BJM THE GIFT OF Alfred C Baay. 12mo, London, 1870. Book of Books : The Story of the English Bible. McClure, A. W. Translators Revived : Biogra- phies of Authors of the English Bible, 1ST. Y. Our English Bible. Revised by T. O. Summers. 3d Ed. Nashville Tenn., 1875. "Walden T. Our English Bible and its Ances- tors. Philadelphia, 1871. Mombert, J. I. Handbook of the English Ver- sions of the Bible ; with copious Examples illus- trating the Ancestry and Relationship of the Several Versions, and Comparative Tables. New York, 1883. Scrivener, F. H. A. Authorized Edition of the English Bible, (1611) ; its subsequent Reprints and Modern Representatives. New York, 1884. Pattison, Thomas H. History of the English Bible. 12mo, Phila., 1894. Turner, "W. Handbook of the Bible ; Compen- dium of Facts and Curiosities. 12mo, New York, 1894. "Warren, Henry "W". The Bible in the "World's Education. 12mo, New York, 1893. Lovett, R. The Printed English Bible, 1525- 1885. 18mo, New York, 1894. Cameron, H. P. A History of the English Bible. 12mo, London, 1885. Stoughton, John. Our English Bible ; Its Translations and Translators. 8vo, London, 1878. 60 BISTORT OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Freeman, J. M. A Short History of the Eng- lish Bible. New and Kevised Ed. 12mo, N. Y. 1891. Conant, Thos. J. A Popular History of Eng- lish Bible Translation. Kevised Ed. 8vo, New York, 1881. Eadie, John. The English Bible. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1876. Cotton, H. List of Editions of the Bible in English. 8vo, Oxford, 1852. Dore, J. E. Our Bibles. The Yarious Ver- sions of the English Bible. 8vo, London, 1876. Edgar, Andrew. The Bibles of England. 8vo, London. Forshall Bev. J. and Sir W. Madden. Preface to the Wyclif Bible, 1850. Loftie W. J. A Century of Bibles. 8vo, Lon- don, 1872. Wilson, Lea. Catalogue of English Bibles in this Collection. 4to. London, 1865. Fry F. Description of the Great Bible, 1539. Cranmer, 1540. Authorized, 1611. Folio, Lon- don, 1865. Fry, F. The Bible by Coverdale, 1535. 8vo London, 1865. Fry, F. Tyndale's New Testament, a Biblio- graphical Description of the Forty Editions, with 73 Facsimiles, 4to London, 1865. British Museum Catalogue, Article Bible. Prime, Wendell. Fifteenth Century Bibles, A Study in Bibliography. 8vo, New York, 1888. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 61 "Wright, John. Early Bibles of America. 12mo, New York, 1892. Taylor, ¥m. J. K. The Bible in the Past Hundred Years, A Pamphlet, New York, 1876. Johnson, Anthony. An Historical Account of the Several English Translations of the Bible and the Opposition they: met with from the Church of Kome, in "Watson's Tracts, "Vol. III. Brett, Thomas. Dissertation on the Ancient Versions of the Bible. In "Watson's Tracts, Yol. III. Marsh, History of the Translations which have been Made of the Scriptures, from the Earliest Age. 8vo, London 1812. Newcome, Historical View of English Bible Translations, Dublin, 1792. • Benderings of the Principal English Transla- tions of the Bible. 4to London, 1849. Strong, James. Article English Versions, Mc- Clintoch and Strong Cyclopaedia. 62 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. INTKODUOTOEY. 1. The Preservation of Thought ; Parchment, Paper, etc. Lacroix, Arts in the Middle Ages, 413-471. Morley, English Writers, VI. 266. Humphreys, History of the Art of Printing, I. 1. The Bible and the MSS. Kenyon, Frederic G. Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts. 8vo, London, 1895. Merrill, George, E. The Parchments of the Faith. 12mo, Philadelphia, 1894. Egbert, J. H. The Origin and Evolution of the Bible as a Book. 18mo, Newark, N. J., 1895. 2. The Work of Monks in Ornamenting and Preserv- ing Manuscripts. Morley, English Writers, VI. 264. Humphreys, History of the Art of Printing, 10. Merryweather, Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, 127. 3. The Scarcity of Books and their Circulation. Humphreys, History of the Art of Printing, 14. Merryweather, Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, 29. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 63 4. Codex Alexandrinus. Christian Eemembrancer, 41, 367, (and Sinaiti- cus) Princeton Review, 33 ; 150. Codex Alexandrinus. Edited by B. H. Cowper. 8vo. London, 1860. Note the Introduction. 5. Codex Vaticanus, Bibliotheca Sacra, XXVI. 758. British Quarterly, XLVII. 345. Christian Remembrancer, LIV. 405. Edinburgh Review, CXII. 256. Church Quarterly, XXXII. 247. Abbott, Critical Essays, 140. Codex Vaticanus, Edidit Angelus Maius. 8vo, New York, 1859. note the Introduction. 6. Codex Sinaiticus. Kitto, Journal of Sacred Literature, XXXI. 1 ; XXXV. 108, 161. Lutheran Quarterly, I. 122 ; X. 153. British Quarterly, XXXIII. 353; XXXVIII. 343. Christian Remembrancer, XLV. 374 ; LI. 377. Theological Review, I. 214. LitteU's Living Age, XLVIII. 594. Theological Eclectic, III. 193. London Quarterly, XXI. 238. Scrivener, F. H. A Full Collation of the Co- dex Sinaiticus. 18mo, Cambridge, 1864. Abbott Critical Essays, 140. 64 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 7. Codex Bezae. Harris J. K., Haverford College Studies, No. 8. Chase Frederic Henry. Syriac Element in the Text of Codex Bezae. 8vo, London, 1893. Bezae Codex Cantabrigiensis. Edited, with a critieal introduction, Annotations, and facsimiles, by Frederick H. Scrivener. 8vo, Cambridge, 1864. 8. Other Codices. Augiensis. Kitto Journal of Sacred Literature, XXIII. 1. Christian Kemembrancer, XXXVII, 467. Codex Augiensis. Edited, with a critical Intro- duction, by Frederick H. Scrivener. 8vo, Cam- bridge, 1859. Hilali. Academy, XXXIV. 321. Amiatme (Latin), Academy, XXXI. 111-414 ; XXXIII. 239-361; XXXV. 41, 59. Church Quarterly, XXV. 435. Studia Biblica, II. 273, 309. Algermm Peckover. Journal of Biblical Liter- ature, VI. Part 2. 79. Codex Rosscmensis, Studia Biblica, I. 103 (W. Sanday). Codex Scmgallensis, Harris J. K. Haverford College Studies, No. 9. 9. The Latin Vulgate, Christian Eeview, XVIII. 237. Catholic World, XXXIII. 590. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 65 American Catholic Quarterly, XVI. 90. Presbyterian and Reformed Quarterly, II. 216. Condit, History of the English Bible, 314. 10. The Paupers' Bible. Booklore, I. 15. Academy, XXVI. 418. The Bibliographer, IV. 28 ; VI. 180. Morley, English Writers, VI. 271. Prime, Fifteenth Century Bibles, 29-32. De Vinne, The Invention of Printing, 208. The Bookworm, II. 373 ; V. 270. 11. Wood Engraving. Lacroix, Arts in the Middle Ages, 315. Woodbury, George E. The History of Wood Engraving. 8vo, N. Y. 1883. 5 66 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. II. A. D. 597-1324, BEFOKE WYCLIF. 1. Caedmon's Paraphrase. Morley, English Writers, II. 101-116. Brooke, History of Early English Literature, 279-325. Taine, English Literature, I. 48-50. Condit, History of the English Bible, 23. Moulton, History of the English Bible, Ch. III. See Part I. IV. 2. 2. Guthlac's Psalter. Morley, English "Writers, 243. Condit, History of the English Bible, 27. Stone Readings in Church History, 260. See Part I. IV. 8. 3. Aldhelm's Psalms. Morley, English Writers, II. 132-140. See Part I. IV. 2. 4. Alfred's Pour Gospels. Condit, History of the English Bible, 32. Moulton, The History of the English Bible, Ch. VI. See Part I. VI. HISTOBT OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 67 5. Aelfrich's Heptateuch and Psalms. Morley, English Writers, II. 310-321. Merryweather, Bibliomania in the Middle Ages, 44. Condit, History of the English Bible, 39. Moulton, English Bible, Ch. X. Lewis, History of the Translations of the Bible, Ch. Y. See Part I. V. 3. 6. The Omnium. Morley, English Writers, III. 232. Craik, English Language, I. Weiss, Progress of the English Language. Dictionary of National Biography, XLII. Encyclopaedia Britannica, VIII. 395. Condit, History of the English Bible, 45. Moulton, History of the English Bible, 12. 7. SowleHele. Condit, History of the English Bible, 47. Moulton, History of the English Bible, 13. 8. Schorham's Psalms (or William of Shoreham). Morley, English Writers, IV. 273. Condit, History of the English Bible, 48. Moulton, History of the English Bible, 15. 9. Richard Rolle, Psalms. Morley, English Writers, IV. 263. The Psalter or Psalms of David and Certain 68 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Canticles. "With a translation and exposition in English by Eichard Eolle of Hampole. Edited by Kev. H. E. Bramley, with an Introduction and Glossary. 8vo, Oxford, 1884. (See especially the introduction.) Notes and Queries, Fifth Series, I. 41. Lewis, History of the Translations of the Bible, 1818, 12-18. Dictionary of National Biography, XLIX. Oondit, History of the English Bible, 48. Moulton, History of the English Bible, 15. Lewis, History of the Translations, 12. HlSfOBY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 69 III. THE WYCLIFFITE YEESIONS. Wyclif s Version. living Age, LXXVI. 579. American Biblical Repository, YII. 226. Morley, English Writers, 61-64. Yaughan, Life and Opinions, II. ch. 2. Lechler, Wyclif and His English Precursors. Condit, History of the English Bible, 53-87. Moulton, History of the English Bible, 17. And all Histories of the Translations. 1. The Life of Wyclif. New Englander, X. 569. British Quarterly, LXIX. 334. Congregational Quarterly, I. 278. Christian Eeview, XVIII. 161. Christian Observer, LXXII. 927. Kitto, Journal of Sacred Literature, XIII. 192. American Presbyterian Eeview, VI. 354; VII. 1. Methodist Magazine, XXXV. 401. Westminster, LXII. 145. Quarterly, CIV. 106 ; CLXVIII. 502. 70 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Edinburgh Eeview, LVI. 221. Christian Keview, VI. 115. Methodist Quarterly, II. 234. Living Age, I. 655. Harper's Magazine, LXX. 175. Andover Eeview, III. 149. Blackwood's Magazine, CXXXVI. 737. Church Quarterly, XXXIII. 115. Eeformed Quarterly, XXXVII. 215. Morley, English Writers, V. Vaughan, Eobert. Life and Opinions of John De Wycliffe. Second Edition, 2 vols. 8vo, Lon- don, 1831. Lechler, Prof. John Wyclif and His English Precursors, Translated by Prof. Lorimer. 8vo, New Ed., London, 1884. Wordsworth, Christopher. Ecclesiastical Biog- raphy, I. 165-259. Sergeant Lewis, John Wyclif, Last of the Schoolmen. First of the English Eeformers. 12mo, New York, 1893. Le Bas, Charles W. The Life of Wycliffe. 12mo, New York, 1832. Murray, Thomas. The Life of John Wycliffe. 18mo, Edinburgh, 1829. Vaughan, Eobert. John De Wycliffe, a Mono- graph. 12mo, London, 1853. Buddensieg, Eudolph. John Wyclif, Patriot and Eeformer. 18mo, London, 1884. Burrows, M. Wyclif's Place in History. 12mo, London, 1884. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 71 2. His Friends. See III. 1. Vaughan, Life and Opinions. Lechler, John Wyclif and his English Precur- sors. 3. His Foes. See III. 1. Vaughan, Life and Opinions. 4. His Fight With Rome. Christian Eemembrancer, XXYI. 410. English Historical Review, V. 328. Morley, English Writers, V. Yaughan's Life and Opinions. See III. 1. 5. Wyclif and Chaucer. Bibliotheca Sacra, II. 394. Lounsbury, Studies in Chaucer, II. 459-494. 6. Nicholas of Hereford. Morley, English "Writers, II. 64, 80. Marsh, Origin and History of the English Lan- guage, 344, 360, 440. Lechler, "Wyclif and His English Precursors. LeNeve, Fasti Ecclesise Anglicanse. II. 491. "Wyclif, Fasciculi Zizaniorum. Forshall and Madden, "Wycliffite Yersions, I. pp. 17-28. Dictionary of National Biography, XL. Condit, History of the English Bible, 68. 72 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 7. John Purvey. Morley, English Writers, V. 65 ; VI. 135. Marsh, Origin and History of the English Lan- guage, 344, 362, 376. Lechler, Wyclif and His English Precursors. Condit, History of the English Bible, TO. Wescott, History of the English Bible, 16. Dictionary of National Biography, XL VII. The New Testament in English, according to the version by John "Wycliffe about a.d. 1380, and revised by John Purvey about a.d. 1388. Formerly edited by Kev. Josiah Forshall and Sir Frederick Madden, and now reprinted. 12mo, Oxford, 1879. 8- Influence of Wyclif's Translation upon Literature and Language. Brown, John. A Compendious History of the British Churches in England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, I. Bibliotheca Sacra, XLIV. 36. Marsh, Origin and History of the English Lan- guage, 371. Conant, Popular History of Bible Translation, Ch. X. 9. Wyclif as a Translator — with a Comparison with the Authorized Version. The Fortnightly Beview, XLIII. 788. Condit, History of the English Bible, 77. See also Biographies, III. 1. BISTORT OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 73 10. Wyclif and his Influence upon Huss. British and Foreign Evangelical Review, Jan. 1859 ; or April, 74. . Spectator, LYII. 851. British and Foreign Evangelical Review, k XXXIII. 572. Morley, English Writers, VII. 44-55. Lechler, Wyclif and his English Precursors, 460. Loserth, J. Wyclif and Huss. 12mo. London, 1884. 11. The Lollards. Morley, English Writers, VI. 99, 137. Tulloch, Leaders of the Reformation, 247. Irviney, English Baptists, I. 25, 59, 67. Sergeant, Wyclif. Ladies' Repository, XXX. part 2, 189. Gairdner and Spedding, Studies in English His- tory, 1-55. Lechler, Wycliffe and his English Precursors 439^60. 74 BISTOBX OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. TV. TYNDALE AND HIS TKANSLATION OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. A.D. 1525. 1. LifeofTyndale. London Quarterly, XXXIX. 42. Christian Observer, VI. 1 ; LIII. 516 ; LXXII. 131 ; XXXVI. 346, 424, 604 ; LXYII. 112. North American Eeview, LXYII. 322. Congregational Magazine, I. 1. Methodist Quarterly, XLIY. 227. Wordsworth, Ecclesiastical Biography, I. 187. Demaus, E. William Tyndale, A Biography. 8vo, London, 1886. 2. The Invention of Printing and its Effects upon Literature. Foreign Quarterly, XIX. 118. Harper's Magazine, XXXVII. 637. Lacroix, Arts of the Middle Ages, 485. Morley, English Writers, VI. 274-292. Humphreys, History of the Art of Printing, 45. De Vinne, Invention of Printing. Prime, Anderson Annals, Ch. XXX. BISTORT OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 75 3. Erasmus the Critic could not Reform, but Prepares the Way for Reform. Theological Eeview, VII. 331. British Quarterly, LXI. 183. Living Age, CXXIV. 451. Christian Eeview, XXIII. 169. 4. Caxton and his Works. Catholic World, XXVII. 359. Blackwood's Magazine, XCI. 137, 702 ; XCII. 40, 658 ; XCIII. 30, 545 ; XCIV. 1, 418. Living Age, CXXXIV. 381. Ladies Repository, XXV. 734. Knight Charles, William Caxton, the first En- glish Printer, 12mo, London, 1877. Morley, English Writers, VI. 293-339. Marsh, Origin and History of the English Lan- guage, 483. Humphrey, History of the Art of Printing, 154. Works of Middleton, V. 5. John Fryth. Congregational Magazine, VII. 41, 101.. Morley, English Writers, VII. 237. Demaus, William Tyndale. Lewis, History of the Translations, 79. 6. Tyndale's Versions, New Testament. Princeton Review, X. 325. Christian Review, III. 130. 76 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Good Words, XXII. 103. Kitto Journal of Sacred Literature, XXXIV. 295. Christian Observer, XXXVI. 731. North British Keview, V. 137. British Quarterly, III. 447. The Bibliographer, I. 3. Morley, English Writers, 224. Marsh, Origin and History of the English Lan- guage, 505, 511, 530. Prime, Fifteenth Century Bibles, 18-93. The Bookworm, I. 110 ; III. 302. The Five Books of Moses, Edited by Eev. J. I. Mombert. 4to, New York, 1884. The New Testament, Edited by J. P. Dabney. 12mo, Andover, 1837. Condit, History of the English Bible, 88-138. Demaus, William Tyndale ; a Biography. Moulton, History of the English Bible, 43. And all Histories of Translations. 7. His Character and Martyrdom. Morley, English Writers, 226-229. Demaus, William Tyndale, ch. XIII. 8. The Influence of the Universities of Oxford and Cam- bridge. A History of the University of Oxford. Its Colleges, Halls, and Public, Buildings, 2 vols, 4to, London, 1814. Mullinger, James Bass. The University of HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 77 Cambridge, from the Koyal Injunction of 1535 to the Accession of Charles the First, 2 vols. 8vo, Cambridge, 1884. Rashdall, Hastings. The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages. II. pt. 3. 8vo, Oxford, 1895. Note the Bibliographies. 9. Sir Thomas More. North American Review, VIII. 181. Edinburgh Review, XIV. 360. Westminster Review, XI. 193. Foreign Review, V. 391. Catholic World, V. 633; XXXVI. 627; XLVIII. 453. American Church Review, XXI. 1, 268. Fortnightly, IX. 508. North British Review, XXX. 102. Nineteenth Century, XXX. 540. Academy, XXXIX. 419, 442, 467, 491. Morley, English Writers, VII. 229-234. Wordsworth, Christian Ecclesiastical Biography, II. 43-187. Moore, Margaret. The Household of Sir Thomas More. 16mo, New York, 1862. Walter W. J. The Life and Times of Sir Thos. More. 2d Edition. 18mo, London, 1840. 10. Dean Colet. American Church Review, XXI. 193. Christian Observer, LXXIII. 589. 78 BISTORT OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Morley, English Writers, VII. 163-199. Seebohm, Oxford Reformers. Knight, Samuel. Life of Dr. John Colet. 12mo, London, 1724. Republished in, 1823. Lupton, J. H. A Life of John Colet. 8vo, Lon- don, 1887. Wordsworth, Ecclesiastical Biography, I. 433- 459. HISTORZ OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 79 V. COVERDALE'S BIBLE, A.D. 1535. 1. Association of Christian Brothers. Froude, History of England, II. 37. Crooks, Story of the Christian Church. (This Association must not be confounded with the Society of Christian Brothers Founded by La Salle.) 2. Bilney and Latimer. (a) Morley, English Writers, VII. 316. Taylor Memorials of English Martyrs, 87. Tulloch, Leaders of the Reformation, 255. "Wordsworth, Ecclesiastical Biography, II. 1. (b) North American Eeview, XCIII. 244. American Church Review, XXXII. 362. Christian Observer, LXXIII. 365, 430. American Methodist Magazine, VI. 47. Retrospective Review, VI. 272. Morley, English Writers, VII. 317; VIII. 146. Wordsworth Ecclesiastical Biography, II. 445. 3. Life of Coverdale. Christian Review, VII. 535. Christian Observer, XL. 658, 742, 785. 80 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Strype, Life of Cranmer. Memorials of Myles Coverdale. 8vo, Lon- don, 1838. Writings and Eemains of Myles Coverdale, Edited by George Pearson. 2 vols. 8vo, Cam- bridge, 1844. 4. Henry VIII. and his attitude toward the Bible and Reformation. Mercersburg Keview, XVI. 355. Baptist Keview, II. 30. Condit, History of tbe English Bible, 149. See English Histories of the Period. 5. Thomas Cromwell. Morley, English Writers, 306. Wordsworth, Ecclesiastical Biography, II. 219- 303. See English Histories of the Period. 6. Thos. Cranmer. Life. Quarterly, XLVII. 366. American Methodist Magazine, VI. 14. Edinburgh Eeview, LIV. 312. Christian Examiner, XXX. 115. Living Age, II. 116. Morley, English Writers, VII. 312 ; VIII. 162. Herrick, Heretics of Yesterday. Corderoy, Edward. Archbishop Cranmer, a pamphlet, 1852. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 81 Le Bas, Charles W. The Life of Archbishop Cranmer. 2 vols. 12mo, London, 1836. Todd, Henry J. Life of the Most Reverend Thomas Cranmer. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1831. Strype, John. Memorials of the Most Reverend Thomas Cranmer. 2 vols. 8vo, Oxford, 1848. Jenkyns, Henry. Remains of Thomas Cran- mer, D. D. 4 vols. 8vo, Oxford, 1833. The Works of Archbishop Cranmer. 2 vols. 8vo, Cambridge, 1852. Gilpin, William. Cranmer and Latimer. 18mo, New York, 1854. Wordsworth, Ecclesiastical Biography, III. 129-283. Character. Christian Examiner, VII. 21 ; LY. 63. Edinburgh Review, XLYIII. 106. Theology. Contemporary Review, XII. 199. 7. Coverdale's Bible. Morley, English Writers, VII. 318. The Bookworm, II. 81 ; III. 359. Condit, History of the English Bible, 139-171. Moulton, The History of the English Bible, XCV. Westcott, History of the English Bible, LXX. 212. Prime, Anderson Annals of the English Bible, 226. . Lewis, History of the Translations. 82 HISTOBT OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 8. Coverdale as a Translator. A Critical Study of this Version. 9. Old Words and Changed Meanings. A Critical Study of this Version. Condit, History of the English Bible, 168. Moulton, History of the English Bible, 118. 10. The Diglot New Testament. Condit, History of the English Bible, 170. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 83 VI. MATTHEWS BIBLE, A.D. 1537. General. Condit, History of the English Bible, 173-194. Moulton, The History of the English Bible, 122-132. "Westcott, History of the English Bible, 87-95, 221-234. Lewis, History of the Translations, 105. 1. John Rogers. Morley, English Writers, TILL 163. Taine, English Literature, I. 376. Demaus, William Tyndale, 297, 353. Wordsworth, Ecclesiastical Biography, II. 303- 355. Condit, History of the English Bible, 175. Chester Joseph Lemuel. John Kogers, the Compiler of the First Authorized English Bible ; the Pioneer of the English Reformation, and its First Martyr ; embracing a Genealogical Account of his Family, Biographical Sketches of some of his Principal Descendants, his own Writings, etc., London, 1861. 84 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 2. The Antwerp Printers, The Bibliographer, I. 3. Demaus, William Tyndale. 3. Taverner's Bible. Morley, English "Writers, YII. 320. Condit, History of the English Bible, 190. Moulton, The History of the English Bible, 132. "Westcott, History of the English Bible, 170, 269. Lewis, History of the Translations, 139. 4. Edition of 1549. Condit, History of the English Bible, 194. 5. Becke's Tavemer, 1551. Condit, History of the English Bible, 195. Lewis, History of the Translations, 178. 6. Nycolas Hill's Edition, 1551. Condit, History of the English Bible, 196. 7. Petyt and Redman's Edition, 1540. Condit, History of the English Bible, 195. HISTOBY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 85 VII. THE GEEAT BIBLES. 1. Cromwell's Bible, 1539. Morley, English "Writers, VII. 320. Condit, History of the English Bible, 199. 2. Holbein, the Illustrator of the Great Bible. Condit, History of the English Bible, 204. Lewis, History of the Translations, 122. See various Histories of Art. 3. John Lambert. Cooper, Athense Cantabrigiensis I. 67. (Called Nichols.) Cranmer, Works II. 218. Bale, Select Works, 394. Zurich Letters, III. 201. Froude, England, III. 152. Dictionary of National Biography, XXXII. 4. Monasteries Dissolved. Gasquet, F. A. Henry VIII. and the English Monasteries. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1889. 86 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 5. Cranmer's Bible, 1540. Bibliographer, III. 117. Mprley, English Writers, VII. 320. The Bookworm, II., 84. Condit, History of the English Bible, 209. Lewis, History of the Translations, 90. 6. Coverdale as an Editor of Bibles. See V. 6. 7. The Convocation of 1542. Lathbury, Thomas. A History of the Convo- cation of the Church of England from the earliest period to the Year, 1742. 8vo, London, 1853. Ch. VI. And English Histories of the period. 8. Gardiner and his Latin Bible Scheme. Condit, History of the English Bible, 219. 9, Edward VI., his Reign and Character. Christian Remembrancer, L. 51. Iverney, English Baptists, I. 88. Wallace, Anti-Trinitarian Biography, 1. 5. Lee, F. G. Edward VI. Supreme Head. 8vo, London, 1886. See also English Histories of the period. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 87 10. Sir John Clieke and his Translation of part of the New Testament. Morley, English Writers, Till. 160. Condit, History of the English Bible, 224. Strype, John. Life of Sir John Cheke, Knight. 8vo, Oxford, 1821. Moulton, History of the English Bible, 151. Westcott, History of the English Bible, 119. Lewis, History of the Translations, 186. 11. Roger Ascham. Westminster Review, YII. 428. Retrospective Review, IV. 76. Morley, English Writers, Till. 168-170, 298- 322. Saintsbury, Elizabethan Literature, ch. II. Adams, Famous Books, ch. LXXXVI. Phelps, W. F. Roger Ascham and John Sturm, Chautauqua Text Book No. 17. Dictionary of National Biography, II. 88 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. VIII. THE GE1STEVAN BIBLE, 1560. General. Kitto Journal of Sacred Literature, XXXIII. 279. Christian Observer, XXXYI. 229. Bibliographer, II. 40, 97, 161; III. 28, 103; IV. 34 ; V. 76 ; VI. 106. Morley, English Writers, VIII. 206. Conant, Popular History of Bible Transla- tions, ch. XXV. Condit, History of the English Bible, 234-265. Moulton's History of the English Bible, 150. Westcott, History of the English Bible, 121, 271. Lewis, History of the Translations, 264. 1. Queen Mary as a Persecutor. Wallace, Anti-Trinitarian Biography, I. 15. Hinds, The England of Elizabeth. See also English Histories of the period. 2. Whittingham. Allibone, Dictionary of Authors. Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, 861. Lewis, History of the Translations, 201. BISTORT OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 89 3. Pullain. Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, 861. Davids, Nonconformity in Essex. Dictionary of National Biography^ XL VII. 4. Christopher Goodman. Allibone, Dictionary of Authors, I. Strype, Memorials, III. pt. 2, 131, 187. Strype, Annals I. pt. 1, 152, 182, 187, 343 ; II. pt. 1, 140. Strype, Life of Parker, II. 44. M'Crie, Life of Knox I. 284, 300, 328, 510, 532, 561 ; II. 138, 270, 328, 384, 442. Heylin, History of the Eeformation, II. 182, 297. Dictionary of National Biography, XXII. Lewis, History of the Translations, 204. 5- William Cole (not Thomas Cole), Strype, Annals, I. 343. Strype, Memorials, III. I. 232, 519. Strype, Life of Parker, I. 528. Strype, Life of Grindal, 196. Strype, Life of Aylmer, 110. Zurich Letters, II. 218, 222, 256, 307. 6. Anthony Gilhy. Morley, English Writers, VIII. 206. Strype, Life of Grandal, 252. Strype, Annals, I. 1, 343. Strype, Life of Whitgift, I. 55. 90 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Cooper, Athense Cantabrigiensis, I. 516. Dictionary of National Biography, XXI. 7. Thomas Samson. Morley, English Writers, VIII. 206. Cooper, Athense Cantabrigiensis, II. 43. Le Neve, Fasti Anglicanae. Neale, Puritans, I. 131, 137, 139, 217, 324. Notes and Queries. First Series, X. 162. Dictionary of National Biography, L. Lewis, History of Translations, 205. 8. The Genevan Exiles. See Histories of the Period. Moulton, The History of the English Bible. The Zurich Letters. 3 vols. Published by the Parker Society. 9. Badius the Printer. Greswell, A View of the Early Parisian Greek Press., I. 27. Lewis, History of Translations, 209. 10. Influence of the Version. See VIII. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 91 IX. THE BISHOP'S BIBLE, A. D. 1568. General. Congregational Magazine, I. 305. Bibliographer, I. 33, 67, 111, 148. Morley, English Writers, VIII. 205. Conant, Popular History of Bible Translations, chs. XXVI. XXVII. Condit, History of the English Bible, 266-294. Moulton. The History of the English Bible, 168. "Westcott, History of the English Bible, 127, 300. Lewis, History of Translations, 240. 1. Queen Elizabeth and Protestantism. Living Age, LXVII. 238. Mercersburg, XVI. 368. Christian Observer, LXIV. 27, 121. Pennington, Epochs of the Papacy, 351-365. Beesly, Edward Spencer. Queen Elizabeth. 12rao, London, 1892. See also Histories of the Period. 92 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. % Archbishop Parker. American Church Keview, XIII. 98, 236 ; XXII. 38. Christian Observer, LXXIII. 209. Morley, English "Writers, VIII. 193-197, 209. Hook, Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, IV. Mullinger, History of the University of Cam- bridge, II. The Correspondence of Matthew Parker. Edited by John Bruce. 8vo, Cambridge, 1853. Strype John. The Life and Acts of Matthew Parker. 3 vols 8vo, Oxford, 1821. 3- Fulke's reply to Martyn. Morley, English Writers, VIII. 288. A Defence of the Sincere and True Translations of the Holy Scriptures into the English Tongue, against the Cavils of Gregory Martin, by William Fulke. Edited by Kev. Charles Henry Harts- horne, 8vo, Cambridge, 1843. Cooper, Athense Cantabrigiensis, II. 57. Dictionary of National Biography, XX. 4. Character of the Translation. A Study of the Text. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 93 X. THE DOUAY AND OTHEE CATHOLIC VERSIONS. General. Congregational Review, YII. 576. Conant, Popular History of Bible Translations, oh. XXYIII. Condit, History of the English Bible, 295-323. Moulton. The History of the English Bible, 181-189. Westcott, History of the English Bible, 221. Lewis, History of the Translations, 286. 1. Gregory Martyn. Cooper, Athense Cantabrigiensis, II. 361. Moulton, History of the English Bible, 185-8. Newman, Tracts Theological and Ecclesiastical, 1874, 257. Wiseman, Essays on Yarious Subjects, I. 73. Dictionary of National Biography, XXXYI. 2. Reasons for Publishing the Douay Version. SeeX. 3. Fulke's Refutation. See IX. 3. 94 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 4. Cartwright's Confutation. Brook, Kev. B. Memoir of Thomas Cartwright, a Puritan Reformer. 8vo, London, 1845. Cooper, Athense Cantabrigiensis, II. 360-366. Mullenger, History of the University of Cam- bridge, II. Dictionary of National Biography, IX. 5. Wetham's Version, 1730. Condit, History of the English Bible, 321. Lewis, History of Translations, 363. 6. Challoner's Edition, 1749. Condit, History of the English Bible, 321. 7. Murray's Authorized. Condit, History of the English Bible, 323. 8. Kheims and Douay Versions Compared. Cotton, Henry. The Kheims and Douay Ver- sion Compared. 8vo, Oxford, 1855. 9. The Roman Catholic Bible of To-day not that of 1609-35. A comparison by the student. 10. The position of American Catholics relating to the Bible. Lutheran Quarterly, XY. 99. Catholic World, XXXVI. 733. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 95 XL THE AUTHORIZED VERSION, 1611. General. Bibliotheca Sacra, XVI. 56. Christian Remembrancer, LII. 393. Congregational Magazine, XVI. 229. Marsh, Lectures on the English Language, 617. "Walter. A letter on the Independence of the Authorized Version. 8vo, London, 1823. McClintock and Strong, Cyclopedia. A special article. Condit, History of the English Bible, 324,-388. See also, all Histories of the English Bible. 1. King James, I. All Cyclopedias and English Histories of the Period. 2- Hampton Court Conference. Blackwood's Magazine, XLVIII. 764. Living Age, CLXXXVII. 323. Condit, History of the English Bible, 322. 3. Hugh Broughton. Hunt, Religious Thought in England, I. 126. 96 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Notes and Queries, Fifth Series, IV. 48. Dictionary of National Biography, VI. Lewis, History of Translations, 297. 4. Dr. Alex. Gill, Sr. Masson, Life of Milton, I. 78-82. Dictionary of National Biography, XX. 5. The Revision Company. Condit, History of the English Bible, 328. All Histories of the English Bible. 6. The Authorized Version and the Texts. Condit, History of the English Bible. 8. The Literary Value of the Authorized Version. Literary World (Boston), XVII. 62. Nation, LXI, 76. Spectator, LXXIV. 894. See XVI. 7. 9. Obsolete Words. Catholic Presbyterian, IV. 17, 117. S win ton, "William. Bible "Word Book. 18mo, New York, 1876. Eastwood, J. and "W. Aldis "Wright. The Bible "Word-Book; A Glossary of Old English Bible "Words, 18mo, London, 1866. 10. Defects. Congregational Magazine, XXIV. 1. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 97 Biggs, Elias. Suggested Emendations of the Authorized English Versions of the Old Testa- ment. 12mo, Andover, 1870. Todd, Yindication of our Authorized Transla- tions. 8vo, London, 1819. Beard, A Revised English Bible, the want of the Church. New Ed. 8vo, London, 1860. Hinds, Bishop. Scripture and the Authorized Version. 12mo, London, 1823. Malan, A Yindication of the Authorized Ver- sions of the Bible. 8vo, London, 1856. Scholefield. Hints for an Improved Transla- tion of the New Testament. Dewes, Plea for Translating the Scriptures. 8vo, London, 1866. 98 H1ST0BT OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. XII. OTHEE ENGLISH VERSIONS. 1. Jessey and Howe, 1650- Condit, History of the English Bible, 388. 2. Black Letter BiWe, 1639.— The Wicked Bible. A Critical Examination. The Bookworm, I. 170. 3. Purver, 1764. Marsh, Lectures on the English Language, 548, 600, 626, 634, 688. Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary, XXV. Allibone, Dictionary of Authors. Nichols, Literary Anecdotes, IX. 739. Notes and Queries, Second Series, III. 108, 156. Dictionary of National Biography, XLVII. Condit, History of the English Bible, 392. 4. Harwood's New Testament, 1768. Dictionary of National Biography, XXV. Allibone, Dictionary of Authors. Condit, History of the English Bible, 394. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 99 5. Blaney's Bible, 1769. Dictionary of National Biography. Condit, History of the English Bible, 396. 6. The Amsterdam Bible, 1769. A Study and Comparison of the Text. 7. Lowth, Isaiah, 1778. Chambers's Biographical Dictionary, XX. Dictionary of National Biography, XXXIV. Allibone, Dictionary of Authors. Condit, History of the English Bible, 397. 8. Geddes' Old Testament, 1780-97. Good, John Mason. Memoirs of Alexander Geddes. 8vo, London, 1803. Edinburgh Review, III. 374. Dictionary of National Biography, XXI. Allibone, Dictionary of Authors. Condit, History of the English Bible, 398. 9. Gilbert Wakefield's New Testament, 1791. Allibone, Dictionary of Authors. Condit, History of the English Bible, 400. 10- Dr. Newcome's New Testament, 1796. Gentleman's Magazine, LXX. 90, 219. Allibone, Dictionary of Authors. Dictionarjr of National Biography, XL. Condit, History of the English Bible, 402. 100 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. XIII. ENGLISH VERSIONS.— Continued. 1. Nathanie Scarlett's Version, 1798. Dictionary of National Biography, L. Allibone, Dictionary of Authors. Condit, History of the English Bible,- 403. 2. David McRea's Revision, 1799. Allibone, Dictionary of Authors. Condit, History of the English Bible, 404 3. Improved Version, 1808. Quarterly, I. 276. Christian Observer, VIII. 634. Condit, History of the English Bible, 406. 4. Rodolphus Dickinson's New Testament, 1833. American, Monthly Review, III. 219. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography. Condit, History of the English Bible, 465. 5. Alexander's Pentateuch, 1833. Condit, History of the English Bible, 419. BISTORT OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 101 6. Canterbury Revision, 1870. Condit, History of the English Bible, 429. 7. British and Foreign Bible Society. Christian Observer, LX. 162. Methodist Magazine, XL. 257. Owen, John. The British and Foreign Bible Societies. 8vo, New York, 1817. 102 BISTORT OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. XIV. THE REVISION OF 1881. General. Edinburgh Review, CLIV. 157. Scribner's Magazine, XXII. 293. Living Age, CL. 67. Nineteenth Century, IX. 917. Bibliotheca Sacra, XXXVIII. 553. Contemporary, XL. 150. North American Keview, CXXXII. 427. American Church Review, XXXVI. 63. London Quarterly, LVI. 471. Methodist Quarterly, XLI. 715. British Quarterly, LXXIV. 128. Presbyterian Review, II. 633. Catholic "World, XXXIII. 558. Presbyterian Review, VII. 45. Hall, Isaac H. The Revised New Testament and History of Revision. 12mo, Philadelphia, n. d. French, J. Clement. A Lecture on the Revised New Testament. Newark, 1881. Expositor, Third Series, V. 401, VI. 395 ; Fourth Series, VI. 241, 401. Burgon, John William. The Revision Revised. 8vo, London, 1863. BISTORT OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 103 1. The Old Testament. British and Foreign Evangelical Review, XXXV. 129, 705. American Catholic Quarterly, X. 520 ; XI. 154. Methodist Quarterly, XLV. 758 ; XLVI. 33. Bibliotheca Sacra, XLIII. 547. London Quarterly, LXV. 63. Presbyterian Review, VI. 486, 623. Academy, XXVII. 35?, 449. Literary World, Boston, XVI. 188, 190. Dial, VI. 35. Andover Review, III. 472, 495. Gentleman's Magazine, New Series, XXXIV. 604. Athenaeum, '85, 1. 623, 659, 662. Church Review, XLVI. 448. Edinburgh Review, CLXII. 448. Quarterly, CLXI. 281. Universalist Quarterly, XLII. 487. Church Quarterly, XX. 438 ; XXI. 181. Saturday Review, LIX. 758; LX. 53. Baptist Quarterly, VII. 334. British Quarterly, LXXXII. 122. Unitarian Review, XXIV. 55. Nation, XL. 485, 505 ; XLI. 77. Spectator, LVIII. 711, 754. American, X. 87. Sunday Magazine, XIV. 457. Contemporary Review, XLIX. 535, 638. 104 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Reformed Quarterly, XXXIII. 149. Methodist Keview, XLYII. 421. Bibliotheca Sacra, XLIY. 2. The New Testament. Quarterly, CLIII. 1. Church Keview, XXXYII. 33 ; XXXVIII. 67, 87, 224, 331, 431. American Journal of Philosophy, II. 148 ; III. 139 ; IV, 253 ; V 417 ; VII. 283. Catholic Presbyterian, V. 401. Presbyterian Keview, III. 171. Christian Quarterly, I. 37 ; II. 435 ; III. 18. Congregationalist, X. 452, 578. London Quarterly, LVIII. 466. Universalist Quarterly, XXXVIII. 454. Cumberland Quarterly, II. 455 ; III. 169. Lutheran Quarterly, XII. 43. Leisure Hour, XXX. 504. American I. 282 ; II. 104. Foster's Monthly Reference Lists, I. 19. Vincent, Marvin R. Notes on the Revised New Testament. Pamphlet. New York, 1881. Bowman, S. L. The Revised Version of the New Testament. Morristown, 1881. Roberts, Alexander. A Companion to the Re- vised Version of the New Testament. N. Y., n. d. Goodwin, Daniel R. Notes on the Late Re- vision of the New Testament. 8vo, New York, 1883. mSTORY OF THE ENQLlSB BIBLE. 105 Cook, F. C. The Eevised Version of the First Three Gospels. 8vo, London, 1882. Westcott, B. F. Some Lessons of the Eevised Version of the New Testament. 12 mo. London, 1897. 3. Critics of. Presbyterian Eeview, VII. 304, 369. Contemporary Eeview, XLI. 95, 359. New Englander, XLII. 661. Church Quarterly, XV. 343. Bibliotheca Sacra, XXXIX. 159. Presbyterian Eeview, IX. 28. Forum, III. 353. Eiggs, Elias. Some Eeasons for Eetouching the Eevised English Version. Pamphlet, New York, 1888. Moon, G. W. The Eevisers, English. 12mo, New York, 1882. Lightfoot, Eevision of the New Testament, Bound with Trench and Ellicott. Trench E. C. The Eevision of the New Testa- ment. 12mo, New York, 1858. Ellicott C. J. The Eevision of the English Version of the New Testament. 12mo, London, 1870. 4. Revision of 1881 and the Authorized Version Com- pared. Eeformed Quarterly, XXVIII. 535. Where the Old and New Versions Differ. The Actual Changes in the Authorized and Eevised 106 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. New Testament, Printed in Parallel Columns. 18mo, New York, 1881. 5 . Sketches of Members. — Old Testament Company. Dr. "W". L. Alexander. Mr. T. Chenery. Eev. F. C. Cook. Dr. A. B. Davidson. Dr. B. Davies. Dr. P. Fairbairn. Dr. Ginsburg. Dr. F. W. Gotch. 6. Sketches of Members.— Old Testament Company. Kev. B. Harrison. Eev. S. Leathes. Kev. J. McGill. Dr. E. Payne Smith. Dr. J. J. S. Perowne. Dr. E. II. Plumptre. Dr. E. B. Pusey. Dr. W. Wright. Mr. W. A. Wright. 7. Sketches of Members.— Old Testament Company Ad- ded Members. Mr. K. M. Bensley. Eev. J. Birrell. Dr. F. Chance. Eev. T. K. Cheyne. Mr. S. E. Driver. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 107 Dr. G. Douglas. Eev. C. Ellicott. Kev. J. D. Geden. Kev. J. K. Lumby. Kev. A. H. Sayce. Eev. W. K. Smith. Dr. D. H. Weir. 8. Sketches of Members.— New Testament Company. Archbishop R. C. Trench. Dr. J. Angus. Dr. J. Eadie. Dr. F. J. A. Hort. Dr. "W. G. Humphry. Dr. B. H. Kennedy. Dr. W. Lee. Dr. J. B. Lightfoot. Dr. "W. F. Moulton. 9. Sketches of Members. — New Testament Company. Dr. J. H. Newman. Dr. S. Newth. Dr. A. Roberts. Dr. G. Vance Smith. Dr. K. Scott. Dr. F. H. Scrivener. Dr. S. F. Tregelles. Dr. C. J. Vaughan. Dr. B. F. Westcott. 108 BISTOUY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 10. Sketches of Members- — New Testament Company. Added Members. Dr. Merivale. . Dr. David Brown. Dr. C. Wordsworth. Bev. E. Palmer. 11. The Revised Apocrypha, 1896. A Comparison with the Authorized Version. HISTOBT'OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 109 XV. AMERICAN REVISIONS. 1. Eliot's Indian Bible. Spark's American Biography, V. 1. Christian Examiner, XXI. 119. Christian Review, II. 41. Congregational Magazine, VII. 449. Good Words, XXIV. 768. Pilling, Bibliography of the Algonquin Lan- guages, 127-184. With several facsimile pages. 2. Early American Printers. Thomas, Isaiah. The History of Printing in America, with a Biography of Printers and an Ac- count of Newspapers. 2 vols. 8vo, Albany, 1874. 3. American Greek New Testament Reprints. Hall Isaac H. American Greek Testaments. A Critical Bibliography of the Greek New Testa- ment as published in America. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1883. 4. Charles Thomson's Bible, 1808. American Quarterly Review, I. 29. 110 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Life of Ashbel Green, 48. Allibone, Dictionary of Authors. 5. Alexander Campbell's New Testament, 1826. Allibone, Dictionary of Authors. Newman, History of the Baptist Churches in the United States. Condit, History of the English Bible, 411. 6. Noah Webster's Bible. Christian Quarterly Spectator, Y. 655. Allibone, Dictionary of Authors. Condit, History of the English Bible, 413. 7. American Bible Society and its Revision of 1851. Princeton Review, XXIX. 507. Report on the History and Recent Collation of the English Yersions of the Bible, Pamphlet, N. Y., 1857. The Jubilee Memorial, 1816-1866. 8vo, New York, 1867. Strickland, W. P. The American Bible Society. 8vo, New York, 1856. Condit, History of the English Bible, 420. 8. Sawyer's New Testament. Princeton Review, XXXI. 50. American Church Review, XII. 99. American Theological Review, 1859. Atlantic Monthly, March, 1859. BISTORT OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Ill North American Review, Jan., 1859. Christian Examiner, Jan., 1859. Condit, History of the English Bible, 424. 9. American Bible Union Revision, 1856-60. Congregational Review, IX. 301. Objections of the Baptists to the American Bible Society, New York, 1867. Wycoff, W. H. The American Bible Society and the Baptists. 18mo, N. Y., 1841. Jewett, George B. Letter to the American Bible Union. Pamphlet, Salem, 1869. Discussion on the Revision of the Holy Oracles and upon the Aims, Motives, the Constitution, Organization, Faculties and Capacities of the American Bible Union. By two Laymen of the Revision Association and five Clergymen. 8vo, Louisville, 1856. Objections to a Baptist Version of the New Testament. By William T. Brantley with addi- tional reasons for preferring the English Bible as it is, by Octavius Winslow. 12mo, New York, 1837. 10- Old Testament Revision Company, 1881. Prof. T. J. Conant. Prof. G. E. Day. Prof. John E. DeWitt. Prof. "Wm. Henry Green. Prof. George E. Hare. Prof. Charles P. Krauth. U2 BISTORT OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Prof. Joseph Packard. Prof. Calvin E. Stowe. Prof. James Strong. Prof. C. V. A. Van Dyck. Prof. Tayler Lewis. Added Members. Prof. C. M. Mead. Eev. Charles A. Aiken. Prof. Howard Osgood. Eev. T. W. Chambers. 11. New Testament Revision Company, 1881. Historical Account of the Work of the Ameri- can Committee of Revision. Bishop Alfred Lee. Prof. Ezra Abbott. Eev. GL E. Crooks. Prof. H. B. Hackett. Prof. Charles Hodge. Prof. A. C Hendrick. Prof. M. B. Eiddle. Prof. H. B. Smith. Prof. J. H. Thayer. Prof. W. F. Warren. Eev. E. A. Washburn. Eev. T. D. Woolsey. Prof. Philip Schaff. Added Members. Prof. James Hadley. Prof. Charles Short. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 113 Eev. Howard Crosby. Prof. Timothy Dwight. Prof. Thomas Chase. Kev. J. K. Burr. 114 HISTOBY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. XVI. OTHER AMERICAN REVISIONS. 1. The New Testament as Revised by the Spirits. An Account of the Omitted Portions and New Gospel. 2. The Shorter Bible. A Study of the Text. 3. The Woman's Bible. Critic, XXVIII. 218. Remarks on the Woman's Bible in the Docu- ments of the Anti-Suffrage Association. 4. The Polychrome Bible. Review of Reviews, XIV. 669. Methodist Review, LVI. 644. 5. The Oahspe Bible of the Faithists. A study of its derivation and absurdities. 6. The Wyclif Celebration, 1880. The "Wyclif Semi-Millenial Celebration. 4to, Trenton, N. J., 1880. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BILLE. 115 7- The Influence of the Bible, New Englander, XLVII. 246. Cook, Albert S. The Bible and English Style. 12mo, Boston, 1892. Matthews, J. M. The Bible and Men of Learn- ing. 8vo, New York, 1857. Tyler, E. H. The Bible and Social Eeform. 12mo, Philadelphia, 18,60. Graham, Henry. The Bible Compared with other books. Pamphlet, Albany, 1875. Matthews, John. The Influence of the Bible. 12mo, Philadelphia, n. d. Hibbard, F. G. The Bible. Its Influence upon Science and Civilization. Pamphlet, Rochester, 1845. Halsey, Le Eoy J. Literary Attractions of the Bible. 3d Ed. 12mo, New York, 1858. Traill, E. "W". The Literary Attractions and Achievements of the Bible. 12mo, Cincinnati, 1863. New, Alfred Henry. The Voice of the Bible to the Age. 18mo, London, 1853. 8. Value of Bible Study. Christian Quarterly Spectator, III. 116. Christian Monthly Spectator, II. 119, 169. Evangelical Eeview, XL 461. New Englander, XLII. 252. Magazine of Christian Literature, V. 245. Biblical World, III. 28, 260, 417. 116 HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Ignorance respecting the Bible, By a College President. New York, 1894. Pierson, Arthur T. The Bible in Private and Public. 12mo, N. Y. 1894. Moody, D. L. Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study. 12mo, N. Y. n. d. Pentecost, George F. The Profit of Bible .Study. 12mo, N. Y., n. d. 9. Bible Study and Plans of Bible Study. New Englander, XLI. 567. Girdlestone, B. B. How to Study the Bible. 18mo, New York, n. d. Bowen, Francis. A Layman's Study of the English Bible. 12mo, New York, 1885. "Welcher, Manfred P. A Manual for Learning the Books of the Bible. Pamphlet, Peekskill, N. Y. 1896. Bronson, Edward H. Bible Beading, Study, and Teaching. The King's Household of Bible Beaders. Friendly Hints on Bible Study, Alleghany, 1894. Magner, "W. C. Better Bible Study. 18mo, N. Y. 1895. Turner, J. E. How to make Bible Study Easy. Spear, Samuel T. Bible Study in my own Ex- perience. New York, n. d. Schell, Edwin A. Inductive Bible Study. New York, 1894. HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. 117 Home, Thomas Hartwell. The Study of the Bible. 12mo, 1ST. Y., n. d. Briggs, Charles A. Biblical Study. 12mo, N. Y. 1883. Young, Jesse Bowman. Method of Biblical Study. Kansas City, n. d. Newton, K. Heber. The Eight and "Wrong Uses of the Bible. 12mo, New York, 1883. 10, The Triumph of the Bible. Lutheran Quarterly, XXI. 496. Timpson, Kev. Thomas. Bible Triumph. 12mo, London, 1853. Hastings, H. L. Will the Old Book Stand? Boston, 1893. INDEX. A. PAQE Aberdeen, University of 39 Aelfric 27 Aelf rich's Heptateuch and Psalms 67 Aidan 20 in Ireland 43 Alcuin 24 Aldhelm 23 Aldhelm's Psalms 66 Alexander's Pentateuch 100 Alfred the Great 26 Alfred's Four Gospels 66 American Bible Society and its Revision of 1851 110 American Bible Union Revision Ill American Revisions 109-114 Amsterdam Bible, 1679 99 Andrew (St.) and St. Rule 34 Anglo-Saxon Church 18-21 Anglo-Saxons and Christianity 21 Original Religion of 21 Anselm of Canterbury 30, 31 Antwerp Printers 84 Aries, British Bishops at 15 Ascham, Roger 87 Augustine 18, 19 Authorized Version of the Bible 95-97 ■ and the Texts 96 — Defects of the 96 Literary Value of 96 119 120 INDEX. B. PAGE Badius the Printer 90 Bangorian Monks 18 Beaton, Cardinal 40 Becke's Taverner 84 Becket, Thomas 31 Bede 23, 24 Beowulf 28 Bible and the MSS 62 Influence of 115 The Triumph of the 117 Bible Study, Value of 115 and Plans of Bible Study 116 Bibles before Wyclif 66-68 Biblia Pauperum 65 Bibliography of the History of the English Bible 58-61 Bilney 79 Birinus 20 Bishops' Bible 91, 92 Black Letter Bible, 1639 98 Blayney's Bible 99 Boniface (St.) 24 Books, The Scarcity of 62 British and Foreign Bible Society 101 British Religion, Character of 17 Broughton, Hugh 95 Bruce 38, 39 Brut of Laomen 29 C. Csedmon 22 Csedmon's Paraphrase 66 Cambridge, Influence of the University of 76 Campbell's, Alexander, New Testament 110 Canterbury and York 25 Canterbury Revision 011 . INDEX. 121 PAGE Cartwright's Confutation 94 Catholics, American, and the Bible. .' 94 Caxton 75 Ceadda 21 Chad (St.) 21 Challoner's Edition 94 Chaucer, "Wyclif and 71 Cheke, Sir John. 87 Codex Alexandrinus 63 Algerinae Peckover 64 Amiantine 64 Augiensis 64 Bezae 64 Hilali 64 Rossanensis 64 Sangallensis 64 Sinaiticus , 63 Vaticanus 63 Cole, William 89 Colet, Dean 77, 78 Columba (St.) 16 — in Scotland 36 Columbanus 43, 44 Convocation of 1542 86 Coverdale 79 as an Editor Of Bibles 86 as a Translator 82 Coverdale's Bible 79-82 Version 81 Cranmer, Thomas 80 Cranmer's Bible, 1540 85 Cromwell, Oliver, and Ireland 46 Cromwell, Thomas 80 Cromwell's Bible 85 Cuthbert (St.). 36 Cynewulf 28 122 INDEX. D. PAGE Danes in England 26-29 David (St.) 16 David 1 36, 37 Dickinson, Rudolphus, New Testament 100 Diglot New Testament 82 Douay and other Catholic Versions 93, 94 Druids 12 Dublin, The See of 45 Dungal 45 Duns Scotus 38 Dunstan 27 E. Easter Controversy 20 Edward the Confessor 28 Edward VI 86 Eliot's Indian Bible 109 Elizabeth, Queen, and Ireland 46 Elizabeth and Protestantism 91 England, Primitive 12 English Influence on Continental Christianity 25 Erasmus 75 F, Fridolin or Fridold 43 Fryth, John 75 Fulke's Reply to Martyn 92, 93 G. Gallus 44 Gardiner and his Latin Bible Scheme 86 Geddes' Old Testament 99 Genevan Bible 88 Exiles 90 Germanus (St.) of Auxerre 15 INDEX. 123 PAGE Gilby, Anthony 89 Gill, Alexander, Sr 96 Glasgow, University of 39 Goodman, Christopher 89 Great Bibles 86, 87 Greathead, Robert 32 Greek New Testament Reprints 109 Greek Origin of the Early Irish Church 43 Grostete, Robert 32 Guthlac 29 Guthlac's Psalter 66 H. Hamilton, Patrick 40 Hampton Court Conference 95 Harwood's New Testament 98 Henry VIH., the Bible and the Reformation 80 Hill, Nycolas 84 Holbein 85 Hugh of Lincoln 32 Huss, Wyclif and 73 I. Image "Worship, Rejection of 25 Improved Version, 1808 100 Iona 36 Ireland, Christianity in 41-47 conquered by England 46 Romanized 46 Irish Influence upon Mediaeval Europe > 44 Religion of the Ancient 42 J. JamesI 39, 95 James II 46 Jessev and Rowe 97 124 INDEX. K. PAGE Kentigern 16 Killian 44 L. Lambert, John 85 Lanfranc 30 Laomen, Brut of 29 Latimer 79 Limerick, Treaty of 47 Liturgies of Scotland 37 Lollards, The 73 Lowth, Isaiah 99 M. Magna Charta, The 32 Martyn, Gregory 93 Mary as a Persecutor 88 Matthews' Bible 83, 84 McRea, Bavid, Revision of 100 Monasteries Dissolved 85 Monasticism 22 Monks, The Work of the 62 More, Sir Thomas 77 Mungo (St.) 16 Murray's Authorized 94 N. New Testament as Revised by the Spirits 114 Newcome, Dr., New Testament 99 Nice, British Bishops at 15 Nicholas of Hereford 71 Ninian (St.) or Ninias 35 Norman Conquest 30 INDEX. 125 O. PAGE Oahspe Bible 114 Obsolete "Words of the Authorized Version 96 Ormulum, The 67 Oswald 19 Oswin 20 Oswy 20 Oxford, Influence of the University of 76 P. Palladius 35 Failure of 42 Parchment 62 Parker, Archbishop 92 Paschal Controversy 27 Patrick (St. ) 42 in Scotland 35 not a Romanist 43 Paul in Britain ? 14 Paulinus 19 Paupers' Bible 64 Pelagianism 15 Persecution by the Romish Church 43 Petyt and Redman's Edition 84 Picts and Scots 34 Piers Plowman 33 Polychrome Bible 114 Printers, Early American 109 Printing, The Invention of 74 Pullain 89 Purver 98 Purvey, John 72 R. Revised Apocrypha, 1896 108 Revision of 1881 102-108 ■ American Committee 111-113 126 INDEX. PAGE Revision of 1881 and the Authorized 105 Critics of 105 Members of the Committee 108-108 New Testament 104 Old Testament 103 Eheims and Douay Versions Compared 94 Rogers, John 83 Rolle, Richard, Psalms 67, 68 Roman Catholic Bible of To-day 94 Conquest, Benefit of 12 Rule (St.) St. Andrew and 34 S. St. Andrew's University 39 Samson, Thomas 90 Sawyer's New Testament 110 Scarlett, Nathaniel, Version of 100 School of York 29 Schools of Early Britain 16 Schorham's Psalms 67 Scot, Michael 38 Scotland and Rome 38 Christianity in 34-40 Scotus Erigena, John 45 Shorter Bible 114 Sowle Hele 67 Spottiswood, John 39 Stephen of Langton 32 T. Taverner's Bible 84 Theobald, Archbishop 31 Theodore 21 Thompson, Charles, Bible of 109 Thought, The Preservation of 62 Translations, Histories of the 58-61 INDEX. 127 PAGE Tyndale and his New Testament 74-78 Character and Martyrdom 76 Life of 74 Tyndale's Versions 75, 76 Tyrconnell 46 V. Vulgate, The Latin 64 W. Wakefield, Gilbert, New Testament 99 Webster's, Noah, Bible 110 Wetham's Version 94 Whittingham. ... 88 Wicked Bible 98 Wilfred 21 Wishart, George 40 Woman's Bible 114 Wood Engraving 65 Wyclif and Chancer • 71 and Huss 73 as a Translator 72 Celebration, 1880 114 Fight with Rome 71 Foes of 71 Friends of 71 Life of 69, 70 WyclifHte Versions 69 Wyclif's Version 69 . Influence of 72 Y. York, Canterbury and 25 School of 29 ■'■■',■'■■'■■', Xvva :•.'■;' ;' ':';?f^i"!>;v:'/'-''''''-'-'''''" W4m>