^\ 6 ON THE ^^^P^' ADJUSTMENT AND TESTING TELESCOPIC OBJECTIVES. T. COOKE & SONS, BmKlNGHAM WORKS, YORK. YORK : Printed by Be-n Johnson and Co., ioo and loi, Mtckt.f.gate. BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF Henrg M. Sage 1891 ,A7.^Z£d VVgf^^ Cornell University Library °!3...*.'i!S,,3/?iHi?An?.?PA.?!ni;!.testing of telesco ,. 3 1924 031 273 109 Cornell University Library The original of tliis bool< is in tlie Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924031273109 ON THE ADJUSTMENT AND TESTING TELESCOPIC OBJECTIVES. T. COOKE & SONS, BUCKINGHAM WORKS, YORK. YORK : Printed by Ben Johnson and Co., ioo and ioi, Micklegate. PREFACE. In the following pages we hope to supply a want which we have every reason to suppose exists largely among the numerous and increasing class of astronomical observers, both amateur and professional, but more especially those amateurs who have few or no opportunities of getting that full information about the adjustment and testing of their objectives which we shall try to impart. T. Cooke &^Sons. INDEX TO FRONTISPIECE. Fig. loa. — Eccentric appearance of interference rings, due to the objective being out of adjustment. See page 8. i c. The focussed image of a star, when the maladjustment is about as much as in the last case. b. The focussed image, as visible when the objective is moderately out of square. J'ig. ir. — A section of the cone of rays taken closer to the focus, exhibiting a more moderate degree of maladjustment. See page 9. Hg. 12, — a, b, c, d, & d' are out of focus sections, as will be seen when the objective is correctly "squared on," and quite irrespective of other faults. See page 12. a',b' (& d" are appearances of the focussed image corresponding respectively to u, b & d. d, d' <& d" are also examples of astigmatism. See pages 19 & 21. Fig. 13. — A section taken a very little way within focus, under a high power, exhibiting the fault of astigmatism. Fig. 14. — The corresponding appearance to Fig. 13, as shown by a section taken at the same distance beyond focus. See page 21. Fig, ij. — Section within focus, showing result of positive spherical aber- ration. f Fig. i£a. — The corresponding section, taken at the same distance beyond focus. See page 22. Fig. 16. — A section taken closer to focus under a high power, exhibiting a slight residual spherical aberration ; the central rings rather weak. Fig. i6a. — The corresponding appearance at the same distance beyond focus ; the central rings relatively strong. See page 23. Fig. I J. — The spurious disc or image of a star yielded by a perfect objective, and viewed under a very high magnifying power. See page 27. Fig. 18. — The spurious disc sometimes yielded by a large objective when resting upon three points, without intermediate supports being supplied to counteract the flexure due to the weight of the lenses. See page 37. Figs, zg <& iga. —An example of marked zonal aberration, being sections of the cone of rays taken inside and outside of focus respectively. See page 24. Figs. 20 & 3oa. — Another example of zonal aberration. See page 24. Figs. 21 (& 2ia. — Example of the general figure of an objective being tolerably good, but there is a region in the centre having ii focus somewhat beyond the main focus. See page 24. Fi^s, 2Z (& 22a. — Two sections of the cone of rays yielded by a perfect objective, taken very near to and on opposite sides of focus, and viewed under a high power. See page 25. Fig. 23. — A section of the cone of rays yielded- by a perfect objective, taken at about ^ inch on either side of focus, and viewed under a moderately high magnifying power. .See page 25. Fig. 24a. — Example of violent mechanical strain, due to imperfect mounting or bad annealing. See page 34. Fig. 24. — Ditto. Fig. 24b. — Example of the effects due to the presence of veins io the material of the objective. THE ADJUSTMENT AND TESTING OF TELESCOPIC OBJECTIVES. IN these days all astronomers, whether amateur or otherwise, must be provided with some form of telescope if their study is to be in any degree satisfactory and fruitful of results, and moreover, such instruments must come up to a certain standard of excellence and be properly adjusted, before they can be expected to yield the best definition attainable by the particular size in question. The old established reflecting telescope still remains the favourite with many observers, chiefly by reason of its smaller cost and its perfect achromatism, but there is no doubt that the refracting telescope is generally recognised as the most con- venient and generally reliable form of telescope, principally because it will perform well on nights when the reflector is useless owing to the deposit of dew and the distracting effect of insidious air currents within the tube. But there are refractors and refractors, varying greatly in their intrinsic qualities. Among the large number of objectives which we have had submitted to us for our opinion, we have found the greater proportion very indiff"erent in their performance, and very questionable objectives enjoying a reputation for high quality in some quarters, chieflyfor the reason, as it seemsto us, that there is a lack of published information of an authentic and complete character, enabling the amateur to make a sufficiently accurate estimate of the quality of an objective for himself. On the other hand, we have had forced upon our attention the fact that occasionally objectives oi first rate quality are neverthe- less looked upon as defective, because those who use them have been insufficiently informed as to the necessary adjustments, and therefore their objectives are put to a more or less serious disadvantage. It is such facts as these which prompt us to publish the following remarks for the purpose of enabling amateurs to gain the very utmost advantage from the use of their instruments. In the first place it may be pointed out that portable and pocket telescopes of under three inches aperture and used for terrestrial purposes, are adjusted by their makers before being sent out, and moreover are not usually supplied with apparatus for adjustment, as the comparatively low magnifying powers used on such telescopes renders a perfect adjustment of the objective unnecessary. Of course, good objectives for astronomical purposes, if supplied with tube and mounting, are also sent out in good adjustment, as far as possible ; nevertheless, after they have been in use for some time, or the objective has been taken out for cleaning, &c., or still more, if they have changed hands and undergone vicissitudes of some sort or another, there will arise need for more or less readjustment of the objective with respect to its tube, or "squaring on" as the operation is called. Sometimes the maker has to supply a large telescope to be put up at some distant place (in Australia, for instance), in which case it may be impracticable to send some well qualified person to see to the final adjustment of the objective in its tube ; or again, an objective may be supplied by itself, in which case its adjustment by the maker is not demanded, but is undertaken by its owner or a friend. It is therefore very important that anyone who uses an astronomical telescope of any considerable aperture should be able to perform the operation of " squaring on " the objective to a nicety, for unless this is done the telescope will not perform its best with the highest magnifying powers, especially in the way of separating difficult double stars. Technically, the operation called " squaring on '' means the adjustment of the optical axis of the objective until it passes accurately through the centre of the eye-piece. If the objective is not "squared on," its optical axis falls more or less to one side of the centre of the eye-piece, and we have the condition of things shown in Fig, i, where o-a is the optical axis of the objective, falling to one side of the eye-piece, so that the latter is looking obliquely at the objective, as it were. It is impossible for all the rays passing through the objective to focus accurately to a point on the oblique axis o-a, whatever the type of objective may be, although, as will be pointed out further on, there is one type which renders possible a nearer approach to good definition on an oblique axis. If the objective is " squared on " the optical axis o-a will now be transferred to the position o-a^, passing centrally through the eye-piece. OrO- — „-. Fis. I. The symptoms resulting from any such maladjustment of the objective are strikingly evident if the objective is tilted to any very serious extent ; but if only to a very slight extent, then the observer will need very careful and discriminating exercise of his eyesight in order to give the final touches to the adjustment. It must be remembered also that an objective must be carefully " squared on " before the observer is in a position to form a just estimate of the quality of the glass, that is unless it is a very bad one. , It is supposed throughout that all objectives referred to are composed of two lenses, a positive lens of some sort of crown glass, and a negative lens of some sort of flint glass, for the advantages claimed for the use of more than two lenses in an objective are more than counterbalanced by the practical dis- advantages of the more complex construction, excepting in the case of small objectives for special purposes. But it is important to point out that object glasses of two lenses may be divided (and very conveniently for our purpose) into three classes, whose several behaviours when tilted or thrown out of square are different, thus requiring different treatment. ist. There is the most important and numerous class, including objectives such as are represented in cross section in Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5. Taking them in their order. Fig. 2 represents a type having a meniscus crown and biconcave flint, thus offering the great practical advantage of three concave surfaces which can be accurately and separately tested. But it has the great practical disadvantage of giving a very limited field of view, the image deteriorating rapidly on leaving the optical axis, and therefore as a corollary from this fault the objective is very sensitive to a slight amount of tilting which would have no appreciable effect upon some of the other forms. Fk- 3- Fig. 3 represents a form in which the crown lens is arranged to give the minimum amount of spherical aberration consistent with its focal length. It is what is called a lens of the " crossed" form. If of ordinary crown glass its radii of curvature are nearly as I to 6 or 7^. This form has the disadvantages of the last form, but in a minor degree. Fig. 4 represents the form of objective which we generally adopt ourselves. The radii of the crown lens are to one anotheir where F = the focal length, A the aperture, and A the wave length. The angular diameter, as viewed from the optical centre of the objective, will be equal to iiL^i*-. In the case of an objective of 6 inches aperture and 90 inches focal length, the linear diameter of the first dark ring will be equal to 30 X i'22 A, and if we take the wave length of the most luminous light (citron green) as about -^\-^^ inch, then this amounts to -0008 1 inches, or i^Vc>t^> while the angular diameter of the same is "000009, which is the circular measure for I '86 seconds of arc. Since the spurious disc is brightest in the centre, and really shades ofi' into the dark ring, it is evident that its apparent linear extension will depend very intimately upon the brightness of the star in question, that the spurious disc formed when a bright star is viewed will appear larger than in the case of a dim one, although the maximum size can never amount to as much as the diameter of the first dark ring. To this must also be added the effect of irradiation in the case of the brighter stars. As a matter of fact, it is notorious how much smaller the star-discs appear to be in the case of small stars than in the case of bright ones. On the average perhaps, the diameter of a star disc may be considered as one half that of the first dark rine. In all 31 objectives having their focal lengths equal to 15 times the aperture, then the linear diameter of the spurious disc may be said to average -0004 inches, or about ^^^ inch. With 6 inches aperture this corresponds to an angular diameter of 0-9 seconds, and in a 1 2 inch aperture to 0*45 seconds. So these respectively represent the dividing powers of such apertures upon double stars of average brightness. From the above theory of the formation of the spurious disc and rings, it follows that the disc and ring's formed by those red rays which come exactly to focus, will be larger than the disc and rings formed by the green blue rays in the proportion of their relative wave lengths, and they will consequently not coincide, and thus the fact is accounted for that the spurious disc, if examined under favourable conditions, is seen to be edged with red and be more greenish in tint at the centre, while the first bright ring is greenish inside and red outside. And since the angular radius (in circular measure) of the first dark ring should be equal to ^^^, it should therefore vary in inverse ratio to the aperture. This is fully borne out by the fact. It is most interesting and instructive to observe the image of a bright star through a large telescope furnished with an iris diaphragm, using a high magnifying power. While the full aperture is in use, the usual spurious disc is seen, but, on working the aperture down; the disc and its rings will be seen to spread out in the most remarkable manner, until, if the aperture is cut down to one quarter, it will be four times as large in every way as before, moreover the coloured fringes and the general structure of the disc and rings will have become more evident, although less bright. We have availed ourselves of the property of the spurious disc varying in size in inverse ratio to the aperture, to make some careful micrometer measurements of the diameter of the first dark ring when the aperture was purposely cut down, yielding a spurious disc and rings which are much more easily and accurately measurable than when the full aperture is in use. A six-inch objective, of 91 inches focal-length, was directed to a bright star, and the objective cut down, in the first place, to a square aperture, i"5 inches diameter. The mean of four measurements gave the diameter of the first dark ring (in this case square in shape) as "0027 inch, while the formula "-^ (where A = ^^\i,(^ inch) gives •00266 as the theoretical value. A circular aperture, diameter i"22 inches, was then placed in front of the objective, when the mean of four measurements 32 gave a diameter of "0039 for the first dark ring, while the formula g F x^i-g2 \ giygs a value of '0040. In both cases the image was viewed through an eye-piece magnifying about 450 times, and, in order to ensure having to deal with a somewhat definite wave length, a piece of green glass was placed behind the eye-piece. According to a spectroscopic examination, this glass allowed to pass with freedom only those rays lying between D and E, the maximum transparency being rather nearer to E than to D, and having a wave-length of about ^5^0() inch. Since this is about the brightest part of the spectrum, this wave-length is a good one to take as a basis for calculating the size of the first dark ring. The theoretical values, and the actual measurements, are therefore in as close an accordance as can possibly be expected, when the wave-length is only an approximation. The diameter of the spurious disc itself was apparently about two-thirds of that of the first dark ring, and its outline shaded off into the latter. The diameter of the first dark ring, as depicted with the whole aperture of six inches in use, was also measured as nearly as its minute size would allow, the measurement obtained ranging about 'oooS (subject to an error of perhaps 10%), while the value given by the formula ° ^ '*^''" *• is -00081. Thus the theory accords perfectly well with the facts. For some very interesting information concerning the beautiful interference phenomena to be seen at the focus of a telescfipe, when compound apertures of various shapes are placed in front of the objective, we would refer the reader to Sir John Herschel's article on " Light," in the Encyclopaedia Metrbpolitana. It will be plainly seen that in order that an objective shall form at its focus a neat round spurious disc and rings, so well defined as to leave the observer in no doubt as to whether he has got the exact focus or not, it must be corrected for aberration with great nicety and exactness. For instance, if an objective, whose focal length is fifteen times the aperture, were so deficient in this correction as to cause the edge rays to focus at a point one eightieth of an inch within or beyond the focus for the central rays, it can be shown that the least circle of aberration (or the smallest circle through which all the rays could pass at the focus) would be -jifVff of ^"^ 'v!i(^ in diameter, or equal to more than half the size of the spurious disc which ought to be formed. Doubtless then the effect would be to make the disc perceptibly larger than it ought to be in the case of small stars at any rate, and any spherical aberration greater than this would be detrimental to a good objective, and become more serious as the relative aperture is increased. MECHANICAL STRAINS. All strains which distort the lenses in any way may affect the •definition to a very serious extent, although, as we will presently point out, the degree of mischief done depends very intimately upon the forms of the curves and also upon the relative thicknesses of the crown and flint lenses. Strains may be brought about in the following ways,: — I St, by pressure of the cell upon the objective, either in its own plane or at right angles to that plane. 2nd, by unevenness of temperature when the objective is cooling down or vice versa. 3rd, by defective annealing of the material of the lenses. 4th, by the sagging of the lenses between their points of support owing to their own weight, this occurring to a serious extent only in the larger sizes, over 6 inches aperture for instance. (i.) An objective should never be embraced tightly by the cell in the direction of its own plane, but just sufficient slackness of fit between the lenses and the cell should be allowed at ordinary temperatures, as will permit of the cell just fitting the lenses (without nipping) at the lowest temperature at which the objective is likely to be used. Not only so, but it is better that the objective should only be allowed to come in contact with the cell at three equidistant points on its edge, the cell being provided with three projections or studs on its inner cylindrical face. If these are fixed, then the degree of slackness of fit above mentioned should be allowed, but if the instrument is one of great precision, such as a transit instrument, it may be necessary that one of the three studs should press, by means of a yielding spring, the objective continually up against the other two, in order to prevent any lateral shifting which would disturb the accuracy of collimation. The pressure necessary to do this need not be sufficient to do any harm, moreover the moderate pressure of three equidistant points can never do as much harm as the violent pressure at irregular intervals round the edge, which would take place at low temperatures were the cell unprovided with studs and made too close a fit. Fig. 24 is a specimen of the sort of appearance caused by such distortion. It is still more necessary, in objectives over 4 or 5 inches aperture, that the edge of the flint lens should not be allowed to 34 bed itself anyhow and at random upon a simple flange, but the latter should be provided with three slight projections P, P ^ P, Fig. 9, corresponding to the positions of those which confine the lens laterally. For even supposing that the flange of the cell were turned with mathematical accuracy, it would even then be next to impossible to make sure that the flint actually touched it all round; as a matter of fact the flint would really rest itself upon chance particles of dust, and if the particles on which it rested happened to lie nearly at opposite ends of a diameter of the objective, it is evident that the lens would sag down on each side of such line, and there would be seen close to the focus the rough, astigmatic effect shown in Fig. 24a:. Thus there is no certainty in such a method of bedding a lens, owing to the existence of dust. Moreover, apart from dust, however true the flange may be, it is next to impossible to ensure that it will not be somewhat distorted when the cell is fixed in its place. Hence then the necessity for adopting three equidistant fixed points for the lenses to rest upon and also for confining them. Nor again should the crown lens be allowed to find its bed anyhow on the edge of the flint. There should be three projections, made of tinfoil, paper or very thin card, pasted on the edge of the flint at positions directly over the projections which support the flint. The weight of the crown is taken by these projections and transmitted direct through the flint into the three points supporting the latter. And lastly, the counter ring or upper flange, which confines the crown from above should also be provided with three slight projections,, which must lie just over the two sets of bearing points above described. This upper ring should not bear down upon the crown with more pressure than is requisite for preventing the objective turning round when wiped or otherwise handled. It will be seen, that all such pressure, being exerted at those points of the objective which are supported immediately below, can have little or no effect in distorting the lenses. They are held and supported at three equidistant points, while they are entirely free from contact with anything along the circumference lying between. But in objectives of 12 inches aperture and upwards, even the pressure 01 the counter ring is better avoided, and a little play perpendicular to the objective allowed, the weight of the lenses being sufficient to prevent rotation. (2.) It is of the greatest importance to know that when an objective is CBoling down, as in the case of a telescope being brought out of a house into the cold night air, the best perform- ance is not to be expected from it. A 6-inch objective should be allowed at least half an hour for settling down into an even 35 temperature before the observer should expect to use the highest powers with advantage. When an objective is in its tube and exposed to a lower temperature, it tends to cool most rapidly upon the outside of the crown, while the back of the flint cools, if anything, more rapidly than its inside surface. Thus the curvature of the first surface flattens somewhat, while the second surface is deepenedf and the effect upon the flint is to cause the third surface to flatten,, and the fourth surface deepen to a minute extent. The combined effect at the focus is just the same as if the objective were under - corrected for spherical aberration. The effect, when inside focus will approach to Fig. 15, and outside focus to Fig. 15a, and may look actually worse than this on very cold nights. For a given amount of cooling-, the effect increases with the size of the objective ; but as larg-e telescopes are almost invariably mounted in observatories, where internal temperature more nearly corresponds with the temperature of the outside air, the relative amount of cooling down of the objective when commencing- work is not so large, and they may be put to use at once. Still it may happen that a suddenly cold night coming after a very hot day may cause a very considerable distortion in the objective at nightfall, and it may be an hour or more after opening the shutters before the image looks in good form. Besides, the effects of cooling upon the tube and its enclosed air is to cause peculiar slow flickerings of the image, and sometimes to produce a pronounced astigmatic effect, owing to the gathering of the warmer air towards the upper side of the tube. (3.) There are very few large discs which do not show a more or less marked black cross when examined by polarized light, but if such cross is symmetrical and its centre coincides with the centre of the disc or lens, then the defective annealing indicated will not be hkely to appreciably affect the definition, because the alteration of density or refractive power of the disc is progressive from centre to edge, and consequently the error introduced closely corresponds to spherical aberration, and may be fully neutralised by a slight modification in the figuring. If, on the other hand, the polarized light test shows a very irregular and malformed black cross, or an irregular patchy appearance, the inference is that the annealing is very irregular and defective, and likely to produce stray wings and brushes of light at and near the focus, such appearances as are shown in Fig. 12^. Defects due to bad anneahng will generally show far worse while the objective is cooling down. But before a maker of repute would work up discs of any size for an astronomical objective, he would first 36 examine them by polarized light, and if not deemed satisfactory, either reject them or have them reannealed. (4.) There are now the important effects of the flexure of the lenses by their own weight to be considered. Almost needless to say, the flint lens is much more liable to sagging from this cause than the crown, not only is its material heavier, but its section is ill adapted for rigidity, and then there is another fact against it, which will be mentioned subsequently. The flexure, or sagging, of each lens may be regarded from two points of view, (i.) There is the flexure from edge to centre, or from centre to edge ; this would be the only sort of flexure present if a lens were perfectly supported at all points around its edge, and its effect at the focus, if anything, is simply of the nature of spherical aberration, positive or negative. Consequently the effect of such symmetrical flexure can be neutralised by appropriate figuring, at any rate for vertical or nearly vertical positions of the telescope, when gravity acts on the lenses with nearly its full effect. (2.) But the flexure which takes the form of a sagging of those parts of the edge which are unsupported, is necessarily different in its action. If the crown lens is supported upon three points, as above described, then the unsupported portions between bend downwards somewhat under their own weight, while the three supported portions are bent upwards relatively, and the effect of this at the focus, provided the flint is supposed to be perfectly free from sagging, is to cause those rays which pass through near the unsupported parts of the edge to fall beyond the true focus, while those rays which pass through at or near the supported points are caused to fall rather short of the true focus. Thus if the image were examined when inside focus, the three-cornered ring system, shown in Fig. 12b, would be noticed, the projecting corners corresponding to the unsupported parts of the crown. If, on the other hand, the crown is imagined *o be perfectly free from sagging, while the sagging of the flint is considered, it will be seen that in its case also, the unsupported parts of the edge sag downwards, while the supported parts are bent upwards, the result at the focus being that those rays which pass through at or near the unsupported parts of its edge fall short of the proper focus, while those rays which pass through at or near the supported points fall beyond the proper focus. But the supported parts of the flint lens coincide with the supported parts of the crown. Hence the effect at the focus of the sagging of the flint is in direct opposition to the effect arising from the sagging of the crown, and therefore, if their amounts are equal, they will neutralise one another, and there will be no effect at the 37 focus. That is, given two discs, a certain relative thickness of the crown and flint might be hit upon, such that the flexures of the two lenses might neutralise one another. But the attainment of this condition cannot be reckoned on with confidence, since the amount of flexure in the lenses is a function of several factors, among which is the highly uncertain one of elasticity, which depends so much on the annealing. As a matter of fact, in many moderate sized objectives, 6 to 8 inches aperture, the two flexures certainly seem to completely neutralise one another, while in other cases, on a fine night, a distinctly perceptible tendency to a three-cornered effect can be made out at the focus, and on turning the lenses round it will be found that this has distinct reference to the points of support, moreover, it may be seen which flexure is the predominating one, that of the crown •or that of the flint. The effect when a little out of focus is like Fig. lib, and when in focus the spurious disc will show somewhat like Fig. \2b', or Fig. i8. But in the case of larger apertures, a relative predominance of the flexure of one lens •over that of the other, which would scarcely matter in a 6-inch ■objective, would very likely be enough to spoil a 12-inch or larger size for delicate double star work. It may happen that the flexures may neutralise one another pretty nearly, but it is by far the best to render the objective independent of chance by introducing intermediate points of support for the edges, such points being borne up by proper counterpoises in such a manner that the weight of each lens shall be equally distributed among its bearing points. It is evident that the use of more than three fixed or rigid points would be incompatible with this necessary condition. THE RELATION BETWEEN THE FORM OF THE CURVES AND THE OPTICAL EFFECT OF FLEXURE. It is a well-known fact that if a prism is caused to refract a ray with the minimum deviation, then the amount of the deviation of that ray will not be appreciably altered if the prism is rotated on its base by a small amount, such as one degree. On the other hand if the same prism is so placed with regard to the ray, as to be very considerably out of the position of minimum deviation, then one degree of rotation will cause a very per- ceptible alteration in the amount of the deviation. This broad afct has a very important bearing upon objectives, for it shows -conclusively that if the curves can be so arranged that a ray passing through near the edge of the objective shall be refracted with minimum deviation, then ordinary amounts of flexure or 38 distortion can have no effect in'altering the amount of deviation of the ray. A prism gives minimum deviation when a ray is- equally refracted at both surfaces, and so does a lens. Therefore, if the curves of a crown lens are arranged for minimum deviation for the edge ray, then the focus will not suffer from any distor- tions arising either from its own weight or from mechanical strains, should it be adopted for a very large objective. In order that a lens of ordinary crown shall give the minimum deviation of the edge rays, or refract them equally at both surfaces, when the incident rays are parallel, it must have the radii of its curves in about the ratio 8 to 25, the deeper curve being turned out- wards to receive the parallel rays. As an illustration, let an objective be considered whose crown lens is of the above form for minimum deviation of the edge ray. Fig. 26 represents the section of such a lens, which we will suppose to be a 12 -inch one. If this forms part of an objective having a focal length of about 15 feet, then the focal length of the crown will be about 69 inches. The parallel ray r-r, falling upon the lens at a point 6 inches from the axis, will be refracted equally by both surfaces, and after emergence will pass to a point on the axis about 69 inches away, a deviation of nearly 5 degrees. Fig. 26. If two tangents be drawn, one to each curve at the point wh^e the ray passes it, then we have the prism, i-a-c, which is exactly equivalent to the lens in its action on the ray r-r. Now suppose the lens to bend towards the right at its edge, as it would do under the strain of its own weight if laid horizontally ; the two- tangents would then take up the position of the dotted lines, and the prism 6-a-c will have rotated by a small angle. Let the angle of the prism be 9° 30', and the refractive index for the ray be 1-52. Then the minimum deviation would be 4° "57' "42" '64. Now let the lens be bent towards the right by an amount which would cause the tangents d-a and a-c to rotate by 30- 39 minutes of arc. This would represent an impossibly large amount of distortion of the lens ; nevertheless, the only effect upon the ray rr-r would be to increase its deviation by only one second of arc. Fig. 26a. And now let the same prism, refracting angle 9° "30', be placed in the position shown in Fig. 26a, so that the angle of incidence upon the first surface is only about a third of the angle of emergence at the second surface. The prism then corres- ponds to a crown lens such as would be used in an objective approaching to the second type, Fig. 6, useful for its large field, the radii being as 5 to 3, or thereabouts, and the second and deeper surface exerting a refractive power on the ray, which is about three times that exerted by the first surface. If this form of lens is supposed to be bent towards the right by an amount which would cause the taxigents 6-a and a-c, forming the prism d-a-c, to rotate by 30 minutes of arc, as in the last case, then the deviation of the ray r-r will be altered by no less than 18 seconds of arc. That is, an amount of distortion which would alter the deviation of the ray by only one second, in the case of a lens of least deviation (Fig. 3), would alter the deviation of the same ray by eighteen seconds, if it took place in a lens of the radii 5 to 3, but of the same focal length. The discrepancy would come out very much stronger, if, instead of supposing the enormous distortion expressed by 30 minutes rotation, the more likely amount of one minute had been supposed. It should here be pointed out that since the star-disc is only about half a second in diameter in the case of a 12-inch objective, therefore a deviation of any rays from their true path (by distortion of the objective) by any amount exceeding ^ second or so, would begin to cause serious defects in the star-image. Hence, if in the case of very large objectives, the curves could be arranged so that each lens refracted the ray equally at both surfaces, there would then be no reason for fearing the ill effects 40 of distortion, whether brought about by the great weight of the lenses, I or by inequalities of temperature. It would be necessary to subject them to very forcible strains indeed, before the effect would become visible at the focus. But unfortunately, although it is easy enough to fulfil this condition in the case of the crown, it cannot be done for the flint, unless an extra dense variety is resorted to, which introduces other objections and practical difficulties. But at any rate it is of great advantage to do away with the effects of distortion, if only in the crown, for the flint is perhaps more easily counterpoised round the edges than the crown, moreover, distortions due to cooling are less serious in the flint, owing to its taking place more evenly and gradually, partly because of its shape and partly because it is not in direct contact with the outside air. Besides, when the crown is in the form for minimum deviation for the edge ray, the flint at any rate makes almost the nearest approach practicable to the form which would yield the minimum deviation. But it has been pointed out before that an objective of this form, which is intermediate between those shown in Figs. 3 and 4, only yields a comparatively limited field of distinct vision. This is somewhat against it, but it must be remembered that, in the case of very large objectives, the actual field of view embraced by even the lowest powers of eye-pieces is small in relation to the size of the telescope, so that this objection need not amount to much in practise. But since such a form of objective is very sensitive to being thrown out of square in the slightest degree, it would be advisable to make it possible to adjust it in that respect, without leaving the eye- end of the telescope. On the other hand, in proportion as objectives differ from such a type as Fig, 3, and approach to the types shown in Figs. 6 and 7, so do they become more and more susceptible at their foci to the effects of distortions and strains, however brought about, and these facts are fully borne out by practical experience. Most observers can have no idea of the difficulty there is in mounting even smaller objectives in such a manner that no distorting effects upon the surfaces can be observed, when tested by reflection. Luckily the refractive effect of a distortion is only about ^^th part of the effect on a reflected ray, even in that form of crown lens which is about the worst in this respect ! * * An alteration of 30 minutes in the perpendiculars to the surfaces of the above prism causes 18 seconds alteration in the refracted ray, while a reflected ray would be altered by 2 x 30 minutes, or one degree. rpT, alte ration of ray by refraction — 18^^ — 1 4-t, ■l""S alteration of ray by reflection 'S'B'Ur" — ^TRJ'-"- 41 TERRESTRIAL TELESCOPES. In the case of refracting telescopes, made for viewing terrestrial objects, the quahty of their objectives may of course be tested in- the same manner as in the case of astronomical ones, provided that their own erecting eye-pieces are used for that purpose, for it should be pointed out that an objective must be considerably over-corrected for colour, in order that it may appear achromatic with its erecting eye-piece. Therefore it is useless to expect good results by testing such an objective with a Huygenian or Ramsden eye -piece, or good definition on the stars if high power astronomical eye-pieces are applied to them. If the definition yielded by such a telescope, with its erecting eye-piece, seems defective, the objective can be more searchingly tested either on a real star or an artificial one. The latter is arranged by placing a bright thermometer bulb in full sunshine, and viewing the same through the telescope from a distance of not less than fifty yards. The minute image of the sun, formed virtually within the bulb, will be found to exhibit all the characters of a real star, showing a spurious disc and rings. The image of the sun in the bulb subtends at the telescope an angle very much smaller than the angular diameter of the spurious disc, at any rate unless the bulb is unusually large, or else is viewed from- too near a point. REFLECTORS. The reflecting telescope may be tested for quality in precisely the same manner as a refractor. The same spurious disc is seen at the focus and the same systems of rings are visible when the eye-piece is racked inside and outside of the focus. If faults in the figuring or any strains exist they will show themselves in the same manner as in the case of the refractor. THE KNIFE-EDGE METHOD OF TESTING. We do not know to whom this method of testing is originally due, but a complete exposition of its theory and use was given by Mr. Wassail, before the Liverpool Astronomical Society, together with a partial and exaggerated statement of its superiority to any other test. As we believe there are many amateurs, especially those who construct reflecting telescopes for themselves, who seem to incline to the opinion of Mr. Wassail, we will proceed to make a comparison between the theory of the two methods and their respective advantages and disadvantages. The theory of the direct focussing method of testing, which we have advocated in the foregoing pages is easily understood by 42 referring to Figs. 27 and 28, where 0-0 represents the aperture of the objective, / a simple eye-piece, e-e-e the eye, and b the focal point where a star image is supposed to be formed. The rays diverging from b are refracted through the lenses of the eye-piece and eye and come to a focus again exactly on the retina, that is provided the eye-piece is correctly focussed upon b, and that both are free from appreciable spherical aberration, which is the case with high powers though perhaps not with low ones. Next suppose that the eye-piece /and the eye are racked inwards by the distance b-a. The rays from b will now enter the eye in such a state of divergence that they only come to a focus at / behind the retina, thus painting a luminous disc upon it instead of a mere point, but this is not all. The plane upon which the eye and eye-piece can focus correctly has been transferred to where it makes a cross section through the cone of rays, and it follows from the laws of optics that the disc of light on the retina is a true image and reproduction of this cross section. On the other hand, let the eye-piece and the eye be racked outwards by the distance a-c. Then the plane of correct focus will be transferred to c. Fig. 28. There will be a luminous disc on the retina caused by the rays from b coming to a focus before reaching it and diverging again. At the same time it can be shown that the disc upon the retina is a correct image of the section of the cone of rays made by the plane c. But if the rays from 0-0 focus with accuracy at b it is evident that sections taken through the cone of rays at opposite sides of b and at equal distances from it will be similar in all respects excepting coloration, absolutely similar, were the objective perfectly achromatic. Again, the luminous disc upon the retina must be of a certain size before it can appear large enough to be scrutinized in its details, and that size bears a fixed ratio to the size of the sections at a and c, when a given eye-piece is used ; but if the power of the eye-piece is doubled, it is evident that the ratio between the size of the disc on the retina and the diameter of the sections at a or c will be doubled, and therefore the eye and eye-piece may now focus upon a section of the cone of rays taken half-way between b and c and half the size of that at c, and yet the image upon the retina will be of the same size as it was in the first instance. That is, successively higher powers enable the eye to scrutinise sections of the cone of rays taken nearer and nearer to the focal point b in inverse proportion to the powers used, and it is obvious that if the rays do not pass accurately through the focal point b, then these closer sections seen under higher powers will furnish the most distinct evidence of the fault. 43 If there is a slight amount of spherical aberration then the section inside focus (Pig. t6) will show the luminosity growing more dense towards the edg'e of the section than is the case with the corresponding section taken outside focus (Fig. 1612), which latter may appear softened off towards the edge.* In Fig. 29 is shown a case of very strong aberration such as would be yielded by a truly spherical mirror 0-0 when tried on a star. The theoretical focus for the central pencil is at /, that for the edge rays at a, so that a-f is the whole amount of the aberration. It follows that the least circle of confusion is at l>, one quarter of a-/ from a, while c, one quarter of a-fhomf, is the point where the rays from a narrow zone d-n, half-way between the centre of the mirror and the edge, will cross the axis. If the eye and eye-piece are focussed upon a, then of course the edge * Whenever aberrations of rays from the true focus exist in an objective, it can be shown that a cross-section of the cone of rays, taken at some distance from the general focus for a star, will show variations or irregularities in its brightness (generally in the form of zones), and that the relative luminosity of the different parts of the section will vary in inverse ratio to the squares of the axial distances between the cross-section and those points where any rays cut through cross the optic axis . For instance, if an objective has the fault of a zone, the rays from which cross the axis at a point 'OI inch short of the main focus, and a cross-section be taken at '2 inches within the main focus, then the distance of the section within focus for the rays from the faulty zone will be 'ig inches, and the brightness of the section, where it cuts through the zone, compared with the brightness of the rest, will be represented by "J^S^ = U^ = l^. Almost needless to say, such a zone, distinguished by 1 1 % extra brightness, could not escape notice, especially when its existence would be confirmed by a corres- ponding zone of 10 % ^ess than the average brightness revealed by viewing a cross-section taken at 2 inch beyond the main focus. But the above formula is only true when a point of light is focussed upon, such as a star. Should the object focussed upon have any moderate size, the variations of brightness in any cross-section of the cone of rays will be represented by /d j. ^\ 2 where d is the diameter of the focussed image of the object (a planetary disc, for instance), D is a variable, representing the axial distance from the cross- section to the point where any particular rays, cut through by the section, cross the axis (as instanced above), and r is the ratio of focal-length to aperture of the objective. It is evident that as d grows relatively large, so will differences of brightness in the parts of any cross-section (consequent upon the objective being defective) tend to disappear. Moreover, an additional complication will be introduced, owing to the increasing overlapping of the elementary cones of rays. But if d is only just large enough to cause the systems of interference rings to so overlap one another as to give an out of focus disc of continuous brightness, then it will be found that irregularities due to aberrations will show themselves at least as unmistakably as they would do were the telescope directed to a star and a critical examination made of the configuration of the interference rings. D 45 rays focussing at a and forming an ill defined bright point there, will again focus to a bright point on the retina, while the other rays through which a cuts will form a diffused halo upon the retina, since they are all diverging from successive points betwen a and/ which are in various degrees so near to the eye that they focus at points beyond the retina. From such considerations alone it will be seen that the image on the retina must resemble the section taken through the cone of rays at a. And now, in illustrating the knife-edge test, let it be supposed that a lower power is substituted for /, sufficiently low to enable the eye to focus upon a section of the cone of rays, either on g or h (for example), without such section appearing too large and dim. Under such circumstances the sections will appear tolerably uniform and regular in luminosity, being so far from the pseudo-focus. Or the eye-piece may be dispensed with, and the eye placed somewhere close behind/, when a disc of luminosity should be seen, apparently filling the mirror o-o up to the edge. Suppose a knife-edge, with its edge perpendicular to the plane of the paper, to be advanced edgewise from right to left across the cone of rays in the plane a. Then the first rays to be stopped will be those from about d, and the eye will see a luminous disc A,i„ with a dark patch to the right of the centre. When the knife-edge has reached the centre exactly, the above dark patch will still remain, while the rays from the extreme edge will be simultaneously in course of being cut off and will have half disappeared, at the same time that the rays from about n will escape the knife-edge altogether. Therefore the disc will appear as in A 2. If now the knife-edge is transferred to the plane b and made to traverse the least circle of confusion, the first rays to be stopped will be those from d and those from 0, simultaneously, as in ^ i. On the knife just reaching the axis it will be on the point of cutting off simultaneously all the light from that zone which focusses at b, which zone will be |^ths of the full aperture. Rays from d will be cut off entirely, while those from n only will escape. Therefore we have a figure like B 2. If the knife-edge is transferred to the plane c, the first rays to be stopped are those from I?,, and the result is like C, i. On it reaching the axis, all the rays from the zone d-n, which focus at c, will be getting stopped off simultaneously, leaving a half dark ring, while those coming from points between 0, and «, and also those from between d and the centre will be stopped entirely, the only light yet uninterfered with being that from between n and the centre. The result is the arrangement of light and shade shown in C 2. It 46 should be borne in mind that all these figures are in negative, the shading standing for illuminated portions. Turning now to Fig. 27, where all the rays are supposed to focus accurately at the point b, it will be seen at once that if the knife-edge is made to traverse the plane a, within focus, the first rays to be stopped will be from the extreme right of the aperture, and as it advances the rays which escape will always be bounded by a segment of a circle on the left, and the vertical chord of the knife-edge on the right. A i and A 2, Fig. 27, respectively represent the first contact, and the case of the edge having just reached the axis. But if the knife-edge is caused to traverse the plane c, outside focus, it is evident that the appearances will be the opposite of those seen in the former case, for the first rays to be cut off will be those from the left hand side of the aperture, and therefore the shadow will seem to advance from the left hand. Thus the observer can always say whether the knife edge is within or beyond the focus, and by altering its position along the optic axis accordingly, he can find the position where the action of the advancing knife-edge is to cut off all the rays from the objective or the mirror simultaneously, as is necessarily the case, when the edge cuts exactly through the focal point b. If there is no longer the slightest tendency to cut off either the right hand or left hand margin of the luminous disc before any other part, then it is certain that the knife-edge is at the focus within a very small margin of error. There is no more exact method of finding the exact focal point than this. In the case of objectives with their focal length equal to about 15 times the aperture, we find it possible to find the focus with no greater error than -^^th of an inch, if the definition of the star is steady. This is one of the chief uses of the method. There is another use to which it has been put by makers of reflectors, and that is for finding the radii of the different zones of paraboUc reflectors of large aperture, when it may be inconvenient or impossible to try them by the best of all methods, that is on a star. A correctly figured reflector has a parabolic curve, the radius of each zone increasing as the edge is approached. By mounting a knife-edge and an artificial star at the centre of curvature, and receiving the light as it is reflected back into the naked eye, the mirror will be apparently filled with light, and the knife-edge may be employed for finding the foci for each successive zone, for if the light from any particular zone can be made to disappear simultaneously, it is then known that the knife-edge is traversing its focus. The differences between the foci of the successive zones should, if the figure is parabolic. 47 come out just double the theoretical differences which should exist between the respective radii, provided the artificial star is immovable; or equal to the theoretical differences, if the star moves with the knife-edge. It is almost needless to point out that the knife-edge must be mounted in rigid attachments, and be capable of an accurate and measurable motion parallel to the optic axis by means of a fine screw. When it is at the focus, a lateral or traversing movement of xjre^th of an inch may make all the difference between the whole light passing and all being stopped, so that a very delicate movement across the axis must be allowed for. This test has been advocated for detecting minute faults in a mirror or objective, by using it at the focus in the manner indicated in Pig. 29, the faults showing themselves in the form of the irregular appearances shown in the FigS'. A, B and C, although perhaps in less pronounced forms. Certainly, with care and patience, and the expenditure of considerable time, the faults may be so detected, and after a good deal of thinking, the visual appearances may be interpreted, but all this involves a needless loss of time and exercise of patience, while the other method, which we have advocated in these pages, is very much more direct, expeditious, easily applied, and also more searching and severe, at any rate when applied by one who has had considerable experience. The knife-edge tests has its uses, but we can confidently state, after comparing both methods together, that for the purpose of detecting errors of workmanship, &c., the direct focussing method has the decided advantage. When an objective seems faultless under the direct focussing test, no amount of bothering with the knife-edge will give any other result than to cause the whole disc of light to vanish simul- taneously, as it should do when the rays focus accurately to a point. On the other hand, an objective that shows a little residual fault under the direct focussing test may easily pass muster under the knife-edge test. It is interesting to know that that keenest of observers, the Eev. W. H. Dawes, insisted upon there being no test for an objective so severe as the direct focussing method. There is another " method " of testing an objective or mirror for aberration, about which a few words should be said. We have heard of observers stopping down the aperture, to perhaps one third, with a piece of cardboard with a hole in the middle ; then after getting an object into fociys with a certain eyepiece, the cardboard is removed, a disc equ^t to the aperture in the latter is placed over the centre of the objective, thus leaving exposed the 48 outer zone which was covered before, and then the observer notices carefully how much the eye-piece has to be racked in or out in order to get the image into correct focus. If any alteration has to be made, he forthwith concludes that either positive or negative aberration exists. Nothing could be more grossly misleading than this practice, for the simple reason, that when an objective is stopped down to a small aperture near the centre, the cone of rays painting each point of the image is so narrow that the eye-piece may be racked in and out between considerable limits without the definition seeming to be disturbed, hence it is impossible to fix the focus with that confidence which would warrant the observer in concluding that the centre area had a different focus to the outer zone. The observer may easily convince himself of the futility of this procedure if he will go about it in the opposite way, first covering up the centre and finding the focus accurately for the outer zone, and then, covering up the outer zone and exposing the central part, before covered, look through the eye- piece and see whether the image does not still appear in focus. If it does not, and the eye-piece has to be racked in or out before more distinct vision is obtained, then the objective must be a shocking bad one, and under the ordinary direct focussing test, at full aperture, it ought to exhibit a dense bright patch about the centre of the luminous disc either inside or outside focus, with a corres- ponding vacuity on the other side of focus, and such feature ought not to escape the notice of the most casual observer. We have emphasised the words more distinct\v&\. above, because, when an objective is cut down to (say) one third of its aperture, the spurious disc which represents each point of the image is made three times as large as when the full aperture is used, therefore the image must be expected to appear less sharp and well defined, so the observer must not conclude he can necessarily find a better focus. All really good objectives, whether telescopic or micro- scopic, should give the most crisp definition when the full aperture is in use, any contraction of the same being at the expense of the definition, to say nothing of the illumination of the image. These dodges with cardboard discs and diaphragms are all apt to mislead ; if there is any zonal aberration at all, nature's laws, as manifested in the exquisite and complex reactions of light waves upon one another, will, to a certainty, reveal such faults in the irregular distribution and brightness of those interference rings which unfold themselves as the observer racks inside and outside of the focus. Noi'E. — The theory of interference of light would lead one to expect that any cone of rays, converging to -^ point, must be broken up into a series 49 of unbroken and exquisitely thin conical (?) surfaces or shells of luminosity alternating with conical (?) shells of darkness, the alternate bright and dark apices of such shells all lying along the optic axis, the apices of the more interior and shorter shells of course falling successively nearer to the objective. Therefore any cross section of the cone of rays must reveal a system of rings, the number visible depending upon the number of shells which are cut through by the plane on which the eye is focussed, that is, upon the distance from the focus. But it seems extremely difficult to account for the fact that these inter- ference lings are apparently achromatic, for the theory of interference would seem to indicate a separate system of shells and rings for each colour that goes to focus. The F rays, for instance, forming a system of shells and rings which would be closer together than the rings formed by the C rays in proportion to their respective wave-lengths, or as 3 : 4, would lead one to expect some- thing like a series of fine Newton's rings ; but there seems to be no marked indication of such an effect. Whether the shells of light and darkness are all strictly conical right up to the objective, or whether a longitudinal section through the axis would exhibit some sort of curves, we are not in a position to state, although it is evident that the outer shell must be conical. But, by way ot illustrating the fineness of these rings, we may say that with a 5-inch objective, we could count six interference rings when the eye-piece (a high power) was racked within focus by '21 inches. The ratio of the radius of the aperture to the focal -length was -jV and ^-^ih of "21 = -0076 as the radius of the cross section of the cone of rays focussed upon, so that the average interval from centre to centre of the rings was -^M =' •0013, or approximately eityth of ^n inch. The intervals between the more interior rings always grow successively smaller, but the quickest gradation is from the outside one to the 3rd or 4th. TOEK Feinted bt Ben Johnson, & Co., 100, and 101, Micklegate, 1891.