CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY GIFT OF A. M. Drutmnond Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. Copyright 1916, by MEDICAL AKT AGENCY PRINTED IN AMERICA TABLE OF CONTENTS rAGi Introduction 1 I. THE SEXUAL EPOCH OF THE MENARCHE (Puberty) 33 A. Europe 38 1. Northern Europe 38 2. Middle Europe 39 3. Southern Europe 40 B. Asia 40 C. Africa, Oceania, America 41 First Appearance of Menstruation 45 Menarche Precox et Tardiva (Precocious and Retarded Menstrual Activity) 56 Inflammatory Processes 63 Disorders of H^matopoiesis 65 Cardiac Disorders 70 Diseases of the Nervous System 77 Masturbation 85 Disorders of Digestion 88 Diseases of the Respiratory Organs 89 Diseases of the Organs of the Senses 90 Hygiene During the Menarche 95 Menstruation , 120 Vicarious Menstruation ^ 129 The Sexual Impulse 130 II. THE SEXUAL EPOCH OF THE MEN ACME 149 Hygiene During the Menacme 159 Copulation and Conception 195 ' Cardiac Troubles due to Sexual Intercourse 203 Dyspareunia 206 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv PAGB Fertility in Women 224 The Restriction of Fertility and the Use of Means for the Prevention of Pregnancy. . . 253 The Determination of Sex 280 - Sterility in Women 282 Incapacity for Ovulation 294 Sexual Sensibility in Women 307 Incapacity for Incubation of the Ovum 318 Only-Child-Sterility 336 III. SEXUAL EPOCH OF THE MENOPAUSE 340 The Menopause 340 Changes in the Female Reproductive Organs in the Menopause 358 The Time of the Menopause 366 The Age at which the Menopause Occurs 366 i. Race , .' 367 2. The Age at which the Menarche Occurred . . 368 3. The Woman's Sexual Activity 372 4. The Social Circumstances of the Woman's Life 374 5. General Constitutional and Pathological Con- ditions 374 6. Premature Delayed and Sudden Onset of the Menopause 376 Diseases of the Organs of Circulation 388 Diseases of the Digestive Organs 404 Diseases of the Skin 407 Disorders of Metabolism 411 Diseases of the Nervous System 414 Climacteric Psychoses 423 INDEX 461 THE SEXUAL LIFE OF WOMAN INTRODUCTION By the sexual life of woman we understand the re- ciprocal action between the physiological functions and pathological states of the female genital organs on the one hand and the entire female organism in its physical and mental relations on the other; and the object of this book is to give a complete account of the influence exercised by the reproductive organs, during the time of their development, their maturity, and their involution, on the life history of woman. From the earliest days of the medical art this sexual life of woman has aroused in the leaders of medical thought the highest interest, and for this reason great attention has been directed, not only to the anatomy of the genital organs and to the diseases of the reproduc- tive system, but also to the individual manifestations of sexual activity and to the influence exercised by these on the female organism as a whole. Several works by Hippocrates are extant on this subject, among which may be mentioned : mpi TwaiKuris ^vtreos,^ a treatise on the physiology and pathology of woman; irepi A