^1 Q CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 189I BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE Cornell University Library Z997 .T94 olin 3 1924 029 548 397 The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029548397 CATALOGUE OF THE PRINCIPAL PAET OF THE LIBEARY OF DAWSON TURNER, ESQ. M.A., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.L.S., &c. &o. REMOVED FROM YARMOUTH. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & JOHN WILKINSON, AUCTIONEEES OJ LITERARY PKOPEKTY AND WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE OP THE FINE ARTS, AT THEIR HOUSE, 3, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, On MONDAY, MARCH 7th, 1853, & Five following Days, AND On THURSDAY, MARCH 17th, & Six following Days, (Sunday excepted) at One o'Clock precisely each Day. The First Division to be Viewed on Friday and Saturday, March 4 and 5. The Second Division to be Viewed on Tuesday & Wednesday, March 15 & 16. Catalogues had of Messrs. Parker, Oxford; Deighton, Cambridge; Langbridge, Birmingham; Hodges and Smith, Dubhn; Blackwood, Edinburgh; and at the Place of Sale. J. Datt & Sons, Printers, 137, Long Acre. 10 Agassiz (Prof.) Catalogue of Books, Tracts, &c. on Zoology and Geology, edited by Strickland, vol. 1 and 2 1848-50 11 Aikin (A.) Tour through North Wales and Shropshire, 1797 — Bernard (Hon. R. B.) Tour in France, Switzerland, &c. in 1814, 1815 2 vol. 12 Aikin (Dr. J.) Geographical Delineations, 2 vols. 1806— Travels in Spain, Poland, &c. 7 vol. 13 Ainsworth (W.) Researches in Assyria, Babylonia and Chaldea, plates 1837 14 Aitoh (W.) Hortus Kewensis, or Catalogue of Plants in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew, edited by W. T. Alton, 5 vol. index and autograph note from the author inserted, together with some coloured plates and references to those in the Botanical Magazine, English Botany, the Paradisus Londinensis, Sfc. Best edition, published under the superintendence of Hob. Broivn, Esq. 1810 15 Akenside (Dr.) Pleasures of Imagination, Dodsley, 1788 — Select Letters of Shenstone, &c. edited by Hull, 1778 3 vol. 16 Alcoran des Cordeliers, 2 vol. plates hy Picart Amst. 1734 17 Alfieri (Vittorio)Tragedie, 6 vol. jHO?-;. Few. 1792 18 Alfieri (Victor) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, 2 vol. 1810 19 Algarotti (Count) on Painting, 1763 — Du Fresnoy (C. A.) Art of Painting, in English verse by Mason, vpith notes by Sir Joshua Reynolds, Dub. 1783 2 vol. 20 Algarotti (Conte) Opere, 8 vol. fronts. Livorno, 1764 21 Almanacs: A Newe Prognostication for 1605, blade letter — Col- lections of the various Almanacks, printed in 1672, 1679, and 1716, with portraits, 4 vol — Almanacks in the Bolognese and Florentine Dialects together 5 vol. 22 Almanach des Muses pour 1771, John Wilkes' copy, with two copies of verses in his handwriting 23 Almanacs. Volks-Kalender fur 1840-1842, woodcuts a parcel 24 Almeida (Padra) El Hombre Feliz, por F. Vazquez, 4 vol. Mad. 1800 25 Alstedii (J. H.) Thesaurus Chronologic Helborne, 1650 26 Anacreontis Carmina, Gr. prsefixo commentario, &c. LiTTERIS MAJUSCDLIS TYPIS BoDONIANIS, red mOTOCCO ParmcB, 1791 27 Anecdotes. Arts and Artists, 3 vol. — Dramatic Table Talk, 3 vol. — Medical Professional Anecdotes, 3 vol. — West- minster Hall, 3 vol. engraved titles together 12 vol, 28 Angelo (H.) Instructions for the Sviford Exercise, ^Zo^e«, 1835 — Walker (T.) Original, No. 1, 1835— Frost (C.) Address to the Literary Society, Hull, 1831 — Earl Stanhope's Address to the Medico-Botanical Society, 1836 — Simpson ( W. P.) Tables shewing the Value of Tithes, Nor. 1836— Proceedings of the First General Meeting of the Eastern Counties Railway, 1836 — Statement of the Master Builders respecting Trades Unions, 1834 — Questions upon various Subjects connected with Architecture, 1 835 in 1 vol. 29 Annalen der Botanik, herausgegebeii von Dr. P. Usteri, 8 vol. plates Zurich, 1791-7 30 Annals of Natural History, or Magazine of Zoology, Botany and Geology, edited by Jardine, Selby, Hooker, &c., 4 Vol. plates, portrait of Sir IF. J. Hooker, by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted 1838,9,40 31 Annual (The Edinburgh) Register, from 1808 to 1822, edited by Sir Walter Scott, and containing original poetry by him and Southey, in 20 vol. Edinb. 1808-22 32 Annual (New) Register, 1780 to 1805, 18 vol. not consecutive v. y. 33 Anthologie Francaise, 1830 — Code de I'Empire Francais, Par. 1812, and others, French 15 vol. 34 Anstis (John) Curiae Militaris, or a Treatise on the Court of Chivalry, uncut , 1702 From the Library of Peter le Neve, Esq., with his corrections and autograph, from which it has successively passed into the collections of Thomas Martin, James Bindley Esq. and the present. It possesses autographs of this succession of owners 35 Antiquakian Itinekaky, or Specimens of Monastic, Castellated and Domestic Architecture in Great Britain, 7 vol. in 3, plates by Greig, ^c. liAEGE PAPEE, original proofs, with letter from, the engraver 1815-16 36 Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet, or Views of Objects of Curiosity in Great Britain, 10 vol. in 4, plates by Greig, ^c, arranged in counties lABGE PAPEK, Subscription copy, uncut 1807 37 Ancient Reliques : or Delineations of Monastic, Castellated and Dornestic Architecture, 2 vol. in I, plates by Greig lAiiGE PAPEK, proof impressions 1812 38 Antiquarian Tracts. Marques (A. L.) sur le Temple Antique de St. Lo de Rouen — Histoj'ia Hospitalis S. Elizabethse prope Treviros, 1786 — De la Rue (Abbe) sur les Ouvrages des Bardes de la Bretagne Armoricaine dans le Moyen Age, Caen, 1815-:-History of the Abbey of St. Denis and its Curiosities, 1795 — Bp. Fleetwood, Life and Miracles of St. Winifrede, with her Litanies, 1713 in 1 vol. 39 ApoUonius Rhodius, Argonautics, trans, by Fawkes 1780 40 Apperley (J., Nimrod) The Chace, the Turf, and the 'Ba&A, plates by Aiken .. - 1838 41 Apuleii Metamorphoses et alia Opuscula, bound in 2 vol. Ven. Aldus, 1521 42 Apuleii Opera Omnia, cum comment, Beroaldi et var. .2 vol. vellunv Ludg. 1614 43 Apuleius, Cupid and Psyche, a Mythological Tale from the Golden Ass, by Hudson Gurney, Esq., plates Not printed for sale, roy. 8vo. Yarmouth, 1844 44 Archseological (British) Association. Report of the Meeting, 5th March 1845 — Narrative of Facts, in reply to the exparte Statements of Mr. Pettigrew and Mr. Wright — Report of the Spscial Meeting, by Dunkin, 1845, &c. in 1 vol. 45 ArchEBologist (The) A Journal of Antiquarian Science, edited by J. O. Halliwell, Nos. i. to x., all published, plates, cloth 1842, &c. 46 Ariosto (Lud.) Orlando Furioso, 4 vol., plates, by Eism, first impressions Birm. Baskerville, 1773 *%* The plates in the 8vo. copies are superior to those in the 4to. (see Bennet). Dibdin says of this edition, " Paper, printing, drawing, plates, all delight the eye and gratify the heart." 47 Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, with English Notes, &c., by Isola, 4 vol., calf Camb. 1 789 48 Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, da Nardini, 4 vol. 1801 49 Ariosto (L.) Opere Varie, 3 vol. Parigi, 1784 50 Aristotelis Ethica, Gr. et Lat. notis si Wilkinson, Ox. 1803 — Xenophontis Historia Grseea, Gr. recensuit Morus, Lips. 1778 — Appendix ad Jo. Scapulae Lex. Grseco-Lat. 1789 3 vol. 51 Akistophanis Comcedi^ undecim, translatEB ^ And. Divio, w« — Pieces Published by the English Monthly Tract Society, 26 561 Chroniques, Traditions, et L,^gendes de I'Aacienne Histoire de Flandres, publies par M. Delepierre Bruges, 1834 562 Churchill (C.) Poetical Works, with Life, 2 vol. port. 1 804 563 Ciceronis Opera Omnia, notisVerburgii, 16 vol. co^ Amst. 1724 564 Ciceronis Orationes, 2 vol. Ven. Aldus, 1540-1 — .Opera Philo- sophica, 2 vol. ib. 1546-52 — Epistolse ad Atticum, 2 voL wormed, ib. 1570, uniform in russia together 5 voL 565 Ciceronis Epistolse ad Atticum, ad Quintum Fratrem, et ad Farailiares, temporis Ordine disposil* a Von Billerbeck, 4 vol. Harm. 1835 566 Cigero, Cato Major ; or the Book of Old Age, now excellently Englished by Wm. Austin, curious engraved front, by Goddard, scarce 1671 567 Cicero and Pliny, Letters of, translated by W. Melmoth, 7 vol. Edinb. 1808 568 CicoGNAEA (Conte) Storia della SouiiiUEA, 7 vol., and the large foMo atlas of plates, an original letter from the author inserted Prato, 1824 569 Cicognara (Conte) Memorie spettanti alia Storia della Calco- grafia, with atlas of 16 plates in folio Prato, 1834 570 Cicognara (Conte) Biografia de Antonio Canova, Ven. 1823^ Winckelmann's Lezte Lebenswoche, facsimiles, Dresd. 1818 in 1 vol. 571 Cicognara (Conte) Lettere suUa Arte dell' Intaglio, e dell' Im- pressione, 1 825-^Rosselli (D.) sul Ediz. Singolarissima del Canzoniere del Petrarca, Trieste, 1826 — Tognelli (F.) Elogio diF.de Marchi, 1818 — Biografia del Padre P. Poz- zetti — Cancellieri delle Famose Statue di Marforio e di Pasquino, Roma, 1789— Sopra la Visita delle Basiliche Vaticane, ib. — Intorno la Tazza di Porfido, 1821 — Notizie deP. G. G. Povillard, Roma, 1 823-mCarmignani (G.) Lettera all" Prof. Rosini, Pisa, 1826 in 1 vol. 572 CiABENDON (Edward, Earl of) Histoet op the Rebellion AND Civil Wars, in 1641-47, 6 vol. in 10 IMPERIAL PAPER, ILLUSTRATED WITH SiX HUNDRED AND Fifty Portraits, many of which are scarce, all neatly inlaid, russia extra, gilt edges imp. 8uo. Oxford, 1 807 573 Clarke (Rev, Adam) Bibliographical Dictionary, with the Biblio- graphical Miscellany, 8 vol. LARGE PAPER, autograph letter of the author, and his portrait, inserted 1 802-6 574 Clarke (Mrs, M. A.) Rival Princes ; or Narration of Facts, 2 vol. portrait, autograph, of the authoress, 1810 — ^Speeches in the Commons on the Charges brought by Col. Wardle against the Duke of York, 1809 — Evidence on fhe same, with Memoirs of Mrs. M. A. Clarke, 1 809 4 vol. 39 575 Clarke (H. G.) Catalogue of the Frescoes in Westminster Hall, 1845 — Guide to Cobham — Catalogue of Paintings, &c.. Royal Institution, Liverpool, 1843 — Account of Lunardi's First Aerial Voyage in England, with autograph and por- trait of Lunardi, 1784 — History of Rome, Nos. 1 and 4 — Nagler (G. K.) Kunstler — Le'xicon, 1842 — Catalogue of Sir T. Lawrence's Collection of Drawings by Vandyke and Rembrandt — Greswell (Rev. R.) on Education in the Principles of Art, Oxford, 1844 — 'Lettre sur 1' Architecture ' des Eglises du D^partement de la Manche — Mrs. Parkes' Plan for Disposing of the Bowyer Collection, 1844 — Darling (G.) Address to the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, 1842— Dr. Johnston's Address, 1843 — Selby's Address, 1844— The Zoologist, No. 32 in 1 vol. 576 Clarke (W. H.) Sermons, avitograph of the author inserted, 1834 —Bellamy (J.) History of all Religitins, 1819 577 Clarke (W.) Repertorium Bibliographicum, with " a Dialogue in \heSh2Aes," plates and ports., two added, roy.Svo. 1819 578 Clarkson (Tho,) Portraiture of Quakerism, 3 vol., aiitographs of the author and David Barclay 1 807 579 Clarkson (Tho.) History of the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 2 vol., an autograph letter from the author inserted 1808 580 Classici Auctores Latini, edente Sandby, tiiz. Terentius, 2 vol. ; Virgilius, 2 vol. ; Juvenal, et Horatius, 2 vol. in 1 , together 7 vol. in 6, plates tAEQE PAPER, hlue morocco, gilt edges 1751, &c. 581 Classical Disquisitions, &c., by Dr. B. H. Malkin, 1825 — Vita D. Ruhnkenii, auctore Wyttenbachio, Lug. Bat. 1799 6 vol. 582 Claudiani Carmina, var. lect. et perpet. adnot. a M. Gesnero, 2 vol. Lips. 1759 583 Gleland (Dr.) on the Parochial Registers of Scotland, Glasg. 1834 — Drummond (T.) Address on the Battle of Trafalgar, Lps. 1805— Speeches of Sir George Staunton 'to the Electors of Hampshire, 1835— Bligh (R.) on the Poor Law Bill, 1834 — Leslie (J.) on the Poor Law Amendment Act, 1835 — Knight (J. A.) on the Necessity of a Commutation of Tithes, 1834 — Protestantism the Polar Star of 'England, Gloc. 1833— Thirlwall (Bp.) on the Admission of Dis- senters to Academical Degrees, Camb. 1834^Sewell (T.) on the Claims of Dissenters, with autograph note, Norw. 1835-^-^Pratt (Rev. J.) Sermon at the Consecration of Bp. Corrie, 1835 — Brougham (Lord) Evidence' as to Stamps on Newspapers, 1834:^-Gurney's Address on the Use and Application of' Knowledge, 1832 — Four Years of Liberal Government, 1834 — Cundy (N. W.) on Railways, 1834 — Stewart (P; M.) Evidence on the Ipswich Election Petition, 1836— 'Retrospect of the' Operations of the Society for the Gospel in North America, St. John's, 1833 — Report of the Society for Superseding GHmbitig Boys, 1834 — Speeches, &c. at the Meeting' in Edinbiirgh for extending Religious Instruction, Edinh. 1835 in 1 vol. 40 584 Clayton (Bp.) Journey from Cairo to Mount Sinai, with remarks on Hieroglyphics, plates, 1753— Wood (J.) on the Orders of Columns, plates, Bath, 1750 — Gabb (Tho.) on the Pyramids, 1 806 3 vol. 585 Clerical Guide, 1817 — Neild (James) on the Society for Debtors, 1802 — Charter of the Dublin Society, Bub. 1825, &c. 7 vol. 586 Clio and Euterpe ; Celebrated Songs and Cantatas, vol. 2 and 3, wholly engraved, with vignettes 1762-9 587 Cloppenbergi (Joh.) de Fcenore et Usuris, brevis Institutio Lugd. Bat. Eh. 1640 588 Cobbett (W.) Poor Man's Friend, 1826— Life of Cobbett, from the Republican, 1826 — Two Letters on Scottish Affairs, by Malachi Malagrowther, 1836 — Life of Dr. John Milner, 1826— Bye Laws of the College of Surgeons, 1817— Broster (J.) on the Removal of Impediments of Speech, No. 2, 1826 — Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de Schiller — Tables of the Norwich Union Life Insurance Company, 1824 — Statement of the Facts which occurred in the late Affair betwen Mr. Bulkley and Mr. A. Simpson, 1826 — A curious Selection of Anecdotes, Repartees, Bon Mots, Epitaphs, Poetry, &c. Yarm. — Sketches in Verse by J. Parkerson, Yarm. in 1 vol. 589 Cochin (M.) Voyage en Italic ; ou Notes sur les Ouvrages de Peinture et de Sculpture, 3 vol. Par. 1 769 590 Cogan (Dr. T.) Journey by the Rhine, 2 vol. map, 14: pi. 1794 591 Coke (Sir Ed.) Institutes of the Laws of England, or Commen- tary on Littleton, notes by Hargrave, 6 vol. 1817 592 Cole (John) Catalogue of his Stock of Books, on tinted paper, only six copies so printed Scarb. 1825 593 Cole (J.) Historical Sketches of Scalby, Burniston 8c Choughton, County of York, autograph letter inserted ib. 1829 594 Cole (J.) History of Higham Ferrers, County of Northampton, front., autograph letter inserted Wellinh. 1 838 595 CoLiECTANEA TopOGEAPHicA ET Geneaxogica, edited by J. B. Nichols, &c. 8 vol. roy. 8vo. 1834-43 596 Collins and Wotton, Genealogical and Historical Account of English Baronets, 5 vol. arms 1741 597 Colquhoun (P.) on the Police of the Metropolis, autograph letter from the author inserted 1 806 598 Cotton (Rev. H.) Typographical Gazetteer, Ox. 1825 — Cooper (Rev. E.) Practical Sermons, 2 vol. 1809-22 599 Cooper (B. B.) Life of Sir Astley Cooper, lyol.port. 1843 600 Condamine (M. de la) Voyage de I'Amerique M^ridionale, maps Paris, 1745 601 Conde. Memoires pour Servir a I'Histoire de la Maison de Conde, 2 vol. facsimiles (f Autograph letters, and portraits, Paris, 1820 602 Contes Populaires, Prdjuges, Patois, Proverbes, &c. de I'Arron- dissement de Bayeux, recueillies par Pluquet, Rouen, 1834 41 603 Contii (Ant.) Comment, ad Leges Jul. 'Majestatis, Paris, 1570 — Themistii Orationes XIIII. Gr. ib. H. Stephanus, 1562, a presentation copy to Fornerius, with MS. notes hy him, in Oreelc, on the margins — Maximus Tyrius, Gr. ib. H. Steph. 1557 in I vol. 604 Cooke (Geo.) Views of London and its Vicinity, 3 parts, imp. 8vo. 605 Cookery. The Forme of Cury, a Roll of Ancient English Cookery, temp. Rich. II. (1390), edited from the MS. of Gust. Brander, Esq., &c. with Glossary and Notes by Dr. S. Pegge ; the editor's own copy, with addenda of 47 pages in MS., and his autograph, blue mor. g. I. Nicholls, 1780 606 Cooper (Tho.) Information respecting America, map, 1794 — Chesterton (G.L.) on Proceedings at Venezuela, 1820, 2 vol. 607 Copyright, &c. Reasons for a Modification respecting the Delivery of Books and Copyright, 1813— Manby (G. W.) on affording Relief in Shipwreck, 1823, not published — Hillary (Sir W.) on the same, with two autogi'aph letters inserted, 1 824— Clarkson (T.) Thoughts on Slavery, 1 824 — Letter on the Hempstead Appeal Case, 1824 — Page (T.) on the Principle of the English Poor Laws, 1822 — Descrip- tion of the Crimes and Horrors in Warburton's Private Mad House in 1 vol. 608 Corn Laws, &c. The Three Prize Essays on Agriculture and the Corn Law — Tracts printed by the Corn Law League — Recent Measures for the Promotion of Education in Eng- land, 1837 — Reports of the Commissioners on Tidal Har- bours, 1845-6— The Scottish Political Martyrs, 1792-4— Balfour (Ed.) Statistical Data for forming Troops and keeping them in Health, autograph of Jos. Hume — Barber (C.) Remarks on Reading, Yarm. 1842 — Dent on the Azimuth and Steering Compass, 1 844 — Testimonials in reference to the Sale of Irish Estates in Ireland, 1842, &c. in 1 vol. 609 Corneille (T. et P.) Theatre, 12 vol port. Par.l75o 610 Coronations. Chapters on Coronations, c«is 1838 611 Corry (John) History of Bristol, 2 vo\. plates 1816 612 Cotton (Rev. H.) List of Editions of the Bible, Ox. 1821 — Newcome (Abp.) on the English Biblical Translations Dub. 1 792 2 vol. 613 Coverdale (Myles) The Letters of the Martyrs, as published in 1564, with a Preface by Rev. E. Bickersteth, port. 1837 614 Cowper (Wm.) Private Correspondence, published by Dr. John Johnson, 2 vol., portrait, an additional one of the editor inserted 1824 615 Cox (Capt. Hiram) Journal of a Residence in the Burman Empire, coloured plate 1821 616 Coxe (Rev. Arch.) Travels in Switzerland, 3 vol., plates in aquatinta by Smith, and some other prints inserted, also the autograph of the author, riissia, marbled edges, roy. 8ko. 1 801 G 42 617 Coxe (Rev. Arch.) Travels in Poland, Sweden and Denmark, 5 vol., maps, autograph note from the author inserted 1802 618 Crabbe (Rev. Geo.) Poems, with autograph letter from the poet inserted 1808 619 Crabbe (G.) The Borough, a Poem, autograph letter from the poet inserted 1810 620 Crabbe (G.) Tales in Verse i/AKGE PAPEB, loith autograph letter of the Poet inserted roy. 8do. 1812 621 Crabbe (G.) Poetical Works, vpith his Letters and Journals, edited by his Son, 8 vo\.,fronts. and engraved titles 1834 622 Cranmer (Abp.) Writings and Disputations relative to the Sacrament imp. 8vo. 1844 623 Crantz (D.) History of Greenland, 2 vol.j»^. original edition 1767 624 Crimes of the Clergy; or the Pillars of Priestcraft shaken, frontispiece Benbow, 1823 625 Croft (Sir Herbert) Love and Madness, in a series of Letters from Hackman to Miss Ray, autograph letter from the author inserted, scarce 1786 626 Croxall (S.) Collection of Novels, 6 vol. fronts, scarce 1720 627 Cruickshank, Review of the Works of George C, ioooc?cM<« 1840 628 Cruttwell (Rev. R.) Defence of Country Banking, 1 828— Letter to the King on the Currency, 1827 — English (H.) View of the Joint Stock Companies, 1824 & 1825— Brown (W. K.) on the British Trade to Genoa, 1 823 — Jacob (W.) on the Cultivation of Poor Soils, 1828 — Catechism of the Poor Laws, 1827 — Knight (H. G.) on the Catholic Question, 1828— Barker (Rev. S.) Short Refutation (of Esdaile), Woodhridge, 1829 — Wright (J.) Memoir on a Supply of Water to the Metropolis, 1828 — Cleland's Account of the Highland Cattle Show at Glasgow, 1828 in 1 vol. 629 Culpeper (N.) Ephemeris for 1653, curious portrait 1653 630 Cumberland (Richard) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, 2 vol. portrait and autograph of the author inserted 1807 631 Cunningham (Allan) Songs, chiefly in the Rural Language of Scotland, portrait and autograph of the author inserted 1813 632 Cunningham (A.) Cabinet Gallery of Pictures, 2 vol., plates ly Warren, Worthington, Sfc. imp. 8vo. 1834 633 Cunningham (Peter) Poems upon several Occasions printed for private circulation only 1841 634 Ctjetis (W.) Botanical Magazine; or Flower Garden Dis- played, by Dr. Sims and Sir W. J. Hooker, 7 1 vol. in 39, with Indexes — Companion to the Botanical Magazine, 2-v. pi. POUK THOUSAND FINELY COLOTIEED PLATES, the wholc arranged scientifcally, half russia, uncut, an autograph note of Curtis, and a head of Dr. Sims by Mrs. D. Turner, a private plate, inserted ■ 1793-1847 635 Curtis (W.) Lectures on Botany, 3 vol. port, coloured pi. 1803-4 636 Cuvier (G.) Lecons d'Anatomie Comparee, 5 vol. calf, marbled edges Pari , 1805 43 637 Daniell (Rev. W. B.) Recollections, comprising the Chronicles of Two New River Shares, also of a Consolidated Rectory in County of Essex, not published 1811 638 Dante, Divina Commedia, translated by Boyd, 3 vol. 1802 639 Dante, Osservazioni sopra I'Originalit^ della Divina Commedia Roma, 1814 640 Dante, Lettere del Profes. Carmignani al Prof. G. Rosini, sul Vero Senso di quel Verso di Dante, e Risposta del Rosini, 2 vol. Pisa, 1826 641 Dante, Vita scritta da Giovanni Boccacio demastato di Gamba, portrait, large paper, Ven. 1825 — Rossetti (Gab.) SuUo Spirito Anti Papale, 1832 2 vol. -•642 Darwin (C.) Journal of Researches in the Natural History and Geology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Capt. Fitzroy, an autograph letter from the author inserted 1845 643 Darwin (Dr. E.) Zoonomia ; or Laws of Organic Life, 4 vol. portrait inserted 1801 QUARTO. 644 British Museum. Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the British Museum, hitherto undescribed, 2 vol. port, inserted 1782 645 British Museum. Engravings from the Ancient Marbles, parts 1 , 2, 3, plates hy Woolnoth, Bromley, ^c. Descriptions by Taylor Combe 1812-17 646 British Museum. Engravings from the Terra-cottas, by Cooke, Bromley, Sfc, Descriptions by Taylor Combe lyAKGE PAPER, with a portrait of W. Alexander by C. Picart, a private plate, now destroyed; and an unpublished memoir of him by Sir H. Ellis, inserted imp. size. 1810 647 British Museum. Catalogue of the MSS. collected by Francis Hargrave, Esq^ by Sir H. Ellis 1818 648 British Museum, Description of the Anglo-Gallic Coins in, by E. Hawkins, &c. plates 1826 649 British Museum. Nummi Veteres e Museo R. P. Knight, asservati, ab ipso Ordine Geographico descripti 1 830 650 British Museum. Description of the Greek Papyri, portrait, with facsimiles lAKGE PAPEK imp. size. 1839 651 British Museum. Select Antiquities in the Gallery, by F. Arundale and Bonomi, Described by Birch, 57 plates, many coloured no date 652 Britonis (Gul.) Philippidos lib xii, cum Comment. Caspar Barthii, portrait of Barthius, vellum Cygnece, 1657 653 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, 31 plates by Le Keux lAKGE PAPEK, an autograph letter from the author, and a portrait of Bishop Denison inserted ib. 1814 44 654 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Norwich, 24 plates, by Le Keux, Cattermole and Mackenzie LARGE PAPER, an autograph and an origmal letter from, the author, with portraits of Bp. Bathurst, on india paper. Dean Turner, etched by Mrs. D. Turner, lid of a cojffin in the Cathedral, by, Miss M. A. Turner, Sfe. inserted ib. 1816 655 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Winchester, 29 plates, by Radclyffe,. Mollis, Sfc. LARGE PAPER, some duplicate proofs and etchings, with auto- graph of ike author, inserted ib. 1817 656 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of the Metropolitieal Church of York, 36 plates by Le Keux LARGE PAPER, Original letter of the author inserted ib. 1819 657 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of the See and Cathedral Church of Lichfield, \Q fine plates by Le Keux, S^c. LARGE PAPER, a Very early copy, in which the plate of Chan- trey's beautiful monument of " the Sleeping Children " has the words, ^^ a fine drawing spoilt by John Britton," scratched on the copper in an angry moment by the engraver ; an autograph of the author inserted ib. 1820 658 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of the Metropolitieal Church of Canterbury, 26 plates by Le Kemx LARGE PAPER, autograph letter from the author inserted ib. 1 821 659 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Oxford, 1 1 plates by Le Keux LARGE PAPER, autograph letter from the author inserted ib. 1821 660 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Wells, 22 plates by J. Le Keux LARGE PAPER, autograph note by the author inserted ib. 1824 661 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of Exeter Cathedral, 22 plates by Le Keux LARGE PAPER, autograph of the author inserted ib. 1826 662 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Cathedral Church of Peterborough, XQ plates by Le Keux LARGE PAPER, uutogToph of the author inserted ib. 1828 663 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Cathedral Church of Gloucester, 22 plates by Le Keux LARGE PAPER, autograph of the author inserted ib. 1829 664 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of the Abbey and the Cathedral Church of Bristol, \A plates by Le Keux, Sfe. LARGE PAPER, autograph of the author inserted imp. 4to. 1830 665 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Hereford, 15 plates by J. Le Keux LARGE PAPER, autograph of the author inserted. ib. 1831 666 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester, \6 plates by Le Keux LARGE PAPER ib. 1835 45 667 Britton (J.) History and Antiquities of Bath Abbey Church, jpA T,AaGE PAPEB, proq/i «S. 1825 *,* The whole of this complete series of the Cathedral Anti- quities are Subscription copies, and contain fine proof impressions of the plates. 668 Britton (J.) Illustrations of FonthiU Abbey, with Notices of the Beckford Family, plates, some coloured (the coppers of which are destroyed) LAKGE PAPEK, PBoops, a portrait of Mr. Beckford, also a caricature of Piers " Little Dwarf," with notices of the Sale at Lansdoivn Tower, Bath, inserted imp. Ato. 1823 669 Britton (J.) Fine Arts of the English School, 20 fine plates, amonffst which is a proof of Pope' s Villa, hy Turner OEiGiNAii IMPKESSIONS, an autoyraph letter of the author inserted imp. size, 1812 670 Britton (J.) Essay relating to Redcliffe Church, Bristol, plates LARGE PAPEB, PEOors, with, etchings and duplicate prints, also an autograph note of the author inserted ih. 1813 67 1 Broekedon (W.) Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps, 2 vol. fine plates, autograph letter from the author inserted 1828 672 Bromley (H.) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, with Appendix, large papee, one sheet snjall, rare 1793 673 Brooke (Ralphe) Discoverie of Certaine Errours published in the "Britannia" of 1594 74 Beoughtost (Rev. H.) A Concent of Sceipxitre, with the engraved title, map, and four large engravings by T. Rogers PRINTED ON TELLTJM,, dedicated to Queen Elizabeth ; the plates are among the earliest engraved in England ; olive morocco, gilt edges n. d. [1596] 675 Broughton (W. R.) Voyage to the North Pacific Ocean, maps and plates 1804 676 Browne (W. G.) Travels in Africa, Egypt and Syria, 1792-98, plates, original letter from the author inserted 1799 67 7 Beuce (James) Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, 5 vol. maps ^ pi. — Life, by Murray, 1 voj. together 6 vol. ORIGINAL EDITION, russia extra 1790 *^* The originaP Correspondence between the Author and Publishers for the purchase of the Copyright inserted. Autograph letters of Bruce very rarely occur. »678 Bruckmanni (F. E.) Epistolse Itinerariffi, 36 cuts, WolfenATlS — Bonifaccio (Giov.) dell' Arte de Cenni, wants title, 1696 Botanical Tracts,, by Esper, Noehden, Stromeyer, in 1 vol. together 3 vol. 679 Bry (GiUes) Histoire du Pays et Comte du Perche, et Duche d' Alengon Par. 1620 680 BrydgeiS (Sir Egerton) Select Poems, with a preface, proof por- trait of the author inserted Lee Priory, 1814 681 Buchanan (Dr. F.) Journey through Madras, Canara and Malabar, 3 vol. plates, an original letter from the author inserted 1 807 46 682 BuFFON (Comte de) et LiCEpiiDE, Histoiee Nattteellb et Pakticitlieee, 14 vol. — Oiseaux, 9 vol. — Min^raux, 5 vol. in 6 — Quadrupedes, Ovipares, et Serpens, 2 vol. — Pois- sons, 5 vol. — Cetacdes, I'vol. — together 37 vol., several hundred plates, french calf Par. 1774-1804 683 BuUum Papale pro Anno Santo, 1825, and various a vol. 684 Burchell (W. J.) Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa, 2 vol. map and plates, several coloured, a portrait of the author, private etching by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted 1822-4 685 Burmanni (Jo.) Thesaurus Tieylamcns, plates Amst. 1737 686 Burmanni (J.) Plantse Africanse, ^?aie« ib. 1738 687 Burney (Dr. C.) General History of Music, 4 vol. plates by Bartolozzi, uncut, letter from the author inserted 1789 688 Bute (Earl of) Tabular Distribution of British Plants PEiYATEliY FEINTED, folded into 2 voL oblong 1787 689 BTJTLEE(Sam.)HtrDiBEAS, a poem, with notes, &c., edited by Dr. Nash, 3 vol. plates, blue morocco, joints, gilt edges, by Walther, fine copy, with a set of Hogarth's plates, engraved by himself, inserted— only 250 copies of the work printed 1793 690 Buxbaum (J. C.) Plantarum minus cognitarum Centuriee V. 5 parts Petross. 1728-40 691 Byron (Lord) Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, cantos 1 and 2, with other Poems, proof portrait of Lord Byron, from a painting by Phillips, inserted, and the latter portion (with autograph) of an original letter from him to the Rev. R. Walpole 1812 692 Cabinet de Potjilain. Collection de 1 20 Estampes, gravies d' apres les Tableaux et Dessins qui composoient le Cabinet de M. PouUain, par Basan, brilliant impressions, green morocco Par. 1781 693 CsBsalpinus (And.) de Plantis Florent. 1583 694 Camden Society. A complete Series of these very interesting Publications, as issued to the Members between 1838 and 1851 inclusive, chiefly illustrative of English History, Topography, Antiquity, Genealogy, Old Times, Manners, &c. 55 vol. cloth 1838-51 695 Campbell (Thos.) Gertrude of Wyoming, and other Tales, in Verse, an original letter of the author inserted 1 809 696 Campbell (T.) Pleasures of Hope, with other Poems, front, an autograph letter from the author ^1817^ inserted 1803 697 Camoens (Luis de) Lusiad ; or the Discovery of India, trans- lated by Mickle, proof port., and 5 plates inserted, Ox. 1778 698 Campo Santo di Pisa, Lettere Pittoriche, ( dal Cav. C. IjdiSiaio) front., head of the author, etched by Mrs. D. Turner after a cast by Canova, a private plate (not more than 20 impressions were printed j , inserted, calf extra Pisa, 1810 699 Canoellieri (Fr.) de Secretariis Basilicas Vaticanae Veteris et Novffi, cum Sylloge, etc. 4 vol. pi. vel. scarce Roma, 1786 700 Cancellieri (Fr.) Storia dei Solenni Posessi dei Sommi Pontefici da Leoni III. a Pio VII. autograph note from the author inserted ib. 1802 47 701 Cancellieri (Fr.) Descrizione delle due Nuove Campane di Campi- doglio, benedette dal Pio VII. ib. 1806 702 Cancellieri (Fr.) Circo Agonale, Mercato Lago Palazzo Panfili Corsini Farnese Obelischi, joto^es ib. 1811 703 Cancellieri (Fr.) Notizie delle Chiese di S. Maria in Julia, di S. Giovanni Calibita, nell' Isola Licaonia, etc. plate in outline, and portrait Bologna, 1823 704 Cancellieri (Fr.) Notizie Istoriche delle CKiesa di S. Maria in Julia, di S. Giovanni Calibita, nell' Isola Licaonia et di S. Tommaso degli Spagnuolio, he. port. ib. 1828 705 Canning, Gifford, and others. Poetry of the Antijacobin, por- trait of the Right Hon. O. Canning, one of the principal authors fa private etching by Mrs. D. Turner J, and an autograph letter from him, inserted, also a MS. list of the authors 1801 706 Carey (Wm.) Memoirs of the Patronage and Progress of the Fine Arts in England and Ireland, 1735 to 1820, with ' Anecdotes of Lord de Tabley, port. I.A.EGE PAPEB, autograph letters of the author and Lord de Tabley inserted 1826 707 Caricatures, a Collection of, drawn from the Life and etched by R. Dighton, 36 coloured plates 1793-1811 708 Carli (Conte Giov.) Trattato degli Kn^ts&iri, plates, with note in the autograph of the celebrated Visconti Mil. 1788 709 Carlisle (N.) Collections for a History of the Family of Bland NOT PEINTED FOE SALE 1826 710 Carr (Sir John) Travels round the Baltic in 1804, and Tour through Holland in 1806, 2 vol. plates, letter from the author inserted 711 Carr (Sir John) Caledonian Sketches, plates, 1809 — Stranger in Ireland, plates, autograph note from the author inserted, 1806 2 vol. 712 Carter (F.) Views near Gibraltar and other parts of Spain 1777 713 Catalogue of the Designs for the New Houses of Parliament, 1836 — Hopper v. Cuts on Rebuilding the same, 1837 — Hopper (J.) Letter to Lord Duncannon, 1837 — Catalogue of d'Athanasi's Egyptian Antiquities — Waterloo Exhibition, 1815 — Betham (Sir W.) Antiquarian Papers, with his auto- graph, Dub. 1836 — Daubeny (C.) on the Action of Light upon Plants, 1836— -Mountain (Bp.) Poetical Reveries, a portion only — Bossi (Luigi) Ricerche su Brughiere, Mil. 1822, with autograph 714 Caulfield (J.) Gallery of British Portraits, 1603-1660, part 1, portraits, all published 1810 715 Caulfield (J.) Portraits, Memoirs and Characters of Remarkable Persons, from Ed. III. to 1688, 3 vol. heads LAEGE PAPEE, Original impressions, letter from the author inserted 1813 716 Caulfield (J.) Portraits, Memoirs and Characters of Remarkable Persons, from the Revolution to 1725, 4 vol. portraits lAEGE PAPEE, original impressions 1819-20 48 717 Cave (H.) Views of Picturesque Buildings in York, Zi plates, neatly etched proofs on india paper imp. size, York, 1812 718 Cellini (Benvenuto) Vita, da lui medesimo scritta, the true edition Colonia, senz anno 719 Cervantes (Mig. de) El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, both parts, curious autograph letter, hy Pellissok, inserted Madrid, 1647 720 Ceev ANTES (Mig. de) El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, corregida per la Real Academia Espanola, 4 vol. fine plates by the best Spanish artists, russia, gilt edges BEST EDITION Madrid, Ibarra, 1780 *j^* Generally considered the finest specimen of the Spanish press : the work has subsequently been reprinted, with the beautiful plates nearly worn out, and some of them replaced by others very inferior in composition and execution. 721 Chalmers (Alex.) History of the Colleges, Halls and Public Buildings in Oxford, 2 vol. in 1 , plates LAEGE PAPER, proofs on india paper, russia, gold border, original note from the author inserted Ox. 1810 722 Chappe d'Auteroche (I'Abbe) Voyage en Siberie en 1761, 4 vol. the Atlas being folded in a separate volume, and containing the scarce map not delivered at the time oj publication, French calf roy. ito. Par. 1768 723 Chardin (M.) Voyages en Perse, etc. 4 vol. maps Sfpl. Amst. 1724 %* From the Library of Emperor A. Woodford. 724 Chaucer (Geffry) Canterbury Tales, with notes and glossary by Tyrwhitt, 2 vol. ^ofi!. Oa;. 1798 725 Chedworth (Lord) Letters to the Rev. T. Crompton, 1780 to 1795, origirmlletter from, Mr. Cromptoninserted Norw. 1840 726 Christie (James) on the Lanti Vase (MS. copy), with plates — Verses on the Meeting of Charles I. and Henrietta Maria, Birm. 1822 — Essay on the Life and Works of John Britton, port, and autograph, 1820 — Trials of the Yarmouth Rioters, 1792— H. Gurney on the Seal of Ethelwald, Bp. of Dun- wich, cuts, 1823 — De la Vincelle sur une Medaille d' Arsace. XV Roi des Parthes, plate. Par. 1817, &c. in 1 vol. Chbonicles op England, Feance, &c. 727 Arnold (Richard) The Customs of London, otherwise called Arnold's Chronicle, with the original Poem of the Nut Brown Maid, 1811 — The Pastime of the People, or Chroni- cles of divers Realms, and most especially of England, compiled and imprinted by John Rustell (1529), edited by Dibdin, woodcuts of Popes, Emperors, and the Kings of England, 1811, 2 vol. in 1, russia, marbled edges, double bands roy. ito. 728 Fabyan ( Robert ) New Chronicles of England and France, reprinted from the edition of 1516, with preface by Sir H. Ellis, russia, uniform tu previous lot 1811 49- Chkonicles op England, Feancb, &o. — continued. 729 Troissart (Sir John) Chronicles of England, France, Spayne, fee, translated oute of the Frenche by John Bourchier, Knyghte, Lord Berners, 2 vol. the plates to Col. Johnes' translation inserted, also a private plate of Froissart presenting his Letters to the Count de Blois, and portrait of Lord Berners, drawn on stone by Miss Turner, private plate and the only portrait of him hnown, added ; russia, uniform to preceding lots 1812 730 Grafton (Richard) Chronicle or History of England, with Cata- logue of the Bailiffs and Mayors of London, 1189 to 1558, 2 vol. 1569, russia, uniform to preceding lots 1809 731 Hall (Edward) Chronicle of the Reign of Henry IV. to Henry VIII., reprinted from the editions of 1548 and 1555 russia, uniform to preceding lots 1809 732 Hardyng (John) Chronicle to end of the Reign of Edward IV. in prose, with continuation to 34th Henry VIII. in verse, edited with preface by Sir H. Ellis russia, uniform to previous lots 1812 733 Holinshed (Ralph) Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland, 6 vol. russia, uniform to previous lots 1 807-8 734 Monstrelet (Eng. de) Chronicles of the Wars in France, &c. 1400 to 1467, trans, by Col. Johnes, 5 vol. in 4, plates in outline by H. Moses, autograph letter of the translator inserted, russia, uniform to preceding lots Hafod Press, 1809 735 Cid. The Chronicle of the Cid, translated from the Spanish by Dr. R. Southey, uncut, a private etching of the translator, by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted 1 808 736 Clarendon (H. Hyde, Earl of) Correspondence, with that of his brother Laurence, Earl of Rochester, &c. edited by Singer, 2 vol. port, and plates of autographs 1 828 737 Clarke (Dr. E. D.) Dissertation on the Tomb of Alexander, plates; the autograph of Dr. Claris, and his portrait fa pri- vate etching by Mrs. D. Turner J, inserted Camb. 1805 738 CiiAKKE (E. D.) Travels in various Countries in Europe, Asia and Africa, 6 \o\. portrait and plates lAKGE PAPEB, uncut, autograph letters of the author and T. J. Mathias, also a private portrait of the former by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted 1810-23 739 Clavigero (Abbe) History of "Mexico, by CuUen, 2 vol. maps, uncut 1787 740 Cleland (Dr.) Description of the Banquet in honour of Sir Robt. Peel at Glasgow, Jan. \d,Z7, plates Olasg. 1837 741 Clerc (M.) Yu le Grand, et Confucius, Histoire Ckinoise Soissons, 1769 742 Cocchi (Ant.) Trattato dei Bagni di Pisa, maps Firen. 1750 743 Cochrane (The) Correspondence, regarding the Affairs of Glas- gow, 1745-6, edited by Jas. Dennistoun, Esq. Glas. 1836 H 60 744 Cockbuiu (Major) Swiss Scenery, QQ fine plates LAEaE PAPEK, original proofs, russia, gilt edges, an autograph letter from the author inserted 1820 745 Codex Sancti Simeonis, exhibens Lectionarium Ecclesise Grsecse Dccc annorum vetustate insignfe, edidit Steininger Aug. Trev. 1834 746 Coesvelt, The Collection of Pictures formed by W. G. Coesvelt Esq. of London, with an Introduction by Mrs. Jameson, _^we outline plates, india paper proofs, half morocco 1 836 747 Coke (Lord) his Speech and Charge on the Corruption of Officers [at Norwich Assizes] N. Butter, 1607 748 CoUinson (Peter), Account of the Ijife of, portrait, privately printed 1770 749 Collins (Lt.-Col.) Account of the Colony of New South Wales, map and plates 1804 750 Cologne. Collection des Pierres Antiques dont la Chasse des SS. Trois Rois Mages est enrichee dans I'Eglise Metropoli- taine K Co\o^vis, plates Bonn, 1781 751 Colquhoun (P.) on the Wealth, Power and Resources of the British Empire, second eflfiViora royal ^to. 1815 752 Columnse (F.) Minus cognitarum Plantarum, 2 partes. Purpura; et aliorum Aquatilium Observationes, portrait and wood- cuts, morocco, g. e. by Staggemeir, 2 vol. in 1 Romee, 1616 FOLIO. 753 Campo Sa-nto di Pisa. Pitture a Fresco, del Campo Santo di Pisa, intagliate da Carlo Lasinio, 40 large folding plates, finely engraved ; an autograph letter from Lasinio inserted PEOOFS, WITH open lETlEKS, russia extra, gilt edges atlas size. Fireme, 1812 754 Canaletti. Urbis Venetiarum Prospectus celebriores, 3 parts, front, with heads, engraved title, and 38 plates engraved hy Visentino, Ven. 1735 — Prospectus ^dium, Viarumque Urbis Venetiarum, 12 plates and engraved title hy Brusto- lini, ib. 1763, and seven other Views of Venice, fine impressions, old gilt russia, broad gold borders ; from the Merly library 2 vol. in 1 755 Canaletti, &c. Twelve Views of the Rialto, St. Mark's Place, The Grand Canal, &c. at Venice, engraved by R. Fletcher and Boitard, 1736-39 — Eleven Views in Venice, etched by Marieschi, without date — Another Series of Eight Plates, with engraved title, Ven. 1741 — Vedute altre prese dai Luoghi altri ideate da Antonio Canai.. ZQ plates, and dedi- cation plate to Consul Smith, senza anno — Views in the Island of Malta by Goupy, and other prints in the volume atlas size. 756 Caracci. Galleria nel Palazzo Farnese in Roma dipinta da Anni- bale Caracci, 30 plates, engraved by Cesio, oblong size. Roma, 1657 51 757 Caiadoc of Lancarvan ; History of Cambria, now called Wales, translated into English by H. Lloyd, augmented by D. Powell, LARGE PAPEU 1584, reprinted 1811 758 CAKicATmES. A Collection of about One Hundred and Eighty coloured Humorous Caricatures, from designs by Bunbury, Gillray, Rowlandson, Woodward, Cruickshank, Heath, &c. mounted in a volume. 759 Carletti (G.) Descrizione delle Terrae di Tito, e le loro Pitture Eoma, 1776 760 Carpentiek (D. P.) Glossarium Novum, ad Scriptores Medii ^vi, seu Supplementum ad auctiorem Glossarii Cangiani editionem, 4 vol. old calf, gilt Paris, 1766 *.;(;* This forms the Supplement to Ducange. 761 Carter (John) Specimens op Ancient ScuiiPTrRE anb Painting in England, 2 vol. in 1 , plates, some coloured, ORIGINAL edition, with autograph note of the author in- serted - 1780-7 762 Cartee(J.) Ancient Architecture of England, 2 vol. in 1, numerous etchings, LARGE PAPER, PROOPs, original copy, with autograph letters and signatures inserted - 1795-1807 763 Carter (J.) Plans, Elevations and Sections of the Cathedral of Exeter, plates atlas size. 1797 764 Carter (J.) Plans, Elevations and Sections of the Cathedral of Gloucester, ^fo^es atlas size. 1809 765 Carter and Gough, Account of the Abbey Church of St. Al- bans, plans, sections, views, ^c. atlas size. 1813 766 Catalogus Sanctorum, Vitas, Passiones, et Miracula commodis- sime annectens, ex variis voluminibus selectus, curious wood- cuts, among which occurs one of melancholy notoriety, the Guillotine, believed to be its earliest representation in a booh Lugduni, 1542 767 Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum, Anglise et Hiberniaa, in •unum collecti [a«Mich. MaittaireJ, front, 3 parts with por- traits. Ox. 1697 — Catalogus libr. MSS. Bibl. Cottonianaj, cum Vita et Bibl. Cott. Historia, etc. (scrip. T. Smith), portrait, ib. 1696 in one volume. 768 Catalogus BibliothecEe Publicse Univ. Lugduno-Batavse Lug. Bat. 1716 769 Catalogus Manuscriptorum Codicum Bibliothecse Eegii Tauri- nensis Athenai, Pasini, 2 vol. facsimiles of ancient Greek and other MSS. Taurin,\749 770 Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, Brit. Museum, made by Jos. Planta, Esq. 1802 771 Catalogue of the Harleian Collection of Manuscripts in the British Museum (compiled by Archd. Nares, with Indexes by T. H. Home), 4 vol. 1808-12 772 Catalogue of the Lansdowne Manuscripts in the British Museum, compiled by F. Douce, Esq. and Sir H. Ellis, 2 vol. 1812 52 773 Catalogue of the Archiepiseopal Manuscripts in the Library at Lambeth Palace, compiled by Archd. Todd, front, TEKT SCARCE - 1812 774 Catalogue of Maps, Prints, Drawings, &c. in the Library of King George III, presented by George IV. to the British Museum; not printed for sale imp.fol. 1829 775 Catalogue of the Arundel and Burney Collections of Manuscripts, now in the British Museum, with separate Index, 3 vol., facsimiles of curious specimens of early Calligraphy 1834-40 776 Catesby (Mark) Natukal Histoky op CAKOi,iNA,.ri,oEiDA, AND THE Bahama Isiands, edited by Edwards, 2 vol. plates of American birds, beasts, insects, flowers, Sfc. BEAUTirrxi/Y coiOTTKED, old gilt russia, a note in the hand- ivriting of Peter -Collinson inserted imp. size. 1771 777 Caxton. The Docteynal or Sapyence, which is translated out of Frenssbe into Englysshe by me Wyllyam Caxton (lacife Utter. The Townley copy, with six leaves supplied in MS. by W. Herbert, the editor of the Typographical Anti- quities, old russia, which sold in the Towneley sale for £ 83. Caxton, me fieri fecit. 1489 778 Chambers (Sir Robert) Collection of Sanskrit Manuscripts (a Catalogue of the) with a Memoir by Lady Chambers, port. NOT PRINTED POE SALE 1838 779 China. A series of Outlines in pencil, consisting of the Costumes, Punishments, &c. of the Chinese, executed by a Dutch Artist, with Descriptions in that language • 1680 780 Choiseul Cabinet. Recueil d'Estampes gravees d'apr^s les Tableaux du Cabinet de M. le Due de Choiseul, gravdes par Basan, the whole series of 123 plates neatly mounted on drawing paper, with coloured borders, in a large oblong folio vol., very fine original impressions Par. 1771 *jf* An autograph letter of the author, and a Manuscript Index are added. 781 Cheistie (James) Dissbetation ubon Eteuscan Vases, pi. NOT PEINTED POE SALE, russia, gold borders, Mr. Gough's copy; very few copies printed, extremely rare 1806 *j)t* Appended to this volume is a Dissertation by the late Mr. Christie in his own handwriting, on the Circensian Games, also a private portrait of him by Miss H. S. Turner is inserted. ^-782 Cheonicon Nxteembeegense, auctore Hartmanno Schedel PIEST edition. An extraordinary and very curious volume, containing about 2250 spirited woodcuts, by Wolgemuth, Master of Albert Durer Nurembergce, 1493 *i^* In this copy, which is of unusually large dimensions, the plates of Pope Joan and of the German Electors are neither coloured nor defaced, and it contains the supplemental leaves at the end. For a full description of the work see Biblio- theca Spenceriana, vol. iii. 53 J.783 Cicero de Officiis, de Amicitia, de Senectute, etc., cum P. Marsi explanatione et exposit. Jo. Badii Venet. 1502 *,j* This volume is of particular interest, as it contains the auto- graph of King Henry VIII. when Prince of Wales, who has signified his ownership of the volume on fol. 1. It afterwards passed into the collection of Thomas Bawlinson, Esq., and since into that of James Bindley, Esq. We are not aware of the existence of any other signature of this King aa Prince. It is not now known to exist in the British Museum. 784 Cicero. Strebaii Comment, in M. T. Ciceronem de Arte Rheto- rica, russia, gilt edges Ven. Aid. 1551 785 Cicerone, Uffici, e sopra di essi comment, dal Marchese Luigi de Silva Fir. 1756 786 CicoGNAEA (II Conte Leopoldo) Le Fabbbiche piu cospioue DI Venezia, 2 vol. 150 fine engravings, vellum paper atlas size. Ven. 1838 787 Clarke (C.) Architectura Ecclesiastica Londina ; or Views of One Hundred and' Twenty-two Churches in London, Westmin- ster and Southwark, with descriptions liARGE PAPER, plates engraved after Coney, Shepherd, Sfc, russia extra, gilt edges, joints 1820 788 Claude, Liber Veritatis, a Collection of Three Hundred Prints, engraved from the original Designs now in the Col- lections of the Duke of Devonshire, &c., by Earlom, 3 vol. (vol. 1 and 2 prints, vol. 3 all peooes), half russia, uncut Boydell, 1777-1819 *^* The prints in this copy are all early impressions, taken long hefore the coppers passed into the hands of Messrs. Hurst and Co., and were retouched. 789 CLtrTTEEBUCK (R.) HiSTOET AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE County of Heetfoed, 3 vol. maps, plates, Sfc. uncut LARGE PAPER, with two drawings, the survey of Aspeden Church on large paper, and a few prints inserted 1815-27 790 Coins. Forty-six engraved sheets of English Coins, by Perry, from Folkes' Tables 791 Cole (C.) Collection of State Papers & Letters, 1697-1708 1735 792 Columna (Fr.) Hypnerotomachie ; ou Discours du Songe de PoLiPHiLE, deduisant comme Amour le combat, a I'occasion de Polia, traduit de I'ltalien (par Beroalde de Verville), fine wood cuts Par. Kerver, 1561 *^* " It is not generally known that Ooujon re-drew the embellish- ments of Beroalde de Verville's translation of the Polifllo, and that these, beautiful as they are in the Aldine edition, acquired new grace from the French artist." — Sir F. Pal- grave, in Turner's Letters from Normandy, I. p. 201. 793 Coney (John) Engravings of Ancient Cathedrals, Hotels de Ville, and other Public Buildings in France, Holland, Germany and Italy, ^0 fine plates PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER elephant size, 1832 34 794 Coney (J.) Beauties of Continental Architecture, in a series of Views of ancient Cathedrals, remarkable Public Buildings, &c. with vignettes on india paper 1831-3 795 CoEBEGGio. Pitture di Ant. Allegri, detto Correggio, esistenti in Parma, nel Monasterio di San Paolo, ^5 finely tinted plates, engraved by Rosaspina, with descriptive letter-press in Italian, French and Spanish lAEGE TELLTJM PAPER imp. size. Parma, 1 800 *5^* Only a few copies were printed at the expense of the King of Etruria for presents. It is certainly one of the most splendid volumes that emanated from the celebrated press of Bodoni, and exhibits six specimens of his most beautiful types. 796 Costumes of Russia, China (with the Punishments), Hindos- tan, Turkey and Great Britain, together 6 vol. ZOO plates OEIGINAL COPIES, the plates carefully coloured v. y. 797 Costume of the Hereditary States of Austria, £!ng. and French, coloured plates 1 804 798 CoTMAJsr (J. Sell) Etchings, illustrative of the Architectural Antiquities of Norfolk, 60 plates ' LAEGE PAPEE, PEOors, regarding which see note inside imp. size. 1818 *jf* A portrait of the author, by Mrs. D. Turner, and a View of Walsingham Abbey, by Miss Palgrave, private plates, and others, with an autograph letter from Mr. Cotman, are inserted. 799 Cotman (J. S.) Engravings of the most remarkable of the Sepul- chral Brasses in Norfolk, plates, original copy, with auto- graph letter from the author inserted 1819 800 Cotman (J. S.) Engeavings of the Sepuicheal Beasses IN NoEFOLK AND SuPFOLK, On 151 plates FEINTED ON DEAWING PAPEE, UNIQUE, being the only copy so printed; a letter of the author respecting the work, and his portrait, also one of D. Turner, Esq., private plates by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted, russia, joints, gilt edges roy. fol. Yarm. 1819 801 Cotman (J. S.) Engravings of Suffolk Brasses, 36 plates, all published, autograph letter, Sfc. inserted 1818 802 Cotman (J, S.) Aechitectueal Antiquities of Noemandt, with Historical and Descriptive Notices by Dawson Turner, < Esq., 2 \ol. fine etchings PRINTED ON VEllUM, UNIQUE, being the only copy so printed, with portrait of the author, by Mrs. D. Turner, autograph notes, Sfc. inserted, russia extra, gilt edges, joints; a more sumptuous specimen of printing on vellum is, perhaps, no- where to be found 1822 803 Cotman (J. S.) Anothee copy, 2 vol. plates IjAege PAPEE, PEOOFS On india paper, with an autograph letter from the author, and his portrait, a private etching by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted imp. size. 1822 55 804 CoTMAN (J. S.) Another copy, 2 vol. in 4 UNIQUE, PRINTED ON THICK LARGE PAPER, with PEOOr IMPRESSIONS OF THE PLATES in every stage of their pro- ' gress, from the first, little more than outlines, to the finished state; portraits of the author and Dawson Turner, Esq., private plates, and autograph letter of the author, inserted, half russia extra, joints imp. size. 1 822 805 Covel (Dr. John) Account of the present Greek Church LARGE PAPER Camh. 1732 806 Cox (D.) on Landscape Painting and Effect in Water Colours, with specimens in chalk, mezzotint and colours, obi. size, 1814 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 807 Davidson (J.) Lecture on Embalming and on the Unrolling of a Mummy, privately printed, plates, 1823 — List of Subscrip- tions to the Bowyer Collection — Bowdler (C.) Letter on the Ecclesiastical Courts' Bill, 1844 — Paget (J.) Address on the Motives to Industry in the Study of Medicine, 1 846 — Worship (H.V.) Letter to the Lord Chancellor, in Chris- tian V. Forster, 1847 — Report of the Health of Towns' Association, 1846 — Letters on the Famine and Destitution in the Highlands, 1847— Hook (Dr. W. F.) Letter to the Bp. of St. David's on the Education of the People, 1846 — Testimonials in Favour of H. C. Watson — Mdmoire sur I'Organisation des Myzodendron par Joseph Dalton Hooker, M.D. privately printed, plates, 1846 — Weld (C. R.) History of the Mace belonging to the Royal Society, plates, 1846 — Harraden (R. B.) Description of Ely Cathedral, plates, Camh. and others in 1 vol. 808 Davies (Rev. Hugh) Welsh Botanology, 1813— Francis (G. W.) Analysis of British Ferns and their Allies, plates, 1837 — Richard (L.) on Fruits and Seeds, translated by Lindley, autograph letter from the author inserted, 1819 809 Davies (Rev. J.) Historic Prologues, from the Conquest to George m. 1831 810 Davies (Sir John) Historical Tracts on Ireland 1786 811 Davila (E. C.) delle Guerre Civili di Francia, da Nardini, 8 vol. 1801 56 812 Davy (Rev. C.) Letters upon subjects of Literature, 2 vol. Bury, 1787 813 D'Azara (Don Felix de) Voyages dans I'Amerique Meridionale publics par Walckenaer, 4 vol., and atlas of plates in 4to. Paris, 1809 814 De Bure (G. F. de) Bibliographie Instructive, ou Traits de la Connoissance des Livres, 7 vol. Par. 1762 815 De Bure (G. F.) Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de feu M. le Due de la Valli^re, avec Prix, 5 vol. portrait, calf neat Par. 1783-7 816 De Burtin (Xavier) Traits des Connoisances qui sont ndcessaires a tout Amateur de Tableaux, 2 vol. plates Brux. 1808 817 Defoe (Dan, and MoretonJ History of Apparitions, frontispiece and cuts 1738 818 Defoe (D.) Tour through Scotland, interleaved with additions in MS. by Philip Luckombe, 1778— Watson (H. C.) Botanist's Guide in England and Wales, 1835, and one other 3 vol. 819 De la Brocquiere (Bertrandon) Travels to Palestine, and his return to France, 1432-1433, translated by Johnes, map ray. 8vo. Hafod, 1807 820 De la Conterie (Verrier) Vendrie Normande, ou I'Ecole de la Chasse, aux chiens Courants, plates Rouen, 1778 821 De la Force (P.) Description de la Ville de Paris, 10 vol. plates Paris, 1765 822 De la Rue (Abbe) Essai sur la Ville de Caen, 2 vol., private portrait of the author, by Miss H. S. Turner, inserted Caen, 1820 823 De la Rue (Abb6) Essais sur les Bardes, les Jongleurs et les Trouv^res, Normands et Anglo-Norraands, 3 vol. riNE PAPEK, scarce, private portrait of the author, hy Miss H. S. Turner, inserted Caen, 1834 824 Delepierre (J. O.) Precis des Annales de Bruges, avec une Notice sur I'Hotel de Ville, 44 whole length costume figures of illustrious Brugeans roy. Svo. Bruges, 1835 825 Delices des Pais Bas, 4 vol., plates of old Houses and Buildings Brussels, 1743 826 Delia Valle (Pietro) Voyages dans la Turquie, I'Egypte, etc. 8 vol. Rouen, 1745 827 DeUon (M.) Voyages, avec sa relation de I'lnquisition de Goa, etc., 3 vol. Cologne, 1711 828 De Lort (J.) Voyages aux Environs de Paris, 2 vol. plates and numerous facsimiles of letters Par. 1821 829 De Moleon (M.) Voyages Liturgiques de France, Par. 1718 — Les Origines de la Ville de Caen, Rouen, 1706 2 vol 830 Demosthenis et ^schinis Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. edente Dobson, 10 vol. 1828 831 Denton (M.) Virtuoso's Companion, and Coin Collector's Guide, 6 vol. in 2, numerous figures of coins 1795-6 832 De Piles (M.) Principles of Painting, vpith the Balance of Painters 1743 57 833 De Piles (M.) Art of Painting, with Lives of Tliree Hundred Painters, and an Essay towards an English School 1744 834 Depons (F.) Travels in South America in 1801-4, 2 vol. 1807 835 De Pradt (M.) Histoire de I'Ambassade en Varsovie en 1812, Par. 1816 — Vauban (Comte de) Meraoires pour servir a 1' Histoire de la Guerre de la Vendde, ib. 1806 — Louvet (J. B.) Notices pour THistoire et le Recit de mes Perils, 1793, &c. 5 vol. 836 De Brieux (Mois.) Origines de quelques Coutumes Anciennes et de plusieurs Fagons de parler triviales Caen, 1672 837 Descamps (M.) Vies des Peintres, Flamands, AUemands, et Hollandais, avec Voyage en Flandres, 5 \o\.port. Par. 1763 838 Desfontaines (M.) Histoire des Arbres et Arbrisseaux, 2 vol. Par. 1809— Tableaux de I'Ecole de Botanique, ib. 1815, autograph of the author 3 vol, 839 Desmarquets (M.) Memoires Chronologiques pour servir a I'His- toire de Dieppe, 2 vol. 12?no. calf ib. 1775 840 De Spin (Marq. ) Catalogue des Plantes qu'on cultive dans le Jardin de St. Sebastien, avec Supplement, Turin, 1818 — Moretti (Guis.) Intorno alia Flora Veronensis del Sig. Pollini, et altre opere — Pag^a (Abbd) Remarques relativement aux Lycopodes, Par. 1824 — Targioni d'Agricultura e altri trat- tati — Savi (Prof.) sulla Salvinia Natans, memoria, Observa- tioni sopra i generi Phaseolus et Dolichos, memoria i. ii. iii. Rosini (Gio.) Ode all' Maria Bargagli, &c. in 1 vol. 841 De Stael (Baronne) de I'AUemagne, 3 vol. note from Madame de Stael inserted Por. 1814 842 De Theis (Alex.) Glossaire de Botanique, interleaved. Par. 1810 Hoffmann (G.T.) sur I'Utilit^ des Lichens, Lyon, 1787 2v. 843 Dewey (Rev. O.) Discourse on the Dedication of the Church of the Messiah in New York, 1839— Hallatt (G.) Infidel Socialism considered. Norm. 1840 — Lowndes (W. T.) British Librarian, No. 1 — Tribute to the Memory of the Princess Charlotte, Lowes. 1819 — Inglis (Sir H.) Address for the Literary Fund Society, 1840 — and others in I vol. 844 Dialects. Wilbraham (R.) Cheshire Glossary, portrait of the author, drawn by Miss H. S. Turner, inserted, 1820, very scarce — Works of Tim Bobbin, in the Lancashire dialect, portrait and plates, 1806 — Palmer (J. F.) Dialogue in the Devonshire Dialect, with Glossary, 1 837 3 vol. 845 DiBDiN (Dr. T. F.) Bibliomania, or Book Madness riBST EDITION, portrait of the author, by Mrs. Dawson Turner, and an autograph letter from him, inserted 1809 846 Dibdin (T. F.). Bibliomania, second edition, much enlarged, plates, russia extra, joints, silk insides, by Hering, the fore edges having a view of Strawberry Hill painted on them under the gilding 1811 *,* This copy has a portrait (private etching by Mrs. Dawson Turner), an autograph of the author, and a key to the cha- racters, in MS., inserted. I 58 847 Dibdin (T. F.) Book Rarities, a descriptive Catalogue of Rare Books, only 36 copies printed, an original letter by Earl Spencer inserted, blue morocco, gilt edges roy. 8«o. 1811 848 Dibdin' (T. F.) Bibiiookaphical h^cAXMUo^yZyoi. fine fac- sinvHesJrom'early woodcuts, missals, Sfc. large imp. size, 1817 LARGE PAPER, BABE, with the following additional illustrations inserted : Vol. I. Portrait of the author, after Edridge; fac-simile of a capital initial, by T. Veronese, proof on india paper ; frontis- piece to the Roman de la Rose, proof; illumination in the same, proof before the letters ; portrait of T. W. Coke, Esq. by Mrs. D. Turner ; illumination in a Greek MS. of the Gos- pels, in the library of T. W. Coke, Esq., private plate ; fac-simile of an ancient Greek MS., in colours, private plate; illumination in a Breviary of the 1 1th century, in the library of T. W. Coke, Esq., private plate; head of Pope Sixtus IV. by O. Lewis, proof. Vol. II. Fac-simile of ornamented title to a copy of Philostratus, proof on india paper ; drawing of the Arcade at the House of Plantin the printer, by Miss Turner. Vol. III. Portrait of Earl Spencer, cancelled after 42 impres- sions were worked, also an autograph letter of the author, 849 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliogkaphical, ANTiatrAEiAN, and Pic- ITJKESQTJE TouE. IN Feance AND Geemant, 3 vol. plates and vignettes by Lewis, woodcuts, Sfc. I,AEGE PAPEE, PEOOP IMPEESSIONS OP THE BEAUTIPtJt ENGKATING8 large imp. size. 1822 This choice copy is illustrated with the following additional peoof pkints and etchings : Vol. I. Portrait of the author, after Phillips, only 100 printed ; Rouen Cathedral, etching on india paper; view of Rouen, etching on india paper ; Monastery of Jumi%es ; Church of St. Stephen at Caen ; Abb6 de la Rue, a private lithograph ; Caudebec from the heights, etching on india paper. Vol. II. Boulevards Italiens, proof; portrait of Dom Brial, proof and etching, a private plate ; portrait of the Comte de Brienne, proof; portrait of Diana of Poictiees, proof; Group of Parisians, by Lewis, on india paper; Group of Women near Toul, by Lewis, on india paper; original drawing of the Statues on the Portal of the Church at Chartres. Vol, III. Hotel de Ville, Stuttgart, two etchings in different states, one on india paper ; Cathedral at Strasburg, etching on iadia paper ; Portail de St. Jacob, Ratisbonne ; Albert Durer Street, Nuremberg, two etchings in different states ; St. Lorenz Kirk, Nuremberg; Frauen Capelle, Nuremberg; St. Catherine, woodcut, private plate. Also, a Catalogue of the Drawings made for the work, with list of the purchasers, and prices paid for them, when sold in Feb. 1832 ; and an autograph note of the author. 59 850 Dibdin (T. F.) Roland for an Oliver; or Remarks on M. Crapelet's Preface and Notes attached to his translation of the Thirtieth Letter in the Bibliographical and Antiquarian Tour, only 36 copies printed, presentation copy with auto- graph imp. %vo. 1821 851 Dibdin. A series of Groups illustrating the Physiognomy, Manners and Character of the People of France and Germany, engraved by George Lewis PROOFS ON INDIA PAPEE, with an autograph note of the engraver inserted, russia extra, gilt edges imp. Svo. 1823 852 Dibdin. Lettre trentieme concernant I'lmpriraerie et la Librairie de Paris, traduite avec des Notes par Crapelet NOT PTTBiisHED roy. 8«o. Par. 1821 853 Dihdin. Lettre d'un Relieur Fran9ais k un Bibliographe Anglais par Lesne, Relieur a Paris . Paris, 1822 854 Dibdin. Lettre Neuvi^me relative a la Biblioth^que Publique de Rouen, traduite avec des Notes par M. Licquet NOT PEiNTED FOK sAiE roy. 8vo. Par. 1821 855 Dibdin (T. F.) Reminiscences op a Litebabt Life, 2 vol. portrait and plates, the Index inlaid laeqe papek, with the plate at p. 345 illuminated ^ only given with those copies j, an autograph letter, and an additional portrait of the author fa private etching by Mrs. D. Turner) inserted 1836 856 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliophobia, a private portrait of the author, etched by Mrs. D. Turner, and an autograph note from him, inserted 1832 857 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliogkaphicax, Antiquaman and Pic- ITTEESQUE TouE in the Northern Counties of England and in Scotland, 2 vol. plates roy. 8vo. 1838 858 Dibdin (T. F.) Another copy, 3 vol. in 2 LABGE PAPEE, PEOOFS ON INDIA PAPEE, Several additional proofs before the letters inserted, also a private etching, by Mrs. D. Turner, of a head of the author, together with an autograph letter respecting the price of the worh imp. 8oo. 1 838 859 Dibdin (T. F.) Sermons, autograph note from the author, and his portrait, a private etching by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted 1843 860 Discovery of Witches ; or the Answers of Thomas Hopkins to several Queries, reprint of 1647 — Two Sermons, from an original MS. of 1 432 both printed by Mr. Clark 861 D'Israeli (The Right Hon. Benj.) The Star Chamber, No. 1 to 8, rigorously suppressed 1826 861*Maclean (Dr. C:) on Quarantine, Liverp. 1824 — Huskisson (Hon. W.) Speech on the Navigation Laws, 1820 — Long (Sir C.) Remarks and Suggestions on several Im- provements, 1826 — Remarks, &c. on a New Royal Academy, 1826 in 1 vol. 862 Dodd (Thomas) Connoisseur's Repertorium; or Biographical History of Painters, Engravers, 8fc. 6 vol. all published 1 820 60 863 Doddington (Geo. Bubb) Diary, 1748-1761, edited by Wyndhatn, with his autograph, and those of Henry Fox, Lord Holland, and Geo. Lyttleton, Esq. to an official document 1784 864 Doddridge (Dr. Philip) Works, 5 vol. port. 1804 865 Dodsley (J.) Collection of Poems, by several hands, 6 vol. 1782 866 Donovan (E.) Natural History of British Fishes, 5 vol. in 2, 120 finely coloured plates, arranged systematically, half russia, uncut 1802-8 867 Donovan (E.) Natural History of British Shells, 5 vol. ISO finely coloured plates, arranged systematically in 2 vol, half russia, uncut, letter from the author inserted 1804 868 Dreams. The Theory of Dreams, 2 vol. FINE PAPER, calf, marbled edges 1808 869 DmrMMOND (Sir W.) CEdipus JuDAicrs Kor PUBLISHED, Very scarce, autograph letter of the author inserted 1811 870 Drummond (Sir W.) Letters to, on his CEdipus Judaicus, by Dr. D'Oyly, 1812 — Letters (by Vindex) in Answer to the Attack, 1812 in 1 vol. 87 1 Drummond (Sir W.) Origines ; or Remarks on the Origin of several Empires, &c. 4 vol. autograph letter of the author inserted 1824-9 872 Dbtden (John) Whole Wokks, with Notes by Sir Waltep Scott, 18 vol. portrait large paper, brown calf, gilt edges, an autograph letter from Sir Walter Scott to his publisher inserted W. Miller, 1808 873 Dubois (L.) Recherches Historiques sur la Normandie Par. 1843 874 Dubois (Ed.) My Pocket Book ; or Hints for " A Ryghte Merrie and Conceitede Tour," plates, with an autograph letter of the author inserted 1808 875 Duchesne (M.) Notice des Estampes exposdes a la Bibliothdque Royale Paris, 1837 876 Duchesne (Pan.) Voyage d'un Iconophile ib. 1834 877 Duolos (M.) Mfemoires Secrets sur les Regnes de Louis XIV; et XV, 2 vol. «•&. 1791 878 Dufresnoy (Lenglpt) Chronological Tables of Universal History, by Floyd, 2 vol. 1762 879 Dugdale (Sir W.) on the Antient Usage of bearing Arms, original edition Ox. 1682 880 Du Mortier (R. C.) Observations Botaniques, autograph of the author, Tournay, 1822 — Ducluzeau sur I'Histoire Naturelle des Conferves de Montpellier — Saint- Amans (Madame) Voyage dans une partie des Laudes, de Lot, et Garonne, Paris, 1812— Du Mortier (B. C.) Sur les Graminees de la Flore Belgique, Tournay, 1823 4 vol. 881 Dunkin (W.) History and Antiquities of Bicester and of Alchester, County of Oxford, with Bp. Kennett's Glossary, edited by Upcott 1816 882 Dunlop (J.) History of Fiction, 3 vol. Edinb. 1814 61 883 Duppa (R.) Miscellaneous Observations and Opinions on the Continent, autograph of the author inserted imp. %vo. 1 825 884 Durfey (Tom.) Tales, Tragical and Comical, 1704— Stories, Moral and Comical, no date 2 vol. 885 Dutens (M.) Memoires d'un Voyageur qui se repose, 3 vol. original letter from the author inserted 1809 886 Button (H.) Survey of the County of Galway Dublin, 1824 887 Duvau (Aug.) Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de Wieland-*- Essai sur I'Ancienne Tourraine, Par. 1823 — Prolusiones Academicae, Cantab. 1829 — Conduite de Buonaparte re- lativement au Due d'Enghien, par Gautier, Par. 1825 — Sutton (T.) Measurer's Best Companion, 1785 — Cobbett (W.) Gridiron, 1822— Book of Wonders, 1821, &c. inlvol. 888 Dyer (C. G.) Biographical Sketches of the Lives and Characters of Illustrious and Eminent Men, whole length portraits, with their autographs, calf extra 1819 889 Eastlake (Sir C. L.) Materials for a History of Oil Painting, autograph note from the author inserted 1847 890 Eologae recentiorum Carminum Latinorum, edidit Mitsoherlich Flan. 1793 891 Edda, Selections from, in Eng. Verse, by A. Cottle Bristol, 1797 892 Edge worth (R. L. and Miss) Essay on Irish Bulls, calf, autograph letter of Miss Edgeworth inserted 1803 893 Edinbtjsoh Review, from its commencement in Oct. 1802 to Oct. 1850, with the two Indexes, 94 vol. aU uncut 1802-50 894 Education. Minutes of the Council on Education, 1839 to 1848, 14 vol. cloth 1839-48 895 Edwaeds (Sydenham) Botanicai, Registek, with Con- tinuation BT LiNDiET, 33 vol in 27, complete SEVERAL HUNDRED coi/OTTBED PLATES, arranged scientificaUy, half russia, uncut; portrait of the author, by Miss H. S. Turner-, inserted 1815-47 896 Ehrhart (F.) Beitrage zur Naturkunde, 6 parts in 2 vol. with the autograph of Sir J. E. Smith, P.L.S. Hann. 1787-91 897 Elgin Marbles. Memorandum on Lord Elgin's Pursuits in Greece, autograph letter (franked by Lord Elgin) inserted, 1811 — Lettre du Chev. Canova et deux Memoires sur les Sculptures dans la collection de Comte d'Elgin, a portrait of Canova, a private etching by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted, 1816 — Report of the Select Committee on the Marbles, autograph of Lord Elgin inserted - 3 vol. 898 Elliott (C. B.) Letters from the North of Europe, 1832— Gra- ham (Mrs. Lady CalcottJ Three Months in the Mountains East of Rome in 1819, plates, 1820, private portrait of Lady Calcott, etched by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted 2 vol. 899 Ellis (Geo.) Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, 3 vol. - - 1805 901 Ellis (Sir H.) Original Letters, illustrative of English History, selected from originals, 7 \o\. first and second series, uncut, autograph note of Sir H. Ellis inserted 1 824-27 62 902 Elsutn (J.) Epigrams upon the Paintings of the most Eminent Masters, calf, by Hering ; Geo. Vertue's copy, with auto- graph and note by Mr. Heber - 1700 903 Emillaine (G. d') on the Cheats and Illusions of Romish Priests and Exorcists, &c. with the autograph of J. Ritson 1703 904 England's Bemarques ; giving an exact Account of the several Shires - - 1678 905 Epistolse Principum et Illustrium Virorum Amst. Eli. 1644 906 Erasmi (Desid.) Morise Encomium sive Stultitise Laus, cuts after Holbein, scarce - • BasUce, 1676 907 Erasmi Colloquia, cum notis selectis variorum, accurante Schrevelio Amst. 1693 908 Ercilla (A. de) La Araucana, 2 vol. port. Madrid, 1676 909 Erskine (Ld.) Speeches, 3 vol. autograph letter from LordErskine inserted - - 1810 910 Eton (W.) Survey of the Turkish Empire 1798 91 1 Eucologie, ou Livre d'Eglise a I'Usage de Paris, red morocco, gilt edges - - Paris, 1806 912 Eudemare (Fr. d') Histoire du Roy Willaume I. Roy d'Angle- terre - - Rouen, 1626 913 Eunuchism displayed ; describing all different sorts of Eunuchs, rare - - 1718 914 Euripidis Tragcedise, Gr. et Lat. ex recensione Musgravii, 10 vol. Ghsg. Foulis, 1 797 915 Euripidis Tragcedise quatuor, Gr. cum notis Porsoni 1808 916 Evangiles (les), traduites par de Sacy, printed within borders, illu- minated title, Sf vignettes by Fragonard imp. 8«o. Par. 1838 917 Evans (Rev. J.) Tour through North Wales 1800 918 Evans (Rev. W. G. D.) The Classic and Connoiseur in Italy and Sicily, with an Abridgment of Lanzi on Painting, 3 vol. 1835 919 Evelyn (J.) on Sallets, 1699— Threlkeld (C.) Stripes Hibernicse, Diib. 1727 — Peslongchamps (M.) Flore des Environs de Rouen, 2 vol. in 1, Rouen, 1816, &c. 7 vol, 920 Excursions in the Counties of Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk, 6 vol. several hundred plates, iiAEGE PAPEE, original impressions - 1818-19 921 FabUaux, or Tales from French MSS. of the Xllth and Xlllth Centuries, by M. Le Grand, selected and translated, with notes, by Way and Ellis, 2 vol, royal 8vo. 1796 922 Fabricii (J. A.) Codex Pseudepigraphus Veteris et Novi Testa- menti, 4 vol. scarce - Hamb. 1713-23 923 Fabronii (Angeli) Vitse Italorum doctrinS, excellentium, qui sseculo XVIII. floruerunt, 5 vol. with MS. Indexes by Archd. Nares - RomcB, 1766 924 Fabroni (T. P.) Elogio, medallion head Pisa, Didot, 1814 925 Fea (Carlo) Notizie intorno Raffaelo Sanzio'da Urbino, Roma, 1822 — Variety di Notizie sopra Castel Gandolfo Albano, portrait, ib. 1820, and one other - 3 vol. 63 926 Feinagle (M. Von) New Art of Memory, ^toes, 1812— Garwood (M.) Introduction to History on Coglan's System of Mne- monics, iowe« ib. 1719 1320 Thomas SproUi ChronKS., original edition ib. 1719 1321 Robert! de Avesbury,^ Historia de Gestis Edvardi III. ib. 1720 1322 Textus Roffensis ib. 1720 1323 History and Antiquities of Glastonbury, ^toes ib. 1722 1324 Joannis de For4un, Scotioronicon, 5 vol. Cole's copy, with his autograph and notes ib. 1 722 1325 Hemingi Chartularium Ecclesise Wigorniensis, 2 vol. Nasmith's, copy, with his autograph , ib. 1723 1326 Joannis Glastoniensis Chronica, 2 vol. from the collections of Thomas Martin and Dr. Nasm,ith, with their autographs ib. 1726 1327 Thomse de Elmham, Vita et Gesta Henrici V. ib. 1727 1328 Liber Niger Scaccarii, 2 vol. onymaZ eefzfe'on ib. 1728 1329 Historia Vitse Ricardi II. a Monacho de Evesham, Nasmith's copy, with his autograph ib. 1729 1330 Joannis de Trokelowe, Annales Edvardi II. ib. 1789 1331 Caii (T.) Vindicise Antiquitatis Academise Oxoniensis, 2 vol. ib. 1730 91 Hea.iine's Antiquaeian Publications (continued). 1332 Hemingford (Walter) Historia de Rebus Gestis Edwardi I, II, et III. 2 vol. Cole's copy, with MS. notes by him ib. 1731 1333 Vindication of those who took the Oath of Allegiance 1731 1334 Otterbourne et Whethamstede, Duo Rerum Anglicarum Soviptores- Veteres, 2 vol. russia ib. 1732 1335 Chronicon Prioratus de Dunstaple, 2 vol. Nasmith's copy, with his autograph ib. 1733 1336 Benedictus Abbas Pet'roburgensis de Vita et Gestis Henrici II. et Ricardi I. 2 vol. Nasmith's copy, with his autograph ib. 1735 1337 Rossi (Joannis) Warwiciensis Historia Regum Anglise, second edition ib. 1745 1338 Leland (John) Itinerary, 9 vol. in 5, plates ; portrait inserted, W. Stevenson's copy, with his autograph ib. 1770 1339 Robert of Gloucester and Peter Langtoft's Metrical Chronicles of England, edited, with Glossaries, by Tho. Hearne, 4 vol. lAEGE PAPER {Ox. \Tl^-5) reprinted \%\0 1340 Lives of those Eminent Antiquaries, J. Leland, T. Hearne, and Ant. a Wood, 2 \o\. portraits LARGE PAPER, calf, marb. edges Ox. 1772 1341 Collection of Curious Discourses by Eminent Antiquaries, 2 vol. last edition, old russia 1773 1342 Heaih (C.) PicTUREsatJE Annuals, from 1832 to 1841, 10 vol. Fine Engravings by C. Heath, from Drawings by Clarkson Stanfield, Cattermole, Vickers, McClise, &c. LARGE PAPER, proofs On iudia paper, various coloured mo- roccos, gilt edges roy. 8vo. 1832-41 1343 Heath (C.) Picturesque Annual for 1832, 1834, 1835, 3 vol. plates, after Stanfield and Cattermole, morocco 1832-5 1344 Heath (C.) Picturesque Annual, 1837-38-39-40-41-42, 6 vol. fine engravings, after McClise, Allom, Sfc. imp. 8wo. 1837-42 1345 Heath (C.) Book of Beauty, 1833-34-35-36-37-38, 6 vol. fine engravings LARGE PAPER, proofs On india paper, m,orocco, gilt edges imp. 8vo. 1833-8 1346 Heath (C.) Book of Beauty, for 1834-35-37, 3 vol. plates, morocco 1834-5-7 1347 Heath (C.) Book of Beauty, for 1838-39-40, fine proof plates, royal 8vo. 1838-41 1348 Heath (C.) Book of Beauty, for 1839-40-41-42,/ne engravings, bound in silk, gilt edges imp. %oo. 1839-42 1349 Heath (C.) Gallery of British Engravings, 1836-38, 4 vol. plates, gilt edges royal 8vo. 1836-8 1350 Heath (Rob.) Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly, with a General Account of Cornwall, 8vo. plates, some additional, inserted 1750 92 1351 Heber (Bp.) Sermons Preached in England, front. ; a portrait of the author (a private etching by Mrs. Dawson Turner) inserted 1 829 1352 Hedwig (Prof.) Sammlung Seiner zerstrenten Abhandlungen und Beobachtungen, 2 vol. in 1, coloured plates, Leip. 1793 1353 Heineken (Baron) Idee Gdndrale d'une Collection complette d'Estampes, rare, many curious fac similes from early Hock hooks and wood-cuts ih. 1 77 1 1354 Heineken (Baron) Dictionnaire des Artistes, 4 vol. all printed ih. 1778 1355 Henry VIII. The Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VIII. 1529 to 1532, with notes by Sir N. H. Nicolas 1827 1356 Henry (Dr.) History of Great Britain, with Continuation by Andrews, 14 vol. 1805-6 1357 Hentzner (Paul) Journey into England in 1598, edited by H. Walpole, rare Printed at Strawberry Hill, 1757 1358 Heraldry, &c. The Heraldry of Crests, by J. P. Elven, 2500 specimens, 1815 — Courthope's Synopsis of the Ex- tinct Baronetage, 1835 — Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage, 4 vols, arms, 1808 6 vol. 1359 Herbert (Lord ofCherbury) Life, with Preface by Sir W. Scott, plate, Edin. 1809 1360 Herbert (W.) History of the Twelve Great Livery Companies of London, 2 vol. 1834 1361 Heron (Rob. i. c. John Pinkerton) Letters on Literature; with autograph and notes of T. Parh, Esq. and portrait of J. Pinkerton inserted 1785 1362 Herodoti Historia Gr. Reizii, 2 vol. laege papek Ox. 1808 1363 Heylyn (P.) Help to English msi.o\j, first edition 1652 1364 Heylyn (P.) Help to English History, enlarged by Wright, coats of arms ; autograph of the editor inserted, best edition 1783 1365 Heynii (C. G.) Opuscula Academica, 3 vol. Gott. 1785-88 1366 Hickathrift, History of Tom, CundalVs edition — Dissertation on Dumpling, its Antiquities, Excellence, &c. 1726 — Con- tinuation of Whitfield's Journal, from Savannah. to London, 1739 — Nixon, Cheshire Prophecy, j'ron^. 1745 — Letter from the Pretender, 1742 — Regulations for the Society of Uni- versal Goodwill, Norwich, 1789 — Moyle (W.) on the Con- stitution of the Roman State, Norwich, 1796 — Twelve Pieces, by the Monthly Tract Society — Short Reply to the Kentish Curate's Letter to the Rev. Arch. Law, Rochester, 1780 in I vol. 1367 Historical Sketch of the Asylum for the Blind, Deaf, and Dumb, 1 823 — Important Considerations for the People of this Kingdom, 1803— Mary Stuart, an Opera, Ital. and Eng. 1827 — Psalms, revised &c. by the Rev. Mr. Mason, Diss, (1795) — Christian Unitarianism, or the Genuine Doctrine of the New Covenant — Village Politics, by Will Chip, 1792 — The Dolphin, or Grand Junction Nuisance, plate, 1827, &c. in 1 vol. 93 1368 Hinderwell (T.) History and Antiquities of Scarborough, plate ; with the autograph of the author York, 1811 1369 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Tour in Ireland in 1806, plate; several etch- ings from private plates, and the portrait of the author by Miss Turner, and autograph note from him inserted 1807 1370 Hoare (Prince) on tlie Present State of the Arts of Design in England,^?-on<., autograph note from the author inserted 1827 1371 Hoffman (G. F.) Genera Plantarum Umbelliferarum, with plates, in folio MosquBits, plates 1795 1494 Illingworth (Rev. C.) Account of the Parish of Scampton, Co Lincoln, and of the Family of BoUe, cofoM?-ec;?^Z. ^e. 1810 1495 Inghibami (Fr.) Monumenti EtettschIj 6 vol. in 9, about 700 ^ne engravings of vases, bronzes, frescoes, Sfc. printed in colours Firenze, 1821-6 100 1496 Inghirami(F.)GalleriaOmericaoraccoltadiMonumenti Antichi per servire alio Studio dell' Iliade e dell' Odissea, 2 vol. containing 388 plates, chiefly in tints, with letter-press description, 8fc. 3 vol. in 2, royal 8fo. together 4 vol. LAEGE PAPEE, half russia Fiesola, 1831 1497 Ireland (Sam.) Picturesque Tour in Holland, &c. in 1789, 2 vol. plates in aquatinta LAEGE PAPEE 1795 1498 Ireland (W. H.) Britannia's Cat-o-Nine Tails ; or the Devil's Carols, during Half a Century of Rapine, Desolation and 'Deso\a.\.\on, presentation copy from the author, with the OEiGiNAi. MS. — Le Bonnet Rouge, or the Republican Magazine, 5 Nos. (all pub.) — Various articles vpritten by the same, 1833, very rare in 1 vol. \* The author of these extraordinary pamphlets was the, un- fortunately, too well known forger of the Shakespeare Papers. ] 499 Ireland. A New Description of Ireland, wherein is described the disposition of the Irish, whereunto they are inclined, by Barnabe Rich, Esq. very scarce for T. Adams, 1610 1500 Ieish Antiqttixies. A Seeies op Thiktt-six peitatb Etchings op Ieish Antiquities, engraved by Mrs. Dawson Turner, J. Woods, Esq. &c. 1830 UNPUBLISHED, Only fifteen copies printed 1501 Irving (Wash.) lUustratious to his Works, 10 plates, from designs by Leslie, with portrait hy Scriven, proofs 1823 1502 Jackson (J. Grey) Account of the Empire of Morocco, map ; autograph letter from the author inserted 1809 1503 Jacob (W.) Travels in the South of Spain, joZa^es lAEGE PAPEE 1811 1504 Jacquin (N. J.) Miscellanea Austriaca, 2 vol. coloured plates Vindob, 1778-81 1505 Jacquin (N. J.) Oxalis, Monographia Iconibus illustrata, 81 coloured plates, russia Vienna, 1794 1506 Jacquin (F. J.) Collectanea ad Botanicam, Chemiam, et His- toriam Naturalem pertinentia, vol. 2, 3, 4, very rare 1507 James (Bp.) Travels in Russia, Poland, kc. plates 1816 1508 Jamieson (Dr. J.) Account of the Ancient Culdees of lona, &c. plates Edin. 1811 1509 Jesuits (the) Perspective, translated by Chambers,&c.,pfes. 1795 1510 Joinville (Lord de) Memoirs, with History of Louis IX. trans. by Col. Johnes, 2 vol. Hafod, 1807 1511 Johnson (Dr. S.) Dictionary of the English Language, 2 v. 1799 *it* A private portrait -of the author by Mrs. Dawson Turner, after O. Humphrey, and a fac-siniile by Miss H. S. Turner, of his letter to Sir Jos. Banks, with his Latin distich on the Goat that had gone round the world with Sir Joseph, inserted : — " Perpetui, ambita bis terra, proemia lactis Hsec habet, altrici Capra secunda Jovis." 101 1512 Johnson (Dr. Sam.) Graphic Illustrations of the Life and Times of Dr. Sam. Johnson, iiplates and portraits l/AEGE PAPER, proofs 091 india paper; with copy of an unpublished letter of Dr. J. to Sir Joseph Banks, litho- graphed by Miss M. A. Turner 1 837 1513 Jones (Theoph.) History of the County of Brecknock, 2 vol. in ^, plates, the shields of arms coloured, uncut Brecknock, 1805-S FOLIO. 1514 GouGH (R.) Septjicheal Monuments op Gbeat Beitain, from the Norman Conquest to the Fifteenth , Century, 2 vol. in 4 parts, with very numerous fine engravings, half russia, 1786-96 *ji,* This copy has the Dissertation on Epitaphs, 76 pages, and many additional illustrations ; among them, a large portion, if not the whole, of Cotman's Sepulchral Brasses : it has also an autograph letter fi-om the editor to Sir H. Ellis (1798) inserted, but has not the Introduction, nor some other portions of the work itself, an account of which is to be found on the fly-leaf of vol. 1 1515 Green (Rev. S.) Royal Standard Devotional Family Bible, with Select Notes, 2 vol. plates after the great masters LAEGE PAPER, Only 30 copies printed 1818 1516 Geegson (Matthew) Fbagments eelating to Lancashiee. The beautiful woodcuts to, and other engravings, worked separately PEOOFS ON INDIA PAPEE; an autograph letter and note, as also som,e additional engravings, inserted royal size. 1816 1517 Grew (Dr. N.) Anatomy of Plants, plates 1682 1518 Geosb (Capt. F.) Pictxteesque Views in Engiand, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, together with his Military Anti- quities, and his edition of the History of Dover Castle, by Darell, with several hundred views, 17 vol. uniform in russia, m. I. v. T. *^* A lAEGE PAPEE COPT, which is illustrated by a nearly complete set of the Engravings to the England and Wales from the first edition, to show the alterations the plates had undergone. There are, still further inserted a set of County Maps, together with about six hundred additional Views, mostly from the Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet and Beauties of England and Wales; together with many drawings and etchings from private plates, the works of Mr. Turner's family and friends. 1519 Guercino. Imitations of Twenty-five clever Drawings by this celebrated artist, engraved by Bartolozzi and Basire 1520 Guicciardini (Fr.) Istoria d'ltalia, 2 \o]. portrait LAEGE PAPEE Ven. Pasquali, 1738 1521 Gunneri (J. E.) Flora Norvegica, 2 parts in 1 vol. plates Nidrosice, 1766 102 1522 Hakewill (James) Picturesque Tour of Italy, 1816-17, plates LAKGE PAPER, joroq/« 1820 1523 Hakltttt (Rev. R.) Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation prior to 1600, new edition, with supplementary volume, edited by R. H. Evans, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER, TTNCUT, only 55 copies printed f Reprint of 1597; 1 809- 1 2 1524 Halleri (A. von) Historia Stirpium Indigenarum Helvetise, inchoata, 2 vol. in 1, plates; an autograph letter of the illustrious avilhor inserted, vellum BerncE,Soc. Typog. 1768 1525 Hamilton (Gavin) Schola Italica Pici'urje Selecta, 40 beautiful large engravings, after Michael Angela, Raphael, Titian, &c. brilliant impressions ; with autograph note by the editor inserted imp. size. Romte, 1773 1526 Hamilton (Sir Wm.) Vases. Engravings from ancient Vases of Greek workmanship, now in the possession of Sir W. Hamilton, with descriptions in English and French, 3 vol. 200 engravings in outline by Tischbein, uncut Naples, 1781 1527 Hamilton (Sir Wm.) Vases. The Collection of Etruscan, Greek and Roman Vases, Antiquities, &c., in the Cabinet of Sir Wm. Hamilton, with descriptions in English and French by D'Hancarville, 2 vol. 260 plates accurately coloured as the originals first and most valuable edition, old yellow morocco, imp. size Naples, \766-7 1528 Hamilton (Sir W.) Campi Phlegr^hi, or the Volcanoes, &c. of the Two Sicilies, with Supplement, 60 plates, with text in English and French 3 vol. in 1 original Neapolitan Edition, the plates finely coloured as drawings, red morocco extra, gilt edges^ joints, broad borders ; with a note from, Sir W. H. inserted; roy.fol. Naples, 1776-9 1529 Harrison (J. P.) Views, &c. of St. Giles' Church, Oxford, plates Ox. 1842 1530 Hastings Peerage Case. Cases of Sir Jacob Astley and of Henry Le S. Styleman Le Strange to this dignity in 1 vol. 1840-41 1531 Heath (James) Chronicle of the late Intestine War in Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland, with continuation to 1675, front, with portraits illustrated with nearly eighty additional portraits, some proofs, all neatly inlaid 1676 1532 Heath (Charles) Engraved Illustrations for " The Keep- sake" for the years 1828, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39, including Portraits, Scenes from passages in the Poets, Novellists and Historians, after the beautiful designs of Lawrence, Roberts, Stothard, Cooper, Prout, Bonington, &c. &c. by Rolls, Willis, C. Heath, Bacon, &c. the 12 series in 2 vol. 222 plates BEAUTiPUL artists' PROOFS before any letters, on india paper, and many etchings, halfrussia 1628-29 103 1533 Heath (C.) Engraved Illustrations to " Tlie PicTTJKEsauE Annual" for the years 1832, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, com- prising beautiful Landscapes and fanciful subjects in Scot- land, Ireland, France, Germany, Russia, &c., from drawings by Cattermole, Stanfleld, Prout, &c. the eight series in one vol. 182 plates BEAUTIFUL ARTISTS* PBOOFS BEEOEE THE LETTEKS ; SOme fine engravings, not published ivith the work, inserted; hf.rus. 1vol. 1534 Heath (C.) Engraved Illustrations to those fine picturesque volumes, " Tubnee's Annual Touk," for 1833, 34 and 35, containing a series of Views in France, Germany, &c., from drawings by the late J. M. W. Turner, the three series in 1 vol. 6 1 plates FINE artists' proofs ON INDIA PAPER before the inscriptions, half russia 1833-5 1535 Heath (G.) Engraved Illustrations to that splendid annual, " The Book of Beauty," published for 1833, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38, consisting of Portraits and Heads remarkable for their appearance, both real and fanciful, the six series in one vol. 121 plates BEAUTIFUL artists' PROOFS On india paper before the inscrip- tion, half russia 1833-38 1536 Heath (C.) Engraved Illustrations, designed to decorate those beautiful publications', " The Belle of the Season," 1840; " The Book of the Passions," 1839 ; " The Pirate and the three Cutters," by Captain Marryatt, 1835; "The Siege of Grenada," by Sir E. Lytton Bulwer, 1838 ; and the " Landscape Annual" for 1840, Italy, the 5 series in one vol. 88 plates beautiful artists' proofs on INDIA PAPER, before the inscriptions, half russia 1835-40 1537 Heath (C.) Engravings of a Series of Female Heads suggested by the various characters drawn by Shakspeare, and illustra- tive of his works, 45 plates beautiful engravers' proofs on INDIA PAPER 1538 Heath (Wm. of Glasgow) Etchings. "The Glasgow Looking Glass," 17 sheets, all pub., a series of clever caricatures and humourous etchings ; autograph of the author inserted EXTREMELY SCARCE, the plates having been destroyed as soon as used Glasg. 1825 1539 Heath (Wm.) "The Looking Glass," Jan. 1 to June 1, 1830, a series of political and very humourous engravings, on 1 4 sheets, all published, noiv very scarce ; autograph of the author inserted Land. 1830 1540 Hearne and Byrne, Views of the Antiquities of Great Britain in its Monasteries, Castles, &c. 2 vol. in 1 TERY BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS ; with five drawings of Foun- tain's Abbey by Lady Palgrave, and 1 private etchings by her ladyship. Lady Hooker, Miss M. A. Turner, Sfc. in- serted oblong size. 1807, &c. 104 1541 Hedwig (Jo.) Stirpes Ciyptogamicaj, 4 vol. in 2. 160 coxoured PiiATES; an etching of one of the species by Sir TV. J. Hooker, and a letter relating to the work inserted Lips. 1787-97 1542 Herbert (Ed. Lord, of Cherburyj Life of Henry VIH, jior- trait ; autograph {\Q45) of the author inserted 1649 1543 Herbert (Sir Thomas) Travels in Africa, and in the Empires of Persia and Iudustani,_//'o«ft's^iece and cuts 1677 1544 Heecuianetjm. Antichita di Ekcolang, — Pitture, 5 vol. — Bronzi, 3 vol. — Catalogo, 1 vol. together 9 vol. full of engravings, original copies, vellum 1757-79 1545 Herodoti Histokia, Greece EDiTio PKiNCEPS, Mr. Hurd's copy, bound in hog's shn, gilt edges by De Rome Venetii, Aldus, 1502 1546 Hestohii Lexicon, Gr. cum notis var. edidit Alberti, 2 vol. portrait of Alberti by Houbraken, with autograph letter by him to Peter Burmann, vellum Lug. Bat. 1746 1547 Hickesii (Geo.) Linguarum Vett. Septentrionalium Thesaurus Gram. Grit, et Archaeologicus, 3 vol. in 2, portrait and engravings, very scarce Ox. 1705 1548 Hoohste Welt-und-Krieges Haupter, with 1 1 portraits by Fridrich Augsburg, 1718 1549 HoFMANNi (G. F.) Desceiptio Plantaeum e Classi cryptoga- mica Linnasi, quEe Lichenes dicuntur, 3 vol. COLOTTBED PLATES LipS. 1790-1801 1550 Hoifmanni (G. F.) Historia Salicum, fasc 1 and 4, plates Lips. 1785-87 1551 HoGAETH (W.) Geaphic Woeks, consisting of eighty-four plates as engraved by himself imp. folio *^* The collection contained in this volume consists of the eighty as advertised for sale by Mrs. Hogarth, in 1765, after the artist's death, with four additional plates, viz., John Wilkes, Subscription Ticket for the March to Finchley, Battle of the Pictures, and Time Smoking a Picture. Mr. Young's Descriptive Catalogue, and W. H. Leeds' Essay on the Ge- nius, &c. of Hogarth, are added 1552 Homes, Nach Antiken gezeichnet, von Tischbein, mit erlauter- ungen, von Heyne,^«e large heads of celebrated Grecians, and outlines of illustrative groups, views, ^c. imp. size. Gottingen, 1801 1553 Hooker (Rev. R.), on the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, eight books, frontispiece 1682 1554 Holbein. Imitations oe the veey splendid collection of the deawings oe poeteaits of the coret of Henet VIII, by this famous artist, now in the Royal Col- lection, including those of Holbein and his wife, with Biographies by J. Chamberlayne BEILLIANT IMPEESSI0N8, russia extra, gilt edges, by Stagge- meier im. folio, 1792 *^* This is one of the very few early copies in which the portraits were first struck off on white, or lighter coloured paper, than the red which was afterwards used. 105 1555 HoiKHAM. Proof Impressions of Engravings designed' to illustrate Mr. Roscoe's never published Catalogue of the Manuscript Library at Holkham (the seat of the Earl of Leicester), in Norfolk, 25 plates from ancient manuscript illuminations, Sfc, PRIVATELY rni-sT:Ei>, for presents only 1835 *-** The numher of copies ever struck off from these most interesting plates, principally the work of Mr. Turner's own family, is extremely small ; and it may safely be said that no copy ever before appeared for sale, or is ever likely so to do for many years to come. The MSS. themselves are of the highest interest. 1556 Horrebow (Peter) Natural History of Ireland, map ; two private etchings by Sir W. J. Hooker inserted 1758 *jf* This work has of late years attracted great attention, as containing the only authentic figure of the enormous sea serpent, whose very existence has been so much questioned. 1557 Horsley (John) Britannia Romana; or Roman Antiquities of 'Bxitam, plates, from the Merly Library, very rare 1733 1558 HoTTGHXON Gallery. The Set of Prints, engraved after the most capital paintings now in the Imperial Collection in Russia, formerly in the possession of the Earl of Orford at Houghton, 2 vol. upwards of\ZO splendid engravings by Woollett, Earlom, Sharpe, Heath, S^c. 8^c, fine proof impres- sions, old gilt riissia imp. size. Boy dell, 1798 *^* A proof engraving of the " Death of the Elk" by Ward, after Rubens ; and an autograph letter by Geo. Earl of Oxford, relating to the private sale of this magnificent collection, are inserted ; also a list of the several prices attached to the different pictures. 1559 Humboldt (A1. de) Plantes Equinoxiales, recueillies en Mexique, 2 vol. \^i plates imp. size. 1808-9 *j^* A Portrait of the author by Mrs. D. Turner, a private plate, an original drawing by the author, and an original letter from him, Nov. 1814, are inserted. 1560 Humboldt (Al. de) Vtjes des Coedilleres et Monumens des Peuples indigenes de I'Amerique, 2 vol. in 1, 69 plates VELLUM paper, PROOFS, many finely coloured, russia extra, marbled edges Pam, 1810 1561 Humboldt (Al. de) Monographie des Melast6mes et autres genres du raeme ordre, 2 vol. 120 finely co- loured plates uncut; autograph letter of the author inserted imp. size. Par. 1816-23 1562 Hughes (G.) Natural History of Barbadoes, plates LARGE PAPER 1750 1563 Hutchins (J.) History and Antiqiiities of the County of Dorset, SECOND EDITION, MUCH ENLARGED, Vol. 1, 3, and 4, with the additions to vol. 1 and 2, together 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, uncut 1796-1815 p 106 1564 Hyett (W. H.) Sepulchral Monuments in the County of Northampton, 3 portraits, all published, plates, proof impressions XARGE DRAWING PAPEK roy.fol. 1817 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 1565 Keepsake (the) for 1828, 29, 1831, 32, 34, 35, 37, 7 vol. fine plates, silk 1828-37 1566 Keepsake (the) from 1828 to ] 842, fine plates by C.Heath,\5 v. liAEGE PAPER, proofs On iudia paper, mostly bound in silk 1828-42 1568 Keith (Rev. Rob.) Catalogue of Scottish Bishops, with con- tinuation by Dr. Russell 1824 1569 Kelly (Michael) Reminiscences, 3 vol. jBorfroiV 1826 1570 Kelsall (C.) Classical Excursion from Rome to Arpino, plates, not printed for sale Geneva, 1820 1571 Kempe (A. J.) Notices of the Collegiate Church of St. Mar- tin's-le- Grand, London, plates; autograph letter from the author inserted 1825 1572 Kempis (Thomas a) of the Imitation of Jesus Christ, with an Introduction and Notes, by Dr. T. F. Dibdin, fine prints of the Ecce Homo and the Last Supper LARGE PAPER, proofs, autograph letter inserted, also a portrait f private etching J of the editor by Mrs. Dawson Turner roy. 8vo. 1828 1573 Kennett (B.) Antiquities of Rome, plates, 1726 — Harwood (Rev. T.) Grecian Antiquities, 1801 2 vol. 1574 Kent. Southouse(T.)MonasticonFavershamiense ; or Survey of the Monastery of Faversham, cuts, a present from the author's daughter, 1671 — Jacob (E.) Catalogue of Plants growing about Faversham, portrait, presentation copy, with the author's autograph, 1777 2 vol. 1575 Kerrich (Rev. T.) Catalogue of the Prints of Martin Heems- kirck, port. 1827 1576 Kfrby (J.) Suffolk Traveller, /rsif edition Ipswich, 1735 1577 Kirby (J.) Suffolk Traveller, maps, best edition 1764 1578 Kirby (Rev. W.) Monographia Apiura Anglise; or History of English Bees, 2 vol. plates; original letter from the author inserted Ipswich, 1802 107 1.579 Kirby (John) Suffolk Traveller, lest edition, maps, with very numerous 3fS. notes and drawings fin colours J of the arms of persons named in the booh, executed hy the Rev. — Powell ; also an autograph letter from John Britton, Sfc. 1764 1 580 Konig and Sims, Annals of Botany, 2 \olplates, very rare 1 805-6 1581 Koran (the) of Mahommed, trans, by Sale, 2 vol. Bath, 1795 1582 Kotzebue (A. von) Travels through Italy in 1804 and 1805, 4 vol. 1807— Travels to Paris in 1804, 3 vol. 1806 together 7 vol. 1583 Kotzebue (A. von) Merkwiirdigsle Jahr melnes Lebens, 2 vol. Berlin, 1802 — Gesammelte Schrifteu, 10 vol. Carlsruhe, 1792, &c. together 12 vol. 1584 Kotzebue (A. von) Schauspiele, 8 vol. Leip. 1797-99 1585 Krachenninnikovr (M.) Histoire et Description de Kamtchatka 2 vol. Amst. 1770 1586 Kugler (Dr.) Schools of Painting in Italy, translated, edited, with Notes, by Sir C. L. Eastlake, 2 vol. 100 illustrations, 1851 1587 Labillardiere (M.) Voyage in search of La Perouse in 1791, 2, 3, and 4 ; 2 vol. plates 1800 1588 Laborde (L6on de la) Journey through Arabia Petrsea to Mount Sinai, &c. plates 1836 1589 Lacretelle (C.) Histoire de France pendant le dix-Huitieme siecle, 6 vol. Paris, 1812 1590 Lacretelle (J C.) Prdcis de la Revolution, 6 vol. pi. Par. 1815 1591 La Fontaine (M. de) Contes etNouvelles, Edition lUustree par Tony Johannot, Fragonard, etc. woodcuts imp. Svo. Paris, 1840 1592 La Harpe (J. F.) Lyc6e ou Cours de Litterature, Ancienne et Moderne, 17 vol. in 19 Paris, 1799 1593 Laing (Malcolm) History of Scotland, 4 vol. autograph note from the author inserted 1804 1594 Lamarck et Decandolle, Synopsis Plantarum in FlorS, Gallica descriptarum, joor^roiV of M. Decandolle, a private etching, hy Mrs. D. Turner, inserted Paris, 1806 1595 Lamarck et Decandolle, Flore Franqaise, 6 vol. in 5, plates ; portrait of M. Decandolle, by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted Paris, 1805, &c. 1596 Lambert (A. B.) Eulogium on H. Ruiz Lopez, Salisb. 1831 — Testimonials in favour of Prof. Arnott, Edin. 1841 , not pub- lished — Treatise on the Cocoa Nut Tree, ,1831 — Buck- land (Prof.) Address to the Geological Society, 1840 in 1 v. 1597 Landscape Annual (Switzerland and Italy) for 1830 and 1831,2 vol. lAEGE PAPER, plates after Prout, proofs an india paper, morocco, gilt edges 1830-31 1598 Landscape Annual, 1830 (Switzerland and Italy) plates by S. Prout, green m,orocco 1830 1599 Landt (Rev. G.) Description of the Feroe Islands 1812 108 1600 Langlois (E. H.) Description Historique des Maisons de Rouen, plates ; portrait of M. Langlois, a private etching hy Mrs. D. Turner, added, calf, marbled edges Paris, 1821 1601 Langlois, Autre Exemplaire, ib. 1821 — Essai sur les Enervfes de inmmges, plates, Rouen, 1838 2 vol. 1602 Langlois (E. H.) Essai sur la Calligraphie des Manuscrits du Moyen-Age.yac similes Rouen, 1841 1603 Langlois (E. H.) M^moire sur la Calligraphie des Manuscrits du Moyen Age, portrait of the author, by Mrs. Dawson Turner, inserted — Gunn (Rev. W.) on the Composition and Durability of Spices, portrait of the author, by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted, 1821 — Cross (Dr.) Memoir of Dr. "SX^hy, with portrait, Norwich, 1821 — Sotheby(W.) Memoir of Sir Henry Englefield, not published, portrait of Sir H. Englefeld, by Mrs. D. Turner, a private plate, inserted — Scraps from Parson's Rich Feast, edited by Stephen Weston, portraits of Weston, by Mrs. D. Turner, a private plate, and Parson, 1814 — Notice sur M. J. C. Rieu, 1822 — Remarks on the Bust of Shakespeare, at Stratford, by J. Britton, 1816— Hughes (T. S.) Address to the People of England in the Cause of the Greeks, 1822 — Cosmo Duke of Tuscany, a Tragedy, by James Bird, 1822— Hay (E. W. A.) Letter upon the recent Discovery of a Piece of Ancient Sculpture, " The Theban Sphinx," Colchester, 1821 — Akenside (Marco) Jnno alle Najadi recato in verso Italiano da T. J. Mathias, Nap. 1821 — Manby (Capt.) Voyage to Greenland, portion of a suppressed edition — Gwilt (Jos.) on the Origin of Caryatides, not printed for sale, |1822 — Britton (John) Address to the Society of Architects, not published, 1821 — Fragments of an intended Tour (Dibdin) not published, 1819 in 1 vol. 1604 Language. Wieland (J. N.) Course of Study for the French Language, 1827 — Von Marten (Jos.) Ungarische Grara- matik fiir Deutsche, Wien, 1816 3 vol. 1605 Lanzi (Abbe) Histoire de la Peinture en ltalie,5 v. Paris, 1824 1606 Lapeyre (J. D.) Eclaircissements Chronologiques et Neces- saires, presentation copy, with autograph of the author Paris, 1635 1607 Landseer (J.) Lectures on the Art of Engraving, autograph letter from the author inserted 1807 1608 Laurentius (And.) de Mirabili Strumarum sanatione engraved title Par. 1609 1609 Lawrence (Sir Thomas) Life and Correspondence, by D. E. Williams, 2 vol. portrait: with his letters to' Mr. Penrice, privately printed, and an autograph letter of the great artist to Mr. tjpcott inserted 1831 1610 Leake (Col. W.M.) Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor, map 1824 1611 Le Brun (M.) CEuvres, publi^es par Ginguend, 4 •^iSi. port. Par. 1811 109 1612 Leatham (W.) Letters on the Cuvrency, 1841— Farr (Eev. T.) on the Sliding Scale of the Expenditure of the Country, 1841 — Parsons (Rev. B.) Anti-Bacchus, 1840— Papers between Aid. Harmer and Alex. Somerville — The Loss of the Fairy, 1841— Trials of Sir H. Slingsby and Dr. Hewit in 1658, and others 1 vol. 1613 Le Comte (Flor.) Cabinet des Singularitez d' Architecture, Peinture, Sculpture, et Gravure, 3 vol. Bruxelles, 1702 1614 Ledru (A. P.) Voyage aux Isles de Tdndriffe, la Trinite, etc. 2 vol. large tnap Paris, 1810 1615 Leers (J. D.) Flora Herbornensis, jofefes Col. Allob, 1789 1616 Legrand et Landon, Description de Paris et de ses Edifices, 2 vol. plates in outline Paris, 1806 1617 Leigh {E.) History of the Twelve Caesars, first Emperors of ^ome, woodcut heads 1727 1618 Leland (Dr. John) View of Deistical Writers in England 1766 1619 Lempriere (Wm.) Tour from Gibraltar to Tangier, Sallee, Mogodore, &c. map, autograph letter inserted 1793 1620 Le Neve (J.) Monumenta Anglicana, 5 vol. original binding 1717-19 1622 Le Noir (Alex.) Musee des Monumens Frangais pour servir a I'Histoire de France et a celle de I'Art, 6 vol. plates in outline, russia Par. 1800-3 1623 Leone (Medico Hebreo) Dialoghi di Amore, calf, gilt edges Venezia, Aldi, 1549 1624 Le Sage (M.) Gil Bias de Santillane, tradotta dal Monti, 4 vol. plates Dresde, 1789 1625 Le Sage (M.) Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane, 4 vol. plates, proofs before the letters lABGE PAPEE Paris Chaiguieau, 1801 1626 Le Sage (M.) Diable Boiteux, plates from designs by Tony Johannot roy. 8vo. Paris, 1840 1627 Lesseps (M. de) Travels in Kamtschatka in 1787 and 1788, 2 vol. 1790 1628 Letters of Eminent Persons of the XVII. and XVIII. Cen- turies, with Hearne's Journey to Reading, &c. and Lives of Eminent Men from Aubrey's Papers, 2 vol. in 3 1813 1629 Letters on the Progress of Science in England, and Treatises on Science in the Middle Ages, edited by J. O. Halliwell and T. Wright, 2 vol. " 1841 1630 Letters (Original) of Eminent Persons, from the reign of Henry VIII. to 1750, 2 vol. 1755 1631 Lettre Volgari di diversi Nobilissimi Huomini, 2 vol. in 1, russia, gilt leaves, with autograph of Dr. Cox Macro Ven. Aldus, 1554 1632 Lettere Volgari, altra edizione, 2 v. in 1, calf, g. e. ib. 1556 1634 Lewis and Clarke, Travels from St. Louis by the Missouri and Colombia Rivers to the Pacific Ocean, map, 1 809 — Bartram (W.) Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, &c. plates, 2 vol. 1794 no 1635 Lewis (M. G.) Tales of Wonder, 2 vol. in 1, russia, lakge PAPEK roy. Sdo, 1801 1636 Lightfoot (Rev. J.) Flora Scotica, 2 \o\. plates, 1777— Hudsoni (Gul.) Flora Anglica, 2 vol. in 1, 1778 3 vol. 1637 Lindesay (Sir David) Ane Pleasant Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis, a Play (1540), onh/ 100 copies printed Edin. 1802 1638 Lindley (John) Natural System of Botany ; portrait of the au- thor, a private plate by Miss H. S. Turner, and an original letter from him inserted , 1 830 1639 Link (Dr. H. F.) Reise durch Frankreich Spanien, und Por- tugal, 2 vol. in 1 , autograph letter from the author inserted Kiel, 1 801 1640 Linnsei (C.) Flora Suecica Stochholmice, 1716 1641 Linnsei (C.) Flora Zeylanica, autograph of the author inserted HolmicB, 1747 1642 Linnaei (C.) Hortus Upsaliensis, Amst. 1748 — Flora Suecica, Stochh. 1755 . ^ 2 vol. 1643 Linnsei (C.) Fauna Suecica Stochh. 1761 1644 Linnsei (C.) Museum Ulricse Reginse Suecorum (in quolnsecta et Conchylia describuntur),2vol. in l,/?or/aies 1795 2196 Newspaper Cuttings. A Miscellaneous Collection, from 1736 to 1780 2197 Newspaper. La Caricature Frangaise, Journal sans Col- laborateurs, No. 1 to 30, woodcuts 1 836 2198 Nibby (A.) Discorso del Monumento Sepolcrale degli Orazii e Cw.r\&7,\i, plates Roma, 1834 2199 Nichols (John) Collection of the Wills of the Kings and Queens of England 1 780 2200 Nichols (John) Illtjsteations of the Manners and Expenses of Ancient Times in England, 1400 to 1700, half morocco, uncut 1797 *jji* One of the most curious and most scarce of books ; nearly all the copies having been destroyed in the fire in Red Lion 2201 Nichols (J.)PBOGRESSESA]srDPT7BLicPKOCESsioNsoFQTjEEiir Elizabeth, 3 vol. 1 823 — Pkogeesses, Peocessions, and Magnificent Festivities op James L 4 vol. 1828, together 7 vol. plates, cloth 1823-28 2202 Niebelungenlied. A Collection of Popular Romantic Ballads in German, printed within elegantly designed Borders, with Woodcut Illustrations, calf extra, marlled edges Leip. 1840 2203 Niebuhr (C.) Voyage en Arable, 2 vol. — Description de I'Arabie, &c. 4 \o\. plates, uncut Amst. 1774 2204 Noble (Rev. Mark) History of the College of Arms, ports. 1804 2205 NoEFOLK. The Naile Hit on the Head, and Driven into the City and Cathedral Church of Norwich, 1644— The Wheel Turned by a Novice from the Throne of Glory, 1647, two Sermons by the Rev. J. Carter, two leaves at end mended 2206 Norfolk. CompleatHistory of the County (by Rev.Mr.Cox) 1730 2207 Norfolk, &c. Love (Rev. B.) Sermon at the Consecration of St. George's Chapel, Great Yarmouth, with the form of Consecration, Norwich, 1715 — Lyng (Rev. W. of Yar- mouth) Sermons in Norwich Cathedral concerning the Causes, &c. of National Divisions, 1703, and three others, by Sir W. Dawes, Dr. S. Bradford, and Bishop Gastrell in 1 vol. 2208 Norfolk. Views of Norfolk Churches, from Original Drawings by R. Ladbrooke, plates Norwich, 1823 2209 Norwich. Views of the Churches, Chapels, and other Public Edifices in the City of Norwich, by J. Sillett oil. size, 1828 152 2210 Norfolk. Register of Electors for the Eastern and Western Divisions of the County for 1840-1— The same for 1843-4 — Papers on the State of the Norfolk and Norwich Hos- pital, 1807 to 1826 3 vol. 2211 Norfolk. Accounts of the Treasurer for 1836-7-40-43— State of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, 1823 to 1837— Burgess Roll for Great Yarmouth, 1837 to 40 — Register of the Electors of Great Yarmouth, 1839-40 2212 Norfolk. Register of Voters for both Divisions of the County, 1844-5 — Register, &c. for the Borough of Great Yarmouth, and also of the Burgesses, 1844 in 1 vol. 2213 Norfolk. Architectural Notes of the Churches and other Ancient Buildings in the City and Neighbourhood of Nor- wich, by J. H. Parker, Goddard Johnson, &c. 1847 2214 Norfolk. An Outline of the Geology of Norfolk, by Samuel Woodward, map and plates of organic remains LARGE PAPER ; portrait of the author, a private plate hy Miss Turner, and- an autograph note from him, and two extra plates inserted 2215 Norfolk. History and Antiquities of Castle Rising, Norfolk, by Wm. Taylor, ^Zaies, imperial paper 1850 2216 Norfolk. A Volume containing several hundred Cuttings (some curious) relating to the County 2217 Normandie (la) Chietienne, ou I'Histoire des Archevesques de Rouen, qui sont catalogue des Saints Rouen, 1659 2218 Northcote (James) Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds, with Supplement, portrait; from the collection of the late Mr, Alexander, of the British Museum, and illustrated hy Mm with eighty-four portraits and plates, and water-colour drawings of"- Puck," Sfc. and autograph of the author, half russia, uncut 1813-15 2219 Numismata. J. W. Burgon on the Current Coins of Great Britain considered as Works of Art, and other Papers from the Numis. Journal — P. O. Brondsted, M6moire sur les Vases Panathenaiques, Par. 1833 — Borrell (H. P.) sur quelques Md^ailles Grecques des Rois de Cypre, ih. 1836, and other pieces in 1 vol. 2220 Olivier (G. A.) Travels in the Ottoman Empire, 2 vol. in 1, 1801 — Parsons (A.) Travels in Asia and Africa, 1808, voith atlas of maps 2 vol. 2221 Opie (John) Lectures on Painting, jaor^roiY, loiVA the autograph of the painter, and the ticket issued at his funeral, engraved hy Raimhach, and a note from Mrs. Opie, and her portrait, a private etching hy Mrs. D. Turner, inserted 2222 Oriental Embassies. Account of the Earl of Macartney's Voyage to China, 2 vol. and Atlas in folio — Symes to the Court of Ava — Captain Turner to Lama in Tibet, 4 vol. maps and fine engravings, hy Alexander, Sfc. LARGE PAPER, uniform in russia, marhled edges ; original letter from Lord Macartney inserted 1798-1800 153 2223 Orme (Robt.) History of the Military Transactions of the British in Indostan from 1745, 3 vol. last and hest edition, 1803 — Historical Fragments of the Mogul Empire, from 1659, port. 1805 together 4 vol. 2224 Oetter (S. W.) Wapenbelustigung, 2 vol. many plates of whole length costumes, Jigures, coats of arms, and seals Aug. 16, 1763 2227 Painter (W.) Palace of Pleasure (reprinted from the edition of 1575) edited by Haslewood, 3 vol. with an autograph note hy the editor inserted ; only 150 copies printed 1813 2228 Painters' Portraits. Het Gulden Cabinet door Corn, de Bie. IQQport. Ant. 1661 2229 Paintings. The Royal Gallery of Paintings, the Select Col- lection in Her Majesty's Private Collection, published by Linnell, 33 plates after Hembrandt, Douw, ^c. 1840 2230 Paintings. Peintres Primitifs, collection de Tableaux rapportes d'ltalie, et publiee par le Chev. Artaud de Montor, plates, after the most ancient specimens, half russia ; inserted is an account of the Wallerstein Oallerg of old pictures, with a plate Par. 1843 2231 Pallas (P. S.) Voyages en I'Empire de Russie et dans I'Asie Septentrionale, 5 vol. and atlas of plates in folio Par. 1788 2232 Pallas (P.S.) Travels in the Southern Provinces of the Rus- sian Empire in 1793-4, 2 vol. plates coloured; portrait of the author inserted 1803 2233 Paris (J. Ayrton, M.D.) Life of Sir Humphry Dmy , portrait, after Lawrence 1831 2234 Parkinson (J.) Organic Remains of a Former World, 3 vol. coloured plates, original edition 1804-11 2235 Park (Mungo) Two Journeys into Africa, 2 vol. port, and maps 1799-1815 *^* A copy of a very curious original and unpublished letter from Sir Walter Scott respecting the work, and some anecdotes of Mungo Park, communicated by him to Mr. Whishaw, the editor, and an original document signed by Mungo Park, are inserted. 2236 Parr (Dr.) Address to the Customers of W. H. Lunn, book- seller, 1815 — Deed of the Rock Life Assurance Company, with autograph of the Actuary, W. Friend, Esq. 1808 — Trial of Two Actions, Howe v. Dive, 1781 — List of Subscribers to Yarmouth Festival, 1814, and other papers relating to Yarmouth, Blything, &c. in I vol. *j^* The actions, Howe (Lord Ched worth) v. Dive, in this volume are interesting and curious, as well as extremely rare. It was these actions that laid the first stone towards the late Mr. Penrice's inheriting Lord Chedworth's immense fortune 2237 Partenopex de Blois, a Romance in Four Cantos, freely trans- lated by W. S. Rose, plates hy Smirke ; an original letter by the author inserted 1807 X 154 2238 Parkins (C.) Reply to the Origines RoystoniariEe, plates, Nor- wich, 1758 — Charter of London Institution, 1819 — TrauUe, Annales du Commerce d'Abbeville — Highmore on the Paintings at Whitehall — Lamouroux sur I'Embarras Gas- tique, Par. 1818 — Testimonials as to Clymer's Press — Young (Dr. T.) Hieroglyphical Vocabulary, &c. in 1 vol. 2239 Paston Letters. Original Letters written temp. Henry VI. Edward IV. and Richard III. by various Persons of Rank and Consequence, edited by Sir John Fenn, 5 vol. the whole series, plates of autographs, water-marks, Sfo. uncut, very scarce ; illustrated with private etchings, and an original note from Sir John Fenn 1787-43 2240 Peterson (Lieut. W.) Four Journeys into the Country of the Hottentots, ma/is, 1789 — Horneman (Fred.) Travels from Cairo to Mourzouk, map, 1802, original letter from the author inserted 2241 Peele (George) Anglorum Ferise, Englandes Holydayes, cele- brated the 17th Nov. last, 1595 (in verse) not published, and only 46 copies reprinted hy W. S. Fitch, Esq. of Ipswich, from the unique copy of the work in his possession ; the pre- sent is one of six on drawing paper Ipswich, 1835 2242 Pembroke Mabbles. The Marble Antiquities of the Earl of Pembroke at Wilton, drawn and engraved on 74 plates by Cary Creed; a complete copy, very scarce 1731 *^ Mr. Bindley's copy, which sold at his sale for £6 6s. 2243 Pennant (Thomas) Genera of Birds, ;ofe^e«,i.AEGE paper 1781 2244 Pennant (T.) Tour in Wales, 2 vol. 1784— Journey from Chester to London, 1782, together 3 vol. plates, uniform in calf; an original letter from the author inserted 2245 Pennant (T.) Indian Tioology, plates, giltedges 1790 2246 Pennant (T.) Tours in Scotland, 3 -vol.plates by Moses Griffith ; an autograph letter inserted 1790 2247 Pennant (T.) Arctic Zoology, with the Introduction, 3 vol. plates, calf 1792 FOLIO. 2248 Musee Imperial des Monumens Fran9ais, Receuil de Gravures pour servir a I'Histoire des Arts en France, par Lenoir, \64 plates Pan 1811 2249 Musical Bijou, an Album of Music and Poetry for 1846, edited by F. H. Burney, the title, frontispiece, and contents elegantly illuminated in the missal style LAEGE PAPER imp. size. 1846 2250 Nalson (D.J.) State Papers, 1639 to 1649, 2 \o\. fronts. 1682 2251 Natalis (HiEEON.) Evangelic^ Histoieje Imagines ex ordineEvangeliorumin ordine temporis Vitse Christi digestse, a series of 153 engravings by the celebrated Wierix, green morocco, gilt edges EDiTio PEiMA, first and brilliant impressions Ant. 1 593 155 2252 National Galleet, Engravings from the fine pictures in, beautifully executed by the associated engravers (Burnet, Cooke, Finden, Pye, &c., 29 plates, proofs on india paper, half red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Mackenzie atlas size. 1830-40 2253 Newspapees. Various Nos. of the Domestick Intelligence, or News both from City and Country, 1679— The Flying Post, 1710-12— London Journal, 1721, and others in 1 vol. 2254 Nevpspapers. A Collection of 58 Nos. of 12 different News- papers, 1755-92 in 1 vol. 2255 Newspapers. Various Numbers of the Black Dwarf, Cobbett's Weekly Eegister, Morning Chronicle, &c. &c. 1795-1832 in 1 vol. 2256 Newspapers. A large Collection of Colonial, Provincial, and Foreign Newspapers, including the first number of the New World, published at New York, Jan. 1, 1842, being the largest sheet ever printed, and numerous sheets of defunct periodicals arranged in 1 vol. 2257 Newspapers. Various Provincial, as the Stamford, North- ampton, and Norwich Mercury, between 1736 and 1766 in I vol. 2258 Newspapers. Various Colonial, Local, English and Foreign Publications, including many not now in course of appear- ance, arranged in 2 vol. 1794-1840 2259 Newspapers. The Champion, 1816-17— EveningPost, 1793-4, stained 4 vol. 2260 Newspapers. Cambridge Advertiser (with Norfolk and Suffolk Advertisements) Sep. 1845 to Sep. 1849 in 1 vol. 2261 Newspapers. A Collection of various Newspapers published during the years 1832 to 1837, generally the first numbers of these defunct ephemeral productions 2262 Newspapee Cuttings, an extensive Collection of, embracing the period from 1729 to 1842, and comprising many curious and singular notices, relating to Book Publications, Book Sales, and other literary matters — Biographical Anecdotes — Murders and Robberies — Trials, &c. &c., all arranged and neatly mounted in 1 large vol. royal size 2263 Newspaper Cuttings. A similar volume, from 1758 to 1828 in 1 vol. 2264 Newspaper Cuttings. Another similar collection, from 1 800 to 1 835 royal size 2265 Nichols (John) History of the County of Leicestershire, a col- lection of the engraved plates from v. y, 2266 NoEFOLK. Acts of 6th Hen. VIH. concernynge Apparell to be used and worn — On the Mayntenance of Archers — For Norfolke Wolles not to be carried out of the Land, and other matters blatfe Utter 2267 Norfolk. A Volume containing printed papers, many relating to Yarmouth and its Charitable Institutions — Acts relating to Turnpike Roads in the County, &c. in 1 vol. 156 2268 Norfolk. An Account of the Noble and Singular Brass Memorial to Sir Hugh de Hastings in the Church ofElsing; Co. Norfolk, the date of which may be from 1340 to 1347, and of the Family of Hastings; ivith Genealogical Table, curious drawings from the Beauchamp Monument, Rubbing of the Monument at Eking, Sfc. by the late Rev. Thomas Powell, inserted 2269 Norfolk. Strange and Wonderful News from' Norwich, 1679 — The History of Sir Sidrophel (Sir R. Walpole) and his Man Whacoum, large broadside sheet, with Views of Nor- wich {no date, sed) 1723 — The Quack Triumphant; or the Norwich Cavalcade, 1723 — Armstrong (J.) on the Contour of Norfolk, as it relates to its Marine Banks and Sea Breaches, Norw. 1791 — Sir B. Brograve, Account of the Sea Breaches between Great Yarmouth and Happisburgh, 1792_Trials of the Yarmouth Rioters, 1792— Trial of W. Hurry for Perjury, 1787— And Case of W. Hurry v. Watson, 1787 in 1 vol. 2270 Norfolk Miscellanies. Pedigree of Tom Martin, of Palgrave, in the hand-writing of John Ives, the Antiquary, and other papers in his autograph — Specimen of a History of Yar- mouth, all ever printed — An Epitome of Great Yarmouth, pub. by Swinden, 1762 — Original Autographs of Officers of the Borough, 1657 to 1675, &c. — Printed Papers rela- tive to the Town, 1824-26 — Nelson's Column — Hospitals — Manby on Saving Shipwrecked Seamen, &c. &c. in 1 vol. 2271 Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex. The Domesday for these Counties, forming the whole of the Kingdom of the East Angles 2272 Norfolk and Suffolk. A Collection of Handbills, Prospectuses &c., some Miscellaneous Papers, 1818 — 25, many curious and noio rare, a MS. list in-the vol. 1818-25 2273 Norfolk. Fac-similes of Twelve Sketches made in Norfolk by the late J. S. Cotman in 1841, drawn on stone by M. E. Cotman 1 845 2274 Norfolk. A series of Ten Etchings of the Coast and Scenery of the County, executed by the late Joseph Stannard, all ever executed — see long letter to Mr. Dawson Turner, as to the artist and his works, in the volume 1831 2275 Norfolk. A Collection of Hand Bills issued in Great Yar- mouth, 1817 to 1836, including many referring to the Cor- poration Reform, with the Original Plan of the Eastern Counties Railway, &c. 1817-36 2277 Norfolk. Description of the County, luith map, from Brome's Britannia — Life of Rev. Sam. Fairclough, with portrait, from Clarke's Lives — Diocese of Norwich, from Bacon's Liber Regis, &c. in 1 vol. 2278 Norfolk. Miscellaneous Papers connected with the County ; as Newspapers, &c. — List of Pictures at Houghton — Wag- geries for the Whigs — Rural Frolics — Election Placards and Squibs, with some autographs and woodcuts in I vol. f57 2279 Norfolk and other Miscellanies. Original Subsoeiption List to support E. Anson, Esq., at the Election for Yar- mouth, in 1806, with the autographs and the statement of amounts proferrecl — Squib on Mr. C. Barclay's Canvass at Yarmouth, 1818, and many Placards, Songs, &c. on the Norwich and Yarmouth Elections — Borough Accounts — Exhibition and Play Bills — Tradesmans' Shop Cards — Me- moirs of John Nichols, F.S.A., by Alexander Chalmers, port. 1826 — Song of J. Major, bookseller of London, only 50 copies printed — Case of Henry Roberts, Esq., 1745, with a variety of curious and interesting matters in French and English 2280 Norfolk Chronicle and Norwich Gazette, 1813-16 a large vol. 2281 Norfolk. Twenty Etchings of Remarkable Churches and other picturesque Buildings in and near Norwich, drawn and etched by R. Dixon unique, the only copy printed in folio Norwich, 1810 2282 Norwich Mercury, and Yarmouth, Lynn and Ipswich Herald, Jan. 3, 1818 to December 1835, 18 years in 9 vol. 2283 Norwich Mercury, 1838-9; 44-5 ; 48-9, 6 years in 3 vol. 2284 CEder (G. F.) Fioea. Danica, 23 fasc. of 60 plates each, in all 1380 plates, systematically arranged, in 6 vol. HafnicB, 1764-1797 *j(t* The names of the Plants are inserted at the base of each plate by Lilly Wigg, of Yarmouth. A. L. S, 2285 CEder, Flora Danica, fasc. 22 et 23, containing plates, 1261 to 1380, coloured, the names of the plants added hy Lilly Wigg, of Yarmouth A. L. S. Haunice, 1806-8 ■ 2286 Oeleans Gambkt. Galerie du Palais Royal (dite d'Or- leans) 3 vol. 350 finely engraved plates, after splendid paintings BEILLIANT IMPEESSIONS, old russia extra, double hands, gilt edges, joints 1786-1808 22870rlers (J.) Genealogia illust. Com. Nassovise, 682 ad 1616, 16 neatly engraved heads and Genealogical Tree Lug. Bat. 1616 2288 Oemeeod (Geo.) Histoet op the Countx Palatine AND City of Chestee, 3 vol. maps and plates, proofs LAEGE PAPEE, VEET EASE, fine copy, russia extra, gilt edges, joints 1819 » * * The coats of arms coloured with great care by the late Lady Palgrave. 2289 Ottley (W. Y.) Histoey op the Oeigin, &c. op En- GEATING on Copper and Wood, 2 vol. fine facsimiles of early engravings LAEGE PAPEE, only 50 copies printed, half vellum; autograph letter from the author inserted 1816 2290 Ottley (W. Y.) Italian School op Design, being a series of Fac-similes of original Drawings from the most eminent Painters and Sculptors of Italy, with notices of the artists, fine plates, all published LAEGE vkv^B., proofs, half russia, uncut 1823 158 2291 Ottley (W. Y.) Collection of Fac-similes of Scarce and Curious Prints by early German, Italian, and Flemish Masters, with Catalogue of the Plates, fine impressions, on india paper, the Niellos copied in silver, lif. morocco 1 826 *^* Inserted is an engraving (with description) of a Gold Niello found at Matlask, County of Norfolk, in the pos- session of Rob. Fitch, Esq., the plate worked in gold, as the original : only two copies were so worked expressly to bind with this work. 2292 Ovidii Metamorphoses, cum emend. Rap. Regii, an edition not noticed hy Dihdin Ven. 1 479 2293 OviDE, Metamorphoses, Lat. et Frang, avec des Remarques par I'Abbd Dacier, 2 vol. plates, finely engraved hy Picart, brilliant impressions, old green m,orocco, g. e. Amst. 1 732 *j^* This copy contains at page 264, on three sheets, the six fine engravings which are often wanting. 2294 Pagnie Bardi, l'Eteueia Pittbice, ovvero storia della Pittura Toscana, 2 vol. \\Q fine plates and vignette heads,Firenze, 1 79 1 2295 Painter's Anatomy. Principij del Disegno tratti dalle piu ec- cellenti Statue antiche plates Ven. 1820 2296 Paintings. Gems of Art, selected and engraved from Pictures of the highest class, by George Cooke, peooes on india PAPER 1823 2297 Palisot-Beat7tois. Flore d'Oware et de Benin en Afrique, 2 vol. in 1, 120 plates, beautifully coloured *^* TELLTJM PAPER, russia extra, joints, gilt edges ; autograph of the author inserted Par. 1804 2298 Pallas (Prof.) Flora Rossica, 2 parts in 1 vol. 100 coloured plates, portrait of the author inserted Petrop. 1 784-88 TENTH DAY'S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 2299 Poemi. Mancinelli (G.) Pietro Berhario ed Angelina Mao-hi, Roma, 1769 — II Prago Atlanti, j6. 1773 — Rinaldo Appas- sionato, woodcuts, Todi, senz anno — Fecci (Abate) II Pasto degli Ebrei Lucca, senz anno — La Rotta di Roncis- valle, in due Canti, Roma, 1811 in 1 vol. 2300 Poesies. Recueil de Poesies, par M. de Segrais, Caen, 1671 Poesies de Madame et Mademoiselle Deshouli^res, 2 vol. in \,Amst. 1709 — La Lyre Protestante, par M. deRamier, with autograph of the author — CEuvres du Philosophe de Sans Souci, 2 vol. au Donjon du Chasteau, 1770 5 vol. 159 2301 Poetical. Bloomfield (R ) Farmer's Bov, ivoodouts, 1800— Rural Tales, 1802— Sargant (Miss) Sonnets, 1817 3 vol. 2302 Poetical. Poems to Thespia, by H. Downman, M.D.; Jirst unpublished edition, with MS. corrections by the author, 1792 — Aikin (J.) Poems, 1791— Mason (W.) Elfrida, 1753 3 vol. 2303 Poetical. Persius, Satires, by Sir W. Drummond, 1803 — Le Malheur et la Pitie, par De Lille, 1803 — Poetical Memoirs, &c. by James Bird, 1822 3 vol. 2304 Poetical. Poems by S. T. Coleridge, 1796— Early Blossoms, by H. Betts, Yarmouth, 1842— The Wild Harp's Murmur, by D. Service, ib. 1806 — The Blessings of Temperance, by J. O'Neill, with autograph letter, 1851, &c. 5 vol. 2305 Poetical. School for Satire, or Modern Satirical Poems of the Present Reign, 1802 — Hypocrisy, by Rev. C. Colton, 1812— The Plants, by W. tighe, 4 cantos in 2 vol. 1811 — Songs of Solyma, by Rev. B. Noel Turner, 1824 5 vol. 2306 Political Tracts. Sixty-eight Reasons for Opposing the Reform Bill, 1832— Inglis (Sir R. H.) Speech on Reform, 1831— Abstract of the Reform Bill — Account of the Bungay Reform Festival, 1832 — Speeches at the Dinner at Col- chester, Sep. 8, 1830 — Forster (T.) Memorial on the late Essex Election, Cole. 1830 — Memorial of John Cartwright, Esq. port. 1831 — On the Taxes of Knowledge, West. Rid. 1831 — Address to the Electors of England, 1832 — Bacon (R. M.) Letter to Lord Stormont and Sir James Scarlett, with Remarks on the same by W. J. A. Browne, Norw. 1832 in 1 vol. 2307 Poggii Facetia, accessit Asinus, Comoedia, 1622 2308 Epitaphia Joco-Seria, collegit F. Swertius, Colon. 1623 2310 Pollich(J.A.) HistoriaPlantarum in Palatinatu Eleotoralisponte nascentium, 3 vol. Manheim, 1776-7 231 1 Polybii Historia, Gr. et Lat., not. var. et Ernesti, 3 vol. russia Lips. 1764 2312 Ponz (Ant.) Viage de Espana, 12 vol. in 6 Madrid, 1776-83 2313 Poor Laws, he. Reports of the Commissioners on the, 1837, 9, 40, and other Reports 2314 Pope (Alex.) Woeks, in Verse and Prose, edited by Bowles, \0 voX. portrait ; an autograph letter from the editor inserted, 1806 — The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, translated by Pope, with additional Notes by Gilb. Wakefield, 9 vol. 1806 together 19 vol. lAEGE PAPEE, uniform in brown calf, marbled edges 2315 Porsoni (R.) Adversaria, edentibus Monk et Blomtield, /)or<. XAEGE PAPEE, russia ; autograph ofPorson, very rare, inserted imp. 8vo. Cant. 1812 2316 Porteous (Bp.) Sermons, 2 vol. ; portrait and autograph note from the author inserted 1806 2317 Porti (^milii) Lexicon lonicum lAEGE PAPEE roy. 8«o. Ox. 1810 160 2318 Port Royal Latin Grammar, 2 vol. 1791 2319 Portrait (National) Gallery, with Lives by Jerdan, 5 vol. about 200 heads and autographs PHOOFS ON INDIA PAPEE, half russia imp. size 1830-34 23i9*Powell' [Rev. Baden] on the Connexion of Natural and Divine Truth 1838 2320 Price (Major) Memoirs of the Early Life and Service of a Field Officer on the Retired List of the Indian Army, edited by Major Ed. Moor ; portrait of the editor, a private etching by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted 1 839 2321 Price (Rev.H.) Address on thePeople's Charter — Testimonials as to Sir W. Burnett's Patent for the Preservation of Timbers, &c. — Alison (Dr.) on the Generation of Fever — Balfour (E.) on Maintaining Troops in Health — Sykes (Col.) on the Educational Institutions of the E. I. Co. in India, 1845 — Macgregor (J.) on Commercial and Financial Legislation, 1 845, &c. 2322 Priestley (Dr. Josh.) Description of his Charts of History and Biography — History of the Doctrines, &c. of the Friends, 1797 — Davies (Rev. H.) Advice to his Parishioners on Dissent (in Welsh), Caernarvon, 1802 in 1 vol. 2323 Primer set furth by the King's Majestie (Henry VIII.) and his Clergie 6lacfe letter, reprint of Graftoris edition of 1546 2324 Primers (Three) put forth in the reign of Henry VIII. edited by Dr. Burton Ox. 1834 2325 Printing Types. Specimen Books of various Type Founders, as Fry, Caslon, Figgins, &c. with autograpK'letters 1 1 vol. 2326 Proceedings of the African Association, 2 vol. 1810 — Tran- sactions of the Gselic Society, on Ancient Irish Literature, Dub. 1808 — and others a parcel. 2327 Prudentii ( Aurelii) Carmina, comment. Giselini, with autograph of Gerhardus Rantzovius, 1584, and others on the fly leaves, Antwerpice, 1664 2328 Psalms (Book of) translated by Rev. Dr. French and Rev. J. Skinner, calf, original note from Mr.' Skinner inserted Camb. 1830 2329 Publishers' Circular, from its commencement on Oct. 2, 1837, to Dec. 18, 1850 (except from Jan. 1, 1839, to Feb. 1, 1840) in 10 vol. 2330 Pulteney (Dr. R.) Sketches of the Progress of Botany in Eng- land, 2 vol. ; autograph of the author inserted 1790 2331 Pursh (F.) Description of the Plants of North America, 2 vol. plates 1814 2332 Quarles (F.) Emblems, vi'ith Hieroglyphics of the Life of Man, 2 vol. CM!;* 1778 2333 Quarterly Journal of Education, 1830 — The Metropolitan, 3 parts, 1831-2 — Reports, &c. — Anniversary Addresses of the Royal Society of Literature, 1832 to 1837 in 2 vol. 2334 QuAKTERLY Review, from its commencement in Feb. 1 809, to Sep. 1851, with Indexes, 87 v. hf calf, and 3 Nos. 1809-51 161 2335 Quednow (C. T.) Beschreibung der Alterthiimer in Trier, 28 plates ; with 9 additional by Miss Turner, inserted Trier, 1820 2336 Quintiliani Opera, ex edit. GcBneri : with tlie judicious preface, and copious index, see Dibdin, 2 vol. Oxon. 1806 2337 Quintus Curtius, old English i-ed morocco, stained Flor. Junta, 1517 2338 Rabelais (F.) Works, translated by Du Chat, and others, with Notes, /row^js. 4 vol. 1784 2339 Radcliffe (Mrs.) Novels, Romance of the Forest, 3 vol. — Athlin and Dunboyne — Sicilian Romance, 2 vol. — Mysteries of Udolpho, 4 vol. together 10 vol. 2340 Raffles (Dr.) Report on the Liverpool Institution, 1847-8 — Plan for the Disposition of HoUoway's Engravings of the Cartoons, 1847 — Proceedings of the Numismatic Society, iVo». 26, 1846 — De Perthes (M.) Discours du Patronage (autograph) Abbeville, 1846 — Recherches sur les lies du Co- tentin {autograph J Vahgnes, 1846 — Statuts de la Sooiete Linndenne du Calvados— Phillipps (R.B.) Letter of Appeal for the Restoration of Hereford Cathedral, Hereford, 1848 — Debates, &c. relative to the Rajah of Sattarah, 1847 — Railways in India, 1847 — Boutell (Rev. Chas.) on Monu- mental Brasses, No. \, plates, 1848 in 1 vol. 2341 Rail (J.) Sj'nopsis Stirpium Britannicarum, 5e«< et/iVzow 1724 234 1 *Ralfs (J.) British Desmidie8e,ji>/afe« after drawings by E. Jenner, roy. 8vo. 1848 2342 Ramsay (Allan) Gentle Shepherd, with Glossary, 2 vol, plates, Edinb. 1808 2343 Raphael, Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de, par Quatre- mere de Quincy, portrait, Paris, 1824 — Woodburn's Cata- logue of Sir Thomas Lawrence's Collection of Drawings by Raphael, 1836 in 1 vol. 2344 Raphall (Rev. M. J.) Sermon on the Unity of God, 1849— Sermon by the Bp. of New Zealand, Eton, 1848, not pub- lished — Tracts by the English Monthly Tract Society a volume 2345 Raumer (F. von) England in 1835, 3 vol. ; letter from the author inserted 1 836 2345*Rawlinson. (R.) English Topographer ; autograph of W. Ste- venson, Esq. F.S.A. 1720 2346 Ray (John) Collection of English Proverbs, first edition Camb. 1670 2347 Ray (J.) on the Wisdom of God in the Creation, port. 1717 2348 Ray (J.) Travels through the Low Country, with Wiloughby's Travels in Spain, plates 1673 2349 Ray (J.) Another Edition, corrected, 2 vol. 1738^ 2350 Ray (J.) Collection of Local Words used in the North, South, and East Counties of England 1691 2351 Ray Society. A .Series of their valuable Publications on Natural History, in 12 vols. 8vo, and 4 pts. infol. 1846-50 Y 162 2352 Ray and Willoughby, Letters chiefly on Natural History 1718 2353 Raynal (Abbe) Histoire du Commerce des Europdens dans les Deux Indes, 7 vol. Par. 1778 2353*Reeve (H.) Graphidse, or Characteristics of Painters, front. privately printed 1838 2354 Regnier (Gen.) On the State of Egypt after the Battle of Heliopolis, map, 1802 — Rochon (Abb6) Voyage to Mada- gascar and the East Indies, by Trapp, 1793 2 vol. 2355 Reineggs and Bieberstein, Description of Mount Caucasus, trans, by Wilkinson, 2 vol, map 1807 2356 Relandi (A.) Dissert, de Nummis Hebrseorum, cuts, Traj. ad Rhen. 1706 — Rariora Maximi Moduli Numismata Selecta, cuts, Amst. 1685 — Antiquitatum. Romanarura compend. ib. 1700 — Rycquii (J.) de Capitolio Romano comment, xuts, veil. Lug. Bat. 1696 4 vol. 2357 Rembrandt. Catalogue Raisonnd des Estampes de Rem- brandt, plates, illustrated with sixteen copies of Renihrandt's etchings by Mrs. D. Turner, E. Girling, Smith and Edwards, a Catalogue of Mr. Pole Carew's Collection, with prices and names, Sfc. in 1 vol. 2359 Renouard (A. A.) Annales de rirnprimerie des Aide, 3 vol. portrait, &c. BEST EDITION, LAEGE PAPER Paris, 1825 2360 Reports on the Patriotic Fund, 1803 — Chartered Companies in the Fisheries — Cork Institution, 1810 — Prison Discipline, 1818 — Native Schools in India, 1817 — Harleston Savings' Bank, 1816 — Manby (Capt.) on extinguishing Fires, 1819 — Turner (S.) Letter to Peel on the resumption of Cash Payments, 1819 in 1 vol. 2361 Reports of the Royal Society of Literature, 1838 to 1843 in 1 v. 2362 Report of the Society for the Protection of Trade, with Lists of its Members, 1776—1847 in a vol. 2363 Report for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, 1824 — Borton (Rev. J.D.) Visitation Sermon, with autograph letter, 1 8,33— Rules, &c. of the Surrey County Gaol, 1 832— Worship (H. V.) on the Abuses of Civil Incorporations, 1830 — Palgrave (Sir F.) Letter to Spring Rice on Conciliatory Reform, with note from the author — Benson (Rob.) on the tions of the Ipswich Literary Institution — Annual Report of Office of Deputy Recorder of Salisbury, 1831 — Rules and Regulathe Philosophical and Literary Institution, 1832 — Remarks upon the Fifth Annual Report of the Society for the Diffusion of Christian Knowledge, 1833 — Sherwill (Mark- ham) Sketch of the Valley of Chamouni,PaW«, 1 832 — Notice concerning Mr. Drummond's Botanical Collections made in the United States — Cubitt (W.) on a Central Union Canal between London and Birmingham, port, and plans, 1833 — Description of the Panoramas of The Siege of Antwerp and Falls of Niagara, outlines — Description of Belzoni's Egyptian Tomb, map, 1821, &c. in 1 vol. 163 2364 Reports on the preventing of the Forgery of Bank Notes, plates, 1819 — Account of the Mechanism of M. de Kempelen's Chess Player, front. 1784 — Haensel (J. G.) Lectures on the Nicobar Islands, 1812 — Description of the Panoramas of Spitzbergen, Venice and Naples in 1 vol. 2365 Reports of the Diocesan Society of the Archdeaconry of Suffolk, Lothiugland, &c. for promoting Christian Know- ledge, 1812, 13, 14, 1841, 2, 3— Hibernian Society, 1814 — Newcastle Philosophical Society, 1809 in 4 vol. 2366 Reresby (Sir John) Travels and Memoirs, temp. Charles II. and James II, 40 portraits and views, ; a private etching of Henrietta Maria, hy Edwards, inserted, ray. 8yo 1813 2367 Retrospective Review, edited by Southern, Nos. 1 to 17, uncut 1820-4 2368 Reviews. Foreign Review, vol. 1 — Quarterly, No. 49 — New Edinburgh, No. 5 — The Inquirer, No. 2 — Every Man's Book, 1827, &c. in 3 vol. 2369 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Works, edited by Malone, 3 vol. portrait 1809 2370 Reynoldson (John) on making Malt 1809 2371 Rhine. Mahlerische Ansichten des Rheins von Mainz bis Diisseldorf, 32 plates, russia, joints, gilt edges FrankftASOQ 2372' Riccoboni (L.) Histoire du Theatre Italian, 1500—1600, costume figures 1727 2373 Rich (O.) Bibliotheca Americana nova, or Catalogue of Books relative to America, printed between 1700 and 1800, half morocco, with the autograph of the author 1835 2374 Richards (W.) on French Atheism and English Christianity, Lynn, 1794 — Topsy Turvy Anecdotes, &c. on the leading Characters of the French Government (by Rev. G. Huddes- ford), 1 793 — Le Solitaire Frangais sur les Bords de la Tamise, 1793 — Poetical Epistles on the Manners, Arts, &c. of France and Italy, 1794 — Bigge (T.) on the State of Parties — Measures of the Ministry to prevent a Revolution the certain means of bringing it on, 1794, &c. in 1 vol. 2375 Richards (Rev. W.) History of Lynn, 2 vol. plates and map LAKGE PAPER, half colf trNCTTT Lynn, 1812 2376 Richardson (Dr. J.) on the Language and Manners of the Eastern Nations, iesi e^^iVzora Ox. 1788 2377 RicHAEDsoN [Dr. Richard, F.R.S.] Extbacts pkom the LlTEEAKY AND SCIENTIFIC COKKESPONDENCE OP, illus- trative of the State of Botany and of Literature, 1690 to 1740, edited from the originals in the possession of Miss Currer by Dawson Ttjknee, Esq. ; portrait of author, and one of the editor, hy Miss H. S. Turner, inserted Yarmouth 1835 *^* Of this extremely interesting'^olume only 150 copies were privately printed for presents : it contains much curious matter relating to the knowledge of Botany and the study of Antiquities and the Fine Arts in England during the first half of the Eighteenth Century. 164 2378 Richardson (J.) on Brewing Hull, 1798 2379 Richardson (J.) on Statues, Pictures in Italy, &c. 1722 — Russell (J.) Letters from a young Painter abroad, 2 vol. 1750 3 vol. 2380 RiCHAEDsoN. The same work UNIQUE COPY, PEINTED ON VELLUM, russia extra, gilt edges, ih. 1835 2381 Rickraan (T.) on English Architecture, jofo^es ; autograph letter from the author inserted, 1817 — Westmacott (C. M.) British Galleries of Painting and Sculpture, 1824 — Nuova Descrizione del Duomo di Milano, plates, Mil. 1820 — Englefield (Sir H.) Walk through Southampton, plates, 1801— England Delineated, by Dr. Aikin, 1809 5 vol. 2382 Ridley (Bp.) Works, edited by Christmas Camh. 1841 2383 Rigby (Dr. E.) Holkham, its Agriculture, &c. portrait of the author by Mrs. D. Turner inserted, two editions, 1817 — In- augural Oration on Laying the First Stone of the London Institution, by Charles Butler, Esq. private portrait of him by Miss H. S. Turner inserted, 1816 — Turner (W.) Discourse at Newcastle Institution, Neivc. 1802 — Reports of the Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Societ}% &c. in 1 vol. 2384 Risso (A.) Histoire Naturelle des Crustacees des Environs de Nice, coloured plates Paris, 1816 2385 RiTsoN (Jos.) Works on Ballad and othek English and Scottish Poetry, viz. : — Collection of English Songs, with the Music, 3 vol. frst edition, cuts by Stothard 1783 Ancient Songs from the time of Henry III. to the Revolution 1790 Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry, from MSS. or old printed copies, cuts 1791 Scottish Song, 2 vol. cuts 1794 English Anthology, 3 vol. 1793-4 Poems of Lawrence Minot, temp. Edw. I. with Glossary, original edition 1795 Poems, Songs, and Ballads, relating to Robin Hood, 2 vol. original edition 1795 Ancient English Metrical Romances, 3 vol. 1802 Bibliographia Poetica, Catalogue of English Poets, 1100 to 1600 1802 Northern Garlands, viz. The Bishopric Garland, Yorkshire Garland, Northumberland Garland, and the North Country Chorister riNE PAPER 1810 together 1 8 vol. unifor^ in calf, marbled edges 2386 Ritson (Jos ) on Abstinence from Animal Food, m. I. 1802 2387 Robertson (W.) Revision of the Hebrew Text of the Psalmes and Lamentations 1656 2387*Cognatus (Jo.) de Prosperitate et exitio Salomonis, with autograph of Anquetil du Perron Duaci, 1599 165 2388 Robinson (Rev. Rob.) Soeiptitke Chaeactees, 4 vol. in 8, portrait FEINTED ON TELLUM, Only two copies SO printed, bound in ffreen vellum ; Alhnan's edition, printed by Sloman of Yarmouth, 1824 2389 Rogers (Sam.) Italy, a Poem THE BEAXTTIFTTLLT ILLUSTEATED EDITION, pZa^eS by Stothurd, original impressions, uncut 1 830 2390 Rohling's Deutschlands Flora, neu bearbeitet von Mertens und Koch, 2 parts roy. Svo. Franlif. 1 823 2391 Rolliad (the) two parts ; Probationary Odes for the Laureat- ship, and Poetical Miscellanies (by Geo. Ellis, Gen. Fitz- patrick, &c. &c.) calf, m. I. Dub. 1796 2392 Rollin (M.) Ancient History, 14 vol. maps 1754 2393 Romance. L'Histoire de Huon de Bourdeaux, en deux livres, woodcuts Rouen, s. a. 2394 Roman de la Rose, par Guil. de Lorris et Jehan de Meung, revue par Meon, 4 vol. port. Paris, 1814 2395 Rosini (Giov.) Introduzione alle Virtii, scarce Firenze, 1810 2396 Rosini (G.) Poesie, 2 vol. in 1 lAEGE PAPEB, UNIQUE, being the only copy so printed Pisa, 1817 2397 Rosini (G.) Saggio suUa vita e sulle opere di Ant. Canova, autograph letter from the author inserted, Pisa, 1825 — Rossetti (Dom.) Edizione singolarissima del Canzoniere del Petrarca descritta,_/ac-siTO!7e, Trieste, 1826 2 vol. 2398 Ross (Alex.) Viev? of all Religions, heads 2399 Roth (A. G.) Catalecta Botanica, 8 vol. in 4, coloured plates ; autograph of the author inserted LipsicB, 1797-1806 2400 Roth (A. G.) Tentamen Florae GermanicEe, 4 vol. ; autograph m,emoranda by the author inserted Lips, 1788-1804 2401 Rousseau (J. J.) CEuvres completes, 33'vol. portrait Geneve, 1782 2402 Rousseau (J. J.) Letters on Botany, trans, by Martyn, with vol. of coloured plates, 2 vol. 1794 2405 Royal Society. Catalogue of the Scientific Books in the Library of the Royal Society (by Mr. Panizzi) 1 839 2406 Royal Society. Catalogue of the Miscellaneous Literature in the Library of the Royal Society (by Mr. Panizzi) 1841 2407 Rubens (P. P.) Histoire de la Vie de, par yiKhtl, portrait ; fac- simile of a letter from him in the possession of Mr. Turner inserted Brux. 1771 2408 Rubens. Catalogue of the Works of Art belonging to Sir P. P. Rubens, with facsimile of an unpublished letter from him in the possession of Dawson Turner, Esq. in- serted ; printed for private circulation only Yarmouth, 1839 2410 Rubens. The same work FEINTED ON VELLUM, Only two printed 1839 2412 Rueele (Geo.) Ignoramus, Comoedia, accurante Hawkins,/»-ow^. &s ^ '1787 166 2413 Ruskin (J.) Modern Painters, 2 vol. imj). 8vo. 1846 2414 Ruxelii (Jo.) Poemata, autograph of Chardon de la Rochette, Cadomi, 1636 2415 S (J.) Certayne Worthye Manuscript Poems of Great Antiquitie reserved long iu the Studie of a Northfolke Gen- tleman reprint of 1597 2416 Saint-Fond (Faujas de) Travels in England, Scotland, and the Hebrides, 2 vol. 1799 2417 Saint-Pierre (I'Abb^) Testament Politique du Card, de Riche- lieu, 2 vol. La Haye, 1740 — Histoire de Scipion I'Africain, Par. 1752 — Scaligeriana, with autograph of Rev. T. Baker, HagcB Com. 1756, &c. 11 vol. 2418 Saint-Pierre (B. de) Etudes de la Nature, 4 v. Bruxelles, 1788 2419 Saint-Pierre (B. de) Harmonies de la Nature, 3 vol. Par. 1815 2420 Saint-Pierre (B. de) Paul et Virginie, et La Chaumiere Indienne, the illustrated edition, proof plates on india paper roy. 8vo. Paris, 1838 2421 Salgues (J. B.) M^moires pour servir k I'Histoire de France, sous le Gouvernement de Napoleon Buonaparte, 9 vol. port, calf, marhled edges Par. 1814 2422 Salvandy (Comte de) Lettres sur quelques-uns des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Royale de la Haye, par Jubinal roy. 8vo. 1846 2423 Sandys (Arbp.) Sermons, &c. edited by Ayre Camh. 1841 -2424 Sansovini (F.) Detti et Fatti del Guicciardini, wants title, old vellum wrapper with autograph of the poet Patrick Hannay, author of the Nightingale, Elegies on the death of Anne of Denmark, wife of James I 2425 Santander (M. de la Serna) Dictionnaire Bibliographique choisi du quinzieme siecle, 3 vols. Brux. 1805 *^* From the library of the Duke of Sussex, with his book plate. Dr. Dibdin says this book is so scarce that he does not believe there are three copies of it in England. In the 3 vol. are many curious plates of ancient watermarks. 2426 Saunders, Portraits and Memoirs of Eminent living Political Reformers, 27 portraits by Hayter, half rus. imp. size 1840 2427 Savage (W.) Librarian, 3 vol. and part 1 of vol. 4, {all pub- lished) scarce ; with autographs of the author and of Dr. Dibdin 1808-9 2428 Savi (G.) Lezioni di Botanica, 2 vol. Fir. 1811 2429 Savi (G.) BotaniconEtruscum,4 vol, with autograph letter from the author Pisis, 1808 2430 Sayers (Dr. F.) Disquisitions, ^or*. of the author and autograph letter from Mm inserted 2431 Schelleri (J. J. H.) Prsecepta Styli bene Latini, 3 vol. in 1, Lips. 1784 — Vigeri (T.) de GrsecEs dictionis Idiotismis liber Lips. 1788 — Tiberius Rhetor, edidit Boissonade, 1815 3 v. 167 QUARTO. 2432 Pennant (J.) History of Quadrupeds, 2 \o\. plati^s 1793 2433 Pennant (T.) Literary Life, portrait and plates ; autograph note from the atithor inserted 1793 2434 Pennant (T.) History of the Parishes of Whiteford and VLo\y- \ve\\, plates 1796 2435 Pennant (T.) View of Hindostan, of China, and of Japan, 4 vol. plates, marbled edges 1798-1800 2436 Pennant (T.) Tour from Downing to Alston Moor, plates 1801 2437 Pennant (T.) Tour from Alston Moor to Harrowgate and Brimham Crags, with additional plates, and a drawing inserted 1804 2438 Pennant (T.) Journey from London to the Isle of Wight, 2 vol. folding maps and plates 1801 2439 Pennant (T.) Account of London, fourth edition, plates, calf gilt; inserted a plate of Dean Collet's monument, and a note from the author 1805 2440 Penny Magazine, 30 pts. between 58 and 93, woodcuts 1837-9 2441 Penny and other Cheap Publications, a Volume containing about Eighty various Sheets of Publications, issued between 1832 and 1837, most of which dropped dead from the press, wood cuts 2442 Percival (Rob.) Account of Ceylon, maps, ^c. 1803 2443 Peron et Freycinet, Voyage des Decouvertes aux Tenes Aus- trales en 1800 et 1804, 2 vol. atlas of plates, some coloured Par. 1807-16 2444 Perouse (M. de la) Voyage autour du Monde, redige par Milet-Mureaii, 4 vol. with large folio atlas Paris, 1797 2445 Perrault (C.) Contes des Y&es, plates hy Godefroy, coloured and plain ohlong, Paris 2446 Persoon (C. H.) Fungi minus cogniti, 2 fasc. {all published) 14 coloured plates Lips. — 2447 Peteakoa, Rime, brevemente esposte per Lod. Castelvetro, 2 \o\. plates LARGEST PAPEE (small foUo) Very few printed, veau fauve, gilt edges Ven. 1 756 2448 Petra Sancta (Silv. a) Symbola Heroica, frontispiece after Rubens, and many cuts engraved by Corn. Galle Amst. J 682 2449 Petronius Arbiter, not. var. curante Burmanno, 2 vol. dutch gilt calf Amst. \7 43 2450 Phsedri Fabulse, cum novo Commentario Burmanni,_^o«#. lAKGE PAPEE, vcllum Lug. Bat. 1 727 2451 Phsedri Fabulae triginta nuperrim^ detectse Medial. Fusii 1812 2452 Philip (Gov.) Voyage to Botany Bay, port, and plates 1789 2453 Philosophical Transactions at large, 1830, part 1 1830 2454 Philosophical Transactions, 1800 to 1830 (Abstracts from) 2 v. LAEGE PAPEE ' 1832-3 168 2455 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society op London, from 1765 to 1851 inclusive, viz. — from 1765 to 1800, abridged by Drs. Hutton, Shaw and Pearson, 18 v. ; — froral800to 1851, at lakge, with Indexes, 1781 to 1830;— Sir H. Davy's Six Discourses, 1827 ; — the Addresses of the Duke of Sussex, 1833 and 1836 ;— History of the So- ciety, by Dr, Thomson, and various Lists of the Members, 58 vnl. bound, the remainder sewed 2456 Phipps (Commodore) Voyage towards the North Pole, in 1773, maps and plates 1774 2457 Pictures. Catalogue of the Pictures, &c. of King Charles I ; King James II ; Queen Caroline ; at Kensington ; the Duke of Buckingham ; Sir P. Lely, and Lord Pomfret ; with Descriptions of the Cartoons at Hampton Court, and. the drawings of Marchetti, 3 vol. in 1, a complete collection very rare Bathoe, 1757-8 2458 PiLKiNGTON (Rev. M.) Dictionakt of Painters, with addi- tions by Fuseli, bound in 2 vol. ; portrait of the author and autograph note inserted iLLirsTEATED with nearly One Hundred Portraits and Engravings from their capital works, many of them private etchings on copper or lithographs by Mrs. Turner, the Misses Turner, W. C. Edwards, 8fc. a MS. list of which is inserted 1810 2459 PiNACOIECA DEL PaLAZZO ReALE DELLE ScIENZE E DELIE Abti di Milano, publicate da Michele Bisi, col Testo di Rob. Gironi, in 3 vol. 160 etchings after the great masters, half russia, uncut Mil. 1812-33 •^* A very early copy, with the dedication to Eugene Beau- harnois, and some descriptions afterwards cancelled, which are only to be met with in subscription copies. 2460 Pinkerton (John) Modern Geography, 3 vol. maps, russia; inserted a portrait of the author, a scarce proof print 1807 2461 Plato, Works, translated by Sydenham and Taylor, 5 vol. uncut ; autograph of T. Taylor inserted 1804 2462 Plauti ComoedisB, ex recognitions Gruteri, accedunt comment- arii Taubmanni (1620) 2463 Playfair ( Wm.) Irish Peerage ; or Account of the Nobility of that Kingdom, 2 vol. calf extra 1810 2464 Plees (W.) Account of the Island oi Jersey, plates 1817 2465 Pocock (Ed.) Specimen Historise Arabum ; accessit Hist. Veterum Arabum ex Abulfeda, Arab, et Lat. edidit White, portrait, autograph letter of Dr. White's inserted Ox. 1806 2466 Poetical. Maria ; or the Mother's Dirge, and Lines addressed to Sir T. Lawrence by W. Carey, not published — E. H. Maltby (Bishop of Durham) Prize Epigram, autograph of the author — Mathias (T. J.) Ode to the erudite Norton Nicholls, with autograph of the author — Thelwall (John) Poems written when in Newgate for High Treason, 1 795 — Anstey (C.) The Farmer's Daughter, Bath, 1795, and others in the volume 169 2467 Poets. The Downfall of Temporizing Poets, Upstart Book- sellers, &c. reprint of 1641 2468 Povyard (G.) Sul Bacio dei Piedi dei Sommi Pontefici, joZa^ej, Roma, 1807— Fea (Carl.) SuU' Integrita del Panteon, plates, ih. 1820 — Brancadoro sopra I'anteriorita del Bacio dei Piedi, plates, ih. 1807 — Cancellieri (F.) della Vita e degli Scritti di Calceignini, ib. 1818 — Aglietti (F.) Suir Ateneo Veneto, Ten. 1816— Amyot (T.) on Two Inventories of the Effects of Sir J. Fastolfe, and other Antiquarian Papers, &c. in 1 vol. 2469 Polwhele (Rev. R.) History of Cornwall, 7 parts in 5, complete, plates, uncut ; autograph letter from the author inserted Falmouth, 1803-16 2470 Pontederee (JuHi) Dissertationes Botanicse XI. 1719, &c. — Commelini (C.) Opuscula Botanica, Lug. Bat. 1706 2 vol. 2471 Pope Joan : Vitse ducentorumet triginta Summorura Pontifioum usque ad Julium II, Bas. Furtev, 1507, (a notice of the Female Pope occurs) 2472 Porter (Sir R. Ker) Travelling Sketches in Russia and Sweden, 1805-8, 2 vol. coloured plates 1809 2473 Porter (Sir R. Ker) Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, &c.* in 1817, 18, 19, 20,2 vol. plates; autograph letter from the author inserted 1821-22 2474 PoBTiFORiuM, seu Bkeviarium: ad Insignis Saeisbtt- EiEsrsis EccLESi-s; xtstjm, cum multis annotationibus ; item Evangeliorum et Epistolarum Pars Hyemalis et Estivalis, in 1 vol. dlacit letter, very eaee, red morocco, joints, gilt edges. Imp. Lond. par J. Kyngston et H. Sutton 1 556 2475 PoETEAiTS. Vite e Ritratti di Illttstsi Italiani, 2 vol. 60 fine heads of the most remarkable men of Italy, with their biographies, engraved by Longhi, Itosaspina^ Bar- tolozzi, Sfc. riNE COPT, red morocco extra, joints, gilt edges Pabova, 1812 ; Mil. 1820 *^* t( This copy was selected for me by Longhi himself, who wished me to buy it, as containing some of the finest works of his graver." — D. T. 2^76 Portraits. British Gallery of Portraits of Eminent Contem- porary Characters of Great Britain, 2 vol, nearly 150 fne heads subsceibee's copy, russia extra, joints, gilt edges atlas size. Cadell, 1822 2477 Portraits de tons les Souverains de I'Europe, et des Hommes Illustres Modernes, 120 heads 2478 Prince (John) Worthies of Devon; or Lives of Eminent Natives, portrait LARGE PAPER 1810 2479 Pryce (W.) Grammar of the Ancient Cornish Language Sherborne, 1790 Z 170 2480 Puckle (James) the Club ; in a Dialogue between a Father and Son, porlratt and woodcuts, india proofs LAKGE PAPEE (reprint oflTW) 1817 2481 Pugin (A. W.) Contrasts ; or Parallel between the Edifices of the XlVth and XVth Centuries, and similar Buildings of the present day, plates 1 836 2483 Puttenham (Geo.) Arte of English Poetry, edited by Haslewood (reprint of 1589) 1811 2484 Ptne (W. H.) Histoey of the Royal Residences in England, 3 \6\. proof impressions of the plates ; autograph of the author inserted, halfrussia extra roy. Ato. 1819 2485 Quintus Curtius, cum Supp. Freinshemii Argent, 1670 2486 Raleigh (Sir Walter) Poems, now first collected, with Intro- duction by Sir E. Brydges ; proof portrait of the editor inserted Lee Priory, 1813 2487 Randolph (Bernard) on the Present State of the Islands in the Archipelago 1687 2488 Raspe (R. E.) on Oil Painting, with Theophilus de Arte Pingendi, Grsevius de Artibus Romanorum, &c. rus. 1781 2489 Reynolds. Testimonies to the Genius and Memory of Sir Joshua Reynolds [by S. Felton] ; proof portrait of Sir Joshua hy Edwards inserted 1792 2490 Richardson (Jonathan) Works on Painting, ^orfrajV* on colotired' paper 1 792 2491 RicHAEDSoN (John) Peesian, Akabic, and English Drc- TiONAEY, with additions by Wilkins, 2 vol in 4 LAEGE THICK PAPEE, EAEE, only fifty copies printed, half russia, uncut 1806 2492 Richardson (J.) Tables and Directions for using the Saccharo- meter, 8vo. 1784 — Menzies (A.) Arrangement of the Genus Polytrichum — Smith (J. E.) On the Papilionaceous Plants of New Holland — Dillwyn (L W.) Catalogue of the more rare Plants near Dovor — R. Brown on Woodsia, 1812 — D. Turner on Four New Species of 'Fwcxxs, plates, and on Four New British Lichens and Remarks upon the Dillenian Herborum, 1803, and Description of Eight New British Lichens — Lists of the Linnean Society, 1800- 1802 in 1 vol. 249 Richardson (J.) Grammar of the Arabic Language 1801 2494 Richardson (Dr. W.) on Basalt, &c. with the autograph of the author Dub. 1805 2495 Ridoifi (C.) Vite degl' Illustri Pittori Veneti 2 vol. portraits of the painters, russia, very rare Ven. 1648 2496 Rituale Romanum Pauli V. jussu editum, old shagreen binding, from the collection of the noted. John Wilkes, with his autograph and book plate Ven, 1 754 2497 Roberta the Devyll ; a Metrical Romance, from an illuminated MS. plates LAKGE PAPEE, Only 50 printed 1798 171 2498 Robertson (Dr. W.) Works. History of Scotland— Charles V. — America and India, 8 vol. portrait, russia, marbled edges 1778-1791 2499 Rogers, Moore, Scoit, &c. Illustrations to Poems by, after the designs of Westall, finely engraved by Charles Heath, 95 plates PEOors ON INDIA PAPER ; With u private portrait of the engraver, by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted 2500 Roman Antiquities. Recueil d'Antiquites Romaines, ou Voyage d'ltalie, 66 plates of vases, altars, tripods, ^c. by Weisbord Paris, Basan 2501 Rome. Vedute et Prospettive di Roma, a series of 50 neat etchings by Mercatti, old morocco, with the royal arms of France on the sides, oblong 2502 Romer (Dr. J.J.) Archiv fiir die Botanik, 3 hsmd, plates; original letter from Dr. Homer inserted Leipzig, 1796 2503 Rose (Hon. Geo.) on the Historical Work of the Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox 1809 FOLIO. 2504 Parkinson (John) Theatrum Botanicum ; The Theatre of Plants ; or Compleat Herball, engraved title, with portrait of the author by W. Marshall, and woodcuts, russia, marbled edges 1640 2505 Parliamentary Reports on National Monuments, Arts and Manufactures, &c. &c. a parcel 2506 Parmigiano. Raccolta di Disegni Originali di F. Mazzola, 40 etchings Parma, 1772 2507 Passerii ( J. B.) Picturse Etruscorum in Vasculis, 3 vol. WQ plates in colours, uncut Roma, \7 67 -75 2508 Passerii (J. B.) LucernEe Fictiles illustratae, 3 vol. 300 plates, uncut Pisani, 1739-57 2509 Peerage. Three Reports of the Lords' Committees on the Dignity of a Peer of the Realm, 3 parts, rare 1820, 22, 24 2510 Pearson (Bp.) Exposition on the Cx&sdi,port. by Van Hove 1676 2511 Pergamo (il) Scolpito in Marmo da B. da Majano, seven fine engravings by Lasinio, from drawings by Pieracinni Atlas size. Firenze, 1823 2512 Periodicals. A Miscellaneous Collection of Periodicals, &c. — Newspapers containing various Original Nos. of the Spec- tator,, Tatler, Guardian, Fog's Journal, Daily Advertiser, &c. with curious advertisements, 1709-1831 in 1 vol. 2513 Periodical. The Guardian, in the original sheets as published, nearly complete, 1713, with Nos. of The North Briton, the Englishman, Terrae Filius, &c. &c. in 1 vol. 2514 Petrarchse (Fr.) Opera Latina, col commento del Bernardo da Siena iiTTEKis GOTHicis Ven. 1478 172 2515 PetrarchEe (F.) Opera Omnia Latina Ven. Torresani, 1507 2516 Petri (Niccolo, discepolo di Giotti) Pitture Antiche nel Capitolo di S. Francesco di Pisa, 14 plates in outline by Lasinio roy.fol. Pisa, 1820 2517 Picaet(B.) Ceeemonies et CoutumesReligibuses de tous les Peuples du Monde, representees par figures avec une explication Historique et Supplement, 8 vol. in 9 Amst. 1723-43 SuPEBSTiTioNS Anciennes ET Modeknes, 2 vol.j'S. 1733-36, together 1 1 vol. numerous plates LARGE PAPER, fine impressions, French red morocco, gilt edges Amst. 1723-43 2518 Picart (B.) Impostures Innocentes, ou recueil d'Estampes d'aprSs Rafael, Guide, Carle Maratti, &c. Amst. 1734 2519 Fieri (Dr.T.M.) della Corcirese Flora, Centuria tre Corfu, 1814 2520 PiNACOTECA (La) DELIA PoNTIFICIA AcADEMIA DELLE Belle Aeti in Bologna, publicata da Rosaspina 72 fine plates after the ancient masters PROOF impressions, half russia, uncut ; a copy selected for Mr. Turner by Rosaspina himself, whose portrait, a private etching, and an autograph note from him, are inserted Bologna, 1830 2521 Pindari Carmina, Gr. et Lat. edidit West, russia, Ox 1697 2522 PiBANESi (J. B. Fr. et C. R.) Collection op Magnificent Works of Roman ANTiftiriTiES, Architecture, &c. Vol. I. — IV. Antichita Romane, 4 vol. V. Monumenti degli Scipioni VI. Supp. alle Antichitk Romane VII. Magnif. ed Architect. Roraana VIII. Architetture e Prospettive IX. Fasti Consulares — Antiq. de Cora-Castello dell' Acqua Giulia , X. II Campo Marzio XI. Antichita d'Albano XII. XIII. Vasi, Candelabri, 2 vol. XIV. Colonna di Trajano XV. Ruine di Pesto XVI. XVII. Vedute di Roma, 2 vol. XVIII. Statue Antiche XIX. Teatro d'Ercolano. XX. I Cammini XXI. Raccolta di alcuni disegni XXII. Scola-Ital. Picturffi XXIII. Stampe Diverse XXIV. Sala Borgia et Villa Lanti *^ The above are all fine Roman Impressions. 2523 Pieanesi (G.) Vedute di Roma, One Hundred and FoKTT IN Number, folded in 4 vol. fine old Roman impressions Roma, v. y. 173 2524 Piraiiesi de Magnificentia et Architectura Romana, 38 plates with letter press, RomcB, 1761 — Osservazioni di Giov. Bat. Piranesi sopra le Lettere de M. Mariette, 9 plates, ib. 1754, fine Roman impressions, imp. size in 1 vol. 2525 Piranesi, Antichita d'Albano e di Castel Gandolfo, 26 plates — Descrizione e Disegno del Emissario del Lago Albano, 10 pis. Roma, 1761, fine Roman impressions, imp.fol. in 1 v. 2226 Piranesi (J. B.) Campus Martius, 48 fine plates, Roman impressions, with the text imp.fol. Roma, 1 762 2527 Piranesi, Rovine del Castello dell' Acqua Giulia, 19 plates — Teatro di Ercolano, 9 plates, in one vol. original Roman impressions imp. size, Roma 2528 Piranesi (F.) Antiquit^s de la Grande-Gr^ce, aujourd'hui royaume de Naples, par Guattani, 2 vol. 72 plates of the very largest size elephant atlas fol. Paris, 1804 2529 Pisonis (Gul.) Historia Naturalis '&xas\\\^, front, and woodcuts, vellum Lug. Bat. Eh. 1648 2530 Pisonis (Gul.) de Indise Utriusque Re Natural! et Medica, lib. ■s.iv. front, and plates Amst. Elz. 1658 2531 Platina (B.) de Vitis Pontiflcura Romanorum ColonicB, 1567 2532 Pisa. Le Tre Porte di Bronzo, del insigne Primaziale di Pisa, incise da Guiseppe Rossi, 5 plates Pisa, 1838 2533 PiTTURE Pabmensi. Le Piu insigni Pitture Parmensi colla Prefazione di Giambattista Bodoni, 60 fine plates after Correggio, Parmigiano, M. Angelo, engraved hy Rosaspina VELLUM PAPER, proofs hcfore the letters, only twelve copies printed Parma, typ. Bodoni, 1809 *^* This work is dedicated to Marie Louise, Archduchess of Austria, by the widow of the celebrated printer, Bodoni, as a monument of his art, and as a souvenir of his affection for the citizens of Parma 2534 Play Bills, a Collection of, with some advertisements, London and Provincial 1762, 1847 2535 Plinii Historia Naturalis, lib. xxxvii. notis Harduini, edit, nova, 2 vol. plates Par. 1741 2536 Pline. Histoire de la Peinture ancienne, Lat. et Fr. par Durand 1725 2537 Pococke (Dr.) Description of the East, 2 vol. plates 1743-5 2538 Plot (Dr. R.'J Natural Histoiy of Staffordshire, map with arms of subscribers, and plates LAKGE PAPEE, russia, marbled edges Oxf 1686 2539 Plot (Dr. R.) Natural History of Oxfordshire, map with coats of arms of subscribers, and plates BEST EDITION Oxf. 1705 2540 Pol-wheie (Rev. R.) History of Devonshire, 3 vol. in \,map and plates; with two proof etchings by F. C. Lewis, and autograph note from the author, inserted, extra russia Exeter, 1797-1806 2541 Pommeraye (J. F.) Histoire de I'Abbaye de St. Guen de Rouen (avec la Vie et Miracles de St, Guen.) engraved title, arms, Sfc. (an additional plate by Cotman, inserted) Paris, 1664 174 2542 Pontoppidsn (Rev. E.) Natural History of Norway, plates 1755 *jn* Scarce and much sought after, by reason of its containing the plate of the Great Sea Serpent. 2543 PoETRAiTs. Gallery of Portraits, consisting of the Seventy- two Heads finely engraved by Scriven, HoU, Wagstaffe, &c. as published by C. Knight, 2 vol. PROOF iMPKESsioNS On india paper, hf. moroc. gt. tops 1833-37 *i^* The biographies to this pleasing series of portraits were not printed on paper of this size, but are to be obtained in 8vo. at a low price. The plates form an excellent series in con- tinuation of those published in Lodge's collection. 2544 Portraits (15) of Royal Personages, in Mezzotinto by Earlom, Turner, &c. imp. size. 1816 2545 Portraits of the Children of the Nobility, from drawings by Chalon, third series, 9 plates by C. Heath 1841 2546 Post-Man (the) an early Newspaper, published for Dryden Leach, Aug. 18, 1705, to Jan. 8, 1712, in 1 volume, uncut 1705-12 *^* Contains many curious announcements. 2547 Proclamations and Declarations. Foktt-onb CrRious Papers, (printed between 1659-80) containing, among others : — Six Important Queries propounded to the re-sitting Rump of the Long Parliament, no date Declaration of the Gentry, &c. of Lincolnshire, 1659 A Plea for Sir George Booth and the Cheshire Gentlemen, no date Sir A. Hasilrig's Meditations ; or the Devil Looking over Durham, no date The Resolve of the Citie (of London) An Admonition of the Greatest Concernement in the present juncture, particularly to the Citizens of London, no date The Final Protest and Sense of the Citie, no date The Engagement and Remonstrance of the City of London, subscribed by 23500 hands, no date Declaration of the NobiHty of York, 1659 A Letter to Gen. Monck, agreed unto by the Gentlemen, &c. of Suffolk, 1657 Declaration of the Gentry of Norfolk, 1659 Proposal for a Lottery by John Ogilby, Esq. of his own Books, &c. in 1 vol. 2548 Proclamations. A Collection of French and German Pro- clamations as issued by Blucher, the Emperor Alexander, &c. at the Passage of the Elbe, &c. — Broadsides, &c. 1813 to 1818 17£ ELEVENTH DAY'S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 2549 Schleicher (J. C.) Catalogus omnium Plantarum in Helvetia sponte nascentium, 1807 — Wilhelm Tell, Zurich, 1792 — Trattininck (Leop.) Genera Plantarum, Vindob, 1802 — Sigilla Antiqua Norfolciensia, impressit Jo. Ives, 1772, \Q plates — A. von Humboldt Ideen 2lu einer Physiognomik der Gevpachse, Tubingen, 1806J ' in 1 vol. 2550 Schiller. Correspondence of Schiller vi'ith Kcirner, edited by Simpson, 3 vol. 1849 2551 Schiller (F. von) Song of the Bell (translated by Col. Page), and Employment, a poem, Bath, 18"28 — Markland (J. H.) Letter to the Earl of Aberdeen on the expediency of attach- ing a Museum to the Society of Antiquaries, 1828 — Cata- logue of the Works of Dr. The. Young — Report on the London Institution, 1829 — Barker (J. H.) Aristarchus Anti Blomfieldanus, 1820 — Forster (T.) on the Atmosphe- rical Origin of Epidemic Diseases, 1829, &c. in I vol. 2552 Schiller (F.) Fiesko, 1788— Die Rauber, 1793— Die Braut von Messina, 1803 — Wallenstein, 1800 — Kabale und Liebe, 1796— Die Jungfrau von Orleans, 1802— Wilhelm Tell, 1804- in 2 vol. 8vo. and 1 vol. 12mo. 3 vol. 2553 Schomberg (Dr. R.) Life of Msecenas, with Notes, vellum, by Edwards of Halifax 1766 2554 Schrader (H. A.) Journal fiir die Botanik, 1799-1801, 6 vol. autograph letter of the editor inserted Gottingen, 1799-1801 2555 Schrank (F. von) Flora Bavarica, 2 vol. Munchen, 1789 2556 Schreber (C. D.) Spicilegium Florse Lipsicse, Lips. 1771 — Palisot-Beauvais des Cinqui^me et Sixi^rae Families de L' JEtheogamie, Paris, 1 805 2 vol. 2557 Schurman (Anna Maria) Opuscula Prosaica et Metrica, port. Lug. Bat. Eh. 1648 2558 Schkuhr (C.) Botanisches Handbuch, with 358plaies, in 3 vol. autograph letter from the author inserted Wittemb. 1791 2559 Schkuhr (C.) Beschriebung der Riedgrasern, coloured plates ; an autograph letter from the author inserted Wittemb. 1801 2560 Scopoli (J. Ant.) Flora Carniolica, 2 vol. autograph of Belhan, author of The Flor. Cantab. Vindob. 1772 2561 Scoresby (W.) Account of the Arctic Regions, 2 vol. plates, scarce ; private portrait of the author, by Miss H. S. Turner, inserted ' Edin. 1826 176 2562 Scoresby (W.) Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery, mwp ; a private portrait of the author hy Miss Turner, and an original letter from him inserted Edin. 1823 2563 Scotland. Beauties (the) of Scotland, edited by Rob. Forsyth, 5 vol. plates lAKGE PAPEE Ediu. 1805 2564 Scotland. Reliquiae Scoticse ; Scottish Remains, in Prose and Verse from original MSS. and scarce Tracts, only fourteen copies printed Edinh. \?)18 2565 Scotti (Fr.) Itinerario d'ltalia, cuts, Roma, 1650 — Ritratto di Roma Antica e Moderna, woodcuts, Roma, 1654, 3 vol. autographs of Dr. Cox Macro 3 vol. 2566 Scott (John) Visit to Paris in 1815, original note from the author inserted — Ireland (W. H.) France for the last Seven Years, 1822 and 4 5 vol. 2567 Scott (SirW.) Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, 3 y.Edin.lSOZ 2568 Scrittori , Italiani ; Boccaccio, Bottari, Casa, Costa, Gozzi, Muratori, Pallavicino, etc. — Scelti di B. Gamba, 1 6 vol. Ven. 1824-5 2569 Sebastiani (Ant.) Florse Romanse Prodromus, Roma, 1818 — Wildenow (C. L.) Florse Berolinensis Prodromus, Berol. 1787 — Sprengel (K.) BaO der Gewiischse, 14 coloured plates, Halle, 1812 4 vol. 2570 Seeley (J. B.) Journey to the Caves and Temples at Elora in the East Indies, jofaies 1824 2571 Senebier (Jean) Physiologie V^getale, 4 vol. Genive 2572 Senecaj Opera, not. var. Gronovii, 3 vol, Amst. Eh. 1672 2573 Sermons. Jacobson (W.) On the Clerical Duties, autograph, 1836 — Sidney (Rev. G.) On the Scriptural Instrumentality of the Church of England, 1836, and On the Value of the Church of England as a Keeper of Truth, 1836 — Jackson (T.) On the Trials, Duties and Encouragement of Seamen, Yarm. 1837— Ward (J.) Two in reply to the Rev. H. Blunt, 1835 inl vol. 2574 Service (D. of Yarmouth) The Caledonian Herd Boy, a Rural Poem, Yarm,. 1802 — The Simpliciad, a Satirico-Didactic Poem, Stockdale, 1808 — Account of the Norfolk and Nor- wich Establishment for Indigent Blind, 1806 — Plan, &c. of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 1809 in 1 vol. 2575 Service (D.) Tracts. Voyages and Travels in the Regions of the Brain, Yarmouth, 1808— Links of Gold, ib. 1819— Picturesque View of the Yarmouth Public Houses, 1822 — Ode on the Literary Merits of Adam Glendenning, mathe- matician, Yarmouth, and other Pieces, very rare in 1 vol. 2576 Servin (M.) Histoire de la Ville de Rouen, en Normandie, 2 vol. Rouen, 1775 2577 Seward (Miss) Letters, edited by Sir W. Scott, 6 vol. portrait ; a very long letter from Miss Seward to the Rev. R. Polwhele inserted Edinh. 1811 177 2578 Seward (W.) Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons, 4 v. ILLUSTRATED WITH A COLLECTION OF 250 PORTRAITS, half russia, uncut 1804 2579 Shaftesbury (Antoiij', Earl of) Characteristicks, 3 vol. cuts hy Oribelin 1727 2580 Shakespeare (W.) Plays, with Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators, by Johnson and Stevens, edited byEeid, 21 vol. ca^ 1803 2581 Shakespeare (W.) Plays, vsfith Glossarial Index, 7 v. woodcuts PRINTED ON INDIA PAPER, only SIX copios printed Chiswick, Whittingham, 1814 2582 Shakspeare. Index to the Remarkable Words made use of by Shakspeare, by Rev. Sam Ayscough, rare, royal 8vo, 1790 2584 Shakespeare. Illustrations of Shakespeare and of Ancient Manners, by Douce, 2 vol. plates ; portrait, and autograph of the author, Sfc, inserted; original edition, rare 1807 2586 Shakespeare. Notes upon some of the obscure passages in Shakespeare's Plays, by Lord Chedworth, not printed for sale 1805 2587 Shaktespeare. Remarks on the Text and Notes of the last edition of Shakspeare, by J. Ritson 1783 2588 Shakspeare Illustrated, or the Novels and Tales on which the Plays of Shakspeare are founded, by Mrs. Lennox, 3 vol. calf gilt 1753 2589 Shakespeare Forgeries. Inquiry into the Authenticity of the Papers (supposed to be Shakespeare's) in the possession of Sam. Ireland, Esq , by E. Malone, with facsimiles, 1796 — Ireland's copy, with his autograph, and very numerous MS. remarks by him in the margin; also, Mr. Ireland's Vindication of his Conduct respecting the publication of the supposed MSS. in reply to Mr. Malone, 1796, in 1 vol. green morocco, uncut 2590 Shakespeare Forgeries. Confessions of W. H. Ireland, con- cerning his fabrication of the MS., plates 1809 2591 Shakspeare Society Publications, consisting of Works illustrating the History of the Drama, its Literature, Biographies of the Players, &c. during the times of Eliza- beth and James I, 40 vol. cloth 1841, &c. 2592 Shakespeare Gallery. A Series of Fancy Heads of the Prin- cipal Characters of the Plays of that great Poet, 45 plates by Chas. Heath, of whom a private portrait, by Mrs. D. Turner, is inserted, morocco, gilt edges imp. 8vo 2593 Sharpe (Edwin) Seven Periods of English Architecture defined and illustrated, 1 2 plates 1 85 1 2594 Sharpe (R. " Conversation") Letters and Essays, in prose and verse, 1834 — Specimens of Macaronic Poetry (Pugna Porcorum, &c.) edited by W. Sandys, Esq. 1831 2595 Sharpe (J.) Genealogical Peerage of the British Empire, 3 vol. arms 2596 Shenstone (W.) Works in verse and prose, 2 vol. Dodsley, 1765 A A 178 2597 Shaw and Xoddek, Naturalist's Misceliant, 24 vol. in 13, ahout one thousand coloured plates arranged systema- tically, 1790—1813, with the three Supplementary Volumes of Leach and Nodder, 1814-15, together 14 vol. complete ; half russia, uncut, very rare, autograph note of Dr. Leach inserted 1790—1815 2598 Shaw (Dr. G.) Genueal Zoology ; or Systematic Natural History, 14 vol. in 28 parts, several hundred plates by Heath, 1 800 - 1 826— Zoological Lectures, 2 vol. plates, 1809 together 2:Q \o\s. 2599 Shee (Sir M. A.) Elements of Art, a poem 1809 2600 Shepherd (John) on the Book of Common Prayer, 2 vol. ; fine proof plates by Edwards inserted 1817 2601 Shebbeare (Dr.) Six Letters to the People of England, in 1 vol. 1756-7 fwith the autograph of Joseph Gulston, 1768) — Chamberlayne (J.) Present State of Great Britain, 1710, autograph of Granville Sharp 2 vol. 2602 Shuckford (S.) Sacred and Prophane History of the World, and on the Creation and Fall of Man, 4 vol. 1731-53 2603 Sibthorp (J.) Florae GrsecEe Prodromus, cum annot. J. E. Smith, 2 vol. (Text) portrait of Sir J. E. Smith fa private etching by Mrs. D. Turner) and autograph letter from him, inserted . . 1806-13 2604 Simeon (C.) Letter to Lord Teignmouth on the Circulation of the Apocrypha, 1825 — Statement of the Edinburgh Bible Society as to the same — Accounts of the Moravians, 1824,&c. 2605 Sinclair (Sir John) Correspondence, 2 vol. portraits, and 200 facsimiles of autographs ; with original litter from Sir J. Sinclair, inserted 1831 2606 Sir Tristrem, a Metrical Romance of the Xlllth Century, edited by Sir W. Scott Edinb. 1806 2607 Sismondi (S. de) Vievc of the Literature of the South of Europe, by Roscoe, ports. 2 vol. Bohn, 1 846 2608 Sismondi (Simonde) Histoire des Republiques Italiennes du Moyen Age, 16 vol. autograph note from the author inserted Paris, 1809 2609 Skrine (H.) Two Tours in Wales, 8vo. 1798 2610 Smith (Dr. A.) Theory of Moral Sentiments, 2 vol. 1792 2611 Smith (Dr. A.) Wealth of Nations, 3 vol. 1793 2612 Smith (John) Catalogtte Raisonne of the Works of the most Eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters, with lists of their Pictures, with Supplement, 9 vol. portraits ; some autograph letters and some private etchings inserted royal 8vo. 1829 2613 Smith (Sir J. E.) Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Botany, 1795 — Proceedings at the Yearly Meetings of Friends at Baltimore, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, for the Improve- ment and Civilization of the Indian Natives, 1806 — Peale (R.) Account of the Skeleton of the Mammoth found in America, 1802 in I vol. 179 2614 Smith (J. R.) Bibliographical Account of Kentish Topography, plates of autographs ; a note from the author added 1838 2615 Smith (J. Spencer) Examen des Antiq. Anglo-Normandes de Duoarel par Lechaude, plate, Caen, 1823 — Notice Ndcro- logique sur M. de Soxsum, ih, 1823 — Plucjuet (T) sur la Chronique de Wace — Contes Populaires, Traditions, etc. de I'Arrondissement de Bayeux, Caen, 1825 — Sur Ics Plantes de Benin — Plan de Dieppe et de ses Environs, Dieppe, 1827 — Gaillon (B.) Resumi des Classifications des Thalassio- phytes, autograph, Strasb. 1 828 — Statuts, etc. de la Societe ArchEeologique de Dieppe et Abbeville, 1 828, &c. in I vol. 2616 Smith (J. T.) Nollekens and his Times, 2 vol. portrait, and autograph of Nollekens, inserted 1829 2617 Smollett (Dr. t.) Works, with Life by Moore, 8 vol. port. 1797 2618 Smyth (Rev. C. J.) Sermon on the Influence of the Holy Spirit, Norwich — Sermon at the Funeral of R. A. B. S. Sparrow, Esq. 1818 — Hale (Sir M.) Considerations on the Nature of True Religion, Norwich, 1798— Hull (W.) on the Doc- trine of Atonement, 1815 — Maltby (Dr. E.) Sermon on the Death of the Princess Charlotte, 1817 — Remarks on the Charge of the Bishop of Lincoln, 1795 in 1 vol. 2619 Snelson (T. W.) on the First Chapter of Genesis, 1840— Home (T. H.) the Principles of Popery developed, 1840 — Report of the Pastoral Aid Society, 1840 — Proceedings of the Newfoundland Society, 1841 — Fox (W. J.) Lectures on National Education, 1840 — Animal's Friend, No. IX. 1841, &c. ' in 1 vol. 2620 Soames (H.) The Anglo Saxon Church, its History, Revenues, &c. 1838 2621 Sonnini (C. S.) Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, 3 vol, map, with atlas of maps in 4to. 1807 2622 Sophoclis Tragoedise, Ajax et Electra, Gr. et Lat. opera T. Johnson, old red morocco Oxford, 1705 2623 Sophoclis Tragoedise Septem, Gr. et Lat. ex editione Brunck, 2 vol. Ox. 1808 2624 Sorelli (Guido) Pensieri e Poesie, 1833 — Sanazzaro (J.) Opere Volgari, Ven. 1 752— Arcadia, Lond. 1768 3 vol. 2625 Sotheby (W.) Poems, autograph of the author inserted, 1825 — Virgil's Georgics, trans, by Sotheby, 1800 2 vol. 2626 Sonthey (R.) Letters during a residence in Spain and Por- tugal ; portrait of the author, a private etching hy Mrs. D. Turner, inserted 1781 2627 Southey (R.) Amadis of Gaul, translated from the Spanish version, 4 vol. calf, marbled edges 1803 2628 Southey (R.) Poetical Works, viz. Metrical Tales, 1805— Madoc, 2 vol. 1807— Thalaba, 2 vol. 1809— Poems, 2 vol. portrait of the author, a private etching by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted, 1808 — Joan of Arc, 2 vol. 1806 — Curse of Kehama, 2 vol. 1811 — Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo, 1816 — Roderick, 2 vol. 1816, calf, marbled edges together 14 vol. 180 2629 Southey (R.) Life of Nelson, 2 vol. portrait, facsimile inserted, 1813 — Omniana ; or Horse Otiosiores, 2 vol. 1812, calf, marhled edges together 4 vol. 2630 Southey (R.) Specimens of the late English Poets, 3 vol. 1807 2631 Southey (R.) Letters from Spain, 2 vol., 1808, portrait of the author, a private etching hy Mrs. D. Turner, inserted — Espriella's Letters from England, 3 vol. 1808, calf, marhled edges together 5 vol. 2632 Southey (R.) Palmerin of England from the Portuguese of Francisco de Moraes, 4 vol. calf, marbled edges 1807 *»* The previous five lots are in uniform binding. 2633 SowEEBT (James) English Botany ; or Figures of British Plants, with descriptions hy Sir Jas. Ed. Smith, P.L.S. 36 vol. in 25, 1792-1820— Supplement by Sir W. J. Hooker, 3 vol. 1831-43— together 39 vol. in 28, nearly Three Thousand CoLotrKED Plates, arranged sys- tematically, half russia, uncut; original letters from Sir Jas. E. Smith and Mr. Sowerhy, and private portraits of both of them, by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted 1792-1843 2634 SowEEBY (J.) MiNEEALs AND CoNCHoiOGY of Great Britain, 6 vol. uncut, 600 coloured plates ; autograph note from the author, and his portrait, a private etching by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted 1812-30 2635 SowEKBY (J.) Beitish Miscellany ; or Figures of little known Animal Subjects, vol. 1, col. plates, all pub.; private portrait of the author, by Mrs. D. Turner, and original letter from him, inserted 1806 2636 SovTEEBY (J.) Beitish Mineealogy, 6 vol. in 3, 5506 COLOUBED PLATES, arranged systematically, half russia, uncut ; original letter from the author, and his portrait, a private etching, by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted 1804-17 2637 SowERBY (J.) Exotic Mineealogy, 2 vol. 169 coloured plates, complete, uncut ; autograph note from the author and his portrait, a private etching hy Mrs. D. 2\irner, inserted 1811-17 2638 Spain and Portugal. Justice and Policy of a War with Spain, 1804 — A. McLeod's Review of the Papers on the War with Spain, 1805 — J. J. Stockdale on the Convention of Cintra, 1809 — Sketch of the Campaign in Portugal, 1810 — Ferdinand Vindicated, 1809 — Letter to Whitbread on the late Occurrences in Spain and Portugal, 1809 — The Dawn of Liberty on the Continent of Europe, 1808 in 1 vol. 2639 Spallanzani (Abbe) Dissertations on Animals and Vegetables, 2 vol. 1789— Tracts on the same, 1799— Stillingfleet (Rev. B.) Tracts on Natural History, 1791 4 vol, 2640 Spallanzani (Abbe) Travels in the Two Sicilies, 4 vol. map; autograph note from, the author inserted 1798 2641 Spelman (Sir H.) de non temerandis Ecclesiis, iowtZ. 1613 — The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, the Sons of Jacob, title mended — The Hunting of the Romish Foxe, MS. title, and imperfect in 1 vol. 181 2642 Spelman (Sir H.) History and Fate of Sacrilege 1698 2643 Spenoe (Rev. Jos.) Anecdotes of Books and Men, edited by B. W . Siuger, portrait 1820 2644 Spence (Wm.) Tracts on Political Economy, 1822 — Britain Independent of Commerce, 1808 — Tribnte to the Memory of Mr. Wra. Rathbone, and other pieces in the vol. 2 vol. 2645 Spence (W.) on the Corn Bill, wi(h the author's autograph, 1815^Vanderstraeten's Analysis of his Views as to Rents, Livings, &c., 1816 — Copyright Act, 1814 — Jorgenson (J.) on the Copenhagen Expedition, 1811 — Trial, M. Ker- rison (father of General Sir Edwd.) v. R. Mann, Hales- worth — Trial (most extraordinary), Hon. F. Cavendish v. the Hope Insurance Company, Duh. 1813 — Trial for Crim. Con. Goodall v. W. Fletcher, 1813 in 1 vol. 2646 Spensek (Edmund) Woeks, .with Notes by Archdeacon Todd, 8 vol. port. IMPERIAL PAPEK, russia, broad ffoM hardens 1805 2647 Spix and Martins, Travels in Brazil, 2 vol. 1824 2648 Sprengel (C.) Historia Rei HerbariEe, 2 vol. ; autograph letter from the author inserted Paris, 1808 2649 Stael (Mad. de) Corinne, ou I'ltalie, 3 vol. Paris, 1812— Bruy^re (M. de la) Les Caracteres, avec Theophraste, 3 vol. ib. 1802 — Lettres de Mirabeau, 4 vol. ib. 1792, &c. 11 vol. 2650 StaflFordshire. Account of Lichfield Cathedral, and of its Stained Glass, blue morocco, gilt edges Lichjield, 1818 2651 Staveley (T.) Romish Horseleech, 1769— Truth brought to Light; or History of the First Fourteen Years of James I, 1692-^Frice (J.) Mystery and Method of his Majesty's (Charles II.) Restoration, port. 1680 3 vol. 2652 Stavorinus (J.S.) Voyages to, the East Indies, 3 vol, maps 1798 2653 Steinmetz (And.)i The Novitiate ; or the Jesuit in Training, front. 1850 2654 Steudel (Brneste) Nomenclator Botanicus, 2 vol. Stuttgardt, 1821-4 2655 Stillingfleet (Rev. Benj.) Literary Life and Select Works, edited by Arch. Coxe, 3 vol. port. iiAKGE PAPER roy. 8vo. 1811 2656 Stirling (Dr. J.) System of Rhetoric, 1787— Catalogue of the Botanical Library of Ed. Da vail, Esq. with prices, 1803 — Lithological Observations on the Lakes of Westmoreland and Cumberland, 1804r"Meen (Rev. H.) on the Cassandra of Lycophron, 1800 — Hughes (Rev. T. S.) Sermon at Yar- mouth, Aug. 7, ISOOr— Morgan (W.) on Public Finances, l797->-Hancock (B.) on the. Astronomy of Comets, 1786 in 1 vol. 2657 Stockholm Academy. Kongl. Vetenskaps Academigns nya Handlinger for 1794, 3, 6; 7, 8, &o. 9 vol. 2658 Stofler (Jean) de la. Composition et Fabrique de TAstrolabe et de son usage Paris, 1.560 182 2659 Slower (C.) Printer's Grammar LARGE PAPER roy. 8w. 1808 2660 Storer (James) History and Antiquities of the Cathe- drals OF Great Britain, 4 \o\. Jine plates, original copy, LARGE PAPER, half russtu, uticut imp. Svo. 1814-19 2661 Strutt (Benj.) Historj' and Description of Colchester, its Anti- quities, &c. 2 vol. plates, vevy rare Cole. 1803 2662 Strutt (Jos.) Queenhoo Hall and Ancient Times, a Drama, 4 vol. autograph of the author inserted Edin. 1808 2663 Sturm (C. C.) Keflections on the Works of God, 3 vol. Edin. 1788 2664 Suckling (Sir John) Select Works, with Life, &c. by Rev. Alfred Suckling, ^orfraz'i roy.Svo. 1836 2665 Suetonii XII Csesares, Sexti Aurelii Victoris excerpta, etc. annot, Egnatii et Erasmi, vellum ; the Irid and best edition, very rare; Dibdin Ven. Aldus, 1521 2666 Suffolk, Topographical Delineations of, by Mr. Shoberl, map ; Illustrated toith above seventy additional portraits (some private etchings J and prints 1718 2667 Suffolk Garland; or East Country Minstrel, with Notices, edited by the Eev. John Mitford Ipswich, 1818 2668 Suffolk (Lady) Letters to and from her second Husband the Hon. George Berkeley, 1712-67, 2 vol. port. 1824 2669 Suffolk. Wodderspoon (J.) Historic Sites of Suffolk, wood- cuts, rare, Ips. 1841 — White (W.) History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Suffolk, map, 1844 2 vol. 2670 Suffolk. The Lowestoft Guide, plates; private portrait of Gillingwater, the historian, by Miss H. S. Turner, and some additional private plates inserted, Yarm. 1812 — Guide to Bury St. Edmunds, 1821 2 vol. 2671 Sullivan (R. J.) on the Atheistical Philosophy exemplified in France, 6 vol. 1794 2672 Sully (Duke of) Memoirs, translated by Mrs. C. Lennox, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia, marbled edges 1810 QUARTO. 2673 Rose (W. Stewart) the Crusade of St. Lewis, and King Edward the Martyr, in verse 1810 2674 Rouen. Histoire de la Cathedrale de Rouen en Nor- mandie Rouen, 1686 2675 Ruding (Rogers) Annals of the Coinage of, Britain and its Dependencies to the 50th Geo. IlL with Appendix, 5 vol. plates LARGE PAPER 1818-19 2676 Rush. Historic of Frier Rush ; how he came to a house of Keligioa to seeks service, woodcut, rep. of Allde,\620 1810 2677 Russell (Dr. Alex.) Natural History of Aleppo, 2 vol. plates, best edition ; original note from the author inserted 1794 183 2678 Ryland. Authentic Memoirs of W. W. Ryland (the Artist and Forger), with his Trial, and many Cuttings from the Magazines, &c. of the period, in 1 vol. ; a drawing of Ryland' s mother inserted 1783 2679 Sade (Abb^ de) M^moires pour la Vie de Pdtrarque, 3 vol. - Amst. 1764 2680 Sadler (Sir Ralph) StatePapers and Letters, edited by Clifford, with Memoir and Notes by Sir Walter Scott, 3 vol. lAEGE VK-pTsrs,, portrait 1809 2681 Salt (H.) Voyage to, and Travels in Abyssinia, map and fine plates, russia extra, marble leaves 1814 2682 Sandby (P.) Virtuoso's Museum ; or Select Vievps in England, Scotland, and Ireland, 107 plates, fine impressions ; with thirteen of the prints proofs before any inscriptions oblong size. 1778 2683 Sandwich (Lord) Voyage round the Mediterranean, port, and maps; original letter from Lord Sandwich inserted 1799 2684 Santfel (C.) Dissertatio in S.S. Evangeliorum Codicera MS. Monasterii S. Emmerami Ratisbonce, port, of Pius VI. and facsimiles Ratisb. 1786 2685 Saturday Magazine, 1832 to 1838, all published, 13 vol. in 8, numerous woodcuts imp. 8vo. 1832-8 2686 Sauer (M.) Account of the Expedition to the Northern Parts of Russia by Commodore Billings, ^Zato 1802 2687 Schaeffer (J. A. C.) Fungorura Bavarise et Palatinatus circa Ratisbonam nascentium Icones, 4 vol. 330 coloured plates, fine copy, old red morocco by De Rome RatisboncB, impensis Anctoris, 1 762-74 2688 Scherzi, Poetici e Pittorici (da G. G. Rossi) finely printed within elegant borders, and adorned with a series of clever designs, by Rosaspina, in outline, in bistre Parma, Bodoni, 1795 2689 Scheuchzer (J. J.) Itinera Alpina, 4 vol. in 2, plates Lug. Bat. 1723 2690 Scheuchzer (Joh.) Agrostographia, sive Graminum, Juncorum, • etc. Histovia, uncut Tiguri, 1775 2691 Schkuhr (C.) Deutschlands Kryptogamische Gewachse, 173 coloured plates of Ferns ; original letter from the author inserted, Witemb. 1809; and vol. 2, part 1 and 2 (all pub. J ^9 coloured plates, Willan, 1810-11 2692 Schmidelii (C. C.) Dissertationes Botanici Argumenti revisse et recusEe, plates Erilngce, 1 783 2693 Schnebbelie (Jacob) Antiquaries Museum, illustrating the Fine Arts in Great Britain, many plates, uncut BABE, many copies having been destroyed in a fire at the printer'' s 1791 2694 Schrader (H. A.) Monographia Generis Verbasci,^Za#e«, Gott. 1813 — Genera nonnulla Plantarum, plates, ib. 1808 — De Halophytis Pallasii coxavaent. plates, ib. 1810 in 1 vol. 184 2695 Scotland. De Jure Prelationis Nobilium ScotiEe ; a Memo- moriale of the Writs, &c. produced before the Commis- sioners anent the Precedency and Prioiity of Dignitie, A.D. 1806 printed hy A. Macdonald, Esq. 1819 2696 Scotland. Extracts from the Registers of the Presbytery of Glasgow and of, the Kirk Session, Cambusnethan, Sec. sub- sequent to the year 1600 ib. 1819 2697 Scotland. Eoyal Letters and other Documents addressed to the Lairds (Vans) of Banbarroch, 1549-1618, vi\\h fac- similes ib. ib. ib. 2698 Scotland. Act for Sequestrating the Queen's Majesties (Mary) Person, and Detening the same in the Hous and Place of the Lochleven, XVI. June, 1567, loith facsimile ib. ib. ib. 2699 Scotland. Catalogus Librorum quos Clemens Liltil legavit et consecravit ad Univ. Edin. 1580 — Inventories of Buikis in the Colleges or Sanct Androis, 1588-1612 ib. ib. ib. (1838) 2700 Scott (Sir Walter) Lay of the Last Minstrel lAKGE PAPER, with autograph letter from the author inserted, and illustrated with some prints and etchings, russia 1808 2701 Scott (Sir Walter) Lady of the Lake, port, inserted, with an original letter from the author, russia Edinb. 1810 2702 Scott (Sir Walter) Vision of Don Roderick, and Rokeby, illustrated with View of Rokeby Hoxise, and View in Rokeby Park, a private etching by Cotman, russia ib. 1811 2703 Scott (Sir Walter) Lord of the Isles, russia ib. 1815 2707 Scott (Sir W.) Bokdek Antiquities of England and Wales, 2 \o\. plates lAEGE PAPER, PEOors, On Original subscription set, with private etching of Melrose Abbey, by Lady Palgrave, in- serted 1814 2708 Selden (John) Titles of Honour, calf, gilt edges 1 664 2709 Selden (John) Table Talk; or Discourses 1689 2710 Seneca de Clementia ; lib. duo, cum prsefatione Joannis Calvini, rare Paris, Cyaneus, 1532 271 1 Senecse Tragoedise, cum Notis variorum et J. C. Schroederi Delphis, 1728' 2712 Seneca's Epistles, translated by Dr. T. Morell, 2 vol. 1786 2713 Senefelder (A.) History and Art of Lithography, ^Zofes, 1819 2714 Sermons. On the Jubilee, 25 Oct. 1809— On the Thanksgiving Day, 13 Jan. 1824, with Poems on the Worship of the Godhead by the Rev. S, Barker, not published Yarmouth, 1815, &c. 2715 Sermons. A Sermon at the Funeral Solemriitie of the Most High and Mighty Prince FeMinandus, the late Emperour, in the Cathedrall of St. Pauls, London, 3 Nov. 1564, made by Edmund Grindall, ]3ishoJ» of London, ibiacfe letter, John Day, without date (1564), and others by Faire- cloth. Burgess, Owen, Calamy, &c. in 1 vol. 2717 Shaw (Dr. Thomas) Travels in Barbary and the Levant, maps and plates, best edition 1757 185 2719 Shepherd (Rev. W.) Life of Poggio Bracciolini Liverpool, 1802 2720 Shore (Jane) The Tragedy of Jane Shore, in imitation of Shake- speare, by Nic. Eowe, portrait after the King's College picture, inserted, without date — Life and Character of Jane Shore, collected from Sir Thomas More ; portrait by Bar- tolozzi added, 1714 — Memoirs of the Lives of King Edward IV. and Jane Shore, 1714; portrait added, in 1 vol. 2721 Sigonii (C.) Emendationum (in Livium) libri duo Venetiis, Aldus, 1557 2722 Silius Italicus, not. var. curante Drakenborchio, veil. Traj. adRken. 1717 2723 Simon (Thomas) Medals, Coins, Great Seals, and other elabo- rate Works, engraved and described by Geo. Vertue, first impressions, old russia, broad gold borders 1753 2724 Singer (S. W.) Researches into the History of Playing Cards and Printing, plates, uncut ; a portrait of the author by Miss H. S. Turner, also an autograph letter from him, inserted 1816 2725 Smeeton (Geo.) Reprints of 15 Rare Tracts, in 2 vol. including England's Worthies, with copies of the rare portraits, &c. first edition, with the original dedication to Mr. Turner ; and two original letters of the editor inserted 1 820 2726 Smellie (W.) Philosophy of Natural History, 2 vol. Sdin. 1790-99 2727 Smith (Dr. Adam) Essays on Philosophical Subjects ; a note in the handwriting of Dr. A. Smith inserted 1795 2729 Smith (Sir J. E.) Exotic Botany, 2 vol. in 1, coloured plates by Sowerby ; private etchings by Mrs. Daiuson Turner, and an etching by her of a rhinoceros horn, with the Cyamus mysticus carved upon it ; and private portraits of the author, Mr. Roscoe, and Mr. Sowerby ; also an autograph letter of Sir J. E. Smith inserted 1804-5 2730 Smith (Sir J. E.) Specimen of the Botany of New Holland, vol. 1, all pub., coloured plates by Sowerby ; private portrait of the author by Mrs. Dawson Turner, and autograph letter from him inserted 1793 2731 Smith (J. T.) Antiquities of Westminster, the Old Palace, St. Stephen's Chapel, &c. 246 engravings of topographical objects, sixty-two additional plates, many coloured, 2 vol. in 1, fine original copy, with the stone plate, russia extra, marbled edges; autograph note from the author inserted 1 807 2732 Smith (J.) Vagabondiana ; or Anecdotes of the Mendicant Wanderers of London, plates LAKGE PAPEE, colf extra; a letter from the author, anda portrait of Fras. Douce, Esq. etched by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted 1817 2733 Soane (Sir John) Description of his House and Museum in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, London, with graphic illustrations, Sfc. portrait and fine plates XAKGE PAPEK, PKOOFS, NOT PRINTED FOE SALE, half moroc. gilt edges 1835 B B 186 2734 Sobrino (Fr.) Dicoionario Nuevo Espanol y Frances, 2 vol. in 1 Brmselas, 1757 2735 Society of Literature (Royal) Reports of, 1823 to 1831 in 1 v. 2736 SoMERs (Lord) Colleciion of Tracts from his Library, revised and augmented by Sir Walter Scott, 13 v. 1809-15 *jf* A highly interesting letter on the subject of this valuable reprint is inserted, in which the editor. Sir W. Scott, says to the publisher (W. Miller) : " People may say what they please of the delight of writing poetry, but I always preferred rummaging among old pamphlets, and scraping out the nooks and bye corners of history." 2737 Song of Solomon, translated into English verse by Ann Francis 1781 2738 Somerset House Gazette, edited by W. H. Pyne, 2 vol. an original letter from Mr. Pyne inserted 1824 2739 Sonnerat (M ) Voyage aux Indes Orientales, et a la Chine, 1774 a 1781, 2 yo\. plates Paris, 1782 2740 Sonnerat (M.) Voyage h, la Nouvelle Guinee, plates Paris, 1776 2741 Sonnini (C. S.) Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, plates, russia 1800 2742 Sonnini (C. S.) Travels in Greece and Turkey, map 1801 2743 Soprani (Raffaelle) Vite de' Pittorii Scultori ed Architetti, con Note da C. G. Ratti, 2 vol. heads Geneva, 1768 2744 Sotheby (Wm.) Saul, a Poem, letter from the author inserted 1807 2745 Sotheby (W.) Constance de Castile, a Poem, autograph note from the author inserted 1810 2746 Southey (R.) Madoc, a Poem, profile cf the author, a private plate, hy Mrs. D. Turner, after Phillips, inserted 1805 2747 Southey (R.) History of Brazil, 3 vol. uncut, original letter from the author inserted 1810-19 FOLIO. 2748 Proclamations. A series of those issued by the French Army of the Rhine and Moselle, in 1794 2749 Prout (J. S.) Picturesque Antiquities of Bristol, 30 plates, proofs on india paper Bristol, 1837 2750 Psalterium Grsecum, e codice MS. Alexandrine cura H. H. Baber, fao simile of the celebrated MS. in the British Museum 1812 2751 PuGiN (A. W.) Rubbings prom originai. Monumental Brasses of recent design, of very large size atlas fol. oblong 2752 Pulteney (R.) Catalogue of the Birds, Shells, and Plants of Dorsetshire, edited by Rev. T. Rackett, plates 1813 2753 QUATREMEEE DE QuiNCT, LE JuPITEK OlTMPIEN, OU I'Alt de la Sculpture Antique, _^we engravings, some coloured royal size, Par. 1815 187 2754 Raphaei. Loggib del Vatioano, 3 vol. in 2, comprehending the Arabesques, Stuccoes, and Cielings of the Vatican, finely engraved by Volpato and others, from the drawings of Camporesi after the original works, in three series of 14, 13, and 12 each, with the General View, Plan of the Gallery on three sheets, the two plates of the doors, marked A. and B. ; also the eight large engravings of The School of Athens, Parnassus, Theological Assembly, Heliodorus, Attila, The Conflagration, Deliverance of St. feter, and the Miracle of the Mass, with the additional ones of La Pein- ture et la Poesie, Poesie et Theologie, engraved on four sheets by Raphael Morghen, from designs by Raphael The prints in this fine work are very brilliant impressions, and are unfolded atlas size, Roma, 1772-77 2755 Raphaei,. Imagines Veteris ac Novi Testamenti, in Vatican! Palatii Xystis expfessae, 62 plates, engraved title, 8fc. hy J. de R%theis ZAKGE PAPEK, old calf ohlong size 2756 Reports, Proceedings, and Transactions of the Real del Monte Mining Association, an extensive collection — Reports on the British Museum — Fine Arts — Tidal Harbour, &c. 2 vol. 2757 Reports on the Municipal Corporations — 'Population, &c. a parcel 2758 Retzii (H. J.) Observationes Botanicse sex fasciculi, jofate* Lips. 1791 2759 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Gkaphic Works, 3 vol. containing about 300 engravings after his beautiful portraits and fancy subjects, by S. W. Reynolds, fine impressions, hf. nior. v. y. 2760 Malone. Catalogue of Early English Poetry, and other Mis- cellaneous Works, left by him to the Bodleian Library Ox. 1836 2761 Ripley, Kent and Ware, Designs for Houghton Hall, Co. Norfolk, its Galleries, &c. plates by Foudrinier 1 760 2762 Rogebs (C.) CoIiLECtion op Prints, in imitation of Drawings, by the Old Masters, with Explanatory Notes, 2 vol. 1 12 plates original COPT, half loundi uncut imp. size. 1778 2763 Rosa (Salvator) A complete Collection of Etchings by this celebrated painter, consisting of the series of 62 prints of Soldiers, Banditti, &c. as dedicated to his friend C. Rubeis, 6 of River and Sea Gods, and 17 large plates, _/5we impres- sions oblong size. v. a. 2764 Rouen. Histoire des Archevesques de Rouen, avec lettres des Papes, des Roys de France et Angleterre, &c. Rouen, 1667 2765 Ruraphii (G. E.) Thesaurus Cochlearum, Concharum, Con- chyliorum, et Mineralium, port, and 60 plates, exhibiting several hundred specimens Lug. Bat. 171 1 2766 RuMPHii (G. El ) Herbarioti Amboinense,, Lat. et Belgic^, cura et studio Jo. Burmanni, 7 vol. in 4, nearly 700 pis. very rare Amst. 1750-55 188 2767 RrBENS (SirP.P.) A Collection of Engravings after Pictures by this distinguished Master, including the Landscapes by Bolswert, &c. atlas size. 1620-1840 *^* Among these engravings is one of the Judgment of Paris in the National Gallery, in the state in which it originally went from the painter's hand, before the alteration in the legs of Paris, and when it was the obvious intention of Rubens to make the figure of Minerva, Venus, and vice versa. 2768 RusHwoKTH (J.) Histokical Collections, 1618 to 1648, digested in order of Time, 8 Nol.port. ; with one of James I. inserted BEST EDITION 1721-2 2769 Russell and Hagreen, Picturesque Antiquities of Ipswich, Co. Suffolk, \Splates LAKGB PAPEK, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER roy.fol. 1843 2770 Saints' Lives. Der Helygen Leben das Summerteyl,_/?ne/y printed in the Oothic type, with woodcuts, which are coloured, in the old stamped binding, with clasps. Of this very rare and curious book, the portion containiug the Lives of the Saints of the winter months is not known to have been published Augspurg, Bomber, 1477 2771 Sole (W.). Menthse Britannicse; or Botanical Arrangement of British Wva\&, plates, rare Bath, 1798 2772 Saltjstio, Conjuracion de Catilina y la Guerra de Jugurta por I'lnfante, Don Gabriel de Espana, portrait and plates BEATJTIFULLT PRINTED, old blue morocco, by De Borne Mad. Ibarra, 1772 *»* This work is one of the most beautiful productions of the press of the famous Spanish printer, Ibarra. The troubles in Spain during the occupation by the French brought out a few copies for sale ; but such pains had been taken by the Government previously to keep it private, that when the late Frdk. Earl of Guildford, passing through Madrid, asked my friend, Mr. Merry, then acting as Ambassador, to procure him a copy, the Court refused, alleging that it could only be given to crowned or royal heads. The late Dr. Herbert Marsh, Bishop of Peterborough, whose knowledge on these points will not be disputed, considered Professor Baj'er's Dissertation on the Phoenician language, annexed to this translation, as containing more information than is elsewhere to be found on these curious subjects. — D. T. 2773 Sandby (Paul) a Collection of Twenty-six Etchings, consisting of Groups of Figures, Landscapes, Ruins, &c. _^we impres- sions 1750-1758 2774 Sandeei (Ant.) Flandria Illusteata, 2 vol. maps and plates of monuments, antiquities, Sfc. original and scarce edition, in the old wrapping vellum Col. Agrip. 1641-44 1^9 2775 Sanderi (Ant.) CHonoGBAPHrA Sacba Beabanti^e, 3 vol. portrait and numerous views LARGE PAPER, Dutch colf gilt royal fol. Hagee Com. 1726 2776 Sandford (F.) Genealogioal History of the Kings and Queens of England and Monaichs of Great Britain, 1066 to 1707, enlarged by Stebbing, plates of their monuments, seals; Sfc. also some private plates inserted BEST EDITION, calf 1707 2777 Sandrart (J. de) Academia Picturse "Emiitsi, portraits and plates Norib. 1683 2778 Sandys (Geo.) Travels in Turkey, the Holy Land, &o. cuts, front. Sj-c. 1673 2779 Savage (W.) Hints on Decorative Printing, with Specimens in Gold, Colours, Tints, &c. i/ARGE PAPER, subscription copy, with autograph of the author green morocco, gilt edges, joints 1822, 2780 Savile (H.) Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam, with autograph of Sir W. Ramsey Lond. Bishop, 1596 2781 Scheffer (John) History of Lapland, ptoes Oxford, \67 A 2782 SoHEiroHZEii (J. J.) Physica Sacra, Iconibus illustrata, pro- curante J. A, Pfeffel, 4 vol. 750 engravings illustrative of the Holy Scriptures . pine copy, old gilt russia, marbled edges, from Bishop Dumpier' s library Aug. Vind. 1731-35 2783 Scheuchzeri (J.J.) Herbarium Diluvianum, ^fe. Lug. Bat. 1723 2784 Schmidel (C. C.) Icones Plantarum et Analyses Partium, 75 coloured plates, uncut ErlangcB. 1783-87 2785 Schmidt (C. W.) die Liebfrauen-Kirche en Trier, nebst historischen Erlauterungen, von. J.H.Wyttenbach, 9 plates, (all published), portrait of Wyttenbach by Miss H. S. Turner , a private plate, inserted roy.fol. Trer. 1836 2786 Schrader et Wendland, Sertum Hannoveranum, seu Plantae Eariores quse in Hanovera coluntur, fasc.l ad 4, all published, coloured plates Goett. 1795-98 2787 Scotland. The Ancient Sculptured Monuments of the County of Angus, &c. 1\ plates imp. atlas size, Edin. 1848 *jif* This highly interesting volume was presented to the Members of the Bannatyne Club, by Patrick Chalmers, Esq., of Auldbar; and nothing finer or more satisfactory of this interesting description of relics ever appeared. 2788 ScTTLPTURB. Illustrations of Modern Sculpture, with descrip- tive prose and poetry, by T. K. Hervey, 18 plates, after Canova, Chantrey, Westmacott, Sfc. PROOFS ON INDIA s KSTi.'B., half morocco 1834 2789 ScuLPTTTEE. Specimens of Ancient Sculpture, Egyptian, Greek and Roman,^«e plates, vol. 1 imp, size, Dilletanti Society, 1 809 2790 Seb^ (Alb.) Thesaurus Eeeum Naturalium, Lat. et Gallic^, 4 vol. 450 large plates, exhibiting many thousand specimens of animals, birds, shells, insects, reptiles, Sj-c. uncut rpy.fol. Amst. 1734-65 190 2791 Sepulchral Monuments, a Collection of Engravings of those chiefly in English cathedrals, 53 plates in 1 vol. 2792 Serlio (Sebastiano) D'Architectura, lib. v. woodcuts Ten. Sessa, 1551 2793 Serlio (Sebast.) Libro d'Archifettura, j^fofos Ven. Seesa, 1558 2794 Shakbspeaee. Illustrations of Shakespeare, from original designs by Smirke, engraved by C. Heath PEOOPS ON iNBiA TA.VER, selected by the engraver 1821 2795 Shakespeare (W.) Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, accord- ing to the true original copies 1623 *4it* Fac simile Reprint of the first edition, with copy of the por- trait by Droeshout. Inserted is a MS. list, by W. Upcott, of the 268 errata in the present edition, compared with the rare original, of which it professes to be a faithful copy : the last leaf was not printed. 2796 Shakespeare. Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments under the hand and seal of William Shakespeare, from the original MSS. in the possession of Sam. Ireland, with engraved fac similes, half russia 1796 *^* This copy of the notoriously celebrated " Shakespeare Forgeries" is illustrated with a series of the "so called" original Documents, prepared by W. H. Ireland, for his friend Gordon Urquhart, Esq., of the Navy Pay Office, the well-known collector of Halters. Only two similar copies were made up by "the Forger" of these papers, one for the Duke of Marlborough, and the other for John Dent, Esq., which, at the sale of their respective libraries, pro- duced £30. 9s. and £ 46. 4s. TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFEA. XOT Stjktees Society PtrEiiCATioNS, viz. : 2797 Eeginaldi Dunelm. de Admirandis Beati Cuthberti virtutibus, 1835 2797a Wills and Inventories, illustrative of Northera Manners from the Eleventh Century, vol. 1 1835 2797BWilIs Registered at York, illustrative of Ancient Manners, part 1, 1836 2797cDeclaration of all the Ancient Monuments, Rites, and Cere- monies, belonging to the Monastical Church of Durham, 1842, together 4 vol. cloth 191 2798 Sussex Archteological Collections, published by the Society cuts 1848 2799 Swartz (Oloff) Deseriptionum Vegetabilium Prodromns, mth vol. of plates ; autograph letter from the author, and his portrait, a private plate, inserted Holmid, 1788 2800 Swartz (O.) Observationes Botstnicx ; private portrait of the author, and autographletter from him inserted Erlanga,\79\ 2801 Swartz (O.) Flora Indise Occidentalis 3 vol. ; portrait of the author, a private plate, inserted, also an autograph letter from him Erlanga, 1797-1806 2802 Swartz (O.) Synopsis Filicum ; portrait of the author, from a private plate, inserted Kilim, 1806 2803 Swift (Dean) Whole Works, with notes by J. Nichols, 24 vol. portrait 1803 2804 Symbola Pontificum, Imp. Regum : accessit brevis et facilis lss.go^&3,TyT^o\k\, pis. old red morocco Arnheimee, 1646 2805 Taciti Historia, notis, dissert, etc. illustravit G. Brotier, 4 vol. liABGE PAPEK Edinb. 1796 2806 Tacitus (Corn.) Works, translated by A. Murphy, 4 vol. Buh. 1794 2807 Tales and Romances of the Northern Nations, 3 vol. 1823 2808 Targioni (O. T.) Istituzioni Botaniche, 3 vol. Firenze, 1813 2809 Tasso (Torq.) Gerusalemme Liberata, 2 vol. plates hy Gravelot, vellum Parigi, 1771 2810 Tasso, Gerusalemme Liberata, in the Milanese dialect, Mil. 1816 — Axam\.2L, Parigi, 1768 — Rinaldo da Nardini, Londra, 1801 — Tassoni (A.) La Secchia Rapita, Parigi, 1768 — Kvami^, Parigi, 1800 5 vol. 2811 Tasso (Torq.) Opere, poste in miglior ordine ricorrette ed illustrate dal Prof. Rosini, 16 vol. c«oe' — vol. 1, Rinaldo; vol. 2, Aminta; vol. 3-6 Rime; vol. 7-9, Dialoghi ; vol. 10, Prose ; vol. 11-12, Discorsi ; vol. 13, Lettere, 1 vol. ; vol. 28-29, Gerusalemme Liberata VEXLTTM PAPEK Toy. 8vo. Pisa, 1821 2812 Tasso (Torq.) Godfrey of Bulloigne, and Jerusalem Delivered, trans, by Fairfax, edited by S.W.Singer, 2 vol. in I, portrait: printed entirely on India paper, only six copies so taken off; most of the edition was destroyed by f re at the printers, and copies are now consequently scarce roy. 8vo. Bensley, 1817 2813 Tassoni (Aless.) La Secchia Rapita, poema, 2 vol. plates by Gravelot, gilt edges, Parigi, 1766 2814 Tassoni (A.) Memoirs, by J. C. Walker, portrait 1815 2815 Tavernier (J. B.) Voyages en Turquie, en Perse et aux Indes, 2 vols, autograph of Dr. Cox Macro suivant la Copie de Paris, 1678 2816 Taylor (A.) Glory of Regality, an historical treatise on the Anointing of the Kings and Queens of England lAEGE PAPEB, calf marbled edges 1 820 2817 Taylor (C.) Literary Annual Register, and Records of Litera- ture for 1807-8, 2 vol. 1807-8 192 2818 Taylor (Jos.) Old Sayings, Proverbs, &c. 1818— Franklin (Benj.) Way to Wealth, privately printed, 1816 — The World of Wit, Anecdotes and Bon Mots, 1808— The Night Cap blown up, or the Inside Lining sent into the World, Poems, Songs, &c. Norwich — Public Characters, 2 vol. 5A portraits, 1831, and 2 others 2819 Taylor (W. B. S.) on the State of the Fine Arts in Great Britain and Ireland, 2 \o\. plates 184! 2820 Taylor (W. C.) History of Mohammedanism 1834 2821 Taylor (Wm.) Antiquities of King's Lynn, County Norfolk,joZs LAEGE PAPEK imp. 8j)o. Lynn, 1844 2822 Taylor (W. of Norwich) Historic Survey of German Poetry, 3 vol. 1830 2823 Teatro Cornice Fiorentino, contenente XX. delle piu rare Commedie, 6 \ol. uncut Mrenze, 1750 2824 Temrainck (C. J.) Manuel d'Ornithologie, 2 vol. Far. 1820 2826 Terence, Comddies, avec la traduction de Madame Daoier, 3 vol. Hamburg, 1732 2827 Tesoro Espanol 6 Biblioteca Portatil Espanola (Prosa y Poesias) 4 vol. 1802 2828 Testamentum (Novum) Gr. edente Leusden Amst. 1701 2829 Testamentum (Novum) Grsecum, cum Scholiis, 3 vol. lAEGE PAPEB Volpy, 18\ 6 2830 Testament (le Nouveau) en Francoys, woodcuts a Lyon, 1550 2831 Testament (the New) in Verse, by S. Wesley, 100 cuts hy Sturt 1717 2832 Testament (New) large type, illustrated with a series of ffty original engravings hy Albert Durer and Cauherchen, russia, gilt edges, engraved : the only booh hnown to he pvinted for D. Boulter of Yarmouth roy. 8vo. 1792 2833 Testament (New) in the Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, and other Languages 9 vol. 2834 Testament (the Apochryphal New) with Prefaces, edited hy W. Hone; autograph letter from the editor inserted, scarce 1821 2835 Thompson (J. V.) Catalogue of Plants growing near Berwick- upon-Tweed, 1807 — Catalogue of Plants in the Dublin Society at Glasnevin, Dub. 1802 2 vol. 2836 Thomson (Dr. T.) Annals of Philosophy, Jan. 1813 to Dec. 1820, 16 vol. ; an original letter from the author inserted 1813-20 2837 Thoresby (Ralph, of Leeds) Diary, 1677-1724, published by Hunter, 2 vol. portrait 1830 2838 Thoresby (R.) Letters of Eminent Men addressed to him, 1679- 1723, 2 vol. 1832 2839 Thornton (R. J.) New Family Herbal, woodcuts lAEGE PAPEE 1810 2840 Thuani (J. A.) Historia sui temporis, 2 vol. ; with autograph of R. Burton, author of the " Anatomy of Melancholy" Paris, 1604 193 2841 Thunberg (C. P.) Flora Japonlca, pkiles Lips. 1784 2842 Thunberg (C. P.) Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia, 4 vol. ptates ; original letter from the author inserted 1795 2843 Thunberg (C. P.) Dissertationes Academicce UpealiEB habitsB, 2 vol. Gott. 1799-1800— Lacep^de et Cuvier, Histoire Naturelle des Animaux NiwAnis, plates, 2 v. Paris, 1809 4 v. 2844 Trbulli Carmina, edente Heyne Lips. 1798 2845 TibuUus, Catullus et Propertius, cum comment. Mureti, 3 vol. in 1, calf, gilt edges Fen. Aldus. 1562 2846 Tilliot(M. du) Memoires pourservir a rHistoire de la Fete des Foax, plates Lausanne, 1751 2847 Tundale. The Visions of Tundale, with Metrical Moralizations, and other Fragments of Early Inedited Poetry (by W. B. D. D. Tumhull) front. LARGE PAPEK, onlg 200 copies printed Edin. 1 843 2848 Tiraboschi (Giro!) Elogio del P. Lombard!, Modena, 1796— Lettere del Ab. Ciocchi al Abate Zaccaria risguardante Tiraboschi, ib. 1794, and 1 other ; autograph note inserted, in 1 vol. 2849 Titian ; Notices of the Life and Works of, by Sir Abraham Hume, port. roy. 8t)o. 1829 28&0 Tombe (C. F.) Voyage aux Indes Orientales, 1802—1806, 2 vol. and atlas of plates in 4to. Paris, 1810 2851 Tomline f Bishop of Lincoln and Winchester^ Refutation of Calvinism ; autographs of the author, while holding both dignities, inserted 1811 2852 Tooke (W.) History of Russia, 2 vol. map 1800 2853 Topographer (the) for 1789-91, edited by Shaw and Brydges, 4 Yol. plates 1789-91 2854 Toulangeon (Corate de) Manuel du Muslum Fran9ais, 10 vol. plates after Raphael, Mubens, Ostade, Le Brun, Sfc. Paris, 1802-8 2855 Toup (J.) Emendationes in Suidam (Lex. Gr.) 2 vol. ; auto- graph letter from the author inserted Lond. 1760 2856 Tournefort (M.) Voyage into the Levant, 3 vol. plates 1741 2857 Tower Menagerie ; or Natural History of the Animals con- tained therein, woodcuts by Harvey 1829 2858 Towers (Rev. Jos.) Political Tracts, 3 \o\. port. 1796 2853 Towers (John) Domestic Gardener's Manual 1839 2860 Tozzetti (O. T.) Dizionario Botanieo-Italiano, 2 v. Firmze, 1825 2.861 Tracts on the Impressment of Seamen, 1810 — Letters on the Duties on Beer, Malt, and Spirits, 1813 — Report of the Yarmouth Bible Society — Laws of the Yarmouth Public Library—Butler (C.) Address on the Catholic Question — Walpole (R.) on the Edoieation of the Poor, Norm. 1812, with tmtograph — and on the Misrepresentations, Ignorance, and Plagiarism of icertain Infidel Writers, 1512 — Obliga- tions of CJaristiaus to Convert the Jews — Reports of the Society for PromotingiChristianity amongst the Jews, Chris- tian Knowledge, &c. &c. in 3 vol. CC 194 2862 Tracts and Catalogues. Account of the Family of Laplanders exhibiting at the Egyptian Hall, plate — Stanley (Geo.) Description of the " Chapeau de Faille" by Rubens, 1823 — Haydon, " Raising of Lazarus" — Fanoramas of Fompeii, Corfu, Athens, Spitzbergen, Venice — Millin, Description d'un Vase trouve a Tarente, plate, and various other papers in 1 vol. 2863 Tracts for the Million, Nos. 8, 10, 11, 15— Plea for the Middle Classes — Essays on the Sabbath by Working Men, 1,2, 3, prizes — On Farochial Registration of Baptisms, Marriages, &c. 1 833 — Jos. Mazzini, Letter to Mons. de Toqueville and De Falloux, 1849, &c. ■ in 1 vol. 2864 Tracts. Sayers (Dr. F.) Foems and Disquisitions, Norwich, 1792— Young (Frof.) Criticism on Gray's Elegy, 1783, autograph of Sir James Mackintosh — Statement of Dr. White's Literary Obligations to the Rev. Sam. Badcock, and others, in 2 vol. — History of Man, 1 704 3 vol. 2865 Tragedies. Almansor, par M. Vieillard Boismartin, Rouen, 1771 — Le Diner au Pre Saint Gervais, Par. 1799 — La Rivale d'elle meme, ib. 1816 — L'Auteur dans son Mfoage, ib. 1799 — Le Capitaine Betrande, ib. 1817 — Les Bearnais a Paris, ib. 1818— Tippoo Saib, ib. 1813— Camille, ib. 1817, half calf in 1 vol.- *»* Each of these plays possesses the autograph of its author or former possessors. 2868 Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, second series, 3 vol. maps and plates 1843-50 2869 Trattinnick (L.) Genera Plantaium methodo natural! disposita, 17 copies Vindob. 1802 2870 Trenchard and Gordon, Tracts, 2 vol. 1751— Bentham (Jeremy) Defence of Usury, 1787 — Lavater (J. C.) Apho- risms on Man, 1794 — Clio, a Discourse on Taste (by Mathews) &c. 1769 9 vol. 2871 Treviranus (G. R.) Biologic, oder Philosophic der Lebenden Natur, 4 vol. Gott. 1802-14 2872 Trial of John Folkard, William Folkard, Thomas Nugent, &c. for Conspiracy, 1812 — Trial of W. Booth, &c. for Coining, 1812— Trials at York, 1« 1 3— Trial of Ead of Bective for Crim.Con. with Lady Geo. Beresford — Trial of Ed. Thrower for Murder, 1812, &c. in 1 vol. 2873 Trial of W. Heath alias Lee for Robbing the Banking OfBce of Messrs. Watson at Glasgow, 1831 — Biographical Memoir of Dr. Ed. Pearson, Christian Advocate, by T. Green, Esq., Ipswich, 1819, NOT PRINTED FOB SALE — Frolusiones Academicse, Cantab. 1827-8 — Gage (J.) on the Alterations in York Minster, 1832 — List of the Animals in Zoological Society, 1831 — Lectures at the Royal Institution, 1831 — Coronation of George IV — Poll Book for Ipswich, 1831 — Poll Book for Recorder of Ipswich, 1831 in 1 vol. 195 .2874 Trials. 01 Br. Bodd, portrait inserted, 1777— of John Mitford, Esq. 1814— of the Case of the Golden Lane Brewery, 1807 — Sir John Carr against Hood and Sharpe in 3 vol. 2875 Trimmer (Mrs.) Guardian of Education, containing Memoirs of Modern Philosophers, &c. 2 vol. 1802-5 2876 Turelli (P) Computus Novus, 1525— Poirier (M.) Eloge de Jean Bart, Par. 1807— Dalgas (J. M.) Tableau de I'Etablissement des Reforraes a Frederica en Jutland, Kopen, 1797— Isnard a Fviron, Par. 1796— Lablee, Proems Verbal qui a eu lieu au Palais de Luxembourg, 22 Fev. 1791 — Stein, a Davoust, ib. 1814 — Justification de la Conduite et des Opinions de M. Bory de St. Vincent, Paris, 1815 — Memoire du Gen. Sarrazin in 1 vol. *j^* The whole of the pieces mentioned have autographs of their respective authors, &c. 2877 Turner (C.) Tour in the Netherlands, Holland, &c. 2 v. 1824 2878 TxTBNER (Dawson) Muscologise Hibernicaj Spicilegium, plates, coloured; never published Yermuthm, 1 804 2879 TuRNEK (D.) ToiTR IN NoEMANDY, 2 \o\. plates by Cotman; private etching of the author inserted PKTNTED ON YELLUM, UNIQUE, Tussta extra, joints, gilt edges royal 8vo. 1820 2880 TuENEK (D.) Desceiptive Index of the Contents op Five Manusceipis illustrative of the History of Great Britain, in his library never published PEiNTEDON VELLUM, colf extra, gilt edges roy. 8vo Yar. 1843 2881 TuENEH (D.) Guide to the Verification of Manuscripts by refer- ence to engraved fac-similes of handwriting PEiNTED ON TELLUM, VNKiVE, Calf extra, gilt edges royal 8vo. Yarmouth, 1848 2882 TuENEK (J.M.W.) Annual Tour for 1833, 34, 35, V^anderings by the Loire and the Seine, 3 vol. _/?we engravings LAEGE PAPER, blue morocco, gilt edges imp. 8vo. 1 833-5 2883 Turner (J.M.W.) Annual Tour, (Wanderings by the Seine,) 1835, 20 plates from Turner's Drawings, gilt edges 1835 2884 Turner (Rob.) The British Physician, or the Nature and Vertues of English Plants, calf, by Roger Payne 1664 2885 Turner (Wm.) Tour in the Levant, 3 vol. coloured plates, his portrait, a private plate by Miss H. S. Turner inserted, 3 vol. 1820 2886 Turner and Dillwyn, Botanist's Guide through England and Wales, 2 vol. interleaved in 4 1 805 2887 Turpin (Arbp.) History of Charles the Great and Orlando, with the ancient Spanish Ballads relating to the Twelve Peers of France, with English versions, by T. Rodd, 2 vol. 1 812 2888 Turton (Dr. W.) British Fauna, all pub. ; autograph letter from the author inserted Swansea, 1807 2889 Tytler (A. T.) Elements of General History, 2 vol. Edin.\80\ 2890 UUoa (Ant. de) Voyage to South America, 2 vol. plates 1806 2891 University Herald and Ecclesiastical Register C'owi. 1847-8 196 2892 UWOTT (W.) BlBMOGKAPHICAL ACCOTTNT OF THE PeIN- ciPAL Works osr English Topogeapht, 3 vol. THE DEDICATION COPT ON lARGE PAPER : a private porfratt of the mtihor, after Behnes, and one of Mr. JD. Turner, also an autograph letter of the author accompany the work ; uncut, very scarce imp., 8vo 1818 2893 Ure (D.) History of Rutherglen and East Kilbride, plans Olasg. 1793 2894 Vaillant (M.) Voyage dans I'int^rieur de I'Afrique, 2 vol. plates Paris, 1790 2895 Vaillant (M. ) Second Voyage dans I'interieur de TAfrique, 3 vol. 1795 2896 Valentia, Proceedings in the Court of King's Bench, ex parte George Viscount Valentia, Bewdley, 1801 — Trial of J. B. Gawler, Esq., for Crim. Con. with Lady Valentia, 1799 in 1 vol. 2897 Vallancey (Col.) Grammar of the Iberno-Celtic or Irish Lan- guage, rare ; an original note from General Vallancey in- serted Dublin, 1781 2898 VaLiANCET (Coi,.) Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, 6 vol. plates, a complete copy, calf extra, very scarce ; a portraii of the editor,, and an original letter from him, and some private etchings by Mr. Turner's family, inserted Dublin, 1786-1804 2899 Vallancey (Col.) Vindication of the Ancient History of Ireland, map Dub. 1786 2900 Vallemont (L'Abbfe) Physique Occulte, ou Traits de la Baguette, 2 vol. jo/ato La Haye', \7 4,7 2901 Vahli (M.) Enumeratio Plantarura, 2 vol. Haunia, 1804 2902 Van Praet (Mons.) Catalogue des Livres imprimis sur velin de la Bibliothlque du Roi, 5 vol. in 4 Paris, 1822 2903 Vasari (G.) Vite di Pittori, Scultori ed Architetti, 1 1 vol. Siena, 1794 2904 Vaux de Vire, et anciennes Chansons Normandes, publi^es avec Dissertations par Du Bois, 2 copies Caen, 1821 2905 Vaux de Vire, le m^me, 2 copies ib. 1821 2906 Vecellio (Cesare) Habiti Antichi et Moderni di tutto il Mondo, woodcuts ly Titian, rare ; with autograph of Haydon, the celebrated historical painter Ven. Sessa, 1598 2907 Velasco (Palamino) Vidas de los Pintores y Estatuarios eminentes Espanoles 1744 2908 Ventenat (E.P.) Tableau du Hegne Vegetal, 4 vol. Paris, 1779 2909 Verstegan (R.) Restitution of Decayed Intelligence concerning the most noble and renowned English Nation, cuts of the Saxon deities 1673 2910 Vertot (M. de) Revolutions Romaines, 4 vol. Par. 1752 291 1 Viaggiana, orRemarkson the Buildings, Pictures, &c. of Ancient and Modern Rome, by the Rev. Steph. Weston ; his por- trait, a private etching by Mrs. D. Turner, inserted, 2 v. 1 776 2912 Vida (H.) Poemata, ediderunt Tristram et Owen, 4 vol. uncut Oxn. 1722-33 197 2913 Vieyra (Ant.) Portuguese and English Dictionary, 2 vol. 1809 2914 Villars (M.) Histoire des Plantes de Dauphin^, 4 vol. Grenoble, 1786 2915 Vinci (L.) Tratlato della Pittura, jofo^ej Milano, 1804 2916 VlHGlLii OPEaA, 2 vol. heautifully printed, Jine plates lAEGE PAPER, very rare, russia, gilt edges, Dulau, 1 800 2917 Virgilii Opera, emendabat et notulis illustravit Gilb. Wake- field, 2 vol. LARGE PAPEB 1796 2918 Virgilius, opera Alex. Eosssei Lond. 1634 QUARTO. 2919 Southey (R.) Curse of Keliama, a poem ; portrait of the author, from a private plate hy Mrs.D. Turner, inserted 1810 2920 Sovrerby (J.) New elucidation of Colours, in their three Pri- mitives, coloured plates ; a portrait of the author (private etching) hy Mrs. D. Turner, and a letter from him, in- serted 1 809 2921 Spanish Poetry. Obras Poeticas Espanolas (Los Doze Triomphos de los Doze Apostolos por Padilla, etc.) 1 842 2922 Sparrman (Dr. A.) Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, 2 vol. map 1786 2923 Stackhouse (Tho.) Lectures on the Remains of Ancient Pagan Eritain, plates, only 75 copies printed, not pub- lished 1833 2924 Stark (J.) Picturesque Views on and near the Eastern Coast of England, (the Rivers of Norfolk), fine plates hy Cooke, Goodall, Burnet, jj'c. lAEGE PAPER, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER ; original letter from the author inserted 1 834 2925 State Papers, temp. Henry VIII, published under the authority of His Majesty's Commission, 5 vol. 1831-6 2926 Statuts et Ordonnances de I'ordre et Milice du Benoist Sainct Esprit, estably par Henri III, Roy de France 2927 Stedman (Capt. J. G.) History of Surinam and of the Revolt of the Negroes, 1772—1777, 2 vol. plates 1806 2928 Storer and Greig, Select Views in London and its Envi- rons, 2 vol. in 1 , plates, mostly proofs ; with nine coats of arms, neatly emblazoned, on the margins, added, uncut 1804 2929 Stothard (Mrs. Chas.) Tour in Normandy, Brittany, &c. in 1818, plates coloured 1820 2930 Strutt (Jos.) Dictionary of Engravers, 2 vol. plates of mono- grams, and copies of very rare prints interleaved, with some engravings and etchings added, the mo- nograms and marks very much extended, and numerous additions in MS., also the autograph of the author 1785 2931 Struve (J. B.) Dissertatio Botanica de Erica, editio altera, cur- ante R. A. Salisbury, /!?«. not published, Featherstone, 1800 198 2932 STRUTT (Joseph) ANTIQUARIAN WORKS. Hoeda Angel Ctnnan ; or a Complete View of the Manners, Customs, Arms, Habits, &c. of the Inhabitants of England to the time of Henry VIII. 3 vol. 150 plates 1774-6 View of the Dress and Habits of the People of Eng- land, 2 vol. 143 coLouiiED plates 1796 Spoets and Pastimes of the People of England, second edition FINE PAPEE, with coloured plates 1810 Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England, 72 plates from antique MSS. BEST EDITION, with supplement 1793 Chronicle of England, to the end of the Saxon Heptarchy, 2 vol. plates large paper, to range with the previous works in size 1 767 *^* This fine and most desirable series of the vrorks of this celebrated Antiquary, forming nine volumes, are uniformly bound in old gilt russia, with yellow edges. They formerly enriched the well known Merly Library. Some original memoranda in the handwriting of the author are inserted. 2933 Stukeley (W.) Palseographia Sacra ; or Discourses on Monu- ments of Antiquity that relate to Sacred History, 2 parts ; with additions and MS. Notes ly Geo. Allan of Darlington, and his hooh-plate, also an autograph note of the author inserted Stamford, 1726-36 2934 Suckling (Rev. Alfred) History and Antiquities of the County of Suffolk, 2 vol. all published, portraits, views of old mansions, scenery, Sfc. printed in tints, monumental brasses, woodcuts, arms, Sfc. some in colours, half russia, uncut ; with the two cancelled plates, and an autograph letter from the author, and portraits of the Earl of Gosford and Rob. Sparrow, Esq., private plates, and others, inserted 1846 2935 Suetonius de XII. Csesaribus libri VIII. recensuit Isaacus Casaubonus, etc. ruled with lines, gilt edges; with autograph of Anquetil du Perron 1695 2936 Suetonius, cum comment. Pitisci, 2 vol. heads Leovardiee, 1714 2937 Suffolk Tears ; or Elegies on that Renowned Knight Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston, ^Zo. Turner and J. S. Cotman, and a drawing by Frost, and an autograph letter from the author imp. size. 1821 3009 Teniers Gallery. Theatrum Pictorium, 246 copies of celebrated Paintings, of the Old Masters, in the Gallery at Brussels SECOND IMPRESSIONS, but Very fine,- calf gilt Antverpim, Peeters, 1684 3010 Tenore (M.) Flora Napolitana, vol. 1, and part 1 of vol. 2, 65 coloured plates ; autograph letter of the author inserted Napo^i,\sn-^5 3011 Terentii Comcedise, old red morocco, with autograph of Kil- ligrew Paris ex typ. Bogia, 1642 3012 Testamentum (Novum) Syriac6-Italice — Ebraicd-Ispanic^ — Graecd-Gallic^ — Latine-Anglice — Germanicd-Danic^ — Bohemic^-Polonice, studio et labore E. Hutteri, 2 vol. very rare Norib. 1599 3013 Testamentum (Novum) Gr^cttm, cum Lect. Var. necnon Commentario pleniore Wetstenii, 2 vol. old gilt russia Amst. 1751 *^lt* This is the most valuable edition of the Greek New Testament, and is now rare. 3014 Testamentum (Novum) e codice MS. Alexandrino descriptum a Woide, uncut Lond. 1776 3015 Testament (The New) translated out of the Vulgar Latine by the Papistes at Rhemes, with Translation from the Greek, and Confutation of all Heresies, &c. by W. Fulke BEST EDITION, portrait and engraved title by Marshall, 1633 3016 Testament (New) translated in the English College at Rhemes, with Annotations, _^ow^. and cuts FIRST POLIO EDITION Pcrmissu Supcriorum, 1738 3017 Theophrastus de Historia Plantarum, lib. x. woodcuts Amst. 1644 3018 Thoresby (R.) Duoatus Leodiensis ; or Topography of the Parish of Leeds, enlarged by Whitaker — Loidis and Elmete ; or Description of Axedale and Wharfdale in the Co. of York, by Whitaker, 2 vol. fine ports, plates, pedi- grees, and the arms coloured, Sfc. UNCUT 1816 3019 Thornhill (J.) Fasciculus of Thirty-five Dried Specimens of Grasses, with Packets of Seeds Gateshead, 1806 3020 Thornton (Dr. R. J.) New Illustration of the Sexual System of Linnaeus, 2 yo\. ports, of eminent botanists, and pis. 1807 — The Temple of Flora ; or Garden of the Botanist, with the plates finely coloured, 1799 together 3 vol. atlas size 3021 Thornton (Dr. R. J.) Philosophy of Botany, 2 vol. with volume of engravings, 3 vol. uncut 1810 3022 Thucydidis Historia, Gr. et Lat. Dukeri, front, and maps, russia Amst. 1731 206 THIRTEENTH DAY'S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 3023 Visconti (E. Q.) Sculture del Palazzo della Villa Borghese e Monuraenti Gabini 3 vol. plates in outline; green morocco, gilt edges Roma, 1 lQQ-1 3024 Vitati (Mons.) Causes Secrfetes de la Revolution du 9 au 10 Thermidor, avec Continuation, Paris, 1795 — Les My stores de la Mere de Dieu d^voiles, ib. 3 vol. in I 1795 3025 Villoison (M. de) L'Espion de Valise, Londres, 1782, auto- graph of the author, and others 5 vol. 3026 Voisin (A.) Notice sur la bataille de Courtrai ou des Eperons d'or Brux. 1836 3027 Voit (Dr.) Historia Muscorum Frondosorum in Dueatu Her- bipolitano cresoentium, Norimh. 1812 — Swartz (O.) Dis- positio Muscorum Frondosorum Suecise, col. plates, Erlang. 1789 ^ 2 vol. 3028 VoiTAiKB (M.) CEuvEES COMPLETES, avec des notes de Beaumarchais, 70 vol. portrait; an autograph letteb from Voltaire inserted LABGB EiNE PAPEE, half morocco, uncut Imp. Soc. Typographique, 1784-9 3029 Volney (C. F.) Travels through Syria and Egypt, and in America, 3 vol. map 1805 3030 Von Troil (Dr.) Letters on Iceland, map, 1780 — Fischer (F. A.) Travels in Spain, 1802 3031 Waagen (Dr. G. F.) Kunstwerke und Kiinstler in England und Paris, 3 vol. Berlin, 1839 3032 Wace. Notice sur la vie et les ecrits de Robert Wace, Pokte Normand au XII. siecle, par F. Pluquet,_^ora^., letter from the editor inserted royal 8i)o. Rouen, 1 824 3033 Wahlenberg (Geo.) Flora, Lapponica, jb?s. calf, marbled edges : a catalogue of the Algce in the author's collection, in his autograph, is inserted Berol. 1812 3034 Wahlenberg (G.) Flora Carpatarum principalium, Gott. 1814 — De Vegetatione et Climate in Helvetia Septentionali tentamen, Turid, 1813 2 vol. 3035 Wakefield (G.) Silva-Critica, 5 parts in 2 vol Cant. 1789-95 3036 Wakefield (G.) Memoirs by himself, 2 vol. ; portrait and auto- graph of the author inserted 1804 3037 Walker (E. R.) Flora of Oxfordshire and the contiguous Coimties, plates ; with the autograph of IV. Baxter, author of British Pheenogamous Botany Oxford, 1803 207 3038 Walker (J.) Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine, 4 vol. ; autograph of J. Nichols inserted 1809 3039 Walker (J. Cooper) on the Revival of the Drama in Italy; ivith the autographs of T. Park and Dr. Robert Anderson, and an originalletter from the author Edin. 1805 3040 Walpole (Horace) Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, edited by T. Park, portraits, russia, marhled edges 1806 3041 Walpole (H.) Private Correspondence with Montagu, Cole, &c. 4 vol. portrait ; autograph letter inserted 1820 3042 Walpoliana, 2 vol. plate of facsimiles ; ivith autograph note of H. Walpole inserted 3043 Walton and Cotton's Complete Angler, with notes by Sir John 'Ravi'kvai, portrait and plates LAEGE PAPEK, Bagster" s Second Edition roy 8vo. 1815 3044 Walton (W.) on the Present State of the Spanish Colonies, (St. Domingo, &c.) 2 vol. ^o>-if. 1810 3045 Warburton and Ducarel, Account of the Alien Priories in England and Wales, edited by Nichols, 2 vol. in 1, very rare; H private plates inserted 1786 3046 Warburton (Bp.) Letters to Bp. Hurd ; autograph letters of both these Prelates inserted 1809 3047 Warburton (Bp.) Works, edited by Bishop Hurd, 12 vol. por- trait ; autograph and seal of the author inserted 1811 3048 Warner (Rev. R.) Literary Recollections, 2 vol. 1830 3049 Washington (Gen.) Letters to the American Congress, 2 v. 1 795 3050 Watson (Dr.) History of Philip II. and III. 5 vol. 1785-6 3051 Weare. The various Printed Accounts of this notorious Gambler, with an account of his murder by Thurtell and Hunt, and the different Newspapers of the period, containing the Trial and Execution of them, in 2 vol. plates — The Effects of a Gambler's Uk, plates, 1824 &c. 6 vol. 3052 Weaver (T.) on the External Character of Fossils, Dub. 1805 — Crondstedt(A. F.) Mineralogy, 2 vol. 1788, &c 4 vol. 3053 Weis (F. G.) Plantse CryptogamicEe Floree Gottingensis, Gott. 1770 — Necker (N. J.) Phvsiologia Muscorum, Manh. 1774 . 2 vol. 3054 Weld (Isaac) Travels in North America, 2 vol. plates 1807 3055 Wesley (Rev. J.) Letters on Early Rising, 1839 — Reports, &c. of the Artists' Benevolent Fund, 1839-40 — Laws of the General Dispensary — Stokes (Dr.) Syllabus of Lectures on Medicine, Dub. 1804 — Morgan (Rev. J.) Reasons for Tee- totalism — Examples of Mental Arithmetic, by G. Bidder, Norw. — Hume (Jos.) Speech on Household Suffrage, 1839 — The Gipsies, aprize poem. Ox. 1837, &c. in 1 vol. 3056 West (J.) Guide to the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmoreland, &c. map, 1793 — Guides to Blenheim and Bristol, in 1 vol. 1797 2 vol. 3057 Westring (J. P.) Suenska Laftvarnas Farghistoria, 2 parts, coloured plates Stockholm, 1805 208 3058 Weston (Rev, Stephen) The Englishman abroad, with Poem from various languages, 2 portraits ; autograph of the author, and his portrait, a private plate hy Mrs. D. Turner, inserted ■ 1824 3059 Westwood (J. O.) Illuminated Illustrations of the Bible, copied from select MSS. of the Middle Ages, _fine plates, coloured and gilt in exact facsimile of the originals ; autograph note from the author inserted imp. 8«o. 1848 3060 Wewitzer (R.) Pedigree of George III, heads of the monarchs, 1812— Rumford (Count) on the Art of Making Coffee— Spence (W.) on Diseases in Turnips, Hull, 1802 — Letter to R. Heber, Esq., on Weber's Edition of Ford's Dramatic Works, 1812 — Manby, Report on the Eastern Coast of England, and on the Saving Shipwrecked Persons ; with autograph of the author, 1813 — Brown (R.) on the Asclepiadeee, 1809, with autograph of the author in 1 vol. 3061 Whewell (Rev. W.) on the Principles of English University Education ; portrait of the author, hy Miss H. S. Turner, inserted 1838 3062 Whig and Tory. A Certain Information of a certain Discourse that happened at a certain Gentleman's House in a certain County 1712 3063 Whitaker (Dr. J.) on the Course of Hannibal over the Alps, 2 vol. 17,94 3064 White (Rev. H.) Practical Reflections on the Second Advent Dublin, 1838 3065 White (Henry Kirke) Remains, edited, with Life, by Southey, 2 vol. ; with a translation of the seventh Idyll of Moschus from the Greek, hy TI. K. White, in the handwriting of the author, inserted, portrait 1808 3066 White (W.) History, Gazetteer, and Directory of the County of Norfolk, scarce 1845 3067 Whiter (Rev. Walter) Specimen of a Commentary on Shaise- speare ; private portrait of the author, hy Miss H.S. lurner, inserted, very rare 1794 3068 Whiter (Rev. W.) Verses on St. George's Day, and on Shake- speare's Birth Day, not printed for sale — Reports on the Progressive Increase of the County Expenditure, Norwich, 1827, &c. — Instructions from the Poor Law Board — Burges (Rev. Geo.) Address to the Misguided Poor of the Disturbed Districts, 1830 — Cobbett (W.) Poor Man's Friend, 1826— Cobbett (W.) Picture of Popery, 1829— S (W. P.) on the Peace of the Country, Bury, 1830— Report on the Preservation from Shipwreck, 1829 — Lecture on Saving the Lives of Shipwrecked Sailors, 1829, &c. in 1 vol. 3069 Whiter (Rev. Walter) on the Disorder of Death ; with a private portrait of the author, hy Miss H. S. Turner, and an auto- graph letter from him, inserted, extremely rare Norwich,lS\9 3070 Whittington (G. D.) Survey of the Ecclesiastical Antiquities of France, /ro«<. ' 1811 209 3071 Wieland's (C. M.) Sammtliche Werke, 45 vol. Leip. 1794-98 3072 Wierix, Vita Passio et Resurrectio Jesu Christi variis iconibus ab Ad.Collaert expressaj, 92 plates, neatly engraved Ant, s.a. 3073 Wilberforce (Wm.) Life, edited by his Sons, 5 -vol. port. 1828 3074 Willett (R.) Memoir on the Origin of Printing iAEGE PAPER, only 30 copies printed ; with the autograph of Dr. Dibdin Newc. Hodgson, 1 820 3075 Williams (H. W.) Travels in Italy, Greece, and the Ionian Islands, 2 vol. plates Edinb. 1 820 3076 Williams (T. W.) Justice of the Peace, 4 vol. 1808 3077 Willis (Browne) History of Mitred Parliamentary Abbies, 2 vol. ; portrait of the author, a private etching by Mrs. D. Turner, and an autograph letter from him, inserted 1718 3078 Wilkins (W.) on the Topography and Buildings of Athens, plates; note from, the author inserted imp. 8vo. 1816 3079 Wilkinson (Sir I. G.) Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, 3 \o].Jirst series, plates 1837 3080 Willmot (R. A.) Lives of Sacred Poets, 2 vol. parts. 1834-38 3081 Willmot (R. A.) Select Letters of Eminent Persons 1839 3082 Wilson (Prof.) Two Lectures on the Hindoos, autograph of Br. Jacobson, Ox. 1840— Buxton (Sir T. F.) on the African Slave Trade, abridged, 1840 — Review of the same work, 1840 — Proceedings of the Meetings on, 1840 — Report on Benefitting the Foulahs, 1840 — Report of the Quebec Literary Society in 1 vol. 3083 Wilson (Rev.E.) Sermons for Sunday Evenings, with autograph letter from the author, 1832 — Analysis of Paley's Philo- sophy, 1821 — Criminal Trials, illustrative of the Heart of Mid Lothian, Edin. 1818, &c. 10 vol. 3084 Wilson and Bonaparte, American Ornithology, by Jameson, 4 vol. Edinb. \%Z\ 3085 Wilson and Bonaparte, American Ornithology, edited by Jar- dine, 3 vol. coloured plates, half morocco, uncut 1832 3086 Winch (N. J.) Botanist's Guide through Northumberland and Durham, 2 vol. ; autograph note inserted, Newc. 1805 — Sprengel (H.) on the Study of Cryptogamous Plants, 1807 — Rose (H.) Elements of Botany, 2 vol. 1775 4 vol. 3087 Winterbotham (W.) View of the American United States, 4 vol. maps 1795 3088 Withering (Dr. W.) Arrangement of British Plants, 4 vol. interleaved ; with many additions in MS. and an autograph letter from the author inserted 1796 , 3089 Wither (George) The British Appeals, with God's Mer- cifull Replies on the behalf of the Commonwealth of Eng- land, contained in a brief Commemorative Poem, composed for a Memorial of some of those many Mercies lately vouchsafed to this Republique 1651 *^* Extremely rare. Lowndes states that " no copy is at present known ;" but since his work was printed, two other copies (besides the present) have occurred for sale. E E 210 3090 Winterbotham (W.) Account of the Native Africans of Sierra Leone, 2 vol. map 1803 3091 Wither (G.) Campo Musse; or the Field-Musings of Capt. George Wither touching his Military Engagement for the King and Parliament (in \erse) Jrontispiece, uncut 1643 3092 Wodrow (Rev. R.) History of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland, by Burns, 4 vol. ports.; a letter from the publisher, together with some additional portraits, and a fac- simile, hy Miss Turner, of Archbishop Leighton's resig- nation of his See, inserted Glasgow, 1836 3093 Wolff (Rev. Jos.) Researches and Missionary Labours among the Jews, &c. map 1835 3094 Wolff (Rev. Jos.) Narrative of his Mission to Bokhara in 1843-45; ivith the autograph of the author Edin. 1848 -3095 WoUstonecraft (Mary) Letters during a Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, and on the French Revolution ; her autograph inserted, 1796 — Michaux (F. A.) Travels to the West of the Alleghany Mountains, 1805 — Twiss (R.) Tour in Ireland, 1775 ; portrait of the author, a private portrait by Mrs. D. Turner, and his autograph inserted, 1 776 4 vol. 3096 WoBUEN Abbey. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Portraits in the Collection of John Duke of Bedford ONLY 50 COPIES PMNTED, for private distribution roy. %vo. 1834 3097 Woods (Jos.) on the Modern Theories of Taste, portrait of the author, a drawing by Miss H. S. Turner, inserted, 1808 — Gilpin (Rev. W.) on his Method of taking Sketches, &c. 1804 — Lithography; or the Art of Drawing on Stone, 1813 — Description of Mr.- Barry's Pictures at the Great Room, Adelphi, 1803 — Catalogue of Pictures by Mr. West, 1815— The Egyptian Hall— Royal Mews Gallery in 1 vol. 3099 Wordsworth (Rev. C.) Journal of a Residence in Athens, plates 1836 3100 World (the) a Periodical Paper, 4 vol. 1782 3101 Wotton (Sir H.) Lives, Characters and Poems, edited by Iz. Walton, no portraits, 1651 — Eikon Basilicon,^ore<. 48mo. 1649 2 vol. 3102 Wotton (Sir H.) Reliquise Wottonianse, or Lives, Letters, and Poems, edited by Izaak Walton, portraits 1672 *^* Pbesentation copy from Isaac Walton to his Datjghtek, with autograph inscription by him '''' ffor my daughter Hawkins, Iz. Wa." 3103 Wrangham (Archd.) A Few Epigrams, &c. attempted in Latin Translations by an Old Pen nearly worn to its stump, not printed for sale, Cestrite, 1842 — Epithalamia TriaAnglice Restit. ib. 1837 — The Quadruped's Feast, and other small pieces 3 vol. 3104 Wrangham (Archd.) Sertum Cantabrigiense, or the Cambridge Garland, Lists of the Prizes, Prizemen, &c., only a few copies printed 1824 211 3106 Wtttenbach (Peop.) Sieangek's Guide to Tkeves, with portrait of the editor, from a drawing ly Miss H.S. Turner, inserted FEINTED ON VELLiTM UNIQUE COPT, calf extra, gilt edges royal 8vo. 1839 WORKS RELATING TO YARMOUTH. 3107 A True aud Perfect Eelation of the Taking of a Great Ship at Yarmouth, &c. 4to. 1642 — Barabbas; or Honest Chris- topher in the Compting House (Anecdotes founded on fact) by Sam. Kittridge (1750)— Walker (J.) Third Report on making Braydon Navigable, plan, 1826 — Remarks on the Violation of the Grave at Great Yarmouth, Norw. 1828 — Correspondence with the Marq. of Normanby and the Inha- bitants of Yarmouth, 1841 — Poll Book for Great Yarmouth, 1796 in 1 vol. 3108 Carnell (Dr.) Sermon on the Benefit of Afflictions, 1 726— Decla- ration of an Independent Congregation of Swinden's Row, Norw. 1771 — Mackenzie (Rev. H.) Sermon in aid of the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society, Yarm. 1845 — Visitation Sermon, 1845 — List of the Yarmouth Town Council, 1845 — Report of the Royal Life Fund, 1845— Laws of the Young Man's Institute, 1 844-5 — List of the Curate's Fund, Yarm. 1 846 — ^Yetts (W.) Letter to Jos. Hume, Esq. on Yarmouth Bar and Harbour, 1845 — Second Letter, with autograph note, 1845 — Testimonials of the Rev. H. N. Burrows, &c. in 1 vol. 3109 Report on the Plan for Making a Ship Navigation from the Sea at Lowestoft to Norwich, Yarmouth, 1826 — Speech of Hon. F. J. Robinson on the Financial Situation of the Country, 1826— Huskisson (Right Hon. W.) Speech on Silk Manu- facture, 1826 — Burgess (H.) Letter to Canning on Bills of Exchange, &c. 1826 in 1 vol. 3110 Narrative of the Festival held at Yarmouth, Tuesday, 19 Ap. 1814, 5 copies Yarmouth,. 1814 3111 Labelye (C.) View and Survey of Yarmouth Haven in 1747, Norw. 1775 — A Straunge and Terrible Wunder wrought very late in the Parish Church of Bungay, 1577, reprinted — Bacon (R. N.) Report of the Forty-third Anniversary of the Holkham Sheepshearing, Norw. 1834 — Lawrence (John) Memoir of Sir T. C. Bunbury, Bart, autograph inserted, 1821 — Letter to the Dean and Chapter of Nor- wich, by Ebenezer Tom Tit (Rev. C. Smyth) — Rochester Norfolk and Norwich Guide, No. 1, .all pub. — On the Conduct of the Corporation of Great Yarmouth, two parts in 1 ^ol. 3112 Sermon on the Rev. Alex. Creek by Rev. J. Alexander, ^or<«. added lARGE PAPEE, o»?y ^1 copies printed Yarmouth, 1848 212 3113 Act for Building a New Bridge, 1785— Yelloly (Dr.) Letter to Wm. Dalrymple on the Right of the Corporation to Enclose the North Denes, 1820 — Guide to Yarmouth and Lowestoft — History of Great Yarmouth (by Dr. Jones, all ever printed) — Yelloly (Dr.) Plan for Forming a Collection of Books in aid of the Norwich Public Library, 1620 — Speech of Aid. Brown on Mr. Cubitt's Report for making Norwich a Port, 1818 — Proceedings of the Members of the Norwich Union and Life Assurance Associations, 1818 — Report of the Dii'ectors on the Charges brought against them, 1818 — Reasons why a Churchman may refuse to subscribe to the British and Foreign Bible Society (by the Rev. H. Lockwood, unpublished) 1816 — Cunningham (Rev. F.) Answer to the same, Yarm. 1816, &c. in 1 vol. 31 14 Rules and Articles of the Harmonic Auricrescent Society, May, 1815— Barrett (H.) Letter on the Poor Laws, 1829 — Hints and Observations on the Improvement of the Yar- mouth Navigation, 1830 — Letter on the Election of a Recorder, 1831 — Rules of the Monthly Book Club — Report on the Management of the Poor, 1831 — Yarmouth Poll Book, 1830— Election Budget, 1830— Yarmouth Poll Book, 1832 in 1 vol. 3115 Elegiac Verses on the Death of John Shelly, Esq. — Rules of the Penny Library — Lusus Yermouthenses, 1 834 — Exami- nation Papers of the Yarmouth Proprietary School, ib. 1835- 36 — Guide to Great Yarmouth, ZA illustrations, 1851 3117 Skinner (Rev. Geo.) Sermon, Sep. 16, 1849, with autograph— Jacobson (W.) Sermon, 20 June, 1847 — Poll Book, Yarmouth, 1848 — Evidence on the Yarmouth Election Petition, 1848— List of the Town Councils, Nov. 1848— Report on a proposed New Drain, 1845 — Proceeding re- specting the Drainage of the Denes, 1819 — Report of the Sanitary Condition of the Borough, 1849 — Robertson (Dr. C. L.) on the Yarmouth Sanitary Movement — Report of the Young Man's Institute — Rules of the Yarmouth Hospital, and other Reports relating to the Town 3118 Yarmouth and Norwich. Poll Book for the Borough of Yarmouth, 1820 — History of Yarmouth (first four half sheets of a proposed) by J. Jones, unpublished — Gibbs (E. H.) Letter to Tuthill M. Moore, exposing the conduct of T. W. Coke, Esq. Holt, 1822— Dr. Sigma's Tour of aU the Yarmouth Public Houses, in' verse, by D. Service, Yarm. 1822 — Letter to the Editor of the Norwich Mer- cury on making " Norwich a Port," Yarm. 1823 — Warning Voice as to making Norwich a Port, plan, ib. 1823 — Remarks on the same project — Testimonials of J. Cross for the Office of Assistant Surgeon, Norm. 1823 — Rules of the Norwich Hospital, 1822 — Catalogue of the Library of the Norfolk and Norwich Literary Institution, 1823— Trial, Wheatley and others v. Yetts, Yarm. 1823 in 1 vol. 213 31 19 Turner (Dawson) Sepulchral Rerainiscencesof a Market Town ; or a List of Interments within the Walls of St. Nicholas, Great Yarmouth, (with some Biographical Notices) FEINTED ON TElLTJM, UNIUTJE, Calf extra, gilt edges Yarmouth, 1848 3120 Yarrell (Wm.) History of British Fishes, with Supplement, 3 vol. woodcuts Van Voorst, 1836 3121 Young (Dr. Ed.) Poetical Works, with Life, 3 yo\. plates lAKGE PAPEE, russia ; an original autograph letter from the author inserted rog.Svo. 1802 3122 Young (T.) on Cruelty to Animals, Birm. 1804 — Discours sur le Couronnement de Buonaparte, Brentford, 1805, in 1 v. 3123 Yriarte (T. de) Fabulas, Bariel, 1782— Gonzalo de Cordova, 2 vol. Brusselas, 1808 — Riego (E.) Obras Fostumas Po^ti- cas, printed on various coloured papers, 1843 4 vol. 3124 Zeno (Apostolo) Lettere, 6 vol. Venezia, 1785 3125 Zeno (Apostolo) Poesie Drammatiche, 11 vol. Orleans, 1785-6 3126 Xenophontis Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. ex recensione Wells, cum prsefat. Ernesti, 4 vol. port. Lips. 1763 , 3127 Xenophon's Institution, Schole and Education of Cyrus, translated by Wm. Bercher, russia illacb Utter, eaee, from Home Tooke's library, with his autograph and marks, preparatory to his using the book towards his projected dictionary of the English language 1567 3128 Zanetti (Girolamo) Elogio di Rosalba Carriera PEiNTBD ON VELLUM rm/. 8vo. Tipog. di Ahisopoli, 1818 3129 Zimmermann (M.) on Solitude, trans. byiMercier 1794 3130 Zurich Letters. Original Letters relative to the English Reformation (1537 to 1558) in two portions, Camh. 1846-7 — Letters during the reign of Elizabelii, 2 vol. with numerous facsimiles of interesting autographs, ib. 1842-5 together 4 vol. QUARTO. 3131 Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, 3 vol. in 6 -paxts, plates 1827-39 3132 Tuckey (Capt.) Narrative of his Expedition to Explore the River Zaire in 1816, m,ap 1818 3133 Turner (Ed.) History of Grantham, Co. Lincoln, -with Memoirs of Sir Isaac Newton, map and plates laege papee imp. size. 1806 3134 TUENEE (J. M. W.). PiCTUEESQUE ViEWS IN ENGLAND AND Wales, 2 vol. 96 beautiful plates, engraved by Charles Heath ; a portrait of C. Heath, a private etching by Mrs. Dawson Turner, and an autograph letter from him inserted 1838 3136 Tweddell (John) Remains, with his Letters and Memoir, port, and plates 1815 2 14 3137 Twiss (Richard) Travels through Portugal and Spain in 1772- 1773, maps and plates, including the very beautiful one of the Madonna del Pesce ; original note from the author inserted 1 775 3138 Vaientia (Lord) Tkavels in the East (India, Ceylon, &c.) in 1802 to 1806, 3 vol.^^we engravings LAKGE PAPEE, russia extra, double bands, marbled edges ; original letter from the author inserted imp. 4to. 1809 3139 Valpy (F. E. J.) Virgilian Hours; or the Etymology of the Words of the JEneid ; autograph note from, the author inserted 1 850 3140 Vancouver (Capt. Geo.) Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and liound the Woi'ld, 3 vol. maps, and large folio atlas of plates, 1798 3141 Vaucher (J. P.) Histoire des Conferves d'Eau T>o\xce, plates Gen. 1803 3142 Vedova (Giuseppe) Discorso degli Storici dello Studio di Padova — Articolo Storico-Biograflco intorno Francesco Maria CoUe scritto da Giuseppe Vedova, in 1 vol. russia, g.l. TTNIQITE COPIES, PKINTED ON VBLLtTM Padova, typ. della Minerva, 1824 3143 Venice. Istorici delle Cose Veneziane — (Sabellico, Bembo, Paruta, Morosini, Nani e Foscarini) 1 vol. Ven. 1718-22 3144 Vertue (Geo.) Description of the Medals, Coins, Great Seals, and other vsforks of Thomas Simon, Mint engraver, plates of his fine works, including the Petition crown 1780 3145 Vertue (Geo.) Catalogue of the Pictures belonging to King James II. and of those in the Closet of Queen Caroline, and at the Palace at Kensington 1758 3146 Vincent (Dean) Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Indian Ocean, 2 vol. 1807 — Voyage of Nearchus and Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, Ox. 1809, together 3 vol. port, and maps ; original note from the author inserted 3147 Virgilii Bucolica, cum commento familiari, russia Land. Impressa in cedibus Winandi de TForde, 1529 3148 ViKGiLii Opeka Omnia, var. lect. et perpetua adnot. illustrata a C. G. Heyne, 4 vol. plates after Fiorillo lAEGE THICK VELLUM PAPEB, proofs of the fine vignettes, russia extra, gilt edges, joints ; autograph note from the editor inserted 1793 3149 Visconti (E. Q.) Iconographie Grecque, vol. 1, 2, 3, Paris, 181 1 — Iconographie Romaine, vol. I, ib. 1817, with the two large atlas folios of plates of busts, medals, coins, Sfc. together 6 vol. 3150 Voltaire (Mons.) La Henriade, plates TBLLTTM PAPEB Par. 1790 3151 Wahlenberg (G.) Beskrifning om Kemi Lappraark Matningar och Observationer for att bestamma Lappska Fjallens Hojd. ar. 1807, plates, 2 vol.; autograph letter from the author inserted Stockholm, 1808 215 3152 Walsh (Capt. T.) Journal of the late Campaign in Bgypt, maps and views ; autograph note from the author inserted 1 803 3153 Walker (J. C.) Historical Memoirs on Italian Tragedy, plates ; an autograph letter from the author inserted 1799 3154 Walpoie (Horatio, Earl of Orford) Wokks — Anecdotes of Painting in England, Royal and- Noble Authors, Correspon- dence, &c., — 5 vol. numerous portraits and plates lAEGE PAPEB, proofs, russia, marbled edges ; a proof print of Queen Catherine Parr, engraved by Edwards, after Hol- bein, one of Lord Orford when young, a private plate ; with autograph letter from H, Walpole, and a frank after he succeeded to the title of " Orford" Sfc. inserted 1798 3155 Walpole (Horace) Memoirs of the last Ten Years of George II, edited by Lord Holland, 2 vol. port. ; original letter from Horace Walpole inserted 1822 3156 Walpole. Edwards (Ed.) Anecdotes of Painters who have re- sided in England (Supp. to Walpole), portraits lAEGB PAPEB ; portraits of the author and of Wright of Derby, private plates by Mrs. Turner, inserted 1808 3157 Walpole (Rev. Rob.) Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey, 1818 — Travels in various Countries of the East, 1820, 2 \o\. plates ; letter from the author inserted 1818-20 3158 Waring (E. S.) Tour to Sheeraz, jofaifes 1807 3159 Warwickshire. A Collection of Neat Etchings, illustrative of the County, its Antiquities, Scenery, Remarkable Cha- racters, &c. 1 6 plates 3160 Watson (Rev. John) Memoirs of the ancient Earls of Warren and Surrey, 2 vol. portraits, plates and coats of arms, russia, marbled edges not printed for sale Warrington, 1782 3161 Wendland (J. C.) Ericarum Icones et descriptiones, fasc. 1, plates, JUanover, 1798 — Bolten (J. F.) Epist. ad C. Linne de novo Zoophytorum Genere, col. plate, Hamb. 1771, in 1 vol. — Wahlenberg (G.) de Sedibus Materiarum im- mediatarum in Plantis tractatio, Upsolite, 1806-7, and other pieces in the vol. 2 vol. 3162 Weld (Isaac) Illustrations of the Scenery of Killarney, kc.fne etchings ; many original drawings inserted 1807 3163 West (Ben. President) Gallery of his Pictures, engraved by Moses; 12 plates, with autograph note from Mr. West inserted imp. 4to. 1811 3164 Whitaker (T. D.) History of the Parish of Whalley and Honor of Clitheroe, portrait and plates SECOND EDITION ; outogroph letter from the author in- serted 1806 3165' White (Gilb.) Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, Co. Hants, plates, calf 1 789 3166 White (Dr. J.) Egyptiaca, or Observations on the Ant;iquities of ^gypt,Tpart\, all published 0;^. 1801 3167 White (J.) Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales, 65 plates, those of Natural History coloured 1790 216 3168 Wilkinson (R.) Londina Illuatrata, Graphic and Historic Memorials of Monasteries, Churches, Palaces, Halls, Places of Public Amusement, &c. in London and Westminster, 1^1 fine engravings, russia extra, joints, gilt edges imp. size, 1819 3169 Willement (T.) Account of the Principal Works in Stained Glass, executed by himself, front, printed Jbr private distri- bution 1840 3170 Wilson (Cap.) Missionary Voyage to the South Pacific, in the ship "Duff," in 1796-8, mo^j 1799 3171 Wilson (Sir R. T.) History of the British Expedition to Egypt under Abercrombie, port, and maps ; autograph of the author inserted 1 803 3172 Wilson and Sons' Specimens of their Printing Types ; autograph note inserted Glasgow, 1833 3173 Winklemann (J.) Histoire de I'Art chez les Anciens, traduit par Huber, 3 \o\. plates Pai-is, 1802 3174 Wither (George, Archdeacon of Colchester) Letter to Lord Burleigh on the Masse and Translation of the " Greate Bible," Feb. 19, 1583 reprinted by Mr. Pulham, without date 3175 Withy and Ryall, Twelve Plates of English Silver Coins, their value, &c. 1756— Snelling (T.) View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of England, j^fo^e*, 1762 in 1 vol. 3176 Wood (Ant. a) Athenje Oxonibnses ; or History of Oxford Writers, with the Fasti, or Annals of the University, enlarged by Bliss, 4 vol. ; autograph note by the editor respecting the work, and an account of the expenses attending the printing of the ith vol. inserted 1813 3177 Woodcuts and Verses. A Series of all the Woodcuts used in the various Works published at Lee Priory, with verses, printed on india paper ; a portrait of Sir E. Brydges, the author, inserted Lee Priory, \82Q 3178 Woodcuts. Religious Emblems in a Series of Engravings by Clennell, Branston, &c. 20 cuts 3179 Woodcuts. A Collection of Specimens, some in colours and gold, with Critique in the Athenseum on Jackson's History of Wood Engraving in 1 vol. 3180 Worlidge (Tho.) Select Collection of Drawings from Antique Gems, etched in the style of Rembrandt, 180 plates, original subscription edition, fine old impressions, portrait of Worlidge 1768 3181 Wright (And.) Court Hand restored ; or Student's Assistant in Reading Old Deeds, &c. plates 1818 3182 Wright (T.) Life of Richard Wilson, Esq. R. A. portrait ; an etching after a picture by Wilson (a private plate) inserted 1824 3183 Wyndham (H. P.) Tour through Monmouthshire and Wales in 1774 and 1177, plates Salis. 1781 3184 Xenophon de Cyri Expeditione, Gr. et Lat. a Hutchinson, russia Cant. 1785 217 3185 Yarmouth. Druery (J. H.) Graphic Illustrations of Great Yarmouth and its Environs, plates l.lLRGMVk.'s^n, proofs on india paper Yarni. 1822 3186 Yaxlee (Henry of Bowthorpe, Co. Norfolhe) a Declaration wherein he showeth how he was a Papist, and how by God's grace he is now lately converted 1630 3187 Young (Arthur) Travels in France, 1787 to 1789, 2 vol. map; with a letter from the author inserted 1794 3188 Young (Dr. Thomas) Lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts, 2 vol. ; portrait of the author by Mrs. Daivson Turner, and autograph letter from him inserted 1807 FOLIO. 3189 Thtjhloe (J.) Collection op State Papers, 1638-1660, edited by IDr. Birch, 7 vol. portrait 1742 3190 Tibullus, Catullus et Propertius, cum commento Beroaldi, (an edition not mentioned by Dibdin) Ven. d B. Locatello, 1487 3191 Titian. Opera Selectiora quse Titianus Vecellius et Paulus Calliarius inventarunt ac pinxerunt, 50 plates, engraved hy Lefebre imp. size. 1682 3192 Topham (John) Account of the Collegiate Chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, with Plans, Sections, &c. ; with the additional plates by Sir H. Englefield Antiq. Society, 1795-1807 3193 Topographical Prints, relating chiefly to the Counties of Dorset, Gloucestershire, and Warwickshire, 57 plates in 1 vol. 3194 Townsend Peerage Case. Papers, Minutes of Evidence, &c. 1842-3 3195 TeEsoe de Numismatiqttb. Medailles Frangaises de Dupr^ et Warin — Sceaux des Rois et Reines de France — Medailles coulees et ciselees en Italic, 3 vol. 104 plates, engrailed hy Collas Paris, 1834 3195*Turnbull (George) Treatise on Ancient Painting, 50 plates lAEGE PAPEE 1740 3196 TuENEK (Wm.) A Newe Heeball, wherein are conteyned the names of Herbes in Greke, Latin, Englysh, and French, with the properties of the same, 2 parts in 1, woodcuts Blacfe Xtitit, TEET EAEE London, imp. hy Steph. Mierdman 1551 " A Boke of the Natures and Properties, as well as of the Bathes in England. A most excellent and perfect Homish Apothecarye, translated by Hollybush." This, the first English Flora, is printed in black letter, and is embellished with figures of most of the plants described. tilatfe letter, imp. at Collen hy Birchman, 1561 in 1 vol. FF 218 3197 TURNER (J. M. W.) LIBER STUDORIUM, a Series OF Seventy Plates, drawn and etcheI) by J. M. W. Turner, engraved chiefly by Charles Turner oblong 4to. 1812-19 ALL PROOFS, AND MANY OF THEM IN THE RARE AND CHOICE STATES *jf* From an autograph letter to Messrs. Priestley and Weale, it appears that the present very choice and complete copy was obtained direct from the artist. The outer bkte covers at beginning and end bear the autograph initials of Mr. Turner. 3198 Ttjiiner(J. M. W.) PicTtTB-EsauE Vievts of the Sotjthern Coast of England, 2 vol. in 1, 80 plates, ^finely engraved by W. B. and George Cooke, a subscriber'' s copy LARGE paper, ORIGINAL AND VERY BRILLIANT IMPRES- SIONS, blue morocco extra, joints, gilt edges 1826 *** "With autograph note of the late W. Alexander, Esq. of the British Museum ; signatures of the engravers, W. B. and Geo. Cooke, &c. inserted. 3199 TURNER (J. M. W.) VIEWS IN ENGLAND AND WALES, CONTAINING NINETY-SIX BEATJTIFTTL ENgAAT- INGS FROM THE DESIGNS OP THIS CELEBRATED PAINTER FINE abtist's PROOFS, ON INDIA PAPER, before the inscription, struck off on large folio paper, not more than twenty copies printed, and those not for sale 1 832 3200 Turner (Mrs. Davrson) Etchings, a Series of One Hundred, consisting chiefly of portraits of distinguished individuals, ONLY forty-nine COPIES, privately printed for presents, extremely scarce v. y. 3201 Turner Gallery. Outlines in Lithography of the small but fine Collection of Pictures of Dawson Turner, Esq. drawn on stone by the Misses Turner, with descriptions by Mrs. Daivson Turner only one hundred copies printed, and the whole intended for presents to friends and acquaintances Yarmouth, 1840 3202 TussAC (F. R. de) Flore des Antilles, vol. 1, 30 /we coloured plates Par. 1808 3203 Ulloa et Juan, Relacion Historica del Viage a la America Meridional, 2 vol. in 5, maps and plates large paper, _^n« copy, from Col. Stanley'^s Collection, in old red morocco, gilt leaves Madrid, 1748 3204 Vaillant (S ) Botanicon Parisiense, ZZ plates Leide, 1727 3205 Van Dyck. Icones Principum, Virorum doctorum, Pictorum Chalcographorum, etc. \\Q fine heads after this celebrated painter, engraved by Vosterman, De Jode, Sfc. together with several etchings by his own hand, in Dutch calf Ant. Gilles Hendricx, s. a. 3206 Vaticano. I piu celebri Quadri delle Scuole Italiane negli appartamenti Borgia del Vaticano, plates, engr-aved by Craffonara Roma, 1820 219 3207 Ventenat (E. P.) Jaedin de Malmaison (le Chateau de rimperatrice Josephine) 2 vol.. in I VELHTM PAPEE, the plates finely coloured, riissia extra, marbled edges imp. size, ^ans, 1803-7 3208 Ventenat (E. P.) Description des Plantes nouvelles et peu connues, cultiv^es dans le Jardin de Mons. Cels, plates ; an autograph letter of Mons. Cels, inserted Paris, 1800 3209 Veesailles. Plans, Coupes, Profils, et Elevations de la Chapelle et Chateau Royal de Versailles, avec les Bosquets et Fontaines, 5Q plates of the gardens, fountains, Sfc. Par. de Mortain, 17 Id 3210 Vettjsta Monumenta, ad Rerum Britannicarum memoriam conservandam edita a Societate Antiquariorum Londini, Q yo\. nearly IbO plates imp. size. 1747-1835 *»* The present copy contains, in addition to the engravings belonging to the work, the other plates engraved at the expense of the Society of Antiquaries, as Vertue's Portraits of the Tudor Family — Aggas, Plan of London in the time of Q. Elizabeth, on eight sheets — Plates of Stanton Har- court — Procession of Edw. VI. — Le Champ du drap d'or — Embarkation of Henry VIIL &c. &c. in all upwards of 300 prints 3211 Vetusta Monumenta, vol. 4, plates 5 to 23, with descriptions by Dance, ^c. all published imp. size. 1808 3212 Vincent (Aug.) Discoverie of Errours in the first edition of the Catalogue of Nobility, pub. in 1619, woodcuts of arms, dark calf with autograph of Geo. -Ormerod, Esq. the historian of Chester Juggard, 1622 3213 Virgil, Works, translated by Dryden, \Q0 plates lAEGE PAPEE 1697 3214 ViscoNTi, MtrsEO Pio Cxementino, e Museo Chiaramonti, together 8 vol. containing upwards of Four Hundred splendid Engravings of Statues, Busts, Bas Reliefs, Sfc. OEIGINAL COPY, tTNCTTT atlas size. Roma, 1762-1808 3215 Voyages PiTTOEEsatTES et Romantiques dans L'Ancienne France, par Baron Taylor, Nodier, &c. — Ancienne Noe- KTANDIE, 2 vol. 232 plates, on india paper, uncut imp. folio. Par. 1820-25 3216 Voyages and Travels of the Ambassadors, from the Duke of Holstein to the Great Duke of Muscovy and the King of Persia, 1633 to 1639, with the Travels of J. A. W. de Mandelslo from Persia into the East Indies^ front, with portraits by Chantrey, and maps 1669 3217 Walsingham (T. de) Ypodigma Neustriae vel Normannise, et Historia Brevis ab Eduardo I. ad Hen. V. — Asserii Mene- vensis, ^Ifredi Regis res Gestae Anglb-Saxonicse, woodcut title, edited by Abp. Parker, gilt edges Daii, 1745 220 3218 Weale (Jno.) Divers Works of Early Masters in Christian Decoration, with Examples of Ancient Painted and Stained Glass, 2 \o\. Jine plates, some coloured, half morocco imp. she. Weale, 1846 *^* Splendid specimens of painted glass, especially in the ChuKphes at Liege. 3219 Waterloo and Weirotter. A Collection of about Ninety Etchings by these masters, neatly mounted in 1 vol. 3220 Whitakee (T. D.) History or Eichmondshiee, Co. York, portraits and fine engravings, some after the designs of J. M. W. Turner, halfrussia 1823 3222 Willdenevif (C. L.) Hortus Berolinensis, 9 fasc. all published, 108 coloured plates Berol, 1806-12 3223 Wilkins (W.) Antiquities of Magna Grsecia, plates ; original note from, the author inserted imp.fol. Camh. 1807 3224 WiiLEMiN (N. X.) MoNTJMENS FEAN9AIS Inedits, 2 vol. avec le texte, 300 fine plates, those of costume and ornament coloured, half russia ; subscription copy ; autograph of the author inserted Paris, 1806-39 3225 Winkelmann (Giov.) Monument! Antichi Inediti, 2 vol. plates, original edition, uncut Fir. 1 767 3226 Woodburn's Gallery of Rare Portraits from the original plates, engraved by Cecil, Faithorne, Loggan, Pass, &c. 2 vol. 200 heads lAEQE PAPEE, half russitt, uncut 1816 3227 Wood Engeayings. Gravures en Bois des Anciens Maitres AUemandes, tirdes des planches originales recueillies par J. B. Deschau, publiees par R. Z. Becker, 3 vol. several hundred specim.ens from the old blocks, with descriptions in German and French atlas size, Ooth. 1808-16 3228 WotrvEEMANs (P. H.) QEtjvres, 5'?-oj;ees <^'apre« ses meilleurs Tableaux, with his portrait A riNE COLLECTION OF NiNETT Peints, somc extra large, by the best old French and Flemish engravers, beilliant IMPEESSIONS, russia extra, joints, gilt edges Paris, 1737-54 3229 Yarmouth. An Extensite and singitlaelt interest- ing Collection or Fugitite Papers, chiefly printed between the years 1830-50; among the Miscellanies will be found. The Rental of the Corporation Lands in 1 732, on vellum ; the various Broadsides, Hand Bills, Squibs, &c., issued during the Elections; Theatrical and Exhibition Placards, &c. &c. in the whole being an important series relating to the Borough arranged in 1 vol 3230 Yarmouth, &c. A large Collection of Papers, Prospectuses, Exhibition Bills, Tradesmen's Circulars, Election Squibs and Placards relating to the Borough, its Port, Roads, &c., 1778-1830 in 1 vol. 3231 Yarmouth. Plan of the Yarmouth River, showing its present state and the projected improvements, drawn by James Walker, Esq. C. E. 1825— Plan of Gorleston Hundred, Co. Suffolk in 1 large vol. 221 3232 Yai-mouth, &c. A Report on the Yarmouth Election Petitions, 1835 — Evidence on the Norwich and Towestoft Navigation Bill, 1826 — Jacob (Mr.) two Reports of Foreign Com, 1828 — Report on the Eastern Counties Railway Bill, &c. a parcel 3233 Yarmouth. A Collection of the Broadsides, Circulars, Songs, Squibs, &c., relative to the Election of Anson and Rum- bold, in 1830 in 1 vol. 3234 Yarmouth. A Collection of the various Hand Bills, Squibs, Songs, &c. in 1835, relative to the election of Baring and Praed, versus Anson and Rumbold in 1 vol. 3235 Zanetti (A.M.) Pitture a fresco dei principi _ Maestri Vene- ziani (Tintoretto, Giorgioni, etc.) Imp.fol: Ven.Yl&i 3236 Zentner, Select Collection of Tandscapes from the best old masters, with oval portraits of the artists, printed on tinted paper, Jine impressions, morocco, gilt edges oblong size, Thame, 1791 3237 ZoEGA (Gio.) de Origine et Usu Obeliscorum, plates, half russia, very rare Roma, 1 797 3238 Zoega (Gio.) Bassirilievi Antichi di Roma publicati da P. Piranesi, 2 vol. places by Piroli, half russia, uncut Roma, 1808 END OF THE SALE. J. Davy and Sons, Pj-inters, 137, Long Acre, London.