in North America." With Thomas Jefferson he vigorously opposed the "Federals," who aimed to give to the Republic a constitution after the British pattern and even inclined to change the confederacy of States to a constitutional monarchy. In the critical period of 1812 he framed the laws of taxation. He died August 12th, 1849, at Astoria, N. Y. The Counties Gallatin in Kentucky and Illinois commemo- rate his name, and various townshijDS and cities in New York, Mississippi, Tennessee and Missouri are named after him. In the presidential election of 1824 a caucus was held and Mr. Gallatin nominated for Vice-President of the United States, — an honor which never again has been bestowed on a foreign- born citizen. But Mr. Gallatin withdrew. ^''^) During his stay at Richmond, Va., he occupied a residence on a square between Leigh and 01a}% and Seventh and Eighth streets. Death ended, his distinguished career in New York city. It is fairly probable that Chief-Justice John Marshall was of German descent, and that his name was originally spelled with "sch" instead of simply "sh." The fact that Mr. Mar- shall was born in the Gernian settlement of Germantown, in Fauquier county, on the 24th of September, 1755, and that Dr. Louis Marschall,^"") the first physician of Frankfort, Ky., and father of Humphrey Marshall, who anglicized his German name, came from Germantown, Va., too, speaks in favor of this con- jecture. He was a general of the Colonial Army and the friend and biographer of George Washington. He married Miss Mary Willis Ambler, daughter of the Treasurer Jaquelin Ambler, in the year 1783, and he died in 1835. His residence 108.) "The North American Review," Vol. 131, No. 6, p. 406. 169.) "Compare Vol. I of this History, p. 159, 31 stiU stiinds in Eiclimond, oii the street iiiimed in his honor, between Eighth and Ninth streets. Judge Marshall was a man of great merit, of unpretentious manner and true re- publican simplicity. Daniel Sheffcy of Staunton, Augusta county, was the son of Gei-nian parents. He represented Virginia in Congress from 1809-17. Other Clerman- Virginian menabers of Congress were John Kerr of Kichmond, 1813-17, and Isaac Leffler from the Shenandoah A'alley from 1 827-30. i"°) The biography of Daniel Sheffey is given by Andreas Simon"') as follows: ''Daniel Sheffeij was b)orn in the year 1770, in Frederick, Md. His father, a German shoemaker, introduced his son into the secrets of his trade, but he did not care to give him a good school-education. Daniel However was desirous of learning and used his leisure time to study astronomy and mathematics, for which he possessed a particular fancy. "When he was of age he wandered up the Valley to Augusta county, and from there to Ablesville, Wythe county, where he received employment as shoemaker. His originality and wittiness soon attracted general attention, and finally he quitted his trade and studied law with lawyer Alexander Smyth. When admitted to the bar, and having proved his talent in several -complicated law suits, he removed to Staun- ton, Va. There he was very successful. Mr. John Randolph, the well known statesman, once opposed him before court, and satirically remarked : ' A shoemaker better remain at his bench,' whereupon Sheffey answered : 'Of course if you had been a shoemaker you would still be one.' Although Sheffey spoke the English language with a strikingly Tferman accent, he was elected in 1805 to the Senate of Virginia, 1809 to Congress and again in 1823 to the Legislature of Virginia. He died at Staunton in 1830.". In 1812, during the second war of the Kepublic with Great Britain, 3fajor George Armistaedt defended the harbor 170.) "Virgioia and Viiginians," by Dr. E. A. Brock. Richmond, Va., 1856. 171.) "Lord Fairfax in Virgipien," von A, Simon in "Der Westen," June 12tli, 1692. Cliicago, Ills. 22 of Baltimore ag-jiiust the fleet under Admiral Cockburn. lie was born April 10th, 1780, at JSTew-Market, Va., where his ancestors had immigrated from Hesseu-Darmstadt. Five of his brothers served in the army during the war of 1812; three with the regulars and two with the militia. In 1813 George Armistaedt was promoted to Major of the 3rd Ai-tillery Eeg- iment. He distinguished himself at the cajoture of Fort George at the mouth of the Kiagara river, and after his brilliant defence of Fort Henry near Baltimore he was raised to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Walter Keith Armistead, a brother of the aforenamed, was born in 1785 and died in 1845 at Upperville, A'a. He, like his brother, was a brave soldier. From 1808 — 1811 he dis- tinguished himself as engineer and superintendent of the fortifications of ISTorfolk, Va., and was appointed Brigadier- General. The Armistead family is held among the most prominent in the old mother State. The mother of President .John Tyler belonged to it. She was a daughter of Eobert Armi- stead, whose grandfather had immigrated from Hessen- Darmstadt. From a petition of Mrs. Letitia Tyler Semple, addressed to Hon. George G. West, IT. S. Senator of Missouri, and dated Lonisenheim, Wiishington, D. C.,- April 20th, 1897, we learn the interesting fact: that the Armstiidt or Armi- stead were relatives of four Presidents of the United States. Mrs. Semple, the daughter of President Tyler and during his term "first lady of the land," writes: ".James Monroe, William Henry ITan-ison, -John Tyler and Benjamin Harri- son are cousins, being I'elated with the Armisteada and Tylers of \lrglnia." In 1794 .Joseph Puffner, a member ■ of the before men- tioned Puffner family and a Shenandoah farmer, bought the Dickinson survey of Kanawha. He made no haste to visit his purchase, relates Dr. W. II. Puffner,' ■^=) but the next year, riding among the mountains in search of iron-ore, he 172.) "Historical Tapers," Xo. 6, 1893, pp. 17-21. Washington and I,ee University, Lexington , Va. "^ saw a salt spring. When he had considered the fatness of those river bottoms, along which he had ridden for thirty- six miles ; when he looked at that clear, placid " river of the woods," alive with red-horse, white perch, buffalo and blue cats, something whispered, " It is good to be here." Joseph Kuffner bought the salt spring and a large tract of bottom laud including the site of the present city of Charleston. He used the old fort for a residence and dying in 1803 he left the Dickinson survey, as it is commonly called, to his sons David and Joseph, who soon went to drilling in the rock to get a larger supply of salt watej. Joseph, Jr., became discouraged and sold out to his brother David, whilst he went down the Ohio and began to farm on land which, in time, he sold out in town lots to ac- commodate the incoming population of the towii of Cin- cinnati. David remained on the Kanawha and went on dis- closing the vast treasures in coal and salt — or with his " churning in the ground," as his incredulous neighbors jeeringly called his operations. Jleanwhile, however, he kept his farm a-going. He invented many devices for boring wells that continue to be approved. In November 1808 he struck a good supply of brine at forty-four feet from the surface, and erected a large furnace, by means of which he promptly reduced the price of salt from live dollars a bushel to two dollars. When David died, Eev. Stuart llob- inson, his pastor, wrote: "Colonel Euffner was one of our first settlers; and by general acknowledgment has been our most useful citizen." He represented Kanawha in the Vir- ginia Legislature in 1799, 1801 and 1803, 1804 and 1811. The Kanawha saltworks and the first coal mines, the chief industries of this district, were established by this euergetic German -Virginian. Col. Ruffner died Feb. 1st, 1843. Gen. Lewis liuffuer, the grandson of David Kuffner, occupied a high and enviable position as a business and public man. He was the first child born in what is now the capital of West Alrginia, (Oct. 1st, 1797.) He .received an excellent college education and then returned to KanaAvha and taught school one year. In 1830 he commenced the jnanufacture of salt, built a furnace adapted to the use of 24 coal for fuel, and in 1823 he took possession of the prop- erty and salt business of his father Henry Kuffner. In 1825 he was ' elected to the Legislature of Virginia, and was re-elected in 1826, and again in 1828, and during the same year he was appointed Justice of the Peace. Higii praise is due to other German- Virginians for their meritorious labours in various directions. In ISOQ^''*) a number of gentlemen, interested in Agriculture, residing in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, organ- ized the " Columbian Agricultural Society." As the germ of a national organization, embracing different States, and as the initiative of agricultural exhibitions, this society's operations are entitled to an honorable record, and were heartily endorsed by German farmers. At the second ex- hibition of the Society, held at Georgetown, eighteen pre- miums were offered for the best agricultural products and domestic manufactured goods, and to the German exhib- itors William Steinberger of Shenandoah county, Va., and George M. Conradt of Frederickstown, Maryland, five pre- miums were awarded. The cattle exhibited by Mr. Stein- berger attracted general notice, especially an extraordinary steer raised by liim. This animal was believed to be the largest ever raised in Mrginia. The steer was killed the next day at the slaughter-house of Mi. Krouse and weighed near two thoujsand pounds net beef. In the year 1800 the population of Kichmond was 5,300 white and colored inhabitants, and there were ten or twelve physicians. Dr. Leipcr was esteemed as one of the favorite doctors. In his office W. 11. Harrison, afterwards President of the Ignited States, began the study of medicine. Contemporaries of Dr. Leiper were doctors Warner (Werner ?) and Wijman (Wieinanii ? ) -whose names indicate their Ger- man origin. W. F. Asf, a Prussian by birth, established the first mutual Assurance Company against fire in Vir- ginia ; but in succession very extensive fires occurred in ^Torfolk, Eichmond, Petersburg and Fredericksburg and the 173.) From an editorial article in tlie "^Agricultural Museum," 18C9, and tlie "U. S, Agricultural Report" o* 1866. '^5 first paid quota of premium was exhausted in a few years. When a second one was required, payment was refused in many cases and fiually the company dissolved. Joseph Darmstadt, a Hessian, who came to this country as a sutler of the allied troops of Great Britain, established a business for country produce in Richmond. " He was a shrewd man," says the Chronicler, i''-') "and as the Valley beyond the Blue Kidge was settled by Germans, his knowledge of the language enabled him to attract the custom of the farmers, who drove their wagons to Richmond, laden with the products of the dairy, the mill, forest and the chase. The social disposition of Mr. Darmstadt brought him into society, even the best. His own entertainments were given daily. Almost all our citizens, in those days, went early to market to furnish their larders, and Mr. D. would have a large coifee pot before his fire-place, of the contents of which, prepared by himself, many of his friends, judges, lawyers, doctors and merchants, partook, whenever they were so inclined, particularly on wet and cold mornings; and here the chit-chat of the day was first heard and much news was circulated from this social house." Another enterprising merchant of tliat time was Joseph Marx. The tobacco and tanners' trades were mostly in German hands, and so were the conqiaratively small number of inns throughout the State. The Chronicler of Rich- mond'^'''') describes the primitive mode of transporting tobacco to market at the end of the last and the beginning of this cen- tury as follows : " The cask containing it was actually rolled to market on its own periphery, through mud and stream. A long wooden spike, driven into the centre of each end, and pro- jecting a few inches beyond it, served for an axletree ; a split sajiling was fitted to it for shafts and extended in rear of the cask ;. they were there connected by a hickory withe ; a few slabs were nailed to these, in front of the cask, forming a sort of foot board, or box, in which were stowed a middling or two of bacon, a bag of meal, a frying pan, a hoe, an axe, and a blanket 174.) "Richmond in By gone Days," pp. HO and 111. Richmond, Va., 1856. 176.) "Richmond in By-gone Days," pp. 270—272. Richmond, Va., 1856. 2C for the bipeds ; the whole covered to some height witli fodder for the quadrupeds. If the distance to market was moderate, the hogshead was rolled on its hoops, which were stout and numerous ; but if fifty to a hundred miles oi; more were to be overcome, rough felloes were spiked on at each end, or quarter of the cask, and these rude tires served to protect it from being worn through. The tobacco roller, as the dj'ivei, (often the owner) was called, sought no roof for shelter during his jour- ney, sometimes of a week's duration and severe toil ; but at nightfall he kindled a fire in the woods by the road side, baked a hoe cake, fried some bacon, fed -his team, (I omitted to men- tion the bag of corn,) rolled his blanket around him and slept by the fire under the lee of his cask. When he reached the warehouse, his tobacco was inspected, a note or receipt express- ing the weight, etc., was handed to him, and he then sallied forth into the streets in search of a purchaser; calling out' as he entered a store, ' Mister, do you buy tobacco.' "When he had found the right ' Mister,' and obtained his money and a few articles to carry to his ' old woman,' he strapped the blanket on one of his horses and rode home. These men generally trav- elled in small parties, and if the weather and roads were good, had a merry time of it ; if bad, they assisted each other when obstacles occurred. The journey from beyond Eoanoke, the only section of the State where German farmers cultivated tobacco, consumed ten days going and returning. Tobacco rollers are now an extinct species." In the year 1788 "The Amicable Society'' was formed in Eichmond, with the benevolent object of relieving strangers and wayfarers in distress, for whom the law makes no provision. The list of members contains many German names, as: Wm. Schermer, J. Kemp, Joseph Darmstadt, J. Kerr, A. Leiper, Samuel Myers, Jos. Marx, S. Jacob, 13. Brand, W. Bibber, G. H. Backus, W. W. Ilenning, J. Bosher and D. W. AValthall. At the beginning of the century a place called the "Kock Landing," near the mouth of Sliockoe creek at Richmond, was the resort for oyster boats and small crafts. On the occasion of a severe ice-freshet a great deposit of drift-wood, soil and sand formed a small island iu James river. "A Uerman^''") named WidetuiU procured a land warrant and located it on this new formed land, and to secure it against becoming a floating island, he drove stakes all around his slippery domain and wattled them so that future freshets might add further de- posits ; and thus 'Widewilt's Island' became a possession of some value as a fishery and sand-mart. The island remained above water longer than its owner did above ground; a similar accident to that which formed the island recurred and destroyed the work of its predecessor." — 1'he courageous work of the German fisherman calls forth admiration and has surrounded his name with romance.^'''') In the year 1S04 a German hunter Bernard Wier dis- covered in the magnesian limestone region of Augusta county, on the land of his countryman Aymand,''''*) the beautiful cave known as "Wier's Cave." Immigration in the farming districts of the Btate had almost ceased, as has been mentioned, within the first decades of the nineteenth century. Only the country around Alex- andria made an exception, as the farmers of that section found a ready sale for their farm products in the adjoining city of Washington. The farmers directed their attention mainly to fruit culture, market gardening and dairy farming. Dr. Julius Dienelt, of Alexandria, informed the author "that in the period of 1830-^0 quite a number of Germans settled iu the immediate vicinity of Alexandria, naming: Hartbauer, Hohenstein, Grillbortzer, Dietz, Petshold and others, and their descendants still own the' land of their fathers, which has much increased in value." » The most convincing evidence of the importance, streugth and propagation of the older German element in Virginia is furnished by the large number of German names in the lists of members of the "General Asseniblv of ■ Virginia." From 176) "Richmond in Bygone Days," pp. 19 and 20. Richmond, Va., 1856. 177.) "Widewilt's versunliene Insei," Gediclit von H. Scliunclit. "Der Silden," Vol. I, No. 10. Richmond, Va., 1891. 178.) "Virginia Almanac for 1816," Johnson & Warner. Richmond, Va, the "Journals of the Hoiiso of Delegates and of the Heuute '' the autlior obtained the following German names, not taking into consideration many doubtful ones like : Adam, Arnold, Baker, Christian, Cook, Fox, Friend, Hunter, Jlarshall, ilartin, Xew, Thomas, Smith, Young, etc. 1777-1780: Starke, A. Hite, (Hampshire); W. Fleming, S. Hart, (Eockingham) ; Isaac Zane, (Slienandoah) ; S. Helm, George Skillering, (Botetourt); ^\'. Driukard, Th. Hite, (Berkeley-). 1781-1783: Eucker, John Skinker, (King George): H. Fr}', (Culjaepper); Ch. Simms, (Fairfax); Thomas Helm, Francis Worman, Ebenezer Zane, (Ohio) ; J. Marks, J. Fry, (Albe- marle) ; Th. Coleman, (Halifax). ' 178J-1786: W. Armistead, ("Sew Kent); J. Keed (Pendle- ton) ; William Gerrard, (Stafford) ; J. Cropper, Wm. Gerrard, (Fayette) ; A. Hines, A. Stephan, ( Berketey) ; G-. Stubblefield, (Spotsylvania); John Marr, 11. Gregory, Gustavus Brown. 1787-1788 : J. Turner, John Stringer, J). Fisher, B. Tem- ple, (King William) ; John Broadhead, Joseph Sweariiiger, J. Trotter, Th. Kemp, (Princess Ann). 1790-1794: A. W^iggoner, (Berkeley); Th. Edgar, Isaac Parsons, G. Stump, W. Nilms, A. D. On; Richard Hickman, (Clarke) ; Jacob Froman, (Mercer). 1795-1798: George Buckner, (Caroline); Th. Starke, (Han- over); Wm. Buckner, (Mathe) ; John'Koontz, (Eockingham). 1805-1816: Daniel Sheffey, (Augusta) ; Noah Zane, (Ohio) ; Gorman Baker, (Cumberland) ; AVm. Starke, (Hanover) ; T. W. Sweai'inger, (Jefferson); Dr. Jos. De Graffenriedt, (Lunenburg). 1823-;1S28: L. T. Date, (Orange); George May, (Bath); F. G. L. Buhring, (Cabell); Jos. Ilolleman, (Isle of Wight); George Eust, (Loudoun) ;. James Fisher, (Lunenburg) ; E. P. Fletcher, (Eockingham); Col. .Tohn Thorn, (Fau(piier); Join Perringer, (Alleghany); Samuel Herdman, (Brooke); George Stillmau, (Fluvanna); Ed. Sangeter, (Fairfax); Wm. Finks, (Madison); Dr. .John Stanger, (White) ; John F. Mav, (Peters- burg). CHAPTER XII. Revival of German Immigration and Life to iS6o. 'N the fourth decade of the nineteenth century the German element of Virginia, particularly of Eichmond, several country towns and the present State of West Virginia, received large additions of German immigrants. They came by way of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and New Orleans. Eepresenting nearly all of the German States, yet they principally came from Hessia and Saxony — particularly from the city of Marburg in Hessia. Mr. JSTolting, a merchant whose descendants still live in Eichmond, imported by sailing vessel direct from Bremen to Bockets, now Fulton, Va., a large num- ber of German laborers and artisans, who were employed in building the James river or Kanawha canal. Numerous Ger- man Hebrews settled in the various county seats of Virginia, where they established stores. Mr. Julius Straus, the present president of the Beth Ahaba congregation, reported on Nov. 6, 1898, in a brief sketch of the Jews of Eichmond : ' ■^°) "In the years 1837, 1838 and 1830 there arrived in this city from Bavaria several families which had been accustomed to the German mode of worship. In these years the Congre- gation Beth Shalome was the only Synagogue in Eichmond, and the history of this congregation is, to some extent, the history of the Hebrews in Eichmond. A minute-book, which perished in the flames of evacuation day, together with other valuable papers belonging to the synagogue, dated back to the year 1791, which is generally accepted as the date of organiza- 179.) "The Richmond Dispatch," November 6th, 1898, p. 3, 30 tioii of tliici congregation following the Portuguese form, whicli was strange to the German immigrants. About the year 1840 some twenty German families were organized into a society for religious purposes, and held services at the residence of Mr. ]\Iyer Angle. Then more German settlers arrived in the city, and a synagogue was built on Marshall, near Sixth street, and in 18 J 8 the present synagogue, Beth Ahaba,^on Eleventh street, near Marshall, was dedicated." jNlr. .Jacob Ezekiel, who has written a very interesting pamphlet, entitled "The Jews of Richmond," says: "The first place of worship of the Beth Shalome congregation was a room in a three-story brick building on the west side of Nineteenth, between Franklin and Grace streets, in which one of the members resided. The next place of worship) was a small brick building, erected on the west side of Nineteenth street, in the rear of what was known as the Union Hotel, on the southwest corner of Main and Nineteenth streets. "After some years a lot of ground was purcliased from Dr. Adams, on the east side of Mayo, above Franklin street, on which a commodious synagogue was erected, in which the congregation worshipped for upwards of three quarters of a century. On account of the decrease of membership by death and removal from the city this synagogue was recently sold to another congregation, the K. K. Sir Moses Montefiore, and the remnant of the congregation of Beth Shalome have worshipped since then in Lee Camp Hall, on Broad street, near Seventh, and in 1898 this oldest Jewish congregation united with the congregation of Beth Ahaba. "The reading desk of this once flourishing Beth Shalome congregatioh has been filled from time to time by prominent Hazanim, who afterward occupied honorable positions in the most prominent congregations in the United States, among whom were the following Revs, with German names: Isaac H. Judah, Abraham H. Cohen, Isaac Leeser, Solomon Jacobs, .Julius Eckman, Henry S. Jacobs, George Jacobs." The history of BetE Ahaba will follow further on. Senator Wm. Lovenstein of lliclimond, in liis Euglisli 'b^ oration at the "German Day," 1890^""), mentioued the names of several Germans, who came to Eichmond in 1835 and 1836, who are to be considered as pioneers of the later large immigration : B. Briel, C. Liewer, J. Knauf, J. Brauer, V. Hechler, Gottfr. Noelting, J. Rebman, Havermare, Mrs. P. Fahr, Georg- Leutz, Mrs. G. Lentz, Mrs. H. A. Philips, Mrs. Kohl- hansen, P. Kepler, P. Schafer, C. Weber, H. Kracke, Joseph JMyers, Mrs. Joseph Myers, G. Wilhelm, A. Bodecker, Scherer, George Schoenberger, J. Doerfiinger, Pitz, W. Ewerts, W. Mil- ler, F. Wittemaier, Beck, 0. A. Strecker, Stein, Krnesmau, John Maybus, William Meuzing, Myer Angle,. Moses Waterman and Isaac Solomon. Richmond, the capital of the State, now became the nucleus of German life in Virginia. Here the celebrations of German national events took place. The first public festival or " Yolksfest," was celebrated in 1840, in honor of Guitenherg ^^^). It is to be deplored that no description of this festive event is left. On the 14th and 15th of September, 1857, a grand celebration in honor of General von Steuben: Das Steubenfest, was arranged. The entire affair was a triumph and every feature of it a success. The leaders in this festival, 0. A. Strecker, Oswald Heinrjch, Jul. Fischer, Weilbacher, Louis Rueger, Honneger, Marxhausen, Diacont, Meier, Morgenstern, Lehmann, Sturm, Schad, Harrold, and B. liassel, hoped^''^), that it^ would demonstrate to their countrymen tlie strength of the German element and impart to them more national self- confidence, while on the other hand the Anglo-American fellow- citizens would better learn to understand and to respect Ger- man customs; and these expectations were realized. The Ger- man Rifle Company, Saengerbund, Krankenverein, Schiller- Loge, Theaterverein, Turnverein and citizens belonging to none of these organizations assembled about noon on the 14th Sep- 180.) "The Richmond Dispatch," p. 2, Oclober 7ih, 1890. 181.) "Das deutsche Element in den Ver. Staaten," Seite 404, von GiastaT KUrner. Cincinnati, 1880. * 182.) "Virginisohe Zeitang," Sonntagsblatt des Anzelgers. Hichmond, Va,, Septem- ber 14th, 1890. 32 temljer, 1852, in tlie Capitol Square, on the north side of the Capitol, formed in procession and rnarched to Bellville Place. There the formal ceremonies : prayer, speeches, -music and singing, the unveiling of Gen. Steuben's bust, moulded by Mr. Hubert, were followed by social gaiety and games for children arranged l)y the ladies. The best order prevailed. Uswakl Julius Heinrich delivered the German oration, which was highly enjoyed and applauded. We quote in his own words and language from his brilliant speech the fol- lowing remarks: "Hat nicht der Fleiss der Deutschen, wenn nicht in ho- lierem Maasse, doch sicher zu gleichen Theilen, die Gauen des neuen Vaterlandes in bliihende Auen verwandelt ? 1st nicht das Verdienst der Deutschen um Kunst, Literatur uud allgemeine Kenntnisse von alien Denen anerkaunt, welchen Ijeschriinkter Nationalstolz eiu fi-eies ITrtheil nicht verkiim- mert? Kiimpften nicht zu alien Zeiten und in alien Lan- dern die Deutschen fiir die Sache der Freiheit und Unab-' hilugigkeit, fur Wahrheit und Licht? Und zeigen auch einige schwarze Blatter der Geschichte, dass vereiuzelte Schaaren sich verleiten liessen, aus gemeiner Gewinnsucht sich zu Geg- nern derselben zu machen, gingen sie nicht friiher oder spii- ter, von ihrem Unrecht (Iberzeugt, in den rechten Pfad zu- riick ? Und mannen sich nicht noch jetzt die Deutschen um die ilatternde Fahne derjenigen Partei, welche die Grundsiitze der Viiter der Kepublik zu den ihrigen macht und, die Frei- heit und Gleichheit Aller gegen frechc Uebergriffe und Mo- nopole zu schiitzen sucht ?" u. s. w. Heinrich was born on the 2d April, ]8;i8, at Dresden, Saxony, studied ai'chitecture and mining at the academies of Dresden and Freiberg, Saxony^ "^). Having participated iu the revolution at Dresden in May, 1849, he was prosecuted and obliged to leave the land. In 1850 he came to -America and worked as mason, carjjcuter, painter, teacher and engineer in Tennessee, South and Nortli Carolina. In 1855 he moved 183.) Correspondence of the late Mr. Benno Heinrich (the brother of 0. Heinrich.) Richmond, Va, 33 to Eichmond, Va., and established himself as architect and teacher of mathematics and drawing. During the civil war Heinrich held a position in the Confederate mining office. Afterwards he was superintendent of the Lead AVorks at Aus- tinville, Va., and still later of the Midlothian Coal Mines in Chesterfield county, Va. In 1878 he finally succeeded in ob- taining an office fully complying to his Avishes and eminent talents. Messrs. Cox Brothers' Co., proprietors of the coal mines at Drifton, Pa., invited him to organize a mining acade- my, and he remained the principal of it until February 4th, 1886, the day of his death. His corpse was cremated at New York and his ashes interred at Hollywood cemetery, Eichmond, Va. A similar success like the " Steuben Fest " was the '• Sch'il- Icrfeier," on November 10th, 1859. The entire German popu- lation of the city participated in honoring the favorite poet of all Germans : Friedrich von Schiller, at the 100th anniversary of his birthday. In order to make this celebration an impres- sive demonstration against the detestable "Knownothing move- ment " prevailing at the time, Schiller's centennial festival was celebrated in a glorious style. The liberal era in Germany and Austi'ia, from 1848 to 1850, had ended in revolutions and the victory of .reaction. Many political fugitives emigrated to the United States, and the Ee- public received during that period a most desirable influx of emigrants from Germany. The refugees Avere men of high education and noble character; they had sacrificed their homes and positions in life for the nnity and liberty of their beloved Fatherland; and such elements were well rpialitied to give a new impulse to German life in America, and to successfully advocate not to give up the mother language and the accom- plishments and good habits of the native land. Virginia received her share of this valuable immigration, although the greater number stayed in the cities of the East or went to the " Far West." There were, unfortunately, atnong these refugees a num- ber of enthusiasts, who cherished the idea to germanize Amer- ica, or to establish at least a German State in the Fnion. The 34 number of these fanatics was very small, but their foolish agitation was the cause of great evil to the entire German element. Almost all German-Mrgiuiaus were ojpiDosed to the movement, but the leaders of it selected the city of Wheeling, situated in the extreme north of Virginia before the division of the State, as the seat of a " Congress of German Revolu- tionists" to meet in September, 1852, and the Anglo-Americans attached to this convention more importance than it merited. Only sixteen delegates of nominally 1112 Revolutionary Associa- tions (Revolutionsvereiue) attended the so-called Congress ; and most of them came from Eastern States. The participants were^*^*): Dr. Conradin Homburg, of Indianapolis, Ind., for- merly practicing medicine at Fredericksburg, \-a., jDresident; E. ' Schlaeger, of Boston, Mass., secretary ; Leonard Roos, of Newark, N. J., R. Fischer, of Wheeling, Va., 0. Strobel, Wheeling, Va., L. ileyer, Boston Masr., I. N. AVinkle, Wheeling, \a., AV. Roth- acker, of London, A. Gcrwig, Cincinnati, 0., J. Mueller, Cleve- land, 0., E. Goepp, Philadelphia, Pa., W. Rosenthal, Philadelphia, Pa., Lorenz Kirchner, Troy, IST. Y., G. Baczko, Albany, N. Y., J. Roth, Pittsburg, Pa., and C. Hoffmann, Pittsburg, Pa. These eccentric persons traced out a program for the foundation of an '•Universal Republic" (Arelt-Republik). They proposed to organize an Alliance of the Nations of the New and the Old World, (einen Voelkerbuud der neuen und alten Welt), and to accomplish " the annexation of Europe to America." The Ger- man-American newspapers treated the resolutions of the Wheel- ing Congress with ridicule and contempt, but the Auglo- Aniericau press pretended to see in the proceedings of the convention an insolent interference Avith the political affairs of this country. Thus the " Wheeling Congress " offered to the so called " natives" the welcome opportunity to false repre- sentations of the patriotic sentiment of the "' foreigners," and particularly of the Germans. Another organization, 'Ulie Free German Society, (Freic Gemeinde), at Richmond," excited about 1850 suspicion and severe critique. The principles of radicals frightened the slaveholders and church-goers, although they include economic social and political questions which in our days have in part been realized or grown to importance. 181.) "Der aeutsche Pionier," 8. Jahigang, Seite 86, Cincinnati, Oliio. 35 Louis r. Heimighausen, in his interesting " I'ersoual liemi- nisceuces of the Political Life of the German-Americans in Bal- timore during the decade of 1850-1860," reports "^^): The Free German Society in Eichmond, Va., demanded: ], Uni- versal suifrage ; 2, The election of all officers by the people ; 3, The abolition of the Presidency; 4, The abolition of the Senates, so that all Legislatures shall consist of one branch only; 5, The right of the people to recall their representatives at their pleasure ; 6, The right of the people to change the Constitution Avheu they like ; 7, All law-suits to be conducted without expense ; 8, A department of the Government to be set up for the purpose of protecting immigration ; 9, A reduced term for immigrants to acquire citizenship. — Reform in tlie Foreign Relations of the Government : 1, Abolition of all neu- trality ; 2, Litervention in favor of every people struggling for liberty. — Reform in ivliat relates to religion: 1, A more per- fect development of the principle of personal freedom and liberty of conscience ; consequently, (a) abolition of laws for the observance of the Sabbath ; (b) abolition of prayers in Congress; (c) abolition of oath upon the Bible; (d) repeal of laws enacting a religious test before taking an office. 2, Tax- ation of church property; 3, A prohibition of incorporations of all church iDroperty in the name of ecclesiastics. — Reform in Social Conditions: 1, Abolition of all land monopoly; 2, Ad valorum taxation of property ; 3, Amelioration of the con- dition of the working class, (a) by lessening the time of work to eight hours for grown persons and to five hours for children ; (b) by incorporation of Alechanics' Associations and Protective Societies; (c) by granting a preference to mechanics before all other creditors; (d) by establisliing, at public expense, an asylum for superannuated mechanics without means. 4, Edu- cation of poor children by the State ; 5, Taking possession of railroads by the State ; 0, The promotion of education, (a) by the introduction of free schools, with the power of enforcing parents to send their children to school, and prohibition of all clerical influence; (b) liy instruction in the German lan- guage; (c) by establishing a German University. 7, The 1?5 ) Eleventh and Twelfih Annual Reports ot the Society for the History of the' Germans in Maryland," 1897-1898, pp. 6 and 6 ; and "Political Text Book iind Clopa- dia," by W. W. Oesky, pp. 220, etc. Philadelphia, 1860. 36 supporting of the slave emancipation exertions of Cassias il. Clay by Congressional laws ; 8, Abolition of the Christian system of punishment and introduction of the humane ameli- oration system ; 9, Abolition of capital punishment. The " Freie Gemeinde '' was however only an ephemeral organization; its membership was only twenty-two, and it was looked upon by the majority of the Germans of Eichmond with almost hostile sentiments. The participation in such a society Avas full of dangers in a slave State, and in spite of its insig- nificance it gave the nativists sustenance for their animosity. The recollection of this association has almost died out and it Avas only possible after manifold query to obtain some reliable information about it from the contemporaries of its time ^^'') still living in Richmond. It was about 1850 when a certain Mr. Steinmetz came to Eichmond and made energetic efforts to organize a "Freie Gemeinde." He was assisted by brewer Eichter, of the Chim- borazo Brewery, Mr. Kempe, Mr. A. Rick, two Mess. Teupel Mr. Steinlein, &c. Several meetings were held at Monticello Hotel, where Steinmetz addressed the members on the princi- ples of Free-thinkers. A great deal of animosity was aroused, particularly among their coubtrymen, by the hoisting of a "red flag" over the meeting house, and this demonstration brought down on them the appellation of " Die Eothen," i. e., " the ]\eds." In the early part of 1851 Steinmetz was advised to shake the dust of the city off his feet if he did not desire to be subjected to complications peculiarly disagreeably to himself, and he heeded the advice. With his disappearance the whole movement was wrecked. Since the introduction of slavery the pro-slaverymen in Mrgiuia had looked upon the Germans with hidden suspicion and antipathy, and iiow their animosity was shared by a very great portion of the entire English element, which made itself observable by paltry but inimical actions. 136.) Reminiscences fuvnislied by Messrs. Louis Ruejer, B. Hassel, C. R. M. and C. Wendlioger. 37 The success of the Germans in agricnltural, industrial and commercial pursuits, and their love of the old Fatherland demonstrated by their great public festivals at Eichmond, increased the ill-Avill of the Anglo-Virginians. The political, religious and social institutions of the United States, as : gen- eral and free elections, freedom of speech, printing, worship of God, public instruction, equal rights before court and in politi- cal and social competition, all these very fundamental jwincijjles of republican Ufe were at that period in Virginia not carried out to the letter. The so-called natives knew very well that their German fellow-citizens, although silently and patiently suffering, fully recognized the state of oppression and that they longed to exercise their constitutional rights without restraint or fear of evil consequences to themselves. Some intimidated writers have glorified the good relations claimed by them to have existed between the Anglo- and German-Virginians at that period, but the historian has to tell the truth and not to gild dark clouds, and he must acknowledge that the Germans were politi- cally and socially slighted. From 1854 — 56 the spiteful "know- nothing movement" prevailed, and the so-called "natives" threw olf the mask and openly showed their animosity for the "foreigners." At fii-st the Germans continued to silently bear all abuse and threat — some of them even forgot their self- respect and joined their enemies — and it was therefore the good luck of the oppressed that from among the Anglo-Alr- ginians an eloquent and ardent defender pleaded their cause. Henry A. Wise, afterwards Governor of the State and General in the Confederate army, in an open letter and many speeches during the memorable Electoral campaign of 1854, defended the rights of the abused foreigners and foiled the knownoth- ing movement. At that time Governor Wise erected to him- self a monument in the hearts of all German- Virginians that can never wither, and he in truth made the relations Miueen the English and the Germans in Virginia more harmonious and leneficial, although the rivalry between the two nationalities continued for some time, as may be illustrated by the fol- lowing incident: On July 26th, 1856, the following appeal was published in the Eichmonder Anzeiger: 38 AWAKE GERMANS! The City Coiincil, elected to protect the welfare and rights of the citiiiens, having resolved, on the 21st inst., to pay to each uniformed military company an annual allowance of 50 dol- l;i,i-s_l3ut upon motion of Mr. Gretter : with the exception of the German Kifle Company— all German citizens of Richmond and all who have taken their intention papers, are hereby in- vited to attend, on Monday next, July 28th, at eight o'clock, P. M., A GENERAL MASH-MEETING at the St. Johannes Churcli, on Fifth street, to discuss the following questions: 1. Is the City Council justified to ignore the rights of citizens and to expend the public funds with partiality? 2. Is the City Council entitled to tax the German citi- zens at equal rates as other citizens, without granting them equal privileges ? 3. Is the City Council authorized to grant Gei'man citi- zens and taxpayers fewer benet:ts of public funds than citizens of other nationality ? 4. And is fhe action of the City Council of the 21st inst. not to be termed an act of impudence and insult to the Ger- man Rifle Company, and also an offence against the Constitu- tion of the country, and an outrage to the whole German popu- lation of the State of Virginia ? Every German who values the rights of citizens and Ger- man honor is expected to attend the meeting! Several Citizens." The author of this appeal was Mr. C. R. M. Pohle, and about 200 Germans attended the meeting in the German church. Mr. B. Ilassel called the assembly to order and was appointed chairman, while Mr. J. Eeinhardt was chosen sec- retary. Messrs. Pohle, Gronwald, Rev. Hoyer, Rick and others criticized the action of the City Council in the strongest terms, aud hlamed it to la partial and to 'provoTce discord and hatred among the citizens. Finally resolutions were adopted and after- wards published in the leading English city papers: the " Enquirer," " Examiner "' and " Dispatch," which neither lacked plainness nor energy ; but the expected result did not 39 follow. The Citj Council justified its action by a most de- plorable incident that happened at a target shooting on a picnic place called the "Hermitage." Although the shooting was arranged by the German Eifles, this military company had nothing to do with the occurrence. A young German butcher, who was no member of the company, had indulged in too much spirits and become quarrelsome. He insulted and attacked a corporal of the Kifle Company, who finally shot and wounded his offender fatally, so that he died in the hospital during the night. The corporal disappeared and was never heard of again; all German citizens of Eichmond lamented the sad event, but no one considered the Company in any way responsible. The City Council took a contrary view. However, the German Eifle Company kept up its organi- zation without the aid of public money, and at a later time, when the Civil War broke out and the Governor called on the citizens to defend the State, the members of the ill-treated company shouldered their rifles and took the field under the command of Capt. Florence Miller. G. R. M. Polile, who was the chief arravger of the above described mass-meeting, is a man of German sentiment and of ideal disposition. He was born on April 17th, 1821, at Delitsch, Prussia. He came to America in 1844, and lived in New York until 1849. At New York he accepted an en- gagement as actor in Palm's Opera House, a German theatre under the management of Mr. Schwan, and he gained the esteem of the public^^''). In 1849 until 1852 he was a musi- cian of the U. S. Navy Band, and afterwards he removed to Eichmond, Va., where he received the appointment of Pro- Sector of the anatomical department of the Eichmond Medical College. AVith a particular liking he filled the position of Drum-Major of the First Virginia Militia Eegiment, and ac- companied it in the war^^**). Pohle also tried himself as author. He wrote two dramas: "Der Blitz" and "Maria, Oder Leidenschaf t und Liebe," and also many German poems, published in 1855 by B. Hassell, Eichmond, Va. These pub- is/.) ''New- York Staatszeitung," August 13th, 1848. 188.) "War History of the old First Virginia Infantry Regiment," by Charles T, Loehr, Bidimond, Va,, 1884, 40 lications were mucli criticized as being deficient in form and sometimes objectionable in expression, but they are not without poetical merit and full of devotional German patriotism. Mr. Pohle was for years solicitor of the "Virginia Staats Gazette;" he died an inmate of the Soldiers' Home at Eichmond. German newspapers, published in Eichmond, have been already repeatedly mentioned, and now their history shall be supplemented. In the year 1853 B. Hassel, a native of Cassel, Hessia, a compositor by occupation, founded the " Eichmond Anzeiger." Many years Mr. Hassel had to compete with serious difficulties to keep up his paper ; at times he combined the functions of editor, compositor, printer and distributor, and to the present time his wife and children have faithfully assisted him in his toilsome work. The perseverance of Mr. Hassel deserves great credit, and the "Anzeiger" has to-day the honor to be the second oldest of all the existing Eichmond newspapers. . About the year 1858 Eev. Hoyer, pastor of the German Evangelical St. Johannes church, published the " Beobachter," a German weekly. The paper was well edited, but insuffi- ciently supported, and existed but a short time. In the beginning of 1859 Hermann Schuricht, the author of this history, came to Eichmond and started with Henry Schott, born in Marburg, in Hessia, the daily " Virginische Zeitung" and a comic Sunday paper, "Die Wespe." These publications were favorably received by the public, but unfor- tunately the Civil War broke out soon after and injured the enterprise. In January, 1860, the proprietors accepted the proposition of the owners of the "Eichmond Enquirer" to consolidate the "Virginische Zeitung" with their widely cir- culated paper. Henry Schott remained in charge of the Ger- man printing department and H. Schuricht continued as German editor. The "Enquirer" appeared hereafter until the war opened in April, 1860, its outer pages printed in German and the inner in English, edited by 0. Jennings Wise, son of Governor Wise, and Col. N. Tyler. Editor Schu- 41 richt had stipulated, however, that he should not be obliged to write in favor of slaverj', and that all contributiona of the English editors to the German jiart of the pajDer were to be signed by them. After the close of the war Mr. Ilassel under- took to publish the "Virginische Zeitung" as Sunday edition of the " Anzeiger," and it is so continued to the present day. Several German-Virginians were contributors to these Ger- man Eichmond newspapers, like : G. A. Peple, whose biograph- ical sketch follows in chapter 13, and who for some time, towards the close of the war, edited the " Richmond Anzeiger." Hugo Plant furnished the "Virginische Zeitung" with pretty poems. He was a native of Hessia and kept a trimmiug store on Main street. At the beginning of the Civil War he joined the Wise Legion, was afterward a manufacturer in New York city, and died in 1895. Wilhelm H. Lotz, born at Marburg, in Hessia, contributed .several articles on technical questions- to the "Virginische Zeitung." He died in 1894 at Chicago. The "Virginische Staatszeitung " was published at Wheel- ing, before the separation of West Virginia. A modest German citizen of Eichmond also deserves men- tion, having joined in the intellectual endeavors of that period and who may, by comparison, properly be called : " the Hans Sachs of Virginia." — Gottfried Lange, born March 20th, 1809, at Erfurt, Prussia, was like the " Meistersinger of Nuremberg," a shoemaker and a poet. He came to Eichmond in 1837 and worked for some time as a common laborer on the James river •canal. After saving some money, he established himself as shoemaker, also pruned vines and finally opened a wine and beer saloon. Lange took great interest in public affairs, and in 1841 he prompted the organization of the "Deutsche Kran- kengesellschaft zu Eichmond," which, in his presence, cele- brated its fiftieth anniversary on Oct. 19th, 1891. A song that Lange had composed at the time of the founding of the society, wa,s printed and distributed at the festival. He also participated in the organization of the St. Johannes church and was esteemed by all who knew him. He died in 1893. 42 Among the ijliysicians of Richmond Dr. M. Rust took a prominent place, and several of his medical publications were highly commended. Karl Minnigerodc, doctor of theology and rector of the Bt. Paul Episcopal church, was another Germai much esteemed in Anglo- and German-American circles^**"). lie was born August 6th, 1814, at Arensberg, in AVestphalia, and studied jurisprudence at the university of Giesen. He then became an active member of the German "Burschenschaft" and took part in politics and the distribution of revolutionary publications. After several years of imprisonment he determined to emigrate, and on Dec. 1st, 1839, he came to America. He first went to Philadelphia as teacher of ancient languages and soon at- tracted the attention of Anglo-American scientific men. At that time he took part with enthusiasm in the cultural endeavors of his countrymen and at the " Guttenberg Cele- bration" at Philadelphia he was the German orator. In 1842 he followed a call to the professorship of classical literature on "William and Mary College," at Williamsburg, Va., and from that time forward the former German revolutionist adopted the cause of the Virginian slave-holders. In 1844 he joined the Episcopal church, which from the beginning of the colony had aimed to rule and to suppress all other creeds, and in 1848 he exchanged the professorship with the pulpit. His estrangement from his countrymen became more and more apparent, although occasionally, when requested, he performed nuptial and other ceremonies in German. His countrymen regretted that a man of such antecedent, emi- nent talent and knowledge disregarded them, when by his^ influence he might have assisted the German element to develop its importance and merit. During the War of Seces- sion Rev. Miiinigerode was the friend and confessor of Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States, and after the cap- ture and imprisonment of Mr. Davis at Fortress Monroe, Rev. Minnigerodc obtained permission to visit the fallen statesman and to afford him his ecclesiastical consolation. Rev. Minni- 189.) Compare "Das deutsclie Element In don Ver. Staateii," von G. Koerner. Cin- cinnati, Ohio, 1880. 43 gerode has been severely blamed by uortliern writers on account of this action, but it honors him not to have deserted his friend iu the hour of need. In tlie presence of an officer and the guard he repeatedly administered the sacrament to the ex- president in his prison. Some religious publications in Eng- lish originated from Dr. Minnigerode's pen. Dr. Minnigerode died in 1894. In 1844 another German scholar Maximilian Scheie de Vere was appointed Professor of modern languages and literature at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. After the death of Professor George Blaettermann, before mentioned, Dr. Med. Karl Kreiitzer, a native of Saxony, had occupied the professorship, and he v.'as succeeded by Dr. Max. Scheie de Vere. The "Richmond Times" of June 14th, 1894, says in an editorial: "His career has been one of singular honor to himself and the institution with which his name is linked, and his services of learning, especially in the science of com- parative philology, have been of very high order." lie was born in 1820 in Pommerania. Maximilian Scheie de Vere received an excellent college education ; subsequently he visited the universities of Bonn and Berlin, and thanks to his commanding talents and favorable social position, he was very early a "Eegierungs-Eeferendar " in the Prussian civil service and an attache to the embassy at St. Petersburg. The sudden death of his father deprived the family of his large official income, and as the above two offices were "unpaid," he was compelled to abandon the career so hopefully begun. In 1842, at the age of twenty-two, he emigrated to the United States, and at once engaged in literary pursuits. He edited for some time "Die alte und neue Welt," published in Phila- delphia. In 1843 he took an active part in the foundation of the "Deutsche Einwanderungs-Gesellschaft zu Philadel- phia," and following an invitation of Dr. R. Wesselhoeft, he removed to Boston, where he established himself a teacher of modern languages and literature. His labors were noticed with approval and he soon secured the friendship of several learned men of influence. In the summer of 1844 Scheie de Vere travelled through the States of the Union to extend his knowledge of the country and its people, and upon his return 44 to Boston was handed a call to he professor of modern lan- guages at the University of A'irginia, which he accepted. During the AVar of Secession Prof. Scheie de Vere served for some time as an officer in the Confederate Army, and was afterwards appointed Commissioner to the various German States by the Confederate Government. Peace re-established, Profes- sor Scheie de Verc re-occupied his place at the University, and in 1894 he celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his affiliation to the University of Virginia. At this occasion the German- American Society of Virginia, at Richmond, conferred on him, as a mark of esteem, the honorary membership of the society. The professor was known as a productive author. The " Deutsche Pionier '" and " Paittermann's Deutsch-Amerik. Ma- gazin" of 1886 contain many valuable contributions written by him, and in 1891 Prof. Scheie de Vere was one of the con- tributors of "Der Sueden," published in Richmond. Of his numerous English writings must be mentioned : Comparative Philology, Studies in English, Americanism, Leaves from the Book of Nature, The ]Myths of the Rhine, illustrated by Dor£> (edition de luxe, Scribner's Sons), Leaves from the Book of Nature, republished by Blackwood, London, The Romance of American Histor}^, Modern Magic, Problematic Characters, From Night to Light, The Hohensteins, (the last three pub- lications are translations from Spielhagen), Wonders of the Deep, The Great Empress, Glimpses of Europe in 1848, etc. He also published several articles in the "Southern Literary Messen- ger," " Scribner's Magazine " and " Harper's Monthly." Professor Scheie de A^ere was the recipient of acknowledg- ments by German and American scientific corporations. The University of Greifswald bestowed on him the degree of doctor of philosophy, and that of Berlin that of doctor of jurisprudence. He was also tendered several honorable positions by highly renowned academies, but he declined all for reason of his attachment to Mrginia. He died in 1897 at Washington. During the middle of this century the German language was more and more supplanted by the English, particularly iu all the country towns and villages. This is especially true 45 ♦ of the German parishes. Besides at Richmond, only in the Lutheran churches at Charlottesville, Va., Wheeling and Mar- tinsburg, "VV. Va., and in a few communities of Dunkards in Botetourt and Rappahannock counties, preaching in German was continued. Rev. Socrates Henlcel, since 1850 in charge of the Evan- gelical Lutheran church at ISTew -Market, Va., in his " Histoiy of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Tennessee,"^"") names the following Virginian Lutheran churches of German origin, omitting however some Ave have mentioned in Volume I, chapters 5 and 6, that did not belong to the Tennessee Synod : Shenandoah cottm^y.— Emmanuel, New-Market; Mt. Zion, Solomon's ; St. Mary's, (Pine) Powder Springs ; St. Paul's, St. Jacob's; Zion, St. Matthew's, St. Stephen's, St. David's, Mt. Cal- vary, Morning Star, Orkney Springs. Rochingham county. — Bithany, (St. Jacob's), McGaheys- ville ; Trinity, St. Peter's, Rader ; St. John's, Bethel ; Phanuels, Philipps. Augusta county. — Bethlehem, St. Paul's ; Keinadt's or Koi- ner's, 12 miles from Staunton; St. John's, Waynesboro. Madison county. — Mt. Nebo. Prince William county. — Bethel. Page county. — St. Paul's, St. William's, (Fairview) ; Grace, Mt. Calvary, Morning Star, St. Mark's, Cedar Point, Hawksbill, Luray, Alma, Stony Man. Wythe county. — Valley church. Washington county. — Church in the Fork. Roanoke county. — Salem. He states that Lutheran churches also exist or existed in. the counties of Mason, Smyth, Frederick, Botetourt,. Cul- 190.) "History of the Evangelical Lutheran Tennessee Sj'nod," by Socrates Hen- kel, D.D., page 270 and elsewhere. New-Market, Va., 1890. 46 pepper, Montgomery, and in West Virginia in Shepherdstown, Jefferson county, Zion ; Mill Creek church, in Hardy county, and Probst church, in Pendleton county. From Eev. A. Phillippi'a interesting paper to the Lutheran Pastors' Association of Wythe county, published in " Wythe- ville Dispatch" of April 9th, 1897, we gather the following historical facts: "After the death of Eev. George Flohr, before mentioned, the Eev. Jacob Sherer took charge of St. John's church, near Wytheville, Va., until 1836. His succes- sor was Eev. John T. Tabler. The four years during which Eev. Tabler was pastor was a very critical time in the life and history of the congregation. It was the time of the intro- duction and use of the English language in place of the German. In 1841 to 1854 Eevs. J. J. Greever and J. A. Brown jointly took charge of the congregation, and from 1854 to 1862 Eev. J. A. Brown continued on in the pastorate. He was followed by Eevs. Wm. D. Eoedel and E. H. McDonald, and in 1866 by Eev. Alex. Phillippi. The old constitution, adopted in 1804, but lost sight of in the transition of the con- gregation in the use of the English in place of the German language in its public services, was hunted up, translated into English, revised in a few points and re-adopted amidst general and great rejoicing. Thus the congregation has preserved its German character to this day. Eev. Phillippi was succeeded by Eev. S. S. Eahn and Eev. Paul Sieg. The beautiful, stately Trinity church in Wytheville, and also St. Mark's and St. Luke's, are now holding honorable places among the working and growing churches of the Lutheran Synod of Southwest Virginia." The oldest German Christian community in Eichmond, which has never ceased to use the German language, is the Luth- eran 8t. Johannis church. On Christmas day, 1844, the first di- vine service was celebrated by Eev. Hoyer in the old church, corner Jackson and Fifth streets. The old church was a plain brick building, and the basement was used as school-room. Unfortunately the pastor was not the right guardian of so sacred an office. He was a highly educated man and an excellent orator, but too fond of strong drink, and consequently he gave serious cause for disappointment. 47 In 1852 another Lutheran Evangelical community, the " Betlehemgemeinde," was organized in the Capital. Keverends Schmogrow and Gross were the first pastors, and a good school was connected with the church, situated corner of Clay and Sixth streets. Until 1849 only one Catholic church existed in Eichmond, but at that time many German Catholics settled in the city and they rented a dwelling house on Marshall street, where they were organized in con^munity by Eev. Father Braun. The following year Eev. Braun was superseded by Father Palhauber, and soon after the German parishioners bought the property ou corner of Marshall and Fourth streets, where they built the St. Mary's {St. Marien) German Catholic church. The successor of Father Palhauber was Father Polk, under whose administration the community enlarged and prospered. He was followed by Eev. Mayer, a man of science and a member of the St. Benedict's Order. A flourishing parochial school and a classical high-school for boys and girls were organized by the last-named reverend and conducted by breth- ren and sisters of St. Benedict's Order. Ahead of all in forming a German community in Eich- mond, as already mentioned, were the German Hebrews. As early as 1840 they founded the synagogue Beth Ahaba and elected M. G. Michelbacher rabbi. Moses Millhiser deserves the greatest credit for his devotion as president of this com- munity, — exclusively oomposed of Germans and German- Virginians. The Statutes of Virginia say'^^): "The Lutherans are numerous in portions of the Valley where the original popu- lation was of German origin. The German Reformed Church is found in the same localities, as is also the United Breth- ren, which, from resembla,ncea, may be called the German Methodist Church.^' The same official document gives the census returns in 191.) "Virginia," by the Board of Immigration and by Authority of Law, page 198. Richmond, Va., 1876. 48 Virginia of the following religions denominations in 1860: Lutherans, 69 churches, 2-^,675 members; German Reformed Church, 12 churches, 4,000 members ; and in the year 1870 the United Brethren 38 churches and 7,450 members. These figures embraced some English congregations, but the great majority was originally undoubtedly German. The German element is also largely represented in the Methodist-Episcopal, the Baptist, Protestant-Episcopal, Koman-Catholic and Mora- vian orders. The Lutherans have two institutions of learning of advanced and higher grades: the Eoanoke College, located at Salem, Eoanoke county, and the Staunton Female Semi- nary at Staunton, Augusta county. The foundation of Ger- man parochial schools of elementary and higher grades, as for instance at Harper's Ferry, ]^ew-Market and Eichmond, deserves acknowledgment, as the public education in the State was very deficient. The census of 1840 revealed the startling fact that there were in the commonwealth 58,747 white persons above the age of twenty years who could not read or write, being one-twelfth of the entire white popula- tion; and in 1850 the illiterate white adults numbered 77,005, besides 490,865 slaves living in ignorance. Governor Mc- Dowell (1843), always a friend of eduation, sought to advance its more general diffusion under the patronage of the State; "that every child in Virginia should be able to read for himself the confession of his faith an-d the constitution of his country." But he failed to carry out his wishes. In 1840 the number of children in the State in attend- ance on the State schools was only 27,598, one-fifth of all the white children between eight and fifteen j'ears of age.^°^) The other four-fifths were being educated by the more popu- lar neighborhood, field, private and denominational methods, or — not schooled at all. In the years 1859 to 1860 a German Israelite, whom the author knew personally, but whose name he cannot remem- 192.) Educational Eeport, 18J5— 96, page 274. 49 ber, established a "Commercial College" (Handelsschule) in Richmond. The Medical Profession was at that time well represented by Germans, and particularly in the capital city by Doctors M. A. Rust, Wilhelm Grebe, Garwenzel, Th. Boldemann and Deutsch, and by the druggists 0. A. Strecker, Julius Fischer, H. Bodecker, L. AVagner, J. Kindervater and Zaeckrissen, who, although a Swede by birth, associated with the Germans. The development of the "Pine Arts" in Virginia had not yet passed the childhood state, but the little there was, was principally cultivated by the Germans. Music and the instruction in music rested in German hands. In Richmond Frederick and Karl Seibert from Ziegenhain in Hessia and WoUer from Johann-Georgenstadt in Saxony were known as organists and piano-teachers. The first claim of artist among the musicians of Richmond is due to Charles W. Thilow of Leipzig, Saxony ; he is a master of the cello. Other musicians of good repute were John Kussnich, Otto Mueller, John Baier and others. The landscape painter Baier, probably a Saxon, was the first to paint the most beautiful scenery and places in Virginia. These were lithographed and published as the "Album of Virginia" in Berlin and Dres- den. Baier died an inmate of the lunatic asylum " Sonnen- stein," Pirna, Kingdom of Saxony.^ — The largest lithographic establishment in the State was conducted by Hoyer & Lud- wig.^"^) The Germans were no less distinguished in ai'chitecture, engineering and mining. Oswald Heinrich was already spo- ken of as mining engineer. By him was drawn the first Geological Map of Virginia. Captain von Buchhoh, a native of Wuertemberg, designed the first accurate topographical map of the State by order of Governor Henry A. A¥ise. Among the architects of Virginia Captain Albert Leiirock ranks very high. He was born January 11th, 1827, at St. Johann, 193.) During the period of the "Southern Confederacy" Hoyer & Lud\7ig printed the Confederate notes, bonds, etc. 50 Ehein-Provinz, and studied at the Polytechnic School at Karlsruhe. In 1850 he came to Richmond. The most impor- tant of his works are the Miller Labor School of Albemarle and the Custom House and Mozart Academy at Eichmond. At the beginning of the Civil AVar he organized a German infantry company. He died at Richmond on his 59th birth- day in 1886.^"*) Karl Seibert, previously mentioned as pia- nist, Tvas also a talented architect. Horticulture was at that time hardly known in Virginia and the city of Richmond possessed only one small Public Park : the " Capitol Square ; " but this park was in charge of the German horticulturist E. G. Eggeling, afterwards assis- tant park-commissioner in St. Louis, Mo., and during the Confederate period steAvard at the Jefferson Davis mansion. In the development of industry and commerce the Ger- mans have also taken a prominent part. In the manufacture, sale and export of Virginia's great staple: tobacco, the Ger- mans have been leaders almost from the time of the settle- ment of the Colony. Several wholesale houses of Bremen sent their representatives to Richmond and the export of tobacco increased considerably the first half of the present century. Sailing vessels from Bremen and Hamburg anchored at Rock- ets and thousands of hogsheads were shipped to Europe. Sometimes six or eight German vessels were seen at a time in Eichmond harbor. The Austro-Hungarian government en- trusted German tobacco houses in Richmond (E. "W". de Voss & Co. and F. AV. Hanewinkel & Co.) with the purchase of its supplies, and the French, Italian and Portuguese governments also transacted most of their tobacco purchases through Ger- man-Virginian firms. At Lynchburg the German houses: Holt, Schaefer & Co., Guhling & Co., John Katz, etc., and at Petersburg: H. Noltenius and Ferd. Schwenk & Co. controlled the trade. E. P. AA^hitlock in Richmond, of German descent, became well known as manufacturer of " Old Virginia Che- roots," etc.i^'5) 194.) Correspondence of Oscar Cranz, Jr., son-in law of Capt. Leibrock. Richmond, Va. 196.) Correspondence of Christ, Droste, with L, Borchers & Co., Austrian Consulate, Richmond, Va. 51 The wholesale and retail trade in dress-goods was and is almost entirely in the hands of Gerinan, Israelites. Many watchmakers, jewelers, milliners, dealers in musical instru- ments, artists'. materials, frames and pictures, stationers and book-binders, tailors, shoemakers, hat and cap makers, fur- riers, dealers in coal and wood, building materials, paints, china and glassware, furniture manufacturers, tin and sheet- iron workers, grocers, bakers, butchers, wine and liquor deal- ers, coopers, etc., were Germans, and in any mechanical trade or workshop intelligent German artisans were to be found. Two breweries existed in Richmond before 1860: Eduarcl EuTcer's and the Chimberazo Hill Brewery of Morris c£- Rich- ter, brewing lager-beer, and also, one brewery making weiss- beer. A peculiar and unsuccessful undertaking was the con- struction of a floating mill, at the foot of James river falls, by Siege Brothers in the beginning of the sixth decade. Much money was sacrificed in the enterprise. The mill was twice destroyed before completed, first by high water and the second time by an incendiary. In Volume I, Chapter I, it has been stated that the pro- duction of wine in Virginia was believed to be practicable and that the planting of vineyards had been already encour- aged by the London Company at the earliest time of the Colony. The expectations were not realized, but the London Society persevered in its endeavors and in 1758 proposed the following premium for the wine itself i^**): "As producing wines in our American colonies will be of great advantage to those colonies, and also to this kingdom, it is proposed to give to that planter in any of our said colonies who shall first produce within seven years of the date hereof from his own plantation five tons of white or red wine, made of grapes the produce of these colonies only, and such as in the opinion of competent Judges, appointed by the society in London, shall be deemed deserving the reward — not less than one ton thereof to be imported at London — one hundred pounds." In 1762 the society announced; "A premium of two hun- 196.) "History of the Agriculture of the United States," by Ben Perley Poore, Agricultural Report for 1866, pp. 609—610. Washington, D. C. 53 cli-ed pounds will be given for the greatest number, not less than five hundred, of the plants of the vines which produce these sorts of wines now consumed in Great Britain;" and this offer was raised in 1765 to two hundred and fifty pounds. Again the results did not correspond to the expectations. The memoirs of the society, published in 1769, say: "The first account of the success of the premiums for wines was in 1763, when Mr. Castor sent a dozen bottles of two kinds of wines from grapes which grew in yineyards of his own planting in Virginia. The one of these kinds was the pro- duct of vines brought from Europe, the other of the Ameri- can wild vines. They were both approved as good wines and the society gave its gold medal to Mr. 'Carter." Prob- ably Mr. Carter lived in Albemarle county and planted his vineyard on " Carter's Mountain " with the assistance of the grape-growers from the Palatinate, who were settled in the adjacent Madison county. These vineyards however never prospered and towards the close of the century^®') Thomas Jefferson imported French vines — and Italian and Swiss vin- tagers — and planted quite extensively about Carter's Mountain, near his beloved Monticello. This too was a failure, for the European vines did not stand the climate. It was not until in the fifties of this century that the native Virginian vines — Catawba and Norton — were discovered and disseminated largely by Germans in Ohio and Missouri, that grape-culture at last succeeded in Virginia. In the environs of Eichmond several Germans planted the Norton vine ' and manufactured red wine of excellent quality, but sufficient only to supply the home demand. Thus this new industry was finally started and has prospered ever since. One of the brightest features of German life in Eich- mond that is less conspicuous, but exerted an exceedingly beneficial influence, was the social intercourse of the German inhabitants and the sensible and convivial spirit with which they enjo3'ed themselves. It has been already described how they celebrated historical events. There is a peculiar charm about their popular festivals, but above all the introduction 197.) "Albemai-le," by Prof. W. H. Seamon, p. 62. Chaiiottesville, Va., 1888. 53 of the German Christmas-tree into America is worthy of com- ment. The happy disposition of the Germans, that touches the heart, has worn off the sharp edges of American every- day life, and their sincere and beneficent influence has finally secured harmonious relations between the Anglo-Saxon and the German settlers of Virginia, that were endangered by the spiteful know-nothing movement. The Germans of Mr- ginia were peaceable, industrious citizens; they enjoyed con- siderable wealth and they contributed their share to the ad- ministration of the commonwealth. Their isolation in politi- cal affairs had at least one good effect: a most intimate con- sistence among themselves. There was, before 1860, no other city in the Union where the Germans lived in better har- mony. A publication : '• Virginien," by C. A. Geyer, ]\Ieiss*en and Leipzig, 1849, states: "Richmond has 24,000 inhabitants, whereof 5,100 are Germans," and in 1860 the city had 37,900 inhabitants, whereof 33,625 were whites, and 7,000 of these Germans. The balance of the population was made up by 2,576 free negroes and 11,699 slaves. The German element of the city therefore rejDresented nineteen per cent, of the whole and nearly thirty per cent, of the white population. The German social associations were mentioned before, but it is desirable to add a few words about the predomi- nant ones: the vocal musical association Virginia, the Theat- rical Society and the Social Turnvereiii . The " Oesangverein" was organized July 1st, 1852, by 0. Cranz, Sr., H. 0. G. Timmermann, E. Behrend, B. Krausse, A. Schad, M. Mielke, C. Eittershaus, G. Koenig, F. Lehmkuhl, J. Keppler, D. Weimer, H. von Groening, F. Dollinger and C. Emminger, its first president. The following were the presi- dents of the society: A. Gipperich, 0. Cranz, Dr. W. Grebe, H. Boehmer and J. C. Fischer. The " Virginia " soon took part in the singing festivals at Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. It flourished especially from 1857 to 1800 under the leadership of Fred. Seibert. The meetings and festivals took place in the hall of the New Market Hotel and in that 54 very close locality harmless joy, pleasure and enthnsiasm fre- quently reigned. Vocal and instrumental productions and the- atrical performances were generally followed by dancing. Even com'edies of local character, especially written up by members of the society, (G. Peple and H. Schuricht), were performed on the stage. The "Theaterverehi" assembled in iSchad's Hall, Broad street, between 6th and Vth, and the performances were much admired and well attended. The leading personages and actors of the association were Mr. and Mrs. Hassel, C. Boettcher, Hein- rich, Lehne, I. Hirsch, ^frs. Reith and Mrs. Doell. The "Social Turnverein " had the largest membership ; its meetings, concerts, balls, etc., were held in Steinlein's Monti- cello Hall, opposite Schad's Hall. The most ardent gymnasts and social managers were Ed. Kempe, H. Schott, 0. Camman, H. Koppel, etc. Thus Kichmond had three German amateur theatres. The great majority of the members of the above spoken of societies were born Germans and at festive occasions German was almost exclusively spoken. In the fall of 1860 the author of this book agitated the or- ganization of a Teslmical Society (Gewerbeverein), and pub- lished in his paper, the " Virgiuische Zeitung," an invitation to meet at Schad's Hall. The meeting was well attended ; H. L. Wiegand, a Saxon, presided, and the proposed society was formed. Only a few weeks later the first gun was fired at Fort Sumter, — the Civil War commenced, and the movement was swallowed up by the wild Avaves of general excitement. Some other German associations like the " Oerman Society for the Relief of the Sick " (Krankenunterstiitzungsverein), pres- ent president Valentine A. Halbleib, and the "Schiller Lodge" (Odd Fellows), aimed at charitable and social objects. The news of the prosperity and the pleasant social life that the Germans in Virginia led, spread to their countrymen settled in the northern States and also to the old Fatherland, 00 and induced emigration to the old mother State of the Union. A large number of German Penusylvanian farr^aeis emigrated with their families about 1830 from western Pennsylvania to West Virginia, and they all prospered, raising principally cattle for the eastern markets.- It, is also reported that in the year 1845^^^) about one hundred and twenty families fi'om northern States settled in -Fairfax county and purchased 24,000 acres of land at a cost of about $180,000. Among these settlers were several Germans and by their industry and skill they made money on the crops they raised. Within a few years the value of their land increased from twenty-five to one hundred per cent. There were about fifteen million acres of available land in the State — West Virginia not included — uncultivated or thrown out of any regular rotation of crops, and all could be bought very cheap. In Germany attention was called to the low-priced Virginia farms. The well-known "Angsburger All- gemeine Zeitung" for instance said in 1848: "Virginia, which is about twice as large as the kingdom of Bavaria, is only in- habited by 1,300,000 people, of whom 400,000 are slaves. For several reasons she now desires to attract white settlers, — she recognizes the rapid growth of the western States, — that the comparatively rough Wisconsin is developing in a fabnlous manner and that Ohio is outrivalling her mother State. Vir- ginia however possesses a better climate than either of these States and other most favorable conditions, as several millions saleable acres of good soil, the best harbors on the Atlantic coast, numerous navigable rivers and excellent railroads. On James river good land is sold for four dollars an acre, and some settlers have gained within a few months double the amonnt of the purchase price by clearing the woods and sell- ing the timber." The German Zeitung furthermore reports: " That some years ago it had been projected in AVuertemberg to settle Suavians in the mountain region of Virginia near the 'springs,' " and it expressed regret that this plan was not car- ried out. Endeavors were made about 1850 to colonize artisans, min- ers and farmers from Saxony in western Virginia. A pamphlet !..) "U.. S. Agripultiiral Bepoi-t for the year 1364," p. 20. Washington, D. C. 56 entitled: ''Virginien, pliysiko-geogra|)hische niid statistische Beschreibung," — by C. A. Geyser, president of the emigration society at jMeissen, Saxon}', — witli a colored map, was pub- lished at Meissen and Leipzig to induce Saxons to settle in West Virginia. The descriptions of the land, people, institu- tions and advantages of Virginia are piretty reliable. The names of the German-Virginians who advocated this enterprise, are of interest: A. W. Nolting, Eiciimond; Dr. A. 0. Strecker, Kichmoud ; H. Shelfey, Augusta county; Friedrich A. Mayo, Eichmond ; Fleischmann, Monroe county ; Debar, Parkei'sbur^, W. Va. ; W. F. Deakins, Preston county ; II. Brown, Kanawha county; John B. Shrerer, Buchanan, Lewis county; John Sharff, Leetowu, Berkeley county, and L. Kuffner, Kanawha county; — and also the statement that a German colony pros- pered in Dodridge county. A similar publication: "Forty years in Virginia, or emigrate to West Virginia,"' by Friedrich A. Mayo of Eichmond, a native of Oederan, Saxony, was printed 1850 in Meissen, Saxony. Mr. Mayo, whose office was situated at the northern corner of the Exchange Hotel, Eichmond, Va., relates in his little l)ook his observations in Virginia during a stay of forty years without exaggeration, and he reports : that an Immigration Society was organized in Eichmond to coop- erate with tlie Emigration Society in Meissen, Saxony. He also states that the engineer Ernst Kurth, born at Koelln near Meis- sen, and residing in Eichmond, had been authorized to give his countrymen all information they might ask about Virginia; that he had been employed upon the recommendation of Dr. Cabell by the Society for the Construction of Eailways in Vir- ginia and that the plan of the Danville railroad bridge across the James river near Eichmond and other architectural works were drawn by Mr. Kurth. No visible traces however are left of any noteworthy results of this Saxon-Virginian colonization enterprise. Loudoun county received several newcomers from Germany and they all did well. Commodore Maury states as an exam- plei""): Godfrey Schellhorn of Saxe-Coburg came to this county (Loudoun) in 1851 with his wife and a flour-barrel for 199.) "Physical Survey of Virginia," by II, F. Maury, p. 93. N . V. Randolph, Rlohmond, Va., 1878. 57 a trunk ; he had nothing. He and she were striving, indns- trious people and lived scantily. He now, in 1878, owns a house worth f 1,300 and a farm of ninety-four acres that cost $2,812 ; on this he owes $1,000. He is a pretty good stone ma- son. Grape-vines planted by him are also bearing. German farmers settled in Middle Virginia and the Tide- water belt during the period of 1840 to 1860. There were many gardeners among them and being saving, skilful and indus- trious they rarely failed to enrich themselves. The F^ited States Agricultural Commission^"") gives for example among the names of successful farmers in Southhampton county the following German: Alfred Eicks, J. D. Massenburg and Dr. C. Bowers. Col. S. B. French of Whitby, Chesterfield county, says in a report: " Gardening vegetables pays handsomely. Perhaps there is but one wealthier man in this county than a German, who, when I first came into the county twenty-eight years ago (about 1850), was a gardener on the Fall Plantation (man on wages). He made his fortune gardening."' Several other experiments were made about 1850 to estab- lish German settlements in Virginia, but unfortunately most of the enterprisers were selfish, unscrupulous or incapable men. One von Schulenburg attempted to settle a large number of Tyrolians in Lunenburg county, and a Saxon named Meisner aimed to induce Saxons to purchase laud near Levvisburg in Greenbrier county ; but both projects failed. Another grand plan to establish a German colony near Parkersburg, now in West Virginia, had the same unhappy fate; but prosperous German settlements were founded at "New Hesseu" and "Hel- vetia," in what is now West Virginia, and German Hungarians and Poles bought land in Henrico county, Va., and built up the village "Hungary." In 1860 two German Israelites-"') came to Eichmond and secured laud in Norfolk county, south of Portsmouth, on the Elizabeth river, for the foundation of a new town to be named "Virginia City." They advertised in the German and English newspapers and distributed a litho- 200.) U. S. Agricultuval Report of 1881. 201.) "Virginische Zeitung," Richmond, Va., December ISfO. 5§ graphed pUiii of the projected town; but the speculation failed on account of the outbreak of the Civil War. The total number of Germans and their descendants in A'irginia at the end of the sixth decade is not absolutely ascer- tained. I. G. Roseugarten says-"'^) in "Freiheit und Sklaverei unter dem Sternenbauner, oder Land und Leute in Amerika," by Theodore Griesinger, Stuttgart, 1862: "I find the statement that in Virginia were 250,000 of German birth and descent at the time of the Eebellion." — General G. Tochman, who in 1867 was appointed by the Aarginian Governor "Agent for Eu- ropean Immigration," and who had the best opportunities for gathering information, stated in an article, " Der Staat Virgi- nien"-"^): "The population of Virginia in 1860 consisted of l,0i7,299 whites, 58,042 free colored, 490,865 slaves and 112 In- dians, or 1,596,318 in all. Among the white inhabitants there wei'e 35,058 foreigners, (adopted citizens), or 5,490 English and Scotch, 10,512 Germans, 16,501 Irish, 517 French, etc." — The German immigration amounted therefore to one third of the foreign population" "■*) and was second in rank. Adding to it the posterity of the large German immigration since 1714, the estimate of Griesinger of the numerical strength of the German element in A^irginia : to represent tJie fourth part of the total white pojmlation of the State, appears creditable. The large number of German names of members of the Legislature dur- ing the period of 1830 to 1860^°=) is also proof of the strength of the German element and of its distribution over the entire State. 1831-1834: Samuel Coft'man, (Shenandoah); Wni. Armi- stead, Wm. D. Simms, (Halifax) ; Harman Hiner (Pendleton) ; Vincent AVitcher, (Pittsylvania); AYm. P. Zinn, (Preston); John Keller, (Washington) ; J. Helms, (Floyd) ; ,J. J. Moorman, A. AVaterman, (Rockingham.) 202.) ''The German Soldiev in the Wjra of the U. S.," p. 191. Phila., Pa., 1890. 203.) "Virginische Staatszeitung," No. 17. RicbmonS, Va., January 25, 1868. 204.) "Virginia," by the Board of Immigration and by authority of Law, page 178. Richmond, Va., 1876. 206.) "Journals of the House of Delegates and of the Senate of Va, State Library, Richmond, Va. 59 1836: F. G. Buhring, (Cabell) ; T. H. 8tega)-, (Floyd) ; Ma- jor S. Wagener, (Mason) ; J. Conrad, (Rockingham) ; Abr. Rin- ker, (Shenandoah) ; Col. Edw. Lucas, (Berkeley.) 1838: Th. Shanks, (Botetourt); W. Castleman, (Clark); Edw. Lucas, jr., (Jefferson) ; II. E. Fisher, (Mason) ; Alexander Newman, (Mai-shall.) 1839: Edm. Broadus, (Culpeper); W.Hoffman, (Lewis); Alfred Leybnrn, Ch. P. Dorman, (Rockbridge.) 1840: Wm. Lucas, (Morgan and Berkeley) ; Rob. Y. Con- rad, (Frederick) ; .Tos. Hannah, (Botetourt) ; C. G. Coleman, (Charles city.) 1816: Henry Bedinger, (Frederick);' John D. Stringer, (Harrison) ; K. Martz, (Rockingham.) 1850-1851: W. A. Buckner, (Ctiroline); R. R. Flemming, (Halifax) ; W. Stump, (Hampshire) ; J. R. Heuser, (King and Queen); F. Warman, (Monongalia) ; H. Sturm, (Randolph) ; J. Horner, (Fauquier.) 1852-53: H. W. Sheffey, (Augusta) ; Albert G. Reger, (Upo- hur) ; W. Heveler, (Highland) ; M. D. Newman, (Madison) ; Andr. Keyser, (Page) ; J. Wellman (Wayne) ; S. Carpenter, (Alleghany) ; J. M. Newkirk, (Berkeley.) 1856: Wm. Bush, (Charles city); P. J. Eggborn, (Cul- peper) ; J. M. Holman, (Fluvanna) ; J. L. Kemper, (Madison) ; J. Lantz, (Monongalia) ; J. Paul, (Ohio) ; M. Spitler, (Page) ; A. J. Bowman, (Wood) ; F. H. Mayo, (Botetourt.) 1860 : Ferd. Wm. Coleman, (Caroline) ; F. G. L. Bouhring, (Cabell) ; M. R. Kaufman, (Frederick); J. S. Hoffman, (Harri- son); W. W. Flemming, (Highland); Gust. A. Myers, (Rich- mond) ; W. M. Seibert, (Shenandoah) ; Arthur J. Boreman, (Wood), and many more doubtful names. Among the members of the TJ. S. Congress we meet with the following names of German sound : 60 1841 : Joseph Holleman (Isle of Wight), and 1860 Alex. E. Boteler (Loiulonn). In 1863 Mr. Boteler was a member of the Congress of the Confederate States. The number of German delegates was probably much lar- ger, for the author had not the opportunity to examine all lists. The fact deserves notice that since 1777 the great majority of the counties of eastern and western Virginia were represented by Cerman-A'irginians in the Legislature. The political horizon clouded at the end of the sixth de- cade ; the slavery question had become more complicated by the conflicting opinions concerning the Territories. The North claimed all the Territories " as free States " and the South asked the right of ingress and protection of its sla-ve-property in half of them. Furthermore " the free-trade interests of the Southern States " were seriously threatened by " the protective policy of the North," and in this question the German-Vir- ginians agreed fully with their Anglo-American fellow-citizens. The merchants of the North reaped advantage from the South; they shared in the profits of every pound of cotton, tobacco or sugar which the southern planter raised. The northern manu- facturer had the advantage of this great market, and the Ger- mans recognized that the industrial and commercial interests of the North, protected from foreign competition by a high tariff, made every inhabitant of the South pay tribute to him on almost every article he purchased. The ills thus inflicted upon the southern people the Germans desired should be cor- rected. The "Fugitive Slave Law" intensified the hostile feeling between the two sections of the C'ountry and led to the passage of the " Personal Liberty Bills " in several of the free States. Finally in 1859 John Brown invaded Virginia with twei:ty-one followers to revolutionize and liberate the negro slaves, thereby endangering the life and property of the whites. All inhabi- tants of the State — those of German origin included — felt alarmed and asked : " Where will it lead to, if the hatred and the wild passions of the uncultivated negroes become unfet- tered ? Shall we be exposed to similar horrors like the French 61 ill St. Domingo in 1791 ?" The dangers may have been over- estimated, but the safety of the white population was certainly threatened. John Brown seized upon the United States Ar- senal at Harper's Ferry, but was soon overpowered and hanged as a traitor. The wild design of John Brown aroused the southern feeling and the fanatics among the pi'o-slavery party repre«euted his act as significant of the sentiments of the whole North. No doubt well meaning people in the North looked upon John Brown's deed as meritorious and humane, while many southern men, no less noble-minded and feeling for the ojj- pressed negroes, condemned it as madness. Different surround- ings and circumstances influence the opinions of men and pro- duce different views of events and their consequences. The worst of it was that the hope io abolish Slavery by legis- lative action, vanished. Not only the German-Virginians, but also many Anglo-Americans were opposed to Slavery and anticipated that it would be the rock upon which the Union would split. Thomas Jefferson, Virginia's noble son, proposed as early as 1776 a scheme of gradual emancipation, which was approved by the Convention framing the Constitution of Virginia. The prevailing ideas entertained by him (Jefferson) and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the U. S. Constitution have been acknowledged iu a speech at Savannah, Georgia, March 21st, 1861, by Alexander H. Stevens, at that time the Vice-President of the Confederacy.^"") He said : " They were of the opinion that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature ; that it was wrong in .principle, sociall}', morally and politically. This idea, though not incorporated in the Constitution, was the pre- vailing idea at the time." From 1820 to 1830 there were movements in Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky and Maryland for the gradual emancipa- tion of their slaves. In Virginia the movement had nearly succeeded, when it was the aggression of the northern aiolition- 206.) McPherson's 'Tolltical History of the Rebellion," 1800—1864, p. 103. 62 ists which arreded it in all these States. The Ciernian-Lutlierau reverends in convention at St. James, Green county, Tennessee, unanimously resolved as early as 1823 : " That Slavery is to le regarded as a great evil in our land, and we desire the Govern- ment, if it le possible, to devise some way hy which this evil can le removed." The Synod also advised every minister to admon- ish every master to treat his slaves properly.^"'') Bev. Panl Henkel was one of the Virginian delegates, and this resolution was probably the first move in that direction in the South on' part of the Germans. Dr. Henry Ruffner, a German- Virginian and president of the Washington and Lee University situated in Lexington, Va., also made a most remarkalle protest against the institution of Slavery that defied the unanimity of sentiment that prevailed among the Anglo- Virginians before the Civil War. What was known as " The Ruffner Pamphlet," advocating the gradual abolition of Slavery, was published in 1847 and excited much controversy. Dr. Henry Ruffner was born in what is now Page county in the year 1790 on the old homestead of the Ruffner family and reared in Kanawha county. He was a pupil at the Lewisburg Academy, a graduate of Washington College (now Washington and Lee University) and a student of theology. Ordained as minister in 1818, he organized the First Presbyterian Church of Chai-leston, Kanawha, in 1819 ; accepted a professorship in Washington College in 1819, was made president in 1836 and resigned in 1848. Henry Ruffner was a profound scholar and a writer of abil- ity. His most elaborate book entitled: "The Father of the Desert," and his novel : " Judith Bensadeli " first appeared in the " Southern Literary Messenger." He spent the last years of his life in Kanawha county aud is there buried. He died in 1861. In fact all representative Virginians and thoughtful south- ern men generally since Washington and Jefferson entertained 207.) "History of the Evangelical Lutheran Tennessee Synod," by Socrates Henkel, n.D., p. 62. Ner-Marliet, Va,, 1890. 63 similar views upon Slavery. Even Robert E. Lee, afterwards Commanding General of the Army of Northern Virginia, ex- pressed these views very clearly in a letter addressed to Mrs. Lee, written December .1856. He said: " In this enlightened age there are few, I believe, but will acknowledge that Slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil in any country. It is useless to expatiate on its disadvantages. I think it however a greater evil to the white than to the black race, and while my feelings are strongly interested in behalf of the latter, my. sym- pathies are stronger for the former. The blacks are immeasur- ably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially and physi- cally. The painful discipline they are undergoing is necessary for their instruction as a race, and, I hope, will prepare and lead them to better things. How long their subjection may be necessary is known and ordered by a wise and merciful Provi- dence. Their emancipation will sooner result from a mild and melting influence than the storms and contests of fiery contro- versy. This influence, though slow, is sure." — This letter shows that General Lee was an advocate of negro-emancipation. He favored however, like the German- Virginians, to see it abol- ished in a lawful and peaceable manner, and he was opposed to endangering the Union by a rash action. He once declared : " Both sides forget that we are all Americans ; " and at another time he said : " If I owned the four million slaves, I w'ould give them all for the Union ! " Unfortunately in February 1831 an unforeseen event : an insurrection of negroes in Southampton county^"^), excited the people of Virginia and induced even a German- Virginian mem- ber of the Legislature, Mr. Goode of Mecklenburg, to oppose " the proposed emancipation of the slaves by some gradual scheme." The. blacks in that section largely outnumbered the whites; there were no large towns in that region, only scattered here and there .villages and hamlets. There Avas no arsenal for arms and ammunition nearer than Eichmond, and no means of de- fence other than fancy fowling pieces for gentlemen's sport. The old Virginians of that day had no pistols under their pil- 208.) Compare "Historical Papers No. 5, 1895, of tlie Wasliiogton and Lee Univer- sity, Lexington, Va.," pp. ?7 to 97. 64 lows; in manj' cases no bars to their doors ; no police making their rounds about the negro quarters in the dead hours of night, — the master sleeping among his slaves in peaceful se- curity. There was indeed scarce any hindrance to prevent sav- age deeds of cruelty. Nat Turner, a slave on the plantation of a Mr. Travis of Southampton, was the leader in the insurrec- tion, silently working upon the superstitions of the negroes about him and waiting for some supernatural sound or sight to call him to act. In February 1831 there came an eclipse of the sun, and accepting this as the long looked-for signal, he se- lected four of his immediate associates and on the morning of the 32d of August, while it was yet dark, crept into the house of his master with his baud and in a few minutes killed five members of the family in their beds. They then hurried on, murdering all the whites they found, gaining recruits as they went to the number of fifty or sixty, all mounted on the horses and armed with the guns, swords, axes and clubs they had stolen from the houses of the dead. They were now a blood- thirsty gang. Early the next day the news of the wholesale massacre spread far and wide ; squads of men and militia com- panies hastily gathered and the bloody mutiny was soon quelled, but not until the negroes had gone a distance of twenty miles and killed sixty-one white citizens. On the 11th of November Nat Turner was executed. But death put no extinguisher upon the excitement created by this rebellion of slaves. A suspicion that a Nat Turner might be in every colored family ; that the same bloody deed might be acted over at any time and in any place, gained ground ; — the husband would look to his weapon and the mother would shudder and weep over her cradle ! It is not positively known how many German farmers were among the victims, but some documents show the following names of German sound: Mrs. T. Eeese, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Levi Waller, a schoolmaster, his wife and ten children, etc. Naturally the Germans felt greatly alarmed and with few exceptions they ad- vocated : that the evil, that is, the institution of Slavery, ie re- moved ly legislative means. They claimed that Slavery had ul- timately to come to an end in the one way or the other, because it was impossible to reconcile the slave to his fate. 65 However the split between the North and the South be- came more and more evident, — not on account of Slavery alone, but for various reasons jn-eviously mentioned, — and when in 1860 Abraham Lincoln of Illinois, the candidate of the Kepublican party, was elected to the Presidency, the southern fanatic leaders regarded it as a menace to Slavery and advocated the .doctrines of State rights and Secession. On December 20bh, 1860, the people of South Carolina declared the connection with the Union abolished. The great majority of the Virginians did not agree wiili this rath measure and received it with distrust. Only the pro'-slavery men and those doubtful elements that speculate on the ruin of others and seek to realize their selfish designs by the overthrow of law and order, applauded and praised the revolutionary Palmetto State. The German- Vir- ginians particularly did not at that time believe in the outbreak of war, but expected that some covipromise ivould be agreed upon and that Virginia would not separate from the Union. This trust was so firm with them that at the close of 1860 they still enjoyed life in their peculiar harmless manner. They cele- brated a joyful Christmas and on New Year's Eve the " Gesang- verein " at Richmond arranged an animated " Sylvesterfeier," for which occasion H. Schuricht had composed a dramatic scene, " Der Jahreswechsel." CHAPTER XIII. The Civil War and the German-Virginians. 'N the begiuuing of 1861 the outlook for the future rapidly darkened ; affairs steadily drifted towards hostilities be- tween tlie North and the Soutli, and finally the German- Virginians after a long struggle were drawn into the whirlpool of popular excitement. In the western part of the State they belonged in large numbers to the " Union Party," but in Middle and Southern Mrginia the great majority sym- pathized with the South, whose constitutional rights they con- sidered threatened. With all their devotion to the Union and pride of American citizenship, they felt in duty bound towards the State where they had become domiciled. Only a small number of Germans avowed the principles and programme of the Eepublic'an party and recommended unconditional submis- sion to the Federal Government; but at this period of the great crisis not one German- Virginian — American or foreign born — was in favor of Secession. All German citizens in the State heartily endorsed a resolution of the Legislature to call a "Peace Congress" in order to avoid civil war. The Peace Congress assembled in Washington, D. C, on the 9th of Febru- • ary, 1861, and Ex-President John Tyler presided ; but every proposal looking to a peaceful settlement was rejected by the extremists. ]\reanwhile the revolutionary example of South Carolina had been followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas. These seceded States formed on February 4th a new union under the title of "the Confederttte States of America." They organized an army to oppose intrud- ers and seized forts, navy-yards and arsenals. This Southern Kevolution would yet have remained hopeless of success and 67 never would have resulted in a long and bloody war without the assistance of the Border States. Efforts at conciliation on part of the North might have averted the conflict, but the pleadings of the peaceable Border States were in vain. Eev. E. 0. Cave^"^) very rightly said in his oration at the unveiling of the Confederate soldiers' and sailors' monument at Eichmond on May 30th, 1894, with reference, to Virginia and the other Border States : " Not as a passion-swept mob rising in mad rebellion against constituted authority, but as an intelligent and orderly people, acting in accordance with due forms of law and within the limit of what they believed to be their constitutional right, the men of the S6uth withdrew from the Union in which they had lived for three-fotirths of a century, and the welfare and glory of which they had ever been foremost in promoting. States which had been hesitating on the ground of expediency and hoping for a peaceable adjustment of issues, wheeled into line wiih the States which had already seceded. Virginia, mother of States and statesmen and warriors, who had given away an empire for the public good, whose pen had written the Declaration of Independence, whose sword had flashed in front of the American army in the War for Independence, and whose wisdom and patriotism had been chiefly instrumental in giving the Country the Constitution of the Union, — Virginia, fore- seeing that her bosom would become the theatre of war with its attendant horrors, nobly chose to suffer." In justice to the memory of the Confederate dead, the dis- tinguished orator protested at this occasion also against the as- persion that they fought to uphold and ferpetuate the, Institution of Slavery. He remarked : " Slavery was a heritage handed down to the South from a time when the moral consciousness of mankind regarded it as a right, — a time when even the pious sons of New England were slave-owners and deterred by no con- scientious scruples from plying the slave-trade with proverbial Yankee enterprise. It became a peculiarly Southern Institu- 209.) "The Memorial OraUon," by Rev. R. C. Cave of St. Louis, Mo., the "Weekly Times," p. 3, Richmond, Va., May Slat, 1894. 68 tion, not because the rights of others were dearer to the north- ern than to the southern heart, but because the condition of soil and climate made negro-labor unprofitable in the northern States and led the northern slave-oioner to sell his slaves down South." These arguments are based on history ! We are not yet sufficiently removed from the strife to do impartial justice to the motives of its authors. Those who have not felt the bitterness of the then existing conditions ought not to judge the whites of the South too harshly. Let it be remem- bered that in no time or clime have the Caucasians ever con- sented to live with an inferior race save as rulers. To the present day the British in India, the French in Guiana, Mada- gascar and Tonking, the Dutch, Portuguese and Germans in Africa, the Spaniards in what is now left of their once exten- sive colonial possessions, and our own forefathers on this conti- nent have abx^ndantly demonstrated that the white man will not be governed by uncivilized races. Sentimentalists may de- plore this spirit, but all sober thinkers must recognize the fact as an irreversible one. Secession was a sudden movement on part of the Cotton States, but Virginia and the other Border States hesitated to approve and to join the Confederacy and they continued their efforts to effect a compromise. In fact it was at that time the common expectation of all thoughtful citizens, and particularly of the Germans, — North and South, — that there would be " no coercion " and " no war." Mr. Lincoln had become Tresident of the United States on the 4th of March, 186L The inaugural address of the Presi- dent was very considerate and conservative. He renewed the declaration he had made in previous speeches : that he had no intention to interfere with the Institution of Slavery in the States luhere it existed. "I shall take care," said he, "that the laws of the Union shall be faithfully executed in all the States. In doing this there need be no bloodshed or violence, and there shall be none unless it is forced upon the National Authority." 69 But these truly moderate words were received by the fanatic leaders in the South as a declaration of war. Mr. Lincoln's promise, not to interfere with Slavery tcltere it existed, die): not satisfy them. Eight days after Mr. Lincoln's inauguration^ two southern commissaries called on him and applied for & peace- able separation of the southern States from the Union, demand- ing the evacuation of Fort Sumter in South Carolina and Fort Pickens in Florida. These demands he could not but refuse, — and the fall of the iron dice of war had to decide. In the northern States there were two leading parties; one demanded an energetic action against the seceded States; they proclaimed that the Union was an inseparable ivhole, an Ameri- can State^ that secession was revolution and revolution equal to civil war. This party called itself "Republican," and its adher- ents were called '^Abolitionists'' Another powerful party was the "Northern Democracy" and "no coercion" was its watch- word. Upon this party rested the hopes of the Germans in Virginia and of all friends of peace and unity, and some of the most influential newspapers of the North supported it. The " New York Ti-ibune " opposed all measures to force seceding States to remain in the Union, and voices like this influenced many German-Virginians to declare in favor of a peaceable se- cession. In the South the politicians were also divided into two par- ties : the "Secessionists'" or defendants of "State Rights," who claimed that every State was a political unit and Avas entitled to enter into a Confederation of States as well as to withdraw therefrom, and the "Union Men," who persisted to uphold the Union of States. The first named did not give time to the lat- ter to get organized ; the demand to join the seceded States was urged, _ even the personal safety of the Union men became endangered and many, being alarmed, left their southern homes fugitives. About this time the German citizens of Kichmond held a very well attended mass-meeting at Steinlein's Mouticello Hall 'to consider what steps conld be taken to secure peace. H. L. Wigand, an acknowledged Union man, was in the chair, and 70 among the speakers was Captain 0. Jennings Wise, son of Ex- Governor Wise=i°), who addressed the meeting in German. But no course was agreed upon, as the majority considered it the duty of every adapted citizen to submit to the will of the peo- ple and to sacrifice their life and fortune, if necessary, in defence of the State. A very marked change was now taking place among the citizens. The t!*nion party lost many adherents; the cry "to secede" found more supporters and the German-Virginiaus also yielded to the general current. But they never embraced the southern cause in order to protect the interests of slaveholders; there ivere 710 pro-slavery men amony the Germans except a few Hebrews; but they were ready to defend the political and commer- cial independence of the Slates. Time was a great leveler of opinions as well as author of mighty issues in those days. The Germans in the southern States have been harshly criticized by northern fanatics, and among them by many of their countrymen in the Korth, for taking np arms in defence of the South. It will readily be granted by every German- Virginian that these northern critics were aiming to carry out the noble design of emancipating the slaves, but they ignored the Constitution of Eights, interest and safety of the Avhite population in the South. The northern accusers were carried astray by passion, inclined to sacrifice a cul- tured part of the southern pieople to the terrorism of an uned- ucated and inferior race ; and the Germans felt the wrong that the North, having sold its slaves to the South, attempted to com- pel the southern slaveholders to free their negroes without compensation. Suddenly the news reached Virginia : Fort Sumter has capitulated to the Confederate forces under General Beauregard on the 13th of April, 1861, -- and the effect of this event was electrical. Virginia (April 17th), Arkansas, North Carolina 210.) 0. Jennings Wise, Captain of Uie Richmond Liglit Infantry Blues and k!IUd at the battle on Roanoke Island, had studied jurisprudenoe at the University at Goet- tingen in Cermany and was for some time Attache to the U, S, Legation at Berlin Prussia. 71 and Tennessee, which had hesitated, now joined the Confeder- acy. President Lincoln called for seventy-five thousand troops on April 15th and on April 19th a, regiment of Massachusetts troops, passing through Baltimore for the defence of Washing- ton, was attacked. So the first blood was shed, but no one guessed at the time of the terror and the loss which were to follow. With reference to the Secession of Virginia a remark of the historian Edward A. Pollard may here be repeated. Pollard says^^^): "Virginia did not secede in the circumstances or sense in which the Cotton States had separated themselves from the Union. She did not leave the Union with delusive pros- pects of peace to comfort and sustain her. She did not secede in the sense in which separation from the Union was the pri- mary object of secession. Her act of secession was subordinate ; her separation from the Union was necessary and became a painful formality which could not be dispensed with." Virginia troops now seized the United States Arsenal at Harper's Ferry (April 18th) and the Kavy Yard at Iforfolk (April 3lst.) All over the South the enthusiasm was spread- ing ; the rich and the poor were alike eager to enter the army. Army and navy officers of the United States, natives of the South, resigned their charges and joined the Confederate ser- vice; and the majority of the German-Virginians within the present State limits entered military organizations. It can be asserted that all the recently immigrated Ger- mans, embracing the Confederate cause, did so with throbbing hearts, and in most cases only under the pressure of compulsory circumstances ; but whether voluntarily or not, they have ful- filled their duty in the defence of the State with never falter- ing true German bravery. About the middle of April, 1861, a "Legion of mounted men for border service" was organized by Col. Angus W. Mc- Donald, Sr., of Winchester and among the captains of the com- 211.) "The Second Tear of the War," by Edw. A. Pollard, pp. 46-46. West & JohnstQH, J(|ph)pond, Va,, 1S63, . 72 mand Avere the following descendants of German pioneers : S. W. Myers, Shauds, Jordan, Miller and Sheetz.-'^-) -yyj^ij sjiecial pride every Virginian speaks of the "Stonewall Brigade" and this heroic command was mostly composed of descendants of German settlers in the Shenandoah valley. Nearly every other section of the State furnished German-Virginians to the army; there was hardly a company without some German members, but the largest number came from Kichmond, where several entirely German companies were formed. The old " German Kifle Company," organized on the 1st of March, 1850, was at- tached to the First Virginia Infantry Eegiment as Company " K." Charles T. Loehr, Sergeant of Company D of said regi- ment, gives the following names" '^): Florence Miller, Captain, resigned 1861. F. A¥. Hagemeier, Capt. after Capt. Miller's resignation. C. Baumann, Lieutenant (first year.) H. Linkhauer, Lieutenant. F. W. E. Lohmann, Lieutenant, resigned 18C1. Herman Paul, Lieutenant. Wm. Pfaff, Lieutenant. George F. l^eckman, Sergeant. H. T. Elsasser, Sergeant. Gerhard Haake, Sergeant. Fred. Hebring, Sergeant. C. E. Gronwald, Quartermaster Sergeant. Henry Burkhard, Corporal. Aug. Weidenhahn, Corporal. Julian Alluisi J_,. Botzeli Charles Arzberger John Braw B. Bergmeier C. Brissacher Adam Bitzel 11. Brnnner G. Blenker C. Buchenan Julius Blenker II. Buchenan .Tohn AV. Bornickel W. E. Crec 212.) "The Second Year of the War," by Bdw. A. Pollard, p. 50 Richmond Va 186J. 213.) '.'War History of Ihe Old First Virginia Infantry Regiment" by Charles T I.oehr. Richmond, 1884. 73 C. W. Creedins D. DeBar C. P. Degeiihart Adam Diacont Ph. Diacont Wolfgang Diacont John T. Diclv Joseph Dilger Henry Dubel John Emmenhauser Aug. Pahrenbruch John Pinlc H. Fleckenstein Joseph Gehring L. Gelnhausen J. W. Gentry F. J. Gerhardt George Gersdorf George Glass E. Grossman Fred. Gutbier G. Habermehl Fred. Hach John Hach H. Haderman H. Heinerhann J. L. Helwick E. Herzog A. Hoch J. P. Hollman Andrew Hatke George Koch F. Lauterbttch P. Lehmkul Ch. Lindner P. Lncke Tobias Merkel Felix Meyer Jos. Nagelmann David Folte lienry Nolte Herman Nolte Jos. Ocker Martin Deters George W. Paul AVm. H. Paul L. Peters L. Eaymann P. Reidt Rob. Richter Jos. Rick John Rodins J. A. Rommel S. Shapdock — Smith Ph. Staab M. Stadelhofer Chr. Stephan G. Tolker John Viereck Jacob Wachter John Wagner A. AVerner .T. Winter Sergeant Charles T. Loehr mentions in his valuable book also the following officers with German names: Capt. P. B. Shaffer of Company F ; Capt. W. E. Tysinger of Company H • Lieutenant F. M. Mann of Company B ; Lieutenant M. Seagles of Company C and one hundred and two non-commissioned German-Virginian officers and privates, — all belonging to the First Regiment. A new Gei-mau Company, " The Marion Eifles," was mus- tered into service on May 1st, 1861, and ordered to the Penin- sula on the 24th of the same month. The muster-rolP i*) con- tains the following names : Alb. Leibrock, Captain. Aug. Schad, 1st Lieutenant. Heinrich Schuaebele, 2nd Lieutenant. Edw. Euker, Jul. Fischer, Ed. Bell Heinr. Beckman Aug. Braun Chr. B. Braun Fr. Bierschenk H. Buckelman Geo. Blantz Phil. Briel W. Doell Fr. Dill Ad. Drescher Charles Euker Wm. Eggeliug Chr. Eshernbusch E. Fillman A. Frank Aug. F. Fiedler Aug. Faulhabcr H. Grimmel Chr. A. Hennighausen A. y. Halem E. V. Halem H. V. Halem Chas. Haase Wm. Heidmueller (}. Hassenohr Coleman Hecht John Hauk A. Heuers Theo. Krone J. Johnson J. Keppler G. Klein Chr. Krebs Herm. Kroedel John Kolbe W. Kempf H. Lehman E. Lieberman W. Linz Ed. Lies L. Merkel 0. Meister John Miller H. Miller E. Mear John Marxhauseu T). Nenzel — Nopwitz Fr. Otto G. Paul Chas. Pflus-felder 214.) The author is obliged to Lieut. Chr. A. Hennighausen of Richmond for fur- nishing this list. Lieut. Hennighausen was a member of the "Marlon Rifle Company." 75 Louis Eeinhardt C. Eoeth H. Reidt G-. Euuge C. Enngwitz Fr. Eies Ph. Stecker Fr. Schneider H. Schneider Fr. Saeger John Sevin .Jac. Schwartz Valentin Schwartz .J. Schmidt H. Schuermau Ch. Siemens B. Siemon — Taimbold J. Teslce . E. Tiele E. Wacker J. Walter L. Wuertemberger Ch. Wagner Oh. Volk Company H, 19th Eegimeut Virginia Militia, was first or- ganized as follows*^ ^"): Karl Siebert, Captain. L. Friedlaender M. Schaaf H. Eosenstein Ch. Funk P. Kraus C. Stephan L. Nachman Fred. Scheiderer Ed. Senf ^ Jul. Wohlgemuth H. lieineman E. Morgenstern Leopold Bind L. Stein Herm. Broedel J. Gessinghausen Jos. Stump M. Hurge J. Eeinhardt Chr. Heise F. Martin Anton Kretzmar S. Bolz H. Winten Mich. Hanna Jos. Adelsdorfer .Jac. Heiss A. Fuchs T. Singer C. Calbe E. Asmus C..L. Miller J. Merkel Fred. Englert Otto Huber E[. Eabe Dietrich Euker A. Drescher 216.) Reported by Lieut. Ch. A. nennighausen, Kic'.injond, Va. 76 Ph. llapp M. Stahl F. Wollcher A. Huebuer Constantin Hirt C. H. Northhoim W. Kellner G. Wolff J. Minnis P. Seibert Chr. >i. Schmidt Ch. Gardeweiii J. Weckerly Geo. Zander K. Hahii- — Bernstein r. Eeine Aug. Israels Ph. Statib Lorenz Wekenberg In October 1863 Company H was reorganized as " German Home Guard," serving in the field and guarding the prisons until April 3d, 1865. The roll gives the following names^"') : C. Baumann, Captain. G. Eunge, 1st Lieutenant. Von der Hoehl, 2nd Lieut. Ch. A. Hennighausen, do., Jr. C. F. Fischer, Sergeant. V. Schwartz, W. Schotchky, " 'J. Dinkel, F. Clevesahl, Corporal. L. Morris, " E. Senf, F. Holle, E. Albers, " G. Aichele . " M. Bottigheimer, E. Boehme E. V. Bueren S. Bolz Ph. Briel Ch. Braun W. Becker IST. Becker P. Busshaus C. Berndt W. Behle G. Dietrich W. Doell Ch. Emmenhauser — Ehmig J. Feldner C. Feldner W. Flegenheimer A. Frank W. Finke 216.) Reported by Lieut. Ch. A. Hennigliausen, Ricliraonil, Va. 11 A. Viick A. Frommhageu B. Fischer A. Peldheimer B. Gottlieb L. Goeppliardt — Goyer Chas.TIaase Chr. Heise- H. Holzhauer Cln-. Holzbach P. Huebner E. HeiTsler W. H. Heinz E. Herzog J. Hauser M. Hentze A. Hopp G. Hirseh P. Keil N. Kestner H. Koppel H. Knorr W. Krng A. Kolbe E. Kuh F. Lemggut N". Liebermau H. Meier C. Mueller 0. Meister P. Martin W. Miller G. Mueller J. Meier R. Merkel N. Nussbaum J. Nagelsmau G. D. Obitz L. Peter H. Propst L. Eammsteilt A. Euppert J. V. Eeif Glias. Schmidt P. Sorg B. Schaaf J. Schumacher Jac. Schneider John Schneider Ch. Schoenleber F. Schulte Ph. Staab L. Stern Ph. Stecker A. Spies Ch. Siemens Ch. Schoenborn A. Schmidt A. Schmus J. Steinman E. Thiele Ch. Wiemer G. Wolif L. Welsenberger E. Werne L. Wagener J. "Wolfram L. Walter F. Witte — Weiner Jac. Wolff W. Zimmerman 78 Towards the end of the year 1863 the coudition of his health had obliged the author of this history to resign as 1st Lieutenant of Comp. D, 14th Virginia Cavalry, 0. S. A., but bj request of Governor W. Smith of Virginia he organized a Ger- man company for home defence : Comp. M, 19th Virginia Militia. The Company was composed as follows-'"') : Herrmann Schuricht, Captain. Friedr. Seibert, 1st Lieut. J. Kindervater, 2nd Lieut. Henry Wenzel, Orderly Sergt. G. P. Paul, 1st Sergt. H. Grimmel, 2nd Sergt. P. Ruhl, 3d Sergt. P. Schneider, 4th Sergt. G. A. Krieger, 1st Corporal. Georg Klein, 2nd " G. Koenig, 3d P. Eosmary, 4th " E. P. Baetjer — Beck C. Bernstein L. Binda Ch. Brown C. Buckenthal E. Crehen H. Demler C. W. Dow 0. Ericson — Peldner G. Preitenstein Emil Pischer J. Pritz E. A. Plemhardt L. Gallmeyer J. C. Ganter J. Grom — Grote H. Gundlach J. Guggenheimer Ch. Haas H. Klein D. Klein A. Krezmarcz Wilh. Loeffler B. Momonthy J. D. Nauk II. Eodenkirchen • — Eobert Henry Schott D. Schoenfeldt C. Schulze Julius Schultz John J. Spilling Chs. Spott 217.) From a "muster-roll" in passesslon of the author. M. Stoll H. Wenton C. "W. Thilow John Werner F. Verspohl J. Wittman F. Warnicke Capt. J. Herbig, formerly a Lieutenant in the Bavarian army, recrnited a German "Infirmary or Sanitary Company," but the muster-roll of this troop is lost. Several German-Virginians occupied very prominent posi- tions in the Confederate army, as : James L. Kemper, Brig. General of Pickett's Division. Louis A. Armistead, do D. C. Kemper, Brig. General Confederate Artillery. J. N. AdenJDousch, Col. of 2nd Virginia Infantry, Stonewall Brigade. D. A. Weisiger, Col. of 12th Va. Inf. Regiment, Mahon's Brigade. John S. Hoffman, Col. of 31 st Va. Inf. liegiment. Smith's Brigade. — Neff, Col. of 33d Va. Inf. Regiment. — Harper, and later J. H. S. Funk, Col. of 5th Va. Inf. Regiment, Stonewall Brigade. Capt. Buckner, commanding 44th Va. Inf. Regiment, Jones' Brigade. Col. Harman, of 53ncl Va. Inf. Regmt., Gen. Stonewall Jackson's Corps. Col. Rust, of Gen. Stonewall Jackson's Corps. V. D. Groner, Col. of 61st Va. Inf. Regmt., Mahone's Brigade. Maj. John Harman, Chief Quartermaster of Stonewall Brigade. — Sheetz, Capt. of Independent Troop of Horse, Gen. Jack- son's Corps. Capts. Schumaker and Carpenter, commanding batteries. Gen. Stonewall Jackson's Corps. Heros von Borke,' Col. and Chief of Staff of Gen. Stuart's Cavalry Corps. Captain — Schubert, Engineer Officer in General Rob't E. Lee'c staff. 80 Gustav Adoljjh (Schwiirzmaiin, Colonel and Adjutant-Gen- ei'al of Gen. Albert Pike. G. A. Peple, Major and Professor at Couf. Navy School. E. von Bnchliolz, Captain of Ordinance, Wise Legion. Dr. Max Eoemer, Major of Wise Legion. — Tncker, Captain and Aide-de-Oamp of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee. — von Massow, Aide-de-Camp of Gen. Mosby ; and although not a native of Germany or Virginia, but of German descent. Carl Friedrich Henningsen, Brig. General and second in command of Wise Legion. The folloAving biographies of these officers include all reli- able information that could be procured. James Lawson Kemper, whose family history has been given in Vol. I, Chapter 4, studied law. In the year 1847 President Polk appointed him Captain of Volunteers, and he took part with honor in the Mexican War. After his return he repre- sented his native county in the Legislature, and the Virginia Convention appointed him Colonel of the 7th Virginia Infantry Eegmt. after the secession of the State. He was commissioned . Brig. General after the battle of AA'illiamsburg, May 5th, 1862, and fought with distinction in many bloody engagements. On the second day of the battle of Gettysburg Pickett's division had its grand day of honor and death, and Gen. Kemper was one of the victims of the struggle ; he was carried from the field badly wounded. On May 1st, 1864, he was appointed Major- General and placed in command of the forces for the defence of Eichmond. The army of Northern Virginia having surren- dered at Appomattox Court House, General Kemper returned to his law office in Madison county and issued a farewell address to his old brigade. "It is the most painful duty of my life," he said in that paper, " to sever the relations which for three years have harmoniously iiuited us; which have carried us together through memorable and flej'y trials, and have bound you to my heart with ties stronger than hooka of steel." From 1873-78 Gen. Kemper was Governor of the State, and then he retired with his family to Orange Court House, honored and loved by his fellow citizens. He died in 1895. 81 Gen. David A. Weisiger, a veteran of two wars, the hero of the battle of the Crater and a successful business man, was born Dec. 23cl, 1818, at " The Grove," the ancestral home in Chesterfield county. His paternal grandfather was Samuel AYeisiger, who came from Germany of a family prominent for military achievements; he was a relative of Colonel William Smith, of Revolutionary fame, and of the ancient Mayo family of Richmond. He was partner iu the firm Eowlett, Weisiger & Tanner, at Petersburg, when the Mexican War began, and soon became second lieutenant of Company E, First Regiment of Virginia Volunteers. While in Mexico Weisiger was appointed adjutant of his regiment, and he made a proud record during the war. On his return home he connected himself again with the commission business, and when the Civil War commenced he enlisted at once, was elected Major of the Fourth Virginia Battalion oi-ganized at Petersburg, and promoted Colonel of the Twelfth Virginia. After the battle of the Crater, Jnly 30tli, 1864, in which he commanded Mahone's Brigade, of which the Twelfth Regiment was a part, he was commissioned Brigadier- General. Gen. Weisiger was one of the most gallant officers of the Confederate armj', of great dash and approved courage. He commanded his regiment and also his brigade in many of the leading battles and was wounded several times. After |;he war he entered in Richmond in business and died there Feb- ruary 32nd, 18D9. General Louis A. Armistead was born at Newbern, N. C, on the 18th of February, 1817. In 1839 he was commissioned an officer in the U. S. Army. He distinguished himself in the Mexican War, and at the time Virginia seceded he entered the Confederate service. Gen. Armistead comn^anded a brigade of Pickett's famous division, was mortally wounded at Gettysburg and died a prisoner of war. His personal courage was of the truest temper. He descended of a German family, which has previously been mentioned with distinction, and has always enjoyed high esteem in A^irginia. General D. C. Kemper, a cousin of Gov. Kemper, was in charge of artillery. He resides now at Alexandria, Va. 82 Col. J. N. Adeiibousch commanded the second regiment of Virginia Volunteers from September 16th, 1862, accredited to the immortal "Stonewall Brigade." He was a descendant of a German settler in the Shenandoah vallej'. Capt. — Sheetz was only a comely youth, says Gen. Dabney in his "Life of Lieut.-General Jackson," when he left his father's farm to join the army. However, very soon he showed himself a man of no common mark. Collecting a company of youths like himself in the valleys of Hampshire, he had armed them wholly from the Sfioils of the enemy, and without any other military knowledge than the intuitions of his own good sense, had drilled and organized them into an efficient body. He speedily became a famous partisan and scout, the terror of the invaders and the right hand of Colonel Ashby. Sheefz was ever next the enemy ; if pursuing, in command of the advanced guard; or if retreating, closing the rear; and Gen. Stonewall Jackson had learned to rely implicitly upon his intelligence ; for his courage, enterprise, sobriety of mind and honesty as- sured the authenticity of all his reports. He was killed May 23d, 1862, in a skirmish near Buckton, between Front Royal and Strasbourg. Col. Hcros von Borke, born in Silesia, was a Prussian cav- alry officer. At the beginning of the Civil "War he took fur- lough, came to America, offered his services to the Confederate Government and was attached to Gen. J. E. B. Stuart's staff. He was a thorough soldier, and as a model officer soon became the friend and advisor of his brave General. The position of Chief of Staff of Gen. Stuart, with rank of Lieut.-Colonel was conferred on him. In an engagement near Upperville, Fauquier county, Aug. 19th, 1863, v. Borke was shot through the wind- pipe, and while still convalescent his friend and general was mortally wounded at Yellow Tavern, Hannover county. General Stuart on his death bed wished the promotion of v. Borke to his successorship, but the Confederate Government did not comply to the desire of the dying hero. The Congress of the Confederate States however voted resolutions of thanks for Col. V. Borke's services, acknowledging his military talents and bravery. 83 The author met von Borke at that time in the Spottswood Hotel in Richmond, and he received the impression that the wounded Colonel was not yet qualified to endure the exposures, hardships and excitement incident to the position as Commander of the Cavalry Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia. Von Borke returned to Germany and served as Major of Dragoons (die Schwed'schen Dragoner) in the war of 1866, but his old wound forced him soon after to retire. In 1886 he revisited Virginia and was received with due honors. "His once robust constitution appeared much affected by the ball he still carried in his right lung, but his jovial, impulsive, warm-hearted nature had not forsaken him''^!'^). During his stay at Eich- mond his sword, which he had brought from his Fatherland to Virginia, and worn when a Confederate ofHeer, was returned to him.' Von Borke presented this relic to the State and the Leg- islature accepted it with the following resolution : " Kesolved by the General Assembly : That the State of Virginia, appreciating the high manly qualities and virtues of Lieut.-Colonel Heros von Borke, accept the sword, and hereby directs the Secretary of the Com- monwealth to place it among the relics preserved in the Public Library." Von Borke published in German and English a book : "Zwei Jahre im Sattel," a» description of his military life as a Confederate officer, and lately he wrote in conjunction with Major Scheibert: "The Great Cavalrv Battle near Brandy Station." Captain — Scheibert ^^■^), of the Prussian Engineers, de- tailed by his government as an observer, but taking an active part as a combatant, was attached to Gen. Robert E. Lee's head- quarters. His interest in the southern cause did not end with the war; on returning to Germany, Avhere he was appointed Major in the Prussian Engineers, he corresponded with the editor of the " Southern Historical Society's Papers," and he wrote a book : 218.) "Southern Bivouac Magazine," p. 515. Loujsviiie, Ky., February 1386. 219.) "Tlie German Soldier in tlia Wars of tiie United States," by J. G. Eosengar- ten, pp. 179 and ISO. Philadelplila, Pa., 1890. 84 " Sieben Monate in den Kebellen-Staaten," published in Stettin in 1868, characterized by its southern tone. In 1883 Major Scheibert published a German translation of Allan's : " History of the V' alley Campaign;" and in a letter of October 13th, 1881, dated Hirschberg, Silesia, Prussia, he says that he has translated and printed in German : Early's " Gettysburg," Stuart's and Lee's " Keport," Hubbard's '• Ohancellorville," Patton's "Jackson," McClellan's " Jeb Stuart," Stuart's "Get- tysburg," and biographies of Lee, Jackson, Stuart and Mosby. His " Buergerkrieg in den Vereinigten Staaten " has been trans- lated into the French and Spanish. Colonel Oustav Adolph Schxvarzmann'^ ^ ") was born at Stutt- gart, Wuerteniberg, March 17th, 1815, and received a thorough and complete education. A young man of eighteen he came to Baltimore and received a situation as clerk in a commercial house. At the time of the Seminole War, 1835-'42, he enlisted in the U. S. Army and owing to his superior education he was soon promoted to a lieutenantship of the 4th Artillery Kegi- ment. Schwarzmann was wounded several times and after the close of the war he was appointed superintendent of the U. S. Arsenal at Fayetteville, IST. C, and later on to a position in the General Postoffice at Washington city. Sympathizing with the South he went to Richmond at the beginning of the Civil War, and he was at once appointed to the General Postoffice of the Confederacy; but this civil service was not what he longed for, and he soon joined the Confederate army. He was commis- sioned Colonel and Adjutant-General to Gen. Albert Pike; par- ticipated in numerous engagements and battles and again distinguished himself by his bravery. After the termination of the war Colonel Sohwarzmann went to Baltimore and established himself as notary-public. His many friends in Kichmond tried iu vain to induce him to take up his abode there. A serious disease of the eyes, a result of exposures during the war, darkened the remainder of his life, and after twelve years of suffering he died on the 20th of February, 1882. Col. David Lewis lluffmr, son of Dr. Henry Ruffner, was 220.1 From "Her Deutsche Corrosponilent," February 22n. 302. Richmond, Va„ ISili. 89 at any price and disappeared. Estvau weiiL Lo Wasliingtoii city in full uniform of a Confederate Colonel and claimed to have deserted in sympathy with the ITnion. He was received with distinction, introduced to President Lincoln and the best soci- ety of the Union capital. From AYashington he went to Eng- land and Germany, and assisted by his ladies, wrote a book : " Kriegsbilder aus Amerika," first published in English at London and later in German by F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1864. Finally Estvan ventured to revisit his old Fatherland, Austria, and at Vienna he was arrested and prosccntod as a criminal. In the Union army were many Germans and also some Ger- man-Virginians. Gen. Kobert B. Lee gave these German soldiers in the Union army a very brilliant testimonial. At the time when the southern cause was rapidly falling away he angrily exclaimed : '• Take out the Dutch and we will whip the Yankees easily." Oen. Jacob Anrinen'---), distinguished during the rebellion, was a native of Virg'inia, a graduate of AVest Point in 1831, had resigned to engage in teaching and engineering, and when the war broke out he re-entered the service as Colonel of the 24th Ohio; later as Brigadier-General he served with great bravery in the West. Gen. Hugo Dilrjer, born in Baden, enjoyed the reputation of one of the boldest officers of the Northerri army. During the war he learned to know and admire the Shenandoah valley and its German population, and after the close of the hostilities he concluded to live among the "Sesesh."' He purchased a farm near Front Eoyal and is a very popular man among his Virginian neighbors. Gen. Lewis Iluffner, of Charleston, Kanawha county, before mentioned, participated in the establishment of the separation of West Virginia. Against the wishes of most of his relatives ^-'') and many of his warmest personal friends he declared for 222.) "The German Soldier in the Wars of the U. S ," l)y J. G. Roseiigiirten, p. 166, Philadelphia, 1390. ^ 223.) "Historical PHpcre, No. 5, 1895, Washington and Lee University, I,e.\ington, Va.," pp. 21—23. 90 Lhe Union iiud stuod foi' it with the courage of inflexible conviction. He was twice elected as a meniber of the Legis- latni-e of West \'irginia. In 1863 he Avas one of the delegates to the Wheeling Convention, which framed a constitution for the new State, and in the same year lie was appointed by the Legislature a Major-General of militia for the State. He was also about that time tendered the position of Colonel of a regi- ment in the Federal army, which he declined on account of the large business interests he represented and which were continually in peril. His public life closed with the war and he died in 1 883 at his home. Tlie contents of these biographies have run in advance of the historical reports given and we return to the events in the first year of the war. On May 20th, 18G1, the seat of the Confederate Govern- ment was transferred from Montgomery, Alabama, to Rich- mond, and on the 29th of the same month President Jefferson Davis was received in the new capital. The face of the city at once became altered, — it was ovei'run by wild fanatics, speculative adventurers, office seekers, gamblers and discredi- table women, — the respectable inhabitants soon retired, alarmed and disgusted, from publicity. In tlie beginning of the war the Confederate armies had been victorious, but victory was followed by disaster ; the enthusiasm and valor of the people cooled down and the volunteer soldiers felt desirous to return home. The exigency was very critical and the government was forced to resort to conscription. In April and again in September, 1863, acts of conscription were passed by Congress and generally cheerfully acquiesced in. IS'cw disasters on the Mississippi frontier, the evacuation of Xorfolk, Va., and the destruction of the " Virginia " or " Merrimac," caused great distress and public alarm in the old mother State. The de- struction of the "Merrimac" left the James river and Rich- mond almost unprotected, and there appeared unmistakable signs of the intention of the Confederate Government to remove to some safer place than the capital of the Old Dominion. The sound of the guns of the Federal gunboats at Drewry's Bluff and the thunder of the cannons during the battles around 91 Eiolimoud were heard in the streets of tlie city. Mau}- pre- pared to leave and there were cries of treason and disloyalty. The foreign born inhabitants and especially such that kept away from the army were objects of suspicion and all possible influence was urged to force them into service. The Germans in Richmond who were not citizens and therefore claimed ex- emption from military duty were in a difficult situation. Xo powerful German Empire then existed to protect and shield ■ them, only the "Free City of Bremen" was represented in Richmond by a Consul appointed to take care of her 'commer- cial interest^. To this Consul, Edw. W. de Voss, all those alarmed and suspected Germans hastened to seek protection. Upon oath that they had not obtained American citizenship and paying a fee of one dollar they received a certificate worded as follows : Consulate of the Free City of Bremen, Richmond, Va. I, — E. W. de Voss, Consul of the free City of Bremen, declare and certify that the bearer, , has taken oath that he is a native of , Germany, and that he has never taken the oath of allegiance to the United States or the Con- federate States of America, or to any other foreign nation. Given under my hand and seal of office, Edav. W. de \'oss. Consul. For some time these certificates were resi3ected by the Confederate police and military authorities, but they also in- tensified the ill-feeling towards the foreigners. The close of the summer of 18G2 found the soil of Virginia again almost cleared of the invading enemy, who had been defeated around Richmond, at Cedar, mountain, at Manassas and iu Kentucky. These victories and the battle of 'Sharps- burg or Antietani had cost great loss of life. Maryland and Kentucky failed to come to the sujijiort of tlie Confeder;ite armies. Disastrous events followed theu iu the Soutliwest: the defeat of Corinth, the capture of Galveston, etc., and on the 22nd of Seijtember, ISO?, President Lincoln issued ids pro- clamation of tlie Mma/icipation of the /Slaves. The scarcity of all supplies, the enormous prices and the depreciation of the 'J 2 Confederate curreiicj seriously added Lo the calamities and disheartened the people. In fact the depreciation of the Con- federate cnrrency did more to demoralize the South than anything else. Tiie advance in prices was. enhanced by greedy speculation. Although it was no secret that southern planters were eager to smuggle and sell cotton, sugar and tobacco to the North, the animosity of the natives accused the German Jews and foreign adventurers to speculate on the misfortunes of the South. However the truth was occasionally acknow- ledged. Edw. A. Pollard for instance says in his book^^*), written at the time: "Whatever diminution of spirit there may have been in the South since the commencement of the struggle it has been on the part of those pretentious classes of the wealthy, who in peace were at once the most zealous 'secessionists' and the best customers of the Yankees, and who now in war are naturally the sneaks and tools of the enemy. The cotton and sugar planters of the extreme South who prior to the war Avere loudest for secession, were at the same time known to buy every article of their consumption in Yankee markets and to cherish an ambition of shining in the society of northern hotels. It is not surprising that many of these affected patriots have found congenial occupation in this war in planting in co-partnership with the enemy or in smuggling cotton into his lines.'" This criticism certainly is to some extent too severe in its general form of expression. The devotion of the southern people to their cause is too well known to be discredited, but it is equally unjust to accuse the Jews and foreigners without distinction to have been corrupt and unpatriotic. The large number of Germans who served in the southern army and dared their lives on the battle fields are strong proof against such spiteful accusation. "In the South, during the dark and trying days of the Confederacy," says Hou. Simon Wolf, Washington city^^^), "the Jewish citizens of that section displayed to the full their devo- tion to the cause which they held at heart. The Jewish South- 224.) ''The Second Year of the War," by Edw, A, Pollard, p. 303. Richmond, Va., 1863. 226.) "The American Jew a3 Patriot, Soldier and Citizen," by Simon Wolf p. 420, Philadelphia, Pa. '.■3 eriiers were as zailous iu their efforts as were their neighbors all about them, and hoivevcr mistalten was their contention they adhered to it tenaciously. A Jew, it is said, fired the first gun against Fort Sumtei', and another Jew gave the last shelter to the fleeing President and Cabinet of the fallen Con- federacj'/' It cannot be disputed that Jews have been foremost among tiie foreign-born population of Virginia in advocating the secession-movement, — being interested in the "Negro trade." The largest auction-house in Eichmond for the sale of slaves was owned by a Jew. Although slaves were considered a neces- sity by the planters and slave property being legitimate, the Negro -trader Avas looked upon with contempt, and therefore it reflected to a disadvantage on the Jews that several of them were engaged in this detested trade. Howevei', the cheerful alacrity with which they entered the Confederate service in the hour of need, is evidence of their devotion to the southern cause. In a number of southern Jewish families all the male members ahle to bear arms were enrolled in the southern army. In Virginia three brothers : Leopoltl, Samson and Solomon Levy enlisted, and the last-named died of wounds received in battle. Hon. Simon Wolf gives in his interesting history: "The American Jew as Patriot, Soldier and Citizen," the folloiving German- Virginian names of Jewish officers and soldiers in the Confederate urmy : Adler, Henry, Company E, 1st and 14th Inf. Eegnit. Abrams, Isaac, Company G, 1st Inf. Eegmt. Angle, Meyer, Company D, 12th Inf. Eegmt. Angle, M., Company E, 46th Inf. Eegmt. Angle, B., Company — , 46th Inf. Eegmt. Angle, Joseph, Company E, 59th Inf. Eegmt. Adler, A., Company A, 1st Artiller}^ • Bear, Alexander, Lieutenant and subsequently, Surgeon Company D, 4th Infantry. Bacharach, M. Baoarach S. Baach, Siegmund, Longstreet's Corps. Baach, Seligman, do. 94 Baacli, Solomon H, Loiigstreet's Corps. Bernheim, Samuel, Sergt.-Major, City Battalion. Cohen, Jacob, Company B, 12tli Infantry. Colien, David, Riclimoud Hussars. Cohen, 31., do. Dogen, Samuel, Company A, 19th Infantry. Jh-eyfus, Leori, Company A, 10th Cavalry. Deichs, Wm., Norfolk Blues. Ezeldel, E. M., Company A, 1st Infantry. . Ezekiel, Joseph K., Company B, 46th Infanti-y. Eiseman, Louis, Wise's Brigade. Ezekiel, Jacob, 1st Militia. Ezekiel, Moses, Lieutenant of Cadets Va. Institute. Frankenthal, Simon, Company B, 46th Infantry. Friedenwald, Isaac, " A, 53d " Friedland, A., Richmond Light Inf. Blues. Goldstein, B., Company E, 46th Infantry. Guggenheim, Simon, Company E, 46th Infantry. Gunst, Michael, " E, 46th Goldstein, J., " E, 46th Gunst, Henry, " E, — Cavalry. Gersberg, Henry. Hirschberg, Joseph, " A, 1st Infantry. Ilutzler, Siegmund L., " A, 1st " Hexter, Simon, " E, 1st ■ " Hessburg, Julius, 3d " Ileilbroner, Henry, " H, 27th "' Hesser, S., " E, 46th " Hirsch, Herman, " A, 1st Cavalry. Hessburg, M., " Isaacs, Abrh., " E, 46th Infantry. Kuh, E. L., •• H, Stli Kull, U. E., " A, 12th Kaddeu, A., " A, 10th Cavalry. Kalten, Aaron, Wise's Legion. Lichtenstein, Isidore, Company II, 1st Infantry. Lowenstein, William, Richmond Light Infantry Blues. Jjevy, Lewis, Company A, 12th Infantry. Lowenstein, Isidore, " A, 12th " 95 Lorscli, lleiiiy, Couipiiuy A, 19th liifautr}'. Levy, Ezekiel, " E, 46th Levy, Isaac J., " E, 46th '■ Levy, Alexander IL, " E, 46th Levy, Alexander, Lieutenant, Staff of General Magruder. Levy, Joseph, Company E, 46th Infantry. Levy, Emanuel G., " E, 46th Levy, Leopold, ] £ " G, 1st Cavali'y. Levy, Sampson, 1 1 " G, 1st " Levy, Solomon, J | 23d Infantry. Levy, B., Captain, Richmond Light Infantry Blues. Lichtenstein, K., 19th Eeserves. Lowenstein, I., Richmond Grays. Literman, Simeon, Young's Battery. Myers, "VTm., Company A, 1st Infaiitry. Myers, Marks, 12th U Myer, Max, a B, 13th ii^ Middledorfer, Chas , a E, 12th ii Myers, A., a — 17th ii Myers, Solomon,. a — 18th a Moses, J. C, '' E, 46th a Myers, C, It E, 46th a Myers, LeAvis, a — 46th ii. Myers, Herman, a — 1st Cavalry. Myers, Benjamin, a C, Wise's \ Legion, Middledorfer, Max, Fayette Artillery. ISTewman, Joseph, Company K, 20th Infantry. ISTewman, Isaac, 46th '■ Newman, Jacob, 59th •' Obermayer, H., 2nd " Oethenger, David, Company B, 18th " Oberndorfer, B., Young's Battery. Plaut, Hugo, Sergeant on General Henry A. Wise's Staff. Rosenberg, M., Company G, 6th Infantry. Rosenfeld, Simon, " A, 12tli " Reinach, A. S., •' B, 12th Reinach, Isidore, " B, 12th ^' Rosenheim, Henry, " E, 46th Rosenberg, Michael, Norfolk Blues Infantry. 'JG Kcinaoh, M., I'etersburg Gra^^s. 8eldner, Isaac, Lieutenant, Gth .rufautry. Schwartz, — , 17th Infantrj- iSemoD, Jacob S., Company E, 4Gth Infantry. Schoentha], Joseph, Company E, 46th Infantry. Strauss, David, 7th Cavalry. Simon, Isaac, Kichmond Hussars. Simon, Nathan, Eichmond Hussars. Smith, Henry, Otoy's Battery. Seligman, H., Petersburg Grays. Triesdorfer, G., Company B, 14th Infantry. Tucker, — Lieutenant, Caskey's Riders. Unstadter, JL, Company A, 6th Infantry. AVhitlock, P., " A, 12th WJlzinsky, L., '• H,12th " Wolf, ^Y. M., Lieutenant 25th Infantry. ^Vasseman, Levy, Company E, 46th Infantry. Wamback, Leopold, Norfolk Blues Infantry, and several uncertain names. The losses of the Confederate armies liad to be repaired in some way and the conscription laws were now carried out with extreme rigor. The Confederate government took the police authority from the State of Virginia and appointed Gen. J. Winder "provost marsliall of Virginia.'' He originated from Baltimore, had been a Colonel in the Union army and was promoted by the Confederate govern- ment to the rank of Brigadier-General. It probably was his intention and orders to enforce the law and to guard the safety of the city, but he did so in an almost savage manner. He organized a secret police force of men, who for the most part ought ratlicr to have been put under police control, and a detestable system of espionage and denunciation was inaugu- rated. A reign of terror began in Richmond. Arrests upon tlie charge of political disloyalty or secret connection with the enemy were daily occurrences. Several respectable German citizens who were known to have opposed secession — like H. L. Wiegand— were imprisoned in the ill-famed " Castle Thun- der,"' and frequently had to wait there several months before 97 the charge against them was investigated. Armed patrols marched the streets of Richmond and ari'ested anyone who had no passport of Gen. Winder to shoAv. If the prisoner could not give other satisfactor}' legitimation ho was sent to the armj'. However an Englishman, a correspondent of the '• Cornhill Magazine," contrasting the rival capitals, sketched Gen. Winder rather favorably as follows ^ ^ ") ; "Gen. Winder, the provost marshall, every sojourner in the city knows full well. Gen. Butler would rejoice in the posse'ssion of so vigilant au officer. While Washington is overrun with the intriguing and the' disappointed, Richmond has ears for every whisper, and there can come no stranger to the city whose movements are not watched and his mission understood. To Gen. Winder the Avhole government of the city is entrusted. Offenders are marched singly before the provost; he sits absolute and inipei'- turbable, erect, prompt and positive. He has small searching- eyes, a beaked nose and white bristly hair, which suggests the unapproachable porcupine. He adopts a harsh voice with pris- oners of war and with his justice may blend just a little retal- iation ; for his brother has long been shut up in Fort AVarren by Federal gaolers.'' Not any less embarrassing was the situation of foreigners or foreign-born citizens in other cities and towns, but partic- ularly of those living isolated in the country. Bands of masked and armed men harassed foreigners and tried to compel them to leave the country. The depot, agent at Trevillians, Lonisa county, Mr. Han- cock, related to the author the following incident, sounding almost like a romance : "Some years before the war a German and his wife, rela- tives of the Ruegcr and Loehr families in Richmond, settled at Trevillian and opened a store. The industrious couple pros- pered and thereby they awakened the envy of several less successful neighbors. After the outbreak of hostilities they were by these persons accused to be "Abolitionists'" and to 226.) "The Record," p. 42, Ja)y 16lh, 1803, pilW. by West k Johnston, Richmond, Va. have sold merchandise to negroes, thereby offeadiug against the Virginia code. In consequence of these incitements a band of masked men on horseback, headed by one of the spiteful neighbors, approached their house in nighttime and ordered them : " to leave the country within three days or their house would be burnt."' In the third following night the horsemen reappeared to carry out their threat, but the brave wife of the German stood at the door of her dwelling armed with a gun and told them that she would shoot anyone who dared to destroy her husband's propert3'. The disguised men hesitated and held a short consultation, and finally they turned their backs to the house and disappeared in the darkness. The German storekeeper and his wife, in dread of further moles- tations hereafter, removed to Richmond until the reestablish- ment of peace and order. Although successful in their under- takings in the city, they i-eturned to Trevillians and reopened their store. Their son and the daughter of the leader of their assailants visited the same little country school, became at- tached to each other and after years they were married. At present the son of the German and the daughter of the " Ku- Klux " are a happy couple and the proprietors of a much enlarged storehouse." In spite of distrust and sufferings the Germans, and even thase who seriously regretted the separation from the Union, competed with the Anglo-Americans in the endurance of severe trials. The long Avar had entangled by its consequences all the different parties ; all had finally but one material interest and entertained but one hope : victory and peace. Defeat appeared to every inhabitant of Virginia, suffering most of all the Confederate States and liable to undei-go dreadful hardships in case of being vanquished, as identical with ruin. This sentiment, especially felt by the descendants of the •German jnoneers, is closely shown in " Virginia !"" a battle song, composed by Mrs. C. J. M. .Jordan- = '). The song closes : "War Songs of tlie Soiitli," p. 21fi, Rirhmoml, Va., West & Johnston, 1862. . Breneman, Sam. Freeman. Brooke county. — Adam Kuhn, Joseph Gist, John G. Jacob. Ohio county. — J. K. Stefel, G. L. Cramner, A. F. Boss, John Stiner, J. M. Bickel, J. Paul!, John C. Hoffman, Jacob Berger, J. C. Orr. Marshall county. — H. C. Kemple, ])v. Marshman, J. W. Boner, C'h. Snediker, J. S. Kiggs, Alex. Kemple. A\^etzel county. — A. W. Lauck, B. T. Bowers, Geo. AV. Bier, W. 1). Welker. Tyler county. — AV. B. Kerr. Harrison county. — S. S. Fleming, Felix S. Sturm. I'leasants county. — W. A. Cramer. AVood county. — S. Fj. A. ]5urche, AV. Vroman, J. Burche, Peter Dils, H. Eider. Monongalia. — L. Kramer, H. Deering, E. V>. Fogle, .J. D. Hess, Ch. H. Burgess, J. T. ^\. Bly, J. ]\[iHer. 113 Preston county. — D. A. Lctzinger, AV. B. Zimi. Jackson county. — ,A. Mesher, G. Leonard. Marion county. — J. Holman, John Chisler. Mason county. — W. E. Wetzel, L. Harpold, ^V. AV. Harper, Wm. Harpold, Sam. Yeager, Ch. H. Bunigarten, C'h. K AA'ag- gener. Wirt counly. — H. Nenmau. liampsliire county. — George AV. Slieets, (i. W. Hizer. Berkeley county. — J. S. Bowers. Koane county. — I. C. Stump. and many others of doubtful origin like Smith, Youug, AViu- ters, Conrad, Brown, King, Fish, Hunter, Baker, Snyder, Cook, Walker, Marshall, etc. AVm. B. Zinn of Preston county was made temporary president and C'h. B. AVaggener was oue of the secretaries. On the 23d of May the vote on the ordinance of Secession was taken and while the eastern portion of ATrginia was almost unanimously in favor of Secession, in the western counties of the 44,000 votes cast 40,000 'were against the ordinance. On the 4th of June the delegates to the "Second AVheeling Convention " were chosen and assembled with the senators and represeiitatives elected in Afay at the general election to mem- bership of the General Assembly of Mrginia on .June 11th at AVheeling. The German element was again largely represented in this memorable assemblage in which foi-ty counties of the old mother State took action. The convention resolved- ■*■') ; "We, the delegates here assembled in convention to di'vise such measures and take such action as the safet-y and welfare of the loyal citizens of Vii'ginia may demand, have maturely consid- ered the premises, and viewing witli great concern the deplor- able conditio]) to which this once happy commonwealth must be reduced unless some regular adequate measure is spe.edily adopted, and appealing to the Supreme Ivuler of the universe for the rectitude of our intentions, do hcrebv, in the name and 237.) Compare "A DeclaraUon of the People of Virginia represented in Convention at the City of Wheeling, Thursilay, .lune 13th, ISOI," 114 on behalf of the good people of Virginia, solemnly declare that the preservatiion of their dearest rights and liberties, and their security in person and property, imperatively demand the reor- ganization of the Government of the Commonwealth, and that all the acts of said convention (that is, the Eichmond conven- tion which pass.ed the ordinance of Secession) and executive tending to separate this Commonwealth from the United States, or to levy and carry on war against them, are without authority and void ; and that the offices of all who adhere to said con- vention and executive, whether legislative, executive or judicial, are vacated." Thus the Wheeling convention had proclaimed an inter- regnum in the State government and already the following day began the work of reorganization. Arthur J. Boreman of Wood county was president of the convention and G. L. Cramner sec- retary. The new goverumeut of Virginia was acknowledged by the United States authorities as the legal government of Vir- ginia. On the fir^t day of July the General Assembly organized at Wheeling and elected senators and representatives to the National Congress at Washington, who were admitted to seats in the respective houses. •'Having reorganized the government^-'") and elected a chief executive officer, Francis H. Pierpont of Marion county. Governor of Mrginia, and provided for the election of all other officers, civil and military, the labors of the convention were evidently drawing to a close. Nothing had been done that ap- peared to directly inaugurate the popular movement for the formation of a new State. In reality however the true theory had been adopted and the only legitimate mode of arriving at the most desirable result had been conceived and acted upon by the convention. If the government, thus restored, was acknow- ledged by the Federal authorities as the only government in Virginia, then the legislative branch of it could give its assent to the formation of a new State, as provided for by the Consti- tution of the United States." August 6th, 1861, the convention ]-eassembled at Wheeling and adopted an ordinance to provide for the formation of a new State, and on the 24th of October tlie 238.) J. n. nagan's First West Virginia Report, p. 63, 115 people of the respective counties stiuctioned tliis resolution. On the 26th of November a Constitutional Convention assembled again at Wheeling, the first capital of the new State, to frame the first Constitution of West yirginia. The following German names are among those of the delegates who performed this im- portant labor : K, W. Lauck of Wetzel county, Eob't Hager of Borne, Henry Bering of Monongalia, Harmon Sinsel of Taylor, J., A. Dille of Preston, G. W. Sheets of Hampshire, Louis Ruff- uer of Kanawha, etc. On the 3d day of May, 1862, the Consti- tution was confirmed by a general vote of the people, and on the 9th of the same month a State convention asseinbled at Par- kersburg elected the German-Virginian Arthur L. Boreman Governor of West Virginia, while Governor Pierpont of Vir- ginia moved the archives of the restored government to Alex- andria, which continued to be the rallying centre of Unionism in Virginia until the 35th of May, 1865, when the Pierpont government removed to Eichmond. In the meanwhile Federal and Confederate armies had en- tered the mountain region of Old Virginia and on the 7th of July, 18^1, the first blood was shed in the battle at Scary creek. General Henry A. AVise, in command of the Confederate forces sent into, the Kanawha valley, was victorious in this first en- gagement, but the Federals under General 'Cox being in. strong force, the Confederates were in danger of being cut off and re- treated to Meadow Bluff, north of Lewisburg, Greenbrier county. "The disaster at Rich mountain, the surrender of Pegram's force, and the retreat northward of Gariiclt's army," says A. Pollard, ^^'•') "had withdrawn all support from the right fiank and indeed from the rear of General Wise." The campaign of tlie Confederate troops in West Mrgima, thus quite unsuccessful, the Legislature of Old Virginia on the 1.3th of ilay, 1802, proposed to acknowledge the formation of the new State of AVest Mrginia, hut only luitliin the jurisdiction of Virginia. The waves of tlie conflict rolled over this attempt to bring about a reconciliation, and on December 31st, 1862, President Lincoln confirmed the I'esolution of the Fnited States 239.) "The Lost Cause," by Ediv. A, Pollard, ii. 169. New York, I8(i6, 116 Congress to admit Wed Virginia as a State in the Union, with fifty counties of 21,000 square miles and 376,688 inhabitants. Thei-e was a feeling of relief among the friends of the Union as from an irksome and heavy burden in the separation from the Old Dominion, tlie influence of which had long rested like a nightmare npon the western^ section ; but there were still many adherents to the old Government in the new State. The Germans and German descendants were mostly Union men. For instance, in Preston county the German citizens demon- strated and agitated already in January 1861 against the seces- sion movement.^'"') "A county convention appointed a com- mittee of which S. W. Snider, J. Wolf, I. Startzman, G. Hilden- berger, Ch. Bischoff, etc., were members, and elected delegates to the 'People's Convention,' to assemble at Richmond, Va., the 13th of February, 1861. On the same day about 150 citizens of ' the German settlement met, electing Ch. Hooton chairman and G. H. Schaffer secretary, and the meeting passed resolutions disapproving the course of the extreme southern States and deprecating the doctrine of secession. Other meetings were held at the Gladesville schoolhouse and at Pleasant Valley church ; patriotic songs were sung and even the women ex- pressed their attachment to the Union.'' AVhen the crisis came and war broke out, the German de- scendants promptly responded to the call for troops to join the Federal army. Preston county for example showed on its mus- ter-rolls the German names of the following officers: Sam'l Snyder, Lieutenant-Colonel of the 16th West Virginia Regi- ment; Captain W. if. Paul, 1.5tli West \'irginia Regiment; Captain M. ls\. Snyder, 17th West "\1rginia Regiment: Captain \). A. Letzinger, 3d Regiment West Alrgiiiia Cavalry ; Captain J. S. Hyde, 3d Regiment West Virginia Infantry ; C'aptain AV. A. Falkenstine, joined 3d if aryland Volunteers; .faoob Stemjile, Major of ililitia; Captain Peter Zinn, etc. The number of Germans from AVest Virginia on the Confederate side was com- jiaratively small. The census of 18G0, which does not consider the older (lerman immigration, but simply anglicizes it, num- 240 ) "Uistory of rrcslon i-(miU,v, W. Va,," l>,v S, T. Wiley, p. 96, Klngswood, W, Va., 1882. bers the German population of the new State at 10,512 and states: that 869 engaged in the war. However these figures are much too loio. According to the report of the Adjutant-General of the State for the year 1865 it appears, that West Virginia fur- nished in all 36,530 troops to the Federal army, and in propor- tion to the strength of the German element — Germans and their descendants — it must at least have supplied one-third, or 12,200 men. No official data exist to show the number, that went from West Virginia into the Confederate army. The his- torian Virgil A. Lewis'-'*') estimates the number at about 7,000, and the author, who was an officer of General Jenkin's Cavalry Brigade, which was principally recruited in West Virginia, from his observations would appraise the Germans and German descendants among them at not more than 3,000 — 4,000. Of Confederate officers from West Virginia and of German descent Colonel J. S. Witcher, 3d Virginia Cavalry ; Captain Wm. H. Haflner, Company E, Edgar's Battalion ; Captain Wm. Keiter, who commanded a Tennessee Artillery Company; Lieutenant Hawer, Company D, 14th Virginia Cavalry ; Chaplain Brillkart, 8th Virginia Cavalry ; Lieutenant Henry A. Wolf, 3d Virginia Cavalry, and Captain Peter Carpenter are known. "Shriver (Schreiber?) Greys," a handful of exiles from Wheeling, only thirty strong, are mentioned in Confederate reports as a gallant band.2*2) During the late war the German districts of the new State had chiefly suffered, especially the lower Shenandoah valley and the counties on Greenbrier, New and Kanawha rivers, but by the energy and industry of the population they soon regained their former wealth. The development of West Virginia since its separation from Old Virginia is surprising and is a concil- iating moment of the dismemberment of the Mother-State of the Union. Astonishing activity has characterized the con- struction of railroads ; the Monongahela and Kanawha rivers were made navigable for steamboats ; a thorough and stringent law was enacted relative to the construction and working of 241.) "History of West Virginia," by Vii-gil A. Lewis, p. 423. Phlladeiphia, 1889. 242.) "Tlie Life of gtoneirali Japlison," by a Virginian, p. 78, Ayres & Wade, Eiolimond, Va., 1863. 118 roads; the hidden treasures of the earth: coal, iron, lead, cop- per, silver, antimony, nicliel, borax, soda, alum, salt, lime, pe- troleum, etc., have been mined and developed ; the mineral springs of remarkable varietj' and of high reputation are rapidly attaining celebrity among the most noted and elegant watering places of the northern Statps and even of the Old AYorld ; agriculture and rural enterprise, fruit growing, wine making, dairying, and the production of -wool are progressive and the value of real estate is constantly advancing. In conse- quence of the last named progress many German farmers have gained great wealth. Before, during and after the late war sev- eral Germans have been entrusted with surveying the laud and with exploring and analyzing the mineral resources. The first topographical map of the two Virginias was drawn, as already mentioned, by order of Gov. Henry A. Wise, by Capt. v. Buch- holtz, a native of Wuertemberg and a resident of Eichmond ; Oswald Heinrich, a Saxon, explored the mineral wealth of the Alleghanies by order of the Confederate government and he has drawn the first geological map of West and East Virginia ; General L. Ruffner, a member of the well known Ruflner family originating from the kingdom of Hannover, was the superinten- dent of the celebrated Kanawha Salines,— and Dr. Heinrich Froehling, chemist of Richmond, collected and analyzed sam- ples of ore, etc. Among the names of the high officials of the new State, as Avas already stated, are several German ones, like : Arthur I. Boreman, Governor from 1863—1869 ; Daniel Polsley, Congress- man, Judge and Lieutenant-Governor, born at Palatine, Mar- ion county, Va., and of German descent^ *■'), and H. A. G. Zieg- ler, State School Superintendent from 1869 — 1870. Previous to 1861 the public education was as much neg- lected in West Virginia as in East Virginia, but already in 1872 of 170,035 boys and girls of school age 85,765 w^ere enrolled in 3,479 public schools, and in 1882—1883 the total enrollment amounted to 155,544. The German language Was taught in al- most every high-school and college. 248.) "Prominent .\[en of West Vii-ginia," p. 231. Another evidence of the important part the Germans have had in the settlement and development of West Virginia is fur- nished by the following names of counties, cities, villages, riv- ers, etc. : Wetzel county, named after the Indian hunter Ludvvig Wetzel ; }Virt county, after the lawyer and statesman B. W. Wirt; and in the counties: Barlour : Plackersville, Huffman, Burnersville, Galls ; Berheley : Martinsburg, Gerrards Town, Flaggs, Darkesville; Boone: Coon's (Kuhn's) Mills, Hager; Braxton: German, Cutlip's (Gottlieb's); Brooke: Steubenville, Herrmann Creek, Bowman ; Fayette : Ansted, IS'uttalburg, Leb- long, Crickmer, Dcitz, Frederick; Gilmer: DeKalb, Tanners; Greenbrier : Frankford, Hughart, Lewisburg ; Grant : Lah- mansville, Keyser, Kerms, Kelternian, Jordan's Eun ; Hamp- shire : Frankfort, Hainesville, Euckman ; Hardy : Moorfield (formerly Mohrf eld \ Doman, Baker's Eun; Harrison: Hess- ville. Hacker's Creek ; Jackson : Wiseburg, New Geneva, Muse's Bottom, Lockhart's, Fisher's Point ; Jefferson : Shepherdstown (formerly Mecklenburg), Harper's Ferry, Charlestown, Snyder's Mills, Lectown (founded by Jacob Hite) ; Kanawha : Winifreds, Sissonville, Copenhaver's Mills, Jordan ; Leivis : Freemansburg, Berlin, Hacker's Creek, Fink's Creek ; Logan : Burch ; Marion : ' Palatine, Metz, Meyers, Sturm's Mill ; Marshall : Becler's Sta- tion; Mason: Cologne, Grimm's Landing; Mercer: Duhring ; Mineral: Frankfort, Hartmonsville, Schelle, Keysertowu ; Mc- Dowell : Jaeger ; Monongalia : Statler's Eun, Decker's Creek ; Monroe : Lindside, Peterstown ; Morgan : Unger's Store, Stat- ler's Cross Eoad ; Nicholas : Kessler's Cross Lanes ; Ohio : Wheeling, Zane's Island; Pendleton: Macksville, Fort Seybert, Kline's Cross Eoads ; Pleasants : Scfaultz ; Preston : Kyer's Bun, Newburg Town, Gussman, Amblersburg, and also founded by Germans : Kingwood, Franklin and Fellowsville; Putnam: Carpenter's; Pocahontas: Knapp's Creek; Raleigh: Launa; Randolph : Helvetia ; Ritchie : Eusk ; Roane : Linden, Schil- ling, Harper's District ; Summers : Mohlers, Barger's Springs, 'Eosa; Taylor : Westermans, Fetterman Town, Astor, Forman's Ford; Tucker: Hannah's Ville ; Upshur: Hinklesville, Hin- kle's Mill, Tallmansville, Lorentz, Peck's Eun ; Wayne : Krout's Creek; Welster : Hacker's Valley, Stroud's Knob, Boughman's; Wetzel: Lowman, Steinersville, Cline's Mill; Wirt: Shertzville; 120 Wood : Luebeck, Vienna, Boreman, Lockhart's Eun ; Wyoming : Saulsville. — Many other places settled by Germans or -with their aid bear English names, and also in some counties not mentioned above the German element is strongly represented, as for instance the iSt. Clara Colony in Doodridge connty. }\ heeling in Ohio county has the largest German population of the West- Virginian cities. The U. S. Census of 1890 num- bers the total j)opulation of Wheeling at 34,552, and the Ger- man element at 9,612. Ohio county, in which Wheeling is lo- cated, is in a high state of cultivation and among its farming population are many Germans. The grapevine has been culti- vated by them with gratifying results. On the island at Wheel- ing, known as "Zane's Island" and owned by the descendants of the original German owner, the pioneer of that name planted a large vineyard. C. L. Zane, one of the proprietors, claims^**) an average product of 500 (?) gallons of wine to the acre. In Wheeling itself, which was first laid out in town-lots by Colonel Ebenezer Zane in 1793, many of the leading manufacturers and merchants are of German nationality. German churches, schools, societies, lodges and several German newspapers have been founded in that city. Education has always had ardent supporters among the German citizens. The liberal and hu- mane tendency of progressive pedagogical science possesses many warm advocates in their circles. AVhen in 1837 a "Ger- man Convention" at Pittsburgh, Pa., discussed the means for the maintenance of German customs and language, Virginia 'i\-as represented by Andreas Schwarz of Wheeling. lie was one of the vice-presidents of the convention and took a prominent part in the foundation of the first American Independent Teacher.^ l^eniinnry at Philipsburg, Pa.-''") After the separation of West Virginia an excellent public school system was established and an important concession was made to the Germans of Wheeling by the organization of a 244.) "U. S. Agricultui-al Ropoi't of 1853," p. 60. Washington, 1863. 246.) Compare "Gesohichte dei- deutsclien Schulbestrebungen in Amerilia," von H. Schuriclit, Seite 41-42 und 47—48, Leipzig, 18St, and "Deutsclies Magaiin," von H, a] Rattermann, Seite 594—613. Cincinnati, Olilo, 1368. ''German Department in the Public Schools of the city." Six teachers for instruction in German were appointed,-'"') and in 1875 the German classes numbered 482 pupils, besides several German private and parochial schools with about 300 pupils. This concession to the German element was made in recognition of their patriotism displayed during the struggle for the inde- pendence of West Mrgiuia and the war against the Confeder- acy. The German citizens of Wheeling organized an entirely German compau}', " First AVest Virginia Artillery," under the command of Captain Fuerst, which joined the ITnion forces. But in 1877 knownothing intrigues succeeded in limiting the instruction in German to the higher classes of the public schools, and consequently the list of the enrollment of the Ger- man department was reduced to 166 pupils. In the Spring of 1865 a German Educational Society for mutual instruction iu educational matters was formed by Prof. 0. A. Schaefer, super- intendent of the German department, and everything, indicated a sound spirit for the cultivation of mind among the German inhabitants. The culture of music rested, like in other Ameri- can cities, almost exclusively in German hands. A lady vo- calist of eminent talent lived in Wheeling about 1860: Louise Gubert, born 1837 in Philadelphia of German parents-^") ; but her sonorous melodious voice and efficiency never benefitted the great world. She Avas content as music teacher at the De Chan- tal Seminary. Celebrated artists, composers and managers re- peatedly tried to secure her talent to publicity ; Max Strakosch offered her fifty thousand dollars for a concert tour of six months, and Eubinstein was put in ecstasy by her truly phe- nomenal voice; but nothing could induce her to resign her conventual piivacy.' During the stirring time of war Johann G. Eberhard-''' '') was chosen Pastor of the free Protestant church, which he ad- ministered until 1867. He was editor of the " Protestantische Familienblatt," the author of "Onkel Biesebrecht's deutsch- 246.) "U. S. Report of Commissioner of Kducation for 1871," p. 366. Wasliington, 0. C, 1872. 247.) "Der deutsche Pionier," 14. Jalirgang, Seite 259-261. Cincinnati, Oliio. 218.) "Deutsch in Amerilta," by Dr. G. A. Ziramermann, p 229. Cliicago, 1894. 123 amerik. Volkserziihlungeu " and published a number of pretty poems. Only once, as mentioned previously, a small number of German fanatics, who dreamed of Germanizing America, en- dangered the friendly relations of the Anglo and German ele- ments of the city. In September 1853 a "Congress of German Revolutionists" assembled at Wheeling^'"') and issued a pro- gram for the formation of a " Universal Eepublic." The at- tendance was very small, only sixteen delegates participating, of whom only three were German inhabitants of AVheeling; but this so-called Congress created an angry feeling among the Anglo-Americans, exciting suspicions, and gave, as stated be- fore, an impulse to the unjust and hateful kiiownothing move- ment which disturbed the harmony of Virginia from 1854 to 1856. Next to AVheeling, Martinsburg in BeWveley county and Parkersbnrg in Wood county have many German inhabitants. The influence of the German element of ParTcershurg is demon- strated by the appointment of Prof. W. M. Strauss to the ofBce of superintendent of the public schools." ''°) Martinsburg was made a town by legislative enactment in October 1778, pn the lands of a German : General Adam Stephan, anglicized to Ste- phen or Stevens, and its first inhabitants were Pennsylvania- Germans, Germans and Dutch. At present ^°^) the German element amounts to about one-fourth of the population, num- bering in 1880 in round figures 8000 inhabitants. The de- scendants of several of the German pioneers are still residents of the town, as the families Seibert, ]Sroll,Eentsch, Kuschwa, Doll, Diefendoerfer, Schaefer, Klein, Schmal (now Small), Bentz, Martin, Blessing, Homrich, Schobe, etc. Most of them are farmers, but some of them are engaged in commercial and industrial pursuits and all are esteemed as good citizens. Shortly after the foundation of Martinsburg a Lutheran 249.) "Das deutsche Element in den Ver. Staaten,'' von Gustav Koerner, Seite 122. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1880. 260.) "U. S. Educational Report of 1888—1889," Vol. I, p. 274. 251.) Correspondence of Mr. C. P. Matthaei at jrarlinsburg, W. \'a. 133 and Reformed church were built, but the divine service was conducted In English. The first German church was erected in 1858 by the influence of Eev. Cast, a native of Baden; but during the late war it was burned down (1863.) After the war Eev. Prof. Gehrhardt of Lebanon, Pa., became pastor of the German community and he was also elected superintendent of the public schools. In the year 1868 a German private school, a Turnverein and a German lodge were organized, but at pres- ent they only have a bare existence. Gharlestown, the county-seat of Jefferson county, gained historic fame by the execution of John Brown ; it is also one of the early German settlements in Shenandoah valley. A native of Germany, Mr. Gustav Braun, was for years, up to 1897, Ma- yor of the town. CJuirleston, in Kanawha county, now the capital of West Virginia, has 7,500 inhabitants and several of its prominent merchants and manufacturers are Germans. The new State of West Virginia has rapidly increased in population and wealth. lu 1870 the population amounted to 443,014 inhabitants, in 1880 to 618,457 and in 1800 to 762,794, and the German immigi'ation can claim to have added largely to this progress. CHAPTER XV. German Immigration and Rural Life in Virginia After the War. mORB than a quarter of a century has elapsed since the army of ISTorthern Virginia grounded their arms at T Appomattox Court House and the soldiers returned to the plough and harrow to restitute the devas- tated land. The progress of building up the waste places however has been slow. During the war farming was brought to a partial standstill and for some years thereafter it was in a state of extreme depression. The determination and physical endurance of the planters and the former slave-owners appeared seriously broken ; only in those sections of the State which were settled by Germans, especially the Valley, the farm- ers went to work with renewed energy and enterprise. The Anglo-American land-owners, disheartened and in a state of dejection, were almost helpless. Burdened with debt, without money to pay wages or taxes, their houses, farm implements and stock reduced or demolished; unaccustomed to work and also too proud to sell a part of their large estates in order to procure the necessary means for repairs and improvements, no progress in tilling the soil was made and their fields and mead- ows turned into a state of wilderness. Very singular circumstances resulted. The formerly wealthy slave- and land-owners were drifting into poverty, the amount of unpaid taxes was increased to exorbitant amounts, and finally the large estates of many were sued by the executive officers and offered at public sale. Very frequently no purchaser able to pay appeared, and conse- quently the indebted estates were left in the hands of the old 125 owner. The lands were then taxed to the utmost capacity of production and their fertility Avas rapidly exhausted, for the soil was not fertilized, but scantily tilled ; there was no change of seed and the same crops were grown successively year after year. The forests were laid waste without consideration, but only in order to make money for the most urgent needs. Sim- ilar uncongenial conditions existed among the small Anglo- American farmers. Slavery always and eveiywhere degrades labor; this degradation is positive in the South. The small white farmers have adopted during the time of slavery the ex- ample of the rich planters : to look upon manual labor as dis- gracing a " wMte gentleman." They are possessed of presumption which strongly contrasts with their poverty and their want of learning. The wife of a neighbor of the author once complained to a lady -relation of his : " You cannot imagine how poor we are !" — " Why," replied the lady, " you have three grown daugh- ters and four strong boys able to work, who can hire out. Female and male help are much in demand and high wages are offered."-^" Hovv can you propose that we shall become servants," she was interrupted by one of the daughters, " if we should 'work for other people, ive would no more he received in society." — This occurrence illustrates the notions prevalent among this class of Virginian farmers. The " society " of which the girl spoke, consists of people just as presumptuous and as poor and ignorant as herself ; people who are even called by the negroes with disregard : "poor white trash." — Labor for a fair remuner- ation, whether mental or physical, should be the glory of all Virginians, as it is among the German-Virginians. There is true dignity in labor, especially in the tilling of the soil ; there is also success in labor, as is demonstrated by many German-Vir- ginian farms ; but it has been distasteful to the Anglo-Virgin- ian element and considered degrading by them. The result has been violation of wise economy and the State has been retarded in its progress. Another peculiar symptom is, that after the war many of the old masters became the debtors of their former slaves. They frequently lacked the ready money to pay the labor of the blacks; the claims of the latter accumulated and finally the negro received in payment a tract of land or some cattle. In this way negroes came to be the present neigh- bors of their former masters. It would howevei: be unjust to hold the Virginiiui people alone responsible that the wealth and prosperity of the State are slowly augmenting. After the war the Virginians, with but few exceptions, were zealous to reestablish good relations with the victorious Union. The fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, abolishing slavery and giving citizen-rights to all persons born in the Eepublic, was ratified by the required majority, and General Grant, who Avas sent to Virginia to investigate the feeling of the people toward the Union Government, stated in his report: " That the inhabitants had submitted to the results of the late war and that the two chief differences — secession and emancipation of the slaves — had been definitely disposed of." The North did not however assist, as had been hoped, to heal the bleeding wounds and to make the southern land again a source of national wealth. " When the Confederacy fell," says Edw. Ingle in his book, "Southern Sidelights," "the whites of the South were relieved of an enormous incubus — slavery — but were at the same time deprived of the means to turn the relief to their immediate advantage. The blacks had freedom without the capacity to undertake the responsibility of freedom, and presently were, through partisan politics, surrounded by influences that would, for a generation at least, stand in the way of their develop- ment." The Northerners boast of the forbearance and clemency towards the conquered "rebels," but on the other hand it can- not be denied, that the Government at Washington has with partiality considered the Eastern and Western lands and that the South was the neglected drudge of the Union.' If a pro- portionate share of the enormous sums which have been spent to develop the Northwest had been invested in the South ; if the spirit of enterprise, which constructed a netw'ork of rail- roads in the unpopulated prairies, would have been induced to restore and enlarge the roads of tra\el and traffic in the South- ern States ; and if efforts had lieen made to direct the stream of an industrious and wealthy immigration to the South as well as to the West, the traces of imperfect negro labor and poor tillage and of all the devastations of the war would have dis- rz7 appeared years ago. Beladen Virginia was left to herself ; she could not make liberal venture to attract immigration of intel- ligent white laborers. 'In 1866 the Legislature passed an act to encourage and increase immigration to Virginia ; a Board of Im- migration was organized and General G. Tochmann and Mr. B. Barbour were appointed agents of immigration to Germany and England, but without any obligation on the part of the Slate to 2)ay the expenses. Only insignificant results could be expected of such illiberal policy. Colonel Frank Schaller =°=) was au- thorized by General Tochmann to travel to Germany and to visit first his native State of Saxony, to draw immigrants to the Old Dominion. But the success was very trifling. However full credit must be given General Tochmann for his endeavors and good will. He was a native of Poland and had partici- pated in the campaigns of 1830 and 1831 as major in the Polish army. During the period of 1832 to 1834 Tochmann was vice- president of , the Polish Eevolutionary Committee at Avignon in France, and in 1837 he came to America and visited the princi- pal cities to awake sympathy for his suppressed fatherland, la 1845 he was admitted to the bar as a lawyer and since 1853 he settled in Virginia, where he lived and associated principally with the Germans. Henry G. Miller of Eichmond was his sec- retary. After the failure as agent of immigration he left the State in disgust. During the summer of 1868 Rev. I. A. Reichenbach came to Richmond, Va., with the intention to organize German colo- nies in the South. On July 21st a public meeting was arranged in front of the City Hall to hear the propositions of the pastor, and a committee was elected to examine his plan. The com- mittee consisted of the following highly respected citizens: Peple, Hoffbauer, Tiedemann, Gimmi, Leybrock, Dr. Strecker and Dr. Grebe. But the project was soon abandoned for want of confidence in the propositions and the person of the reverend. . German settlements promising good results were started in • the counties Chesterfield, Prince George, Louisa, Lunenbui-g and Mecklenburg. Wm. Grossmaun of Petersburg, Va., a native 252.) "Vir|[ini3che Staatsseitung/' January 26th, 1868. B, Hassel, Richmond, Va. 128 of Silesia, and in the old country professor at a German college, but now real-estate agent, has done very much to develoiD the German settlement at Port Walthall in Dinwiddie county, near the city of Petersburg. In Chesterfield county at Granite Sta- tion, not far from the city of Manchester, is a prosperous settle- ment of German Catholics. In Lunenburg^ '^^) Ch. Kickers and 0. Jansen from Schleswig-Holstein and A. and G. Petzold from Saxony are successful farmers, and the same may be said of E. Williams (Wilhelm?) of Prussia, in Prince George county. In the southwestern part of Louisa county in 1868 two German ■villages, Frederickshall and Buckner, stations on the C. & 0. E. E., were started by Heselenius, Fresh, Mauker, Lieb, Goering, Stolz, Schrader, Lorey and others. Some of these settlers have removed to other parts of the country, but the majority still re- main and are doing well. In the northwestern corner of the same county the author purchased in 1886 a farm and planted a large vineyard, known as " Idlewild Vineyards." The reports of the State Commissioner of Agriculture mention, that in 1 888 to 1893 several Pennsylvania-Germans came to Botetourt. Into Albemarle and Orange Germans immigrated from Illinois, Wis- consin, Dakota, Nebraska and Ohio ; in Prince George a num- ber of Germans from Eussia and Bohemia purchased farms, and in Goochland many families from the northeastern States, and among them some Germans, settled since the war and are well pleased. Other official documents show that the counties Henry, Norfolk, Warwick, Eoanoke, Alleghany and Taxwell increased in population from 126 to 195 per cent, and that a large num- ber of the newcomers are Germans. The old German settle- ments on Opequan, Shenandoah, Eapidan, Kappahannock, Dan, New and Roanoke rivers also received some additions from the Northeast and direct from Germany. The status of Virginia for the year 1870 says (page 178) : " Of the foreign population of Virginia Ireland furnished nearly one-half, Germany one- third, England one-sixth and Scotland one-twentieth. Over 49 per cent, of the foreign-born population were found in tide- water, where they are located in the seaport cities. Over 29 per cent, lived in the middle country and nearly 8 per cent, in Piedmont, while the Valley had over 11 per cent." 263.) Correspondence of Mr. Wm. Groszmann, Petersburg, Va, 129 During the last two decades there was a slight increase in immigration, owing to efforts made by some of the railroad companies. They had pamphlets printed explaining the ad- vantages in Virginia for capital and labor, and these papers were liberally distributed. The conclusion had gained gi'ound that it be better to seek immigrants from other States of the Union, especially from the NorthAvest, rather than to repeat the efforts to invite a stream of promiscuous population from abroad, — and immigration from the northwestern States has actually set in. The German element being very strong in the West, it is also well represented among these newcomers. All of these are desirous to escape the rigorous winters of the in- hospitable western climate ; to get nearer to the markets and to again enjoy society and those home-like comforts which charm life and which are wanting upon the borders of civilization. Immigrants going to the cities and into some professional or mercantile occupation did not succeed, on an average, as well as those engaged in farming. The statistics show that some- thing like 90 per cent, of all those who go into mercantile pur- suits in the United States either become bankrupt or have to make arrangements with their creditors, while of the remaining 10 per cent, not more than half succeed in making more than a bare living.-"') Among the number of successful merchants in Virginia the Germans are largely represented. Virginia is also a good field for German medical men speaking the English language. German musicians are predominating and German mechanics are much in demand; but surest of success, we repeat, are those engaging in farming. They at least secure a good livelihood; they produce on their farms sufficient of nearly all the neces- saries of life and many of its luxuries, and above all the farmer if not rich, is at least independent. It is surprising that the di- rect immigration of farmers from Germany is not taking larger proportions. The settler will find in Virginia a lovely climate, neither too hot in summer uor too cold in winter, for regular work all the year round. Its proximity to the ocean on the 254 ) "Virgin!^" a Synopsis published by the State Board of Agriculture, p, 81, Richmond, Va., 1889. 130 East and thortingc of mountains on the West modify the cli- mate and make it most healthful, enjoyable and suited for out- door life. The farms, and in many cases with dwellings and outhouses, can be bought at very low prices and will, with in- telligent working and proper manuring, produce as good crops ' as anywhere else. The taxes on the lands are light and the produce can be sold readily. AVhy then does the great mass of Germans seek the far West in preference to Virginia ? At the annual meeting of the State Board of Agriculture on October 31st, ,1888, the Committee on Immigration made the following statement in its report^ " '^) : "Virginia needs population; it needs more good men, women and children. It has thousands of acres of broad, fertile, unoccupied lands awaiting the tiller's toil ; it has thousands of acres of timber awaiting the wood- man's axe and thousands of ■veins of most valuable ore and coal,' only awaiting capital." — In fact every Virginian asserts : " What we wailt is good working people." But in truth it is not ioreignlsibor, hut foreign money they are looking for; and the selfish and unkind tendency is felt and keeps immigrants and especially the sensitive Germans away. A correspondence in "Der Sueden,"-"") written by a highly respected German citizen of Charlottesville, Va., gives a good illustration of this assertion. The correspondent wrote : " It is easily explained why Virginians give preference to English immigration. In the period from 1870 to 1876 a large number of Englishmen came to Albemarle, Orange and Nelson counties and bought farms. !Most of these newcomers were young gentlemen from London and other large cities in England and possessed little or no experience in farming. They generally paid one-third cash of the price of their lands and, anticipating large profits, they agreed to settle the balance in one, two or three years. They invested the balance in costly improvements on their farms and when the restitute payments became due, there was in many cases no money on hand, and the former owners were ivell pleased to foreclose the indebted property; for they received their farms back with costly improvements made upon them 255) "Der Sueilen," Jahi-gaog I, p. eo, No. 6. Richmond, Va., Feb. 8tli, 1891. 266.) "Virginia," a Synopsis published by the State Board of Agriculture, p. 111. Hiohmond, Va., ISSO, 131 and gained besides the money already paid. With few excep- tions the unfortunate Englishmen returned to England, while the German settlers, who came at the same time, still remain here and have paid for and improved their farms. The former had come with the idea to lead the life of English country gen- tlemen, but the latter were determined to work and persevere. The sales made to the English thus proved more profitable to the Virginians than those made to Germans, whom they envy on account of their success." — The opinion expressed in this correspondence appears severe, but is correct. However a new era is at hand and it brings a change of people and conditions. The old Virginian planters, who would rather starve than sell an acre of their neglected and indebted lands to a hard-work- ing foreigner, are gradually dying out and their heirs are less determined not to part with some of their surplus lands. Be- sides, the example given by the foreigners already settled in the State, is now stimulating the native element to renewed efforts and revives their dormant energy. There are other causes that impede German immigration and particularly that of German laborers. Since the first settlement of the colony tobacco has been considered one of the staples of Virginia, but the Germans have not become acquainted to any extent with its cultivation here. This is a surprising fact, as the German farmers in other countries ^ in southern Germany and in the German colonies in Africa — are very successful in its growth, and as the export of Virginian leaf principally rests in German hands. There is but one' explanation for the small part they take in cultivating the plant and that is, that formerly llie work in the to- bacco-fields was exclusively done by negro slaves, and that the Germans did not desire to concur with them ; while at the present time farm labor is scarce and wages much too high compared with the pilces of farm products, tobacco in- cluded. The competition of the former slaves is the main cause in keeping white laborers at a distance, combined with the methods of the planters to treat them as they do their colored hands. We are not disposed to be placed on the same level as negroes, to be fed like them on corn-bread and 132 bacon and to work for low negro-wages. These are the reasons given by white laboring men for their antipathy towards the South. The negroes know very well that the farmers depend on their labor, and it pleases them to let the white folks feel that they are now independent, free citizens, wlio can work or he lazy, just as they like. Very frequently the farmers are left deserved when help is most needed ; the crops cannot be gath- ered in time and consequently sufEei- a partialor complete loss. "The negro is gregarious," -°'') says the standing com- mittee of the State Board of Agriculture, "and prefers gang work on a railroad, or as a stevedore, or in a tobacco fac- tory, rather than the quiet, monotonous labor of the farm." This unreliability of the colored farm-hands explains why at present the German farmers do not grow tobacco, and at the same time why the German immigration is not as numerous as desired. Grape culture is most successfully carried on by Ger- mans. In the vicinity of Charlottesville and Cobham, Albe- marle and Louisa counties ; near Front Royal in Warren county; near Afton in Nelson county ; at Haymarket in Prince William county; around Richmond in Henrico county and also in the counties Fairfax, Madison, Goochland, Appomat- tox, Brunswick, Greenville, Hanover, Lunenburg, Middlesex, Spottsylvauia and Surrey vineyards have been planted by Germans or with the aid of German vintagers who are ex- perienced in viticulture. The first large and prosperous vine- yard was planted at the suggestion of an old Swiss, Sol. Sel- ler, in 1866 at Pen Park near Charlottesville by AVilhelm Hotopp. = ^**) Mr. Hotopp was born at Celle in Hannover and came to America when a boy of eighteen years. He was for years a successful manufacturer in New Jersey, settled in Virginia after the conclusion of the Civil War and purchased the farm " Pen Park " near Charlottesville, once owned by the well-known statesman B. AVilliam Wirth. There he planted his vineyard, and after years of prosperity he died May 4th, 1808. 257.) "Report of the State Board of Agriculture of Va.," p, 135. Rich., Va., 1838, 258.) "Albemarle," by W. H, Soamon, p. 55. Charlottesville, Va., 1888, 133 Several Germans, who had settled in Albemarle, eagerly grasping for something more remunerative than corn, oats or tobacco, planted vineyards, and Englishmen and Americans followed soon after. In 1888 about three thousand acres had already been planted in Albemarle county. In the fall of 1870 Mr. Hotopp began to make his grapes into wine — red and white, — and finding a ready sale, some other grow- ers in the vicinity of Charlottesville in 1873 resolved on co- operation and formed the "Monticello AVine Company" un- der the successful management of Mr. Adolph Eussow, a native of Holstein. Other German establishments are: P. Peters' Mill Parks Wine Company at Haymarket, Prince Wil- liam county ; Idlewild Vineyards of H. Schuricht & Son, near Cohham in Louisa county, and Fritz Baier, Nelson county. Their wines are of the very best. In fact the Germans are known to be successful in every branch of farming. They are excellent stock raisers ; the German dairies are remarkable for their neatness, and their gardens and orchards are kept clean of weeds and in model order. At a mass-meeting of prominent farmers and truckers at Norfolk, Va., on February 21st, 1889, for the purpose of se- curing a sub-experimental station for Eastern Virginia-^''), a committee of eighteen was elected and among them we meet with the following German names: J. A. Whetsel (Wet- zel?) James Wagner, C. Miller, Walter Jordan, A. C. Her- bert, etc. And only lately the present Governor, J. H. Tyler, has paid a flattering compliment to the German- Virginian farmers of the Valley by the appointment of Mr. George W. Koiner of Augusta county to be Commissioner of Agriculture. To a "Dispatch" reporter^"") the Governor remarked: "I do not think I could have gone to a more appro- priate section of the State for a Commissioner of Agriculture than the Great Valley of Virginia and the county of Au- 269.) Report of the State Board of Agriculture of Va., p. 39. Eiclimond, Va., 1888 260.) "Weekly^ Dispatch," Richmond, Va., Dec. 6th, 1898. 134 gusta. I have been oa the spleiididly-tilled farm of Mr. Koiner. I Was farmer enough to see he knew his business. He will get all the practical good possible out of the de- partment." George W. Koiner, a member of the well-known Koiner family, is a little upwards of forty years of age — a live, energetic, np-to-date farmer. He represented Augusta county in the House of Delegates for two terms. Absalom Koiner of Fisherville, Augusta county, is an- other member of the distinguished Koiner family. He was for several years a member of the State Board of Agricul- ture and in 1888 president of this body.^"') Dr. W. H. Kulifner, the first State Superintendent of Pub- lic Education in Virginia, wrote to the author of this his- tory, referring especially to the Germans in the Valley : '• There are and have been a great many interesting and some important characters among the Germans of Shenandoah and Kockingham, and much worthy of notice in their way. They are certainly the thriftiest people now in Virginia and they are the leaders in popular education. They have in fact a great future before them." In the neighborhood of Eichmond the farms of the late Major Lewis Ginter and C. L. Miller are known as model stock farms. In conclusion it may be said, that the frugal and in- dustrious German farmer may today prosper here as well as did the German pioneer who settled in Virginia a century and a half ago. 1.) "Report of the State Board of Agriculture," pp, 1 and 6, Kichmond, Va., 1888, CHAPTER XVI. The German Citizens of Richmond After THE War. HE German population of Richmond was already pre- vious to the war the nucleiis of the entire German element of the State, and it has ever since retained the leadership. After the fall of the Confederacy the German merchants and mechanics were in a state of numb- ness, the. first effect of forlorn hopes and destructive blows. Many had lost all and momentarily despaired of future pros- perity, but very soon they roused themselves and by dili- gence, enterprise and perseverance they gained new wealth. They lost no time in repining, but addressed themselves im- mediately to .the work of rebuilding upon the ruins, and in their success made a record that is unparalleled. The task before them was a herculean one, but they accomplished it in an incredibly short time. Several of those who left Vir- ginia at the outbreak of hostilities returned. After the great victories of the German armies in Austria and France in 1866, 1870 and 1871 ; npon the establishment of the Forth German Confederation, and most of all by the foundation of the powerful German Empire, the Germans and German-Vir- ginians were inspired" with feelings of self-consciousness and pride and with an admiration of their people and Father- land heretofore unknown. This feeling of national self-re- spect soon found expression in a more active participation in political affairs. , However this newly aroused enthusiastic ad- miration of the dear old Fatherland possessed nothing anti- American, but on the contrary instigated only to advance the pon^itign of Virginia with truly German loyalty and piety. 136 The devotion of the Germans to the State was manifest dur- ing the struggle for readmissiou to the Union. The Kepub- lican party desired to control the vote of Virginia with the militia, the apparatus of the State government, and the vote of the freed men, and for this purpose they tried to impede the right of election of the white democratic citizens. In other words, the question was put: "If the intelligence and wealth, or the organized carpet-bagger and African ignox-- ance should control the State ? " and the German voters held the decisive vote. No doubt this was cause for anxiety ; the unequal dis- tribution of illiterates throughout the Union might be a source of national peril. The following table, compiled from the census of 1870, will sufficiently disclose this fact: Voting population of the United States . . . 7,623,000 " " " former slave States . 2,775,000 Illiterate male adults in United States . . . 1,580,000 " " former slave States . . 1,123,000 Per cent, illiterate voters in U. S. to entire vote, 20 slave States ... 45 " " " States not slave . . 9 " " " South Carolina . : 59 Illiterate voters in Southern States (white) . . 304,000 " (colored) . 819,000 This table will make apparent that forty-five per cent, of the voters of the Southern States were nnable to read tlieir ballots and that the illiterate vote involved great dan- ger. It threatened the white population of the South with au unbearable terrorism of ignorance. The majority of the German citizens of Kichmond counted to the moderate Democrats. They had accepted the final re- sult of the war and faithfully submitted to the laws of the Union. Their leader was Prof. G. A. Peple. A compara- tively small number of Germans was connected with the Ee- publicans and their leader was Hermann L. Wiegand. 137 On June 5th, 1868, a German mass-meet mg was held at Dueringer's Park to discuss the new Constitution of the State and the elections on hand. Prof. Peple addressed the assemblage and several resolutions were adopted, condemning the military rule since 1861 and the unlimited favors bestotoed on the negro element. Although not one in the large assembly toas an advocate of slavery, it was resolved: "We are proud to be of German descent and we reject with indignation as an insult to be placed on equal political and social footing with the negroes just extracted from the mire of slavery. We consider it as sacrificing the nation, to force the white population of the South under the rule of a half-civilized and inferior race." This resolution was nnanimously adopted; even the Ger- man Eepublicans voted for it. All of them adhered to the opinion of the " Declaration of Independence," which is the Magna Charta of American liberty, stating : " That all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness." But they considered as a crime against civilization to expose them to the danger of negro rule and they predicted that negro suffrage would break down American reverence for the ballot-box and lead to bri- bery and fraud in conducting elections. This peril was also recognized by Anglo-Americans and even by leaders of the Eepublican party. It was clearly apparent to the mind of General Grant, when he recommended: " to exclude all il- literates from the right of suffrage by constitutional amend- ment." President Hayes also revealed his conviction of the danger in several of his messages to Congress. The result of the elections in 1868 was, in consequence of the German vote, a decided victory for the democratic candidates. Mr. Lovenstein was elected member of the Legis- lature, — after Prof. Peple had declined to be a candidate,— and until his death he represented the district either in the House of Delegates or in the Senate. The Germans also voted against the Clause 4, Sect. 1, Art. 3, and against Sect. 138 6, Art. 3, " test oath " or " iron Ocitli," as it was .called, by which those should be deprived of the right to vote, who had served in the Confederate army, or who had in any way, eDen only hy business transactions, been connected with the Confederate government. The German citizens of Eichmond again took a very active part in the elections of 1870. Two Germans were candidates for the office of Commissioner of Revenue: Isaac Hutzler and Julius Fischer, and the latter was elected by a majority of twenty-five votes. A. Bodecker represented the city in the Legislature and within the last twenty-five years the following German- Virginians were members of the Board of Aldermen and City Council: Laube, Lohman, Louis Wag- ner, A. Bodecker, Eduard Euker, li. Metzger, F. Brauer, C. E. Brauer, G. Klein, Christian Zimmer, Chris. Thon, 0. Cras- ser, H. Bodecker, Spangenberg, Lauer, Strauss, Charles H. Philips, S. L. Bloomberg, Jos. Wallerstein, Wm. Zimmermann and P. C. Ebel. Li 1894 Ch. Philips was chosen city treas- urer and he was reelected without opposition in 1897. The Germans and German descendants have also greatly assisted in the establishment and administration of the pub- lic schools. The good results of these efforts are shown by the fact, that in 1860, before the outbreak of the war, the total number of pupils in all the schools of the State was only 67,034,2"^) but in 1895—1896 the pupils enrolled in the public schools alone had increased to 360,133.^'^'') Dr. Wm. H. Riiffner was elected the first State Superintendent of Public Instruction in 1870 and he continued in this im- portant office for twelve years. In reply to an inquiry of the author in regard to his descent, he answered: "I take pleas- ure in saying that my father was of pure German stock, though American born. 2"'') And his son, A. H. Euffner, wrote: "The first Euffner ancestor who came to America, is 262.) International Exhibition 1876, by Francis A. Walker, p. 80. J. B. Lippincott & Co.,Phila., 1878. 263.) Report of the Commissioner of Ednoation, 1895—1896, Vol. I, p. Ixi. Wash- ington, 1897. 264.) Correspondence of Dr. W. II. Rullner, Lexington, Va., October 2, 1800. 139 said by our family history to have been the son of a Ger- man baron, who lived in Hanover, Germany. He came to Virginia about one hundred and fifty years ago and owned a large tract of land on the Hawksbill creek near Luray. Father is the author of the Virginia School Law. Geology is now his profession. He is the son of Dr. Henry Kuffner, for many years President of Washington and Lee University in Lexington. Father has always taken great interest in Germans and Germany, so much so that his family often laughs and tells him, that he shows himself a true son of the Fatherland." 2 15 °) Dr. W. H. Ruffner was born at Lexington and received his excellent scientific education at Washington and Lee University. He afterwards studied theology at the Union and Princeton Seminary and for some years officiated as preacher in Philadelphia. Dr. Euflner wrote several essays on social and political questions and after 1870 devoted himself to education. By numerous lectures and articles published in the newspapers he materially aided to arouse the interest of the public for public instruction. Dr. Kuffner was editor of the "Educational Journal of Virginia" and associate editor of the "New England Journal of Education." The Ruffner family certainly numbers among the most prominent of the State. We copy from the U. S. Educational Report of 1895—1896, Vol. I, page 370, the following right creditable, well deserved and highly interesting statements : " While this college (the Washington and Lee University) never contributed to the cause of popular education, yet through its president, Dr. Henry Ruffner, it made a most re- markable protest against the institution of slaver y,^^^^ defied the unainimity of sentiment that prevailed before the Civil War. His son. Dr. William H. Ruffner, was the first State Superin- tendent of Education of Virginia; still the most notable southern educator of late enlisted in the cause of the people's school, the Horace Mann of the South." The introduction of German instruction into the public schools of Richmond has repeatedly been agitated, but not suc- S65.) Correspondence of A. IT. Ruffner, Lexington, Va., October 3, 1890. 140 cessfully. German is only taught in the High School, but not in the Grammar or lower grades. The German press of Rich- mond has repeatedly urged its introduction in the lower grades, where it would benefit the mass of the pupils. An excellent article published in "Der Eichmond Patriot," July 23d, 1869, entitled " The Public Schools and the Germans," (Die offent- lichen Schulen und die Deutschen), and signed Dr. A. S. B., deserves special comment. In the fall of 1886 the author of this history lectured in " Siteugerhall " under the auspices of the Gesangverein " Virginia," and advocated the support of the National German-American Teachers' Seminary at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, recommending also the organization of an Educa- tional Association, the aim of which should be the introduction of German instruction into the public schools ; the support of German private and parochial schools and the establishment of German Kindergartens. " The more you do to keep alive the, German spirit, the more inviting our State will be to German immigrants; they will feel at home where their native tongue is spoken," he argued.-"") A committee composed of Hermann Schmidt, Heniy Wenzel, G. A. Peple, H. 0. Boschen, H. L. Wie- gand, E. Wendenburg and B. Heinrich was appointed and au- thorized to take action, but nothing was achieved. Again, in his oration at the German-Day celebration, 1896, the same orator advocated-"'') : "JSTot to cultivate unfair Ger- man notions, but to enable German parents to educate their children with the assistance of the mother tongue, which they naturally command better than any other idiom ; that they may become intelligent and faithful Americans ! For this noble aim we must not cease to demand : that the German language be taught in our public schools wherever the German element is sufficiently numerous to justify this measure, as for instance in our Eichmond. Our Anglo-American fellow-citizens must . take into consideration liow helpless their wives would be in their educational task, if left to influence the mind and heart of their children only through the medium of a foreign language." 266.) "Virginische Staats Gazette," Richmond, Va., Dec. 22 18S6 267.) "The Times," Richmond, Va., September 16, 1886. 141 German church life has prospered in the city of Eichmond during the last three decades, and the statement of the New York historian, Anton EickhofE^" 8-). ajj^ ^j^g German church - in Eichmond the English language is used," is unfounded. There are also, instead of one German church, two Protestant and one Catholic church, and also a synagogue of German Is- raelites in the city ; and the statutes of the German Evangelical St. Johannis Covununity expressly state : " § 5. In all the regular divine services on Sundays and holidays, in the meetings of the community and the presbitery, in all records and the parish register, the German language shall be exclusively usecl.'"^'^^) Eeverend Hoyer, previously mentioned in Chapter XII, was succeeded in office as pastor of this congregation by Eeverends Schwarz, Blenuer, W. Ide, Dr. Carl Scholz, Eduard Huber, E. A. John and, since 1886, Dr. Paul L. Menzel. During the pas- torate of Eev. Huber the new church building corner Eighth and Marshall streets was erected and the community joined the German Evangelical Synod of North America. About three hundred families are embraced in this community. A school was established and children of all creeds admitted. During tne pastorate of Eev. John a pretty schoolhouse was built on Eighth street, between Broad and Marshall. The number of pupils ex- ceeded one hundred, and a German teacher, assisted by two lady associates, was employed ; but in 1888, on account of ill- luck with the teachers and discord among the members of the community, the school was discontinued. In place of it a Saturday school, principally for tuition in German and singing, was instituted, which is attended by about sixty pupils, in- structed by the pastor. A Sunday School is also connected with the church and is frequented by about three hundred pu- pils. An association of the ladies of the church, the "Frauen- Verein," has contributed large sums of money for charitable purposes and about twelve thousand dollars for expenses of the parish and the payment of building debts. Another association 268.) "In der Neuen Heimath," von A. Eiokhoff, p. 203. New York, 1884. 269.) Statuten der Deutschen St. Johannis Gemeinde zu Kiohmond; 1889, 14^ of young ladies, " Der Tabea Verein," has like purposes for its object and its contributions have amounted to about four thou- sand dollars. The i-eestablishment of the day school is not al- together abandoned. §69 of the- statutes of 1889 says: "to maintain and to cultivate the German language and German customs, to educate the youths to become respectable members of the community and to make secure thereby its continued existence, a day school shall be kept if possible." A great honor -was conferred upon this community and its pastor in 1898. The Emperor of Germany invited the Evangelical Sy- nod of North America to designate one of its members to parti- cipate in the consecration of the Protestant church (Erloser- Kirche) at Jerusalem, as his Majesty's guest. The Synod elected Dr. Paul L. Menzel delegate. The Oerman Eoangelical Lutheran Bethlehem Community has also prospered. The Eeverends L. Lochmer and F. Dreyer ofBciated within the last decades and at present Eev. C. I. Oelschlager is pastor. The new church building, Sixth street near Clay, was finished in ,1868 and the old church adjoining the new building was converted into a schoolhouse. Pi-evious to the opening of the public schools the enrollment was from eighty to one hundred pupils, but since then it has decreased to thirty or forty. The instruction is given by the pastor and a lady teacher. In 1889 a Sunday school was organized, which is visited by eighty or ninety pupils. A ladies' association (Frauen- Verein) has contributed large sums for charitable works and the support of the parish, and in conjunction with the commu- nity at large it furnishes the means for the theological and pedagogical education of one of the members' sons of the com- munity. Two pastors and two teachers educated at the expense of the association and church are already in office. Rev. Chris- tian Jonathan Oelschlager, the present pastor, is a German- American. His parents came from Wuertemberg and he was born 1849 in Pennsylvania ; he graduated at Columbus, Ohio, and holds his present office since 1883. St. Mary's {Marien) German Catholic Coinmunity, to which nearly all the German Catholics of Richmond and the adjoin- 143 ing couuties belong, unmbers^"") 325 families with a total membership of 1300. To these are to be added eight families at Buokner's Station, Louisa county, who have a pretty chapel of their own and are visited every month by one of the fathers of St. Mary's church. Rev. WHUbald Baiimgartner, a native of Bavaria, is the Pastor Prior. The following schools are con- nected with St, Mary's church : Boys' Highschool, Kev. F. Ed- ward Meyer, 0. S. B. Principal, IG pupils; Boys' Parish School, I. Section, Prof. C. P. Mutter, teacher, 33 pupils; II. Section, 40 pupils ; Girls' Parish School, I. Section, 58 pupils ; II. Sec- tion, 33 pupils ; Girls' Highschool, 120 pupils. The schools for girls are managed by sisters of St. Mary's Benedictine Institute under the supervision, of the pastor. Another school connected with St. Mary's church is kept in Chesterfield county, near Granite Station. A lady teacher is in charge of it and the pu- pils number twenty. The total enrollment of the various schools amounted at the close of 1890 to 309. The pupils, assisted by an excellent choir under the leadership of Prof. Mutter, per- form the ecclesiastical singing in German, English and Latin. The following German Catholic societies are also connected with the church : ^ ' ^ ) St. Joseph's Beneficent Society (Unterstiitzungs-Verein) 101 members. St.. Benedict's Society (Unterstiitzungs-Verein) 60 members. St. Mary's Social and Beneficent Society, 103 members. St. Anna Ladies' Society (Frauenverein) 310 members. Society of the Living Kosary (Verein des lebendigen Eosen- kranzes) 235 members. St. Mary's Sodality for Young Men and Ladies, 340 mem- bers. Society for the Poor of St. Mary's church. The voluntary subscription is very liberal and is dispensed among the poor by the officials of the society. St. Mary's church, Priory and school buildings are located corner Fourth and E. Marshall streets. 270.) "Der Sueden," I, No. 3, p. 10, January 1891. Kichmond, Va. 271.) "Der Sueden," I, No. 6, p. 11, February 1891. Richmond, Va. 144 The Beth Ahaba Synagogue, Eleventh street between Mai'- shall and Clay, Is one of the prettiest buildings in the city. The membership is constantly increasing. The Eabbis who succeeded Eev. M. G. Michelbacher, already mentioned, are Wechsler, Dettelheim, Hoffmann, Dr. Abraham Harris, born in England by German parents, and at present Ed. N. Calish. Moses Millhiser was president of this German-Jewish commu- nity ever since its organization to his death in 1892, and Hon. AVm. Lovenstein was for years its secretary. The present offi- cers are : Julius Strauss, president ; Charles Hutzler, vice-presi- dent; Henry S. Hutzler, secretary; L. Z. Morris, treasurer; Isaac Held, financial secretary; Greentree, sexton. Board of Managers: Messrs. E. Gerst, Isaac Strauss, E. Bottigheimer, I. Thalhimer, E. Eaab, and Sol. Bloomberg. With the syna- gogue is connected ^^The Society of the Home for the Enfeebled by Age and for the Sick," which has over 300 members. Henry S. Hutzler is president of this charitable institution. The "Heireiv Benevolent Association of Richmond" elected the fol- lowing officers : President, S. Stern ; Vice-President, B. Jacob ; Secretary, H. E. Hirshberg ; Treasurer, Harry Marks. The "Congregation Keneseth Israel," Eev. Dr. L. Harfeld, Eabbi, elected the following officers : President, Harris Jacob ; Vice- President, P. Hirshberg ; Secretary, H. E. Hirshberg ; Treas- urer, M. Meyer. The congregation of " Beth Shalome " has lately combined with " Beth Ahaba." Th.& Protestant Episcopal Church Home, 517 North Fourth street, was the gift of the late German Consul Friedr. W. Hahne- winkel and can therefore be termed a German foundation. It is a retreat for gentlewomen,'^ ''2) those ladies in Virginia desti- tute of friends and fortune and unable to support themselves ; but it is designed for members of the Episcopal Church exclu- sively. It is presided over by the bishop, but no German- Vir- ginian is at present in the Board of Managers. Scientific and artistic efforts had until the middle of the nineteenth century not attained a very prominent degree in Virginia; however the Anglo- and German- American citizens 272.) "The Bichmond Dispatch," January 1, 1898. 145 of Richmond have always participated in every attempt to pro- mote them. The Richmond Microscopical Society, chartered in 1880, consisted entirely of Germans. The founders were Dr. Wm. A. Weissiger of Manchester, Rev. Ed. Huber and G. A. Peple. Membership was limited to active workers with the microscope. Regular meetings were held the first Friday of each month and the society had a reference library and subscribed to micro- scopical journals. Meetings were held at Dr. Henry Froehling's office, corner of Twelfth and Gary streets. Members had the use of Dr. Froehling's chemical laboratory for research. In 1889 Dr. H. Froehling was president, G. A. Peple secretary, Thomas Christian treasurer and Dr. Wm. Grebe librarian. ^''^) Dr. Henry Froehling is analytical and consulting chemist for the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad, R. & A. and M. & 0. Central railroad and Banking Co. of Georgia. Dr. M. A. Burt, who by accident was killed at his residence on March 20th, 1890, was vice-president of the Richmond Medical and Surgical Society ; and the German-A'irginian Dr. C. L. Cudlipp (according to his own explanation this name was derived from Gottlieb) was sec- retary. Another German-Virginian, Dr. W. T. Oppenheimer, is president of the Board of Health and professor at the Rich- mond Medical College. The "Jeffersonian Literary and Social Circle," owning a library of 1250 volumes, and the "Mercantile Club," with elegant reading rooms, are composed mostly of German- Virginian Hebrews, and their object is the cultivation of social and literary relations. L. Hntzler, J. S. Levy, Charles Hutzler, M. S. Block, Myer Heller, D. Mitteldorfer, Wm. Loven- stein, E. Raab, F. S. Myers, Wm. Heller, Moses May, Sol. Sycle, Israel I. and Jacob I. Cohen, X. Ezekiel, M. Rosenbaum, J. Thalheimer, L. and Joseph' Wallersteiu, W. and J. Gans, H. S. Binswanger, Ch. Strauss and others are among the leading men and former presidents of the clubs. The literary activity of the Germans reawakened after Richmond rose out of the ashes of the evacuation fire in 1865. The "Richmond Anzeiger" was the only German newspaper that survived the terrors of the war, but it did not satisfy all liberal Germans and consequently a new German weekly, "Der Richmond Patriot," vets published, 273.) Richmond Directory, p, 26, 1889-1S?0, 146 The pai^er was well edited and the management rested in the hands of Isaac Hutzler and Wm. Lovenstein. , On July 20th, 1870, the "Patriot" was transferred to the ^^ Virginia Deutsche Publishing Co." which had started on April 11th, 1870. The daily " Virginia Siaats Gazette" continues to this' day. Editors of the " Gazette " were in successio*!! : Paul Ketterlinus, Jacob Rosenfeld, Heinrich Pein, (born at Altona, Holstein, died at Richmond June 7th, 1886), and Moritz Priedrich Eichter, (born at Grossschoenau near Leipzig, Saxony.) In 1890, after the successful celebration of the first " German Day," the German Neivs Company of Virgitiia was organized : G. A. Peple, presi- dent; Christian Droste, secretary; Joseph Wallerstein, vice- president, and Hermann Schmidt, Fritz Sitterding, Carl Euehr- mund, H. G. Miller, directors. Herrmann Schuricht of Louisa county was chosen editor of a new German weekly, "Ber Sue- den." The principal object of the promoters of this paper was to secure through a large circulation in the United States as well as in Germany and wherever the German tongue is spoken, the influx of German settlers into Virginia and the other southern States. To make "Der Sueden" instructive as well as attractive, its columns were filled with descriptions of all the features of German-American life in the southern States, the topics of the day discussed, the different branches of agricul- ture, commerce, science, art and literature represented, and the cooperation of eminent professional men and well known dis- tinguished writers was secured. The first number appeared on January 4th, 1891, and the paper was very favorably spoken of by the leading German and English journals of the Union ; but in October 1891 Mr. Schuricht resigned the editorship on account of his impaired health. Mr. B. Hassel was elected his successor and a few weeks later the News Co. sold "Der Sue- den" to the publishers of the " Staats Gazette," who still con- tinue it as their Sunday publication, but changed in shape and contents. Of the originals written by German-Virginians and published in "Der Sueden " during the time of its independent appearance are to be mentioned : Novels and poems by Chris- tian Droste under the nom-de-plume of " R. Helge ; " educa- tional and popular articles by Prof. G. A. Peple ; poems and two novels by H, Schuricht, and by the sarne author: " Peds^- 147 gogical Letters to a German-American Mother." Dr. William Grebe wrote different articles for English papers on medical questions and he also translated and published in 1893 in Eng- lish : " Gesunde und kranlce Nerveu," by Dr. Freiherr K. von Kraft-Ebings. Several German- Virginian artists have gained well-merited recognition. The sculptor Edward V. Valentine, who is said to be of German descent and a pupil of Professor Aelquoit Kiss of Berlin, enjoys a national reputation. His exhibition gallery, 801 E. Leigh street, is open to visitors from 10 to 11 o'clock on Saturdays, but strangers ai'e usually admitted on other days upon presenting their cards. Besides his recumbent statue of General Lee at Lexington, Va., Mr. Valentine produced other important art works, among them the Stonewall Jackson statue at Lexington and the Jefferson statue in the court of the Jeffer- son Hotel at Eichmond. The sculptor's brother, the late Mann S. Valentine, left a bequest of $125,000 for a permanent Museum and Library under the name : " The Valentine Museum." The purposes of the museum are : to preserve the relics illustrative of the civilization of Vii'ginia and the United States, from the discovery of America to the present time, and more especially to secure from destruction portraits, manuscripts, etc., the pro- ducts of southern labor ; to preserve the archaeological remains of Virginia and the South, and so arrange them as to show the habits and customs among the aborigines ; to acquire, classify and exhibit the natural products, botanical and mineral, of Virginia, for the purpose of developing further knowledge of the State's resaurces among Virginians and prospectors; to ac- quire collections exhibiting raw materials, and the processes of manufacture of the same into finished products; to acquire and classify specimens of art and its allied industries iu order that students may derive practical benefit from them ; to acquire a complete reference library on the above subjects and to make this library of practical value to earnest investigators. The treasures of the Valentine Museum are known in all the leading scientific circles thi-oughout America and Europe, and they are housed in a beautiful old Virginia home corner of Eleventh and Clay streets. The very large number of valuable and in- 148 terestiiig German manuscripts, autographs, books and engrav- ings is really surprising. The most notable and rare collections were thrown open to the public on November 2 1st, 1898, and will for ever commemorate the name of Valentine. Moses EzeMel, a native of Eichmond, Va., and of German- Jewish extraction, sculptured in Eome "The Statue of Religious Liberty," exhibited and much admired at the Centennial Cele- bration, 1876. It is in the form of a group of statuary in Car- rara marble. An eminent and thoughtful foreiguei-, a states- man of world-wide fame, passing through Fairmount Park (Philadelphia Exhibition Grounds), earnestly gazed at the mar- ble groirp and exclaimed : " If the Centennial Exhibition of 1876 resulted in this work of art and nothing else, the American people should, be satisfied. I, the subject of a mon- arch, salute the nation that makes this creation possible." ''■'■') Caspar Buberl, a native of Eger in Bohemia, now a resident of New York City, has only temporarily resided in Virginia, but his name is inseparably connected with some of Virginia's proudest monuments. He came to America forty years ago, aged twenty-two. Since his arrival in this country he has been an active, busy man and has executed many decorative pieces of sculpture North and South. The sculptor, in a letter dated May 1894, says: "My last ]3iece ot modeWiug, the Coti federate for the Rkhmond Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, will, I hope, be liked by the public, as I did this work with a feeling of thanks for all the kindness I have received from the generous people of the South." Mr. Buberl has modelled this monu- ment and also the A. P. Hill monument and the Howitzer mon- ument, both at Richmond, after designs by Mr. W. S. Sheppard. The bronze statue of the Confederate Soldier at Alexandria, Va., is another piece of his work. Alfred H. Raynal, an engineer of superior qualifications and talent, and highly regarded, was superintendent of the Richmond Locomotive and Machine Works. In 1891 lie retired from office and accepted a position in New Jersey. 274.) "The American Jew as Patriot, Soldier ^nd Citizen," by Simon Wolf pp 65 »bJ 63, Pliiladelpliia, 1836, '••-:. 149 The most important lithographing establishment in Rich- mond is the well known firm of A. Hoehn & Go. on Bank street. Of German architects and builders Gapt. Leihrock and Carl Seihert have already been mentioned. The last named built the new St. Johannis church. Fritz Sitterding, a very enterprising and successful business man, has built many churches and resi- dences in all parts of the State. The large Exhibition Build- ing, with its ingenious roof-work, but now taken down, was erected by him. Garl Ruehrmund is another excellent architect and draughtsman. His biography follows later. It is also a matter of pride with the Germans of Richmond., that many of the principal buildings there, are from designs of German architects ; that the plan of the new and magnificent City Hall was drawn by a German architect, Myer of Detroit, Mich., and that the designs of the Masonic Temple are also the work of a German. Friedrich Roeth is spoken of in the local papers of 1870 as a superior fresco painter, and it is a matter of regret, that the son of the late A. Hottes, who had studied at the art schools of Muenchen and was looked upon as a very promising talent, died soon after his return to Richmond. Music was again cultivated by the German citizens of Rich- mond after the thunder of the cannon around its hills had ceased. In speaking hereafter of the public festivals of the Germans, occasion will be found, to point to the charming ef- fects of music and its inspiring influence, and it is therefore sufladent for the present to name the various organizations de- voted to its culture. The " Gesangverein Virginia " survived the war and gained reputation by the performances of the operas " Stradella," April 15th and 19th, and "Der Freischuetz," April 16th and 30th, 1875. These performances were universally appre- ciated and were the first rendering of opera hy home talent in the South. The society was from that time on very popular and the whole city showed its interest for it at the celebration of 150 the a5th and 40th anniversaries of its foundation on September 24th, 1877 and July 1st, 1893. At the 25th anniversary "Saengerhall" was dedicated and for the occasion a poem, " Weihe-Gesang" (Dedication Song) by G. A. Peple, set to mu- sic by the musical leader C. L. Siegel, was sung. In honor of the 40th anniversary H. Scharicht composed and dedicated a festive play, " Huldigung deni deutschen Liede." In 1870 two other similar societies were formed : the " Oer- mania Maennerchor," Krause, leader, and " Richmond Phil- harmonic Association." On April 20th, 1876, the " Richmond Mozart Association" was organized and received the hearty support of the wealthy Germans. E. A. Hoen and Samuel Hirsch were members of the board of directors, while Prof. Jacol Reinhard was for several seasons the musical leader. German ladies and gentlemen took active part in the perform- ances. The Arion Society of Richmond, a singing society for the promotion of vocal musical study, was organized June 17th, 1887; Joseph W. Laube, president, and Jacob Eein- hard, director. It was not a German society, but listed many members of German descent. The Richmond Musical Protective Society was organized January 1st, .1886, and consists of professional musicians only. Its membership numbers 38. Its objects are social intercourse, interchange of views on all things pertaining to the musical profession and the protection of its interests generally. To its members counted: H. P. Laube, John Baseler, John Reintz, J. T. Pulling, C. B. Baseler, G. A. Thilow, J. C. Eeinhardt, Rich- ard Wagener, A. J. Leiss, Jacob Beier, Geo. Voelker and H. J. Tremer. These names indicate that the society was composed chiefly of Germans. There are sevei'al German lodges in the city and others in which the German element is heavily represented. On Septem- ber 13th, 1870, the Germania Lodge of Knights of Pythias, pre- viously mentioned, was established by Ch. T. Loehr, Otto Mor- gensteru, J. Hntzler, A. Blenner, P. Fischer, 0. F, Cammann, 151 0. Dunker, L. Gimmi, H. Metzger, G. Habermehl, I. Marxhau- sen, L. Michel and G. "W. Eobinson.^''^) After an existence of twenty-four years the lodge numbered about two hundred mem- bers and the total receipts amounted to about $16,000, of which sum more than $9,000 have been paid for benefits, funerals and endowments. Several of the Hebrew orders have a decided Ger- man charp,cter and to their most prominent members are counted : M. Hepburg, Ch. Hutzler, Julius Strauss, H. S. Hutz- ler, W. Lovenstein, L. Hexter, A. Levy, M. C. Block, H. Fisher, 0. Goldenberg, J. Baer, J. Hirschberg, I. Held, A. Cohen, N. Nachman, E. Bettingheimer, J. Thalheimer, P. Hellstern, A. Gunst, S. Binswanger, W. Flegenheimer, M. J. Eosendorf, M. Kaufman, M. Myer, J. Lewit, E. A. Ezekiel, M. Cohen, E. Solo- monsky, E. Ullmann, etc. The German military organizations were dissolved at the end of the Civil War and since that time no entirely German company has been formed. However the Stuart Horse Guard is almost a German troop. It was commanded until October 1892 by Captain Carl Euker, afterwards Colonel of the First Virginia Cavalry Regiment, and his successor in command of the Company was Captain Edward Euker, his nephew. Chas. Euker, Jr., the son of Colonel Euker, was elected one of the lieutenants. Other Germans or German descendants have held high positions in other military corporations, like Captain Chas. Gasser of Company D, First Virginia Volunteers, Captain Chas. H. Philips and Lieutenant Werne, Lieutenant Armin Heinrich of Eichmond Light Infantry Blues ; Lieutenant-Colonel Stern, Inspector-General; Captain P. T. Conrad, Quartermaster of First Virginia Eegiment ; Lieutenant H. D. Messier of Com- pany B; Captain A. A. Spitzer, Adjutant-General of Grand Camp Confederate Veterans ; Dr. E. B. Stover, Surgeon-General of the same Camp ; Charles T. Loehr, Commander of Picket's Camp Confederate Veterans, and Captain John Trusheim of the Petersburg Artillery. It is further proof of the influence and respect the Ger- mans of Eichmond enjoy, that foreign States have appointed 276.) Nebengesetze uqij Qrdensregein der Germania Loge, Printed by Va. S'*at8 Gazette, Richmond, 18S9, 152 several of them their commercial representatives. Friedrich Hanewinkel, Heinrich, Boehner and Adoljjh Osterloh officiated as Consuls of the German Empire, respectively of the North German Confederacy ; Emil Nolting, ]3elgian Consul, Charles L. Ludwig, Consul of the United Kingdoms of Norwatj and Sweden, and Louis Borchers, succeeded A. Osterloh, Consul of the Austrian Empire. In the development of industry and commerce the Ger- mans have taken active part. In the manufacture, purchase and export of tobacco, Virginia's great staple, they are still much en- gaged. After the restoration of peace the export of tobacco underwent a great change. Steamers took the place of the sail- ing craft, so that for many years gone by no merchant ship has sailed from Eockets with a full cargo to the rivers Weser and Elbe. All tobacco is at the present time shipped by railroad to Baltimore or New York and forwarded from there by steamer. The purchases for the Austro-Hungarian Government have been made by the German firms of Fr. Wm. Hanewinkel & Sons, H. Boehmer, Osterloh & Co., A. Osterloh & Co., and L. Bor- chers & Co. These firms have also supplied most of the de- mand of the French, Italian and Portuguese Governments, and the German tobacco houses : Schaer, Koetter & Co., E. 0. Nol- ting & Co., Nolting & Koetter, B. R. Victor & Co., and Williams & Rehling, have successfully participated in this export. Ma- jor Lewis Giater, of German descent, one of the most meritor- ious men of Richmond, was partner of the firm of Allen & Gin- ter, manufacturers of tobacco and cigarettes. The firm has been changed to Allen & Ginter Branch of the American To- bacco Company. In 1891 a very valuable invention was made by Prof. G. A. Peple for the drying and assorting of leaf tobacco, to dispense with~steam and impure air. The invention is now the property of "The Mayo Tobacco Drying and Ordering Company," of which G. A. Peple was up to his death vice-president. The appa- ratus has been adopted by the American Tobacco Company and by other large tobacco houses. Major Lewis Ginter, above named, was born in New York, r 1S3 His great grandfather had emigrated from Germany and settled there. When a young man he came to Eichmond and at the outbreak of the Ci-vil War he joined the Confederate forces and was promoted to t^e rank of major. After the war Major Gin- ter went JSTorth, but a few years later he returned to Eichmond and engaged in the tobacco trade with astonishing success. He was the first to use the light colored tobacco of Virginia and North Carolina in place of Turkish tobacco for the manufacture of cigarettes. The firm of Allen & Ginter gained a widespread reputation under his management, and finally Major Ginter ac- cepted the presidency of the Allen & Ginter Branch of the American Tobacco Company. Important as were the business talents of Major Ginter to the interest of the city, of still greater value was the delight he took in the beauty of nature, his de- sire to beautify by all manner of improvements the picturesque environs of Eichmond and to further in this way the prosperity of the city. West of the Capital, where the Confederates had thrown up earthworks on sandy hills, Maj. Ginter purchased large tracts of land, btiilt elegant avenues and boulevards, laid out parks and invested much money to secure a beautiful landscape. The city of Eichmond is greatly indebted to the sense of beauty, the enterprise and the noble spirit of this German- Virginian. No man could have made better use of the wealth he gained by diligence and intelligence. Greatly beloved by all Eichmond, he died October 2nd, 1897. In the period of 1889—1890 Ashton Starke, another Ger- man descendant, was president of the Virginia State Agricul- tural and Mechanical Society. German business men engaged in the management of banks, insurance companies and building associations. The cedar works and several other manufacturing interests are con- trolled by Germans and their descendants. Two large breweries. The Richmond Breioery of Kersten and von Eosenegk, now RosenegFs Brewing Company, and the Peter Slumpf Brewing Company, Peter Stumpf late president, are in successful opera- tion since 1891, after Euker's Brewery, Edw. Euker, proprietor, and the James River Breiuery of Baier, Juengling & Betz had 154 been discolitinued. In all branches of the wholesale and retail trade the Germans are engaged. The sale of dress-goods is almost the exclusive domain of the German Israelite citizens. The sole furrier of importance in the South is Charles Haase. German artisans are employed with preference in all the various factories. CHAPTER XVlI. The Celebration of German Public Festivals in Richmond and Biographies of German- Virginian Prominent Citizens. HE historical facts mentioned in previous chapters show that the Germans have contributed very materially to the wealth and progress of the city of Richmond and the entire State. They have helped in a great measure to bear the burden and expenses of the community and com- monwealth. It is asserted that the German-Virginian popula- tion of Richmond pays about 07ie-t7iird ot the whole amount of the city's taxes. More and still better than by anything else, the true moral value and influence of the German-Virginian element and its love and admiration for the native land and people of the fore- fathers, are illustrated by their ptiblic festivals. On the •14th of September, 1869, the German associations celebrated the Centennial Anniversary of the eminent German naturalist, philosopher and explorer, Alexander von Humboldt. The German societies : Schiller Lodge, Gesangverein Virginia, Turnverein, the Druids, the Redmen, and the Society for the Relief of the Sick, with banners floating, formed in procession in front of the City Hall under the direction of their marshalls : Charles Klein, Carl Euker, Christian Unkel, A. Blenner, Otto Camman and H. Dabble. They paraded the principal streets to the theatre, where a large number of ladies and gentlemen had already assembled. The stage Avas handsomely decorated and after the orchestra had performed an overture the curtain 156 was drawn and the singing societies, under the leadership of 0. L. Siegel, sang Mohr's grand hymn. Next followed the unveil- ing of a fine plaster bust of Humboldt, cast by E. Valentine. Surrounding the bust, globes, maps, telescopes and other em- blems of science were scattered. Dr. Boldeman recited a pro- logue, followed by Prof. G. A. Peple, the German orator of the day; Patrick Henry Aylett delivered the English oration. The speakers were heartily applauded and the singing societies intonated the "German Song of Victory," by F. Abt. Eesolu- tions were read and adopted, which had been prepared especi- ally in acknowledgment of the anticipated large participation and the hearty sympathy of the Anglo-American citizens by a committee composed of G. A. Peple, Herman Koppel, Alors Pick, A. Osterloh, G. Klein, Otto Meister, Oh. Simmons, Her- mann Boschen, H. Burchard, H. Diebel, H. Willers, A. Blenner, Christ. Meckel, Henry Demler, P. Thomas, P. Laube and P. Dush. Although the American population had not taken part in honoring the memory of the great explorer and writer of the American continent in such measure as had been expected, yet the resolutions were unanimously adopted.^'"') The proceed- ings were closed by a "Volksfest" at Hattorf's Garden. The houses and business places of the Germans generally were deco- rated with flowers and evergreens, and the Stars and Stripes and the emblem of the North German Confederation waved from many of them. A few mouths previous to the Humboldt Centennial Cele- bration, and as a kind of continuation of the great "Singing Festival" at Baltimore, Md., several singing societies of New York city visited Eichmond as the guests of the Gesangverein Virginia. ^ " ) They were members of "Socialer Maennerchor," "Teutonia" and "Liederkranz," and on July 16th, 1869, a grand concert of the combined visiting and home societies was given at the Eichmond Theatre. Hon. George Chahoon and Prof. G. A. Peple welcomed the New York singers in short but appro- 276.) "The Daily State Journal" of Sept. 14, 1869, Vol. I, No. 275. Richmond, Va. 277.) "Richmond Patriot," July 23, 1869. Richmond, Va. 157 priate speeches. On the next day the visitors were shown the city and its environs and on July 18th a picnic at Hattorfs Garden closed the festivities. Another ''Singing Festival" ^'''^) of still more elaborate char- acter was arranged September 28th to 30th, 1873. The follow- ing societies took part: "Germania Maennerchor," Baltimore, Md., "Maennerchor," Philadelphia, Pa., "Saengerbund," Wash ington, D. C, "Gesangverein Virginia," "Germania Maenner chor," and "Eichmond Philharmonic Association," Eichmond, Va. A grand concert, assisted by KesstiicFs double orchestra, under the leadership of Prof. Carl Lenschow, at Assembly Hall excited the admiration of a large audience. It was followed by a "Commers" at Monticello Hall, where Prof. Peple, Mr. Wolf of Washington and Oswald Heinrich of Eichmond delivered addresses. I. H. Pein recited a poem, " Gruss an die Saenger," composed by him. On September 30th the festival closed with a picnic at the Fair Grounds, where several mass choirs were chanted. A deep and proud feeling came to the heart of every Ger- man-Virginian, when the news of the brilliant victories of the German armies in France reached America. On August 13th, 1870, an appeal was published to meet on the evening of Au- gust 1 5th at Monticello Hall, in order to make arrangements for the collection of funds for the relief of the wounded Ger- man soldiers. This appeal was signed by Carl Seibert, secre- tary, and the highest enthusiasm prevailed at the meeting. It was largely attended and a " Deutscher patriotisclier Unterstuetz- ungsverein," (German Patriotic Beneficial Society) was organ- ized. A committee was elected for the collection of money, consisting of Eduard Euker, J. E. Fischer, William Euker, W. Wild, 0. L. Siegel, G. Klein, Dr. Boldeman, Louis Euker, Dr. Grebe, H. Schmidt, M. Millhiser, S. M. Eosenbaum, G. Hoff- bauer, A. Osterloh, J. Kobbe, I. Preskauer, Dr. Strecker and H. Metzger, and already in the beginning of September one thou- sand, one hundred dollars could be forwarded to the Consul- 278.) "Taglicher Anzeiger," Sept. 30, 1873. Richmond, Va. 158 General of Germany at New York. The young German- Vir- ginian ladies of Richmond also evinced enthusiastic sympathy with the glory of the old Fatherland. On September 10th, 1870, Miss Emma Grebe (now Mrs. Cordes) president; Miss Marie Thilow (now Mrs. Kehling) secretary ; Miss Pauline Ly- brock, treasurer, and Mr. Heinrich Phillips, assistant secretary, issued another appeal to the Germans of Kichmond to furnish money, to be given for the support of the children of German soldiers killed in battle or who died in the hospitals. A "Fair" was arranged by the patriotic young ladies, and they were de- lighted to be enabled to forward thi'ough Consul Hanewinkel three hundred and twenty-seven dollars, the proceeds, to the Consul-General, Mr. Johannes Roesing at New York. The sons of the city of Marburg in Hessia, residing in Eich- mond, collected among themselves aboirt three hundred and fifty dollars as a contribution to the erection of a "Siegesthurm" in the neighborhood of their native city, and they also shipped a nicely polished quarter-stone of Richmond granite for the same monumental structure. Finally, on March 13th, 1871, a grand " Friedensfeier" was arranged. George Klein acted as president and the festive committee was composed of Carl Sei- bert, I. Rosenfeld, H. G. Miller, AVm. Graeser, E. Senf, H. Dom- ler, A. Blenner and E. Kempe. Paul Ketterlinus, editor of the Virginia Staats Gazette, delivered the festive oration from the portico of the City Hall. The torches borne in the procession were then' thrown on a pile and burnt while " Die Wacht am Rhein " was sung. Houses and residences of Germans were everywhere decorated and illumined, and at the banquet at Monticello Hall Consul Hanewinkel, Consul Boehmer and Prof G. A. Peple addressed the partakers. In 1881 the Germans of Richmond participated in the " Yorktown Centennial." Mr. Q. L. Siegel composed a festive march for the occasion. Although Germany had not been the ally of the American colonies during the War of Independence like France, yet it had furnished them several men who ren- dered very important services. Prominent among those German partisans was General von Steuben, — and his descendants, liv- ing in Germany, participated in the centennial festivities as the 159 " Guests of the United States." The representatives of the Steuben family were : Colonel Arndt y. Steuben, Captain Fritz v. Steuben, Captain Eugen t. Steuben, Lieutenant Cuno v. Steu- ben, Lieutenant Berndt y. Steuben, Lieutenant Anton y. Steu- ben and the royal high forester Richard y. Steuben. They were invited by their countrymen to Eichmond to attend a " Commers at Saengerhall " arranged in their honor. A grand parade marched through the principal streets of the city and several artistically decorated floats of historical character pre- sented its leading feature. However the most successful of all festivals arranged by the German citizens of Richmond were the celebrations of "German Day" on October 6th, 1890; September 23rd, 1891; September 15th, 1893; October 3rd, 1894; September 13th, 1895, and in 1896 and 1897. The enthusiasm displayed by the citizens of German birth or descent on these occasions was al- most unexampled, while an interest hardly less great was shown by the public in general. The newspapers, English as well as German, contained full descriptions of the proceedings. In 1890 and 1891 the "Richmond Dispatch "2^°) printed the Ger- man oration and the prologue not only in English, bat also in German, while in 1893 the " Righmond Times " published H. Schuricht's "Festive Play" in the original, and in 1896 and 1897 the orations of H. Schuricht, von Eoseuegk, Dr. Menzel and Dr. Calish. The last-named papei', with reference to the first German Day, said^^") : "These proceedings were such as to inspire our citizens of German blood not only with a w;armer attachment to the land from which they originally sprung, but also with a keener devotion to the adopted soil in which they are now so deeply rooted. The excellent influence of such a celebration was clearly illustrated at ^very point in its course, and that in- fluence will long survive in the Community." — The " Rich- monder Anzeiger " of October 7th, 1890, had printed in large i79.) "The Richmond Dispatch," No. 12,231, pp. 1, 2 and 4. Richmond, Octoter 7th, 1890. 280.) "The Times,*' No. 2486, p. 2. Richmond, Va., October 7th, 1890. 160 letters at the head of its report of the first " German Day " : "Great Success! 8000 participants! The grandest German festival ever held in this city ! " — The celebration of 1891 was fully as well attended. The visitors at the festival grounds were estimated at from 8 — 10,000. The officers of the First German Day were Alfred von N. Eoseneglc, president; Hon. Wm. Lovenstein, first vice-president; H. G. Miller, second vice-president ; Wm. Felthauss, third vice- president; F. 0. Ebel, fourth vice-president; Carl Euehrmund, first secretary ; C. T. Loehr, second secretary ; and W. H. Zim- mermaun. treasurer. A committee of ladies, of which Mrs. B. Hassel was president, assisted in the arrangements for decora- tion of the hall of the Exposition Building, and also arranged and managed the plays for the children about the grounds. The officers of the " Toutig German- Americans " were C. F. Kohler, president ; John C. Seibert, first vice-president; A. H. Felthaus, second vice-president ; W.P.Klein, third vice-presi- dent; George 0. Ditrich, Jr., and A. Vonderlehr, secretaries; and H. Schott, treasurer. Mr. C. F. Kohler acted as chief -mar- shall and his assistants were J. C. Seibert, P. W. Klein, Henry Schott, Tony Felthaus and G. C. Ditrich, Jr. The day was opened with the parade of the Young Geiman- Americans, which took place at 9.30 o'clock in the morning. Long before 'the time to start a large crowd had collected in front of Saenger Hall, where the procession was to form. This building, as well as many residences, was beautifully decorated with a profusion of flags and streamers, bearing the American and German colors, and every Avindow was filled with ladies and girls who were to follow the parade in carriages. The scene was an inspiring one and calculated to arouse to enthusiasm the most staid individual. At the head of the column rode ten mounted policemen. Next followed Chief-Marshall Kohler and Grand Chief-Marshall von Eosenegk with their aides. All of the marshalls of the young Germans wore soft white felt hats and sashes, bearing the German and American colors. The aides of Grand Chief-Marshall Eosenegk were clothed in black suits, silk hats and regalia, and also wore sashea with the American and Teutonic colors. Several' of the horsemen, who were all 161 finely mounted, bore the flags of both nations. Behind the marshalls followed several young men, who were also mounted, and a squad of twenty-two policemen on foot. Next came Voelker's Band, followed by seventy young Germans, employees of the Eichmond Locomotive and Machine Works. Behind these came the young German-Americans, who numbered about three hundred. They carried at their head a handsome white satin banner with the name of their organization printed upon it in gold letters. This was presented by the German ladies of the city. Their uniforms were very pretty and elicited general admiration. Carriages containing the ladies followed in the rear and ended the procession. Along the entire route the side- walks were filled with people. Broad street from Seventh to First being impassable for a short time. The beauty of the procession was enhanced by the magnificent horses ridden by the Germans. At twelve o'clock the formal ceremonies were opened in the large main building of the Exposition Grounds. On the plat- form were seated Governor Phil. McKinney, Mayor J. Taylor Ellyson, Members of Congress, the Board of Aldermen and the City Council, Judges, Eev. Menzel, many other distinguished invited guests, the orators of the day: H. Schuricht and Wm. Lovenstein, the Committee members, members of the Gesang- verein Virginia and the Chorus. In front of the platform a space • was reserved for the five music bands and below this the front row of seats was occupied by the oldest Gei'uian citizens, among whom were : M. Kaiser, G. Albrecht, John Lintz, W. Graser, J. C. Lange, J. J. Kuhr, C. Eeitz, S. Boltz, C. Wendlinger, P. Krainzler, A. Bensal and John Does. There 'were about two thousand chairs occupied by the ladies ; the aisles and galleries were also filled. After the overture Mr. J. J. Spilling, chairman of the Ee- ception Committee, introduced President A. von N. Eosenegk of the German-American Association of Eichmond, who welcomed the vast assemblage. Next a selected choir of mixed voices, composed of members of the " Virginia" and a large number of ladies, rendered the "Festive Song," composed by Prof. E. L. Ide, and then Eev. Paul L. Menzel offered the prayer. Next the 162 Soldier's Home Band played the " Bridal Rose '" overture, and then followed the German and English orations, being replete with valuable historical information and breathing a fervent spirit of patriotism and- devotion to the Fatherland and the Union. The orators were frequently interrupted by applause and they were, together with Mr. von Rosenegk, Rev. Menzel and Mr. -Siegel, the recipients of beautiful floral tributes. Mr. Schuricht was the special recipient of a beautifully worked banner by Miss Emma L. Brimmer, as a token of remembrance of the occasion. After the execution of several musical selec- tions, Governor P. McKinney and Mayor Ellyson were intro- duced, who in appropriate terms complimented the Germans of Richmond upon their loyalty, patriotism and love for their native land, and the success of the festival. At the conclusion of the set programme German hospitality was la^i^y manifested and the rest of the day was given over to am^usements until the grand torchlight procession for the evening was formed. The climax of scenic effect and enAu^iasm. was reached, when, after dark, the grand torchlight ^jwocession formed in line. The streets were thronged with spe>ctators. Housetops, windows, telegraph poles, lamp-posts, etc./ were considered ad- vantageous points for look-out. At the c,irner of Eighth and Broad streets a large bonfire of the torches was made and amid a grand pyrotechnic display " Die Wacht am Rhein " and the " Star Spangled Banner " were sung by a chorus of thou- sands, and' with an intensity of feeling never before exceeded. The festival closed with a " Commers " at Saengev Hall, which was attended by the Governor and the Mayor of the city. This first celebration of "German Day" in Richmond proudly deserves the adjective " glorious," and the author has given it such a detailed description because, in his opinion, it illustrates the sentiment and influential strength of the Ger- man element in the city. It has also left some useful traces. On January 12th, 1891, the " German- American Association of ■ Virginia" (Die Deutsch-Amerikanische Gesellschaft von Vir- ginien) was organized, to further German immigration into the State, to aid settlers with advice and also pecuniarily, and to cultivate German customs. About three hundred persons joined 163 the Association and the officers elected Avere : A. von N. Eose- negk, president; H. T. Miller, F. C. Ebel, Joseph Wall ersteiu and H. Mittendorfer, vice-presidents ; Carl Kuehrnnind, secre- tary; Ch. T. Loehr, financial secretary; C. Wippermann, treas- urer; and W. Flegenheimer, J. Strauss, F. Tholl, Hermann Schmidt, Theo. Moecker, J. C. Seibert and F. W. Waguer, di- rectors. The Association soon gained acknowledgment by the lead- ing Anglo-American citizens. On October 17th, 1894, an "Im- migration Convention " assembled at Eichmoud and the Ger- man-American Society was invited to be represented by delegates. Eev. Dr. Paul Menzel, as chairman of the delegation, addressed the convention on^*^) : " The class of immigrants most desired and the sections or countries abroad from which it is most de- sirable to secure them," and his remarks received universal approval. In March 1891 a branch of this society, " The Young Men of the Oerman- American Associaiion" was formed and the following officers were chosen: Fred. Koehler, president; J. C. Seibert, H. Bromme, A. Felthaus, vice-presidents ; Geo. C. Dietrich, Jr., secretary ; E. H. Metzger, financial secretary ; H. Schott, treasurer ; A. Dietz, C. Guenther, H. Metzger and H. F. Grimmel, directors. The " German Day " also indi- rectly prompted the establishment of the " Teutonia Clul; " Carl Euehrmund, president; C. Burgdorf, secretary; F. C. Ebel, treasurer; and also of the "Alert Social Club" of young German-Virginians. The second " Oerman Bay " and the " Theodor Koerner Centennial Celelration" on September 23rd, 1891, was inaug- urated on the eve of the 22nd by an imposing torchlight pro- cession. The programme for the occasion was as follows : Parade of the Young Men's German -American Association to the Exposition grounds, including the German-American pu- pils of the public schools; at 12 o'clock the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Koerner's Birthday at the large mu- sic hall, followed by plays and dancing. The " Koerner Actus" 281.) In priDt by A. E. Strauss Printing Company, Richmond, Va. 164 opened with a musical overture. The rear of the platform had been transformed into a stage^^'^), in front of which and to the right the iuvited guests and members of committees and to the left the singers were placed. Vice-President Mil- ler and President von Eosenegk welcomed the large audience and bespoke the twofold character of the celebration, and they were succeeded by Hon. Mayor Ellyson, who illustrated the qualifications of Germans as citizens. The speakers were heartily cheered and then the Singers, led by Prof. E. L. Ide, under accompaniment of the orchestra, intonated with grand effect Theodor Koerner's " Prayer during battle," (Gebet wah- rend der Schlacht.) As soon as the applause had subsided, Christian Droste stepped to the front and delivered an ex- cellent biographical speech of the youthful German poet and martyr-hero and happily succeeded to excite the due admira- tion for the patriotism and talent of Theodor Koerner. The Virginia Gesangverein next sang Koerner's " Schwertlied ; " then Judge Flournoy made some eloquent complimentary I'e- marks, followed by the culminating point in the ceremonies. H. Schuricht took the stand in front of the curtain and re- cited a " Prologue " composed by him, — the curtain was raised and amid a group of beautiful exotic plants, on a high pe- destal, the fine plaster bust of the poet, cast by a true friend of the Germans, Mr. Fr. Moynihan, of this city, was exposed to view. In front of the pedestal and on the steps leading up to it knelt " Olio," the Muse of History, the hand raised, engraving on the marble the name of Theodor Koerner, and from the left side " Germania " approached the bust, a laurel wreath in her hands, to decorate the poet's brow. Clio was personified by Miss Lizzie Euker, now Mrs. Dr. Meyer, and Germania by Miss Maria Menzeh. When Mr. Schuricht con- cluded his poetical explication of the tableau, the Singers in- tonated the " German Song " or " Das deutsche Lied." The tableau, the pr9logue and the singing were received with rapturous delight. This closed the proceedings in Music Plall, and the rest of the day was spent in mirth and gayety. The German News Company had published a Pest-Blatt of " Der Sueden." 282.) "Der Sueilen/' Vol. 1, N'o. 39, rp. 12 and 13. Richmond, Va.', Sept. 27, 1891. 165 111 1892 the observance of the "German Day" was con- fined to an all-day picnic at Blandon Park. The attendance was a large and devoted one. Iq 1893 the celebration of " German Day " was arranged by the junior association, in which the senior society participated. It took place on September 14th and was a pronounced success. Long before 10 o'clock, the hour fixed for the starting of the parade, the German- Americans began to flock to Saenger Hall, their usual rendezvous, while President von Eosenegk as- sembled the members of his organization at the corner of Sixth and Grace streets, from where they joined the column of the parade. A carriage followed, containing " Germania," (Miss L. Wolff), " Columbia," (Miss M. Senf ), and " Virginia," (Miss E. Schum.ann.) The rear was brought i,ip by about thirty aides on horseback. The procession started shortly after 10 o'clock in the fol- lowing order: Squad of police; chief-marshall and aides; Presi- dent von Eosenegk and aides ; Blue's Band ; Young Men's German-American Association ; German Pleasure Club ; other organizations ; Social Home Band ; members on horseback ; members in carriages and children in wagons. Immediately after arrival the grounds were turned over to the children, who indulged in all sorts of games and out-door sports. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon all the visitors repaired to the large music hall, which had b^en tastefully decorated. The Blue's Band opened this jiart of the proceedings with the march " Wien bleibt Wien," followed by a festive performance or "Festspiel," entitled "Der deutsche Tag im Jahre 1893," composed and dedicated by Herrmann Schuricht of Louisa county, whereupon the entire audience sang " Die Wacht am Ehein." A. von N. Eosenegk, president of the German-American Association, next delivered an address of welcome. The music played the Oriental Overture and a chorus of eighty children from St. Mary's Parochial School sang " Ich habe mich erge- ben." Prof. C, ,P. Mutter conducted the singing, while the 166 music played the accompaniment under direction of Eev. P. Gregory, S. 0. B. H. G. Miller, orator of the day, was then introduced and delivered an oration on the subject " Objects and Purposes of the German-American Association." The fifth Celebration-'''') in BXchmowA. of "German Day," October 3rd, 1894, which was held at Saenger Hall, proved no exception to the rule : that whatever the German-Americans of the community undertake they do well and with genuine en- thusiasm. The day was generally observed as a holiday by the German population. The festivities commenced at 3 P. M. under the auspices of the German- American Association, the oflBcers of which were as follows: A. von N. Rosenegk, president; H. C. Miller, first vice- president; Joseph Wallerstein, second vice-president; E. A. Stumpf, third vice-president; Carl Ruehrmund, fourth vice- president ; T. Moeker, recording secretary ; Oh. T. Loehr, finan- cial secretary ; C. Wippermann, treasurer ; directors: J. F. Koh- ler, Peter Stumpf, A. Pohlig, E. Kersten, 0. Dunker and M. F. Richter. The celebration opened with an entertainment for children in the garden of Saenger Hall. The City School Board had or- dered that all German pupils in the public schools be given a half-holiday in order that they might participate in the cele- bration. The grounds had been tastefully decorated and the little ones were quick to crowd them. A happier, healthier set of children were never gotten together. At eight in the evening, when the second part of the pro- gramme commenced, Saenger Hall was packed almost to suffo- cation; most of the ftudience were ladies. The programme opened with an overture by the orchestra; song, St. Mary's Church Choir ; addresses by the President and 0. Ruehrmund, chairman of the Executive Committee ; chorus, Gesangverein 283.) From "The Slate," October 3, 1894, and "The Richmond Dispatch," Oolober 4, 1894. A 167 " Virginia; " speeches by invited guests, including Mayor Tay- lor's address; song, "What is the German Fatherland?" by the German-American Association's chorus ; and the reading of a letter from Prof. Scheie de Vere, at this time the only hon- orary member of the Association, acknowledging the compli- ment of his election. Then followed a comedy performance, and a ball and banquet concluded the entertainment. On April 1st, 1895, the 80th anniversary of Prhice Bis- marck's birthday was celebrated in Saenger Hall under the au- spices of the German-American Society of Virginia. Almost every German of Eichmond city participated in the " Commers." Enthusiastic speeches were delivered by President von Eose- negk and A. Osterloh, Consul of Germany, and the entire large assemblage, arising from their seats, sang a " Festival Song " composed by Herrmann Schuricht. The elaborate celebration of the sixth German Day, Septem- ber 12th, 1S95, consisted in parade, oratory and song. The " Times " gave the following description : According to instructions, those who desired to participate in the parade on horseback or in carriages, assembled soon after 9 o'clock on Broad street or thereabouts and half an hour later the aides of the President A. von N. Rosenegk reported at head- quarters. Everything worked smoothly and promptly at the minute fixed for the starting of the parade, for the bell at the Second Police station house had hardly struck 10, when Mr. A. von N. Eosenegk, the president, asked his aides to fall in line on Marshall street between Seventh and Eighth streets. This was done at once, and the parade started a few minutes later from the corner of Seventh and Broad streets. The following is the order in which the participants in the big parade marched : Marshal J. H. Blumelinck, Charles Gasser, W. Schmidt. President A. von IST. Eosenegk. Aides of the president and color-bearers on horseback, in .dark clothes, white neckties, white gloves and silk hats. Aides : H, G, Miller, W, H. Zinjmermann, E. Kersten, Louis Euker, 0. C, 168 Thon, J. li. Middendorf, Jos. W. Bliley, B. Wittkamp, H. L. I-Iutzler, K. B. Felthaus, M. K. Fritosche, 0. .L. Brauer, Marx Gnnst, H. Graser, T. Schwanne, Ang. Boehling, Aug. Stille, C. Werner, William Eueger. Color-bearers : H. Kramer, H. Jan- ning, Charles Battige. Blues' Band. Marshals, Charles E. LoeflBier and Joseph Stumpf. Members on horseback. St. Mary's Home Band. Captain Chas. Hara and members of the Germauia Pleasure Club, dressed in the old German costume, on horseback, acting as escort to the float. A magnificently decorated float, arranged by Mr. M. Lind- ner. Upon a throne in the centre, and under a large canopy were seated Columbia, represented by Mrs. Charles Gasser, and Ger- mania, represented by Miss E. Weinbrunn, both appropriately and handsomely dressed. Behind each was stationed a page and in front a herald, with trumpet. The float was drawn by six magnificently caparisoned horses, each led by a gentleman ia continental uniform, and on each side of the float marched six gentlemen in old German costumes and halberds. The float was ten by sixteen feet, with a large canopy six by nine feet, and was by far the handsomest masterpiece in the line of decoration ever exhibited in this city. Heavy drapery was placed around the bottom of the float, intermingled with shields . of satin and silk flags, bearing the American and German colors, while a variety of satin banners ornamented the top. The can- opy was curtained in red, heavily draped with a tinsel finish. Festoons of evergreen were stretched from the bronze corner- posts of the float to the canopy, and besides there were other floral decorations in large number. The canopy was tipped off by a large brass eagle. Then followed a large number of carriages, with ladies and gentlemen of various organizations. The procession moved down Broad to Nineteenth, down Nine- teenth to Main, up Main to Sixth, up Sixth to Broad, and up Broad street to the Exposition Grounds. 169 As soon as the grounds of Kichmond College were passed President A. von K Eosenegk lined up his aides on the south side of Broad street to have the parade pass them in review. Subsequently they brought up the rear, and about fifteen min- utes later everybody found accommodation within the gates of the Exposition Grounds. Shortly before 2 o'clock the Music Hall began to fill with people, Avho were anxious to listen to the singing and the speeches that had been announced. The ladies were nearly all dressed in light summer costumes, and the sight was certainly a beau- tiful one to behold. JSTotwithstanding the excessive heat the hall was completely filled during the progress of the proceed- ings, and a good many others remained on the outside. Take it all in all, there must have been fully 4000 people present during the celebration. In the centre of the back part of the big platform a dais had been erected on which were seated Germania and Columbia, the former represented by Miss Weinbrunn and the latter by Mrs. Charles Gasser. Miss Weinbrunn wore a heavy white satin dress with red tunique and black trimmings and the German eagle embroidered in gold on the front of the corsage. In her hair she wore a wreath of laurel and oak leaves. Mrs. Gasser also wore a white satin dress with blue tunique, in which the stars, representing the various States of the Union, were inter- woven. The bodice of the dress was trimmed with red silk, and on her head Mrs. Gasser wore a silk cap in the national colors. In front of Germania and Columbia sat the .two pages, Johnny Krause, dressed in a pink suit and blue mantel, and Bernard Schott, dressed in pale blue. Between thepages little : Anthony Schwane, Jr., found his seat, who was dressed in the uniform of a lieutenant of infantry of the German army. The orators of the day were Messrs. von Rosenegk, Ch. H. Phillips and William H. Zimmermann. In September 1890 and 1897 the seuanth and eighth celebra- '" tions of German Day were arranged in a similar manner in the new large Auditorium on Exhibition Grounds. Herrmann ', Schuricht, A. von N. Rosenegk, Rev. Dr. Paul L. Menzel and 170 Rev. Dr. Eduard B. Calish delivered tlie principal festive ora- tions. Ths assemblages again attained considerable proportions. The main part of the gatherings was composed of sons and daughters of the Fatherland, but many native-born Americans participated and all mingled together in a brotherly unity, which in itself proved the fraternal feeling existing between them. In the beginning of 1898 the meritorious president of the German-American Association of Virginia, A. von N. Eosenegk, resigned and Carl Ruehrmund was elected in his place. Under the supervision of the last-named the 7iinth celebration of Ger- man Day took place on October 6th, 1898, in Saenger Hall. During the afternoon a Juvenile Festival (Kinderfest) was hap- pily carried out and at night the official part of the celebration consisted in a concert, an address by President C. Ruehrmund, a theatrical performance and dancing. No doubt the celebrations of " German Day " have success- fully served to keep alive in Virginia the individuality, feeling and thought, — the entire soul of the German element — com- bined with the true spirit of American institutions. On August 9th, 1898, «iemori«Z .seryjces in Jionor of Prince Bismarck, " the artificer of the German Empire," were held at Saenger Hall under the auspices of the Gesangverein Virginia. The hall was full when the meeting was called to order, a few minutes after 9 o'clock, by Mr. Henry G. Miller, chairman of the committee which had arranged it. On the stage were a number of well-known Germans of the city, including Mr. Mil- ler, Mr. A. von N. Eosenegk, Rev. Dr. Paul L. Menzel, the ora- tor of the evening, and others. The decorations of the hall and stage were simple and tasteful, consisting of potted plants and combinations of German and American colors. After prayer by Rev. Dr. Menzel, Mr. Miller presented Mr. A. von N. Eosenegk, the president of the society, who came for- ward and delivered a short address. In his speech he called at- tention to the following occurrence : "Several years ago, as you know, the German-American in Ladies' Aid Society was organized. They opened two wards In the Virginia Hospital. The ladies wrote to Prince Bismarck, requesting the permission to use his name for the male ward, and received the following highly honored reply- over his auto- graph : An Frau Ann.v. von Nickisch Rosenegk Richmond, Va., Virginia Hospital, Corner Clay and Eleventh Street?, U. S. Friedrichsruh, den 18. Mai 1895. Die Benennung der in dem Virginia-Hospital neu luten Abtheilung nach mei eine ehrenvolle Auszeichnung. erbauten Abtheilung nach meinem Namen ist fiir mich V. BiSMAUCK. Mr. von Eosenegk continued : " The letter is framed and placed in the Virginia Hospital, and we here present will show the love and' esteem we cherish, and express the sorrow we feel, by drafting resolutions of sympathy and transmitting them to his family." These resolutions were presented by Mr. Miller and adop- ted, and after the singing of " Spielmann's Testament " by the Gesangverein chorus, the brilliant memorial address by Dr. Paul L. Menzel followed, which was the chief feature of the evening. Hereupon the meeting adjourned. The German ladies of the city, ever alive to the interests of human sufferers, have organized in 1895, as previously men- tioned, a "German-American Ladies' Aid Association of the Vir- ginia Hospital," of which Mrs. W. Rehling is President ; Mrs. A. von Rosenegk, First Vice-President; Mrs. C. Oehlschlager, Second Vice-President ; Mrs. Bertha Haase, Third Vice-Presi- dent; Mrs. Adam Feitig, Fourth Vice-President; Mrs. C. Kin- dervater, Fifth Vice-President ; Miss Emma Grimmel, Financial Secretary ; Miss Catharine Phillips, Eecording Secretary, and Mrs. Chas. H. Phillips, Treasurer. On the 30th of May, 1895, the '-Times" published for the benefit of the Hospital a large "Woman's Edition," to which Herrmann Schuricht, of Louisa county, and Mr. Wermuth, of Berlin, Commissioner of the German Empire to the World's Fair at Chicago, were the contributors of German articles. In the early part of 1897 a " Gemischter Chor " of fifty ladies and gentlemen was organized under the leadership of the gifted professor Carl F. Mutter, cantor of St. Mary's Church and musical director of the Gesangverein Virginia. On Decem- ber 3nd, 1897, this newly started chorus for the first time ar- ranged a public concert, which was a decided success. On May 9th, 189i', the German ladies of Richmond demon- strated again their appreciation of the cultivation of vocal mu- sic by the gift of a magnificent flag to the Gesangverein Virginia. Miss Helene Brauer delivered the gift in representation of the following ladies: Mrs. Wm. H. Zimmermann, 0. W. Thilow, .John Steinbrecher, F. C. Ebel, C. B. Loefler, E. A. Stumpf and Misses Helene Brauer, A. AVenzel, Bertha Haase, Gussie Bromm and Rosa Schumacher. To complete these reports of the German Festivals the bi- ographies of some of the leading men may be added. I Alfred von N: Bosenegk^ '^ ^) is a son of a colonel of the German army, whose full name he bears. His mother was also of noble blood, a Miss Sophie von Kleist. The father still lives in Eberswald, near Berlin, Germany. Mr. von Eosenegk was born in Stettin in Germany November 31st, 1852, and went in 1862, when only ten years of age, to the Military Academy in Potsdam and Berlin, where he remained until 1870, when he was promoted as subordinate officer to the army, to serve in the Franco-Prussian war, which ended in 1871. During the pro- gress of the war he gained the rank of officer, which distinction 294.) From the 'Richmond Dispatch," October 6th, 1890. 173 he retained until 1875, when he severed his connection with the German army and immigrated to this country, previously how- ever having been joined with Miss Anna Weisser in the holy bonds of batrimony. During the first five years of their life in this country the two had to struggle hard for existence, as nei- ther could master the English language. In 1880 he engaged in the hardware business, beginning with a very subordinate position, from Avhich he Avas gradually promoted, and in 1885 he accepted a call from the Bergner & Engel Brewing Company of Philadelphia as manager for the Eichmond depot. In 1891 von Kosenegk associated with Mr. Emil Kersten. They estab- lished the well-known Eichmond Brewery, which was changed in 1893 into a stock company under the new firm " Eosenegk's Brewing Company." It has also been Mr. von Eosenegk's for- tune, through his courteous manners, to gain the love, esteem and respect to the highest degree not only of his German friends and countrymen, but of a vast number of our worthy American citizens. Mr. von Eosenegk is a member of Schiller Lodge of Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, Germania Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Gesangverein Virginia, Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, Iron Hall and Fraternal Legion, and among their mem- bers he is very popular and highly respected. The German Day movement was greatly due to his effort and gained reality through his untiring labors. He was the president of the Ger- man-American Association for eight years and is at present the president of the Gesangverein Virginia. Rev. Dr. Paul L. Menzel, the scholarly pastor of St. John's German Evangelical Church, was born March 5th, 18.39, at Lausanne, Switzerland. He is the oldest son of Eev. 0. W. Menzel. Until 1850 he remained with- his parents in St. Hippolyte, in the south of France. Then a boy he went to Germany, studied the German language and spent ten and one-half years in different institutions, colleges and univer- sities, where he prepared for the ministry. After passing his examinations, he accepted a professorship in the College of Niesky, Silesia. On August 39th, 1868, he was ordained a min- 174 ister of the Gospel by Bishop E. Eeichel of Saxony, and subse- quently served at different places. In '74 he came over to America and held for six years the position of German pastor in the two churches in Dausville and Keikinsville, in Western Hew York. In 1879 he joined the German Evangelical Synod of N. America. Since 1883 he has been the secretary of the Atlantic District of this organization and in 1894 he was elected president. In 1880 he accepted the pastorate of the German Protestant Church of Albany, N. Y., and by his effort helped to erect the new building which was dedicated in May 1883. Since February 1886 Mr. Menzel has been pastor of St. John's Evangelical Church in Eichmond. In 1894 the Washington and Lee Uni- versity of Lexington, Va., conferred on him the honorary de- gree of Doctor of Divinity. Siafe Senator William Lovenstein, of Richmond, was born October 8th, 1810, at Laurel, formerly known as Hungary Sta- tion, Henrico county, about eight miles from Eichmond city. In addition to a good common school education, he spent two years at an academy in New York city. Eeturning from school he entered mercantile business, in which he engaged until the beginning of the war. Upon outbreak of hostilities he imme- diately left for the front with the Eichmond Light Infantry Blues, of which he was a member, and saw active service before he attained majority. Mr. Lovenstein remained uninterruptedly with his company until captured by some of Burnside's troops at Eoanoke Island. At the conclusion of the war he reengaged in business. When the State was readmitted into the Union in 1869, he was elected, though only twenty-nine years of age, to represent Eichmond in the House of Delegates. He was re- elected four successive times, serving in that branch ten years in all, during which time he was upon the most important com- mittees. lu 1881 Mr. Lovenstein was elected to the State Senate and in 1897, the time of his death, he was serving his fourth con- secutive term of four years. Governor Lee appointed Mr. Lo- venstein a member of the board of the Female Normal School, (an institution which to a great degree owes its existence to his efforts.) For years he has been a member of the City School 1% Board; past-master of Fraternal (formerly Frau^aise) Lodge No. 53, A. P. and A. M. ; grand secretary and supreme repre- sentative of the Royal Arcanum ; past-regent and secretary of Virginia Council No. 26 ; past-president of District Grand Lodge No. 3 and Rimmon Lodge No. G8, I. 0. B. B. ; a member of the Board of Trustees and secretary of the congregation of Beth Ahaba. He was cliosen president of the Grand Conven- tion of the B'nai B'rith at the session of that body in Richmond in June 1890. Senator Lovenstein's chief business occupation was that of cashier of the Richmond Perpetual Building, Loan and Trust Coinpauy. Carl Ruelirmiond, the son of Rev. P. W. Ruehrmund, was loi'n September 32nd, 1855, at Berlin, the Capital city of the Kingdom of Prussia. He visited the " Louisenstiidtische Real- Schule," where he graduated in 1874. After four years' study at the "Architectural Academy " at Berlin, and having served his term in the Prussian army, he was employed as assistant architect by the government surveyor of buildings (Baurath) Orth, and later on in the architectural department of the Royal Railroad System. The prospects of promotion in the govern- ment service being gloomy, Ruehrmund resolved to try his luck abroad, and after spending some time in Scotland and England, he came to America in 1881. Having worked in various archi- tectural offices, he was engaged in 1884: by the Government to superintend the rebuilding of the custom-house and post-office at Richmond, Va., and after finishing this work he entered in 1887 into private practice. Among numerous public and pri- vate edifices which he erected may be mentioned: the St. Mark's Lutheran and the Calvary Baptist churches at Roanoke, Va.; the Hoge Memorial Church; the storehouse of Cohen Brothers ; Third Police Station ; the Henrico Court House ; the cattle-yard at Richmond, and the hospital of th« State Lunatic Asylum. Carl Ruehrmund enjoys among his German fellow-citizens the reputation of being a warm and zealous advocate of all Ger- man cultural and social efforts, and they bestowed on him many honorary offices. He was elected president of the " Teutonic Club," secretary and vice-president of the " German- American 176 Association of Virginia," and now lie holds the presidency of this the most important German society in the State. Heinricli Georg Miller is one of the most active and perse- vering leaders of the German element in Richmond. He was born September 26th, 1834, at Lauterbach in Hesse-Darmstadt, and after completing his school-education selected horticulture for his vocation. In 1857 Mr. Miller emigrated to America and was first employed as gardener in Baltimore, Md., and finally came to Richmond in 1861. In the year 1866 Gen. Tochmann was appointed agent of European immigration and Mr. Miller was made his assistant. He has continued since that time in the public service and occupied for the last twenty-five years the position of assistant gas-inspector at Richmond, and at present he holds the position of bill-clerk in the department. He has for years been president of the church wardens of the St. John's German Evangelical Church, was president of the Gesangverein Virginia and is president of the German-Ameri- can Association of Virginia. During the war Mr. Miller served in a cavalry troop, commanded by Captain Wm. English. The troop was assigned to local defence, but it took part in the en- gagements at Drewery's Bluff and around Petersburg. Q. L. Siegel was born April 12th, 1838, at Kirchheim, Bo- landen, Bavaria, and died at Richmond January 4th, 1893. When a boy thirteen years of age he came with his parents to New York and studied music, for which he showed great talent. Desirous to see the world, he accepted different engagements with circus and minstrel troups and travelled with them over the entire United States and in Canada. In 1856 he partici- pated in the Walker campaign in Nicaragua and then took ser- vice on a U. S. man-of-war and visited other parts of the globe. At the beginning of the Civil War he lived at Charleston, S. C, and enlisted in the 14th South Carolina Infantry Regiment of Genei-al Maxey Greggs' Brigade. He remained with this com- mand throughout the war, from the bombardment of Fort Sum- ter to the surrender at Appomattox, and he fought in many battles. After the war Mr. Siegel remained in Richmond, married a daughter of John H. Boschen and established a shoe-store. He was very successful in his business, but his love 177 for music did not allow his mind to rest quietly. What he has done to advance musical art in Eichmond from 1870 to 1885 and as leader of the Gesangverein Virginia, is ' gratefully re- membered and appreciated by his German fellow-citizens. G. L. Siegel was an artist born, but an adverse fate prevented him from making full use of his great talent. Hermann Schmidt, the brother-in-law of Siegel, was born on March iTth, 1838, at Vlotho on the river Weser and came to America in 1800. He was the first German to select Eichmond as a place of residence after the close of the war. In 1865 he ■ established a grocery business. Being indefatigable in his ef- forts, a thoroughly educated German merchant and of great en- terprise, the business rapidly prospered. With the same energy he displayed in his business, he supported every effort to im- prove the welfare of ill-fated Eichmond. The Germans of Eichmond soon recognized the nobleness of his intentions and organizing talents, and in all their undertakings he was a cer- ' tain leader. He was a member of the church and school board of the St. Johannis Church ; president of the German Eelief Society; president of the Virginia Building and Loan Com- pany, and director of the Gesangverein Virginia, of the German- American Society of Virginia and of the German News Com- pany of Virginia, etc. The Transparent Ice Company was founded by him. He died in 1894 and his death was deeply mourned by his German and American fellow-citizens. 'William. H. Zimmermmm \& another prominent and repre- sentative German-American of Eichmond, born in the city of Marburg, Germany, in 1845. He came to this country in 1860, and after a short stoppage at Eochester, N. Y., Baltimore, and Louisville, Ky., he made his home in Eichmond. At the begin- ning of the late war he enlisted in the Confederate ranks, but being then only a boy of fifteen years, he was not sent to the front, and did military duty in and about this city. At the close of the war he engaged in the fur business in this city, and in 1875 gave his undivided attention to the restaurant and ho- tel business. For many years he has been closely identified, not only 178 with the German-American interests in this city, but he has al- ways proven himself a public-spirited citizen, and in all under- takings that tended to be of benefit to this city, his name could be found among those on top of the list. He is a promi- nent and influential member of the German-American As- sociation, of the Gesangverein Virginia and many other or- ganizations. In the year 1893 it was chiefly by his efforts that the German-American voters of Eichmond rallied at Saenger Hall and organized the German-American Democratic Club, which very soon made its power and influence felt among the rest of the residents. His countrymen appreciated the interest in public affairs manifested by Mr. Zimmermann, and elected him a member of the City Council and president of the Dem- ocratic club, which offices he has held in an efScieut and digni- fied manner. Charles T. Loelir was born August 8th, 1842, at Altona, Westphalia, and came to Eichmond in 1853 when a boy. He is a highly esteemed, self-made man. During the war he was sergeant in Company D, First Virginia Infantry Eegi- ment, and his name has become widely known by his excel- ' lent publication : " War History of the old First Virginia In- fantry Eegiment, Army of Korthern Virginia, Eichmond 1884." Charles T, Loehr is at present notary public, local manager of the Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Company and secretary and treasurer of the Virginia Building and Loan Association. Of the many honorary offices conferred on him, those of First Commander of Pickett's Camp Confederate Vet- erans, Grand Master of the Knights of Pythias of Virginia, treasurer of Hines Memorial Hall and finance secretary of the German-American Association of Virginia may be men- tioned. Rev. P. WilUbald Baungartner, O.S.B., pastor of St Mary's Catholic Church, was born May 5th, 1853, at Wolfratshausen. He received a thorough education in school at his native place, the Latin school of the Holland Institute and the Eoyal Lndwio-'s College at Munich. He writes: "From childhood I entertained a predilection for study and the Church, and it was my cher- 179 ished desire to go to America and to work there among my German conntrymen." In the year 1871 he emigrated and went to St. Vincents to join the order of St. Benedictus. He studied philosophy for two years and theology for three years and on April 33rd, 1878, he received the consecration to priesthood. Soon after, on May 1st, Rev. Baumgartner ■was designated assistant of Rev. P. Renno Hegele at Saint Mary's Church, Richmond, Va., and since 1884 he is the highly esteemed pastor of the' German Catholics of the dio- cese Richmond. He is a true sympathizer and ardent sup- porter of the charitable and civilizing endeavors of his coun- trymen. Joseph Wallerstein, the second vice-president of the Ger- ■ man-American Association, is a native of Blacksburg, Va. When six years old, he came to Richmond with his parents, and has been living here ever since. Early in his youth he started out in the produce business and has followed that vocation up to the present day. He has been for the last ten years a mem- ber of the Travellers' Protective Association, which was organized in 1883, and is now the vice-president of the national organiza- tion. He has also for some time been the chairman of the Rail- road Committee of the local organization. Mr. Wallerstein is also a member of numerous other Ger- man-American organizations, and his activity and effective influ- ence in the Common Council for the past few years has been too well noticed by all who pay attention to the affairs of this city as to be especially mentioned in this connection. Gliristian Droste was born in Bremen, Germany, on March 8th, 1862. He received a thorough education, served an ap- prenticeship in a mercantile house in his native city and soon distinguished himself by his diligence and ability. He exhibited also a marked love for literature. Intellectual la- bor is his delight. In the beginning of 1887 he emigrated to America, arrived at Richmond, Va., on February 1st and was employed by L. Borchers & Co., leaf tobacco merchants. Ohr. Droste soon advanced to the position of bookkeeper, and Mr. Louis Borchers, Consul of Austria-Hungary, made 180 him secretary of his consulate. la 1891 he participated in the orgauiztition and management of the German News Com- pany of Virginia and in the pnblication of the German weelcly: "Per Sueden," contributing novels and poems under the nom-de-plume of " E. Helge." His oration at the " Theo- dor Koerner Anniversai-y " also merits credit. Carl Wippermann holds the important position of Treasurer of the German -American Association, and has for years ad- ministered the financial affairs of the organization in a wise and economical manner. He was born in April, 1855, in West- phalia, Prussia, where he received his first school education. Later on he entered the gymnasium at Herford, and served as a volunteer in the Fifteenth and Ninety-third Eegiments, In- fantry of the German armj'. At the exijiration of his term he was discharged with the rank and qualification of a com- missioned officer. Mr. Wippermann learned the mercantile business at Magde- burg, Prussia, in a most thorough manner under' the direct supervision of an upcle, in whose establishment he remained until 1877, when he came to Eichmond to accept the position of book-keeper with Mr. Hermann Schmidt, a brother of his former employer. He has been the book-keeper of the firm for a number of years, and is now its manager. Nearly every German-American organization has the name of Mr. Wippermann on its roll of members, and he is also en- gaged in a number of business enterprises. He is one of the most prominent members of the Gesangverein Virginia, and is vice-president of the Virginia Building and Loan Asso- ciation. When the German-American Association was formed about seven years ago, Mr. Wippermann was among its original mem- bers, and when Mr. William H. Zimmermann resigned the po- sition of treasurer of the organization, Mr. Wippermann was elected to succeed him, and has been in charge of the financial affairs of the association ever since. 181 Ferdinand Charles Ebel was bom January 4th, 1858, at Frederick, Md., and received a thorough school education in a private German-American school at Baltimore and after the re- moval of his parents to Eichmond in 1889 at the German-Eng- lish school of the St. Johannes German Lutheran Church. At the age of fifteen years he entered his father's business to learn the tailor trade and in 1885 lie became a partner in the paternal firm. Mr. F. C. Ebel took great interest in all affairs of public utility and rendered his hearfy support to all endeavors for the preservation of German nature and culture to coming genera- tions. He is one of the most popular men among his German- American and Anglo-American fellow-citizens, and he held the honorary positions of secretary and vice-president in the Ge- sangverein Virginia and of vice-pi-esident of the German- Ameri- can Association of Virginia since its organization. In the year 1895 he was elected a member of the City Council and his ser- vices are highly appreciated. Charles H. FhiUij^s, the financial secretary of the German- American Association, was born in Eichmond on March 39th, 1859. Mr. Phillips, though born in this country, has taken an active part in all the large entertainments given by the German- Americans in this city. Soon after completing his education, he began a course at the Old Dominion Business College. AVhile still a young man he began to take an active interest in the political affairs of the city. He served for some time on the Democratic City Committee, and in 1888 he was chosen to fill an unexpired term in the Board of Aldermen. There he soon worked to the front, and his abilities being recognized, he was made a member of the Board of Police Commissioners, un- der the regime of which board the police force of Eichmond has been raised to the highest possible standard. In 1894 he became a candidate for the office of City Treasurer, and though there were in the field several other candidates, he was the suc- cessful applicant, leading the field by a good, clear majority. • In his youth Mr. Phillips began his business career in the store of his father, where he remained until the business was discontinued. Later he was associated with the firm of Phil- 182 lips & Stein, and when that firm was burned out, he entered the employ of the Richmond China Companj'. Mr. Phillips is a member of nearly every German-American organization in existence in this city. He was president of the Gesangverein Virginia and is one of those men who fnlly de- serve the thanks of all German-Americans for the great interest which he has at all times taken in affairs they were most con- cerned in. He has also recently come into prominence as a military man, having been appointed on the staff of the First Regiment as commissary, with the rank of captain. Rev. Edward N. Calisch was born in the city of Toledo, Ohio, on June 23rd, 1865. When he was six years old his father moved to Chicago, just four weeks before the great fire of 1871 in that city. The family lost everything they had in that fierce conflagration, hardly even saving the clothes on their back. The mother with her two boys went back to Toledo for a year, while the father endeavored to found a home for them. In that effort he laid the foundation of disease which carried him off four years latei'. His death left the family destitute. Edward and his brother went to work, the former, at the age of ten years, securing a position with the firm of Mandel Bros. After a year of work, place was obtained for him in the Jewish Orphan Asylum at Cleveland, Ohio, at which institution he re- mained three years, and winning a scholarship in the Hebrew Union College at Cincinnati, he entered the latter institution September 1879, whence eight years later he graduated as rabbi. He graduated the same year from the University of Cincinnati. His first official charge was in Peoria, His., where he remained four years. Then he was called iu September 1891 to his pres- ent position as rabbi of the Beth Ahaba Synagogue at Rich- mond, Va. Rev. Calisch is a toost .eloquent orator and he has gained for himself the greatest respect of both Americans and Germans of all creeds. Julius Straus was born in the city of Richmond on the 4th da,y of May 1843. His parents came from Bavaria in 1837 and he received his first instruction from the Rev. M. J. Michel- bacher. At the age of ten years young Straus was sent for two 183 years to a boarding school in New York and tlien attended the higher schools in his native city. His talents turning into a commercial channel, he went into his father's business and con- tinued therein until the Civil "War. After the conclusion of war he reembarked in business. He entered the insurance busi- ness in 1869 and is now engaged therein nearly thirty years. For four years he served in the City Council and in the year 1887 he was appointed a member of the Board of Directors of the Central State Hospital at Petersburg, Va. Julius Straus always took a firm stand. He interested himself in the affairs of the German-American Association of Virginia and was also conspicuous in the celebration of " German Day " at Eichmond. He has been for thirty years a member of the Grand Lodge of Masons and is on several important standing committees ; is Past President of the Independent Order B'nai B'rith, District No. 5 ; Past Chancellor of Knights of Pythias ; Past Exalted ' Ruler of the B. and P. 0. Elks, and has served for twenty-five ■ years on the Board of Managers of the congregation " Beth •Ahaba" at Eichmond, of which he is now the president. There are many other zealous German-Virgiuians, but the limit of space forbids further personal mention. Many of the German societies have been spoken of in the foregoing descriptions of the public festivals and it remains only to name a few more in order to complete the report about . the German social and public life in Eichmond during the last decades. The "Qerman Relief Society" (Deutscher Unterstuetzungs- Verein) was to some extent the forerunner of the German - American Association. H. Schmidt and Henry Miller were the founders and managers of the society, which offered good advice and assistance to German immigrants. Several German settlers have received pecuniary help by this benevolent association, who are now well-to-do farmers in the neighborhood of Eich- mond, and many mechanics have been temporarily assisted by it when out of employment. The society nunibered in its time about three hundred members, 184 Gymi;a'5tics (Turneu) lias not prospered in Richmond since the war. The ''Social Turnverein" had outlived the critical time of that event, but its existence had been seriously shaken by measures of the Confederate police, and it did not regain its former prosperity and popularity after the conclusion of peace. A humorous occurrence recalls those hateful times of persecu- tion. During the third year of the war the papers and minutes of the Turnverein were suddenly seized by order of the provost- niarsliall, and being written in German a translation was or- dered and undertaken by an unqualified man. In order to give to a very talkative member of the society a witty reprimand, the secretary had recorded : " H . . . talked tin " (H . . . schwatzte Blech), which means, he spoke nonsense ; but the versed trans- lator worded it: " II . . . talked about sheet-iron." The discus- sion of the Turnverein about " s;^ee^^ro« " was considered by the police decidedly suspicious, and poor H . . . was arrested and locked up in " Castle Thunder." Such ill-treatment, ridic- ulous as it was, caused many members to resign, and after some years of lingering existence the society was dissolved. However the desire to practice the gymnastic art, physically and intel- lectually, did not die out, and on February 1st, 1885,- ^°)' the " Richmoiii uiiabh'cengige {independent) Turnverein" was or- ganized. About seventy members joined the new association and tlie number of puijils (boys and girls) amounted to about fifty. A very handsome hall, Turnhalle, was equipped and the officers elected were : .J. .T. Spilling, first speaker ; H. C. Bo- scheu, second speaker; Theo. Moeker, first secretary; Max Lindner, second secretary ; Oscar Pflamm, first Turnwart ; Wm. Gehrmann, second Turnwart; J. A. Moll, treasurer, and C. Has- sel, Zeugwart. But the young German-Virginians were not in- clined to submit to the rules of strict discipline and regular at- tendance of the exercises, and so the praiseworthy undertaking was discontinued after one year's effort. This laudable enter- prise had the good effect, that the Americans learned to appre- ciate gymnastic exercise, and the Young Mens' Christian Asso- ciation established a very beautiful gymnasium. 285.) Constitution d !S Riclimond unahhaengigen Turnvereins. Printed by Virginia Staats-Gazette, 1895. 185 In 1893 the Germaus of Kichmond resolved to regain pd- litioal influence and to secure a proportionate representation in the administration of the city's affairs. They organized a " German Democratic Club " and elected an energetic man — Wm. Zimmermann — to the presidency. The result of this step was apparent in the next election. All the nominees made efforts to win the confidence and support of the German voters. They were invited to address the club, to explain their pro- gramme and to give assurance that the interests of all classes of the population would be regarded by them without par- tiality and preference. One of the resulting effects was the election of Charles Phillips for city treasurer. CHAPTER XVlIl. German Life in Various Other Cities and Towns OF Virginia. 'he German inhabitants of the Virginian country towns had to compete against many adversities after the Con- f federacy was conquered. They were reduced in number and wealth and immigration had almost ceased. Alexandria had prospered daring the time the Union army was concentrated around it, but when the troops were with- drawn commerce and industrial life came to a standstill. The former inhabitants returned poor and disheartened^^''), the country all around was devastated and the northern business men left for other cities. Of the Germans who had settled in the city during war time, finally only a handful remained, and the German societies were discontinued for want of means and members. All had to struggle 'for daily existence and years passed by before confidence in a prosperous future was restored. It was in 1868 when Friedrich Pfafl, Adolph Diedel, W. Bauer, Brill, West, Mumm, Wenzel and others united to build a Ger- man-Lutheran charch and school and invited Eev. J. R. Bischof to become the pastor ; but the permanent organization of a community was not accomplished until 1884, although a church had been built. It was a wooden structure about sixty feet deep and forty feet wide, with a steeple and bell donated by the well known brewer Eobert Portner. One day, when the church was in course of erection, Mr. Portner happened to pass by and he asked the architect to show him the plan. He was surprised }.) Correspondence of Dr. Julius Dienelt, Aiexandria, Va, 18? that no steeple liad been projected and inquired for the reason. "The community is small and poor," explained the architect, "and they have. not got the means." "Well," argued Mr. Portner, " without a steeple it will be no church. Draw a plan for one, bell included, and I will pay the costs." Nearby a dwelling-house for the pastor was built, which contains also the necessary school rooms, and between the two buildings is a shady playground for the pupils. The present pastor, Eev. Jo- •hann Schroy, was installed in office in 1884. The church and school registers show eighty-seven church members and thirty- 'five pupils. The Germans of Alexandria are known to be loyal citizens and several of them have held public offices. Geo. A. Mushba,ch was a niember of the House of Delegates from 1878 to 1879 and at present is a member of the Senate of Virginia. Mr. Ch. Bendheim is the present representative in the House of Delegates. Eobert Portner, Isaac Eiohberg and Louis Kraft were menlbers of the City Council, and the present Mayor of the city is Hon. Henry Strauss. In 185i Dr. Julius Dlenell, to whom the author is indebted ■for these items, settled in Alexandria as dentist. He also gave lessons for some years in the Military Academy and his hobby are literary labors! Dr. Dienelt translated: " Wieland's Obe- ron" and wrote several novels and poems in German. His fes- tive poem, composed for the occasion of the unveiling of the Confederate monument May 24th, 1889, will always touch a pa- triot's heart. In 1891 Dr. Dienelt was a contributor to " Der Sueden." The -German element in the old German settlement, the city of Fredericksburg, is less prominent. The city suffered -vei-y much during the War of Secession and it is now the only ■place in Virginia which has gone backward in population and wealth. In 1860 Fredericksburg had 5,023 inhabitants, but the census of 1890 gives only 4,538. Amohg the German inhabi- tants Mr. John D. Elder, the distinguished artist, deserves es- pecial mention. He died in February 1895. Mr. Elder was educated at Duesseldorf, Germany, under Lei tz, and some of his most celebrated paintings — " The Battle of the Crater,". the "Bust of Shylock," "After Appomattox," and portraits of 188 Lee, Jackson, Davis, Johnson, etc., were owned by General Ma- hone and Mr. Joseph Bryan. He was an exhibitor at art exhi- bitions in Germany and in this country, and won many prizes, and in his peculiar line was considered the peer of any artist in America. Petersburg, which also suffered heavily in the various cam- paigns around Eichmond, has quickly regained its ante-bellum prosperity. In I860 it had 18,266 inhabitants and in 1890 it figured 22,680. Every visitor to the city will be astonished by the large number of German firms, as for instance, H. Noltinius and P. Schwenck & Co., tobacconists; M. Levy, pianist; AV. Tappey, machine works ; J. Liebert, wines and liquors ; A. Ro- senstock, M. Cohen, M. Sual and J. Eigenbrunn, dress goods ; W. Grossmann, real estate ; M. Mendel, toys, etc. The wealth of tlie German citizens is shown by the fact that they pay about one-fifth of the city and other taxes. In 1876 a "German Club " was organized, of which Mr. Tappey, A. S. Eeinach and J. Eosenfield were the officers. Efforts were made to establish a German church and school ; the, city generously donated the grounds and a church and school house were actually built. But disharmbny caused the abandonment of the laudable un- dertaking. In 1895 a German-Evangelic, community was or- ganized at Walthall's near Petersburg and is administered by Eev. Dr. Menzel of the St. Johannis church at Eichmond. More unity prevailed among the German Israelites of Peters- burg, who erected the synagogue " Eodof Sholem," at the head of which the rabbi Eev. J. Kaiser officiates. Mr. H. Nultinius deserves especial credit as the promoter of German music. On the first day of May 1890 the " German Society of Petersburg" was organized to promote immigration. E. Gieland was elected president and P. W. Leimburger was his next successor. Sev- eral members of the society formed a " Gesang-Section " and practiced vocal music, particularly German " Yolkslieder."^^'') Norfolk, celebrated as one of the finest harbors on the At- lantic coast, and for the excellence and quantity of oysters and fish brought to its market, is rapidly growing in population and 237.) The author is obliged to Mr. W. Grossmann for this information. 189 importance. In 1820 its population numbered 8,478 ; before the war it had 14,620 inhabitants and according to the last cen- sus its population is now over 35,000. The German element is not as conspicuous as in Kichmond, but in commerce and manufacture it takes a prominent part. In the summer of 1891 a correspondent of the "Richmond Times" named the following leading German firms : R. P. Voigt, Loewenburg & Hecht, Hecht & Herschler, Hamburger & Bro., Obendorfer & Co., Frey Bros., A. Myers & Co., Mayer & Co., Pinner & Derring, A. J. Kerns, ISTorfolk-Portsmouth German Building Associa- tion, etc. The " Norfolk Journal of Commerce " published in October 1888 a history and statistic of Norfolk and Portsmouth, naming the following German- Virginians as members of the " Common Council " and city officials : J. Adelsdorf, R, I. Eor- man, A. P. Thorn, W. M. Hannah, S. Marx, Th. B. Rowland, Jos. A. Rolland, E. M. Baum, Dr. W. A. Thom, J. A. Brimmer, Jos. W, P. Veith, J. W. Blick, J. J. Kuling, etc. This list is evidence that the German- Virginian element in Norfolk is re- spected and influential. Gen. W. D. Groner, of^German desfjent, previously mentioned, was appointed Commissary of Virginia at the World's Fair held at Chicago, Ills. "' •' Portsmouth, the sister-town of Norfolk, on the west bank of Elizabeth river, opposite Norfolk, numbered in 1870 10,492 inhabitants and now it has a population of about 14,000, of which many are Germans or of German lineage. Especially among the mechanics and the truck-farmers about the city, as well as in Norfolk, Princess Ann and Nansemond counties, Ger- man-Virginians are numerous. Neivport News, a creation of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company, promises to become one of the most impor- tant harbors on the Atlantic coast, being accessible at all sea- sons of the year to vessels of the heaviest tonnage. Within a few years it has grown to a flourishing city of about 7,000 in- habitants, of whom about one hundred families are Germans, mostly German Jews, and several of the leading business houses are conducted by them. However the German language is spo- ken very little by these people, being Germans only in name. = *'^) 288.) Correspondence of Walther Hoffmann, Clerk of Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Office at Newport News, Va. 190 In Faniville and the entire Prince Edward county tlie ntttriber of Germans is small, but they enjoy the reputation of -good, industrious people. There are about twelve German falrmers'^^") in the county and some German Hebrews have ■stores in Parmville and in the country. A Lutheran reverend lives near the Danville railroad and has built on his farm a small church and schoolhouse. From time to time the German farmers assemble there for divine service and the worthy pastor 'gives instruction to their children. Dr. W. W. H. Thackton ikas kindly furnished the author the following characteristic in- 'fatinlBition.^'"') '"About 1815 Captain John Stephan came to Pi-i&ciS Ed'ward county and built his home at the small village "toHgsville,"aboiit one mile from Prince Edward courthouse, now 5'drmville. Captain Stephan was a pleasant and intelligent man, ftfll^of wit and well known in Virginia and other southern '■States, 'being the Owner of a very popular " Wayside house of entertaiinment for travellers," situated on the great stage-road ^frdm Washington to Middle Georgia. Many distinguished Southern "statesmen made it a rule to stop on their trips to and "fr