ANNUAL POCKET EDITION Fresh Imported and Semi Established Vt/M/Vt/ ©rrljt&a Wm\ 1918 Freeman Orchid Company Fall River, Muss. Wellfleet, Mass. New York Office: 14 Stone Street Presented to the L. H. Bailey Hortorium by the Missouri Botanical Garden, 1972. SHIPPING INFORMATION All plants carefully packed (with no charge for same) and shipped by Express unless otherwise ordered. Plants ordered by freight shipped in good order at buyer’s risk. All shipments f. o. b. New York. Express charges on plants have been reduced to a minimum by all the Express Companies so there is little or no more expense and no risk in shipments all over the country. Customers not rated by any Com. mercial Agency, or unknown to us, please send references with orders, or half pay- ment for same. ORCHIDS GENERAL INFORMATION. FRESH IMPORTED STOCK SEMI ESTABLISHED STOCK THE LARGEST IMPORTERS IN THE COUNTRY. EXPERT COLLECTORS WITH MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE INSURE HIGH GRADE STOCK. ADVANCE ORDERS MAKE FOR LOW PRICES AND SECURE PROMPT DELIVERY AND EARLY RETURNS TO THE GROWER. ORCHIDS OCCUPY LESS SPACE and give LARGER RETURNS PER SQUARE FOOT than any other plant under glass. Select varieties for their proper flowering season. ORCHIDS DO NOT GROW OR FLOWER OUT OF SEASON. Information gladly furnished free. Advance orders for any quantity filled promptly. One case or five hundred filled with tht same care and atten- tion. WE DELIVER THE GOODS. CUSTOMERS ARE NOT DISAPPOINTED. Orders of 50 or more cases entitled to extra discount. SEMI ESTABLISHED STOCK EARLY SPRING IMPORTATIONS, well rooted for the season’s flowering — the best for those who REQUIRE IMMEDIATE RESULTS, and who 1 arc too late for the early Spring importations. OUR INFORMATION regarding early Spring impor- tations has SAVED OUR CUSTOMERS, who have taken advantage of it, THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. NO CUT FLOWER HOUSES OF ANY KIND. QUALITY AND DELIVERY GUARANTEED F. O. B. NEW YORK. CATTLEYAS FRESH IMPORTED STOCK Represent to the American the ideal orchid for cut flowers. Commercially there is no equal. Flowers will stand one month, if desired, before cutting. Cattleya Bogotensis Flowers in January and February. Color light pink with dark magenta lip. Grows in night temperature of 00° Far. 8 to 10 bulb plants per case $40.00 1.5 to 25 bulb plants per case 50.00 400 bulbs to the case. 8 to 10 bulb plants per hundred 100.00 15 to 25 bulb plants per hundred 200.00 Semi established, 5 1-2 to 6 inch pots per hundred 150.00 per dozen 20.00 Cattleya Bowriniana Flowers in November, spikes from 12 to 15 flowers, width of flower about 4 1-2 inches. Color a beautiful rich violet. Requires a night temper- ature of 60° Far. 8 to 9 bulb plants per case $05.00 10 to 20 bulb plants per case 75.00 400 bulbs to the case. 2 8 to 9 bulb plants per hundred $125.00 10 to 20 bulb plants per hundred 175. CO Semi established, 4 1-2 to 5 inch pots per hundred 150.00 per dozen 18 . 00 Cattleya Citrina The most fragrant of its species, has a clear lemon color, flowers in April and May, requiring tem- perature at night of 00° Far. 5 to 8 bulb plants per case $70.00 per dozen 24 . 00 400 bulbs to the case. Cattleya Chrysotoxa A most beautiful yellow flower with a deep maroon yellow veined lip, flowering in July and August. G to 8 bulb plants. . . per case $150.00 400 bulbs to the case. Price per dozen 48.00 Grows in night temperature of 72° Far. Cattleya Aurea Flowers in August. G to 8 bulb plants . . per case $150.00 8 to 12 bulb plants . per case 200.00 400 bulbs to the case. 0 to 8 bulb plants . . per dozen 48 . 00 Cattleya Gaskilliana Considered the finest mid-summer flowering Cattleya for cut flowers, a rapid free grower, light pink sepals and petals, lip veined with dark magenta, grows in temperature of any otherCattleya. This very desirable Cattleya is growing scarce in its native habitat and like many of the family, the larger plants are becoming scarce for it grows in a small territory and the demand in the last few years has been large. 3 4 to 7 bulb plants . 8 to 10 bulb plants 12 to 25 bulb plants 400 bulbs to the case. 4 to 7 bulb plants . 8 to 10 bulb plants 12 to 25 bulb plants 8 to 10 bulb plants Semi established plants, 4 per case $35 00 per case 45 .00 per case 55. .00 per hundred 70. 00 per hundred 125 .00 per hundred 200 .00 per dozen 18 .00 •2 and 5 in. pots per hundred 150 00 Cattleya Gigas Flowers in July, a magnificent flower with pink sepals and petals, deeply fringed lip, dark magenta color, width of flower 8 1-2 to 9 inches and grows in night temperature of GO 8 to 10 bulb plants 12 to 20 bulb plants 400 bulbs to the case. 8 to 10 bulb plants 12 to 20 bulb plants 8 to 10 bulb plants 12 to 20 bulb plants . per case $60.00 . per case 75.00 . per hundred 175.00 . per hundred 225 00 . per dozen 24.00 . per dozen 30.00 pots per hundred 200.00 Cattleya Sanderiana The great favorite of the florist and cut flower trade is the larger flower of the two varieties, the colors are very pronounced and has a very large lip of magenta deeply fringed, and often measures 10 inches across the sepals and petals. Flowers in April. 8 to 10 bulb plants . per case 12 to 20 bulb plants . . per case 400 bulbs to the case. 8 to 10 bulb plants . per hundred 12 to 20 bulb plants . per hundred 8 to 10 bulb plants . per dozen Semi established, 5 and 5 1-2 in. pots per hundred Grows in night temperature of 60°. $60.00 70.00 150.00 225.00 21.00 200.00 4 Cattleya Harrisoniae Flowers in August, pink sepals and petals, cream white lip, width of flower 4 to 5 inches, grows in spikes of 7 to 8 flowers. As the August demand for flowers has increased this variety has become Quite popular and the demand is good for cut flowers. Grows in night temperature of 60° Far. and is a free grower. 6 to 9 bulb plants . . . per case $60.00 10 to 12 bulb plants . per case 70.00 400 bulbs to the case. 6 to 9 bulb plants . per hundred 150.00 10 to 12 bulb plants . . per hundred 200.00 6 to 9 bulb plants . . per dozen 24.00 Semi established, 4 1-2 to 5 in. pots per hundred 200.00 Cattleya Labiata Flowers in October and November, sepals and petals are deep lavender with magenta lip, a large flower very much admired by the public, is the most uniform color of its family and creates a demand wherever shown. If this plant could be made to flower the year round there would be no demand for any other Cattleya in quantity. We again call your attention to the rapidly dim- inishing supply of this plant, the time now is short when there will be no more for commercial growing. We have been able to fill all our orders satisfactorily and promptly up to the present time and would recommend that growers who are interested in orchids should place their orders in advance on this variety for the coming year, that they may receive them early in their growing season. It is a free growing and a free flowering plant and grows in night temperature of 60° Far. 7 to 9 bulb plants . . . per case $70 . 00 10 to 12 bulb plants . per case 85.00 400 bulbs to the case 7 to 9 bulb plants . . per hundred 150.00 4 to 6 bulb plants . . per hundred 80.00 10 to 12 bulb plants . per hundred 300.00 5 A few specimen plants running from 18 to 50 bulbs. Prices on application. Semi established, 4 1-2 and 5 in. pots per hundred $175.00 Semi established 4 1-2 and 5 in. pots, per dozen 21 . 00 Semi established 6 and 7 in. pots each 5 . 00 Cattleya Mendelii The Queen of Cattleyas, flowering in May, sepals and petals of a delicate pink with a large finely fringed lip with deep magenta markings, yel- low throat, flowers 8 1-2 to 9 inches across, night temperature of 00°. The supply of this Cattleya has been drained to such an extent that many collectors do not deliver and like Cattleya Labi- ata they have no means of collecting these scarce varieties. We have been able so far to fill all orders, but like the previous variety, we would ask that you give the order early that we make no mistake. 8 to 10 bulb plants . . per case $70.00 12 to 20 bulb plants . per case 80.00 400 bulbs to the case. 8 to 10 bulb plants . per hundred 175.00 12 to 20 bulb plants per hundred 250.00 8 to 10 bulb plants . per dozen 24.00 Semi established, 4 1-2 and 5 in. pots per hundred 200.00 Semi established 4 1-2 and 5 in. pots per dozen 27 . 50 Special in 9 and 10 inch pans, price on application. Cattleya Mossiae Flowers in April and May, pink sepals and petals, has a great variety of shades in the color, deep magenta veined lip, burnt orange throat, about 8 1-2 inches across, grows in night temper- ature of 60° Far. Considered by many growers one of the most profitable of the family, being a free flowering plant. 6 8 to 12 bulb plants . per case 15 to 20 bulb plants . . per case 400 bulbs to the case. 8 to 12 bulb plants . . per hundred 15 to 20 bulb plants . per hundred 8 to 12 bulb plants . per dozen Semi established 4 1-2 and 5 in. pots per hundred Semi established 4 1-2 and 5 in. pots, per dozen $40.00 50.00 125.00 200.00 18.00 150.00 21.00 Cattleya Percivaliana Flowers in November and December, light violet color, deep magenta lip. Prolific flowerer and can always be depended upon. The season in which it blooms is favorable to extra prices and always shows a profit. Grows in temperature of 60°. 8 to 10 bulb plants per case $40.00 12 to 20 bulb plants 400 bulbs to the case. per case 45.00 8 to 10 bulb plants per hundred 100.00 12 to 20 bulb plants per hundred 150.00 8 to 10 bulb plants per dozen 5 in. pots 15.00 Semi established, 4 1-2 and per hundred 125.00 Semi established 4 1-2 and 5 in. pots per dozen 18.00 Cattleya Schroederae Sometimes called the Easter Cattleya, flower- ing in March and early April, a most desirable variety for cut flowers at the season when most wanted, perfect form and free flowering, 8 inches in width, requires a night temperature of 60°. 8 to 10 bulb plants 12 to 20 bulb plants . 400 bulbs to the case. 8 to 10 bulb plants 12 to 20 bulb plants . 8 to 10 bulb plants 12 to 20 bulb plants . per case per case per hundred per hundred per dozen per dozen $55.00 65.00 150.00 200.00 21.00 27.50 7 Semi established, 4 1—2 and 5 in. pans „ per hundred Senu established, 4 1—2 and 5 in. pans per dozen $200.00 27.50 Cattleya Speciosissima Flowers in February and March, of extra large size,, special value in the cut flower trade, often 11 inches across. Temperature should be about 72°. 8 to 12 bulb plants . . per case $40.00 15 to 20 bulb plants . per case 50 . 00 400 bulbs to the case. 8 to 12 bulb plants 15 to 20 bulb plants 8 to 12 bulb plants 15 to 20 bulb plants Semi established, 4 1 Semi established 4 1- . per hundred . per hundred . per dozen . per dozen -2 and 5 in. pans per hundred 2 and 5 in. pans per dozen 125.00 200.00 18 . 00 27.50 150.00 21.00 Cattleya Trianae Flowers in December and January. This favorite for mid winter growth, both for cut flowers and private growth is the great holiday Cattleya and varies more in its colorings than any other of the family, from pure white with yellow throated lip to a dark violet color with crimson, magenta or .blue in different plants. Flowers often reach 10 inches in width and is considered with Cattleya Labiata the two greatest commercial varieties. Grows in. night temperature of 60°. With the large importations this year we are offering this plant at the following prices. 8 to 10 bulb plants 12 to 20 bulb plants 400 bulbs to the case. 8 to 10 bulb plants 12 to 20 bulb plants 8 to 10 bulb plants 12 to 20 bulb plants per case per case per hundred per hundred per dozen per dozen $35.00 40.00 100.00 150.00 15.00 21.00 8 Semi established, 5 to 6 in. pans per hundred $150 . 00 Semi established, 5 to 6 in. pans per dozen 18 . 00 Coelogyne Cristata Flowers in December and January. White, fragrant and casytogrowand for the holidayswhen a white flower is much desired they are quite in- dispensable. Night temperature 60°. Semi established plants, 10 to 15 strong bulbs > per hundred $100.00 per dozen 18.00 Large plants, 150 bulbs each 10.00 Cypripediums Cypripedium Insigne, an early flowering type for December, the favorite of the species for that season. Semi established, 4 1-2 and 5 inch pots per hundred $125.00 per dozen 18 . 00 Dendrobiums Dendrobium Densiflorum flowers in March and April, rich yellow flower, free flowering. Large plants, 5 inch pans per dozen $60.00 4 inch pans per dozen 24.00 Dendrobium Formosum Gigantum flowers in clusters, color white, very fragrant, lip yellow, blooming in November and December when white flowers have a large sale. Strong plants . . per hundred $100.00 per dozen 15.00 Semi established . . . per dozen 18.00 Extra large plants . . each 3.50 Detidrobium Nobile flowers in February and March, white and purple coloring, fragrant and a fine commercial variety for Easter. per hundred $150.00 per dozen 21.00 Semi established plants . per dozen 24.00 Dendrobium Thyrsiflorum flowers in March and April, has a yellow lip, grows in grape-like clusters, very striking for exhibition purposes. Semi established plants . per dozen 18.00 Dendrobium Wardianum flowers in Decem- ber and January, flowers white, tipped with purple, 3 1-2 to 4 inches across, a beautiful holiday Den- drobium when all cut flowers bring a good value. per hund red $150. 00 per dozen 21.00 Laelias These plants flower in spikes and are much desired, and a great favorite as all plants of this description have become, flowering at the hol- idays. Laelia Anceps rose pink, purple lip, four to six flowers to each scape. per hundred $75.00 per dozen 12.00 Semi established . . per hundred 100.00 Semi established . . . per dozen 15 . 00 Laelia Anceps Sanderiana pure white with a blotch on the lip. per hundred $300.00 per dozen 48 . 00 Semi established . . . per hundred 400.00 Semi established . . per dozen 60.00 Laelia Albida white flowers, pink veined with yellow blotch on lip, flowers in November and Dec- cember. Semi established, 4 and 4 1-2 inch pots per hundred $80.00 per dozen 12.00 10 Miltonias Miltonia Roezlii. A beautiful flowering type with a purple blotch at the base of lip. per hundred $225.00 per dozen 36 . 00 Semi established, plants of 2 and 3 bulbs each 4.00 Semi established, plants per hundred 375.00 Miltonia Vexillaria. This is one of the most beautiful of the species, flowers lasting several weeks on the plant, growing in spikes of 8 flowers each, often with 2 to a bulb. Our collection has been the most beautiful dark variety and prizes have been taken in all the exhibits in which they have been shown by our customers. Grow in temperature of 60°. per hundred plants $175.00 per dozen 24 . 00 Semi established . . . per dozen 30.00 Odontoglossum Crispum Flowers in November and March, twice a year. This plant is a great favorite with the Kng- lish growers and grows in a temperature of 55°. Plants of 3 and 4 bulbs per hundred .$100.00 Plants of 6 and 8 bulbs per hundred 200.00 Plants of 3 and 4 bulbs per dozen 15.00 Plants of 6 and 8 bulbs per dozen 30.00 Semi established 2 and 3 bulbs per hundred 125.00 2 and 3 bulbs per dozen 18.00 Odontoglossum Grande The baby orchid, flowering in August and Sept- ember. per hundred $100.00 per dozen 15.00 Semi established plants. . per hundred 125.00 Semi established plants per dozen 18.00 Oncidium Varicosum Rogersii Flowers in spikes of golden yellow, often five feet high, flowering in October and November, a great favorite of its class. 11 Plants of 3 and 4 bulbs. . per hundred *100.00 Plants of 5 and 6 bulbs. . per hundred 125.00 Plants of 3 and 4 bulbs. . per dozen 15.00 Plants of 5 and 6 bulbs. . per dozen 18.00 Semi established . . per hundred 125.00 Semi established . .per dozen 18 . 00 1 he semi established plants of this variety are great favorites as they flower in November and Dec- ember. Oncidium Splendidum Spikes of golden yellow, flowering in November and December. These plants do well in a tem- perature of 58°. Plants of 3 and 4 bulbs. . per hundred *100.00 Plants of 5 and 6 bulbs. . per hundred 125.00 Plants of 3 and 4 bulbs. . per dozen 15.00 Plants of 5 and G bulbs. . per dozen 18.00 Semi established . . per hundred 125.00 Semi established . . per dozen 18.00 Vanda Caerulea Flowers 3 to 4 inches across, spikes of 6 to 8 flowers, pale blue, marked with azure blue. Strong bulb, 10 or more inches, per hundred *150.00 per dozen 21.00 6 to 0 inches, per hundred 100.00 Orchid Peat Fine No. 1, Black Orchid peat per hundreds sacks *125.00 No. 2, Black Orchid Peat, considered by many the finest for general purposes per hundred sacks 100.00 We sell only the best peat and can recommend it. Live Sphagnum Moss By the barrel *2.50. All shipments f. o. b. New York. We reserve the right to change prices without notice. 12 1 ‘J B (\ J el p