1207 i :"13 m ji^ ll^lNiyERSlT) The date shows when this volume was taken. To renew this book copy the call No. and give to the librarian. HOME USE RULES H «^i All Books subject to recall All borrowers must regis- .j.U.U..i>..^,... ter ifrihe library to borrow books for home use. All books must be re- turned at end of college year for inspection and repairs. Limited books must be returned within the four week limit and not renewed. Students must return all books before leaving town. Officers should arrange for the return of books wanted during their absence from town. Volumes of periodicals and of pamphlets are held in the library as much as possible. For special pur- poses they are given out for a limited time. Borrowers should not use their library privileges for the benefit of other persons. Books of special value and gift books, when the giver wishes it, are not allowed to circulate. Readers are asked to re- 3thaca. Nem p°^ ^^ '^'^*®^ "^ books marked <>r xautilated. _ Do not deface books by marks iJid writing. UJarnell HniuerBi .OsA^vtrU-Co*A^ OvaX CLq^^^^cjuXutvu AMERICANA RARISSIMA FROM THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF FRANCIS W. FABYAN, Esq.. of Boston INCLUDING A REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF WORKS BY INCREASE AND COTTON MATHER TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MR. FABYAN ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON AT ABOUT 4:00 O'CLOCK FOLLOWING THE SALE OF THE FABYAN AND FOLEY ASSOCIATION ITEMS FEBRUARY 17th, 1920 UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY Cornell University Library Illustrated catalogue of Americana rarls olin 3 1924 029 555 707 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029555707 THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23rd STREET BEGINNING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 1920 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE AMERICANA RARISSIMA FROM THE PRIVATE LIBRARY OF FRANCIS W. FABYAN, Esq., of Boston INCLUDING A REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF WORKS BY INCREASE AND COTTON MATHER TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF MR. FABYAN ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, 1920 AT ABOUT 4:00 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON FOLLOWING THE SALE OF THE FABYAN AND FOLEY ASSOCIATION ITEMS AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Several REASONS Proving that Inoculating or Tranfplanting the Small Tox, is a Law tul Pradice, and that it has been Bleffed by GOD for the Saving of many a Life. By hicreafe Mather, D. D. Exod. XX. I ■>.. Thou Jhalt net Kill. Gal. I. 10. D.JfcektoflcaftMenl ij I pe.ij- Men, I Jhiuld not be a Sc:v^r,iof CHRiet. U has been aueffioned, Whether fem= 'P^' '•>" in5»7vr«, a,:- the Reverend Mr. lV:Ji of Ijfvjkb, and main- other mj «.«"'.T/<,3nd other Places Th.uQnds younger Uivines, not Only in hojlon, but in the ■ J olLiv.shaicbcenfavedbHnocuijtion, Country, ioyn with their Fathers. Furthermore. , -f^.fr. '. :otThoflandsl-j.mili:arriei I have tr.ade fome Enquiry, Wi^ether there are by 1 . Tn,s ,s related by W ilt 8. Learned Men who ma..y Perlbns of a Ftophan^ Life and Converfa- «..uld,,otUve,mpoledr.t.rhcWn,!Jatal(eNar- tion,' that do Approve and ulf eT W«;'» WJ,, .'", "^f '■^^ ''''■' P"W,llted by the and 1 have been anfwered, that tt; know tt of ll WP if ' "'"''f'-""?'=^/Re«rJ isduetoit. very le,v fuch. .This is to me a weighty Confide- , s K.w/n ' '^'-''■'r''*-^''''"'^'^' ^ii.iaienot the Wicked one, are generally fierce V'".--''\'^:y'"."''"'J'-^\^elnncth3'.'eippKyQi Enemies to Inoculation. It is a erave ftvinT oi heieol,andthatit isnowcomincintoriraairpUri,, r-iu <- ^ '-^^^ - — "-' f"A/r iJriS fffi Nation. In unc ot the rubiick Prints are thele For rav part I mould be afhamed to joyn with fuch Words, " InoculJiing the Small Pcx h a f-iji and Perlon's -, my Soul come not thou into their Secret " ""ivcr/jlly I'fcJ.il ExfcriKc/it. Several Worthy urto iheir Ajjiir:bl)i be not tkou United. lam fat Perlbns lately airivcd frt-m i/TjA/Bi inform us,that from tetletiing upon all rhat areagainit Inoculation it is a fuccelsful PraOice there : If Wife & Learn- I know there are very worthy Perfons (with whom" tdMen in krglmi, d. -dare their Approbation of 1 deliie to Live and Die) that are not clear in their tnis CraJicc. f r us lo declare our Difapprobaiion Judgments tot it, and they ate greatly to be com- wiU not be fw our Honour. mended and honoured in that they will not aft ill. GOD has graei^ully owned theP/j.V.-cf ofUo- againll a doubting Confcience ; yet it may be fome .rK.W/i:/!,among us in&/? /r, where fome Scores, yea of them might change their minds, if they aho\eaiihuiidiedhai'cbeen''i"iH'./rfi^,8cnotonemif- would advife with thofe who ate heft able to afford cjrried;butthcy BlelsliOO.fbrHis dircovcririgthis them Scripture Light in this as well as in other Experiment tothcm. Ithas been objecled, that one Cafes of Confcience. thattvas Inoculated,died,vi2.Mrs. D //.■ but fhe ■ l^ovemb. io. ijit. hal the 5w(j//f'..ix,in the common way before.Schcr . ' — -- Fiiends and neaielt Relaiions declare that Ae re- Tht ihcCan/e »MyhaveTu,omrneffee,hereare Moyn- teived no hurt by lnocul,,„on, but was by a fright , ../ ,'.- Scnti,n/n,s of .„o,her/«ell knoJTiur Tvon '' H P \ \ rA ?'"''• , ' ' ""^" ^ ■ C'^""'^"' "Z™"-* ^ i"'''' "> *''^'> MtlrL^n ^^onderlu! ProviJeiceof GOD, that all that wore ■ y -"tj^'mu,,^,,, to.;,fc7iJlhou!d have their Lives prefcrvcd ; fo Sc-ntiment<;nn tfip ^Imall Pnv Tnr,r-„1.,.„ J that the Saieiy and [ifeiuii.efi of this Experiment '^™"raentsonme Small! OX InocuJatcd. is confiimcd to us by Ocular Demonftration : icon- , A „ofl Succefsful, art! MlnMe Method cf wc- icfs lanialraid that.-he Dilcouraging of this A Jntm \^er of Respectable Inhabitants of the Colony, without any Provocation given by them have been illegally, ivantonly, and inhumanly slaughtered by his Troops, etc. Sale Tuesday Afternoon, February 17th 3. Ameeicax Kevolutiox. Broadside. Ix Couxcil, Watertown, August 23, irrs. 4to, uncut. [Watertown: Benjamin Edes, 1775] Resolves, relative to War Assessments : Samuel Adams, Secretary ; James Otis ; Benj. Lincoln, etc. Only one copy cited by Evans, none recorded as sold at public sale in America. 4. AiiEitiCAX Eevolutiox. Adjutant's Orderly Book for a Eeuiment where- of Edward Wiggleswortli Esq. is Colonel: Aug. 2 — Nov. 23, 1776. 272 pages, small -tto, unliound. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Col. W'ig-glesworth's Regiment was composed of men from Essex County, Mass. This Orderly Book (in the hand of Adjutant Thomas Smart) con- tains historical material, not accessible in other form, relating to the Regiment, its officers and its marches, exploits in which it bore a prom- inent part, etc. 5. Americax Eevolutiox. CON COED COXVEXTIOX. Extracts] from the] Proceedings j of the[ Convextiox] at| Cox cord and of the Town of I BosTOX;j containing thej Eegulation of the Prices of Merchan|dize, Provisions, &e. Published by Order of the Town.| Svo, pp.8, sewn, one margin cut down. In morocco folder, lettered on front cover. Boston: Printed bv Benjamin Edes and Sons, in State Street, | ls\J)CG, LXXIX (i;79). Contains the Report on the Regulation of the Price of Commodities and Labor, offered to the town of Concord to be adopted as one of the official regulations. The violation of any one of these regulations was "a C'rim.e of the deepest Dye." It is interesting to ncjtc, that besides fixing the price of commodities, the wages of laborers, — blacksmiths, printers, rope-makers, liartiers, and others, are ordere;''^ F R. O M " T H K proceeding's. OK T K S» . C-O N V E N T i O N & T . c @ AKB ©'* THB. ToWSf OF EL O i. "T O Nj Regakuon of the Prices • of Mer.cllan- dise'j Pfovifions, 6ec« •"•^ •;■ FahlKhtd by Ord^r of the Town; r frmii jfjjltsfjimu 1di» and S^oai, in Staif'StrMH^ 'li- M,8«c,i:itsis. -.-J... ■ ♦ 1 : .*■ ^ CONCORD FOOD CONVENTION— 1779 Rare Issue undescribed by Bibliographers Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 5] Sale Tuesday Afternoon, February 17th 8. BosTOx Massacre, 17^0. Thacher (Peter). An Oration delivered a( Watcrtoi.vn, ]\Iarch 5, IT 76, to Commemorate the Bloody Massacre at Boston; Perpetrated March 5, 1770. ito, sewn; half-title missing. Watertown : Benjamin Edes. 1776 Scarce. One of the few imprints Issued at Watertown, during the occupation of Boston by the British. 9. Boston Eiots, 1747. An Address to the Inhabitants of the Province of the .Massachusetts-Bay in Xew England; .More Especially, To the Inhalntants of Boston; occasioned by the late Illegal and Unwar- rantable Attack Upon their Liberties, and the unhappy Confusion and Disorders consequent thereon. By a Lover of his Country. Square 8vo, pp. 8, sewn; text slightly discolored by time; last leaf rubbed, caused by old fold. In morocco folder, lettered on front cover. Boston : Printed and Sold by Eogers and Fowle . . . [1747] ExTEEMELY RARE. A denunciation of the impressment of seamen by Commodore Knowles on Nov. 17th (the "Address" is dated Nov. 23, 1747), wliich occasioned the riots In Boston. The defects mentioned above are such as are to be expected in a tract of this period. This copy is a most desirable one. 10. [Byles (Mathee).J On the Death] of thel Queen. | a Poem.| In- scribed to his Excellency] Governor Belclier.] By the Eeverend Mr. Byles. j [Quotation : 4 lines.] 4io, original sable wrappers, worn at folds, in morocco folder, lettered on front cover. Boston in Xew-England :| Printed by J. Draper, for D. Hench- man in Cornhill. 1738. Collation: Half-title and blank verso; title and blank verso; Poem; pp. 1-7 (pp. 1 and 7 not numbered). MS. correctio.x. by the author, on LAST page. A RARE Ex.viiPLE OF COLONIAL POETRY. Only One, an imperfect copy, is recorded as sold. 11. Catechism. The ShortekJ CATECHISM,! Composed by the | Eeverend Assembly of] DIVINES,] with the Proofs thereof out of the] Scrip- tures, in ^Yords at length.] . . .16mo, pp. (2) 46, contemporary paper covers ; text slightly discolored. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston, Printed by Gamaliel Eogers,] for Daniel Henchman over against the] Brick Meeting-House in Cornhill. 1728.| A MOST DESIRABLE COPY, WITH UKTTSUALLY BROAD MARGINS OF AN EDITION t'NDESCRIBED BY ALL BIBLIOGRAPHERS. 12. Columbia College, New York City. Some] SEEIOUS THOUGHTS] on] The DESIGN of erecting a COLLEGE] in the Province of NEW-YOEK.] SheavingJ The Eminent Advantages of a liberal Education,] more especially with regard to Eeligion and PoJli- TicKs. Humbly offered to the Public, for the] Encouragement of so useful an Undertaking.) By Hippocrates Mithridate. Apoth.] [Continued HUH"'" HIPIIPHH r SOME. /^ 1 ''^SER rous THOUGHTS O N The DESIGN of ereaini a COLLEGE in the Province ot iV£>r»rO.^ a; S H E J'f I N (/ The eminent AJvanta'ic-; of a liScr.sl EJuc.ti.-.n, t, ice cfptcially with reL\.ird to RELIGION an>l F(> LITICKS. flun-.blv ort:re.! to the Pabrck, tor ihe EE:coura2;ement of fo ufefui an U N D E R T A K I H G. Bj HIP POCR AT E''^ M J "t H R J D A 1 E. \'rth. .^ iv /■: /r. TOR K. Vnn:cAhy 10 UN Z E A G E 8, MDCCXLIX. COLUMBIA COLLEGE— NEW YORK Recently discovered Treatise printed by the Younger Zenger Slightly reduced facsimile of title-page [No. 12] Sale Tuesday Afternoon, Fehruarii 17th |Xo. 12— Coutiinicd] [Quotations from Job and Cicero : ;j lines.] Small 4to, sewn. In morocco folder, lettered on front cover. Xew-Yoek.| Printed by Iohx Zexgee, MDCCXLIX CoixATioK : Title ; blank verso ; Dedication, 3 pages, unnumbered ; Some Serious Thoughts, pp. 1-9. A RECENTLY DISCOVERED TREATISE RELATING TO COLUMBIA COLLEGE. BELIEVED TO BE UNIQUE. Apart from its exrcssive rarity the Tract now discovered, and offered, merits close attention because of the far-reaching influence of the great Institution, the projected services of which were outlined by the writer, George H. Moore, in "The Origin and Early History of Columbia College" records interesting facts relative to methods for obtaining necessary funds, and references to the early friends and supporters of the College: Bishop Berkeley. Dr. .Johnson, Gen. Shirley. Bl.vles Cooper, etc. Publications bearing the imprint of John (son of John Peter) Zenger are cited as more excessively kake than axy other issues of the New Yoek Press. Isaiah Thomas's statement, — "he piihlishol a far pamphlcl.f." seems supported only by "A Brief Vindication of the Purcha.sers," etc., 1745-6: of Nathan's Almanacks tor 1750 and 1751 (presumably the other "liamphlets" referred to by Thomas) no copy seems extant; The Weekly Xric York Journal, for 1740 receives separate mention. Hildeliurn states that following Zenger's death, July, 1751, his press and type were sold by auction. It seems reasonable to assume that all uncirculated productions of the press found their way to the paper-mih at the time. [See Eeprocluction of Title-Page] 13. CoxxECTicuT Aljiaxack. The American Ephemeris;! ^t, an| ALMA- XACKI for the Year of Christian Account,! 1'59. . . By J. Pae- soxy, Philoma.| 12mo, sewn, untrimmed; water-stained; MS. notes, in a contemporary hand. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Xew-Havex, Printed and Sold[ bv J. Parker & Company at the Post-office. I [17,-)8] Extremely rare. Only another copy (Yale College) is known. Trumbull refers to only one J. Parsons,— the Jonathan Parsons, Yale College, Class of 17120. whose escape, with nine other students, inspired the poem described liy Trumbull, No. 113. 14. CoxxECTicuT Exoeaved ]\IiTsic. Chorister's Companion (The) : or Church Music Eevised ... Together with a Collection of approved Hymns and Anthems, ilany of which, never before printed. Ob- long 12mo, original boards. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Xcw Haven: Printed for and Sold by Simeon Jocelin, and Amos Doolittle. [1782] Part Third : pp. 16, and engraved music, pp. 32, follows Part Two, page 64. with separate title : New Haven : Printed by Thomas and Samuel Green, for Simeon Jocelin & Amos Doolittle. The title and 96 pages of music are engraved liy Doolittle. A desirable copy in original boards, with end-papers, etc.. the first end-paper inscribed,— "S-amHcZ Tinglei/'s: Bought March,- ye 2nd 1785." The ttecej/ity of Judgynertt, and Righteotifneji in a Land, A Sermon, Preached at tEe General Court of Eledlion, at !^artf0?.Bm the Colony of C^jBi}^€C^3cmX. on f 1 1 th 1710, By Cltpliaiet %mvi\%^ Pallor of the Church in i^ew Lindon. Zeph a. 3. 5i?(?^ Righteoufnefij feek 3feek nefi, it may he ye fhail hi hid in the thy oj the Lords Aniitr. N E rV-L N DON in N. E. PrinreJ by 7horr>a; Shnrf, Prjfiter to the Go-'e>-noiir and Counctl 87 so. FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN CONNECTICUT A newly discovered title Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 15] Sale Tuesdaii Afternoon, Febritari/ 17th 15. Connecticut I:\rpuiNT. Adams (Eliphalet). The Necessity of Judg- wcnf. and\ Bu/liieoiisness iti a Land.\ A SElvMOX.j Preached at the General! 'c^ourt of Election, atj Harlford in the Colony] of CoNXECTiCT-T.I on ^May 11th. 1710.| . . .12mo, sewn. AVith cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Xe-\v-Londox in X.E.j Printed by Thomas Short, Printer to thel Governour and Council. 1^0. THE FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN CONNECTICUT. Thomas errs in stating that the Confession of Faith (The Saybrooii; Platform) was the first publication in book form issued by the Connecti- cut Press. Trumbull's note to the "Confession": "Though the Title page h(iH 1710. and the roluiiie in iisiKill!/ aHsifjned to that t/ear, it ivas not com- plclfd before 1711, nvd the grciitrr part of the edition {of 2,000 copies) remained in the hands of J/r. .S'Tiorfs ividoic until 1714, nearly tivo years after his death," is based on more recent and fuller investigation, and establishes the priority of the Election Sermon of 1710. Of extreme rarity. The copy now offered is the first to appear IX AX auction room. [See Eeproduction of Title page] 16. CoNNECTiciTT Imprint. Saybrook Confession and Platfobm. A Confession of Eaith Owned and Consented to by the Elders and i\Iesseno;ers Of the Churches In The Colony of Connecticut in ISTew- Enuland, Assembled by Delegation at Say-Brook, September 9th. 1708. . . [To which is appended] Heads of Agreement Assented to by the United ^Ministers formerly called Presbyterian and Congre- gational. [And also] Articles for the Administration of Church Discipline. . 16mo, sheep. [Imprint on second title] Xew London Printed by Thomas Short. 1710 Wanting : first title-page and three leaves, — pp. 1-2 and 79-83. In other respects a desirable copy in the original cedar lioards covered with sheep. Contemporary autograph on margin, p. 72, — S<(linon Trent's Liber. 17. C'oNNECTicuT Impp.int. Chapman (Daniel). The Death of the Eiglit- eous Considered,! .. .a sermon. . .occasioned by the Death of the A\'orshipful Samuel Couch, Esq., at East Guilford Xov. 24th. 1739. 16mo, sewn. Witli cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Xew London : T. Green, 1741 No COPY located. 18. Connecticut Imprint. Todd (Jonathan). The Young People Warnecl. Or, the A'oice of God to the Young People in the late terrible Judg- ment of the Throat-Distemper. 16mo, sewn. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Xew London, Printed and Sold by T. Green, 1741 Only one copy located. The present copy contains a blank leaf pre- ceding title-page, and another following page .50, — both unlcnown to bibU- ographers. PROPOSALS Relating to the EDUCATION O F AZ<1 %-i U T I N E N S I L VA N lA.^ ^, P H I LAD E L P H lAt J^rinted in the Year, M. D C C. X L I X' ■'\ ■r-!^'m ^m^^^ i »mM ).; gfS^^^^^i0St BENJAMIN FRANKLIN'S PROPOSALS Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 23] Sale Tuesday ^ifternoon, February 17th 19. CloxxKCTicuT Imprint. Todd (Jonathan). Be Followers of the Saints ...a Sermon preached at East Guilford, June 10th, 1739. Occa- sioned by the Death of Capt. Janna ]\Ieigs. 16mo, sewn. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-ease, lettered on back. Xew London; Printed and Sold by T. Green, 1743. No COPY LOCATED. Contains a blank leaf, following page 50, not cited by authorities. 20. Co.vNECTicuT IjiPiiixT. Todd (Jonathan). The Soldier waxing Strons; and Valiant in Fight through Faith. Or, Keligion recommended to Soldiers, in a Sermon preached. . .July 6th, 1746. 16mo, sewn. AVith cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Xew London, Printed and Sold by T. Green, 1747. Of exteeme raeity. Unknown to Evans, Trumlnill and other authori- ties. Addressed to "^omr Yoinuj Pit.ioiis of mij Charge, havhig mlisted themsclirs Volunteers for the E.rpedition that ii'ds then intended against Canada." etc. 21. CoNNECTicfT Impkixt. Stiles (Ezra). Oratio Funebris pro exequiis celebrandis A'ivi perillustris Jonathan Law, Armigeri, Colonic Connecticutensis ; qui obiit Xo\-. 6, 1750. Square 8vo, original black wrappers. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Xovi-Londini, 1751 Dr. Stiles's Address (in English) to Madam Law, follows page 12, A BAEE FUNEKAL TKIBUTE. 22. DuMMER (Jeremiah). A Defence of the New England Charters. 8vo, sewn, as issued, uncut. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. London: Printed; lieprinted at Boston. 1721. FiBST American Edition. A Fine Copy of a bare work. No sale recorded ; no copy located by Evans. 23. [Franklin (Benjajiin.)] Proposals Eelating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania. 8vo, sewn, as issued. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Philadelphia : Printed in the Year 1749 An unusually fine copy', irith the original atitehes. of the pamphlet written and printed by Franklin, and distributed with his newspapers, preparatory to his campaign for subscriptions for the proiected Academy in Philadelphia. [See Eeproduction of Title-page] 24. [Franklin (Benjamin).] Poor Richard, 1740. An Almanack for the Year of Christ 1740... By Eichard Saunders. 16mo, sewn, uncut. Last leaf worn at centre, slightly affecting text of a few lines. With cloth folder, in half -morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin. [1739] A VERY rare issue. N A R RATI V E. O F T H E APT T Sufferings: and Rcmov. , '-ir^ iViary KowiaoGion, Who was taken Prifoncr by the IncianSj v.:th ftveral others, ;ind treated i^i the moPc . barbarous and cr.iel manner by fl, jfl.-; vil* Sava^^es. W,th many other remarkable evtrKs during her travels. .■Vj Written uy hcf ovjit Hand, for h-rr p-:-: :lc iJic, end now mdde P:i'du\ at the ear,:'::: O'f'.'i of p;i:c Frk'iidsy and for the bin.f.i of 'b^ ■■]]:' chi.. HAVERHILL, ( Niv:^' 'a^-^^f::^-^) Printii) and Sold, by N A i H 'v ,\ \ EL C O V E R L Y and S O \', nea- dve C-aivr- Hc'jjE. [Price One Shiliin.-;.] CT GR.t.M AtLOWANCE SY THE CF.r.i5 OP T^i^yr^i- , 'wmmm NEWLY DISCOVERED ISSUE OF ROWLANDSON'S NARRATIVE Slightly reduced facsimile of title-page [No. 32] Sale Tncsdaii Afternoon, February 17th 25 [Fevxklin (Ben.jamin)-J Poor Ei^'liard Improved: Being an Alma- ]iai'k and Ephemeris. . .for the Year l^-iS. By Eichard Saunders. 12mo, sewn, uncut. With cloth folder, in half morocco shp-case, lettered on back. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Franklin. [1747] Rake In tbis issue are recorded accounts of famous battles; anec- dotes and sketches of eminent soldiers, philosophers, etc. 26 IFiiAXKLix (Benjamin). J Poor Eichard Improved: being an Alma- nack and Ephemeris. . .for 1756. By Eichard Saunders. 12mo, sewn, uncut, last loaf lost. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip- case, lettered on l)ack. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Prankhn and D. Hall. [1755] In this issue each month is accompanied by an illustration (astro- nomical). 27. FnANKLiN (Benjam1x\). Poor Eichard Improved: Being an Almanack and Ephemeris. . .for 1763. By Eichard Saunders. 12mo, sewn, uncut. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered up back. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. [1762] 28. [Franklix (Benjamin).] Father Abka ham's | SPEECH] to a Great Xumber of| People,] at a Vendue of] Mekchant Goods;] Intro- duced to the] Public] by] Poor Richnyd,\ (a famous Conjurer and Almanack-ilaker.)] Square 16mo, pp. 16, sewn, uncut; slightly discolored. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Printed in New Haven : 1804. A RAEE EDITION I not described by bibliographers. Large copy, with WIDE MARGINS. 29. Feaxklin (Benjamin) Imprint. A Short Treatise of Church Disci- pline. 16mo. original sheep, some leaves foxed. Philadelphia : Printed by B. Franklin, 1743 A good, crisp copy, in original binding, with original end-papers, of the rare separate issue : tjndescribed by bibliographers. Autograph, — "Jonathan Purchase His Boole," on end-paper, and on verso of title, — "Jouiithan Purchase, Ortoher 1751!." 30. Fhothixgham (Ebenezee). The Articles of Faith and Practice, with the Covenant, that is Confessed by the separate Churches of Christ in General in this Land; also a Discourse, holding forth the great Privileges of the Church of Jesus Christ, and the same Privileges ^'indicated from the Sacred Scriptures ; and some Points of Prac- tice in the Church of Christ, that are in great Dispute between the Learned and Unlearned, fairly settled in a line of Divine Truth. 12mo, original sheep. Newport: Printed by J. Frankhn. 1750. A FIME COPY OF AN EXTREMELY RARE NEWPORT ITEM. TJnkuOWn tO Sabln ; only one copy located by Evans. The copy now offered contains a leaf of errata unknown to bibli- ographers — perhaps unique. £:>■^^S53te;v*lJr/^^:iV ''irf:v^:_\rc-*^--^*- : PW^g^ REMARKABLE D E L 1 V E R A N C E O F ROBERT BARROV/, WITH DIVERS OTHER PERSONS, FROM THE DEVOURING WAVES OF THE SEA, AMONG WHICH THEY SUFFERED SHIPWRECK; AND ALSO FROM THE CRUEL DEVOURING JAWS OF THE INHUMAN CANNIBALS OF FLORI DA ; GOD'S PROTECTING PROVIDENCE, MAN'S SUREST HELP ^nd DEFENCE, IN TIMSS OF GREATEST DIFFICULTy^ AND MOST EMINENT DANGER, -~— iaSSi'St*- — FAITHFULLY RELATED f, Y JONATHAN .DICKENSON, ■' ONE OF THE PERSONS CONCERNKO THEREIN. Pfal. xciii. 4, The Lord on high is nulbticr than; the noijc of vuiny ivaicys ; yen, than the jiiighly xvaves of the fea. Ixxiv. 20, The divrk places cf ihe ea>th ifrf full cf the halitations of cruelly. DOVER: Printed hy ELIPHALET iJw^ w.ncc.xrj •%' ' ! Ml m RARE ISSUE OF DICKENSON'S FAMOUS NARRATIVE Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 33] Sale Tuesday Afternoon, February 17th 31. Indian (:.\j'Titities. \\'illiams (John). The Eodeenied Captive Re- turning to Zion. A Faithful History of Remarkable Occurrences, in the Captivity and Deliverance of Mr. John Williams, Minister of the (iospel in Dccriicld, who in the Desolation which befel that Plan- tation, by an incursion of the French and Indians, was by them carried away to Canada. DraM'n up by Himself. As also an Appen- dix, etc. Small 8vo, contem])(irary wall-paper wrappers; text as usual with works of this period is time-stained, the wrapper torn. AVith cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston, 1774. 32. Indian Captivities. AI Xaeeative,! ofthel CAPTIVITY,! Suffering s and Removes, j of iMiiw.j ]\Iai;y Rowlandson,] Wlio was taken Pris- oner by the Indians, withj se\'eral others, and treated in the most| barbarous and cruel manner by those vile| Sa\'ages.| With many other remarkable events j during her tra^'els.j Written by her own hand, for her prinde I'se,', and now made Public, at the earnest I)esire ofj some Friends, and for the benefit of the Afflicted. 8vo, pp. (Jl, sewed. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Haverhill, (New Hiuiips]iire)\ Peinted and Sold by Na- thaniel! CovEELT and Son, near the Couet-j House. Price One Shilling. | circa 171>2. Ax UXDESCRIBED AND UNRECORDED OF MrS. ROWLA.NDSOX'S FAMOfS NAR- RATIVE. [See Reproduction of Title-page] 33. Indian Captivities. Dickenson (Jonathan). The Remarkable Deliv- erance of Robert Barrow, with divers other Persons, from the Devouring Waves of the Sea, among which they suffered Shipwreck; and also from the cruel devouring Jaws of the inhuman Cannibals of Florida. 12mo, original calf; some lea\es discolored, corner torn off p. 71, removing last letter of two words. With cloth folcler, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Do\er (X. H.) : Printed by Eliphalet Ladd. 1792 A RARE EDITION OF THIS FAMOUS NARRATIVE. No copy lias been located or described. [See Reproduction of Title-page] 34. Indian Captivities. Johoxnot (Jackson). Thej Remaekable AdventukesI ofi JACKSOX JOHOX^X^OT,! of -Massachusetts:! who served as a Soldier in the Western Army, in the Massa!chusetts Line, in the Expedition under! Cex. Harmae,! and the Unfortunate! Gen. St. Claik.! Containing,! an Account of his Captivity, Suffer- ings,! and Escape from the! Kickapoo Indians.! Written by Him- self. 12mo, pp. 20, sewn, lower margin of some leaves closely ^Continued '0: 'A- ■ ■ ■ J- : ' I J i A Vj^V O" <.^- i V j V-^ A i. v-^ LH i.'^ x^ i y (^r M.jj'i-iC//yj2rr:w W'lio f-l'Vcd r.-: a S^!.;'ie cd r.-: a .-j^I.i.er 1,1 tiie >.'c,! r;r Arn-',-, r^ ■- . - ' 1 \ I-'' '■• T A 'f* in 1-^ J.Iuii.t. An f^z. arid r.j'J,-\P^, hoiYx iiie ■ WRITTEN BY HI M S E L Y, Antl pub!;l]ieJ at the eariieft Iinporm;!!;y o'J liis Fi^rd; FOil THE BENEFIT OF A M L: ix I C A N y O U 'i' H. ..-^ , .,.-*-•-'■ RARE ISSUE OF JOHONNET'S NARRATIVE Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 34] Sale Tuesday Afternoon, Februari/ 17th [Xo. U—Conliiiiied] trimmed, somewhat soiled, writing on title. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Salem (Massa. ) Printed by Nathaniel Coverly, Jun'r. 1802. The barest foem of Johonnot's Narrative of bis Captivity. [See Reproduction of Title-page] 35. IxDi.vN Captivities. [Barber (Eunice). J Narrative of the Tragical Death of iMr. Darius Barber and his Seven Children, who were in- humanly Butchered by the Indians, in Camden County, Georgia, January 3G, 1818. To which is added an Account of the Captivity and Sufferings of j\Irs. Barber, wdio was carried away a Captive by Savages, and from whom she fortunately made her escape six weeks afterwards. Frontispiece. 8vo, sewn, uncut; two leaves torn across. With cloth folder in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston: Printed for David Hazen. [1818] Extremely rare. Only the Thomas W. Field copy (May 24, 1875) is RECORDED AS SOLD. 36. Indian Captivities. Wilson (Jane Adeline). A Thrilling Narrative of the Sufferings of Mrs. Jane Adeline Wilson, during her Captivity among the Camanche Indians. 2 full-page illustrations (one re- printed on wrapper). 12mo, pp. 23 (1), original printed wrappers. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. There is a very small stain on top margins. Rochester [N. Y.] : D. M. Dewey, Arcade Hall. n. d. A bare narrative OF Indian Captivity : Unknown to bibliocraphees. 37. Indian AVaes. [Sanders (Daniel C.).] A History of the Indian Wars with the First Settlers of the United States, particularly in New England. Written in Vermont. First Edition. Small 12mo, origi- nal sheep, in crimson morocco solander case, lettered on back. Montpelier, Yt., 1812 An unusually desirable copy, in the original binding and label title: "Indian Wars," with all the original blank leaves, preceding and follow- ing the text. The extreme scarcity of the work is due to the bitter and unjust criti- cism, which caused the author to destroy the greater portion of the edi- tion. For an extended description see Oilman's Bibliography of Vermont. 38. Johnson (Capt. Chaeles). A General History of the Lives and Ad- ventures of the most famous Highwaymen, Murderers, Street Rob- bers, etc., from the Famous Sir John Falstail in the Reign of K. Henry IV, 1399 to 1733. To which is added a Genuine Account of Voyages and Plunders of the most Notorious Pyrates. Interspersed with diverting Tales, and pleasant Songs. 26 full page Copper Plates, engraved hy the best Masters. Folio, contemporary russia, re-backed. London, 1736 A fine crisp copy of the best edition : only a very few copies contain all the plates. Many of the pirates attained notoriety on the coasts of America, the West Indies, etc. L%" FUNERAL ELOQIB'M ON The Reverend Mr. AARON BURR. Latb President o? the College OF New- Jersey, BY WILLIAM LIVINGSTON, Esq, - — Of comfort no uah speatc ! Let's talk of graves, and works, and epitaphs, mike dust our paper, and with rainy ete3, Write sorrow is the bosom of the earth, SHAKfSSP,-' ;i.t Stat sui cuiqjje dies ; bsevb, et ireepa-rabilh [TEMPtfS OmniBOS est VJT.S : SED EAMAM EXTEHDER^ FJICTIS, Hoc viaTOTis opns. . NEW-YORK, Printed : ' BOSTON ; Re-printeo Bt Green and Russell, in Queen-street^ FOR J. Winter, in Union-street. «*■ M Dcciitriji. -yJ^^a^Mtisllii BOOK PRINTED IN AMERICA WITH QUOTATION FROM SHAKESPEARE ON TITLE Reduced facsimile of title-page [No. 43] Sale Tuesdcqi Afternoon, Fehruari/ 17th 39. [JoHxsox (Sajiuel).] Ethices Elemexta.j Or tlie| Fibst Pkinci- PLEs| of Moral Philosoi'iiy. And Esioecialh- j That Part of it which is called! ETHICS. [ Iii a Chain of Xeccssary Consequences | from certain Facts. j B}- Ah]stocles.| Square 8vo, sewn; slio-litly discolored. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. BosTOX : Eouers and Fowle. PT-IO. Contiiins the blank leaf following p. 70 — u.xKxowx to bibliocrapheks, — and the half title, — A/xew system/ of/MOBATiTY./ The writer wa.s the founder and the flr.st president of King's (after- wards Columbia) (.'ollege, New York. 40. Lee (Sajiuel). Contemplations on Mortality. Wherein the Terrors of Death are laid open for a AVarnino- to Sinners : and the Joyes of Communion with Christ for Comfort to Belie\ers. 16mo, water- stained; a few margins slightly torn. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston : B. Green, and J. Allen. 1698 A RARE 17th centtiry imprixt. Only another copy (Muss. Hist. See.) cited. 41. [LiTixGSTOx (William). J Philosophic Solitude :| or,j The ClioiceI OF a| RUJ;AL LIFE.I A| POEM.I By a Gextlemax educated at Yale College. | [Quotations: two lines.] Small 4to, pp. 44, sewn. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. New-A"oek:| Printed by Jnincs Farker, lUT. Contains the half-title: "Philosophic Solitude:/ A/ Poem."/; and the blank leaf following page 44 — two features apparextly uxkxown to bibliocraphers. Very rare : perhaps tjxique in this state. 42. [LivixG.STOx (William).] A Review of the ililitarv Operations in Xorth America, from the Commencement of the French Hostihties on the Frontiers of Virginia in ir.5:_], to the Surrender of Oswego on 14th of August, lT.5(j. Interspersed with various Observations, Characters and Anecdotes :. . . American Transactions in general. . . Political ilanagement of Affairs in Xew A'ork, etc. In a Letter to a Xobleman. Square 8vo, sewn, uncut. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. London Printed: Xew England, Ee-Printed 1758 A fine copy of the hare Bostox Editiox. The Barlow copy, 1890, is the last recorded as sold. 43. LivixG.sTox (A\-illiam). A Funeral Elogium on The Reverend Mr. Aaron Burr, late President of the College of Xew Jersey. Small 4to unbound. With cloth folder, in half mOrocco slip-case, lettered on °*^°^- -"^'ew York Printed : Boston, Reprinted by Green and EusseU, 1758 The Boston edition of the First Book printed in America to bear on [Continued Meditation^ upon the w>. - AsjiT)f^e oi the , Delivered in a > MON '(■^ . ' at 1500011, ■ AfiJ noiv"^ DeJicatcd unto the Service cj AXU 'iiiit efpecialfy'Of tbofe whofe .Concerns Lye'h it -.i By Cotton '^atljei;.. ;> Zccl'efiam pro 'Ni-ie gero ; raihi climati M'Jndi,, Sunt Afiire; Scripciirs, i^cr/* ; f//w, ^omo, I; , ZilTn) N(85 X-ifhar'"' 'o'^a< y.';^0 ' tj >"iv Va?^a'q i.e. Qu^r© B.atemA'oix, ut mortis Diicrifnina VitenJi, S Ni(z. Carm. in Epifc, , "^ ^,.^ . _ I ..BoJIon Printed 'by Samuel Gref»^ and Sold , ^ *f by J^fiP^ Browmn^%i the corner fef ' the Frifon Lane. i6'i^. < ^ ' ' RARE COTTON MATHER ITEM Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 45] Sale Tuesdnif ^iftcrnoon, February 17th [Xo. 'ii—Conlimiedl its title-iiau'e an extract from Shakesjieare ("Kichard II.," Act. Ill, .Scene II) : . Of comfort no man speak! Let's lalt; of graves, and icorms, and epitaphs, Male dust our paper, and irith raiiii/ et/cs. Write sorroiv in the liosoin of the earth." Of ST'rEi!LATi\ e iatekest as an illustration of Shakespearian study in America. It will lie remembered that dramatic performances \Yere first witnessed in New York about six years previous, and that no American publisher issued Shakespeare's plays, in collected or separate form, previous to 1794. Of esteeme earity. fScc Reproduction of title-page] 44. LovELL (JoHx). A Funeral Oration Delivered at the Opening of the Annual .Meeting of the Town. :\iarch 14th, 1742. In Faneuil Hall in Boston : occasioned by the Death of the Founder, Peter Faneuil, l^sq. 4t(j, sewn ; margin of half-title torn. With cloth folder, in half morocco shp-case, lettered on back. Boston: Printed ]>j Green, Bushnell, and Allen. 1743 First Edition with the half-title. A.L.S. of the author's son (James: an eminent patriot of the American Revolution) laid in. 45. Mather (Cottox). Work upon the Arh.\ Meditations iipon the ARK I As a Type of the Ciiuech;] Delivered in a| SEEMON] at Boston,] and now Dedicated unto the .Service of All,| but especially of those whose Concerns Lye in .Ships. | By Cotton Mather.] (Greek and Latin quotations: .5 hues)] 16mo, sewed. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-ca.se, lettered on back. Boston Printed by Smniiel Green, and Sold| by Joseph Brown- ing at the corner of | the Prison Lane. 1689 Collation: 10 pages (not numbered), preceded bv blank leaf (bearing inscription,— "./o.s-cp;i Belcher: 5:^:05: ex demo fratris ,S7o™") • text up 1-54, followed liy blank leaf. A FINE COPY OF AX EXTREMELY RARE IIaTHER TITLE. OxLY ANOTHEB COPY (Massachusetts Historical Society) has been located by Evans. [.See Reproduction of Title-page] 46. Mather (Cottox). The Present State of Xew Exglavd I Consid- ered m a I DLSCOURSEI on the Xecessities and Advantages of a Public .Spirit, 111 every iLix;! Esjjeciallv, at such a time as this, ilade at the Lecture in Boston j 2i).d. l.m. 1690. | Upon the Xews of an Invasion by bloodyl Ixdiaxs and Frexch-Mex, begun] upon Us.j 16mo, sewn. With cloth folder, in half morocco'' slip-case, lettered on back. Bostox:| Printed by .Samuel Green. 1690. Good crisp copy. Autograph of ./[o/ui] Barnard on title-page One of Mather's most important historical tracts. Of excessive earity. Pages' 47-52 are devoted to the Order of the Governour and Gen- eral Court, referring to existing afflictions and calamities. [.See Reproduction of Title-page] wit )^xtkmS^^W^c^^^^- Jd^ f Confidercd in a /' .-i^ /■ .i':r'> ■ T>ISCOUKS E r "^w the Neceffities and Advantages of a " ■/» every MAN ', - - '-^ tfpeciaiiy, at fucti a imt a0 t!)igf. ,. . . ^ Made at the J^ECTURE io.^^*?/?': ^1 'f/;POrt' th Navs of an , InvfiJon "^'h "^^5^1 INDIANS d«^ PRENCft-MEN, h^. ^'•- -.,-^ .■^u^' Cotton ^aflim :::7/ ci^| fr' ■ ^ . ., "-•■-•■■ ■'",, ' _ ^ .ll'^i^r^ ^-- ^:^.:.-^l^on dlfppcuiffe n}eretur\^.\ ''. ^ ■ • Fi^fii^t P^t'rU ^ui'pkcuiffe fnz. ' ' yM ' - ■ ■ "' i I ■ ■ ■ ■ ' • ■ M kt - ■• ■^.. , « ,; ^ i OXE OF COTTON MATHER'S MOST IMPORTANT HISTORICAL WORKS Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 46] Sale Tuesday Afternoon, Februari/ 17th 47. [irATHEi! (Cotton). J [The Principles] of the PEOTESTAXT EELI- 6I0X ;\raintained, and Churches of New England, in the Peofes- siox and Exehcise thereof defended, against all the Calumnies of one George Keith, a Quakei', in a Book lately published at Pensil- vanie, to undermine them both. By the Ministers of the Gospel in Boston. ] 6mo, unbound ; closely cut, affecting text, first hue of title cut away, half title missing. ^Mth cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston, in Xew England, Printed by Eichard Pierce and sold By Booksellers. ilDCXC (1690) By .Tames Allen, .Joshua Moodej', Samuel Wlllarcl, Cotton Mather. Rake IN ANY CONDITION. 48. Mather (Cottox). Johaxxes in Eremo.| ilemoirs, Eelating to the| LIVES,! OP THE I Ever-ilEMoiiABLE,! Mr. Johx Cottoxt,| Who Dyed, 2:'j.d. 10. m. 1652 j Mr. Johx Moetox,| Who Dyed, b'.d. 2 m. 1663.! Mr. John Wilson,! Who Dyed, 7 ^. 6 m. 1667. 1 :\rr. John Davexpobt,! AVho Dyed, 15.d. l.m. 1670. | Eeverend and Eenowned Ministers of the! (Jospel, All, in the more Immediate Servicej of One Church, in Bosfon \\ axd iln. Thomas Hooeer,| Who Dyed, 7.ri 5. TO. 1647. 1 Pastor of the Church at Hartford; X^ew England.!' Written, by Cottox ^Iather.! l^mo, original boards, covered with sheep. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Printed for and Sold by Michael Perry, at his Shop,| under the West End of the Town-House. 1695 An unusually desiral)le coi)y of an esteemed historical and bio- graphical WORK BY Cotton Mather. Collation: Title, 1 leaf; To the Reader, bv Increase Mather, pp 3-12- Introduction, pp. 13-27 ; Advertisement, etc. pp. 28-32; Text, pp 1-80- Nortonus Honoratus, 1-39; Memoria Wllsonlana, pp. 1-46; blank leaf; Chrysostomus Xciv. Anglorum, 1-20 (small hole in blank part of last leaf) ; blank leaf; Title tn "Piscator Evangelicus, or the Life of Mr. Thomas Hooker, 1 leaf, verso, "To the Churches in the Colony of Connecticut; lest, pp. 3-4.0 ; Catalogue of some Books," 2 pp., last page (3) blank. [Sec Ec])roiluctioii of Title-page] 49. '[Mathek (Cottox). J yoxesmry Admonirions;\ Oontamingl Just THOUfiHTs upon some SJXS,| Too Little Thouqhi of.\ Or,! A Brief Discouese! Concerning! tiins of Oinission.\ ^'lade 11 d 4: m 1702.| Spectemur Agendo. 16mo, pp. (2), 34, sewed, as is.sued ; margin of two leaves slightly torn, not affecting text. With cloth folder, in halt morocco slip-case lettered on back. Boston in X.E.! Printed by B. Green, and J. Allen, for! Samuel Phillips at the Brick Sliop.j 1702 1. Only two other copies (both in public libraries) known. Fine copy, with full margins. J^Oj^i^ A i\ i\ E b m «i?rcino. litr-inscJriT', Relating to the OF THE Er^r MEMORABLE, Mr. JOHN C O T T O N, Mr. j O li N K O R T O N, Who Dyed, ^ d.2.17:. \GG-.. Mr. J O H iNi W I L S O N, Who Dyod, Mr. J O H N D WKo^- ■ ■ ■-If' ,v.'. r66- V i: ^i P O" K. T, vi^'^M J-.'\L'J, ; 5,.-/. I.,'/;. 16- J. Reverend and Renowned Minilteri of thi Gofpcl, A'.., in tnc more InMucdute Serv^-e of €>->\t Cijari;|, in B.:hn ; j\ N D Mr. T H O M A b H O O K E R., Who Dyed, - .■:' ^- .«. 1.^4-. P.iftor ofthcChiHvh at/;.-;r ,,,•,/; J>rLut-'i?!2Sit^uO. IDnrtcn, by C0T7 0N MATHER. Forte iiimis Vi k- r Lvi.h-s Cmtan: MEOr.L M \\ Forte -.nn::s c-.v.c..:; /'..A'l./ i.iAn-'rc rc^.jLi ; | Non itii me F-u'tio,: S:nc I'cro CrC'i:'<-' '- J Piintcd for :md ^old hy M:J.>r.d Ff;,' ■,,3.t liis ^ho;; - •jrdcr the Wc[> Hnd or' the Town Houie ''^?)_ \ ^^ ■I y i ■ i U' . - -r^L ^^ ESTEEMED HISTORICAL WORK BY COTTON MATHER Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 48] Sale Tnesdaii Afternoon, February 17th 50. [Mathek (Cotton). J The IJii/li, Alt(iinincnt.\ A Brief Discouese| C'oiic'crnmi;[ EESI(iXATIOX| to the Will of (ioD;| A Glorious Duty incumbent on| every Ciieistiax.I a.\d| Containing in it, the very Spirit,| and L^onifort/and Glory of| CliEISTIAXITY.j (Quo- tation: 4 lines). IGnio, ])p. (2), 42, original wall-paper wrappers. With ildth folder, in half moroeco slip-ease, lettered on back. Boston : Printed bv B. Clrecn,] & J. Alien, for Xicholas Boone, at his| Shoi) near the Old Meeting House.| 1703. | In the finest possible state. Presentatioii cop.v ; iiisciTl)ed, — "For the Renl. J. Belcher." Of this vvohk no copy is known except that heee described. [See Iicproduction of Title-page] 51. [Mathek (('ottox).J I'/ti-ciitid Wislies kikI (_'liar(/e.s.\ Oe,| The EV- JOYMEXTl of a Glorious) CHE1ST.| Proposed, as the Great Blessed-|xess, which Christian PaeextsI desire, both for Them- selves, and! for their CHiLDiiEX.| . . j IGnni, pp. GO, sewn, small piece torn off last leaf, slightly alfecting last two words of page 59. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston, in X. E. Printed and Sold by| Timothy Green, 1705. | Choice crisp copy of a rare title ; iiages 58, 59, 60 occupied by an original poem, — "The Consent." Only- one sale recorded (Brinley, ISTO. I 52. [Mather (Cottox).] Eeee-Grace, maintained & Improved. | Oii,| The (iEXEEAL OFi-EEf OF the| G0SPEL,| ilanagcd with Considerations of the I Gekat Thixos done byj Special Grace,] ix the[ Elec- Tiox and Eedemptiox] and Yocati()x[ Of those who Embrace that Offee.) axd[ The Illustrious Ttoctrines of Divine| Pkedestixatiox and Humane I IMPOTEX^CY, Eescued from the Abuses,\ which they too frequently meet withal ;| And rendered (as they are) highly Useful] to the Designs of Practical Piety. | In Two Brief Dis- courses; Published at the Desire] of Si.me, who have been greatly Apprehensive] of Groirine/ Gcaisions for such Treiifises.\ 16mo, pp. (2) 1-7 0, sewn. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. BosTOX : Printed by B. Green. 1706. Inscribed Ij.v Rev. Thomas Foxcrott,— per Dr. Cotton Mather. 53. [Matheu (Cottox).] The Good Old ]yaij.\ Or,] Christinniiy\ De- scribed,] from the Glorious Lustre of it] Appearing] in the Lives of the Primitive (.'liristians.j An Essay. . . 16mo, original sheep; a small tear in first leaf which does not damage any of text. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston: Printed by B. Green. . .1706. Autograpli on end-paper,— Sow »r/ Mus| Advice, which we leave witli suchj as we would see take Steps of| Wisdom and the Well- advised] ((Quotation: 4 lines.) j 16mo, pp. 40, contemporary wall- paper wrapi)ers. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-ease, lettered on back. BosTOX ia Xew-Exglaxd:I Printed & Sold by Timotliy Green, i:06. Autograph (contemporary i on title, — Ro. Cotton. Running title: "The Impenitent Sinner disarm'cl| of his Plea for his Impenitence." A Fi.\E copy: wholly tjntrimmed. Of this work ^'o copy- is knowx, except that in Bostox Public Library-. [See Reproduction of Title-page] 55. [Mati-iek (Cottox).J Corderius Americanus.} Ax Essay | upon| The Good Education of Children. | And what mav Hopefully be At- tempted, fori the Hope of the Flock. | In a| FU'XEEAL SEEIMOX| upon I :\Ir. EzEKiEL Cheeter,| The Ancient and Honourable Master of thej Free School in Boston.] . . .With an Elegy, and an Epitaph upon hini.j By One that was once a Scholar to hmi. 16mo, original wrappers, with cloth folder, m half morocco slip-case, lettered on *3ack. Boston : Printed by John Allen. . . 1708 A FIXE COPY IX THE ORiGi.NAL WRAPPERS. Perhaps unique in this state The Elegiac poem and Epitaph, pp. 2(; 34, form a feature unusual in Mather's writings. The autograph, on inside of front cover, is that of the original owner "Xichola.i Noi/rx. i?/.s- Boole." and recalls a contempor- ary of aiather's, who has left several examples of elegiac and other verse. I Sue Eeproduction of Title-page] 5(;. Mather (Cotto.v). Xehemiah.] A Brief Essay on| Divine Consola- tions,, How (iREAT they are; I Axd| How Great the Regards to be Paid unto them.l With ax| APPLICATIOX thereof to Somel frequent CASES ;| Especially,! The Death of Relatives. I Offered at tlie J.ecture m Bostox, :iO d. m. 1710. | By Cottox :\Iathei!, U.D.I (Quotation: 3 lines) | Small 4to, pp. 24 sewn, as issued, origixal STiTCHix.;; hole in last leaf, through centre, mutilating portion of two lines. ^Vith cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston- in XEw-ExciLAxn.! Printed liy Bartholomew Green. In.scription on title,-B,r IWris Fran... Fo.rrroft. father of Reverend ihonia.s 1- Dxcroft. ^^j)i*^'--^\irif^-^;^^^-' ■'^V^J^viSU-^A* of s>!n?iilncr3 anti ©iofljfiiliu'ro' i: The Caufe of GOD RELIGION. ^ItatiCD QgaiTift thcfe, Who make their .INABILITY to Do I GOOD, ^ Their PLEA,'- For their Continuance in a way ot EVILDOING, (* An ESSAY, to CU-ch the Serious ADV'ICE, which we leave with Tud^ i as we woukl fee tnke the Steps ot ll/'.i';orn and the IViH-n^v!:^- S'S^'^:-,>>'"'^^»a'^r>-i RARE ITI':iI BY COTTON MATHER Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 54] Sale Tucfiday Afternoon, February 17th 57. ilATHETf (C'(iTTON). OvHtii, Brcvi l(i.'<.\ An Essay| Made in a Few ^\'oR]>s.l To demoiistratr that aj Few Words| may have| Much cdniprised in them.| Witjij Tlie most Weighty Matters of| Ee- Lioiox, ofl'ered in several | ABMDGEMENTy, as particularl Demonstra- tions of it. I A WiN'TEii Sermon Preached at| Bostox Lecture 27 d. 9 m. 1T12. By Cotton Mather, D.D.| (Quotation: 2 lines.) | 16mo, pp. (2), 20, sewn, as issued, orkiixal stitches. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Bo.ston: Printed by B. (Irceii for Samuel] Gerrish at his Shop over against thej South MeetJiig-House. 1712. Contains the blank leaf following iia^e 20, necessary to complete the signature. This feature is not mfniinneil tni bibliographers. Very rare : perhaps unique in this bxtraordinahy state. Onlj' two other copies (both in public libraries) are cited. 58. [M.iTHER (Cotton ).j Pastoral Desires.] A Short Catalogue| of| Excellent THIXGS,| which I A True Pastor, will Desire toj see Approved, and Practised, and| Abounding among his People. | A Book, design'd to be Lodg'dj and Left in their Hands, by One| De- sirous to be such an One, in| his Pastoral Visits,] to the Houses of all his People.! (Quotation: !) lines.)] 16mo, pp. (:2), 116, original wrappers, uncut ; corners water-stained. 'With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston: Printed by B. Green,\ for Nicholas Boone, at his Sboi.) ^it the Sinn of] the Bible in Marlborough Street. 1712. A fine tall copy of an extremely rare item, of which only one othek COPY' (Boston Public Library) is cited. [See Eeproduction of Title-page] 59. [Mather (Cotton). J Things to be more thought upon. A Brief TEEATISE on the Injuries oflVred unto the Glorious and Only Saviour of the World. . . "With a more Particular Conviction of the Jewish and Arian Infidelity... 18ino, original sheep; joints strengthened. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston : Printed by Thomas Fleet, for Daniel Henchman, 1713. Only o.xe copy recorded as sold. 60. Mather (Cotton). The Glorious THEOXE.| A Short Alcw of Our Great] Lord-Eedeemer,] On His Throne;] Ordering bv His Pkovi- dexce, all the] Changes in the World:] And most Particularly, what lias Occurr'd in] the Death of Our Late Memorable] SOVB- EEIGX.I AND THE legal' Succession of the British Crowx,I to the Illustrious House of] HAXO\'EE.j In a Sermon on that Great Occasion,! at Bo.'.tou in Xcw England,! on 23 D. A"II M. 1711.] By Cotton Mather, D.D. & F.E.S."! (Quotation: 2 lines.)] 16mo, IContiinird COTTON MATHER'S "CORl>EKirS AMERICANUS" Exact facsimile of title-page [No, 55 J Sale Tuesday Afternoon, February 17th [No. 60 — Cotilinvcd] pp. (2), 1-37, pewi). With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston: Printed bv B. Green. Sold by S. GeiTi.-:]i,\ at his Shop at the Xorth-side of the T. House. 1714. A CKisp, SPOTLESS COPY ; with wide margins. 61. Mather (Cottox). The Saoifirer.l Ax Essay| Upon the] Sacrifices, Wherewith a Christian, laying] a Claim to an| Holy Priesthood, Endeavours to Glorifyj HOT)) By CoHon Mather, D.D. & F.R.S. (Quotation: 3 lines.) 16mo, pp. 45; followed by list of Gerrish's publications, 3 pp., sewn, as issued, original stitches. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston:] Printed by T. Fleet, for Samuel] Genish, at the North-Side of thej Town-House. 1714. Autograph, — Tho. Fo.rrroft 17] T. A fi.xe copy of an extremely rake TITLE ; of which only two other copies are linown. [See Reproduction of Title-page] 02. [Mather (Cotton).] Ju.^t Cominemorations] The DEATH] of] good iiEN, Considered;] and The Characters of Some who] have lately died in the Service of] the Churches, Exhibited.] Unto which tliere is added,] A Brief Account of the Eva>ifjeliral\ ll'orfc among the Christianized] Indian's of Xew Englaxd;' Whereof One of the Persons here] commemorated, was a Valuable] and Memorable Instrument.] (Quotation: 4 lines.)] 16mo, pp. (2), iv.. 58, sewn. ^Vith cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. BosTOX in X. E. Printed by B. Green : Soldi by Samuel Ger- risli at his Shop on the Xorth Side of the Town House. [1715.] A CRLSP, SPOTLESS COPY, WITH WIDE MARGINS. 63. Mather (Cottox). Xunrin Bona e Terra Longincjua.] A Brief Ac- couxTJ of some] (UmhI & Great Tilings] a Doing] for the Kingdom of GoDJ in the midst of] EUROPE. 16mo, sewn, uncut, as issued. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston in Xew England: Printed In' B. Green. . .1715. Examples of Mather's writings in this pristine state are of excessive RARITY. Has contemporary autograph, — James ,^riileg'n Book, A.D., 1734, on title. 64. [Mather (Cotton).] The Christian Ctnick.] A brief ESSAY] On a] Merciful SAVIOUR.] Address'd by an] UXWORTHY Sinner;] With Directions and Excourage.mentsJ for the ADDRESSES.] which will obtain His ra\ours.! [Quotation: 3 lines.] 16 mo, pp. -J 2 (3 ) , new half morocco. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip- case, lettered on back. Boston:] Printed by T. Fleet for D. IIenchman,\ at the Cor- ner Shop over against the] Brick .Meeting House. 1716.] [Continued V k\ 0:Talloral Defires, Short CATALOGUE Excellent'' THINGS, W H 1 C H True PASTOR, will Dejire to fee Approved, and Pradifed, and Abounding,among his PEOPLE. A BOOK, defign'd to" be Lodgd and Left in their Hands, by One Dcfirous to be Such an One, in his PASTORAL F IS ITS, to the Hcufcs of all his People. j 2 Pec, I. 15, 13, «J- I w:U not k n'^liT,:nt, to frit jm alviityt in Rf I nctxhi-fnce of th;fe Thing!. Ten, 1 think it meet at lorg as I am in this Ta^ j krn^ch, t) air ysuup, h^/ putting ycu in Re. 1 wcmbranci. ' Mtreu'vCr, I s>iU Endeav.ur, that pu may bt \ Me after my Dscc*j1', ti have thifi things 1 always in Ref):imbra/ice. BOSTON : Prinfed by B. Green, for Nidolas Bi'aiie, «t his StJi p «t tlie Sign of tht Bible in Mdkrough Street. 1 7 1 ». COTTON MATHER'S "PASTORAL DESIRES' Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 58] 'I'tl Sale Tuesday Afternoon, February 17th [No. 6-i — Continued] Only two copies cited, — American Antiquarian Society ; and Boston Public Library. No copy catalogued in any of the collections dis- persed. 65. [Mather (Cotton). J The City of Eefuge.] TheI GOSPEL of the CITYj Explained;! And the Flight of a| Distressed Sixneh| Thereunto,] Directed and Quickened ;| ^Vith a special Aspect on the Intentions ofj EARLY PIETY.| [Quotation: 2 Sam. XXIII. 3.] 16ino, pp. 33, (] ), new half morocco; fore-edges of some leaves closely cut, slightly affecting text. AVith cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston :| Printed l)y T. Fleet and T. Crump for| Daniel Hench- man, lit the Corner Sliop| over against the Brick Meeting- IIome.\ ]^l(i. Oxly one copy (Boston Public Library) is mentioned by biblioq- EAPiiERS. None included in any of the collections dispersed. 66. [ilATiiER (Cotton).] A Mini of Reason. \ A Brief Essay] to demon- strate.! That all Mex should ' hearken iio] EEASOX;| and,[ What a World of Evil would] be prevented in the World, if] Men would once become so] Ehasoxable.] (Quotation: -1 lines.)] 16mo, pp. 34, sewn, as issued, original stitching; lower margin of last leaf slightly defective having last three lines torn ofP. AVith cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered up back. Boston: in N. E.[ Printed for Johx' Edwards, on the South] Side of the Town-House in King-Street.] 1718. Only one other copy (Massacliusetts Historical Society) is known. 67. [Mather (Cotton). J A Sermon | Delivered] by Thomas Prince, M.A.] On the AA'ensday (sic) October 1, 1718. | Athisj OEDIXATIOX. . . Together with] The CHAEGE.j by the Eeverend Inckease Mather, D.D.I And a Co])y of what Avas said at giving] the Eight Hand of Fellowship (pp. 72-76) :] By the Eeverend Cotton' Mather, D.D.. . . 12nio, unbound. AVith cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, let- tered on back. Boston: Printed liy J. Franklin for S. ({crrish. . .1718. Good crisp copy of an e.^rly P^ranklin imprint. 68. [Mather (Cotton). J A Glorious Espousal.\ A Brief Essay,] To Illus- trate and Prosecute the] ,MAEEIAGE,| Wherein Our Great Saviour offers] to Espouse unto Himself the] Children of ^Icn.] And there- upon to Eeconimend from] that Grand Pattern a Good] Carriage in the] AIarried Life] Among them.] An Essay Proper and Useful in the] Hands of those who Travel on the] XobJc Design of Espous- ing the Souls] of Men unto their Saviour.] But more Particularly and Seaso-lnably to be presented, where a] ilarriage is upon a [Continued •T7;e Sacrijicer. An ESSAY Upon the SACRIFICES, Wherewith a Chriftian, laying * a Claim to an Holy PRIESTHOODyf Endeavours tp Glorify i 3y Cotton Mather, D. D. & F. R .''S.' ■ f ^ i Pfal. LI. 19. • lig; Jhal£ them he plenfcd vnitl Sncrr^ees B O S r O N: * Printed By 71 Pleet, for iS'^JWa!??! Town-Houfe. i7i4> . COTTON MATHER'S "THE SACRIFICER- Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 61] Sale Tuesday Afternoon, February 17th I Xo. 08 — Continued] Celebration. 16mo, pp. (2), Ml, sewn, as issued. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston: Printed by S. K\eelaxd,| for B. Ghay, and J. Ed- \VAi:i)s, at their Shops [ on the Xorth and South Side of the Town-|Housc in King-Street. 171!). A pRESEXTATiox COPY, inscribed (by Thomas Foxci-uft), — Given l)y Dr. C. Mather 171!). A FiKE COPY, crisp as when issued, of an extremely rare title, of which o.\LY 0-\E OTHER COPY (Bostoii Publlc Library) is Kxowx. [See Eeproduction of Title-page] 69. [;Matjiei! (Cottox).] The Jirliijion of an Oath.| Plaix DirectioxsJ how the Duty ofj SwEAr,ixi;[ May be Safely ilanaged,| when it is Justly Denianded.| And] Strong PEitsr.vsiVEsj To avoid the Perils of PEEJUPiY.] Concluding with a most Solemn Explaj nation of an Oath, which the Laws| of Denmark have provided for the eon|- sideration of them, whom an Oath| is propos'd unto.j Published at the Desire of Some who I appreliend Oaths to be too frequently! and faultily trifled with.| 16nio, sewn ; closely cut removing running title of some pages and affecting fore-edges of text. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. BosTOX-, X. E. Printed by B. Green. 1719. 70. [Mather (Cottox axd others).] Ax ACCOUXT of the EEASOXS Why a Considerable Xumber, (about Eifty, whereof Ten are Mem- bers in full Communion) Belonging to the Xew Xorth Congregation in Boston, could not Consent to Mr. Peter Thacher's Ordination there. Who has left his Flock at Weymouth, and accepted of a Call in Boston, without the Approbation and contrary to the Advice of the ilinisters in this Town. With a Declaration of the Dissatisfied Brethren of the Church, &c. 16mo, sewn; front half of original wrapper retained. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. [Boston:] Printed [by James Franklin?] in the Year 1720. A EAKE coxTRovEESiAL NARRATIVE, of which HO perfect copy has been described or located. The letters opiiosiug Mr. Thacher's settlement in Boston include two important docviments by the most eminent Boston divines, including Increase and Cotton Mather. The latter (in his Diary ) makes references to the "Account" and attendant circumstances liroving his sentiments unchanged towards Mr. Thacher. 71. [Mather (Cottox).] HonesUi Parsimonia:\ 0r,| TIME Spent as it| should be. PROPOSALS,! To prevent that Great Folly] and Mischief, The Loss of Time;] And Employ thel Talext of Time| so Watchfully and Fruitfully! that a Good Account may at] Last be given of it! (Quotation: 2 lines.)! 16mo, pp. (4), 23, sewn, [Continued A Glorious EjpoufaL A Brief ESSAY, To lUuftrate and Profccucc the MARRIAGE, Wherein Our Great Sav-i'our offers to Efpoiifc unto Hiinfelf the Children of Men. And thereupon to Recommend from that Grand Pattern a Good Carriage in the Married Life iln/na. Among them. 'J^rxcze'H. ^ An Essay Proper and Ufeful in the Hands of thofe who Travel on the Noble Defign oi'Ej^oiifi/ig the Souls of Men unto their Saviour. But more Particularly and Seafo- nably to be prefented, where a Marriage is upon a Celebration. BOSTON.- Friicc i by S. Kneeland, fot B. GRAY,ancl J. ED\VARDs,at their.Shops on the Isionh and South iiJe oi'theTown- Houfe in King-Scveet. ^l^^-'^^^l^l^ . COTTON MATHER'S "GLORIOUS ESPOUSAL" Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 68] Sale Tucsda// Afternoon, Februari/ 17th [Xo. 71 — I '(inii)niPiI\ uncait, as issued. "With clotli folder, in half moroeco slip-case, let- tered up back. I'xisTOx : Printed bv S. Kiieelaiid,] for ./. EdiranJs. and Sold at his Shop. 1721. Of this very rare ilather item oxly one other copij (American Anti- quarian Society) is Icnoicii. I Sec Reproduction of Title-page] 7-.\ [Mather (CVmox).] LOVK Triiimphely trimmed, headlines shayed. With cloth folder, in half morocco sliji-casc, lettered on back. P)(ist(in: Printed by S. Kneeland. . .1723. ■;3. [^Iathee Cottox).] The Mixistei;.! A Sermon,] Offer'd unto the Anniyersai-y Conyention! of j ^IIXISTERSj from Se\eral Parts of yeir England,] Met at Pxiston. .31 d. Ill m.[ 1722. j 12mo, sewn, uncut, as issued ; water-stained. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. F)()ston: Printed in the year 1722. Rake. Tall copy, with the .scarce half-title, \yhich has corners Sillghtly torn. I Sec Pie))roductiiin of Title-page] 71. Mather (Cottox). Parentator.[ MeiioirsJ of[ Reiiaiikablesj in the LIFE! and thej DEATHI of the Eyer-:\Lemorable! Dr. In- crease Maiher.\ AYho Expired, August 23, 1723. 12ino, original sheep; blank corner of two leayes torn off, and small piece of "Ad- yertisement,'' at end, lost, slightly affecting fiye lines, stained in few corners. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, letters on back. Boston: Printed by B. (Jreen. 1721. 75. Mather (C(nTox). TELA PILEVISA.j A Short Essayj on| Troubles to be Look'd for.| A Wise] Expectation of,| and Peep.vratiox for,| Troublesome C!iarge>,, Recommended unto the Strangers andj Pil- grims in the Present E\il World. KJmo, sewn ; some margins frayed, 2 leaves temporarih' reinforced. With cloth folder, in half 3)110 rocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston: Printed by B. Green. 1724. ^0. []\1atheh (Cottox ).J Virtue in iis Tcrdure.] A' Cheistiax! Exhib- ited as a| (ireen Oliyetree,' in the! Honse of GOD:\ with {Chaeac- TEEJ of the A'irtuous' .Mrs. Ahii/ail liruirn: The Amiable and Memorable Consort of the Honourable! Samtel Bkow.v, Esq;| Who expired Feb. IS. i:21,.5. 16mo, sewn. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston. X. E. Printed by B. (ireen. 1725. A good crisp copy of a rake biographical title. Headline (running title) shayed ; other margins full width. ftiould be. PROPOSALS, To prevent that Great FOLLY and MISCHIEF, The Lofs of Time ; And Employ the T A L E N T of T I M E So Watchfully and Fruitfully that a ^jo,i Account may at Lalt be given of it. Djinna jleo Rcnuii^ Sed plus JieoD.:nina DLrum. B OSTO ,v , rriiitecl by S. Knedand, tor J.Edwards,inviSo\6 at bisShop.i7ii. \) COTTON MATHER'S "HONBSTA PARSIMONIA" Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 71] Sale Tuesday Afternoon, Fehruarii 17th "I'i. Mather (Cotton). A Ti;esi>.\ss-()f1'-ekix(i, Humbly presented unto the Cluirclies of yew Eiujlaiii], By Eobert Sliirgeou. Small 4to, pp. ■i ; fore-edues frayed (but neatly silked) a few end-letters slJiilitlv allVcted ; small eircular stamji on ivA'^v 2. In morocco folder, lettered on front cover. [Colojilioii.] Boston IX XE\v-Ex(ii,AXD. Printed bv .B. Green. 17 2.-). Deci.siox of CorxciL of Churches, C<.ittoii Mather, Mciderator. alisulv- ing Mr. Sturgeon, on p. 4. Extremely rare. Nh sale recorded. 7 8. [JlATHEn (CoTTOx).] HATZAR-ilAVETiT.j ComfortaUe ^Yol■(Is\\ In a Short EssAYJ on| The C0iIP^Oi;TS| Of One LirUui to God.! But Walliiii/j tlirough the Valli'ii\ of tiie| Hhadow of DEATH;! And finding- it no mure than a Sii.VDOwj of DEATHj (Quotations: 10 lines.)! I'^mo, 2 unnumbered lea\es (half title and title) : text pp. 1-28, followed by 2 blank leaves, sewn as issued; small corner torn off one leaf, slightly affecting a word on each page. With elotli folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston, Printed for S. Gerrisii. 17 211. OxLY TWO COPIES (linth ill publii- lil>rari<'s) are cited. 79. Mathee (CoTTox). Maxaiuctio ad ilixisxEijiuir. DIEECTIOXS FOR A Candidate of the MIXISTIiY .. 12mo, original calf; back strengthened, two at end arc cut slightly below balance of text. With (loth folder, in half morocco sli])-casc, lettered up back. Boston : Printed for Thomas Hancock. 1721;. Fixe crisp copy, with half-title. 80. [Mather (Cotton).] llalin Ui^ripVuKp Fndi-ion] XOV-AX(;LOFiU.M.! A| Faithful Acount! of thel DISCIPLIXE! Professed and Pkac- tised;! in the Churches! of! Xeir Enrjlati(l.\ . . . 12mo, pp. iv.. 207 (2), original sheep; rebacked. AVith' cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston: Printed for S. (U'liisl, in CornhilL! 17 2(1. 81. Mather (Cotton). PIor-Haoidgad.! An Essay| upon,! An Happy Departure,! Occasioned by the Dece.vse of the A^aluablej Mr. WIL- LIAil WALDPtOX,! Late Pastor to one of the Churches in| Boston; who Departed, Se]jt. 11, 17 27. Svo, sewn, rxcuT; embossed stamp on first title. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston : Printed for S. Gerrisb, S. Kneeland, X'. Belknap, and B. Love, 1727'. Half-title: "Sermons on the Death (jf the Reverend Mr. Waldron." Introduction (S pp.), followed Ijy Sermon 1)V Cotton Mather; the other sei-mons are by .John Webb, Thomas Foxcroft and Sumuel Checklev. I I ''7:^'^'^*'?'ss'ait**t^--*'*a^ mUu^ The MiN isTER. ermon, Offer'd unto the Anniverdiry Convention o F MINISTERS' From feveral Parts of Met at BO S T O N, 3 1 d. Ill m. 1722. By One of their Number, And publilhed a; the Requell of them that heard it. V'n-itji nbundet, per tyit licet, q^uifquii yolueni ; In Opcribii: ■nea Jh jLbuv.dantia. I BO'^TON: Printed in the Year 1722. c ^.^ is '{< < COTTON MATHER'S "THE MINISTER" Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 73] Sale Tuesday Afternoon, February 17th 82. [Mather (Cottox).] RE8TITUTl'S.\ Thej End of Life Pursued,| and then, Thej Hope ju Death Enjoyed,| by the| FAITHFtrL.j Both of them Described! in aj DI8C0UK.SE| Made upon aj Eecov- ery from Sickness.] Or, The| Df.claeatiox! of One Returning from thei Gates of the (irave. IGmo, sewn, foee-edges uxcut. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. BosTOX: Printed for S. Gerrish. 1727. 83. [Mathee (Cottox^).] A Monitor for Comrnunicants.\ An ESSAY| To Excite and Assist] Eeligious Approaches] to the] Table of the Lord] Offered by an Assembly of the Xew-Exg-]lish Pastobs, unto their own Elocks,] and unto all the Chueches in these Ame-\ rican Colonics;] With] A Solemn Testimoxy to that Cause of] GOD and RELIGIOX, in them. (Quotation: 3 lines.) 12mo, jjp. 21, sewn, uncut; small blank corner torn off title. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. BosTOX" : Ee-jJrinted and Sold by (S'. Kneeland,\ over against the Prison in Queen Street. 1750. 84. [Mathee (Ixceease).J Torrey (Samuel). An] EXHOETATIOlSr| unto] Reformation, I Amplified,] By a Discourse concerning the Parts and Progress of that] ^Vork, according to the Word of God.j Delivered in a Sekmox Preached in the Audience of] the General Assembly of the Massachusetts Colony,} at Boston in New England, May 27. 1674.] Beixo the] DAY of ELECTION] these. Small 4to, pp. 8 and 44, sewn ; lower margin closely cut, slightly affecting lower line of last leaf. In morocco folder, lettered on front cover. Cambridge : Printed by Marmaduke Johnson. 1674. "To the Reader," by Ixckease Mather, 6 pages, following title-page, dated Boston, N.E., 26. 5. 1674. Contemporary inscription on title, — T/jo. Clarl-e his hooke gaven him Tjy Mr. Torrey. Mr. Clarke was appointed pastor at Chelmsford, 1677-8. His class-mate, Rev. George Burroughs (H.TJ. 1670) was executed for witch- craft in 1692. An extremely rare and valuable example of the earliest New Eng- land PRESS. Its principal, Marmaduke Johnson, aided John Eliot in pro- ducing the famous Indian Bible. [See Reproduction of Title-page] 85. [Mather (Ixcrease).] Aj XARRATIYE] Of the Miseries of] Xew- England,] l.iy Reason of an] Arhitrary Govermnent\ Erected there.] Small 4to, pp. 8, sewn. In morocco folder, lettered on front cover. [London : Printed for Richard Janeway . . . And Reprinted at Bo.ston in Xew England, by Richard Pierce. 1688] 9.] UNIQUE COPY, BEARING INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE OF THE PLACE AND TIME OF ITS PUBLICATION. Sibley ("Graduates of Harvard University," vol. 1, p. 447) uses the above imprint, having failed to locate a copy for examination, presum- ably surmising its form and title from some manuscript references, and omitting to supply brackets. [Continued AN j2>«./a3^ EXHORTAf ION UNTO Reformation, AMPLIFIED, By a Difcourfe concerning the. Parts and Progrefs of that Work, according to the Word of God. Delivered in a SERMON Preached in the Audience oi the General Aficn-.bly of tiie Majftchitfets Colony, at ScifioH laNnv- England, Miy ij, 1674, BEING T^E DAY of ELECTION THERE. By S AMVBL roRRET , Pafior of the Charch of ChtiU in ivaymomh. 1ft. 50.1 f. Forthti f^ith t'vt Lt'Td Co.i. thkHy Onctf J,';-,iti> invctunisgati >-t[i Ptali it be fivcd, in qjiitscfs lusd in wfi.kr.ti (IiaH sc jov.- pKitb, td y.» -vaiU Mt. , • Vcr.is. Aid thenfo-i' mil thi Urd -trait-, that be maybe gv.uiaas iiittyBn, S'li t':(rt fmt-mfihsii niUtti, thit iic mn'i hi-je mtrcr-!fos )eii -, for ih! Und is ^ Cti c' liid^i-xint.- and Uc^J :-.,'! ,!U thtyfb.it -ivait far bin. Jcr. 5,12, Rit,ir« yi h.:clipSh'.;^ cHUires, ,ud 1 Kill bnl yar,- hckpdirp : S.hU> it-i cor,! :,sto thee, fcr th:-: ■:■ t the Wd cur G.ii Rev. 1. 7. Hr thus hath i» cay— Ut hitn ktur tfb.it the Sphit [i'.th :ifita thfChaiClns. \y Ctmbridgt : Vx\x\Ktih^ M^mtadtike J-ohinpn. 1674. V » .. : '■i^O y 1'^-''- WITH INTRODUCTION BY INCREASE MATHER Slightly reduced facsimile of title-iiage [No. 84] Sale Tuesday Afternoon, Febrnary 17th [No. 8r>—Coiifiniicd'] The copy now offerod was originally the property of the Reverend John Higginson', of Salem, a friend and correspondent of its author, and bears his autograph on the upper margin of the first page: on the lower margin a note in his hand refers to the •■Narrative," — ('(imr nut in ijc U'i)ity Increase Mailier. 16nio, original boards, cov- ered with sheep and lixed with leaves piiour ax earlier work relatixg to Xew Exglaxd ; a slight corner is torn off one leaf (pp. 87-88) removing the final letter of each of two lines. With cloth folder^ in half morocco slip-ease, lettered on back. Boston, Printed by Tintolhy (rreen, for! Benjamin Eliot, at his Shop under the! West End of the Exchange, 1706. A desirable ccipy of a rare iiistoeical work, in the original state, with all end-papers (two preceding and two following text), which are not referred to by bibliographers. 87. [JIather (Ixcrease).] DEATII! Is Certain,! The Time when Un- certain.! A I SER.AIOX,! (Occasioned bv the Death of the Eeverend .Air. JA:\1ES ALLEX.! Teacher of First Church of Christ in Boston. Who Departed this Life, >()ston : Printed by Benjamin Edes and Sons, 1783 Autograph on title, — C'harlr.'i Loirrll (father of .Tames Russell Lowell). A FINE COPY OF A RARE TRACT. Only two copies located by Evans. Ad- dressed to Dr. .John Clark, of Boston. 9.J. MiL-vTs (AVilliam). ALL IX A BUSTLE:} or the XEW HOUSE. A I Comic Prelude] AVritten for the Opening of the] Xbvt Theatre in I Xew-Yoek. I Performed for the First Time, on Monday! Jan. 29, 1798. By Williaj: :\1ilxs:| Author of the Comet, &c. &c.| 16mo, sewn, uncut. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Xew-A"okk:' Printed at the Literary Printins; Office, Xo. 29, Golcl-Sti-eet| i:9R.! Copy-Eight Secured. | Collation : Half-Title : All in a Bustle (i) ; The Author's introductory remarks (ii) ; Title-page (1) ; Dramatis PersontTe (2) ; All in a Bustle or the New House, pp. (3-) 14. The "characters" are the members of the companj', and, in the words of the author, "personate themselves." A NOTABLE company: Mr. and Mrs. Hodgkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. Mr. .TefCerson, etc. The COPY' now offered is the first described, and apparently' unique. The play referred to. "The Comet," is apparently another of "the lost books" of American dramatic literature. [See Eeproduction of Title-page] C O :sl I C PRELUDE M V. M T r i. K T O .^ T H F. O t •.'. NINO O t I li B NEW THEATRE 1 t" t% r. FERFORMEB FOK T li E F I 11 S T TIMF, ON MONOAV jA-C. 2<), 17>j8. . i? }' IV I L LI A M M I L X.S N E !!'- Y R K : Pi-ln'cd at the Literary Printing- OT.ce, No. sg, Gold-Strett I 7 8. rColjy-l.iis,ht fcciircd.'j Rf^jrt'vsrfi.'^v:^ ^mi^m^msmmi EARLY NEW YORK PLAY Exact facsimile of title-iiage [No. 95] Sale Tuesdat/ Afternoon, February 17th 96. A'ewpoet Imi'EINT. Barclay (Eobcrt). An Apology for the True Chris- tian Divinity, as the same is Held Forth and Preached by the People, called in Scorn, Quakers. 8vo, original calf. Xewport, Ehode Island: Printed by James Franklin. 1729. A narrow margin torn off one leaf of index, slightly touching initial letters of three lines. In other respects a choice co|iy with the original end-papers, irhich contain ciitiica relating to Xciv Eiif/iand QiiaKrr fam- ilies: 1745-1820. 97. Newpoet Ijn'ifiNT. Shepherd (Job). Poor Job, 17.53. An Almanack for. . .1752. . . Fitted to the ;\Ieridian of Bhode Island. 16mo, sewn, one paper co\ er jDreserved. ^\'ith cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Xewport: Printed and Sold by James Franklin. [1751] ].j leaves are inserted, and bear MS. records by Ephraim Langdon (Harvard Colleiic : Class of 1702) of local events. Eight closely written pages record, — "1752. Persons ileud of ye small I'o.i-," and in parallel columns: "in iic natural iruy" \ two pages record "Persons dead of ye Small Po.r hi/ I iinculation." Occurrences at College; "Books Perused," weather records, etc., fill up remaining pages. 98. Xewpoet Impeixt. . A Catalogue of Druggs, and of Chymical and Ga- lenical iledicines; Sold by John Tweedy at his Shop in Xewport, Ehode Island. And for him in New York at the Sign of the Unicorn and Mortar. 12mo, sewn, as issued. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. [Xewport: Printed by James Franklin. 1760.] Last six leaves lost; in other respects a choice cris]! example of an' EXCESSIVELY KAKE TITLE. Only oxe COPY, — which is preserved in the col- lection of the .Surgeon General of the United States, — has beex located. 99. Xewpoet Impeixt. Hymns and Spiritual Songs, collected from the Works of several Authors. 12ni(), original sheep; back strengthened, few time spots. Xe^'port : Printed by Samuel Hall. 1766. ExTEEJiELY RAKE. "Wiushlp's "Early Rhode Island Imprints" cites only one copy (Harris Collection, Brown University) which is described as ending with page 182. The present copy, ending on page 1N4, followed by blank leaf, is, therefore, the only kxowx coiiplete example. 100. Xewpoet Impeixt. The Gentleman & Lady's Companion; containing, the Newest Cotillions and Country Dances; to which is added Instances of 111 ]\laiiners to be carefully avoided by Youth of both Sexes. 12mo, pp. 2.'5, contemporary boards. Xewport: Printed by Oliver Farnsworth. 1799. UXKXOWX TO BIBLIOGRAPHERS. ApPAUEXTLY UXIQUE. RARE ISSUE OF REDPIELD'S LIFE Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 103] Sale Tuesday Afternoon, Fehruari/ 17th 101. [Otis (James). J The Eiidimeiits of Latin Prosody: with a Disserta- tion on Letters and the Principles of TIarmony in Poetic and Prose Composition. Collected from some of the Best W'riters. 12mo, pp. 60 and 70, sewn, uncut. \\'ith cloth folder, in half morocco slip- case, lettered on back. Boston: Printed and Sold by Benj. Mecom. 1760 Fixe copy : with errata slip attached as issued. 102. Pembertox (Ebenezek). A Funeral Sermon on the Death of that Learned and Excellent Divine the Eev. Mr. Samuel Willard...To which is Annexed, A Poem, on the same Sorrowful Occasion, by the Rev. Benjamin Colman. 16mii, original sheep; back strengthened. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston : Printed by B. Green. 1707. Fixe, ceisp copy op a hare volume. Mr. Colman's poem, with separate title and pagination : "A Poem on Elijah's Translation," etc. ; text pp. 1-1-1. a bare example of early Amee- iCAx POETRY, follows page so. 103. PiEDFiELD (Levi). A\ Succinct AccouxtJ of some] Memorable Events] and] Eemarkable Occurrences! in tlie Life ofj Lei'i Piedfield,\ Late of Connecticut,] Xow residing in Brattleboro', Ver.] Written bt HiMSELi'. 12mo, pp. 12. uncut, folded .sheets, neyee bound. With cloth folder, in morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Printed for the Autlior.l Brattlcborough :] Prom the Press of B. Smead.] KOS.] Fixe, xtxcpexed copy of a."< extremely- rare xarrative, of experiences in the campaign against Havannah, 17G2, in the Revolntion, and subse- quently in New Hampsliire and A'crmont. [See Reproduction of Title-page] 104. Eeveee (Paul). Ex(;eaveii .Music. Billings (\\'illiam). The i\''ew- England PSALM-Sl X(_;EE :] on,] Ainericcm Citokistek.] Con- TAiNiNfjj A Xumber of Psalii-Tu.\es, Anthems and Canons.] In Four and Five Parts.) [.\ever before Published.] Oblong 8vo, original boards ; loose at hinges and .slightly waterstained. In morocco chamois lined solander case, lettered on back. Boston: Xew Eiifjhtnil. Printed by Edes and Gill, [1770]. The froxtirpiece. lOS paces, axo S prelimi.xary pages of music EX- GRAVED BY PAUL REVERE. On page 10 appears a poem "On Music, from a Miscellany of the Rev. Dr. [Mather] Byles" ; lu second part, page 22 is occupied by : "New-England Hymn, by the Rev. Dr. Byles." Follow- ing engraved music are 3 pages ; page 109, explanator.v piece, page 110, "An Hymn composed by Rev. Mr. Whitetield with design to be sung at his own funeral" ; and "An Alphabetical List of the Tunes, Anthems, and ("anons." The frontispiece, a copper-plate measuring 5% by 7 inches, is of great interest, showing a number of divines (7 in all) seated about a table sing- ing from music. This group possilily included portraits of New England divines. A desiraele copy. Complete copies of this work are extremely' rare. [See Reproduction of Frontispiece] EN(iHAVED MUSIC BY PAUL REVERE Billing's "The New England Psalm Singer" Slightly reduced facsimile of frontispiece [No. 104] Sale Tuesday Afternoon, February 17th 105. Sewall (Samuel). Phenomena qu£edam| Apocalyptioa| Ad Aspec- tum Koyi Oebis configurata.j Or, some few Lines towards a Des- cription of the A'ew| HEAVENj As It makes to those who stand upon tlie I New Earth j . . . 4to, pp. 64 and 2-i, newly bound in half morocco, gilt back. ]\Iassac[-ivsett ;| liosrox. Printed by Bartholomew Green... Second title: "The/ Fountain Opened: or, The Admirable Blessings plentifully to be disjieused at the National Conversion of the Jews" ; by Samuel Willard. 106. Van Shemain (Theodorus). A Vision of Hell, and a Discovery of some of the Consultations and Devices there. In the Year 1767. 12mo, pp. 35, sewn, uncut; slight tear at inner margin of title. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip-ease, lettered on back. New-London, Ee-printed. 1770 A full-page emblemntic design, on wood, presumably by a Connecticut artist, occupies the second page; a small piece torn off margin of last page slightly affects three words. Of extreme eaeity. Tinknown to Trumbull, Evans and other bibliog- raphers. 107. Wadswoeth (Ben.tamin). King WILLIAM] Lamented in| AMER- ICA:! on, I A Sermon occasioned by the| very Sorrowful tidings, of the| Death of William III.| King of England, Scotland,] Prance & Ireland, Defender of] the Faith, &e. Preached June 4th.] 1702. At a Lecture in Boston. Title in mourning borders with skull and cross-hones. 16mo, sewn. With cloth folder, in half morocco slip- case, lettered up back. Boston in N. E. Printed by B. Green & J. Allen. . .1703. Rake. No copy located by Evaxs. 108. Wad;>woeth (Bex.jamix). Considerations] to Prevent] .Murmuring and] Promote Patience,! m Christians! under Afflictive Providences. Title in mourning borck'rs witli a skull and cross-bones. 16mo, sewn. With (4()th folder, in half morocco slip-case, lettered on back. Boston : Printed by B. Green, 1706. Suggested by the murder in London, of Simeon Stoddard, son to Simeon Stoddard, Boston. 109. Washington (Geor(!e). Autograph Letter, signed, addressed to Jambs BowDOiN (afterwards Governor of Massachusetts), 2 pages, 4to, New York, June 10th, 1776. Of superlative historical importance, referring to the projected Cape Cod canal. " . . / am hopeful that you applied to General Ward, and have re- ceived all the assistance that Mr. Machin could give in determining upon the practicability of cutting a Canal, betiveen Barnstable & Buzzards Bay ere this, as the great demand we have for Engineers in this Department, Canada, &c., has otiligcd me to order Mr. Machin hither to assist in that branch of bumness. [Continued ■j^" ' .- > V.:j- '^- ^ rr • /--^ « r' >■ --> /^-a '^ y. t ' -, ' -4 * (i^- ,1.. ' ^>: ._ I .-r,^ <^.r^ . ^. /:.: '^. -.:^ ^. ^x-t'- '^t_ / ^ "- ,■ -^_;. j.^^^' -^ - -I' (^ -- • rr GEORGE WASHINGTON Autograph Letter with mention of Cape-Cod Canal Reduced facsimile of first page [No. 109] fe---^"^-- tr A N EULOGIUM O M THE |] Gen, George Wafhington, COMMANDER in CHIEF of thk ARMIES OF AMERICA. Pronounced February 22d, A. D. 1800, at the Meeting rioufc \n Pittsimeld, Rock- ingham County, State of, Newhampfiiire. BY SAMUEL G. BISHOP, .Preacher 0/ ike GoJpeL The fwcet remembrance of the "j ust, Shall flouriO), though they fieep in duft. /e^ Puhlijhed to pkafe ike Author, ihat the Reader may , know vjhat a Good and Virtuous Example is, and be excited to cop\ it. M\'' P K I M T P: D At G I I. ^i A N TO N , By E. RUSSELL, FOi^^yHE AUTHOR. MaKCHj I'^pO. m \M 'W;.- iy-w<.:;s25*'^^«^ BISHOP'S EULOGY OF GEORGE WASHINGTON Exact facsimile of title-page [No. 110] A COPY OF VERSES MjJcly t!'jt Rrverend M.tnofCcd /J/r. John Wilfon, Fuslor i> the firft Chi^rch in Bo^toft; On the fuddcn Death of . M" ioieDti 1311 B i 3 Who was traollttcj ficinEinh to Heaven Tan. i. 16^7. !^ot ht « Fiery Chetrioi xdox:| Printed and Sold by T. (4reen,| 1725. (!oLLATio.\: P.lank leaf; half title: "Mr. Wolcott's/Poetical Medita- tions"/ (verso blank); title (verso blank); Preface: l.-lvi., signed .John Bulkley ; dedication : "To the Reverend Mr. Timothy Edwards, pp. 1., ii. ; Some Improvement of Vacant Hours, pp. l-TS; Errata, 1 page; Advertisement of Jo.seph Dewev, Colchester, ','j pages, followed Ijv blank leaf. Pages 10-7S. inclusive, are devoted to, — "A Brief account of the A<;EXCY of the no.N-ouRABLE .TOH.X WINTHRf)P, Es,| ;/ in the Court of/ King Charles the Second,/ Anno Doin. 1062./ When he olitained for the Colony of Von-/nccti(ut His Majesty's (Jracious Charter." An item of superlative literary and historical interest : the first vol- ume OF POETRY PRINTED l.\ Co.\ .XECTIC ITT ; and THE FIRST PUBLISIIiaj HIS- TORICAL SKETCH OF THE CoLONY ; its settlement ; the Pequot War, etc. [See Reproduction of Title-page] AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. THOMAS E. KIEBY, Auctioneer. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES The American Art Association IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH appraisements and inventories OF art property, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY AMERICANA RARISSIMA THE COLLECTION OF FRANCIS W. FABYAN, Esq., of Boston, Mass. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK CITY 1920 i^^m^ .^•«^- illil "'" '■■!!! I '<^m^' :4i mr. Xt'if : j.iii : ivj I Ihilijiii^:!' '''r.Vi 'I'iii " H'l't'iiiir !l;i'Jii;i!| ill nil I'l ■11 'I'll", 1"',|S''' , ii'l ='i L.; ,1 I.I I I I.I I I I ) l> 'i'!",||!t! i.i' ■,; , '.' ij Fvi»-t'!itlMtH'H(»:tii»tfRl